tl^h^O J8^ PEIRCE'S COLONIAL LISTS. CIYIL, MILITARY AND PROFESSIONAL LISTS or PLYMOUTH AND EHODE ISLAND COLONIES, COMPKISIHS Colonial, County and Town Officers, clergymen, physicians and lawyers. W,ii\ fiEitratta from Colonial ILatos UeftntriB tStdr Hutieg. 1621—1700. Bt ebenezer w. peirce, Of Fkebto-wk, mass. Eesident Member of the Old Colony Historical, the Pilgrim, and the New England Historic Genealogical Societies ; Corresponding Member of the New York Biographical and Wisconsin State Historical Societies. BOSTON : A. WILLIAMS & CO, 283 -WasMngton Street. DAVID CLAPP & SON. 564 Washington Street. 188 1. Copyright,, 1880. JBhenener W. Peirce. C/i 3/# ¦»^ o d W o oo Anthony Thacher, Edmund Hawes, James Mathews. Edmund Hawes, Edward Sturgis, James Mathews, Yelverton Crow Edmund Hawes, James Mathews, Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher Edmund Hawes, Thomas Howes, John MiUer, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Edmund Hawes, Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Edmund flawes. Ensign Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis Edmund Hawes, Ensign Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis Edmund Hawes, Ensign Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis Edmund Hawes, Captain Thomas Howes, John MUler, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Edmund Hawes, Captain Thomas Howes, Ensign John Thacher Edmund Hawes, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Edmund Hawes, John MiUer, John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Edmund Hawes, Ensign John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, John MUler, Jeremiah Howes Andrew Hallett Benjamin Hammon Francis Baker James Mathews Thomas Boardman Eichard Taylor Eobert Eldred Anthony Thacher Edmund Hawes Eichard Sears Thomas Boardman Edward Sturgis Samuel Eyder Samuel HaU Joseph Howes John MUler Thomas Howes Eichard Taylor Henry Vincent Samuel Sturgis Joseph HaU Hosea Joyce EUsha Hedge Edward Sturgis Nathaniel Bassett Jeremiah Howes John Hawes Edward Sturgis. Sr. Andrew HaUett Anthoney Thacher, Edmund Hawes. Anthoney Thacher, '1 homas Howes. Thomas Howes, Edmund Hawes. Edmund Hawes, Anthoney Thacher. Edmund Hawes, WiUiam Nickerson. Edmund Hawes. Edmund Hawes. Edmund Hawes, Thomas Howes. Anthony Thacher, Thomas Howes. Edmund Hawes, Thomas Howes. Edmund Hawes, Thomas Howes. Thomas Howes, Eichard Sears. Anthony Thacher, Yelverton Crow. Edward Sturgis, James Mathews. Anthonj- Thacher, Edmund Hawes. Edward Sturgis, Yelverton Crow. Edward Sturgis, Yelverton Crow. Thomas Howes, John Thacher. Thomas Howes, John Thacher. Thomas Howes, John Thacher. John Thacher, John MUler. Ensign Thomas Howes, Edward Sturgis, Sr. Ensign Thomas Howes, John Thacher. Edmund Hawes, John Thacher. Edmund Hawes, Captain Thomas Howes. Captain Thomas Howes, John Thacher. John MiUer, Jeremiah Howes. John MUler, John Thacher. John Miller, John Thacher. Oi oIHa oo YARMOUTH (Continued). Date. 1680 16811682 16831684 16851686 16871688 1689 1690 1691 1692 SELECTMEN. Edmund Hawes, Edward Sturgis, John Thacher, John MUler, Jeremiah Howes Edmund Hawes, John MiUer, Ensign John Thacher, Edward Sturgis, Jeremiah Howes Edmund Hawes, Edward Sturgis, John Miller, Jeremiah Howes Edward Sturgis, Edmund Hawes, John MiUer Edmund Hawes, John MUler, Jeremiah Ho-wes Edmund Hawes, John MiUer, Jeremiah Howes, Joseph Howes Edmund Hawes. John MiUer, Jeremiah Howes, Joseph Howes Jeremiah Howes, John MiUer, Lieutenant SUas Sears Jeremiah Howes, John MUler, Silas Sears CONSTABLES. Jabez Gorham Thomas Sturgis John HaUett Elisha Hedge - REPRESENTATIVES. John Thacher, John MUler. John Miller. John MiUer, Jeremiah Ho-wes. John MUler, Jeremiah Howes. Jeremiah Howes, Lieutenant SUas Sears. Jeremiah Howes, Lieutenant Silas Sears. John Miller, Jeremiah Howes. John MiUer, Lieutenant Silas Sears. John Miller, Silas Sears. Anthony Thacher -was Town Clerk of Yarmouth fi-om 1639 to 1667 ; Edmund Hawes, fiom 1667 to 1693. Ow a o o Date. 1681 1682 & 1690 1691 MONAMOIT, AFTERWARD CHATHAM. SELECTMEN. None Chosen, CONSTABLES. John Savage RBPRESENTATl VES . Gershom HaU. TOWN OFFICKE8. BARNSTABLE. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 16391640 1641164216431644 1645 1646 1647164816491650leSi1652 1653 1654 16.55 16561657 16581659 1660 16611662 1663 1664 16651666 1667166816691670 16711672167316741675167616771678 16791680 1681 1682 1683 16841686 16861687 16881689 1690 16911692 Samuel Hinkley John Doane Samuel Hinkley Henry Bourne, Henry EweU Abraham Blush, Isaac WeUs Thomas Hinkley Dolar Davis. Nathaniel Bacon Henry Bourne, Buruard Lumbert John Jenkins Isaac Eobinson, Isaac WeUs Thomas Burmen John Gorham John Chipman John Scudder WUliam Crocker Joseph Lothrop, Thos. Huckens Henry Bourne WiUiam Crocker Abraham Blush, Henry Bourne Bumard Lumbert John Finney Henry Bourne George Lewis, Austine Bearce Abraham Blush John Thompson, Henry Bourne John Smith, John Howland James Lewis William Crocker Jabez Lumbert Shubael Dimmock James Hamblin Job Crocker John Finney Samuel HiiAley Nathaniel Bacon WiUiam Crocker John Crocker Shubael Dimmock Josiah Crocker Wm. Throop, Melatiah Lothrop John Finney John Davis Shubael Dimmock Nathan'l Bacon, Thos. Huckens Thomas Hinkley, Eichard ChUd Thomas Allen, Samuel Hinkley. Abraham Blush, Nathaniel Bacon. Henry Eowley, Thomas Shaw. Samuel Hinkley, Henry Eowley. Thomas Burmen, George Lewis. Thomas Lumbert. Andrew Hallett, Eichard Templer. Thomas AUen, Samuel Hinkley. Abraham Blush, Dolar Davis. Henry Eowley, John. Thompson. John Finney, John Smith. Henry Bourne, Thomas Burmen. Samuel Hinkley, John Davis. Thomas AUen, Samuel Hinkley. Thomas Lewis, Moses Eowley. John Crocker, Sr., John Finney, Sr. John Chipman, Thomas Huckens. Samuel FuUer. John Davis, Samuel Hinkley. John Davis, Thomas Hinkley. WiUiam Crocker, Thomas Huckens. Austine Bearce, George Lewis. John Davis, Samuel Hinldey. John Davis, Sr,, WUliam Throop. WiUiam Throop, Ens. John Howland. Ens. John Howland, James Lewis. Melatiah Lothrop, Josiah Crocker. William Throop, Jabez Lumbert. 18 PLYMOUTH COLONY. EASTHAM. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1646 164716481649 1650 1651 1652 1663 16541655 16561657 16581659 16601661 16621663 1664 1665 16661667 166816691670 V 16711672 167316741675 1676 16771678 1679 16801681 1682 1683 1684 16851686 1687168816891690 1691 1692 John Jenkins Daniel Cole Eobert Wixon Samuel Hix, John Freeman Edward Bangs Henry Atkins John SmaUey Nathaniel Mayho Samuel Hix Daniel Cole WUliam Merrick Eichard Sparrow John SmaUey Daniel Cole WUliam T-wining Edmund Freeman Thomas Paine Samuel Hix Jonathan Sparrow Mark Snow John Doane, Jr. Jonathan Bangs Thomas Paine WiUiam Twining George Crispe John Bangs Josias Snow John Mayho Benjamin Higgins D aniel Doane George Crispe Jonathan SparroWi Jona. Bangs Jabez Snow Joshua Baiigs Thomas Freeman John Freeman WUlia'm Merrick Samuel Paine Nicholas Snow, Edward Bangs. Josias Cooke, Eobert Vixon. John SmaUey, Thomas WUliams. Edward Bangs, Giles Hopkins. Edward Bangs, Eichard Higgins. Nicholas Snow, John Freeman. Job Cole, Stephen Wood. Eobert Sparrow, Eobert Vixon, George Crispe, John Mayho. Thomas Eoberts, Mark Snow. Eichard Sparrow, Nathaniel Mayho. GUes Hopkins, Thomas Paine. Jonathan Bangs, WiUiam Walker. Eichard Knowles, WUliam Walker, Eichard Knowles, Samuel Freeman, Nicholas Snow, Giles Hopkins. John Doane, Daniel Doane. John Doane, Daniel Doane. Eobert Vixon, Henry Atkins. Eobert Vixon, Henry Atkins. Jonathan Bangs, John Doane. William Walker, WUliam Merrick, Jr, WiUiam Walker, William Merrick, Thomas Freeman, Jabez Snow. Thomas Freeman, Jabez Snow. Samuel Freeman, Samuel Knowles, John Freeman, Jr., Thomas Paine, Jr. MANAMOIT, AFTERWARD CHATHAM, In 1686, Hugh Steward was a member of the Grand Jury for Manamoit, TOWN OFFICERS. 19 SANDWICH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1639 1640 Thomas Burgess, Thomas Tupper Eichard Bourne, George AUen. 1641 WUUam Newland Edward DUUngham, Eobert Bodiish. 1642 John Wing 1643 Eichard ChadweU, James Skiff 1644 Eobert Bodfish Eichard ChadweU, Thomas Boardman. 1645 Thomas Tupper, Jonathan Fish Thomas Burgess, Anthony Wright. 1646 Michael Turner Edmund Freeman, Jr., James Skiff. 1647 Edmund Freeman, Thos. Tupper Joseph HoUoway, George Buett. 1648 Thomas Boardman Thomas Dexter, John Fish. 1649 WiUiam Newland, Peter Wright. 1650 George Buett Thomas Dexter, Michael Turner. 1661 Petei- Wright, John EUis Nicholas Wright, Jonathan Fish. 1662 Thomas Dexter 1653 Edward Perry Edward Dillingham, Eichard Bourne. 1654 Ealph AUen, Jr. Peter Grant, Anthony Bessey. 1656 Edward DLUingham Benjamin Nye, William Swift. 1656 WUUam Allen 1667 James Skiff John Jenkins, Edward Perry. 1668 Benjamin Ny^ 1659 Thomas Dexter 1660 George Bewett 1661 Ezra Perry 1662 Thomas Tupper Thomas Burgess, Eichacd ChadweU. 1663 Edmund Freeman Thomas Burgess, Sr., Thomas Launder. 1664 Joseph Holly 1665 Stephen Skiff 1666 Joseph Burgess Stephen Wing, Thomas Butler. 1667 John Dingley 1668 Benjamin Nye MUes BlackweU, Edward Perry. 1669 Nathaniel WiUia * Thomas Gibbs, Sr., Daniel Wing. 1670 Thomas Tobey 1671 Stephen Wing Ealph AUen, Sr., John BlackweU. 1672 Jolm BlackweU 1673 Shearjashub Bourne Jacob Burgess, WiUiam Allen. 1674 Samuel Briggs, Samuel Freeman Edward Perry, Stephen Skiff. 1675 Thomas Gibbs, Jr. Thomas Gibbs, WUUam Newland. 1676 wmiam Swift, Stephen Skiff 1677 Ezra Perry Peter Grant, WUUam Gifford. / 1678 Edmund Freeman, Jr. Thomas Burgess, Samuel Briggs. 1679 Benjamin Nye WUliam Swift, Sr., Stephen Skiff. 1680 WUUam Swift Ealph AUen, John Jenkins. 1681 WUliam Wood 1682 WUliam Swift 1683 Edmund Freeman. WUUam S-wift, Sr., Caleb AUen, 1684 John Briggs 1685 Matthias EUis, Joshua BlackweU 1686 ' 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 20 PLT;M0UTH COLONY. YARMOUTH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1639164016411642 1643164416451646 1647 164816491650 1651 165216531654 1656 1656 165716581659 166016611662 16631664 1665 1666166716681669 1670 16711672 1673 16741676 167616771678 1679 16801681 1682,168316841686 16861687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 WUliam Palmer WiUiam Nickarson Anthony Thatcher, Jas. Mathews William Lumpkin Edmund Hawes Eobert Dennis Emanuel White William Nickarson James BurseU Edward Sturgis Eichard Taylor Eichard Sears John Joice Anthony Thatcher Edward Sturgis Yelverton Crowe Samuel Eider, Sr. John Crow William Lumpkin Samuel Eider, Andrew HaUett John WhUden Anthony Thatcher, Wm. Clarke James Mathews John Burgess John Joice John Thacher John Bryant WiUiam Clarke John Whilden Judah Thacher John Bryant, Sr. John MiUer ¦ Nathaniel Bassett John Bryant, Sr. Andrew Hallett John Bryant John Whilden Nicholas Nickarson Zachariah Eyder John Burgiss Thomas FaUon, Jr. Joseph Howes Shubael Dimmock Thomas Sturgis John Miller, Eichard Taylor WUliam Clarke, Emanuel White. WUliam Palmer, Gabriel] Whelding. Giles Hopkins, Andrew Hallett, Jr. Anthony Thatcher, Hugh HUler. Emanuel White, James BurseU. Yelverton Crowe, Ed-ward Sturgis. Gabriell Whelding, John Darbie. Eichard Taylor, Francis Baker. Samuel Eyder, Eichard Templar. Andrew Hallett, Eichard Templar, William Clarke, Edward Sturgis. WUliam Lumpkin, John Joice. Anthony Thatcher, John Hall. WiUiam Lumpkin, John Gorham. WUliam Lumpkin, Thomas FoUan. Samuel Eider, Sr., Andrew Hallett. WUliam Chase, Sr., Eichard Taylor. Andrew HaUett, Thomas Gage. John Joice, WiUiam Eldred. John Joice, WiUiam Eldred. Samuel Eider, Sr., Thomas Gage. Thomas Gage, Judah Thacher. Thomas Gage, Judah Thacher. Edward Sturgis, Jr., John Burgess. Edward Sturgis, Jr., John Burgess. Edward Sturgis, Sr., Joseph Howes. Edward Sturgis, Sr., Joseph Howes. WUUam Eldred, John AVhUden. WiUiam Eldred, Jonn WhUden. John Bryant, Samuel HaU. WUliam Eldred, John Eider. Nathaniel Bassett, John Burgiss. Nathaniel Bassett, John Burgiss. Joseph Severance, John Hawes. John AVhilden, Samuel Howes. Thomas Sturgis, Ananias AVing. TOWN OFFICERS. 21 PEESONS APPOINTED TO SOLEMNIZE MAEEIAGES. Names. Reaideuoes. Dale of Appointment. John Doane Josias Cooke Stephen Skiff Anthony Thacher EasthamEastham Sandwich Yarmouth June 1, 1663. June 8, 1664. Octob* 2, 1689. June 29, 1652. INN KEEPEES. Name of Town. Name of Person. When Licensed. When Cancelled. Barnstable — Thomas Lumbert Johp Crocker Joseph Lothrop Thomas Huckins Dec. 3, 1639. June 6, 1649. June 9, 1653. June 1, 1663. Falmouth — Isaac Eobinson Jonathan Hatch Feb. 7, 1665. June 2, 1685. Sandwich — John EUis WiUiam Swift Thomas Dexter May 3, 1659. July 6, 1669. Sept. 28, 1680. Yarmouth — John MUler Edward Sturgis Oct. 30, 1667. July 6, 1670. July 6, 1670. PEESONS LICENSED TO EETAIL SPIRITUOUS LIQUOES. Name of Town. Name of Person. Kind of Liquor. Date of License. Barnstable — Eastham — Falmouth — Sand-wich — Yarmouth — Henry Cobb Thomas Huckens Thos. WaUey, Jr. Wright Josias.Cooke Edward Bangs Daniel Cole Jonathan Hatch WUliam Newland WUliam Bassett, Jr. John EUis Anthony Thacher Edward Sturgis WineWine and Strong Waters Strong Liquors Strong Liquors Wine Wine and Strong Waters Wine and Strong' Waters LiquorWineWine and Strong Waters Wine and Strong Waters Wine Wine ,, June 6, 1644. March 1, 1653. March 1, 1664. March 1, 1664. June 7, 1648. Oct. 6, 1657. June 10, 1661. June 2, 1685. June 5, 1644. March 1, 1659. May 3, 1659. June 5, 1644. July 7, 1646. 22 PLYMOUTH COLONY. EECEIVEES OE COLLECTOES OF THE EXCISE. Name of lown. Nameof Colleclor. Diite of Appointment. Barnstable — • Isaac Eobinson Henry Cobb Nathaniel Bacon Lieut. Joseph Lothrop Thomas Iluckens July 7, 1646. June 8, 1 664. June 8, 1664. June 5, 1 667. June 5, 1667, Eastham — Nicholas Snow John Doane, Jr. AVilliam Walker Ensign WUliam Merrick June 7, 1648. June 8, 1664. June 8, 1664. June 3, 1S68. Sandwich — Peter Gaunt James Skiff Thomas Tobey - Thomas Tupper, Jr. July 7, 1646. June 8, 1664. June 8, 1664. June 5, 1667. Yarmouth — Edmund Hawes Eichard Taylor Eobert Dennis Anthony Thacher John Miller John Hawes July 7, 1646. June 8, 1664. October 3, 1665. October 3, 1666. June 3, 1668. June 3, 1668. Under date of June 2, 1646, the General Court of Plymouth Colony enacted that the rates for excise should be as follows : — That such strangers as have liberty to fish at the Cape to pay five shiUings per share. Upon every gallon of Spanish wine dra-wn by retail by such as are allowed, eight pence. Upon every gaUon of French wine drawn by retaU by such as are aUowed, four pence. Upon every hogshead of beer, two shillings. Upon every gallon of strong water, eighteen pence. Upon every pound of tobacco retailed, one penny. COLLECTOES OF MINiSTEES' EATES OE TAXES. Name of Town. Name of Collector. When Appointed. Barnstable — Eastham — Sandwich — Yarmouth^ Hinkley Thomas Huckens Lieut. John Freeman Jonathan Sparrow Thomas Dexter Thomas Tupper Thomas Howes John Thacher Samuel Eider John MiUer June 7, 1670. Jun5 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 1, 1675. June 1, 1675. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 5, 1671. June 6, 1671. BRISTOL COUNTY. Incorporated June 2, 1685. Shire or County Town. Bristol, COUJfTY MAGISTRATES, Name. Residence. Nicholas Peck Thomas Leonard Joseph Church Nathaniel Byfield William Paybodie George Macey Seth Pope - Rehoboth Taunton Little Compton Briotol Li;tle Compton Taunton Dartmouth Term of Service. Jane 2, 1685, to 1690. j June 2, 1685, to June, 1690. (July 7, 1691, to 169:3. June 2, 16H5, to 1092. Juae 4, 1686, to June 5, 1690, June 4, 16b6. to June 5, 1690. May 20, 1690, to 1691. May 20, 1690, to 1692. Clerk of County Court and Register of Deeds. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Stephen Burton Bristol 1685, to 1693. County Treasurer. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Walley Bristol Act of Incorporation : — " It is further Ordered ; That Bristol, Taunton, Eehoboth, Dartmouth, S wanzey, Little Compton, Free Town, Sowammit, Pocasset, and all such Places, Towns and Villages as are or may be settled on said Lands, shall be a County, Bristol the County Town, and the said County shaU be caUed the County of Bristol ; In which County shall be kept two County Courts annuaUy at the County Town ; one on the third Tuesday in May, and the other on the tMcd Tuesday in November," TOWN OFF.[CERS. BRISTOL. Incorporated October 28, 1681. Indian name — Pokanoket. Date. 1681 16821683 1684 16851686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 SBLECTMBN. John Eogers, Jabez Howland Capt. Benjamin Church, Jabez Howland, Ensign Benjamin Church, Jabez Howland, John Carey Benjamin Church, Jabez Howland, John Carey John Carey, Jabez Howland, John Eogers Capt. Benjamin Church, John Eogers, "Thomas Walker Benjamin Church, John Eogers, Thomas Walker Benjamin Church, Nathaniel Byfield, Nathaniel Hayman Stephen Burton, John Eogers, WUliam Throope Stephen Burton, John Eogers, Jabez Howland John Eogers Nathaniel Eeynolds, John Safiin Eogers CONSTABLES. John Eogers Increase Eobinson Jo.ieph Ford Thomas Doggett Capt. Nath'l Ilayman Nathan Ilayman Nathan Hayman John Bletsoe, David Carey Elisha Adams, Sam'l PuUen REPRESENTATIVES. Capt. Benjamin Church. Capt. Benjamin Church. Capt. Benjamin Church. Stephen Burton, John Eogers. Stephen Burton, John Eogers. John Eogers, Jabez Howland, John Saffin, Nathaniel Byfield. Stephen Burton, Jabez Howland. WiUiam Throope. Town Clekks.- -Jabez Howland, 1681 ; Eichard Smith, 1682 to 1687 ; Samuel Corbett, 1687 to 1692; Eichard Smith, 1692 to 1696 or 1697. Act op Incokpobation.— •¦ Att the request of Capt. John Walley, Mr. Nathaniel Byfield, Mr. Nathaniel OUiur and Mr. Stephen Bu-' chasers of the lands on Mount Hope it is by this Court granted that together with such as they haue admitted inhabitants or shall hereafi admitt shaU from this tune be a towne and mjoy aU such liberties and haue aU such power in aU respects as is allowed to anv other towiie of thi« derly 3 od Htdo ol-to DARTMOUTH. Incorporated June 8, 1 664. Indian names — Aponaganset, Acushena and Coakset. selectmen. John EusseU, Samuel Hicks, Arther Hathewey James Sha-SC, Samuel Hicks, John Cooke John EusseU, John Cooke, Arther Hathewey John Cooke, Arther Hathewey, James Shaw John EusseU, James Shaw, WUliam Palmer John Cooke, Arther Hathewey, James Shaw > Settlement broken up by King PhUip's War, John Cooke, John EusseU, Arther Hathewey John Cooke, John EusseU, Arther Hathewey John Cooke, John EusseU, Arther Hathewey John Cooke, John EusseU, Arther Hathewey John Cooke, John EusseU, Arther Hathewey Seth Pope, Jonathan EusseU, Thomas Taber Jonathan JDelano, Seth Pope, Joseph Tripp - > Govemment interrupted by Andros. Jonathan Delano, Seth Pope, James Sisson Jonathan Delano, Joseph Tripp, Thomas Taber CONSTABLES. James Shaw Daniel WUcox WUliam Palmer Peleg Tripp John Briggs John Cooke Ealph Earle Thomas Cornell George Soule Jacob Mitchell, WU liam Hayward WiUiam Earle John EusseU, Sr. Joseph Kent, John Hathewey Jonathan Delano Jonathan Delano Samuel ComeU WUliam Wood James Sisson representatives. John EusseU. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John -EusseU. John EusseU, John EusseU. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John Cooke. John EusseU. John dboke. Joseph Tripp. John .Cooke. O O oHWCD Capt. Seth Pope, Jonathan Delano. Capt. Seth Pope. FREETOWN. Incorporated July, 1683. Indian name — Assonet. rwhat afterward became Freetown Was made a Constablerick as early as Sept. 28, 1680, when John Hathwey, of Taunton, was sworn in Constable, and John Read was summoned by the Colonial Court to appear as Grand Juryman at the next session of that court.] Date. 1683 16841686 1686168716881689 16901691 1692 ¦SELECTMEN. Mr. Terrv, Thomas King, John BaUey Thomas Terry, Thomas King, Job Winslow John Hathaway John Hathaway, Samuel Gardiner Lieut. Thomas Terry, Job Winslow, John Eead Lieut. Thomas Terry, Samuel Gardiner, Samuel Howland Job Winslow, Samuel Gardiner, John Eeed constables. Job Winslow William Makepeace Benjamin Chase John Eeed Joshua Tisdale Thomas King Mathew Boomer REPRESENTATIVES . Joseph BaUey. Joseph Bailey. Job Winslow. Lieut. Thomas Terry. Samuel Gardiner. Job Winslow, Samuel Gardiner. TovfN Clerk.— Samuel Gardiner, 1688 to 1692. Treasurer.- Samuel Gardiner, June 24, 1690, probably to December, 1693. Act op Incorporation. " This Court orders that the inhabitants of the fi-eemens land att the FaU Eiver, shalbe a townshipp and haue a consta ble and grandjurymen and be hencefourth called by the name of Freetown." LITTLE COMPTON. Incorporated June 6, 1682. Indian name — Sogconnet or Saconett. Date. 16821683168416851686 1687 SELECTMEN. Capt. Edward Eichmond, Joseph Ohurch, WUliam Southworth Edward Eichmond, WUliam Peabody, WUliam Southworth Capt. Edward Eichmond, WUliam Peabody, WUliam Southworth Edward Eichmond, WUliam Peabody, Joseph Church CONSTABLES. WiUiam Bro-wnell Josiah Clauson REPRESENTATIVES. Henry Head. Henry Head. Henry Head. Edward Eichmond. to od HM o o O 1688 16891690 1691 Capt. Edward Eichmond, Lieut. Thomas Way, Eobert BrowneU Caipt." Edward Eichmond, Henry Head Henry Head. Joseph Church. Simon Eouse. Act op Incorporation Vpon the petition of Mr. Joseph Church and the rest of the proprietors and inhabitants of Saconett, the Court haue graunted that the said proprietors and inhabitants that are or shalbe there admitted orderly according to the lawes of this colonic shalbe fiom this time a to-wneship, and haue the Uberties of a to-wne as other townes of this coUonie, and shalbe caUed by the name of Little Compton." Ordek op Oct. 28, 1681. — "An Order.directed to Joseph Church, of Saconett, as foUoweth. " Whereas the Court are enformed that youer naighborhood is destitute of leading men either to call a meeting or otherwise to acte in youer pubUcke concernes, this Court impowers you the aboue named Joseph Church to caU youer naighborhood att Saconett together in convenient time, to make such necessary and wholesome orders as may be for youer comon good & peace, and to chpose and present some fitt p'son or p'sons to in- forme the Court of the p'sent state and condition of the said naighborhood respecting the p'mises to the Court of his ma"' to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid in June next, and that they choose and send fitt persons to the said Court to seiue in the offices of constable and grand jurymen." REHOBOTH. Incorporated June 4, 1645. Indian name— Sebkonk. Date. selectmen. constables. representatives. 16461646 1647 1648 16491650 1651 16621663 1664 1666165616671668 opi O Stephen Paine , Peter Hunt WUUam Smith John Allin WiUiam DuvoU John Eead Thomas Cooper Walter Palmer Eobert Martin WiUiam Carpenter Stephen Paine WiUiam Sabine WUliam Buekland Philip Walker Walter Palmer. Walter Palmer, Stephen Paine. Eobert Titus, John Doggett. Stephen Paine, Eobert Titus. Stephen Paine, Eobert Titus. Stephen Paine, Eichard Bowen. Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper. Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper. Stephen Paine, Peter Hunt. Stephen Paine, Peter Hunt. Stephen Paine, WiUiam Carpenter. Stephen Paine, WiUiam Sabin. Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper. 1-3O O •4*^ )-iaCD ~5 REHOBOTH (Continued). -00 Date. 1659 1660 1661 16621663 1664 166616661667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1676 1676 16771678 selectmen. Stephen Paine, Sr., James Bro-wn, John AUen Stephen Paine, John Allin, James Browne Lieut. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine, Ensign Henry Smith Lieut. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine, Sr., Ensign Henry Smith Lieut. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine, Sr., Ensign Henry Smith Lieut. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine, Sr., Ensign Henry Smith Lieut. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine, Sr., Ensign Henry Smith Ensign Henry Smith, Daniel Smith, Nathaniel Paine Lieut. Peter Hunt, Daniel Smith, Nathaniel Paine Lieut. Peter Hunt, Daniel Smith, Ensign Nicholas Peck CONSTABLES. Henry Smith John Butterworth Thomas Cooper Nathaniel Paine William Carpenter Samuel Newman Anthony Perry Samuel Carpenter, John Perram Nicholas Peck, John Titus Eobert FuUer, George Kendrick John Peck, Sam'l Peck John Fitch, Eichard Bowen Daniel Smith, Pre served AbeU WiUiam Sabin, Sr., John MUler, Sr. Nathaniel Paine, GU- bert Brookes Jonathan Fuller, John Doggett Nathaniel Cooper, John MUler, Jr. Nathaniel Cooper Thomas Cooper, Jr., Samuel Carpenter Thomas Eead, Abra ham Perrin representatives. Stephen Paine, WUliam Sabin. Peter Hunt, WUliam Sabin. Peter Hunt, WiUiam Sabin. Peter Hunt, Henry Smith. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine. Peter Hunt, Stephen Paine. Stephen Paine, James Brown. Peter Hunt, Hem-y Smith. Peter Hunt, Henry Smith. PhUip Walker, Nicholas Peck. Stephen Paine, WUliam Sabin. Stephen Paine, WUliam Sabin. Lieut. Peter Hunt, Daniel Smith. Lieut. Peter Hunt, Anthony Perry. Ensign Henry Smith, Daniel Smith. Ensign Henry Smith, Daniel Smith. Daniel Smith, Nathaniel Paine. Daniel Smith, Nathaniel Paine. Daniel Smith, Nicholas Peck. Od M QO fo 167916801681 16821683 16841686 1686 168716881689 169016911692 Lieut. Peter Hunt, Daniel Smith, Ensign Nicholas Peck Lieut. Peter Hunt, Ensign Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks Lieut. Peter Hunt, Ensign Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks Lieut. Peter Hunt, Ensign Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks Capt. Peter Hunt, Lieut. Nicholas Peck, Gilbert Brooks Capt. Peter Hunt, Lieut. Nicholas Peck, Gilbert Brooks Capt. Peter Hunt, Lieut. Nicholas Peck, Gilbert Brooks, John Peck, WUUam Sabin Capt. Peter Hunt, Lieut. Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks, John Peck, WUliam Sabin > Government interrupted by Andros. Lieut. Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks, John Peck, Thomas Cooper, WUliam Carpenter Lieut. Nicholas Peck, Thomas Cooper, Christopher Saunders, John Fitch, Jonathan FuUer Lieut. Nicholas Peck, WUliam Carpenter, Jonathan Fuller, Sergt. Thomas Eead, Christopher Saunders Samuel Peck, John Titus, Jr. Joseph Palmer, Moses Eead Stephen Paine, Nath aniel Chaffee Jonathan BUss, Samuel Walker Nathaniel Paine Thomas Cooper, Joseph Peck John Ormsbee Nicholas Peck, Gilbert Brooks. Lieut. Peter Hunt, Nicholas Peck. Ensign Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks. Capt. Peter Hunt, Ensign Nicholas Peck. Capt. Peter Hunt, Lieut. Nicholas Peck. Lieut. Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks. Lieut. Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks Lieut. Nicholas Peck, GUbert Brooks. Nicholas Peck, Samuel Peck. GUbert Brooks, Christopher Saunders. John Woodcock, Christopher Saunders. Christopher Saunders, Samuel Peck. O O 3 Q H Woo To-wN Clerks.— WUliam Carpenter, 1646 to 1649 ; Peter Hunt, 1649 to 1654 ; Eichard Bowen, 1654 to 1668 ; Eichard BuUock, 1659 to 1668 ; WiUiam Carpenter, May, 1668, to 1693. SWANSEA. Incorporated Oct. 30, 1667. Indian names — Ashuelot, Mattapoiset, Wannamoiset. OS o Date. selectmen.. constables. RBPRESENTATl VES . 16671668 Nathaniel Peck John AUen. 1669 Jonathan Bosworth James Browne. 1670 James Bro-wne, Mr. Taimer, John Allen Nathaniel Chafee John Allen. 1671 James Browne, Hugh Cole, Samuel Luther John Martin James Browne. 1672 James Browne, Hugh Cole, Thomas Lewis Thomas Barnes James Browne. 1673 Hugh Cole, John Allen - John Cole Hugh Cole. 1674 Francis Combe, Hugh Cole, Samuel Luther Hugh Cole. 16761676 1677 John AUen, Sr., Hugh Cole, Samuel Luther Hezekiah Luther Hugh Cole. John Allen, Sr., Nicholas Tanner, Lieut. John Browne John Thurburrow Samuel Luther. 1678 Caleb Eddy Samuel Luther. 1679 John AUen, Capt. John Browne, Samuel Luther Samuel Luther. 1680 Hugh Cole. 1681 Ensign Thomas Estabrook, Samuel Luther, Obadiah Bowen Obadiah Bowen. 1682 John Brown, Samuel Luther, Obadiah Bowen Jas. Cole, John Allen Obadiah Bowen. 1683 Capt. John Brown, Capt. Samuel Luther, Obadiah Bowen James Brown, Jr. Hugh Cole. 1684 Csipt. Samuel Luther, Obadiah Bowen, John Alien Capt. John Browne Hugh Cole. 1686 Capt. John Brown, Obadiah Bowen, Hugh Cole John Wheeden, Eobert Stanford Hugh Cole. 1686 John Bro-wne, Hugh Cole, Nicholas Tanner Sergt. Hugh Cole. 16871688 > Govermnent interruptefl by Andros, 1689 Hugh Cole, Timothy Brooks, William Hayward. 16901691 Lieut. James Cole, Thomas Wood. 1692 . od HW- o o fl o To-WN Clerks John Myles, Jr., 1671 to 1673 ; Nicholas Tanner, 1674 to 1676. TAUNTON. Incorporated September 3, 1639. Indian names — Cohannet and Tecticut. Date. selectmen. 163916401641 1642 16431644 16451646 16471648 16491660 •1651 165216631654 16661666 16571658 1669 16601661 1662 1663 166416651666166716681669 1670 Capt. Wm. Poole, Geo. HaU, Wm. Parker, Lt. Jas.Wyatt, JohnDean ^§ CD in Pa i-S.00 H OS o . CD Geo. HaU, Eich'd WUliams, Walter Dean, Jas. Walker, Wm. Harvey Geo. HaU, Eich'd Williams, Walter Dean, Jas. Walker, Wm. Harvey Geo. Hall, Eich'd WUliams, Walter Dean, Jas. Walker, Wm. Harvey Geo. Hall, Eich'd WUliams, Walter Dean, Wm. Harvey, Jas. Walker James Walker, WiUiam Harvey constables. John Stronge John Deane WUliam Parker WUUam Parker James Wiat Oliver Purchase Oliver Purchase Thomas Gilbert George Macy WiUiam Hodges James Walker WiUiam Parker John Deane John TisdaU Francis Smith Hezekiah Hoare Peter Pitts John TisdaU Henry Andrews William Harvey WUliam WithereU Hezekiah Hoare Francis Smith Joseph Wilbore John HaU Eichard Burt Samuel Smith Israel Dean Nathaniel WUliams representatives. Capt. wmiam Poole, John GUbert, Henry [Andrews. Capt. WUliam Poole. John Stronge. John Strong, John Parker. Henry An£-ews, John Stronge. Capt. WUUam Poole. wmiam Parker, Eichard WUUams. Eichard Wmiams. Henry Andrews, Edward Case. Eichard WUliams, Edward Case. Henry Andrews, Edward Case. Eichard Wmiams, Oliver Purchase. Eichard WiUiams, OUver Purchase. Thomas GUbert, Lieut. James Wyat. Eichard Wmiams, Lieut. James Wyat. Eichard Wmiams, James J^alker. Eichard WUUams, Lieut, i^mes Wyat. Eichard WiUiams, Lieut. James Wyat Eichard WUliams, Lieut. James Wyat. wmiam Parker, James Walker. Eichard Wmiams, James Walker. Lieut. James Wyatt, James Walker. Lieut. James Wyatt, James Walker. Lieut. James Wyatt, James Walker. Lieut. James Wyatt. Eichard WiUiams, Lieut. James Wyatt. Eichard WUUams, WiUiam Harvey. James Walker, WUliam Harvey. James Walker, Wmiam Harvgy. James Walker, WUUam Harvey. James Walker, WiUiam Harvey. James Walker, WiUiam Harvey. Q O QWCD (» 167116721673 1674 16761676 1677 16781679 1680 1681168216831684 16851686 1687 1688168916901691 TAUNTON (Continued) Lieut. George Macey, Eichard WUliams, Walter Dean, WUUam Harvey, James Walker Lieut. George Macey, Eichard Wmiams, Walter Dean, WUliam Harvey, John Tisdale, Sr. Lieut. George Macey, Eichard Wmiams, Walter Dean, WUUam Harvey, John Tisdale Lieut. George Macey, Eichard WiUiams, Walter Dean, Wmiam Harvey, John Tisdale Lieut. George Macey, Eichard WUliams, Walter Dean, Wmiam Harvey, John Tisdale, Sr. Lieut. George Macey, Eichard WUUams, Walter Dean, Wmiam Harvey, Samuel Smith Lieut. George Macey, Eichard Wmiams, Walter Dean, Wmiam Harvey, Samuel Smith Lieut. George Macey, Walter Dean, Wmiam Harvey, James Walker, Samuel Smith Lt. Geo. Macey, Wm. Harvey, Walter Dean, Jas. Walker, Sam'l Smith George Macy, WUliam Harvey, Walter Deane, Tliomas Leonard Lieut. George Macy, Wmiam Harvey, Walter Dean, Thomas Leonard, John Hathwey Lieut. George Macy, Wmiam Harvey, Walter Dean, Ensign Thomas Leonard, John Hath-«'ey Geo. Macy, Wm. Harvey, Walter Dean, Thos. Leonard, JohnHathwey Lieut. George Macy, Walter Dean, Ensign Thomas Leonard, John Hathway, Sr., John HaU George Macy, Walter Deane, Thomas Leonard, John Hall, WiUiam WethereU [John HaU Lt. Geo. Macy, Wm. Harvey, Walter Deane, Ens. Thos. Leonard, I Government interrupted by Andros. [Leonard, Jr. Wm. Harvey, Thos. Leonard, Henry Hodges, Nath'l Wmiams, Jas. "Wmiam Harvey, Thomas Leonard, Henry Hodges, Nathaniel WUUams, James Leonard, Jr. 03to Joseph WUbore Eichard Stevens Heze kiah Hoar Aaron Knap, Sr., John Deane John Eichmond, Shad rach Wilbore James Tisdale, Thomas Dean John Hathwey, Wm. WithereU Thomas GUbert, Jos. HaU Samuel WiUiams,' Thos. Harvey, Sr. Jos. Willis, Isaac Dean GUes GUbert, Thomas Williams Henry Hodges, Ezra Deane John White, James Walker, Jr. Joseph WUbur, John Hodges John Eichmond, James Walker, Sr. James Leonard, Joseph [TUden Town Clerk. — Shadraoh WUbur, fi-om 1666 to 1683, and perhaps longer. wmiam Harvey, Wmiam WithereU. WUliam Harvey, Lieut. George Macey. William Harvey, Lieut. George Macey. Lieut. George Macey, John Tisdale. Lieut. George Macey, WUUam Harvey. Lieut. George Macey, WUliam Harvey. Lieut. George Macey, Wffliam Harvey. James Walker, Samuel Stilth. James Walker, Samuel Smith. John Hathwey, Ensign Thomas Leonard. John Hathwey, Ensign Thomas Leonard. John Hathwey, Ensign Thomas Leonard. John Hathwey, Ensign Thomas Leonard. John Hatheway, Ensign Thomas Leonard. Ensign Thomas Leonard, Sergt. WUUam WethereU, Sr. Lt. George Macy, Ensign Thomas Leonard. thos. Leonard, Nath'l WUliams, John HaU. Thomas Leonard, WiUiam Harvey. John Hathwey, John HaU. hd l-i«! od a a o [Ho TOWN OFFICERS. 33 BRISTOL. Date. GRAND JURTMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1681 1682 168316841685 1686 1687 16881689169016911692 John Carey John Carey Jabez Gorham Thomas Walker Increase Eobinson, Nathaniel Byfield Christopher Saunders, Benjamin Jones, Nathaniel Paine Nathaniel Bosworth, Nathaniel Eeynolds, Thomas Lewis Nathaniel Eeynolds, Wmiam Throop, John Eogers Hugh Woodbury, Thomas Walker Nathaniel Eeynolds, Nathaniel Paine, Samuel Corbett Jabez Gorham. Jabez Gorham, John Walker. WUliam Ingraham, Solomon Curtis. Hugh Woodbury, Eobert Taft. John Smith, Nicholas Mead. Joseph Ford, Thomas Lewis, Joseph Ford, Thomas Lewis. John Saffin, WiUiam Throop. UsseU WardeU, George Waldron. Nathaniel Bosworth, William Stoer. John Saffin, Nathaniel Blagrove. BeUamy Bosworth, EUashU Adams. DARTMOUTH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGH-^VAYS. 1664 Arthur Hathewey 1666 Samuel Hix 1666 WUUam Spooner 1667 Eichard Sisson 1668 Arthur Hathewey 1669 Daniel WUcox 1670 Peleg Sherman 1671 George Sisson ¦^illiam Palmer, Henry Tucker, Eichard Sisson. 1672 Thomas Pope John Smith, Peleg Tripp, Wmiam Palmer. 1673 WiUiam Palmer Peleg Tripp, John Smitlj, Thomas Taber. 1674 Arthur Hathewey WiUiam Bartrum, John Thurburrow. 1676 1676 1677 [Settlement broken up by King PhUip's War.] 1678 Arthur Hathewey / 1679 Thomas Pope, Nicholas Sisson, Henry Tucker. 1680 wmiam Bartrum, Seth Pope 1681 John Smith, Jr. 1682 John Briggs 1683 wmiam Earle 1684 John Briggs, James Sampson James Sisson, John EusseU, Jr., Josiah 1686 Thomas Briggs Smith. 34 PLYMOUTH COLONY. Date. 1683168416851686 168716881689 169016911692 FREETOWN. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGH-WAYS. John Hatheway, Jr. Joshua Tisdale [Government interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros.] Job Winslow Benjamin Chase, John Simmons John Simmons, Benjamin Chase. Samuel Gardiner, Job Winslow. Benjamin Chase, Ealph Earle. Ealph Earle, Thomas Makepeace. LITTLE COMPTON. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 1682168316841685 Simon Eouse Jonathan Thurston Simon Eouse John Irish, WUUam BrowneU, Jonathan Thurston, WUUam Briggs. REHOBOTH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 1646 Eobert Martin, Thomas Cooper. 1646 WUliam Carpenter 1647 Thomas Cooper, Thomas Clifton Eobert Titus, Thomas BUss. 1648 Eobert Sharp, Joseph Tocry John MUler, John PeUum. 