^^t *»*»"' * , Roland Hammond, M.D. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OP THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HAMMOND Of London, England, AND HIS WIFE ELIZABETH PENN ; THEOUGH THEIR SON iSenjamin of ^antrbidj antr ^aocftester, IKass. 1600 — 1894. BY ROLAND HAMMOND, A.M., M.D. FELLOW OF THE MASS. MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC. BOSTON : DAVID CLAPP & SON, PRINTERS. 1894. Copyright, 1894, By R. HAMMOND. All rights reserved. TO THE MANY MEMBERS OF THE HAMMOND FAMILY MHO HAVE SO KINDLY AND PATIENTLY ASSISTED IN FURNISHING THE MATERIALS FOR THIS WORK, THIS BOOK IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED, WITH THE KIND REGARDS OF THEIR FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. " Here lies the volume thou boldly hast sought." — Sir W. Scott. "A chiel's amang ye taking notes, and faith he'll prent it." — Anon. " Your pardon, good sirs, the table is spread." — Old Play. " Go, little booke, God send thee good passage, And specially let this be thy prayere. Unto them all that will thee read or hear. Where thou art wrong, after their help to call, Thee to correct, in any part or all." — Chaucer. ' " We live in deeds, not years ; in thoughts, not breaths ; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." And he whose heart beats the quickest, lives the longest ; Lives in one hour more than in years do some Whose fat blood sleeps as it slips through their veins." — P. J. Bailey. PREFACE. The present work, commenced eight 3'^ears ago amid the exacting cares and duties of a large professional practice, was completed during a long and tedious convalescence. And although many times it was extremely trying and disheartening, yet on the whole' it has been a fascinating and, at times, a pleasant pastime. When the writer first commenced collecting statistics it was with no idea of publication. But the work grew to such dimensions that it seemed best to carry it to completion for the benefit of the name of which it treats. A few words are desirable as to the scope of the work, its plan, and the sources from which the materials have been obtained. As to its scope, the idea has been to give as complete a history and genealogy as possible of all the descendants of William Hammond, who died in London, Eng., previous to 1634, and of his son Benjamin, who, born at London in 1621, came to Boston in 1634 with his mother, Elizabeth [PennJ Hammond, and three sisters, and died at Rochester, Mass., in 1703, leaving four sons, Samuel, John, Nathan and Benjamin, all of whom married and left children. As far as has been within range of possibilities, the history and genealogy of these four sons and their descendants have been carefully and conscientiously traced down to the present time. No one, however, can be more painfully aware than the writer that many branches have disappeared, probably beyond all possibility of recovery or discovery. Possibly the publication of this Genealogy may be the means of bringing some of the lost tribes to light. And the author would esteem it a favor if any parties, knowing themselves to be related to the Hammonds described in this book, will communi cate with him personally, giving all the information possible of their branches of the name. On the other hand, great care has been taken to include none in this work unless the writer has felt morally certain that they actually be longed to this line of Hammonds. The plan of the work has been to give first a person's place of resi dence, his business or occupation, and such other facts of his life as it seemed desirable to place on record. Then follow the facts of his marriage, viz : wife's maiden name, date of marriage, and the names and dates of birth of his children. Then the children who died young, all who did not marry, and the daughters who married, and also the sons who married but left no issue, are first disposed of. Finally, the sons who married, and left issue that carried on the family or line, are taken up, each in turn, and his record brought down to the present VI . PREFACE. time, or until the branch runs out or could be traced no further. Then the next son is taken up, and his record traced out in like manner. Thus it will be seen that no attempt has been made to arrange the work by generations. The writer first tried this plan, but afterwards abandoned it for the one here adopted. The latter, plan being more desirable from the fact that it enables anyone to get a clearer idea of the diileretit branches and families, because they are kept together better. To enable a stranger to follow out the record more readily, each branch, and the different sub-branches or families, have been designated by a series of numbers. The head of the family being designated by the t, and the sons who carry on the line, each by the number of his birth in the family, and the later sons in a similar manner, etc. For example, t-5-8. Thomas, means that Thomas was the eighth child of 5, and that 5 was the fifth child of t, or the head of the family or branch. The record of daughters, — unless there were some good reason to the contrary, — has usually been dropped after giving their places of residence and the facts relating to their husbands and children. Where good reasons seem to exist, the record has been carried further, — even down to the present time. Every available source known to the writer has been drawn upon to obtain materials for this Genealogy, — town records, church records, probate records, private records, head stones in cemeteries, etc. But, after all, a great part of the facts and statistics have been obtained from a very extensive correspondence with parties living in nearly all the northern and middle, and in many of the western and southern states. The writer has received more than one thousand letters and postal cards, and has written many more than that number. The writer is not so sanguine as to suppose that a work like the present, containing so many facts gathered from so many sources, is entirely free from errors. But every effort has been made to have the facts as correct as possible. A " Coat of Arras " is figured and described as a relic of our Eng lish Ancestry, though an interesting one even to Americans. The " half-tones " are the best it has been possible to obtain under the circumstances. Some of the photographs and steel prints, from which they have been made, being very old and much faded, rendered it impossible to obtain fine work in such cases. Where a fresh photograph could be obtained the quality of the work is all that could be desired. With these explanatory remarks the author sends the Genealogy forth, hoping it may afford in its perusal as much pleasure to its readers as it has to the writer in its preparation. ROLAND HAMMOND. Campello, Mass., January 5, 1894. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION 1 ARMORIAL BEARINGS 6 PART I.— WILLIAM HAMMOND OF LONDON, ENG. 9 L— BENJAMIN HAMMOND OF SANDWICH AND ROCHESTER, MASS 10 PART IL— SAMUEL HAMMOND, OLDEST SON OF BENJAMIN 11 I.— SETH HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . . 12 3. Jedediah of Dartmouth and Rochester . 13 4. Seth 2d, of Dartmouth, Mass. ... 21 IL— SAMUEL HAMMOND 2d, OF ROCHESTER 28 1. Samuel 3d, of Lakeville, Mass. ... 28 7. Seth of Acushnet, Mass 31 8. Barnabas of Rochester, Mass. ... 34 III.— THOMAS HAMMOND OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS 37 2. William of Wales, Mass., and Northern New York 38 (3.) Paul of Northampton and Penfleld, N. Y 39 (4.) William, Jr., of Northampton, Fulton County, N. T 54 5. Samuel of Dutchess Co., N. Y. . . . 56 (2.) Isaacof North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 57 (3.) Luthan of Fleming, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 63 8. Jabez of New Bedford, Mass. ... 74 VIU CONTENTS. IV.— JEDEDIAH HAMMOND OF SCITUATE, MASS 5. Joseph of Hingham, Mass. 7. David of Hingham . . . . • 9. Experience of Scituate .... v.— JOSIAH HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER 1. Nathan 3d, of Rochester 3. Josiah 2d, of Rochester .... VI.— BARNABAS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER 1. Gideon of Rochester ..... 2. Barnabas 2d, of Fairhaven, Mass. . 4. James, Jr., of Rochester .... 5. Jesse of Rochester ..... VII.— JOHN HAIMMOND OF FALMOUTH, MASS. 3. John, Jr., of Quissett, Falmouth 8. Barnabas of Quissett, Falmouth . 77 78 818598 99 107 111 112113117119 122 122 123 PART III.— JOHN HAMMOND, SECOND SON OF BENJAMIN I.- OF ROCHESTER AND -JABEZ HAMMOND NEW BEDFORD 7. Faunce of New Bedford, and Reading, Vt. (1.) Nathaniel of So. Woodstock, Vt. (2.) Stephen of Hardwick, Mass. (6.) Jabez Holmes of Windsor, Vt. (8.) Jiry of Windsor, Vt. (9.) Luther of Cornish, N. H. (10.) Tlios. Faunce of Reading and West Windsor, Vt. ... Jabez 2d, of Woodstock, Vt. Calvin of Chatham, Mass. 13. John of So. Woodstock, Vt. . . . 14. Elijah of Rutland and Oakham, Mass. . IL— ELNATHAN HAMMOND OF NEWPORT, R 1. John Arnold of Newport, R. I. . 7. Nathaniel of Newport, R. I. . III.— BENJAMIN HAMMOND 3d, OF ROCHESTER 2. Nathaniel of Rochester .... 3. Enoch of Rochester .... 9. 11. 129 130 132 133146149163165 167170 177 186 187 195197201206 207207 CONTENTS. IX IV.— ROWLAND HAMMOND OF PLYMPTON, MASS. 216 5. George 2d, of Woicester Co., Mass. . . 217 (1.) George, Sr., of Crawford Co., Ohio.. 219 6. Hannah of Acushnet, Mass. . . . 223 8. Thomas of Carver, Mass 227 9. Benjamin of East Carver .... 229 v.— JOHN HAMMOND, Ju., OF ROCHESTER . 234 2. Timothy of Rochester .... 235 PART IV.— NATHAN HAMiMOND, THIRD SON OF BENJAMIN 241 I.— NATHAN HAMMOND 2d, OF ROCHESTER 241 PART v.— BENJAMIN HAMMOND 2d, YOUNGEST SON OF BENJAMIN 243 L— POLYPUS HAMMOND OF NEWPORT, R. L 244 12. Polypus, Jr., of Rochester . . . 244 IL-JOSEPHUS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . 244 2. Edward of Marion, Mass 245 IIL— ANTIPAS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . 250 6. Benjamin of Rochester . . . . 251 IV.— BARZILLAI HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . 254 4. Moses of Rochester ..... 255 5. Stafford of Rochester ..... 256 (1.) William of Wauconda, 111. . . 260 v.— ISRAEL HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . . 264 8. Noah of Rochester 264 VI.— ROGER HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . . 266 2. Deborah of Rochester .... 267 VII.— ELISHA HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER . . 267 4. Elisha of Columbia, S. C 268 8. Ebenezer of Edj;efield, S. C. . . . 274 INTRODUCTION. It is said that the first mention of the name of " Hamon " or " Hamond " is in connection with the conquest of England by William the Conqueror in 1066, He caused an Abby to be erected on the battlefield at Hastings in honor of his victory over Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. In this, which is called "Battle Abby," there were deposited the names of all the nobles or barons, as they were called, who came with William from Normandy. Among these names is that of Hamound, afterwards written Hammond. The name of Hammond may arise from one of three sources^ viz.: 1. Hammonet, a town or house, or an elevation; 2. Hamon, faithful ; 3. St. Amand, in regard to which Burke's Landed Gentry, Vol. I., says, " The family of Hammond is of considerable antiquity in England, and it is probable may have derived its origin from a branch of the Norman House of St. Amand." At any rate the Hammonds have been in England for many centuries, and there were and are in that country many eminent families bearing the name. A family of special interest to us is that of William Ham mond of London, Co. Kent, whose descendants form the sub ject of this Genealogy. He married Elizabeth Penn, sister of Admiral Sir William Penn, and aunt to William Penn the Quaker, and had a son Benjamin and three daughters who with their mother afterwards came to Boston. This family is known among genealogists as that of "William of London." Another family whose descendants have played an important part in the affairs of this country, is that of Thomas Hammond of Lavenham, Co. Suffolk, England. He married Rose Trippe, and had, besides several daughters, two sons, William and Thomas, who after marrying and having children, came to Bos ton, and were known respectively as " William of Watertown," and " Thomas of Newton." 2 2 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. A celebrated family in England is that of St. Albans Court in Nonington, Co. Kent. John Hamon, the first known in this line, was a tenant under the Culpeppers of St. Albans, and began the purchase of the " manor " as it was called. His son, Thomas Hamond, completed the purchase of the manor in 1551. To him was granted a coat-of-arms in 1548, in the second year of Edward VI., by Barker, Garter King-at-Arms . This coat-of-arms, perhaps the oldest granted to any Hammond, has been selected after much consideration as the best to repre sent the name of Hammond in this Genealogy.* Sir William, b. 1579, d. 1650, grandson of this Thomas Hammond, was knighted by James I., in 1607-8, and had a brother Thomas. To this Thomas the descendants of " William of Watertown " and " Thomas of Newton " have endeavored to trace their line of descent without avail. The present repre sentative of the St. Albans family is William Oxenden Ham mond, Nonington, Co. Kent, England. There is quite a general impression and a strong probability that William of London is descended from one of the younger sons of the family of St. Albans Court, possibly from one of the brothers of Sir William, of whom there were several, f though the connection has not been tracedout, as the English genealo gies preserve full records of the first sons only, later sons and daughters being usually merely alluded to. There are also reasons for believing that William of London and Thomas of Lavenham may have been more or less distantly related, but certainly not nearer than cousins if the relationship was as near as this. There are many other noted families bearing the name in England, one of the later being that of Baron Edmund Ham mond who was raised to the Peerage in 1874, and recently .deceased. The Chaplain, and the Keeper, at the Isle of Wight, and one of the Judges of Charles I, were Hammonds. There are several distinct branches or lines of Hammonds in this country. First is that of which William A. Hammond, M. B., of Washington, D. C, late Surgeon-General of the U. S. Army, is a member. His great grandfather, Philip Hammond, the first ancestor of this line in this country, is said to have come * The design with description is given on page 6 t Sii- William's brothers were:— John, Edward, Thomas, Col. Francis and Col. INTRODUCTION. 6 from Co. Kent, and landed in Ann Arundell Co., Maryland, in 1607. Philip's brothers, Thomas and Rezin, came over soon afterwards and settled at Jamestown, Va., in 1608, and were called " Cavaliers " because they favored Charles I. The Puri tans were called " Round Heads " because they favored Crom well. There is another line whose ancestor is said to have settled in Kittery, Me., and the family is known as that of "William of Kittery," Maine. When the family came to this country is not known by the writer. In 1632 William Hammond, son of Thomas of Lavenham, Eng., before referred to as William of Watertown, came to Boston, and some years afterwards settled in Watertown, Mass. Two years later his family, consisting of his wife Elizabeth Payne Hammond, two sons, Thomas and John, and three daugh ters, Anne, Elizabeth, and Sarah, rejoined him, arriving at Boston in the ship Francis in April, 1634.* William Ham mond lived and died at Watertown, the family being transmit ted by his sons Thomas and John. Let it be especially noted that he did not have a son Benjamin as claimed by Savage, this Benjamin being the son of William of London. In the same year, 1634, Mrs. Elizabeth Penn Hammond, widow of William of London, with her son Benjamin and three daughters, Elizabeth, Martha and Rachel, came in the ship Grif fin, landing at Boston Sept. 18, 1634. From the son Benja min, who settled in Sandwich, Mass., and married Mary Vin cent, all this family has descended. In 1636, Thomas, son of Thomas of Lavenham, with his wife Elizabeth [Cason] and children Elizabeth and Thomas, came to Boston, and settled at Hingham, Mass. In 1640 he removed to Newton, where he afterwards lived and died, and is known as " Thomas of Newton." At Newton, Sarah and Nathaniel were born to him. The two sons Thomas and Nathan iel transmitted the family. Owing to the similarity of the names of the two William Hammonds, only one of whom came to this country ; and of those of their wives, Elizabeth Penn and Elizabeth Payne, both also having brothers named William ; and to the further fact that Elizabeth Penn's brother the admiral, and nephew the Quaker, were both named William ; and especially to the singular coinci- * Elizabeth Payne, wife of William Hammond, was a sister of William Payne, an extensive pvopeit'y holder in New England. 4 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. dence that both Elizabeth Hammonds with their cliildren came to Boston in the same year, 1634, Savage, and after him Fanner and other early genealogists, got badly confused in regard to the two families of William of London and William of Water- town, thought there was only one William Hammond, that he married Elizabeth Payne, and denied that Elizabeth Penn was the ancestress of any Hammonds in this country. The facts contained in the memorandum book* of Captain Elnathan Hammond of Newport, R. I., and the admirable arti cle, based on these facts, in regard to the descendants of Ben jamin Hammond, son of William of London, published in the Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1876, by Philip Battel of Middlebury, Vt., have effectually dispelled all doubts as to the above points, and have firmly established Elizabeth Penn as the wife of William Hammond of London, and these two as the parents of Benjamin of Sandwich, Mass., whose sons Samuel, John, Nathan, and Benjamin settled in Rochester, Mass., about 1680-84, and whose genealogy is traced as certainly and as surely as that of any name in this country. The writer of this Genealogy can personally point to the exact spots where these four sons lived, reared their families, and died. Previous to the year 1787 there were on the shores of Buz zard's Bay, Mass., the two great towns of Dartmouth and Rochester, Dartmouth lying to the west of Rochester. In 1787 the towns of Westport and New Bedford were set off' from Dart mouth. In 1812 the town of Fairhaven was set off from New Bedford ; and in 1860 the town of Acushnet from Fairhaven. Hence the old town of Dartmouth constituted the present towns of Dartmouth, Westport, New Bedford, Fairhaven and Acush net. The principal localities of the old town of Rochester were North Rochester, lying in the northwest part of the town; Rochester Centre, in the central part ; Sippican Village, lying in the southeast ; Mattapoisett Village in the south, on Matta- , poisett Harbor, a branch of Buzzard's Bay ; Hammondtown in the southwesterly part ; and Mattapoisett NecSk in the extreme southwest, the latter being a point of land extending some two miles south into Buzzard's Bay. The town of Rochester was incorporated in the year 1686. mond °'' ^"'"'^'^ account of the memorandum book see record of Capt. Elnathan Ham- INTEODUCTION. 0 As early as 1638, it appears that the colony court of Plymouth granted lands at Sippican to a committee of the Church of Scit uate, for the seating of a township and a congregation. The territory, however, remained unoccupied till 1651, when it was granted for the benefit of the town of Plymouth. It was proba bly purchased of the natives the same year. The town is said to have taken its name from the ancient city of Rochester, in Kent, England, a shire from whence many of the first planters of Scituate, and of course Rochester, emigrated. The first settlers appear to have come into the place from Sandwich, Mdrshfield and Scituate about the year 1680. Among them were the following : Rev. Samuel Ajnold, Moses Barlow, Aaron Barlow, Jacob Bumpus, Joseph Burgess, Joseph Dotey, Samuel Hammond, John Hammond, John Haskell, Abraham Holmes, — Sprague, Samuel White, and Job Winslow. In 1854, the southeasterly part of the town of Rochester, containing Sippican Village and adjacent territory, was set off as the present town of Marion. In 1857 all the southerly part of Rochester, including Mattapoisett Village, Hammond- town and Mattapoisett Neck, was set off as the present town of Mattapoisett, leaving in the present Rochester, Rochester Centre .and North Rochester. It is probable that but few, if any, Hammonds lived within the limits of the present town of Rochester. Mattapoisett ViUage is about six miles east of New Bedford, five miles west of Sippican Village, and five miles south of Rochester Centre. The most of the early Hammonds of Roch ester lived within the limits of the present towns of Marion and Mattapoisett. The Indian word Mattapoisett is said to signify " The place of Rest." The Indians Kving five or six miles north of the Village used frequently to come down to the shore for the pur pose of obtaining clams and fish ; one or two miles north of the Village, they used to stop at a spring and rest. From this circumstance, it is said, the river and place derived then- names. The first meeting-house was built in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor, and at this place, it is probable, the first settlers located themselves. The Rev. Samuel Arnold was the first minister. Mr. Arnold was succeeded by Rev. Timothy Ruggles, who was settled here in 1710. WTiile he was minister, the inhabitants of the southwestern part of the town, now Hammondtown, Mattapoisett Neck and the ViUage, living remote from the place of worship, proposed to be set off into a distinct parish. This 6 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. was done about the year 1733, and Rev. Ivory Hovey was ordained their minister. This parish comprised that part of the town which still retains the Indian name Mattapoisett. The church was located in Hammondtown. Mr. Hovey was suc ceeded in 1772, by Rev. Lemuel LeBaron. The LeBarons of Plymouth County are descendants of Dr. Francis LeBaron, the celebrated surgeon who was wrecked from a French privateer in 1696 in Buzzard's Bay, and afterwards settled in Plymouth, Mass. Rev. Thomas Robbins, D. D., the successor of Mr. LeBaron, possessed for those times one of the most valuable private libraries in the State, consisting of about 3000 volumes and 4000 pamphlets, some of which were very rare. A third Congregational society was formed from several bor der towns, about 1748, of which Rev. Thomas West was for many years pastor. This church was located in North Roch ester. Much of the land in Mattapoisett was purchased of King- Philip, the great Indian Chief. Many of the original settlers of Scituate, Mattapoisett and adjoining towns, came from Co. Kent, England, and there is a street at Scituate Harbor named by them, and still known as Kent Street. In addition to the original settlers of Rochester already given, may be mentioned the names of Annable, Turner, Lombard, Lothrop, Parker, and Stedman, some of whom afterwards intermarried with the Hammonds. It is said that the " First purchase of the town of Rochester was by Joseph Lothrop, Barnabas Lothrop, Knellan Winslow, and W'illiam Clark, of Joseph Winslow, Governor of Plymouth, for the sum of £200 current money, Jul. 2, 1679." That "The town of Rochester was divided into 33 shares, every 33rd being reserved for the support of the Ministry." That " Benjamin Hammond the son of William of London, the first in our line from England, moved from Sandwich to Rochester in the year 1684, and purchased half a share, or grant, of the town of Rochester. The deed certifies that he payed 20 and 6 pounds." Description of the Coat of Arms. This Coat-of-Arms was granted by Barker, Garter Kino- at Arms, to Thomas Hammond of St. Alban's Court, in 1548 second year of Edward VI. ' INTEODUCTION. 7 Arms. — Argent, on a chevron sable, between three pellets each charged with a martlet of the field, as many escallops or, a bordure engrailed vert. Orest. — A hawk's head collared gules, rays issuing or. Motto. — Pro Rege et Patria. [For king and country.] Seat. — St. Alban's Court, Nonington, Co. Kent, England. There is another armorial ensign or bearing, a copy of which is in the possession of the author, which is said to have been granted to the Sirname of Hammond. The shield is Norman, or heart-shaped, and the grant, if genuine, is undoubtedly very ancient and of Norman origin. The only reason this beautiful coat-of-arms is not given the preference in this work is because its genuineness is not so well attested as that of the one given above. The description is as follows : — A.7"ms. — Field, argent, a cheveron sable charged with three escollops argent. Betw:een three pellets sable each charged with a martlet argent, within a bordure engrailed gules. Orest. — On a helmet and wreath of three colours, a lion's head erased gules. Motto. — Tentanda Via Est. [A way must be tried.] Extract from the records in [the office of ] the King-at-Arms in London. A coat-of-arms, in olden times, was a short coat with short sleeves, worn over his armor by a knight, and on which his armorial bearings were worked in bright colors. Hence the origin of the term, coat-of-arms. Below is an explanation of some of the terms used in her aldry : — Cheveron, an honorable ordinary, representing two rafters of a house meeting at the top. Martlets, birds of the swallow kind without feet, denoting a younger son having no landed inheritance. Escollops denotes that the bearer or his ancestors had made long voyages or pilgrimages, or had been engaged in the Cru- Bordure, an additional honor or mark of cadency distinguish ing one branch from another. Engrailed, endented or wavy edges, denoting that the honor was obtained with difficulty. Erased, when the head is torn from the body and presenting O HAMMOND GENEALOGY. at the neck a rough or ragged appearance instead of straight, showing strength as against skill with the sword. Argent, silver, or white, referring to the shield, purity. Gules, red, referring to the crest, courage. Or, gold, good ness. Azure, light blue, truth and purity. Sable, black, denot ing antiquity of lineage. Vert, green, denoting life and vigor. PART I WILLIAM HAMMOND OF LONDON, ENGLAND. •f. William Haimnontl' was born in London, County Kent, Eng., and there married Elizabeth Penn, sister of the Admiral, Sir William Penn, and aunt to William Penn, the Quaker. William Hammond died and was buried in Lon don, and was probably descended from the Hammonds of St. Albans Court, County Kent, Eng. His children were : 1. Benjamin, b. in 1621. d. in 1703. 2. Elizabeth, b. d. 3. Martha , b. d. 4. Rachel, b. d. These children were all born in London, County Kent, Eng. Elizabeth Hammond, widow of William, with her son Benja min and three daus., all young, left a good estate in London, and came over to New England in the troublesome times of 1634, from a desire to have the liberty to serve God according to the dictates of their consciences. They arrived in Boston, Sep. 18, 1834, in the ship Griffin, and had with them the Rev. John Lothrop,* their minister. Mrs. Hammond lived in Bos ton and in Watertown, Mass., until the year 1638, when she joined Rev. John Lothrop's church in Scituate, Apr. 16, 1638, being the 33d member of said church. Mrs. Elizabeth [Penn] Hammond probably returned to Boston near the close of the year 1639, as she died and was buried there A.D. 1640. * Rev. John Lothrop established a church at Scituate Harbor, Mass., and after wards one at Barnstable, Mass. He is said to have married for his second wife, Anna, widow, daughter of William Hammond of Watertown, Mass., and had Bar nabas, Abigail, Bathsheua and John. But the evidence that the widow Anna was the daughter of William Hammond is far from convincing. Rev. John Lothrop received the degree of A.B. from Queen's College, Cambridge, Eng., in 1605, was admitted to the living in Egerton in 1611, renounced his Orders in 1623, and became an inde pendent preacher, before coming to Boston. 10 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of the three daughters of William Hammond and Elizabeth Penn,— Elizabeth, Martha and Rachel,— nothing further can be learned. I.— BENJAMIN HAMMOND OF SANDWICH AND ROCHESTER, MASS. f-l . Benjamin' Hammond, son of William and Eliza beth, went to Sandwich, and there in 1650 married Mary Vin^ cent, dau. of John Vincent, who was born in England in 1633. Nothing is known as to his whereabouts from his arrival in Boston, in 1634, to his marriage to Mary Vincent in 1650, ex cept that he was at Yarmouth in 1643. Benjamin Hammond and Mary Vincent had issue, as follows : d. O. S. 1. Samuel, b. in 1655. d. 2. John, b. Nov. 30, 1663. d. Apr. 19, 1749, ( 3. Nathan, b. in 1670. d. 4. Benjamin, 2d, b. Nov. 1673. d. March 29, 1747, 5. Rose, b. d. Nov. 20, 1676. 6. Mary, b. d. young. Samuel Hammond and his brother John probably came from Sandwich to Rochester, Mass., about 1680. Benjamin Ham mond with his wife and two sons, Nathan and Benjamin 2d, probably came to Rochester about 1684. Benjamin died there in 1703, £8. 82 ; and Mary, his widow, in 1705, se. 72. PART II. SAMUEL HAMMOND, OLDEST SON OF BENJAMIN. t . Samuel' Hammond [oldest son of Benj . ,' William'] was born at Sandwich, Mass., in 1655, came with his brother John to Rochester, Mass., about 1680, and settled in the ex treme southwesterly part of the town, known as the " West Neck," where he died at a ripe age much respected. He was one of the founders and a prominent member of the first Congre gational Church in Rochester, located in the present town of Marion. He wag an extensive land-holder, and settled four of his sons around him, viz : Seth, Josiah, Barnabas and Jedediah, the latter of whom afterwards moved to Scituate. He bought his land of Hugh Cole of Swansey, and he of King Philip, Sachem of Pokanoket, in 1671.* A house budt by his son Barnabas in 1767 is still standing. Samuel Hammond m. about 1680 Mary Hathaway, and had issue : 1681. d. in 1736-7. 1. Benjamin, b. Dec. 18, 1681. d. •J Seth, b. Feb. 13, 1683. d. 3. Rosamond, b May 8, 1684. d. 4. Samuel, 2d, b. Mch. 8, 1685. d. 5. Thomas, b. Sep. 16, 1687. d. 6. Je , o o^ iokq 3. AUie Thurston, \ ''¦ ''^P" ^^' ^^^^- d. Feb. 17, 1855. 4. Frank Herbert, b. Nov. 23, 1862. Edson Dana m. 2d, in New York city, Oct. 31, 1872, Eliza Ann White, n6e Knapp, who was born at Lowell, Mass., Nov. 7, 1840. Issue by the 2d marriage : 5. Mary Sylvia, b. Jan. 14, 1874. 6. Gertrude Violet, b. Jan. 2, 1877. Of Edson Dana's children, Marion Amelia"* m. in New York city. May 9, 1871, Henry F. Cowles, who was born in North Haven, Conn., May 8, 1839, and died at Colorado Springs, Col., Feb. 9, 1885. They had no issue. Mr. Cowles enlisted in the 16th Connecticut Reg't for three months, and also in the 18th Connecticut Reg't; was a prisoner twenty months — ten months in Libby Prison ; was placed under fire at Charleston, S. C, but afterwards made his escape. His widow resides at Colorado Springs, Col. 2. Annie Brintnall'" m. in New York city, Nov. 23, 1873, George W. Southwick, who was born in Brooklyn, Dec. 24, 1851, and resides at Stamford, Conn. Issue : 1. Frank Herbert, b. Apr. 27, 1879. 2. Arthur Quackenbos, b. Dec. 6, 1880. 3. Louis Brintnall, b. Sep. 27, 1883. G. W. Southwick is a dealer in manufacturers' supplies. New York city ; factory at Stamford, Conn. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 17 4. Frank Herbert,'" only son of Edson Dana, at the age of 16 went on the clipper "Black Hawk" as cabin boy, to Australia, China and San Francisco, thence to New York city, doubling both Cape Good Hope and Cape Horn. He after wards graduated from the schoolship St. Mary's with lienor, and then went two voyages on the St. Domingo line of steam ers. He was afterwards fireman, and later engineer, on the Erie R. R. He is now engineer on the Myrtle Avenue and Broadway branch of the Brooklyn Elevated R. R. Frank Herbert m. in New York city, Mch. 22, 1881, Annie Kristina Filer, who was born in Laborg, North Jutland,' Denmark, April 14, 1860, and resides at 1378 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue : 1. Louis Edward, b. Sep. 23, 1881. 2. George Albert, b. Aug. 28, 1883. 3. Henry Clinton, b. Oct. 23, 1885. 4. Frank Thurston, b. Oct. 28, 1887. 5. Robert Vincent, b. Oct. ¦14, 1889. 6. Herbert Frederick, b. Oct. 21, 1890. d. Jul. 9, 1890. f -3-2-5. Jetlediali,' third son of Jeduthan, m. Nancy Brooks of the State of New York, and lived and died at Farm- ington. Conn. Issue : Uri, Lettes, Caroline, Annes, Mary, Nancy Catherine, Silas, George and Elizabeth. Of Jedediah's children, Uri" left home when a young man and has not since been heard from. Lettes,^ who was a teach er, m. a Miss Bird of Plain ville. Conn., and had two daugh ters, one of whom lives in the West, and the other is Mrs. Granville Bronson of Meriden, Conn. Caroline' m. Thomas Greenfield, a hatter, and dealer in hats, caps, etc., in Middletown, Conn. She had three chil dren : Robert, Caroline and George. The whole family are dead. Annes," or Agnes, died while a young woman, on the eve of her marriage. Mary," born Apr. 11, 1816, and died Feb. 10, 1875, m. Prof. Edmund Longley of Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va. Issue : Selden, Virginia Harriet, Catherine Hammond and Edmund. IVancy Catherine," who was a music teacher, m. Johnivry M. Sharpe, lives at Nashville, Tenn., and has a large family of children. Silas," who was a carpenter, but never married, died at the West Indies, where he went for his health. George," who was a printer, m. and had one child, and probably died during the late civil war. Elizabeth" died in infancy. 18 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. -|-_3_2-9. Lettes Hammond,' fourth son of Jeduthan, learned the trade of gunsmith in the United States Amory at Springfield, Mass., where he resided many years. He then moved to Farmington, Conn., where he carried on the business of gunsmith; from there he moved to Ashford, Conn., where he was engaged in the same business. He afterwards moved to ^Middletown, Conn., where he resided thirteen years. He invented and manufactured a kind of steel-yards, and died at East Brookfield, Mass. Lettes Hammond married in 1800, Margaret Fosket at Springfield, Mass., who died Apr. 22, 1861. Issue: 1. Jeduthan, b. Mch. 15, 1802. d. May 10, 1876. 2. .Joshua, b. Jul. 29, 1805. d. Sep. — , 1805. 3, Margaret, b. Mch. 10, 1807. d. May 11, 1888. 4. Joshua Fosket, b. Apr. 14, 1810. d. Apr. 27, 1874. 5. Elizabeth Hacket, b. Sep. 12, 1813. d. May 11, 1867. 6. Penelope Keyes, b. Jul. 14, 1820. 7. Samuel, b. Feb. 23, 1823. d. Sep. 3, 1856. 1. Jeduthan," oldest son of Lettes, who manufactured the steel-yards invented by his father, lived and died at East Brookfield, Mass. He m. Oct. 29, 1827, Sophia Bicknell of Ashford, Conn., who d. Jul. 4, 1861. Issue: 1. Caroline, b. Jul. 28, 1829. 2. Mary Eliz., b. Jun. 20, 1831. 3. Samuel Edson, b. May 30, 1834. d. Oct. 16, 1850. 4. Ellen A., • b. Aug. 8, 1849. Of these children, Caroline' m. Nov. 8, 1863, Elias H. Bartlett, lived in North Brookfield, Mass., and had a daughter, Mary H. Mr. Bartlett is dead, and his widow lives in East Brookfield, Mass. Mary Elizabeth" m. Apr. 8, 1858, Alvin S. Moulton, lives at Worcester, Mass., and has : Emma C, Clara A., and Mary L. All dead except Emma, who m. Edwin Marble and lives at Worcester. Ellen A." m. War ren R. Upham, lives at East Brookfield, and had one son, George Warren, who d. in infancy. 3. Margaret," oldest daughter of Lettes, m. Sep. 23, 1829, Aaron F. Wells of Greenfield, Mass., who d. Dec. 28, 1855. She lived in Middletown, Conn., and had issue : Ed ward H., Edward Hagain, Samuel Osgood, Ephraim E. Wil- ley, George Eugene, and Francis Henry. Of Margaret's children: Edward H. d. in infancy; Ed ward Hagain is a merchant tailor in Middletown, Conn. ; Samuel Osgood, also a tailor, was a corporal in the 21st Conn! DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 19 Reg't, and died in Confederate Hospital at Upperville, Va. ; Ephraim E. Wiley is employed in the manufacture of wringers in Middlefield, Conn. ; George Eugene, a farmer, d. at Mid dletown, Conn. ; and Francis Henry, a merchant, also d. at Middletown, Conn. Margaret [Hammond] Wells, the mother, d. at Middletown, Conn., May 11, 1888. 4. Joshua Fosket" was a mechanic and inventor at Providence, R. I. He m. Apr. 1, 1832, Eliza Ann Leach, and d. at Providence, R. I., Apr. 27, 1874. Besides three that d. in infancy, his issue were: 1, Edward M. ; 2, William Em erson ; 3, Charles ; 4, Penelope M. ; 5, Joshua ; 6, Ann Eliza ; 7, Henry W. ; 8, Julia; and 9, Frank. Of Joshua Fosket's children : 1 . Ed-ward M." m. Ann Hig- gins at Springfield, Mass. Issue : Edward, George and Stella. 2. William Emerson," who wais b. Mch. 11, 1837, is a metal pattern maker at Meriden, Conn. He m. 1st, May 10, 1861, Irene J. Faulkner in Lynn, Mass., who d. Aug. 23, 1867, without issue. William E. m. 2d, May 19, 1869, Frances Ann Warner at Berlin, Conn., and had issue : 1. Faith Irene, b. July 25, 1877. 3. Charles" d. about 1859, in Lynn, Mass., and Pene lope," who was a milliner, d. about 1860 in the same city. 5. Joshua," who was a carpenter, m. Sarah Corliss at Providence, R. I., and had four or five children. 6. Ann Eliza'' m. 1st, Asa Hendrick of Providence, R. I. She m. 2d, a man by the name of Williams. Eliza left one child, and d. in Providence. 7. Henry" m. Annie Shepward in Lynn. No issue. 8. Julia" m. 1st, Lyman Damon of Springfield. She was afterwards divorced, and m. a second time, but had no issue. 5. Elizabeth Hacket," second daughter of Lettes, m. Feb. 18, 1839, Ephraim E. Wiley, a graduate of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Mr. Wiley was afterwards professor and for many years president of Emory and Henry Col lege, Emory,Va., and was a popular Methodist clergyman, resid ing at Emory, Va., where he d. Mch. 13, 1893. Elizabeth H. 20 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Hammond Wiley d. at Middletown, Conn., May 11, 1867. Issue : 1. Margaret Ann, b. Feb. 9, 1840. 2. Frances Elizabeth, b. Sep. 6, 1841. 3. William Harlow, b. May 29, 1845. 4. Vircinie Watson, b. Oct. 7, 1847. 5. Olin Fi^ke, b. Dec. 28, 1849. 6. Geortre Ephraim, b. Oct 19, 1851. 7. Charles Sherwood, b. Oct. 31, 1854. d. Jul. 1, 1855. Of these children, Margaret Ann" m. Jun. 29, 1865, John O. Story, M. D., now residing at Dallas, Tex. Issue: John E. and Clarence L. Frances Elizabeth" m. Aug. 4, 1859, John L. Bucha nan, professor in Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Va. Issue : Lillian Wiley, William Peters, Margaret Lee, Eliza beth Hammond, Horace Graham, Raymond Wiley, John Lee, Grace Parker and Frank Emery. William Harlo-w" m. Helen Parmenter of New York, and is secretary of the Bromine Arsenic Springs, Grumpier, Ashe Co., N. C. Issue: Charles Emerson, Harriet Palmer and Margaret Adaline. Virginie Watson" m. Francis A. Parker, one of the firm of the Holsteine Woolen Mills. They now reside at Abingdon, Va., and have issue as follows: Albert, Lillian, and Virginie. Olin Fiske," who is a hotel keeper at Knoxville, Tenn., m. 1st, Mary Richmond of Va., and had two children. He m. 2d, Alice McNew and had two more children. George Ephraim," who is a physician at Abingdon, Va., m. Sarah Elizabeth Scarf. 6. Penelope Keyes," third daughter of Lettes, formerly a teacher of music and French in Va., Tenn., and N. C, now resides at Abingdon, Va. She has neTer married. 7. Samuel," youngest son of Lettes, b. at Ashford, Conn., and educated at Wesleyan University, was for many years a teacher. He m. Feb. 16, 1848, Margaret M. Merrick, lived at Springfield, Mass., and d. there Apr. 3, 1856. Issue : 1. Adeline L , b. Feb. 15, 1849. d. Sep. 2, 1885 2. Emma I., b. Sep. 6,1851. d. Mch. 4, 1887. Emma" m. Dec. 7, 1882, Edward Doton, and lived and d. at Springfield, Mass. No issue. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 21 4.— SETH 2d, of DARTMOUTH, MASS. t-4. Sieth,' third son of Seth, in Nov. 1748, bought of Abraham Russell a farm in that part of East Fairhaven known as "New Boston," then a part of Dartmouth; and in Jan. 1794, gave a life lease of said farm to his son Seth Jr., and after him to his grandson, Caleb Hammond. He m. Aug. 23, 1738, Elizabeth Lombard (or Lumber) of Chatham, Mass., who was b. Apr. 1, 1714. Issue: 1. Adne, b. May 25, 1739. d. 2. Lurana, b. Jun. 3, 1741. d. 3. JAierriscea, b Sep. 30, 1743. d. 4. David, b. Jan. 16,1746. d. 5. Seth, Jr., b Jul. 4, 1748. d. 6. Caleb, b. Jan. 30, 1751. d. 7. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 3, 1754. d. at sea, 1781. 8. Jedidah, b. Jun. 4,1756. d. Of these children, 1. Adne" m. Nov. 19, 1762, Edward Eldridge at Dartmouth; 2. Lurana" m. Dec. 17, 1773, Hathaway Randall at Dartmouth; 4. David" m. Nov. 16, 1766, AJbigail Taber at Dartmouth; 8. Jedidah" m. Jun. 26, 1791, George Handy at Dartmouth; 3. Luerriscea," and 6. Caleb," probably d. single; 7. IVathaniel," proba bly m. 1st, in 1775, Sarah Stevens; he m. 2d, Dec. 5, 1778, Deborah Bolles at Dartmouth. Issue : 1. Nathaniel, b. in 1779. d. Sep. 5, 1802. ^Nathaniel,' was a sea captain, probably in the merchant service. •|--4-5. Seth Jr.," second son of Seth, lived on Wolf Island, Rochester, when his son Caleb was born, but afterwards moved on to his father's farm in New Boston, or East Fair haven. He m. 1st, Mch. 1, 1773, Mary (or Hannah) Bolles, and had issue : 1. Caleb, b. about 1774. d. 2. 3. Deborah, > Jedidah, ) b. in 1776. d Nov. 29, d. 1849 4. Eliza, b. d. 5. Elizabeth, b. d. Oct. 17, 1797 6. Anstris, b. d. Oct. 20, 1797, Seth Jr, m. 2d, Jun. 6, 1787, Anstris [Hammond] Jenney, daughter of Elisha Hammond, and granddaughter of Benjamin 2d. Issue : 22 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 7. Elisha, b. d., 8. Elihu, b. Sep. 25, 1795. . d. Mch. 26, 1872. 9. Betsey, b. Apr. 20, 1800. d. Sep. 7, 1881. Of these children, 5. Elizabeth,' and 6. Anstris,' d. single; 2. Deborah' m. a Mr. Bracey and d. at Middle boro', Nov. 29, 1849, a?. 73 ; 3. Jedidah,' who lived in East Fairhaven, m. Gamaliel Handy, and had issue : 1. Mary, b. May 21, 1800. d. Sep. 3, 1888. Single. 4. Eliza' is said to have m. a Westgate, but nothing further is known of her. 7. Elisha,' second son of Seth Jr., who was a farmer at East Fairhaven, m. Polly Stevens, but left no issue. 9. Betsey,' youngest daughter of Seth Jr., lived in Mattapoisett. She m. Dec. 25, 1826, Samuel Purrington, ship-carpenter, who d. Sep. 5, 1847, se. 66. Issue : Mary E., Phebe, Hattie, Joseph, and Henry W. Of Betsey's children : Mary E., m. John E. Almy ; Phebe m. Jesse Giffiard; Hattie m. Edgar S. Silva ; and Henry W. m. Sarah O. Hiller. f-4-5-8. Elihu,' youngest son of Seth Jr., who was a farmer at East Fairhaven, m. 1st, Phebe Snow, who was b. Jul. 16, 1795. No issue. Elihu m. 2d, Dec. 14, 1822, Almira Snow, who was b. Apr. 18, 1803, and d. Dec. 31, 1891. Issue : 1. Pliebe, b. Jun. 10, 1824. 2. Elizabeth, b. Jul. 6, 1826. 3. Louisa D., b. Oct. 17, 1831. 4. Benjamin, b. Aug. 24, 1839. Of these children, Elizabeth" lives single at Mattapoi sett; Phebe m. Aug. 22, 1849, Samuel N. Gould of Boston, who was b. in Lisbon, N. H., May 11, 1822. Issue : Sarah E., Mary A., Florence A., and Samuel N. Jr. 3. Louisa D.," who lived in the Gelett neighborhood in East Fan-haven, m. Apr. 23, 1849, Edward H. Dillingham, who was b. in New Bedford in 1825. Issue : 1. Salome. b. Apr. 24, 1849. d. Sep. 12, 1852. 2. Ebenezer J., b. Jan. 10, 1851. 3. Charles F., b. Feb. 10, 1854. 4. Edward R., b. Jan. 10,1859. Edward H. Dillingham served in Co. I, 3d Reg't M. V. M. DESCENDANTS OP SAMUEL HAMMOND. 23 at Newburn, N. C, for 9 months, in 1862-3. He afterwards re-enlisted and died in the service of his country. 4. Benjamin" resides in Newton Centre, and is senior member of the firm of B. Hammond & Co., flour and grain dealers, Boston. He ra. .Tun. 25. 1873. Alice D. Wright of Boston. Issue : 1. Alice M., b. May 16, 1874. 2. Edward H.. b. Aug. 29, 1877. 3. Laura P., b. Jan. 6,1884. f-4-5-1. Caleb,' oldest son of Seth Jr., was a farmer at East Fairhaven. He m. Oct. 17, 1802, Hannah Barlow, who was b. in 1787, and d. Oct. 23, 1861. Issue : 1. Nathaniel, b. Sep. 18, 1803. d. Oct. 16, 1887. 2. Amittai, b. Sep. 4, 1806. d. Jun. — , 1878. 3. Caroline, b. Jul. 16, 1810 4. Frederic P., b. Jul. 19, 1813. d. Jan. — , 1893. 5. Abby, b. Oct. 22, 1817. 6. Joseph. b. Nov. 6, 1821. 7. Nancy, b. Oct. 22, 1824. d. Aug. 21,1873. Of these children, 3. Caroline" m. in 1827, James Stubbs, light-house keeper, who was b. in 1803, and d. in 1862. After the death of her husband, Caroline continued the care of Palmer's Island Light in New Bedford Harbor. Issue : Sarah, Charlotte [m. Jireh W. Clifton of New Bedford] , James, Charles, Samuel, John, and Henry. 5. Abby," who lives in Taunton, m. Sep. 28, 1834, John Jenkins, who was b. Jun. 7, 1816, and d. May 11, 1865. Issue : 1. Mary Abbie, b. Nov. 20, 1836. 2. Rebecca Wing, b. Jul. 31,1844. 7. IVancy" m. in 1840, Freeman Snow, and lived in East Fairhaven. Issue: Helen M., Joseph H., Hannah E., John F., Abbie, and Charles M. 1-4-5-1-1. ^Nathaniel," oldest son of Caleb, was a farmer and stone-worker, and lived in New Boston. He m. about 1820, Mary A. Dexter of Mattapoisett, who d. Apr. 14, 1873, £6. 69. Issue : 1. Susan, b. May 30, 1821. 2. Celinda, b. Mch. 15, 1826. 3. Eliza D., b. Dec. 5, 1827. d. Oct. 26, 1860. 4. George A., b. Jan. 26,1830. 5. DrusiliaM., b. Feb. 28, 1832. d. Dec. 31, 1865. 24 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 0. EmilaA., b. Jan. 26,1834. ^ ^, ,, ...^ 7. Charles W., b. Dec. 10.1835. d. Oct. 11, 1862. 8. Mary Ann, b. Mcli. 29, 1837. ' 9. Albert, b. Aug. 26, 1839. d. Aug. — , 1878. 10. Josephine E., b. May 30,1841. 11. Maria L., b. Aug. 4,1843. 12. Fannie G., b. Aug. 2, 1845. d. Nov. 9, 1890. 13. Sumner B., b. May 30, 1847. 14. Arabella, b. Dec. 14, 1849. Of Nathaniel's children, 7. Charles W." d. single, at sea; and 10. Josephine" lives at Fairhaven, single. 1. Susan," who now lives at Middleboro', m. Sep. 10, 1842, William Shaw of M attapoisett , who was b. in 1822. Her children, b. at Mattapoisett, are : William Nelson, Henry W., Sarah J., Susan Adelaide, Levi, Eben, Lewis W., and Lillie. 2. Celinda" m. Mch. 1861, Daniel Dexter, a caulker of Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, where they now live. No issue. 3. Eliza D." m. Nov. 1852, Daniel Dexter, the present husband of Celinda. Issue : Flora and Mary Lizzie. 4. George A." is a shoe manufacturer, and resides at North Middleboro', Mass. He m. Nov. 14, 1848, Sarah J. Bumpus, who d. Apr. 11, 1891. Issue: 1. George Warren, b. May 28, 1851. 2. Horace Clifford, b. May 28, 1854. d. Feb. 10, 1858. 1. George Warren,'" who is a shoemaker at North Middleboro', m. Dec. 27, 1869, Idella C. Howes. Issue : 1. Horace Clifford, b. July 12, 1874. 5. Drusilla M.," fourth daughter of Nathaniel, m. May 1, 1850. Gilbert Lyon, a shoemaker at Campello, Mass Issue : 1. Frank M , b Dec. 24, 1852. 2. Edgar M., b. Mch. 8, 1854. Of Drusilla's children, Frank M.'" is a poultry-raiser and resides at Fairhaven, Mass., on the Noble Gelett place. He m. Dec. 24, 1882, Eliza W. Pattangall. Issue: Laura P., b. Oct. 18, 1883 ; and Marion, b. Sep. 17, 1892. Edgar M.'° is a shoemaker, and resides at Cochesett, West Bridgewater. He m. Sarah Smith, and has Eveline and Bertha, twins, Allie and Delia. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 25 6. Emily A." m. Sep. 12, 1864, Clarence Bearse, a car penter, and lives at New Bedford. Issue : Albert and Lottie Hicks. 8. Mary Ann" m. in 1857, Edward Saunders, a sailor and cooper, and lives at Fairhaven. Issue : Horace and George. 9. Albert," who was a shoemaker at New Bedford, m. Dec. 11, 1869, Susan Dexter of Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard. No issue. 11. Maria L." m. Feb. 27, 1866, Benjamin F. Austin, a car driver at New Bedford. No issue. 12. Fannie G." m. in 1870, John Gelett, a farmer at East Fail-haven, who was b. Nov. 23, 1836. Issue : Lena B., Mary L., Mabel M., John Jr., and Grace E. 13. Sumner B.," who is a carpenter at New Bedford, m. Aug. 6, 1874, Emma E. Francis of Fairhaven, who was b. in Apr. 1854. Issue: Sadie, b. in 1875. 14. Arabella" m. Oct. 1, 1868, Benjamin Brown, a belt- maker, and lives in Holyoke, Mass. Issue : Minnie Lena. f-4-5-1-2. Amittai," second son of Caleb, was a farmer at Mattapoisett, and afterwards a truckman at New Bedford, where he died. He m. Nov. 1, 1827, Eunice Chandler, who was b. Jan. 2, 1796, and d. Dec. 31, 1876. Issue: 1. Hattie E., b. Jun. —,1828. d. Apr. 30, 1861. 2. Caleb, b. Nov. 19, 1829. 3. Jane W , b. Dec. 3, 1832. 4. Francis W., b. Feb. 26,1836. 5. Lucy S., ' b. Jan. 27, 1838. Of these children, 1. Harriet E." m. Nov. 1844, Nel son B. Tinkham, farmer at Mattapoisett. Issue : Adeline, Emma T., Mary F., Allen W., Harris N., and Francis A. 3. Jane W." m. Nov. 28, 1850, William W. Wilson, a painter at Fairhaven, who was b. Sep. 12, 1830. Issue : Hattie M., Eunice C, Charles A., Abbie B., Henry L., and Chester B. 5. Lu.cy S." m. Jun. 6, 1857, Latimer S. Blake of New Bedford. Issue: Caleb H., Foster M., Harry M., Inez, Annie I., and Mabel V. 26 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Caleb," oldest son of Amittai, is an architect and builder at New Bedford. He served as a member of the Common . Council five or six years, and of the Board of Aldermen several years, and was also a member of the School Committee. He m. Apr. 25, 1852, Annie T. Hazard, who was b. Oct. 20, 1833. Issue : 1. Edo-ar, B., b. Mch. 18, 1854. 2. Henry F., b. Oct. 18, 1856. Of Caleb's children, 1. Edgar B.,'" who is an architect at New Bedford, m. Mch. 26, 1884, Annie V. B. Salsbury, who was b. .May 17, 1859. No issue. 2. Henry F.,'° who is a carpenter at New Bedford, m. Apr. 11, 1882, Emma L. Fuller, who was b. Aug. 12, 1862. Issue :1. Frank F.T., b. Sep. 27,1882. 2. Chester B., b. Mch. 10, 1886. 4. Francis W.," second son of Amittai, who is a car penter at New Bedford, m. Sep. 1861, Abbie A. Macomber, who was b. Feb. 25, 1843. Issue : 1. Arthur P., b. Aug. 3, 1862. 2. Gertrude H., b. Aug. 7,1866. 3. Oscar S., b. Mch. 27, 1868. •|--4-5-l-4. Frederic P.," third son of Caleb, was a farmer and laborer at Fairhaven, and has been thrice married. He m. 1st, Nov. 25, 1841, Nancy R. GifFord, who was b. Jun. 10, 1805, and d. Jun. 22, 1854. Issue : 1. Elijah G., b. Aug. 14,1842. 2. John S., b. Feb. 16, 1845. Fred m. 2d, Mch. 4, 1855, widow Emeline Tinldiam, and had further issue : 3. Herbert M., b. Jun. 9,1857. Fred m. 3d, Dec. 25, 1870, Rebecca F. Mendell, who was b. Jan. 23, 1844. Issue: 4. Alice May, b May — , 1870. 5. Fred'c Francis, b. Jul. 25, 1872. 6. Susie Leonard, b. Mch. 7, 1884. 1. Elijah G.," oldest son of Frederic, is a painter and paper-hanger at New Bedford. He m. Ist, May 10, 1863, Laura Doane. No issue. He m. 2d, Oct. 19, 1869, Mary Leonard, and had issue : 1. George L., b. Jun. 25,1872. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 27 2. John S.," second son of Fred, is a carpenter and builder, and resides at Mattapoisett. He m. Dec. 26, 1866, Sarah P. Irish, who was b. Feb. 11, 1845. Issue : 1. James L , b. Jan. 6, 1868. 2. Cliarles W., b. Jul. 18, 1869. 3. Sarah E., b. Dec. 0— 1 1873. 4. 5. .Joseph!., ( Eugene I., ) b. May 3, 1880. 6. Myrtle, b. Aug. 23, 1885. 3. Herbert M.," third son of Fred, who is a milkman at Fairhaven, m. Dec. 25, 1886, Laura E. Curtis, who was b. Feb. 25, 1859. Issue: 1. CliesterM., b. Sep. -24,1887. f-4-5-1-6. Joseph," fourth son of Caleb, is a farmer at New Boston, on the old homestead. He m. Jan. 15, 1846, Harriet Macomber, who was b. Apr. 11, 1829. Issue: 1. William, b. in 1849. 2. Deborah, 1). in 1850. d. Mch. 10, 1861. 3. Marietta, b. Mch. 6, 1851. d. Jan. — , 1874. 4. Arthur C, b. Dec. 20, 1852. 5. Henry W., b. in 1854. 6. Clarence W., b. .Jan. 24, 1856. 7. Hattie T., b. May 14,1863. Of these children, Deborah" d. single, and William" is a laborer at Fairhaven, single. 3. Marietta" m. Nov. 19, 1868, Martin Snow Jr., of Mattapoisett, and had issue : 1. Ella Martin, b. Jul. 22, 1869. 4. Arthur C.,° who is a farmer at Fairhaven, m. Jul. 10, 1884, Janette Pierce, whb was b. Nov. 26, 1864. Issue : 1. I..eroy C, b. Sep. 11, 1885. 2. Clinton P., b. Dec. 1, 1887. 3. Everett N., b. Dec. 19,1890. 5. Henry W.," who is a laborer at Fairhaven, m. Sep. 17, 1878, Fannie E. Bumpus. Issue : 1. Lewis C, b. Jan. —,1879. 2. Harry C, b. Oct. 4, 1881. 3. Marietta F., b. Sep. 11,1884. 4. Ethel E , b. May 9, 1889. 5. Lillian T., b. Mch. 15, 1891. 6. Clarence W.," who is a carpenter at Fairhaven, m. Aug. 8, 1889, Susie L. Mendell. Issue: 1. Ida W., b. Aug. 8, 1890. 28 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 7. Hattie T.," who lives at New Bedford, m. May 7, 1881, Harry N. Tinkham. Issue : Edith and Emma. II. -SAMUEL HAMMOND 2d, OF ROCHESTER, MASS. f. Samuer Hammond 3d, third son of Samuel", [Benjamin,' William,'] probably lived on the West Neck, Mat tapoisett, near his father. He m. Nov. 3, 1730, Elizabeth Edmister (possibly Deliverance Admixter) , and had issue : I.Samuel 3d, b. Nov. 5,1732. d. 2. Priscilla, b. Jul. 18, 1734. d. 3. Lmocent, ) ^, j^„ 5 1^37. j. 4. Edminsler, \ 5. Zcpliahiah, b. Aug. 18, 1740. d. 6. Lucy, b. Aug. 4, 1742. d. ^ S"*', I b. Sep. 15, 1744. d. 8. Barnabas, ^ 9. Rose, b. Feb. — , 1746. d Of these children, nothing further is known of Priscilla, Innocent, Zephaniah, Lucy and Rose. t-4. Edmister' m. 1st, Nov. 5, 1763, Elizabeth Cor nish at Dartmouth. He m. 2d, Apr. 9, 1769, Mary Meigs at Rochester. Issue, if any, unknown. 1.— SAMUEL 3d, of LAKEVILLE, MASS. ¦|--1. Samuel 3d," oldest son of Samuel 2d, probably lived in the present town.of Lakeville, Mass. He m. Jan. 27, 1749, Mary Turner of Dartmouth. Issue : 1. Catherine, b. May 18, 1749. d. 2. Mercy, b. May 9, 1751. d. 3. Christopher, b. Nov. 23, 1753. d. Feb. - -, 1824. 4. Almy, b. Jan. 8, 1758. d. 5. Anne, b. about 1760. d. 6. Molly, b. about 1762. d. 7. Freelove, b. d. Of these children, Mercy" and Molly" died quite old, single ; Freelove," called " Lovy," formerly lived at Matta poisett, also single ; and of Almy" nothing further is known. 1. Catherine" m. May 10, 1770, Simeon Andrews at Dartmouth, where' she probably lived. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 29 5. Anne" m. Dec. 12, 1781, Joseph Shockley, and lived near "Sampson's Tavern" in Lakeville, Mass., on her father's place. Issue : WilHam, Ephraim, Polly, Esther, and Joseph Jr. Joseph Jr, m. Sally Alden, and had 15 children, the oldest of whom, Capt. Joseph Shockley, recently d. at New Bedford. t-1-3. Christopher," called Capt. " Kit," was a sea cap tain, and lived near "Sampson's Tavern" in Lakeville, and d. in Nantucket. He m. 1st, Aug. 15, 1784, Desire Tobey, who was b. in 1758, and d. Nov. 1810, and is buried at the Pond Cemetery, Lakeville. Issue: 1, Rebecca; 2 and 3, Elisha and Samuel, twins, b. 1787; 4, Betsey; 5, Polly; 6, Pa tience, b. 1794, d. 1859; 7, Thomas; 8, Sally; 9 and 10, Lemuel and Harriet, twins; 11, Catherine, b. 1802, d. 1839. Christopher m. 2d, a widow Nickerson of Nantucket, where he d. without further issue. Of the above children, 1. Rebecca' m. Charles Winant, lived in New York City, and d. in Jersey City, N. J. Issue : Eliza beth, and Emma who m. John Maccabee of Jersey City; 9 and 10, Lemuel and Harriet, twins, d. at two or three years of age. ¦[¦—1—3-3. Samuel' was a sea captain, and lived at " Lund's Corner," Head-of-the-River, New Bedford. He m. 1st, Betsey Spooner, who d. Dec. 8, 1825, se. 35. Issue: Nancy, Joshua and Lizzie. Of these children, Nancy m. a Shaw ; Joshua d. with cholera at 10 or 12 years of age ; and Lizzie d. in infancy. Samuel m. 2d, Lucy Manchester, and moved to Albany, or Utica, N. Y., where he afterwards died, probably without further issue. 4. Betsey' m. Nov. 2, 1811, Joseph Warren, lived at " Padan Aram," Dartmouth, and had Joseph Warren Jr. 5. Polly' m. Charles Spooner, lived in Ohio, and had Philip Loring, a lawyer, and other children. 6. Patience' m. Sep. 13, 1815, Thomas Holmes, who was b. Dec. 7, 1791, and d. May 22, 1866, and was a farmer at New Bedford, where both died. Issue : Betsey, Thomas, Charity, and Mary, b. in Mattapoisett; Eliza, Church, Samuel, and Abby, b. in Woodstock, Vt. 30 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 7. Thomas,' who was a carpenter, in New York City, afterwards moved to Newark, N. J., where he probably died. He married , and had issue, but nothing further can be learned in regard to his family. 8. Sally' ra. Stephen Snow of Mattapoisett, where were born four children : Serepta, Rebecca, EHsha, and Charles. They then moved to Lowell, and afterwards to Canton, Mass., where both died, and where the following children were born : Olive, Sarah, Lucinda, George, and Mary Ann. Olive m. George Wright of Hyde Park, Mass. 11. Catherine' m. Aug. 3, 1820, Chandler Carver, who was a ropemaker and lived at Plymouth, Mass., where both died. Issue : Thomas C. of New Bedford, Desire T., Mary A., William H., Edwin E., Samuel, Catherine A., Lucy A., and James M. f-1-3-2. Elisha,' oldest son of Christopher, and twin brother of Samuel, was a farmer and lived and d. (May 26, 1858), in the northwesterly part of the old town of Rochester. He m. Apr. 26, 1812, Sally Macomber, and had issue : 1. Orrin, b. in 1815. d. in 1853. ¦[¦-1-3-2-1. Orrin" was a farmer on his father's place in Rochester, but d. at San Francisco, Cal. He m. Nov. 23, 1838, Hannah A. Fisher, who was b. in 1812, and d. in 1872. Issue : 1. Alden M., b. in 1840. d. in 1841 2. Hattie F., b. Dec. 4, 1843. 3. Sarah E., b. Nov. 9, 1845. 4. Albert A., b. in 1847. d. in 1849 5. Amelia F. b. Oct. 12, 1849. 6. Almira M., b. Dec. 9, 1851. d. Mch. 11, 1889. Of these children, Hattie F." m. Dec. 3, 1867, Frank Harvey, and lives at Lakeville. No issue. 3. Sarah E." m. 1st, Apr. 5, 1860, Louis Finney, who d. Apr. 21, 1871. Issue: Mabel Lewis and Cora Ham mond. Sarah E. m. 2d, Jun. 23, 1874, Reuben Simmons, who d. Dec. 22, 1884, without issue. Sarah E. resides at Middleboro', Mass. 5. Amelia F." m. 1st, Oct. 15, 1857, Isaac Haskins, and had a son, Herbert. Amelia F. m. 2d, Feb. 14, 1878, DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 31 Benhajah Hathaway, and lives at Raynham, -Mass. Issue : Emma Hammond, George Orrin, Harold Lewis, and Julia Francis . 6. Almira M." or Myra, m. Oct. 1867, Henry T. Maxim, and lived at Taunton, Mass. Issue : Elbridge and Luella. 7.— SETH OF ACUSHNET, MASS. t-7. Seth," fifth son of Samuel 2d, lived near Welden's Cotton Factory, Acushnet. He m. Jan. 6, 1773, Mary Bolles, and had issue: 1. Seth Jr., who d. at the age of 70; and 2. Mercy. Seth probably had other children, but nothing further is known. Of his children, Mercy" lived at Acushnet, or North New Bedford, and m. Jul. 18, 1802, Noah Hathaway. A descend ant. Job Hathaway, lives near the Head-of-the-River, Acushnet. ¦[¦-7-1. Seth Jr." lived near Welden's Factory, Acushnet, but afterwards moved to New Bedford, where he died. He m. Dec. 15, 1796, Elizabeth Randall. Issue: 1. John Randall, d. Aug. 23, 1878, aj. 82; 2. Mercy; 3. Charles; 4. Henry; 5. Polly; 6. Cordelia; 7. Nancy; 8. Susan; 9. Eliza; 10. Seth; 11. Sally. Of these children, 2. Mercy,' b. 1801, in. Jabez Gorham of Mattapoisett, where she d. without issue, Oct. 7, 1874, a;. 73. 3. Charles' was a mariner and lived at Welden's Factory. He m. Eliza Crocker, and had a son Elbridge, who d. single. 4. Henry' d. in New York at the age of 22, single ; and 9. Eliza' d. at New Bedford, single. 5. Polly' m. Palmer Haskell, and d. in Rochester, without issue. 6. Cordelia,' b. 1809, m. Edson DeMoranville, and d. at Long Plain, Acushnet, Apr. 16, 1888. Issue : Meribah, Elizabeth, Cordelia-, Lucy, Sophronia, and Deborah. 7. Nancy' m. 1st, Amos Gushing, and had one son, who d. at the age of 14. She m. 2d, William Thatcher, and had 32 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. two children, WilHam and Nancy. Of these children, William d. in the War ; and Nancy m. Joseph Reynolds and lived and d. in New Bedford. Nancy [Hammond] Thatcher is living at Newport, R. I. S. Susan,' who lives in New Bedford, m. Feb. 10, 1845, ^Mlliam H. Hubbard, and has twin daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Adeline. Mary Elizabeth d. at the age of 4 years ; and Adeline m. George L. Durfee of New Bedford, and has two children, William and Susie. 10. Seth' lived in Acushnet, but afterwards left his family and went South, perhaps to Florida. He m. Dec. 2, 1846, Jane M. Orcutt, and had issue : 1. Emily, b. Aug. 7, 1847. 11. Sally,' at the age of 16 or 17, went to Utah, and lived with the Mormons. ¦[¦-7-1-1. John Randall,' oldest son of Seth Jr., lived in the Morse neighborhood, Acushnet, where he d. se. about 80. He m. 1st, about 1821, Ruth Turner, and had issue : 1. Cliarles, b. May 22, 1822. 2. Hei.ry, b. in 1824. 3. Ruth A., b. Apr. 7, 1830. d. in 1870. 4. Job Earl, b. Jul. 19.1831. d. May 11,1884. 5. Calvin, b. l^eb. 22, 1837. d. May 27, 1890. John Randall m. 2d, in 1840, Orpha B. [Hall] Haskins, and had issue : 6. Andrew Jackson, b. in 1843. d. Jun. 18, 1885. Of John Randall's fchildren, 2. Henry," who was formerly a sailor, lives at Cuttyhunk, IMass., single. During the War he served in the ship Supply, and in the gunboat Sachem, and was a member of Co. F, 3d Reg-'t Mass. V. M. to ' 5. Calvin P." during the War was a member of Co. B, 3d Reg't, Mass. Heavy Artillery. He was mustered into the service May 19, 1863, and discharged Jun. 9, 1865. In early life he was a sailor and telegraph operator ; and at the time of his death, which occurred at Rochester, was a pensioner. 3. Ruth A." m. in 1850 George R. Taber, and lived in New Bedford. Issue: EHzabeth, George L., Susan E., and Arthur F. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 33 t-7-1-1-1. Charles," oldest son of John R., was for merly a whaler and stonemason, but now a grocer in New Bedford. He m. Feb. 2, 1848, Jane C. Gorham, daughter of Jabez Gorham, who d. Sep. 1, 1860. Issue: 1. Charles, b. in 1850. d. young. 2. Rebecca J., b. Dec. 23,1852. 3. Herbert, b. Oct. — , 1855. 4. Isabella, b. in 1858. d. young. 2. Rebecca J.," who lives in New Bedford, m. Nov. 29, 1866, Thomas H. Wall of New Bedford. Issue : 1. Annie B.R., b. Oct. 19,1867. d. Apr. 15,1868. 2. Herbert H., b. Jan. 1,1874. 3. Mary H. D. K., b. Sep. 20,1879. d. Feb. 17,1882. 3. Herbert" is a grocer with his father, Kempton St., New Bedford. He m. Jun. 23, 1889, Mary Kelley of ChurchiU, N. Y., and has issue : 1. Mary Corrine, b. Jan. 1. 1891. 2. Son, b. Feb. 6, 1892. f-7-1-1-4. Job Earl," third son of John R., who was a shoemaker at Fairhaven,' m. in 1851 Ruby A. Haskins, and had issue : 1. William H., b. Sep. 10,1851. 2. John N., b. Jul. 11, 1855. 3. Henrietta F., b. Jul. 1,1858. d. Jul. ,4,1862. 4. Tott, b. Jul. 14, 1861. d. Jun. 28, 1862. 5. Job Herbert, b. Aug. 5, 1863. 6. Ruth Alice, b. Nov. 27, 1866. 7. Amy Belle. b. Jun. 16, 1870. d. Sep. 28, 1872. 8. Emery Walton, b. Dec. 25, 1872. 9. Frank Bowers, b. Jun. 11,1876. Of these children, William H.," Emery," and Frank," live at North New Bedford, single ; and Job Herbert" also single, is a shoemaker at North Middleboro, Mass. 6. Ruth A." m. Sep. 8, 1885, James N. Cobb of Marion, and lives in Acushnet. Issue : Roland. 2. John N.," second son of Job Earl, who is a laborer and lives in Acushnet, m. Ella F. Reynolds. Issue : 1. Fred Nelson, b. Apr. 26, 1875 2. Charles Albert, b. Aug. 9 , 1877 3. Ethel Francis, b. May 12, 1880 4. Harry Allen, b. Apr. 11, 1882 5. Edward Clifford, b. Nov. 28, 1884 6. Kenneth Roslin, b. Dee. 18, 1886 7. Clement Swift, b. Mch. 20, 1889 4 34 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. f -7-1-1-6. Andre-w Jackson," youngest son of John Randall, who was a silver polisher, m. 1st, in 1862, Emma J. Slocuni of New Bedford. No issue. He m. 2d, Jul. 13, 1870, Annie M. Tripp of New Bedford, who d. in 1880. Issue : One child that d. young. 8.— BARNABAS OF ROCHESTER, MASS. f-8. Barnabas," sixth son of Samuel 2d, m. at Roches ter, Dec. 6, 1770, Mary Clark, daughter of David and Maria [Hammond] Clark. He probably had a son : 1. Seth 3d, b. in 1773. d. Jun. 26, 1841. Barnabas probably had other children, but the records cannot be found. f-8-1. Seth Hammond 3d," probably son of Barnabas, was b. at Fairhaven or Acushnet in 1773, and d. at Marion, Jun. 26, 1841. He was a sea captain, and lived near the Weweantit River, Marion, where all his children were born. He m. 1st, Nov. 19, 1794, Elizabeth Damon of Fairhaven, and had issue : 1. Catherine, b. Jul. 30, 1797. d. 2. Abigail, b. in 1800. d. Aug. 20, 1863. 3. Charles B., b. May 2,1802. d. Feb. 14,1857. 4. Clement, b. in 1804. d. Aug. 6, 1850. 5. Eliza, b. Apr. 20, 1806. d. 6. Jane, b. Apr. 7, 1808. d. 7. Sarah, b. Jun. 30, 1810. d. Jan. 16, 1879. 8. Leonard, b. Jan. 22, 1813. d.'in 1856. Seth 3d m. 2d, Jul. 13, 1818, Elizabeth [Hammond] Blankenship, daughter of Capt. Edward Hammond, and widow of Job Blankenship. No further issue. Of these children, 1. Catherine' m. Aug. 8, 1816, Jireh Clifton of Marion. Issue : Fannie, Harriet, Charles, and Joseph. 2 . Abigail' m . in 1 8 2 5 , Charles Damon of Marion . Issue : Charles, Albert, and Helen. 5. Eliza' m. Oct. 5, 1823, William Haney, or Hana, of Marion, and had issue : Catherine, Sophronia, and William Jr. 6. Jane' m. Jan. 1, 1832, William Taylor of New York City, and had Virginia, who d. young. