,£tve m YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HISTORY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. 1630-1877. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. LUCIUS E. PAIGE. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. NEW YORK: HURD AND HOUGHTON. Cambr%e : CCJe RtDersiTie Press. 1877. Copyrioht, 1877, By LUCIUS R. PAIGE. Ln ^^-' i -^ The Rtrergjde Press, Cambridge : Printed by H. O. Houghton and Company. To THE MEMBERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AND OP THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, (Efjfe SMume IS DEDICATED BY ITS AUTHOR, THEIR ASSOCIATE. PREFACE. In collecting materials for a History of Cambridge, I exam ined first its Municipal Records, which are continuous from the beginning, but generally brief, and its Registry of Births and Deaths, which, during the second hundred years after the founda tion of the town, is very defective. To supply what was lack ing, I consulted such printed authorities as were accessible, together with the manuscript Records and Archives of the Com monwealth, of the judicial courts, and of several counties, cities, towns, churches, and libraries. My thanks are due to all the custodians of such books, and records, and archives, for their uniform courtesy and kindness. I have also obtained many genealogical details from the Church Record of Baptisms and Burials, from Probate Records and Files, from inscriptions on gravestones, and from funeral sermons, and newspapers. After the expenditure of much time and labor, however, I am conscious of many deficiencies. It will be seen that the Genealogical Register is chiefly con fined to the families who dwelt in Cambridge before the year 1700, — the descendants of such as remained here being traced down to a recent period. A very few families are included who became residents at a later date ; but these form the exception, not the rule. So also in regard to the History, comparatively few recent events are mentioned. It would be impracticable, in a single volume, to include with our ancient annals everything which those who are now living have witnessed, and to trace the genealogy of all our nearly fifty thousand inhabitants. A line must be drawn somewhere ; but whether I have drawn it in the most proper place, there may be various opinions. vi PREFACE. Moreover, the reader may be disappointed because he finds so little concerning Harvard College, and the military occupation of Cambridge, at the commencement of the Revolutionary War ; but the facts stated on pages 365 (notej and 408 are believed to justify the omission. The almost entire absence of legendary lore may be regretted ; but it should be considered, that while it may have been my misfortune, it was not my fault, that I was not born in Cambridge, and that I had no opportunity in the first thirty years of my life to gather the local traditions, which so deeply impress the youthful mind, and which tinge the facts of history with such a brilliant, though often a deceptive light. If lack of vigor and sprightliness be regarded as a serious fault of style, I may plead in extenuation, that although many of my materials were gathered long ago, I was obliged by other engage ments, literary as well as secular, to postpone their final arrange ment for publication, until impaired health and the infirmities of age became uncomfortably manifest. LUCIUS R. PAIGE. Cambridge, March, 1S77. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. General description of the town, its several additions and diminutions of territory 1-5 CHAPTER II. The New Town selected as fit for a fortified place. General aoreement to erect houses. Several Assistants fail to do so. Controversy be tween Dudley and Winthrop. Earliest inhabitants. Canal. Pali sade. Arrival of the Braintree Company. Common Pales. Division of lands. Highways 6-16 CHAPTER III. First Constable appointed. Deputies to the first General Court. Monthly meeting. No houses to be erected without permission, nor outside of the town. All houses to be covered with slate or boards, not with thatch, and to " range even." Trees not to be cut down and left in the highways. Cartway. Windmill-hill. Timber not to be sold out of the town. First Constable elected. Surveyor of high ways. Lots not improved to revert to the town. First Townsmen or Selectmen. Surveyors of lands 17-22 CHAPTER IV. Prosperity of the New Town. Magistrates. Courts. Dissatisfaction. John Pratt. Straitness for want of land. Exploration of other places. Debates and division in the General Court. The town ac cepts enlargement offered by Boston and Watertown. Removal to Hartford. Supposed personal rivalry. Names of early inhabitants. . 23-33 CHAPTER V. Arrival of Shepard's Company, and some of their names. New Mu nicipal Officers. New division of lands. Monthly meetings. Ferry. Lectures. Cow Common. Goats. Herd of cows. Weir for taking alewives. Herd on the south side of the river. Herd of swine. Fowls not permitted to enter gardens. Cartway to the weir. Pound. Stumps. Neither houses nor lands to be sold or let, without consent of the Townsmen. Strangers not to be harbored. Grant of land to viii CONTENTS. the Drummer. Fort Hill. Grant of land at Vine Brook. Swine to be yoked and ringed. Apple trees and other quickset to be pre served from damage by goats. Births, marriages, and burials to be recorded. Farms granted. Grant of money by the General Court for a College. Organization of the militia. The College to be at New Town. Marshal General. The New Town named Cambridge. Printing-press. Bond of Stephen Daye to Jose Glover 34-45 CHAPTER VI. Contemplated removal to Weathersfield, Conn. Letter from Winthrop to Hooker. Letter from Hooker to Shepard. Depreciation in the value of property. Danger of general bankruptcy. Reasons for re moving. Sir Henry Vane. Grant of Shawshine to Cambridge. Re moval of John Haynes. Death of Roger Harlakenden. Arrival of Herbert Pelham. Town Spring. Restrictions on the cutting of trees. Field-drivers, Commissioners to end small causes, Clerk of the Market, and Sealer of Leather, first elected. Calves impounded. Eight-penny ordinary for Townsmen. Penalty for absence from monthly meetings. Prosecution for trespass in the Great Swamp. Fence-viewers first elected. Remission of tax on account of sickness. Chimneys to be swept every month and ladders to be kept ready for reaching the roofs of houses. Orchard. Wharf. Division of Shaw shine lands. Incorporation of Billerica 46-62 CHAPTER VII. Change of Government in England. Cromwell desires to colonize Ja maica, and emplojrs Daniel Gookin as special agent. Letters from Gookin to Secretary Thurloe. Death of Cromwell. Whalley and Goffe, two of the late King's iudges, visit Cambridge. Fragment of Goffe's Journal. The General Court appoints a Committee, to re port concerning " The due observance of obedience and fidelity unto the authority of England, and our own just privileges." Report of Committee. Instructions to the "Messengers" sent to England. Qualified oath of allegiance offered by Gookin and Danforth. The Messengers to England return with a letter from the King, promising to confirm the privileges of the people, but requiring sundry changes in their laws. Day of thank-giving appointed. Reply of the General Court to the King's letter. Commissioners appointed by the Kinw to enforce obedience. Cambridge sustains the General Court in their controversy with the Commissioners. Edward Randolph, the " arch enemy of the colony." The Charter abrogated, and Sir Edmund Andros appointed Governor of New England 63-78 CHAPTER VIII. The inhabitants on the south side of the river obtain parochial privi leges. Their petition for incorporation as a separate town. Elab orate and vigorous protest by the Selectmen of Cambridge. After long delay, Newton is incorporated, under the administration of Andros. Ship-building in Cambridge. Unruly dogf. Wolf. Drain- CONTENTS. ix ing of a pond in the centre of the town. Stone wall between Cam bridge and Watertown. Committee to inspect families, and to prevent improper practices. Encroachment on fishing rights in Menotomy River. Fish Officers 79-98 CHAPTER IX. President Dudley assumes the government. Protest of the General Court. Arrival of Governor Andros. Danforth's description of the public distress. Arbitrary proceedings of Andros. Titles to land de clared invalid. Memorial of John Gibson and George Willis. Pro ceedings on petition of Edward Randolph for a grant of Lind in Cam bridge. Death of Major-gen. Gookin. Revolution in England. Governor Andros deposed and imprisoned with several of his adhe rents. The old Magistrates reinstated. A new house of Deputies elected. The inhabitants of Cambridge request the old Officers to re sume the government, and pledge life and fortune for their help and assistance. Letters of Thomas Danforth to Gov. Hinkley and to In crease Mather. Danforth omitted from the Council by Mather, but reinstated by the General Court ; appointed Judge of the Superior Court, but not of that special Court which tried and condemned the unfortunate persons suspected of witchcraft. Death of Deputy Gov ernor Danforth. Cambridge Deputies 99-118 CHAPTER X. Petition of the " Farmers " for incorporation. Reply of Cambridge Selectmen. Parochial privileges granted. Harmony not interrupted. Incorporation of Lexington. Culler of Bricks. County Treasurers. Bounty for killing wolves. Salary of Treasurers and Jurors. Mar shal General. Road to Connecticut. Governor Shute's visit to Cambridge. Double voting. Small-pox. Strangers not to be ad mitted. Dogs. Gratuity to a proposed physician refused. Col. John Vassall's honors and disappointments. Throat distemper. Repre sentatives to the General Court required to serve gratuitously. Part of Watertown annexed to Cambridge. Bear shot. Fire-engine. Bills of Mortality. Funeral customs 119-135 CHAPTER XI. American Revolution. Resolves by the General Court. Action of Cambridge in Town Meeting. Riots in Boston. Cambridge disap proves riots, and at first refuses, but afterwards consents, that com pensation be made from the public treasury. Representative in structed to oppose the election of any person to the Council who already held office of emolument under the Government ; and to have the people admitted to hear the debates of the House. Duties im posed on tea and other articles. Action of the General Court and its dissolution. Convention of Delegates. Committees of Correspondence. Action of the Town, and instruction to Representative. Report con cerning cmevances. Response to Boston by the Committee of Corre spondence. Town meeting ; earnest protest against the importation of x CONTENTS. tea, as an encroachment upon political righta, and denunciation of all offenders and their abettors as public enemies. Destruction of tea in Boston Harbor. Boston Port Bill. Donations to Boston. Coun cillors appointed by mandamus. Powder removed from the Magazine. Concourse of people in Cambridge. Resignation of Judge Dan forth, Judge Lee, and Col. Oliver. Sheriff Phips promises that he will not act officially under the new establishment. Gen. Brattle's letter and explanation. Provincial Congress. Preparations for re sistance by force of arms. Cambridge pledges persons and estates to maintain a Declaration of Independence. Privations during the War. New General Court organized. Constitution of 1778 rejected. Constitutional Convention meets at Cambridge. Constitution adopted. Shays' Rebellion. Letter from the disaffected, and reply. Consti tution of the United States approved. Loyalists or Tories, de scribed by Madam Riedesel ; their estates confiscated ; proposition to permit their return ; Cambridge objects, and instructs its Repre sentatives ... 136-172 CHAPTER XII. Land-holders in Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. Royal Make peace. Improvements after the construction of West Boston Bridge. Streets and Dikes. Estate of Leonard Jarvis thrown upon the mar ket. Andrew Bordman sells freely, and others sparingly. Daven port & Makepeace among the most active operators. Turnpikes. Cambridge established as a Port of Delivery. Canals. School-houses. Meeting-house. Andrew Craigie becomes owner of almost the whole territory now called East Cambridge. Canal (or Craigie's) Bridge. Lechmere Point Corporation. Court House and Jail. Incorpora tion of Brighton and West Cambridge. Embargo. War with Eng land. Address by the Town to President Jefferson, and his reply. Further action of the Town. Public rejoicing at the return of peace 173-194 CHAPTER XIII. Great Bridge, and the various methods adopted for its maintenance. West Boston Bridge. Canal (or Craigie's) Bridge. Prison Point Bridge. River Street Bridge. Western Avenue Bridge. Brook- line Bridge. All the Bridges become free. Public Avenues. Sharp contest in regard to Mount Auburn and Cambridge Streets. Im portant legal principle first established in the trial and decision of this contest 195-209 CHAPTER XIV. Shire-town of Middlesex. Half shires. Records removed to Charles- town ; the General Court orders their return. Removal and return of the Registry of Deeds. Court houses. House of Correction and Jail. Place of Execution, or " Gallows Lot." Negro woman burned at the stake. Support of the Poor. Almshouses. Ordinaries, or Taverns ; committed to the charge of the most grave and discreet CONTENTS. xi men. Blue Anchor. Samuel Gibson fined for unlawfully entertain ing Students. Innholders and Retailers during a century. Petitions of Edmund Angier and John Stedman. Memorial of President Dun- ster on behalf of Mrs. Bradish. Prices established. Market Places. Market house. Burial places. Common ; contest concerning its enclosure. Town House. Athenieum, converted into a City Hall- Sectional rivalry and jealousy. Petition for a division of the town ; rejected by the General Court. Unsuccessful attempt to remove dif ficulties. Petition for a City Charter. A new petition for division interposed, which, like another presented nine years later, was un successful. City Charter granted and accepted 210-246 CHAPTER XV. First Meeting-house. Rev. Thomas Hooker and Rev. Samuel Stone. First Church organized. Removal to Hartford. Rev. Thomas Shepard. Another " First Church " organized. Newell's "Church Gathering." McKenzie's "Historical Lectures." Roger Harlak- enden. Shepard's reasons for removing to New England. Mrs. Shepard's admission to the Church, and her death. Confessions of candidates for Church membership. Contributions and expendi tures. Rev. John Phillips. Death of Mr. Shepard. Synods at Cam bridge. Second Meeting-house. Rev. Jonathan Mitchell ; in many respects "Matchless." Sibley's " Harvard Graduates." Financial records. Salary. Seating of the Meeting-house. Reputed heresy of President Dunster. Death of Mr. Mitchell, and the place of his burial. Care of the youth. Parsonage erected, and bill of expenses. Rev. Urian Oakes ; expense of his ordination. Almsdeeds of the Church. Labors, trials, and death of Mr. Oakes. Intense political and religious excitement. Address by the " Freemen of Cambridge" to the General Court, against universal toleration. Sermon of Mr. Oakes on the same subject. Rev. Nathaniel Gookin and Elders Clark and Stone ordained, with bill of expenses. Quiet ministry and death of Mr. Gookin. Salary of Pastors at different periods. Church or ganized at the Farms. Ordination of Rev. William Brattle ; his min istry and death. Third Meeting-house. Extraordinary snow-storm. Election of Rev. Nathaniel Appleton. Parsonage rebuilt. Enlarge ment of Meeting-house. Church organized at Menotomy. Fourth Meeting-house. Rev. George Whitefield. Church organized on the south side of the river. The prolonged and valuable services of Dr. Appleton recognized by Harvard College ; his death. Installation of Rev. Timothy Hilliard, and his death, after a short ministry. In stallation of Rev. Abiel Holmes. Theological controversy, resulting in the disruption of the Church. Results of Councils. Shepard Con gregational Society organized. Ordination of Rev. Nehemiah Adams as Colleague Pastor. Dismission and death of Dr. Holmes. Meet ing-house. Dismission of Mr. Adams. Rev. John A. Albro, D. D., and Rev. Alexander McKenzie. New Meeting-house. Ordination of Rev. William Newell : his long and peaceful ministry and resig nation. Meeting-house. Ordination of Rev. Francis G. Peabody. Rulino- Elders. Deacons 247-306 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. Christ Church. Cambridgeport Parish. University Church. First Baptist. First Universalist. Second Universalist. First Methodist. Third Congregational. Second Baptist. First Evangelical Congre gational. Second Evangelical Congregational. Evangelical (East Cambridge). St. Peter's (Episcopal). St. John's. Harvard Street Methodist. Old Cambridge Baptist. Lee Street. St. Peter's (Cath olic). Third Universalist. North Cambridge Baptist. North Ave nue Congregational. Pilgrim Congregational. Broadway Baptist. Free Church of St. James. Methodist Episcopal (Old Cambridge). St. Mary's. St. John's Memorial. Chapel Congregational. Cottage Street Methodist. St. Paul's. Church of the Sacred Heart. As cension Church. Charles River Baptist 307-343 CHAPTER XVTI. Antinomians. Baptists. Quakers. Elizabeth Hooton and other dis turbers of the peace. Benanuel Bowers, and his family. Witchcraft. Rebecca Jacobs. Petition of Rebecca Fox. Mrs. Kendall. A man troubled by cats or the devil. Winifred Holman, and her daughter Mary Holman. Testimony. Verdict 344-364 CHAPTER XVIII. Education. Harvard College. Grammar School. Elijah Corlett. In dian Students. Corlett's letter of thanks to the County Court. Nicholas Fessenden, Jr. William Fessenden, Jr. Samuel Danforth. Veterans now in service. Agreement for erecting a school-house. Allowance to Mr. Dunster and his heirs. Schools of lower grade. Schools established in Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. School- houses in 1845, 1850, and 1876. School Committee. School dis tricts. Graded schools. Hopkins school. Salaries of teachers at different periods 365-381 CHAPTER XIX. Indians. Squa Sachem. Tribe near Mystic Pond. Indian titles pur chased. Fence to secure the Indians' corn. Cutshamakin. Waban, and Indians at Nonantum. The apostle Eliot's labors ; assisted by his son, Rev. John Eliot, Jr., and by Rev. Daniel Gookin, Jr. Town of Natick. Eliot's mission extended to other tribes. Missions to the heathen emphatically commenced in Cambridge. Partial successes. Attempts to educate the Indians. Dunster's account of expenses for one year. Daniel Gookin actively engaged in the Indian work from the beginning ; appointed Ruler and Superintendent of all the friendly Indians ; record of one of his courts. Philip's War. Prejudice against all the Indians ; many imprisoned on Deer Island. Gookin and Dan forth friendly to the Indians ; savage attacks on them, and on the Rev. Mr. Eliot. 382-395 CONTENTS. xm CHAPTER XX. Military organization. Expedition against Gorton. Narragansett War. Energetic services of Major Gookin. Reasons why old men of sixty years are not to train. Long service of Capt. Samuel Green. Sol diers in the Wars from 1690 to 1740; Old French War, 1744 to 1748; French War, 1753 to 1763. Memorial of Capt. William Angier. Gen. William Brattle. Troop of Cavalry. War of the Revolution: Rolls of Cambridge soldiers in the Battle of Lexington. Some events during that conflict. More persons killed in Cambridge than elsewhere. Monument in memory of the slain. Capt. Samuel Whittemore desperately wounded. Damage to property. Troops stationed in Cambridge. College buildings used for barracks. Hos pitals established. Battle of Bunker Hill. Col. Thomas Gardner. Arrival of General Washington. Head-quarters. Military Works in Cambridge. Disposition of the troops. Military operations. Evac uation of Boston. Difficulty in obtaining military stores. Gen. Bur- goyne's troops. Cambridge Officers and Soldiers engaged in the Rev olutionary War. War of 1812. Cambridge not enthusiastic in its favor. Light Infantry. War of the Rebellion. Cambridge organ izes the first military company for the defence of the Union ; Roll of that company. Richmond surrendered to a Cambridge Officer. Officers and Soldiers furnished by Cambridge during the War. Sol diers' Monument erected by the City ; names inscribed thereon. Nearly forty-six hundred men, about one sixth part of the entire pop ulation of Cambridge, rendered active service in this internecine con flict 396-438 CHAPTER XXI. Valuation in 1647. Rate list in 1688. Census in 1777. Valuation in 1781. List of Voters in 1822. Census at intervals from 1765 to 1875. Number of Polls, Valuation, rate and amount of Tax, and amount of the City Debt, in each year from the incorporation ofthe City in 1846 to 1875. Census in 1875. Vice-president of the United States. Gov ernors. Deputy or Lieutenant-governors. Assistants. Councillors. Senators. Representatives. Selectmen. Assessors. Town Clerks. Town Treasurers. Mayors. Aldermen. Presidents of the Common Council. Members of the Common Council. City Clerks. City Treasurers. Clerks of the Common Council 439-475 GENEALOGIES 477 KET TO THE PLAN OF "CAMBRIDGE IN 1635," Indicating the owners and occupants of the several lots, in 1635, and in 1642. supposed to have been homesteads, unless otherwise designated. All are No. In 1635. In 1642. 1 William Westwood.1 Public Lot 2 James Olmstead. Edward Goffe. 3 William Pantry^ Harvard College.1 4 Rev. Thomas Hooker. Rev. Thomas Shepard. 5 John White.3 Richard Champney.3 6 John Clark.3 Thomas BeaL3 ¦ 7 William Wadsworth.8 Samuel Shepard.* 8 John White. Thomas Danforth. 9 John Hopkins.3 Mark Pierce. 10 John White.3 Edward Collins. 11 William Goodwin. Samuel Shepard. 12 John Steele. Robert Bradish. 13 William Wadsworth. Richard Champney. 14 Widow Esther Muzzey. Henry Dunster.4 15 Daniel Abbott. Francis Moore. 16 Daniel Abbott. John Russell. 17 Thomas Heate. Thomas Marrett 18 Christopher Cane. William Towne. 19 Nathaniel Hancock. Nathaniel Hancock. 20 George Steele. Edward Goffe.4 21 Edward Stebbins. Nathan Aldus. 22 Timothy Stanley. William French. 23 Jonas Austin. Katherine Haddon. 24 John Hopkins. Edmund Angier. 25 Thomas Beale. Thomas Beale. 26 Rev. Samuel Stone. Nathaniel Sparhawk. 27 Simon Bradstreet, Esq. Herbert Pelham, Esq.4 28 Abraham Morrill. Thomas Skidmore. 29 Samuel Greenhill. Turges. 30 John Pratt. Widow Elizabeth Isaac. 31 William Spencer. John Stedman. 32 Thomas Spencer. William Dickson. 33 John Haynes, Esq. Henry Dunster. 1 " Forfeited ; " afterwards called "Watch-hoose Hill;" site of the Meet ing-house from 1650 to 1833. stead, 2 Uncertain whether then occupied hy a house or not 3 Vacant lot 4 House, but apparently not a home- xvi KEY TO THE PLAN OF "CAMBRIDGE IN 1635. No. In 1635. In 1642. 34 " Market Place." - " Market Place." 35 James Ensign. Edward Goffe.2 36 Rev. Samuel Stone.3 Nathaniel Sparhawk.3 37 Widow Isabel Sackett. Robert Stedman. 38 Matthew Allen. Thomas Chesholme. 89 Meeting-house. Meeting-house. 40 Samuel Dudley. Robert Sanders. 41 AVilliam Andrews. Hezekiah Usher. 42 William Lewis. John Bridge. 43 . George Stocking. William Manning. 44 Nicholas Olmstead.8 John French. 45 Joseph Reading. Joseph Cooke. 46 Stephen Hart. Joseph Cooke. 47 Nathaniel Richards. Joseph Cooke. 48 William Westwood. John Betts. 49 Dolor Davis.8 Edward Mitchelson. 50 John Bridge. William Andrews. 51 Thomas Fisher. Edward Shepard. 52 John Benjamin.3 John Betts.2 53 John Benjamin.3 - • ; ¦• Edward Shepard.3 54 John Benjamin.8 Moses Payne. 55 Thomas Dudley, Esq. Herbert Pelham, Esq. 56 Matthew Allen.2 William Cutter. 57 Humphrey Vincent. John Moore. 58 Daniel Patrick. Joseph Cooke.2 59 Richard Lord.3 Herbert Pelhamr Esq. 60 Matthew Allen.3 George Cooke. ¦ 61 Edmund Gearner. Mrs. Eliz. Sherborne. 62 John Arnold. Thomas Hosmer. 63 William Kelsey. John Sill. 64 Andrew Warner. George Cooke. 1 Now called Winthrop Square. 2 House, but apparently not homestead. 8 Vacant lot. .w £D PI 10 PC 2 TO P3 _ - ® ¦s H -< XJ HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. CHAPTER I. CIVIL HISTORY. Cambridge, the original shire town of Middlesex County, iu the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is situated in 42° 22' north latitude, and 71° 6' west longitude from Greenwich.1 It is bounded on the east by Charles River, which separates it from Boston ; on the south by Charles River, which separates it from Brookline and Brighton;2 on the west by Watertown, Belmont, and Arlington ; on the north by Somerville, and by Miller's River, which separates it from Charlestown. Though now small in territorial extent, embracing not more than about four and a half square miles, it is divided into four principal districts, each having a post-office, namely : Cambridge (often called Old Cambridge), Cambridgeport, East Cambridge, and North Cam bridge. Like most ancient townships, Cambridge has had great en largement and diminution in its boundary lines. At first, it seems to have been designed merely as a fortified place, very small in extent, and apparently without definite bounds. Charles- town and Watertown, on the northerly side of Charles River, had already been settled ; but it is doubtful whether a distinct line of separation had been established. Between these two towns a spot was selected as " a fit place for a fortified town," about six months after the arrival of Winthrop with the fleet of emigrants in 1630.3 Houses were erected here in 16-31 by Thomas Dudley, Deputy Governor, and by a few others. It was ordered by the i The City Hall, at the corner of Main cently been annexed to Boston ; but they and Pleasant streets, in Cambridgeport, have not yet ceased to be designated by stands exactly upon the longitudinal line, their former names. and about a hundred yards south of the 3 The selection was partially made Dec. parallel of latitude indicated. 21, 1630, and definitely determined Dec. - Brighton and Charlestown have re- 28, 1630. 1 2 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Governor and Assistants, Feb. 3, 1631-2, that " there should be three scoore pounds levyed out of the several plantations within the lymitts of this pattent towards the makeing of a pallysadoe aboute the newe towne.*' - But no definite line of division be tween the New Town and Charlestown appears to have been established until March 6, 1632-3, when "it was agreed by the parties appointed by the Court, &c, that all the land impaled by the newe towne men, with the neck whereon Mr. Graves his house standeth, shall belong to Newe-town, and that the bounds of Charlestowne shall end at a tree marked by the pale, and to passe along from thence by a straight line unto the midway be twixt the westermost part of the Governor's great lot and the nearest part thereto of the bounds of Watertowne." 2 The line, thus established, was substantially the same as that which now divides Cambridge from Somerville. The " neck whereon Mr. Graves his house standeth," was the upland included in East Cambridge. The line between Cambridge and Watertown was not definitely established until April 7, 1635.3 In the mean time, on complaint of " straitness for want of land," at the Court held May 14, 1634, leave was " granted to the inhabitants of Newe Towne to seek out some convenient place for them, with promise that it shalbe confirmed unto them, to which they may remove their habitations, or have as an addition to that which already they have, pi-ovided they doe not take it in any place to preju dice a plantation already settled." * After examining several places, " the congregation of Newtown came and accepted of such enlargement as had formerly been offered them by Boston and Watertown."5 This "enlargement" embraced Brookline, Brighton, and Newton. Brookline, then called Muddy River, was granted on condition that Mr. Hooker and his congregation should not remove. They did remove ; and thus this grant was forfeited. But the grant of what was afterwards Brighton and Newton held good. 1 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 93, Dr. Holmes, Cambridge was at first called " The New writing in 1S00 (Coll. 2fass. Hist. Soc., Towne," and afterwards New Town or vii. 9), says :" This fortification was act-. Newtown, until May 2, 1638, when the nally made; and the fosse which was then General Court "Ordered, That Newe- dug around the town is, in some places, towne shall henceforward be called Cam- visible to this day. It commenced at bridge." Mass. Col. Rec, i. 228. No Brick Wharf (originally called Windmill other act of incorporation is found on Hill) and ran along the northern side of record. the present Common in Cambridge, and - Mass. Col. Rec, i. 102. through what was then a thicket, bat 3 Ibid., p. 144. now constitutes a part of the cultivated * Ibid., p. 119. grounds of Mr. Nathaniel Jarvis; beyond 6 Savage's Winthrop, i. 132, 142. which it cannot be distinctly traced." y. f / # >• \ ^ ^ AS BOUNDED IN * 1644-1655. fxtendmgfrom Dedham to die Merrimack Ewer. ¦& \° ^v* y y ,/ AN ^' if- S ir' ^ '- „ %£ \ > s> ^ // VV CIVIL HISTORY. 3 In the settlement of the line between Cambridcre and Charles- town, no indication is given how far the bounds of either ex tended into the country beyond the line drawn from " the Gov ernor's great lot," or the Ten Hills Farm, to the " nearest part " of Watertown. But the Court, March 3, 1635-6, agreed that " Newe Towne bounds shall run eight myles into the country, from their meeteing house." - This grant secured to Cambridge, on its northern border, the territory now embraced in Arlington and the principal part of Lexington ; and, as the measurements of that day were very elastic, perhaps the whole of Lexington was included. But even this did not satisfy the craving for land. Accordingly a conditional grant of Shawshine was made, June 2, 1641, and renewed June 14, 1642: "All the land lying upon Saweshin Ryver, and between that and Concord Ryver, and be tween that and Merrimack Ryver, not formerly granted by this Court, are granted to Cambridge, so as they erect a village there within five years, and so as it shall not extend to prejudice Charlestowne village, or the village of Cochitawit," etc.2 This grant was confirmed absolutely, March 7, 1643-4,3 and included the present town of Billerica, parts of Bedford and Carlisle, and a part of Tewksbury, or of Chelmsford, or of both. The terms of the grant — -all the land lying between Concord and Merrimac rivers — would seem to include Lowell ; yet an Indian village then occupied that territory, and such villages were generally protected. The township had now attained its full size. In shape some what like an hour-glass, about thirty-five miles in length, and wide at each extremity, it was not much more than one mile in width in the central part, where the original settlement was made, and where most of the inhabitants then resided. Such was its shape when Johnson described it in 1651. " This Town is compact closely within itselfe, till of late yeares some few strag- ling houses have been built : the Liberties of this Town have been inlarged of late in length, reaching from the most Northerly part of Charles River to the most Southerly part of Merrimack River." i This description, however, does not comprehend the 1 Mass. Col. Rec.,i. 166. them and Concord is granted them, all 2 Ibid. i. 330 ii. 17. save what is formerly granted to the mil- 3 Ibid., ii. 62. The description in this itary company or others, provided the grant is somewhat different from the for- church and present elders continue at mer : " Shawshin is granted to Cam- Cambridge." bridg, without any condition of makeing 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xiii. 137. a village there; and the land between 4 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. whole territory then belonging to Cambridge ; for both Brighton and Newton are wholly on the southerly side of Charles River. The portion of Dedham, which now constitutes the town of Need ham, was the southerly bound. But Cambridge soon lost a part of its enormous length. In 1655, an amicable arrangement was made between the town and those of its inhabitants who had erected houses at Shawshine, for a separation ; this arrangement was confirmed by the Gen eral Court, and Shawshine was incorporated as a town, under the name of Billerica.1 Soon afterwards the inhabitants on the south side of the river, in what is now Newton, where a church was organized July 20, 1664, petitioned for incorporation as a sepa rate town. Cambridge objected ; and a long and earnest contro versy ensued. The Newton people triumphed at last, as will be fully related in another place, and in 1688 became a separate township. The northwesterly portion of the territory remaining in Cam bridge was for many years called " The Farms," and a church was organized there Oct. 21, 1696. The Farmers, as they were styled, subsequently agreed with the town upon terms of sep aration, and by an "order passed in Council and concurred by the Representatives," March 20, 1713, they were incorporated as " a separate and distinct town by the name of Lexington, upon the articles and terms already agreed on with the town of Cam bridge." 2 From this period Cambridge was not curtailed of its propor tions for nearly a century. Indeed, it obtained some additions. The present southwesterly portion of the city, lying west of Sparks Street and south, of Vassall Lane, was set off from Water- town and annexed to Cambridge, April 19, 1754,8 except the " Cambridge Cemetery " and a few acres between that and the former line, which were annexed April 27, 1855.4 The line of Watertown was thus carried about a half a mile further westward; and the tract thus acquired embraces some of the most desirable land in the city for dwelling-houses. From Charlestown (now Somerville), the dwellings and a portion of the estates of Nathan iel Prentiss, Josiah Wellington, Stephen Goddard, Benjamin God dard, and Nathaniel Goddard, including most of the tract bounded by North Avenue, Russell, Elm, and White streets, were annexed 1 Mass. Col. Rec, iii. 387. stood on this tract of land, not far from 2 Mass. Prov. Rec, ix. 258. the present residence of James Russell 8 Ibid., xx. 228. Dr. Bond conjectured Lowell. — Hist. Watertown, p. 1046. that the first meeting-house in Watertown * Mass. Spec. Laws, x. 360. CIVIL HISTORY. 5 to Cambridge, March 6, 1802 ; 1 the estate of William Hunne- well, Feb. 12, 1818 ;2 and a portion of Professor Ware's estate, now the Norton homestead, June 17, 1820.3 These three annex ations are indicated by the sharp angles on the map. The line at White Street was somewhat changed April 30, 1856, and the line between Cambridge and Belmont and Arlington, was straightened Feb. 25, 1862. The northwesterly part of the town was made a separate pre cinct Dec. 27, 1732, and was afterwards styled the Second Parish, or more generally Menotomy. The line of division was " Menotomy River from Charlestown till it comes to Spy Pond Brook; then on said brook till it comes to a water-course or ditch in Whiting's meadow, so called : the ditch to be the boun dary till it comes to Hamblett's Brook, following the course of the Brook to the Bridge ; thence on a straight line to the north west corner of Mr. Isaac Holden's orchard, and continuing the same course to Watertown line." i This tract, with the addition of the remaining territory on the westerly side of Menotomy River, was incorporated, Feb. 27, 1807, under the name of West Cambridge,5 which name was changed to Arlington, April 20, 1867.6 The inhabitants of the territory left on the south side of Charles River petitioned to be made a separate precinct, as early as 1748, and renewed their petition, from time to time, until April 2, 1779, when they were authorized to bring in a bill to incorporate them as an ecclesiastical parish, " excepting Samuel Sparhawk, John Gardner, Joanna Gardner, and Moses Griggs, and their estates." 7 This was styled the Third Parish, or Little Cambridge. The whole territory south of Charles River was incorporated, under the name of Brighton, Feb. 24, 1837.8 By the incorporation of West Cambridge and Brighton, which was the result of an amicable agreement between the several parties, Cambridge was reduced substantially to its present lim its. Several attempts have since been made for a further divis ion ; but its incorporation as a city has removed most of the difficulties which previously existed, and it may be reasonably expected that no more attempts of the kind will be made during the present century. l Mass. Spec. Laws, ii. 520. 7 Mass. Prov. Rec, xxxix. 213. - Ibid., v. 220. 8 Mass. Spec. Laws, iv. 70. By an 3 Ibid., v. 385. act approved May 21, 1873, Brighton was 4 Mass. Prov. Rec, xii. 351. annexed to Boston,— the annexation to 6 Mass. Spec. Laws, iv. 88. take full effect on the first Monday in 6 Ibid., xii. 244. January, 1874. CHAPTER II. CrVTL HISTORY. The purpose for which Cambridge was originally established as a town is stated by two of its projectors, Winthrop and Dud ley. " The governor and most of the assistants," had " agreed to build a town fortified upon the neck," between Roxbury and Boston, Dec. 6, 1630 ; but, for several reasons, they abandoned that project, eight days afterwards, and agreed to examine other places. On the twenty-first day of the same month : " We met again at Watertown, and there, upon view of a place a mile be neath the town, all agreed it a fit place for a fortified town, and we took time to consider further about it." - Dudley, describing the events of 1630, in his letter to the Countess of Lincoln, says, " We began again in December to consult about a fit place to build a town upon, leaving all thoughts of a fort, because upon any invasion we were necessarily to lose our houses when we should retire thereinto. So after divers meetings at Boston, Roxbury, and Watertown, on the twenty-eighth of December, we grew to this resolution, to bind all the assistants - (Mr. Endi cott and Mr. Sharpe excepted, which last purposeth to return by the next ship into England), to build houses at a place a mile east from Watertown, near Charles River, the next spring, and to winter there the next year : that so by our examples, and by removing the ordnance and munition thither, all who were able might be drawn thither, and such as shall come to us hereafter, to their advantage, be compelled so to do ; and so, if God would, a fortified town might there grow up, the place fitting reason ably well thereto." Johnson describes the original design and its partial accomplishment, in his characteristic manner : " At this time, those who were in place of civil government, having some 1 Savage's Winthrop, i. 45, 46. cott, Increase Nowell, William Pynchon, 2 Winthrop was then Governor, and Thomas Sharp, Roger Ludlow, William Dudley Deputy Governor; the Assistants Coddiugton, and Simon Bradstreet. were Sir Richard Saltonstall, John Endi- CIVIL HISTORY. 7 additional pillars to underprop the building, began to think of a place of more safety in the eyes of man than the two frontier towns of Charles Towne and Boston were, for the habitation of such as the Lord had prepared to govern this pilgrim people. Wherefore they rather made choice to enter further among the In dians than hazard the fury of malignant adversaries who in a rage might pursue them, and therefore chose a place situate on Charles River, between Charles Towne and Water Towne, where they erected a town called New Town, now named Cambridge, being in form like a list cut off from the broad-cloth of the two fore- named towns, where this wandering race of Jacobites gathered the eighth church of Christ." - Notwithstanding it was agreed that " all the assistants " should build at the New Town in the spring of 1631, it does not appear that any of them fulfilled the agreement, except Dudley and Bradstreet. Governor Winthrop indeed erected a house ; - but he subsequently took it down again and removed it to Boston. This led to a sharp controversy between Dudley and Winthrop, which was at length decided by the elders in favor of Dudley.3 There may have been good and sufficient reasons why Winthrop should prefer to remain in Boston rather than to remove to the New Town. But it is much to be regretted that he should claim to have substantially fulfilled his obligation, or "performed the words of the promise," by erecting a house, though he immedi ately removed it. This is scarcely consistent with his otherwise fair fame as a gentleman of singular ingenuousness. It would seem that Sir RiehaiH Saltonstall intended to build a house, and 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xiii. 136. ing to the promise he made to them when 2 It has been said chat Winthrop erected they first sat down with him at Boston, only the frame of a house ; but lie says it namely, that he would not remove, except was a house inhabited by servants. See they went with him), he would not leave next note. them : — this was the occasion that he re- 8 Savage's Winthrop, i. 82, 83. Winthrop moved his house. Upon these and other says Dudley "complained of the breach speeches to this purpose, the ministers of promise, both in the governor and went apart for one hour ; then returning, others, in not building at Newtown. The they delivered their opinions, that the governor answered, that he had performed governor was in fault for removing of his the words of the promise; for he had a house so suddenly, without conferring with house up, and seven or eight servants the deputy and the rest of the assistants ; abiding in it, by the day appointed ; and but if the deputy were the occasion of dis- for the removing his house, he alleged couraging Boston men from removing, it that, seeing that the rest of the assistants would excuse the governor a tanto, but went not about to build, and that his not a toto. The governor, professing neighbors of Boston had been discouraged himself willing to submit his own opin- from removing thither by Mr. Deputy ion to the judgment of so many wise himself, and thereupon had (under aU and godly friends, acknowledged himself their hands) petitioned him, that (accord- faulty." HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. a lot was assigned to him for that purpose ; a but he went to England in the spring of 1631, and did not return. Nowell remained at Charlestown ; Pynchon, at Roxbury ; Ludlow, at Dorchester ; and Coddington, at Boston. Endicott and Sharpe were originally free from engagement. Dr. Holmes says, " the Deputy Governor (Dudley), Secretary Bradstreet, and other principal gentlemen, in the spring of 1631, commenced the execution of the plan." - No list of inhabitants is found until after the ;' Braintree Company " arrived in the summer of 1632, except this memorandum on the title-page of the Town Records : " The Towne Book of Newtowne. In habitants there — Mr. Tho. Dudly Esq., Mr. Symon Bradstreet, Mr. Edmond Lockwood, Mr. Daniell Patricke, John Poole, Wil liam Spencer, John Kirman, Symon Sackett." 3 But this Book 1 The Proprietors' Records show that the General Court, Constable of the New what is now called Winthrop Square was allotted to Sir Richard Saltonstall; but when it was ascertained that he would not return from England, the lot was as signed for a " Market Place," by which name it was known for more than two centuries, though no market-house was ever erected there. Probably like the old Market Place in Boston, it was used for traffic, in the open air, between the in habitants and such as brought commodi ties for sale. 2 Coll. Mass. Hist Soc, vii. 7. 3 Of these eight persons who laid the foundation of the New Town, Thomas Dudley was the most eminent. He was elected Deputy Governor in 1630, became Governor in 1634, and was either Gover nor, Deputy Governor, or Assistant, dur ing the remainder of his life. He removed to Ipswich, perhaps before May, 1 636,when he and Bradstreet were named as magis trates to hold the court there, while others were appointed for the court at New Town. Soon afterwards he removed to Roxbury, were he died July 31, 1653. Simon Bradstreet was an Assistant from 1630 to 1678; Deputy Governor, 1678; Governor, 1679-86, 1689-92. He also removed to Ipswich, probably with Dudley, whose daughter was his wife; was afterwards in Town, at its organization, May, 1632; and at the same session was selected as one of the two inhabitants of the town " to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock." He died before March, 1635. Daniel Patrick, also styled " Mr.," was one of the two captains appointed by the Court, to command the militia of the Colony. Except as a military man, his character does not appear to have been very reputable. In 1637 he had liberty to remove to Ipswich, but seems rather to have gone to Watertown, where he was Selectman, in 1638. He afterwards re moved to Connecticut, and was killed bv a Dutchman, at Stamford, in 1643. John Poole probably remained here only a few months, as he is not named in the list of proprietors, in 1 633. He was of Lynn, 1638, and afterwards of Beading, where he died April 1, 1667. William Spencer, uniformly styled "Mr." on the court rec ords, was one of the " principal gentle. men." He was associated with Mr. Lock- wood, May, 1632, "to confer with the Court about raising of ;i public stock ; " was Deputy or Representative of the New Town, 1634-1637; one of the first Board of Townsmen, 16.35; lieutenant of the trainband, 1637, and a member of the An cient and Honorable Artillery Company, Andover for a short time; then in Bos- at its organization in 1639; he probably ton until Sept. 18, 1695, when he re- removed to Hartford in 1639, where he was moved to Salem, and died there, March Selectman and Deputy, and died in 1640. 27, 1697. Edmund Lockwood, having John Kirman removed to Lynn, 1632, the prefix of "Mr.," was appointed by and was a Deputy, 1635. Simon Sack- CIVIL HISTORY. » of Records was not commenced until 1632, several months after Dudley and Bradstreet performed their promise " to build houses at the New Town." Whether more than the before named eight persons, and indeed whether all these resided in the New Town before the end of 1631, I have not found any certain proof. The number of inhabitants in that year was doubtless small ; yet there were enough able-bodied men to be specially included in an order of court passed July 26, 1631, requiring a general training of soldiers in all the plantations.1 Although the Governor and Assistants generally did not per form their agreement to make the New Town the place of their permanent residence, they seem to have regarded it as the prospective seat of government, and not long afterwards, as will appear, commenced holding the general and particular courts there. Several orders, passed during the year, indicate such an expectation and intention. For example : June 14, 1631, " Mr. John Maisters hath undertaken to make a passage from Charles River to the New Town, twelve foot broad and seven foot deep ; for which the Court promiseth him satisfaction, according as the charges thereof shall amount unto."2 On the fifth of the following July, provision was made for the payment of Mr. Mas ters, when it was " Ordered, That there shall be levied out of the several plantations the sum of thirty pounds, for the making of the creek at the New Town," — but no portion of this sum was assessed upon the New Town. Again, Feb. 3, 1631-2, " It was ordered, That there should be three score pounds levied out of the several plantations within the limits of this patent, towards the making of a pallysadoe about the New Town ; viz. Water- town, viiii. the New Town, iiii. Charlton, viii. Meadford, iiii. Saugus and Marble Harbor, vii. Salem, ivi. x.s. Boston, viiii. Rocksbury, viii. Dorchester, viii. Wessaguscus, vi. Winett- semet, xxx.s."3 ett died here before 3d November, 1635, the town ordered a causeway and foot- when administration was granted to his bridge to be constructed, Jan. 4, 1635-36. widow Isabell Sackett. 3 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 98. Win throp says i Mass. Coll. Rec, i. 90. that Watertown objected against the 2 Ibid i. 88. This canal still exists on validity and justice of this assessment : the westerly side of College Wharf, from and his learned editor says : " To the agi- Charles River nearly to South Street, tation of this subject we may refer the It was a natural creek, enlarged and origin of that committee of two from deepened thus far, from which point, turn- each town, to advise wnh the court about in/westerly, it extended along the south- raising public moneys 'so as what they eriv and westerly sides of South and Eliot should agree, upon shonld bind all under streets and crossed Bratde Street, where date of May of this year. This led to the 10 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Six months later, there was a considerable accession of inhabi tants, by order of the General Court. The order does not ap pear on the records of the Court ; but Winthrop says, under date of Aug. 14, 1632, "The Braintree1 Company (which had begun to sit down at Mount Wollaston), by order of court, removed to Newtown. There were Mr. Hooker's Company." 2 Before their arrival an order was adopted by the inhabitants, in regard to the paling around the common lands; the contemplated assignment of proportions, however, was not made until several months after wards, when new inhabitants had arrived and had received grants of the common property. The date of this order, which is the first recorded in the town records, is March 29, 1632 : — " An agreement by the inhabitants of the New Town, about paling 3 in the neck of land. Imprimis, That every one who hath any part therein shall hereafter keep the same iu good and sufficient repair ; and if it happen to have any defect, he shall mend the same within three days after notice given, or else pay ten shillings a rod for every rod so repaired for him. Further, It is agreed that the said impaled ground shall be divided accord ing to every man's proportion in said pales. Further, It is agreed, that if any man shall desire to sell his part of impaled ground, he shall first tender the sale thereof to the town inhabi tants interested, who shall either give him the charge he hath been at, or else to have liberty to sell it to whom he can." In the list which follows, evidently according to the preceding order, though not immediately succeeding it on the record, I pre serve the original orthography, together-with the number of rods, indicating the relative shares in the impaled ground. representative body, having the full powers near the junction of Ellsworth Avenue of all the freemen, except that of elec- with Cambridge Street, to the line be- tions." — Savage's Winthrop, i. 71, note. tween Cambridge and Charlestown (now 1 Supposed to be so called because Somerville), at its angle on Line Street they came from Braintree, a town in near Cambridge Street, and thence fbl- Essex, about forty miles from London. lowed that line to the creek, a few rods 2 Savage's Winthrop, i. 87. Mr. Hooker easterly from the track of the Grand did not arrive until more than a year Junction Railroad. Commencing again later; but the members of his flock, who at the point first mentioned, the fence preceded him, in due time again enjoyed extended southwardly to the marsh near his pastoral care. the junction of Holyoke Place with 8 The location of the greater part of Mount Auburn Street. The kind of this fence, or " pale " is designated with fence then erected is indicated in an order tolerable accuracy by the ancient records passed Dec. 5, 1636 : "That the common of possessions and conveyances. Com- pales in all places, to be made after this mencing in the present College yard, near day, shall be done with sufficient posts and the northwesterly angle of Gore Hall, rails, and not with crotches." and extending eastwardly, it passed very CIVIL HISTORY. 11 Common Pales Divided as Follows : John Haynes, Esq. . Thomas Dudly, Esq. Mr. Symon Bradstreet John Benjamin John Talcott . Mathevv Allen William "VVestwood James Omstead Daniell Denison Samuell Dudly Andrew "Warner William Goodwine John White John Steele Edward Stebinse o William Spencer Thomas Hosmer William Lewis Hester Musse . Joseph Readinge Thomas Heate . 70 rods. Steven Hart . . 40 " William Wadsworth 20 " George Steele . . 50 " Richard Goodman 36 " John Bridg . . 45 " Symon Sackett 30 « Richard Butler 25 " Capt. Patrike . 25 " Richard Web . 25 " John Masters . 20 " Antho. Colby . 16 " John Clark . . 15 « Nath. Richards 14 « Richard Lord 12 " Abraham Morrill 12 " William Kelse . 10 " Jonath. Bosworth 10 " Tho. Spencer . 10 " Garrad Hadon 2 " Edward Elmer 2 " Jeremy Addams 8 rods. 7 " 6 « 6 " 6 « 6 " 6 " 5 " 5 « 4 " 4 " 3 " 3 « 3 " 3 « 3 « 2 " 2 " 2 « 2 " 2 " Of these forty-two persons, it is certain that at least one half were not of the Braintree Company, as many have supposed.1 Precisely how many of the other half were of that company, I have no means to determine ; but from whatever place they may have come, the number of inhabitants so increased that in about a year there were nearly a hundred families in the New Town. The division of lands and the establishment of highways were among the first necessities. The house-lots were laid out com pactly in the "Town," and in the "West End," the tract bounded by Sparks, Wyeth, and Garden streets, Harvard and Brattle squares, and Charles River. For cultivation, lands were assigned in the impaled " Neck," and afterwards elsewhere. 1 Thomas Dudley, Simon Bradstreet, Daniel Patrick, Simon Sackett, aud Wil liam Spencer were here before August, 1632, when the "Braintree Company" removed. Samuel Dndley was donbdess here also. Daniel Denison came here from Roxbury. Anthony Colby, Garrad Haddon, and Joseph Reading, were of Boston in 1630; and John Masters of Watertown, in 1631. John Benjamin, Edward Elmer, William Goodwin, Wil liam Lewis, James Olmstead, Nathaniel Richards, John Talcott, William Wads worth, and John White, arrived at Boston, in the Lion, Sept. 16, 1632, a month after the Braintree Company removed; and John Haynes did not arrive until Sept. 3, 1633. The name of Simon Oakes is erroneously given in Col. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 10, instead of Simon Sackett. 12 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The original assignment is not found ; but the work was com menced before the " Braintree Company " arrived ; for Winthrop alleged, as early as August 3, 1632, that Dudley "had empaled, at Newtown, above one thousand acres, and had assigned lands to some there." - So much of the impaled land as lies northerly of Main Street was so divided, that the divisions are easily traced. The westerly part of what was denominated "the Neck," was allotted in small portions. First came the " planting field," afterwards called the " Old field," which was bounded westerly and northerly by the common pales, easterly by Dana Street, and southerly by Main and Arrow streets ; this contained about sixty-three acres, and was assigned in small portions for separate use. Next to this field was the " Small-lot hill," which was bounded southerly by Main Street, westerly by Dana Street, northerly by the common pales, and easterly by a line extended from Somerville, near the northern termination of Fayette Street, to a point on Main Street about one hundred and thirty feet east of Hancock Street. This tract contained about forty-six acres, and was divided into eighteen narrow lots extending from Dana Street to the easterly line. Eastwardly from " Small-lot hill " the land was divided into large lots, which were assigned in the following order and quantity : Samuel Dudley, 22J acres ; Thomas Dudley, Esq., 63 acres; Richard Goodman, 6 acres; William Westwood, 27 acres; John Talcott, 32 acres; Daniel Denison, 22£ acres ; John Haynes, Esq., 63 acres ; (these lots sev erally extended from what is now Main Street to Somerville line ; the following lots bordered southerly on the Great Marsh) : Widow Hester Mussey, 9 acres; Matthew Allen, 27 acres; John Talcott, 45 acres, bordering eastwardly on the marsh, and another lot, wholly marsh, 50 acres ; Atherton Hough, 130 acres of marsh and upland, embracing " Graves his neck," or East Cambridge. At a later period, another planting field was enclosed by a common fence, and was called the " West field," and sometimes " West-end field." It was bounded northerly by Garden Street, easterly by Wyeth Street, southerly by Vassall Lane, and west erly by the Great Swamp, or Fresh Pond meadows. There was also the Pine Swamp field, whose bounds I cannot trace ; but it was in the vicinity of the intersection of Oxford Street with Everett and Mellen streets. Such were the principal planting fields in early use. The marshes and meadows were in like manner assigned in severalty. 1 Savage's Winthrop, i. 84. CIVIL HISTORY. 13 The principal fresh meadows at first divided were those which adjoin Fresh Pond, called the " Fresh Pond meadows." The marshes on the northerly side of Charles River received distinc tive names. The tract lying westerly of Ash Street was called Windmill-hill-marsh"; between Ash Street and College Wharf was "Ox-marsh"; the name of "Ship-marsh" was applied to the tract extending from College Wharf to the point where the river sweeps around to the south ; and the narrow strip between this point and Riverside was called " Common-marsh." " Long- marsh " extended from Green Street between Bay and Vernon streets to the river below Riverside, and probably to " Captain's Island," at the south end of Magazine Street. The marsh be tween Captain's Island and East Cambridge was called the " Great Marsh." Its name will appear the more appropriate, when it is considered that almost the entire territory easterly of a line drawn from the junction of Pearl and Allston streets to the point where the Grand Junction Railroad crosses Miller's River (excepting the high land in East Cambridge), was then one continuous unbroken marsh. A smalt tract, indeed, lying southeast wardly from the junction of Main and Front streets, was upland, and was an island at high waterr afterwards called " Pelham's Island " ; and a few other small parcels of dry land appeared on the easterly side of the line before mentioned, but they were more than counterbalanced by tracts of marsh on the westerly side. The grazing lands were not divided at first ; but the herds of cows, goats, and swine were driven forth, under care of their sev eral keepers, to range over the undivided lands, styled " com mons." The tract embraced between Garden and Linnaean streets and North Avenue was early set apart for the security of the cows at night. It was called the " Cow-common," and re mained undivided nearly a century after it was first so used. Provision was also made for oxen, and the tract lying between the " Common Pales " and Kirkland Street, extending from the Common to Somerville line, was devoted as an " ox-pasture ; " to which was subsequently added a corresponding tract on the northerly side of Kirkland Street. The " Path from Charlestown to Watertown " was probably travelled before the New Town was selected as a place for resi dence; and it may properly be regarded as the most ancient highway in Cambridge. Its general direction was through Kirk land, Mason, and Brattle streets, Elmwood Avenue, and Mount 14 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Auburn Street. The " Town " and all the grounds originally impaled were on the southeasterly side of this path. The " com mon pales," so called, were about a quarter of a mile south of the path, at the present Somerville line, and about two hundred yards from it at Gore Hall. Among the earliest of the streets laid out for the use of the Town were four, running easterly and westerly, crossed by four others at right angles. These eight streets, with a single exception, remain substantially in their original location ; but many of them have been made wider, and the names of all have been changed. ANCIENT NAMES. PRESENT NAMES. Braintree Street Harvard Street and Harvard Square. Spring Street Mount Auburn Street. Long Street Winthrop Street. Marsh Lane South Street, and part of Eliot Street. Creek Lane Brattle Square and part of Eliot Street. Wood Street Brighton Street. Water Street Dunster Street. Crooked Street Holyoke Street. , Besides these principal streets were sundry highways. The " highway to Watertown " extended from Brattle Square through Brattle Street to Mason Street ; and thence was identical with the " Path from Charlestown to Watertown." From this high way three others diverged southerly : one, to the ox-marsh, passing near the site of the Brattle Mansion-house ; one to Wind mill-hill, now Ash Street ; and one to Watertown marsh, not far westerly from the residence of Samuel Batchelder, Esq. The first and last of these three highways were long ago closed. Mason Street was early distinguished as the " highway from Charlestown to Watertown." The original " highway to the Fresh Pond " followed the track of the present Garden Street, Wyeth Street, and Vassall Lane, except that it passed across the common from Harvard Square to its northwesterly corner. As far as to Wyeth Street, Garden Street was called both the " highway to the Fresk Pond," and the " highway to the Great Swamp ; " northwesterly from Wyeth Street, it had the latter name exclusively. An old range-way on the easterly side of the Botanic Garden, now made wider and called Raymond Street, was "the other highway to the Great Swamp." The "high way to the Common " indicated that portion of North Avenue v/hich led from Harvard Square to the point where the Old CIVIL HISTORY. 15 Charlestown Path crossed the Common. The other portion of North Avenue was the " highway to Menotomy." The " high way to Charlestown," or the " Charlestown Path," as before stated, was the present Kirkland Street. In the impaled land, the principal highway was the "highway to the Oyster Bank," or the " highway into the neck," extending through Arrow Street, Main Street, and Pleasant Street, to a point near Cottage Street, and thence diagonally across the present streets towards Washington Square. From Pleasant Street a path diverged westerly, and followed the border of the upland, next to the marsh, and was called the " highway to Captain's Island." ¦ From the junction of Pleasant and Main streets, the highway extended easterly, nearly in the track of Main Street, and at a later day was called the " highway to Pelham's Island." Be tween the " old field " and "small-lot hill," was the " highway to the common pales," now called Dana Street, the direction of which, however, is somewhat changed, the northerly termination now being several rods more westerly than it was at first. Another branch extended southerly from Main Street to River side, originally called the " highway into the little neck," now Putnam Avenue. From the " town " into the " highway to the oyster-bank " there were two principal entrances : one being a continuation of Braintree (now Harvard) Street, from Holyoke Street easterly, through Harvard Street and the northerly portion of Bow Street to Arrow Street, and indifferently called " Field Lane " and the " highway to the oyster-bank ; " the other being a continuation of Spring (now Mount Auburn) Street, or rather branching from a sharp angle in Crooked (now Holyoke) Street, opposite to the site of the printing office, and winding along the higher land above the westerly portion of Bow Street, until it intersected Field Lane at the present junction of Bow and Arrow streets ; this was indifferently called " Back Lane," and " Cow-yard Row." " Cow-yard Lane," separating the house- lots from the yards in the rear, extended across the College en closure, from the Common to the " Old Field," at the distance of about a hundred feet from Harvard Street, having an outlet into Harvard Street about a hundred feet easterly from the present Holyoke Street ; this, like that into which it entered, was called " Field Lane." Cow-yard Lane and Field Lane north of Har- 1 The upland, where the Powder Mag- Patrick, at a very early period, since azine was erected, an island at high which time it has always been styled water, was granted to Captain Daniel Captain's Island. 