1649 Obadiah Holmes Eichard Bowen, Eobert Sharp. 1660 Eobert Sharp, Thomas Cooper Walter Palmer, Peter Hunt. 1651 Walter Palmer, Peter Hunt John Eead, Wimam Smith. 1652 Henry Smith Joseph Peck, Jr., Jonathan BUss. 1663 Joseph Peck Eichard Bowen, James Eedway. 1654 James Walker WUliam Carpenter, George Kendrick. 1666 Philip Walker, Jonathan BUss Eichard Ingraham, John Fitch. 1656 Peter Hunt 1657 Nicholas Peck PhUip Walker, Obadiah Bowen. 1658 Eichard Bowen 1659 Stephen Paine 1660 Nathaniel Paine 1661 Samuel Carpenter, John Fitch 1662 Daniel Smith, Samuel Newman Nicholas Ide, John Peck. 1663 James Brown John Perrin, Sr., GUbert Brooks. 1664 wmiam Sabine 1666 John Woodcock 1666 Samuel Peck George Kendrick, Eichard Bowen. 1667 Daniel Smith, Samuel Ne-wman 1668 PhUip Walker, Jonathan Bliss 1669 Stephen Paine, Jr. Eichard Martin, Nicholas Ide. 1670 Nathaniel Paine Preserved Abel , John Butterworth. 1671 John Eead James Eeadway, John Perren. TOWN OFFICEKS. REHOBOTH (Continued). 35 Date. GRAND JURYMESf. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 1672 John Perrin GUbert Brooks, John Doggett. 1673 Thomas Eead John Mmer, Sr., Benjamin Sabine. 1674 Peter Hunt, Jr. Nicholas Ide, John Perren, Jr. 1676 WiUiam Sabine, John Butterworth George Kendrick, Wmiam Carpenter, 1676 WUliam Sabine Gilbert Brooks, Eobert FuUer. 1677 John Titus, Sr. Stephen Paine, Jr., John Butterworth, 1678 Phmp Walker, Obadiah Bowen Eichard Bowen, John Perrin. 1679 Samuel Ne-wman Anthony PeiTy, John Wilmott. 1680 Joseph Peck Samuel Carpenter, John Fitch. 1681 John Titus, Sr., Jonathan BUss Thomas Cooper, Jr., Samuel Perry. 1682 John Peck WUliam Sabine, John Carpenter. 1683 Samuel Newman John Titus, Sr., John Pagett, Thomas 1684 Samuel Peck, Preserved Abel 16851686 WUUam Sabine, John Titus, Sr. Eichard Bowen, Sr., John Doggett, 1687 [Govemment interrupted 1688 )V Sir Edmund Andros.] 1689 1690 1691 1692 SWANSEA. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 1667 1668 James Browne 1669 Nicholas Taimer John AUen, Sr, 1670 Samuel Luther 1671 Hugh Cole Nathaniel Peck, Joseph Carpenter, Zachariah Sddy, 1672 Nathaniel Chaffee, Jonathan Bosworth, Hezekiah Luther. 1673 Joseph Carpenter John Martin, Jos. Cbaffee, Qaleb Eddy, 1674 1676 John Butterworth Eobert Jones, John Thurburrow, 1676 1677 Zachariah Eddy Israel Peck, John Crabtree. 1678 John Butterworth 1679 Thomas Eastabrooks Israel Peck, WUliam Hayward, Natha aniel Lewis. 1680 1681 John Butterworth Hugh Cole, Wni-Ingraham, Jos.Chaffey. 1682 Timothy Brooks 1683 John Wheaton, John West, Geo. Webb. 1684 1685 Qapt. John Brown wmiam Salisbury, John Martin, John Paddock. 1686 1687 [Government interrupted 1688 by Sir Edmund Andros.] 1689 1690 1691 1692 36 PLYMOUTH COLONY. TAUNTON. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 16391640 Henry Andrews 1641 Henry Andrews 1642 Walter, Deane, Ed-«-ard Case 1643 Edward Case, Thomas GUbert 1644 John Tisdale James Wyatt. 1645 James Burt. 1646 John Strong 1647 John Tisd&le Edward Slocum, Edward Eew. 1648 James Walker, James Wyatt John Dean, Eichard Stacy. 1649 James Wyatt, George Macy. 1650 Edward Case Thomas Lincoln, Edward Case. 1651 George Mac-y Hezekiah Hoar, John GaUop. 1662 wmiam Hodges Eichard Paul, Clement Mayfield. 1653 John Bryant John Cobb, Wmiam PhUlips. 1654 Hezekiah Hoar, James Walker Anthony Slocum, 3 ames Burt. 1655 WUliam Harvey, Peter Pitts James Wyatt, Eichard WUliams. 1656 George Macy, .Tames Walker Henry Andrews, Eobert Thornton. 1667 John Tisdale, John D ean Eichard Stacy, Jonas Austin. 1668 William WetheriU John Cobb, Eichard Burt. 1659 Anthony Slocum 1660 Joseph WUbur 1661 Francis Smith 1662 George Macy Anthony Slocum, WUliam Harvey. 1663 Peter Pitts, John Bryant Jeunes Leonard, Samuel Smith. 1664 John Dean 1666 Hezekiah Hoar 1666 Thomas Leonard John Cobb, Samuel WUUams. 1667 Joseph Wilbur 1668 Edward Babbett George Macy, Peter Pitts. 1669 Joseph WUbur Edward Eew, James Leonard, Jr. 1670 WUUam Wetherill 1671 Thomas Leonard JohnMacomber, Increase Eobinson. 1672 John Eichmond James Walker, Thomas Leonard. 1673 Peter Pitts John Cobb, Joseph WUbur. 1674 John Brytot, Sr. Edward Eew, Israel Dean, 1675 Joseph Wilbur John Turner, John Bryant. 1676 Isreal Dean 1677 William Wetherm Thomas Lincoln, Isaac Dean. 1678 Nathaniel WUliams James Tisdale, James Leonard, Jr. 1679 WUliam WetherUl, JohnEichmond Eobert Crossman, Thomas GUbert. 1680 James Tisdale, James Leonard, Jr. Joseph HaU, Joseph WUbur. 1681 Joseph WUbur Thomas Harvey, Joseph WUUs. 1682 Nathaniel Wmiams Eobert Crossman, Sr., Samuel Thrasher. 1683 Henry Hodges MUes GUbert, John Lincoln, Sr. 1684 Isaac Dean 16861686 1687 James Leonard, Jr., Malachi HoUoway John Bryant, Joseph Tisdale. [Government interrupted 16881689 by Sir Edmund Andros.] 1690 1691 1692 TOWN OFFICERS. PEESONS APPOINTED TO SOLEMNIZE MAEEIAGES. 37 Names. Residences. Date of Appointment. Benjamin Church Bristol July 7, 1682. John Carey Bristol July 7, 1682. John Cooke Dartmouth June 5, 1667. Joseph Church Little Compton Oct. 2, 1689. Stephen Paine Eehoboth June 8, 1684. Daniel Smith Eehoboth March 9, 1677. Thomas Leonard Taunton June 5, 1684. INN KEEPEES. Name of Town. Name of Person. When Licensed. When Cancelled. Bristol- John Eogers Jabez Howland XJzaU WardeU Oct. 28, 1681. 1 Oct. 28, 1681. June 5, 1684. Freetown — John Hathway, Jr. June 6, 1684. Little Compton — John Simmons July 7, 1674. July 7, 1682. Eehoboth— John Eead Eobert Abel Daniel Smith' John Woodcock* June 6, 1649. July 3, 1666. July 2, 1667. July 6, 1670. Swansea — Thomas Purdaine June 6, 1682. Taunton — James Leonard Eichard Paul Edward Eewf James Walker Aug. 3, 1640. March 6, 1670. June 3, 1679. March 1, 1664. July 16, 1678. PEESONS LICENSED TO EETAIL SPIRITUOUS LIQUOES. Name of • Town. Name of Person. Kind of Liquor. Date of License. Bristol— Eehoboth— Swansea — Taunton — John Eogers Jabez Howland Uzal WardeU John Eead Daniel Smith Thomas Purdaine WiUiam Park* Thomas Leonard WUUam WetheriU Shadrach WUbur Cider, Beer, Wine and Eum Wine, Beer, Strong Liquors, Cider Beer and Liquor Wine and Strong Waters LiquorsBeer and Cider Wine Strong Liquors and Wine Cider, Beer and Strong Liquors Strong Liquors Oct. 28, 1681. Oct. 28, 1681. June 5, 1684. June 6, 1649. July 2, 1667. June 6, 1682. June 5, 1644. Aug. 4, 1663. June 2, 1686. Oct. 27, 1686. * John Woodcock's inn was in what, in 1694, became Attleborough, and a public house was kept on the spot about 170 years. ,,„,„„„ ^ „ ,. ,.• -.a ¦ ^ t + Edward Rew, of Taunton, died July 16, 1678, and Sarah his widow married James Walker, Sr., Nov. 4, 1678. She was a daughter of John Richmond, of Taunton. 38 PLYMOUTH COLONY. EECEIVEES OE COLLECTOES OF THE EXCISE. Name of Town. Name of Collector. Date of Appointment. Dartmouth — Eehoboth — Taunton — Samuel Hix Sergt. James Shaw John Doggett Lieut. Peter Hunt Eichard Bullock Daniel Smith • James Wyatt James Walker Francis Smith Eichard Burt wmiam Harvey June 5, 1657. June 3, 1668. July 7, 1648, June 8, 1664. June 8, 1664. June 6, 1667. July 7, 1646. June 8, 1664. June 8, 1664. June 5, 1667. June 3, 1668. COLLECTOES OF MINISTEES' EATES OE TAXES. Name of Town. Name of Collector. When Appointed. Eehoboth — Taunton — Lieut. Peter Hunt wmiam Carpenter WUliam Harvey James Walker WUUam WetheriU Samuel Smith June 5, 1671. June 6, 1671. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 6, 1671. June 6, 1671. Persons Appointed to Enporce the Orders Eelatino to LiauoRs. Town. Name of Person. Date of Appointment. Eehoboth — Samuel Newman June 6, 1677. Swansea — John Butterworth, Sr. June 6, 1677. Taunton — James Walker Joseph WUbur June 6, 1677. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Incorporated June 2, 1685. Shire or County Town, Plymouth. COUNTY MAGISTRATES. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Nathaniel Thomas John Gushing Ephraim Morton Thomas Hayward Marshfield Scituate Plymouth Bridgewater June 2, 1685, to 1692. June 2, 1685, to 1690. June 2, 1685, to 1692. May 20, 1690, to 1692. Clerks of County Court. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Nathaniel Thomas, Sr. Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. Samuel Sprague MarshfieldMarshfield Marshfield 1685 to 1686. 1686 to 1689. 1689 to 1692. Register op Deeds. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Nathaniel Thomas, Sr. Marshfield 1 685 to Under Marshal and Gaol Keeper. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Samuel Dunham Plymouth June, 1686, to Act of Incorporation i' — " It is Ordered That Plimouth, Duxbury, Scituate, Marshfield, Bridgewater and Middleborough, together -with aU such places and Vmages, that do or may lye be tween the said Towns and the Patent Line, be a County, Plymouth the County Town, and the said County caUed the County of Plimouth ; in which County shaU be kept two County Courts annually at the Town of Plymouth ; one on the third Tuesday in March ; and the other on the third Tuesday in September." TOWIT OFFICERS. 1^ o BRIDGEWATER. Incorporated June 3, 1656. Indian name — Nunketest. Date. SELECTMEN. CONSTABLES. REPRESENTATIVES. 1666 John Carey 1667 O Samuel Tompkins John WiUis. 1658 Mark Lothrop John Willis. 1659 g , John WUUs. 1660 o Samuel Allen John wmis. 1661 John Hayward, Jr. WUliam Brett. 1662 03 Johii Eames WiUiam Brett. 1663 ? Samuel Edson WiUiam Brett. 1664 Samuel Packer John WUUs, WUUam Brett. 1666 Nathaniel WUUs wmiam Brett. 1666 Nicholas Byram Hayward, John WUIis Daniel Bacon John WiUis. 1667 Nicholas Byram, John WUUs, John Carey John wmis, Jr. John wmis. 1668 Nicholas Byram, John Wmis, John Carey Nicholas Byram 1669 John WUUs. 1670 John WiUis, Sr., John Carey, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Joseph Bassett John wmis. 1671 John WUUs, John Carey, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Thomas SneU John WUUs. 1672 John WiUis, John Carey, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Eobert Latham John WUUs. 1673 John WUUs, Sr., Lieut. Thomas Hayward, John Carey- Samuel Edson, Jr. John WUUs. 1674 John wmis, Sr., Lieut. Thomas Hayward, John Carey Samuel Packer John WUUs. 1675 John WiUis, Lieut. Thomas Hayward, John Carey WUliam Brett, Jr. _ John Willis. 1676 John WUUs, Sr., John Carey, Samuel Edson John Aimes, Jr., John WiUis. 1677 John WUUs, Sr., John Carey, Sr., Samuel Edson John Field John WUUs. 1678 John Carey, Sr., Samuel Edson, Ensign John Hayward Zacheus Packer John WiUis. 1679 John Carey, Sr., John WUUs, Sir., Samuel Edson, Sr. Mark Lothrop John WUlis, Sr. 1680 Thomas SneU John wmis, Sr. 1681 Dea. John Wmis, John Carey, Samuel Edson, Sr. Edward Vinton Lieut. Thomas Hayward. 1682 John wmis, Samuel Edson, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Joseph Hlayward Lieut. Thomas-Hayward, o W oo troa 168316841686 1686 1687 <^1688 168916901691 Dea. John Willis, Samuel Edson, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Dea. John WiUis, Samuel Edson, Lieut. Thomas Hayward Dea. John WUUs, Samuel Edson, Sr., Lieut. Thomas Hayward > Govemment interrupted by Andros. John WiUis, Capt. Thomas Hayward, Lieut. John Hayward, John Field, John King Nicholas Byram, Jr. Thomas Washburn Lieut. Thomas Hayward. Lieut. Thomas Hayward. Lieut. Thomas Hayward. Capt. Thomas Hayward, WiUiam Brett. WilUam Brett. Josiah Edson. Town Clerks.— John Carey, 1656 to 1681 ; Thomas Hayward, 1681 or 1682 to 1683 ; Samuel AUen, 1683 to 1702. Act op Incorporation, passed June 3, 1656. — " Ordered that henceforth Duxburrow New Plantation bee aUowed to be a to-wnshipe of y' selfe, destinot from Duxburrow, and to bee caUed by the name of Bridgwater, prouided that aU pubUcke rates bee borne by them with Duxburrow vpon equal! proportions." — Old Colony Records, vol. ui. DUXBURY. Incorporated June 7, 1637. Indian name — Mattakeeset. Date. 16371638163916401641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 SELECTMEN. O CONSTABLES. Edmund Chandler Chr'pher Wadsworth Stephen Tracy Joseph Eogers Constant Southworth Edmund Hawes Thomas Boimey Thomas Bonney John Tisdale George Partridge REPRESENTATIVES. Jonathan Brewster, Edmund Chandler. wmiam Bassett, Christopher Wadsworth. John Alden, Jonathan Brewster. John Alden, Jonathan Brewster. WilUam Bassett, Edmund Chandler, Thomas Besbeech. Capt. MUes Stapdish, John Alden, Jon athan Bre-vvster, WUUam Bassett. John Alden, George Soule, WiUiam Bas sett, Edmund Chandler. John Alden, George Soule. O OQCD tf>- DUXBURY (Continued). to Date. SELECTMEN. CONSTABLES. REPRESENTATIVES . 1647 WUliam Merrick John Alden, Constant Southworth. 1648 Thomas Hayward Jojin Alden, William Bassett. , 1649 . Francis Spragjie John Ald?n, Constant Southworth. 1650 George Soule, Constant Southworth. 1651 JohnVobes George Soule, Constant Southworth. 1652 !2! wmiam Bassett Constant Southworth, John Bradford. 1663 O0 Government interrupted by Andros. ^ Nathaniel Winslow, Josiah Snow Ephraim Little, John Foster, Joseph Waterman CONSTABLES. John Bourne, Samuel Sherman Isaac Lit'tle, Ealph Powell Samuel Arnold, Thos. Macomber Ephraim Little, John Thomas, Jr. Joseph Waterman, Jo seph Bumpus Isaa-o Holmes, John Doggett Hopestill Bisbee Israel Holmes Samuel Doggett, Jon athan Crucker Samuel Little REPRESENTATIVES . Ensign Mark Eames, Anthony Snow. Anthony Snow, Nathaniel Thomas. Ensign Mark Eames, Anthony Snow. Ensign Mark Eames, Anthony Snow. Ensign Mark Eames, Anthony Snow. Ensign Mark Eames, Anthony Snow. Capt. Nath. Thomas, Ser, Samuel Sprague. Capt. Nath. Thomas, Ser. Samuel Sprague. Capt. Nath. Thomas, Ser. Samuel Sprague. Capt. Nath. Thomas, Lieut. Isaac Little. Lieut. Isaac Little, Sergt. Samuel Sprague. Nathaniel Winslow, John Boume, Isaac Little. Capt. Nathaniel Thomas, Lieut. Isaac Little. Capt. Nathaniel Thomas, Lieut. Isaac Little. o d KooO !zl MIDDLEBOROUGH. Incorporated June, 1669. Indian names — Assawomset, Nemasket. Date. SELECTMEN. Ifi69 16701671 1672 1673 1674 1675167616771678 1679 16801681 16821683168416861686 168716881689169016911692 John Thompson, Jonathan Dunham, Francis Combs John Thompson, Jonathan Dunham, Francis Combs [Settlement broken up by King PhdUp's War.] John Thompson, Francis Combs, Samuel FuUer John Thompson, Francis Combs, John Nelson John-Thompson, Francis Combs, John Nelson John Thompson, Isaac Howland, John Nelson John Thompson, Isaac Howland, Samuel Wood John Thompson, John Nelson, Isaac Howland John Thompson, John Nelson, Isaac Howland John Thompson, Isaac Howland, John AUyn [Government interrupted by Andros.] Samuel Wood, Joseph Vaughn, Nathaniel Warren Joseph Vaughn, Ebenezer Tinkham, John AUyn Isaac Howland, Joseph Vaughn, John Bennett CONSTABLES. John Nelson John Irish John Dunham Isaac Howland George Vaughn Ebenezer Tinkham Daniel Thomas, Jr. ^Ephraim Tinkham, Jr, Samuel Wood D.'ivid Wood John Nelson John Allen John MiUer Abiel Wood WilUam Nelson John Cobb Peter Tinkham REPRESENTATIVES. John Morton. John Iijorton. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. John Thompson. Isaac Howland. Isaac Howland. Isaac Howland. Isaac Howland. HOi o w Wimam Hoskins was by a unanimous vote chosen Town Clerk of Middleborough, May 24, 1 68 1 ; he was succeeded in that office, March 28 1 6 93 by John Bennett. The to-wn voted to give Wmiam Hoskins a load of fish, taken at the herring weir and delivered at his house, for one year's service as to-wn clerk. ' PLYMOUTH. Incorporated Dec. 11, 1620. Indian names — Accomac, Apaum and Patuxet. 00 Date. SELECTMEN. CONSTABLES. REPRESENTATIVES. 1633 Joshua Pratt* 1634 1635 1636 Joshua Pratt 1637 Joshua Pratt 1638 1639 George Bower John Done, Wmiam Paddy, Manasseh Kempton, John Cook, Jr., JohnDunham. 1640 Eichard Sparrow wmiam Paddy, Manasseh Kempton, John Cooke, John Dunham. 1641 Josiah Cooke wmiam Paddy, John Jenney, John Atwood, John Howland. 1642 !2f'i GUes Eickett WUliam Paddy, John Done, John Cooke, John Atwood. 1643 John Finney John Done, Wmiam Paddy, John Atwood, John Cooke, Jr. 1644 o attn James Cole, John Wm. Paddy, John Done, Manasseh Kemp s Jenkins, Sr. ton, John Cooke, John Winslowe. 1645 Thomas Pope, Eobert Manasseh Kempton, John Howland, John Finney Cooke, Jr, John Dunham, Sr. 1646 Eobert Paddock, John Howland, Manasseh Kempton, John Thomas Whitney Dunhame, Sr., Thomas Wmett. 1647 Andrew Eing, Eobert WUliam Paddy, John Dunham, John Wickson Howland, James Hust. 1648 Ephraim Morton WUliam Paddy, John Howland, John Cooke, Manasseh Kempton. 1649 Mr. Paddy, Mr. Howland, Manasseh Kemp ton, John Dunham, Sr. 1650 John Thompson Mr. Paddy, Mr. Howland, Manasseh Kemp ton, John Dunham, Sr. ^ od QO f o 1651 16621663 16641655 1656 1657 1668 16691660 1661 1662 1663 1664166516661667 166816691670 167116721673 o0n>OC o John Howland, George Watson, Lt. Ephraim Morton, Eobert Finney Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Nathaniel Warren, Wmiam Harlow, William Clarke, WiUiam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. Wmiam Harlow, WUliam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. WUUam Harlow, Wmiam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. Wmiam Harlow, Wmiam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. Wmiam Harlow, Wimam Crow Lieut, Ephraim Morton, Sergt. WUUam Harlow, WUliam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. WUUam Harlow, Wmiam Crow John Lettioe Eichard Wright John Keith John Morton, Samuel Hicks Thomas Whitney John Eickard Gyles Eichard Gyles Eichard, Sr. wmiam Shurtley George Watson WUUam Marlow Abraham Jackson Stephen Bryant Samuel Sturtevant wmiam Crow Edward Gray Francis Comb John Wood wmiam Clai-ke Joseph Warren Jacob Cooke George Watson John FaUoweU John Howland, Manasseh Kempton, Lieut. Southworth, Thomas Clark. John Howland, John Winslow, John Dun ham, Lieut. Thomas Southworth. John Howland, Thomas Southworth, John Dunham, Sr., John Cooke. John Howland, John Winslow, John Dun ham, John Cooke. John Howland, John Dunham, Sr., John Cooke, Thomas Clarke. John Howland, John Dunham, Sr., John Cooke, Thomas Clarke. John Howland, Eobert Finney, Nathaniel Warren. John Howland, Eobert Finney, Nathaniel Warren. John Dunham, Sr., Eobert Finney, Nath'l Warren, Ephraim Morton. John Dunham, Sr., Eobert Finney, Eph raim Morton, Manasseh Kempton. John Dunham, Sr., John Howland, Nath aniel Warren, E. Morton. John Dunham, Sr., Eobert Finney, Eph raim Morton, John Morton. John Howland, Eobert Finney, Nathaniel Warren, Ephraim Morton. John Dunham, Sr., Eobert Finney, Nath aniel Warren, Ephraim Morton. Nathaniel Warren, Ephraim Morton. John Howland, Lieut. Ephraim Morton. John Howland, Lieut. Ephraim Morton. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Samuel Dunham. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Eobert Finney. John Howland, Lieut. Ephraim Morton. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Eobert Finney. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Eobert Finney. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, William Crow. O O Q09 PLYMOUTH (Continued). o Date. SELECTMEN. CONSTABLES. REPRESENTATIVES . 1674 167516761677 16781679168016811682 168316841685 16861687168816891690 16911692 Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. William Harlow, WiUiam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. Wmiam Harlow, Wmiam Crow, WUUam Clarke, Ephraim Tinkham Lt. Ephraim Morton, Wmiam Crow, WUliam Clarke, Joseph Howland Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. WilUam Harlow, Wmiam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, WUliam Crow, Wmiam Clarke Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Lieut. Joseph Howland, WUliam Crow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, WUUam Crow, Edward Gray Lieut. Ephraim Morton, WUliam Crow, William Clarke Lieut. Ephraim Morton, William Crow, WUliam Clarke Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Wmiam Crow, WUUam Harlow Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Lieut. Joseph Howland, Sergt. WUUam Harlow, WiUiam Clarke, Joseph Warren wmiam Harlow, Lieut. Joseph Howland, Isaac Cushman Lieut. Ephraim Morton.-Sergt. WUliam Harlow, Joseph-Warren, Sr, Joseph Warren, Sr., Joseph Howland, Isaac Cushman Joseph Warren, Sr., Wmiam Harlow, John Bradford Lie-ut. E. Morton, Sergt. W. Harlow, Thomas Faunoe Isaac Cushman, Thomas Faunce, Wimam Shurtliff Samuel Dunham Jabez Howland George Morton Jonathan Barnes Nathaniel Southworth John Bartlett JohnDoten Abraham Jackson Elkanah Watson John Bryant, Jr. John Eickard John Churchell John Sturtevant Samuel Lucas, Eleazer Eing Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Wmiam Clarke. Lt. Ephraim Morton, Sergt. Wm. Harlow. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Edward Gray. Edward Gray, Lieut. Joseph Howland. Lt. Ephraim Morton, Lt. Joseph Howland. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Edward Gray. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Wimam Clarke. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. Lieut. Ephraim Morton, Joseph Warren. John Bradford, Isaac Cushman. John Bradford, Isaac Cushman. John Bradford, Lieut. Ephraim Morton. Od o oir*i Constable Joshiia Pratt also held the office of Messenger, not only for the town of Plymouth but for the whole colony. SCITUATE. Incorporated Oct. 5, 1636. Indian name— Satuit. Date. SELECTMEN. constables. REPRESENTATIVES. 1636 Humphrey Turner 1637 James Cudworth 1638 Anthony Annable 1639 Humphrey Turner Anthony Annable, Edward Foster. 1640 George Kenneriok Edward Foster, Humphrey Turner, Eichard Smis, John Wimams. 1641 Samuel Fuller Edward Foster, Humphrey Turner, Ed mund Eddenden. 1642 Josias Checkett Humphrey Turner, Edmund Eddenden, George Kennerick. Edmund Eddenden, Thomas Chambers, 1643 John Stookbridge, Eobert Stetson George Kennerick, John WUUams, r Thomas Eobinson, Thomas Eaulins. 1644 William Eeade, Gowen White John wmiams, Humphrey Tumer. 1645 g Thomas Clapp, John AUen Humphrey Turner, WUUam Hatch. 1646 o Ephraim Kempton, John HoUett Humphrey Tumer, John Lewes. 1647 o" Edward Jenkins, George Sutton Humphrey Tumer, John WUUams. ¦1648 Isaac Stedman John WUliams, Thomas Chambers. 1649 p Wm. Hatch, James Cudworth, Thos. Clapp. 1650 George EusseU, John WUliams James Cudworth, Humphrey Tumer. 1651 Peter CoUamore, George Petcoek James Cudworth, Humphrey Tumer. 1662 John Whetcom, Wimam Parker James Cudworth, Humphrey Tumer. 1663 Joseph Coleman Humphrey Turner, Thomas Byrd. 1654 • Thomas Eobinson, Walter Hatch Capt. James Cudworth, Eobert Stetson. 1666 Thomas Pinchen, John Turner Capt. James Cudworth, Eobert Stetson. 1666 Abraham Sattley Capt. James Cudworth, Eobert Stetson. 1667 Joseph Wormall, Henry EweU John Bryant. 1658 - - Humphrey Johnson, Isaac Buck Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. 1659 John Hews, Eichard Curtis Eobert Stetson. 1660 Joen Turner, Jr., John Merritt Cornet Eobert Stetson, Lieut. Jas. Torrey. 1661 i Matthias Briggs, Eodolphus Ehmes Eobert Stetson, Lieut. James Torrey. 1662 John Bryant, John Damon Eobert Stetson, Lieut. James Torrey. O !2| O ZU SCITUATE (Continued). ento Date. SELECTMEN. CONSTABLES. REPRESENTATIVES . 16631664 1665 1666 1667 16681669 1670 16711672 1673 1674 1675 1676167716781679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1664 16851686 1687168816891690 1691 Thomas King, Cornet Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden Eobert Stetson, Thomas King, Isaac Chittenden - Thomas King, John Sutton, Isaac Buck Michael Peirse, Jeremiah Hatch, John Cushing Michael Peirse, Jeremiah Hatch, John Cushing John Cushing, Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, John Damon John Cushing, John Bryant, Sr., Lieut. Isaac Buck John Cushing, John Bryant, Isaac Buck John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Lieut. Isaac Buck John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Isaac Buck John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Capt. John WUUams John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Samuel Clapp John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Samuel Clapp John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Samuel Clapp John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch, Samuel Clapp John Cushing, Samuel Clapp > Government interrupted by Andros. Samuel Clapp, James Briggs, Thomas Jenkins Jeremiah Hatch, Thomas King, Israel Chittenden Samuel Clapp, Thomas Jenkins, Nathaniel Tilden John Sutton Isaac Chittenden, Wmiam Curtis George EusseU William Peakes Michael Peirse, William Brooks Matthew Gannett, Benj. Stetson Charles Stockbridge, John VinaU Samuel Clapp, Timothy White Anthony CoUamore, John Ensign Nath'l Tumer, Henry Chittenden Joseph Silvester, Joseph White Nathaniel TUden, James Briggs John Turner, Jr., Thomas Jenkins John Turner, Jr., Thomas Wade John Otis, Sr., Thos. Stetson, Sr. Thomas Nichols, Thomas Perry Thomas Pincen, Benjamin Peirse WiUiam Barrett, John Bryant Samuel Stetson, Wm. Ticknor, Sr, Nathan'l Church, Sam'l Holbrook John AUen, Wmiam Barstow Lieut. James Torrey, Isaac Buck. Lieut. James Torrey, Isaac Buck. Lieut. James Torrey, Isaac Buck. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Thomas King. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. Eobert Stetson, Isaac Chittenden. John Damon, Jeremiah Hatch. John Damon, John Cushing. Eobert Stetson, John Bryant, Sr. Eobert Stetson, John Bryant. John Cushing, Jeremiah Hatch. Jeremiah Hatch, Samuel Clapp. Samuel Clapp, Capt. John Wmiams. John Cushing, Sjamuel Clapp. John Cushing, Samuel Clapp. John Cushing, Samuel Clapp. John Cushing, Samuel Clapp. John Cushiog, Samuel Clapp. Joseph SUvester, Jeremiah Hatch. Capt. Joseph SUvester, Samuel Clapp. P. Od w ao irio Scituate was a Constablerick as early as Jan. 1, 1634, when Anthony Annable was " chosen constable for the ward of Scituate, and to serue the King in that office for the space of one whole yeare." Jan. 1, 1635, it was agreed that he should continue in that office another year. Town Clerks. — Lieut. James Torrey, July 18, 1653, and for many years after ; Isaac Buck appears to have been clerk from 1674 to 1677. TOWN OFFICERS. BRIDGEWATER. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1656 1657 Joseph Alden Arthur Harris, John Hayward. 1658 Thomas Hayward, Jr. John Aimes 1659 Arthur Harris 1660 Joseph Alden 1661 1662 John Carey 1663 John AVUUs John wmis, Jr., Samuel Allen. 1664 Nicholas Byram 1666 Thomas Hayward 1666 Joseph Alden 1667 Josias Standish 1668 John Hayward 1669 Samuel AUen, Joseph Alden. 1670 John Hayward Joseph Bassett, Eobert Latham. 1671 Samuel AUen John Eames, Sr., John Hayward, Sr. 1672 John Carey Samuel Edson, Samuel Packer. 1673 John Eames Mark Lothrop, GUes Leach. 1674 1676 1676 1677 John Carey Mark Lothrop, John Hayward. 1678 John Eames Thomas Turner, John Hayward. 1679 Samuel AUen, John Hayward, Jr. Joseph Alden, Joseph Bassett. 1680 Joseph Alden 1681 WUUam Brett, John Carey 1682 John Hayward EUhu Brett, Nicholas Byram, Jr. 1683 Edward Vobes 1684 Joseph WUlis 1685 Edward MitcheU Joseph Alden, Comfort Wmis. DUXBURY. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1637 Christopher Wadsworth 1638 Jonathan Brewster 1639 Christopher Wadsworth 1640 Jonathan Brewster Experience MitcheU, Constant South- worth. 1641 Samuel Nash Joseph Biddle, Samuel Nash. 1642 Samuel Nash Edmund Hawes. 1643 Love Brewster 1644 Constant Southworth John Eogers, WiUiam Sherman. 1646 John Washburn John Maynard, Edmund-Hunt. 1646 Joseph Biddle WiUiam Merrick, Morris Trouant. 1647 Eichard Church Edward HaU, John Brown. 1648 Love Brewster Francis Sprague, Abram Sampson. 1649 Henry Sampson John Starr, John Washburn. 1650 Henry Howland John Starr, John Washburn, Jr. 1661 John Bradford Thomas Ganett, John Aimes. 1652 Christopher Wadsworth 1663, John Washburn, Jr. Edmund Weston, Thomas Bonney. 1654 George Partridge Thomas Andrews, Eobert Barker. 1655 Joseph Andrews Thurston Clarke, Zachariah Soule. 54 PLYMOUTH COLONY. DUXBURY (Continued). Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 16561657 16581659 ' 1660166116621663 1664 •1666 1666 1667 1668 1669167016711672 1673167416751676 167716781679 168016811682 16831684 16851686168716881689 1690 1691 1692 Christopher Wadsworth William Sherman William Merrick Experience Mitchell Christopher Wadsworth George Partridge WUUam Clarke, Francis West Henry Sampson John Tracy Philip Delano Alexander Standish PhUip Delano Samuel Seabury Francis West John Tracy John Eogers, Sr. Jonathan Alden PhUip Delano John Eogers, Sr. John Wadsworth, JosephHowland wmiam Peabody Experience Mitchell Francis West PhUip Delano, Sr. John Eogers Alexander Standish John Wadsworth Seth Arnold John Washburn, Jr. Eobert Barker, Sr., Josiah Wormall Henry Howland, John Tracy, Thomas Ensign. Moses Simmons, Francis Sprague. Experience MitcheU, Francis West. Jonathan Shaw, Wmiam Clarke. Christ'r Wadsworth, Moses Simmons. Samuel Seabury, Samuel Hunt. Joseph Wadsworth, Samuel Chandler, John WUliams, Jr. George Partridge, Henry Howland. John Eogers, Sr., Eoger Glass. John Wadsworth, Samuel West. Eobert Barker, John Soule, Joseph Howland. Joseph Wadsworth, Josias. WormaU, John Hudson. John Eogers, Jr., Peter West, Isaac Barker. John Eogers, Sr., Joseph Wadsworth, Joseph Eogers. John Eogers, Jr., Thomas Delano. George Partridge, Peter West, Eobert Barker, Sr. John Eogers, Abraham Sampson, WU liam Tubbs. Eobert Barker, Sr., John Tracy, Wrest- hing Brewster. John Wadsworth, Peter West, John Hudson. George Partridge, Joseph Wadsworth, Josiah Holmes. John Eogers, Edmund Weston, Abra ham Peirce. John Simmons, Joseph Howland, WU liam Tubbs. WrestUng Brewster, Eobert Barker, Jr., Elnathan Weston. Joseph Wadsworth, John EusseU, John Simmons. James Partridge, James Bishop, John Tracy. PhUip Delano,|John Bonney, James Partridge. Elnathan Weston, John EusseU. TOWN OFFICERS. MARSHFIELD. 55 Date. 1640164116421643 1644164516461647 1648 164916501651165216631654 1666165616571668 1669 1660 1661 1662166316641666 1666 1667 16681669167016711672 167316741676 1676167716781679168016811682 168316841685 GRAND JURYMEN. Kanelm Winslow Francis West Eobert Waterman wmiam Brooks John Dingley John Boume Anthony Snow Thomas Bourne John Dingley Elisha Bisbee Eobert Carver Thomas TUden Kanelm Winslow John Dingley Eesolved White John EusseU wmiam Macomber Anthony Snow Peregrine White John EusseU Wimam Macomber John Dingley Thomas Little John Dingley Anthony Snow John Dingley Nathaniel Thomas Eobert Barker Nathaniel TTiomas Nathaniel Winslow John Dingley John Carver Thomas Doggett WUUam Brooks Kanelm Winslow Nathaniel Winslow Francis West Isaac Little WUUam Foard Francis West Thomas Macomber Michael Foard Joseph Waterman John Foster, John Eouse SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. Thos. Chimngworth, Eobert Barker. John Dingley, WiUiam Brooks. Thomas Bourne. Thomas TUden. John EusseU, Eobert Barker. Josias Winslow, Wmiam Brooks. John Bourne, Eichard Beare. Anthony Snow, Peregrine White. Joseph Bedle, WUliam Sherman. Eobert Carver, William Macomber. John Eouse, Eichard SUvester. John Phmips, Timothy WUliamson. wmiam Foard, Thomas TUden. John Eouse, WiUiam Foard, Jr. Thomas Doggett, Anthony Snow. John Dingley, Josias Keane. Joseph Bedle, Eesolved White. Joseph Bedle, WUUam Macomber. Nathaniel Thomas, Michael Foard. Joseph Bedle, Samuel Sprague. Thomas Doggett, Timothy WiUiamson. John Carver, WiUiam Foard, Jr. Jonathan Winslow, Samuel Sprague. Jonathan Winslow, Samuel Sprague. John Foster, John Bourne. William Foard, John Thomas, Sr. Nathaniel Winslow, Thos. Macomber. Josiah Snow, Francis Crocker. Ealph PoweU, Thomas Doggett. Joseph Waterman, Ealph PoweU. 56 PLYMOUTH COLONT. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1669 Nelson. 1670 1671 1672 John Miller Isaac Howland. 1673 Obadiah Eddy Samuel Wood. 1674 Samuel Wood. 1675 John Nelson Obadiah Eddy, John Morton. 1676 16771678 [Settlement broken up by King Phmp's War.]* 1679 Obadiah Eddy 1680 John Thompson 1681 Obadiah Eddy WUUam Nelson, John Mmer. 1682 Isaac Howland 1683 Obadiah Eddy David Thomas, Jr., Joseph Vaughn. 1684 1686 Obadiah Eddy John Nelson, David Wood. * The town records of Middleborough were lost Cprobably burned) in King Philip's War. PLYMOUTH. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1637163816391640 16411642 16431644 1645164616471648 16491650 1651 16521653 165416551656 Thos. wmett, Wm. Paddy ,Geo. Watson, Nath'l Morton Francis Cooke, James Hurst John Dunham John Winslow, John Dunham, Sr., Edw'd Bangs, Eich'd Church John Dunham Thomas Southworth Gabriel FaUoweU Nathaniel Morton GUes Eicard, John Morton John Dunham, Sr,, Eob't Finney GUes Eicard John Bradford Eobert Finney Eichard Sparrow Ephraim Morton Andrew Einge Henry Wood Nicholas Snow, Eichard Sparrow, Jo siah Cooke, Thomas Cushman. GUes Eickett. John Bames,Thomas Southworth, Thos. Clarke, John Shaw, Sr. Eobert Wixon, Eobert Finney, John Finney. Eichard Sparrow, John Barnes, Thos. Clarke, Jacob Cooke. Howland, Wm. Paddy, Thos. Willett. Thomas Wmett Howland, WilUam Paddy. James Cole, Thos. Pope, Sam'l Sturte vant, Joseph Warren. James Cole, Thos. Pope, Sam'l Sturte vant, Joseph Warren. John Moses, Christopher Winter, Thos. Morton. Andrew Einge, Nathaniel Warren, Ed ward Gray. Eobert Finney, Henry Wood, Wmiam Spooner. Ephraim Tinkham, Wm. Harlow, Jas. Cole, Jr., Wimam ShurtlifiF. TOWN OFFICERS, PLYMOUTH (Continued). 57 Date. GRAND JURYMES. SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. 1657 John Finney 1658 Joseph Warren 1659 Eichard Sparrow 1660 Samuel Eider 1661 Eobert Finney 1662 Jacob Cooke 1663 John Morton 1664 WUUam Harlow 1666 John Morton 1666 1667 Joseph Warren 1668 Heirry Wood 1669 Andrew Einge 1670 John Fiuney 1671 Edward Gray 1672 John Fiimey 1673 wmiam Harlow 1674 John Finney, Sr. 1676 Andrew Einge 1676 wmiam Harlow 1677 Benajah Pratt ' 1678 Wm. Harlow, Joseph Warren 1679 Andrew Einge 1680 WUUam Harlow 1681 Benajah Pratt 1682 wmiam Harlow 1683 Andrew Einge 1684 Thomas Faunce, Geo. Morton, Jr. 1685 Wm. Harlow, Sr., Baruch Jordan Samuel Jenney, Thos. Morton, Shaw.. Stephen Bryant, Sam'l Eider, Benajah Pratt. Stephen Bryant, Sam'l Eider, Benjamin Pratt, Eobert Bartlett, Andrew Einge, John Dunham, Sr. Joseph Warren, Thos. Lettice, Francis Comb. James Cole, Sr., Joseph Warren, Sam'l Sturtevant. John Barnes, Jacob Cooke, Thomas Morton. Jacob Cook*, Eobert Finney, Thomas Lettice. John Barnes, Bradfoj:d, Hugh Cole. George Bonum, Joseph Howland, Jon athan Morey. George Morton, Thomas Cushman, Jr., Benajah Pratt. George Bonum, Stephen Bryant, Abra ham Jackson. Joseph Warren, Daniel Dunham, John Dotey. John Holmes, Joseph Bartlett, Benajah Pratt. Joseph Warren, Andrew Einge, Jona than Shaw, Nathaniel Southworth. Stephen Bryant, Andrew Einge, Thos. Faunce, Ephraim TiUson. Joseph'Warren, Samuel Dunham, John Doten, Eobert Eansom. Stephen Bryant, Isaac Cushman, Eph raim Tmson, Moredcai Ellis. Ephraim Morton, Wm. Harlow Crow. Joseph Howland, James Cole, Jr., Eph raim Morton, Jr. James Clarke, Abraham Jackson, Eph raim Tillson, Elkanah Watson. George Bonum, .Tonathan Shaw, John Bryant, Jr., Ephraim Morton, Jr. Nathaniel Holmes. Thos. Faunce, Jonathan Pratt, Elkanah Watson Tinkham. Joseph Warren, James Cole. 58 PLYMOUTH COLONY. SCITUATE. Date. GRAND JURYMEN. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. 1636 1637 Edward Foster 1638 Thomas Bisbee, Henry Bourne 1639 Isaac Eobinson 1640 John Lewis Eichard SUUs, John Lewis. 1641 Eichard SiUi, 1669 Joseph TUden Eodolphus Elms, James Doughtey. 1670 Walter BriggS' Michael Peii-ce, John Turner,- Jr., Joseph Beirstow. 