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 35 7. Sarah' m. 1st, Oliver Hunt, and had William H., Sarah M., and Carrie W., who d. young. Sarah m. 2d, Eleazor Witherspoon, and had Willard W., George F., and Frank E. 8._ Leonard' m. Mch. 1841, Mary Pierce, and d. in Cali fornia, without issue, in 1856. t-8— 1— 3. Charles B.' was a sea captain and lived at Marion. He m. Ruth A. Nickerson, who was b. Jul. 12, 1801, and d. Dec. 12, 1873. Issue : I. Betsey D., b. Jun. 8,1826. d. Dec. 23,1891. 2. Josiah N., b. Jan. 12, 1828. d. 3. Clement, b. Jun. 18, 1830. d. Oct. 7, 1831. 4. Almira Reed, b. Aug. 8, 1836. d. 5. Charles A., b. Oct. 28, 1838. Of these children, 1. Betsey D." d. single at Marion. , 4. Almira Reed m. Jan. 6, 1857, Charles H. Briggs, and lived at Marion. She had one son, Edward. 2. Josiah Jf.," oldest son of Charles B., who was a sailor, lived at Marion until the latter part of his life, when he moved to Fairhaven. He m. Nov. 16, 1861, Elizabeth A. Chase of Fairhaven, and had issue : 1. Herbert E., b. Jan 17,1865. 1. Herbert E.," who resides at South Dartmouth, m. Apr. 22, 1886, Sarah A. Schar^es, who was b. in New Bedford, Mch. 20, 1865. Issue : 1. Mabel Elinor, b. Jun. 6, 1887. 2. Edith Elizabeth, b. Jan. 7, 1890. •f-8-1-3-5. Charles A.," youngest son of Charles B., who is a carpenter at Marion, m. Oct. 21, 1860, Ellen A. Chadwick of Marion. Issue : 1. Hannah Maria, b. Sep. 10, 1862. 2. Horace Allen, b. Jun. 20, 1866. 3. Annie C, b. Mch. 5, 1872. 4. Ruth E., b. Oct;. 12, 1873. 1. Hannah Maria" m. Nov. 29, 1887, William A. Gurney, and resides in Marion. Issue : Elmer Augustus. 2. Horace Allen" m. Sep. 25, 1890, Mary A. Stowell of North Brookfield, Mass., where they now reside. No issue. 1. Ernest, b. in 1852. d. May 2. Oscar Mortimer, b. .Jul. 3, 1854. d. in 3. Emily 0., b. Mch. 20, 1855. d. in 36 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. .|-_8-l-4. Clement,' second son of Seth 3d, was a captain in the whaling service, and lived on "Great Neck," Marion. He m. about 1825-6, Charity Allen, and had issue : 1. Seth, b. Oct. 4, 1827. d. in 1860-61. 2. Edwy E., b. Feb. 27, 1831. 3. Clement M., b. Mch. 22, 1833. d. Jul. 29,1874. 4. Mary A., b. Mch. 14, 1835. d. in 1864. 5. Abio-ail D., b. Jan 29, 1837. b. Sep. 23, 1841. 6. Sarah B., b. July 27,1839. d. Jul. 27,1841. 7. Sarah A., b. Mch. 11, 1842. b. Jan. 1,1849. Of these children, Mary A. d. single at Marion ; and Abigail D., Sarah B., and Sarah A. d. young. f -8-1-4-1. Seth," who was a sea captain and lived at Marion, was lost at sea. He m. about 1850 Emily O. Men dell, and had issue : 6, 1873. 1872. infancy. Of these children, 1. Ernest," who was a sailor, m. Ada Hunt, and d. at Marion without issue. 2. Oscar Mortimer" wa? in the employ of R. H. White, Boston, where he d. single. f-8-1-4-2. Edwy E." is a retired sea captain, and lives at "Great Neck," Marion. He m. Sep. 17, 1863, Adeline S. Post of New York City, who was b. Jun. 19, 1831. No issue. • t-8-1-4-3. Clement M." was a captain in the whaling service, and was lost at sea off the West Indies. He m. Sep. 8, 1858, Mary S. Babcock, who was b. Aug. 17, 1838.- Issue : 1. Clement Milton, b. Oct. 15, 1859. 2. Emma Scott, b. Jul. 17, 1861. 4-. Ig/esV, f b. Apr. 17, 1864. 5. Lydia B., b. Aug. 24, 1865. d. youno-. 6. Minnie Scott, b. Apr. 6, 1868. ° I. fdaV!'' \ ^- J^°- 24, 1870. d. young. 9. Seth G., b. Apr. 28, 1871. d. young. 10. Anna A., b. Jun. 13,1872. d. young. Of these children, 1. Clement Milton" is business man ager of the JS/'ew York World, and resides at Metuchen, N. J. He m. Jul. 14, 1880, Ada M. Getchel of Mattapoisett. Issue : DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 37 1. Milton, b. Dec. 3, 1881. d.'in 1885. 2. Florence, b. Jan. 30, 1888. 2. Emma Scott" m. Sep. 14, 1880, George A. Hart, and lives at Taunton, Mass. Issue: Emma M., Ida Allen, and George Clement. 3. Amy A." m. Oct. 1888, Jacob B. Savery, and lives at Marion. No issue. 6. Minnie," or Mary, m. Feb. 23, 1888, Arthur H., son of Capt. Arthur H. Hammond of Wareham, Mass. Issue : Bethiah H., b. Jul. 31, 1890. 8. Ida P." m. Mch. 1891, Frank Lincoln, and lives at Wareham. No issue. 4. Agnes M." resides with her mother at Wareham, Mass. III.— THOMAS HAMMOND OF NEW BEDFORD. f. Thomas" Hammond, fourth son of SamueP [Benj.,^ William'], lived at New Bedford (then a part of Dartmouth). Besides land in Rochester, he received from his father 50 acres of land situated in the town of Wales, Mass. He m. Apr. 6, 1721, Sarah Spooner, and had issue : 1 Benjamin, b. Mch. 27, 1722. d. 2. William, b. Aug. 17, 1724. d. 3. Abigail, b. Feb. 6, 1726. d. May 6, 1739. 4. Maria, b. May 9, 1729. d. 5. Samuel, b Apr. 29, 1731. d. May 16, 1801. 6. Lovina, b. Feb. 9, 1734. d. 7. Thomas, Jr., b. Nov. 1, 1736. d. 8. Jabez, b. July 28, 1738. d. Sep. 6, 1809. 9. Prince, b. Jan. 7, 1741. d. Of these children, nothing further is known of Maria or Prince. 6. Lovina" m. Jan. 10, 1750-51, John Chase and lived at Dartmouth. Issue : Rhoda, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Rhoda, Benjamin, Isaac, Meriah, Sarah, Hannah, and John. f-l. Benjamin," oldest son of Thomas, probably lived in New Bedford. He m. Mch. 24, 1742-3, Hannah GifFord at Dartmouth, and had issue : 38 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Fear, b. Apr. 6, 1744. d. 2. William, b. Sep. 6, 1745. d. 3. Zoeth, b. May 2, 1747. d. 4. 5. John, } Meribah, {' b. Oct. 10, 1749. d.d. 6. Rebecca, b. Jul. 7, 1750. d. 7. Andria, b. Aug. 18, 1752. d. Of these children, 1. Fear" m. Nov. 22, 1774, James Williams at Dartmouth, now New Bedford.' Fear probably m. 2d, Jun. 4, 1780, Samuel Gibson at Dartmouth. No issue known. 2. William" m. Nov. 15, 1769, Dorothy Sherman at Dartmouth. Nothing further known. 3. Zoeth" m. Mch. 10, 1775, Lois Valler of Plymouth, Mass., and probably went West. 4. John" m. Oct. 17, 1782, Silvia Eldridge at Dartmouth. Nothing further known. f-7. Thomas Jr.," fourth son of Thomas, lived, and probably died, at that part of Dartmouth which is now New Bedford, Mass. He m. Feb. 17, 1760, Mary Taber, and had issue : 1. Salathiel, b. Jun. 30, 1761. d. 2. Thankful, b. Oct. 19, 1765, d. " 3. Prince, b. May 5, 1769. d. Of these children, 1. Salathiel" m. Oct. 27, 1785, Eunice Young of Dartmouth ; and Thankful" m. Nov. 1, 1789, John Sanford of Dartmouth. 2._WILLIAM HAMMOND OF WALES, MASS., AND NORTHERN NEW YORK. t. William," second son of Thomas^ [Samuel," Benj.,^ William'], was b. at New Bedford, Aug. 17, 1724. He probably moved first to Wales, Hampden Co., Mass., and afterwards settled in the northern part of the State of New York, perhaps at or near Pittstown, Rensselaer Co. He m. in 1745 Elizabeth Sheperd, who m. 2d, Archy Macomber. Issue : 1. Benjamin, b. Apr. 5, 1746. d. 2. Sarah, b. Apr. 19, 1748. d. 3. Paul, b. Dec. 27, 1757. d. Aug. 8, 1838. 4. William, Jr , b. Jun. 1, 1766. d. Apr. 4, 1821. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 39 1. Benjamin" probably m. May 28, 1774, at New Bed ford, Hannah Tallman, but the issue, if any, is not known. (3.)— PAUL OF NORTHAMPTON, AND PENFIELD, N. Y. t-3. Paul,"* second son of WiHiam, and probably b. at Wales, Hampden Co., Mass., m. at Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and moved to Northampton (Northville), Fulton Co., about 1795, where many of his children were born . About 1815 -20 he moved to Penfield, Monroe Co., afterwards Webster, where he was living at the time of his death. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and afterwards a farmer. He m. in 1780, Mary (called Polly) Fuller, who was b. at Easton, Mass., Dec. 14, 1763, and d. at Concord, Pa., Jul. 9, 1842. Issue: 1. Abner, b. Jul. 24, 1782. d. Dec. 22, 1813. 2. Benoni G., b. Feb. 16,1784. d. Dec. 24,1866. 8. Elizabeth, b. May 4, 1786. d. 4. William, b. Jul. 27,1788. d. Mch. 20, 1860. 5. Charles, b. Sep. 19, 1790. d. Feb. 6, 1794. 6. Ruth, b. Feb. 7, 1792. d. in 1860. 7. Bartimeus, b. Mch. 16, 1794. d. Oct. 23, 1823. 8. Paul, Jr., b. Jan 26, 1797. d. Feb. 8, 1880. 9. Samuel, b. Feb. 1, 1799. d. Mch. 4, 1884. 10. Naomi, b. Mch. 11, 1801. d. Jan. — , 1892. 11. Sarah, b. Sep. 11,1803. d. Jun. 25,1890. 12. Mahala, b. Mch. — , 1805. d. Oct. 25, 1H07. 13. Amanda M., b. Oct. 30,1806. d. Apr. 23,1891. 14. Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1810. d. Of these children, Charles' and Mahala' d. young; Bartimeus,' who was b. blind, never married ; and Mary' » There is a tradition and a Bible record that Paul Hammond was born in England, but these may have arisen (rom the fact thiit he was probably born in Wales, Mass. Long before the writer got the record of this bvaiich he liad learned fiom several sources that they were directly related to the Dutchess Country branch of Hammonds of New York, whose ancestor came to this country in 1634, they liciiig directly descended from Samuel Hammond*, [Thomas,* Samuel,' Benjamin,' William' j, whose wife was Hannah Sheperd. Jacob Hartimond, late of Farmington, N. Y., and a descendant of this Dutchess County family, in his youth knew both Paul and his brother William. Refining to a visit of Paul to his (Jacob's) father in Saratoga Co., after Paul moved to western New York, he says : " 1 well recollect, on the occasion of Paul's eastern visit at my father's house, of his reraarkiig to father that they were as nearly relntert as they could be and not lie brothers, as their fathers were lirothers and their mothers were sisters. This I think effectually disposes of the tradition of English birth." Andrew B. Hammond of Dutchess Co. and others give corroborative testimony. If the Paul Hammond and Dutchess Co. branches are closely related (and of this there is no reasonable doubt) it is not probable that Paul Hammond was born in England. 40 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. is supposed to have gone west with the Mormons at the time of their settlement in Ohio, about 1830-31. t-3-1. Abner' was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was killed upon the Niagara Frontier, as western New York was then called. He m. Fela Van Antwerp, and is said to have had five children, of whom nothing is known. 1-3-3. Elizabeth' m. Caleb Lobdell, and probably lived at or near Watertown, N. Y. Issue: Samuel, John B., Jerusha, and another daughter who probably d. young. ¦[--3-6. Ruth,' second daughter of Paul Sr., m. Norman Wadsworth, and lived and d. at Watertown, N. Y. Issue : Paul, Abner, Lloyd, Lemond, Samuel, Sally, and Mahala. f-3-9. Samuel,' seventh son of Paul Sr., was for many years a farmer at Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y. In the summer of 1867 he went to California, and finally d. at Hollister, San Benito Co., Mch. 4, 1884. He m. 1823, Clarissa Close, who d. at Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y., Jul. 28, 1828. Issue : 1 . Mary Caroline, b. Dec. 22,1823. 2. Corlista, b. in 1825. d. in 1830. 3. Charles Yates, b. Jul. 18, 1826. d. Sep. 27, 1884. 1. Mary Caroline* m. in 1848, William P. Glover, and lives at Webster, N. Y. Issue: Lewellyn P., Clara, and Eugene A. Lig^ t-3-9-2 . Charles Yates' went to California about 1 847-8 as a volunteer in the army during the Mexican War, during which service he received injuries which finally resulted in his death, which occurred at Napa City, Sep. 27, 1884. After the Mexican War he settled on "New York" ranch, Amador Co., where he engaged in literary pursuits, and contributed to the leading newspapers of the state. During the late Civil War he was at one time editor of the Amador Ledger. He afterwards founded the Yolo Mail which he afterwards disposed of on account of failing health, and engaged in farming. He m. Apr. 1853, Maria S. Campbell, n6e Robinson, who was b. Feb. 8, 1831, at Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., and now resides on the ranch at Mulberry, Cal. Issue : 1. Virginia C, b. Jan. 26, 1854. 2. Charles S., b. Apr. .15, 1855. 3. Kate Elizabeth, b. Dec. 18, 1866. d. Nov. 26, 1878. 4. Robinson, b. Apr. 10, 1859. d. Feb. 19, 1860. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 41 5. Helen M., b. Nov. 22, 1860. 6. Nettie M., b. May 1, 1862. 7. Franlc Close, b. Jan. 6, 1865. 8. Grant, b. Aug. 14, 1868. 9- Ruth, b. Mch. 6, 1872. d. Jul. 13, 1872. Of these children, Virginia C m. Jul. 15, 1871, Syl vester A. Jones, a printer, and resides at San Francisco. Issue: Mary A., Franklin H., Isabel M. and Hattie V., twins, Sarah F., Caroline V., and Helen H. t-3-9-2-2. Charles S.' is a printer and lives at San Francisco. He m. Mch. 8, 1885, Phoebe Ellen Gross, who d. Jun. 17, 1887. Issue: 1. Blanche, b. Dec. 10, 1885. 3. Kate EUzabeth' m. Dec. 13, 1876, George Theo dore Engell, a farmer, and lived and d. at Peach Tree, Monte rey Co., Cal. Issue: Charles G., b. Sep. 26, 1877. 5. Helen M.' m. Dec. 31, 1832, Leo Green at Hollister, Cal. Mr. Green carries on an extensive butchering business at Redwood City, San Mateo Co., Cal. No issue. 6. IVettie M.» m. Jan. 22, 1885, Barnett Logan Corn- well, a farmer at San Benito, Cal. Issue : 1. James Francis, b. Feb. 18, 1891. 2. Kate Leverne, b. Sep. 19, 1892. 7. Frank,^ a farmer, and 8. Grant/ a musician, both single, reside with their mother at Mulberry, Cal. f-3-10. IVaomi, third daughter of Paul Sr., m. 1st, Feb. 22, 1820, James Rouse, and lived at Webster, N. Y. Issue : Hammond, Phoeby Ann, Hannah, William, Philander, and Mary Jenette. Naomi m. 2d, Nov. 4, 1839, Peter Randall, and had further issue : Amelia and Catherine Maria. f-3-11. Sarah' m. James Close, and lived at Buffalo, N. Y., for many years, but removed to Yellow Springs, O., about 1883-4. Issue: William, Jerome, John, Emery, and Emily. ¦j-_3_13. . Amanda' m. Nov. 24, 1824, Sylvanus Wager, who was b. Jul. 18, 1802, and d. Apr. 27, 1879. He was a farmer, and lived at Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y. Issue: Mahala, Mary Maria, Philetus, Polly E., Lucinda A., and Sylvester. 42 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-3-2. Benoni G.,' second son of Paul Sr., was a sur veyor and farmer, and lived and d. at Brandt, Erie Co., N. Y. He m. May 1, 1803, Ruth Lobdell, who was b. Feb. 26, 1785, and d. Sep. 17, 1863, at Brandt, N. Y. Issue : 1. Ammon, b. Dec. 29. 1803. d. Jul. 21, 1849. 2. John L., b Sep. 12, 1805. d. 3. Charles, b. Nov. 2, 1807. d. ,Tul 18, 1875. 4. William, b. Mch. 27, 1810. d. Oct. 14, 1849. 5. Lany, b. Mch. 20, 1812. d. 6. Esther, b. Apr. 22, 1814. d. Jul. 20, 1840. 7. J. F. Ellis, b. Mch. 12; ¦ 1816. 8. George W., b. Apr. 21, 1818. d. May 31, 1841. 9. Samuel D., b. Aug. 4, 1820. d. Mch. 6, 1866. 10. Mary, b. Sep. 29, 1822. 11. Harry T. W., b. Sep. 13, 1824. d. Jul. 24, 1849. 12. Lydia Ann, b. Sep. 17, 1826. d. Feb. 17, 1892. 13. Elizabeth J. , b. Dec. 4, 1830. Of these children, John L.® and Lany% with their Aunt Mary, are supposed to have gone West with the Mormons about 1830, as they left the State of New York about that time, and have not since been heard from. •j-_3_2-8. George W./ sixth son of Benoni, studied for a physician with his brother Ammon in Troy, N. Y., and d. there in 1841, unmarried. t-3-2-11. Harry T. W.,* who was a school-teacher, also studied for a physician, and d. of the cholera at Troy, N. Y., Jul. 24, 1849, unmarried. t-3-2-5. Esther,' second daughter of Benoni, m. in 1835, Orrin Pierce, and lived and d. at Brandt, Erie Co., N. Y. Issue : Marshall, Edgar, and one unnamed. Her husband and children are all dead. •|-_3_2-10. Mary' m. Jan. 2, 1850, John Sly, and lives at Seneca, Kan. Issue : Philo, Elizabeth, and Ruth, all of whom are m. and have families ; and three that d. young. t-3-2-12. Lydia Ann' Jan. 27, 1847, David Colvin, and lived at Brandt, N. Y. Issue: Edwin, Elizabeth J., Matilda, Emma, Alburn, Mary, Ellis, and Samuel.- t-3-2-13. Elizabeth J.,' youngest daughter of Benoni, m. Apr. 28, 1853, Charles Skinner, a farmer and carpenter, and lives at Seneca, Kan. No issue. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 43 t-3-2-1. Ammon,' oldest son of Benoni, and b. at Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y., received his medical educa tion at Castleton, Vt., and at the medical colleges of New York City. He practiced medicine at Northampton from 1826 to 1830, when he moved to West Troy, N. Y., where he secured and maintained a high position as a physician, and where he d. of cholera, Jul. 21, 1849, He m. 1st, Apr. 30, 1827, Eliza beth Spier, who was b. at Lake Pleasant, Montgomery Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1805, and d. at West Troy, Sep. 7, 1845, and was a sister of Joseph F. Spier, late of Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y. Issue : 1. ElminaEliz., b. May 16,1828. d. Dec. 5,1828. 2. Emma Maria, b Jan. 21, 1830. 3. Mary Augusta, b. Mch. 1, 1833. 4. Richard Watson, b. Jan. 19, 1835. d. Mch. 30, 1835. 5. Claudius Spier, b. Jan. 26, 1836. d. Jul. 20, 1836. 6. Edwin Fitch, b. Sep. 3, 1837. d. ? 7. Isaac Mark, b. Dec. 12, 1839. d. May 16, 1863. 8. Elizabeth Ann, b. Aug. 28, 1845. Dr. Ammon m. 2d, about 1847, Ann Mark, but had no other issue. Of his children, Mark' was killed in battle before Vicks- burg. May 16, 1863. 2. Emma Maria' m. Ist, Feb. 21, 1849, Albertus H. Piatt of West Troy. Issue : Laura Belle, b. at Troy, Jun. 21, 1852. Emma m. 2d, Mch. 26, 1860, Hiram Pond Ward of Warrenton, N. C, who was b. at Poultney, Vt., Jun. 24, 1822, and lives at Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Ward is one of the numerous descendants of William Ward who emigrated from England in 1639 and settled in Massachusetts. No issue by the second marriage. 3. Mary Augusta' m. John D. Spicer, a lumber dealer at Troy, N. Y. Issue : Lizzie Fitch and Mary Thompson. 6. Edwin Fitch,' who was in the Army in 1864, went many years ago to St. Paul, Minn., and perhaps d. there. He ra. Mch. 1862, Mrs. Helen. Hilton Hamilton, who d. in Mch. 1865, without issue. 8. Elizabeth Ann' m. Dec. 20, 1866, John T. Stand- ring of Deer River, N. Y. Mr. Standring was b. at Lowville, N. Y., Mch. 17, 1840. Issue: Leonard Sydney, Joseph Mark, Elsie, John Henry, William Edward, Lizzie, Fitch Spier, and Benjamin Van Buren. 44 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. .|-_3_2-3. Charles,' third son of Benoni, was a farmer, and contractor on public works. He lived at Brandt, Erie Co., N. Y., and helped build the Erie Canal. He m. 1st, Aug. 19, 1830, Clarissa Clark, who was b. Dec. 4, 1807, and d. at Brandt, Feb. 12, 1844. Issue : 1. William W. b. Nov. 4, 1831. 2. Georcre W , b. Oct. 12 1833. 3. Marthaline, b. Apr. 6, 1836. d. Mch. — . 1892. 4. Sarah Ann, b. Jun. 13,1839. Charles m. 2d, Jun. 12, 1844, Emeline Rice, who was b. Dec. 25, 1805, and d. Jul. 21, 1877. Issue : 5. Philip Harvev, b. Jun. 12,1845. d. May 21,1847. 6. Anna Maria," b. Oct. 5, 1849. Of these children, 3. Marthaline' m. Jan. 1, 1855, Levi Grannis, and lived and d. at Brandt, N. Y. Issue : Clarissa, Hattie H., Amy A., and Maud E. 4. Sarah Ann' m. Sep. 11, 1859, William W. Stewart, and lives at Washington, Kansas. Issue : Charles H., Flora A., K. Estelle, Wallace H., Martha Lenore, Jessie N., and Clyde H. and Clara H., twins. 6. Anna Maria' m. in 1865, John Hickey, who was b. May 2, 1844, and lives at Brandt, N. Y. Issue: Franklin H., Harry B., and Emaline. j-_3_2-3-l. William Wallace,' oldest son of Charles, ancl b. at Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., moved soon after to Brandt , and to Buffalo in 1877. He received his education in the common schools, and at the Academy at Fredonia, N. Y. At the age of 20 he spent a year travelling in the Southern States, and taught two terms of school there. Afterwards, for 12 years, he was engaged in lumbering and in mercantile pursuits. He was County Judge of Erie Co., from 1877 to 1889, having been twice re-elected. In the Spring of 1890, at the close of his term of office, he formed a law partnership at Buffalo, N. Y. , now the firm of Hammond, Hatch & Ackerson. During the late Civil War he was Capt. of Co. C, 67th N. Y. National Guard. After General Lee invaded Pennsylvania the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., and, after one month's service, was mustered out soon after the battle of Gettysburg. He m. 1st, Sep. 24, 1854, Amy Ann Hurd, who was b. Sep. 24, 1834, and d. Aug. 9, 1860. Issue : 1. Rosabelle A. A., b. Jul. 30, 1860. ' -""s/ r- AViLiLAM W. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 45 William W. m. 2d, Jul. 21, 1861, Louisa A. Hurd, who was b. Mch. 16, 1844. Issue: 2. Lilly May, b. Jun. 12, 1869. 3. Clark Hurd, b. Feb. 23, 1875. Of these children, Rosabelle A. A.'" m. .Ian. 7, 1877, Charles Koepka, a farmer, and resides in Brandt, N. Y. Issue : Lloyd W., b. Nov. 5, .1877; Harry D., b. Dec. 2, 1880; Wiley E., b. Jun. 26, 1886; Alice Amy Ann, b. Jun. 21, 1889. 2. Lilly May" m. Oct. 16, 1888, Edward J. Newell, and resides in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Newell is Secretary of the Queen City Bank. No issue. f-3-2-3-2. George W.,' second son of Charles, is a farmer, and lives at Brandt, N. Y. He m. 1st, in 1853, Lavina Hoffman, and h-ad issue : 1. Georgiana, b. Jul. 24, 1856. He m. 2d, Dec. 24, 1860, Almira Grannis, and had further issue : 2. Mary E., b. in 1861. d. Sep. —, 1863. 3. Edwin G., b. Jul. 10, 1863. 4. CoraE., b. Mch. 24, 1866. 5. Charles, b. Jul. 6, 1868. 6. Luella, b. Jul. 6, 1871. 7. Wm. Wallace, b. Aug. 24, 1873. 8. Clarissa, b. Oct. 12, 1875. 9. John L., b. Apr. 10, 1879. 10. Lester, b. Nov. 2, 1882. Of these children, Georgiana'" m. Feb. 20, 1876, Clark Judson, a farmer, and resides near Buckhorn, Cheboygan Co., Mich. Issue : Mary, George Wallace, Olive, William and Frank. 4. Cora E." m. in 1882, Andrew Dugaw, and Hves at Brandt with her father. Issue : George, b. in 1882. 3. Edwin G." is a farmer, and resides at Brandt, N. Y. He m. Margaret Walters, and had issue : 1. Artemas, b. in 1885. 2. Charles, b. in 1887. 3. Seward, b. in 1889. 4. Vernon, b. in 1892. 46 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. f-3-2-4. William', fourth son of Benoni, was a lawyer and farmer, and lived at New Buffalo, Berrien Co., Mich., but d. at Brandt, N. Y. He m. about 1831, Betsey Pierce, who d. in 1851. Issue : Ammon, Helen, Maria, Mary, Lydia, Marshall and Matilda. Of these children, Marshall d. in 1861 in the late War ; Ammon in 1880-81 was a conductor on the Michigan Central R. R. ; and Helen m. Kelley, and lived for a while at New Buffalo or Three Oaks, Mich. She left the latter place about 1857—8, ha-ving at that time two children, Cornelia and Angeline. All attempts to ascertain the whereabouts of Wil liam's children have proved entirely fruitless. ¦|-_3_2-7. J. F. Ellis,' fifth son of Benoni, is a farmer and lives at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. He m. Sep. 16, 1839, Mariette Lewis, who d. at Saratoga, Nov. 8, 1884, se. 67. Issue : 1. Wm. Jefferson, b. Sep. 7, 1840. 2. Adelbert Delos, b. Sep. 22, 1843. 3. Homer, b. Mch. 10, 1846. d. Aug. 26, 1849. 4. Mary Verona, b. Aug. 13, 1849. Of these children, Mary V.' m. Jan. 30, 1867, Sumner H. Jennison, and lives at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Issue : Homer E., Sumner S., Winnie May, Albert E., and Emma L. t-3-2-7-1. Wm. Jefferson' is a contractor and builder, and resides at Saratoga Springs. He m. Dec. 30, 1872, Arabelle E. Ward, and had issue : 1. Harry J. , b. Sep. 7, 1874. 2. Ernest B., b. Aug. 11, 1878. 3. Fannie M., b. Jun. 1, 1881. 4. Maurice A., b. Aug. 30, 1885. 5. Edith W., b. Sep. 26, 1888. t-3-2-7-2. Adelbert Delos' is a carpenter at Saratoga Springs. He m. Oct. 18, 1876, Helen Bishop, and had issue : 1. May, b. May 14, 1879. ' f-3-2-9. Samuel D.,' seventh son of Benoni, previous to the Civil War, was a farmer at Three Oaks, Berrien Co., Mich. He was a member of Co. E, 12th Mich. Infantry, from Nov. 13, 1861 to Mch. 5, 1866. He died the day after his discharge at Jackson, Mich., of an injury received on the way home. He m. Sep. 19, 1847, Susan A. Knapp, who d. Apr. 22, 1892, at McKinley, Oscoda Co., Mich. Issue : DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 47 1. Harry, b. Sep. 6, 1848. 2. Cornelia, b. May 14, 1850. 3. Harriet B., b. Apr. 9, 1852. 4. Charles, b. Apr. 26, 1857. Of these children, 2. Cornelia' m. Sep. 22, 1869, J. Birney Crosby, a farmer, at New Buffalo, Berrien Co., Mich. Issue : Fannie, Nettie, Harry, Fred, John, Hattie, and Henry. 3. Harriet B.' m. Feb. 24, 1872, Robert T. Farrington, a Methodist clergyman, at McKinley, Mich, Issue : Charles Robert. 1. Harry' is a sawyer, and lives at Bay City, Mich. He m. Sep. 9, 1875, Mary Higgins at Bay City. Issue : 1. Fred B., b. Apr. 14, 1878. 2. Mable E., b. Jun. 20, 1880. d. Jul. 22, 1881. 3. Earle B., b. May 4, 1884. 4. Glen Martin, b. Mch. 16,1885. 5. Harry Lee, b. Aug. 26, 1888. 4. Charles' is a farmer, and lives at Rose City, Ogemaw Co., Mich. He m. Aug. 14, 1878, Mary Ellsworth of Ban croft, Mich. Issue : 1. Grace CorneUa, b. Aug. 19, 1879. 2. Ina May, b. Jan. 30, 1888. t-3-2-14. William M.,' son of Benoni G. by a second marriage, is a physician at Kansas City, Mo. He attended medical and dental lectures in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is legally authorized to practice both professions. He formerly lived in northern California, and at one time was located at San Diego. During the late Civil War, he received a lieutenant's commis sion from Gov. Blair of Michigan, and raised a company of men. In the Summer of 1864 he went with his company to the front, and was attached to the construction corps at Chat tanooga, Tenn. He m. 1st, in 1843, Almeda Henry, who d. in 1876. Issue: Francis M. and Melville C, both of whom d. in infancy. He m. 2d, May 15, 1877, Loretta Mann, a graduate of the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Issue :3. Pansey L., b. Feb. 17, 1878. •[¦-3-4. William,' third son of Paul Sr., was a mason, and lived and d. at Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y. He m. Apr. 20, 1815, Demaris Osborn, who was b. Jun. 9, 1796, and d. Oct. 20, 1851. Issue: 48 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. DewettC, b. Jun. 7,1819. d Nov. 4,1864. 2. S. Olmstead, b. Sep. 20, 1821. d. Oct. 29, 1837. 3. Stanley, b. Nov. 6, 1823. 4. .Fane L., b. Nov. 27, 1825. d. Feb. 5, 1853. 5. Marietta, b. Oct. 7, 1827. d. May 26, 1866. 6. Asher P., b. Dec. 22, 1829. d. Sep. 9, 1885. 7. William W., b. Mch. 29, 183-2. 8. Charles, b. Jun. 30, 1834. d. Oct. 21, 1860 Of these children, Sylvester Omstead' d. at the age of 16 at AA'ebster, N. Y., unmarried; and Marietta' d. at Worthington, Green Co., Ind., at the age of 38, also, single. 4. Jane L.' m. in 1849, Thomas Jacobs, and lived and d. at Penfield, N. Y. Issue : William, and a daughter, both dead. ¦j- -3-4-8. Charles,' youngest son of William, was a nur seryman, and lived and d. at Worthington, Green Co., Ind. He never married. f-3-4-1. De"witt C.,' who was a brick-mason at Pen- field, N. Y., was in the 8th Reg't, N. Y. Cavalry, and d. at Harper's Ferry, Va., in 1864. He m. in 1844, in Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., Parmelia Cheney, who d. Dec. 28, 1880, at Ravenna, Muskegon Co., Mich. Issue: 1. John, b. May — , 1846. d. Mch. — , 1848. 2. Abby D., b. Nov. 5, 1847. 3. Nathan K., b. Sep. 28,1849. 4. J. Dewane, b. Sep. 19, 1851. 5. Mary Jane, b. Sep. 7, 1853. 6. Delia Maryette, b. Jun. 9, 1855. 7. William P., b. Aug. 20, 1857. Of these children, 2. Abby D. 'm. Mch. 3, 1867, Samuel Morey, who d. Dec. 26, 1875. She lives at Muskegon, and her issue are : Charles B., Lillian D., C. Inza, and Arthur D. 4. J. De"wane' is a cook, and resides at Bayfield, La Pointe Co., Wis. He m. Aug. 27, 1876, Cecelia Shinj- mel, but has no issue. 5. Mary Jane' m. Oct. 11, 1849, William Young, and lives at Muskegon, Mich. Issue: Paschal Cheney, b. Jan. 31, 1879. 6. Delia Maryette' m. Jul. 4, 1873, Thomas Young, who was b. Nov. 8, 1849. They live at Ravenna, Mich., and their issue are : Hattie, Effie, Gracie, Jessie Earl, Queenie, and Lillian. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 49 3. Nathan K.' is a sawyer, and resides at Muskegon, Mich. He m. 1st, Sep. 22, 1873, Alice Stowe, who d. May 8, 1874. Issue: Edna A., who d. in infancy. He m. 2d, Apr. 12, 1876, Alice Davis, and had issue : 1. Charles Dewitt, b. Jan. 17, 1877. 2. Nathan Mark, b. Nov. 7, 1878. 3. William Dewane, b. Aug. 15, 1880. 4. Mable Permela, b. Dec. 2, 1882. 7. William P.' is a laborer, and lives at Muskegon, Mich. He m. Apr. 17, 1881, Electa Davis, and had issue: 1. Chester Dewitt, b. Nov. 7, 1882. 2. Claud, b. P'eb. 19, 1888. d. young. t-3-4-3. Stanley," third son of William, is a farmer, and lives at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. He m. Apr. — , 1850, Jane Turner, who was b. Aug. 30, 1830. Issue : d. May 31, 1875. d. Nov. 17, 1858. Of these children, James' d. in infancy ; and Hattie' at the age of 22, single. 5. Jeffrey,' unmarried, is a conductor on the New York Central & Hudson River R. R., and lives in Buffalo, N. Y. 2. John S.' is Chief Inspector of the Electric Railway in Rochester, N. Y. He m. 1st, in the Fall of 1876, Hattie Wright, who d. about 1887, without issue. He m. 2d, Anne Roy of Clyde, N. Y., but has no issue. 4. Charles C is a gripman in the employ of the Broad way Cable Railway in New York City. He m. Sep. 9, 1887, Anna Schnell of New York City, who was b. May 22, 1864, in Honesdale, Wayne Co., Penn. Issue: 1. Hattie A , b. Dec. 9, 1852. 2. John S., b. Nov. 20, 1854. 3. James B., b. .Jan. 17, 1857. 4. Cliarles C, b. Feb. 7, 1864. 5. Jeffery, b. May 6, 1867. 1. Stanley, Jr., b. Jun. 5, 1888. 2. Cliarles Pollard, b. May 24, 1890. 3. Helen, b. Jan. 17, 1892. d. Jill. 10, 1892. 4. Lulu May, b. Fob. 22, 1893. •|-_3-4-6. Asher P.' was formerly a farmer at Penfield, N. Y., but moved to Worthington, Green Co., Ind., before the War, and engaged in the nursery business. He served all through the war as Captain of Co. F, 31st Ind. Vols. ; was discharged while his regiment was in Texas, and took up his 0 50 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. residence at Victoria, Victoria Co., where he was living at the of his death. He m. 1st, in Penfield, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1852, Malana Howe, who d. Sep. 26, 1859. Issue : 1. Jerome, b. Sep. 29, 1853. d. May 10, 1881. 2. Girard, b. Jul. 16, 1855. 3. Clarissa D., b. Feb. 26, 1857. 4. Mary Caroline, b. about 1859. d. Oct. 14, 1859. Asher P. m. 2d, at Macon, 111., Dec. 18, 1865, Hannah M. Peter, and had further issue : 4. John D.. b. Dec. 16, 1869. 5. Charles E., b. Feb. 15, 1872. 6. William, b. Nov. 1, 1874. 7. Rose, b. Mch. 12, 1877. 8. Catherine, b. Jul. 19, 1879. d. in infancy. 9. Malana, b. ,Ian. 8, 1881. Of these children, Clarissa Damorius' m. in 1882-3, George C. Schermerhorn, P. M. at Penfield, N. Y. Issue : Fannie J. and Edmond Parmenter. 1. Jerome' was a brakeman on the Marietta R. R., and lived in Calhoun Co., Texas. He m. Jul. 12, 1874, Caroline Robbins, and had issue : 1. Cliarlotte M., b. May 18,1875. 2. Katie Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1877. 3. Clara Caroline, b. Jul. 12, 1879. 4. Ella Jorome, b. Aug. 20, 1881. 2. Girard' is a farmer, and lives at De Kalb, 111. He m. Jun. 13, 1880, Hattie A. McKee of Macon, 111., who was b. Dec. 2, 1856. Issue : 1. Edna May, b. May 24,1881. 2. James Albert, b. Jun. 13, 1882. 3. Jennie Belle, b. Oct. 29, 1883. 4. Jessie Fern, b. Apr. 9, 1885. 5. Jerome, b. Jan 22, 1890. Asher's children by the second marriage are all single. •|-_3_4-7. William W.,' fifth son of William, is a nursery man, and lives at Bement, Piatt Co., 111. He m. Oct. 11, 1866, Alvira Worthing of Penfield, N. Y., and had issue : 1. LenaM., b. Jul. 16, 1867. 2. Wilbur A., b. Mch. 4,1870. 3. Winniferd G., b. Dec. 28, 1873. 4. Alvira D., b. Feb. 14, 1875. 5. Emily J., b. ,Jun. 1, 1877. 6. Carrie M., b. Jul. 3,1879. 7. Stanley C, b. Aug. 13,1886. DESCENJDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 51 The above children of William W. all reside at Bement, 111., and are all unmarried. t-3-8. Paul Jr.,' sixth son of Paul, was a farmer, and lived, during most of liis married life, at Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y., and d. at Concord, Erie Co., Penn. He m. about 1818, Abby Setirs, and had issue : 1. James D., b. .Tul. 12.1819. 2. Samuel, b. Jul. 26, 1821. 3. Harriet, b. Nov. 27, 1823. 4. Arnold, b. Nov. 17, ]825:. 5. Edwin. b. Oct. 11, 1827. 6. Sally, b. May 22, 1830. 7. Maryette, b. Apr. 2, 1832. d. Sep. 27, 1863. 8. Ebenezer P., b. Aug. 22,1834. 9. Hannah, b. Oct. 1, 1838. 10. Wm. Omar, b. Mch. 28, 1841. Of these children, Harriet' m. Jan. 1, 1848, James Pope, a farmer at Corry, Erie Co., Penn. Issue: Truman and Emma J. 6. Sally' m. 1st, Oct. 2, 1851, Josiah McCray, a farmer at Concord, Erie Co., Penn., who was b. Nov. 30, 1826, and d. in 1865. Issue: Byron H., Aurilla, Willard D., Chap man B., Hamlin H., William Holt, Cassius F., and .losiah. Sally m. 2d, Mch. 26, 1871, Rev. Samuel McCray, a Methodist clergyman, who afterwards d. in Minnesota. Issue : Minnie B., b. Mch. 21, 1875. 7. Maryette' m. Jun. 26, 1855, Jasper Fuller, and lived and d. at Sparta, Crawford Co., Penn. Issue : Eva, who ni. Frank Hill, and has a daughter Flora, b. Sep. 12, 1883. Frank Hill, who was a hotel keeper, d. at Corry, Penn., Jun. 25, 1892. 9. Hannah' m. Dec. 26, 1866, George L. Carey, a farmer, at Concord, near Corry, Penn. They have an adopted son Harley, b. May 10, 1875." f-3-8-1. James D.,' oldest son of Paul Jr., is a school teacher and farmer, and lives at Corry, Penn. He m. Apr. 30, 1862, Emaline Baxter, who was b. May 2, 1843. Issue : 1. Charles B., b. in 1864. d. Jul. 9, 1884. 2. AVillie J., b. Jul. 5, 1867. 2. Willie J.' is a farmer and stock-dealer, and lives with his father at Corry. He m. Jun. 2, 1892, Lizzie D. Parsons, who was b. Nov. 17, 1867. 52 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ¦j- -3-8-2. Samuel,' second son of Paul Jr., is a farmer and millwright at Corry, Penn. He m. Sep. 10, 1851, Mary Pond, and had issue : 1. Lawson P., b. Jun. G, 1853. d. Sep. 7, 1854. 2. Florence I., b. Jul. 23, 1855. d. Mch. 8, 1859. 3. Clifford S., b. Jan. 19, 1857. d. Mch. 6, 1859. 4. Clifton L., b. Dec. 8, 1859. 5. Dor E. , b. Dec. 14, 1861. 6. S. Bertie, b. Nov. 5, 1871. Of these children, S. Bertie,' a farmer, lives with his parents at Corry, and is not married. 4. Clifton Leon,' a graduate of the High School of Corry, Penn., class of '88, and of the Iron City College, Pitts burg, Penn., at the age of 22 went to Chester, Wis., where he learned telegraphy, and afterwards entered the service of the Chicago & North- Western R. R., as operator. In 1866, he went to Antigo, Langlade Co., Wis., as cashier for the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western R. R., and in 1889 was appointed agent at that station, which position he now holds. He m. Jun. 22, 1887, Carrie Cordelia Cliff of W^aupun, Wis., who was b. at Rock River, Wis., May 22, 1864. Issue : 1. Arthur Cliff, b. Aug. 23, 1890. 2. Harley Vivian, b. Aug. 15, 1892. 5. Dor E.' is also a telegraph operator at Antigo. He m. Jan. 4, 1888, Harriet Smith, who d. Jan. 26, 1889, without issue. t-3-8-4. Arnold,' thkd son of Paul Jr., is a farmer and dealer in agricultural implements at Corry, Penn. He m. Nov. 16, 1853, Julia E. Baxter, and had issue : 1. Maylon, b. Aug. 27, 1854. d. Dec. 15, 1884. 2. Wiley G., b. Nov. 4, 1857. 3. Mary E., b. Jun. 2,1868. 1. Maylon' was a telegraph operator, and lived at Corry, with his father. He m. Jan. 6, 1878, Mary Travers, and had issue : 1. Walter P., b. Mch. 15, 1879. 2. Lillie J., b. Oct. 19, 1880. 3. Ray M., b. Sep. 10, 18 Wiley G.' is a merchant 1. Claire Rockwood, and had if 1. Claire Belle, b. Mch. 5,18 2. Wiley G.' is a merchant and lives at Corry, Penn. He m. Claire Rockwood, and had issue : DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 53 3. May E.' m. Jun. 26, 1890, Dr. Sidney A. Dunham, and resides at Buffalo, N. Y. Issue: .Tulia E., b. Sep. 7, 1892. t-3-8-5. Ed-win,' fourth son of Paul Jr., is a farmer, and lives at Corry, Penn. He m. Jul. 5, 1852, Emaline S. Clark, and had issue : 1. Ernest Wyatt, b. Mch. 17,1855. 2. Clark Edwin, b. Feb. 15, 1882. 1. Ernest' is a mechanical engineer, and lives at Lima, Allen Co., Ohio. He m. Dec. 31, 1878, Nellie Bassett at Amherst, Mass. Issue : 1. Hazel Hiller, b. Dec. 21, 1883. 2. Florence Bassett, b. Mch. 31, 1888. 2. Clark Ed-win' is an artesian-well driller, and resides at Geneva, Ind. He m. Sep. 24, 1892, Minnie Rice. •j- -3-8-8. Ebenezer Paul,' fifth son of Paul Jr., is a teacher and farmer, and lives at Medford, Jackson Co., Oregon. He m. 1st, Jul. 4, 1859, Henrietta L. Preston, who d. in 1870, at Central City, Col. Issue : 1. Ada Dell Lulu, b. Aug. 22,1861. 2. Maggie Belle J., b. Aug. .23, 1862. d. Dec. 22,1868. 3. Viccie Maud, b. Feb. 29, 1868. Of these children. Lulu' m. ,Ian. 17, 1879, Charles B. Oswald, a farmer, and lives at Express, Baker Co., Ore. Issue : Lottie Maud, Charles Otto, and Blanche Viccie. 3. Maud' m. Apr. 1, 1888, Asher Otto Sinks, a telegraph operator, and lives at Portland, Ore. Issue : Lenora Dell, and Grover. Ebenezer Paul m. 2d, Jun. 22, 1871, Annie Pauline Holmes of Georgia, but has no other issue. •j-_3_8-10. Wm. Omar,' youngest son of Paul Jr., a farmer and justice of the peace, lives at Wichita, Kan. He m. Amanda Lyons, and had issue : 1. Eva J., b. Mch. 25, 1880. 2. Ransom, b. Apr. 5, 1881. 3. Anuie, b. Mch. — , 1885. 54 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. (4.) —WILLIAM OF NORTHAMPTON, FULTON CO., N. Y. t-4. William Jr.,' third son of WilHam, and b. at Wales, Mass., or northern New York, m. at Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., and afterwards moved to Northville, Fulton Co., where he was a teacher and farmer, and where he d. in 1821. He m. Lydia FoHett of Pittstown, who was b. May 24, 1771, and d. May 6, 1852, after a second marriage to Daniel Brownell. Issue : 1. Seneca, b. Jun. 7, 1788. d. Mch. 3, 1815. 2. Ira, b. Dec. 3, 1790. ' d. Mch. 5, 1845. 3. Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1792. d. Oct. 22, 1810. 4. Martha, b. Oct. 8, 1794. d. Jun. 1, 1865. Of these children, Seneca' d. at the age of 27, unmarried ; Mary' d. at the age of 18, also single; and Martha' m. about 1810 Dr. Henry Van Ness, and lived and d. at North ville, N. Y. Issue : William, Seneca, Dr. John, Effie Ann, Dr. Ira Hammond, Lydia, Nancy, Garrett, J\Iary, and Cornelia Ann. t-4-2. Ira' was a farmer, and lived at Northville, N. Y. He m. Wilampey Van Ness, who was b. Nov. 27, 1795, and d. Sep. 30, 1835. Issue: 1. Mary, b. Jul. 15, 1814. 2. Lucy, b. Oct. 23, 1815. d. 3. CorneHus, b. Dec. 22, 1817. 4. Martha, b. Jan. 23, 1820. d. 5. Jane Ann, b. Apr. 1, 1822. d. youn"-. 6. Lvdia Louise, b. Dec. 24,1823. 7. William, b. Sep. 9, 1826. d. ?. 8. Senaca, b. Dec. 11, 1828. d. Jan. 29, 18G8. 9. Patience, b. May 15, 1831. Of these children, Jane Ann' d. young ; and William' went to California, on the first discovery of gold, and has not since been heard from. 1. Mary" m. Nathaniel Pipinger, and lives at Flushing, Genesee Co., Mich. Issue not learned. 2. Lucy' m. Daniel Russell, and lived in Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y. Issue : Cornelius and Maria. 4. Martha' m. Dillon P. Myers, and lived in some part of California. Issue : Delia, Ida, Lizzie, Katie, and Emmie. DESCENDANTS OF SAMtJEL HAMMOND. 55 6. Lydia Louise' m. 1st, W^illiam Robinson, and had issue: Eliza Ann. She m. 2d, John Gorton, and lives at Flushing, Mich. Issue : Dora, Myra, John, Ira and DiUon. 9. Patience' m. Jun. 30, 1850, Albert Roe, and lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: Julia Emma, Millie Louise, Mary Ella, and Albert Fredell. t-4:-2-3. Cornelius' was a shoemaker and farmer, and lives at Osborn Bridge, Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y. He m. Sep. 22, 1841, Fanny Potter, who was b. Sep. 29, 1822. Issue : 1. George W., b. Dec. 22, 1845. 2. Mary, b. Mch. 28, 1849. d. Nov. 21, 1855. 3. Elsina, b. Apr. 28, 1854. d. Oct. 4, 1861. 4. John, b. Jan. 10, 1862. 5. Delia, b. Mch. 10, 1864. 6. Eugene, b. Feb. 23, 1867. Of these children, Mary' and Elisna' d. young ; John,' unmarried, is a foundryman at Syracuse, N. Y. ; ancl Delia' m. Jul. 4, 1882, Elias H. Ellithorp, and lives at Osborn Bridge, Fulton Co., N. Y. Issue: Clara L., Fannie A., Clark R. and E. Fay. 1. George W.' is employed in a furniture store in Syra cuse, N. Y. He m. Jan. 6, 1866, Mary C, Norris, and had issue : 1. FredC, b. Dec. 20, 1866. 2. .Tessie C, b. Dec. 20, 1868. d. Jan. 2, 1878. 3. George W., b. Apr. 5, 1871. d. Jan. 14, 1878. 4. Lillie M., b. Nov. 11, 1873. d. Jan. 7, 1878. 5. Florence, b. Aug. 29, 1875. 6. Frank N. , b. Apr. 20, 1879. 7. Grace A., b. Jul. 28, 1881. 8. AlvaM., b. Sep. 16, 1883. 1. Fred C. is employed in the same store with his father in Syracuse. He m. Oct. 28, 1890, Carrie Garbing? of Clyde, N. Y., who was b, Aug. 28, 1867. Issue : 1. Harold, b. Oct. 10, 1891. 6. Eugene' is a g'love cutter, and lives at Gloversville, N. Y. He m. Jan. 15, 1888, Grace Winney, and had issue : 1. Maude E., b. Dec. .^ 1888. 2. OnetaC. M., b. Jul. 1, 1891. 56 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ¦f-4-2-8. Seneca,' third son of Ira, was a farmer, and lived at Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N. Y. He m. Feb. 20, 1858, Margaret Thomas, and had issue : 1. William J., b. .Jan. 9,1859. 2. Nicholas I)., b. Feb. 21, 1863. 3. Elmer E., b. Mch. 30, 1867. 1. William' is a butcher and marketman at Amsterdam, in company with his brother Nicholas. He m. Dec. 13, 1882, Emma E. Redway, who d. Jan. 5, 1889. Issue : 1. Frank S., b. Feb. 29, 1885. 2. Edward W., b. Dec. 14,1887. 2. Nicholas D.,' a butcher and marketman at Amster dam, m. Apr. 10, 1890, Minnie Hoffman, and had issue : 1. Paul, b. Jan. 15, 1891. 3. Elmer E.' is foreman in a knitting mill at Mohawk, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He m. Oct. 1, 1867, Rachel Saulwater, and had issue : 1. Walter, b. Feb. 26, 1890. 5.— SAMUEL HAMMOND OF DUTCHESS CO., N. Y. t . Sanauel Hammond, ' third son of Thomas , ' [ Samuel , ' Benj.,' William'], wash, at Dartmouth, Mass., Apr. 29, 1731, and was in early life a cooper and whaler at New Bedford. He moved about 1766 to Washington, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he purchased 200 acres of land, and d. there May 16, 1801. He m. at New Bedford, Jan. 29, 1755, Hannah Sheperd, and had issue : 1. Eliakini, b. d. 2. Isaac, b. Oct. 15, 1756. d. Sep. 6, 1832. 3. Luthan, b. Apr. 3, 1758. d. Oct. 22, 1806. 4. Hannah, b. d 6:?£'as,} b. Nov. 30, 1764. f 7. Mary, b. d. 8. Maria, b. d. 9. Samuel, .Jr., b. Aug. 14, 1771. d. Jul. 9, 1829. 10. Ruth, ) d. Mch. 20, 1814. 11. Benjamin, \ "• «J"'- ^' 1"4. ^ g^^ ^^^ ^^.^ Of these children, 1. Eliakim' is said to have lived some where in western New York. He m. Margaret Macomber, but his issue, if any, has not been learned. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 57 4. Hannah' m. Daniel BrowneH, and lived in Hope, Hamilton Co., N. Y. Issue: John, Orra, Lewis, Isaac, Cyrus, Mary and Martha. 7. Mary" m. Thomas Gage, and d. probably young, with out issue. 8. Maria" m. Macomber, and lived in western New York. She d. young, and without issue. 10. Ruth,° who was b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., m. about 1800, Titus Palmer, and lived and d. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Issue : Samuel, Hannah, Benjamin, Eliza, Emeline, Louiza, and Reuben. (2.)— ISAAC OF NORTH EAST, DUTCHESS CO, N. Y. f— 2. Isaac,' second son of Samuel, was a farmer, and settled in North East, Dutchess Co. He m. Feb. 14, 1779, Lois Gardner, who was b. Nov. 20, 1760, and d. Jan. 23, 1850. Issue : 1. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 2, 1779. d. Jun. — , 1831. 2. 3. Mary, Eunice, b. May b. Jan. 11, 1781. 23, 1784. d. d. 4. Ruth, b. .Jan. IH, 1789. d. 5. Samuel, b. Dec. 15 1790. d. 6. 7. 8. 9. Stephen, Jemima, Zephaniah, 1/0 s. b. Apr. b. May b May b. Mch. 11, 1792. 25, 1794. 6, 1796. 9, 1793. d. d. d. Mch. d. 20, 1857. .0. Susan, b. Mch. 1, 1802. d. Of Isaac's children, Jemima' d. single on Long Island ; and Susan' d. single at North East. 2. Mary' m. a Mr. Boice, and died not many years after without issue. 3. Eunice' m. Jacob Thome, and lived and d. in western New York near Rochester. Issue : Three sons, and a daughter, names not learned. 4. Ruth' m. Joseph Haight, settled in Boston, Erie Co., N. Y., and d. without issue. 9. Lois' m. Richard Grey, lived in North East, and d. there without issue. HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-2-1. Nathaniel,' oldest son of Isaac, was a carpenter and farmer, and settled in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y., about 1800. He m. Rhemember Boyce, who d. May 12, 1857, a3. 74. Issue : 1. Daniel, h. Jun. 10, 1804. d. Aug. 15, 1878. 2. Nelson, b. Nov. — , 1807. d. Sep. 8, 1878. 3. I^ewis, b. d. in 1872. 4. .Jane, b. d. in 1866. 5. Samuel, b. d. in 1887. 6. .Jacobs., b. Jan. 1, 1815. d. Jan. 15, 1885. 7. Alonzo, b. in 1818. d. Feb. 21, 1863. Of these children, Samuel' was a farmer at Malta, Sara toga Co., where he d. single in 1887. 4. Jane,' who settled in Clifton Park, Saratoga Co., m. John Lasher of Malta, who d. in 1875. Issue : Priscilla Jan'e, who m. a Mr. Husted of Clifton Park. f-2-1-1. Daniel,' oldest son of Nathaniel, was a farmer, and lived at Stillwater, Saratoga Co. He m. Loretta Parks of Malta, who d. Dec. 28, 1863, «. 57. Issue : 1. George Van R., b. Mch. 15, 1826. 2. Elizabeth Jane, b. Jan. 28, 1831. d. Mch. 15, 1858. Of these children, Elizabeth Jane' d. single at Still water at the as:e of 27. f-2-1-1-1. George Van Rensselaer" is a farmer at Stillwater. He m. Feb. 25, 1854, Emily Ann Wait of Malta, and had issue : 1. Reuben Wait, b. Mch. 5, 1855. 2. George Nath'l, b. Dec. 14, 1856'. d. Feb. 2, 1882. 3. Albert C, b. about 1858. d. young 1. Reuben Wait" lives at FultonviHe, Montgomery Co., N. Y., and is a book-keeper for the Starin Silk Fabric Co. He m. Nov. 10, 1887, Iva Peckham of Ballston. No issue. t-2-1-2. Nelson,' second son of Nathaniel, was a farmer, and Hved at Baltimore, Md. He m. Dec. 29, 1842, Sarah Macy of Stillwater, who was b. at Nantucket, Mch. 17, 1818. Issue : 1. John N.., b. Jan. 24, 1844. 2. Oliver J., b. Jan. 9, 1840. d. Mch. 2, 1846. 3. AVilliam A., b. Jul. 23, 1847. d. Jan. 20, 1852. 4. Reed H., b. Jun. 11, 1850. d. Jul. 27, 1851. 5. Sarah J , b. Oct. 16, 1853. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 59 6. Carrie H., b. Mav 19, 1855. 7. George W., b. Oct. 9, 1H57. 8. Hattie M., b. Jul. 31, 1860. 1-2-1-2-1. John N.,' oldest son of Nelson, is a steam engineer, and lives at Baltimore. He m. May 13, 1885, ^NLittie E. Mcekius of Baltimore, who was b. Jan. 1, 1858. Issue: 1. George G., b. Apr. 10,1886. 2. Reed A., b. Apr. 18, 1888. d. Jul. 16, 1889. 3. I..oris A., b. Nov. 6, 1890. t-2-1-2-5. Sarah J.,' oldest daughter of Nelson, and b. in Washington, D. C, m. Oct. 23, 1870, Bradford S. McNeil, and lives at Baltimore. Mr. McNeil was b. in Sara toga Co., N. Y., Jul. 19, 1849, and is an engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Issue : 1. Allie, b. Nov. 3, 1871. I.Wesley A., b. Sep. 4,1873. d. Jun. 30, 1874. 3. Enimett, b. May 15, 1875. Of these children, Allie" m. Dec. 30, 1891, Joseph Glasgow. f-2-1-2-6. Carrie H.-,' second daughter of Nelson, m. Feb. 24, 1881, James II. C. Insco, and Hves at Baltimore. Mr. Insco, who was b. Jun. 6, 1852, is a tinsmith. Issue : 1. Hattie M., b. Sep. 22, 1882. d. Jul. 17, 1883. 2. James R., ' b. Aug. 16, 1884. t-2-1-2-7. George W.,' second son of Nelson, is an ironworker at Baltimore. He m. Jun. 26, 1878, Elanora Minter, who was b. Apr. 29, 1861. Issue: 1. Mamie, b. Apr. 20, 1880. -d. Dec. 7, 1883. 2. John N., b. Aug. 15, 1883. 3. Elanora F., b. Aug. 3, 1885. ¦[¦-2-1-2-8. Hattie M.,' youngest daughter of Nelson, m. Mch. 10, 1881, William W. Johnson. Mr. Johnson, who was b. Mch. 5, 1849, is a timekeeper, and lives at Baltimore. Issue : 1. William W., b. Oct. 5, 1882. d. Mch. 21, 1880. 2. Carrie E., b. I'^eb. 13, 1886. 3. Willie IL, b. Mch. 31, 1891. ¦[¦-2-1-3. Le-vvis,' third son of Nathaniel, was a farmer, and lived at Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. He m. Ann Palmer, who d. in 1870, without issue. 60 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ¦[•_2-l-6. Jacob B.,' fifth son of Nathaniel, was a farmer, and lived at Ballston, Saratoga Co. He m. Oct. 28, 1848, Nancy J. W^atkins of Stillwater, who was b. Dec. 16, 1829. Issue : 1. Charles J., b. Jan. 7, 1849. 2. George W., b. Feb. 5, 1850. 3. Mary J., b. Jun. 13, 1852. d. Mch. 7, 1878. 4. Frank A., b. Mch. 22, 1854. 5. William W., b. Jan. 26, 1856. 6. Rosa Belle, b. May 23,1857. 7. Jennie E., b- May 3, 1859. 8. Frances S., b. Jun. 5, 1862. 9. Grant U., b. Jul. 1, 1864. 10. I.,illie A , b. Jan. 11, 1867. 11. Daniel N., b. Jun. 26, 1869. 12. Luella J., b. May 22,1871. 13. Carrie A., b. Aug. 7, 1874. 1. Charles,' oldest son of Jacob B., is a farmer at Charl ton, N. Y. He m. Mch. 4, 1881, Eliza Wait, and had issue : I.Lottie May, b. Mch. 18,1883. 2. Clarence, b. Oct. 1, 1886. 2. George W.' is a farmer, and lives at Milton, N. Y. He m. Feb. 1874, Matilda Murry, and had issue : 1. Anna M., b. Dec. — , 1875. 2. Lewis IL, b. Nov. — , 1877. 3. Minnie, b. Aug. — , 1883. 4. Truman P., b. in 1888. 3. Mary J.,' oldest daughter of Jacob B., m. Oct. 10, 1871, Henry C. Knox, and lived at Enon, Lawrence Co., Pa. Issue : 1. Joseph H., b. Mch. — , 1876. 4. Frank A.' is a farmer, and lives at Ballston Spa, N. Y. He m. Dec. 17, 1879, Ada C. Holmes, and had issue : 1. Edgar L., b. Aug. 27, 1882.' 2. Leiand S., b. Nov. 23, 1885. 3. Ethel M., b. Jul. 22, 1889. 5. William W.' is a farmer, and lives at Birchton, Saratoga Co., N. Y. He m. Mch. 1883, Sarah Gray, and had issue : 1. Bessie M., b. Mch. — , 1886. 6. Rosa Belle,' second daughter of Jacob B., m. May 23, 1889, Martin Larable, and lives at BaHston Spa, N. Y. Issue : 1. Carrie M., b. Apr. — , 1890. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 61 7. Jennie E.' m. Aug. 18, 1880, David E. Holmes, and lives at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Issue : 1. Arthur J., b. May — , 1883. 2. Eva I.,., b. Mcii. — , 1885. t-2-1-7. Alonzo,' sixth son of Nathaniel, was a farmer, and lived at Malta, Saratoga Co. He m. Louisa Culver of Malta, who d. in 1869. Issue: Amelia, George N., and Carrie. t-2-5. Samuel,' second son of Isaac, inherited the old homestead at North East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and was also a farmer. He m. Oct. 28, 1834, Lydia Hyde of Connecticut. Issue ¦ d. Sep. 16, 1875. .1. C. Walter, b. Oct. 11, 1835. 2. Helen A., b. Feb. 26, 1837. 3. Isaac, b. Nov. 28, 1838. 4. Frances, b. Feb. 2, 1841. 5. Lydia D., b. Nov. 27, 1844. 6. Samuel, b. Feb. 27, 1847. Of these children, Lydia Delphine' resides single at Amenia, Dutchess Co. ; and Samuel' went to Charleston, S. C, in 1879, and engaged in the book business with his brother Isaac. 2. Helen A.' m. Aug. 17, 1864, Frederick A. Worth, and resides at Amenia. No issue. Mr. Worth was formerly a book-keeper for the New York Gas Light Co., New York City, but was obliged to resign on account of ill health. 3. Isaac' resides at Charleston, S. C, and is a dealer in books, engravings and etchings, his place being one of the leading literary centres south of Washington. He m. Nov. 18, 1864, Mary Pulver, but has no issue. 4. Frances' m. Dec. 20, 1877, Charles B. Van Hoven- burgh, who d. Jan. 29, 1887. She resides at Amenia, but has no issue. 1. Cyrus Walter' was a carpenter and miller, and was living- at the time of his death at Camden, N. J. He m. Jan. 31, 1860, Mary J. Corbin, whose present residence is at Vineland, N. J. Issue : 1. Anna B.,' b. Jun. 12,1862. 2. Ruth Emma, b. May 15, 18G4. 3. Charles W., b. Sep. 10, 1866. d. Jan. 23, 1888. 62 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 4. Frances, b. Jul. 26, 1869. d. Feb. 14, 1870.. 5. Arthur \V., b. Mch. 2, 1871. d. Feb. 6, 1891. 6. Frederic C, b. Aug. 31, 1873. 7. Herbert L., b. Jan. 11, 1876. Of these children, Frances d. at Syracuse, N. Y. ; Charles in Charleston, S. C. ; and Arthur in Riverside, Cal., all single. 1. Anna B,' is a school teacher in Peekskill, N. Y. ; and 2. Emma' is a dressmaker in Santa Anna, Cal. / 7. Herbert' is a seaman's apprentice on the U. S. S. St. Louis at League Island, to be transferred later to the train ing ship at Newport, R. I. 6. Frederic C.,' who is in business at Charleston, S. C, m. Aug. 31, 1891, Emma Phillips. f-2-6. Stephen,' third son of Isaac, settled in Skan- eateles, Onondaga Co., N. Y., and was a farmer and manufac turer of leather. He m. Phebe Thorne, and had issue : 1. Sarah, b. in 1832. d. about 1862. 2. Caroline', b. in 1834. Of these children, Sarah' d. single; and Caroline' m. about 1874, Damon H. Hodskins, and lives at Skaneateles. No issue. t-2-8. Zephaniah,' fourth son of Isaac, settled in North East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and was a farmer. He m. Laura Thayer, who was b. Feb. 9, 1794, and d. Mch. 24, 1865. Issue : 1. Nancy, b. May 25, 1820. d. May 10, 1824. 2. Maria E., b. Jan. 12, 1822. 3. Mary Ann., b. Aug. 25, 1823. 4. Susan Emily, b. Jun. 6, 1825. d. May 13, 1859. 5. William XL, b. Aug. 27, 1828. Of these children. Mary Ann' residcf 3 single at Plea ille, Westchester Co ., N. Y. 2. Maria' m. Dec. 8, 1842, John B. Foster, and also resides at Pleasantville, N. Y. Issue : Mary, Browning, William, and Othniel. 4. Susan Emily" m. Jun. 20, 1846, Myron HubbeH, who d. Nov. 24, 1862. She resided at North East, but d. at Cornwall Bridge, Litchfield Co., Conn. Issue : WiHiam H., who d. about 1880. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 63 5. William Henry,' only son of Zephaniah, is a farmer, and lives at North East, Dutchess Co. He m. Mch. 9, 1859, Catherine A. Tanner, and had issue : 1. Albert Henry, b. Mch. 24, 1803. 1 . Albert Henry, ' who is a carpenter at Millerton, North East, m. Oct. 29, 1884, Minnie Loucks. No issue. (3.)— "LUTHAN OF FLEMING, CAYUGA CO., N.Y. \—d. Luthan,' third son of Samuel, moved from Dutchess Co. to Galway, Saratoga Co., when a young man. In 1806 he moved to Fleming, Cayuga Co., where he died soon after, being a farmer. He m. Mary Rood, or Rude, who was b. Nov. 30, 1757, and d. Oct. 4, 1832, after a second marriage to a Mr. Waddams. Issue : 17, 1782. 10, 1784. 10, 178G. 1, 1788. 11, 1790. 27, 1792. 3, 1794. 13, 1796. 179S. 30, 1799. 17, 1801. 11, 1803. Of these children, nothing further is known of Luthan,' he having left home when a young man. 2. Elizabeth' m. Jun. 23, 1803, Augustus F. Ferris, and lived at Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Issue: Frederic, Eliza Ann, Rosetta, Luthan, Chancey, Sylvanus, Mary Ann, John, Maryett, Melissa, and Elizabeth. 5. Hannah' m. Eben Gaston, and lived at Castile, Wyo ming Co. Issue : Three or four children, names not learned. 8. Mary' in. Nov. 23, 1814, Nathaniel Close, and lived at Scipio, Cayuga Co. Issue : Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Daphna, Diana, Betsey Ann, and Andrew J., aH dead but the last. 11. Anna' m. Caleb Waddams, a farmer, and lived at Geneva, Ontario Co. Issue : Eliza, Elmina, Mary, and Eliza beth. 1. Anna, b. Feb. 2. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3. John, b. Feb. 4. Ephraim, b. A])r. 5. Hannah, b. Jul. 6. Isaac, b. Apr. 7. Luther, b. j\lth. 8. Mary, b. Mch. 9. Anna, b. about 10. Luthan, b. May 11. Anna, b. Apr. 12. Isaac, b. Nov. d.d. young. (1. Mch. 4, 1865. d. Jan. 20, 1830. d. Sep. 11, 1853. d. young. d. youni;. d. Dec. 13, 1S3'2. d. d. young. d. i\Ich. 9, 1869. d. Feb. 27, 1860. 64 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ¦(¦_3_3. John,' oldest son of Luthan, was a farmer, and lived for many years at Rushford, Alleghany Co., N. Y., but at the time of his death was living near Evansburg, Crawford Co., Pa. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and a promi nent member of the Masonic fraternity, having been at one time, it is said. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York. He m. 1st, about 1810, Hulda Tibbals of Cayuga Co., N. Y., who d. some years after the birth of her only child. Issue : 1. Horatio Nelson, b. Jun. .34, 1812. d. Aug. 16, 1864. John m. 2d, Eliza Butterfield, who d. Jun. 6, 18,80, at Meadville, Crawford Co., Pa. Issue: 2. Lucrctia, b. Jun. 17, 1823. d. Nov. 13, 1853. 3 Hannah, b. Apr. 5, 1825. 4. Mary, b. Oct. 4, 1826. 5. Ruth, b. Oct. 9, 1829. d. May 14, 1857. 6. Luthan, b. Sep. 29, 1832. 7. IMinerva, b. Jul. 7, 1834. 8. Thankful, b. Jun. 5, 1836. 9. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1840. d. Mch. 24, 1867. 10. Thomas Benton, b. Feb. 9, 1843. d. Jul. 20, 1880. Of these children. Ruth' and Elizabeth' d. single at ransburg. Pa. 2. Lucretia' m. Oct. — , 1850, Charles Rawson, and lived and d. at Evansburg, Pa. Issue : William Harrison. 3. Hannah' m. Feb. 3, 1847, Asa Gustavus Nichols, who d. Jan. 10, 1880. Hannah lives at Meadville, Pa. Issue : John, Adaline, Francisca, Wallace, Fred, Eugene, and Nellie. 4. Mary" m. Nov. 6, 1845, Lyman Sibley, who died Mch. 28, 1891. Mary lives at Le Mars, Iowa, and her issue are : Floid, Ada, Clarence, Eva, Ruth, ancl Ned. 7. Minerva' m. Jul. 9, 1857, Thomas Smiley, and lives at Evansburg, Pa. Issue : Ema, Susan, and Edeth. 8. Thankful' m. about 1862, Athelston Gaston, who is mayor of Meadville, Pa. Issue : Alma, who d. at the age of three years. t-3-3-1. Horatio Nelson,' who lived at Rushford, Alleghany Co., N. Y., was a school teacher, land surveyor, and farmer. He m. Sep. 2, 1840, Sophia L. Bennett, who was b. Dec. 8, 1815, and now lives with her son, F. Eugene, at Cuba, N. Y. Issue : b. Jun. 9, 1841. b. Nov. 7, 1842. b. Apr. 15, 1844. b. Mch. 20, 1846. d. Jan. 27, 1892. b. May 31, 1848. d. Sep. 23, 1850. b. Feb. 20, 1854. DESCENDANTS OE SAMUEL HAMMOND. 65 1. Francis Eugene, 2. Hardin Jerome, 3. l-'loral Annette, 4. Charles De Alton, 5. Aurora Sophronia, 6. Emma Felicia, I 7. Eva Lucretia, ^ 3. Flora Annette,' a teacher for many years in Minne apolis, Minn., m. Jun. 1870, Major Wm. D. Hale, postmaster at Minneapolis. Issue : Nellie, Philena, Gertrude Louise and Flossie, twins, Arthur Dinsmore, and Willie Hammond. 6. Emma Felicia' was formerly a teacher, at Minne apolis. She m. Dec. 29, 1889, C. Elbert Cady, a native of Windsor, Vt., now living at Minneapolis. Issue: Lawrence Hammond, b. Jan. 22, 1891. 7. Eva Lucretia,' formerly a teacher at MinneapoHs, m. Aug. 13, 1884, Walter B. Finch of Jay, Essex Co., N. Y., and also resides at Minneapolis. No issue. t-3-3-1-1. Francis Evigene,' oldest son of Horatio Nelson, formerly a teacher and land surveyor, is now engaged in the production of petroleum at Cuba, Alleghany Co., N. Y. He m. Sep. 20, 1867, Emma L. Scott at Pleasantville, Venango Co . , Penn . Issue : 1. Victor Hugo, b. Oct. 25, 1868. 2. Virgil Scott, b. Aug. 17, 1870. d. Dec. 6, 1890. 3. Eugenia Lynn, b. Nov. 28, 1872. 4. Cleo Nelson, b. Mch. 21, 1874. 5. Haidee Florizel, b. Jan. 3, 1875. 6. Halley Waldo, b. Jun. 19, 1882. 7. Evangeline, b. Sep. 2, 1887. Of these children, Virgil Scott" was quite proficient in music, especially on the violin; Eugenia Lynn,'° Cleo Nelson,'" and Haidee Florizel,'" all educated at the Geneseo State Normal School, N. Y., are teachers. 1. Victor Hugo," b. at Shamburg, Venango Co., Pa., is a teacher and supervisor at West Clarksville, N. Y. He m. Aug. 28, 1891, Mary R. Congdon, and had issue : 1. Maude lone, b. Aug. 9, 1892. |_3_3_1_2. Hardin Jerome,' second son of Horatio Nelson, is a lawyer at Minneapolis, Minn., making a speciality of land titles and rights of way for railroads. He m. Oct. 19, 6 66 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1870, Susie E. Hendy, who was b. May 12, 1848, at Elmira, N. Y. Issue : 1. Agnes, b. Sep. 7, 1871. 2. Alice, b. Jun. 1, 1876. 3. Grace, b. Oct. 29, 1879. 4. Flora, b. Oct. 18, 1884. ¦|-_3_3_1_4. Charles De Alton," third son of Horatio Nelson, in his younger days a teacher, was later a dealer in lumber and real estate at Minneapolis, where he died in 1892. He m. Oct. 5, 1870, Laura D. Farewell, who was b. Dec. 26, 1846. Issue : 1. John Bertrand, b. Nov. 13, 1872. 2. Florenstein, b. Sep. 3, 1879. ^-S-3-6. Luthan,' second son of John, is a lumber mer chant, and resides at Corry, Erie Co., Penn. He m. Mch. 26, 1857, at Sadsbury, Crawford Co., Penn., Caroline Brown, who was b. Jul. 10, 1841. Issue : 1. Ruth Alice, 2. Clara B., 3. Clarence R., 4. John Pierson, 5. Le Roy Gilford, 6. Douglas L., b. Aug. 22, 1858. b. Jul. 15, 1861. b. Aug. 24, 1864. b. Sep. 12, 1868. b. Jun. 19, 1874. b. Jun. 21, 1880. Of these children, Ruth Alice' m. Feb. 21, 1891, , W. Saunders, a jeweler at Corry, Penn. No living issue John 2. Clara R.' m. Jun. 14, 1887, Percival White, ateacher at Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. White was formerly dean and professor of mathematics in Wesleyan University located at Fort Worth, Texas. Issue: Alice, b. Sep. 27, 1891. 3. Clarence Russell' is book-keeper and general mana ger of the lumber-yard at Barberton, O. He is not married. 4. John P.,' engaged in the lumber business with his father, lives at Washington, Penn. He m. Ist, Nov. 15, 1887, Jennie E. Briggs, who d. Oct. 5, 1888. Issue: 1. Clinton L., b. Sep. 28, 1888. He m. 2d, Dec. 23, 1890, Emma Hathaway of Garland, Warren Co., Penn., who was b. Dec. 21, 1872. Issue : 2. Cashus Russell, b. Nov. 26, 1892. f-3-3-10. Thomas Benton,' youngest son of John, was a farmer and lumberman. After living some years in the b. May 28, 1870. b. Nov. 19, 1871. b. May 5, 1876. b. Dec. 1, 1877. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 67 West, he returned to Pennsylvania and was living at the time of his death at Meadville, Crawford Co. He m. Jul. 3, 1867, Sarah S. Brown at Ontario, Iowa. Issue : 1. Maude L., 2. Ralph K., 3. Lawrence K., 4. Grace, Of the above children, Ralph' is in partnership with his uncle, Athelston Gaston, in the lumber business, at Meadville, Penn. 1. Maude L.' m. Jun. 20, 18^8, Charles Joseph Swift of Corry, Penn. Mr. Swift is manager of electrical works, and resides with his family at Cleveland, O. Maude L. gradu ated at sixteen at the Corry High School, and afterwards studied at the State Normal School at Oswego, N. Y. She is noted for her fine elocutionary talents . Issue : Alice Ophelia ; and Marion, who d. in infancy. f-3-4. Ephraim,' second son of Luthan, was a farmer and surveyor ; justice of the peace most of his life ; was in the State Assembly two sessions ; and supervisor, town of Aurelius, when Aurelius, Auburn, and Fleming were one town ; d. in Aurelius in 1836. He m. Jan. 31, 1811, Ruth Goodrich, who was b. Dec. 8, 1792, and d. Jul. 18, 1839. Issue : 1. Angelina, b. Oct. 24, 1811. d. Jan. 25, 1872. 2. Eliza Ann, b. Feb. 25, 1813. d. Jan. 29, 1872. 3. Harriet, b. Jan. 26, 1815. d. Nov. — , 1890. 4. Lucius G., b. Jun. 15,1816. d. in 1887-8. 5. Emily, b. May 3, 1818. 6. .John, b. Oct. 12,1820. d. Feb. 22,1865. 7. Luthan, 'b. May 25, 1823. d. Jun. 4, 1864. 8. Daniel, b. Mch. 5, 1825. 9. Julia Ann, ' b. Jan. 25, 1827. d. Of Ephraim's children, Angelina' m. Nov. 2, 1831, Daniel Gould, and lived at Owosso, Shiawassee Co., Mich. Issue : Henry, Amos, Ephraim, Ebenezer, Adelaide, and Emily Louise. 2. Eliza Ann,' m. 1st, Nov. 25, 1835, Nicholas H. Storing of Jorden, and lived at Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Issue : Homer H. and Mary Emily. She m. 2d, Nov. 25, 1848, Jacob Shaw, and lived at Red Creek, Wayne Co. Issue : Edwin B., who lives at Red Creek. 3. Harriet' m. May 25, 1839, Alexander Kerr, and 68 HAJIMOND GENEALOGY. lived and d. at Ann Arbor, Mich. Issue : Ruthette, Emily, Alice, Mary, Theodore, John, Minerva, Cornelia, William, Harriet, and Alexander. 5. Emily" m. Sep. 5, 1848, Winfield S. Ament, and lives at Owosso, Mich. Issue : Claribel, William S. , Clarence, Edward, and Harriet Eliza, all dead except William. 9. Julia Ann' m. 1st, Feb. 11, 1850, George W. Bar- num, and had issue : Lucius L. and Georgiana. She m. 2d, John N. Ingersoll, and lived and d. at Corunna, Shiawassee Co., Mich. Issue : Ward and Nell, both dead. f-3-4-4. Lucius G-.,' oldest son of Ephraim, was a mechanic, after his return from the Army, and lived at Kirks- viUe, Adair Co., Mo. He m. May 3, 1842, Anna Maria Sumner, and had issue : Charles G. and three others that d. young. 1. Charles G.,' the last known of him, was a station agent near Mosby, Mo. He is married and has several chil dren. f-3— 4— 6. John,' second son of Ephraim, was a farmer, and lived at Fleming, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. Feb. 20, 1849', Phila Austen, who was b. Dec. 22, 1826. Issue : 1. Mary E., b. Jan. 26, 1850. 2. Augusta, b. Oct. 29, 1852. 3. Ephraim, b. Feb. 14, 1855. 4. Ruth Anna, b. Jun. 24, 1857. 5. Grace E., b. Feb. 1, 1864. Of these children, Augusta' is a school teacher at .Flem ing, unmarried. 1. Mary E.' m. Dec. 21, 1870, Titus W. Cuykendall, and lives at Owasco, Cayuga Co. Issue, if any, not learned. 3. Ephraim' is a copyist in an art gallery in Auburn, N. Y. He m. Oct. 17, 1877, Georgia Hadsell, and had issue : 1. Ho-wardE., b. Aug. 18,1878. 4. Ruth Anna' m. Dec. 24, 1878, J. P. Nye, and lives at Auburn. Issue: Mable E., Walter, and Clarabell. 5. Grace E.' m. Jun. 27, 1883, Edwin L. Hamilton, and lives at Cincinnati, Ohio. Issue : Earl, Lula May, and Robert. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 69 '-j- -3-4-7. Luthan,' third son of Ephraim, was a physi cian and surgeon, and lived at Hartford Centre, Van Buren Co., Mich. He studied medicine at Pittsfield, Mass., under old Dr. Childs, and graduated at Woodstock, Vt., in 1844. During our late War he was a member of Co. D, 66th 111. Vols. At the time of his death he was assistant surgeon in a hospital in Mo., was taken sick, and d. at Decatur, Mich., on his way home. He m. Dec. 25, 1845, Marietta Cook, and had issue : 1. Henry M., b. Jan. 12, 1847. d. May 11, 1865. 2. MinaJ., b. Nov. 23,1855. 