16 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. vard Street were discontinued and enclosed with the adjoining lands immediately after " Mr. Hooker's Company " removed. The foregoing are all the highways of which I find any trace in the present bounds of Cambridge, prior to 1636. On the south side of the river, however, a highway was early established, called the " highway to Roxbury," from a point opposite to the College Wharf, in the general direction of the road from Cam bridge Great Bridge, through the easterly portion of Brighton to Brookline. Frequent reference is also made, in the early records, to the " highway from Watertown to Roxbury." CHAPTER III. CIVIL HISTORY. The New Town seems never to have been incorporated by spe cific act. It was originally set apart by the government for pub lic use ; and it was from the beginning recognized as a distinct town. As early a3 June 14, 1631, the Court provided for the making of a canal or " passage from Charles River to the New Town," and, in ordering a tax of thirty pounds, Feb. 3, 1631-2, to defray the expense of a " pallysadoe about the New Town," assessed one tenth part thereof on that town, as related in Chap ter II. There is no recorded evidence, however, of any municipal transactions by the New Town until March 29, 1632, when the Town Book of Records was opened ; since which time a continu ous record has been preserved. The first transaction recorded was the " agreement by the inhabitants of the New Town, about paling in the neck of land." Six weeks later, the Court appointed a constable for the New Town, and selected two of its inhabitants, with a like number from other towns, " to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock." - The first named record, March 29, 1632, has been fully quoted in the preceding chapter. The next in order, Dec. 24, 1632, provided for regular meetings of the inhabitants for the transaction of business. The record is mutilated somewhat, and the words supposed to have been worn off are here inserted in brackets : — - " An agreement made by a general consent, for a monthly meeting. " Imprimis, That every person undersubscribed shall [meet] every first Monday in every month, within [the] meeting house, in the afternoon, within half [an hour] after the ringing of the bell ; - and that every [one] that makes not his personal appear- i Mass. Col. Rec, i. 95, 96, May 9, plantacon appointed to conferre with the 1632: "Mr. Edmond Lockwood was Court about raiseing of a publiqtie chosen constable of New Towne for this stocke ; " — " Mr. Lockwood and Mr. yeare next ensneing, and till a newe be Spencer for Newe Towne." chosen." On the same day, "It was or- - It is observable that the hour of mcet- dered that there shonld be two of every ing was thus early announced by " the 2 18 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. anee there [and] continues there, without leave from the [ J until the meeting be ended, shall forfeit [for each] default xii. pence : and if it be not paid [before the next] meeting, then to double it, and so until [it be paid]." Although a general subscription seems to have been contem plated, only two signatures are appended, namely, Thomas Dud ley and John Haynes ; and Mr. Haynes must have subscribed his name several months after the order was adopted, as he did not arrive until Sept. 3, 1633. At the first meeting holden in pursu ance of this " agreement," several municipal arrangements were made, to secure the beauty and safety of the town, to wit: — Jan. 7, 1632-3. " It is ordered, that no person whatever [shall set] up any house in the bounds of this town [without] leave from the major part. "Further, it is agreed, by a joint consent, [that the] town shall not be enlarged until all [the vacant] places be filled with houses.1 " Further, it is agreed, that all the houses [within] the bounds of the town shall be covered [with] slate or board, and not with thatch.2 " Further, it is ordered, that all [the houses shall] range even, and stand just six [feet on each man's] own ground from the street."ringing of the bell." Johnson represents - This was a reaffirmation of an agree- that, in 1636, a drum was used, because ment made by the original projectors of the town "had as yet no bell to call men the town, nearly two years earlier. In to meeting." — Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc.,xiv. his letter to the Countess of Lincoln, IS. It seems unlikely that "Mr. Hook- dated March 28, 1631, Dudley speaks of er's company" transported their bell, recent disasters by fire, and adds : "Por across the wilderness, to Connecticut, and the prevention whereof in our new town, the story perhaps was inaccurately re- intended this summer to be builded, we ported to Johnson. The day of meeting have ordered that no man there shall build was changed to the second Monday in his chimney with wood, nor cover his the month, Oct. 1, 1639, because ''it was house with thatch." As an additional ordered " by the General Court, " to pre- prevention, the townsmen ordered, Oct. vent the hindrance of the military com- 3, 1636, " That no child, under the age pany upon the first Monday in the month, of ten. years, shall carry any fire from that no other meetings should be ap- one house to another, nor any other per- pointed upon that day." son unless it be covered, upon the forfei- 1 " The town," technically so-called, ture of xii. pence a time for every such was embraced in the district bounded fault: the one half to the person that sees northerly by Harvard Street and Square, it, the other to the Constable." In these westerly by Brattle Square and Eliot days of lucifer matches, such an order Street, southerly by Eliot and South may seem unnecessary; but even within streets, and easterly by Holyoke Street, the last fifty years, it was not unusual to which was then very crooked. send from house to house for fire. CIVIL HISTORY. 19 Next follows the division of the common pales, apparently at the same meeting. The prohibition against erecting houses outside of " the town " may have been merely a precaution against danger from ene mies ; yet it is not unlikely to have been occasioned, in part at least, by the continued desire to make this the seat of govern ment, and the most desirable place of residence in the colony. The regularity required in the position of the houses indicates a disposition to make the town symmetrical as well as compact. This orderly arrangement, which had doubtless been observed from the beginning, is referred to by Wood, in his " New England's Prospect," written in this year (1633), as one of the characteristic features of the new town : " This place was first intended for a city ; but, upon more serious considerations, it was thought not so fit, being too far from the sea, being the greatest incon venience it hath. This is one of the neatest and best compacted towns in New England, having many fair structures, with many handsome contrived streets. The. inhabitants, most of them, are very rich, aud well stored with cattle of all sorts, having many hundred acres of land paled in with general fence, which is about a mile and a half long, which secures all their weaker cattle from the wild beasts." 1 After this meeting on the seventh of January, no other is re corded until Aug. 5, 1633 ; from which date there is a consecu tive record of the " monthly meetings." A selection from the orders adopted at these meetings may serve to illustrate the primitive condition of the town. Aug. 5, 1633. Sundry lots were granted for " cow-yards." Sept. 2, 1633. " It is ordered, that whosoever hath any tree lying across a highway, and doth not remove it within seven days, or whosoever shall hereafter fall any tree and let it lie cross a highway one day, shall forfeit the tree." Dec. 2, 1633. " It is ordered, that no person whatever shall fell any tree near the town, within the path which goeth.from Watertowne to Charlestowne, upon the forfeiture of five shillings for every tree so felled." 1 Boston edition, p. 45. The pros- town in the colony which was required to perity of the inhabitants seems not to have pay a larger sum, — eighty pounds. In been overstated. Of tbe general tax im- March, 1636, the share of New Town, in posed by the Court, Oct. 1, 1633, Boston, a tax of three hundred pounds, was forty- Roxbury, Charlestown, Watertown, and two pounds, when no other town was as- New Town were assessed alike, — forty- sessed more than thirty-seven pounds ten eight pounds ; Dorchester was the only shillings. 20 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " Agreed with Mr. Symon Bradstreet, to make a sufficient cartway along by his pales, and keep it in repair seven years ; and he is to have ten shillings for the same." March 2, 1633-4. " Granted John Benjamin all the ground between John Masters his ground and Antho. Couldbyes, pro vided that the windmill-hill shall be preserved for the town's use, and a cartway of two rods wide unto the same." 1 April 7, 1634. " Granted John Pratt two acres by the_old burying place, without the common pales." - Aug. 4, 1634. " It is ordered, that whosoever shall fall [any] tree for boards, clapboards, or frames of houses, [and] sell them out of the town, shall forfeit for every [tree] so sold twenty shil lings." Nov. 3, 1634. " James Olmsted is chosen Constable for the year following, and till a new be chosen in his room, and pres ently sworn.3 " John White is chosen Surveyor, to see the highways and streets kept clean, and in repair for the year following. " It is ordered, that every inhabitant in the town shall keep the street clear from wood and all other things against his own ground ; and whosoever shall have anything lie in the street above one day after the next meeting-day, shall forfeit five shil lings for every such default." Jan. 5, 1634-5. " It is ordered, that whosoever hath any lot granted by the town, and shall not improve the same, then it is to return to the town ; or, if he shall improve the same, he shall first offer it to the town ; if they refuse to give him what charges he hath been at, then to have liberty to sell it to whom he can." Next follows an agreement, accompanied by several orders. whereby the system of municipal government was radically 1 Windmill-hill was at the south end end, ten rods and four feet on the north of Ash Street, near the former site of the line, and seven and a half rods across Cambridge Gas Works. A windmill was the east end, was acknowledged by Eccles there erected for the grinding of corn, as to be public property, together widi a no mill moved by water-power was nearer highway to it, two rods wide, through than Watertown. This mill was removed his land ; and his acknowledgment was to Boston in August, 1632, because "it entered on the Proprietors' Records. would not grind but with a westerly - See chapter xv. wind." — Savage's Winthrop, i. 87. The » Edmund Lockwood had been ap- hill was afterwards enclosed by Rich- pointed Constable by the Court, May 9, ard Eccles, who owned the adjoining 1632, and John Benjamin, May 29, 1633 ; lands, and it so remained until 1684, but James Olmstead was the first person when the town asserted its rights ; and elected by the inhabitants to fill that of- a tract measuring ten rods on the river, fice, which was then of great honor and six rods and seven feet across the west importance. CIVIL HISTORY. 21 changed. Hitherto, all the legal voters had met, from month to month, to manage their public affairs. Power was now delegated to a few individuals, at first styled " Townsmen," and afterwards " Selectmen," to transact " the whole business of the town," until the next November, when a new election might be had.1 Feb. 3, 1634-5. "At a general meeting of the whole town, it was agreed upon by a joint consent, that seven men should be chosen to do the whole business of the town, and so to continue until the first Monday in November next, and until new be chosen m their room : so there was then elected and .chosen John Haynes, Esq., Mr. Symon Bradstreet, John Taylcott, William Westwood, John White, William Wadsworth ; James Olmsted, Constable. -"It is further ordered, by a joint consent, [that] whatsoever these Townsmen, thus chosen, shall do, in the compass of their time, shall stand in as full force as if the whole town did the same, either for making of new orders, or altering of old ones. " Further, it is ordered, that whatsoever person they shall send for, to help in any business, and he shall refuse to come, they shall have power to lay a fine upon him, and to gather [it]. " Further, it is ordered, that they shall have one to attend upon them, to employ about any business, at a public charge. " Further, it is ordered, that they shall meet every first Mon day in a month, at [ ] in the afternoon, according to the former [order]." Another important board of officers was elected, at the same meeting : — " Also, there was then chosen, to join [with] James Olmsted, Constable, John Benjamin, Daniell Denison, Andrew Warner, William Spencer ; which five, according to the order of Court, [shall] survey the town lands, and enter the [same in] a Book appointed for that purpose.2 1 Perhaps the term of service was thus proved, or enclosed, or granted by special limited in anticipation of the proposed order of the Court, of every free inhab- removal of many inhabitants. itant there, and shall enter the same - Mass. Col. Rec, i. 116. April 1,1634. in a book (fairly written in words at " It was further ordered, that the consta- length and not in figures), with the sev- ble and four or more of the chief inhabi- eral bounds and quantities by the nearest tants of every town (to be chosen by all estimation, and shall deliver a transcript the freemen there, at some meeting there), thereof into the Court within six months with the advice of some one or more of now next ensuing ; and the same, so en- the next assistants, shall make a survey- tered and recorded, shall be a sufficient ing of the houses, backside, cornfields-, assurance to every such free inhabitant, mowing ground, and other lands, im- his and their heirs and assigns, of such .22 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " It is further ordered, that these five men [shall] meet every first Monday in the [month] at the Constable's house, in the forenoon, at the ringing of the bell." estate of inheritance, or as they shall have in the New Towne," and, more familiarly, in any such houses, lands, or frank-tene- the "Proprietors' Records," is still pre- ments." served in the office of the City Clerk. The book thus prepared, called "The The record was not finally closed until Kegestere Booke of the Lands and Houses Feb. 19, 1829. CHAPTER IVjC CIVIL HISTORY. THE projectors of the New Town had hitherto suffered two grievous disappointments : the officers of the government had not generally become inhabitants, according to the original agreement ; and so great was the disparity in commercial ad vantages, that it early became manifest that the New Town could not successfully compete with Boston as the great mart of trade. No reasonable hope, therefore, could be entertained that this should become the principal city of the colony. In other re spects, the enterprise appears to have been eminently successful. The hope expressed by Dudley, that men of ability might be at tracted hither by the advantages offered, had been gratified ; for so early as 1633, Wood wrote concerning them : " the inhab itants, most of them, are very rich and well stored with cattle of all sorts." A reasonable proportion of the rulers resided here. Dudley remained Deputy Governor until May, 1634, when he became Governor, and the next year was an Assistant. Brad street was constantly an Assistant ; and Haynes, at the first elec tion after his arrival, was elected as an Assistant, and the next year, 1635, Governor. Moreover, the New Town had become the seat of government ; and, for aught which appears to the contrary, it might have retained that distinction, if the principal inhabitants had not removed.1 i The first three Courts of Assistants clusively until May, l'6.36. Then they were held at Charlestown in August and returned to Boston ; then to New Town September, 1630; after which all the again in April, 1637, until September, courts were held in Boston until May, 1638, when they became permanently 1634. The Assistants had even voted, fixed at Boston. Oct. 3, 1632, " It is thought, by general Dr. Holmes, writing in 1800, says, " In consent, that Boston is the fittest place some of the first years, the annual election for pnblic meetings of any place in the of the Governor and Magistrates of the Bav." Yet when Dudley was elected Colony was holden in this town. The peo- Go'vernor in Mav, 1634, the courts, both pie, on these occasions, assembled under general and particular, were transferred an oak tree, which stood on the northerly to New Town, and were there held ex- side of the Common in Cambridge, a lit- 24 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. All these advantages, however, were not satisfactory. The dis appointment and uneasiness found vent in words. One memor able example is preserved: "At the court of assistants," says Winthrop, Nov. 3, 1635, " John Pratt of Newtown was questioned about the letter he wrote into England, wherein he affirmed divers things, which were untrue and of ill repute, for the state of the country, as that here was nothing but rocks, and sands, and salt marshes, etc. He desired respite for his answer to the next morning ; then he gave it in writing, in which, by making his own interpretation of some passages and acknowledging his error in others, he gave satisfaction." 1 This letter, probably written in the previous year, is not known to exist ; but the " answer," which sufficiently indicates its nature, is on rec ord : — " The answer of me, John Pratt, to such things as I hear and perceive objected against me, as offensive in my letter. First, generally, whatsoever I writ of the improbability or impossi bility of subsistence for ourselves or our posterity without tempt ing God, or without extraordinary means, it was with these two regards : first, I did not mean that which I said in respect of the whole country, or our whole patent in general, but only of that compass of ground wherein these towns are so thick set together ; and secondly, I supposed that they intended so to remain, be cause (upon conference with divers) I found that men did think it unreasonable that they or any should remove or disperse into other parts of the country ; and upon this ground I thought I could not subsist myself, nor the plantation, nor posterity. But I do acknowledge that since my letter there have been sundry places newly found out, as Neweberry, Concord, and others (and that within this patent), which will afford good means of subsist ence for men and beasts, in which and other such like new plan- tie west of the road leading to Lexington, for the counties in England was carried The stump of it was dug up not many on in the field), and there made a speech, years since."— Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 9. advising the people to look to their char- This was probably the tree mentioned in ter and to consider the present work of a note to Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 61 : the day, which was designed for the chus. At the election in 1637, the party of Mr. ing the governor, deputy governor, and Vane, fearing defeat, refused to proceed, the rest of the assistants for the govern- until a certain petition had been read, ment of the commonwealth. His speech Mr. Winthrop's party protested against wa3 well received by the people, who pres- delay. And it is said that "Mr. Wilson, ently called out, election, election, which the minister, in his zeal gat up upon the turned the scale." bough of a tree (it was hot weather and x Savage's Winthrop, i. 173, 174. the election like that of Parliament men CIVIL HISTORY. 25 tations, if the towns shall be fewer and the bounds larger than these are, I conceive they may live comfortably. The like I think of Conecticott, with the plantations there now in hand; and what I conceive so sufficient for myself, I conceive so suffi cient also for my posterity. And concerning these towns here so thick planted, I conceive they may subsist in case that, besides the conveniences which they have already near hand, they do im prove farms somewhat further off, and do also apply themselves to and do. improve the trade of fishing and other trades. As concerning the intimation of the Commonwealth builded upon rocks, sands, and salt marshes, I wish I had not made it, because it is construed contrary to my meaning, which I have before expressed. And whereas my letters do seem to extenuate the judgment of such as came before, as having more honesty than skill, they being scholars, citizens, tradesmen, &c, my meaning was not so general as the words do import ; for I had an eye only to those that had made larger reports into England of the country than I found to be true in the sense aforesaid. And whereas I may seem to imply that I had altered the minds' or judgments of the body of the people, magistrates, and others, I did not mean this in respect of the goodness or badness of the land in the whole plantation, but only in point of removal and spreading further into other parts, they afterwards conceiving it necessary that some should remove into other places, here and there, of more enlargement ; aud whereas I seem to speak of all the magistrates and people, I did indeed mean only all those with whom I had any private speech about those things. And as for the barrenness of the sandy grounds, &c, I spake of them then as I conceived; but now, by experience of mine own, I find that such ground as before I accounted barren, yet, being manured and husbanded, doth bring forth more fruit than I did expect. As for the not prospering of the English grain upon this ground, T do since that time see that rye and oats have pros pered better than I expected ; but as for the other kinds of grain, I do still question whether they will come to such perfection as in our native country from whence they come. And whereas I am thought generally to charge all that have written into Eng land by way of commendation of this land as if what they had written were generally false, I meant it only of such excessive commendations as I see did exceed and are contrary to that which I have here expressed. " And as concerning that which I said, that the gospel would 26 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. be as dear here as in England, I did it to this end, to put some which intended to come hither only for outward commodity to look for better grounds ere they look this way. As for some grounds of my returning, which I concealed from my friends for fear of doing hurt, I meant only some particular occasions and apprehensions of mine own, not intending to lay any secret blem ish upon the State. And whereas I did express the danger of decaying here in our first love, &c, I did it only in regard of the manifold occasions and businesses which here at first we meet withal, by which I find in mine own experience (and so, I think, do others also), how hard it is to keep our hearts in that holy frame which sometimes they were in where we had less to do in outward things, but not at all intending to impute it as necessary to our condition, much less as a fruit of our precious liberties which we enjoy, wjiich rather tend to the quickening of us, we improving the same as we ought. "This my answer (according with the inward consent and meaning of my heart) I do humbly commend to the favorable consideration and acceptance of the Court, desiring in this, as in all things, to approve myself in a conscience void of offence towards God and man. " John Pratt. . " Of this answer of John Pratt before written, voluntarily by him made, as we are witnesses, so we do also join with hiui in humble desire unto the Court, that it may be favorably accepted, and whatever failings are in the letter in regard of the manner of expressions (which may seem hardly to suit with these his in terpretations), we do desire the indulgence of the Court to pass over without further question. " Peter Btxlkeley. John Wilson. Thomas Hooehsr. " Whereas John Pratt of Newe Towne, being called before us at this present Court, and questioned for a letter which he wrote into England, dated -, wherein he raised an ill report of this country, did desire respite till the next day to consider of his answer, he hath now delivered in this before written, which, upon his free submission and acknowledgement of his error, the Court hath accepted for satisfaction, and thereupon pardoned his CIVIL HISTORY. 27 said offence, and given order that it shall be recorded, and such as desire copies thereof may have the same. " John Haynes, Govr., Will". Coddington, Rich: Belllngham, Will". Plnchon, John Winthrop, Atterton Houghe, Tho: Dudley, -Increase Nowell, John Humery, Sxmon Bradstreete."1 This Mr. Pratt was a physician in the New Town, or Cam bridge, for several years. He and his wife were drowned near the coast of Spain in December, 1646, as related by Winthrop.2 He was not the only dissatisfied person, though less cautious than others in expressing his feelings. As early as May, 1634, this spirit of dissatisfaction became so general among the inhabitants of the New Town, that they proposed to abandon their compara tively pleasant homes, and to commence anew in the wilderness. The ostensible reason for removal was the lack of sufficient land. The town was indeed narrow, but its length was indefinite. The limit of eight miles northwesterly from the meeting-house was not fixed until March, 1636 ; and it does not appear how far the land was previously occupied in that direction. But tbe westerly line of Charlestown was established, March 6, 1632-3 ; and it seems to have been understood that the whole territory between that line and the easterly bounds of Watertown was reserved for the use of New Town, however far those lines might extend into the country. But the people appeared impatient of such narrow limits. At the General Court, May 14, 1634, " Those of New Town complained of straitness for want of land, especially meadow, and desired leave of the Court to look out either for enlargement or removal, which was granted ; whereupon they sent men to see Agawam and Merrimack, and gave out that they would remove, etc."3 Early in July, 1634, "Six of New Town went in the Blessing (being bound to the Dutch plantation,) to discover Connecticut River, intending to remove their town thither."4 In the following September, the same subject was again brought before the General Court. The record is very brief ; but the particulars related by Winthrop are of so much interest that they may well be quoted in full : — Sept. 4, 1634. " The General Court began at New Town, and continued a week, and was then adjourned fourteen days. — l Mass. Rec, i. 358-360. 3 Savage's Winthrop, i. 132. - Savage's Winthrop, ii. 239. 4 Ibid., i. 136. . 28 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The main business, which spent the most time and caused the adjourning of the Court, was about the removal of New Town. They had leave, the last General Court, to look out some place for enlargement or removal, with promise of having it confirmed to them, if it were not prejudicial to any other plantation ; and now they moved that they might have leave to remove to Con necticut. This matter was debated divers days, and many rea sons alleged pro and con. " The principal reasons for their removal were, 1. Their want of accommodation for their cattle, so as they were not able to maintain their ministers, nor could receive any more of their friends to help them ; and here it was alleged by Mr. Hooker, as a fundamental error, that towns were set so near each to other. 2. The fruitfulness and commodiousness of Connecticut, and the danger of having it possessed by others, Dutch or Eng lish. 3. The strong bent of their spirits to remove thither. " Against these it was said, 1. That, in point of conscience, the}' ought not to depart from us, being knit to us in one body and bound by oath to seek the welfare of this commonwealth. 2. That, in point of state and civil polity, we ought not to give them leave to depart : — being we were now weak and in danger to be assailed ; the departure of Mr. Hooker would not only draw many from us, but also divert other friends that would come to us ; we should expose them to evident peril, both from the Dutch, (who made claim to the same river and had already built a fort there,) and from the Indians, and also from our own state at home, who would not endure they should sit down without a patent in any place which our king lays claim unto. 3. They might be accommodated at home by some enlargement which other towns offered. 4. They might remove to Merimack or any other place within our patent. 5. The removing of a candlestick is a great judgment, which is to be avoided. " Upon these and other arguments the Court being divided, it was put to vote; and, of the Deputies, fifteen were for their departure, and ten against it. The Governor and two Assistants were for it, and the Deputy and all the rest of the Assistants were against it, (except the Secretary, who gave no vote ;) whereupon no record was entered, because there were not six Assistants in the vote, as the patent requires. Upon this there grew a great difference between the Governor and Assistants and the Deputies. They would not yield the Assistants a nega tive voice, and the others (considering how dangerous it mioht CIVIL HISTORY. 29 be to the commonwealth if they should not keep that strength to balance the greater number of the Deputies) thought it safe to stand upon it. So when they could proceed no farther, the whole Court agreed to keep a day of humiliation to seek the Lord, which was accordingly done, in all the congregations, the 18th day of this mouth : and the 24th the Court met again. Before they began, Mr. Cotton preached, (being desired by all the Court upon Mr. Hooker's instant excuse of his unfitness for that occasion.) He took his text out of Hag. ii. 4, etc., out of which he laid down the nature or strength (as he termed it) of the magistracy, ministry, and people, viz. — the strength of the mag istracy to be their authority ; of the people, their liberty ; and of the ministry, their purity ; and showed how all of these had a negative voice, etc., and that yet the ultimate resolution, etc., ought to be in the whole body of the people, etc., with answer to all objections, and" a declaration of the people's duty and right to maintain their true liberties against any unjust violence, etc., which gave great satisfaction to the company. And it pleased the Lord so to assist him and to bless his own ordinance, that the affairs of the Court went on cheerfully ; and although all were not satisfied about the negative voice to be left to the magistrates, yet no man moved aught about it, and the con gregation of New Town came and accepted of such enlargement as had formerly been offered them by Boston and Watertown ; and so the fear of their removal to Connecticut was removed." - This " enlargement," however, was not permanently satisfac tory. The inhabitants of New Town again manifested " the strong bent oi their spirits to remove." It does not appear when they received permission of the General Court. Perhaps the lib erty granted in general terms, May 14, 1634, was held to be suf ficient. It seems certain that a considerable number of tliem went to Connecticut before Sept. 3, 1635 ; for on that day Wil liam Westwood, a New Town man, was " sworn Constable of the plantations at Connecticut till some other be chosen."2 But the general exodus was several months later. Under date of May 31, 1636, Winthrop says : " Mr. Hooker, pastor of the church of New Town, and the most of his congregation, went to Connecti cut. His wife was carried in a horse-litter ; and they drove one hundred and sixty cattle, and fed of their milk by the way." 3 Their possessions in New Town were purchased by Mr. Shepard l Savage's Winthrop, i. 140-142. 8 Savage's Winthrop, i. 187. - Mass. CV. Rec, i. 159. 30 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and his friends, who opportunely arrived in the autumn of 1635 and the following spring and summer. The reasons assigned for this removal seem insufficient to jus tify it ; or, at the least, insufficient to require it. As to their in ability to maintain their ministers, it should be observed that at the same session when this reason was alleged, New Town was rated as high as any other town in the colony.1 The real want of accommodation for cattle and for an additional population may be estimated from the facts that, at this time there were probably less than one hundred families here, containing from five hundred to six hundred persons; and, supposing them to have sold one half of their cattle to their successors, their herd may have con sisted of about three hundred. Including the land then offered by others and accepted by them, their territory embraced Cam bridge, Arlington, Brookline, Brighton, and Newton. After making all needful allowance for improvements in agriculture, one might suppose here was sufficient room for somewhat more than a hundred families, with their flocks and herds. Another reason is mentioned by Winthrop, namely, "the strong bent of their spirits to remove." The particular pressure which occasioned this " strong bent " he does not describe. But Hubbard, writing before 1682, when many were living who heard the discussion, intimates what that pressure was : " Tlie impulsive cause, as wise men deemed and themselves did not altogether conceal, was the strong bent of their spirits to remove out of the place where they were. Two such eminent stars, such as were Mr. Cotton and Mr. Hooker, both of the first magnitude, though of different influence, could not well continue in one 'and the same orb." 2 Again he says : " A great number of the plan ters of the old towns, viz., Dorchester, Roxbury, Watertown, and Cambridge, were easily induced to attempt a removal of themselves and families upon the first opportunity offered ; which was not a little advanced by the fame and interest of Mr. Hooker, whose worth and abilities had no small influence upon the people of the towns forementioned."3 The opinion thus expressed by Hubbard, was adopted by Hutchinson,. nearly a hundred years later : " Mr. Hooker and Mr. Cotton were deservedly in high esteem ; some of the principal persons were strongly attached to the one of them, and some to the other. The great influence which Mr. Cotton had in the colony inclined Mr. Hooker and his 1 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 129. 8 Ibid., xvi. 305, 306. 2 Coll. Mass. Hiit. Soc, xv. 173. CIVIL HISTORY. 31 friends to remove to some place more remote from Boston than New Town. Besides, they alleged, as a reason for their removal, that they were straitened for room, and thereupon viewed divers places on the sea-coast, but were not satisfied with them." - Trumbull suggests that political rivalry was mingled with cleri cal jealousy. Of John Haynes he says : " In 1635 he was chosen Governor of Massachusetts. He was not considered in any respect inferior to Governor Winthrop. His growing popularity, and the fame of Mr. Hooker, who, as to strength of genius and his lively and powerful manner of preaching, rivalled Mr. Cotton, were supposed to have had no small influence upon the General Court in their granting liberty to Mr. Hooker and his company to remove to Connecticut. There it was judged they would not so much eclipse the fame, nor stand in the way of the promotion and honor of themselves or their friends."2 Very probably such jealousies and rivalries had some influence upon the removal of Mr. Hooker and his friends. It is known that Winthrop and Haynes differed in judgment upon public policy, the former advocating a mild administration of justice, and the latter insisting on "more strictness in civil government and military discipline," as Winthrop relates at large, i. 177-179. The Antinomian controversy, which did not indeed culminate until a year or two later, had commenced as early- as 1635 ; in which Hooker and Cotton espoused opposite sides, and were among the most prominent clerical antagonists. Up to the period of the removal, it seemed doubtful which party would prevail. Both parties were zealous ; both lauded their own clergymen, and spoke harshly" of their opponents. It is not sur prising, therefore, that Cotton and Hooker should feel that their close proximity was irritating rather than refreshing. On the whole, I think, " the strong bent of their spirits to remove " was not altogether caused by lack of sufficient land or by straitness of accommodations. However doubtful the cause, the fact is certain, that the greater part of the First Church and Congregation removed from New Town; more than fifty families went to Hartford, and others else where. Of the families residing here before January, 1635, not more than eleven are known to have remained. The following list of inhabitants is compiled from the Records of the Town, under the dates when they first appear. It should be observed, however, that perhaps many of them were here earlier than the l Hist. Mass., i. 43. - Hist. Conn., i. 224. 32 .HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. dates would indicate. For example, Dudley and Bradstreet, and probably others, under date of 1632, were here in 1631 ; many of those who are entered under date of 1633 were certainly here in 16-32 ; and some of those whose names first appear in 1634 had perhaps been residents one or two years previously.. It may also be observed, that of those who removed, many did not permanently remain in the town first selected, but subsequently went elsewhere ; yet it does not properly fall within my province to trace their various emigrations. 1632. Thomas Dudley, Esq.1 Simon Bradstreet.1 Edmund Lockwood.2 Daniel Patrick.8 John Poole.4 William Spencer.6 John Kirman.4 Simon Sackett.2 1633. Jeremy Adams.6 Matthew Alien.6 John Benjamin.6 Jonathan Bosworth.7 John Bridge.6 Richard Butler.5 William Butler.6 John Clark.6 Anthony Colby.8 Daniel Denison.1 Samuel Dudley.9 Edward Elmer.5 Richard Goodman.6 William Goodwin.5 Garrad Haddon.8 Daniel Abbott.10 William Andrews.5 John Arnold.6 Guy Banbridge.6 John Barnard.6 Stephen Hart.6 John Haynes, Esq.6 Thomas Heate.7 Rev. Thomas Hooker.6 John Hopkins.5 Thomas Hosmer.6 William Kelsey.5 William Lewis.6 Richard Lord.5 John Masters.6 Abraham Morrill. Hester Mussey.6 James Olmstead.5 William Pantry.5 John Pratt.6 1634. -Thomas Beale,6 - C hristopher Can e.6 Mrs. Chester.5 Nicholas Clark.5 Dolor Davis.11 Joseph Reading.1 Nathaniel Richards.5 Thomas Spencer.5 Edward Stebbins.5 George Steele.5 John Steele.5 Rev. Samuel Stone.5 John Talcott.6 Wm. Wadsworth.5 Andrew Warner.5 Richard Webb.6 William Westwood.5 Johu White.5 Robert Day.6 Joseph Easton.6 Nathaniel Ely.5 James Ensign.5 Thomas Fisher.12 1 Removed to Ipswich. - Died here ; family removed to Con necticut. 3 Removed to Watertown. * Removed to Lynn. 6 Removed to Hartford. 6 Remained here. 7 Removed to Hingham. 8 Removed to Salisbury. 9 Removed to Boston. 10 Removed to Providence. n Removed to Concord. 12 Removed to Dedham. CIVIL HISTORY. 33 Edmund Gearner.1 John Gibson.2 Seth Grant.3 Bartholomew Green.2 Samuel Green.2 Samuel Greenhill.3 Nathaniel Hancock.2 Edmund Huat.4 Thomas Judd.8 William Mann.2n<; John Maynard.3 Joseph Mygate.3 Stephen Post.3 John Prince.6 Thomas Scott.3 Garrad Spencer.7 Michael Spencer.7 Timothy Stanley.8 George Stocking.8 Timothy Tomlins.7 Humphrey Vincent.6 Samuel Wakeman.3 Samuel Whitehead.3 Simon Willard.8 1 Perhaps the Edmund Gardner, who was in Ipswich, 1638. 2 Remained here. 3 Removed to Hartford. 4 Removed to Duxbury.. 3 5 Removed to Hull. 6 Removed to Ipswich. ' Removed to Lynn. * Removed to Concord. CHAPTER V. CIVIL HISTORY. It has already been mentioned in the preceding chapter, that Mr. Hooker and a large proportion of his church removed from New Town in 1635 and 1636; and that Mr. Shepard with an other company purchased their houses and lands. Among " the reasons which swayed him to come to New England," Mr. Shep ard says in his Autobiography, " Divers people in Old England of my dear friends desired me to go to New England there to live together, and some went before and writ to me of providing a place for a company of us, one of which was John Bridge, and I saw divers families of my Christian friends, who were resolved thither to go with me." Accordingly " in the year 1634, about the beginning of the winter," he embarked at Harwich, having with him " brother Champney, Frost, Goffe, and divers others, most dear saints," who 'afterwards were inhabitants of Cam bridge. They were driven back by stress of weather, and the voy-age was abandoned. But "about the 10th of August, 1635," he again embarked ; " and so the Lord, after many sad storms and wearisome days and many longings to see the shore, brought us to the sight of it upon Oct. 2, 1635, and upon Oct. the 3d, we arrived with my wife, child, brother Samuel, Mr. Harla- kenden, Mr. Cooke, &c, at Boston. — When we had been here two days, upon Monday Oct. 5, we came (being sent for by friends at Newtown) to them, to my brother Mr. Stone's house ; and that congregation being upon tbeir removal to Hartford at Connecticut, mjTself and those that came with me found many houses empty and many persons willing to sell, and here our company bought off their houses to dwell in until we should see another place fit to remove into ; but having been here some time, clivers of our brethren did desire to sit still and not to re move farther, partly because of the fellowship of the churches, partly because they thought their lives Avere short and removals to near plantations full of troubles, partly because they found CIVIL HISTORY. 35 sufficient for themselves and their company,"1 Besides those who ai-e here named by Mr. Shepard, another Mr. Cooke and William French came in the same ship ( Tlie Defence) with him ; and the larger portion of those whose names first appear in 1635 and 1636 may safety be regarded as members of his company, to wit : — 1635. Jonas Austin.2 Thomas Blodgett.8 Thomas Blower.3 William Blumfield.4 Robert Bradish.3 Thomas Brigham.3 -William Buck.8 William Butler.4 Clement Chaplin.* Thomas Chesholme.3 George Cooke.3 Joseph Cooke.3 -Simon Crosby.3 Nicholas Danforth.3 WiUiam French.3 -Edmund Frost.3 Richard Girling.3 Edward Goffe.3 Percival Green.3 William Adams.8 . Edmund Aiigier.3 James Bennett.9 Thomas Besbeech.10 Richard Betts.8 Peter Bulkeley.0 Benjamin Burr.4 John Champney.3 Richard Champney.3 l Life of Shepard, edition of 1S32, pp. 42-58. 2 Removed to Hingham. 3 Remained here. * Removed to Hartford. 6 Removed to Charlestown. 6 Removed to Hartford. Two of the same name were here. Roger Harlakenden, Esq.! Atherton Haugh.3 William Holman.3 John Jackson.3 William Jones.6 '' Barnabas Lamson.3 Thomas Marrett.8 John Meane.3 Nicholas Olmstead.4 Thomas Parish.3 Robert Parker.3 John Pratt.6 William Ruscoe .4 John Russell.3 -Samuel Shepard!3 Rev. Thomas Shepard.3 Edward Winship.3 William Witherell.7 1^6. Josiah Cobbett.2 Edward Collins.3 John Cooper.3 Gilbert Crackbone.3 Francis Griswold.3 Thomas Hayward." Ralph Hudson.12 Joseph Isaac.3 Richard Jackson.3 7 Afterwards settled in the ministry at Scituate. 8 Removed to Ipswich. 9 Removed to Concord. 10 Removed to Scituate or Duxbury ; afterwards to Sudbury. 11 Removed to Duxbury. 12 A proprietor ; but resided in Boston. \ 36 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. John King.1 John Santley.1 John Moore.2 Nathaniel Sparhawk.2 Walter Nichols.3 Comfort Starr.5 Richard Parke.2 Gregory Stone.2 William Patten.2 William Towne.2 Richard Rice.4 Thomas Welles.6 Nicholas Roberts.1 John Woolcott.7 Immediately after the arrival of Mr. Shepard's company, they became prominent in municipal affairs, although the larger part of Mr. Hooker's company did not remove until six months after wards. I quote again from the Town Records : — Nov. 23, 1635. " At a general meeting of the whole town, there was then chosen, to order the business of the whole town for the year following, and until new be chosen in their room, Mr. Roger Harlakenden, William Spencer, Andrew Warner, Joseph Cooke, John Bridge, Clement Chaplin, Nicholas Dan forth, Thomas Hosmer, William Andrews : which nine men are to have the power of the Town as those formerly chosen had, as may appear in the order made the 3d Feb. 1634. (1634—5.) " Further, there was chosen and sworn William Andrews, con stable for the year following, and until a new be chosen. " Further, there was then chosen for the year following Bar nabas Lambson to be surveyor of the highways. " It is further ordered, That the Town Book shall be at Wil liam Spencer's house." With a change of government came a change of customs. Some of the common planting fields became private property. Thus the Old Field, containing about sixty-three acres, was di vided between Edward Goffe, Samuel Shepard, and Joseph Cooke. Small-lot-Hill, in like manner, passed into fewer hands. Farms were granted to such as desired them, both on the south side of the River, and in the territory now embraced in Arling ton and Lexington. Much tlie larger portion of the inhabitants continued to reside in the " town," and " West End," very few venturing beyond the line of Sparks, Wyeth, and Garden Streets ; but provision was made for the suitable care of their cattle, on the commons, by keepers specially appointed. Rules were adopted to promote the comfort and convenience of the inhabi tants, and to protect them against annoyance by undesirable 1 Names soon disappeared. 5 Removed to Duxbury. 2 Remained here. 6 Removed to Hartford. 3 Removed to Charlestown. 7 A proprietor; but resided in Water- 4 Removed to Concord. town. CIVIL HISTORY. 37 associates. A few extracts from the Records may help to ex hibit their condition. Dec. 7, 1635. "It is ordered, That the monthly meeting, every first Monday [in the month], according to the first order, shall [be continued ;] and whosoever appears not within half an hour after the ringing of the bell, shall pay for the first day vid., and [for the second] day xiid., and so to double it every day, [unless he have] a just excuse, such as may give satisfaction to the rest of the company.1 " It is further ordered, That there shall be a sufficient bridge made down to low-water mark on this side the River, and a broad ladder [set up] on the farther side the River, for conveni ence [of] landing; and Mr. Chaplin, Mr. Danforth and Mr. Cooke to see it made." - Jan. 4, 1635-6, " It is ordered, That Mr. Joseph Cooke shall keep the ferry, and have a penny over, and a half a penny on Lecture davs.s " It is further ordered, That there shall be a double rail set up from the Pine Swamp fence to West-end Field fence, for the milch cows to lie in, on nights, and that no other cattle whatever to go there, either swine, goats, mares, or tbe like." 4 Feb. 8, 1635-6, "Agreed with Mr. Chapline, that his man 1 This order would seem to require a gregations, did agree to reduce them to monthly meeting of all the- inhabitants; two days, viz.: Mr. Colton one Thurs- but the records indicate that only the day, or the 5th day of the week, and Mr. Townsmen thus met. A general town Hooker at New Town the next 5th day ; meeting was =*lflora held, except annu- aud Mr. Warham at Dorchester one 4th ally in November, for the election of ofS- day of the week, and Mr. Welcle at Rox- cers. bury, the next 4th day." This arrange- 2 This bridge, or causeway, was at the raent was not effectual ; for Winthrop adds southerly end of Dnnster Street. Traces five years later, in 1 639, " there were so of the old road on the south side of tbe many Lectures now in the country, and river were visible not long ago (and per- many poor persons would usually resort to haps still remain ), several rods east of the two or three in the week, to the great neg- present road leading from the Great Bridge lect of their affairs, and the damage of to Brighton. Connected with this cause- the public," etc. The General Court at- way was the f err)-, named in the next order, tempted to correct the evil; bnt the El- 3 Although there were then few, if any, der3, or Pastors of Churches, manifested inhabitants of the New Town residing on such a keen jealousy of their rights, that the south side of the River, yet many per- the attempt was abandoned, and all evi- sons crossed the ferry, in going from dence of it was suppressed, or excluded town to town, especially on Lecture-days, from the records. Savage's Winthrop, i. Winthrop tells us in 1634, — "It being 144,324-326. found that the four Lectures did spend * This fence was where Linniean Street too much time, and proved overburden- now is, and was the northern boundary of some to the ministers and people, the the cow-common; the other sides were ministers with the advice ofthe magis- bounded by the present Garden Street and trates, and with the consent of their con- North Avenue. 38 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. shall keep the goats, and to have three half pence a week for one goat, and a penny a week for wethers or kids ; to begin next Monday." March 1, 1635-6, "Agreed with Richard Rice to keep 100 cows for the space of three months, to begin when he shall be appointed ; and is to have ten pounds paid him within ten days after the ships be come in, or in June. Also he is to have 2 men to help him keep them the first 14 days, and one man the next 7 days ; also to have them kept 2 sabbath clays, and he one, during the time. Also he is to fetch the cows into the town every morn ing out of the common, half an hour after the sun is up, at the farthest, and to bring them into the town half an hour before the sun goeth down, and to pay iiid. a cow for every night he leaveth out any. Also he is not to keep any cattle for any man except he have leave from the Townsmen, upon the forfeiture of vs. a cow he shall so keep. Also he hath liberty to keep his own heifer without pay." " Agreed with John Clarke to make a sufficient weir to catch alewives upon Menotomies River in the bounds of this town, be fore the 12th of April next, and shall sell and deliver unto the inhabitants of the town and no other, except for bait, all the ale- wives he shall take at iii3., 6d. per thousand, and shall at all times give such notice to the persons that shall be appointed to fetch them away as he shall be directed, who shall discharge the said John Clarke of them within 24 hours after notice, or else he to have liberty to sell them to whom he can. Provided, and it is the meaning of the Townsmen, that if any shall desire to have some to eat before the great quantity cometh, then he is to have iid- a score and fetch them there, or iiid. a score and he bring them home. Further the Townsmen do promise in the behalf of the town to make good all those fish that he shall be damnified by the Indians, that is, shall himself deliver unto them, being appointed before by the Townsmen how many he shall deliver. Also to save him harmless from any damage he shall sustain by Wattertowne, provided it be not his own fault. He is to have his money within 14 days after he hath clone fishing." March 13, 1635-6, " Agreed with William Patten to keep 100 cattle on the other side the River for the space of seven months, to begin when the Town shall appoint him, and to have twenty pounds, the one half paid him in money when he hath keep half his time, and the other half in corn when he hath done keeping, at the price which the common rate of corn goeth when CIVIL HISTORY. 39 he is to be paid. And he is to have a man to help him the first 14 days, he paying him for one week, the Town for the other ; also he is to lodge there except once a week, and to have a man to keep them every other sabbath day ; and he to pay x9. a beast for every beast he shall lose ; and to keep no cattle of any man, except tlie Townsmen give leave, upon the forfeiture of 5s. a head for every head be shall so keep." " The hog-keeper began to keep on the first of April, beino- the fifth day of the week, at 10s. per week so long as the Towns men please to have him keep them ; and he is to keep them at Rockyr Meadow." April 4, 1636. " Agreed with John Talcott and William Wadsworth to have their house at Rocky Meadow this year, for the hog-keeper to abide in ; and they are to have their cattle go free from paying towards the pound for dry cattle this year." " It is ordered, That Richard Rice shall begin to keep the cows the 11th of April, 1636." " It is ordered, That William Pattine shall begin to keep the dry cattle the 14th of April." " Ordered, That whosoever finds a cock, hen, or turkey, in a garden, it shall be lawful for them to require three pence of the owner ; and if they refuse to pay, then to kill the same." " Andrew Warner and Joseph Cooke to make a rate for the division of the ulewives.'" - April 23, 1636. " Agreed with Andrew Warner to fetch home the alewives from the weir ; and he is to have xvid. a thousand, and load them himself, for carriage ; and to have power to take any man to help hini, he paying of him for his work. " Andrew Warner appointed to see a cartway made to the weir." " William Reskie appointed to make a pound." Oct. 3, 1630. " Agreed with Mr. Cooke to take up all the stubs that are within the bounds of the town, that is, within the town gates : 2 and he is to have ixd. apiece for taking up the same, l It was custumarv to put one or more dog that shall be taken damage feasant, alewives in each hili of corn, and to use with all other just damages." them otherwise for the enrichment of the ' " Town gates" then stood across soil They were considered of so much Harvard Street, near Linden Street ; value for this purpose as to be divided across Brattle Street, probably near Ash ratably As late as June 10, 1649, it was Street ; and across the street between the "ordered by the Townsmen, that all per- College yard and the Burial-place. Be- sons provide that their dogs may do no sides these, there were other gates to pro- harm in corn or gardens, by scraping up tect the cow-common ; one across Ivirk- thefish upon the penaltv of 3d for every land Street, near Oxford Street; one 40 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and filling up the holes, all above iii. inches [deep], which he is to do before the first of December, or else to forfeit 5?." Dec. 5, 1636. " Ordered, That no man inhabiting or not in habiting within the bounds of the town shall let or sell any house or land unto any, without the consent of the Townsmen then in place, unless it be to a member of the congregation ; and lest any one shall sustain loss thereby, they shall come and proffer the same unto them, upon a day of the monthly meeting, and at such a rate as he shall not sell or let for a lesser price unto any than he offereth unto them, and to leave the same in their hands, in liking, until the next meeting clay in the next month, when, if they shall not take it, paying the price within some convenient time, or provide him a chapman, he shall then be free to sell or let the same unto any other, provided the Townsmen think them fit to be received in." " Ordered, That whosoever entertains any stranger into the town, if the congregation desire it, he shall set the town free of them again within one month after warning given them, or else he shall pay 19s. 8d- unto the townsmen as a fine for his default, and as much for every month they shall there remain. " There is granted unto Frances Greshold, the Drummer, 2 acres of land, lying at the end of Barnebe Lambson's pale to wards Charlestowne, in legard of his service amongst the soldiers upon all occasions, as long as he stayeth, with condition, if he depart the town and leave off that service within two years, he shall leave it unto the town at the charge it hath cost him in building and enclosing." Jan. 2, 1636-7. " It is granted unto Joseph Cooke to have the hill by his house, which have been hitherto preserved for a place to build a fort upon for defence, with all the lane leading there unto; provided if the town shall ever make use of it for that end, he shall yield it again ; or else to remain to him and his heirs forever.1 " Granted to Mr. Richard Harlakingden six hundred acres of upland and meadow, at the place called Vine Brook, in the mid way between Newtowne and Concord, upon condition he sendeth over his man, or ordereth that some other may build upon it and across Garden Street, at the west end of some that a portion of it still remains. Linnaean Street, and probably another at The hill reserved for a fort is the hi«-h its east end, across North Avenue. land at the southeasterly angle of Holyoke 1 The house of Joseph Cooke stood at Place. Mr. Cooke's lot contained five the northeasterly corner of Holyoke Street acres, lying cast of Holyoke Street, and and Holyoke Place ; and it is believed by south of Mount Auburn Street. CIVIL HISTORY: 41 improve it for him the next summer after this next ensuing, and now, this spring, [give] certain intelligence he will do so ; and upon condition likewise that he cometh himself the next summer after being the third from this time ; and if he shall fail in all or any one of these three conditions, then this grant to be void." 1 Jan. 14, 1638-9. li Ordered, there being found much damage done by swine in 'this town, since the order of the General Court was repealed, and they left at liberty for each town to order, — t it^ is therefore ordered, at a general meeting of the Townsmen, with a general consent of the inhabitants then present, that is to say, that none, either rich or poor, shall keep above two swine abroad on the common, one sow hog and a barrow, or 2 barrows ; and these to be sufficiently yoked and ringed, after the judgment of the two brethren that are appointed to see to the execution of this order, and to bring in a note of such defaults as they find. And if any be found defective, to break this order, either by keeping more than 2 hogs, and such hogs, so let abroad, if not sufficiently [yoked and ringed] after the order, shall pay for every breach of this order 2s., unless in case there should be any failing by unexpected providence, and can be so proved by suffi cient evidence ; in that case there may be mitigation of this fine, otherwise to take place without all excuses, to the end that each man and this commonweal may be preserved from damage by that creature in this our town." Oct. 1, 1639. " Ordered, for the preservation of apple-trees and all other kind of quick-set, in men's yards or elsewhere, and for preventing all other damage byr them and harm to themselves by skipping over pales, That no goats shall be suffered to go out of the owner's yrard without a keeper ; but if it appeareth to be willingly, they shall pay unto any one that will put them to pound two pence for every goat, beside damage and poundage. And because the charge would be too great if only a part of them be kept, it is therefore also ordered, that whosoever shall not put forth their goats shall notwithstanding pay to the keeper within one third part as much for every goat as they that do put them out, until the first of March ; and after that day, to the full as much as any do for those that are with the herd." March, 1639-40. " Ordered, That William Towne shall regis- l Richard Harlakenden was elder broth- signed, April 2, 1638, to Roger Harla- er to Roger Harlakenden, and had been kenden, in lieu of five hundred acres very kind to Mr. Shepard in England, previously granted to him on the south He did not comply with the conditions of side of the river. Vine Brook passes this grant; and the same land was as- through the central portion of Lexington. 42 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ter every birth, marriage, and burial, according to the order of Court in that case provided, and give it in, once every year, to be delivered by the Deputies to the Recorder; and shall gather for every particular entrance 1 penny for the Recorder's fees, and xii'1. for himself." 1640. "Granted unto Joseph Cooke a farm of 400 acres of the nearest upland adjoining to his meadow lying be yond Cheesecake Brook - and between that and Charles River ; and also liberty to go with a straight line, (on the hithermost side of his meadow on this side Cheesecake Brook), down by the edge of the highland, to Charles River." At the same meeting grants of farms were made to other per sons, to wit : to Samuel Shepard 400 acres adjoining and be yond the farm of Joseph Cooke; to Capt. George Cooke, 600 acres ; to Edward Goffe, 600 acres ; to John Bridge, 350 acres ; severally " about the outside of the bounds between Watertowne, Concord, and Charlestowne." During this period, the General Court passed several orders, affecting the comfort and prosperity of the people dwelling here : — Oct. 28, 1636. " The Court agreed to give 400?. towards a school or college, whereof 200?. to be paid tbe next year, and 200?. when the work is finished, and the next Court to appoint where and what building." 2 Dec. 13, 1636. " It is ordered, That all military men in this jurisdiction shall be ranked into three regiments, viz., Boston, Roxberry, Dorchester, Weimoth, Hingham, to be one regiment, whereof John Winthrope, senior, Esquire, shall be colonel, and Tho. Dudley, Esquire, lieftenant colonel : " Charlestowne, Newetowne, Watertowne, Concord, and Ded- dam, to be another regiment, whereof John Haynes, Esqr. shall be colonel, and Roger Herlakenden Esqr. lieftenant colonel : 1 Cheesecake Brook is in the westerly 2§ acres of land, on which Holworthy, part of Newton. Stoughton, and Hollis Halls are sup- - Mass. Col. Rec, i. 183. President posed to stand. This grant to the Pro- Quincy (Hist. Harv. Coll.,i. 1), states fessor, made May 11, 1638, is defined on that this foundation of the College was the record to be "to the Town's use for- laid Sept. 8, 1636, overlooking the fact ever, for a public school or college ; and that the General Court, which met on to the use of Mr. Nathaniel Eaton as that day, adjourned until October, and long as he shall be employed in that made this grant on the 28th day of that work; so that at his death, or ceasing month. The College was ordered to be from that work, he or his shall be allowed established at Newtown, Nov. 15, 1637, according to the charges he hath been at, and the town granted "to the Professor" in building or fencing." CIVIL HISTORY. 43 " Saugust, Salem, Ipswich, and Neweberry, to be another regi ment, whereof John Endecot Esqr. shall be colonel, and John Winthrope, junior, leiftenant colonel: "And the Governor for the time being shall be chief gen eral." - "March 8L, 1636-7. "For Newetowne, Mr. George Cooke chosen captain ; Mr. Willi: Spencer, leiftenant ; Mr. Sam: Shep ard, ensign." - Nov. 15, 1637. " The College is ordered to be at Newetowne." 3 Nov. 20, 1637. "For the College, the Governor, Mr. Win thrope, the Deputy, Mr. Dudley, the Treasurer, Mr. Bellingham, Mr. Humfrey, Mr. Herlakenden, Mr. Staughton, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Damport, Mr. Wells, Mr. Sheopard, and Mr. Peters, these or the greater part of them, whereof Mr. Win thrope, Mr. Dudley, or Mr. Bellingham, to be alway one, to take order for a College at Newetowne. " Edward Michelson, being appointed marshall of the Court, is appointed to have for any execution 12c?. in the pound for the first ten pounds, and 6c?. in the pound to 40?., and after, 3c?. in the pound to a hundred pounds, and lc?. in the pound for all above 100?., to be paid out of the estate which the execution is served upon. For every attachment of goods or persons the marshall is to have 2s. 6cZ. ; and if he goeth any w.a!y, he is to have 12c?. a mile beside. And the marshall is to have 2s. 6c?. for every commitment in Court, and 10?. stipend for this year to come." * May 2, 1638. "It is ordered, That Newetowne shall hencefor ward be called Cambridge.'" 5 Dec. 4, 1638. " The town of Cambridge was fined 10s. for want of a watch-house, pound, and stocks ; and time was given them till the next Court."6 1 Mass. Coll. Rec.,i. 1S6, 187. saved many hundred souls." Coll. Mass. - Ibid., i. 190. Hist. Soc, xvii. 27, 28. 3 Ibid., i. 208. In his Wonder-Work- J Mass. Col. Rec, i. 217. Mr. Mitchel- ing Providence, Johnson says concerning son held this office, equivalent to that of the College: " To make the whole world High Sheriff, until 1681, when he died understand that spiritual learning was the and was succeeded by his son-in-law, John thing they chiefly desired, to sanctify the Green. other and make the whole lump holy, and 5 Ibid., i. 228. This name is supposed that learning being set upon its right ob- to have been selected, because a place of ject, might not contend for error instead the same name is the seat of a univer- of truth", they chose this place, being then sity in England, where several of the under the orthodox and soul-flourishing Magistrates and Elders had been edu- ministry of Mr. Thomas Shepheard, of cated. whom it may be said, without any wrong 6 Ibid., i. 247. to others, the Lord by his ministry hath 44 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. March 13, 1638-9: " It is ordered, That the College agreed upon formerly to be built at Cambridge shall be called Harvard College." - Under date of March, 1639, Winthrop says, " a printing-house. was begun at Cambridge by one Daye, at the charge of Mr. Glover, who died on sea hitherward. The first thing which was printed was the freeman's oath ; the next was an almanac made for New England by Mr. William Peirce, mariner ; the next was the Psalms newly turned into metre." - Many years ago, the late Thaddeus William Harris, M. D., then Librarian of Harvard College, gave me a copy of an ancient document pre served in the archives of that institution, which manifestly re lates to this affair, though, perhaps for prudential reasons, no mention is made in it concerning printing. It is a bond in the usual form, given by Stephen Day3 of Cambridge, county of Cambridge, locksmith 4 to Josse Glover,5 clerk, in the penal sum of one hundred pounds, and dated June 7, 1638. The condition is thus stated : " The condition of this obligation is such, that, whereas the above named Josse Glover hath undertaken and promised to bear the charges of and for the transportation of the above bounden Stephen Day and Rebecca his wife, and of Mat thew6 and Stephen Day, their children, and of William Bord- man," and three menservants, which are to be transported with him the said Stephen to New England in America, in the ship called the John of London ; and whereas the transportation of all the said parties will cost the sum of forty and four pounds, which is to be disbursed by the said Joos Glover ; and whereas the said Joos Glover hath delivered to the' said Stephen Day kettles and other iron tools to the value of seven pounds, both which sums amount to the sum of fifty and one pounds; If, -Mass. Col. Rec, i. 253. So called in hon- appointment. I think that Marmaduke or of Rev. John Harvard, who endowed Johnson, who came to assist in printing the college with half of his estate together the Indian Bible, was the first thoroughly with the whole of his library. instructed printer in New England. 2 Savages' Winthrop, i. 289. 5 The true name of Mr. Glover was 3 He wrote his name Daye. Jose. * Although Dave was recognized by 6 Matthew Daye was a printer, and the the General Court, Dec. 10, 1641, as "the first known Steward of Harvard College. first that set upon printing," he was a He died 10th May, 1649. locksmith, and not a printer, by trade. 1 William Boardman was son of Ste- Perhaps his son Matthew had already phen Daye's wife by a former husband, received some instruction as a printer, and was both Steward of the College and It is not probable that his successor, the progenitor of at least four stewards. Samnel Green, had much knowledge of He died 25th March, 1685, a<*ed 71. the printer's mystery, at the time of his CIVIL HISTORY. 