1671 Michael Peirce Eichard Curtis, James Cudworth, Jr„ Joseph Silvester. 1672 John Damon Eobert Stetson, Edward Jenkins, Charles Stockbridge. 1673 Michael Peirce John Bryant, Sr., Stephen VinaU. 1674 John Bryant, Sr, Joseph Barker, James Cudworth, Jr^ John Turner, Jr. 1675 WUliam Brooks- Moses Simmons, Charles Stockbridge, Eichard DweUy. 1676 John Bryant ^' 1677 Eichard Ciirtis Chas. Stockbridge, John WethereU, 1678 John Cushing John Bryant, Jr., John VinaU. 1679 Stephen VinaU Eobert Stetson, Edward Jenkins, WU^ liam Hatch. 1680 Thomas King, Jr', Eichard DweUy, Peter CoUamore, John VinaU. 1681 Samuel Stetson 1682 Stephen VinaU Peter CoUamore, Jas.Briggs,Benj.Peirce, 1683 Joseph SUvester WUliam EandaU, Sr., Thomas King, Jr., John Sutton, Sr. 1684 Joseph Barstow 1685 Benj. Stetson, WiUiam Perry John Booth, Edward Jenkins. TOWN OFFICERS. INN KEEPERS. 59 Name of Town. Name of Person. When Licensed. When Cancelled. Bridgewater — Samuel Packard John Hayward March 8, 1671. Oct. 29, 1672. Duxbury — Francis Sprague John Sprague Oct. 1, 1638. Oct. 29, 1669. June 6, 1666.* March 26, 1676.t Marshfield— Eobert Barker Timothy WUliamson Mary Wmiamson July 7, 1646. March 4, 1674, Oct. 30, 1678. June 5, 1666. Middleborough — George Vaughn Francis Combs Isaac Howland Mrs. Mary Combs July 5, 1669. Oct. 30, 1678. June 5, 1684. July 1, 1684. [1682. He died Dec. 31, Plymouth — John Morton James Cole GUes Eickard, Sr. March 6, 1649. June 9, 1663. March 7, 1660. Scituate — Edward Jenkins Nicholas Wade Isaac Chittenden Joseph Barstow Mathew Gannett Joseph SUvester July 7, 1646. Oct. 6, 1657. March 6, 1666. March 4, 1673. March 4, 1673. March 5, 1684. March 5, 1684. PEESONS LICENSED TO EETAIL SPIRITUOUS LIQUOES. Name of Town. Name of Person. Kind of Liquor, Date of License. Duxbury — Thomas Sprague Wine July 7, 1646. Constant Southworth Wine June 7, 1648. WUUam Comer Wine and Strong Waters June 13, 1660. Marshfield — Eobert Barker Wine July 7, 1646. Timothy Wmiamson Beer March 4, 1674. Mary Wmiamson Beer, Wine and Liquors Oct. 20, 1681. Nathaniel Thomas Strong Liquors July 7, 1682. Middleboro' — Francis Combs Beer, Wine and Liquors Oct. 30, 1678. Plymouth — John Doane Wine Jan. 7, 1645. John Barnes Beer May 3, 1648. John Morton Wine March 6, 1649. Scituate — WUUam Eddenden Wine June 5, 1644. Edward Jenkins Wine July 7, 1646. Eichard Smis June 7, 1648. wmiam Barstow Isaac Chittenden Wine and Liquors March 6, 1666. Edward Jenkius Beer July 3, 1677. WUUam BarreU Brandy and Eum Oct. 27, 1686, Margaret Murphy Strong Liquors June, 1686. * His license was revoked or cancelled in 1639, and renewed not long after. t He was a soldier under Capt. Michael Peirce, and slain in battle near Pawtqcket, March 26, 1676. 60 PLYMOUTH COLONY. PEESONS APPOINTED TO SOLEMNIZE MAEEIAGES. Names. Residences. Date of Appointment. John WUlis Timothy Hatherly James Torrey John Cushing James Cudworth Bridgewater ScituateScituateScituateScituate 1 June 7, 1659. June 7, 1659. June 8, 1664. June 3, 1673. July 4, 1673. EECEIVEES OE COLLECTOES OF THE EXCISE. Name of Town. ._ Name of Collector. Date of Appointment. Bridgewater — John wmis June 8, 1664. Arthur Harris June 5, 1667. John Eames June 3, 1668, Duxbury — John WilHs July 7, 1646. William Paybody June 4, 1650, Benjamin Bartlett June 8, 1664. Henry Sampson June 5, 1667, Marshfield— Eobert Waterman July 7, 1646. Joseph Beedle June 1, 1647. John Bourne Junes, 1664. WUliam Macomber, Sr. June 6, 1667, Anthony Snow June 3, 1668, Plymouth — John Finney July 7, 1646. Eichard Sparrow June 1, 1647, John Morton June 8, 1664, William Harlow June 8, 1664. Benajah Pratt June 5, 1667, Scituate — Samuel House July 7, 1646. Samuel Jackson June 1, 1647. Henry Merritt June 4, 1650. Edward Jenkins June 8, 1664. John Damon June 8, 1664. John dishing June 5, 1667. Isaac Chittenden June 3, 1668. COLLECTOES OF MINISTEES' EATES OE TAXES. Name of Town. Name of Collector. When Appointed. Bridgewater — Marshfield—Scituate — Lieut. Thomas Hayward Samuel Parker, Sr. John wmis Elisha Bisbee John Bourne Josias Winslow Thomas Doggett Edward Jenkins ' John Turner, Sr. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. June 6, 1671. June 6, 1671. June 7, 1670. June 7, 1670. TOWN OFFICERS. 61 Duties of Civil Officers as Defined in the Laws of Plymouth Colony. SELECTMEN. 1662. It is enacted by the Court, That in every Towne of this jurisdiction there be three or five Celectmen chosen by the Townsmen out of the freemen such as shalbee ap proved by the Court ; for the better managing of the afaires of the respective Town- shipes ; and that the Celectmen in every towne or the major p'te of them are heerby impowered to heare and determine aU debtes, and differences arising between p'son and p'son within theire respective Townshipes not exceeding forty shiUings ; as alsoe they are heerby impowered to heare and determine all differences arising betwixt any Indians and the English of theire respective townshipes about damage done in Corne by the Cowes, Swine, or any other beastes belonging to the Inhabitants of the said respective to-wnshipes ; and the determination of the abovesaid differences not being satisfyed as was agreed, the p'ty wronged to repaire to some Majestrate for a warrant to receive such award by distraint. It is further enacted by the Court, That the said Celectmen in every Township ap proved by the Court, or any of them, shall have power to give forth sumons in his Ma'ties name, to require any p'sons complained of to attend the hearing of the case, and to sumon witnesses to give testimony upon that account, and to determine of the Controversyes according to legal evidence; and that the p'sons complaining shall serve the summons themselves upon the p'sons complained against, and in case of theire non-appeerance to proceed on, notwithstanding in the hearing and determination of such controversy as comes before them ; and to have twelve pence apeece for every award they agree upon. 1666. That one or two of the selectmen whom the Court shall appoint in each- Township of this Jurisdiction, bee heerby impowered to administer an oath in all cases com mitted to them, as alsoe to grant an execution for such p'sons as neglect or refuse to pay theire just dues according to the verdicte of the said p'sons ; and that the said Selectmen in every towne bee under oath for the true p'r formance of theire office ; and if any p'son finds himselfe agreived with the verdict of said Selectmen, Then they have theire liberty to appeale to the next Court of his Ma'tie holden att Plymouth, , provided that forwith they put in Cecuritie to prosecute the appeale to effect and alsoe enter the grounds of theire apeales ; and in case any towne doe neglect to chose and p'sent such yearly unto the Courts of Election, That every such Towne shalbee lyable to pay a fine of five pounds to the Countrey's use. It is enacted by the Court, That the Celectmen in every Township of this Govi-ment ShaU take notice of all such p'sons that are or shall come into any of the Townships ¦without the approbation of the Gov' and two of the Assistants according to order of the Court, and the said Celectmen shall warne the said p'sons to aply themselves for approbation according to order ; which if they shaU refuse or neglect, tlie said Celectmen are heerby impowered to require the p'son or p'sons to appeer att the next Court to bee holden att Plymouth, and to require Cecuritie for theire appeerance, which if any refuse to doe the Celectmen shaU informe the Constable of the Towne where hee liveth, which said Constable shaU forthwith carry the said p'son or p'sons before the Govr or some one of the Assistants of this Govment. Whereas the Court takes notice of great neglect of frequenting the pubUcke wor ship of God upon the Lord's day ; it is enacted by the Court and the authoritie thereof. That the Celectmen of each Township of this Gov-ment shall take notice of such in there Townshipps as neglect through prophannes and slothfulnes to come to the pub Ucke worship of God ; and shaU require an account of them, and if they give them not satisfaction, that they returne theire names to the Court. 1681. It shalbe lawfuU for either plaintiffe or defendant to require a «ubpena of any Celectman of the same Towne where the -witnesses live to require any p'son to appeer before some one of the Celectmen of the same Towne to give evidence, before some 62 PLYMOUTH COLONY. one or more, whoe shall convey it to the Celect Court of that Towne where the case is depending. It is ordered by the Court and the authoritie thereof that the choice of Celectmen be specified in the warrants that are sent downe to the several Townes for the choice of his Ma'ties officers ; and theire names to be returned into the Court under the Constables hand, and to be called in Court to take theire oath as is in such case pro vided ; and if in ease any providence prevent theire appeerance then to appeer before some Majestrate of this GoVment within one month after the said Court, to take oath under the penalty of twenty shUlings. 1683. That the Poor May be provided for as necessity requireth ; This Court ordereth that the Celectmen in each Towne shall take care and see that the poor in theire respective Townes be provided for, and are heerby Impowered to relieve and pro-vide for them ac cording as necessitie in theire descretion doth require, and the Towne shaU defray the charge thereof. And the Select Men of the several Towns are hereby required to give in a list of the names of such as misp'end their time whether House holders or others ; and all single persons that live from under FamUy Government or wiU not be governed by their Barents or Masters where they live, that so the Court may proceed with them as the case may require, CONSTABLES. 1639, March 3d. That the Constables that live remote hence [i. e. remote from Plymouth] in the further plantacons, shalbe freed from attendance at the general Courts after they are sworne except there be speciall cause, and that if the Constable of any towne do goe from hoame he shall depute some other man in his roome untU his returne, provided it bee such person as hath borne the same place, & for default to forfeit ten shUUngs. 1640, Sept. 1. That the Constables of every Towne within the Go'v't shall warne the Townsmen whereof they are to come together as they doe for other townes businesse, when the Committees shall think it fitt, as well to acquaint them with what is propounded or enacted at the Court, as to receive instruocions for any other businesse they would have done.1654. In regard that divers that were chosen to the office of Cunstable doe not appear to take oath : It is enacted by the Court, that any that have been this yeare chosen by any towne to serve in the office or for the future shalbee, and shall refuse to the take oath of the Constable being thereunto required by any one Majestrate, shall pay for a fine fifty shUlings. 1657. That all fines under forty shUlings that shall fall in any of the remote To-wnes of this Govi-ment, shalbee levied by the Cunstable of that Towne by warrant from the Treasurer, without sending the MarshaU. 1659. It is enacted by the Court, that every Cunstable of this Jurisdiction shall have * Cunstable staffe wherby to distinguish them in theire office from others, and to bee provided by the Treasurer, and to bee delivered by the foregoing Cunstable to him that succeeds yearly. 1662. It is enacted by the Court, that the Cunstable in each Township in this Govrment shall gather in all fines that shaU fall within his liberties not exceeding five pounds, and to have two shmings on the pound for gathering of them. DEPUTIES OE EEPRESENTATIVES. 1638, Wheras complaint was made that the freemen were put to many inconveniences and great expense by their continual attendance at the Courts. It is therefore enacted by the Court, for the ease of the several Colonies and Townes within the Government, TOWN OFFICERS. 63 That every Towne shaU make choyce "of two of their freemen, and the Town of Ply.. mouth of foure, to be Committees or deputies to joynfe -with the Bench, to enact and make all such lawes and ordinances as shall be judged to be good and wholesome for the whole, provided that the lawes they doe enact shalbee propounded one Court, to be considered upon tUl the next Court, and then to be confirmed, if they shal be ap proved of except the case requii-e present confirmation. And if any act shall be confirmed by the Bench and Committees, which upon further deliberacon shall prove prejudiciall to the whole. That the freemen at the next eleccon Court after meeting together may repeale the same and enact any other usefuU for the whole. And that every Township shall beare their Committees charges, and that such as are not freemen but have taken the oath of fidelitie and are masters of famylies, and Inhabitants of the same Townes as they, are to beare theire p't in the charges of their Committees so as to have a vote in the choyce of them, provided they choose them onely of the freemen of the said Towne whereof they are ; but if any such Committees shalbe insufficient or troublesome, that then the Bench and t'other Committees may dislnisse them, and the To-wne to choose other freemen in their place. 1646. It is enacted by the Court, That the Ma'trates and committees do constantly meete in Court during the Court tyme, and at the hower of seaven of the clock in the moming in the summer tyme, and at eight in the winter, upon the penalty of VId, for every default made by any, and so continue untill eleven and then to rise to dinner, and after dinner to returne againe, and to continue untU a convenyent hower in the evening as the Governour shaU think meete, and for every hower any of them shalbe absent after they are caUed, to pay VId pr hower, except there be sufficient reason shewed for their absence that the Court doth aUow of. Provided that the first day of the Court, nine of the clock shalbe the hower to meete at in the morneing. TOWN CLERKS. 1646. It is enacted by the Court, That there shalbe in every Towne within this Govem ment a Clark or some one appoynted and ordained to keep a Eegister of the day and yeare of the marriage byrth and buriall of every man, weoman, and child within their Township. 1671. And the To-wn Clerk or Eegister keeper of every Town shall exhibit a true and perfect copy into March Court, annually, of all the Marriages, Births and Burials of the year past. And lastly That the Town Clerk shaU pubUsh all Contracts of Mar riages in the Town. GEAND JUEY MEN. 1636. That a great Quest be panneUedby the GoV^ and Assistants or the major part of them, & warned to serve the king by enquiring into the abuses & breacJiea of such wholesome lawes & ordinances, as tend to the preservac'on of the peace and good of the subject. And that they present such to the Court as they either finde guUty or .probably suspect, that so they may be prosecuted by the Go-v* by- all due meanes. 1640, March 2d. .... It is enacted. That no presentment hereafter shalbe exhibited tp the Grand enquest to be brought to the Bench except it be down upon oath, and that it shalbe lawfuU for any of the Assistants to administer an oath in such case. That if any. man be warned to serve on the Grand Inquest and shall fayle to come and do the service, and take the oath of fideUyty, if he have not taken it afready, shaU forfaite XXs to the Qolonies use. 1646. , . , It is ordered that the grand jurymen in every Tovmeshipp once in the yeare, an nually doe view all the measures, weights, and toUe dishes in their several towne- shipps, & see that they be lawfuU according to order, & that every -householder have ladders -sufficient according to order, & present the defects. 64 PLYMOUTH COLONY. 1669, June.' It is enacted by the Court, that the severall townes of this Jurisdiction shall pay theire grand jurymen, towards theire expense of time and charge at three Courts, two shUliags and sixpence a day, and nothinge att election Courts. 1686, June. . Ordered that the Grand Jurymen who are chosen for this next year appear at their severall County Towns upon the third Tuesday of this Instant, to take the oaths and and receive their charge. SUEVEYOES OF HIGHWAYS. 1633, July 2d. That at such convenient time as shaU seeme meet to the Gov' and CounciU upon warning given aU men meet together for the mending of the highwaies with such tooles and instruments as shaU be appointed. And for default every person to forfeit three shiUings. 1639. It is enacted by the Court, that if an highway bee wanting in any to-wnship of this Govern' upon due complaint, that then the Gov' or any of the Assistants impaneU a Jury, and upon oath charge them to lay out such waies, both for horse and foot, as in Concience they shall find most beneficiall for the Comon wealth, and as little preju diciall as may bee to the particulares, and that all old pathes shalbee stm alowed except other procesion bee orderly made, and that where there are aUowed foot pathes over any man's ground which is fenced up the owners of such fences shaU make convenient stiles or gates. 1644. That the surveyors of the heigh wayes shaU give three days warening to the Teames and other particular persons, when they are to amend the heigh wayes as often as need shaU require, provided that they warne not one teame nor one person t-wice before they have gone over all the teames and persons in their towneship. And he that shall refuse to come being so warned, shalbe brought to the Court to answer his contempt. And that every Surveyor that shaU neglect his duty in re- paireing the heigh wayes shall forfaite Xs to the Colonies use. 1649. That if any bee orderly warned to work at the hiewayes & shaU neglect, shaU be fined for his said neglect 3s per day, & for every teame so warned y' shall neglect eight shillings per day, & y' the Surveyors of such To-wnes wherein such neglect is shall returne theire names to the next Majestraite, y' by warrant the said fines may bee required by the Cunstable of said Towne for the Townes use, and if it so fale out y' in the yeare all the teames and persons in the same Towne have not been warned unto the work aforesaid, y' thay bee aU warned over before thay begin again. 1667, July 2d. It is enacted by the Court, That whoesoever are or shalbee chosen to be surveyors of the highwaies shaU att the expiration of the yeare give an account of theire actinges about the highwaies to the Selectmen of that Towne. 1668. It is enacted by the Court, That all the Kinge's highwaies within this Gov'ment shalbe forty foot in breadth att least. WHO AUTHOEIZED TO SOLEMNIZE MAEEIAGES. 1671, June. And as the Ordinance of Marriage is honourable amongst aU, so should it be ac cordingly solemized. It is therefore Ordered, That no person in this Jurisdiction shaU joyu any persons together in Marriage but the Magistrate, or such other person as the Court shaU authorize in such place where no Magistrate is near, nor shall any joyn themselves in Marriage but before some Magistrate or person authorized as aforesaid, nor shaU any Magistrate or other person to be authorized, joyne or suffer any to joyne together in Marriage in their presence, before .such persons PubUcation according to Law. TOWN OFFICERS. 65 ,.,„ INNS AND INN KEEPEES. Forasmuch as greate inconveniences have beene occationed by young men and other labourers that have dyeted in Inns and Ale houses especiaUy who have had other houses to repaire unto in the same To-wne, It is therefore enacted by the Court, That none shaU dyett in Iims or Alehouses, nor haunt them which are in the Townes they Uve m, nor make them the ordinary place of their abode. 1663. It is enacted by the Court and the authority thereof, that noe ordinary keeper in any towne in this Govrment shaU pei-mit any single persons either children or ser vants, under the Gov'ment of parents or masters, or any that are not housekeepers, to buy any strong liquors or wine in theire houses or where they have to doe without libertie from their parents or masters, upon the penaltie of paying a fine of five shil- lingsfor every default. It is enacted by the Court and the authoritie thereof, that all ordinary keepers or retaylers of strong -waters doe pay an exise of six pence a gallon for aU such liquors as are made in the CoUonie and drawn forth and retaUed by them, and twelve pence a gaUon for aU such as they bring in or have brought in unto them from other p'tes, and eight pence a gaUon for aU wine that shalbe brought in and retaUled as aforsaid, and that those that are appointed in each towne to look after the law concerning excessive bringing Uquors into the Gov'ment, shaU also take up the excise and to have two pence a gaUon for aU Uquors distmed in the Gov'ment, and four pence a gaUon for aU such as shalbee brought into the Gov'ment, and two pence a gaUon for all wine that is brought in and retaiUed as aforesaid, and that aU such retaUlers or ordinary keepers shaU make payment of the said Excise unto those that are appointed to receive it ; att the same time that they bring in such wine or liquors, or that it is brought iu unto them, or give a bm under theire hand for the payment therof in some short time after upon the penaltie of paying a fine of five pounds for any that shalbee brought in and not excised or securitie given for the payment thereof as aforesaid. 1671, June. For the prevention of great abuse by the excessive drinking of Liquors in ordin-' aries ; This Court doth order that every ordinary keeper in this Gov'ment shall be heerby impowered and required. That in case any p'son or p'sons doe not attend order but carry themselves uncivmy by being importimately desirous of drink when denyed, and doe not leave the house when required, such ordinary keeper shaU returne theire names to the next Court ; that soe they may be prosecuted according to the nature of the offence ; and in case any ordinary keepers shaU neglect soe to doe he shalbee fined five shiUings for every default. 1674, June 4th. It is enacted by the Court, That as to the restraining of abuses in ordinaries. That noe ordinary keeper shaU seU or give any kind of drinks to Inhabitants of the Towne upon the Lord's day, and alsoe that all ordinary keepers be required to deare theire houses of aU To-wne dweUers and strangers th^t are there on a drinkiag ac- coumpt, except such as lodge in the house, by the shutting in of the day light upon the forfeture of five shUUngs, the one halfe to the Informer and the other halfe to the Townes use. 1682, June 7th. It is enacted by the Court and the authoritie therof, that none shalbe aUowed to keepe an Ordinary or pubUcke house of entertainment, but such as first be approved soe to doe by the Townes wherein they Uve. It is enacted that in every place wher week day lectures are kept aU victuallers and ordinary keepers shaU cleare theire houses of aU p'sons able to goe to meeting during the time of the exercise, except in extreordinary cases for the necesary relieffe of strangers unexpected repairing to them, on penalty of five shmings for every such offsncs And'that whosever is Licensed to keep such publick house of Entertainment shaU be weU provided of Bedding to entertaine Strangers and TraveUers, and shaU also have convenient Pasturing for Horses, and Hay and Provender for their entertain ment in the Winter, and shaU not be without good Beer, and if any Ordinary keeper do frequently faU in any or aU of these upon complaint he shaU lose his License. 9 66 PLYMOUTH COLONY. LICENSED LIQUOE SELLEES. 1646. J „ 1 It is enacted & by the Corte ordered that whosoever shaU draw out and seU a lesser quantity or Caske of wine than 10 gaUons to any shaU be accounted a retayler. That whosoever retailes beere or wine or strong water & not licensed by order of Courte shalbe fined & pay for the first default double the value of what is so sould and retayled. 1659, June 7th. It is enacted by the Court that no strong liquors shalbee sovdd in any place withm this Government to exceed in prise three shUUngs a quart. 1663. It is enacted by the Court that noe liquors bee sold in any p'te of this Gov'ment that shaU exceed in prise six shUlings the gallon, except it bee English speritts. It is enacted by the Court that -whosoever shaU sell any wine or stronge waters in any towne of this Government being not alowed by the Court shalbee fined five pounds to the use of the CoUonie. 1669. It is enacted by the Court and the authoritie thereof that none shaU seU wine, li quors. Cyder or beere by retaUe in this CoUonie except they have a Ucense and to pay for theire lycense according to the Capacitie of the place where they Uve. COLLECTOES OF EXCISE. 1650, June 5th. Whereas complaint is justly made y' due course is not provided or att least per formed and executed for the defraying of such nessesary charges as are expended by the Magestrates of the Government in attending att Courts and uppon other pubUck ocations for the adminestration of Justice : It is therefore Ordered by the Generall Court assembled. That forth-with due care bee had y' the order extant concerning the excise bee duely executed and that fit persons bee appointed to receive it and in case of neglect of none^ayment That then forthwith uppon such neglect warrants be required and graunted out to destraine uppon the goods of such persons as doe neglect to pay it, and y' it be payed in good merchantable pay such as may conduce to the ends aforesaid. 1661, June 4th. It is enacted by the Court that a sufficient man in every town bee appointed to take up what excise shalbee due to the Countrey whether Iron, Tarr, boards, oysters &c., and that the said men bee under oath, and that they shall have power to make serch, and what forfeites they find they sheUl have the one halfe thereof, and out of the said excise evidenced to have three shillings upon the pound, and that they give a just account to the Treasurer the first of November and the first of May annuaUy. COLLECTORS OF MINISTEE'S EATES. The Court proposeth it as a thing they judge would be very comendable and bene ficiall to the townes where God's Providence shall cast any whales ; if they should agreeto sett apart some p'te of every such fish or oyle for the Incouragement of an able Godly Minister amongst them. 1670. Forasmuch as it appeareth to be greatly inconvenient that the minnesters should be troubled to gather in rates for theire maintainance ; and may be an occation to prejudice some p'ons against them or theire minnestry. It is enacted by this Court that att June Courts yearly two meet p'sons in each Towne be appointed by the said Court unlesse the townes have already provided whoe shaU take care for the gather ing in of theire minnester's maintainance for that yeare by inciting of the people to theire duty in that respect, demanding it when due, and if need be by procuring dis traint upon the estate of any that shall neglect or refuse to pay theire rates or pro portions towards his support according to the order of Court in that case provided. And in case any minnester shall scruple to receive what is soe raised, it shaU never theless be gathered as abovesaid and be disposed as the Court shall order or advise for the good of the place. MILITARY LISTS. Roster and Roll^ of Plymouth Colony Militia; 1621 — 1692. MILITIA COMPANIES. » the help of Mr. Hopkins find John Winslow for the towne of Plymouth, Mr. Howland and Jonathan Bre-4vster for the towne of Ducksborrow, and Mr. GUson & Edward it'oster for the towne of Scituate, haue mett togethet & considered of the charge in Betting forth the souldiers and fynd that it wm amount vnto the sume of two hun- dted poxmds, the -w"^ is appoynted & concluded to be payd in maimer foUoTs-ing, -viz. : one hundred pounds by the towneship of Plymouth & the Uberties thereof; fifty pounds by the township of Ducksborrow, find thother fifty pounds by the to-wne-. ship of Scituate. A warrant was made to Mr. Hatherly & the inhabitants , of Scituate p'sently to Ihake an equal! as.sessment whereby the said sume may be p'sently made up for the p'sent expedition. ALARM OF 1642.- 1642, Sept. 27th. This Court was occationed by the Indians to p'uide forces against them for an offen- siue & defensiue warr ; and though aU the inh'i'ts were warned yet they appeared by their seuall deputies as they had liberty to doe. The Court being mett together & haueing intemgence of a genall conspiracy in tended by the natives to cutt of aU the English in this land, tooke the same into se rious consideracon and duly waying such informacons w* they haue receiued together w* circumstanc concurring there w^ aU do adjudge it absolutely neefuU & requisite to make speedy p'paracon throughout gouerment for a defensive and offensiue warr against them as if they were p'sently to be sent forth. It is agreed and concluded that Mr. Edward Winslow, Mr. Tymothy Hatherly, & Captaine MUes Standish shalbe sent into the Bay to & haue power to agitate and GENERAL AND SPECIAL ORDERS. 85 conclude w"" them for a p'sent combinacon w* them in the p'sent warrs and to treate w them about a further combinacon or league but not to couclud that wii^ out con sent of the Court here. ¦Thdr comission is as foUoweth :— Mr. Edward Winslow, Mr. Tymothy Hatharley, and Captaine MUes Standish are deputed and authorized by the Gen'aU Court, this day to treate and conclude w"! such comissioners as the Gou'nor & Court of Massa chusetts shall appoynt for that purpose, -vpon such heads & p'posicons as the Lord shaU direct them for our combineing together mutuaUy in a defensiue and offensiue warr for our p'sent defence against the intended surprisaU of the natives ; and also to treate & conferr w"! them about a further combinacon & league to be concluded bet-wixt vs for future tymes and to certyfy this Court of the head therof that vpon our approbacon of the'same they may be confirmed by a Gen'aU Court. It is also agreed & concluded that Captaine MUes Standish shaU goe Captaine to lead those forces that shalbe sent forth ; and that Mr. Thomas Prence shaU go w"! him to be his counsell and advise in the warrs &c. ; and that Wmm Palmer shalbe Ueftenant and Peregrine White the anncient bearrer. It is agreed -vpon & concluded that the charges for & about ye souldiers w'^'^ are to be sent forth shalbe payd by euery to-wneship according to their rates to the pub Ucke charges, viz. ; £b. s. d. Plym. 05 05 00 Duxbor. 03 10 00 Scittuat 04 00 00 Sandwood 03 00 00 £b. s. d. Barnestable 02 10 00 Yarmo. 02 10 00 Taunton 02 10 00 Marshfield 02 00 00 And so according to this p'porcon, for a greater or lesser sum. THE COUNSELL OP WARR. The Gouem* Mr. Tymothy Hatherley Mr. Wm. VasseU Mr. Edward Winslow Mr. John Browne Capt. Standish ' Mr. Thorn. Prence Mr. Wm. Thomas Mr. Thorn. Dimmock Mr. Wm. CoUyer Mr. Edm. Freeman Mr. Anthon. Thacher If any of these be absent when they should come togetber, the townes where such dweU are to send other sufficient men in their stead. Whereas the to-wneshipps yv^^ in the gou'ment are maruelously vnprouided of leade and powder to secure our p'sent dangers and that to supply the extreme wants therof Rnd to p'cure po'der and lead no course can be found out but by sale of some moose skins and other skins out of the gouerment, w* those that hold the trade are p'hibited to doe by a certaine clause in their graunt, the Court, takeing the same into serious consideracon, and fynding the danger to be so great and euery mans life in such hassard the Court doth vpon due caution order that no advantage shalbe taken against the said p'tners of the trade for the p'cureing of leade and po'der for p'sent supply by sale of moose skins or other skins out of the gou'ment. And the Court doth further order, that the p'tners shaU furthw"" do the same to p'cure there wants supplyd p'uided that the townes bring in come for them to be deUfied vpon the receipt of the pod' & lead, and that when pod' & lead is p' cured those townes shalbe first p'uided that are in greatest want. 1643, March 7. Mr. Edward Winslow & Mr< WiUm CoUyer are elected by the Cotirt to go to treate ¦w^b. Massachusetts Bay &o. about y combynacon. June 6. — The first Teusday in Jujy the raa^'^*'' meete and eich towne are to send such men as they shall think fitt to joyne wfi them to consult about a course to saueguard ourselves from surprisaU by an enemie. August 20th. — The Court hath aUowed & established a miUitary discipUne to be erected and mayntained by the townes of Plymouth, Duxborrow & Marshfield and haue also heard their orders and estabUshed them, viz. : — • * There is a close resemblance in several of these orders to the rules and regulations adopted and put in practice by the " Great Artillery Company " at Boston, founded in 1638, and which Compaq still continues to exist under the name of the " Ahcibhi and Hohobabljb Abtil- LEKY Company." 86 PLYMOUTH COLONY. OFFICERS CHOSEN BY THE COMPANY AND ALLO^WED BY THE COURT. That Miles Standish shalbe captaine for this yeare; NathanieU Thomas, leiftennant for this yeare ; Nathaniell Sowther, clark of the band or company ; Mathew Fuller, SamueU Nash, Serjeants. ORDERS. 1. That the exercises be alwayes begunn and ended with prayer. 2. 'That there be one procured to preach them a sermon once a yeare, viz., at the elec'con of their officers, and the first to begin in Septemb' next. 3. That none shalbe receiued into this mmitary company but sueh as are of honest and good report, & freemen, not servants, and shalbe weU approued by the officers & the whole company, or the major part. 4. That euery p'son after they have recorded their names in the mmitary list shaU from tyme to tyme be subject to the comaunds and orders of the officers of this mim- tary company in their places respecti-vely. 6. That euery delinquent shalbe punished at the discretion of the officers and the mmitary company, or the major part therof, according to the order of mUUtary disci pline & nature of the offence. 6. That aU talking, and not keepeing sylence, during the tyme of the exercise, jereing, quarreUing, fighting, de'pting collars wt^out lycense or dismission, &c., or other misdemeanor, so adjudged to be by the officers and the company or the maj' part thereof, to be accounted misdemeanors, to be punished as aforesaid. 7. That every man that shalbe absent except he be sick or some extraordinay oc cation or hand of God vpon him, shaU pay for every such default H.s. And if he refuse to pay it vpon demaund, or w'l'in one month after, then to appeare before the company & be distrayned for it & put out of the list. 8. That if any man shaU -vpon the dayes appoynted come w">out his armes or w"' defective armes shaU forfaite for euery trayneing day as foUoweth : ^_ For want of a muskett or a peece approued euery tyme . . VI. For want of a sword VI. For want of a rest VI. For want of bandelires VT. Six months tyme giuen to p'uide in. 9. That euery man that hath entered himsef -vpon the mUUtary Ust, and hath not sufficient armes, & doth not or wUl not p'cure them w'^^in six monthes next ensuing, his name to be put out the list. 10. That there be but XVI*"™"! pikes in the whole company, or at the most for the third p', viz. ; VIII. for Plymouth, VI. for Duxborrow and two for Marshfield. 1 1 . That all that are or shalbe elected cheefe officers in this mmitary company shalbe so titled and foreuer afterwards be so reputed except he obtayne a heigher place. 