YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY RANDOM REMINISCENCES vo. With Maps. 12s. 6d. nett. There can be few men who have a better claim than Mr. Webber to enlighten the public on the fascinating subject of Indian Jungles and Forests. The author has travelled far and wide over the regions he describes, and entertains his readers with a great deal of forest-lore about the trees which have been his chief care. The animal denizens of the forest, their habits, and the methods of hunting them, also pro vide many interesting chapters, while special attention may be drawn to Mr. Webber's account of his journeys in the still almost unknown region of Tibet. The volume concludes with a valuable Appendix on Forest Management. WITH MACDONALD IN UGANDA. By Major HERBERT H. AUSTIN, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.E., Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Demy Svo. With numerous Illustrations and a Map. 15s. nett. The completion of the Uganda Railway and the consequent opening up of the country to civilization have lent fresh interest to that more than ordinarily fascinating portion of the Dark Continent. It is probably not fully realised to what an extent, not this result alone, but the very existence of Uganda as a part of the British Empire, due to the little band of white men who, in the face of great natural difficulties, and in the midst of a widespread and dangerous rebellion, accomplished the work of which this volume is a record. How the exploratory expedition sent out in June, 1897, under the command of Major (now Colonel) J. R. L. Macdonald, R.E., was, immediately after its arrival, confronted with a grave situation in Uganda is probably well known, but so many erroneous impressions exist as to the actual outbreak of hostilities with the mutineers of the Sudanese escort that it is hoped that the account given in this volume of what really took place, as written down by one who was on the spot at the time, may tend to remove them. [Eedruary, 1903. ECONOMIC SUGGESTIONS ON THE BRITISH EMPIRE. By SIR VINCENT H. P. CAILLARD, Formerly President of the Council of the *Dette Publique,' Constantinople. Demy Svo. 14s. nett. The great prosperity which has attended the United Kingdom, or, at any rate, that part of it called Great Britain, during the greater part of the last half of the nineteenth century has led to a general belief that the economic principles upon which our trade policy has been based during that period embody an immutable truth, any transgression of which must be followed by a fatal contraction of the trade of the British Empire and of the wealth derived from it. No account is taken of other conditions, of which some essential to the success of a policy of Free Trade, and others working concurrently with it and contributing largely to our commercial prosperity, have now disappeared. A spirit of optimism based on that prosperity has laid fast hold of us, and now leads us to suppose that, whatever happens, good fortune must always attend us provided we adhere to our present policy of Free Trade. In ' Economic Suggestions on the British Empire ' an attempt is made to show that this spirit of optimism is ill-founded, and, if obstinately adhered to, will probably bring about results very different from those which are expected. The economic history of our chief trade rivals, principally the United States and Germany, is summarily traced, and it is shown how, by keeping clear of the principles which guide us, they have of late years increased in prosperity more rapidly than we, and are now competing with us at an unfair advantage. An endeavour is further made to show that, although the general trade conditions of the world have so altered that we