Yale University Library 39002005012654 ichardson's r^ "/give theft Books l/or tie founding of a. College in ihs Colony' BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OP THE PERKINS FUND 190 2. RICHARDSON'S WAR OF 1813 Bdition iooo Copies o /~.ji&:-.k!— N Major John Richardson. RICHARDSON'S WAR A OF A 1512 ^.j»WITH NOTES ANE>jt.^» A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR By Alexander Clark Casselman HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO. TORONTO n A n n A 190 2 Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year nineteen hundred and two, by the Historical Pcblishing Co., Toronto, at the Department of Agriculture. Toronto : The Bryant Press, Printers 1902 PREFATORY NOTE. The preparation of the biography of Major John Rich ardson entailed a large amount of independent research. Before I had gone far in the study of his career I found that all existing biographies were meagre, fragmentary or wrong in many important details. Several of his relatives have beeti personally interviewed, other rela tives have been communicated with ; and for the first time the date and the place, both of his birth and of his death , are correctly given . The bibliography will be found to be more nearly complete and, as far as it goes, more accurate than any previous attempt to give a list of his works and of the editions published. Every positive statement in the biography or the bibliography is made on the authority of documentary evidence in my posses sion. Failing such evidence, I have been cautious in statement ; and I shall gladly welcome any additional information on the subject. The genealogy of the Richardson and the Askin fami lies is not intended to be complete ; but it is hoped that it will be found of some historical interest and value. The letters of Colonel John Askin, Major John Rich ardson and Colonel Elijah Brush have never been pub lished before ; and it must be conceded that they throw absolutely new sidelights on that period of our history. One promise made in the announcement of this book has not been fulfilled. No picture of Major-General Henry Procter could be obtained. Under a mistaken impression, which is by no means uncommon, arrange ments had been made to publish the portrait of Ivieut.- General Henry Adolphus Proctor, C.B., when I found that it was not his military achievements that occupy so large a share of Richardson' si narrative. The careers of these two officers are briefly given in the Appendix. No change has been made in Richardson's narrative vi prkfatory note. except to correct the manifest typographical errors, to which he refers in the advertisement at the end of his volume. But the official despatches of the British and American officers, as given in the original edition of 1842, were found on comparison with the Archives and other sources to be in many cases incorrect or abbreviated. Rather than impair the historical value of the volume by leaving the despatches imperfect, I have in each instance substituted without comment the full official account. To the numerous friends and relatives of Major Rich ardson, I tender my sincere thanks for the aid they have given, which has enabled me to prepare the biography. I am particularly indebted also to Mr. C. C. James, M.A., Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, for valuable advice and many historical notes; and to my lifelong friend, Mr. John Stewart Carstairs, B.A., of Harbord St. Collegiate Institute, Toronto, for help in the revision of the proofs and in the preparation of the biography. A. C. C. Toronto, February, 1902. CONTENTS. PAGE Prefatory Note. v Introduction. xi Biography of Major John Richardson. Biblio graphy. I Indians in British Wars — Riots of the "War-Hawks." 5 Efforts to Control Indians. Riots at Baltimore. Kindly Feeling in the North. II Hull's Invasion — Capture of Michilimackinac. 13 Defences at Amherstburg. Hull's Proclamation. Brock's Proclamation. First Engagement. Capture of Michilimackinac. Promptness of Captain Rob erts. His Official Despatch. Articles of Capitula tion. John Askin' s Letter. Ill Brownstown and Maguaga. 26 Defeat of Major Van Horne. Indian Ferocity. Indian Scalped. James' History Criticised. Retreat of British and Indians. Regulars at a Disadvan tage. Major Dalliba's Report., Major Dalliba's Report Criticised. vii viii CONTENTS PAGE IV Brock's Capture of Detroit. 47 Preparations for the Siege. The British Cross the Detroit. Bold Advance of the British. A White Flag. The British Occupy the Fort. Brock's Gsneral Order. Brock's Official Despatch. Articles of Capitulation. Brock's Proclamation. Hull's Despatch. I^etter of Colonel Cass. Review of Hull's Despatch and Cass' I^etter. How Brock Saved Canada. Transportation of Prisoners. The Detroit and Caledonia Surprised. Narrow Escape of Brock. V Expedition to Fort Wayne. 93 Difficulties of the Undertaking. American Scouts Killed by Indians. Major Muir's Retreat. American Accounts. Indian Adoption of a Prisoner. Difficult Duties of the 41st Regiment. VI Battle of Queenston Heights. 104 An Unwise Armistice. Queenston Attacked by Americans. British Opposition. Brock and Mac- donell Mortally Wounded. Flank Attack of General Sheaffe. Defeat and Surrender of the American Army. Officers of the York Militia Engaged. Sheaffe' s Official Account . Van Rensselaer' s Official Account. Captain Wool's Report. VII The Battle of Frenchtown. 132 Fort Meigs Built. Major Reynolds Repulsed. Advance of t^olonel Procter. The Battle. General Winchester Taken Prisoner.. I,ieut. Irvine's Daring Feat. Ingratitude of a Prisoner. Procter's Official Report. General Winchester's Official Report. General Harrison's Report. CONTENTS IX PAGE VIII The Battle op the Miami. 148 Harrison at Forti Meigs. The Fort Besieged by General Procter. British Batteries Captured. Re taken. Clay's Division Defeated. Harrison's Suc cessful Sortie. Exchange of Prisoners. Massacre of Prisoners. James Corrected. Noble Act of Metoss. The Bombardment Ineffectual. The Siege Raised. General Procter's Official Account. Proc ter's Account Criticized. General Harrison's Des patch, No. I. General Harrison's Despatch, No. 2. General Clay's Report. General Clay's Address to the Troops. IX The Attack on Fort Stephenson. 177 The Fighting 41st. Tecumseh's Plan. Its Fail ure. Procter's Assault of Fort Stephenson. The Assault Repulsed. Major Croghan' s Gallant Defence. Adjutant-General Baynes' Report. Major Croghan's Report. General Procter's Report. X The Battle of Lake Erie. 189 American activity in building Vessels. Barclay' s motley Force. The Engagement. Perrj; shifts his Flag. The British Fleet Destroyed. Comparison of the Squadrons. Barclay's Official Account. Report of I/ieut. Inglis. Perry's Official Account. s, XI The Battle of Moraviantown. 204 Procter's proposed Retreat. Tecumseh's Speech. Preparations for Retreat. Harrison's Pursuit. Defeat of the British. British Retreat cut off. Death of Tecumseh. Prevost's General Order. Prevost X CONTENTS PAGB characterized. Harrison's Report Criticized. Re buttal of Procter's Defence. An Officer's Diary. Procter's Defence Reviewed. Major Friend's Let ter. Lieut. Bullock's Reply. General Harrison's Report. XII. Prisoners of War. 243 Officers Paroled. ' Visit to Barclay's shattered Fleet. At Fort Stephenson. March to Chillicothe. Arrival at Chillicothe. Prevost's General Order. President Madison's Order. Treatment of the Brit ish Prisoners. Misery of the Prisoners. Plan for Escape Formed. Plot Revealed. In Fetters. Suf- erings while in Irons. Removal to Frankfort. Lieutenant Harrison's Kindness. Again on Parole. Hopes of Release Crushed. Prevost's General Order. Firm Stand of Prevost. General Winder's Reply. Negotiations Continued. Departure from Frankfort. Escape of Indian Prisoners. In a Pitiable Plight. Embark for Cleveland. Richardson Joins the 8th. Regiment.Appendix. 295 Major Muir's Official Report of the Expedition to Fort Wayne. Letter from Colonel John Askin, Strabane, to Cap tain Charles Askin, of the Militia, stationed at Chippawa. Letter from John Richardson to his uncle, Cap tain Charles Askin, at Queenston. Letter from Colonel Elijah Brush, Detroit, to Colonel John Askin, Strabane. Notes on Illustrations. INTRODUCTION. biography of major JOHN RICHARDSON. On the Canadian side of the Niagara river, just where its foaming and turbulent waters issue from the narrow, rocky gorge, stands the straggling village of Queenston. The place at the present time is of very little importance except as a terminal port for a magnificent iieet of pleasure vessels that carry tourists and excursion parties to visit the Falls, five or six miles farther up the river. But as the scene of one of the proudest victories of Canadian and British arms during the War of 1812 Queenston has won a fame that is world-wide. The settlement proper of the country dates from the close of the Revolutionary war, when the disbanded soldiers of Butler's Rangers and other United Empire Loyalists took up grants of land on the banks of the river. At the mouth of the river there soon grew up the town of Niagara (Newark), opposite Fort Niagara, at that time and until 1 796 in the hands of the British. The great highway of the trade with Detroit and other western settlements was the Niagara, and as this trade increased, the laden vessels from the lakes were taken as far up the river as possible, to shorten the portage around the Falls. This head of navigation was called at first the New Landing, and later Queenstown. Thus favorably situated for trade, the new town prospered and soon became the home of several pioneer merchants, who never dreamed that the stream of commerce could possibly find any other course. Queenston derived an additional importance, at this early period, from its proximity to the seat of govern ment of the new. Province of Upper Canada. The first Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, Colonel John Graves Simcoe, selected Niagara as the capital ; and to enforce his authority and protect his person a British Regiment was sent to Canada. This Regiment was recruited in England, Scotland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and was called the Queen's Rangers, from a xii introduction corps, commanded by Colonel Simcoe, during the war of the Revolution. Among the officers of the new corps who had not held commands in the old one was a young Scotchman named Robert Richardson, the Assistant Surgeon, a scion of the younger branch of the Annan dale family, which had clung to the fortunes of the Pretender. The detachment of the Queen's Rangers, with which Dr. Richardson served, was quartered at Queenston. The young military surgeon became acquainted with the leading merchant of the place. Honorable Robert Hamilton, member of the Legislative Council, who had married Catherine Askin, daughter of Colonel John Askin, a wealthy merchant of Detroit. At his home Dr. Richardson met Miss Madeleine, another daughter of Colonel Askin, then on a visit to her sister. The visits of the handsome young Scotch man were as frequent as his military duties would permit, and the beautiful and accomplished Madeleine encouraged him in his wooing; for we see in the records of St. Mark's church, Niagara, that "Doctor Robert Richardson, bachelor, and Madeleine Askin, spinster," were married by Reverend Robert Addison on January 24th, 1793. In July of this year a part at least of the Queen's Rangers left Queenston for Toronto, and Dr. Richardson accompanied them, leaving his wife with her sister. We learn from a letter written in French by Mrs. Richardson to her stepmother, Mrs. Askin at Detroit, that she is passing a very sad time awaiting news from Toronto, as no boat has arrived from there lately ; and that, if she could only know that Mr. Richardson was well, she would be satisfied. While Mrs. Richardson resided at Queenston their three eldest children were born : Jane, born May 19th, 1794, baptized at Niagara, August 17th; John, born October 4th, 1796, baptized January 5th, 1797 ; Robert, born September loth, 1798, baptized December 30th of the same year. In the fall of 180 1 a detachment of the Queen's Rangers was ordered to Fort St. Joseph, a post on the island of the same name, near the head of Lake Huron. Dr. Richardson accompanied this force to the western post, but the prospects of providing suitable accommoda tion for his wife and young family in this fort were not very promising, so it was arranged that Mrs. Richardson and family should live with her father at Detroit. BIOGRAPHY OP RICHARDSON xiii In the summer of 1802 the Rangers were disbanded, and the officers and men with their wives and children, were provided with transport if they wished to return to Great Britain. Dr. Richardson remained in Canada, and was appointed surgeon to the Governor and garrison of Fort Amherstburg ; and on June 7th, 1807, he was ap pointed Judge of the District Court of the Western District, an office he held until his death in 1832. Here all his children were reared and educated. His eldest son John was particularly brilliant, and although he hated school he seems to have made considerable pro gress in Latin, French and Euclid, as well as in the ordi nary branches of an English education. Unfortunately this course of instruction was abruptly cut short by the United States declaring war and by the preparations for the invasion of his native province. Much as he may have lost by his lack of schooling, no trace of such loss is perceptible in hii5 writings. And in estimating the formative influences that produced our first novelist of romance, our first delineator of manners and customs, we must look elsewhere. In that generation such a home and such a family as those of the Richardsons must have been peculiarly stimulating. The father, combining the strictness ofthe soldier, the kindness of the physician and the sternness of the judge, commanded the love and the respect, not only of his own family, but of the community. Even the redoubtable Simon Girty, the Sampson Gattrie of " The Canadian Brothers," was awed into decorum at the sight of the judge. The gentler virtues and the gentler graces found their exponent in his mother. Edu cated at the Convent of Congregation de Notre Dame at Montreal, the foremost institution for young ladies in Canada, Madeleine Richardson, with the national pride of her race, taught her children from their earliest years to speak and write the French language. It has been said , that he who knows only one language does not know any. In the learning of two languages young Richardson' s mind was broadened, his observation quickened, and a nice perception cultivated — perhaps as only years of training in the class-room could have perfected. His quick eye for natural beauty, his power in vivid description and his marvellous ability in handling the sentence, are an in heritance or an acquisition from his vivacious mother. Nor was the influence of his grandfather's home less xiv INTRODUCTION marked. Although a British subject. Colonel Askin had been unable, owing to large mercantile interests, to re move from Detroit to Canada till April, 1802. Onthe banks of the river Detroit opposite the lower end of Belle Isle, then called Hog Island, there soon rose the modest dwelling named Strabane, after the family seat in Ireland. How greatly this removal influenced young Richardson may be read in his after life. Who can doubt that this devoted British officer would impress on his youthful grandson that to live under that flag which he had served so long was worth the sacrifice of a home and a vast estate ? Here it was that Mrs. Askin used to tell the boy those thrilUng stories of romance, of Detroit, of Michilimackinac, that enchained his young imagina tion. None made so deep an impression as the crafty and well-conceived plans of Pontiac, the great chief of the Ottawas, and his persistent efforts to capture Fort Detroit. The events of that historic siege were the most exciting- episodes in a life not lacking in exciting inci dents. She had been an inmate of the fort, and the lapse of time had not bedimmed one of the startling ex periences of those eighteen months. Proofs of the power of this accomplished lady as a story-teller still exist. Her youthful listener even at that early age was enkindled with a desire, ilot to be realized till he had passed through thirty years of vicissitudes in two conti- tinents, when in 1832 he gave to the world his masterly "Wacousta." If the home life was thus wholesome in formative influ ences, the community also in which he dwelt was rich in a novel and diversified life that presented itself to his daily observation at an age when the sharpest and most lasting impressions are made. No other place on the continent could boast of a floating population so varied in charac ter and race, so rich in well-defined types of civilized and barbarous human nature. At Amherstburg there were the officers and soldiers of the garrison, dressed in bril liant uniforms, moving about with apparently few duties to perform, attracting the boyish fancy and exciting his admiration and his env}'. Nor was the British officer wholly unworthy of this adoration. A scion of one of Britain's best families, he obtained promotion oftener by purchase than by proficiency gained from actual service ; fully cognizant of his own importance, here he lived in a community that fully acknowledged his superiority. BIOGRAPHY OP RICHARDSON XV Next to the soldiers in attractiveness were the Indians that periodically repaired to the town to receive at the hands of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs their cus tomary presents. Many a time young Richardson would wander to the shores of the Detroit to watch the large fleets of canoes in military array, heading for the camping ground of Bois Blanc island ; or as the Indians marched to the storekeeper's with a pride and haughty mien that contrasted strangely with the object of their visit, or as they engaged in various games of leaping, wrestling, ball-playing, he would follow and delight in receiving recognition from some chieftain whose acquaintance he had made before. Often, on a visit to the island camp, he would be an interested spectator of their daily habits ; it was thus that he acquired that close and accurate knowledge of Indian character and life that he afterwards so successfully used in his literary productions. His de- Uneation of Indian character in ' ' Wacousta ' ' has never been equalled, even by James Fenimore Cooper himself. In ' ' The Canadian Brothers ' ' he gives us a description of the principal Indian chiefs who were allies of the Brit ish in the War of 1812, to be found nowhere else. Besides the soldiers and the Indians, there were those engaged in the fur trade, now fast declining here owing to the march of civilization westward. The French- Canadian and half-breed voyageur had not wholly for saken the Detroit ; and at times was to be seen the trader, just returned from trafficking Avith the Indians at their homes in the wilds of the interior, and in dress or complexion scarcely distinguishable from the Indians themselves — in some cases not degenerate successors of the coureurs de bois of the French period. , It was among such varied surroundings, then, that Richardson must have accumulated almost all the material that he used so effectively in history, poem or novel. The scenes of his boyhood are the favorite set ting for his characters ; and never after his boyhood had he the opportunity for a lengthened stay in those beloved haunts. The news of the declaration of war against Great Britain reached Amherstburg, and awoke this frontier garrison from its monotonous routine of regular work. The miUtia were called out. The marine department became active in fitting out trading schooners and small xvi INTRODUCTION gunboats for the purpose of defending from invasion the western district. The academic life of John Richardson was brought suddenly to a close. Hull's army had appeared on its march to Detroit, whence as a base it was, to invade the land of a contented and happy people, guiltless of wrong to the United States. All the martial spirit of his ancestors was roused in John Richardson, and at the tender age of fifteen he resolved to fight in defence of his native land. Through the influence of his father, and his grandfather Askin, he was appointed a gentleman volunteer on the strength of the 41st Regiment, a detachment of which - was in garrison at Fort Amherstburg. From a District General Order we learn that ' ' The undermentioned gen tlemen are appointed as volunteers in His Majesty's regular forces, from the periods specified opposite their respective names. They will continue to do duty with the 41st Regiment until further orders. Henry Procter, Gent., ist July, 181 2. Alex. Wilkinson, " i " 1812. John Richardson, " 9 " 1812. By Order. Thomas Evans, Brigade Major." Richardson fought in every engagement in which the detachment of the 41st took part, until its disastrous defeat at Moraviantown on October 5th, 18 13. On this occasion he was taken prisoner, and suffered close im prisonment until released in 1814. The story of these engagements and his experiences during his captivity are fully set forth in his history of the Right Division. With the exception of the official reports of the officers commanding, his account of these engagements, and of the captivity of the prisoners, is the only one that has been written by any of the participators. In his first novel, " Ecarte," Dormer, one of the characters, and Clif ford Delmaine, the hero, meet after years of separation in Paris. Dormer describes his experiences since they were schoolmates. The adventures of Dormer in the army in Canada and his imprisoament coincide closely with the actual events in this part of Richardson's career. In ' ' The Canadian Brothers ' ' one can gather likewise the story of the events in which the Right Division took part, and the story of the imprisonment. From History of Freemasonry, by J. Ross Robertson, Toronto, Amherstburg, 1800. BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON xvii After his return from captivity he was given a lieuten- antcy in the 2nd Battalion of the Sth (King's) Regiment. In June, 18 15, both battalions embarked at Quebec for Ostend, to join the Duke of Wellington's army in Flanders. But Waterloo had been fought and won before they were half way across the Atlantic. As a permanent peace with France seemed to have been made, and as Britain had no need for so large a standing army, several regiments were reduced. Transferring its men fit for duty to the first battalion, the second battalion of the Eighth disbanded on the 24th of December, 1815, and its officers were placed' upon half -pay. Within six months Sir Henry Torrens, then Military Secretary, pro cured Richardson's appointment to his own, the Second or Queen's Regiment ; and on the 24th of April, 18 16, the regiment embarked at Portsmouth for the West Indies, and landed at Barbadoes on June 5th. How long he remained with the Queen's is not known, but it is probable that he was invalided home after a short term of service in that exceedingly unhealthy climate. He was subsequently transferred to the 92nd Highlanders, and was again placed on half -pay on October ist, 181 8. For the next ten years Richardson lived the life of a literary man in London with occasional visits to Paris. He wrote sketches of West Indian and Canadian life that appeared in the periodicals of the time, and pro duced two of his longer works, the poem "Tecumseh" published in i828(?), and the novel "Ecarte, or the Salons of Paris," published in 1829. " Tecumseh," Richardson's only effort in poetry con sists of four cantos of 188 stanzas of ottava rima ; in the first canto there are 45 stanzas, in the second 50, in the third 48 and in the fourth 45. No evidence is at hand from which we can judge how this poem was received in literary circles in England. The generation born during the Napoleonic wars would not be enraptured with martial poems: they had experienced too many of the hard ships of war. At that time the heroic deeds and states manlike achievements of our greatest Indian ally were unknown in Britain, and could appeal to but a limited number of readers. The poem itself is marked by a strict adherence to the conventional stanza form, with which Byron, took such Hberties in his Don Juan. With a few exceptions, there is marked care in the choice of words xviii INTRODUCTION and in the workmanship. The epic theme follows closely the historical facts and presents many opportunities for effective dramatic treatment. But perhaps the measure chosen was ill-adapted to so stirring a subject. That Richardson was not quite satisfied with his poetic effort is proved by his confining himself to prose in future. "Ecarte," said Captain R. H. Barclay, in a letter to the author, ' ' is assuredly an able and dreadful essay against the most insidious and ruinous of alL sorts of dis sipation and idleness, gaming, bad enough anywhere, but perhaps in Paris it holds its throne." Paris was then a favorite resort for many young British officers absent on leave ; and Richardson, in his visits, appears to have entered fully into the gay life of that metropoUs. He had an affair of honor with a French officer of Cuirassiers and probably indulged in play, but it is hardly possible that he lost heavily, got in debt and was given time to contemplate the fickleness of fortune, and form good resolutions for the future in a room in the prison he so accurately describes in "Ecarte." This novel was published by Colburn, of London, and was well received in some quarters ; but, by a strange circumstance, was doomed in so far as it might possibly bring immediate fame to the author and wealth to the publisher. Jerdan, a leading influential writer on the staff of the Literary Gazette, had some disagreement with Colburn, and to be revenged wrote him that he would "cut up " his next book in his review. The next book published by Colburn was " Ecarte," and Jerdan was as good as his word. This unwarranted criticism, Richardson acknowledges in "Eight Years in Canada," prevented him from writing many more works. However, he appears to have been busy with his pen as " Wacousta " appeared ini832. This story was pub lished in three volumes by T. Cadell, Strand, London, and from the first met with great success. A second edi tion was pubHshed in the same style in 1840. It is considered his best work. The London Literary Gazette, the London Atheneum the London Satirist, the Morning Post, the London Atlas and Miss Sheridan's Magazine spoke in very flat tering terms of the novel and the author. He was atonce recognized as a powerful rival of Cooper, then at the height of his popularity in England and America :biography of richardson xix The story is founded upon the designs of Pontiac to possess himself of the fort at Detroit. The principal characters are drawn from the actors in that historic event, and are portrayed with a marked fidelity to his torical accuracy. Even Wacousta himself may have been suggested by the career of some real personage. The only feature of the story that it is possible to consider weak may be found in the incident of the capture in the St. Clair river of the schooner, having on board the sur vivors of the massacre at Fort Michilimackinac. Here, to cause the capture to take place in the river, the author, departing from geographical truth, makes the St. Clair a narrow stream, with the branches of the tall trees meeting in an arch overhead. But even for this he may well plead the licence that is always granted to writers of fiction. , The interview between Pontiac and Governor De Hal- dimar in the great council hall of the fort is the master stroke of all Richardson's Hterary work. For dramatic power and graphic description it has not often been sur passed or even equalled in the language. As a character- sketch, unfolding on the one hand the adroit craft and subtle deceit of Pontiac with all the varied play of mo tives, and on the other the defiant confidence and intrepid fidelity to principle of the governor, it will compare favorably with those searching analyses of human pas sions to be found in the works of George EHot. Richardson has been accused of imitating Cooper in this novel. How closely one author may follow the style and character of another's productions and still rank as a great writer, will never be very clearly determined. The only ground for such an accusation is that both wrote stories with Indians figuring prominently in the foreground. And it is doubtful that Richardson owes more to Cooper's works than the bare suggestion that a romance deaHng with the Canadian Indian would prove both popular and successful. For such a work he pos sessed peculiar qualifications, in power, in material and in desire. His power had already been revealed in ' ' Ecarte ' ' ; his material had been gathered from the ex periences of his boyhood and the stirring stories he heard from his grandmother ; the desire had been enkindled thirty years before when he heard those stories by the open fireplace at Strabane. XX introduction Richardson's characters are never impossible. His Indians have aU the virtues and all the vices of the great est prototypes of the race. He was personaUy acquainted with Tecumseh. His grandmother had been in the fort when besieged by Pontiac. The original of Captain Erskine is no doubt his grandfather, Colonel John Askin ; Lieutenant Johnstone is probably his father's relative. Dr. Richardson belonged to the Annandale family, so did Lieutenant Johnstone ; and further to prove the identity, one of Major Richardson's half- brothers was named Johnstone Richardson, plainly show ing that Johnstone was a family name. The name of Bombardier Kitson for one of the minor characters is a reminiscence of an officer of that name in the Royal Ar tillery who fought with the Right Division in the War of 1 8 1 2 . No doubt a careful comparison of the incidents of the novel with the actual events would reveal many other similarities. This is an instance in which we must go to fiction for reliable history. In 1834 the Spanish Ambassador to Great Britain re cruited an army in that country to assist the regent, Christina, to preserve the throne of Spain for her daugh ter Isabella, against the forces of Don Carlos, who claimed the crown. This force, which consisted of ten regiments of 1,000 men each, was known as the " British Auxiliary Legion," and was under the command of Lieut. -General De Lacy Evans, a veteran officer who had seen active service in India and the Peninsula, at Wash ington and New Orleans, and as Quartermaster- General at Waterloo. Richardson was assigned a captaincy in the 2nd Regiment, which sailed from Portsmouth on board the transport Royal Tar, on July 23rd, 1835, and arrived at San Sebastian on the 27th. After a short stay here the Legion marched to Vitoria, where typhus fever carried off about 700 men and 40 officers. The soldierly quali ties and executive abiHty of Richardson were recognized by his being appointed commandant of Vitoria ; but on January 30th, 1836, he was stricken down with the pre vailing malady. His splendid physique, however, en abled him to combat the disease, and he rose from his bed on the 17th of March. During his illness intrigue and jealousy were at work, and he was displaced on the staff by a relative of the Lieut. -General ; and to add to his troubles his regiment and the 5th were broken up. biography of RICHARDSON Xxi but he was appointed senior captain in the 6th (Scotch Grenadiers). To recuperate, Richardson applied for and received two months' leave of absence to visit England. He left Vitoria in April and proceeded to the coast, but before he had an opportunity to embark for England the Legion marched to the attack of San Sebastian, now occupied by the Cariists. Although on sick leave, Rich ardson, in his anxiety to be of assistance, volunteered his services on the staff. His offer was refused, and, en feebled as he was, he led his own company of the 6th Regiment in the battle of the 5th of May. An account of this battle appears in his memoirs. On the nth he left Spain for London by way of Paris. While in Spain he kept a journal which he was anxious to publish, as it would in a measure be an answer to the attacks and aspersions made against the character and actions of the Legion by the persons and the press that opposed interference with the internal affairs of a foreign nation. While in London a Gazette appeared which .contained a list of the names of officers decorated for their conduct in the action of May 5th. Richardson's name did not appear, and, to add to his disappointment, he was morti fied to find in the announcement that a junior officer had been promoted to a majority over his head. In his anger he wrote an addition to the preface of his book, " Movements of the British Legion," in which he set fprth his claims, and in doing so reflected somewhat on the conduct of the other officers. When his wrath had subsided he recalled the irritating paragraphs and substi tuted others less incisive ; but he had already sent a copy of the preface to the Lieut. -General, and had written a private letter to the military secretary in which was con veyed a mild threat that some officers had honors to which they were not entitled. Meanwhile Richardson started for Spain and at once carried out his plans against the Lieut. -General ^nd other officers, which resulted in the appointment of a court of inquiry to investigate and report on the whole affair. On the 29th of June, just one day before the assem- bHng of the court, his year of service having expired, he tendered his resignation and signified his retirement from the service. He therefore appeared before the commis sion, not as an officer of the Legion, but as a xxii INTRODUCTION private citizen, and at the investigation his superior talents, aided by the justice of his cause, enabled him to wring from a hostile court a verdict that exonerated him in every particular. After the an nouncement of the verdict the Lieut. -General intimated to Richardson that he would like to make reparation for the injury that had been done him. Consequently it was arranged that his resignation should be withdrawn. On this being done Richardson appeared in general orders as promoted to a vacant majority which was dated May 13th, and at the same time was transferred from the 6th Scotch to the 4th Queen's Own Fusiliers. With this regi ment Major Richardson served till the 19th of August, being in command of it at an engagement at the " Heights of Passages " on July 30th, 1836. Soon after, he returned to England. To'Major Richardson's experiences in Spain we owe the existence of three of his works. ' ' Movements of the British Legion," referred to before, recounts in the form of a journal the operations from their arrival at San Sebastian, July 27th, 1835, till the attack on the same stronghold. May 5th, 1836. The second edition, pub lished in 1837, contains also the narrative to the close of March, 1837. Thfe book in its first edition is a faithful account of the events of the campaign, and is a worthy tribute to the mihtary capacity of Lieutenant-General De Lacy Evans, the commander-in-chief. But the fail ure of that officer to promote Richardson to a majority to which he was entitled by seniority, led to a bitter per sonal quarrel with the Lieutenant-General, who does not seem to have been averse to showing a desire for revenge on the Major, who had worsted him before the Court, of Inquiry. As De Lacy Evans had estranged his offi cers, had infringed the rules of service and had secured a reputation for delay and indecision, he was not invul nerable, and Richardson was always a merciless assail ant. Accordingly, in the second part of the second edi tion, the author seldom loses an opportunity of attributing every failure or disaster to the incapacity of the commander. As a fact, . only ten of the fifty ex perienced officers who had originally embarked in the cause chose to remain. It was easy for the officers to withdraw from the service, but with the rank and file it was very different. They had to stay tiU their term of BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON Xxiii service expired, and when this time came their pay was in arrears and no passage to England was to be got. Some re-enlisted, others in their despera:tion joined, the Cariists. Their plight was a melancholy one. Neglected by their native country and cast off without pay by the nation they served, the survivors managed to reach Great Britain in a penniless condition, deplorable examples of the neglect usually shoWn to the private soldier when the nation no longer requires his services. The affairs of Spain were made the subject of a debate in the British House of Commons on the motion of Sir Henry Hardinge. In this debate the opportunity was seized by O' Connell and some other members to attack Richardson, but his character and conduct were clearly vindicated. His cause was championed by Captain Boldero and Sir Henry Hardinge, the proposer of the motion. It would be exceedingly unfair even to hint that anything but justice could influence a man of the integrity and noble character of Sir Henry Hardinge, but his interest in Richardson in this connection may have arisen from his kindly remembrance of Richard son's father when they served in the same regiment. Sir Henry Hardinge began that military career which shone so brilliantly at Albuera and at Ferozshuhr, as an ensign in the Queen's Rangers'!^ 1798 in Upper Canada, when Dr. Richardson was assistant surgeon of the same corps. No better example of the appreciation of the subtleties of language can be found than in the volume, " Move ments of the British Legion." At p. 162, in discussing the unhealthy and uncomfortable condition of the hos pitals at Vitoria, Richardson had said : ' ' Things are said to have been better managed in Por tugal under Mr. Alcock, who is second in rank of the Medical Department here." Mr. Alcock, considering that he had been complimented at the expense of his chief, wrote to the author, asking that the statement be amended or omitted in any future edition. Richardson replied, begging him " to consider it, however, as one of the typographical errors, and that ' said ' should be in italics, not ' second.' You cannot fail to observe that this alteration will give a totally distinct reading to the passage." This arnende honorable has something so genu inely clever about it that it deserves this special notice. It is scarcely paralleled even by Lord Robert Cecil's xxiv INTRODUCTION famous apology to Mr. Gladstone as related by Justin McCarthy. Richardson's second work on the affairs in Spain entit led "Personal Memoirs of Major Richardson," was pub Hshed in Montreal in 1838. Events, that will be referred to presently, caused him to come to Canada in that year ; hence its appearance in this country. In this volume the injustice that he had suffered is submitted to the pubHc. The documentary evidence adduced clearly shows that he pursued the only course consistent with honor and d;ig- nity. As he himself says, p. 144 : ? " By the cold and the calculating— by the selfish and the prudent — I shall no doubt be considered as having adopted a course more chivalrous than wise in the uni form opposition I have shown to the various measures of oppression — so unworthily — so ignobly arrayed against me. By those, however, of high honour — of proud and independent feeling — by those who are incapable of sacri ficing the approval of the inward man to mere considera tions of personal interests and expediency, I shall be judged in a nobler spirit. They, at least, will admit, that in adopting the line of conduct unfolded in the pages of this brief and local memoir, I have studied that which was most befitting an honourable mind. As I have had elsewhere reason to observe, never did a more cruel sys tem of injustice seek to work its slow and sinuous course beneath the mantle of liberalism. Every engine of his power had been put in motion by General Evans, to ac complish the ruin of an officer, who had in no other way offended than by refusing tamely to submit — firstly, to his injustice — secondly, to his oppression, and that the utter overthrow of such officer has not been accomplished, is attributable, npt to any forbearance on the part of his persecutor, but to his own innate integrity and right." His third work was a satire, not issued, however, in book form, but as a serial in The New Era or Cana dian Chronicle, a paper published by Richardson in BrookviUe in 1841 and 1842. Theodore Hook in his last volume had transferred his hero. Jack Brag, to the staff of De Lacy Evans in Spain as Acting Assistant Deputy- Deputy Assistant Commissary General. Richardson saw his opportunity and took Hook's hero successfully in hand. Hook was pleased with the continuation of his satire and made an effort to secure a publisher for it. BIOGRAPHY OP RICHARDSON xXV He went to Colburn and to Bentley, but they declined to accept it as they considered the delineation of the char acters too faithful a reflection of the originals, and the strictures on the Radicals at Westminster too severe. In 1837 the political affairs of the Canadas caused no little alarm to the British Government of the day. Rich ardson, eager again to see active service, more particu larly in defence of his native land, against those who would have robbed Britain of her fairest colony, embarked at London on the i8th of February, 1838, for Canada,by way of New York. He was accompanied by his wife, a member of a family in Essex, whom he had married about the year 1830. Her family name is not recorded that I have seen, and a diligent inquiry among Richardson's relatives, who knew her, has proved fruitless in the matter. All, however, agree in saying that she was accompHshed, talented, and possessed of some literary ability, and that they were devotedly attached to each other. While waiting in New York for four days Richardson met the Earl of Gosford and Sir Francis Bond Head, who had lately arrived from the Canadas on their way to Eng land. He had a letter of introduction from Lord Glenelg, Colonial Secretary, to Sir Francis, in which was expressed the desire that some official position should be given him in his native province. Sir FVancis was so concerned and .agitated, probably through fear that violence might be done him by some sympathizers with the rebels in Canada, that after reading the letter he returned it to the Major unsealed, with a request to present it with his compliments to his successor. Sir George Arthur. On the 29th of March he went by boat to Albany, thence by railroad to Utica, then by coach through Auburn, Geneva, Rochester and Lockport to Lewiston, where he arrived on Wednesday, the 3rd of April. The mingled feelings with which he viewed his native village of Queenston, a spot hallowed with so many recollections, are well described at the close of the second chapter of his " Eight Years in Canada." ' ' We reached Lewiston a few miles below the Falls of Niagara about 6 o'clock ; and from that point beheld, for the first time since my return to the country and in its most interesting aspect, the Canadian shore. Opposite to Lewiston is the small village of Queenston, and over hanging the latter, the heights on which my early friend xxvi introduction and military patron — the warrior beneath whose bright example my young heart had been trained to a love of hero ism, and who had procured me my first commission in the service — had perished in the noble but unequal conflict with a foe invading almost from the spot on which I stood. More than five-and-twenty years had gone by, but the memory of the departed Brock lived as vividly in the hearts of a grateful people as it had in the early days of his fall ; and in the monument which crowned the height, and which' no ruffian hand had yet attempted to desecrate, was evidenced the strong and praiseworthy desire to perpetuate a memory as honored as it was loved. ^ This moment -v^^as to me particularly exciting, for it brought with it the stirring reminiscences of the camp, and caused me to revert to many a trying scene in which my younger days had been passed. Since that period I had numbered a good many years, and had experienced in other climes a more than ordinary portion of the vicissitudes of human life ; but not one of these had the freshness aud warmth of recollection of my earlier services in America, in which (independently of the fact of my having been present at the capture of Detroit, tinder the gallant . soldier whose bones reposed beneath the monument on which my gaze was rivetted, as if through the influence of an irresistible fascination) I had been present in five general engagements, and twelve months a prisoner of war with the enemy before attaining my seventeenth year. These were certainly not ' piping times of peace,' and I must be pardoned the egotism of incidentally alluding to them." Before leaving London, Richardson had been en trusted with the important duty of furnishing political information to the London Times. In availing itself of the services of a writer so singularly competent and eUgible as Richardson, the foremost of English daiUes showed both enterprise and sagacity. In those times it was well to have sources of information on what was taking place in the Canadas, other than the official despatches of the governors and the news letters appear ing in the United States press. Richardson began at once to study the political situation in Upper Canada. His opportunities for obtaining information were ex cellent. His brother Charles, with whom he lived at Niagara, represented that town in the Legislative BIOGRAPHY OP RICHARDSON XXvH Assenibly of Upper Canada, and through him Richardson could learn without reserve the state of affairs in the country, and get a description of the events that led up to armed resistance to the Government. He soon began his journey to Quebec to meet Lord Durham on his arrival. While in Toronto he called on and was entertained by Sir George Arthur, and by his own old comrades in arms when Detroit was taken, the Honorable John Beverley Robin son, then Chief Justice, and Colonel S. P. Jarvis, then Superintendent of Indian Affairs. In Montreal he found out the feeling in the province of Lower Canada. His observations in Canada up to this time are embodied in two letters published in the Times, one written from Niagara and the other from Montreal, and signed In quisitor. On his arrival at Quebec he called upon the governor, and was received by him with every mark of respect. He was invited to dine at the Castle of St. Lewis with a brilliant assemblage. Lord Durham made him the special object of his attention, and during the course of a long conversation he unfolded in their entirety all his plans and projects for the government of the colony. Richardson was convinced that these plans were not only the best for the country, but perhaps the only ones that would harmonize the various conflicting interests arrayed in arms against each other. If Richardson was impressed by the honesty and integrity of Lord Durham, and his thorough grasp of the political situation, on the other hand it is merely just to record that he possessed the con fidence of that nobleman to the fullest extent. By birth and training Richardson was personally op posed to the general policy represented by the Melbourne administration. He was the trusted correspondent of a paper that had assailed that administration with a bit terness rarely exhibited by any journal. His salary of ;^30o and travelling expenses along with his half -pay would have enabled him to live in affiuence. Moreover, his work was congenial, and no favor that Lord Durham or any succeeding governor might grant could offer more attractions to a man of Richardson's temperament than his present employment. Accordingly every motive and every prejudice of worldly wisdom would have led an ordinary man into opposition to the governor, but it is very gratifying to know that Richardson viewed the affairs of Canada with notable impartiality, which leaves XXVIU INTRODUCTION no doubt of his patriotism and of a marked disregard of any selfish interests. Richardson was convinced that Lord Durham would do for the colony what no other governor had ever attempted in respect to its permanent interests. He realized the wisdom of his policy and grasped the spirit of his plans for the future. Time has already vindicated the action of the governor, and it must in all fairness grant to Richardson credit and honor for the personal sacrifices he made in advocating the cause that has proved so beneficial to British North America. Unfortunately for him the ' ' mighty engine ' ' he was in Canada to represent did not approve his course. The editor did not see fit to publish all his let ters, and informed him that his connection with that journal would cease at the termination of his year's en gagement. It would seem that a paper that delegates to itself the high position of directing the policy of a great nation should place accuracy of information before every other consideration ; that it should have placed more con fidence in the opinions of its correspondent than upon its party traditions. The awakening was too sudden for most Englishmen to see clearly. The many reforms that had been gained in England within a half-dozen years were alarming to one party, and the other party were not prepared to support their official in his advanced ideas of granting self-government to the colonies. It is therefore too much to expect that a paper like the Times could change its colonial policy so quickly. The dis avowal of Richardson by the Times enlisted the sympathy of Lord Durham, himself suffering from a more cruel desertion. In a letter to Richardson he says : " It is indeed most disgusting to see such proofs of malignity in those who ought to value truth and fair dealing as the best means of informing the public of which they profess to be the ' best possible instructors.' Your course has been that of a man of honor and in tegrity, and you can hardly regret the dissolution of a connection which it appears could only have been pre served by the sacrifice on your part of truth and justice — by the suppressio vert, if not the assert lo falsi." If subsequent events had not clearly proved that the course adopted by Richardson was the proper one, this letter is sufficient exoneration. Lord Durham's poHcy and his acts while in Canada are fuUy set forth in chap- BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON Xxix ters III., IV. and V. of Richardson's " Eight Years in Canada." On November 2nd, 1838, the day after Lord Durham embarked for England, Richariison left Quebec to join his friends at Niagara. At Kingston he was much im pressed by a visit to Von Schoultz, the " patriot " leader recently captured at theWiridmiU at Prescott. While he was in Toronto the news of the defeat of the brigand invaders at Windsor by Col. Prince was received, and Sir George Arthur employed Richardson to carry the des patches of that event to Sir John Colborne at Montreal, but was anticipated by half an hour by an express from Colonel Dundas at Kingston, to whom also he had carried a despatch of the affair. This duty being performed he joined his wife at Niagara. On his way to Quebec during the spring of this year (1838), Richardson took the earliest occasion to settle an affair with Colonel Chichester, for which no oppor tunity offered while at San Sebastian in Spain. It appears that Colonel Chichester seconded a motion to expel Rich ardson from the San Sebastian club. On learning the truth of the matter Colonel Kirby, the proposer of the motion, apologized to Richardson in England. Richard son now required a similar apology from Colonel Chi chester, who granted it. All the documents that were necessary were now in his possession, consequently his ' ' Personal Memoirs ' ' were published this year. During the winter he made preparations to take up his residence at Amherstburg. On his arrival there he is dis appointed in the place. The charms that it possessed in his youth have all departed. No fleet of government vessels now make the little harbor their home. No Indian watchfires add a picturesqueness to the beautiful island opposite the town. No bands of Indians now come there to sit in solemn council or to receive their annual presents. And where in other days a half regi ment of regulars and a battery of artillery enlivened the town, now, but a single company remains, to garrison a fort, — but a mere shadow of its former greatness. Although the town appeared to have every mark of decay, yet Richardson could not hire a vacant house. The quartering of the regulars and militia there in con sequence of the rebellion, had increased the population so quickly that all the houses were occupied. He then xxx INTRODUCTION went to Sandwich, where he made his home in a small brick house " gable end to the street." The house still stands about loo yards south of St. John's Church, and but for a covering of bright red paint and the addition of a verandah in front, presents the same appearance as 60 years ago. It was pointed out to me lastsummerbyMr.ThomasMcKee,the genial County Clerk of Essex, who remembered Richardson well and had many interesting stories to relate of him. It was in this house that the finishing touches were put upon " The Canadian Brothers," a sequel to "Wacousta." Some chapters of this novel had appeared in ' ' The Literary Garland," a magazine that had been started in December, 1838, in Montreal. One of these contributions was en titled "Jeremiah Desborough," and the other "The Settler or the Prophecy FulfiUed." Having received the encouragement of 250 subscrip tions among the military and the people of Canada, Rich ardson resolved to publish the sequel to "Wacousta" and went to Montreal to see the work through the press. The registration notice of this novel bears the date, Jan uary 2nd, 1840. It was published in two volumes in the original edition, and was dedicated to Sir John Harvey, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. The tale is an historic one and deals with the War of 1812 on the Detroit frontier. In a measure the work is autobiograph ical and covers the same period as that of his history of the war. General Brock, Colonel Procter, Captain Bar clay, Tecumseh, Walk-in- the-Water, Split-Log and Round head appear in the work under their proper names. Ger ald and Henry Grantham, the Canadian Brothers, are Major Richardson and his favorite brother Robert. Simon Girty appears as Sampson Gattrie and the description of this personage in the book is the best ever written. St. Julian is Colonel St. George, Cranstoun is Brevet-Lieu tenant-Colonel Short, and Middlemore, Lieutenant Gor don. The other officers all have places in the narrative, but to avoid a multiplicity of characters one per sonage in the story often represents two or more in the real events. For instance, Gerald Grantham is made to act the parts of Lieutenant Rolette, Lieutenant Irvine and Midshipman Robert Richardson. Some anachron isms occur for which the author prepares us in the preface. Captain Barclay and General Brock meet at Amherstburg BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON XXXI before the fall of Detroit and the battle of Queenston Heights is not fought until October, 1813. The storyin many respects is not the equal of "Wacousta." The purely fictitious characters are not so well drawn in ' ' The Canadian Brothers, "while the historical ones are per haps more faithfully pictured. The weakest part is the attempt to make it a sequel. Jeremiah Desborough, the villain of the novel, is a character without a purpose. He is but an intruder in the insignificant place he has in the tale. When Richardson knows the type of man he is describing, we get a picture that delights us by the boldness and clearness of the delineation of every phase of his character ; but when he does not know him the portrayal is a palpable failure. He found out, too late to correct it in the first edition, that the Scotch dialect he makes Cranstoun use is very" imperfect. In the second edition, published in New York in 1851, in one volume, under the author's supervision, this imperfection just pointed out does not occur. Afterthe publication of "The Canadian Brothers,'" Richardson made preparations to start for his home in Sandwich. He decided to travel by means of his own equipage, a method affording greater freedom and more ease and convenience. He therefore purchased a sleigh, a team of spirited French- Canadian ponies, and suitable harness and robes, and engaged a servant to care for the ponies at all stopping places. He set out from Montreal during the last days of February. In Cornwall he stayed some days, rehearsing old times with Judge G. S. Jarvis, an old fellow-officer of Sth (King's). His fondness for being entertained by his old friends on the way, and an accident in the early part of the journey, delayed him, and by the time Brookville was reached it was im possible to go farther by sleigh. While waiting here some days to make the necessary changes to travel by waggon, he was induced to purchase a piece of land, beautifully situated on the high banks of the St. Lawrence, on which were a gpod house, a barn and other outbuildings. The journey, which occupied about two months, the greater part of which time was spent in visiting at Kingston, Toronto and London, ended about the last of April. Preparations were made for the return trip to his ' ' farm ' ' in Brookville. Before the time for starting XXXU INTRODUCTION came round, a grand demonstration was announced, which was to be held at Fort Meigs by the Whigs of Ohio in honor of their candidate for the Presidency of the United States. The place was appropriately chosen, as it was on the Miami that General Harrison won the military renown associated with his name, which contributed not a little to his success at the coming election. Rich ardson accepted an invitation from his friends at Detroit to be present, and to visit the place where he also had seen some hard fighting against the general whose ex ploits his party were now commemorating. The trip to Brookville was begun in the last week in June. The ponies and waggon were again used, and by this picturesque and delightful method he and his wife reached BrookviUe in the first week in July. For some weeks his time was occupied in superintending the reno vation of the house and the improvement of the grounds. But after this work was completed he became somewhat melancholy, a feeling that quite naturally follows when a person who has led a wandering life becomes a fixture * in a place. At this time he appears to have had no settled plans for the future. No event appears to have suggested itself as suitable for weaving into a romantic story. One alluring prospect seems to have taken possession of his very being. He hoped to be appointed to some office, in the gift of the Governor and his Council, which would enable him to live comfortably the rest of his days and to devote his leisure to literary work. He had strong and reasonable claims for such a position upon the gov ernment of Canada. His qualifications for many posi tions in the gift of the government were of the highest order. He was dignified in bearing and a thorough gentleman. He spoke English and French with equal fluency. His military training had specially fitted him to perform the routine duties of a public officer with promptness and attention to detail, necessary acquire ments in a public official. He had done not a Httle for Canada. He fought in her defence at a time when she was most in need of assistance. He was for a year a prisoner of war, and for a part of that period suffered close imprisonment while two governments delibera ted whether a certain number of their prisoners should or should not suffer death. When internal dissensions BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON xxxiil threatened again to make his native country the easy prey of a foreign power, he hastened to her shores to fight once more for British connection, if it were necessary. When he came to Canada in 183S he represented the most powerful newspaper in the Empire. Through the medium of that paper he endeavored to teach the public of Great Britain that the unity of the Empire depended upon the 'granting of Responsible Government to the Canadian people. For daring to express these views he was relieved of his position on the paper. As he had not a sufficient income to support himself and his wife it became necessary for him to seek some employment. In this extremity it was quite natural for him to turn, for the aid he required, to those he had served so consciraitiously and so faithfully. Lord Durham, cognizant of his devo tion to the cause of Responsible Government and of the effort Richardson had made to shield him from the storm about to break about his devoted head, promised to exert himself in his behalf. The early death of that nobleman left him without any hope of reward from that source. The social conditions of Brockville in 1840 were in marked contrast to the refinement and culture of the large cities of Europe ; and it is not difficult for one to believe that Richardson felt himself im prisoned. Of this he says : ' ' There were moments when the idea of being buried alive, as it were, in this spot, without a possibility, perhaps, of again seeing the beautiful fields and magnificent cities, and mixing in the poHshed circles of Europe, and of matchless Eng land in particular, came like a blighting cloud upon my thoughts, and filled me with a despondency no effort of my own could shake off." He, however, felt the necessity of self -exertion. Some of his friends were confident that if a newspaper were started in BrockviUe, it would prove a profitable invest ment. He resolved to adopt their advice. His talents and tastes were literary and a periodical seemed to offer the best means of supporting the cause he had so much taken to heart. His judgment in the matter was the more easily influenced in favor of the suggestion because he thought the dawn of a new order of things would quicken the literary activity of the colony. Type, presses and compositors were necessary for the venture, and to obtain these Richardson went to New xxxiv INTRODUCTION York. While transacting the business that brought him to that city he received marked attention from several persons who had been charmed and delighted by reading his works. In him they found a person who could accept their homage with that ease and grace which marked the man whose gentility and decorum had been fashioned in the refined company of Europe. His business having been completed, he started for home, and arrived there on the last day of the year 1840. In the early part of June of the following year the neces sary machinery for printing arrived in Brockville, and the first issue of the paper was published. It was named The New Era or Canadian Chronicle, a title sug gestive of the political change that Lord Sydenham came to Canada to introduce, and which Lord Durham had advised as a solution of the political problem. The paper was a weekly, and the subscription price was four dollars for a year. The leading articles and the other matter Were all from the pen of the editor. No paying adver tisements or local topics found a place in its columns. His ' ' Jack Brag in Spain ' ' and ' ' Recollections of the West Indies ' ' were serials that ran through several issues. While the paper was interesting and enter taining, it had not that variety and freshness which would secure arid retain a long list of paying sub scribers at four dollars a year. Consequently, the editor became involved financially, and the paper was on the verge of suspension. Another brave effort, how ever, was made to reanimate it by appealing to the patriotism of the Canadian people. Ridiardson enter tained the suggestion of his military comrades in the last war, now in high positions in the country, to write a his tory of the War of 1812. Although the immediate object was to make money, there was a higher motive that made Richardson eager to undertake the task. The various accounts of that war which had as yet found gen eral circulation in Upper Canada were those contained in United States text-books, which were used almost exclu sively in the schools of the province. The whole object of the historians of the United States during the first half of the 19th century seemed to be to create in the minds of their readers a hatred of everything British. A devotion to truth in h^torical -writing, so pretty gen erally in evidence at the present day among her historians, biography op richardson xxxv had not as yet been found acceptable to American readers or profitable to American historians. Richardson was qualified in a special manner for such an undertaking. He had been an active participator in all the engagements in which the Right Division of the Canadian army had taken part. He had promises of assistance from several of his countrymen who had seen active service in the several campaigns. Sir John Harvey, then Governor of Newfoundland, promised to put at his disposal his personal narrative of the cam paigns of 1813 and 1 8 14. His experience in the several capacities of the service from gentleman volunteer to Major in command of a battalion in action, would enable him to comment intelligently on the skirmishes, battles and strategical evolutions of the combatants. The honesty and fairness he had shown in his letters on Lord Durham's administration was a guarantee that his prejudices would not lead him to give any.but an impartial treatment of the incidents of the struggle. The History of the War was to be written in Three Series. The first was to contain "A Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division," and was to be published serially in The New Era. The first instalment ap peared in the first number of the second volume, which was issued on March 2nd, 1842. The paper appeared at intervals that varied from a week to two weeks ; and in fourteen numbers, the last of which appeared on July 15th, 1842, the Narrative was completed. Four more numbers were published in which was reprinted his poem "Tecumseh"; thepaper ceasing with the iSth number on August 19th, 1842. The Narrative was set up in wide columns in The New Era and by simply dividing the matter into pages, the work could be printed in book form. The history was dedicated to the United Legislature of Canada, to which Richardson applied for financial aid to reimburse him for his expenditure on the First Series and to enable him to complete the work. His petition was introduced and read by Sir Allan MacNab, and approved by the House, only one member dissenting. In consequence ;^250 was voted by the Assembly and paid to Richardson. The appeal to the people of Canada to subscribe for The New Era, because the history of the War of 181 2 was to appear in its columns, was not responded to by XXXVI introduction any large