12. That euery man entred into the mimtary Ust shaU pay VT.d. the quarter to the vse of the company. 13. That when any of this mmitary company shaU dye or depart this life, the company vpon warening shall come together wi> their armes and interr his corps as a souldier and according to his place and quaUytye. 14. That aU that shalbe admitted into this miUitary company shaU first take the oath of fideUyty, if they haue not taken it already, or els be not admited. 16. That aU postures of pike and muskett motions, rankes & files &c., messengers, skirmishes, seiges, batteries, watches, sentineUs, &c., bee alwayes p'formed according to true mUUtary discipline. 16. That all that wiU enter themselves -vpon this company shalbe p'pounded one day, receiued the next day, if they be approved. The Uke Uberty is graunted to the to-wnes of Sandwich, Barnestable and Yarmouth, for the erecting of a mUUtary discipline amongst them p'uided they be men of honest and good report and freemen. £ s. d. £ s. Plymouth 04 06 00 Taunton 02 10 Duxborrow 03 00 00 Barnestable 02 10 Scituate 04 10 00 Yarmouth 02 10 Sand-wich 03 06 00 MarshfeUd 02 10 MILITARY ORDERS. 87 ALAEM OF 1643-4. 1643, October 10. This Court was caUed vpon occation of the insurrection of the Indians ag»t the Dutch and EngUsh there and haue plotted to cutt of the English and to beginn w*^ the Dutch, many of whom they haue already cutt off. It is concluded and agreed vpon by the Court, that thirty men according to our p^porcon w"! the confederates, shalbe forthw"i made ready for the warr and be suffi ciently p'uided w"^ armes compleate & other p'uisions and to be in continuall readynes to go forth w"* the confederates when they shalbe caUed. The rule w^ii was thought most equaU for number of p'sons in euery towneship was to take one of a score in euery towneship as they are to make ready as foUoweth in euery towne : Plymouth, seauen. Taunton, three. '^ Duxborrow, five. Bai-nestable, three. ! w-v-ho „>„„ „ •„ -n Scituate, five. Yarmouth, Iwo. \ XXXt^e p sons m all. Sandwich, three. MarshfeUd, two. J The rates of euery towneship to this charge are as foUoweth : d.00 T According to 00 i these p'porcons 00 .' to the hundred 00 J pound charge. It is ordered and agreed vpon by the Court that the comittees of euery to-wneship do speedyly make their number of men ready and furnished w* sufficient armes and p'uision and send their names to the Gou' & counseU of warr hereafter named w"! all convenyent speed and a cattalogue of their armes. The counseU of warr elected & authorized by the Court are : — The Gouemor, who is also president thereof, Mr. Edward Winslow, Mr. Thomas Prence, Mr. WUl'm CoUyer, Capt. MUes Standish. It is ordered and concluded vpon by the Court that the counseU of warr shall haue fuU power to order aU things concerning the gen'aU warrs for the gou'ment, especially in these p'ticulars foUowing, viz. : — That the counseU of wan- shall haue fuU power to yssue out warrants to presse such a number of men in euery towne as by p'porcon the said towne is to set forth ; and also to yssue forth warrants to the said townes for armes & p'uision for them, and so for a greater or lesser number or p'porcon as occation shall require according to the number of p'sons and rates now agreed vpon in this Court for eich towneship. That when complaint is made to the counseU of warr either by the officers or soul diers of any offences donn in tyme of service, the said counsell of warr shall haue full power to heare & determine & punish such offenders. The armes w"!" shalbe accounted sufficient for the furnishing of a souldier are these : A muskett, either firelock or matchcock, so that they p'uide match w^ all, a paire of bandeUers, or a pouch for po'der and buUetts, a sword and a belt, a worme & scowrer, a rest & a knapsack. That the counsell of warr shaU haue full power to choose a treasurer or treasurers for the p'sent service to make p'uision for them, and shaU give an account to the countrey of their receipts and payments when they shalbe required. That the losse of armes w'^'' shaU happen in this expedition shalbe boi-ne by the countrey according to their seuaU p'porcons. That all the armes w'^h shalbe used in this expedition shalbe valued by the counsell of warr and a record of them taken and to whom they are deliu'ed by one therevnto appoynted. That the comittees do send a list of their souldiers names w* their armes to the counsell of warr to Plymouth on Mimday the XXIH of this instant Octob' or before. That the counsell of warr shaU haue fuU power to make choyce of a leader that shaU leade this company, and one to goe w"^ him for counseU. That euery souldier shall haue XVIILs. p. month & dyett & piUage. 88 PLYMOUTH COLONY. That euery souldier shall haue a months p'uision sent w"" him, -viz. : for euery souldier XXXib of biskett, Xllib of pork or XX'" of beefe, and half a busheU of peas or meale ; and that euery towne p'uide according to this p'porcon for so many men as they are to send forth. That the leader of this company shaU have fourty shmings p. month, and the Ser jeant XXXs p. month. It is ordered by the Court that if the townesmen of Yarmouth cannot p^sently agree to appoynt a place for defence of themselves, their wiues and chUdren, in case of a suddaine assault, that then the Court doth order and appoynt Leiftenant WiUm Palmer, Anthony Thacher, Nicholas Symkins and Samuel Eider -w*^ the constable, to appoynt a place and forthw"i to cause the same to be fortyfyed w* aU speede. It is ordered by the Court that if the townesmen of Barnestable doe not p'sently agree to appoynt a place or places for the defence of themselues theire wiues and chUdren against a suddaine assault, that then y^ Court doth order that Mr. Thomas Dimmack, Anthony Annable, Henry Cobb, Henry Coggen & Barnard Lumberd, w^ the constable, shaU forthw't appoynt a place or places for their defence, and cause tbe same to be speedyly fortyfied for their defence. 1644, March 5. Whereas Scituate is p'sented for not exeroiseing of armes according to the order of the Court, it is ordered that they shaU exercise eight tymes this yeare according to the act of the Court and that it shalbe in the Uberty of the mmitary officers of that towne to caU forth such squadrons or files as hee shaU think fitt to be exercised eight tymes ouer more. The p'porcon and Names of the Souldiers in eich Tovme sent forth in the late Ex pedition against the Narrohiggansets & their Confederats. The first company viz., XVI^^"' went forth the XVii August 1646. , Plymouth VHI men : six w"" those that went out first, and two w"" those y' went outlast: — John Tompson, Eichard Foster, John Bundy, Nicholas Hodges, John Shaw, Samuel Cutbert ; These VI were forth XVII days. John Jenkins, John Harman ; These two were forth XHI dayes. Duxborrow, six men w^h went y/^ those that went out first : — Serjeant Sam Nash, Wm'm Brewster, Will'm Clarke, John Washbome, NathanieU Chaundler, Edward HaU ; These six were forth XVH dayes. MarshfeUd, foure men ¦iv'^i' went forth w"" those that went out first : — Luke Lillye, Twyford West, Wm'm Hayle, Eoger Cooke; These foure were forth XVH dayes. These foUowing went forth the XVin"i of August, 1646. Sandwich, fiue men •w"'^ went forth w* those that went last : — Thomas Burges, Thom' GreenfeUd, Laurence WUUs, Thomas Johnson, Eob'te Allen ; These fiue men were forth XHI dayes. Scittuate, eight men w* went forth w**" those that went last : — John Turner, Georg EusseU, Jeremiah Burrows, Hercules HUl, Edward Saunders, NathanieU Moate, John Eobinson, Eichard Toute ; These eight men were forth XTTT dayes. Barnestable, foure men w"'' went forth w"! those that went last : John FoxweU, John EusseU, Jonathan Hatch, Francis Crocker ; These foure men were forth XIIII dayes. Yarmouth, fiue men w">i went forth w* those that went last : wm'm Northcoate, Will'm Twyneing, Teague Joanes, Henry WheUdon, WUl'm Chase, drummer ; These fiue men were forth XIIH dayes. These aU returned the 2d of September, being Tewsday, and were disbanded the day following being Wensday. There was deliued to eich souldier lib of poder, and 3"> of buUets apeece and 1^^ of tobaccoe, at their going forth. The townes of Taunton and Eehoboth als Seacunck, were freed from sending forth any men in regard they ai-e fi-ontire townes, and bmited the souldiers during the tyme they were forth. MILITIA ORDERS. 89 Cost op the Expedition against the Narraganset Indians in 1645. The charges of this Expedition. Inpris' giuen to the captaine, but not to be a presedent for after tymes, for himself & his man To Serjeant, now Leiftennant, Nash To Plymouth for VI men, 17 dayes To Duxborrow for V men, 17 dayes To Marshfield for IIH men, 17 dayes . To Plym. for two men more, 13 dayes To Scittuate for eight men, 13 dayes To Sandwich for fiue men, 13 dayes . To Barnestable foure men, 14 dayes To Yarmouth fiYe men, 14 dayes And to the drummer yv'^ was one of Yarmouth ou' & aboiie 6s. .... £. s. d. 10 00 00 02 10 00 05 02 00 04 05 00 03 08 00 01 06 00 05 04 00 03 05 00 02 16 00 03 10 00 00 06 00 41 11 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 05 00 00 07 00 02 06 06 00 04 00 14 02 00 00 11 00 02 10 00 16 00 02 00 00 01 07 04 It. for a Une to Mr. Hanbury It. 4 dussen of kniues giuen to messengers It. for casting of shott It. for drumheads It. spent of the money & beads the capt. had It. worke done by Gorame It. James Coles bUl . It. A horse hire XI dayes . . . . . It. 26"> of po'der taken at the barke by the captaine to bring the men hoame againe ... It. 751'' of biskett the capt. had at the bark to vittaUe his men homewards for w""! is aUowed 1 C waight It. aUowed toward the carriage of p'uisions to Secunck -w'^ came by sea out of the Bay Tobaccoe afterwards aUowed 27s. 4d Sum total 66 03 03 The barren of po'der the souldiers spent & deliued to diuers of the townes, was not accounted, nor SOO"" of leade w^i Mr. Prence bought, nor the buUets the soldiers had forth w<='' was not returned, nor what losse would be required to take the p'uisions againe beside the charge of euery p'ticuler towne w^^ their souldiers in setting therti forth, nor 6s. Mr. Prenc pay'd for casting shott and canvas bags for to put bread & p'uision in. The sale of euery towne to this charg foUoweth. Verte. The Eates of the seuaU To-wnes to the Charges of the Warrs. £. Plymouth 12 Duxborrow 08 Scittuate 12 Sandvvich 09 Taunton 06 Barnestable 06 Yarmouth 07 MarshfeUd 07 70 The Court for speciall consideracon did abate XX». to Barnestable and 40«. to Taunton, w'''^ is the reason they are not equall w"" Yarmouth and MarshfeUd, but shall not be a presedent for , after tymes ; and Eehoboth was not rated at ' all, both because it was a new plantacon, and bUUted aU the souldiers freely during aU the ¦ tyme they stayed there. 12 90 PLYMOUTH COLONY. The Sumes the Townes are to pay their Souldiers, and what -wUbe comeing to y" Treasurer : Souldiers. Treasurer. £. s. d. £. s. d. Plymouth payes 06 08 00 06 14 03 ' Duxborrow " 06 16 00 01 16 00 Scituate " 05 04 00 07 13 06 Sandwich " 03 05 00 06 02 06 Barnestable " 02 16 00 03 06 06 Yarmouth " 03 10 00 03 12 08 MarshfeUd " 03 08 00 03 14 06 Taunton " 00 00 00 05 02 06 Sum tot. 31 06 00 37 02 03 & added to it w^ii was remayning of the peaye & 20s. £1, 16s., OOd. £. s. d. The captaine rec. in peaye 03 01 05 More in money 01 00 00 Spent thereof & la/d out 02 05 06 Eemayneth in his. hands 01 16 00 In the Treasurers hapds 38 18 03 Due to himself . . . . . . 10 00 00 The remainder to th^ countery is . . . 28 18 03 The Court doth order that euery towne shaU pay their owne souldiers what is due -vnto thfem for their wages and returne the rest to Plymouth to the Treasurer, at Mr. Paddys house towards the payment of other charges about the expedition prouided that euery souldier allow by deduction of his wages what hee hath taken vp of a,ny man to furnish him for his seruice and like to retume theire armes and buUets againe or els aUow for them. 1646, March 6. The company for the Kennebeck trade brought in an account into the Court for the yeare 1644, iv"^ came that yeare but to thirty pounds, and also an account how it was disbursed for the countreyes use, w^i^ the Court accepted and allowed, and they are thereof discharged ; and likewise towards the rent for the yeare 1645, there was an account exhibited whereby there appeared to be in the store for the countreys use six barreUs of pouder, three hundred waight of leade and pounds of buUetts, and foure pounds nineteene shiUings and six pence remayneing due to the countrey . from them besides thirty shUUngs for a case of bottels w"* was not cleared, that they were spent for the countreys use ; but the 300 waight of leade is not yet pay'd for. And XVI'b of pouder to MarshfeUd. It. XXII of ponder to Taunton. It. XVI* of pouder to Barnestable. And baggs to put po'der in. These p'ceUs of po'der were remayneing of the seauenth barreU of po'der, the rest being spent by the souldiers in the last expedition. p'posicons. That the towns p'uide sufficient armes for so many men as their p'portion wUbe to set forth that they may be in, p'sent readyne.sse if any suddaine occation faU forth. 1646, June 2. The Counsell of Warr chosen & nominated by Court for this ensuing yeare : Mr. Edward Wipslow, p'sideiit, Mr. Thomas Prence, Captaine MUes Standish, Mr. Tymothy Hatherley, Mr. John Browne, Mr. 'John Alden, Capt. WUl'm Poole. It is enacted by the Court, that these or any three of them meeting together, shaU haue power ,and authoryty to make orders for matters of warr and to yssue forth warrants &c. ; but if but two of them do meete, then to haue the consent and approbacon of the Gou> in what they doe ; and that when these do so meete together, they shaU haue power to choose such p'sons to their counsell and assistance as tbey shaU think good (if they please) so they exceed not the number of foure p'sons, and if any man. shall refuse to doe the service when they are so warned or caUed there-vnto, that then such p'son or p'sons shalbe fyned as the counseU of wair shaU think meete so it MILITARY ORDERS. 91 exceede not fourty shUlings to the colonies use ; and that these shaU haue power to determine in any offence concerneing warr either donn before this day or after, before thend of this ensuing yeare, and for all p'sons as well strangers as our selues for any thing donn w* in this gou'ment and shall haue power to choose a p'sident amongst themsewles and to make orders about such thinges as shalbe needfuU. TEOUBLE WITH THE INDIANS IN CONNECTICUT IN 1649. 1649, June 8. Wheras diuei-s sad iniurius practises to the murthering of sum of the English have been com'ited by the natives to the westward against the said English at Stanford & other places, with diuers insolent & threatening speaches by them allso spoken, wherby the com'issioners for the Vnited Colinyes are ocationed to vse theire best endeavors for the rectifying of the said abuses ; and being vncertaine whether there may bee need of a warr with the said natives for yt end & haue therfore signifyed vnto the seueraU Vnited CoUnyes y' they may bee in a redines if ocation should bee. It is therfor ordered by the Court y' forthwith due p'uision bee made both of meii and amunition, with poulder & shot & -victaUes and other nessesaryes for fourty men for the space of three monthes, sutablefor such an ocation, & y' euery towne respec- tiuely prouid for theire owne men. The Court haue generaUy nominated and voted Captaine Standish to bee vnder the concideration of a generaU officer or comissary generaU, to haue the ouersight of the seueraU mUUtary companies -within this gouerment, both for the viewall of theire armes & to comaund the said companies vpon spetiall ocations ; & Captaine Standish aforsaid doth condecend therunto. 1661, August 4. Warrants were signed and directed to the cunstables of seueraU townes for to leuy the fines for the defects in armes. 1652, June 3. The Court haue ordered Mr. Hatherly that hee take course that the miletary com pany of Scittuate doe traine according to order this yeare and that hee see that some fitt p'sons bee joyned with the cunstables of Scittuate to take view of theire amunicion and to see that they haue poweder and shott according to order. Likewise the cunstable of Sandwidge by a warrant is required to call vpon the leiftenant and Wmm Newland to traine the mmetary companie of Sandwidge, and if hee refuse, to appoint theire sergeant Peeter Wright to do it. 1663, April 6. The mmetary orders agreed on and concluded are as foUoweth. First that the summe of fifty pounds bee raised of the seueraU to-wnes -within the gouerment accord ing to theire proportions in other rates, in such pay as will answare for our p'tes of the powder and shott, armes and lockes sent out of England to bee reddy against such time as we shalbee required to answare for y*, and that the said powder and shott &c. be receiued and kept for the p'sent att Capt. WUlets and Mr. Paddyes warehouse att Boston. That the mmetary officers of euery companie shall p'sent the defects of the armes of theire companies at the next Court of Asistants. That a mmetary watch in euery towne be continued vntell further order to the contrary. That aU men though aboue the age of sixty bee required either by finding a suffi cient man or in theire owne p'sons to watch according to order as shalbee agreed ¦vpon in each towne excepting such as through both age and pouerty are disabled, and that such widdowes as haue estates beare theire p'te by finding one to watch according to theire proportions. The Court recomend to euery towne to prouide som place or places to retreat vnto, that thether they may bring theire wiues and chUdren in time of eminent danger for . theire better securitie. That euery towne that shalbee defectiue in the want of a drumm att any time for the space of two monthes shall forfeite the summe of forty shillings to the coUonies vse. That shalbee d-efective in couUers the space bf six months foure pounds. That a considerable companie of half pikes bee prouided in euery towne att the charge of the townshipp, videlecet, wher 80 men are able to beare armes theire twenty to bee prouided and soe proportionable to theire number bee they greater or lesser. THat euery towne prouide h^bwts for the sergiunts pf theij-e milletary- companie, 92 ¦ PLYMOUTH COLONY. That euery towne that hath aboue fifty men bearing armes shall haue powder an- swarable to a barreU for euery fifty men and soe bullets proportionable therunto. That noe man make an allarum without apparent danger. That in case one gun bee shott of in the night whUes the milletary watch is kept within any townshipp yt shalbee taken as an allarum to the said towne and answered by any man that shall heare the same. That three guns or continued shooting or the beat of a drumm in the night shalbee an allarum to bee taken from towne to towne. That in case any towne shalbee destressed by reaU assault -vpon them, such to-wne as haue certaine inteUigence therof shaU affoard releife. PEEPAEATIONS FOE WAR WITH THE DUTCH AT NEW YOEK IN 1653. Haueing receiued intelligence from the comissioners mett att Boston of theire agi tations about and conseming a warr with the Duch in these p'tes of America and serivsly weyinge and delibberating -vpon such ground and reasons with theire cercom- stances as by the said comissioners haue been propounded enduceing therunto they came to these conclusions following : Videlecett, that whatsoeuer shalbee vndertaken or donn in, aboute or conseming the said warr or any thinge conduceing therunto shalbe acted and goe forth in the name and by the authoritie of the state of England. 2condiy That in case theire shalbee a concurrance of the other jurisdictions with vs heerin viz., aU things acted in and aboute the p'mises shalbee acted vnder God in the name of the state of England as aforsaid, and that -vpon returne of the messengers sent by the comissioners to the Munhatoes or other certaine intelligence further grounds and reasons shaU appeer to bee of weight nessesitateing a warr with said Duch, they will bee in a reddines through the healp of God to assist and engage therinn according to theire proportions and vtmost abUlities. And for that end and purpose preparacon was made as foUoweth. Warrants were issued out in the name of the state of England for the pressing of the number of sixty men, able and fitt for warr if need shall require, which number was to bee taken out of the seueraU townes within this jurisdiction according to theire proportions viz. : Out of Plymouth 7. Yarmouth 6. Duxburrow 6. Barnstable 6. Scittuate 9. MarshfeUd 6, Sandwidge 6. Eehoboth 6. Taunton 6. Eastham 3. The constables of the seueraU townes were ordered by the warrants directed -vnto them to haue these proportions of men in a reddines and to giue notice vnto theire seueraU townes to provide sufficient armes for euery man that shalbee .pressed out of theire seueraU townes as aforsaid.. The comaunders chosen and appointed to goe forth on the said expedition, in case there shalbee occation, are Capt. Myles Standish for captaine, Leiftenant Thomas Southworth for leiftenant, and Hezekiah Hoare of Taunton for ensigne. Moreouer two barkqes were alsoe pressed to attend the expedition aforsaid, vide lecett, the barkqe in which George Watson sayleth together with him the m' therof, and John Smith Junior of Plym' and Joseph Green, with aU things belonging to the said barkqe nessesarie for the said expedition. In Uke manner the barkqe in which Eichard Knowles sayleth, with him the master therof, was pressed for the. same purpose with John Younge and WUliam Walker and all things nessearie for theire vse belonging to the said barkqe. June 9. Ordered that aU such as were pressed by warrants issued out by the late counsell of warr be forthwith released. 1654, June 20. The counseU of warr mett att Plymouth the 20"> of June, 1654, att which meeting warrants were issued out in the name of his highness the Lord Protector of England, Ireland and Scotland, for the pressing of the number of fifty men to bee taken out of the seuei-aU townes of this jurisdiction to goe forth with Major Eobert Sedgwicke' and Capt. John Leueritt on an intended expedition against the Duch att the Mon- hatpes, The proportions of each townes arp as foUoweth ) MILITARY ORDERS. 93 Plymouth, 6 men. Sandwich, 4 men. MarshfeUd, 6 men. Duxburrow, 6. Taunton, 5. Eehoboth, 4. ¦ Scittuate, 8. Yarmouth, 4. Eastham, 3. Barnstable. 5. These being well prouided for were to goe forth -vnder the comaund of Captaine Myles Standish whoe was ordered to be theire comander in cheife; Leiftenant Mathew Fuller was ordered to goe forth with him as leiftenant on this expedition ; and Hezekiah Hoare was appointed to bee ensigne bearer. PEEPAEATIONS FOE WAR WITH NINIGEET. 16-54, October 3d. The comissioners being returned from theire last meeting informed the Court that they had determined with the rest of the comissioners of the other coUonies to send a certaine number of horse and footmen on a special message to Ninnegrett the Niunticke Sachem; and in case nessesitie should further require, that they had joyntly agreed to send a 2='">* supply of men out of the 4 Vnited CoUonies to warr against Nirmegrett ; whervpon warrants were forthwith directed to the cunstables of each towne to presse the number of men out of each towne as foUoweth according to their seueraU proportions. Plymouth, 6. Yarmouth, 4. Duxburrow, 6. Barnstable, 6. Scittuate, 8. MarshfeUd, 5. Sandwich, 4. Eehoboth, 4. Taunton, 6. Eastham, 4. Cost op the Expedition against Ninigret. 1656, Oct. 4. The proportions of each towne of what they are to pay towards the charge of the expedition the last yeare in sending out souldiers against Ninnegrett the Nyanticke Sachem. £. s. d. Plymouth 04 01 06 Duxburrow 03 13 08 Scittuate 06 14 02 Sand-wig 04 16 01 Taunton 03 14 01 Yarmouth 03 14 01 Bamstable 04 01 06 MarshfeUd 03 14 01 Eehoboth • .... 06 14 02 Eastham 02 19 08 44 03 00 PEEPAEATIONS MADE FOE WAE WITH AWASHOUKS, THE SQAW- SACHEM OF SACONETT. 1671, June 6th. This Court haue agreed and voated that some force be raised and sent to the Indians att Saconett, to fech in theire armes and in defect therof theire p'sons as occation may require. And for the management of this enterprise it is refered to the councell of warr or soe many of them as shaU meet soe as they be nine in number, viz., the major p'te of them concuriing. The names of such as are aded to the Majestrates to be off the Councm of Warr. Mr. Josias Winslow, Seni', Leift. Morton. James Walker, Cornett Studson. Thomas Huckens, Ensigne Eames, Nathaniel Morton, Isacke Chettenden. Three shillings a day is aUowed for a man and his horse, to all such as were im ployed in the late expedition for the fetching in of armes from the Indians, and this aUowance to be p'manent for the future vntill it shalbe otherwise ordered. And Ukewise for any teame of foure oxen and an horse and a man to goe with them that have bine and are to be imployed in the cpuntryes seruice to haue flue shmings a day. 94 PLYMOUTH COLONY. July 8, 1671. It was agreed that a hundred men should be pressed out of the seueraU townes of this jurisdiction in an equall proportion to be in a reddines att Plymouth on Monday the seauenth of August next to goe forth on the said expedition vnder the comand of Major Josias Winslow as comaunder in cheife. It was further ordered by the counceU of warr, that Leiftenant John Freeman shallbe a second to the major in the said ex pedition. And Mr. Constant Southworth comissary ; Captaine Fuller to supply the place of a leiftenant and a sarjean ; and Mr. Wmam WithereU and Elisha Hedge for sarjeants. present appearance op assonet pour corners in FREETOWN. [The place of assembUng, July, 1671.] It was also agreed that forty of our trastiest Indians should also be procured to be in a reddines for to goe forth to be healpfuU in the said enterprise. The eight day of August next to be the time of theire setting forth ; on which day the townes of Taunton, Eehoboth, Bridgwater and Swansey are to caus'e theire souldiers that are to be sent forth to giue meeting to the major and the rest of the company att or neare Assonett about John TisdaU's farme. It was agreed that the comaunder in cheif shaU haue aUowed vnto him 10s a day. A leiftenant 06s a day. A sarjeant 04s a day. An ordinary souldier, horse and man 03s a day. The Proportions of the Men pressed out of the seueraU Townes of this Jurisdiction to goe forth on the aboue mencioned Expedition Plymouth 9 MarshfeUd 8 Duxburrow 6 Eehoboth 9 Scittuate 14 Eastham 6 Sandwich 10 Bridgwater 6 Taunton 12 Swansey 4 Yarmouth Barnstable 9 10 Middleberry 2 In all one hundred and two. 69 83 MILITARY ORDERS. 95 PEEPAEATIONS MADE IN 1673 FOE A WAE WITH THE DUTCH AT NEW YOEK. 1673, Dec. This Court vpon serious consideration of the injurious actings of the Duch our naighbours att New Yorke, in the surprissall of seueraU vessells and goods of our confeaderats, and refusing to make just satisfaction for the same vpon demaund ; being alsoe informed of theire threats to invade his ma*™ subjects on Longe Hand, and other p'tes of this countrey, and that they stUl continew theire men of war abroad to the great predjudice of this country in respect of theire trade and to the disturbance of our peace otherwise ; minding alsoe that they have declared these theire actings to be grounded on the nationaU quarrell between them an.d vs in Europe, and accordingly declare theire comission and orders to be to doe all possible spoUe and damage to the states enimies by land and water ; and soe haueing reason to expect that as theire numbers and strength may increase, theire insolences towards vs will alsoe grow higher, for our more nessesarie defence wee judge it requisite to iudeauor theire remouaU, and haue resolued that theii-e is just ground of a warr against them and al though the season of the yeare is in some respects discurraging, yett haueing reason to thinke that our enimies wUl have recrute of men &c., early in the springe, wee judge it best with aU possible speed to procecute the said expedition and shaU indeauor to goe our p'tes therin altho not according to what wee are proportioned by our con- feaderates, wherein wee are apparently ouer rated* yett to the vtermost of our abiUities, viz. to raise and maintaine one hundred men in the expedition, if wee can att p'sent be supplyed -with what is nessesarie for theire march or voyage. And that instructions be giuen to the comaunders in cheife, first to sumons them to yeUd with theire promise of injoying theire estates and liberties. The names of the comaunders chosen by the Court were : — Captaine James Cudworth for Captaine. Mr. John Gorum for Leiftenant. Mr. MichaeU Peirse for Ensigne. FOR SARJEANTS. wmam WithereU, John WithereU, Thomas Harvey, Phmip Leanard. Captaine Mathew Fuller was chosen the surjean generall for this expedition, if on the motion of it to the Court of the Massachusetts &c., it be approued by them. The souldiers wages agreed by the Court was s. d. To a private souldier 2 00 p. day. To a drumer . . . . . . . . 2 06 p. day. To a Serjeant 3 00 p. day. To an ensigne 4 00 p. day. To a leiftenant 5 00 p. day. To a captaine 6 00 p. day. The Gou' bestows a drum towards the expedition, and the other to be had att Taun ton, one pair of cuUers to be had att Swansey, the other from Four halberts ; Serjeant Tompson, one. From Scittuate, one. Captaine WUlett, one. Le&tenant Hunt, one. KING PHILIP'S WAE, 1675. * 1675, October 4. Major James Cudworth was vnanimously chosen and reestablished in the office of a generaU or comaunder in cheiffe to take the charge off our forces that are or may be sent forth in the behalfe of the colonic against the enemie as occation may require. And Serjeant Eobert Barker to be his leiftenant of his p'ticulare companie ; Capt. John Gorum to be captaine of the other companie and Ensigne Jonathan Sparrow to be his leiftenant. Leift. John Browne is appointed and impowered by the Court to be capt. of the guard att Mount Hope. 96 PLYMOUTH COLONY. It is ordered by the Court that twenty fiue men, weU prouided with armes a.nd amunition be pressed to be and lye in garrison att Mount Hope and that the soul diers that are there att p'sent be forthwith released. . Mr. Thomas Huckens was chosen comissary generaU of the forces ot this jurisaic- tion. The proportions of the saUeries aUowed by the Court to the co'hiaunders and comon souldiers which haue bin forth in the late expeditions out ot this collome against the Indians, or may be for the future imployed on the countryes occations : 8. d. , Imp', to the generaU 06 00 a day. To a captaine 05 00 a day. Tea leift 04 00 a day. To Capt. Mathew Fuller, as suijean generaU of the forces of this coUonie, and for other good service p'formed in the countryes behalfe against the enemie, in the late expeditions or which may be done for the future as occation may require, the Court alloweth him . .04 00 a day. To the capt. of the guard at Mount Hope . 04 00 a day. To an ensigne 03 00 a day. To a comissary generall 04 00 a day. To a Serjeant 02 06 a day. To a corporaU 02 00 a day. To a comon souldier 01 06 a day. The proportions of the souldiers to be pressed out of each towne of this jurisdic tion to goe forth as occation may require. Plvmouth, 15 2 Barnstable, 16 3 f To the garison att Duxburrow, 08 1 MarshfeUd, 13 2 -? Mount Hope to be Scittuate, 2S 4 Eehoboth, 15 2 ( subtracted out of them. Sandwich, 16 3 Eastham, 08 2 157 Taunton, 20 3 Bridgwater, 08 1 026 Yarmouth, 15 2 157 25 182 The rates alowed for the horses prest or imployed in the expedition against the enemie att Mount Hope and places adjacent, viz. : fiue shillings for the vse of euery horse that hath bin returned to the owner within one month after the advance on the said expedition, and 10* p. horse for all that are returned to the owner since the said month or shalbe returned within 28 dayes after the date heerof, and twenty shiUings for euery such horse or mare that shall not be returned within the said 28 dayes' vnlesse there shalbe another horse in steed therof deliuered within the said time. Joseph Burge, for his abusing of the watch att Sandwich by entering into the gaurd and assaying to take away a gun and beating one of the gaurd which opposed him therin, is fined fiue pound viz., six shmings to the constable for bringing him to the Court and ten shillings to John Dexter, the son of Ensigne Dexter, which was beaten as aforsaid, and fiue shillings a peece to the said Ensign Dexter and his son for theire coming vp to and attending on the Court on the said busines, and the re mainder of the said fiue to the country. Memorand. : that seuen shillings and sixpence is abated of what is due to the country from the said Burge. At a Meeting of the- CounceU of Warr for the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth, held att MarshfeUd the sixt Day of December, 1676. — An order directed from the said CounceU to the seueraU plantations within this jurisdiction as foUoweth Gentlemen Souldiers : The prouidence of God soe disposing that wee are still exercised -vnder the cal- lamitie of a warr and the councells and authoritie of the seueraU coUonies resoluing that there is a nessesitie of sending forth a considerable force with all possible speed, it is desired and required that each coUonie and euery p'ticular towue p'esent theire ablest and most suitable men to be improued in that seruice and the Gou' and Councell of this gou'ment request that our people in the severaU plantations therof will expresse theire woonted chearfulnes and currage in Ingageing therin ; and for youer incurragement thervnto you may please take notice that our Gou' is designed MILITARY ORDERS. 