1. Henry M.' was a member of Co. K, 1st Mich. Cav alry, and d. of wounds received at or near Yellow Tavern, Va. 2. Mina J.' m. Oct. 25, 1877, Alpheus S. Anderson, and lives at Kalamazoo, Mich. No issue. •|^_3_4_8. Daniel,' fourth son of Ephraim, is a farmer at Venice Centre, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. Feb. 1, 1854, Lucina Whitten, and had issue : 1. Luthan W., b. Jan. 14, 1855. 2. EmmaE., b. Jul. 24, 1856. 3. Ezra D., b. Nov. 15, 1858. Of Daniel's children, Luthan' and Emma' reside at home; Ezra' is a Baptist minister at Rome, Bradford Co., Penn. All are single. •j-_3_12. Isaac,' youngest son of Luthan, was a farmer, and lived at Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y. He m. Jan. 5, 1836, Amanda Dunning, who was b. Feb. 20, 1808, and d. Apr. 28, 1892. Issue: 1. Marv Josephine, b. Oct. 6,1836. d. May 17,1861. 2. Lydia Amelia, b. Jan. 1 1, 1838. d. Aug. 28, 1890. 3. Flora Trvphena, b. Jul. 22, 1839. 4. Phebe Cornelia, b. May 9.1841. 5. Felicia Anna, b. Apr. 26, 1843. 6. Elmina Amanda, b. Mch. 1, 1845. 7. Caroline Cynthia, b. Mch. 29, 1847. Of Isaac's children, Lydia Amelia' d. single ; Felicia Anna' lives at Le Roy ; and Phebe Cornelia' and Elmina Amanda' are artists at Le Roy. 1. Mary Josephine' m. May 13, 1857, Alexander Van Pelt, and lived at La Porte, Ind. Issue : 1. Clayton H'd, b. May 6,1858. d. Sep. 7,1859. 2. Julia Amanda, b. Feb. 19, 1860. d. Aug. 31, 1870. 70 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 3. Flora Tryphena' m. Oct. 22, 1861, M. R. Forney, a builder and contractor, and lives at La Porte, Ind. Issue : Katherine Hammond, b. Apr. 14, 1870. 7. Caroline Cynthia' m. Jun. 23, 1870, George Gal lup, and lives at Blue Rapids, Kan. Issue: Elmina A., Stella C, and Alfred Hammond and Ralph Forney, twins. f-5. Daniel,' fourth son of Samuel, was a blacksmith and farmer, and settled in Washington, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He m. Amy Green, who was b. Apr. 5, 1764. Issue : 1. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 25, 1788. d. Sep. 6, 1869. 2. Hannah, b. Dec. 19, 1790. d. Mch. 10, 1845. 3. George, b. Dec. 17, 1792. d. 4. Mary, b. Dee. 14, 1794. d. Jul. 11, 1862. 5. Joseph, b. May 2,1797. d. Nov. 30,1853. 6. Benjamin, b. May 13. 1799. d. Dec. 24, 1843. 7. Henry, b. Sep. 28, 1801. d Nov. 28, 1872. 8. Caroline, b. Apr. 6, 1806. d. Nov. 28, 1853. 9. Emma, b. Apr. 10, 1808. d. Mch. — , 1826. Of the above children, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Joseph d. single at Bethel, Clermont Co., Ohio; and Emma d. single at Washington, N. Y. 4. Mary' m. Joseph W. Lockwood, and lived in New York city, until after the death of her husband, when she moved to Bethel, Ohio, where she died. Issue: Daniel H., Sarah, and Walter. Daniel H. lived at Loveland, Clermont Co., Ohio, where he d. Jun. 2, 1892. f-5-3. George,' oldest son of Daniel, was a hatter and farmer, and settled in Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. Y. He m. Hannah Coons, and had issue : Daniel, George Henry, and Myra who d. young. Of George's children, 1. Daniel' was a merchant in Cali fornia, but whether married or single, is not known. 2. George Henry" m. at Oneonta and had several chil dren. He afterwards left Oneonta, and about 1870-72 was living at Qrete, Saline Co., Neb. Nothing further can be learned in regard to his whereabouts, his wife, or his children. t-5-6. Benjamin,' third son of Daniel, was a carpenter and builder, and lived in Dayton, Ohio. He m. and d. at Dayton, Ohio, without issue. f-5-7. Henry' was a farmer, and lived at Bethel, Ohio. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 71 He m. Emma Hitch, daughter of Benjamin Hitch, and d. at Bethel, without issue. 8. Caroline' m. Nelson A. Hitch, and d. at Bethel, Ohio, without issue. t-6. Thomas,' fifth son of Samuel, was a farmer, and lived at Washington, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He m. Abigail " , and had issue: Charles, Milton, Jane, and Phebe who was b. in 1815, and d. Jun. 18, 1878. Of Thomas's children, Charles' and Jane' d. single at Washington, N. Y. ; Milton' settled in Ohio, and nothing further is known of him ; and Phebe' m. 1st, Esek Dunkin, and lived at Washington. Issue : Jane A. and Isaac H. She m. 2d, Samuel Bishop, and had further issue : Hannah, Franklin, George and Delia. t-9. Samuel Jr.,' sixth son of Samuel, was a farmer, and settled in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y. He m. Apr. 8, 1797, Polly Green of Pawlings, and sister of Daniel's wife. Issue : d. Apr. 17, 1885. d. Dec. 17, 1882. d. Jul. 1, 1869. d. Aug. 10, 1835. d. Mch. 11, 1872. d. Feb. 20, 1893. Of these children. Amy,' Dorus,' Louisa,' and Jacob' never married. All four first settled in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., but left there in 1868 and moved to Farmington, Ontario Co., where they finally died. Dorus and his brother Jacob were men of high character, who commanded the esteem and respect of men of all parties and sects. Dorus, though living in a strongly Democratic town, was repeatedly elected to various town offices. Jacob, who died but recently, the author found to be a remarkably reliable and trustworthy correspondent. 2. Hannah' m. Dec. 11, 1822, Ebenezer Carey, and lived at Halfmoon, but died at Farmington, N. Y. Issue : Maria, Amy H., Lydia C, Mary S., Samuel, and Ruth H. 4. Jenetty' m. Dec. 29, 1830, William P. Barbour, and lived and d. at Northumberland, N. Y. Issue : Parmelia, who m. John Rowe of New York city. 1. Amy, b.. Jun. 2, 1802. 2. Hannah, b. Aug. 25, 1804. 3. Dorus, b. Jul. 20. 1808. 4. Jenetty, b. Mch. 5, 1810. 5. Louisa, b. Jjn. 9, 1812. 6. Jacob, b Aug. 16, 1814. 72 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. f-11. Benjamin,' seventh son of Samuel, also lived in Washington, Dutchess Co., and was a farmer, having received 100 acres of land from his father by bequest. He m. about 1800 Anna Fitch, and had issue : 1. Lydia, b. Jan. 10. 1801. d. Jan. 31, 1864. 2. Maria, b. Dec. 25, 1802. d. Apr. 18, 1817, 3. Cyrus, b. Oct. 25, 1805. d. Dec. 17, 1884, 4. Isaac, b. Nov. 15, 1807. d. .Jun. 1, 1867, 5. James, b. Jan. 22, 1810. d. Jun. 6, 1867. 6. Amy, b. Mch. 2, 1812. d. Oct. 15, 1816 7. Emmor, b. Jan. 16, 1815. d. Oct. 7, 1816, 8. John, b. Nov. 13, 1817. d. Mch. 1, 1881, 9. Andrew B., b. Dec. 22, 1822. Of these children, Maria, Amy, and Emmor d. young; and Isaac,' who was a saddler at Dover, d. single at the age of 60. ¦{•-11-1. Lydia' m. Nathaniel Lockwood, a farmer, and lived at Washington, Dutchess Co. Issue: John F., Anna, and Lydia. f-l 1-3. Cyrus,' oldest son of Benjamin, was a farmer, and lived in Washington, Dutchess Co". He m. in 1837-8 Caroline Sutherland, and had issue : 1. David S., b. Aug. 3, 1840. 2. Frederick A., b. Aug. 23, ^848. 2. Frederic A.,' who is a bachelor, is proprietor of the Plaza Hotel, New York city. 1. David S.' is proprietor of Murray Hill Hotel, New York city. ' He m. Lydia Lockwood, who d. in 1870. Issue : Caroline. Caroline' m. Robert W. Gibson, an architect in New York city. f-l 1-5. James,' third son of Benjamin, was a farmer, and lived at North East, Dutchess Co. He served his district in the New York legislature during the years 1846-7, and in 1858 was elected sheriff of Dutchess Co. for three years. He m. Nov. 7, 1837, Lucinda Washburn, and had issue : 1. Anna Melinda, 2. Henry Clay, b. Aug. 6, 1842. b. Nov. 17, 1872. 3. James Edwin, 4. John Lockwood, b. Nov. 10, 1840. b. Aug. 6, 1842. b. May 18, 1844. b. Aug. 7, 1850. v^. ¦", David S. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 73 Of these children, Henry,' who was a farmer, d. single at the age of 32. 1. Anna' m. Oct. 12, 1864, Calvin C. Brayan of North East. Issue : Elizabeth, Ellen, Elihu, Clara, and Henry, all residing in North East. 3. James Edwin,' a farmer at Stanford, ,m. Oct. 25, 1871, Clarinda Thompson of that town. No issue. 4. John L.,' a farmer at Washington, Dutchess Co., m. Oct. 11, 1877, Josephine M. Bertine of Amenia, Dutchess Co. Issue : 1. James Edwin, b. Apr. 16, 1879. 2. Robert Bertine, b. Feb. 3, 1883. f— 11— 8. John,' fifth son of Benjamin, was a farmer, and lived at Newfane, Niagara Co., N. Y. He m. May 26, 1842, Maria L. Washburn of Boston, Erie Co., who was b. May 30, 1824. Issue : 1. Melinda, b. Sep. 23, 1843. 2. Amy M., b. Jun. 26,1850. d. Jun. 17,1864. 3. .Lames M., b. Nov. 18, 1862. d. Apr. 7, 1864. 1. Melinda' m. Oct. 6, 1874, Stephen C. Hoag, and lives in Newfane, Niagara Co. No issue. •)--ll-9. Andre"W B.,' sixth son of Benjamin, is a farmer at Washington, Dutchess Co., and lives on the old homestead of his father and grandfather. He has been a valuable corres pondent to the writer. He m. in 1856 Sarah E. Conklin, and has issue : 1. Anna, b. Oct. 31, 1856. 2. George, b. Sep. 3, 1858. 3. Conklin, b. Jul. 26, 1860. d. Jan. 1, 1892. 4. Isaac B., b. Jul. 22, 1862 5. Andrew B., Jr., b. Jul. 12,1866. d. Oct. 16,1877. Of these children, Anna and Isaac B., both single, reside with their parents. 2 . George' is a butcher, and lives in Washington , Dutchess Co. He m. Dec. 11, 1889, Caroline Hicks of Stanford, Dutchess Co. No issue. 74 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8.— JABEZ OF NEW BEDFORD. ¦f--8. Jabez" fifth son of Thomas, lived at New Bedford, and was admitted to the Friends Society in May 1806. He m. Feb. 16, 1760, Zilpha Merrihew, who d. May 29, 1817, a;. 77. Issue : 1. Luke, b. d. Apr. 21, 1807. 2. .Jabez, Jr., b. Jul. 31, 1769. d. Dec. 31, 1821. 3. Maria, b. in 1771. d. Aug. 29, 1837. 4. Thomas, b. in 1776. d. Sep. 29,1799. Of these children, Maria' lived at New Bedford, and m. May 5, 1795, Jehaziel Jenne, who d. Nov. 13, 1843, sb. 73. Issue : Abigail, Zilpha, Rebecca, Silvia C, and Alice. 1. Luke' was a master mariner in the merchant service sailing from New Bedford. Capt. Luke m. Jul. 26, 1789, Rebecca Nye, and had issue : 1. Mary. b. Mch. 1, 1872. d. Sep. — , 1865. Mary,' who was b. in China, m. Jan. 1816, Jashub Wing of New Bedford. Issue: Eleanor H., Charles, Leonard, William, David C, and Rebecca. Of these children, Eleanor H. m. Henry N. Dean, blacksmith, and lives in New Bedford. f-8-2. Jabez Jr.' was a ship-carpenter at New Bedford, and a deacon in the Congregational Church. He m. Apr. 14, 1792, Abigail Hathaway, daughter of E. A. Hathaway, who d. Dec. 9, 1829, se. 57. Issue: 1. Susan, b. Sep. 22, 1793. d. Dec. 14, 1831. 2. Thomas W., b. Apr. 1, 1795. d. Mch. 23, 1838. 3. Maria, b. Mch. 14, 1797. d. Dec. 31, 1817. 4. Alice, b. Apr. 8, 1801. d. May 31, 1804. 5. Loring, b. Nov. 14, 1803. d. Dec. 9, 1803. 6. David, b. Jun. 19, 1808. d. Sep. 22, 1808. 7. Abigail, b. Feb. 29, 1810. d. Apr. 4, 1810. 8. Charles E., b. Jun. 9, 1814. d. Apr. 19, 1842. Of these children, Alice, Loring, David, and Abigail, d. young; and Maria d. single at New Bedford at the age of 21. 1. Susan' m. Jan. 5, 1823, George Shorkley, a sailmaker at New Bedford. Issue : Abigail, who m. 1st a GifFord of New Bedford, and 2d, Hiram Snow of Mattapoisett. Abigail lives at New Bedford, but has no issue. 8. Charles' in early life, was a cooper, in the whaling service from New Bedford. 1838-9, he went to Galena, 111. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 75 and carried on the business of cooper with his uncle, Abraham Hathaway, where he d. single, Apr. 19, 1842. t-8-2-2. Thomas W,,' oldest son of Dea. Jabez Jr., was a sea captain in the merchant service, trading at West Indian and South American ports. He lived for many years at New Bedford, but afterwards moved to New York, where he d. Mch. 23, 1838. He m. Oct. 8, 1817, Betsey Davis, neice of Perry Davis, who d. Sep. 14, 1840, as. 45. Issue : 1. Maria, b. Jul. 16, 1818. 2. Abigail, b. Feb. 10, 1820. d. Feb. 27, 1823. 3. Thomas C, b. Oct. 8,1821. 4. George S., b. Dec. 19,1824. d. Apr.' 7,1861. 5. Susan, b. Feb. 5, 1827. d. Sep. 17, 1848. 6. Henry C, b. Sep. 6,1828. d. Nov. 2,1829. 7. Abigail, b. Mch. 21, 1829. d. Sep. — , 1829. 8. Charles E., b. Apr. 3, 1834. Of these children, the two Abigails and Henry d. young ; and Susan d. at the age of 21, single. 1. Maria' m. in 1845 Stephen Green, and lived some years ago at Boulder, Col. Issue : George, Phebe, Julia, Charles, and Abigail. ¦|^_8-2-2-3. Thomas C went to Pullman, Wis., and was employed as a carpenter by the Pullman Car Co., during which time he invented and patented a wrench. He m. at Platteville, Wis., , and afterwards moved to California. Issue : Two sons, names not known. ¦j- -8-2-2-4. George S.' went to Platteville, Wis., where he became a dry goods dealer, firm of Baylies & Hammond. He m. Apr. 8, 1852, Jane Matthew Penberthy of Penzance, Cornwall, Eng., who was b. Dec. 25, 1833. Issue : 1. Thomas C, b. Dec. 26, 1852. d. Oct. 1, 1870. 2. JaneM , b. Jan. 27, 1856. 3. Walter F., b. Dec. 2, 1857. 4. George S., b. Dec. 27, 1863. Of the above children, all b. in Platteville, Wis., Thomas Clemence d. single, Oct. 1, 1870. 2. Jane Maria' lives at Tiverton, R. I., and m. Dec. 27, 1876, Samuel West Hathaway, who was b. Sep. 25, 1854. Issue : 1. George West, b. Jan. 28, 1879. 2. William E^dgar, b. Jul. 7, 1881. 3. Charles E., b. Sep. 24, 1883. 76 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 3. Walter Ford' is a merchant in the clothing line, and resides at Grinnell, Iowa. He m. Jul. 1878, Hattie Childs, and had issue : 1. Russell Childs, b. Feb. 4, 1882. 2. Martha, b. Feb. 15, 1883. d. Jul. 31, 1883. 3. Walter Jona., b. Mch. 5,1888. 4. Arthur George, b. May 7, 1890. 4. George Snockley" is agent for Bell & Provost, men's clothing, and resides at Waterloo, Iowa. He m. Jun. 8, 1889, Ruby Alice, who was b. Jan. 3, 1863, and daughter of Charles and Arvilla Hoag. Issue : 1. Ruby, b. Dec. 22, 1890. 1-8-2-2-8. Charles Ed-win,' youngest son of Thomas W., is a farmer, and resides in either Oregon or Washington. He m. Sep. 15, 1862, Sylvia, daughter of Alanson and Nancy Noble, and has issue : Frank, Maria, and another daughter, name unknown. •[¦-8-4. Thomas,' third son of Jabez, was a sea captain living at New Bedford, and d. while in port at Wilmington, N. C, Sep. 29, 1799. He m. Dec. 3, 1795, Hearty Church, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Church, who d. May 7, 1838, se. 71. Issue: I.Eliza, b. Sep. 5,1797. d. May 7,1816. 2. Thomas, Jr., b. Dec. 3,1799. d. Jul. 27,1847. f-8-4-2. Thomas Jr.' was also a sea captain, living at and sailing from New Bedford. He m. Jan. 1835, Cynthia Kirby, who was b. in Dartmouth, Jul. 24, 1810. After Capt. Hammond's death she m. 2d, John M. Taber, also deceased, and resides with her daughter at New Bedford. By Capt. Thomas Jr. she had issue : 1. Thomas Henry, b. Jun. 30, 1840. d. Apr. 3, 1881. 2. Hannah Eliza, b. Jan. 4, 1845. Of these children, Hannah' has never married, and lives with her mother in New Bedford. Thomas Henry,' during the late Civil War, was a cor poral in Co. G, 3d Reg't, M. V. M. In early life he was a book-keeper, and later a wholesale dealer in oils in New Bed ford. He never married. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 77 IV.— JEDEDIAH HAMMOND OF SCITUATE, MASS. •\. Jedediah* Hammond, fifth son of Samuel,' [Ben jamin,^ William'], went from Rochester to Scituate, and was first of the name in that tOwn. His residence was west of the North Meeting-House, near the Four Corners. He received land from his father in the town of Mattapoisett, near the salt water, which is still pointed out as the "Diah Place." He m. at Scituate, Nov. 5, 1712, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Parker. Issue : 1. Agatha, b. Sep. 13, 1713. d 2. Joseph, b. Dec. 1, 1714. d. 3. Benjamin, b. Jul. 28, 1718. d. 4. Joanna, b. Mch. 9, 1721. d. 1. Agatha" m. 1st, Jan. 15, 173-, Thomas Pincin. She m. 2d, Mch. 31, 1803, William Damon. Issue not known. f-2. Joseph,' who lived at Scituate Harbor, m. Nov. 11, 1736, Thankful Damon, and had issue : 1. Thankful, b. Aug. 13, 1738. d. 2. Lettice, b. Apr. 14, 1740. d. in 1803. 3. Seth, b. Mch. — , 1743. d. 4. Joanna, b. Apr. 11, 1746. d. 5. .loseph, b. Nov. 24, 1748. d. Apr. 9, 1819. 6. Lucy, b. Apr. 17, 1750. d. 7. David, b. Sep. 4, 1763. d. Feb. 10, 1786. 8. Bela, b. Jan. 29, 1756. d. before 1794. 9. Experience, b. Dec. 17, 1767. d. Aug. 6, 1825. 10. William, b. Aug. 26, 1760. d. 11. Frederick, b. Nov. 10, 1761. d. Dec. 25, 1794. 12. Agatha, b. Aug. 15, 1764. d. Of these children. Lucy" and Fred' probably never mar- ried, and Lucy very likely d. young; 1. Thankful' m. 1st, Joseph Nash, and 2d , in 1755, a Bailey. Issue not known. 2. Lettice' d. at Scituate of consumption, se. 63. She m. about 1756, Joseph Hayden, Jr., who was a sailor, and was b. at Scituate in 1725. He enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, was stationed at Roxbury, Mass., where he d. at the age of 50. Issue : Abigail, who m. John Cogges- haU, and d. in New Bedford ; Lettice, who m. Prince Jenney ; Pamelia, who m. Samuel Jones ; Fanny, who m. EHsha Dun bar, and lived at New Bedford ; Lucy, who m. Elijah Kemp- ton of New Bedford; Temperance, who m. Asa Sherman; Esther, who m. John Mack; and Elizabeth, who m. Isaac Collier. 78 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 3. Seth' m. Feb. 17, 1763, Mary Buck of Scituate, and is said to have left a family. 4. Joanna' m. Jan. 23, 1765, Nehemiah Curtis at Scitu ate. Issue, if any, not known. 8. Bela' m. at Scituate, Jan. 16, 1779, Jennie Staples, who d. in 1794, a widow. No further record. 10. William' moved to Thibodeaux, La Fourche, Interior Parish, La., where he became, it is said, very wealthy. He m. Margaret Delounay, who was of French descent, but had no issue. 12. Agatha' m. in 1784, Moses Gardner, lived first in Hingham, and afterwards in Chesterfield, N. H. Has descend ants in Hartford, Conn. 5.— JOSEPH OF HINGHAM, MASS. ¦[¦_2-5. Joseph,' second son of Joseph, was a ship-carpen ter and joiner, and resided at Hingham, Mass. He m. 1st, Jan. 2, 1774, Anna Barnes, who d. Dec. 29, 1782. Issue : 1. Anna, b. Apr. 14, 1774. d. Mch. 8, 1778. 2. Joseph, Jr., b. Aug. 14,1776. d. Jan. 25,1835. 3. Anna 2d, b. Apr. 27,1779. d. Joseph m. 2d, Dee.. 30, 1781, Susanna Loring, who d. Sep. 10, 1815, 86. 69, and had further issue : 4 Benjamin, b. Sep. 29, 1782. d. Dec. 29, 1782. 5. Benjamin, b. Nov. 10, 1783. d. Aug. 7, 1859. 6. Loring, b. Sep. 5, 1785. d. Oct. 4, 1864. Of these children, the 1st Anna and the 1st Benjamin d. young. 3. Anna' sometimes called Nancy, m. Oct. 5, 1800, John Young of Union River, Me. They lived first at Hing ham, but moved in 1802 to Union River. No further record. 5. Benjamin,' in 1799, went to Boston and learned the trade of silversmith of David Tyler of that city. He afterwards became elemented, and d. single at Hingham, Aug. 7, 1859. 6. Loring,' who was a carpenter and ship-joiner at Hing ham, m. May 15, 1836, Sophia Ewell, who d. Mch. 2, 1856. He died at Hingham, without issue. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 79 •|--2-5-2. Joseph Jr.,' who was a ship-carpenter at Hingham, m. 1st, Jun. 4, 1797, Abigail Clapp, who d. Feb. 26, 1800. Issue : 1. William, ) t • i, .i, i d. May 17, 1800. 2. Joseph,^ twins; both d. young. ^ Joseph Jr. m. 2d, Jan. 4, 1801, Elizabeth Lincoln, who was b. Sep. 15, 1772, and d. Sep. 15, 1848. Issue: 3. Joseph Lincoln, b. Oct. 24, 1801. • d. Mch. 19, 1855. 4. Elizabeth Lisle, b. Jan. 17, 1804. d. Jan. 11, 1886. 5. Anna Barnes, b. Oct. 10, 1806. d. Oct. 8, 1881. G. Grace Lincoln, b. Jul. 24, 1809. d. 7. William, b. Oct. 17, 1814. d. about 1837. Of these children, 4. Elizabeth L' m. Oct. 27, 1828, Oliver Cushing of Hingham, and had issue : Oliver, William, and Elizabeth. 5. Anna B.' m. Dec. 1, 1831, Samuel Sprague of Hing ham, and had issue: Samuel, Grace L., Anna B., Caroline, and Sarah Gardner. 6. Grace Lincoln' never married; and 7. William, who was a sailor, d. at Charleston, S. C, of yellow fever about 1837, never having married. •f -2-5-2-3. Joseph Lincoln,' who was a clerk at Hing ham, and afterwards a cashier in Dorchester, moved to Phila delphia in 1851. He m. Aug. 25, 1824, Sarah Elizabeth Hooper of Boston, who d. Jun. 10, 1880, in Philadelphia. Issue : 1. Joseph Henry, 2. Charlotte Lincoln, 3. .Jane Frances, 4. Sarah Elizabeth, 5. Jolin Sewall, 6. Louisa Hooper, b. Aug. 21, 1841. Of these children, the first four were b. in Boston, and the last two in Dorchester. Besides the above there were a number of others, who d. in infancy. 2. Charlotte Lincoln' m. Feb.3, 1853,WilliamMeans, resides at Philadelphia, and had issue : Edith Lincoln, Grace Burroughs, and Laura Hammond, all married. Edith and Laura live at Philadelphia, and Grace at Pottsville, Pa. 3. Jane Frances' m. Jan. 31, 1873, Samuel McLauren, b. Sep. 29, 1824. b. Nov. 4, 1830. b. Nov. 4, 1836. b. Jun. 25, 1838. b. May 15, 1839. 80 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. who was an artist, in Philadelphia, and d. Apr. 2, 1879. No issue. 4. Sarah Elizabeth' m. Oct. 28, 1858, Martin Hay- ward of Philadelphia, broker, who d. Sep. 19, 1879. Issue : Amy, Albert, Martin, and Mary M. 5. John Se^rall,' a broker at Philadelphia, m. May 17, 1860, Sadie HiH, who was b. Apr. 1837. Issue : 1. Josephine Stafford, b. in 1861. Josephine S." m. Apr. 1887, James S. Van Frocken, pay clerk in the Navy, and resides at Portsmouth, Va. 6. Louisa Hooper' m. Apr. 8, 1869, George T. Deiss, an attorney at Philadelphia. Issue : 1. Mabel Wolbert, b. Jan. 26, 1870. 2. Joseph Allison, b. Aug. 9, 1872. d. Nov. 2, 1881. 3. Newlin Fell, b. May 13, 1877. d. Nov. 5, 1881. 4. Arthur Lincoln, b. Sep. 18, 1883. f-2-5-2-3-1 . Joseph Henry,' who is a shoe and leather dealer, commenced business in 1840 at Blackstone St., Boston, where he continued until the Spring of 1847 ; then moved to New York, carrying on the same business ; afterwards moved to Newton in 1870, where he resided 13 years ; he then moved to Corona, Long Island, and later to Brooklyn, N. Y., his present residence. He m. Nov. 26. 1850, Mary Louisa Robins of New York, and has issue as follows : 1. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 13,1851. 2. William Henry, b. Feb. 16, 1853. d. Jul. 3, 1887. 3. Benjamin Conly, b. Jan. 11, 1854. 4. Mary Ellen, b. Mch. 24, 1860. 5. Frances Louisa, b. Jan. 4, 1865. 6. Lillian Augusta, b. Aug. 28, 1869. 7. Elizabeth Jackson, b. Feb. 28,1873. Besides the above, five children d. in infancy. Of these children of Joseph Henry, 1. Sarah Ann" m. May 10, 1869, Edwin WilHs Clark of New York City, and had : Joseph Edwin, Maud Elenor, Florence Ethel, Willis Provost, Clarence, Harry Clifford, and three that d. young. 2. William Henry," a book-keeper at Newton, L. I., m. Oct. 29, 1879, Addie Devoe Van Wickell of Newtown, L. I., and had issue : 1. Charlotte Louisa, b. Sep. 11, 1880. d. Nov. 4, 1885. 2. Edith Leslie, b. Jul. 24, 1882. d. Jun. 6, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 81 3. Grace Whitman, b. Aug. 4, 1884. 4. Whitman White, b. May 29, 1886. 5. Willetta Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1887. 3. Benjamin Conly" is connected with Reilly & Woods's Circus, as chief property clerk, and resides at Brook lyn, N. Y., when at home. He is not married. 4. Mary Ellen" m. Apr. 24, 1889, Warren G. Hamil ton, lives at Flushing, L. I., and has issue: W^arren Alex ander, b. Dec. 2, 1889. Warren G. Hamilton, formerly a solicitor of advertisements, is preparing a work on silks. 5. Frances Louisa" m. Apr. 23, 1891, W^m. Harrison Shell, a machinist in Brooklyn, who was b. Dec. 2, 1862. No issue. 6. Lillian Augusta" m. Jun. 1, 1891, Joseph G. Eno, a compositor, and lives at Brooklyn. No issue. 7.-DAVID OF HINGHAM, MASS. ¦t--2-7. David Hammond,' third son of Joseph, lived at Hingham, and is said to have been drowned in the harbor there, Feb. 10, 1786. He m. Elizabeth , who d. Oct. 6, 1793, at Hingham. Issue : 1. Betsey, b. ,Jun. 13,1779. d. 2. David 2d, b. Oct. 30, 1781. d. S.Francis, b. Jul. 19,1784. d. 4. George, b. Oct. 15, 1786. d. Of these children, 1. Betsey,' or Elizabi^th, m. Dec, 12, 1798, Charles Otis of Scituate, Igsue uftk^awn. f-2-7-2. David 3d,' who wag a blacksmith at Pembroke, Mass., m. 1st, Apr. 13, 1808, Betsey Maun Nash of Pem broke, who d. Mch. 10, 18^3^ I^sue ; 1. David, 2. David 3d, 3. Clement, 4. Betsey M., 5. Charlotte N., 6. Chas. Fred, 7. Thos. Edw., David 2d m. 2d, Mch. S, 1825, Judith Cook, and had further issue : h. Mcln. H, 1809. (J- Jan. 10, 1810. b. Jan,. 5., li8U. d. May 14, 1891. b. Mch. 18, 18.13,. d. Aug. 14, 1823. b. Mch. 1, 1815. d. in 1883, b. Dec. 5, 1817. d. in 1848. b. Nov. 25, 1821. b. Jan. 13, 1823. d. Jul. 7, 1823. 82 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8. Asa C, b. Apr. 19, 1826. 9. Judith R., b. Nov. 20,1827. d. ,Jun. 12,1853. Of these children, 4. Betsey" m. Apr. 1844, Joseph Dunn, lived in Rockland, Mass., where she d. in 1883. Issue: John, Fred, Joseph, and Betsey. 5. Charlotte' m. about 1844, Albert Poole, lived in Rockland, and d. there in 1848, without issue. 6. Charles Fred,' who is a shoemaker at Rockland, m. Feb. 25, 1865, Isannah Hodge of Maine. Issue : 1. Frank B., b. Sep. 2, 1874. 2. Edna M., b. May 25,1880. ¦|--2-7-2-2. David 3d,' who was a farmer and shoemaker at Rockland, m. Sep. 1834, Celia Hatch, and had issue : 1. Mary, b. in 1835. d. in 1840. 2. Charlotte, b. Feb. 4, 1837. 3. Celia, b. in 1839 d. in 1842. 4. Mary, b. Aug. ~, 1843. d. in 1843. Of these children, Charlotte,' who is strongly in favor of temperance and Woman's Rights, m. Dec. 25, 1863, Josiah Mann, foreman of a shoe factory in Rockland. Issue : Paul Grayson, who d. at birth, and Gordon who is a member of the medical department of Boston University. Judith [Cook] Hammond with Asa C. and Judith R., her children, moved to Kingston about 1837. 9. Judith R.,' m. about 1850, Horace Bradford of Kingston, and d. there Jun. 12, 1853, without issue. ¦|--2-7-2-8. Asa C.,' a carpenter at Kingston, Mass., m. Nov. 4, 1849, Amanda Clark, who was b. Aug. 23, 1827, at Plympton, Mass. Issue : 1. Eugene XL, b. Nov. 9, 1850. 2. Walter C, b. May 17,1852. 3. Isabella A., b. Mch. 12, 1856. 4. Chester E., b. Dec. 19,1860. Of these children, Eugene H.,' a graduate of Cornell University, class of '87, is an architect in New York City. He has never married. Isabelle' is a teacher and dressmaker in Kingston ; and Chester is a contractor and builder in the same town. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 83 2. Walter C.,' contractor and builder at Kingston, Mass., m. Jun. 15, 1879, EHza H. Chandler of Kingston, and has issue as follows : 1. Lester G., b. Nov. 11, 1880. 2. James C, b. Apr. 29, 1882. 3. Helen A., b. Jul. 24, 1883. 4. Elizabeth Penn, b. Apr. 18, 1886. 5. AValter C, Jr., b. Dec. 27, 1890. 6. Asa C, b. Dec. 24, 1891. t-2-7-3. Francis,' the second of David, a laborer at Pembroke, Mass., m. 1st, Feb. 22, 1807, Lois Ramsdell, and had issue as follows : 1. George, b. in 1807. d. in 1869. 2. Harriet, b. Feb. 15, 1808. d. Apr. 23, 1890. 3. Franklin, b. d. 4. Freeman, b. in 1813. d. Aug. 5, 1850. 5 Lucinda, b. in 1815. d. Aug. 16, 1872. 6. William, b. d. 7. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1818. d. Mch. 21, 1878. 8. Henry M., b. Feb. 3, 1825. 9. Blary, b. in 1827. d. Aug. — , 1846. 10. Sarah B., b. Nov. 13, , 1829. 11. .Joseph, b. in 1834. 12. Charles A. b. d. at 3i years of aj Of these children, 1. George,' who was a furnaceman at Baltimore, Md., m. Julia Divoll, and had among other issue : George, Julia, Sarah, Elizabeth, etc. 2. Harriet' m. Mch. 17, 1831, Albert Southworth of Stoughton, Mass., a carpenter. Issue : Albert L., Jedediah, George, Louisa, and Cordelia. 3. Franklin' lived in Florida during the Seminole War, and served as a soldier in that war. His house being burned by the Indians while he was on duty, his wife, who was an English woman, succeeded in making her escape. He after wards was a teamster in New Orleans, where he d. more than thirty years ago, without issue. 4. Freeman,' who was a shoemaker, went to Franklin, N. H., and m. Alice B. Robertson, and d. there without issue. 5. Lucinda' m. at Newton, Mass., Charles F. N. Hard, and lived and d. at Lowell. Issue: Charles F., Josephine, WiHiam H., Alice E., and Walter. 6. William,' a furnaceman, went first to Pennsylvania, 84 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. and then to Grafton, Va., where he was living at the time of his death. He m. Mary , and had three sons : William, George, and , one of whom d. at Andersonville Prison. 7. Elizabeth' m. Daniel M. Robertson of Franklin,N. H. She lived at Manchester, N. H., and d. at East Boston. Issue : Dairiel F., William F., and Ida Lucinda. 8., Henry,' laborer and farmer at Hanover, Mass., m. Jul, 18, 1854, Rebecca Johnson. Issue : 1. Elizabeth J., b. Sep. 17,1857. 2. Joseph H., b. Aug. 13, 1859. d. Jan. 15, 1866. 3. Mary J., b. Dec. 16, 1860. 4. Florence E., b. Apr. 18, 1879. Of these children, 1. Lizzie' m. Aug. 30, 1874, John Frank Hollis, and lives in South Weymouth, Mass. Issue : Charles, Grace, Willie, Everett, and Mary. 9. Mary,' fourth daughter of Francis, m. John Studley Jr., of Bridgewater, Mass., and lived at Hanover and Lowell, Mass. She had a daughter, Sarah, who d. young. Mary d. at Lowell, Mass., Aug. 1846. 10. Sarah' m. Jun. 20, 1846, Charles W. Rowell of Manchester, N, H., where she now resides. Her children were: Charles W. Jr., Herbert S., Clara L., Lois Alma, Grace L., James F., and Henry I. 11. Joseph,' a laborer and farmer at Hanover, Mass., m. Oct. 4, 1863, Ellen C. Barrell. Issue : 1. Loyd Frank, b. Mch. 1, 1864. 2. Seth Oscar, b. Oct. 26, 1865. 3. Charles F., b. Jan. 24, 1868. 4. George H., b. Apr. 1, 1870. 5. Charlotte, b. Mch. 31, 1872. 6. Benjamin, b. Mch. 17,1874. 7. Herbert F., b. Mch. 17, 1876. 8. Lizzie E., b. Jul. 29,1878. 9. Nellie M., b. Sep. 26,1881. 10. Willie, b. Jan. 19, 1884. 1. Frank,' who is a farmer at Norwell, Mass., m. Nov. 1881, Lettie Sylvester, and had a son Sylvanus, who d. when a few weeks old. Frank is Noble Grand of North River Lodge, 167, I. O. O. F., at Hanover, Mass. 2. Seth Oscar,' who is a book-keeper in Boston, m. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 85 Dec. 15, 1886, Lizzie Osborne, and has a daughter, name not learned. _ 4. George H.,' m. Mch. 2, 1890, Nellie E. Doherty, lives at South Weymouth, Mass., and is a shoemaker. 9.— EXPERIENCE OF SCITUATE, MASS. t-2-9. Experience,' fifth son of Joseph Hammond, lived at Scituate Harbor, Mass. He m. Jun. 18, 1780, Let tice Wilder at Hingham, and had issue : 1- Polly, b. Feb. 26,1781. d. Aug. —, 1878. 2. William, b. Feb. 18, 1783. d. Dec. 15, 1865. 3. Thomas, b. Jan. 15, 1785. d. May 11, 1847. 4. Experience,.!., J ,. ^„^. „, ,,, d. ^^ ^^^ 6. Sarah, b. Jan. 25, 1793. d. Aug. — , 1842. 7. Frederick, b. Jul. 28, 1795. d. Oct. 5, 1874. 8. Olive, b. Jul. 22,1798. d. Aug. 1,1811. 9. Joseph, b. Dec. 10, 1800. d. Aug. 12, 1827. Experience Hammond m. 2d, in 1820, Elsie Coleman. No issue by this marriage. ' Of the above children, 1. Polly' m. 1st, Oct. 27, 1800, Ezra Vinal of Scituate, a sea captain, who d. at sea, Aug. 16, 1821. Issue: I.Mary Ann; 2. Abigail C. ; 3. Adeline; 4. Olive H. ; 5. Ezra. 1. Mary Ann' m. 1st, John S. Vinal, and had issue: John T., Mary Ann, Ezra, Adeline, Betsey Capen, and Sarah Curtis. Mary Ann m. 2d, John D. Torrey, and had fyrther issue : Mary Ann, Mercy, and Walter. 2. Abigail Cm. Martin T. Peaks of North Scituate, and had: Walter S. 3. Adeline' m. James Hyde, who d. Feb. 1878, se. 59. Issue: Annie E., Addie V., George E., and James A. Annie E. m. Henry E. Johnson, and with her mother resides at Dorchester, Mass. 4. Olive H.' m. Henry Hyland of Scituate, Mass. Issue : Olive, Georgiana, Abbie Carrol, and Henry Puffer. 5. Ezra' m. Ann Collins, and had issue: Mary M., Ezra, Lettice, Abbie, James, Martha, Charlotte, Henry, and Samuel. Polly m. 2d, about 1825-6, Walter Wall, a farmer, and d. Aug. 1878, without further issue. 4. Experience Jr.' probably died young; 5. John' never married, and was lost at sea; 9. Joseph,' who was a 86 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. sailor, contracted yellow fever from which he partially recovered, and d. at home; 8. Olive' d. in childhood ; and 7. Fred,' who was a farmer at Scituate, m. about 1814-5 PoUy Coleman, who d. Jun. 11, 1879, se. 82, without issue. 6. Sarah' m. Sep. 15, 1814, Gideon Vinal, a captain of militia, living- at Scituate, who d. .Tun. 17, 1840. Issue: 1. Carolina A.,' who m. James Elleman, who was b. at Birmingham, Eng., and is now a manufacturer of electroplates and galvanic batteries at Providence, R. I., and has no issue. 2. Sarah,' who m. Perry Brownell and lives at New Bedford, and had Gideon, William, John F. (who m. Sarah Dunham of Mattapoisett), Susan A., Mary, etc. 3. Col. John Frederic' b. Jan. 28, 1820, captain and major 41st Mass. Vol. Inf., and major and lieutenant colonel 3d Mass. Cavalry, was in the service from Aug. '62 to Aug. '65, and was wounded in the thigh by a ball. He is now pension attorney at Wash ington, D. C, practising before all the departments. He m. Lydia G. Cory, but has no issue. 4. William,' who m. Lavina A. T. Lavare, and had Augusta, William, Charles, Lillie, and Florence. 5. Gideon,' proprietor of a hotel in Albany, N. Y., m. Margaret , and had Sarah, Carrie, Frederick, William, John, Lavinia, and Florence. Two other ' children of Sarah Vinal, Joseph' and Malinda,' d. in infancy. t-2-9-2. William Hammond,' oldest son of Experience, was a ship-joiner, and deacon of the Congregationl Church at New Bedford, Mass. He m. Mch. 3, 1805, Abigail CarroU, who was b. at Salem, Mass., Jan. 4, 1782, and d. at New Bedford, Dec. 17, 1861, a;. 80. Issue : 1. Abigail, b. Aug. 10, 1805. d. Oct. 16, 1888. 2. Hannah B., b. Nov. 19, 1807. d. Feb. 4, 1886, 3. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24 1809. 4. Juliette L., b. Jan. 2, 1812. d. about 1883, 5. Priscilla, b. May 9, 1815. 6. Malinda, b. Jul. 9, 1817. d. in 1875. 7. William, Jr., b. Sep. 30, 1820. d. Jan. 9, 1891 8. 9. Margaret,Charlotte, b. Sep. 1, 1822. d. about d. Oct. — , 1855, 1822, Of these children, 1. Abigail,' b. in Salem, lived at New Bedford. She m. Nov. 10, 1835, Capt. Stephen Christian, who was in the whaling business. Issue: Stephen Jr., who was killed in battle in the late Civil War. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAM3IOND. 87 '2. Hannah Beckett' was b. at South Boston, and lived and d. in Salem, Mass. She m. Mav 20, 1832, Capt. John Goldsmith of that city, who d. May 21, 1888, w. 80, and was a captain in the merchant service. Issue : John Henry Jr b. at Salem, Feb. 18, 1833. 3.^ Elizabeth,' who lives at Scipio ville, Cayuga Co., N. Y., m. Nov. 21, 1826, Francis Bowman of Falmouth, Mass., a carpenter. Issue: Francis Jr., Elizabeth, Harriet, Mary, Daniel, Sarah, etc. 4. Juliette,' was b. in South Boston, and d. in Providence, R. I. She m. Nov. 29, 1832, John T. StaU of New Bedford, and had : Sarah, Juliette, and Emma. 5. Priscilla,' was b. in Charlestown, and is living at New Bedford, Mass. She m. 1st, Nov. 9, 1835, Alden Gilford, and had: Stephen C, William, George P., and Isabella. Priscilla [Hammond] GiflTord m. 2d, Feb. 14, 1874, Eben Ryder of New Bedford. No issue by the second marriage. Of Priscilla's children, Stephen' was in the 2d ]\lass. Heavy Artillery ; and William' was in Co. C, 2d jMass. Cavalry, was discharged for disability, and re-enlisted in Co. E, 58th M. V. Inf. George P.,' who was formerly in the whaHng service, was appointed mate in the U. S. Navy, Feb. 1864, and was ordered to report to Rear Admiral D. G. Farra- gut; was detailed to duty on the U. S. S. Octovana, and participated in the following battles : Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864, capturing Forts Morgan and Gaines, and causing the evacuation of Fort Powell ; captured the ram Tepnessee, the gunboat Selma, and caused the destruction of the Gaines ; also participated in the bombardment and capture of Fort Huger and the Spanish fort, and was in the first gunboat to arrive at ilobile City ; and remained in the service until 1870. He joined the G. A. R., May 22, 1867; was Commander of Logan Rodman Post, No 1, 1888-89-90; was Councillor of the Cumberland Association of Naval Veterans ; and was an aid-de-camp on the Staff of the Commanders-in-Chief Warner and Veazey. 6. Malinda' was b. at Charlestown and lived at New Bedford. She m. Nov. 23, 1837, Horace S. Tower, and had : Abbie, Louis and Charles, Lucy, Malinda, and William. 88 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8. Margaret,' who was b. and lived in New Bedford, m. Apr. 5, 1845, William Hinckley, and had: Margaret, who d. in infancy. 7. William Jr.,' who was b. at Fairhaven, was a naval architect and ship-joiner at New Bedford. He m. 1st, Jul. 19, 1840, Susan B. King, and had issue : 1. James C, b. Sep. 16,1842. d. ,Tul. 19,1872. 2. Lizzie Imbert, b. Jun. 16, 1846. d. May 16, 1886. William Jr., went to San Francisco about 1854, and amassed quite a fortune, having had a contract with the U. S. Govern ment to convey Government stores up the Colorado River to Salt Lake, and building a steamer for this purpose. While re-visiting New Bedford the steamer was blown up, causing the loss of a greater part of his fortune. In 1859, he came to Seattle, Puget Sound District, and built the first steamer of any dimensions on the Sound ; from 1870 to 1881, he held the office of Local Inspector of Steam Vessels of the Puget Sound District. After 1882 he retired from business, his health not permitting active labor. He m. 2d, Jul. 2, 1867, Eliza Ann Fearer, who was b. in Rock Island City, 111., Feb. 6, 1844. Issue by the second marriage : 3. Lolila Margueret, b. Dec. 11,1869. 4. Catherine Abigail, b. Sep. 23, 1871. Of the above children of William Hammond Jr. , 1. James C enlisted in May 1861, in the 31st Reg't M. V. M., and was honorably discharged; re-enlisted in Co. G, Mass. Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of the war. He again enlisted, Sep. 25, 1865, in Co. C, 3d Heavy ArtiUery, U. S. Army, and was discharged at Omaha Barracks, Dec. 25, 1868. He afterwards entered the employ of the Fitchburg R. R. Co., and made his residence in Charlestown, Mass., where his wife d. Jan. 6, 1871. He d. at Nantucket, Jul. 19, 1872. James C. m. Jun. 1871, Emily F. Dow of Nantucket. Issue : 1. Sadie H., b. Jan. 6, 1871. d. Jan. 6, 1871. 2. Lizzie I.' Hved and m. in Boston, Apr. 1863, George W. Gould of that city, who d. Mch. 11, 1891. Issue : Susie I., Carrie Gibson, Annie M., Lizzie L., Sadie H., George. W., and Willie James. 3. Lolila M.' m. Dec. 21, 1886, Harry Harkins, lives at Seattle, Wash., and has two children : W^illiam Hammond and Marjorie. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 89 4. Catherine A.' m. Oct. 23, 1889, Frank W. CotteriU, resides at Seattle, and has one son : Charles Phillip. t-2-9-3. Thomas,' second son of Experience Hammond, was a ship-builder, and lived, until after the birth of his children, at South Boston. He built a residence at the base of Washington Heights, 70 years ago, where it still remains with out impairing the grandeur of more modern and more imposing dwellings. He was a Deacon in the Congregational Church, Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and a temperate and devout man, much respected for his wisdom and integrity of character. After his second marriage he purchased a farm at Fitchburg Hill, where he was living at the time of his death. He m. 1st, Nov. 5, 1809, Betsey LoveH, who d. May 27, 1832. Issue : 1. Thomas, Jr., b. Nov. 13, 1810. d. Apr. 8, 1879. 2. John, b. Nov. 8, 1811. d. May 9, 1882. 3. Elizabeth Ann, b. Jul. 24, 1814. 4. Mary Lovell, b. Nov. 28, 1816. d. May 12, 1873. 5. William, b. Dec. 14, 1819. d. Dec 21, 1883. 6. Zephaniah W., b. Jul. 10. 1823. d. Feb. 26, 1891. 7. .loseph. b. May 24, 1826. d. Jun. 4, 1826. 8. Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 13, 1828. d. Jul. 17, 1833. 9. Benjamin F , b. Oct. 7, 1830. d. Oct. 25, 1830. 10. Frederick, b. Feb. 27, 1832. d. Apr. 29, 1832. Thomas Hammond m. 2d. , Aug. 15, 1833, Nancy Pierce Dodge, who d. Nov. 14, 1845. He m. , 3d, May 20, 1846, Mary Bates. No issue by the second and third marriages. Of these children, 3. Elizabeth Ann,' b. in South Boston, taught in the schools there and later opened a private school in New Bedford. She afterwards was a teacher, and later principal of Plaquemine Female Seminary, Plaquemine, La. After her marriage she moved with her husband to Beulah Plains, La., where they resided thirteen years. Their planta tion was three-fourths of a mile from Port Hudson, which sur rendered after Vicksburg fell, and their buildings were burned on the first assault. May 27, 1863. About the close of the war, she came to Boston, remaining two years, and returned to find her plantation pre-empted, which was only regained after a three years lawsuit. She m. Jul. 1, 1849, Frederick Stein- man Ernst, who was b. in Easton, Penn., Feb. 2, 1810. After his graduation at Yale in 1832, Mr. Ernst studied the ology at Princeton, N. J., and commenced his ministerial labors at Natchez, Miss., where he labored several years. He afterwards received a call to Beulah Plains, near Baton Rouge, 90 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. La., where he remained until the time of his death. It is said of him, " He was an earnest pastor, his sermons heart-reaching and impressive, his character strong, unselfish and true, and as a man he was greatly beloved." Issue : 1. Anna M. Dickinson, b. Nov. 24, 1850. d. Jun. 26, 1861. 2. Frederick W., b. Jun. 28, 1853. Frederick,' b. in East Feliciana Parish, La., was edu cated at Covington and Danville, Ky., graduated at Dartmouth, N. H., in '76, at the Yale Divinity School in '79, and in '83 accepted a Congregational pastorate at South Hartford, N. Y., where he remained about five years. His health demanding a change, he went to Europe, and upon his return was called to organize Dow Academy, Franconia, N. H., of which insti tution he is still Principal. He m. Mch. 18, 1880, Hattie E. Holt, of New Haven, and has two sons and two daughters : Clara L., Gertrude S., Clayton H., and Frederic S. 4. Mary Lovell' m. Jan. 19, 1837, George Bradford, who was b. in Boston, Jul. 15, 1814, and moved to San Fran cisco, Cal., about 1850-52. Mr. Bradford, who was a lumber dealer, and one of the city fathers, d. Jul. 5, 1888. Mary, his wife, d. May 12, 1873. Issue : Elizabeth Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Thomas Hammond, Joseph Franklin, Eveline, George, Lovell, Mary Eva, Charles Aug., William G., and Edward Winslow. Elizabeth L. m. George B. Hawley and lives at Oakland, Cal. 5. William,' who was a house-carpenter, at New Bed ford, ni. Sep. 15, 1844, Lydia P. Carr of Nantucket, who d. at Campello, Mass., Oct. 25, 1887, te. 66. William d. at New Bedford, Dec. 21, 1883, without issue. t-2-9-3-1. Thomas Jr.,' eldest son of Thomas, was a deacon of the Congregational Church, and a clothing manufac turer, Broadway, South Boston. He m. May 13, 1835, Har riet W. Trow, and had issue as follows : 1. William A., b. Jun. 19, 1837. 2. James B., b. Apr. 23, 1839. 3. Hattie W., b. Jan. 22, 1841. 4. Martha Ann, b. Nov. 14, 1843. 5. .John T., b. Sep. 16, 1845. 6. Henry W., b. Apr. 30,1847. 7. Jennie S., b. Jul. 25, 1849. 8. Thomas F., b. Feb. 22, 1852. 9. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sep. 3, 1854. 10. George F., b. Apr. 9, 1857. d. Jan. 18, 1883. 11. Charles N., b. May 3, 1859. .Tamks B. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 91 Of these children, 1. William Augustus," who is a patternmaker in New York City, m. Feb. 16, 1875, Sarah Fowler of South Boston. No issue. 2. James Bartlett' was b. Apr. 23, 1839, in South Boston, where he remained until his thirteenth year ; entered successively the Boston High School and Latin School ; finished preparation for college at Phillips Academy, Andover ; gradu ated from the University of Vermont in '61, and was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society ; entered the Union Theological Seminary, Schenectady, N. Y., the next year, and graduated four years later ; army correspondent of the Nexo Yorh Tribune; reported Beecher's sermons for the Boston Traveller; collabo rator American edition Lange's Commentary ; compiled a volume of Psalms, published by Chas. Scribner ; student at University of Halle, Germany ; teacher at Dedham, Mass. ; inventor Hammond typewriter ; president Hammond Type writer Co., and resident of New York City. James B. has never married. 3. Hattie Walker' b. at Weymouth, Mass., m. Dec. 24, 1867, William S. Phipps of Hyde Park, and resides in New York City. Mr. Phipps is general manager and book-keeper of the Hammond Typewriter office. New York City. Their only daughter, Mabel E., b. Dec. 17, 1869, is very talented in music. 4. Martha Ann' m. May 13, 1870, Capt. John J. Raynes, who was b. at Deer Isle, Me., Jul. 5, 1823, and resides at Hyde Park, Mass. Her children are : Marion Trow, John Charles, Joseph Francis, and William Augustus. 5. John Tro-w,' who was in the late War, has never married. He is at present superintendent of the Capital Park, Sacramento, Cal. 6. Henry W.,' who is a carpenter, resides at Taunton, Mass. 7. Jennie S^wan' is a teacher at Hyde Park, Mass., living with her mother. 8. Thomas Francis,' who is general agent of the Ham mond Typewriter for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and West Virginia, resides at Philadelphia. He m. Nov. 14, 1874, Lucy Elizabeth Waters, and had issue : 92 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Richard Ralph, b. ,Tun. 19, 1878. 2. Percy Waters, b May 4, 1886. 3. Edith, b. May 26, 1889. 9. Mary Elizabeth' m. Mch. 1870, Rev. Edmund Hardy, and resides at Buffalo, N. Y. Issue : Gertrude, Alice Gary, Eddie J., Jennie Hammond and Fred Hammond. 10. George Frederic,' who was a salesman, was on the ill-fated steamer City of Columbus, which was wrecked at Gay Head, Mass, Jan. 18, 1883. He clung to the rigging of the doomed vessel, and just after being rescued died of exhaus tion. 11. Charles Wash,' who is a salesman, in the Boston office of the Hammond Typewriter Co., resides at Boston. He m. Oct. 1. 1889, Myra Belle Lib.by, and has a son : 1. James Bartlett, 2d, b. Dec. 10, 1890. f-2-9-3-2. John Hammond,' second son of Thomas, was a ship-joiner and house-carpenter, and lived at South Boston, Fitchburg, and Ashburnham, and d. at Detroit, Mich., May 9, 1882. He m. Nov. 8, 1834, Sarah Huston, who was b. in WeHs, Me., Mch. 21, 1809, and d. in Turner's FaHs, Mass.. Jul. 23, 1880. Issue : 1. JohnL., b. Nov. 3,1835. d. Jul. 27,1864. 2. Sarah J. F., b. May 18,1836. d. Jun. 19,1855. 3. Georse Henry, b. May 5, 1838. d. Dec. 29, 1886. 4. Leaffio A., b. Mch. 9, 1840. 5. Martha H., b Jan. 17, 1841. 6. Thomas, b. Feb. 27, 1843. 7. Walter, b. Mch. 21, 1846. d. Feb. 5, 1847. 8. Frederic, b. Feb. 27, 1847. 9.. Henry, b. Jul. 30,1848. d. Dec. 7,1888. 10. Albert, b Sep. 26, 1850. d. Sep. 24, 1873. 11. Juliet, b. Oct. 26, 1852. 12. Herbert, b. Mch. 16, 1854. d. Aug. 1, 1855. Of these children, Walter' and Herbert' d. in infancy ; Sarah' was b. in South Boston, and d. in Ashburnham, Mass.,. single ; and Albert,' who was b. in Ashburnham, d. near Kansas City, Mo., also single. 1. John L.,' who was b. at South Boston, was a mechanic at Detroit, and d. at East Saginaw, Mich. He m. Aug. 1, 1857, Jane L. Howe of Ashburnham, and had one son : 1. Herbert H., 2d, b. Jun. 6,1858. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 93 Herbert H.," who is single, is a hardware merchant at Baldwinsville, Mass. 4. Leaffie A.,' who was b. in Fitchburg, m. Jan. 24, 1865, Granville Hosmer, who is a machinist at Fitchburg, Mass. Issue : 1. Birdie, b. Oct. 21, 1872. d. Nov. 3, 1872. 2. Julia H., b. Apr. 12, 1874. d. Jul. 14, 1874. 5. Martha H.,' who was b. at Fitchburg, m. Sep. 22, 1863, Gilbert L. Rist, who is a merchant at Turner's Falls, Montague, Mass. Issue : 1. Albert IL, b. Sep. 5, 1865. 2. Walter J., b. Sep. 1,1869. 3. G. Frank, b. Aug. 23, 1871. 4. George IL, b. Dec. 12, 1875. 6. Thomas,' who was b. at Westminster, Mass., resides at Hammond, Ind. of which city he was recently mayor. He is superintendent of that branch of the George H. Hammond Beef Shipping Co., which is located in that city. He is also a member of the 53d Congress. He m. Oct. 31, 1866, Helen E. Potter of Leominster, Mass., and had issue : 1. Lizzie, b. Dec. 4, 1869. 2. Carrie, ' b. Feb. 111 1872. 3. Walter, b. Oct. 27, 1873. 4. Frank, b. May 15, 1875. 5. Edith, b. Dec. 8, 1878. 8. Frederic,' who was b. in Ashburnham and now resides at Allston, was for twenty years connected with the New England Branch of the George H. Hammond Beef Ship- ,ping Co. He enlisted, Ang. 23, 1864, in Co. H, 4th Reg't Mass. Heavy Artillery, and was mustered out .lun. 17, 1865 ; lived in Detroit from '65 to '82, and in Allston since the latter date ; member of the Allston Club, and dealer in real estate. He m. Jan. 29, 1879, Ada Savanac at Detroit, Mich., who was b. Sep. 9, 1850. Issue : ¦. 18, 1879. d. Aug. 11, 1881. 9. Henry,' who was b. at Ashburnham, Mass., and d. at Detroit, Mich., was connected with the Detroit Branch of the George H. Hammond Beef Shipping Co. He m. 1st, in 1873-4 Hattie W^ise, and had issue : 1. Hattie, who lived in the West. 1. Merrill Mills, b Nov. 18, 1879. 2. Wesley Likins, b. Jul. 22, 1881. 3. Marie Louise, b. Feb. 22, 1883. 94 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Henry m. 2d, Nov. 25, 1882, EUa Fowles of Detroit, and had further issue : 2. Raymond, b. Sep. 11, 188J. 3. Norman Henry, b. Feb. 3, 1886. 11. Juliet,' who was b. in Ashburnham, m. Dec. 9, 1875, George H. Goddard, who is a farmer at Montague, Mass. Issue : 1. Cora LeafBe, h. Jan. 19, 1877. d. Feb. 13, 1878. 2. Hattie Mav, b. Feb. 3, 1882. 3. Sarah IL," b. Dec. 9, 1886. •j^_2-9-3-2-3 . George Henry,' second son of John and Sarah [Huston] Hammond, and for years one 6f the most extensive dealers of dressed beef in the world, was b. at Fitch burg, Mass., May 5, 1838. Leaving school at the early age of ten years, he began making leather pocket-books for a Mr. Barrett of Ashburnham, Mass., and afterwards carried on the business for himself, employing twelve girls and doing a profitable business. Leather pocket-books being now super seded by steel-clasp pocket-books, he, for the next three years, worked at Fitchburg, in the mattress and palm-leaf hat factory of Milton Frost. At the age of fifteen he purchased the business of his former employer, but at the end of six months sold it out and went to Detroit, Mich., arriving there in 1854. Here for two years and a half, he carried on a mattress and furniture factory. When only nineteen, his establishment was destroyed by fire, and left him with but few dollars in cash. With this small amount, he opened a meat stare at the comer of Howard and Third Streets, which became an immediate success, and in 1860 he erected a brick building to meet the demands of his increas ing trade. In 1865, the business, now removed to. Michigan Grand Avenue, had become a large and prosperous one. In the mean time, he engaged extensively in beef and pork pack ing, forming in 1872 a partnership with J. D. Standish and S. D. Dixon, under the firm name of Hammond, Standish & Co. Tne firm erected large packing-houses on Twentieth Street, and the business grew to such proportions that for several years preceding Mr. Hammond's death they did the largest business of the kind in the city. Although substantial success followed Mr. Hammond's exer- tion.s in his regular line of trade, it is chiefly in connection with the transportation of dressed beef that he exhibited the largest business capacity. From the incipiency of the undertaking until DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 95 the method of carrying on the beef trade of the United States had undergone complete revolution, his energy was the chief factor in the undertaking. The problem of how to preserve meats, fruits, and like perishable products, for any length of time in transportation, without aflPecting their quality of flavor, had been practically unsolved until 1868, when William Davis of Detroit tried in vain to induce capitalists to take hold of the invention. Finally Mr. Hammond had a car fitted up expressly for carry ing dressed beef to Eastern markets. The experimental trip was made in May 1869, from Detroit to Boston, and was a complete success. Mr. Hammond, with characteristic boldness and far-seeing business sagacity, soon after purchased the right to the exclusive use of the invention, and with Caleb Ives formed the Dressed Beef Transportation Company of Ham mond, Ives & Co., which a few years after was changed to the firm name of George H. Hammond & Co. Commencing with one car the business steadily increased until at the time of Mr. Hammond's death, 800 cars were in constant use in their fresh meat trade with the Atlantic Coast, and they sent three ship-loads weekly to trans- Atlantic ports. They established slaughter-houses at Hammond, Ind., and Omaha, Neb., actu ally founding and building the first named city, which now has a large population, and is a thriving city. At this immenss establishment, 1500 to 2000 head of cattle are killed each day, the business transacted reaching the sum of $12,000,000 to to $15,000,000 annually. The creation of this business was almost entirely due to the enterprise and sagacity of Mr. Ham mond, and the results accomplished have been of great benefit to the commercial world. In many respects Mr. Hammond was a remarkable man. He scarcely had a boyhood. Beginning life's battles when ten years old, before he was twenty he carried upon his shoulders the responsibilities that would have tested the powers of most mature men. A course of study in Goldsmith's Commercial College while in his teens, begun and completed in the evening, gave him a knowledge of accounts, that supplemented his busi ness training and his practical experience. He was shrewd and careful, but clear business perception gave him courage and boldness. At forty-eight he had not only become one of the wealthiest men of Detroit, but one of the best business men in the United States, and the central figure in a gigantic system of operations of which few people in Detroit realized the extent, and which revolutionized the beef trade of the 96 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. country and made his name well-known and respected in com-, mercial circles, in Chicago, New York, and Boston. He was a large real estate owner, in and near Detroit, and realized so fully that his success was gained here, that he desired that the city should reap the advantage due to his success. He was vice- president of The Commercial National Bank, a director in the Michigan Savings Bank, and in the Detroit Fire & Marine Insurance Company, and in many ways was a reliable factor in the prosperity of Detroit. In the full tide of his success, when wealth and honor had rewarded his efforts, and when seemingly he could illy be spared from the management of the great interests his genius had developed, the end came suddenly and unexpectedly. Naturally of a strong and robust physique, the hard work and unremitting toil of many years appeared to fall lightly upon him, but disease of the heart, baffling medical skill, terminated his life Dec. 29, 1886. His death caused deep and genuine sorrow wherever he was known, and the community in which he had long lived mourned the loss of one whose name was a synonym of busi ness honor, whose private life was unexceptionable, and whose future promised so much. He was not a member of any church, but made liberal gifts to church enterprises, and his contributions to charitable and benevolent objects were many but unostentatious. He was reserved in manner, and gave his confidence only to a few, whom he implicity trusted, and in whom he created unbounded faith. His chief pleasures were found in the domestic circle, and he was able to leave the perplexing, and annoying cares of business outside of his home, where he was the ideal father and husband. He was fond of travel, going twice to Europe with part of his family, visiting also California and the South, and frequently visited, for business or pleasure, various parts of the United States. Dying in the prime of life, he left the impress of his work upon the commercial history of his generation, and to his family the rich legacy of a spotless reputation. George H. Hammond m. in 1857, Ellen Barry of Detroit, who was b. Jan. 20, 1838, and had eleven children, seven of whom are living. Issue : 1. Annie Jennie, b. Mch. 15,1859. 2. George Henry, Jr., b. Feb. 2,1861. Geo KG E II. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL I-IAMMOND. 97 3. Sarah Agnes, b. Mch. 31, 1863. d. Oct. ^ 1892. 4. Mary LeafBe, b. Jan. 12, 1866. d. Feb. 20, 1868. 5. Charles Frederic, b. Jan. 31, 1868. 6. John William, b. Oct. 24, 1870. 7. Ellen. b. Apr. 8, 1872. d. Nov. 17, 1873. 8. Herbert H. , b. Nov. 11, 1874. d. Apr. 19, 1875. 9. Florence Pauline, b. Dec. 2 1877. 10. Ethel Kate, b. Jun. lo'. 1880. 11. Edward Percy, b. Aug. 3, 1884. Of these children, 1. Annie Jennie" m. Feb. 25, 1886, Charles AVilliam Casgrain, who was b. May 24, 1859, and is a lawyer at Detroit. Issue : 1. Charlotte Marie Chase, b. Oct. 1, 1887. 2. George Henry Jr." is president of the firm of Hammond, Standish t^ Co., and resides at Detroit. He m. Jul. 18, 1882, Francis Belle Perkins, who was b. Aug. 10, 1861. No issue. 3. Sarah Agnes" m. Jun. 1885, Gilbert Wilson Lee, who was b. Mch. 28, 1861. Mr. Lee is senior partner of a large and extensive wholesale firm, dealing in canned goods and fancy groceries, at Detroit. Issue : George Hammond. 5. Charles Frederic," educated in the schools of De troit, and a graduate of the Institute of Technology, Boston, class of '91, resides at Detroit. 6. John William," after being educated at Detroit, made a tour around the world, and is now a student at Detroit. •)--2-9-3-6. Zephaniah Woods,' fourth son of Thomas, b. at South Boston, was a farmer and gardener, and lived and d. in Fitchburg, Mass. He m. Ist, Jun. 8, 1846, Mary Bates, who was b. at Cohasset, Aug. 6, 1830, ancl d. at Fitchburg, Jan. 30, 1867. He m. 2d, May 8, 1868, Martha L. Lawrence, who was b. in Leominster, Jun. 11, 1838, and survives him. Issue by the first marriage : 1. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1848. 2. Fannie Bates, b. Sep. 28,1851. d. Jun. 24, 1891 . 3. Frederick Herbert, b. Sep. 15, 1853. d. Jun. 3, 1878. 4. William Hiram, b. Sep. 6, 1858. Of these children, 1. Elizabeth Ann' m. Nov. 1868, George Francis Burrage, who was b. in' Leominster, Sep. 14, 1838, and was an officer in the Civil W^ar. The Burrages 8 98 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. resided first at Boston, where the first three children were born, later at Denver, and now live at Redcliffe, Col. Issue : 1. Frank Sumner, b. Oct. 23, 1872. 2. Mary Catherine, b. Nov. 18, 1874. d. Apr. 23, 1875. 3. Louise Minott, b. Mch. 3, 1877. 4. Marion Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1887. 2. Fannie Bates' m. Jun. 20, 1876, Walter C. Colby, who was b. in Charlestown, Mch. 9, 1844, and is a gate-tender at Everett, Mass. Issue : 1. Edith M., b. Nov. 25,1877. 2. Mabel E., b. Jan. 17, 1879. d. Jul. 12, 1888. 3. William A., b. Jun. 29, 1887. d. Jul. 2, 1887. 4. Mary A., b. Oct. 7, 1888. 3. Frederic Herbert,' who was b. at Fitchburg and d. at Leominster, Mass., was assistant keeper of the Boston Light house for several years, and was keeper of the Narrows Ligjit at the time of his death. He never married. 4. William Hiram,' who is a rancher at Brush Creek, Col., m. Aug. 20, 1890, Laura Lobb, and has a daughter : 1. Helen Bates, b. Jun. 23, 1891. v.— JOSIAH HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. -f. Josiah' Hammond, sixth son of Samuel' [Benja min,^ WilHam'], lived first on the southeast part of his father's farm, the house standing quite near the waters of Buzzard's Bay. He afterwards sold this farm near the salt water, to his son Josiah 2d, and received land to the north of his father's place, where he built a second house. Although the house has disappeared, the place is still pointed out as the " Siah " place. He m. Mary Barlow, and had issue : May 21, 1816. Of these children, nothing further is known of Bethiah and Deborah P. 1. Nathan 3d, b. Apr. 27, 1716. d. 2. Charity, b. Jun. 5, 1718. d. 3. Josiah 2d, b. Jun. 17, 1729. d. 4. Bethiah, b. Jul. 3, 1731. d. 5. Hannah, b. May 26, 1733. d. 6. Abner, b. Jun. 10, 1735. d. 7. Mary, b. May 20, 1737. d. 8. Deborah P., b. in 1741. d. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 99 2._ Charity'* m. Apr. 15, 1744, Roger Hammond, son of Benjamin 2d, and lived in Hammondtown. Issue: Olive, Deborah, Anna, Benjamin, Thankful, and Roger Jr. 5. Hannah' probably m. Jan. 15, 1764, Jona. Wing, and perhaps lived in the Wing neighborhood, Acushnet, Mass. Issue unknown. 7. Mary° probably m. Joseph Briggs, and lived in Roch ester. Issue :¦ Lucy, and perhaps a son Ebenezer. After Mary's death, Joseph Briggs m. 2d, Rose Hammond, daughter of Nathan 3d, and a neice of his first wife. 1.— NATHAN 3d, OF ROCHESTER, MASS. f-l. IVathan 3d,' oldest son of Josiah, probably lived in that part of the old town of Rochester which adjoined the town of Wareham. He m. Mary Barlow at Rochester, and had issue : 1. Bathsheba, b. Aug. 23, 1740. d. Apr. 1, 1767. i. Beulah, b. Apr. 13, 1742. d. 3. Aaron, b. May 23, 1744. d. Nov. 30, 1833. 4. Barlow, b. Nov. 7, 1745. d. 5. Experience, b. Sep. 13, 1747. d. Sep. 24, 1747. 6. Rose, b. Mch 5, 1749. d. Dec. 21, 1826. 7. Shubael, b. May 17,1750. d. Jul. 1,1835. 8. Josiah, b. Dec. 30, 17; 2. d. Dec. 12, 1809. 9. Thankful, b. Mch. 22, 1755. d. Of Nathan's children, nothing further is known of Barlow and Thankful, and they very likely d. young. 1. Bathsheba' m. Dec. 23, 1762, Bezaliel Washburne, and probably lived at Rochester. Issue not learned. 2. Beulah' m. Apr. 1, 1767, John Briggs Jr. at Roch ester, but her issue is not known. 6. Kose' m. Joseph Briggs, and the family afterwards moved to Vermont, perhaps near Barnard, where Joseph d. Jul. 15, 1819, se. 76. Issue: Joseph, Mary, Peleg, Fiorina, and Abigail. Fiorina m. Dp. Thomas Swift of Barnard, and had a daughter Mary A., who m. George C. Hammond of Barnard. This George C. was a grandson of Jabez Hammond 2d, who settled at Woodstock, Vt. • For further record of Charity, see Genealogy of Koger Hammond, Part V. 100 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8 . Josiah,' who was a sailor, was lost at sea near Charles ton, S. C, Dec. 12, 1809. f-1-3. Aaron,' oldest son of Nathan 3d, lived near the old Friends' Meeting House, Marion, and perhaps a part of the time near Blackmore's Pond, Wareham. He was thrice mar ried. He m. 1st, Aug. 24, 1769, Abigail Weston, and had issue : 1. Anna,, b. Oct. 30, 1770. d. 2. Aaron, Jr., b. May 10,1772. d. 3. Mary, b. May 29,1775. d. 4. Barlow, b. Jul. 9,1777. d. 5. Lettes, b. Feb. 21, 1779. d. 6. Isaac W., b. Oct. 13, 1782. d. 7. Bathsheba, b. d. Aaron m. 2d, Dec. 23, 1784, Jedida White, and had further issue : 8. Elijah, b. Jul. 7, 1782. d. Feb. 16, 1830. 9. John, b. Dec. 27, 1790. d. in 1848. 10. Abigail, b. d. Aaron m. 3d, May, 8, 1794, Hannah Benson, but had no other issue. Of these children, nothing further is known of Anna, Aaron Jr., Mary, Lettes, and Isaac W- Probably most of them d. young. 4. Barlow' m. a Miss Skiff of Rochester, and had issue : Celista, and Polly who d. at the age of 10. Celista m. May 4, 1823, Jabez Benson of Rochester, and had issue: William, Benjamin, Charity, Mercy, Jabez, and Mary. 7. Bathsheba' m. Stephen Briggs of Rochester. Issue: Stephen, D^tniel and Weston. 10. Abigail,' daughter of Aaron, m. in 1814 Benjamin Rogers at Wareham. f-1-3-8. Eli.jah,' fifth son of Aaron, was a farmer, and lived first near Blackmore's Pond, Wareham, and afterwards on the farm now occupied by Stephen Hammond Jr., between Rochester Centre and the JMarion.R. R. Station. He had three wives. He m. 1st, in 1813, Sally Hathaway, who d. about 1816. Issue: 1. Arthur H., b. Jul. 20,1814. 2. Delia, b. Oct. 25, 1815. d. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 101 Elijah m. 2d, Apr. 13, 1817, Nancy [Clifton] Hammond, widow of WilHam Hammond, who d. Mch. 29, 1818. Issue: 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1818. d. Sep. 8, 1H73. Elijah m. 3d, Sep. 6, 1818, Beulah [Delano] Richmond, who was b. in 1787, and d. May 1, 1837. Issue : 4. Nancy Clifton, b. May 15, 1819. d. Apr. 4, 1867. 5. Job Delano, b. Nov. 9, 1820. 6. Nathan Mendell, b. Jun. 21, 1822. d. Of the above children, Nathan Mendell,' who was cap tain of a coasting vessel, d. single, at Baltimore, Md., at the age of 35. Delia' m. Horace Lovell of Sandwich, and had issue : Horace, James, and Sarah. Sarah' m. 1st, George B. Folger of Nantucket, who d. in Dec. 1849. Issue : Lydia Winslow and Mary Russell, both dying young and unmarried. Sarah m. 2d, Apr. 23, 1872, Anthony K. Whittemore, but had no other issue. 4. Nancy Clifton' m. Dec. 4, 1849, John Gould Luce of Marion, and had issue : 1. John Frank, b. Oct. 11,1851. Single, at Marion. |_1_3_8-1. Arthur H.,' oldest son of Elijah, is a farmer, and Hves in Wareham, Mass., near the Marion line. He m. 1st, Nov. 10, 1834, Bethiah T. Crapo, who was b. in 1801, ancl d. Jan. 15, 1882. Issue : 1. Arthur H., Jr., b. Jan.' 15, 1836. 2. Philander, b. about 1838. d. young. 3. Lucy, b. in 1840. d. May — , 1887. Arthur H. m. 2d, Mrs. Catherine Louisa Pratt, widow of Winslow Pratt. No other issue. 3. Lucy" m. 1st, Paul Briggs, but had no issue. She m. 2d, Warren T. Crapo, and moved to North East, Erie Co., Pa., where she died. Issue : Delia, Carrie, and Alonzo. 1. Arthur H. Jr.' was for many years a sea captain in the whaling service, but is now a farmer at Wareham, Mass. He m. Mch. 30, 1859, Sophia M. Savery, who was b. Mch. 5, 1838. Issue: 1. Arthur H. 3d, b. Sep. 18, 1869. 2. Sophia, b. Jun. 27, 1875. 2. Sophia" was lately in the Preparatory School con nected with Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. 