increase in the circulation. To bring the his tory generally before the people the author made an effort to get the district councils to recommend it for use in the schools within their boundaries. Johnstown dis trict voted ;^5o to purchase copies, to be used in their schools, but this vote was afterwards rescinded because the council had no power to vote money for that purpose. No other council took any action in the matter. The booksellers of the province with whom it had been placed on sale had disposed of about thirty copies, and in Kings ton, the capital of the Province, all that a copy wotdd fetch at auction was seven and one-half pence currency. The poor reception accorded the First Series of the History of the War caused the author to postpone the preparation of the other parts ; and as the prospect never became more promising dturing his lifetime the history was not completed. It is of some interest to know that this publication was the third for which a copyright was granted by the old Province of Canada. The New Era supported in a general way the prin ciple of Responsible Government andthe "cabinet" that was administering the government ; but Richardson, like many others, became displeased because Sir Charles Bagot, a Conservative, had selected as his advisers per sons belonging to both parties and had shown a similar impartiahty in his appointments to office. Richardson may have had personal as well as public reasons for his action. However, he resolved to oppose the Ministry and to do so started at Kingston a paper called the Canadian Loyalist and Spirit of 1S12. The poHtical articles that appeared were very severe upon the members of the Lafontaine-Baldwin Ministry ; Mr. Francis Hincks get ting more than his share. The appointment to office of "men of more than questionable loyalty — of unmasked traitors and rebels — over the honest and self-sacrificing defender of the rights of the British Crown" was the " prominent ground on which the poHtical priiiciples of the Canadian Loyalist were based. ' ' The paper fulfiUed Its mission. Sir Charles Metcalfe as Governor, main tained that he might appoint officials without cofasulting his Council ; disagreement followed, and aU his estecutive except Mr. Daly resigned. The Canadian Loyalist which was started at the beginning of 1843 was dis continued about the middle of the year 1844. BIOGRAPHY OP richardson XXXvii Parliament met next in Montreal on July ist and dur ing the session Richardson was as active as ever in his support of Sir Charles Metcalfe ; and when the House was dissolved both parties made preparations for the coming struggle. In the elections that followed, the Conservatives had a majority. Richardson now expected some reward for the support he had given the party in power. The canals of Canada were being built and a system of police was instituted by the government to prevent disturb|nces of the peace. The office of Super intendent of Police on the Welland Canal, which was being enlarged, became vacant, and Richardson was ap pointed to the office by Lord Metcalfe on May 20th, 1845. The pay was only ten shillings a day, but he hoped for something better and entered on his duties with alacrity. To add to the smartness of the force he induced the men to purchase uniforms to be paid for in six equal instal ments, he in the meantime advancing the pay for them. The force was disbanded on January 31st, 1846, on seven days' notice, and at that time there was due the Superin tendent from the men for equipment ;^5 1 . At the com ing session of Parliament Richardson petitioned the House, complaining of the sudden dismissal of himself and the force, and praying compensation for losses sustained and for clothing for the force. The petition was referred by the House to a select Committee which reported that : An allowance for clothing had been made to the force at Lachine and Beauharnois ; that they saw no reason why it should be withheld from the petitioner ; that injustice had been done him by the abrupt dismissal ; that he and the men be allowed a gratuity ; and that he had discharged his responsible duties in a satisfactory and creditable manner. When the question upon the motion, to concur in the report of Committee, was put in the House the motion was negatived. It is very difficult for one at this distance of time to understand how the Legis lature could make a distinction between the officials on the Welland Canal and those on the Lachine Canal. One thing is certain, the verdict of the House was not based upon the evidence as it appears in its Journals. While Superintendent of Police, Richardson suffered the loss of his wife, who died at St. Catharines on the 1 6th of August, 1845. Her remains were interred in the Butler burial ground, near Niagara, where his eldest xxxviii introduction sister Jane and other relatives were buried. The inscrip tion on the headstone that he erected to mark her grave is unique. Without indicating the lines or forms of letters the following is the order of the words :— " Here Reposes, Maria Caroline, the Generous-Hearted, High- Souled, Talented and Deeply-Lamented Wife of Major Richardson, Knight of the Military Order of Saint Ferdinand, First Class, and Superintendent of Police on the Welland Canal during the Administration of Lord Metcalfe. This Matchless Wife and This (illegible) Exceeding Grief of Her Faithfully Attached Husband after a few days' illness at St. Catharines on the i6th ' August, 1845, at the age of 37 years." After being reHeved of the duties of Superintendent of PoHce, Richardson prepared for pubHcation "Eight Years in Canada," an exceedingly well- written descrip tion of his career in Canada from 1838 tiU March, 1847. The administrations of Lord Durham, Lord Sydenham, Sir Charles Bagot and Lord Metcalfe are very fully treated ; it is the only contemporary history we have of this transitional period, and in subsequent histories of this epoch he is very freely quoted. Although written after the position he filled had been abolished, and after he had abandoned all hope of receiving any office from the government, it exhibits a fairness one would scarcely expect from a person so unjustly used. Sir Charles Bagot and the Lafontaine-Baldwin ministry are severely hand led , while the administration of Lord Metcalfe is eloquently praised. In defending the course of the latter he takes a position beside perhaps the greatest controversial writer of Canada, Reverend Egerton Ryerson. In 1847 (the book bears the date 184S) Richardson entered for copyright a sequel to his ' ' Eight Years iri Canada," called "The Guards in Canada or the Point of Honor." In it the story is told of how differences were settled by duels if an apology was not forthcoming. Richardson never allowed an insult tendered him to pass unnoticed. The person offending would apologize if the insult was offered through some misunderstanding, or would meet him. His first duel was in Paris. I have no record of any being fought in England. In Canada he had several affairs: there is living yet in Ontario a person hold ing an honored and exalted position who, when a mere boy, acted, much against his will, as a second for Major biography op richardson xxxix Richardson in a matter, which happily was settled through the seconds by asking mutual apologies from the prin cipals. ' ' The Guards in Canada ' ' was the last of Richardson' s works published in Canada under his direction. The book was written to vindicate his character for courage in an affair with a resident of Montreal, and incidentally it was a setting in order of his Canadian affairs before tak ing up his residence in New York, a step he had contem plated for some time. He did not leave his native province without just cause. He had tried by every honorable means to gain a liveli hood among the people he loved best. He squander ed his accumulations and all that he had derived from the sale of his best works in the hope that his countrymen would appreciate his efforts. His historical works, thoroughly patriotic in tone and written in a bright vivacious style, were not bought in Canada. In all probability they were as generally read here as any novels pr histories of the time. The lack of interest in literature in Canada was general. Education was at a low-water mark, among the great mass of the population, who even as late as the middle of the century felt too keenly the struggle fpr existence. The intellect ual energies of the few, who were educated, were directed into political channels ; and the unsettled con ditions of our government absorbed all their time, leaving no leisure for those avocations that exercise their benign influence in refining the politics of the Motherland. Even the clergy were drawn into the political whirlpool. The great founder of the educational system of Ontarip, Rev. Egerton Ryerson, had been appointed to office only in 1844, and the fruits of his labors were not to be seen for some years. He also was engaged before 1844 in the most remarkable political controversy in the history of Canada. . Richardson's case was not an isolated one by any means. Other writers had started periodicals and mag azines, Canadian in sentiment, of an undoubtedly high Hterary character, and were as hopeful of receiving support as Richardson ever was, but these all were compelled to stop after a few numbers were published. Writers in those days did missionary work and if they did not receive the reward they hoped for, they sow ?;1 INTRODUCTION seed that in some cases fell on good ground. We are beginning to reap the benefit of their self-sacrificing labors and if we are in the morning of a brighter and a more appreciative day, a large share of credit for these hopeful conditions must be attributed to the earlier workers in this unprofitable and unfruitful field. In New York Richardson was engaged in preparing new editions of his published novels and in writing others. ' ' Hardscrabble or the Fall of Chicago ' ' was published in New York in 1850 or before that year, since it is named on the title page 'of "Wacousta" published in 1851; but as I have not seen a copy except the one in my library, publish ed in 1888, I cannot give any further information regard ing the first edition. The story is much shorter than the author's previous ones and may be considered weak when compared with " Wacousta." The scene is laid at Fort Dearborn on the Chicago river in the year 1812. In all probability Richardson got the facts for the story from a pamphlet published in 1844, which described the events as seen by an actor in them. Two or three sur prises and an affair of love are introduced by means of a slight change in the order of events. The names of the officers at the fort are but transparently disguised in the romance. Captain Heaid, Lieut. Helm, Ensign Ronan and Surgeon Von Voorhees, appear as Captain Headley, Lieut. Elmsley, Ensign Ronayne and Surgeon Von Votten- berg in the story. In 1852 a work by Major Richardson entitled ' ' Waunangee or the Massacre of Chicago ' ' was published. I have not been able to see a copy of this work but in aU probabUity it is either the same as "Hardscrabble," or a sequel to it. The leading Indian character of the historical narrative is Naunongee, who is called Waunangee in the novel; accordingly, the name seems to point to some connec tion with this romance. As a title "Waunangee" would certainly be both more appropriate and more attractive than "Hardscrabble." "Wacousta" and ' ' Ecarte ' ' were revised by the author and pubHshed in cheap octavo form, the former by Robert M. De Witt and the latter by Dewitt and Davenport in 185 1. In the same year a revised edition of "The Canadian Brothers ' ' appeared under the name ' ' Matilda Mont- gomerie," the heroine of the story. It wiU be readily BIOGRAPHY OP RICHARDSON xli seen that it would not be politic for the author to issue a story in New York entitled " The Canadian Brothers," even if the publishers gave their assent. " Matilda Montgomerie " is much improved in the revision. The Scotch dialect, which Richardson himself acknowledges to be so imperfect, he^ omits in this edition. Sampson Gattrie now appears under his proper name, Simon Girty. But the most marked change from the first edition is the suppression of the several passages in which • the author had used all his eloquence to sound the praises of the British in the numerically unequal struggle they had been called upon to maintain. Notable instances are the omission of all reference to Col. Harvey's night attack at Stoney Creek and to the details of the victory at Queens ton Heights. It is very interesting to compare- the two editions and to notice the passages that are suppressed or modified, evidently to suit the tastes of his new audi ence. His other works were " Westbrook, or the Outlaw," and " The Monk Knight of St. John." As I have not seen either of these books I cannot give any facts relat ing to them, except what are gleaned from other bibli ographies. " Westbrook " is mentioned by Morgan, but the date of publication is not given. Dr. L. E. Horning, of Victoria University, Toronto, suspects "that this 'Westbrook' is only 'Wacousta' with another name." I think this scarcely possible. ' ' Wacousta ' ' was the most popular of Richardson's works, and the name had gained a vogue that had a definite cash value to both author and publisher. The names of successful books 'are not usually changed. If I were to offer any opinion, I should say that the scene is laid in the western penin sula of Upper Canada, and that the tale introduces the exploits of a renegade Canadian named Westbrook, an actual elusive personage who, at the head of some Amer icans and a few Canadian rebels, went about the district from Long Point to the Talbot Settlement robbing the people and burning homes during the year 1814. It is quite possible Richardson knew of this marauder's acts, but whether more than the name was suggested by this knoMedge, can be settled only by a study of the book itself. In the Dictionary of National Biography, 1850 is given as the date of pubHcation of "The Monk Knight of St. xHi INTRODUCTION John," but as I have nota copy of the book I cannot con firm this date. It is a tale of the Crusaders, and those who have read it say that it is a unique story probably suggested by reading Byron and Moore. These books were all published in cheap form, and consequently the revenue that the author derived must have been comparatively small. It was the day of the cheap novel. About 1840 two New York papers began to reprint in their columns the most popular English novels, which, when finished, were issued in parts at a very low price. . No international copyright law protected the British author in the United States. " Wacousta" had been pirated and issued in Philadelphia in 1833. The regular publishers had to issue books in cheap form and at lower prices or go out of business. Richardson arrived in New York when this competition was perhaps thekeenest. " fecartfe," "Wacousta," " Matilda Mont gomerie ' ' and ' ' Hardscrabble ' ' appeared in paper-cov ered Svo form at 50 cents a volume. Major Richardson died suddenly on the 12th of May, 1852, at his lodgings No. 113 West Twenty-ninth street. New York. The obituary notice as it appeared in the New York Journal of Commerce of May 14th, 1852, is as follows : " Died — On the 12th inst. Major John Richardson, late of H.B.M. Gordon Highlanders aged 53 (55) years. His friends are invited to attend his funeral, without fur ther invitation, from the Church of the Holy Communion, corner 6th Avenue and 20th Street, this day, at two o'clock, P.M." His remains were taken outside the city for burial, , but diligent inquiry has failed to find his last resting place. The immediate cause of death was erysipelas ; at first the symptoms were not considered alarming, but when medical aid was summoned it came too late. To his many friends the news, besides the shock of suddenness, brought qualms of self-reproach when they learned that Richardson had been living in more straitened circum stances than his appearance or his conversation indicated. To die in poverty and neglect is no disgrace. Findifig no means of livelihood in his native land, he sought a foreign city after his prime of life was past ; and if he was unsuc cessful in gaining a competence, perhaps the causes arose BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON xHii from the training of his early manhood i'ather than from circumstancfe within his control. The camp does not train a man for the mart. He who has entered the army a youth of sixteen, to retire at thirty-nine, seldom, unless in official routine, can adapt himself successfully to'the new environment of civilian life. The task of gaining a Uvelihood by literature in Canada was the harder because he had been accustomed to the cultured circles of Lon don society. It is no reproach to the people of Canada, individually, amid the many difficulties they contended with, that they failed to appreciate and purchase the works of their first novelist. It is a reproach to them collectively, to their government, that Richardson was not given an opportunity of earning enough to enable him to Uve in simple comfort in his native land. He had no vanity of authorship. On this he says : — "I look upon the art of ingenious -writing, not as a merit, but a mere in cidental gift, for which one is more indebted to nature than to judicious application." As a man of letters he was publicly honored but once. Yet, because he was not honored more he felt inclined to pity rather than to censure his countrymen. In a careful study of his career, no mean, no dishonorable act will be found. Faithful to his friends, true to his convictions, loyal to his country, he unselfishly served friends and country better than he served himself. One wish he asked to be respected by future genera tions of his countrymen, which has not been regarded. He says " I cannot deny to myself the gratification of the ex pression of a hope that should a more refined and culti vated taste ever be introduced into this matter-of-fact country in which I have derived my being, its people will decline to do me the honor of placing my name in the list of their ' Authors.' I certainly have no particular ambi tion to rank among their future ' men of genius,' or to share any posthumous honor they may be disposed to confer upon them." Richardson's whole career was a noble and manly struggle. Pugnacious and exclusive in temperament, -with but a slight sense of humor, he pursued unde-viat- ingly a course of the strictest integrity. He knew neither tact nor compromise. He fought harder for the political principles he cherished, for the social code he respected, than he did for life itself. xHv INTRODUCTION Like the earliest EngHsh novelist, Richardson has suf fered neglect in his own land. All that Scotland had for her greatest poet was an office worth ;^70 a year, but her succeeding generations remembered his exquisite produc tions. Canada could find not even such an office for her first noveHst. His own generation refused him a living in his native land ; subsequent generations of Canadians know him not. And his works, if obtainable, can be bought only at almost prohibitive prices. Yet three years before Scott died ; when Thackeray was a stripling of eighteen; when Dickens had not yet become a reporter, Richardson was winning, by his first work of the imagination, ap plause from the EngHsh press andalargeaudienceof Eng Hsh readers. In the very year of Scott' s death, his mas terpiece, "Wacousta" appeared; and the six editions through which it has run bear testimony to its pop'ularity. Whatever Richardson did he tried to do well. Unlike Cooper, he never trusted to chance to develop the circum stances of his plot ; unlike Cooper he tells his story well, and tells it in faultless English. The interest is sustained to the end. There are no carelessnesses, no crudities, no notable mannerisms. Cooper often loses himself in the pathless mazes of his long sentences. Richardson, incis ive and logical, builds clause on clause, phrase on phrase, here adding a limiting detail and there a defining circum stance, until you marvel at the accumulated result and you would not have a single word changed. Yet there is no straining after rhetorical effect, no attempt at fine writing. The lucidity of style recalls Macaulay, who at this period was writing his early essays. A born Hterary artist, Richardson has drawn with a firm and skilled hand not only the children of his imagi nation, but the people of his own day. His autobio graphical sketches, his historical works, as well as his novels, show us their foibles, their weaknesses, and their merits. His great interest is in men and their achieve ments ; but there are deHghtful bits of painting from nature. Though a lover of nature, he seldom gives him self up to that revel in the life of nature which is so great a merit of Cooper's work. It is men and women in action that interest him. Only less perhaps did the brute creation claim his attention. His ponies are stiU a memory among the older people of Windsor and Sand wich. He delights in describing the capture of a young BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARDSON xlv wild deer in the river opposite his grounds in, Brockville, which eventually became a great pet. Its antics and actions are not too insignificant to be recorded in one of his most valuable literary productions. But though he took de light in the possession of the ponies and the pet deer, his intimate companions were his dogs. In Sand- -wich, in Brockville, in Montreal, he was always accom panied by a beautiful specimen of the Newfoundland spe cies named Hector. His grief at the loss of this dog by poison in Brockville was great, and another named after the Trojan hero was his companion in New York till almost the last. At the end of a long and favorable notice of Major Richardson's career in "The New York Joumal of Commerce" a few days after his death this pathetic anecdote is told : "A week or two since, he was heard by someone who met him in a bookstore, accompanied as usual by his faithful canine friend, to say, ' Ah, poor Hector, we must part or starve.' " And it is further related that the dog was sold a few days be fore his master's death to provide him with food. His notions of life were by no means puritanical. He believed that solace and comfort were to be derived from an after-dinner cigar. In complete accord -with the customs of the times among the circle in which he moved in his palmy days, he took his glass of wine, but none abhorred excesses more than he. If we judge Richardson by the literary success that cheered him even amid his many days of adversity, we can merely wonder that a writer so wholesome in atmo sphere, so buoyant in spirit, so notable in our literary development, is now almost completely forgotten. His works, whether we consider their subject-matter, their literary merits, or their position in the growth of the novel, place their gifted author' high on that roll we choose to designate as our list of Canadian authors. These productions of his genius are his sole monument. The bright young Canadian lad who left school to fight his country's battles had to seek in the land he fought against an unknown grave in the teeming solitude of America's greatest city. No votive garland can be laid on that tomb ; no admiring young Canadian may visit that shrine. xlvi INTRODUCTION THE RICHARDSON GENEALOGY Robert Richardson was born in Scotland, and came to Upper Canada with the Queen's Rangers as assistant surgeon in 1792. He was stationed with his regiment at Queenston, Toronto, and St. Joseph's Island. When the regiment was disbanded in 1802 he took up his resi dence at Amherstburg, where he acted as surgeon to the garrison, and as such was with the' Right Division in every engagement until the battle of Lake Erie, where he was taken prisoner but released through the interces sion of his brother-in-law, Col. Elijah Brush. On June i2th, 1807, he was appointed judge of the Western Dis trict, an office he held till his death. On the 27th of April, 1824, he was appointed one of the Commissioners of Customs, an office he held till nth January, 1826. After the war of 1812 Dr. Richardson was appointed sur geon to all the tribes of Indians in the Western District. His death took place at Amherstburg in 1832, and his re mains were interred in the burial ground adjoining Christ Church in that town. Robert Richardson married (I) Jan. 24th, 1793, Madeleine Askin, 2nd daughter of Colonel John Askin, of Detroit, who died at Amherstburg Jan. loth, 181 1, and was buried in Christ Church burial ground ; (II.) Aug. Sth, 1811, Ann McGregor, born at Detroit, April ist, 1 78 1, third child of Gregor McGregor, the first Sheriff of the District of Hesse, appointed by Lord Dorchester on July 24th, 1788, who lived in Detroit till 1796 when he removed to Canada taking up his residence at Petite Cote, on the banks of the Detroit river. Of the first marriage. I. — Jane, born May 19th, 1794, married Captain Robert Rist, of the 37th Regiment, Jan. 15th, 1S16 ; died Oct. 31st, 1S31, buried in the Butler burial ground, Niagara. 2.— John, born Oct. 4th, 1796, died in New York city May i2th, 1852. This was Major John Richard son, the author. 3.— Robert, born Sept. loth, 1798, joined the marine department as midshipman, wounded severely at the battle of Frenchtown Jan. 22nd, 1813. Re ceived a pension from the Legislature which THE RICHARDSON GENEALOGY xlvii amounted to ;^78 17s. from Jan. 22nd, 1813, till Dec. 31st, 1816. He died at Amherstburg June 7th, 1 819, and was buried in Christ Church burial ground. 4.— William, born Jan. 7th, 1801, married Jane Cam eron Grant, youngest daughter of Honorable Alexander Grant and Theresa Barthe, on Feb. nth, 1834. Was postmaster at Brantford, where he died. His son James lived at London some years ago. 5. — James A., born Jan. 19th, 1803, died Aug. i8th, 1828. He was Registrar of Kent from 1S25 until his death. 6. — Charles, born March 26th, 1805, died 1847, married (I) April 2nd, 1827, Elizabeth Euretta Clench (born 1808, died Sept. 28th, 1833), young est daughter of Ralph Clench, of Butler's Rang ers, afterwards Colonel of Militia and Judge ; (II) Jane Clarke, daughter of William Clarke, Niagara. He began the study of law in York (To ronto), was appointed cornet of the " Queen's Light Dragoons ' ' (now represented by " The Governor- General's Body Guard for Ontario ") at the organization in 1822 ; removed to Niagara, where he practised law ; was Clerk of the Peace for Niagara District ; elected by the town of Nia gara a member of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada in 1835; re-elected in 1836. ' Of the first marriage. (i) Eliza Magdalene, born May 31st, 1828, died June 3rd, 1.828. (2) John Beverley Robinson, baptized Jan. 5th 1830. (Sponsors : Chief Jus tice John Beverley Robinson ; Captain Hanson, 71st Regt. ; and Miss Clench.) Was an attorney at Versailles, Missouri, U.S.A., where he died March, 1899, his wife dying the next year. (3) Eliza Euretta, baptized June 14th, 1832. Married in 1853 Hugo M. Grout, born at Grimsby, On tario, I S3 1 ; sometime civil engineer on the Great Western Railway, the staff of which he joined in 1850; went to the United States in 1863; re turned to Canada in 1895 ; li-ving at present in re tirement at St. Catharines, Ontario. Two chil dren sur-vive ; George H. Grout, ci-vil engineer in xlviii INTRODUCTION southern United States ; and Mrs. F. O. Hall, oi Akron, Ohio. Of the second marriage. (i) Jeanie died, aged 6 years, (2) Kate died, aged 18 years. 7. — Alexander, born Feb. 15th, 1808, It is said that he and his brother James were drowned in Lake Erie, and if at the same time, his death oc curred on Aug. iSth, 1S28. S. — George J., born Aug. 25th, 1810, died Feb. 3rd, iSii. Of the second marriage. I. — George McGregor, born July 4th, 1812, married March 2nd, 1S36, Mary, daughter of Colonel Robert Nelles, and had issue (i) Robert married Minerva Hendershott and had issue Frank, Duf ferin, Minnie and Emily; (2) William-Lock; (3) Abram married Emma Horne and had issue George and one daughter ; (4) Emily-Fanning married Francis Dougall of Windsor, Ontario, and had issue, Frank ; Arthur ; Susan married Wil liam Davies, of Detroit ; Emily married Frank Marcon, of Windsor, son of the late Frank E. Marcon, of Windsor, Deputy Clerk of the Crown ; Marion ; Delia. For the Nelles genealogy, see ' ' Ontarian Fami lies," by E. M. Chad-ndck, Vol. II. , p. 154. 2. — Henry Wellington, born Aug. 12th, 18 14, a barrister, died unmarried at Amherstburg, Dec. 2ISt, 184I. 3. — David Johnstone, born Aug. 12th, 1816, for ¦many years Collector of Customs at Windsor, Ontario ; died there 18S5. Married (I.) Jan. 22nd, 1844, Margaret Watson, of Windsor; (II.) in 1856, Sarah Mercer, of Sandwich. Of the first marriage: (i) Robert Watson, born Nov. 26th, 1S44, married Aug. loth, 1870, Katherine Don- neUy, daughter of the late Dr. E. B. DonneUy. Lives at Windsor. (2) Theresa Ann Grace, born Oct. loth, 1846, married Jan. 20th, 1876, William H. Rowley, of Ottawa, Secretary and Treasurer of The E. B. Eddy Co. , HuU, Que. Of the second marriage: (i) Mary Mercer, bom May 27th, 1858, now living in Louisville, Ky. (2) Neville the askin genealogy xlix Peto, born Sept. 12th, i860, married Carrie Wil cox, May, 1878 ; lives in Windsor. (3') George Eccles, born 1862, married Bessie Baby, Nov. 17th, 18S3 ; lives in Detroit. (4) Harvey McGregor, born Nov., gth, 1S64; lives at. Port Townsend, Wash. (5) Joseph Mercer, twin brother of (4) , married Harriet Payne, June 5th, 1895 ; Uves in Detroit. (^6) Mabel Treacher, born Feb. 17th, 1869 ; lives in Ottawa. 4. — Ann, born June 2nd, 1818, died March 23rd, 1S69, married June 4th, 1S42, WilHam G. Duff, Jr., son of WiUiam Duff, Sr., of the Barrack and Ordnance Department of Amherstburg, who married Susan nah McGregor, fifth child of Gregor McGregor, born at Detroit Oct. 4th, 17S5. William Duff, Sr., who died July 12th, 1S61, aged 82, was the son of a minister of the same name at Faveran, Aberdeen shire, Scotland. Had issue one daughter, Ann Susan, born March 19th, 1843, married Aug. 13th, 1 866, Raymond A. LaCroix ; lives in Detroit. 5. — Catherine Grace, born Aug. 31st, 1S20, died at Amherstburg Dec. 3rd, 1841, unmarried. 6. — Th^rES^ Louisa, born Oct. 6th, 1822, died in Ottawa, June Sth, 1878, married July 4th, 1S48, Captain John Neville Peto, of the Royal Canadian Rifles, son of Rev. James Peto, Vicar of Preston near Faversham, Kent, England. Capt. Peto died at Amherstburg Sept. 6th, 1862, without issue. 7. — Robert Harvey, born March 3rd, 1825 ; unmar ried, died at Grasshopper river, Missouri, about 1S51. THE ASKIN GENEALOGY The first of this name in Upper Canada was Colonel John Askin. He was of Scottish descent and was a, kinsman of John Erskine, Earl of Mar, who headed the revolt of 17 1 5 in favor of the Old Pretender. The failure of the rising led those concerned in it to leave Scotland. The father of Col. John Askin removed to Strabane, in the County of Tyrone, Ireland, and, there to conceal his identity, he took the name Askin. Some time previous to the commencement of the Seven Years' War, his son John emigrated to America, and at the time the British conquered Canada he was a merchant at Albany. There 1 INTRODUCTION is a tradition in the family that he accompanied Major Robert Rogers to Detroit when that officer received its surrender to the British in 1760. However it is kno-wn that when old Fort Pontchartrain at Detroit wds invested by Pontiac, John Askin was entrusted with the important duty of taking suppHes from Albany to Lake Erie and thence to Detroit to relieve the garrison. This difficult undertaking having been successfully performed, John Askin was rewarded by the British with grants of land near Detroit. In 1764 he went as King's Commissary to Michilimackinac, and in 1780 he returned to Detroit to engage in trade. Here he amassed a large fortune which he was compelled to abandon, in part, when he removed to Canada and took up his residence on the bank of the Detroit just opposite the lower end of Isle aux Cochons or Hog Island, now Belle Isle, the beautiful island park of Detroit. This home he called Strabane, after his paternal home in Ireland, a name by which it is known at the present day. In 1787 Mr. Askin received a commission as Captain of Militia from Lord Dorchester for the town of Detroit, and in 1796 was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of Militia for the Western District, and in iSoi was pro moted to the position of Colonel in the same corps. At the formation of the Land Boards he was appointed a member for Detroit, the other members being Colonel England and Montigny. He was also one of the Magis trates of the District. On the evacuation of Detroit by the British in 1796 he did not immediately leave that city but he made his election as continuing a British subject, for which he was brought to trial before the magistrates of the United States Government, and then he came to Canada. Colonel John Askin married (I.) a French lady whose name could not be ascertained, and (II.) Marie Archange Barthe, of Detroit. Of the first marriage : I.— John, Jr., many years CoUector of Customs at Amherstburg and later storekeeper and interpreter at St. Joseph Island. He married an Indian woman of prominence among her people, who possessed a fair English education. Their son, John B. Askin, Hved for many years at " Wood- view," near London, Ontario. He was Colonel of THE ASKIN GENEALOGY li Militia and saw some active service in 1837-38. His death occurred Nov. 15th, 1869. The capture of Mackinac, July 17th, 181 2, and its retention till the end of the war, was due largely to the influence John B. Askin and his father had over the Western tribes of Indians, a large body of whom they in duced to make the trip to Amherstburg, to assist the Right Division. In the note on page 25 the inference is that John Askin, Jr., died in 1869. This error arose from confusing the father and . son. John Askin, Jr., died about 181 8. 2. — Catherine, died Dec, 1796, married (I.) John Robertson, (II.) Hon. Robert Hamilton, of Queen ston, died March Sth, iSii, and had six children. For the Hamilton genealogy, see " Ontarian Fami lies," by Edward Marion Chadwick, Toronto, Vol. I., p. 143. 3. — Madeleine, died Jan. loth, 181 1, married Dr. Robert Richardson Jan. 24th, 1793, of whom see Richardson genealogy following. Of the second marriage : I. — Charles, born 1780, married Monique Jacobs, Captain of Militia, present at taking of Detroit (medal and clasp) , was at Queenston Heights and several other engagements, appointed Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the District Court in 1824; was Commissioner of Customs from April 27th, 1824, till 1S36; inherited the homestead of Strabane which descended to his son, the present occupant, Alexander-Henry Askin, named after Alexander Henry the fur trader, a friend of Col. John Askin when he was King's Commissary at Michili mackinac. 2. — Adelaide, born May 30th, 1783, married in 1802, Col. Elijah Brush, of the Michigan Militia and ' Attorney- General of the Northwest Territory. 3. — ThIres^, married Col. Thomas McKee, son of Col. Alexander McKee, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. Col. Thomas McKee was elected M.L. A. for Kent in 1796 and for Essex in 1 80 1. They had issue: Alexander married Phyllis Jacob, whose son Thomas is at present County Clerk of Essex, resides at Sandwich. William J. McKee, son of the latter, the present lii INTRODUCTION M.L. A. for North Essex, married the eldest daughter of Charles Baby. 4. — Eleanor, born 1788, married Richard Pattinson, of Sandwich, Captain of MUitia, and had issue : Richard, who served 16 years in India, rose to rank of Major of i6th Lancers, was Adjutant- General of Cavalry, was present at battles of Aliwal and Sobraon (the Sutlej medal, two clasps), present at battle of Maharajpore (star); exchanged to a Highland Infantry Regiment and while stationed at- Halifax in 184S visited his native town of Sandwich; served throughout the Crimean War (medal with clasps) ; appointed Governor of Heli goland, 1857. 5. — Archange married Lieut.-Col. Meredith of the Royal Artillery. 6. — Alexander, died unmarried. 7. — James, married Frangoise-Navarre-Gode Maran- tette. Colonel of Militia, served as Lieut, at taking ' of Detroit (medal with clasp) , Captain in 2nd Essex Militia at Frenchtown and the battle of the Miami ;, appointed Registrar of Essex in 1831. They had issue : (i) John, who succeeded his father as Registrar in 1846, and who was in turn succeeded by his son, J. Wallace Askin, in 1872. (2) Ar change married Henry Ronalds, their only child, Mary-Elizabeth-Lucy died 1901, married 1868, George-Becher Harris, grandson of Lieut.-Col. Samuel Ryerson (1752-1812), and had issue, George- Henry -Ronald, born 1873 ; Edward Mont gomery, born 1880 ; Amelia- Archange. (3) James went to New Zealand in 1848 and afterwards to Australia. (4) Charles, Lieut, of Militia, killed accidentally by a sentry at Amherstburg in 1S38. (5) Jane married (I.) Daniel Murray, of Toronto, (II.) Edward Skae. (6) Therese. (7) AHce. ' (8) EUen. bibliography Hii BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. Tecumseh, a poem of four cantos, and i88 stanzas of ottava rima. 1828 (?) This poem was published before February iSth, 1S28, but I do not know in what form. Captain R. H. Barclay, in a letter of this date, thanks Richardson for the flattering notice he gets in the poem. It was re-pub lished in The New Era or Canadian Chronicle, in its last four issues bearing the dates, July 22nd, July 29th, August i2th^nd August 19th, 1842. II. I. !^cart6 ; or the Salons of Paris, London, 1829. It is stated in Allibone's Dictionary of Authors that it was published in 3 Vols. Post Svo. I have not seen this edition. 2. ifecARTi;: I or, | the Salons of Paris. | by Major Rich ardson, I Kniglit of the Order of St. Ferdinand, | Author of " Wacousta," " Hardscrabble, &c., &c. | Author's revised edition. | New York : | Dewitt & Davenport, Pub lishers, I Tribune Buildings. 206 pp. Illustrated paper cover. Price fifty cents. Size 9x5^. Entered according to Act of Congress, 1851. 3. fecARTii ; or the Salons of Paris. New York, 1888. Pollard & Moss. i2mo. Issued as No. 83 in the P. & M. i2mos., cloth at fifty cents, and as No. 31 of the Echo series, paper, at twenty- five cents. "Ecarte," "Wacousta," "Matilda Montgomerie " and ' ' Hardscrabble ' ' were printed in 1 888 by Pollard & Moss, New York, from the same plates as were used by Dewitt, & Davenport for printing their editions. The plates were cut down, to fit a shorter page. III. I. Wacousta ; | or, | The Prophecy : | A Tale of the Canadas. I " -Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, ¦With all her snakes erect upon her crest. She stalks in view and fires me -with her charms." Tlie Revenge. liv INTRODUCTION By ¦ the anthorof" :6carte." | in three volumes. | Vol. I. I London : | T. Cadell, Strand ; and W. Blackwood, | EdinWgh. I 1832. I Vol. I. 4-F280 pp. Vol. II. 4+332 pp. Vol. III. 4-F 372 pp. Size, 7x45^. Dedicated to the 41st Regiment. 2. Wacousta : | or | The Prophecy. | A Tale of the Canadas. I ' -Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, -With all her snakes erect upon her crest. She stalks in vie-w and fires me with her charms." T^he Revenge. I Bythe author of ":6carte." | in two volumes. | Vol.1. | Philadelphia: | Keyand Biddle, 23 Minor Street. | 1S33. | Vol. I. 264 pp. Vol. II. 274 pp. Size 6J^x4^. This edition was not issued withthe author's sanction. 3. Wacousta; | or | The Prophecy : | A Tale of the Canadas, | by Major Richardson, | Knight of the Mil. Order of St. Ferdinand. Canadian Brothers," &c. Author of "Ecarte," "The ' -Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, ¦With all her snakes erect upon her crest, She stalks in view and fires me with her charms." The Revenge. I Second edition. | In three volumes. | Vol.1. | London; | 1S40. I Vol. I. 4+280 pp. Vol. II. 2+332 pp. Vol. III. 2-1- 372 pp. Size7>^x4. From a careful comparison of this edition with the first, I have come to the conclusion that the author brought several copies of the first edition, in sheets, from London and had them bound in Canada, uniformlj' -with "The Canadian Brothers," -with a new title page as above, printed tiere, but bearing the imprint London. The typography, paper, pagination and name of printer agree. Dedicated to the Sth (or King's) Regiment. 4. Wacousta; | or, | The Prophecy I An Indian Tale. I ' Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, ¦With all her snakes erect upon her crest. She stalks in view, and fires me with her charms." THB RBVBNGB. BIBLIOGRAPHY Iv I By Major Richardson, | ' Author of ' ' Hardscrabble, ' ' " Ecarte," &c. | Revised edition. | New York : | Robert M. De Witt, PubHsher, | 33 Rose Street. | 224 pp. Paper; price, fifty cents. Size, 9x5^. Introduction by author dated January ist, 1851. Some copies bear the imprint 160 & 162 Nassau St. 5 . Wacousta ; | or | The Prophecy : | An Indian Tale. I ¦ ¦Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, ¦With all her snakes erect upon her crest. She stalks in view, and fires me with her charms." THE REVBNGE. By Major Richardson, | Author of "Hardscrabble," "Ecarte," etc. | First Canadian edition. | Montreal: | John LoveU, St. Nicholas Street. | 1868. | 168 pp. Size, 9^^x614;. 6. Wacousta ; | or, | The Prophecy | An Indian Tale. I " ¦Vengeance is still alive ; from her dark covert, ¦With all her snakes erect upon her crest, She stalks in view, and fires me with her charms." THE REVENGE. By Major Richardson, | author of "Hardscrabble," "Ecarte," &c. | New York: | Pollard & Moss, | 47 John Street. | | 188S. 262 pp. Cloth. Size, 7^x5. No. So of the P. & M. i2mos. Price, 50 cents. No. 27 of the Echo Series. Paper. Price, 25 cents. ' ' Wacousta ' ' was published as a serial in ' ' The Transcript" newspaper of Montreal. IV. I. Movements of the British Legion. First edi tion, London, 1836. I have not seen this edition. 2. Movements | ofthe | i^ritish Legion, | with | stric tures on the course of conduct pursued | by Lieutenant General Evans. | | By Major Richardson, K.S.F. author of "Ecarte," '-'Wacousta," &c., &c. | Second edition. | To which is added, with new views. A Continuation of the Operations from the 5th of May, 1836, to the close of | March, 1837. | | London Ivi INTRODUCTION Published by Simpkin, MarshaU andCo.Stationer'sHaU | Court ; J. Macrone, St. James's Square ; and E. Wilson, I Royal Exchange, CornhiU. | | 1837. | XVI.+330PP. Size, SJ^xsJ^. Contains seven Hthographed plates. V. Personal Memoirs | of | Major Richardson, | [Author of " Movements of the British Legion," &c. &c. &c.] I as connected with | the singular oppression of that officer whUe in Spain by | Lieutenant General Sir De Lacy Evans. | | A man who is too proud to acknowledge a fault when he is conscious of having com mitted 1 one, and thereby wounded the feelings of an other, shows'himself to be, instead of elevated | rank, very low indeed in the scale of intellectual worth. His pride is of the meanest kind, and | to him even more dis graceful thari his ia.Vilt,~Anonymous, \ ] Montreal : Armour & Ramsay : | W. Neilson, Quebec ; R. Stanton, Toronto ; and J. Macfarlane, | Kingston. | | 183S. | 146+ IV. pp. Size, 9x5?^. VI. I. The I Canadian Brothers ; | or, | The Prophecy Fulfilled. I A tale of the late American War. | -| By I Major Richardson, | Knight of the Military Order of Saint Ferdinand, | Author of "Ecarte," "Wacousta," &c. &c. I I In two volumes. | Vol. I. | | Mon treal : I A. H. Armour and H. Ramsay. | | 1840. | Vol. I., XIV. + 220 pp. Vol. II. , 228+ IV. pp. Size, 75^x414:. This book, revised and slightly abridged by the author, was published in the United States under the title of " Matilda Montgomerie." The following are the editions of this work under this title : 2. Matilda Montgomerie : | or, | The Prophecy Ful filled. I A tale of the late American War. | Being the sequel to " Wacousta." | By Major Richardson, | Knight of the Order of St. Ferdinand. | Author of "Wacousta," "Hard scrabble," "Ecarte," etc., etc. | No place. No date. No publisher's name. 192 pp., octavo, paper cover. Entered in 1S51 by Dewitt & Davenport, New York. 3. Matilda Montgomerie: | or, | The Prophecy Ful filled. I A tale of the late American War. | Being the sequel to Wacousta. | By Major Richardson, I author of bibliography lvii "Wacousta," "Hardscrabble," "Ecarte," etc., etc. New York: | Pollard & Moss, | 47 John Street. | 1888. 226 pp., size 73^x5. No. 28 of the Echo series, paper cover, price 25 cents. No. 81 of the P. -& M., i2mos., cloth, price 50 cents. VII. War of | 1812. | | First Series. | Containing a full and detailed narrative | of the | operations of the | Right Division, | of the | Canadian Army, | by | Major Richardson, K.S.F. | | 1842. | (Brockville.) 6-t-2-|-i84 pp. SizeSJ^xsJ^. Published originally in. Vol. II. of The New Era or Canadian Chronicle, a paper published by Richardson, at Brockville. The first number of Vol. II. was published on March 2nd, 1842. This book was the third article for which a copyright was granted in the Province of Canada. VIII. Eight Years in | Canada ; | embracing | A Re view of the Administrations | of | Lords Durham and Sydenham, Sir Chas. Bagot, | and Lord Metcalfe ; | and including | numerous interesting letters | from Lord Dur ham, Mr. Chas. Buller, and other | well-known public characters. | | By Major Richardson, | Knight of the MiUtary Order of St. Ferdinand, | Anthorof "Ecarte," "Wacousta," " The Canadian Brothers," &c. &c. g^Q I -.^ I ]3g Omnibus Rebus et Quibusdam Aliis. I I Montreal, Canada : | Published by H. H. Cun ningham, 50, Notre Dame Street. | | 1847. | 232 pp. Size 85^x5. Some copies contain a lithographed portrait of the author. IX. The I Guards in Canada ; | or, the | Point of Honor : | being a . sequel to | Major Richardson' s | "Eight Years in Canada." | | Montreal: | Published for the Author, I By H.H. Cunningham. I | 1848. | 56 pp. Size8J^x5^. Yellow-coated paper covers. Title nearly as above in two colors, with border, verso, arms of Great Britain. Although this book bears the date 1848 on the title page the registration notice is as follows : ' ' Entered according to the Act of the Provincial Legislature, in the .year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, by Iviii introduction Major Richardson, in the office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada. ' ' X. I. Hardscrabble; | or, the | Fall of Chicago. | A Tale of Indian Warfare. | By Major Richardson, | Author of "Wacousta," "Ecarte," "Matilda Montgomerie," etc., etc., I New York: | Robert M. De Witt, Publisher | i6o & 162 Nassau St. | no date, 100 pp. Svo., paper cover. PubHshed probably in 1 850. 2 . Hardscrabble ; | or, the | Fall of Chicago. | A Tale of Indian Warfare. | By Major Richardson, | Author of I "Wacousta; or, The Prophecy," "Matilda Mont gomerie; or. The Prophecy | Fulfilled," " fecarte; or. The Salons of Paris," etc., etc. | New York: | Pollard & Moss, I 42 Park Place and 37 Barclay Street. | iSSS. | 114 pp. Size 7^x5. No. 87 of the P. and M., i2mos., cloth, price 50 cents. No. 42 of the Echo Series, paper, price 25 cents. In Allibone' s Dictionary of Authors it is stated that an edition was published in octavo form in 1856. XI. Waunangee ; or The Massacre of Chicago. A Romance. Octavo, paper, twenty-five cents. Long & Bro. New York and London. 1852. I have not been able to see a copy of this work. It may be " Hardscrabble " under another name, or it may be a sequel to it. ' ' Hardscrabble ' ' describes the events that took place until the 4th of July, 1812. The massacre of the garrison at Fort Dearborn took place in August, hence this book may be a sequel. XII. The Monk Knight of St. John; a tale of the Crusaders. New York. The Dictionary of National Biography gives the date of this work as 1S50, while Morgan gives 1854. XIII. Westbrook ; or, the Outlaw. Svo. I have not seen a copy of either XII. or XIII. /^^ '^iX^'A a^^et^^^^^^ '^aarf'^ '-^fn"^%eirj .2.5 ¦^- •^**' ¦^ifi-a.^'e^ 4/^»*st T>;-«.a;*^ ^.^v^a^^. ->¦^^^^ '^^co-e. <;g^,Kj^ "^^^J ~^^i-f^^at!t'-i^^a't..i> ^^^^^^e. ^^e*.**" J;?^ / ^w^-^.siC tK7-&' its' i 7-i-r^i^^;^Ci!Hc ¦^^-^e^ ,/a.^-a A. ^a^^ v^ t.y^afe/ .^'yw i^irr-^^c- >^fe5^ o «^ X^^ O^ <5j^«^^ '^O.^iC- a i^^^'ilZ^rr^oC ^ifi^t. AnAjiac^ t>£ea.t<^ a^'/^C-- -^^ ^. — "^^ y^ig^e^Ktry^^^S^^^*^ f £i>r^t)75^^^ try a. ^g-fixc^'' ~^ Ptfj^^it'te^cfv- •aw-yv t/.'^t^ ^f/^9i. /fy^^ ^^^c'^^^i:i^^^--^, ^"^^^ ^ ^^ ^=^^ ^^^^^ ^^' -^^^ ^ /a^^ .^^rr>£^y^ ^i:^",«!&^ y^a^ i"^,^*^ ^^,^ "/iC^ «-,r,*>».K^^'' ^'i'-ef^f,^^ /n«g^-?^i:s:^^j>* ^;2<5<^,;<'i*i^ x^i.rf-a>-x-/ j!^^))^ c/^-t>-rf ii^fi<*-»- ^ '^^e.ayt-c^ ^t- ^^^1''^ ^^ »«> 9,.i>^jt,aC./^^^ A^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^,^ ^^j;^ ^^^^ •*y^.f^y^/u ^^^*^ -^-^^y /$f^ /^^^^ ^ ^^^^^.^^^^ c^t^.^*-ry^ ¦'^V^P^^ ii^t^&'L- ¦of'C-^'u '^^^ea'^^i. ¦ /iifii^t^*^ t-&'^-'4^£. C£'S't,^^ ^^^~e£^C ^^**^ .^<,^ ^.^*.^,^^<, ^«>^^^ ^^^^'^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^.*.^-«Wl ^99^-^9. Z^^^^^-fi £3[-€*e.*^-^^ ^ ^t^i.a^c^^i^ 'e^^^ a/^ ±.^/^&- .¦^^ritsf-aci^^ ^ 'g^rtt}/!t^if-*-'<^ , /4iV^^ .^^ ?-?'?&<»«•¦ ^^^^c-a.^.,f -m.^ ^ ^fci tf' <;.^v-^^»*»»^'Vii«»*«sd,, "ii*^ -^ifc? ^il*n.a eity- <«i*- ¦'¦ ^y^ere-a ^*^^«r ^?^#«"'?-«»'>»^ JC^^,^ ^^y^^TT^ t^/^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^¦(^^^^'^^^'''''¦^ f/e&. — -^ix'Tt. u/'^*-^*/ l^^h '^^^te^^ia ^fe^4i^ /i^^i^ y^^^^^S^ ^ tioe^e &i4^ ^^^^^ -^i^ ^k^.^^^:^:^^^^^^ yff^i. ^¦:>-ir-x*9'at^ ^^r^Hr*-'!- ay^cu^ tr.^!i>-.^te ia£. ~^ a s jOa-^ti rf'iS'is^a.' ^'V^ — .— <^ yyi.^-»9yyt> £-^ '/i^^^Ceei^ o^ \^a^*^tc/e-a£yj rf^j-i— ;^^ 4«^:^^»^ erj yte- S2^ /Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart., was born in Berthier, Quebec, July 26th, 1791. He was acting Attorney-General . of Upper Canada, from the death of Col. John Macdonell in 1812, until the return of Hon. D'Arcy Boulton to Canada in 1815 ; Soli citor-General from 1815 to 1818 and Attorney-General from 1818 to 1829 when he was appointed Chief Justice of Upper Canada, an office he graced till 1862. His death occurred January Slst, 1863. He was the foremost of "The Fighting Judges," a term applied to those men who fought' for their country, and who afterwards by their ability rose to the Bench. "Colonel Samuel Peters Jarvis, the eldest son of William Jarvis, Secretary of Upper Canada from 1792 to 1817, was born at Newark (Niagara) November 15th, 1792. At Detroit he was attached to the 41st Regiment and was present as a lieutenant at Queenston Heights, Stoney Creek and Lundy's Lane. He was Clerk of the Crown in Chancery and Chief Superintendent of Indian Aftairs. During the rebellion of 1837-38 he raised the "Queen's Rangers." He died at Toronto, September 6th, 1857. 3 Colonel William Chisholm was the son of George Chisholm, who emigrated from Inverness, Scotland, to Nova Scotia, where Colonel Chisholm was born Oct. 1.5th, 1788. At the taking of Detroit he was Lieutenant of No. 1 Flank Company of Lincoln Militia, and iU^ETRCM^v^ Gold Miedal awarded to Ueut.-Col Tohn Macrlnnpii p a n r^ t now in PossessiolTjoTnt°"^^]li^r^^^^ol°,^°J^^^^^ °f Detroit, THE BRITISH OCCUPY THE FORT 57 An error, which, in many similar circumstances, might have proved a fatal one, occurred on this occasion. The order for the advance of the guard of honor was given prematurely, by some officer of the Staff — ^whom however I do not now recollect — for no sooner had the head of the guard passed over the drawbridge into the fort, when it found itself almost hemmed in by a host of the Ohio Militia — many of them looking very fierce and very indignant at the surrender — who had not yet been marched out. As the entrance of the guard under these circum stances was a violation of an article of the capitulation, which expressly stipulated that the American Garrison were to march out before the British troops took posses sion, we were promptly faced to the rear, and marched back again to the glacis — where we waited patiently until the angry-looking riflemen found it convenient to move. We then entered in form, and lowering the Ameri can flag, hoisted, in default of the regular British ensign, an Union Jack which a stray blue- jacket had brought with him, tied round his body, and which he very cheer- at Queenston Heights was in command of the flank company of York Militia. He was Colonel of Militia in 1824, and commanded the left wing of the Loyalists at Montgomery's Tavern (Gallow's Hill), Dec. 7th, 1837. For several years he represented the County of Halton in the Legislature, and in 1834 was appointed Collector of Customs at Oakville, where he died May 4th, 1842. His son, George King Chisholm, was also Colonel of Militia, and took part in the defence of Fort Erie during the Fenian Raid of 1866. He represented Halton for one Parliament, and was for some time Sergeant at Arms of the Parliament of Canada. He died in April, 1874. Another son Robert Kerr Chisholm succeeded his father as Col lector of Customs and was elected to several Municipal offices. Many of the descendants of Colonel Chisholm reside at Oakville. Another officer of this name that served on the Niagara frontier during the war was Colonel George Chisholm, who was born at Fort Erie, Sept. 16th, 1792, the youngest son of George Chisholm, a U. E. Loyalist. He took part in the battle of Queenston Heights, and was in command of a company at Lundy's Lane. In 1837 he was made a Lieut.-Col., and Col. in 1838. He was one of the " Men of Gore " that accompanied Sir Allan N. MacNab to Toronto to quell the rebellion. His death occurred in 1872. D. B. Chisholm, Mayor of Hamilton in 1872, was his youngest son. 58 brock's capture OF DETROIT fully gave up for the purpose. The sentinels were then planted around the ramparts, and I (at that time a young volunteer armed with a musket taller than myself) had the honor of mounting my first guard at the Flag Staff — not a little elated I confess at the very enviable position in which, as a young Warrior, I conceived myself to be placed on the occasion. Nor was the feeling at all dimin ished, as strutting most martially to and fro on my post, and, casting my eyes downward upon the esplanade, I saw, or fancied I saw, the American troops looking up with anything but satisfaction at the red-coats who had thus usurped their place. The articles of capitulation having been finally settled, and the troops — the main body of which had soon followed the guard of honor — in possession of the fort, the first act of General Brock was to enter and hberate, in person, the gallant Dean who had been taken prisoner at the Canard and who then lay confined in the guard-room. Shaking him by the hand in presence of his comrades — while his voice betrayed strong emotion, he warmly approved his conduct, and declared that he was indeed an honor to the profession of a soldier. Such commendation, from such a man, was in all probability the happiest day of poor Dean's existence, and must have amply repaid him for all his sufferings in confinement. Soon after our occupation of the fort, Lieut. Bullock the officer commanding the guard, discovered the colors of the 4th Regiment of Infantry, which had been left in a room contiguous to that in which the four American officers were killed by the fire from our batteries. When it became known to General Brock that the colors had not been delivered over with the usual formahties, an order was sent to the officer of the guard to take them down to the esplanade where the American prisoners were assembled, and hand them over to the officer in command of the 4th Regt., with a view to their proper delivery. The order brock's GENERAL ORDER 59 was promptly obeyed. Lieut. Bullock, taking with him a few files of his guard, conveyed the colors to the ground occupied by the 4th, when, on enquiring for the officer commanding that Regiment, he was met by a Captain Cook, who stated that in the absence of Colonel Miller — lying ill with ague at the time — the command had devolved on him. To this officer Lieut. Bullock communicated his errand. Captain Cook took from him the colors, and again presented them saying — ' 'Sir! the fortune of war has placed these in your hands — they are yours." Lieut. Bullock simply bowed, and withdrew. It was evident that Captain Cook, and those around him felt much cha grin on the occasion. On the afternoon of the surrender of Detroit the follow ing order was published. General Order, Head Quarters, Detroit, 1 6th August, 1812. Major-General Brock has every reason to be satisfied with the conduct of the Troops he had the honor to lead this morning against the enemy. The state of discipline which they so eminently displayed, and the determination they evinced to undertake the most hazardous enterprize, decided the enemy, infinitely more numerous in men and artillery, to propose a capitulation, the terms of which are herewith inserted for the information of the Troops. The Major-General requests Colonel Procter will accept his best thanks for the assistance he derived from his ex perience and intelligence. The steadiness and discipline of the 41st Regiment, and the readiness of the Mihtia to follow so good an example were highly conspicuous. The ability manifested by Captain Dixon of the Royal Engineers in the choice and construction of the batteries and the high state of the Royal Artillery under Lieut. Troughton, afforded the Major-General much gratifica tion, and reflect great credit on those officers. The wilUng assistance given by Captain Hall and the Marine Department during the whole course of the service has been very conspicuous, and the manner the batteries 6o brock's capture of DETROIT were served this morning evinced a degree of steadiness highly commendable. Lieut. Dewar, Dpt. Ass. Qr. -Master- General, afforded strong proof by the local knowledge he had acquired of the country, of an unremitting attention to his duty ; and the care and regularity with which the troops were trans ported across the river, must in a Uke degree, be ascribed to his zeal for the service. To Lieut.-Col. St. George, Majors Tallon and Chambers, who commanded brigades, eyery degree of praise is due for their unremitting zeal and attention to their respective commands. The detachment of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, under the command of Major Mockler, is de serving every praise for their steadiness in the field, as well as when embarked in the King's vessels. The Major-General cannot forego this opportunity of expressing his admiration at the conduct of the several companies of Militia who so handsomely volunteered to undergo the fatigues of a journey of several hundred miles to go to the rescue of an invaded district ; and he requests Maj or Salmon, 'Captains Hatt, =Heward, sBostwick,* 'Major George C. Salmon was an officer of the 2nd Norfolk Mili tia. By a militia general order of July 22nd, 1812, Colonel Talbot was comraanded to make up a detachment of 200 men from the 1st and 2nd Norfolk, and the Oxford and Middlesex militia, and place it under the command of Major Salmon, who was to proceed with this force to Moraviantown to await the arrival of Major Chambers, of the 41st Regiment, under whose command he was to place himself. It is doubtful whether this order was carried ont, as some authorities say he accompanied General Brock. Major Salmon was an excellent officer, and was frequently men tioned in despatches. Mr. Justice William Salmon, Judge of the County of Norfolk, who died Feb. 8th, 1868, was the second son of Major Salmon. He took an active part in the suppression of the Rebellion of 1837. The father of Judge Salmon and the father of Dr. Rolph emigrat ed together from near Bristol in England in 1809. ^Captain Samuel Hatt was appointed by General Brock to com mand the flank companies ot the 5th and 6th Regiments ot Lin coln Militia. At the repulse ot General Smyth at Fort Erie, Nov. 28th, 1812, he was commended for his services by Col. Bisshopp. sMajor Stephen Howard was in command of a company of the York Militia at Detroit. He was for many years a prominent citi zen of York (Toronto). ¦tColonel John Bostwick served in the war as a captain of the brock's general order 6i and Robinson,' will assure the officers and men imder their respective command, that their services have been duly appreciated and will never be forgotten. The Major-General is happy to acknowledge the able assistance he has derived from the zeal and local informa tion of Lieut.-Col. Nichol, acting Quarter- Master- General to the Militia. To his personal Staff the Major-General feels himself under much obligation ; and he requests Lieut.-Colonel Macdonell, Majors Glegg and Givins,^ will be assured that their zealous exertions have made too deep an impression on his mind ever to be forgotten. Norfolk militia. His conduct at Fort Erie, November 28th, 1812, where he was slightly wounded, was specially mentioned in the official despatch of that event. He served as colonel during the rebellion of 1837-38. There was a Lieut.-Col. Henry Bostwick of the Oxford Militia, who served during the war. I Captain William Robinson, an officer in the Norfolk Militia, was born in New Jersey in 1776, his father having emigrated from Yorkshire, England, four years before. In 1802 he came to Upper Canada. His eldest son Richard enlisted at the beginning of the war although but 15 years of age and served till its close. Capt. Robinson died in 1829. ^Colonel James Givins came to Canada when a young man as an officer in a British Regiment. For some years he was on the Detroit frontier and among the native tribes of the west picking up a knowledge of several Indian dialects which made his services afterwards so useful to the Lieut. -Governors and the government. In 1792 we flnd him at Newark (Niagara) as Lieutenant of the Queen's Rangers and afterwards as Aid to Simcoe on his journey to Detroit in February, 1793. He accompanied Simcoe on his search for a new metropolis ot the province, and when the site of Toronto was chosen he took up his residence there and was appointed a Superintendent in the Indian Department, an office which he held till 1842. When the war commenced he entered upon active service which lasted till its close. At the taking of Detroit he was Aid to Brock and Inter preter, and at the defence of Fort Erie, he commanded the In dians. When York was taken by the Americans in April, 1813, he, at the head of 25 Indians and 60 men of the Glengarry Fencibles stubbornly opposed the landing of Major Forsyth. In 1819 he asked to be granted the Gold Medal for Detroit, as a staff officer, his name being left oft the list of recommendations by an over sight, but if he received this distinction to which he was justly en titled, I have seen no record of it. Canon Saltern Givins, Judge Givins, sometime of London, Ontario, and Surgeon Major Givins, ot the India Medical Staff, were his sons. 62 brock's capture of DETROIT The conduct of the Indians under Col. EUiott, Capt. McKee,' and other officers of that department, joined to that of the gallant and brave Chiefs of their respective tribes, has since the commencement of the war been marked with acts of true heroism, and in nothing can they testify more strongly their love to the King, their Great Father, than in following the dictates of honor and humanity, by which they have been hitherto actuated. Two fortifications have already been captured from the enemy without a drop of blood being shed by the hands of the Indians ; the instant the enemy submitted, his life became sacred. By order of Major-General Brock. J. B. Glegg, Capt., A. D. C. From Major-General Brock, to His Excellency, Sir George Prevost. Head Quarters, Detroit, Aug. 17th, 1812. Sir, — I have had the honor of informing your Excellency, that the enemy effected his passage across the Detroit river on the 12th ult. without opposition ; and that, after establishing himself at Sandwich, he had ravaged the country as far as the Moraviantown. Some skirmishes occurred between the troops under Lieut.