45 therefore, the said Stephen Day do and shall with all speed1 ship himself and his said wife and children and servants, and the said William Bordman in the same ship, and cause him and themselves to be transported in the said ship to New Eng land aforesaid, with as much speed as wind and weather will per mit ; and also if the said Stephen Day, his executors, adminis trators or assigns do truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Josse Glover his executors or assigns the sum of [fifty] and one pounds, of lawful [money of] England within twenty and four months next after the arrival of the said Stephen Day the father in New England aforesaid, or within thirty clays next after the decease of the said Stephen Day the father, which of the said times shall first and next happen to come or be after the date. above written; and also if the said Stephen Day the father and his servants and every of them do and shall from time to time labor and work with and for the said Josse Glover and his assigns in the trade which the said Stephen the father now useth in New England aforesaid, at such rates and prices as is usually paid and allowed for the like work in the country there ; and also if the said Stephen the father, his executors or adminis trators, do and shall, with the said sum of fifty and one pounds, pay and allow unto the said Joos Glover, his executors or as signs, for the loan, adventure and forbearance of the same sum, such recompense, damage and consideration as two indifferent men in New England aforesaid, to be chosen for that purpose, shall think fit, set down, and appoint; and lastly, if the said Joos Glover, his executors and assigns shall and may from time to time detain and take to his and their own uses, towards the payment of the said sum of money, and allowances aforesaid, all such part and so much of the wages and earnings which shall be earned by the works and labors aforesaid, (not exceeding the principal sum aforesaid) as the said Joos, his executors or as- signes shall think fit ; that then this obligation to be void, or else it to stand in force and virtue." 1 He appears to have arrived in New Bible was printed; after about the year England with the printing-press, about 1700, very little if any work of this kind four months after the date of this bond, was performed here (except by Samuel In a letter, dated at Salem, Oct. 10, 1638, Hall in 1 775-76), until 1800, when a print- Hugh Peter savs : " We have a printery ing press was established by William Hil- here and think to go to work with some hard. — Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 19. special things."— Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, During the present century, the print- xxxvi. 99. er3 °f Cambridge have constantly held a The business of printing was conducted very high comparative rank, for both the exclusively at Cambridge for nearly half quantity and the quality of their work. a century, during which time the Indian CHAPTER VI. CIVTL HISTORY. Notwithstanding Mr. Shepard and his associates here "found sufficient for themselves and their company," and appear by the Records to have enjoyed temporal prosperity, as indicated in the foregoing chapter, they were not fully satisfied, but seriously contemplated a removal to Connecticut. To such removal they were advised and encouraged by Mr. Hooker, whose eldest daugh ter had become the second wife of Mr. Shepard in 1637. How far Mr. Hooker may have been influenced by family considera- ' tions, or how far by that spirit of emulation, or perhaps of jeal ousy^ which naturally enough existed between the rival colonies, — or whether his advice was altogether disinterested, — does not distinctly appear ; but that he gave such advice, even with urgency, his own letters to Mr. Shepard afford conclusive evi dence. Very probably Gov. Winthrop intended that Mr. Hooker should make a personal application of his general remarks con tained in a letter addressed to him as early as 1638 : " If you could show us the men that reproached you, we should teach them better manners than to speak evil of this good land God hath brought us to, and to discourage the hearts of their breth ren ; only you may bear a little with the more moderate of them, in regard that one of yours opened the door to all that have fol lowed, and for that they may conceive it as lawful for them to discourage some with us from forsaking us to go to you, as for yours to plott by encouragements &c, to draw Mr. Shephard and his whole church from us. Sicfama est." 1 Two years later, Mr. Hooker wrote an earnest letter to Mr. Shepard, which was long preserved in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, but which is now in the Massachusetts Archives : — " Dear Son, Since the first intimation I had /from my cousin Sam: when you was here with us, touching/the number and 1 Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Esq., vol. ii., p. 421. CIVIL HISTORY. 4< nature of your debts, I conceived and concluded the consequents to be marvellous desperate in the view of reason, in truth una voidable and yet unsupportable, and as were likely to ruinate the whole/ for why should any send commodities, much less come themselves to the place, when there is no justice amongst men to pay what they take, or the place is so forlorn and helpless that men cannot support themselves in a way of justice; and ergo there is neither sending nor coming, unless they will make them selves and substance a prey. " And hence to weary a man's self to wrestle out an incon venience, when it is beyond all possibilities which are laid before a man in a rational course, is altogether bootless and fruitless, and is to increase a man's misery, not to ease it. Such be the mazes of mischievous hazards; that our sinful departures from the right and righteous ways of God bring upon us, that as birds taken in an evil net, the more they stir, the faster they are tied. If there was any sufficiency to make satisfaction in time, then respite might send and procure relief ; but when that is awant- ing, delay is to make many deaths of one, and to make them all more deadly. The first and safest way for peace and comfort is to quit a man's hand of the sin, and so of the sting of the plague. Happy is he that hath none of the guilt in the commission of evils sticking to him. But he that is faulty, it will be his hap piness to recover himself by repentance, both sudden and season ably serious ; and when that is clone, in such hopeless occasions, it is good to sit down under the wisdom of some word : That which is crooked nobody can make strait, and that which is awanting none can supply : 1 Eccl. 15 ; and then seek a way in heaven for escape, when there is no way on earth that appears. /' You say that which I long since supposed ; the magistrates are at their wits end, and I do not marvel at it. But is there, then, nothing to be done, but to sink in our sorrows y I confess here to apply, and that upon the sudden, is wholly beyond all my skill. Yet/T must needs say something, if it be but to breathe out our thoughts, and so our sorrows. I say ours, be cause the evil will reach us really more than by bare sympathis ing/ Taking mv former ground for granted, that the weakness of the body is such that it is not able to bear the disease longer, but is like to grow worse and more unfit for cure, which I sup pose is the case in hand, then/ 1 cannot see but of necessity this course must be taken : — [1.1 " The debtors must freely and fully tender themselves 48 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and all they have into the hands, and be at the mercy and devo tion of the creditors. And this must be done nakedly and really/ It is too much that men have rashly and unjustly taken more than they were able to repay and satisfy : ergo they must not add falseness and dissimulation when they come to pay, and so not only break their estate but their consciences finally. I am afraid there He old arrearages of this nature that lie yet in the deck. " 2/ The Churches and the Commonwealth, by joint consent and serious consideration, must make a privy search what have been the courses and sinful carriages which have brought in and increased this epidemical evil/ pride and idleness, excess in ap parel, building, diet, unsuitable to our beginnings or abilities; what toleration and connivance at extortion, and injustice, and oppression ; the tradesman willing the workman may take what he will for his work, that he may ask what he will for his com modity. " 3/ When they have humbled themselves unfeignedly before the Lord, then set up a real reformation, not out of politick re spects, attending our own devices, but out of plainness/looking at the rule and following that, leave the rest to the Lord, who will ever go with those who go his own way. " JTa.8 premisses : /I cannot see in reason but if you can sell, and the Lord afford any comfortable chapman, but you should remove. For why should a man stay until the house fall on his head ? and why continue, his being there where in reason he shall destroy his substance ? /For were men merchants, how can they hold it, when men either want money to buyr withal, or else want honesty^, and will not pay ? The more honest and able any pei sons or plantations be, their rates will increase, stocks grow low, and their increase little or nothing. /And if remove, why not to Mattabeseck ? 1 For may be either the gentlemen2 will not come, and that s most likely ; or if they do, they will not come 1 Now Middletown, Connecticut. the gentlemen, if they come; that is, " The reference here is not to the " gen- those three lots must carry a double pro- tiemen " in Cambridge with Mr. Shepard, portion to that which yours take. If they but to certain others in England, for take twenty acres of meadow, you must whom Mr. Penwick, the proprietor of reserve forty for them; if thirty, three Mattabesick, desired to provide, as appears score for them. This is all we could by another letter from Hooker to Shep- obtain, because he stays one year longer ard, without date : " Touching your in expectation of his company, at the business at Matabesick, this is the com- least some of them; and the like hath passof it: Mr. Penwick is willing that you been done in Quinipiack, and bath been and your company should come thither usual in such beginnings. Therefore, upon these terms ; Provided that you we were silent in such a grant, for the will reserve three double lots for three of while." CIVIL HISTORY. 49 all ; or if all, is it not probable but they may be entreated to abate one of the lots ? or, if not abate, if they take double lots, they must bear double rates ; and I see not but all plantations find this a main wound ; they want men of abilities and parts, to manage their affairs, and men of estate, to bear charges. /Twill tell thee mine whole heart /considering, as I conceive, your com pany must break, and considering things ut supra, if you can sell you should remove. /If I were in your places, I should let those that must and will transport themselves as they see fit, in a way of providence and prudence. I would reserve a special company, but not many, and I would remove hither. /For I do verily think, either the gentlemen will not come, or if they do, they may be over-intreated not to prejudice the plantation by taking too much. And yet if I had but a convenient spare number, I do believe that would not prove prejudicial to auy comfortable subsistence : for able men are most fit to carry on occasions by their persons and estates with most success. These are all my thoughts ; but theyr are inter nos ; use them as you see meet. I " I know, to begin plantations is a hard work ; and I think I have seen as much difficulty, and came to such a business with as much disadvantage as almost men could do, and therefore, I would not press men against their spirits : when persons do not choose a work, they will be ready to quarrel with the hardness of it. This only is to me beyond exception. If you do remove, considering the correspondence you have here of hearts, and hands, and helps, you shall never remove to any place with the like advantage. The pillar of fire and cloud go before you, and the Father of mereies be the God of all the changes that pass over your heads. " News with us here is not much, since the death of my brother Stone's wife and James Homstead ; the former smoaked out her days in the darkness of melancholy ; the other died of a bloody flux, and slept sweetly in the Lord, having carried him self graciously in his sickness. "I have of late had intelligence from Plymouth. Mr. Chancy and the Church are to part ; he to provide for himself, and they for themselves. " At a day of fast, when a full conclusion of the business should have been made, he openly professed he did as verily be lieve the truth of his opinions as that there was a God in heaven, and that he was settled in it as the earth was upon the centre. If ever such confidence find good success, I miss of my mark. " Since then he hath sent to Mr. Prydden to come to them, 4 50 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. being invited by some of the Brethren by private letters : I gave warning to Mr. Prydden to bethink himself what he did ; and I know he is sensible and watchful. I profess, how it is possible to keep peace with a man so adventurous and so pertinacious, who will vent what he list and maintain what he vents, its be yond all the skill I have to conceive. Mr. Umphrey, I hear, in vites him to Providence, and that coast is most meet for his opinion and practice. The Lord says he will teach the humble. his way; but where are those men? The Lord make us such, that he may shew us such mercy. " Totus tuns, T. HOOKER. "Nov. 2th. 1640. " I writ another letter, because happily - some of the brethren would be ready to desire the sight of what is writ ; that you may shew ; this you /\ shew or conceal, as you see meet. " Sunt mutua preces in perpetuum. " All here salute you and yours." - The Town Records give no intimation of this financial distress. But from other sources we learn that in the year 1640, not only Cambridge but the whole Colony was in imminent danger of bankruptcy. Hutchinson says that, in this year, " the importa tion of settlers now^ceased. The motive to transportation to America was over, by the change in the affairs of England. — This sudden stop had a surprising effect upon the price of cattle. They had lost the greatest part of what was intended for the first supply, in the passage from Europe. As the inhabitants multiplied, the demand for the cattle increased, and the price of a milch cow had kept from 2-5 to 30?, but fell at once this year to 5 or 6?. A farmer, who could spare but one cow in a year out of bis stock, used to clothe his family with the price of it, at the expense of the new cornel's ; when this failed they were put to difficulties. Although they judged they had 12,000 neat cattle, yet they had but about 3,000 sheep in the Colony." 3 Winthrop says, " This year there came over great store of provisions, both out of England and Ireland, and but few passengers (and those brought very little money), which was occasioned by the store of money and quick markets which the merchants found here the two or three years before, so as now all our money was drained 1 Haply. several mistakes which are here corrected, 2 A part of Mr. Hooker's letter was and the missing portions are inserted. published in Albro's Life of Thomas - Hist. Mass., i. 93. Shepard, 1847; but his copy contained CIVIL HISTORY. 51 from us, and cattle and all commodities grew very cheap, which enforced us at the next General Court, in the eighth month, to make an order, that corn should pass in payments of new debts ; Indian, at 4s. the bushel ; rye, at 5s., and wheat, at 6s. ; and that upon all executions for former debts, the creditor might take what goods he pleased (or, if he had no goods, then his lands), to be appraised by three men, one chosen by the creditor, one by the debtor, and the third by the Marshall." - To this state of things Mr. Hooker probably referred when he renewed his efforts, in the letter already quoted, to persuade Mr. Shepard and his congregation to remove. But why they should remove to Connecticut rather than to some other part of Massa chusetts does not very plainly appear. There were large tracts of unappropriated lands here. There is no evidence that Mr. Shepard or his people had any jealousy, such as some have sup posed to operate on their predecessors. On the contrary, Mr. Shepard was a prominent member of the religious party which had recently triumphed in the Antinomian controversy, and his own congregation had been preserved from all taint of the great heresy. Concerning the " Antinomian and Famalistic opinions " which then distracted the churches, Cotton Mather savs, " a synod2 assembled at Cambridge, whereof Mr. Shepard was no small part, most happily crushed them all. The vigilancy of Mr. Shepard was blessed, not only for the preservation of his own congregation from the rot of these opinions, but also for the de liverance of all the flocks which our Lord had in the wilderness. And it was with a respect unto this vigilancy, and the enlighten ing and powerful ministry of Mr. Shepard, that, when the foun dation of a college was to be laid, Cambridge rather than any other place was pitched upon to be the seat of that happy semi nary : out of which there proceeded many notable preachers, who were made such by their sitting under Mr. Shepard's ministry."3 Possibly, however, this " vigilancy " of Mr. Shepard, and this faithfulness of his congregation, throughout one of the most vio lent conflicts of religious opinion ever known in this country, may have stimulated the subsequent desire to remove beyond the limits of Massachusetts. This seems to be indicated in the fifth 1 Savage's Winthrop, ii. 7. • "about eighty opinions, some blasphe- 2 This Synod met at Cambridge, Aug. mous, others erroneous, and all unsafe, — 30, 1637, and "began with prayer made the assembly brake up," Sept. 22, 1637. by Mr. Shepard." Mr. Bulkeley of Con- — Savage's Winthrop, i. 237-240. cord, and Mr. Hooker, of Hartford, were 3 Magnolia, B. IH., ch. v., § 12. the Moderators. Having condemned 52 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " Reason for removing," entered by Mr. Shepard on the fly-leaf of one of his manuscript books,-1 namely : — " Reas. for removing. " 1. You say some brethren cannot live comfortably with so little. " 2. We put all the rest upon a temptation. Lots being but little, and estates will increase or live in beggary. For to lay land out far off is intolerable to men ; near by, you kill your cat tle. , " 3. Because if another minister come, he will not have room for his company. — Religion. — " 4. Because now if ever is the most fit season ; for if gate be opened, many will come in among us, and fill all places, and no room in time to come ; at least, not such good room as now. And now you may best sell. " 5. Because Mr. Vane will be upon our skirts." Mr. Vane was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1636, and was an active associate of Mrs. Hutchinson in the Antinomian party. Chiefly, it would seem, on account of his religious opin ions, he was superseded in 1637, and soon returned to England. It was probably feared that he would use his great interest at court in opposition to the Colony which had thus denounced him as a heretic and disappointed his political hopes. Mr. Shepard and his congregation may have considered themselves in peculiar danger on account of their very energetic opposition to him, and have thought that Connecticut would afford a more secure shelter from his wrath. Subsequent events, however, showed that all such fears were groundless. Mr. Vane manifested his friendship to the colonists, through life, by many kind offices in their be half. This temptation to remove was not kept secret, though no di rect reference to it appears on record.2 It was discussed in a 1 This book contains " The confessions former had been Assistant, 1634; Gov- of diverse propounded to be received and ernor, 1635; and Assistant again, 1636, were entertayued as members " of the and remained in office up to the time of Church, together with sketches of ser- his removal in the spring of 1637 ; — the mons. latter was elected Assistant in 1636, at 2 In addition to the before named dis- the first election after his arrival, and re- couragements, which tempted Mr. Shep- elected in 1637 and 1638. One was col- ard and his company to abandon Cam- onel, and the other lieutenant-colonel, of bridge, may be mentioned the loss of two the military force. Both were conspicn- most valuable associates, namely John ons for moral excellence and mental abil- Haynes, who removed to Hartford in ity, aud each bore a large share of the 1637, and Roger Harlakenden, who died pecuniary burdens of the public. The November 17, 1638, aged 27 years. The death of Mr. Harlakenden was pecnl- CIVIL HISTORY. 53 Church meeting at Cambridge, Feb. 14, 1640-1, as appears by Mr. Shepard's Diary, at which time the project passes out of sight, probably in consequence of a grant then recently made by the General Court, to wit : Oct. 7, 1640. " The town of Cambridge is granted a month to consider of Shawshin for a village for them, and if they like it not, the town of Roxberry hath liberty to consider of it for a village for them till the next General Court." The examination was satisfactory ; for the grant was conditionally made June 2, 1641 : " Shawshin is granted to Cambridge, provided they make it a village, to have ten families there settled within three years ; otherwise the Court to dispose of it." About a year later this grant was renewed, with slight change of condition ; and a final disposition was made of the affair, March 7, 1643-4 : " Shawshin is granted to Cam bridge, without any condition of making a village there ; and the land between them and Concord is granted them, all save what is formerly granted to the military company or others, provided the church and present elders continue at Cambridge." : The church and elders did remain ; lands at Shawshine were soon afterwards assigned to individuals, thus relieving the supposed deficiency of accommodations ; a competent number became resident proprie tors and cultivators ; and in 1655, Shawshine was incorporated as a separate town, called Billerica, which has since been shorn of its original dimensions by the incorporation of other towns. iarly grievous to Mr. Shepard, who had hid us all the winter long, and when it been protected by him in England, when was fit to travel in the spring, we went pursued by the emissaries of the estab- up to London, Mr. Harlakenden not for- lished Church. Describing his sufferings saking me all this while, for he was a, during the last few months of his resi- father and mother to me," etc. (Boston dence in his native land, Mr. Shepard Ed., 1832, pp. 54, 55). Mr. Shepard was says, in his autobiography : " Being in accompanied to New England by this great sadness and not knowing where to " most precious servant of Jesus Christ," go, nor what to do, the Lord sent Mr. and bitterly lamented his early death; Roger Harlakenden and my brother Sam- This loss was partially repaired by the nel Shepard to visit me after they had accession of Herbert Pelham, Esq., in heard of our escape at sea, who much re- 163S or 1639. He married the widow of freshed us and clave to me in my sor- Mr. Harlakenden, and was successively rows." Again, in a house at Bastwick, Treasurer of Harvard College, 1643, As- freely offered by Mrs. Corbett, " an aged sistant, 1645-49, and Commissioner of eminent godly gentlewoman," he says: the United Colonies, 1645-46. He brought "I lived for half a year all the winter long with him his daughter Penelope, who among and with my friends (Mr. Harla- afterwards became the wife of Governor kenden dwelling with me, bearing all the Josiah Winslow, and died at Marshfield, charge of housekeeping), and far from the 7 Dec, 1703, aged 72. Mr. Pelham was notice of my enemies, where we enjoyed an active citizen and officer, but returned sweet fellowship one with another aud to England about 1649, was a member also with God, in a house which was fit of Parliament, and a steadfast friend of to entertain any prince for fairness, great- this Colony. He died in 1673. ness, and pleasantness. Here the Lord i Mass, Coll. Rec, i. 306, 330 ; ii. 62. 54 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The grant of the Shawshine lands removed all reasonable doubt of sufficient "accommodation," and the Mattabeseck project seems to have been utterly abandoned. These lands were not immediately divided, but were held in reservation for future use. Meanwhile, measures were adopted for the improvement of the present abode, as the records indicate. Dec. 13, 1641. "Agreed that Robert Holmes and John Sted- raan shall take care for the making of the town-spring, against Mr. Dunster's barn, a sufficient well, with timber and stone, fit for the use of man and watering of cattle. Also Richard Jack son is to be an assistant to them by way of advice, if they shall require it." - Nov. 5, 1646. " Ordered by the Townsmen, that there shall be fifty shillings paid unto Tho. Longhorne, for his service to the town in beating the drum this two years last past." Jan. 11, 1646-7. " Ordered, That whatever person or per sons shall cut down, or cause to be cut down, any tree or trees whatsoever, whether living or dead, in swamp or upland, on this side Menottime River (the great swamp only exempted), shall forfeit for every tree so felled ten shillings. This order to con tinue until further order be taken by the Townsmen. " It is also further ordered, That whatsoever person or persons who hath any land at Menottime laid out unto himself or his house wherein he dwelleth shall, after the 12th day of this pres ent month, cut out or take away directly or indirectly any wood or timber on this side the path which goeth from the mill - to Watertowne, every such person shall forfeit for every such load, if it be timber, five shillings per load, and if wood, two shillings per load. Provided, that there is liberty granted, until the 20th day of this present month, for the fetching home of what is al ready cut out ; and after that whatever is found to be forfeit." Field-drivers were first elected in 1647 : Gilbert Crackbone for the West field, Thomas Hall for the Pine-swamp field, Thomas Beale for the Town within the pales, and Russell for the Neck of land. Commissioners " to end small causes," Sealer of Leather, and Clerk of the Market, first elected in 1648. June 12, 1648. " Upon the complaint of Edward Goffe against Richard Cutter for wrongful detaining of calves impounded by 1 This spring may still be seen a few Church Street, where he owned a lot con- feet westerly from the University Press taining six acres. between Brattle and Mount Auburn - Cooke's Mill, afterwards known as Streets. Mr. Dunster's barn stood on Uolfe's Mill, or Cutter's Mill, near the the northerly side of Brattle Street, near Tow n House in Arlington. CIVIL HISTORY. 55 him of the said Edward Goffe's, wherein Samuell Eldred wit nessed : — Edward Goffe desired his calves of Richard Cutter, promising to pay all damages and cost as two men should appre hend to be right; but the said Richard Cutter denied to let him have them except he would take a course with his boy and promise they should never come there again ; and a second time, being desired to let Edward Goffe have the calves, he answered, No. The Townsmen, having considered the business, they thus order, — that Edward Goffe shall pay fourteen pence damage to Richard Cutter, and Richard Cutter shall pay for the costs of the same witnesses, four shillings and seven pence." Nov. 20, 1648. " Ordered, That there shall be an eight-penny ordinary provided for the Townsmen every second Monday of the month, upon their meeting day ; and that whoever of the Towns men fail to be present within half an hour of the ringing of the Bell (which shall be half an hour after eleven of the clock), he shall both lose his dinner and pay a. pint of sack, or the value, to the present Townsmen ; and the like penalty shall be paid by any that shall depart from the rest, without leave. The charges of the dinner shall be paid by the Constable out of the town stock." The practice, thus inaugurated, of dining or partaking of other refreshments at the public expense, seems to have been generally observed by the selectmen for nearly two hundred years, until the municipal form of goverment was changed ; not indeed at every meeting, nor was the expense always limited to eight pence each. Feb. 16. 1648-9. Voted, by the Town, " That the Towns men should prosecute suit in law against such of the inhabitants of Watertowne as have trespassed in our Great Swamp." - 1 At this time Sparks Street and Vas- that the swamp was common property, it sal Lane formed part of the boundary is declared that, " The present inhabi- line between Cambridge and Watertown ; tants of Cambridge purchased the whole and the Great Swamp extended northerly dimensions of the town (this legally set- from Vassal Lane on both sides of Me- tied their bounds by order of Court) of notomy River. It would seem that tbe the Harford Company about fourteen Townsmen immediately commenced suit years since, at which time' the chiefest against one of the trespassers. In the: and best parts of this swamp for wood Court Files of Middlesex County, 1649- was allotted into particular propriety 50, is still preserved " The Reply of and fenced in with their planting land Richard Jackson and Thomas Dan- by a general fence." If the trespass con- forth, plaint., in the behalf of the tinue, "It would then be a groundwork town of Cambridge, against Samuel of endless contention, if not the desolat- Thatcher, of Watertown, def., unto ing of our poor straitened town, and that his several answers in the action of the for these reasons. (1.) The branches of cause for taking away wood out of their the swamp so runeth over all our bounds, bounds." In answer to the allegation which is for five miles together not much 56 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Fence-viewers were first elected March 12, 1648-9, for the Neck, Pine-swamp fields, Menotomy fields, and West field ; a Sealer of Weights and Measures, Jan. 14, 1649-50 ; and a Ganger, " to size cask," Nov. 10, 1651. Feb. 11, 1649-50. " The request of Richard ffrances for re mitting the present town rate, in regard of God's visitation by sickness on himself and family, is granted." Dec. 9, 1650. " Whereas dreadful experience shows the inevi table danger and great loss, not only to particular persons, but also to the whole town, by the careless neglect of keeping chim neys clean from soot, and want of ladders in time of need, the select Townsmen, taking the same into their serious considera tion, do therefore order that every person inhabiting within the bounds of this town, before the 10th of the next month provide one or more sufficient ladders at all times in a readiness to reach up to the top of his or their house ; and forthwith and at all times hereafter see that their chimneys be kept clean swept at least once every month, upon the penalty of 2s. 6d. for every month's neglect herein." March 10, 1650-1. " Mr. Joseph Cooke hath liberty granted to fell timber on the common for to fence in his orchard." Jan. 7, 1651-2. " William Manning is granted liberty by the inhabitants of the town, at a general meeting, to make a wharf out of the head of the creek,1 towards Mr. Pelham's barn, and build a house on it, to come as high as the great pine stump, and range with Mr. Pelham's fence next the high street into town." Besides the foregoing transactions of a general character, the Records show that, during this period, a new meeting-house was erected, and provisions made for the support of the Grammar school ; both which subjects will be mentioned in another place. Measures were also adopted to convert the Shawshine territory to profitable use. No general division of the land was made before 1652 ; yet the Records indicate some grants to individuals, if any above a mile broad, so that hereby pense of wood in our town by the College, no man can peaceably enjoy his own which we cannot estimate much less than propriety. (2.) It is the chief supply of 350 load a year, the chief supply whereof the town for wood, being near to us, and if it be not out of the swamp, it will be many having none elsewhere within the costly, as every load must be fetched above compass of four miles and a half of the five miles." It is added that the wood town, which cost them two shillings a load from the swamp costs four shillings per more than they can have it for in the load in Cambridge ; the cost of cutting swamp. Besides the expense of the in- and hauling being twenty pence. habitants, it is not unknown the great ex- i At the foot of Dunster Street. CIVIL HISTORY. 57 and the appropriation of one thousand acres " for the good of the church." I quote again from the Town Records : — April 9, 1648. " It was agreed at a general meeting, when the whole town had special warning to meet for the disposing of Shawshine, that there should be a farm laid out, of a thousand acres, to be for a public stock, and improved for the good of the church and that part of the church that here shall continue ; and every person or persons that shall from time to time remove from the church do hereby resign up their interest therein to the re maining part of the church of Cambridge. This thousand acres of land, given to the use aforesaid, shall be laid out either all together, or else severally part in one place and part elsewhere, according to the discretion of the men that are appointed to lay out the land." " Also there was granted to several brethren that had no house-right in the town, if they did desire it," farms at Shaw shine : — " Imprimis, Capt. Googine a farm, if he buy a house in the town ; also to Bro. Edward Oakes, Tho. Oakes, and Richard Hildreth, each of them a farm for their encouragement, if they see it may make for their support and desire it. " Further, it is granted to Mr. Henry Dunster and Mr. Ed ward Collins liberty to have their small farms at Shawshine, and to be considered in their quantity more than others in regard of their work and place." April 1649. Agreed, " that Mr. Henry Dunster, President of Harvard College, should have 500 acres, whereof 400 is granted by the town to his own person and heirs, to enjoy freely forever, and the other 100 acres for the use of Harvard College. " Item, unto Mr. Daniell Googine 500 acres. "Item, unto Mr. Edward Collins, in lieu of his small farm within the town bounds, with some addition in respect of his place in the Deacon's office, it was agreed that he should have 500 acres." June 9, 1652. " It was agreed by the Church that Shawshine should be divided as followeth : — " To Mr. Michell, five hundred acres. " To Edw. Okes, three hundred acres. " To Thomas Okes, one hundred and fifty acres. " It was agreed that these three above named should have their lots laid out by a committee with as little prejudice to any lot as may be, and so not to draw any lot. 58 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " Also, the Church doth agree that although the land be, by grant of the General Court, peculiar to the Church only, yet the whole town, viz., such as are owners of house and land in the town, shall come into the division thereof. " Also, it is agreed, that every man shall have a proportion of land, more or less, according to the proportion now allotted him. " Also, that every man shall have a part of the meadow in proportion with his upland, to be laid out after the same rule that the upland is, both by lot and quantity. " Also, it is agreed, that, after the farms formerly granted are laid out, the remainder of the land shall be divided into three breadths, viz., two of the said breadths to lie between the rivers, and the third on this side Shawshine River. The first lot to begin upon a line continued over Shawshine River, the same that is between Woburn and us, running towards Concord until it meet with Mr. Wintrop's farm : and so the said first lot to butt south upon that line, and on Shawshine River, and Mr. Win trop's farm ; and so each lot to proceed one after another, by due parallels, until they come clear of the farms already laid out, and then. to extend in two divisions between the Rivers, and a third division on the east side Shawshine River, and so every man's lot to follow one another, taking all the three breadths at once, the nearest land to the first centre being still always the next lot in order. " The number of every man's lot and quantity of acres is as followeth on the other side. ot. Acres. Lot. Acres. 1. Daniell Cheaver . 20 17. W". Homaa . . . 50 2. William Clemmance, senr. 30 18. Nath. Greene and Mother 80 3. Daniell Kempster . . . 80 19. Richard ffrench . 20 4. "William Bull . . . . 15 20. John Watson . . 80 5. Roger Bucke . . . . 10 21. Richard Woodes . . 10 6. Thomas ffox . . . . 80 22. John Taylor . . . 60 7. Humphery Bradshew 15 23. Wid: Wilkerson . 60 8. 20 24. Lieft. William ffrencl . 150 9. William Clemmance 30 25. Joseph Miller . . 15 10. Richard Cutter . . . 80 26. Jonath. Hide . . . 20 11. Thomas Longhorne . . 60 27. David ffiske . . . 60 12. Daniell Blogget . . 40 28. Wid: Hancocke . . 10 13. Robert Holmes . . . 150 29. And. Stevenson . 60 14. Th. Hall 20 30. Mr. Elijath Corlet . 100 15. "Widow Banbricke . . 40 31. David Stone . . . 50 10. John Jacson . . . . 50 32. Tho. Danforth . . . 220 CIVIL HISTORY. 59 ot. Acres. Lot. Acres. 33. Rich, ffrarjces . . . 60 78. Richard Parke . . . .100 34. John Parker . . . . 10 79. ffranc. Whitmore . . . 50 35. Jonath. Padlefoote . . 15 80. Jonas Clearke . . . . 60 36. Edw. Hall . . . . 70 81. John Hasteings . . . 80 37. Ri. Oldam . . . . . 60 82. Henry Prentise . . . 80 38. Gilbert Cracbone . . . 90 83. Elder Champnis . . . 350 39. Robert Stedman . . . 90 84. Nath. Sparhauke . . . 140 40. Tho. Swcetman . . 70 85. John Stedman . . . . 300 41. Wm. Bordman . . 60 86. Will™. Russell . . . . 60 42. John Betts . . . . . 90 87. William Patten . . . 90 43. John Shepard . . . 60 88. Ben. Bower . . . 20 44. Daniell Stone . . . . 50 89. Tho. Briggam . . . 180 45. John ffrenches childre d . 30 90. John Russell . . . . 80 46. John ffownell . . . 100 91. Will. Bucke . . . . 20 47. Sam". Hides . . . . 80 92. Richard Ecles . . . . 70 48. Tho. Marret . . . . 200 93. Mrs. Sarah Simes . . 50 49. Edw. "VVinsbip . . . . 200 94. Mr. Jacson . . . 400 50. Goodm. Hammond . 15 95. Mr. Andrews . . . . 150 . 50 96. Ahra. Errington 97.. Widd: Cutter . . . 70 52. John Gibson . . . 80 . . 40 53. Edw. Goffe . . . . 450 98. ffr. Moore, senr. . . 50 54. William Mau . . . 70 99. Mr. Josseph Cooke i . .300 200 100. Wm. Wilcocke . . . 90 56. Willm. Dixon . . . 80 101. Christopher Cane . . . 80 57. George Willowes . . 60 102. Rich. Dana . . . . . 20 58. Tho. Chesholme . . 100 103. Mr. Angier . . . . 300 59. Mr. Edmund ffrost . 200 104. Vincet Druse . . . . 15 . 20 105. Rogr. Bancroft . . . 100 61. Edw. Michel son . . . 150 106. John Cooper . . . . 140 62. And. Belcher . . . 50 107. Edw. Shepard . . . . 80 20 108. Tho. Bridge . . . . 50 64. Phil. Cooke . . . 80 109. Ranold Bush . . . . 10 65. ffr. Moore, junior . . 50 110. Tho. Prentise . . . . 150 66. Widd: Sill . - . 40 111. Math. Bridge . . . . 80 67. Robert Parker . . . 60 112. Golden Moore. . . . 100 68. Will™. Manning . . . 60 113. Robert Brodish . . . 30 69. Richard Hassull . . 60 Mem0. There is these tw oper- 70. Nicho. WTithe . . . . 90 sons overslipped, viz. 71. Wiir. Hamlet . . . . 60 28. Richard Robbins . . . 80 72. Will™. Towne. . . . 70 91. Daniell Wines . . . . 10 73. Sam". Greene . . . . 80 These two lots must come 74. Robert Browne . . . 40 in their due order. . 20 The town do give to Greg- 76. John Bridge . . . . 250 ory Stone, adjoining t o his 77. Tho. Beal . . . . 100 farm, one hundred acres. . 100" 60 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Although, by the generosity of the Church, all the inhabitants received allotments of the Shawshine lands, comparatively few of them established a residence upon that territory. As early, how ever, as 1655, there were so many householders in Shawshine, gathered from Cambridge and elsewhere, that they were incor porated as a distinct town, named Billerica, and an amicable arrangement was made by them with the inhabitants of Cam bridge, in regard to their respective territorial rights and liabil ities. The Town Records, Jan. 29, 1654-5, show that " In answer to a letter sent to the town from our neighbors of Shawshine, alias Bilracie, wherein they7 desire that whole tract of land may be disengaged from this place and be one entire body of itself, — the town consented to choose five persons a Committee- to treat and conclude with them concerning their lequest therein ; at which time there was chosen Mr. Henry Dunster, Elder Champney, John Bridge, Edward Goffe, and Edward Winship." The result appears in the Record of the General Court, under date of May 23, 1655 : — " In answer to the desire of our brethren and neighbors, the inhabitants of Shawshin, requesting immunities and freedom from all public rates and charges at Cambridge, and that all the land of that place, as well those appertaining to the present in habitants of Cambridge as those granted them by the Court, might belong entirely to that place, for the better encouragement and carrying on of public charges that will necessarily there fall out, — " We, whose names are underwritten, being empowered by the inhabitants of Cambridge, at a public meeting of the town, the 29th of January, 1654, to make such propositions and conclusions therein as to us might seem most meet and equal, do make these following propositions with reference to the compliance of the above named our beloved brethren and neighbors, the inhabitants of Shawshin, and the approbration of the General Court for the full conclusion thereof. . 1. " That all the lands belonging to that place called by the name of Shawshin, with its appurtenances or latter grants made by the General Court, as well those the propriety and peculiar right whereof belongeth to any particular person, as those granted by the town or church of Cambridge to that place for a township, as also those given by the inhabitants of Cambridge for the fur- CIVIL HISTORY. 61 therance aud encouragement of a plantation there, shall be one entire township or plantation, always freed and acquitted from all manner of common charges or rates, of what nature or kind soever, due or belonging of right to be paid unto Cambridge by virtue of any grant of that place unto them by the General Court. " 2. That whensoever any of the inhabitants of Cambridge, their heirs or assigns, whether in that place or elsewhere, shall make any improvement of tbeir lands above premised, more or less, byr fencing, building or breaking up, or mowing of the mead ows, every7 such person shall pay to the common charges of that place, i. e., Shawshin, suitable to his or their improvement of the aforesaid kind, in due proportion with the rest of the inhab itants in that place, the whole estate and improvements of the place being laid at an equal and proportionable rate. " 3. That the inhabitants of Shawshin shall, at all time and times hereafter forever, acquit and discharge tbe inhabitants of Cambridge from all common charges, rates, clues, duties, and in cumbrances by any7 manner of ways or means due by them to be paid, executed, or performed, by virtue of their interest in that place, given unto them by the grant of the General Court. "4. That whensoever any of the inhabitants of Cambridge shall alienate their present interest in any of the above named lands from themselves and heirs, then the said lands shall, in all respects, be liable to common charges of that place, as though those particular persons had their grants thereof made them from the said town or plantation of Shawshin. " 5. That uo person or persons which either have had or here after shall have any lot or allotment granted them in the above named township of Shawshin, in case they make not improve ment thereof by building and fencing, especially the houselot, shall have any power to make any sale or gift thereof to any other person, but such land and allotments shall return again to the town, i. e., Shawshin ; and in case, after such like improve ment, any person shall then remove, to the deserting and leaving their brethren and neighbors that have adventured by their en couragement to settle there with them, no such person or persons, for seven years next ensuing the confirmation hereof, shall have power to make either sale, or gift, or alienation thereof to any person or persons whatsoever, save only unto such as the greater part of the inhabitants then resident at Shawshin shall consent unto and approve of. " 6. That in case anv grievance shall hereafter happen to arise, 62 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. which for the present neither side foresee, nor is hereby clearly determined, that then all such matter of grievance or difference shall be from time to time heard and determined by meet persons, three or five, indifferently chosen by the prudential men of Cam bridge and Shawshin. " And these aforementioned propositions to be subscribed by all the present inhabitants of Shawshin, and by all such as hereafter shall have any allotments granted them there, and re turn hereof made to the inhabitants of Cambridge within ten clays after the end of the first session of the next General Court. Given under our hands this 17th'12m- 1654, by us, "Henry Dunster, Richard Champney, Edward Goffe, John Bridge. " These propositions are accepted of and consented unto by us the present inhabitants of Shawshin ; and we do humbly crave this honored Court to confirm and record the same. " Your humble servants, "Ralph Hill, Senr James Parker, William French, Jonathan Danforth, John Sterne, Henry Jeftes, William Pattin, William Chamberlyn, George Farley, John Parker, Ralph Hill, Junr., Robert Parker. John Croe, " Their request was granted by the Court." On the same clay, May 23, 1655, " in answer to the petition of several proprietors and inhabitants of Shawshin, humbly desir ing a tract of land lying near the line of the farms of John and Robert Blood, and so along by the side of Concord River, &c, the Court grants their request in that respect, so as it hinder no former grants, and grant the name of the plantation to be called Billirikey." - Thus was this first dismemberment of the extensive township of Cambridge amicably accomplished. No reasonable objection could be urged against granting an independent ecclesiastical and civil organization to those persons who resided at such a great distance from the centre of the town, as soon as they were able to defray their necessary expenses. 1 Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (i.), 237-240. CHAPTER VII. civil history. During the period embraced in the preceding chapter, very important events occurred in England. The ecclesiastical yoke which the Fathers of New England were unable to bear was broken, and the people enjoyed comparative religious freedom. The civil government also was overturned and established on new foundations. King Charles the First was beheaded Jan. 30, 1649, and the House of Lords was soon afterwards suppressed. For a few years, a Parliament consisting of a single House, and the army under the command of Cromwel], as chief general, ex ercised a joint, or perhaps rather antagonistic, supremacy, until Dec. 16, 1653, when Cromwell, with the title of Protector, grasped the reins of government, which he held with a firm hand so long as he lived. After this Revolution in England, and as one of its consequences, the inhabitants of Cambridge were once more tempted to remove. " Cromwell had been very desirous of drawing off the New Englanders to people Ireland after his suc cesses there, and the inhabitants of New Haven had serious thoughts of removing, but did not carry their design into execu tion. Jamaica being conquered, Cromwell renewed his invita tion to the colony of the Massachusetts to remove and to go and people that island, and it appears by Mr. Leverett's letters and a letter from the General Court to Cromwell, that he had it much at heart. Cromwell foresaw that the West India planters would raise estates far superior to those of the inhabitants of the north ern colonies, and though a mere worldly consideration was not proper for him to urge, yet accompanied with the fulfillment of a divine promise, that God's people should be the head and not the tail, it was in character, and he artfully enough joined it with the other consideration. But all was insufficient to induce the people of New England to quit a country where they could live tolerably, and were indulged with all the privileges they desired, 64 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and we have no account of many7 families having removed."1 Al though this temptation was offered to the people of the whole Colony, the inhabitants of Cambridge may be supposed to have been peculiarly7 sensitive to its force, inasmuch as it was presented bv one of their most honored and trusted townsmen. Captain Gookin was in England in 1655, and was selected by Cromwell as a special agent to manage this affair. Having received his instructions, he returned to New England and devoted himself earnestly to his appointed task. Several of his letters to Secre tary Thurloe concerning this mission are printed in Thurloe's State Papers. In the first, dated Jan. 21, 1655-6, he announces his recent arrival at Boston, " after ten weekes of an exercising passage from the Isle of Wight." - At a later period, he men tions in detail some of his labors, and hopes, and discourage ments, reminding the secretary that he undertook the work with some misgivings. This letter may deserve insertion : — " Right Honorable. Since my arrival in New England, which was the 20th of January last, I wrote two letters by way of Barbadoes, and this 3d also the same way being destitute of a direct conveyance from hence. The sum of the 2 first were to inform your honour of my arrivall here, and of a little motion that I had then made in his highnesse's affayres ; but the sharp ness of the winter prevented my travill into other colonies. But I procured a meeting of the council of this colony March the 7th being the soonest they mett, although the governour called them a month before ; but in the interval between my ai-rival and the counsel's meeting, I endeavoured to make knowne, as far as I could, the sum of his highness desires ; but there was little done during that season for the forementioned rcson, but after the counsell of this colony mett, and I had delivered his highness letters, and declared the cause of my coming, they thankfully accepted and readily made an order for the promotion thereof, requiring their officers to attend my motions in the publishing the same. Whereupon I did forthwith cause a short declaration to be printed and published unto all the towns and plantations of the English, not only in this, but other colonys, (the copie of which printed paper and order I have enclosed,) and together therewith I procured and imployed persons of trust in severall parts (where I could not be in person) to promote the business and take subscriptions. Shortly after this was done in mid Aprill 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 190-192. 2 Vol. iv., p. 440. CIVIL HISTORY. 65 (as soone as the waies were well passable) I tooke my journey to the colonies of Conecticut and New Haven (about 150 miles, for the most part through the woods) and unto the magistrates of those colonies declared my busines, delivering his highness let ters to Mr. Eaton, &c. They all thankfully accepted his great love, manefesting themselves very ready to further the worke in the West Indies, which they7 trust is of God. But as for this place of Jamiaca now tendred, the minds of most were averse at present, for as much as at that very season their came divers letters from thence, signifieing the sore afflicting hand of God in the mortalitie of the English upon the Island, in so much that of 8,000 and upward, that landed there, there was not liv ing above one halfe ; and those very weake, and lowe, and many of them dieing daily, wherein also was related the death of ma jor general Fortescue, Mr. Gage, and divers others. These tyd- ings are a very great discouragement unto the most and best per sons, which otherwise would have ingaged to remove ; only some few families have subscribed, but not considerable. If the Lord please to give the state either Hispaniola, Cuba, or any other helthful place, I have good reason to beeleve, that sundry per sons of worth, yea and some whole churches would remove from hence into those parts. But as for this Island (though through God's mercy7 late intelligence of 7th of March from the commis sioners give great hope, that the good lord is returneing to visit the remnant, that is left, with health and cure ; and also they give great incouradgment of the fertilitie of the said island, all which tidings I have endevored to publish with my best skill, and what the effects may be towards the drawing in of more persons, I canot yet determine; but this island, through many bad reports of it, is not of such esteme here, as in several respects I conceive it deserves. For the present their are some few godly discrete persons, that intend to pass theither in a ship of the states called the Hope, whereof one Martin is comander, which is now here lacking masts for the fleet. These persons leave- their familie here ; and if it shall please God to cary them safe, and that the island be liked by them (as I hope it may) then upon their returne and inteligence, 't is probable, that many will remove, and in the interim if the Lord's purposes be to plant the said island with any people from hence, 't is possible upon this last newes I may heare of greater motion than formerly among the people. There is one thing, that I desire to mention to your honour, that is, an objection I mett with from some principal 5 66 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. persons, that incline to transplant, and indeed the motions of such will draw or hinder many. If his highness see cause to re-. move it, 't is probable it may further the work. They say, there is no incouradgment in the propositions for ministers or men of place, but what is equallwith other men. Now if a minister and people remove, the people wil not be in a capacity, untill they are settled, to maintayne their ministers, for as much as they cannot cary their estates from hence, being it principally consists in land and cattle. Now if there were some annual allowance made unto such persons for a few yeares, until the people recruite, or other waies be contrived, it would then take of that hinder- ance. " Thus I have, as breefly as I may, perticulerly signified unto your honour, the sume of what is hetherto done. I am hartily sorry, that my service hath beene hetherunto so unprofitable to his highness and the state, whome I desire, through the strength of God, to serve with a faithfull hart and diligent hand. But I trust your wisdoraes wil consider the pi-ovidences of God, that have occurred ; and also remember some litle mention I made of my feares this way, before I undertooke the service ; but yet I am not out of hope, that his highness pious intentions and mo tions in this great worke both in the West Indies, and elsewhere, shal be owned and crowned with the Lord's blessing in his best season. " Thus with my most humble service presented, and earnest prairs to him, on whose shoulders the government is, to give his gracious presence and assistance to his highness and your honer in all emergencies, I remaine desirous to be, sir, his highness and your honer's most humble and faithful servant, Daniel Gookln. *' Cambridge in New England, May XOth, 1656." l Captain Gookin wrote again, Oct. 23, 1656, announcing the probable failure of the project, inasmuch as " the great difficul ties and discouragement the English have grapled with in that place, being fully known here, have made the most considerable persons slow to appeare or ingage to transplant for present, lest they should bring themselves and families into great inconven iences ; only there was about three hundred souls that subscribed, who for the most part are young persons under family government, and many of them females, and for quality of low estates, but divers personally godly." 2 1 State Papers, v. 6, 7. 2 Ibid., v. 509. CIVIL HISTORY. 67 While the Protectorate of Cromwell continued, Massachusetts was a favored colony7, and the inhabitants of Cambridge shared the general benefit of political and ecclesiastical privileges. But his death, and the incompetency of his son Richard, prepared the way for the accession (or Restoration, as it was styled) of Charles the Second, who, on the twenty-ninth day of May, 1660, the an niversary of his birth, entered London in triumph. From this time a constant struggle for chartered rights was maintained for many years, resulting in the forcible abrogation of the old char ter. In this struggle, Cambridge men were active participants. It is related by Hutchinson, under date of 1660, that, "in the ship which arrived from London the 27th of July there came passengers Col. Whaley7 and Col. Goffe, two of the late King's judges They did not attempt to conceal their persons or characters when they arrived at Boston, but immediately went to the governor, Mr. Endicot, who received them very courteously. They were visited by the principal persons of the town, and among others they take notice of Col. Crown's coming to see them. He was a noted royalist. Although they did not disguise themselves yet they chose to reside at Cambridge, a village about four miles distant from the town, where they went the first day they arrived. .... The 22d of February the Governor summoned a court of assistants to consult about securing them, but the court did not agree to it. Finding it unsafe to remain any longer, they left Cambridge the 26th following and arrived at New Haven the 7th of March. " - The particular reason why they selected Cam bridge for their residence does not distinctly appear. A prin cipal inhabitant of the town, Edward Goffe, was the namesake of one of the regicides, and may have been his brother or cousin ; but I have found no proof of such relationship. Perhaps their acquaintance with Captain Gookin may have induced them to re side here. In a " Narrative of the Commissioners from England about New England," published by Hutchinson in bis " Collec tion of Papers,"2 it is alleged that "Col. Whaley and Goffe were entertained by the magistrates with great solemnity and feasted 1 Hist. Mass., i. 213-215. From New tures and fate in New England, may be Haven the regicides retreated to Hadley, found in Judd's History of Hadley, pp. where they found shelter in the house of 214-223. Rev. John Russell. Whalley is supposed It should be added, that although to have died there about 1670, and to have Hutchinson and others style Whalley been buried in Mr. Russell's cellar. Goffe and Goffe "Colonels," both were act- survived several years ; but the time and ually Major-generals under Cromwell. place of his death are not known. A - Pages 419, 420. chapter relative to their romantic adven- 68 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. in eveiy place, after they were told they were traytors and ought to be apprehended ; they made their abode at Cambridge untill they were furnished with horses and a guide and sent away to Newhaven ; for their more security Capt. Daniell Gookin is re ported to have brought over and to manage their estates ; and the commissioners being informed that he had many cattle at his farm in the King's Province which were supposed to be AVhalyes or Goughs, caused them to be seazed for his Majestyes use till further order, but Capt. Gookin, standing upon the privilege of their charter and refusing to answer before the commissioners, as soe, there was no more done in it ; Capt. Peirce, who transported Whaly and Gough into New England, may probably say some thing to their estate." It has been said that Gookin had made a second -visit to England, and that he returned in the same ship with Whalley and Goffe. A fragment of General Goffe's journal, descriptive of his res idence in Cambridge, has been printed in the " Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society," 1863, 1864.1 Among other things he says : — " 27 d. 5 m. Wee came to anchor betwen Boston and Charles town betwen 8. and 9. in ye morning : all in good health thro: ye good hand of God ! upon us : oh ! yt men would praise the Lord for his goodness, — as ps. 107. 21 &c." " 29 d. 5 m. — Lds day ; wee had opportunity of waiting upon God in his publick ordinances, wch wer solemnly performed by Mr. Mitchel." "9 d. 6 m. — At night Majr Gookins shewed us a printed paper yt was brought in ye Scotch ship, wherein ye Lords do order 66 members of ye High court of Justice to be secured, wth yr estates, — its dated 18 d. May, 1660. But I will meditate on Hebr. 13. 5, 6." " 15 d. 6 m. — Sup't at Mr. Chancey's ; the good old servant of ye Lord, still expressing much affection, & telling us, he was perswaded ye Ld had brought us to this country for good both to them and or selves." " 23 d. 6 m. — In ye evening wee vissited Elder Frost, who reed us with great kindness & love esteeming it a favour yt we would come into yr mean habitation; assured us of his fervent prayers to ye Lord for us : — A glorious saint makes a mean cot tage a stately palace ; were I to make my choyce, I would rather abide wth ys saint in his poor cottage then wth any one of ye princes yt I know of at ys day in ye world." 1 Pages 281-283. 01VTL HISTORY. 69 " 24 d. 6 m. — Wee visited G.1 Beale, sorely afflicted with ye stone. He complained yt he could not in ye extremity of ye pain submitt with cheerfulLness to ye will of God ; & told us yt God spake many things to him under this exercise." " 26 d. 6 m. — Mr. Mitchell wth diverse came to visit us; or dis course tended to provoke to give up or selves wholly to Jesus Christ and make him ye whole delight of or souls." Within a few days after Whalley and Goffe left Cambridge, orders arrived from England for their arrest ; and there was at least a show of earnest exertion, on the part of the magistrates, to overtake them ; but the effort was in vain. Knowing that dis satisfaction existed in the English government, not only on ac count of their friendly reception of the regicides, but also for their persistent disregard of the navigation laws, and many other acts of insubordination, the General Court which assembled May 22, 1661, attempted to remove some of the causes of offence. They rebuked the apostle Eliot for publishing a book advocating a "Christian Commonwealth" rather than a monarchy; they modified their laws concerning Quakers, and soon afterwards ex pressed their intention to comply with the laws concerning nav igation. On the last day of the session, which had extended into June, they adopted a vote which clearly indicates their concep tion of the grave difficulties which surrounded them, and their anxiety to devise means of escape : — " For as much as the present condition of our affairs in highest concernments call for a diligent and speedy use of the best means seriously to discuss and rightly to understand our liberty and duty, thereby to beget unity amongst ourselves in the clue observance of obedience and fidelity unto the authority of England and our own just privileges, for the effecting whereof it is ordered by this Court, that Mr. Symon Bradstreet, Mr. Samuell Symonds, Major General Denison, Mr. Danforth, Major Wm. Hauthorne, Capt. Tho. Savage, Capt. Edward Johnson, Capt. Eliazer Lusher, Mr. Mather, Mr. Norton, Mr. Cobbet, and Mr. Michell, be and hereby are appointed a committee, immediately after the dissolution or adjournment of the Court, to meet together in Boston on sec ond day next, at twelve of the clock, to consider and debate such matter or thing of public concernment touching our patent, laws, privileges, and duty to his Majesty, as they in their wisdom shall judge most expedient, and draw up the result of their apprehen sions, and present the same to the next session for consideration 1 Goodman. 70 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and approbation, that so (if the will of God be) we may speak and act the same thing, becoming prudent, honest, conscientious, and faithful men." This important committee consisted of four Assistants, four Deputies, and four clergymen, of whom Danforth and Mitchell were of Cambridge. The report was signed by Danforth, and was probably written by him ; it is here inserted, as it indicates the skill and firmness with which encroachments on their char tered rights were resisted by the party of which he was the ac knowledged leader. Immediately after the appointment of this committee, the Court adjourned. It met again on the tenth of June, after a recess of probably less than a week. The first bus iness presented was this Report : — " The answers of the Committee unto the matters, proposed to their consideration by the honored General Court : " 1. Concerning our liberties. " 1. We conceive the patent (under God) to be the first and main foundation of our civil polity here, by7 a Governor and Com pany, according as is therein expressed. " 2. The Governor and Company are, by7 the patent, a body politic, in fact and name. " 3. This body politic is vested with power to make freemen. " 4. These freemen have power to choose annually a Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants, and their select representatives or deputies. " 5. This government hath also [power] to set up all sorts of officers, as well superior as inferior, and point out their power and places. " 6. The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants, and select representatives or deputies have full power and authority, both legislative and executive, for the government of all the people here, whether inhabitants or strangers, both concerning ecclesias tics and in civils, without appeal, excepting law, or laws repug nant to the laws of England. "7. The government is privileged by all fitting means (yea, and if need be, by force of arms), to defend themselves, both by land and sea, against all such person or persons as shall at any time attempt or enterprise the destruction, invasion, detriment, or annoyance of this plantation or the inhabitants therein, besides other privileges mentioned in the patent, not here expressed. CIVIL HISTORY. 