102 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Arthur H. 3d," who resides at Wareham, m. Feb. 23, 1888, Mary S. Hammond, daughter of Capt. Clement Hammond, late of Marion, Mass. Issue : 1. Bethiah H., b. Jul. 31,1890. f -1-3-8-5. Job Delano,' second son of Elijah, is a farmer at East Wareham, Mass., Point Independence having been originally a part of his farm. He m. Apr. 4, 1846, Mary E. Swift of Wareham, and had issue : 1. Obed Warren, b. Jun. 2, 1847. d. Feb. 27, 1866. 2. James Henry, b. Aug. 3, 1849. d. Jun. 13, 1886. 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1851. 4. Job Delano 2d, b. Feb. 2, 1854. 5. Nellie Blossom, b. Dec. 27, 1855. d. Dec. 19, 1865. 6. Susan Bennett, b. Mch. 15, 1858. d. Dec. 17, 1883. 7. Chas. Edward, b. Feb. 27, 1861. 8. Irvin Carleton, b. Oct. 27, 1864. 9. Arthur Burton, b Sep. 9, 1867. 10. Lillie Richmond, b. .Tan. 13, 1873. Of the above children, 1. Obed Warren' and 5. Nellie Blossom' d. single, at East Wareham; 3. Mary Eliza beth,' a teacher, 4. Job Delano 3d,' a farmer, and 10. Lillie Richmond,' are all single and all reside at East Wareham. 2. James Henry' a seaman living at East Wareham, m. Aug. 2, 1879, Minnie Westgate, and had issue : 1. Merle Kimball, b. Aug. 2, 1880. 6. Susan Bennett' m. Jan. 15, 1881, Fred. Davis of Falmouth, Mass., where they resided. No issue to live. 7. Charles Edward' is a fisherman and lives at East Wareham. He m. Jan. 9, 1885, Ella M. [Tobey] Perry of Falmouth. No issue. 8. Irvin Carleton' is a real estate broker at East Ware ham. He m. Oct. 7, 1889, Laura Gunther of Louisville, Ky. Issue : 1. Carlton D., b. Oct. 2, 1890. 9. Arthur B.,' who is a clerk at East Wareham, m. Sep. 1891, Minnie Hall of Bourne, Mass. ¦j-- 1-3-9. John,' sixth son of Aaron, was a whaler, and lived at Wareham, but d. at Fall River, Mass. He m. May 4, DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 103 1817, Susan Green of Rochester, who was b. Aug. 16, 1795. Issue: 1. Susan, b. in 1820. d. Sep. 6, 1886. 2. John, Jr., b. Mch. 25, 1823. 3. Elijah G., b. Feb. 29, 1825. d. Jul. 4, 1838. 4. Elisha Clark, b. Oct. 10, 1827. d. Oct. 8, 1856. 5. Isaac D., b. Jun. 1, 1829. d. Of these children, Elijah G.' was drowned at Fall River, Jul. 4, 1838. 1. Susan' m. Ist, RusseU T. Lawton, who lived at Fall River„and d. there May 16, 1851. She m. 2d, about 1853, Walter Perry of Acushnet, where she afterwards lived and died, near Mason Taber's Corner. No issue. 2.. John Jr.,' who was formerly a sea captain, is the oldest pilot in the employ of the Fall River & New York Steam boat Co., and lives in Fall River. He m. Jan. 24, 1855, Clarissa A. Battey of Fall River, who was b. Jul. 1, 1833. Issue : 1. Adeline, ) u nit on .on.. 2. Clara Eliza, [ ^- ^^^ ^0, 1857. ^ ^^^ j^, 1863. Adeline' is a teacher in the public schools of Fall River. 4. Elisha Clark,' a machinist, lived at Taunton, but was buried in Middleboro', Mass. He m. Louisa Sherman, who d. Oct. 29, 1856. Issue: Isadore and Clarence, both of whom d. young. 5. Isaac D.' was a carpenter, and lived and d. in Fall River. He m. Mary Nichols, and had issue : 1. Clarence, b. in 1855. Clarence' is a grocer, and lives in Somerset, Mass. He m. Francis Marble, but has no issue. •f— 1— 7 . Shubael," fourth son of Nathan 3d, was a farmer, and lived in the northeasterly part of Rochester. He m. Oct. 17, 1773, Anna Barden, who was b. in 1755. Issue: 1. Nathan, b. Jul. 18, 1775. d. 2. Josiah, b. Jan. 15, 1778. d. Oct. 5, 1799, 3. Stephen, b. Apr. 25, 1780. d. Feb. 3, 1828, 4. Olive, b. Oct. 16, 1782. d. 5. Anna, b. Mch. 22, 1785. d. 6. Noah, b. Jan. 7, 1788. d. 7. Shubael, Jr., b. Jan. 22, 1790. d. 104 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8. Waitstill, b. Oct. 15, 1792. d. 9. Rosanna, b. May 22, 1795. d. 0. Charity, b. Sep. 28, 1798. d. Sep. 9, 1861. Of the above children, nothing further is known of JiTathan'; Josiah' d. single, at the age of 21 ; and Anna' is said to have lived in some part of Connecticut. 4. Olive' m. in 1803, Eliphalet Hall, and lived in some part of Connecticut. 7. Shubael Jr.' m. Mch. 6, 1806, Patty ShurtlefF, and lived in Middleboro'. Nothing further known. 9. Rosanna' m. Richard Doty, and lived in Middleboro', Rochester, ete. Issue : Harrison, Almira, Lucinda, Maria, Rufus, Eliza, and Nathan. 8. WaitstilF m. David ShurtlefF of Carver, and lived in South Carver. Issue : Harriet, b. 1813 ; Martha, b. 1815 ; David M\, h. 1817; Mercy A., b. 1819; Jared, b. 1821; Anna, b. 1823 ; Nathan, b. 1825 ; Stephen, b. 1827 ; Lorenzo, b. 1829 ; and Lousia, b. 1834. 10. Charity' m. in 1815 Eldredge Lovell of Yarmouth, Mass., where she lived and died. Issue : 1. Shubael, b. Dec. 7, 1816. d. Dec. 26, 1817. 2. Mary A., b. Nov. 28,1818. d. Nov. 28,1820. 3. Mary A., b. Aug. 31, 1820. d. Dec. 8, 1821. 4. Lewis E . b. Sep. 11, 1821. 5. George, b. Aug. 24,. 1823. d. Dec. 6, 1860. 6. Noah H'd, b. Feb. 12, 1826. 7. Sarah A., b. Jan. 26,1828. d. Sep. 12,1854. 8. Martha, b. Oct. 31, 1830. d. Mch. 11, 1832. 9. Benjamin, b. Aug. 9, 1832. 10. Oliver, b. Nov. 8, 1834. d. in 1880. 11. Nelson, b. Mch. 14, 1842. d. Oct. 17, 1843. t-1-7-3. Stephen,' third son of Shubael, was a nailer, and lived at Wareham. He m. Martha ShurtlefF, and had issue : 1. Abiel S., b. Dec. 22, 1818. d. Jun. 14, 1885. 2. Otis M., b. d. 2. Otis M.,' who was an ensign in the State Militia from 1837 to 1840, was a nailer, and lived at West Wareham. He' m. in 1835 Nancy Jackson, and had : Nancy Malvina, who m. Jun. 30, 1855, R. Whitney Studley of Boston. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 105 t-1-7-3-1. Abiel S.,' who was a nailer at Wareham, served in the 32d Mass. Reg't during the Civil War. He m. Permelia Westgate, who was b. Oct. 25, 1825. Issue : 1. Abiel S., Jr., b. Mch. 20, 1843. d. May 22, 1845.. 2. George W., b. Jun. 22, 1845. 3. Augustus S., b. Oct. 2, 1848. d. Sep. 23, 1849. 4. Martha, b. Oct. 25, 1850. d 5. John C, b. Nov. 24, 1853. d. 4. Martha' m. William H. H. Deardon, and Hves at Somerset, Mass. No issue. 2. George W.' is a nailer, and has resided at Plymouth and Somerset, Mass., but now lives at West Wareham, He m. Sarah Ellis of Marion, and had issue : 1. William AV., b. Aug. 30, 1870. 2. Mattie Wing, b. Deo. 27, 1871. 3. Nellie C, b. Nov. 3, 1873. 4. Susie Ellis, b. Mch. 7, 1884. 5. George Abiel, b. Feb. 1,1886. 6. Ellis D., b. Jul. 24, 1889. 5. John C is a nailer, and lives at West Wareham. He m. Minnie A. Pierce, and had issue : 1. Clifford A., b. Sep 24, 1883. 2. Chester H., b. Mch. 18, 1885. 3. Thurman C, b. May 12, 1888. 4. .John Franklin, b. May 7, 1889. ¦]•- 1— 7— 6. Jfoah,' fourth son of Shubael, was a moulder, and lived first at Middleboro', but afterwards moved to Pocas- sett, Mass., where he died. He m. Zilpha Maxim, and had issue : 1. Noah, Jr., b. in 1814. 2. Zilpha, b. in 1816. 3. Lucy, b. in 1818. d. in 1883. 4. Jesse, b. in 1824. d. in 1855. 5. Ann, b. in 1827. d. in 1868. 6. Robert C, b. in 1831. 7. Eliza, b. in 1834. 8. Luther, b. in 1836. d. in 1863. 2. Zilpha' m. in 1834 Stillman Wright, and lives at Pocassett, Mass. Issue : Rose, Loretta, Martha, Zilpha, Anderson, Noah, Preston, William, Bradford, and Stillman Jr. 3. Lucy' m. in 1838, Gardner Hathaway, resided at Tremont, Mass. for many years, but finally moved to Pocassett, where she died. Issue : Lavina, Mary, Mercy, Gardner, and Robert. 106 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 4. Jesse' was a moulder, and lived at Pocassett, Mass. He m. in 1853 Ann Raymond, and had issue : 1. Lucy, b. in 1854. 5. Ann' m. in 1841 Anderson Wright, and lived at Pocas sett. Issue : Harriet, Ira, Jesse, Mabel, and Clara. 6. Robert C is a moulder, and resides at Pocassett. He m. in 1851 Cordelia Bennett, and had issue : 1. Harry B., b. in 1866. 2. Charles F., b. in 1868. 1. Harry B.' m. Feb. 24, 1892, May A. Bowman of West Falmouth, and resides at Monument Beach, Mass. 7. Eliza' m. in 1855 Asa Adams, and resides at Taunton, Mass. Issue : Estelle R. and Lizzie N. 8. Luther' was a moulder, and lived at Pocassett. He enlisted in Co I, 40th Reg't M. V. M., and d. in the Hospital at Beaufort, S. C. He never married. f -1-7-6. Ifoah Jr.' was formerly a moulder at Pocas sett, Mass. In 1859 he moved to and now lives on the Dolo res River, La Plata Co., Col. He m. 1st, Feb. 10, 1842, Rosetta Taylor, and had issue : 1. Joanna, b. Jul. 7, 1843. 2. NahumW., b. Jun. 8,1847. 3. Mary E., b. Apr. 22,1850. 4. Eliza L., b. Jul. 26, 1854. 5. .Jesse, b. Jun. 29, 1859. f g^g' I h. May 13, 1862. 8. Robert C, b. May 12, 1865. Noah Jr. m. 2d, in 1888, Mrs. Almyra Pratt, but had no further issue. 1. Joanna' m. Jul. 7, 1864 , Edgar G. Bates, a ranch man of Denver, Col., and lives at Pine River, La Plata Co., Col. Issue: Laura E., Rosetta, Martin, Norman, William, Everett, Grace, Bertha, Myrtle, and Huldah. 2. Nahum W.' is a blacksmith and wagonmaker, and resides at Durango, Col. He m. Mch. 6, 1883, Anna M. Little, daughter of Orrin G. Little of New Albany, Ind. Issue : 1. OwenC, b Feb. 18,1884. 2. Gilbert N., b. Jul. 15,1888. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 107 At 17, Nahum W. was enroHed in Co. E, 3d Reg't Col.Vol. Cavalry, for 100 days, and was mustered out at Denver, Dec. 28, 1864. 3. Mary E.' m. Apr. 23, 1865, Johnson Gibson of Den ver, and resides at Hamburg, Fremont Co., Iowa. Issue: James, Jennie, Robert, Oscar, and Effie. 4. Eliza L.' m. 1st, Aug. 3, 1871, Simon Graves of Denver, and resides at Dolores. Issue : Herbert, Lillie, and Frank. Eliza m. 2d, Jun. 1882, Samuel Johnson of Pine River. Issue : Hattie, John, and Myrl. Mr. Johnson is a stock-raiser on Dolores River, Col. 5. Jesse' is a lumberman, and resides at Pine River. He m. Jun. 27, 1883, Renie W. Little, sister of Nahum's wife. Issue : 1. Clyde R , b. May 17. 1884. 2. Amy B., b. Apr. 12, 1886. 3. Roscoe C, b. May 18, 1888. 4. Lola M., b Sep. 20, 1890. 6. Etta' in. Nov. 15, 1880, Oswald C. Sommers, a ranch man of Pine River, Col., where they reside. Issue: Earl, Minnie, Raymond, Bessie, and Miles. 7. Effle' m. Aug. 3, 1879, Y. C. Salabar, a ranchman of Pine River, where they now reside. Issue: Florence, Tylean, Raymus, Earnest, and Albert. 8. Robert C is a sawyer and resides at Pine River. He m. Dec. 24, 1887, Elsie N. Little, sister of Nahum's wife. Issue : 1. Myron N., b. Oct. 23, 1890. 3. —JOSIAH 2d, of ROCHESTER, MASS. +-3. Josiah 3d,' second son of Josiah, and a sea-faring man, bought of his father and lived on the first " Siah " place near the waters of Buzzard's Bay, in the extreme southwestly part of the old town of Rochester. He m. 1st, Jan. 10, 1750, Rebecca Hammond, daughter of Capt. Jabez Hammond, who was b. Feb. 14, 1731, and d. Dee. 29, 1767. Issue : 1. Elnathan, b. Nov. 19, 1751. d. Jul. 19, 1831. 108 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Anstris, b. Oct. 11, 1753. d. 3. Richard, b. Jan. 1, 1756. d. 4. Eunice, b. Jan. 22, 1758. d. Feb. 15, 1785. 5. Priscilla, b. in 1760. d. 6. Lothrop, b. Apr. 3, 1762. d. 7. Mary, b. Apr. 2, 1764. d. 8. Nathan, b. Feb. 26, 1766. d. Apr. 8, 1802. Josiah 2d m. 2d, Jul. 7, 1771, Mary Barlow, who d. Feb. 11, 1805, se. 75. No further issue. Of the above children, nothing further is known of Anstris, Priscilla, and Lothrop. 4. Eunice' m. May 31, 1777, Noah Hammond, son of Israel, and grandson of Benjamin 2d. Issue : Rebecca, Eliza beth, and Priscilla. 7. Mary' probably m. Jan. 24, 1785, Job Neal of Roch ester. Issue : Josiah, Nathan, Abigail, and Nathaniel Ham mond. f-3-3. Richard,' who lived in Fairhaven, Mass., m. Mch. 30, 1784, Rebecca Stetson. Issue: Rebecca, Richard, Josiah, Fanny, and Eliza. Of these children, nothing further is known, except that Rebecca m. A. French Taber, and lived at Fairhaven, Mass. f-3-1. Elnathan,' oldest son of Josiah 2d, who was a captain of militia, lived on what is known as the WilHam Bowles place in Hammondtown, Mattapoisett. He m. 1st, Oct. 3, 1776, Temperance Clark, who d. Oct. 7, 1816, a3. 64. Issue : 1. Ansel, b. in 1779. d. in 1805. 2. Alice, b. in 1782. d. Feb. 13, 1860. 3. Lothrop, b. in 1783. d. Dec. 2, 1854. 4. Abigai , b. d. Jan. 16, 1847. 5. Eunice, b. Aug. 5, 1790. d. Jun. 11, 1845. 6. Wyatt, b. d. Apr. 20, 1853. Elnathan m. 2d, Elizabeth Allen of Chilmark, who d. Jun. 17, 1845, se.. 85. No other issue. Of the above children, Ansel,' who was a sea captain, is supposed to have been captured at sea by pirates in 1805 ; and Lothrop' d. single, at Mattapoisett. 2. Alice,' or Elsie, m. 1st, in 1805, Nathaniel Cushing, and lived at Mattapoisett. Issue : Capt. Elnathan, Eunice, Charles Henry, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 109 Alice m. 2d, Josiah Sparrow of Rochester, but had no other issue. , 4. Abigail' m. in 1805 Alfred Kendrick of New Bedford, and had issue : Ansel, Hulda, Frank, Caroline, Eliza, Abby, Emily, John, Henry, George, and Ann EHza. 5. Eunice' m. in 1810, Dr. Seth HaskeU of Rochester, and had issue : David, Caroline, Lucy, William, and Maria. -t--3-l— 6. Wyatt' was a house-carpenter, and lived at Mattapoisett. He m. Mch. 12, 1810, Mary LeBaron of Ply mouth, who d. Jul. 19, 1833. Issue : 1. William LeBaron, b. Mav 27, 1813. d. 2. Mary Allen, b. Sep'. 26, 1816. b. in 1836 3. Ansel, b. May 9, 1822. d. Of these children, 1. William LeBaron' was lost at sea, and 3. Ansel' d. at sea, both single. 2. Mary Allen' m. Oct. 27, 1834, HaHett M. Cannon, a ship-carpenter at Mattapoisett. No issue. •]-_3_8. !N"athan,' fourth son of Josiah 2d, was a sea cap tain, and lived and d. at Mattapoisett, Mass. He m. Oct. 18, 1789, Mehitable Barlow, who was b. May 27, 1765, and d. Mch. 14, 1835, at Poughlceepsie, N. Y. Issue: 1. Anstis, b. Sep. 3, 1791. d. Jun. 24, 1811. 2. Nathan, Jr., b. Mch. 13, 1793. d. Sep. 5, 1800. 3 Thomas, b. Feb. 28, 1794. d. May 24, 1880. 4. Sally, b. Sep. 18, 1796. d. Sep. 11, 1800. 5. Charlotte, b. Ju. 14, 1798. d. Mehitable with three children, Anstis, Thomas, and Char lotte, after the death of her husband, moved from Rochester, Mass., to Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., about 1803-5. Of the above children, Anstis, Nathan Jr., and Sally d. young; and Charlotte' m. Theodorus Gregory, lived at Poiio-hkcepsie, N. Y., and had three children: Clarissa, Thomas, and Mariette, all dead. •j-_3_8-3. Thomas,' second son of Nathan, was a physi cian and surgeon, and lived at Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y., from 1824 to 1865, and d. at Port Huron, Mich. He m. Jan. 7, 1814, Clarissa Barlow, daughter of Thomas and Amy [Delano] Barlow, who was b. Nov. 25, 1794, and d. Feb. 27, 1859. Issue : 110 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Anslis, b. Dec. 9, 1815. d. Dec. 29, 1834. 2. Ilaviland, b. Feb. 19,1818. d. .Tun. —,1866. 3. Nathan, b. Jun. 14, 1820. d. .Jun. 20, 1839. 4. Thomas, Jr., b. Dec. 17, 1822. 5. Theodore, b. Jun. 7, 1825. d. Apr. 5, 1857. 6 Charles, b. Jun. 23, 1826. 7. Harriet, b. Jul. 31, 1830. d. in 1887. 2. Haviland,' who was a gunsmith, served during the Civil Wiir, in a N. Y. Reg't of Heavy Artillery. He m. Kate Maney of St. John, N. B., now deceased. Issue : Clara, who died at the age of 10 or 12. 5. Theodore' was a wheelwright at Dover, Dutchess Co. , N. Y. He never married. 6. Charles' is a railroad conductor, and lives at Babylon, Long Island. He m. Sep. 1849, Hannah McKoy, and had issue : Charles Edward and Clarissa, both dying young. 7. Harriet' m. Jun. 17, 1858, Asa Wright, and lived at Port Huron, Mich. Issue : Bertha and Harry. •|-_3_8_3_4. Thomas Jr.,' third son of Thomas, is a physician and resides at Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He graduated in medicine at the University of New York in 1846 ; and was a member of the New York State Assembly in 1876-7. He m. 1st, May 18, 1854, Rachel Burton, who was b. May 26, 1825, and d. Oct 27, 1873. Issue : 1. Burton, b. Oct. 18, 1856. 2. Charles, b. Mch. 11, 1862. Dr. Hammond m. 2d, Aug. 29, 1877, Harriet A. Burton, a relative of his first wife. No further issue. 1. Burton' is an attorney-at-law, and resides at Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. He m. Nov. 14, 1878, Sophie Van Marter, and had issue : 1 . Clara Dorsey, b. Apr. 13,1881. 2. Rachel Burton, b. Jan. 30, 1884. 3. Helen Cline, b. Apr. 13, 1887. 4. Mary Ellen, b. Jul. 14, 1889. 2. Charles' is a clerk in the War Department at Wash ington, D. C. He m. in 1885 Etta Adams, daughter of Allan Adams of Richmond, Va., where she d. Nov. 16, 1892, with out issue. DESCENDANTS OF SAJIUEL IIAJniOXD. Ill t-6. Abner,' third son of Josiah, lived to the north of the first "Siah" place, AVest ]\lattapoisett Neck. He m. in 1760 Huldah Hammond, and had issue : 1. Roger, b. Jan. 16, 1761. d. 2. Jeduthan, b. Sep. 27, 1762. d. 3. Charity, bap. in 1770. d 4. Elizabeth, bap. in 1772. d. 5. Ruth. bap. in 17 74. d. 6. Abner, Jr., bap. in 1776. d. Of these children, nothing further is known of Jeduthan, Charity, Elizabeth, Ruth, and Abner Jr. Probably some or all of them died young. -|--6-l. Roger,' who lived in Rochester, Mass., m. 1st, Oct. 1, 1780, Lydia Jenney, who was b. in 1759, and d. Nov. 27, 1796, and was buried at Acushnet. She was a daughter of Nathaniel and ^lercy Jenney. Roger probably m. 2d, Oct. 1792, Olive Hovey, and is said to have moved to Portland, Me. Nothing further is known of him. VI.— BARNABAS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. f. Barnabas* Hammond, seventh son of Samuel,' [Benjamin," William'], was a farmer, and lived on the old homestead of his father. The old house built by him in 1767 is still standing, fairly well preserved. He m. Mch. 14, 1722, Susannah Hammond, his cousin, and daughter of Nathan Ham mond [V. Part IV.], who was b. Mch. 24, 1701. Issue : 1. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29,1722 d. Sep. 16,1796. 2. James, b. about 1725. d. in 1780. 3. Mary, bap. 7, 11, 1742. d. 4. Ellis, bap. 7, 11, 1742. d. Of these children, nothing further is known of Elizabeth, Mary, and ElHs. t-2. James" was a farmer, inheriting his father's farm. He m. Apr. 3, 1753, Hannah Barlow, and had issue : I.Gideon, b. Jun. 2,1754. d. Mch. 21, 1849. 2. Barnabas 2d, b. in 1756. d. 3. Susannah, b. Aug. 21, 1758. d. 4 James, Jr., b. Jan. 25,1763. d. Jan. 29,1826. 5. Jesse, b. Apr. 24, 1765. d. Aug. 29, 1844. Of these children, Susannah' m. Jun. 1803, Harper Delano, and Hved on Great Neck, Marion. No issue. 112 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1.— GIDEON OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-2-1. Gideon,' oldest son of James, was a sergeant in Capt. Clapp's Company, Col. Cotton's Regiment, in 1775. During the Revolutionary War, he was a captain in the Regular Army, and did good service in the field, being with Gen. W^asiiington at Medford, Mass., at one time. He was after wards a farmer, having the old homestead as an inheritance from his father. He m. Nov. 7, 1793, Mary Norton, who was b. Sep. 14, 1756, and d. Apr. 5, 1839. Issue : 1. -James, b. Dec. 11, 1795. d. Oct. 23, 1857. 2. Priscilla, b. Sep. 8, 1799. d. Feb. 9, 1884. 3. Waitstill, h. Oct. 2, 1801. d. May 17, 1826. Of these children, Waity' d. at the age of 24, and Pris cilla' at the age of 84, both single. t-2-1-1. James,' only son of Gideon, was a school teacher and a farmer on his father's place. He m. 1st, May 12, 1836. Hannah [Morgan] CoweU, who was b. Nov. 1805, and d. Aug. 6, 1846. Issue : 1. John M., b. Mch. 22, 1837. 2. Edwin, b. Nov. 10, 1838. d. Aug. 21, 1891. 3. Mary Eliza, b. Apr. 5,1841. James m. 2d, Mary [Hammond] Davis, daughter of Timothy Hammond, and widow of Moses Davis. No further issue. t-2-1-1-1. John M.,' who in early life was a shoe maker, afterwards bought out the other heirs, and lived on his father's place a number of years after his marriage. He after wards sold the old homestead, and moved to New Bedford, where he is now working as a carpenter. He m. Nov. 27, 1858, Mary Ann Shaw of Fairhaven, who was b. Apr. 20, 1842. Issue : I.Joanna P., b. Aug. 29,1859. d. Feb. 4,1874. 2. Eloise M., b. Aug. 9, 1861. d. Dec. 23, 1886. 3. Edwin F., b. Jul. 14, 1863. 3. Ed-win F.,' who is a carpenter at New Bedford, m. Jan. 5, 1886, Augusta L. Escher. Issue : 1. Leroy E., b. Jan. 31,1887. t-2-1-1-2. Edwin,' when a young man, went to Sacra mento, Cal., where he was in business for many years, but died at Los Angeles. He m. Sep. 1870 Annie France, and had issue : DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 113 1. John Edwin, b. about 1873. d. youncr. 2- Edna, ' b. in 1876. d. May — , 189t. 3- Etola, b. Deo. — , 1878. d. Sep. — , 1879. 4. Edwin, Jr., b. about 1880. Mrs. Hammond, with her son Edwin Jr., resides at Sacra mento. t-2-l-l-3_. Mary Elizabeth,' a graduate of the Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass., was for a number of years a teacher in the public schools in Mass. She m. Sep. 7, 1866, Lemuel Pitts, who was b. Aug. 22, 1841, and lives in Quincy, Mass. Issue : 1. Annie Hollywood, b. Nov. 1, 1867. 2. Clara Belle, b. Aug. 21, 1869. 3. Ralph Shaw, b. Jul. 8, 1873. 4. Marian Hammond, b. Apr. 26, 1877. 5. Mary Eva Thayer, b. Sep. 8, 1878. 6. Lemuel, Jr., b. May 4, 1881. 2.— BARNABAS 2d, OF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. t-2-2. Barnabas 3d,' second son of James, was a rigger, sailmaker, and ship owner, and lived in Fairhaven, Mass. He m. in 1780 Hulda HUlman of Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard. Issue : 1. Daniel, b. about 1782. d. 2. James, b. in 1784. d. Oct. 4, 1858. 3. Barney, b. in 1787. d. Sep. 11, 1864. 4. Susan, b. Jan. 14. 1788. d. Jan. 11, 1850. 5. Freelove, b. Jul. 31, 1789. d. May 26, 1831. 6. Polly, b. in 1790. d. 7. Wilson, b. Feb. 17, 1791. b. Dec. 15, 1871. 8. Freeman, b. d. Of these children, Daniel' d. single at Fairhaven ; Susan* m. Feb. 14, 1805, Tripp Taber, and lived at Fairhaven. Issue : Harriet, Francis, Daniel Hammond, Enoch, Granville, and Emily. Freelove' m. in 1801 Anthony Allen, who was b. Apr. 21, 1777, and d. Apr. 27, 1857. She lived at Fairhaven, and had issue : EHza F. , Charles C. , and William W. Polly' m. Selick Osborn, and lived at Fairhaven. Issue : Nathaniel and Mary. 8. Freeman' was a sailor, and lived at Fairhaven. 'He m. Ruby Blankenship of xMarion, but had no issue. 114 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-2-2-2. James' was a rigger and sailmaker, and lived at Fairhaven. He m. 1st, Sep. 27, 1807, Catherine Blanken ship of Marion. Issue : 1. Eliza B., b. in 1811. 2. Susan, b. in 1814. d. Aug. 22, 1843. 3. Francis, b. Jun. 12, 1817. James m. 2d, Ruth Sherman, but by her had no issue. He m. 3d, Lydia Howard, and had further issue : 4. James, Jr., b. Mch. 4, 1828. 5. Charles A., b. in 1829. d. Oct. 8, 1863. 6. George L , b. about 1831. d. young. 7. Catherine, b. Dec. 6, 1833. Of James's children, Susan' died at Fairhaven, single ; Eliza B.' m. in 1830 Abner Brownell, and lived in Little Compton, R. I. Issue: George Morgan, Ann Eliza, Henry Grinnell, and Susan Augusta. Catherine' m. Jan. 1, 1857, James Lewis, and lives at Fairhaven. Issue: Charles W., b. Mch. 22, 1865, who lives single at Fairhaven. t-2-2-2-3. Francis,' oldest son of James, is a laborer, and Hves at Fairhaven. He m. 1840, Sally Eldredge, and had issue : 1. Charles E., b. Nov. 24, 1844. 2. Francis, Jr., b. Apr. 24, 1846. 3. John, b. Nov. 14, 1847. d. young. 4. Georgianna, b. Aug. 22, 1849. 5. Sarah E., b. Nov. 1, 1858. d. Jun. — , 1887. Of these children, 4. Georgiana,' who lives in Fairhaven, m. Jul. 4, 1866, James M. Hall Jr., who was b. in 1845. Issue: Charles F., b. 1870; James M. Jr., b. 1874. 5. Sarah E.' m. Charles Thomas, and lives at Fairhaven. Issue : Albert, Thomas, Ellery, and Bertha. 1. Charles E.' is a laborer, and lives at Fairhaven. He m. Feb. 7, 1866,' Louise [Macomber] West, who was b. Sep. 26, 1842. Issue : 1. Helen Mar, b. Feb. 4, 1868. 2. Mary, b. about 1871. d. young. 3. William, b. about 1874. d. youno-. 4. Charles W., b. Jul. 22, 1878. ° Of these children, Helen Mar," who lives at Fairhaven, m. Jun. 25, 1889, Audelle W. Monk, who was b. Feb. 9, 1870. Issue : Louise E. Monk, b. Feb. 27, 1890. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 115 2. Francis Jr.' is a laborer, and lives at Fairhaven. He m. Jul. 3, 1870, Esther Davis, and had issue : 1. Lydia, b. Sep. 12, 1871. 2. Henry, b. Apr. 10, 1875. t-2-2-2-4. James Jr.,' who is a caulker at Fairhaven, m. in 1853 Parmelia Howard. Issue : 1. Adelaide N., b. Nov. 30, 1856. d. Oct. 8, 1884. 2. Marcia D., b. Sep. 30,1860. Of these children, Adelaide IST.' d. at Fairhaven, single ; ancl Marcia D.' m. Jul. 23, 1885, Frederick H. Wood of Fairhaven. No issue. t-2-2-2-5. Charles A.,' who was also a caulker at Fau-- haven, m. Oct. 28, 1855, Marcia T. Davis. Issue: 1. George, b. Sep. 1, 1858. 1. George' is a druggist in New Bedford, firm of Church & Hammond, and lives at Fairhaven. He m. Nov. 4, 1882, Edvina A. Stowell. No issue. t-2-2-3. Barney,' third son of Barnabas 2d, was a rig ger and sailmaker at Fairhaven. He m. 1812 Sally P. Delano, who was b. in 1786, and d. in 1863. Issue : 1. David Delano, b. in 1812. d. in 1866. ¦j- -2-2-3-1. David Delano' was a cooper at Fairhaven, and was thrice married. He m. 1st, in 1834 Sarah Hodges, who was b. in 1817, and d. in 1838. Issue : 1. Julia A. Bates, b. Aug. 16, 1836. 2. George F., b. in 1838. d. in 1850. David D. m. 2d, May 22, 1839, Sarah [Brown] Paine, who was b. Nov. 5, 1801, and d. in 1851. Issue: 3. Sarah Thomas, b. Aug. 6, 1841. David D. m. 3d, Dec. 30, 1854, Mrs. Betsey P. Hattle- stone (or Huddlestone) , but had no further issue. Of David's children, 3. Sarah Thomas' resides, single, at Boston; and Julia A. Bates' m. Jun. 21, 1870, Capt. Aaron C. Sergeant, and lives at Melrose, Mass. Capt. Ser geant, who was formerly in business in Boston, d. Apr. 4, 1890. No issue. +_2-2-7. Wilson,' fourth son of Barnabas 2d, was a 1. William B., b. Jun. 12, 1812. 2. Lydia Parker, b. Oct. 17, 1816. 3. Harriet, b. Jan. 25, 1818. 4. Elizabeth H. , b. Feb. 9, 1821. 5. Henry, b. May 11, 1828. 6. Jane Hiller, b. Oct. 28, 1833. 116 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. rigger and a sailmaker at Fairhaven. He m. Nov. 2, 1811, Harriet Blankenship of Marion, who was b. in 1790, and d. Nov. 13, 1834. Issue : .. Jun. 12, 1812. d. Oct. 15, 1823. d. Jul. 18, 1884. Wilson m. 2d, Jun. 7, 1840, Cloe Phillips, who was b. in 1801, and d. Dec. 18, 1870. No further issue. Of Wilson's children, Henry' was a painter at Fairhaven, where he d. single at the age of 56. 3. Harriet' m. about 1836, Edwin R. Almy, and lived at Fairhaven. Issue: Edwin R., Harriet, Frank, William, Nathaniel, and George. 4. Elizabeth H.' m. Jul. 6, 1839, Samuel Rand of Fairhaven, who d. in 1858. Issue : 1. Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1844. 2. Deborah, b. Jun. 3, 1849. 3. Frank A. , b. Feb. 17, 1854. 6. Jane Hiller' m. in 1853 Charles L. Wrightington, and lives in Wilmington, Del. Issue : Susan, Ida Frances, Luella, and Hattie Almy. 1-2-2-7-1 . W^illiam Blankenship, ' oldest son of Wil son, educated in the common schools, in early life was a grocer's clerk, and then a cooper at Fairhaven. In 1832 the Congrega tional Church at Fairhaven, appreciating young Hammond's earnestness of purpose, and devotion to the cause of Chris tianity, determined to prepare him for the ministry. Accord ingly he was fitted for college at Bangor Seminary, Maine ; graduated at Amherst College, class of '40 ; and at the Andover Theological Seminary in '43 ; was ordained at Canton, Mass., as a Congregational clergyman, Jun. 5, 1844; installed at South Braintree in 1849 ; was agent for the Mass. Sabbath School Society in 1856 ; preached at Morrisville, N. Y., seven years, and at Lenox, N. Y., seven more ; in 1870 was installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Acushnet, Mass. ; and in 1878 in Rome, N. Y., where he now lives, a retired clergy man. He is an honest man, of positive ideas, and an accepta ble preacher, full of many years and good works. He m. ^-r^-'^f'* / Rev. William B. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 117 Mch. 18, 1844, Louise M. Pond of Clinton, N. Y., who was b. Oct. 9, 1818, and d. Jun. 24, 1880, at Rome, N.Y. Issue : 1. Sarah B., b. Jan. 1,1845. 2. William F., b. Sep. 1, 1848. d. Sep. 30, 1852. 3. Julius W., b. Sep. 1, 1855. d. Oct. 20, 1858. 4. Eddie L., b. Jun. 14,1858. d. Jul. 28,1862. Sarah Bachelder' resides with her father at Rome, N. Y., never having married. 4.— JAMES JR. OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-2-4. James Jr.,' third son of James, was, a farmer, and lived on the West Neck, Mattapoisett, in the southwesterly part of the old town of Rochester. He m. May 10, 1786, Deborah Snow, who was b. in 1765, and d. Dec. 3, 1843. Issue : 1. Nancy, b. Sep. 17, 1786. d. Apr. 10, 1874. 2. Gideon 2d, b. in 1791. d. .Tun. 3, 1848. 3. Bruce F., b. in 1798. d. Oct. 18,1854. 4. Deborah, b. May 13, 1800. d. Feb. 8, 1867. t-2-4-1. Nancy' m. about 1806 Seth Bradford, and lived in what is now Acushnet, Mass. Seth was a farmer in Acushnet, and was b. at Plympton, Mass., Dec. 22, 1783. Issue : James H., Henry A., Sarah A., Melvin Otis, Deborah, Aaron, Philip A., and Josiah. t-2-4-3. Bruce F.' was a ship-carpenter, and lived in the village of Mattapoisett. He m. Ist, Lydia Blossom, who was b. Oct. 18, 1796, and d. Aug. 12, 1848. Issue : 1. Horace Bruce, b. in 1825. d. Nov. 26, 1848. Bruce F. m. 2d, Sapphira Peckham, who d. Sep. 19, 1853, but had no other issue. t— 2— 4-4. Deborah,' who lived in Mattapoisett Village, m. 1st, Mch. 31, 1822, Luther Avery. She m. 2d, Jul. 31, 1837, Wyatt Snow of Mattapoisett. No issue by either hus band. +_2-4— 2. Gideon 3d,' oldest son of James Jr., inher ited and lived on his father's farm. He m. about 1810 Rebecca Blossom, who was b. Aug. 31, 1792, and d. May 7, 1872. Issue : 1. Joseph J., b. Aug. 11, 1812. 118 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Adeline J , b. Nov. 13, 1814. d. Mch. 18, 1878. 3. Amelia L., b. Jan. 26,1815. d. May 14,1887. 4. Frederic A., b. Nov. 2,1817. 5. Mary B., b. Jan. 25, 1821. d. Mch. 3, 1843. 6. Sylvia R., b. Oct. 6,1832. d. Mch. 19, 1884. 2. Adeline J.,' who lived at Fairhaven, m. in 1830, Edward Simmons, who was b. at Middleboro', Mass., and d. in California. Issue : 1. Eliza A., b. Dec. 14, 1834. 2. Edward W., b. Jul. 12, 1839. Of these children, Eliza A.' m. Jun. 20, 1866, Robert Bennett of Fairhaven. No issue. Edward W.' m. S. Helen Wilcox. Issue: Walter E., b. Feb. 18, 1874. 3. Amelia L.,' second daughter of Gideon 2d, who also lived in Fairhaven, m. Feb. 13, 1834, Peleg W. GifFord, who was b. Jul. 10, 1805. Peleg GifFord was a captain in the whale fishery, sailing from Fairhaven, where he d. Sep. 27, 1888. Issue : 1. Sarah Eliz., b. Apr. 25,1839. 2. Abbie Palmer, b. Jan. 20,1841. Of these children, Sarah E.' m. Feb. 7, 1861, Cornelius Grinnell, and lives at Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue : Mary Arnold, Henry Rogers, Lizzie Winslow, and Leslie Clark. Abbie' m. Nov. 17, 1862, Henry H. Rogers, and lives in New York City. Mr. Rogers, who is a member of the Standard Oil Co., is giving his native village, Fairhaven, many substan tial tokens of his regard in the form of public buildings, etc. Issue: Annie S., Cara Leiand, Millicent GifFord, Mary Hud dlestone, and Henry Huddlestone Jr. 5. Mary Blossom,' who lived and died on the old home stead, m. James Allen who was born in New Bedford. Issue : Mary, who died young. 6. Sylvia R.' lived first in Fairhaven, and afterwards lived and d. in Brooklyn, N. Y. She m. Daniel Ripley, who was b. in New Bedford. Issue : Willie, who d. in infancy. t-2-4-2-1. Joseph J.,' oldest son of Gideon 2d, was a farmer and lived on the old homestead. West Neck, Mattapoi sett. He m. Dec. 23, 1835, Nancy Allen of Acushnet, who was b. Apr. 4, 1814, and d. Sep. 26, 1870. Issue : 1. Mary A., b. Jub 29, 1838. d. May 15, 1864. 2. Rebecca H., b. Dec. 18, 1840. d. Mch. 5, 1,886. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 119 3. Amelia L., b. Apr. 18, 1843. d. May 9, 1883. 4. James A., b. Aug. 8, 1846. Of these children, Mary A.' and Rebecca H.' d. at Mattapoisett, single. 3. Amelia L.' m. Nov. 13, 1866, Benjamin F. Robinson, and lived at Mattapoisett. Issue : 1. Harry L., b. Oct. 6, 1867. d. Mch. 8, 1886. 4. James A.' is a shoemaker, and lives at Brockton, Mass. He m. Jan. 6, 1869, Hattie BurreU of Falmouth, Mass., who was b. Jan. 26, 1841. Issue : 1. Horace Bruce, b. Feb. 9, 1880. Joseph J. now resides, with his son James, at Brockton, Mass. t-2-4-2-4. Frederic A.,' second son of Gideon 2d, is a rancher at Los Angeles, Cal. He m. Sep. 12, 1844, Rebecca [Gelett] Bly, who d. Feb. 10, 1892. Issue : 1. Andrew R., b. Jul. 31,1845. 2. Thomas B., b. Oct. 4, 1847. d. Sep. 1, 1876. 3. Mary, b. in 1849. d. in 1849. 4. Sylvia, b. in 1850. d. in 1852. 5. George S., b. Mob. 20, 1857. d. Aug. 18, 1888. Of these children, who were b. at Buffalo, N. Y., Mary" and Sylvia' d. young; Thomas B.' was killed by the Apaches at Globe City, Ariz., in 1876; and George S.' d. single, at Los Angeles, in 1888. 1. Andre-w Robinson' is a broker, and lives in New York City. He m. 1st, Delia , and had issue : 1. Alice, b. Mch. 15, 1877. He m. 2d, Kate Wame, but has no further issue. 5.— JESSE OF ROCHESTER, MASS. ¦j-_2-5. Jesse,' fourth son of James, was a house-carpen ter, and lived in Mattapoisett Village. He m. 1st, Susannah Shaw of East Fairhaven, daughter of William Shaw, who was b. in 1776, and d. Aug. 14, 1811. Issue: I.Hannah, b. Jun. 19, 1795. d. Nov. 3,1879. 2. Sophia, b. Nov. —, 1796. d. Dec. 19, 1859. 3. Mary, b. Sep. 2?, 1800. d. Feb. 20, 1865. 4. Susan, b. about 1802. d. young. 120 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 5. Lucy, b. in 1803. d. Feb. 6, 1879. 6. Roger Wing, b. in 1807. d. Dec. —, 1849. 7. Sarah Shaw, b. in 1809. d. Jan. — , 1812. Jesse m. 2d, Mch. 20, 1813, Charity Winslow, who was b. in 1773, and d. Jun. 13, 1849. Issue : 8. Joseph W., b. Dec. 27, 1813. 9. Sarah W., b. Nov. 22, 1817. d. Jan. 1, 1827. 10. Jesse, Jr., b. Feb. 7, 1820. 11. Susan, b. Jan. 13, 1822. 12. William, b. Feb. 2, 1825. d. Aug. 25, 1825. Of Jesse's children, the two Sarahs, the first Susan, and William d. young; and Jesse Jr.' resides at Stockton, Cal., single. t-2-5-1. Hannah' lived in the southwesterly part of Bridgewater, Mass., near the Middleboro' line. She m. in 1815 David HaH, who was b. Mch. 5, 1784, and d. Nov. 16, 1865. Issue: Susan, Henry C, David, David 2d, William, Stephen P., Sophia C, Abbie Leach, Sylvia L., and Mary. t-2-5-2. Sophia,' who lived in New Bedford, m. Jan. 1818, Henry Cannon, who was b. Jul. 4, 1796, and d. Oct. 4, 1863. No issue. t-2-5-3. Mary,' who lived in New Bedford, m. Nov. 13, 1821, Stephen Potter, who was b. Aug. 17, 1799, and d. May 31, 1834. Issue: John Kempton, Gideon Hammond, Southward 2d, Sophia Cannon, and Gideon Hammond 2d, Southward 2d was for many years a noted accountant in New Bedford. t-2-5-5. Lucy' lived first at New Bedford and afterwards at Bridgewater, Mass. She m. Sep. 1, 1826, Thomas Cottle Briggs, who was b. in Freetown, Mass., .lul. 6, 1806, and d. Jan. 21, 1861. Issue: Mary Durfee, Susan Delano, John Burbank, Charles Peirce, Ruth Burbank, Sophia Cannon, Wil liam Taber, Isaac Stackhouse, .Tesse Hammond, and George Durfee. t-2-5-11. Susan' m. Nov. '4, 1854, Charles H. Smith, and resides at Norton, Mass. No issue. t-2-5-6. Roger Wing,' known as Wing, moved to Bridgewater and lived near the Raynham line, where he died. He m. 1st, in 1832, Jane Leach, who d. Apr. 3, 1838. Issue : DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 121 1. Isaac, b. Sep. 13, 1834. 2. Jane, b. Aug. 13, 1836. Wing m. 2d, Marriet Susan King, who was b. in 1814. No other issue. Of Wing's children, 2. Jane,' who lives in Taunton, Mass. , m. Aug. 1852 George E. Leonard, who was b. in 1832, and d. in 1864. Issue: George Edward, b. Jul. 1855; Jesse Hammond, b. 1857 and d. 1862 ; Ella Jane, b. 1860 ; and Harry EUsworth, b. 1862. •f-2-5-6-1. Isaac' lives at Raynham, and formerly kept a livery stable in Taunton. He m. 1st, Jane Leonard, who was b. in 1836, and d. Oct. 1862. Issue : 1. Nellie, b. Sep. 14, 1857. 2. Jennie, b. Aug. 3, 1860. Isaac m. 2d, in 1865, Maria J. Williams, who was b. in 1849. Issue: 3. Fannie W., b. Jun. 7, 1867. 4. Herbert, b. Feb. 22, 1870. 5. Fi-ank, b. Jan. 14, 1872. 6. Emma King, b. Mch. 1, 1873. Of Isaac's children, IVellie' m. Apr. 1, 1876, Martin L. Sturtevant, and lives at South Braintree, Mass. Issue : Harry P., Embert, and Jennie and Fannie, twins. 2. Jennie,' who lives at Bridgewater, Mass., m. Feb. 3, 1892, Harry Amos Clark, a jeweler, who was b. Mch. 11, 1861. Issue: Amy Hammond, b. Apr. 12, 1893. 3. Fannie Williams' m. Aug. 2, 1885, Edwin Vial, and lives in Raynham, Mass. Issue : Lena Hammond and Marion Frances. 4. Herbert' lives in Taunton and at present is a hack- driver. He m. May 19, 1892, Hattie Jane Field, but has no issue. 5. Frank,' who is a butcher and unmarried, lives at Raynham; 6. Emma King,' also unmarried, lives at Rayn ham. ¦j-_2-5-8. Joseph Winslo^v,' who was formerly a cap tain on the river steamers in California, resides at Stockton, Cal. He m. Oct. 12, 1842, Sophia Wing Southworth, who was b. at Mattapoisett, Jan. 12, 1817. Issue: " 1. Sarah Winslow, b. Dec. 7, 1845. 122 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Sarah Winslo-w,' who was b. at Mattapoisett, m. Jun. 24, 1862, Willard J. Belding, who was b. Apr. 9, 1828, at Barre Centre, Orleans Co., N.Y. Issue : Sophie, b. Apr. 10, 1863, at Stockton, Cal. Sophie m. Mch. 15, 1888, Charles O. Bennett, who was b. in Knowlesville, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 19, 1856. VII.— JOHN HAMMOND OF FALMOUTH, MASS. t. John^ Hammond, eighth son of Samuel' [Benjamin,^ William'], went to Falmouth, Mass., and m. Jan. 23, 1728, Marah [Maria] Green. He was chosen town clerk in 1736, and selectman and assessor in 1739, and was a pew-holder in 1756. Issue : 1. Phela [Fhebe], b. Nov. 2, 1729. d. 2. Lydia, b. Feb. 25, 1731. d. 3. John, Jr., b. Apr. 17, 1734. d. 4. Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1735. d. Nov. 13, 1736. 5. .leduthan, b. Dec. 25, 1737. d. 6. Paul, b. Apr. 20, 1740. d. 7. Marah, b. May 23, 1742. d. 8. Barnabas, b. d. Of these children, 1. Phebe" m. Sep. 6, 1750, Reuben GifFord of Falmouth. Issue unknown. 2. Lydia' m. Mch. 28, 1754, Jabez Weeks of Falmouth. Issue, if any, not learned. 5. Jeduthan' m. Dec. 27, 1759, Fear GifFord of Fal mouth. Issue, if any, not known. 6. Paul' m. Feb. 27, 1766, Anna Davis Jr. of Falmouth. Issue : Perhaps a son Abner, who d. in the West Indies. 3.— JOHN Jr. OF FALMOUTH, MASS. t-3. John Jr.,' who lived at "Quissett," so called, in Falmouth, m. Dec. 1761, Rebecca Nye, and had issue : 1. Silvanus, b. Feb. 14, 1764. d. Feb. 16, 1850. 2. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 14, 1766. d. Dec. 24, 1851. 3. Hannah, b. Mch. 19, 1768. d. Apr. 24, 1854. 4. Lydia, b. Oct. 15, 1769. d. May 23, 1791-2. 5. Huldah, b. Apr. 8, 1772. d. b. May 14, 1775. d.-Feb. 26, 1848. b. Apr. 9, 1777. d. Mch. 20, 1817. b. Mch. 11, 1780. d. Sep. 17, 1798. b. Aug. 15, 1783. d. Jun. 5, 1863. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 123 6. Lucy, 7. Isaiah, 8. Jeduthan, 9. Samuel, Of these children, Silvanus,' who was a mariner, Han nah,' Lydia,' and Lucy,' were all single, and lived and d. at Quissett, Falmouth ; and Jeduthan' d. a young man. t-3-2. Nathaniel' who was on the State Valuation in 1811, and was a mariner, lived at Quissettt. He m. Jun. 27, 1806, Thankful Meigs, and had issue : 1. Lydia, b. Sep. 17, 1807. d. Mar. 16, 1834. Nathaniel m. 2d, Betsey Rowley, but had no further issue. t-3-5. Huldah' m. Barnabas Chadwick Jr., lived at Quissett, and had issue : John, Joseph, Samuel, and William. All dead, except Samuel, who resides at Quissett. t-3-7. Isaiah," who was a master mariner, m. Oct. 11, 1804, Ruth Hatch, and d. at Martinique, West Indies, without issue. His widow m. in 1818 Timothy Parker. t-3-9. Samuel' was a farmer at Quissett. In the War of 1812, he was one of a company of 32 men, who under the command of Capt. Weston Jenkins, went in a wood coaster and captured an English privateer, called the Retaliation, lying at anchor ha. Taupoline Cove. It was a bold enterprise, but was done without losing a man. He m. his cousin, Eunice Hammond, daughter of Barnabas, and d. without issue. 8.— BARNABAS OF FALMOUTH, MASS. t-8. Barnabas' was repeatedly elected to various minor offices in the town of Falmouth, and was on the State Valua-r tion in 1811. He m. Oct. 20, 1782, Joanna Hatch, and had issue 1 Eunice, b. May 12, 1783. d. Dec. 30, 1866. 2 Robert, b. Dec. 11, 1785. d. Apr. 30, 1859. 3. Elizabeth, b. May 19, 1788. d. 4. Joanna, b. Sep. 4, 1791. d. 1. Eunice' m. Samuel Hammond of Falmouth, as stated above, and d.. without issue. 124 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Robert,' who was a sea captain and master rigger at Woods Holl, Falmouth, m. Rebecca Hatch, and d. leaving no issue. 4. Joanna,' the youngest of the other two sisters, m. Andrew Y. Davis of Woods Holl, and lived but a few months, dying without issue. Andrew Y. Davis afterwards m. 3. Eliza beth' and had two children : Prince A. and Joanna Eliza beth. Of these children. Prince A. d. in California in 1850 ; and Joanna Elizabeth m. Louis C. Swift, and has two sons : Prince D. and John P., both living. The older son. Prince D., who lives at Woods Holl, m. Charlotte O. Field of Middle boro', and has two daughters. The younger son, John P., m. Jennie E. Hannaford of South Boston, and has no issue. Deed of King Philip and Monjoham. to Hugh Cole. Know all men by these Presents, that I, Philip, Chief Sachem of Porhanlett [Pokanoket], & Monjoham of Mattapoisett, Do acknowledge that for and in Consideration of the Summ of five Pounds & ten Shillings to us in hand Paid by Hugh Cole of ye Town of Swansey, in the Juristliction of Plymouth in New Eng land, Ship Wright, wherewith We Do acknowledge our Selves to be fully Satisfied, Contented and fully Paid, and thereof & of every Part & Parcell thereof Do Exonerate, acquit & Discharge the s'' Hugh Cole He, his Heirs, Exec" & Admin" forever, by these Presents Have Bargained, alienated & Sold, Enfeoffed & Con firmed, and by these Presents Do Bargain, Alienate, Sell, En- feoffe & Confirm, from us the s'' Philip & Monjoham & our Heirs, to Him, the s* Hugh Cole & his Heirs & assigns forever, A cer tain Parcell of Land lying* & being near a Place called Acushenah in the Township of Dartmouth in ye Jurisdiction of Plymouth afores", Being Bounded on the Southwest Corner with a Stake by the Water Side, which is on the Southeast Corner of Dartmouth afores'', & so runs to the Eastward to a red oak tree marked, and from the red oak to the Water Side on a South Point, and north erly to a Pine tree marked on four Sides, and from the s" Pine to ye Westward to Dartmouth Bounds to a Small red oak tree with Stones about it, With free Liberty to cut Wood & Timber on ye Commons adjacent. To Have & to Hold all the s" Tract or Parcell of Land bounded as afores" With the Liberty of Cutting Wood & Timber on ye Commons. The which s* Tract or Parcell of Land was likewise DESCENDANTS OP SAMUEL HAMMOND. 125 granted unto ye s* Hugh Cole by the Court of Plymouth, unto Him the s"* Hugh Cole, To Him & his Heirs & Assigns forever. The s* Premises with all & Singular the appurtenances. Profits, Benefits, Piiviledges & Immunityes belonging thereunto With all our Rights, Title & Interest of and into ye Same or any Part thereof. With the Liberty of Cutting Wood or Timber on ye Commons adjacent as afores". To appertain unto the only proper use and Behoof of him, the s" Hugh Cole, him, bis Heirs and assigns forever, free & clear, & clearly acquitted of & from all other & former Gifts, Grants, Bargains & Sales whatsoever. To be Holden of his majesty, Charles King of England, as of his manors of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in the Realm of England, in free & com mon Souage & not in Capite, nor by Knight Service, nor by the Rents & Services thereof & thereby due & of Right accustomed, With Warranty against all Persons that by our Right & Title of or into the s" Premises or any Part or Parcell thfereof. Giving & hereby Granting Liberty unto the s" Hugh Cole, either by Him self or his attorney to Record or Enroll these Presents, Or to Cause them to be Recorded or Enrolled in his majesties Court of New Plymouth afores", Or in any other Place of Piiblick Records, according lo jousual manner of Recording & Enrolling Deeds and Evidences of Lands made & Provided. In Witness whereof We, the s" Philip & Monjoham, have here unto Set our hands & Seals this third day of November, One thousand, Six hundred. Seventy & one, 1671 — Signed, Sealed & D'd ] The Mark ^~p of Philip, In ye Presence of I the Sachem, & of his [Seal] William Harvey, | The Mark a'V^ Monjoham, . Thomas Leonard. J and his [Seal] This deed of Sale was acknowledged Before me. Constant Southworth, assistant, this third Day of November 1671 — Copy as of Record Exm" by Josiah Cotton, Clerk & keeper of the Colony Records. Will of Samuel Hammond. In the name of God, Amen : This twelveth day of July, 1728, in the first year of the reign of our Lord King George II, I, Samuel Hammond of Rochester, in the county of Plymouth, in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New England, yeoman, being of a disposing mind and memory and desirous to set my house in order before 1 die, do make this my last will and testament. 1st, I give my soul to God and my body to 126 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. the ground after my decease in hopes of a glorious resurrection, and as touching such worldly estate as hath pleased God to bless me withal, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : — j Imprimis: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary, all the estate both out and indoors, wherever it is or may be found during her continuing my widow, and then after her decease to be disposed of to my children as hereafter in my will I shall order. Item 2nd, I give to my son Thomas, besides what I have already given him, fifty acres of land and three parts of the ten acres of meadow land I have in the town of Wales, and 20 acres of land in Rochester not yet laid out, which land I lent to my brother Nathan Hammond, to go to his heirs and assigns forever. Item 3d, I give to my son Jedediah, 50 acres of land and three parts of the 10 acres, a lot of fresh meadow that I have in Roch ester and the | of the share of land in Rochester, not yet laid out, to be to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Item 4th, I give to my son John, 50 acres of land, and the three parts of my 10 acre lot of meadow that laj's aforesaid, and a cer tain piece of land lying to the south of my homestead, as it has already been bounded out to go to him, and his heirs and assigns forever ; likewise I give to my son John, | of my land and meadow lying on Branch Island. Item 5th, I give to my grandson, Archelus Hammond, 50 acres of land to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item 6th, I give to my grandson, Peter Spooner, 50 acres of land lying in Wales aforesaid, to him his heirs and assigns for ever. Il;em 7th, I give to my daughter, Mariali Clark, 50 acres of land, in the town of Wales, to her her heirs and assigns forever. Item 8th, I give to my son Samuel Hammond 10 acres of land whereon he now liveth, to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item 9th, I give to my son Josiah the lot of land where his house now stands, together with the meadow at the foot* of it, and 4 acres of meadow in Cook's meadow, and J of a shaie of Cedar swamp together with ^ of all my lands in Rochester, and I farrow cow which he heth already I give to his heirs and assigns forever. Likewise I also constitute my son Josiah and my son John to be joint executors of this my last will and testament. Item loth, I give to my son Barnabas 3 acres of land in Cook's meadow, and the remaining part of said meadow I give to my son Seth with what I have given him. Item nth, I give to my granddaughter Abigail one featherbed and bedding. Item I2th, I give to my granddaughter Elizabeth Spooner 15 sheep when she shall come to the age of ,18 years, to be paid to her by the executors of my movable estates. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HAMMOND. 127 Item 13th, I give to my granddaughter Rose Spooner 15 sheep as above. Item 14th, I give to my 6 grandchildren Jeduthan, Benjamin, John, Thomas, Hobbs, and Mary Spooner, 5 shillings apiece to be paid to them by my executors after my decease. Item 15th, I give to my wife my best featherbed and bedding, to be all hers and her assigns. Item i6th,I give to my daughters Mariah and Jedidah all of my movables both within and out of doors after my wife's decease. My will is that my executors pay all my debts out of the mone)' that shall be due me at my decease so far as that will go, and the remainder if any there be out of my personal estate. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year above written. Samuel Hammond. Signed, Sealed, Published and pronounced by Samuel Ham mond as his last will and testament in presence of us. Thos. Clarke. Joshua Coggshall. Nath'l Delano. Sept. the 2oth 1728. The within nariied Thos. Clarke, Josh. Coggshall and Nath'l Delano made oath that they saw the within named Samuel Ham mond, late of Rochester county of Plymouth deceased, sign, seal and heard him declare the within written on to be his last will and testament. Isaac Winslow, Judge of Probate. [Probate Records, Plymouth, Mass., Vol. 5, Page 477.] PART III JOHN HAMMOIs'D, SECOND SON OF BENJAMIN. •f. John' Hammond, [second son of Benjamin, ° Wil liam'], was b. at Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 30, 1663. came to Rochester, Mass., with his brother Samuel about 1680, and d. there Apr. 19, 1749, O. S. He settled in the southwesterly part of the present town of Mattapoisett, where about the year 1700 he built the "Old Hammond House," known at the present time as the " Howes House." It is the oldest dwelling- house in the town, and is well preserved. It stands on the west bank of the Mattapoisett River, in a picturesque location, and is one of the old landmarks of the town. John Hammond was a noted man of his time ; was select man and assessor three years ; member of the State legislature two years ; a lieutenant of militia, and a justice of the peace. He was also one of the founders, and a prominent member of the first Congregational Church in Rochester. He m. in 1691 Mary Arnold, eldest daughter of the Rev. Samuel Arnold, first minister of the gospel that was settled in Rochester. Mary Arnold was b. May 1672, and d. Aug. 3, 1756, and had seven sons and four daughters. Issue to grow to maturity and marry were : 1. Bethiah, b. Aug. 11, 1693. d. Mch. 17, 1757. 2. Sarah, b. Dec. 23, 1695. d. 3. Jabez, b. Feb. 26, 1699. d. Feb. — , 1786. 4. Elnathan, b. Mch. 7, 1703. d. May 24, 1793. 5. Benjamin, b, Dec. 1, 1704. d. Jul. 19, 1758. 6. Rowland, b. Oct. 30, 1706. d. Jun. 16, 1788. 7. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1709. d. 8. Abigail, b. Mch. 27, 1714. d. May 16, 1753. 9. John, Jr., b. Sep. 4, 1716. d. Dec. 20, 1785. 10 130 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of these children, 1. Bethiah* m. Joseph Haskell of Rochester, and had many children that grew to maturity and married. Issue : Nathaniel, Jean, Sary, Joseph, Mary, Elna than, John, Nathaniel, Bethiah, Abigail, and Hannah. 2. Sarah* m. Apr. 26, 1722, Noah Sprague of Rochester, son of Samuel Sprague. She had sons and daughters, whom she lived to see married and dead. Issue : Joshua, Alden, Allathia, Elizabeth, Samuel, Mary, Samuel, Noah, Elizabeth, and John. 7. Elizabeth* m. Oct. 13, 1731, Ebenezer, son of Capt. Hope Lothrop of Falmouth, and had two sons and three daughters. They moved to New Township, Ga., where he pur chased a farm, built a comfortable dwelling-house, and died soon after. His widow and five small children were afterwards attacked by the Indians, and she was obliged to leave at an hour's warning, carrying nothing with her but her children and one bed. The Indians burnt her house and destroyed all her stock of cattle and household goods. Through the assistance of friends she was enabled to get back to Oblong, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where with the aid of her friends in Rochester she made a comfortable living. After some years she m. Dea. Wilcox, a man of property, who died a few years after with a cancer. After that she lived with her two sons in New York, perhaps at Oblong. 8. Abigail* m. Feb. 11, 1750, Ebenezer Perry of Roch ester, ancl had one son Nathan, who d. at the age of 40. L— JABEZ HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER AND NEW BEDFORD, MASS. f. Jabez* Hammond 1st, oldest son of John,' [Ben jamin, ' William"], was b. at Rochester, Mass., Feb. 27, 1699, moved to Dartmouth, afterwards New Bedford, Mass., probably about the first of Dec. 1765, and, with his son John, went to South Woodstock, Vt., in 1782, where he d. Feb. 1786, a;. 87. Jabez Hammond was a prominent man in his day, and is said to have held a commission as captain from the King of England. After the birth of his children, probably May 17, 1765, he wrote out a Family Record, giving the births, marriages and deaths, and the names of his father and mother, himself, his > 2ozaK oG is o DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 131 wives and children, up to the date of writing. This ancient paper, somewhat impaired by time, is stiU in existence, and is a rare and remarkable document.* Jabez Hammond was twice married, and was the father of 18 children. He m. 1st, Apr. 14, 1725, Sarah, daughter of Hope Lothrop of Falmouth, who d. Nov. 9, 1734. Issue: 1. Joshua, b. Apr. 1, 1726. d. Jan. 2, 1727. 2. Hannah, b. Jul. 20, 1727. d. Jun. 9, 1730. 3. Zilpha, b. Aug. 10, 1729. d. Jun. 18, 1730. 4. Rebecca, b. Feb. 14, 1731. d. Dec. 29, 1767. 5. fjothrop. b. Apr. 24, 1733. d. Nov. 26, 1756. 6. Sarah, b. Oct. 15, 1734. d. Dec. 8, 1734. Jabez Hammond m. 2d, May 12, 1736, Abigail Faunce, who d. at the age of 84. She was a daughter of Rev. Mr. Faunce from England, minister at Plymouth, Mass. , and grand daughter of Thomas Faunce of England. Issue : 7. Faunce, b. May 20, 1737. d. Feb. 8, 1813. 8. Sarah, b. Mch. 24, 1739. d. 9. Jabez 2d, b. Jun. 9, 1741. d. May 2, 180.7. 10. Luther, b. Apr. 8, 1744. d. young. 11. Calvin, b. Dec. 29, 1745. d. 12. Khoda, b. Nov. 16, 1747. d. 13. John, b. Jan. 20, 1750. d. Aug. — , 1814. 14. Elijah, b. Mch. 4, 1751. d. Apr. 20, 181S. 15. George, b. Aug. 19, 1754. d. about 1800. 16. Caleb, b. Dec. 3, 1757. d. 17. Kuth, b. Sep. ) 1759. d. Dec. 11, 1761. 18. Abigail, b. Jun. 26, 1762. d. about 1842. Of these children, Joshua, Hannah, Zilpha, Sarah, Luther and Ruth d. young; Lothrop^ d. single at Jamaica, West Indies ; and George^ and Caleb* d. single at Woodstock, Vt. 4. Kebecca" m. Jan. 10, 1750, Josiah Hammond Jr., her second cousin, grandson of Samuel Hammond. She lived in what is now Mattapoisett, and was the mother of eight children : Elnathan, Anstris, Richard, Eunice, Priscilla, Lothrop, Mary, and Nathan, f ^ 8. Sarah' m. in 1761 Enoch Winslow of Rochester, and moved to Woodstock, Vt., about 1789. Issue: Two daugh ters, and a son Noah, who left a large family, and d. at Pem- brook, N. Y., when about 40 years old. 12. Rhoda' m. Aug. 2, 1774, Calvin Washburn of Dart mouth, and lived and d. in Pawtucket, R. I. Issue : Mary and Nancy. * See end of Part III. t For further record of Rebecca's children, see Genealogy of Josiah Jr., p. 107. 132 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 18. Abigail' m. Enoch Leonard, and moved to Pomfret, Vt., about 1790-95, where she d. at the age of about 80. Issue : Three sons and three daughters. 7.— FAUNCE HAMMOND O^ NEW BEDFORD, AND READING, VT. f. Faunce' Hammond, son of Jabez 1st,* [John,' Benjamin,'' William'], was b. at Rochester, Mass., May 20, 1737, moved to Dartmouth, now New Bedford, about the year 1777, and to Reading, Vt., Nov. 1787, where he d. Feb. 8, 1813. He m. Dec. 3, 1761, Mary Holmes of Plymouth, Mass., who d. Feb. 1, 1813. Issue: 1. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 6, 1763. d. Aug. 19, 1834. 2. Stephen, b. Feb. 17, 1765. d. Sep. 23, 1806. 3. Kuth, b. Mch. 2,1767. d. May 9,1857. 4. Luther, b. May 28, 1769. d. Jun. 6, 1771. 5. Sally, b. Mch. 31, 1771. d. 6. Jabez Holmes, b. May 1,1773. d. Oct. 25,1841. 7. Mary Clark, b. Jul. 13, 1775. d. 8. Jiry, b. Sep. 25,1778. d. Jun. 9,1834. 9. Luther, bMay 5,1781. d. Feb. 27,1871. 10. Thomas Faunce, b. Dec. 17,1783. d. Dec. 24,1865. Of these children, 3. Eutli," oldest daughter of Faunce, was b. in Rochester, Mass., Mch. 2, 1767, and moved to Reading, Vt., Nov. 1788. She m. Nov. 10, 1786, Mitchell Pope of Dartmouth, Mass., who d. Jan. 23, 1849. She had 13 children : Elnathan, Nathaniel, Mary, Sally, Jabez, Reu ben, Ruth, Mitchell Jr., Cynthia, Luther Ralph, Thomas Faunce, Lutina, and Andrew. In Mch. 1856 Ruth moved to Wisconsin with her son Thomas Faunce, where she d. May 9, 1857, se. 90. It is said that none of her children are living. 5. Sally, ^ second daughter of Faunce, was b. at Roch ester, Mass., and probably lived and d. at Middlebury, Vt. She m. 1st, Feb. 25, 1790, Henry Carlton, who d. May 20, 1812, se. 51. She m. 2d, Oct. 12, 1813, Harvey Monger, and probably d. without issue. Both marriages occurred in Reading, Vt., but Harvey Monger, her second husband, was a resident of Middlebury. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 133 7. Mary Clark," third daughter of Faunce, was b. at Dartmouth, Jul. 13, 1775, lived at Woodstock, Vt., and d. there previous to Nov. 1824. She m. David Kendall, who d. Mch. 1857, after a second mariage in Nov. 1824. No issue known. (1.)— NATHANIEL HAMMOND OF SOUTH WOOD STOCK, VT. •j-. Nathaniel" Hammond, oldest son of Faunce,' [Jabez,* John,' Benjamin,'' William'], who was a shoemaker, lived at South Woodstock, and d. at Reading, Vt., with his son David. He m. about 1785 Mary Adams, who was b. in 1755, and d. Oct. 29, 1821. Issue : 1. Nathaniel, Jr., b. Nov. 2, 1786. d. Feb. 2, 1874. 2. Abram, b. in 1788. d. Mch. 18,1812. 3. Mary, b. in 1790. d. in 1821. 4. David, b. in 1792. d. Oct. 29, 1854. 5. George, b. about 1794. d. about 1829. 6. Henry Clinton, b. Aug. 20,1797. d. ,Jun. —,1844. 7. John G., b. Apr. 8,1800. ' d. Jul. 8,1876. Of these, children, 2. Abram' d. at the age of 24, and probably never married; 3. Mary' m. a Mr. Proctor of Ver mont, and had several children; and 5. George' was b. at Woodstock, Vt., and d. at Brookville, Ind. He m. 1st, Sally Hawley, who was b. in Massachusetts. He m." 2d, Mary . No issue. f-l. Nathaniel Jr.,' b. in the Blue Hills, Me., at six years of age moved with his father to Vermont, and in 1820 to Indiana, where he d. at Rensselaer, Jasper Co., Feb. 2, 1874. He at first studied law, but afterwards studied and successfully practiced medicine for a number of years in Franklin and Bar tholomew Cos., Ind. But being troubled with deafness, which increased with his years, he afterwards devoted his time to agri cultural pursuits. He was a devout Cliristian, a great reader, and one of the best informed men of his time. He was thrice married. He m. 1st, Oct. 9, 1811, Patty Ball at Hartford, Vt., who was b. at Weston, Mass., Apr. 17, 1790, and d. at Brookville, Ind., Jun. 14, 1822. Issue: 1. Nath'l Allen, b. Nov. 9, 1811. d. Jun. 15, 1822. 2. Abram Adams, b. Mch. 21, 1814. d. Aug. 27, 1874. 134 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 3. Sarah Ball, b. Aug. 9, 1816. d. Jun. 8, 1838. 4. William Penn, b. Oct. 25, 1818. d. Feb. 19, 1875. 5. John Arnold, ' b. Oct. 14, 1821. d. Aug. 1, 1822. Nathaniel m. 2d, Aug. 29, 1822, Hannah Van Meter, who was b. in Virginia, Jun. 29, 1794, and d. Sep. 21, 1831. Issue : 6. George W., b. Sep. 4, 1823. d. Oct. 10, 1879. 7. Martha Ann, b. Oct. 31, 1825. d. May 24, 1890. 8. David, b. Oct. 14, 1827. d. Feb. 2, 1854. 9. Mary, b. Jan. 8, 1830. Nathaniel m. 3d, May 29, 1832, Hannah H. Serring, who was b. Aug. 11, 1803, and d. in Rensselaer, Ind., Mch. 14, 1885. Issue : 10. Henry, b. Jul. 13, 1833. d. Jul. 31, 1833. 11. Ellen H., b. Aug. 30, 1834. d. Sep. 19, 1834. 12. Edwin Pollok, b. Nov. 26, 1835. 13. Sarah L. , b. Apr. 30, 1838. d. May 1, 1874. 14. .Tane, b. Feb. 26, 1840. 15. Elizabeth, b. Mch. 1, 1842. d. Jan. 15, 1885. 16. Samuel , b. May 20, 1845. d. young. Of these children, Nath'l Allen was b. at Hartford, Vt. ; Abram Adams at Brattleboro', Vt. ; Sarah Ball and William Penn at Middlebury, Vt. ; and the others at Brookville, Frank lin Co., Ind. Nath'l Allen, John Arnold, Henry, Ellen H., and Samuel d. young ; and Sarah Ball at the age of 22, single. 13. Sarah L.,* fifth daughter of Nathaniel Jr., m. Feb. 2, 1859, John Miller of Rensselaer, who d. there Mch. 18, 1878, se. 50. Issue : May, Edith A., Halleck H., Jennie L., Albion, and Mary S. 14. Jane' m. 1st, Aug. 29, 1861, James G. Sale, who d. while in the Army at Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 7, 1862. Issue : Frank G. Jane m. 2d, Apr. 24, 1870, Thomas E. Antrim, and resides in Norton, Kan. Issue: Charles Dickens. t-1-15. Elizabetli' m. Sep. 27, 1865, Mordecai F. Chilcote, one of the leading attomeys-at-law at Rensselaer, Ind. Mr. Chilcote is a graduate of Olivette College, Michigan, and was a captain in the 42d Indiana Regiment, serving in the Departments of Tennessee and Virginia. Issue : Fred L. and Gay lord H. f-1-2. Abram Adams Hammond,^ second son of Nathaniel Jr., was b. at Brattleboro', Vt., Mch. 21, 1814. Gov. Abram A. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 135 He came to Indiana when six years old, and was raised at Brookville, where he studied law with John Ryman, a lawyer of note of that place. In 1835 he commenced the practice of law in Greenfield, Hancock Co. He afterwards was in partner ship with various eminent lawyers, — including John H. Brad ley, Hugh O'Neal, a celebrated criminal lawyer of his day, and Hon. Thomas H. Nelson, — and in various parts of the State of Indiana. He filled the position of Prosecuting Attorney while at Columbus with decided ability. In 1850 he was elected first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Marion Co. In 1855 he removed from San Francisco, Cal., where he had previously moved, to Terre Haute, Ind. In 1856 Mr. Hammond was nominated for Lieut. -Governor by the Demo crats, he having gone over to that party after the dissolution of the Whig party in 1852. He made an active canvas and was elected Lieut. -Governor of Indiana, having given Mr. Douglas a weak support, not caring to follow the Breckenridge move ment. Gov. Willard d. at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 5, 1860, and Mr. Hammond became Governor, serving until the inauguration of Gov. Lane, Jan. 14, 1861. His only message to the Legisla ture was an able and timely one. His recommendations were favorably received and acted upon by the Legislature. In the election of 1860, Col. Henry S. Lane was elected Governor, and Oliver P. Morton Lieut. -Governor of Indiana. Five days after the delivery of Gov. Hammond's message Lieut. -Governor Morton became Governor by reason of the resignation of Governor Lane, who had been elected to the United States Senate. ¦About this time rheumatism fastened itself upon Gov. Ham mond and never let go its hold ; he even had to walk on crutches. He tried all manner of remedies but got no relief. After a while asthma attacked him, and in the Summer of 1874 he went to Colorado, hoping to be benefited by its climate, but the dry mountain air failed to work a cure. He d. at Denver, Aug. 27, 1874, and was buried in Indianapolis, Ind. Gov. Hammond was not a showy man, but he was an able one, much abler than the public gave him credit for. He had a logical mind, and was remarkably clear in stating his posi tions and drawing his conclusions. He had not great learning, but he was a close observer of events, and during his life gath ered a large mass of information ; neither was he particularly well read in law, but he was a good lawyer, for , he compre hended principles and was able to apply them in practice. 136 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Gov. Hammond's residence was at Indianapolis, though he made several changes in the location of his business. He was a man that would have succeeded anywhere, for in ability he was far above most of his competitors at the bar. Gov. Hammond was an unusually fine specimen of physical manhood. He walked with a spring, and moved with the agility of an athlete. He was of medium height, compactly built, and of dark complexion. His head was large and well- shaped. While the expression of his countenance was kind and gentle, it never betrayed passion or emotion. He was cool, deliberate and self-possessed, keeping his temper and feelings under perfect control. He was frank in his manners, honorable in his dealings, and dignified in his deportment. Although not one of the most learned Governors of Indiana, he was, by nature, one of the ablest. Gov. Hammond m. Apr. 5, 1838, at Greenfield, Ind., Mary B. Amsden, who, after the death of her husband, resided at Denver, Col., with her daughter Mrs. Sweeney, and where she d. Feb. 4, 1890. Issue: 1. George, b. ,Jun. 2, 1852. 2. Mary, b. in 1855. d. in 1866. 1. George,' a girl, m. May 30, 1876, Anthony Sweeney, a fire insurance and real estate broker at Denver. No issue. t-1-4. William Penn,^ third son of Nathaniel Jr., was b. at Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 25, 1818; practiced law at Greenfield, Ind., from 1841 to 1843, and from the latter date to 1852 in Martinsville, Ind. ; was in the Indiana Legislature about 1848 ; moved to Keokuk, Iowa, in 1852, and thence, about 1857, to Albia, Iowa, where he d. Feb. 19, 1875. He m. Nov. 3, 1841, at Greenfield, Ind., Sarah J. Woos- ter, who was b. Mch. 10, 1824, and now resides at Los Ange les, Cal. Issue : 1. Mattie M., b. Oct. 29,1842. 2. Albert Hugh, b. Nov. 29, 1844. 3. Georgia C, b. Mch. 29,1847. d. May 20,1870. 