-Col. St. George and the enemy, upon the River Canard, which uniformly terminated in his being repulsed with loss. The occupa tion of Sandwich was evidently productive of considerable effect on the minds of a large portion of the inhabitants. The disaffected became more audacious, and the waver ing more intimidated. I judged it therefore proper to I Captain Thomas McKee, son of Colonel Alexander McKee, was in coinmand of a party of Indians at the taking of Detroit, and in the several subsequent engagements. He was Superintendeiit of Indian Aftairs for many years. The McKee family have occupied prominent positions in the western district since 1775. Colonel Alexander McKee was appointed Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Aftairs by Lord Dorchester, who expressed his satisfac tion with his conduct. His death on January 14th, 1799, was a distinct loss to the British in their dealings with the Indians. Captain Thomas McKee was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly for Kent in 1796 and for Essex in 1801. Thomas Mc Kee, who so long has honorably filled the office of County Clerk of Essex, is a grandson of Captain Thomas McKee. The present able representative of North Essex in the Ontario Legisla ture is W. J. McKee, great-grandson of the representative of 100 years ago and son of the present County Clerk. brock's official DESPATCH 63 detach at every risk a force down the River Thames, capable of acting in conjunction with the garrison of Amherstburg offensively, but Captain Chambers, whom I had appointed to direct this detachment, experienced difficulties from the prevalent spirit of the mom^t that frustrated my intentions. The intelUgence received from that quarter admitting of no delay. Colonel Procter was directed to assume the command, and his force was soon after increased with sixty rank and file of the 41st regiment. In the meantime, the most strenuous measures were adopted to counteract the machinations of the evil dis posed, and I soon experienced the gratification of receiv ing voluntary offers of service from that portion of the embodied militia the most easily collected. In the attain ment of this important point, gentlemen of the first char acter and influence shewed an example highly creditable to them ; and I cannot, on this occasion, avoid mentioning the essential assistance I derived from John MacdoneU, Esq. , His Majesty' s Attorney-General, who, from the begin ning of the war, has honored me with his services as my Provincial Aid-de-Camp. A sufficiency of boats being collected at Long Point for the conveyance of 300 men, the embarkation took place on the Sth instant, and in five days we arrived in safety at Amherstburg. I found that the judicious arrangements which had been adopted immediately upon the arrival of Colonel Procter, had compelled the enemy to retreat, and take shelter under the guns of his fort ; that officer commenced operations by' sending strong detachments across the river, with a view of cutting off the enemy's communication with his resources. This produced two smart skirmishes on the 5 th and 9th inst., in both of which the enemy's loss was very con siderable, whilst ours amounted to 3 killed and 13 wounded ; amongst the latter, I have particularly to regret Captain Muir and Lieutenant Sutherland, of the 41st regiment ; the former an officer of great experience, and both ardent in His Majesty's service. Batteries had like wise been commenced opposite Fort Detroit, for one 18 pounder, t,wo 12's, and two 5}^ inch mortars; all of which opened on the evening of the 1 5th (having previously summoned Brigadier Gen. Hull to surrender) , and al though opposed by a well directed fire from seven 24 64 brock's CAPTURE OF DETROIT pounders, such was their construction under the able direction of Captain Dixon of the Royal Engineers, that no injury was sustained from its effect. The force at my disposal being collected in the course of the 15th in the neighborhood of Sandwich, the embar kation took place a little after day-light on the following morning, and by the able arrangements of Lieutenant Dewar, of the Quartar- Master-Ceneral's department, the whole was, in a short time, landed without the smallest confusion at Spring- Well ; a good position, three miles west of Detroit. The Indians, who had in the meantime effected their lainding two miles below, moved forward and occupied the woods, about a mile and a half on our left. The force which I instantly directed to march against the enemy consisted of 30 Royal Artillery, 250 41st Regiment, 50 Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 400 militia, and about 600 Indians, to which were attached three 6 pounders and two 3 pounders. The services of Lieutenant Troughton, commanding the Royal Artillery, an active and intelligent officer, being required in the field, the direction of the batteries was intrusted to Captain Hall, and the Marine department, and I cannot withhold my entire approbation of their conduct on this occasion. I crossed the river, with an intention of waiting in a strong position the effect of our force upon the enemy's Camp, and in hopes of compelling him to meet us in the field ; but receiving information upon landing, that Colonel M' Arthur, an officer of high reputation had lef t the garrison three days before with a detachment of 500 men, and hearing, soon afterwards, that his cavalry had been seen that morning three miles in our rear, I decided on an immediate attack. Accordingly, the troops ad vanced to within one mile of the fort, and having ascer tained that the enemy had taken little or no precaution toward the land side, I resolved on an assault, whilst the Indians penetrated his Camp. Brigadier Gen. Hull, how ever, prevented this movement, by proposing a cessation of hostilities, for the purpose of preparing terms of capitu lation. Lieutenant-Colonel John Macdonell and Captain Glegg were accordingly deputed by me on this mission, and returned within an hour with the conditions, which I have the honor to transmit. Certain considerations Major-General Sir Isaac Brock. brock's OFFICIAL DESPATCH 65 afterwards induced me to agree to the two supplementary articles. The force thus surrendered to His Majesty's arms, cannot be estimated at less than 2,500 men. In this esti mate. Colonel M' Arthur's detachment is included, as he ' surrendered, agreeably to the terms of capitulation, in the course of the evening, with the exception of 200 men, whom he left escorting a valuable convoy at some little distance in his rear ; but there can be no doubt the officer commanding will consider himself equally bound by the capitulation. The enemy's aggregate force was divided into two troops of cavalry ; one company of artillery regulars ; the 4th United States regiment ; detachments of the ist and 3rd United States regiments, volunteers ; three regi ments of the Ohio Militia ; one regiment of the Michigan territory. Thirty-three pieces of brass and iron ordnance have already been secured. When this contest commenced, many of the Indian nations were engaged in active warfare with the United States, notwithstanding the constant endeavors of this government to dissuade them from it. Some of the prin cipal chiefs happened to be at Amherstburg, trying to procure a supply of arms and ammunition, which for years had been withheld, agreeably to the instructions received from Sir James Craig, and since repeated by your Excellency. From that moment they took a most active part, and appeared foremost on every occasion ; they were led yes terday by Colonel Elliot and Captain M'Kee and nothing could exceed their order and steadiness. A few prisoners were taken by them, during the advance, whom they treated with every humanity ; and it affords me much pleasure in assuring your Excellency, that such was their forbearance and attention to what was required of them, that the enemy sustained no other loss in men than what was occasioned by the fire of our batteries. The high sense I entertain of the abiUties and judgment of Lieut.-Col. Myers, induced me to appoint him to the important command at Niagara ; it was with reluctance I deprived myself of his assistance, but had no other expedient ; his duties, as head of the Quarter-Master- General's department, were performed to my satisfaction 66 brock's CAPTURE OF DETROIT by Lieut.-Col. Nichol,' Quarter-Master-General of the Militia. Captain Glegg, my Aid-de-Camp will have the honor of delivering this despatch to your Excellency; he is charged with the colors t^ken at the capture of Fort Detroit, and those of the 4th United States regiment. Captain Glegg is capable of giving your Excellency every information respecting the state of this province, and I shall esteem myself highly indebted to your Excel lency to afford him that protection, to which his merit and length of service give him a powerful claim. I have the honor to be, with every consideration, &c., ISAAC BROCK, Maj. -Gen. His Excellency, Lt.-Gen'l. Sir G. Prevost, Bart., Etc. P. S. I have the honor to enclose a copy of a procla mation, which I have issued immediately on taking pos session of this country. I should have mentioned, in the body of my despatch, the capture of the Adams ; she is a fine vessel, and re cently repaired, but without arms. I Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Nichol, of the 2nd Regiment of Nor folk Militia, was appointed Quartermaster General of Militia at the beginning of the war, and performed the arduous and impor tant duties of that office to the entire satisfaction of the command-. ing officers. In his young days he worked as clerk for Colonel John Askin, of Detroit, and after leaving this service he estab lished a milling and mercantile business at Port Dover on Lake Erie. When Brock resolved to go to Detroit, Col. Nichol was entrusted with the arrangements for moving the force by water from Long Point to Amherstburg. This duty was so well performed that it called forth the praises of the General. He directed the crossing of the troops on August 16th, 1812, and after the surrender of De troit he remained to assist Colonel Procter to establish means of defence. He was present at Fort Erie, Nov. 28th, 1812; and at the battle of Fort George, May 27th, 1813, his horse was killed under him while acting as Aid to Colonel Myers. But the greatest service that Colonel Nichol did for his country during the war was to induce Colonel Bisshopp and afterwards Major-General Vincent to disobey the orders of Sir George Prevost to abandon west ern Canada. On every important question he was consulted by the officers in command, and his reports, such ason the possibility of building a new fleet on Lake Erie and on the state of aftairs on the Detroit frontier — show a thorough knowledge of military matters. He sacrificed a great deal during the war. On May 15th, 1814, his houses, barns, mills ^nd distillery were destroyed ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION 67 Camp at Detroit, i6th Aug., 1812. Capitulation for the surrender of Fort Detroit, entered into between Major-General Brock, commanding his Britannic Majesty's forces, on the one part, and Brigadier General Hull, commanding the North- Western army of the United States, on the other part. ist. Fort Detroit, with all the troops, regulars as well as militia, will be immediately surrendered to the British forces under the command of Major-General Brock, and will be considered prisoners of war, with the ex ception of such of the militia of the Michigan territory, who have not joined the army. 2d. All public stores, arms, and all public docu ments, including every thing else of a public nature, will be immediately given up. 3d. Private persons, and property of every de scription will be respected. 4th. His, Excellency, Brigadier- General Hull, having expressed a desire that a detachment from the State of Ohio, on its way to join his army, as well as one sent from Fort Detroit, under the command of Colonel M' Arthur, should be included in the above capitulation, it is accordingly agreed to. It is, however, tobe understood, that such part of the Ohio Militia as have not joined the army, will be permitted to return to their homes, on con dition that they will not serve during the war; their arms will be delivered up if belonging to the public. 5 th. The Garrison will march out at the hour of 12 by a marauding party under Colonel Campbell. Notwithstanding his valuable services and losses, his pay and allowances were struck off at the peace. In 1817 he memorialized Earl Bathurst to pre sent his case to the Prince Regent for relief, but I am not aware that he received any compensation for his losses. He received the gold medal for Detroit. On three occasions he was honored by being elected member of the Legislative Assembly for the Countv ofNorfolk-in 1813, 1817 and in 1820. His death was caused by fall ing over the precipitous bank of the Niagara river between Niagara Falls and Queenston one stormy night at the beginning of May, 1824, his funeral to Stamford cemetery taking place on the 6th. He was married to Theresa Wright on December 21st, 1811. I have not seen any record of the place or date of his birth, or that any of his descendants are living at the present time. 68 brock's capture of Detroit o'clock this day, and the British forces will take immediate possession di the Fort. J. MACDONELL, Lieut.-Col. militia, P. A.D.C, . J. B. GLEGG, Major, A.D.C, JAMES MILLER, Lieut.-Col. 5th U. S. Infantry, E. BRUSH,' Col.com'gistregt.of Michigan Militia, Approved, W. HULL, B. Gen'l. Com'g the N. W. Army, Approved, ISAAC BROCK, Major-General. An article supplemental to the articles of Capitulation, concluded at Detroit, the i6th of August, 1812. It is agreed that the Officers and soldiers of the Ohio Militia and Volunteers shall be permitted to proceed to their respective homes, on this condition, that they are not to serve during the present war, unless they are ex changed. W. HULL, B. Gen'l. Com'g N. W. Army, U.S. ISAAC BROCK, Major-General. An article in addition to the supplemental article of the capitulation, concluded at Detroit, the i6th of August, A.D. 1812. It is further agreed that the officers and soldiers of the Michigan Militia and Volunteers, under the command of Major Wetherell, shall be placed on the same principles as the Ohio militia and volunteers are placed by the sup plemental article of the 16th instant. W. HULL, B. Gen'l. Com'g N. W. Army, U. S. ISAAC BROCK, Major-General. Return of the Ordnance taken in the fort and batteries at Detroit, August i6th, 1812. Iron Ordnance — nine 24 pounders, eight 12 pounders, five 9 pounders. Brass Ordnance — three 6 pounders, two 'Colonel Elijah Brush who signed the capitulation was Attor ney-General ot the North-West Territory, as well as commander of the 1st Regiment of Michigan Militia. In 1802 he married Adel aide Barthe Askin, daughter ot Col. John Askin, and was conse quently uncle of Major Richardson. Colonel Brush was granted special privileges after the capture of Detroit on the intercession of his Canadian relatives, and, when the fortunes of war inclined to his country after the defeat of Captain Barclay, he had an oppor tunity to repay this kindness. His letter to Colonel Askin given in the appendix shows how he interceded with Captain Perry for Doctor Richardson. brock's proclamation 69 4 pounders, one 3 pounder, one 8 inch howitzer, one 2% inch ditto. Total of Ordnance' taken — 33. FELIX TROUGHTON, Lieut. Com. Royal Artillery. Proclamation by Isaac Brock, Esquire, Major-General commanding His Britannic Majesty' s Forces in the Province of Upper Canada, &c. Whereas the territory of Michigan was this day, by Capitulation, ceded to the Arms of His Britannic Majesty, without any other condition than the protection of private property, and wishing to give an early proof of the moderation and justice of the Government, I do hereby announce to all the inhabitants of the said Terri tory, that the laws heretofore in existence shall continue in force until His Majesty's pleasure be known, or so long as the peace and safety of the said Territory will admit thereof ; and I do hereby also declare and make known to the said, inhabitants, that they shall be protected in the full exercise of their religion, of which all persons both civil and military will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. All persons having in their possession, or having any knowledge of, any public property, shall forthwith deliver in the same, or give notice thereof to the officer command ing, or Lieut.-Col. Nichol, who are hereby duly author ised to receive and give proper receipts for the same. Officers of MiUtia will be held responsible, that all arms in possession of militia-men be immediately delivered up, and all individuals whatever who have in their possession arms of any kind, will deliver them up without delay. Given under my hand at Detroit, this i6th day of August, 1812, and in the 5 2d year of His Majesty's reign. ISAAC BROCK, Major-General. iXhere is a mistake in this copy of the return of the ordnance. The following is made up from the copy in the Canadian Archives. Iron Ordnance — Nine 24 pounders, nine 12 pounders, flve 9 pounders, four 6 pounders, one 3 9-10 inch howitzer. Brass Ordnance. — Three 6 pounders, two 4 pounders, one 3 pounder, one 8 inch howitzer, one 5J inch howitzer, three 2 9-10 inch howitzers. Total, 39. The 5J inch howitzer was surrendered at Saratoga by Burgoyne. The 3 pounder was surrendered by Cornwallis at Yorktown. Four of the 12 pounders were on board the Detroit in the harbor of Fort Erie when it was recaptured by the Americans under Lieut. Jesse D. Elliot and destroyed on the morning of Oct. 9th, 1812. 70 brock's capture of DETROIT Explanatory as are the above documents, in relation to the important capitulation of Detroit ; and indicative as they are of the high aspirings of him to whose firmness and decision its fall is alone attributable, the account would be incomplete, were mention not here made of the causes stated to have led to the surrender of so strong a position, by the American Commander. Every" particular relating, not merely to the conquest of Detroit — the first and leading feat performed during the war — but to the Hero, its conqueror, cannot be viewed as being given in any spirit of prolixity. I shall therefore proceed to give, first General Hull's letter of exculpation, addressed to the American Secretary at War ; and secondly a somewhat lengthy document from Colonel Cass, (now the United States Minister at Paris,) highly condemnatory of the conduct of his Chief. From Brigadier- General Hull to the American Secretary at War. Fort George, August 26th, 1812. Sir, — Enclosed are the articles of capitulation, by which the fort of Detroit hasbeen surrendered to Major-General Brock commanding His Britannic Majesty's forces in Upper Canada, and by which the troops have become prisoners of War. My situation, at present, forbids me from detailing the full and particular causes which have led to this unfortunate event. I will, however, generally observe that after the surrender of Michilimackinac, almost every tribe and nation of Indians, excepting a part of the Miamis and Delawares, north from beyond Lake Superior, west from beyond the Mississippi, south from the Ohio and Wabash, and east from every part of Upper Canada, and from all the intermediate country, joined in open hostility, under the British standard, against the army I commanded; contrary to the most solemn assur ances of a large portion of them to remain neutral : even the Ottawa chiefs from L' Arbre Croche, who formed the delegation to Washington the last summer, in whosefriend- ship I know you had great confidence, are among the hostile tribes, and several of them distinguished leaders. Among the vast number of chiefs who led the hostile bands, Tecumseh, Marpot, Logan, Walk-in-the- water. hull's despatch 71 split-log,' &c., are considered the principals. This nu merous assemblage of savages, under the entire influence and direction of the British commander, enabled him totally to obstruct the only communication which I had with my country. This communication had been opened from the settlements in the state of Ohio, 200 miles through a wilderness, by the fatigues of the army, which I had marched to the frontier on the river Detroit. The body of the lake being commanded by the British armed ships, and the shores and rivers by gun-boats, the army was totally deprived of all communication by water. On this extensive road it depended for transportation of pro visions, military stores, medicine, clothing, and every other supply, on pack-horses — all its operations were successful until its arrival at Detroit, and in a few days it passed into the enemy's country, and all opposition seemed to drop before it. One month it remained in pos session of this country, and was fed from its resources. In different directions, detachments penetrated 60 miles in the settled part of the Province and the inhabitants seemed satisfied with the change of situation which ap peared to be taking place. The militia from Amherstburg were daily deserting, and the whole country, then under the control of the army, was asking for protection. — The Indians generally, in the first instance, had certainly ap peared to be neutralized, and determined to take no part in the contest. The fort of Amh'erstburg was 18 miles below my encampment. Not a single cannon or mortar was on wheels suitable to carry before this place. I con sulted my officers whether it was expedient to make an attempt on it with the bayonet alone, without cannon to make a break in the first instance. The council I called was of the opinion it was not. The greatest industry was exerted in making preparation, and it was not until the 7th of August that two 24 pounders, and three howitzers, were prepared. It was then my intention to have pro ceeded on the enterprise. While the operations of the army were delayed by these preparations, the clouds of adversity-had been for sometime, and seemed still thickly to be gathering around me. The surrender of MichiU- mackinac opened the northern hive of Indians, and they 'The Huron chief Split-log and Chief Blackbird who were British allies in 1812 and 1813, went over to the Americans in 1814. Drummond's letter to Prevost, Kingston, May 31st, 1814. 72 brock's capture of DETROIT were swarming down in every direction. Reinforcements from Niagara had arrived at Amherstburg, under the , command of Col. Procter. The desertion of the militia ceased. Besides the reinforcements that came by water, I received information of a very considerable force under the command of Major Chambers, on the river Le Trench," with four field pieces ; and collecting the miUtia on his route, evidently destined for Amherstburg. And, in addition to this combination and increase of force, con trary to all my expectations, the Wyandots, Chippewas, Ottawas, Pottawatamies, Munsees, Delawares, &c, with whom I had the most friendly intercourse, at once passed over to Amherstburg, and accepted the tomahawk and scalping knif^. There being now a vast number of In dians at the British post, they were sent to the river Huron, Brownstown, and Maguaga to intercept my com munication. To open this communication, I detached Major Van Horn of the Ohio volunteers, with 200 men, to proceed as far as the river Raisin, under an expectation he would meet Captain Brush, with 150 men, volunteers from the State of Ohio, and a quantity of provisions for the army. An ambuscade was formed at Brownstown, and Major Van Horn' s detachment was defeated, and re turned to camp, without effecting the object of the expedition. In my letter of the 7th instant, you have the particulars of that transaction with a return of the killed and wounded. Under this sudden and unexpected change of things, and having received an express from General Hall, commanding opposite the British shore on the Niagara river, by which it appeared that there was no prospect of any co-operation from that quarter, and the two Senior Ofi&cers of the artillery having stated to me an opinion that it would be extremely difficult, if not im possible, to pass the Turkey -river, and river Aux Canard, withthe24pounders, and that theycould not be transported by water as the Queen Charlotte, which carried eighteen 24 pounders lay in the river Detroit above the mouth of the river Aux Canard; and as it appeared indispensably necessary to open the communication to the river Raisin and the Miami, I found myself compelled to suspend the operation against Amherstburg, and concentrate the main force of the army at Detroit. Fully intending at that time, after the communication was opened, to re- I Now called Thames. hull's despatch 73 cross the river, and pursue the object at Amherstburg, and strongly desirous of contiiruing protection to a very large number of the Inhabitants of Upper Canada, who had voluntarily accepted it under my proclamation, I estab lished a fortress on the banks of the river a little below Detroit, calculated for a garrison of 300 men. On the evening of the 7th, and moming of the 8th instant, the army, excepting the garrison of 200 infantry, and a corps of artillerists, all under the command of Major Denny of the Ohio volunteers, re-crossed the river and encamped at De troit. In pursuance of the object of opening the com munication, on which I considered the existence of the army depending, a detachment of 600 men, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Miller, was immediately ordered. For a particular account of the proceedings of this de tachment, and the memorable battle which was -fought at Maguaga, which reflects the highest honor on the Am erican arms, I refer you to my letter of the 13th August instant, a duplicate of which is enclosed, marked G. Nothing, however, but honor was acquired by this victory ; and, it is a painful consideration, that the blood of 75 gallant men could only open thcv communication as far as the points of their bayonets extended. The neces sary care of the sick and wounded, and a very severe storm of rain, rendered their retum to camp indispensably necessary for their own comfort. Captain Brush with his small detachment, and the provisions being still at the river Raisin, in a situation to be destroyed by the savages, on the 13th instant, in the evening, I permitted Colonels M' Arthur and Cass to select from their regiments 400 of their most effective men, and proceed by an upper route through the woods, which I had sent an express to Cap tain Brush to take, and had directed the militia of the river Raisin to accompany him as a reinforcement. The force of the enemy continually increasing, and the necessity of opening the communication, and acting on the defensive, becoming more apparent, I had previous to de taching Colonels M' Arthur and Cass on the nth instant evacuated and destroyed the fort on the opposite bank. On the 13th, in the evening. General Brock arrived at Amherstburg, about the hour Colonels M' Arthur and Cass marched, of which at that time I had received no infor mation. On the 15th I received a summons from him to surrender Fort Detroit of which the paper marked A. is a 74 brock's capture of Detroit copy. My answer is marked B. At this time I had received no information from Colonels M' Arthur and Cass. An express was immediately sent, strongly escorted, with orders for them to return. On the 15th as soon as General Brock received my letter his batteries opened on the town and fort,and continued until evening. In the evening,all the British ships of war came nearly as far up the river as Sandwich, three miles below Detroit. At daylight, on the 1 6th (at which time I had received no information from Colonels M' Arthur and Cass, my expresses, sent the evening before, and in the night, having been pre vented from passing by numerous bodies of Indians) the cannonade re-commenced, and in a short time I re ceived information, that the British Army, and Indians, were landing below the Spring- Wells, under the cover of their ships of war. At this time the whole effective force at my disposal at Detroit did not exceed 800 men. Being new troops, and unaccustomed to camp life ; having performed a laborious march ; having been engaged in a number of battles and skirmishes, in which many had fallen, and more had re ceived wounds, in addition to which a large number being sick, and unprovided with medicine, and the comforts necessary for their situation, were the general causes by which the strength of the army was thus reduced. The fort at this time was filled with women, children, and the old and decrepit people of the town, and country ; they were unsafe in the town, as it was entirely open and exposed to the enemy's batteries. Back of the fort above or below it, there was no safety for them on account of the Indians. In the first instance, the enemy's fire was principally directed against our batteries, towards the close it was directed against the fort alone, and almost every shot and shell had their effect. It now became necessary either to fight the enemy in the field ; collect the whole force in the fort ; or propose terms of capitulation. I could not have carried into the field more than 600 men, and left an adequate force in the fort. There were landed at that time of the enemy a regular force of much more than that number, and twice the number of Indians. Considering this great inequality of force, I did not think it expedient to adopt the first measure ; the second must have been attended with a great sacrifice of blood, and no possible advantage, be- HULLS DESPATCH 75 cause the contest could not have been sustained more than a day for want of powder, and but a very few days for the want of provisions. In addition to this. Colonels M' Arthur and Cass would have been in a most hazardous situation. I feared nothing but the last alternative — I have dared to adopt it — I well know the high responsi bility of the measure, and I take the whole of it on myself — it was dictated by a sense of duty, and a full conviction of its expediency. The bands of savages which had then joined the British force, were numerous beyond any for mer example. Their numbers have since increased, and the history of the barbarians of the north of Europe does not furnish examples of more greedy violence than these savages have exhiibited. A large portion of the brave and gallant officers and men I commanded would cheerfully have contested until the last cartridge had been expended, and the bayonets worn to the sockets, — I could not con sent to the useless sacrifice of such brave m^n, when I knew it was impossible for me to sustain my situation. It was impossible, in the nature of things that an army could have been furnished with the necessary supplies of provisions, military stores, clothing and comforts for the sick, on pack-horses through a wilderness of 200 miles, filled with hostile savages. It was impossible, sir, that this little army, worn down by fatigue, by sickness, by wounds, and deaths, could have supported itself not only against the collected force of all the Northern Nations of Indians ; but against the united strength of Upper Canada, whose population consists of more than 20 times the number contained in the territory of Michigan, aided ' by the principal part of the regular forces of the province, and the wealth and influence of the North-West and other trading establishments among the Indians, which have in their employment and under their control more than 2,000 white men. Before I close this despatch, it isa duty I owe my respectable associates in command. Colo nels M' Arthur, Findlay, Cass, and Lieutenant-Colonel Miller to express my obligations to them for the prompt and judicious manner they have performed their respect ive duties. If aright has taken place during the cam paign, which is honorable to the army, these Officers are entitled to a large share of it. If the last act should be disapproved, no part of the censure belongs to them. I have likewise to express myobligation to General Taylor, 76 brock's capture of Detroit who has performed the duty of quarter-master-general, for his great exertions in procuring every thing in his department, which it was possible to furnish, for the convenience of the army ; likewise to brigade Major Jessup, for the correct and punctual manner in which he has discharged his duty ; and to the army generally for their exertion and the zeal they have manifested for the public interest. The death of Dr. Foster soon after he arrived at Detroit, was a severe misfortune to the army ; it was increased by the capture of the Chachago packet, by which the medicine and hospital stores were lost. He was commencing the best arrangements in the depart ment of which he was the principal, with the very small means he possessed. I was likewise deprived of the necessary services of Captain Partridge by sickness, the only officer of the corps of engineers attached to the array. All the officers and men have gone to their respective homes, excepting the 4th United States regi ment, and a small part of the ist and Captain Dyson's company of Artillery. Captain Dyson's company was left at Amherstburg, and the others are with me prisoners ; they amounttoabout340. I haveonly to solicit an investiga tion of my conduct, as early as my situation and thc state of things will admit ; and to add the further request that the government will not be unmindful of my associates in captivity, and of the families of those brave men who have fallen in the contest. I have the honor to be very respectfully. Your Most obedient Servant, W. HULL, Brig. Gen. Commanding Hon. W. Eustis, Secretary N. W. Army, U. S. of the Department of War. Letter of Col. Cass, of the army late under the com mand of Brig. -General Wm. Hull to the Secretary of War. Washington, Sept. loth, 1812. Sir, — Having been ordered on to this place by Col. M' Arthur, for the purpose of communicating to the governnient such particulars respecting the expedition lately commanded by Brig. -Gen. HuU, and its disastrous result, as might enable them correctly to appreciate the conduct of the officers and men, and to develop the LETTER OF COLONEL CASS 77 causes which produced so foul a stain upon the national character, I have the honor to submit to your considera- .tion the following statement. When the forces landed in Canada, they landed with an •ardent zeal, and stimulated with the hope of conquest. No enemy appeared within view of us, and had an im mediate and vigorous attack been made upon Maiden, it would doubtless have fallen an easy victory. I knew Gen. Hull, afterwards declared he regretted this attack had not been made, and he had every reason to believe success would have crowned his efforts. The reasons given for delajdng operations, was to mount our heavy cannon and to afford to the Canadian militia, time and opportunity to quit an obnoxious service. In the course of two weeks, the number of their militia who were embodied had decreased by desertion from six hundred to one hundred men, and in the course of three weeks, the cannon were mounted, the ammunition, and every preparation made for an immediate investment of the fort. At a council, at which were present all the field officers, and which was held two days before our preparations were completed, it was unanimously agreed to make an immediate attempt to accomplish the object of this expedition. If by waiting two days, we could have the service of our heavy artillery, it was agreed to wait ; if not it was determined to go without it, and to attempt the place by storm. This opinion appeared to correspond with the views of the General, and the day was appointed for commencing our march. He declared to me, that he considered himself pledged to lead the army to Maiden. The ammtmition was placed in the wagons ; the cannon were embarked on board the floating batteries, and every article was prepared. The spirit and zeal, the order and animation displayed by the officers and men, on learning the near accomplishment of their wishes, were a severe and sacred pledge, that in the hour of trial, they would not be found wanting in duty to their country and themselves. But a change of measures, in opposition to the wishes and opinions of all the officers, was adopted by the General. The plan of attacking Maiden was abandoned, and instead of acting offensively, we broke up our camp, evacuated Canada, and re-crossed the river in the night, without even the shadow of an enemy to injure us. We left to the tender mercy of the enemy, the 78 brock's CAPTURE OF DETROIT miserable Canadians who had joined us, and the protec tion we afforded them was but a passport to vengeance. This fatal and unaccountable step dispirited the ti-oops, and destroyed the little confidence which a series of timid, irresolute, and indecisive measures had left in the commanding officer. About the loth of August, the enemy received a rein forcement of 400 men. On the 12th, the commanding officers of three of the regiments (the fourth was absent) were inforined through a medium which admitted of no doubt, that the General had said, that a capitulation would be necessary. They on the same day addressed to Gov. Meigs, of Ohio, a letter of which the following is an extract. " Believe all the bearer will tell you. Believe it, how ever it may astonish you, as much as if told by one of us. Even a c is talked of by the . The bearer will fill the vacancy." The doubtful fate of this letter rendered it necessary to use circumspection in its details, and therefore these blanks were left. The word "capitulation" will fill the first and ' ' commanding general ' ' the other. As no enemy was near us, and as the superiority of our force was manifest, we could see no necessity for capitulating, nor any propriety in alluding to it. We therefore deter mined in the last resort to incur the responsibility of divesting the General of his command. This plan was eventually prevented by two of the commanding officers of regiments being ordered upon detachments. On the 13th, the British took a position opposite Detroit, and began to throw up works. DuHng that and the two following days, they pursued their object without interruption and estabUshed a battery of two 18 pouliders,' and an 8 inch howitzer. About sunset on the evening of the 14th, a detachment of 350 men from the regiments commanded by Col. M' Arthur and myself, was ordered to march to the river Raisin, to escort the provisions, which had some time remained there, protected by a party under the command of Capt. Brush. On Saturday the 15th, about one o'clock, a flag of truce arrived from Sandwich, bearing a summons from General Brock, for the surrender of the town and fort of Detroit, stating he could no longer restrain the fury of the savages. To this an immediate and spirited refusal LETTER OF COLONEL CASS 79 was returned. About 4 o'clock their batteries began to play upon the town. The fire was returned and continued without interruption and with little effect until dark. Their shells were thrown until 11 o'clock. At daylight the firing on both sides recommenced ; about the same time the enemy began to land troops at the Spring- Wells, three miles below Detroit, protected by two of their armed vessels. Between 6 and 7 o'clock, they had effected their land ing and immediately took up their line of march. They moved in a close column of platoons, twelve in front, upon the bank of the river. The fourth regiment was stationed in the fort ; the Ohio volunteers and a part of the Michigan militia, behind some pickets, in a situation in which the whole flank of the enemy would have been exposed. The residue of the Michigan militia were in the upper part of the town to resist the incursions of the savages. Two 24 pounders loaded with grape shot, were posted upon a commanding eminence, ready to sweep the advancing column. In this situation, the superiority of our position was apparent, and our troops in the eager expectation of victory, awaited the approach of the enemy. Not a sigh of discontent broke upon the ear ; not a look of cowardice met the eye. Every man expected a proud day for his country, and each was anxious th^t his indi vidual exertion should contribute to the general result. When the head of their column arrived within about 500 yards of our line, orders were received from Gen. Hull for the whole to retreat to the fort, and for the 24 pounders not to open upon the enemy. One universal burst of indignation was apparent upon the receipt of this order. Those whose conviction was the deliberate result of a dispassionate examination of passing events, saw the folly and impropriety of crowding i , 100 men into a little work, which 300 men could fully man, and into which the shot and shells of the enemy were falling. The fort was in this manner filled ; the men were directed to stack their arms, and scarcely was an opportunity afforded of moving. Shortly after, a white flag was hung out upon the walls. A British officer rode up to inquire the cause. A communication passed between the commanding Generals, which ended in the capitulation submitted to you. In entering into this capitulation. 8o brock's capture OF DETROIT the General took counsel from his own feelings only. Not an officer was consulted. Not one anticipated a surrender, till he saw the white flag displayed. Even the women were indignant at so shameful a degradation of the American character, and all felt as they should have felt, but he who held in his hands the reins of authority. ()ur morning report had that morning made out effect ive men present fit for duty i,o6o, without including the detachment before alluded to, and without including 300 of the Michigan militia on duty. About dark on Sun day evening, the detachment sent to escort the provisions, received orders from General Hull, to return with as much expedition as possible. About 10 o'clock the next day, they arrived in sight of Detroit. Had a firing been heard, or any resistance visible, they would have imme diately advanced and attacked the rear of the enemy. The situation in which this detachment was placed, although the result of accident, was the best for annoj'ing the enemy and cutting off his retreat, that could have been selected. With his raw troops enclosed between two fires, and no hopes of succour, it is hazarding little to say, that very few would have escaped. I have been informed by Col. Findlay, who saw the return of their Quarter-Master-General, the day after the surrender, that their whole force of every description white, red and black was 1,030. They had 29 platoons, 12 in a platoon, of men dressed in uniform. Many of these were evidently Canadian Militia. The rest bf their militia increased their white force to about 700 men. The number of their Indians could not be ascertained with any degree of precision ; not many were visible. And in the event of an attack upon the town and fort, it was a species of force which could have afforded no material advantage to the enemy. In endeavoring to appreciate the motives, and to inves tigate the causes which led to an event so unexpected and dishonorable, it is impossible to find any solution in the relative strength of the contending parties, or in the measures of resistance in our power. That we were far superior to the enemy ; that upon any ordinary principles of calculation, we could have defeated them, the wounded and indignant feelings of every man there will testify. A few days before the surrender, I was informed by Gen. Hull, we had 400 rounds of 24 pound shot fixed and i^H ¦ ^^^H^H^^H^^m«^' !r-^ 1 ^^^^^H HHRHH ^HH ||||||J^ ^ » 1 1 ' V iLj,.)' ^¦^^Hf t s ^m Hit' -V jH i^H, B' ' ^ .¦:'dMg jWJj ^mSsk HBlBHIteK Himr H" jiffeJB jQr^ n IB^I^ hH^ ^^ ^^^, ^^HF ^^.Mf BPr ,Wdl| !Cp»v> ^S^^^^^^B MffiMMuJiJilPIMi WSfS& ^gg^^^l^^H^^H 1 1 H^^H^BH General Lewis Cass. LEISTER OF COLONEL CASS 8 1 about 100,000 cartridges niade. We surrendered with the fort, 40 barrels of powder and 2,500 stand of arms. The state of our provisions has not been generally understood. On the day of the surrender we had 15 days' provisions of every kind on hand. Of meat there was plenty in the country, and arrangements had been made for purchasing and grinding the flour. It was calculated we could readily procure three month's pro-'. visions, independent of 150 barrels of flour, 1,300 head of cattle which had been forwarded from the State of Ohio, and which remained at the river Raisin under Captain Brush, within reach of the army. But had we been totally destitute of provisions, our duty and our interest undoubtedly was to fight. The enemy invited us to meet him in the field. By defeating him, the whole country would have been open to us, and the object of our expedition gloriously and successfully obtained. If we had been defeated we had nothing to do butto retreat tothe fort, and make the best defence which circumstances and our situation render ed practicable. But basely to surrender without firing a gun — tamely to submit without raising a bayonet — dis gracefully to pass in review before an enemy as inferior in the quality as in the number of his forces, were circumstances, which excited feelings of indignation more easily felt than described. To see the whole of our men flushed with the hope of victory, eagerly awaiting the approaching contest, to see them afterwards dispirited, hopeless, and desponding, at least 500 shedding tears be cause they were hot allowed to meet their country's foe and to fight their country's battles, excited sensations- which no American has ever before had cause to feel, and which, I trust in God, will never again be felt while one man remains to defend the standard of the union. I am expressly authorized to state, that Col. M' Arthur, Col. Finlay and Lieut.-Col. Miller, viewed this transac tion in the light which I do. They know and feel, that no circumstance in our situation — none in that of the enemy, can excuse a Capitulation so dishonorable and unjustifiable. This too is the universal sentiment among the troops : and I shall be surprised to learn, that there is one man, who thinks it was necessary to sheath his sword, or lay down his musket. I was informed by General Hull, the morning after the 82 brock's capture OF DETROIT Capitulation, that the British forces consisted of i,8oo regulars and that he surrendered to prevent the effusion of human blood. That he magnified their regular force nearly five-fold, there can be no doubt. Whether the philanthropic reason assigned by him is a sufficient justi fication for surrendering a fortified town, an army and a territory, is for the government to determine. Confident I am, that had the courage and conduct of the General been equal to the spirit and zeal of the troops, the event would have been as brilliant and success ful, as it now is disastrous and dishonorable. Very respectfully. Sir, I have the honor to be, your most obedient Servant, Lewis Cass, Col. 3rd Regt. Ohio volunteers. The Hon. Wm. Eustis, Secretary of War. Although it does not come strictly within the object of this narrative to comment upon the statements of the enemy, it should not be concealed that the apprehension, entertained by General Hull, of the increased danger to his troops, and to the comparatively defenceless town, of Detroit, arising from the expected arrival of reinforce ments of Indians from the West, was in a great degree well founded, and it was well known at the time, (al though a sentiment of shame at the yielding up of a post of such strength as Detroit, has since repudiated the measure,) that this was a sentiment by no means confined to General Hull. Mr. Robert Dickson, a gentleman to whom long intercourse with the Indians had imparted a knowledge of their character, and influence over their minds, which proved highly beneficial to the British cause, was then actively engaged in collecting some of the most warlike tribes ; while the present Colonel Askin of London, at that time in the Indian Department, was already within a few days' journey of Detroit, with abody of 270 Indian Warriors, under their Chief Big-gun. This little detachment had set out expressly for the relief of Amherstburg, and, on its passage down in birch canoes, encountered much peril and difficulty, having had to REVIEW OF hull's DESPATCH AND CASS' LETTER 83 cross Saginaw Bay, nearly fifty miles in extent, and for many hours, in their frail barks, even out of sight of the land. Such was the celerity of their movements, that they reached Amherstburg in the remarkably short period of six days from their departure from Michilimackinac, and about the same lapse of time from the surrender of Detroit. Thus it will appear, that General Hull was only wrong in as far as related to the actual position of the Indian reinforcements, on their way from the ' far West. Whether, however, this was an excuse for the abandonment of his strong post, without an effort in its defence, is a point of discussion which this narrative does not profess to entertain. Notwithstanding there are two strong feattures of dissimilarity between the letters of General Hull and Colonel Cass, to which it is impossible not to refer — namely the eagerness of the one to diminish his own force, and increase that of his adversary — and the not less evident desire of the other to show that, not only in the quantity, but the quality of his troops — in re sources, and in means of .defence of all kinds, the Ameri can General had decidedly the advantage. In truth, without absolutely adopting the opinion of Col. Cass, as expressed in regard to the inferiority of the British troops engaged on this occasion, the question which sug gests itself on reading General Hull's Official declaration, that he had not more than 800 men on the day when General Brock appeared before Detroit naturally is — where were the 2,300 men who had been marched, little more than a month - previously, through the State of Michigan, and the sound of whose drums, heard from Brownstown, as they passed through that village, was the , first intimation the little garrison of Amherstburg had of the proximity of so formidable a force? True, 400 men had been detached under Colonel Cass, (those, as it has been seen, were included in the capitulation) but where were the remainder ? Not one hundred suf fered at Maguaga. Certainly not fifty during the whole 84 brock's capture OF DETROIT of the skirmishing at the Canard ; nor had the defeat of Major Van Horne cost the Americans more than five and twenty men — in all, at the very utmost, 200. Here then was a decrease of 600 men, leaving under the immediate orders of the American General, 1,700 men , exclusive of the troops composing the garrison of Detroit' on his ar rival, and the Michigan militia. General Hull alludes to his crowded hospitals. Did these contain, or had he on his sick list, 900 men ? Impossible. These strictures are necessary, because the gallant 41st and the -equally gallant and patriotic volunteers who followed General Brock to the theatre of action, cannot submit to be de prived of the glory which was theirs, under their dis- iJn 1694 Antoine de la Motte Cadillac, an enthusiastic young French oflSlcer, was rewarded by Frontenac, the Governor of New France, for his services in Acadia by being appointed to the com mand of Michilimackinac. He had passed through the Detroit river, and his quick eye saw its advantages as a site for a new post to command the trade of the west. When on a visit to France after his flve years of command at Michilimackinac he represented to Count Pontchartrain, the Colonial Minister, the importance of building a new post on the Detroit. He was successful in his rep resentations, and was given a grant of fifteen acres square of land anywhere on the Detroit and the commission bf Commandant. In 1761 he built a stockade fort containing about three acres, with log blockhouses at the corners, and named it Fort Pontchartrain after his patron. Three years afterwards the Indians made an un successful attempt to burn it. In Nov., 1760, Major Robert Rogers received its surrender to Great Britain. Pontiac besieged it in 1763, and after nearly flfteen months of weary but stubborn resist ance the British were relieved. The story of this siege is told in the novel of "Wacousta" by Major Richardson. In the Fall of 1778 a new fort was laid out some distance farther from the river than the old stockade fort by Captain Henrv Bird, and nained Fort Lernoult after Major Lernonlt of the 8th"(King's) Regiment, the officer in command there. It was evacuated by the British in 1796, and the guns and ^rrison transferred to Fort Amherstburg, a new fort in the township ot Maiden on the Canadian side of the river, eighteen miles farther south. From its evacuation in 1796, until Procter's retreat in 1813, it appears to have been referred to simply as Fort Detroit, a name by which it was known when cap tured by Brock on August 16th, 1812. In the Canadian Archives a plan of this Fort is given as repaired in 1812, and it is called "Fort L'Arnaud," evidently an attempt to revive the original name by someone who knew the sound but not the correct orthog raphy of Fort Lernoult. W^hen taken possession of by Gen. Harrison it was called Fort Shelby in honor of the governor of how brock saved CANADA 85 tinguished leader, on the occasion of the capture of De troit. They beUeved, and with every reason (for they knew not of the departure of Col. Cass, for the River Raisin) that they were marching to the conquest of a post which was defended by at least two thousand men — and they have an undeniable right to impugn a statement which, incorrectly and for a sinister purpose, reduces that force, on paper, by two-thirds of the amount. Honor to whom honor is due. In the capture of Detroit, General Brock has been termed the saviour of Canada, and most deservedly so. Had he not struck the blow he did, and at the time he did, at the American power in the West, Upper Canada — nay both the Canadas must have been yielded to the triumph ant arms of the United States. At this period the whole force of the Province consisted of four Regiments of the Kentucky, who accompanied Harrison in his victorious campaign. In 1826 it was given to the city of Detroit, and in the Spring ot 1827, the embankments were taken away, the ground levelled and streets continued over its site. Major James Dalliba, at the trial of Gen. Hull, gave the follow ing description of the Fort at the time of its surrender in 1812. "The fort lies on the highest ground in a circumference of three miles, was a regular half bastion fort, composed of 4 curtains and 4 half bastions, about 100 yards on each face, not including the half bastions ; about 75 yards being the extreme length of the curtain — ^that the fort was made partly of earth — the parapet eleven feet in elevation — the thickness of the top of the parapet about 12 feet, the banquet for Infantry six feet from the foun dation or level of the fort, and five feet from the parapet — the whole width of the rampart at its base 26 feet — at the bottom of the exterior or slope of the parapet tbere was a horizontal space of ground about 2 or 3 feet in width, extending around the whole cir cumference of the work, the ditch upon an average was from five to six feet deep, and at the bottom 12 feet wide, beyond the ex terior or slope of the ditch anscope, or glacis or esplanade. There was formerly a covert way, of which traces were remaining unhurt. In the bottom of the ditch around the fort there was a row of pickets of cedar, nearly new, (12) in. diameter and 11 or 12 feethigh; these pickets were fastened together by a rib — The gate was strongly made of plank with spikes ; over the gate was a look out house, also strongly built in the fall of 1811 — cannon were mounted in the embrazures, most of which were repaired and put in good order in 1811, and the fort was, generally, in good order and in good repair." 86 brock's capture of Detroit line, namely, the Sth, 41st, 49th, and looth and, added to these, the Canadian and Glengarry Fencibles, and a few companies of Veterans, and of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. So insignificant a force could have availed little against the hordes of American irregular troops which would have been poured in from the west, along the Delaware and Burlington routes, and which moving in rear of the centre and left divisions, must necessarily have cut off their communication with the interior of the country, and so straitened their supplies as to have ren dered them an eventual conquest. That General Hull would have recovered from the temporary panic, which seems to have induced his relinquishment of his position at Sandwich there can be no nianner of doubt ; but even if he had not done so, and reduced Amherstburg, which was of vital importance to the American interests, there were other leaders, and other armies, already on their way to reinforce him, and the subjugation of the Western Dis trict must, on their arrival, have been assured. What then would have been the result ? Half of the Indians, already bearing arms on our side, would either have seceded from a cause which they conceived us too helpless to defend, or have joined the American flag, while those who were undecided which party to join, would have thrown their influence and numbers into the opposite ranks. As Gen eral Hull has truly enough stated in his official letter, most of the Militia of the District — particularly the French Canadian portion of the population, were daily thinning our ranks, by returning to their homes, and it required but some strong and effective demonstration, on the part of the enemy, to have left the regular troops in the West to their own unaided exertions. Fortunately it was fated to be otherwise. General Brock, with that keenness of perception, and promptitude of action, which was so emi nently characteristic of his brief but glorious career, at once saw the danger, and flew to meet and avert it. He TRANSPORTATION OF PRISONERS 87 well knew that, on the destruction or discomfiture of the North Western Army, depended the safety of the Prov ince committed to his charge, and the enterprise, which he himself has termed hazardous, was perilled only after profound reflection and conviction. He justly enter tained the belief that while, on the one hand, the slight est delay and incertitude of action, would be fatal to the interests of Great Britain inasmuch as it must have a tendency to discourage, not only the inhabitants of the Province, but our Indian allies, there was, on the other, every probability that an immediate and vigorous attack, upon an enemy, who had already lost so much time in inactivity, and who had abandoned so many advantages, would be crowned with success. It was a bold — an almost dangerous measure ; but the danger of the country was greater, and he resolved to try the issue. He succeeded; from that hour Canada was saved. Independently of ' ' 400 rounds of 24 pound shot, al ready fixed : about 100,000 cartridges made up : 40 bar rels of powder : and 2,500 stand of arms," which had been admitted by General HuU, to Colonel Cass, to have been in the fort on the day of the surrender, there was also a quantity of camp equipage such as tents, waggons, entrenching tools, etc. , and moreover in the harbour, a very fine brig, the Adams, then unarmed, but hitherto employed in the transport of stores for the use of the garrison of Detroit. With this vessel a very gallant affair was connected, only a few days after the capitulation. Agreeable to the terms of this, the irregular forces of General Hull were transported by water to Buffalo, there to be disembarked preparatory to their return into their native State, Ohio, while the regular troops, principally the 4th U.S. Infantry, were landed at Fort Erie, with a view of being marched on, as prisoners of war, to Lower Canada. The armed vessels already named, as having covered 88 brock's capture of Detroit our landing, on the i6th, were put in requisition for this service, and to these w^re added the Adams (re-named the Detroit) and the Caledonia, a fine merchant brig, the property of Angus Macintosh, Esquire, of Moy, a few miles above Windsor. I do not recollect who was ap pointed to the command of the Detroit, ' but the Caledonia had her own Captain — Mr. Irvine, a young Scotchman of a peculiarly retiring and amiable disposition and gentle manly manners, yet endowed with great- firmness and resolution of character. These two vessels, having reached their destination for landing the prisoners, were then lying, wholly unprotected and unsuspicious of dan ger, in theharbour of (Fort) Erie when, one dark night, they found themselves assailed by two large boats, filled with American sailors and troops which had dropped alongside without being perceived, until it was too late for any thing like effectual resistance. The Detroit was almost immediately carried, but the young Captain of the Cale donia, which lay a little below her, aroused from his bed 'The commander of the Detroit on this occasion was Lieutenant Frederic Rolette, who was born in Quebec in 1783. At an early' age he enlisted in the British navy, and soon had the honor of taking part in the two greatest naval battles ever fought, and under the most illustrious naval officer that ever lived. At the Battle of the Nile he received five wounds, and was present at Trafalgar, where the combined naval power of France and Spain was annihilated by Nelson. Soon atter this he returned home, and was appointed a second Lieutenant in the Provincial Marine on Oct. 4th, 1807, and on April 25th, 1812, was promoted to a flrst Lieutenantcy and given command ot the brig Hunter on Lake Erie. On July 1st, 1812, Gen. Hull put his sick, the officers' bag gage and some supplies on board of the Cayahoga or Cayuga Packet at the rapids of the Miami to be taken" to Detroit, but on passing up the Detroit river this vessel was captured by Lieut. Rolette on the 3rd ot July. At the battle of the river Raisin, when the marines acted with land forces, Lieut. Rolette was wounded on the head. Robert Reynolds, of Amherstburg, who was Deputy Assistant-Commissary General, says Rolette's lite was saved by a thick handkerchief tied around his head for the head ache. He was second officer of the Lady Prevost, one of the ves sels of Captain Barclay's fleet that was defeated on Sept. 10th, 1813, by the fleet ot Captain Perry. Taken prisoner on this occa sion, he remained in captivity till the fall ot 1814. At the close ot the war he was presented with a sword by the people of his native city. He died at Quebec on the 17th of March, 1831. THE DETROIT AND CALEDONIA SURPRISED 89 Tjy the confusion on board his consort, prepared for a vig orous, although almost entirely personal, resistance. Hastily arming himself, and calling on his little and in experienced crew (scarcely exceeding a dozen men) to do the same, he threw himself in the gangway, and dis charged a loaded blunderbuss into the first advancing lioat, now dropping from the re-captured Detroit to board the Caledonia. The enemy were staggered, but still they pursued their object, and Mr. Irvine had barely time to discharge a second blunderbuss into the same boat, when be was felled to the deck by a cutlass-stroke from one of the crew of the second party which had boarded him on the opposite gangway. The Caledonia was then secured by her captors, but the Detroit, having grounded, was de stroyed. The intrepidity and self-devotion of Mr. Irvine, whose single arm it appeared, had killed and wounded no less than seven of his assailants, met with that, reward it so richly merited. The he^ds of the Naval Department, anxious to secure so gallant an Officer to the service, tendered tp him on his exchange, which took place shortly after, the commission of a Lieutenant in the Pro vincial Navy, in which capacity he continued to serve during the whole of the naval operations connected with the Right Division. But I shall have occasion again to refer to the gallant bearing of Mr. Irvine. The surprise of the Detroit and Caledonia was consid ered by the Americans, at that time, a very briUiant feat, and contributed in some degree to dissipate the gloom which the surrender of General HuU and his army had occasioned. But without in the slightest way seeking to impeach the American character for bravery, it is impos sible to look on the exploit in the light in which they would have it considered. Both vessels having been simply employed in cartel service, were without other than the commonest means of defence pecuUar to mfer- 90 brock's capture OF DETROIT chantmen, while their crews were not only weak in num ber, but composed of a class of men — French Canadian sailors and voyageurs — who were ill-qualified to compete with two full boat-loads of practised aind resolute American sailors and soldiers. Moreover both vessels lay in perfect security, and utter absence of preparation. They did not conceive it necessary to be on the alert, because they imagined that the present pacific character in which they appeared, would have shielded them froih all hostile attempt. At the moment of the surprise, both vessels had on board the prisoners with whom they had left the fort of Detroit for the purpose of being landed at Buffalo. However inclined to aggression, the Americans were not justified in violating the sanctity of the flag which, of course, continued to float as long as there were American prisoners on board, remaining to be landed. It is true, it must be admitted that an unusual feeling of exasperation had been induced by the surrender of General Hull and his army, for when the 4th Regiment, with the other broken corps of the American line, were marched from Fort Erie, where they had been landed from the Queen Charlotte, on their route for the Lower Province, and es corted only by a portion of the detachment which had joined us at Maguaga, they were fired upon by stragglers- from the masses of men who were seen lining the opposite banks of the Niagara river, remarking with evident dis pleasure the march of the captured troops, and thus giv ing vent to their indignation. An accident, at one time promising results far more serious than any which could spring from the capture of the vessels just named, occurred about the same period. General Brock, anxious to assume the offensive on the Niagara frontier, lost not a moment in returning acrosS' the lake, ordering down at the same time, not only the- Toronto Militia, but those troops of the, 41st, who- had preceded and accompanied him to Detroit. The- NARROW ESCAPE OF BROCK 9 1 Queen Ch,arlotte, principally laden -with the regulars of the captured army, had sailed on the very evening of the surrender, and General Brock the next day embarked in a very small trading schooner, onboard which were about 70 Ohio Riflemen, guarded by a small party of militia rifles, which composed a portion of the volunteers from Toronto. During the passage none of the guard were on any account permitted to go below, either by day or by night, and not more than half a dozen Americans were allowed to be upon deck at the same time — the hatches being secured above the remainder. It was a duty of some fatigue, and requiring the exercise of the utmost vigilance on the part of the little guard. One moming, about day break, when by their reckoning they judged they were close to the harbor of Fort Erie, they found themselves suddenly becalmed, and in the midst of a fog which had commenced during the night. As the sun rose the fog began to disperse, but the calm prevailed, and gradually, as the wreathing mists rolled upward, the guard discovered, to their dismay, that they were close upon the American shore near Buffalo. The danger was imminent, for a number of persons were already as sembled, e-vidently at a loss to discover to what flag the vessel belonged, and wondering what had brought her into a position entirely out of the usual course of naviga tion. In this emergency, the officer commanding the watch (Lieut. Jarvis, now Superintendent of Indian affairs) hastened below to acquaint General Brock, who was Ijdng pn his bed, with the danger which threatened the vessel, which it was impossible, by reason of the calm, to get farther from the shore. General Brock im mediately sprang to his feet, and rushing upon deck, saw the situation of the vessel was precisely what has been described. He was extremely angry, and turning to the master of the schooner, said, "You scoundrel, you have betrayed me, let but one shot be fired from the shore and (pointing to it) I will run you up on the instant to 92 brock's capture of DETROIT that yard-arm." The master, though innocent of all de sign, was greatly alarmed by the stem threat of the Gen eral, and as the only possible means of extricating the vessel from her perilous situation, ordered several of his crew into a small punt, attached to her stern, the only boat belonging to her. In this they attempted to tow her, but made so little progress that one of the guard asked per mission of the General to discharge his rifle, in order to attract the attention of the Queen Charlotte, then lying at anchor between point Abino and Fort Erie, to a signal which had been previously hoisted. Apprehensive that the shot might not be heard by their friends, while it might be the means of informing the enemy of their true charac ter. General Brock at first refused his sanction, but as the man seemed confident that the report of his rifle would reach the other shore, he finall3' assented, and the shot was fired. Soon afterwards the answering signal was run up to the masthead of the Queen Charlotte, and that ves sel, seeing the doubtful situation of the schooner, on board which however they were not aware the General had embarked, immediately weighed her anchor, and standing over to the American shore, under a slight breeze which was then beginning to rise hastened to cover the little bark -with her battery. Taking her in tow she brought her safely into the harbour of (Fort) Erie, greatly to the joy of those who, aware of the invaluable freight with which the schooner was charged, had, on the weighing of the Queen Charlotte's anchor, entertained the utmost ap prehension for the safety of the becalmed vessel, and watched with deep interest the vain attempts of her crew to bring her off. EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE The fall of Detroit having secured the tranquillity of Amherstburg and its contiguous districts, an expedition was projected into the interior of the enemy' s country, the object of which was the destruction of Fort Wayne, a post distant several hundred miles, and serving as a depot for stores, from which the various troops of the enemy, pushed forward to the frontier, were supplied. The gar rison, according to the intelligence received was closely invested, by the Indians, and consisted merely of a few hundred men, and a few pieces of cannon indifferently mounted. Towards the close of September, a small de tachment of troops, a ho-witzer, and two field pieces, un der the command of Brevet Major Muir, were embarked in boats, and proceeded across the lake to the Miami vil lage, situated about fifteen miles beyond the entrance of the river of the same name. Being there joined by the body of Indians destined to form a part of the expedi tion, the detachment continued its route by land, and along a tract of country bearing no mark of civilization whatever. Our only covering was the canopy of Heaven or rather the arches formed by the intermingling boughs of the forest through which we moved, and not even the wigwam of the savage arose to diversify the monotony of the scene. The difficulty of conveying the guns by land caused their transportation to be a work of much time ; and the river from the point where we had disembarked, was so extremely low as to render the progress of the boats, following the sinuosities of its course, tedious to the last degree. Having at length, after much toil, 93 94 EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE gained that part of the Miami, where it was intended to disembark the stores, every obstacle appeared to be re moved, and the capture of Fort Wayne, then at no great distance, an event looked forward to with confidence. Fate, however, had ordained otherwise. About nine o'clock on the evening of our arrival, the shrill, cry of our scouts was heard echoing throughout the forest, and soon afterwards seven Indians issued from the wood on the opposite shore, and, leaping through the river, reached our encampment with the scalps of several Americans. The account they gave of their adventure was to the following effect. At a distance of a few leagues, while advancing cautiously along the road', they observed a party, five in number, in a glen, and seated round a large fire, where they were busily occupied in preparing their food. After a slight consultation they proceeded towards the group, and had approached within a few paces before they were perceived by the Ameri cans, who instantly flew to their arms, and assumed a posture of defence. The Indians, however, held out their hands in token of amity, and were suffered to enter the circle. Here, pretending to be in the American in terest, and describing themselves as hunters on their way to one of their villages, they succeeded in lulling the suspicions of the officer, who, in return, communicated to them that the party he commanded were scouts pre ceding the advanced guard of an army of 2,500 men, then on their march for the Miami village, and only distant a few miles. This disclosure obtained, the Indians, satis fied that they had no time to lose, and throwing off the mask, desired them to deliver up their arms. The aston ished party thus entrapped, and unwilling to risk a con test with a superior force, consented to accompany them as their prisoners, but positively refused to relinquish their rifles. They all therefore proceeded in silence to wards our encampment, three Indians on each flank of AMERICAN SCOUTS KILLED BY INDIANS 95 their prisoners, and one in the rear. On the approach of evening, the Americans were again desired to deliver up their rifles, and on refusing to do so, at a signal given by one of the Indians, the whole of his party dropped, one by one, and apparently without premeditation, behind. Each then selected his victim, and four of these unhappy men fell to rise no more. The officer alone, slightly wounded, made an ineffectual attempt to escape, but closely pursued through the intricacies of the forest by two of his foes, he was at length overtaken, and felled to the earth by a blow from a tomahawk. This cruel scene must have taken place at no great distance from our en campment, the shots having been distinctly heard about half an hour before the appearance of the Indians, who, on being questioned, excused their conduct, under the plea of the Americans being nearly equal in numbers to themselves, and obstinately refusing to deliver up their arms — circumstances which rendered their destruction, at the approach of evening, a measure of self -security — es pecially so, as having been sent in advance four or five days before, they were not aware of our being encamped at so short a distance. In consequence of the foregoing intelligence, all idea of continuing the expedition against Fort Wayne was aban doned, and the boats were ordered the same evening to descend the river. Major Muir ha-ving, however, resolved to await the approach of the enemy, a position was taken up early on the following morning on the heights over looking the ford at which the Americans were expected to cross. Ha-ving passed the whole of the day in the vain expectation of his appearance, it was at length decided on, that the enemy apprised of our vicinity by the view of the bodies of their scouts slain the evening before, had taken a different direction, and instead of traversing the river at the usual ford, had forced their march by a less frequented route on the opposite shore. Such a ma noeuvre on the pai't of the American general would neces- . 