cannot, by a strict adhesion to our present principles, hope to maintain our prosperity, yet that, by taking advantage of the great possibilities to be found within the confines of the British Empire, we may not only maintain it but increase it, while largely strengthening the bonds of Imperial unity by the promotion of mutual interests. ACROSS ICELAND. By WILLIAM BISIKER, F.R.G.S. Demy Svo. With nearly fifty Illustrations and Maps. 1 2s. 6d. This is the record of an extremely interesting journey across the Island, traversing some parts hitherto unexplored. ODDS AND ENDS. By FRANCIS PIGOU, D.D., Dean of Bristol, Author of 'Phases of My Life.' Demy Svo. 14s. nett. This is a new volume of reminiscences by the Dean of Bristol, whose earlier book, 'Phases of My Life,' is now in its sixth edition. The contents range over a wide variety of subjects, from ' Cathedral Life ' to ' Odd People I have Met,' from ' Sunday Schools ' to ' Club Life in London,' and from 'Reviews and Reviewers' to 'The Relation of Disease to Crime.' {Shortly. THE EXPLORATION OF THE CAUCASUS. By DOUGLAS W. FRESHFIELD, F.R.G.S. Lately President of the Alpine Club. With Maps and Illustrations in the text. New and cheaper Edition. Two volumes. Post 4to. 21s. nett. This edition contains the Maps and Text Illustrations of the original edition, but the photogravure plates have been omitted. A few copies of the original edition are still left. Price £^ 3s. net. WOOD. 21 Manual of tbe matural iblstorg an& JnOustrial Applications ot tbe xrimbers of Commerce. By G. S. BOULGER, F.L.S., F.G.S., A.S.I. Professor of Botany and Lecturer on Forestry in the City of London College, and formerly in the royal agricultural college. Crown Svo. js. 6d, nett. SIAM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By J. G. D. CAMPBELL. One of His Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, and recently Educational Adviser to THE Siamese Government. Demy Svo. With 16 full-page Illustrations and a Map. 165. SEVEN ROMAN STATESMEN. By C, W. OMAN. Deputy Chichele Professor of History in the University of Oxford. Author of 'The Art of War in the Middle Ages,' 'A History op England,' etc. Crown Svo. With Portraits, ds. LETTERS OF AN ACTRESS. Crown Svo. 6s. These remarkable letters, which cover a considerable number of years from childhood onwards, present an exceedingly real and graphic picture of stage-life as seen from the inside. They incidentally throw a most interesting light on the working of an actress'^ mind — a very curious and fascinating subject. NEW NOVELS. Price Six Shillings each, DONNA DIANA. By RICHARD BAGOT. Author of 'Casting of Nets,' 'A Roman Mystery,' etc, THE THOUSAND EUGENIAS AND OTHER STORIES. By Mrs. ALFRED SIDGWICK. Author of ' Cynthia's Way,' ' The Grasshoppers,' ' The Inner Shrine,' etc. DULCINEA. By EYRE HUSSEY. Author of ' On Account of Sarah ' and ' Just Jannock V AN AMATEUR PROVIDENCE. By CHRISTINE SETON. Joint Author of * Two Babes in the City.' Price Three Shillings and Sixpence. WINIFRED AND THE STOCKBROKER. By CHARLES EDDY. ARNOLD'S CITY SERIES OF COMMERCE AND FINANCE. Edited by F. HARCOURT KITCHIN. Crown Svo. 55. each, nett. Mr. Edward Arnold has pleasure in announcing that he has made arrangements for the issue of a Series of Handbooks on Commercial and Financial Subjects, which it is hoped will meet the present serious deficiency in popular and authoritative books on these important matters. The series will be under the editorship of Mr. F. Harcourt KiTCHiN, a well-known expert on life insurance and kindred subjects. The following volumes are in preparation, and are intended to appear shortly : THE STOCK EXCHANGE: Its Organisation and Management. By G. D. INGALL, Member of the London Stock Exchange. Mr. Ingall has had a wide experience of foreign as well as of British practice. There is an Appendix on the Rules and Usages of the Stock Exchange. BRITISH RAILWAYS: Their Organisation and Management. By HUGH MUNRO ROSS, B.A., late Exhibitioner of Lincoln College, Oxford. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANIES : Their Organisa. tion and Management. By F. HARCOURT KITCHIN, B.A., late Scholar of Selwyn College, Cambridge. SHIPPING COMPANIES : Their Organisation and Management. By BENEDICT GINSBURG, LL.D., Camb., one of the Counsel of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade. PUBLIC COMPANIES : Accounts and their Audit. By H. C. EMERY. Mr. Emery is not only a skilled accountant, but a solicitor whose speciality is Company Law. Volames on The Produce Markets and Exchange, Lloyd's, Fire and Accident Insurance, Gas and Water Undertakings, and Municipal Trading, are also in contemplation. 9 NEW SERIES OF NAVAL AND MILITARY BIOGRAPHIES. Edited by Professor Oman, Author of ' The Art of War in the Middle Ages,' ' The Peninsular War,' etc. Large Crown Svo. "js. 6d. each. Mr. Edward Arnold has pleasure in announcing that he intends to publish shortly a series of Naval and Military Biographies, which, coming from the pens of eye-witnesses, will, it is believed, present a vivid picture of some of the more notable campaigns of the last century. The Series will be under the editorship of Professor C. W. Oman. Among the volumes in preparation are : MY ADVENTURES DURING THE LATE WAR: A Narrative of Shipwreck, Captivity, and Escapes from French Prisons in X804-14. By DONAT HENCHY O'BRIEN, Captain R.N. ADVENTURES WITH THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS, FROM 1808 TO 1814. By WILLIAM GRATTAN, Esq., late Lieutenant Connaught Rangers. To be followed by JOURNAL OF T. S., a Soldier of the 7lst Regiment (High- land Light Infantry), itom 1806 to 1815. ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE, in the Penin- sula, France, and the Netherlands, 181 0-15. By Sir JOHN KINCAID, formerly Captain Rifle Brigade. REMINISCENCES OF A NAVAL OFFICER DURING THE LATE WAR. By Captain A. CRAWFURD, R.N. THE CAMPAIGNS of NORBERT LANDSHEIT, Sergeant in the York Hussars and the 20th Light Dragoons, 1794-1814. (Edited by the Rev. C. R. Gleig.) THE SUBALTERN; Adventures in the Campaign of the Pyrenees, 1813-14. By C. R. GLEIG, late Lieutenant Sjth Regiment. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS PUBLICATIONS. Mr. Edward Arnold has much pleasure in calling attention to the fact that almost without exception these interesting books have all been bought up and become out of print before publication, while one or two that have found their way into the sale-.rooms have commanded a high premium. These books are printe:d by the- Guild of Handicraft, at Essex House, on the hand presses used by the late Mr. William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. Members of Mr. Morris's staff are also re tained at the Essex House Press, and it is the hope of the Guild of Handicraft by this means to continue in some measure the tradition of good printing and fine workmanship which William Morris revived. Subscribers to the complete series of Essex House Publications are given priority for any new book issued, and the number of subscribers is constantly increasing. Intending subscribers and persons who desire to receive announcements of the forthcoming publications are recom mended to enter their names as soon as possible. ORDERS MAY NOW BE GIVEN FOR THE FOLLOWING : Milton's Comus. Vellum series. Cicero's *De Amieitia' in Latin and English (John Harrington's translation, Elizabethan). Burns' 'Tam O'Shanter.' Vellum series. With a hand-coloured frontispiece by William Strang. The 'Parentalia' of Sir Christopher Wren. The Life and Account of the Works of the Great Architect by his Son. Containing a series of illustrations of the remaining City Churches. The Guild of Handicraft Song"-Book. With cuts and music in four-page sheets at is. a sheet, to be issued in sets of ten at a time, or bound up subsequently by arrangement. THE PUBLICATIONS ALREADY ISSUED ARE I I. Benvenuto Cellini's Treatises on Metal Work and Sculpture. By C. R. ASHBEE. 