4. Mary E., b. Mch. 18, 1850. 5. Colypso H., b. May 11, 1853. d. Jul. 30, 1853. 6. Nath;iniel, b. ,Tun. 16,1854. d. Jun. 16,1854. 7. Thomas Bell, b. Sep. 5, 1856. 8. Charles J., b. Feb. 13,1861. d. Jnl. 11,1862 9. William E., b. Aug. 4, 1862. d. Apr. 20, I884' 10. Katie Y., b. Jul. 20, 1864. Mattie was b. at Greenfield, and Albert, Georgia, and Mary WiLLiAM Pen.v Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 137 at Martinsville, Ind. ; Colypso, Nathaniel, and Thomas at Keokuk, and William, Charles, &nd Katie at Albia, Iowa. Of these children, Thomas Bell" is a book-keeper and stenographer, and resides at Los Angeles, Cal. He has never married. 1. Mattie M.' m. Jan. 1, 1860, Samuel L. Cramer, and lives at Ballard, Wash. Issue : Charles, George, and William Penn. 2. Albert H.'' is a harnessmaker at East Los Angeles, Cal. He m. Oct. 14, 1887, Frances L. Gessler, but has no issue. 3. Georgia C m. Mch. 14, 1867, Harry L. Water man, lived at Albia, and d. at Ottumwa, Wapello Co., Iowa. Issue : Philip, b. Mch. 14, 1868. 4. Mary E.' m. Jan. 14, 1868, Thomas W. Milburn, and lives at Raven Wood, Mo. Issue : Edwin P., Albert P., Pearl A., Edwin Fred,^Roy, Earl, and Clifford. 10. Katie Y.' m. Aug. 18, 1880, Frank Humphreys, and resides at Los Angeles. Issue : George H. •)--l-6. George W.," fifth son of Nathaniel Jr., was a farmer, and lived and d. near Alexandria, Madison Co., Ind. He m. Apr. 7, 1842, Rebecca A. Manering, who now resides at Alexandria, Monroe Township, Ind. Issue : 1. Nathaniel, b. Mch. 25, 1843. d. Aug. 4, 1843. 2. Ambrose M., b. Sep. 21, 1845. 3. Mary .L, b. May 29, 1848. d. Oct. 8, 1890. 4. William T., b. Dec. 30, 1850. d. Feb. 15, 1851. 5. Nancy C, b. Jan. 14, 1852. d. Sep. 16, 1871. 6. George H., b. Sep. 12, 1854. 7. Jessie C, b. Mch. 11, 1857. 8. Charles, b. Dec. 31,1859. d. Aug. 31,1860. 9. Elmer E., b. Mch. 12,1860. 10 Richard G., b. Nov. 11, 1864. 11. Lucy, b. Jun. 13,1867. d. Jul. 6,1867. Of these children, Jessie C.,' single, resides with her mother at Alexandria, Madison Co., Ind. 2. Ambrose M." is a carpenter, and lives at Alexandria. He m. Feb. 16, 1881, Almyra Lloyd, and had issue : d. June 28, 1890. 1. Cora E., b. Oct. 3, 1882. 2. Georgia, b. Apr. 27, 1885. 3. Guy, b. Jul. 16, 1889. 138 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 3. Mary J.' m. Aug. 24, 1866, Henry Babbitt, and lived at Newton, Harvey Co. , Kan. * Issue : Charles H. , b. Jun. 20, 1879. 6. George H.° is a farmer in Monroe Township, Madison Co., Ind. He m. Oct. 5, 1874, Eliza J. LaRue, and had issue : 1. Lillie M., b. May 1, 1875. 2. Gertrude, b. Sep. 8, 1879. 9. Elmer E.' is also a farmer in Monroe Township, Ind. He m. Aug. 8, 1886, Laura A. Poland, and had issue : 1. Jessie M., b. Jun. 14,1887. 2. Mary M., b. Nov. 14, 1889. d. Feb. 7, 1890. 10. Richard GJ is a clergyman in the Methodist Episco pal Church, and is now located at Plainfield, Hendricks Co., Ind. He m. Mch. 31, 1889, Hortense A. Riggs, but has no issue. f-1-7. Martha Ann,' second daughter of Nathaniel Jr. , m. 1st, Feb. 16, 1842, in Franklin Co., Ind., James M. Alley, who d. Oct. 5, 1842. Issue: 1. Jennie, b. Jan. 15, 1843. d. Jan. 26, 1873. Martha Ann m. 2d, Apr. 13, 1847, William Potts, who was b. Mch. 21, 1825, at Laurel, Ind. He is a farmer, and lives near Greenfield, Ind. Issue : 2. James K., b. Mch. 11, 1848. d. Apr. 12, 1865 3. George W., b. May 14, 1850. 4. Mary E., b. Nov. 1, 1852. 5. Edwin H., b. Dec. 17, 1854. d. Nov. 18, 1889 6. John W., b. Feb. 1, 1857. 7. Belle PL, b. Jul. 9, 1859. 8. Alice, b. Jan. 1, 1862. 9. Lucy J., b. Mch. 5, 1864. Of these children, Mary E.' m. Oct. 2, 1872, Kepler Boyd; John W.° m. Mch. 12, 1881, Rebecca Elsbury; and Belle H.' m. Aug. 18, 1889, Prof. Alpheus Reynolds. t-1-8. David,* sixth son of Nathaniel Jr., was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun Feb. 2, 1864, in Jasper Co., Ind. He m. Oct. 10, 1849, Nancy J. Sherwood, who d. about 1863. Issue : 1. William E., b. Oct. 17, 1850. d. Oct. 23, 1871. 2. John Edwin, b. Feb. 11, 1853. d. Apr. 19, 1870. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 139 t-1-9. Mary,' third daughter of Nathaniel Jr., lives at Alexandria, Madison Co., Ind. She m. Dec. 25, 1845, James H. Manering, a farmer, who was b. in Kent Co., Del., Dec. 9, 1823. Issue: 1. Natlianiel H., b. Sep. 19,1847. 2. Ambrose A., b. Sep. 21, 1850. 3. Martha C, b. Dec. 17,1852. 4. Sarah L., b. May 18,1855. d. May 19,1855. 5. .James W., b. Jun. 1, 1857. 6. Elizabeth J., b. Mch. 18,1859. d. Mch. 19,1859. 7. Ella N., b. Aug. 24, 1860. 8. Edwin B., b. Jun. 30, 1863. 9. Hanpah B., b. Sep. 1, 1865. d. Oct. 13, 1865. Of these children, Nathaniel H.' is a physician residing in Grant Co., Ind. t-1-12. Edwin Pollok Hammond,' eighth son of Nathaniel Jr., was b. at Brookville, Franklin Co., Ind., Nov. 26, 1835. Mr. Hammond in early life had fair school advan tages, and with diligent application obtained a good education. In 1855 he studied law in the office of his half brother, Abram A. Hammond, in Terre Haute ; and in 1856-7 was admitted to the senior law class of Asbury University at Greene Castle, and graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. In 1858 he located at Rensselaer, Jasper Co., Ind., and opened a law office. Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion Mr. Hammond enlisted in Co. G, 9th Ind. Volunteers, and was commissioned 2d, and afterwards 1st, Lieutenant, and served in the Three Months' Campaign, in West Virginia. He was with the force that surprised the Rebel Camp at Philippi, and in the engage ment at Carrick's Ford, in which the Confederate General Garnett was killed. Returning to his home in Rensselaer, he resumed the practice of law. In 1861, he was elected as Representative in the Legislature from the Counties of Newton, Jasper and Pulaski. In 1862, he helped organize Co. A, 87th Ind. Volunteers, and was commissioned as Captain of the Com pany. He was promoted, Mch. 22, 1863, to the rank of Major, and Nov. 21, 1863, to that of Lieut. Colonel. The Regiment lost heavily in killed and wounded, in the battle of Chicka- mauga. Col. Newell Gleason, having been placed in charge of the brigade, Lieut. -Col. Hammond commanded the Regi ment during the last year of the W^ar. They were at Chatta nooga, and at the siege of Atlanta, and with Sherman on his march to the sea. 140 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Mr. Hammond enjoyed the respect and good-will of the officers and men under his command, and the confidence of his superior officers. At the close of the War, for gallant and meritorious services, he was appointed by the President to the Brevet rank of Colonel in the United States Volunteers. Col. Hammond again entered the practice of law in Rensselaer, and at once had a large business. In March, 1873, Gov. Hendricks appointed Col. Hammond to be Judge of the 30th Judicial Circuit, which was ratified by the people at the next October election. In October, 1878, the Judge was unamiously re-elected. May 14, 1883, he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court from the Fifth District, by Gov. A. G. Porter, to fill a vacancy. Judge Hammond is a Republican, and was a delegate to the National Convention in 1872, which nominated General Grant for his second term. In 1884, he was defeated for Judge of the Supreme Court, but received 5000 more votes than Blaine and others on the same ticket. At the November election of 1890 he was elected Judge of the 30th Judicial Circuit for the term of six years. In August, 1892, he resigned the office of Circuit Judge, and formed a la^ partnership with Charles B. and William V. Stuart, under the firm name of Stuart Bros, and Hammond, with headquar ters at Lafayette, Ind., where the Judge now resideg. In June, 1892, Judge Hammond received the Degree of LL.D. from Wabash College, Indiana. Judge Hammond m. 1st, Aug. 8, 1861, Lucy J. Sayler, who d. Jan. 3, 1863", se. 22, without issue. He m. 2d, Mch. 1, 1864, Mary V. Spitler, who was b. at Rensselaer, Ind., Mch. 12, 1843. Mrs. Hammond is an able and accomplished lady, and highly cultivated in vocal and instrumental music. She was also one of the Board of Managers of the World's Fair, Women's Department for Indiana. Issue : 1. Louie, b. Nov. 18, 1864. 2. Maude, b. Apr. 16, 1868. d. Sep. 6, 1869. 3 Mary A., b. Jul. 19, 1870. 4. Edwin P., Jr., b. Mch. 2, 1873. 5. Jean, b. Aug. 16, 1875. 6. Nina Van R., b. Feb. 29, 1880. Of these children, 1. Louie' m. Nov. 7, 1882, William B. Austen, who was b. at Rensselaer, Ind., Apr. 21, 1860. Mr. Austen graduated at Wabash College, Indiana, Jun. 22, 1881, and is an attorney-at-law at Rensselaer. Issue: Virginia, b. Aug. 25, 1883. CoL. Edwin P. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 141 t-4. David,' third son of Nathaniel Sr., b. at Wood stock, Vt., moved to Reading, and became a prominent man in the town. He was extensively engaged in the manufacture of shoes, and was also interested in farming. He was afterwards interested in the manufacture of shoes at Windsor, Vt. , although he resided at Reading, and d. there Oct. 20, 1854, se. 62. He m. Alice' Stone, who was b. in 1793, and d. Jan. 7, 1864, £e. 71. Issue : 1. George A., b. Aug. —,1816. d. Feb. 18,1817. 2. George Augustus, b. Sep. 28, 1818. d. Mch. 29, 1819. 3. Augusta, b. Apr. 16, 1820. d. May 18, 1850. 4. Mary, b. Oct. 16, 1822. d. Nov. 12, 1891. 5. Samuel Albro, b. Aug. 16, 1825. 6. Edmund Stone, b. Apr. 16, 1828. 7. Oliver Bailey, b. Apr. 20, 1830. d. Sep. 26, 1852. 8. Frederic C, b. Apr. — , 1833. d. Jan. 18, 1861. 9. George Henry, b. Apr. 9, 1837. Of these children, Mary and Oliver Bailey d. single, at Reading. 3. Augusta' m. Oct. 2, 1838, James Lawrence Hartwell of Reading, Vt., and lived at Windsor, Vt. Issue: Alice Augusta, Mary Ellen, Charles Gale, James Lawrence Jr., Frank, and Alice Augusta 2d. These children all d. young, except Mary Ellen,' who m. Nov. 13, 1867, Theodore H. Sayre, and lives in New York City. ¦j-_4_8. Frederic C.,' sixth son of David, was a hotel- keeper, and lived at Belvidere, 111. He m. Susan Downer of of Weathersfield, Vt., and d. without issue. •J--4-5. Samuel Albro,' third son of David, is a farmer and stock-raiser, and lives at Le Mars, Plymouth Co., Iowa. He m. 1st, Nov. 10, 1851, Mary Louisa Hapgood, who was b. Jul. 30, 1827, and d. Apr. 28, 1857. Issue: 1. David, b. Mch. 21, 1855. Samuel A. m. 2d, Nov. 1863, Salome F. Hapgood, a cousin of his first wife, who was b. Dec. 9, 1826, and d. Dee. 28, 1876. He m. 3d, Sep. 25, 1878, Mrs. S. J. Benton, who was b. in Wethersfield, Conn., Apr. 28, 1831. No issue by the second and third marriages. +_4_5_1. David,' son of Samuel A., is a farmer and stock-raiser with his father at Le Mars. He m. Apr. 7, 1881, Lizzie M. Benton, who was b. Dec. 24, 1861, and d. Apr. 15, 1887. Issue : 142 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Mabel B., b. Sep. 19, 1882. 2. Chester H., b. Jun. 3,1884. 3. Louise S. H., b. Aug. 16, 1886. f-4-6. Edmund Stone,' fourth son of David, lives at Reading, Vt., and is one of the most extensive farmers in town, and has been largely engaged in the breeding of Merino sheep. He was for several years one of the selectmen of the town of Reading. He m. Feb. 26, 1852, Jane Mandana Sliedd, who was b. Apr. 16, 1833. Issue: 1. Oliver Guy, b. Oct. 20, 1855. d. Jun. 29, 1878. 2. Dwight S., b. Mch. 8, 1859. Of these children, Oliver Guy' d. single at Reading. 2. Dwight S.,' is a farmer, and lives at Felchville, Vt. He m. Sep. 9, 1880, Ida J. Barnes. No issue. t-4-9. George Henry,' seventh son of David, is a butcher, and resides at Springfield, Vt. He m. in 1862, Ann Eliza Clark, and had issue : 1. Fred Collamer, b. Mch. 24, 1863. 2. John Nathaniel, b. Mch. II, 1865. 1. Fred Collamer' is a machinist, and resides at Read ing. He m. Jan. 5, 1883, Carrie Ellen Slade of Springfield, Vt., and had issue : 1. George Allan, b. May 30, 1887. 2. Kuth, b. Dec. 10, 1890. 2. John Nathaniel' is a butcher with his father at Springfield. He m. Nov. 8, 1882, Emma SafFord of Spring field, and had issue : Alice Stone and Georgia Anna, both of whom d. young. t-6. Henry Clinton,' fifth son of Nathaniel Sr., b. in Woodstock, Vt., was an eminent lawyer in Indiana, and d. at Wappelo, Iowa, Jun. 1844. He m. in 1820, Mehetable B. Thomas, who was b. in Pennsylvania, Feb. 27, 1798, and d. in Milford, Butler Co., Ohio, Jun. 11, 1841. Issue : 1. Mary Adams, 2. Elvira Thomas, 3. John Q. Adams, 4. George Clinton, 5; Eveline Tredway, 6. Thomas Harrison G., 7. Augustus Adelia, 8. Aurelia Teresa, b. Nov. 19, 1821. d. Aug. 14, 1839. b. Jul. 5, 1823. b. Apr. 13, 1825. d. Nov. 15, 1850. b. May 20, 1827. d. Mch. 3, 1875. b. Jul. 8, 1829. b. Sep. 16, 1831. b. Dec. 27, 1833. d. Dec. 16, 1856. b. Jun. 9, 1839. d. Sep. 18, 1839. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 143 Of these children, born in Brownsville, Union Co., Intl., Mary Adams' d. single, and Aurelia Teresa' d. young. f-6-3. John Q. Adams,' oldest son of Henry Clinton, in 1845 moved from Wappelo, Iowa, to Waukegan, 111. In 1849 he went to California, and, while returning, d. on board ship Nov. 15, 1850, and was buried at sea. t-6-2. Elvira Thomas,' m. in Milford, Ohio, Apr. 2, 1845, Thomas H. Boone, who was b. in County Derry, Ire land, Mch. 14, 1823, and d. at Dousman, Waukesha Co., Wis., Jun. 28, 1890, and was a Protestant of Scotch descent. Mrs. Boone, soon after her marriage, moved with her father and remaining family to Wappelo, Louisa Co., Iowa, and afterwards to Dousman, Wis., where all her children were born except the oldest. Issue : 1. Alice J., b. Dec. 17, 1845. 2. George H., b. Jan. 28, 1856. 3. Eva J., b. Apr. 21, 1858. d. May 29, 1890. 4. Gussie E., b. Dec. 31, 1859. 5. Mary A., b. Dec. 26, 1861. 6. Lizzie L., b. Jan. 27, 1866. Of these children, Alice J.' m. Apr. 5, 1871, William M. Jacques, and lives in West Olive, Mich. No issue. 2. George H.' m. Oct. 17, 1884, Nellie M. Doe in Big Rapids, Mich., and lives in Waukesha, Wis. No issue. 3. Eva J.' m. in 1882, Thomas Edmonds, and d. at Jef- fersonville, Ind., May 29, 1890. Issue: Evelyn Elvira. 5. Mary A.,' or Mamie, m. Nov. 26, 1885, Henry D. Howell, and lives at Waukesha. No issue. 6. Lizzie L.' m. Sep. 4, 1889, Warren Wheeler, and lives in Waukesha. Issue : Dora May. Gussie' lives at home with her mother. •|--6-4. George Clinton,' second son of Henry Clinton, was a carriagemaker, and lived in Dayton, Ohio, till 1855, when he returned to Janes ville. Wis., where he died. He m. in 1851, Martha Gosling, and had issue : 1. Nellie Laura, b. Mch. 27, 1858. 2. George S., b. Jun. 9,1865. 3. Edith Bird, b. Jun. 10, 1870. Of these children, George S.' is agent for a tobacco firm 144 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. with headquarters at St. Paul, Minn. ; and Edith Bird' lives with her sister in Chicago, both single. 1. Nellie Laura,' oldest daughter of George C, m. at Watertown, Wis., May 18, 1882, Newton Partridge, who was b. Mch. 23, 1852, and is a lawyer at Chicago. Mr. Partridge has recently been elected professor in the legal department of the North Western University, Chicago. Issue : 1. Edith Alice, b. Aug. 24, 1883. 2. Edgar Hammond, b. Nov. 6, 1885. 3. Newton Lyman, b. Dec. 10,1890. t-6-5. Eveline Treadway" m. Mch. 7, 1850, Samuel Stewart, a Protestant of Scotch descent, who d. Apr. 15, 1892, and resides at Ottowa, Wis., near her sister Mrs. Boone. Issue : Lizzie M., Hettie J., Gussie A., Ella E., Clinton D., Lucy A., Harrison J., Charles S. and Arthur W. Of these children, Gussie A.' m. Adelbert Tuthill, and has two daughters: Lela and ; Lizzie' m. Jos. Kennedy, and had : Eva, Lottie and Wilbur ; Hettie' m. Andrew Kennedy, and had : Clifford and Lucy. Ella E.' m. Walter Jones, and has a daughter : Edith Eveline ; Lucy A.' m. Dec. 1889, Rev. T. D. Williams, and has a son: Samuel Stewart ; Harry' is in Chicago ; and Clinton' and Charles' are at home. t-6-6. Thomas Harrison,' third son of Henry. Clin ton, was formerly a carriage-trimmer, and resided at Dayton, Ohio. In 1856 he moved from Dayton to Janesville, Wis., and after several years to Oshkosh. A few years later he moved on to a ranch at Redlands, Cal., where he is now a fruit grower. He m. at Madison, Wis., in 1858, Emily Fergason, and had issue : 1. Ella A., b. Sep. 9, 1860. 2. Lottie, b. Dec. 16, 1868. 1. Ella Augusta' m. Sep. 17, 1890, Edward Glover Judson, an enterprising business man, and at present Mayor of Redlands. Issue : 1. Henry Hammond, b. Jan. 1, 1892. 2. Lottie' m. Apr. 1887, Francis Townsend of Redlands, and now resides at Los Angeles. Issue : 1. Mabel, b. Jun. 1, 1888. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 145 •|'-6-7. Augusta Adelia,' fourth daughter of Henry Clinton, m. Dec. 16, 1854, Charles West, and d. in Venice, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1858. Issue: 1. Emma A., b. Mch. 11,1856. 2. Addie R., b. Jun. 18, 1857. Of these children, Addie R.' lives single at Bushnell, 111., and Emma A.' m. in 1876, John Chapman at Big Rapids, Mich., where they lived several years. They afterwards moved to Knoxville, Tenn., and thence to Albany, Ore., where they now reside. Issue : HoUey West and Altha Emma. f— 7. John G.,' sixth son of Nathaniel Sr., was b. at Woodstock, Vt., Apr. 8, 1800, and d. at BrookviHe, Ind., Jul. 8, 1876. While a soldier in the Florida War, he was wounded, and after returning home drew a pension. He after wards settled down to steady life, and spent a portion of his time in farming at Brookville. He m. Mch. 15, 1840, Char lotte Davies, who was b. in 1806, and is still living, at Meta- mora, Franklin Co., Ind. Issue: 1. Nathaniel K., b. Aug. 22, 1841. d. Feb. 10, 1862. 2. Abram, b. May 17, 1842. 3. William Penn, b Feb. 6, 1844. 4. Sarah A., b. Jan. 10, 1846. 5. .John, b. Jun. 29, 1848. 6. Kobert M. , b. Jun. 1, 1852. 7. Augusta, b. Jan. 1, 1856. The above children were b. at Brookville, except Augusta, who was b. at Metamora. J--7-2. Abram,' second son of John G., is a farmer, and Hves at Muncie, Delaware Co., Ind. He m. Mch. 1, 1868, Charlotte Mathews, and had issue : 1. William E., b. Dec. 12,1868. 2. David, b. Oct. 4, 1870. 3. Samuel, b. Dec. 11, 1877. 4. Mary C, b. Jan. 10, 1879. ¦j-_7_3. William Penn,' third son of John G., is a farmer, and resides near Metamora. He m. Sep. 21, 1865, Elizabeth Lacy, and had issue : 1. Kattie, b. Sep. 2, 1866. 2. William H., b. Jan. 29.1868. 3. John G., b. May 17, 1871. 11 146 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-7-4. Sarah A.,' oldest daughter of JohnG., m. Mch. 9, 1862, N. P. Force of Metamora, and resides at Oak Forest, Franklin Co., Ind. Issue: 1. Alice C, b. Aug. 18, 1865. 2. Albert J., b. Dec. 17,1870. t-7-5. John,' fourth son of John G., is an extensive farmer, and resides at Metamora. He m. Feb. 1, 1869, Maria Matthews, and had issue : 1. Marshall, b. Sep. 8, 1871. d. Jul. 4, 1891 2. Kate, b. Ju . 4, 1873. 3. Ellen, b. Jun. 5, 1875. 4. Cora, b. Sep. 26, 1877. 5. Mary, b. Apr. 22, 1879. f-7-6. Robert M.,' fifth son of John G., is a farmer, and lived recently at Delena, Ark. He m. Sep. 20, 1878, Mary Bright, and had issue : 1. Nathaniel L., b. Dec. 28,1879. 2. Blanche, b. Jul. 20, 1881. f-7-7, Augusta,' second daughter of John G., m. Feb. 14, 1878, Henry Lacy, and lives at Metamora. Issue : 1. Mabel, b. Dec. 13, 1878. 2. Otis, b. Feb. 5, 1879. 3. Flora, b. Jan. 10, 1881. 4. Alice, b. Feb. 20, 1883. (2.)— STEPHEN HAMMOND OF HARDWICK, MASS. ¦f. Stephen,' second son of Faunce,^ [Jabez,'' John,' Benjamin, ° W^illiam'], who was b. in Rochester, Mass., and lived and d. in Hardwick, Mass., was a manufacturer and seller of boots and shoes. He m. about 1790 Hannah Stone, who was b. in 1766, and d. Oct. 1848, in Copenhagen, N. Y. Issue : 1. Submit, b. Mch 7, 1791. , d. May J 1879. 2. Hannah, b. Mch. 23, 1792. d. Nov. 7, 1885. 3. Larissa, b. May — , 1793. d. in 1878. 4. Stephen, Jr., b. ,Jun. 16, 1797. d. Mch. 20, 1883. 5. Elias, b. Jun. 28, 1799, d. Dec. 12, 1837. 6. Mary, b. Sep. — , 1801. d. in 1840. 7. Eliza, b. Aug. 12, 1803. d. Jun. 28, 1873. 8. Sarah S., b. Sep. 23, 1806. d. Feb. 18, 1892. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 147 f-l. Submit,' who lived at Copenhagen, N. Y., m. 1st, Jun. 1834, Jared Knapp, who d. Mch. 27, 1859. She m. 2d, in 1861, Levi Robbins, and d. at Copenhagen, May 1879. No issue. t-2. Hannah,' who lived and d. at Windsor, Vt., m. Mch. 3, 1814, James Wardner, who was b. May 12, 1791. Issue : Frederic, Fanny, Laura, Mary, Frank Homer, Charles, James Sullivan, George Waldo, Eliza, Shubael and Byron Ferdinand. t-3. Larissa' lived at Colerain, Mass., and d. at Brattle boro', Vt. She m. Ignatius Perkins of Colerain, and had issue : Larissa, James, Maria, Mary, George, Caroline, Charles, Elias and Sarah. t-6. Mary,' who lived and d. at Hardwick, Mass., m. Timothy Fay, and left six children : James, Maria, Stephen, Rhoda J., Larissa and Augusta. t-7. Eliza,' who lived and d. at Watertown, N. Y., m. FcId. 1830, Darius Sherwin, who was b. Jan. 29, 1831. Issue: Mary E., b. May 4, 1833. Mary E. m. Keyes, and resides at Petoskey, Mich. t-8. Sarah S.' m. Feb. 19, 1824, Gilbert Stafford, and lived and d. at Ceres, Cal. Issue: Larissa H., William G., Franklin, Aurelia and Aurecta, twins, Sarah E., Mary S., Ignatius P., and Submit L. t-4. Stephen Jr.,' oldest son of Stephen, was a black smith, and lived and d. at Copenhagen, N. Y. He m. 1st, in 1828, Harriet Bledgett, who d. in the Fall of 1851. Issue : 1. William M., b. Jul. 6,1829. d. Nov. 23, 1882. 2. Irene, b. Jun. — , 1832. Of these children, Irene resides, single, at Copenhagen. 1. William M.' was a woolen merchant, and lived in New York. He m. Jul. 24, 1860, Emily L. Sikes, and had two sons, one of whom d. in infancy. Issue : 1. Fred S., b. Mch. 17, 1862. Fred S.,' who is a life insurance agent, m. Jul. 9, 1881, Mary Tazer, and had one daughter, who d. young. 148 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Stephen Jr. m. 2d, in 1853, Linda Munger, and had issue : 3. Ida H., b. Jan. 19, 1854. 4. Frank H., > ^^ j_^, ggg 5. Pred H., ) 6. Linda H., b. Sep. 25, 1858. After the death of their mother, which occurred soon after Linda's birth, Ida was adopted by her uncle Nelson Munger, and took the name of Ida Munger ; Frank was adopted by his mother's cousin, Josiah Rich, and his name became Frank H. Rich ; a family by the name of Perkins adopted Fred and Linda, and they took the name of Perkins. 3. Ida H.,' second daughter of Stephen Jr., was b. at Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and resides at Watertown. She m. Jun. 10, 1874, Charles E. Holbrook, a printer. Issue : Henry M., Charles W., and Raymond H. 4. Fi'ank H.' keeps a livery stable, and resides at Low ville, Lewis Co., N. Y. He m. Apr. 25, 1877, Lucinda Chamberlain , and had issue : 1. Floyd, b. Mch. 30, 1879. 5. Fred H.' is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at WilHamsport, Penn. He m. Nov. 23, 1876, Elizabeth Mclntrye. No issue. 6. Linda H.' m. Feb. 16, 1875, William Smart, a farmer at Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y. Issue : 1. Nellie, b. Jun. 1, 1876 t-5. Elias,' second son of Stephen, was a tanner and shoemaker, and lived and d. at Leroy, N. Y. He m. at Shel- burne, Mass., Sep. 20, 1825, Mercy Allen, who was b. Feb. 24, 1802, and d. Jan. 14, 1892. Issue : 1. Martha Ann, b. May 8, 1827. 2. Maria, b. Jul. 3, 1831. 3. Stephen H., b. Apr. 6, 1834. After the death of Elias, the family returned to Shelburne, Mass. 1. Martha Ann' m. 1st, George Roberts, and lived at Colerain. Issue : Charles, Clifford, Stephen, Noah, Porter, Martha, and Fidelia. Martha m. 2d, about 1886, WilHam R. Whittaker of East Wilmington, Vt., where they now reside. No further issue. Lewis M. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 149 2. Maria' m. Henry Baldwin, and lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Issue : Lillie, Jennie, and George. 3. Stephen H.' is a boot and shoe dealer at Springfield, Mass. He m. 1st, Jun. 10, 1869, Caroline James of Provi dence, R. I., who d. in 1873. He m. 2d, Feb. 14, 1877, Louise Warren of Leicester, Mass., who d. about 1884. He m. 3d, Oct. 13, 1888, Mrs. J. F. Baker of Springfield, who d. Jan. 10, 1890. No issue by either marriage. (6.)— JABEZ HOLMES HAMMOND OF WINDSOR,VT. t. Jabez Holmes,' fourth son of Faunce, '[Jabez,' John,' Benjamin,'' William'], was b. at Rochester, Mass., May 1, 1773, moved to Windsor, Vt., and d. at West Windsor, Oct. 25, 1841. He m. about 1796 Mary Rowe, who was b. Apr. 22, 1773, and d. Aug. 30, 1839. Issue : 1. Faunce, b. Jan. 8, 1797. d. Dec. 10, 1874. 2. Celia, b. Apr. 23, 1798. d. Oct. 18, 1813. 3 Calvin, b. Feb. 16, 1800. d. Mch. 4, 1874. 4. Stephen, b. Jun. 14, 1801. d. Oct. 14, 1875. 5. Jiry, b. Nov. 14, 1802. d. Nov. 26, 1868. 6. Dudley, b. Feb. 21, 1804. d. Feb. 26, 1804. 7. Jabez, b. Jan. 31, 1805. d. Nov. 29, 1813. S.Holmes, b. Jan. 17,1807. d. Jan. 25,1892. 9. .James, b. Aug. 18, 1808. d. Apr. 27, 1872. 10. Elon Oscar, b. Mch. 25, 1811. d. Mch. 20, 1872. 11. Daniel, b. Jul. 14,1812. d. Apr. 13,1882. 12. Jabez 2d, b. Jun. 15, 1815. d. Aug. 12, 1893. Of these children, Celia, Faunce and Calvin were b. at Windsor, Vt. ; Stephen and Jiry at Woodstock ; Dudley at Reading ; and the remaining children at West Windsor. t-1. Faunce,' oldest son of Jabez Holmes, was a shoe maker at Windsor and Woodstock, and d. at Greensborough, Vt. He m. Jul. 20, 1818, Clarissa Thompson, who was b. Nov. 29, 1795, and d. at LoweH, Mass., Feb. 11, 1883. Issue : 1. Stephen Frederic, b. Mch. 30, 1820. d. Nov. 21, 1844. ' 2. Celia Francis, b. May 28,1821. d. Jan. 30,1881. 3. Clara Sulia, b. Dec. 13,1822. d. Jun. 4,1889. 4. Mary Jane,. b. Nov. 20, 1824. 5. Elon Oscar Eells, b. May 19,1826. 6. Susanna Artemisa, b. Jul. 15, 1828. 7. .Jabez Faunce, b. May 17,1831. 8. John Melville, b. Mch. 30, 1834. 9. Zacheus Dudley, b. Nov. 24, 1836. d. .Jan. 18, 1843. 150 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of these children, Clara Sulia' m. Jan. 1, 1846, Philip D. Badger, and d. at Greensborough, Vt., without issue. Stephen F.' d. single, at Greensborough, Vt. t-1-2. Celia Francis' m. Jan. 7, 1857, Eugene Allen Fisher of St. Albans, Vt. She lived at Greensborough, Vt., West Broome and Sweetsburg, Que., and d. at Dunboro, P. Q. Issue : 1. Henrietta, b. Sep. 18, 1859. 2. George Edward, b. May 16, 1861. 3. Eugene Allen, b. May 2, 1862. d. Jun. 18, 1866. 4. Geo. Wash. Wilson, Jr. , b. Feb. 14,1868. t-1-4. Mary Jane' m. Jan. 17, 1854, Stephen Foster Collier, and lives in Greensborough, Vt. Issue : 1. Stephen Fred'c, b. Nov. 14, 1854. d. Dec. 8, 1880. 2. Frank Foster, b. Mch. 13, 1856. d. Nov. 18, 1869. 3. Minnie Elhvya, b. Feb. 21,1858. 4. Thomas Faunce H'd, b. Oct. 24, 1859. d. Jul. 16, 1818. 5. Clarissa Jane, b. May 17, 1861. 6. Mary Elsie Kezia, b Sep. 1, 1802. d. May 3, 1885. 7. Hattie Ameda, b. Oct. 23, 1864. Of these children, Minnie E.' m. May 7, 1891, John A. Campbell. t-1-5. Elon Oscar Eells' is a carpenter, and lives at West Derby, Vt. He m. Nov. 12, 1849, Martha Ann Cole, who was b. at Salem, Vt., Dec. 15, 1826. Issue : 1. Leona Adelia, b. Aug. 10, 1851. 2. Lilla Ophelia, ^ b. Jun. 14, 1854. d. Aug. 30, 1864. 3. Dora Inez, b. Jun. 22, 1857. 4. Fred Berlrum, b. Oct. 12, 1859. 5. Willie Palmer, b. Nov. 7, 1861. 6. Elon Alanthus, b. Jul. 12, 1869. 1. Leona A.' m. Mch. 15, 1867, Frank Wheelock, and had issue : Burnice and Hattie. 3. Dora Inez' m. Jan. 1, 1878, Clarence Charles Tower of Rochester, Vt., and Hves at West Derby, Vt. Issue: Alton, Ines, Theodore, and Benjamin. 4. Fred Bertram' is a merchant, and lives at South Troy, Vt. He m. May 1, 1884, Frances A. Chandler, who was b. Oct. 8, 1865. Issue : 1. Arline H., b. Nov. 3, 1886. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 151 5. Willie Palmer' is a travelling salesman for the Lovell M'f'g Co., and lives at Milwaukee, Wis. He m. Jan. 16, 1886, Nellie Conner, who was b. in Plymouth, Ind., Nov. 10, 1863. Issue: 1. Harry Grover, b. Sep. 6, 1888. 2. Ethel May, b. Oct. 31, 1890. 6. Elon A.' is a carpenter, and lives at Barre, Vt. He m. Jan. 1, 1890, Ella Marrett, and had issue : 1. Lucretia P., b. Jul. 25, 1891. t-1-6. Susanna Artemisa,' fourth daughter of Faunce, Hves at Highlands, Col. She m. at Lowell, Mass., Oct. 15, 1854, Joel Washington Chaffee, who was b. at Roxbury, Vt., Aug. 25, 1834. Issue : 1. Namena Silvene, b. Jul. 24, 1859. 2. OniaF. W., b. Mch. 2,1861. 3. Clarissa Abigail, b. Mch. 7, 1863. 4. Philip H., b. May 11,1881. d. Jun. 13, 1887. Of these children, Namena Silvene' m. Jan. 11, 1884, Amos L. Parker of St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; and Onia F. W.' m. Nov. 21, 1884, Laura Maria D'Rosia of North Adams, Mass. Issue : Bessie and Milt. t-1-7. Jabez Faunce,' thirdsonof Faunce, is a farmer, and resides at Coplin, Me. He m. at Lowell, Mass., Feb. 1, 1857, Mary F. W. Hinds, daughter of Lisdale L. Hinds of Kingfield, Me. Issue : 1.' Inez Adelaide, b. Jun. 21, 1858. d. Jan. 10, 1863. 2. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 31, 1859. 3. Etta Susie, b. .Jan. 22, 1862. 4. Lamont Faunce, b. Mch. 23, 1864. 5. Nellie Cutler, b. Aug. 24, 1866. 6. Elon Bartlett, b. Apr. 1, 1869. 2. Charles Henry,' is a farmer at Coplin, Me. He m. at Coplin, Oct. 31, 1885, Ellie S. Taylor. Issue: 1. Nellie Blanche, b. Apr. 16,1886. 2. Nora May, b. May 10,1888. .3. Dau., b. Oct. 20, 1891. d. Jan. 22, 1892. 3. Etta Susie', who lives at Flagstaff, Me., m. Jan. 1, 1885, John R. Viles, son of Asa Viles of Madison, Me. Issue : 1. Harry L., b. Sep. 2, 1886. d. May 13, 1888. 2. Glenn R., b. Oct. 21, 1888. 3. Leah Verna, b. Mch. 29, 1891. 152 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 4. Lamont Faunce' is a lumberman and farmer at Flagstaff, Me. He m. May 7, 1888, Nira M. Viles of Flag staff", Me. Issue : 1. Hugh Faunce, b. Mch. 29, 1890. t-1-8. John Melville,' fourth son of Faunce, is a clergyman, and resides at Brownsdale, Minn. He m. Ist, Aug. 15, 1859, Helen G. Fairbrother of Brownington, Vt. Issue : 1. Annie L., b. Sep. — , 1859. d. Apr. — . 1869. 2. George Herbert, b. Jul. 21, 1865. 3. Leora Belle, b. Jan. 8, 1868. 4. Gertrude L., b. Nov. 20, 1872. d. John M., having obtained a divorce from his first wife, m. 2d, Dec. 15, 1879, Mrs. Mary S. Leroy at LoweH, Mass. Issue : 5. Fred Elwyn, b. Apr. 26, 1881. Of these children, Annie L. was b. at Coventry, George Herbert at Craftsbury, and Leora B. and Gertrude L. at Barton Landing, Vt. ; and Fred Elwyn at Lowell, Mass. t-3. Calvin Hammond,' second son of Jabez Holmes, was a farmer and laborer, and was born, lived and died at West Windsor, Vt. He m. Jan. 1, 1829, Lucy McGrath, who was b. Mch. 31, 1810, and d. Oct. 16, 1873. Issue : d. Nov. 28, 1881. 1. Henry Holmes, b. Sep. 5, 1830. 2. Lucy Ann, b. Nov. 9, 1832. 3. Sarah Lovina, b. Apr. 30, 1837. 4. Melissa Sophia, b. Apr. 22, 1839. 5. Augusta Melinda, b. Fib. 11, 1848. Of these children, t-3-1. Henry Holmes,' who is a farmer and carpenter at West Windsor, Vt., m. Aug. 31, 1863, Caroline F. Bel lows, who was b. Apr. 3, 1849. Issue : I. Henry Foster, b. JNlay 15, 1865. 2. Clarence Arthur, b. May 9, 1869. d. Mch. 17, 1885. 3. Carl Wade, b. Sep. 9, 1871. t-3-2. Lucy Ann' m. in 1854 Hiram Soule, and had: Charles, Alma, Cora, and Mary. t.-3-3. Sarah Lovina' m. Nov. 4, 1854, David G. Gardner, who was b. Jul. 14, 1838, and d. Jan. 22, 1884. Issue : D. Clinton, Lindon E., Ida M., and Frank. L. Caru Lyall Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 153 t-3-4. Melissa Sophia' m. Nov. 28, 1856, AHen Gard ner, and had: Juliette E., Henrietta, George and Henry, twins, Lucy Emma, ancl Mabel Melissa. . t-3-5. Augusta Melinda' m. Jan. 1, 1875, Lewis McGrath. No issue. All the children of Calvin Hammond resided at West Wind sor, Vt. t-4. Stephen,' third son of Jabez Holmes, was b. at Woodstock, Vt., Jun. 14, 1801, and d. at Clinton Junction, Rock Co., Wis., Oct. 14, 1875. In 1835 he moved to Law rence, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he carried on farming principally, but was a builder to some extent. In Jun. 1854, he removed to Clinton Junction, and pursued the calling of a farmer until failing health compelled him to abandon labor about 1865. He acquired a competence, ancl lived in compara tive quiet during the evening of his life. He was a consistent Christian and prominent in Chunch work, being for nearly fifty years a member of the Baptist Church. His widow, living at Chicago at the age of 86 with her son Lewis M. Hammond, enjoys good health, reads the finest print without the aid of spectacles, and devotes her days to doing all in her power to alleviate the unfortunate, — a grand, noble woman, full of many years and good works.* Stephen Ham mond m. Jun. 14, 1824, Lovina McGrath at Windsor, Vt. Issue :1. George Washington, b. Mch. 22, 1825. 2. Lewis Morelle, b. Dec. 12,1835. 3. Stephen Ford, b. Jan. 20, 1843. t-4-1. George Washington,' b. at Windsor, Vt., at 21 was employed in the foundry of Hammond & Draper at Windsor, Vt. In 1854 he moved first to Wisconsin, and after wards to Iowa, where he bought a large tract of land near Maquoketa. In 1857 he moved to Lyons, Iowa, and for about 15 years dealt in merchandise, after which he retired to his beautiful fruit farm about a mile from the city, where he now resides. He m. Jul. 4, 1849, Mary Adams at Lawrence, N. Y. Issue : 1. Emma, b. May 3, 1853. 2. Frank, b. Mch. 12, 1864. d. Feb. 23, 1867. * She d. Dec. 4, 1892, and was buried at Clinton, Wis. 154 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Emma' m. Oct. 22, 1890, D. B. Bishop at Lyons, Iowa, and resides at North Williston, Vt. t-4-2. Lewis Morelle,' second son of Stephen, b. in Lawrence, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., lived there, and in Pots dam, N. Y., until the Spring of 1853, when he removed to Clinton, Wis., where he remained the next ten years. In 1868 he moved to Janesville, and was engaged in the Internal Revenue Dept. until Nov. 1873 ; then moved to Milwaukee and engaged in life insurance ; in 1880 removed to Chicago, where he has since resided, having been for the last seven years a coal shipper. Business and pleasure trips have taken him to nearly every State and Territory in the Union. In the Summer of 1888 he took a trip through Continental Europe, returning to business in the Fall of that year. Lewis Morelle m. Apr. 27, 1858, Esther L. Willis at Clin ton Junction, Wis., who d. Jan. 10, 1888, at Chicago. Issue : 1. Carr Lvall, b. Jan. 24. 1861. d. Mch. 22, 1888. 2. Rollin Gage, b. Oct. ^1, 1862. d. Apr. 10, 1863. 3. Theodore Morelle, b. Sep. 16, 1864. 4. Ray Benson, b. Feb. 24, 1871. 4. Ray Benson,' fourth son of Lewis Morelle, and b. at Janesville, Wis., is at present engaged in the coal business with his father in Chicago. He m. Sep. 28, 1891, Lizzie Graham of Chicago. Issue : 1. Estlier Louise, b. May 27, 1893. 1. Carr Lyall,' oldest son of Lewis Morelle, and b. at Clinton, Wis., d. at Las Vegas, New Mexico, Mch. 22, 1888. After receiving a liberal education, he settled at Sioux City, Iowa, where he was Capt. of Co. H, 3d Iowa National Guard. His health failing, he removed to Chicago in Apr. 1887. In Mch. 1888 he started with his father for California, and while resting at Las Vegas, d. of hfemorrhage of the lungs. Thus this noble man, fitted to vie with any, as a scholar, as a gentle man, and as a business man, — with his wife and two little ones, — all passed away in a few months. Hem. at Milwaukee, Jan. 1, 1884, Maude Cunningham, who d. at Chicago, Feb. 3, 1888. Issue : 1. Theodora May, b. Sep. 20, 1885. d. Jul. 20, 1886. 2. Fannie Maude, b. Aug. 6, 1887. d. Jul. 24, 1888. t-4-2-3. Theodore Morelle' Hammond, second son of Lewis M., was b. at Clinton Junction, Rock Co., Wis., Theodoric M. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 155 Sep. 16, 1864. He removed with his parents to Janesville, Wis., in 1867, and to Milwaukee, in 1874. In Jul. 1880 he removed to Chicago, and took the Latin Scientific Course iii the old University of Chicago. He graduated in '85 with the Degree of B. S., winning the Anderson English Essay prize, and enjoying the title of class poet. In the Fall of 1885 he was chosen Principal of the City High School at Sandwich, 111., where he remained during the school year. He then abandoned teaching, and soon afterwards engaged in the coal business in Chicago, where he now resides. Besides the coal business, he engages to some extent in news paper correspondence, and in literary and social work, being President of the Plymouth Club, composed of young men. At its organization, Mr. Hammond was chosen by the Trustees to be University Factor, — the Business Department, — of the new University of Chicago, and entered upon the responsible duties thereof Aug. 1, 1892. He m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Jun. 14, 1888, Fannie Loring Merrick, daughter of Lewis Merrick, formerly of Worcester and Monson, Mass. Issue : 1. Lev?is Merrick, b. Apr. 11,1889. 2. Ralph Perry, b. Nov. 28, 1891. t-4-3. Stephen Ford,' third son of Stephen, was b. at Lawrence, N. Y., and moved with his parents to Wisconsin in 1854; was in the Army one year, Co. D, 10th Reg't, and served as Dept. Commander of Wisconsin in 1878 ; was freight agent of Wisconsin Central R. R. at Milwaukee for nine years, and station agent for several years. In Mch. 1880 he settled in Ashton, Spink Co., South Dak., and engaged in farming and in handling merchandise ; was for four years Register of Deeds in Spink Co. ; was also President of the Bank of Ash ton ; and in 1888 was Div. Commander of the G. A. R. of Dakota ; was afterwards real estate broker at Duluth, Minn. ; and moved to Minneapolis, Minn., May 1, 1891, where he is now a broker. He m. Jun. 3, 1863, Ida Mendenhall of Janes ville, Wis. Issue : 1. Arden Ford, b. Mch. 21, 1867. 2. Ida May, b. Jan. 17, 1879. 1. Arden Ford' is Assistant Manager of the Duluth Neivs, and resides at Duluth, Minn. He m. Jul. 8, 1891, Nellie Foster at Yankton Indian Agency, [Greenwood], S. D. Issue : 1. Esther Nyle, b. Jun. 16, 1892. 156 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Ida May' lives with her father at Minneapolis, Minn. t-5. Jiry,' fourth son of Jabez Holmes, b. at Woodstock, was a farmer'at Windsor, Vt. He m. Nov. 19, 1824, Hulda Davis, who was b. Oct. 17, 1804, and d. at Hartland, Vt., Mch. 25, 1889, se. 84. Issue : 1. Hulda, b. Mch. 6, 1826. d. young. 2. Lucinda Moric, b. Jan. 16,1830. 3. Rasselas Wait, b. .Jun. 25, 1832. . 4. Erasmus Winslow, b. Dec. 5, 1837. 2. Lucinda Marie' m. Apr. 15, 1856, Thomas S. Luce, a farmer, and resides at Stowe, Vt. No issue. 4. Erasmus W.' never married, and is night watchman, at the Windsor Prison, Windsor, Vt. t-5-3. Rasselas Wait' is a laborer, and lives in Lake City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. He m. Sep. 14, 1856, Eliza McGeorge, who was b. in Licking Co., Ohio, Jan. 7, 1832. Her grandfather McGregor, who was a Scotchman and partici pated in the Scottish Rebellion, was an eminent physician, and with his family came to New York. Issue : 1. William Henry, b. Oct. 3, 1857. 2. George Washington, b. May 17, 1860. 3. Emma Lucinda, b. Feb. 6,1870. 1. William Henry,' oldest son of Rasselas W., is in the mercantile business at Bloomfield, Neb. He m. Mch. 19, 1882, Malana Elizabeth Stevens, who was b. Sep. 6, 1861. Issue : 1. Mabel Rose, b. Dec. 10, 1882. 2. Jessie Fullmer, b. Auii. 26, 1884. 3. Edith Irene, b. Jun. 25, 1888. 4. A. v.. b. .Jun. 21, 1890. 5. Son, b. Feb. 16, 1892. 2. George W.,' second son of Rasselas W., resides at Bloomfield, Neb., and is engaged in boring wells. He m. Nov. 23, 1884, EHza Jennie WoVth of Michigan. Issue : 1. Maggie May, b. Sep. 14, 1888. 3. Emma Lucinda,' only daughter of Rasselas, m. Jul. 6, 1887, Gideon D. Thompson, and resides at Lake City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. Issue: 1. Nellie ICathleen, b. Sep. 20, 1888. 2. V^ivian Deloss, b. Mch. 22, 1889. 3. Charles Rinaldo, b. Feb. 13, 1892. Holmes Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 157 t-8. Holmes,' seventh son of Jabez Holmes, was b. at Windsor, Vt., Jan. 17, 1807. He followed the occupation of mason at Windsor until 1843, when he removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where he engaged in farming. In 1857 he removed to Clinton, where he d. Jan. 25, 1892. Holmes m. 1st, at Windsor, Vt., Mch. 8, 1832, Sarah Marcy, daughter of Prosper Marcy, who d. at Janesville, Wis., Jul. 16, 1873, se. 68. Issue : 1. Carrie, b. May 17, 1833. d. Aug. 1, 1891. 2. Marcia, b. Dec. 24, 1834. 3. Emma Sarah, b. Jul. 18, 1842. d. Oct. 17, 1871. Holmes m. 2d, at Beloit, Wis., Jul. 21, 1874, Caroline, Winkler. No further issue. 1. Carrie,' b. at Ludlow, Vt., m. at Clinton, Wis., Dec. 25, 1860, Thomas W. Williams. They moved to White water, Wis., in 1860, and to Milwaukee in 1870, where she d. Aug. 1, 1891. Issue: 1. Clarence Holmes, b. Sep. 2, 1864. Clarence Holmes' is manager of the Northwestern Col lection Co. at Milwaukee. He m. Oct. 22, 1885, Libbie Germaine at Milwaukee. Issue: 1. Reginald Germaine, b. Sep. 27, 1890. 2. Marcia,' b. at West Windsor, Vt., formerly lived at Milton, Wis., but now resides at Janesville. She m. Oct. 15, 1856, A. Webster Baldwin, attorney, of Milton, who d. May 29, 1885, at Janesville. Issue : I.Carrie May, b. May 17,1858. 2. Emma Eliza, b. Feb. 2,1861. 3. Bertie, b. Apr. 22, 1872. d. Jun. 3, 1872. Of these children, Carrie May' m. Apr. 28, 1891, Robert J. Rogan, a train dispatcher, and lives at Louisville, Ky. Issue: Marcia May, b. Jun. 12, 1892. 2. Emma Eliza' m. Jun. 2, 1887, Frank E. Clark, real estate broker, and lives at Chicago. Issue : 1. Maurice James, b. Sep. 9, 1890. 3. Emma Sarah,' third daughter of Holmes, b. at West Windsor, Vt., m. Dec. 25, 1868, J. Willard Hartshorn at Clinton, Wis., where she d. without issue Oct. 17, 1871. 158 ' HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-9. James,' eighth son of Jabez. Holmes, was a farmer, and lived in various places. He m. Feb. 5, 1831, Lucy B. Flanders of Warner, N. H., who was b: Nov. 3, 1812. In 1831 he moved to Lawrence, N. Y., where he had the foHow- 1. John F. C. b Jan. 30, 1833. 2. Adelaide IL, b. Dec. 5, 1834. d. Mch. 22, 1858. James then moved back to Windsor, and had further issue : 3. Harrison James, b. May 29,1838. d. Oct. 21,1888. 4. Laura A., b. Nov. 4,1842. d. Jan. 18,1864. He moved to Calais, Vt., in 1845, and had two more chil dren : 5. Charles W., b. Feb. 19,1847. d. Mch. —, 1852. 6. Ella H., b. Feb. 5, 1850. James remained in Calais until 1867, and then went to Shopiere, Rock Co., Wis., where he d. Apr. 27, 1872. His widow, Lucy B., is now living at East Calais, Vt. Adelaide d. single. t-9-1. John F. C.,' oldest son of James, during the 4ate Civil War was a sergeant in Co. A. 6th Reg't Vt. Vols. ''He is now a farrper at East Calais, Vt. He m. May 9, 1854, Martha Long of Waitsfield, Vt., and had issue : 1. Cora Adelaide, b. Aug. 28, 1857. d. Oct. 18, 1872. 2. Lucy Jane, b. Jul. 26, 1860. 3. Hannah Gertrude, b. Sep. 2, 1866. Of these children, Lucy Jane' is single. East Calais ; and Hannah Gertrude' m. Mch. 19, 1890, Edson J. Sparrow, and lives at Calais, Vt. t-9-3. Harrison J.,' second son of James, graduated from the Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio, in '69 or '70, and engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery. He located successively in Wisconsin, Texas, and Florida. He was City Physician of Prairie-du-Chien, Wis. ; assistant surgeon and medical director of recruits, in the Cow-boy War on the Rio Grande in Texas ; and the first mayor of Orange City, Volusia Co., Fla., where he resided 12 years. He was a Mason, and a Knight Templar of high rank, and a devoted member of the Fraternity. For many years a sufferer from asthma, his dis ease finally assumed the form of consumption, and he died of haemorrhage, Oct. 21, 1888, wliile on a visit to his former DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 159 home at East Calais, Vt. He m. 1st, Sep. 1, 1890, Mary J. Dickinson of Cambridge, Vt., who d. Feb. 22, 1866, at Clin ton, Vt. Issue : 1. Mary J., b. Feb. 16, 1866. Dr. Hammond m. 2d, Nov. 27, 1866, Libbie J. Scott of Emerald Grove, Wis. Issue : 2. Kate Luella, b. Sep. 15, 1874. 1. Mary J.,' b. at Clinton, Wis., m. at Orange City, Fla., Jan. 4, 1888, William P. Liffler, and resides at St. Augustine, Fla. No issue. 2. Kate Luella,' b. at Austin, Tex., resides with her mother in Orange City, Fla. t-9-4. Laura A.,' second daughter of James, m. Mch. 11, 1860, W. C. Bugbee at Calais, Vt., where they resided. Issue : 1. Mary A., b. Apr. 4, 1861. d. Dec. 25, 1863. 2. Minnie G., b. May 17, 1863. 2. Minnie G.' m. Dec. 28, 1886, Fred J. Robbins, and resides at Barre, Vt. Issue : 1. Clarence, b. Jul 24. 1888. t-9-6. Ella H.,' third daughter of James, m. Mch. 27, 1838, Clarence R. Dwinell, who is a merchant at East Calais, their place of residence. No issue. t-10. Elon Oscar,' ninth son of Jabez Holmes, was a farmer at East Montpelier, Vt., and d. at Wolcott, Vt.; Mch. 20, 1872. He m. 1st, in 1830, Fanny Burnham, and had issue : 1. Helen, b. May 10, 1832. 2. Jane, b. Oct. 13, 1833. 1. Helen' m. Jan. 13, 1852, D. WiUard Dudley, and lives at Montpelier, Vt. Issue : 1. Fanny Hammond, b. Feb. 21, 1854. 2. Jane' m. 1st, Jul.-l, 1853, Charles Austin Tabor, who d. Sep. 21, 1879, se. 47, and lived at East Montpelier, Vt. Issue : 1. Diana Foster, b. Fob. 22, 1855. 2. Helen Frances, b. 160 HAMMOND GENEALOLY. Jane m. 2d, Oct. 14, 1890, Hon. Albert DwineH, and lives at East Calais, Vt. No issue. Elon Oscar m. 2d, Jul. 4, 1847, Mrs. Parmelia Harrington, who d. Oct. 10, 1865. No issue. He m. 3d, Feb. 5, 1866, Wid. Hannah S. Randall, and had issue : Olie E. II., ) r 1-, , 1 orr Elon Oscar, [ ^- "'-''=• *' ^^^^- d. Jan. 14, 1872. 3. Olie E. II. 4 The son died in childhood; and Olie' m. Apr. 2, 1889, Norton W. Jipson, M. D., of Chicago, where she with her mother now reside. Issue : Lucy Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1891. t-11. Daniel' Hammond, tenth son of Jabez Holmes, b. at West Windsor, Vt., .lul. 14, 1812, m. Apr. 17, 1834, Mary Sawin, who was b. Jan. 28, 1815, and d. Feb. 20, 1885. Daniel lived at West Windsor, where he d. Apr. 13, 1882. They had eight children, six now living, viz : 1. IraMallory, b. Feb. 7,1835. 2. Stephen F., b. May 14, 1836. 3. Ulysses Ilaller, b. Feb. 18, 1839 4. Jabez Holmes, b. Feb. 20, 1842. 5. Sarah Lovina, b. Apr. 28, 1843. d. May 28, 1864. 6. Mary Delight, b. Mch. 10, 1846. d. Sep. 16, 1847. 7. Ehvin Elverton, b. Nov. 4, 1848. 8. Ernest Mark, b. Jul. 30, 1852. Of these children, 5. Sarah Lovina,' by an early mar riage, had Guy P., who afterwards took his mother's maiden name, Hammond. 1. Guy P.,' who is a farmer at Windsor, Vt., m. Sep. 13, 1887, Hattie E. Spaulding. Issue: 1. Edith Maude, b. Jan. 1, 1891. t-1 1-1. Ira Mallory' lives at Cornish, N. H., and is managing a farm for the Hon. Wm. M. Evarts. He served nine months in Co. A, 12th Vt. Vols. He m. Sep. 1863, Ellen F. Kendall, and had issue : 1. Abbie, b. Jun. 2, 1866. 2. Mary, b. May — , 1875. t-1 1-2. Stephen F.' is a mechanic and carpenter and lives at Brownsville, Vt. He was 1st Sergeant of Co. A, 12th Vt. Vols., and was promoted to 2d Lieutenant. He m. 1st, Feb. 2, 1864, Helen Perkins, who was b. Dec. 24, 1839, and d. Oct. 1881. Issue: DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 161 1. George C, b May 23,1865. 2. Forest, b. Jan. 28, 1867. Stephen F. m. 2d, May 11, 1885, Eliza M. Backus, but had no issue by the second wife. 1. George C is a brakeman and lives at Windsor, Vt. He m. Sep. 12, 1885, Jennie Haotings, and had issue : 1. Helen Forest, b. Mch. 4, 1888. 2. ' Forest,' who is a shoemaker at Lebanon, N. H., m. Jun. 9, 1888, Jennie A. Brooks. Issue: 1. George Luman, b. Apr. 7, 1889. 2. Susie Claribel, b. Sep. 27, 1890. t-11-3. Ulysses H.' resides at Middlesex, Vt., and has had the contracts for sawing the wood for the Vermont Central R. R. He served nine months in the army in the same com pany as his brothers. He m. Mch. 19, 1865, Lauraette Winn, and has one daughter livino; : 1. Addie Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1866. t-1 1-4. Jabez Holmes' resides in West Windsor and is a farmer and jobber. He served nine months in Co. A, 12th Vt. Vols., being promoted from Corporal to Sergeant. He m. Aug. 24, 1865, Julia Ann Blanchard, who was b. Nov. 3, 1846. Issue: 1. Dwight, b. Apr. 1, 1867. 2. Charles C, b. Aug. 29, 1869. 3. Fred A., b. Aug. 2, 1874. 4. Addie M., b. Dec. 15, 1877. d. May 8, 1889. 5. Luther J., b. Jun. 22,1881. 6. Duane D., b. Jan. 19, 1886. 7, Maxwell H., b. Jul. 19, 1887. 1. Dwight,' who lives at West Windsor, m. Apr. 3, 1888, Lucy J. Spaulding of that town. Issue : 1. Gladys, b. Aug. 19, 1890. t-1 1-7. Elwyn E.' lives at West Windsor on his father's place, and is a farmer. He m. Aug. 15, 1888, Mrs. Mary E. Hale. No issue. ¦[¦_11_8. Ernest Mark' resides at Turner's Falls, Mass., and is a machinist in a cotton mill. He m. 1st, Sep. 1875, Nellie Blood, who was b. May 1853, and d. Jul. 1879. Issue : 1. Elmer Clinton, b. Oct. 2, 1876. 2. Martha Lovina, b. Mch. 14, 1878. 3. Nellie, 12 b. May — , 1879. 162 HAMMOND GENEALOLY. Mark m. 2d, Sep. 24, 1883, Mary Blood, sister of his first wife. They have one child : 4. Clara Belle, b. Jul. 14, 1884. t-12. Jabez 3d,' eleventh son of Jabez Holmes, was a tinsmith and hardware dealer, and resided at Perkinsville, Vt., but died with his daughter at South Royalston, Vt. He m. May 2, 1841, Adaline Rogers of Claremont, N. H. Issue : 1. .Juliette, b. Sep. — , 1841. 2. Edward H., b. Mch. 2, 1844. 3. Charles W., b. Feb. 11, 1846. d. Aug. 16, 1849. 4. Millard F., b. Nov. — , 1848. Of these children, 1. Juliette' m. in 1866, Albert Sar- geant, and lives at South Royalton, Vt. Issue : Edward W. 4. Millard F.,' the last known of him, was assistant postmaster at Northport, N. Y. He m. Jul. 19, 1874, Harriet E. Shepard, who was b. in Alstead, Cheshire Co., N. H., Mch. 22, 1848. Issue : 1. Gertrude Mina, b. Apr. 4, 1875. Gertrude Mina,' b. in Worcester, Mass., is employed in a store in Boston, Mass. t-12-2. EdAvard W.' is a repairing and jobbing machin ist at Worcester, Mass. He m. 1st, Jul. 30, 1865, Ellen L. Wellington, and had issue : 1. Adeline Lucy, b. May 22 2. Charles Lewis, b. Feb. 21 3. Alice Louise, b. Aug. 16 4. Carrie, b. Apr. — , 5. Francenia W., b. May 8 G. Edward E., b. Aug. 27 7. Harry, b. Jan. 13 1866. 1868. 1869. 1872. d. 1873. d. Sep. 18, 1873. 1874. 1877. Edward W. m. 2d, in 1879, Rosette L. Morse. No further issue. Of these children, Edward' and Harry' live with their father at Worcester. 1. Adeline Lucy' m. Apr. 10, 1892, Walter A. Waite, and resides at East Northfield, Mass. 2. Charles Lewis,' b. at Greenfield, Mass., is a lumber salesman, and resides at Holyoke, Mass. He m. Sep. 17, 1890, Flora EHa, daughter of WilHam B. and Mary Miles, and b. at Springfield, Mass., Apr. 2, 1860. No issue. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 163 3. Alice Louise' m. at Holyoke, Sep. 5, 1891, Martin Lemuel Shufelt, who was b. at Montreal, Apr. 8, 1859. No issue. (8.)— JIRY HAMMOND OF AVINDSOR, VT. t. Jiry" Hammond, fifth son of Faunce,' [Jabez, ^ John,' Benjamin,^ William'], was b. at Dartmouth, Mass., Sep. 25, 1778, and d. at Windsor, Vt., Jun. 9, 1834. He moved to Reading, Vt., in Nov. 1787, and thence to Windsor, Vt., where he lived, and where his chief occupation was that of a foundryman. He m. Oct. 7, 1804, Huldah Morton, who was b. at Windsor, Feb. 12, 1777, and d. Mch. 26, 1857, at Jacksonville, 111. Issue : 1. Lathrop, b. May 27, 1805. d. Aug. 1, 1867. 2. Drusilla, b. Sep. 22, 1806. d. Sep. 27, 18U7. 3. Sally Carlton, b. ,Iun. 20, 1808. d. Nov. 6, 1886. 4. Sophronia, b. Feb. 8, 1810. d. Mar. 31, 1811. 5. Joab, b. Aug. 18, 1811. d. Nov. 27, 1811. 6. Jiry, Jr., b. Sep. 16, 1813. d. Aug. — , 1837. 7. Sylvanus,^ , . ,. „,. d. Jun. 2,1816. 8. Sylvester, I ^- ^"S' ^*' ^^^^- d. Sep. 16, 1815. 9. Aaron, b. Jun. 30, 1817. d. Dec. 21, 1888. Of these children, Drusilla, Sophronia, Joab, Sylvanus, and Sylvester d. young ; and Sally Carlton and Jiry Jr. d. single at Jacksonville, 111. t— 1. Lathrop,' or Lothrop, was a mechanic, and worked a great deal in stone masonry. He lived in Windsor Co., Vt., until 1850, when he emigrated to Jacksonville, 111. Here he lived three years, and in 1853 moved to Mercer Co., Mo. He then went back to Illinois, bought a lease at Oak Ridge, near Petersburg, and engaged in mining coal. His death occurred in a very tragic and unknown manner, his lifeless body having been found at the bottom of the coal shaft more than 150 ft. deep. He m. Oct. 18, 1840, Sarah Adams Craigue, who was b. Mch. 3, 1816, and d. Jan, 27, 1883. Issue: 1. Eliza, 2. Ellen, 3. Wellington, 4. Emma, 5. Aaron, 6. pjlmina Esther, 7. William Jiry, b. Aug. 3, 1841. b. .Jan. 8, 1843. d. Apr. 16, 1883. b. May b. Jan. 8, 1845. 27, 1847. b. Feb. 9, 1849. b. Apr. b. Aug. 17, 1851. 2, 1854. 164 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of Lathrop's children, 2. Ellen' was a teacher from 18 years of age, and d. single at Jacksonville. t-1-1. Eliza,' was a teacher for 36 years, and is a writer and poetess, and resides at Harris, Sullivan Co., Mo. She m. Jul. 27, 1862, Walter H. Odneal, who is an attorney-at-law and member of Legislature. Issue: William Grant, S. Ellen, and Walter Sherman. 2. S. Ellen' m. Apr. 17, 1887, F. M. Clobb, and was a teacher for 23 years, dying at the age of 41. t-1-4. Emma' was also a teacher and resides at Bland- insville. 111. She m. Nov. 1, 1874, William G. Short, who is a farmer. Issue : Louie, John, Charles, Joseph, and Elmina. t-1-6. Elmina Esther' was a school-teacher, and resides at Oakland, Pottawattomie Co., Iowa. She m. Aug. 2, 1883, William H. Davis, a farmer. Issue : Floyd, Emma, and a son. t-1-3. Wellington,' oldest son of Lothrop, served three years in the Union Army under Sherman, being a member of the 23d Missouri Reg't. He was formerly a farmer in Mercer Co., Mo., but in Feb. 1889 moved to Ilwaco, Pacific Co., Wash. He m. 1st, Sep. 14, 1873, Catherine Ann Hunter, and had issue : 1. Susan Cora, b. Dec. 11,1875. 2. Sarah Daisy, b. Nov. 15, 1878. 3. John Wellington, b. Aug. 20, 1881. 4. Missouri, b. Feb. 18, 1885. Wellington m. 2d, Oct. 18, 1885, Susan Gregory, and had further issue : 5. Leiia, b. Aug. 21, 1886. 6. Tenia, b. Oct. 19, 1887. 7. William Glen, b. Nov. 10, 1889. t-1-5. Aaron' is a farmer and stock dealer at Topsey, Mercer Co., Mo. He m. Feb. 4, 1877, Jemima Horn, and had issue : 1. Ellen, b. Mch. 9, 1878. 2. Elza, b. Oct. 26, 1879. 3. Carl, b. May 3, 1881. d. Sep. 25, 188i 4. Eli, b. Jan. 28, 1883. 5. Wm. .Jesse, b. Jul. 19, 1888. d. Jul. 21, 1888. 6. Elbert, b. Dec. 23, 1889. 7. Elmer, b. Aug. 31, 1891. • DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 165 t-1-7. William Jiry' is a rancher and stock raiser, and resides at Challis, Custer Co., Idaho. He m. Feb. 2, 1882, Jane Horn, and had issue : 1. .John Lathrop, b. Nov. 11, 1882. 2. Frank Edgar, b. Nov. 13, 1884. 3. George Berlie, b. Mch. 17,1888. 4. Catherine Vuelta, b. Jul. 13, 1889. t-9, Aaron,' sixth son of Jiry, and b. at Windsor, Vt., was a foundryman and locater of minerals, and resided the most of his life at Jacksonville, 111. He m. 1st, Aug. 2, 1843, Laura Riissell, who was b. at Reading, Vt., Aug. 24, 1813, and d. at Jacksonville, Mch. 24, 1855. Issue : 1. Sarah Huldah, b. Jul. 4,1846. d. Aug. 11,1847. 2. Homer Alonzo, } , , „ i„.„ , , „, ,„.„ 3. Georgia Ella, [ ^- ^""- ^' ^^^^^ '^- ^"S" ^^' l^^^' Aaron m. 2d, Mch. 15, 1856, Lucy Minerva Headle, who was b. at Plymouth, Vt., Aug. 15, 1827. Issue: 4. Hattie Elvira, b. Sep. 29, 1857. d. Au<;n«l7, 1888. 5. Son, b. Sep. 27, 1859. d. Oct. 7, 1859. 6. Henry Joseph, b. Apr. 19, 1861. 7. Geo. Clarence, b. Feb. 24, 1863. 8. Laura M., b. Aug. 27, 1865. 9. Eva S. E., b. Oct. 9, 1867. Of these children, George Clarence' is a blacksmith, and resides at Jacksonville ; and Laura' and Eva' are teachers at Jacksonville. •|-_9_4. Hattie Elvira' m. Apr. 26, 1887, George M. Savage, an attorney, and lived and d. at Olympia, Wash. No issue. t-9-6. Henry Joseph' was recently Assistant Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., and resides at Jacksonville. He m. Dec. 6, 1888, Amanda Moore, but has no living issue. (9.)— LUTHER HAMMOND OF CORNISH, N. H. t. Luther' Hammond, sixth son of Faunce," [Jabez," .John,' Benjamin,^ William'], was b. in Dartmouth, Mass., May 5, 1781, and d. at Cornish, N. H., Feb. 27, 1871, se. 90. He moved from Dartmouth to Cornish previous to his marriage in 1809, as all his children were born in the latter place. He 166 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. m. Sep. 6, 1809, Abigail HaU of Cornish, who was b. Feb. 24, 1788, and d. Apr. 26, 1874, se. 86. Issue : 1. Luther, Jr., b. Jun. 17,1811. 2. Marcia, b. Jan. 9, 1813. d. .Jan. 22, 1836. 3. Adin Hall, b. Sep. 20, 1814. d. May 26, 1874. Of these children, Marcia d. single at Cornish. t-1. Luther Jr.' is a farmer, and lives at Amsden, Vt. He m. 1st, Dec. 17, 1838, Amanda H. Currier, who d. Oct. 13, 1848. Issue: 1. Marcia, b. Sep. 7, 1839. Luther m. 2d, Sep. 25, 1849, Sophia Smith, who d. Jul. 25, 1851. No issue. He m. 3d, Sep. 25, 1851, Mary M. Farwell. Issue : 2. Adin Luther, b. Dec. 24, 1858. d. Aug. 29, 1862. 3. Mary Maria, b. Dec. 16, 1860. d. Aug. 28, 1862. 1. Marcia' m. Jan. 1, 1861, Jarvis Walker of Langdon, X. H., anS now resides at Alstead, N. H. Issue: Mary Abbie and Delia Caroline. Delia Caroline d. Sep. 13, 1889. t-3. Adin Hall,' second son of Luther, was a graduate of the Eclectic Med. College at Cincinnati, O., and a noted specialist in midwifery and in thoracic diseases. He practised medicine for many years in Oneida Co., N. Y., and while a resident of Stowe, Vt., had a large and successful practice. He had a fine physique, a kind heart, and was much esteemed both by patients and by the profession. He died and was buried at Stowe in May 1874. He m. in 1840 Betsey Ann Randall of Woodstock, Vt., who was b. May 15, 1814, and d. Oct. 2, 1891, at Saratoga, N. Y. Mrs. Hammond studied medicine with her husband, and was for many years a prosper ous and successful nurse. Issue : 1. Thomas Ogilvie, b. in 1841. d. young. 2. Haller D., b. d. young. 3. Joseph Volnev, b. Feb. 8, 1855. 4. Elizabeth Marie, b. Feb. 12, 1858. Of these children, Thomas' and Haller' d. young; and Joseph" left home at the age of 21, and nothing further is known of him. 4. Elizabeth Marie,' only daughter of Dr. Adin Ham mond, and b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., was educated at the State Normal School at Brockport, N. Y., and at the Academy at DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 167 Waterbury, Vt. She graduated from the Boston Cooking School in '85, and for two years was Principal of the second incorporated Cooking School in America. Her health requiring a dry atmosphere, she moved to Colorado and now resides at Denver in that State, still pursuing her chosen vocation. She has never married. (10.)— THOMAS FAUNCE HAMMOND OF READING AND WEST WINDSOR, VT. t. Thomas Faunce,"* youngest son of Faunce° [Jabez," John,' Benjamin, ° W^illiam'], was b. in Dartmouth, Mass,. and went with his father to Reading, Vt., in 1787, where he was a Justice of the Peace and Judge of Probate. He lived in Reading until 1836, when he removed to what is now West Windsor, Vt. In the Spring of 1864 he removed to Chester, Vt., where he d. Dec. 24, 1865, se. 82. He m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1808, Betsey Bishop, who was b. Jan. 25, 1783, and d. Apr. 9, 1844. Their children, all born in Reading, were : 1. Achilles Volney, b. Apr. 12, 1809. d. Dec. 6, 1845. 2. Homer Hamilton, b. Mch. 16, 1811. d. Dec. 12, 1872. 3. Alexander Hanson, b. Nov. 3, 1812. d. Oct. G, 1866. 4. Ulysses Haller, b. Nov. 2S, 1814. d. Dec. 21, 1890. 5. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1817. d. Sep. 13, 1869. 6. Lycurgus Claxton, b. May 10, 1819. d. Feb. 18, 1890. 7. Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1821. d. Jun. 23, 1845. 8. Levi Carver, b. Mch. 17, 1824. d. May 13, 1872. 9. Henry Clay, b. Apr. 15, 1828. d. May -'6, 1859. Thomas Faunce m. 2d, Jul. 1, 1845, Betsey Sargeant, who d. Jun. 28, 1848. He m. 3d, Nov. 22, 1848, Anna Henry, with whom he lived until his death. No issue by second and third wives. Of these children, Mary' d. single, at the age of 24, at West Windsor ; and Henry Clay' went to California in 1854, where he d. May 26, 1859, never having married. t-1. Achilles Volney' engaged in early life in mercan tile pursuits, and was for a time located in Chester, Vt., ancl later in New York City. In 1845 he went to Savannah, Ga., with a cargo of merchandise, and was stricken with the yellow fever and died within a few days. He m. Jun. 4, 1833, Mary Elizabeth Pomeroy, who was b. Dec. 8, 1816. Issue : * See end of Part III. for obligiition to parents. 168 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. George Pomeroy, b. Mch. 24, 1834. d. Aug. 13, 1834. 2. Bishop Pomeroy, b. Oct. 10, 1835. d. Jan. 24, 1837. 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 11, ,1838. d. Nov. 1, 1841. 4. William Haller, b. Oct. 31, 1840. d. Dec. 8, 1840. 5. Henry Clay, b. Oct. 31, 1842. t-1-5. Henry Clay,' son of Achilles Volney, enlisted at Brockport, Apr. 26, 1861, as private, Co. K, 13th N. Y. Vol. Inf. for two years, and was discharged as Sergeant, May 3, 1863. He was engaged in eleven battles: 1st Bull Run, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Hanover Court House, Mechanics- ville, Gaine's Mill, Savage Station, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. He re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864, as Q. M. Serg't, in Co. C, 22d N. Y. Vol. Calvary, at Brock port, for three years. Under this enlistment he was engaged in the following battles : Wilderness, White Oak Swamp, Seven Days Raid [Wilson's], and Stony Creek. At the latter place he was taken prisoner of war, on the 28th of June 1864, and confined in Salisbury, N. C, Andersonville, Ga., and Florence, S. C, prisons for eight months, exchanged at Wil mington, N. C, Feb. 28, 1865, and re-joined the army at Winchester, Va., in May 1865. He was discharged from the service at Winchester in August, 1865, by reason of general orders mustering out prisoners of war. Henry C. resides at Brockport, Monroe Co., N. Y. He m. May 3, 1870, Helen A. Richards, and had issue : 1. Mary Lucy, b. ,Jun. 21, 1871. 2. Henry Clay, Jr., b. May 19,1887. t-2. Homer Hamilton,' second son of Thomas Faunce, lived in Reading, Vt., with the exception of a few years spent in Massachusetts, while learning the carriage-maker's trade. He manufactured carriages and sleighs in his native town for a number of years, and later worked as carpenter and builder. He wns a Justice of the Peace for a number of years, and was serving his tenth year as Town Clerk at the time of his death. He m. Sep. 22, 1844, Nancy Maria Goddard, who was b. Apr. 27, 1817, and d. Jan. 28, 1846. They had one daugh ter : 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. .Jan. 23, 1846. d. May 2, 1865, single. He m. 2d, Jan. 25, 1848, Eliza Goddard, a sister of his former wife, who was b. Nov. 4, 1808, and d. Dec. 3, 1886. They had two children : 2. Volney Homer, b. Jul. 17, 1849. 3. Jane Amelia, b. Nov. 11, 1852. d. Aud. JuL —,1855. 4. Isabell B., 'b. Nov. 4, 1836. 5. Lucv M., b. Aug. 24, 1839. d. Feb. 8, 1860. 6. Charles H., b. Nov. 5, 1841. 186 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of the above children, Cyrus A.' was drowned on the Grand Banks ; and Lucy M.' was a teacher at Chatham. 2. Celistia' m. Aug. 1851, Reuben Eldridge of Chatham, and had Cyrus, b. Dec. 31, 1858. 4. Isabel B.' m. Mch. 2, 1859, George T. Snow, car penter at Chatham. Her children are : Rebecca T., Charles E., George E., Lucy I., and Susan B. Charles is a conductor, and George a brakeman, on the Chatham Branch R. R. 6. Charles H.' is a fisherman, and keeper of the Mono- moy Light-house, Chatham. He m. Dec. 15, 1864, Dorinda Howes. Issue: 1. Celia F., b. Nov. 7, 1871. 13.— JOHN HAMMOND OF SOUTH WOODSTOCK, VT. t- John Hammond* fifth son of Jabez^ [John,' Benja min," William'], was born in what is now New Bedford, Jan. 20, 1749, and d. at South Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 1814. He moved from New Bedford to South Woodstock in Sep. 1782, where he was a farmer, his father going with him. He m. 1st, Lois Wood, by whom he had three sons who d. in infancy ; and ten daughters as follows : Mary,' who m. Spaulding Shepard; Eunice,' who m. Jesse Royce; Hannah,' who m. a Mr. Tyler ; Deborah," who m. E. Bigelow ; Dinah,' single ; Laura,' who m. Abner Abbot ; Drusilla,' who m. William Sterling ; Lois,' single ; and two other daughters, who d. in infancy. Nothing further is known of these daughters. John m. 2d, Lucy [Woods] Wing, by whom he had a son : 14. John Winslow, b. May 17, 1807. d. Nov. 5, 1888. 14. John Winslow,' who lived and died at Claremont, N. H., worked for a time in his younger days at West Ware ham, Mass. He afterwards sailed from New Bedford in the whale fishery business, until he became and continued master of a vessel for several successive voyages, in which business he was always lucky. At the age of 80 he was hale and hearty, had most of his teeth, and could read without the aid of glasses. Capt. John m. Sep. 14, 1846, Vienna Call, who was b. in 1813, and d. Oct. 13, 1885. Issue: DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 187 1. John Winslow 2d, b. Oct 31, 1847. 2 Gardner Merritt, b. Mch. 23, 1850. d. Feb. 4, 1868. 3. Marcelia E., b. Mch. 13, 1856. t-14-1. John Winslovi^ 2d' lives on his father's farm in Claremont, N. H., and has been twice married. He m. 1st, May 28, 1877, Mary McLaughlin, who d. Sep. 10, 1878. Issue : 1. Catha, b. May 29, 1878. He m. 2d, Oct. 24, 1880, Gertrude J. Smith, and had further issue : 2. Gardner Winslow, b. Jun. 9, 1881. t-14-3. Marcelia E.' m. Aug. 1879, Horatio N. Webster of Leeds, Eng., and lives at Newport, N. H. Issue : 1, Horatio N , Jr., b. Feb. 11, ISn. 2. Roger, b. Jan. 16, 1886. 