Yale University Libr.it t Iilill 390020049746 r) ii 'ysi.^ iii > 'ml ^ -«u.. t.'1'ij * ^: >* J',fjrJ.'-_.V!f^.iA';.'i(^,--.../.--.;v/l'rt!'jit'/.M*'AJt« %^7^4ibi^i^^ ATLANTA IN 1845.— CHUBCS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE. ¦^ i F r t ^ ^ [ tf ^ ,1 I ATLANTA IN 1881.— FIRST METHODIST CHURCH— .SA.ME SPOT. ATLANTA IN 1864.— AS SHERMAN LEFT IT. 1 a / MW^ ^ ^ il.f 1^?^' "r-'£^-'&- 1' ?y ^"^-c•v''^''Sw' \ N. DECATUR STEEET. ATLANTA ILLUSTRATED, CONTAINING GLANCES AT ITS POPULATION, BUSINESS, MANUFACTURES, INDUSTRIES, INSTITUTIONS, SOCIETY, healthfulness;, ARCHI TECTURE, AND ADVANTAGES GENERALLY, WITH 150 ILLUSrP.A^JlONS- LITHOGRAPHIC MAP OF THE CITY. TJIIRr> DBI>ITIO]V. COPYRIGHTED. BY E. Y. CLARKE. ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Ja?. p. Harrison & Co., Publishers and Printers, 1881. DEDICATION. To the Women of Atlanta, ever foremost in the Charities and Amenities, great and small, projected for the uplifting of Hu manity, as abundantly evidenced by their labors in behalf of the Young Men's Library, by the establishment of a Benevolent Home, and by the Monumental Column of Granite kissing the skies from Oakland Cemetery, memorial alike of the Patriotism of man and ihe Devotion of ¦woman ; and to the Men of brain and ¦muscle, whose energy, enterprise and public spirit have constructed the Railroads, erected the Massive Walls, and sent up the Church Spires of the Giant Young Metropolis of the South, and whose hearty appreciation and liberal support of all efforts tending to the public good have been unremitting, this Work is ¦most respect fully dedicated. NOTE TO THIRD EDITION. About four years ago appeared the first edition of this work The present one is considerably enlarged, having more pages, with more matter upon each page, and with nearly double the number of illustrations. As to the historic part, some of the oldest citizens assert that they can discover in it no material- inaccuracy- The author has the pleasure of knowing that leading articles about Atlanta, such as recently in the Louisville Courier-Journal, obtain their facts from this book, and he has furnished numerous correspondents with copies in order to benefit Atlanta by these publications abroad. He hopes that the present edition will impart a still broader idea of the growth, magnitude, advantages^ and future of Atlanta to thousands of strangers into whose hands it will pass. October, i8Si. CONTENTS. Ln TRO DUCTION. CHAPTER I. Overland Transportation— The Seaboard and the Great West— A State Convention- Action of the Legislature— Construccion of the State Railroad— From the Tennes see to the Chattaaoochee— The Site Selected— Reason of the Location— The First House — Page 17. CHAPTER IL Terminus— A Wilderness—A Few More Residents — First Store — First Mercantile Firm— A Half Dozen Families— Building and Progress of the State Road— Con- ^ struction to Marietta— The First Engine— First Two-story Frame House— A Dis couraged Citizen— The First Real Estate Sale — Page 19. -^^ CHAPTER III. Marthasville — Another Epoch — The Village incorporated— The First School House and Church — The Fir=t Newspaper — The First Editor a Parson — Completion of the Georgia Railroad — An Accidental Death — Population in 1845 — Names of Inhabi tants—The First Saw Mill — Number of Stores — Washington Hall — Page 22. CHAPTER IV. Continued Progress — Completion of Macon & \\'estern Railroad — Locating the Com ing City — "Cousin John Thrasher's" Disappointment — First Mass Meeting — More Newspapers — A City Charter Obtained — Population — Methodist Quarterly Meet ing — Baptist Church — First Block of Brick Stores— Cause of Irregularity in Street System — John C. Calhoun's Prophecy — Page 26. CHAPTER V. Atlanta— Origin of the Name — First City Election — Number of Votes Polled — First Mayor and Councilmen — Old Wesley Chapel — First Lodge of Odd Fellows— The First Fire Company, Atlanta No. i — Flouring Mills and Foundries — The First Daily Paper — Completion of the State Railroad — Atlanta & West Point Railway — Page 28. CHAPTER VI. An Era of Crime — Population — Classes and Character — Slab To'wn and Snake Nation — First Calaboose — A Small Civil Wai— Law-breakers Defeated — Destruction of Snake Nation— Page 31. CHAPTER VII. Accident and Incident — The First Homicide — The First Fire^Removal of the Cem etery—The First Bank — The First Lawyer — Old Trinity — Bishop Andrew — Second Baptist Church— The Original Nineteen Members— Page 34. CONTENTS. CHATER VIII. Continued Growth — Population in 1854 — Rate of Annual Increase — Sales of Goods — First Commercial Crisis — Census of i860— Building of the City HaU — General Im provements and Progress — Atlanta Medical College — Bank of Fulton Established— The Air-Line Road Agitated — Young Men's Christian Association — Hibernian Benevolent Society — Our First Military Company — First Atlanta Directory — Bus iness in 1859 — Page 36. CHAPTER IX. The War Period ; Progress Checked; Reaction; Manufacture of War Munitions; Martial Law ; Hospitals ; Bombardment of the City ; Terrific Scenes ; Battle of Peachtree Creek ; Battle of Atlanta ; Death of McPherson ; Occupation by Fed eral Army ; Expulsion of Inhabitants ; Destruction of City ; Page 41. CH ^.P ERX. Return of the People; Rebuilding of City; New Life; Four Hundred Buildings erected in one year ; New Enterprises and new Business ; A Flush Period ; Com pletion of the Air-Line Road ; Growth of the Wholesale Business ; Starting of the Cotton Trade ; Page 50. CHAPTER XI. Birth and Growth of Associations; Young Men's Library Association ; Hibernian So ciety ; Concordia; Ladies' Memorial Association; Page 56. CH,\PTER XII. Educational Progress ; Public School System Recomraended ; Convent School for girls ; University for Colored People ; Page 60. CHAPTER XIII. A Financial Crisis; Population in 1873; The Panic; Its Results'; Run Upon the Banks ; Damage to Business ; Page 63. CHAPTER XIV. Municipal Reform ; A Coramittee of Forty-nine ; The New Charter ; Its Provisions; Page 68. CHAP PER XV. Movements of Business ; Marvelous Progress ; Unsightly Spots filling up ; Wholesale Groceries ; Page 69. CHAPTER XVI. General Progress of the Last Decade ; Establishment of Waterworks ; Their Exten sive Use ; Page 70. PART SECOND. Atlanta As It Is ; Railroads ; Hotels ; Public Works, Buildings and Grounds ; Churches; Colleges; Manufactures; Capital of the State; Municipal Govern ment ; Population ; Society ; Healthfulness; Advantages ; Streets ; Leading Bus iness Houses ; Architecture ; Residences ; Surroundings ; Directory of Informa- .tion. — ^f-^ LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS.^-^f- Frontispiece. Engineer's Offlce. The First Church. No. I. Fire Company's Building. The Terraces— Residence of E. E. Raw- son. Federal Camp in the Park. Ruins. James R. Wylie's Store. Kimball House. Residence of B. F. Wyly. Republic Block. Clarke & Co.'s Hardware Building. Residence of W. B. Cox. Residence of Julius L. Brown. Residence of James R. Wylie. Er Lawshe's. Southem Express Offlce. Markham House. Hebrew Synagogue. Confederate Monument in Oakland Cem etery Residence of F. M. Coker. Residence of A. C. Wyly. National Surgical Institute. Trinity Church. Franklin Printing House. Marietta Street. Surburban Residence of Wm. McNaught. Atlanta Rolling Mill. Terra Cotta Works. Box Factor>'. Sugar Creek Paper Mills. Residence and Store of Joseph Smith. McBride's Crockery Store. Hunnicutt & Bellingraths' Building. Atlanta Nurseries. Wilson & Bros.' Coal Yard. Merchants' Bank. Georgia Railroad Depot. Western & Atlantic Railroad Depot. State Capitol. Residence of Judge George Hillyer. First Baptist Church. Governor's Mansion. Whitehall Street. Van Winkle's Foundry. M. C. & J. F. Riser & Co.'s A. C. & B. F. Wyly's. Ponce de Leon Springs. Residence of S. M. Inman. Residence of J. C. Peck. Residence of H. A. Fuller. City Hall. Residence of Wm Laird. County Jail. The Old Atlanta Hotel. Stone Mountain. General Passenger Depot. Fast Mail by Night. Interior KimbaU House. President Hayes in Atlanta. Exposition Grounds — two views. ,First Presbyterian Church. Seond Baptist Church. Methodist Protestant Churcn. First Methodist Church. Other Churches. Southern Medical College. Eclectic Medical CoUege. Reform Medical College. Custom House. Atlanta Health Institute. Fulton County Court House. Cotton Factory. Whitehall Street. W. M. Scott's. Stocker &. Castleberry's — two views. 14 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. J. P. Stevens & Go's. — three views. F.G.Hancock's — three views. The Inman Building. Mitchell Wagon Company. F. W. Hart's. Fuller & Oglesby — two views. Dunn, Alexander & Co's. National Hotel. Wilson House. Boaz's Stables. MarkW. Johnson's. P. H. Snook's. Bird's Eye View. Peachtree Street. Walter Tayl6r's. Avery & Son's. McBride & Co. — two views. Traynham & Ray's, Reception of Military. The Library. West End Spring. McPherson Monument, Residence of G. W. Leonard. Hirsch Bro's. Oglethorpe Park Entrance. Exposition Hotel. Other Exposition Buildings. Atlanta — Bird's Eye View, INTRODUCTION. Atlanta is now a city of nearly 50,000 souls. In 1835 the spot on which it stands was forest and swamp, with a few country roads running through it. Its history is indeed a remarkable one, but not only in the particular of rapid growth. It has an experience of battle and flame and heroic story exceeding in some respects that of any city in the South. There is a dim tradition of a fierce and bloody combat upon the site, between two tribes of Indians who originally possessed the land. But there is no evidence of any such conflict, and unfortunately Atlanta's history needs no dependence upon savage legends for romantic elements, as the internecine strife of 1861-64 was terribly sufficient for that purpose. The city was completely destroyed, but rose from its ashes grander than ever, and has grown like towns grow in the West. The history of such a City it is interesting to trace, and the following pages will be de voted to this task, beginning with the first log cabin. PART I. CHAPTER I. SELECTION OF A SITE. In 1825 the Creek and Cherokee Indians ceded the lands inter vening between them to the State of Georgia, and their acquisition increased the restlessness of the people for some mode of trans portation between the State and the expanding West. About this time, too, the steam engine was applied to railroad transit, and in 1826 a train of cars, in the Old World, was first drawn by one. When this idea of overland transportation crossed the Atlantic, people began to think of railroads as the best means of interior communication ; hence the Legislature of Georgia granted three charters in 1833, for the Central, Georgia and Monroe railroads. This still further stimulated the general desire of the people to es tablish direct commercial intercourse between the South Atlantic coast and the West ; and as this could be done by building a great trunk-line railway northwestward, the people of Georgia determin ed upon its construction. A State convention met at Macon in November 1835, and memorialized the Legislature to that end. This movement, like all progressive ideas, evoked the fiercest op position, and finally prevailed in the General Assembly by a very small majoritp. One of that majority is the present venerable Sec retary of State, N. C. Barnett. 1 8 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. On the 2ist of December, 1835, the act was approved by Gov ernor Schley authorizing the "construction of a railroad from the Tennessee line, near the Tennessee river, to the southwestern bank of the Chattahoochee river, at a point most eligible for the running of branch roads thence to Athens, Madison, Milledgeville, Forsyth, and Columbus." In 1837 Stephen H. Long was appointed engin eer-in-chief, and the eastern terminus was established, not at the Chattahoochee, but seven miles east of it (for the reasons hereto fore given), and near the point of the present General Passenger Depot. The quotation shows that the act itself required this loca tion ; and the site of Atlanta was therefore the result, neither of accidental circumstance nor of arbitrary choice, but of natural con formation, as the most "eligible"' point for the purposes recited in the act. Here intersected three great mountain ridges, upon which were soon afterwards constructed the Georgia, Macon & Western, and Atlanta & West Point railroads. ILLUSTRA TED A TLANTA. 19 CHAPTER II. TERMINUS— .1836— 42. The site chosen, as mentioned in the foregoing chapter, was known for a number of years as " Terminus." The first house built near it, or within village distance of it, was a log shanty, erected by Mr. Hardy Ivy in the year 1836. To John Thrasher belongs the honor of erecting the second house, in 1839, in which year "Cousin John," as he is familiarly known, was the only inhabitant save an old woman and her daughter. There were a few people in the neighborhood, generally very poor; women wearing no shoes, and the houses having dirt floors. The country was wild — traversed only by Creek and Cherokee Indians in roving or hunt ing excursions, and straggling white adventurers. In 1841, 1S42 and 1843, a few persons moved upon the ground and became neighbors of John Thrasher, who had been enterpris ing enough to organize a store. In the keeping of the store he associated with him a man by the name of Johnson, the firm name being Johnson & Thrasher. This was the first business firm, as well as the first store of the embryo city, and was erected on the spot where the First Presbyterian church now stands. Cousin John did not take a hopeful view of the future of Terminus, for in 1842, three years later, he sold out and moved to Griffin. At this time very little progress had been made in population, there being not more than a half dozen dwellings, or about three or four fami lies at the close of the year. Among these was Mr. Willis Car lisle, who came in June 1842, and established a store near the location of the First Presbyterian Church on Marietta street. His daughter, who might be termed the "pioneer babe" of our great city, is still a resident, having married the well-known iron founder, Mr. W. S. Withers. But in another direction there had been decided progress. The construction of the Western & Atlantic Railroad had been prose- 20 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. cuted slowly, but steadily, the turbid stream of the Chattahoochee had been spanned and Marietta reached. This year is distinguished by the arrival of the first engine, called the Florida, which was brought from Madison, the then terminus of the Georgia Railroad, in a wagon drawn by sixteen mules. This was a most enlivening spectacle, and assembled the people from all the country round about, at least five hundred, it is-said, accom panying the engine from the village of Decatur and below. This was the first of the great succession of crowds collecting at or near the Whitehall street crossing, then to do homage to that wonderful invention of human genius, the steam engine — since that time to impatiently await its pleasure in moving out of the way. The engine was successfully placed upon the track, and with a box car brought from Milledgeville, made a trip to Marietta December 24th, 1842. The engineer was W. F. Adair, who is now em ployed at New Holland Springs. This year is also noted for the first real estate sale at public auction — Mr. Fred. Arms being the auctioneer. He had sub divided Mitchell's lot — the same, a part of which made such a conspicuous figure in later times — but succeeded in selling only three of the sub-divisions, Mr. Daniel Dougherty buying one, Mr. Wash Collier another, and Mr. .Arms himself buying a third. Mr. Wash Collier still owns his lit, upon ivhich stands the drug store building at the junction of Line and Deca tur streets with Pi-achtree and Marietta. In this year, or the suc ceeding one, the first two- story framed house was built, which is still standing, at the present day, on Peters street, across from Trinity Church. engineer's office. It is the property of Mr. E. W. Holland, of our candy manufacturing firm of Jack & Hol land. The house was removed to its present location from the rear of the Republic Block, where it was first erected by the State ILL US TRA TED A TL A XT A. Road authorities for the use of the engineers and other officers of the road. It was afterwards occupied as a boarding house — the first in our history. The accompanying design of the building, f.s it now stands, is a fac simile of what it was in 1842, with the ex ception of the little shed-room, and an extension of the original porch over the door. Few citizens are aware of its existence, and it is quite a curiosity under the circumstances, surrounded as it is by princely mansions and magnificent structures of brick and stone. In it, as book-keeper for the Western & Atlantic Railroad, Hon. L. E. Bleckley, ex-Justice of our State Supreme Court, passed the first three years of his citizenship, and Mr. J. Norcross, one of the earliest mayors of the city, slept his first night. Though the oldest house in Atlanta, it is now used to make old things new, as it is oc cupied by J. E. Kreis and his good wife with their steam dye-works. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER III. MARTHASVILLE.— 1843-45. The year 1844, marks a distinctive epoch. The settlement had grown somewhat, and the people became ambitious for a corporate name. Application was made to tlje Legislature for a charter, which was granted on December 23d, incorporating the village un der the narae of Marthasville, in compliment to the daughter of ex- Governor Lumpkin, which distinguised gentleman had been con spicuous in the development of railroad interests in the State. This may appear to have been quite fast for a community of ten familes at most ; but it should be regarded rather as the evidence, or first manifestation, of that spirit of enterprise and go-aheadativeness which afterwards became so distinctive an element of progress. In 1844 the chief attraction of Marthasville, next to the State Railroad, was an old tread saw-mill, run by Mr. J. Norcross, through the motive power of an old blind horse. This was our first factory. In 1845 there occurred t'nree very noted events — one was the ap pearance of The Luminary, our first newspaper, shining forth un der the editorship of Rev. Joseph Baker. Atlanta editors have always been preachers ; but, unfortunately for them and the city, their preaching has been too often at variance with the doctrines and morality of the first Atlanta editor. Another of these events was the completion of the entire line of the Georgia Railroad by its vigorous management — the fir.st train running through from Augusta to Marthasville September 15th. 1845, arriving about dark. Judge King, the President, was on board, with many others. In the midst of the excitement and crowd, Georgia came near losing one of the greatest railroad men which any State has produced. Judge King, in the darkness, was just about stepping into an open well, where he would have lost his life, when he was seized and drawn back. Unhappily, another man had not such good fortune, and falling into the well was ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 23 drowned ; so the day was marred by the occurrence of the first ac cidental death on our records. The third event is the most striking. In previous years we have had evidence principally of material advancement, but during this year an enterprise was completed embracing all the elements of true progress — moral, mental and material. This was the erection. THE FIRST CHURCH AND SCHOOL HOUSE, by general subscription, of a small building for church and school purposes, in the angle made by Peachtree and Houston streets, diagonally across from the present First Methodist Church. It was used during the week as a school-house, and on Sunday as a church. In it the various denominations of Christians worshipped until their churches were erected ; and here was preached, prob ably, the first sermon in the village, by Rev. Dr. J. S. Wilson, afterwards pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Atlanta's first Sunday-school was organized in this log-house on the second Sunday in June, 1847. All denominations united in it, and it was known as the Atlanta Union Sabbath-school. The original record-book, containing the constitution, subscriptions, or ganization, and history of each Sabbath meeting, is in the posses sion of the present General Passenger Agent of the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railway, Mr. W. J. Houston, who received it 24 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . from his father, Mr. Oswald Houston, who, with Mr. Jas. A. Col lins, shared the first superintendency of the school. From these records it appears also that Robert M. Clarke was appointed Sec retary and Treasurer, and R. M. Brown, Librarian. Edwin Payne, A. F. Luckie and A. E. Johnson were made a committee to solicit subscriptions. The list of names subscribing various amounts gives an idea of the people in the neighborhood : Jas. A. Collins, W. R. Venable, W. T. Bell, W. A. Harp, F. F. Hight, Wm. Printup, Mary J. Thompson, Jas. M. Ballard, M. A. Thompson, Wm. Henry Fernerdon, A. L. Houston, A. T. Luckie, W. B. Chapman, Geo. W. Thomason, A. B. Forsyth, Geo. Tomlinson, J, C. Linthicum, S. T. Downs, J. R. Wallace, and T. S. Luckie. In the following year a more extensive subscription to keep up the • library includes the additional names of D. G. Daniell, J. Norcross, L. C. Simpson, "Miscellany," J. W. Evans, W. Buell, B. W. Bal lard, David Thurman, H. Mattheson, H. A. Fraser, Thos. Rusk, Jas. McPherson, A. W. Walton, J. V. W. Rhodes, Samuel Wells, Joseph Thompson, S. Goodall, J. T. Burns, G. M. Troup Perry- man, H. C. Holcombe, Z. A. Rice, Geo. W. Cook, J. Wells, A. W. Wheat, J. W. Demby, W. L. Wright, H. M. Boyd, Haas & Levi, J. T. Doane, W. H. Wilson, B. F. Bomar, A. E. Johnson, W. J. Hous ton, F. Kicklighter, O. Houston, A. L. Houston, J. J. Smith, Wm. P. Orme, Logan E. Bleckley, A. Wooding, C. H. Yarborough, J. R. Crawford, R. J. Browne, Lewis Lawshe, W. L. Wingfield, and M. J. Ivy. On the 1 2th day of December, 1847, there were sev enty scholars present. Among the names of these scholars, as among the names of the subscribers given, are recognized many well-known citizens of to-day. But the immediate village population in 1845 numbered only about a dozen families — perhaps one hundred men, women and children. Among these was Stephen Terry, dealer in real estate ; James Collins, a merchant, and father of the present Clerk of the Superior Court ; both of these gentlemen living in good houses for those days ; Dr. George G. Smith, A. B. Forsyth, who kept a gro cery ; Joseph Thomason, William Crawford and Harrison Bryant, workmen ; Jonathan Norcross, merchant, who boarded at the two- story frame-house heretofore mentioned, kept by a Mrs. Oslin ; and John Thrasher, who, having recuperated his courage, had returned ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 25 to the village the preceding year. William Kile and the Ivy family lived about three quarters of a mile distant. There were two general stores, one kept by Collins & Loyd, and the other by A. B. Forsyth, for whom E. A. Werner clerked ; Kile had a small grocery, and Dunn had a bonnet and hat store. Among the improvements was a storehouse, erected by Mr. Norcross, upon the southwest corner of Marietta and Peachtree road, known since as the "Norcross corner." S. B. Hoyt was his clerk. The store of Collins & Loyd was built near the east end of the Passenger Depot by Loyd,who also resided in it; the house afterwards becom ing a hotel, under the name of Washington Hall. 26 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER IV. CONTINUED PROGRESS.— 1846. The year 1846 ushered in the third great railroad event in the career of Marthasville. This was the arrival of a train from Macon. on the Macon & Western Railroad, which had just been completed. It was intended at first to build the depot of this road near the present round-house of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, and hence the embankment by the Mineral Spring, known as the "Monroe Road," that being the name of the Macon & Western before it changed hands. This intention of the management occasioned great excitement in the village. Those who had settled near the present passenger depot became alarmed, for fear that the junction of the two roads would become the business center of the future town. Hence they determined to induce the President of the Ma con Road to abandon the original purpose, and make the junction and depot near the terminus of the State Road, or present General Passenger Depot. To do this, Mitchell offered ground for the depot, and it was accepted. This was a turning point in the affairs of Marthasville, and fixed the location of the coming city ; but it proved an over-turning- point for some of its people, among whom was "Cousin John Thrasher," who had bought one hundred acres in the vicinity of the first proposed depot of the Macon Road, but sold out in disgust, and at half cost, upon learning the "change of base." The property, which he thus disposed at four dollars per acre, he lives to see worth at least half a million. The completion of the Macon & Western Road was the occa sion of the first mass-meeting of which we have any record, and among the speakers were Daniel Floyd and Mark A. Cooper. Three more newspapers made their appearance : The Democrat, by Dr. W. H. Fernerdon; The Enterprise, by Royal & Yarborough; and The Southern Miscellany, by C. R. Hanleiter. They were all short-lived. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. It is not surprising that the villagers, buoyed up under the influ ence of recent events, began to feel too large for a village incorpo- ation, and about this time an effort was made to obtain a charter for a city. The effort failed, however, through the opposition of less ambitious citizens, who employed a lawyer to break it down. But in the following year, 1847, the attenvpt was successful, and the charter was obtained. In the meantime there was considerable progress,-and the population probably reached, or exceeded, three hundred, according to the estimate of the late H. C. Holcombe, and others, with whom the author has conversed, A Methodist quar terly meeting was held under a cotton-shed, there being no build ing large enough for it. The Baptists began the building of a church edifice. I. O. & P. C. McDaniel built the first block of brick stores, the only other brick buildings being the Atlanta Hotel erec ted by the Georgia Railroad the previous year, and the railroad de pots. Atlanta Lodge No. 59 of Masons organized April 13th; Mount Zion Chapter No. 16 was chartered May 3d. There were other evidences of coming municipal greatness, among which might be mentioned the appearance of the razor-strap man, who could be seen daily crying his wares from the top of a stump, near the pres ent corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets. Despite all these prosperous indications, there were few who had any faith in the fu ture of the town. Colonel Long, the chief engineer of the Georgia Railroad, thought Atlanta would never be more than a wood sta tion, and made all his investments in Marietta. He expressed the opinion, according to Judge J. A. Hayden, that Atlanta, after the completion of the various railroads, would consist of a cross-roads store and a blacksmith shop. Partly to this want of confidence, and of the failure to secure the proposed charter providing for commis sioners to lay out streets, is due the irregularity of our street system ; everybody building where he pleased, without reference to any plan.' But there were a few men who did believe in a prosperous future. Among them was L. P. Grant, then attached to the engineer corps of the Georgia Railroad. About this time, also, the great John C. Calhoun, in'passing through the town, prophesied that it would be come the largest interior city of the South. A few years later, this same far-seeing statesman urged upon Joseph E. Brown, then stop ping in Washington,, on his way home from college, the propriety of making the embryo city his home ; but the young man's judg ment was not then so good as afterward. 23 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA. CHAPTER V. ATLANTA.— 1847-49. In 1846 J. Edgar Thompson, chief engineer of the Georgia Rail road, in a letter to Mr. Richard Peters, also an engineer of the road, suggested Atlanta, as a better name for the terminus of the Wes tern & Atlantic Railroad, deriving it from the word Atlantic, using the expression, "masculine, Atlantic — feminine, Atlanta." The de pot was thus called until December 29th, 1847, when the Legisla ture passed an act incorporating the "City of Atlanta ;" but the village had virtually adopted the name before, as evidenced by the fact that the Sunday-school started in June, 1847, was called the "Atlanta Union Sunday-school." The charter was drawn by J. Norcross, John Collier, and J. Vaughn. The first city election occurred Saturday January 29th, 1848, for Mayor and six Councilman, and was held at "Kile's corner." It initia- ated the series of municipal excitements which have occurred annu ally from that day until the adoption of the last charter. The first election brought out every voter, and the total poll was two hun dred and fifteen, resulting in making Moses W. Formwalt the first Mayor of Atlanta, and the following six gentlemen Councilmen : Jonas S. Smith, Benj. F. Bomar, Robert W Ballard. Jas. A. Col lins, Anderson W. Walton, and Leonard C. Simpson. Atlanta's first City Council met on Wednesday morning, February 2d, 1S48. Fresh impetus was imparted to every material interest, and new Hfe was infused into the body politic, manifesting itself in every direc tion. Churches were organized, and houses of worship ascended. Societies vi'ere formed, new enterprises were inaugurated, and new businesses established. Better still, excellent people moved in. As this march of progress continued at an accelerating rate for several years, it will not be amiss to enter somewhat into details. In three years, five churches were organized and church edifices built. The Methodists had a hull of a church in which they were ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA. 29 holding services. Old Wesley Chapel was finished in a few years afterward. The Methodists were the first to hold services in their own building, but the Firt Baptist Church was the first finished- - in 1848 — under the pastorate of S. G. Daniel, and stood where the new one now stands. In this church the second anniversary of the Union Sabbath-school was held on the loth day of June, 1849, Rev. Dr. J. S. Wilson preaching the sermon. The First Presbyte- , rian Church was organized by Rev. Dr. J. S. Wilson, in the old church school-house, in 1848, with nineteen members. Judge Cone, Major Terry, Richard Peters, and Julius Hayden were made a building committee, and upon a lot on Marietta street, presented by the first named gentleman, a church was erected, and dedicated July 4th, 1852. The First Episcopal Church — St. Phillips — was consecrated in 1848, by Bishop Elliott. The first rector was John J. Hunt, now of Marietta, through whose efforts, chiefly, the church was organized and the house built. The Catholics held their first public services in 1848, in the school-house. Rev. Mr. Quinn offi ciating. They at once began the erection of a building, which was completed in 1848. Organizations for various purposes were formed. The first lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; — Central Lodge No. 28 — was organized October "th, 1848. The first fire company — Atlanta No. i — was organized March 24th, 1851. The compa ny's first building was erected in 1855. The Knights of Jericho organized their first lodge Nov. 6th, 1S52. Among the new enter prises started were a large flouring mill by Richard Peters, and an extensive foundry and machine shop by Winship in 1851. The first job ofiice was started by C. R. Hanleiter. All the newspaper enterprises having failed, in 1849 a number of gentle men concluded that so promising a town ought to have at least one journal. Z. A. Rice, J. Norcross, J. O. McDaniel, B. F. Bomar, and perhaps others, bought a press and started the Intelligencer, .out of which in time grew the Daily Intelligencer. The first daily was started in 1853 by Kay & Ramsey and was called the Daily Examiner. It was a five-column folio. It was printed at first on a hand press, but afterward a power press was bought for it in Knoxville. Mr. A. P. Prince, now living in Atlanta, was the first foreman and printed the first number. 30 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Among the citizens gained about this time, were Er Lawshe in 1848, John Silvey in 1849, and G. J. Foreacre, then a conductor on the Macon and Western Road, in 1850. Improvements in realty were numerous. The Georgia Railroad round-house was completed in 1850, and Messrs. Austin, Wright, Dunning, and other citizens put up handsome residences. One of the grand events contributing to this era of prosperity, was the completion of the State Railroad, December ist, 1849. Three years afterward, the Atlanta and West Point Railroad into Alabama was finished, being chiefly constructed by the Georgia Rail road Company ; Mr. John P. King becoming president, and Mr. W. P. Orme becoming secretary, treasurer, and auditor. Thus was added another arm of strength to the rising young city. It is true that the building of the last mentioned road alarmed some, upon the idea that it would enable cotton to pass through to Augusta that was now wagoned to Atlanta. It did so operate for a few years, but in all other particulars it proved only another feeder to the young giant which was fast developing a muscular power destined to thrust aside all its rivals, and pass them in the race for commercial prosperity and metropolitan dimensions. In fact, with the completion of these roads, Atlanta needed but one other ele ment of success to assure a triumphant career, and that was the element of pluck, energy, and enterprise in its inhabitants. To what enormous extent they possessed this element of success, will readily appear in the course of their history. Their railway sys tem, though not complete, was sufficiently so to secure superiority, and to justify the prediction of John C. Calhoun and the bright visions of its most sanguine citizens. Farther on, in the progress of this work, the railroad system and history of Atlanta will be set forth more in detail. ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA. 3 1 CHAPTER VI. AN ERA OF CRlAtE. Taking as a basis the vote cast in the first municipal election, and considering that in all newly-settled countries the proportion of women and children is always small, the population of Atlanta in January, 1848, at the beginning of its municipal career, may be safely estimated at about five hundred. This population was largely composed of workmen, employed by the various railroad companies, and adventurers, who are always to be found in new settlements. If to these be added a liberal sprinkling of desperate characters, ever hunting opportunities to better their fortunes by playing upon the ignorance and passions of men, it will readily ap pear that, among our first people, there was a strong element of rowdyism and lawlessness. Among men, many of whom were without the re.'-training influence of family ties, and destitute of the civilizing refinements of a settled society and social system, it was natural that crime should riot, and humanity should develop its lowest and most loathsome traits. This class in Atlanta fiercely opposed the imposition of municipal restraints, and the chartering of the city was simply a declaration of war between them and the lovers of law and order. On Decatur street, between the Collier or drug-store corner and the present Pryor street, was a lot ot huts known as " Murrell's Row," in the back-yards of which gamb ling and cock-fighting were constantly engaged in. There had been gradually built up two suburban villages of huts on the west ern and eastern borders of the city, known by the euphonious names of Slab Town and Snake Nation. In these villages pre vailed almost every species of idle, vicious, and criminal amuse ment. The denizens of these villages, being in a majority, had suc cessfully resisted every effort to subject them to the restraints of the law and its penalties, and they lorded it with a high hand over the better citizens. This was one of the inspirations of the new 32 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. charter, as well as the ambition for larger things. The charter was not obtained too soon. It needed all the machinery of munic ipal government, and all the power of municipal authority, to maintain the public peace and protect the lives and property of the citizens: Good laws were enacted by the city council, munici pal courts were instituted, and a city prison, called a calaboose, was built. It may not be uninteresting to describe, in passing, this first abode of Atlanta's evil-doe's. It was made of hewn timber, three logs thick, being about twelve feet square on the outside, or some eight feet square on the interior. A novel jail delivery oc curred very soon, in this fashion : a number of able-bodied friends of imprisoned offenders lifted the structure bodily, allowing the inmates to crawl " from under." As may be imagined, this was not a very formidable affair ; still it served the ordinary purposes of confinement. The municipal laws, courts, and prisons were speedily in opera tion. The lawless characters resisted and defied, in all possible ways, the restraints of law and decent society. The struggle be tween the good and evil elements continued, with varying success : the force of municipal law was sometimes weakened by the elec tion, through sheer numerical advantage, of men representative of, or friendly to, the evil-doers. Municipal authority was evaded dur ing the day by countless subterfuges, sometimes by boldfaced violence ; and at night the streets of the city frequently resounded with wild shoutings and the reports of fire-arms. In 1851 Jonathan Norcross, the candidate of the merchants and better class of peo ple, was elected Mayor, with an excellent board of Councilmen, among whom was Julius A. Hayden. This further incensed the law-breakers, and broUght matters to a culmination. Open violence was resorted to, and the authority of the municipal court forcibly defied. Growing bolder in their desperation, tl.ey planted a cannon by night in front of the Mayor's store, and gave him written notice to resign his office or quit the city. The crisis had arrived, and with it the time for summary action. The Mayor and Council issued an address to the citizens, and they assembled at a given hour, thoroughly armed. The law-breakers had gathered in force, but their courage failed them, and all, who had not dispersed in ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA. 33 time, surrendered without resistance. They were at once cala- boosed, and on the following day were tried and sentenced. This decisive action established the supremacy of the municipal authority and of the law-abiding class of citizens. Still, lawless ness and indecency were only limited within their own precincts and "Snake Nation" in particular. Its scenes of shame and carousal became finally unbearable. A body .of disguised citizens assaulted it by night, and driving out the inmates, visited, by axe and torch, so complete a destruction upon the village of filthy huts, that "Snake Nation" was never rebuilt. Er Lawshe was one of the assaulting party, being always ready to respond to the call of the authorities for such needful work. He has a graphic recollection of the assault. From that day, though there were occasional ascendencies of the worst classes, mainly through unfortunate divisions among the better people, law and order reigned triumphant. 