71 " &. We conceive any imposition prejudicial to the country contrary to any just law of ours, not repugnant to the laws of England, to be an infringement of our right. " 2. Concerning our duties of allegiance to our sovereign lord the King. " 1. We ought to uphold and to our power maintain this place, as of right belonging to our sovereign lord the King, as holden of his majesty's manor of East Greenwich, and not to subject the same to any foreign prince or potentate whatsoever. " 2. We ought to endeavor the preservation of his majesty's royal person, realms, and dominions, and so far as lieth in us, to discover and prevent all plots and conspiracies against the same. " 3. We ought to seek the peace and prosperity of our king and nation, by a faithful discharge in the governing of this peo ple committed to our care. (1.) By punishing all such crimes (being breaches of the first or second table) as are committed against the peace of our sovereign lord the King, his royal crown and dignity. (2.) In propagating the gospel, defending and up holding the true Christian or Protestant religion according to the faith given by our Lord Christ in his word - our dread sovereign being styled ' Defender of the faith.' " The premises considered, it may well stand with the loyalty and obedience of such subjects as are thus privileged by their rightful sovereign (for himself, his heirs and successors forever), as cause shall require, to plead with their prince against all such as shall at any time endeavor the violation of their privileges. " We further judge that the warrant and letter from the King's majesty, for the apprehending of Col. Whalley and Col. Goffe, ought to be diligently and faithfully executed by7 the authority7 of this country7. "And, also, that tbe General Court may do safely to declare, that in case (for the future) any legally obnoxious, and flying from the civil justice of the state of England, shall come over to these parts, they may not here expect shelter. " Boston 10. 4m. 1661. By order and consent of the Com mittee. "Tho. Danforth. " The Court allows and approves of the return of the Com mittee." - On the last day of the year 1661, the General Court deter mined to send " Mr. Symon Bradstreet and Mr. John Norton" l Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 24-26. 72 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. to England, as special agents. Among their instructions were these : " 1. You shall present us to his majesty as his loyal and obedient subjects." " (4.) You shall not engage us by any act of yours to anything which may be prejudicial to our present stand ing according to patent." * The agents were received more fa vorably than they expected, and returned with a gracious letter from the King. This letter was read in Court, Oct. 8, 1662. In consequence of the King's declaration therein, " We will pre serve and do hereby confirm the patent and charter heretofore granted unto them by our royal father of blessed memory, and they shall fully enjoy all the privileges and liberties granted to them in and by the same," — the Court appointed a special thanksgiving, making mention of " the safe and speedy return of our public messengers sent for England, together with the contin uance of the mercies of peace, liberties, and the gospel ; " and on the same clay it was further ordered, " that henceforth all writs, process, with indictments, shall by all magistrates, the secretary, clerk of the several courts and writs, be made and sent forth in his Majesty's name, i. e., you are hereby required in his Majesty's name, etc., any usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding." Some of the other requisitions, especially those interfering with their ecclesiastical polity, were very unwelcome, and the Court was not ready to comply. " The Court, having duly considered of his Majesty's letters now in Court, and the contents thereof, do hereby order the publication thereof. And forasmuch as the said letter hath influence upon the churches as well as the civil state, it is further ordered, that all manner of actings in relation thereunto be suspended until the next General Court, that so all persons concerned may have time and opportunity to consider of what is necessary to be done, in order to his Majesty's pleasure therein." - In their answer to the King's letter, after expressing thankful ness for his confirmation of the charter, the Court say : " As 1 Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 37. Loyalty whereof he is a member, and unto which to the king was held to be qualified or he is sworn formerly. Boston the 24th of modified by the provisions of the char- May, 1665. Daniel Gookin." ter; two examples are preserved in the "Before I take the oath of allegiance Mass. Archives, cvi. 132, 133. "Daniel to his Majesty, which I am ready to Gookin, before he took the oath of allegi- do, I do declare that I will be so under- ance in Court, May 24th, 1665, did openly stood as not to infringe the liberty and and plainly declare that in taking that privileges granted in his Majesty's' royal oath he would be so understood as not to charter to this Colony of the Massachu- infringe the liberty and privileges granted setts. Thomas Danforth. 26 (3) in his Majesty's royal charter to the 1665." Governor and Company of Massachusetts, - Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 58. CIVIL HISTORY. 73 touching the further purport of the letter, we have this particular account to give, viz : for the repealing of all laws here established since the late changes, contrary and derogatory to his Majesty's authority and government, we having considered thereof, are not conscious to any of that tendency. Concerning the oath of alle giance, we are readily to attend to it as formerly7, according to the charter. Touching the administration of justice in his Majes ties name, hath been clone, the practice whereof, which was dis continued in the late changes, is now reassumed. Concerning liberty to use the common Prayer Book, none as yet among us have appeared to desire it. Touching administration of the sac raments, this matter hath been under consideration of a synod, orderly7 called, the result whereof our last General Court com mended to the several congregations, and we hope will have a tendency to general satisfaction. In reference to our elections of magistrates, we humbly answer, that it hath always been, and is, great care and endeavor, that men of wisdom, virtue and integ rity be chosen to places of trust ; and to that end, that such as vote in elections should be orthodox in religion, virtuous (and not vicious) in conversation, and all those that according to the orders and customs of the colony here established, agreeable to the provisions of our charter, having proved themselves to be such in their places where they live, have from time to time been admitted in our elections ; and if anything yet remain to be acted by us respecting the premises, it is under consideration among us to that end. We humbly desire your honor will be pleased to assure his Majesty of the loyralty and good affection of his sub jects here, they resting secure in their charter and his Majesty's gracious aspect towards them." 1 This letter, manifesting the same spirit which was exhibited a hundred years afterwards, — personal loyalty to the King, but an unwillingness to submit to the arbitrary government of a Council or Parliament in which they were not represented, — was not satisfactory to the English Government ; and after some further correspondence, a board of commissioners, consisting of Col. Richard Nichols, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, Esq., and Samuel Maverick, Esq., was appointed in 1664, to visit the New England Colonies and enforce their subjection. A long controversy, shrewdly managed on the part of the Court, resulted in the departure of the commissioners without having accom plished their object. The inhabitants of Cambridge were not i Danforth Papers, in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xviii. 47, 48. 74 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. backward in rendering encouragement to their magistrates. At a special session, commencing Oct. 19, 1664, — " The Court being met together and informed that several persons, inhab itants of Cambridge, were at the door and desiring liberty to make known their errand, were called in, and Mr. Edward Jack son, Mr. Richard Jackson, Mr. Edward Oakes, and Deacon Stone, coming before the Court, presented a petition from the inhab itants of Cambridge, which was subscribed by very many hands, in which they testified and declared their good content and satis faction they took and had in the present government in church and commonwealth, with their resolution to be assisting to and encouraging the same, and humbly desiring all means might be used for the continuance and preservation thereof : and at the same time and the next day several petitions of like nature from Wooborne, Dorchester, Redding, Chelmsford, Concord, Billirrikey, Boston, Dedham, and Meadfield, and also one from several inhabitants of Roxbury, all which are on file." - The Cambridge petition is here inserted, partly on account of its patriotic spirit, and partly to preserve the list of names appended to it : — " To the honoured Generall Court of Massachusetts Colonie. The humble representation of the inhabitants of the towne of Cambridg. " For as much as we have heard that theire have beene repre sentations made unto his Maiesty conserning divisions among us and dissatisfactions about the present goverment of this colonie ; we whose names are under written, the inhabitants and house holders of the towne above mentioned, doe hearby testify our un animous satisfaction in and acThearing to the present government so long and orderly7 estableshed, and our earnest desire of the con tinuance theirof and of all the liberties and privileges pertaining theirunto which are contained in the charter granted by King James and King Charles the First of famous memory7, under the encouredgment and security of which charter we or our fathers ventered over the ocean into this wildernesse through great hazards, charges, and difficulties ; and we humbly desire our hon ored General Court would addresse themselves by7 humble petition to his Maiesty for his royall favour in the continuance of the pres- 1 Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 136, 137. Archives to the Judicial Court Files for The Cambridge petition, for some reason, Suffolk County, in the Court House, has been removed from the Massachusetts Boston. CIVIL HISTORY. 75 ent estableshment and of all the previleges theirof, and that we may not be subjected to the arbitrary power of any who are not chosen by this people according to theire patent, "Cambridg the 17th ofthe 8. 1664. " Charles Chauncy. Edward Oakes. Sam1'.1' Axdrewh Jonathan Mitchell. Elijah Corlett. Richard Champny. Edmund Frost. Gregory Stone. John Bridge. John Stedman. ffrancis Whiimor. Richard Jackson. Edward Shephaed. Gilbert X Cracbon. John Fisenden. John Cooper. Abraham Erringtoon. Humfry Bradsha. John Gibson. Richard Hassell. Danill Kempster. Thomas X Fox. George X Willis. Thomas X Hall. Richard Dana. Nicolas X Wythe. Thomas Chesholm. Samuel Green. Tho. Swetman. Richard Robins. William Diksone. Richard Eccles. Thomas Longhorne. John Watsonn. Roger X Bukk. Andrew X Stevenson. John X Parents. James Hubbard. Robert X Wilson. Rob. X Parker. John X Bouttell. Robert Stedman. Thomas Cheny. Willyam >< Heally. John Palfray. ffrancts Moore, senr. John Gove. Will X Michelson. Edward Hall. William Barrett. John Holman. Will. Bordman. Zacharye Hicks. Sam1;1, Manning. Richard Cutter. John Green. ffra. Moore, junr. John X Adams. Beiniman Crackbone. John Marritt. Nathanell Hancocke. Willyam Town. Abraham Holman. John Shephard. Samuell Frost. Walter Hasting. Nath. Green. Ester Gossom. Peter Towne. Edward Mitchellson. Andrew Belcher. Edmund Angier. Richard Park. Joseph Cooke. Jermie Fisman. John Taller. Daniel Cheeaver. John Eliot. Edward Jackson. Samuell Haden. John Jackson. Gregory Cooke. 76 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. John X Parker. Mathew X Boone. Thomas Hammond, senyor. Thomas Hammond, junyor. Vincent X Druse, junyor. John X Hanchet. Job X Hides. Samuell X Hides. Rebeccah X Daniell. Jonathan Hides. David Stone. Samuell Stone. Jeames X Cutler. John Wintor. John Collar. Joseph Miriam. Isack Starnes. David Fiske. Solomon Prentes. Joseph Sill. Samuell Hasting. Richard X Frances. Robart X Brown. Thomas X Brown. John Swan." " We, whose names are subscribed, being of the traine band and singell men in the above sayd town, doe also desire to mani fest ourselves to be of the same mynd with our parents, masters, and the aged men and housholders of the place. "Thomas Oliver. Jonathan Jackson. John Jackson. Sebeis Jackson. Steven Cooke. Jacob Goble.' Joseph X Stevenes. Daniel Champnes. John Steadman. Thomas Gates. Arther X Henbury. Robart X Shepard. Daniell X Prat. Philip Eastman. Arthur Call. Thomas Marritt. Joseph Pratt. Thomas ffledg. John Hastins. John Moke. John Holis. Gershom Frost. Abraham X Howell. Beniaman X- Russell. Sameuel Bucke. Joseph Ffrost. William Retle. Samuell X Garry. Nath. Patten. Stephen Frances. Reuben Luxfford. Samuell X Robines. Benony X Eaton. Rodger Chandler. Joseph Holme." It does not appear that Cambridge, in its corporate capacity, was actively engaged in the political contest which continued, with scarcely any intermission, for more than twenty years ; but there is the best evidence that its representative men were among the most active leaders in opposition to the arbitrary measures of the English court. Edward Randolph, " the arch enemy of the Colony," addressing the Lords of Trade in 1676, says: "Amongst the Magistrates, some are good men and well af- CIVIL HISTORY. "77 fected to his Majesty, and would be well satisfied to have his Maj esty's authority in a better manner established ; but the major part are of different principles, having been in the government from the time they7 formed themselves into a Commonwealth. These direct and manage all affairs as they7 please, of which number are Mr. Leverett, Governor, — Mr. Symons, Deputy Governor, — Mr. Danforth, Mr. Ting, Major Clarke, and Major Hathorn, still continued a magistrate, though commanded byr his Majesty upon his allegiance to come into England, yet refused, being en couraged in his disobedience by a vote of the Court not to appear, upon some reasons best known to themselves. These, with some. few others of the same faction, keep the country7 in subjection and slavery, backed with the authority of a pretended charter." 1 To the Bishop of London he writes, May 29, 1682, " I think I have so clearly- layd downe the matter of fact, sent over their lawes and orders to confirme what I have wrote, that they can not deny them : however, if commanded, I will readily7 pass the seas to attend at Whitehall, especially if Dan ford, Goggin, and Newell, magistrates, and Cooke, Hutchinson and Fisher, mem bers of their late General Court and great opposers of the honest Governor and majestrates, be sent for to appeare before his Maj esty ; till which time this country will always be a shame as well as inconveniency to the government at home."2 Soon afterwards, June 14, 1682, he writes to the Earl of Clarendon, " His Majes ties quo warranto against their charter, and sending for Thomas Danforth, Samuel Nowell, a late factious preacher and now a magistrate, and Daniel Fisher and Elisha Cooke, deputies, to at tend and answer the articles of high misdemeanures I have now exhibited against them in my papers sent Mr. Blaithwait per Capt. Foy, will make the whole faction tremble." 3 " During these distresses of the colony," says Hutchinson in 1681, " there were two parties subsisting in the government, both of them agreed in the importance of the charter privileges, but differing in opinion upon the extent of them, and upon the proper measures to preserve them. The governor, Mr. Bradstreet, was at the head of the moderate party. Randolph in all his letters takes notice of it Mr. Stoughton, "Mr. Dudley, and William Brown of Salem, these fell in with the Governor. The deputy governor, Mr. Danforth, was at the head of the other party : the principal members of the court with him were Major Gookins of Cambridge, Peter Tilton of Hadley, Elisha Cooke and Elisha l Hutch. Coll., p 499. - Ibid., 532. - Ibid., 535. 78 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Hutchinson of Boston. This party opposed the sending over agents, the submitting to acts of trade, &c, and were for adher ing to their charter according to their construction of it, and leaving the event. Gookins, being aged, desired a paper he drew up as his dying testimony, might be lodged with the court, con taining the reasons of his opinion." - Through the whole of this protracted controversy, Danforth and Gookin, together with tbe Deputies from Cambridge, con tinued firm in their resistance to the arbitrary measures of the English government. They were at last overpowered, however, and the Colony7 was reduced to a state little better than slavery. On the 25th day of May, 1686, Joseph Dudley, the newly ap pointed President, with his Council, assumed the government of the Colony, the charter having been abrogated. A few months later, Dec. 20, 1686, he was superseded by Sir Edmund Andros, who had been appointed Governor of New England. 1 Hist. Mass., i. 331. CHAPTER VIII. CIVIL HISTORY. As early as 1654, some of the inhabitants upon the south side of the River commenced a movement, which resulted, seven years afterwards, in an order. of the General Court, that all who resided more than four miles from the meeting-house should " be freed from contributing towards the ministry on the north side the river," so long " as the south side the river shall maintain an able ministry." 1 This was not wholly satisfactory, and a peti tion for more extensive privileges was presented to the General Court, Oct. 18, 1672, but action thereon was postponed until the next session, May 7, 1673, at which time this record is found : "In answer to the petition of Mr. Edward Jackson and John Jackson in behalf of the inhabitants of Cambridge Village, on the south side of Charles River, this Court doth judge meet to grant the inhabitants of the said village annually to elect one constable and three selectmen, dwelling among themselves, to order their prudential affairs of the inhabitants there according to law, only continuing a part of Cambridge in paying country and county- rates, as also town rates so far as refers to the gram mar school and bridge, and also pay their proportion of the charges of the deputies of Cambridge, and this to be an issue to the controversy between Cambridge and them." - But the peo ple were not content to be a precinct. Accordingly at the session of the General Court, commencing May 8, 1678, a petition was presented for incorporation as a town : — " To the honored Governor, Deputy Governor, together with the honored Magistrates and Deputies of the General Court, now sitting in Boston. " The humble petition of us, the inhabitants of Cambridge Village, on the south side of Charles River, showeth, that the l Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 16. - Ibid., 555. 80 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. late war, as it hath been a great charge to the whole Colony, so to us in particular, both in our estates and persons, by loss of life to some, and others wounded and disabled for their livelihood, besides all our other great charges in building of our meeting house and of late enlargement to it, as also our charge to the minister's house. And, as you know, the Lord took that worthy person from us in a little time, and now in great mercy hath raised up another in the place, who hath a house in building for him, which requires assistance : As also we are now, by the great mercy of God, so many families that a school is required for the education of our children according to law, besides our public charge of the place. Yet, notwithstanding, this last year, the Townsmen of Cambridge have imposed a tax upon us, amount ing to the sum of three country Rates, without our knowledge or consent, which we humbly conceive is very harsh proceeding for any Townsmen of their own will and power to impose upon the inhabitants what taxes they please, and to Avhat end, without ever calling the inhabitants to consider about such charge. Nevertheless, for peace sake, the inhabitants of our place did meet together and jointly consent to give the town of Cambridge the sum of one hundred pounds, and to pay it in three years, without desiring any profit or benefit from them of wood, timber, or common lands, but only our freedom, being content with our own proprieties, which some of us had before Cambridge had any right there : which tender of ours they having rejected, as also to grant to us our freedom from them, we do most humbly com mend our distressed condition to the justice and mercy of this honored Court, that you will please to grant us our freedom from Cambridge and that we may- be a township of ourselves, without any more dependence upon Cambridge, which hath been a great charge and burden to us ; and also that you would please to give the place a name, and if there should be any objection against us that the honored Court will admit our reply and defence. So hoping the Almighty will assist you in all your concerns, we rest your humble petitioners. "Mr. Edward Jackson. Thomas Prentice, junr. Capt. Thomas Prentice. John Kenrick, junr. John Fuller, sen7. John Mason. John Kenrick, seur. Wm. Robinson. Isaac Williams. Thomas Greenwood. John Ward. John Parker (south). Joseph Miller. Humphrey Osland. CIVIL HISTORY. 81 Joseph Bartlett. Isaac Bacon. Jacob Bacon. Samuel Trusdale. Simon Onge. Jonathan Fuller. Jonathan Hides, senr. Thomas Parkes, senr. James Trowbridge. Noah Wis wall. Thomas Hammond. Jonathan Hides, junr. James Prentice, sen'. David Meads. Vincent Drusse. John Hides. Ebenr- Wiswall. Eliah Kenrick. Sebeas Jackson. Samuel Hides, junr. Noah McDaniel. John Fuller, junr. Joshua Fuller. John Alexander. John Prentice. Nato1-- Hammond. Job Hides. John Parker (east). Widow Jackson. Edwd. Jackson, junr. Daniel Key. Thos. Prentice, jun7. Abraham Jackson. Stephen Cooke. Richard Parks. Joseph Fuller. Isaac Beach. Peter Hanchet." 1 The historian of Newton says this petition " was no doubt drawn up by Mr. Edward Jackson, senior." He adds a list of " Freemen in the Village who did not sign this petition," - namely : — Rev. Nehemiah Hobart. Elder Thomas Wiswall. Dea. Samuel Hyde. John Woodward. , Henry Segar. Thomas Park, junr. Daniel Bacon. John Spring. Daniel McCoy. John Park. Samuel Hyde, Son of Jona. James Prentice- junr." "In answer to the petition of the inhabitants of Cambridge Village, on the south side of the river, the Court judgeth it meet to grant them a hearing of the case mentioned on the first Tues day of the next session in October, and all parties concerned are ordered to have timely notice." 3 At the time appointed, a long protest was presented by the Selectmen of Cambridge, a part of which was printed in Jack son's " History of Newton," pp. 53-60. Notwithstanding its length, it is here inserted in full, on account of the historical facts mentioned in it, and the picture it presents of the general condition of affairs : — 1 Mass. Arch., cxii. 250. 2 Jackson's Hist, of Newton, 50, 52. 6 8 Mass. Col. Rec, v. 188, 189. 82 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " The answer of the Selectmen of Cambridge to the petition exhibited against them by their Brethren and Neighbors of the Village on the South Side of Charles River. " To omit what they express by way of narration, declaring ' the loss of lives and estates to them sustained by the late Avar, the death of their former minister and their having now got an other for whom a house is building,' &c. — the impertinency and absurdity of their argument therein being obvious to all intelli gent minds, — we shall only concern ourselves with what they make the main of their petition, which may be divided into these two parts : " I. The cause on our part, viz. the hard usage by the Towns men of Cambridge, i. e. imposing upon them a tax of their own will and power, and what they please, and to what end they please. " For answer hereunto, the Cambridge Townsmen have im posed a tax (as they call it) if they intend no more than the making of a rate for the paying of the charges of the whole town, and putting upon them their just proportion of the charge of those things, properly belonging to them to bear their part of, according to the order of the General Court with reference to them, made May 7th, 1673, and then declared to be the issue of the controversy7 between the town and the petitioners, thus far we own to be a truth. But whereas they charge us that we have thus done, 1, of our own will, 2, of our own power, 3, what we please, 4, to what end we please, — these are high and sad accusations which we cannot own to be true : for 1st it was not by our will that any taxes have been imposed on them or any other of the inhabitants, but their own will, so declared in orderly town-meetings, legally warned, whereat themselves either were or might have been present and had their votes. 2. Nor was it of our own power, but by the authority of the General Court, com mitting to us by the law, as we are Selectmen of the town, power for the ordering of the prudentials of the town and levy ing what is necessary for the payment of the annual disburse ments regularly made for the town's occasions. 3. Nor have we imposed upon the town in general, or the petitioners, what we please. The rule that we have observed in raising our rates be ing to make them no greater than is of absolute necessity for the payment of the town's debts, and most an end falling consider ably short by reason of the town's poverty, and upon each in habitant in particular according to a list of their persons and CIVIL HISTORY. 83 • rateable estates. 4. Nor have we improved the moneys raised to what end we please, but have faithfully disposed of the same for the end for which we raised it, namely, the payment of the town's just debts. If herein we have transgressed, the line of our power, we beg pardon (and direction for the future) of this hon ored Court. If our accusers shall deny the truth of what we assert, either in general or any one article, we crave liberty to put in our further defence and evidence. " II. That which is the "main of their petition they thus ex press, viz., ' that we may be a township of ourselves, without any more dependence on Cambridge.' And this their petition they strengthen with two arguments ; the 1st is prefatory to their peti tion, wherein they say ' they plead only for their freedom, being content with their own propriety ; ' the 2a is subsequent ' because their dependence on Cambridge hath been a great charge and burthen to them.' " We shall begin with their arguments why they would be freed from Cambridge. To the 1st, whereas they say that they plead only for their freedom, being content with their own pro prieties, we answer, 1. That the inhabitants of Cambridge now dwelling on the north side of Charles River have well nigh three thousand acres of land that is laid out into several lots, some ten, some twenty, some forty7, acres, more or less, that they are at this time seised of, and by them kept for herbage, timber, wood, and planting lands, as they shall have occasion for to use the same, all which is by the petitioners included within the line of division between the town and them : and therefore they7 do not say words of truth when they7 say- they7 are content with their own proprie ties. 2. Nor is it true that they plead only7 for freedom ; for they having obtained these our lands and proprieties to be within the line of that division and payrable to the ministry, they would be come our masters and charge us for our lands and cattle that we shall put thereon to all their common charges, if they may obtain to be a distinct township. " To their 2d argument, viz. that their dependence on Cam bridge hath been a great charge and burden to them. For an swer hereto, 1st we shall say something that hath reference to them more generally, and 2d, we shall distinguish between the persons that are petitioners, and speak something more particu larly. 1. More generally. They well know, before their settle ment in that place, that all those lauds that they now petition for did belong to Cambridge, and were the grant of the General 84 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Court to them, for their enabling to maintain the ordinances of God among them, and all other common charges inevitably aris ing in a township ; so that what they call a burden will appear to be no more than their duty which they owe to the town ; and if, in that sense, charge and burden may be admitted as a just plea, may not the servant as well petition the Court to be freed from his master, the tenant from his landlord, or any single town petition his Majesty to have their freedom, and be a distinct Col ony, and plead that the annual charges for maintenance of gov ernment and the peace of the commonwealth is to them a great charge and burden ? 2. Their charge and burden hath not been greater than their brethren and neighbors ; for we have not, by burdening or charging them, eased ourselves of our just dues and proportion in any kind ; and although their accommodations for enabling them to bear and discharge their dues are far better than those of the town, yet it seems that what they call great (and we may without wronging our case freely concede to the truth thereof, that when all our shoulders bear, and hands and hearts join together, we find it so by daily experience) they are content that we should bear it alone, not pitying us, though we sink and break under it ; for they know full well that their with drawing will not abate the weight of our burden ; for the bridge must be maintained,, the school must be kept up, the Deputies must be sent to the General Court: and they have no other charge or burden imposed upon them by7 us than their just pro portion of that which these do ordinarily7 require. 3. They know full well that such hath been the tenderness of the town towards them at all times, that they have evermore chosen a Constable that hath been resident among them, and for the Selectmen also they have desired that they might constantly have some of them joined with those of the town, partly for their help, and partly that they might more easily have help from them, and be satis fied in the equity and justice of their proceedings in all respects; so that we know they cannot and dare not to plead that Ave have at any7 time been unwilling to execute the power of the Select men for gathering the rates due to their minister or otherwise more properly belonging to them, nor that Ave have carried crossly, proudly, or perversely towards them. If we have, let us be accused to our faces, and not backbitten and slandered as we have been in the other particulars whereof they accuse us. " Thus far in answer to the petitioners' 2d argument in gen eral. We shall now make answer thereto more particularly. CIVIL HISTORY. «5 And here we must divide the petitioners into two sorts: 1. Those that Avere dwellers in the town before they went to in habit on that side. 2. Another sort are those that came from other toAvns. 1. " Those that proceeded from the town, who knowing the straitness and want of accommodation to be had among their brethren there, and the lands on that side the Avater beino; then of small value, procured to themselves large and comfortable ac commodation for a small matter. We have confidence that these dare not to say that their being in Cambridge hath been any charge or burden to them. They must and will own that God hath there greatly blessed them : that Avhereas Ave on the town side, of <£ 1,000 that we or our parents brought to this place, and laid out in the town, for the purchasing at dear rates what Ave now enjoy?, can not, divers of us, shoAV .£100, they may speak just contrary or in proportion. We could, if need were, in stance some,* whose parents lived and died here, who, Avhen they came to this town had no estate, and some Avere helped by the charity of the church, and others yet living that well know they may7 say truly7, with good Jacob, — over this Jordan came I Avith this staff, — and so may they say, o\-er this River Avent I, with this spade, hoe, or other tool, and now, through God's blessing, am greatly7 increased. Yet here we would not be understood to include every particular person ; for we acknowledge that Mr. Jackson brought a good estate to tbe town, as some others did, and hath not been wanting to the ministry or any good work among us ; and therefore we avouM not reflect upon him in the leasts " 2. There are another sort of persons that did not proceed from the town, but came from other towns, where there had been much division and contention among them, Avho, though they kneAv the distance of the place from the public meeting house, the dependency7 thereof on Cambridge, which they now call a great charge and burden, yet this they then did choose, and we are assured will own, generally at least, that they haA7e there increased their estates far beyond what those of the town have or are capable to do. We might instance also in the In ventories of some of them, Avhose purchase at the first cost them a very small matter, and their stock and household stuff we judge to be proportionable, and yet Avhen they deceased, an in- " * John Jackson's Invent., £1,230. Rich. Park's Invent., £972. 86 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ventory f amounting to more than 1,100 pounds is given into the Court ; and others that are yet living have advanced in some measure suitable. But poor Cambridge quickly felt the sad effect of their coming among us ; for though some of them came from their dwellings very near the meeting-houses in other towns, and these beforehand kneAV the distance of their now dwellings from Cambridge, yet this did not obstruct them in their settlement there ; but before they Avere well warm in their nests, they must divide from the town. And though such was the endeared love of our brethren and neighbors that went from us to this Church and the ministry thereof, that it Avas long be fore they could get them (at least with any considerable unan imity) to join with them, yet they would petition, some few of them in the name of the rest, to the honored General Court, for their release from the town. And Avhen the Court, being tired out \yith their eager pursuit and more private fawnings and in sinuations, granted them Committee upon Committee to hear and examine the ground of their so great complaints, at last all issued in a declaration of the unreasonableness of their desire with reference to the town and unseasonableness on their part, as may appear by the return of the Committee made to the Gen eral Court, October 14, 1657, the Worshipful Richard Russell Esq., Major Lusher and Mr. Ephraim Child subscribing the same, and was accepted by the Court. " Yet here they rested not ; but in the year 1661 petitioned the Court, and then obtained freedom from rates to the ministry for all lands and estates more than four miles from Cambridge meeting-house ; and this being all that they desired, although we Avere not at that time advantaged with an opportunity to send any one to speak in the toAvn's behalf, yet considering the impetuousness of their spirits, and their good Avords, pretending only the spiritual good of their families that could not travel (Avomen and children) to the meeting-house at Cambridge, Ave rested therein, hoping iioav they would be at rest. But all this did not satisfy them ; but the very next year -£ they petition the Court again. And then as a full and final issue of all things in controversy between Cambridge town and the petitioners, there is another Committee appointed to come upon the place and de termine the bounds or dividing line between the town and them ; the result whereof was such that, whereas their grant was for all the lands that were above four miles from the toAvn, they now "t Old Hammond's Invent., £1,139. "J Octob. '62. CIVIL HISTORY. 87 obtain the stating of a line that for the generalty is (by exact measure) tried and proved to be very little above three miles from Cambridge meeting-house. Yet did not Cambridge (thus pilled and bereaved of more than half the lands accommodable to their town at once) resist, or so much as complain, but rested therein,' — the Court having declared their pleasure and given them their sanction, that this, as abovesaid, should be a final issue of all things between the town and the petitioners. " All this notwithstanding, these long-breathed petitioners, finding that they had such good success that they could never cast their lines into the sea but something Avas catched, they re solve to bait their hook again ; and as they had been wont some of them for tAventy years together to attend constantly the meet ings of the town and selectmen, whilst there was any lands, wood, or timber, that they could get by begging, so now they pursue the Court for obtaining what they would from them, not sparing time or cost to insinuate their matters, with reproaches and clamors against poor Cambridge, and have the confidence in the year 1672 again to petition the Court for the same thing, and in the same words that they now do, viz. ' that they may be a township of themselves, distinct from Cambridge ' ; and then the Court grants them further liberty than before they had, viz. to choose their own Constable and three selectmen amongst themselves, to order the prudential affairs of the inhabitants there, only continu ing a part of Cambridge in paying Country and County rates, as also Town Rates so far as refers to the Grammar School, Bridge, and Deputy's charges, they to pay still their proportion with the town ; and this the Court declares, once more, to be a final issue of the controversy between Cambridge and them. " Cambridge no sooner understands the pleasure of this hon ored Court, but they quietly submitted thereunto ; and we hope our brethren neither can nor dare in the least to accuse us (first or last) of refusing to. acquiesce in the Court's issue, al though we may and must truly say Ave have been not a little grieved Avhen by the more private intimations and reproachful backbitings of our neighbors, we have, in the minds and lips of those Avhom we honor and love, been rendered either too strait- laced to our own interest, or unequally-minded towards our brethren. And did not this honored Court, as well as we, con clude that the petitioners, having exercised the patience of the Court by their so often petitioning, as Avell as giving trouble to the town by causing them to dance after their pipes, from time 88 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. to time, for twenty-four years, as will appear by the Court Rec ords, in Avhich time they have petitioned the Court near if not altoo-ether ten times, putting the town to great charges in meet- in^ together to consider and provide tbeir answers, and to ap point men to attend the Court, and the Committees that have been from time to time appointed by the Court, as also the charges of entertaining them all, which hath been no small dis turbance to their more necessary employments for their liveli hood, and expense of their time and estates ; — yet all this not- Avithstanding, we are summoned noAV again to appear before this honored Court to answer their petition exhibited for the very same thing, nothing being added save only sundry falsehoods and clamorous accusations of us : § so that noAV it is not so much Cambridge as the arbitrary and irregular acting of them and their Townsmen that they plead to be delivered from, as being their bondage and burden. " It now remains that Ave speak something as to the main of their petition, which they thus express, i. e., • that we may be a toAvnship of ourselves, without any more dependence on Cam bridge.' The reasons why we apprehend they may not have this their petition granted them may be taken from — " I. The injustice of this their request, which may thus ap pear: — 1. If it Avould be accounted injustice for any neighboring toAvns, or other persons, to endeavor the compassing so great a part or any part of our toAvn limits from us, it is the same (and in some sense far worse) for those that belong to us so to do. This we conceive is plain from God's Word, that styles the child that robs his father to be the companion of a destroyer, or, as some render the word, a murderer ; although the child may plead interest in his father's estate, yet he is in God's account a mur derer if he takes away that whereby his father's or mother's life should be preserved ; and this, we apprehend not to be far unlike the case now before this honored Court. 2. All practices of this nature are condemned by the light of nature, Judges xi. 24. They Avho had their grants from the heathen idolaters did not account it just that they should be dispossessed by others. And idolatrous Ahab, although he was a king, and a very Avicked king also, and wanted not power to effect what he desired, and was so burdened for the want of Naboth's vineyard that he could neither eat nor sleep, and Avhen denied by his own subject tendered a full price for the same, yet he had so much conscience left that he did " § A Machiavelian practice. CIVIL HISTORY. 89 not dare to seize the same presently, as the petitioners would so great a part of our possession as this is, Avere it in their power. 3. The liberty and property of a Colony, so likewise (in its de gree) of a township, is far more to be Insisted upon than the right of any particular person ; the concerns thereof being eminently far greater in all respects, both civil and ecclesiastical. 4. The General Court having forty-five years since (or more) made a grant of the land petitioned for to Cambridge town, the Court's grant to each town and person as his Majesty's royal charter is to this honored Assembly and the whole Colony, we have con fidence that such is their wisdom and integrity that they Avill not deem it to be in their power* to take away- from us, or any other town or person, any part of what they have so orderly granted and confirmed to them. 5. Had we no grant upon Record (which is indubitably clear that Ave have, none in the least questioning the same), yet by the law of possession it is ours, and may not, without violation of the law and faith of the honored Court be taken from us. " II. Could the petitioners obtain what they ask, Avithout crossing the law of justice, yet Ave apprehend it Avould be very unequal ; and that may thus appear : — Because Cambridge town is the womb out of which the petitioners have sprung, and there fore ought, in the first place, to be provided for; and the question in equity ought to be, not what do the petitioners crave, and might be convenient for them, but what may Cambridge spare ? Now that Cambridge can not spare what they desire we shall thus prove: — 1. From the situation of our town, being planted on a neck of land, hemmed about by neighboring towns, Watertown coming on the one side within half a mile of our meeting-house, and Charlestown as near on the other side ; so that our bounds is not much above a mile in breadth for near three miles together ; and, on the south side the River, the petitioners have gained their line (as we before related) to come very near within three miles of our meeting-house. 2. The most considerable part of the best and most accommodable lands of these near lands to the town are belonging to Mr. Pelham and others that live not in the town ; so that the far greater number of those that live in the town are put to hire grass for their cattle to feed upon in the summer time, which costs them the least t%velve shillings and some "* It was no dishonor to Paul, that had power of God Himself, that He is a God all church power, that he could do nothing that cannot lie. against the truth ; nor diminutive to the 90 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. fifteen shillings a head in money, for one cow, the summer feed ; and corn-land they have not sufficient to find tbe town Avith bread. 3. Cambridge is not a town of trade or merchandize, as the sea port toAvns be ; but Avhat they7 do must be in a Avay of husbandry7, although upon never so hard terms, they having no other Avayfor a supply. 4. By the same reason that the petitioners plead im munity and freedom, our neighbors that live far nearer to Con cord than to us may plead the like, and with far greater reason ; and should they have a township granted them also, there Avould be nothing left for Cambridge, no, not so much commonage as to feed a small flock of sheep. " That our town is thus situated, narrow and long on each wing, Watertown and Charlestown nipping us up close on each side, there needs no proof; it is sufficiently knoAvn to sundry of the members of this honored Court. And that we are in other respects circumstanced as Ave have related, so as that Ave must be no tOAvn nor have no church of Christ nor ministry among us, in case we be clipped and mangled as the petitioners Avould have, Ave conceive there needs not further evidence than our testimony. We know not why Ave should not be believed. We conceive that the honor of God and of this Court is more concerned in providing against the laying waste an ancient toAvn and church of Christ, settled in this place for more than forty years, than any of us can be to our personal interest ; — nothing that Ave here enjoy as to our outward accommodation being so attractive as that we should be forced here to continue, if Ave be disabled to maintain God's or dinances. Yet for evidence of the troth of what Ave thus assert we might allege the removing of Mr. Hooker and the whole church Avith him to Hartford, and that for this very reason, be cause they foresaw the narrowness of the place Avas such that they could not live here. Also the endeavor of Mr. Shepherd and the church with him, before his death, to remove in like manner, and that for no other reason but this, because they savr, after many years hard labor and expense of their estates that they brought Avith them from England, that they could not live in this place. Also Ave may add, that the Committee, which the honored General Court appointed to inquire into the estate of the toAvn, 14th. 8mo. 57, made their return that they found the state of Cambridge to be as we have declared. "We do freely own that, as our place is straitened so the charges are great for the maintenance of our Great Bridge and schools, &c, besides all other charges common to other places. CIVIL HISTORY. 91 Shall this be an argument therefore to countenance any to seek to pluck from us our right, and to pull away their shoulders, to Avhom of right it appertains to bear a part with us, and have far the greatest part of the accommodation that should uphold the same ? We would not speak passionately ; but let not thi3 hon ored Court be offended if Ave speak a little affectionately. We know not wherein we have offended this honored Court, or why poor Cambridge above all other toAvns in the country must be thus harassed from Court to Court, and never can have an end in twenty-four years time, although the Court have declared and given in their sanction that this and the other determination should be a final issue, never to be troubled more with the peti tioners ; yet still their petitions and clamors are received, and Ave compelled to make answer thereto. If we have transgressed in any kind, and this Court or any the members thereof have a prej udice against us, we humbly entreat that our offence may be declared. And if we have been such arbitrary taxmasters as the petitioners render us, that we may either be convicted, or recom pense given us for our cost and damage by their unjust molesta tion of us from time to time, for the just vindication of our innocency against their unjust calumnies. " Also we do humbly entreat of this honored Court that, whereas the petitioners at the time of their first grant which they obtained from this Court then pleaded that, for and towards the maintenance of the ministry in that place, tbey might have the lands and estates on that side the River that were more than four miles from the toAvn, that we might have the line stated accordinglA" : the whole being our own, as we have before pleaded and proved, and we having need thereof, we conceive Ave can not in justice be denied the same. " Also, whereas they have not submitted unto nor rested in the Court's last grant made them for the choice of a Constable and three Selectmen among themselves, but have carried it fro- wardly one towards another, and in like manner towards the town from whom they proceeded and unto whom they of right belong, Ave humbly entreat that the said order may be reversed, and that we being all one body politic may have a joint choice in the Selectmen and Constables of the town, according as the laAv cloth determine the right and privilege of each toAvn. " Finally, Ave humbly entreat that this our defence may be entered in the Court's register, there to remain, for the vindica tion of our just right, in perpetuam rei memoriam. Praying 92 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. that the God of wisdom and truth may direct and guide this honored Court in their issuing of this and all other their more Aveighty concerns, we subscribe ourselves, honorable Sirs, your humble and dutiful servants and suppliants, Cambridge, JOHN Cooper, 23 (8) 78. William Manning, John Stone, Walter Hasting, ffr. Moore, Nathaniell Sparhawk." - In Jackson's "History of Newton," it is stated that "the re sult was that the Court granted the prayer of the petition, and Cambridge Village was set off from Cambridge, and made an independent township. The doings of the Court in this case are missing, and have not as yet been found, and therefore we do not know the precise conditions upon which the separation took place. But the Toavu record is quite sufficient to establish the fact of separation. The very first entry upon the new Town Book records the doings of the first Town-meeting, held ' 27, 6, 1679, by virtue of an order of the General Court,' at Avhich meet ing the first board of Selectmen were duly elected, namely, Cap tain Thomas Prentice, John Ward, and James Trowbridge ; and Thomas Greenwood Avas chosen Constable." - " 1691. Decem ber 8. ' In answer to the petition of the inhabitants of Cam bridge Village, lying on the south side of Charles River, some times called New Cambridge, being granted to be a township, praying that a name may be given to said town, it is ordered, that it be henceforth called New Town.' This order of the Gen eral Court, for a name only, has been mistaken by historians for the incorporation of the town, Avhereas the petitioners had been an independent town for twelve years. The child Avas born on the 27th August, 1679, but was not duly christened until the 8th of December, 1691." 3 It is evident that the township was incorporated before Dec. 8, 1691 (or rather Dec. 18 ; the session of the Court commenced Dec. 8, but the order granting a name Avas adopted ten days later). This order plainly enough recognizes the village as al ready a distinct " township." Moreover, in 1689, when a Gen eral Court assembled after Andros was deposed and imprisoned, * Mass. Arch., cxii. 253-264. 3 Xbid., page 63. 2 Hist of Newton, page 60. CIVIL HISTORY. 93 Ensign John Ward appeared as a Deputy from New Cambridge, and was admitted to a seat, apparently without objection. So far, Mr. Jackson has a good case. But other facts of public no toriety would justify grave doubts whether the town Avas incor porated so early as 1679. It is a >ery suspicious circumstance, scarcely reconcilable with such an early date of incorporation, that for the seven years following 1679, until the charter govern ment Avas overturned in 1686, the Village, or New Cambridge, never assumed, as a town distinct from Cambridge, to send a Deputy7 to the General Court ; but did not miss representation a single year for half a century after the government was estab lished under the neAV charter. People as tenacious of their rights as the inhabitants of the Village manifestly were, both before and after incorporation, would not be likely to let the neAvly-acquired right of representation lie dormant for seven years, during a pei-iod of intense political excitement. The elec tion of a Constable and three Selectmen in 1679 by no means furnishes countervailing proof of incorporation ; for this is pre cisely what the inhabitants Avere authorized to do by the order passed May 7, 1673, which was never understood to confer full town privileges, and which, for aught that appears to the con trary, was the order mentioned in the Town Record dated 27. 6. 1679.1 But the evidence in the case is not wholly of this negative character. One of the documents published by Mr. Jackson2 indicates with some distinctness a different day (Jan. 11, 1687- 8) as the true date of incorporation into a distinct town : — " Articles of agreement, made September 17, 1688, between the Selectmen of Cambridge and the Selectmen of the Village, in behalf of their respective towns : That, Avhereas Cambridge Vil lage, by order of the General Court in the late government, Avas enjoined to bear their proportion in the charges in the uphold ing and maintaining of the Great Bridge and School, with some other things of a public nature in the town of Cambridge ; also there having been some difference between the Selectmen of said 1 At the close of their elaborate " an- the petitioners determined to exercise the swer" the Selectmen of Cambridge allege power granted in 1673, and accordingly that the petitioners "have not submitted elected a Constable and three Select- unto nor rested in the Court's last grant men, Aug. 27, 1679. Such action would made to them for the choice of a consta- sufficiently account for the record bearing ble and three Selectmen." etc. It seems that date in what Jackson styles the highly probable that, having again failed "New Town Book." in their efforts to obtain incorporation in - Hist, of Newton, p. 62. 1678, and despairing of present success. 94 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. towns, concerning the laying of rates for the end above said, that the Village shall pay to the town of Cambridge the sum of £5, in merchantable corn, at the former prices, at or before the first day of May next ensuing the date above, in full satisfaction of all clues and demands by the said toAvn from the said Village, on the account above said, from the beginning of the world to the 11th January7, 1687. Provided, always, and it is to be hereby understood, that the toAvn of Cambridge on consideration of £4, in current county pay, already in hand paid to the Village above said, shall have free use of the higliAvay laid out from the Vil lage Meeting-house to the Falls, forever, without any let, moles tation, or denial ; also, that the Constable of the Village shall pay to the town of Cambridge or [all?] that is in their hands un paid of their former rates due to the town of Cambridge above said. In witness whereof, the Selectmen above said hereunto set their hands, the day and y7ear first above written. John Cooper, Johx Spring, Edward Jacksox, James Prentice, Selectmen of New Cambridge. Samuel Andreav, Walter Hasting, David Fiske, Samuel Stone, Jonathan Remington, Selectmen of Cam bridge." What seems probable by the reference to Jan. 11, 1687-8, in the foregoing agreement, is rendered certain by tAvo documents, Avhich Mr. Jackson probably never saw, but Avhich are yet in existence. One is an order of notice, preserved in the Massa chusetts Archives, cxxA'iii. 7 : " To the Constables of the town of Cambridge, or either of them. You are hereby required to give notice to the inhabitants of the said town, that they or some of them be and appear before his Excellency in Council on Wednesday next, being the 11th of this instant, to show cause why Cambridge Village may not be declared a place distinct by itself, and not longer be a part of the said town, as hath been formerly petitioned for and now desired : and thereof to make due return. Dated at Boston the sixth day of ¦January in the third year of his Majesty's reign, annoque Domini, 1687. By order, &c, J. West, D. Secy." What was the result of this process does not appear on record ; for the records of the Council during the administration of Andros were carried aAvay, and no copy of the portion embracing this date has been obtained. For tunately, however, a certified copy of the order, Avhich is equiv- CIVIL HISTORY. 95 alent to an act of incorporation, is on file in the office of the clerk of the Judicial Courts in Middlesex County : — " At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston on Wednesday the eleventh day of January, 1687 ; Present, " His Excy. Sr. Edmund Andros, Kt., &c. " William Stoughton, "\ John Usher, ) Robert Mason, I E Edward Randolph, > Esqs. Peter Buckley, j ^ ' Francis Nicholson, ) Wait Winthrop, J " Upon reading this day in Council the petition of the inhabi tants of Cambridge Village in the County of Middlesex, being sixty families or upwards, that they may be a village and place distinct of themselves and freed from the town of Cambridge to which at the first settlement they were annexed ; they being in every respect capable thereof, and by the late authority made distinct in all things saving paying towards their school and other town charges, for which they are still rated as a part of that town ; and also the answer of the town of Cambridge there to ; and hearing what could be alleged on either part, and mature consideration had thereupon ; those who appeared on the behalf of the town of Cambridge being contented that the said Village be wholly separated from them as desired, and praying that they may be ordered to contribute towards the maintenance of Cam bridge Bridge, and that other provision be made as formerly usual to ease the town therein : — Ordered, that the said village from henceforth be and is hereby declared a distinct village and place of itself, wholly freed and separated from the town of Cambridge, and from all future rates, payments, or duties to them whatso ever. And that, for the time to come, the charge of keeping, amending, and repairing the said bridge, called Cambridge Bridge, shall be defrayed and borne as followeth (that is to say), two sixth parts thereof by the town of Cambridge, one sixth part by the said Village, and three sixth parts at the public charge of -the County of Middlesex. " By order in Council, &c. John West, Dy. Secy. " This is a true copy, taken out of the original, 4th day of Decern. 88. " As attests, Latjr. Hammond, Cler." There remains no reasonable doubt, that " Newtown," which received its name December, 1691, Avas "separated from the 96 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. town of Cambridge," and Avas declared to be " a distinct village and place of itself," or, in other words, was incorporated as a town, by the order passed Jan. 11, 1687, old style, or Jan. 11, 16S8, according to the present style of reckoning.1 A few matters of less public nature, belonging to this period, should not be entirely overlooked. I quote from the Town Records. Dec. 14, 1657. " Liberty is granted unto Mr. Stedman, Mr. Angier, &c, the owners of the Ketch Triall, to fell some timber on the common for a ware-house." Nov. 14, 1670. " Granted to the owners of the Ketches that are to [be] builded in the town liberty to fell timber upon the common for the building of the said Ketches." By the County Court Records, it appears that in April, 1672, Daniel Gookin, Walter Hastings, and Samuel Champney, recov ered ten pounds damage and costs of court, against William Carr for the unworkmanlike finishing of two ketches, or vessels, of thirty-five tons and twenty-eight tons. Among the papers in this case, remaining on file, is a deposition, to wit : " John Jackson, aged about 25 years, testifieth that, being hired to work upon the two vessels (Avhereof William Carr was master-builder) in Cambridge, I wrought upon the said vessels about four months in the winter 1670," etc. Sworn April 2, 1672. These were probably the vessels mentioned in the Town Order, Nov. 14, 1670. They were small in size ; but it appears from Randolph's narrative,2 written in 1676, that more than two thirds of all the A'essels then owned in Massachusetts ranged from six tons to fifty tons. Feb. 18, 1658. The Town voted, " That the Great Swamp lying within the bounds of this town, on the east side of Fresh Pond meadow and Winottomie Brook, shall be divided into par ticular allotments and propriety." March 23, 1662-3. " Ordered, that if any man be convicted that his dog is used to pull off the tails of any beasts, and do not 1 The orders in council are dated Jan. was in I6S8; and (2) King Charles II., 16S7; but that this was in the Old died Feb. 6, 16S4-5, and consequently the Style, calling March 25th the first day third year of the reign of James II. did of the year, and thus equivalent to not commence until Feb. 6, 16S6-7, and Jan. I6SS, commencing the year, as we the only January iu that "third year" now do with the first day of January, was in 1687-8, that i«, in 1688, by the pres- is certain, because (1) according to the ent style of reckoning. present style, Wednesday was not the - Hutchinson's Coll. Papers, 496. eleventh day of January in 1687, but it CIVIL HISTORY. 97 effectually restrain him, he shall pay for every offence of that kind twenty shillings, in case that further complaint be made." Feb. 13, 1664-5. " The Constables are ordered to allow Justinian Holden ten shillings towards a wolf, killed partly in Watertowne and partly in this." May 8, 1671. " Granted to William Barrit and Nathaniell Hancock, to dig a sluice, to drain the pond by their houses, in tlie town's land, provided they secure it from doing damage as soon as may be : and in case the Townsmen see reason for it, they are to stop it up again." This pond Avas on the easterly side of Dunster Street, about midway between Mount Auburn and Harvard Streets. May 29, 1671. A committee Avas appointed '¦ to make a. cov enant Avith Phillip Jones, or any other able person, to make a sufficient fence of stone of four foot high, — between Watertowne bounds and ours," as far as to Rocky Meadow ; with gates to the highways from Concord to Watertown and from Cambridge to WatertoAvn. Feb. 14, 1675-6. " William Maning, and Nathaniell Han- cocke, and John Jackson, and John Gove, are appointed by the Selectmen, to have inspection into families, that there be no bye drinking, or any misdemeanour, whereby sin is committed, and persons from their houses unseasonably7." " The selectmen of Cambridge plaintiffs against Capt. Law rence Hammond and John Cutler, jun., defendants, do humbly declare as followeth, &c. In the yrear 1634 the General Court granted them liberty to erect a Avare upon Minottomy River, and they accordingly so did, and have had quiet possession of the same from that time until now, Avithout any disturbance of their neighbors of CharlestoAvn or any other ; and hath been in a man ner the staA' and support of the town by7 fishing their Indian corn, which is the principal part of their husbandry and livelihood. But this last spring the defendants, to the great damage of the plaintiffs, have interrupted their fishing by crossing said River below the wares granted to Cambridge by the Court, whereby the grant of the Court is made null and void, and they are put out of the possession of that which they have peaceably enjoy7ed forty-six years, contrary to laAV and equity. And after that the plaintiffs had obtained a Avrit of nuisance to bring the case to a legal trial, the defendants have both violently and contemptu ously proceeded to obstruct the passage of the fish to the Avares, which they so long possessed as above said, to their great damage 7 98 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and loss of two hundred thousand fish, which we judge will be a hundred pounds damage to the town in their crop, and tending to the inevitable impoverishing of divers poor families. The jus tice of this honored Court for their relief from this great Avrong done them by the defendants is the favor they beg. " John Cooper. William Manning. Walter Hasting. ffr. Moore." The jury rendered a special verdict : " If the General Court's grant to Cambridge — for the erecting a Avare in Menottimyes River, Avithin their own bounds, be a legal and perpetual title, they find for the plaintiffs five pounds and costs of Court; if not, for the defendants, costs of court." The Court considered the title good. This case is entered in the County Court Records, under date of June 21, 1681, and the papers are on file. The practice of "fishing their Indian corn " Avas long ago abandoned by cultivators in Cambridge ; but the privilege of taking fish in Menotomy River remains valuable. It has been subject to occa sional controversies and litigations since 1681, in all Avhich Cam bridge has preserved the rights originally granted ; and to the present day " Fish Officers " are annually appointed by the City Council, to take care that those rights suffer no infringement. CHAPTER IX. CIVIL HISTORY. On the 17th day of May, 1686, Joseph Dudley and his asso ciates communicated, to the General Conrt a copy of the King's commission authorizing them to assume the government of the Colony. The Court replied, under date of May 20, 1686, ad dressed, " These for Joseph Dudley, Esq. and the rest of the gentlemen named in his Majesties commission," as follows: — " Gentn : We have perused Avhat you left with us as a true coppyof his majesties commission, sheAved to us the 17th instant, impowring you for the go\7erning of his majesties subjects inhab iting this colony and other places therein mentioned. You then applied yrourselves to us, not as a Governor and Company, but (as you Avere pleased to ferine us) some of the prineipall gentle men and cheife of the inhabitants of the seA'erall townes of the Massachusetts, amongst other discourse saying it concerned us to consider what there might be thought hard and uneasy. 1. Upon perusall Avhereof Avee finde, as Avee conceive, first, that there is no certaine determinate rule for your administration of justice, and that whiph is seemes to be too arbitrary. 2. That the subjects are abridged of their liberty as Englishmen, both in the matter of legislation and in the laying of taxes, and indeed the Avhole un questioned priviledge of the subject transferred upon yourselves, there beincr not the least mention of an assemhh7 in the commis- sion. And therefore wee thinke it highly concernes you to con sider whither such a commission be safe, either for you or us : but if you are so satisfied therein as that y7ou hold yourselves obleidged thereby, and do take upon you the government of this people, although Avee cannot give our assent thereto, yet hope shall demeane ourselves as true and loyall subjects to his Majesty, and humbly make our addresses unto God, and, in due time, to our gracious prince, for our releife. Past by the Avhole Court, nemine contradicentes. By order, " Edavard RAWSON, Secretary." 