14.— ELIJAH HAMMOND OF RUTLAND AND OAK HAM, MASS. t- Elijah' Hammond, sixth son of Jabez^ [John,' Benjamin," William'], was born in the old town of Dartmouth, (now New Bedford) , Mass. , Mch. 4, 1751, and died at Oakham, Mass., Apr. 20, 1815. He served in the War of the Revolu tion, being a Sergeant in the 5th Mass. Reg't. He also acted a portion of the time as clerk, or private secretary, to General Washington. For one year he was confined on board a British prison-ship, where he underwent many hardships. He received an honorable discharge, and at the same time was honored with a badge of merit. His discharge — which was signed by General Washington himself — reads : " For faithful and hon orable service, five years and upwards. Given at Head-quarters the eleventh day of June, 1783." He moved from New Bedford to Rutland, and afterwards to Oakham, Mass. He m. 1st, in 1777, Mrs. Sarah [Cutting] Harrington, who d. Mch. 4, 1794. Issue : 1. Elijah 2d, 2. Sarah, 3. Susannah, 4. Betsey, 5. Abigail, 6. .Tohn, 7. Aurelia, b. Apr. 7, 1778. d. Mch. 8, 1845. b. Oct. 6, 1783. d. in 1841. b. Dec. 4, 1785. d. May — , 1856. b. Feb. 8, 1787. d. Jun. 23, 1840. b. May 19, 1788. d. b. Aug. 19, 1790. d. Apr. 1, 1871. b. Aug. 21, 1791. d. Feb. 7, 1878. 188 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. The above children were born in Rutland, Mass. Elijah m. 2d, Eunice Davis, who was b. in 1754. Issue by the second marriage : 8. Isabella, b. in 1797. d. Jan. 1, 1881. Of these children, 2. Sarah,' who lived and d. in South Boston, m. Ira Draper of Spencer, and had issue : Fidelia, Octavia, Aurelia, Hammond, and James. 3. Susannah' m. James Glezen and lived many years in Beechwoods, Penn., where her children were born. They afterwards moved to Petersburg, Ind., where they both died. Mr. Glezen was b. in Holden, Mass., in 1777, and d. near Petersburg, Ind., Feb. 1840. Issue: Martha, Elijah Ham mond, Susannah A., James, Caroline A., Joseph P., Edward A., Hamilton W., and Charles O. 4. Betsey' m. Joseph Phinney of Boston, and had issue : Ann Jane ; and Laura, who m. Freeman Hunt, and had : Frederic, Laura, Helen, and Emma. Betsey lived in South Boston, but d. at Worcester at her brother John's. 5. Abigail,' called Nabbe, m. Ebenezer Cobb, and lived and d. in Philadelphia. Issue : Mary, Sarah, Ebenezer, and Joseph Phinney. 7 . Aurelia' m. Ezra Maynaud and lived and d. at Oakham, Mass. No issue. 8. Isabella' m. Nov. 20, 1816, RosweU Taylor of Oak ham, where she lived and died. Issue : Caroline, Isabella L., Ann Jane, Elizabeth, and Mary. Caroline, who m. Artemas Maynard now deceased, lives in Oakham. t-1. Elijah 3d,' b. at Rutland, Mass., was in early life a merchant in Philadelphia, where he married, and where his children were born. In 1819 he moved to Petersburg, Pike Co., Ind.., where he bought a farm, and where he d. Mch. 8, 1846. He was County Judge for a number of years, and a strong member of the Masonic Fraternity. He m. at Phila delphia, May 15, 1806, Mary Pollock, who d. in Petersburg, Feb. 25, 1842. Issue: 1. Albert, b. Ang. 18, 1807. d. Jun. 2, 1842, 2. Susanna, b. May 14, 1809. d. Oct. 3, 1819, 3. John, b. Jun 24, 1811. d. b, Sep. 26, 1813. b. Jun. 14, 1816. d. Dec. 27, 1851. b. Aug. 3, 1818. d. Apr. 3, 1860. b. Feb. 8, 1827. DESCENDANTS' OF JOHN HAMMOND. 189 4. Perry C, 5. Lester, 6. Jane, 7. Aurelia, Of these children, 6. Jane,' who lived and d. at Ireland, Dubois Co., Ind., m. Aug. 24, 1837, James Stewart, a farmer. Issue : Albert H. , Elizabeth, Harry, EHjah, Aurelia, Amanda, Mary F., and Ethelbert. 7. Aurelia,' who resides in Helena, Ark., m. Nov. 22, 1848, George D. Jaquess, a physician and druggist. Issue: Mary, Luther, J. Wilkes, Ethelbert and Lorrentus, twins, and Aurelia G. t-1-1. Albert,' oldest son of Elijah 2d, was a merchant at Petersburg, Ind. He m. Aug. 1, 1831, Elizabeth Case, and had issue : 1. Susan, b. in 1832. d. in 1834. 2. John M., b. Jan. 16, 1835. 3. Elijah, b. Aug. 1, 1886. d. in 1859. 4. Reuben C, b. Jan. 6, 1839. 5. Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1840. d. in infancy. 6. Amanda, b. Oct. 18, 1841. d. Aug. 24, 1855. t-1-1-3. Elijah,' second son of Albert, received the Degree of M. D. at Louisville, Ky., in the Winter of 1857. He afterwards practised medicine at Edwardsport, Ind., where he died in the Spring of 1859. He m. , but left no issue. t-1-1-4. Reuben C served one year as musician in the 27th Ind. Vols., during the late Civil War. He has never •married, and is now engaged in the general insurance business in Petersburg.t-1-1-2. John M.,' oldest son of Albert, enlisted as musician in the 27th Ind. Vols., and received his discharge after serving one year. He then raised a company of volunteers, which was afterwards a part of the 65th Reg't, and served as Captain until compelled on account of ill health to resign in Dec. 1863. Since the War he has lived at Evansville, Ind. He m. Apr. 23, 1853, Elizabeth Huffer, who d. Oct. 29, 1884. Issue : 1. Salem P., b. Apr. 22,1854. 2. Albert, b. Mch. 24, 1856. 3. LidaM., b. Nov. 17, 1858. 4. Charles L., b. Mch. 23, 1861. d. Mch. 31, 1891. 190 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of these children, 1. Salem P.' is a jeweler at Peters burg. He m. Sep. 19, 1881, Josie L. Chaffee, and had issue : 1. Lizzie, b. Feb. 17, 1886. 2. Nuna, b. Jul. 31, 1889. 8. Aura, b. Feb. 13, 1892. 2. Albert' second son of John M. , keeps a boarding-house in Chicago, 111. He m. in Nov. 1887 Maggie Keernan of Chicago, but has no issue. 3. Lida M." m. Feb. 28, 1883, Clarence Parker, and lives at Petersburg. Issue : Merle, Bessie, and Cade. 4. Charles L.' was a painter at Petersburg. He m. Jul. 16, 1890, Anna Pentecost, and d. without issue. t-1-3. John,' second son of Elijah 2d, was a farmer at Petersburg. He m. Apr. 13, 1843, Jane Stewart, who d. Feb. 26, 1892. Issue : 1. AVilliam A., b. Apr. 28, 1844. d. Oct. 23, 1864. 2. .John, Jr., b. Sep. 30, 1846. 1. William A.' was a Sergeant of Co. G., 65th Ind. Vols., from Jul. 15, 1862, to Jan. 21, 1864. He afterwards lived at Petersburg, and died on account of wounds and dis abilities received in the service. 2. John Jr.' is a merchant in Petersburg. He m. Jun. 30, 1880, Lillie B. Tellie, and had issue : 1. Horace A., 2. Ida, 3. Agnes, 4. John, b. Apr. 20, 1888. . d. in infancy. 5. Courtney E., > ^ 6. Omer Tellie, t-1-4- Perry C.,' third son of Elijah 2d, is a merchant at Petersburg, firm of P. C. Hammond & Sons. He m. 1st, Sep. 20, 1837, Nancy Edmonson, and had issue : 1. Theodore E., 2. Oliver A., 3. Oscar, 4. Albert, 5. Mary Florence, 6. Almira, 7. Perry C, Jr., 8. Reddick, b. Jan. 6, 1882. b. Aug. 28, 1884. b. Jun. 28, 1886. b. Apr. 20, 1888. b. Oct. 28, 1889. b. May 8, 1891. b. Jul. b. Dec. 2, 14, 1838. 1840. d. Jul. -., 1878 b. Oct. b. Aug. b. Aug. 24, 8, 28, 1841.1843.1845. d. in d. infancy young b. May b. Apr. b. Aug. 23, 17,13, 1847. 1850. 1852. d. in d. infancy vouns DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 191 Perry C. m. 2d, Feb. 19, 1857, Caroline Gilbreath, and had further issue : 9. Ida Belle, b. Dec. 2, 1857. 10. Lola, b. d. in infancy. Of these children, 9. Ida Belle* resides with her parents in Petersburg. 1. Theodore E.,' oldest son of Perry C, enlisted in Co. H, 24th Ind. Vols., Jul. 6, 1861, and served in the Quartermaster's Dept. till Sep. 1863. He was then transferred to the 53d U.S. Colored Troops as Regimental Quartermaster, serving until Mch. 1866. He was afterwards an accountant at Petersburg. He m. in 1865 Sallie Hart of Milliken Bend, La., and had issue : Maggie and Flora. Maggie' and Flora' are both married and live some where in Mississippi. 2. Oliver A.,* second son of Perry C, who served one year as musician in the 27th Ind. Vols., is now a merchant at Petersburg in company with his father and brother. He m. Nov. 7, 1877, Laura Watt, who d. Feb. 9, 1888. Besides Flora, Reddick and Willie O., who d. in infancy, he has issue : 1. Carrie, b. Sep. 29, 1878. 2. Hugh W., b. Sep. 2, 1880. 3. Mary F.' m. Nov. 7, 1866, Alexander R. Byers, M. D., a physician at Petersburg. Dr. Byers, b. Jun. 15, 1829, received the degree of M. D. from the Medical College at Evansville, Ind., in Mch. 1854; served as Surgeon of the 65th Reg't Ind. Vols., from Aug. 1862 to Mch. 1865 ; mem ber Pike Co. Ind. Med. Society; Ind. State Med. Society; and the American Med. Association. Issue : 1. Henry W., b. Sep. 21,1867. 2. Frank H., b. Mch. 20,1869. d. in infancy. 3. Anna M., b. JuL 24,1870. d, Oct. 27, 1887. 4, Perry H., b. Apr. 28, 1872. 5. .John A., b. Dec. 24, 1873. 6. Oliver A,, b. Feb. 6, 1875. 7. Ethel May, b. Aug. 20, 1876. 7. Perry C. Jr.* is a merchant at Petersburg, firm of P. C. Hammond & Sons. He m. Sep. 17, 1888, Sarah Bruner. No issue. t-1-5. Lester,' fourth son of EHjah 2d, was a farmer at 192 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Petersburg. He m. Aug. 23, 1838,, Nancy Case', and had issue : 1. Mary J., b. about 1839. d. about 1S50. 2. Eliza A., ' b. Mch. 8,1841. 3. Theophilus, b. Jul. 1, 1843. d. Feb. 9, 1875. 4. Erastus, b. d. in infancy. 5. Oscar, b. Jan. 29. 1848. 6. Elizabeth A., b. Mch. 27, 1850. 7. Lester Helen, b. Jun. 9,1852. d. Feb. 12, 1875. 2. Eliza A.* m. Ist, May 18, 1859, Posey Ashby, and had: Frances Evaline, and George B. McClellan, both of whom, with their father, died in Aug. 1864. Eliza m. 2d, Feb.. 1865, WilHam H. Dye. Issue: WiUiam, Ebenezer, and Mary Alice Belle. They reside in Caldwell Co., Tex. 6. Elizabeth A.* m, Sep. 19, 1865, William H. R. Snyder, and lives at Monroe City, Ind. Issue : Grace, Emma,. Kate, Mary, Helen, and Oscar. 7. Lester Helen* m. Nov. 10, 1872, Elias Osborn Jr., and lived at Petersburg, Ind. Issue : A daughter that d. in infancy. 3. Theophilus,* oldest son of Lester, served from Aug. 1862 to Feb. 1863, in Co. K, 12th Ky. Cavalry, when he was discharged on account of ill health. After the War he carried on farming, and d. at Island 76, Mississippi River, Arkansas. He m. Aug. 13, 1862, Julia A. G. Dye, and had issue : 1. John L., b. May 18, 1863, d, Jan, 8, 1885, 2. Nora, b. Apr. 7, 1870. John L." m. , and d. at Monroe. City, Knox Co., Ind., without issue ; and Nora E° resides, single, at Monroe City. 5. Oscar* served as bugler one year and nine months in Co. F, 10th Ind., Cavalry. He is now Superintendent and General Agent of the Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America, and resides at Terre Haute, Ind. He m. May 14, 1882, Jennie Tislow, nee Davisson, and had issue : 1 . Lester Davisson, b. Jun. 23, 1883. 2. Harry Byars, b. Dec, 81, 1884. 3. Barney Alexander, b. May 8, 1890. t-6. John," second son of Elijah 1st, was b. in Rutland, Mass., Aug. 19, 1790. He afterwards moved to Oakham, .ToiiN Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 193 Mass., and later to Worcester, where, after many years, he finally d. Apr. 1, 1871. Although he kept much aloof from public life he was at one time one of the Overseers of the Poor of the City of Worcester, and was a member of the State Legislature in 1841. He was noted for his sound common sense in business mat ters, his integrity of character, and his inflexibility of purpose in what he considered right or proper. But few men had more infiuence in shaping the development and prosperity of his adopted city than himself. One of his peculiarities was a decided proneness to have all busi ness matters take effect from April 1st. So noticeable was this that during his last illness, — which dated from Nov. 26th, — a friend remarked that "Mr. John Hammond would live until the first of April, and then he would die." And as a singular coincidence his death occurred on that date. John m. 1st, Jun. 30, 1818, Adalina A. Stone, who was b. Oct. 29, 1798, and d. in Worcester, Jun. 3, 1846. Issue: 1. Elijah 3d, b. Oct. 4, 1819. 2. Otis S., b. Oct. 9, 1821. d. Jun. 30, 1880. 3. Joseph P., b. Aug. 13, 1823. 4. Adalina A,, b, Aug, i9, 1825, 5, Louise B., b. Mch. 10, 1828, 6. Susan M,, b. Sep. 17, 1833. d. Aug. 2, 1854. 7. John R., b. Nov. 13, 1838. d. Nov. 16, 1841. 8. Fred'c Hunt, b. Jul. 1,1848. John m. 2d, Dec. 1846, Mrs. Susan [Stone] Robinson, who' was b. Apr. 28, 1804, and d. May 7, 1880. No other issue. t-6-1. Elijah 3d,' oldest son of John, is a farmer, and lives at Worcester, Mass. He m. Dec. 19, 1843, Caroline N. Felton, who was b. in Barre, Mass., Dec. 9, 1821, and d. Jun. 6, 1882. Issue: 1. Adaline Sturgis, b. Jan. 17, 1845. 2. Alice Maria, b. Dec. 19, 1849. 3. Ellen Caroline, b. Jan. 12, 1853. 4. John, b. Dec. 8, 1856. d. Mch. 6, 1864. 5. Albert Elijah, b. Dec. 16, 1859. d. Mch. 6, 1864. Of the children of Elijah 3d, Alice* and Ellen* live at home, both single ; and Adaline* m. Sep. 10, 1867, Vernon Long, and lives in Buffalo, N. Y. Issue : Vernon H., Blanche S., Albert E., Frank E., and Alice. 14 194 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-6-2. Otis S.,' second son of John, was Head Clerk in the Freight Depot of the Boston & Albany R. R. at Worces ter, Mass., and was much respected. He m. Oct. 12, 1847, Lydia Spooner, who d. at Graniteville, S. C, Mch. 10, 1892. Issue : 1. Jennie Adaline, b, Sep. 16, 1857. Jennie Adaline* m. Aug. 22, 1883, Alvin Etheridge, and resides at Graniteville, S. C. Issue: Rodney Hammond and Ruth Elizabeth. t-6-3. Joseph P.,' third son of John, is a farmer at Worcester, Mass. He m. 1st, Jun. 2, 1855, Ellen N. Robbins, who d. Apr. 22, 1874. Issue : 1. John Frank, single; Barre, Mass. Joseph P. m. 2d, Jun. 14, 1876, Eliza A. Young. No other issue. t-6-4. Adaline Aurelia,' oldest daughter of John, m. Oct. 8, 1846, Joseph Belyea, who d. Nov. 4, 1860, and lives in Clinton, Mass. Issue : 1. Ida Louise, b. Nov. 25, 1847. 2. Albert John, b. Dec. 8,1852. d. Aug. 12, 1854. Ida Louise* m. Oct. 14, 1873, George H. Burtis, and lives in Worcester. Issue : Albert and Fred, twins, and Helen Louise. t-6-5. Louise B.,' second daughter of John, m. Sep. 10, 1847, B. Frank Lee, who is a dealer in provisions in Worcester. Issue : Carrie and George P. t-6-6. Susan M.,' third daughter of John, m. May 30, 1854, David White, and lived at her father's in Worcester. No issue. t-6-8. Fred'c Hunt,' youngest son of John, was a farmer, and lives at Worcester. He m. May 8, 1866, Alice J. McFarland. Issue : 1. Cora S., b. ,Jun. 18, 1868. 2. Eliza A., b. Jan. 20,1872. 3. Myra L., b. Apr. 7, 1888. 4. Fred'c Hunt, Jr., b, Oct. 16, 1886. All of Fred's children are single, and all reside at Worcester. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 195 IL— ELNATHAN HAMMOND OF NEWPORT, R. I. t. Elnathan^ Hammond, second son of John,' [Ben jamin,' William'], was born at Rochester, Mass., Mch. 7, 1703, and died at Newport, R. I., May 24, 1793, a;. 90. He was a sea captain in the merchant service, sailing from New port, his place of residence. "His descendants cherish his memory with peculiar regard, retain his portrait, point to his former residence still standing in Thames Street, recall his character as a sea captain in the best commercial period of the town, and his active interests in the Congregational Church." To the Memorandum Book kept by him, beginning Jan. 1, 1737, are the descendants of "William of London" indebted for the accurate information they possess of their early ances tors. Except for the Genealogical history contained in this book the line of William of London would have been inevita bly swamped in the line of "William of Watertown," Mass. This valuable relic is a pocket memorandum book, long pre served in Vermont in the family of the grandson and namesake of the original owner, now in possession of Rev. John D. Hammond of San Francisco, Cal., a descendant of Capt. Elnathan Hammond. The first inscription in respect to date in this reverend relic reads : "Elnathan Hammond, his Memorandum Book, Feb^ 1755. Mem orandum of some things I have observed, y' I think remarkable and of some things 1 have thought so in the course of my reading." On the fly-leaf is formally inscribed : "This memorandum Book 1 have given to my grand-son, pjlnathaii Hammond, May y" 15th, 1781, and I desire that be may have the possession of it after my Decease: Witness my Daughter Eliz"' Sprague. Elnathan Ha.m.mond." "The portion of the book which with Genealogists has gained in vitality by time, is of course that in which the family history is dis closed, nor in this probably is the spirit misrepresented, which in a patriarchal way provided the mode of preserving it. Tlie grave of Capt. Hammond, in the old Burying ground [Newport], is with those members of his family, finding their place in dust with bis own, while traces of his filial spirit, in this record restore the place of bis ancestral' line in remembrance, and that of his venerated ancestress who brought it over." 196 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. The Genealogical history is prefaced with the following introduction : "A short Record of our Family, by Elnathan Hammond, copied from a Family Record of my father's, Mr. John Hammond of Roches ter, 1737, and continued, beginning the year at the 1st of .January." "William Hammond, born in the city of London, and there married Elizabeth Penn, sister of Sir William Penn, hud children: l^eiijamin their son born 1621, Elizabeth. IMartha and liacliel their daughiers, all born in London. William Hammond died there and was buried. Elizabeth Hammond, widow of William Hammond, with her son Benjamin and three daughters, all young, left a good estate in London, and with several Godly people came over to New England in trouble some times in 1634, out of a conscious desire to have the liberty to serve Gcd in the way of his appointment. They had with them the Rev. Mr. Lothrop, their minister, A. D. 1634. Settled in Boston, and there died 1640, had an lioiiorable burial and the character of a very Godly woman. Benjamin Hammond, their son. removed to Sandwich and there mar ried Mary Vincent, daughter of John Vincent. She was born in England in 1633. Benjamiw Hammond married to Mary Vincent 1650. Had born: Samuel, their son, 1655. John, their son, Kov. 30, 1663. Nathan, their son, 1670. Benjamin, their son, Nov. 1673. Had two daughters, died young. Benjamin Hammond, with his wife and four sons, moved to Roches ter and there died, aged 82 years, 1703. Mary his widow died 1705."* Capt. Elnathan Hammond m. 1st, Dec. 27, 1728, Mary [Rogers] Wignall. She was a daughter of John Rogers of Newport, and was b. Aug. 24, 1700, and d. Oct. 20, 1749. Issue : 1. John Arnold, b. Feb. 9, 1731. d. Jun. 1781. 2. Abigail, b. Sep. 20, 1733. d. Jan. is! 1784. 3. Elnathan, b. Jan. 17, 1736. d. Dee. 4, 1737. 4. Abigail, b. Feb. 15, 1737. d. 5. Elnathan, Jr., b. May 11, 1738. d. Sep, 22, 1763. 6. Joseph, b. Apr. 13, 1739. d. 7. Nathaniel, b. Jun. 2, 1 740. d. Mch. 1777. 8. Marv, b. Sep. 22, 1741. d. May 7', 1767. 9. Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1743. d. 10. Susannah, b. Jun. 18, 1744. d. Aug. 24, 1780. Capt. Elnathan m. 2d, Sep. 5, 1750, O. S., Elizabeth [Vernon] Cox, daughter of Samuel Vernon, Esq., and b. at Newport, Aug. 5, 1709. No living issue. « Philip Battell, Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan. 1876. r- psps^n Capt. Elnathan Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 197 Of the above children the first Ahigail" and the first Elnathan* d. young; and Elnathan Jr./ Joseph/ and Mary* d. single. 4. Abigail* m. Sep. 13, 1759, Jacob Richardson, and lived at Newport, R. I., where her husband was at one time postmaster. Issue : Mary Ann, Elizabeth Vernon, John Stevens, Nathaniel Hammond, Jacob Jr., Abby Hammond, Elnathan Hammond, Anstis Elizabeth, and George Washington. A descendant of Abigail in the fourth generation, — George H. Richardson, — is a resident of Newport, and Assistant Secre tary of the Newport Historical Society. 9. Elizabeth* m. Jan. 20, 1773, Nathaniel Sprague, and lived at Rochester. Issue : Luce, Micah, and Nathaniel. 10. Susannah* m. Jan. 29, 1767, Caleb Lyndon, and d. at Rehoboth, Mass., Aug. 24, 1780. They had three sons and three daughters. 1.— JOHN ARNOLD OF NEWPORT, R. I. t-1. John Arnold* m. Jun. 6, 1754, at Newport, R. I., Mary Scott, who is said to have been a niece of Benjamin Franklin. After his marriage he went with his family to Corn- wallis. Nova Scotia, with the intention of founding a. settlement there. He afterwards returned and engaged on the patriot side of the Revolution, was captured aboard a ship, taken to New York, and died a prisoner in the Hospital sometime in Jun. 1781. Issue: 1. Elnathan, b. Dec. 16, 1760. d. 2. Daughter, b. d. young. f-1-1. Elnathan/ b. at Newport, R. I., m. Nov. 5, 1790, Deborah Carr, b. Jun. 10, 1760, and daughter of John Carr Jr. of North Kingston, R. I. Elnathan, moved to Lanesboro', Mass., and afterwards to Middlebury, Vt., where most of his children were born. Issue : 1 Lucinda, b. May 8, 1792. d. .Jan. 19, 1853. 2. John Arnold, b. .Jul. 18,1794. d. Feb. 20,1882. 3. Jane, b. Oct. 27, 1795. d. Mch. J 9, 1850. 4! William, b. Apr. 2,1797. d. May 27,1858. 5! Phnina, b. May 4,1799. d. Apr.. 1,1886. 6 p:dwin, b. May 20,1801. d. Dec. 31,1870. 7. Abigail, b. Jan. 80, 1803. 198 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of these children, Abigail' never married, and is liviug at Middlebury at the age of 90. 1 . Lucinda/ b. atLanesboro', Mass. , m. Leonard Whedon of Bridport, Vt., where she lived a few years, but d. at Brattle boro'. No issue. 3. Jane^ m. Levi Sperry of Cornwall, Vt., and d. Mch. 19, 1850, without issue. 5. Emma' m. Sep. 13, 1832, Elijah Birge of Middle bury. A few years before her death, she moved to Essex Junction, Vt., where she d. Apr. 1, 1886. Issue: Cyrus. Cyrus, who is a farmer at New Haven, Vt., m. Nov. 10, 1857, Marietta Elizabeth Gibbs. Issue : Walter Frederic, Frankie W., Freddie Wallace, Emma Clara, and Marietta E. Gibbs. ¦)--l-l-2. John Arnold/ oldest son of Elnathan; was a farmer at Middlebury, Vt. He m. Mch. 11, 1824, Fannie B. Keeler of Middlebury, who d. Apr. 2, 1870. Issue : 1. Martha H., b. Jun. 12,1825. 2. Helen, b. Aug. 8, 1826. d. Apr. 2, 1832. 3. Mariette, b. Oct. 12, 1827. 4. Helen Jane, b. Apr. 29, 1836. Of these children, Helen Jane' resides, single, at Middle bury, Vt. 1. Martha H." m. Dec. 12, 1851, Lucius Shaw, and resides at Middlebury. No issue. 3. Mariette^ m. Feb. 17, 1848, Alonzo Raymond, and resides at Fond du Lac, Wis. Issue : 1. Fannie A., b. Jan. 4,1849. 2. Henry K., b. Apr. 17, 1851. 3, Helen M., b. Jul. 24,1853. d. May 19, 1879. 4. Martha A,, b, Feb, 22, 1857. 5. Edwin A,, b, Apr. 11,1861. t-1-1-4. William/ second son ofElnathan, was a farmer at Middlebury, Vt. He m. Dec. 12, 1835, Sally Olmstead, who d. Dec. 13, 1873. Issue: 1. Elizabeth E., b- Apr. 3, 1886. 2. Henry W., b. May 3, 1837. 1. Elizabeth E.« m. Feb. 14, 1866, Josiah E. Dewey, and resides at Middlebury, Vt. No issue. DESCENDANTS OE JOHN HAMMOND. 199 2. Henry W.,' who is a farmer at Middlebury, m. Sep. 16, 1862, Abbie Martin. Issue : 1. Martenia, b. Jan. 16, 1864. 2. John W., b. Apr. 5, 1867. 3. William, b. Dec. 1, 1870. 4, DoraE., b, Aug. 5, 1878. Of these children, Martenia' m. Jun. 16, 1886, Willis Cady, and resides at Middlebury. Issue : Ralph Hammond, b. Aug. 29, 1891. t-1— 1-6. Edwin,' third son of Elnathan, was a farmer at Middlebury, and was noted for the high degree of perfection to which he bred the Atwood family of Spanish merino sheep in America. He in. Dec. 29, 1825, Alpa Olmstead, who d. May 1, 1871. Issue: 1. Edwin Seymour, , b. Nov. 7, 1827. 2. George, b. May 81, 1886. t-1-1-6-1. EdTvin Seymour' is a farmer, and resides at Marinette, Wis. He m. 1st, Oct. 5, 1848, Julia A. Cady, who d. Aug. 5, 1850. Issue : 1. Julia B., b. May 13,1849. d. May 5,1851. Edwin S. m. 2d, Apr. 29, 1851, Rebecca Stewart, and had further issue : 2. Eva Julia, b. May 11,1852. 3. Ed. Rice, b. May 14, 1854. d. Oct. 3, 1889. 4. Hattie Lou., b. May 5, 1858. d. Jan. 17, 1886. 5. Dee Holeyoke, b. Dec. 2, 1863. Of these children, Eva Julia' m. Nov. 3, 1874, Kelsey Theodore Waters, who was b. Jan. 11, 1846. Eva resides at Marinette, W^is., and has a son Theodore Hammond, b. Jun. 10, 1878. 4. Hattie Louwella' m. Oct. 24, 1885, Sandford J. Heafield, and lived at Marinette, Wis. No issue. t-1— 1-6-2. George,' second son of Edwin, is an exten sive farmer and breeder of Spanish merino sheep at Middle bury, Vt. At the death of his father, the farm and flock came into his hands and has since been under his management and control. He has always been identified with the agricultural interests of his State, and at an early age became Secretary of Addison County Agricultural Society, which office he held for many years. He was also General Superintendent of the 200 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Vermont State Agricultural Society, and one of its Directors for nearly 20 years. He served on the Board of Selectmen of his town over 12 years; was Postmaster under Garfield.; and represented his town in the General Assembly of Vermont in the years 1878-79, during which he was Chairman of the Com mittee on Claims. He was nominated in County Convention in 1888 by acclamation for State Senator for two years, was elected by a full vote, and served as Chairman of the Cojnmittee on Rail Roads, and also served as Committee on Highways and Bridges, and Grand List. At the State Convention held at Burlington in 1888 to elect Delegates to the National Republi can Convention at Chicago, he was elected alternate for ex- Secretary of War Proctor. Mr. Hammond was one of the founders of the Vermont Atwood Merino Sheep Club, and has been its Secretary since its birth, and Treasurer all but the first two years. He spent most of the years 1888—90 in South America, and was in Buenos Ayres at the time of their revolution. Mr. Hammond m. 1st, Sep. 16, 1858, Almeda L. Geer, who d. at San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 17, 1875. Issue: 1. George E., b. Aug. 11,1859. 2. William Fred, b. Mg o 2 O DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 207 3. Enoch, b. Mch. 13, 1785. d. Mch. 12, 1800. 4. Priscilla, b. Oct. 31,1740. d. Jun. 19,1758. 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 25, 1743. d. Aug. 28, 1758. Priscilla, widow of Benjamin Hammond, m. 2d, in 1763, Rev. Thomas West, first pastor at North Rochester. Of the above children, Ruth, Priscilla, and Hannah all d. single at Rochester. 2.— NATHANIEL OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-2 . Nathaniel,* oldest son of Benjamin 3d, was endowed with great strength of body and mind. He engaged in a variety of occupations, such as teaching school winters, and freighting to the neighboring seaports of Nantucket, Newport, etc. He was Selectman and Assessor of Rochester for 19 years; delegate of the Constitutional Convention in 1780; member of the Legislature three years ; and Moderator of the annual town meetings of Rochester many years. During the War of the Revolution, he united heart and hand in the cause, and raised a company of militia, of which he was appointed captain. He married young, and settled on a farm inherited from his wife's father, situated in the northerly part of Hammondtown. He m. 1st, in 1756, Phebe, daughter of Nathan Hammond, who d. May 10, 1801, se. 63. He m. 2d, in 1803, Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Hathaway, who d. Jan. 13, 1854, ae. 92. Capt. Nathaniel Hammond d. Feb. 1, 1827, se. 93, without issue. 3.— ENOCH OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-3. Enoch,* second son of Benjamin 3d, was a man of large benevolence, which was extended to all around him, as he stucHed the good of friends and neighbors. He was Selectman and Assessor of Rochester for over 20 years ; Mod erator of the annual town meeting for many years ; held many other important town offices ; and was also a noted land sur veyor. In the time of the Revolutionary War, the care of the soldiers' wives was consigned to him, his deep interest in them giving him the name of the "Father of the Town." His memory was cherished with much respect by those of the community who knew him personally. 208 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. He m. Jan. 7, 1762, Drusilla, daughter of Rev. Thomas West of North Rochester. She was b. Sep. 2, 1742, and d. Nov. 28, 1814, £6. 72. Issue : 1. Benjamin, b. Aug 2G, 17G3. d. Jul. 7, 183G. 2. Kuih, b. Feb. 12,1765. d. Nov. 8, 1 7C5. 3. Thomas, b. Aug. 17, 1766. d. May 1, 1804. 4. Nathaniel, b. Jun. 26,1768. d. Jul. 8,1838. t-3-1. Benjamin," oldest son of Enoch, was for many years engaged in the merchant service between Boston and Liverpool. He was a man of much mechanical ingenuity, and built the house in which he afterwards lived, which contained inany fine pieces of furniture, and other specimens of his hand icraft in wood-work. He m. Jan. 24, 1793, Elizabeth Pope, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Pope of Fairhaven. She was b. in Fairhaven, Jun. 1767, and d. in Mattapoisett, Nov. 16, 1856, se. 89. Issue: 1. Drusilla, b. Apr, 11, 1794. d. Jun. 5, 1801. 2. Sylvia, b. Mch. 30, 1796. d. Apr. 5, 1857. 8. Elizabeth, b. Jun. 4,1799. d. Oct 2,1876. 4. Drusilla, b. Sep. 23, 1801. d. Feb. 13, 1871. 5. Thomas, b. Apr. 11,1804. d. ,Iun. 8,1809. 6. Thomas Penn, b. Jun. 8, 1807. d. Dec. 6, 1879. Of these children, the first Drusilla and the first Thomas died young ; and Sylvia,' Elizabeth,' and the second Drusilla,' who were women of more than ordinary ability, died single at Mattapoisett. Elizabeth was a tailoress, and Drusilla was a woman of some literary talent. t-3-1-6. Thomas Penn,' son of Benjamin, was a man of good judgment, untiring energy, and great perseverance, and was much respected for his integrity of character. He was a farmer and stone-worker, living on the old homestead. In his younger days he was an ensign in the State Militia, his sword and plume being still preserved in his old home. His judgment as an appraiser of land was frequently sought ; and later in life he served as Selectman of the town of Mattapoisett. He m. Jan. 10, 1839, Jane [Bullen] Mendell, daughter of Samuel and Jane [Smith] Bullen of Farmington, Me. She was b. in Farmington, Jan. 23, 1804, and d. at Mattapoisett, Apr. 4, 1881, se. 77. Issue : 1. Charles Benj , b. Nov. 25, 1839. 2. llolaiid, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 3. Edward Leslie, b. Nov. 11, 1844. 4. Wm. Garrison, b. Mch. 13, 1848. d. Dec. 18, 1890. 5. Twin daus., b. Jun. 18, 1850. d. in infancy. The Author's Old Home. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 209 t-3-1-6-1. Charles Benjamin,' oldest son of Thomas Penn, was for many years engaged in the whale fishery, sailing from Marion, Mattapoisett, and New Bedford. He has been in nearly all parts of the maritime world, and good luck always attended him. In the Fall of 1862, while in the bark Ocean Rover of Mattapoisett, the vessel with 850 bbls. of sperm oil was captured and burned off the Western Islands by Capt. Semmes of the Privateer Alabama, and all hands put into the ship's boats to shift for themselves. They landed on one of the Western Islands, afterwards reached Fayal, and were sent to Boston by the American Consul. The owners and crew were afterwards remunerated for their loss out of the $15,000,000 awarded the United States under the Treaty of Washington for damages caused to American shipping by privateers sent out by the Confederacy. During his last voyage he was first officer of the bark Hunter of New Bedford, sailing in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and making a complete voyage around the world. Charles B. is a farmer, and resides in Hammondtown, Matta poisett. He m. Aug. 15, 1871, Euphemia F. Dexter of Mattapoisett, who was b. Mch. 6, 1845. Issue : 1. Phemie Dexter, b. Jan. 27,1873. 2. Sadie Alton, b. May 9, 1875. 3. Maria Mendell, b. Dec. 31,1877. 4. Carrie Eunice, b. Aug. 1, 1880. d. Feb. 17, 1881. 5. Chas. Stillman, b. Jun. 29, 1883. Of these children, Phemie Dexter' m. in 1890 Byron P. Dunn of Mattapoisett, where they now reside. Issue : Carrie Hammond, b. Jun. 8, 1891. t-3-1-6-2. Roland,* second son of Thomas Penn, in early life was a teacher in the public schools of Mattapoisett. In Sep. 1862 he enHsted as a private in Co. I, 3d Reg't M.V. M., going into camp "Joe Hooker" at Lakeville, Mass. The Reg't in Oct. took steamers for the Dept. of North Carolina, where it remained during its term of service, nine months, taking part in the battles of Whitehall, Kingston, and Goldsboro', which are inscribed on its flag. The Reg't left New Berne for Boston, in Jun. 1863, and was mustered out at camp Joe Hooker on the 26th of the same month. Roland entered Tufts College in the Fall of '64, from which he graduated with honor in Jul. '68. After serving a year as Principal of Guilford Academy, Laconia, N. H., he commenced the study of medicine in the 15 210 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. FaU of '69 with Dr. William E. Sparrow of Mattapoisett, and entered the Medical Dept. of Harvard University in Nov. '70. He received the degree of M. D. in Jun. '72, and commenced the practice of medicine in Bellingham, Mass., in Aug. '71. While in Bellingham, Dr. Hammond was Chairman of the School Committee, and Superintendent of Schools for ten suc cessive years, and was Town Clerk and Auditor of Accounts three years. In Apr. 1882 he removed to the city of Brockton, Mass., where he now resides, a practitioner of medicine. He was Justice of the Peace from Jul. 1880 to Jul. 1887 ; and a member of the School Committee of Brockton during the years 1886-7-8. He is a FeHow of the Mass. Med. Society ; mem ber of the Grand Army of the Republic ; and of the various Masonic Orders in Brockton, being a Past Master of St. George Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He is also the author of this Gene alogy. Dr. Hammond m. Sep. 25, 1873, Mary Lucinda, oldest daughter of Martin and Lydia [Coburn] Rockwood of Belling ham, who was b. Feb. 3, 1847. Issue : 1. Roland, Jr., b. Jul. 29, 1875. Roland Jr.* is a member of the Brockton High School, and was recently employed in the dry-goods store of Asa Whit man, Campello. t-3-1-6-3. Edward Leslie,' third son of Thomas Penn, is a farmer and a dealer in milk and meats, and resides at Mat tapoisett. On his farm is a knoll which was once an Indian burying-ground. He is a man of untiring energy and great endurance. He m. in 1873, Abbie [Bolles] MendeU, widow of the late John MendeH, who was b. Dec. 5, 1841, and d Apr. 8, 1892. Issue : 1. Arthur Thomas, b. Dec. 6, 1873. 2. Henry Leslie, b. Mch. 23, 1876. d. Jun. 19, 1876. Arthur" resides at home, and works with his father, being also a member of the Fire Department. t-3-1-6-4. William Garrison,' fourth son of Thomas Penn, commenced active life with a short whaling cruise in the Atlantic Ocean. After some years of ill health he entered the employ of SneU & Atherton, manufacturers of shoe tools in Brockton, Mass. In the Spring of 1879 he returned to the old homestead in Mattapoisett, and assumed charge of the farm, DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 211 and the care of his parents during the remainder of their lives. He m. Oct. 3, 1883, Emily [Snow] McDougal, who was b. Feb. 11, 1837. He d. Dec. 13, 1890, without issue. t-3-3. Thomas,^ second son of Enoch, graduated from Harvard College and settled in New Bedford, where he was an attorney-at-law, and where he d. May 1, 1804: He m. Sep. 24, 1792, Sarah, daughter of John and Martha [Tillinghast] Slocum of New Bedford. She was b. Nov. 11, 1772, and d. Oct. 15, 1859, after a 2d marriage to Capt. Roland R. Crocker of New Bedford. Issue : 1 . Henry George, b. Feb. 14,1794. d. Sep. 7,1869. 2. Martha Slocum, b. Aug. 2, 1798. d. Apr. £6, 1830. 3. William Penn, b. Dec. 23,1801. d. Jun. 10,1802. 2. Martha Slocum' m. Oct. 26, 1818, Asa N. Burn ham, who d. Jun. 5, 1830, and lived in Union Springs, New York. Issue : 1. Thomas Hammond, b. Nov. 14, 1819. d. in 1858. 2. Norman Huntington, b. Jun. 12,1821. d. Oct. 1,1842. 8. Sarah Crocker, b. Apr. 14, 1830. d. Nov. 30, 1834. 1. Thomas Hammond' Burnham left a son, Norman Hammond Burnham, b. Apr. 17, 1848. t-3-3-1. Henry George,' oldest son of Thomas, was a sailor in the merchant service in his younger days. Later in life he went to Cayuga Co., N. Y., and lived at Union Springs until the time of his death. He m. Ellen Lowry of this place, who was b. Jan. 10, 1807, and d. May 29, 1874. Issue : 1. Rowland Crocker, b. Meh. 3, 1829. 2. Martha Slocum, b. Dec. 22, 1830. d. Jan. 3, 1872. 3. James Lowry, b. Oct. 18, 1833. 4. Thomas Slocum, b. May 1,1839. d. Jun. 30,1866. 5. Sarah Joanna, b. Jan. 15, 1841. d. Apr. 13, 1883. 6. Elizabeth Earl, b. Nov. 9, 1842. d. May 2, 18€0. Of these children, Thomas,* a promising young man, d. at the age of 27, and Elizabeth" at the age of 18, both single. 1. RovFland Crocker,* oldest son of Henry G., is a farmer at Union Springs on the homestead of his father. He m. Jan. 4, 1865, Cynthia E. Coe, who was b. Dec. 25, 1834. Issue : 1. Lillian E., b. Oct. 10, 1865. 2. Fred U., b. Mch. 31, 1867. 212 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 8. Charles H., b. Jul. 15,1868. d. Nov. 28, 1868. 4. Flora E., b. Jul. 3, 1869. 5. Harriet C, b. Dec. 22, 1870. 6. Sarah E., b. Dec. 2, 1873. 7. Louis J., b. Jun. 10,1875. d. Apr. 3,1876. Of these children, Lillian' and Hattie' are teachers in the public schools of the State, and all are single. 2. Martha Slocum,* oldest daughter of Henry G., m. Apr. 22, 1857, Curtis N. Coe, who was b. at Grange, Alle ghany Co., N. Y., Jun. 20, 1829. Issue : 1. Ellen H., b. Aug. 3, 1861. 2. Elizabeth H., b. Jul. 7, 1864. 8. Curtis Henry, b. Sep. 28, 1869. Besides the above, there were Hannah and Thomas, who d. in infancy. 3. James Lowry,* second son of Henry G., is a car penter, and lives at Union Springs. He m. Dec. 22, 1858, Hannah Shank, who was b. Dec. 16, 1836. Issue : 1. Thomas Slocum, b May 28, 18G2. 2. James Eugene, b. Jul. 10, 1864. James Eugene,' second son of James L., m. Feb. 16, 1888, Mary E. Frawley, and lives at Pueblo, Col. Issue : 1. Heury G., b. Dec. 23, 1888. d. .Jun. 12, 1892. 2. Naomi, b. Jul. 13, 1891. d. Jan. 13, 1892. 5. Sarah Joanna,* second daughter of Henry G., m. Nov. 30, 1860, William H. Van Sickle, an extensive farmer of Union Springs, who was b. May 12, 1836. Issue : 1. Henry Hammond, b. Sep. 10, 1868. 2. Rowland, b. Jul. 31, 1874. Mr. Van Sickle m. 2d, Feb. 12, 1885, Nellie H. Burlew. Henry H.,' son of William Van Sickle, m. Mch. 22, 1885, his cousin, Elizabeth H. Coe, daughter of Curtis N. Coe, and resides in Wellington, Kan. Issue : Curtis William. t-3-4. Nathaniel Esq.,* third son of Enoch, lived on the old homestead, where his father and grandfather had lived before him, and was a farmer and Justice of the Peace. He m. 1st, Oct. 23, 1791, Lucy Barstow, daughter of Gideon and Jane Barstow. She was b. Mch. 25, 1772, and d. Oct. 20, 1802. Issue : 1. Enoch, b. Feb. 25, 1793. d. Mch. 9, 1793. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 213 2. Priscilla Sprague, b. Jan. 13, 1795. d. Meh. — , 1844. 8. Enoch, b. Jul. 21, 1798. d. in 1816. 4. Rufus, b. Sep. 26, 1800. d. JuL 25, 1801. Nathaniel m. 2d, Oct. 30, 1803, Priscilla, daughter of Noah and Eunice Hammond, who was b. Jul. 21, 1783, and d. Dec. 12, 1820. Issue : 5. Rufus, b. Aug. 7, 1805. d. Aug. 10, 1854. 6. William Penn, b. Sep. 23, 1807. d. Oct. 14, 1807. 7. John Wilkes, b. Oct. 22, 1808. d. Sep. 23. 1843. 8. Lucy Barstow, b. Mch. 16, 1810. d. Apr. 20, 1810. 9. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 24,1813. d. Jun. 28,1870. 10. Elizabeth Pope, b. Nov. 9, 1815. d. Jan. 8, 1870. 11. Benjamin, b. May 11, 1818. Of these children, Priscilla Sprague' m. Jul. 3, 1816, Lazerus LeBaron, son of Rev. Lemuel LeBaron, minister in Mattapoisett. Lazerus was a farmer, and lived on the Lot Jones place in Mattapoisett. Issue : 1. Enoch Hammond, b. Apr. 5, 1817. d. Mar. 9, 1892. 2. .Tane Loring, b. Jul. — , 1818. 3. Lucy Barstow, b. Dec. — , 1826. 4. Elizabeth Allen, b. Jun. — , 1831. Of Priscilla's children, Enoch Hammond* m. Florilla, daughter of Capt. Joseph Taber of Mattapoisett. Issue : Sarah, Enoch, Alonzo, Charles, Joseph, and Jennie. t-3-4-5. Rufus,' fourth son of Nathaniel, was a ship- carpenter at Mattapoisett, and was drowned in the harbor by the capsizing of a boat. He m. Lucy, daughter of James Purrington, but had no issue. t-3-4-10. Elizabeth Pope,' youngest daughter of Nathaniel, m. Jul. 1844, Lazerus LeBaron, who afterwards moved to Turner, Me., where he d. Jul. 29, 1864. Issue : 1. Francis, b. Oct. 22, 1850. 2. Alton S., b. Jan. 10, 1854. Of these children, Francis* is a contractor; and Alton S.* is a commission merchant, residing at Newton Centre, Mass. t-3-4-7. John Wilkes,' sixth son of Nathaniel, was a ship-carpenter, and lived at Mattapoisett. He m. Feb. 8, 1835, Maria Louisa, daughter of Dr. Wilbur Southworth, who d. Apr. 10, 1886. Issue : 1. John Wilkes, Jr., b. Dec. 16,1837. 2. Eudora Frances, b. Dec. 5, 1839. 214 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Of these children, Eudora Frances* m. Dec. 26, 1869, Hiram R. Johnson, who was b. Oct. 19, 1839, and is a machinist at Somerset, Mass. No issue. t-3-4-7-1. John Wilkes Jr.* entered Tufts College in '57, and graduated at the head of his class in '61. After that he taught school until Sep. '62, in which month, being then the Principal of the High School in Tisbury, he one morning resigned, bidding farewell to the school, and enlisted as a private in Co. I, 3d Reg't M. V. M. He served with his company in North Carolina, returning with the regiment to Boston, Mass., in Jun. '63, at the expiration of his term of service, nine months. He then taught school, and in the Fall of '64 began the study of law in the Law School at Harvard University, and in the office of Sweetser & Gardner in Boston. He was admitted to the Bar at Cambridge in Feb. '66, and practised law in Cambridge and Boston, being City Solictitor of Cambridge from 1873 to 1886. In Mch. 1886 he was appointed to a seat upon the Bench of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, where he now is. He has resided in Cambridge since Mch. 1866. Judge Hammond m. Aug. 15, 1866, Clara Ellen, daughter of Prof. Benjamin F. Tweed of Cambridge, Mass., who was b. Apr. 2, 1842. Issue: 1. Frank Tweed, b. Mch. 1, 1870. 2. Clara Maria, b. Jul. 21,1881. 3. John Wilkes, Jr , b. Aug. 7, 1884. Of these children, Frank Tweed,' a graduate of the Academical Dept. of Harvard University, is at present a student of law. Judge Hammond received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Tufts College in Jun. 1891. t-3-4-9. NTathaniel,' seventh son of Nathaniel, was a ship-carpenter, and lived at Mattapoisett. He m. Feb. 13, 1839, Mary, daughter of Larnet and Polly [Dexter] Hall. Issue : 1. Martha Burnham, b. Jan. 1,1840. d. Sep. 23,1840. 2. Nathaniel Herbert, b. Aug. 8, 1841. d. .Jul. 7, 1862. 3. Larnet Hall, b. Mch. 20, 1844. d. Feb. 19, 1876. 4. Thomas West, b. Jun. 26, 1850. 5. Mary Eliza, b. Nov. 13, 1858. d. Feb. 27, 1862. Of these children, Nathaniel Herbert* d. at the age of 21, and Larnet Hall* at the age of 32, both single. Judge John W. Hammond. DESCENDANTS OE JOHN HAMMOND. 215 t-3-4-9-4. Thomas West,* in early life a physician, afterwards studied and practised law at Minneapolis, Minn., from 1885 to 1889, when he moved to Tacoma, Wash., where he now resides. He m. Dec. 23, 1876, Desire, daughter of Edwin and Mary [Hiller] Purrington of Mattapoisett, who was b. Mch. 3, 1858. Issue : 1 . Nathaniel Herbert, b. Oct. 16,1878. 2. Edith May, b. May 19, 1881. 3. Thomas West, Jr., b. Jul. 28, 1887. 4. Carrie Murphy, b. Jun. 3, 1890. t-3-4-11. Benjamin,' eighth son of Nathaniel, was a blockmaker, and formerly lived in Fairhaven, Mass. He m. 1st, Oct. 1839, Elizabeth, daughter of Job Randall of Matta poisett, who d. Oct. 1856. Issue: 1. Sophia Adelaide, b. May 6, 1841. 2. Joshua Bowles, b. Feb. 22, 1847. Benjamin m. 2d, Jul. 12, 1858, Mary Ann Briggs, who d. Nov. 4, 1892. Benjamin moved to Turner, Me., in 1859, where now he resides. Issue : 3. Hart Briggs, b. May 31, 1860. 1. Sophia Adelaide* m. Nov. 6, 1859, Wilson B. Hudson, a sailmaker at Mattapoisett, who was b. Jul. 27, 1838, and d. Oct. 6, 1886. Issue: Elizabeth Peakes and Helen Bourne, both of whom d. young. |_3_4_11_2. Joshua Bowles,* oldest son of Benjamin, is a farmer and carpenter, and lives at South Hanson, Mass. He m. Jan. 31, 1864, Tamar Bourne, who was b. Apr. 17, 1846. Issue : 1. Joshua Wilson, b. Dec. 12, 1864. 2. Nellie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 31, 1866. 3. Francis Alton, b. Sep. 2, 1868. 4. George Albert, b. May 17, 1872. 5. Hattie Leslie, b. Jul. 22, 1876. Of the above children, 1. Joshua Wilson' is a freight clerk for the Old Colony R. R., and resides at South Hanson., He m. Jul. 30, 1890, Eliza Miriam Dearborn, who was b. at Chelsea, Mass., Jun. 19, 1873. Issue : 1. Lillie Frances, b. Apr. 29, 1892. 2. Gilbert Wilson, b. Aug. 20, 1893. 2. Nellie Elizabeth'' m. Ist, Mch. 1, 1882, John W. Lane, who d. Jul. 14, 1884, without issue She m. 2d, 216 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Dec. 30, 1888, George W^. Tarr, a shoemaker, b. at Glouces ter, Mass., Oct. 28, 1856. Issue: Hattie Leslie, b. Jul. 5, 1889 ; and Lottie Mildred, b. Oct. 24, 1892. 3. Francis Alton" residesat South Hanson, and is fitting for college ; and George Albert* is a farmer at South Han son. t-3-4- i 1-3. Hart Briggs,* youngest son of Benjamin, is a farmer, and resides at Turner, Me. He m. Sep. 26, 1885, Minerva Stella Davis, who was b. in Naples, Me., Feb. 25, 1865. No issue. IV— ROWLAND^ HAMMOND OF PLYMPTON, MASS. t. Rowland"* Hammond, fourth son of John,' [Benja min,'' William'], was b. at Rochester, Oct. 30, 1706, and d. at Plympton (now Carver), Mass., Jun. 16, 1788. He moved to what is now North Carver in 1739, and was a farmer and sheep-raiser. He m. Ist, in 1731, Ann Winslow, daughter of Dea. Samuel W^inslow of Rochester, who was b. in 1709 and d. in 1734. Issue : 1. Rowland 2d, b. in 1731. d. Sep. 7, 1810. 2. George, b. Jun. — , 1734. d. Jan. 14, 1782. Rowland m. 2d, Sep. 4, 1737, Lydia Bonum, who was b. in 1698, and d. Jan. 23, 1756. He m. 3d, May 5, 1757, Mary Southworth, who d. Mch. 3, 1788. No issue by the second and third marriages. t-1. Dea. Rowland 3d,' who never married, outlived his brother, Capt. George, and after the latter's death brought up his children. When Rowland became old his brother's children cared for him. t-2. George,' second son of Rowland, who was a captain of militia, was a farmer on the homestead of his father at Carver, Mass. He m. 1st, Nov. 1759, Lucy Sturtevant, who was b. in 1737, and d. Aug. 25, 1772. Issue ; 1. Lydia, 2. Anna, 3. Molly, 4. Lucy, 5. George 2d, 6. Hannah, b. Nov. 15, 1760. d. b. Apr. 18, 1762. d. b. Mch. 17, 1764. d. Jul. 20, 1785. b. May 20, 1766. d. May 9, 1842. b. May 4, 1768. d. about 1795. b. Aug. 1, 1770. d. Sep. 1, 1810. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 217 Capt. George m. 2d, Nov. 1773, Betsey Thomas, who d. Mch. 20, 1787. Issue : 7. Betsey, b. Mch. 28, 1774. d. Sep. 20, 1851. 8. Thomas, b. Jun. 6. 1776. d. Dec. 9, 1825. 9. Benjamin, b. Dec. 10, 1778. d. Dec. 2, 1825. 10. Priscilla, b. Jan. 8, 1781. d. Nov. 13, 1826. Of Capt. George's children, Molly ° never married, and died at Carver, Mass. 1. Lydia,* oldest daughter of Capt. George, lived and d. in Minot, or West Minot, Me. She m. Nov. 9, 1780, James Murdoch, who was b. in 1754, and d. at Springfield, Me., in 1850. Issue : James, George, Lucy, Mary, Hannah, Lydia, and Clarissa. 2. Anna,* second daughter of Capt. George, who was quite a poetess, lived, and died in middle life, at New Gloucester, Me. She m. Nov. 18, 1779, Dr. William Bridgham, who was b. in 1756, and, after marrying a second time, d. Aug. 4, 1837, se. 81. Issue : Dr. William Jr., Joanna, Dr. Thomas, Lucy, George, Caroline, and Nancy. This was quite a noted family. 4. Lucy,* fourth daughter of Capt. George, lived and d. &t Hebron, Me. She m. Aug. 2, 1787, Samuel Roland Bridg ham, brother of Dr. William, who was b. in 1763, and d. Jul. 4, 1837, se. 74. Issue : Mercy, Samuel Roland, Alexander, Sophia, Derrick, Thomas, Stafford, and Dr. Roland Hammond. 5.— GEORGE HAMMOND 2d, OF WORCESTER CO., MASS. t. George* Hammond 3d, oldestsonof Capt. George,^ [Rowland,' John,' Benjamin,'' William'], was b. at Plympton, Mass., now Carver, May 4, 1768, and moved after his mar riage, probably to some part of Worcester Co., perhaps Worces ter, where he died of an acute illness about 1795. He had the reputation of being an intelligent and thrifty man, and is said to have acquired money rapidly after going to Worcester Co. He m. Oct. 2, 1788, Lucy Southworth of Plymouth, Mass., 218 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. who a few years after his death m. Capt. Nathaniel Luther.* The family afterwards moved to Windsor, Berkshire Co., Mass., where Lucy, widow of George Hammond, died about 1830. Issue : 1. George, Sr., b. May 20, 1790. d. Dec. 30, 1869. 2. Rowland, b. in 1792. d. t-2. Rowland,' second son of George, who was a car penter, lived first for some years in Canada. About 1818-19 he moved to Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he afterwards lived, and where he probably died. He m. about 1816 Lydia Crane, and had issue : 1. Samuel, b. in 1818. d. 2. Henrietta, b. in 1820. d. 3. Nath'l Walter, b. about 1822. d. But little is known in regard to these children, the following scanty information being all that it has been possible to obtain. 1. Samuel* is said to have learned the trade of shoemaker while living in Canada. He afterwards, in company with his father-in-law, is said to have carried on the manufacture of shoes at Hartford, or New Haven, Conn., and later to have had an extensive shoe establishment, perhaps a shoe store, in Boston, Mass. Sometime after 1840, he went to St. Louis and married, and returned to Connecticut. His wife afterwards died in Boston, and a few years later he went to California, and may be living there now. 2. Henrietta* married, and perhaps lived in Canada, nothing further being known of her. 3. Nathaniel Walter,* after residing some years with his mother, went to Canada, it is said, to live with his mother's brother, and afterwards attended school there. In the time of the California gold fever he started for that State. The vessel, after leaving some South American port, was never heard from, and is supposed to have been lost in doubling Cape Horn. Still it is possible that he escaped and may be now living. * Lucy [Southworth] Hammond's children by Capt. Luther were: Calvin Ham^ mond, Harvey. Louisa, and Lydia. Of these children, Calvin m. Fanny Younfdove, (laufthter of JudRe YoimRlove, and lived at or near Naples, Ontario di., N. Y. Harvey m. 1st, Anise Blodgett, and 2d, a daughter of Judge Younglove. Louisa m. Henry Porter; and Lydia m. 1st, a Mr. Ferris, and 2d, a Mr. Giitman. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 219 (1.)— GEORGE SR. OF CRAWFORD CO., OHIO. t-1. George Sr.,' oldest son of George 2d, learned the trade of carpenter and cabinet-maker with David Carlisle, with whom he afterwards moved to Geneva, N. Y. Hlere he worked at his trade some years with Resolved White, and accumulated enough property to buy a farm in Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y. In 1822 he moved to what is now Auburn town ship, Crawford Co., Ohio, where he pre-empted 160 acres of land, which is now owned and occupied by his son George Jr. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and was a man much esteemed and respected by his neighbors. He m. 1st, in the Winter of 1812, Sarah P., daughter of Daniel White, one of the descendants of Resolved White, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620. Sarah P. White, b. in Pomfret, Conn., moved to Windsor, Berkshire Co., Mass., and later to Gorham, N. Y., where she was afterwards married to George Hammond. She d. at Auburn, O., Apr. 4, 1840. Issue : 1. Albert, b. Feb. 25, 1813. d. Mch. 23, 1886. 2. Alfred, b. Jul. 6, 1815. d. Aug. 28, 1840. 8. Harvey, b. Mch. 12, 1818. d. Sep. 6, 1846. 4. Anna, b. Sep. 12, 1820. 5. George, Jr., b. Jun. 26, 1824. 6. Rowland W., b. Oct. 24, 1829. d. Feb. — , 1866. 7. Sarah, b. Sep. 28, 1833. d. Mch. 9, 1854. George Hammond Sr. m. 2d, in 1841, Mrs. Abigail [Gam bell] Gruesbeck, but had no further issue. Of the children of George Sr., Albert, Alfred, Harvey, and Anna were born at Gorham, N. Y., and George, Rowland, and Sarah at Auburn, O. t-1-1. Albert,* oldest son of George Sr., a farmer and a man of fine reputation, lived at Likens, Crawford Co., O. He m. Aug. 1834 Catherine Gruesbeck, who d. at Likens, Feb. 26, 1864, se. 47. Issue: 1. Almira, b. Mch. 12, 1835. 2. Alvira, b. Feb. 24, 1839. 3. Philora, b. Nov. 18, 1842. 4. Orlando, b. Sep. .% 1847. d. Oct. — , 1848. 5. Ellen D., b. Sep. 3, 1848. 6. Lucy, b. Aug. 22, 1851. Of these children, 1. Almira' m. 1st, Oct. 19, 1854, James Miller, who d. May 5, 1864. Issue: Albert H., Izora, Alvira, Elbert Philip, and Frances Marion. Almira m. 2d, Dec. 13, 1872, Jacob Johnson, and lives at Plankton, Crawford Co., O. Issue: Corma Ellis. 220 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Alvira* m. Feb. 24, 1859, Jacob Rhodes, and lives at Bloomville, Seneca Co., O. Issue: Eva A., Elmer E., Charles, NelHe, Odessie, Nettie G., and Ira D. 3. Phidora' m. Apr. 6, 1862, J. Wesley Parks, and lives at Balsam Lake, Polk Co., Wis. Issue: Alva D., Ira H., OHve, and Ella. 5. Ellen Delora' m. Mch. 12, 1868, Sidney Brown, and lives at St. Croix, Polk Co., Wis. Issue : Bertha, Inez M., Olive, Frank H., Mary M., and Ada O. 6. Lucy" m. Dec. 13, 1878, James Ely, and resides at Balsam Lake, Polk Co. , W^is . Issue : James Alton and Nellie Floy. t-1-2. Alfred,* second son of George Sr., a substantial farmer and respected citizen, lived formerly at Tiro, Crawford Co., but moved to Likens in 1844. He m. Nov. 9, 1837, Julia A. Hulse, and had issue : • 1. Calvin, b. Sep. 25, 1838. t-1-2-1. Calvin,' a machinist, m. at Tiffin, Ohio, Sep. 14, 1856, Eva Stroup, and resided at Likens and Bloom, Ohio, and Paris, Mich. Issue : 1. Rowland W., b. Oct. 30, 1867, at Likens, Ohio. 2. Eloda Ann, b. Dec. 1, 1860, at Bloom, Ohio. 3. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 13, 1868, at Paris, Mich. Of these children, Rowland W.,'" a farmer at Likens, m. Aug. 22, 1880, Sarah E. Miller. Issue: 1. Albert, b. May 22, 1881. d. Apr. 25, 1886. 2. Lydia May, b. Oct. 19, 1882. 3. Ralfela M., b. Mch. 25, 1884. d. Apr. 19, 1886. 4. Hattie Bell, b. Feb. 5, 1886. 5. Altie Pearl, b. Aug. 8, 1888. 2. Eloda A.'" m. in 1881 Daniel Livensparger, and lives at Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio. Issue: Daisy May, Lewis Earl, Ethel, Roy, Mary, Jacob, and Harvey ; all dead, except Ethel and Roy. 3. Mary J.'" m. Nov. 6, 1887, George W. Fortny, and resides at Carothers, Seneca Co., Ohio. Issue: 1. Adelbert, b. Oct. 2, 1888. Anna Hammond Nbwkxek. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 221 t-1-3. Harvey* Hammond, who remained single, re sided the most of his life with his father, whom he assisted in his farm-work, which he was obliged to relinquish on account of failing health. He was a great reader and a kind and obedi ent son. t-1-4. Anna,* oldest daughter of George Sr., moved to Ohio in Feb. 1822. At the age of 17, her mother's failing health caused the care of her father's family to devolve princi pally upon her. After her father's second marriage in 1841, she taught school a few terms. She m. Jul. 2, 1846, Cornelius L. Newkirk, and went to Leroy, Calhoun Co., Mich., where she resided eight years, and where her three oldest children were born. In 1854 the family moved to Oceola township. Stark Co., 111., where the next two children were born. In 1869 the family removed to Macon Co., Mo. Mr. C. L. Newkirk, who was in early life a teacher, d. May 11, 1886. Issue : 1. Garrett, b. May 3, 1847. 2. Sarah Amelia, b. May 1, 1851. 3. Mary Ella, b. Mch. 25, 1854. 4. John Alfred, b. Oct. 18, 1856. 5. George H'd, b. Oct. 3, 1859. Of these children, 2. Sarah,* who is single, resides at Goldsberry, Mo. 1. Garrett,* b. in Leroy, Mich., graduated in 1868, from the Rush Medical College, Chicago ; practised medicine eight years in Macon Co., Mo., and Woodford Co., 111. ; medicine and dentistry two years. Since then dentistry exclusively, tak ing a course in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, in which institution he was afterwards Professor of Hygiene and Dental Irregularities. He m. Dec. 1872, Martha E. Martin, and is a dentist at Chicago, 111. Issue : 1. JohnM., b. Oct. 30, 1879. 3. Mary Ella' m. in 1883, Dr. Charles Van Wye, and lives at Browning, Mo. Her children are : Mattie and Alfred. 4. John Alfred* m. in 1890 Jennie Russell and resides at Ethel, Mo. No issue. 5. George Hammond IVewkirk' m. in 1888, Flor ence Wright, resides at Goldsberry, Mo., and has a son, Earle. +_1_5. George* Hammond Jr., a successful farmer 222 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ¦ - and genial man, lives at Tiro, Crawford Co., Ohio. He m. 1st, in 1846, Amelia Gruesbeck, who d. Feb, 1851. Issue : 1. Emma, b. Apr. 27, 1847. 2. Fillmore, b. Jun. 9, 1849. George Jr. m. 2d, in the Spring of 1855, Mary Lewis, who d. Apr. 1882, and by whom he had two daughters : 3. Irene, b. Sep. 27, 1856. 4. Sarah, b. Nov. 17, 1803. George Jr. m. 3d, in 1883, Alice Victoria Mclaron, by whom there is no issue. Of these children, Emma' m. Nov. 25, 1866, Rev. B. Frank Crouse, a Lutheran clergyman, b. Mch. 16, 1840. Their present residence is Muncie, Delaware Co., Ind. Issue : Corbie C, Justus H., Lulu A., Thirzie F., and Emma May. Corbie m. Mch. 16, 1891, Frank W. Jordan, and lives in Nebraska. 2. Fillmore,' an industrious farmer, resides at Ida Grove, Ida Co., Iowa. He m. 1st, Feb. 25, 1872, Josephine Crouse, who was b. in Auburn, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1871, and d. Sep. 27, 1880. Issue : 1. Charles Ellsworth, b. Apr. 19, 1873, in Auburn, Ohio. 2. Geston Lyle, b. Sep. 9, 1874, in Auburn, Ohio. 3. Norah Amelia, b. Mch. 14, 1876, in Auburn, Ohio. Fillmore m. 2d, Dec. 9, 1882, Elian Boney, who was b. Jun. 13, 1852, at Beaver, Pa. Issue : 4. Maude May, b. Feb. 12, 1884, in Ripley, Huron Co., Ohio. Charles Ellsworth'* is now attending a commercial col lege in Omaha, Neb. 3. Irene,' second daughter of George Jr., m. Nov. 29, 1877, Theo. C. Gruesbeck, and lives in Lorane, Whitley Co., Ind. No issue. 4. Sarah,* who is single, lives with her sister, Irene, in Lorane, Ind. t7l-'?- Rowland W.* Hammond, a teacher and later in life a merchant, was a scholarly and well-read man. He was also quite a politician, and during the ten or eleven years that he resided in Wyandotte Co., Ohio, held town or county office nearly all the time. He afterwards removed to Gallon, Ohio, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits. He m. in DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 223 1851, Martha J. Miller, and both d. in Kirby, Wyandotte Co., Ohio. She, in Oct. 1865, and he in Feb. 1866, leaving their four girls orphans. Rowland Hammond and wife are buried at Gallon, Ohio. Issue : 1. Emeline, b. May 9, 1852. 2. Sarah Matilda, b. Feb. 12, 1854. 8. Amelia, b. May 30, 1857. 4. Ida J., b. Aug. 81, 1862. Of these children, 1. Enaeline' m. Oct. 31, 1857, Ross CuykendoU, and resides at Plymouth, Richmond Co., Ohio. Her children are : Fred, Frank, and May. 2. Sarah Matilda,' or Tillie as she is called, m. Sep. 27, 1873, John Brokaw, and resides at Plymouth, Ohio. Her children are : Guy L., Gertie, and Ida. 3. Amelia' m. Oct. 1874, m. George Rittenowe, resides at Missoula, Montana, and has a son : 1. Clifford Hammond, b. Oct. 17, 1878. 4. Ida J.' m. Oct. 21, 1880, Mahlon A. Thomas, and resides at Fostoria, Ohio. No issue. t-1-7. Sarah Hammond,* the pet of the family, resided with her father until her marriage to Henry Van Orsdoll, Aug. 7, 1851. They resided at Columbia City, Ind. Issue : 1. Anna Amelia, b..Feb. 3,1853. d. Apr. 14, 1856. 2. George Hammond, b. Feb. 27, 1854. George Hammond Van Orsdoll,' b. in Whitley Co., Ind., near Columbia City, m. in that city, Jul. 19, 1881, Sarah E. Thatcher, and now lives in Marion, Grant Co., Ind. His children are : Walter Hammond, Lorena Evaline and Vivian Zoe. [Mendell Note.] 6.— HANNAH OF ACUSHNET, MASS. t-2-6. Hannah,* fifth daughter of Capt. George, after her marriage, lived near the "Half Way Ponds " in Plymouth, Mass. .After the birth of her third child Seth, the family removed to what is now Acushnet, Mass., where she afterwards b. Jan. 28, 1793. d. Jun. 9, 1878. b. Oct 30, 1794. d. Oct. 12, 1821. b. Nov. 29, 1796. d. Feb. 9, 1886. b. Sep. 4, 1798. d. b. Sep. 15, 1800. d. Apr. 7, 1811. b Aug. 18, 1802. d. Jun. 1, 1834. b. May 15, 1804. d. May 15, 1808. b. Jun. 27, 1806. d. b. Jun. 11 1809. d. May 7 1810. 224 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. lived, and where she d. Sep. 1, 1310. She m. Oct. 2, 1791, Ellis MendeU, who was b. Mch. 20, 1763, and d. Jun. 12, 1849, and was a son of Seth and Mary MendeU. Issue : 1. Mary, 2. ].,ucy, 8. .Seth, 4. George, 5. .lohn, 6. Hannah, 7. Anna, 8. Ellis, 9. Lydia, Of Hannah's children, Mary' m. Capt. Silas Stetson, and lived at North New Bedford. Issue : George M., Lucy, Henry, Mary M., Lucy M., Thomas S., Betsey S., and Han nah. 2. Lucy' m. Saulisbuiy Blackmer, and lived at New Bed ford. Issue : Hannah, Seth, and Charles. 4. George' m. Jane Allen, and lived at Acushnet. Issue: Albert A., George H., Katie, Lucy, Hannah, Augustus H., and Henry Russell. 6. Hannah' m. Peleg H. Stetson, and lived at New Bed ford. Issue : Capt. Charles, Nancy Bourne, and Jane S. 8. Ellis' m. Catherine Allen, and lived at Acushnet. Issue : Mary, Jennie, Seth, and Ellis. 3. Seth,' oldest son of Hannah, was a captain of militia, and lived in Mattapoisett on the Enoch Hammond place, after wards the residence of his son, Nathaniel Hammond, Esq. He m. Dec. 3, 1822, Jane Bullen, daughter of Samuel and Jane [Smith] Bullen of Farmington, Me. Issue : 1. John, b. May 20, 1824. d. Jan. 24, 1865, 2. Henry, b. Aug. 20, 1826. d. Oct. 16, 1828. 3. Henry 2d, b. Jul. 8, 1829. d. Mch. 19, 1885, 4, Maria, b. Dec. 4, 1831. d. Jun. 2, 1841, 5. Ellis, b. Jun 11, 1834. 6. Jane, b. Aug. 1> 1836. d. Jul. 15, 1838, Of these children, Henry, Maria, and Jane d. young. 1. John* was a farmer and store-keeper, and inherited his father's homestead. He m. 1st, about 1849, Sarah L. Barstow, who was b. Apr. 27, 1826, and d. .Apr. 27, 1857. Issue : 1. Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 6,1851. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 225 John m. 2d, Jun. 20, 1858, Abbie Bolles, who was b. Dec. 5, 1841, and d. Apr. 8, 1892. Issue : 2. Clara, b. Jul. 15, 1859. d. Oct, 24, 1885. 3. Charles S., b. Nov. 29, 18G1. 4. .lobn Clifford, b. Feb. 5, 18G3. d. Oct. 24, 1865. 5. Ellis L., b. Apr. 9, 1865. Of John's children, 1. Lucy Ann' m. Jun. 19, 1870, Robert B. Stratton, and lives at Santa Barbara, Cal. No issue. 3. Charles Stetson* formerly Supt. of the Economic Electric Manufacturing Co., Brockton, Mass., is now Electri cian for the New Bedford Electric Railway. He m. Dec. 6, 1888, Carrol B. Dennis of Mattapoisett, Mass., and had issue : 1. Annie Dennis, b. Dec. 4, 1891. 2 John Dennis, b. Sep 12, 1893. 4. Ellis Lincoln' is an expressman and lives at Matta poisett. He m. .Jan. 1, 1890, Madie A. Clark. No issue. 3. Henry 3d,* third son of Seth, was in early life a whaler, sailing from New Bedford. He was afterwards a farmer at Amboy, Oswego Co., N. Y., where he d. Mch. 19, 1885. He m. Jan. 3, 1857, Martha J. Stewart, who was b. Jul. 30, 1833. Issue: 1. Charles, b. Jun. 30, 1859. d. Feb. 8, 1861. 2. George, b. Nov. 4, 1861. 3. Henry H'd, b. Aug. 22, 1864. 4. Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1867. 5. Ellis, b. Oct. 6, 1871. Of the above children, 3. Henry" is a locomotive engineer on the Rome & Watertown R. R., New York. 2. George,' who is a farmer at Amboy, m. Feb. 3, 1887, Helen Stacy. Issue : 1. Henry Babcock, b. Nov. 1, 1891. 5. Ellis,* fourth son of Seth, is assistant postmaster at Mattapoisett. He m. May 6, 1858, Mary A. Slocum, who was b. at New Bedford, Aug. 22, 1837. Issue : d. Sep. — , 1862. 1. Jane Crapo, b. Jub 9, 1859. 2. Henry, b. Sep. — , 1862. 3. Kate Clifford, b. Mch. 4, 1863. 4. Harriet Maria, b. Mch. 7, 1868. Jennie is a telegraph operator at Mattapoisett; Kate, a dressmaker ; and Harriet a typewriter at New Bedford. 16 226 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-2-7. Betsey,* sixth daughter of Capt. George, lived and died at Barnard, Vt. She m. Mch. 30, 1791, Capt. Ebenezer Atwood, who was b. in 1773, and d. Apr. 24, 1841. Issue : 1. Betsey H'd, b. Jan. 21, 1800. d. Nov. 22, 1863. 2. Ebenezer, b. Mch. 29, 1802. d. Jan. — , 1869. 3. Priscilla, b. Jun. 10, 1804. d. Mch. 12, 1812. 4. George H'd, b. May 24, 1810. 5. Joseph, b. Sep. 19, 1813. d. Jan. 21, 1814. 1. Betsey Hammond,' who lived at Barnard, m. May 20, 1823, John Tucker, who was b. Sep. 3, 1798, and d. May 7, 1874. Issue : Lucian A., Priscilla W., Lucian C, Caro- Hne M., Betsey A., Abbie, and Ebenezer A. Of these children, Eben A.,* who is a farmer at Barnard, m. Oct. 24, 1865, Mary E. Richmond, and has a daughter Carrie M.. 2. Ebenezer,' oldest son of Betsey, who was a farmer at Barnard, m. Apr. 1, 1824, Elvira Tucker, who was b. at Barnard, Jun. 12, 1805, and d. at Malone, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1871. Ebenezer was in the Legislature many years, and held other public offices. Issue : Joseph Foster, Seth, Thomas Hammond, George Alexander, Elizabeth Penn, Charles, John Tucker, Nancy Ann, Oliver Augustus, Ebenezer, Irving Her bert, Myron Winslow, and Lucia Elvira. Of these children, J. Foster* is a thriving and successful farmer at Malone, N. Y. He m. Dec. 20, 1849, Sarah A. Parker, and has a daughter Lizzie, b. Mch. 1865. 