600 copies. A few still left. 353. nett. 2. The Hymn of Bardaisan, the first Christian Poem, rendered into English verse from the original Syriac, by F. Crawford Burkitt, of Trinity College, Cambridge. 250 copies. [Out of pri-nt. 3. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited from the earlier editions by Janet E. Ashbee, with a frontispiece by Reginald Savage. Vellum cover. 750 copies. 30s. nett. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS P\JBUCAT\ONS— continued. 4. The Church of Saint Mary Stratford atte Bow. 250 copies. [Oui of print. 5. SheUey'S Adonais. Vellum series. 50 copies. \Out of print. 6. Shakespeare's Poems. 450 copies. [Out of print. 7. The Eve of St. Agnes. By John Keats. Vellum series. 125 copies. £2 2s. nett. [Out of print. 8. The Courtyer of Count Baldesar Castillo, divided into Foure Bookes. Done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby. 200 copies. [Out of print. 9. Gray's Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. The third of the Vellum Series. 125 copies. [Out of print. 10. Walt Whitman's Hymn on the Death of Lincoln. 125 copies. [Out of print. II. An Endeavour towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William MorPiS. By C. R. Ashbee. 250 copies. [Out of print. 12. Johh Woolman's Journal. 250 copies. {Out of print. 13. Erasmus' Praise of Folly. 250 copies. ^^3 3s. {Very fe-w. 14. Penn's Fruits of Solitude. 250 copies. [Out of print. 15. Spenser's Epithalamion. 150 copies. {Out of print. 16. American Sheaves and English Seed Corn. By C. R. Ashbee. 300 copies. 30s. nett. 17. The Doings of Death, Folio Volume of Large Woodcuts. By William Strang. 140 copies. £(> 6s. Nearly all are subscribed for. 18. The Psalms of David : in the Version of the Anglican Prayer-Book, but aeeordlng to the Original Orthography and Arrangement of the Cranmer Bible. Limited editions of 10 copies vellum at ;£i6 l6s. nett (all sold), and 250 copies at £4 4s. nett (very few left). 19. The Old Palace of Bromley. By Ernest Godman. With an Introduction by C. R. Ashbee. Limited to 350 copies, of which 200 are for the use of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London, leaving 150 for sale. 21s. nett. 20. A Coronation Masque, entitled The Masque of the Edwards. By C. R. Ashbee. With a series of pictured pE^eants by Edith Harwood. Limited to 300 copies at ^3 3s. There will also be 20 copies on vellum, coloured in water-colours by the artist, at £\2 12s. These volumes are published on behalf of the Essex House Press by Mr. Edward Arnold, and can be ordered either from him or from any Bookseller 12 KING EDWARD THE SEVENTH'S PRAYER-BOOK. This will be a sumptuous edition of the Book of Common Prayer, which, by gracious permission of His Majesty, will be entitled ' King Edward the Seventh's Prayer-Book.' The new Prayer-Book will be hand printed at the Essex House Press, and whilst conforming to the Authorized Version will rank, as a piece of typography, with the Great Prayer-Book of Edward VI. It is to be in new type designed by Mr. C. R. Ashbee, with about one hundred and fifty woodcuts, and is to be printed in red and black on Batchelor hand-made paper. There will also probably be a special binding of green vellum with a gold block design and clasps. Exceptional circumstances