1 Mass. Col. Rec, v. 515, 516. 100 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Dudley7 Avas superseded in the government by Sir Edmund Andros, who "landed at Boston Dec. 20, 1686, and his commis sion Avas published the same day." 1 During his administration, the people were in a condition little better than slavery. In the " Massachusetts Archives " 2 is a statement by Thomas Danforth, that, " Our rulers are those that hate us and the churches of Christ and his - servants in the ministry ; they are their daily scorn, taunt, and reproach ; and yet are Ave, our lives, and liber ties, civil and ecclesiastical, in their hands, to do Avith us as they please ; some of the chief of them have said, — no better than slaves, only they had not power to sell us for slaves. We are deprived of priA'ileges of Englishmen, of the benefit of the great Charter of our nation ; our lands and possessions seized and granted to strangers, contrary to the Stat. Car. I. Cap. 10, and contrary to the assurance given to his Majesty's subjects here, by7 the declaration of his late Majesty and of his present Majesty, copies whereof I herewith send you." A tract Avas published at London, in 1689, entitled " A Sixth Collection of Papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England." The tenth and last paper in the collection is " A narrative of the miseries of New England, by reason of an Ar bitrary Government erected there." It was evidently prepared by7 a person Avell acquainted Avith the facts, perhaps by Increase Mather, who was at that time in London. The case is so well stated that I shall quote freely : — " Before these changes happened, NeAV England was of all the foreign plantations (their enemies themselves being judges) the most flourishing and desirable. But their Charters being all (one Avay or other) declared to be void and insignificant, it Avasan easy matter to erect a French Government in that part of the King's dominions, (no doubt intended by the evil counsellors) as a speci men of Avhat Avas designed to be here in England as soon as the times would bear it. Accordingly Sir Edmond Andross (a G-ernsey man) Avas pitched on as a fit instrument to be made use of ; and a most illegal commission given him, bearing date June 3, 1686, by Avhich he, with four of his Council (perhaps all of them his absolute devotees) are empowered to make laws, and raise moneys on the King's subjects without any Parliament, Assembly, or consent of the people LaAvs are made by a few of them, and indeed what they please : nor are they printed, as was the custom in the former governments, so that the people 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 353. 2 Mass. Arch., cxxviii. 142, 143. CIVIL HISTORY. 101 are at a great loss to know what is law, and what not. Only one law they are sensible of, which doth prohibit all Town-meetings, excepting on a certain day once a year : Avhereas the inhabitants have occasion to meet once a month, sometimes every week, for relief of the poor, or other Town-affairs. But it is easy to pene trate into the design of this law, Avhich Avas (no question) to keep them in every town from complaining to England of the op pression they are under. And as laws have been established so moneys have been raised by the government in a most illegal and arbitrary way, without any consent of the people."1 "Several gentlemen in the country Avere imprisoned and bound to their good behavior, upon mere suspicion that they did encourage their neighbors not to comply with these arbitrary proceedings, -nd that so they might be sure to effect their pernicious designs, they have caused juries to be picked of men Avho are not of the vicin ity, and some of them mere strangers in the country and no free holders, Avhich actings are highly illegal. One of the former magistrates was committed to prison without any crimes laid to his charge, and there kept half a year without any fault ; and though he petitioned for a Habeas Corpus, it was denied him. Also inferior officers have extorted what fees they please to de mand, contrary to all rules of reason and justice. They make poor widows and fatherless pay 50s. for tbe probate of a Avill, which under the former easy government Avould not have been a tenth part so much. Six persons, Avho had been illegally impris oned, were forced to give the officers 117Z., Avhereas upon compu tation they found that here in England their fees Avould not have amounted to 10/. in all. And yet these things (though bad enough) are but a very small part of the misery7 which that poor people have been groaning under, since they have been governed by a despotic and absolute power. For their new masters tell them that, their Charter being gone, their title to their lands and estates is gone therewith, and that all is the King's; and that they represent the King ; and that therefore all persons must take patents from them, and give what they see meet to impose, that so they may enjoy the houses Avhich their own hands have built, and the lands which, at vast charges in subduing a wilderness, they have for many7 years bad a rightful possession of as ever any people in the world had or can have." 2 " These Avere the mis erable effects of New England's being deprived of their Charters, 1 The case of Ipswich is related. - Seizures of land in Charlestown and Plymouth are specified. 102 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and with them of their English liberties. They have not been altogether negligent, as to endeavors to obtain some relief in their sorrowful bondage ; for seA7eral gentlemen desired Increase Ma ther, the Rector of the College at Cambridge in NeAV England, to undertake a voyage for England, to see Avhat might be done for his distressed country7, Avhich motion he complied with ; and in June the 1st, 1688, he had the favor to Avait on the King, and privately to acquaint him Avith the enslaved and perishing estate of his subjects in New England. The King was very gracious and kind in his expressions ; then and often after promising to give them ease as to their complaints and fears. Amongst other things the said Mather caused a petition from the town of Cam bridge in NeAV England to be humbly presented to his Majesty ; which, because it doth express the deplorable condition of that people, it shall be here inserted. " To the King's most excellent Majesty. " The. petition and address of John Gibson, aged about 87, and George Willow, aged about 86 yrears ; as also on behalf of their neighbors the inhabitants of Cambridge in New England, in most humble Avise sheweth : " That your Majesty's good subjects, with much hard labor and great disbursements, have subdued a wilderness, built our houses, and planted orchards, being encouraged by our indubita ble right to the soil by the Roy7al Charter granted unto the first planters, together with our purchase of the Natives : as also by- sundry letters and declarations sent to the late Governor and Company from his late Majesty, your royal Brother, assuring us of the full enjoymient of our properties and possessions, as is more especially contained in the declaration sent Avhen the Quo Warranto was issued out against our Charter. " But Ave are necessitated to make this our moan and com plaint to your excellent Majesty, for that our title is now ques tioned to our lands, by us quietly possessed for near sixty years, and without which Ave cannot subsist. Our humble address to our governor, Sir Edmond Andross, shewing our just title, long and peaceable possession, together with our claim of the benefit of your Majesty's letters and declarations, assuring all your good subjects that they shall not be molested in their properties and possessions, not availing. " Royal Sir, we are a poor people, and have no way to pro cure money to defend our cause in the law ; nor know we of friends at Court ; and therefore unto your royal Majesty, as the CIVIL HISTORY. 103 public Father of all your subjects, do we make this our humble address for relief, beseeching your Majesty graciously to pass your royal Act for the confirmation of your Majesty's subjects here in our possessions to us derived from our late Governor and Company of this your Majesty's Colony. We noAV humbly cast ourselves and distressed condition of our wives and children at your Majesty7's feet, and conclude Avith the saydng of Queen Esther, — If we perish, we perish." In the Massachusetts Archives - is a manuscript by Thomas Danforth, so nearly identical Avith this petition that it may prop erly be regarded as its first draught. It is highly probable that Danforth prepared it, and sent it to Mather, Avho made a few verbal alterations before presenting it to the king. It seems to have been written in 1688, while Randolph was endeavoring to obtain possession of seven hundred acres of land near Spy Pond. This was one of his many attempts, of a similar kind, to enrich himself at the public expense. Besides asking for free grants in divers other places, he " petitioned for half an acre of land, to be taken out of the common in Boston, for a house lot." 2 Several documents relating to the Cambridge case are here inserted, as a specimen of the wrongs and indignities to which the inhab itants were subjected under the arbitrary government of Sir Edmund Andros. Other communities suffered like evils ; and other persons were only less rapacious than Edward Randolph. " At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston on Wednesday the nine and twentieth of February, 1687. Present, " His Excellency Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., &c. " Joseph Dudley, A John Green, "A John Winthrop, I F Edward Randolph, ' Wait Winthrop, | S<^r " ffrancis Nicholson, | John Usher, J Samuell Shrimpton,J " Upon reading this day in Council the petition of Edward Randolph Esq., praying his Majesty's grant of a certain tract of vacant and unappropriated land, containing about seven hundred acres, lying between Spy Pond and Saunders Brook, near Water- toAVn in the County of Middlesex, — Ordered, That the Sheriff of said County do forthwith after receipt hereof, give public notice both in Cambridge and Watertown, that if any person or persons have any claim or pretence to the said land, that they appear before his Excellency the Governor in Council, on 1 Mass. Arch., cxxviii. 300. - Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 360. 104 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Wednesday the 7th of March next, then and there to show forth the same, and why the said land may not be granted to the petitioner as desired ; of which he is not to fail, and to make due return. By order in Council, &c. " John West. D. Seey." " Per virtue of this order, notice is given to the persons con cerned. 5 March 87-8, pr. Sam11- Gookin Shff." - " March 4, 1687-8. Mem0. This warrant Avas sent up from Boston to Cambridge on the Sabbath day morning by a boat, which was an unusual thing in that place to see the Sabbath day so profaned and a warrant posted on the meeting house to give notice." 2 At the time appointed, the inhabitants of Cambridge asserted their claims, to wit : — " To his Excellency Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., Captain Gen eral and Governor in chief of his Majesty's territory and domin ion of New England, and his Majesty's Council. The petition and address of his Majesty's most loyal subjects, the inhabitants of Cambridge, in most humble Avise showeth : " In observance of the Council's order sent unto us referring unto those lands petitioned for by Edward Randolph, Esq., — we humbly inform and certify7 your Excellency and the Council, that they are neither vacant nor unappropriated lands, but are a part of those lands granted by his Majesty's royal Charter, under the great seal of England, to the persons therein mentioned, and by the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay to this toAvn of Cambridge, as the Records of the General Court will shoAV, and have been quietly7 possessed and improved by this town of Cambridge for more than fifty years ; and was also pur chased of the Indian Natives that claimed title thereto. And more particularly as to those mentioned by the petitioner situate and tying between Spy Pond and Sanders Brook, they were by allotment granted and measured out, more than forty years now past, to sundry of the inhabitants of this- town ; and they have accordingly peaceably possessed and improved the same, and are at this day lawfully seized thereof. And for that other part, lying near to Watertown line, the toAvn hath hitherto improved those lands in common, for timber, fireAvood, and pasture for all 1 Mass. Arch., cxxviii. 56. is in the handwriting of Thomas Dan- - Ibid., p. 68. This memorandum, en- forth. dorsed on a copy of the order of notice, CIVIL HISTORY. 105 sorts of cattle, the just interests of each person therein having been legally settled more than forty years ; and the proprietors have accordingly respectiArely bought and sold their interests, as they have seen meet ; and for the securing said lands from dam age to ourselves by our neighbors of WatertoAvn, the proprietors of the said lands have, at their great charge, erected a stone wall, more than one mile in length, and made provision of gates upon the highways as was needful. " We do also humbly inform your Excellency and Council, that the lands above petitioned for are of so great concernment to the inhabitants of this town for their necessary supplies of timber, firewood, and pasture, that, should Ave be deprived thereof, it would be the inevitable ruin of more than eighty families of his Majesty's subjects here settled, who have spent their strength and estates in confidence of their indubitable right and peaceable enjoyment thereof, by virtue of his Majesty's roy7al Charter, and to them legally7 derived in manner as is above re cited. • " We do therefore humbly render to your Excellency and hon orable Council our humble and thankful acknOAvledgement of your respect to our welfare (as Avell as to justice and equity) in giving us this opportunity to inform your Excellency and Honors of our claim and just title to those lands petitioned for, as above said, and do humbly pray that the royal authority Avherewith his Majesty have invested your Excellency7 for the government of this part of his dominion may put a check upon the abovesaid information and unreasonable request of the petitioner for1 said lands," and that your petitioners may not be thence illegally ejected or disturbed in their peaceable enjoyment thereof, con trary to his late Majesty- 's declaration of the 26 July7 1683, pub lished upon the issuing a Quo Warranto agaiust the late charter of this Colony, and to his present Majesty7's gracious declaration to all his loving subjects for liberty of conscience and maintain ing them in all their properties and possessions in any their lands and properties whatsoever ; the benefit whereof we humbly claim. " Your petitioners are his Majesty's most loyal subjects and your Excellency's humble servants, in the name and by the order of the inhabitants of Cambridge. John Cooper, Walter Hasting, ffrancis Moore, John Jackson, Samuell Andrew."1 1 Mass. Arch., cxxviii. 297. 106 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. In his rejoinder, Randolph gives an abstract of bis petition and the order thereon, together Avith the objections urged by the inhabitants of Cambridge, and then proceeds thus: — " To which the Petitioner answereth, that, in case the inhabi tants of Cambridge do produce to your Excellency and the Coun cil the royal grant to any7 person or persons of the said land peti-» tioned for, and from such person or persons a legal conveyance to the inhabitants of the said town, and that the said toAvn were by that name, or by Avhat other name the same hath been to them granted, able and sufficient in the law to receive a grant of such lands, then the petitioner Avill cease any further prosecution of his said prayer : otherwise the petitioner humbly conceives the right still to remain in his Majesty, and humbly prays a grant for the same. Ed. Randolph. Boston March ye 17th 1687-8." - Subsequently7, another order of notice was issued : — " Boston 22d June 1688. Mr. Sheriff, You may give notice to any persons that lay claim to the lancl in Cambridge petitioned for by7 Edward Randolph Esq., that on Thursday next, in the forenoon, they appear before his Excellency in Council, and give their full answer therein. I am, sir, your servant, John West, D. Sec." Superscribed, " To Samuell Gookin Esq. High Sheriff of Mid dlesex, at Cambridge." 2 At the time appointed, the proprietors of the lands in con troversy presented their case more fully : — " The Reply of the proprietors of those lands lying between Sanders Brook and Spy Pond near unto Watertown, in the County of Middlesex, to an answer made to their address pre sented to your Excellency and the honorable Council, referring to the petition of Edward Randolph Esq., he praying a grant of seven hundred acres, part of the abovesaid tract of land, as vacant and unappropriated. " Your humble suppliants do crave leave to remind your Ex cellency and the honorable Council, that, in our former address, we have briefly declared and asserted our just title and claim to said lands, deriving the same from his Majesty's royal grant by his letters patent under the great seal, under the security whereof tbe first planters of this Colony adventured themselves into this then Avaste and desolate Avilderness, and have here wasted and 1 Mass. Arch., cxxviii. Ill, 112. 2 Ibid., p. 281. CIVIL HISTORY. 107 spent great estates and many lives, for the planting, peopling, and defending themselves and his Majesty's right therein. The abovesaid royal grant being made not only to the gentlemen named in said letters patent, but also to all such others as. they shall admit and make free of their society, making them one body politic by the name of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and under that name are empoAvered to make laAvs and ordinances for the good and Avel- fare of said company and for the government and ordering of the said lands and plantation, and the people that shall inhabit therein, as to them shall seem meet. We further declared that, by the said Governor and Company, tbe lands petitioned for by Edward Randolph Esq. are granted to Cambridge, then called Newtown, and by the said toAvn have been orderly distributed among their inhabitants, the grants and settlement Avhereof upon the several proprietors and their names as they stand entered upon the Town Book Ave do hereby exhibit to "your Excellency and the Council. If further evidence be required of the same, or of our possession and improvement thereof, plainly evincing that those lands are neither vacant nor unappropriated, as the petitioner hath most untruly represented, Ave are ready to pre sent the same, if your Excellency shall please to appoint us a time for so doing. " Your Excellency have not required of us to sIioav or demon strate that the formalities of the Ihav have been, in all the cir cumstances thereof, exactly observed, nor do Ave judge it can rationally be expected pf a people circumstanced as the first planters Avere, by whom those matters were acted in the infancy of these plantations ; they not having council in the law to re pair unto, nor would the emergencies that then inevitably hap pened admit thereof ; and, as Ave humbly conceive, nor doth the laAV of England require the same of a people so circumstanced as they then were. But from the beginning of this plantation [they] have approved themselves loyal to his Majesty, and in all respects haA-e intended the true ends of his Majesty's royal grant, and, through God's great blessing on their endeavors, raised here a plantation that redounds greatly (as is iioav well known in the world) to the honor and profit of the crown. And his late Majesty, by his letters sent to the Governor and Com pany7, accordingly declared his royal acceptance thereof, Avith promise of protection in our long and orderly settlement of this Colony, as his Majesty was graciously pleased to term the same : 108 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. the further security Avhereof, given us by the declaration of his late Majesty, when the Quo Warranto Avas issued forth against this Colony, as also by his present Majesty in his declaration, as in our address so Ave do hereby again humbly claim. If any thing be yet behind on our part, necessary for the evincing our claim, we humbly pray that we may be informed what those things are, and time giA7en us to bring in our further answer to your Excellency and the Council. In the name and by the order of the proprietors, together Avith ourselves of those lands petitioned for by Edward Randolph Esq. " Sam11- Andrew. Walter Hasting. Zachariah Hicks. John Gove." 1 On the same day, June 28, 1688, the Council passed the fol lowing order : — " Upon further hearing of the petition of Edward Randolph Esq., praying his Majesty's grant for a certain parcel or tract of vacant and unappropriated land, containing about seven hundred acres, lying between Spy Pond and Sanders Brook near Water- town in the County of Middlesex, as also a certain Avriting pre sented by Samuell Andrews and others of Cambridge, termed the reply of the proprietors of the lands lying between Saunders Brook and Spy Pond to an ansAver made to their address : but they7 declaring they had no authority to speak in behalf of others but only for themselves - and by reason of the general description of the land petitioned for not knowing Avhetber the lands claimed by them be within the quantity desired or not : It is ordered, that a survey and draught be forthwith made of the said land and returned into the Secretary's office accordingly. " By order of Council, &c, John West, D. Sec." 3 Nothing further is found in the Archives concerning this trans- action, and the Records of the Council are not accessible. As tbe title to the lands in controversy was not afterwards disputed, it seems probable that the act of robbery was not consummated ; or, if it was, such arbitrary proceedings were held to be utterly void, after the Revolution which soon followed.4 1 Mass Arch., cxxviii. 115, 116. 8 Mass. Arch., cxxix. 3. "- They could not speak by the authority * About two years before this Revolu- of the town, because the town was pro- tion, Cambridge lost one of her most hibited from holding meetings, except eminent citizens, Maj.-gen. Daniel Goo- once in each year for the choice of officers, kin, more familiarly known as Miijor CIVIL HISTORY. 109 Early in 1689, much excitement was produced by a rumor that the Prince of Orange had landed in England, Avith an armed force, and that a Revolution in the English Government was probable. This rumor took a more definite form, April 4, when " one Mr. Winslow came from Virginia and brought a printed copy of -the Prince of Orange's declaration. Upon his arrival, he was imprisoned by Justice Foxcroft and others, for bringing a traitorous and treasonable libel into the country, as the mitti mus expressed it. Winslow offered two thousand pounds bail, but it could not be accepted. A proclamation was issued, charg ing all officers and people to be in readiness to hinder the landing of any forces Avhich the Prince of Orange might send into those parts of the Avorld. The old magistrates and heads of the people silently wished, and secretly prayed, for success to the glorious undertaking, and determined quietly to wait the event. The body of the people were more impatient. The flame, which had been long smothered in their breasts, burst forth with violence Thursday, tbe 18th clay of April, when the Governor and such of the Council as had been most active, and other obnoxious persons, about fifty in the whole, Avere seized and confined, and the old magistrates were reinstated." 1 SeATeral accounts of this Revolu tion appeared Avithin a few months after it occurred, in Avhich there is a substantial agreement in regard to the most important circumstances. Among others, a pamphlet of twenty pages, written by Judge Nathaniel Byfield, was published at London in 1689, entitled " An account of the late Revolution in New Eng land, together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants, of Boston, and the country adjacent, April 18, 1689." He describes the outbreak thus : " Upon the eighteenth instant, about eight of the clock in the morning, it was reported at the south end of the town that at the north end they were all Gookin. Sad and disheartened at the loss but little and weak." Hence it has been of the Old Charter, yet cheered by the supposed that he was quite poor. On consciousness that he had faithfully and the contrary, while he was not rich, the earnestly labored for its preservation, he number of houses, and the quantity of survived the catastrophe not quite a year, silver plate and other goods bequeathed He found rest from his labors and deliv- by him, in his will, denote that his estate erancefrom oppression, March 19. 16S6-7, was at least equal to the average at that at the ripe age of 75 years; and a large period. His character is described very horizontal slab marks the spot of his sep- tersely by Judge Sewall, in his Journal : ulture in the old burial-place. In his "March 19, Satterday, about 5 or 6 in will, dated Aug. 13, 1685, be says, — "I the morn, Major Daniel Gookin dies. A desire no ostentation or much cost to be right good man." expended at my funeral, because it is a * Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 373. time of great tribulation, and iny estate 110 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. in arms ; and the like report was at the north end respecting the south end : Avhereupon Capt. John George - Avas immediately seized, and about nine of the clock the drums beat through the town, and an ensign Avas set up upon the beacon. Then Mr. Bradstreet, Mr. Danforth, Major Richards, Dr. Cooke, and Mr. Addington, &c, were brought to the Council-liouse by a company of soldiers under the command of Capt. Hill. The mean Avhile, the people in arms did take up and put into goal Justice Bulli- vant, Justice Foxcraft, Mr. Randolf, Sheriff Sherlock, Capt. Rav- enscroft, Capt. White, Fare wel, Broadbent, Crafford, Larkin, Smith, and many more, as also Mercey, then goal-keeper, and put Scates, the bricklayer, in his place. About noon, in the gal lery at the Council-house, was ,read the Declaration here in closed," etc.2 Under ele\7en heads, this Declaration sets forth the grievances Avhich had become intolerable, and Avhich justified armed resistance. It is scarcely possible that a document of such length and character could have been prepared in the four hours of intense excitement and confusion, between eight o'clock and noon. In all probability, it had been previously7 written in an ticipation of some such occasion for its use. The twelfth article in this Declaration announces the conclusion : " We do there fore seize upon the persons of those few ill men, which have been (next to our sins) the grand authors of our miseries ; resolving to secure them for what justice, orders from his Highness, with the English Parliament, shall direct ; lest, ere Ave are aware, we find (what Ave may fear, being on all sides in danger) ourselves to be by7 them given away to a foreign Power, before such orders can reach unto us : for Avhich orders Ave now humbly Avait. In the mean time, firmly believing that Ave have endeavored nothing but what mere duty to God and our country calls for at our hands, we commit our enterprise unto the blessing of him who hears the cry of the oppressed, and advise all our neighbors, for whom we have thus A-entured ourselves, to join with us in prayers and all just actions for the defence of the land." 3 As a fitting result of this Declaration, Judge Byfield inserts the sum mons sent by the magistrates and others to Sir Edmond Andros, who had retired to the fortification on Fort Hill : — " At the Town House in Boston, April 18, 1689. Sir, Our selves and many others, the inhabitants of this town and the places adjacent, being surprised Avith the people's sudden taking 1 Captain of the Frigate Rose, then at - Revolution, etc., pp. 3, 4. anchor in Boston harbor. - Ibid., p. 19. CIVIL HISTORY. Ill of arms, in the first motions Avhereof Ave were Avholly ignorant, being driven by the present accident, are necessitated to acquaint your Excellency that for the quieting and securing of the people inhabiting this country from the imminent dangers they many ways lie open and exposed to, and tendering your own safety, Ave judge it necessary you forthwith surrender and deliver up the government and fortification, to be preserved and disposed ac cording to order and direction from the Crown of England, which suddenly is expected may7 arrive ; promising all security from violence to yourself or any of your gentlemen or soldiers, in per son and estate ; otherwise Ave are assured they Avill endeavor the taking of the fortification by storm, if any opposition be made. " To Sir Edmond Andross, Knight. " Wait Winthrop. Elisha Cook. Simon Bradstreet. Isaac Addington. Wilijam Stoughton. John Nelson. Samuel Shrimpton. Adam Winthrop. Bartholomeav Gidney. Peter Sergeant. William Brown. John Foster. Thomas Danforth. David Waterhouse." j John Richards. Unable to resist the force arrayed against him, the Governor obeyed this summons, surrendered the fort, and Avith his associ ates went to the town-house, Avhence he was sent under guard to the house of Col. John Usher, who had been Treasurer under his administration, but, like Stoughton and other members of his Council,2 united with the patriotic party in this revolutionary movement. But this kind of duress did not satisfy the people ; and on the following day7, at their urgent demand, he Avas impris oned in the fort. Some of his associates shared his confinement, while others were committed to close jail. The day7 after the Governor was thus securely confined, some of the old magistrates, together with several other persons Avho had been active in over turning the former government, organized a " Council for the Safety of the People and Conservation of the Peace," of which the old GoA-ernor, Bradstreet, Avas elected President and Isaac Addington, Clerk. The authority of this Council needed the support of a body more directly representing the people. " On the second of May, they recommended to the several towns in the 1 Revolution, etc., p. 20. Gedney), and Brown, had been members - Winthrop, Shrimpton, Gidney (or of the Council. 112 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. colony to meet and depute persons, not exceeding two for each toAvn, except Boston four, to form an assembly, to sit the ninth of the same month. Sixty-six persons met and presented a dec laration to the president and former magistrates in particular, taking no notice of such as had associated with them, but upon receiving an answer in Avriting, they desired the whole council to continue in their station until the tAventy-second instant, at Avhich time it was agreed there should be a meeting of the representatives of all the towns in the colony, at Boston, who were to be specially instructed by their towns." - A large majority of the towns in structed their representatives to vote in favor of reassuming the old Charter. The magistrates hesitated to adopt such a decisive measure ; but at length, when a neAv House of Representatives, Avhich assembled on the fifth of June, " urged the council to take upon them the part they ought to bear in the government, ac cording to the charter, until orders should be received from Eng land, and declared ' tbey could not proceed to act in any thing of public concerns until this was conceded,' an acceptance was voted, this declaration being given as the reason of the vote. By these steps the change was made from the unlimited power of Sir Edmund and four of his council, to the old government, which had continued above fifty years ; but the weight and authority did not return with the form." 2 This form of government, by consent of the King, was administered about three years, until Sir William Phips arrived, in 1692, with the new Charter. In this change of government, the inhabitants of Cambridge w_ere actively engaged, and took their full share of the responsi bility. Their delegate to the Com-ention which assembled on the ninth of May, presented the following declaration : 3 — " Cambridge, May 6, 1689. We, the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, being very sensible of and thankful unto God for his mercy in our late deliverance from the oppres sion and tyranny of those persons under Avhose injustice and cruelty Ave have so long groaned ; and withal desirous heartily to express our gratitude to those worthy gentlemen Avho have been engaged in conserving of our peace since the Revolution ; yet Avithal being apprehensive that the present unsettlement may- expose us to many hazards and dangers, and may give occasion to ill-minded persons to make disturbance : — do declare that we expect that our honored Governor, Deputy Governor, and assis- 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 3S2, 383. 3 Mass. Arch. cvii. 20. - Ibid., pp. 3S7, 388. CIVIL HISTORY. 113 tants, elected by the freemen of this Colony, in May, 1686, to gether with the Deputies then sent down by the several respec tive towns to the Court then holden, which Avas never legally- dissolved, shall convene, and re-assume and exercise the Govern ment as a General Court, according to our Charter, on tlie ninth of this instant May7, or as soon as possible. And in sq doing, we do engage that, to the utmost of our power, with persons and estates, we will contribute to their help and assistance, as in duty and equity we are bound, praying that God Avould direct them in this difficult juncture ; and do hope that all that are con cerned for the peace and good of this land will readily7 join Avith us herein. " Memorandum. It is here to be understood that what Ave expect to be done, as above, is only for a present settlement until Ave may have an opportunity to make our address unto, or shall be otherwise settled by, the supreme power in Eng land. " These lines above written, as they are worded, was agreed upon by the inhabitants of the toAvn of Cambridge, this 6th of May, 1689, as attests Samuel Andrew, Clerk, in the name of the town." This revolutionary moA-ement was full of danger. It was not yet known here whether the Prince of Orange would be success ful in his attempt to dethrone King James the Second. If he should fail, those who had resisted and imprisoned the king's Governor might well expect the direst vengeance. But this peril did not prevent the inhabitants of Cambridge from pledging their " persons and estates " to the support of the principal act ors ; nor did it prevent their favorite and trusted leader, Thomas Danforth, from taking a conspicuous position in the front rank of those actors. The venerable Bradstreet, indeed, was made President of the Council of Safety, and reinstated as Governor, when it wa3 decided to organize the government according to the old Charter ; but he was now eighty-seven years of age, and however desirable and important it may have been to con nect his name and his presence with the enterprise, he was incapable of energetic action. Moreover, he Avas timid and yield ing in disposition, and counselled submission rather than resist ance during the controversy which preceded the abrogation of the Charter. On the contrary, Danforth had been recognized as a skilful and resolute leader through the former struggle ; and now, at the age of sixty-seven, he retained the full possession of 8 114 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. his faculties, and bated not one jot in his hatred of tyranny. He was reinstated as Deputy-governor,1 ostensibly the second office, but, under the circumstances, the chief position of labor and re sponsibility. What Palfrey says of their respective capacity, Avhen originally elected Governor and Deputy-governor in 1679, had become even more manifestly true at this later period: — Bradstreet "can scarcely be pronounced to have been equal, either in ability of mind or in force of character, to the task of steering the straining vessel of state in those stormy times. More than any other man then living in Massachusetts, Thomas Danforth avus competent to the stern occasion." 2 Danforth did not hesitate to act, though fully conscious that his head was in danger, if King James succeeded in retaining the throne, — the more because he had so long been the leader in opposition to arbitrary authority, — and, even if the Prince of Orange became King, that this seizure of the government, in opposition to the constituted authority, might be regarded and punished as an act of treasonable rebel lion.3 Yet he took the prominent position assigned to him, and manfully performed its duties for the space of three years, until Sir William Phips became Governor under the neAv Charter in 1692. For some reason he was not one of the Councillors ap pointed under the new Charter ; but his fellow citizens mani fested their regard for him and their approbation of his long and faithful services, by placing him in the Council, at the first general election, 1693, and kept him there by successiA-e elections as long as he lived. They could not reinstate him in his former position, nor promote him to a higher, because, under the new charter, both the Governor and Lieutenant-governor were appointed by 1 Also, as President of Maine, June 28, Three months later, writing to Rev. In- 1693. crease Mather, then in London, he says: - Hist. New Eng., ii. 332. — " I am deeply sensible that we have a 8 In a letter to Governor Hinkley of wolf by the ears. This one thing being Plymouth, dated April 20, two days after circumstanced with much difficulty, — the Sir Edmund Andros was deposed, he people will not permit any enlargement, says, " I yet fear what the consequences they having accused them of treason thereof may be. I heartily pray that no against their king and country ; and those bitter fruits may spring forth from this restrained, they threaten at a high rate root. We have need of God's pity and for being denied a. habeas corpus. I do pardon; and some do apprehend it will therefore earnestly entreat of you to pro be wisdom to hasten our address to those cure the best advice you can in this mat- that are now supreme in England for ter, that, if possible, the good intents of pardon of so great an irruption, and for the people and their loyalty to the Crown a favorable settlement under the sanction of England may not turn to their prej- of royal authority." — Coll. Mass. Hist, udice." — Hutchinson's Coll. Papers, 568, Soc, xxxv. 192. 569. CIVIL HISTORY. 115 the King. Before his election to the new Council, he had been appointed one of the judges of the Superior Court. His asso ciate, Judge Sewall, in his Journal, thus refers to his appoint ment : " Tuesday Dec. 6, [1692.] A veiy dark cold day ; is the day appointed for chusing of Judges. Wm. Stoughton Esq. is chosen Chief Justice, 15 votes (all then present) : Tho. Dan forth Esq., 12 : Major Richards, 7 : Major-Gen1. Winthrop, 7 : S. S.,1 7 This was in Col. Page's2 rooms, by papers on Wednesday, Xr. 7th, 1692." 3 " Dec. 8, Mr. Danforth is invited to dinner, and after pressed to accept his place." This place, which he seems to have accepted with some hesitation, he retained through life, and presided in a court at Bristol, less than tAVO months before his death. It is due to the reputation of Danforth, to state emphatically, that he Avas not a member of the court which tried and con demned the unhappy persons accused of witchcraft. That spe cial Court of Oyer and Terminer, appointed by Governor Phips and his Council, May 27, 1692, consisted of William Stoughton, John Richards, Nathanael Saltonstall, Wait Winthrop, Bartholo mew Gedney, Samuel Sewall, John Hathorne, Jonathan Corwin, and Peter Sargeant ; i and it completed its bloody work before the next December, when the Superior Court Avas organized, of which Danforth was a member. Notwithstanding he held no judicial office during this period (except that he was one of the first Jus tices of the Peace and Quorum), the name of Danforth has often been very improperly associated with the witchcraft tragedy. Even Savage, familiarly acquainted as he was with the history of that period, was so forgetful as to say that he was appointed " in 1692, judge of Sup. Court for the horrible proceedings against witches." 5 The only connection he had Avith those proceedings, so far as I haA7e ascertained, is mentioned by Hutchinson.6 Be fore the arrival of Governor Phips, he presided as Deputy-gover nor, over a Court of Assistants at Salem, April 11, 1692, for the examination of accused persons, — not for their trial. There is no evidence that he was satisfied with the result of that examination, which, according to Hutchinson's account, seems to have been conducted chiefly if not entirely by Rev. Samuel Parris.7 On the 1 Samuel Sewall. tonstall left the court, being dissatisfied 2 Col. Nicholas Paige. with its proceedings. 3 Two days, it seems, were devoted to 5 Genea. Diet. this selection of judges. 6 Hist. Mass., ii. 27-29. * Council Records. It is said that Sal- 7 Mr. Poole says, — " Mr. Parris on no 116 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. contrary, perhaps partly in consequence of this examination, he declared his dissatisfaction, and dislike of the judicial proceed ings. In a letter dated Oct. 8, 1692, Thomas Brattle, one of the most intelligent and persistent opposers of the witchcraft in fatuation, says : " But although the chief judge, and some of the other judges, be very zealous in these proceedings, yet this you may take for a truth, that there are several about the Bay, men for understanding, judgment, and piety, inferior to feAv, if any, in N. E., that do utterly condemn the said proceedings, and do freely deliver their judgment in the case to be this, viz., that these methods will utterly ruin and undo poor N. E. I shall nominate some of these to you, viz., the Hon. Simon Bradstreet, Esq. [our late governor] ; the Hon. Thomas Dan forth, Esq. [our late deputy-governor] ; the Rev. Mr. Increase Mather, and the Rev. Mr. Samuel Willard. Major N. Salton stall Esq., who AAras one of the judges, has left the Court, and is very much dissatisfied with the proceedings of it. Excepting Mr. Hale, Mr. Noyes, and Mr. Parris, the Rev. Elders, almost throughout the whole country, are very much dissatisfied. Sev eral of the late justices, viz., Thomas Graves Esq., N. Byfield Esq., Francis Foxcroft Esq.,1 are much dissatisfied; also several of the present justices : and in particular, some of the Boston justices were resolved rather to throw up their commissions than be active in disturbing the liberty of their majesties' subjects, merely on the accusations of these afflicted, possessed children."2 That Danforth, in common AA7ith almost all his contemporaries, believed in witchcraft, and considered witches justly obnoxious to occasion was employed to examine the tions. Hutchinson says that ' Mr. Parris accused. At the request of the magis- was over-officious : most of the exainina- trates, he took down the evidence, he tions, although in the presence of one or being a rapid and accurate penman. On more magistrates, were taken by him.' the occasion mentioned in the next para- He put the questions. They show, on graph, Danforth put the questions, and this occasion, a minute knowledge before- the record is, ' Mr. Parris being desired hand of what the witnesses are to say, and appointed to write out the examina- which it cannot be supposed Danforth, tion, did take the same, and also read it Russell, Addington, Appleton, and Sew- before the council in public' " — Gen. all, strangers, as they were, to the place Reg., xxiv. 395. Mr. Upham also says, — and the details of the affair, could have " The deputy-governor first called to the had." — Ibid., p. 104. For this reason, stand John Indian, and plied him, as was even if there were not many others, it the course pursued on all these occasions, seems most probable that the "leading with leading questions." — Salem Witch- questions" were put by Parris, and not craft, ii. 102. But, after quoting from by Danforth. Hutchinson a part of the examination, l Son-in-law of Thomas Danforth. Mr. TJpham adds, — " I would call atten- - Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, v. 74, 75. tion to the form of the foregoing ques- CIVIL HISTORY. 117 punishment, is probably true ; but it is not "true, that he Aras a member of that special court which held such bloody assizes, nor, if Ave may believe Brattle, his personal friend, did he ap prove its proceedings. The Superior Court, of Avhich he was i. member, held a session at Salem in January, 169-3, at which twenty persons were tried, and three convicted; but "spectral evidence " Avas not admitted ; 1 moreover, there is no proof that he concurred with his associates, all of whom had been members of the Commission of Oyer and Terminer. The latter years of Danforth's life seem to have been peaceful. Doubtless he lamented the loss of the old Charter, for whose pres ervation he had struggled so long and so manfully. His strong opposition to some of the provisions of the neAv Charter is said to have induced Mather to omit his name from the list of Coun cillors ; yet he finally accepted it as the best which could be ob tained, and faithfully labored, both as Councillor and Judge, to administer its provisions in such a manner as to secure the bene fit of the people.2 In the long and perilous conflict on behalf of chartered rights, Gookin and Danforth were supported by their brethren the Deputies from Cambridge, all good men and true. Deacon Ed- Avard Collins was Deputy from 1654 to 1670, without inter mission ; Edward Oakes, 1659, 1660, 1669-1681 ; Richard Jack- 1 Upham's Witchcraft, ii. 349. much on the other as to erect him a mon- 2 The closing scene is thus described by ument among this people. Mr. Willard, Judge Sewall in his Journal: 1699. "Oct. in his prayer, mentioned God's displeas- 28. I visit Mr. Danforth who is very tire in his removal, and desired the Judges sick; his daughter Foxcroft tells me he might act on the Bench as those who is much troubled with the'palsy. Was must also shortly go to give their account. much indisposed the 22d instant, which Indeed it is awful, that while we are sit- was the beginning of his sickness ; yet ting on the bench, at the same time the would go to meeting, which did him hurt, ancientest Judge should be lying by the especially going out in the afternoon. I wall, dead, in his house. I can't tell how wished him refreshings from God under it came about, but I told Mr. Danforth at his fainting sickness." — "Lord's day, Bristow I thought he would never come Nov. 5. Tho. Danforth Esq., dies, about 3 thither again; which made him take a past roerid., of a fever. Has been a magis- more particular leave than otherwise be trate forty years. Was a very good hus- would have done." " Sixth day, Nov. 10, bandman, and a very good Christian, and 1699. Mr. Danforth is entombed about a good councillor ; was about 76 years j of an hour before 4 p. M. Very fair old." " Third day, Nov. -7. Mr. S tough- and pleasant day ; much company. Bear- ton, in his speech to the grand jury, takes ers: on the right side, Lt-Governor, Mr. great notice of Judge Danforth's death; Russell, Sewall; left side, Mr. W. AVin- saith he was a lover of religion and relig- throp, Mr. Cook, Col. Phillips. I helped ious men; the oldest servant the country lift the corpse into the tomb, carrying the had ; zealous against vice ; and if [he] feet." had any detractors, yet [there] was so 118 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. son, 1661, 1662; Edward Winship, 1663, 1664, 1681-1686; Edward Jackson, 1665-1668, 1675, 1676 ; Joseph Cooke, 1671, 1676-1680 ; Thomas Prentice, 1672-1674 ; Samuel Champney, 1686, and again, after the Revolution, from 1689 to 1695, when he died in office. Their names should be in perpetual remem brance. CHAPTER X. CIVTL HISTORY. It has already been stated, that the General Court, March 3, 1635-6, " Agreed, that Newe Towne bounds should run eight myles into the country from their meeteing howse," and that large farms, near the eight mile line were soon afterwards granted by the town ; among which grants was one to Richard Harlaken den of " six hundred acres of upland and meadow, at the place called Vine Brook, in the midway between Newtowne and Con cord," on certain conditions, Jan. 2, 1636-7. This tract of land was in the central portion of the present town of Lexington. The conditions of the grant not being performed by Richard Harlakenden, the land was subsequently granted to his brother, Roger Harlakenden, who died in 1638. Herbert Pelham married the widow of Harlakenden, and became the owner of his real es tate ; he bequeathed this property to his son Edward Pelham, who conveyed by deeds, Oct. 28, 1 693, to Benjamin Muzzey 206 acres in Cambridge, towards Concord, being a part of " Mr. Pelham's farm," and to John Poulter 212 acres of the same farm. Precisely when the first houses were erected and actual settlements com menced at the " Farms," so called, does not appear on record ; but as early as 1682, about thirty families Avere there, generally styled " Farmers." They had then become so numerous and so strong, that they desired a separation from the parent town ; but they petitioned at first to be made a distinct parish. Although they were unsuccessful for nine years, and did not fully accomplish their purpose for more than thirty years, their petition and the reply to it are inserted, as they7 indicate the condition of the peo ple at that period. " To the honorable the General Court now assembled in Boston, October 11th, 1682. " The petition of several of the inhabitants within the bounds of the town of Cambridge humbly showeth : That by the provi dence of God, who hath determined the times before appointed 120 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and the bounds of the habitations of all men, your petitioners are seated at a great distance, the nearest of them above five miles (some of them six, some seven, some eight, some nine if not ten miles) from the public place of meeting to worship God, in the toAvn that we appertain unto: that your petitioners, by reason thereof, have now (many of us) for a long time conflicted with very great difficulties in respect of themselves, who have been forced to be absent at some seasons of the year, and especially their children, for whose spiritual good and the means leading thereunto they desire to be solicitous as Avell as for themselves : that there are now about thirty families, in which are contained at least one hundred and eighty souls, within the circumstances and condition abovementioned : that your petitioners have hum bly and affectionately represented the premises to the Townsmen at Cambridge, at their meetings, withal signifying their desire of liberty from them to call a minister to preach amongst them and catechise their children, they being willing to build a meeting house which may be situated so as to be within two miles and an half near thirty families, and to advance for the present forty pounds per annum for his maintenance : that the premises not withstanding, they have as yet obtained no relief or encourage ment from the town of Cambridge in this affair. Your petition ers, therefore, who are the heads of families, fearing the sad effects of this remoteness from the public worship of God and particu larly in respect of their children and those that shall come after them, lest they should grow weary of attendance upon the public means of grace, and think it too much (as Jeroboam tells Israel it was to go up to Jerusalem) to travel so many miles for such an end, and so should cease to worship the Lord God of their fath ers, think it their bounden duty humbly to address to this honored Court, praying that you will please to take the case of your peti tioners into your serious consideration, that by your favor they may be licensed to provide for themselves a person that may be meet and able to dispense unto them the Avord of God; and that in order thereunto they may be freed from payments to the town of Cambridge, from whom, as their dear and beloved brethren, they no ways desire separation for any other but the forementioned cause alone ; declaring it to have been their stand ing affliction and cause of grief that, by reason of their remote ness, they have not been in a capacity, according to their desires, to enjoy more fellowship and communion with them. And your petitioners shall pray, as in duty bound, &c. James Cutler, Matthew Bridge Sen*., David Fiske Senr., Samuel Stone, Sen1., CIVIL HISTORY. 121 Francis Whitmore, John Tedd, Ephraim Winshipe, John Win ter, in the behalf of the rest of the families." 1 The petitioners presented a strong case. To travel so far, every week, for the purpose of attending public worship would now be regarded as a grievous burden : and the burden was greater tAVO hundred years ago, when travelling was almost ex clusively accomplished on horseback or on foot. But the peti tion was presented in a time of general distress and alarm. The Charter, regarded as the palladium of liberty, was in imminent peril, and there were fearful apprehensions of calamities which might result from its loss. Financial embarrassment was already felt, and general bankruptcy Avas feared. Under such circum stances, the town opposed the petition of the " Farmers " and action thereupon was " respited " until the next General Court, at which time the town presented an earnest remonstrance against the proposed dismemberment : — " To the honorable the General Court assembled in Boston, October the 16th, 1683. " Your humble supplicants, the selectmen of Cambridge, in obedience to a warrant sent to us, and the concerns of our town, do humbly present unto your Honors' consideration, in answer to a petition of the remote farms of our town. Some of your Honors may yet remember the unsettled condition of this church when it was about to remove to Mattabesick,2 for the prevention of which the honored General Court, held at Boston, in March 1643-4, was pleased to grant to this Church a tract of land at Shawshine, .and another parcel adjoining to Concord line, for the enlargement of our boundaries, and to enable this church and towne (with the rest of our accommodations) to maintain the ministry in this place, provided the then Church and Elders did continue in this place ; which condition was accordingly per formed, though this Church and town (as may be demonstrated) was abler to maintain the ministry and defray public charges then than it now is, by reason most of our principal men are noAV removed from us, some by death and others into England and other countries. We also humbly present unto your Honors' consideration the great disenablement of our church and town by the village on the south side of the River breaking off from us,3 which was so considerable a part of our town, and bare a consid erable part of our charge in the maintenance of our ministry, l Mass. Arch., xi. 24. 3 See chap. viii. 2 See chap. vi. 122 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and now bears none of that nor several other charges our town is at ; whereby we are greatly disenabled so comfortably to maintain our ministry and discharge our public charges as we want and ought to do, by reason one principal arm of our town is cut off, and our accommodations for husbandry so poor and small, and our trade so little and inconsiderable, that it is even a wonder to ourselves how Ave do subsist and carry on public charge so well as we do, though we do it not so Avell as we should. We therefore present unto this honorable General Court's most serious consideration the great damage it will be to this poor Church and town, (that have suffered so many diminutions al ready), if the honored Court should grant our Farmers' petition to let them have a ministry of their own, and so be Avholly7 taken off from contributing to ours ; but much more should Ave be dam nified if the honored Court should grant any part of our outlands unto them, we are so exceedingly straitened in the boundaries of our lands, as we shall plainly demonstrate to the honored Court. For the distance of place that our brethren at the Farms are from the public meeting Avith us, it is but the same it Avas when they first settled themselves and families there ; and they have there other conveniences with it, and Concord is not far from them, which in bad weather they may go unto. If we should have this arm cut off too, Ave shall be much disenabled to cany on- God's work amongst us, both in Church and Common wealth ; that as it hath been the care of the honored fathers of , our Commonwealth formerly to take care for the subsistence and Avell being of this senior Church of Christ in Cambridge, so we still crave the continued care of the honored fathers of the Com monwealth now in being, that they7 would not destroy the parent for the offspring. We humbly leave our languishing condition to your Honors' most serious consideration ; and your supplicants shall pray as in duty bound, etc. William Manning, Sam". Andrewe, Samuel Chamne, in the name of the toAvn of Cam bridge." ] The consideration of this petition was further postponed until the next General Court. Both the Council and the House of Representatives manifested a willingness, at their session in Octo ber, 1684, to establish a village at the Farms ; but they could not agree where the division line should be drawn between the village and the parent town, and nothing was accomplished.2 1 Mass. Arch., xi. 25. 2 Mass. Arch., xi. 27, 28. civil, HISTORY. 123 During the troublous times which succeeded, — the disastrous administration of Andros and the perilous Revolution Avhich fol lowed, — no further effort appears to have been made for a divis ion of the town. Seven years afterwards, a new petition was presented ; it is not found on the files of the Court, but the re sult is recorded under date of December 15, 1691: — " Upon reading the petition of the Farmers and inhabitants of the Farms Tvithin the precincts and bounds of the town of Cam bridge towards Concord, therein setting forth their distance (the nearest of them living above five miles) from Cambridge meet ing house, the place of the. public worship, praying that, according to former applications by them several years since made unto this Court for the advantage of themselves, families, and poster ity, they may have this Court's favor and license in order to the calling of a fit minister for dispensing the gospel among them ; as also that they may be a distinct village for the euds proposed in their said petition : — the selectmen of Cambridge having had a copy of said petition sent them, with a notification of the time for their being heard thereupon this day, and accordingly attend ing : — After a full hearing and consideration of Avhat was offered by both parties, it is granted and ordered by this Court, that the petitioners be and are hereby permitted and allowed to invite and settle an able and orthodox minister for the dispensing of the gospel among them ; and that all inhabitants being within the line formerly stated by a Committee of this Court, anno 1684, beginning at the first run of water or swampy place over which is a kind of bridge in the way on the southerly side of Francis Whitmore's house, towards the toAvn of Cambridge afore said, cross the neck of land lying between Woburn line and that of Watertown side, upon a southwest and northeast course, do pay unto the ministers maintained there ; and are hereby em powered annually to choose three or five meet persons to assess their inhabitants for the support and maintenance of their min ister, as also a Constable or Collector, to gather the same by warrant from the said Assessors. The said Farmers not being hereby discharged from paying their proportion as formerly unto all public charges in the town, except what refers to the min istry, so long as they maintain an able minister among them selves." -' In the remonstrance against this division, in 1683, it was rep resented that the town would be grievously " damnified " if the 1 Mass. Prov. Rec, vi. 205. 124 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " outlands," or common lands not yet divided, should be granted to the petitioners. The Court listened thus far to the remon strance, and preserved to the town the ownership of this public property, some of Avhich Avas afterwards sold to the precinct. Tavo such sales are entered on the Town Records, under date of Jan. 16, 1692-3. It should be added, that these financial trans actions indicate a friendly spirit in both parties, the separation having apparently been effected Avithout such sharp controversy as occurred in the case of Newton. In the same spirit, March 11, 1699-1700, the town " voted, to give the little meeting-house bell to the Farmers. Voted, that the Selectmen, in the name of the. inhabitants, do give their thanks to Capt. Andrew Belcher for the bell for their meeting-house he has given them." TAventy-one years after their establishment as a precinct, the Farmers, according to their original design, sought to be entirely separated from the town of Cambridge, and to be a " township by themselves." This separation Avas readily obtained on terms sat isfactory7 to both parties. The Cambridge records show that, — " At a meeting of the inhabitants belonging to the meeting house in the Body of the town of Cambridge, orderly convened the 1st December 1712, Capt. Thomas Oliver was chosen Moderator. And Avhereas the Farmers, at their public meeting on the 28th of October last, appointed a committee to petition the town that they may be dismissed from the toAvn, and be a township by themselves, as appears by their petition bearing date the 6th November, 1712, Avhich has been now read ; voted, That Capt. Thomas Oliver, Mr. Jonathan Remington, and Andrew Bord- man, be a Committee to treat with the Committee appointed by the Farmers aforesaid ; and that the articles to be proposed to the said Committee, as terms of their dismission, are their pay ing a part toward the charge of the Great Bridge, and to the ToAvn House, and a consideration for some of our Poor." The meeting was then adjourned until Jan. 12, 1712-3, at Avhich time it was " Voted, That the Farmers, upon their being dismissed from the toAvn, shall annually pay to our ToAvn Treasurer such a proportion of our part of the charge of the Great Bridge over Charles River in Cambridge as shall fall to them according to their annual proportion with us in the Province Tax. (2) Voted, That the said Farmers shall pay their proportion of twenty-five pounds toward the arrears of our Town House. The aforesaid articles being complied with by the Farmers, Voted (3) That the article that has been proposed, referring to their paying their CIVIL HISTORY. 125 proportion toward the relief of some of our Poor, (viz. Robert Webber and Richard a negro, and his Avife,) be referred to the Committee formerly appointed, (viz. Capt. Oliver, Mr. Reming ton, and Andrew Bordman,) to debate further upon, who are fully empowered in behalf of the town, either to insist upon the said article or to consent to their being dismissed from the town upon the articles aforementioned which they have complied with." In accordance with this agreement, the Farmers were incorporated March 20, 1712-13, by an act of the General Court, which pro vided that the " tract of land known by7 the name of the north ern precinct in Cambridge be henceforth made a separate and distinct town, by7 the name of Lexington, upon the articles and terms already agreed on with the town of Cambridge." J During this period and half a century afterwards, very feAv public events occurred, materially affecting the welfare of Cam bridge. Some facts, however, though of a more private or per sonal character, should not be entirely overlooked, as they throw light on the state of society and the condition of the people. By the Town Records it appears that Cullers of Bricks Avere first elected, Nov. 10, 1684 : Town Clerk, as an officer distinct from the Selectmen, March 13, 1692-3 : ToAvn Treasurer, March 30, 1694: Assessors, July 16, 1694. The County Records indicate that Thomas Danforth was Treasurer of Middlesex, before 1657, when he Avas succeeded by Edward Goffe, who died in 1658, and John Stedman was ap pointed, who held the office until 1683 ; Samuel Andrew was his successor and remained in office until 1700, except during the administration of Andros. All these were Cambridge men. In the settlement of the Treasurer's accounts, charges were allowed in 1690, to wit : " 52 wolves killed by the English, 20s. per Avolf, and one killed by an Indian, 10s-, is ^52. 10s .... Paid one half the charge of Cambridge Great Bridge, -£26. 7s- 6d'." And in 1696, the Treasurer was allowed twelve pence in the pound of all collections and disbursements ; Grand Jurors were paid two shillings per day for attendance ; no allowance was made for travel, but the county paid for their dinners at one shilling each. Seventy-six wolves had been killed, and 13s. 4c7. per head Avas allowed in compensation. May 22, 1691. "Upon the death of John Green, late Mar shal General, in the beginning of the last Court of Assistants, Mr. Samuel Gookin being appointed by said Court to supply that l Mass. Prov. Rec, ix. 258, 259. 126 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. vacancy, and sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty in that place, tbe said Samuel Gookin is hereby confirmed in the said office of Marshal General of this Colony." 