97 to haue the conduct of all the -vnited forces of whose p'ticular fauor and kindnes you may be weU assured and also that speciall and effectual care is and shalbe taken that those that goe forth shall in all respects be comfortably prouided for according to the season and semice, and that the lands and other proffitts of the warr that haue bin obtained or by the blessing of God shalbe gained shalbe kept as cecurtie for the souldiers pay that haue bin and shalbe improued and shaU not be sold or disposed of but to answare that end. The worppii Capt. Bradford and Captaine John Gorum are your p'ticular comaun ders. Such as cheei-fuUy tender themselues to the expedition or to presse shalbe looked vpon with singular respect. By order of the CounceU Nathaniel Morton, Secretary. It is ordered by the counceU that the mmetary officers of each towne of this juris diction shall, the next day after the army marcheth forth, exercise the one halfe of his companie in armes ; and the next day after the other halfe, and soe euery day after, the one haU" each day to be in armes where the officers shaU appoint -vntUl further order. The councell of warr haue ordered and appointed Major Cudworth, Cornett Eobert Studson and Isacke Chettenden presse masters for the pressing of able and fitt men att Scittuate to goe forth on the p'sent expedition against the Indians. An order directed to y" mmetary Comission Officers of this jurisdiction as fol- loweth, Gen'ie : You are heerby required to procure youer men pressed to be in a reddines to march soe as they attaine to meet at Prouidence on the tenth of December next ; and in order thervnto, that they randezvous on the seauenth of the said month att Plymouth, on the eight att Taunton, att Eehoboth on the 9<^ and Prouidence on the tenth as aforesaid ; and that you see that they be not onely able and fitt men, but alsoe weU fitted with clothing nessesary for the season, and prouided with knap- sackes and amunition according to order viz., halfe a poimd of powder and 4 pound of buUetts to each man. Fayle not. It is ordered by the counceU of warr for this jurisdiction that if any p'son hence forward being pressed into the countryes seruice in the expedition against the Indians, and shall neglect or refuse to goe forth on the seruice being thervnto ordered and required by authoritie euery such p^on shaU forfete ten pounds in money or the fuU vaUue therof to the vse of the towne to which hee appertaineth ; but in case noe estate can be found of the said p'ty to satisfy the same that then hee shalbe forthwith comitted and suffer imprisonment soe that it exceed not six monthes. It is ordered by the counceU of warr for this jurisdiction that if any man that is ordered by the counceU where hee Uues to be pressed shaU leaue his owne towne and goe to another within this coUonie, that the constable where hee is vpon notice giuen him of his absenting himselfe from the presse, that constable is required and shaU by vertue heerof presse the said p'son into the seruice and forthwith convey him vnto the constable of the to-wne to which hee appertaines. The Proportions of the Souldiers to be raised out of each Towne of this Jurisdic tion by Order of the CounceU of Warr as foUoweth : Plymouth, 11. Taunton, 13. Eehoboth, 15. Duxburrow, 06. Yarmouth, 10. Eastham, 09. Scittuate, 17. Bamstable, 13. Bridg-water, 07. Sand-wich, 11. MarshfeUd, 10. At a Meeting of the CounceU of Warr for this Jurisdiction held att MarshfeUd the 29"! Day of February, 1675 [this was old style, it would be 1676 as we no-w reckon time], Actes and Orders were made and concluded as foUoweth : Wheras great damage and prejudice may acrew vnto this jurisdiction by the with drawing of the inhabitants therof in this time of publicke calamitie and trouble, it is therfore ordered by the counceU of warr for this jurisdiction that aU the inhabitants seated in this gou'ment shaU and doe abide in each towne of this coUonie to which hee belongs and not depart the same on p'm of forfeiting the whole p'sonaU estate of each one that shaU soe doe to the coUonies vse except it be by the speciaU order or aUowance of the Gou' or any two of the other majestrates ; and that it shalbe la-wful for any majestrate of this gou'ment takeing notice of the intensions of any inhabitant of this coUonie to -withdraw as aforsaid, to make seizure of the p'sons of such theire estates, and to seize aU such barques, boates or carts as shalbe found to be imployed in transporting of the goods of such inhabitants intended to withdraw as aforsaid. ¦ 13 98 PLYMOUTH COLONY. The Men appointed to be of the Towne CounceU in each Tovme of this Jurisdiction : Plymouth : Nathaniel Morton, Joseph Warren, Joseph Howland. Duxburrow : Mr. John Alden, Mr. Constant Southworth, Mr. Josias Standish. Scittuate: Cornett Eobert Studson, Isacke Chettenden, Edward Jenkens. Sandwich : Mr. Eichard Bourne, Mr. Edmond Freeman Jun', Thomas Tobey Seni'. Taunton : James Walker, WUliam Harvey, John Eichmond. Yarmouth : Mr. Edmond Hawes, John Miller, Jeremiah Howes. Bamstable : Mr. Thomas Hinckley, Mr. Thomas Huckens, Mr. Barnabas Laythrop. Marshfield : Anthony Snow, Nathaniel Thomas, Nathaniel Winslow. Eehoboth : Mr. Nathaniel Paine, Mr. Nathaniel Cooper, Mr. Daniel Smith. Bridg'water : Mr. WUliam Brett, Mr. SamueU Edson, John Wmis Seni'. Eastham : Mr. John Freeman, Jonathan Sparrow, Marke Snow. The said to-wne counceUs together -with the comission officers, or the major p'te of the whole concurring, shall haue power to order all watches and wardings and garri sons in theire respectiue townes, and the setting forth of scoutes for the safty of townes, and to take care that the to-wnes stocke of amunition to which they belong may be supplyed, and haue power to caU the towne together to make a rate to defray the charge therof as occation may require, and to dispose the said stocke into such places as they shaU judge most convenient ; and whosoeuer shaU neglect, or refuse, to watch or ward being required and ordered so to doe, shaU forfeite fiue shUUngs for euery default, to be leuied by distresse on his estate if he haue any to answare it ; and if noe estate, then to be sett necke and heeles, by order of the comission officers, not exceeding halfe an houre ; and for euery neglect of p'formance of, theire duty in watching or warding one houre after the time appointed to sett it to be fined one shming ; and after the first houre expired the captaine of the watch shaU hier ano ther to watch or ward, and the whole fine of fiue shmings to be payed by delinquent ; and such fines soe gathered shalbe comitted to the comission officers or to-wne coun ceU to be improued for the supply in the defects in watching and warding abouesaid and for other nessesary occations. It is further ordered by the councell that the watches shaU continew from sun seting -vntm the sun rise, and the warding to be from sun riseing to sunseting suc- cessiuely, and that none shalbe accepted to watch or ward but with fixed armes and suitable amunition, and in case any doe com§ without the same they shalbe returned againe and the fine of fiue shmings shalbe speedUy exacted. The councell doe agree that the soiddiers now -vnder presse from the southem townes be att Plymouth on Weddensday the eighth of this instant in order -vnto a further march and with them 20 or 30 of the southern Indians, whoe together with the other whoe are vnder presse to goe forth -vnder the comaund of Captaine Michael Peirse and Leiftenand Samuel! FuUer. The councell of warr now assembled doe comend it to the seueraU townshipps in this jurisdiction to make some payment to the souldiers first sent out against the Indians in p'te of what is due to them for that seruice especially to the poorer sort who need some supply for theire famUyes and the counceU doth heerby declare that such payments made as aforsaid shalbe allowed to the respective to-wnes in the gen eraU publicke accoumpt when it shalbe orderly settled and proportioned. The councell of warr now assembled doe order that the Namassachesett Indians be speedily remoued to Clarkes Hand and ther to remaine and not to depart from thense without lycense from authoritie -vpon paine of death. Wheras it is judged very nessesary and likely to be beneficiaU that a garrison should be kept att the house of Joseph Barstow both in respect to the towne of Scittuate and the country, — The councill doe therfore order that speedUy a garrison be erected and kept att the said house with about 10 or 12 men ; and for the further ordering therof it is refered vnto the comission officers and towne counceU of Scittuate. Att a Meeting of the CounceU of Warr for this Jurisdiction att Plymouth the lO"" Day of March aimo Dom. 1676, Orders and Conclusions were made and ordered as foUoweth : In reference to the forces abroad the counceU haue ordered and doe impower the presedent and such of the counceU as are neare vnto him that in case they shaU see reason by any inconvenience that may appeer to them by theii-e p'mitting the said forces to continew out they are impowered heerby to require them home againe. And further that in case notice may be giuen from the other Vnited Colonies to MILITARY ORDERS. 99 require that our p'te of the thousand men should be sent forth the Gou' is heerby requested to send into the Bay and to respect the case vntUl the generaUltie of the councell can meet againe, Memorand. : that the order formerly voated prohibiting shooting bee putt in reall and -vigorouse execution. In order to the keeping of a, garrison att Barstowes the councell doe order and aUow two men on the countryes charge vntm the army now forth returne horn againe. In reference -vnto the offenciue fact that Eobert Barker in breaking away from the army when they were on theire march in a mutinous way, and by his example aluring others to come away -with him, to the great scandoU, prejudice and disparragement of the coUonie and p'ticularly vnto the comaunder in Cheiff, -viz., the generall. Forasmuch as -vpon his late examination hee doth in some measure take to his great offence the counceU do centance him heerby to be degraded from the honor and office of a leiftenant and to pay a fine of fifteen ppunds to the vse of the coUonie in currant siluer money of New England, and to defray the charge of his late imprison ment. The counceU doe alsoe order that aU such as came away from the army with the said Eobert Barker or foUowed him in a disorderly way shall Ukewise forfeite theire wages as to that expedition. The Fines of the seueraU deUuquent souldiers : £ s. d. Simon Eouse fined 01 00 00 Jonathtin Winslow . , 01 00 00 John Hewitt 01 00 00 Daniel Butler 08 00 00 Zacheriah Jenkins ....... 08 00 00 Ephram AUin 08 00 00 wmiam AUine . . 04 00 00 Zacheriah Coleman , . . 08 00 00 John Nolman 08 00 00 Joseph Coleman 08 00 00 Thomas Coleman 08 00 00 John Eance 08 00 00 John Northy . 01 00 00 The constables of Taunton for pressing Joseph Deane, a man vnfitt to goe forth on seruice . . . , 04 00 00 John Crossman 08 00 00 Thomas Lincon 08 00 00 Jonathan Harvey 02 00 00 Ezra Boume 02 00 00 The constables of Bridgwater for pressing SamueU Lay throp megaUy and hee a man -vnfitt to goe forth on the seruice, fined , , 02 00 00 And Uke-ivise for not pressing John WUUs legaUy . 02 00 00 John Smith, the son of Mr. John Smith of Sandwich, for neglecting to goe forth a souldier, notwithstanding his plea of nessesitie of keeping att home, yett fined . 02 00 00 John FuUer, the son of SamueU FuUer of Barnstable, for the same, notwithstanding his plea, fined . . 02 00 00 Off Sandwich, fiue defective and wanting of theire number the last presse, Off Bridgwater, fiue wanting in one presse and foure in another. In reference to the clearing vp of the case respecting John Smith Juni' of Sand wich aforsaid, which case was left on inquiry, the constable pf Sandwich appeered before the coimceU and affeirmed that hee made publicke proclamation att Sandwich in reference to the soiddiers, that they should be supplyed with clothes and nessessa- ries for the expedition, and tendered him the said Smith in p'ticular seueraU thinges with which hee might haue bin supplyed if hee bad seen cause. Euery of those fornamed were fined as aforsaid for not going forth being pressed, and some of them for neglecting, being constables, to executing theire office concem ing such, and the townes responsible to pay for not makeing -vp theire number of men. A son of Ealph Jones excused himselfe by reason of his fatlier falling sicke about the time of the souldiers goeing forth. 100 PLYMOUTH COLONY. Wheras the Court for the incurragement of the souldiers sent forth on the first expedition against the Indians, did order and engage according to theire desire tnat they should haue their pay in money or lands ; and noe way at p'sent appeering to raise monyes, doe theirfore for theire satisfaction order that certaine tracts ot land be assigned to the valine of about one thousand pounds to be deuided amongst them lor the payment of theire respectiue p'tes, due vnto them ; the said tracts assigned bemg att Showamett supposed to be neare the vaUue of 500* ; att Assonet Necke 200 ; att Assowamsett 200* ; and about Agawam and Sepecan, one hundred pound ; soe as the said tractes shalbe more p'ticularly viewed and vaUued as att mony price accord ing to such indifferent rates as they might haue bine esteemed worth when the said order was made; and for the better effecting therof, the Treasurer, Major Cudw'orth, Cornett Studson and James Walker are desired and appointed to take view therof and make reporte therof to the Court or counceU for the settleing of the same att such reasonable rates as to them shall seeme meet to be deuided to the said souldiers or sold for theire pay or discharge of other nessessarie dues occationed by this warr. It is aloe further ordered that the sume of one thousand pound be assessed on the seueraU townes of this gou'ment to be payed in clothing, prouisions or cattle att mony prise ; an indiflferent good ordinary cow being to be vaUued att forty fiue shU lings and other cattle according to that proportion for the payment of such of the souldiers whose needy condition may call for other supplyes more suitable for theire fammes than lands, and such other smale dues to others of them as may be by them desired and judged convenient by those betrusted in the seueraU to-wnes for. the management of that affaire, together with tbe defrgfing such other charges as hath bin occationed by these -warrs according to order. The proportions to the seueraU townes of the said sume of one thousand pounds are as foUoweth : £ s. d. £ s. - . d. Plymouth, 99 03 06 Yarmouth, 74 15 06 Duxburrow, 46 11 00 Barnstable, 99 03 06 Bridgwater, 46 11. 00 Marshfield, 76 08 00 Scittuate, 165 09 00 Eehoboth, 136 19 00 Taunton 92 13 06 Eastham, 66 16 06 Sandwich, 92 13 06 FORM OP WARRANT DIRECTED TO THE PEOPLE OF THE DIFFERENT TOWNS FOR THE COLLECTION OF THIS TAX. Wheras youer townes p'te of the siim of 1000 £. to be leuied for the defi-aying the charge of this warr according to order in that case prouided amounts to the sum of these are therfore in his ma""* name to wiU and require you p'sently on receipt heerof to call youer towne together to make a rate for the defraying the said sume, to be payed in clothing, prouision or cattle att the prises in the said order prouided about the middle of May next according to the Treasurers order to be dis posed to those appointed by the to-wne councell or such other order as the Treasurer shaU appoint for the ends iforsaid. Fayle not. The 29th of March, 1676. The counceU of warr for this jurisdiction ordereth as foUoweth: in reference -vnto a p'sent exegencye and straite that is on vs by reason of the neare approach of our enimies whoe haue fiered the greatest p'te of one of our fronteer townes and that wee haue reason to expect that they may p'sist on in theire hostUUtie, and assault other townes before wee are aware, the councell doe agree and order that the number of three hundred English souldiers be raised and pressed out of our coUonie, and one hundred Indians, well fitted to goe forth and to be reddy for a march the eleuenth of ApriU next. The Proportions of Men pressed out of the seueraU Townes of this Gou'ment : Plymouth, 30 *Taunton, Duxburrow, 16 Yarmouth, Scittuate, 60 Barnstable, Sandwich, 28 Marshfield, It is ordered by the councell that such youthes as are -vnder the age of sixteen yeers and notwithstanding are able to p'forme seruice in watching and warding shalbe re quired soe to doe, and p'forme theire duty therin as others, being soe judged by the comaunders or towne councell. 30 ^ Eehoboth, •30 26 Eastham, 18 30 Bridgwater, 16 26 MILITARY ORDERS. 101 The Treasurer is desired and ordered to procure the bread for the souldiers in a reddines to attend the expedition. And to procure a competency of biUletts for the souldiers in their said intended expedition as hee shaU judge meet. 1676, June 7. Vpon consideration of the nessesitie of sending forth some forces to be by the healp of God a meanes of our safty and preservation, the Court came to a conclusion and doe heerby voate that one hundred and fifty English and fifty Indians be with the best speed that may be raised and prouided and sent forth towards the frontiere p'tes of this coUonie to be vpon motion to scout to and frow for the safty of the col- lonie, the time appointed of sending forth is on Weddensday the 21 of this instant June. 1676. The proportions of the men and money to be raised for the seting forth in the ex pedition aforsaid is as following : THE PROPORTIONS OF MEN. Plymouth, 15 Duxburrow, 9 Scittuate, 25 Sandwich, 15 Taunton, 15 Yarmouth, 13 Barnstable, 15 MarshfeUd, 13 Eehoboth, 15 Eastham, 10 Bridgwater, 9 MONEY. Plymouth, 16£ 00s. OOd Duxburrow, 9 10 00 Scittuate, 26 10 00 Sandwich, 16 00 00 Taunton, 16 00 00 Yarmouth, 14 00 00 Barnstable, 16 00 00 MarshfeUd, 14 00 00 Eehoboth, 16 00 00 Eastham, 10 16 00 Bridgwater, 09 10 00 164 1676, June 7. It is ordered by the Court and the authoritie therof that each towne make a rate to pay aU theire souldiers emd officers which haue bin out on the countryes seruice from first to last theire fuU due in such specue as by the last rate for their payment in p'te was ordered, -vnlesse any of them desire rather to stay to haue it in land ; and that the seueraU to-wnes bring or send in an accoumpt of theire p'ticular distinct dis bursements to July Court next that soe there may be a right proportioning of the whole charge of this warr vpon the seueraU townes. It was agreed and ordered by the Court, that ten hogsheds of bread be procured for and towards the expedition intend and a thousand waight of buUetts. And that the sume of twenty or thirty pounds be improued in the paying of the coUonis debts att Ehode Hand. A p'seU of amunition deUuered to som souldiers lately gon forth was to Marsh feUd men 37'* of buUetts and 14 pound of powder. To Duxburrow men 23 pound of buUetts. To Daniel Tumer of Scittuate 4 pound of biilletts. The names of such souldiers of Scittuat whoe desired to be satisfyed in lands for such seruice as they p'formed for the country, with the sumes due to them on that accoumpt is as foUoweth : Imps. Leifte Isake Bucke Zacheriah Daman John Daman Eichard Prowtey Cor. John Bucke Jonathan Jackson Thomas Clarke Wm'am Hatch Walther Bridges Joseph Garrett . Eichard DweUey Charles Stockbridge for Benjamin Woodworth £ s. d. 10 00 00 06 06 01 06 06 07 06 12 03 08 09 05 06 05 04 06 05 02 02 01 00 06 18 07 05 09 07 11 13 07 07 09 00 102 PLYMOUTH COLONY. July the 7«^ 1676. It was ordered by the Court, that the seuerall to-wnes of this jurisdiction should send in some one of each towne of this jurisdiction to gitie meeting to the majestrates on the 19 of this instant July, att Plymouth to settle theire accompts respecting the charges of this p'sent warr, on paine of forfeiting euery towne that shaU neglect ten pounds to the vse of the coUonie. The 22<:oid of July, 1676. The councell haue ordered that all such voiUenteers as shall or haue sett forth to op pose the enimie in case they shall take any prisoners, they bearing the charge of the expeditions, shall haue the one halfe of them for theire paines and venture from the day of the date heerof, includeing those prisoners alsoe last brought in by Benjamine Church and his companie. It is ordered by the councell, that euery towne of this gou'ment shaU pay theire souldiers and officers what is due to them for theire seruice against our comon enimie since last June Court, wherin that noe towne may be oppressed, that they bringe in theire disbursments vnto the next GeneraU Court, that soe there may be an equaU ballence of charges. Nov. 1. This Court engaged, that Charles Stockbridge and others of such of Scittuate as listed theire names to take theire pay in land shalbe payed for theire seruice for the countrey in mony out of the prise of those lands which shalbe first sold which is appointed for the payment of souldiers, &c. 1677, March 6, In reference vnto a kettle appertaineing to James Walker Juni', taken away by Jerrud Talbutts soldiers, but not returned, the Court haue ordered that the said souldiers shall forthwith make payment of 31s. currant sUuer mony of New England, vnto the said James Walker or his order in fuU satisfaction for the said kettle. July 3 31 16 pounii of biskett delified to John Abbitt by GeneraU Cudworth's order 02 10 00 00 18 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 08 07 00 Sign* by Peleg Sanford. The above written accompt is aUowed by the Court held in June, 1682, Peleg Sanford Esq. his Accompt appointed to be rded at June Court, 1682. KING WILLIAM'S WAE. 1689, August 14. Mr. Nath^i Byfield, Capt. Jonathan Sparrow, & Leiut. Isaac Little chosen to be of the councm of war. In refference to the motion made by the honourable Councm & Generall Convention of our friends & neighbours at Boston, for. our advice & assistance in repeUiiig & sup pressing the barbarous heathen, that have comitted many barbarous mur'ders and outrages at the easteren parts on the subjects of the crown of England, this GeneraU Court declare their concurrence therein according to our weak capacity, and do com- mitt the management thereof to Thomas Hinkley, and John WaUey, Esq" their comission'" chosen for that end, both for the inquiry into the grounds of stl war for farther satisfaction, & to order aU other suitable means & actions as they shiUl se MILITARY ORDERS. 103 cause, with the ad-vice and concurrance of such as may be comissionated thereunto by our friends and ancient confederates of the Massachusetts and Conecticut, or by any other of their ma"™ colonies that may be concerned therein, as may through -God's blessing conduce to the comon good & safty of the whole against the comon enimie, according to such instructions as are by the Court given to them. That such due en- coui-agement may be given to souldiers that if it may be there may be enough raysed to go voUuntarly, without pressing, such encouragement to be six shillings per weeke, money or monies value for each private souldier, and eight or ten poiuid pr head to our company of souldiers, for every fighting man of the enimy whose scalp shall be brought in, to such person or officer as shall be appointed to take notice or know ledge thereof, and also to have all the persons as they shaU take & captivate, and aU portable plunder divided amongst them. And if any souldier of ours shall be maimed in s* war and thereby disabled to maintaine themselves, he or they to be provided for, relieved and maintained in such capacity as he or they Uved in before concemed in s* war, and also to have victuals & amimition aUowed whUe upon the expedition. That in regard the other colonies are better stored with provision and amunition then our selves, they may disburse on the publique faith to be repaid in time con venient. That care be forthwith taken to engage the Mowhawke Indians with us against our said enimins by sending some meet person to them with a present, and to treat with them in order there to. Ordered by this Court and the authority therof, that if any person English or Indian, apprehend and bring before authority any man that is an Indian enimie, he shaU have ten pounds for a reward if he bring him alive & five pounds if killed, pro-vided it be e-vident it be an enimie Indian. Alsoe ordered, that the mUlitary officers of each town forth-with use their endeavour to encourage English & Indians to a vol- luntary going out in this present expedition under comand of Capt. Church, and such persons to list and give an account therof to said capt. or other officer. And if for the Indians souldiers they or the selectmen or any inhabitant supply them with any thing for their present necessity & encouragement, it shaU be allowed or paid to them by the Treasurer out of the next rate. ' It is ordered by this Court that the proportion for men and armes for each towne for the present expedition shaU be as foUoweth : each man to be provided with a well fixt gun, sword or hatchet,' a home or oartouch box, suitable amunition, & a snap- sack. Plymouth, Scituate, 6 Marshfield, 3 Duxburough, 2 Bridgwater, 3 MiddUeborough, 1 Men. Armes. 4 3 Barnstable, Eastham, Sandwich, Yarmouth,Eochester, Monamoy, Men. Armes. 4 3 Succonessett, 1 Bristol, Taunton, Eehoboth, Dartmouth, Swansey, Freetown, Little Compton, 2 Men. Armes. 3 2 It is ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that if there do not appear a competent number of English souldiers in each town of this colony to go voUunteers under the conduct of Capt. Church or some other officer, as shall be by the councUl of war appointed to go out upon the present expedition to suppress the heathen that are enimies within any part of this countrey, that then such a number shaU be pressed as shaU be by the councm of war agreed upon in the severaU towns where voUunteers enough do not appear. It is ordered by this Court that the majors of the severall regiments forthwith take care to procure a perfect Ust of aU the males in their respective regiments of what rank or quaUty soever from the age of sixteene to sixty yeares, and to deliver the same to one of the comissioners of this colony at or before the fourteenth day of this instant October, by them to be caryed to Boston in order to proportion the charge of the present warr. Ordered that towards the bearing of the charge of the present warr there be forth with levyed and raysed by the select men or raters of .each town and vmage in this colony the sums hereafter set downe and agreed on by this Court, -viz. : 104 PLYMOUTH COLONj:, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s, d. Plymouth, 60 00 00 Barnstable, 60 00 00 Dartmouth, 40 00 00 Duxbury, 25 00 00 Sandwich, 60 00 00 Bristol, 36 00 00 Scituate, 88 00 00 Yarmouth, 41 00 00 Taunton, 60 00 00 Marshfield, 46 00 00 Eastham, 46 00 00 Eehoboth, 48 00 00 Bridgwater, 28 00 00 Eochester, 08 00 00 Swansey, 40 00 00 Middlebury, 14 00 00 Monamoy, 07 00 00 Little Compton, 36 00 00 Foords Farmes, 02 00 00 Freetown, 08 00 00 The severaU sums to be paid to the constables of each towne and vmage at or be fore the 25"' day of November next, the same to be paid by the constables in each town & vmage to such as the GeneraU Court shall appoint, the severaU sums to be paid one third in money, one third in grain, Indian corne at two shUlings p' busheU, rye two shmings and six pence p' busheU, barly two shmings p' busheU, wheat four shillings p' busheU, the other third in biefe at ten shmings p' C, and porke at two pence p' pound, the charge of transportation after it is delivered p' order aboard any vessel to be allowed by the publique. It is alsoe agreed that this proportion be onely for this rate and that there be a way found with aU convenient speed for a vaUuatiou of the estates of the colony in order to the making of a just proportion which when found out and determined each town be allowed or advanced accordingly ; or, if any, for the corne or provision part, pay that which for price and specie sattisfie any souldiers that went in the service it shaU be accepted and there shaU be care taken that the souldiers English and Indians be paid by the counties where they Uved or wereraysed, and care taken as much as may be in the whole to prevent transportation. Farther agreed that any person that for the corne part or provision part of this rate ¦wiU pay money shaU have one sixth part abated. October y« 2* 1689. Ordered by the Court the select men of each town take care forthwith to take a valluation of the estates of each town and village according to the prises hereafter mentioned, viz. : Every ox at . ... Every cowe Every steere & heiffer of 3 year old Every two year old at Every yearling at Every horse & mare at .... Every two year old colte at . . . Every yearling colte ..... Every swine of a year old & upwards at . Sheep of a year old and upward, by y score Land in tmage, every acre . . . , Meadow and English pasture, every acre at . . . Vessels and trading estate not more than half price. Faculties and personaU abiUities at wUl and doome ; the like where any neglect or refuse to give in a just account of their ratable estate. £ s. d. 02 10 0 01 10 0 01 10 0 01 00 0 00 15 0 02 00 0 01 00 0 00 10 0 00 06 0 06 00 0 00 05 0 00 05 0 Dec. 25. John Thacher, It, ,. John Walley, P'1 M'. John Saffin, Capt. Jonathan Sparrow, M'. Stephen Skeff & Leiut. Isaac Little. Chosen and appointed by this Court as a Committee to takeand adjust the accounts and charges of the war relating to the late expedition against the Indians, and to make report thereof to this Court to the end that souldiers & others concerned may have their wages and dues paid with all convenient speed. It is ordered by this Court, &c. that there be a comittee chosen in each county to settle the charges of the war and disbursments in their respective counties, and to adjust the accounts of all officers and souldiers that have been in the service & to order payment to aU officei-s, souldiers & other persons that have disbursed for the war in such ways as may be most suitable & convenient for them, and most advan tageous to the colony. MILITARY ORDERS. 105 Ordered that Major Church shaU have ten pounds allowed him (besides what he hath received from the Bay) more than his wages by the weeke and that his weekly wages as a major in y" late expedition be 40 shmings, and that Major Church shaU have 5£ cash and Capt. Bassitt 3£ cash part of what is due to them from the colony, paid to them by the constables of Plymouth out of the last rate. That Leiut. WUliam Southworth have 26 shmings p' weeke for his service in the warr. That Capt. Edmonds have 20» p' weeke for his service. That Leiut. Smith have 20" p' weeke for his service. That John Stetson have 16= p' weeke for his service & being helpfuU to y" comissary. That each English Serjeant have 12" p' weeke ; each corporaU, 9" p' weeke ; and that Benjamin Bantum y^ clerk have 9" p' weeke. That each Indian capt. have 12" & each leiut. 9" p' weeke. And that Capt. John Hunter have nine shUlings p' weeke for his ser-viCe in the expedition aforesaid. That Capt. Bassitt have 30' p' weeke as capt., and 5^''^ p' weeke for his assistance of the comissary. 1690, May 20. Ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that there be sixty men forthvdth raysed in the colony to be sent by water to Albany or elswhere to joyne -with the forces of New Yorke, Massachusetts or Conecticot, &c., for the defence of s* places or other service of their ma""" against the comon enemy ; the men to be raysed in each town according to the proportions hereafter set down, viz. : Plimouth, Duxburough, Scituate, Marshfield,Bridgwater, Middleborough, Ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that the proportions of men now agreed on to be raysed for their mat""" service be impressed in the severall to-wns by warrant under the hands of the to-wn councU or the major part of them, and where there is no town councU by warrant from the selectmen of such town or townes or the major part of them, and where there is no town councU nor select men, to be im pressed by warrant from the major of the regiment ; s* town councUs, select men or majors are hereby ordered and required to impress or cause to be impressed the severaU proportions of men upon Wednesday next and not before, and that the whole be ready on or before the second day of June next to attend such service as then shaU be required of them. Ordered, that aU constables, Serjeants, corporals or other persons that the warrants from the town councU, select men & majors are or shall be directed too in matters they are impowered relating to this present expedition, are hereby required to exe cute the same and to be aiding and assisting as there may be occasion. Ordered, that the town councU, aU or either of them, endeavour forthwith to p'cure from the inhabitants of the severaU towns so much money as to make up 20 shillings for every man orderd to be sent forth from each town, and whatsoever any inhabitant shaU disburse or lend on that account or that shall be impressed for fitting out the souldiers shaU be repaid by the countrey or discounted out of the next rate ; said money to be brought to next June Court to be disposed as s* Coiu-t shaU order. Ordered, by this Court, that all such as are or shaU be impressed for the countreys service against the comon enemy, and shaU refuse or neglect the service, they are to pay as a fine the sum of four pounds in money or for not paying the same by war rant from the town councU, select men, or major, which gave the warrants forth, such person or persons to be imprisoned untm the fine be paid, and others to be impressed in their roome, which fines shaU by the town council be improved for buying armes , & amunition for a stock for the town, unles they se cause to dispose any part thereof for the fitting or encouragement of such as shaU be impressed in their stead, unless such person or persons shaU appeal to the councU of warr and give security to answer the same. 14 6 Bamstable, 5 Bristol, i 3 Sandwich, Taunton, 5 6 Yarmouth, Eehoboth, 4 3 Eastham, Dartmouth, S 3 Eochester, Swansey, 3 1 Monamoy, Little Compton, 2 Succoneasset, Freetowne, 1 106 PLYMOUTH COLONY. Nem Plimouth, ApriU ye 2d, 1690. By the President & CouncU of War. Ordered, that a watch be forthwith kept and maintained in every town & vmage of this colony of so many persons as the tovm councm in each town or vmage shaU appoint. , . jji n • And that in such to-wns where the said town councm shaU judge it needtuU, prm- ciplely and especiaUy in aU sea port towns & places, that some persons be appomted to ward in the day time as s* councm shaU direct. Ordered, that the comission officers of every mmitary company in this colony cause a speedy search to be made in their severaU respective towns, to see and know how persons are provided w"" armes and amunition, & to proceed in that matter as ye law directs. Ordered, that the town councm and select men of the tovm of Plimouth, with aU convenient speed cause cariages to be made for the great guns in s* town, and that all s* guns be speedUy mounted or put on said cariages and brought into the to-wne, & planted where they may be most serviceable advantageous & convenient for the anoy ance of an enemy & defence of the towne. 1690, June 6. Ordered, that for the present expidition for Canady or places adjacent, that the souldiers Eilready impressed be made up, the proportions for each to-wn as is hereafter set down : Armes. Men. Armes. Men, 4 -viz. Plimouth, 13 4 Barnstable, 12 2 Duxborough, 7 3 Sandwich, 10 2 Marshfield, 7 3 Yarmouth, 10 6 Scituate, 16 2 Eastham, 10 2 Bridgwater, 8 1 Succonessett, 2 1 Middleborough, 3 1 Manamoy, 2 1 Eochester, 2 16 Armes. 64 15 Men. 48 2 BristoU, 6 3 Swansey, 7 2 Little Compton, 4 3 Dartmouth, 8 4 Taunton, 14 3 Eehoboth, 10 1 Freetown, 2 18 51 Ordered, by this Court, that in this present expedition there be raysed fifty Indiana, 22 in the county of Barnstable, 22 in the county of BristoU and six in the counfy of Plimouth. If such do not present as are to the sattisfaction of one or more of the magistrates of the county, or the comander of the company, that then by warrant from a magistrate such be impressed as are most fitt. And that Plimouth county take care to pro-vide armes and other necessaries for eighteene men, Barnstable county for fifteene men and BristoU county for seventeene men. The officers and souldiers now to be raysed to march at such time and rendevouse at such places as they shaU receive orders from one or both of the comissioners of the colony, one or both of which are hereby impowered to grant warrants to im press vessels, men, armes, amunition or any other thing needed, and can be procured within the colony for this present expedition. Ordered, that if the officers now appointed for this expedition either do not accept or are prevented by the hand of God, or any should otherwise be wanting, that the Govern' with the consent of two magistrates appoint and comissionate others, as there may be need. Ordered, &c., that the persons which shaU be appointed press masters to impress souldiers for their ma""» service, shall have fuU power to impress any men appointed, to be impressed for the to-wn which he or they shaU be press masters for in any to-wn in this colony. MILITARY ORDERS. 