96 EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE sarily have cut off our retreat, and we must have com bated an enemy infinitely superior in numbers, under every disadvantage, in the heart of his own country and,. in the event of our boats falling into his hands, destitute of every resource. The detachment was consequently ordered to retire on the old fort of Defiance, situated about half way between the Miama village and the point from whence we commenced our retreat, formerly garrisoned by the British troops, dm-ing the celebrated Pontiac war, so fatally waged against us by the confederated tribes of Indians, but then in a state of utter ruin and dilapidation. Having crossed the river at this place, a position was. again taken up at a point beyond which the enemy could not effect his passage unperceived. Here, however, we did not long remain. Early on the morning after our arrival, a party of Indians appeared along our line, con ducting a prisoner they had found straying in the woods, at a short distance from the enemy's camp. From his account it appeared that the information given by the American officer was perfectly correct. The force of the enemy consisted of 2,500 men, under the command of Gen eral Winchester ; and were destined for the Miami, where it was intended to construct a fortification. On arriving at the spot where their slaughtered scouts lay unburied along the road, an alarm was spread throughout their columns, and deeming a numerous enemy to be in their front, it was thought prudent to entrench themselves where they were. For this purpose trees were immedi ately felled, and in the course of a few hours, with that expedition for which the Western Americans, with whom' the axe is almost as indispensable a weapon as the rifle, are remarkable, an enclosure -with interstices for musquetry, and sufficiently large to contain their whole force, to gether -with their baggage and waggons, was completed. It being evident from this intelUgence, that the object of our enterprise was entirely frustrated, and that an attack MAJOR muir's retreat 97 on the enemy's entrenchment with our feeble force, if unsuccessful , must necessarily compromise the safety of our own posts, Major Muir decided on returning to Amherst burg, which fortress the detachment at length reached after a fruitless absence of three weeks. Although little or no mention has ever been made of our retreat from Fort Wa5me, before so overwhelming a force as that which we so unexpectedly encountered, and by which we ought to have been annihilated, the utmost praise is due to Major Muir for ha-ving accomplished it, not only without the loss of a man of his detachment, but even without the abandonment of any of his guns or stores, which, as has already been stated, were being transported with great toil and difficulty. Every thing was brought off, and at no one moment was our march precipitate. Indeed, of the bold front assumed by the detachment, some idea may be formed from the following brief accounts which appeared in the American papers, even during the time we were retiring upon Amherst burg. Chillicothe, Oct. 6th, 1812. Col. James Dunlop, who returned last evening from St. Mary's, reports that an express arrived from that place to General Harrison from General Winchester, urging him to repair immediately to Fort Defiance. That Harrison marched with all expedition at the head of 2,500 or 3,000 mounted rifles. The express stated that General Winchester was at or near Fort Defiance, -with about 3,000 Ohio and Kentucky volunteers, and that a body of Indians and British amounting to 2,000 or 3,000 -with six pieces of Artillery, lay encamped about three miles from him. Winchester was hourly expecting an attack. Chillicothe, October 7 th, 181 2. The vanguard of the North Western army, under General Winchester, arrived some days ago at Isidonia from Fort Defiance. It was composed of Payne's Bri gade of Kentucky Volunteers, Gerrard' s troop of Dra goons, and about 400 of the 17th Regiment of regulars. 98 EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE They advanced to within three miles of Fort Defiance (on which we had retired) and there found 3,000 British and Indians with six pieces of artillery who had fortified themselves in the Fort. Winchester also fortified his camp and waited for reinforcements. Now as I was on this, as well as every other expedi tion undertaken by the Right Division, during its mih tary existence, I can, from my own personal knowledge, aver that there were not more than 150 regular troops of every description, (principally the 41st) and the same number of militia, composing the detachment under Major Muir, on this occasion. My impression — and it is a very strong one — is that it did not exceed two-thirds of that number, but as, unfortunately, all official papers connected -with the Regiment were lost at the Moravian- town, it has been utterly impossible to ascertain the cor rect embarkation return of the troops employed on this, as well as on various other similar occasions. If I admit 300 men, I do so, not from a belief that there was so many, but from an apprehension of underrating our actual strength. Our Indian force did not exceed 500 men, and our artillery, as has been stated, consisted of one small howitzer — (the calibre I forget) — and two three-pounders. We did not fortify ourselves in Fort Defiance, but occupied it one day, during the greater part of which we continued on the skirt of the surrounding wood, provoking the enemy to attack us, by the occa sional advance and retreat of the Indians. Three days, at different periods, during the time it took us to retire, covering our guns and stores, we halted and formed, in order to give the enemy time to come up, and of the po sition we had assumed on the very last day, after cross ing the Miami at the ford near the Rapids, some idea may be formed, from the following extracts from a re port from General Tupper, who commanded the Ken tucky riflemen of General Winchester's Division. AMERICAN ACCOUNTS 99 General Tupper to General Harrison, Urbana, Oct. 12th, 1812. Sir, — On receiving your order of the 4th inst., to proceed to the Rapids, with the whole force of mounted men under my command, whose horses were in a con dition to perform the service ; I caused an examination to be immediately had, and found that there still remained 960 men, including officers, in a condition to march, including also Captain Bacon's and one other company which left us the morning following. I ordered returns to be made so that each man shotfld be furnished with 12 rounds ; this return amounted to .4,500 cartridges for the musket men, exclusive of Major Roper's battalion ; the ammunition of the riflemen having received very little damage. Quarter-Master Bassay called on the Quarter-Master in General Winchester's camp, and returned without a supply. About one o'clock this day, a man belonging to Captain Manary' s company of Rangers, was killed and scalped across the Miami, within two hundred yards of otir camp. I gave immediate orders to arm, and in five minutes, to horse, but owing to our being compelled to confine our horses during the night, and graze them by day, for want of forage, the greater part, at this moment, were under keepers, nearly one mile from camp up the Auglaise. In the meantime I permitted Major Brush to cross over with about 50 foot, to examine the bank, and see in what direction the Indians had retired, but before he reached the opposite shore, every horseman vVhose horse was in camp, was mounted to follow over. It was in vain that I made an attempt to keep them back, till they were formed — they broke off in numbers from 20 to 30, mostly without their officers and crossed the woods in every direction ; a party of 15 fell upon the trail of the Indians, and at 7 or 8 miles distance, overtook them, but finding them halted and formed, our men, without waiting for a discharge from the enemy, returned to camp. ^If ^fc die ^}c ^fe ^z When it was found that General Winchester had sus pended me in the command, the whole force from Ohio broke off, crossed the Auglaise, and refused to march as directed by General Winchester. With the then remaining force I proceeded to this IOO EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE place, where I directed Col. Findlay and Major Roper to discharge such men as had continued to their duty. Thus, Sir, has terminated an expedition, at one time capable of tearing the British flag from the walls of Detroit, wherein our troops might have returned, with the pleasing reflection of having done their country an essential service. It is a duty. Sir, I owe to the officers of the Kentucky force, to Colonel Findlay and the officers of the first BattaUon, to say that they were zealous in pressing forward the expedition ; while the officers of the second Battalion, commanded by Major Taylor, with a few exceptions, were shrinking from their duty, and shame fully deserting the cause of their country. , The detachment of Colonel Simral's Regiment from our force, stands prominent among the causes of our failure ; already was there panic in some parts of our camp ; the enemy that had retired at General Win chester's approach, had been greatly magnified. The day succeeding the alarm, he drew in one wing of his lines, and strengthened his camp with a breastwork — even this circumstance was noticed and urged as an e-vidence that he apprehended a force superior to his o-wn. Thus, when imaginary obstacles unite with those that are real, to oppose the movements of a force so insubor dinate, as that every man's -will is his law, little can be expected by the officers, but a plentiful harvest of morti fication and disgrace. At the period of this expedition, to my young and un practised military eye, the movements of our little force had appeared scarcely worthy of remark, because we had had no actual fighting, but, of later years, and particu larly after having had access to the American accounts of our retreat, my impression of its extreme miUtary tact and judiciousness has been greatly increased. In truth it is the only affair during the whole of the War of 1 812, in which anything approaching to manoeuvre was displayed', for the simple reason that no other "opportunity had ever been afforded. Here however was a ten days' retreat, con ducted by the leader of a handful of men, before a vastly superior force of the enemy, to whom battle had been INDIAN ADOPTION OF A PRISONER IOI offered on three several occasions during that period, and that in a manner to reflect a credit upon the gallant Major Muir, which should not be lost sight of by the future historian of this country. James, in his History of the War, despatches the sub ject of Fort Wayne in a very summary manner. He states that it was contemplated to send an expedition against it, but that the idea was abandoned in conse quence of General Brock having communicated to Colo nel Procter at Amherstburg, information of the armis tice which had been concluded with General Dearborn, by Sir George Prevost, expressing at the same time a de sire, that although the armistice did not extend to Gen eral Hull's recent command, the Indians should be re strained as much as possible, from the commission of any act of hostility. Now, not only, as it is seen, was the idea not abandoned, but the expedition had penetrated a greater distance (nearly two hundred miles) into the enemy's country, and were longer absent from the gar rison, than any other that subsequently left the harbor of Amherstburg. A day or two before our return from this long and tedious expedition, we saw the prisoner who had been taken by the Indians, soon after we commenced our ret rograde movement. He had been with the person al luded to in General Tupper's report to General Harrison, as having been killed and scalped within two hundred yards of their encampment, and to avenge whose death the Kentucky mounted riflemen had evinced so much fruitless alacrity. The captive was already adopted in that tribe of Indians, to which his captors belonged, and was habited after their manner. His head was partly shaved, and covered with a handkerchief, rolled in the form of a turban. His face was painted several colors, and so complete was the metamorphosis, that but for the whiteness of sl^in visible through several parts of his dress', it would have been difficult to distinguish him from I02 EXPEDITION TO FORT WAYNE those by whom he was surrounded. At the moment we saw him, he was seated in a tent, sharing the evening meal of his new countrymen, with much appetite and un concern. He expressed himself as being quite reconciled to his new condition, and spoke with warmth of the kind treatment he had received ; nor did he seem to attach much consequence to the assurance given him that every exertion would be made on our return to obtain his lib eration. We saw him some weeks later at Amherstburg; and strange as it may appear, he assured us that he pre ferred the idle life he had led among the Indians, to a re petition of active service in the American army. About this period Mr. Robert Dickson arrived at Amherstburg with a number of canoes, filled with war riors of the fiercest character and appearance. Among the most remarkable of these tribes were the Sawkies, •- a race of men, whose towering height, athletic forms, and nobleness of feature, might recall the idea of the Romans in the earlier stages of their barbarity ; and another tribe whose Indian name I do not recollect, but who were kno-wn among ourselves by their assumed appellation of devoted men. The. costume of the latter was a dress of white leather, extremely pliant, and curiously embroidered with the stained quills of the porcupine, in the preparation of which the natives evince much taste and ingenuity. They were few in number, and, professing to hold death in derision, were looked upon by the other warriors much in the same light that we regard our forlorn hope, the post of danger being reserved for them. One of their chiefs having been invited to breakfast with several officers of the garrison, was at much pains, in the course of the meal, to impress upon the minds of his hosts the particu lar virtues of his tribe; and in order to demonstrate more fully the extent to which they carried their disregard of pain or death, drew a sharp knife from its sheath, I Sacs or Sauks from the vicinity ofthe Sac River, Missouri. DIFFICULT DUTIES OF THE 4 1 ST REGIMENT I03 and, having cut a piece of flesh out of one of his thighs, threw it contemptuously away, exclaiming that ' ' he gave it to the dogs." The arrival of this reinforcement increased our Indian force to about three thousand warriors. The small de tachment of the 41st Regiment not 300 strong, and a company of the Newfoundland Fencibles, composed the whole of our regular force. The latter were, however, employed as Marines on board the different vessels of war, so that the defence of the two fortresses of Detroit and Amherstburg was entrusted to the 41st alone. Major Muir's report of the Expedition to FortWayne is given in the appendix. VI , BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS The month of October was marked by an event of the most melancholy and disastrous nature — the death of the noble Brock, who fell a victim to the daring and intre pidity of his character, and in the performance of a duty which should have been executed by a captain of a com pany. On his arrival at Fort George, which he reached in eight days from the surrender of Detroit, the General found, to his great dismay, that an armistice had been entered into and concluded, during his absence, between Sir George Prevost and General Dearborn, Commander-in- Chief of the American Army, so that the whole of his plans of operation were deranged, and instead of carrying the American fort of Niagara by an instant coup de main as he had proposed, and which was to have been a pre liminary to more extended offensive demonstrations, he found himself compelled to sit quietly down in presence of his enemy, and watch, without being enabled to in terrupt them, his unremitting preparations for defence. From this state of supineness and mortification he was only first actively aroused on the early morning of the 13 th of October by an alarm given by the sentinel sta tioned at the point above Fort George, that he had seen and heard firing in the direction of Queenstown. , In a few minutes the General was on his horse, and, unat tended even by an Aid-de-Camp, galloped onward to , Queenstown to ascertain the cause of the alarm. On ar riving about half-way to Brown's Point, he was met by Lieut. Jarvis, of Captain Cameron's Flank Company of York Militia, which, with Captain Heward's, was sta- 101 From a picture in possession of J. Ross Robertson, Toronto. QUEENSTON I 8 1 2 . QUEENSTON ATTACKED BY AMERICANS I05 tioned there. This officer had been on guard at what was called the half -tooon battery, about mid-way between Queensto-wn and Niagara, and observing on the water, opposite to the former place, numerous and rapid flashes of fire-arms, had alarmed the officer commanding the de tachment, who immediately ordered the two companies under arms. An officer was at the same time despatched to Queenstown, to obtain information. Scarcely had the men been turned out, when an officer, who had passed their own messenger on the road, arrived from Queenstown with intelligence that the Americans were crossing in force, and an order forthe detachment at Bro-wn's Point to march up immediately, and assist in opposing their landing. He was moreover directed to desire that the officer commanding should instantly despatch a mes senger to Fort George, to apprize General Brock of the movement of the enemy. Lieut. Jarvis, who happened to be the only person mounted, was ordered on this ser vice, and he had galloped about half-way to Fort George, when he met General Brock, wholly imat tended, cantering his charger up the Queenstown road. As the daj' had begun to da-wn, Lieut. Jarvis had no difficulty in recog nizing the General, but such was the spirit of his horse that he could not rein him in, but was borne past, shout ing out to his Chief to stop, as he had most important news to communicate. But the General was too im patient to reach the scene of danger to delay a moment, and beckoning the officer to follow him, he still con tinued his course. After the lapse of a few minutes Lieut. Jarvis succeeded in reining in, and wheeling his restive horse, and soon gaining the General's side, com municated his information. Without in the slightest de gree abating his speed even for an instant, the General listened, and then gave his orders. These were that Lieutenant Jarvis should go with all speed to Fort George, and order up General Sheaffe with the whole of the re serve. He moreover particularly directed that the In- I06 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS dians, a small party of whom were encamped near Fort George, should be thrown out upon the right, to occupy the woods, during the advance of the reserve to his sup port. Scarcely had Lieut. Jarvis lost sight of the General, on his way to execute the order he had received, when he was met by Col. Macdonell, who was following after his Chief, and who, in his hurry to overtake him, had left Fort George without even recollecting that he was tmpro- vided with his sword. Having satisfied himself that the General was not far in advance, he begged Lieut. Jarvis to supply the deficiency, stating at the same time where he would find his own sabre, in his quarters at Fort George, and desiring him to appropriate it to his. use for the day. The young officer complied with his request, and hurriedly parted with the gallant Colonel, as he had with the General, for ever. Having given these brief yet interesting particulars, in regard to the two brave men whose ashes now repose under the same monumental stone, on the heights near which they fell, only a few hours later, it is time to pass to the scene of action to which they were hastening. The Americans, availing themselves of the armistice entered into by Sir George Prevost, had contrived to push forward a large force to their camp at Le-wiston, under General Van Rensselaer, with the -view of an invasion of Canada, similar to that of General Hull. Their force was a powerful one, and their plan of operation highly judi cious, but fortunately it failed, from want of unanimity and ardor in the irregular portion of their troops. Gen eral Van Rensselaer having concerted his mode of attack, caused thirteen boats to be collected in the course of the 1 2th of October, for the purpose of crossing over his army long before the dawn of the foUo-wing day. James, who seems to be good authority in this matter, states — "The embarkation was to have taken place as follows: Col. Van Rensselaer, who commanded, with 300 militia , BRITISH OPPOSITION 107 and Lieut.-Col. Chrystie with 300 regulars ; Lieut.-Col. Fenwick and Major MuUany to follow with about 550 regular troops ; and some pieces of flying Artillery ; and then the miUtia. It was intended that the embarkation of the regulars and militia should be simultaneous, as far as the boats would suffice to receive them ; but having to descend the bank by a narrow path which had been cut out of it, the regular troops got possession of the boats to the exclusion of the militia ; and the latter were ordered to follow in the return boats. "The only British batteries, from which the troops could be annoyed in the passage, were one, mounting an 18 pounder, upon Queenstown Heights (about half way up), and another mounting a 24-pound carronade, situate a little below the town. The river at Queenstown is scarcely a quarter of a mile in width, and the part chosen for crossing was not fully exposed to either of the British batteries ; while the American batteries of two 18, and two 6 pounders, and the two 6 pounder field pieces, brought up by Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, completely commanded every part of the opposite shore, from which musketry could be effectual in opposing a landing. With these important advantages the troops embarked ; but a grape-shot striking the boat in which Lieutenant-Colonel Chrystie was, and wounding him in the hand, the pilot and the boatmen became so alarmed, that they suffered the boat to fall below the point of landing, and were obliged in consequence to put back. Two other boats did the same. The remaining ten with the 225 regulars, besides officers, including the commander of the detach ment. Colonel Van Rensselaer, struck the shore ; and, after disembarking the men, returned for more troops. "The only force at Queenstown (at the landing of the enemy) consisted of the two flank companies of the 49th Regiment and a small detachment of militia ; amounting in all to about 300 rank and file. Of these about 60, taken from the 49th Grenadiers, and Captain Hatt's company of militia, having in charge a 3 pounder, advanced at four o'clock in the morning, with Captain Dennis of the 49th at their head, towards the river, near to which Colonel Van Rensselaer had formed his men, to await the arrival of the next boats. A well-directed and warmly-continued fire killed and wounded several Ameri can officers and privates, including, among the wounded I08 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS Colonel Van Rensselaer and three Captains, and drove the Americans close to the water's edge. In the mean time a fresh supply of troops had effected a landing ; and remained with the others sheltered behind the bank ; whence they returned the fire of the British, killing one man, and wounding four. The remaining sub-divisions of the 49th Grenadiers and of the militia company had now joined Captain Dennis' ; and the 49th Light Infantry under Captain WiUiains, with Captain Chisholm's com pany of miUtia, stationed on the brow of the hill, were firing down upon the invaders. "Of five or six boats that attempted toland a body of American regulars under Major MuUany, one was destroyed by a shot from the hill-battery commanded by Lieutenant Crowther of the 41st Regiment ; two others were captured, and the remainder, foiled in their object, returned to the American side. Daylight appeared, and at the same instant General Brock arrived at the hill- battery from Fort George. Observing the strong rein forcements that were crossing over, the General instantly ordered Captain Williams to descend the hill and support Captain Dennis. No sooner were Captain Williams and his men seen to depart, than the Americans formed the resolution of gaining the heights. Accordingly 60 Ameri can regulars, headed by Captain Wool, and accompanied by Major Lush, a volunteer, also by a Captain, six Lieutenants and an Ensign ofthe 13th Regiment, ascended a fisherman's path up the rocks, which had been reported to General Brock as impassable, and therefore was not guarded. The Americans were thus enabled, unseen by our troops, to arrive at a brow, about 30 yards in rear of the hill-battery. Reinforcements kept rapidly arriving by the concealed path ; . and the whole formed on the brow, with their front towards the Village of Queens town. iMajor-General Sir James Dennis, K.C.B., son of John Dennis, an Attorney, was born 1778. He served in the navy as a midshipman, but afterwards joined the 49th Regt. as an ensign, Sept. 2nd, 1796, and rose by promotion through all the grades to a majority in the same regiment on Dec. 1st, 1812. On June 4th, 18S3, he was appointed Lieut.-Col. of the 3rd Regiment, and commanded a division of Infantry at the battle of Maharajpore on Dec. 29th, 1843. For his gallantry on this occasion he was made a K.C.B. on Oct. 30th, 1844 ; and was promoted to the rank of Major-General, Nov. llth, 1851. His death took place at Pall Mall, London, on Jan. 14th, 1855. From a Silhouette in possession of John Alexander Macdonell, K.C., Alexandria. IvlEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN MACDONELL. Provincial Aid-de-Camp to Major-General Sir Isaac Brock ; M.P. for Glengarry ; Attorney-General of Upper Canada. BROCK AND MACDONBH MORTALLY WOUNDED 109 "The moment General Brock discovered the unexpected advance of the American troops, he, with the 12 men sta tioned at the battery, retired ; and Captain Wool advan cing from the rear with his more than tenfold force, took possession of it. Captain Williams and his detachment of regulars and militia were now recalled ; and General Brock putting himself at the head of this force, amotmt- ing in all to about 90 men, advanced to meet a detach ment of 150 picked American regulars, which Captain Wool had sent forward to attack him. While animating his little band of regulars and militia to a charge up the heights. General Brock received a mortal wound in the breast, and immediately fell. "At this moment the two flank companies of the York militia, with Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonell, the General's Provincial Aid-de-Camp at their head, arrived from Brown's Point, three miles distant. By this time also Captain Wool had sent additional reinforcements to Captain Ogilvie ; making the latter's force '320 regulars, supported by a few militia and volunteers,' or on the whole, full 500 men. Colonel Macdonell and his 90 men — more than two-thirds Canadian militia — rushed boldly up the hill, in defiance of the continued stream of mus ketry pouring down upon them ; compelled the Americans to spike the 18 pounder; and would have again driven them to the rocks, had not the Colonel and Captain Wil liams been wounded almost at the same instant ; the former mortally. The loss of their commanders created confusion among the men, and they again retreated. Hearing of the fall of General Brock, Captain Dennis pro ceeded from the valley, towards the foot of the heights, and mounting the General's horse, rode up, and tried to rally the troops. He succeeded in forming a few ; but the number was so inconsiderable that to persist in a con test would have been madness. A retreat was accord ingly ordered, by the ground in the rear of the town ; andthe men of the 49th, accompanied by many of the militia, formed in front of Vrooman' s battery, thereto await the expected reinforcement from Fort George. "While we had at this period not above 200 un wounded men at Queenstown, the Americans, ' by their own ac count, had upwards of 800 and General Van Rensselaer tells us that ' a number of boats now crossed over, un- annoyed except by one unsilenced gun,' or that at Vroo- IIO BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS man's battery ; consequently more troops were hourly arriving. Brigadier-General Wadsworth was left as com manding officer of the Americans on the Queenstown hill; and General Van Rensselaer, considering the victory as complete, had himself crossed over, in order to give direc tions about fortifying the camp, which he intended to occupy in the British territory." Thus far, then is, lucidly and accurately enough, ex plained the nature of the contest, and the relative posi tions of the two forces, up to the moment of the arrival of the reserve from Fort George. It may not, however, be unimportant to add, that among the officers wounded in the repulse, and of whom no mention is made by James, were Captain Dennis of the 49th Grenadiers, and the present Mr. Justice McLean' of Toronto, who was then a brother subaltern with Mr. Jarvis, in Captain Cameron's flank company of militia. The latter was very severely wounded, yet brought off by the retreating party. The former had received a ball in his thigh, yet impatient of the delay of a regular treatment, he, with characteristic sang froid, stopped the effusion of blood by thrusting his finger into the wound, and in that manner supported his share in the action to the last. The faU of so many brave officers had naturally the effect of dispirit ing the men, and the remains of the detachment continued their retreat to Durham's farm, about two miles and a half below Queenstown, where Colonel Macdonell' s al most lifeless body was deposited, preparatory to its final removal to the Government House at Fort George, in iLieut. Archibald McLean, the second son of the Hon. Neil McLean, was born at St. Andrew's, County of Stormont, in 1791. He was present at Ogdensburg in 1813, and at the capture of York carried to a place of safety the colors of the York Volunteers. At the Battle of Lundy's Lane he was taken prisoner and detained until the close of the war. After the war he continued his legal studies, and in 1820 was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly for Stormont, being re-elected on five other occasions, once for the town of Cornwall. For two Parliaments, the eleventh and thirteenth, he was honored by being elected Speaker. He subsequently was appointed Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and afterwards President of the Court of Error and Appeal, an office he d at his death in 1865. FLANK ATTACK OF GENERAL SHEAFFE 1 1 1 which the gallant officer breathed his last, soon after his arrival. The body of the Hero of Canada had been left behind, in one of the houses in Queenstown, hurriedly covered with a pile of old blankets in order to prevent any recognition by the enemy. It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the anxiously-expected reserve, under General Sheaffe, con sisting principally of the 41st Regiment, made its ap pearance at Durham's farm. The whole then moved forward in a westerly direction towards the viUage of St. David's, for the purpose of gaining the rear of the mountain. Here, as might have been expected, the mili tary tact and prevoy ance of the fallen leader, in urgently desiring the advance of the Indians, to clear a passage for the troops in their ascent of the heights, was made mani fest. The column had been halted at the base of the mountain far to the right of the Queenstown road, and inclining towards that which traverses it from St. David's. Profiting by the suggestion of his late superior, General Sheaffe sent forward the Indians, who rapidly ascended the heights, and so well and so gallantly occupied the American pickets, which had been thrown out in that direction, that the little army was enabled to gain the summit of the mountain, by an oblique movement to the right, almost without opposition, and wholly without loss. And now had arrived the crisis which was to decide, for a brief season at least, the destinies of Canada, and the honor of the British arms. The height gained on the flank of the enemy, who were discovered drawn up in preparation for the attack, the British line, not exceeding 800 men, was instantly formed. On the extreme left, and resting on the^brow of the hill, were the Indians, and next to these the com panies of militia who had already borne so honorable a share in the contest of the morning, and a few others just arrived, with General Sheaffe, from Fort George. The 112 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS centre was composed of the remnant of the 49th flank companies, and the right of the main body of the 41st Regiment — about 350 bayonets — commanded by Captain Derenzy. At this critical moment, and just as the action was about to commence. Captain Bullock, with the principal portion of the 41st Grenadiers, suddenly made his appearance from Chippawa, followed by Lieut Bull ock, of the same company, who hastened from his sta tion opposite Navy Island, with the few men he had under his command, partly grenadiers and partly bat talion men. The opportune arrival of these little de tachments (numbering together 100 bayonets) which immediately took their proper stations in the line, the extreme right of the grenadiers resting on the road lead ing to the Falls, was hailed as an earnest of success by the little band, who were animated by the most eager desire to encounter the enemy, and avenge the fall of their noble and lamented Chief. The moment of their triumph at length arrived. Between the extreme flank of the 41st, and the bold precipice of Queenstown Heights, there was a space covered with small trees and stunted pines. Under cover of these, the American left attempted to turn the outer flank of the 41st, but were met by such a warm and destructive fire that they were checked and thrown into confusion. Almost simultane ously with this movement of the enemy, commenced an attack upon their centre, by the Ught company of the 41st under Lieut. Mclntyre, and on their extreme right by the Indians, who were led into action by their Chief Norton'— or Teyoninhokorawen — as he is named in the British Army Lists even of the present day. Both these 'Captain John Norton, along with Captain John Brant, had com mand of the Indians at Queenston Heights. He was a native of Scotland, his Indian name meaning Pale-faced warrior, or Sad- countenanced warrior. Some time after the war he quarrelled with the Indians, went to the State of Georgia and thence to Mis sissippi, and finally returned to Scotland with his Indian wife Catharine, to whom he was married at Niagara on July 27th, 1813, by Rev. Eobert Addison. Monument to Bkock, Queenston Heights. defeat AND SURRENDER OF THE AMERICAN ARMY 1 13 parties commenced the action with great spirit, driving the Americans before them, and when it was perceived that the attempt of the enemy to turn our right had so signally failed, a tremendous shout arose from the Brit ish troops, which, mingling with the war whoop of the Indians, staggered the wavering assailants still more. At that instant the advance was sounded, and the whole line rushed eagerly forward upon the enemy, who made little or no resistance, but broke and fled in the utmost con sternation, closely foUowed by the immolating bayonet and tomahawk. Many, in their panic, threw themselves. over the precipice, and were of course dashed to pieces in. their descent. But quarter having at length been de manded by the American commander, thiswas given, and 900 prisoners, including one General and 72 inferior officers, in some degree atoned for — it was impossible to repay — the grievous loss the country had sustained in the morning of that otherwise glorious day. The British loss' at Queenstown was 1 1 killed and 60 iReturn ot killed, wounded and mis.sing of the army under the command of Major-General Isaac Brock, in an action at Queens town, Niagara,, on the 13th October, 1812 : General staff — 2 killed. Royal Artillery — 2 rank and file wounded. Detachment 4ist Regiment — 1 sergeant, 1 rank and file killed ; 1 sergeant, 9 rank and file wounded. Flank Companies, 49th Regiment— 8 rank and file killed ; 2 cap tains, 3 sergeants, 27 rank and file, 1 volunteer wounded ; 5 rank and file, 1 volunteer missing. - , Lincoln Artillery — 1 rank and- file wounded. Lincoln Militia — 1 adjutant, 1 sergeant, 12 rank and file wounded; 10 rank and file missing. York Militia — 2 rank and file killed ; 1 lieutenant, 1 sergeant, 15 rank and file wounded ; 5 rank and file missing. Total Loss — 1 Major-General, 1 aid-de-camp, 1 sergeant, 9 rank and file, line, 2 rank and file, militia, killed ; 2 captains, line ; 1 adjutant, 1 lieutenant, militia ; 4 sergeants, line ; 2 sergeants, mil itia ; 2 rank and file, artillery ; 1 do., militia artillery ; 36 rank and file, 1 volunteer, line ; 27 rank and file, militia, wounded ; 5 rank and file, 1 volunteer, line ; 15 rank and file, militia, missing. General Total-2 general staff, 1 sergeant, 11 rank and file, killed ; 2 captains, 1 lieutenant, 1 adjutant, 6 sergeants, 66 rank and file, 1 volunteer, wounded ; 20 rank and file, 1 volunteer, miss ing. Officers Killed — Major-General Isaac Brock, commanding ; 114 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON heights wounded of the line and militia ; and 5 killed' and 9 wounded of the brave Indians. The number'^ of killed and wounded of the Americans is not precisely known. The former has however been admitted by themselves to have been between 90 and 100. Independently of those killed upon the field, and dashed over the precipice, a great number perished in two or three boats sunk by the fire from our batteries. Again, on this occasion, was the present Chief Justice conspicuous for his zeal and his gaUantry. In the absence Lieut.-Colonel Macdonell, Provincial Aid-de-Camp. Wounded— Captains Dennis and Williams, 49th Regiment, vol unteer Shaw, do.; Lieut. McLean, York Light Infantry ; Adjutant Mclntyre, Lincoln Militia. Fort George, 15th October, 1812. THOMAS EVANS, Major of Brigade. (Canadian Archives.) Return of killed, wounded and prisoners of war in the action at Queenstown, Niagara, on the 13th October, 1812 : Prisoners of War — 1 Brigadier-General, I major, aid-de-camp, 5 lieutenant-colonels, 3 majors, 19 captains, 32 lieutenants, 10 ensigns, 1 adjutant, 1 surgeon, 852 non-commissioned oflicers and privates. Total, 925. Regulars— Officers, 19 ; non-commissioned officers and privates, 417. _ Militia — Officers, 54 ; non-commissioned officers and privates, 435. Total, 925. Estimated loss of the enemy in officers and men killed and wounded, and in wounded sent over during the engagement, 500 ; supposed total loss, 1,425 ; acknowledged force engaged, 1,600. Total British force engaged— Regulars and militia, 800 ; Indians, 200—1,000. Fort George, 15th October, 1812. THOMAS EVANS, Major of Brigade. (Canadian Archives. ) iThe names ot the Indians killed at Queenston were — Ayanete and Kayentatirhon, Cayuga Chiefs, Ta Kanentye, an Onondaga Warrior, Kayarawagor and Sakangonguquate, Oneida Warriors. From Documentary History of the Campaign by Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank. ^The number of Americans killed and wounded in this battle has never been very accurately ascertained. The most authentic Anierican sources put the number of killed at 90, the wounded at 82, and 764 prisoners, composed of 386 regulars and 378 militia. officers of the YORK MILITIA ENGAGED II5 of his Captain (Heward) who was upon leave, he com manded the 2nd flank company during the whole of the day. He consequently bore a prominent part in the en gagement, from the moment when he arrived at early dawn from Brown's Point where, ithas been seen, he was stationed with No. i, or Captain Cameron's company, to the late hour in the afternoon, when victory finaUy perched on the British standard. The officers attached to Lieut. Robinson, were Lieut. Stanton,' and Lieut. Samuel P. Jarvis. The subalterns of Captain Cameron's company were Lieut. Jarvie,' Lieut. Archibald McLean, and Lieut. Geo. Ridout.3 Captain Hatt's, and Captain 'Lieutenant Robert Stanton was the son of a British Nayal ofiicer, who saw a great deal of active service at the memorable defence of Gibraltar by General Elliot, and with the fleet on the coast of North America and in the West Indies. About the beginning of the last century he came to York with his father, who held several military and civil oflices. On the breaking out of the war he was a Lieut, in Captain Stephen Heward's company of York militia, and took part in the battle of Queenston Heights and in the defence of York in 1813. At the latter engagement he was taken prisoner, but released on parole. In 1825 he became editor and publisher of the Gazette and King's Printer, and in 1843 gave up the publishing business to become Collector of Customs for the port of Toronto, an oflice he resigned Nov. 10th, 1849. For a time he was manager of the Western Insurance Company, and latterly Clerk of the Process at Osgoode Hall. His death took place in 1866 at the age of 72. ^This is the spelling that is given in the original edition of Richardson. It would be considered merely a typographical error for Lieut. Jarvis but for the fact that in Vol. 1 of the report of the Ontario Historical Society, the roll of Captain Cameron's company of York Militia in 1812 is given ; and the name appears as it does here, Lieut. Jarvie. I am inclined to think that the name should be Jarvis, but which one I am not certain. It is neither Lieut. S. P. Jarvis nor Volunteer G. S. Jarvis who were with other companies. I have not been able to find the name " Jarvie" in any published work on the early history of Toronto. sLieut. George Ridout was the son of Thomas Ridout, sometime Surveyor-General of Upper Canada. His brother John, who met his death in a duel in 1817, was a midshipman on the Royal George during the war. Another brother, Thomas G. Ridout, was also a Lieutenant and afterwards Deputy Assistant Commissary- General. The part taken during the war by this family is fully set forth by Lady Edgar, a descendant, in "Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War." Il6 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS Chisholm's companies were the first to oppose the landing of the enemy. The victory of Queenstown Heights, although fought at a distance from the principal theatre of their service, the Right Division distinctly claim as their own. The main body of the 41st, who later composed that Division, principally sustained the action, and among these were the grenadiers who had already assisted at the capture of Detroit. Moreover there were there the York volunteers who also had participated in that memorable triumph. True, the 49th flank companies, and especially their leaders, had gallantly done their duty in the morning, but nevertheless they were defeated, and driven back, and the Queenstown Heights had been so completely gained that no impediment was offered to the passage of the American troops who, at the moment when the 41st, under Captain Derenzy, and the detachments of the same corps from Chippawa, made their appearance, numbered not less than 1,400 men. Under these circumstances it is that the Right Division claim, and justly, the laurels won on this day. As no portrait, public or private, of General Brock, seems to have been preserved in the country, it may not be unimportant here to give a slight written sketch of the hero. In person he was tall, stout and incUning to cor pulency : he was of fair and florid complexion, had a large forehead, full face, but not prominent features, rather small, greyish-blue eyes, with a very slight cast in one of them — small mouth, with a pleasing smile, and good teeth. In manner he was exceedingly affable and gentlemanly, of a cheerful and social habit, partial to dancing, and although never married, extremely devoted to female society. Of the chivalry of his nature, and the soundness of his judgment, evidence enough has been given in the foregoing pages to render all comment thereon a matter of supererogation. SHEAFFE' S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 1 7 The following is the Official account of the Action. From Major General Sheaffe to Sir George Prevost. Fort George, 13th October, 1812. Sir, — Ihave the honor of informing Your Excellency, that the enemy made an attack, with a considerable force this morning, before day-light, on the position of Queenstown. On receiving inteUigence of it, Major- General Brock immediately proceeded to that post ; and I am excessively grieved in having to add, that he fell whilst gallantly cheering his troops to an exertion for maintaining it. With him the position was lost : but the enemy was not allowed to retain it long; reinforcements having been sent up from this post, composed of regular troops, militia, and Indians, a movement was made to turn his left, while some artillery, under the able direction of Captain Holcroft, supported by a body of infantry, en gaged his attention in front. This operation was aided, too, by the judicious position which Norton and the In dians with him had taken on the woody brow of the high ground above Queenstown. A communication being thus opened with Chippawa, a junction was formed with succours that had been ordered from that post. The enemy was then attacked, and after a short but spirited conflict, was completely defeated. I had the satisfaction of receiving the sword of their commander Brigadier- General Wadsworth, on the field of battle, and many Officer^, with 900 men, were made prisoners, and more may yet be expected. A stand of colors and one 6- pounder, were also taken. The action did not terminate till nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and their loss, in killed and wounded, must have been considerable. Ours, I believe to have been comparatively small in numbers : no officer was killed besides Major-General Brock, one of the most gallant and zealous officers in His Majesty's service whose loss cannot be too much deplored, and Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonell, Provincial Aide-de-Camp, whose gallantry and merit render him worthy of his chief. Captains Dennis and Williams, commanding the flank companies of the 49th Regiment, who were stationed at Queenstown, were wounded, bravely contending at the head of their men against superior numbers ; but I am glad to have it in my power to add, that Captain Dennis Il8 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS fortunately was able to keep the field, though it was with pain and difficulty ; and Captain Williams's wound is not likely long to deprive me bf his services. I am particularly indebted to Captain Holcroft of the Royal Artillery, for his judicious and skilful co-operation with the guns and howitzers under his immediate super intendence. Their weU-directed fire contributed materi ally to the fortunate result of the day. Captain Derenzy of the 41st Regiment, brought up the reinforcement of that corps from Fort George, and Captain Bullock led that of the same regiment from Chippawa ; and under their commands those detachments acquitted themselves in such a manner, as to sustain the reputation which the 41st Regiment had already acquired in the vicinity of Detroit. Major-General Brock, soon after his arrival at Queens town, had sent down orders for battering the American Fort Niagara. Brigade-Major Evans, who was left in charge of Fort George, directed the operatiohs against it with so much effect, as to silence its fire, and to force the troops to abandon it, and by his prudent precautions, he prevented mischief of a most serious nature, which otherwise might have been effected, the enemy having used heated shot in firing at Fort George. In these ser vices he was most effectually aided by Colonel Claus' (who remained in the fort at my desire) and by Captain Vigoreux, of the Royal Engineers. Brigade-Major Evans also mentions the conduct of Captains Powell and Cameron, of the Militia artillery, in terms of commenda tion. Lieutenant Crowther, ofthe 41st Regiment, had charge 'Lieut.-Col. William Claus, ot the 1st Lincoln Militia, was the son of Col. Daniel Claus, who married a daughter of Sir William Johnson, Bart., and who served his country over thirty years in the Military and Indian Departments. From his youth Lieut.-Col. William Claus was an officer in the Indian Department, and at the death of Col. Alexander McKee rose to be Deputy Superintendent- General and Deputy Inspector-General of Indian Affairs. The Indians had an aifection for him equal to that which they had for his father and grandfather, and his thorough knowledge of their language and customs made him a valuable public officer. He was Lieut.-Col. of the 1st Lincoln Militia, and on the breaking out of the war was in command of the militia from Niagara to Queenston. His services to his country, particularly his management of the Indians, were highly commended by every officer commanding in Upper Canada. His descendants reside at Niagara. SHEAFFE S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT II9 of two 3 -pounders that had accompanied the movement of our little corps, and they were employed with good effect. Captain Glegg, of the 49th Regiment, Aide-de-Camp to our lamented friend and general, afforded me the most essential assistance ; and I found the services of Lieuten ant Fowler, of the 41st Regiment, Assistant-Deputy- Quarter-Master-General, very useful. I derived much aid, too, from the activity and intelligence of Lieutenant Kerr, of the Glengarry Fencibles, whom I employed in communicating with the Indians and other flanking parties. lwas unfortunately deprived of the aid, experience, and ability of Lieutenant-Colonel Myers, Deputy-Quart er-Master-General, who had been sent up to Fort Erie a few days before on duty, which detained him there. Lieutenafit-Colonels Butler' and Clark^of the Militia; and ¦Lieut.-Col. Thomas Butler flrst saw active service as a Lieutenant in the corps ot Rangers commanded by his father. Colonel John Butler. His service in the war was cut short by his death from disease in Dec, 1812. =Lieut.-Col. Thomas Clark, of the 2nd Lincoln Militia, was appointed at the beginning of the war to command the militia that were guarding the border from Queenston to Fort Erie. He took part in the battle of Queenston Heights, and was an active and energetic officer. At the defence ot Fort Erie, Nov. 28th, 1812, he had command of the right wing, and on the llth of July, 1813, was second in command to Lieut.-Col. Bisshopp in the attack on Black Rock, when the block houses, barracks and navy yard and a schooner were burnt, and valuable stores and ordnance captured. While conducting the retreat he was slightly wounded. In the despatches describing the engagements in which he took part he was highly commended for the able manner that he led the troops under his command. He wa^a member of the Legisla tive Council ot Upper Canada for many years. Another officer of this name, that served throughout the war, was Colonel John Clark, son of a soldier of the Sth (King's) Regt. He was born at Kingston in 1783. His father came to Niagara, and was appointed barrack-master and also Sheriff of Lincoln, an office he held till 1803, when he was succeeded by Major Thomas Merritt. When the war commenced the son was appointed Lieut. and Adjutant ot the 1st and 4th Lincoln fiank companies. In March, 1813, he was promoted to the rank ot Captain and Assist ant Adjutant-General of Militia by Gen. Sheaffe, and retained in that office till the end ot the war. He took part in several engage ments, the principal one being Queenston Heights. He was for many years Collector of Customs at Port Dalhousie, but resigned some years before liis death, which took place in 1862. For two terms he represented Lincoln in the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, being elected in 1820 and again in 1825. I20 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS Captains Hatt, Durand,' Rowe, "Applegarth, James Crooks, ' 'Captain James Durand, who was in command of a flank com pany of the 5th Lincoln Militia at Queenston Heights, was born in Monmouthshire, Wales, in 1775, and in 1800 came to Upper Canada. During the war he lived on a farm now the site of the city ot Hamilton. In 1814 he was elected a member ot the Legis lative Assembly of Upper Canada for Niagara, and in 1817 for Wentworth. He died at Hamilton, March 22nd, 1833. James Durand, who was elected for the County of Halton to the Legislative Assembly in 1835, was Captain Durand's son. Another son, Mr. Charles Durand, Barrister, is at present living in Toronto at an advanced age, having been born on April 9th, 1811. Miss Laura B. Durand, a well-known writer on the editorial staff of the Toronto Globe, is a daughter of thelatter. "Captain John Rowe was in command of a companj' of the 2nd Lincoln. He was an officer in that famous corps, Butler's Rangers, and had seen a great deal of active service in the Revo lutionary War. He was killed at the head of his company while gallantly contending against a more numerous force at the Battle of Chippawa, July 5th, 1814. sCaptain James Crooks, who conunanded a company of the 1st Lincoln Militia at Queenston Heights, was born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1778, and immigrated to Canada in 1791. He engaged in trade and farming, and, soon, by his energy and intelligence combined with his excellence of character, became one ot the fore most men of the community. After the war he removed to West Flamboro, and there engaged in milling. Here he built and oper ated the flrst paper mill in Upper Canada. In 1820 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly, and afterwards was appointed to the Legislative Council, an office he held till his death in 1860. He married in 1808 Jane Cummings, daughter of Thomas Cummings, a soldier in Butler's Rangers, and raised a large family. The Hon. Adam Crooks, for several years a member of the Ontario Cabinet, was his son. His eldest daughter became the wife of A. N. Bethune, Bishop of Toronto. Two of his grandchildren. Miss Jane Crooks, of the Education Department Library, and Lieut. A. D. Crooks, Barrister, are residents of Toronto. He wrote a " Reminiscence ot the Last War " that appeared in the Niagara Reporter, and afterwards, about the flrst of the year 1841, in the British Colonist. Captain William Crooks, although three years older than the preceding, did not come to Upper Canada till a year after his brother. He commanded a company ot the 4th Lincoln at Queens ton Heights. In 1808 he married Mary Butler, daughter of Colonel John Bntler, the celebrated commander of Butler's Rangers. A younger sister of these two officers, Jean Crooks, was the wife ot Lieut. William Procter ot the 41st Regt., brother of Gen. Henry Procter ; and another sister, Jane, was the wife of Lieut.-Col. AVilliam C. Short of the 41st Regt., who was killed at the assault on Fort Stephenson. It may be interesting to observe here that in the same year that SHEAFFE' S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 2 1 Cooper,' Robert Hamilton,'' McEwen,' Duncan Cameron;* and Lieutenants Richardson and Thomas Butler, s com manding flank companies of the Lincoln and York Militia, led their men into action with great spirit. Major Merritt,* these two brothers were defending their adopted country from in vasion another brother, Ramsay Crooks, was making a difficult and perilous journey, overland to Astoria at the mouth of the Col umbia river, as a partner in the American Fur Company, of which he became the head atter the withdrawal of John Jacob Astor. Mr. Crooks wrote a journal of the trip, which appears in the travels of John Bradbury, an English botanist who accompanied the Crooks party to the" head waters of the Missouri. A graphic description of the dangers and hardships encountered by these adventurous traders may be found in Washington Irving's Astoria. In 1814 when the Americans sent an expedition to retake Fort Mackinac, Mr. Crooks accompanied the fleet to watch the interests oi Mr. Astor. It is said that he concentrated, in his reminiscences, the history of the fur trade in America for fortv vears. He died in New York in 1859. 'Captain Cooper, who commanded a company at this battle, is probably an ancestor of the Coopers now living along the river road in "the township of Niagara. "Captain Robert Hamilton was the son of Hon. Robert Hamilton, of Queenston, and was born at Fort Niagara in 1787. He was in command of a company of the 2nd Lincoln during the war, and took part in several engagements, among them Queenston Heights and the defence of Fort Erie, Nov. 28th, 1812. He was elected to the Legislature of'Upper Canada by the County of Lincoln in 1820. 3Captain John McEwen commanded a flank company of the 1st Lincoln Militia at Queenston Heights. 4Captain Duncan Cameron, who commanded a company of the York Militia at Queenston Heights, was for many years aprominent citizen of Toronto. He was appointed a member of the Legislative Council, and for a time was Provincial Secretary of Upper Canada. sLieut. Thomas Butler was the son ot Lieut.-Col. Thomas Butler. ^Major Thomas Merritt, who raised the Niagara Dragoons and commanded them at the Battle of Queenston Heights, was born in 1759 in Westchester County, New York. He was educated at Harvard College, and on the breaking out of the Revolution was appointed Cornet in the Queen's Rangers, a corps raised by Major Robert Rogers, and afterward commanded by Colonel John Graves Simcoe — the first Lieut. -Governor of Upper Canada. At the peace he went to New Brunswick, but returned to New York, and eventu ally took up his residence in the Niagara Peninsula, where he died on May 12th, 1842. His son, William Hamilton Merritt, who served as a Captain in his father's corps, and who was taken pris oner at Lundy's Lane, July 25th, 1814, was well known as a par liamentarian and as the projector of the Welland Canal. The present representative of the family is the grandson and namesake of the latter. Major William Hamilton Merritt, who 122 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS commanding the Niagara Dragoons, accompanied me, and gave much assistance with part of his corps. Captain A. Hamilton, belonging to it, was disabled from rid ing, and attached himself to the guns under Captain Hol croft, who speaks highly of his activity and usefulness. I beg leave to add that Volunteers Shaw,' Thompson, = and Jarvis, 3 attached to the flank companies of the 49th served in the Boer war as a Major in Brabant's Horse, and is now second in command of the Second Canadian Mounted Rifles. Four generations of this family have seen active service in North America in a mounted corps : Thomas, in the command ot the Niagara Dragoons in 1812 ; William Hamilton, a Captain in the same corps ; Jedediah, with McGrath' s Lancers in 1837 ; and William Hamilton with the Governor-General's Body Guard in the North West Rebellion in 1885. I Volunteer Richard Shaw was the son ot Major-General ..iEneas Shaw, so well known in connection with the early history ot Upper Canada. Major-General Shaw served as a Capiain in the Queen's Rangers during the Revolutionary War. ' In the winter of 1791-2 he performed the unparalleled feat of marching a detachment of a new corps, also called the Queen's Rangers, from New Brunswick to Montreal on snowshoes. At the beginning of the War of 1812 he proffered his services to Major-General Brock in any capacity that he might be found useful. He was conse quently appointed to command the First Division of Militia, with the rank of Colonel, and afterwards served as Adjutant-General of Militia. The hard work and fatigue proved too much for the General at his age, and caused his death in 1815. All of his sons served in the army. The eldest, Alexander, was a Captain in the 35th and 69th Regiments, and was present at Alexandria, Maida, Calabria, Naples, Corunna, Walchern, Flushing and Waterloo. Charles was a Lieutenant in the 52nd, John a Captain in the 49th, and .(Eneas a Lieutenant . in the Glengarry Fencibles. Richard and George were Captains in the Militia. The grandson of Captain Alexander Shaw, Lieut.-Col. George A. Shaw, who was in command of the 10th or Royal Regiment, now Royal Grenadiers, is at present a resident of Toronto. It may be of some interest to note in this connection that Miss Sophia, daughter of Major-General Shaw, was the fiancee ot Major-General Brock. =1 have not been able to learn much regarding Volunteer Augustus Thompson. He was well known to, and evidently was a companion of. Volunteer George S. Jarvis, as they were together in the daring aftairs with the enemy at Stoney Creek, at Black Rock and at Beaver Dam. 3George S. .Tarvis was born in Fredericton, N.B., April 21st, 1797, and removed to York (Toronto) in 1808 with his father's family. At Queenston Heights he was attached to the 49th Regt., and at the taking of York was attached to the 8th (King's) Regt. He was present at the battles ol Stoney Creek, Beaver Dam and Black Rock, and at the unsuccessful assault of Fort Erie. At From an original photograph iu possession of Miss Ellen F. Sheaffe, Lausanne, Switzerland, grandniece of Sir Roger. Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe, Bart. SHEAFFE' S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 23 Regiment, conducted themselves with great spirit ; the first having been wounded, and the last having been taken prisoner. I beg leave to recommend these young men to Your Excellency's notice. Norton is wounded, but not badly ; he and the Indians particularly distin guished themselves, and I have very great satisfaction in assuring Your Excellency, that the spirit and good con duct of His Majesty's troops, of the militia, and of the other provincial corps, were eminently conspicuous on this occasion. I have not been able to ascertain yet the number of our troops, or of those of the enemy engaged ; ours, I believe did not exceed the number of the prisoners we have taken : and their advance, which effected a landing, probably amounted to 1,300 or 1,400 men. I shall do myself the honor of transmitting to Your Excellency further details,' when I shall have received the several reports of the occurrences which did not pass under my own observation, with the return of the casual ties, and those of the killed and wounded, and of the ord nance taken. I have the honor to be, &c. (Signed) R. H. Sheaffe, Maj. -Gen. To His Excellency Sir George Prevost, Bart., &c. Lundy's Lane he was a Lieut, of the 8th, and went to England with the second battalion of that regiment in 1815. After the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo several regiments were disbanded, and among them the second battalion of the 8th. Lieut. Jarvis was then after a short interval of five months appointed to the 104th Regiment. Shortly atter, he returned to Canada, took up the study of law, and was sworn in as an Attorney in 1820, called to the bar in 1823.- In 1820 he went to Cornwall to practice, and in 1842 was appointed County Judge, and in that year organized the Division Courts ot the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. During the troubles of 1837 he raised and commanded three troops of lancers. His death occurred in 1878. The Rev. Arthur Jarvis, of Napanee, is his son. 'In this report Major-General Sheaffe mentions every officer in command but two. In his letter to Sir George Prevost of Novem ber 3rd, 1812, the following passage occurs : I am much mortified to find that I omitted the names of Captain Chisholm commanding a flank company of the York Militia, and of Lieutenant Ball commanding the Militia Artillery attached to the post of Queenstown ; Captain Dennis's report, since trans mitted, has partly supplied that omission ; he commends highly both those officers, and in justice to them I have issued an order acknowledging my omission and their merit. 124 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS The American accounts of the action have been so much altered from General Van Rensselaer's original despatch, that it is difficult to know which is the correct one. At this moment I have two before me, one by Captain Fay, of the United States Artillery, the other by James. There is evidently so much of the suppressio vert if not of the as ser tio falsi, in the former, evidently to cloak the national humiliation, that there can be no hesitation in adopting that given by the latter,' who seems to have been at some pains to obtain the correct despatch. From General Van Rensselaer, to General Dearborn. Head Quarters, Lewiston, Oct. 14th, 1812. Sir, — As the movements of this Army under my com mand, since I had last the honor to address you on the Sth, have been of a very important character, producing consequences serious to many individuals ; establishing facts actually connected with the interest of the service and the safety of the army ; and as I stand prominently responsible for some of these consequences, I beg leave to explain to you, sir, and through you to my country, the situation and circumstances in which I have had to act, and the reasons and motives which governed me, and if the result is not all that might have been wished, it is such that, when the whole ground shall be viewed, I shall cheerfully submit myself to the judgment of my country. In my letter of the Sth instant, I apprised you that the crisis in this campaign was rapidly advancing ; and that (to repeat the sarne words) "the blow must be soon struck, or all the toil and expense of the campaign go for nothing and worse than nothing, for the whole will be tinged with dishonor." 'Richardson has unfortunately selected the most imperfect copy. I do not know from what source James obtained his copy, but whole paragraphs are missing, and names, as usual with him, incorrectly spelled and otherwise disguised — as Fleming for Fen wick and Christie for Chrystie. James makes the error ot saying that Van Rensselaer addressed the letter to the American Secretary ot War, when every authority within reach says it was addressed to Gen. Dearborn and by him'transmitted to the Secretary ot War. I have corrected the whole letter and added the omissions of James without making any reference to them in foot notes. VAN RENSSELAER'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 25 Under such impressions, I had, on the 5th instant, written to Brig.-General Smyth, of the United States forces, requesting an interview with him, Major-General Hall, and the commandants of the United States regi ments, for the purpose of conferring upon the subject of future operations. I wrote Major-General Hall to the same purport. On the nth I had received no answer from General Smyth ; but in a note to me on the loth. General Hall mentioned that General Smyth had not yet then agreed upon any day for the consultation. In the meantime, the partial success of Lieutenant Elliott at Black Rock (of which however, I have received no official information) began to excite a strong disposi tion in the troops to act. This was expressed to me through various channels, in the shape of an alternative; that they must have orders to act, or at all hazards they would go home. I forbear here commenting upon the obvious consequences, to me personally, of longer with holding my orders under such circumstances. I had a conference with Lieutenant-Colonel , as to the possibility of getting some person to pass over to Canada, and obtain correct information. On the morn ing of the 4th, he wrote to me that he had procured the man, who bore his letter to go over. Instructions were given him : he passed over, and obtained such informa tion as warranted an immediate attack. This was con fidentially communicated to several of my first officers, and produced great zeal to act ; more especially as it might have a controlling effect upon the movements at Detroit, where it was supposed General Brock had gone with all the force he dared spare from the Niagara fron tier. The best preparations in my power were therefore made to dislodge the enemy from the heights of Queens town, and possess ourselves of the viUage ; where the troops might be sheltered from the distressing inclemency of the weather. Lieutenant-Colonel Fenwick's flying artillery, and a detachment of regular troops under his command, were ordered to be up in season from Fort Niagara. Orders were also sent General Smyth, to send down from Buffalo, such detachments of his brigade as existing circumstances in that vicinity might warrant. The attack was to have been made at 4 o'clock on the morning of the nth, by 126 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS crossing over in boats at the old ferry opposite the heights. To avoid any embarrassment in crossing the river, (which is here a sheet of violent eddies, ) experienced boatmen were procured to take the boats from the landing below to the place of embarkation. Lieutenant Sim was con sidered the man of greatest skill for this service ; he went ahead, and, in the extreme darkness, passed the intended place far up the river ; and there, in a most extraordinary manner, fastened his boat to the shore, and abandoned the detachment. In this front boat he had carried nearly every oar, which was prepared for all the boats. In this agonizing dilemma stood officers and men, whose ardor had not been cooled by exposure through the night, to one of the most tremendous north-east storms, which continued unabated for 28 hours, and deluged the whole camp. The approach of daylight extinguished every prospect of success and the detachment returned to camp. Colonel Van Rensselaer was to have commanded the de tachment. After this result, I had hoped the patience of the troops would have continued, until I could submit the plan sug gested in my letter of the Sth, that I might act under, and in conformity to, the opinion which might be then ex pressed. But my hope was idle ; the previously excited ardor seemed to have gained new heat from the late mis carriage ; the brave were mortified to stop short of their object, and the timid thought laurels half-won by an attempt. On the morning of the 12th, such was the pressure upon me from all quarters, that I became satisfied that my re fusal to act might involve me in suspicion, and the ser vice in disgrace. Viewing affairs at Buffalo as yet unsettled, I had im mediately countermanded the march of General Smyth's brigade, upon the failure of the first expedition ; but hav ing now determined to attack Queenstown,*! sent new orders to General Smyth to march ; not with the view of his aid in the attack, for I considered the force detached sufficient, but to support the detachment should the con flict be obstinate and long continued. Lieutenant-Colonel C^hrystie, who had just arrived at the Four Mile Creek, and had, late in the night of the first contemplated attack, gallantly offered me his own and his men's service : but he got my permission too late. He now again came forward, had a conference with Colonel VAN RENSSELAER'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 27 Van Rensselaer,' and begged that he might have the honor of a command in the expedition. The arrangement was made. Colonel Van Rensselaer was to command one col umn of 300 militia ; and Lieutenant-Colonel Chrystie a column of the same number of regular troops. Every precaution was now adopted as to boats, and the most confidential and experienced men to manage them. At an early hour in the night, Lieutenant-Colonel Chrystie marched his detachment by the rear road from Niagara to camp. At 7 in the evening Lieutenant-Colo nel Stranahan' s regiment moved from Niagara Falls ; at 8 o'clock Mead's, and at 9 o'clock Lieutenant-Colonel Bloom's regiment marched from the same place. AUwere in camp in good season. Agreeably to my orders issued upon this occasion, the two columns were to pass over together ; as soon as the heights should be carried Lieu tenant-Colonel Fenwick's flying artillery was to pass over; then Major MuUany' s detachment of regulars; and the other troops to follow in order. At dawn of day the boats were in readiness, and the troops commenced embarking, under cover of a command ing battery, mounting two eighteen-pounders and two sixes. The movements were soon discovered, and a brisk fire of musketry was poured from the whole line of the Canadian shore. Our battery then opened to sweep the shore ; but it was, for some minutes, too dark to direct much fire with safety. A brisk cannonade was now opened upon the boats from three different batteries. Our battery returned the fire, and occasionally threw grape upon the shore, and was itself served with shells from a small mortar of the enemy's. Colonel Scott, of the Artillery, by hastening his march from Niagara Falls in the night arrived in season to return the enemy's fire with two six-pounders. The boats were somewhat embarrassed with the eddies, as well as with a shower of shot ; but Colonel Van Rens selaer, with about 100 men, soon effected his landing 'Colonel Solomon Van Rensselaer and Major-General Stephen Van Rensselaer were cousins. The former wrote " A Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown," in which he defends himself and the General from the "strictures on that event in a book entitled ' Notices of the War of 1812,' " by General John Armstrong, who was appointed Secretary of War in January, 1813, but resigned in September, 1814, after the capture of Washington, 128 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS amidst a tremendous fire directed upon him from every point ; but to the astonishment of all who witnessed the scene, this van of the column advanced slowly against the fire. It was a serious misfortune to the van, and indeed to the whole expedition, that in a few iriinutes after land ing Colonel Van Rensselaer received four wounds. A ball passed through his right thigh, entering just below the hip bone ; another shot passed tlirough the same thigh a httle below ; the third through the calf of the leg ; and a fourth contused his heel. This was quite a crisis in the expedition. Under so severe a fire it was difficult to form raw troops. By some mismanagement of the boatmen, Lieutenant-Colonel Chrystie did not arrive until some time after this, and was wounded in the hand in passing the river. Colonel Van Rensselaer was still able to stand and with great presence of mind ordei ed his officers to proceed with rapidity and storm the fort. This service was gallantly performed and the enemy driven down the hill in every direction. Soon after this, both parties were considerably reififorced, and the conflict was renewed in various places. Many of the enemy took shelter behind a stone guard -house, where a piece of ordnance was now briskly served. I ordered the fire of our battery to be directed upon the guard-house ; and it was so effectually done, that with eight or ten shot the fire was silenced. The enemy then retreated behind a large store-house ; but in a short time the rout became general, and the enemy's fire was silenced, except from a one-gun battery, so far down the river as to be out of the reach of our heavy ord nance ; and our light pieces could not silence it. A num ber of boats now passed over unannoyed, except from the one unsilenced gun. For some time after I had passed over, the victory seemed complete ; but in the ex pectation of further attacks, I was taking measures for fortifying my camp immediately ; the direction of this service I committed to Lieutenant Totten, of the Engi neers. But very soon the enemy were reinforced, by a detachment of several hundred Indians from Chippawa ; they commenced a furious attack ; but were promptly met and routed by the rifle and bayonet. By this time I per ceived my troops were embarking very slowly. I passed immediately over to accelerate their movements ; but, tO' my utter astonishment, I found that at the very moment when complete victory was in our hands, the ardor of the Major-General Stephen Van Rensselaer. VAN RENSSELAER'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 29 unengaged troops had entirely subsided. I rode in all directions ; urged the men by every consideration to pass over, but in vain. Lieut.-Col. Bloom, who had been wounded in action, returned, mounted his horse and rode through the camp ; as did also Judge Peck, who happened to be here, exhorting the companies to proceed, but all in vain. At this time a large reinforcement from Fort George was discovered coming up the river. As the battery on the hill was considered an important check against their ascending the heights, measures were immediately taken to send them a fresh supply of ammunition as I learnt there were left only 20 shot for the i8-pounders. The re inforcement, however, obliqued to the right from the road, and formed a junction with the Indians in the rear of the heights. Finding, to my infinite mortification, that no reinforcement would pass over ; seeing that another severe conflict must soon commence ; and knowing that the brave men on the heights were quite exhausted, and nearly out of ammunition ; all I could do was to send them a fresh supply of cartridges. At this critical moment I despatched a note to General Wadsworth acquainting him with our situation ; leaving the course to be pursued much to his own judgment ; with assurance that if he thought best to retreat, I would endeavor to send as many boats as I could command, and cover his retreat by every fire I could safely make. But the boats were dispersed ; many of the boatmen had fled panic struck ; and but few got off. But my note could but little more than have reached General Wadsworth about 4 o'clock, when a most severe and obstinate conflict commenced, and continued for about half an hour, with a tremendous fire of cannon, flying artillery and musket ry. The enemy succeeded in re-possessing their battery, and gaining advantage on every side ; the brave inen who had gained . the victory, exhausted of strength and am munition, and grieved at the unpardonable neglect of their fellow soldiers, gave up the conflict. I can only add, that the victory was really won ; but lost for the want of a small reinforcement ; one third part of the idle men might have saved all. I have been so pressed with the various duties of bury ing the dead, providing for the wounded, collecting the public property, negotiating an exchange of prisoners, 130 BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS and all the concerns consequent of such a battle that I have not been able to forward this despatch at as early an hour as I could have wished. I shall soon forward you another despatch in which I shall endeavor to point out to you the conduct of some most gallant and deserving officers. But I cannot in justice close this without im pressing the very great obligation I am under to Briga dier-General Wadsworth, Colonel Van Rensselaer, Colonel Scott, Lieutenant-Colonels Chrystie and Fenwick and Captain Gibson. Many others have also behaved most gal lantly. As I have reason to believe that many of our troops fled to the woods with the hope of crossing the river, I have not been able to learn the probable number of killed, wounded and prisoners. The slaughter of our troops must have been very considerable and the enemy have suffered severely. General Brock is among their slain, and his Aid-de- Camp mortally wounded. I have the honor to be yours, &c., &c., Stephen Van Rensselaer, Maj. -Gen. Dearborn. Maj. -Gen. The following is the report of the Officer commanding the detachment (the present Colonel Wool) which ob tained possession of the battery, by ascending the con cealed fisherman's path, in the early part of the day. ' From Captain Wool to Colonel Van Rensselaer. Buffalo, Oct. 23, 1812. Dear Sir, I have the honor to communicate to you the circum stances attending the storming of Queenstown battery on the 13th inst.; with those which happened previously you are already well acquainted. In pursuance of your order, we proceeded round the point and ascended the rocks, which brought us partly in rear of the battery. We took it without much resistance. I immediately formed the troops in rear of the -battery, and fronting the village, when I observed General Brock with his troops formed, consisting of four companies of the 49th Regiment, and a few militia, marching for our left flank. I immediately detached a party of 150 men, to take possession of the heights above Queenstown bat- CAPTAIN wool's report 131 tery and to hold General Brock in check ; but in conse quence of his superior force they retreated. I sent a re inforcement ; notwithstanding which the enemy drove us to the edge ofthe bank, when with the greatest exertions we brought the troops to a stand, and I ordered the Officers to bring their men to a charge as soon as the am munition was expended, which was executed with some confusion, and in a few moments the enemy retreated. We pursued them to the edge of the heights, when Col. Macdonell had his horse shot from -under him, and was himself mortally wounded. In the interim. General Brock, in attempting to rally his forces, was killed, when the enemy disposed in every direction. As soon as it was practicable, I formed the troops in a line on the heights fronting the village, and immediately detached flanking parties, which consisted of Captain Machesney, of the 6th Regiment, Lieutenant Smith, and Ensign Grosvenor with a small detachment of riflemen, who had that moment arrived ; at the same time, I ordered Lieu tenant Gansevoort and Lieutenant Randolph, with a de- , tachment of artillery, to drill out an 18 -pounder which had been previously spiked, and if possible to bring it to bear upon the viUage. The wounded and prisoners I ordered to be collected, and sent to the guard-house. About this time, which was about three or four o'clock ih the afternoon. Lieutenant- Col. Chrystie arrived, and took the command. He ordered me across the river to get my wounds dressed. I remained a short time. Our flanking parties had been driven in by the Indians but General Wadsworth and other Officers arriving, we had a short skirmish with them, and they retreated, and I crossed the river. The Officers engaged in storming the battery, were Captains Wool and Ogilvie ; Lieutenants Kearney, Hugu- nin, Carr, and Sammons, of the 43rd Regiment ; Lieuten ant Gansevoort and Randolph of the Light ArtiUery, and Major Lush of the Militia. I recommend to your particular notice Lieuts. Ran dolph, Carr, and Kearney, for their brave conduct ex hibited during the whole of the action. I have the honor to be. Your most obedient humble Servant John E. Wool, Capt. 13th Regt. Inft. Colonel Van Rensselaer. VII THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN • Towards the close of the autumn. General Winchester, having established himself at that point of the Miami, whither General Tupper had, on the occasion of Major Muir's retreat from Fort Wayne, been ordered' to dis lodge us ; and thrown up on the right bank of the river a strong fortification to which, in compliment to the Gov ernor of the State of Ohio, the name of Fort Meigs had been given, a detachment, consisting of about 50 men un der the command of Major Reynolds of the Essex MiUtia, with a three-pounder, and 200 Indians were sent to Frenchtown' on the River Raisin, distant eighteen miles frpm Amherstburg, to watch his movements. Here this little party continued unmolested until the afternoon of the I Sth of January, 1S13, when Colonel Lewis, who had been detached from General Winchester's division, with an advanced guard of nearly 800 men suddenly fell upon them, and notwithstanding a very gallant resistance, in the course of which, efficient service was rendered by the three-pounder under Bombardier Kitson of the Royal Artillery, aided simply by a few miUtia acting as gun ners, compelled them to retire across some intermediate open ground to a wood, distant nearly a mile from their original position. Here the enemy were kept in check not only by the fire from the three-pounder, but by a 'Frenchtown, now the city of Monroe, was so called because a number of French families settled upon the banks of the river, and built their houses near together, as was usual with this nation ality. The stream was called Sturgeon river by the Indians, because that fish was found there in large numbers, but Riviere aux Raisins by the French, because, it is said, grapes grew in abundance on its banks. l,'!2 MAJOR REYNOLDS REPULSED 1 33 running fusillade from the Militia, and Indians, chiefly of the Pottawattomi tribe. After the conflict had con tinued at this point upwards of half an hour. Major Reynolds,' finding himself closely pressed by very superior numbers, gave up the contest, the Americans suffering him to effect his retreat without further interruption. In this little affair the British loss was i Militia man and 3 Indians killed. That of the enemy was much more severe, they themselves admitting 12 killed and 55 wounded. Colonel Lewis having established himself in the position, sent immediate notice of his success to General Winchester, who quitting Fort Meigs with the main body of his army, pushed forward with all expe dition, and effected a junction with Colonel Lewis on the 2 oth. The account of the repulse of Major Reynolds having reached Amherstburg in the course of the night of the I Sth, Colonel Procter, with a promptness and decision which it is to be regretted had not marked his subse quent operations, resolved on an instant advance upon the captured position, before the enemy could have time to fortify it. Accordingly the whole disposable force of the garrison was ordered upon this service, and early on the 19th, leaving a handful of men to occupy the fort, he crossed the Detroit river opposite Amherstbiurg, with 'Major Ebenezer Reynolds, the commander of the Essex Militia, was the son of a Commissary officer to the British troops at Fort Detroit when it was a British possession. In the autumn of 1812 he occupied Frenchtown with two companies of militia, but on the advance ot Col. Lewis with a superior force was obliged to retire. He took part in all the engagements of the Right Division. From Sept. 10th, 1833, tifl the 7th ot August, 1837, Major Reynolds was Sheriff of the Western District. His brother, Robert Reynolds, Deputy Assistant-Commis sary-General, followed the fortunes of the army of the Right • Division, and escaped when that army was defeated at Moravian- town on Oct. 5th, 1813. He was born in Detroit in 1781, and lived to an advanced age on his farm on the banks of the Detroit near Amherstburg. His narrative of the events of the war is given by Coffin in " 1812 ; The War and its Moral," p. 195. 134 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN a body of 500 troops and militia, 800 Indians under the Chief Roundhead, (Tecumseh being absent collecting re inforcements) and 3 three-pounders. The different ves sels being laid up for the season, parts of their crews were ordered to serve with the artillery, and th^ two companies of the Newfoundland Fencibles attached to the brigade. No sight could be more beautiful than the departure of this Uttle army from Amherstburg. It was the depth of winter ; and the river at the point we crossed being four miles in breadth, the deep rumbling noise of the guns prolonging their reverberations like the roar of distant thunder, as they moved along the ice, mingled with the wild cries of the Indians, seemed to threaten some convulsion of nature ; while the appearance of the troops winding along the road, now lost behind some cliff of rugged ice, now emerging into view, their polished arms glittering in the sunbeams, gave an air of romantic grandeur to the scene. On the nigUt of the 21st, we halted and bivouacked in the open air, about five miles from the enemy's position, with no other protection from the cold than our great coats, and the fires which were kindled at our feet. Two hours before dawn, and we were again upon the advance to the River Raisin, and on the 22nd, before daybreak, came within sight of the enemy, occupying the position lately held by Major Reynolds. Such was their security and negligence that they had not thrown out a single picket, and our line was actually half formed within musket shot of their defences, before they were aware even of our presence. The conduct of Colonel Procter on this occasion has ever been a matter of astonishment to me, and on no one principle that I am aware of, can it be satisfactorily accounted for. The Americans were lying in their beds , undressed and unarmed, and a prompt and forward movement of the line, either would have enabled us to have taken them with the bayonet at advantage, or to GENERAL WINCHESTER TAKEN PRISONER 1 35 have seized the intermediate close fence, forming a para pet from which they shortly afterwards so severely annoyed us. Instead of this, he commenced firing his three-pounders in answer to the alarm of the sentinels who, at length perceiving us, had rapidly discharged their muskets — thus affording them time and facility for arming and occupying the only position from which they could seriously check our advance. Resting their rifles on the breastwork by which they were covered, the Americans fought under every advantage, the dark line of troops before them serving as a point of direction, which could not fail to be perceived along the field of snow by which they were surrotmded. Much execution was done among the artillery and seamen. Placed in front of the line, and singled out by their marksmen, the officers and men of those departments were particularly exposed, and many of the guns were abandoned from want of hands to work them. The fire of the enemy was not less galling to the troops, yet although faUing at every step, they continued to advance with the utmost resolution and gallantry. The action had continued about an hour, when the American right, being entirely broken by the Militia and Indians, a movement was made to occupy the ground they had abandoned, and to take them in flank. This manoeuvre succeeding, a corps of Americans, to the number of four hundred, threw them selves into the strong block-houses they had already con structed since their arrival, where they continued to make an obstinate defence. Meanwhile their right, and part of the centre, closely foUowed across the ice by the Indians, fell almost unresisting victims to the wrath of their pursuers : and for nearly two miles along the road by which they passed, the snow was covered with the blood and bodies of the slain. Among the fugitives was General Winchester himself, who, falling into the hands of the Wyandot Chief Roundhead, was conducted, to gether with his son — a handsome youth of sixteen — to our rear. 136 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN Here, being informed of the state of the action, he immediately wrote an order in pencil to the officer com manding the block-houses desiring him to surrender what troops were under him as prisoners of war. This being conveyed to Colonel Procter who was then in advance with the left wing, which was fast establishing itself on the flank of the enemy's position, the fire from oui: line was discontinued, and an officer despatched with a flag and the document in question. The result of this was the surrender of a considerable body of men, who dread ing to fall into the hands of the Indians had resolved to sell their Uves at the dearest possible rate, and who could not, without great difficulty, have been expeUed from their formidable position. In this manner was the whole of the American force annihilated — 150 men only of those who had been routed early in the day, contriving to effect their escape into Fort Meigs, the post so recently established on the banks of the Miami. So complete was the surprise of the enemy, that General Winchester, when brought in, had no other covering than the dress in which he slept. In this affair which, if properly conducted, would have been attended by little loss to the assailants, we had' 24 rank and file killed and 11 officers and 158 rank and file wounded, exclusive of sergeants whose number is not recorded. Colonel St. George, particularly distinguished by his valor and exertions, received five wounds (the despatch states four) several of them severe — and had a horse shot under him. No officer was killed ; but among the wounded were Ensign Kerr of the Royal Newfound land Regiment, who was shot through the lungs, and died a few days afterwards. Captain Tallon and Lieut. Clemow of the 41st, Lieut. Troughton of the Artillery, and Lieuts. Rolette and Irvine of the Navy. The con duct of this latter officer, whose gallantry at the capture of the Caledonia has already been described, was marked General James Winchester. LIEUT. IRVINE S DARING FEAT 1 37 on this occasion by the same coolness and resolution. In a forward movement made upon the enemy in the heat of the action, but in which we had been checked by the desperate fire of their riflemen, one of the three-pounders had been abandoned not twenty yards from the fence. The Americans eagerly sought to obtain possession of this, and leaped the breastwork for the purpose of drag ging it immediately under cover of their own fire. Their object, however, was seen and frustrated by the British line, which had not retired many yards before it again halted and renewed the contest, compelling the Ameri cans to retire behind their breastwork. Lieutenant Irvine saw the peril of the gun, and, under cover of a heavy fire which was thrown into the enemy at that moment, he advanced, seized the drag rope, and bore it off. This daring feat, performed in presence of, and be tween, the two armies, was not without its penalty. Mr. Irvine received a wound immediately in the centre of his heel, the ball entering and saturating his boot, which was with some difficulty removed, with blood ; and from the effect of this he suffered for some time. The ball was never found. Another individual who deserves honorable mention here was a young midshipman, a brother' of the writer of this narrative, and the son of a medical officer who had long served in the country. This youth, then only fourteen years of age, had ever been anxious to find him self engaged in an affair with the enemy, but no oppor tunity having presented itself on the lake, he had resolved to seize the first favorable occasion on land. Disobeying the positive order given him to remain behind,, he joined the division during the bivouac of the night , preceding 'This was Robert Richardson, the next and favorite brother of the author, born at Queenston, Sept. 10th, 1798, died June 7th, 1819. For a description of this battle see the letter of the author, written to his uncle after the return of the army to Amherstburg. 138 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN the action, and attaching himself to his department, was among the number of those singled out by the enemy's marksmen. While in the act of applying a match to one of the guns, he was struck by a ball, which shattered his right leg and felled him to the earth. Doctor Richardson had been called on, in his medical capacity, to attend the expedition, and was then with the staff in the rear. The first care of this gallant and exceUent boy was to conceal his wound from his father ; and he begged those who bore him from the field to convey him to a position re mote from that occupied by the staff, and to request the surgeon of the 41st to attend him, which was accordingly done. After having suffered intensely, but with manly and enduring courage, for six months, he was at length enabled to remove to Quebec, where, his conduct being generaUy known, he was taken into favor by the Com mander-in-Chief, who gave him the commission of a lieu tenant in one of the provincial corps. Sir John Harvey and Sir George Murray, then Colonels in theservice, and fiUing the important offices of Adjutant- General and Quarter-Master-General to the army in Canada, were also forward in affording the most flattering testimony of their esteem ; and this spirited youth had the cheering consolation to know that, although afflicted with a wound which eventually cost him his life, the noble ardor devel oped at so early a stage of his existence was not without its reward, in the approval of men whose high military rank and character invested their individual regard with a ten-fold value. The following extract from a letter from the first-named gallant Officer, dated November, 1839, contains so flatter ing a reminiscence of the devoted boy that it would be an injustice to his memory to withhold it. "I am favored with your very interesting communication of the 22nd inst. by which I learn that you are the brother of two youths, whose gallantry and merits — and with regard INGRATITUDE OF A PRISONER 1 39 to one of -them, his sufferings — during the late war, excited my warmest admiration and sympathies ; and (continues Sir John, under an erroneous impression that his young protege had been subsequently married) I will add, that the desire I felt to serve the father will be found to extend itself to the son, if your nephew should ever find himself under circumstances to require from me any service which it may be within my limited power to render him." In the same engagement Mr. William CaldweU' of Amherstburg, who was attached to the Indians, had a very narrow escape. Among the number of those of the enemy who first broke and fled across the ice, was an officer who, overtaken by an Indian, and in the act of being tomahawked, was saved by the interposition of this gentleman. As he was conducting him toward the principal scene of action, the American officer drew his knife, at a moment when Mr. Caldwell was off his guard, and springing upon his deliverer, made an incision along his throat, nearly from ear to ear. The wound fortunately was not deep, and Mr. Caldwell, who was an extremely powerful and active person, with great presence of mind^ 'Col. William Caldwell, of Amherstburg, was a native ot Ireland, and immigrated to the southern colonies of America before the Revolutionary War. When the colonies rebelled he took the Loyalist side, and was appointed an officer in one of the colonial regiments, but was transferred to that celebrated corps, Butler's Rangers, in which he held the rank of Captain. He took part in all the battles, raids and forays of this corps, and after the war settled in the township of Maiden. On the breaking out of the War of 1812 he was appointed Quarter-Master-General of the militia on the western frontier. His influence with the Wyandots was such as to secure their aid for the British in the war. He and bis four sons took part in all the engagements of the Right Division. William, Jr., was a Captain in the 1st Essex Militia, and Thomas and Francis, Lieutenants, in the same regiment. The latter was wounded seven times during the war. Another son, James, served through the war. Francis Caldwell was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly, for the County of Essex in 1835, and re-elected in 1840. Edwin Caldwell was Collector of Customs at Amherstburg from 1831 till 1857. 140 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN caught the arm which had attempted his destruction, and drawing forth a dagger, with which he was provided, thrust it repeatedly into the body of his assailant until death had freed him from all further apprehension — Mr. Caldwell's wound was soon healed. The appearance of the American prisoners captured at Frenchtown was miserable to the last degree. They had the air of men to whom cleanliness was a virtue unknown, and their squalid bodies were covered by habiliments that had evidently undergone every change of season, and were arrived at the last stage of repair. It has already been remarked that it was the depth of winter ; but scarcely an individual was in possession of a great coat or cloak, and few of them wore garments of wool of any description. They still retained their summer dress, ~ consisting of cotton stuff of various colors, shaped into frocks, and descending to the knee : their trowsers were of the same material. They were covered with slouched hats, worn bare by constant usej beneath which their long hair fell matted and uncombed over their cheeks ; and these, together with the dirty blankets wrapped around their loins to protect them against the inclemency of the season, and fastened by broad leathern belts, into which were thrust axes and knives of an enormous length, gave them an air of wildness and savageness, which in Italy would have caused them to pass for brigands of the Apennines. The only distinction between the garb of the officer and that of the soldier was, that the one, in addition to his sword, carried a short rifle instead of a long one, while a dagger, often curiously worked and of some value, supplied the place of the knife. This descrip tion may be considered as appUcable to the various hordes of irregular troops sent forth throughout the war from the States of Ohio and Kentucky. The equipment was ever the same, and differing only inasmuch as their opportunities of preserving or renewing it were more or less frequent. PROCTER'S OFFICIAL REPORT 141 During the short period the American prisoners remained in Amherstburg, I had an opportunity of rendering a slight service to General Winchester, for which he appeared particularly grateful. This was replied to, moreover, by a request that I would accept a very handsomely-mounted pair of pistols which were with his baggage. The Indians however had forestalled me in the possession, and I believe the General never recovered a single article even of wearing apparel. The following is the British Official Report of the battle of the River Raisin. Those of General Winchester and of General Harrison will be found succeeding it. From Colonel Procter to Major-General Sheaffe, Sandwich, January 25, 1813. My Dear General, — In my last despatch I acquainted you, that the enemy was in the Michigan territory, march ing upon Detroit. I therefore deemed it requisite that he should be attacked without delay, and with all and every description of force within my reach. Early in the morning, on the 19th, I was informed of his being in possession of Frenchtown, on the River Raisin, 26 miles from Detroit, after experiencing every resistance that Major Reynolds, of the Essex militia, had it in his power to make, with a 3 -pounder, well served and directed by bombardier Kitson of the Royal Artillery, and the militiamen, whom he had well trained to the use of it. The retreat of the gun was covered by a brave band of ' Indians, who made the enemy pay dearly for what he obtained. The Indians fell back, i8 miles to Brown's Town, the settlement of the brave Wyandots, where I directed my force to assemble. On the 2 ist instant, I advanced 12 miles to Swan Creek, whence we marched to the enemy, and attacked him at break of day, on the 22nd instant, and after experiencing, for our numbers, a considerable loss, about half of the enemy's force, posted in houses and enclosures, and which, in dread of falling into the hands of the Indians, they most obstinately defended, at last surrendered at dis cretion ; the other part of their force, in attempting to retum whence they came, were, I beUeve, all, or perhaps excepting a very few, killed by the Indians. Brigadier- General Winchester was taken in the pursuit by the 142 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN Wyandot Chief Roundhead. He was cut off from those who were posted, and whom he afterwards surrende«Eed. I had much difficulty in bringing the Indians to con sent to the sparing of their lives. You will perceive that I have lost no time ; indeed, there was none to spare, as they would have been joined by Mr. Harrison in a few days, and the people of Detroit had already begun to show themselves. The troops, the marine, and the miUtia displayed great bravery ; all behaved well. Where so much zeal and spirit were dis played by all it would be unjust to attempt to particularize: I shall only venture to mention some of the wounded. Lieut.-Col. St. George, who received four wounds in a gallant attempt to occupy a building favorably situated for the enemy's annoyance ; Ensign Kerr, of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, who, I fear, is very danger ously wounded. The zeal and courage of the Indian Department were never more conspicuous than on this occasion. The Indian warriors displayed their usual courage. I am much indebted to the different depart ments, the troops having been well and timely supplied with every requisite the district can afford. We feel the insufficiency of surgical assistance. If the Indians had not appeared quite so soon in the enemy's rear, which deterred them from quitting their fastness, scarcely a man could have escaped death. I send my A.D.C, Lieutenant McLean,' with this despatch. He will be able to answer any question respecting the affair of Frenchtown that you may be desirous of asking, or concerning our situation here generally. I have decided to the best of my judgment respecting the prisoners, which is to send them by the River Thames, to be passed 'Lieut. A. H. McLean, of the 41st Regiment, who was A.D.C. to Colonel Procter, was the son of Donald McLean, Clerk ot the Legislative Assembly, who was killed while bravely opposing the landing of the Americans at York on April 27th, 1813. He was a zealous and painstaking officer, and was in every engagement in the west, and also the battle of Moraviantown. After the close of the war he went to England with his regiment, and thence to India, where he took part in the severe fighting of the first Burmese war. When he retired from the army he came to Canada, and lived on a farm in the township of Scarborough, a few miles east of Toronto. Here he still kept a connection with military affairs, and was appointed Colonel, and was in command during the troubles ot 1837. His narrative of the battle of Moraviantown was used by Coffin in that writer's description of the event. PROCTER'S OFFICIAL REPORT 1 43 over on your frontier. The reasons for not sending them back the route by which they came are so obvious that I shall not, except required, obtrude them on you ; indeed, I see no option or arrangement that could be made but the one directed. I, fortunately, have not been deprived of the services of Lieutenant Troughton of the Royal Artillery, and acting in the Quarter-Master-General's Department, al though he was wounded. I am indebted much to his zeal and unwearied exertions. I could wish his continu ance in the Quarter-Master-General's Department. Were it not unjust to particularize any corps, where all did their utmost, I would mention the zeal and courage of the Royal Artillery. Each officer is deserving of being named, could I do it within the compass of a despatch. I enclose a list of the killed and wounded. I lament there having been so many of both ; but of the latter a large proportion will return to duty, and most of them before long. Before this reduction of my force, I had too few for the defence cf this frontier. May I not hope that you will send me a company of the 41st Regiment ? You are aware of the insufficiency of my means. I also send a return of the arms, ammunition, etc., taken on the 22nd inst. , likewise of the prisoners, who you will perceive to be equal to my utmost force, exclusive of the Indians, who, though a powerful aid, are an uncertain one, being dependent on success, and which would have strongly appeared had I failed on the 22nd instant, nor could I have been sure of the miUtia in the eveni; of any disaster. I have not heard it officially, but I believe that a party of the enemy, one hundred, bringing 500 hogs for General Winchester's force, has been completely cut off. I shall defer until the next opportunity, which shall be in a few days, saying anything more, having already detained Lieut. McLean too long, of whose courage and exertions displayed on the 22nd inst. I would speak, did I think it just to attempt particularizing anyone, especially when I may be supposed partial. I remain, my dear General, faithfuUy yours, Henry Procter, Colonel Commanding. Major-General Sheaffe, Fort George. 144 THE BATTLE Olf FRENCHTOWN To Major-General Sheaffe, &c. , &c. , &c. Fort George. Return of prisoners taken after the action at Riviere au Raisin, on the 22nd dayof January, 1813. I Brigadier-general ; i colonel ; i major ; 9 captains ; 6 lieutenants ; 10 ensigns ; i brigade-major ; i adju tant ; . I quartermaster ; 2 surgeons ; 27 sergeants ; 435 rank and file. — total, 495. N.B. — The Indians have brought in and delivered up several prisoners since the above return was taken ; they continue to do so this morning, so that this return is not perfectly correct, nor can a correct one be procured until they arrive at Sandwich. FeUx Troughton, R.A. Act. Dep. Assist. Quarter-Master-Gen. Return of the killed and wounded in the action at Riviere au Raisin, 22nd January, 1S13. Royal Artillery ; — i sergeant, i gunner, killed ; i lieutenant, i corporal, i bombardier, 5 gunners, wounded. loth Royal Veteran Battalion ; — 2 privates wounded. 41st Foot ; — 15 privates, killed ; i captain, i lieuten- - ant, 3 sergeants, i corporal, 91 privates, wounded. Royal Newfoundland Regiment ; — i private killed ; i ensign, i sergeant, 3 corporals, 13 privates, wounded. Marine Department ; — i seaman, killed ; 2 lieutenants, I midshipman, i gunner, 12 seamen wounded. ist Essex MiUtia ; — 2 privates, killed ; i captain, 2 lieutenants, 2 sergeants, 7 privates, wounded. 2nd Essex Militia ; — 3 privates, killed ; i ensign, 3 privates, wounded. Staff ;--i lieutenant-colonel, wounded. Total; — I sergeant, i gunner, 21 privates, i seaman, killed ; i lieutenant-colonel, 2 captains, 6 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, i midshipman, 6 sergeants, 5 corporals, i bom bardier, 6 gunners, 116 privates, 12 seamen, wounded. General total : — 24 killed ; 158 wounded. Names of the Officers wounded. Royal Artillery ; — Lieutenant Troughton. 41st foot ; — Captain Tallon and Lieutenant Clemow. Royal Newfoundland Regiment ; — Ensign Kerr (since dead). Marine Department ; — Lieutenants Rolette and Irvine, and Midshipman Richardson. GENERAL WINCHESTER'S OFFICIAL REPORT 1 45 ist Essex Militia ; — Captain MiUs, and Lieutenants McCormick and Gordon. 2nd ditto ; — Ensign Claude Garvin. Staff ';— Lieut.-Colonel Thomas B. St. George, I.F.O. Militia. FeUx Troughton, Lt. R. A. Act. Dep. Assist. Quarter-Master- Gen. From Brigadier-General Winchester to the American Secretary of War. Maiden, January 23rd, 1813. Sir, — A detachment from the left wing of the North western Army under my command at Frenchtown, on the river Raisin, was attacked on the 22nd instant by a force greatly superior in number, aided by several pieces of artillery. The action commenced at the dawn of day ; the picquet guards were driven in, and a heavy fire opened on the whole line, by which a part thereof was thrown into disorder ; and being ordered to retire a small distance in order to form on more advantageous ground, I found the enemy doubling our flank with force and rapidity. A destructive fire was sustained for some time ; at length borne down by numbers, the few of us that re mained with the party that retired from the lines, submitted. The remainder of our force, in number about 400, continued to defend themselves with great gallantry, in an unequal contest against small arms and artillery, until I was brought in as a prisoner to that part of the field occupied by the enemy. At this latter place, I understood that our troops were defending themselves in a state of desperation ; and was informed by the commanding officer of the enemy, that he would afford them an opportunity of surrendering themselves prisoners of war ; to which I acceded. I was the more ready to make the surrender from being assured, that unless done quickly, the buildings adjacent would be immediately set on fire, and that no responsibility would be taken for the conduct of the savages, who were then assembled in great numbers. In this critical situation, being desirous to preserve the lives of a number of our brave fellows who still held out, I sent a flag to them, and agreed with the commanding officer of the enemy, that tl\ey should be surrendered 146 THE BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN prisoners of war, on condition of being protected from the savages, allowed to retain their private property, and having their side-arms returned to them. It is iippossible for me to ascertain, with certainty, the loss we have sus tained in this action, from the impracticability of know ing the number who have made their escape. Thirty-five officers, and about 487 non-commissioned officers, and privates, are prisoners of war. A list of the names of the officers is herewith enclosed to you. Our loss in killed is considerable. However unfortunate may seem the affair of yesterday, I am flattered by a belief, that no material error is chargeable upon myself, and that still less censure is deserved by the troops I had the honor of commanding. With the exception of that portion of our force which was thrown into disorder, no troops have ever behaved with more determined intrepidity. I have the honor to be, with high respect Your obedient Servant, James Winchester, Brig.-Gen. U.S. Army. Hon. Secretary at War. N.B. — The Indians have still a few prisoners in their possession, which I have reason to hope will be given up to Colonel Procter, at Sandwich. James Winchester, Brig.-Gen. From Major-General Harrison, to Governor Shelby. Camp on Carrying Rock, 15 miles from the Rapids, January 24th, 18 13. My dear Sir, I send Colonel WeUs to you, to communicate the par ticulars (as far as we are acquainted with them) of an event that will overwhelm your mind with grief, and fill your whole State with mourning. The greater part of Colonel Wells's regiment. United States Infantry, and the ist and 5th regiments Kentucky Infantry, and Allen's rifle regiment, under the immediate orders of General Winchester have been cut to pieces by the enemy, or taken prisoners. Great as the calamity is, I still hope that, as far as it relates to the objects of the campaign, it is not irreparable. As soon as I was informed of the attack upon General Winchester, about 12 o'clock on the 22nd instant, I set out, to overtake the detachment GENERAL HARRISON'S REPORT 1 47 of Kentucky troops, that I had sent that morning to reinforce him, and I directed the only regiment that I had with me to follow. I overtook Major Robb's detachment at the distance of 6 miles ; but before the troops in the rear could get up, certain information was received of General Winchester's total defeat. A council of war was called, and it was the unanimous opinion of the Generals Payne and Perkins, and all the field officers, that there was no motive that could author ize an advance but that of attacking the enemy and that success was not to be expected after a forced march of 40 miles against an enemy superior in number, and well provided with artillery. Strong detachments of the most . active men were, however, sent forward on all the roads, to assist and bring in such of our men as had escaped. The whole number that reached our camp does not exceed 30, amongst whom were Major McClanehan and Captain Claves. Having a large train of heavy artillery, and stores com ing on this road from W. Sandusky under an escort of four companies, it was thought advisable to fall back to this place, for the purpose of securing .them. A part of it arrived last evening, and the rest is within 30 miles. As soon as it arrives, and a reinforcement of three regi ments from the Virginia and Pennsylvania brigades, I shall again advance, and give the enemy an opportunity . of measuring their strength with us once more. Colonel Wells will communicate some circumstances, which, while they afflict and surprise, will convince you that Kentucky has lost none of her reputation for valor, for which she is famed. The detachment to the River Raisin was made without my knowledge or consent, and in direct opposition to my plans. Having been made, how ever, I did everything in my power to reinforce them, and a force exceeding by 300 men that which General Winchester deemed necessary was on its way to join him, and a fine battalion within 14 miles of its destination. After the success of Colonel Lewis, I was in great hopes that the post could be maintained. Colonel Wells will communicate my future views to you, much better than I can do in writing at this time. I am, dear Sir, &c., W. H. Harrison. His Excellency Governor Shelby. VIII THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI Far from being discouraged by the discomfiture of their armies under Generals HuU and Winchester, the Ameri cans despatched a third and more formidable, under one of their most experienced commanders. General Harrison, who reaching Fort Meigs shortly subsequent to the affair at Frenchtown, directed his attention to the construction of works which rendered his position in some measure impregnable. Determined if possible to thwart the views of the enemy, and give a finishing stroke to his movements in that quarter. General Procter (lately promoted) ordered an expedition to be in readiness to move for the Miami. Accordingly, towards the close of April, a detachment of the 41st, some militia, and 1,500 Indians, accompanied by a train of battering artillery, and attended by two gun boats, proceeded up that river, and established them selves on the left bank, at the distance of a mile from the site selected for our batteries. The season was unusually wet, yet, in defiance of every obstacle, they were erected the same night in front of the American fortress, and the guns transported along a road in which the axle-trees of the carriages were frequently buried in mud. Among other battering pieces, were two 24-pounders — splendid guns which we had captured at Detroit — in the transpor tation of which 200 men with several oxen, were em ployed from nine o'clock at night untU daybreak in the morning. At length every preparation having been made, a shot from one of the gun-boats was the signal for their opening, and early on the morning of the ist of May, a heavy fire was commenced, and continued for four days without intermission, during: which period everyone 148 BRITISH BATTERIES CAPTURED 149 of the enemy's batteries, within our range, was silenced and dismantled. The fire of the 24-pounder battery was principally directed against the powder magazine, which the besieged were busily occupied in covering and pro tecting from our hot shot. It was impossible to have artillery better served ; every ball that was fired sank into the roof of the magazine, scattering the earth to a consid erable distance, and burying many of the workmen in its bed, from whence we could distinctly perceive the sur vivors dragging forth the bodies of their .slaughtered comrades. The officers, whom duty or curiosity drew to the ground — often pointed the guns— a favor on the part of the artillerymen, which was generally repaid by a glass of rum or whiskey, both which liquors were extremely scarce with us and were prized accordingly. Meanwhile the flank companies of the 41st, with a few Indians, had been detached to the opposite shore, within a few hun dred yards of the enemy's works, and had constructed a battery, from which a galling cross-fire was maintained. Dismayed at the success of our operations, General Har rison, already apprized before our arrival of the approach of a reinforcement of 1,500 men, then descending the Miami under General Clay, contrived to despatch a courier on the evening of the 4th, with an order for that officer to land immediately, and possess himself of our batteries on the left bank, while he (General Harrison) sallied forth to carry those on the right. Accordingly, at eight o'clock on the morning of the 5th, General Clay pushed forward the whole of his force, and meeting with no opposition at the batteries, which were entirely un supported, proceeded to spike the guns in conformity with his instructions ; but elated with his success, and disobeying the positive order of his chief, which was' to retire the instant his object was effected, he continued to occupy the position. In the meantime the flying artil lerymen had given the alarm, and three companies of the 150 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI 41st, several of militia, and a body of Indians, the latter under Tecumseh, were ordered to move on the instant, and repossess themselves of the works. The rain, which had commenced early in the morning, continued to fall with violence, and the road, as has already been described, was knee-deep with mud, yet the men advanced to the assault with the utmost alacrity and determination. The main bodyof our small detachment, under Major Muir, ad vanced against the American left and centre which had de ployed into the woods, while Major Chambers, an officer whose gallantry in the field was ever remarkable, boldly attacked their right then occupying the principal battery. On approaching the position he threw away his sword, and seizing the accoutrements and musket of a soldier of his own company whp had been shot dead a moment be fore, called out in a voice and manner which was charac teristic of the man, and which rather denoted indignation that the enemy should have had the presumption to carry the position than anything else, ' ' Who' 11 follow me and retake that battery?" I was immediately behind him at the time, and as enthusiastically replied (excited no doubt by the example before me) that I would. Lieutenant Bullock, who had been wounded over the left eye a day or two before, on the opposite side of the river, yet who, when apprized of the capture of the batteries, had left his tent for the purpose of aiding in their recov ery, together with Lieutenant Clements (of the 41st also) were a few paces in the rear, and these officers, followed by not more than a dozen men who happened to be near at the time, pressed eagerly forward in compliance with the invitation of our dashing leader. It is a matter of perfect surprise to me, even at this hour, that our Uttle force, which I have rather overrated, had not been annihilated to a man ; for the Americans were in strength, and of course perfectly under shelter, and the easy conquest we obtained (for they fled as we drew near to the battery) can only be attributed to the fact that their centre and clay's division defeated 151 left were being sorely pressed by the detachment under Major Muir, and the Indians under Tecumseh. In an account of this action, recently published by Captain Le Breton, residing near By town,' and then a Lieut, in the Newfoundland Regiment, that officer states himself to have been one of those who entered the battery with Major Chambers. Of course this is the fact, although my recollection does not embrace any other officers than those I have named, as being present on the occasion. Driven from the batteries, the enemy in vain sought for safety in the woods. The murderous fire of the Indians, which had already dispersed their main body, drove them back upon their pursuers, until in the end there was no possibility of escape, and their army was wholly destroyed. A vast number were killed, and inde pendently of the prisoners taken by the Indians, 450, with their second in command, fell into our hands. A somewhat curious and characteristic anecdote may be related of a soldier (an Irishman) of the 41st, who being in a position in the woods, isolated from his own party, contrived to disarm and make prisoners of three Ameri cans who were opposed to him. On joining his company towards the close of the affair, preceded by his prizes, ¦and sweating beneath the weight of arms, he declared with great naivete and indifference that he had with great difficulty surrounded, and made them his prisoners. Of the wholeof the division under General Cla j', not more than 150 men effected their escape, and among the fugi tives was that officer himself. The sortie made, by order of General Harrison, on the right bank of the river had 'Bytown was the name by which the present city of Ottawa was known before it was selected as the permanent seat of the govern ment of Canada. Bytown took its name from Lieut.-Col. By of the Royal Engineers, who constructed the Rideau canal from the present site ot the city of Ottawa to Kingston. This canal was projected for the purpose of providing a safer route for the for warding of troops and supplies to the Upper Lakes, than that •offered by the St. Lawrence, in the event of another war with the tlnited States. 152 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI a different result. The detachment supporting the bat tery already described were driven from their position and two officers (Lieutenants Mclntyre and Hailes) , and thirty men were made prisoners. Meanwhile, it having been discovered that the guns on the left bank, owing to some error on the part of the enemy, had been spiked with the ramrods of their muskets, instead of the usual instruments, they were speedily rendered serviceable, and the fire from the batteries was renewed. At this moment a white flag was observed waving on the ramparts of the fort, and the courage and perseverance of the troops ap peared at length as if about to be crowned by the surren der of a fortress, the siege of which had cost them so much trouble and privation. Such, however, was far from be ing the intention of General Harrison. Availing him self of the cessation of hostilities which necessarily en sued, he caused the officers and men just captured to be sent across the river for the purpose of being exchanged;' but this was only a feint for the accomplishment of a 'An agreement for the exchange of prisoners, made between Brig.-Genl. Procter, Commanding His Britannic Majesty's Forces inthe Miamis, and Maj.-Genl. Harrison, Commanding the North Western Army of the United States. The prisoners of the Kentncky Militia, now in possession of General Procter, to be sent to the River Huron, upon the condition of not serving against Great Britain or her allies during the war between that power and the United States. Captain Price, ot the First Regiment, United States Light Artillery, and twenty regulars of the United States Army, now in possession of General Procter, will be considered as exchanged, and permitted to serve after the termination of one month. Lieuts. Mclntyre and Hailes, of the 41st Regiment, and thirty- nine privates, are also to be exchanged, but are not to serve, except in garrison duty, until the expiration of one month. A return of prisoners, released on each side, to be furnished to the respective commissaries of each nation, and the surplusage to be accounted for in a future settlement of the account of prisoners, agreeably to the tariff of exchange, heretofore established. Headquarters Camp, Miamis, 9th May, 1813. Hbney Pkoctee, Col., Commanding His Britannic Majesty's Forces on the Miamis. Wm. Hy. Harrison, Maj.