1 June 17, 1700. The General Court granted five pounds, to aid in repairing the road to Connecticut, "especially betwixt Woos ter and Brookfield," Avhich Avas described as " much incumbered with trees fallen, and many7 rocky swamps, and other obstructions to travellers, drovers, and others, to the hazarding life or limb of both men and horses." - Six years earlier, Rev. Benjamin Wads worth, afterwards President of Harvard College, accompanied the commissioners appointed to treat with the Maquas or Mohawks, at Albany, and travelled over this road to Brookfield, then gener ally called Quaboag : " Capt. SeAval and Major Townsend, being commissioned to treat with the Mockways, set out from Boston about half an hour past twelve, Monday, August 6, 1694. Sev eral gentlemen did accompany them to Watertown, and then returned. At WatertoAvn Ave met with Lieutenant Hammond and thirty troopers, Avho were appointed for a guard to Spring field. We came to our first stage at Malberough, about half an hour past eight in the evening. We lodged at Abraham How's,3 and thence set forward the next morning about half an hour past seven of the clock. There was nothing remarkable this day, but only Mr. Dwite, of Hatford, did accidentally fall into our com pany, and after the same manner, scil. accidentally7, he and his horse both together fell into a brook ; but both rose again with out damage. This day we dined in the woods. Pleasant descants Avere made upon the dining room : it was said that it was large, high, curiously7 hung with green ; our dining place was also ac commodated Avith the pleasancy of a murmuring rivulet. This day, some of our company saw a bear ; but being near a thick swamp, he escaped our pursuit. Towards night we heard (I think) three guns ; but Ave knew not who shot them. Our whole company come this clay to Quaboag, about sundoAvn, not long before nor after." 4 The easterly section of this road is mentioned by Pemberton, under date of Sept. 30, 1783, in his manuscript " Chronology," preserved in the library of the Mass. Hist. Society: " A gentleman of this State remarks, ' that soon after the set tlement of our Fathers at Boston, the persons appointed to explore the country, and lay out public roads did it as far as the - Mass. Col. Rec, vi. 184. 8 The "Wayside Inn," celebrated by 2 Mass. Prov. Rec, vii. 99. Longfellow. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc , xxxi. 102. CIVIL HISTORY. 127 bank by Mrs. Biglow in Weston, and reported that they had done it as far as they believed would ever be necessary, it being about seven miles from the College in Cambridge.' " It is proper to add, that I have never seen any contemporary authority for this extraordinary statement. - Col. Shute, the newly appointed Governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, arrived in Boston, Oct. 4, 1716, and on the 15th clay of the same month commenced a journey to New Hamp shire. Instead of crossing the ferry to Charlestown, he passed out of Boston over the neck, through Roxbury and Brookline, to Cambridge Great Bridge. The commencement of his journey, and the manner of his reception in Cambridge, are described in - the " Boston News Letter," October 22, 1716 : " On Monday last, the 15th current, his Excellency, our Governor, about eight o'clock in the morning, set out from hence by land for his other government of New Hampshire, attended by the honorable the Lieut.-Governor and several of the chief gentlemen of this and that Province, and on this side of the river was met by Spencer Phips Esq., with his Troop of Horse, the Sheriff of Middlesex, and other gentlemen of that County, and by them conducted to Harvard College in Cambridge, Avhere he was received by the President, Fellows, and Students, and entertained in the Hall with a congratulatory Latin Oration, by Mr. Thomas Foxcroft : after which his Excellency was pleased to take a view of the Li brary, and then proceeded on his journey to Lynn," etc. Col. Edmund Goffe Aviis elected Representative, June 6, 1721. " Samuel Smith Avas charged with putting in tAvo votes in the first voting for Representative, made oath that he put in but one vote for Representative. Also Daniel Gookin being charged with putting in tAVO votes at the second voting for a Representative, made oath that he put in but one vote for a Representative : said oaths were administered in the public meeting per Mr. Justice Leverett." 2 In 1721, the small-pox prevailed more extensively and fatally than ever before in Boston and its vicinity. A statement of re sults was made officially in the " Boston News Letter " : " Boston, Feb. 24, 1721-2. By the Selectmen. The number of persons vis ited with the small-pox since its coming into town, in April last past, having been inquired into by direction from the Selectmen, amounts to 5,889 : — 844 of whom died and were buried in the preceding months, as follows: — May, 1 ; June, 8; July, 11 ; Aug., 1 Town Records. 128 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. 26 ; Sept., 101 ; Oct., 411 ; Noy., 249 ; Dec, 31 ; Jan., 6." The extent of the destruction of life in Cambridge, by this scourge, is not known with exactness ; but references to it are found in the " New England Courant :" " Cambridge, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1721. This morning died here William Hutchinson, of Boston, Esq., of the small-pox, in the 38th year of his age." (Dec. 4, 1721.) " Last week died one of the Indian hostages (mentioned in our last) of the small-pox at Cambridge." (Jan. 22, 1721-2.) " On Friday last, the General Assembly of this Province met at Cam bridge, there not being a sufficient number of members to make a House on Wednesday, to which day they were before pro rogued. They7 are adjourned till Tuesday7 next, when they are to meet a few miles out of town, the small-pox being now in the heart of that place." (March 5, 1721-2.) The Town Records show that a Committee was appointed, Jan. 29, 1721-2, to pro vide " for the relief of such persons and families as may stand in need thereof, in case the small-pox spread amongst us." Inocula tion for the small-pox was first introduced in Boston at this time by Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, Avho encountered the most violent oppo sition. " Out of 286 persons who were inoculated for the small pox, but six died." - In 1730, the small-pox again prevailed in Cambridge with alarming violence. Nine toAvn meetings Avere held between March 20 and April 3, to devise means for its extermination. A vote passed at the first of these meetings indicates that inocu lation had been injudiciously or carelessly practiced : " Whereas Samuel Danforth, Esq's late practice of inoculation of small-pox amongst us has greatly endangered the town," and distressed sundry families amongst us, Avhich is very disagreeable to us; wherefore, voted, that said Samuel Danforth, Esq. be desired forthwith to remove such inoculated persons into some conven ient place, Avhereby our town may n't be exposed by them." The College studies Avere broken up for a time ; but the students were recalled by an advertisement, dated May 2, 1730, and published in the "Weekly Journal :" " The small-pox having been lately at Cambridge, which occasioned the dispersion of the scholars to escape danger ; but now, through the Divine goodness, that dis temper having utterly ceased here ; it is agreed and ordered by the President and Tutors, that the undergraduates forthwith repair to the College, to folloAv their studies and stated exercises. Benjamin Wadsworth, Pres." The distemper returned again 1 Drake's Hist. Boston, pp. 562, 563. CIVIL HISTORY. 129 before the end of the year, as appears by a paragraph in the "News Letter," dated Oct. 8, 1730 : " We hear from Cambridge, that Mr. William Patten, Representative for the town of Billerica, being taken sick of the small-pox, while the General Assembly was sitting there, is since dead, and was interred on Monday last, the 5th instant." On Saturday, Oct. 3, the Court was adjourned to meet at Roxbury on the next Wednesday. Again, in 1752, the small-pox caused the cessation of study in College from April 22 until Sept. 2; and the corporation voted, May 4, " that there be no public Commencement this yeai-," and in October voted to have no winter vacation. The town ap pointed a committee, May 18, to devise measures to prevent the spreading of the disease, and on the 3d of October, "voted that a public contribution be in the three parts of this town, next Lord's-day come seven night, for the speedy raising of money to defray the charges the town have been at in the support, &c, of sundry persons lately visited with the small-pox, belonging to this town. Also voted that the thanks of this town be given to the Selectmen of the town of CharlestoAvn for their great friendship, assistance and civility to us, when visited with the small-pox." I find no record of the number of lives destroyed in Cambridge by this visitation of the small-pox. But its ravages were frightful in Boston during the previous year. Professor Winthrop re corded the fact, in his interleaved Almanac, that while only five persons in Cambridge had the disease in 1751, of whom three died, in Boston, with a total population of 15,734, 5,060 whites had it the natural way7, of Avhom 470 died ; also, 485 blacks, of Avhom 69 died ; and by inoculation 1,985 Avhites and 139 blacks were sick, of whom 24 whites and 6 blacks died. The toAvn continued, as aforetime, to be watchful against the admission of undesirable associates. " At a meeting of the free holders and inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, orderly con vened 9thDecr. 1723. — Whereas, of late years, sundry persons and families have been received and entertained amongst us, to the great trouble of the Selectmen and damage of the town : for preventing such inconveniences for the future, Voted, that hence forth no freeholder nor inhabitant in said toAvn shall receive or admit any family into our town to reside amongst us for the space of a month, without first having obtained the allowance and ap probation of the freeholders and inhabitants of said town, or of the Selectmen for the time being, on penalty of paying to the Treasurer of said town, for the use of the poor, the sum of twenty 9 130 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. shillings. Also voted, that no inhabitant in said town shall re ceive and entertain any person into their family (excepting such as are received by reason of marriage, or such as are sent for education, or men or maid servants upon Avages, or purchased servants or slaves), for the space of a month, without having the allowance and approbation of the freeholders and inhabitants, or selectmen, as aforesaid, on penalty of paying the sum of twenty shillings for the use of the poor, as aforesaid." The meeting-house Avas equally guarded against improper in trusion, though by a less severe penalty. On the 12th of May, 1729, it Avas " Voted, that so often as any dog or dogs is or are seen in the meeting house on the Lord's day in the time of pub lic worship, the owner or owners of said clog or dogs shall for every such offence pay one shilling, half to go to the officer ap pointed to regulate said dogs, the other half part of said fine to be for the use of the poor of the town. And on refusal to pay said fine or fines, the aforesaid officer is hereby obliged, author ized and empoAvered to prosecute the owners of the above de scribed dogs before any one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in said County. This to continue for one year." March 10, 1728-9. " Put- to vote, whether said inhabitants would grant the sum of 50 £. for Joseph Hanford, to fit him out in the practice of physic, and it passed in the negative." In 1736, John Vassall (afterwards Major and Colonel) pur chased the large estate at the southwest corner of Brattle and Ash streets, and became a resident in Cambridge. Hewas born in the West Indies, inherited a princely fortune, married (in 1734) a daughter of Lieut. -gov. Spencer Phips, became' at once a very popular citizen, and Avas elected Selectman and Representa tive in 1739, and again in 1740. Shortly after his second elec tion, some enthusiastic friend thus exulted in the " Weekly7 Jour nal " of May 20, 1740 : " Cambridge, May 19. On Monday last came on the choice of a Representative for this town in the approaching General Assembly. The meeting was as full as most that ever were known among us on such an occasion, there being 109 qualified voters present at it. After the Select men had put an end to some tedious contests and lingering de lays, (which arose on adjusting preliminaries, and which only interrupted and kept off the busiuess of the day,) Ave at length had the liberty to proceed fairly to the choice ; and then it SOON appeared that Mr. John Vassall Avas chosen by the overbearing majority of more than double the number of all those \7otes which CIVIL HISTORY. 131 were not for him, viz. by the majority of 75 to 34 ; a proportion much greater on the side of the. person chosen our Representative this year than he - had who was our Representative the last. By this it seems a certain person elect has a growing interest." Alas for the fickleness of popular favor. Mr. Vassall Avas not afterwards elected either Selectman or Representative until a few months before his death in 1747. His " interest " attained its full growth suddenly, like Jonah's gourd, and as suddenly7 col lapsed. He Avas disturbed by a disparaging remark of a towns man, and sought legal redress with disastrous result. The his tory of the suit is entered on the Records of the Inferior Court for the County of Middlesex, December term, 1740, page 172. By this it appears that Samuel Whittemore of Cambridge, Dep uty Sheriff, on the 13th of March, 1739, declared publicly that though Mr. Vassall had been elected Selectman, he " was no more fit to discharge said' trust than the horse that he, the said Samuel, then rode on." On the next day Vassall commenced suit, claim ing £1,000 damage for defamation of character ; he caused Whittemore to be arrested and imprisoned. On the trial, two months afterwards, the Court adjudged that " the words .... spoken by the said Samuel Avere not actionable." Vassall ap pealed to the Superior Court, Avhich affirmed the judgment of the Inferior Court. Whittemore then sued Vassall, for false and malicious imprisonment, and recovered £200 damage and costs of court. So much appears on record. Tradition says that the writ Avas served on Vassall at his own table, when surrounded by a large and fashionable d.inner-party. Mr. Vassall was equally unsuccessful in his appeal to the General Court for protection against Avhat he regarded as a per sonal insult and an encroachment on his official privileges. John Hovey had recovered judgment against him on two bonds, not- Avithstanding his " plea of privilege (as on file) which was over ruled by the Court," and had levied on his estate. The Records of the General Court show that notice Avas issued, Dec. 5, 1740, to John Hovey and Samuel Gookin, to make answer to Mr. John Vassall, Representative of Cambridge, Avho complained of sundry insults received from them. Dec. 10, Mr. Samuel Gookin ap peared, and the case was fully examined. " Then the question was put, whether it appears to this House that an attachment beino- serA7ed on Mr. John Vassall's estate on the 18th of Novem- 1 He was his own predecessor. The increased majority indicate 1 the "growing interest." 132 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ber last is a breach of the privileges of the members of this House. It passed in the negative." But this Avas not the end. December 18, 1740, " A petition of Mr. John Hovey of Cam bridge, praying that this House would order Mr. John Vassall, the member of Cambridge, to refund his expenses occasioned by an unjust aud groundless complaint of said Mr. Vassall, partic ularly mentioned in said petition, for the reasons exhibited, — read, and in answer thereto, ordered, that the said John Vassall pay to the petitioner, the said John Hovey, the sum of ten pounds, in full recompense for his time and expense occasioned by7 said complaint." An epidemic occasioned great alarm in 1740. It was called the " throat distemper," and Avas probably the same "influenza" which Thacher describes : " The amazing rapidity with which it spread through the country resembled more a storm agitating the atmosphere than the natural progress of a disease from any con tagious source. Almost a whole city, toAvn, or neighborhood, became affected with its influence in a few days, and as it did not incapacitate people in general from pursuing their ordinary occu pations, it Avas common to observe, in every street and place of resort, a constant coughing, hawking, and Avheezing, and, in pub lic assemblies, little else Avas to be heard or attended to. Al though all classes of people experienced the operation of the in fluenza, it is remarkable that a small number, comparatively speaking, Avere so ill as to require medical attendance, and in stances of its fatal termination were of rare occurrence." - It proved so fatal here, however, that the students were dismissed from College by vote passed June 23, 1740 : " Whereas, through the holy Providence of God, several families in the town of Cam bridge are visited with the throat distemper, and the President's and Steward's families are under very afflicted circumstances by reason of that mortal sickness ; and Avhereas Ave apprehend that there is great danger of the distemper spreading and prevailing as it hath done formerly in other places, and that the students are much endangered thereby ; therefore Voted, that they be im mediately dismissed from the College, and that the vacation begin from this time ; and that the Commencement for this year be not until the expiration of the vacation." - ' Medical Biography, i. 28. grandchild Andrew Bordman died 24 .- In a private note-book, the steward June 1740: both of the distemper called of the College, Andrew Bordman, Esq., the throat distemper." Memorials are made this record: " Our -grandchild, found in the burial-place, of "Mrs. Mar- Ruth Bordman, died 23 June 1740: our garet Holyoke, wife to the Revd. Mr. Ed- CIVIL HISTORY. 133 In former days, each town was required to pay its own Repre sentatives in the General Court, and Avas liable to a fine if not duly represented. This town, however, on the 14th of May, 1750, " Voted, that the town will make choice of tAVO Represen tatives to represent them at the next General Court, or Assem bly, provided the same serve the town gratis : also voted, that they Avill proceed to choose two Representatives, upon that condi tion only, that those who are chosen be not the Representatives of said toAvn unless, upon their choice, they declare that they will serve the town gratis, as aforesaid. Then Andrew Bordman and Edmund Trowbridge Esqs. were chosen Representatives," and both accepted the office. The same course was pursued the next year, and the same persons were elected. But, in 1752, Andrew Bordman refused the office on this condition, and Henry Vassall was elected in his stead. This practice was soon afterwards wholly abandoned. April 19, 1754. The territory lying west of Sparks Street and south of Vassall Lane was transferred from Watertown to Cam bridge by the General Court, by7 a line described thus : " To begin at Charles River, and from thence to run in the line be- tAveen the lands of Simon Coolidge, Moses Stone, Christopher Grant, and the Thatchers, and the land of Col0. Brinley and Ebenezer Wyeth, to the Fresh Pond, so called." - Several acres Avere subsequently added to Cambridge, bounded westerly on Coolidge Avenue, extending to and including the Cambridge Cemetery. Some excitement was occasioned as late as 1754, by the ap pearance of a bear in the easterly part of Cambridge, long after we might suppose this section of the country to have been rid of wild beasts. The " Boston News Letter " of September 19, con tained this paragraph. " On Tuesday last, a Bear, that had wandered clown to Cambridge, was discovered on Lieut. Govr. Phips' farm,2 and being closely pursued took to Charles River ; whereupon several boats put off from Charlestown, and one from ward Holyoke, President of Harvard - Mass. Prov. Rec, xx. 228. College," who died June 25, 1740, aged - This farm embraced East Cambridge, 39; and of " AVilliam Holyoke," their and extended westerly nearly to Columbia "youngest son," who died June 23, 1740. Street. Five years later, in September, aged nearly three years. Similar me- 1759, Dr. Belknap, then a student in morials are found of two children of Harvard College, made this record . Mr. Ebenezer Stedman, — Martha, who " A great many bears killed at Cambridge died June 23, 1740, aged 4 years; and and the neighboring towns about this Sarah, who died June 24, 1740, aged time, and several persons killed by them." nearly 6 years. The dates indicate that — Life of Belknap, p. 11. all these were victims of the same dis ease. 1-34 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. the Avest part of this town, which last shot and entered two bul lets into him ; but not killing him, the Bear made directly towards the boat and got one paAV upon the side, upon Avhich one of the men struck an adze into his skull, and despatched him in an in stant, and brought him ashore. The whole of the body weiglied 196 pounds. When he Avas opened, a great number of the bones of fowls &c. were found in his belly." The earliest notice Avhich I have seen of a fire-engine in Cam bridge is dated March 3, 1755, when, " upon the motion of Capt. Ebenezer Stedman and others, referring to the town's agreeing with Henry Vassall Esq., Avho has an Engine and is willing the same should be improved for the town's use on certain conditions, the question was put whether the town would act on said motion, and it passed in the negative." In all probability, however, the town then possessed one or more engines. Boston had one before 1679, and seven as early as 1733 ; 1 and Cambridge would not be likely to remain entirely destitute. Yet the machines then in use might seem almost Avorthless, compared with the powerful steam-engines recently introduced. The Town Record of Births and Deaths in the last three quar ters of the eighteenth century is very imperfect ; all the deaths recorded betAveen 1722 and 1772 are contained on two folio pages. Professor Winthrop inserted brief bills of mortality, for a few y7ears, in his interleaved almanacs, which afford a glimpse of the truth : — " 1758. Bill of mortality in first Parish in Cambridge.2 Under 2 years old 12 Between 40 and 50 = 1 Between 2 and 5 = 2 Between 50 and 60 = 1 Between 5 and 10 = 0 Between GO and 70 = 1 Whites, 20 Between 10 and 20 = 1 Between 70 and 80 = 0 Blacks, 0 Between 20 and 30 = 2 Between 80 and 90 = 3 To " Between 30 and 40 = 2 25 1762. Causes of death, etc. "Accidental, 1 Fits, 1 Males, 10 Age> 1 Infancy, 2 Females, 8 Colic, 1 Palsy, 1 ~~ f8 Consumption, 7 Sore, 1 ==^ Dysentery, 2 Stillborn, 1 Whites, 15 Blacks, - 3 1& 18." i Drake's Hist. Boston, 431, 593. 2 The First Parish then embraced what is now the whole city. CIVIL HISTORY. 135 1763. Causes of death, etc. " Accidental, 2 Fit, (suddenly) 2 Cancer, Consumption, Dropsy, Infancy, Palsy, Males, 10 Females, 10 1 20 20 Whites, 17 Blacks, 3 20." In the " Boston News Letter," November 30, 1764, is a refer ence to a custom then recently introduced, but unwisely aban doned afterwards. " On Monday the 19th instant died at Cam bridge, in the 78th year of her age Mrs. Hannah Burrill, relict of the late Hon. Theophilus Burrill Esq., and sister to the Rev. Mr. President Holyoke, at whose house she had for some time past resided. She was a gentlewoman of a virtuous disposition, and possessed of many amiable qualities. Her remains were interred the Thursday following, without the expense of mourning ap parel, agreeable to the laudable method now practised in Boston. As this is the first example of the kind in that town, and intro duced by a gentleman of so worthy and respectable a character, we doubt not it will acquire imitation." 1 apprentices to him, were also. 90 dozen of gloves were bought, and none of any figure but what had gloves sent 'em." A bill of expenses at the funeral of Col. Edmund Goffe, in October, 1740, remains on file in the Probate Office ; it was ren dered by Edmund Trowbridge, Esq., grand nephew of the deceased. Among the charges are these : — 1 Rev. John Cotton of Newton, in a let ter dated Nov. 7, 1717, and preserved in the library of the Mass. Hist. Soc, says that at the funeral of Hon. Andrew Bel cher, " All the ministers there had scarves and gloves. They say 50 suits of cloaths were made. All first cousins, Remington, Blowers, &c, put into mourning. John Colman, Caswell, &c, all that bad been " To 5 pair of gloves at 7s. 6<7., and a mourning weed, To a pair of shoe buckles, 6s., knee buckles, 4s. &d., black studs, Is. 3d. To a hat, 60s., mourning wigg, £5, To a pair of gloves, black silk, 25s. To a suit of mourning for the widow, and pair of shoes, To another pair of black silk gloves, 25s. To ten rings of Mr. Hurd, as per account, To mourning for my aunt Barnard, To the same for my sister Dana, To a pair of gloves for her husband, To cash paid the taylors for making the cloaths, To two gallons of wine, 30s., a dozen of pipes, and 2 papers of tobacco, os. 1 15 To cash paid for bricks, and bricking the grave, To stones to cover the grave, This bill was allowed by the jndge, though the estate was soon afterwards rendered insolvent. The Belcher estate was large, and might easily afford the £1 17 6 0 11 9 8 0 0 1 5 0 30 0 0 1 5 0 23 14 0 33 6 0 33 6 0 0 8 0 3 19 0 :. 1 15 0 1 10 0 0 10 0" outlay. It is to be regretted that the ef forts made by President Holyoke and others to abolish such extravagant and useless customs were incffectnal. CHAPTER XI. CIVIL HISTORY. In this history of a single toAvn, it*is not proposed to enumer ate all the causes of the American Revolution, or the various events Avhich occurred during its accomplishment ; but some of those causes and events will be mentioned, with Avhich the town of Cambridge had more or less intimate connection. One very prominent question at issue, in the commencement of the Revo lutionary struggle, was whether or not the British Parliament had a legal right to impose taxes on the American provinces (which were not represented therein), without their consent. In the ex ercise of this pretended right of supremacy, among other methods for raising a revenue from the provinces, Parliament enacted a law, styled the Stamp Act, with a provision that it should take effect Nov. 1, 1765. With special reference to this Act, the American doctrine was affirmed, Oct. 29, 1765, by the Massachu setts House of Representatives, in fourteen resolutions, three of which were these : " III. Resolved, That no man can justly take the property of another Avithout his consent ; and that upon this original principle the right of representation in the same body Avhich exercises the power of making laws for levying taxes, which is one of the main pillars of the British constitution, is evidently founded." " XII. Resolved, as a just conclusion from some of the foregoing resolves, That all acts made by any7 power whatever, other than the General Assembly of this Province, imposing taxes on the inhabitants, are infringements of our in herent and unalienable rights, as men and British subjects, and render void the most valuable declarations of our Charter. XHI. Resolved, that the extension of the powers of the Conrt of Admiralty within this Province is a most violent infraction of the right of trials by juries, — a right which this House, upon the principles of their British ancestors, hold most dear and sacred, it being the only security of the lives, liberties, and prop erties of his Majesty's subjects here." 1 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iii. 477, 478. CIVIL HISTORY. 137 A distinct opinion had been expressed by Cambridge, a fort night earlier, at a town meeting held on the 14th day of October, 1765, Avhen it was " Voted, That (Avith all humility) it is the opinion of the town, that the inhabitants of this Province have a legal claim to all the natural, inherent, constitutional rights of Englishmen, notwithstanding their distance from Great Britain ; that the Stamp Act is an infraction upon these rights. One instance out of many, in our opinion, is this : — the Distributor of Stamps Avill have a sovereignty over every thing but the lives of the people, since it is in his power to summon every one he pleases to Quebec, Montreal, or Newfoundland, to answer for pretended or real breaches of this Act; and when 'the faithful subject arrives there, by Avhom is he to be tried ? Not by his peers (the birth-right of every Englishman) ; no, but by the Judge of Admiralty, without a jury, and it is possible without laAv. Under these circumstances, the Stamp-Master may unright eously get more than his Majesty will upon a balance by the stamps ; for who would not rather pay the fine than be thus harassed, thus tried? Why are not his Majesty's subjects in Great Britain treated in this manner ? Why must we in Amer ica, who have in every7 instance discovered as much loyalty for his Majesty, and obedience to his laws, as any of his British subjects (and whose exertions in some of the provinces during the last war have been greater), be thus discriminated ? At this time especially, whilst we are under an almost insupportable load of debt, the consequence of this exertion. We believe it may be truly said that no one in Great Britain pays so great a tax as some in this province, in proportion to their estates. Let this Act but take place, liberty will be no more : trade will languish and die; our medium will be sent into his Majesty's exchequer, and poverty come on us as an armed man. The town, therefore, hereby advise their Representatives by no means whatsoever to do any one thing that may aid said Act in its operation ; but that, in conjunction with the friends of liberty, they use their utmost endeavors that the same might be repealed : — That this vote be recorded in the Town Book, that the children yet unborn may see the desire their ancestors had for their freedom and happiness : — and that an attested copy of it be given to said Representatives." While the inhabitants of Cambridge thus protested against the arbitrary exercise of power by Parliament, and against the en forcement of the Stamp Act in particular, they were not ready to encourage any violent outbreak of popular fury. During the 138 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. preceding August, by hanging him in effigy, breaking into his house, and destroying part of his furniture, some of the inhabi tants of Boston had induced Mr. Secretary Oliver to promise that he Avould not act as Distributor of Stamps ; and on the evening of the 26th of the same month, they attacked the house of Lieutenant-governor Hutchinson, Avho had rendered himself obnoxious by his subserviency to the British ministry, and " de stroyed, carried away, or cast into the street, everything that was in the house ; demolished every part of it, except the Avails, as far as lay in their power ; and had begun to break away the brick-work. The damage Avas estimated at about twenty-fiA7e hundred pounds sterling, without any regard to a great collection of public as Avell as private papers in the possession and custody of the Lieutenant- governor." 1 At a toAvn meeting in Cambridge three days later (Aug. 29), it was " Voted, that the inhabitants of this town do detest and abhor the riotous proceedings in the toAvn of Boston, in robbing and destroying the dwelling-houses of the Lieutenantr governor and others ; and they Avill, on all occasions, use their utmost endeavors to secure their own inhabitants and their dwell ing-houses and property against such ravages. " But when the Governor, in his address to the General Court, recommended that compensation should be made to the sufferers, and intimated that, if they did not make it voluntarily, they might soon be required to do so," - the town voted, Oct. 14, 1765, that their " Repre sentatives be and are hereby instructed by no means to vote for any moneys being draAvn out of the Province treasury to make good the demands of the late sufferers, as mentioned in his Ex cellency7^ speech, have sustained." In their reply to the Gover nor's address, Oct. 25, 1765, the House of Representatives said, " We highly7 disapprove of the late acts of violence which have been committed; yet till we are convinced that to comply with what your Excellency recommends will not tend to encourage such outrages in time to come, and till some good reason can be assigned why the losses those gentlemen have sustained should be made good rather than any damage which other persons on any different occasions might happen to suffer, we are persuaded we shall not see our way clear to order such a compensation to be made. We are greatly at a loss to know who has any right to require this of us, if we should differ Avith your Excellency in point of its being an act of justice Avhich concerns the credit of the government." 3 A year later, however, when the odious 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iii. 124. s Ibid., iii. 475, 476. - Ibid., iii. 129. CIVIL HISTORY. 139 Stamp Act had been repealed, and this subject was again con sidered, at a toAvn meeting, October 27, 1766, " Tlie inhabitants having taken into consideration the affair now pending in the Great and General Court, relative to the losses sustained by divers persons, by means of the outrage and violence of the mob in Boston, in the month of August, A. D. 1765, — Voted, That it be an instruction to the Representative of this town to use his best endeavors in the General Court that a compensation be made to the Lieutenant-governor and other sufferers (upon proper ap plication by them made for that purpose), by advancing such sum or sums of money out of the public treasury as may be judged adequate to their losses ; and that he likewise use his endeavors that such measures may be gone into for replacing such money in the Province treasury as shall appear just and equitable." The General Court, after much discussion, enacted a law, granting compensation to the sufferers, and at the same time a free pardon to all " who had been guilty of any crimes or offences against law, occasioned by the late troubles." The Governor was induced to give his approval, because, "if the act should not be approved in England, all the effect would be the suspending, for three or four months, of prosecutions which, experience had shown, could not be carried on : " " but as to the compensation, the act would have an immediate effect and could not be recalled. The act was disapproved, upon its being laid before the king, merely from the nature of it, and the danger of establishing a precedent ; but the money was paid before the news arrived, and nothing further passed upon the subject." 1 " On the 16th of May, [1766] a copy of the Act of Parliament for the repeal of the Stamp Act was brought to Boston. No re joicings, since the revolution, had been equal to those on this oc casion."2 But the people Avere not quite ready to forgive those members of the provincial government Avho had made themselves obnoxious by their advocacy of those arbitrary measures which threatened the extinction of popular liberty. At the organiza tion of the government, later in the same month, " the Lieuten ant-governor, the secretary, one of the judges of the Superior Court, and the attorney-general, were struck off from the council. Another of the judges, apprehensive of this slight, chose to re- 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iir. 158- they have expressed their joy. on account 160. of the repeal of the Stamp Act, by illum- 2 Ibid., iii. 147. — " We hear from Cam- inations, fireworks, &c, &c." — Boston bridge and other neighboring towns, that Evening Post, May 26, 1766. 140 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. sio-n before the election came on." - The intention to exclude from the Council some of those croAvn officers who were supposed to be too subservient to the British ministry, is foreshadowed in the instructions given to the Representative of Cambridge, May 26, 1766, two days before the meeting of the General Court. These instructions, reported by a committee consisting of Samuel Whittemore, Ebenezer Stedman, and Eliphalet Robbins, con tain the usual protestation of loyalty to the crown, of a general confidence in the good intentions of Parliament, and of a desire for the continuance of friendship and harmony between the British government and the American Colonies. At the same time, they counsel the utmost watchfulness against any possible encroachment of arbitrary power, and contain other suggestions of much importance, Two of the instructions Avere as follows : — " With regard to the General Assembly, of which you will be, it is of the greatest importance that each branch should have its due weight' and power ; and as you are to have a part in the elec tion of one of these branches, we instruct you to avoid giving your suffrage for any gentleman already holding offices incom patible with a seat there, or who, by any sort of dependence or connection, may be under temptations to yield to unreasonable demands of prerogative ; and this we esteem of singular import ance under the present circumstances of our public affairs." " There is one thing more which we would enjoin upon you, as a matter of considerable importance ; which is, that y7ou endeavor to get a vote passed in the House, that a gallery be provided where as many persons as conveniently can, may be admitted to hear their debates ; this is agreeable to the practice in the mother country, and may be attended Avith very salutary effects here ; amongst other advantages Avhich may arise from such an order of the House, we would hope that this Avould be one, namely, that it would give an opportunity to any person who desires it of see ing tha-t nothing is passed by that assembly that is not of real benefit, and of advantage to their constituents, and that the Rep resentatives of the people are patrons of their rights and privi leges." - Soon after the close of this session of the General Court, news 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iii. 148. side of this room for the accommodation - By the printed Journal of the House of such persons as shall be inclined to at- of Representatives, it appears that on the tend the same :" — provided, "that no 11th of June, 1767, it was ordered, " that person be admitted to a seat iu the gallery, the debates in this House be open, and without applying to and being introduced that a gallery be erected on the westerly by a member of this House." CIVIL HISTORY. 141 arrived from Englaud that the Parliament had by no means re linquished the intention to derive a revenue from the colonies, but had " determined to lay small duties on paper, glass, and painters' colors, imported into America ; to take off 12d., Avhich had been charged in England, on every7 pound of tea exported, and to lay 3d. only, payable upon its importation into America." - At the same time commissioners of customs Avere appointed, and it Avas supposed that the collection of this tax was one of their princijual duties. Popular discontent and excitement followed, as might have been expected. Associations Avere formed to en courage home manufactures, and to refrain from the use of foreign articles subject to taxation. At their next Avinter session, the House of Representatives prepared letters to several noblemen in England, praying them to obtain a repeal of the new tax act, and an address to the king; copies of which they sent to the Assemblies of the other colonies, asking their cooperation. These proceedings gave great offence in England. When the next General Court met, iu May7, 1768, " the Governor sent a message to the House, which engaged the whole of their attention. In pursuance of instructions which he had received, he required them, in His Majesty's name, to rescind the resolution of the last House of Representatives, in consequence of which a circular letter had been sent to the several assemblies upon the conti nent." - A few days afterwards the demand was renewed, with a threat of dissolution as the penalty of refusal. After due con sideration, and after preparing a letter to the English Secretary for the Colonies, in justification of their proceedings, the House refused to rescind, by a vote of ninety-two against seventeen. This decision Avas communicated to the Governor, who imme diately executed his threat and dissolved the House. " It was thus made known that the vital right of representation Avas to be enjoyed only on the condition of a servile compliance Avith an arbitrary royal instruction."3 It was soon afterwards reported that three regiments of soldiers Avere to be stationed in Boston, to enforce submission to the government. The inhabitants there upon assembled in town meeting, and sent a message to the Gov ernor, inquiring if he expected such a military force, and request ing him to summon a new General Court. On his refusal, the town "Resolved, that as the people labor under many grievances, and as the Governor has declared himself unable, at the request 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iii. 179. - Frothingham's Rise of the Republic, - Ibid., iii. 195. p- 221. 142 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of the town, to call a General Court, which is the assembly of the states of the province, for the redress of such grievances, the town will make choice of a suitable number of persons, to act for them as a committee in convention, with such as may be sent to join them from the several towns .in the province, in order that such measures may be concerted and advised, as his majesty's service and the peace and safety of his subjects in the province may require." - The time fixed for the meeting of the Conven tion was Sept. 22, 1768. B\>r some reason, which does not ap pear, Cambridge did not elect delegates until Sept. 29: — on Avhich day7, it was " put to vote, whether it be the mind of the inhabitants of this town to proceed on the article in the Warrant, relating to the choosing a person to join with the committees of Convention of the other toAvns in this Province, now sitting in Boston, and it passed in the affirmative. Also voted, that they will now make choice of one or more persons, as a committee .... to attend the Convention that may now or hereafter be sitting in Boston in this Province. Also voted that they Avill make choice of tAVO persons for the purpose aforesaid. Then Andrew Bordman Avas chosen, Avho declined the service. Then Deac. Sam11. Whittemore Avas chosen, Avho declined the service. Then Capt. Sam11- Whittemore was chosen, Avho accepted said choice. Then Thomas Gardner Avas chosen, who accepted said choice." If Cambridge was somewhat late in the election, her delegates were not a whit behind others in patriotism and resolution. Capt. Whittemore was the veteran, who, at the age of seventy- nine years, performed yeoman's service with his musket, on the memorable 19th of April, 1775 ; and Thomas Gardner, having been successively elected Captain and Colonel, sealed his patriotic devotion with his life-blood on Bunker Hill. In the succeeding years the conflict between arbitrary power and the rights and privileges of the people became more and more earnest. The British government insisted on its right to bind the colonies in all cases, to impose taxes without their con sent, to place over them rulers not of their own choice, to over awe them by tbe presence of foreign troops, and to supersede es tablished laws and customs by " Royal Instructions." On the other hand, while the people professed loyalty to the crown, they protested against this invasion of their inalienable rights as free- born Englishmen, and indicated a determination to resist to the last extremity. Among other methods adopted for the accom- 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., iii. 204, 205. CIVIL HISTORY. 143 plishment of this purpose, at a toAvn-meeting in Boston, Nov. 2, 1772, upon the motion of Samuel Adams, it was voted, "that a committee of correspondence be appointed, to consist of twenty- one persons, to state the rights of the colonies, and of this prov ince in particular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects ; to com municate and publish the same to the several towns in this province and to the world, as the sense of this town, with the in fringements and violations thereof that have been, or from time to time may be, made : also requesting of each town a free com munication of their sentiments on this subject." At an adjourned meeting, Nov. 20, the report of this committee was accepted, and ordered to be printed in pamphlet form and distributed agreeably to the original vote. The response of Cambridge was prompt and decisive. The Records sIioav that, at a town-meeting, Dec. 14, 1772, it Avas " Voted, That the letter and the book sent by order of the town of Boston to the Selectmen of Cambridge, signed in the name and by order of the town, William Coopei^ ToAvn Clerk, should be publicly read and acted upon. The Moderator - protested against it, as it Avas not in the warrant ; and the same was read accordingly. Voted, That a committee be appointed to write to the committee appointed by the toAvn of Boston, and to acknowledge the vigilance and care, discovered by the metropolis, of the public rights and liberties, acquainting them that this toAvn will heartily concur in all salutary, proper and .constitutional measures for the redress of those intolerable grievances Avhich threaten, and if continued must overthrow, the happy civil constitution of this province ; and that said commit tee take under consideration the rights as stated by the committee of correspondence of the town of Boston, and the infringements and violations of the same, and to make report at the adjourn- ment-of this meeting." [The Committee was then elected, con sisting of Capt. Samuel Whittemore, Capt. Ebenezer Stedman, Capt. Ephraim Frost, Capt. Eliphalet Robbins, Capt. Thomas Gardner, Joseph Wellington, Abraham Watson, Jr., Nathaniel Sparhawk, and Samuel Thatcher, Jr.] " Voted, That said com mittee prepare instructions to the Representative, and report upon both forthwith, or as soon as may be. The committee re tired ; the meeting not adjourned : in less than twelve minutes 1 William Brattle, Esq., was the Mod- Barnard. But promotion to the rank of erator. In the early part of the struggle Major-general, in 1771, is generally sup- he advocated the rights of the people, posed to have rendered him much more insomuch that he was negatived as a favorable to tbe Governor and his, a:-so- member of the Council in 1769, by Gov. ciates. 144 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. returned, and presented their report upon the letter and resolves aforesaid, and also reported instructions for the Representative ; which reports were received, and accepted, and voted by a major ity7 of the inhabitants then present. " The instructions : — To Capt. Thomas Gardner, Representa tive of the toAvn of Cambridge in General Assembly. Sir, We, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, freeholders and other inhabitants of the toAvn of Cambridge, in town-meeting legally assembled this fourteenth day of December, A. D. 1772, to consult upon such measures as may be thought most proper to be taken at this alarming crisis, and most conducive to the public Aveal, do therefore with true patriotic spirit declare, that we are and ever have been ready to risk our lives and fortunes in defence of his majesty King George the Third, his crown and dignity, and in the support of constitutional government. So, on the other hand, Ave are as much concerned to maintain and secure our own invaluable rights and liberties and that glorious inheritance which was not the gift of kings or monarchs, but was purchased at no less price than the precious blood and treasure of our worthy an cestors, the first settlers of this province, who, for the sake of those rights, left their native land, their dearest friends and rela tions, goodly houses, pleasant gardens and fruitful fields ; and in the face of every danger settled a Avild and howling Avilderness, where they were surrounded with an innumerable multitude of cruel and barbarous enemies, and destitute of the necessaries of life ; yet aided by the smiles of indulgent heaA7en, by their heroic fortitude (though small in number) they subdued their enemies before them, and by their indefatigable labor and industry culti vated this land, Avhich is now become a fruitful field, which has much enriched our mother country, and greatly assisted in rais ing Great Britain to that state of opulence that it is now in ; that if any people on earth are entitled to the warmest friendship of a mother country, it is the good people of this Province and its sister colonies. But alas, Avith what ingratitude are Ave treated, how cruelly oppressed ! We have been sighing and groaning under oppression for a number of years ; our natural and charter rights are violated in too many instances here to enumerate ; our money extorted from us, and appropriated to augment our bur dens ; we have repeatedly petitioned our most gracious sovereign for a redress of grievances, but no redress has yet been obtained, whereby Ave have been almost driven to despair. And, in the midst of our distresses, we are still further alarmed with seeing CIVIL HISTORY. 145 the Governor of the Province made independent of the people, and the shocking report that the Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature and other officers, have salaries affixed to their offices, dependent on the crown and ministry, independent of the grants of the Commons of this Province. By this establishment out lives and properties Avill be rendered very precarious, as there is the utmost danger that, through an undue influence, the streams of public justice will be poisoned. Can Ave expect the scales will be held equal between all parties ? Will such Judges be unmoved by passion or prejudice, fear or favor? What a miserable situa tion will theman be in, under a corrupt administration, Avho shall dare to oppose their vile measures. Must he not expect to feel the keenest resentment of such administration, by Judges thus bribed to pursue the plan of the ministry ? In fine, Ave look upon this last innovation so great a grievance, especially Avhen added to the many other grievances we have been so long groaning under, as to be almost insupportable. We therefore think it seasonable and proper to instruct you, our Representative, in General Assembly, that you use your greatest influence at the next session of the General Court for a speedy redress of all our grievances. And inasmuch as it has been for some years past thought that the Judges of the Superior Court, especially since their circuits have been enlarged, have not had salaries adequate to their important services, Ave desire you Avould make due in quiry into this matter, and if y7ou shall find it to be a fact, you would use your utmost endeavors that their salaries may be en larged and made adequate to their merit and station ; and in all our difficulties and distresses, depend upon y7our prudence and firmness." The business seems not to have been fully completed at this time, «and the meeting was adjourned for three weeks: — "At an adjournment of the Town-meeting from December the fourteenth, A. D. 1772 to January the fourth 1773, the folioAving report Avas read and accepted by a great majority : The Commit tee appointed to take under consideration the rights of the Colo nists, and of this Province in particular, as stated by the toAvn of Boston, and also a list of the infringements and violations of those rights, beg leave to report, That, in their opinion, the rights of the Colonists and of this Province in particular, as men, as Chris tians and as subjects, are properly stated, and that the lists of the infringements and violations of those rights are notorious facts ; and as there appears to be the greatest reason to apprehend, 10 146 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. agreeable to the intimation made to us in the said list of grievan ces, that stipends or salaries are affixed to the offices of Judges of the Superior Court, whereby they are made not only independ ent of the people, but absolutely dependent upon the Crown for their support, it is further the opinion of this Committee, that such establishment, if made, is in direct repugnancy with the Charter of the Province, and the invariable usage from the time the same was granted ; that thereby7 a dangerous connection is formed, and an undue influence in their decisions introduced, and therefore tends to the poisoning the streams of justice in the land ; that there will, moreover, be the utmost danger that the Bar may hereafter be overawed by a corrupt Court, insomuch that no gentleman of shining genius and abilities in the profession of the Law Avill dare to stand up in defence of an injured country. For these and many other ^reasons that may be offered, the Com mittee beg leave further to report the following resolve, viz : Resolved, as the opinion of this town, that the said establishment is a dangerous innovation and grievance, especially when added to the many other grievances Ave have been so long groaning under, and that we have the strongest aversion to a measure which is .of so ruinous a tendency, and can never be reconciled to it." Before this last named toAvn-meeting Avas held, the Committee of Correspondence, elected on the 14th of December, executed a part of the duty assigned to them, by addressing a letter to the Committee of Boston, which Avas published in the "Boston Gazette," Dec. 28, 1772 : — " To the Committee of Communication and Correspondence at Boston. The Committee appointed by the town of Cambridge to Avrite to the Committee of Communication and Correspondence at Boston, gladly embrace this opportunity. In the name and behalf of the said town of Cambridge, and Avith the most sincere respect, they acknowledge the vigilance and care discovered by the town of Boston of the public rights and liberties ; acquainting you that this town will heartily concur in all salutary, proper, and constitutional measures for the redress of those intolerable grievances which threaten, and if continued must overthrow, the happy civil constitution of this Province. It is with the greatest pleasure we now inform you that we think the meeting was as full as it has been for the choice of a Representative, for a num ber of years, if not fuller ; and that the people discovered a glo rious spirit, like men determined to be free. We have here en- CIVIL HISTORY. 147 closed you a copy of the votes and proceedings of this toAvn, at their meeting, so far as they have gone. We Avould add, — May the town of Boston, the capital of this Province, rejoice in perpetual prosperity. May Avisdom direct her in all her consul tations. May her spirited and prudent conduct render her a ter ror to tyrants. May every toAvn in this Province, and every other colony upon the Continent, be awakened to a sense of danger, and unite in the glorious cause of liberty. Then shall we be able effectually to disappoint the machinations of our enemies. To conclude : That this land may be purged from those sins Avhich are a reproach to a people, and be exalted by righteousness, that God Almighty may be our God as he was the God of our fathers, and that we may be possessed of the same principles of virtue, religion, and public spirit, which warmed and animated the hearts of our renowned ancestors, is the sincere prayer of your friends in the common cause of our country, the Committee of the town of Cambridge. Ebenezer Stedman, per order." In 1773, the British Ministry adopted another measure to se cure the payment of a tax by the colonists. The East India Company, embarrassed by the accumulation of teas which the American merchants did not purchase, were encouraged to ex port them, on their own account, by an offer of a drawback of the whole duty7 payable in England on all such as should be ex ported to the British colonies in America ; but the duty of three pence on a pound was still required to be paid at the port of entry. The tax demanded was very small, but it stood as the representative of a great principle ; the right, namely, of Parlia ment to bind the colonies in all cases whatever, — Avhich right was asserted by the ministry and denied by the colonists. The fire of contention, Avhich had seemed to be smouldering for a time, now burst forth into a fierce blaze. Public meetings Avere held, and resolutions adopted, indicating a stern spirit of resist ance. Cambridge placed on record its determination to main tain its rights: — " At a verv full meeting of the inhabitants of the toAvn of Cambridge, legally assembled, Nov. 26, 1773, Capt. Ebenezer Stedman was chosen Moderator. This town being greatly alarmed at an Act of the British Parliament, passed in the last session of Parliament, Avhereby the East India Company in London are empowered to export their teas on their own ac count to the British Plantations in America, and expose the 148 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. same to sale, subject to a duty, payable in America, to be col lected by a set of worse than Egyptian taskmasters, — which, if submitted to, Ave fear Avill prove fatal to the Colonies : — and as we apprehend the sense of this town cannot be better expressed than by adopting the Resolves of the patriotic citizens of Phila delphia ; — Resolved, that the disposal of their oavii property is the inherent right of freemen ; that there can be no property in that Avhich another can of right take from us Avithout our con sent ; that the claim of Parliament to tax America is, in other words, a claim of right to levy contributions on us at pleasure. 2. That the duty imposed by Parliament upon tea landed in America is a tax on the Americans, or levying contributions on them without their consent. 3. That the express purpose for which the tax is levied on the Americans, namely, for the sup port of government, the administration of justice, and the defence of his Majesty's dominions in America, has a direct tendency to render Assemblies useless, and to introduce arbitrary government and skvvery. 4. That a virtuous and steady opposition to this ministerial plan of governing America is absolutely necessary to preserve even the shadow of liberty, and is a duty which every freeman in America owes to his country, to himself, and to his posterity. 5. That the resolution lately come into by the East India Company, to send out their tea to America, subject to the payrment of duties on its being landed here, is an open attempt to enforce the ministerial plan, and a violent attack upon the liberties of America. 6. That it is the duty of every American to oppose this attempt. 7. That Avhoever shall, directly or in directly7, countenance this attempt, or in any Avise aid or abet in unloading, receiving or vending, the tea sent or to be sent out by the East India Company, while it remains subject to the pay ment of a duty here, is an enemy to America. " And Avhereas the town of Boston have assembled twice on this alarming occasion, and at each meeting did choose a commit tee of very7 respectable gentlemen, to wait upon the persons avIio are appointed by the East India Company7 to receive and sell said tea, and in a genteel manner requested them to resign their appointment ; notwithstanding the said factors have repeatedly refused to give them any satisfaction, but, en the contrary, their answers were evasive and highly affrontive : by7 such a conduct they have forfeited all right and title to any respect from their fellow-countrymen : — Therefore resolved, that this town will by no means shoAV them any respect Avhatever, but view them as CIVIL HISTORY. 149 enemies to their country. And Avhereas it is reported that the said factors of the East India Company by their conduct have rendered themselves despicable in the toAvn of Boston, yet they can retire into the country towns, where they are treated Avith respect, which, if true, is truly7 scandalous : — Therefore resolved, that any one who shall harbor said factors in their houses, ex cept said factors immediately make full satisfaction to this justly7 incensed people, are unfriendly to their country. Resolved, That any person or persons, inhabitants of this Province, that shall import any7 teas subject to the payment of a duty in America, are in an eminent degree enemies to their country, and ought to be treated AA'ith equal contempt and detestation Avith the present supposed factors. And, as it is very apparent that the town of Boston are now struggling for the liberties of their country : Therefore resolved, that this town can no longer stand idle spec tators, but are ready, on the shortest notice, to join Avith the town of Boston and other toAvns, in any measures that may be thought proper, to deliver ourselves and posterity from Slavery." Within a month afterwards, the Gordian knot of this contro versy Avas cut, by the destruction of the tea in Boston Harbor, after an earnest and protracted effort to induce the consignees to send it back to Europe. Whether any7 Cambridge men partici pated in this final act, or not, it is reasonably certain that they assisted in the preliminary measures. Hutchinson says, " the Committees of Correspondence of the towns of Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Brookline, and Cambridge, united, and held their meetings daily, or by short adjournments, in Faneuil Hall, or one of the rooms belonging to it, and gave such directions as they thought proper. Two of the other Aressels with tea arriA7ing from London, they7 were ordered by this new body to the same wharf where the first ships lay, under pretence of the conveniency of having the Avhole under one guard. It soon after appeared that a further conveniency accompanied it."1 The overt act is de scribed in the " Boston Gazette," Monday, December 20, 1773 : — " On Tuesday last the body of the people of this and all the adjacent towns, and others from the distance of twenty miles, as sembled at the Old South meeting-house," and, after a fruitless negotiation with the parties in the interest of the government, " adjourned to the Thursday following, ten o'clock. They then met ;...'. and the people, finding all their efforts to preserve the property of the East India Company and return it safely to London, frustrated by the tea consignees, the collector of the cus- 1 Hist. Mass., iii. 433. 150 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. toms, and the Governor of the Province, dissolved their meeting. But behold Avhat followed. A number of brave and resolute men, determined to do all in their power to save the country from the ruin Avhich their enemies had plotted, in less than four hours, emptied every chest of tea on board the three ships commanded bv the captains Hall, Bruce, and Coffin, amounting to 342 chests, into the sea, Avithout the least damage done to the ships or any other property. The masters and owners are well pleased, that their ships are thus cleared, and the people are almost universally congratulating each other on this happy event." This destruction of the tea excited the liveliest indignation of the British government. It was construed as an act of open rebellion, demanding condign punishment. " The words, often cited, of the arrogant, insolent, and galling Venn, Avere then uttered and circulated through the colonies : ' The offence of the Americans is flagitious : the toAvn of Boston ought to be knocked about their ears and destroyed. Delenda est Carthago. You will neA7er meet with proper obedience to the laws of this country until yrou have destroyed that nest of locusts.' These words embodied the feeling of England in an hour of her insolence." - The Boston Port Bill followed, which took effect on the first day of June, 1774, enforced by an array of armed vessels, effectually preventing ingress or egress. The -sympathy, not only of Mas sachusetts but of all the American Colonies, was excited on behalf of the oppressed and suffering inhabitants of the devoted town, which sympathy was manifested by material aid. Although Cambridge was to some extent a joint-sufferer with Boston, it Avas voted, at a town meeting, July 28, 1774, " That the Com mittee of Correspondence be a Committee to receive the dona tions that may be giA-en by the inhabitants of this town for the relief of our distressed brethren in the town of Boston, now suffer ing for the cause of all America under an act of the British Par liament for blocking up the port of Boston ; and that they transmit the same to the Committee appointed by the town of Boston to receive such donations for the purpose abovesaid." The Port Bill was followed by a more comprehensive measure, abrogating the Charter of Massachusetts, in some important par ticulars, and changing the character of the government. It pro vided that the members of the Council should no longer be elected by the General Court, but that they, as well as the Gov ernor and Lieutenant-governor, should be appointed by the King. The Lieutenant-governor (Thomas Oliver), aud two members 1 Rise of the Republic, p. 318. CIVIL HISTORY. 151 of the Council Samuel Danforth and Joseph Lee), appointed under the provisions of this act, were inhabitants of Cambridge. Colonel Oliver was a man of Avealth and character, but had not previously held public station, except military. - It was indeed suggested by7 some, that his name was inserted in the commission by mistake, instead of Peter Oliver, the Chief Justice and a member of the old Council. Judge Lee had been a Representa tive, but never before a member of the Council ; on the contrary, Judge Danforth was the senior member of that Board, having held office, by thirty-six successive elections, since May, 1739. The new Council (styled the Mandamus Council because its members were appointed by command of the King) consisted of thirty-six persons, of Avhom, however, only twenty-four accepted office; andof that number nine soon afterAvards resigned. 