107 ve6ir*^' ^°^^^^ SUvester, Mr. John Goram, chosen fpr captains for the present ex- Jabiz Snow, Sam' GaUop, leiftenants; Preserved Abel or John Butterworth, Sam' Lucps, ensignes. 1690, June 3. Bamabas Lpthrop, Esq', John WaUey, Esq' and Capt. Nath"l Thomas : Appcmited a comittee to receive and take account of the late comittees of y« coun ties of Bamstable and BristoU, and of y" town councms or constables in each to-wne of ye county of PUmouth, respecting ye money & prouision raysed for payment of souldiers & charge of ye war in ye last rate. Nov. 4. Capt. Nathaniel Thomas, Leiut. Isaac Little, are appointed a comittee to take & adjust the accounts of what the colony is indebted to particular (persons) for money lent or other debts of the colony to ye making a rate for the speedy - the same. Eesolved and agreed on by the Generall Court, that 1360 pounds be forth-with raised p' rate upon aU the rateable inhabitants of the colony for the payment of aU kno-wn debts of the colony relating to the present war, and otherways excepting the charges about armes for ye expedition to Canada. The one half of S* gum to be paid in money, the other half in wheat at 4s. p' bushel, barley at 2s., rye at 2s. 9d., Indian come at 2s. 6d. p' busheU, porke at 45 shillings p' barreU, biefe at 28 shUlings p' barreU, butter in firkin or pott at 6d. p' Note.— Capt. Joseph Sylvester was a son of Richard Sylvester and wife Naomi Tori-ey. For his mihtary services and those of his company they received a grant of wUd land from the general court of Massachusetts, which grant was thought to have been in Maine, but upon the estabhshment of the line was found to be In New Hampshire, and in 1766 their heirs received a new grant in Maine to compensate for that lost in N. Hampshire, and this 2d grant was what, July 7, 1786, was incorporated as the township of Turner, in Maine. In this expedition of 1690, Capt. Sylvester commanded one of the companies, and 16 of his soldiers were Scituate men, several of whom together with himself, are thought to have lost their lives in that service. Benjamin Stetson, John Perry and William Perry, three of his soldiers who Uved to return home, were witnesses to Capt.. Joseph Sylvester'! will. In the local miUtia of Scituate, Joseph Sylvester was commissioned captain, October 2, 1689. Mr. John Gorham was of Barnstable. He was bom Feb. 20, 1661. He was a son of the Capt. John Gorham who died in the service of his country while commanding a company stationed in Swansea (Feb. 6, 1676). John the son probably did not accept this appoint ment as captain In the expedition of 1690, but is probably identical with the John Gorham who served as a captain in an expedition against the French and Indians in Maine in 1696, and in the same service as a Lieut. Colonel in 1704. Preserved Abel and John Butterworth, one of whom was to have been commissioned as an Ensign, were both Rehoboth men. Samuel Gallop, appointed to be a lieutenant, was promoted to and served as a captain in the expedition of 1690. The following is a roll of Capt. Samuel Gallop's company in that expedition : Commissioned Officers Samuel Gallop, Captain ; Preserved Abel, Lieutenant ; Solomon Smith, Ensign. Non Commissioned Officers. — Samuel Sabin and William Hack, Sergeants ; John Querk and Nicholas Peck, Ccrpprals. Private Soldiers.— IchsAmA Peck, William Robinson, Daniel Carpenter, Jacob Carpenter, Daniel Sheperson, Noah Sabin, John Onnsby, John Wall, Samuel Butterworth, Henry Thomas, John Daviss, Samuel Luther, Morris Eonam, Ungass Callee, Zachariah Curtis, Richard Tuells, Thomas Tuells, Thomas Crossman, John Bright, Nicholas Hall, John Smith, John Bagley, Joseph Jones, Daniel Fisher, John Eddy, Samuel HoUoway, Daniel Phillips, Miles Garden, John Haskins, William Ripley, Thomas Traintor, Carlo Caree, Philip Brazeel, John Price, William Hillyerd, Jonah Meredith, Thomas Hart, William Newland, Philip AUen, WiUiam EUis, John Cupowo, John Thomas, Sam. Tmusk, Dickens , Simon Tom, Joshua Thomas, James Trask, James Pumshot, Obed Wickum, Obediah , Benjamin Jacob, Abel Wasunks, Sam Hunter, Joseph Jeckewot, Sam Umpatune, Job , Jeremiah Jpnes. Commissioned, 3 ; Non Commissioned, 4; Private Soldiers, 57 ; Total, 64. Doubtless quite a number pf the private soldiers above enumerated were Indians. Daniel Carpenter, a soldier in this company, in a letter directed to his father William Carpenter, of RehpbPth, said that the company remained at Plymouth eight days waiting fpr the vessels that were to convey the soldifers, and upon the 27th (probably of June), 1690 sailed put pf Plymputh In five shallpps about noon, and arrived at Nantasket before night, where they expected to remain nntilthe 30th instant. The soldiers Trainter and Caree were frpm Freetown. 108 PLYMOUTH COLONY. pound, in less quantity by pound, 6d. ; aU s* grain & provisions to be good & mer chantable. The Court allow to Leiv' Little for his trouble & charge in receiving and delivering the loan money for Canada expedition, &c., the sum of 40 shmings to be paid out df this rate. This Court order that the Goven', Assistants, Secretary, and Chief MarshaU shaU have one third part of what is aUowed and due to each of them paid in money. Bamabas Lothrop Esq', Mr. Stephen Skeff and Capt. WiUiam Bassett : Are appointed a comittee for the county of Bamstable. John Cushing Esq', Leivt. Isaac Little and Sam' Sprague : Are appointed a comittee for the county of Plimouth. Daniel Smith Esq', Capt. Thomas Leonard and Sam' Gardiner : Are appointed a comittee for the county of Bristol. The s* comittees of each county are appointed to meet at their severaU county towns upon the third Tuesday of .this instant November, then and there to receive and prepare the accounts of the severaU persons to whome the colony is indebted ; which being performed the whole comittees, viz., aU the persons above named, are to meet at Plimouth on the first Tuesday of December next, who are hereby impowered to adjust and aUow aU such accounts of souldiers and others as to them shaU seeme just and reasonable, and to order bms to the severaU county Treasurers for payment of ye same to such as ye colony is indebted unto. And the said county Treasurers are hereby impowered to require & receive the said severaU sums that shaU be levyed & raysed upon the towns in their respective counties, of the severaU constables who shall colect and gather the same, and upon receipt thereof to give acquittances & other discharges to s* constables. The Court aUow to each of s* comittee 3s, p' day, for what time they shaU neces sarUy be imployed in the colonies concerns as abovesd. The Court allow 4d. p' meal to those that bUletted souldiers. The proportion of each town & vmage in the colony towards the afores* sum of 1350 pounds is as foUoweth : £ s. d. £ s. d. Plimouth, .84 15 00 Bamstable, 112 10 00 Scituate, 163 10 00 Yarmouth, 104 02 09 Marshfield, 67 13 00 Sandwich, 93 16 00 Duxbury, 56 05 00 Eastham, 93 19 06 Bridgwater, 57 07 06 Eochester, 13 16 00 Middleborough, 21 16 06 Monamoy, 18 18 09 Succonessett, 16 03 09 451 07 00 £ s. d. 452 04 09 BristoU, 39 06 09 Taunton, 100 16 09 Eehoboth, 79 07 09 Dartmouth, 82 10 00 Swansey, 66 06 00 Little Compton, 75 00 00 Freeto-wne, 13 01 00 446 08 00 By the councUl of war at PUmouth Octob' y" O*, 1690, Thomas Tomson of Middle borough, bemg p' order of the major part of the town councm of s* Middleborough unpressed for the service of theii- matie" at Canada, and refusing to attend that service is sentenced to pay a fine of four pounds in money to the said to-wn councm for the use of s* town or be imprisoned tiU the same be paid with fees, 8sc. James Soul of Middleborough, for the same, is sentenced as abovesaid. By the councUl of war at Plimouth, Novemb' y" 6"!, 1690, Joseph HaUey, Jun' of Sand-wich, bemg p' order of the town councm of s* Sandwich, impressed for the service of then- ma"e» against ye Indian enemy eastward, & in regard of his m de portment after pressed, & not appearing at the tune & place appointed, is sentenced to pay a fine of 4 pound money. But in regard it appears to this councm that he was not -well when the souldiers were to march, the councm remit half s* fine, ordering that he pay to the town councm for y" use of said town ye sum of 40s. in money, & I66S) oCCt PROFESSIOI^AL LISTS, OLEEGTMEl!^ BAENSTABLE COUNTY. Name of Town. ¦When Settled. When Dismissed. Cause of Dis missal. Barnstable — John Lothrop Thomas WaUey Jonathan EusseU Sept. 3, 1639 1663 1683 Nov. 8, 1663 Mar. 24, 1678 Death. Death. Eastham — John Mayo Thomas Crosby Samuel Treat 1646 1672 1666 Mar. 18, 1717 Death. Eochester — Seth Amold 1684 About 1716 Death. Sahd-wich — WUliam Leverick John Smith 1676 1688 Yarmouth — Marmaduke Andrews John MiUer Thomas Thornton John Cotton 1646 1662 1691 1692 AprU 26, 1705 Death. Eichafd Boume was settled as the 'pastor of an Indian Church at Marshpee, in 1670, and died in 1685, when he was succeeded in the ministry by an Indian named Simon Popmonet, whose ministry continued about 40 years ; from 1729 to 1742, the preacher to the Indians was Joseph Boume, a grandson of the aforenamed Eichard Boume. For a few years immediately after 1742, Solomon Briant, an Indian, was the minister. BEISTOL COUNTY. Name of Town. Name of Clergyman. When Settled. When Dismissed. Cause of Dis missal, or Place of Removal. Bristol — Dartmouth—Eehoboth — Swansea — Taunton — Benjamin Woodbridge Samuel Lee John Cooke* Samuel Newman Noah Newman John Angier John Myles* Wimam Hooke Nicholas Street George Shove Samuel Dauforth 168 16 June 4, 1645 March, 1668 1679 Oct. 30, 1667 Sept. 3, 1639 Sept. 3, 1639 Nov. 17, 1666 Sept. 21, 1687 Nov. 23, 1696 July 5, 1663 AprU 18, 1678 1693 Feb. 3, 1683 1644 Nov. 29, 1659 AprU 21, 1687 Nov. 14, 1727 Death. Death. Death. IU health. Death. New Haven. New Haven, Death.Death. * John Cppke and Jphn Myles were Baptist Ministers. 112 PLYMOUTH COLONY. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Name of Town. Name of Clergyman. When Settled. When 1 Dismissed. 1 Cause of Dis missal, or Place of Removal. Bridgewater^ James Keith Feb. 18, 1664 July 23, 1719 Death. Duxbury — Ealph Partridge John Holmes June 7, 1637 165 . 1658 Dec. 24, 1676 Death.Death. Ichabod WiswaU 1676 July 23, 1700 Death. Eichard Blinman Edward Bulkley 1642 1661S Concord. -Samuel Amold 1658 Sept. 1, 1693 Death. Plymputh — Ealph Smith John Eeynor John Cotton 1629 1636 1669 Scituate — GUes Saxton 1631 1634 Boston. John Lothrop Jan. 18, 1636 Sept. 3, 1639 Bamstable. Charles Chauncey 1641 1654 Cambridge. WUUam WethereU Sept. 2, 1645 AprU 9, 1684 Henry Dunster 1654 Feb. 27, 1669 Nicholas Baker ...... 1660 Aug. 22, 1678 Death. Thomas Mighm Oct. 15, 1684 Aug. 26, 1689 Jeremiah Cushing May 27, 1691 Mar. 22, 1706 PHYSICIANS. BAENSTABLE COUNTY. Where Located. Name. Term of Practice. Remarks. Barnstable — Matthew FuUer. BEISTOL COUNTY. Where Located. Name. Term of Practice. Remarks. Bristol— Taimton — Isaac Waldron Samuel Danforth Sept. 21, 1687, to Nov. 14, 1727 d. Nov. 14, 1727 PROFESSIONAL MEN. 113 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Where Located. Name. Term of Practice. Remarks. Duxbury — Comfort Starr Samuel Seabury Samuel Seabury, Jr. about 1638 to about 1659 to Aug. 6, 1681 rem, to Boston. d. Aug. 6, 1681. Plymouth — Samuel FuUer Scituate — Charles Chauncey about 1641 to 1664. rem. to Cam bridge. LAWYEES Bristol — Taunton — BAENSTABLE COUNTY. John Saffin Nathaniel Byfield Samuel Danforth* from about 1689. Sept. 21, 1687, to Nov. 14, 1727 ¦Where Located. Name. Term of Service. Remarks. Bamstable — Thomas Hinkley from about 1645. BEISTOL COUNTY. -Where Located. Name. Term of Service. Remarks. d. Nov. 14, 1727. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. -Where Located. Name. Term of Service. Remarks. Scituate — Edward Foster John Saffin John Hoar John Barker John Cushing Thomas Turner 1633 to about 1644 1649 " " 1670 « « 1669 1676 1680 1690 d. in or near 1644. [Bristol. rem. to Boston, thence to rem. to Cpncprd, Mass. 15 * Was Clergyman, Lawyer and Physician while at Taunton. 114 PLYMOUTH COLONY. Laws concerning Professional Men, with Dates op the several enactments. CLEEGYMEN OE MINISTEES. 1655, June 5. Wheras there hath been many complaints of -want of due maintainance of the minnesters as some have reported : It is therefore enacted, That noe Pastore or Teacher of any Congregation shall remove before his complaint hath been tendered to the Majestrates, and they have heard both sides. That upon such complaints if there appears to bee a reall defect in the hearers of the minnesters soe complaining, the Majestrates shaU use aU gentle means to p'suade them to doe theire duty heerin. But if any of them shaU not heerby bee reclaimed, but shaU persist through plaine obstinancy against an ordinance of God that then it shalbee in the power of the Majestrate to use such other meanes as may put them upon theire duty. 1657, June 3. Wheras this GeneraU Court taking into theire seriouse consideration the great de fect that either is or like to be in ye severall Townshipes in this jurisdiction for want of an able Godly Teaching Minnestry, and the great prejedice to the soules of many like to ensue ; and being desii-ouse according to our duties that such defects should not bee for want of due Incurragement to such as either are or shalbee imployed in soe good a worke of the Lord, for his houner and the good of soules. And in consideration that in as much as the severall Townshipes graunted by the Government ; was that such a Companie might bee received as should maintaine the publicke worshipe and service of God, there doe therefore judge that the whole body Church and towne are mutuaUy ingaged to support the same ; And therefore order and agree. That in what soever Towneship there is or shalbee an able Godly Teaching Minister which is ap proved by this Government, that then four men be chosen by the Inhabitants or in case of theire neglect, chosen by any tlu-ee or more of the Majestrates to make an equall and just proportion upon the estates of the Inhabitants according to their abUUties to make up such a convenient maintainance for his comfortable attendance on his wQrke as shalbe agreed upon by the Church in each township where any is with the concurrence of the rest of the Inhabitants if it may be had, or by the Majis- trates aforesaid in case of their apparent neglect, and that destresse according as in other just cases provided bee made upon such as refuse to pay theire proportions which is in justice due. But in case there bee any other way wherby any township doe or shall agre_e_that may effect the end aforesaid, this law not to be binding .on them. It is enacted by the Court, that wheras minesters maintainance is to be raised by rate according to order of Court bearing date 1667, which upon neglect is to be taken by distre.sse, as by the said order doth appear ; yet for preventing off offence and it may be of destresse. This Court doth order : That the Majestrate of each towne where there is any ; and the Celectmen or any of them where there is noe Majestrate ; be heerby impowered upon notice of default heerin to summon every such p'son or p'sons to the next Court, to answare the said neglect, and in case such p'son or p'sons doe not make out just cause for such neglect, they shalbe amerced double the sume pro portioned to him or them to the CoUonies use, to be disposed of by the Court. [For further enactments concerning the coUection of Minister's Eates, see at the bottom of page 66 of this book,] PROFESSIONAL LAWS, 115 PHYSICIANS. 1642, Sept. 6*. - If any chUdren or elder -persons shalbe sent or come from one Towne to another to be nursed, schooled or otherwise educated, or to a Phisician or Chirurgeon to be cured of any disease or wound, &c., yet they come to stand in need of releafe, they shalbe releeved and mayntained by the Townships whence they came or were sent from, and not by that To-wneship where they are so nursed, educated or at cure, and in case they come or be sent from any Towne or place out of this Colony, then if the nurse, educator, physicon or Chirurgeon, take not sufficient securyty of 'the person to be nursed, educated or cured, to discharge the Towneship of and from all cost and charge -n-hich shall or may come and befall the said Township in which hee or they is so to be nursed, educated or cured ; Then they, the said nurse, educator, phisicon or Chiurgeon as neglects the same, shaU discharge the said Towneship of them them selves. ATTORNEYS OE LAWYEES. 1681, July 7, It is ordered by this Court, that there shall not be allowed above five shillings cost for any attorney or attorneyes to any one action, and where there shall happen to be but one attomey entertained but one day in any one action, then to have two shUlings and sixpence only aUowed him for costs therin. Liberty is granted by this Court to any person to improve one or two Attornies to help him in his Pleas provided they be persons of good repute, and such as the Court shsdl approve, and the said Attornies are required as to be faithful to their Clyent so also to avoid fraudulent pleas, that iuay have a tendency to mislead the Court or darken the case. RHODE ISLAND COLONY. CIVIL LISTS, 1647—1700. COLONIAL OFFICERS. GOVEENORS. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Goggshall Newport May 19, 1647, to May 16, 1648. Jeremiah Clarke Newport May, 1648, to May 22, 1649. John Smith Warwick May 22, 1649, to May 23, 1650. Nicholas Easton Newport May 23, 1650, to May 18, 1652, John Smith Warwick May 18, 1652, to May 16, 1653. Gregory Dexter Providence May 16, 1653, to May 16, 1654. Nicholas Easton Newport May 16, 1654, to May 22, 1655. Eoger Williams Providence May 22, 1655, to May 19, 1657. Benedict Amold Newport May 19, 1657, to May 22, 1660, William Brenton Portsmouth May 22, 1660, to May 22, 1662. Benedict Arnold Newport May 22, 1662, to May 2, 1666. William Brenton Portsmouth May 2, 1666, to May 5, 1669. Benedict Arnold Newport May 5, 1669, to May 1, 1672. Nicholas Easton Newport May 1, 1672, to May 6, 1674. William Coddington Newport May 6, 1674, to May 3, 1676. Walter Clarke Newport May 3, 1676, to May 2, 1677. Benedict Arnold Newport May 2, 1677, to Nov. 8, 1678. John Cranston Newport Nov. 8, 1678, to May 5, 1680. Peleg Sanford Portsmouth May 5, 1680, to May 2. 1683. William Coddington Newport May 2, 1683, to May 6, 1685. Henry Bull Newport May 6, 1685, to May 5, 1686. Walter Oarke Newport May 5, 1686, to the time that the Government was interrup'ted by Sir Edmund Andros. Henry Bull Newport Feb. 26, 1690, to May 7, 1690. John Easton Newport ,• May 7, 1690, to Caleb Carr Newport Walter Clarke Newport to May 4, 1698. Samuel Cranston Portsmouth May 4, 1698, to 1727. 120 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. DEPUTY GOVERNORS ( Beginning under Charter 1663). Name. Residence. Term of Service. William Brenton Newport Nov. 25, 1663, to May 2, 1666. Nicholas Easton Newport May 2, 1666, to May 5, 1669. John Clarke Newport May 5, 1669, to May 4, 1670. Nicholas Easton Newport May 4, 1670, to May 3, 1671. John Clarke Newport May 3, 1671, to May 1, 1672. John Cranston Newport May I, 1672, to May 7, 1673. William Coddington Newport May 7, 1673, to May 6,1674. John Easton Newport May 6, 1674, to May 3, 1676. John Cranston Newport May 3, 1676, to Nov. 8, 1678. James Barker Newport Nov. 8, 1678, to May 7, 1679. Walter Clarke Newport May 7, 1679, to May 5, 1686. John Coggeshall Newport May 5, 1 686, to the time that the ' Government was interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros. John Greene Warwick May 7, 1690, to May 1, 1700. Walter Clarke Newport May 1, 1700, to From 1647 to 1663 the chief magistrates of this colony were denominated or styled Presidents instead of Governors. In 1661, WUliam Coddington went to Englandj and procured from the CouncU of State a commission dated April 3, 1661, constituting him Governor for life of Ehode Island, Canonicut, &c. With this commission he returned to Ehode Island about the first of August, 1651 : but aU the English in habitants upon the main land in Ehode Island govemment refused to submit to the authority thus obtained by William Coddington, and appointed Eoger Wmiams and John Clarke to proceed to England to procure the repeal of Coddington's commission, which after much opposition they effected in 1662. Mr. WUliams soon after returned to Ehode Island, but Mr. .Clarke remained as the colony's agent in England, tiU he obtained the charter granted by Charles iL, and dated at Westminster July 8, 1663. SECRETARIES (or General Recorders). Name. Residence. Term of Service. William Dyre Philip Sherman John Greene, Jr. William Lytherland John Sanford Joseph Torrey John Sanford Joseph Torrey John Sanford John Coggeshall John Sanford Weston Clarke John Coggeshall John Easton Weston Clarke Newport Portsmouth WarwickNewport Portsmouth Newport Portsmouth Newport PortsmouthNewport Portsmouth NewportNewportNewport Newport May 19, 1647, to May 16, 1648. May 16,1648, to 1651. 1651, to May 17, 1653. May 17, 1653, to May 20, 1656. May 20, 1656, to May 21, 1661. May 21, 1661, to May 2, 1666. May 2, 1666, to May 5, 1669. May 5, 1669, to May 3, 1671. Mav 3, 1671, to May 3, 1676. May 3, 1676, to May 1, 1677. May 1, 1677, to [Andros, 1686]. Feb. 26, 1689, to May 6, 1691. May 6, 1691, to 1692. 1692, to 1695, to COLONIAL OFFIOEbS. TREASURERS. 121 Name. Residence. Term of Service. Jeremiah Clarke John Clarke Randall Holden John Coggshall Richard Borden John Sanford Caleb Carr John Sanford John Coggeshall Peter Easton Thomas Ward Peleg Sanford Weston Clarke John Woodman John Holmes NewportNewportWarwickNewport Portsmouth Portsmouth Newport Portsmouth NewportNewportNewport Newport NewportNewport May 19, 1647, to May 22, 1649. May 22, 1649, to May 18, 1652, to May 16, 1653. May 16, 1653, to Sept. 12, 1654. Sept. 12, 1654, to May 22, 1655. May 22, 1655, to May 21, 1661. May 21, 1661, to May 22, 1662. May 22, 1662, to May 4, 1664. May 4, 1664, to May 1, 1672. May 1, 1672, to May 2, 1677. May 2, 1677, to May 1, 1678. May 1, 1678, to May 4, 1681. May 4, 1681, to May 6, 1685. May 6, 1685, to [Andros, 1686]. Feb. 26, 1689, to May 4, 1703. SERGEANTS. Name. Residence. Term of Service. Alexander Partridge Newport May 16, 1648, to May 22, 1649. Richard Knight Newport May 22, 1649, to Hugh Bewitt Providence May 18, 1652, to Richard Knight Newport May 17, 1653, to May 22, 1655. George Parker Portsmouth May 22, 1655; died in 1656. Richard Kjiight Newport Oct. 11, 1656, to May 17, 1659. James Rogers Newport May 17, 1659, to May'l, 1677. Thomas Fry E. Greenwich May 1, 1677,toMay7, 1679. Edmund Calverly* Warwick May 7, 1679, to Thomas Fry E. Greenwich May 4, 1681, to May 3, 1682. Edmund Calverly Warwick May 3, 1682, to [Andros, 1686]. Thomas Fry E.Greenwich Feb. 26, 1689, to The title of Sergeant seems to have been dropped and that of SheriflF adopted, though the duties of the officer remained the same as before. SHERIFFS. Name. Thomas Townsend Jireh Bull Thomas Mallett Residence. PortsmouthKingstown Newport Term of Service. May 6, 1696, to May 4, 1698, to May 3, 1699. May 3, 1699, to May 4, 1703. 122 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. ATTORNEYS. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Easton Newport May 17, 1653, to May 16, 1654. John Cranston Newport May 16, 1654, to May 26, 1656. John Easton Newport May 20, 1656, to May 19, 1657. John Greene, Jr. Warwick Mayl9, 1657, to May 22, 1660. John Easton Newport May 22, 1660, to May 22, 1663. John Sanford Portsmouth May 22, 1663, to May 4, 1664. John Easton Newport May 4, 1664, to May 4, 1670. John Sanford Portsmouth May 4, 1670, to May 3, 1671. Joseph Torrey Newport May 3, 1671, to May 1, 1672. John Easton Newport May 1, 1672, to May 6, 1674. Peter Easton May 6, 1674, to May 3, 1676. Weston Clarke Newport May 3, 1676, to May 2, 1677. Edward Richmond Newport May 2, 1677, to May 5, 1680. Weston Clarke Newport May 5, 1680, to May 4, 1681. Edmund Calverly Warwick May 4, 1681, to May 3, 1682. John Pococke Newport May 3, 1682, to May 3, 1683. Weston Clarke Newport May 2, 1683, to May 7, 1684. John Pococke Newport May 7, 1684, to May 6, 1685. Weston Clarke Newport May 6, 1685, to May 5, 1686. John Williams May 5, 1686, to [Alidros, 1686]. John Pococke Newport May 7, 1 690, to John Smith May 6, 1696, to SOLICITORS. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Greene, Jr. Richard Bulgar James Rogers Richard Bulgar Peter Tallman Richard Bulgar Lawrence Turner William Dyre Edward Richmond William Dyre Edward Richmond William Harris Edward Richmond Robert Williams Edmund Calverlye Robert Williams Edmund Calverly Richard Barnes John Pocockp WarwickNewport Portsmouth Newport Newport Newport Newport Newport Providence Newport Providence Warwick Providence WarwickNewportNewport May 22,' 1655, to May 20, 1656. May 20, 1656,- to May 19, 1657. May 19, 1657, to May 22, 1660. May 22, 1660, to May 21, 1661. May 21, 1661, to May 22, 1662. May 22, 1662, to May 4, 1664. May 4, 1664, to May 3, 1665. May 3, 1665, to May 1, 1667. May 1, 1667, to May 1, 1668. May 6, 1668, to May 5, 1669. May 5, 1669, to Mav 3. 1671. May 3, 1671, to May 1, 1672. May 1, 1672, to May 7, 1673. May 7, 1673, to May 1, 1678. May 1, 1678, to May 5, 1680. May 5, 1680, to May 4, 1681. May 4, 1681, to May 3, 1682. May 3, 1682, to May 7, 1684. May 7, 1684, to OFFIOEES APPOETIOEED TO EACH TOWK EAST GREENWICH. Incorporated Oct. 31, 1677. Date. GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. EEPRESENTATIVES . Sergt. Clement Weaver, Sergt. Thomas Dungin. ' John Heath, Sergt. Thomas NichoUs. ,John Heath, John Spencer. Thomas Dungin, John Sanford. John Heath, John Sanford. Clement Weaver, John Sanford, George Vaughan, Thomas Frye. Thomas NichoUs, Henry Mathewson. Thoinas Nichols, John Sanford. [Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros.j Capt. Clement Weaver, Thomas NichoUs. GUes Pearoe, Lieut. Samuel Bennett, Thomas Fry, Thomas NichoUs. John Spencer, Thomas Fry. -• t Thomas Nichols, George Vaughan. John Spencer. O o »-( QCD June 12th, 1678, John Spencer was chosen a Consertator op the Peace. CO 124 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. EAST GEEENWICH.— ACT OF INCOEPOEATION. Voted, wheras at the General Assembly held for the CoUony, at Newport, in May last, it was ordered that a certaine tract of land in some Convenient place in theNar- ragansett country shaU be laid forth into hundred acre shares with the house lots, for the accommodatinge of soe many of the inhabitants of this CoUony as stand m need of land, and the GeneraU Assembly shaU judge fit to be supplyed. In pursuance of said act of the GeneraU Assembly this present court doe enact and declare that the said tract Of, land be forthwith layd forth to containe five thousand acres, which shaU be divided as foUoweth : five hundred acres to be laid ia some place neare the sea, and as commodious as may be for a towne, which said five hundred acres shaU be divided into fifty house lots, and the remainder of said five thousand acres, beinge four thou sand five hundred acres, shaU be divided into fifty eaqual shares or great divisions ; and that each person hereafter named and admitted by this Assembly to have land in the said tract, shall have and enjoy to him and his heires and assigns forever, in man ner and forme, and under the conditions and limitations hereinafter expressed, one of the said house lots and one great division, containing in the whole one hundred acres. And further this Assembly do enact, order and declare, that the persons before named, that is to say, John Spencer, Thomas NicoUs, Sr., Clement Weaver, Henry Brightman, George Vaughan, John Weaver, Charles Macarty, Thomas Wood, Thomas Frye, Benjamin Griffin, DaiiielVaughan, Thomas Dungin, John Pearce Mason, Stephen Peckham, John CrandaU, Henry LiUy, John Albro, Jr., Samuel Albro, Phffip Long, Eichard Knight, John Peckham, Thomas Peckham, Wimam Clarke, Edward Lay, Edward Eichmond, Edmund Calverly, John Heath, Eobert Havens, John Strainge, Jr., John Parker, George Brovme, Eichaid Barnes, Samson BaUoo, Jonathan DeveU, Benjamin Mowry, Joseph Mowry, WUUam WUbore, Jr., Gyles Pearce, James Batty, John Eemington, Benjamin Gorton, Henry Dyse, John Knowles, Stephen Amold, Jr., WiUiam Hawkins, John Sanford, John Gorton and John Houlden are the persons unto whom the said tract of land is granted, and who shall possess and enjoy the same, their heires and assigns, accordinge to the true intent and meaning of this pres ent grant. And to the end that the said persons and their successors, and proprietors of the said land from time to time, may be in a better capacity to manage their pubUc affaires, this Assembly doe enact and declare that the said plantation shall be a to-wne, by the name and title of East Greenwich, in his Majesty's CoUony of Ehode Island and Pro-vidence Plantations, with aU rights, Ubertys, and pri-viledges whatsoever unto a towne appertaininge ; and that the said persons above mentioned, unto whom the said grant is made, are by the present Assembly and the authority made and admitted the freemen of the said towne, and they, or soe many of them as shall be then present, not being fewer than twelve on the said land are required and empowered to meet to gether upon the second Wednesday in AprU next, and constitute a to-wne meetinge, by electinge a Moderfitor, a Town Clerke, with such constables as to them shaU seem re quisite ; and alsoe to choose two persons their Deputys to sitt io General Assembly, and two persons, one to serve on the Grand Jury and one on the Jury of tryals, in the General Court of Tryalls, and soe the like number and for the said services of the said Court from time to time. And to the end that the said plantation may be speedUy settled and improved ac cordinge to the end of this present court in the granting thereof: be it enacted and ordained that each person mentioned in this present grant shall, within one year after the publication thereof, make a settlement on his house lott by buUding a house fit and suitable for a habitation ; and in case any person who hath any of the said house lotts shall neglect or refuse by himself, or his assignee to buUd accordingly, he shaU forfeit both the house lott and greater division, to be disposed by any succeedinge General Assembly as they shall see cause. And further, this Assembly doe enact and declare that if any person unto whom the said land is granted, by this present act, shaU at any time within one and twenty years after the date thereof, seU, grant, make over or otherwise dispose of any of the land or lands hereby granted unto him, unto any other person interested in the said planta tion, that then the said person or persons soe seUihg, or any other person or persons whatsoever without liberty had and obtained from the GeneraU Assembly, that then the said person or persons so seUing or disposing of the land, shall lose all other lands whatever that he is possessed of in the said plantation, and alsoe tlie lands soe disposed of to be and remaine to this CoUony, anything to the conti-ary thereof in this present act declared notwithstandinge. (See pages 687, 588, 589 and 690 of Volume II. Ehode Island Colonial Eecords.) JAMESTOWN. KINGSTOWN. Incorporated Oct. 28, 1674. l^Date. REPRESENTATIVES. Date. REPRESENTATIVES. 1679 Ebenezer Slocum, Capt. John Foanes. 1679 1680 Capt. John Foanes, Ensign Nicholas Carr. 1680 1681 Ebenezer Slocum, Capt. John Foanes. 1681 1682 Ebenezer Slocum, Oliver Arnold. 1682 [No Eepresentatives received at the Court.] 1683 Ebenezer Slocum, Ephraim Morse. 1683 1684 Ebenezer Slocum, Caleb Carr, Jr. 1684 1685 Ebenezer Slocum, Nicholas Carr. 1685 1686 Josiah Arnold, Joseph Morey. 1686 [Government interrupted by 1687 [Government interrupted 1687 Sir Edmund Andros.] 1688 by Sir Edmund Andros.} 1688 1689 1689 1690 1690 Thomas Gould, John Watson. 1691 1691 1692 , 1692 169'3 1693 1694 1694 1695 1695 1696 Ebenezer Slocum, Nicholas Carr. 1696 Andrew Wmett, Lodo-wick Updike. 1697 1697 - 1698 Joseph Morey, John Hull. 1698 Capt. John Foanes, Capt. Andre-w Wmett. 1699 Nicholas Carr, Joseph Morey. 1699 George Vaughan, Henry Straight. 1700 1700 Capt. Edward Greenman. Act of Incorporation. — Voted, by the King's authority in this Assembly, it is approved the Generall CounciUs acts in obstmctinge Connecticutt CoUony from useinge jurisdiction in the Narragansett country, and the Councills establishing a towne shipp there, and the caUinge it Kingstown, with liberty as hath been granted to New Shoreham. (See page 52.5, Volume IL, Ehode Island Colonial Eecords.) In 1678 Thomas Gould and John Greene were made Conservators of the Peace for Kings Towne, and Jireh BuU and Capt. John Foanes were appointed to the same office in 1683, with Daniel Vernon, as Town Clerk, Samuel Albro, Treasurer, Thomas Mumford, Henry Gardner, John Andrew and James Hasleton, Constables, and Job Jenine, Town Sergeant. OO*^M O NEWPORT. Settled bt the English in 1 629. 05 Date. GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. REPRESENTATIVES. 