-Genl., Commanding^ the North Western Army of the United States. massacre OF PRISONERS 1 53 more important object. Drawing up his whole force, both of cavalry and infantry, on the plain beneath the fortress, he caused such of the boats of General Clay's division as were laden with ammunition, of which the garrison stood much in need, to be dropped under the works, and the stores to be immediately disembarked. All this took place during the period occupied in the ex change of prisoners. The remaining boats, containing the baggage and private stores of the division, fell into the hands of the Indians, still engaged in the pursuit of the fugitives, and the plunder they acquired was immense. General Harrison having secured his stores, and received the officers and men exchanged for his captives, with drew into the garrison, and the bombardment was re-com menced. The victory obtained at the Miami' was such as to re flect credit on every branch of the service ; but the satis faction arising from the conviction was deeply embittered by an act of cruelty, which, as the writer of an impartial memoir, it becomes my painful duty to record. In the heat of the action a strong corps of the enemy, who had thrown down their arms, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war, were immediately despatched, under an escort of fifty men, for the purpose of being embarked in the gun-boats, where it was presumed they would be safe from the attacks of the Indians. This measure, however, although dictated by the purest humanity, and apparently offering the most probable means of security, proved one of fatal import to several of the prisoners. On gaining our encampment, then entirely deserted by the troops, they were assailed by a few cowardly and treacherous Indians, who had borne no share in the action, , yet who now, guided by the savage instinct of their nature, forced the British guard, and, selecting their victims, commenced the work of blood. In vain did the harassed 'For this victory the 41st Regiment bears on its colors the word, Miami. 154 THE BATTLE OP THE MIAMI and indignant escort attempt to save them from the fury of their destroyers ; the frenzy of these wretches knew no bounds, and an old and excellent soldier of the name of Russell, of the 41st, was shot through the heart while endeavoring to wrest a victim from the grasp of his as sailant. Forty of these unhappy men had already fallen beneath the steel of the infuriated party, when Tecum seh, apprized of what was doing, rode up at full speed, and raising his tomahawk, threatened to destroy the first man who resisted his injunction to desist. Even on those lawless people, to whom the language of coercion had hitherto been unknown, the threats and tone of the exas perated chieftain produced an instantaneous effect, and they retired at once humiliated and confounded. Never did Tecumseh shine more truly himself than on this oc casion ; and nought of the savage could be distinguished save the color and the garb. Ever merciful and magnan imous as he was ardent and courageous, the voice of the supplicant seldom reached him in vain ; and although war was his idol, the element in which he lived, his heart was formed to glow with all the nobler and more gener ous impulses of the warrior ; nor was his high character less esteemed by ourselves than reverenced by the vari ous tribes over which, in his quality of brother to the Prophet, he invariably presided. In any other country, and governing any other men, Tecumseh would have been a hero ; at the head of this uncivilized and untract- able people he was a savage ; but a savage such as civiliza tion herself might not blush to acknowledge for her child. Constantly opposed to the encroachments of the Americans for a series of years previous to their rupture with Eng land, he had combatted their armies on the banks of the Wabash with success, and given their leaders proofs of "a skill and judgment in defence of his native soil, which would not have disgraced the earUer stages of military science in Europe. General Harrison himself, a com mander with whom he had often disputed the palm of JAMES CORRECTED 1 55 victory, with the generous candor of the soldier, subse quently ascribed to him virtues as a man, and abilities as a warrior, commanding at once the attention and admira tion of his enemies. The survivors of this melancholy catastrophe were im mediately conveyed on board the gun-boats moored in the river ; and every precaution having been taken to prevent a renewal of the scene, the escorting party proceeded to the interment of the victims, to whom the rites of sepulture were afforded even before those of our own men who had fallen in the action. Colonel Dudley, second in command of General Clay's division, was among the number of the slain. In alluding to the painful occurrence above detailed James states that ' ' Tecumseh buried his tomahawk in the head of a Chippeway Chief whom he found actively engaged in massacring some of Colonel Dudley's men." He furthermore shows, that Colonel Dudley fell in an ambuscade . prepared by a bodyof Indians, stationed in the woods. Neither of these statements is correct — Colonel Dudley was taken prisoner and subsequently massacred in the manner just detailed, while Tecumseh was spared the necessity of inflicting -the punishment at tributed to him by an instant compliance with his will, on the part of the insubordinate and guilty, but excited Indians. In bright relief to this piece of treachery and atrocity on the part of the Chippeways, (well known to be the most .degenerate of the Indian race) let me hasten to record the noble conduct of a warrior of a very different tribe. Metoss, the head chief of the Sacs, was a tall, handsome man about six feet in height, and with features (as is peculiar indeed with the whole of this nation) essentially classic and Roman. When dressed, or rather undressed for battle, his body and limbs fantastically painted, and his head ornamented with a handsome circlet of feathers. 156 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI his tall and commanding figure presented the very beau ideal of an Indian warrior. He was a resolute man, and although by no means gifted with the eloquence or intell ect of Tecumseh, was a sagacious and active leader — firm in his attachment to British interests, and a most deter mined foe of the Americans, for whom he had conceived a hatred almost as powerful as that which actuated the noble being who has just been named. The injuries in flicted upon his red brethren rankled at his heart, and appeared to be ever present to his recollection. Still he could forgive an individual wrong, even when perpetrated by those whom he had so much reason to abhor — in proof of which, and to redeem the grossly maligned Indian character, the following touching circumstances may be related. During the early part of the siege, Metoss with his warriors frequently passed over from the left to the right bank of the river, (where the 41st flank companies were Stationed, in support of the small battery which had been constructed there) with a view of picking off such of the enemy as showed themselves above or without the ram parts of the fort. In these excursions the Sacs were generally successful, and the enemy seldom went to the river for water, for themselves or horses, without a shot from a lurking Indian. Metoss himself killed several in this way. One he contrived to make his prisoner, whom he kept in his wigwam, well secured. On the day fol lowing this capture, a favorite son of the chief — a fine lad of about thirteen — insisted on accompanying his father notwithstanding all entreaty to the contrary. By this time the enemy had become so annoyed by the temerity of the Indians who, under cover of the night, used to creep close under the fort, that upon the appearance of any of them on the skirt of the surrounding forest, a shower of grape was instantly poured forth. Unhappily, on this occasion, the American telescopes discovered Me toss and his son in ambuscade, when a discharge of grape NOBLE ACT OF METOSS 1 57 followed, and the poor boy was struck dead, dreadfully mangled in his bowels. Almost frantic with grief, the chief raised up the dead body, conveyed it to his canoe, and recrossing the river, hastened to his wigwam, with the stern determination of sacrificing his prisoner to the manes of the deceased. Fortunately Mr. Robert Dickson, who had brought the Sacs with him from the Mississippi, and whose influence over the Indians has already been shown to have been great, heard of the circumstance in time to intercept Metoss on his way to his wigwam, and to entreat that he would not destroy his prisoner, assuring him, at the same time, that if he did so, instead of sur rendering him to himself as he proposed he should. His Great Father, the King, would hear of his refusal with unfeigned sorrow. Metoss, who had torn off the gay head-dress with which he ever went into battle, at length yielded, and going to his wigwam, whither his son's body had already been conveyed, he went up to the American, E^nd severing with his knife the thongs by which he was fastened, took him by the hand, and led him to Mr. Dickson, saying in a mournful voice, " You tell me that my Great Father wishes it — take him," and this noble- hearted Indian, no longer able to suppress the feelings of his bereaved heart, wept like a child. The gaudy colors with which he was painted were soon replaced with black, and many months passed away before he was again seen to smile. The body of the young Indian was buried the next day, and, out of respect to the father, with all military honors. The funeral party, which was commanded by Lieut. Bullock, proceeded to the wigwam of Metoss, where the body of the young Chief was laid out— his little rifle, with some powder and ball, and a supply of provisions, according to Indian usage, being placed at his side. About a dozen of the Sac tribe, all painted black, were dancing what seemed to be a solemn war-dance around the body, when suddenly Metoss rushed frantically into I5S THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI the midst of the group, and exhibited every painful evi dence of the most violent and ungovernable grief. With difficulty he was removed from the body of his child, when the corpse was taken up, and the party proceeded towards the grave which had been dug in the midst of our encampment, on the left bank of the Miami. The black-painted Indians slowly followed, and after the British party had fired the customary three rounds, they discharged their rifles several times as fast as they could load. The fierce wild air of the warriors, whose counte nances evinced the strong desire they entertained of aven ging the untimely death of the fallen youth, the origi naUty of their costume, markedly contrasting as it did with that of the officers and soldiers present at the cere mony, andthe sombre silence which prevailed, heightened in effect by the deep gloom of the forest in which they were assembled, composed a wild and romantic picture, in which melancholy grandeur shohe principaUy con spicuous. When the expedition subsequently returned to Am herstburg, Metoss, who had embarked in General Proc ter's boat, was frequently observed to be in tears. He later conceived a strong attachment for Lieut. BuUock, principally by reason of that officer having commanded the funeral party of his son. He made him a chief of his tribe, and requested, as a great favor, that he would assent to an exchange of names. This was of course cheerfully complied with, for it was impossible not to esteem and like the untutored warrior who had so nobly, and in so affecting a manner, departed from the fierce Indian law which, not only authorizes, but enjoins the sacrifice of life for life. On the evening of the second day after this event, I accompanied Major Muir of the 41st, in a ramble throughout the encampment of the Indians, distant a few hundred yards from our own. The spectacle there offered to our view was at once of the most ludicrous and re- THE BOMBARDMENT INEFFECTUAL 1 59 vol ting nature. In various directions were lying the trunks and boxes taken in the boats of Gen. Clay's di vision, and the plunderers were busily occupied in dis- pla5dng tJieir riches, carefully examining each article, and attempting to divine its use. Several were decked out in the uniforms of the officers ; and although embarrassed to the last degree in their movements, and dragging with difficulty the heavy military boots with which their legs were for the first time covered, strutted forth much to the admiration of their less fortunate comrades. Some were habited in plain clothes ; others had their bodies clad in clean white shirts, contrasting in no ordinary manner with the swarthiness of their skins ; all wore some article of decoration, and their tents were ornamented with sad dles, bridles, rifles, daggers, swords, and pistols, many of which were handsomely mounted and of curious work manship. Such was the ridiculous part of the picture ; but mingled with these, and in various directions, were to be seen the scalps of the slain drying in the sun, stained on the fleshy side with vermilion dyes, and dangling in the air, as they hung suspended from the poles to which they were attached ; together with hoops of various sizes, on which were stretched portions of human skin taken from various parts of the body, principally the hand and foot, and yet covered with the nails of those parts ; while, scat tered along the ground, were visible the members from which they had been separated, and serving as nutriment to the wolf-dogs by which the Indians were accompanied. Since the action of the 5 th the enemy continued to keep themselves shut up within their works, and the bombard ment, although followed up with vigor, had effected no practicable breach. From the report made by the officers captured during the sortie from the fort, it appeared that, with a toil and perseverance peculiar to themselves, the Americans had constructed subterranean passages to pro tect them from the annoyance of our shells, which sink ing into beds of clay, softened by the incessant rains that l6o THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI had fallen, instead of exploding, were immediately extin guished. Impatient of longer privation, and anxious to return to their families and occupations, the miUtia' gradually withdrew themselves in small bodies, while the Indians, enriched by plunder, and languishing under the tediousness of a mode of warfare so different from their own, with less ceremony and caution, left us to prosecute the siege alone. Tecumseh at the head of his own tribe (the Shawnees) and a few others, in all not exceeding four hundred warriors, continued to remain. The troops also were worn down by constant fatigue, for here, as in every other expedition undertaken against the enemy, few even ¦of the officers had tents to shield them from the weather. A few slips of bark torn from the surrounding trees, and ¦covering the skeleton of a hut, was their only habi tation, and they were merely separated from the damp -earth by a few .scattered leaves, over which was generally 'The following is the statement ot the Militia Captains to Lieut.- ¦Col. Warburton, Inspecting Field Officer of Militia : — Camp Miamis, 6th May, 1813. Sir,— We, the undersigned officers ot the first and second Regiments of Essex and Kent Militia, beg leave to state to you, as head ot the Militia, our opinion on the present circumstances ot the Militia-men, and of the District in general. From the situation of our district last fall but very short crops •of grain were 'put in the ground, and these, small as they were, will be rendered still less by the unfavorableness of last winter. Under these unfavorable appearances the farmer had only the resource left of putting in crops of spring wheat, and should they be kept. here any longer, that of corn will also be out of thefr power, and the consequence must be a famine next winter. Indeed, the men are now detained with the greatest reluctance, •some have already gone, and we are apprehensive that it will not he in our power to detain them much longer. We have the honor to be Your obedient humble servants, Wm. Shaw, Captain, Kent Militia. Wm. Caldwell, Captain, 1st Regt., Essex. Geo. Jacob, Captain, Kent Militia. Wm. Buchanan, Captain, 1st Essex Militia. John Dolson, Captain, Kent Riflemen. Wm. Elliott, Captain, Essex Militia. Wm. Sterling, Captain, Kent Mihtia. Jas. Askin, Captain, 2nd Essex Militia. THE SIEGE RAISED l6l spread a great coat or blanket by the men, and a cloak by the officers. Hence frequently arose dysentery, ague, and the various other ills to which an army, encamped in a wet and unhealthy position is invariably subject ; and fortunate was he who possessed the ^skin of the bear or the buffalo, whereon to repose his weary limbs, after many consecutive hours of toil and privation which those only, who have acquired practical experience in the wild warfare peculiar to the country at that period, can fully understand. Such was the position of the contending armies towards the middle of May, when General Procter (very natur ally) despairing to effect the reduction of Fort Meigs, caused preparations to be made for raising the siege. Accordingly the gun -boats ascended the river, and anchored as near to the batteries as the lowness of the water would permit. Here the battering ordnance was embarked under a feeble fire from the enemy, and the whole having been secured, the expedition returned to Amherstburg, the Americans remaining tranquil spec tators of our departure, nor offering further molestation. It is a circumstance perhaps not unworthy of remark here that in 1840, after a lapse of twenty-seven years (during three and twenty of which I had been absent from the country), I alone of the force engaged at the siege of Fort Meigs, should have met with General Harrison on the very spot which he so vigorously de fended against us in 1813 ; and, yet more remarkable, that the occasion of such meeting should have been the commemoration of the events of that important period. It was during the great delegation, or convention, which preceded the gallant old General's elevation tothe Presi dential chair, and when introduced to him by the Gov ernor of Michigan, as one who had borne arms against him during that siege, and had later become his prisoner, I was received in that spirit of true and generous courtesy which is ever characteristic of the soldier. It is but an 1 62 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI act of justice to the memory of General- Harrison to record here that, although the great object of the meet ing — at which were present from fifty to sixty thousand persons — deputed from almost every state in the Union — was to honor him by celebrating his asserted triumph over the British arms, there was, in his address to the hushed multitude, when referring to his past services, less of aUusion to those of the War of 1812, than to those of the revolution. The following is General Procter's official account of the action. Upper Canada, Sandwich, May 14th, 1813. Sir, — The usual communication being interrupted by the capital of the Province being in the possession of the enemy, I have judged it expedient to make a direct report to your Excellency of our operations and present state in this district. In the expectation of being able to reach the enemy, who had taken post near the foot of the Rapids of the Miami, before the reinforcement and supplies could arrive, for which only he waited to commence active operations against us, I determined to attack him with out delay, and with every means in my power ; but from the necessary preparations and some untoward circum stances, it was not in my power to reach him within three weeks of the period I had proposed, and at which he might have been captured or destroyed. From the incessant and heavy rains we experienced, and during which pur batteries were constructed, it was not until the morning of the ist inst., the fifth day after our arrival at the mouth of the river, twelve miles from the enem}^ that our batteries c6uld be opened. Illness from successive fatigue deprived me of the services early of the only Artillery officer, on an occasion when three would have found ample employment. The enemy who occupied several acres of commanding ground, strongly defended by block-houses, and batteries well furnished with ordnance, had, during our approach, so completely entrenched and covered himself, as to ren der unavailing every effort of our artillery, though well served, and in batteries most judiciously placed and con structed under the able direction of Captain Dixon, of GENERAL PROCTER'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 63 the Royal Engineers, of whose abiUty and unwearied zeal, shown particularly on this occasion, 1 1 cannot speak too highly. Thougli our attack had not answered fully the purpose intended, I have the satisfaction to inform your Excel lency of the fortxmate result of an attack of the enemy, aided by a sally of most of their garrison, made on the morning of the 5th inst. , by a reinforcement which de scended the river a considerable distance in a very short time ; consisting of two corps of Kentucky Militia, Dud ley's and Boswell's, amounting to 1,300 men, under the command of Brigadier- General Green Clay. The attack was very sudden, and on both sides of the river. The enemy were for a few minutes in possession of our batter ies, and took some prisoners. After a severe contest, though not of long continuance, the enemy gave way, and excepting the body of those who sallied from the fort, must have been mostly killed or taken. In this decisive affair, the officers and men of the 41st Regt., who charged and routed the enemy near the bat teries, well maintained the long-established reputation of the corps. Where all deserve praise it is difficult to dis tinguish. Captain Muir, an old officer, who has seen much service, had the good fortune to be in the immedi ate command of these branches. Besides my obligations to Captain Chambers, for his unwearied exertions prepar atory to, and on the expedition, as Deputy-Assistant- Quarter-Master-General, I have to notice his gallant con duct in the attack of the enemy near the batteries at the point of the bayonet ; a service in which he was well supported by Lieut. Bullock of the 41st Regt. and Lieut. Le Breton of the Royal Newfoundland Regt. The courage and activity displayed through the whole scene of action by the Indian chiefs and warriors contributed largely to our success. I have not been able to ascertain the amount of the prisoners in possession of the Indians. I have sent off agreeable to the agreement, near 500 prisoners to the river Huron, near Sandusky. I have proposed an exchange, which is referred to the American Government. I could not ascertain the amount of the enemy's loss in killed, from the extent of the scene of action, and mostly in the woods. I conceive his loss to have been between 1,000 and 1,200 men in killed and prisoners. These unfortunate people were not volunteers and com- 164 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI plete Kentucky's quota. If the enemy had been permit ted to receive his reinforcements and supplies undisturbed, I should have had at this critical juncture to contend with him for Detroit, or perhaps on this shore. I had not the option of retaining my situation on the Miami if it had appeared to me a judicious measure. The mode in which the mihtia turned out raised hopes and expectations that were very far from being realized in the sequel. The day after the enclosed letter was received half of the militia had left us and the remainder declared their determination not to remain longer. I also received a deputation from the Indian chiefs, counselling me to return, as they could not prevent their people, as was their custom after any battle of consequence, returning to their viUages with their wounded, .their prisoners, and plunder, of which they had taken a considerable quantity in the boats of the enemy. Before the ordnance could be withdrawn from the bat teries, I was left with Tecumseh, and less than twenty chiefs and warriors, (?) a circumstance which strongly proves that, under present circumstances at least, our Indian force is not a disposable one, or permanent, though occasionaUy a most powerful aid. I have, however, brought off all the ordnance ; and, indeed, have not left anything behind ; part of the ordnance was embarked under the fire of the enemy. The service on which wehave been employed has been, though short, a very severe one ; and too much praise cannot be given to the officers and men, for the cheerful ness with which, on every occasion, they met the service. To Lieut.-Colonel Warburton I feel many obUgations for the aid he zealously afforded me on every occasion. From my Brigade-Major, Lieut. McLean, I received the same zealous assistance as on former occasions. To Captain Mockler, Royal Newfoundland Regt., who acted as my Aide-de-Camp, I am much indebted for the assistance afforded me. Lieut. Le Breton, of the Royal Newfoundland Regt., assistant engineer, by his unwearied exertions, rendered essential service, as did also Lieut. Gardiner, of the 41st Regt., from his science in artillery. The Royal Artillery, in the laborious duties they performed, displayed their usual unwearied zeal, and were well assisted by the Royal Newfoundland, (under Lieut. Garden) as additional gun- GENERAL PROCTER'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 65 ners. The laborious duties which the marine, under the command of Commodore Hall, have performed, have been most cheerfully met, and the most essential service rendered. I have the honor to send an embarkation return of the force that served under my command at the Miami, ex clusive of the Indians, who may be stated at 1,200. I also enclose a return of our killed, wounded, and prisoners, who have, however, been exchanged. I had taken upon me to give the rank of major to the six captains of the line, as militia were employed on the same service with them ; some of them are old officers ; all of them deserving ; any mark of your Excellency's approbation of them would be extremely grateful to me. I beg leave to mention the four volunteers of the 41st Regt., Wilkinson, Richardson, Laing, and Procter, as de serving of promotion. Your Excellency will perceive that the reinforcement you intended I should have long since received has not been sent ; nor do I expect to receive any whilst any cir cumstance may seem to justify their detention. I had only half the 41st Regt. before the late action. Daily ex perience more strongly proves that a regular force is abso lutely requisite to ensure the safety of this district, and which may be endangered by the detention of the in tended reinforcement. My Brigade Major, Lieut. McLean, who is the bearer of my reports, will be able to give your Excellency any further information relative to this district or our late movements that may be required. I hope by sending him, and by the only service route at present, will meet with your Excellency's approbation. I have the honor to be, &c., (Signed) Henry Procter, Brigadier-General, Comg. I beg to acknowledge the indefatigable exertions of the ¦ Commissariat. (Signed) Henry Procter. To His Excellency Lieut. -General \ Sir G. Prevost, Bart., &c. j Embarkation return of the Western Army commanded by Brigadier- General Procter, on an expedition to the Miami. Amherstburg, April 23, 1813. General Staff, — i general, i lieut. -colonel, i dep. asst-. qr.-mr. -general, i brigade major, i staff adjutant. 1 66 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI Royal Artillery, — i lieut., i Serjeant, i surgeon, i drummer, 27 rank and file. Royal Engineers, — i captain. IOth Royal Veteran Battalion, — 5. 41st Regiment, — 3 captains, 7 lieutenants, i assistant surgeon, 22 Serjeants, 6 drummers and buglers, 374 rank and file. Royal Newfoundland Regt. — i captain, 2 lieutenants, 3 Serjeants, 2 drummers, 55 rank and file. Commissariat, — i dep. asst. -commissary-general, i as sistant to do., I issuer. Field Train, — i clerk of stores, i conductor. Militia, — i major, 12 captains, 1 1 lieutenants, 8 ensigns, I adjt., I quarter-master, 22 Serjeants, 406 rank and file. (Signed) Peter L. Chambers, Major. Capt. 41st Regt., Dep. Asst. -Qr. -Mr. -General. Return of killed, wounded, missing and prisoners, of the Army under the command of Brig.-Gen. Procter, at the battle fought at the Miami, May 5th, 1813. Royal Artillery, — i Serjeant, i rank and file wounded, 2 rank and file prisoners. 41st Regiment, — 1 1 rank and file killed, i lieutenant, 3 Serjeants, 35 rank and file wounded, 2 lieutenants, i Ser jeant, I drummer, 33 rank and file prisoners. Royal Newfoundland Regt. — i drummer, 2 rank and file killed, i rank and file wounded, i rank and file prisoner. MiUtia, — I captain, 4 rank and file wounded, i rank and file prisoner. Total, — I drummer, 13 rank and file killed, i capt., i lieut., 4 Serjeants, 41 rank and file wounded, 2 lieuts., i Serjeant, i drummer, 37 rank and file prisoners. Names of officers wounded and prisoners. 41st Regiment. — Lieut. BuUock wounded on the 3rd inst. Lieuts. Mclntyre and Hailes prisoners. Militia,— -Captain Bondy, since dead. (Signed) Peter L. Chambers, &c, &c, &c. Return of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and privates taken prisoners from the enemy on the 5th May, 1 8 13, at the battle fought at the Miami. United States Regulars, — i captain, 21 rank and file. joth and 13th detachment Kentucky Militia, — 2 majors, PROCTER'S ACCOUNT CRITICISED 167 I brigade inspector, 8 captains, 9 lieutenants, 6 ensigns, I adjutant, i paymaster, i sirrgeon, i asst. surgeon, 26 Serjeants, 3 drummers, 373 rank and file. Prisoners since deUvered up ) i ensign, i asst. surgeon, by the Indians. j 12 rank and file. Grand Total, 468. N.B. There are' a number of prisoners not yet come in, who are in the possession of the Indians, but they are bringing them in daily. (Signed) Peter L. Chambers, &c, &c, &c. May 17th, — Since the above return, 28 prisoners have been given up by the Indians. (Signed) A. H. McLean, Brigade Major. In reference to the closing paragraph' of the despatch, in which, as it will be perceived, the Volunteers of the 41st are for the first, and only time named, I cannot forbear a passing comment. I had the honor of being particularly named, in Major Chambers' reporf" to Gen eral Procter of the action of the 5th of May, as having been the only one of the volunteers who chanced to have been engaged in the storming of the batteries .\ Yet the Official despatch includes the names of all, without any regard to their particular service. Messrs. Lairig and Wilkinson were on the right bank of the river with the defeated party, who of course did their duty, but of whom no particular mention is made, while the General's son never once quitted the encampment during the day, or was at any period, either then or heretofore, suffered to be exposed to the enemy's fire. This remark would not have been recorded but for the very glaring injustice 'Richardson evidently copied Procter's report as given by James, who appears to have taken unwarranted liberties with the origi nal. The closing paragraph of the report is omitted by James and consequently does not appear in Richardson. The reference here is to the next to the closing paragraph. zMajor Chambers in a letter to Noah Freer, Military 'Secretary, gives a concise account of the events of each day from April 24th to the close of thq action on May 5th. No person is particularly mentioned in his report of the ajetion of May 5th. I have not seen Major Chambers' report to General Procter. 1 68 THE BATTLE QF THE MIAMI which, in bestowing commendation in so general and un distinguishable a manner, would aim at depriving a sol dier of that distinct claim to approbation, admitted by his immediate commanding officer to have been won from him on the field. In the course of this narrative of mili tary events, in which, it must be borne in mind by the reader, I was a constant participator, I have endeavored, as much as possible, to avoid any personal allusion to myself ; but this is a case where the injustice is too marked to be passed silently by. I had never seen Gen eral Procter's despatch, until this narrative was com menced, but had always understood it to have embraced the particular report made by Major Chambers, which, however, seems to have been suppressed. Copy of a despatch from Gen. Harrison (No. i) to the Secretary of War dated Head-Quarters, Camp Meigs, 9th May, 1813. Sir, — I have the honor to inform you, that the enemy, having been several days making preparations for raising the siege of this post, accomplished this day the removal of their artillery, from the opposite bank, and about 12 o'clock left their encampment below, were soon em barked, and out of sight. — I have the honor to enclose you an agreement entered into between Gen. Procter and myself, for the discharge of the prisoners of the Ken tucky militia, in his possession, and for the exchange of the Officers and men of the regular troops, which were respectively possessed by us'. My anxiety to get the Kentucky troops released as early as possible induced me to agree to the dismission of all the prisoners I had, although there was not as many of ours in Gen. Procter's possession ; the surplusage is to be accounted for, and an equal number of ours released from their parole, whenever the government may think proper to direct it. The two actions on this side of the river, on the 5th, were infinitely more important and more honorable to our arms, than I had at first conceived. In the sortie made upon the left flank, Capt. Waring' s company of the 19th regiment, a detachment of 12 months' volunteers, under Major Alexander, and three companies of Kentucky GENERAL HARRISON'S DESPATCH, NO. I 169 militia, under Colonel Boswell, defeated at least double the number of Indians and British militia. The sortie on the right was still more glorious. The British bat teries, in that direction, were defended by the grenadier and light infantry companies, of the 41st regiment, amounting to 200 effectives, and two companies of militia, flanked by a host of Indians. The detachment sent to attack these, consisted of all the men off duty, belonging to the companies of Croghan and Bradford, of the 17th regiment, Langham's, Elliott's, (late Graham's,) and Waring's, of the. 19th, about 80 of Major Alexander's volunteers, and a single company of Kentucky militia, under Captain Sebree, amounting, in the whole, to not more than 340. Yet the event of the action was not a moment doulatful ; and, had not the British troops been covered in their retreat by their allies, the whole of them would have been taken. It is not possible for troops to behave better than ours did, throughout ; all the officers exerted themselves to execute my orders, and the enemy, who had a full view of our operations, from the opposite shore, declared that they had never seen so much work performed in so short a time. To all the commandants of corps, I feel particular obligations ; these were Col. Miller, of the 19th infantry. Col. Mills, of the Ohio militia. Major Stoddart, of the artillery, Major Ball, of the dragoons, and Major Johnson, of the Kentucky militia. Capta:in Gratiot, of the engineers, having been, for a long time, much indisposed, the task of fortifying this post devolved on Captain Wood ; it could not have been placed in better hands. Permit me to recommend him to the President, and to assure you that any mark of his approbation, bestowed on Captain Wood, would be highly gratifying to the whole of the troops, who witnessed his arduous exertions. From Major Hukill, Acting Inspector- General, my aid- de-camp. Major Graham,' Lieutenant O'Fallon, who has done the duty of Assistant Adjutant-General in the absence of Major Adams, and my volunteer aid-de-camp, John Johnson, Esq., I received the most useful assistance. I have the honor to enclose you a list of the killed and wounded, during the siege, and in the two sorties ; those of the latter were much greater than I had at first expected. 170 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI Want of sleep, and exposure to the continued rains which have fallen almost every day, for some time past, render me incapable of mentioning many interesting par ticulars ; amongst others, a most extraordinary proposi tion of General Procter's, on the subject of the Indians, within our boundary ; this shall form the subject of a communication, to be made to-lnorrow or next day, and for which I will provide a safer conveyance than that which carries this. All the prisoners and deserters agree in saying, that the information given to Major Stoddart, by Ryland, of the British having launched a sloop of war this spring, is incorrect; and the most of them say, that the one which is now building will not be launched for many weeks. I am, &c. W. H. Harrison. Hon. J. Armstrong. P.S. Captain Price, of the Regiment Light Artillery;. and the 20 Regulars, prisoners with General Procter, were taken on the northwestern side of the river, with the Kentucky militia. We had no prisoners taken on this side during the siege. In the siege, and the several sorties of the 5th instant, there was Si killed, and 189 wounded — total, killed and wounded, 270. Copy of a Despatch, from Maj. General WilUam H. Harrison (No. 2) to the Secretary of War, dated Headquarters, Lower Sandusky, May 13, 18 13. Sir, — Having ascertained that the enemy (Indians as well as British,) had entirely abandoned the neighbor hood of the Rapids, I left the command of camp Meigs with General Clay, and came here last night. It is with the greatest satisfaction I inform you. Sir, that the loss of the Kentucky troops, in killed, on the north side of the river, does not exceed fifty. On the loth and nth inst. I caused the ground, which was the scene of action, and its environs, to be carefully examined ; and, after the most diligent Search, 45 bodies only, of our men, were discovered; amongst them was the leader of the detachment. Col. Dudley. No other officer df note fell in the action. I have strong reason to believe that a considerable number of Kentuckians effected their retreat GENERAL HARRISON'S DESPATCH, NO. 2 171 up the river, to Fort Winchester. General Procter did not furmsh me with a return of the prisoners in his pos session, although repeatedly promised. His I'etreat was as precipitate as it could possibly be, leaving a number of cannon balls, a new elegant sling carriage for cannon, and other valuable articles. The > night before his departure, two persons that were em ployed in the British gun-boats (Americans by birth), deserted to us — the information they gave me was very interesting ; they say that the Indians, of which there were from i,6oo to 2,000, left the British, the day before their departure, in a high state of dissatisfaction, from the great loss which they had sustained in the several engagements of the 5th, and the failure of the British, in accomplishing their promise, of taking the post at the Rapids. From the account giyen by these men, my opinion is confirmed of the great superiority of the enemy, which were defeated by our troops in the two saUies made on the 5th instant. That, led by Col. Miller, did not exceed 350 men ; and it is very certain that they defeated 200 British regulars, 150 militia men, and 400 or 500 Indians. That American regulars, (although they were raw recruits) , and such men as compose the Pitts burg, Penn., and Petersburg, Va., volunteers, should behave well is not to be wondered at ; but, that a com pany of militia should maintain its ground, against four times its number, as did Captain Sebree' s, of the Ken tucky, is truly astonishing. These brave feUows were at length, however, entirely surrounded by Indians, and would have been cut off, but for the gallantry of Lieut. Gwynne, of the 19th regiment, who, with a part of Cap tain Elliott's company, charged the enemy, and released the Kentuckians. I enclose you a Ust of the killed and wounded during the whole siege ; — it is considerably larger than I supposed it would be, when I last wrote you — ^but it is satisfactory to know that they did not bleed uselessly, but in the course of successful exertions. The return does not embrace those who fell on the Northwestern side of the Miami. — You will also receive, herewith, a monthly return of the troops, at camp Meigs, for the last month ; the communication with the other posts being cut off, the returns were not received. A copy of Gen. Clay's report to me, of the manner of his 172 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI executing my order, for the attack on the enemy's bat teries, is likewise forwarded, by which it will be seen that my intentions were perfectly understood ; and the great facility with which they might have been executed is apparent to every individual who witnessed the scene ; indeed, the cannon might have been spiked and the car riages cut to pieces, the magazine destroyed, and the retreat effected to the boats, without the loss of a man, as none were killed in taking the batteries — so complete was the surprise. An extensive open plain intervenes between the river and the hill, upon which the batteries of the enemy were placed ; this plain was raked by 4 of our i8 pounders, a 12, and a 6; the enemy, even before their guns were spiked, could not have brought one to bear upon it. So perfectly secured was their retreat, that the 150 men, who came off, effected it without loss, and brought off some of the wounded, one of them upon the back of his comrade. The Indians followed them to the woods, but dared not enter into the plain. I am unable to -form a correct estimate of the enemy's force. The prisoners varied much in their accounts ; those who made them least, stated the regulars at 560, and the militia at 800 ; but the number of Indians were beyond comparison greater than have ever been brought into the field before ; numbers arrived after the siege commenced. I have caused their camps, on the S. E. side of the river, 'to be particularly examined, and the general opinion is, that there could not have been fewer on that side than 1,000 or 1,200. They were, indeed, the efficient force of the enemy. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favors of the 14th, iSth, and 28th ultimo, and 5th inst. I am sorry to inform you, that Major Stoddard died the night before I left the Rapids, of a lock-jaw, pro duced by a slight wound from a fragment of a shell, which struck him on the thigh ; several have died in this way, from their great and unavoidable exposure to the cold ; but, perhaps there were never so many instances of desperate wounds likely to do well. The gallant Captain Bradford will recover. I shall go from here to Upper Sandusky, and shall take my station at Delaware, or Franklinton, until the troops GENERAL clay's REPORT 1 73 are assembled. Gen. Clay, who commands at the Rapids, is a man of capacity, and entirely to be relied upon. I have the honor, &c. Wm. H. Harrison. Hon. J. Armstrong, Sec. War. Killed, 81 — wounded, 1S9, in the siege of Camp Meigs and the several sorties of the 5th of May, 1S13. Copy of a letter from Gen. Clay, to Gen. Harrison. Camp at Fort Meigs, May 13th, 1S13. Sir, — On the 5th instant, about S o'clock, A.M., de scending the Miami of the lake, about midway of the Rapids, with 1,200 of the Kentucky troops, inthe eighteen flat-bottomed boats, I was met by Captain Hamilton and a subaltern, who delivered me (as he said) the orders of Maj or- Gen. Harrison to the following effect : ' ' You must detach about 800 men from your brigade, who will land at a point I will .show, about one, or one and a half miles above the fort, and I will conduct them to the British batteries, on the left bank of the rivei- — they must take possession of the enemy's cannon, spike them, cut down the carriages, and return to their boats," observing that the British force at their large batteries was inconsiderable ; but that their main force was at the old garrison, about one and a half miles below, on the same side of the river, that the Indian forces were chiefly on the right bank of the river — ' ' the balance of the men under your command must land on the right bank, opposite to the first landing, and will fight their way through the Indians to the fort," — observing that the route thus to be taken, would be shown by a subaltern officer there, in company with Captain Hamilton, who would land the perogue at the point on the right bank, at which the boats would land. The order of descending the river in boats was the same as the order of march, in line of battle, in soUd column, each officer taking position according to his rank. CoL Dudley, the eldest colonel, led the van, and in this order the river had been descended. As soon as Captain Hamilton had delivered these orders, bfeing in the thir teenth boat from the front, I directed him to proceed im mediately to Col. Dudley, and order him to take the men in the 12 front boats, and execute Gen. Harrison's orders. 174 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI on the left bank of the river; and to post his (Capt. Hamil ton's) subaltern on the right bank, to conduct myself, with the men in the six boats, to the fort. I ordered the five boats in the rear to faU in a line, and follow me. High winds, and the rapidity of the current, drove four of the rear boats ashore, in the attempt to follow on ac cording to order, where they remained a short time ; suffi cient, however, to detain them one-half, or three-fourths of a mile to the rear! — To land, according to order, I kept close along the right bank, until opposite Col Dudley's landing ; there I found no guide left to conduct me to the fort, as Captain Hamilton promised. I then made an at tempt to cross the river, and join Col. Dudley ; but, from the rapid current on the falls, I was unable to land on the point with him. Being nearly half way across the river, and the waves running too high to risk the boats then driving down the current sidewise, veered about the boat, and rowed the best way we could, to save our boat. My attempt to cross the river, to Col. Dudley, occasioned all the boats, (I presume in the rear of me) , and which were then out of hailing distance, to cross over, and land with Col. Dudley. Having been defeated in landing on the left, we then endeavored to effect one on the right, even without a guide ; but before a landing could be effected, we receiveid a brisk fire from the enemy on shore, which was returned, and kept up on both sides ; and I was in this unavoidable situation, compelled to make to Fort Meigs ,with no other force than about 50 men on board, (the other boats being still in the rear) and to receive the enemy's fire, until we arrived under the protection of the fort. Col. Boswell's command (except the men in my boat,) having landed, to join Col. Dudley, were, as I have been informed, ordered by Cap tain Hamilton, immediately to embark, and land on the right hand shore, about a mile above the fort, and prepare to fight his way through to the garrison. The Colonel embarked, landed, as he conceived, at the proper point, pursuant to Captain Hamilton's order, and was forming his men in order of battle, when he was met by Captain Shaw, and ordered to march into the garrison, at open order, the safest route. When my own boat landed, we were met by two men, who took charge of the boat, as we understood, to bring her under the protection of the fort batteries ; believing GENERAL CLAY'S ADDRESS TO HIS TROOPS 1 75 our baggage to be thus made safe, we forbid our servants to carry any portion of it ; but loaded them vdth cannon balls, which they bore to the fort. Our baggage was, however, taken by the Indians, in a very short time after we left the boat. Upon receiving the orders of Capt. Hamil ton, I asked if he had brought spikes, to spike the enemy's cannon ? to which he replied, that he had plenty. Capt. Hamilton, on delivering the orders of General Harrison, observed, that the object of landing, and marching a por tion of the troops on the right bank, was to draw the at tention of the Indians ; and, by thus engaging them, afford an opportunity to the garrison to -make a sally ; and, by a circuitous route, surprise and carry the bat teries and cannon of the enemy, below the fort, on the right bank. I am, respectfully, &c.. Green Clay, Brig.-Gen. His Ex. Maj. -Gen. Harrison. The following General Order, issued by Brigadier Green Clay to his troops, preparatory to their departure for the Miami, is so amusingly in contrast with the report made by him of his defeat, that, although suppressed by the American historians of the war, it would be an unpardon able omission not to record it here. It will be remarked that this corps met with precisely the same fate with their butchered brethren of the River Raisin, they were hastening to avenge. The words emphasized are such as they ap pear in the original document. Cincinnati, April 7, 18 13. General Orders. SOLDIERS, You are now about to leave the shores of Kentucky — Many of you can boast that she gave you birth — She is indeed dear to us all. KENTUCKIANS stand high in the estimation of our com- ¦mon cowntry. Our brothers in arms, who have gone before us to the scene of action, have acquired a fame, which should never be forgotten bj' you — a fame worthy your emulation. I feel conscious you would rather see your country no more, than return to it, under the impression, that by an act of yours, the high character of Kentucky had fallen. 176 THE BATTLE OF THE MIAMI To support this reputation, purchased by valor and by blood, you must with fortitude meet the hardships, and discharge the duties of soldiers. Discipline and subor dination mark the real soldier — and are indeed the soul of an army. In every situation, therefore, the most perfect subor dination — the most rigid discharge of duty, will be ex pected from all. PartiaUty or injustice shall be shown to none. I have the most perfect confidence in your attachment and support through every difficulty we may encounter. It is upon you — it is upon your subordination and dis cipline I rely, for a successful issue of the present cam paign. Without this confidence and support, we shall achieve nothing honorable or useful. The same destiny awaits us both. That which exalts or sinks you in the estimation of your country, will pro duce to me her approbation or condemnation. Feeling this same common interest, the first wishes of my heart are, that the present campaign should prove honorable to all, and useful to the country. Should we encounter the enemy — remember the DREADFUL FATE OF OUR BUTCHERED BROTHERS AT THE RIVER RAISIN — that British treachery produced their slaughter. The justice of our cause — with the aid of an approving Providence, will be sure guarantees to our success. Green Clay, Brigadier- General . IX THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON The Right Division were not long suffered to remain inac tive — Like Sir Thomas Picton's famous division in Spain, they might, on a much more modest and limited scale, have been termed the fighting division of Canada. No other corps was so incessantly in the field — ^no other corps achieved such important and beneficial results to the country, and when it is considered that this force com prised scarcely more than a single regiment of the line, the repeated claims made upon its energies and exertions, becomes even more remarkable. Late in July, at the earnest instance of Tecumseh, who had formed a plan for the reduction of Fort Meigs, which he conceived would be crowned with the fullest success, a second expedition, consisting of the main bodyof the 41st, (Captain Derenzy having recently joined with those detachments of the regiment which had borne so conspicuous a part in the Battle of Queenston) a few militia, and nearly a thousand Indians, accompanied by a few pieces of light artillery, was undertaken against this fortress. On our arrival in the Miami the whole of the regular force and guns were disembarked on the right bank of the river, out of view of the fort, yet not far from the point where our light bat teries had been carried during the late siege. Tecumseh's plan was as follows. Immediately in rear of Fort Meigs, and at right angles with the river, ran the road to Sandusky, (distant about thirty miles) upon, or near, which the chief had been apprized by his scouts that General Harrison, who with a large portion of his force had left the fort soon after its relief from General Procter's presence, was at that moment encamped. Having 177 17S THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON landed some miles lower down the river, the whole of the Indian force was to march through the woods, and gain, unperceived by the troops in the fort, the Sandusky road where a sham engagement was to take place, leading the garrison to believe a corps hastening to their relief had been encountered and attacked by the Indians, and in ducing them to make a sortie for their rescue. The mo ment they had crossed the open ground, intervening be tween their position and the skirt of the wood, we were to rise from our ambuscade, and take them in the rear, making at the same time a rush for the fort, before the enemy could have time effectually to close his gates. All the preliminary features in this plan, (which certainly was one that gave every fair promise of suc cess) had been completed, and we were waiting with some interest and impatience the result, when the heavy firing of two distinct parties suddenly commenced on the Sandusky road. We were all instantly, although noiselessly, upon the alert, but in vain did we look for any movement in the fort. Many of the gar rison lined the ramparts in the rear, and seemed to look out anxiously in the direction of the firing, but they gave not the slightest indication of a design to leave the fort, even when the musketry had become so animated and heavy, that we were half in doubt ourselves whether the battle was a sham one or a real. Either they had obtained information of our presence, or they suspected the nature and object of the ruse, and we had the morti fication to find ourselves utterly foiled in the grand design of the expedition. Annoyed at the faUure of his cher ished scheme, Tecumseh urged upon General Procter, the necessity of doing something before our return, and it being found out of aU question to attempt the reduction of Fort Meigs with the light guns (6-pounders) which ac companied us, it was determined to change the theatre of operation to Sandusky. Thither the main body of In dians proceeded by land, while we re-embarked in our THE ASSAULT REPULSED 1 79 boats, and descending again the Miami, gained Lake Erie, and thence the Sandusky river, on which the fort of that name' is built. The expedition having reached the Sandusky river early on the ist of August, a landing was effected on the same day, and within range of the enemy's guns, several ineffectual discharges from which passed over us, as we traversed a plain several hundred yards in extent in order to gain the wood, on the skirt of which it was intended to plant the batteries. These being immediately erected, at daybreak on the following morning our fire was opened, and continued until three o'clock in the after noon of the 2nd, when, it being evident that no breach could be effected on the stockade work. General Procter resolved to attempt it by assault. Accordingly at four o'clock the troops divided into three columns of about i2p men each, were put in motion, and advancing through the plain, in double quick time, were suffered to approach within fifty yards, before they were met by the destruc tive fire of the enemy. The strong Une of picketing, con stituting their defence, was surrounded by a ditch flanked by batteries, and beyond the ditch was a deep ravine covered with brushwood, and more or less approximate to the place, according to its windings. Far from being checked by the severe fire of the Americans, the divisions redoubled their exertions, and vying with each other to take the lead, dashed down the ravine, and clambering up the opposite steep, were soon beneath the walls of the fort. Not a fascine, however, had been provided ; and although axes had been distributed among a body of men selected for the purpose, they were so blunted by constant use, that it would have been the work of hours 'The proper name ot this fort is Fort Stephenson, and was situ ated in the centre of what is now the city of Fremont, _ called Lower Sandusky previous to 1846. It is at the head of navigation on the Sandusky river and about 20 miles from Sandusky bay. The fort was a simple stockade, skirted by a ditch about 9 feet wide and 6 feet deep. It was erected in the summer of 1812, and strengthened bv blockhouses the following summer. l8o THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON to cut through the double Une of pickets, even if an enemy had not been there to interrupt its progress. In defiance of this difficulty, the axe-men leaped without hesitation into the ditch, and attempted to acquit them selves of their duty ; but they were speedily swept away by the guns from the batteries, charged with musket balls and slugs and directed with fatal precision. The troops had established themselves on the edge of the ditch, but it was impossible to scale without the aid of ladders or fascines ; and within a few paces of the enemy only, they saw their comrades fall on every hand with no hope of avenging their deaths. The second division had only two officers attached to it. Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Short,' of the 41st, was killed while descending the ravine at the head of his column, when, the command devolving on Lieutenant Gordon of the same regiment, that officer encouraging his men, and calling on them to follow his example, was one of the first in the ditch, and was in the act of cutting the picketing with his sabre, when a ball, fired from a wall-piece, struck him in the breast. Although dangerously wounded, he refused to abandon his post, and continued to animate his men by his example, until a second ball, fired from the same piece, and lodging in his brain, left the division without an officer. The action had continued nearly two hours ¦without producing the slightest impression on the enemy, when the bugles sounded the "cease-firing," and the men were ordered to lie flat on the ground on the edge of the ravine. The first division were so near the enemy, that they could distinctly hear the various orders given in the fort, and the faint voices of the wounded and dying in the ditch, calling out for water, which the enemy had the humanity to lower to them on the instant. After 'Lieut.-Col. William Charles Short, who was killed in this as sault, came to Canada with the 41st Regiment. While stationed at Fort George his first wife died and was buried on Aug. 15th, 1805. On July 30th, 1809, he married Jane Crooks, an elder sister ot Hon. James Crooks. They had one son, James Symington Short. MAJOR CROGHAN'S GALLANT DEFENCE iSl continuing in this position until nine o'clock, the columns received an order to effect their retreat in silence, which was done accordingly, the enemy merely firing a few vol leys of musketry, producing however no material effect. The troops having been re-embarked the same night, the expedition descended the river, and returned to Amherst burg. Our loss in this affair was severe — 3 officers, i sergeant, 22 rank and file killed ; 3 officers, 2 sergeants, 36 rank and file wounded ; and i sergeant, 28 rank and file missing. Of this number, the proportion of the ist division alone, consisting principally of the light company of the 41st, which had attacked the strongest point of the position, was five and thirty men. During the assault, no assistance whatever was afforded by the Indians, who, unaccustomed to this mode of war fare, contented themselves with remaining quiet specta tors of the scene. The ' ' devoted men ' ' alone, to whom I have before alluded, followed close in the rear of one of the columns, but they had not long witnessed the effect of the enemy's fire on the divisions, when they retreated to the wood with a precipitation, that with any other people, would be attributed to cowardice, but with the natives it coidd only be considered as the effect of habit. They expressed much astonishment at the coolness and intre pidity with which the men supported the fire of the enemy, without returning it until arrived at the edge of the ditch; and concluded by saying that they had ever hitherto deem ed themselves the bravest nation in the world, but were now willing to concede that distinction to the warriors of their Great Father. The garrison of Sandusky when attacked, consisted of a force inferior in number to that of the assailing columns, and was commanded by Major Croghan of the line, a promising officer, only nineteen' years of age. The gal- 'Major George Croghan (pronounced Crawn) was born at Locust- Grove, Ohio, on Nov. 15th, 1791, and was consequently more than 21 years of age. 1 82 THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON lant defence made by him on this occasion met with the highest encomia from his countrymen, and he was im mediately promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel ; neither was, his conduct without its reward in the appro bation of a sex, whose favor and encouragement seldom fail to act as incentives to the acquisition of miUtary glory. The ladies of Ohio (the State in which Colonel Croghan was born) subscribed a considerable sum, with which a handsome sword was purchased and presented by them selves. It is but just to record an act of great courtesy on the part of this gentleman. An officer having been despatched to Sandusky with a flag, some days subse quent to the assault, in order to obtain an exchange of the prisoners, who were chiefly wounded, was received with much politeness by the commandant, who at the moment of departure drew from his secretary a pair of ¦pistols, which had been lost in the brushwood of the^ ravine during our retreat at night. Presuming from the workmanship and style, that they might be, what in fact they actually were, old family arms, and naturally imag ining that their loss must be regretted by their possessor;, he begged the officer in question to take charge of, and present them to the individual to whom they belonged. It is unnecessary to add that they were gratefully received. They were my own, and had been lent to the gallant Lieutenant Gordon. It is somewhat singular that General Procter's report' of the second expedition to the Miami is nowhere to be found. It could not fail to prove a document of some in terest to the public, desirous of knowing in what manner he had accounted for his unpardonable neglect of all necessary precaution, to ensure the successful issue of an attack which ought, in no way, to have been rashly under taken. The only British document, referring to the mat ter at all, is the following brief notice by Sir George 'General Procter's report, as found in the Canadian Archives, is given at the end of this chapter. ADJUTANT-GENERAL BAyNES' REPORT 1 83 Prevost, on the subject ; evidently founded on a more de tailed communication from General Procter, which it has been expedient to suppress. General Order. Head Quarters, Kingston, Adjutant-General's Office, 3rd Sept., 1813. His Excellency the commander of the Forces, has re ceived a despatch from Major-General Procter reporting the circumstances of an attack, made by a small portion of regular troops, and a body of Indian Warriors, on the 2nd of August on the American Fort of Lower Sandusky, which owing to the strength of the enemy's works, which resisted the fire of the light field guns brought against it — so that a practicable breach could not be effected — as also from the want of sufficient co-operation on the part of the Indian Warriors, unused to that mode of warfare, the assault was not attended with that brilliant success which has so uniformly signalized the gallant exertions of the Right Division. The Major-General extols the intrepid bravery displayed by the detachment under Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel Short, in endeavoring to force a passage into the enemy's fort, and laments the loss of the brave soldiers who have fallen in this gallant, although unsuccessful assault. Return of killed and wounded. I' brevet lieut. -col., 2 lieutenants, i sergeant, i drummer, 21 rank and file killed, i sergeant and 28 rank and file missing. 2 captains, i lieutenant, 2 sergeants, i drummer, 35 rank and file wounded. Killed, Brevet Lieut.-Col. Short, Lt. Gordon, 41st Regt., Lt. Laussaussiege, Indian Department. Wounded, Captain Dixon, Royal Engineers, Capt. Muir and Lieut. Mclntyre, 41st Regt., all slightly. By His Excellency's command, Edward Baynes, Adjutant-General. 1 84 THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON Copy of a letter from Major Croghan, to Gen. Harrison dated Lower Sandusky, August 5, i'8i3. Dear Sir — I have the honor to inform you, that the combined force of the enemy, amounting to, at least 500 regulars, and 700 or 800 Indians, under the immediate com mand of Gen. Procter, made its appearance before this place, early on Sunday evening last ; and, so soon as the General had made such disposition of his troops, as would cut off my retreat, (should I be disposed to make one) , he sent Col. EUiott, accompanied by Major Chambers, with a flag, to demand the surrender of the fort, ashe was anxious to spare the effusion of blood ; which he should probably not have in his power to do, should he be re duced to the necessity of taking the place by storm. My answer to the summons was, that I was determined to de fend the place to the last extremity ; and that no force, however large, should induce me to surrender it. So soon as the flag had returned, a brisk fire was opened upon us, from the gun-boats in the river, and from a five and a- half inch howitzer, on shore, which was kept up with little intermission throughout the night. At an early hour, the next morning, three sixes, (which had been placed, during the night, within 250 yards of the pickets) , began to play upon us — but with Uttle effect. About 4 o' clock, P.M., discovering that the fire, from allhis guns, was concentrated against the north-western angle of the fort, I became confident that his object was to make a breach, and attempt to storm the works at that point : I, there fore, ordered out as many men, as could be employed, for the purpose of strengthening that front — which was So effectually secured, by means of bags of flour, sand, &c., that the picketing suffered little or no injury. Notwith standing which, the enemy, about 5 o'clock, having form ed in close column, advanced to assail our works, at the expected point ; at the same time making two feints at the front of Captain Hunter's lines. The column, which advanced against the North- Western angle , consisting of about 350 men, was so completely enveloped in smoke, as not to be discovered, until it had approached within 1 5 or 26 paces of the Unes; but, the men being all at their posts, and ready to receive it, commenced so heavy and galling a fire, as to throw the column a little into con- GENERAL PROCTER'S REPORT 1 85 fusion. Being quickly rallied, it advanced to the outer works, and began to leap into the ditch. Just at that moment, a fire of grape was opened, from our 6-pounder (which had been previously arranged, so as to rake in that direction), which, together with the musketry, threw them into such confusion, that they were compelled to retire, precipitately, to the woods. During the assault, which lasted about half an hour, an incessant fire was kept up by the enemy's artillery, (which consisted of five sixes, and a howitzer) , but without effect. My whole loss, during the siege, was one killed, and seven wounded slightly. The loss of the enemy in killed, wounded and prisoners, must exceed 150. One Lieut.