connected with the Book of Common Prayer render it essential that this work, in order to be of historic value, shall be issued with the imprint of the King's printers ; the Prayer-Book will therefore be published by his Majesty's printers, Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, acting under the Royal Letters Patent, who will superintend the work of the Essex House Press. Mr. Edward Arnold, publisher to the Essex House Press, is now entering subscriptions for the work, and as the few available copies are being rapidly taken up, those who desire to possess this important work are recommended to apply as soon as possible. The edition will be strictly limited to a total of four hundred copies for England and America, at a price of Twelve Guineas (;£^i2 12s.) nett. There will also be five copies for England on vellum at Forty Pounds {£4°) "•^'tj ^11 of which are already sold. NEW EDITIONS. ENGLAND IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By Professor C. W. Oman. Thoroughly revised and brought up to date, with an additional chapter on the South African War. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF THE TRANSVAAL WAR. By E. T. Cook. New and revised popular edition. Crown Svo., 6s. ARNOLD TOYNBEE. A Reminiscence. By Viscount Milner, G.C.B. Crown 8vo., 2s. 6d. BALLADS OF THE FLEET. By Sir Rennell Rodd, K.C.M.G. New and cheaper edition, with several additional Poems. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. WAGNER'S HEROINES. By Constance Maud. Illustrated by W. T. Maud. Crown 8vo., 55. A BOOK ABOUT ROSES, By the Rev. Dean Hole. Crown Svo. , 3s. 6d. 13 FICTION. About. TRENTE ET QUARANTE. Translated by Lord Newton. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. 'Adalet.' HAD J IRA : A Turkish Love Story. By ' Adalet.' Cloth, 6s. Adderley. PAUL MERCER. A Tale of Repentance among Millions. By the Hon. and Rev. James Adderley. Third Edition. Cloth, 3s. 6d. Bagot. CASTING OF NETS. By Richard Bagot. Tenth Impres sion. 6s, Bagot. DONNA DIANA. (See page 7.) Bell. THE ARBITER. By Mrs. HUGH Bell. Crown 8vo., 6s. Browne. THE BETTALEY JEWELS. By Miss E. M. Balfour Browne. Crown 8vo., 6s. Bunsen. A WINTER IN BERLIN. By Marie von Bunsen. Translated by A. F. D. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. , Ss. Bumeside. THE DELUSION OF DIANA. By Margaret Burneside. Second Edition, crown 8vo,, 6s. Oharleton. NETHERDYKE. By R. J. Charleton. Crown 8vo., 6s. Oherbuliez. THE TUTOR'S SECRET. (Le Secret du Pr^cepteur.) Translated from the French of Victor Cherbulibz. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s. Chester. A PLAIN WOMAN'S PART. By Norley Chester. Crown 8vo., 6s. Cholmondeley. RED POTTAGE. By Mary Cholmondeley, Author of 'Diana Tempest,' etc. Thirteenth Impression. Crown 8vo., 6s. Clark Russell. ROSE ISLAND. By W. Clark Russell, Author of ' The Wreck of the Grosvenor,' etc. 6s. Clouston. THE DUKE. By J. Storer Clouston, Author of 'The Lunatic at Large.' 6s. Coleridge. THE KING WITH TWO FACES. By M. E. Coleridge. Eighth Impression, crown 8vo., 6s. Coleridge. THE FIERY DAWN. By M. E. Coleridge. 6s. CoUingwood. THE BONDWOMAN. A Story of the Northmen in Lakeland. By W. G. Collingwood, Author of ' Thorstein of the Mere,' ' The Life and Work of John Ruskin,' etc. Cloth, l6mo., 3s. 6d. Dunmore. ORMISDAL. A Novel. By the Earl of Dunmore, F.R.G.S. Author of 'The Pamirs.' Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s. Eddy, WINIFRED AND THE STOCKBROKER. (See page 7.) Edwards. THE MERMAID OF INISH-UIG. By R. W, K. Edwards. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. FaUmer. MOONFLEET. By J. Meade Falkner. Third Impression, crovm 8vo., 6s. 4 Ford. ON THE THRESHOLD. By Isabella O. Ford, Author of ' Miss Blake of Monkshalton.' Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d, Ford. MR. ELLIOTT. By Isabella O. Ford. Crown Svo., 6s. 14 Gaunt, DAVE'S SWEETHEART. By Mary Gaunt. Cloth, 3s. 6d. HaU. FISH TAILS AND SOME TRUE ONES, Crown Svo., 6s. Harrison. THE FOREST OF BOURG-MARIE. By S. Frances Harrison (Seranus). Crown Svo., 6s. Hickman. HALF MY LIFE. By Captain W. T. Hickmann, 6s. Hussey. DULCINEA. (See page 7). Hutchinson. THAT FIDDLER FELLOW. A Tale of St. Andrews. By H. G. Hutchinson, Author of ' My Wife's Politics.' Cloth, 2s. 6d. Knutsford. THE MYSTERY OF THE RUE SOLY. Translated by Lady Knutsford from the French of H. db Balzac Cloth, 3s. 6d. Lighthall, THE FALSE CHEVALIER. By W. D. Lighthall. Crown 8vo., 6s. McNulty. MISTHER O'RYAN. An Incident in the History of a Nation. By Edward McNulty. Small 8vo., elegantly bound, 3s. 6d. McNulty. SON OF A PEASANT. By Edward McNulty. Cloth, 6s. Montresor, WORTH WHILE. By F. F. Montresor, Author of ' Into the Highways and Hedges.' Crown 8vo., cloth, 2S. 6d. Oxenden, A REPUTATION FOR A SONG. By Maud Oxenden. Crown 8yo., 6s. Oxenden. INTERLUDES, By Maud Oxenden. Crown 8vo., 6s. Pickering. VERITY. By Sidney Pickering. 6s. Pinsent. JOB HILDRED. By Ellen F. Pinsent, Author of 'Jenny's Case.' One vol., crown 8vo., 3s. 6d, Podmore. A CYNIC'S CONSCIENCE. By C. T. Podmore. Crown 8vo., 6s. Eadford. JENNY OF THE VILLA. By Mrs. H. C. Radford. 6s. Roberts. THE COLOSSUS. By Morley Roberts, Author of 'A Son of Empire.' Third Impression. Crown 8vo., 6s. Roberts. LORD LINLITHGOW. By Morley Roberts. Second Impression. 6s. Seton. TWO BABES IN THE CITY. By Christine Seton and Estra Wilbraham. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. Seton. AN AMATEUR PROVIDENCE. (See page 7.) Sidgwick. CYNTHIA'S WAY. By Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick Author of ' The Inner Shrine.' Fourth Impression. Crown Svo., 6s. Sidgwick. THE THOUSAND EUGENIAS AND OTHER STORIES. By Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick. Crown 8vo., 6s. Spinner. A RELUCTANT EVANGELIST, and other Stories. By Alice Spinnbr, Author of ' Lucilla,' ' A Study in Colour,' etc. Crown 8vo,, 6s. Wallace. LOTUS OR LAUREL ? By Helen Wallace (Gordon Roy). Crown Svo., 6s. WUliams, THE BAYONET THAT CAME HOME. By N. Wynne Williams. Crown 8vo., 3s, 6d, Wilson. T' BACCA QUEEN, By Theodora Wilson. Crown Svo., 6s. 15 BIOGRAPHY AND REMINISCENCES. Adderley. FRANCIS: the Little Poor Man of Assisi. By James Adderley, Author of 'Stephen Remarx.' Second Edition. With Portrait of St. Francis. Crown Svo., 3s. 6d. Adderley. MONSIEUR VINCENT : a Short Life of St. Vincent de Paul. By James Adderley. With Devotional Portrait. Small crown Svo., 3s. 6d. Alexander. RECOLLECTIONS OF A HIGHLAND SUBALTERN during the Campaigns of the 93rd Highlanders in India, under Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, in 1857-1859. By Lieutenant-Colonel W. Gordon Alexander. Illustrations and Maps. Demy 8vo., cloth, i6s. Bagot. LINKS WITH THE PAST. By Mrs. Charles Bagot. Fourth Impression. Demy Svo. With Portrait. i6s. Brookfield. RANDOM REMINISCENCES. (See page 3.) Clough, A MEMOIR OF ANNE J. CLOUGH, Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge. By her Niece, Blanche A. Clough. With Portraits. 