1640 1641 1642 164316441646 1646 1647 164816491650 1651166216531654 1655 165616671658 16591660 16611662 1663 Nicholas Easton, John CoggshaU John Coggshall Nicholas Easton, John CoggshaU Nicholas Easton, John CoggshaU Nicholas Easton, John CoggshaU WUliam Coddington John Clarke John Clarke Nicholas Easton Edward Smith Benedict Amold John Coggshall Eichard Tew Joseph Clarke Joseph Clarke Benedict Arnold Benedict Arnold Eichard Tew Eichard Tew WiUiam Dyer, Easton, John Clarke, James Weedan, James Barker, Joseph Clarke. Benedict Arnold, Eichard Tew, John Coggshall, John Easton, WUliam Lytherland, Thomas Gould. Capt. John Cranston, Benedict Arnold, John Easton, Edward Smith, John Gould, Joseph Clarke, John Greene, Obadiah Holmes, Eichard Knight, Henry Bull. WUliam HavUand, Obadiah Holmes, John Easton, Joseph Torrey, Peter Easton, Eobert Griffin, Benedict Arnold, Eichard Tew, John Eichmond, Daniel Gould. Benedict Arnold, John Easton, John Cranston, Eichard Tew, Joseph Clar'ke, John Gould, John Greene. Caleb Carr, Obadiah Holmes, Joseph Ton-ey, John Easton, John CrandaU, Eobert Griffin. John Easton, Caleb Carr, John CrandaU, Joseph Torrey, Edward Smith, WUliam Weeden, Benedict Arnold. Nicholas Easton, Richard Tew, Capt. John Cranston, John Easton, WiUiam Harris, John Greene, Peter Easton, Caleb Carr, John Sweet, Thomas Gould. William Brenton, Benedict Arnold, Caleb Carr, John Easton, Joseph Torrey, William Jeffrey. Benedict Arnold, WUliam Dyer, John Goiild, John CrandaU, WiUiam Weeden, Joseph Torrey, George Gardiner, Caleb Carr. Benedict Arnold, Eichard Tew, Henry Timberlake, John CrandaU, Edward Larken, Joseph Torrey, John Coggshall, WUliam Brenton, John Easton, John Cranston. W oo OQ tri > o oo t< o 1664 1666 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 16761677 1678 1679 16S0 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 16861687 John CoggshaU, James Barker John Card, James Barker Eichard Tew, Wmiam Coddington Peleg Sanford, JohnTEaston Capt. Peleg Sanford, Capt. John Cranston, John Easton Peleg Sanford, John Cranston John Cranston, John Coggshall John Cranston, John CoggshaU Francis Brindley, John Easton Daniel Gould, Walter Clarke, Joha Easton Daniel Gould, Walte-r Clarke Ed-«rard Thurston, Henry Bull ¦John Coggeshall, James Barker James Barker, Peleg Sanford James Barker, Capt. Peleg Sanford Caleb Carr, Thomas Ward Caleb Carr, Thomas Ward Caleb Carr, WilUam Coddington Caleb Carr, William Coddington Caleb Carr, John CoggshaU Caleb Carr, John Coggeshall Caleb Cai-r, Major John Coggeshall John Easton John CoggesbaU, Edward Thurston, John Easton Eichard Tew, John Gould, John Easton, Joseph Torrey, Caleb Carr, WUliam Dyer, John Clarke. John Clarke, John Card, Capt. John Cranston, Edward Smith, John Gould. Kdward John Clarke, Nicholas Easton, Henry Bull, John Cranston, Joseph Torrey, WUliam Dyer, Edward JohS:k?rmes''BaS"er, Wmiam Eeape, Capt. John Cranston Peter Easton, Walter Clarke, John Coggshall, John Clarke, WUliam Case, John Cowdall, Edward Thurston. John Clax-ke, Capt. John Cranston, Caleb Carr, Lt. Joseph Torrey, Joseph Clarke, Edward Greenman. John Coggshall, Joseph Torrey, Caleb Carr, Edward Greenman, Joseph Clarke, James Barker. John Colshall, Caleb Carr, Joseph Torrey, Edward Greenman, Walter Clarke, Peleg Sanford, James Joh^ctie^CaSf Catheter Easton, Joseph Torrey, ^^^^^ ^ ^ayley, WsBarker, Wm^^^^^^ Walter Clarke, Henry Bull, John Gould, Peter Easton, Edward Thurston, Weston Clarke, Daniel WaSer Clarke, Peter Easton, John Wood, Daniel Gould, John Gould, Henry BuU, Edward Thurs ton, Thomas Clifton, WUliam 'Case, John Greene. T„„™l, Edward Thurston, John Wood. WUUam Case, Peter Easton, Thomas Clifton, Henry BuU, Joseph Torrey, Caleb Carr, James Parker, William Weeden. t i, -d„ i John -CoggshaU, WUliam Case, Peter Easton, John Wood, Thomas CUfton, John Eead. Caleb Carr Thomas Ward, Edward Eichmond, John Greene, James Barker, Jr., John Eogers. cSebCair, Thomas Ward, Lt. Edward Eichmond, Lt. John Greene, WilUam Coddington, Ensign WUUam Coddington, Peter Easton, Benedict Amold, Henry Bull, Capt. John Greene, Benjamin TameTBarker "sr °Ed-!vard Thurston, Peter Easton, Henry BuU, Eichard Dunn, Philip Smith. S John BliTs, E^^^^ John Woodman, Capt. Eoger Goulding, EdwardThurston, Sr., Jam^et^BSsr., John Coggshall, Thomas Ward, Edward Thurston, Sr., Philip Smith, Nathaniel Jam^esSe^Sr., Edw'd Thurston, Sr., Thos. Ward, Walter Eubary. PhUip Smith John Woodman James Barker! Sr.. Edward Thurston, Sr., Thomas Ward, John Eodman, Nathaniel Coddmgton, Capt. Jam^s Barker! &?Thomas Ward, Benedict AmOid, Edward Thurston, John Woodman, Nathaniel -Coddington. „. „ -, -, . j '-, [Government interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros.j Q O Q HmCD to NEWPORT (Continued). GO Date. 1688 168916901691 16921693 1694 1696 1696169716981699 1700 GO-VERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. Edward Thurston, John Easton Edward Thurston, Benedict Arnold Caleb Carr, Benedict Arnold, Edward Thurston James Barker Capt. James Barker, Capt. Nathaniel Coddington Capt. James Barker, Walter Clarke Isaac Martindale REPRESENTATIVES. James Barker, Benedict Amold, Henry Bull, Jonathan Hohnes, Edward Thurston, Jr John Wood. James Barker, Jonathan Holmes, PhUip Smith, Caleb Carr, John TUhnghast, John Wood. Jonathan Holmes, Phmp Smith, James Barker, Jr., John Easton, Jr., NoweU New, Lawrence Tumer. Capt. Jonathan Holmes, Capt. John Stanton, Jeremiah Clarke, WUliam Peckham, Lieut. Thomas Weaver, Thomas Gould. Capt, Henry Tew, Capt. Jonathan Holmes, Jeremiah Clarke, Wmiam Peckham, Wmiam Weeden, Bene°diS; Arnold, Nathaniel Sheffield, Isaac Martindale, Capt, Jonathan Holies, Jeremiah Clai-ke, John Easton, Jr. Jonathan Holmes, John Easton, Jr. w O a CD a Qo o!zl Hi TOWN OFFICERS. 129 NEW SHOREHAM. Incorporated Nov. 6, 1672. Indian name — Manissis.. Da representatives. 166516741676 16761677 1678 167916801681168216831684 16851686 1687168816891690 169116921693 1694 1696 16961697 16981699 1700 James Sands and Thomas Terry were admitted to represent the interests of the people of Block Island, which in 1672 became the township of New Shoreham. Capt. John Sands. John wmiams. John Sands. John Rathbone. James Eathbone. John Eathbone. John Eathbone. [Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros.] Capt. John Sands. Joshua Eaymond. ACTION OF THE COLONIAL COUET CONCEENING BLOCK ISLAND (StrBSEQHENTLY SHOEEHAM). March, 1664. Eesoulved by this Assembly, That the Governor and deputy Governor be desired to send to Block. Island to declare vnto our friends the inhabitants therof, that they are vnder our care, and that they admitt not of any other to beare nUe over them but the power of this CoUony ; and that J ames Sands, who is a fireeman of this CoUony, come in to the Governor or deputy Governor to take his ingagement as Constable, or Con servator of the peace theare ; and that the most able and desearving men are warned in to the next Court in May, to be informed of their privUedge, and such to be free made of the CoUony, (See Vol. II. page 32, Ehode Island Colonial Eecords.) ACT OF INCOEPOEATION. November 6th, 1672. Voted, that the petition of the inhabitants of Block Island to this Court for their beinge granted the liberty and privUedge of a towneship, shaU be adjitated. Voted, fforasmuch as the inhabitants of Block Island, viz.: Mr. James Sands, Mr. Thomas Terry and others expressed in their paper, have presented their request to have granted and enacted by this Assembly, that they may have Uberty of a towne, and like libertyes (according, to the charter), with other townes in this CoUony, and their reasons showed of their said request of a to-wneship, &c., and the said oaUed Shoreham. 18 130 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. This Assembly have considered the said petition and weighed their reasons, and senceably see a great necessity of the preservation of his Majesties peace more fully than as yett is provided for on the said Block Island, with more conveniency and ease to the said inhabitants, they Uveinge remote and beinge • soe farr in the sea, cannot without great danger and charge accomplish their peace and safety but as aforesaid ; and alsoe consideringe their numbers and quality as thought fitt by this Assembly, for such betrust and fitt to enjoy such liberty. Therefore, bee it enacted and by this Assembly is enacted, that the said Mr. James Sands, Mr. Thomas Terry and the rest of the freemen on record expressed in their said paper read in this Assembly, shall have and hereby have towneship authority and liberties as foUoweth for the preservation of his Majesties peace. The said ffreemen of this his Majesties CoUony (inhabitants of the said Block Island), shaU upon the reception of this act (with aU convenient speed) assemble themselves to gether in some convenient place on said Island, and then and there shaU choose two of the said free men, able and well qualified for the preservation of his Majesties peace ; the said two persons to be elected by the major part of such freemen as shall assemble at the said time and place. And beinge elected (as afore said) , the two persons names shaU be returned to the Governor and Deputy Governor, or either of them (in the absence of the other) , who shaU engage the said two persons elected upon their or either of their appearance, at Newport, or to be required by writt there to appeare, if they appeare not without writt, whose engadgemeht shaU be accordinge to the tenure of the engadgement of other officers, consideringe their offices. And that the said elected and engadged persons shaU be called Wardens ; the first that shaU be elected shaU be called head Warden, and the second elected Deputy Warden. Butt for all future Wardens soe elected shaU have power as foUoweth, -viz., when a new choyce is made of another head Warden immediately he shaU be engadged by the Deputy Warden, and a new D eputy Warden beinge chosen shall be engadged by the head Warden last chosen, by the then election. Soe beinge elected and engadged shaU be impowered as foUoweth, viz : shaU have authority or either of them shaU have authority to send forth -writts in his Majesties name'under their hands, to require the said freemen to meet upon aU just occasions, and elect two for Deputys to sitt in the law makeinge Assembly of this his Majesties CoUony when by wTitt required thereto, and Deputys to sitt in such Assemblys as are mentioned in the pattent and send them thereto ; though by reason of winde, weather and distance by sea, -writts should fayle to be sent to them to require them. And by writt to reqiiire the said freemen to meete four times in the yeare for their said towne affaires, for the makinge of such order or bye lawes as may be needfuU for theire better management of their affaires amonge them selves, accordinge to their constitution not opugninge the laws of his Majesties realme of England, his patent, nor the laws of this CoUoney, agreeable thereto ; and that the said Wardens or one of them require the said freemen to meete for the first of the said four meeteiugs as soone as convenient after they are engaged to theire said office, from which said meetinge shaU begin the said yeare. And at the said first meetinge of the said freemen of the said Island, the major part of them being met shaU elect a Clerke, and shaU provide a book or books: .as need shall require ; and that the said Wardens or either of them in the absence of the other, shaU engage the said Clerke to the faithfuU performance of his office accordinge to the tenure thereof; and that the said Clerke record in the book or books of the acts of the freemen in their towne affaires as to lands and bounds thereof, all publications of marriages to bee returned to him by the pubUshers ; aU marriages, aU births, all burials, all actions, to bee there commenced and the progress thereof. And to make such returns to the Assembly or Court of Tryalls of this CoUony as-need shall require and the law injoyne such Clerks to performe, all and every other thinge pertainioge to the office of the Towne Clerke of this CoUony, though not herein exprest. And that the said freemen (the major part of them met) at the said first Court quarter meetinge, shall elect a Sergeant for the said freemen to meetings by the aforesaid wi-itts, and to searve other writts ; who; shall bee engaged to the faithfull performance of his office accordinge to the tenure thereof, by the said Wardens or one of them. And that the aforesaid freemen (the major part of them met) at the said first quarter meetmge shall elect a Constable or Constables if need require, two or more for the apprehension of the breakers of the peace, wanderinge persons, feUows, and to doe any other thinge appertaininge to the office of a Constable. And that the said freemen at the said meetinge shaU choose thi-ee wise honest men who ShaU be added to the two Wai-dens, for the Town CounciU, to have Uke authority as other Towne Councms have. " PORTSMOUTH. Settled by the English in 1638. GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. representatives. John Sanford wmiam Eaulston John Sanford John Porter , Eichard Borden Eichard Borden John Eoome, WUliam Baulston wmiam Baulston WUliam Baulston WUliam Baulston wmiam Baulston WUUam Baulston wmiam Baulston Wimam Baulston wmiam Baulston WiUiam Baulston, John Sanford wmiam Baulston, Samuel WUbur WUUam Baulston, Samuel Wilbur wmiam Baulston, Samuel WUbur WiUiam Baulston, Samuel WUbur Wimam Baulston, Joshua Coggshall Capt. Morris, John Tripp, George Lawton, WUliam AUny, John Briggs, Samuel WUbur, Jr. WUliam Baulston, Eich'd Bordenj John Eoome, Thos. CorneU, John Briggs, Wm. Hall, John Tripp -Wmiam Baulston, John Eoome, John Tripp, John Briggs, Thomas Lawton, Thomas BrowneU WUUam Baulston, John Eoome, Eichard Borden, PhUip Sherman, WUUam WodeU John Sa'nfnr/I WUliam HaU, John Babcock. ' oantord, wmiam Almey, Eichard Borden, WiUiam Freeborn, John Sanford, John Greene, Edward Greenman Benedict Arnold, William Baulston, John Tripp, Henry Pearcy, John Almy, John Sanford. Benedict Arnold, WUliam Baulston, Eoger WiUiams, Joseph Clarke, Samuel WUbur, John Sanford John Briggs, John Eoome, John Porter, James Babcock. ' ' John Porter, Wmiam HaU, Samuel Wilbur, Lieut. John Albro, Edward Fisher, John Sanford Wm Brenton, Benedict Arnold, Philip Taber, Eichard Morris, WiUiam Baulston. ' wmiam- Baulston, John Eoome, John Briggs, Thomas Bro-n-nell, Lieut. John Albro John Trinn Thomas Lawton, Peter ToUman. ' ^*^' Peter ToUman, William Baulston, John Sanford, Eobert Hazard, Francis Broyton, Thomas Green John Tripp, Samuel Wilbur, Thomas BrowneU, John Briggs. ' , ' Wimam Baulston, John Briggs, John Tripp, Samuel WUbur, Thomas BrowneU, John Sanford WU liam Almy, Lot Strange, WUUam WoodaU, Francis Broyton, Wmiam HaU, Philip Taber ' John Briggs, Thomas BrowneU, Thomas ComeU, Samuel WUbur, Wm. WodeU, Joshua Cosrsshall Lot Strange. Sgojmu, Samuel WUbur, John Briggs, Philip Sherman, John Sanford, George Lawton. John Sanford, "Thomas Lawton, John Albro, John Anthoney. John Card, Joshua Cosrg-'shall -w-,-7i;o,„ WodeU, John Tripp. ^"Sg-nau, WiUiam John Card, WUliam WodeU, Wm. HaU, Eobert Hazard, Phmp Sherman, John Tripp Edward Lav WiUiam HaU, Lieut. John Albro, Joshua Coggshall, John Sanford, John Briggs, John Tripn John Sanford, John Briggs, John Tripp, Lot Strange, Capt. Samuel WUbur, Wmiaih WodSl H O O aW 09 PORTSMOUTH (Continued). 00 Date. 1670167116721673 1674 1675167616771678 1679168016811682 1683168416861686 1687 1688 16S9 169016911692 1693 16941696 1696 GOVERNOR'S ASSISTAN-fS. WUliam Baulston, John Tripp WUUam Baulston, Lieut. John Albro Wimam Baulston, Joshua CoggshaU Joshua CoggshaU, John Tripp Joshua CoggshaU, John Tripp Joshua Coggshall, John Tripp Joshua CoggshaU, Wmiam Codman Samuel WUbur, Capt. John Albro Samuel WUbur, Capt. John Albro Capt. John Albro, John Sanford Capt. John Albro, George Lawton Maj. John Albro, George Lawton wmiam Codman, George Lawton Maj. John Albro, George Lawton Maj. John Albro, George Lawton Maj. John Albro, George Lawton George Lawton, John CoggshaU George Lawton John CoggshaU, George Lawton, Isaac Lawton Eobert Lawton, Henry Brightman Henry Brightman Henry Brightman Joseph Sheffield REPRESENTATIVES. John Tripp, John Sanford, Lieut. John Albro. Thomas ComeU, Joshua CoggshaU, Capt. Samuel ThrrCorS^wJuL'riton^Sn^^^^^^^^ WUliam WodeU, WUliam Hall, Edward Fisher, Anthony Emory, John Sanford, John Tripp, Jonn Anthony, Lieut. WUliam Codman. . t v, o f^,.A -p^ward Fisher AVilliam Hall, WUliam WodeU, wmiam Codman, Eobert Dennie, John Sanford, Edward iisner, Adam Mott, John Borden. John Sanford, Lieut. Wmiam Codman, Ensign Lot Strange, ¦William WodeU. Capt. John Albro, George Lawton, Gideon Freeborn, Wmiam WodeU. John Sanford, Hugh Parsons, Lieut. William Corey, WilUam Wilbur. p„ .,^ „„ George Lawton, Lieut. William Corey, Lieut. Francis Brayton, Lieut. WUliam Codman. George Lawton, WUliam WodeU, Capt. WiUiam Corey, John Borden. Latham Clarke, William WodeU, Peleg Tripp, Arthur Cooke. WUUam Codman, Latham Clarke, Henry Brightman, WUUam WodeU. WilUam WodeU, Major John Albro, Latham Clarke, Thomas Cornell, Thomas Greene, br. WUUam WodeU, Francis Brayton, Caleb Arnold, Eobert Dennis. Latham Clarke, Henry Brightman, John. Coggshall, Joseph Nicholson. wmiam WodeU, John -Coggshall, Peleg Tripp, Eobert Hodgson. Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros. Latham Clarke. George Sisson, Gideon Freeborn, Henry Brightman, Eobert Lawton. Henry Brightman, Latham Clarke, WiUiam CoggshaU, John Keese. John CoggshaU, Joseph Sheffield, WiUiam Corey, Isaac Lawton. woo t-i QO Oizl Capt. Joseph Sheffield - Capt. Joseph Sheffield Capt. Joseph Sheffield Joseph Whipple, Latham Clarke, Isaac Lawton, Eobert Fish, Eobert Lawton. George BrowneU, Benjamin Hall, Isaac Lawton, John Ward. John Borden. PROVIDENCE. Settled by the English in 1636. GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. Eoger WUliams Eoger wmiams Thomas Olney WUliam Field Thomas Olney Thomas Olney Thomas Olney, Thomas Harris Thomas Olney Thomas Olney, William Field Arthur Fenner, Thomas Olney wmiam Field, Eoger Williams wmiam Field, Eoger Williams wmiam Field, WiUiam Harris wmiam Field, Arthur Fenner REPRESENTATIVES. Thomas Olney, Thomas Harris, Wm. Withenden, Hugh Bennett, Eobert Wmiams, Gregory Dexter. Eobert Williams, Thomas Harris, HughBewit, William Wickenden, Thomas Olney, Gregory Dexter. Eobert Williams, Gregory Dexter, Eichard Waterman, Thomas Harris, WUliam Wickenden, Hugh Bewitt, Thomas Hopkins, James Ashton, Thomas Angell, Henry Brown. Gregory Dexter, John Sayles, Arthur Fenner, WUliam Wickenden, Thomas Angell, James Ashton. Thomas Hairis, Gregory Dexter, John Taylor, William Wickenden, John Browne, Henry Bro-wne, Henry Eeddick. Eobert Williams, William Wickenden, Thomas Harris, Arthur Fenner, Eichard Waterman, John Sayles, Eoger Williams!, Thomas Olney, Wmiam Field, Wm. Dyer, James Barker, Mathew West. Eoger Williams, Thomas Olney, WUliam Field, Harris, Waterman, Eoberts, Hugh Benett, John Tripp. Thomas Harris, John Sayles, Henry Bull, Thomas Walwin, Samuel Bennet, Hugh Bewitt, John Smith, Thomas Olney, Wmiam Field. Wimam Carpenter, James Sweet, Edward Enman. Eoger Williams, William Field, Thomas Olney, Eichard Waterman, Eoger Morey, James Ashton. WUliam Field, Thomas Olney, John Sayles, Arthur Fenner, Thomas Hopkins, James Ashton, Eoger Williams, WUliam Carpenter, Zachem Ehodes, John Smith. WUUam Brenton, William Field, Benedict Arnold, Arthur Fenner, Wmiam Carpenter, Thomas Hop kins, William Harris, John Fenner, Joseph Torrey. William Field, WUliam Arnold, Thomas Harris, Sr., Thomas Eoberts, ZacBery Ehodes, James Barker, Eoger WiUiams, Thomas Olney, Joseph Torrey, Philip Taber, John Anthoney. HO o*AI-, Q H SJ OQ 0303 PROVIDENCE (Continued). 03 GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. WUUam Field, Thomas Olney WUUam Field, Eoger WUliams Wimam Field, Eoger WUliams Arther Fenner, WilUam Carpenter Thomas Olney, Sr., William Carpenter Wm. Carpenter, "^Vm. Harris, Arthur Fenner WiUiam Carpenter, Wmiam Harris Wm. Carpenter, Wm. Harris, '1 homas Olney, Jr. ^ Eoger WUUams, Thomas Olney, Wm. Carpenter Eoger Williams, Wmiam Carpenter, Thomas Harris Arthur Fenner, Thomas Harris wmiam Harris, Thomas Harris WiUiam Harris, Thomas Harris, Sr. Thomas Harris wmiam Harris, Capt. Arthur Fenner John Whipple, Jr., Stephen Arnold John Whipple, Jr., Stephen Arnold John Whipple, Jr., Capt. Arthur Fen ner, Stephen Arnold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Stephen Amold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Joseph Jencks REPRESENTATIVES. wmiam Field, Arthur Fenner, Thomas Olney, Thomas Hains, Sr., William Harris, WUliam Car penter, Zachery Ehodes. William Field, Thomas Olney, William Carpenter, Thomas Harris, Arthur Fenner, James Ashton, Zachery Ehodes, WUliam Harris, Edward Thurston, Joseph Torrey, Richard Tew. Gregory Dexter, Zachery Ehodes, John Tlu-ogmorton, William Carpenter, Arthur Fenner, WUliam Wickenden. John Throgmorton, Thomas Olney. John Throgmorton, Wm. Harris, Thos. Harrris, Edw'd Enman, Lt. John Whipple, Wm. Wickenden. Eoger Williams, Thomas Olney, Sr., Stephen Arnold, John Throckmorton, Anthony Evernden, Thomas Hopkins, Shadrach Manton. John Throckmorton, Samuel Bennett, Edward Enman, Nathaniel Waterman, Anthony Everenden, Shadrach Manton. John Sayles, Shadrach Manton, James Barker, John Whipple. John Throgmorton, Thomas Harris, Capt. Arthur Fenner, Thomas Olney, Sr., Thomas Eoberts. Thomas Olney, Sr., John Sayles, Shadrach Manton, Ephraim Carpenter, John Throckmorton, Anthony Everden, Stephen Amold, 'Thomas Clemance, Thomas Eoberts. Arthur Fenner, Thomas Arnol d, Edward Enman, Thomas Hopkins, William Harris. Samuel Eeape, Pardon TUlinghast, Thomas Borden. John Throckmorton, WiUiam Harris, Laura Wilkinson, Anthony Evernden, John Lapham, Wmiam Austin, Thomas Harris, ToUera Harris. John Whipple, Sr., Stephen Arnold, John Sayles, James Barker. ToUeration Harris, Edward Smith, William Austin, Valentine Whitman. Edward Enman, Samuel Bennitt, Thomas Arnold, WUliam Haukins, Jr. Capt. Arthur Fenner, WiUiam Carpenter, Eichard Arnold. John Thornton, Pardon TiUinghast, James Mathewson, Edward Smith. John Whipple, Jr., Eichard Arnold, Nathaniel Waterman, Thomas Harris, Jr. M o CD >Q O o Capt. Arthur Fenner, Eichard Arnold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Eichard Arnold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Eichard Arnold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Eichard Arnold Capt. Arthur Fenner, Eichard Arnold Joseph Jencks Joseph Jencks, Stephen Arnold Joseph Jencks Joseph Jencks, Stephen Arnold Capt.Eichard Arnold, Joseph WiUiams Capt.Eichard Arnold, Joseph Williams Joseph WUliams Thomas Harris, Jr., Edward Smith, Thomas Arnold, John Whipple, Jr. Thomas Field, Thomas Arnold, Thomas Fenner, Alexander Bolcum. Stephen Arnold, John Whipple, Jr., Henry Brown, Epenetus Olney. Stephen Arnold, Sr., Thomas Field, Valentine Whitman, Thomas Harris, Jr. Valentine Whitman, John Whipple, Epenetus Olney, John Angell. Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros. James Barker. Stephen Arnold, Pardon TUlinghast, Lieut. John Dexter, Gideon Cra-wford. Thomas Harris, Samuel Whipple, Thomas Fenner, Joseph Jencks, Jr. Thomas Olney, Eichard Arnold, John Sprague, Lieut. John Dexter. Joseph Williams, Eichard Amold, James AngeU. Jonathan Sprague, Elisha Arnold, John Wilkinson, Peleg Ehodes. Jonathan Sprague, Joseph Jencks, Jr. 1-3 O !2| Q SO WARWICK. Date. GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. REPRESENTATIVES. 1647164816491660 1661 1652 EandaU Holden. John Smith Samuel Gorton James Weeks Samuel Gorton John Smith, Ezekiel Holman, John Warner, Eobert Potter, Christopher Holmes, Peter Green. Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, John Greene, Jr., John Smith, Eobert Potter, Stukely Westcott, Ezekiel Holman, John Townsend, Eichard Townsend, Walter Todd. Ezekiel Holman, Stukely Westcott, John Townsend, Eichard Townsend, Walter Todd, John Greene, Jr., Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, John Smith, John Greene, Sr., EandaU Holden, Eobert Potter. OS Ox WARWICK (Continued). OSOS GOVERNOR'S ASSISTANTS. REPRESENTATIVES . Stukely Westcott EandaU Holden EandaU Holden John Weeks EandaU Holden EandaU Holden EandaU Holden John Greene John Greene John Greene John Greene EandaU Holden, Walter Todd John Greene, EandaU Holden Benjamin Smith, Capt. John Greene Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Smith Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Smith Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Smith Capt. John Greene, James Greene Ezekiel Holman, Stukely Westcott, John Townsend, Walter Todd, Eichard Townsend, John Greene, Jr., Henry Townsend, James Sweet, John Cooke. John Greene, Sr., EandaU Holden, Ezekiel Holman, John Greene, Jr., John Townsend, Eichard Townsend. John Greene, Sr., Stukely Westcott, Ezekiel Holman, John Greene, Jr., Eichard Harcutt, Christo pher Hanxhurst, Eobert Potter, EandaU Holden. John Greene, Sr., Ezekiel Holman, Walter Todd, John Weeks, John Greene, Jr., Samuel Gorton, Eichard Bulgar, John Sanford. John Greene, Sr., EandaU Holden, Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, John Greene, Jr., Walter Todd, Peter Greene. EandaU Holden, Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, John Greene, Jr., Ezekiel Holman, John Smith. EandaU Holden, John Smith, Samuel Gorton, John Greene, Eichard Carder, Eichard Townsend, Ezekiel Holman, James Sweet, Eobert Westcott. EandaU Holden, Samuel Gorton, John Smith, John Greene, John Weeks, Eichard Carder, StuKely Westcott. John Smith, John Weeks, John Greene, James Greene, William Dyer, Sr., Peter Tallman, John Pot ter, Thomas BrowneU. John Smith, John Greene, John Weeks, Samuel Gorton, EandaU Holden, James Greene. John Greene, Samuel Gorton, EandaU Holden, John Weeks, James Greene, Eichard Carder, Walter Todd, Edmund Calverly. John Weeks, Sr., Walter 'Todd, Edmund Calverly, Eichard Carder. Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, E,ichard Carder, Edmund Calverly, James Greene. Samuel Gorton, Capt. EandaU Holden, John Weeks, Edmund Calverly. John Weeks, Eichard Carder, James Greene, Edmimd Caverly, Capt. EandaU Holden, Thomas Greene, John Potter. John Weeks, Eichard Carder, James Greene, Edmund Caverly. Capt. Eandsdl Holden, Eichard Carder, Thomas Greene, Edmund Caverly, Tobias Saunders, James Weeks. Capt. EandaU Holden, James Greene, Eichard Carder, Edmund Caverly, Stephen WUcox, Job Almy, Amos Westcott, Samuel Stafford, Thomas Greene. SI Wo GO oo oo Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Smith Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Smith Walter Todd, Job Almy Job Almy, Samuel Stafford Benjamin Smith, Benjamin Barton Capt. Eand'l Holden, Sam'l Gorton, Jr. Capt. John Greene, Samuel Gorton, Jr. Samuel Gorton, Thomas Greene Capt. Samuel Gorton, Thomas Greene Capt. Sam'l Gorton, Capt. John Greene Capt. Sam'l Gorton, Capt. John Greene Capt. Sam'l Gorton, Capt. John Greene Capt. John Greene, Benjamin Barton Major John Greene, Thomas Greene Samuel Gorton, Benjamin Barton Major John Greene, Samuel Stafford Benjamin Smith, Major John Greene Benjamin Smith Benjamin Smith Benjamin Smith Benjamin Smith Benjamin Barton Benjamin Smith, Benjamin Barton Benjamin Smith, Stukely Westcott, Walter Todd, Eichard Carder, Amos Westcott, John Weeks, Edmund Caverly, Job Almy, EandaU Holden. Capt EandaU Holden, Eichard Gai-der, Thomas Greene, John Potter, John Weeks, James Greene, Eleazer Collins. Capt. Randall Holden, Eichard Carder, James Greene, Edmund Caverly, John Weeks, Benjemin Smith, EUza CoUins, Thomas Stafford. . . Capt. John Greene, James Greene, Thomas Greene, Eichard Carder, Samuel Stafford, Benjamin Smith, John Warner. Capt. EandaU Holden, Capt. John Greene, John Weeks, James Greene. Capt. John Greene. Walter Todd, Thomas Greene, Eliza Collins, John Cardor. Edmund Caverly, Lieut. Benjamin Barton, Samuel Stafford, John Warner. EandaU Holden, Eobert Burdick. Thomas Greene, Benjamin Barton, Moses Lippitt, Knowles. Benjamin Smith, Abiah Carpenter, Samuel Stafford, John Low. Isreal Arnold, John Potter, John Warner. Benjamin Smith, Thomas Greene, Samuel Gorton, Moses Lippitt. James, Greene, Sr., Benjamin Smith, Benjamin Barton, John Warner. EandaU Holden, James Greene, Sr., Capt. Benjamin Gorton, Samuel Stafford. Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros. James Greene, Peter Greene, John Warner, Israel Arnold. Benjamin Barton, Samuel Stafford, Eoger Buriingham, Moses Lippitt. EandaU Holden, Samuel Gorton, Isreal Arnold, Peter Greene, Benjamin Barton, John Carder, James Greene, Jr., EandaU Holden. Peter Greene, James Carder, Moses Lippitt, Thomas Greene, Jr. EandaU Holden, Isreal Arnold, Job Greene, Moses Lippitt. KandaU Holden. iIiCD 138 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. WESTERLY. Incorporated Mat, 1669. Date. Governor's Assistants. REPRESENTATIVES. 1670 Stephen WUcox, John Maxon, John CrandaU. 1671 John CrandaU, Tobias Saunders. 1672 Tobias Sounders, Stephen WUcox. 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 Joseph Jencks. 1680 "Tobias Saunders, Henry Tew, Edward Thurston. 1681 "Tobias Saunders, Jeffrey Champlin. 1682 Jeffrey Champlin, John Babcock. 1683 Tobias Saunders, Eobert Burdick. 1684 Jeffrey Champlin, John Babcock. 1685 Jeffrey Champlin, Eobert Burdick. 1686 Jeffrey Champlin, John Maxon. 16871688 [Govemment interrupted by Sir Edmund Andros.] 1689 John Maxon. 1690 Tobias Saunders,' WUliam Champlin. 1691 Capt. wmiam ChampUn, Henry HaU. 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 Capt. WUUam Champlin, Nicholas CottereU. 1697 Capt. Jeffrey Champlin 1698 Capt Jeffrey Champlin Capt. wmiam Champlin, Joseph Clarke. 1699 Capt. Jeffrey Champlin Capt. WUliam Champlin, Peter CrandaU. 1700 Capt. Jeffrey Champlin Capt. Wm. Champlin, Jos. Clarke, Lt. Peter CrandaU. ACT OP INCOEPOEATION. This Court taking notice of the retume by the Committee to -wit : Mr. John Easton, Mr. Benjamin Smith, James Greene, Edward Smith, Caleb Carr and WUUam Weeden in reference to the petition or desire of the people inhabitting at Musquamacott and Pawcatuoke, in the Kings Province, to be made a to-wneshipp, it being and lying with in this jurisdiction, as by his Majestyes Letters Pattents it may appear, and consider ing the power by his Majestye given to this Assembly to order and settle to-wnes, cityes and corporations, within this said jurisdiction, as shaU seem meet; and seeing there doth alsoe appeare good evidence of the trust and good affection of the said people vnto his Majestyes Government established in this CoUony, and being also sensibeU that the said inhabitants have suffered in much vindicating the same, and are a competent number to carry on the affaires there as in condition of a townesliip. Bee it therefore enacted by this Assembly, and by the authority thereof, that the said in habitants of Musquamcott being seatedadjoyning to Pawcatucke, alias Narragjmsett or Norrogansitt river on the west part, and boundary of this CoUony, and within that part thereof knowne by the name of the King's Pro-vince aforesaid, to -wit : Mr. John CrandaU, Mr. Tobias Sanders, and all such others as now are or hereafter shaU be. legally admitted as freemen and inhabitants in the said place caUed Musquamcott, &c., shall be knowne and called by the name of Westerly, and shall be reputed and deemed the fifth towne in this CoUony ; and shaU have vse and enjoy all such privi- ledges, and exercise all such methods and formes for the weU ordering their towne affaires as any other towne in this CoUony may now vse and exercise ; and they shaU have liberty to elect and send two Deputyes, to sitt and act in. the General Assemblys of this CoUony from time to time, and are enjoyned to choose and send to the General Court of Trialls one grand juryman, and one for the Jury of triarls from time to timp (See pages 250 and 251, Vol. II. E. I. Colonial Eecords.) MILITARY LISTS, 1642—1700. MILITARY OFFICERS. 14 MAJOR COMMANDANTS. While the Militia op the Colont constituted one Regiment. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Cranston Peleg Sanford John Albro Newport NewportPortsmouth April 11, 1679, to May 7, 1679. May 7, 1679, to May 5, 1680. May 5, 1680, to May 2, 1683. While the Militia -were divided into t-wo Regiments. The Island Regiment. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Coggeshall Roger Goulding John Bliss Samuel Cranston Henry Tew Newport NewportNewport NewportNewport May 2, 1683, to May 6, 1685. May 6, 1685, to May 6, 1696, to May 3, 1698. May 3, 1698, to May 1, 1700. May 1, 1700, to May 5, 1702. The Main Land Regiment. Name. Residence. Term of Service. John Greene William Hopkins John Dexter WarwickProvidence May 2, 1683, to May 3, 1698. May 3, 1698, to May 3, 1699. May 3, 1699, to May 1, 1706. MILITIA COMPANIES. Where Located. Eahkof Oflcera. Names of Officers. Date of Commission. Date of Discharge. Cause of Discharge. East Greenwich — , Captains — Lieutenant — Clement Weaver Thomas Fry Samuel Bennett 168 Jamestown— Captains — John Poanes Thomas Paine Lieutenant — Nicholas Carr August 2, 1692 Promotion. Ensigns — Nicholas Carr George Cooke 167 August 2, 1692 August 2, 1692 KingstQ-wn— Captains — Andrew Wmett Edward Greenman Jeffrey Champlain 169 Lieutenant — Thomas Eldridge 169 Ensign — John Eldridge 169 Ne-wport — Captains — Eobert Jeffreys Jeremiah Clarke March 17, 1642 March,. 1644 John Cranston AprU 11, 1676 Promoted to Major. John Greene Eoger Goulding Henry Tew Jeremiah Clarke May 6, 1686 Promoted to Major. May 3, 1699 Promoted to Major. Lieutenants — March 17, 1642 March, 1644 Promoted to Captain. Joseph Torrey 166 Edward Eichmond 167 John Greene 168 1680 Promoted to Captain. John Bliss Thomas Weaver Ensigns — Smith George Gardiner John BUss March 17, 1642 1644 March, 1644 Promoted to Lieut. 168 Promoted to Lieut. James Barker Weston Clarke New Shoreham— Captain — John Sands o o QO § Hi Portsmouth — Providence — Warwick — Westerly — Captains — Lieutenants — Ensigns — Captains — Lieutenants — Captains — Lieutenants — Captains — . Lieutenant — Eichard Morris John Sanford Samuel WUbur John Albro WUliam Corey John Sheffield WiUiam Baulston John Sanford John Albro WUUam Codman Francis Brayton Latham Clarke WUUam Corey Thomas Cornell Lot Strange Thomas Hains Arthur Fenner Eoger WiUiams Andrew Edmunds John Dexter John Whipple John Dexter EandaU Holden John Greene Samuel Gorton Benjamin .Gorton Edmund Calverly Peter Greepe Edmund Calverly Benjamin Barton James Carder Jeffrey Champlin WUUam Champlin James Babcock Peter CrandaU March 17, 1642 166 Sept., 1669 167 1680 March 17, 1642 March, 1644 166 167 167 167 March 17, 1642 Sept. 1669 166 166 167 167 1698 166 169 166 166 May 6, 1680 166167 1680 May 3, 1699 1698 May 1, 1706 May 2, 1683 ,1676 Promoted to Major. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to Major. Promoted to Captain. Promoted to Major. Promoted to Major. Promoted to Captain. 3 OiCD Kf 144 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. Military Laws and Orders. 1647, May. It is ordered that there is free Libertie granted for the free Inhabitants of y= Prov ince (if they wUl) to erect an Artillery Garden, and those that are desirious to ad vance the Art Military, shall have freedom to exercise themselves therein, and to agree of their forme, and choose their ofiicers as they shall agree among themselves. It is ordered, that aU y^ Inhabitants in each Towne shall choose their MUitary Ofiicers from among themselves on the first Tuesday after the 1211 of March; and that eight severall times in the yeare,' the Bands of each plantation or To-wne, shall, openUe in the field be exercised and disciplined by their Commanders and Officers in the months of May, August, January and February excepted ; and on the first Mon day of ye other months, aU the Train Bands to make their personal appearances completely armed, to attend their colors, by 8 o'clock in the Morning, at the second beate of y^ Drum ; and if any appear not they shall forfeit and pay five shUlings into the hands of the Clark of y= Band ; and if any shaU come defective in his Armes or furniture, he shaU forfeit and pay ye sum of twelve pence, after the Town Coimcil have caused him to be supplied ; and that aU men who shaU come and remaine y space of twenty days shaU be Uable to y= injunction of this order ; Pro-fided, herds men, Ughtermen and such as be left of necessity at Farmes, shaU pay two shillings and sixpence for every dayes absence. And that the two Chief officers in each Towne, to witt : one of the Commonweale, and the other of the Band upon the exhibition of the complaint by y" Clark (which shall be -within three dayes after the fault commit ted), shall judge and determine of y^^ reasons of the excuses who upon the hearing thereof shall determine -whether every such person shaU pay five shiUings, two shU lings and six pence, or nothing ; and according as they find any defective, shall give their warrants to y= Clark to distrane their Goods if they shall refuse to pay what is ordered. And if the Clarke shaU neglect to gather up what is ordered, he shaU forfeit and pay so much into the hands of the Captain, the next training day. And that aU the fines and forfeitures shall be employed to the use and service of the Band. And the Towne CouncUs shall have power to cause those which are defective in armes to be supplied in an equal way according to estate and strength. And if any of y^ Traine Band after his appearance shaU refuse or neglect the command of his Captain, to be exercised and disciplined he shaU forfeit as much as if he had not appeared. And that the Town CouncU shall order the power of the MUitary Officers within the Towne, and in all cases of concerne y= -whole the President and y« foure assistants, and ye Captains of every Band shall be the Councm of Warr; that if any of the Officers of y» Band be at any time left out they shall beare Armes again for y« Constitution of our place wiU not beare the contrary ; that every Inhabitant of the Island above sixteen or under sixty yeares of age shaU always be provided of a Musket, one pound of powder, twenty bullets, and two fadom of Match, with sword, rest, bandaleers aU completely furnished. It is ordered, that ia regai-d of y= many incursions that we are subject vnto, and that an Alarum for y" giving notice thereof is necessary when occassion is offered. It is agreed that this form be observed, Vidg't : Three Muskets distinctly discharged, and a Ilerauld appointed to go speedilie threw the Towne and crie Alarum ! Alarum ! ; and the Drum beate incessantly upon which all to repair (upon forfeiture as the Town CounciU shall order) unto the Town House ther to receive information of the Town Councill what is farther to be done. It is ordered and agreed that if any person or persons shaU seU, give, deliver or any otherwayes convey any ppwder, shott, lead, gunn, pistoll, sword, dagger, halberd or pike to the Indians that are or may prove offensive to this Colonic, or any member thereof, he or they, for the first offence shaU forfeit ye sum of five pounds ; and for his second offence, offending in the same kind, and being lawfully convicted, shaU forfeit ten pounds ; half to the State, and half to him that wm sew for it, and no wager of Law by any means to be allowed to the offender. And it is further ordered, that if any person shaU mend or repaire their Guns or he shall forfeit the same penaltie. MILITARY ORDERS. 