4. George Hammond,' second son of Betsey, is a farmer at Malone, N. Y. He m. 1st, Mch. 20, 1834, Mary N. Culver, who was a descendant on her father's side from Henry Adams who settled at Braintree, Mass., about 1640. Issue : Emma, Elizabeth, William Penn, George A., Samuel, Benjamin Hammond, Parker, Mary J., Caroline Ward, and Adclic G. George Hammond m. 2d, Jan. 1, 1876, Josepha F. [Thompson] Tucker. No further issue. Of these children, the five sons all served in the late Civil War. Samuel,* the third son, graduated at the Albany Law School in 1867 ; practised law at Adell, Iowa. '68 to '71 ; moved to Ellsworth, Kan. , and practised law from '71 to '83 ; prosecuting attorney for two years, and Mayor of Ellsworth for several DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 227 successive terms ; in '83 retired from practice of law, and settled in North Easton, Mass. Samuel m. 1st, Dec. 23, 1871, Mrs. Minnie Brown, and had Samuel, and two daughters, who d. in infancy. He m. 2d, Jul. 31, 1879, Mrs. Mattie A, Levering, ancl had a daughter Carrie. 8.— THOMAS HAMMOND OF CARVER, MASS. t. Thomas,* second son of Capt. George' [Rowland,' John,* Benjamin,^ William'], was a farmer, inheriting his father's homestead. He m. Dec. 25, 1800, Pcrsis Cobb^ who was b. Aug. 21, 1780, and d. Apr. 9, 1851. Issue: 1. Anna Winslow, b. Jan. 25,1802. d. Mch. 11,1830. 2. Betsey Thomas, b. Dec. 1,1803. d. Oct. 11, 1.S.13. 3. Thomas, Jr., b. .Ian. 10,1806. d. Sep. 2,1864. 4. Persis Cobb, b. Nov. 13, 1807. d. Mch. 31, 1831. 5. Mary, b. .Ian. 20, 1810. d. Nov. 30, 1882. 6. Almira, b. Mch. 2, 1812. d. ,Iul. 22, 1,^33. 7. Mehssa Cobb, b. Mch. 16, 1814. d. Jan. 16, 1891. 8. William, b. Mch. 20, 1816. d Nov. 15, 1837. 9. George Winslow, b. Apr. 26, 1818. d. Nov. 2, 1881. 10. Nehemiah Cobb, b. Jul. 23, 1820. d. Jlch. 30, l,s45. 11. Roland, b. Jun. 29, 1822. d. Jul. 29, 1824. Of Thomas's children, Rowland d. young; and Amira,' William,' and Nehemiah' d. single. William' was a shoemaker, and Nehemiah' a physician. 1. Anna Winslow^,' oldest daughter of Thomas, who lived at Carver, m. Sep. 29, 1825, Earl Shaw, who was b. May 31, 1799, and d. Mch. 11, 1830. Issue : Anna,* who m. 1st, Dr. Charles A. King of Carver, and had : Sarah Austin. She m. 2d, Joshua L. Nash of Abington, Ma.ss., and had : Emma Hammond ancl Alice Louise. 2. Betsey Thomas,' second daughter of Thomas, lived at Boston and at Easton, Mass. She m. May 13, 1832, Daniel Reed, who was b. Mch. 22, 1797, and d. Oct. 2, 1879. Issue: Charlotte Augusta (?), Almira Hammond, Melissa Cobb, Olive Janette, and Thomas. 4. Persis Cobb,' third daughter of Thomas, who lived at Easton, Mass., m. Feb. 10, 1828, Daniel Reed, who, after her death, married her sister Betsey Thomas. Issue: Persis Ham mond, who resides, single, at Easton Centre, Mass. 228 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 5. Mary,' fourth daughter of Thomas, lived at North Carver, Mass. She m. Apr. 19, 1832, Thomas Cobb, who was b. Aug. 17, 1808, and d. Aug. 25, 1886. Issue : Mary Thomas, Almira Hammond, and Rev. Solon. Of Mary's children, Mary* m. Rodolphus Crocker, and had a daughter Juliette ; Almira* m. William H. Barrows, and has a grandson Dudley Hammond Barrows, living in New York City ; Rev. Solon,* who is a clergyman at Erie, Penn., m. Hannah D. Anthony, and has a son : W^illie Anthony. 7. Melissa Cobb,' sixthdaughterof Thomas, lived many years in Boston, but afterwards moved to Cottage City, Mass., where she d. Jan. 16, 1891. She m. Dec. 31, 1837, Samuel Virgin, who was b. Jul. 4, 1808. Issue : Charlotte Augusta and Rev. Samuel Henderson. Of MeHssa's children, Charlotte Augusta* m. Dec. 6, 1887, Sylvester J. Lee, and lives at Cottage City; Rev. Samuel Henderson* m. Dec. 24, 1868, Isadore F. Blodgett of Boston, and is a clergyman in New Yqrk City. Issue : Mabelle Hammond, Frederic Oakham, and Edith Meriam. 9. George WinslovF,' second son of Thomas, was a farmer, and lived for a time at Hardwick, Mass. He afterwards ¦ moved to and died at Winchester, N. H. He m. Nov. 29, 1865, Lucia Bert, who was b. Dec. 27, 1831. No issue. t-3. Thomas Jr.,' oldest son of Thomas, was a farmer on the old homstead at Carver, Mass. He in. Jun. 16, 1833, Lydia Shaw, who was b. Mch. 1, 1811. Issue: 1. Lucian Thomas, } , „ ,„ ,„„, d. Jul. 30,1862. 2. Lydia Maria, \ '^- ^^P" ^^' ^^^^¦ 3. William, b. Jun. 30, 1842. d. Sep. 6, 1893. 4. Charlotte Eliz., b. Jiin. 20, 1849. Of these children, Lucian Thomas* was a Sergeant in the 2d Inf. M. V. M., and d. at Harrison's Landing, Va. 2. Lydia Maria* m. Apr. 9, 1862, Benjamin W. Rob bins, and lives at North Carver. Issue : Annie Hammond, John Sprague, Lucian Thomas, Evelyn Florence, and Maurice Fletcher. 4. Charlotte Elizabeth,* who resides at North Carver, m. Nov. 24, 1874, Andrew R. Fames, a farmer, who was b. Aug. 21, 1845, and d. Apr. 21, 1882. Issue : Embert Hath away, Mabelle Hortense, and Flora Isabel. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 229 t-3-3. William* was a boot and shoe dealer at Sedalia, Mo. He m. Oct. 6, 1869, Harriet V- Richardson, who was b. Aug. 12, 1846. Issue: 1. William Lee, b. Aug. 15,1871. d. Jun. 4,1881. 2. Lucian T., b. Jun. 16, 1,'^73. d. Jun. ],1.S8I. 3. Grace, b. Jul. 11, 1877. d. Jun. 15, 1881. 4. Mary Richardson, b. Feb. 22, 1879. d. Jun. 14, 1881. 5. Alice Maud, b. Nov. 30, LSSO. 6 Kalph Dana, b. Jan. 30. 1883. 7. Irving Richardson, b. Jul. 9, 1885. 8. Harriet Lydia, b. Jul. 29, 1887. Of these children, William Lee was born at East Bridge- water, Mass., and the others, except the youngest, at Nebraska City, Neb. 9. -BEN JAMIN HAMMOND OF EAST CARVER, MASS. t. Benjamin* Hammond, third son of Capt. George,'* [Rowland,'' John,* Benjamin,^ William'], was a farmer, ancl lived at East Carver, Mass. He m. in the Fall of 1803, Hannah Sturtevant, who was b. in Nov. 1779, and d. Mch. 11, 1870. Issue : 1. Priscilla P., b. Aug. 28, 1804. d. Feb. 23, 1887. 2. Lucy, b. May 18, 1806. d. Aug. 29, 1892. 3. Benjamin, Jr., b. Apr. 8, 1808. d. Jan. 31, 1^91. 4. .losiah S., b. May 10, 1810. d. Nov. 28, 1886. 5. Hannah, b. Jun. 16, 1813. d. Jun. — , 1857. 6. Geortre, b. Jun. 21, 1815. 7. Roland, b. Sep. 15, 1818. d. May 19, 1819. 1. Priscilla P.,' oldestdaughter of Benjamin, who lived in Plymouth, Mass., m. Apr. 1821, Reuben Sherman, who was b. Mch. 28, 1797, and d. Apr. 25, 1879. Issue : Eliza beth D., Priscilla, and Reuben. 2. Lucy,' second daughter of Benjamin, who lived in Carver, m. Oct. 1824, Benjamin Ransom, who was b. Aug. 23, 1806, and d. Apr. 27, 1864. Issue : Benjamin, and Dr. Nathaniel Morton of Taunton. 5. Hannah,' third daughter of Benjamin, who Hved in Plyiriouth, Mass., m. in 1841 Roland E. Cotton of Plymouth, who was b. Jan. 4, 1802, and d. Feb. 27, 1856. Roland Cotton was one of the famous line of Cottons, who filled the 230 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. position of Register of Deeds at Plymouth for 133 years in succession. Issue: HannahSophia, Sarah Louisa, and Augusta Delfthaven. t-3. Benjamin Jr.,' oldest son of Benjamin, was a farmer, and lived on his father's place in East Carver. He m. Jul. 31, 1831, Mary Sherman, who was b. Mch. 10, 1809. Issue : 1. Mary Ann, b. Aug. > 1832. 2. Henry Taber, b. Jan. 25, 1834. 3. Susan Augusta, b. Dec. 2, 1835. 4. Maria Thompson, b. Nov. 23, 1837. 5. Lucy, b. Aug. 15, 1839. 6. Sarah A., b Jan. 17, 1842. 7. Julia Francis, b. Apr. 20, 1853. Of these children, Sarah* and Julia* have never mar ried, and reside with their mother at East Carver. There was also a daughter Cordelia,* who d. young, Aug. 8, 1852. 1. Mary Ann,* who resides at East Carver, m. Apr. 1866, Lorenzo Shaw, who was b. Jul. 1823. No issue. 2. Henry Taber,* only son of Benjamin Jr., was for merly a sailor, but is now a lumberman, residing at East Carver. He m. Mch. 31, 1858, Betsey Shaw, who was b. Jul. 19, 1835. Issue : 1. Walter Franklin, b. Oct. 2,1858. 2. Arnold Lester, b. Jun. 30, 1873. 3. Susan Augusta,* second daughter of Benjamin Jr., m. Jan. 11, 1879, Thomas Hathaway, and resides at Middle boro', Mass. No issue. 4. 1 Maria Thompson,* third daughter of Benjamin Jr., who resides at Brockton, Mass., m. Aug. 28, 1860, Junius Blanchard, a book-keeper, who was b. Aug. 28, 1836. Issue : Eunice Capen, b. Jul. 27, 1862. Eunice Capen' m. Dec. 12, 1888, Horace M. Locke, a physician, and lives in Brockton. Issue: 1, Dean Jewett, b. Feb. 14, 1890; 2. Louise, b. Jun. 12, 1892. 5. Lucy,* fourth daughter of Benjamin Jr., who resides at Plymouth, Mass., m. Apr. 9, 1862, Benjamin Whiting, who was b. Aug. 13, 1839. Issue: Herbert Franklin, b. Aug. 13, 1871. Josiah S. Hammond, !M.D. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 231 t-4. Josiah S.,' second son of Benjamin, graduated in medicine at Dartmouth College, N. H., in 1834. He settled in Plympton, Mass., where he practised his profession nearly half a century, and d. at the ripe age 76, much respected. Dr. Hammond m. 1st, at New Bedford, Mch. 5, 1835, Mary A. Taber, who d. soon after, without issue. He m. 2d, Nov. 25, 1838, Betsey Parker, who was b. May 9, 1818. Issue : 1. .Josiah P., b. Nov. 24, 1839. 2. William Penn, b. Sep. 25, 1844. t-4-1. Josiah P.,* oldest son of Dr. Josiah, is a farmer, and lives at Plympton, Mass. He has been Town Clerk of Plympton for a number of years, and has held many other important town offices. He m. 1st, Jul. 3, 1864, Celia Myrtis Bisbee, who d. Mch. 3, 1884. Issue : 1. Myrtis Bisbee, b. Apr. 11, 1865. 2. Rachel M., b. Jul. 4, 1867. d. Mch. 7, 1891. 3. William Penn, b. ,Iun. 16, 1869. 4. Arthur B., b. Jul. 20, 1878. Besides the above children. Amy F., Fred W., and Grace E. d. young. Josiah P. m. 2d, Oct. 21, 1885, Martha Young, and had further issue : 5. Roland Orr, b Mch. 24, 1889. Of Josiah Parker's children, Myrtis Bisbee' m. Dec. 23, 1888, Josiah A. Holmes, and lives at Brockton. No issue. 2. Rachel M.' m. Feb. 5, 1883, Elmer Bradford, and lived at Plympton. Issue : Blanche Myrtis, b. Oct. 30, 1885. 3. William P.' is a machinist, and lives at West Lynn, Mass. He m. Nov. 22, 1891, Lucia J. Snow. ¦j-_4_2. William Penn,* second son of Dr. Josiah S., is a successful physician, residing at Charlestown, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College, class of '69, and took his M. D. at Harvard in '73, ranking weU in his class. He m. Sep. 17, 1873, Saralr Abbie [Harrub] Cole, who was b. Jun. 24, 1846. Issue : 1. Bessie Parker, b. Jul. 9, 1874. t-6. George,' third son of Benjamin, was a farmer, and for many years resided at North Abington, Mass. In 1864 he moved to Lockeford, Cal., where he now resides at the ripe age 232 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. of 77. He m. 1st, Nov. 6, 1834, Susanna Shaw, who was b. Apr. 21, 1816, and d. Nov. 29, 1874. Issue: 1. Delia Marcelia, b. May 30, 1836. 2. Susan Lucretia, b. Jan. 13, 1839. 3. Roland George, b. May 16,1842. 4. Josiah Shaw, b. Sep. 10, 1844. 5. Horace Alfred, b. Aug. 7,1847. 6. Hannah Sturtevant, b. Dec. 12, 1849. 7. Clara Cobb, b. Nov. 8, 1853. d. Nov. 12, 1889. 8. John Culver, b. Oct. 19, 1856. The above children were born at North Abington, Mass. George Hammond m. 2d, Mch. 19, 1866, Mrs. Mary J. [Bartlett] Smith. No other issue. 1. Delia Marcelia," oldest daughter of George, m. Apr. 30, 1885, Dr. Dean J. Locke, who was b. Apr. 16, 1823, and d. May 4, 1887. They reside at Lockeford, San Joaquin Co., Cal. Issue : Luther Jewett, Ada, Horace Mann, M. D., Harvard '86, Nathaniel Howard, Ida, Mary, William W^illiard, Hannah, John Calvin, Edward Moor, Eunice, George Ham mond, and Theresa. 2. Susan Lucretia,* second daughter of George, who also lives at Lockeford, m. May 15, 1859, George Shepley Locke, a farmer, who was b. Oct. 30, 1830. Issue : Sarah A. J., Elmer Hammond, George Franklin, Wallace H., Almy, Lilla, John G., Mertice, Franklin Hammond, and Almy G. t-6-3. Roland George,* oldest son of George, is a farmer, residing at Lockeford, Cal. He m. Nov. 12, 1876, Rebecca Taylor, who was b. Nov. 15, 1856. Issue : 1. Alice Edna, b. Oct. 8, 1877. d. Jun. 15, 1884. 2. Alberta Josephine, b. Aug. 24,1879. 3. George, b. Feb. 6, 1881. 4. Estclla May, b. May 21,1883. 5. Ina Pearl, b. Aug. 18, 1885. 6. Nellie, b. Dec. 10, 1890. t-6-4. Josiah Shaw,* second son of George, graduated from the State Normal School, California, in '68, and from the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, in '73, and is now a physician residing at Butte City, Montana. He m. Dec. 25, 1867, Ann Eliza Simpson, who was born at St. Louis, Mo., Sep. 23, 1851. Issue: 1. Emma Louise, b. Jul. 4,1869. 2. Kate T., b. Apr. 3, 1871. DESCENDANTS OE JOHN HAMMOND. 233 3. Hattie, b. .Tan. 13, 1873. 4. Delia, b. Oct. 6, 1881. d. Sep. 1, 1891. 5. Nelson, b. Sep. 22, 1883. 6. Benjamin, b. Jun. 5, 1885. t-6-5. Horace Alfred,* third son of George, is an engi neer, and lives at Oakland, Cal. He m. 1st, Apr. 7, 1880, Dolly McGregor, who was b. in San Francisco in 1857, and d. in Oakland, Cal., Nov. 25, 1884. Issue: 1. Amy Evelyn, b. Oct. 9, 1881. Horace Alfred m. 2d, Nov. 20, 1886, Anna Elizabeth Hayes. No issue by the second marriage. 6. Hannah Sturtevant,* third daughter of George, who lives at Lodi, Cal., m. Mch. 17, 1867, Thomas Bush Geffi-oy, a farmer, who was b. in Newport, R. I., Apr. 4, 1834. Issue : Mabel, Carrie, Bertha, Arthur, Richard, Susie, and Amy. 7. Clara Cobb,* who lived at Cahto, Cal., m. Jun. 24, 1872, Rev. Orville Allen Ross, who was b. at Uxbridge, Mass., Oct. 8, 1852. Issue: Nettie Taylor, Eva, Orville Clarence, Edith, Talford Allen, and Arthur Hastings. Orville A. Ross, his wife Clara, and his son Arthur, were aU killed, Nov. 12, 1889, near Lockeford, Cal. ¦j-_6-8. John Culver,* fourth son of George, is a farmer at Lockeford, Cal. He m. Sep. 21, 1872, Lucie .Jane Coil, who was b. in Lincoln, 111., Dec. 25, 1864. Issue : 1. Horace Coil, b. May 2, 1883. 2. Alice Ethel, b. Oct. 2, 1884. •j-_2-10. Priscilla,* youngest daughter of Capt. George, was b. at Carver, Mass., Jan. 8, 1781, and d. there Nov. 13, 1826. She m. Mch. 22, 1804, Gen. Ephraim Ward, who was b. in 1778, and d. at Carver, Apr. 10, 1856, and was a Briga dier in the Mass. Vol. Militia. Issue : 1. Eliab, b. Jul. 1, 1805. d. May 12, 1892. 2. Priscilla, b. Apr. 19, 1808. d. Oct. 17, 1871. 3. Ephraim, b. Oct. 15, 1810. d. Dec. 25, 1873. 4. Betsey, b. Jan. 16,1813. d. Sep. 4, 1,S44. 5. George, b. Sep. — , 1815. d. Aug. 29, 1856. 6. Mary, b. Mch. 9, 1818. d. Sep. 18, 1841. Of these children, Mary' d. single at the age of 23 at Carver. 1. Eliab' graduated from Dartmouth College, class of '31, 234 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. and later was a Brigadier in the State Militia. He afterwards became a successful lawyer and Justice of the Peace, residing at Middleboro', Mass. He represented the town in the Legis lature during several sessions, and was elected to the Senate in 1843. He retired from active life some years before his death. He was a remarkably well-preserved man for one of his years, his mind being as bright and active as that of a much younger man. His advanced age and retentive memory enabled him to render very material assistance in the preparation of this Genealogy, and the writer recalls many pleasant interviews with him on the subject. He m. Oct. 17, 1862, Prudence Holmes, who was b. Feb. 17, 1806, and d. Sep. 17, 1875. No issue. 2. Priscilla' m. Mch. 21, 1835, Peleg H. Stetson of New Bedford, who was b. Jan. 1800, and d. Jan. 26, 1867. Issue : 1. Marv, b. Sep. — , 1838. d. Jul. — , 1861. 2. Sprague, b. Feb. 12, 1841. Sprague,* who is a farmer at Lakeville, Mass., m. Dec. 13, 1864, Thalia Weston, who was b. May 2, 1841. Issue: George Ward and Jane. George Ward' is a graduate of Dartmouth College, and an attorney at Middleboro' and Boston. 3. Ephraim' was also a graduate of Dartmouth College, and a lawyer of some note at Middleboro'. He m. 1st, Nov. 1850, Margaret Washburne of Frankfort, Me., who was b. in 1821, and d. in 1884. Issue: Mary Helen, b. in 1855, and d. in 1885. Ephraim m. 2cl, a Mrs. Van Arne, but had no other issue. 4. Betsey' m. May 27, 1841, Horace Holmes, who was b. in 1809, and d. in 1855, and lived at Kingston, Mass. Issue : Mary Ward, b. Jul. 1842. 5. George' m. Oct. 1, 1840, Caroline L. Leonard, b. May 28, 1817, and lived at Lakeville, Mass. No issue. v.— JOHN HAMMOND JR. OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t. John' Hammond Jr., fifth son of John,* [Benja min,'' William'], born at Rochester, Mass., Sep. 4, 1716, and died there Dec. 20, 1785, succeeded to and carried on his DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 235 father's farm. He married about 1740, Mary Ruggles, daughter of Timothy Ruggles, second minister in Rochester, and had issue : 1. Elizabeth, b. ,Ian. 9,1742. d. 2. Timothy, b. Feb. 25,1744. d.Doc. 4,1783. 3. Elnathan, b. Jul. 20,1746. d. , Ian. 16, 1750. 4. Molly, b. Feb. 10, 1750. d. 5. John 3d, b. Jul. 16,1753. d. Dec. —,1753. 6. John, b. Nov. 2, 1756. d. 7. Benjamin, b. Mch. 30,1759. d. 8. Hannah, b. Jan. 19, 1763. d. Jan. 2, 1793. Of these children, Elnathan* and the first pJohn^ d. young ; Hannah" died single, at the age of thirty ; and Molly,* John," and Benjamin," all single, lived on the "Old Homestead." They adopted two young people, Abel Howes and Deborah Ruggles, who afterwards married and assumed the care of these old people, and received the farm as a compensation. Hence the "Old Homestead" is now known as the " Howes Place." t-1. Elizabeth' m. Sep. 17, 1769, Rev. Bezaliel Shaw, who was b. in 1738, graduated from Harvard College in 1763, and preached at Nantucket, Mass. They had one daughter, Elizabeth,* who was b. in 1772, m. Dr. Andrew Craigie of Cambridge, and d. there May 7, 1841. 2.— TIMOTHY OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-2. Timothy,* who inherited the northern part of his father's farm, m. Sep. 25, 1767, Deborah, daughter of Roger Hammond, who was b. Oct. 15, 1746. Issue : 1. Timothy 2d, b. Aug. 10, 1768. d. Oct. 20, 1851. 2. Betsey, b. Feb. 12, 1770. d. 3. Deborah, b. Jun. 1, 1773. d. 4. Susannah R., b. Nov. 3,1776. d. Of these children, 2. Betsey" m. Feb. 12, 1795, Ebenezer Rogers^and lived on the "Caswell place" in "Hammondtown," in what is now Mattapoisett. No issue. 3. Deborah* m. in 1799, Asa Swift of Wareham, and lived in Fairhaven, Mass. Issue : John and Asa or Aseph. 236 HAMSIOND GENEALOGY. 4. Susannah Ruggles* m. Aseph Price, who was a sailor, and son of Thankful Hammond (daughter of Nathan Hammond), and Asa Price. They lived in Mattapoisett, but had no issue. t-2-1. Timothy 2d,* who resided on his father's place, m. Jun. 1791, Betsey LeBaron of Plymouth, Mass., who d. Jan. 18, 1854, se. 90, and had twelve children : 1. Deborah, b. Jan. 9, 1793. d. in 1886. 2. Mary, b. Dee. 1, 1795. d. Jul. 23, 1864. 3. Bezaliel Shaw, b. Dec. 12, 1797. d. 4. LeBaron, b. Feb. 14, 1799. d. Dec. 4, 1879. 5. Ebenezer Rogers, b. Mch. 6, 1801. d. 6. Timothy, b. Dec. 19, 1803. d. in 1838. 7. Elizabeth Rogers, b. Apr. 2. 1805. d. 8. Andrew Craigie, b. Apr. 5, 1808. d. Meh. 3, 1889. 9. Samuel W., b. Apr. 23, 1810. d. 10. Frederick H., b. Jun. 15, 1812. d. Jul. 7, 1859. 11. Emily, b. Sep. 4, 1814. 12. Harriet W,, b. Sep. 2, 1816. 1. Deborah,' when a girl went to live with Dr. Andrew Craigie in Cambridge. She afterwards m. Daniel Hastings and lived in Boston, and d. in Brattleboro', Vt., in 1886. Issue: Francis E., Daniel, Louis W., Horace, Emily, and Isabella. 2. Mary' m. 1st, Jul. 19, 1832, Moses Davis, a mariner, and son of Mercy Hammond (daughter of Moses Hammond) , and Joseph Davis, and lived in " Hammondtown," Mattapoisett. Issue : Lemuel and Thomas, twins, and Mary Elizabeth. Mary m. 2d, James Hammond, son of Capt. Gideon Ham mond. No issue. 3. Bezaliel ShavF,' a bachelor, known as "Shaw," in early life was in the merchant service. Later he was a dealer in crockery ancl glassware in Boston. Afterwards he went to New Orleans and engaged in trading, and died there more than thirty years ago. t-2-1-4. LeBaron,' second son of Timothy 2d, also in the merchant service, sailing from New York City, afterwards kept a market in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he d. Dec. 4, 1879. He m. Maria Weed of New York City, who was b. Apr. 13, 1811, and d. Oct. 19, 1888, and had issue : .1. Emily Attaline, b. Apr. 27,1833. 2. Maria Louisa, ) h Feh 8 isq-^ d. Jul. 13, 1880. 3. Mary Eliza, I ^- ^®''- ^' ^^^^- DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 237 4. Ann Augusta, b. Feb. 7, 1838. 5. Josephine, b. May 7, 1840. d. .Ian. 25, 1842. 6. Rachel Frances, b. Oct. 25, 1841. 7. George LeBaron, b. Jan. 24, 1843. 8. William Henry, b. Dec. 12, 1845. d. Aug. 8, 1847. 9. Harriet Almira, b. Nov. 12, 1847. d. Sep. 22, 1855. 10. Georgianna Weed, b. Mch. 15, 1850. d. Jan. 22, 1880. 11. Ella Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1852. 12. Caroline Adelaide, b. Jul. 1, 1854. Of these children, Josephine, William H., and Harriet A. d. in childhood ; and Mary Eliza, Rachel Frances, and Ella Elizabeth are all single. 1. Emily A.* m. May 2, 1855, John W. Haskins, and had issue : John Wesley, Minnie Louise, Josephine Weed, and Florence LeBaron. 2. Maria L.* m. Jun. 1, 1858, Jeremiah V. Spader, and had issue : Annie Vanderbilt, Louise Hammond, Nellie Van- derbilt, Charles Furman, and Willard Burtis. Louise H. m. Nov. 29, 1884, George D. Selden, and has Maria Louise and George D. 4. Ann A.* m. Aug. 7, 1866, Stephen M. Ostrander, but has no issue. 7. George L.* m. Oct. 22, 1867, Jennie Eisenhart, is a ship-chandler in New York City, and resides in Brooklyn. Issue : 1. George LeRoy, b. Sep. 26, 1878. d. Jun. 29, 1882. 2. Edna Virginia, b. Nov. 30, 1882. d. Nov. 29, 1890 3. Jessie LeBaron, b. Mch. 19, 1885. 10. Georgianna W.* m. Apr. 20, 1871, Tennis D. Huntling, and had issue : Grace Madison, Ethel LeBaron, and George Hammond. 12. Caroline A.* m. Oct. 10, 1877, Frank W. Chadsey. No issue. •|-_2-l-5. Ebenezer Rogers,' third son of Timothy 2d, in early life was a cooper in the whaling service, and lived at Fairhaven, Mass. He m. about 1827, Lovica Jenney, who was b. in 1814, and d. May 31, 1862, and had one child : 1. George Frank, b. Dec. 11,1831. Eben R. afterwards went South, became a trader on the Mississippi River, and probably d. at New Orleans. He is said to have married a second time, and probably had further issue. 238 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. George Franklin* was a mate in the whaling service, and lived at Fairhaven. He m. Jun. 26, 1856, Abbie E. Wing of Acushnet, Mass., who was b. Aug. 12, 1834, and had issue as follows : 1. John Jenney, b. May 4, 1861. 2. James Wing, b. Sep. 29, 1867. 6. Timothy,' fourth son of Timothy 2d, a bachelor, engaged in the merchant service from New York City, and residing there died in the Hospital on Staten Island about 1838. 7. Elizabeth R.' m. John West, lived in New Bedford until her husband's death, after which she lived with her brother LeBaron in Brooklyn, N. Y., and worked at cap-making. She d. without issue, j)robably at Newark, N. J. 8. Andrew C.,' in early life was in the coasting service, sailing from New Bedford and New London. He afterwards went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and learned the carpenter's trade. He m. Aug. 13, 1837, Eliza J. Henderson, who d. in 1868. Issue : 1. Elizabeth, 2. Horace H. , ( 3. Charles P., J 4. Albert F., 5. Frederick, 6. Cornelia E., 7. Horace A., 9. Samuel W.,' a bachelor, was a cabinet-maker at New Bedford. He afterwards went South, and probably died at Macon, Ga. 10. Frederick H.' in early life was engaged in the whaling service, ancl afterwards for eleven years was a spar- maker at East Boston. He moved to Maiden, Mass., about 1855, and d. there Jul. 7, 1859. He m. 1st, Mary Ann Pierce of Lynn, Mass. No issue. He m. 2d, Sarah Redman [Pratt] of Maiden, and had issue : 1. Franklin Henry, b. May 28, 1854. 2. Frederick, b. Jun. 10, 1856. d. Jun. 10, 1856. 3. Samuel Wing, b. Oct. 18, 1857. Frank H.* and Samuel W.* reside at Maiden. 11. Emily' never married, and lives with her sister Harriet at Hammondtown. b. Sep. 14, 1838. d. Sep. 17, 1839. b. Mob. 23, 1841. d. Feb. 22, 1849. b. Dec. 2, 1842. d. Feb. 2, 1849. b. Jun. 26, 1844. d. Jul. 10, 1845. b. Dec. 14, 1847. d. Jul. 11, 1848. b. Jul. 2, 1852. d. Mch, ¦ 1, 1885. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN HAMMOND. 239 12. Harriet W.' m. Apr. 21, 1855, MarshaU Howes, and lives on her father's place in Hammondtown. Issue : Frank LeBaron and Harriet Emma. Frank* m. Sally Crapo, lives at New Bedford, and has : Edwin, Harry, Annie Ruggles, Hattie, and Charles Crapo. Emma* m. James Jay of New Bedford, and has no issue. Jabez Hammond's Family Record. " a, tru copy taken of from iny old Count may - 17 - '7^5* February-12-1727 a record of nams and Berths of my father and mother and 1113' self and my wives and all their children. my Honeied father John Hammond was Born in ye 1663 my Honered mother mary Hammond was Born 1674 I Jabez Hammond was Born febury - ye - 27 - 1699 and was mated to Sary Lathrop Aprell 14 — i7-^5 my wife Sary Hammond was Born december - 31 - 1703 and ouer first Child Joshua was Born Aprel - 1 1726 and died ienuery - 2 the same year - 1726 ouer Second Child Hanah July the -20 - 1727 and died the - 9 - day of June - 1730 our third child Zilpha was Born Agust - 10 - 1729 and died iune - iS - 1730 ouer forth Child rebeka was Born febury - 14 - 1730 ouer fifth, Child Lothrop was Born Aprel - 24 -¦ 1732 and died in Jaimacer novmber - 26 - 1756 my sixth Child Sary was Born October - 15 - i734 and died in noumber - 19 - 1734 my wife Sary died in noumber - 9 - i734 i mated my Second wif Abegal fane may - 12 - 1736 my second wife Abegal was Born - 23 - may 1714 our first Child fane was Born may the 20 - - 1737 our second Child Sary was Born march - 24 - - 1739 our third Child Jabez was Born June - 9 - 1741 our forth Child Luther was Born Aprell - 8 - 1744 our fifth Child Calvin was Born december 29 - 1745 our Sixth Child Roda was Born noumber : 16 - 1747 our Seventh Child John was Born ienuery - 20 - 1749 our eight child Eligah march - 4 175^ our ninth Child gorg was Born Agust - 19 our tenth Child Caleb was Born decen our eleventh Child Ruth was born and died in the- 1 1 of december- i ouer twelfth Child Abegal was 240 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Monda}' ye 23d day of Sept 178 and wife re moved to wood sto and His wife Abigil aged 68 A Record of Berths and deaths of iny famel}'. Jabez Hammond." As showing something of how the early settlers lived, and what they Hved on, we give below the obligation of Thomas F. Hammond to his parents : Know all men by tlie,=e Presents that I Thomas Faunce Ham mond of Reading in Windsor County and State of Vermont, for and in consideration of five hundred and forty eight Dollars to me in hand paid by Faunce and Mary Hammond of Reading in Windsor County and State of Vermont, the receijat whereof I do acknowledge, do covenant and agree with them the said Faunce and Mary Hammond, that from this time forth I will yearly keep one Cow for them on suitable grass and hay ; that the House in which they live shall be constantly at their service; That I will find them in suitable fire-wood for one fire in said house;. That I will pay them yearly twenty pounds of Flax ; That 1 will pay them yearly ten pounds of wool ; That I will pay them yearly thirty pounds of sugar ; That I will pay them yearly four Bushels of Wheat ; That I will pay them yearly four bushels of Rye ; That I will pay them yearly two Barrels of Cider ; That I will pay them yearly six bushels of Apples ; and that I will also pay them ten Dollars in Cash yearly; and likewise, that I will yearly prepair one acre of tillage Land suitable for a crop which shall be constantly for their benefit. Provided also, that the above privileges shall not extend to the benefit of their heirs or assigns after their Decease. In testimony of the fulfilment of the above obligation I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seven. Thomas F. Hammond [Seal.] In presents of Simeon Currier Filed on the back : " Thomas F. Hammond's Obligation to Faunce and Mary Hammond." PART IV, NATHAN HAMMOND, THIRD SON OF BENJAMIN. f. Katlian' Hammond, thirdsonofBenjamin'' of Sand wich, [William' of London], born at Sandwich, in 1670, was a farmer, and lived in the northern part of Hammondtown, in the old town of Rochester. The house which he built was on the east side of the road opposite the residence of Nathaniel Dunham. He married 1st, the widow Alice Dexter, daughter of Capt. Seth Pope of Fairhaven, Mass. Issue : 1. Nathan 2d, b. Apr. 5, 1699. d. 2. Susanna, b. Mch. 24, 1701. d. 3. James, b. Jul. 31, 1702. d. 4. Sarah, b. Mch. 15, 1704. d. Nathan m. 2d, Feb. 5, 1720, Elizabeth Bourne of Swansea. He m. 3d, Feb. 1825, Meribah Delano. No issue by the second and third marriages. Of Nathan's children, nothing further is known of James* and Sarah' ; Susannah'* m. Mch. 14, 1722, her cousin Barnabas Hammond, son of Samuel. Issue : Elizabeth, James, Mary, and Ellis. I.— NATHAN 2d, OF ROCHESTER, MASS. f-l. IVathan Sd,' lived on his father's farm, and was a farmer. He m. Nov. 16, 1727, Sarah Snow, who was b. * For further record see Genealogy of Barnabas Hammond, page 111. 17 242 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Mch. 20, 1703, and a daughter of Nicholas and Lydia [Shaw] Snow of Rochester. Issue : 1. Alice, b. Sep. 3, 1728. - d. 2. .Toshua, b. Mch. 29, 1730. d. 3. Lydia [Lois?], b. Feb. 7, 1732. d. 4. Phebe, b. Apr. 5, 1734. d. May 5. Sarah, • b. Apr. 24, 1736. d. 6. Susannah, b. Jun. 28, 1738. d. 7. Mary, b. Jul. 12, 1742. d. 8. Thankful, b. d. 1801. Of these children, Alice, Joshua, and Sarah probably d. young ; and Lois or Louisa, Phebe, Susannah, and Thankful received the old homestead by inheritance, Mary having proba bly received her part previously. 3. Lois,* or Louisa, m. May 29, 1764, Nathaniel Mer rick (or Myrrick) of Hardwick, Mass. She had a daughter Phebe, who probably m. Paul Russell, as her heirs were Rus- sells. 4. Phebe* m. Jun. 17, 1758, Capt. Nathaniel Hammond, who was b. Jul. 27, 1734, and a son of Benjamin and Pris cilla [Sprague] Hammond. Phebe lived on the Nathaniel Dunham place in Hammondtown, and d. without issue. 6. Susannah' m. Mch. 16, 1764, Nathaniel Besse, and lived on the Andrew Dunham place in Hammondtown. Issue : Lavinia, Martha, Lois, Joshua, Nathan, Nathaniel, and James. Joshua Besse m. Betsey Roper, and had a daughter Artemisia who m. Andrew Dunham, father of Nathaniel and Andrew Dunham of Mattapoisett. Lavinia lived, single, and d. in Hammondtown at a ripe old age. 7. Mary" m. Aug. 29, 1767, Seth Barlow. Mary lived to the north of her father's place, and had a son Seth Jr. Seth Jr. m. Mary Tinkham, and had a daughter Ruth, who m. Capt. Russell Snow, and had : Elliot and Mary. 8. Thankful' m. Asa (or Aseph) Price, and lived in Fairhaven, Mass. Issue : Asa Jr. and Thankfiil. Asa Price Jr. m. Susannah Hammond, daughter of Timothy Hammond 1st, but had no issue. PART V BENJAMIN 2D, YOUNGEST SON OF BENJAMIN. f. Benjamin' Hammond, fourth son of Benjamin,^ [William'], was born in Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 1673, came to Rochester, Mass., with his brothers about 1680-84, and settled on the west bank of the Mattapoisett River, in what was afterwards known as " Hammondtown," and died at Roches ter, Mch. 29, 1747. He was a man of superior abilities and acquirements for that time, and filled with honor many public stations ; was Selectman and Assessor 14 years. Representative in the Legislature two years, and is said to have held com mission as Justice of the Peace under Queen Anne. He was also a noted land surveyor, and in company with Benjamin Crane of Taunton, is said to have surveyed and laid out many of the towns in Plymouth and Bristol Counties. He m. Eliza beth Hunnewell, daughter of Capt. Hunnewell of New Hamp shire, and had seven sons and one daughter that grew to maturity and married. Of the sons, six settled in- Rochester, and one. Polypus, in Newport, R. I. Issue : 1. Polypus, 2. Josephus, 3. Antipas, 4. Barzillai, 5. Israel, 6. Mary, 7. EUsha, 8. Koger, Of these chUdren, 6. Mary' m. Apr. 10, 1740, Rev. Elisha Tupper, and had issue : Jean, Mehitabel, Thankful, and Abi- b. Nov. 29, 1702. d. Feb. 5, 1773. b. May 6, 1703. d. in 1779. b. Jul. 16, 1704. d. Mch. 29, 1773. b. Mch. 9, 1706. d. b. Oct. 15, 1707. d. in 1800. b. Sep. 25, 1709. d. b. about 1712-15. d. b. in 1722. d. Sep. 29, 1758. 244 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. I.— POLYPUS HAMMOND OF NEWPORT, R. I. •[•-1. Polypus,' who was a captain, had land on Matta poisett Neck given him by his father, but afterwards moved to Newport, R. I. He m. 1st, Oct. 13, 1734, -Sarah Mumford, who was b. in 1708, and d. Feb. 21, 1771. Both died and were buried in Newport. Issue : 1. Mumford, b. in 1735. d. 2. Elizabeth, b. in 1736. d. May 19, 1751. 3. Abigail, b. in 1737. d. Aug. 1, 1802. 4. Mary, b. about 1739. d. 5. Stephen, b. Jun. 8, 1740. d. ?:Sar"h, [ I'-J"!- 18,1742. f^^^ ^,^ ,^,,, 8. Anstris, b. Dec. — , 1744. d. Sep. 21, 1745. 9. Anstris, b. Nov. — , 1746. d. Capt. Polypus m. 2d, Mch. 29, 1751, Bathsheba RandaU, and had further issue : 10. Consider, b. in 1755. d. 11. Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1756. d. 12. Polypus, Jr., b. about 1758. d. Of the above children, the two sons Mumford* and Stephen,^ and some of the daughters, d. single ; Abigail* d. single at New Bedford; Anna* m. Apr. 3, 1777, Rev. Jonathan Moore ; another daughter m. a Mumford, and a third m. a Peck; of Consider* and Mary* nothing further is known. 12.— POLYPUS JR. OF ROCHESTER, MASS. 12. Polypus Jr.* m. Nov. 7, 1784, Maria Benson at Middleboro', lived at Rochester, and had issue : 1. Hannah, b. Jul. 13, 1785. d. 2. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1788. d. 3. Polypus, b. Sep. 25, 1791. d. 4. Samuel, b. May 11, 1798. d. Nothing further is known of the children of Polypus Jr. IL— JOSEPHUS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. •j-. Josephus' Hammond, second son of Benjamin 2d,' [Benjamin,'' William'] , was a farmer, and lived in the " Church b. Mch. 24, 1735. d. b. May 8, 1738. d. May 11, 1802. b. Jan. 2. 1740. d. b. Apr. 22, 1742. d. b. Jun. 14, 1744. d. Jan. 12, 1745. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 245 Neighborhood" in Rochester, Mass. He m. Ist, Thankful Winslow of Rochester, and had issue as follows : 1. Pernall, 2. Edward, 3. Thankful, 4. Zuriah, 5. Josephus, Jr., Josephus m. 2d, Jan. 18, 1753, Mary Bourne, and had further issue : 6. Josephus 2d, b. Dec. 31,1758. d. Of Josephus's children, Pernall, or Parnell,* m. in 1755 Paul Sears Jr. Issue not known. 3. Thankful* m. Jan. 13, 1760, John Stevens, and lived in Rochester. Issue : Josephus, John, Micah, and William ; Mehitable, Mary, Sarah, and Phebe. 4. Zuriah* m. Jan. 15, 1761, Stephen Bennett, and proba bly lived in Rochester. Issue not known. 6. Josephus 3d* lived in Wareham, but nothing further is known of him. 2.— EDWARD OF MARION, MASS. ¦\-2. Edward,* who was a Captain in Col. Cotton's Reg't in 1775, lived in Sippican, or what is now the town of Marion. He m. Jun. 17, 1762, Mary Lombard (sometimes called Lambert), daughter of Caleb Lombard, who d. Oct. 3, 1833, se. 88. Issue : 1. Thankful, b. Mch. 22, 1763. d. 2. Caleb, b. Nov. 17, 1765. d. 3. Nathaniel 3d, b. May 7, 1768. d. Feb. 15, 1830. 4. Stephen, b. Oct. 8, 1770. d. 5. Betsey, b. Apr. 23,1773. d. 6. Thomas Nathan, b. Nov. 23, 1775. d. 7. William, b. Jun. 21, 1778. d. 8. Ethan Allen, b. Dec. 24,1780. d. 9. Edward, b. Mch. 2, 1784. d. 10. Polly, b. Jul. 28, 1787. d. Of these children, ThankfuF m. Feb. 27, 1780, Elnathan Foster of Rochester, but lived at New Bedford ; of Caleb* nothing further is known ; and Edward* probably d. single. 246 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 5. Betsey* m. 1st, Sep. 21, 1794, Job Blankenship of Marion, and had a son Job, who was a sea captain, and known as Capt. Job. She m. 2d, Seth Hammond 3d, who was probably a son of Barnabas and Mary [Clark] Hammond, but had no further issue. 10. Polly" m. Jan, 12, 1814, Josiah Baker of Cape Cod, town of Dennis. t-2-6. Thomas IVathan," fourth son of Edward, m. Aug. 11, 1799, Louise Delano of Marion, and is said to have gone " Out West," nothing further being known of him. t-2-8. Ethan Allen,* sixth son of Edward, who was a sailor living on " Great Neck," Marion, m. in 1802, Deborah Delano of Marion, and had issue : 1. Ethan Allen, b. Sep. 27, 1806. d. Jun. 3, 1823. 2. Harper Delano, b. May 13, 1809. d. Feb. 10, 1824. Of these sons, Ethan Allen' died at the " Sailor's Snug Harbor," N. Y., and Harper Delano' was lost at sea. t-2-3. Nathaniel 3d,* second son of Capt. Edward, who was a sailor in the merchant service, lived in Marion, and was drowned in the Harbor there Feb. 15, 1830. He ni. Feb. 2, 1794, Sylvia Blankenship, and had issue : 1. Betsey, b. Sep. 7, 1794. d. May 16, 1795. 2. Caleb, b. Apr. 20, 1796. d. Sep. 1, 1819. 3. Reuben B., b. Apr. 17, 1799. d. Aug. 12, 1829. 4. Philip F., b. Jul. 18, 1801. d. Oct. 1, 1833. 5. George B. , b. Oct 28, 1803. d. May 9, 1869. 6. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 2, 1807. d. Jun. 13, 1839. Of these children, Betsey' d. in infancy ; Caleb' proba bly d. single; and Nathaniel,' who never married, was a sailor in the coasting service. 3. Reuben Blankenship,' who lived in Marion, m. Eliza Hadley, but left no issue. 4. Philip Farmer,' who also lived in Marion, m. Eliza P. Blankenship, and d. without issue. t-2-3-5. George Blankenship,' who was a shoemaker at Marion, m. in 1826, Mary C. Ellis of Fairhaven, who was b. Jul. 7, 1807, and d. Nov. 16, 1853. Issue : 1. MaryL., b. Jan. 16,1827. d. Apr. 16,1878. 2. Reuben B., b. Mch. 12, 1830. d. Nov. 20, 1855. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 247 3. John, b. Feb. 16, 1833. d. Apr. 30, 1892. 4. George E. , b. Apr. 12, 1836. d. Apr. 12, 1837. 5. Lydia E., b. Dec. 3, 1838. d. Nov. 27, 1858. 6. Martin Van B., b. Sep. 26, 1842. 7. Sylvia, b. Aug. 18, 1845. 8. Ellen F., b. Aug. 2, 1852. d. Feb. 26, 1853. Of these children, 1. Mary Lombard,* who lived in New Bedford, m. Jun. 26, 1855, John R. Lewis of New Bed ford, who was b. May 3, 1827, and d. Jun. 26, 1862. Issue : Charles W., Ellis M., and John R. Jr. Ellis' m. Jan. 30, 1890, Lillian T. Baker, and lives at Woods HoH. 2. Reuben Blankenship* m. Aug. 27, 1854, Sylvia A. Maxim, and lived at Fairhaven. No issue. 6. Martin Van Buren,* who is a carpenter at Fair haven, m. Feb. 5, 1872, Rhoda E. Rounseville, who was b. Sep. 1, 1848. Issue: 1. Martin Van B.. Jr., b. Jul. 6,1876. d. Jul. 6,1876. 2. EdnaC, ' b Sep. 2, 1879. 7. Sylvia* m. Dec. 8, 1865, Savery C. Braley of Fair haven, who was b. Feb. 23, 1844. Issue : Susan, Frank, Mattie A., John K., Charles R. and Willie A. twins. Mattie A." m. Lawrence P. Tiernan, lives in Boston, and has a son Charles S. b. Jun. 21, 1891. t-2-3-5-3. John,* who was a harness maker at Acushnet, m. Oct. 25, 1858, Mary A. Braley of Fairhaven, who was b. Apr. 22, 1833. Issue: I.Sarah J., b. Jul. 16,1859. d. Jan. 9,1879. 2. Mary C, b. Nov. 5, 1860. d. Mch. 22, 1862. 3. John E., b. -Tan. 24, 1863. 4. Frank S., b. Nov. 12, 1864. d. Oct. 15, 1865. 5. George A., b. Jan. 21,1867. 6. Alonzo H., b. Dec. 6, 1868. 7. Josephine C, b. Jan. 22,1871. 8. James A., h, Jul. 11, 1873. d. .Tun. 18, 1882. 9. Mercy E., b. Sep. 13, 1875. Of John's children. 5. George A.' lives at Acushnet, and m. Apr. 17, 1890, Hattie A. Hart. Issue : 1. Chester A., b. Aug. 21, 1891. 6. Alonzo H." lives in Acushnet, and m. Nov. 1, 1891, Isabel Braley. No issue. 7. Josephine* lives at Acushnet, and m. Dec. 9, 1886, Frank R. Ward, who was b. Jul. 22, 1860. Issue : 248 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Willard D., b. Jan. 1,1890. 2. Samuel C, b. Oct. 7,1891. t-2-4. Stephen,* third son of Capt. Edward, was a sea captain in the merchant service, and lived at Rochester. He m. Jul. 30, 1798, Betsey Blankenship, daughter of Charles Blankenship, who d. Aug. 3, 1830. Issue : 1. Henry, b. May 6, 1799. d. Dec. 24, 1808. 2. Charles B. , b. Jul. 11, 1801. d. Jun. 8, 1839. 3. Polly, b. Sep. 11, 1803. d. Nov. 18, 1812. 4. Stephen, Jr., b. Sep. 29, 1805. 5. Betsey B., b. Aug. 26, 1807. d. in 1880. 6. Henry, b. Aug. 3, 1809. d. Jun. 3, 1850. 7. William, b. Oct. 28, 1813. d. Feb. 7, 1892. 8. Joseph, b. Nov. 3, 1816. d. 9. Caleb, b. Jan. 4, 1820. d. in 1885. 10. James P., b. Apr. 24, 1822. Of these children, Henry' and Polly' d. young ; Betsey' lived single at Marion; Joseph' left home at the age of 17, and perhaps went West, nothing further being known of him. t-2-4-2. Charles Blankenship' was a sea captain and lived at Marion, but d. at New Orleans. He m. Jun. 26, 1836, Eliza P. [Blankenship] Hammond, widow of Philip Farmer Hammond, and had issue : 1. Lizzie, b. in 1838. d. in 1856, single. t-2-4-4. Stephen Jr.' was a carpenter and lives in Marion. He m. Oct. 16, 1829, Lydia B. Richmond of Marion^ who was b. May 16, 1807. Issue : 1. Stephen E., 2. Beuretta, 3. Charles E., Of these children, Stephen E.,* who was a physician, d. in Mexico, single. Charles E.* also never married; and Beuretta* m. Matthew Hiller of Mattapoisett, and had issue : Lydia R., WiUie H., Emerson B., Charles E., and Ira R. t-2-4-6. Henry' was a sea captain living at Marion, and d. of sunstroke at Appalachicola, Fla. He m. Auo-. 14, 1838, Lydia Butler Clifton of Marion, and had issue : 1. Jennison, b. Mch. 12, 1843. 1. Jennison* entered the U. S. Navy, Sep. 18, 1861, at New Bedford, Mass., and continued in the service until the ship, the U. S. S. Brandywine, was burned at the Navy Yard, b. Jun. 9, 1831. d. about 1858. b. Apr. 21, 1834. d. in 1880. b. Feb. 5, 1836. d. in 1857. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 249 Norfolk, Va., Sep. 3, 1864. Since that time he has been employed in the Navy Yard, at Norfolk, as clerk, except from Jun. 11, 1885 to Apr. 22, 1889. He m. Mch. 7, 1865, Rebecca J. Langley, who was b. Apr. 23, 1836. Issue : 1. Mary Clifton, b. Dec. 31, 1865. 2. Lydia Frances, b. Jan. 14,1868. d. Aug. 11,1874. 3. Jennie Eldredge, b. Jun. 22,1875. Of these children, Mary Clifton* m. Jun. 8, 1887, Walter L. Massenburg. t-2-4-7. William,' who in early life was a sea captain, and later a farmer and carpenter, lived at Mattapoisett, where he died. He m. in 1832, Jane, daughter of Prince and Martha Snow, and had issue : 1. William Henry, b. Aug. 4,1842. d. Jun. 4,1847. 2. Dulcina, b. May 4, 1844. d. Jul. 6, 1847. 3. James F., b. Feb. 17, 1852. 3. James F.,* who is a machinist at Mattapoisett, m. Apr. 29, 1871, Rebecca, daughter of Abner P. and Lydia [Conkeal] Cowen. Issue : 1. William Henry, b. Jul. 26, 1872. t-2-4-9. Caleb' was formerly a dentist in New Bedford, which occupation he was obliged to relinquish on account of ill health, and he afterwards became a sailor. He m. Jan. 1, 1846, Mary Knights of New Bedford, and had a daughter, Elizabeth,* who, the last known of her, lived in Boston. t-2-4— 10. James F.' was a carpenter, and a captain of a coasting vessel, and lived at Newport, R. I. He m. Catherine Spooner, and had issue : 1. Emma, b. about 1866. 2. Charles, b. about 1870. Nothing further is known of these children. t-2-7. William,* fifth son of Capt. Edward, was a sailor and lived in Rochester., near the Marion line, and was drowned in Marion Harbor, Aug. 10, 1813. He m. Oct. 21, 1802, Nancy Clifton of Marion, and had issue : 2, 1870. 29, 1874. 22, 1831. Of these children, Nancy' d. single; and Louisa' m. Gideon Barlow of Mattapoisett. Issue : Charlotte, Edward Newton, and Gideon Barstow. 1. Edward, b. Aug. 1, 1805. d. Aug. 2. Louisa, b. in 1809. d. Jun. 3. Nancy, b. about 1812. d. Aug. 250 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-2-7-1. Edward,' only son of WiUiam, was a ship builder at Nantucket. He m. Nov. 14, 1830, Susan Cobb of Nantucket, who was b. Nov. 30, 1811, and still living. Issue : 1. Gcort'eF., b. Sep. 1,1831. d. Apr. 16,1863. 2. Edward C, b. Aug. 6, 1833. 3. James Nye, b. Dec. 27, 1836. 4. Susan Cobb, b. Nov. 10, 1839. d. Dec. 17, 1873. Of these children, 4. Susan Cobb* m. May 12, 1869, Thomas Bates of Nantucket. No issue. t_2-7-l-l. George F.,* oldest son of Edward, was also a ship-builder at Nantucket. He m. Oct. 20, 1853, Mary A. Coffin, who was b. Jan. 31, 1833. Issue : 1. George Edward, b. Jan. 2, 1856. d. Apr. 28, 1856. 2. Charles F., b. Aug. 28,1860. 2. Charles F.* is a dealer in dry goods at Nantucket. He m. May 21, 1885, Mary F. Coffin, who was b. May 7, 1864. Issue : 1. Charles C, b. May 8, 1886. t-2-7-1-2. Edward C.,* second son of Edward, is a jeweler in Boston, and lives at 22 Chester Square. He m. May 29, 1859, Sarah Hallett, who was b. Sep. 1837. No issue. t_2-7-l-3. James N'ye,* third son of Edward, is fore man of the jobbing and repairing departments of the American Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. He m. Dec. 25, 1865, Delia Newton Sherman, who was b. Oct. 27, 1841. Issue : 1. Grace, b. Mch. 8, 1868. 2. Florence, b. Jun. 16, 1870. 3. James C, b. Apr. 13, 1875. III.— ANTIPAS HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t. Antipas' Hammond, third son of Benjamin 2d,' [Benjamin,^ William'], was a farmer and settled on Matta poisett Neck, northeast of the residence of the late Hiram Hammond. He was a lieutenant of militia, and for seven years one of Selectmen and Assessors of Rochester. He m. Dec. 21, 1736, Abigail Swift, and had issue as follows : DESCENDANTS OE BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 251 1. Jireh, b. Dec. 5, 1737. d. Apr. 29, 1773. 2. Hunnewell, b. Aug. 9, 1740. d. Nov. 2, 1807. 3. Abigail, b. Mch. 24, 1742. d. 4. Joseph, b. Sep. 5, 1747. d. 5. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18, 1752. d. 6. Benjamin, b. Apr. 5, 1756. d. Jun. 16, 1843. ^The will, proved Jun. 7, 1773, mentions the four sons. Jireh* and Hunnewell* are given the homestead. Of the above children, Jireh and Abigail probably lived and d. single, in Rochester. 2. Hunne"well* was a farmer and lived near the Hiram Hammond place. He m. Nov. 26, 1778, Mary Andrews, who d. Apr. 1829, between 80 and 90 years of age. No issue. 4. Joseph* m. Feb. 23, 1769, Rachel Winslow, and is said to have moved to the State of New York, all trace of him afterwards being lost. Issue : Abigail, Matilda, Nancy, Anti- pas, and Stephen. 5. Elizabeth* m. Dec. 8, 1773, Job Haskell, farmer, and lived on Mattapoisett Neck. Issue: Job Jr., Abigail, Hunnewell, and Roxellana. Of these children, Hunnewell* m. in 1802 Lucy Ellis. Abigail,* commonly called Nabby, who was quite a literary woman, m. Charles Bruce Freeman of Mattapoisett, and had : Job, Mary, Eveline, Lucy, Sally, and Abigail Jr. Of Abigail's children, Abigail Jr.' m. a Lamson, and lived at Madison, Ind. ; and Sally' m. James Shaw, lived on Mattapoisett Neck, and had : William, Bruce Freeman, John, Richard, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel. 6.— BENJAMIN OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-6. Benjamin* was a farmer and lived on Mattapoisett Neck, his farm adjoining that of his brother-in-law. Job Haskell. He m. Oct. 22, 1780, Lydia HaskeU, who d. Aug. 1841, s&. 81. Issue: 1. Elihu; 2. Abiah; 3. Leonard, b. Jun. 13, 1789, d. Apr. 2, 1864; 4. Aseneth; 5. Joanna; 6. Joseph. There was also an adopted daughter, Mary Ann, b. May 13, 1803, and d. Oct. 8, 1884. Of the above children of Benjamin Hammond, Elihu* d. atl9, Aseneth* at 22, and Joanna* at 20, all single. 252 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 2. Abiah* m. WiUiam Moore, son of Rev. Jonathan Moore, and lived and d. at New Orleans. Issue : Jonathan, Benjamin, Sarah, Lucy, and others that d. in infancy. 6. Joseph,* who was a farmer, m. 1st, Hannah Dean, daughter of Abiel Dean, and had issue : Hunnewell, Lydia, and others. Joseph afterwards moved to Ohio (perhaps Cin cinnati) , where his wife, Hannah, died. He afterwards married three times, and had many children. Of Joseph's children, Hunnewell' d. a few years since in Ohio ; and Lydia' m. a Hervey, or Harvey, and lived at Steubenville, Ohio. Nothing further is known of Joseph. Mary Ann,' said to have been adopted by Aseneth, lived at Mattapoisett. She m. .Tan. 8, 1823, Josiah Robinson, fisher man and mUler, who was b. Dec. 5, 1799, at Harwich, Mass., and d. Jun. 11, 1883, at Mattapoisett. Issue : 1. William, b. Oct. 18, 1823. d. Aug. 25, 1825. 2. Joseph IL, b. May 10, 1825. 3. Abbie P., b. May 1,1828. d. Mch. 6,1893. 4. Martha, b. May 11, 1830. d. Jun. 10, 1885. 5. Mary E., b. Sep. P, 1833. 6. Josiah, b. Sep. 13, 1837. d. Jan. 17, 1890. 7. William, b. Jul. 3, 1839. d. Dec. 26, 1858. 8. Benjamin F., b. Jan. 18, 1842. 9. Sarah M., b. Apr. 18, 1844. d. Sep. 19, 1845. Of these children, William* died in Cuba, single, and Abbie,* also single, resided up to the time of her death at Mattapoisett. 2. Joseph* m. Hannah Harlow of Plymouth, lives at Mattapoisett, and has : Charles and Florence. 4. Martha* m. Marcus Bartlett LeBaron, lived at Matta poisett, and d. without issue. 5. Mary* m. John Jenney of Fairhaven, lives at Ham mondtown, and has one daughter : Olivia, or Livie. 6. Josiah* m. Lucy Caswell, who was a granddaughter of Mary Hammond and Elisha Caswell, and d. without issue. 8. Benjamin F.* is one of the Overseers at State Farm at Bridgewater. He m. 1st, Nov. 13, 1866, Amelia L., daugh ter of Joseph J. Hammond, who d. May 9, 1883. Issue : 1. Harry L., b. Oct. 6, 1867. d. Mch. 8, 1886. Benjamin m. 2d, Sep. 16, 1891, Isabel Estella Roberts of Belfast, Me., formerly a teacher. b. May 8, 1814. d. Feb. 28, 1817. b. Mch. 16, 1818. d. Nov. 18, 1856. b. Oct. 19, 1819. d. Nov. 23, 1874. b. Dec. 20, 1823. d. May 23, 1851. b. Oct. 5, 1824. b. Nov. 24, 1827. b. Oct. 14, 1832. b. Oct. 14, 1833. d. in in fancy. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 253 t-6-3. Leonard,* commonly called "Uncle Leonard," and second son of Benjamin, in youth a carpenter, later engaged in mercantile pursuits at Mattapoisett. He afterwards became a Government contractor, find built several light-houses, viz. : Ned's Point Light, Mattapoisett ; Gay Head Light, Martha's Vineyard; besides several at the mouth of the Mississippi River. For many years he conducted the hotel in Mattapoisett known as the " County House." He m. Jan. 6, 1813, Asenath Cushman, who was b. Jan. 7, 1793, and d. Oct. 18, 1854. Issue : 1. Joseph F., 2, Jos. Frank, 3. Abiah M., 4. Thomas C., 5. George Fred, 6. Ann E., 7. Jane L., 8. Leonard, Of Leonard's children, Abiah M.' m. 1st, May 10, 1845, Simeon Fish, a cabinet-maker at Mattapoisett. Issue: Edward. Abiah m. 2d, William H. Babcock, and moved to Walla Walla, Wash., where she afterwards died. Issue : A daughter, name not learned. 6. Ann E.' resides in Maiden, Mass. She m. Dec. 19, 1844, Caleb King of Rochester, dry-goods merchant, who was b. Dec. 6, 1820, and d. Jan. 3, 1893. Issue: Caleb L., Robert, and George. 7. Jane L.,' who resides in Maiden, m. Sep. 2, 1851, 'William Taylor of Mattapoisett, a furniture dealer. Issue : WiUiam L., b. Sep. 16, 1852. t-^6-3-2. Joseph Frank' was a ship-rigger, and resided at Mattapoisett. He m. May 1842, Lurana K. Harlow of Middleboro', who was b. Jun. 28, 1822. Issue: 1. Benj. Frank, b. Oct. 15, 1846. 2. George K., b. Sep. 28, 1848. d. Sep. 28, 1851. 3. Georgia, b. Oct. 11, 1853. 4. Thomas, b. Apr. 7, 1856. Of these children, Georgia* m. Nov. 24, 1876, Charles H. Hiller of Mattapoisett, who was b. Aug. 25, 1852. Issue : Hope Barstow. 4. Thomas,* son of Joseph Frank, lives in Buffalo, N. Y. , and is in the employ of his brother, Benjamia Frank. 254 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-6-3-2-1. Benjamin Frank* has been in the diamond, watch and jewelry business at Bufifalo, N. Y., 23 years, and has a second store at Tonawanda, N. Y. He is also special partner in the firm of Whittet, Barrett & Co., engineer's sup plies, Buffalo, N.Y., and is interested in several smaller ventures. He m. Oct. 26, 1870, Ella M. Gould of Buffalo, and had issue : 1. Lawrence Tillson, b. Jul. 29, 1871. 2. Bessie Livingston, b. .Jan. 28, 1873. 3. Harlow, b. Jun. 2, 1876. 4. Clifford Robson, b. Jun. 22, 1878. t-6-3-4. Thomas C,' third son of Leonard, was a store keeper at Mattapoisett. He m. Nov. 19, 1845, Susanna A. Delano of Marion, who was b. Apr. 26, 1825, andd. May 10, 1891. Issue: 1. Helen T., b. Dec. 12,1846. 1. Helen T.* m. May 11, 1871, Charles T. Leonard of Rochester, and lives at Minneapolis, Minn. Susanna [Delano] Hammond m. 2d, Dr. Seth Haskell of Rochester, and had a daughter, Lucy Fessenden, who d. at the age of 10. t-6-3-5. George Fred' is a retired seafaring man, and resides at Mattapoisett. He m. 1st, Jun. 29, 1847, Abbie M. Sears, daughter of Joseph and Susan Sears, who was b. Mch. 21, 1828, and d. May 16, 1864. Issue : 1. Georgianna L., b. May 5,1848. d. Aug. 20, 1848. George F. m. 2d, Sep. 30, 1866, Abbie H., daughter of Stephen and Eunice [Cannon] Snow, who was b. Jan. 3, 1834. Issue : 2. Frederic L., b. Nov. 23, 1869. 2. Fred L.* is a clerk in the employ of Denison Tag M'f'g Co., Boston, and was recently one of the Registrars of Voters of that city. IV.— BARZILLAI HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t. Barzillai' Hammond, fourth son of Benjamin 2d,' [Benjamin,'' William'] , sometimes referred to as the " Wizard," was a farmer, and lived near the southwesterly part of the late DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 255 Hiram Hammond farm, Mattapoisett Neck. He was a Select man and Assessor of Rochester for several years. He m. 1st, Jun. 18, 1725, Mary Barlow, and had a large family as follows : 1. Nathaniel, b. Jun. 5, 1726. d. 2. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1728. d. 3. Benjamin, b. May 5, 1730. d. 4. Moses, b. Nov. 15, 1731. d in 1800. S.Stafford, b. Sep. 9,1733. d. Jul. 15,1809. 6. Hannah, b. Apr. 26, 1735. d. 7. Micah, b. Mch. 1,1738. d. 8. Lucie, b. Jul. 26, 1741. d. 9. Sarah, b. May 1, 1743. d. 10. EHsha, b. Feb. 4, 1750. d. Barzillai m. 2d, Aug. 16, 1750, Anna Tobey, and had further issue : 11. Mary. b. in 1755. d. Oct. — , 1832. BarziUai m. 3d, Mch. 25, 1759, Sarah Doty, but had no other issue. The will mentions Moses, Stafford, Lucy, Sarah, Elisha, and Mary. Of Barzillai's children, nothing further is known of Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Hannah, Micah, and Lucie, and they probably d. young. 9. Sarah* m. a Jenne ; and Elisha* is said to have moved to the State of New York, but nothing further is known of him. 11. Mary* m.-Dec. 2, 1773, Nathan Briggs of Wareham, who d. May 25, 1817, as. 69. Mary resided at Wareham, and had issue : Anna, Sally, Mary, Nathan and Hannah, twins, Elizabeth, Lydia, Sylvanus and Abigail, twins, and Elisha. Of these children, IVathan* m. Mary Davis, daughter of Joseph and Mercy [Hammond] Davis, and had a son, Nathan, who m. Almira, daughter of Nathaniel Dunham of Hammond town. They reside on the old homestead of Nathan Ham mond, grandson of William Hammond of London. 4.— MOSES OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-4. Moses,* third son of Barzillai, who was a farmer and lived in Hammondtown, m. Apr. 1, 1756, Mercy Howes, or House, and had issue : 256 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. 1. Alice, b. Sep. 17, 1757. d. 2. Joshua, b. Jun. 14, 1758. d. 3. Moses, Jr., b. Apr. 8, 1761. d. 4. Stephen, b. Mch. 25, 1763. d. 5. Abel, b. May 3, 1765. d. 6. Mercy M., b. Jun. 7, 1767. d. Mch. 4, 1829. CT 7. Mehitable, b. d. Moses m. 2d, Jun. 26, 1772, Mehitable Barlow. No other issue. The will, proved Jun. 18, 1800, mentions Alice, Joshua, Moses, Mehitable, and Mercy. • Of the above children, nothing further is known of Joshua, Moses Jr., Stephen, Abel, or Mehitable, and they probably d. young ; and Alice* m. Feb. 6, 1777, James Blankenship Jr. 6. Mercy M.* m. Mch. 15, 1787, Joseph Davis of Roch ester, who was b. in 1756, and d. Feb. 20, 1821. Issue: William, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mercy, Rebecca, Moses, Mary, Sylvia, Eliza, Alice, Alden, and William. Of Mercy's chil dren, Moses' m. Mary, daughter of Timothy Hammond; Mary' m. Nathan Briggs, as stated above ; and Alice' m. a Tucker, and was the mother of Dr. H. A. Tucker, whose summer residence is at Cottage City, Mass. 5.— STAFFORD OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-5. Stafford,* fourth son of Barzillai, was a farmer, and built and occupied the house now owned by William Tripp on Mattapoisett Neck. He m. 1st, Aug. 2, 1761, Hannah Doty, who was b. in 1735, and d. Apr. 30, 1793. Issue : 1. Prince, b. d. 2. Asa, b. d. 3. Christopher, b. Jun. 15, 1770. d. Apr. 10, 1842. 4. Alden, b. about 1773. d. 5. Betsey, b. Sep. 17, 1775. d. Mch. 4, 1869. Stafford m. 2d, Rachel Hathaway, but had no other issue. t-5-1. Prince,* oldest son of Stafford, who lived at Fair haven, m. Nov. 22, 1795, EHzabeth Jenney of that town, and had issue : 1. Lucy, b. in 1796. d. Sep. — , 1886. 2. Betsey J., b. Feb. 12, 1798. d. Jan. 1,1871. 3. Sophia, b. in 1800. d. in 1870. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 257 Of these chUdren, Lucy' m. in 1823 John Aiken, and had Joseph and John Francis; Betsey' m. Oct. 12, 1819, Abram Barker, and had six sons and five daughters ; Sophia' m. Feb. 22, 1826, Alanson Goodwin, but had no issue. t-5-4. Alden,* fourth son of Stafford, was in early life a sea captain in the coasting trade ; and afterwards lived and d. in Acushnet, Mass. He m. Sarah Rounseville, and had issue : 1. Lucy, b. in 1805. d. Oct. 27, 1880; single. t-5-5. Betsey, or Elizabeth,* only daughter of Staf ford, who lived at Mattapoisett, m. May 27, 1798, Cook Brownell, a farmer, who was b. Sep. 17, 1775, and d. Aug. 31, 1859. Issue: 1. Stafford, b. in 1799. d. Mch. 16, 1848. 2. Hannah, b. Jun. 4, 1803. d. Aug. 22, 1893. 1 . Stafford' was a prominent sea captain in the Liverpool and South American trade, sailing from Mattapoisett and New York, and at one time commanded the brig Massachusetts. 2. Hannah,' who lived at Mattapoisett, m. 1st, in 1826 Benjamin Dexter, but had no issue. She m. 2d, in 1833, Barker K. Sheffield, ancl had a son, Elliott, whose name was afterwards changed to Stafford Brown- eU, and who d. Jul. 4, 1858. She m. 3d, in 1849, Joseph W. Snow, but had no further issue. t-5-3. Christopher,* third son of Stafford, inherited his father's place on Mattapoisett Neck, and was a farmer. He m. Nov. 18, 1802, AbigaU Pierce, who was b. May 3, 1778, and d. Jan. 18, 1847, and had issue : 1. Edmond Doty, b. Jan. 28,1804. d. Aug. 25,1827 2. Hiram, b. ,7ul. 3, 1806. d. Jul. 23, 1811 3. Eliza W., b. May 2, 1808. d. Mch. 18, 1888 4. Anna Brio-gs, b. Oct. 13,1809. d. Jul. 17,1877 5. Abi , „ , ' „ „ 4. Sarah Elizabeth, [ "' ¦*®''- "' ^'*''^- d. Nov. 4, 1885. James Howland m. 2d, Oct. 12, 1871, Eliza M. Joy of Nantucket, who was b. Oct. 28, 1848, and had further issue : 5. Florence J., b. Oct. 30, 1873. Of James's children, Sarah E.* d. single, at the age of 23. 1. William T.,* who resides at San Francisco, m. Nov. 1876-7, Maggie Marden, and had issue : 1. Elsie v., b. Sep. 25, 1879. 2. Edna B., b. Aug. 10, 1883. 3. Will. T., I , . ,„.. 4. Alpha, I ^- ^"S- -' 1«»»- 2. James H.,* who resides at Gutter Creek, Amador Co., Cal., m. Jun. 17, 1882, Katie Fitzgerald. Issue : 1. Willie, , b. Mch. 19, 1883. 2. Frank, b. Sep. 21, 1888. 3. Ethel, b. Jun. 27, 1890. 3. Francis, or Frank," third son of James Howland, resides at Barberton, South Africa, where he is electrician in a quartz miU. He m. Apr. 1889 Margaret M. Steele of Dundee, Scotland. No issue. t-7. Joseph Tallman* resides at Dennison, Grayson Co., Tex., and is a farmer. He was a private in Co. E, 9th Minn. Vols., and was a prisoner of war eleven months. He DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 263 m. Dec. 14, 1862, Frances Marion Hathaway, who was b. Oct. 1842, and had issue : 1. Edwin A., b. Nov. 22, 1863. 2. Esther Louisa, b. Aug. — , 1870. d. Feb. — , 1871. 3. Helen May, b. May 18, 1872. 1. Edwin A.,° who resides at Dennison, m. May 22, 1886, Edith Belle Kinnie. Issue : 1. Joseph Tallman, b. Apr. 16, 1887. Of Capt. William's children by the second marriage, Jack- son* d. at Wayne, 111., single; Edwin* was a member of Co. C, 127th Reg't lU. Vols., and d. at MUlUsen's Bend, single, Jun. 9, 1863, and is buried there; and Carrie,* single, lives with her mother at Wauconda, Lake Co., 111. t-10. Kate,* who resides at Wellington Avenue, Lake View, 111., m. Nov. 29, 1865, Edward M. Barnard, who was b. Oct. 27, 1828. Issue: 1. Edward M., Jr., b. Dec. 11, 1866. 2. Louie, b. Oct. 27, 1868. t-12. Frank,* who is a farmer at Warrenville, 111., m. Aug. 26, 1868, Carrie Muluix, who was b. Apr. 23, 1839. Issue : 1. Carrie Dell, b. Mch. 12, 1877. t-13. Charles B.* resided at Clyde, Cook Co., lU., but is buried at Wayne, 111. He m. Jan. 3, 1872, Lizzie Holmes, who was b. Aug. 18, 1846. No issue. t-14. Nellie,* who resides at Clyde, lU., m. Oct. 15, 1873, Peter McDonald, builder and contractor, who was b. Jul. 14, 1842. Issue : 1. Lulu Irene, b. Dec. 26, 1874. 2. Grace Edna, b. Apr. 9,1877. 3. George Allan, b. Nov. 24, 1879. t-15. Rollin* lives at Wakefield, Neb., and is a cabinet maker. He m. Sep. 15, 1880, Nellie Clawson, who was b. Jan. 19, 1861. Issue: 1. Genevieve, b. Jun. 24, 1886. 264 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. v.— ISRAEL HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t- Israer Hammond, fifth son of Benjamin 2d,* [Ben jamin," William'], was a farmer and lived in Hammondtown, Mattapoisett. He m. in 1736, Elizabeth Wilbur, who was b. in 1712, and d. in 1802. Issue : 1. David, b. Sep. 27, 1738. d. Apr. 20, 1821. 2. Ruth, b. May 31, 1740. d. 3. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1741. d. Nov. 17, 1741. 4. Gideon, b. Mch. 30, 1743. d. 5. Israel, b. Jun. 3, 1745. d. Sep. 14, 1745. 6. Alice, b. Nov. U, 1846. d. Oct. 16, 1755. 7. .John, b. Sep. 23, 1748. d. Sep. 24, 1828. 8. Noah, b. Jun. 8, 1750. d. Aug. 27, 1834. 9. Elizabelh, b. Dec. 9, 1752. d. 10. Mary, b. Sep. 15, 17-54. d. Feb. 21, 1834. Of these children, Sarah, Israel, and Alice died young; John* and Mary* d. single; Elizabeth* probably married, but nothing further is known of her, nor of Ruth* ; and Gideon* m. Apr. 15, 1768, Abigail Barlow, but there is no further record of him. t-1. David,* oldest son of Israel, who was a farmer at Hammondtown, m. Dec. 5, 1764, Elizabeth Annable. Issue: 1. Israel, b. Sep. 23, 1765. d. young. 2. Ephraim, b. Dec. 23, 1771. d. young. 3. David, b. Jul. 12, 1776. d. young. 8.— NOAH OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-8. Noah,* fifth son of Israel, was a noted blacksmith and lived at Hammondtown, and was thrice married. He m. 1st, May 31, 1777, Eunice Hammond, daughter of Josiah Hammond 2d, who d. Feb. 15, 1785, se. 27. Issue: 1. Rebecca, b. Feb. 14, 1779. d. in 1868. 2. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1781. d. in 1870. 3. Priscilla, b. Jul. 21, 1783. d. Dec. 12, 1820. He m. 2d, Nov. 9, 1786, Lydia [ChurchiU] Barlow, who d. May 15, 1804, and had further issue : 4. Noah, b. Jul. '24, 1787. d. in 1803. 5. Amittai B., b. Aug 30,1789. d. Oct. 17,1874. 6. Israel, b. Feb. 13, 1792. d. May 22, 1839. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 265 Noah m. 3d, Sep. 1804, AbigaU Palmer, widow, who d. in 1816. No other issue. t-8-1. Rebecca,* oldest daughter of Noah, m. Apr. 25, 1800, Benjamin Barstow, a ship-carpenter at Mattapoisett. Issue : 1. Benjamin Frank, b. Mch. 23, 1801. d. Sep. 17, 1866. 2. Nathan H., b. Oct. 5, 1807. d. Jan. 13, 1892. 3. Henry, b. Dec. 3, 1817. 4. Susan C. B., b. May 29, 1820. Of these children, Benjamin Franklin,' who was post master many years at Mattapoisett, m. about 1835, Sarah S. Drew of Fairhaven, and had : Benjamin, Lizzie, Sophia, and Edwin. 2. Nathan H.,' who was a ship-carpenter at Matta poisett, m. Dec. 26, 1829, Mary, daughter of Reuben and Mary [Toby] Dexter, and had : Helen, Carrie, Lizzie, Mary, Nathan, and Mary Y. 3. Henry,' who was formerly a ship-carpenter at Matta poisett, m. Jan. 2, 1842, Mary, daughter of Andrew and Sarah [Clark] Southworth, and had : Sarah and Henry. 4. Susan C. B.' m. May 18, 1850, David H., a ship- carpenter, and son of Eliakim and Mary Cannon, and had : Mary, Dana, Nathan, and Lawrence. t-8-2. Elizabeth* m. in 1799 Richard Whittemore, and had seven daughters : Eunice Hammond, Harriet, Mary Ham mond, Rebecca, Priscilla, Caroline, and Elizabeth Hammond. Of these daughters : Eunice Hammond m. David Wilbur of Plympton ; Mary Hammond m. Seth Wilbur of Brockton ; and Elizabeth Hammond m. Lothrop Shurtleff of Middleboro'. All three left families. ¦|-_8-3. Priscilla** m. Oct. 20, 1803, Nathaniel Ham mond, Esq., son of Enoch, and had issue : 1. Rufus, b. Aug. -7, 1805. d. Oct. 10, 1854. 2. John Wilkes, b. Oct. 22, 1808. d. Sep. 23, 1843. 3. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 24, 1813. d. Jun. 28, 1870. 4. Eliz. Pope, b. Nov. 9, 1815. d. Jan. 8, 1870. 5. Benjamin, b. May 11, 1818. There were also William Penn and Lucy Barstow who d. in infancy. * See Family of Nathaniel Hammond, Esq., p. 212. 266 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-8-6. Israel,* who was a farmer in Hammondtown, m. Jul. 1830, Joanna, daughter of Seth Burgess, who d. Nov. 1881. Issue: 1. Georgianna, b. Nov. — , 1837. d. Apr. 11, 1893, single. t-8-5. Amittai B.* Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of Poor of Rochester 29 years, and of Mattapoisett 6 years ; declined further office in both towns ; member of Legislature in 1833 and 1856 ; member of Constitutional Convention 1853 ; Justice of the Peace 42 years ; and Deacon and member of the Congregational Church many years. He m. Jul. 15, 1823, Lucinda White, who d. Oct. 13, 1869. Issue: 1. Noah, b. ,Tul. 27, 1824. d. Sep. 11, 1825. 2. Lydia Churchill, b. Feb. 12, 1827. d. Feb. 13, 1857. 3. John C, b. Jan. 27, 1829. d. Aug. — , 1847. 