2 Its first meeting was at Salem, on the 8th day of August, 1774. The Governor had previously7 (June 17) dissolved the General Court, so that the sole governing poAver now vested in himself and the newly appointed Council. The struggle between arbi trary power and the spirit of liberty became more and more in tense. Some of the results, of which Cambridge AA_as the scene of action, and its inhabitants were among tbe more prominent actors and sufferers, are related at large in the " Boston Ga zette " of Monday, Sept. 5, 1774 : — " On Wednesday last, the new Divan (consisting of the Avretched fugitives with whom the just indignation of their re spective townsmen, by a well-deserved expulsion, have filled this capital) usurped the seats round the Council Board in Boston. Their deliberations haA'e not hitherto transpired. And Avith equal secresy, on Thursday morning, half after four, about 260 troops embarked on board 13 boats, at the Long Wharf, and proceeded up Mistic River to Temple's Farm, where they7 landed and went to the powder-house,3 on quarry-hill in Charlestown bounds, whence they have taken 250 half barrels of powder, the whole store there, and carried it to the castle. A detach ment from this corps went to Cambridge and brought off tAvo field pieces Avhich had lately been sent there for Col. Brattle's Regi ment. The preparation for this scandalous expedition caused 1 Perhaps one exception should be - See Gen. Register, xxviii. 61, 62. made: " AVe hear that Thomas Oliver, 3 This powder-house is still standing in Esq., of Cambridge, is appointed Judge of Somerville, about half a mile southeast- the Provincial Courts of Vice- Admiralty erly from Tufts' College. for this Province and New Hampshire." — Boston Gazelle, May 3, 1773. 152 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. much speculation, as some who were near the Governor gave out that he had sworn the committee of Salem should recognise or be imprisoned ; nay7, some said, put on board the Scarborough and sent to England forthwith. The committee of Boston sent off an express after 10, on Wednesday evening, to advise their brethren of Salem of Avhat they apprehended Avas coming against them, avIio received their message Avith great politeness, and re turned an answer purporting their readiness to receive any attack they might be exposed to for acting in pursuance to the laws and interests of their country, as became men and Christians. " From these several hostile appearances, the County of Mid dlesex took the alarm, and on Thursday evening began to collect in large bodies, Avith their arms, provisions, and ammunition, de termining by some means to give a- check to a power which so openly threatened their destruction, and in such a clandestine manner robbed them of the means of their defence. And on Friday morning, some thousands of them had advanced to Cam bridge, armed only with sticks, as they had left their fire-arms, &c, at some distance behind them. Some, indeed, had collected on Thursday evening, and surrounded the Attorney-General's house,1 Avho is also Judge of Admiralty on the neAv plan, for Nova Scotia ; and being provoked by the firing of a gun from a window, they broke some glass, but did no more mischief. The company, however, concerned in this, were mostly boys and negroes, Avho soon dispersed. " On perceiving the concourse on Friday morning, the com mittee of Cambridge sent express to Charlestown, Avho commu nicated the intelligence to Boston, and their respective commit tees proceeded to Cambridge without delay. When the first of the Boston committee came up, they found some thousands of people assembled round the court-house - steps, and Judge Dan forth standing upon them, speaking to the body, declaring in substance that having noAV arrived at a very advanced age,3 and spent the greater part in the service of the public, it Avas a great mortification to him to find a step lately taken by him so disa greeable to his country, in Avhich he conscientiously had meaned to serve them ; but finding their general sense against his holding a seat at the Council Board on the new establishment, he assured 1 Jonathan Sewall was Attorney-gen- 2 The court-house was on the westerly eral, and his house still remains at the side of Harvard Square, where the Cam- westerly corner of Brattle and Sparks bridge Lyceum now stands. Streets. 8 Almost seventy-seven years old. CIVIL HISTORY. 153 them that he had resigned said office, and Avould never henceforth accept or act in any office inconsistent with the charter-rights of his country7 ; and in confirmation of said declaration, he deliv ered the following certificate drawn up by himself, and signed Avith his own hand, viz. : — "'Although I have this day made an open declaration to a great concourse of people, Avho assembled at Cambridge, that I had resigned my7 seat at the Council Board, yet for the further satisfaction of all, I do hereby declare under my- hand that such resignation has actually been made, and that it is my full purpose not to be any way concerned as a member of the Council at any time hereafter. Sept. 2d, 1774. S. Danforth. A true copy. Attest N. Cut/worth, CZ.' " Judge Lee was also on the court-house steps, and delivered his mind to the body in terms similar to those used by Judge Danforth, and delivered the following declaration, also draAvn up and signed by him, A7iz. : — " ' Cambridge, 2d Sept. 1774. As great numbers of the inhab itants of the County are come into this town since my satisfying those Avho were met, not only by declaration but by reading to them Avhat I wrote to the Governor at my resignation, and being desirous to give the whole County and Province full satisfaction in this matter, I hereby declare my resignation of a seat in the neAV constituted Council, and my determination to give no fur ther attendance. Jos. Lee. A true copy. Test, Nath. Cud- worth, CI.' " Upon this a A7ote was called for, to see if the body Avas satis fied with the declarations and resignations abovesaid, and passed in the affirmative, nem. con. " It Avas then moved to know whether that body would signify their abhorrence of mobs, riots, and the destruction of private property7, and passed in the affirmative, nem. con. " Col. Phips, the High-Sheriff of the County, then came before the Committee of the body, and complained that he had been hardly spoken of, for the part he had acted in delivering the poAvder in Charlestown Magazine to the soldiery ; Avhich the Committee candidly considered and reported to the body that it was their opinion the High-Sheriff Avas excusable, as he had acted in conformity to his order from the Commander-in-chief. Col. Phips also delivered the following declaration by him sub scribed, viz. : — " ' Col. Phips's answer to the honorable body now in meeting 154 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. upon the common, viz. : — That I will not execute any precept that shall be sent me under the new Acts of Parliament for altering the Constitution of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, and that I Avill recall all the venires that I have sent out under the neAV establishment. Cambridge, Sept. 2d 1774. David Phips. A true copy. Test, Nath. Cudworth, 01.' Which Avas accepted as satisfactory. 1 " About 8 o'clock, his Honor Lieut. Governor Oliver set off from Cambridge to Boston, and informed Governor Gage of the true state of matters and tbe business of the people ; — which, as his Honor told the Admiral, were not a mad mob, but the free holders of the County, — r- promising to return in two hours and confer further with them on his own circumstance as President of the Council. On Mr. Oliver's return, he came to the Committee and signified what he had delivered to the body in the morning, viz. that as the commissions of Lieut. Governor and' President of the Council seemed tacked together, he should undoubtedly incur his Majesty's displeasure, if he resigned the latter and pretended to hold the former ; and nobody appeared to have any objection to his enjoying the place he held constitutionally ; he begged he might not be pressed to incur that displeasure, at the instance of a single County, while any other Counsellor held on the new establishment. Assuring them, hoAvever, that in case the mind of the whole Province, collected in Congress or otherwise, ap peared for his resignation, he Avould by no means act in opposi tion to it. This seemed satisfactory to the Committee, and they were preparing to deliver it to the body, when Commissioner Hallowell came through the town on his way to Boston. The sight of that obnoxious person so inflamed the people, that in a few minutes above 160 horsemen Avere drawn up and proceed ing in pursuit of him on the full gallop. Capt. Gardner of Cam bridge first began a parley Avith one of the foremost, which caused them to halt till he delivered his mind very fully in dissuasion of the pursuit, and was seconded by Mr. Deavens of Charlestown, and Dr. Young of Boston. They generally observed that the object of the Body's attention, that day, seemed to be the resig nation of unconstitutional counsellors, and that it might intro duce confusion into the proceedings of the day if any thing else was brought upon the carpet till that important business was fin- 1 Notwithstanding bis satisfactory dec- He was son of Lieutenant-governor Spen- laration, Col. Phips adhered to the Royal cer Phips. cause, left the country, and never returned. CIVIL HISTORY. 155 ished ; and in a little time the gentlemen dismounted their horses and returned to the body. " But Mr. Hallowell did not entirely escape, as one gentleman of a small stature pushed on before the general body, and fol- loAved Hallowell, Avho made the best of his way till he got into Roxbury, Avhere Mr. overtook and stopped him in his chaise. HalloAvell snapped his pistols at him, but could not dis engage himself from him till he quitted the chaise and mounted his .servant's horse, on which he drove into Boston Avith all the speed he could make ; till, the horse failing Avitbin the gate, he ran on foot to the camp, through which he spread consternation, telling them he was pursued by some thousands, who would be in town at his heels, and destroy all friends of government before them. A gentleman in Boston, observing the motion in the camp, and concluding they Avere on the point of marching to Cambridge from both ends of the town, communicated the alarm to Dr. Roberts, then at Charlestown Ferry, who, having a very fleet horse, brought the news in a few minutes to the Committee, then at dinner. The intelligence was instantly diffused, and the people whose arms Avere nearest, sent persons to bring them, while horsemen were despatched both Avays to gain more certain advice of the true state of the soldiery. A greater fervor and resolution probably7 neA7er appeared among any troops. The de spatches soon returning and assuring the body that the soldiers still remained and were likely to remain in their camp, they resumed their business with spirit, and resolved to leave no un constitutional officer within their reach in possession of his place. On this the Committee assembled again, and drew up the paper of which the following is a copy, and at the head of the body delivered it to Lieut. Governor Oliver, to sign, Avith Avhich he complied, after obtaining their consent to add the latter clause, implying the force by which he was compelled to do it. Mr. Mason, Clerk of the County of Middlesex, also engaged to do no one thing in obedience to the new Act of Parliament impairing our Charter. " ' Cambridge, Sept. 2, 1774. Thomas Oliver-, being appointed by his majesty to a seat at the Council Board, upon and in con formity to the late Act of Parliament, entitled An Act for the better regulation of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, which being a manifest infringement of the Charter rights and privi leges of the people, I do hereby, in conformity to the commands of the bodv of the County now convened, most solemnly renounce 156 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and resign my seat at said unconstitutional Board, and hereby firmly promise and engage, as a man of honor and a Christian, that I never will hereafter upon any terms Avhatsoever accept a seat at said Board on the present novel and oppressive plan of government. My house l at Cambridge being surrounded by about four thousand people, in compliance with their command I sign my name. Thomas Oliver.' " " The gentlemen from Boston, Charlestown, and Cambridge, having provided some refreshment for their greatly -fatigued brethren, they cheerfully accepted it, took leave, and departed in high good humor and Avell satisfied." Such is the account given in the " Boston Gazette " of the memorable proceedings in Cambridge on the second day of Sep tember, 1774, resulting in the compulsory resignation of three Mandamus Councillors, and the pledge of the Sheriff that he would not execute any precept sent to him under the neAV Acts of Parliament for altering the constitution of the Province. The importance of the events, and the A'ivid picture afforded of the excitement which then filled the public mind, may justify the reproduction of the history at full length. In the same paper2 is published "a true copy of a letter said to be wrote by General Brattle to the commander-in-chief, and picked up in this toAvn last Aveek, viz. : — " Cambridge, August 27, 1774. Mr. Brattle presents his duty to Governor Gage. He apprehends it his duty to acquaint his Excellency, from time to time, with eA-ery thing he hears and knows to be true, and is of importance in these troublesome times, which is the apology Mr. Brattle makes for troubling the General with this letter. " Capt. Minot of Concord, a very7 worthy man, this minute informed Mr. Brattle that there had been repeatedly made press ing applications to him, to Avarn his company to meet at one minute's warning, equipt with arms and ammunition, according to law ; he had constantly denied them, adding, if he did not gratify them, he should be constrained to quit his farms and town: Mr. Brattle told him he had better do that than lose his life and be hanged for a rebel : he observed that many captains had done it, though not in the Regiment to which he belonged, Avhich 1 This house was erected by Mr. Oliver, from Cambridge to this town." He never about 1767, on the westerly side of Elm- returned but died in exile, at Bristol, wood Avenue. The Boston Gazette of England, Nov. 29, 1815. Sept. 12, announced that "Lieut. Gov. 2 Boston Gazette, Sept. 5, 1776. Oliver has removed his family and goods CIVIL HISTORY. 157 Avas and is under Col. Elisha Jones, but in a neighboring Regi ment. Mr. Brattle begs leave humbly to query whether it Avould not be best that there should not be one commission officer of the militia in the Province. " This morning the selectmen of Medford came and received their toAvn stock of poAvder, Avhich was in the arsenal on quarry- hill, so that there is noAV therein the King's powder only, Avhich shall remain there as a sacred depositum till ordered out by the Captain-General. To his Excellency General Gage, &c. &c. &c." This letter of Gen. Brattle had been printed in a hand-bill before it appeared in the " Gazette," and he had prepared an explanation of it, which was already in the hands of the printer ; but its publication was postponed until the next week, Sept. 12th. It was characteristic of the writer, manifesting a strong desire to stand well with both parties : — " Boston Sept. 2, 1774. I think it but justice to myself to give an account of my conduct, for which I am blamed, and to obviate some mistakes which are believed. His Excellency Governor Gage wrote me in the Avords folknving : ' Sir, as I am informed there are several military stores in your charge at Cambridge, I beg the favor of you to send me a return of them as soon as convenient, specifying the different sorts of each. T. Gage. To Major General Brattle.' Which order I obeyed. I did the like to GoA'ernors Pownal, Bernard, and Hutchinson ; in doing of which, every soldier will say I did but my duty. But it is affirmed, I advised the Governor to remove the powder : this I positively deny, because it is abso lutely false. It never so much as entered into my mind or thought. After I had made my return, I never heard one word about the affair till the night before last, Avhen Sheriff Phipps came to my house with the Governor's order to deliver him the powder and guns ; the keys of the powder-house I then delivered him, and wrote to Mr. Mason, who had the care of the guns under me, to deliver them, Avhich I suppose he did ; both I imagine were taken, but where transported I know not. I wrote to the Governor Avhat is contained in the Hand-Bill lately printed. I did not Avrite the Governor the grounds and reasons of the Quere therein contained, but I will now mention them. They proceeded from a real regard both to the Commission-officers and to the Province ; first to the Commission-officers ; I thought and still think it was best for them ; many of whom I thought would be unwilling to issue their warrants, and if they did not, I ap- 158 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. prehended they might meet Avith some difficulty ; and those that did, I Avas not convinced so great good would result therefrom as if another method- was taken. Secondly, I thought and still think it would be much better for the Province ; for supposing there Avas not one Commission-officer for the present in it, what danger could the Province sustain ? It may be ansAvered, Com mission-officers are supposed to be the most understanding in military affairs. I grant it : But supposing their commissions Avere vacated, supposing the respective companies in the Province were disposed and determined to do any one matter 6r thing Avhich they imagined to be for its safety, and proper persons Avere to be employed to lead them, &c, doth their not having commis sions in the least unfit them from being employed in the particu lar services they may be chosen to execute ? and in this Avay can not any one conceive that the Commission-officers leading their respective companies, might in the eyes of the judicious be looked upon more blamable in doing such and such things, than they would be if they Avere not military officers, and did not act under commission ? Might riot the difference Avith respect to the Prov ince be looked upon very great, both at home and here? It Avas suggested that General Gage demanded the Towns Stocks of Powder ; this certainly he did not ; the above order speaks for itself. As I would not have delivered the Provincial poAvder to any7 one but to his Excellency or order, so the Towns- Stocks I Avould have delivered to none but to the selectmen or their order. Upon the whole, the threatenings I haAre met with, my7 banish ment from my OAvn home, the place of my7 nativity, my house being searched, though I am informed it Avas Avithout damage, and the sense of the people touching my conduct &c. cannot but be grievous, y7et this grief is much lessened by the pleasure aris ing in my mind from a consciousness that I am a friend to my country ; and, in the above instances, that I really acted accord ing to my best judgment for its true interest. I am extremely sorry for what has taken place ; I hope I may be forgiven, and desire it of all that are offended, since I acted from an honest, friendly principle, though it might be a mistaken one. " W. Brattle." The Governor haviug dissolved the House of Representatives in June, writs were issued for the election of a neAV House, to assemble at Salem on tbe 5th of October. Meantime, the Coun cil elected by the former House had been superseded by the Mandamus Council. Having already compelled the resignation CIVIL HISTORY. 159 of some members of this new council, and knowing that many others had resigned or declined to accept the office, the inhabi tants of Cambridge utterly refused to recognize the official au thority of that obnoxious body, and, like most of the toAvns in the province, instructed their Representatives, Oct. 3, 1774, to join only Avith the Council Avhich had been duly elected by the General Court: "To Capt. Thomas Gardner and the HonbIe John Winthrop Esq. Gentlemen, As you are noAV chosen to represent this town in General Assembly7, to meet at Salem the 5th of this instant October, y7ou are instructed and empowered to join Avith the Honb,e his Majesty's Council who were chosen by both Houses legally assembled in May last, and Avere ap proved, and are the only constitutional Council in this Province to act with them as an House of Representatives, or to act with the Delegates that are or may be chosen by the several towns in this Province, to form a Provincial Congress : to meet with them from time to time, and at such time and place as by them, or either of them, shall be agreed upon ; to consult and determine (in either capacity) upon such matters and things as may come before you, and in such a manner as to you may seem most con ducive to the real interest of this toAvn and province, and most proper to deliver ourselves and all America from the iron jaAvs of slavery." 1 A firm resolution to maintain their position at all hazards, and to resist arbitrary authority7 even unto blood, is in dicated by A'otes adopted at the same town meeting, empowering the Selectmen to procure a carriage for the cannon belonging to the town, to purchase another cannon, and to furnish powder and balls for both ; also to draw money from the treasury for the payment of drummers and fifers, for the instruction of fifers, the purchase of fifes, and the refreshment of soldiers, till further or der. At a subsequent meeting, Nov. 28, 1774, it is recorded that, " whereas the Provincial Congress did, on the 28th day of October last, resolve and appoint Henry7 Gardner Esq. of StOAV to be Receiver General of this Province, for reasons most obvi ous," etc., the collectors of taxes were directed and required to pay the province taxes' to said Gardner, and the town agreed to indemnify them ; " and if any person or persons shall refuse to comply with the true and obvious spirit and design of the said resolve and this vote, this town will consider them as operating 1 The Governor dissolved this new days afterwards, having resolved them- House of Representatives before the day selves into a Provincial Congress, ad- appointed for meeting. The members met, journed to Concord, where sessions were however, on the 5th of October, and two held during the next two months. 160 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Avith the enemies of the rights and liberties of this injured and oppressed people." A few months later, the Revolutionary War commenced, and Cambridge became the head-quarters of the American army. Of the share borne by the inhabitants of the town in the military struggle Avhich continued nearly eight years, a brief sketch will be given in another place. The record of civil proceedings of the town, during that period, is meagre ; a feAv facts, however, may be gleaned. For many years after the commencement of resistance to the arbitrary measures of the ministry and of Parliament, kyalty to the King, or to the crown was professed. At length, absolute independence appeared to be the only safe and effectual solution of the difficulty. The Continental Congress, before adopting and proclaiming a Declaration of Independence, naturally desired to know whether the people would abide by it, and sought advice from the several colonies. This question was referred to each town by the General Court of Massachusetts. At a town meet ing in Cambridge, May 27, 1776, it was " unanimously voted, that Avhereas in the late House of Representatives of this colony, 10 May 1776, it was resolved, as the opinion of that House, that the inhabitants of each town in this Colony ought, in full town-meet ing warned for that purpose, to advise the person or persons who shall be chosen to represent them in the next General Court, Avhether that, if the honorable Congress should, for the safety of the said Colonies, declare them independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, they the said inhabitants will solemnly engage Avith their lives and fortunes to support them in the measure, — We the inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, in full town-meet ing assembled and Avarned for the purpose abovesaid, do solemnly engage with our lives and fortunes to support them in the meas ure." Most faithfully did they redeem their pledge. The inhabitants of Cambridge suffered the various privations and inconveniences incident to warfare, from Avhich they sought relief in a quiet and peaceable manner. On the 18th of Septem ber, 1776, Edward Marrett, by direction of the town, petitioned the General Court that the hospital at SeAvall's Point in Brook line might no longer be used for the treatment of small-pox, as coasters Avere fearful of passing up the river with fuel ; and so much wood in Cambridge and tbe vicinity had been destroyed by the army7, that the inhabitants and students could obtain none ex cept at exorbitant prices. The Court ordered " that the barracks CIVIL HISTORY. 161 standing within the fort at Sewall's Point be not used for a hos pital, and that they be kept clear of infection. " J August 14, 1777, the General Court granted a parcel of nails (" 3300 double tens ") to a Committee, for repairing the jail at Cambridge, the Committee not being able to obtain them elsewhere, — the said nails to be paid for by the town.2 September 10, 1777. " The petition of the selectmen of the town of Cambridge, in behalf of themselves and the inhabitants of said town, humbly sheweth, — That Avhereas the inhabitants of said toAvn are in great necessity of the article of salt, and it not being in their power to procure the same at any price or to make the same, our avooc! being at so high a price as tweh7e dollars a cord, and as we understand the State have supplied most of the towns Avithin the same Avith some considerable quantity of the article, and are still in posses sion of a quantity of the same, and therefore pray that Ave may be supplied Avith such a quantity as your honors in your wisdom may see fit," etc.3 Sept. 24, 1777. " On the petition of Isaac Bradish , under-keeper of the gaol in Cambridge, setting forth that he hath in custody7 a number of Scotch and Hessian prisoners, (23 in all,) and is unable to procure bread-corn sufficient for their sustenance, and therefore praying he may be allowed to draAV bread-corn out of the public stores for the support of said pris oners : — Resolved, that the Board of War be, and they hereby are directed to supply the said Bradish Avith eight barrels of flour for the purpose above mentioned ; he the said Bradish paying for the same." i It has already been stated that Cambridge instructed its Rep resentatives, October 3, 1774, not to recognize the Mandamus Council, so called, but to join Avith the Council elected in the previous May, under the provisions of the Charter, or, if this were impracticable, " to act with the Delegates that are or may be chosen by the several toAvns in this Province to form a Provincial Congress." Such a Congress was formed, and Avas succeeded by- others, whose resolves and recommendations, by general consent, had the force of law, — administered chiefly by committees and other officers elected by toAvns. After the commencement of hostilities, advice was requested of the Continental Congress, re specting a more regular form of government. On the 9th of June, 1775, that Congress " Resolved, That no obedience being due to the act of parliament for altering the Charter of the colony 1 Mass. Rec, xxxv. 287. s Ibid., clxxxiii. 134. 2 Mass. Arch., ccxv. 46. * Printed Journal, Ho. Rep. 11 162 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of Massachusetts Bay, nor to a governor and lieutenant-governor who Avill not observe the directions of, but endeavor to subvert, that charter ; the governor and lieutenant-governor are to be con sidered as absent, and their offices vacant. And as there is no council there, and the inconveniences arising from the suspension of the powers of government are intolerable, especially at a time when General Gage hath actually levied war, and is carrying on hostilities against his majesty's peaceful and loy7al subjects of that colony ; that in order to conform, as near as may be, to the spirit and substance of the charter, it be recommended to the Provincial Congress to write letters to the inhabitants of the several places which are entitled to representation in assembly, requesting them to choose such representatives ; and that the assembly, when chosen, should elect counsellors ; which assembly and council should exercise the powers of government, until a governor of his majesty's appointment will consent to govern the colony7 accord ing to the charter." 1 This advice Avas accepted, and a General Court was duly organized. Not many months later, Governor Gage fled from the colony, independence was declared, and sub jection to British authority and law was utterly renounced. Some new form of government, suitable to a free and independ ent people, was desired ; and the General Court proposed to frame a constitution. The people of Cambridge manifested their disapprobation of this method, and at a town-meeting, June 16, 1777, "Voted, That the Representative of this toAvn be and hereby is instructed not to agree to any attempt that may be made at present to form a new constitution for this State by the General Court, or any other body of men whatever, but to op pose any such attempt with all his influence." And Avhen the General Court, " acting as a Convention," agreed upon such a Constitution, Feb. 28, 1778, and submitted it to the people for approval, it was unanimously rejected by the inhabitants of Cam bridge. At a town meeting, May 25, 1778, " The plan of a con stitution and form of Government for the State of the Massachu setts Bay, as proposed by the Convention, Avas read and fully debated on ; the number of voters present was seventy-nine, all of them being freemen more than twenty-one years of age, and neither 'a negro, indian, or molatto,' among them ; the question was determined by yeas and nays, Avhen there appeared for the proposed form, none : and against it, seventy-nine." This con stitution was rejected by a large majority of the voters in the Coramomvealth. 1 Journals of each Provincial Congress, 359. CIVIL HISTORY. 163 On the first day of September, 1779, a Convention of Dele gates, elected for that special purpose, assembled at Cambridge,1 and continued in session by successive adjournments until March 2, 1780. As a result of its labors, it submitted a " Constitution or Frame of Government," which Avas accepted by the people, and remained in force, Avithout alteration, for the next forty years. The action of Cambridge indicates a watchful regard for popular rights, and at the same time a commendable disposition to yield individual preferences for the sake of having some estab lished government: At a town meeting, May 22, 1780, "Voted, unanimously, in favor of the Declaration of the Bill of Rights in the new frame of government Forty-three voted to adopt said frame of government, and with the following amendments, (two against it). By way of instructions to our Delegate for Convention : — We therefore instruct y7ou to use your endeavors to procure an erasement of the clause in the 4th Article of the 1st Section of the l3t Chapter of the Constitution, empowering the General Court to impose and levy duties and excises upon any produce, goods, wares, merchandize, and commodities whatever, brought into, produced, manufactured, or being, Avithin the Com- monAvealth ; because we conceive such a power to be oppressive and dangerous to the subjects of the State. It is oppressive, as employing a great number of persons to collect the revenue, who will swallow up a considerable part of it, and who will have the most favorable opportunities to carry on iniquitous [practices] without being detected. It is likeAvise oppressive, as the money is raised upon the consumers, and instead of being a tax upon trade, much more considerable sums of money are taken from our consumers and thrown into the hands of the sellers than would otherwise be transferred, because the sellers will put their ad vance upon the money they pay as excise, in addition to the advance upon the articles of sale. It is also oppressive, as the officers must necessarily be trusted with a right to make a forcible entry into the most retired apartments ; for if they haA-e not this power, the widest door will be open for perjury7. It is dan gerous to the liberty of the subjects, as the government would of course be trusted Avith unknown sums of money, and sums Avhich from their own nature must be uncertain, and by means of this money they may secure such influence as may subvert the liberty 1 The sessions were held at Cambridge, delegates from Cambridge were Abraham Sept. 1-7, and Oct. 28 to Nov. 11; at Watson, Esq., Mr. Benjamin Cooper, and Boston from Jan. 5 to March 2. The Capt. Stephen Dana. 164 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. we have purchased at so clear a rate. You are also instructed to obtain an insertion of a clause in the 2a article of the 6th chap ter of the Constitution, whereby settled Teachers of morality, &c, and all persons Avhatever who do not pay taxes shall be excluded from a seat in the House of RepresentatiA'es ; because those per sons who bear no part of the public burden can not be such com petent judges of the ability of the people to pay taxes, as those Avho support their part. And as to the exclusion of settled Teachers of morality, &c, let it suffice to say that we think them very important officers in the State, and that the community must suffer much from having so great a number employed in services so distinct from their particular offices as undoubtedly will be, provided the insertion be not made. At the same time,. we are not unwilling that gentlemen of this order, of shining abili ties, should be introduced into superior departments by the suf frages of the people at large. " However, Ave do not mean to be so strenuous in our objections as to decline receiving the whole as it stands, provided in the opinion of the Convention the amendments ought not to be made. Accordingly, we, being Avilling to give up our own opinion in lesser matters, in order to obtain a government whose authority may not be disputed, and which Ave Avish may soon be established, do instruct and direct you in our name and behalf, to ratify and confirm the proposed form, whether the amendments be made or not." Soon after the adoption of the Constitution, uneasiness began to be manifested in A-arious portions of the CommonAvealth, fol lowed by more or less tumultuary assemblages of the people, cul minating, in 1786, in armed resistance to the government. From the name of a prominent leader, this has been called the " Shays Rebellion," Avhich at one time assumed a formidable aspect. The wide-spread disaffection Avhich prevailed was not Avithout cause. " A heavy debt lying on the State, added to burdens of the same nature, upon almost every incorporation within it ; a relaxation of manners, and a free use of foreign luxuries ; a decay of trade and manufactures, with a prevailing scarcity of money ; and, above all, individuals involved in debt to each other, are evils which leave us under no necessity of searching further for the reasons of the insurrections which took place." - The nature of the complaints made, by the insurgents, under the name of " grievances," may be gathered from the printed proceedings of 1 Minot's Hist. Insurrections, 27, 28. CIVIL HISTORY. 165 a convention at Hatfield, Aug. 22, 1786, declaring the following to be some of the "grievances and unnecessary burdens now lying upon the people : — The existence of the Senate ; the present mode of representation ; the officers of government not being annually dependent on the representatives of the peo ple, in General Court assembled, for their salaries ; all the civil officers of government not being annually elected by the repre sentatives of the people, in General Court assembled ; the exist ence of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace ; the Fee table as it now stands ; the present mode of ap propriating the impost and excise ; the unreasonable grants made to some of the officers of government ; the supplementary aid ; the present mode of paying the government securities ; the present mode adopted for the payment and speedy collection of the last tax ; the present mode of taxation, as it operates unequally between the polls and estates, and betAveen landed and mercantile interests; the present method of practice of the attornies at law ; the Avant of a sufficient medium of trade, to remedy the mischiefs arising from the scarcity of money ; the General Court sitting in the town of Boston ; the present embarrassments on the press ; the neglect of the settlement of important matters depending between the Commonwealth and Congress, relating to monies and averages." " It is scarcely possible for a government to be more imperfect, or Avorse administered, than that of Massachusetts is here repre sented to be. Essential branches of the legislative and judicial departments Avere said to be grievous ; material proceedings upon national concerns erroneous ; obvious measures for paying the debt blindly overlooked ; public monies misappropriated ; and the con stitution itself intolerably7 defective." - " The immediate remedies proposed by this convention were, the issue of paper money Avhich should be made * a legal tender in all payments, equal to silver and gold ; ' a revision of the Constitution ; and a session of the General Court forthwith, for the redress of the 'griev ances ' complained of." 2 The first notice of this civil commotion found on the town records is under date of July 24, 1786 : — " A letter to the Selectmen of Cambridge, and signed by John Nutting, purporting to be Avritten by desire of a meeting of com mittees from the towns of Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, and Ashby, and requesting our concurrence in a County Conven tion to be held at Concord on the 23d of August next, in order to consult upon matters of public grievances, and find out means 1 Minot's Hist. Insurrections, 34-37. 2 Ibid., 35. 166 HISTORF OF CAMBRIDGE. of redress, having been read, it Avas Voted, that the Selectmen be desired to answer said letter, and express the attachment of this town to the present constitution and administration of gov ernment, and also to express our aversion to use any irregular means for compassing an end which the constitution has already provided for, as we know of no grievances the present system of government is inadequate to redress. Voted, that the above mentioned letter, signed by John Nutting and directed to the Selectmen of this town, be printed, together Avith their answer, and that the Selectmen cause the same to be done." The letter and reply Avere accordingly7 printed in the " Boston Independent Chronicle," July 27, 1786, as folloAvs : — " To the Selectmen of Cambridge. Gentlemen, We, the com mittees chose by the several towns hereafter mentioned, viz. Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, and Ashby, met at Gro ton the 29th day of June, 1786, to consult upon matters of public grievances ; and after appointing a chairman for that day, it was thought best to notify all the towns in this county to meet by their committees, at the house of Capt. BroAvn, innholder in Con cord, on the 23d day of August next, to consult upon matters of public grievances and embarrassments that the people of this Commonwealth labor under, and to find out means of redress, &c. By order of the committee : John Nutting, Chairman. Groton, July 19. 1786. N. B. It is expected that a committee from the Convention that is to set in Worcester County, the 15th of Au gust, Avill attend." " To Capt. John Nutting, Pepperell, &c, &c. Cambridge, , 24th July, 1786. Sir, Your letter, dated June 29, 1786, desiring the concurrence of this toAvn in a proposed Convention, for the re dress of grievances, Ave have receiA7ed and laid before the inhab itants at a meeting. Agreeably to their request, we shall give you their sentiments on the subject. The government under which we live, the government which Ave have expended much blood and treasure to establish, we conceive to be founded on the most free principles Avhich are consistent Avith the being of any government at all. The constitution has provided for the annual choice of every branch of the Legislature, and that the people in the several toAvns may assemble to deliberate on public grievances, and to instruct their Representatives. By annual elec tions there are frequent opportunities to change the Representa tives, if their conduct is disapproved. Of Avhat use then a Conven tion can be, without authority to call for information, and without CIVIL HISTORY. 167 power to inforce their regulations, is to us inconceivable. If any man in a town is more deserving of confidence than the rest, he should be chosen Representative ; but to forbear sending consti tutional Representatives, and to send unconstitutional ones, is Avrong as well as trifling. It is trifling, because they can do us no good ; and it is wrong, not only because it is putting the peo ple to needless expense, but because the constitution, by provid ing a mode in which the business shall be done, by a. very strong implication forbids its being done in any other way. The only case then in which we think Comven tions justifiable, is where the legislative or execute powers of the State have been evidently and notoriously applied to unconstitutional purposes, and no con stitutional means of redress remains. We have yet heard of no such abuse of power ; and no grie\-ances to be redressed being specified in your letter, a proposition of this kind seems wholly unjustifiable. We accordingly, in the name of the town, assure you, not only of our aA7ersion to joining in this measure, but of our perfect attachment and firm adherence to the present excel lent constitution and administration of government. It is in our estimation the peculiar happiness of this people to live under a mild and equitable administration, in which the penal laws are few and well executed. We therefore shall use our utmost endeavors to prevent the operations of government from being obstructed to gratify the restless disposition, or to promote the sinister views, of any7 designing party. By order and in behalf of the Selectmen, William Winthrop, Chairman." When the Constitution of the United States was submitted to the several States, in 1788, for adoption, although it narrowly escaped rejection, being violently opposed by those Avho had re cently manifested disaffection towards the State government, and by others who imagined that it involved an improper surrender of State rights, the voice of Cambridge was given in its favor by her two delegates, Hon. Francis Dana and Stephen Dana, Esq. Of the inhabitants of Cambridge, a great majority Avere true " sons of liberty." Yet there Avere a few, chiefly office-holders, or citizens of the more wealthy and aristocratic class, Avho ad hered to the British government. Some of this number made their peace and remained unmolested ; others retired to Boston, on the commencement of hostilities, and subsequently found ref uge in the British Provinces or in England. So many of this class resided on Brattle Street, that it Avas sometimes denominated 168 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " Tory Row; " indeed they owned and occupied almost every es tate bordering on that street, between Brattle Square and Mount Auburn. General William Brattle,1 Col. John Vassall,2 Penel ope Vassall, Avidow of Col. Henry Vassall,3 Richard Lechmere4 (succeeded by Jonathan Sewall, June 10, 1771), Judge Joseph Lee,5 Capt. George Ruggles6 (succeeded by Thomas Fayer- Aveather, Oct. 31, 1774), and Lieut.-gov. Thomas Oliver,7 owned and resided on contiguous estates ; and their families composed a select social circle, to Avhich few others were admitted. Promi nent among those few were Judge Samuel Danforth,8 John Borland,9 and Col. DaA'id Phips.10 Of this circle of friends Madame Riedesel speaks in her Letters. Her husband Avas a General, captured with Burgoyne's Army7, and Avas quartered in the Lechmere House, at the corner of Brattle and Sparks streets. She says, — " Never had I chanced upon such an agreeable situa tion. Seven families,11 Avho Avere connected with each other, partly by the ties of relationship and partly by affection, had here farms, gardens, and magnificent houses, and not far off planta tions of fruit. The oAvners of these Avere in the habit of daily meeting each other in the afternoons, now at the house of one, and now at another, and making themselves merry Avith music 1 House, next westerly from the " Uni- All these houses remain in good con- versity Press." dition, though erected more than a hun- 2 House, afterwards Washington's dred years ago; but the "farms" have Headquarters, now the homestead of been divided into smaller estates. Prof. Henry W. Longfellow, and famous 8 House, on the easterly side of Dun- both as the teut of Mars and as tbe fa- ster Street, about midway between Har- vorite haunt of the Muses. vard and Mount Auburn streets. 3 House nearly opposite to the Head- 9 House, fronting Harvard Street, bc- quarters, now the homestead of the ven- tween Plympton and Linden streets : erable Samuel Batchelder. long the residence of Dr. SylvanusPlymp- * House, corner of Brattle and Sparks ton and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Manning. streets, now the homestead of John i> House, on Arrow Street, near Bow Brewster. Street ; for many years the residence of 5 House, comer of Brattle and Apple- AVilliam Winthrop. ton streets, now the homestead of George ~~ "Mrs. Oliver was sister to A7assall; Nichols. and Mrs. Vassall was sister to Oliver. B House, corner Brattle and Fayer- The deceased father of Vassall and Mrs. weather Streets, long the homestead of Oliver was brother to Mrs. Ruggles, to the late AVilliam "Wells. Mrs. Borland, and to the deceased husband 7 House, Elmwood Avenue, the home- of the widow Vassall ; and tbe deceased stead successively of Vice-president El- mother of Vassall and Mrs. Oliver was bridge Gerry, Rev. Charles Lowell, and sister to Col. Phips, to Mrs. Lechmere, his son Prof. James Russell Lowell,— and to Mrs. Lee. The widow Vassall each, in his respective sphere of politics, was also aunt to Mr. Oliver and to John theology, and poetry, more illustrious Vassall's wife. than the original occupant. CIVIL HISTORY. 169 and the dance — living in prosperity, united and happy, until, alas ! this ruinous Avar severed them, and left all their houses des olate, except two, the proprietors of which Avere also soon obliged to flee." - Of the loyalists before named, Judge Danforth retired soon after the outbreak in Sept., 1774, to the house of his son in Bos ton, where he died Oct. 27, 1777, aged about 81. Judge Lee is said to have dwelt in Boston during the siege, after Avhich he re turned to his estate, which he enjoyed unmolested until his death Dec. 5, 1802, at the age of 93. Capt. Ruggles sold his estate, Oct. 31, 1774, to Thomas Fayerweather, and removed from Cam bridge ; his subsequent histoiy is unknOAvn to me. All the others were regarded as enemies to the movement in behalf of liberty ; they became " absentees," and their estates, together with the estates of Ralph Inman, Esq.2 and Edward Stow, a mariner,3 were seized for the public use, and Avere leased by the Committee of Correspondence. Their account current Avith said estates for the year 1776 is preserved in a manuscript now in my possession. I copy a specimen : — " Dr. The estate of Thomas Oliver Esq. late of Cambridge, Absentee, to the Committee of Correspondence of the town, for the year 1776. For taking into possession and leasing out said estate, the sum of £2. Also for supporting a negro man belonging to said estate, £3. 12 For collecting the. personal estate, £3. Cr. By cash received as rent, £69." Similar charges are made for services, and credits given for rent, in regard to the estates of John Borland, Esq., deceased, £27 rent;4 Richard Lechmere, Esq., ,£36 rent, and £6 for avooc! and brush Avhich Avas taken off said estate ; 5 Jonathan Sewall, Esq., £26 13 4;6 John Vassall, Esq., £100 ; Widow Penelope Vassall, £15 ; William Brattle, Esq., £29 ; Ralph Inman, Esq., 1 Letters, Munsell's Ed., 1867, p. 140. 5 This property was three fifths of the 2 House on Inman Street, opposite to "Phips Earm," in Ward Three, or East the head of Austin Street. Cambridge, of which one fifth was inlier- 8 Resided ou the south side of the ited by Lechmere in the right of bis wife, river; described as of Boston, 1778, in and the other two fifths had been pur- the Proscription Act. chased from Col. Phips and the Vassall 1 Borland died in Boston, June 5,1775, heirs. aged 47. " His death was occasioned by 6 The estate formerly owned by Lech- the sudden breaking of a ladder, on which mere, at the corner of Brattle and Sparks he stood, leading from the garret floor to streets. the top of his bouse." — N. E. Chronicle. 170 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. £40; Edward Stow, £10; David Phips, Esq., £40. Five of these estates Avere subsequently confiscated and sold by the Com monwealth ; the estates of Lechmere (144 acres) and Oliver (96 acres), to Andrew Cabot, Esq., of Salem, Nov. 24, 1779 ; the estate of SeAvall (44 acres) to Thomas Lee of Pomfret, Conn., Dec. 7, 1779 ; 1 the estate of Phips (50 acres) to Isaiah Doane of Boston, May 25, 1781 ; and the estate of Vassall (116 acres) to Na thaniel Tracy, Esq., of Newburyport, June 28, 1781. Inman re turned soon, and his estate Avas restored to him. The heirs of Borland and the Avidow Vassall succeeded to the OAvnership of their estates in Cambridge ; but se\-eral houses and stores in Boston, formerly belonging to Borland, Avere advertised by the agents of the CommoiiAvealth to be leased at auction, March 1, 1780. Gen eral Brattle conveyed all his real estate in Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1774, to his only7 surviving son, Major Thomas Brattle, and died in Halifax, N. S., October, 1776. By the persevering efforts of Mrs. Katherine Wendell, the only surviving daughter of General Brattle, the estate was preserved from confiscation, and Avas re covered by Major Brattle after his return from Europe, — hav ing been proscribed in 1778, and having subsequently exhibited satisfactory evidence of his friendship to his country and its po litical independence. Besides the persons already named, there were a few other loyalists, or tories, in Cambridge, but not hold ing such a prominent position : John Nutting, carpenter, Avas proscribed in 1778 ; Antill Gallop, a deputy sheriff, who had promised conformity in September, 1774, is' said by Sabine2 to have gone with the British troops to Halifax, in 1776; also George Inman (H. C. 1772, died 1789) and John Inman, sons of Ralph Inman, Esq. After the close of the Avar, it Avas proposed to permit the pro scribed loyalists to return, — not indeed to share in the adminis tration of the government, but to reclaim their confiscated estates. This proposition did not meet the approval of the inhabitants of Cambridge. At a toAvn meeting, May7 5, 1783, instructions to their representative, reported by a committee consisting of James Winthrop, Samuel Thatcher, and Abraham Watson, Esquires, Avere unanimously adopted : — " Sir, The choice that this town has made of you, to represent 1 Sometimes called "English Thomas," generosity to the poor. He died May 26, to distinguish him from another Thomas 1797, in the 60th year of his age. Lee, his nearest neighbor. He was a rich 2 American Loyalists, pp. 308, 381. merchant, honored and beloved for his CIVIL HISTORY. 171 us in the General Court sufficiently proves the confidence we place in your integrity and abilities : and though Ave have no doubt of your attachment to the interest of the town and the Avelfare of the commonwealth, yet we think it expedient, in the present situation of affairs, to express our sentiments to you for the regulation of your conduct, that you may be enabled to act decisively and with vigor, Avhenever you shall be called upon to give your voice in the General Court upon the following subjects. " The long and severe conflict which the United States have maintained with the King of Great Britain and his auxiliaries is now brought to a conclusion by a treaty in which our independ ence is fully recognized. But Avhile with pleasure we anticipate the blessings of peace, it gives us no small uneasiness to observe an article in the treaty, which, in its consequences, may lessen the value and shorten the duration of it. The Congress are there bound earnestly to recommend it to the different States to provide for the restitution of the property of the absentees ; and that they may return to America, and remain there twelve months in endeavoring to regain possession of their lost estates. This article, if the States should comply Avith it, will, we appre hend, be productive of as great if not greater calamities than any Ave have yet experienced. It is, however, some consolation, that the final ratification of that article depends upon the voice of the people, through the medium of their Representatives. Their conduct, upon this occasion, will determine Avhether it is to be a lasting peace or only a temporary cessation of hostilities. Whether Great Britain had the light they claimed of making laws binding on the then Colonies in all cases whatsoever, was a question that for a long time Avas fully discussed in numberless publications, previous to the connection being dissolved between that country and these States. By this means it was hardly pos sible there could be one person who had not considered the sub ject with attention, and was not prepared to give his voice on the question. At length the time arrived, Avhen it became nec essary to decide it by the sword. Then it became the duty of every man to declare his sentiments, and to make his conduct conform to his declarations. Happily for us, by far the greater part determined never to submit to the exercise of so unreason able a claim ; and in support of their determination have reso lutely carried on a war, in which our enemies have practiced a degree of cruelty and destruction that has scarcely been equalled among civilized nations. A few, however, attentive to their own 172 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. emolument, or influenced by some other cause not more justifia ble, abandoned their country, and sought for protection under the forces Avhich invaded it, and Avith them united their efforts to subjugate their fellow-citizens, and in many instances haA-e dis tinguished themselves by their cruelties and barbarities. Having thus taken their side of the question, they ought surely to abide the consequence. It is hardly conceivable that persons, who have discoA'ered such an enmity to their country, and Avho have exerted every effort to overturn our government, Avill ever make peaceable subjects of it. Without spending time to particularize every objection that may be offered against the return of those persons Avho are described by the laws of this Commonwealth as Conspirators and Absentees, and being convinced as Ave trust you are, of the dangerous consequences that will attend the admitting them again to reside among us, — Ave instruct you to use your influence and endeaArors, by all proper means to prevent any per sons of the foregoing description from ever returning, or regain ing their justly forfeited estates : and if any such persons have already crept in, that the most speedy7 and effectual measures may be adopted for their removal." CHAPTER XII. CIVIL HISTORY. For more than a century and a half after the settlement of Cambridge, with slight exceptions, that part of the toAvn lying eastwardly from Quincy7 and Bow streets, generally denominated the " Neck," consisted of woodland, pasturage, swamps, and salt marsh. In chapter ii. an account is given of the first division of land on the northerly7 side of Main Street, into small lots in " the old field " and "small lot hill," and larger lots, varying in size from six to one hundred aud thirty acres. Gradually these lots passed into fewer hands, until at length the larger portion of the whole Avas embraced in three and subsequently7 four farms. , The " old field " early became the property of Edward Goffe l and John Gay ; by sundry conveyances the larger portion became vested in Chief Justice Francis Dana, Avho subsequently7 pur chased the Avhole tract formerly called " small lot hill " (except, perhaps, a few acres in the northeasterly corner), and several other lots of land on both sides of the highway now called Main Street. Judge Dana erected a spacious mansion on the westerly side of " the highway to the common pales,"2 hoav called Dana Street, about midAvay between Main and Centre streets, Avhich house Avas destroyed by7 fire Jan. 19, 1839. The Judge fully appreciated the beauty of the scenery visible from his residence, as is manifest from his care to preA'ent any obstruction to the view in one particular direction ; in an agreement with Leonard Jarvis, concerning an exchange of lands, Jan. 3, 1797, it was stipulated that said Jarvis should " forever hereafter keep open the way 3 of forty7 feet wide, lately laid out by the said Jarvis over and across Pelham's Island (so called) to the canal cut by him through his marsh, for the mutual benefit of both parties 1 He erected a house a few rods east- spot, is said to have been taken down in wardly from the junction of Main and 1774. Bow streets. A very old house, perhaps - The highway which separated the the original structure, standing on this " old field" from " small lot hill." 3 Now called Front Street. 174 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. their heirs and assigns, .... so as to leave open an uninter rupted vieAV from the said Dana's present dAvelling-house of such part of Cambridge Bay and of Boston as may fall in the course of the same way, so far as the said Jarvis's land, lately Inman's, extends." Judge Dana also OAvned much land on the southerly side of Main Street, both marsh and upland, including the " Soden Farm," so called, bounded northerly on Main Street and easterly on Pleasant Street, and a large tract, bounded northerly on Main Street and westerly on Putnam Avenue. His estate bordered on the southerly7 side of Main Street, from Putnam Avenue to Bay Street, from Vernon Street to Pearl Street ; and from Brook line Street to Front Street ; also on the northerly side of Main Street, from a point about two hundred feet westerly from Rem ington Street to a point about midway between Hancock and Lee streets. The Judge had therefore a strong personal interest in the improvement of this part of the toAvn. Of the large lots lying eastwardly from "small lot hill," the first two were owned by Governor Thomas Dudley and his son Samuel Dudley7. When Dudley left Cambridge his real estate Avas purchased by Roger Harlakenden, Avho died in 1638, and his widoAV married Herbert Pelham. In 1642, Pelham appears to havre owned the above mentioned lots, together with the next tAVO, formerly owned by Richard Goodman and William West- Avood ; the whole containing 118 acres,1 and extending from Main Street to Somerville line. Pelham also became the owner of the real estate of Simon Bradstreet, one portion of which was a lot of upland and marsh, long knoAvn as " Pelham's Island ; " its boundaries very nearly coincided Avith Columbia Street on the west, School Street on the north, and Moore Street on the east ; the east and west lines being extended across Main Street, be yond Goffe's Cove, so far as to embrace sixty acres in the whole lot. These tAvo large lots passed, by several conveyances, to Ralph Inman, who became the owner in 1756 ; his executor con- A7ey7ed the same to Leonard Jarvis, Aug. 21, 1792, except ten acres, south of Goffe's Cove, previously sold to Judge Dana. Subsequently Jarvis purchased the land between these two lots, extending from Norfolk Street to Columbia Street, and northerly from one hundred to two hundred feet beyond Austin Street ; so that he then owned all the land bordering on the northerly side of Main Street from the point about midway between Hancock 1 After 1719, "Mr. Pelham's great lot" is generally described as containing 104 acres. CIVIL HISTORY. 175 and Lee streets to Moore Street, and about fifty acres on the southerly side of Main Street, easterly from its junction with Front Street. The lot of Atherton Hough (or Haugh) "in Graves his neck," containing 130 acres in 1635, and embracing all the upland in East Cambridge, was enlarged, by the addition of the lots origi nally assigned to John Talcott, Matthew Allen, and Mrs. Mussey, before 1642, when it Avas described as containing 267 acres. Sub sequently the 63 acre lot of Governor Haynes was added, and Avben the estate Avas purchased, Aug. 15, 1706, by Spencer Phips (afterwards Lieu t.-govern or), it was said to contain "300 acres more or less ; " but it actually contained 326 acres, when meas ured for division after his decease. In his inventory, this tract is called two farms, with a house and barn on each. The whole Avas bounded on the west by a line commencing at a point thirty feet south of School Street, and about one hundred feet east of Co lumbia Street, and thence running northerly, nearly parallel with Columbia Street to Somerville ; on the north by Somerville and Miller's River ; on the east by Charles River ; on the south by School Street, from the point of beginning, to Moore Street, then on the east by a straight line extended to a point about fifty feet south of Plymouth Street, and about one hun dred and fifty feet west of Portland Street ; then turning at a right angle, the boundary line extended in the direction of the Great Dam, which is still visible, to Charles River, crossing Third Street near its intersection Avith Munroe Street. (Seethe Plan.) This estate was divided in 1759 between the children and grand children of Lieut.-gov. Phips, namely, Col. David Phips ; Sarah, wife of Andrew Bordman ; Mary, Avife of Richard Lechmere ; Rebecca, wife of Judge Joseph Lee ; and the children of Eliza beth, the deceased wife of Col. John Vassall. Lechmere soon afterwards purchased the shares of Col. Phips and the Vassall heirs, and became the owner of all tbe upland and a large por tion of the marsh in East Cambridge, Avhich was confiscated by the State and sold to Andrew Cabot, of Salem, Nov. 24, 1779. Judge Lee had the northwesterly portion of the " Phips' Farm," and Andrew Bordman had the southwesterly portion, extending from School Street to a point nine feet northerly from the inter section of the easterly lines of Windsor Street and Webster Avenue, and bounded south on the Jarvis estate, west on the Jarvis, Wyeth, and Foxcroft estates, and extending so far east as to include somewhat more than thirteen acres of marsh on the easterly side of North Canal. 176 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Such Avas the unimproved condition of the easterly and now most populous section of Cambridge, before West Boston Bridge was opened for public travel, Nov. 23, 1793. At that time, Rev. Dr. Holmes says : - " Below the seat of the late Chief Justice Dana, there Avere but four dwelling-houses ; one on the Inman place,2 now belonging to Jonathan L. Austin, Esq.; one3 nearly opposite, on a farm of Judge Dana, formerly the Soden farm, south of the main road ; one on the Phips' farm, lately owned by Mr. Andrew Bordman ; i and one at Lechmere's Point." 5 A new impulse towards improvement manifested itself immediately after the opening of the bridge. Building lots for houses and stores Avere laid out by Jarvis and Dana, Avhich were soon occupied. Dr. -Holmes further says that, during the month next after the opening of the bridge, "a store6 was erected and opened near the Avest end of the causeway "' by Messrs. Vose & Makepeace,8 1 "Memoir of Cambridgeport," ap pended to a sermon at the ordination of Rev. Thomas B. Gannett, Jan. 19, 1814. 2 On Inman Street, at the head of Austin Street. The mansion house, with a part of the farm, was purchased by the Austins when the Jarvis estate was sold in 1801. The house was removed in 1873 to the corner of Brookline and Auburn streets. 3 This farm-house stood until about 1840, on the westerly side of Pleasant Street, near its intersection with River Street. 4 Andrew Bordman, grandson of Lieut.-gov. Phips, inherited this estate on the death of his parents. The house stood on the northerly side of Plymouth Street, between AVebster Avenue and Berkshire Street, and was wantonly de stroyed about thirty years ago. 5 On the northerly side of Spring Street, between Third and Fourth streets ; it was demolished about the year 1820. 6 This store remains standing on the northerly side of Main Street, directly opposite to Osborn Street. ' The causeway extended from the river to the junction of Main and Eront streets, passing near the northerly side of Pelham's Island. s Among those who were actively en gaged in promoting the settlement of Cambridgeport, the name of Royal Make peace is very conspicuous. Born March 29, 1772, at the age of twenty-one years, or earlier, he left his native town (West ern, now Warren, Mass.), and came to Boston, in company with Robert Vose, his townsman, each having borrowed for that purpose the sum of twenty-five dol lars. After u short mercantile appren ticeship, they entered into partnership, and commenced business in Boston at the South End. Tbey soon afterwards re moved to Cambridgeport, where, as here tofore stated, tbey erected the first store after the completion of the bridge in 1793. In addition to their regular busi ness as grocers, they commenced buying and selling real estate. This partnership was dissolved in 1803, by the death of Mr. Vose. In the business of the store John Cook became a partner; but Rufus Davenport, a Boston merchant, was the principal associate of Mr. Makepeace in his subsequent transactions in real estate, in which it would seem that Mr. Daven port contributed the larger part of the cash capital, which was offset by the skill and judgment of Mr. Makepeace, who was the leading spirit in nearly all the schemes projected for public improvement. He also rendered faithful and useful services in various town offices, and as Represent ative in the General Court. After the ruin of his financial enterprises, he re moved to Baltimore, in 1832, to super intend the " Canton Company Improve- //VAfA*/ CO/W£X nasr ¦STAT/O/V. PLAN OFTHE F.AR M formerly belonging tolt (mSpencerPliips and assigned to Jus J] eirs in /7S9. CIVIL HISTORY. 