-Colonel, a Lieu tenant, and 50 rank and file, were found in and about the ditch ; those of the remainder, who were not able to es cape, were taken off, during the night, by the Indians. Seventy stand of arms, and several brace of pistols, have been collected near the works. About 3, in the morning, the enemy sailed down the river, leaving behind them a boat, containing clothing, and considerable military stores. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates, under my com mand, for their gallantry, and good conduct, during the siege. Yours, with respect, "~ G. CROGHAN, Maj. 17th U.S. Inf. comg. MAJOR-GENERAL HARRISON, Comg. N.W. Army. The following is Procter's report referred to on page 182: Sandwich, Aug. gth, 1813. Sir, — It being absolutely requisite, for several urgent reasons, that my Indian force should not remain un employed, and being well aware that it would not be movable except accompanied by a regular force, I resolved, notwithstanding the smallness of that force, to move, and where we might be fed at the expense of the enemy. I had, however, the mortification to find that instead of the Indian force being a disposable one, or under my direction, our movements should be subject to the caprices and prejudices of the Indian body, to the 1 86 THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON degree in which my regular force was disproportionate to their numbers. For several days after the arrival of Mr. R. Dickson his Indians were restrainable, and tract able to a degree that I could not have conceived possible. I am sorry to add that they have been contaminated by the other Indians. I was, very contrary to my judg ment, necessitated to go to the Miami, in the vicinity of the enemy's fort, where I remained a few days, in the hope that General Harrison might come to the relief of the fort, which was invested, in the Indian mode, when finding that the Indians were returning to Detroit and Amherstburg I moved to Lower Sandusky, where, how ever, we could not muster more hundreds of Indians, than I might reasonably have expected thousands. The neighborhood of the Sandusky, and the settlement on the Huron River, eight miles below it, could have afforded cattle sufficient to have fed my whole Indian force for some time, had they been induced to accompany us. Sandusky is nearly fifty miles by water from Lake Erie ; and nearly forty from several points whence strong rein-, forcement^ might be expected ; I could not therefore with my very small force remain more than two days, from the probability of being cut off, and of being deserted by the few Indians who had not already done so. The fort at Sandusky is composed of blockhouses connected by picketing which they flank, and is calculated for a garrison of five or six hundred men. On viewing the fort I formed an opinion entirely different from any person under my command. The general idea being that the garrison did not exceed fifty men, and that the fort could be easily carried by assault. On the morning of the 2nd instant the gentlemen of the Indian depart ment who have the direction of it, declared formally their decided opinion that unless the fort was stormed we should never be able to bring an Indian warrior into the field with us, and that they proposed, and were ready to storm one face of the fort,, if we attempt another. I have also to observe, that in this instance, my judgment had not that weight with the troops, I hope might rea sonably have been expected. If I had withdrawn with out having permitted the assault, as my judgment cer tainly dictated, much dissatisfaction would have followed me, and I could scarcely have continued to direct their movements. I thus, with all the responsibility resting on GENERAL PROCTER'S REPORT I 87 me, was obliged to yield to circumstances I could not possibly have prevented. The troops, after the artillery had been used for some hours, attacked two faces, and, impossibilities being attempted, failed. The fort from which the severest fire, I ever saw, was maintained during the attack, was well defended. The troops displayed the greatest bravery, the much greater part of whom reached the fort and made every effort to enter ; but the Indians who had proposed the assault, and had it not been assented to, would have ever stigmatized the British character, scarcely came into fire before they ran off out of its reach. A more than adequate sacrifice having been made to Indian opinion, I drew off the brave assailants who had been carried away by a high sense of honor to urge too strongly the attack. I enclose a disembarkation retum which will show how small my disposable force was. The enemy had a six pounder and a smaller one in the fort. I also enclose a return of the killed, wounded, and missing. Our loss, though severe, and much to be. regretted, is less, everything considered, than could have been expected. You will perceive that the Indian force is seldom a disposable one, never to be relied on, in the hour of need, and only to be found useful in proportion as we are independent of it. Ten Indians were surprised on a plain near Sandusky and were cut to pieces. The Indians have always had a dread of cavalry, of which the enemy have a considerable number. A troop of the 19th would be of the greatest service here, in the confidence they would give to our mounted Indians. I have experienced much deficiency in my artillery, another officer at least is absolutely required, and one of science and experience. The enemy's defences are composed of wood. If we knew how to burn them, as they did ours at Fort George, Mr. Harrison's army must have been destroyed long since. The enemy's vessels are out of Presque Isle harbor, and so decidedly stronger than ours, that Captain Barclay has been necessitated to retum to Amherstburg, and with all haste to get the new vessel ready for sea, which she will be in eight or ten days at farthest, and then only want hands. Whatever may happen to be regretted, may be fairly attributed to the delays in sending here the force Your Excellency directed should be sent. Had it been sent at once, it could have been used to the greatest 1 88 THE ATTACK ON FORT STEPHENSON advantage, but it arrived in such small portions, and with such delays that the opportunities have been lost. The enemy are in great numbers at Presque Isle, and have been already reinforced at Fort Meigs. General Harrison's headquarters are near Lower Sandusky, where he arrived on the 3rd instant. I must now look for the enemy from two quarters, and will have to meet them with my small force divided, for the Indians will make no stand without us. You will probably hear of the enemy ' s landing shortly at Long Point , whence they may gain the rear of the Centre Division, and also affect my supplies. A hundred and fifty sailors would have effec tually obviated this evil. I apprehend the enemy's rapid advance to the River Raisin in force and establish himself there, which he can do surprisingly soon. If I had the means I would establish a post at that river, but not having two or three hundred to send there it is not in my power. I must entreat your ExceUency to send me more troops, even the second battalion of the 41st Regt. , though weak, would be extremely acceptable. If the enemy should be able to establish themselves in the territory it will operate strongly against us -with our Indian allies. Your Excellency may rely on my best endeavors, but I rely on the troops alone, and they are but few, and I am necessitated to man the vessels with them. I have never desponded, nor do I now, but I conceive it my duty to state to Your Excellency the inadequateness of my force. I have the honor to be, with much respect. Your Excellency's obedient servant, Henry Procter, Br igr.- General, Comg. His Excellency, Lt.- General Sir George Prevost, Bt. X THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE The period was now fast approaching when the fruits of so much toil and privation were to be wrested from our grasp, and the extensive line of territory, both original and acquired, so gallantly defended by a single regiment against the repeated invasions of the enemy during a period of fifteen months, was to fall beneath the efforts of numerical strength. Since the capture of Detroit, the Americans had been indefatigable in their exertions to establish a superiority of naval force, on which, they well knew, depended the ultimate success of their arms. Buf falo was the harbor selected' for the construction of their flotilla, which, under the hands of numerous workmen, soon presented a formidable appearance, and was deemed more than sufficient to ensure their ascendancy on the lake. Manned by experienced seamen taken from sev eral frigates then blockaded in their sea-ports, and com manded by able and intelligent officers, these vessels put forth towards the close of August, and continued cruising off the harbor of Amherstburg, in which our fleet lay, awaiting the completion of the Detroit, a vessel of twenty guns then on the stocks, and the arrival of seamen long promised aud vainly expected from Lake Ontario. Cap tain Barclay had arrived some time previous to take the command, and with him several officers and forty men : but notwithstanding every remonstrance on the subject made by the commanding officer of the di-vision, no fur ther assistance was afforded. The remaining part of the crews were provincial sailors, willing and anxious, it is true, to do their duty, but without that perfection and experience in their profession, which are so indispensably 'Five vessels of Perry's fleet were built at Presque Isle (Erie) harbor. 189 I90 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE necessary to the insurance of success in a combat at sea. In defiance of this disadvantage, the enemy had no sooner made his appearance, than the Detroit was launched in her rough and unfinished state, and armed, in default of other guns, with long battering pieces taken from the ram parts. Every calibre was employed — sixes, nines, twelves, eighteens and even the two twenty-four pounders which had been so successfully used at the Miami. The early part of September was employed in getting in her masts and rigging, and in a few days the fleet was ready to sail. Our position at this period had become exceedingly crit ical. The want of provisions began to be seriously felt, and the ultimate possession of the garrison depended wholly on the result of the naval conflict, for which both parties were preparing. In the event of the enemy being successful, not only must we be open to the incursions of the large forces, then coUected in several quarters, and ready to overwhelm us at the moment that the command of the lake would afford them facility of movement, but the means of obtaining suppUes from Fort Erie must be en tirely cut off. The quantity of provisions already con sumed had been enormous ; for independently of the wanton destruction of cattle by the Indians, who often shot or stabbed them merely to possess themselves of the horns, in which they secured their powder, leaving the carcasses to putrify in the sun, ten thousand rations were daily issued to the warriors and their families : the latter apparently increasing in numbers, as our means of supplying them became more contracted. Such was the situation of the garrison, reduced in its regular force to a handful of men, by the losses sustained in the various engagements hei-ein detailed, when Captain Barclay, who had hoisted his flag on board the Detroit, made the signal, early in the morning of the 9th, to weigh anchor and bear across the lake. The little fleet, consisting of six sail, were, at dayUght on the loth, per ceived by the enemy, then lying among a cluster of THE BRITISH FLEET DESTROYED 191 islands at some leagues distance, who immediately bore up under a light side-wind, favorable at that moment to the approach of the two squadrons. At one o'clock' the engagement commenced. The Detroit leading into action, was opposed to the LawTence; mounting eigh teen thirty-two pounders, and commanded by the Ameri can Commodore ; and such was the effect of the long guns, that the latter vessel was soon compelled to strike her flag, having only twenty serviceable men left. The Detroit and Queen Charlotte had, however, suffered severely in their sails and rigging from the fire of the enemy's gun-boats; and not only every one of their boats had been so severely wounded as to render it impos sible to take possession of the prize ; but the united and unceasing exertions of their crews could not prevent them from running foul of each other. Availing himself of this unfortunate accident. Commodore Perry, who had shifted his flag to the Niagara, a vessel of equal force ¦with the Lawrence, bore up and discharged his broad side with murderous effect. Waring immediately, a second and equally destructive followed, and in this manner was the action continued, rendering resistance almost hopeless. The other smaUer vessels, already warmly engaged, could afford no aid, and the guns of the unfortunate wrecks were at length nearly all unservice able, — those, at least, of the only batteries which could be brought to bear upon the enemy. Almost every officer had been compelled to leave the deck, and the helplessness of the crews could only be exceeded by their despair, when after two hours and a half of incessant cannonading, the British flag was replaced by the Eagle of America. The anxiety with which the issue of the combat was awaited at Amherstburg, where the firing was distinctly heard, may easily be conceived. From the heights over hanging the lake, and nearly opposite to the islands, the 'Barclay says, a quarter to twelve. 192 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE first encounter of the fleets was clearly observed, but the , thick columns of smoke in which they were speedily enveloped, precluded all possibility of following the prog ress of the contest ; nor was it until the thunder pf the artillery had been some time discontinued, that the clouds of vapour gradually dispelling, presented the melancholy picture of our vessels, several of them crippled and dis masted, foUowing in the track of the American fleet, then directing its course towards the bay of Sandusky. In this affair, so unfavorable in its result to our already precarious cause, the enemy had the most decided advan tage, not only in respect to superiority of seamen, but in number of ships, and in weight of metal." Their fleet consisted of nine sail, of which the two principal, the Lawrence and Niagara, mounted eighteen thirty-two pounders. Four others were armed with a long gun of the same calibre, and keeping aloof during the action, were enabled by the calm state of the lake to do much execution among our principal vessels, which were com- 'The most carefully-prepared and the fairest account of this action is given by Theodore Roosevelt in "The Naval War ot 1812." Anyone who would desire to get an honest summing up of all the evidence bearing on the contest should read the narration given in this work. Both commanders and their crews were equally brave and about equally skilful; Perry's line, however, was not so well formed as Barclay's, the Niagara not coming to close action until Perry took command. There conld be, no other ending to the battle. Victory must rest with the stronger force, everything else being practically equal. Perry's fame should rest chiefly upon the indomitable energy and ability he displayed in preparing for the contest, with the inadequate means at his command. In this respect, he far surpassed both Barclay and Procter. Although the British ' officers were wretchedly provided with everything for building and equipping vessels, yet they might have done more with the material they had. Had Barclay shown the same vigi lance subsequently to the 2nd of Augustas he had before that date. Perry could not have got his largest and most formidable vessels over the bar at the entrance to Presque Isle (Erie) harbor without considerable trouble, and here his superior force would have been at a great disadvantage. The following is a table describing the two squadrons on the day ot the battle. The number of the guns is taken from Bar clay's letter to Prevost and the tonnage and crews from Roosevelt's estimate. I take Barclay's account of the guns because he gives his squadron a slightly greater long-gun armament than Roose velt, and the two accounts of Perry's armament about coincide. From the painting in lhe state House, Columbus, Ohio. PERRY LEAVING THE LAWRENCE. COMPARISON OF THE SQUADRONS 193 pletely raked by their destructive fire. The vessels composing Captain Barclay's force were — the Detroit, twenty guns ; Queen Charlotte, twenty guns ; Lady Prevost, twelve guns ; General Hunter, six guns ; and Barclay's squadron. Vessel. . Tons. Crew. Broadside in lbs. Long guns. Cal ibre 4^ . QD tuo Cal ibre Detroit 490400 230 8090 70 150 126 86 45 1815 138 192 78 2821 9 2 1 ' 68 33 {1il 1 24 18 12 9 12 9642969 11 1410 2 24 18 Queen Charlotte . . . Lady Prevost Hunter 24 1212 Little Belt Chippeway 1360 440 466 35 28 perry's squadron. Vessel. Tons. Crew. Broadside in lbs. Long guns. Cal ibre 2 « Cal ibre LawrenceNiagara . . CaledoniaAriel . . . . Somers . . Scorpion. . Porcupine Tigress . . Trippe . . . 480 480 180112 94 868396 60 136 155 53363035 25 27 35 300300 80 48 5656 32 32 24 32323232 1671 532 928 16 38 In the table Perry's crew is given as 532, but sickness reduced his eHectives to 416. Barclay probably had more than 440 men, but as some were unfit for duty, his effectives were about the same or probably a few less than Perry's. During the action the Law rence and Niagara each fought a long 12 instead of one of the car- ronades on the engaged side, making a broadside of 888 lbs., 312 lbs. being from long guns. Barclay's vessels threw a broadside of at least 466 lbs., 202 lbs. of which was from long guns, but, as will be observed, from guns of' small calibre. 194 '^'^^ BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE two small craft, one of which mounted a mortar, the other a long eighteen-pounder ; and the whole weight of metal did not amount to i,ioo pounds : while that of the enemy, exclusive of the three remaining vessels of their flotilla each mounting several gtms, was 1,280 : and when it is taken into consideration that the accident which occurred early in the engagement to the two principal ships, prevented all possibility of bringing a second broadside to bear, while the enemy, on the contrary, were enabled to avail themselves of their whole metal, the disproportion will appear even more enormous. Not withstanding the disparity of force, however, a different result might have been expected, had the unceasing applications made for sailors been attended to by the naval commander on Lake Ontario, to whose unwilling ness to part with men, who might very well have been spared for the occasion, must be attributed the sacrifice of the gallant Barclay and his fleet, and eventually that of the Right Division. The necessity of having regular and experienced seamen was never more cruelly exem plified than on the present occasion ; since, in all prob ability, had they been present, the accident which left the Detroit and Queen Charlotte entirely at the mercy of the enemy, would either have been prevented, or reme died in time. AU that courage and perseverance could effect was done : but against the decree of Providence who may successfully oppose himself ? Captain Barclay, who had already lost one limb while fighting the battles of his country, was so severely wounded in his only remaining arm as to be compelled to leave the deck early in the action. Captain Finnis, commanding the Queen Charlotte, was killed by a round shot soon afterwards, and the same ball carried off Lieutenant Garden, a prom ising yotmg officer of the Newfoundland Regiment, min gling the blood of the one and the brains of the other, on the bulwark, in one melancholy and undistinguishable mass. I had subsequently an opportunity of witnessing BARCLAY'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 95 the devastation of this sanguinary day. The decks were literally filled with the wounded ; and such was the crip pled state of the Detroit, that not a mast was left stand ing : almost all the gtms were dismounted, and it was impossible to place a hand on that side which had been exposed to the enemy's fire, without covering part of a wound, either from grape, canister, or round shot. Subjoined is Captain Barclay's account of the action. Head Quarters, Montreal, Nov. 25th, 18 13. My Lord, I h^ve the honor to transmit to Your Lordship copy of a letter from Commodore Sir James Yeo, together with Captain Barclay's official account of the action on Lake Erie, referred to in my despatches to your Lordship, No. 90 of the date of the 22nd September, and No. 91 of Sth October last. The loss sustained on that occasion Your Lordship will find subjoined to the general order also herewith transmitted, which I have felt it my duty to issue in con sequence of the recent events in this command. I am happy to be able to add, that Captain Barclay is recovering of his wounds, and that there is a prospect of his valuable life and services being preserved for the benefit of his country. I have the honor to be, &c., George Prevost. The Right Hon. Earl Bathurst, His Majesty's Ship Wolfe, at Kingston, Nov. 15th, 1813. Sir, — I yesterday received Captain Barclay's official statement of the ill-fated action on Lake Erie, and as Your ExceUency must wish to be informed of every par ticular, I have the honor to enclose the same. It appears to me that though His Majesty's Squadron were very deficient in seamen, weight of metal, and par ticularly long guns, yet the greatest misfortune was the loss of every officer, particularly Captain Finnis, whose life, had it been spared, would, in my opinion, have saved the squadron. I have honor to be, &c. , ' James Lucas Yeo, Commodore. His Excellency Sir George Prevost, Bart. Governor and General in Chief. 196 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE His Majesty's late Ship Detroit, Put-in Bay, Lake Erie, Sept. 12th, 1813. Sir, — The last letter I had the honor of writing to you, dated the 6th instant, I informed you, that unless certain intimation was received of more seamen being on their way to Amherstburg, I should be obliged to sail with the squadron deplorably manned as it was. to fight the enemy (who blockaded the port), to enable us to get supplies of provisions and stores, of every description ; so perfectly destitute of provisions was the port, that there was not a day's flour in store, and the crews of the squadron under my command were on half allowance of many things, and when that was done there was no more. Such were the motives which induced Major- General Procter (whom by your instructions I was directed to consult, and whose wishes I was enjoined to execute, as far as relates to the good of the country), to concur in the necessity of a battle being risked under the many disadvantages which I labored, and it now remains for me, the most melancholy task to relate to you the unfortunate issue of the battle, as well as the many untoward circumstances that led to that event. No intelUgence of seamen having arrived, I sailed on the 9th inst. fully expecting to meet the enemy next morning, as they had been seen among the islands ; nor was I mistaken ; soon after daylight they were seen in ¦motion in Put-in Bay, the wind then at south-west and light, giving us the weather-gage. I bore up for them, in hopes of bringing them to action among the islands, but that intention was soon frustrated, by the wind sud denly shifting to the south-east, which brought the enemy directly to windward. The line was formed according to a given plan, so that each ship might be supported against the superior force of the two brigs opposed to them. About ten the enemy had cleared the islands, and immediately bore up, under easy sail, in a line abreast, each brig being also supported by the small vessels. At a quarter before twelve I commenced the action, by firing a few long guns ; about a quarter past, the American Commodore, also supported by two schooners, one carrying four long twelve-pounders, the other a long 32 and 24-pounder, came to close action with the Detroit ; the other brig of the enemy, apparently des tined to engage the Queen Charlotte, supported in like BARCLAY'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 1 97 manner by two schooners, kept so far to windward as to render the Queen Charlotte's 24-pounder carronades use less, while she was, with the Lady Prevost, exposed to the heavy and destructive fire of the Caledonia, and four other schooners, armed with long and heavy guns, like those I have already described. Too soon, alas ! was I deprived of the services of the noble and intrepid Captain Finnis, who soon after the commencement of the action fell, and with him fell my greatest support; soon after. Lieutenant Stokoe, of the Queen Charlotte, was struck senseless by a splinter, which deprived the country of his services at this very critical period. As I perceived, the Detroit had enough to contend with, without the prospect of a fresh brig. Provincial Lieutenant Irvine, who then had charge of the Queen Charlotte, behaved with great courage, but his experience was much too limited to supply the place of such an officer as Captain Finnis, hence she proved of far less assistance than I expected. The action continued with great fury until half past two, when I perceived my opponent drop astern, and a boat passing from him to the Niagara (which vessel was at this time perfectly fresh) ; the American Commodore see ing, that as yet the day was against him (his vessel hav ing struck soon after he left her) , and also the very de fenceless state of the Detroit, which ship was now a per fect wreck,, principally from the faking fire of the gun boats, and also that the Queen Charlotte was in such a situation, that I could receive verj^ little assistance from her, and the Lady Prevost being at this time too far to leeward, from her rudder being injured, made a noble, and alas ! too successful an effort to regain it, for he bore up, and supported by his small vessels, passed within pis tol shot, and took a raking position on our bow, nor could I prevent it, as the unfortunate situation of the Queen Charlotte prevented us from wearing ; in attempting it we fell on board her ; my gallant first Lieutenant Gar land was now mortally wounded, and myself so severely, that I was obliged to quit the deck. Manned as the squadron was, with not more than fifty British seamen, the rest a mixed crew of Canadians and soldiers, and who were totally unacquainted with such service, rendered the loss of officers more sensibly felt, and never in any action was the loss more severe ; every 198 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE officer commanding vessels, and their seconds, were either killed or wounded so severely, as to be unable to keep the deck. Lieut. Buchan, in the Lady Prevost, behaved most nobly, and did everything that a brave and experienced officer could do in a vessel armed with 12-pounder carron ades, against vessels carrying long guns. I regret to state that he was very severely wounded. Lieut. Bignall of the Dover, commanding the Hunter, displayed the greatest intrepidity ; but his guns being small, (two, four and six pounders) he could be of much less service than he wished. Every officer in the Detroit behaved in the most exem plary manner. Lieut. Inglis showed such calm intrepid ity, that I was fully convinced that, on leaving the deck, I left the ship in excellent hands ; and for an account of the battle, after that, I refer you to his letter which he wrote me, for your information. Mr. Hoffmeister,purser of the Detroit, nobly volunteered tis services on deck, and behaved in a manner that reflects' the highest honor on him. I regret to add that he is very severely wound ed in the knee. Provincial Lieut. Purvis, and the mili tary officers, Lieuts. Garden, of the Royal Newfoundland Regt., and O' Keefe, of the 41st Regt., behaved in a man ner which excited my warmest admiration ; the few Brit ish seamen I had behaved with their usual intrepidity, and as long as I was on deck, the troops behaved with a calmness and courage, worthy of a more fortunate issue to their exertions. The weather-gage gave the enemy a prodigious ad vantage, as it enabled them not only to choose their posi tion, but their distance also, which they did in such a manner as to prevent the carronades of the Queen Char lotte and Lady Prevost from having much effect ; while their long guns did great execution, particularly against the Queen Charlotte. Capt. Perry has behaved in a most humane and atten tive manner, not only to myself and officers, but to all the wounded, I trust that although unsuccessful, you will approve of the motives that induced me to sail under so many disadvantages, and that it may be hereafter proved that, under such circumstances, the honor of His REPORT OF LIEUT. INGLIS 1 99 Majesty's flag has not been tarnished. I enclose the list of killed and Wounded. I have the honor to be, &c., (Signed) R. H. Barclay, Commander, and late Senior Officer. To Commodore Sir James L- Yeo, Bt., &c. His Majesty's late ship Detroit, Sept. loth, 1813. Sir, — I have the honor to transmit to you an account of the termination of the late unfortunate action with the enemy's squadron. On coming on the quarter-deck after your being wound ed, the enemy's second brig, at that time on our weather- beam, shortly afterwards took a position on our weather- bow to rake us ; to prevent which, in attempting to wear, to get our starboard broadside to bear upon her, a num ber of the guns of the larboard broadside being at this time disabled, fell on board the Queen Charlotte, at this time running up to leeward of us. In this situation the two ships remained for some time. As soon as we got clear . of her, I ordered the Queen Charlotte to shoot ahead of us if possible ; and attempted to back our fore- topsail to get astern, but the ship laying completely un manageable, every brace cut away, fhe mizzen top-mast and gaff down, all the other masts badly wounded, not a stay left forward, hull shattered very much, a number of the guns disabled, and the enemy's squadron raking both ships ahead and astern, none of our own in a situation to support us, I was under the painful necessity of answer ing the enemy, to say we had struck, the Queen Char lotte having previously done so. I have the honor to be, &c. , (Signed) George Inglis. To Capt. Barclay, &c., &c., &c. A list of killed and wounded in His Majesty's ships and vessels in an action with the American squadron on Lake Erie, the loth September, 1813. 3 officers and 38 men, killed ; 9 officers, 85 men, wounded. Total — 41 killed ; 94 wounded. 200 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE Names of officers killed and wounded — Lieut. James Garden, Royal Newfoundland Regiment, killed ; Detroit, killed : First Lieut. John Garland ; wounded : Captain R. H. Barclay, dangerously ; J. R. Hoffmeister, purser, dangerously ; Queen Charlotte, killed : Captain Robert Finnis ; wounded : First Lieut. James Stokoe, severely ; James Foster, midshipman, sUghtly ; Lady Prevost, wounded : Lieut. Edward Buchan, commanding, danger ously ; First Lieut. F. Rolette, severely ; Hunter, wounded : Lieut. George Bignall, commanding, severely; Henry GateshiU, master's mate, slightly ; Chippeway, wounded : master's mate, J. Campbell, commanding, subtly. (Signed) R. H. Barclay, Commander, and late Senior Officer. The annexed is Commander Perry's Official account of the action. U.S. Schr. Ariel, Put-in Bay, i3thSept., 1813. Sir, — In my last, I informed you that we had captured the enemy's fleet on^this lake. I have now the honor to give you the most important particulars of the action : — On the morning of the loth instant, at sun-rise, they were discovered from Put-in Bay, when I lay at anchor, with the squadron under my command. We got under weigh, the wind light' at south-west, and stood for them. At 10 a.m. the wind hauled to south-east, and brought us to windward ; formed the line, and bore Up. At 15 min utes before 12, the enemy commenced firing ; at 5 min utes before 12, the action commenced on our part. Find ing their fire very destructive, owing to their long guns, and it being^^^^y directed at the Lawrence, I made sail, and directed the other vessels to follow, for the pur pose of closing with the enemy — every brace and bow line being soon shot away, she became unmanageable, not withstanding the great exertions of the sailing master. In this situation, she sustained the action upwards oftwo hours, within canister distance, until every gun was ren dered useless, and the greater part of her crew either killed or wounded. Finding she could no longer annoy the enemy, I left her in charge of Lieut. Yarnall, who, I was convinced, from the bravery already displayed by him, would do what would comport with the honor of Oliver Hazard Perry. perry's OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 20I the flag. At half past two, the wind springing up. Cap tain Elliott was enabled to bring his vessel, the Niagara, gallantly into close action ; I immediately went on board of her, when he anticipated my wish, by volunteering to bring the schooner, which had been kept astern by the lightness of the wind, into close action. It was with unspeakable pain that I saw, soon after I got on board the Niagara, the flag of the Lawrence come down; although I was perfectly sensible that she had been defended to the last, and that to have continued to make a show of resistance, would have been a wanton sacrifice of the remains of her brave crew. But the enemy was not able to take possession of her, and circumstances soon permitted her flag again to be hoisted. At 45 minutes past two, the signal was made for ' 'close action' ' ; the Niagara being very little injured, I determined to pass through the enemy's line — bore up and passed ahead of their two ships, and a brig, giving a raking fire to them, from the starboard guns and to a large schooner and sloop from the larboard side, at half pistol-shot distance. The smaller vessels, at this time, having got within grape and canister distance, under the direction of Capt. EUiott, and keeping up a well-directed fire, the two ships, a brig, and a schooner surrendered, a schooner and sloop making a vain attempt to escape. Those officers and men, who were immediately under my observation, evinced the greatest gallantry ; and, I have no doubt that all others conducted themselves as became American officers and seamen. Lieut. Yarnall, ist of the Lawrence, although several times wounded, refused to quit the deck. Midshipman Forrest, (doing duty as Lieutenant) , and sailing master Taylor, were of great assistance to me. I have great pain, in stating to you the death of Lieut. Brooks, of the marines, and Mid shipman Laub, both of the Lawrence, and Midshipman John Clark, of the Scorpion ; they were valuable and promising officers. Mr. Hambleton, purser, who volun teered his services on deck, was severely woimded, late in the action. Midshipmen Claxton and Swartwout, of the Lawrence, were severely wounded. On board the Niagara, Lieutenants Smith and Edwards, and Midship man Webster, (doing duty as sailing master) , behaved in a very handsome manner. Captain Brevoort, of the army, who acted as a volunteer, in the capacity of a marine 202 THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE officer, on board that vessel, is an excellent and brave officer; and, with his musketry, did great execution. Lieut. Turner, commanding the Caledonia, brought that vessel into action in the most able manner, and is an officer, in all situations, that may be relied on. The Ariel,Lieut. Packett, and Scorpion, saihng master Champlin, were enabled to get early into action, and were of great service. Captain Elliott speaks in the highest terms of Mr. Magrath, purser, who had been dispatched in a boat, on service, previous to my getting on board the Niagara ; and, being a seaman, since the action has rendered essential service in taking charge of one of the prizes. Of Captain EUiott, already so well known to the gov ernment, it would be almost superfluous to speak : — in this action, he evinced his characteristic bravery and judgment ; and, since the close of the action, has given me the most able.and essential assistance. I have the honor to enclose you a return of the killed and wounded, together with a statement of the relative force of the squadrons. The Captain and ist Lieutenant of the Queen Charlotte, and ist Lieut, of the Detroit, were killed. Captain Barclay, senior officer, and the commander of the Lady Prevost, severely wounded. The commandersof the Hunter and Chippeway, slightly wound ed. Their loss, in killed and wounded, I have not been able to ascertain ; it must, however, have been very great. I have caused the prisoners, taken on the loth inst., to be landed at Sandusky ; and have requested Gen. Har rison to have them marched to Chillicothe, and there wait, until your pleasure shall be known respecting them. The Lawrence has been so entirely cutup,it is absolutely necessary she should go into a safe harbor ; I have, there fore, directed Lieut. Yarnall to proceed to Erie, in her, with the wounded of the fleet ; and dismantle, and get her over the bar, as soon as possible. The two ships, in a heavy sea, this day at anchor,, lost their masts, being much injured in the action. I shall haul them into the inner bay, at this place, and moor them for the present. The Detroit is a remarkably fine ship ; sails well and is very strongly built ; — the Queen Charlotte is a much superior vessel to what has been represented ; — the Lady Prevost is a large, fine schooner. Perry's Statue, Cleveland, Ohio. perry's OFFICIAL ACCOUNT 203 I also beg your instructions, respecting the wounded ; I am satisfied, sir, that whatever steps I might take; gov erned by humanity, would meet your approbation ; — imder this impression, I have taken upon myself to promise Capt. Barclay, who is very dangerously wound ed, that he shall be landed as near Lake Ontario as pos sible ; and, I had no doubt, you would allow me to parole him ; he is under the impression, that nothing but leaving this part of the country will save his life. There is also a number of Canadians among the prisoners — many who have families. I have the honor, &c., O. H. Perry. Hon. W. Jones, Sec. Navy. The Return above alluded to by Commodore Perry,' admits the American loss to have been 27 killed, and 96 wounded — total 123.= 'Perry was not a Commodore, neither was Barclay. The Com modore of the Americans was Isaac Chauncey, and of the British Sir James Lucas Yeo. James Fenimore Cooper says : " Perry was not made a Captain until after the Battle of Lake Erie, his commission being dated Sept. 10th, 1813, the day of his victory." =These casualties were distributed in the following manner, — VESSEL. KILLED. WOUNDED. TOTAL. Lawrence 22 61 83 Niagara 2 25 27 Caledonia 0 3 3 Somers 0 2 2 Ariel 1 3 4 Trippe ,. 0 2 2 Scorpion 2 0 2 Total 27 96 123 XI THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN With the loss of our fleet vanished every hope of main taining our positions against the enemy, who, already assembled in the neighborhood of Forts Sandusky and Meigs, to the number of ten thousand men, only awaited the result of the action to decide on their future move ments. A vast number of boats had been collected for the purpose of transporting them across the lake, under cover of their squadron, whose recent success leaving them undisputed masters of that element, necessarily precluded all probability of effectual opposition. A coun cil was accordingly assembled, and the various chieftains summoned to attend. After a brief exposition of the defenceless state of the garrison, the almost utter impos sibility of preventing the landing of the enemy, and the alarming destitution into which the magazines of pro vision had fallen. General Procter proposed that the forts of Detroit and Amherstburg, together with the va rious public buildings, should be destroyed, and that the troops and Indians should retire on the Centre Division at Niagara. This proposal was met by the chieftains with divided sentiments ; but Tecumseh, whose gallant and impetuous spirit could ill brook the idea of retiring be fore his enemies, had no sooner heard the conclusion, than he arose, and, in a speech of much length, and ac companied by powerful energy and gesticulation, pro tested against the infamy of abandoning the position without first using every exertion for its defence. He'ad- dressed the commanding officer in the severest terms ; accused him of cowardice ; and after having compared his conduct with that of Captain Barclay, whose noble defence had inspired him with an enthusiasm surpassed 204 tecumseh's speech 205 only by the regret he entertained at his failure, conclud ed by declaring it to be his fixed determination to remain with his warriors and defend the place himself. "Father, — (he thundered) , Listen to your children! You see them now all before you. The war before this, our British father gave the hatchet to his red children when our old chiefs were alive. They are now all dead. In that war, our father was thrown on his back by the Americans, and our father took them by the hand with out our knowledge, and we are afraid our father will do so again at this time. Summer before last, when I came forward with my red brethren, and was ready to take up the hatchet in favor of our British father, we were told not to be in a hurry — that he had not yet determined to fight the Americans. Listen ! When war was declared, our father stood up and gave us the tomahawk, and told us that he was now ready to strike the Americans — that he wanted our assist ance ; and that he would certainly get us our lands back, which the Americans had taken from us. Listen ! You told us at that time to bring forward our families to this place — we did so, and you promised to take care of them, and that they should want for nothing, while the men would go and fight the enemy — that we were not to trouble ourselves with the enemy's garrisons — that we knew nothing about them, and that our father would attend to that part of the business. You also told your red children that you would take good care of their garrison here, which made our hearts glad. Listen ! When we last went to the Rapids, it is true we gave you little assistance. It is hard to fight people who live like ground-hogs. Father — Listen ! Our fleet has gone out ; we know they have fought ; we have heard the great guns ; but know nothing of what has happened to our father with one arm.^ Our ships have gone one way, and we are iThe allusion here is to Captain Robert Herriott Barclay, R.N., who arrived from England in May, 1813, and atter some service on Lake Ontario was assigned the command on Lake Erie about the flrst of July. He served with Nelson at Trafalgar, where he lost an arm. A court-martial was held upon him for the loss of the fleet on Lake Erie, which decided that he was " fuliy and honorably acquitted." After returning to Great Britain he lived in Edin burgh. The inscription on his tombstone, in Greyfriar's church- vard, states that he died on the 8th ot May, 1837, aged 52 years. 206 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN much astonished to see our father tying up everything and preparing to run away the other, without letting his red children know what his intentions are. You always told us to remain here and take care of our lands ; it made our hearts glad to hear that was your wish. Our great father, the king, is the head, and you represent him. You always told us you would never draw your foot off British ground ; but now, father, we see you are drawing back, and we are sorry to see our father doing so without seeing the enemy. We must compare our father's conduct to a fat animal, that carries its tail upon its back, but when affrighted, it drops it between its legs and runs off. Listen, father ! The Americans have not yet defeated us by land ; neither are we sure that they have done so by water ; we therefore vyish to remain here, and fight our enemy, should they make their appearance. If they defeat us, we will then retreat with our father. At the battle of the Rapids, last war, the Americans certainly defeated us ; and when we retreated to our father' s fort at that place, the gates were shut against us. We were afraid that it would now be the case ; but instead of that we now see our British father preparing to march out of his garrison. Father ! You have got the arms and ammunition which our great father sent for his red children. If you have any idea of going away, give them to us, and you may go in welcome, for us. Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to. defend our lands, and if it is his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them." No sooner had the last words of this startling speech' died away upon his lips, than the various chieftains started up to a man, and brandishing their tomahawks in the most menacing manner, vociferated their approbation of his sentiments. The scene altogether was of the most imposing character. The council room was a large, lofty building, the vaulted roof of which echoed back the wild yell of the Indians ; while the threatening attitude and ¦This speech was delivered on September 18th, 1813. In the yard of Mr. Simon Eraser, ex-mayor of Amherstburg, is preserved a large boulder upon which Tecumseh used to stand when addressing his braves. From a special plioto. The North West Bastion of Fort Amherstburg. preparations for retreat 207 diversified costume of these latter formed a striking con trast with the calm demeanor and military garb of the officers grouped around the walls. The most prominent feature in the picture, however, was Tecumseh. Habited in a close leather dress, his athletic proportions were ad mirably delineated, while a large plume of white ostrich feathers, by which he was generally distinguished, over shadowing his brow, and contrasting with the darkness of his complexion and the brilliancy of his black and piercing eye, gave a singularly wild and terrific expression to his features. It was evident that he could be terrible. Tranquillity being at length restored. General Procter, through the medium of his interpreters, entered into a more detailed account of the motives by which he was in fluenced, and finaUy succeeded in prevailing on the war rior to assent to a second proposal, which, was to retire on the Moravian village, distant nearly halfway between Amherstburg and the outposts of the Centre Division, and there await the approach of the enemy. It having been resolved to move without loss of time, the troops were immediately employed in razing the for tifications, and committing such stores as it was found impossible to remove to the flames, kindled in the various public buildings ; and the ports of Detroit and Amherst burg for some days previous to our departure presented a scene of cruel desolation. At length, the baggage wag gons and boats having been sent in advance, the troops of the latter garrison commenced their match early in the last week of September, and being joined by those of Detroit, proceeded up the mouth of the Thames, a river navigable for small craft, and separated from that of De troit by the Lake St. Clair, into which it empties itself. Our movements were extremely dilatory ; and although the bridge near Amherstburg, already described in the early part of this narrative, had been destroyed by our rear-guard, it was speedily repaired by the American 208 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN general who, on the third day after our departure from Amherstburg, crossed the lake in boats ; and hastening to overtake us with a corps of five thousand men, was within a few leagues at the moment we approached the position where it was originally intended the little army should entrench itself. The Moravian viUage, situated in a small plain, offered every facility of defence, being bounded on one flank by a thick wood, highly favorable 'to the operations of the Indians, and on the other, by the river Thames, while immediately in front, a deep ravfne, covered with brush wood, and commanded by our guns, presented an obstacle peculiarly unfavorable to the passage of cavalry, of which, we were sufficiently informed^ a large portion of the advancing columns consisted. Yet, notwithstand ing the excellence of the position, from some singularly selfish motive, the project was entirely abandoned. On the evening of the 4th, the enemy had captured our boats and, with them, the guard by which they were ac companied. Lieut. Holmes, of the Provincial Dragoons, an active and enterprising officer, who, with a small de tachment of men, was of great service to the army during its retreat, also fell into the hands of the enemy on this day, having been taken while in the act of swimming his horse across the Chatham river,' on his return from de stroying some bridges. On the 5th, at one o'clock in the afternoon, we were within two miles of the Moravian vil lage, but in defiance of that repeated experience which should have taught us the hopelessness of combating a concealed enemy, the troops were ordered to defile into the heart of a wood, not very close it is true, yet through the interstices of which it was imppssible for the view to extend itself beyond a distance of twenty paces, much less to discover objects bearing so close a resemblance to, the bark, and foliage of the trees and bushes as the cos- iMcGregor's Creek, which debouches into the Thames about the centre ot the present city of Chatham. DEFEAT OF THE BRITISH 209 tume of the Americans; whereas, on the contrary, the glaring red of the troops formed a point of relief on which the eye could not fail to dwell. In this position we con tinued to remain during two hours, our left wing ex tending to the road, in which a solitary six pounder was posted, and the right flanked by the Indians to the num ber of 1,000 under Tecumseh; when the bugles of the enemy sounding at length to the attack, the engagement commenced. The result of an affair, against a body of such numerical superiority, and under such circumstances, may easily be anticipated. Closely pressed on every hand, and principally by a strong corps of mounted riflemen, the troops were finally compelled to give way, and completely hemmed in by their assailants, had no other alternative than to lay down their arms — about fifty men only, with a single officer of the regiment,, (Lieut. Bullock) , contriving, when all was lost, to effect their escape through the wood. General Procter, mounted on an excellent charger, and accompanied byhis personal staff, sought safety in flight at the very com mencement of the action, and being pursued for some hours by a detachment of mounted Kentucky riflemeUj was in imminent danger of falling into their hands. In this affair, I had an opportunity of witnessing the cruel dexterity and despatch with which the Indians use the tomahawk and scalping knife. A Kentucky rifleman, who had been dismounted within a few yards of the spot where I stood, — and the light company, to which I was at tached, touched the left flank of the Indians — was fired at by three warriors of the Delaware tribe. The unfortunate man received their several balls in his body, yet, although faint from loss of blood, he made every exer tion to save himself. Never was fear so strongly depicted on the human countenance, and the man's hair (for he was uncovered) absolutely seemed to me to stand on end, as he attempted to double a large fallen tree, in order to elude the weapons of his enemies. The foremost of his 210 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN pursuers was a tall powerful man — a chief whom I well knew, having, only a few days before we commenced our retreat, obtained from him a saddle in exchange for a regimental coat, purchased at the sale of the effects of Lieut. Sutherland, wounded at Maguaga. When within twelve or fifteen paces of the rifleman, he raised and threw his tomahawk, and with such precision and force, that it immediately opened the skull, and extended him motionless on the earth. Laying down his rifle, he drew forth his knife, and after having removed the hatchet from the brain, proceeded to make a circular incision throughout the scalp. This done, he grasped the bloody instrument between his teeth, and placing his knees on the back of his victim, while at the same time he fastened his fingers in the hair, the scalp was torn off without much apparent difficulty and thrust, still bleeding, into his bosom. The warrior then arose, and after having wiped his knife on the clothes of the unhappy man, re turned it to its sheath, grasping at the same time the arms he had abandoned, and hastening to rejoin his comrades. All this was the work of a few minutes. While this brief scene was enacting, the main body of the eneniy, who had by this time succeeded in breaking through our centre, and had wheeled up, in order to take the Indians in flank, moved rapidly upon us in every di rection ; so that the resistance the light company had hitherto opposed, was now utterly hopeless of any suc cessful result. Persuaded moreover, from the sudden cessation of the firing in that direction, that our centre and left (for the wood intercepted them from our view) , had been overcome, we, at the suggestion and command of Lieutenant Hailes, the only officer with us, prepared to make good our retreat, but, instead of going deeper into the wood as we purposed, we mistook our way, and found ourselves unexpectedly in the road ; when, on glancing to the right, we beheld, at a distance of about five hundred yards, the main body of our men disarmed BRITISH RETREAT CUT OFF 211 — grouped together, and surrounded by American troops. On turning to the left, as we instinctively did, we saw a strong body of cavalry coming toward us, evidently re turning from some short pursuit, and slowly walking their horses. At the head of these, and dressed like his men, in Kentucky hunting frocks, was a stout elderly officer whom we subsequently knew to be Governor Shelby, and who the moment he beheld us emerging from the wood, galloped forward and brandishing his sword over his head, cried out with stentorian lungs ' ' Surrender surrender, it's no use resisting, all your people are taken, and you had better surrender." There was no alternative. The channel to escape had been closed by the horsemen in the wood, as well as those in the road, and a surrender was unavoidable. We accordingly moved down to join our captured comrades, as directed by Governor Shelby, yet I well recollect burying my musket in the mud, which was very deep, in order to avoid giving it up to the enemy. Perfectly also do I recollect the remark made by a tall Kentuckian as I passed by him to the group — " Well I guess now, you tarnation little Britisher, who'd calculate to see such a bit of a chap as you here ?' ' But I heeded not the sneer ' of the Kentuckian. My eye had fallen and rested upon a body of American Indians, about fifty in number, from some one of whose tomahawks, I apprehended the death blow — I had seen their weapons too often exercised (and indeed, as has been seen, only a few minutes before) to feel anything like security. But my fear was without foundation. As I watched them more narrowly, I found that their countenances wore an expression of concern, and that, so far from seeking to injure us, they seemed rather to regret our fate. Nor is this at all unlikely, as it was well known that the greater portion of the warriors who had taken up the hatchet in favor of the United States, had been induced to do so from compulsion alone. This Uttle anecdote, otherwise too personal per- 212 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN haps, affords another in support of the many striking evidences of the strong attachment of the Indians for the British. The most serious loss we sustained on this occasion was that of the noble and unfortunate Tecumseh. Only a few minutes before the clang of the American bugles was heard ringing through the forest, and inspiriting to action, the haughty Chieftain had passed along our line, pleased with the manner in which his left was supported, and seemingly sanguine of success. He was dressed in his usual deer skin dress, which admirably displayed his light yet sinewy figure, and in his handkerchief, rolled as a turban over his brow, was placed a handsome white ostrich feather, which had been given to him by a near relation of the writer of this narrative, and on which he was ever fond of decorating himself, either for the Hall of Council or the battle field. He pressed the hand of each officer as he passed, made some remark in Shawnee, ap propriate to the occasion, which was sufficiently under stood by the expressive signs accompanying them, and then passed away forever from our view. Towards the close of the engagement, he had been personally opposed to Colonel Johnson, commanding the American mounted riflemen, and having severely wounded that officer with a ball from his rifle, was in the act of springing upon him with his tomahawk, when his adversary drew a pistol from his belt, and shot him dead on the spot. It has since been denied by the Americans that the hero met his death from the hand of Colonel Johnson. Such was the statement on the day of the action, nor was it ever con tradicted at that period. There is every reason to infer then that the merit (if any merit could attach to the de struction of all that was noble and generous in savage life) , of having kiUed Tecumseh, rests with Colonel John son. The merit of having flayed the body of the fallen brave, and made razor strops of his skin, rests with his immediate followers. This too has been denied, but Drawn by F. Brigden. Tecumseh. death of tecumseh 2:3 denial is vain. On the night of the engagement, when seated around a fire kindled in the forest, partaking, on the very battle ground, of the meat which Gen. Harri son's aids-de-camp were considerately and hospitably toasting for us on long pointed sticks, or skewers, and which, half-famished as we were, we greedily ate with out the accompaniment of either salt or bread, the pain ful subject was discussed, and it is not less an eulogy to the memory of the high-minded Tecumseh, than a justice to that of General Harrison to add, that that officer was the first to deplore his death ; while the sentiments he expressed, when the circumstance and manner of his fall were made known, were such as to reflect credit on him self, both as a man, a Christian, and a soldier. Doubts as to the fact of Tecumseh having fallen at all at the Moraviantown, have, in the same spirit of party which has denied to Colonel Johnson the act of having shot him, been entertained ; and it has even been asserted that the mutilated remains which were supposed to have been his, were in reality those of another Chief. Would for the honor of humanity it had been so : but this is in correct. Several of the officers of the 41st, on being ap prized of his fall, went, accompanied by some of General Harrison's Staff, to visit the spot where Tecumseh lay, and there they identified (for they knew well) in the mangled corpse before them, all that remained of the late powerful and intelligent chieftain. Ofthe pain with which the sight was viewed, and the deep regret with which his death was regarded, no stronger evidence can be given than in the fact that there was scarcely an offi cer of the captured Division who, as he reposed his head upon the rude log, affording him the only pillow that night, did not wholly lose sight of his own unfortunate position in the more Uvely emotion produced by the un timely fate of the lamented and noble Indian. It has ever been a source of profound regret to me that I was not present at this inspection, for although the sight of 214 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN the mutilated hero could not have failed to inflict upon niy heart pain of the most poignant kind, it would have been at least a consolation to have seen the last of his re mains on earth : and this not more from the reverence and honor in which I had, and have, ever held the War rior, than from the opportunity I should now pos sess of bearing attestation to the fact and manner of his fall, from my own positive and personal observation. I was not, however, aware of the purposed visit until the party had returned, and made it the subject of conversa tion, in presence of General Harrison, as already stated. Nor was there time afforded for remedying the uninten tional omission. But the battle of the Moraviantown (if indeed battle it can be called) embracing as it does an important por tion of Canadian History, and involving the honor of the British arms, is not thus briefly to be dismissed. The Right Division has been grossly vilified for its conduct on the occasion, and that vilification stands on public record. The proud — the honorable — the gratifying task of refuting the unmerited aspersion has devolved on the young, and humble, and comparatively unnoticed volun teer, who had the advantage of tracking it throughout its whole course of unceasing service, and whose lot it seems to be to have been nursed in the regiment, chiefly to become, at this distant day, the impartial chronicler of its deeds, and the vindicator of its unjustly sullied name. First on the list of calumny stands the general order issued by Sir George Prevost — a commander whose marked imbecility and want of resolution, on more than one occasion, (reflecting the deepest disgrace on the British arms) , had doubtless been ordained as a fitting punishment for his arrogant censure of the conduct of a corps, whose general excellence he was incompetent to appreciate, and whose only positive crime was that of its weakness, its physical disorganization, and its utter destitution. Here is the insulting and most uncalled for PREVOST'S GENERAL ORDER 215 document, and who, on perusing it, after having traced the regiment through its previous course of glory will fail to entertain a sentiment of deep indignation at its in justice? General Order, Head Quarters, Montreal, Nov. 24th, 1813. His Excellency the Commander of the Forces has re ceived an Official report from Major-General Procter of the affair which took place on the 5th October, near the Moravian village, and he has in vain sought in it, for grounds to palliate the report made to His ExceUency by Staff Adjutant Reiffenstein, upon which the General Order of the iSth October was founded— on the contrary that statement remains confirmed in all the principal events which marked that disgraceful day ; the precipi tancy with which the Staff Adjutant retreated from the field of action, prevented his ascertaining the loss sus tained by the division on that occasion ; it also led him most grossly to exaggerate the enemy's force, and to misrepresent the conduct of the Indian Warriors who in stead of retreating towards Machedash, as he had stated, gallantly maintained the conflict, under their brave Chief Tecumseh, and in their turn harassed the American Army on its retreat to Detroit. The subjoined return states the loss the Right Division has sustained in the action of the fleet on Lake Erie on the loth Sept., and in the affair of the 5th October near the Moravian village. In the latter but very few appear to have been rescued by an honorable death, from the ig nominy of passing under the American yoke, nor are there many whose wounds plead in mitigation of this re proach. The Right Division appears to have been en cumbered with an unmanageable load of unnecessary, and forbidden private baggage — while the requisite arrange ments for the expeditious, and certain conveyance of the ammunition, and provisions, the sole objects worthy of consideration, appear to have been totally neglected, as well as all those ordinary measures resorted to by officers of intelligence, to retard and impede the advance of a pursuing enemy. The result affords but too fatal a proof of this unjustifiable neglect. The Right Division had quitted Sandwich in its retreat on the 26th September, having had ample time, for every previous arrangement. 