34 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. CHAPTER VII ACCIDENT And incident. It is interesting to note some of the accidents and incidents of this period. The first homicide of the city occurred in 1848. A man by the name of McWiUiams was stabbed and killed by Bill Terrell, who ran away and escaped. The second, of which we have any record, was the murder of Wilburne by Bird, who was found guilty, but was pardoned by the Legislature. In 1850 occurred the first fire. The building burned was located near about the present place of John Stephens, on Alabama Street. Several bales of cotton were also burned at the same time, in a ware-house in another part of the city. As the money-drawer of the Georgia Railroad depot was broken open on the same night and robbed, it was generally believed that these fires were incendi ary, with the object of creating favorable opportunities for theft. The cemetery, then lying along Peachtree street, near the pres ent residence of N, J. Hammond, was removed in 1850 to its present location. The city had enjoyed, for several years, railroad banking agen cies ; but the first regular bank of the city was organized by Mr. George Smith, of Chicago, with a capital of $300,000, under the management of Mr. J. R. 'Valentine. The first lawyer was L. C. Simpson ; John T. Wilson was a stu dent in his office. A number of the well-known citizens of to-day became such about this time : among others, C. W. Hunnicutt, in 1848; J. M. Holbrook, in 1852; G. T. Dodd, in 1853 ; Daniel Pittman, L. J. Gartrell, L. J, Glenn, .A. J. McBride, in 1854. The Christian Church was organized in 1852, by State Evangel ist Daniel Hood, with six or eight members, and their first church was erected the following year. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 35 A Sabbath-school, organized ifi 1853, by Green B. Haygood and Willis F. Peck, proved the nucleus of Trinity Methodist Church. Green B. Haygood, chairman, Joseph Winship, Edwin Payne, and Dr. George SmitlTwere appointed a building committee. A lot was purchased on the Court-house square, and old Trinity was speedily built; Bishop Andrew dedicating it in September, 1854, and Rev. J. P. Duncan preaching the first sermon. The Second Baptist Church was organized in 1854, by nineteen members of the First Baptist Church. These were Mrs. Lipman, Dr. B. F. Bomar, Mrs. B. F. Bomar, Thomas 'Veasey, Francis H. Coleman, Mrs. Sherburne, John M. Myres and wife, Mrs. Krogg, Mrs. Wells, T. W. West and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby, I. O. McDaniel and wife, R. J. McDaniel, P. E. McDaniel and wife, and Nancy B. McDaniel ; a majority of the nineteen being females. Yet a church was soon built, costing about $13,000. 36 ILL US TRA TED ATLANTA. CHAPTER VIII. CONTINUED GROWTH.— 1854-60. The year 1854 found Atlanta a busy and growing little city of 6,025 souls, according to the figures of the census. The average annual increase of population, for several years past, had been about one thousand. There were about sixty stores, and the sales of goods ran up to one and a half millions of dollars. This was a fine showing and its presentation here will enable us to see, by comparison, the continued progress of the next six ye irs, or up to the period of the war. For, notwithstanding a commercial crisis in 1857 and 1858, the growth of the city was steady and substantial, so much so that the United States census of i860 proved Atlanta to be, in size, the fourth city of the State. Casual glances at the de velopment of business, the march of improvement, and accession to the population, will disclose some of the successive steps in the career of prosperity. First of all, should be noted the accesssions of valuable men, for, as before intimated, Atlanta owes its remarkable career of prosperity to no agency more than the character of its citizens. Among these — in 1854 came Dr. J. P. Logan, M. Cole, and Thomas M. Clarke, which latter gentleman, with Mr. Gilbert, opened the first exclu sively hardware store in Atlanta, the failure of which in three month's time was freely predicted; in 1855, David H. Dougherty; in 1856, L. Bellingrath, and A. Bellingrath ; in 1857, E. E. Rawson ; ini858,Joi[^nKeely,J.C.Peck; ini859, A. C. and B. F. Wyly, W. B. Cox, J. Morrison, and John M. Clarke ; in i860, A. Morrison. Of course mention can be made of only a few of the valuable citizens gained during tfiis period, for there were many. In 1854 the City Hall and Court House, 70x100 feet, two stories high, was begun, and finished the ensuing year, at a cost of at least $30,000. The old Athenffium, also, was built by S. J. Williams, In 1857 Er Lawshe erected a store on Whitehall street. In 1858 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 37 I 38 ILL US TRA TED ATLANTA. nineteen brick stores were erected. In 1859 as many more s'.ores were built, among them a block on Marietta street, by J. Norcross ; a store on VN^hitehall street by McNaught & Scrutchins ; a planing mill was built by J. C. Peck ; and among the residences one by Er Lawshe, on Peachtree street, and one by E. E. Rawson, on Pryor street, remarkable for its extensive grounds, lovely terraces, and forest trees. Important new enterprises were inaugurated and established. Among them was the formation of a company for the manufacture of gas, and the city was lighted with it December 25th, 1855. In the Spring of 1855 the Atlanta Medical College entered upon an ac tive existence by a course of lectures in the City Hall, and in the following July the corner-stone of its present building was laid, and the building was occupied the following year. Thirty-two students were graduated the first term. In 1856 the Bank of Fulton was established by Alfred Austell and E. W. Holland, with a capital of $125,000. One of the grand est movements of this period was that started in 1857, in favor of another railroad, the Air-Line, of which more anon. Among the many new firms entering business were P. & G. T. Dodd, grocers, and Silvey & Dougherty, general merchandise, in 1856. In 1859 A. C. & B. F. Wyly commenced and established the first wholesale grocery business, building a fine store-house for the purpose. Rawson, (E. E.) Gilbert & Burr entered the dry goods trade, and John H. James began the banking business in a Whitehall street window. From 1854 to 1859, churches, societies, and organizations of varied purpose increased numerously. In 1S58 the Central Pres byterian Church organized with thirty-nine members. Dr. J. P. Logan and John Ray being the ruling elders. Rev. John W. Baker filled the pulpit that year, and Rev. J. L, Rogers was in stalled the year following. A Young Men's Christian Association organized in 1857 or 1858, with Sidney Root. President; Lewis Lawshe, John Clarke, J. HiU Davis, and M. C. Cole, "Vice-Presi dents. In 1858 the Hibernian Benevolent Society organized, under B. T. Lamb, President. The Masons organized Jason Burr Coun cil April 26, 1855; Fulton Lodge No. 216, October, 1857; Coeur de Leon Commandery No. 4, May, 1859. The Independent Order ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 39 of Odd Fellows organized Empire Encampment No. 12 in i860. The Gate City Guards, our first military company, organized June 8th, 1857, with the following officers : George H. Thompson, Cap tain ; Wm. L. Ezzard, First Lieutenant; S. W. Jones, Second Lieur tenant ; John H. Lovejoy, Third Lieutenant ;' James L. Lewis, First Sergeant-; Wilson Ballard, Second Sergeant ; Wiliis P. Chisolm, Third Sergeant; James H. Purtell, Fourth Sergeant; Thomas M. Clarke, First Corporal ; Jas. E. Butler, Second Cor poral; E. Holland, Third Corporal ; Joseph Thompson, Jr., Fourth Corporal ; James F. Alexander, Surgeon ; Daniel Pittman, Secretary and Treasurer. This brief survey may be concluded with a mention of another evidence of metropolitan ideas and[growth appearing in 1859: Atlanta's first directory, compiled by WUliams and pubUshed by M. Lynch, well-known member of the present book firm of Lynch '& Thornton, at that time running Kay's book store. It contains a fine sketch of Atlanta from the pen of Green B. Haygood, a prominent citizen and self-made lawyer, father of Rev. Atticus G. Haygood, President of Emory College. Of this Directory it may be said that, except in the matter of mechanical execution, it is very little inferior to similar works at the present day. It is brim- fuU of information, and is exceedingly interesting. Many of the prominent business names of that day have disappeared ; while many, prominent now, were then in a very different kind of busi ness. Still there are familiar names of men, who had already, in that day, attained prominence in lines of business in which to-day they are recognized princes. This first Directory also fur nishes striking evidence of another powerful agency in the pros perity of Atlanta. It contains nearly fifty pages of advertising, and about one hundred advertising cards. Few things have done more for Atlanta than this persistent determination, on the part of its business men, to thoroughly advertise their city and their busi ness to the world. The Directory also shows that the men who afterward achieved great success in business were those who ad vertised most fully and actively. At the opening of this chapter, the population and business of the city in 1854 were stated. WiUiams' Directory furnishes us with a summary of progress during the period through which this 40 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. chapter has glanced. April ist, 1859, the population amounted, according to State census, to 11,500; the assessed value of real estate in the same year, to $2,760,000 : and the sale of goods to about $3,000,000. Thus, in five years, there was an increase, in population, of 5,000, and in sales, of about $1,500,000. This comparison shows that the city had just about doubled itself, both in population and business. The dry goods trade, particularly, began to expand, and sales were made over an area of at least one hundred miles around, "on terms as favorable," it was claimed, " as could be had in the retail markets of the great Northern cities. New York itself not excepted." The United States census, taken the following year, i860, placed Atlanta, in population, the fourth city of the State. The population in 1861, at the beginning of the war between the States, was about 13,000. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 41 CHAPTER IX. THE WAR PERIOD.— 1861-5. In 1 86 1, Atlanta received its first check in its onward career. The war between the States commencing this year, brought the march of improvement to a perfect standstill. But as in every other period or contingency of its history, that which was at first a check, became a great impetus. The cessation of growth was, in fact, more apparent than real. While buUding operations were discontinued, the population steadily increased ; and while business was paralyzed in some departments, in others it acquired a new vigor and greater proportions. These statements are verified by the official figures and facts of the time. That the life and business of the city should feel some paralysis was quite natural, for many of its master spirits withdrew them selves from the avenues of labor and trade, and cast their fortunes upon the tented field. If space and the scope of this history per mitted, a very long list of now familiar names might be mentioned in this connection ; some achieving high rank, and many honoring their city none the less, though in the ranks of the private soldier. The professional, the mercantile, and the mechanic classes were very greatly depleted, and Atlanta depopulated, for years, of a host of its best citizens. But despite the temporary loss to the city of brain and labor, both the population and aggregate of business in creased. There was a constant influx of people, some drawn through the operation of the old attractions, and rhany through the circumstances and exigencies of the times. Atlanta became one of the military centres and supply depots of the Southern Confederacy. The manufacture of arms, ammunition and war material in general, was conducted upon the most exten sive scale. There were many other manufactures, as for instance those of alcohol, vinegar and spirits of nitre, by Bellingrath, of the firm of Hunnicutt & Bellingrath, for the Confederate Government. 42 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 43 In 1862, the city passed under martial law, and at once became the headquarters of Confederate quartermasters and commissaries. It was made, too. a chief hospital point. Several hotels, the Medi cal CoUege, Female Institute building and others, were used for hospitals and store-houses. It is probable that in these hospitals from time to time, were treated and nursed at least 75,000 Con federate sick and wounded. These different enterprises required the labor of a large force of men, and heavy expenditures of money, which stimulated trade. The prominence and importance of Atlanta as one of the great work shops and supply depots. of the Confederacy led to one of the most daring individual feats of the war. TheWestern & Atlantic Rail road to Chattanooga was the main line of transportation to the Con federate armies in Tennessee and Mississippi. This road has thirteen bridges. A man by the name of Andrews formed the idea of pen etrating to the neighborhood of Atlanta with picked men, captur ing an out-going train, and burning aU the bridges. He obtained twenty odd men, fourteen of them soldiers detailed from their com mand for the work, and the rest volunteers. On the 12th of April, 1862 they made their-attempt. At Marietta, twenty miles from Atlanta, they boarded a passenger train,disguised in citizens clothes, claiming to be refugees, and paying their way to different points. The train stopped for breakfast at Big Shanty, seven miles from Marietta. Here Capt. W. A. Fuller, the conductor, and all the train men went into the breakfast house about fifty feet from the track. Anthony Murphy, the foreman of the Road's shop, and Jeff Cain the engineer, were sitting near to Fuller, when he called their at tention to the fact that some parties had boarded the engine and moved off with three freight cars, having uncoupled the rest. They leaped to their feet and rushed out, only to see the engine going out of sight. FuUer thought that the train thieves were deserters from a Confederate recruiting camp at Big Shanty, who- would run to a safe distance and then abandon the engine. He started in pursuit on foot. At a station two miles from Big Shanty, a party of track hands gave him such information as convinced him at once that the engine-captors were Federal soldiers. Taking the hand car from the track men, and going back a short distance, he picked up Mr. Murphy and the engineer and then pushed forward in pur- 44 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. suit. He knew that not far ahead he must meet Atlanta-bound trains, when he could secure an engine. He knew also that the fugitives would have to contend at Kingston, a short distance ahead, with freight trains which would detain them. Fuller finally got an engine as he expected, and the chase began in earnest. There were tremendous difficulties on both sides. The fugitives had not only to lose time in passing trains, but had also to secure the privilege of passing by plausible conduct. On the part of the pursuers the greatest difficulty was the encounteri-ng of obstacles THE OLD ATLANTA HOTEL IN 1862. upon the track, and the track itself at times so torn up as to force abandonment of their engine, and a new pursuit on foot till another engine was met. The flight and pursuit were thus con tinued, the telegraph wires being constantly cut between stations to prevent their use, till Dalton was reached and passed — one hundred miles from Atlanta. But here Fuller got a dispatch through to Chattanooga before the wire was cut, and pressing on, soon again came insight of the fugitives trying to tear up the track. Off they ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 45 started, and the engines flew like the wind over the track. Soon the fleeing engine began to fag for want of fuel, and the men leap ed from her and took to the woods and scattered. Fuller sent back word to a regiment at Ringgold and men were mounted and sent to scour the woods. Captain Fuller, with Murphy, Cox and Martin, nothing daunted, again continued the pursuit on foot. The fi nal result was the capture of the entire party. Andrews, the leader, was tried, convicted and hung as a spy, and so were the eleven vol unteers. The detailed soldiers were discharged. The feat was one of great daring, and was so adroitly managed that it would have succeeded but for the indomitable spirit and clear-headed tactics of Captain W. A. Fuller the conductor. This gen_ tieman is now a quiet, pleasant-faced grocery merchant on Marietta street, where he may be found any day "sticking to his business" as he did with such splendid success on that memoriable 12th of April, 1862. • From the operation of the various causes mentioned the population of Atlanta continued to increase, until a short time previous to the Federal capture of the city, in 1864, it reached the figure of about 20,000. At the immediate moment of that event, there were not more than 12,000 citizens — men, women and chil dren — as all had left who could well do so. On the 9th of July, 1864, the Confederate army under General Joseph E. Johnston, and the Federal army under General WiUiara T. Sherman, had both reached the Atlanta side of the Chattahoo chee, which runs within nine miles of the city. Four or five days later, the bombardment of the city was commenced, and continued almost incessantly until September ist. The scenes which followed may be imagined, but not readily described. Shells were thrown into the city day and night, doing their work of death, and constant ly setting the city on fire. Our firemen were thus ke^t busy in ef forts to extinguish the flames, and the women and children and jion-combatants were frequently forced to retire to improvised bomb-proofs, behind walls and in the ground, for the preservation of life. Around the city the ground was seamed with entrench ments and earthen fortifications, some extending within the corpo rate limits of the city. About these, fierce battles were fought, and many a brave soldier laid down his life. 46 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. On the 1 8th of July, the forces of General Sherman, aggregating 100,000 effective men, began an encircling march toward Atlanta. His right, under Thomas, formed line of battle along Peachtree Creek a few miles to the north of Atlanta, his centre under Scho field reaching in the direction of Decatur, on the Georgia Railroad, six miles from Atlanta, and his left, under McPherson swinging round upon the same railroad between Decatur and Stone Moun tain, striking it about four miles from Stone Mountain and six miles from Decatur. Gen. Hood, who had succeeded Gen. Johnston in command of the Confederate army numbering some 45,000 men, believing that Sherman's forces under Schofield and McPherson were so far beyond supporting distance that the whole Confederate army could be hurled upon Thomas, and after crushing him, be thrown upon the left wing about Decatur, made his dispositions accordingly. This led to the battle of Peachtree Creek, July 20th. The Federal troops were at first driven in confusion, but from some cause the assault was partial, and the Confederate forces were finally forced back with considerable loss. Determining to make one more effort to save Atlanta, Hood, on the 2 2d, two days later, attempted the same tactics as on the 20th, striking this time Sherman's extreme left, under McPherson, about Decatur. The attack was at first very successful, throwing the Federal troops into great ilisorder, and capturing many guns and thousands of prisoners. But by the most stubborn fighting, and the partial failure of the Confederate flank movement on Decatur a rout was prevented. The loss was heavy on both sides, amount ing to about thirty thousand killed and wounded. Each army lost a distinguished officer. Early in the battle, General McPherson, commanding the army of the Tennessee, Sherman's left wing, in attempting to reach his troops after the assault was begun, (he being at the moment with General Sherman) ran upon a Une of Confederates, and in wheeling to escape was shot dead, in a skirt of woods between Atlanta and Decatur. On the Confederate side Major-General Walker was killed near the same spot, while leading his division into battle. FaiUng of complete victory. Hood had now to content himself with holding Atlanta. This he was enabled to do without other than ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 47 detached fighting from day to day till September ist., when Sher man having cut his only remaining railroad line, the one to Macon, Atlanta was evacuated after a siegebf nearly two months. On the following day Mayor James M. Calhoun, with a com mittee of citizens, including E. E. Rawson of the city council, pro ceeded to the Federal camp, and upon surrendering the city asked protection for non-combatants and private property, which was promised. On the same day, September 2d., the Federal troops en tered and took possession of the city. FEltERAL CAMP IN CITY PARK. Two days later, September 4th, General Sherman issued an or der, requiring the departure of all citizens within eight days, save such as were in the employ of the Federal government. Those who did not choose to go South were sent North. An armistice of ten days was concluded between Generals Hood and Sherman to carry this order into execution. The people were permitted to take away a certain amount of property, and, with the slight means of transportation at hand, even this could be done only with diffi- ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. culty. By an agreement between General Sherman and Mayor Calhoun, considerable furniture was coUected and deposited in the old Trinity Methodist Church ; but the larger part of this was after wards lost through depredation, and the great bulk of private prop erty was necessarily abandoned at the outset. This forcible expulsion of twelve thousand men, women and chil dren from their homes, almost entirely without means, produced terrible hardships and intense suffering. Mayor Calhoun, Coun cilmen E. E. Rawson and Wells, on the part of the citizens, earn estly petitioned for a revocation of the order, but to no effect. For the same purpose, an Episcopal clergyman of Atlanta had an in- RUINS OF THE PASSENGER DEPOT, terview with Sherman, at which the latter said to him : "Fortune of war, sir ; fortune of war ! I want this place for a citadel, and want no white citizens in it !" November i6th Sherman commenced his march to the sea. Be fore doing so, however, the destruction of the city was completed. What could not be consumed by fire was blown up, torn down, or otherwise destroyed. No city during the war was so nearly anni hilated. The center of the city, or business locality, was an entire ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 49 mass of ruins — there being but a solitary structure standing on our main street, WhitehaU, between its extreme commercial Umits. At least three-fourths of the buUdings in the city were destroyed, the remaining number consisting chiefly of dwelling houses. The very few buildings of any consequence spared in the general ruin were saved through intercession, contingency or accident. Rev. Father O'ReiUy was instrumental in saving the Catholic and several Pro testant church edifices, and also the City Hall. The Medical College was saved through the effort of Dr. N. D'Alvigny. Atlanta was thus left a scene of charred and desolate ruins, the home of half-starved and half-wild dogs, and of carrion fowls feed ing upon refuse and the decaying carcasses of animals. Such was the spectacle that greeted the eyes of Er Lawshe, and other citizens who returned to the city in December, 1864. 50 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. CHAPTER X. REOCCUPATION AND REBUILDING OF THE CITY— 1865-72. The third great era in the history of Atlanta was introduced by the rehabiUtation of its people in 1865, and the rapid reconstruc tion of the homes and places of business, beginning in the spring of 1865, or about the close of the war. The two military measures — the one . depopulating the city, the other destroying -it — inflicted a calamity as terrible as was ever ex perienced by an American city, even in the revolutionary times of 1776. The desolation was utter ; but marvelous as had been its career up to its capture, the resurrection of Atlanta from its ashes. by a people moneyless as well as homeless, with thousands of wid ows and orphans thrown upon their care, is more marvelous still in the rapidity with which the city not only recovered its former pro portions, but sped far ahead of them. As previously stated, the people began returning in November and December, 1864. Before the end ofthe year 1865, the. old citi zens had very generally returned, and many others came who, ruined by the war, determined to seek new homes and begin afresh. In 1866 it was ascertained, through a census, that Atlanta, despite the losses of war, had already regained and passed the highest fig ure of its population anterior to the Confederate evacuation, and that it contained 20,228 people — the city limits being enlarged, by the Legislature of that year, to three miles in diameter in every di rection. The United States census of 1870 established the fact that Atlanta was the second city in the State, Savannah alone ex ceeding it in population. To the return of the old population, with their old character istics intensified by an almost total loss of property, is chiefly due the restoration to former prosperity with a rapidity rarely, if ever, paralleled in American history. Appreciating the situation, they ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 51 resolutely set to work to rebuild their fortunes. Did the scope of a general history allow, it would be pleasant to recount the story of individual effort. Every class proved true to its antecedent career. The lawyer, the merchant, and the mechanic, all went to work with a will. Conspicuous examples of merchants and me chanics, and of professional men, could be numerously cited. Among the new citizens acquired during this period will be rec ognized many who have attained official, social and business prom inence. At first the re building was in a haphazard manner, and hundreds of wooden and brick shanties were erected out of the debris of the ruins — in many instances the owners putting their own hands to the work, clearing away the rubbish and picking out the material fit for use. Er Lawshe set up the first store house on Whitehall street by the removal of a little one-story building from an other part of the city; and this was done by many others. The scarcity of buildings made rents enormous, and building materials were equally high. This state of things continued for several years. By 1869 and 1870, however, matters had settled down to a more soUd basis. Splendid residences and stores began to rise, and many of the shanties were pulled down and replaced by massive structures. In the years 1869, 1870, 1871 and 1872, building operations were immense, embracing stores, residences and public houses. Ip 1865 John H. James built his banking house, and McNaught & Scrutchins WALTON STREET RESIDENCE. 52 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. their store on Whitehall street, and J. C. Peck rebuilt his plan ing mill. In the same year, also, Mr. O. H, Jones, Marshal ofthe city in 1864, built fine livery stables for the accommodation of the greatly increasing stock trade he had established. In 1 868 the Third Baptist church was built by liberal contributions of Governor Brown and others. In 1869 E. E. Rawson rebuilt his store on Whitehall street ; Moore & Marsh finished a magnificent 36 by 185 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 53 store on Decatur street ; John H. James built his famous residence- now the Governor's Mansion, on. Peachtree street, at a cost of $70.- 000, and began a block on Whitehall street. In 1870 Louis DeGive buUt the Opera House, which Forrest, Booth, and other great ac tors, pronounce unsurpassed in acoustic properties ; the corner-stone of the Catholic Church was laid by Father Ryan ; the Fourth Bap tist Church was built by John H. Jaraes ; the Kimball House, one of the largest hotels in the United States, was built by H. I. Kim ball, at a cost of nearly half a million dollars; B. F. Wyly built a handsome residence on Washington street. In 1871 at least four hundred buUdings went up, among them the Republic Block, built by ex-Governor Brown, Judge O. A. Lochraneand others, on Pryor street ; the Austell building, on Decatur street ; the Union Passen ger Depot, one of the largest and finest iron depots in the United States, jointly constructed by the railroad companies. In 1872 an other church — the Fifth Baptist — was built by John H. James ; a three-story building on Broad street, by ex-Governor Brown ; a splendid 52 by 140 feet slate bank-vault, agricultural warehouse. by Mark W. Johnson ; a building for his hardware business, by Thomas M. Clarke, and numerous residences. Business advanced at an equal pace. The old commercial houses ¦were reestabUshed, banks were reorganised, and the old manu facturing enterprises were resuscitated. Trade rapidly fiUed up old channels, and overflowing the banks, made many new outlets. The monetary needs of the people were, of course, very press ing, and banking faciUties were speedily forthcoming. In 1865 John H. James recommenced his banking business ; the Georgia National Bank opened, John Rice, President, and E. L. Jones, Cash ier ; followed, 1866, by the Atlanta National Bank, with a capital since raised to $300,000 ; in 1868 by the Georgia Trust Company, with a capitalof $125,000 ; in 1872 by the State National, now Mer chant's Bank ; and in 1873, by the Citizens', and State of Georgia. Among the businesses established and reestabUshed were, in 1866, wholesale groceries by Jas. R. Wylie and P. & G. T. Dodd! hardware by Tommey, Stewart & Beck ; wholesale crockery by A. J. McBride. In 1868 the Atlanta Daily Constitution newspa per was started by Col. Carey W. Styles. In 1870 J. Morrison. A. Morrison and D. M. Bain established a new hardware store 54 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. under the firm name of Morrison, Bain & Co. Before the war J. C. McMillan and H. Y. Snow began a wholesale and retail grocery business. Snow started out again at the close of the war upon a salary of a half bushel of meal per day (worth twenty-five cents) in a southern Georgia mill, and McMillan, with equal pluck, went to work, and they reestabUshed that business. "Very nat urally the expansion of trade and great influx of population en hanced the value of real estate, and increased prices brought upon the market a large and increasing amount of property, which was eagerly purchased by speculators in the city and from abroad, as well as by non-residents. This proved one of the most fruitful sources of revenue to an impoverished people, and at the same time buUt up a comparatively new business, which in a few years assumed immense proportions. In 1868 George W. Adair opened a bureau for the sale and exchange of real estate property. In the six years following, prices.ran up to enormous and most unhealthy figures — millions of dollars changed hands. In 1873 came a new arm of progress — the Air-Line Railroad. As early as 1857, the growing wants of the city suggested to en terprising citizens the propriety of increased railroad facilities, and the opening of new lines of transportation into undeveloped sec tions. The agitation of the Air-Line Railroad followed. Ex- Mayor Norcross was the recognized leader in this movement, ably assisted by James M. Calhoun, L. J. Gartrell and others, and ob tained a charter. In 1859, Mr. Norcross was made President of the road, and was mainly instrumental in obtaining a subscription of several hundred thousand dollars along its proposed line. In 1858 the city of Atlanta subscribed $300,000. Grading contracts were made, and in i86a work was commenced. The war, and other causes suspended operations. In 1866 the citizens of Atlanta, in a large public meeting, endorsed the road. The company had been reorganized, work was recommenced in 1869, the road was completed in August, 1873, and in September, trains were running upon a regular schedule. Thus Atlanta became the market for an entirely new region of great and constantly developing resources. During these years still another field of business enterprise was extensively opened up, becoming one of the chief contributors to Atlanta's prosperity. In 1859 it was claimed that dry goods were ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 55 sold for one hundred Tnttes around ; but not until since the war did the wholesale business develop into a distinct element of the city's progress. This was also true of the cotton trade, which, in 1 867, showed receipts of only 17,000 bales, but at once began an upward career. The religious, moral, social and educational progress of this period was equally gratifying ; the number of religious organiza tions largely increased, some of which may be mentioned. June 17th, 1867, the Hebrew Synagogue was organized from the old Hebrew Benevolent Association — Mr. Jacob Steinheimer first offi ciating. In the same year the Loyd Street Methodist Episcopal Church was organized, and in 1870 and 1872 the Fourth and Fifth Baptist Churches followed. In the year 1870 Payne's and St. Paul's (Methodist) appeared. Educational and society organiza tions were so numerous that separate chapters will be devoted to them. 56 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER XI. BIRTH AND GROWTH OF ASSOCIATIONS.— 1865-72. Association is one of the essential elements of progress, and wherever this principle is found in active operation, great develop ment will also be discovered. So numerous was the organization of societies during this period — from the close of the war to the commercial crisis of 1873 — that it might be appropriately termed an era of association. Outside of educational institutions, and the mere utilitarian partnerships, combinations and corporations for business ends, great activity manifested itself in the establishment of societies and organizations for literary, social and benevolent purposes ; and to the latter this chapter will be devoted. In 1867 the Young Men's Library Association began its existence. Several attempts had been made in previous years, to establish a library, but had failed. This effort originated with D. G. Jones, then teller of thg Georgia National Bank. He laid the subject before the author of this book, who became heartily interested. A young lawyer — Henry Jackson — was next consulted, and the three agreed upon the caU of a meeting. This occurred in the room of Archi tect Parkins, over the Georgia National Bank, on the night of July 30th. There were present at the first meeting, Albert Hape, J. R. Barrick, D. G. Jones, C. P. Freeman, E. Y. Clarke, A. R. Watson, John R. Kendrick, W. H. Parkins, Henry Jackson, Ed. H. Jones, W. D. Luckie and C. H. Davidge. A temporary organization was effected by the election of J. R. Barrick, chairman, and A. R. Wat son, secretary. It was unanimously resolved to form a Library As sociation, and D. G. Jones, Henry Jackson and E. Y. Clarke were appointed a. committee to draft a constitution. On the following Monday night (August 5th) this committee reported the constitu tion, which was discussed but not acted upon. The question of rooms was considered, with the conclusion to continue, for the present, in the room of Mr. Parkins — returning thanks to Henry ILL US TRA TED A TLA N TA. 57 Jackson for the proffer of his office. By resolution of E. Y. Clarke, Rev. R. A. Holland was invited to lecture for the Association. At the third meeting, on Monday night, August 12th, A. R. Watson in the chsxr pro. tem., and W. D. Luckie, secretary pro^ tem., the con stitution, as. reported, was adopted. It declared that the name and style of the association shall be " The Young Men s Library Asso ciation of the City of Atlanta, " and that its purpose shall be " to facihtate mutual intercourse, extend our information on subjects of general utility, promote a spirit of useful inquiry, and qualify our selves to discharge properly the duties incumbent upon us in our various professions and pursuits ; ' and, in furtherance of these ob jects, to "coUect a library, establish a reading room, and organize a system of instruction by lectures. " At the next meeting the con stitution was signed by forty-seven members. The following Board of Directors, for the first year, was then elected : Henry Jackson, President; Darwin G. Jones, Vice-President; C.P. Free man, Secretary ; W. D. Luckie, Treasurer ; E. Y. Clarke, A. R, Watson, H. T. Phillips, E. B. Pond, Albert Hape, F. O. Rudy, \V. M. Williams, J. R. Barrick, L. H. Orme, Directors. The Board held its first meeting August 20th, and appointed its committees. On September 2d, the Board met for the first time in the rented library room, which was retained until 1877, when the new rooms were occupied. The Library Committee reported that the room rent was three dollars per month, and that the necessary shelving would not cost ovkc fifteen dollars. The first recorded donation is of Appleton's Cyclopedia, by Col. L. P. Grant, and others — a gen tleman distinguished for warm friendship and continuous liberality to the Association, and who was justly its first elected honorary member. For a year the struggle for existence was a hard one, and taxed the utmost effort and ingenuity of the managers. A concert was given during the first year which netted several hun dred dollars. The Lecture Committee inaugurated a system of lectures, and furnished a regular course, placing upon the stage such raen as Rev. R. A. Holland, Admiral Semmes, Gen. D. H. Hill, and Rev. J. S. Lamar ; but they ceuld do no more than make the course self-sustaining— the receipts exceeding expenses some fifty dollars. To sustain the institution, resort was had to many and various expedient-^. It grew gradually, however, into popular 58 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. favor, the membership continued to increase, and, finally, each suc cessive year showed continued progress tiU, in 1878 — the end of the period now under review — our Public Library was established beyond question. A life membership, conferring all rights and privileges, except those of voting and holding offlce, costs twenty-five dollars ; dues may be commuted for Ufe for fifty dollars. In 1858, the Hibernian Society organized under the presidency of B. T. Lamb. August 16th, 1863, it was reorganized as the Hiber nian Benevolent Society of Atlanta, with B. T. Lamb, President ; M. Mahoney, Treasurer ; Joseph Gatens, Secretary'. In 1869 the following were elected : John H. Flynn, President ; Owen Lynch and T. Burke, Vice-Presidents; W. H. Roche and Jas. Walsh, Treasurers ; W. Dowling and T. Nunan, Secretaries. Its general object is the temporal welfare of its members and their families. In June, 1867, the Concordia Association was organized, and speedily became popular. The first organization was : A. Lands- berg, President ; L. Lieberman, Vice-President ; S. Rosenfeld, Secretary^ Charles Beerman, Treasurer ; L. Rosenfeld, Financial Secretary ; A. L.Labold, Stage Manager ; and the following were the first or original members : M. Eisman, Jr., Lewis Alexander, J. L. Cohen, M. Friedenthal, D. Fleishel, J. F. Fleishel, B. Fleishel, B. Friedman, M. Frank, M. Fletcher, M. Franklin, M. Hartman, G. A. Huald, S. Hirschberg, H. Kuhrt, G. Katzenstein, L. Levy, E. Lang, E. Loveman, M. Menko, A. Rosenfeld, Wm. Rich, D. Rosen berg, E. A. Shulhafer, J. Steinheimer, D. Steinheimer, Isaac Stein heimer, E. Steinheimer, M. Somer, L. Somer, J. Rosenfeld, S. Weil, L. Cahn. Its objects are mutual improvement in elocution, debates and dramatic performances, and social amusements. In May, of the same year, the Ladies' Memorial Association was organized, for the purpose of collecting the remains of the Con federate dead, their proper interment, and the erection of a monu ment. How well its work has been done, appears from the state ment that the scattered remains of over five thousand bodies were collected and re-interred, and that a splendid monument was erected out of our Stone Mountain granite. In May, 187J, the Baptist Orphans' Home was organized. Ex- Governor Brown was made one of the trustees, and Mr. John H. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 59 James, Treasurer, who, assisted by his wife, had a very large share •n the management. The Home was started in Atlanta, but shortly secured an excellent building two miles out of the city, where it supported many children. March i, 1873, the Atlanta Turn Verein organized with a mem bership of twenty-five, for the purpose of mental and physical development. It is a member of the great Turner Verein, extend ing all over the United States. The charter members were C. J. Weinmeister, H. Muhlenbrink, Dr. Ch. Rauschenberg, Aaron Haas, Chas. Brown, D. Fechter and E. Fechter. There were many other organizations, but sufficient mention has been made to indicate the progress in this direction. 6o ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER XII. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS— 1865-72. During this period of general reconstruction and progress, educa tional interests had advanced, and the city was well supplied with private schools and collegiate institutions. But Atlanta began soon to grow restless under that pressing need of a great j:ity — a thor ough system of education, and one that .would embrace every child within its limits, thereby securing ample instruction to all, whether rich or poor. Even before the war, public attention was directed to that necessity. In 1858, on the loth of September, a public meet- %g was held, at the City Hall, and a coramittee, previously appoint ed, made an able report through their chairman — Green B. Haygood — favoring public schools, and urging the City Council to provide buildings, levy a school fund tax, and memorialize the Legislature for full powers. For some reason the matter went no further at that time, though the Secretary, Mr. J. S. Peterson, published the entire proceedings of the raeeting. On Septeraber 24th, 1869, however, the City CouncU passed a resolution, introduced by Alderman D. C. O'Keefe, tothe effect that the success and perpetuation of free institutions depend upon the virtue and intelligence of the people, and that the pubUc school sys tem has been proven to be the best calculated to promote these prime objects, and is the cheapest and most efficient system; and that a coramittee of Councilmen and citizens be appointed to inves tigate and report upon the subject of pubUc schools for Atlanta. Mayor W. H. Hulsey, D. C. O'Keefe, E. R. Carr, and citizens. Dr. J. P. Logan, W. M, Jones, J. H. Flynn, E. E. Rawson, David May er, L. J. Gartrell and S. H. Stout were appointed that committee, and they prepared an elaborate report, which was adopted by Council November 19th, recommending the establishment of a public school system. On the 26th, of the same month, resolutions were offered by Al. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 6i derman D. C. O'Keefe, providing for the election of a Board of Ed ucation, the erection of public school-houses, and such other steps as were necessary to the establishment of the schools. On December I oth, the Board was elected, consisting of twelve members, J. P. Logan, E. E. Rawson. J. E. Brown, L. E. Bleckley, forsix years; John H. Flynn, L, P. Grant. David Mayer, H. T. PhiUips, for four years ; S. H. Stout, W. A. Hemphill, M. C. Blan chard, D. C. O'Keefe, for two years. The city charter was amended in 1870 to establish and maintain the system by the imposing and collection of requisite taxes, and the issuance of bonds, not exceeding $100,000. In the following year, 1870, the City Council passed an ordinance, giving the Board of Ed ucation full control of the. public shools, with power to construct. lease or purchase buUdings, making the necessary appropriations, with the Mayor of the city ex-officio member of the Board ; and three school-houses were at once built, and by January, 1872, were completed. PubUc exercises of inauguration occurred January 30th , at the Ivy street shool building, with addresses by Chancellor Lips comb, Rev. A. T. Spalding, State School Commissioner Orr, Mayor John H. James, Judge H. R. McCay and Gov. J . E. Brown. On the 1 5th of Noveraber, 1871, Mr. Bernard Mallon, of Savannah, was elected superintendent. By February following the miblic schools were opened, and at the end of the first year, showed the foUowing remarkable status : two thousand and seventy-five white scholars ; two high schools and seven grammar schools, taught by twenty-four females and six males. I'vy Street School opened January 31st ; Boys' High_ School, Feb ruary ist; Girls' High School, February 5th ; Crew Street School, February 21st; Walker Street School, February 21st; Decatur Street School, February 27th ; Luckie Street School, February 29th Governor Joseph E. Brown has been President of the Board since the organization ; E. E. Rawson, Treasurer, and David Mayer, Vice-President. The experienee and ability of the Superintendent speedily devel oped the work. At the end of the scholastic year the number of children enrolled in the schools was nearly four thousand, which evinced their great popularity. There were fifty-six teachers. The 62 ILLUS7 RATED ATLANTA. school property was valued at about $100,000. The last estimate of the average cost per scholar is less than $1.50 per month. A Convent School for girls is kept by the Sisters of Mercy. A University was built for colored people — male and female — which receives an annual appropriation from the State of $8,000. In 1868 Moore's Business University was established by Prof. B. F. Moore. It has gained a wide-spread reputation ; over one thou sand young men have been in attendance on it in this city. It re ceives an extensive patronage from Georgia, Alabama, South Caro Una, North CaroUna, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Flori da, and furnishes a complete business and commercial education. It will thus be seen that the educational progress of the period kept fully abreast of the advance movement in every other grand interest of the city. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 63 CHAPTER XIII. A FINANCIAL CRISIS -1873, In 1873 the population, by census, was 30,869. The Air-Line Railroad was finished, and many improvements, under way at the beginning of the year, were completed. But in this year a great monetary crisis befell the country, and the financial panic swept like a whirlwind over Atlanta. Building stopped, the wheels of prog ress were clogged, the prices of real estate tumbled tremendously, and business was prostrated. Of course this state of things caused general damage, and all suffered ; but to the great credit of Atlanta, and of the sound foundation of its business prosperity, few large houses were seriously effected, and though the crash of great houses and banks was resounding in all cities of the land, not a single bank in Atlanta fell, though there was a run on all of them. It is true Hhat Mr. James' bank suspended, but the suspension was only tem porary. With his characteristic judgment and decision, he threw a hundred thousand dollars of his real estate immediately upon the market, which, though sold under the auctioneer's hammer at a great sacrifice, furnished him ready money, and tended to restore to him public confidence. In less than sixty days his bank was all right- again. Thus no bank in Atlanta was crushed. Business, however, was prostrate ; trade flowed sluggishly in its channels for several years ; but a peaple whom fire and sword, and consequent monetary bankruptcy, could not destroy, would not be kept down by a financial panic audits effects, however disastrous. Progress soon began to manifest itself ; indeed, as always in the career of Atlanta, there was not an absolute halt in its onward march. St. Luke's Episcopal Church and a German Lutheran Church were added to its houses of worship, and a Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized. Progress soon again became quite noticeable, new hotels, facto ries, banks, and other enterprises appearing. Immense fires only 64 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. made way for nobler structures, and so continued the march of im provement. Numerous churches were buUt, some of them. Trinity (Methodist), the Roman Cath olic, and others, being exceed ingly handsome. The new Hebrew Synagogue, completed a few years later, was begun under the efficient manage ment of the building com mittee, J. T. Eichberg, L. Cahn, M. FrankUn, H. Haas. Another advance step, and ^Sii;>S.' CATHOLIC CHURCH, HUNTER STREET, a very great one in the direction of culture, was the formation of a musical society called the Beethoven. After a time it was suspen ded, but it was reorganized January 25th, 1877, under the Presi dency of Julius L. Brown, a gentleman distinguished for his devo tion to the higher culture, an able lawyer, and one of the successful Directors of the Young Mens' Library. In the meantime the Ros sini Society had organized, in 1876, under the business manage-, ment of President J. F. Burke, Treasurer W. C. Morrill, and other competent gentlemen ; G. P.Guilford, organist of the Central Presby terian Church, being the Musical Director, Mrs, Mary Madden, Pianist, and C. C. Guilford, Librarian. These gentlemen were suc ceeded by J. C. Courtney, as President ; David H. Appier, Vice- President ; Prof. E. H. Kruger, Musical Director ; C. M. D. Brown, Secretary ; B. W. Wrenn, G, A. Camp, J. Scrutchin, L. DeGive, Jos. Morgan, Charles Beerman, and MesSrs. J. C. Courtney and D. H. Appier, Directors. The humanitarian or philanthropic movements of the decade were most successful. By far the grandest of this character was the Benevolent Association, organized in January, 1874. The movement originated with the ladies, ever foremost in acts looking to the elevation of humanity and the amelioration of its suffering condition. The active efforts of Mrs. W. H. TuUer and Mrs. J A. Hayden, among others, brought about a meeting of ladies and gentlemen, and an organization resulted. Its objects embrace the ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 65 physical and moral welfare of the poor and the homeless. For this purpose a "Home" has been provided, where the homeless and sick are cared for. It is proper that so great a charity should be prom inently set forth that it may accomplish still greater good by a more extensive knowledge of its purposes, which are, to provide a temporary home for destitute and helpless women and children, to aid women and giris out of employment in finding suitable work, and also, as soon as practicable, to give free instructions in industrial pursuits, thereby enabling such persons to become self-supporting and useful. Any person could become a member of this Association by pay ing the sum of one dollar annually. The payment of twenty-five doUars at anytime, constituted life merabership. The officers of the Home consisted of a President, two Vice-Presi dents, a Secretary, Treasurer, twenty-four Managers, and an Advi sory Coramittee of seven gentlemen, chosen annually, and who to gether constituted a Board of Managers.' The officers were: Campbell Wallace, President; Mrs. W. H. TuUer, ist Vice-President; M'rs. James Jackson, 2nd Vice-President ; Mrs. B, Mallon, Secretary; D, Mayer, Esq., Treasurer ; Advisory Board : J. F. Burke, Dr. Sam'l. Hape, B. Mallon, S. M. Inman, W. R. Brown, J. C. Kimball, W. Goodnow. Board of Managers : Mrs. E. Y. Hill, Mrs. J. H. James, Mrs. Geo. Sharpe, Mrs. C. Peeples, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. J. S. Oli- ver.Mrs. R. J Godfrey, Mrs. J. H. Flynn, Mrs, W. A. Rawson, Mrs. B. A. Pratt, Mrs. R. A. Anderson, Mrs. S. J. Hines, Mrs. J. H, Al exander, Mrs, G.' W. D, Cook, Mrs. W. B. Lowe, Mrs. R. F, Mad- dox, Mrs. C. H. Milledge, Mrs, A. B. Sharpe, Mrs. VV. C. Morril, Mrs, L. M, Rigdon, Mrs, O, C, Carroll, Mrs. Geo. Boynton, Miss M, Dunwoody. At a subsequent period the systera of management was changed as wUl appear. The Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society was chartered in 1870, In 1878 the officers were: Mrs. J. T. Eichberg, President ; Mrs. D. Rich, Secretary ; Mrs. L. Lieberman, Vice-President. Its general object is assistance to poor Jewish families. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was organ ized in 1876 by Miss Louise King, of Augusta, aided by a lady noted for her charitable works. Miss Nellie Peters, now Mrs. Geo. R. Black. Under its operations several prosecutions have occurred, 5 66 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. FRANKLIN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 27 AND 29 DROAD STREET. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 67 leading to improved treatment of dumb brutes ; and drinking foun tains have been erected through the city for their benefit — the lar gest one being the present of Hon, John P. King, the distinguished President of the Georgia Railroad, In 1877 another library association was organized — the CathoUc Library Association, Its object is the dissemination of Catholic literature and knowledge generally. Its first officers were : J, F. Burke, President ; R. D. Spalding, Vice-President ; A. C. Ford, Treasurer ; John M. Graham, Secretary, and John H. Flynn, E. Van Goidsnoven, P, J. Moran, W, B, Cox, John Stephens, M, H, Dooly, John Doonan and Joseph Gatens, Directors. For several centuries the progress of the printing art has been both a great indicator and powerful promoter of national and local prosperity. One has only to glance at a book or college catalogue issued from the FrankUn Steam Printing House of Atlanta, to as certain how near perfection this art has been brought. The Frank lin Steam Printing House is now the property of James P, Harrison, Geo. W. Harrison, Z. D. Harrison and J S. Lawton, and has rapidly assumed mammoth dimensions. Under the business man agement of Jas. P, Harrison, the superintendence of John S Prather, and th*e thorough book-keeping of George W. Harrison — men unsurpassed in their departments — the Franklin has grown until it has become the largest printing house of the South. A half dozen journals and magazines, besides the regular job and book work, are issued from its presses. Its business extends throughout this and many of the neighboring States, and now embraces the official printing of the State government, by action of the Legislature, Such a house, giving the year round employment to fifty odd men and women, with a large invested capital in its business, and with a large patronage from abroad, is a blessing to the city, and contri butes largely to its prosperity. 68 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER XIV. MUNICIPAL REFORM— 1873-4. There is a tendency in all cities to create public debt, especially where there are few or no charter restrictions upon the municipal authorities. This arises in a great part from the importunities of the citizens themselves for subscription to this or that enterprise on account of alleged public interest or utility and in some measure from the incompetency and venality of officials. The citizens of Atlanta, wide-awake upon all matters touching the welfare of the city, and also incited by the monetary stringency and steady decline of values, had detected the accumulation of city indebtedness, and becoming alarmed, in 1873, set about devising means to save the city from future bankruptcy. The police system was also a source of great complaint and dissatisfaction on several grounds. Under the existing system a high state of efficiency and discipline was im practicable ; and the poUce force was a powerful element in every municipal election, exercising an undue influence over the result. The public interest sternly demanded a change ; the policeman must be taken out of municipal politics, and be made more efficient. A petition, signed by J. H, Callaway, J, .A, Hayden, Amos Fox, and some one hundred and fifty other citizens, was read before the City Council, Noveraber i, 1873, alleging that the charter, though often amended, had never been thoroughly revised, and urging that this was greatly needed, and should be done to insure future pros perity. "This petition was referred to a special committee, who re ported on the following Friday night, November 8th, recommen ding the appointment of forty-nine citizens, seven from each of the seven wards. The report was unanimously ado pted, and " the committee of forty-nine " was appointed, including such men as L. P. Grant, G. W, Adair, George Hillyer, N, L. Angier, J. P. Logan, L. J. Gartrell, John H. Flynn, John L. Hopkins, N. J. Hammond, ILL US TRA TED ATLANTA. John H, James, A, Murphy, W. G, GramUng, L, E, Bleckley, J. A. Richardson, W. B. Cox and John T. Grant. On the night of No vember 1 8th, this committee met at the Recorder's room. L. E. Bleckley was made chairman, and one from each ward was appoin ted to report subjects to be referred to sub-committees of three each. The subjects reported were City Governraent, Finance, Elections, Sanitary Regulations, Police, Water-Works, Public Schools,and Streets,and they were referred to the separate sub-com mittees. On November 26th a committee was appointed to consol idate the various sub-committee reports. The consolidated report was submitted and adopted. The ensuing Legislature passed the charter thus revised, and it was approved by the Governor,February 28th, 1874. No event of more vital consequence ever occurred in the govern mental policy of Atlanta. No municipal reform was ever more thorough, as will be seen at a glance at some of the new features of the charter and their operation. In the first place, it puts a stop to the creation of debt. Section 32 of the charter says that no bonds shall be hereafter issued, except by an affirmative two- thirds vote of two successive Councils, the approval of the Mayor, and a majority vote of the cizens in a popular election. In all ap propriations of money for the increase of indebtedness or expendi ture of revenue, except for salaries, the Councilmen and Aldermen must vote separately and agree. For this purpose the General Council was constituted of three Aldermen for the city at large, and two Councilmen from each ward; the Aldermen and Councilmen separating into two bodies in all matters of finance. It is also stipulated that the annual expenses shall be so restricted as not to exceed the annual income, after certain payments on the public debt, and that no General Council shall borrow money, save in the management of existing indebtedness. As an additional safeguard, a clause was inserted enacting the personal liability of Mayor, Councilmen and Aldermen for the refunding of all amounts appro priated in violation of the charter, and it is made the imperative duty of the Clerk of Council to institute recovery suits. Advancing a step farther, provision is made for the constant annual reduction of the public debt by the setting apart of one- fourth of the tax on real estate for the payment of the principal of ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. floating liabilities. Still another step was taken in this direction^ While increased indebtedness is prevented and reduction secured. the business interests of the city must be protected from burden some taxation. To do this, taxation is limited to one and a half per cent. In the department of official conduct, and the proper administra tion of the laws, the regulations of the charter are equally effective. Official malconduct, to the financial detriment of the city, is made impossible. The greatest reform, however, under this head, was the entire change of the police system, and its divorcement from the General Council. A separate board, called Police Commission ers, consisting of five citizens, elected by a two-thirds vote of the General Council, was instituted, and into their sole control was confided the election and government of the police force. It is unnecessary to note any other changes wrought by the charter ; these are sufficient to show that it is a masterpiece of municipal reform, and secures the people, absolutely, against municipal bankruptcy and burdensome taxation, and guarantees a faithful and vigorous administration of the laws, for the protection of their lives, liberties, and property. It is true that the severe restrictions of the charter wiU not per mit any very general system of thorough improvements at pres ent, but any inconvenience from this cause will be cheerfully borne, in view of the steady reduction of the public debt, and the new stimulus infused into every factor of the city's prosperity, and the increased values imparted to its property. It must be remembered, too, that the gradual reduction of the interest account, together with the enlarged income from taxation, will, in a few years, pro duce an excess, which will insure the most liberal appropriations for every object countenanced by the charter. The first Mayor elected under its operations was Judge C. C. Hammock. In his official address, at retirement, he uttered this strong language : "The most signal of your achievements has been the successful ap plication, and faithful execution, of the provisions of the new city charter. Under its operation, the city has experienced what may aptly be termed a new birth — such has been the change wrought in her financial standing, and her prospects for future growth and prosperity. Previous to its going into practical effect, her credit, ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. (the foundation of governmental, as well as of private, character) was impaired and diminishing ; but under the confidence-inspiring provision of the new charter, wisely conceived and courageously enforced, Atlanta has, at one bound, inaugurated perpetual economy in her expenditures — the steady, gradual reduction of her in debtedness — and placed her securities on an up-grade, without a parallel in the financial experience of these unfortunate times." ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. CHAPTER XV. MOVEMENTS OF BUSINESS.— 1875 The commercial panic, not being based upon temporary causes simply, but upon a general depreciation of the values from inflated proportions to their true standard, the settling down or adjustment of business to the changed condition was necessarily the work of years. But the commercial circles of Atlanta gradually worked out of the depression of the times, and reassumed their old activity. Renewed vigor produced greater expansion, and expansion, in its turn, demanded enlarged facUities. More banking capital was needed, and more and larger houses for the handling and storage of goods. One secret of Atlanta's progress is that no demand of trade, however feeble, faUs to produce an effort at supply. So it was at this time. New banks were organized, and more business structures erected. In addition to those already mentioned, the Atlanta Savings Bank appeared in 1875, under the management of S. B. Hoyt, President, and R. H. Richards, Cashier. The year 1875 was one of marvelous progress in buUding opera tions. Real estate improvements aggregated in value, perhaps, $1,000,000. This improvement embraced the filling up of numer ous unsightly spots ; as for instance, the drainage of a marshy spot south of Hunter street, and the erection of numerous cottage build ings thereon, at an expense of perhaps twenty-five thousand dol lars, by Col. Tom. Alexander, at that period one of Atlanta's prom inent railroad contractors, and who invested his faith in Atlanta and its future to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars, in real es tate and improvements. P. &. G. T. Dodd &_ Co., to accommo date their great business, erected a splendid building on Alabama street — part of an entire block erected at the same time. A costly hotel — the Markham House — was erected, and a six-story cotton ILL USTRA TED A tLaNtA. factory went up. Residences — and many fine ones — ascended as if by magic. Business exhibited great activity. One of the most important events of the year was the establishment of the National Surgical Institute, for the treatment of all deformities of the body, face and limbs, including paralysis and chronic diseases. It is an incor porated institution with a capital of $500,000, and has treated thousands of cases. It has the unqualified endorsement of leading citizens, and is accomplishing a vast amount of good. Among the movements of trade may be noted that of wholesale groceries to Alabama street. In 1873, Stokes & Co., wholesale fruiterers, removed to this street ; Stephens and Flynn, Dodd & Co., Fuller & Smith followed, making it the leading wholesale gro cery street of Atlanta, of which more hereafter. Vi illustrated ATLANTA. CHAPTER XVI. GENERAL PROGRESS FROM 1870-1880. The progress of Atlanta during the decade from 1870 to 1880 not only equalled, but has surpassed that of any other period. The progress was a general one, extending to every department of business and industry. The same advance marked all other inter ests, religious, educational and social. Besides municipal reforms, the city government had also made great progress in the establish ment of important public works, among these was the supply of the city with water, at a cost of nearly a half million of dollars. Though the well and mineral waters of Atlanta were amply suf ficient for all drinking purposes, yet the continuous increase of population rendered another source of supply advisable for the central part of the city, and more particularly for the objects of sewerage, and the extinguishment of fire, Hunnicutt & Bellin grath, in 1875 and 1876, laid seventeen miles of pipe, aU of which stood the test of two hundred pounds pressure to the square inch. The water can be thrown in numerous streams to the top of the highest buildings. The works are under the control of a Water- Board, elected by the people. The duties of the members of the Board are not only responsible, but also quite onerou s in the case of the President, who at present is E. E. Rawson, the public spirited citizen, whose time and labor form so prominent and large a part of many of our best institutions. Another most important step was the building of a street railway by George W. Adair and Richard Peters. This proved a valuable stimulus to the property of the city. PART II. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. . 71 ATLANTA OF TO-DAY, The preceding outline of the history of the city brings us to At lanta as it is — the great, populous, and thriving metropolis, of the State, In attempting to impart an adequate idea of its present proportions and probable future, it will be necessary to glance at its population, trade, industries, institutions, and advantages both as a place of business and residence. In doing this no particular method will be observed in the treatment of these topics, except, perhaps, in following -somewhat the order in which they present themselves to the notice of the visitor. RAILROADS. Atlanta is frequently caUed the "Gate City." The origin of the title dates back to 1857, in the sumraer of which year the Mayor of Memphis, with a nuraber of ladies and gentlemen, on their way to Charleston, with water from the Mississippi,to be mingled with the water of the Atlantic, passed through Atlanta. They had a cordial reception and collation, and passed on, accompanied by Mayor Ezzard and ladies and gentlemen of Atlanta, In Charleston they had a royal time, a big banquet, and fine toasts. The sentiment proposed for Atlanta denominated it the Gate City, signifying that to reach the West from the sea-board, or the sea-board from the West, the way passed through Atlanta, which was thus the "Gate." To a great extent Atlanta is the offspring of raUroads. The site was chosen, as previously stated, because it was the natural junc tion of railroads converging from different sections of the State to meet a railroad line from the West, being at the intersecting point of several mountain ridges leading into upper, middle and eastern Georgia, The completion of the roads at once established com mercial invercourse between the West and Atlantic seaboard, and Atlanta became a great depot or distributing point between the two. This is 'the foundation stone of the mighty superstructure of com- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. **¦ 5 - ^t ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 73 mercial prosperity to-day marking the spot — a prosperity unexam pled in the South, and with few parallels in the whole country, as regards both that rapidity and solidity of growth, from which the city has been often termed, not inaptly, the "Chicago of the South." The railroad systera of Atlanta is now complete. With five finished railroads leading in every direction of the compass, and more roads in process of construction, Atlanta has a net-work of railroads, mak ing the facUities of transportation simply perfect. Two of the latter roads arc supplemental lines which wUl inure to the city's increased benefit by competition with existing roads. All of them are links of great trunk lines, traversing the country in every direction, and WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD DEPOT FROM BROAD STREET BRIDGE. they make Atlanta the centre of a grand system of railways. The Western & Atlantic Railroad stretches toward the West, connect ing with the railroad lines Vo the North ; the Atlanta & West Point Railroad, making direct communication with the Southwest ; the Central, formerly the Macon & Western Road, leading to the At lantic coast and the South ; the Georgia Railroad, stretching to the 74 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. East, and the Air-Line Railroad, running directly northward. For all the purposes of speedy transportition, commercial intercourse, and accessibility to and from every section, the railroad facUities of Atlanta are certainly perfect. Nearly all these roads have fine depots and round-houses, and are splendidly equipped, running sleeping and parlor cars, and numer ous trains every day. The Western & Atlantic Railroad, having been built by the State, is known as the State Road. Some years ago it was leased by the State, to which it now belongs, to a company, of which Senator Josph E. Brown is President. Under his presidency and the super intendency of General Wm. McRae, it has no superior in the United States, being splendidly equipped. It connects Atlanta with Chat tanooga, Tennessee, over a line of 138 mUes in length. It is a most lucrative property, worth millions of dollars. The Georgia Railroad, which was the second road built to Atlan ta, runs from Augusta to Atlanta, 171 miles. It has several branches. John W. Green is manager. The Atlanta & West Point Road extends from Atlanta to West Point, in the direction of. Alabama. New Orleans and the South west. The distance is 87 miles. Under the long superintendency of L, P. Grant it became famous among Southern railroads for its freedom from accident and its promptness on schedule time. The Central Railroad, formerly the Macon & Western, connects Atlanta and Macon, over a line of 103 miles, and extends to Savan nah. The Macon & Western was the third road in and out of At lanta, A few years since it was bought by the Central, which is managed most successfully by President Wm, Wadley and Superin tendent Wm, Rogers. The Air-Line, or Atlanta & Charlotte Railroad, (from Atlanta to Charlotte 269 miles,) is now a link of the great Richmond & Dan ville Railway. It is a magnificent road, originating in the desire to have an "air-line" to the North and East, which it is. The new roads in process of construction are the Georgia Pacif ic, of which ex-Senator John B, Gordon is President, and will extend to the Mississippi, through the inexhaustiblexoal fields of Alabama, and it is a road which Atlanta has been trying to build for years to supplement her coal supply. The other roads are from Atlanta to ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 75 Macon, and from Atlanta to Rome, and wiU form links of the 'Cole" system, managed by the distinguished raUroader, E. W. Cole. The completion of these roads (and two of them will certainly be finished within a year), will give Atlanta eight railroad lines, which in this particular will rank Atlanta among the great cities of the United States. It makes its railroad system and facilities abso lutely complete. This fact alone assures to the city a constant growth in business and population. \%\\\ It >i: I ig ^-% SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY. The Southern Express Company has cars on all the roads. W. H. Clayton is the Superintendent, and Wm. H. Hulbert, agent. THE HOTELS. There is no city in the United States better provided with hotels than Atlanta. In fact, for years, the splendor and capacity of its hotel accommodations were far in advance of the city's needs. 76 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. The K imball Houe is a magnificent hotel both in its proportions and appointments, ranking in these respects among the first of the \ tt \ ^ >-^ Lr-— M+ land.' It covers an]area 210x163 feet, nearly a whole block, and fronting on three streets, Pryor, Decatur and Wall. It is six stories ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 77 high and has three hundred and fifty rooms. The vestibule or of fice floor contains a beautiful fountain surrounded by tropical plants, and a magnificent chandelier suspended through a number of arcades. It is under the management of Messrs. Scoville & Terry, who have made the hotel popular and conducted it in a style com mensurate with its rank and class. The Markham House was built a few years later by Wm, Mark ham, and is called a "parlor hotel" on account of its interior beauty and comfort. It is exceedingly popular, and is first- class in every r, ^t 4 \- &¦ '¦>' respect. Until lately it was under the joint management of ex- Mayor W. A. Huff, of Macon, and Mr. Phil Brown, of the famous Blue Ridge Spring of Virginia ; but lately Mr. Brown sold to his 78 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. partner, leaving the management entirely with Mr. Huff, who is one of Georgia's foremost men in abUity and enterprise. The Markham unde.' his management will be always filled with guests. The National Hotel, though not so large as the two former,is still not a small hotel. It has recently been enlarged by the addi tion of a story and other improvements, and is under the manage ment of Capt. E, T, White, The custom of the house shows that THE NATIONAL HOTEL. it is in great favor with the traveling public, and Capt, White is liked by everybody who becomes his guest. The Wilson House, one of the cosiest little hotels to be found anywhere. Col, B. J. Wilson bought the old building and lot, corner of Alabaraa and Pryor streets, in 1872, In 1873 he tore down the building to the foundation and erected a new one. It has about fifty rooms, and double parlors, Capt, Keith keeps a good and a neat hotel, and finds no difficulty in securing a remu nerative patronage. The AiR-LiNE House is one of the cheaper hotels, is situated on South Pryor street, and is kept by Mrs. Tilman. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PLACES AND GROUNDS. A new city has rarely as raany attractions in public buildings and grounds as an old one. Atlanta, however, is not uninteresting in this respect. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 79 8o ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. The Capitol Building is six storieshigh, and contains all the departments of the State Government. This building is only tem porary, and a new one will soon be erected to cost a million or more, for which the grounds have already been selected and plans advertised for. On the second floor are the Senate Chamber and Representative HaU. In these are to be seen on the walls large portraits of dis tinguished Georgians, including that of James Oglethorpe, the founder of the State, as well as portraits of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and LaFayette. The State Library is on the ground floor, and is quite extensive. The efficient Librarian, Mr. Frank L. Haralson, keeps it in excel lent order and it is worth the visit of any inteUigent gentleman or lady. On the same floor wUl be found one of the special objects of in terest in the city — the State Department of Agriculture. It is conspicuous for its features- of instruction and information to the stranger and the farraer. On entering the capacious and airy hall occupied by the department, the first object which attracts at tention is the beautiful aquarium, which is used during the spring and summer to illustrate the varieties of carp fish and the wonder ful rapidity with which they grow. During the faU and winter it serves as a temporary depository for the young carp while they are being distributed to the various ponds of the State. The facts shown in this little aquarium have contributed in no small degree to the interest in fish-culture which has so completely taken posses sion of the people of the State. On either side are tables bearing specimens of minerals and woods illustrative of the resources of the State. The walls are ornamented with portraits of prominent agricul turists, pictures of fine stock, game birds and fish, and samples of various kinds of wool. Further on we come to the display of agricultural products prop er. Gracefully suspended from circular pendents are samples of the various grasses, grains and textUe 'plants grown in the State; illustrating at once the quality and variety of the productions of the Comraonwealth. Arranged in tiers on tables are samples of seeds of every imaginable variety. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. A large book-case on one side of the hall exhibits the publications of the department which are distributed free of cost to the citizens of the State. Hundreds of thousands of books and pamphlets have been distributed since the establishment of the department, which has exerted, in this way, a most valuable educational influence upon the farmers of the State, In glass cases prepared for the purpose .are specimens of goods of various kinds, manufactured. In still other cases are samples of commercial fertilizers taken by inspectors under the law requiring the inspection and analysis of all -fertilizers sold in the State. In rear of the hall an interesting and instructive experiment is being conducted. Representative soils were collected last spring from seven different sections of the State, Each of them was put into eight bins or boxes two feet square and fifteen inches deep. In collecting the soUs the subsoil ^and soil were kept separate and deposited in the bins in the posi tion and ratio in which they were formed to the depth of one foot. Virgin soil was taken in each case from the original forests. In order to ascertain what element or elements of plant food each va riety of soU needed, the foUowing test was applied to each: To bins No. i nothing was appUed, to No. 2 phosphoric acid alone, to No. 3 potash alone, to No. 4 ammonia alone, to No. 5 phosophate acid and potash, to No. 6 phosophate acid and ammonia, to No. 7 potash and ammonia and to No. 8 all three combined. This is just the experiment which every farmer needs to conduct on his own land. The department is daily visited by many persons in search of information, and they seldom leave unsatisfied, as the gentlemen in charge are well informed on scientific and practical agriculture. The Commissioner, Hon. J. T. Henderson, is a gen tleman of liberal education and large practical experience. Mr. R. J. Redding, the assistant commissioner, is a gentleman of fine ac complishments and long practical experience on the farm. Mr. J. S. Newman, editing clerk of the department, has a University educa tion and a practical experience in every branch of husbandry, in- . eluding grass, grain and tobacco culture and stock breeding as prac ticed in Virginia, besides a large experience in planting and fruit . culture in Georgia. Mr. W. B. Henderson, clerk of the Depart ment, is a young man of good education and fine business qualifica- . tions. Mr. W. H. HoweU is a gentleman of well-known^haracter 6 82 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. and business quaUfications. All these gentlemen take pleasure in entertaining strangers and visitors. The department as conducted is worthy of the great State to the development of whose resources and industries it was established. Visitors to the city should not fail to go through this interesting department. GOVERNOR S MANSION, PEACHTREE STREET. The Governor's Mansion is situated on Peachtree street and is now occupied by Governor Alfred H. Colquitt. It was erected by Mr. John H. James for his residence, but was bought by the State for over a hundred thousand dollars. It is quite a democratic mansion, as the Governor and his good wife frequently allow the ladies of the city to have lawn and supper parties there for charitable objects. The City Hall and park are on East Hunter street. The building is used at present by the city government, county and city courts. , ILL US TRA TED ATLANTA. 83 CITY HALL. The international Cotton Exposition is this year (1881) the chief attraction at Oglethorpe Park. The visitor will find in guide-books a more detailed account. WhUe temporary in its na ture, it is to be hoped that the buUdings or a part of them may fall into the hands of the city for permanent use. The first suggestion of the Exposition came from a newspaper article. Hon. Edward Atkinson, of Boston, Massachusetts, made an address in Atlanta on the 19th of October, 1880, on the Cultivation of Cotton, which led to a meeting of business men, at which a Cotton Exposition was determined upon somewhere in the South. It was Atlanta's good fortune, after considerable discussion, to be selected. The object is the presentation, of the various processes through which the fleecy staple goes, from the seed to the manufactured fabric, the cotton field and machinery resting side by side. This is 84 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. a spectacle never before ex hibited at a fair. But the original scope of the Exposi tion has been greatly enlarg ed, and embraces the wide fields of exhibits usual to World's Fairs. Several hun dred thousand dollars were subscribed in various parts of the country for the erec tion of buildings. The or ganization was such as to inspire confidence, as it was \ composed of leading citizens : and prominent gentlemen. \ Senator Joseph E. Brown \ was the first President of \ the Executive Committee, ; but a short time before the - opening, October 5th, was \ succeeded by Governor Col quitt, of this State. Vice-Presidents, Robert Tannehill, N. Y., W. H. Gardner, Ala., W. C. Sibley, Ga, Secretary, J. W, Ryck- man, Pa,; Secretary pro. tem., J, R. Lewis, Ga.; Treasurer, S. M, Inman. The Director- Genefal is H. I, Kimball, who is also Chairman of the Executive Committee. Maj. Ben. E, Crane, (Langs ton & Crane), President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, is Chairman pro, tem, of the Execu tive Committee, which comprises James R, Wylie, A, C, Wylie and G. T. Dodd, wholesale grocers ; J, R. Lowry, banker ; R, F. Mad- dox, cotton warehouseman ; W. A, Moore, M, C. Kiser and E. P. ILL US TRA TED ATLANTA. 85 Chamberlin, wholesale dry goods ; L. P. Grant and G. J. Foreacre, Railway Supt's. ; J. A. Fitten, hardware ; Richard Peters, Sidney Root, E. P. HoweU, Hon. J. L. Hopkins, B. F. Abbott, T. G. Healy, J.. C. Peck ; J. T. Henderson, Commissioner of Agriculture, and J. F. Cummings, of Atlanta ; W. C. Neff, Cincinnati ; Edward 86 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. Atkinson, Boston ; John H. Inman, New York ; Richard Garsed, Philadelphia ; J. W. Paramore, St. Louis, and Cyrus Bussey, New Orleans. Mcpherson's B arracks are in the western part of the city near West End. Congress passed an act on February 12th, 1872, appropriating the sum of $100,000, to build a United States court-house and post- office at Atlanta, Ga. In June, 1874, another act was passed, extend ing the limits of the cost of the buUding to $250,000. Other ap propriations were afterwards made which swelled the whole amount up to $275,000. The site for the building was presented to the Government, by the city of Atlanta. Ground was first broken for the new building on the 21st of August, 1875. The style of the building was taken from a copy of an ancient Italian villa, but somewhat modernized, and is termed the Italian Gothic. Itis built upon a concrete foundation composed of cement, sand, and gran ite, and is three feet thick. Mr. T. G. Healy, of this city, has been the able superintendent of its erection, from the commencement to the finishing. Mr. James G. HiU, in his annual report to the U. S. Treasury Department, says : "This building will be completed within the limit placed upon its cost by the act of Congress, and it wiU afford larger accommodations in proportion to its cost than any other building under the control of this department." The lot of land is 200x210 feet, and is bounded by Marietta street on the front, by Farley on the west, and Forsyth on the east. The size of the buUding is 135x75 feet, is three stories high, and is of granite, and , the total cost of building, as shown, was over a quarter of a million dollars. It is used by the Post-Office, Custom House, and Reve nue Departments, and has also a court-room and offices for the Federal District Court. Oglethorpe Park was laid out by the city since the war, two mUes out on Marietta street, just outside the city limits. It has buildings for the use of State and County fairs. The City Water Works are a few miles out of the city, reached via McDonough street. Oakland Cemetery is situated on the eastern side of the city, at the head of Hunter street. It contains the remains of several ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 87 88 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. thousand Confederate soldiers. Some very fine monuments are to be seen there. THE JAIL, The Jail is in the immediate neighborhood of the City Hall, and is a substantial building of good appearance. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. THE CHURCHES. Atlanta may weU be called a "City of Churches," AU shades of" religious opinions are represented. Some of the church edifices are very handsome. The First Baptist Church, Rev, Dr. Gwin, pastor, is lo cated on the corner of Walton and North Forsyth streets, nearer the centre of the city than any other house of worship. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, WALTON STREET. Since the accompanying view of Forsyth street was taken, the unfinished church in the distance, the First Methodist, has been completed, and is a most imposing structure. It is located at the junction of Peachtree, Pryor, and Houston streets. Rev. C. A^ Evans, an ex-Confederate General, is pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MARIETTA STREET. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 91 The Second Baptist Church is another handsome edifice, located on the corner of Washington and Mitchell streets. The pastor is Rev. Dr. Spalding. The Second Methodist Church is situated on WhitehaU street, and is also new. It is raost elegant, and accomraodates •one of the largest memberships in the city. Rev. Dr. Heidt is the pastor. '^-m The Catholic Church is a massive, cathedral-like structiire and cost a large sum. Rev. Father O'Brien is the priest in charge. The corner-stone was laid by the famous Southern poet-priest. Rev. Father Ryan. The First Presbyterian Church is on Marietta street. The building has been recently erected, but the organization was one of the first in Atlanta. Rev. Dr. Martin is pastor. THE SYNAGOGUE, F OKSYTH STREET. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 93 The Synagogue is on South Forsyth street, and is one of the most presentable buUdings of the city. The Methodist Protestant Church is on the opposite cor ner from the Synagogue, on South Forsyth street. Rev. W. D. Mitchell is the pastor. METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH, PORSYTH STREET. St. Phillips Episcopal Church, now in process of erection, is a triumph of architectural beauty. It is located on the corner of Washington and Hunter streets. Rev. Dr. Foute is the rector. It is in front of the grounds donated by the city for the new State Capitol, and will be an ornament to them. These are leading church edifices, but there are other tasteful and commodious ones in the city. 94 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. SECOND METHODIST CHURCH, WHITEHALL STREET. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, PEACHTREE STREET. <96 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . MEDICAL COLLEGES. Atlanta has become quite a medical centre, having a number of -Medical Colleges and medical journals estabUshed in it. The num- ¦ber of students yearly matriculated is quite large, and is constantiy increasing. The Southern Medical College is located in the heart of the ¦city, within 200 yards of the Union Passenger Depot, and the leadiag Jiotelsof the city; within 50 yards of a number of good boarding SOUTHERN MEDICAL COLLEGE. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 97 houses and of the junction of the street-car lines from every part of the city. The building is commodious, elegant and convenient, and contains all the modern appliances and improvements for a first- class regular medical institution. Its Board of Trustees, as seen in the list below, numbers eighteen gentlemen of enlarged and progressive views ; among whom are a number of the best and most active business men in the city, and also a number of distin guished Georgians residing in different parts of the State. The Board of Trustees consists of Dr. Thomas S. Powell, Presi dent, Hon. D. W. Lewis, Judge S. B. Hoyt, G. T. Dodd, Rev. C. M. Irwin, Mr. A. F. Hurt, Rev. David E, Butler, W. T. Gold smith, M, D„ Mr, J, J, Toon, Hon, Alex, H. Stephens, Rev, W. F. Cook, Rev. A J, Battle, LL,D., Rev. H. H. Parks, R. C. Word M. D„ Rev, H, C, Hornady, Mr. W. W. McAfee, Mr. John H, Flynn, and G. M. McDoweU, M. D. The Board has established this institute with special reference to the great advantages of Atlanta, present and prospective, as a great Southern medical centre, and with the avowed object of ad vancing medical science and elevating the standard of the profes sion in the So^hern States. The curriculum of study in the Southern Medical College covers a wider range than many institutions in this country. The lectures are able and instructive ; the museum attractive ; the cUn- ical and anatomical advantages excellent, and all the facilities exist for imparting a thorough medical education. Lectures in this institution open annuaUy between the loth and 1 5th of October, and continue about five months. Parties desir ing to see the annual catalogue with full particulars of the school, will address, W. P. Nicolson, Dean, Atlanta, Ga, The Georgia Eclectic Medical College is the second oldest medical institution in Atlanta, The faculty is composed of John R, Borland, M, D. Emeritus Professor of the Institutes of Medicine ; Stephen T. Biggers, M. D. Emeritus Professor of Ob stetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; Hon.O, A. Lochrane LL. D„ Emeritus Professor of Medical Jurisprudence ; W. P. Haller Fishburn, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Operative Surgery, Professor of Medical Jurispru- THE GEORGIA ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, BUTLER STREET. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 99 dence ; Joel F. Hammond, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine ; Joseph Adolphus, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology, Professor of Dislocations and Fractures ; I. J. M. Goss, A. M„ M. D. LL, D„ Professor of Materia Medica", Professor of the Science and Practice of Medicine; H. R. Jewitt, A, M„ Professor of Chem istry and Toxicology; John A. Goss, A. M., M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and ChUdren ; Thomas W. Dean, M. D., Professor of General Descriptive and Surgical Anato my ; John B. Liddell, M. D,, Demonstrator of Anatomy, THE REFORM MEDICAL COLLEGE, BROAD STREET. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. The college building is located on Butler street, near the Georgia Railroad, and is well arranged for its purposes. The Reform Medical College has a new buUding just erec ted on the corner of Broad and Walton streets, in the very heart of the city. The Faculty is thus constituted : J. M. Comings, M. D., Professor Anatomy and Surgery ; J. T. Cox, M. D., Professor Physiology and Pathology ; S. F. Salter, M. D., Professor Theory and Practice ; Jos. D. Friend, M. D., Professor Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Children ; W. C. Jones, M. D. Professor Chemistry and Toxicology ; John Kost, M. D., Professor Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Dr. Salter is Secretary of the Faculty. THE PUBLIC CHARITIES. In the cities of the South there never has been such a de mand for benevolence and charity on account of destitution as in the northern and eastern sections of the country. The ab sence of beggary was a noted fact till war and its devastation brought their changes. Hence great public charities have not had such progress here as in the North. But the poor and the suffer ing have always been taken care of ; especially is this true in At lanta. Benevolent associations and relict societies have long been in existence. There are several that maybe mentioned. Atlanta Hospital and Benevolent Home. — In January; 1874, a movement was made by the women of Atlanta, 'which re sulted in what was called the Atlanta Benevolent Association, the object of which was to provide a temporary "home for destitute and helpless women and chUdren, to aid women and girls out of em ployment in finding suitable work, and also, as soon as practicable, to give free instruction in industrial pursuits, thereby enabling such persons to become self-supporting and useful." Practically, the matter took a turn which was not at first anticipated, as will appear in the sequel. For a time the ladies carried on their benevolent work in rented buildings, and on a comparatively small scale. Still they afforded shelter and support to a large number of destitute women and chUdren. No records were kept, and it is impossible to tell the number of their beneficiaries, but probably there' were ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. in all several hundred. After most persistent and heroic effort, the ladies succeeded in raising $4000,00 with which they purchased from Hon, W. L. Calhoun the two buUdings Nos, 79 and 81, East Ala bama street, and here they greatly enlarged their sphere of opera tions. In March, 1881, they, of their own accord, turned over their property and the entire management of the institution, to which common custom had given the name of "The Ladies' Benevolent Home," to a board of trustees, whose names are as foUows : President, Henry H. Tucker; Vice-President, John MUledge; Secretary, H. Cranston ; Treasurer, David Mayer ; John H. Fitten, G, T, Dodd, S, M, Inman, John Flynn, When these gentlemen took charge of the institution, its name was changed, and it is now caUed The Atlanta Hospital and Be nevolent Home. Its objects are also changed correspondingly with the name. There are two departments, one called the Hospital Department, the other caUed the Home Department. The former receives all sick or disabled persons sent by the Mayor of the city, and up to the present time, (September, 1881) has never failed to afford sufficient accomodations for all that have been sent, and the Mayor never sends those needing Hospital treatment who fall into his hands, to any other institution or place. From this, the appropriateness of the name — the Atlanta Hospital — will be appa rent. Medicines and medical treatment are supplied by the city, and for the lodging, diet, nursing, attendance, &c., the City Council pay to the institution $75,00 per month. Patients remain in the Hos pital until discharged by the city physician in attendance. In the Home Department persons who are objects of charity are admitted at the discretion of the trustees, or of an officer appointed by them, and are discharged by the President when he thinks proper. It is not intended as a permanent home for any one, though usually no definite period of stay is fixed. No charge is made for board, lodging, medicines or medical attendance ; everything is furnished gratis. The institution is sustained by voluntary dona tions from the citizens. It is not denominational ; persons of aU religious persuasions unite in its support. Men are received as well as women and children. When paupers are sent from other cities or counties, to be supported by this institution, they are promptly ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. sent back to the place whence they came. The average number of inmates per day throughout the year is about twenty-five, includ ing those in both departments. For the present, as will be seen from what is above stated, the Hospital accommodation is sufficient for the need of the city. As the population increases, more room will be required. The prop erty of the institution, bought by the ladies for S4000.00 has^greatly increased in value, and will doubtless continue to increase, as it is in the very heart of the city, not one minute's walk from the car- shed. At the proper time, this property will probably be sold at a large advance on its cost, and a new building, larger and more suit able, will be erected. It is only a just recognition to record here the fact that to the pres ent Vice-President and former President, Captain John Milledge, is due large praise for his great devotion to the work. He contributed much time to it, notwithstanding his official duties as Recorder of the city, and assisted the ladies greatly in securing a buUding. St. Joseph's Hospital is under charge of the Sisters of Mercy. The building which they own was erected originally for an Eye In firmary, and is therefore, well suited for hospital purposes. Per sons of all religious creeds are admitted. LIBRARIES. There are two leading library asssociations in the city. The Young Men's Library Association has a newly erected building on Decatur street, in the immediate vicinity of the Kimball and Mark ham hotels. The building is a very handsome one, costing about thirty thousand dollars. The Association was organized in 1867 with about sixteen members, as stated in Part First of this book. It now has over eight hundred members and its own building. Each succeeding board felt the pressing ambition to do something to ad vance the institution, and so year by year it made progress, and all had a share in the crowning success. In 1880 the buUding was dedicated, and President Julius L. Brown delivered an address, in which, speaking of the benefits, he said : "In 1867, when those six teen young men, the honored founders of this Association began ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA.! 103 their good work Atlanta, with a population of less than one-half its present number, had no public schools for the chUdren and no libraries for the adults. But Atlanta did have a police force nearly double that of to-day, and she expended more money to preserve order and protect property than it does to-day with schools, coUeges and libraries, within her boundaries." The library has now some 10,000 volumes upon its shelves, and numerous fine paintings. Mr. Brown accomplished a great work for the Ubrary, and makes a pardonabl? expression of pride in the dedicatory address in these words : "They who founded this Asso ciation felt that the city needed it, and some of us who have fol lowed in their footsteps have for years anxiously looked forward to the day when the library should have a home of its own, when it would have an independent revenue of its own to be applied to the purchase of books, and to the days when there should be no dues required. It is my happy privilege, thank God, to say that during my administration the first step has been taken, that we are now in our own home and are no longer tenants and strangers in the houses of others.'' "To his board of directors, and preceding directors, great credit is likewise due, for each had a part to perform in the work culminating in the grand result. In 1877 the Catholic Library Association organized. Its present officers are Peter Lynch, President ; John Stephens, Vice- President ; Wm. Dowling, Secretary ; and the directors are John J. Lynch, John J. Falvey, J. J. Duffy, John M. Graham, M. Bowdin, A. Jordan, M. E. Maher and M. Mahoney. The library is located in the basement of the Catholic church, and contains quite a large collection of books for its age. YOUNG MENS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. This Association is in a very flourishing condition. Its rooms are very p easant and comfortable, situated at 49 1-2 White hall street. It has one hundred and fifty active members. Its ob ject is the elevation of the moral character of young men by oppo sition to evil influences, by personal attentions, invitations to the ATLANTA CUSTOM HOUSE j 1 i^^i^ 4i4 £ e'g s I ST-OFFICE, MARIETTA STREET. io6 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA. •churches, and otherwise. Having committees for various depart ments of duty, they work in the jail. National Surgical Institute and in the Hospitals. They seek out strangers and look after them, and sit up with and take care of the sick, Mr. Walter Brown was the first President, and has been largely instrumental in its success. Mr, W, Woods White is the present President, and Walter E. Lewis, General Secretary, ATLANTA POST-OFFICE, Elsewhere is given a description of the splendid building of the Atlanta post-office. In the m.atter of business it is now one of the first in the country, Ex-Governor Benjamin Conley is the post master, and has raanaged the office not only efficiently, but to the_ great satisfaction of men of all poUtical parties, Mr, J. S. Nail is the assistant post-master, cashier and chief of the money order de partment, and is the man for the place. The employees are Louis Seldner, registry clerk, W. H. Howard, assistant; Wallace Rhodes mailing clerk; D. A. Shumate, assistant; Frank Mills, distributing clerk; W. F. Mills, assistant; B. A. Stout, general delivery clerk; Miss Libbie B. TuUer, starap cleri; and Charles D. TuUer, money •order clerk. STREET RAILROADS. The City is pretty well supplied with means of locomotion. The Atlanta Street railroad has eleven miles of track and runs six lines. In 1 87 1 the company organized, the object being to establish a line to West End, the citizens of that suburb subscribing liberally. G. W. Adair, Richard Peters, John H. James, B. E. Crane, and others subscribed .* 14,000, but $24,000 were needed, and Col. Adair promptly undertook to become personaUy responsible for the ex cess. So the road was built, and September 8th, 1881, the West- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. . 107 End line was completed to McPherson Barracks and the first car commenced running. Shortly after books were opened to build roads on Peachtree, Marietta and Decatur streets. Adair canvassed Peachtree, but raised only three or four hundred dollars. Adair and Peters then determined to take all the stock; these roads were buUt and others, including an extension from the Peachtree line to Ponce DeLeon Springs, about ij miles, spanning a creek by a bridge 270 feet long and 40 feet high, the whole extension being accomplished in 38 working days, Mr, Adair took the manage ment and Mr. Peters the construction. Cars commenced run ning on the Marietta street line January 14th, 1872 ; on the Deca tur line. May 3rd, 1872 ; on the the Ponce DeLeon, August 8th, 1872 ; on the Taylor HiU, March 30th, 1873 ; on the McDonough, street Une May, 26th, 1873 ; and on the Whitehall street line Feb ruary 15th, 1874, The total cost of these Unes, including construc tion and equipment, is nearly $200,000, The lines all start from the vicinity of Whitehall street railroad-wossing, near the Depot and Hotels, and cars start every fifteen minutes. The time made is much faster than that usually made in Northern cities. The present officers are, Richard Peters, President, Edward Peters, Su perintendent, and J. W, Culpepper, Treasurer, Col. Richard Peters owns a controlling interest of the stock. It is unnecessary to speak of the vast benefits to Atlanta resul ting frora this great enterprise, for the inception and completion of which the people of Atlanta are indebted to Richard Peters and G. W, Adair, The management is and- always has been excellent. The Gate City Street Railroad Company, — Organized May, 28th, 1 88 1 by the election of qfficers. It commences oppo site the Markham House on Wall street, runs to Pryor street, thence by the Kimball House to Wheat street, thence to Jackson, out Jack son to Nolan, out Nolan to Boulevard, and thence to Angier Springs and Ponce DeLeon, making a beautiful and interesting route. Ar rangements are making to build other lines. The present manage ment is composed of M. B. Weed, President ; John Stephens, Sec retary and Treasurer ; L. DeGive, L. B. Nelson, A. M. Reinhardt, John Stephens and M. B. Weed, Directors. lo8 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. The Atlanta Health Institute is located on West Peters street, on the most elevated site in Atlanta, in a beautiful home, surrounded with most tastefully arranged and well-shaded grounds. Its pro cesses are known as the Hygienic, Movement and Electrical Water Cure. It is in charge of U. O. Robertson, M. D., Physician and THE ATLANTA HEALTH INSTITUTE. Surgeon ; M. F. Horine, M. D., Assistant Physician and Manager ; Mrs. U. O. Robertson, M. D., Lady Physician and Matron. Chronic diseases are treated with large success. The National Surgical Institute is located on Alabama street. Elsewhere will be found a description of this splendid institution. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 109 THE NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE. -The merits of this institution are such, and the people of Atlan- ;ta accord it so high a place among the grand enterprises of the city, that a separate article is devoted to it. "To see it is well worth the time of every visitor to the city. It is an institution from which Ufe-long cripples come forth cured, and where hideous deformities ,are removed. Since its establishment here it has cured thousands- ; many of these cases apparently hopeless, and by ordinary medical' -,treatment really incurable. Said a gentleman to a lady: "This is .certainly a most beneficent institution, and many cures wrought by it are indeed remarkable," "Undoubtedly" was the lady's prompt reply, adding the testimony of her own personal observation in sub- stantiaUy these words : "Not long since I saw on Whitehall street, walking ^rm in arm, a brother and sister, who had grown to years ,of maturity without taking a step till they came to the Institute." The building occupied by it is one of the largest and most com- ;modious in the city, five stories high, and located on the corner of Alabama and Pryor streets, in sight of the Passenger Depot and ,the leading hotels. The upper stories, devoted to lodging,^ are ibisected by wide and spacious halls which furnish ample room for exercise and pure, fresh air. Upon the second floor are situated the offices, machinery rooms and various operating departments. Crossing a wide hall from the double doored entrance at the head of the stairway, the visitor is ushered into the office. From this there is direct communica tion with the library, laboratory, and a weU lighted apartment for surgical operations. Here are kept the very best surgical instru ments, known to medical science and practice, though it is the prac tice of the Institute to use them only in cases of absolute necessity, relying largely upon their methods of restoring and developing the physical man by mechanical appliances, electro-thermal and vapor baths, manipulations and proper exercising. Upon another side from the central office there is entrance to the roora for the treat- NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE^ ALABAMA pTREpT, ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. ment of ladies, who are attended by an exceUent and loag-experi- enced matron. Adjoining this is the ladies' reception parlor which is often used by the Young Men's Christian Association for hold ing reUgious services. We pass the maiUng and correspondence department wherein fifty or sixty letters of inquiry are often received in a day and answered. The visitor now finds him self in a large broad apartment in the midst of machinery, braces,. mechanical movements and appliances of numerous kinds, and a first-class gymnasium. The engine room opens from this hall, in which is situated an eight horse-power engine to drive all the various machines, com plicated raachinery and movements. This opens into the work shop — Vulcan's forge — where Dr. J. C. AUensworth and his as sistants manufacture into the exactly needed shapes the appli ances used in the institution. This institution does not import ap pliances ready made, but takes the measure of each case and manu factures to suit it. Conveniently near Dr. AUensworth is the sketch book, where bodies and lirabs are outlined, with notes indicating where straightening is needed at this point or rounding out at that. Near by are the various baths, Russian Vapor, Electro-Thermal, and others. The electrical apparatus is so arranged as to charge the bath with the degree of electricity desired. The business is conducted with the perfect method that charac terizes the operations of every department. Here is to be seen a collection of extracts from letters from parties expressive of their opinions of the Institute. It is true that the Institute is already abundantly endorsed and by the best men of the State, but there is a peculiarity about these letters, which make their endorsement much stronger than ordinary certificates. It is this feature — the writers were answering letters of inquiry from afflicted persons and did not expect their sentiments to be seen by the managers of the institute. They are powerful recomendations, sufficient to satisfy any in telligent person of the remai kable capacity and success of this In stitute. From Florida is a letter from a gentleman stating that his daughter was cured of clubfoot and is perfectly well. A North Carolina gentleman states that he was told that an afflicted limb never would be so strong as the other, but it could be restored and ILL USTRA TED . A TLANTA. -would do him good service. An Alabama gentleman writes that from his experience he is satisfied that the Institute can treat all de formities successfuUy. A South Carolina letter declares that the surgeons are all gentlemen and of acknowledged ability. Another lady writes that there need be no "fear of imposition." A gentle man from South Carolina writes to an inquirer, "the surgeons are gentlemen, I would not hesitate to send there my wife and daugh ter.' But we have not space or time to quote further. These state ments suffice to show the character of the institution and the men who run it. They do not undertake to cure every case, they are frank in their statements, they are reasonable in their charges, and they can cure all deformities that are curable. That is the testimony in brief. The management of the Institute consists of D-. C. L. Wilson, surgeon in charge. Dr. K. H. Boland, business manager and treas urer, and Dr. C. A. Wilson, with assistants. The institution has received the strongest endorsements from leading citizens of Atlan ta and the State, including Senator Joseph E. Brown, and the State Treasurer who declares it "a great public benefit to have such an institution in Georgia." But the highest endorsement comes from the thousands of men, women and chUdren scattered all over rhe South, who have been cured by it. It is a public blessing, and in formation of it can not be too widely disseminated. Few persons are aware of the enormous number of cripples and deformed un fortunate there are in every State. To these all good people, informed of the fact, shou'd convey the intelligence that there exists in Atlanta a scientific institution which has the largest collec tion in the South of mechanical appUances and scientific means for the cure of deformities and chronic diseases, and these appliances and means are operated with skill aided by long experience. FULTON COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, Now in course of erection, is situated near the center of the city, on the corner of Prior and Hunter street. Itis rapidly approach ing completion, and within a year the county of Fulton will have ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 113 a "Palace of Justice" of which she may well be proud. It is being built under the supervision of Judge Daniel Pittman, assisted by a committee of prominent gentlemen, and it will be a magnificent FULTON COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, and imposing structure — indeed it is said that it will be the finest and most substantial building of the kind in the South. 114 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. The total cost, including heating, etc., will probably be between ninety and one hundred thousand dollars. The cost of the United States' Custom House was about three hundred thousand dollars, and our Court House will compare favorably with it in point of du- rabUity, and will be superior to it in beauty of architecture. Much credit is due to Judge Pittman for the inception and beauty of this edifice, and for many public improvements in city and county while he was Ordinary. He spanned our streams with fine bridges ; and gave to the poor of the county a comfortable alms-house ; his man agement of the county chain-gang was excellent ; he beautified the City Hall lot, and gave to the city her pleasant park. THE COTTON TRADE. The cotton trade has now become one of the city's strongest supports. Ten years ago Atlanta was not even recognized as a cotton market. The receipts in 1867, were about 17,000 bales. A few years later the receipts began steadily increasing, reaching 20,- 000 bales, then 32,000, then 55,000, then 65,000, and in the year 1877, reaching 90,000, and in 1881, reaching 130,060 bales. Not recognized as a cotton market ten years ago, Atlanta is now the third largest interior receiving point in the South. These facts alone would justify the stateraent, that, in a few years, Atlanta wiU handle 200,000 bales annuaUy. But there are other reasons for the statement. The section imraediately tributary to Atlanta is enlarg ing, both in area and production, and the city is every year acquir ing greater facUities for the trade, in the way of large compresses, low freights, and through bills of lading to Liverpool. It has, also, the needful capital and men. One firm, that of S. M. Inman & Co., handles the largest business done by any firm of interior buyers in the South, and are only exceeded by a few houses in the ports of the United States. They do at least two-thirds of the business passing through Atlanta. To them is largely due the rapid growth of the Atlanta cotton market, for they had the capital, enterprise, and ability necessary to accomplish it. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 1 1 5 EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. The educational facilities of Atlanta compare favorably with those of any other city. The Public Schools of the city, organized ten years ago, are of a high character, embracing a High School system for both sexes. The buildings are large, commodious and conveniently located, one or more in every ward of the city. Besides the Public Schools, there are numerous private schools of a high order, and well patronized. There are also several Col leges. The Atlanta Female College is a flourishing institution. Its principal and founder is Mrs. W. J. Ballard, who is in every sense quaUfied to preside over it. So popular is she, that a num ber of citizens raised sufficient capital to erect upon the leading residence street, a most elegant college building, upon the most im proved and thorough plan, and which will soon be finished. The faculty is large, and is composed of educators of established repu tation. The negro population is well cared for. They not only have their public schools, but also several collegiate institutions, Atlanta Uni versity, Clark University, and others. Moore's Business University is the leading business coUege of the South, and has been established over twenty-five years. The teaching of this college is such that a young man steps forth from it prepared to conduct extensive business, for, he has been actively engaged in business from the day he entered the institution. This js one of the features of the institution that a regular system of business is carried on by every student. One who steps into the institution at once is attracted to this fact, that business operations are actively going on, buying and selling, negotiating paper, bal ancing books, shipping goods, receiving consignments, etc. The coUege is now in full working order, well suppUed with teachers, and has a patronage reaching into the Far West. The Il6 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. President, B. F. Moore, is not only an accomplished educator, but a gentleman in the fullest sense, who is very popular with the peo ple of Atlanta, and with all his students. No better or more prac tical business education can be obtained anywhere in the United States than in this city, and the fact is pretty widely known. THE TRADE IN FERTILIZERS. Atlanta is now one of the largest distributing points South for fertilizers, nearly all the manufacturers in the United States having general agents here, and she is also making rapid strides as a manu facturing centre. In 1876 Messrs Geo. W. Scott & Co., who have been for many years connected with the development of the Charleston Phos phates, started in this city, the manufactory of their now Famous Brand " Gossypium. "Their business has grown to such propor tions that they have this season completed a new factory with a capacity of eight to ten thousand ions ; and they and their friends are now preparing to start a Cotton Seed Oil Mill — cotton-seed meal being an important ingredient in these fertilizers. The Pendelton Guano Company are also erecting new works which wilU greatly increase their capacity. The Georgia Chemical & Mining Company have just completed one of the best equipped works in the country, including four im mense acid chambers. These works are under the skillful man agement of Prof. N. A. Pratt, who is recognized as one of the lead ing agricultural chemists of the age. They will burn sulphur from the copper and iron pyrites that abound in this section, and thus furnish the manufacturers with an ample supply ol pure sulphuric acid. This corapany will also grind phosphates by Pratt's new acid process. Situated about midway between the Phosphate Beds of the Caro lina coast and the great slaughter-pens of the Northwest — from which comes the ammoniacal material, with sulphuric acid, extrac ted from the minerals of her own hills, with cotton-seed meal pre pared from the seed of her surrounding farms, and with the mod erate freight rates arranged by the raUroad commissioners At- ILL US TRA TED A TLAN TA. 117 lanta is,indeed, well equipped for furnishing the farmers of Georgia and adjoining States the very best and purest feriiligers at the lowest possible prices, and thus retain a large amount of money in her borders, to be paid back to her own people, for labor and sup plies. ANNUAL BUSINESS. The combination of enterprise and superior commercial facilities has made Atlanta the supply market of a gradually widening area of country. Its wholesale business and manufactures now pene trate all surrounding States, and frequently into sections beyond. Some indication of the extent and superior sweep of its trade is found in the official statement, that there is, in weight, more origi nal mail matter handled in the Atlanta post-office than in the post- office of any other Southern city — excelling even New Orleans ; the statement also showing this other remarkable fact, that, in the weight of original mail matter, which has nearly doubled in the last year, there are only fifteen cities in the United States ahead of At lanta. Its great factories and mammoth wholesale establishments are not surpassed in capacity anywhere in the South. There is not a want of society or of trade, which it does not supply. The sales of the last year aggregated about $50,000,000. Notices of some of our immense estabhshments wiU be found elsewhere. MANUFACTURES. Among the many interests which, since the close of the war, have experienced new life and great development, is that of manu facturing ; indeed, so great has been the progress, that Atlanta is now, unquestionably, the leading manufacturing city of the State, in the variety and value of its manufactures. Manufacturing es tablishments are numerous, including foundries and machine shops, agricultural and terra-cotta works, ice factories, rolling mill, paper mills, tobacco factories, candy and cracker factories, and two cot ton factories. The manufacture of agricultural implements is con ducted on a mammoth scale. ii8 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 119 \ r^\ « ^ -• I '>*n? « •»- I I One of the largest cotton factories South has been built, and is supplied with 10,000 spindles, and all necessary machinery. It is in operation under the management of R, B, Bullock, and the Su perintendency of George B, Harris, and employs about six hun dred hands. Mr, W. S. Zellars, of Palmetto, furnished the first ten bales of cotton used by the factory, and took payment in stock. When cotton spin ning in the South is , spoken of, Georgia comes to the front as a leading Southern State in this department of industry. People, how ever, are inclined to look upon Augusta and Columbus as our man ufacturing centres. It is not generally known, that in .Atlanta, and within a radius of twenty miles around this city, there is cotton machinery having a capacity to spin twenty thousand bales a year. This is about what Columbus consumes, and half as much as jj Augusta. 1 Besides this, there is r« a shoal on the Chatta hoochee, within a few - -. -..-j- miles of the city, where it is contemplated soon to make a large preparation for machinery, in the way of a dam and canal, which 'r • » - - 4, ^ I .dlMfJ wiU give a water-power almost, if not fully, equal to that of Colum bus or Augusta.l: It is confidently expected that within a few years there wUl be several mills erected at this point, and that Atlanta wiU have more spindles in its vicinity than any other city in the PRESIDENT- HAYES SPEA) •9 'J^ *"<-« utation. " The iron foundry of W. S. Withers, on the corner of Calhoun street and Georgia Railroad, manufac tures all kinds of cast ings, fencing, grates, etc., turning out most exceUent work. One of the new and greatest manufacturing industries of Atlan ta is that of the terra-cotta works, established by Pelligrini & Cas- tleberry. Artificial stone is made, which to a very great extent, serves all purposes of the natural stone. Ornamental work for (buildings, such as cornices, window caps, and sills, and the like, is 124 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. largely manufactured, and may be seen upon our prominent busi ness structures and private residences ; also vases and ornamental articles for halls and gardens. This firm is making a very large quantity of pipe for the city authorities for sewers. The manufacturing of candy and crackers has grown into tre mendous proportions, and supplies a wide section of the country. The manufacturing establishment of Jack & Holland is well and very extensively known. There are two paper mills. The Sugar Creek Mills, of Wm McNaught & Co, manufacture nearly a half million pounds pef annum. THE SUGAR CREEK PAPER MILLS, Mr, James M. Ormond has also fine mills near the city, which, makes newspaper used in many States, South and West. It is safe to state that the manufactured products of Atlanta, in value, amount annually to eight raillions of dollars, and give em ployment to several thousand hands. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 125 THE WHOLESALE TRADE. Within the last five years the wholesale trade of Atlanta has as- ;sumed enormous proportions. In, dry goods alone the annual sales now swell to nearly ten mill- ¦ions of dollars. Our leading houses, such as M. C. &. J. F. Kiser .& Co., Moore, Marsh & Co., and John Silvey & Co., in the amount 1 26 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . of capital invested, and the mammoth proportions of their business, are not excelled south of Baltimore. Take, for instance, the first mentioned house, M. C. &. J. F. Kiser & Co. They occupy an en tire buUding of four floors, including basement. In these four sto ries is gathered a little world of dry goods, in aU varieties, and of articles connected with that trade. A purchasing merchant could not call for an article which would not be instantly forthcoming. Their annual sales reach one miUion dollars. The wholesale grocery business is nearly as large, and there are equally great houses in it. James R. Wylie, Langston & Crane,. A. C. & B, F, Wyly, Fuller & Oglesby, Dunn, Alexander & Co.,. carry an immense trade. METROPOLITANISM. There is no greater evidence of the position assumed by the city of Atlanta in the estimation of the whole country, than its popu larity as a place of holding National conventions. It is a "City of Conventions." In all the land there is no other that surpasses it in this particular. Its geographical position, and political importance have- long since made it the meeting place of all State conventions ; but in late years it has become the favorite of National bodies for the- holding of annual or biennial conventions. It has had the Interna tional Sunday School Convention, Masonic and Odd FeUows' Con ventions, raUroad conventions, conventions of the leading religious bodies in the United States; indeed it is safe to say that, taking the year round, there is an average of at least one State and National- convention a week. It thus becomes the theatre of prominent Na tional events, and it has been the scene of a special visit from the- President of the United States himself. The visit of President Hayes a few years since, and his speech from the verandah of the Markham House, wiU be remembered. It has also enjoyed the presence of one of the largest gatherings of the volunteer soldiery of the country. All this proves that Atlanta has reached the rank of a real metropolis. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 127- BANKING CAPITAL. In speaking of the commercial crisis, it was stated that not a. single bank in Atlanta was overwhelmed. This fact proclaimed volumes in praise of their management and solid status. That an idea may be had of Atlanta's strength in the way of banking insti tutions and capital, the leading banks, together with some of the- prominent businessmen and capitalists in their management, will be noted. The Atlanta National Bank, with that great finan cier at its head. President A. Austell, has a capital of $200,000. Among the direc tors are such men as W. B .Cox, W. J. Garrett, S. M Inman, and R. H. Richards The Merchants' Bank of Atlanta, formerly State National Bank, has a capital of i 200,000. Campbell Wai lace, a distinguished ex-rail road manager and capital ist, is the President, and W A. Moore, senior member p of the great house of Moore Marsh & Co., is Vice-Presi dent, and among the direc tors and other officers, are J Jas. R. Wylie, J. H. Porter Ben. E. Crane, CUnton I Brown, Geo. Winship and'i W. D. Luckie. This bank jn 1877, erected a hand some building of its own on ™e merchants' bank. Alabama street. The Bank of the State of Georgia has a capital of nearly $200,000. There are other State and National banks, and two 128 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. strong private banks, those of John H. James, and Messrs W, M. &. R. J. Lowry. In these banks there is a capital of nearly a million and a half. CAPITAL OF THE STATE. By a vote of the people on December 5th, 1877, Atlanta was made the permanent Capital of the State. This adds largely to the influ ences tending to the continual growth and prosperity of the city, .making it the home of the Governor and other officers of the State THE STATE CAPITOL. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 129 government, and the seat of aU State conventions, political, com mercial and indtistrial, thereby creating a source of very great revenue. Illustrations are given of the present Capitol and Gov ernor's Mansion. But the State will doubtless soon begin the erec tion of a new Capitol buUding upon a magnificent site presented by the city. The overwhelming majority — 43,946 — by which the people of Georgia expressed their preference for Atlanta is a home estimate of its worth and advantages. In his management of the campaign for Atlanta, the present Mayor, J. W. English, deserved high praise, and received a public testimonial from citizens in the ¦shape of a massive silver salver. The location of the Capitol at Atlanta is, however, but one of many causes operating to centre upon it the attention, interest and affections of the people of Geor gia. POPULATION. Atlanta is now considerably the largest city in the State. Its population proper is something over forty thousand ; but the im mediate suburbs will swell this figure to the neighborhood of forty- five thousand. The chief elements of population are mercantile and mechanic. But all honorable avocations and pursuits are well represented — the literary or professional man, and the humblest day-laborer, toiling side by side in the busy hive of this great young city. This is the only class distinction existing. SimUar pursuits and tastes engender mutual sympathies, thus bringing men into closer associ ation. Beyond this, there is no city in this or any other country • more free from the domination of caste ; admission to society be ing based upon character alone. -This statement no one, with any knowledge of the facts, will call in question. There is another somewhat kindred characteristic, metropolitan spirit. All men are welcomed, and eagerly welcomed, to our midst — capitalist or la borer, the seeker after a home or employment — objections being made otjly to drones. This metropolitanism is the result of pubUc zeal and the mixed elements of the population. PubUc spirit fos ters every source of increased population or business, and the va rious classes and-nationaUties, into which the people are divided 9 1 30 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. create sympathy and kindliness to all men of whatever name or pursuit. The stranger finds congenial occupation and society. The population contains representatives of many nations ; Eng lish, Irish, German, Italian and French being the most numerous. A nervous energy permeates all classes of the people and all departments of trade, and the spirit of enterprise never sleeps. COUNTY AND STATE RELATIONS. The picture of any city's prosperity would be incomplete without some representation of its civil and geographical surroundings, so far as vital relations exist between them. It is, therefore, neces sary to look briefly into the condition of Fulton county, of which Atlanta is the site. The State of Georgia, of which it is the capital, is so prosperous that its financial credit is above par — ^some of its bonds command ing as high a premium as those of any State in the Union. If is essential, then, to consider Fulton county only, and that very briefly. It is almost sufficient to say that the tax for county purposes is the smallest in the State, with the exception of, perhaps, a half dozen counties — the total county tax being only two mills, or one-fifth of a cent on a dollar ; the entire State and county tax amounting to only seven-tenths of a cent, or 70 cents on the $ioo. Till recently the county owed nothing, and had money in tbe treasury. This is a happy condition, enjoyed by very few counties in Georgia, or out of it. The buUding of a splendid court-house, creates a small county debt in the shape of bonds. HEALTHFULNESS. The subject of this chapter is always a gratifying one to the denizens and friends of Atlanta, for, in the matter of healthfulness, no superiority is granted to any city or cUme. This is one of the greatest attractions and proudest distinctions ofthe Gate City. Its healthfulness is so great, and its climate so delightful, that it is ac quiring a national repute as a place for permanent residence, or of summer resort for invalids. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 131 This healthfulness is the result of numerous causes, and among them the altitude. The city has an elevation of 1,050 feet above the level of the sea, and lies, if not upon the mountain top, on mountain ridges, from which water flows freely, creating a natural drainage and sewerage, and preventing stagnation. Its mountain breezes make a pleasant summer temperature, while its southern locality moderates the severity of winter. Malarious fevers, the curse of low regions, and epidemics, the terror of the seaboard, are, of course, unknown. But these healthful conditions have their culmination in the exist ence of numerous mineral springs of great excellence within the city and suburbs. The mineral properties of these springs are un questioned — as their waters have been chemically analyzed. An apalysis of one, the Atlanta Mineral Spring, running one gallon per minute, contains, among its solid ingredients, proto-carbonate of iron, suspended in carbonic acid gas, sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salts,) and chloride of sodium. The analysis was made by one of the most distinguished chemists of the South, Prof. Means, of Em ory College, who, on the strength of it, asserts the excellence of the water for general debility, dyspepsia, torpidity of the secretory func tions, and kindred diseases. Experience also establishes the same, and remarkable cures ..might be instanced. Ponce de Leon and West End Springs have been similarly tested — so that Providence has even blessed the city with great natural remedies or restora tives, as a guarantee of the health already assured by the requisite natural conditions. THE SOCIETY. As the first, hardy, practical population of Atlanta paid Uttle at tention to architectural beauty or the aesthetics, there was little cul tured society among a people composed mainly of rough laborers and uneducated business meh. But, as population flowed in, bring ing men of skUl and genius in the various departments of labor, and men of talent and education in the professions and business av ocations,' a change began. Meantime, the original inhabitants were improving through the influisnces of prosperous circumstan ces, the refining contact with cultivated men, and the educating as- 132 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. sociations of a growing city. To be brief, the result was the grad ual formation of a splendid society, which, for brilliancy, accom plishments and refinement, is not easily excelled. Such a society is but the combined result of association between men and women of learning, skill and culture in the professions, the avocations of bus iness, and the industrial pursuits — the intercourse of science, art, literature and religion. If this be true, what city is richer in the elements of a splendid society than Atlanta ? Its la-wyers and physicians stand at the head of their professions; our musicians are famous for their accompUshments ; our literati rank araong the best ; our merchants are princes of success ; and our mechanics evence the highest skill. We also have authors of national note, and newspaper writers of wide celebrity. PLAN AND ARCHITECTURE OF THE CITY. The city is quite irregular in plan, as it was never regularly laid out, the first streets growing out of public roads. The road to Marietta became within the corporate limits Marietta street, and so with Decatur, Peachtree and others. Originally, too, the' city had much hill and valley. But many streets have been straightened and graded, hills cut down, and depressions filled up, so as to im prove the city greatly in this respect. Within the past few years the architecture of the city has made great progress, for which large credit is due to the architects. Park ins & Bruce. To-day Atlanta has residences and business houses that will compare with those of far older cities. t THE PRESENT GROWTH OF ATLANTA. Perhaps in no period of its history has Atlanta grown more rapidly than the present year. At one time over looo houses were in process of erection, at a cost of one million dollars. In fact it is at times difficult to obtain sufficient labor and building materials, and delays have often resulted from this cause. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 133 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT AND FINANCIAL CONDITION. The municipal government consists of a Mayor and a General Council, which is composed of three aldermen and ten councilmen, who act as separate boards on all financial questions or appropria tions of money. The Mayor holds his office for two years, the al dermen for three, and the councilmen for two. Elections are held annually for one alderman, and one councilman from each ward, about one-half the whole body going out every year. All are in eligible for the succeeding term. Public education, police govern ment and water- works, are confided to separate boards with plen ary powers. The character of the government in connection with that of a people always 'jiu'blic spirited, but never reckless, has made the financial condition of Atlanta one of its chief attractions, and su- '',rior to that of any Southern city ; with, indeed, few rivals on the continent. January ist, 1877, the bonded debt was $1,787,000, and the floating -debt amounted to $388,240,70 — making a total ipdebt- edness of $2,175, 24o,7o,of which $400,000 were water-works bonds. The assets of the city exceeded 1,000,000. Under the operation of the charter the floating debt is constantly undergoing reduction, so that the financial condition is far better to-day, and continually improving, the creation of new debts being well nigh impossible under the charter as amended. The obligations of the city have al ways been met, and the bonds are above par. THE FUTURE OF ATLANTA. The preceding brief reviews of Atlanta's population, institu tions, business, facilities of trade and healthfulness, while discover ing the basis of its past growth and present prosperity, also demon strate its continued progress in the future ; for the same causes are operating only upon a grander scale. The railroad systera is 134 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. feet, but the sections penetrated are constantly developing their re sources, and Atlanta must grow with its tributaries. In addition to this, the combined power of superior facilities, increasing enterprise and skill, and the prestige of past success,are continually extending trade into new and more remote sections. The rapid development of the manufacturing interest, the social and healthful attractions of Atlanta for residence, the admirable character and exceUent finan cial condition of the municipal government, and other considera tions noted, assure constant future increase of population and busi ness. A population of nearly 100,000 is generally accepted as a thing of the near future. GREAT RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. The city of Atlanta is famous for the greatness and brilliancy of its enterprises. Its citizens have kept pace with the general ad vancement by grand conceptions and magnificent execution. Now people encourage and confidently assert the success of almost any enterprise however immense its magnitude, so great is their faith in Atlanta based upon the triumphs in its past. But, years ago, predictions of failure would greet every unusual boldness of busi ness qiovement. It was the good fortune of Atlanta to have citi zens made of such stuff that no discouragements could depress them, and only the grandest success could satisfy them. To the business men of Atlanta of this stamp is largely due the prosperity of the city, and its present leading position in the eyes of the whole country. To them is due the fact that in Atlanta to-day may be found business houses carrying stocks and conducting a trade that would do honor to the largest American cities. As New York has its famed establishments, so Atlanta has its great houses, attract ing thousands of people from far distances and from other States to admire and examine their brilliant stocks. A striking illustration of these facts presents itself. To mention the retail dry goods trade of Atlanta is to suggest to any one who lives in or has ever visited the city, the name of John Keely, who ranks among the greatest and most brilliant retail merchants of the South. The stock he carries is tremendous in quantity, and magnificent in character. He PROCESSION ON WHITEHALL STREET. 1 36 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. has enlarged his store room till he has the greatest front in Atlanta. To visit Keeley's brings ladies from distant parts of the State and his store is seldom seen without a moving throng within and carriages without. The history of this merchant is the story of pluck and enterprise, out of which the city grew. With an humble be ginning after the close of the civil war, in which he was a gallant Confederate officer, he rapidly succeeded in business, enlarging his store from time to time, as his trade increased. With his pleasant manners, geniality of disposition, and business tact, he soon be came popular, and at once made special effort to swell this personal popularity by a reputation for low prices. He proclaimed himself on this Une, and soon the public took up his cry of "leader of low prices." The result was a briUiant success, and John Keely's estab- ment is to-day one of the best known in tha South, and its trade one of the largest. John Keely is a representative citizen and the embodiment of that spirit and energy which has made Atlanta, while his establishment is an illustration of the city's rapid progress and magnitude of development. WATER-WORKS. The city has a system of water-works, which will be sufficient to supply its wants to twice its present population. Like that of aU advance movements in Atlanta, the history of the conception and establishment of water-works is interesting. Several year^efore its establishment, in 1866, Mr. Anthony Murphy, a prominent and progressive citizen, being chairman of the City Council committee of pumps, wells and cisterns, observed the inadequacy of our water supply for sanitary purposes, fire protection, and also for use in the extensive building operations of that year. He accordingly made a report to the CouncU on the subject. Nothing however, was done tUl 1870, when Mr. Murphy being again a member of Council, offered a resolution to investigate the matter, and was authorized to go North and examine the various systems in operation. Through his unre mitting efforts a charter was finally obtained, a Board of Water Commissioners was elected, and he was raade President of it. Bonds were finaUy issued, the works commenced and completed as elsewhere noted, Mr. Murphy never ceasing his labors, in conjunc- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. m tion with other public spirited citizens, till the grand result was achieved. The immense advantages to the city are too apparent to need mention. Insurance was at once greatly reduced, and the health of the city made doubly sure. This is but one of the many pubUc enterprises in which Mr. Mur phy has proven himself not only a public spirited citizen, but a wise and useful one. It wUl be remembered that he was elected Presi dent of the company organized under the charter of the Atlanta & Alabama Road, which would have been pushed through, had not the Georgia Western fallen into hands which would certainjy con struct it. Mr. Murphy has large city interests and has been man aging a fine lumber business in the city. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Atlanta has a volun teer fire department. Whatever may be said of the merits of the two systems.it is nevertheless true that Atlanta has a very efficient force, and a fire never makes rauch headway, if water is suffi cient. There are three fine steam engines. Al' the companies have en gine houses, several of them good brick struc tures. GAS WORKS, The city is well lighted with gas, which is furn ished at a reasonable price. The works are near W. & A, R, R. The NO. I ENGINE HOUSE. 138 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. President is T. G. Healy ; Secretary and Treasurer, J. H. Mecaslin, This latter gentleman is the manager, and a very popular citizen. MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS. There is quite a number of these. The Gate City Guards and Atlanta Grays are prominent white companies. Of negro compa nies there are five or six. NEGRO VILLAGES. Among the objects of interest to strangers from the Northern and Western portions of the country are the negro villages located at several points near the city's limits. One is Summerville, near the terminus of the street railroad on McDonough street, another is near WhitehaU street, near the corporate limits, and another — Sher- mantown — out Wheat street. They are thickly populated, and have their churches. OUR LEADING STREETS, ARCHITECTURE, AND BUSINESS HOUSES. The preceding general sketches of the trade of Atlanta will be made more intelligent by a description of our business streets and some of the leading firms doing business on them. Some of these stores in architecture and proportion would do honor to the largest of cities, and the business done is on an equally grand scale. Whitehall street, the oldest street of the city, and the Broadway of -Atlanta, will be the first in order. WHITEHALL STREET. Pope, the Hatter, begins the numbers of Whitehall — No. i . with an elegant hat, cane and umbrella store. Fairbanks & Cox, 7 1-2 WhitehaU street, are manufacturers of seals, rubber stamps, stencils, and embossed metal work generally. Mr. C. F. Fairbanks has been in the business in Atlanta for years. ILLUSTRA TED A TLANTA. 139 but has recently formed a partnership with Chas. H. Cox of Indiana, an engraver and metal worker. Mr. Fairbanks has also added to his business the agency of printing presses, some of which he exhibited at the Exposition. The firm is thoroughly ^skilled and equipped, and consequently does a big business. W. BoUman, 10 Whitehall street is a reliable jeweler, and has an attractive store and stock. At No. 21 Whitehall ¦street is the clothing establishment of Mr. W. M. Scott. Understanding the business of men's furnishing goods in all its ¦detaUs, it is not to be wondered at that Mr. Scott experienced a rapid ly gfrowing trade, and re cently found it advisable to move into a building expressly fitted up for him. It is sufficent to say that he not only keeps a com plete line of goods, but also those of the best man ufacture and reputation. A very large part of his business is in the order line, as he is the agent of the immense Philadelphia establishment of Wanna- maker & Brown. The goods are selected from samples, the meas ure taken and forwarded, and very speedUy the suit has arrived in Atlanta. Mr. Scott receives orders from a half dozen States, parties either selecting from samples he sends, or leaving it to his taste and judgment. No. 26 is Bradfield's drug store. The narae is at once recognized as familiar, in connection with a noted female reraedy. Dr. Bradfield, the corapounder of the medicine, is proprietor of this CLOTHING STORE OK W. I40 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. drug establishment, and has a fine line of pure drugs and medicines and all the popular patent remedies. He keeps a large assortment of colognes and toilet goods. He furnishes the trade, or single orders from a distance, prompt ly. His prescription department is carefuUy conducted, and the drug store is first-class in all its appointments. His business in this line has grown very rapidly on account of the satisfaction of customers. If the prices were stated, it would be seen that Mr. Scott gives most attractive figures, and his goods are as ex cellent in character as any brought to this market. Jack & Holland, manufactur- STOCKER* cASTLEBERKY— E.xTERioR. ers of aud wholcsalc dealers in pure candies and crackers, have one of the largest houses in this line in the South, and are located 'if'. at No. 36 Whitehall. They also carry a large stock of canned goods, btith fruits and meats, and all articles usually carried by such a house. They supply jnerchants in this and neighbor ing States, and have an imraense trade. In their retail depart ment their trade in breads, cakes and soda water, is the largest in the city. Stocker & Castleberry, No. 85 Whitehall, have a very large stock of furniture, selected in the best markets and of the best manufacture. Their store stocker &. castleberry— interior. runs through from Whitehall to Broad street, and is very spacious. gi WJilTimm ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 141 But their business is large and constantly growing, and they have not more room than is necessary. D.Morgan, No. 80 Whitehall, is a wholesale, and retail dealer in harness and saddlery goods. He has been in the business a num ber of years, thoroughly understands it, and has built up an ex tensive custom. He also deals in wagons and buggies, Goodman's, No, 28 WhitehaU street, is the popular Picture and Frame store of Atlanta, Mr. Goodman has a very fine coUection of oil paintings, chromos, steel engravings, j nd prints, and manu factures frames of every kind. He carries a fuU line of picture goods, and can furnish any parlor, reception room or office, handsomely. At No. 27 1-2 WhitehaU street, upstairs, are the offices of Mr. B, M. WooUey, who is now known very widely over the country in connection with his opium cure. It is a fact beyond question that his reraedy is a sure one. He has the testimony, voluntarily given, of hundreds cured by it, and he has besides, the evidence of those who have been eye witnesses of the efficiency of this medi cine. The author of this book is one of the latter. The opium habit has many devotees, and the effects are so destructive, that it is a matter of great congratulation that a certain remedy exists for it. The apparent hopeles.sness of the victim's condition, and the failure of all efforts to break the chain which bound him to the process of a slow but sure self-destruction, have been the terrible features of the disease tiU the appearance of this reraedy. Not only in this country, but across the ocean, far into Europe, this remedy has made its way of healing and of blessing — a fact complimen tary to Atlanta as well as to its citizens. .The work of Mr. WooUey is indeed humanitarian, and his heart is in it. A gentleman by na ture, he stands high with his fellow-citizens for integrity, and his truest friends are those who know him best. He does not belong to the class of advertising quacks, but is one of the best and most intelligent citizens of Atlanta, doing a vast deal of good through a remedy of great merit. His business is so large that it necessita ted the assistance of an associate to handle it, that Mr. WooUey might devote himself exclusiviely to the preparation of his medi- ¦cinces and the conducting of a voluminous correspondence. In Mr. Lowndes, a worthy young gentleman, he found a partner of fine business traits. 142 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. The pioneer in the crockery trade of Atlanta, is T. H. Ripley, of No. 89 WhitehaU street. No one has greater experience in the business than he has. He keeps a full stock of crockery and glass ware, and sells at wholesale and retail. He buys his goods in the best markets and exercises taste in their selection. His stock is- varied and erabraces all goods usuaUy found in a crockery store. The handsomest retail clothing store in Atlanta is that of Hirsch Brothers, 42 and 44 Whitehall street. They keep a large stock of mens' and boys' clothing, and also have a fine mer chant tailoring establish ment in connection. They command one of the best trades in the city. The wholesale house of Messrs M. &. J. Hirsch, manufac turers of and dealers in ready-made clothing, is on Pryor street, in front of the KimbaU House. Keely's, the far-famed dry goods establishment of At lanta, is on this street, corner of Hunter, with a front on Whitehall equal to that of a half dozen ordinary stores. In it is a Uttle worid of goods^ and often a day's sales shipped out of it or the new STORE OF HIRSCH BROTHERS, WHITEHALL ST. goods rccelvcd wUl cqual the stock of a small store. It is a spectacle worth seeing, the ladies filling its numerous departments, and* flitting about from counter to counter, admiring and buying. Any day the citizens wiU see in there the faces of strangers, for people are constantly visiting the establishment from long distances. There is nothing ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 143 in the dry goods Une that is not to be found in this house, and its i_mmense sales enable it to run a popular system of low prices, so low sometiraes as to astonish the purchaser. Where there are heavy sales a successful business can of course be conducted on profits so smaU that they would bankrupt lesser establishments. It is not to be wondered at that Keely's is nearly always full of people in season or out of it. The General Insurance Agency, of John C. Whitner & Son, 43 1-2 WhitehaU, is quite extensive, embracing a- number of the best companies in the United States and foreign countries, for one Of which these gentlemen are general agents of the entire Southern Department from Virginia to Texas, inclusive. All of their companies have been so long represented in the South that they are well known for honorable dealing with patrons and prompt adjustments and settlements of losses. The senior. Major Whitner, has spent most of his life in this business, and is familiar with its practical details, from soliciting for risks and writing poUcies, up to adjusting losses and supervising agen cies. He is acknowledged to be one of the first underwriters in this country. The son is "a chip off of the old block," in business turn as well as appearance. General W. S, Walker, in fareweU note to the agents of the British America Assurance Company on the occasion of his retiring from the general agency, said: "It gives me pleasure to commend to your confidence my esteemed successors, Messrs, Jno, C. Whitner & Son, Having been recently associated with me, they need no formal introduction. The senior, Major Jno. C. Whitner, has been a long time in the business, and is known all over the country as one of our best underwriters. His acknowledged proficiency covers the entire field of insurance experience, as lo cal agent, special agent, adjuster and general agent. You may, therefore, rest assured, that you are in the hands of a gentleman and an expert of rare accomplishments and proficiency in the pro fession," A visit to their office will reveal a most thorough system. Everything goes along quietly, and the four or five busy ones seem to lose no time in looking for things put in wrong places. There is not an item at all affecting their business but that can be turned up in a few minutes, and there is a perfect system of checks upon ev ery person and every item of business, and yet such a simphcity in 144 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. the whole as to avoid aU possibility of mistake. Their business is rapidly increasing, and we are glad to learn that the outlook is most encouraging. Their agents will be found in every important town in the South. A. & S, Rosenfeld are among the oldest clothiers of Atlanta, prominently located at the corner of Alabama and Whitehall. They are prominent alike in the trade, doing a very large business in furnishing men's and boy's clothing. Mr, Er Lawshe is the oldest jeweler of Atlanta, and one of the oldest citizens. Kuhn & Sons' Art Gallery, 33 1-2 WhitehaU street, has been long established in Atlanta, and their work is popular. They make very fine pictures, both of persons and houses, quite a num ber of the illustrations of this book being reproduced from their plates. They have good rooms, including a reception parlor, which they have recently fitted up in elegance. No one will be disappointed who sits for his picture with Kuhn & Sons. The Smith Araerican Organ Corapany is located at 27 White hall street, where they make a ER la-wshe's jewelry STORE. finc display of their instruraents. They are manufacturers of pianos as well as organs, and their chief offices are Boston, Mass., Kansas City, Missouri, and Atlanta. Mr.