4. Noah, b. Feb. 8, 1833. Of these children, Noah and John C. died young, and Lydia Churchill' d. at the age of 30, single. t-8-5-4. Noah,' of Mattapoisett, Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor 18 years ; chairman of the three boards many years ; Justice of the Peace 28 years ; Justice to issue Warrants and take Bail in Criminal cases 10 years ; Notary Public since 1888 ; school teacher from 1857 to 1866; surveyor of land and conveyancer many years ; has large practice in Probate Courts as executor and' administrator ; and member of the Legislature of 1894. He m. .Inn. 2, 1861, Martha May- hew Dexter, who was b. Jul. 12, 1837. Issue : 1. Allen Dexter, b. Jun. 4, 1871. 2. Clara Lucinda, b. Dec. 23, 1872. 1. Allen Dexter* is a graduate of the Medical Depart ment of Boston University, class of '93, and is one of the out-door physicians of the Homoeopathic Medical Dispensary, Boston. VI. -ROGER HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t. Roger" Hammond, seventh son of Benjamin 2d,* [Benjamin," WUliam'], was a farmer in Hammondtown, and lived on the west bank of Mattapoisett River, a little north of n,,, Noah Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 267 the late Alvah Shurtleff house, on the homestead of his father. He m. Apr. 15, 1744, Charity, daughter of Josiah and Mary [Barlow] Hammond, who d. Jul. 27, 1803, as. 87. Issue: 1. Olive, b. Apr. 13, 1745. d. 2 Deborah, b. Oct. 15, 1746. d. 3. Anna, b. in 1748. d. 4. Benjamin, b. Jul. 7, 1752. d. Oct. 17, 1754. 5. Thankful, b. Sep. 7, 1754. d. 6. Roger, Jr., b. in 1756. d. Mch. 28, 1760. t-1. Olive* m. Jan. 5, 1764, Stephen Wing, and lived on the late Alvah Shurtleff farm in Hammondtown . Issue : seven sons, and three daughters, Anna, Harriet, and Sophia. Of Olive's daughters : Anna* m. Royal Hathaway, and lived at the Head-of-the-River. Acushnet, Mass., but had no issue ; Harriet* m. Capt. John LeBaron, Mattapoisett, no issue ; and Sophia* m. Capt. Seth Freeman, Mattapoisett, and left no issue. t-5. Thankful* m. Jul. 12, 1781, Dr. Samuel Cheever of Eastham, Mass., and probably had issue. 2.— DEBORAH OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t-2 . Deborah, ** second daughter of Roger, lived in Ham mondtown, and m. Sep. 25, 1767, Timothy Hammond, son of John Hammond Jr. ' Issue : 1. Timothy 2d, b. Aug. 10, 1768. d. Oct. 20, 1851. 2. Betsey, b. Feb. 12, 1770. d. 3. Deborah, b. Jun. 1, 1773. d. 4. Susannah, b. Nov. 3, 1776. d. VII.— ELISHA HAMMOND OF ROCHESTER, MASS. t. Elisha^ Hammond, sixthsonof Benjamin 2d,' [Ben jamin," William'], was a farmer, and lived on the Stephen Bowles place in Hammondtown, his farm adjoining that of his father. He was for several years one of the Selectmen and » For further record of Deborah's children, see Genealogy of John Jr., p. 234. 268 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Assessors of the town of Rochester. He m. Jan. 24, 1741, Elizabeth Haskell, and had issue : 1. Ebenezer, b. May 9, 1743. d. in 1815 2. Joanna, b. May 18, 1745. d. 3. Susanna, b. Oct. 7, 1747: d. 4. Anstris, b. Feb. 27, 1750. d. 5. Hannah, b. Jun. 18. 1755. d. in 1831 6. Abigail, b. in 1760. d. 7. Elisha, b. in 1763. d. 8. Elizabeth, b. d. Of these children, Joanna* m. 1st, Capt. Allen, and 2d, Peras Clark; and Susanna* m. Apr. 6, 1772, Wyatt Barlow of Hardwick, Mass. 4. Anstris, or Anstrus,** m. 1st, Apr. 1778, SUas Jen ney of Fairhaven, but had no issue ; Anstris m. 2d, Jun. 6, 1787, Seth Hammond Jr. of East Fairhaven, and had : EHsha, Elihu, and Betsey. 5. Hannah* m. Daniel Pratt, and d. in 1831 ; of Abigail* and Elisha* nothing further is known ; and Elizabeth* m. Benjamin Wilkes of Rochester. t-1. Ebenezer,* oldest son of Elisha, b. at Rochester, Mass., lived in New Bedford in 1774, and in Petersham, Mass., in 1786, where he probably died. He m. Nov. 23, 1766, Deborah Terry of New Bedford, and had issue: 1. Sarah; 2. Joanna; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Elisha; 5. Deborah; 6. Pa tience; 7. AbigaU.; and 8. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 20, 1786, and d. May 1847. Of these children, 1. Sarah' m. Stephen Leach of Hornby, (or Hunby), Steuben Co., N. Y. ; 2. Joanna' m. Smith Turner of Narraganset and Royal Grant, N. Y. ; 3. Eliza beth' m. Dea. Brigham of Hornby, N. Y. ; 5. Deborah' iri. Oliver Woodward of W. Bridgewater, Mass. ; 6. Patience' m. Azariah Poley of Hornby, N. Y. ; and 7. Abigail' m. Jabez Whipple of New Salem. 4.— ELISHA HAMMOND OF COLUMBIA, S. C. t. Elisha' Hammond, oldest son of Ebenezer,* Elisha,' [Benjamin 2d,' Benjamin,", WUliam'], was born at New Bed- * For further record of Anstris's children, see Genealogy of Seth Hammond Jr., page 21. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 269 ford, Oct. 10, 1774, and died at Macon, Ga., Jul. 9, 1829. He graduated at Dartmouth CoUege in 1802 ; moved to South Carolina in 1803 ; was elected Professor of Languages in the University of South Carolina, at Columbia, in 1805 ; and was chosen President of the same in 1816. He was also Principal of Bethel Academy at Macon, Ga. He m. in 1 806 Catherine Fox Spann of Edgefield, S. C, and had issue : I. James Henry, b. Nov. 15, 1807. d. Nov. 13, 1864. 2. Caroline Augusta, b. Nov. U, 1809. d. May — , 1847. 3. M. C. Marcellus, b. Dec. 12, 1814. d. Jan. 23, 1876. 4. John Fox, b. Dec. 7, 1821. d. Sep. 29, 1886. t-2. Caroline Augusta,' only daughter of Elisha, m. at SUverton, S. C, Feb. 1845, Rev. Ezekiel Foster Hyde, who was b. in Colburn, Canada AVest, Mav 1, 1814, and d. at Anderson, S. C, Oct. 22, 1884. Of their issue, Cathe rine Spann, b. Jan. 19, 1846, is living at Beech Island, S. C, single. t-1. James Henry,' oldest son of Elisha, was b. in the District of Newberry, S. C, Nov. 15, 1807, and d. at Redcliff, Beech Island, S. C, Nov. 13, 1864. He was fitted for college by his father, who was p, fine scholar with unusual gifts as a teacher, and in 1823 entered the junior class of the University of South Carolina, and graduated fourth in a class of distinguished merit in 1825. Mr. Hammond adopted the profession of law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1828. He was elected to Congress in 1834, where he made a vigorous speech against the Abolition movement. Failing health obliged him to leave Congress, after which he traveled in Europe two years for his health. In 1842 he was elected Governor of South Carolina, and, under his administration, the arsenals at Charleston were converted into military academies on the plan at West Point. In 1855 Gov. Hammond removed a few miles from his plantation to Beech Island, in the Edgefield District, to a place which he named Redcliff. In 1857, without his knowledge, he was elected to the U. S. Senate to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Andrew Pickens Butler. At this time he had been out of political life for nearly fifteen years. Gov. Hammond was a very strong supjDorter of the doctrine of States Rights ; but failing health did not permit him to take any active share in our great struggle. " In private life Senator Hammond was affable and genial, warm in his friendships and devoted in his affections. Famous writer, able 270 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. governor, and great senator, — at home he was the plain and unpretending country gentleman and planter, easy of access to all. , Very fond of the company of friends and neighbors, his conversational powers were something more than excellent — they were brilliant. His hospitality was princely, and there were few admitted to his intimacy who did not feel the spell of his musical voice as he held them in the thrall oF his glittering eye." He m. Jun. 23, 1831, Catherine E. Fitzsimons, and had issue : 1. Harry, b. Mch 30, 1832. 2. Edward Spann, b. Jun. 26, 1834. 3. Paul Fitzsimons, b. Mch. 27, 1838. d. Dec. 17, 1887. 4. Katherine, b. Sep. 26, 1840. d. Nov. 20, 1882. 5. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1849. t-1-1. Major Harry," oldest son of James Henry, b. at Columbia, graduated at the University of South Carolina, 1851 ; graduated Medical Dep't, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1855 ; traveled in Europe 1856-7 ; Professor of Natural Sciences, University of Georgia, 1859—60; entered 14th Reg't S. C. Vols., Oct. 1861, as Assistant Commissary; appointed Major and Brigade Quartermaster in Gen. Maxey Gregg's (afterwards McGowan's) Brigade 1862 ; served in the field with the Army of North Virginia from that date until paroled at Appomatox Court House 1865 ; since that date planter at Beech Island ; author of several essays and speeches, and the Hand-Book of South' Carolina. Major Hammond m. Nov. 22, 1859, Emily Cumming, and had issue : 1. Julia Bryan, b. Aug. 24, 1860. 2. Catherine Fttzsimons, b. Feb. 17, 1867. 3. Henry Cumming, b. Dec. 10, 1868. 4. Christopher Cashel Fitzs, b. May 24, 1870. 5. Alfred Cumming, b. Jan. 11, 1873. These children are all living and are all single. Henry Cumming^ is an attorney at Augusta, Ga. t-1-2. Edward Spann,' second son of James Henry, graduated University of Georgia, 1852 ; graduated Medical Dep't, University of Pennsylvania, 1855 ; member of Legisla ture, South Carolina, 1858-9 ; served on General Bonham's Staff with the rank of Major, 1861 ; planter in Mississippi and Virginia; eAltor liichmond ITAi^', 1863-4 ; since then planter in Aiken, and attorney at Aiken Court House, S. C. He m. 1st, Jun. 20, 1861, Marcelia Christiana Morris of Lynchburg, Va., who d. Jun. 12, 1878. Issue : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN HAMMOND. 271 1. Elizabeth Delaware, b. Aug. 9, 1866. He m. 2d, Oct. 12, 1882, Laura Hanson Brown, 7?ee Dunbar, and had issue : 2. William Dunbar, b. Sep. 1, 1883. 3. James Henry, b. Feb. 4, 1885. Of these children, Elizabeth Delaware' m. Sep. 29, 1885, Albert Evarts WUlis of Williston, S. C, and had issue : 1. Marcelia Celeste WiUis, b. Jul. — , 1886. 2. Albert Edwin, b. May — , 1888. ' t-1-3. Paul Fitzsimons," third son of James Henry, cotton planter, Aiken Co., S. C. ; served on Gen. Kirby Smith's and Gen. Breckenridge's Staffs 1862-3; member of the first re-construction Convention of South Carolina 1865 ; author of several speeches and pamphlets, and of a biography of hie father ; for many years noted as a most successful cotton and rice planter in Aiken Co., S. C. ; and, while he lived, a power in his community on account of his mental abilities and moral qualities. He m. Nov. 9, 1858, Loula M. Comer, and had issue : 1. Marcus Claude, b. Aug. 5, 1859. 2. Maria, b. iMch. 2, 1861. d. Jun. 16, 1882. 3. Celeste, b. Nov. 25, 1862. 4. Catherine Fitzsimons, b. Jun. 29, 1864. d. Dec. 12, 1864. 5. James Henry, b. Oct. 23, 1865. 6. CaroUne Victoria, b. Dec. 9, 1867. 7. Frank Lyttleton, b. May 18, 1869. d. Oct 6, 1869. 8. Kate Gregg, b. Aug. 16, 1870. Of these children, 1. Marcus Claude,' who is a clerk at Savannah, Ga., was b. at Macon, Ga., and the others at Beech Island, S. C. 2. Maria' m. Dec. 3, 1878, Alphius Philip Cassin, and had issue : 1. Maria Celeste, b. in 1880. 2. Cornelius Philip, b. Apr. — , 1882. 3. Celeste' m. Feb. 16, 1880, Calbraith Butler Lamar, and had issue : 1. Sarah Adams, b. Mch. 12, 1881. +_1_4. Katherine,' oldest daughter of James Henry, m. 1st, Oct. 10, 1861, James Gregg of Graniteville, S. C, who d. Apr. 19, 1876. She m. 2d, Apr. 13, 1878, William E. McCoy of Augusta, Ga. No issue by either marriage. 272 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. t-1-5. Elizabeth,' youngest daughter of James Henry, m. Dec. 7, 1871, William Raiford Eve, cotton planter at Beech Island, S. C. Issue : 1. Catherine Fitzsimons, b. Sep. 15, 1872 2. Edward Armstrong, b. Oct. 27. 1873 3. .Sarah .lane, b. Aug. 17, 1875 4. Annie Hampton, b. Oct. 20, 1876 5. William Raifored. 82 Charles Fred, 97 Charles G., 68 Charles H., 151 Charles H., 186 Charles L., 162 Charles L., 190 Charles Nash, 92 Charles S., 41 Charles Yates, 40 Charlotte, 82 Charlotte, 82 Charlotte, 109 Charlotte E., 228 Charlotte E., 274 Charlotte L., 79 Charity, 99 Charity, 104 Charity, 111 Charity, 267 Chester, 82 Christopher, 29 Christopher, 257 Clara Cobb, 233 Clara L., 266 Clara R., 66 Clara Sul», 150 Clarence, 103 Clarence, 262 Clarence R., 66 Clarence W., 27 Clarissa D., 50 Claudice M., 276 Clark Edwin, 53 Clement, 36 Clement M., 36 Clement M., 36 Cleo Nelson, 65 Clifton Leon, 52 Consider, 244 Cora E., 45 Cora E., 185 Cordelia, 31 Cordelia, 230 Cornelia, 47 Cornelius, 55 Cyrus, 72 Cyrus A., 186 Cyrus Walter, 61 D Daniel, 58 Daniel, 69 Daniel, 70 Daniel, 70 Daniel, 113 Daniel, 160 Darius C, 179 Darius E., 179 David, 13 David, 21 David, 81 David, 138 David, 141 David, 141 David, 264 David D., 115 David S., 72 David W., 181 David 2d, 81 David 3d, 82 Dean W., 173 Deborah, 22 Deborah, 27 Deborah, 117 Deborah, 186 INDEX OF HAMMONDS. 283 Deborah, 235 Deborah, 235 Deborah, 236 Deborah, 267 Deborah, 268 Deborah P., 98 D. Fletcher, 276 Delia, 55 Delia. 101 Delia M., 48 Delia M , 232 Dewitt C, 48 Dinah, 186 Dora Inez, 150 Dorcas D., 181 Dor E., 52 Dorus, 71 Drusilla, 186 Drusilla, 208 Drusilla M. , 24 Dwight, 161 Dwight S., 142 E Ebenezer, 13 Ebenezer, 268 Ebenezer, 274 Ebenezer F., 275 Ebenezer R., 237 Eben. Paul, 53 Edith Bird, 144 Edgar B., 26 Edmister, 28 Edmund, Baron, 2 Edmund S., 142 Edmund Y., 180 ' Edson Dana, 16 Edward, 245 Edward, 250 Edward C, 250 Edward E., 162 Edward L., 210 Edward M., 19 Edward M., 278 Edward S., 270 Edward W., 118 Edward W., 162 Edwin, 53. Edwin, 112 Edwin, 199 Edwin, 263 Edwin A., 262 Edwin F., 112 Edwin Fitch, 43 Edwin G. , 45 Edwin Jr., 113 Edwin P., 139 Edwin P. Jr., 140 Edwin 8., 199 Edwy E., 36 Effie, 107 Eleonora, 181 Eleonora, 183 Eliakim, 56 Elias, 148 Elihu, 22 Elihu, 251 Elijah, 100 Elijah, 187 Elijah, 189 Elijah G., 26 Elijah G., 103 Elijah, 2d, 108 EHjah, 3d, 193 Eliphel, 14 Elisha, 22 Elisha, 30 Elisha, 184 ElishaJ 255 Elisha, 267 Elisha, 268 Elisha, 268 Elisha C, 103 Elisha, Jr., 185 Elisha Q., 275 Eliza, 22 EHza, 34 Eliza, 106 Eliza, 147 Eliza, 164 Eliza, 275 Eliza A., 118 Eliza A., 192 Eliza Ann, 67 EHza B., 114 Eliza D., 24 Eliza L., 107 Eliza W., 257 Elizabeth, 3 Elizabeth, 14 Elizabeth, 14 Elizabeth, 17 EHzabeth, 22 Elizabeth, 22 Elizabeth, 40 Elizabeth, 63 ¦ Elizabeth, 64 Elizabeth, 81 Elizabeth, 84 Elizabeth, 87 Elizabeth, 111 Elizabeth, 111 Elizabeth, 124 EHzabeth, 130 Elizabeth, 134 Elizabeth, 169 EHzabeth, 178 EHzabeth, 197 Elizabeth, 208 Elizabeth, 211 Elizabeth, 235 Elizabeth, 249 EHzabeth, 251 Elizabeth, 257 Elizabeth, 264 Elizabeth, 265 EHzabeth, 268 Elizabeth, 268 Elizabeth, 272 EHzab*h A., 43 EHzabeth A., 89 Elizabeth A., 192 Elizabeth A., 97 Elizabeth D., 271 Elizabeth E., 198 Elizabeth F., 171 Elizabeth H., 19 Elizabeth H, 116 Elizabeth J., 42 Elizabeth J., 58 Elizabeth L , 79 Elizabeth M., 166 EHzabeth P. , 3 Elizabeth P., 213 Elizabeth P. , 274 Eliz. Rogers, 238 Ella Aug., 144 Ella Eliz., 237 Ella H., 159 Ellen, 164 Ellen, 193 Ellen A., 18 Ellen Delora, 220 Ellis, 111 Elmer, 183 Elmer E., 56 Elmer E., 138 Elmina A., 69 Elmina E., 164 Elnathan, 108 ' Elnathan, 197 Elnathan, 197 Elnathan, 235 Elnathan, Capt. 4 Elnathan, Sr.,195 Elnathan, Jr., 197 Eloda A., 220 Elon A., 151 Elon Oscar, 159 Elon G. E., 150 Elsie, 108 Elsina, 55 Elvira Thos., 143 Elwyn E., 161 Emeline, 223 Emery, 33 Emily, 68 Emily, 238 Emily A., 25 Emily A., 237 Emma, 62 Emma, 69 Emma, 154 Emma, 164 Emma, 198 Emma, 222 Emma, 259 Emma A., 145 Emma C, 181 Emma F., 65 EmmaL, 20 Emma King, 121 Emma Lu., 156 Emma Maria, 43 Emma S., 37 Emma Sarah, 157 Enoch, 207 Ephraim, 67 Ephraim, 68 Erasmus W., 156 Ernest, 36 Ernest, 53 Ernest Mark, 161 Esther, 42 Ethan Allen, 246 Ethan A. , .Jr. , 246 Etta, 107 Etta Susie, 151 Eudora F., 214 Eugene, 55 Eugene H., 82 Eugene Lynn, 65 Eunice, 57 Eunice, 108 Eunice, 109 Eunice, 123 Eunice, 186 Eunice, 264 Eva, 165 Eva JuHa, 199 284 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. Eva Lucretia, 65 Eveline, 184 Everett, 184 Eviline T., 144 Experience, 85 Experience Jr., 85 Ezra, 66 Ezra, 183 Fannie Bates, 98 Fannie G., 25 Fannie AV., 121 Faunce, 132 Faunce, 149 Fear, 38 Felicia A., 69 Felix, 262 Fillmore, 222 Flora, 191 Flora Annette, 65 Flora T., 70 Florence R., 170 Forest, 161 Frances, 61 Frances, 62 Frances L., 81 Francis, 83 Francis, 114 Francis A., 21G Francis A., 262 Francis E., 65 Francis, Jr., 115 Francis \V., 26 Frank, 33 Frank, 41 Frank, 84 Frank, 121 Frank, 262 Frank, 263 Frank A., 60 Frank II. , 17 Frank H., 148 Frank II,, 238 Frank Tweed, 214 Franklin, 83 Franklin D., 180 Franklin D., Jr., 180 Fred, 77 Fred, 86 Fred B., 150 Fred C, 55 Fred Coll., 142 Fred H., 148 Fred L., 254 Fred S., 147 Fred'c Hunt, 194 Frederic, 93 Frederic A., 72 Frederic A., 119 Frederic C, 62 Frederic C, 141 Frederic H., 98 Frederic P., 26 Frederick H., 238 Freelove, 28 Freelove, 113 Freeman, 113 Freeman, 83 G George, 17 George, 70 George, 79 George, 83 George, 115 George, 131 George, 133 George, 136 George, 183 George, 199 George, 2115 George, 231 George A., 24 George A., 216 George A.. 247 George B., 246 George C, 99 George C, 143 George C, 161 George C., 165 George G., 176 GcorgeC, 2d, 177 George C., 3d, 177 George E., 200 George F., 238 George F., 250 George Fred, 92 George Fred, 254 George H., 85 George H., 138 George Henry, 70 George Henry, 94 George Henry, 142 George II., Jr., 97 George, Jr., 221 George L., 237 George S., 75 Gcory-e S., 76 George S., 119 George S., 143 George, Sr., 219 George, 2d, 217 George T., 182 George Van R., 58 George W., 24 George W., 42 George W., 45 George W., 55 George W., 69 George AV., 60 George W., 105 George AV., 137 George AV., 153 (ieorge W., 156 George W., 202 George W., 228 Georgia, 253 Georgia C, 137 Georgiana, 45 Georgiana, 1 14 Georgiana, 266 Georgianna' W., 237 Gertrude M., 162 Gideon, 112 Gideon, 264 Gideon, 2d, 117 Girard, 50 Grace E., 68 Grace L., 79 Grant, 41 Guy P., 160 H Haidee F., 65 Ilaller, 166 Hannah, 51 Hannah, 57 Hannah, 63 Hannah, 64 Hannah, 71 Hannah, 76 Hannah, 99 Hannah, 120 Hannah, 123 Hannah, 131 Hannah, 147 Hannah, 178 Han-nab, 183 Hannah, 186 Hannah, 223 Hannah, 229 Hannah, 235 Hannah, 258 Hannah, 259 Hannah, 268 Hannah B., 87 Hannah G., 158 " Hannah J. L. J., 182 piannah M., 35 Hannah S., 233 Hardin J. , 65 Harper D. , 246 Harriet, 51 Harriet, 6 7 Harriet, 83 Harriet, 110 Harriet, 116 Harriet A., 182 Harriet A., 237 Harriet B., 47 Harriet E. , 25 Harriet M., 239 Harriette M., 275 Harrison J., 158 Harry, 47 Harry, 162 Harry, 270 Harry B., 106 Harry T. W., 42 Hart B., 216 Harvey, 221 Hattie, 49 Hattie C., 212 Hattie E., 165 Hattie F., 30 Hattie Lou., 199 Hattie M., 59 Hattie T., 27 Hattie AV., 91 Haviland, 110 Helen, 46 Helen, 159 Helen A., 61 Helen .Tane, 19 Helen M., 41 Helen Mar., 114 Helen T., 254 Henrietta, 218 Heniy, 10 Henry, 31 Henry, 32 Henry, 70 Henry, 73 Henry, 84 Henry, 93 Henry, 116 INDEX OF HAMMONDS. 285 Henry, 248 Henry, 248 Henry C., 142 Henry C, 202 Henry C, 270 Henry Clay, 167 Henry Clay, 168 Henry F., 26 Henry G., 211 Henry H., 152 Henry J., 165 Henry M., 69 Henry P., 205 Henry S., 278 Henry T., 230 Henry W., 27 Henry AV., 91 Henry AV., 199 Hepsibeth, 15 Herbert, 33 Herbert, 62 Herbert, 92 Herbert, 121 Herbert C, 185 Herbert E., 35 Herbert H., 93 Herbert M., 27 Hiram C, 259 Hiram M., 258 Holmes, 157 Homer H., 168 Horace A., 35 Horace A., 233 Horace Bruce, 119 Horatio N. , 64 Hulda, 111 Huldah, 123 Hunnewell, 251 Hunnewell, 252 Ida Ann, 169 Ida Belle, 191 Ida H., 148 Ida J. 223 Ida May, 156 Ida P., 37 Ira, 54 Ira Mallory, 160 Irene, 147 Irene, 222 Irvin C, 102 Isaac, 57 Isaac, 61 Isaac, 69 Isaac, 71 Isaac, 121 Isaac D., 103 Isaac L., 182 Isaac L., 2d, 182 Isaac W., 100 Isabel, 186 Isabella, 188 Isabelle, 82 Isaiah, 123 Israel, 108 Israel, 264 Israel, 266 J Jabez, 74 Jabez Dean, 172 Jabez Delano, 175 Jabez Faunce, 151 Jabez Holmes, 149 Jabez Holmes, 161 Jabez, Jr., 74 Jabez M., 171 Jabez, lst,107,130 elabez, 2d, 99,170 Jabez, 2d, 162 Jackson, 263 Jacob, 60 Jacob, 71 James, 49 James, 72 James, 88 Jan.es, 111 James, 112 James, 114 James, 158 James, 174 James, 236 James, 241 James, 275 James A., 119 James B., 91 James B., 2d, 92 James D., 51 James E., 212 James Ed., 73 James F., 249 James F., 2d, 249 James H., 262 James H., Jr., 262 James Henry, 102 James Henry, 269 James H., 2d, 275 .James H., 3d, 273 James, Jr., 115 James, Jr., 117 .Tames Lowry, 212 James Nye, 250 James Wing, 238 Jane, 14 Jane, 34 Jane, 58 Jane, 71 Jane, 121 Jane, 134 .lane, 159 Jane, 189 Jane, 198 Jane Ann, 54 Jane Frances, 79 Jane Hiller, 116 Jane L., 48 Jane L., 253 Jane Maria, 75 Jane W., 25 J. Dewane, 48 Jean, 140 Jedediah, 13 Jedediah, 17 Jedediah, 77 Jedidah, 12 Jedidah, 21 Jedidah, 22 Jeduthan, 14 Jeduthan, 18 Jeduthan, 111 Jeduthan, 122 Jeduthan, 123 Jeduthan, Jr., 14 JefPery, 49 Jemima, 57 Jenetty, 71 Jenne, 14 Jennie, 121 .Tennie A., 194 Jennie E., 61 Jennie Swan, 91 Jennison, 248 Jerome, 50 Jerusha, 12 Jesse, 119 Jesse, Jr., 120 Jessie, 106 Jessie, 107 Jessie C, 137 J. F. Ellis, 46 Jireh, 251 Jiry, 156 Jiry, 163 Joanna, 78 Joanna, 106 Joanna, 124 Joanna, 251 Joanna, 268 Joanna, 268 ,Tob Delano, 102 Job D., 2d, 102 Job Eari, 33 Job Herbert, 33 John, 2 John, 38 John, 55 John, 64 John, 68 .John, 73 John, 85 John, 92 John, 102 John, 122 .Tohn, 129 John, 146 John, 178 John, 186 John, 190 John, 192 John, 202 John, 203 John, 235 John, 247 John, 264 -Tohn Arnold, 197 John Arnold, 198 JohnC, 105 John Culver, 233 John D., 205 John Dennis, 277 JohnF., 182 John F. C, 158 John Fox, 273 John G., 145 John Jenney, 238 John, Jr., 103 John, Jr., 122 John, Jr., 122 John, Jr , 181 John, Jr., 190 John, Jr., 234 John L., 42 John L., 73 John L. , 92 John L., 192 John M., 112 John M., 189 John Melville, 152 John N. , 33 286 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. John N., 59 John Nath'l, 142 John P., 66 John Q. A., 143 John Randall, 32 .TohnS , 27 John S., 49 John SewaH, 80 John Trow, 91 .Tohn AV., 97 John W., 183 John Wilkes, 213 John W., Jr., 214 John Winslow, 186 John AV., 2d, 187 John, 3d, 235 Jonathan, 12 Joseph, 27 Joseph, 77 Joseph, 78 Joseph, 84 Joseph, 85 Joseph, 197 Joseph, 248 Joseph, 251 Joseph, 252 Joseph, 262 Joseph F , 253 Joseph H., 80 Joseph J., 118 Joseph, Jr., 79 Joseph L., 79 Joseph P., 194 Joseph T., 262 Joseph v., 166 Joseph W., 121 Josephine, 24 Josephine, 237 Josephine, 247 Josephine S., 80 Josephus, 244 Josephus, 2d, 245 Joshua, 19 Joshua, 131 Joshua, 242 Joshua B., 215 Joshua F., 19 Joshua G., 178 Joshua W., 215 Josiah, 100 Josiah, 104 Josiah, Jr., 131 Josiah N., 35 Josiah P., 231 Josiah S., 231 Josiah Shaw, 232 Josiah, Sr , 98 Josiah, 2d, 107 Judith Cook, 82 .Tudith R., 82 Julia, 19 Julia, 230 Julia A., 182 Julia A. B., 115 .Julia Ann, 68 Juliet, 94 Juliette, 87 Juliette, 162 K Kate, 263 Kate Eliz., 41 Kate Luella, 159 Katharine, 274 Katherine, 271 Katherine S., 272 Katie Y., 137 Lamont F., 152 Lany, 42 Larissa, 147 Lirnet H., 214 Lathrop, 163 Laura, 165 Laura, 186 Laura A., 159 Leaffie A., 93 LeBaron, 236 Leona A., 150 Leonard, 35 Leonard, 253 Lester, 191 Lester H., 192 Lettes, 17 Lettes, 18 Lettes, 100 Lettice, 77 Levi C., 169 Levi C, Jr., 170 Lewis, 59 Lewis M., 154 Lewis M., 155 Lida M., 190 Lillian Aug., 81 Lillian E., 212 Lillie May, 45 Lillie R., 102 Linda H., 148 Lizzie, 84 Lizzie I., 88 Lois, 57 Lois, 186 Lois, 242 Lolila M., 88 Loring P., 259 Lothrop, 108 Lothrop, 131 Lottie, 144 Louie, 140 Louisa, 71 Louisa, 242 Louisa, 249 Louisa D., 22 Louisa H., 80 Louisa M., 15 Louise B., 194 Lucia A., 171 Lucian T., 228 Lucinda, 83 Lucinda, 198 Lucinda M., 156 Lucius G., 68 Lucretia, 64 Lucy, 54 Lucy, 77 Lucy, 101 Lucy, 105 Lucy, 120 Lucy, 123 Lucy, 177 Lucy, 217 Lucy, 220 Lucy, 229 Lucy, 230 Lucy, 257 Lucy Ann, 152 Lucy Jane, 158 Lucy M., 186 Lucy S., 25 Luerriscea, 21 Luke, 74 Lulu, 53 Lurana, 21 Luthan, 63 Luthan, 66 Luthan, 69 Luthan, 69 Luthan, Jr., 63 Luther, 106 Luther, 131 Luther, 165 Luther, 179 Luther E., 180 Luther, Jr., 166 Luther, Jr., 180 Lycurgus 0., 169 Lydia, 15 Lydia, 72 Lydia, 122 Lydia, 123 Lydia, 217 Lydia, 252 Lydia A., 185 Lydia A., 275 Lydia Amelia, 69 Lydia Ann, 42 Lydia C, 266 Lydia D., 61 Lydia H., 260 Lydia L., 55 Lydia Maria, 228 Maggie, 191 Mahala, 39 Malinda, 87 Marcelia, 185 Marcelia E., 187 Marcia, 157 Marcia, 166 Marcia, 166 Marcia D., 115 Marcus A., 185 Marcus C, 27 1 Marcus C. M., 272 Marcus C. M., 275 Margaret, 18 Margaret, 88 Maria, 12 Maria, 37 Maria, 57 Maria, 62 Maria, 74 Maria, 75 Maria, 149 Maria, 271 Maria L., 25 Maria L., 237 Maria T., 230 Marianna, 181 Marietta, 27 Marietta, 48 Mariette, 198 Marion A., 16 Mark, 43 Marshall, 46 Martenia, 199 Martha, 3 Martha, 54 INDEX OF HAMMONDS. 287 Martha, 54 Marth a, 105 MarthaHne, 44 Martha Ann, 91 Marth a Ann, 138 Marth a Ann, 148 Martha H., 93 Marth a H., 198 Martha S., 211 Martha S., 212 Martin Van B., 247 Mary 14 Mary 17 Mary, 39 Mary 42 Mary 64 Mary 54 Mary 55 Mary 57 Mary 57 Mary 63 Mary 64 Mary 70 Mary 74 Mary ,84 Mary 99 Mary 100 Mary 108 Mary 111 Mary 112 Mary 119 Mary 120 Mary 133 Mary 139 Mary 147 Mary 167 'Mary 173 Mary 177 Mary 186 Mary 197 Mary 228 Mary 236 Mary 242 Mary 243 Mary 244 Mary 255 Mary 256 Mary 264 Mary A., 25 Mary A., 119 Mary A., 140 Mary Adams, 143 Mary Allen, 109 Mary Ann, 62 Mary Ann, 230 Mary Ann, 252 Mary Aug., 43 Mary B., 118 Mary C, 40 Mary Clark, 133 Mary Clifton, 249 Mary E., 18 Mary E., 53 Mary E., 68 Mary E., 107 Mary E., 137 Mary Eliz., 92 Mary Eliz., 102 Mary Eliz., 113 Mary Eliza, 237 Mary Ellen, 81 Mary Ellen, 141 Mary F., 191 Mary J., 60 Mary J., 69 Mary J. , 138 Mary ,L, 159 Mary J., 220 Mary Jane, 48 Mary Jane, 150 Mary Julia, 203 Mary L., 247 Mary Lovell, 90 MaryM., 173 Mary S., 102 Mary S., 205 Mary V., 46 Maryette, 51 Mattie M., 137 Maud, 53 Maude, 140 Maude L., 67 Maylon, 52 Mehitable, 256 Melinda, 73 Melissa, 274 Melissa Cobb, 228 Melissa S., 153 Mercy, 28 Mercy, 31 Mercy, 31 Mercy A., 181 Mercy M. , 256 Micah, 255 Michael, 259 Millard F., 162 Milton, 71 MinaJ., 69 Minerva, 64 Minnie, 37 Miranda, 177 Mitchell, 269 Molly, 28 Molly, 216 Molly, 235 Moses, 255 Mumford, 244 Myrtis B., 231 N Nahum W., 106 Nancy, 23 Nancy, 31 Nancy, 101 Nancy, 117 Nancy, 249 Nancy C, 17 Nancy C, 101 Naomi, 41 Nathan, 104 Nathan, 109 Nathan, 111 Nathan, 207 Nathan, 241 Nathan K., 49 Nathan M., 101 Nathan, 2d, 241 Nathan, 3d, 99, 177 Nathaniel, 21 Nathaniel, 23 Nathaniel, 58 Nathaniel, 123 Nathaniel, 133 Nathaniel, 201 Nathaniel, 203 Nathaniel, 207,242 Nathaniel, 214 Nathaniel, 242 Nathaniel, 246 Nathaniel, 265 Nathaniel, Esq., 212 Nathaniel, Jr., 21 Nathaniel, Jr., 133 Nathaniel H., 214 Nathaniel W. , 218 Nathaniel, 3d, 246 Nehemiah, 227 Nellie, 121 NelHe, 263 Nellie B., 102 Nellie Cutler, 151 Nellie Eliz., 215 NelHe Laura, 144 Nelson, 58 Nettie M., 41 Nicholas., 56 Nina Van R., 140 Noah, 105 « Noah, 108 Noah, 264 Noah, 266 Noah, Jr , 106 Nora E , 192 O Obed Warren, 102 Octavia, 277 Olie, 160 Olive, 86 Olive, 104 Olive, 267 Oliver A., 191 Oliver Guy, 142 Orrin, 30 Oscar, 192 Oscar M., 36 Otis M., 104 Otis S., 194 P Pansey L., 47 Parnell, 245 Patience, 14 Patience, 29 Patience, 55 Patience, 268 Paul, 15 Paul, 39 Paul, 122 Paul Fitz, 271 Paul, Jr., 51 Paul, 2d, 15 PauHne, 173 Penelope, 19 Penelope K. , 20 Penelope R., 203 Pernall, 14 ¦ PernaH, 245 Perry C, 190 Perry C, Jr., 191 Persis Cobb, 227 Phebe, 22 Phebe, 71 Phebe, 122 Phebe, 207 Phebe, 242 Phebe C, 69 Phemie D., 209 Philip, 3 288 HAMMOND , GENEALOGY. Philip, 170 Philip Delano, 172 Philip Faunce, 246 Philorft, 220 Phineas, 14 Pickens, 275 Polly, 29 Polly, 31 Polly, 85 Polly, 113 Polly, 246 Polly, 248 Polypus, 244 Polypus, Jr., 244 Prince, 37 Prince, 256 Priscilla, 87 Priscilla, 108 Priscilla, 112 Priscilla, 176 Priscilla, 213 Priscilla, 233 Priscilla, 265 Priscilla P., 229 Priscilla S., 213 R Rachel, 3 Rachel F., 237 Rachel M., 231 Ralph, 67 Ralph Perrv, 155 Randall, 200 Rasselas A., 169 Rasselas AV., 156 Ray Benson, 154 Rebecca, 29 Rebecca, 33 Rebecca, 107 Rebecca, 108 Rebecca, 131 Rebecca, 174 Rebecca, 183 Rebecca, 184 Rebecca, 265 Rebecca II. , 119 Rebecca R., 183 Reuben B., 246 Reuben B., 2t7 Reuben C, 189 Reuben W., 58 Rezin, 3 Rhoda, 131 Rhoda, 173 Richard, 108 Richard G., 138 Robert, 124 Robert, 146 Robert C, 106 Robert C, 2d, 107 Roger, 99 Roger, 111 Roger, 266 Roger, Jr., 99 Roger AVing, 120 Roland, 209 Roland G., 232 Roland, Jr., 210 Roland Orr, 231 Roland R. C, 261 RolHn, 263 RosabeH A. A., 45 Rosa Belle, 60 Rosamond, 11 Rosanna, 104 Rose, 99 Rose, 177 Rowland, 216 Rowland, 218 Rowland, 227 Rowland C, 211 Rowland, 2d, 216 Rowland W., 222 Rowland W., 2d, 220 Roxie Haskell, 258 Ruby, 171 Rufus, 213 Ruth, 14 Ruth, 33 Ruth, 40 Ruth, 57 Ruth, 57 Rutli, 64 Ruth, 111 Ruth. 131 Ruth, 132 Ruth, 264 Ruth A., 32 Ruth Alice, 66 Ruth Ann, 68 Ruth Waldron, 205 S Salathiel, 38 Salem P., 190 Sally, 30 Sally, 32 Sally, 51 Sally, 132 Sally, 259 Samantha, 260 Samuel, 11 Samuel, 20 Samuel, 29 Samuel, 40 Samuel, 52 Samuel, 56 Samuel,- 58 Samuel, 61 Samuel, 123 Samuel, 125 Samuel, 218 Samuel, 262 Samuel Albro, 141 Samuel D., 46 Samuel, Jr., 61 Samuel, Jr., 71 Samuel N., 202 Samuel W., 238 SamuelW.,2d, 238 Samuel, 2d, 28 Samuel, 3d, 28 Sarah, 35 Sarah, 41 Sarah, 62 Sarah, 84 Sarah, 86 Sarah, 92 Sarah, 101 Sarah, 130 Sarah, 131 Sarah, 188 Sarah, 222 Sarah, 223 Sarah, 230 Sarah, 241 Sarah, 242 Sarah, 255 Sarah, 268 Sarah A., 146 Sarah Ann, 44 Sarah Ann, 80 Sarah Agnes, 97 Sarah B., 117 Sarah E., 30 Sarah E., 114 Sarah E., 201 Sarah E., 262 Sarah Eliz., 80 Sarah Eliz., 118 Sarah J., 59 Sarah Joanna, 212 Sarah L., 134 Sarah Lovina, 152 Sarah Lovina, 160 Sarah M., 180 Sarah M., 223 Sarah N., 201 Sarah S., 147 Sarah Shaw, 120 Sarah T., 115 Sarah AV., 120 Sarah VV., 122 Seneca, 54 Seneca, 56 Seth, 12 Seth, 31 Seth, 36 Seth, 78 Seth, Jr., 21 Seth, Jr., 31 Seth, Jr. , 268 Seth Oscar, 84 Seth W., 184 Seth, 2d, 21 Seth, 3d, 32 Seth, 3d, 34 Seth, 3d, 246 Shubael, 103 Shubael, Jr., 104 Silas, 17 Silvanus, 123 Sommerfield, 275 Sommerfield, 276 Sommerfield G. , 274 Sophia, 101 Sophia, 120 Sophia, 257 Sophia A., 215 Stafford, 256 iStanley, 49 SteHa, 173 Stephen, 62 Stephen, 104 Stephen, 146 Stephen, 153 Stephen, 177 Stephen, 244 Stephen, 248 Stephen E. , 248 Stephen F., 155 Stephen F., 160 Stephen G., 180 Stephen H., 149 Stephen, Jr., 147 Stephen, Jr., 248 Stephen W., 183 Stephen W., Jr., 183 nSTDEX OF HAMMONDS. 289 Stephen Yates, 204 Subniit, 147 Sumner B., 25 Susan, 24 Susan, 32 Susan, 57 Susan, 74 Susan, 103 Susan, 113 Susan, 114 Susan, 120 Susan, 120 Susan Aug., 230 Susan B., 102 Susan Cobb, 250 Susan Cutler, 172 Susan Emily, 62 Susan L., 232 Susan M., 194 Susanna, 178 Susanna A., 151 Susannah, 111 Susannah, 111 Susannah, 188 Susannah, 197 Susannah, 241 Susannah, 242 Susannah R., 236 Sylvanus, 13 Sylvanus, Jr., 13 Sylvester O., 48 Sylvia, 119 Sylvia, 208 Sylvia, 247 Sylvia R., 118 T Thankful, 38 Thankful, 64 Thankful, 77 Thankful, 99 Thankful, 242 Thankful, 245 Thankful, 245 Thankful. 267 Theodore, 110 Theodore E., 191 Theodore M., 154 Theophilus, 192 Thomas, 1 Thomas, 1 Thomas, 2 Thomas, 3 Thomas, 30 Thomas, 37 Thomas, 71 Thomas, 76 Thomas, 89 Them as, 93 Thomas, 109 Thomas, 166 Thomas, 211 Thomas, 211 Thomas, 227 Thomas, 253 Thomas B., 66 Thomas B., 119 Thomas BeU, 137 Thomas C, 75 Thomas C, 254 Thomas F., 91 Thomas F., 167 Thomas H., 76 Thomas H., 144 Thomas, Jr., 38 Thomas, Jr., 76 Thomas, Jr., 90 Thomas, Jr., 110 Thomas, Jr., 228 Thomas N., 246 Thomas Penn, 208 Thomas T., 273 Thomas W., 75 Thomas AV., 215 Timothy, 235 Timothy, 238 Timothy, 267 Timothy, 2d, 236 IJ Ulysses H., 161 Ulysses H. Uri, 17 169 V Venora E., 173 Victor Hugo, 65 Virgil Scott, 65 Virginia C, 41 Volney H., 169 W WaitstiH, 104 Waity, 112 Walter, 92 Walter, 275 Walter C, 83 Walter Ford, 76 Walter J., 185 Wellington, 164 WeHs Sj, 176 Wiley G., 52 WilHam, 1, 9 William, 1 WiHiam, 2 William, 2 William, 3 William, 27 William, 38 William, 38 AVilliam, 46 William, 47 William, 54 WilHam, 56 William, 78 William, 79 WilHam, 83 WilHam, 86 WilHam, 90 WiHiam, 98 William, 101 WilHam, 120 William, 182 William, 184 William, 190 WiUiam, 198 WilHam, 227 William, 229 William, 249 William, 249 WilHam, 260 WilHam, 275 William Aug., 91 William B., 116 WiHiam B., 173 AVilliam C, 184 William E., 19 WilHam Fred, 200 AVilliam- G., 210 WiUiam G. S., 273 AVilliam H. , 33. WilHam H., 63 William IL, 80 WiUiam H., 156 V\''illiam H., 237 WiUiam J., 184 William JefE , 46 William Jiry, 165 William, Jr. . 54 WilHam, Jr., 88 WilHam LeB., 109 WUHam Lee, 229 William M., 47 William M.. 147 AAlUiam M. , 274 William Omar, 53 William P., 49 AVilliam P., 136 AViUiam P., 145 WiUiam P., 231 William R., 277 William T., 261 William T., 262 WiUiam AV. , 44 WilHam W., 50 WilHam W., 60 WiUie J., 51 Willie Palmer, 151 Wilson, 115 Wyatt, 109 z; Zebedee, 185 Zephaniah, 62 Zephaniah W. , 97 Zilpha, 105 Zilpha, 131 Zoeth, 38 Zuriah, 245 INDEX OP OTHER NAMES. Females are indexed under their maiden names. ADAIR. Augustus D., 277 ADAMS. Asa, 106 Byron, 206 Emily, 206 Etta, 110 Frank, 206 Harriet, 206 Martha, 204 Mary, 133 Mary, 153 Mary, 206 Olivia E. A., 206 Walter, 205 ADMIXTER. Deliverance, 28 AIKEN. John, 257 ALBRO. Freelove G., 203 ALDEN. John, 201 Sally, 29 ALLEN. Alborn, 258 Anthony, 113 Capt., 268 Catherine, 224 Charity, 36 Elizabeth, 108 James, 118 Jane, 224 Lydia, 184 Lydia E. , 185 Mercy, 148 Nancy, 118 ALLEY. Belle H., 138 James M., 138 John W., 138 MaryE., 138 ALMY. Edwin R., 116 AMENT. Winfield S., 68 AMSDEN. Mary B., 136 ANDERSON. Alpheus S., 69 Augustine, 202 Charles H., 203 Emory, 202 Everett, 202 Hester A., 202 Nettie A., 203 Sarah M., 203 ANDREWS. Hattie L., 170 Mary, 261 Simeon, 28 ANNABLE. Elizabeth, 264 ANTHONY. Hannah D., 228 ANTRIM. Thomas, 134 ARNOLD. Mary, 129 Samuel, 5, 129 ASHBY. Posey, 192 ASHFORD. Thomas A., 15 ASHLY. AHce W., 259 Bishop, 15 Freeman, 14 ATKINS. Mercy, 182 ATWOOD. Betsey H., 226 Ebenezer, 226 Ebenezer, Jr., 226 George H., 226 J. Foster, 226 Nellie, 200 Samuel, 226 AUSTEN. Phila, 68 WilHam B., 140 AUSTIN. Benjamin F., 25 AVERY. Luther B., 117 B BABBITT. Henry, 138 BABCOCK. Elnora, 205 Mary S., 36 William IL, 253 BACKUS. Eliza M., 161 BADGER. Philip D., 150 Roland R., 183 292 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. BAILEY. 77 BAKER. J. F., Mrs., 149 Josiah, 246 Lillian T., 247 AVatson R., 185 BALDWIN. A. Webster, 157 Carrie M., 157 Emma E., 157 Henry, 149 BALL. Patty, 133 BABBOUR. William P., 71 BARDEN. Anna, 103 BARFIELD. Mary A., 275 BARKER. Abram, 257 BARLOW. Abigail, 264 Clarissa, 109 Gideon, 249 Hannah, 23 Hannah, 111 Lydia, 264 Mary, 98 Mary, 99 Mary, 108 Mary, 255 Mehitable, 109 Seth, 242 Seth, Jr., 242 Wyatt, 268 BARNARD. Edward M., 263 BARNES. Anna, 78 Ida J., 142 BARNUM. George W., 68 BARRELL, Ellen C, 84 BARROWS. Dudley IL, 228 William H., 228 BARRY. Ellen, 96 BARSTOW. Benjamin, 265 Benjamin F. , 265 Henry, 265 Lucy, 212 Nathan H. , 265 Sarah L., 224 Susan C. B., 265 BARTLETT. Caroline, 260 Elias H., 18 Mary J., 232 BASSET. NelHe, 53 BATES. Edgar B., 106 Mary, 89 Mary, 97 Thomas, 250 BATTEY. Clarissa A., 103 BAXTER. Emaline, 51 Julia E., 62 BAYLEY. Royal L., 169 BEARSE. Andrew H., 179 Clarence, 25 Hannah, 179 Marinda, 182 BELDING. Sophie, 122 Willard J., 122 BELLOWS. Caroline F., 152 BELYEA. Ida Louise, 194 Joseph, 194 BENNETT. Charles O., 122 CordeHa, 106 Robert, 118 Sophia L. , 64 Stephen, 245 BENSON. liannah, 100 Jabez, 100 Maria, 244 BENT. George B., 181 BENTON. Lizzie M., 141 S. J., 141 BERT. Lucia, 228 BERTINE. Josephine M. , 73 BESSE. Nathaniel, 242 BICKNELL. Abigail, 176 Fannie, 176 Jabez H.. 176 John S., 176 John S., Jr., 176 Sophia, 18 BIRD. John H., 172 ,17 BIRGE. Cyrus, 198 Elijah, 198 BISBY. Celia M., 231 BISHOP. Betsey, 167 D. B., 164 Helen, 46 Samuel, 71 BLACKMER. Saulisbury, 224 BLAKE. Laltmer S., 25 BLANCHARD. Eunice C, 230 Julia A., 161 Junius, 230 BLANKENSHIP. Betsey, 248 Catherine, 114 Eliza P., 246,248 Elizabeth, 34 Harriet, 116 James, Jr., 256 Job, 246 Ruby, 113 Sylvia, 246 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 293 BLEDGETT. Harriet, 147 BLODGETT. Isadore F., 228 BLOOD. Mary, 162 Nellie, 161 BLOSSOM. Lydia, 117 Ilebecca, 117 BLOUNT. William, 178 WilHam F., 184 BLY. Rebecca, 119 BOICE. ,57 BOLLES. Abbie, 210, 225 Deborah, 21 Hannah, 21 Mary, 14 Mary, 21 Mary, 31 BONEY. Elian, 222 BONUM. Lydia, 210 BOONE. Alice J., 143 Eva J., 143 George H., 143 Gussie, 143 Lizzie L. , 143 Mary A., 143 Thomas H., 143 BOURNE. Abbie, 258 Annie E., 258 Edmond L., 258 Elizabeth, 241 George W., 258 Mary, 245 MaryL., 258 Tamar, 215 William L , 257 BOUTWELL. Lucinda, 261 BOAV.MAN. Francis, 87 Mary A., 106 BOYCE. Rhemember, 58 BOYD. Kepler, 138 BRACY. , 22 BRADFORD. Elmer, 231 George, 90 Horace, 82 Seth, 117 BRALEY. Isabel, 247 Mary A., 247 Mattie A., 247 Savery C, 247 BRIDGHAM. Samuel, 217 AVUliam, 217 BRIGGS. Charies H., 35 Eliza, 258 Jennie E., 66 John W., 99 Joseph, 99 Mary A., 215 Nathan, 255 Nathan, Jr., 255 Nathan, Sr., 255-6 Paul, 101 Peleg, 177 Stephen, 100 Thomas C, 120 BRIGHAM. , 268 BRIGHT. Margaret S., 174 Mary, 146 BROKAW. John, 223 BROOKS. Jennie A., 161 Nancy, 17 BROWN. Benjamin, 25 Caroline, 66 Laura H., 271 BROWN (cont'd). Minnie, 227 Sarah, 115 Sarah S., 67 Sidney, 220 BROAVNELL. Abner, 114 Ann E., 171 Cook, 257 Daniel, 57 Hannah, 257 Perry, 86 Stafford, 257 BRUNER. Sarah, 191 BRYAN. Calvin C, 73 BUCHAN. John L.,20 BUCK. Mary, 78 BUGBEE. Minnie G., 159 W. C, 159 BULLEN. Jane, 208, 224 BUMPUS. Fannie E., 27 Sarah J. , 24 BUNNELL, AnnE., 171 BURGESS. Joanna, 266 BURKE. EbedM., 173 BURLEW. Nellie H., 212 BURNHAM. AsaN., 211 Fannie, 159 Thomas H., 211 BURRAGE. George F., 97 BURRELL. Hattie, 119 BURTIS. George H., 194 294 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. BURTON. Harriet A., 110 Rachel, 110 BUTTERFIELD. EHza, 64 BYERS. Alexander R., 191 C CADY. C. Elbert, 65 .Julia A., 199 Willis, 199 CALL. Vienna, 186 CAMP. Burpe, 275 CAMERON. Fred. M., 174 CAMPBELL. John A., 150 Maria S. , 40 CANNON. David H., 265 Hallet M., 109 Henry, 120 CAREY. Ebenezer, 71 George L., 51 CARLETON. Henry, 132 CARNEY. EHzabeth M., 184 CARR, Deborah, 197 Lydia P., 90 CARROLL. Abigail, 86 CARVER. Chandler, 30 CASE. EHzabeth, 189 Nancy, 182 CASGRAIN. Charles W., 9:7 CASON. EHzabeth, 3i CASSIN. Alphius P., 271 CASAVELL. Elisha, 14 Lucy, 252 CHADSEY. Frank W., 237 CHADWICK. Barnabas, Jr., 123 Ellen A., 35 CHAFFEE. Joel W., 151 Josie L., 190 Namena S., 151 Onia F. W., 151 CHAMBERLAIN. Lucinda, 148 CHAMBERLAYNE. Mary, 204 CHANCE. Lizzie, 273 CHANDLER. Eliza H., 83 Eunice, 25 Frances k., 150 CHAPMAN. John, 145 CHASE. Elizabeth A., 35 John, 37 John, 259 Mark C, 185 CHEEVER. Samuel, 267 CHENEY. Parmelia, 48 CHESTER. George, 204 CHILCOTE. Mordecai F., 134 CHILDS. Hattie, 76 CHIPMAN. Abigail, 15 CHRISTIAN. Stephen, 86 CHURCH. Hearty, 76 CHURCHILL. Lydia, 264 CLAPP. Abigail, 79 CLARK. Amanda, 82 Ann E., 142 Clarissa, 44 David, 12 Edwin W., 80 Emaline S., 53 Frank E., 157 Harry A., 121 Helen M., 179 Madie A., 225 Mary, 34 Peras, 268 Temperance, 108 William T., 173 CLAWSON. NelHe, 263 CLEMENT. Robert, 169 CLEVELAND. Ida, 169 CLIFF. Carrie C, 52 CLIFTON. Jireh, 34 Lydia B., 248 Nancy, 101 Nancy, 249 CLOBB. F. M., 164 CLOSE. Clarissa, 40 James, 41 Nathaniel, 63 COBB. Almira, 228 Ebenezer, 188 James N., 33 Mary, 228 Persis, 227 Solon, 228 Susan, 250 Thomas, 228 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 295 COE. Curtis N., 212 Cynthia E., 211 Elizabeth H., 212 COFFIN. Mary A., 250 Mary F., 250 COGGESHALL. John, 77 COIL. Lucy J., 233 COLBY. Walter C, 98 COLE. Hugh, 124 Martha A., 150 Sarah A., 231 COLEMAN. Elsie, 85 Polly, 86 COLLIER. Isaac, 77 Minnie E., 150 Stephen F., 150 COLLINS. Ann, 85 COLVIN. David, 42 COMER. Loula M., 271 CONGDON. Mary R., 65 CONKLIN. Sarah E., 73 CONNER. NelHe, 151 COOK. Judith, 81 Marietta, 69 COONS. Hannah, 70 CORBIN. Mary J., 61 CORLISS. Sarah, 19 CORNISH. Elizabeth, 28 CORNWELL. Barnett L., 41 COTTERILL. Frank W., 89 COTTON. John, 278 .Tosiah, 125 Roland E., 229 CO WELL. Hannah, 112 COWEN. Rebecca, 249 COWLES. Addie V., 200 Henry F., 16 COX. Elizabeth, 196 COY. Lydia G., 86 CRAIGIE. Andrew, 235 CRAIGUE. Sarah A., 163 CRAMER. Samuel L., 137 CRANE. Lydia, 218 CRAPO. Bethiah T., 101 Sally, 239 Warren T., 101 CRAAVFORD. Robert, 206 CROCKER. EHza, 31 Rodolphus, 228 CROSBY. J. Birney, 47 CROUSE. B. Frank, 222 Corbie, 222 .Josephine, 222 Theodore C, 222 CULVER. Louisa, 61 Mary N., 226 CUMMING. Emilv, 270 CUNNINGHAM. Maude, 154 CURRIER. Amanda H,, 166 CURTIS. Laura E. , 27 Nehemiah, 78 CUSHING. Amos, 31 Nathaniel, 108 Oliver, 79 CUSHMAN. Asenath, 253 CUTLER. Susan, 171 CUTTING. Sarah, 187 CUYKENDALL. Titus W., '68 CUYKENDOLL. Ross, 223 DAMON. Charles, 34 Elizabeth, 34 Lyman, 19 Thankful, 77 WiUiam, 77 DANDRIDGE. Patrick H., 275 DAATES. Charlotte, 145 Harriet P., 272 DAVIS. Alice, 49 Alice, 256 Andrew Y., 124 Anna, Jr., 122 Betsey, 75 Electa, 49 Eliza J., 174 Esther, 115 Eunice, 188 Fred, 102 .Toseph, 256 Hulda, 156 Marcia T., 115 Mary, 112 Mary, 255-6 296 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. DAVIS (cont'd). Minerva S., 216 Moses, 236 Moses, 256 WUHam, 178 AViUiam H., 164 DAVISSON. Jennie, 192 DAY. Bessie, 273 DEAN. Amos, 174 Amos H'd, 174 Frederic A., 174 Hannah, 262 Henry N., 74 Joanna, 174 Josephine, 174 Mary B., 174 Nathaniel, 174 Nathaniel W., 174 DEARBORN. EHza M., 215 DEARDON. WiHiam H. PL, 105 DEISS. George T., 80 DeLaMATYR. Allida, 202 David, 204 Elias, 204 George, 204 Gilbert, 204 Henry, 203-4 Jane, 204 .Tohn, 204 Rebecca, 204 AValter, 204 DELANO. Beulah, 101 Deborah ,_ 24(5 Harper, 1 1 1 Ijouise, 246 Meribah, 241 Priscilla, 170 Sally P., 115 Susanna A., 254 DELOUNAY. Margaret, 78 DeMOR AN VILLE. Edson, 31 DENNIS. Carrol B., 225 DEWEY. Josiah E., 198 DEXTER. Alice, 241 Benjamin, 257 Daniel, 24 Euphemia F., 209 Martha M., 266 Mary, 265 Mary A., 23 Susan, 25 DICKINSON. Mary J., 159 DILL. Josiah R., 185 DILLINGHAM. Edward IL, 22 DINWIDDIE. Jane, 175 DIVOLL. Julia, 83 DOANE. Fuller G., 181 Laura, 26 Solomon, 179 DODGE. Nancy P., 89 DOE. NelHe M., 143 DOHERTY. Nellie E., 85 DOTEN. Edward, 20 DOTY. Richard, 104 Sarah, 255 DOUGLASS. David B., 274 DOW. Emily F., 88 DOWNER. Susan, 141 DRAPER. ArvUla, 1G» Ira, 18S DREW. Sarah S., 265 D'ROSIA. Laura M., 151 DUDLEY. D. Willard, 159 DUGAW. Andrew, 45 DUNBAR. Elisha, 77 Laura H., 271 DUNHAM. Almira, 255 Nathaniel, 255 Sidney A., 53 DUNKIN. Esek, 71 DUNN. Byron P., 209 Joseph, 82 DUNNING. Amanda, 69 DWINELL. Albert, 160 ' Clarence R., 159 DYE. Julia A. G., 192 WilHam H., 192 DYER. Helen L., 176 E EAMES. Andrew R., 228 EDMISTER. Elizabeth, 28 EDMONDS. Thomas, 143 EDMONSON. Nancy, 190 EDSON. Sarah, 15 EILER. Annie K., 17 EISENHART. Jennie, 237 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 297 ELDREDGE. Sally, 114 ELDRIDGE. Betsey, 259 Deborah, 178 Edward, 21 Harriet, 181 Maria, 259 Orrin H., 185 Rebecca, 183 Reuben, 186 Robert, 183 Salathiel, 259 Sarah Anil, 259 Silvia, SB' ELLEMAN. James, 86 ELLIS. Addie L., 184 Helen A., 258 Lucy, 251 Mary C, 246 Sarah, 106 ELLITHORP. Elias H., 55 ELLSWORTH. Mary, 47 ELMORE. Elijah, 275 ELSBURY. Rebecca, 138 ELY. James, 220 ENGELL. George T., 41 ENO, Joseph G., 81 ERNST. Frederick, 90 Frederick S., 89 ESCHER. Augusta L., 112 ETHERIDGE. Alvin, 194 EYE. AVilHam R., 272 EWELL. So^bia, 78 EWER. Barnabas, Jr., 259 FAIRBROTHER. Helen G., 162 FAREWELL. Laura D., 66 FARRINGTON. Robert T., 47 FARWELL. Mary A., 166 FAULKNER. Irene J., 19 FAUNCE. Abigail, 131 Thomas, 131 FAY. Timothy, 147 FELTON. CaroHne N., 193 FERGASON. Emily, 144 FERRIS. Augustus F., 63 FESSENDEN. Betsey, 186 FIELD. Charlotte O., 124 Hattie J., 121 FINCH. Walter B., 65 FINNEY; Louis, 30 FISH. Simeon, 253 FISHER. Eugene A., 150 Hannah A., 30 FITCH. Anna, 72 FITZGERALD. Katie, 262 FITZSIMMONS. Catherine E., 270 FLANDERS. Lucy B., 158 POLAND. Laura A., 138 FOLGER. Clarinda H., 183 George B., 101 Sarah, 183 POLLETT. Lydia, 64 FORCE. N. P., 146 FORNEY. M. R., 70 FORTNEY. George VV., 220 FOSKET. Margaret, 18 FOSTER. Elnathan, 245 John B., 62 Nellie, 155 FOWLER. Sarah, 91 FOAVLES. Ella, 94 FRANCE. Annie, 112 FRANCIS. Emma E. , 25 FRANKLIN. Benjamin, 197 FRAWLEY. Mary E., 212 FREEMAN. Abigail, Jr , 251 Chas. Bruce, 251 Sally, 261 Seth, 267 FULLER. Emma L., 26 Jasper, 51 Mary, 39 • G GAGE. Thomas, 57 GALLUP. George, 70 GAMBELL. Abigail, 219 " Orrin, 176 298 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. GARDNER. GODDARD. GREGORY. Allen, 153 George H., 94 Susan, 164 David G., 152 EHza, 168 Theodorus, 109 Lois, 67 Nancy M., 168 GREY. Lydia, 12 Moses, 78 GOLDSMITH. John, 87 Richard, 57 Sarah, 60 GARBING. Carrie, 66 GOODRICH. Ruth, 67 GRIFFITH. Obed, 14 GASTON. . Athelston, 64 Rhpn 63 GOODWIN. Alanson, 257 GRINNELL. Cornelius, 118 GORHAM. GROSS. GEER. Almeda L., 200 Jabez, 31 Jane, 33 Phcebe E., 41 GRUESBECK. GEFFROY. Thomas P., 233 GORTON. John, 55 Abigail, 219 Amelia, 222 GELETT. John, 25 Rebecca, 119 GERMAINE. Libbie, 157 GESSLER. Frances L., 137 GOSLING. Martha, 143 GOSTI. Lizette, 273 GOULD. Daniel, 67 EHa M., 254 Catherine, 219 GUNTHER. Laura, 102 GURNEY. William A., 35 H GETCHEL. George W., 88 HACKET. Ada M., 36 Sally, 179 Asa, 14 GIBBS. Samuel N., 22 HADLEY. Marietta E., 198 Sarah, 179 Eliza, 246 GIBSON. GRAHAM. Stephen, 15 .Tohnson, 107 Lizzie, 154 HADSELL. Robert W., 72 GRANNIS. Georgia, 68 GIFFORD. Alden, 87 Almira, 45 Levi, 44 HAIGHT. Joseph, 57 Fear, 122 GRAVES. HALE. George P., 87 Simeon, 107 MaryE., 161 Hannah, 37 William D., 65 Nancy R., 26 GREEN. HALL. Peleg W., 118 Amy, 70 AbigaU, 166 Reuben, 122 Leo, 41 David, 120 GILBREATH. Caroline, 191 Louisa, 171 Lydia, 170 Maria, 122 Eliphalet, 104 Eliza, 258 James M., Jr., 114 GILLS. Polly, 71 Mary, 214 Jesse, 178 Stephen, 75 Minnie, 102 Mehitable, 182 Susan, 103 WiUiam L., 205 GLASGOW. GREENE. HALLETT. Joseph, 59 William A., 35 Sarah, 250 GLEZEN. James, 188 GREENFIELD. Thomas, 17 HAMILTON. Almeda, 182 Edwin L., 68 * GLOVER. GREGG. Helen H., 43 William P., 40 James, 271 Warren G., 81 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 299 HANCOCK. Mariette, 171 HANDY. Gamaliel, 22 George, 21 HANEY. William, 34 HANNAFORD, Jennie E., 124 HAPGOOD, MaryL., 141 Salome F., 141 HARD. Charles F. N., 83 HARDING. Elijah T., 182 Rhoda A., 184 Samuel, 183 HARDY. Albert, 184 Albertina, 184 Edmund, 92 Henrietta, 278 Lydia, 278 HARKINS. Plarry, 88 HARLOAV. Hannah, 252 Lurana K. , 253 HARRINGTON. Parmelia, 160 Sarah, 187 HARRUB. Sarah A., 231 HART. George A., 37 Hattie A., 247 Sallie, 191 HARTER. Frank H., 172 HARTSHORN. J. WiUard, 157 HARTWELL. James L., 141 Mary E., 141 HARVEY. Frank, 30 . , 252 HASKELL. AbigaU, 251 Elizabeth, 268 HunneweU, 251 Job, 251 Joseph, 130 Lydia, 251 Palmer, 31 Seth, 109 Seth, 254 HASKINS. Isaac, 30 .Tohn W., 237 Orpha B., 32 Ruby A., 33 HASTINGS. Daniel, 236 Jennie, 161 HATCH. Celia, 82 Franklin, 259 Joanna, 123 Rebecca, 124 Ruth, 123 HATHAWAY. Abigail, 74 Bennajah, 31 Elizabeth, 207 Emma, 66 Frances M., 263 Gardner, 105 Mary, 11 Noah, 31 Royal, 267 Sally, 100 Samuel W., 75 Thomas, 230 HATTLESTONE. Betsey P., 115 HAWLEY. George B., 90 Sally, 133 HAYDEN. Joseph, Jr., 77 HAYES. Anna E., 233 HAYWARD. Martin, 80 HAZARD. Annie T., 26 HEADLE. Lucy M., 165 HEAFIELD. Sanford J., 199 HELLER. Sarah J., 203 HENDERSON. Eliza J., 238 HENDRICK. Asa, 19 HENDY. Susie E., 66 HENRY. Almeda, 47 Anna, 167 HERVEY. , 252 HICKEY. John, 44 HICKS. Caroline, 73 HIGGINS. Ann, 19 Maggie L., 173 Mary, 47 HILL. Frank, 51 Sadie, 80 HILLER, Charies H., 253 Matthew, 248 HILLMAN. Hulda, 113 HINCKLEY. William, 88 HINDS. Mary F. W., 151 HITCH. Emma, 71 Nelson A., 71 HOAG. Ruby A., 76 Stephen C, 73 HODGE. Isannah, 82 HODGES. Charlotte, 179 Sarah, 115 300 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. HODSKINS. Damon H., 62 HOFFMAN. Lavina, 45 Minnie, 66 HOLBROOK. Charles E., 148 HOLLIS. John F., 84 HOLMES. Annie P., 53 David E., 61 Heman G., 268 Horace, 234 Ida C, 60 .Tosiah A., 231 Lizzie, 263 Mary, 132 Prudence, 234 Thomas, 29 HOOPER. Sarah E., 79 HOPKINS. Mercy, 181 HORN. Jane, 165 Jemima, 164 HOSMER. Granville, 93 HOUSE, Mercy, 255 HOVEY. Ivory, 6 Olive, HI HOWARD. Lydia, 114 Parmelia, 115 HOWE. .Tane L., 92 Malana, 50 HOWELL. Henry D., 143 HOWES. Abel, 236 Dorinda, 186 Emma, 239 Frank LeB., 239 IdeUa C, 24 Marshall, 239 Mercy, 265 HUBBARD. WilHam H., 32 HUBBELL. Myron, 62 HUDSON. WUson B., 216 HUFFER. Elizabeth, 189 HULSE. Julia A., 220 HUMPHREYS. Frank, 137 HUNNEAVELL. Elizabeth, 243 HUNT. Ada, 36 Oliver, 35 HUNTER. Catherine A., 164 HUNTLEY. Florence E., 200 HUNTLING. Tennis D., 237 HURD. Amy A., 44 Louisa A., 45 HUSTON. Sarah, 92 HYDE. Annie E., 85 Catherine S., 269 Ezekiel F., 269 George E., 85 James, 85 Lydia, 61 HYLAND. Henry, 85 INGERSOLL. John N. , 68 INSCO. James H. C, 59 IRISH. Sarah P., 27 J JACKSON. Nancy, 104 JACOBS. Thomas, 48 JACQUES. WiHiam M., 143 JAMES. Caroline, 149 JAQUESS. George D., 189 JAY. James, 239 JENKINS. John, 23 JENNE. Jehaziel, 74 , 255 JENNEY. Anstris H'd, 21 Elizabeth, 13 John, 252 Jonathan, 14 Lovica, 237 Lydia, HI Mary, 14 Prince, 77 Sarah, 269 Silas, 268 JENNISON. Siimner H., 46 JIPSON. Norton W., 160 JOHNSON. George N., 274 Henry E., 85 Hiram R., 214 Jacob, 219 Rebecca, 84 Samuel, 107 AVilHam W., 69 JONES. Samuel, 77 Sarah, 1 2 Sylvester, 41 Walter, 144 JORDAN. Frank W., 222 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 301 JOY. Eliza M., 262 JUDSON. Clark, 45 Edward G., 144 K KEELER. Fannie B., 198 KEERNAN. Maggie, 1 90 KEITH. Charies P., 258 KELLEY. Asa H'd, 259 Mary, 33 Thomas, 259 ,46 KELSEY. Clara, 206 KEMPTON. Elijah, 77 KENDALL. David, 133 Ellen F., 160 KENDRICK. Alfred, 109 KENNEDY. Andrew, 144 Joseph, 144 KENNEY. Jacob, 14 KERR. Alexander, 67 KEYES. ,147 KING. Caleb, 253 Charles A., 227 Marriet S., 121 Susan B., 88 KINNEY. Maggie, 276 KINNIE. Edith B., 263 KIRBY. Cynthia, 76 KNAPP. Jared, 147 Mary, 171 Susan A., 46 KNIGHTS. Mary, 249 KNOX. Henry C, 60 KOEPKA. Charles, 45 LACY. Elizabeth, 145 Henry, 146 LAIRD. Charles K., 175 Horatio N., 175 JuHa, 174 Samuel, 174 Samuel, Jr., 174 LAMAR. Calbraith B., 271 LAMBERT. Mary, 245 LAMSON. , 251 LANDERS. Ephraim, 14 LANE. John W., 215 AVilliam, 259 LANGLEY. Rebecca J. , 249 LANPHIER. Susan M., 169 LARABLE. Martin, 60 LaRUE. Eliza J., 138 LASHER. John, 58 LAVARE. Lavina A. T., 86 LAWRENCE. Caroline E., 273 Martha L., 97 LAWTON. Russell T., 103 LEACH. Eliza Ann, 19 Jane, 120 Stephen, 268 LeBARON. Alton, 213 Betsey, 236 Enoch H'd, 213 Francis, 213 John, 267 Lazerus, 213 Lemuel, 6 Mary, 109 M. Bartlett, 252- LEE. B. Frank, 194 Gilbert W., 97 Sylvester J., 228 LEONARD. CaroHne L., 234 Charies T., 254 Enoch, 132 George E., 121 Jane, 121 Lucy T., 260 Mary, 26 LEROY. Mary S., 152 LEVERING. Mattie A., 227 LEWIS. Ellis, 247 James, 114 .Tohn R., 247 Mariette, 46 Mary, 222 LIBBY. Myra Belle, 92 LIFFLER. WiHiam P., 159 LINCOLN. Elizabeth, 79 Frank, 37 LITTLE. Anna M., 106 Elsie N., 107 Renie W., 107 302 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. LIVENSPARGER. Daniel, 220 LLOYD. Almyra, 137 LOBB. Laura, 98 LOBDELL. ¦' Caleb, 40 Ruth, 42 LOCKE. Dean J., 252 George S., 232 Horace M., 230 LOCKAVOOD. Joseph W., 70 L^dia, 72 Nathaniel, 72 LOMBARD. Elizabeth, 21 Mary, 245 LONG. Martha, 158 Vernon, 19'3i lONGLEY. Edmond, 17 LORING. Susanna, 78 LOTHROP. Ebenezer, 130 Hope, ISO John, 9 Sarah, 131 LOUCKS. Minnie, 63 LOVELAND. Winslow, 180 LOVELL. Betsey, »9 Eldredge, 104 Horace, 101 LOWRY. Ellen, 211 LUCE. John G., 101 Thomas S., 15G LUTHER. Nathaniel, 218 LYNDON. Caleb, 197 LYON. Edgar M., 24 Frank M. , 24 Gilbert, 24 LYONS. Amanda, 53 M MACK. John, 77 MACOMBER. Abbie A., 26 Harriet, 27 Louise, 114 Margaret, 56 Sally, 30 ,57 MACY. Sarah, 58 MAKER. Loella, 180 MANCHESTER, Lucy, 29 MANERING. James IL, 139 Rebecca A., 137 MANEY. Kate, 110 MANN. Gordon, 82 Josiah, 82 Loretta, 47 MARBLE. Edwin, 18 Francis, 103 MARCY. Sarah, 157 MAKDEN. Maggie, 262 MARK. Ann, 43 MARRETT. EUa, 151 MARTIN. Abbie, 199 Martha E., 221 MASSENBURG. Walter L., 249 MATHEWS. Chariotte, 145 Matia, 146 MAXIM. Henry T., 31 Sylvia A., 247 Zilpha, 105 MAYNARD. Ezra, 188 MAYO. Susie M., 185 McCOY. WilHam E., 271 McCBAY. Josiah, 61 Samuel, 61 McDonald. Peter, 263 McDOUGAL. Emily, 211 McELLERAN. Fanny, 202 MeFARLAND. Alice J., 194 McGEORGE. EHza, 156 MgGRATH. Lewis, 153 Lovina, 153 Lucy, 152 McGregor. Dolly, 233 MgGURK. Nancy, 262 MgINTYRE. Elizabeth, 148 McKEE. Hattie A., 50 McKOY. Hannah, 110 McLARON. Alice v., 222 McLaughlin. Mary, 187 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 303 McLAUREN. Samuel, 79 McNEIL. Allie, 59 Bradford S., 59 McNEW. Alice, 20 MEANS. William, 79 MEEKINS. Mattie E., £9 MEIGS. Mary, 28 Thankful, 123 MENDELL. Abbie, 210 Charles S., 225 ElHs, 224 EUis, 224 Ellis, 225 ElHsL., 225 Emily O., 36 George, 224 George, 225 Hannah, 224 Harriet M., 225 Henry, 226 Henry 2d, 225 Jane, 208 Jane, 224 Jennie C, 225 John, 224 Kate C, 225 Lucy, 224 Lucy A., 225 Maria, 224 Mary, 224 Rebecca F. , 26 Seth, 224 Susie L., 27 MENDENHAIiL. Ida, 155 MERRICK. Fannie L., 155 Margaret M., 20 Nathaniel, 242 MERRIHEW. Peace, 14 Zilpha, 74 MILBURN. Thomas W., 137 MILES. Flora E., 162 MILLER. James, 219 John, 134 Martha J., 223 Sarah E., 220 MINTER. Elanora, 59 MITCHELL. Gustavus A., 276 MONGER. Harvey, 132 MONJOHAM. , 124 MONK. Audelle W., 114 MOON. Maria, 274 MOORE. Amanda, 165 Jonathan, 244 Jonathan, 252 MOREY. Samuel, 48 MORGAN. Hannah, 112 MORRIS. Marcelia C, 270 MORRISON. Jennie N., 200 MORSE. Rosette L., 162 MORTON. Huldah, 163 MOULTON. Alvin S., 18 MULLINS. PrisciHa, 201 MULUIX. Carrie, 263 MUMFORD. Sarah, 244 , 244 MUNGER. IdaH., 148 Linda, 148 Nelson, 148 MURDOCK. James, 217 MURRY. Matilda, 60 MYERS. Dillon P., 54 MYRRICK. Nathaniel, 242 NASH. Betsey Ann, 81 Joseph, 77 Joshua L., 227 NEAL. Job, 108 NEWELL. Edward J., 45 NEWKIRK. Cornelius L., 221 Garrett, 221 George H'd, 221 John A., 221 Mary Ella, 221 Sarah, 221 NEWTON. H. H., 206 NICHOLS. Asa G., 64 Mary, 103 Sarah, 201 NICKERSON. Bathsheba S., 180 Kuth A., 35 Susan E., 180 ,29 NOBLE. Sylvia, 76 NORRIS. Mary C, 55 NORTON. Mary, 112 NYE. Alonzo, 179 J. P., 68 Rebecca, 74 Rebecca, 122 304 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. O ODNEAL. S. Ellen, 164 Walter H., 164 OLMSTEAD. Alpha, 199 Sally, 198 ORCUTT. JaneM., 32 OSBORN. Demaris, 47 EHas, Jr., 192 Selick, 113 OSBORNE. Lizzie, 85 OSTRANDER. Stephen M. , 237 OSAVALD. Charies B., 53 OTIS. Charles, 81 OAVEN. Elizabeth, 202 PABODIE. EHzabeth, 201 PAINE. Sarah, 115 PALMER. Abigail, 265 Ann, 59 Theodore D., 174 Titus, 67 PARKER. Amos L., 151 Bessie, 231 Betsey, 231 Clarence, 190 Elizabeth, 77 Francis A., 20 Sarah A., 226 PARKS. J. Wesley, 220 Loretta, 58 PARLOAV. Lucinda, 13 PARMENTER. Helen, 20 PARSONS. Lizzie D., 51 Mary, 204 PARTRIDGE. Newton, 144 PATTENGALL. Eliza W., 24 PATTERSON. David G., 181 Everett, 181 Francis, 178 PAYNE. EHzabeth, 3 Lucy, 176 PEAKS. Martin T., 86 PEARSE. Marilla, 203 PECK. , 244 PECKHAM. Ira, 58 Sapphira, 117 PENBERTHY. JaneM., 75 PENN. Elizabeth, 1, 9 William, 1 William, Sir, 1 PENTECOST. Anna, 190 PERKINS. Frances Belle, 97 Fred H. , 148 Helen, 160 Ignatius, 147 Linda H., 148 PERRY. Ebenezer, 130 EllaM., 102 Walter, 103 PETER. Hannah M., §Q PHILIP. King, 124 PHILLIPS. Cloe, 116 Emma, 62 PHINNEY, Joseph, 188 PHIPPS. AViUiam S., 91 PIERCE. Abigail, 257 Amos T., 258 Betsey, 46 Janette, 27 Mary, 35 Mary A., 238 Minnie A., 105 Orrin, 42 PINCIN. Thomas, 77 PIPINGER. Nathaniel, 54 PITTS. Lemuel, 113 PLATT. Albertus H., 43 POLEY. Azariah, 268 POLLOCK. Mary, 188 POMEROY. Mary E., 16 7 POND. Louise, 117 Mary, 52 POOLE. Albert, 82 POPE. Elizabeth, 208 .James, 51 Mitchell, 132 PORTER. Frank, 260 Ira W., 260 POST. Adeline S., 36 POTTER. Fanny, 65 Helen E., 93 Mary, 171 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 305 POTTER (cont'd) . Southward 2d, 120 Stephen, 120 POTTS. AViUiam, 138 POWERS. Sarah E. , 205 PRATT. Almyra, 106 Catherine L., 101 Daniel, 268 Sarah, 238 PRESCOTT. Robert A. , 203 PRESTON. Henrietta L. , 53 PRICE. Asa, 242 Asa, Jr., 242 Aseph, 236 PRINCE. William A., 184 PROCTOR. , 133 PULVER. Mary, 61 PURRINGTON. Desire, 215 Lucy, 213 Lucy, 258 Samuel, 22 R RAMSDELL. Lois, 83 RAND. Samuel, 116 RANDALL. BarzUlai, 12 Bathsheba, 244 Betsev A., 166 Elizabeth, 31 EHzabeth, 215 Hannah S., 160 Harriet, 13 Hathaway, 21 James R., 272 Mary, 12 Peter, 41 RANSOM. Benjamin, 229 RAWSON. Charles, 64 Laura, 277 RAY. Fannie, 202 RAYMOND. Alonzo, 198 Ann, 106 RAYNES. John J., 91 REDMAN. Sarah, 238 REDWAY. Emma E., 56 REED. Daniel, 227 REYNOLDS. Alpheus, 138 EttaF., 33 Hannah, 182 RHODES. Jacob, 220 RICE. Emeline, 44 Minnie, 53 RICH. Frank H., 148 Josiah, 148 RICHARDS. Helen A., 168 RICHARDSON. George H., 197 Hannah V., 229 Jacob, 197 RICHMOND. AHce, 20 Beulah, 101 Lydia B., 248 MaryE., 226 RIGGS. Hortense A., 138 RIPLEY. Daniel, 118 RIST. Gilbert L-, 93 RITTENOWE. George, 223 ROBBINS. Benjamin W., 228 Caroline, 60 Charies F., 173 Clarington E., 181 EUen N., 194 Fred J., 159 Levi, 147 Thomas, 6 ROBERTS. George, 148 Isabel E., 252 SaUie, 276 ROBERTSON. Alice B., 83 Daniel M., 84 ROBINS. Mary L., 80 ROBINSON. Abbie, 252 Adelene, 277 Benjamin, 119 Benjamin F., 252 Jane, 275 .Tosepli, 252 Josiah, 252 Josiah, Jr., 262 Martha, 252 Mary, 252 Mary E., 275 Sarah, 257 Susan, 193 WiUiam, 55 WUliam, 252 ROCKWOOD. Claire, 52 M. Lucinda, 210 ROE. Albert, 56 ROGAN. Robert J., 157 ROGERS. AdaHne, 162 Benjamin, 100 Ebenezer, 236 Eunice A., 183 Henry H., 118 Mary, 196 Susie, 181 306 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. ROLFE. Philip, 170 ROOD. Mary, 63 ROSS. OrviUe A. , 233 ROUNSEVILLE. Rhoda E., 247 ROUNTREE. Sarah, 273 Sarah, 257 ROUSE. James, 41 ROWE. Mary, 149 ROWELL. Charles W., 84 ROY. Anne, 49 RUDE. Mary, 63 RUGGLES. Deborah, 235 Mary, 235 Timothy, 5 RUSSELL. Daniel, 64 Jennie, 221 Laura, 166 RYDER. Betsey, 183 Eben, 87 Lizzie E., 182 SAFFORD. Emma, 142 SALABAR. Y. C , 107 SALE. James G., 134 SALSBURY. Annie V. B., 26 SAMPSON. Joseph T., 258 SANFORD. John, 38 SARGEANT. Albert, 162 Betsey, 167 SAULWATER. Rachel, 66 SAUNDERS. Edward, 25 John W., 66 SAVAGE. George M., 165 SAVANAC. Ada, 93 SAVERY. Jacob B., 37 Sophia M., 101 SAWIN. Mary, 160 SAYLER. Lucy J., 140 SAYRE. Theodore IL, 141 SCARF. Sarah E. , 20 SCHARVES. Sarah A., 35 SCHIMMERHORN. George C, 50 SCHNELL. Anna, 49 SCOTT. Emma L., 65 Libby J., 159 Mary, 197 SEARS. Abbie M., 254 Abby, 51 Paul, Jr., 245 SELDEN. George D., 237 SERGEANT. Aaron C, 115 SERRING. Hannah H. , 134 SHANK. Hannah, 212 SHARPE. Johnivry M., 17 SHAW. Anna, 227 Betsey, 230 Bezaliel, 235 Eari, 227 Elizabeth, 235 Jacob, 67 James, 251 Lorenzo, 230 Lucius, 198 Lydia, 228 Mary, 258 Mary A., 112 Susanna, 232 Susannah, 119 WiUiam, 24 SHEDD. Jane M., 142 SHEFFIELD. Barker K., 257 Elliot, 257 SHELL. WiHiam PL, 81 SHEOPARD. Washington, 258 SHEPARD. Harriet E., 162 SHEPERD. Elizabeth, 38 Hannah, 56 SHEPWARD. Annie, 19 SHERMAN. Asa, 77 DeUa N., 250 Dorothy, 38 Louisa, 103 Mary, 230 Prudence, 13 Reuben, 229 Ruth, 114 SHERWIN. Darius, 147 SHERAVOOD. Nancy J., 138 SHIMMEL. Cecelia, 48 SHOCKLEY. Joseph, 29 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 307 SHORKLEY. AbigaU, 74 George, 74 SHORT. William G., 164 SHUFELT. Martin L., 163 SHURTLEFF. David, 104 Lothrop, 265 Martha, 104 Patty, 104 SIBLEY. Lyman, 64 SIKES. Emily, 147 SIMMS. Grace, 172 SIMMONS. Edward, 118 Reuben, 30 SIMPSON. Ann E., 232 SINKS. Asher O., 63 SKIFF. , 100 SKINNER. Charles, 42 SLADE. Carrie E., 142 SLOCUM. Emma J., 34 Mary A., 225 Sarah, 211 SLY. John, 42 SMALL, Alecia L., 259 SMART. William, 148 SMILEY. Thomas, 64 SMITH. Charies IL, 120 Gertrude J., 187 Harriet, 52 SMITH (cont'd). Joseph, 15 Leonora F. , 179 Mary J., 232 Melissa A., 202 Sarah, 24 Sophia, 166 SNOW. Abbie H., 254 Almira, 22 Deborah, 117 Emily, 211 Freeman, 23 George T., 186 Hiram, 74 Jane, 249 Joseph W., 257 Lucia J., 231 Martin, Jr., 27 PermeHa S., 259 Phebe, 22 Sarah, 241 Sarah R., 185 Stephen, 30 Wyatt, 117 SNYDER. WiUiam H. E., 192 SOMMERS. Oswald C, 107 SOULE. Hiram, 152 SOUTHAVICK. George W., 16 SOUTHWORTH. Albert, 83 Constant, 125 Lucy, 217 Maria L., 213 Mary, 216 Mary, 265 Sophia W., 121 SPADER. Jeremiah V., 237 Louise H., 237 SPANN. Catherine F., 269 SPARROW. Edson J., 158 Hannah G., 180 Josiah, 109 SPAULDING. Hattie E., 160 Lucy J., 161 SPERRY. Levi, 198 SPICER. John D., 43 SPIER. P^lizabeth, 43 SPITLER. Mary V., 140 SPOONER. Betsey, 29 Catherine, 249 Charles, 29 John, 11 Lydia, 194 Sarah, 37 SPRAGUE. Nathaniel, 197 Noah, 130 Priscilla, 206 Samuel, 79 STACY. Helen, 225 STAFFORD. Gilbert, 147 STALL. John T., 87 STANDRING. John T., 43 STAPLES. Jennie, 78 STARK. Patience M., 260 STEELE. Margaret M., 262 STERLING. William, 176 STETSON. George W., 234 Peleg H., 224, 234 Rebecca, 108 Silas, 224 Sprague S., 234 STEVENS. C. G., 206 John, 245 308 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. STEVENS (con^d). L. A., 206 Malana E., 156 Polly, 22 Sarah, 21 STEWART. Charies, 144 Clinton, 144 EllaE., 144 Gussie A., 144 Harry, 144 Hettie, 144 James, 189 .Jane, 190 Lizzie, 144 Lucy A., 144 Martha ,L, 225 Rebecca, 199 Samuel, 144 William W., 44 STILLSON. Frank L., 172 Jane Ann, 171 STINSON. Benjamin H., 180 STODDARD. Miranda, 185 STONE. Adalina A., 193 Alice, 141 Hannah, 146 Susan, 193 William W., 203 STONEMETZ. Hannah, 175 STORING. Nicholas H., 67 STORY. John O., 20 STOWE. Alice, 49 STOWELL. Caroline, _2G0 Edvina A., 115 Mary A., 35 STRATTON. Robert B., 22 j STROUP. Eva, 220 STUBBS. James, 23 STUDLEY. John, Jr., 84 R. Whitney, 104 STURTEVANT. Hannah, 229 Lucy, 216 Martin L., 121 SUMNER. Anna M., 68 SUNDERLAND. Caroline, 72 SWEENEY. Anthony, 136 SWEETAPPLE. Jennie, 278 SWIFT. Abigail, 260 Asa, 235 Charles J,. 67 John P., 124 Louis C, 12 1 Mary A., 177 Mary E., 102 Prince D., 124 Thomas, 99 Thomas, 177 SYLVESTER. Lettie, 84 T TABER. Abigail, 13 Abigail, 21 A. French, 108 Charles A., 159 George R., 32 John M., 76 Mary, 38 Mary, 231 Tripp, 113 TALLMAN. Hannah. 39 Lucy IL, 261 TANNER. Catherine A., 63 TARR. George AV., 216 TAYLOR. Ellie S., 151 George L., 274 Rebecca, 232 Rhoda, 179 Rosetta, 106 RosweU, 188 William, 34 William, 253 TAZER. Mary, 147 TELLIE. Lillie B., 190 TERHUNE. David v., 182 TERRY. Deborah, 268 John, 259 THATCHER. Sarah E., 223 William , 31 THAYER. Laura, 62 THOMAS. Betsey, 217 , Charles, 114 James, 204 Mahlon A., 223 • Margaret, 56 Mehitable B., 142 THOMPSON. Clarinda, 73 Clarissa, 149 Gideon D., 156 Josepha F., 226 THORNE. .Jacob, 57 Phebe, 62 THURSTON. Louise M., 16 TIBBALS. Hulda, 64 TIERNAN. J.iawrence P., 247 TINKHAM. Emeline, 26 Harry N., 28 Nelson, 25 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 309 TISLOW. Jennie, 192 TOBEY. Anna, 265 Desire, 29 EllaM., 102 Sylvanus, 14 TOFIELD. Edward, 201 TORREY. John D., 85 TOWER. Clarence C, 150 Horace S., 87 TOWNSEND. Francis, 144 TRAVERS. Mary, 52 TREADWELL. Sarah J., 174 TRIPP. Abiel, 171 Annie M., 34 Rose, 1 TROW. Harriet W., 90 TUCKER. Eben A , 226 Elvira, 226 H. A., 256 Joel, 171 John, 226 Josepha F., 226 , 256 TUPPER. EUsha, 243 Samuel, 14 TURNER. Jane, 49 .Joseph, 12 Mary, 28 Ruth, 32 Smith, 268 TUTHILL. Adelbert, 144 TWEED. Clara E., 214 V UNTERSEE. Franz, 173 UPHAM. Warren R., 18 V VALLER. Lois, 38 VAN ANTWERP. Fela, 40 VAN ARNE. Mrs., 234 VAN FROCKEN. James S., 80 VAN HOVENBURGH. Cliarles B., 61 VAN MARTER. Sophie, 110 VAN METER. Hannah, 134 VAN NESS. Henry, 54 Wilampey, 54 VAN ORSDOLL. George H'd, 223 Henry, 223 VAN PELT. Alexander, 69 VAN SICKLE. Henry H'd, 212 Rowland, 212 William H., 212 VAN WICKELL. Addie D., 80 VAN WYE. Charles, 221 VERNON. Elizabeth, 196 VIAL. Edwin, 121 VILES. .John R., 151 Nira M., 152 VINAL. AbigaU C, 85 Adeline, 85 VINAL (cont'd). Carolina A., 86 Ezra, 86 Gideon, 86 Gideon, 86 John Kred, 86 John S., 86 Mary Ann, 85 Olive H., 85 Sarah, 86 William, 86 VINCENT. Mary, 10 VIRGIN. Chariotte A., 22.S Samuel, 228 Samuel H., 228 W AVADDAMS. Caleb, 63 AVADSAVORTH. Norman, 40 WAGER. Sylvanus, 41 WAIT. EHza, 60 Emily A., 58 John, 261 AVAITE. Sarah D., 169 Walter A., 162 AVALDSMITH. Eliza A., 175 WALKER. George O., 273 Jarvis, 166 WALL. Thomas H., 33 Walter, 85 AVALLIS. Sarah A., 261 WALTERS. Margaret, 45 WAME. Kate, 119 WARD. Arabelle E. , 46 Betsey, 234 310 HAMMOND GENEALOGY. WARD (cont'd) . Eliab, 233 Ephraim, 233 Ephraim, Jr., 234 Frank R., 247 George, 234 Hiram P., 43 Mary, 233 PriscUla, 234 WARDNER. James, 147 WARNER. Frances A., 19 WARREN. Joseph, 29 Louise, 149 WASHBURN. Bezaliel, 99 Calvin, 131 Lucinda, 72 Margaret, 234 Maria L., 73 WASHINGTON. George, 187 WATERMAN. Harry L., 137 WATERS. Kelsey T., 199 Lucy E., 91 WATKINS, Nancy J., 60 WATT. Laura, 191 WEBSTER. Jloratio N., 187 WEED. Maria, 236 WEEKS. Elizabeth, 12 Jabez, 122 WELLINGTON. Ellen L., 162 WELLS. Aaron F., 18 WEST. Addie R., 145 Charles, 145 Emma A., 145 WEST (cont'd). John, 238 Louise, 114 Thomas, 6 Thomas, 207-8 WESTGATE. Minnie, 102 Permelia, 105 , 22 WESTON. Abigail, 100 John, 14 Thalia, 234 WHEDON. Leonard, 198 WHEELER. Warren, 143 WHEELOCK. Frank, 150 AVHIPPLE. Jabez, 268 AVHITAKER. WilHam R., 148 AVHITE. David, 194 EHza A., 16 Jedida, 100 Lucinda, 266 Percival, 66 Resolved, 219 Sarah P., 219 WHITING. Benjamin, 230 AVHITMAN. PauHne C, 172 AVHITTEMORE. Anthony K., 101 Elizabeth H'd, 265 Eunice H'd, 265 Mary H'd, 265 Richard, 265 AVHITTEN. Lucina, 69 AVIGNALL. Mary, 196 WILBUR. David, 265 Elizabeth, 264 Seth, 265 WILCOX. Lucinda, 201 S. Helen, 118 WILDER. Lettice, 85 WILEY. Ephraim E., 19 Frances E., 20 George E. , 20 Margaret A., 20 Olin F., 20 Virginie AV. , 20 William H., 20 WILKES. Benjamin, 268 AVILLIAMS. Clarence H., 157 James, 38 Laura, 176 Maria J., 121 T. D., 144 Thomas \V., 157 ,19 WILLIAMSON. Alonzo N., 177 A. Nelson, 177 AVILLIS. Albert E., 271 Esther L., 154 AVILSON. WUliam AV., 25 AVINANT. Charles, 29 WING. ' Abbie E., 238 Anna, 267 Hannah, 178 Harriet, 267 Jashub, 74 Jonathan, 99 Lucy, 186 Reliance, 184 Sophia, 267 Stephen, 267 WINKLER. Caroline, 157 WINN. Lauraette, 161 AVINNEY. Grace, 55 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 311 AVINSLOW. Anna, 216 Charity, 120 Enoch, 131 Isaac, 127 Noah, 173 Rachel, 251 Thankful, 245 AVTSE. 'Hattie, 93 WITHERSPOON. Eleazor, 35 AVIXON. .Tames M., 178 AVOOD. Frank C, 181 Frederick H.. 115 Lois, 186 Melintha, 260 WOODMAN. Abbie S.. 260 WOODMAN (conl'c Archibald, 260 Eliza R., 260 AVOODS. Lucy, 186 WOODWARD. Oliver, 268 WOOSTER. Sarah J., 136 AVORTH. EHza J., 156 Frederic A., 61 AVORTHING. Alvira, 50 WRIGHT. Alice D.. 23 Anderson, 106 Asa, 110 Florence, 221 Hattie, 49 ¦ Stillman, 105 WRIGHTINGTON. Charles L., 110 YALE. Adelie A., 182 YOUNG. Adelaine, 179 Eliza A., 194 EmeUne, 180 Eunice, 38 .Tohn, 78 Lucy, 202 Martha, 231 Patience, 177 Samuel, 177 Thomas, 48 WUliam, 48 Z ZENOR. Sarah, 175 3 9002 S3