8vo., I2S. 6d. De Vere. RECOLLECTIONS OF AUBREY DE VERE, Third Edition, with Portrait. Demy Svo., l6s. Fenton. THE JOURNAL OF MRS. FENTON IN INDIA AND THE COLONIES, 1S26-1S30. Svo., Ss. 6d. nett. Grattan. ADVENTURES WITH THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS, from 180S-1814. (See page 9.) Hare. MARIA EDGEWORTH: her Life and Letters. Edited by Augustus J. C. Hare, Author of ' The Story of Two Noble Lives,' etc. With Portraits. Two vols., crown Svo., i6s. nett. Hervey. HUBERT HERVEY, STUDENT AND IMPERIALIST. By the Right Hon. Earl Grey. Demy Svo., Illustrated, 7s. 6d. Hole. THE MEMORIES OF DEAN HOLE. By the Very Rev. S. Reynolds Hole, Dean of Rochester. With Illustrations from Sketches by Leech and Thackeray. Popular Edition. Crown Svo., 6s. Hole. MORE MEMORIES : Being Thoughts about England spoken in America. By Dean HOLB. With Frontispiece. Demy Svo., 1 6s. Hole. A LITTLE TOUR IN AMERICA, By Dean Hole. Illustrated. Demy 8vo., i6s, Hole. A LITTLE TOUR IN IRELAND. By 'Oxonian' (Dean Hole). Illustrated by John Leech. Large crown Svo., 6s. Holmes. PICTURES AND PROBLEMS FROM LONDON POLICE COURTS. By Thomas Holmes. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown Svo., 3s. 6d. Holland. LETTERS OF MARY SIBYLLA HOLLAND. Selected and edited by her Son, Bernard Holland. Second Edition. Crown Svo., 7s. 6d. nett. i6 Jowett. BENJAMIN JOWETT, MASTER OF BALLIOL. A Personal Memoir. By the Hon. L. A, Tollemache, Fourth Edition, with portrait. Cloth, 3s. 6d. Lake. MEMORIALS OF THE VERY REV. W. C. LAKE, D.D., Dean of Durham, 1869-1894. Edited by his Widow, Katharine Lake. With Portrait. Demy Svo., i6s. Le Fanu. SEVENTY YEARS OF IRISH LIFE. By the late W. R. Lb Fanu. Popular Edition. Crown Svo., 6s. Macaulay. THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF ZACHARY MACAULAY. By Viscountess Knutsford. With Portrait. Demy Svo., i6s. Macdonald. THE MEMOIRS OF THE LATE SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, G.C.B., First Prime Minister of Canada. Edited by Joseph Pope, his Private Secretary. With Portraits. Two vols., demy Svo,, 32s. Marson. HUGH OF LINCOLN. By Charles Marson, Vicar of Hambridge, Taunton. With Portrait. Small crown 8vo., 3s. 6d. Merivale. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF DEAN MERIVALE. With Selections from his Correspondence. With Portrait, demy Svo., l6s. Milner. ARNOLD TOYNBEE. (See page 12.) Morley. THE LIFE OF HENRY MORLEY, LL.D., Professor of English Literature at University College, London. By the Rev. H. S. Solly, M.A. With two Portraits. Demy 8vo., 12s. 6d. Mott. A MINGLED YARN. The Autobiography of Edward Spencer Mott (Nathaniel Gubbins). Author of ' Cakes and Ale,' etc. Large crown 8vo., I2S. 6d. O'Brien. MY ADVENTURES DURING THE LATE WAR, 1804-1814, (See page 9.) Pasley. A MEMOIR OF ADMIRAL SIR T. S. PASLEY, Bart. By Louisa M. S. Pasley. With Frontispiece. Demy Svo., cloth 14s. Pigou. PHASES OF MY LIFE. By the Very Rev. Francis Pigou, Dean of Bristol. Sixth Edition. With Portrait. Crown Svo., 6s. Pigou. ODDS AND ENDS. (See page 6.) Rochefort. THE ADVENTURES OF MY LIFE, By Henri Roche- fort. Second Edition. Two vols., large crown Svo,, 2Ss. Roebuck. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND LETTERS of the Right Hon. JOHN ARTHUR ROEBUCK, Q.C, M.P. Edited by Robert Eadon Leader. With two Portraits. Demy Svo., i6s. Rumbold. RECOLLECTIONS OF A DIPLOMATIST. (See page i.) Stevenson. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. By Walter Raleigh, Professor of English Literature in the University of Glasgow. Second Edition. Crovm Svo., cloth, 2s. 6d. ToUemache. TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE, By the Hon. L. A. Tollemache. With a Portrait of Mr. Gladstone. Large crown Svo., 6s. 17 HISTORY. Benson and Tatham. MEN OF MIGHT. Studies of Great Characters. By A, C. Bbnson, M.A., and H. F. W. Tatham, M,A., Assistant Masters at Eton College. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo., cloth, 3s. 6d, Bevan. THE HOUSE OF SELEUCUS. (See page 2.) Caillard. ECONOMIC SUGGESTIONS ON THE BRITISH EMPIRE. (See page 5.) Cook. RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF THE TRANSVAAL WAR. New and revised popular edition. (See page 12.) 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