- A. H. Tyler is the manager of the Atlanta branch. The company has been established since 1852. Thomas & Richter, at No, go, have a fine stock of furniture. They run a class of honest goods, being what they look to be, and these goods seU upon their merits. Mr. W. H, Thomas has long experi- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 145 ence as a purchaser and seller of furniture, and knows both how to select goods and how to dispose of them to the advantage of the public and himself. At 34 WhitehaU street is 'the leading jewelry estab lishment of this section, that of J, P, Stevens & Co, The stock is one of the l__ ^ _, ^ ==^3. largest and costUest in the^M[~p9Tu V C.NS jR-f^^^^» South, and as 'varied as oi\-^^^^'^-^'^'''^^^^^^^*i*'~-^^- 1^^^ ly such a great establish- ^^j ment can afford. The dis- 7^ play is rich and magnifi- ^ cent, and J, P, Stevens & "^ Co. is to Atlanta what Tiffany is to New York, The stock embraces solid S and plated ware, diamonds and general jewelry. The salesroom is a palace of glass filled with precious gems, and beautiful articles of personal adornment and household utility. The visi tor walks over the tesselated floor enchanted by visions of loveliness. Keeping pace with the predominant spirit of Atlanta enterprise, Messrs. Stevens & Co. de termined upon a big ad vance step, and estabUshed a watch factory. Some of the leading citizens of Atlanta and these watches and pronounce them excellent in every particiilar The operations of manufacture are very interesting, employing a large force of skilled workmen. The business of the house is very ¦ extensive, and constantly growing both at wholesale and retail. other sections have tested 146 LLLUSTRATED ATLANTA. '^INTERIOR OF 5ALESE00M.-Ji- Crowds of ladies are to be seen at almost any time of the day in specting the splendid and beautiful gold and silver wares of this really magnificent establishment. Hours may be spent in it with out weariness. It is one of the best known places of Atlanta, and few visitors leave the city before visiting'^ it. J. C, & I. Daniel, 32 White hall, have a popular boot and shoe store. They keep in stock the latest fashions and the best makes. They seek to win custom by the excellence of their goods and . uniformly courteous treat ment of customers. Mr. W. W. HaskeU, 27 1-2: Whitehall street, has been many years in the fire insurance busi ness, and is agent for a number of strong companies, araong them the Niagara, WilUamsburg City and Westchester. These com panies are notes for their promptness, and Mr. Haskell carries a fine business for them. S. L. Solomson, watch maker and jeweler, 35 White hall street, understands his trade, and gives satisfaction to all. He has a beautiful transparent clock in his win dow, which is a great public convenience, telling the pass ing populace the hour by day and night. Mr. Solom'son is a man of both skill and expe rience in his business. Gomez & Pines, 43 1-2 Whitehall, plasterers, do ex- i^g'XNTERIOH or FAC TORT. -;Jf- J. P. STEVENS & CO. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 147 ceUent work in plain and ornamental plastering. The firm is com posed of G. P. Gomez and C. S. Pines. C. W. Motes & Co., 90 WhitehaU street,have a very fine harness and saddlery establishment. They make a specialty of hand-made work, and no handsomer work is turned out anywhere. In charac ter of material, in finish and style, the goods of this house cannot be excelled. They are exclusively engaged in the harness and sad dlery business, not selling wagons or buggies. Their work has taken some fine Fa^r premiums. Walden & Stowe, no WhitehaU street, have a book-store, where may be found the largest stock of theological and miscellaneous books in Atlanta. Besides, they have a variety of articles, station ery and the Uke, usual to their Une of business. BROAD STREET. Among the finest establishments of Atlanta is the Wholesale Paper Warehouse and Paper, Box and Blank Book Manufactory of F. G. Hancock, on the corner of Broad and Alabama streets. Some G. HANCOCK S. years ago Mr. Hancock started on a limited scale in the book and stationery business, in the firm of Burke & Hancock. After the 148 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. dissolution of the firm, Mr. Hancock had & general partnership with an old and wealthy citizen, Mr. W. A. Rawson, whose death left Mr. Hancock to conduct the business alone. This, however, he has practically done from the outset, having always been the managing partner. Gradually enlarging as his trade grew, he commenced the manufacture of paper boxes and blank books. His success be came so pronounced, his trade so expanded, that he deterrriined up on an enlargement of his business to embrace the trade in papers, stationery, and printers materials in all its branches, and to conduct the manufacture of paper boxes and blank books upon the most extensive scale. This in turn necessitated enlarged quarters, and he PAPER BOXEACTORYaTdCUTTINC ROOM. soon effected an arrangement with Judge George Hillyer for the erection of the building he now occupies, one of the largest and handsomest structures in Atlanta, at a cost of some $25,000. Some idea of the extent and scope of his business may be gathered from the statement that Mr. Hancock occupies the whole of this large and splendid buUding. The lower part is the warehouse, in which is perhaps the finest and heaviest stock of paper, stationery and blank books in this section of the South. The upper part is devo ted to the manufacture of paper boxes and blank books, which gives employment to fifty girls. We saw, speaking of this depart- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 149 ment, a single order from the Eagle and Phoenix Cotton Mills of Columbus, signed by its secretary and treasurer, Mr. G. Gunby Jor dan, for 30,000 boxes. This house controls the sale here of the flat and ruled papers of the Whiting Paper Company, and also carries in stock the superior printing inks of Chas. Eneu Johnson, of which it has the sole agency in this section. It also controls exclusively in this market the Stone Fort Mills printing papers. Mr. Hancock is quite a young man and deserves great credit for building up such a house, which is so largely beneficial to Atlanta. His estab lishment is undoubtedly one of the largest in the South, and is a great success. Messrs. Harwell & Smith's depot of engines, wagons, and agri cultural machinery is located at 65 Broad street. These gentlemen handle popular stationary and portable engines, and the best makes of all agricultural machinery, as also the best made wagons. This accounts in part for their heavy business, though they have for years stood in the front rank of the trade for their reliability and general high character, They are general agents for the old relia ble Sweepstakes Thresher, Buckeye Reapafs and Mowers, and keep on hand a large lot of Whitewater wagons, every one warranted. 150 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. The Estey Organ Company's branch house in Atlanta is located on the corner of Broad and Alabama streets, in splendid quarters specially erected for it. The reputation of the Estey organ is world wide, and the business of the company becarae so large South as to Mm-^ r : mn^ ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, BROAD STREET, necessitate the location of a branch house, and Atlanta was selected as the most eligible point. This works to the great advantage of purchasers, as they can buy here at the same price as paid at ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 151 the North. The Atlanta branch is also a general depot for music and musical instruments of every kind, both of American and for eign manufacture, embracing celebrated pianos like the Steinway -and the Weber. The stock of musical instruments, from a mag nificent piano or a J 1000 organ down to a Jew's harp, is very large, to meet the requirements of the demands of its wholesale and retail trade. Mr. C. M. Cady, the manager of this department, is a gen tleman of most extensive experience in th^ business. He is a man also of large culture and fine taste, and has introduced a most en joyable feature in Atlanta musical society in the shape of regular weekly concerts in the beautiful rooms of the Estey. Atlanta is proud of her distinction as the Estey headquarters for the South. ^The "MitcheU" wagons, made by Mitchell, Lewis & Co.,of Racine, Wisconsin, have a national reputation, and the experience of farm ers in different sections of the country agree as to their convenience and durability. Only the best material of wood and iron is used in their con struction. The thimble ¦skein, n»de by Mitchell, Lewis & Co., from their own patterns, it is claimed, is the reason for the pop- >ularity of their wagons as among the lightest run ning in the world. The •patent steel skein used are manufactured expressly for ¦the "Mitchell' wagon. The "MitcheU" wagon is too well known to need any extensive notice as to its special feature, and its ac- mitchell wagon company. ceptibility to the farmers is attested by the frequent sight of the name upon our streets and country roads. These wagons embrace the various styles in use, the spring wagon, business wagon, deliv ery wagon, etc., one and two horse. The large brick depot or warehouse in this city, at the corner of Broad and Hunter streets 1 52 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. is filled with a large stock of these handsome and popular wagons, and is in charge of W. L. P. Wiard, the general agent for Georgia, North and South Carolina, Florida and Alabama, who has been in the business many years. He sells both to merchants and farmers. Messrs. Wilson & Bro., whose office is at No. lo North Broad, and lumber and coal yards on Spring street along the Western & Atlantic railroad, are wholesale and retail dealers in coal, lime^ laths and shingles. Their trade is not confined to the city, but stretches far out of it, as they are shipping extensively on all lines of railroad in the State. Though young men, they have shown enter- COAL and LUMBER YARDS OF WILSON & BRO. prise and ability of unusual order. Some years ago they succeeded" to the well established business of Edward Parsons, but have every year since increased it until now it is very great. They deal in all the best grades of coal, all kinds of lumber, and the best lime for build ing and fertilizing purposes. With ample capital and facilities,- having railroad yards, they are able to sell at prices that can not be be beaten. A. P. Tripod, 13 Broad street, has a fine establishment of paints, oils, brushes, varnishes, glass, and a full stock of that line of goods.. Mr. Tripod being an experienced painter, and now conducting the business on a very large scale, furnishes in this the very best pos sible evidence of the merits of his paints and paint goods, for he can not be deceived, and knows their value from actual use of them and through knowledge of the requisites of a good article. This is im portant to customers, for there are many inferior paints and paint ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 153 goods upon the market. In speaking of Mr. Tripod's practical ex perience as a painter, it is proper to add that he is recognized as the artist painter of Atlanta. His sign, fresco and artistic work generally, is of rare beauty and taste. The handsomest work of this kind in Atlanta, is from his brush. We have seen wooden man tels emerge from his touch so like slate and marble that a critical examination would be necessary, even by an expert, to detect the difference. Mr. Tripod carries on the business of sign, fresco and house painting in connection with his paint and oil establishment. F. W. Hart, doors, sash and blinds, occupies No. 30 South Broad street. His stock is always heavy, and is one of the largest carried by any house in the South. His trade has grown to great pro portions, and to meet its demands his orders sometimes are of such magnitude as to stagger credulity, were the facts not before the eye. The whole career of Mr. Hart in Atlanta is one of remarkable suc cess. Acquainted with the trade in the Southern field from a trav eling connection with a Western establishment, he saw an opening in Atlanta, and a few years since embarked in it. His business in doors, sash, blinds and builders hardware, ran up like magic, and now he ships goods into a number of adjoining states, as well as Georgia.- His trade necessitates the keeping of a heavy stock always in store and warehouse to prevent delay in fiUing orders. So extensive became his trade that he found it advisable to establish a branch house in Rome, Ga. Last year he added a planing mill to his business, in conjunction with his son, F. W. Hart, Jr., under the style of F. W. Hart & Son. AU work is done here usuaUy done by planing mills, the- mill being supplied with the best of machinery ,. and under the personal superintendence of F. W. Hart, Jr. 154 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Messrs. J. D. & T. F. Smith, No. 59 South Broad street, sell the White Sewing Machines. These gentlemen have been engaged in the sewing machine business for a long period, and know what a .good sewing machine is. They are reliable and prompt. Broad street is the printingf-house street of ,-,.,„ ,.,™^™,^,^^ ^'isx Atlanta, though it is also the main cotton ASI ji^^^^^fefell ' street. The Constitution, Christian Index, Sunday Gazette, Sunny South, Weekly Post, and other journals are published on it. The job offices are numerous. Bennett, in the basement, corner of Broad and Alabama, is one of the Ipest and most tasteful printers in Atlanta. The Franklin Printing House, of Jas. P. Harrison & Co., is the largest in the State, at times having a hundred employees in its various departments. The Daily Con- siituiion has also a job department, managed by James D. Robin son. Reynolds' jpb office, by P. S. Reynolds has also a stereotype departraent, which does very satisfactory work. Walker, Claridy & Co,, at the North end of Broad street bridge, have a good bindery, and so has R.J. Maynard, in the Brown building, at the -south end of the bridge. Moore's Business University, corner of Broad and Alabama streets, is a splendid institution. A short time since a city journal contained a list of over 200 students by name who attended its sessions last year, these gentlemen coming from all over the South, and some from the West. President B. F. Moore has recently made extensive iraproveraents in his rooms, and also enlarged the educa tional scope of his work. He is a gentleman of high character and cultivated manners, and elicits the esteem and respect of all who -come in contact with him. Jas. R. Wylie, 32 N. Broad, is one of Atlanta's leading whole- :sale grocers, and is prominent in banking and commercial circles. ALABAMA STREET. R. H. Knapp, Real Estate Agent, No. 10 East Alabama street, does a general real estate business, selling and renting city property, .and buying and seUing farms and other properties in the country. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. IS5 He is paying special attention to the latter, and is opening up a large correspondence, looking to the purchase of Georgia farming lands by Northern and Western parties, and emigrants. Mr. Knapp's references are the best bank officers of the city. He is, however, weU known, having been long connected with the strong house of Wm. McNaught & Co., and for the past year a Councilman of the •city, representing its mercantile ward. He is a gentleman of strong ¦character and large intelligence, capable of handling well any bus iness he takes up. He is one of the class of men who always suc ceed. The Merchant's Bank, 12 and 14 East Alabama street, is one of the strong institutions of the city. It has a paid up capital of -$200,000, and a directory that is taken from the best and strongest business men of the city — such men as Benj. E. Crane, president of the Chamber of Commerce, W. A. Moore* Jas. R. WyUe, Jas. H. Porter, Campbell Wallace, Clinton I. Brown, Geo. Winship, and J. W. Beach. CampbeU Wallace is president, and Jas. H. Porter, ¦cashier. No bank has a higher reputation than this. The two views on this and the next page rep resent one of the largest grocery houses in the State, that of Messrs. Fuller & Oglesby. The building has been re cently erected especially for them,and is so built, -and arranged, that every possible convenience is afforded for the transac tion of their imniense business. The firm is composed of W. A. Ful ler and J. G. Oglesby, both of whom have been for years in the FULLEE i OGLESBY — FRONT VIEW, grocery trade in Atlanta, and in the present connection since J878. The progress and success of the firm of FuUer & Oglesby 156 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. has been something remarkable, and although among the leading grocery houses of the South, their growth seems just begun. They have a large force of traveling salesmen, who visit every section in Georgia, and the sur rounding State, con tributing to Atlanta trade, and their large and favorable personal acquaintance gives them the fuUest confidence of their customers. The business is thoroughly systematized and its effi cient management in sures prompt execution. Mr. FuUer has been in the business thirteen years, and Mr. Oglesby sixteen. flller & oglesby — rear view The Atlanta National Bank, East Alabama street, is the designa ted depository of the United States. It is a national bank, and has a capital of $i 50,000. It is the oldest bank of the city, having been in its earlier years the old Fulton Bank, run by two of the financially strongest men of the time, Alfred Austell, and E. W. Holland.- Gen. Austell has been ever since connected with and is now its president. He is known to be very wealthy, and has a reputation for financial abUity that is Stat e-wide. The directors are likewise strong men, consisting of the president, Paul Romare, who is cash ier, W. B. Cox, who is vice-president, S. M. Inman, R. H. Richards,- Jas. Swann, P. Romare, and W. W. Austell. T. S. Lewis, 67 East Alabama street, has a very extensive es tabUshment for the wholesale manufacture of crackers. He makes a "snow flake'' cracker that is deUcious and very popular. He is also a dealer in confectionery and canned goods. He has some thirty employees, and his products amount to some seventy-five thousand dollars annually. His trade extends from Virginia to Alabama,. and is increasing rapidly. His business has been established ten or-- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 1 57 ¦eleven years. Mr. Lewis has the latest improved machinery, and adds to it from year to year. Mickelberry & Whitlock, No. 24 E. Alabama street, do a very large wholesale business in groceries, provisions and fruits. Mr. W. M. Mickelberry has speedUy built up his trade since he carae to Atlanta from Griffin, and understands the trade thoroughly. The store house is one of the largest in Atlanta, with back platform by the side of the railroad track, which gives it the very best facilities of transportation. At No. 40 E. Ala bama street, is the house of Dunn, Alex ander & Co. Mr John N. Dunn, the -senior partner in this house was born in Alabama, but raised in Tennessee. He refugeed to Georgia in 1863 and spent six years in Brooks coun ty, making cotton with free labor. He came to Atlanta, De ceraber 1 869, and or ganized the house of d nn Alexander s CO Dunn, Pgletree & Co. in February, 1872, which was succeeded by the present firm January ist, 1881. The old concern and the new have been highly favored with the confidence of the community, and have always been able to make promptly any transaction which seemed to them a prudent one. The house has always been able to control sufficient means of its own or others when they wished so to do. Full weight and fair dealing in every thing has been their motto as well as their practice. Crane & Langston is another house in the wholesale grocery line, - doing an immense business. They have recently built a very ex- : tensive cotton warehouse. 158 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Messrs A. C. & B. F. Wyly, wholesale grocers are also on this street, and is a strong, first-class house in every respect. W. M. & R, J, Lowry, 69 East Alabama street, have a private bank of high reputation. The bank appointments are among the best and handsomest of the city. The Messrs. Lowry are wealthy,' and of strong character, Mr, W, M. Lowry, the senior, is one of the most respected citizens of Atlanta, and a Christian gentleman j of great usefulness. Mr, R, J. Lowry, his son, follows in the foot- | steps of his father in strong traits of character, business energy,. | and financial abiUty. He has often been honored with official sta tion by his fellow citizens and is now one of the three Aldermen of THE WILSON HOUSE, CORNER ALABAMA AND PRYOR. the city, who have the control of the city's finances. He is chair man of the board of Aldermen, and the financial matters of the city are well handled by him. This is a very responsible position and shows the esteem in which Mr. Lowry is held. He is stUj quite a young man and has a field of wide usefulness before him. Davenport, Johnson & Co. occupy 68 and 70 Alabama street. It is the same as the New York House, at 33 Park Place. It was started in 1791. Its business extends everywhere in the United States, and they send goods to China and Europe. All kinds of cotton and woolen mill,railway and machinist supplies,as well as rub- ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 1 59. ber goods of every description, constitute the stock, and anything not on hand wiU be speedily furnished by order. This is the only estabUshment of the kind in the South. Mr. Edward L. Vourhis is the resident or managing partner in Atlanta. The Atlanta house is admirably located for business, being in a few feet of the General Passenger Depot, and having a side railroad track for shipping and receiving goods. In the splendid building on the corner of Alabama and Pryor streets, are the office rooms of Bradstreet's Coraraercial Agency ._ This department controls a very large section of the South, em bracing a great portion of Georgia, all the counties in Alabama, ex cept seven, thirteen in South Carolina, and thirty-two in Tennessee. It has from ten to eighteen employees busily engaged, and four type writers in constant use, Mr, H. C, Leonard, a gentleman of fine experience in banking business, is the Superintendent. Mr. Leonard is a well known citizen of Atlanta, and was recently ap pointed to this position. Bradstreet's Commercial reports are in valuable to our merchants, and are very popular. Their book of reports is issued quarterly, containing the collection laws of each state in abstract, names, business, estimated worth and credit of merchants and business men generally in the United States and Canada; and a mass of other important information. Besides this, written and special reports are furnished to subscribers upon application, covering the various points of inforraation needed The names of reliable attorneys in^all sections are also furnished. Subscribers wUl find the pocket edition very serviceable. Brad- street has been so long established that it is well known, and its reliability unquestioned. Its use in this section is general, and this led to the opening of the branch office in Atlanta. Mr. Leonard, the Superintendent, is courteous and prompt; all who have business with Bradstreet, will find him either in person or by letter. The Executive offices of the company are 279, 281 and 283 Broadway, New York. Frank M. Potts, 19 East Alabama street, has a large trade in wholesale Kquors. He controls some of the best brands on the market. His experience in the business extends over a consider able period, which enables him to handle the trade to better effect. i6o ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. Lewis Clarke, so' widely known as a hatter, has been for some time also in the merchant tailoring business. He is now running this business exclusively at No, 8. Alabama street. He always had the finest and best hats for the money, and he will doubtless make a good reputation in that way in his present business of merchant tailoring. LOYD STREET. The Markham House is on Loyd street, at the north-east corner of the General Passenger Depot, and at the head of Wall street. It is the nearest hotel in Atlanta to arriving and departing trains, Boaz's livery stables are located on this street, conveni ently near the Markham House. Mr. G. R. Boaz, the propri etor, has long been in the bus iness ; keeps a good stable both for livery and sale, and has also an undertaker's de partment connected with it, which is one of the best fitted up in the South. His hearses are very costly and elegant, and his line of coffin goods embrace very costly cases and BOAZ'S LI\ERY STABLES, LOYD STREET, CaSKCtS, Next to Boaz is Dr, J. Stainback Wilson's Turkish Baths. Atlanta's great plasterer. Thrower, has an office at No. 12 Loyd. Mr. J. G. Thrower is a gentleman whose name is very famUiar in Atlanta, being in a very particular" sense a "household" word, for he has plastered more private and public buildings than any man in Atlanta, or all the balance put together. "And his works do praise him." He was the plasterer of the Kimball House, and of the most prominent public edifices of Atlanta, winding up with the work in the Exposition buildings. Plain and ornamental plaster ing, calcimining, and all work in the line of his business he executes with great skill. He keeps a regular force of good workmen con- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. i6l stantly employed, being never without a number of buUdings in ¦different parts of the city to finish up, though he can pick up the tools and beat his best workman, for he is master of his trade. Such a man always has as much as he can do. Being a very intelligent and thoughtful raan he very frequently publishes, in interview or letter form, hints and suggestions to the ladies in reference to the proper care and management of the walls and interior embellish ments. But Mr. Thrower is as widely known in another field. He is a chief temperance advocate in the State, never lagging in the -cause. He is a recognized leader, in fact the most prominent in Atlanta. He has accomplished great good by his zeal and unremit ting efforts, which have become so famUiar to the pubUc that his name has almost become a "synonym" for temperance. WALL STREET. This street starts at the Markham House, and runs only two blocks, but it is one of the most important business streets in At lanta, being thick with wholesalesale houses, offices, etc. After the corner building on Loyd street, occupied by the Richmond & DanviUe railroad company for its various offices, comes the Brown Block, which is a massive structure occupied up stairs by offices. Lawyer Julius Brown, former president of the Young Men's Library, .and who is one of the prominent young men of the city, has his of fice here. Next to it is the office of Capt, W. D. EUis, another prominent young lawyer and city official. Mr, EUis came to At lanta from South Carolina, about twelve years ago, just after hav ing been admitted to the bar in that State, He has been a member of City Council three terms, and is at present Solicitor of the City Court of Atlanta,a court whose civil jurisdiction is almost unlimited, and whose criminal jurisdiction extends to all misdemeanors com mitted within the county of Fulton, But leaving the offices and descending to the first floor we come to one of the great drug estab lishments of the city. Geo, J. Howard & Bro., 36 and 38 Wall street, have one of the finest wholesale drug establishments in the South, Their stock, embraces all the goods and varieties of articles that go to make up 1 62 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. such a house. Druggists of this and other States are supplied by" this house with complete stocks, Messrs. Howard & Bro,, also manufacture for the trade to a considerable extent, and their prep arations are winning quite a reputation. In addition to their whole sale departrnent, they also have one for retail, which is one of the most elegantly and handsoraely furnitured and appointed in the South. In this department they retail the best and most popular medicines and compound prescriptions under the direction of a skiUed and thoroughly competent and experienced pharmaceutist. The ladies find here the most exquisite colognes and toilet goods, and the public generaUy are served in a first class style and satisfac tory way in every particular. The Gate City National Bank, on the corner of WaU and Pryor streets, has a capital of $250,000. It was originally a State bank. but was converted into a national bank, with enlarged capital. Lod- owick J. Hill is president, L. M. HUl, vice-president, and Edward S. McCandless, cashier. PEACHTREE STREET. Messrs. Parkins & Bruce, architects, are on the second floor of the Healy building, corner of Peachtree and Marietta streets. These gentlemen have done much to make Atlanta what it is in point of architecture. The splendid building in which their office is, as weU as, the large majority of the magnificient storehouses and beautiful residences which have been erected in the past few years^ were designed by them, including the Kimball House, Library buUding, and principal churches. They have a reputation that is more than State-wide, for they have calls into different States, and frequently send their designs for public and private buUdings to considerable distances. Their business is very large, and probably they have no superiors in their profession in the South. The splendid building, corner of Peachtree and Marietta street, one of 'tiie finest structures in Atlanta, is the work and property of Mr. T. G. Healy, who has been a contractor and builder in Atlan ta twenty-seven years. Mr. Healy built the Kimball House, Capi tol, Passenger Depot, Catholic church, Post Office, as well as many 1* liiV'i : \ •_S / V t •'Mm, i' ^ * \* >> V 'J ¦$ .At - r \ ».*; '?' i64 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. other of the finest edifices in the city, private and public, and has just finished the Exposition buildings. He owns extensive prop erty in the city, and has been a resident of Georgia 36 years. The People's Mutual Relief Association has its offices in the build ing on the corner of Peachtree and Wall streets, directly opposite the National Hotel, occupying the whole second floor. Their plan of assurance is now the most popular, and altogether the safest. The Gate City Bank is their repository. Among its officers, are Wm, S, Baker, president, and R, O, RandaU, secretary. The cost ¦of insurance is about one-third of that on the old plan. Near this street an extensive business has been carried on, in part, by a gentleman who is now a member of the Legislature. "whose success in business has been so phenomenal that a passing notice will be readable, as it illustrates the possession of those qualities which recommended him to the people for official stations ¦of responsibility ; and so it is with many of our citizens. Mr. Frank P. Rice was one of the earUest 'settlers of Atlanta. When a mere boy he was apprenticed to the first book bindery in Atlanta, and carried a route for one of the papers, the Weekly Examiner, and about his first work was driving a dump cart for a railroad. Steadily from that day he pushed his way, gradually gathering around him friends and property. Forming a patnership in the lumber business, he has seen it prosper greatly, and all his business ventures have simUarly resulted, proving his busi ness capacity, and making him a wealthy man. But all his wealth he has put into real estate, his faith in the future of Atlanta being supreme. In the municipal poUtics and history of the city he has had an honorable prominence. He was elected to Council in 1867, and was a fourth time chosen. In 1880 he was elected to the Legislature, leading the ticket in the vote, and has been active in thatbody, pushing through the bill creating County Commissioners, the Cole charter, and other important measures. He has always taken a spirited part in public enterprises, and is a most valuable citizen. — T. M. Clarke, & Co., wholesale hardware and saddlery, corner of ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 165 Peachtree and Line streets, have the leading establishment in this Une iu the city. It is the oldest house, having been started in the early days of Atlanta. It has grown until it is equal to any hard ware house in the South. Their building is one of the largest and handsomest in the city. The firm consists of Thomas M. Clarke, R. C. Clarke, J. C. Kirkpatrick and Jno. C. Fitten, Taylor's Drug Store, corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets, is one of the handsomest in the State, The store is situated in the very heart of the city, and the most crowded thoroughfare. The stock is excellent., cov ering everything car ried in a first-class drug store, Walter A. Taylor, the proprietor, has long experience in the business, and has built u{5 a most suc cessful trade. But his greatest triumph is his manufacture of Tay lor's Premium Co logne, It has gained a wide-spread celebrity, and finds a sale in all parts of the country. At times it has been difficult to supply the demand for it, which is constantly growing, TAYLOR S DRUG STORE. The prescription department is in the most competent hands and is a special feature of recommendation. On the whole, Mr. Taylor has a model drug store, reflecting not Only credit upon himself, but also upon the city. The beauty and 1 66 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. style of its appointments ; the excellence and variety of its stock, the efficiency of its various departments,and the popularity of the cologne manufactured by it.seem to keep pace with each other. Messrs. Hunnicutt & Bellingrath, 36 and 38 Peachtree, have an immense stock of house furnishing goods, stoves, plan ter's goods.etc. Their buUding, which they erected a number of years ago to accom modate their growing businessTis one of the largest and best in the city. The house has grown up with At- HUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATH'S STORE. laUta, aud ItS PTO- prietors are among the earliest inhabitants. It is perhaps the largest establishment of the kind in Georgia, Wm. CUfford Neff, & Co., have at No. 70 Peachtree, an office for their soap manufactures. Here may be seen popular varieties — some thirty brands — of toilet and laundry soaps — made in Atlanta. These gentlemen are valuable and enterprising citizens, running in addition to their soap works a large ice factory, under the name of Artie Ice Company, managed by the junior of the firm, C. G. Neft'. MARIETTA STREET. Phillips & Crew, Nos. 6, 8 and 10 Marietta street, have one of the largest book and music stores in the South. They have been in the business in Atlanta for some ten years, and in this time have built up a splendid trade, e_xtending into various States. They deal in school books, blank books, stationery, and in everything gener ally kept in a well appointed book store, for such it is.and first-class in every respect. Their music store carries in stock the famous ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 167 Knabe and other good pianos, and many makes of organs, includ ing the splendid Clough & Warren, A full line of musical instru ments is kept, and sheet music is made a specialty, Messrs Phil lips & Crew are highly respected citizens, whose establishment is an honor to the city. The furniture establishment of P, H, Snook, near the corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets, is an immense affair. His store and warerooms stretch from Marietta street clear through to Wal ton, and are literally packed with goods. He sells at wholesale and retaU, is constantly shipping and receiving goods, and is doing a p. H, SNOOK S, tremendous business. His orders come from all parts of Georgia, and from neighboring States. He carries a great variety of goods in stock, and his prices run from tens into thousands of doUars for suits. His establishment is of course visited by every person who -comes to Atlanta with any idea of making purchases of furniture. 1 68 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. The Singer Sewing Machine Company's oflfice and salesroom No. 42 Marietta street, are very elegant. The popularity of the machine is universal, and its sales have run up to an enormous fig ure, in 1880 exceeding a half miUion. Mr, G, W. Leonard is the manager of the Southern Department, of which Atlanta is the headquarters. His management has been very successful, and the Singer is a general favorite. At No. 27 Marietta, is the agricultural seed store and machinery warehouse of Mark W, Johnson & Co, They have been in the business for many years, and enjoy a trade extending to very far distances, Tl.e farraer can get of them anything he needs in the _!_ JIl jii %\ \f. MARK W . JOHNSO.M & CO'S. line of farm implements and agricultural machinery, as well as the choicest and best seeds, to which department special attention is paid. The best brands of fertilizers are also sold by this house. The Atlanta Bridge Works of Wilkins, Post & Co. are on this street, near the city limits. They have one hundred -or more em ployees. They are now, in 1881, building iron bridges on the Memphis & Charleston, Georgia, and Alabama Western, roads. They furnished all the iron work for our county court-house. About two years ago Wilkins, Post & Co, established their shops perma nently in Atlanta, and their machinery is complete. They have in ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . 169. connection the largest foundry in the city. They wUl probably erect at an early day a new building about 50 x 100 feet. At a point of our view of Marietta, that indicated by the large sign on which is seen the word "Remington," the reader can find what may be called the cradle of the sewing machine business in At- lanta.although less than a dozen years have passed since the erection of this fine business block. Many changes have taken place in the sewing machine trade of this section. The present occupants of No, 31 are the well known firm of Fred Bell & Co. The senior partner of this house was born and raised in England ; coming to- America in 1852, he has been engaged in the sewing machineibusi- ness over a score of years, Mr. Bell was one of the first occupants of Opera House building, and for ten years past, amid the many changes that have transpired has steadily maintained a prominent position as a wholesale dealer. At present the house of Fred Belt & Co. are sole agents for the Stewart Sewing Machines and needles, parts, oil and attachment for all machines, which they sell .strictly to the trade only, having exclusive control of the States of Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Florida. This was one of the first houses in the South to sell sewing machines as merchandize. The Boiler Works of Jas, A, Gifford, are at 222 Marietta street. Mr, Gifford manufactures boilers, wrought and sheet iron work,. He furnishes our leading factories and shops in this line, which is a sufficent proof of his skiU. E, L, Winham, printer. No, 81-2 Marietta street, has one of the raost complete of the smaller job establishments of the city. He has recently added several more presses to his press room, m.aking his facilities excellent for general work, Wm. Brenner, manufacturer of and dealer in mill stones, porta ble mills, and mill findings, is at 320 and 322 Marietta street Mr.