2l6 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN to facilitate and secure that movement ; on the 2nd Octo ber following, the enemy pursued by the same route, and on the 4th succeeded in capturing all the stores of the division, and on the following day attacked and defeated it almost without a struggle. With heart-felt pride and satisfaction the Commander of the Forces had lavished on the Right Division of this army, that tribute of praise which was so justly due to its former gallantry and steady discipline. It is with poign ant grief and mortification that he now beholds its well- earned laurels tarnished, and its conduct calls loudly for reproach and censure. The Commander of the Forces appeals to the genuine feelings of the British soldier from whom he neither con ceals the extent of the loss the army has suffered, northe far more to be lamented injury it has sustained in its wounded honor, confident that but one sentiment will animate every breast, and that zealous to wash out the stain, which by a most extiraordinary and unaccountable infatuation, has fallen on a formerly deserving portion of the army, all will vie to emulate the glorious achieve ments recently performed, by a small but highly spirited ahd well-disciplined division, led by officers possessed of enterprise, intelligence, and gallantry, nobly evincing what British soldiers can perform, when susceptible of no fear, but that of failing in the discharge of their duty. His Excellency considers it an act of justice, to exon erate most honorably from this censure the brave soldiers who were serving as marines on board the squadron on Lake Erie, the Commander of the Forces having re ceived the, official report of Capt. Barclay of the action which took place on Lake Erie on the loth September when that gallant officer, from circumstances of imperious necessity was compelled to seek the superior force of the enemy, and to maintain an arduous and long-contested action under circumstances of accumulating ill fortune. , Captain Barclay represents, that the wind, which was favorable early in the day, suddenly changed, giving the enemy the weather-gage, and that this important advan tage was, shortly after the commencement of the engage ment, heightened by the faU of Captain Finnis, the com mander of the Queen Charlotte. In the death of that in trepid and intelligent officer, Capt. Barclay laments the loss of his main support. The fall of Capt. Finnis was prevost's general order 217 soon followed by that of I^ieut. Stokoe, whose country was deprived of his services at this very critical period leaving the command of the Queen Charlotte to Provin cial Lieutenant Irvine, who conducted himself with great courage, but was too limited in experience to supply the place of such an officer as Capt. Finnis, and in conse quence this vessel proved of far less assistance than might be expected. The action commenced at about a quarter before 12 o'clock, and continued with great fury until half-past 2, when the American Commodore quitted his ship, which struck shortly after, to that commanded by Capt. Bar clay (the Detroit.) Hitherto the determined valor dis played by the British squadron, had surmounted every dis advantage, and the day was in our favor ; but the contest had arrived at that period when valor alone was unavailing — the Detroit and Queen Charlotte were perfect wrecks, and required the utmost skill of seamanship, while the commanders and second officers, of every vessel, were either killed or wounded : not more than fifty British seamen were dispersed in the crews of the squadron, and of these a great proportion had fallen in the conflict. The American Commodore made a gallant, and but too successful an effort to regain the day. His second larg est vessel, the Niagara, had suffered Uttle, and his numer ous gun-boats which had proved the greatest source of annoyance during the action, were all uninjured. Lieutenant Garland, First Lieutenant of the Detroit, being mortally wounded, previous to the wounds of Cap tain Barclay obliging him to quit the deck, it fell to the lot of Lieutenant Inglis, to whose intrepidity and conduct the highest praise is given, to surrender His Majesty's Ship, when all further resistance had become unavailing. The enemy, by having the weather-gage, were enabled to choose their distance and thereby avail themselves of the great advantage they derived in a superiority of heavy long guns, but Captain Barclay attributes the re sult of the day, to the unprecedented fall of every Com mander,, and second in command, and the very small number of able seamen left in the squadron, at a moment when the judgment of the officer, and skilful exertions of the sailor were most immediately called for. To the British seamen. Captain Barclay bestows the highest praise — that they behaved like British seamen. From 2l8 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN the officers and soldiers of the regular force serving as marines. Captain Barclay experienced every support within their power, and states that their conduct has ex cited his warmest thanks and admiration. Deprived of the palm of victory, when almost within his grasp, by an overwhelming force which the enemy possessed in reserve, aided by an accumulation of unfor tunate circumstances. Captain Barclay and his brave crew have, by their gallant daring, and self-devotion to their country's cause, rescued its honor and their own, even in defeat. Edward baynes. Ad j ut ant- General . Return of the Right Division of the Army of Upper Canada : Detachment serving as marines on board the squadron in action on loth September, 1813. Killed — I lieutenant, i sergeant, 21 rank and file. Wounded — 3 sergeants, 46 rank and file. Prisoners — 2 lieutenants, i asst. surgeon, 4 sergeants, 4 drummers, 167 rank and file. Killed, wounded, and missing in the retreat and in the action of the 5th October, 1813 : I inspecting field officer, i dep. asst. qr. -master-general, I fort adjutant, i hospital mate, i lieutenant-col., 6 cap tains, 12 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, i paymaster, i asst. sur geon, 34 sergeants, 13 drummers, 559 rank and file, 46 horses. Assembled at Ancaster on the 17th October, 1813 : I major-general, i major of brigade, i aid-de-camp, i staff adjutant, 3 captains, 5 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, i ad jutant, I quarter-master, 2 asst. surgeons, 15 sergeants, 9 drummers, 204 rank and file, 53 horses. Total strength of the Right Division on the loth Sep tember, 1813 : I major-general, i inspecting field officer, i major of brigade, i dep. asst. q.m. gen., i aid-de-camp, i staff ad jutant, I fort adjutant, i hospital mate, i lieutenant- colonel, 9 captains, 20 lieutenants, 5 ensigns, i pay master, I adjutant, i quarter-master, 4 assistant sur geons, 57 sergeants, 26 drummers, 997 rank and file, 99 horses, s Killed — Lieut. Garden, Royal Newfoundland Regt. Edward Baynes, Adjutant-General. prevost CHARACTERIZED 2 19 Well timed indeed, and with a befitting grace does the insulting censure, contained in the opening of the above or.der,. emanate from the man who had previously made a descent upon Sackett's Harbor, with a view of -destroying the enemy's naval and military works, and who at the very moment of accompUshment of the object of the ex pedition, and when the Ainericans were retreating, turned and fled with precipitation to his boats, presenting to the troops, who were unwilhng sharers in his disgrace, the monstrous yet ludicrous anomaly of two hostile armies fleeing from each other at the same time. Well does it become the leader who, at Plattsburg, covered the British , army with shame, and himself with enduring infamy, by retiring at the head of 15,000 men — chiefly the flower of the Dukeof WelUngton' s army — before a force of Ameri cans not exceeding as many hundreds ; and this even at the moment when the commander of these latter was pre paring to surrender his trust without a struggle. Well does it proceed from him, who through timidity and vacillation alone, at an earlier period of the war, entered into a disgraceful armistice with the enemy at the very mo ment when General Brock was preparing to follow up his successes on the western frontier, by sweeping the whole southern border of the St. Lawrence. Happily was it de vised by the authority to whose culpable inattention and neglect alone was owing the loss of the gallant Bar clay's fleet, and the consequent helplessness of that very Right Division he has hesitated not to condemn for a disaster attributable to himself alone. Nay, well and most consistently does the sting issue from the Coof mander of the Forces, who, on the occasion of the cap ture of Detroit, and the victory obtained at the River Raisin, ordered royal salutes to be fired in honor of con quests which had been achieved principally by the 41st Regiment, and whose remarks, even on the occasion of their unavoidable repulse at Sandusky, convey rather a compliment than dispraise. 220 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN That Sir George Prevost had been induced to issue this order, on the gross misrepresentation of General Procter, who, in order to shield himself from the consequences »of his incapacity, scrupled not to sacrifice the reputation of the regiment, which had so often repaired, by their valor, what his marked inefficiency had endangered, there can be no question. It is only necessary to refer to an earlier memorandum on the subject to be fully satisfied of the fact. But this does not the more exonerate Sir George, whose duty it was, before publishing a document, the tendency of which was to cast odium on a corps which he himself admits to have previously won his warmest admiration, to possess himself of the true facts of the action ; nor, by any exercise of undue severity, to have provoked commentaries on his own conduct of a far more humiliating character. But posterity will judge of the Right Division, not by the sweeping and unfounded de nunciations of an angry and misjudging Governor, but by its universally admitted gallantry on all former occa sions. Who on looking over the state of the 41st Regiment, which ostentatiously appears at the close of the General Order, would not infer that, in the action of the Mora viantown, they mustered atleast 1,000 men, including non-commissioned officers ? Even General Harrison, in his most voluminous despatch, enumerates the prisoners taken by him in such a way as to create the impression that his (admitted) force of 3,000 had been opposed by 600 British regulars, present in action. Thisis not worthy of General Harrison, who must have known that our actual force in the field was, according to the state of the adjutant of the regiment — the original of which is before me at this moment — i lieut. -colonel, 6 captains, 9 Ueuts., 3 ensigns, 3 staff, 26 sergeants, 18 corporals, 4 drummers, and 297 rank and file — and these divided into two open, and irregular lines. The remainder of the 600, captured by General Harrison, many of them sick and wounded HARRISON'S REPORT CRITICIZED 221 men, had been taken, without a possibility of opposition, in the boats conveying stores, during the early morning of the action, and on the preceding day. Yet the Ameri can general seriously claims the palm of ' ' superior bra very " for his force of 3,000 men, opposed in their native woods (wherein he himself admits in his despatch they ' ' can ride better than any other people " ) to not as many hundreds, and these almost wholly unaccustomed to them. It is impossible to entertain a feeling of disrespect for General Harrison, but there is something so absurd in this remark, that the reader cannot forbear a smile. Nor can it be pretended that the Indians are to be considered as having formed any portion of our force during the first advance of the enemy, for General Harrison has distinctly stated that he formed his assailing columns in such man ner as to direct them wholly upon the 41st, leaving the Indians unmolested, until he should be enabled to break through our feeble and extended line, and then turn their position. This plan was acted upon. What then was there in this defeat to justify Sir George Prevost, in the sweeping and splenetic denunciation cast upon a corps who had done so much for the country, and had only now been overcome through the incompetency of their chief ? But let us turn to General Procter. That officer has stated in his specious defence before the court-martial which tried him for general misconduct in the retreat, that he had drawn up his men in a posi tion the most favorable for a successful stand against the enemy's cavalry, and that he had expected a result which the want of firmness manifested by the regiment alone had denied to him. Who will second General Procter in this view of the subject? Who, with him, will aver that the proper place for British troops to engage an enemy is the woods, and that he was justified in the selection, when, not two miles in his rear, w;ere numerous houses in which to throw his men, a wood on his right flank, and the river on his left, while immediately in front ran a 222 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN ravine difficult of access by cavalry, and capable of being swept by his gtms, which, singularly enough, had already been stationed there without the slightest use or service in the battle planned by him to be waged. On what does General Procter ground his claim to be considered as com petent to decide upon the success which ought to attend his military movements ? Is it on his dispositions at the River Raisin, where, instead of attacking an unprepared enemy sword in hand, he absurdly and unaccountably apprized them of their danger, giving them ample oppor tunity to arm and cripple his own force, in such a manner as to render victory for a period doubtful ? Is it on his arrangements at the Miami, where he suffered an impor tant Une of batteries to be left without the support of even a single company? Is it on his attack upon San dusky, where he ordered his men to storm before any breach had been effected, without a fascine or scaling lad der, and with axes so blunt that he might have been sus pected of treason in suffering them to be placed in the hands of the unfortunate men who perished while fruit lessly wielding them? Yet this man, whose brows, the 41st Regiment covered in these several instances with glory, when they rather should have been bowed to the earth in shame, turns upon his gallant supporters in the moment of their misfortune, and, in his base attempt to redeem his own blighted military reputation, scruples not to charge them with misconduct in the field. Where was, this misconduct ? In what did it consist ? It has been seen that 3,000 men, 1,500 of whom were mounted rifle men, dashed through the front line, composed of some thing less than 200 men, receiving the only two volleys there was time to pour in before they had completely sur rounded them. Was it possible to make a more length ened defence against an enemy who thus overwhelmed them en masse 1 The true matter for surprise is, not that the force yielded so soon, but that it had ever made a stand at all ; for the strong conviction on the mind of REBUTTAL OF PROCTER'S DEFENSE 223 every officer and man present, was that General Procter was making a wanton sacrifice of their Uves, for the sole purpose of covering the departure of his family and per sonal effects from the Moraviantown ; and that it was for this reason also that he had drawn them up in the heart of a wood, in preference to occupying a position which all had been previously informed was susceptible of the best defence against the expected cavalry. I haye said that only two volleys were fired by the men before they were overwhelmed by the American force. This was I believe the case on the centre and left, upon which the main attack of the enemy was directed. On the right, and near Tecumseh's flank, where the horse men opposed to us were less numerous, the action was of at least twenty minutes' duration, and in this time much desultory firing tookplace. The instance I have already given of the shooting, tomahawking, and scalping of an American rifleman, who had beeh dismounted in the action, is an evidence that the engagement was not so speedily brought to a close as General Procter sought to make it appear. But I will relate another fact in cor roboration. Only a few minutes before this scene was ' enacted before our eyes, a mounted rifleman was in the act of taking "aim at one of the light company, who was moving quickly at the time, and whom therefore he could not conveniently cover. My attention was called to this man by Lieut. Hailes (since commanding the 28th Regi ment), who was near me at the time, and who suggested that I should fire at him. I raised my musket, support ing it against a tree, and before the American, who was still following his object with his eye and weapon, could find what he deemed a favorable moment for discharging it, I fired, when his rifle tumbled from his shoulder to the ground, and he sank over his horse's side. Now if, as General Procter states, the line " had dis charged their pieces without orders, had given way, and had dispersed in a manner to preclude all hope of their 224 ^^HE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN being again formed," there could have been no time for these two deliberate actions. When a few minutes after wards, we, from a consciousness of having been cut off from our main body, attempted a retreat, we were not so sorely pressed as to have failed in our object, had we taken the proper direction. We had continued firing to the close, and it was only on emerging from the wood into the road, and beholding our captured comrades, that we found resistance to be hopeless. Including Lieut. Hailes we were then about twenty in number. I have already stated that General Procter was without the confidence of his army. This is strictly correct. So far from their having the slightest knowledge of the object of his movernents, or of his intentions, not even his second in command was consulted on any one occa sion during the retreat. As for the expression of sur prise, contained in the defence, that Dover had not been fortified it is perfectly ridiculous. Independently of its peculiar unfitness for that purpose, no such instructions had ever been left with Colonel Warburton, who, when repeatedly asked by the officers of the Division what was purposed to be done, or to what tended General Procter's unaccountable conduct, could only shrug his shoulders, and in a manner indicative of mingled mortification and contempt, reply that they knew as much of the matter as he did. How, indeed, and under what direction was Dover to be fortified, when, as General Procter himself admits, he had taken with him to the Moraviantown the only officer of Engineers (Captain Dixon) who was at tached to the Division ? Such was the general feeling of distrust, produced by General Procter's continued absenqe from, and in advance of the army, at a moment when the enemy were known to be near us, and when the second in command was left wholly in the dark, as to the course it was expected of him to pursue, that serious intentions were formed of depriving that officer of his authority, and investing S SHELBY z b ~.^ -. ^ ;. -¦ r-. .SMAI L-- sw/i MP ^ •» - . SMALL-SWAMP.' '--J.iJOIIHSOli ,-¦' 'pavhe ' HARRISONS INVASION OF UPPER CANADA AN OFFICER S DIARY 225 Colonel Warburton with it. This indeed was only not done, because it was assumed that any disaster which might, in consequence of the extraordinary delay and want of military capacity hitherto manifested in its con duct, occur to the Division, would be gladly seized hold of by the General, with a view to exonerate himself from the heavy responsibility he was already so fearfully incur ring. Of the sentiments entertained by all, a tolerably correct estimate may be formed from the following mem oranda at the time by an officer of the regiment. ' ' 3rd Oct. , Dolsen' s. A report of the Americans being within two or three miles of us. Our dragoons fell in with their advanced guard. The General at Moravian- town, 26 miles from Dolsen' s or Dover. Marched from this place 2 J^ miles ; halted and formed on the bank of the river in expectation of the enemy every instant. Marched a few miles further and halted for the night. Col. Warburton did not appear to know how to act, the General not having left any directions, but he decided on falling in with the wishes of the Indians. 4th Oct. This morning the Indians thought it advis able to proceed at once to Moraviantown. We accord ingly marched : at dusk the rear guard halted at Richard son's; the remainder proceeded about a mile farther, within five miles of Moraviantown. 5th Oct. This day we proceeded towards Moravian- town, and when within a mile and a half of it, were halted and marched back a few paces, when we halted a second time : no person appeared to have any idea of what was going to be done. A report came in of the Americans being within a very short distance of us, and that they had taken all our boats, in which was most of our bag gage and the whole of the ammunition, except what the men had in their pouches. After having halted for nearly an hour, we were suddenly ordered to form in the midst of a very thick wood apparently without any previous arrangement and in such a manner that the Grenadiers were nearly in the centre of the Une, and the light company towards the right — a second order came for the Grenadiers and No. i company to march to the rear as a reserve, which was done. The men were formed at extended order, and the enemy, it was said, 2 26 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN were strong in cavalry and mounted riflemen. N.B. No brushwood to prevent the cavalry acting. About four o'clock the enemy attacked us, and succeeded in driving us from our ground. The company I commanded had not received their provisions for the two last days, until the very moment before we received the order to march : the consequence was that those men who had time to do so, cut off a slice of the raw beef and ate it uncooked. The rest had none at all. Mem. — While at Dolsen' s was told by G e that a council of war was going to assemble immediately, in order to decide whether or not the command should be taken from the G. The day before the action Captain Muir remarked to me that the G. ought to be hanged' for being away, and that Col. W. ought to be hanged for not assuming the command. A few moments "before the action Captain D. said it was downright murder if we at tempted to make a stand where we were — Colonel EUiott told me that the day the G. went to the Moraviantown, the Prophet (Tecumseh's brother) asked him. Col. EUiott, where the G. was going, and on being informed remarked that he had a great mind to take the epaulettes off his shoulders, for he was not worthy to wear them." General Procter furthermore asserts in his defence, that his original intention was to fortify a position on the Thames, for the two-fold purpose of protecting the Centre Division, and conciliating the Indians. I am not pre pared, at this distant day, to state with exactness what was the original proposal made to the Indians in the cel ebrated council, but my strong impression has ever been (and I was present during the whole of the debate) that it was only in consequence of the deep and unconcealed indignation, manifested by Tecumseh and many of the inferior Chiefs, on his intimating the necessity which existed for a retreat upon the Centre Division, that he was compelled to yield to the will of the Indians, and to name the Moraviantown as the understood termination of his proposed march. Even this proposal was received by Tecumseh with mingled regret and disdain, for he was desirous of meeting the Americans at the moment of their PROCTER'S DEFENCE REVIEWED 227 landing, and trying the chances of battle before incur ring the odium of a retreat ; but on the inexpediency of defending a fortress which had been wholly deprived of its heavy guns for the purpose of arming the fleet, being further discussed and pointed out to him, he finally assented, and in a second short speech, which does not appear to have been placed on record, consented to retire as far as the Moraviantown, declaring however, at the same time, that at that place he was fully determined to conquer or lay down his life. Had the retreat been com menced from that moment, and the Moraviantown forti fied, as it ought to have been, no matter how imperfectly, none of the subsequent disasters would have occurred. It is insincere in General Procter to state that his march was delayed in order to afford the Indians time to remove their effects, and cross the Detroit river. Those who understand the manners and active habits of the red-men of the forest must be aware that twenty-four hours were quite sufficient with them for any purpose of the sort ; neither is there less absurdity in the assertion that it was necessary to linger on the road, in order to enable them to overtake us. The Indians could march, in a single day, more than we did in five, ahd even if they had not overtaken us, it was our object to bein position to cover them, if pursued by the enemy, and to be enabled to oppose to these latter something like a respectable attitude of defence. All this might, and should, have been done, and on whom can the onus of neglect fall, if not on Gen eral Procter ? There are yet two points in the defence to which it is essential to advert. General Procter very gravely com plains that the gun placed in the road on the left of the line, in the affair of the Mora vian to vyn, and on which he so much depended, had been deserted "without an effort." What will be thought of the general conduct of the retreat, when it is known that there was not a single round of ammunition for the gun, it having by some un- 228 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN fortunate accident been left behind, on resuming our march in the morning ! It is true General Procter can not be held individually responsible for this omission, but had the only officer of artillery, attached tothe Division, been where he ought to have been — in the action — instead of posting himself, by the direction of his Chief, with the reserve guns at the Moraviantown, his sagacity and forethought would have prevented this difficulty. That there was fault with those who had immediate charge of the field-piece there can be no question, but it is unjust to the last degree that such fault should be visited by a gen eral condemnation of the conduct of the troops engaged. Yet even had the gun been supplied with ammunition the result must have been nearly the same. One discharge might have temporarily checked the advance of the enemy upon the road, but as this was open only a few hundred yards in front, the range commanded was neces sarily so limited, that the American cavalry might have dashed in upon it, before the Artillery men could have time to load and fire again ; moreover there was the cer tainty of its being turned through the wood. General Procter alludes to twenty Provincial Dragoons of Lieut. Holmes' command (that officer then, it has been seen, a prisoner with the enemy) , as having been posted by him in support of the gun, and confesses disappointment that they had not maintained their trust. What could be expected from so mere a handful of men against the masses that were opposed to. them? And how absurd to suppose that they could have offered the slightest resistance. Again, General Procter adverts to an attempt made by him to rally the broken line, and in a manner to show that his prosecutors had admitted such attempt, although they denied "its efficacy. How this admission (if made) was wrung from them, it is difficult to understand, unless that it had been made inadvertently. General Procter had stationed himself in rear of the second line, and he made no attempt, at any one period of the brief action, MAJOR friend's LETTER 229 to pass it. When the first line retreated upon the sec ond, and the latter opened its fire upon the advancing cavalry, he fled precipitately, accompanied by the whole of his personal staff, leaving the Division to maintain the unequal conflict in the best manner they could. This has been asserted by an officer who was near him during the whole of the affair. Of the impression created by the cruel and ungenerous order, issued by Sir George Prevost on this occasion, a tolerable estimate may be formed from the following communication, addressed to Lieut. Bullock by Major Friend, then in command of the 2nd Battalion of the regiment. In t'he reply will be found so full an explana tion that beyond it, it will not be necessary to pursue the subject. Barton Heights, 30th Nov., 18 13. Sir, — I request you will, with as Uttle delay as the nature of the report will admit, furnish me with every circumstance within your knowledge, and that you may have heard from undoubted authority, relative to the late unfortunate affair that took place between General Har rison's army and the ist BattaUon 41st Regiment at Moraviantown on the 5th October last, for the purpose of transmitting it to Lieut. -Gen. Champagne. As you are the senior and only officer of the regiment who has escaped from the field, that was in the ranks, it is highly incumbent on you to state most minutely the nature of the ground . on which the regiment were formed for action, the manner in which it was formed, the number then of the regiment actuaUy in the field, the number of the enemy opposed to you, and of what they consisted, and what resistance was made by the regiment previous to its defeat — if it had received provisions regularly, was complete in ammunition, and could have got supplies when required, and in short every circumstance that happened from the commencement of the retreat from Amherstburg relative to the regiment. You cannot be too particular in your statement, as I am sorry to say there are reports afloat disgraceful in the extreme to the regiment, and every individual with it that day. I think it but proper to inform you that I saw Major-General 230 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN Procter's official report which highly censures the con duct of the regiment, and in which he says, that he never went into action more confident of success. I have the honor to be, &c. Your very obed't. humble serv't. Richard Friend, Major Commg. 41st Regt. Lieut. BuUock, 41st Regiment. Cross Roads, Barton Heights, 6th Dec, 1813. Sir, — The following report is made, in compUance with your orders to me in a letter dated 30th Nov. last, in which you request I would furnish you with every cir cumstance within my knowledge, and what I may have heard from undoubted authority, relative to the late un fortunate affair which took place between the American army under Gen. Harrison, and the ist Bat. 41st Regt. near Moraviantown, on the 5th October last, the nature of the ground on which it was formed, the numberof men oi the Regt. actually in the field, the number of the enemy in the field opposed to it, of what they consisted, and what resistance was made by the Regiment previous to its defeat ; if it had received provisions regularly, was complete in ammunition, and could have got supplies when required, and in short every circumstance that happened from the commencement of the retreat from Amherstburg relative to the Regiment. As a platoon officer I cannot positively say whether the whole regi ment was complete with ammunition or not, but this I can say, that a number of the men who escaped from the enemy that day, were not complete before the action commenced ; and this I am incUned to believe- was the case with many of those killed or taken, and in the event of expending the ammunition in their pouches they could not have received a fresh supply, the wholeof the spare ammunition being taken by the enemy some hours before the action, which circumstance was known to many of the regiment. I now proceed to give every other information required in your letter, as correctly as my rank, and situation on various occasions, enabled me to observe. The force under Major Gen. Procter consisting of the ist Bat. 41st Regiment, a few of the loth Veterans, LIEUT, bullock's reply- 23 1 (about 18 or 20) some Artillery, and a body of Indians retreated from Amherstburg on — Sept. last to Sandwich, from whence we retired on the 27th of the same month to the River Thames, the banks of which, at a place called Chatham (54 miles from Sandwich, and 70 from Amherstburg) Gen. Procter had promised the Indians to fortify, with a view to await the enemy. , On this retreat I commanded the grenadier company. We arrived within three miles of Chatham, at a place called Dolsen' s on the ist Oct. On the 3rd Gen. Procter was at Mora viantown, 26 miles from us, on the road leading to the head of Lake Ontario; when information was received that the enemy was within 4 or 5 miles of us, and we re tired 1% a mile by order of Lieut.-Col. Warburton, second in command, and formed on the bank of the river in expectation of an attack. At the expiration of half an hour we retired to Chatham. The Indians were en camped on the opposite bank of the river, and on our arrival, sent to say to me, that we should not proceed beyond the ground we then occupied— that Gen. Procter had promised them to await the enemy on that ground and fight them ; and had also promised to erect fortifica tions there. After endeavoring to reason with them, Lieut.-Col. Warburton was compelled to remain there for the night, and informed the Indians, through Col. EUiott of the Indian Department, that whatever had been prom ised by Gen. Procter should be fulfilled, as far as he (Lieut.-Col. Warburton) had it in his power. I was then ordered on picquet with the Grenadier company, and at the same time received such particular instructions from Lieut. -Cols. Warburton and Evans, that I have no doubt they expected the enemy that night. Capt. Chambers of theQr. -Mr. -Gen. Department, accompanied me and pointed out the ground my picquet was to occupj', which was one mile and a half in advance, towards the enemy. Early next morning the picquet was called in. On arriving at Chatham, where the rest of the regiment had passed the night, provisions were issued ; the meat was raw, and be fore it could be divided, we were ordered to march, in consequence of the approach of the enemy. We retired about 6 miles when we were joined by Gen. Procter, on his return from Moraviantown. We marched all day, the roads were excessively bad; about eight o'clock in the evening Capt. Muir's Company was halted at 232 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN Richardson's, six miles from Moraviantown, and the Grenadier company was left with it, to support in the event of an attack ; the remainder proceeded on, the ad vance being at a house called Shearman's, one mile from where the rear guard had halted. At daybreak next morning (the 5th) the rear guard and Grenadier company moved to Shearman's, where the whole regiment collected. At this place, after having halted some time, a few head of cattle were shot, but before the meat could be divided, the enemy were reported to be close at hand, and we were ordered to march. We proceeded to Moraviantown, and when within i J^ miles of it, were ordered to halt. After halting about 5 minutes, we were ordered to face to the right about, and advanced towards the enemy in files, at which the men were in great spirits. Having advanced about 50 or 60 paces we were halted a second time, at which the men appeared dissatisfied, and overhearing some of those nearest to me express themselves to the fol lowing effect, " that they were ready and willing to fight for their knapsacks : wished to meet the enemy, but did not like to be knocked about in that manner, doing neither one thing nor the other," I immediately checked them, and they were silent. About this time several of the Reg iment came up without arms or accoutrements, who had escaped from boats cut off by the enemy's cavalry. From these men we learnt that the enemy was within a mile of us, and had a large force of cavalry. We had halted about half an hour, when the Indian alarm was given that the enemy was advancing : most of our men were sitting on the logs and fallen trees by the side of the road. On the alarm being given we were suddenly ordered to form across the road. From the suddenness of the order, apparently without any previous arrange ment, the manner in which we were situated when it was given, the way in which it was given, which was " form up across the road," and from the nature of the ground, the formation was made in the greatest confusion ; so much so, that the Grenadier company was nearly in the centre of the line and the Light company on the right. A second order, as sudden as the first, was given for the Grenadiers and No. i to march to the rear and form a reserve. The Grenadiers and part of Capt. Muir's com pany accordingly formed a second Une, about 200 yards in rear of the first, under command of Lieut.-Col. War- LIEUT. BULLOCK S REPLY 233 burton ; the left of it about 8 or 10 yards to the left of the road, and extending to the right into the woods, formed at extended order, the men placing themselves behind trees, and consequently much separated. The 1st line I could not distinguish, but from what I have been informed by Lt. Gardiner, 41st Regt., commanding a six-pounder, it was formed in the following manner — a six-pounder was placed in the road, having a range of 50 yards, the 41st Regt. drawn up on its right, extending in the wood ; on each side of the limber of the 6-pounder were some of the Canadian Light Dragoons. From the men of the Regiment, who escaped from that line, I understand they were not formed at regular extended order, but in clusters and in confusion. To the left of the road in which the 6-pounder was placed, and parallel to it, ran the River Thames. To the right and left of the road was a remarkably thick forest, and on the right, where we were formed, free from brushwood for several hundred yards, and where cavalry could act to advantage. My position at this time, (being on the right of the 2nd line) and the thickness of the forest precluded me from noticing the manner in which the enemy attacked the ist line. The attack commenced about two hours after the order was given to form up across the road. I heard a heavy firing of musketry, and shortly after saw our dragoons retreating together with the limber of the 6- pounder — placed on the left of the ist line. About a minute afterwards I observed that line retreating in con fusion, followed closely by the enemy's cavalry, who were galloping down the road. That portion of the ist line which had escaped the enemy's cavalry, retreated behind the 2nd line, which stood fast, and fired an irregular vol ley obliquing to the right and left, which appeared to check the enemy. The line having commenced firing, my attention was directed to that part of the enemy moving down directly in my front. Hearing the fire slacken, I turned towards the line and foutid myself remaining with 3 non-commissioned officers of the Grenadier company. The enemy's cavalry had advanced so close, before the reserve could commence firing, from the number of trees, that before a third round could be fired they broke through the left, and the rest not being formed in a manner to repel cavalry, were compeUed to retreat. The number of the Regiment actuaUy in the field were one Lieut.-Col., 6 234 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN captains, 9 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, 3 staff, 26 sergeants, 18 corporals, 4 drummers, 297 rank and file. In what manner the rest of the Regiment was distributed you will be made acquainted with by the enclosed state signed by the Adjutant of the Regiment. The number of Indians we had in the field was 800. The number of the enemy I cannot positively affirm, but from the information ob tained from individuals of the regiment taken prisoners on that day, and who afterwards escaped, the number could not have been less than 6,000; of which 1,200 or 1,500 were cavalry and mounted riflemen. The number oif our dragoons did not exceed 20. Our loss on this occasion was 3 sergeants, and 9 rank and file killed, and 36 wounded, that of the enemy 15 killed, and froni 40 to 50 wounded. Having been thus far particular in stating everything, to which I was an eye witness, and which has come to my knowledge, I beg leave to remark that, from the well-known character of the Regiment, any obser vations emanating from those whose interest it is to cast a direct or indirect reflection upon its conduct, cannot be received with too much distrust. I have the honor to be, sir. Major Friend, Your very obed't humble serv't, &c. Comm'g 2nd Batt. Richard BuUock, 41st Regiment. Lieut. 41st Grenadiers. The foUowing is the American General's very prolix account of the affair of the Moraviantown. Copy of a letter from Maj. -General Harrison, to the Secretary of War, dated Head-Quarters, Detroit, Oct. 9th, 1813. SiR,-^In my last letter from Sandwich, of the 30th ult. , I did myself the honor to inform you, that I was preparing to pursue the enemy the following day. From various causes, however, I was unable to put the troops in motion until the morning of the 2nd instant; and then to take with me only about 140 of the regular troops, Johnson's mounted regiment, and such of Gov. Shelby's volunteers as were fit for a rapid march ; the whole amounting to about 3,500 men. To Gen. McArthur, (with about 700 effectives), the protection of this place, and the sick was committed. Gen. Cass's brigade, and the corps of Lieut.-Col. Ball, were left at Sandwich, with Major-General William Henry Harrison. ' GENERAL HARRISON'S REPORT 235 orders to follow me as soon as the men received their knapsacks and blankets, which had been left on an Island, in Lake Erie. The unavoidable delay at Sandwich was attended with no disadvantage to us ; General Procter had posted him self at Dolsen' s, on the right bank of the River Thames, (or Trench) 56 miles from this place, where, I was inform ed, he intended to fortify, and to receive me. He must have believed, however, that I had no disposition to fol low him, or that he had secured my continuance here by the reports that were circulated, that the Indians would attack and destroy this place, upon the advance of the army — as he neglected the breaking up of the bridges, until the night of the 2nd instant. On that night, our army reached the river, which is 25 miles from Sandwich, and is one of four streams, crossing our route, over all of which are bridges ; and, being deep and muddy, are unfordable for a considerable distance into the country : the bridge, here, was found entire ; and, in the morning, I proceeded with Johnson' s regiment, to save, if possible, the others. At the second bridge, over a branch of the River Thami^s, we were fortunate enough to capture a Lieutenant of Dragoons and 1 1 privates, who had been sent by General Procter to destroy them. From the pris oners, I learned that the third bridge was broken up, and that the enemy had no certain information of our advance; — the bridge, having been imperfectly destroyed, was soon repaired, and the army encamped at Drake's farm, 4 miles below Dolsen' s. The River Thames, along the bank of which our route lay, is a fine deep stream, nav igable for vessels of considerable burthen ; after the pas sage of .the bar, at its mouth, over which there is six and a-half feet of water. The baggage of the army was brought from Detroit in boats, protected by three gun-boats which Commodore Perry had furnished for the purpose, as well as to cover the passage of the army over the Thames itself, or the mouths of its tributary streams ; the banks being low, and the country generally open, (prairies), as high as Dolsen 's, these vessels were well calculatedfor thepurpose. Above Dolsen' s, however, the character of the river and adjacent country is considerably changed ; the former, though StiU deep, is very. narrow, and its banks high and woody. 236 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN The Commodore and myself, therefore, agreed upon the propriety of leaving the boats under a guard of 150 infan try ; and I determined to trust to fortune, and the bravery of my troops, to effect the passage of the river. Below a place called Chatham, and 4 miles above Dolsen' s is the third unfordable branch of the Thames ; the bridge over its mouth had been taken up by the Indians, as well as that at McGregor's mills, one mile above. Several hun dred of the Indians remained to dispute our passage, and upon the arrival of the advanced guard, commenced a heavy fire from the opposite bank of the creek, as well as that of the river. Believing that the whole force of the enemy was there, I halted the army, formed in order of battle ; and brought up our two 6-pounders, to cover the party that were ordered to repair the bridge ; a few shot, from those pieces, soon drove off the Indians, and en abled us, in 2 hours, to repair the bridge, and cross the troops. Col. Johnson's mounted regiment, being upon the right of the army, had seized the remains of the bridge at the mills, under a heavy fire from the Indians. Our loss upon this occasion was 2 killed, and 3 or 4 wounded — that of the enemy was ascertained to be considerably greater. A house, near the bridge, containing a very considerable number of muskets, had been set on fire ; but it was extinguished by our troops, and the arms saved. At the first farm, above the bridge we found one of the enemy's vessels' on fire, loaded with arms and ordnance stores ; and learned that they were a few miles ahead of us, still on the right bank of the river, with a great body of the Indians. At Bowles' farm, 4 miles from the bridge, we halted for the night ; found two other vessels, and a large distillery, filled with ordnance and other valuable stores, to an immense amount, in flames ; it was impossible to put out the fire — two 24- pounders, with their carriages, were taken, and a large quantity of ball and shell of various sizes. 'This vessel sank at the place it was burnt, in about 12 feet of water, and its presence was forgotten. In the summer of 1900 two fishers for sunken timber accidentally found it, and the presence of cannon balls determined the nature of the timbers. In the early spring ot 1901 the sunken hull was raised, taken down the river to Tecumseh Park in the city of Chatham and placed high and dry on a fitting foundation. The gunboat is supposed to be the General Myers that was used at the siege of Fort Meigs. About two tons of cannon balls of various sizes, several bayonets and muskets of American manufacture, and an Indian rifle were found in it. The position of the two other boats that were burnt have also been located. GENERAL HARRISON'S REPORT 237 The army was put in motion early on the morning of the 5th. I pushed on, in advance, with the mounted reg iment, and requested Gov. Shelby to follow, as expedi tiously as possible, with the infantry ; the Governor's zeal, and that of his men, enabled them to keep up with the cavalry ; and, by nine o'clock we were at Arnold's inills, having taken, in the course of the morning, two gun boats, and several batteaux, loaded with provisions and ammunition. A rapid, at the river at Arnold's miUs, affords the only fording tobe met with for a very consider able distance ; but, upon examination, itwas found too deep for the infantry. Having, however, fortunately, taken two or three boats, and some Indian canoes, on the spot, and obliging the horsemen to take a footman behind each, the whole were safely crossed by 12 o'clock. Eight miles from the crossing, we passed a farm where a part of the British troops had encamped the night before, under the command of Col. Warburton ; the detachment ,with Gen eral Procter, had arrived the day before, at the Moravian- town, four miles higher up. Being now certainly near the enemy, I directed the advance of Johnson's regiment to accelerate their march, for the purpose of procuring intelligence ; the officer commanding it, in a short time, sent to inform me that his progress was stopped by the enemy, who were formed across our line of march : one of the enemy's waggoners being also taken prisoner, from the information received from him, and my own obser vation, assisted by some of my officers, I soon ascertained enough of their position, and order of battle, to deter mine that, which it was proper for me to adopt. I have the honor, herewith, to enclose you my general order, of the 27th ult., prescribing the order of march, and of battle, when the whole army should act together ; but, as the number and" description of the troops had been essentially changed, since the issuing of the order, it be came necessary to make a corresponding alteration in their disposition. From the place where our army was last halted, to the Moraviantown, a •distance of about three and a-half miles, the road passes through a beech forest, without any clearing ; and, for the first two miles, near to the bank of the river ; at from 200 to 300 yards from the river, a swamp extends parallel to it, throughout the whole distance ; the intermediate ground is dry, and, although 238, THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN the trees are tolerably thick, it is -in many places clear of underbrush ; across this strip of land, its left appuyed upon the river, supported by artillery, placed in the wood ; their right in the swamp, covered by the whole of their Indian force — the British troops were drawn up. The troops at my disposal consisted of about 120 regu lars of the 27th regiment, five brigades of Kentucky vol unteer militia infantry, under. His Excellency Governor Shelby, averaging less than 500 men ; and Col. Johnson's regiment of mounted infantry, making, in the whole, an aggregate of something above 3,000. No disposition of an army opposed to an Indian force, can be safe, unless it is secured on the flanks, and in the rear ; I had, therefore, no difficulty in arranging the infantry, conformably to my general order of battle. Gen. Trotter's brigade, of 500 men, formed the front line ; his right upon the road — his left upon the swamp; Gen. King's brigade as a second line, 150 yards in the rear of Trotter's; and Chiles' brigade, as a corps of reserve, in the rear of it — these three brigades formed the command of Major- General Henry ; the whole of Gen. Desha's division, con sisting of two brigades, were formed, en potence, upon the left of Trotter. Whilst I was engaged in forming the infantry, I had directed Col. Johnson's regiment, which was still in front, to be formed in two lines opposite to the enemy ; and up on the advance of the infantry, to take the ground to the left ; and, forming upon the flank, to endeavor to turn the right of the Indians. A moment's reflection, however, convinced me, that from the thickness of the woods, and swampiness of the ground, they would be unable to do anything on horse back — and there was no time to dismount them, and place" their horses in security ; I, therefore, determined to refuse my left to the Indians, and to break the British lines, at once, by a charge of the mounted infantry. The measure was not sanctioned by anything that I had seen or heard of, but I was fully convinced that it would succeed. The American backwoodsmen ride better in the woods than any other people ; a musket or rifle is no impediment to them, being accustomed to carry them, on horseback, from their earliest youth. I , was persuaded, too, that the enemy would be quite unprepared for the shock, and that they could not resist it. Conformably to this idea. GENERAL HARRISON'S REPORT 239 I directed the regiment to be drawn up in close column with its right at the distance of 50 yards upon the road, (that it might be, in some measure, protected by the trees, from the artillery), its left upon the swamp, and to charge at full speed, as soon as the enemy delivered their flre. The few regular troops of the 27th Regiment, under the command of their Colonel (Paul) , occupied, in col umns of sections of four, the small space between the road and the river, for the purpose of seizing the enemy' s artillery; and some 10 or 12 friendly Indians were di rected tO' move under the bank. The crotchet formed by the front line, and General Desha's division, was an im portant point ; at that place the venerable Governor of Kentucky was posted, who at the age of 66, preserves all the vigor of youth — the ardent zeal, which distinguished him in the revolutionary war — and the undaunted bravery which he manifested at King's Mountain. With my aids-de-camp, the acting assistant Adjutant-General Capt. Buttler; my gallant, friend. Com. Perry, who did me the honor to serve as my volunteer aid-de-camp, and Brig.-Gen. Cass, who, having no command, tendered me his assistance — I placed myself at the head of the front line of infantry, to direct the movements of the cavalry, and give them the necessary support. The army had moved on, in this order, but a short distance, when the mounted men received the fire of the British line, and were ordered to charge : the horses ih the front of the column, recoiled from the fire ; another was given by the enemy, and our column, at length getting in motion, broke through the enemy with irresistible force. In one minute the contest, in front, was' over. The British officers, seeing no hopes of reducing their disordered ranks to order, and our mounted men wheeling upon them, and pouring in a destructive fire, immediately sur rendered. It is certain that three only, of our troops, were wounded in this charge. Upon the left, however, the contest was more severe with the Indians : Col. Johnson, who commanded on that flank of his regiment, received a most galling fire from them, which was re turned with great effect. The Indians, still further to the right, advanced, and fell in with our front line of In fantry, near its junction with Desha's division, and, for a moment, made an impression upon it. His Excellency, Gov. Shelby, however, brought up a regiment to its sup- 240 THE BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN port ; and the enemy, receiving a severe fire in front, and a part of Johnson's regiment having gained their rear, retreated with precipitation. Their loss was very consid erable in the action, and many were killed in their re treat. I can give no satisfactory information of the number of Indians that were in the action ; but they must have been considerably upwards of one thousand. From the docu ments in my possession (Gen. Procter's official letters, all of which were taken) , and from the information of re spectable inhabitants of this territory, the Indians, kept in pay by the British, were much more numerous than has been generaUy supposed. In a letter to Gen. De Rottenburg, of the 27th ulto. Gen. Procter speaks of having prevailed upon most of the Indians to accompany him ; of these, it is certain that 50 or 60 Wyandot warriors abandoned him. The number of our troops was certainly greater than that of the enemy ; but when it is recollected that they had chosen a position, that effectually secured their flank, which it was impossible for us to turn ; and that we could not present to them a line more extended than their own, it will not be considered arrogant to claim, for my troops, the palm of superior bravery. In communicating to the President, through you, sir, my opinion of the conduct of the officers, who served undeir my command, I am at a loss how to mention that of Gov. Shelby, being convinced that no eulogium of mine can reach his merits ; the Governor of an independ ent state — greatly my superior in years, in experience, and in military character — he placed himself under my command ; and was not more remarkable for his z6al and activity, than for the promptitude and cheerfulness with which he obeyed my orders. The Major-Generals, Henry and Desha, and the Briga diers, Allen, Caldwell, King, Chiles, and Trotter, all of the Kentucky volunteers, manifested great zeal and ac tivity. Of Governor Shelby's staff, his Adjutant-General, Colonel Walker, rendered great service, as did his aids- de-camp. Gen. Adair, and Majors Barry and Crittenden. The miUtary skill of the former was of great service to us, and the activity of the two latter gentlemen could not be surpassed. Illness deprived me of the talents of my i*' 1)1 I' I '^ Isaac Shelby. First Governor of Kentucky. GENERAL HARRISON'S REPORT 24 1 Adjutant- General Colonel Gaines, who was left at Sand wich. His duties were, however, ably performed by the acting assistant Adjutant-General, Captain Buttler. My aids-de-camp. Lieutenant O'Fallon and Captain Todd, of the line and my volunteer aids John Speed Smith and John Chambers, Esquires, have rendered me the most im portant services from the opening of the campaign. I have already stated that General Cass and Commodore Perry assisted me in forming the troops for the action. The former is an officer of the highest merit, and the appearance of the brave Commodore cheered and animated every breast. It would be useless, sir, after stating the circumstances of the action, to pass encomiums upon Col. Johnson and his regiment. Veterans could not have manifested more firmness. The Colonel's numerous wounds prove that he was in the post of danger. Lieut.-Col. James Johnson, and the Majors Payne and Thompson, -were equally ac tive, though more fortunate. Maj. Wood, of the engineers, already distinguished, by his conduct at Fort Meigs, attended the army with two 6-pounders ; having no use for them in the action, he joined in the pursuit of the enemy ; and, with Major Payne of the mounted regiment, two of my aids-de-camp, Todd and Chambers, and three privates, continued it for several miles after the rest of the troops had halted, and made many prisoners. I left the army before an official return of the prisoners, or that of the killed and wounded, was made out ; it was, however, ascertained that the former amounted to 60 1 regulars, including 25 officers. Our loss is seven killed and 22 wounded, five of which have since died. Of the British troops, 12 killed and 22 wounded ; the Indians suffered most — 33 of them having been found upon the ground, besides those killed on the retreat. On the day of the action, six pieces of brass artillery were taken, and 2 iron 24 pounders the day before ; — several others were discovered in the river, and can be easily procured. Of the brass pieces, 3 are the trophies of our revolutionary war, that were taken at Saratoga and York, and surrendered by Gen. Hull. The number of small arms, taken by us, and destroyed by the enemy, must amount to upwards of 5,000; most of them had been ours, and taken by the enemy at the surrender of 242 BATTLE OF MORAVIANTOWN Detroit, at the River Raisin, and at Col. Dudley's defeat. I believe that the enemy retain no other military trophy of their victories, than the standard of the 4th regiment ; they were not magnanimous enough to bring that of the 41st regiment into the field, or it would have been taken. You have been informed, sir, of the conduct of the troops under my command in action ; it gives me great pleasure to inform you that they merit, also, the approbation of their country, for their conduct in submitting to the greatest privations with the utmost cheerfulness. The infantry were entirely without tents; and, for several days, the whole army subsisted upon fresh beef, without bread or salt. I have the honor, &c., William H. Harrison. Hon. J. Armstrong, Sec. War. P.S. — Gen. Procter escaped by the fleetness of his horse, escorted by 40 dragoons, and a number of mounted Indians. On the 22nd September, Harrison's army rendezvoused at Put-in Bay Island, and on the evening of the 25th took up a po,si- tion on the Middle Sister Island, about twenty miles from Amherstburg. A storm delayed them here till the 27th, when they again embarked and landed near Bar Point, about three miles from the Fort at Amherstburg. Harrison, it is said, made an attempt to land in Colchester township, but was prevented from doing so by John Naudee, the Chippeway chief and his Indians. On the 27th, Amherstburg was in their possession, but the army encamped that night on the farm now owned by Edward Honor, where their temporary earthwork fortifications may still be seen. There is a tradition that some horses ot the American officers were stampeded and captured by the Canadians and Indians. Among them was a fine Arab stallion, that was hidden by one Drouillard until the war was over. Many of the horses in the vicinitv show the Arab strain, and tradition points to this horse as the'ir pro genitor. If the above has any fact as a basis, the horses must have been captured about the 1st October near Sandwich, as Harrison had no horses until Col. Johnson's mounted corps crossed the Detroit at that town. On the 28th, the invading army passed the Canard and encamped two miles beyond it, and at 2 o'clock the next day entered Sandwich. On the 2nd October every thing was ready for the pursuit, which was continued as outlined in the despatches given. Harrison had as one of his guides Matthew Dolsen, who,, with a ¦wife and flve children, lived near Chatham in 1812. At the beginning of the war he was drafted into the militia, but deserted to Hull, and after the capture of Detroit escaped and joined Harrison's army. Meanwhile his wife and family enjoyed the protection of the Canadian Government until after Procter's defeat, ¦when they moved to Detroit. From the original daj^uerrdotype in possession of G. Mills McClurg-, Toronto. John Naudek. (Oshawahnah) Second in command of the Indians at the Battle of Moraviantown. XII PRISONERS OF WAR Although, with the capture of the Right Division, ceases all military operations of any consequence in the West, as its imprisonment and detention as hostages form no inconsiderable feature in the historical occurrences of that period, I have, under the impression that the nar rative would be imperfect without it, decided on detailing the several vicissitudes to which, principally in their character of hostages, the captured troops were subjected. From this it will be seen, that the feeling of dislike and jealousy entertained by the Americans for everything English, was precisely in 1812 what it is at the present day. (1842)., On reaching Detroit, after having traversed for the last time, as prisoners, that soil which, almost unaided, a single Regiment had for fifteen months defended against the efforts of successive powerful armies sent to wrest it from their grasp, we found that Fort Meigs was the route through which the Division was to be marched into the State of Ohio. The majority of the officers, having pledged their parole to General Harrison, were suffered to take the advance, mounted on pack horses provided by the American Government. A few only, desirous of taking the Sandusky route across the lake, were embarked in the Ariel gun-boat, and conveyed to Put-in-Bay island, where the shattered fleets were then lying. Here indeed was to be seen evidence of a most sanguinary conflict, especially in Captain Barclay's ship. Every mast of this latter had been carried away — more than half her long guns had been dismounted — and the bulwarks were in fragments, while it was impossible to place a hand upon that broadside which had been exposed 243 244 PRISONERS OF WAR to the enemy's fire, without covering some portion of a wound, either from grape, round, canister, or chain-shot. The decks of all were moreover filled with wounded, and, on being introduced into Captain Barclay's cabin, we found that gaUant officer in bed, presenting a most help-. less picture of mutilation. Pain and disappointment were upon his brow, and the ruddy hue of health, for which he had ever been remarkable, had deserted him. In short, of his former self there then seemed to be Uttle left besides his untainted honor. The scene altogether was one of a most melancholy and impressive character. On the second morning of our arrival at this island, after having taken on board such of the naval officers as were not prevented by the severity of their wounds from performing the journey, we continued our course for Sandusky Bay. We had nearly made the spot intended for our disembarkation, when one of those dangerous and sudden hurricanes, peculiar to the lakes of Canada dur ing the autumnal months, drove us back under bare poles, and along the sheet of foam with which the broad expanse of water was literally covered, to the port we had just quitted. At length we finally separated from our companions in misfortune, and after a few hours' sail were enabled to cast anchor in the bay, where, being immediately landed, we were conducted to the fort of ¦Sandusky. During our stay at this place we had full leisure for examining not only the defences of the fortress, but the various positions occupied by our troops during the assault ; and the result of our observation was, that an attack on a stockade work of this description, without the aid of ladders must inevitably entail discomfiture. The nature of the fortification, and the manner in which the enemy were protected from our fire, may be judged of from the fact of their having had only one man killed in the affair. That which most excited my own immediate attention AT FORT STEPHENSON 245 was the ground occupied by the left column of attack, consisting chiefly of the light company of the 41st, to which I was then attached, and which having forced their way to the very batteries of the fort had conse quently sustained the greatest loss. My escape from the ravine, where we had continued so many hours, was truly providential. When the order for retiring was, in order to deceive the enemy, given in the Indian language, it was immediately explained by one or two interpreters present with the grenadier column on the right, and conveyed by them in a low voice to the remaining divi sions. Covered by the brow of the opposite eminence, they followed the course of the ravine in safety, until they emerged from the defile, at a distance sufficient to admit of their forming unperceived by the enemy. Near ly all the men of the light column, having received the order, had retired with the main body ; but those on the extreme left, having been separated from the Une by the brushwood and other obstacles they had encountered in the ascent, remained in utter ignorance of what was pass ing on the right ; and such was the caution observed in retiring, that neither the enemy in the fort nor ourselves could distinguish the sUghtest sound to justify the sup position. It was now half- past nine o'clock. We had continued since half -past five lying extended on the wet ground, where the mud was ankle-deep, and most of the men were chilled with cold. At this moment we heard, though indistinctly, various orders given in the direction of our encampment, and then only did we surmise the fact of the troops having been withdrawn. In this belief we were speedily confirmed, by hearing a command issued in a suppressed tone of voice in the fort, to open the sallyports. Perceiving that no time was to be lost, I proposed in a whisper, which the rising ground prevented being overheard by the eneniy, that we should brave every risk, and attempt our immediate retreat. The men, however, refused to move, until the moon, which was 246 PRISONERS OF WAR then in the first quarter, and reflecting its beams every where but in the bed of the ravine, was set, or should be obscured by some passing cloud. I^eaving them to theif fate, I therefore prepared to effect my escape alone, and immediately in front of the fortress ; but notwithstand ing all my caution, I had not advanced many paces, when I stumbled over the dead body of a soldier, who, after having received a mortal wound, had evidently crawled on his hands and knees to rest his bleeding form against a clump of bushes, and had died in that singular posi tion. The noise occasioned by my fall put the enemy once more on the alert ; and as the moonbeams reflected on my arms and regimentals, I had no sooner ascended the opposite side of the ravine, than the whole front of the fort was lighted up with their fire. Not an individual, save myself, was exposed to their aim, and the distance did not exceed fifty paces; yet, although the balls whistled round my ears in every direction, and hissed through the long grass with which the plain was covered, I did not sustain the slightest injury, even though a second volley was fired after the interval of half a min ute. On reaching the spot where the columns had been originally formed for the assault, I found that my retreat had been well-timed", for the troops were already in motion towards the boats, the guns having been previous ly embarked. In that which contained my provision- basket, I discovered a few bottles of port wine, which had arrived that very morning from Amherstburg. This was indeed a luxury that I would not at the moment have exchanged for a throne ; and so thoroughly ex hausted was I with hunger, thirst and fatigue, that plac ing a bottle to my parched Ups, I did not abandon it until the whole of its contents had been emptied at a draught. The effect was instantaneous, and I lay in the bottom of the boat aU night enjoying the most delicious momentsof repose I recollect ever having experienced. When I awoke MARCH TO CHII