145 1650, May 234. It is ordered that Captaine Richard Morris, George Blisse, James Badcock, Peter Busserole, Wmiam Havens and Gabriel Hick, all excuses sett aparte shall mende and make aU lockes, stockes and pieces that by order from the warden of each Towne shaU be from any of the inhabitants thearof presented to them, for a just and suitable satisfaction in hand payed without delay under the penaltie of ten pounds, to be levied by distraint from the head officer to the use of the sayd Towne's mUittia. It is ordered that aU men that have gunns and pieces to mend, and have need to have them mended for their present defence, shall forthwith according to order carrie those pieces to mende upon paine of forferting ten shmings a piece, which shall be levied by distraint from the head officer of the Towne to the use of the sayed Towne's mmtia. The Towne of Providence shall have in its magazine one barreU of good powder, five hundred pounds of leade, six pikes, and six muskets aU in good case and fit for service. The To-wne of Portsmouth shaU have in- its magazine two barreUs of good powder, one thousand weight of leade, twelve pikes and eighteen muskets, aU in good case and fit for service. The Towne of Newport shall have in its magazine three barreUs of good powder, one thousand weight of leade, twelve pikes and twentie foure muskets all in good case and fit for service. The Towne of Warwick shaU have in its magazine one barreU of good powder, five hundred weight of leade, six pikes and six muskets aU in good case and fitt for ser vice ; and aU these magazines shaU be thus compleately furnished by the last day of the month caUed August next ensuinge, under the penaltie of ten pounds sterling for each default therein, upon sufficient information of ^ the default by virtue of a warrant from under the President's hande, the Generall Sarjeant shaU take it by distraint and forthwith retume it into the publicke Treasurie. 1665, May. The Assembly taking into consideration the great defect in training, occasioned by the remissnes of some vnder the pretence of the burden of training soe often as eight dayes in the yeare, and other complaining of the great inequality in that the poorest being. vnable to spare wherewith to maintaine armes and amunition, as powder, &c., yett are forced by law to beare armes as weU as the most able ; to redresse which grevances it is enacted and declared that the sixe dayes only in the yeare be ordered, and are hearby ordered for the mmtary exercise in training, which shall be dUligently atten ded to in each respective towne upon penalty that each Captain or in his absence the Leftenant of each towne shaU be fined in case he call not the listed souldiers together by warrant, to make choyce of Captaine and other officers milletary, (at such time and in some sort as it is by a law made May 4*, 1664, it is provided) the summe of ten pound stearUng to the GeneraU Treasury, to be by law recovered by the said Treasurer for the CoUony ; as alsoe fortye shiUings for each defect in calling the said company together to traine on each of the training dayes hereafter appointed, or refusing then to exercise them in training; and the dayes prefired for the exercise of training are yearly to be the last Monday in May, the iirst Monday in September, the first Monday in November, the last Monday in March and the last Monday in AprUl. And for the incouradgement of the meaner sort, there shaU be allowed yearly nine shiUings in currant pay to or for each soldiare listed in the traine band, to be duely payed and discounted yearly by the Clarke or Treasurer of the traine band at the Captain's dis cretion for the repairing of armes, &c. ; and the said nine shUlings yearly to be payed and cleared by or before the last Monday in March, and delivered or ordered to such parents and masters as find armes and amunition (as they must doe) for their sones and sarvants that are Ustable, which are to be listed and to traine ; as alsoe to such house holders or other men that find themselves armes and traine in their owne per- sones ; which aU men from sixteene years of age to sixtye yeares old are hearby required to doe both masters, parents, sones, sarvents, and others, excepting such as are in publicke office or are by former lawes exempted ; and for every defecte in not duely attending the trainings, each one listed soe deficient, shaU for every dayes defect pay three shmings fliie, to be levied by distraint on the party es goods, or on the goods of the master or mistress or parents of such sones or sarvents as are defec tive ; and to the end the fines may be levied more certainly, the same course is to be taken to take the same as was ordered for the former fines in the said law made the 4tt of May, 1664, and retumed to the Clarke of the band for suply of dmmes, collers and holbords, &c., at the discretion of the Captaine, Leftenant and Ensigne for the 20 14(5 RHODE ISLAND COLONY. company; and that care be taken to gather all former fines ; as alsoe the judging of other defects in that sort to be left to the CounseU, &o., as by the said law of May 4*, 1664, is expressed, and for the raysing the aforesaid allowance of nine shmings a yeare for each souldier that is or shaU be listed, each towne shaU in a towne meeting yearly before the first Munday in November, ehooae a convenient number of men, and authorize them to make a rate vpon each one ratable within the precinckes of the towne with as much equality as may be according to each ones estate therein being ; and shaU take care for the levying of the same by distraint in case of none paying, that in time appointed by such as the m^jiatrates in each tonTie shaU be by warrant authorized to gather the same with five shUUngs on the pound over and above for distraining, to be for the vse of hee or they that distraine it, and the sum soe dis trained to be retumed to the Clarke at or before the five and twentyeth day of December, yearly; and the order for apprizing, redeeming and selling distringesses, and returning the overpulse to the first o-wnera formerly in vie to be observed by sueh as distraine as alsoe offesetting with or for each persone the nine shillings before allowed in case there be in the pertickelar rate soe much as and what either rate is short is to be made vp and payed to each or for each person as abovesaid. And as for choosing the Captaine and other military officers, every one that ia eighteene yeares old or more, and hath taken the oath or engagement of alegiance shall vote if they please therein though not freemen, intending only the officers soe chosen are only for the military exercise of training, there be power by the Charter with the Generall Assembly, or in the intervaUs of the Gencsrall Assembly, then vrith tlie Governor and CounseU, &c., in extreordinary oases to take care of and order the mUitia as they find necessary for defence and safetye of the whole eoUony. And the aforesaid order, however diSering from former lawes or orders of this Col« lony oonseaming training or wherein it doth differ is to be observed and confirmed by the authority of this Assembly, any law or clause in any former law to the contrary hearof notwithstanding ; alwayes provided, that other rules in the former law of May the 4'ii; &c., not contrary to this present law shaU be observed. 1667, Whereas the Generall Assembly, sittijig in July last past, and taking into their serious considaration the necessity of raysing a troope of horse in Ehode Island, did then by the power of the Charter granted to this CoUony by his sacred Majesty, enact, order and betrust the Governor and CounciU of the sayd Island to raise a troope of horse ; in pursuance of which authority and order the Governor and CounciU meet ing vpon the 24«» of July last past, did conceive it to bee most requisitt to lay the foundation in a voluntary way and therefore by the power committed to them did nominate, choose and appoint Mr. Peleg Sanford, Captaine of the troope to be so raysed, and Mr. John Almye, Lieftenant, who were to give notice for their assembUng and incorporating into such a body, and to make their appearance before the Gover nor and CounciU, this present lO* of August, 1667. Then appeared before the Govenor by and vnder (authoritie of) the Captain, Mr. Peleg Sanford and Lt. Mr. John Almy, who were deputed and appointed the comman ders of the troope of horse vpon the Island, and the commanders being chosen by the Governor and CounciU according to the GeneraU Assembly's act and the Charters * J j"'''' ^^^ ^^^ underwritten do subscribe as in obediente to the foresayd authority and do approve of the choyce of our Captoine and Liefbanant to the fuU as vritness our hands. These foUowing listed themselves : The Governor, a horse, furniture and rider. Mr. Baulston, the like James Barber, Jr., , Mr. Samuel WUbur, the like John Easton, Jr, Mr. Wm. Eeape, the Uke WiUiam Smyton, Henry Dyre, Francis Brayton, John Sanford, Wm. Briggs, Joseph Holdes, David Leake, NatW Johnson, Hugh Parsons, Ealph Earle, Sr., Thomas Briggs, Joseph WeUington. SamueU Albro, The commission granted to the Captaine and Leiftenant of the troope. To Mr. Peleg Sanford; You being chosen Captaine of the troope of horse in this Hand, caUed Ehode Island, in the Oollony of Ehode Island and Pravidenee Plantations, MILITARY ORDERS. 147 by the Governor and Councill, according to the Charter and Generall Court order, and being accepted by the full approbation of the troop appearing before the Governor and Councm the 10* of August, 1667 ; These are therefore in his Majestys name Charlej the 2d, King of England, Scotland, ffraunce and Ireland, with the dominions and ter ritories thereto belonging, do require you and alsoe impower you to mannage and dis cipline the sayd troope according to your best skiU and understanding ; at and vpon such dayes and times as you shall think fitt or find expedient not exceedinge six times in the yeare, except extraordinary occasion shall present, and then by order from the Governor or Governor and Councm, you and your troope to be in readiness also if invasion or endanger of surprize by his Majestyes enemyes, bee or likely to bee, you are forthwith to mount your troope, and give your vtmost abiUtie and strength to defend, make resistance and oppose ; and alwayes and at all times, especiaUy in time of danger, to be attent and observante of such orders, directions and instructions, as you shaU receive from the Governor or Governor and CouncUl; and in so doing this shaU be your sufficient warrant and dischsirge as to aU and singular the premises, Given vnder our hands, -with scale of the CouncUl, this lO"" of August, 1667. William Bbenton, Govenor. William Baulston, Assistant. William Eeape, Assistant. Samuel Willbuke, Assistant. The Uke commission was by the Governor and CouncUl -vnder the hands and scale of the Councm, to Mr. John Ahnye, as Lieftenant to Captaine Peleg Sanford, of the troope, thus and as aforesaid rayzed joyntly by the Hand caUed Rhode Island. Arthur Fenner, Assistant, John Greene, Assistant. 1669, August 26tt. The Councm takeing into consideration an information formerly ^ven -ynto them by Mr. Wmiam Baulston, GeneraU Assistant, that there are noe mUitary officers chosen for the towne of Portsmouth, by reason of the decease of the late Captaine ; and alsoe foreseeing of what consequence it is, that prouision bee forthwith made in that behalfe, especially considering the present fears of the country; doe therefore order and ordaine that the said Mr. Wmiam Baulston, Assistant, bee heerby required and authorized to issue out warrants vnder his hand, directed to such person or per- ' sons as hee shaU thinke fitt to warne aU persons of the towne of Portsmouth that are capable to vote in the election of mUitary officers to appeare at the vsual place in the said to-wne on the first Munday in September next, at nine of the clock in the moming, then and there to make choice of their said officers accordingly ; and Mr. Baulston is alsoe desired to signifie -vnto the said towne that the Councm doe hope and expect that they vriU proceed to the said choice, or otherwayes they wUl force the Councm to impose officers -vpon them which they eamestly desire they may not bee constrained to doe ; and a copy of this order -yndei the scale of the Councill shaU bee Mr. Baulston's warrant in this behalfe. PROFESSIONAL LISTS. 1636—1700. PROFESSIONAL MEN. 151 CLEEGYMEN. Name of Town. Name of Clergyman. -When Settled. When Dismissed. Cause of Dis missal, or Place of Removal. Ne-wport — New Shoreham — Providence — Eobert Lenthal John Clarke Lockyer Samuel iNUes Eoger Williams Wm. Blackstone 1640 about 1698 March, 1700 1636 1683 May 26, 1675 Braintree.Death. Death. Note. — Lenthal and Lockyer were Episcopal Clergymen, and Clarke a Baptist. A Quaker meeting was established at Newport in or before 1676, and that form of worship had existed there from about 1643. A second Baptist church was organized in 1656. wmiam Blackstone resided within the limits of Plymouth Colony, but the proof is reasonably conclusive that for a time he preached in Providence, E. I. PHYSICIANS. Where Located. Name. Term pf Practice. Newport — New Shoreham — John Clarke John Cranston Sarah Sands From 16 . ., to Death, AprU 20, 1676. March, 1664, to Death, March 12, 1680. March, 1664. Wheras the Court have taken notice of the great blessing of God on the good en- devers of Captayne John Cranston of Newport, both in phissicke and chirgery, to the great comfort of such as have had occasion to prove his skUl and practice, &c. The Court doe therfore vnanimously enacte and declare that the said Captayne John Cranston is lycenced and commistioned to adminester phissicke and practice chirur- gery throughout this whole CoUony, and is by this Court styled and recorded Doctor of phissicke and chirurgery, by the authority of this CoUony. — Rhode Island Colonial Records. Vol, m. p. 33. CORRECTIONS. Page 11. Daniel Cole, instead of Daniel " Doane " was Town Clerk of Eastham 1676 to 1703. Page 94. In 2d line under the cut, for " July " read August 8. Page 119. Cranston's term of service as Governor ended March 12, 1680, instead of " May 5.*' Page 141. Cranston's term of service as Major began April 11, 1676, instead of" 1679." INDEX Abbott, 75, 102 Abell, 28. 3S, S7, 107 Adams, it, 33, 45, 76 Addey, 78 Advard, 74 Aimes (Ames), 40, 42, S3, 75 Albro, 124, 125, 131, 132, 141, 143, 146 Alden, 4, 41, 42, 43, 53, 54, 71, 75, 90, US Allen, 8, 9, 12, 17, 19. 27, 28, 35, 40, 41, 47, 52, 53, 73, 74, 88, 99, 107 AUerton, 4 Almy, 131, 136, 137,146,147 Andrews (Andrew), 31, 36, 42, 63, 75, 111, 125 Andros, 3, 6, 11, &c. Angell, 133, 135 Angier, 111 Annable, 8, 51, S2, 73, 88 Anthoney, 131, 132, 133 Armitage, 12 Armstrong, 76 Arnold, 43, 46, 54, 71, 73, 111, 1)2, 119, 124-l-.!8, 131, 133-135 137 Ashton, 133, 134 Atkins, 10, 18, 76 Atwood, 4,48, 76 Austin, 36, 134 Awashouks, 93 Babbett, .36 Babcock, 131, 1.38, 143, 44S Bacon,4, 8, 9, 17,22,40,73 Bagley, 107 Bailey, 26 Baker, 15,17,20,71,76,112 Balloo, 124 Bangs, 10, 11, 18, 21, 56, 68, 76 Bantum, 105 Barber, 146 Barden, 76 Barker, 9, 43, 44, S3, 54, SS, S9 76, 95, 99, 113, 120, 126, 127, 128, 13.3, 134, 135, 142 Barlow, 12, 13 Barnes, .30, 60, 56, 57, 59, 76, 84, 12i, 124 Barrel!, 69 Barrett, 62, 75 Barstow, 62, 58, 59, 98, 99 Bartlett, 42, 43, 50, 57, 60, 71, 76 Barton, 137, 113 Bartrum, 33 Bassett, 4, 13-15, 20, 21, 40-42, 63, 75, 105, 108 Batty, 124 Baulston, 131, 132, 143, 145, 147 Bayley, 127 Beamont, 74 Beare, 55, 76 Bearse, 17, 73 Bease, 44 Bedle, 44, SS, 60 Beetes, 73 Bennett, 47, 123, 133, 134, 142 Bent, 45 Berry, 74 Besbeech, 41 Bessey, 19, 73 Bewyt (Bewitt), 12, 121, 133 Biddle, 53, 76, 84 Biel, 76 Billington, 76, 84 Bird, 58 Bisbee, 45, 46, SS, S8, 60, 74 Bishop, 54, 76 Blacke, 13, 73 Blackmer, /S, Blackmore, 68 Blackstone, ISl BlackweU, 13, 19 Blagrove, 33 Bletsoe, 24 Blinman, 112 Bliss, 29, 34, 35, 127, 141, 142, 145 Blossom, 73 Blush, 8, 9, 17, 73 Boardman, 15, 19, 73, 84 Bobbett, 7S Bodfish, 19, 73 Bolcum, 136 Bonney, 41, 63, 54, 75 Bonum, 57, 76 Boomer, 26 Booth, 58 Borden, 121, 131-134 Boreman, 73, 74 Bosworth, 30, 33, 35 Bourne, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19,44, 45, 46, 55, 68, 60, 73, 76, 98, 99 Bowen, 27, 30, 34, 35 Bower, 48 Bradford, 3, 4, 6, 42, 44, 50, 53, 56, 67, 72, 73, 76, 97 Branch, 45 Brayton, 132, 143, 146 Brazeel, 107 Brelles, 74 Brenton, 119, 120, 126, 131,147 Brett, 40, 41, 63, 75, 98 Brewster, 6, 41, 43, 53, 54, 75, 84, Brick, 76 Bridges, 101 Briggs, 19, 25, 33, 34, 51, 52, 58, 74, 13), 146 Bright, 107 Brightman, 124, 132 Brindley, 127 Brooks,' 28, 29, 30, 35, 52, 5S, S8, 70,76 Brough, 76 Brown, 4, 11, 28, 30, 34, 3S, 70, 75. 76, 85, 90, 96, 124, 133, 136 Bcownell, 27, 34, 70, 131, 133, 136 Broyton, 131 Bryan, 75, 76 Bryant, 20, 36, 42, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, SS, 74 Buck, 51, S2, 71, 101 Buekland, 27 Buckley, 75 Buett, 19 Bulgar, 122, 136 Bulkley, 112 Bull, 119,121,125-128, 133 Bullock, 29, 38 Bumpus, 46, 75 Bundy, 76, 88 Burdick, 137, 138 Bulge, 96 Burgess, 12, 13, 19, 20, 73, 88 Buriingham, 137 Burmen, 17 Burne, 44 Burrows, 44, 88 BurseU, 20, 74 Bursley, 8, 73 Burstall, 74 Burt, 31, .36, .38 Burton, 23, 24 Busserole^ 145 Butler, 19, 73, 99 Butterworth, 28, 34, 35, 38, 107 Byfield, 23, 24, 33, 69, 102, 113 Byram, 40, 41, 53 Byrd, SI, 74 Callee, 107 Calverly, 121, 122, 124, 136, 137, 143 Card, 127, 131 Carder, 136, 137, 143 C&>r£C 107 Carey' 24, 33, 37, 40, 41, S3 Carner, 45 Carpenter, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38, 107, 133, 134, 137 Carr, 119, )21, 125-)28, 138, 142 Carver, 3, 6, 55, 75 Case, 31, 36, 75, 127 Casely, 8 Casley, 73 Caswell, 75 ChadweU, 13, 19, 73 Chaffee, 29, 30, 3S Chambers, 61, 58, 74, 75 Champlain (Champlin), 138,142, 143 Chandler, 41, 43, 64, 75, 88 Chapman, 76 Chase, 14, 20, 26, 34, 74, 88 Chauncey, 74, 112, 113 Checkett, 51 * Chichester, 75 ChUd, 17 Chillingsworth, 44, 55, 75 Chipman, 9, )7 Chittenden, 51, 52, 69, 60^ 72, 74, 93, 97, 98 Church, 23, 24, 26, 27, 37, 42, 62, 63, 66, 70, 76, 84, 103, 105 Churchell (Churohm), SO, 76 Clapp, 51, S2 Clarke, 3, 20, 42, 49, 50, 53, 64, 56, 57, 73, 76, 76, 84, 88, 101, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 138, 142, 143, 161 Clay, 74 Clausen, 26 Clemance, 134 Clemes, 74 Clifton, 34, 127 154 INDEX. Clough, 84 Cobb, 8, 21, 22, 36, 47, 73, 88 Coddington, 119, 120, )26-128 Codman, 132, 143 Coggen (Ooggiii), 73, 76, 88 Coggshall, H9, 120, 121, 126, 127, 131, 13-i, )4) Cole, 10, 14, 18, 21, 30, 35, 48, 66, 57, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 84, 89, 152 Coleman, 61,74, 99 CoUamore, 44, 61, 52, 58, 74 Collier,4,5, 6,69, 85, 87 Collins, 137 Combe, 30, 49, 67 Combs, 47, 59 Cooke, 10, 11, 17, )S, 2), 26, .37, 48, 49, 66, 75, 76, 84, 88, 111, 136, 142 Coop, 8 Cooper, 8, 27-29, 34, 35, 73, Corbett, 24, .33 Corey, 132, 143 Cornell, 25, 131, 132,143 CottereU, 1:|8 Cotton, 111, 112 CoveU, 76 Cowdall, 127 Crabtree, .35 CrandaU, Hi, )26, 1.38, 143 Cranston, )19, 120, 122, 126, 127, 141, 112, )5I, 162 Crawford, 135 Crips, 76 Crispe, 10, 17 Crocker, 8, 9, 17, 21, 45, 66, 73, 88 Crosby, 111 Crossman, .36, 99, 107 Crow, 14, 20, 49, 50,67, 74,76 Crucker, 46 Cudworth, 3, 4, 8, 61, 68, 60, 72, 73, 74, 96 97, 100, 102 Cupowo, 107 Curtis, 33, 51, 52, 58, 74, 107 Cushing, 39, 62, 58, 60, 108, 112, 1)3 Cushman, 50, 66, 67, 74, 76 Cutbert, 76, 88 Damon, (Daman), 60, 52, 58, 60 74, 101 Darbie. 20 Danforth, 111-113 Davis, 8,-17,-73, 74, 107 Deane, 31, .32 36, 76, 99 Delano (Delenoi, 25, 43, 64, 70, 75,84 Dennie, 1.32 Dennis, 20, 22, 74, 132 Derby, 74 Deveil, 124 Dexter, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, -69, 96- 119, 133, 134. 135, 14), 143 DUUngham, )3, )9, 69, 73 Dimmock, 8, 9, 17, 20^ 68, 73, 86, Dingley, 19,44,45, 55, 75 Doane, )0, 11, 17, )8, 2), 22, 48, 59, 76, )62 Doggett, 24, 27, 28, 35, 38, 46, 46, 65, eo- Doten, 50,57 Dotey (Doty), 68, 76 Doughey, 45 Doughtey, 58 Draton, 75 Dungin, 123, 124 Dunham, 10, 39, 47-SO, 56, 67, 76 Dunn, )27 Dunster, 112 DuvoU, 27 DweUy, 68, 101 Dyre, 120, 126, 127, 133, 146 Dyse, 124 Eames, 40, 44-46, 53, 60, 72, 93 Earle,26,.33, .34, )46 Easton, )19-)22 ,)26-)28, 138,146 Eaton, 76 Eddenden, 5), 59, 74 Eddy, 30, 36, 66, 76, )07 Kdge, 74 Kd-on, 40, 41, 63, 98 Edwards, 76 Edmonds, )05, 143 Eldred, 15, 20, 76 Eldridge, )42 EUis, )9, 21, 67, 68, 73, 107 Elraea (Elms), 61, 58 El.-e, 74 Emory, 132 Enman, 1.33, ).34 Knsign, 52, 54,68, 74 Estabrook, 30, 36 Evans, 76 Evernden, )34 EweU, 17, 51, 73, 84 Falland, 14, 74 FaUon,20 FaUoweU, 49, 66, 76 Farneseed, 75 FarweU, 75 . Faunce, 60, 67, 76 Peak, 12, 73 Fenner, 133-135, 143, 147 Field, 40, 41, 133-135 Finney, 8, 9, )7, 48, 49, 56, 57, 60, 76 Fish. 13, 19, 7.3, 1.33 Fisher, 107, )31, 132 Fitch, 28, 29, .34 Fitzrandle, 73 ITlaune, 74 Foanes, 126, 142 Ford, 24, 33, 46, 46, 66, 72, 75 Fo.«t6r, 45, 46, 51, 55, 58, 74, 84, 88,1)3 FoxweU, 73, 88 Freeborn, 13), )32 - , Freeman, 4, 6, 10-14, 18, )9, 22. 08,73,85,94,98 Fry, )21, 123, 124, 142 Fuller, 4, 17, 28, 29, 36, 47„51, 68, 74,76, 86. 93-^, 88, 99,,)12, 1)3 Gage, 20 '' Gallup {Gallop), 36, 75, 107 Gannett, 62, 53, 68,' 69, 74, 76 Gardiner, 26, 34, 108, 125, 126, 142 Garden, 107 Garratt jGarrett), 74, 101 Gaunt, 12, 22, 73 Gibbs, )3, 19, 69, 73 Gilbert, 31, 32, 36, 74, 75 Gilson, 84 Gingeli, 75 Glass, 43, 64,74,76 Godfrey, 76 Goodspeed, 73 Goole, 75 Gorame, 89, 107 Gorham, 9, 16, 17, 20, 33, 44,76 Gorton, 84, 124, 13S, 136, 137, 143 Gorum, 96, 97 Gould, 126-128 Goulder, 76 Goulding, 141, 14z Grant, i» Grause, 74 Gray,49, 50,56, 57, 74, 76 Greene, 76, 92, 120, 122, 126-127, 131, 132, 136-)38, 141-143, 147 ' Greenfield, 73, 88 Greenman, 126, 127, 131, 142 Griffin, 124, 126 Grome, 76 Hack, 107 Hadaway, 75 Haile, 75, 88 Hilik-stowe, 75 Hains, )3+, ]43 Hall, f, )6, )6. 20, 31, 32, .36, 53, 73, 75, 88, 107, 13), 132, 133, )38 HiiUctt, )3, 15, 16, 17, 20, 68, 74 Halley, 108 Hamlen (Hamblin), 8, 17, 73 Hammond, 12, 13, 15,68,74 Hanburv, 76, 89 Hanford, 74 Hanxhurst, 136 Harcutt, 136 Harding, )0, 75 Harlow, 43, 49, 50, 66, 57, 60 Harman, 76,88 HaiTis, 63, fiO, 75, 122, 133-136 Hart. 75, )07, )27 Hartub, 76 Harvey, 3), .32, .36, 38, 75, 95, 98, 99 Haskins, )07 Husleton, 125 Hatch, 21, 6), 62, 58, 68, 73, 74, 88, 101 Hathaway, 25, 26, 32-.34, 37 Hatherly, 4, 60, 84, 85, 90, 91 Havens, 124, 145 Uaviland, 126 Hawes, )4-16, 20, 22, 41, 63, 69, 98 Hawkins, 124, 134 Hayden, 7.i Hayman, 24 Hayward, 26, 30, 35, 39, 40-42, 63, 69, 00, 71, 74-76, 84 Hazard, 131, 132 Head, U6, 27 Heath, 1-23, 124 Hedge, )4-)0, 68, 94 Hewitt, 45, 99 Hews, 6). 68, 74 Hicks (Hick), 10, 25, 49, 76, 145 Higgins, 10, I), )8, 68, 76 Higginson, )0, )8 HiU, 84, 88 Hillier, 75 Hillyerd, 107 Hinckley, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 17, 22, 73, 98, 102, ))3 Hix, )8, 33, 38 Hoar, )4, 3), 32, 36, 74, 75, 92, 93, 1)3 Hodges, 3), 32, 36, 75, 76, 88 Hodgson, )32 Holbrook, 52 Holden, )2), 124, 135-1.37, 143 Holdes, 146 HoUett, 5) HoUoway, 19, 36,'75, 76, 84, 107 Holly, 12, 19, 73 Holman, 76, 84, 135, 136 Holmes (Holme), 34, 43, 45,46, 54, 67, 72, 74, 76, 84, 11-2, 121, 126-128, 136 Hooke, D) Hopkins, 4, 17, 18, 76, 84, 133, )34, )4) Hoskins, 47, 76 House, 60 Howell, 76 Howes (Howe) 14-16, 20, 22, 68, 74,98 Howland, 4, 17, 24, 26, 37,45,47- 60, 63, 64, 66, 57, 69, 68, 69, 75, 76, 84, 98 Huckens, 8, 9, 17, 21, 22, 73, 93, 96,98 Hudson, 54 HuU, 8, 9, 14,74, 125 Hunt, 27-29, 34, 35, .38, 42, 63, 54, 70, 71, 75, 95 Hunter, 105 Hussey, 75 Hust (Hurst), 48, 66, 76 Hyland, 74 INDEX. 155 Ide, 34, .35 Ingra'iam, 33, 35 Irish, 34, 47, 75, 84 Jackson, 49, 50, 67, 60, 73, 101 Jacob, 107 Jeckewot, 107 Jeffl-ey (.letlreys), 126, 142 Jencks, 134, 1.35, 138 Jenine, 125 Jenkine. 76 Jenkins, 17-19, 48, 51, 62, 58-60, 74, 71), 84, 88, 98, 99 Jeniiey,4, 48, 57, 76, 84 Johnson, 5), 68, 73, 88, 146 Jones, 33, 35, 76, 88, 99, 107 Jordan (Jordon), 57, 76 Joyce, 14, 15, 20, 74 Keane, 65 Keese, ]--t2 Keine, 45 Keith. 49, 1)2 Kempton, 48, 49, 51, 68, 74, 76 Kendrick, 28, 34, 35, 74 Kennerick, 51, 84 Kent, 25 Ker'.y, 73, 76 King, 26, 4), 46, 62, 58, 74, 76 Kniip (Knapp), 32, 76, 121, 124, 126 Knott, 12 Knowles, 18, 76, 92, 124, 137 Lapham, 74, 134 Larkin, 126 Lathnm. 40, 44, 53, 76 Launder, 19, 73, 76 Lawrence, 75, 76 Lawton, 131-133 Laj , 124, 131 Leach. 53 Leake,J46^ -Lee, 76.J. Lenn^, 75 Lenthal, ISf Leonard, 23, 32, 108 Letticf (Lettis), 49, 57, 76 Leverett, 92 Leverick, 1)1 Lewis (Lewes), 8, 17, 30, 33, 35, 51, S8, 73, 74, 76 Lillje, 76, 88, 124 Lincon, 99 Lindall, 75 Linnett, 73 Lippitt, 137 Litchfield, 73 Little, 46, 46, 55, 72, 76, 102, 104, 107, 108 Lockyer, )51 Long, 124 Lotli.-op (Laythrop), 4, 7-9, 17, 21. 22, 40, 63, 68, 73, 98, 99, 107, 108 111 Low, 137 Lucas, 50, 107 Lumbert (Lumberd), 9, 17, 21, 68, 73, 88 Lumpkin, 14, 20, 74 Luse, 74 Luther, 30, 35, 70, 107 Lytherland, 120, 126 Kacarty, '124 Macey, 23, 31, 32, 36,70, 71, 75 Macomber, 36, 45, 46; SS, 60, 75 Makepeace, 26', 34 MaUett, 121 Mann, 35 Mant(*n, 134 Marchant, 14j 60 Marlow, 49 Martin,27, 30, 34,35 .37, 71, 95, Martindale, 128 Mason, 74, 124 Mathews, )4, )6, 20, 74 Mathewson, 123, 134 Maxon, 138 Mayfield, 36 Maynard, .63. 75 Mayo, )0, )8, 73, 111 .Mead, 33 McndaU, 84 Meredith, 107 Merrick, )8, 22, 42, 53, 54, 76 Merritt, 51, 68, 60, 74 Mighill, 112 MiUer, )5, )6. 20-22, 28, 34,35,47, 66,98, )1) Mitchell, 25, 53, 54, 70, 75 Moate, 88 , Moore, 74 More, 14 Morey, 125, 1.33 Morris, 131, 143, 145 Morse, 126 Morton, 3, .39, 47-60, 56, 57, 59, 60, 72, 76, 93, 97, 98 Moses, 61) Mote, 74 Mott, 132 Mowry, 124 Mulford, 11 AluUins, 7o Mumford, 125 Murphy, 59 Myles, 111 Naighbore, 9 Nash, 5, .".3, 7), 75, 84, 86, 88, 89 Nelson, 47, 66, 76 New, 128 . ewland, 12, 19, 21, 68, 91, 107 Newman, '28, 34, 35, 38, 111 Nichols, 52, 73, 123, 124 Nicholson, 74, 132 Nickerson, 16, 20 NUes, 161 Ninnegrett, 93 Nolman, 99 Norcutt, 74 , Norman, 74 Northcoate, 88 Northy, 99 Nye, 13, 19 Oldham, 43, 75] Oliver, 24 Olney, 133-135 Ormsbee (Ornisby), 29, 107 Otis, 52 Packard, 69, 71 Packer, 40, 63 Paddock, 30. 48, 76 . Paddy, 48, 56, 76, 84, 91 Pagett, 36 Pakes, 74 Palmer, 14, 20, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34, ~\ 74, 85, 88 Parker, 9, 31, 37, 61, 60, 74, 76, 121, 124, 127 Parsons, 1.32, 148 Partridge, 41, 43, 63, 64, 76, 112, 121 Paul, .36, 37, 75 Paybodie, 23, 42, 43, 60 Payne, 10, 1), )4, )8, 27-29, 33-35, ¦ 37, 74, 98, )42 iPeabodie, 26, 54, 76 Peakes, 62, 68 Pearce (Pearse), 73; ?4, 76, )23, I 124 IPearcy, )31 peckham, 124, 128 iPeirce (Peirse), 52, 54, 58, 69,75, ' 95 98 Beck, 23, 28, 29, 34, 36, 70, 107 Pelham, 6 Pellum, 34 Perram, 28 Perrin, 28, 34, 35 Perry, ):!, 19, 28, 35, 52, 68, 74, 75, )07 Petcoek (Titcock), 5), 58 Phillips, .'iO, 45, 65, 76, 84, 107 Pincen, 52 Pinchen, 61 I'ittnev, 76 Pitts, .3), .36,76 Pococke, )22 Poole, 31, 70, 76, 90 Vqpi, 23, 26, 33, 48, 56, 70, 76, 84 Porter, )31 Potter, 127, )36, )36, 137 Powell, 4H, 56, 75 " Pratt, 48, 67, 80, 76 Prence, 3, 4, 6, 76, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90 Presbury, 73 Presland, 84 Price, 107 Prichett, 74 Prior, 76 Prowtey, 101 PuUen, 24 Pumshot, 107 Purchase, 3), 7), 75 Purdaine, 37 Pursnall, 13 Putle, 76 Pynchon, 58 Pynson, 74 Querk, 107 Ramsden, 76 Ranee, 99 Randall, 68, 74 Ransom, 67 Rathbone, 129 Raulins (Rawlins) , 61, 68, 74 Raymond, 1-29 Read (Keade), 28-29, 34, 35, 37, 51, 74, 76, 127 Reape, 127, 134, 146, 147 Bedway ( Keadway) , 34 Reddick, 133 Redding, 84 Remington, )24 Renell, 76 Rew, 36, 37, "6 ReynoMs, 24, 33, 69 Reynor, 78, )12 Rhodes, ),33, )34 Ricard, 66 Richard, 49 Richmond, 26, 27, 32, 36, 37, 70, 98, 122, )-24, 127, 142 Rickard, 49, 60, 69 Rickett, 48, 66, 76 Rider, 20, 22, 67, 74, 88' Ring, 48, 60, 56, 57, 76' Ripley, 107 Robbius, 76 Roberts, 18, 75, 76, ISB', 13* Robinson, 8, 11, 17, 21, 22,24, 33, 36, 51, 68, 74, 84, 88, 107' Rodman, 127 Rogers, 10, 24, 33, 37, 41, 42, 44, 45, 63, 64, 68, n, 76, iSl, 122, 127 Ronam, 107 Roome, 131 Rousci 27, 34,44,45, 66, 76, 99 Rowley, 8, 17, 73 Royle, 76 Rubary, 127 Kussell, 25, .33, 43, 44, 51, 62, 54, 73, 74, 76y 88-, 111 Ryder, 15, 69 Sabine, 27-29, 34, 35, lOf 156 INDEX. SafBn, 24, 33, 104, 1)3 Salisbury, 35 Sampson, 33, 42, 43, 53, 64, 60, 76,84 Sands, 129, )30, 142, 151 Sanford, 70, 102, ))9-)24, 126, 127, 131, 132, 141, )43, 146, 147 Sattley, 51 Saunders, 29, 33, 76, 88, 136, 138 Saunderson, 73 Savage, 16 Savery, 76 Sawyer, 45 Saxton, 112 Sayles, 133, 134 Scudder, )7, 73 Seabury, 42, 43, 64, 1)3 Sears, )5, )6, 20, 69, 74 Sedgwicke, 92 Severance, 20 Seward, 75, Sharp, 34 Shaw, )7, 25, 38, 54, 67, 73, 76, Sheffield, 128, 132, 133, 143 SheUey, 8, 73 ' Sheperson, 107 Shercliffe, 76 Sherman, 33, 45, 46, 63-55, 75, 76, 120, )3) Shove, ))1 Shreeve, 76 Shurtley, 49 Shurtliff, 60, 56 Sillis, 61, 58, 59 Silvester, 44, 46, 52, 55, 68,59, 72, 107 Simmons, 34, 37, 43, 54, 76 Sisson, 25, 33, )32 Skiff (Skeff), 7, )2, 13, 19, 21, 22 73, 104, 108 Slocum, 36, 75, 125 SmaUey, )0, )8, 76 Smith, 4, )0, )7, 24, 27-29, 3)-.34, .36-38, 70, 73, 76, 92, 98, 99, 105, )07, )08, D), ))2, 119, 122, 126-)28, )33, )36-138, 142 Smyton, 132, )46 SneU, 40 - Snow, 10, 11, IS, 22, 44-46, 55, 66, 60, 68, 76, 98, 107 Soule, 25, 41,42,53,54, 76,84, 108 Souther, 3, 76, 86 Southerne, 84 Southwood, 7& Southworth, 4,26, 41-43, 49, 50, 53, 56, 57, 59, 70-72, 75, 92, 94, 98, 105 Sparrow, 7, 10, 11, 18, 22, 48, 56, 57, 60, 68, 76, 95, 98, 102, 104 Spencer, 123, 124 Spooner, 33, 66, 76 Sprague,3, 39, 42, 45, 46, 53-55, 59, 76, )08, 136 Stacy, 36, 75 Stafford, 1.37 Standish, 4, 41-43, 63, 64, 71, 72, 76, 84-87, 90-93, 98 Stanford, 30 Stanton, 128 Starr, 63, 74, 76, 113 Stedman, 61, 74 Stephen, 73 Stetson (Studson), 51, 62, 58, 72, 74, 93, 97, 98, 100, 105, 107 Stevens, 32 Steward, 18 Stookbridge, 51, 62, 68, 74, 10), 102 Stockman, 58 Stoer, 33 Straight, 125 Strange, )24, 131,1.32,143 Street, 75, 111 Strong, 36 Stronge, 31, 75' Sturgis, 14-16, 20, 21, 74 Sturtevant, 49, 60, 66, 76 Sutton, 51,62,68, 72, 74 Sweet, )26, )33, 136 Swift, 13, 19, 2), 73 Symkins, 73, 74, 88 Symons, 74 Taber, 14, 26, 33, 69, 131 Taft, 33 Talbutt, 102 Tallman, 122, 136 Tanner, .30, 36 Tarte, 74 Taylor, 16, 20, 22, 74, 133 Temple, 74 Templar, 14, 17, 20 Terry, 26, 70, 129, 1.30 Tew, 126, 127, )34, 138, 141, 142 Thacher, 14-16, 20-22, 42, 43, 68, 74, 85, 88, 104 Thomas, 4, 39, 44-47, 55, 66, 69, 7), 72, 75, 84-86, 98, 107 Thompson, 9, 17, 47, 48, 66, 76, 88, 95, )08 Thornton, 38, 1)), )34 Thrasher, 38, 75 Throckmorton, 134 Thurston, 34, 76, 127, 128, 134, 138 Thurburrow, 30, 33, 35 Throop, 17, 24, 33 Ticknor, 52, 68 Tilden, 32, 44, 62, 66, 58, 72, 74 TUl, 74 Tilly, 73, 74, 76 Tillson, 67, 76 TUton, 74 Tinkham, 47, SO, 56, 67, 76 TUUnghast, 128, 134, 135 Timberlake, 126 Tisdale (TisdaU), 26, 31, 32, 34, 36, 41, 75, 94 Titus, 27-29, 34, 35 Tobey, 13„19, 22, 98 Tocry, 34 Todd, 135-137 Tollman, 137 Tom, 107 Tompkins, 40, 75 Torrey, 61, 52, 60, 72, 107, 120, 122, 126! 1-^7, 133, 134, 142 Toute, 74, 88 Townsend, 121, 135, 136 Tracy, 4)-43, 54, 71 Traintor, 107 Trask, 107 Treat, )11 Tripp, 26, 3), 70, 131-133 Trouant, 44, 53, 75 Trumble, 75 Tubbs, 43, 54, 76, 84 Tucker, 33 TueUs, 107 Tupper, 12-14, 19, 22, 68, 73 Turner, 12, 19, 36, 51-63, 58, 60, 73-76, 88, 101, 113, 122, 128 Tutusk, 107 Twiney, 10 Twining, 18, 74, 88 Umpatune, 107 Updike, 125 VassaU, 72, 74, 85 Vaughn, 44, 47, 66, 59, 123-12S Vernon, 125 VinaU, 62, 58 Vincent, 12, 13, IS Vinton, 40 Vixon, 10, 18 Vobes, 42, 43, S3, 75 Wade, 52, 74 Wadfleld, 74 WadUoue, 74 Wadsworth, 41-43,53, 54, 75 Waldron, 33, 112 Walker, 11, 18, 22, 24, 27-29, 31- 38, 76, 76, 92, 93, 98, 100, 108 Wall, 107 Walley, 4, 21, 23, 24, 69, 71, 102, 104, )07, 1)1 Walwin, 133 Ward, 121, 127, 133 Warden, 37 Warner, 1.35, 1.37 Warren, 47, 49, 50, 66, 57, 76, 98 Washburn, 41, 42, 63, 64, 76, 88 Wasunks, 107 Waterman, 44, 46, 56, 60, 76, 133, 134 Watson', 49, 60, 66, 67, 76, 92, 125 Way, 27 Weaver, 123, 124, 128, 142 Webb, 35 Weedan, 126-128, 1:18 Weeks, 135-137 Wellington, )46 Wells, 17, 73 West, 35, 42, 44, 54, 55, 75, 88, ).33 Westcott, 136-137 Weston, 63, 54, 75 Wheaton, 35 Wheeden, 30 Wheildon, 74, 88 Whelding, 20 Whilden, 20 Whipple, 1.33-135, 143 Whistons, 74 Whitcomb (Whetcom), 61, 74 White, 6, )2, 14, 20, 32, 44, 46, 51, 62, 65, 72, 74, 84, 86 Whitman, 134, 1.35 Whitney, 48, 49, 76 Wickenden, )33, 134 Wickson, 48 Wickum, 107 WUbore (WUbur), 3), 32, 36-38, 124, 131, 132, 143, 146, 147 Wilcox, .33, 136, )38 WUkinson, 134, 135 Willard, 74 WUlett, 4, 48, 56, 72, 76, 91, 95, 125, 142 WUliams, 18, 31, 32, 36, 61, 52, 64, 58, 72, 74-76, 84, 119, 120, 122, 129,1131, 133-135, )43, )51 WiUiamson, 44, 65, 59 WiUis, 12, 19, 32, 36, 40, S3, 58, 60, 73, 75, 84, 88, 99 Wills, 74 WUmarth, 70 WUmott, 35 WUson, 75 Wing, 13, )4, 19,20,73 Winman, 76 Winslow, 3, 4, 6, 26, 34, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 56, 56, 60, 71, 72, 75, 76, 84, 85, 87, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99 Winsor, 73 Winter, 45, 66, 74 WiswaU, 112 Withenden, 133 Witherden, 74 WithereU ( WethereU), 31, 32, 36- 38, 68, 74, 76, 94, 96, 112 Wixon, 56, 76 WodeU, 131, 1.32 Wood, )0, 12, 14, 18, 19, 26, 30, 47, 66, 73, 76, 124, 127, 128 Woodbridge, 111 Woodbury, 33 Woodcock, 34, .37 Woodman, 121, 127 Woodward, 58 Woodworth, 74, 101 Worden, 74 Wormall, 61, 54 Wright, 19, 21, 49, 73, 76, 91 Wyatt, 31, 36, 38, 71, 75 Wybome, 74 Toung, 10, 76, 92 3 9002 00522 6700