- Brenner employs an average of six to ten hands, and his annual sales will amount to $25,000. He sells into the Southern States gen erally, and his ivork is first class, finding a good raarket where- ever it is introduced. Mr. Brenner has been in this business a great many years, and understands his trade in all its details. John Davis, 221 Marietta street, has a brass foundry and ma chine shop, where he does the best of work in his line. He has a I70 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 'brick building of good dimensions, partly two-stories high, and on a corner lot. Mr, Davis is a practical machinist, is skillful and indus trious, and has thus built himself up by degrees, until he has a foundry of his own and a good business. The Atlanta Coffin Factory, of L, H. Hall, & Co., is near Mari etta street, on the corner of Elliott and Newton streets. It is one of the biggest manufacturing enterprises of Atlanta. The capital invested in grounds, buildings and machinery, is about S5o,ooo, and employs some fifty hands. $50,000, however, would not buy it. It is a very successful enterprise. Started four years ago on Decatur street, its business grew so rapidly that it necessitated the building of a factory. The building, which is three stories high, 140x160 feet in dimensions, exclusive of engine and drying rooms, is heated by steam pipes. The manufacture of coffins and caskets covers every style and price, and they are shipped all over the South. In looking at the stock one would think that he saw every kind made, both wood and metallic, so perfect is the imitation of metal and of the various kinds of wood. They are prepared to ship at telegram's notice, any desired style or size, so complete is their stock and machinery. There are two acres surrounding the factory which wiU be used at an early day for factory cottages. L. H, Hall and E, E. Rawson are the company. The Atlanta Cotton Factory is one of the great indus tries ofthe city, located on this street, 170 and 172. On account of financial difficulties in the building and starting of it, it has been placed in the hands of a receiver, ex-Governor R, B. Bullock, who is now managing it with success. The Atlanta Brass Foundry, Geo. R. Meneely & Co,, are near Marietta street, on the corner of Foundry and the Western & Atlantic railroad. The building, which is of brick, is owned by the company, as also about an acre of land. The Atlanta foundry was established to look after the interest of the company in the Southern States. Thev manufacture Hopkins' patent self-fitting journal bearings, and supply a great many railroads. Several hands are employed. The foundry has facilities for general brass castings, but makes no bells. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 171 E. Van Winkle & Co,, 214 and 216 Marietta street, and 16, 18 and 20 Foundry street, manufacture cotton gins, presses, circular saws, saw mills, shafting, mill gearing, castings, etc. This is the leading estabUshment of this kind, not only of Atlanta, but of Geor gia, To give an idea of its growth and magnitude it need only be said that three or four years ago they occupied the factory as shown in the accompaying cut ; since that time this has been re placed by a mammoth brick structure covering nearly an acre of ground, fronting 115 feet on Marietta, 180 on Foundry, and 250 on the Western & Atlantic railroad. The average number of hands is about seventy-five, and the capital invested from seventy- !five to a hundred thou. sand dollars. It will be seen that this is one ol the great industries ol the city that go to make up its prosperity. It nol only feeds three or foui hundred people, but it enriches the city by its sales, which ramify Geor - gia and .neighboring -States, There is no gin in the market more pop ular than the Van Winkle, and it has been difficult to keep up with the orders for it. The firm is composed of E, Van Winkle, who is a practical machinist, and has been engaged in the business many years, and Mr, W. W. Boyd, who manages the books and finances. . VAN WINKLE & CO'S. FORSYTH STREET. Messrs, Geo, W, Scott & Co,, guano manufacturers, are located upon this street. They have a great and growing trade for their -manufactures. Their new factory is on the Georgia railroad near the city limits. .^very, & Sons, carriages, wagans and plows occupy the whole •of the large warehouse building corner of Forsyth and Alabama :streets. This is a branch of the LouisvUle house, which is one of M V Vf ill J J- lIlR I J ^«L^ t \! ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 173 the largest establishments in the United States, It is coraplete in its departments, and always has an immense stock on hand. Mr. ¦George L. MUler is the raanager of the Atlanta Branch. Logan cS: Co., flour merchants, are at 18 S, Forsyth street, near Marietta, The firm is composed of Frank R, Logan and James L, Logan. They have been in the business for many years, and have sold heavily in this and neighboring sections. So great has their business grown that they have occupied recently their present large store, or fire-proof warehouse, where they keep on hand the differ- ¦ent grades of flour they sell. They have mUls of their own at Bridge port, East Tennessee, the firm there being Susong, Logan & Co. Logan &: Co., handle in this raarket all the brands of their raills, the Waverly and the Bridgeport, and also the brands of other mills. They are wholesale dealers in flour and grain, B, M.Winn & Co., wholesale dealers in tobacco and cigars, have their office at No. 18. The firm consists of Frank R. Logan, of Lo gan & Co., and B. M. Winn, who has been in the business for eleven years, which gives him a valuable experience. They deal in North Carolina tobacco, buying from first parties. The firm of B. M. Winn .& Co., are also manufacturers' agents for tobacco and cigars. WEST ALABAMA STEEET. Maddux, Rucker, & Co,, 36 West Alabama street, are bankers, ¦cotton factors, and dealers in fertilizers. They have recently erected a magnificent warehouse, one of the largest and best in the State. Col. R. F. Maddox, the senior merabgr of the firm, is one of At lanta's oldest and most respected citizens. He is of those citizens who are always prominent in public enterprises, that speed the ¦city on its way of prosperity. He was a prominent member of the citizens' committee, which drafted our new charter, a work of ^reat blessing, and one that will be more and more beneficial as the city grows older. Col. Maddox has often been honored by the people with official station, and has discharged his duty to their satisfaction. A few years since, at a very critical period he w as chairman of the Aldermanic Board, and in that capacity managed the finances of the city so well, as to improve greatly its financia 174 ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. condition and largely advance the general interests of the city. He is now and has been an active raeraber of the Executive Committee of the International Cotton Exposition, and has earnestly labored to make it a grand success. In business he has been uniformly prosperous, and his integrity alike in coraraercial and official life, united with fine capacity, is the secret of his honorable prominence and success. In his present extensive business his partners are possessed of high character and qualities for its successful manage ment. HUNTER STREET. This is a very important street and is still to be more prominent. Our new Court House is upon it, and the State Capitol will be in a few years. The city hall and park are on this street. The building is jointly used at present by county and city officers, A look within it any day will reveal some faithful officers at work. There is C, M, Payne, one of the' quietest and finest of gentlemen, and one of the best county treasurers in the State of Georgia. He is so popular with the people that they select hira every time. A. M. Perkerson, the Sheriff, and one of the best any county ever had, here has his office with his assistants, and is as clever a. man as he is a faithful official Near this is the Ordinary's office, now filled by Judge Wm. Lowndes Calhoun, one of the most popular men in Fulton county, in this particular very like his father, who in his life-time held many offices at the hands of the people. Judge Calhoun has been a. member of the Legislature, was last year Mayor of the city, and was elected Ordinary by a flattering vote. He is a good lawyer, and wiU make a good judge in the Ordinary's courts. In all county matters within his jurisdiction he will doubtless serve the county faithfully. Upon the same floor are the offices of the City Clerk, Marshal and Tax Receiver. This latter gentleman is Jas, A, Anderson, who- has h'ad quite a noted and certainly very honorable career in Atlanta, Coming here quite a young man, he worked his way into- the confidence of the people, has represented his ward in Council, was several years Chief of Police under the new system, and has- 176 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. been recently elected to the ofiice he now holds by the City Council, During most of this time his law partner was John B. Goodwin, a young lawyer, whose career has been quite similar, representing his ward in Council and being now one of the three Aldermen of the city by the general vote of the citizens Last year he narrowly missed being nominated for the State Senate, which would have been equiv alent to an election, Mr, Goodwin is attentive to his duties as a city official and is an active participant in the proceedings of the General Council. Bergstrom's printing house, 2J E. Hunter street, isa neat build- building, 30x75 feet, specially erected for him, and finely adapted to the printing business. He does journal, book and job printing, and has an experience of many years in his profession. Mr. J, K. Tnrower is the foreman or assistant of Mr. Bergstrom, and is a very worthy gentleman, who has been in the printing business for .a long period. He is also one of the five PoUce Commissioners who control the poUce force of the city, having been elected to this responsible position by the General Council. Tichnor, Dunlop & Co., at No. 1 1 East Hunter street, are gen eral job and book printers. They have a new office, with the latest -Styles of type, and four or five presses. They employ an average -of ten or a dozen printers. Their work is excellent and satisfac tory and has brought them a large custom. A, Ergenzinger's is headquarters for upholstery, at 12 East Hun ter street. The manufacture of awnings and tents is a specialty. The flour mills of Henry Lewis, corner of Hunter and Thompson streets, rank among the leading enterprises of the Gate City. They have been established seven years, and the popularity of their pro ducts is such that it is almost impossible for Mr. Lewis to keep up with his orders, though his mills have a capacity of two hundred barrels a day. Lewis Patent Process, Choice and Extra Family brands find sale in numerous States, especially Georgia and South •Carolina. The flour sells well in any market. ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . i -n OTHER PROiAIINENT HOUSES, The hardware house of McNaught & Scrutchin is on White haU street. This is an old firm, JNIr. Wm, INIcNaught, the senior member, was born in Scotland, but came to Atlanta frora Newport, Florida, where he was in the commission and cotton business many years with James Ormond, In Atlanta, with Mr, Thomas Scrutchin and Mr. Ormond, he started a hardware store. His place of business was destroyed during the war, but he rebuilt after it. In 1 864 he started a paper mill in connection with Colonel J. G. Foreacre, and liter built another mUl, Mr, Thomas Scrutchin is partner in both the hardware business and the mills. Hutchison & Bro., I4 Whitehall street, have a very fine drug store, complete in all its appointraents. They carry in stock all drugs, medicines and other goods usually found in such a store, and a fine line of toilet articles, including an excellent cologne of their own manufacture. They also carry a stock of the most pop ular patent remedies. They manufacture, themselves, a remedy which has won a large reputation, Neuralgine, for the cure of neu ralgia and he'adache. The merits of this remedy have the endorse ment "of many prominent and widely known persons. The pre scription department of this establishment is reliable, and medi cines are compounded by corapetent pharmaceutists. This store has a very large city trade, and it is growing in public favor. The Wheeler & WUson Sewing Machine has gained a wide pop ularity in the South, and especially in Georgia. Their headquar ters in this city, on Whitehall street, are very elegant. Mr. Wey- burn is the manager of this department. O. L, BraurauUer & Co,, No 35 Whitehall street, have a large stock of pianos and organs, including the Chickering piano and Mason & Hamlin organ. This is a branch house of Ludden & Bates of Savannah, one of the greatest music houses of the South. Pur chasers will always find a varied stock in store from which to select, Messrs. BraumuUer & Co., also keep sheet music, and can supply any demand for it, however great. Their business is ex- -cellent and growing. 1 78 ILL US TRA TED A TLANTA . MITCHELL STREET. Messrs. W. J. WiUingham & Co., on Mitchell street at the cross ing of the Central railroad, are extensive dealers, wholesale and re tail, of dressed and undressed lumber, flooring and ceiling, and make a specialty of selling in car load lots. Located immediately on the Une of road leading from the^great lumber regions of Geor gia, they have great facilities in the trade. Mr. WiUingham estab lished the business last year, coming from Forsyth, where he was highly respected. He has formed a partnership with W. A, WUl- ingham, of Columbus,- and J, T, WiUingham, of Atfenta, the latter of whom has charge of the books of the concern, M, E, Maher, wholesale liquors, 11 West Mitchell street, has been a member of Council, and in that capacity served the city well. The citizens will remember his efforts in a number of important mat ters, which by his energy and persistent work were pushed to a successful issue for the city, saving a large amount to its, treasury. W. T, Wilson, 14 Mitchell street, is the manager for Atlanta, and this section of the Davis vertical feed sewing machine. He sells at wholesale to merchants throughout the South. The Davis ma chine has won distinction at our fairs, and does most beautiful work. LINE STREET. W. L. Jarvis, manufacturer of carriages, buggies, sewing ma chine wagons, and other styles of vehicles, has his factory at 44 Line street, and his repository just around the corner from it, on Pryor street, Mr, Jarvis is one of the first manufacturers of the State, and his vehicles are made with skill, showing strength, gracefulness, elegance and beauty. He has won numerous prem iums on his work. He has made great reputation on the manu facture of sewing machine wagons, having made a large number for the Singer and Wheeler machine companies, and has sold them clear into Texas, notwithstanding the large freight expense neces sarily incurred. Mr, Jarvis has built up a fine business, and employs quite a numerous force of wood workers, blacksmiths and painters. On the corner of Peachtree and Line street is the firm of T. M. CLARKE CO., CORNER LINE AND PEACHTREE STREETS. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Clarke & Co., mentioned elsewhere. The accompanying illustra tion of their magnificient building is exact, with the exception that Messrs. Clarke & Co., now occupy the entire building from top to bottom, the old Eastman college having disappeared years ago, finding there was no room for another business college in a city where Moore's University is. DECATUR STREET, McBride & Co's. wholesale and retail crockery estabUshment is situated at the corner of Decatur and Pryor streets. The business of this house is immense, and has grown with great strides in the last few years. In 1878 they occupied the second story of quite a large buUding on the corner of Line and Pryor streets, the interior view of which was quite handsome. But their trade speedily outgrew INTERIOR VIEW OF M BEIDE this, and they added the lower floor, thus occupying the entire build ing. Recently they leased the largest and handsomest building, with few exceptions, in the city, using four great floors for their business. which extends all over the South. . They are large importers, re ceiving gopds direct from England, France, Germany, Japan and other countries of the old world. To Col. A. J, McBride, the sen- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. ior of the firm, is due a large part of the credit for the making of Atlanta a port of entry, he devoting much valuable time to this end, and making many trips to Washington, Their present stock of imported and domestic goods is very large, and no need exists for any merchant in this section to go North or East for supplies. The useful, the beautiful.and the artistic, in this line, may be seen in all their glory at this house. McBride & Co. are agents for the Seth Thomas clocks, and gen eral agents for the United States and the world for the famous Lambreth's Improved Fly Fan,which they are now exporting to all countries. Each floor of this establish ment is a beautiful pal ace, to see which is one of the pleasures of a visit to Atlanta. MERIDE & CO. — FRONT VIEW. Merchants who want to buy crockery, wood ware, tin ware, cutlery, show cases, etc, can no*- do better than to call at McBride's, The firm now consists of A. J. McBride. S. L. McBride, and Russell C. Johnson, who. commenced for his board as clerk in 1873, but through constant attention and fidelity to his duties, recently became a member of the firm, and financial manager. The Builders Supply House, of Messrs, Broomhead & Co., No. 36 Decatur street, has a full stock of doors, sash, blinds, builders hardware, paints, and goods generally kept in their line. Mr. B. H. Broomhead, senior of the firm, is well known as a leading builder and contractor for many years in Atlanta, He erected the Library, and many other prominent buildings in the city, and is a strong man financially. Mr. Frank Tryon, managing salesman of the firm. 1 82 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. has experience and capacity for making a successful business, and Mr. John S. Broomhead handles the books and finances with effi ciency and energy. The Milburn Wagon Co. occupy all three stores under Library, Decatur street. These hne warerooms contain at all times a large stock of their wagons, carriages and buggies, as well as goods man ufactured by others. This department is under the energetic man agement of Mr. H. L. Atwater. The Milburn Wagon Company, of Toledo, Ohio, is one of the largest in the country. It was organiz ed in 1 848, at which time it commenced the manufacture of carriages and wagons, and has grown to the massive proportions they now exhibit. Their mammoth works occupy some thirty acres used as lumber yards, store rooms, factory, offices etc., etc. The principal buildings cover twelve acres, and are five stories in height, and are of modern style of architecture, adapted especially to their purpose. They have all the latest and most improved machinery known to the trade. The force of hands ranges from 400 upwards. The company states that they employ only skilled labor, and make it a special rule to turn out none but the best work, that will stand the test of time and use. Their material is also the best, and they em ploy sufficient capital to allow them to fill their yards with lumber and keep it until it is thoroughly seasoned. They have been award ed many premiums and prizes. In addition to the regular farm and plantation wagon, they are making a variety of platform, half platform, three-spring, side-spring and side-bar business and pleas ure wagons arid buggies. Some idea of the magnitude of their sales will be had from the statement that during the past thirty-two years some half miUion wagons have been sold. They have branch houses for the sale of their goods at Atlanta, Ga.; Austin, Texas; Memphis, Tenn.; CouhcU Bluffs, Iow;a St, Paul, Minn.; and San- Antonio, Texas, Messrs. Sciples & Sons, dealers in coal, lime, plaster, cement and lumber, are on Decatur and Loyd, entrance from either street. They do a very extensive business. They have recently embarked in the manufacture of brooms, and have a large factory on Marietta street, run by the most improved machinery. They sell brooms all over the South. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 183 Traynham & Ray, Decatur street, have one of the largest estab lishments of the city, and have a great trade in doors, sash, blinds, and builder's materials. Their capital must be $50,000 or more, having a very large brick building and mills furnished with the best improved planing machinery. They occupy about an acre and a half of ground on a leading street almost in a stone's throw of the general railroad depot. They have a hundred employees, and thus TR-IV-\HAI\I & RAV S PL.-\KING MILLS. make one of the principal industries of the city. Their sales amount to a hundred thousand dollars a year. Such establish ments as these are immensely beneficial to the city, and are an in dex to the city's growth and prosperity. Messrs. Traynham & Ray have built up a business from small beginnings, which reflects great credit upon their energy, skill and business capacity. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. PRYOR STREET. This is a street noted, in its business portion, for the splendid buildings upon it. Chief among them is the great Kimball House, but there are other splendid buildings and blocks, among them the RepubUc block, the Austell building on the corner of Decatur, the Dodd building on the corner of Alabama, the five-story structure occupied by McBride & Co,, and others. Some of the first whole sale houses of the city are located on it, including grocery, hard ware, and dry goods. On the corner of WaU and Pryor streets, are M. C. & J. F. Kiser & Co., wholesale dry goods. This is one of the leading houses of f . *¦ 11 " J--- iLL^i * I f' ' I 1 J 1 Si J ¦/".,'. ^f '}^M^' ^^. c"'!. ill' ;,h" ' _ I ' I I „ ¦^^"KOLES^H • ft — ~^-{- -i •> ( ¦ I --lllllimiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiinui ^I. C. & J. r . KISER & CO. the South, doing an annual business of over one miUion of doUars. Their trade extends into many States, merchants coming from great distances to buy their stock from this house, because they can buy as cheap as in New York. They occupy the whole of the fine building, the various floors being devoted to separate depart ments. Few firms in Atlanta reflect as much credit upon the city and themselves as this. Their history is one of energetic struggle i86 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. -crowned by briUiant success. M. C and J, F. Kiser came here from CampbelFcounty, started their business and pushed straight ahead, showing themselves masters of enterprise as well as energy and -sterling business character. It was the first Atlanta house that went direct to Europe for goods, Mr. J, F, Kiser going in person and importing direct. There is not a firm in the South that has a more solid reputation based upon character and notable success, W. S, Everett and W. E. Reagan were admitted into the firm some years since on account of their capacity and valuable service. BECK, GREGG & CO S On the corner of Pryor and Decatur is the hardware establish- Tnent of Beck, Gregg & Co., which carries a great stock and enjoys a trade extending into a number of States. M. & J. Hirsch, clothiers, opposite the Kimball House, have an immense stock of clothing, and have a great wholesale trade. ILLUSTRA TED A TLANTA. 187 PLEASANT DRIVES, Our streets and roads are of course not the best in the world but there are pleasant drives nevertheless, and they will increase with the growth of the city. Ponce de Leon Springs is only a mile beyond the corporation limits, north-east of the city, though it is within' police con trol. Here thousands of people assemble during the summer days. PONCE DE LEON SPRINGS, ¦and especially afternoons, both for the beautiful woodlands and the refreshing water, which is a mineral of great virtue. The road to it is over hill and into valley, and overlooks some yery fine, roUing scenery. It may be reached by many streets, which converge on a high ridge into the main Ponce de Leon road or the boulevard, a recently laid out drive. Beautiful residences will be passed in going out, giving an idea of the architecture of our streets. On the ridge mentioned, a magnificent view is obtained of the city, which ILL US TRA TED A TLAN TA . lies stretched out with its spires and massive structures limned against the sky. A short distance east of the city, going out by the cemetery,. in which is located the Confederate monument, a visitor will find the monument of General McPherson, made of gun barrels. General McPherson was killed in the battle of Atlanta, July 22. 1864. RESIDENLE OF J i, PECK, I\ -i STRFET A third drive is out on McDonough road, which leads to the extensive nurseries of M. Cole & Co, to Clark University, and ta the waterworks, some three miles from the city. This drive is full of interest. The sight-seer may go out Washington street, passing the City Hall, a nuraber of churches, and residences of Major Benj. E. Crane, president of the chamber of commerce, U. S. Senator, Joseph E. Brown, and the suburban villas of Wm. McNaught, R. H. Knapp, and James Ormond, situated in beautiful groves, and surrounded by meadows and streams. Returning, he will ,' ^.(fr^^;?"?* >.h" ¦ m'pHEKSOn'.s ,M(>NL'-Mh.N'i . 190 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. take McDonough street, one of the oldest in the city, and one o the most prominent of residence streets. KES1UKj\CE ov j. ,.¦. \V\ LIE, PEACHTREE. STREET. The. Atlanta Nurseries of Messrs. M. Cole & Co. are just outside the city,, on the McDonough road, which within the city becomes Mc- RESIDENCE OF \V. u. COX, IVY STREET. Donough street, one of the oldest and leading streets of the city. Their nurseries are quite extensive, and their business has enlarged- ENTRANCE TO THE ATLANNA NURSERIRS, MCDONOUGH ROAD, RESUiENXE r,F u. F. '.V\ [.V. WASH INGTON ST. SUBURBAN EESIDENCE OF WM. MC NAUGHT, WASHINGTON ST. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 193 -with great rapidity. In 1868 they grew only some thirty thousand trees, chiefly fruit. A few years later, the number had increased to five hundred thousand, the culture of evergreens and roses hav ing been added. Their trade extends into different States, and they must grow at this time a much greater number of trees to supply the increased demand. AU kinds of standard and dwarf fruit, nut trees, grape vines, the various most palatable berries, and RESIDENCli OF JULIUS BROWN, WASI-IINGTON .'.T. ornarnental, evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, and roses in their choicest varieties, are grown. Messrs. Cole & Co., contract to plant orchards and ornamental grounds. Visitors to the Cotton Exposition will netice their work, for the grounds of the Exposi- were planted by them. A telephone connects the office of the Nur series with the city. A fourth drive is out Peachtree stree the Fifth Avenue of Atlanta, as WhitehaU is its Broadway. Upon his street is the Governor's Mansion, that of U, S, Senator Ben Hill, and splendid residences 194 ILLUSTRA TED A 'I LANTA. ILL US TRA TED A TLA N TA . 195 that would not discredit any street in this country. Upon it live quite a number of the prominent citizens of Atlanta, The resi dences extend some two miles. A fifth drive leads east by Decatur street to the villages of Edge- wood and Kirkwood, in the latter of which resides ex-Senator Jno, 1 -^ \. -J. ¦• '-El i 1 v&A *. ? ,-ft^:i -i™' , ¦*,*.- •r T .^ ^ -*P- \ f - i ' ~ NESIUE.NCE OF G. W. B. Gordon. This drive passes by the Oakland cemetery, on the right, and is one of the routes to it. Still another drive is out Marietta street, which presents a view of the capitol, custora house, and factories, and leads to Oglethorpe Park, where the Interna tional Cotton Exposition is held. Another drive is to West End, directly west of the city. This 196 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. RESIDENCE OF S. M. INMAN, SOUTH FORSYTH STREET. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. 197 suburban vUlage, which is really a continuation of Atlanta, is chiefly reached via WhitehaU or Peters street, which both furnish pleas ant views of residences. McPherson Barracks, where United States soldiers are always quartered and a splendid band discourses de- RESIDENCE OF H, i\. FULLER, WHITEHALL ST, lightful music every afternoon, is on the line between West End and Atlanta, In West End is another mineral spring, and other points of attraction, among which is a beautiful lake on the premises of Col, B, J. Wilson. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. ILL US 7 RA TED A TLANTA. 199 BEStDKNCE OF JUD&E GEO. HILLYER, EAST PETEBS ST. RESIDENCE OF A. C. "VVYLY. WASHINGTON ST. ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA, RESIDENCE OF S. L. MCEBIDE, COOf'ER ST. RESIDENCE OF WM. LAIRD, RAWSON ST. ILL US TRA TED AT LA N TA . REMARKS, Accessibility has been mentioned as one of the special attractions of Atlanta, It can be reached from all the great cities of the country within twenty-four, or forty-eight hours, passengers now breakfasting in New York one day, and taking late breakfast in Atlanta the next. Equally are the interesting sections of the country accessible to Atlanta, twenty-four hours transporting its citizens to Florida, the "Land of Flowers," the raountains of Vir ginia, the leading suraraer resorts, and the sea shore. But Atlanta has scenery of a high order right around her. Two hours ride on the Atlanta & Charlotte road carries one to the "Swit- zerland of A me rica." From a point on Peachtree street, on the right the eye can sweep across inter vening valleys to the famous Stone Moun tain, a solid raass of gran ite, rising to a height of twelve hundred feet; and on the left to the northwest, loom up in plain view, among others, the Kennesaw Mountains, now his toric as fiercely contested battle grounds of the civil war, and near which is a large National Cemetery for the Federal dead. These latter mountains are only twenty miles distant, while a two hours drive over a good dirt road will take us to Stone Mountain, a distance of sixteen miles. This mountain is a curiosity not only in itself, but in the process of stone cutting, by a large force of experienced and skiUed workmen, who are constantly chiseling monuraents, build ing and paving stones, and all other forms of granite in popular use, where durability and exceUence is desired. EESIDEKOE AND STOKE OF JOSEPH SMITH, M'DONOtTGH ST, ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. OGLETHORPE PARK, Atlanta has very little need at present, for an extensive park, as the iraraediate country for railes around furnishes nature's own park of woodland and streara for pleasure-strolling and recreation. What the city needs most is a nuraber of small parks within the /?rt L-.'r'iAtf:,'' ^^ ENTRANCE TO OGLETHORPE PARK. corporate limits. However, looking to the future, the city purchas ed some years since a tract of land, fifteen or twenty acres, on Ma rietta street, with a view to its improvement for public use. It is about one mile beyond the city limits, and embraces ridge and valley, with a small lake. It has been used for State and county fairs, and has a race-track of a half mile circuit, within which are now the ILL USTRA TED A TLANTA. ""» 203 Will ^m.^ssi ^^:A M^ . , a f il "1*1 ' 1' fili,l|' ' ! llV" ^^^ uy -^-^''' 'll ' 204 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Exposition buildings, ten or twelve in number. The Exposition Hotel, by Phil. F. Brown, of the famous Blue Ridge Springs of ,.1 t>. '¦'{< Virginia, is just outside the grounds, and is both an attraction and: a curiosity. 2o6 ILLUSTRATED ATI.A.\7A. A BIRD'S EYE VIEW. In conclusion, after a presentation of details and illustrations of the business, architecture, and progress of Atlanta, the reader will KESIOKxei-: OP w. p. patillo, east FAIK STft-l':ET. get a still broader comprehension of this great young city from a bird's eye view of it. This view shows all of the city except its outskirts. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 209 FINAL OBSERVATIONS. From the foregoing pages a reader may gather a very good idea of Atlanta's past, present, and prospective future. The facts demonstrate that Atlanta will grow speedily to twice its present size. It possesses every requisite for this result There is not an element of progress lacking. In every field of enterprise there are earnest and successful laborers, and in every depart ment of professional skill. Manufacturing is done upon the most extensive scale. Mercantile business has its mammoth establish ments ; professional skill is abundant ; lawyers and physicians of almost national distinction are citizens of Atlanta. There is a painter here, J. VanStavoren, whose portraits are triumphs of genius. In addition to the railroad facilities of Atlanta, Mr. Walter R. Brown has obtained a charter for the construction of a canal to supply the city with water for manufacturing and transportation purposes. Mr. Brown is one of the prominent young men of the city, and would not engage in a project of this kind were it not a feasible one. Mr, H. I. Kimball is also organizing a company. The proposed route is via Gainesville from the Chattahoochee. The banks and banking capital of the city are excellent. In the great panic of 1873, which destroyed so many of the banking in stitutions of the country, the Atlanta banks were able to stand The Atlanta National Bank, the oldest in the city, was a bulwark -of confidence, that imparted moral strength as well as financial aid. This bank has much in common with Atlanta, and the history of the two are interwoven in the march of progress. The Bank of Fulton will be remembered by many of our citizens. It was established in 1845 by Alfred Austell and E. W. Holland. It made a character that never left it. After the war it was changed into the Atlanta National Bank, General Austell continuing to be its President. It is one of the strongest banking institutions of the South, and especially so in the character and financial standing of its managers and stockholders. It has done much in aiding the ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. RESIDENCB OF HERMAN WERNKR, WHITEHALL STREET. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. merchants to undertake great enterprises and enlarge the prosperity of Atlanta. The city is well supplied with newspapers. There are two dailies, the Constitution and Post-Appeal ; the Gazette, Phonograph, Sunny South, Christian Inde.x, Weekly Post, and other weeklies, are published here. There are also medical, literary and agricultural journals. The trade of Atlanta is rapidly extending into wider and more distant territory. The drummers, or commercial travelers, for Atlanta houses swarm over Georgia and surrounding States. The majority of these men are of notable intelligence and activity. There is a newspaper traveling agent. Col. Thomas A. Acton, who is the equal of any in the South. Coming to Atlanta in 1858, he published 20,000 copies of the " Life of Crocket," who was hung for the murder of Landrum. Having a predilection for the printing business, he engaged in it in one way and another till about 1868, when he becarae connected with the Atlanta Constitution, and has traversed Georgia for that paper till he knows every foot of its soil, with unequalled success in gathering subscribers. His energy, notwithstanding he weighs three hundred pounds, and his genial manners, add to the effectiveness of his work. He has accumu lated considerable property, and is a good and useful citizen. The building of the Ath.nta Female College, now in process of erection, wiU be very handsome, Mr, W, M. Scott's clothing house, No. 11 WhitehaU street, is erroneously printed No. 21 on page 139. Dr. Josiah Bradfield, at 26 Whitehall, has an exceUent drug store. On page 140, the notice of his establishraent is concluded with paragraphs belonging to the preceding section, which the reader will readily detect. Wilson & Bro., No. 10 Broad street, are -W. S. Wilson & Bro., Mr. J, C. Wilson being the resident and managing partner. T. R. Ripley, not T. H., as stated on a preceding page, is the pioneer crockery rnan of Atlanta. Thomas & Richter are doing a large business in furniture. Mr. H. W. Thomas, and not W. H,, as printed on page 144, is the senior partner. ~They make a fine display at the Exposition. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. Mr. S, F. Solomonson is the watchmaker and jeweler No. 35 Whitehall. The types changed his name somewhat, but it would not alter his reputation as one of the best in his line of business in Atlanta. C. W, Motes & Co. are at No, 96 — not 90 — WhitehaU street. Their harness and saddlery estabUshment is first-class in every respect. On page 155, mention is made of the very large wholesale house of Fuller & Oglesby, The types not satisfied in writing the initials of Mr. H. A Fuller wrongly, also changed the final syllable, Mr. FuUer has been in the grocery business in Atlanta thirteen years, and Mr. Oglesby sixteen. Their names are certainly very familiar, but types will do these things occasionally. The Atlanta Soap Factory, Wm. Clifford Neff & Co., proprietors, have removed their office to a more central location — No. 37 South Pryor street. One of the handsomest establishments in the South is in the splendid building pictured on page 181, The firm of McBride & Co, is composed of A. J. McBride, S. L. McBride and RusseU C. Johnson. The initials of one name were incorrectly printed in the former notice. T, S, Lewis, the large candy manufacturer, was compelled to enlarge his establishment. His factory, bakeries and office now occupy 54, 58, 60 and 62 East Alabama street. The Central Planing Mills are doing a large business in doors, sashes, blinds, etc. The firm is composed of W. L, Traynham and D. J. Ray. These gentlemen have built up a business of great value to the prosperity of Atlanta. Fulton Planing Mills, J. M. Nace, proprietor, are also on Decatur street. Messrs, Walden & Stowe have, at 1 10 Whitehall street, a branch book store, as at Cincinnati, Chicago and St, Louis. Mr, H, C. Jones is the manager of the Atlanta house. On Marietta street is a very important industry recently started in Atlanta by those enterprising gentlemen, Sciple & Sons, Else where allusion is made to their extensive coal and lumber yards, and also their broom factory. At this factory they are now manu- ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 213 facturing broom and hoe handles separately for the trade. They have also added another new enterprise — the recutting of old files and manufacturing of new. The work is done by skilled labor, and is as good as any turned out in the United States, The enter prise of Messrs, Sciple & Sons is most commendable, and is justly meeting with large success. Their entire business, including that of coal and lumber, has assumed great proportions, and extends into a very wide territory. An evidence of the constant growth of Atlanta is found in the great amount of business done by its railroads, AU the roads are well officered. They nearly always furnish a city official — at present two. Mr. L. C.Jones, of the Western and Atlantic Road, is not only one of the best of railroad officials, but makes a most excellent meraber of Council, He is now representing the Fifth ward, but is a candidate for Alderraan, Being a business man of fine capacity, he would fill the position well, and the finances of the city would be well managed as to his part of the work and respon sibility, and the best interests of the city advanced. Mess, White & MiUer, corneiiof Broad and Hunter streets, have engines, saw mills, grist mills, and agricultural machinery gener ally, for sale. The senior, Mr. J, J, White, has been in the business in Atlanta for a considerable period. In a few years Atlanta will, in all probability, have a good canal in addition to present advantages. In a recent interview. Col, Z. D, Harrison, clerk of the State Supreme Court, in answer to ques tions from a reporter of a daily paper, said that the recent surveys were made by a company which was organized some years ago, and who have only been waiting for a favorable time to interest Northern capital. The feasibility of the enterprise was placed beyond doubt, and at a cost not exceeding that anticipated. The company is largely composed of prominent Atlanta business men. During^ the past winter, or early last spring, Mayor English, after his re turn from New York, called the attention of the city government to the matter. He became a stockholder in the company about that time and was made a director. He had, while at the North, talked with capitalists and entertained strong hopes that the necessary means could be had to build the canal should its feasibiUty be dem- 214 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. \ ¦> *9^ 4 Ji ^ .» A "A ¦*'-!•'- '••^g 1 *-- -i- v- "¦sssai . -\^ ' r-M;'r>5^yj^ ^ 1 ^^^^1'^ ^¦•. '"'•^'^S **- 'Wi;US€'i^^ k' ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 215 onstrated. Surveys had already been made, but there were still points in doubt, and to settle these points the recent survey from Seven Island ford and Carter's shoal was made. This was long before anything had appeared in the papers relative to the building of the canal at an early day, and since then Mayor English has been actively engaged, working up some practical plan to give us the benefit of this enterprise. This much of the interview is quoted to show that the canal is a probability of the near future. In Mayor English the enterprise wUl find an efficient and tireless worker, as the City finds him in all matters looking to its progress. Under his official administration. the city has great prosperity. The value of the taxable property of the city is assessed at twenty-two miUions of dollars, and is rap idly increasing. The income of the city government wUl soon be sufficient for all purposes of internal improvements. An evidence of the prosperous condition of the city is found in the fact that it was recently able to place an issue of 5 per cent, bonds (to meet others faUing due) at par. The police department is under the separate control of a Board of Commissioners. Their names will be found in an appendix. Mr. G. T. Dodd is the chairman ; W. T. Goldsmith, Amos Fox, C. W. Hancock and J. K. Thrower, are the members of the Board. Dr. Goldsmith has been secretary of the Board since the organiza tion, (and also a commissioner) which are facts highly complimen tary to him. We also append directories of city and State governments. 2i6 ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. STATE GOVERNMENT~1881. Goverttor — Alfred H, Colquitt, Attorney-General — Clifford Anderson, Comptroller-General — William A, Wright. Secretary of State — N. C. Barnett, Treasurer — D. N. Speer. Commissioner of Agriculture — John T, Henderson, The Judiciary, Supreme Court — James Jackson, Chief Justice ; Martin J, Craw- ord and Alexander M, Speer, Associate Justices, Clerk — Z. D. Harrison, CITY GOVERNMENT-IBS'!. Mayor — Jaraes W. English ; office, 35 S, Broad street, Alderinen — Charles Beerman, J, B. Goodwin and R. J. Lowry. Councilmen — First Ward — J. J. Barnes, A. J. Pinson. Second Ward — John Berkele. R. H. Knapp. Third Ward — T. J. Buchanan, D. A, Beatie, Fourth Ward — T, J. Boyd, J. W. Johnson, Fifth Ward — L, C, Jones, W, D, Payne, City Attorney — W. T. Newman, Police Force, Connally, A, B„ Chief, Starnes, W. A,, Captain, Bagby, D. N,, Captain. Aldredge, N. G., Captain. Couch, E, F,, Captain, STATION HOUSE KEEPERS. Spyers, G, P. A, Buchanan, J. F. ILLUSTRATED ATLANTA. 217 King, W. A. Barnes, L. P, Baird, J, C, Brenning, C, Bone, W, H, Brooks, A. A. Crim, W, M, Christophine, F, Dennard, W, F, Flynn, Wm, Foute, W, E, -Goodson, A, H, Glover, J. W, Holland, M, N, Haynes, R. O, Joiner, J. C. Lynch, J.T. Mercer, J, L. McWiUiams. Menkin, Fritz. Belcher, Sol, SANITARY OFFICERS. Veal, T. E. POLICEMEN, Moon, Z, B, Moss, A. J, Manly, W, P, McEwen, W, F, Norman, J, W. Parish, J. R. Rapp, J. E. Russell, J. G. Spier, J, W, Starnes, Henry. Seirdan, W. N. Simmons, M. T, Steerraan, J, C, Stroud, J. H. Thorapson, Thomas. Thurman, J. M. Weaver, J. W, West, Nat, Reid, Z, T, CEMETERY GUARDS. Stroud, S, A. INDEX. Atlanta Hotel, 27. Atlanta, 28. Atlanta and West Point Railroad, 30. Athenceum, 37. Austell, A., 38, 127, 209. Association, Young Men's Christian, 38. Alexander, Dr. J. F., 39. Annual sales, 40. Atlanta, Battle of, 45. Adair, Geo. W., 54, 65, 70. 106. Angier, N. L., 68, Alexander, Tom. 70. Annual Business, 117. Alabama street, 138. Atlanta National Bank, 156, 209. Adair, W. F., 20. Arms, Fred, 20. Atlanta, Future of. 133. Atlanta, Growth of, 132. Avery & Sons, 171. Anderson, James A., 174. Atwater, H. L., 182. Atlanta Nurseries, 190. Acton, Thomas A., 210. B Barnett, N. C, 17. Baptists, 29, 89. Baker, Rev. Joseph. 22, 38. Bomar, B. F., 29. Bank, First, 34. Baptist Churcn, Second, 35. Bellingrath, L., 37. Bellingrath, A. 37. Bank, Fulton, 38. Bain, D. M., 53. Bank, Atlanta Savings, 70. Biggers, Dr. S. T., 97. Baker, W. 164. Bell, Fred& Co., 169. Brenner, Wm., 169. Bullock, R. B., 170, 119. Brown, J. E., 27. 53, 58, 61, 74, 122, 128, Brown, Julius L., 64, 102, 132, 161, 193. Burke, J. F., 64, 67. Brown, Phil. F., 77, 205. Bird's Eye View — Map, 207. Brown, Charles, 59. Bleckley, L. E., 21, 61, 69. Bradstreet, 159. Bray, G. R., 160. Benevolent Assoeiation, 64. Brown, W. R., 65. 106, 209. BoUman, W., 139, Bradfield, Dr. Josiah, 139, 209. Banks, 127. Beland, Dr K. H., 112. Brass Foundry, 170. Boyd, W. W.,171. Bergstrom A. M., 176. BraumuUer, O. L. A Co., 177. Broomhead, B. H., 181. Broomhead & Co. 181. Broomhead, John S., 182. Beck, Breeg& Co., 186. Cahn, L., 58. Crane & Langston, 157. Clarke, Lewis, 159. CathoUc Library Association, 67, 103. Cox, W. B., 37, 67, 69, 127, 190. Church, Loyd street Methodist, 55. Church, Payne's 55. Church. St. Paul, 35. Church, Fourth and Fifth Baptist, 55. Clarke, E. Y., 56. Concordia, 58. Cohen, J. L., 58. Crane, B. E., 84, 106, 127, 188. INDEX, 219 ¦Capital, State, 80, 128. ¦Culpefiper, J. W., 107. Court House, County, 112. Cottou, 114, Christian Association, 103. Conley, Ex-Gov. Benj., 106. Courtney J. C.64. Coker F. M., 194. Creek Indians, 17. Central Railroad, 17. Carlyle, Willis, 19. ' Collier, Wash., 20. Calhoun, John C. 27. Collier, John, 28. Church, the First, 23. Citizers, Early, 24. Collins, James, 24. Cooper Mark A., 26. Catholics, 29. Cemetery, 34, 86. Christian Church, organized, 34. Census, 37. Cole, M., 37, 38, 188. Clarke, Thomas M., 37, 39, 53 165. Clarke, Jno. M., 37. City HaU, 37. College, Atlanta Medical, 38. Church, Central Presbyterian, 38. Chisolm, Willis P., 39. Calhoun, Jas. M., 47, 54. ,-Cole, E. W.,75. ¦ Clayton, W. H. 75. Colquitt, Gov. A. H., 82, 84, 214. Cummings, J. F., 85. Churches, 89. Cady, C. M., 151. Clarke, T. M. & Co., 164, 178. Clarke, R. C, 165. Coffin Factory, T70. Cotton Factory, 170. •Calhoun, Wm. Lowndes, 174. Dougherty, Daniel, 20. Dempcrat, 26. Dodd, G. T.,34, 101,211. Dougherty, David H., 37. Dodd, P. & G. T., 36, 53. Directory, first, 39. D'Alvigny, Dr. N., 49. Dooley, M H., 67. Daniel, J. C. & L 146. Davis, John, 169 Decatur street, 180. DeGive, 53, 64, 107. Doonan, John, 67. Davenport, Johnson & Co.. 158. Dunn, Jno. N., 157. Dunn, Alexander & Co., 157. Election, first city, 28. Enterprise, 26. Elliot, Bishop, 29. Episcopalians, 29. Examiner, 29. Ezzard, Wm. L., 39. Exposition, 83, 203 Educational, 60, 115. Express Co., 75. Evans, Rev. C. A.. 89. Ergenzinger, A., 176. Edgewood, 193. Everett, W. L., 186. Estey Organ Co., I50. Eichberg, J. T., 64. ElUs, W. D.. 161. Eiseman, M.. 58. English, J. W. 129, 210, 213, 214, 216. Falvey, John J., 103. Fairbanks & Cox, 138. Female College, 115. Fertilizer trade, 116. Fire Company, the first, 29. Fitten, John A., 85, loi, 165. Flynn, John H., 58, 60, 67, 68, 97, loi. Formwalt, Moses W., 28. Foreacre, G. J., 85, 177. Fox. Amos, 68. Forsyth, A.B., 25. Foute, Rev. Dr., 93. Franklin, M., 64. Fuller & Oglesby, 155,212. Fuller, H. A., 155, 197. INDEX. Fuller, H. A., 155, 197. Fuller, W. A., 43. Fuller & Oglesby, 126, 155. Fulton County, 130. GartreU, L. J., 34, 54, 60, 68. Gas Works, 137. Gate City Guards, 39, 138. Gate City, 71. Gate City National Bank, 162. Georgia Railroad, 17. Gifford. James A., i6g. Glenn, L. J., 34. Goldsmith, Dr. W. T., 97, 211. Gomez & Pines, 146. Goodman, C. M., 141. Goodwin, John B., 175, Gordon, John B., 74, 193. Graham, John M.. 67, 103. GramUng, W. G-, 69. Grant, L. P., 27. 57, 61, 68, 74, 85. Green, John W., 74. Gmlford, G. P., 64. Gwinn, Rev. Dr., 89. H HaU, L, H,. 170. Hammock, C. C, 70. Hammond, N. J., 68. Hancock, F. G., 147. Hanleiter, C. R.. 26, 29. Hape, Samuel, 65. Hape, Albert, 56. Harrison, James P. & Co.. 67. Harrison, Z. D., 67, 212, 216. Harrison, Geo, W., 67. Hart, F. W., 153. Harwell & Smith, 149. Haralson, Frank H., 80. HaskeU, W. W., 146. Hayden, J. A., 27, 29, 32, 68. Hayden, Mrs. J. A., 64. Hayes, Ex-President, 126, Haygood, Greene B., 35, 39, 60, Healy, T. G., 85, 86, 138, 162. Health Institute, 108. Healthfulness, 130, HemphiU, W. A., 61. Hoyt, S. B., 25, 70, 97. Huff, W. A., 77. Hulbert, W. H. 75. Hulsey, W. H., 60. Hunnicutt & Bellingrath, 43, 166. Hunnicutt, C. W., 34. Hunt, Jno. J., 29. Hunter street, 174. Hutchison. Bro., 177. Hebrew Benevolent Society, 6^. Heidt, Rev. Dr., 91. Henderson, J. T., 81, 85. Hibernians, 58. Hibernian Benevolent Society, 38.. HiU, L. M., 162. HiU, Lodowick J., 162. HiU, B. H., 193. Hillyer, George, 68, 148, 199. Hirschberg, S. 58. Hirsch Bros., 142. Hirsch, M.& J., 186. Holbrook, J. M., 34. Holcombe, H. C, 27. Holland, E. W., 20, 38, 39. Homicide, first, ^4, Hood, General, 46. Hopkins, John L., 68, 85. Hospital and Home, 100. Hospital, St. Joseph's, 102. Hotels, 75. Houston, W, J,, 23. Howard, Geo. J. & Bro., i6r. HoweU, E. P., 85, I Inman, S. M. & Co., 114. Inman, S. M., 65, 84, loi, 127, 196, Inman, John H., 85. Intelligencer, 29. J Ivey, Hardy, ig,* Jack & Holland, 140. Jackson, Henry, 56. James, John H., 38, 51,63, 58, 53, 6g, 106.. Jail, 88. Jarvis, W. L., 178. INDEX. Jericho, Knights of, 29. Johnson, Mark W. & Co., 168. Johnson, M. W., 53, Johnson, Russell C, I80. Johnston, Joseph E., 44. Jones, E. L., 53. Jones, O. H., 52. Jones, D. G., 56. K ¦Keely, John, 37, 134, 142. KimbaU, H. I., 53, 209. Kimball, J. C, 65. King, John P. , 22, 30, 67. King, Miss Louise, 65. Kiser, M. C. & J. F. & Co., 125, 126, 1S4 Kiser. J. F., 186. Kiser, M. C, 84. Kirkpatrick, 165. Kirkwood, 193. JCnapp, R. H., 153. iBS. Kreis, J. E., 21. ^uhn & Sons, 144 Laird, Wm., 200. Langston Sl Crane, 126, Lawshe, Er, 30, 33, 37, 38, 49, 51, 14^. Lawshe, Lewis, 38. Lawton, J. S., 67. Lawyer, first, 34. Lewis, T. S., 155, 212. Lewis, H , 176, Leonard, G. W., 168, 195. Leonard, H. C, 159- Libraries, 102. Library, Young Men's, 56. Lieberman, Mrs. L., 65. Logan, Dr. J. P., 37. 38,60,68. Logan & Co., 123. Logan, Frank R., 173. Logan, James L., 173. Lochrane, O. A., 53. Long, Engineer, 27. Long, Stephen H., 18. Lowry, W. M. & R. J., 127, 158. Lowry, W. M< 158. JjOwry, R. J., 84, 158. Loyd street, 160. Luckie, W. D., 56, 127. Luminary, 22. Lumpkin, Governor, 22. Lutheran, 63. Lynch, M., 29. Lynch, Peter, 103. Lynch, John J., 103. M Macon and Western Railroad, 26. Madden, Mrs. Mary, 64. Maddox, R. F., 84, 173. Maher, M. E., 103, 178. Mahoney, M., 103. Mallon, Bernard, 61. Manufactures, 117. Marthasville, 22. Martin, Rev. Dr., 91. " Markham, Wm., 77. Masons, 27, 38. Mayer, David, 60, loi. Mayor and Council, the first, 28. McBride & Co , 180, 211. McBride, A. J., 34, 53, 180, 117. McBride, S. L,. 180, 200. McCandless, E. S., 162. McDaniel, I. O & P. C, 27. McDaniel, I. C, 29. McMUIan, J. C, 54. McNaught (!i: Scrutchins, 38, 51, 177. McNaught, Wm. lV Co., 124. McNaught, Wm., 177, 188, 192. McPherson Barracks, 86. McPherson, death of, 46. McPherson Monument, 1S8. McRae, Wm , 74. Mecaslin, J. H.,138. Meeneely, Geo. R. & Co., 170. Medical CoUeges, 96. Memorial Association, 58. Merchants' Bank, 155. Methodists, 28, 89. Mickelberry & Whitlock, 159. MiUedge, John, loi, 102. Miller, Geo. L., 173. Milburn Wagon Co., 182. MUitary Companies, 138. INDEX. Mills, Frank, io6. Mineral Spring, Atlanta, 130, Mitchell property, 26, Mitchell Wagons, 151. Monroe Railroad, 17. Moore's Business University, 62, 115, 154. Moore, B. F.. 62, 116. Moran, P. J., 67. Morgan, D., 141. Morrison, J,, 37, 53. Morrison, A., 37, 53. MorriU, W. C.,64, 122. Motes, C. W. & Co., 147, 212. Municipal Government, 133. Municipal reform, 68. Murphy, A , 43, 69, 136. Murrell's Row, 31. N Nail, J. S., 106. Neff, Wm. CUflord & Co., 166, 212. Neff, W. C.,85. Negro Villages, 138. Newman, J S., 81. Newspapers, 154. * Norcross J., 21, 22, 24, 29, 32, 38, 54. O O'Brien, Rev. Father, gi. Oddfellows, 29, 39. Oglesby, J. C, 165. Oglethorpe Park, 86, 202. O'Keefe, 60. Orme, W. P., 3o. Ormond, Jas. M., 124, 177, 188. O'ReiUy, Rev. Father, 49. Paper Mills, 124. Parkins, W. H. 56. Parkins & Bruce, 132, 162. Patillo, W. P., 206. Payne, C. M., 174. Payne, Edwin, 35. Preachtree street, 162. Peck, J. C.,37, 38, 52, 8s, 18 Peck. Willis F.,3s. People's Muiual Relief Association, 164.. Perkerson, A. M., 174. Peters, Richard, 28, 29. 70, 85. 106. Pittman, Danifl, 34, 39, 113. Ponce de Leon Springs, 130, 187. Population, 37, 40, 63, 129. Police, 69. Porter, J. H., 127. Potts, Frank M., 159. Peters, Edward, 107. Peters, Miss Nellie, 65. Phillips, H. T.,6i. Post Ofiice, 86, 106. PoweU, Dr. Thos. S., 97. PhiUips & Crew, 166. Pratt, N. A., 116. Prather, Jno. S.,67. Piince, A. P., 29. Presbyterians, 29. Property, 40. Pryor Street, 184. Public Charities, 100, Quinn, Rev,. 29. Q- R. Railroad, Air-Line, 38. 54, 63. Railroad, Atlanta Street, 70. Railroads, 71. Randall, R. O.. 164. Rawson, E. E., 38, 47, 52, 60. 170. Reagan, W. E., 186. Real Estate, 40. Redding, R. J.,8i. Reinhardt, A. M., 107. Rhodes, Wallace, 106. • Rice, Z. A , 29. Rice, John, 53. Rice, Frank P., 164. Rice, Mrs. D., 65. Richmond and Danville Railroad, i6r^ Richards. R. H., 127. Ripley, T. R., 142, 211. Robertson, Dr. U. O., io8. Rogers, Wm., 74. Rogers, Rev. J. L., 38. Root, Sydney, 38, 85. Rosenfeld, A., 58. INDEX. 223 Rosenfeld, S., 58. ' Rosenfeld, A. & S., 144. Ryan, Rev, Father, 91. s Sabbath School, The First, 23. Salter, Dr. S. F., 100. Schley, Gov., 18. Sciple & Sons, 182, 212. Scott, Geo. W. & Co., 116, 171. Scott, W. M., 139, 211. Schools, Public, 60. Scoville & Terry, 77. Sherman, Wm. T., 45. Shulhafer, E, A., 58. Silvey & Dougherty, 38. Silvey, John, 30. Silvey, John & Co., 126. Singer Company, 168 Slab Town, 31. Smith American Organ Company, 147- Sraith, Dr. George, 35. Smith, J. D. & T. F., 154. Smith, Joseph, 201. Snake Nation, 31. Snook, P. H., 167. Snow, H. Y., 54, Society, 131. Solomonson, S. L., 146, 212. Southern Miscellany, 26. Spalding, R. D., 67. Stanton, W. L., 198. Steinheimer, D., 58. Steinheimer, J., 55, 58. Steinheimer, I., 58. Stephens, John, 67, 103, 107. Stevens, J. P. & Co., 145. Stocker & Castleberry, 140. Stout, B. A., 106, St. Luke's, (>i. Surgical Institute, 108, 109. Synagogue, 55, 64. T Taylor, Walter A., 165. Terminus, ig. Terry, Major, 29. Terry, Stephen, 24. Terra Cotta Works, 122. Tichnor, Dunlap & Co., 176. Thrasher, John, 19, 26. Thompson, J. Edgar, 28, Thompson, Joseph, 39. Thomas & Richter, i44,''2ii. Thrower, J. K., 176. Thrower, J. G., 160. Tommey, Stewart &JBeck, 53., Traynham & Ray, 182, 212. Trinity, 35, 63. Tripod, A. P., 152. Tryon, Frank, 181. Tucker, Dr, H, H.. loi. Fuller, Mrs. W. H., 64. Turn Verein, 5g. Tyler, A. H., 144. V Van Stavoren, J. 209. Vaughn, J., 28. Van Winkle, E. &iCo., 123, 171. Voorhis, Edward L,, 159. w Wadley, Wm., 74. Walden & Stowe, 147, 212. Wallace, CampbeU, 65, 127. WaU Street, 161. Walker, W. S., 143. Walker, Gen., death of, 46. Washington Hall, 25. Water Works, 86, 136. Weed, M. B., 107. West End, 130, 193. Western & Atlantic Raifroad, 19, 30. Wheeler & Wilson, 177. White,W. Woods, 106. White, E. T.,78. WhitehaU Street, 138. Whitner, Jno. J. & Son. 143. Wiard, W. P. L., 152. Wilson, Dr. J. Stainbaek, 160. Wilson, Dr. C. L., 112. Wilson, Dr. C. A., 112. Wilson, W. S. & Bro., 152, 178, «ii. Wilson, B. J., 78, 195. Wilson, Rev. Dr. J. S., 23,29. WiUingham, W. J. & Co., 178, sio. Wilson, W. T., 178. ^~" 224 INDEX. Vi^ilkins, Post & Co., i68. Winn, B. M. &Co., 173. Winn, B. M., 173, Winham, E, L., 169. Winship, Jos., 35, Winship, George, 127. Woolley, B. M., 141. Wylie, Jas. R., 53, 84, 126, 127, 154, 190, Wyly, B, F,, 37,53, 192, Wyly, A. C.,37, 84, 199- Wyly, A. C. & B, F,, 38, 126, 158. Wrenn, B. W., 64. Withers, W. S., 19, 123. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlanta National Bank xxiv Bergstrom, A. M ix Brenner, Wra xxiii Constitution xvii Emery's xvii Ergenzinger, A xiii Fulton Planing MilUs xi Gomez & Pine viii Goodman's Picture Store xiv Gate City Bank - xx Health Institute xxi Harwell & Smith xvi Hutchison & Bro xv Howard, Geo. J. & Bro vii HaskeU, W. W viii Jones, J. G xiv Jack's . ...xii Kennesaw Route \ Ladd, A. C xix Lagomarsino. xx Logan & Co x Mickelberry T Whitlock xu Milburn Wagon Company xi Morgan, D a Merchants' Bank xx Maher, M. E xv Mallan, J. J xxi Motes, C. W. & Co xvii Opium Cure xvi Post-Appeal xviii Piedmont Air-Line ii Phillips & Crew ... . vi Potts, F. M X Ripley, T. R xiii Stone Pipe and Roofing Company v Singer Manu facturing Company iii Scott, Geo. W. & Co iv Smith American Grgan Company... xxiii Scott,W.W xi Tripod, A. P xv Thrower, J. G ix Thompson's xii Winham, Printer ix Winn & Co X Wilkins & Post viii Withers' Foundry xxiii Walden & Stowe xiii Whitner & Clarke. xxi Van Stavoren xviii And other advertisements. AD VER TISEMENTS. = THE KENNESAW ROUTE, By its superior . management and unsurpassed facilities, has earned the confidence of the traveling public, and is steadily grow ing into public favor. ONX.Y ROtJTE TO Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cliicap, CLiEVELAND, DETROIT, ST. LOUIS. TH£ MOST C01IIF0BTAB1.E AKI> iiKI^IABLS: TO Washington, Baliinors, Fhiladelplii^, New \%k i dl Eastsrs Feinii, F1V£ DAILY TRAINS TO THE WEST BY TMIS LINE I Run from New Orleans to Washington, via Atlanta ; Savannah and Macon to Cincinnati, via Atlanta ; Atlanta to Louisville, via Nashviile. Leaving New Orleans at 5.00 P. M. ; Savannah, 7.30 P. M., and Atlanta, 2.50 P. M. TRAINS RUN DAILY-SUNDAY NO EXCEPTION I Smooth Track, Steel JBails, Rook Ballast, Comfortable Cars, ^ "Westinghouse Air-Brakea, Miller Platforms, 3to. By taking the KENNESAW ROUTE, you save time and money. secure expedition and avoid all unnecessary and vexatious delays. THE KENNESAW ROUTE V8A KS^OXVILLE, This is the Fast Mail and Express Line. The Kennesaw Ro"tejia^incinnati to Eastern Cities. Fare the same by all Lines to New York and Eastern Cities, For further information, address B. W. WRENN. Gen. Pass. Agt., Aflanfa, Ga. WM. MacRAE, General Manager. n AD VER TISEMENTS. Piedmont Air-Line Th.e Great Tliroiagh. E.OTi-he Bet"utree3a tlie So-u.-fch.j, So-u.-b!fci- T^cres-b and tlie Sast. Passing through the high, breezy uplands and picturesque scenery of the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge. Quick transit to all the leading cities ! Splendid Pullman Car service ! Appointments all first-class ! The Shortest, Safest, Speediest, Cheapest and Best Route between Galveston and Texas points. New Orleans, Mobile, Mont gomery, Selma, Atlanta, Richmond, Baltimore, Washington,Philadelphiaand New York. The AtSantic Onast Line^^ The Fast Mail Passenger Route via Richmond and Wil mington to Charleston, Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Florida and the South. Perfect Pullman Car Service to all points reached, traversing the most fruitful nnd attractive sections of the South. Thoroughly comfortable coaches, rapid and safe transit. For all information, call upon or write to A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent, No. 229 EEOAEWAY, NEW YOSK, No. 7 loth STEEET, EIOHUOND, VA. AD VER TISEMENIS. IWORE l»OPULAR THAN EVER! The popnlar demand for the Genuine Singer in 1880 exceeded that of any pre vious year during the quarter of a century in which this "Old Reliable'" Macliinc has been before the public. In 1S79 ive sold 431, JGT Machines. ** 1880 *^ 538,009 *' Excess over aaiy previous year, 1075442 MacBiines. Our Bales last year were at the rate of over 1,700 Sen'ing- Mnetiiiics a I>Hy for every business day in the year. THE OLD RELIABLE SmCER IS TOE S-fcroiages-fcy T3ae Simples-t, THe Si^os-t 13-u.rable Se-QT-izig SujCacHixxe S-vex "STe-b Oons-bruo-bed. Remember ! That every REAL Singer Sewing Ma chine has this Trade Mark cast into the Iron Stand and im bedded in the Arm of the Machine. THE SINGER Hanufickring Co., PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 34 Union Sqliare, NEW YORK. 1,500 Suljordinate Offices in th3 United States and Canada, and 3,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. CeNlVATB. f;H!f \«0. ST. lOUIS. ATT.AIVTA. WALOi::^ & STOWE, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, ITo. no TRTKITEHALL STUEET. V^e have the largest ptock ot Theological and Temperance Books, Oxford Teachers' Bible.^, Sunday-school Rewards, Birthday Cards, New Year, Christmas and Easter Cards, in Atlanta. ' c.A.T.A.Xjoa--crE naxsE. AD VER TISEMENTS. VII &E0. J. IO¥ARB & BEO., Wholesale & Retail 36 & 38 Wail Street {Opposite Passenger Dejiot.) ESTABLISHED 1353. Oldest House, Largest Stock, Lowest Prices. 35 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Great Reduction in Sheet Music. Having recently become Wholesale Southern Agents for Ditson & Co.'b Musical Publications, which are the most extensive in the world, we are enabled to sell to the public their music. a.s also the music from all other publishers, at the following ex tremely low rates: We will furnish any piece of music published in the United States, irrespective of publishers, at ONE-THIRD LESS than regular retail prices. Although our stock is the LARGEST in the tjouth, and entirely NEW, still, should we at any time not have every piece you order, we can send it to you \v!th a delay of BUT FOUR DAYS and will give you the one-third discount the same as if it were in stock. We also carry a large stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, iMUSIC BOOKS, SMALL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, Ac, which we sell at very low figures ; and parties needing anything in those lines will do well to write us for prices and terms before buying elsewhere, as we cannot be undersold by any other dealer. BRAUMULLER & CO., Wholesale and Betail Fiano, Organ and Husio Sealers, VIII AD VER TISEMENTS. . W. HASKELL, m Wliitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Authorized Agent for the following New York companies, namely : NIAGARA, - - - . 'Assets, $1,600,000 williamsburg city, - " 1,100,000 westchest4:r, - - - " 1,000,000 mechanics, - - - " 600,000 G. P. GOMEZ, C. S. PINES, 43)4 Whitehall Street. Crumley Street. GOMEZ & PINES, Plain and Ornamental Work solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. AU work entrusted to ui will re ceive our personal attention. ATLANTA, .... GEORGIA. GRANT WILKINS, ANDHEW J. POST. Manager. Engineer. gaUhWth BRIDGE WORKS. W^ILKIiSrS, FOST & CO., ATLANTA, QA. NEW TOE! OmOl, 102 BE0ADWA7. Ingingsrs and Bridgg Buildgrjs. DEilQN, MANUPAOTUBS AKB ¦R»CT Triangular, Poet aud Quadrangular Trussea, CuBMng's Patent Piers, Iron Via^iots, Turn Tallies, Eoofs, Riveted Beams and Gird ers, Torgings and General Eailiyay Work. AD VER TISEMENTS. ix No. 12 Loyd Street, Atlanta, Ga. CONTBACTOE FOR PLAIN AND ORNAIYIENTAL PLASTERING. -AND ALSO DEALER IN - ALL MATERIAL OF THE TRADE Cements, Calcined Plaster, Plaster Ornaments, I^-^ILiSOaxRirc£ BK^OLfy-^ THIS ELEGANT ESTABLISHMENT, Pfo. 11 Whitehall Street, la spoken of in TECIS BOOIC, As at No. 21 (instead of 11) Whitehall. THIS MATTERS LITTLE, however, as Every "Visit oi ls bound to IL,OOIt IT UP ANYHOW. MILBUElf WA&Olf COMPAIfY. Branch House, Sale and Ware-Rooms under Young Men^s Library, Decatur Street. A large stock of Milburn Wagons always on hand. Also Carriages and Buggies of their own and other makes. AD VERTISEMENIS. James' Elook, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Open Day and Night— All Good Things in Season, MICKELBERRY & WHITLOCK, Grrain, Produce and Fruits, ITc. 2^ .A.la.ba.xxia. S-bree-b. 43 Peachtree Street. At Jack's 43 Peachtree, at', to be found excellent fresh Breads, Cakes, Pure Eancy Candies,, AND AN ENDLESS YARIBTT OF BEi^XJTIFUL TOYS. His Bread and Cakes are made of the best qualities of flour, and the most liandsome Wagon in the South is especially used for their delivery in all parts of the city. A beautiful selection of Willow Ware, Ladies' Shopping Baskets,. CA.I*r> CASES, liltc. Etc. Toys to Snpply Everybody. Weddings and Banquets Furnished in Elegant Style on Short IT otioe*- AD VER TISEMENTS. XIII WALDEN 6l STOWE, XIO ^s77"l2.iteiLa,ll Street' BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Theological and Sunday-School Books a Specialty. J.n.d tJie XTsual I,ine of Goods in a JBooJi Store 5toct. ERGENZINGER, 12 E. Hunter St., MANUFACTURER OF Matresses, AWNINGS, ^5^- Tents, Etc., Etc. 89 Whitehall St. and 9.' S. Broad St. lis tii>,^i Glass azid Q-aeexis-uo-are. AD VER TISEMENTS. No. 28 Whitehall Street, ^Picture and. I^^ram* Store. PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, PRINTS, Etc, pig" X^ra,m.©io ^^a3a.-a.fa,ct-a.red. to Ord.er_ i^jS Jewellei? and ITITatohmakeF^ 35 •V7-s:iTEs:.,a.ijXj stxsee'x. **" Repairing Promptly Donei • VB Merchant Tailor, No. 1 East Alabama Street, Established 1871. ^^l,^y^^^. AD VER TISEMENTS. xv 13 South Broad Street, Paints, Oils, Bruslies, Varnislies, Grlass, ^ND A. FZrZIt STOCK OF GOODS IJf XIJ^B, SIGN, FRESCOE and HOUSE PAINTING Promptly Exeoxited.. HUTCHISON & BRO., 14 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. First-Class Drug Stock. PrescriptionB carefully compounded. Orders l>y mail promptly filled. HUTCHISON & BRO., Pkoprietors. Is the Great Specific for Neuralgia and Headache. HUTCHISON & BRO.'S AIMBFtOSIiVL COLOGUVE IS FRAGRANT AND LASTING. Wholesale Liquors, XVI AD VER TISEMENTS. JOHN M. HARWELL. WM. F. SMITH. HARWELL & SMITH, Agricultural Machinery. Thresliers, lieaperss, iMoTvers, Etc. «_g== TIXE ^=3iJ I'amous Whitewater Wagon ylXTT^rS IN STOCK. O F= I U MO U F=R E. Relief at Last fmm'^tjiis^ Terrible Habit ! The Record of the Work of the Only Perfect Opium Cure in the •World !— The Best, the Cheapest, the Safest, and the Only Ahsolutely Eeliahle Cure !— A Painless, Pleasant. AgreeaMe Remedy that does not Detain the Patient from his or her Business ! {Extract Jrow, Editorial in the Atlanta Constitution, October ^th, 1831.) "About ten years ago, Major B. M, Woolley commenced advertising an opium cure. Since that timeit has become famous throughout the eutire country, and to day stands unchallenged by the sieneral public, by patients and by physicians, as the best cure for this terrible habit that is known to man. The Constitution, after it had beea before the public a year or two, found that its success was so unvarying that it gave ii its indorsement, and we are prepared this moming to say, that never in a single instance have we, directly or indirectly, heard complaint against this remedy. It has gone ou quietly and doing its work efEectively, and carrying peace, health and blessings to the afflicted, and commanding admiration and confidence of the general and professional public. As said before, not one single criticism has been made upon its work, aa far as we can hear it, and the testimonials received by Major Woolley from grateful men and women restored to life and happiness from the agony that ia worse than death, would fill a library. The Woolley Opium Cure is simply without equal, and has come to be the standard, North, South, Kast and West. It commands patronage in every State in the XTnion ,and has been sold in England and upon the Continent. Wherever one case is sold, there is certain to be a demand for others. But we can say nothing about this remedy that will com pare with the original t stimonials that come from men and women who have tried it aud who know its power, AD VER TISEMENTS. xvii No. 90 Whitehall Street, Harness and Saddlery. Hami-MIade "^^ork a Specialty-. EMERY'S EISR MARKET, No. 15 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. FISH, OYSTERS, CELERY, SHAD, ICE AND LEMONS. fi®" Goods delivered'to any part of the city free of charge "^'I* THE CONSTITUTION, Published Daily and Weekly, ATLANTA, - - - OEORaiA. The Daily Constitution Is published every day except Monday, and is delivered by carriers in the city, or mailed postage free, at 81.00 per month, $2.50 for three months, or $10.00 a year. THE CON.'^TITUTION is for sale on all trains leading out of Atlanta, and at news stands in the principal Southern cities. The Weel:)0 9!55: No. 73J^ WHITEHALL STREET. ^S::e3 Where he has fltted up rooms suitable to display his works of Art, and has the largest exhibition of Oil Paintings that was ever before seen in the city, consisting of full length, life-size portraits of EMINENT MEN, LOVELY WOMEN and BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN , TEe public are cordially invited to call. Prof. Van Stavoren is prepared to in struct a Umited number of pupita in the Art of Portrait or Landscape Painting. ATLAHTA IRON FOUNDRY, T^. L. WITH:ii:K.S, Froprietov. Manufacturer of all kinds of Castings, Fencing, Etc. ;OFFICE AND SHOP, COENEE CALHOUN STEEET AND GEOESIA EAILECAD. The Smith Amfiricah Organ Company. FITNE irS STIlTJ]MCErsrXS a SPEOIA-LT^ST. SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS. Call and See Us Before You Buy. Send for Catalogues. 27 WHITEEALL STREET, ATLiNTft. GA. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN JVrm^toiie^, ?oftkWe .]VIill0, Improved Grits and Flouring Mill Machinery a Specialty. XXIV AD VER TISEMENTS. . j ATl^ANTA National Bank Desipated Deposikj of the United States, C-a.:pitj^l, - si5o,ooa ALFRED AUSTELL, - - President. W. B. COX, - - - Vice Presidents PAUL ROSVIARE, - - - Cashier. A. Austell, R. H. Ricbards^ W. B. Cox, S.M. luman, Jas. Swann, P. Romare, VV. \V. Austell. AD VER TISEMENTS. xxV PAPER UlhhB The Mill is situated on Entrenchment Creek, five miles south east of Atlanta, by a fine road which is macadamized part of the way. The property, besides the mill, consists of three hundred acres arable lands, well adapted for cotton, grain and fruits. The Mill, (for cut of which see page 125 of this book), is part two and part three stories high, the first story stone, balance frame, roof slate. Machine room ^5x75 feet, engine room 40x50 feet, rag room 40x50 feet, stprage room 25x35, stock house at three hundred yards distant 20x80, and seven frame and four log houses for superintendent and operators. The machine ia a 68 inch cylinder, with six driers, (paper dried by the exhaust). One stack chilled calendar rolls, nine, 7 inch, i foot 14 inch. One stack chilled calendar rolls, seven. One stack sand rolls of four. Two beaters. 300 pounds each, built this year. One washer, 350 pounds, built this year. Two bleach tubs, 4,000 pounds each, built this year. One bleach tub, 2,000 pounds, built this year. Five drainers, holding 48 washers, half stuff, and all other appur tenances needed to make a complete outfit for a mill. POWER. Twenty foot Turbine water wheel under fall of 41 feet. Sixty horse power steam engine at opposite end of shaft. Twenty horse power steam engine, and separate boiler running paper machine. The whole mill has been recently overhauled, and is now in first-rate working order, and has orders a year ahead, but a great bargain can be now had in it, as the present proprietor wishes to retire. Apply at Office, No. 43 Broad St. or to R. H. KNAPP, 10 Alabama St. Oct. 29, 1881. XXVI AD VER TISEMENTS. Cor. of Cooper and Glenn Streets., Atlanta, Ga. By JOHI W. ALEXAMEE. Brick in any quantity for sale. Leave orders at yard or ad dress through mail, * Io ^mM Office 10 E. Alal3ama St., Atlanta, G-a. REAL ESTATE A&ENT. Has vacant lots, dwellings, stores and buildings for business in Atlanta ; also farms and plantations in all parts of Georgia, at low figures and on reasonable terms. Fire Insurance at Icwest rates. See in person or addi ".ss by mail. THE "^P^HITE SB"U^I1TG I^ ACHIITE. lis Durability Demonstrated — its Success Without Parallel. [Atlanta Post-Appeal.] This latest inyentlon and improved sewing machine was introduced into this market about five years ago by Messrs. J. D. & T. F. Smith in the face of the heavieet kind of compeiition with the old patent sewing machines which were already established m the trade. But upon the unsurpassed merits of their ma chine, and by the energy and shrewd management of the Messrs Smith, it has advanced in the public favor, until to-day it ia one the leading mac'hines in the market. The most attractive and advantageous principle of this m.LChine is that It 13 simply constructed without any cog-gears or heavy cams, thus rendering it one ofthe lightest and quietest running machines on the market. Al) of its wearing parts are adjustable so that lost motion can be "taken np" in an Instant, thereby making It more lasting than other machine made. When the shafts of all other machines wear the machine is worn out, but the sarae parts of the "White" after wearing, can by the tightening of a few screws, be made inst as good as new. A few other menIs commendable about this machine ie the self-thfeadmg, self-set ting, needle, the bobbin winding device and the workmanship ; iu fact the Wh.te ¦!^rr=^?JS2S r,^»h°?J''^*'j'' "°^t practical and useful piWciples of other ma- chinas. togethi r with advantages peculiarly its own. It is tlie easiest selling ma- M.^^^'tfr ^ Tt'^' ^"•l.t^^'-'ifore all wide awake dealers make it there specialty . ^AT/;i;^- *J- "^•Smith, wholesale as well as retail the White Sewing Machine. Address or call on them 59 South Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. AD VER TISEMENTS, XXVII HOTJSE Done with Neatness and Dispatch. See City Directory for Office, or /ddress through Post Office, GEO. R. MENEELY. T. W. GETMAN jvtIvA-ivta. bra.ss foundry. aiSO. R. MKIffKKLiY & CO. MANUFACTUEERS OF HOPKINS' PATENT SELF-FITTING JOTJENAL BEAEH&S, FOR RAILWAY CARS AND ENGINES. Brass Machinery Castings, Babbitt Metal, Solder, Etc. Pattern and Price Lists Furnished. A. B. BOSTICK, Supt. 87 Whitehall and 94- Broad Streets. STOVES, BABY CARRIA&ES, Oil Stoves, and House Furnishing Goods, ALL THE LATEST INVENTIONS IN COOKING UTENSILS Send for prices. XXVIII AD VERTISEMENTS. Gate City Premium Steam Dye'lWorks, KO. 7 WEST FETSHS STBEET, ATLAITTA, QA. Silk and W,oollen goods of all descriptions dyed in a superior style. Ladies' Crape, Stella and Gashmere Shawls ; Silk, Merino and Honneline Dresses ; Gentlemen's Cloaks, Coats, Pants and Vests handsomely cleaned, and everything appertaining to the business punctually attended to. House am Sigi Paiitee, GILDEH, &LAZIEE, CALSOKEINER AITB FAFEB HANGEB, looi^ Whitehall Street, . . . ATLANTA, GA. N. McKINWY, Sign, Banner, Transparency, FRESCO AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, No. 8J^ Decatur Street. THE DAVIS VERTICAL FEED SEWING MACHINE. Atlanta Post-Appeal. The indefatigable Southern Manager, Capt. W. T. Wilson, of Atlanta— a gentle man of many years' experience in the Sewing Machine trade'of the South— has spared neither pains nor expense in making the display of this really novel Machine one of the attractive features of the Exposition, While it is not as large as some of the machine companies, yet, for good taste and real elegance, it is not surpassed. Four years ago the Davis was not known in the South. To-day there is none better known, and the business of the Southern Department, under the management of Captain Wilson, has steadily grown from the first, and the sales in the territory contiguous to Atlanta is now running away up into the thousands, 1 AD VER TISEMENTS. W^Wq 93 WHITEHALL STREET. THE FOTOLArj. ^^3[C ¦^ Popular Goods ! Popular Prices]! DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, Etc., Etc 'J MATT RYAN IS NOTED FOR WELL SELECTED STOCKS AND LOW PRICES. CALL AND.PROVE IT. HOT J^ISTT^ aOTJID B-^THIS. xxx AD VERTIsEMENTS. ^yO«?**35?rtrilJIl 24 W. ALABAMA STREET 46 FORSYTH STREET, ATLANTA, GA Partioulat attention given to Buying, Selling, Slipping and Boarding Horses and Kiiles. t^" Special attention given to the Livery department. "&>. AD VER TISEMENTS. XXXI East Fair Street, (adjoining Cemetery,) -A.. Ij.£iuI^^B:e:I^T, IFroprietor, Special attention given to Boquets ajid Cut Flowers ; also, to Cemetery Lots. HOUSE AINO SIGTV DPAIIVTIIVO, No. 15 East Hunter Street, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. B>@ DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Nos. 84, 86, 88, cor. Decatur and Collins Sts., 35 and 37 Thompson Street, ATLANTA, OEORaiA. I1EUH.T "Un^UlSr r'roprie-bor, XXXII AD VER TISEMENTS. KuHNS' Art Gallery, " r iriaae Fliotograplis a Specialty- Old Pictures Enlarged and Finished in Crayon, Ink or Water Colors. ^^~ [SPECIAL INPUCEMENTS TO CLUBS AND CLASSES. Oi3.r 2>/£otto ; ^ " ^-liie ¦VsTorlE and. z^easoKiaTole E'rlce^." J. H. &. "W. T. ItXJIITflS, 33K Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 70 McDonough Street, - - ATLAXTTiL, GJl.. Invites all who are going to build or have job work done, to address him through the mail, or call at his shop, (for which see City Directory.) and get estimates. Tlie Stlkut^ Weekly ¥o^t, PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THE POPULAR FAMILY JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH. Only igl.OO per ^iimiiii, -»vltli Pi-eralTim. Write for sample copy and particulars. Agents Wanted in every County in every State of the South. Address E. Y. CLARICE, Publisher Weekly Post, ATLANTA GA. AD VER TISEMENTS. XXXIII Building and Supply House of B. H. Broomhead & Co., 36 Decatur Street. -G-t-^-ile z^^ng/ '^i^^-i! ' izi'-n-zisid-^ -fl Broad cor. Alabama Street. Bann.er, Transparency, yresoo and Ornamen'tal Cr£i,37-o2a P'ortra-its Correct Ijx]^exi.ess ^Sea-soiialole- NO. 8 . DECATUR ST., ATLANTA, GA. XXXIV AD VER TISEMENTS. GEORGIA RAILROAD Tirg&^li Frei^lit ad \\m^\ Eoute BEWEEN THE WEST, NORTHWEST AND SOUTH ATLANTIC PORTS, AND BE rWBEN THE Eastern Cities anil the South and Southwest. The Short Line to Maoon. Double Daily Passenger Service between Augusta and Macon. ' Double Daily Passenger Service betnoeen Augusta ana Athens and between Atlanta and Athens. The Only Line to Florida, from the West, by ¦which Passengers can visit the Cities of Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah without additional Cost. The Only Line to Florida, from the East, by which Passengers can travel via Augusta and Macon and connect with the Cumberland Route. SUPERB IMPROVED SLEEPERS ON NICHT TRAINS. JOHJV W. GREEIV, E. R. DORSET, General Manager. Qen. Freight and Passenger Agent. 3 9002 00497 4615 *^; ..- j.*'3Kt;^r* .---'^-.. ¦ .,¦- •¦ '•¦¦ iV^'^JL¦:•.^^¦ ¦¦-¦ \P''-^*"-.'.'- "^ 1. r-i ¦yi.\.\-h*- :•.£' -^ ¦.'¦•¦¦•iW'-L'-'. ¦' :^i^^ -'-^ — ¦¦ - '¦ f !¦ '¦••¦' '^¦'fcsij' - ' -JhF JT^^ ' ¦.¦ . ¦ .V." :Vi'f¥.#WWiV'* , ...... . x^/sj . . ..i\ .' 4A ^^p A.r .Mm ' ^ , -.Vi ¦; •¦ •¦•¦ ; ¦ . :'fffM ¦ .•¦¦¦ "'.. y [¦''¦'/:¦' ^W-'-mr^ ..':¦';¦¦ / '^•>f*/'- "¦-•'• ¦'/¦¦''4^ ..•¦'¦ .'Tr, ¦¦ < ••'\\-w)r-,^ ¦-•'¦•. ' '¦'¦r