177 which, after the opening of the great road, Avas the first framed building set up between Boston and Old Cambridge. The fol- loAving y7ear, a large house designed for a tavern - was built by- Leonard Jarvis, Esq., and soon after Avere erected six other houses and stores." - Of these six houses and stores, some may be iden tified Avith tolerable accuracy. Vose & Makepeace erected the dAvelling-house, Avhich remains standing on the westerly corner of Main and Osborn streets, opposite to their store, before Dec. 17, 1795. Jonathan Brooks erected a store between Cherry and Windsor Streets, on the northerly side of Main Street, before June 5, 1795. — perhaps the same building so long occupied by Eliphalet Davis, and now by his son Thomas M. Davis, for the manufacture of fancy soap. Scott & Hayden erected a store on the lot next westerly from the store-lot of Vose & Make peace, before 1800. Besides these, Stanton Parker erected a store and shed on the northerly side of Main Street, the precise loca tion not known, before Nov. 11, 1794. Asaph Harlow purchased a lot on the northerly side of Main Street, Jan. 15, 1798, most of which Avas used in 1873 for the construction of Portland Street ; and the house which he erected Avas then removed a few feet east wardly to the easterly corner of Portland and Main streets. Richard Thayer bought a lot, Sept. 1, 1802, and erected the house noAV standing on the westerly corner of Main and Portland streets. Next Avesterly from the Thayer estate was a lot, with a currier's shop thereon,3 which was sold by Daniel Mason to Ol iver Blake, Sept. 28, 1797. William Watson sold to Josiah and Phinehas B. Hovey a large lot, two hundred feet in width, on the westerly corner of Main and Brookline streets, Oct. 14, 1799, on which was A7ery soon erected the store which was occu pied more than half a century by the late Phinehas B. HoA-ey, who died April 17, 1852, and Avas succeeded by his son Josiah Dana Hovey, the present occupant. On the adjoining lot, at the easterly corner of Main and Pearl streets, a tavern was erected before April 10, 1802, and was then occupied by James Adams ; but the land was not sold, and it now remains in possession of the Watson family. Judge Dana sold the lots fronting on Main Street, between Pearl and Magazine streets, in Jan., 1800, and ments," so called, and died in a green Makepeace. It was destroyed by fire, old age, his eye not having lost its bril- Dec. 22, 1851. liancy, June 6, 1855. — See Makepeace - Ordination Sermon, ut sup. Genealogy, by AVilliam Makepeace. 8 This lot was described in the deed as 1 The tavern stood on the lot next being " a few rods east of Pelham's ea-twardly from the store of Vose & Island." 12 178 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. March, 1801. Arrangements were made for other improvements, by laying out, on paper at least, several streets. Moreover, Judge Dana and Mr. Jarvis, for the exclusion of salt Avater from their marsh lands lying south of Pelham's Island and east of Brookline Street, constructed before 1797 a substantial dike, which yet remains, on the outer side of Sidney and Auburn streets. In connection with this dike, Judge Dana opened the Canal which now extends from the head of Goffe's Cove to Brookline Street, about a hundred feet southerly from Auburn Street. Mr. Jarvis laid out Front Street, as far as to the bend near Village Street, and opened a canal from that point southerly to Goffe's Cove, before 1797. The prosperity of this incipient village early received a severe check. In less than five years after the bridge was opened, and before much had been accomplished in the Avork of reclaiming marshes and SAvamps, Mr. Jarvis became indebted to the United States in a large sum, and his real estate was seized by the gov ernment. In the subsequent conveyances of this estate by the United States Marshal, it is recited that, at a " Circuit Court for the District of Massachusetts," June 1, 1798, the United States ".obtained judgment against Leonard Jarvis of Cambridge, in said District, Esquire, for the sum of thirty-nine thousand six hun dred and ninety-two dollars and twenty-one cents, and fourteen dollars and tAventy cents costs of suit ; " and that an execution, issued July 6, 1798, was " levied on certain real estate situated in Cambridge aforesaid, . . . said estate being tAvo hundred and forty-five acres of land, more or less, consisting of upland and marsh, with sundry buildings," etc. From this time for nearly three years this estate was entirely withclraAvn from the market, including both sides of Main Street from Moore Street to Front Street, and extending on the northerly side to a point midway between Lee and Hancock streets. But Avhat at first seemed utterly disastrous, proved in the end to be beneficial. In Janu ary, 1801, this estate, having been divided into fifty-four lots, \-arying in size from a few thousand square feet to forty-seven acres1 was sold at public auction. "From this time," says Dr. Holmes, " commenced a rapid settlement. Several large stores were erected the next year, and soon after dwelling-houses In the space of about five years, upwards of a hundred families have settled on this spot ; and the number of inhabitants is esti- 1 Delineated on a plan drawn by Peter the Middlesex Registry of Deeds, Book Tufts, Jr., Aug. 22, 1800, and recorded in 164, p. 545. CIVIL HISTORY. 179 mated at more than one thousand." 1 The principal land-holders had not hitherto manifested a very strong desire to transfer their lands to neAV owners. Perhaps each waited for the others to sell, hoping to share the benefit of augmented prices without parting with their own property at a low rate. Mr. Watson sold very few lots before 1801; Judge Dana bought more than he sold; and Mr. Bordman seems not to have sold a single lot, or eA-en to have made preparation for sales by obtaining access to the Main Street. Indeed Judge Dana and Mr. Watson did not afterwards sell freely; but much the larger portion of their lands descended to their posterity. Mr. Bordman, on the contrary, in 1801, united with others in laying out Windsor Street ; giving all the land through his own estate, from School Street to Webster Avenue, and in the same year he sold that portion of his estate lying east of Windsor Street and south of Harvard Street, some what more than six acres, to Charles Clark and Daniel Mason, Avho immediately divided it into small lots and brought it into the market. Iu 1803, he laid out into building-lots all his lands west of Windsor Street and south of Harvard Street ; and in 1804 he sold all Avhich remained of his farm on the east side of Windsor Street, sixty7-five acres, to Rufus Davenport and Royal Makepeace, who offered it for sale in small lots, but Avere disap pointed in the result. Mr. Austin, who purchased the Jarvis Mansion-house, with forty- seven acres of land, laid out several lots on Main Street between Temple and Inman streets, and opened Austin Street through its whole length, with building- lots on both sides, in 1801 : he also sold a section east of Norfolk Street between Washington and Harvard Streets, to Davenport & Makepeace, who prepared it at once for the market. From this time there Avas no lack of accommodations for all comers ; the supply was fully equal to the demand. In addition to the efforts of individuals to increase the market value of their own lands, by means of dikes and streets, other improvements of a more public character Avere projected for the general advantage of the community. Expensive avenues into the country were constructed to attract travel and business. The " Cambridge and Concord Turnpike Corporation " was established March 8, 1803, with authority to make a turnpike-road from the westerly side of Cambridge Common to Concord ;2 and two years afterwards, March 8, 1805, the corporation was authorized to 1 Ordination Sermon, ut sup. - The Cambridge portion of this turn pike is now called Concord Avenue. 180 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. extend the turnpike to the Causeway near West Boston Bridge.1 The " Middlesex Turnpike Corporation " was established June 15, 1805, with authority to make a turnpike-road from Tyngs- borough through Chelmsford, Billerica, and Bedford, to Cam bridge, uniting Avith the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike near West Boston Bridge.2 Other avenues were subsequently opened, which Avill receive notice in another place. By an Act of Congress, approved Jan. 11, 1805, it was enacted " that the town or landing-place of Cambridge in the State of Massachusetts shall be a port of delivery, to be annexed to the district of Boston and Charlestown, and shall be subject to the same regulations as other ports of delivery in the United States." Accordingly this part of Cambridge has, since that time, been designated Cambridgeport. To make the place available as a " port of delivery," canals Avere constructed from Charles River through the Great Marsh, giving an extensive water-front. These canals are described in an agreement, dated July 8, 1806,3 and recorded in the Middlesex Registry of Deeds, Book 172„ page 496. The land deA'oted to this purpose is said to be a part of the " hundred share estate, so called by said owners by articles under seal." - The description of the canals may be briefly con densed as follows : — Broad Canal, 80 feet Avide, from low-water mark in Charles River to Portland Street, parallel with Broadway and Hampshire Street, at the distance of 186 feet, northerly, from the former, and 154 feet from the latter. West Dock;, bounded by a line commencing at a point in the westerly line of Portland Street, 154 feet northerly from Hamp shire Street, thence running parallel with Hampshire Street to a point 100 feet from Medford Street (hoav Webster Avenue) ; thence parallel with Medford Street, to a point 100 feet from Bristol Street ; thence parallel Avith Bristol Street, to a point 100 feet from Portland Street ; thence " parallel with Portland Street 210 feet to the southerly line of land late of Walter Frost ; " thence in " a straight line to a point which is on the 1 This extension is now known as to be made," where Broad Canal now Broadway. is. 3 The Cambridge portion of this turn- 4 The " hundred share" estate" was pike is now called Hampshire Street. owned thus : Rufus Davenport, fifty-five 8 Broad Canal, at least, was projected shares ; Royal Makepeace, twenty-five as early as May 19, 1802, when Vose & shares; Henry Hill, ten shares; Josiah Makepeace conveyed to Josiah Mason, Mason, Jr., four shares ; Daniel Mason, Jr., aright to use the " Canal which is three shares ; Charles Clark, three shares. CIVIL HISTORY. 181 Avesterly line of Portland Street, 20 feet southerly and Avesterly of the northeasterly line of land late of Timothy and Eunice Swan ; then turning and running southerly and westerly on Portland Street, to the bounds of West Dock begun at ; " with the "right of a Avater-communication, or passage-Avay, 25 feet wide, through Portland Street under a bridge, from the main part of Broad Canal to that part called West Dock." - North Canal, 60 feet wide, 180 feet easterly from Portland Street, and extending from Broad Canal to a point near the northerly line of the Bordman Farm. This canal Avas subse quently extended to Miller's River. According to an agreement, June 14, 1811, between the Lechmere Point Corporation and Davenport & Makepeace, the latter were to have perpetual right to pass with boats and rafts " through Miller's Creek or North River, so called, to North Canal and Broad Canal," and to extend North Canal, through land owned by the Corporation, to Miller's River ; and the Corporation %vas to have the right to pass through the said canals to Charles River, so long as the canals should remain open. Cross Canal, " bounded by two straight lines, 30 feet apart, and running at a right angle Avith Broadway from Broad Canal, between lots 279 and 280, through Broadway, and between lots 263 and 264 to South Dock." South Dock, bounded by a line commencing at the south east corner of Cross Canal, thence running southeasterly7 53 feet ; thence southwesterly, parallel with the line of Cross Canal to a point 10 feet distant from land of the Proprietors of West Boston Bridge ; thence westerly7, at the same distance from said Propri etors' land, to lot 215 : thence northerly, at a right angle Avith the causeway of West Boston Bridge, 81 feet ; thence north westerly, 98 feet, to the easterly corner of lot 214 ; thence, in a straight line, to the southerly corner of lot 262 ; thence, on said lot 262, 67 feet, to lot 263 ; thence southerly and easterly on said lot 263, 54 feet, and on Cross Canal, 30 feet, to the point of beginning. This dock was connected with Charles River by a creek, over which Avas the bridge, long known as " Little Bridge," at the junction of Main and Harvard streets.2 1 Although scarcely a vestige of this twenty feet wide, apparently designed for dock now remains, it was plainly visible stores and warehouses, some of which a quarter of a century ago. It seems to were sold at a high price; but it does not have been designed as the head of navi- appear that any such buildings were gation and a central point of business, erected. Lots fronting on the dock were laid out, - Little Bridge was superseded by a 182 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. South Canal, 60 feet wide, about'midway betAveen Harvard Street and Broadway, from South Dock to a point 113 feet east erly from Davis Street. " In 1802, a school house was built on a piece of land J pre sented by Mr. Andrew Bordman to the toAvn for that purpose. It cost about six hundred dollars ; upwards of three hundred dol lars were paid by the town of Cambridge, and the remainder contributed by individuals." " In 1803, a Fire Society was formed, which, at an expense of upwards of five hundred dollars, procured an excellent engine ; and a company AA7as raised to take charge of it." - By an act passed June 15, 1805, Royal Makepeace, John Cook, Josiah Mason, Jr., Daniel Mason, and Andrew Bordman, were " constituted and made a corporation and body-politic, by the name of the Cambridgeport Meeting-house Corporation, ... for the purpose of building a meeting-house and supporting public worship therein, in the easterly part of Cambridge." Of the hundred shares of stock in this Corporation, Rufus Davenport was the owner of twenty, and Royal Makepeace of seventeen. A spacious brick meeting-house Avas erected on the westerly sido of the square bounded by Broadway, and Boardman, Harvard, and Columbia streets. The easterly half of the square was given by Andrew Bordman, and the Avesterly half by the oAvners of the " hundred share estate." 3 This house Avas dedicated Jan. 1, 1807. By an Act passed March 1, 1808, the proprietors of the meeting-house, together with all the inhabitants and estates in the Fifth School District, in Cambridge, east of Dana Street and a line extended in the same direction northerly to Charlestown (now Somerville), and southerly to the river, were incorporated solid roadway about thirty years ago. pied until Nov. 10, 1833, when it was so By the raising of the grade between much damaged by the wind that it was Broadway and Main Street, and the ex- abandoned, and a new house was erected, tension of Sixth Street, in 1873, the South in 1834, on the northerly side of Aus- Dock and Cross Canal were effectually tin Street, between Norfolk and Essex obliterated. streets. The lot, having ceased to be 1 At the northwesterly corner of Wind- used for a meeting-house, was forfeited, sor and School streets, where a large brick and reverted to the heirs and assigns scbool-honse now stands. of the donors. It is worthy of note, as 2 Dr. Holmes' Ordination Sermon, ut indicating the expectations indulged at SUP- that period, that when the meeting-house 8 A portion of this square was offered was erected, there was not a single to the County of Middlesex, for the ac- dwelling-house on Columbia Street; this commodation of a court-house and other fact was assigned by the Selectmen, Nov. County buildings; but the offer was not 3, 1806, as a reason for not establishing accepted. The meeting-house was occu- that street as a public highway. CIVIL HISTORY. 183 as the Cambridgeport Parish ; and Feb. 2, 1809, the proprietors (reserving private ownership of pews) conveyed to the Parish the meeting-house and lot, containing two acres, together Avith a parsonage lot at the northeasterly corner of Harvard and Pros pect streets. By an Act passed March 4, 1809, Rufus Davenport, Henry Hill, Samuel May, Elijah Davenport, Pliny Cutler, and their associates, were incorporated as the "Cambridgeport manufac tory, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and sea-salt;" and they were further authorized, Feb. 27, 1813, to manufacture "printing-types and other articles usually manufactured in chemical laboratories." I find no trace, however, of the estab lishment of such a manufactory. While the measures adopted for the improvement of Cam bridgeport were in the " full tide of successful experiment," a similar enterprise was undertaken at Lechmere Point in which the prime mover was Andrew Craigie.1 The earliest transactions were conducted by Mr. Craigie with much skill and secrecy. His name does not appear on the records until the whole scheme was accomplished ; indeed he took no deed of land in his own name until Feb. 14, 1803, when he purchased of Abraham Biglow nearly forty acres of land, formerly the northwesterly part of the Inman or Jarvis Farm. But other purchases, manifestly in his interest, had been made at an earlier period. It has heretofore been stated that the estate of Richard Lechmere was confiscated by the State, and sold to Andrew Cabot in 1779. This estate, together with the share of the Phips Farm assigned to Judge Lee and his wife, and subsequently bought by Cabot, was sold for £3,300 to Seth Johnson of New York, Jan. 31, 1795, and mort gaged by him to John Cabot for £2,200: and on the 18th of December, 1797, Johnson, for a nominal consideration, quit claimed all his interest in the estate to Bossenger Foster of Cam bridge (brother-in-law to Mr. Craigie), who, by an agreement dated six months later, engaged to convey the estate to Craigie, on the performance of certain conditions. The next step was to secure the reversionary7 rights of Mrs. Lechmere and her children in the confiscated estate of her husband, or in so much thereof as Avas held in her right by inheritance from her father. These 1 Mr. Craigie was apothecary-general He purchased the Vassall House, or of the Northern Department of the Rev- "Washington Headquarters, Jan. 1, 179S, ohitionary Army, Sept. 5, 1777, when and resided there until Sept. 19, 1819, the Council of Massachusetts granted when he closed an active life, checkered him supplies for the General Hospital, by many vicissitudes. 184 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. rio-hts were conveyed, Oct. 14, 1799, by Lechmere and his wife to Samuel Haven of Dedham, Avhose wife was daughter of Mr. Foster and niece of Mr. Craigie. Mr. Cabot took possession of the estate under the mortgage from Johnson, having obtained judg ment therefor in 1800, and sold the same to Samuel Parkman of Boston, Aug. 26, 1803. Parkman conveyed to Craigie all his rights in the Avhole estate, by deed dated June 3, 1806, and on the 26th of January, 1807, the widow and administratrix of Bossenger Foster conveyed to Mr. Craigie (her brother) the Johnson title, pursuant to the beforementioned agreement. Having thus se cured a complete title to the whole of the Phips Farm, except the share assigned to Andrew Bordman and his wife, Mr. Craigie bought of Jonas Wyeth, 3d, Feb. 11, 1807, about forty acres, formerly the northerly part of the Inman or Jarvis estate, and May 5, 1807, of the heirs of Ebenezer Shed, about five acres, lying partly in Somerville, and adjoining the land purchased of Wyeth, so that he now owned about three hundred acres of land, in two parcels nearly adjoining each other ; the easterly parcel included almost the whole of East Cambridge, and extended westerly to a point near the intersection of Webster Avenue with Cambridge Street, bounded southerly by a line passing near the intersection of Windsor Street with Webster AA'enue ; the west erly parcel extended from Elm Street to a line about midway be tween Fayette Street and Maple Avenue ; its southerly boundary Avas an old lane, long ago discontinued, commencing on Inman Street, one hundred and seventy-six feet south of Broadway, and crossing Broadway near its intersection with Elm Street ; on the west side of Inman Street, the south boundary was a line vary ing from four hundred to three hundred feet north of Broadway. Although Mr. Craigie's title to this Avhole property was substan tially complete, inasmuch as it was within his control, yet he had not, up to this time, received a release of the reversionary rights of Mrs. Lechmere and her children ; for obvious reasons he pre ferred to let this part of the title remain in the hands of his rela tive, Mr. Haven. As early as June 21, 1806, he seems to have submitted a claim against the Commonwealth for damages on account of " a breach of the covenants of warranty," in the deed of the Lechmere estate to Cabot ; for when he sought, at that date, to improve his property, by " building a dam from Prison Point in Charlestown to Lechmere's Point in Cambridge and erecting mills on the same," the General Court inierted in the act of incorporation a provision that it should " be of no avail or CIVIL HISTORY. 185 effect .... until a release and discharge of all the covenants of warranty made by this Commonwealth of any of the lands conveyed by said Commonwealth, lying at or near Lechmere's Point mentioned in this Act, shall be obtained from the person or persons who are legally authorized to make such release or discharge." So also Avhen John C. Jones, Loammi BaldAvin, Aaron Dexter, Benjamin Weld, Joseph Coolidge, Jr., Benjamin Joy, Gorham Parsons, Jonathan Ingersoll, John Beach, Abijah Cheever, William B. Hutchins, Stephen Howard, and Andrew Craigie, Avith their associates, Avere incorporated, Feb. 27, 1807, with authority- to erect Canal Bridge, familiarly called Craigie's Bridge, from "the northAvesterly end of Leverett street" in Bos ton " to the east end of Lechmere's Point," a similar provision was inserted that the act should be of no effect " until a release and discharge of all the covenants of warranty contained in the deed of James Prescott, Joseph Hosmer, and Samuel Thatcher, Esqs., unto Andrew Cabot and his assigns shall be made and ob tained from Andrew Craigie or the person or persons Avho are legally authorized to make such release and discharge." The memorial setting forth this claim of damage is mentioned in the Records of the Executive Council, Feb. 9, 1807, Avhile the peti tion for leave to erect Canal Bridge was pending in the General Court : " The Committee to whom was referred the memorial of Andrew Craigie, pray-ing that some measures might be adopted to ascertain the terms on Avhich his claim to damages for a breach of the coArenant of warranty contained in a deed made by this Commonwealth to Andrew Cabot of land lying at or near Lech mere's Point, so called, and on which the same claim may be ad justed, beg leave to report : that on the 24th of November, 1779, this CommonAvealth by its Committee conveyed to Andrew Cabot the fifty-four acres and one quarter of land as stated in the said memorial, in which deed of conveyance there was a general Avarranty against the lawful claims and demands of all persons; that the said Andrew Craigie by sundry successive conveyances duly executed is the assignee of the said Cabot, and is by law entitled to the benefits of the said Avarranty and capable of dis charging the same ; that the said fifty-four acres and one quarter of an acre, on the death of Richard Lechmere, Avill by law revert to Mary Lechmere his wife, or to her heirs, in whose right the said Richard possessed the same at the time of its confiscation ; that the land in question, from its local situation, appears to be capable of important improvements, but from various connecting 186 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. circumstances it is very difficult to ascertain its value to the pro prietor ; that he has mentioned no sum of money for which he would discharge the Commonwealth from the warranty," etc. The Committee thus reported the facts, without any specific rec ommendation. It Avould seem that Mr. Craigie did not succeed in obtaining any further compensation, and that he preferred to abandon all claim for it, rather than to forfeit the privilege of erecting the dam and bridge before mentioned ; for on the 9th of May, 1808, he executed a deed releasing all such claims for damage, in consideration of the right granted to him by two Acts of the General Court, in 1807 and 1808, to erect a bridge from Lechmere Point to Boston ; which release Avas accepted and ap proved by the Governor, May 12, 1808. Having thus released the Commonwealth from liability to damage for breach of warranty, Mr. Craigie completed his record-title by receiving, for the nominal consideration of one dollar, a conveyance, dated Sept. 20, 1808, of the reversion ary right to "all the estate Avhich was set off to Mary Lech mere," which had been held for him since Oct. 14, 1799, by his friend and kinsman, Mr. Haven. The actual value of the prop erty was much enhanced by the privilege to erect a bridge, and to make the other improvements authorized by the General Court. But the apparent inflation of value was scarcely ex ceeded by7 the more recent and almost fabulous transactions in coal-fields and oil-wells. As nearly as can be ascertained from the records, Mr. Craigie paid less than twenty thousand dollars for the whole estate. Reserving sufficient land and flats for the construction of the bridge and the location of a toll-house, he put the remainder on the market at the price of three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, in sixty shares of six thousand dollars each. At this price, three shares Avere conveyed to Harrison G. Otis, three to Israel Thorndike, and one, each, to Ebenezer Francis, William Payne, Thomas H. Perkins, and John Callender, by deeds dated Nov. 30, 1808. The bridge Avas completed in 1809, and roads were opened to Cambridge Common, to Medford, and elsewhere, to attract travel from the country to Boston over this avenue. To enable the proprietors to manage and dispose of their valuable real estate, Avhich had hitherto remained apparently undiA-ided and uninhabited (except by a single family in the old Phips farm-house), the General Court, by an Act approved March 3, 1810, incorporated " Thomas Handasyde Perkins, James Perkins, William Payne, Ebenezer Francis, and Andrew Craigie, CIVIL HISTORY. 187 being tenants in common " of lands at and near Lechmere Point, with their associates, as " the Lechmere Point Corporation." Within the next two months the several proprietors conveyed their shares to the Corporation at the nominal price of five dollars. Streets and lots of suitable size were laid out ; but the records indicate that the sales of land were feAv. The first deed of a house-lot, entered on record, is dated Aug. 20, 1810, and conveys to Samuel S. Green the lot on the northeasterly corner of Cam bridge and Second streets, where he resided more than three score years, and where he died, Sept. 8, 1872. One store-lot, on Bridge Street, had previously been sold to Aaron BigeloAV, but the deed was not placed on record so early as the other. The rec ords exhibit only ten deeds of lots given by the Corporation, until Sept. 20, 1813, when a sale was made to Jesse Putnam, Avhich con tributed materially to the prosperity of the new village ; this lot was bounded on East Street 400 feet, on North Street 400 feet, on Water Street 300 feet, and " on land covered with water " about 400 feet, and was conveyed by Putnam, March 16, 1814, to the " Boston Porcelain and Glass Company." But the " crown ing mercy " to the whole enterprise was the agreement, approved by the Corporation Nov. 1, 1813, and by the Court of Sessions at the next December Term ; namely, that the Corporation would give to the County of Middlesex the square bounded by7 Otis, Second, Thorndike, and Third streets, and a lot, seventy-five feet in width, across the westerly side of the square1 bounded by Thorndike, Second, Spring, and Third streets, and would erect thereon a court-house and jail, satisfactoiy to the Court, at an expense to the Corporation not exceeding twenty-four thousand dollars, on condition that as soon as the edifices were completed, they should be used for the purposes designed. The town pro tested most earnestly against the removal of the courts and records from Harvard Square, but in vain. At the March Term of the Court, 1816, a committee reported that the court-house and jail Avere satisfactorily completed, and it was ordered that they be immediately devoted to their intended use. It Avas also ordered that the sum of 84,190.78 be paid to the Corporation, being the amount expended in excess of $24,000. From this time, the success of the enterprise was assured. During the period embraced in this chapter, while two new vil lages were established, which, after many vicissitudes, became more populous than the older settlements, the town was sadly 1 The County has since purchased the other portions of the square. ACRES. BODS. 2,851 60 4,345 118 2,660 81" 188 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. shorn of its already diminished proportions by the incorporation of its second and third parishes into separate towns. Dr. Holmes, writing in 1800, says,1 — " The First Parish in Cambridge contains, The Second Parish in Cambridge contains, The Third Parish in Cambridge contains, The original organization of these parishes will be mentioned elsewhere. Their, separation from the parent trunk occurred al most simultaneously. The third parish was incorporated as the town of Brighton, Feb. 24, 1807, and became a part of the city of Boston, Jan. 1, 1874. The second parish was incorporated as the toAvn of West Cambridge, by an Act passed Feb. 27, 1807, but not to take effect until June 1, 1807 ; its corporate name was changed to Arlington, April 30, 1867. By the incorporation of these tAvo toAvns, Cambridge lost nearly three quarters of its terri tory, but probably somewhat less than half of its population. The political disturbances in the country, at the commence ment of the present century, were disastrous to its commercial prosperity. The Embargo, proclaimed in December 1807, fol lowed by other hostile measures, culminating in a declaration of war against Great Britain, in June 1812, paralyzed the commerce of the whole country. Grass grew in the streets of the seaports, and ships rotted at the wharves. Cambridge felt this calamity the more keenly, because it involved so many of her citizens in distress. Merchants, mechanics, and laborers, mutually depend ent on each other, Avere thrown out of business, and some Avere reduced to absolute Avant. A general and rapid depreciation in the value of real estate followed, particularly in Cambridgeport ; 2 the owners ceased to erect houses and stores ; those who had purchased on speculation were unable to effect sales, and some of them Avere financially ruined. General stagnation ensued, from Avhich the new village did not fully recover for many years, and the hope of making it a great commercial centre seems to have been utterly and forever abandoned. In common with many towns in New England, Cambridge earnestly protested against the Embargo. At a town-meeting, Aug. 25, 1808, an address, reported by a committee consisting of 1 Mass. Hist. Soc Coll., vii. 6. Cambridge had not been commenced when 2 Lands, which had been worth in the tbe Embargo was declared ; but its growth market more than twenty cents persquare was retarded by the hostilities which fol- foot, were afterwards sold for less than lowed. one cent per foot. The settlement of East CIVIL HISTORY. 189 Royal Makepeace, Francis Dana, and Samuel P. P. Fay, was adopted, to wit: — " To the President of the United States of America : The in habitants of Cambridge, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in legal town-meeting assembled, respectfully represent : That we are sensibly impressed Avith our obligation to submit to and support the laws of our country7 ; and we flatter ourselves that we have been and ever shall be forward to manifest our patriotism, and make any sacrifice, and submit to any privation, that the in terest and honor of our country shall require. But in times of great public calamity and distress, we deem it no less our duty than our privilege, ' peaceably to assemble and petition the gov ernment for a redress of grievances.' Under these impressions, we feel constrained to confess to your Excellency that we, in common with our fellow citizens of the Eastern States, suffer a severe and increasing distress from the operation of the laAVS ' laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and har bors of the United States.' Could we see a termination of our sufferings, Ave would submit in silence. But with consternation we obser\-e that this is not a temporary measure, but imposed by perpetual laws. We admit the power of Congress to regulate commerce ; but laws to abolish it, and raise a perpetual barrier to foreign intercourse, we believe was never contemplated by our national compact. " Your petitioners inhabit a district of the Union which does not abound with all the conveniences of life. The fisheries and commerce have contributed in an eminent degree to give us Avhat ever of wealth, happiness, and importance, we enjoy. We can never, therefore, subscribe to the opinion, ' that it would be un wise evermore to recur to distant countries for the comforts and conveniences of life.' Situated as we are on the shores of the Atlantic, we have occasion to remark and bitterly realize many distressing consequences of the embargo laws, which fall not un der the immediate eye of Government, the recital of which, we are confident, will excite all your excellency's philanthropy, and induce you to exercise the poAver with which you are invested, for the relief of your fellow-citizens. The laws which shut us out from the ocean, the better part of our inheritance, palsied all our enterprise. The farmer gathers his harvest with a heavy heart, while he has no hope of vending his surplus, and the mechanic, sailor, and fisherman, find that their willing industry will no longer enable them to supply their daily wants. Many, very 190 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. many, who, by a long course of persevering industry, supposed they had reached the desired point of independence, find their property so fallen in value, that it must be wholly sacrificed for the payment of their debts. Their endeavors to extricate them selves avail them nothing ; and they can only Aveep over the ruin that overwhelms them and reduces their families to beggary. Our distress is rendered the more severe and intolerable by a conviction that the neighboring British Provinces, by the very measures that embarrass us, are acquiring a consequence which their natural advantages could never have given them. " We apprehend that the benefits expected by your Excellency and Congress from the Embargo have been but partially experi enced. It is a notorious fact that great numbers of our native seamen, disheartened by their situation, have resorted to the British Provinces to obtain the means of subsistence, and entered voluntarily into the service of that very nation from which the hand of government has been extended to protect them. Our hope and expectation noAV rests in the laws authorizing your ex cellency, in the event of important changes in the measures of the belligerent poAvers affecting neutral commerce, during the recess of Congress, to suspend, in whole or in part, the acts lay ing an embargo. The existing Revolution in Spain is a change indeed important to the Avorld, and cannot fail to awaken the sympathy of every friend of mankind. The trade of Spain and Portugal and their colonies is uoav open and offers a golden har vest to the first nation who shall show themselves Avise enough to gather it. We therefore request your Excellency to suspend the operation of the embargo laws, so far at least as they relate to Spain and Portugal and their dependencies ; or, should your Ex cellency7 doubt that y7ou have such power, that you will call Con gress together for that pin-pose." This address, says the record, Avas adopted "almost unani mously " ; and the selectmen were directed to forward it to the President. Very soon a reply Avas received, — apparently an autograph of the President, — which is still preser\7ed in the of fice of the city clerk : — " To the inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, in legal town- meeting assembled. Your representation and request were re- ceiA-ed on the 8th inst., and have been considered Avith the at tention due to every expression of the sentiments and feelings of so respectable a body of my felloAV-citizens.1 No person has i In the original, as usual in Jefferson's manuscripts, capital letters are generally omitted at the beginning of sentences. CIVIL HISTORY. 191 seen, with more concern than myself, the inconveniences brought on our country in general by the circumstances of the times in Avhich we happen to live ; times to Avhich the history of nations presents no parallel. For years we have been look ing as spectators on our brethren of Europe, afflicted by all those evils which necessarily- follow an abandonment of the moral rules which bind men and nations together. Connected Avith them in friendship and commerce we have happily so far kept aloof from their calamitous conflicts, by a steady observance of justice towards all, by much forbearance and multiplied sacri fices. At length, however, all regard to the rights of others hav ing been thrown aside, the belligerent powers have beset the highway of commercial intercourse with edicts Avhich, taken to gether, expose our commerce and mariners, under almost every destination, a prey to their fleets and armies. Each party, in deed, would admit our commerce with themselves, with the view of associating us in their war against the other. But we have wished war with neither. Under these circumstances were passed the laws of Avhich you complain, by those delegated to exercise the powers of legislation for you, Avith every sympathy of a com mon interest in exercising them faithfully. In reviewing these measures, therefore, Ave should advert to the difficulties out of Avhich a choice was of necessity to be made. To have submitted our rightful commerce to prohibitions and tributary exactions from others would have been to surrender our independence. To resist them by arms was Avar, without consulting the state of things or the choice of the nation. The alternative preferred by the Leg islature, of suspending a commerce placed under such unexampled difficulties, besides saving to our citizens their property and our mariners to their country, has the peculiar advantage of giving time to the belligerent nations to revise a conduct as contrary to their interests as it is to our rights. ' In the event of such peace or suspension of hostilities between the belligerent Powers of Emope, or of such a change in their measures affecting neutral commerce as may render that of the United States sufficiently safe in the judgment of the President,' he is authorized to sus pend the Embargo. But no peace or suspension of hostilities, no change of measures affecting neutral commerce, is known to have taken place. The Orders of England and the Decrees of France and Spain, existing at the date of these laAVS, are still unrepealed, so far as we know. In Spain, indeed, a contest for the govern ment appears to have arisen ; but of its course or prospects we 192 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. have no information on which prudence would undertake a hasty change in our policy, even Avere the authority of the Executive competent to such a decision. You desire that, in defect of such power, Congress may be specially convened. It is unnecessary to examine the evidence or the character of the facts which are supposed to dictate such a call ; because you Avill be sensible, on an attention to dates, that the legal period of their meeting is as early as, in this extensive country, they could be fully convened by a special call. I should with great Avillingness have executed the wishes of the inhabitants of Cambridge, had peace, or a re peal of the obnoxious Edicts, or other changes, produced the case, in Avhich alone the laAvs have given me that authority ; and so many motives of justice and interest lead to such changes that we ought continually to expect them. But while these Edicts remain, the Legislature alone can prescribe the course to be pur sued. Th: Jefferson. Sept. 10, 1808." The appeal of the people to the President was fruitless. Equally vain was an address by the General Court to the mem bers of Congress. A spirit of hostility to England was predom inant in the national government ; the Embargo was made more stringent, and enforced by regulations Avhich Avere here considered unreasonable and unconstitutional ; and the general condition of the people, both present and prospectiA-e, " was nothing bettered, but rather greAV Avorse." Under such circumstances, at a town meeting, Jan. 27, 1809, " The act lately passed by Congress for enforcing the Embargo Avas read and submitted to the toAvn for their consideration; and after maturely considering the same, and also considering the present alarming situation of our country," a A-igorous protest against the hostile measures of the general government was adopted by a very large majority of the inhab itants. This protestation, and hundreds of similar character by the people of New England, Avere in vain. In Congress, the influence of France was in the ascendant, and the Embargo was followed, in June, 1812, by an open declaration of war against Great Britain. For the next two or three years, Cambridge suffered its full proportion in the general stagnation of business. Cam bridgeport did not recover from the blight which had fallen upon it ; and the growth of East Cambridge was sadly retarded. With a very decided majority of voters politically opposed to the war, and smarting under the losses and inconveniences re sulting from it, the town could not be expected to enter with CIVIL HISTORY. 193 enthusiasm into its support, or voluntarily to assume a dispropor tionate share of its burdens. In fact, no reference to the war, during its continuance, is found on the ToAvn Records. A few months after its close, May 8, 1815, the town " Voted, that the report of the Committee appointed to determine what compensa tion, if any, should be alloAved by tbe town to the militia-men drafted and called out for the defence of the State, be accepted : — the report allows four dollars to each person for every thirty days service." The Cambridge Light Infantiy was called into service by the Governor, for the defence of the State, and readily responded to the call. There may have been some voluntary en listments into the regular army of tbe United States : but any evidence of such a fact is not found. One of the most eminent citizens of Cambridge, Elbridge Gerry, Avas Governor of Massachusetts from May 1810, to May 1812, and Vice-president ofthe United States from March 4, 1813, until Nov. 23, 1814, when he suddenly expired, as he was about to enter the Senate Chamber in Washington for the performance of his official duties. However bittterly his politics were denounced, Mr. Gerry enjoyed the personal respect and esteem of his towns men ; yet neither their affection for the man, nor their regard for his high political position, could overcome their detestation of the war, of Avhich he Avas an advocate and defender, nor induce them to volunteer their persons or their property7 in its behalf. Hence the dignified silence of the Town Records. When the news of Peace arrived, in February, 1S15, there was a general outburst of joy in Massachusetts. In many towns, public meetings of prayer, and praise, and mutual congratulation, Avere held. There Avas such a meeting in Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1815, and an address was delivered by President Kirkland. Among the papers presented by Hon. John Davis to the Massa chusetts Historical Society is a handbill, or broadside, announcing the approaching festivity, as folloAvs : — CELEBRATION OF THE RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY OF PEACE between the United States of America and the U- nited Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, at Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1815. 13 194 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ORDER OF PROCESSION. The procession will be formed at University Hall, and move at 11 o'clock A. m. in the following order, to the Rev. Dr. Holmes's meeting-house. Military Escort. Musick. Marshal. Chief Marshal. Marshal. The President of the University and the other Gentlemen, who officiate. Government of Harvard College. Selectmen of Cambridge. Marshal. Committee of Arrangements. Marshal. Strangers. Marshal. Resident Graduates. Students. Marshal. Citizens of Cambridge. Marshal. ORDER OF EXERCISES. 1 . Anthem — Sy Stephenson. "I was glad when they said nnto me," &c. 2. Prayer, by the Rev. Dr. Ware. 3. Reading of select portions of the Holy Scrip ture, by the Rev. Mr. Gannett. 4. Hymn, written for the occasion. Almighty God, to thee we bow, But light from Heaven has shone at last, To thee the voice of gladness raise; And Peace is beaming from above, Thy mercy, that hath blessed us now, The storm of doubt and fear has past, In loud and grateful songs we praise. And hope returns, and joy, and love. Long hast Thou stretched the avengiDg Then praise to that Eternal Power, hand Who bids our wars and tumults cease, And smote thy people in thy wrath ; And hymn, in this auspicious hour, Hast frowned upon a guilty land, The God of mercy — God of Peace. While storms and darkness veiled thy path. 5. Address, by the President of the University. 6. Poem, by Mr. Henry Ware. 7. Prayer, by the Rev. Dr. Holmes. 8. Anthem, from Handel's " Grand Dettingen Te Deum," " "We praise thee, O God," &c. 9. Benediction. CHAPTER XIII. CIVIL HISTORY. It has already been stated in chapter v., that a ferry was estab lished in 1635 across Charles River (at the foot of Dunster Street), from which there Avas a road through Brookline and Roxbury to Boston. The only other feasible route to Boston was through Charlestown, and across a ferry near Copp's Hill. Desiring to avoid the inconvenience and peril of a ferry, tbe in habitants of Cambridge consented, Nov. 10, 1656, "to pay each one their proportion of a rate to the sum of 2001. towards the building a bridge over Charles River, upon condition the same may be effected without further charge to the town." A place for the bridge was selected, at the foot of Brighton Street ; but the work was too great to be accomplished at once. Three years afterwards, Feb. 4, 1659-60, " the former propositions and votes that had passed, for the building of a bridge over Charles River, were again considered and debated ; and the question being pro pounded, whether the town did agree and consent that the said work should be yet further prosecuted, and that 2001. should be levied on the inhabitants of this town towards the effect ing thereof, the vote passed on the affirmative." The structure was probably completed before March 23, 1662-3, Avhen it was ordered, " that tbe bridge be laid in oil and lead, provided that it exceed not 40?. charge to the town." This bridge was much larger than any which had previously been erected in the colony. From the first it was called the " Great Bridge ; " and such is still its legal designation. The cost of maintaining such a bridge, together with a long causeway, was very great, compared with the means of defraying it, and many methods were devised to re lieve the toAvn of some portion of the burden. Under date of Oct. 12, 1670, the action of the General Court is recorded : " Whereas, the Bridge over Charles River, which was first erected at the cost of that town, together with the free contribu tion of several public spirited persons in some neighbor towns, 196 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. which bridge being now decayed, and by reason of the danger is presented to the county of Middlesex, and the town of Cam bridge, as they allege in their petition, being not able to repair it, so that of necessity it must be pulled up and slighted, and the passage there must be secured by a ferry as heretofore, which is not so safe, convenient, or useful, as a bridge, for a ferry is alto gether useless in the winter, and very inconvenient to transport horses, and not at all accommodable for carts or droves of cattle : The premises considered, it is ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, for the encouragement either of the town of Cambridge or any particular persons that shall repair the bridge, or erect a sufficient cart-bridge over the River at Cambridge, and maintain the same for the safety of the passengers, they are hereby empowered to take toll at the rates folloAving, viz., one penny for every person ; three pence a head for every horse and man ; six pence for every cart ; two pence a head for every horse or other neat cattle; one half penny a head for sheep, goats, or swine : and if any refuse to pay the toll aforesaid, it shall be at the liberty of such as maintain the said bridge to stop their pas sage. And this order to continue in [force] so long as the said bridge is maintained serviceable and safe for passage." - The tolls, thus authorized, seem not to have been long continued, if ever exacted ; for when Newton was incorporated as a separate town, Jan. 11, 1687-8, it was ordered that the expense of main taining the bridge " be defrayed and borne as followeth : (that is to say) two sixth parts thereof by the town of Cambridge, one sixth part by the said Village,2 and three sixth parts at the pub lic charge of the county of Middlesex." Newton continued to pay its proportion of the expense until May 4, 1781, when it was exempted from further liability by the General Court.3 In like manner, when Lexington was incorporated, March 20, 1712-13, and West Cambridge, Feb. 27, 1807, they Avere required to share with Cambridge the expense of maintaining the bridge, in pro portion to the respective valuation of the several toAvns, which they continued to do until they were released from that obliga tion, March 24, 1860, by the General Court.4 In the meantime, various expedients were adopted by the Court to aid Cambridge in sustaining Avhat was considered, and what actually was, a grievous burden. Thus, in June, 1694, it was " resolved, that - Mass. Col. Rec, iv. (ii.) 470. s Mass. Rec, xiii. 98. 2 Newton was at first called Cambridge * Mass. Spec. Laws xi. 56. Village. CIVIL HISTORY. 197 the town of Newton pay one third part of the charge of said bridge."1 And in June, 1700, it was " resolved, that the Great Bridge in Cambridge, over Charles River, be repaired from time to time, one half at the charge of the town of Cambridge, and the other half at the charge of the county of Middlesex." - Again, Oct. 25, 1733, the bridge having been "very thoroughly and effectually repaired," after a large portion of it had been carried away7 by the ice, the Court granted to Cambridge, ,£117 16s., to Newton, £100, and to Lexington, £82 4s., in all £300,3 in consideration of their extraordinary expense ; and on the 22d of June, 1734, "Voted, that three thousand acres of the unap propriated lands of the Province be and hereby are granted to the towns of Cambridge, Newton, and Lexington, to enable them forever hereafter at their own cost and charge, to keep, amend, and repair, the Great Bridge over Charles River in Cam bridge ; the land to be laid out in three several parts, in equal proportion to each of the said towns."4 A " plat" of the thou sand acres allotted to Cambridge, lying Avest of Lunenburg, was exhibited and confirmed, Sept. 13, 1734.5 All other corporations having been released from liability, the General Court made a final disposition of the matter by an act passed March 11, 1862, by which the city of Cambridge and the town of Brighton Avere " authorized and required to rebuild the Great Bridge over Charles River," the expense to be borne " in proportion to the respective A-aluations of said city and town ; " and it was pro vided that a draw, not less than thirty-two feet wide, should be constructed " at an equal distance from each abutment," that " the opening in the middle of said draw " should be " the divid ing line between Cambridge and Brighton at that point," and that thereafter each corporation should maintain its half part of the whole structure at its own expense.6 In June, 1738, a petition of Edmund Goffe, William Brattle, and others of Cambridge, for liberty to establish a ferry between 1 Mass. Prov. Rec, vi. 348. thanks to the General Court for the aid - Ibid., vii. 92. This tax on the county rendered ; and also " to Col. Jacob Wen- may not seem unreasonable, when it is dell Esq. and Mr. Craddock for their considered that a large portion of the kindness to us in procuring and collecting travel to and from Boston passed overthe a very bountiful subscription for us, to en- bridge in preference to the Charlestown courage and enable us to go through the Ferry. If Xewton was exempted from its charge of the repair of our Great Bridge." former obligation, it was manifestly only * Mass. Rec, xvi. 32. for a short time. - Ibid., xvi. 51. 8 Mass. Rec, xv.4 53. On the 28th of 6 Mass. Spec. Laws, xi. 280. the following January the town voted 19S HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Cambridge and Boston, of Avhich the profits should be paid to Harvard College, also a similar petition of Hugh Hall and others of Boston, and a petition of John Staniford of Boston for liberty to construct a bridge from a point near the copper works in Bos ton to Col. Phips' farm (noAV East Cambridge) were seArerally referred to the next General Court,1 and both enterprises were abandoned. Nearly fifty years afterwards, Feb. 11, 1785, the town appointed a committee "to support in behalf of the inhabi tants of this town the petition of Mr. Andrew Cabot to the General Court, now sitting, praying leave to erect at his own expense, a bridge over Charles River, from Lechmere's Point in this town to Barton's Point, or such other place in West Boston as shall be thought most expedient ; " and to demonstrate that such a bridge Avould be more important than one at the ferry- way, as petitioned for by some of the inhabitants of Charles town. This effort to secure a direct route to Boston failed ; the Charlestown petition was granted, March 9, 1785 ; and Charles River Bridge Avas opened with imposing ceremonies on the 17th of June, 1786. The desired accommodation for Cambridge, how ever, was not long postponed. In the " Columbian Centinel," Jan. 7, 1792, appeared this advertisement: — " West Boston Bridge. As all citizens of the United States have an equal right to propose a measure that may be beneficial to the public or advantageous to themselves, and as no body of men have an exclusive right to take to themselves such a privilege, a number of gentlemen have proposed to open a new subscription for the purpose of building a bridge from West Boston'to Cam bridge, at such place as the General Court may be pleased to direct. A subscription for tAvo hundred shares in the proposed bridge will this day be opened at Samuel Cooper's office, north side of the State House." This subscription " was filled up in three hours." - A petition Avas immediately presented to the General Court, and on the 9th of March, 1792, Francis Dana and his associates Avere incorpor ated as "The Proprietors of the West Boston Bridge," with authority to construct a bridge " from the westerly part of Boston, near the Pest House (so called), to Pelham's Island in the town of Cambridge," with a " good road from Pelham's Island afore said, in the most direct and practicable line, to the nearest part of the Cambridge road," and to take certain specified tolls "for and during the term of forty years ; " and they Avere required to " pay 1 Printed Journal House of Representatives. 2 Centinel, Jan. 1 1 1792. CIVIL HISTORY. 199 annually to Harvard College or University the sum of three hun dred pounds during the said term of forty years." - On the 22d of March, twelve Directors were chosen, and preparations made for immediately commencing the Avork. Its completion Avas an nounced in the "Centinel," Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1793: "The Bridge at West Boston was opened for passengers &c, on Satur day last. The elegance of the workmanship and the magnitude of the undertaking are perhaps unequalled in the history of en terprises. We hope the Proprietors will not suffer pecuniary loss from their public spirit. They have claims on the liberality and patronage of the government ; and to these claims govern ment will not be inattentive." Dr. Holmes, who witnessed the building of the bridge, and who may be supposed to have been familiar with the details, describes it as " a magnificent structure. It was erected at the expense of a company incorporated for that purpose, and cost 76,700 dollars. The causeway, on the Cam bridge side, was begun July 15, 1792 ; the wood-Avork, April 8, 1793. The bridge was opened for passengers, Nov. 23, 1793, seven months and an half from the time of laying the first pier. It is very handsomely constructed ; and, when lighted by its two rows of lamps, extending a mile and a quarter, presents a vista which has a fine effect. " It stands on 180 piers, and is 3483 feet loDg. Bridge over the Gore, 14 do. 275 do. Abutment, Boston side, 87£ Causeway, 3344 Distance from the end of the causeway to the first church in Cambridge, 7810 Width of the Bridge, 40 " It is railed on each side, for foot passengers. The sides of the causeway are stoned, capstand and railed ; and on each side there is a canal, about 30 feet wide." 2 The peculiar circumstances connected Avith the construction of Canal (or Craigie's) Bridge are related in chapter xii. The sharp rivalry between the proprietors of West Boston and Canal 1 Mass. Spec. Laws, i. 361-364. The tended, Feb. 27,1807 (iv. 76-81), to sev- corporators were Francis Dana, Oliver enty years from the completion of Canal Wendell, James Sullivan, Henry Jack- (or Craigie's) Bridge ; and the proprietors son, Mungo Mackav, and "William Wet- of that bridge, by its charter then more. By a subsequent Act, June 30, granted, were required to contribute one 1792 (i. 394) the franchise was extended half of tho annuity payable to Harvard 'o seventy years, and the annuity to Har- College. vard College was reduced to two hundred 2 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 3, 4. pounds. The franchise was further ex- b 200 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Bridges, and between land-owners especially benefited by the one or the other, resulted in the erection of other bridges and the opening of several new streets. Prison Point Bridge is said to have been erected by virtue of a charter, granted June 21, 1806, to Samuel H. Flagg and others, as " Proprietors of the Prison Point Dam Corporation," for " building a dam from Prison Point in Charlestown to Lech mere's Point in Cambridge, and erecting mills on the same." No dam was constructed nor mill erected : but in 1815, Prison Point Bridge was built for the benefit of Canal Bridge ; and this is presumed to have been done under authority of the charter for, a dam granted in 1806, partly because that charter authorized the proprietors to construct a travelling path across the dam, not less than thirty feet in width, and partly because in an act rela tive to the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, March 5, 1832, Prison Point Bridge is repeatedly called " the Branch or Prison Point Dam Bridge." a This bridge was laid out as a county road in January, 1839. Rtver Street Bridge Avas built for the advantage of the West Boston Bridge Proprietors and the owners of real estate in Cambridgeport. Jonathan L. Austin and others were incorpo rated March 2, 1808, for the purpose of building this bridge and what is noAV called River Street, to be completed within two years ; Avhich term of limitation Avas extended one year, by an act passed Feb. 13, 1810.2 The bridge and road Avere soon after wards completed, and were maintained by the proprietors until Nov. 12, 1832, Avhen the toAvn assumed the care of the bridge, and since that time it has had charge of both bridge and road way. The Western Avenue Bridge was built by the proprietors of West Boston Bridge, under authority granted by an act passed June 12, 1824,3 empowering them to build a turnpike from Cen tral Square to Watertown ; and it Avas maintained by the said proprietors, until they sold their whole franchise to the Hancock Free Bridge Corporation. The Brookline Bridge had no immediate connection with either of the rival bridges, but was erected for the benefit and at the expense of persons OAvning real estate in its immediate vicinity. By an act passed April 25, 1850,4 Sidney Willard, Edmund T. Hastings, Columbus Tyler, David R. Griggs, and 1 Mass. Spec Laws, vii. 223. ~ Ibid., vi. 204. ¦ Ibid., iv. 147, 248. 4 Ibid., ix. 218. CIVIL HISTORY. 201 their associates Avere " empoAverecl to erect a pile bridge over the Charles River between the city of Cambridge and the town of Brookline, from points at or near the old Avharf or embankment, Avhich is near where the Boston and Worcester Railroad passes under a bridge on the Western Avenue (so called) to the oppo site bank of the river in Cambridge," and to receive certain rates of toll for the term of fifty7 years. By mutual agreement, how ever, and by7 permission of the General Court, it was transferred to the city, and became a free bridge, in 1869 ; and since that date Cambridge has not been burdened by toll bridges. West Boston and Canal Bridges had already become free, long before the expiration of their respective charters. In 1828, the General Court discussed the propriety of purchasing both these bridges and making them free at an early day ; and a company was incorporated April 16, 1836, for the accomplishment of the same purpose; but the financial disturbances in that year defeated the project. A new charter Avas granted March 26, 1846, x to Isaac Livermore, Charles Valentine, William Reed, and their as sociates, as proprietors of the Hancock Free Bridge, empowering them to build a bridge across Charles River, between West Bos ton and Canal Bridges, but requiring them to purchase both those bridges if their proprietors Avould sell them at a price to be de termined by three disinterested appraisers. They were also au thorized to receive the established rates of toll, until the outlay Avith legal interest should be refunded, over and above all ex penses, and a fund of $150,000 should be secured for the future maintenance of the bridges ; after Avhich they should become the property of the Commonwealth. The purchase was made ; and not long afterwards both bridges Avere thoroughly7 rebuilt, and a considerable portion of the Avest end of West Boston Bridge Avas ¦ converted into a solid roadway. By an act passed May 30, 1857,2 the proprietors were authorized to convey both bridges to the City of Cambridge, to be forever maintained by said city as free bridges, whenever the accumulated fund should amount to $100,000. This desirable event occurred on the 30th of January, 1858, Avhen the legal forms of transfer and acceptance were com pleted, and notices were posted throughout the city, to wit: — " FREE BRIDGES. From and after this day, Saturday, Jan- 1 Mass. Spec. Laws, viii. 602. bridge and Boston, and that the Bridges 2 Ibid., x. 751. By a subsequent Act should thereafter be perpetually main- (xii. 1020), it was provided that the fund tained by the two cities, at a like equi- should be equitably divided between Cam- table proportion of expense. 202 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. uary 30, 1858, the West Boston and Canal Bridges will become free public avenues forever. The Directors of the Hancock Free Bridge Corporation and the City Government of Cambridge Avill assemble at the Athenaaum l on Monday next, February 1, 1858, at eleven o'clock A. M., and, preceded by the Brigade Band, will proceed in carriages to the two Bridges, which will be sur rendered to the City of Cambridge by the Bridge Corporation. The bells in the City will be rung, and a salute fired. All per sons desirous to join the procession are requested to assemble at the Athenseum at eleven o'clock A. M. on Monday next." The citizens responded to this invitation in great numbers. A procession, more than a mile in length, and escorted by the Na tional Lancers, moved from the City Hall through Main Street, over West Boston Bridge, through Cambridge Street, Bowdoin Square, Green and Seventh streets, over Canal Bridge, through Bridge, Cambridge, Fifth, Otis, and Third streets, Broadway, North A\renue, and Waterhouse, Garden, Harvard, and Main Streets, to the City Hall, where a collation Avas served, and con gratulations were exchanged. In the procession was the venerable Moses Hadley, who had been toll-gatherer on West Boston Bridge more than fifty-four years. The procession was saluted with hearty cheers at many7 places ; and it did not forget to halt at the Washington Elm, Avhile the Band gave enthusiastic expression to Washington's Grand March. Not only7 the River Street and Western Avenue bridges, but most of the thoroughfares through the city, which were opened during many years, Avere constructed for the benefit of West Boston or Canal Bridge. Main Street, eastward from Columbia Street, Avas originally a causeway, built in connection with West Boston Bridge ; 2 and River Street and Western Avenue were built in connection Avith the bridges bearing the same names, as already described. Concord Avenue was originally the easterly end of the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike, for Avhich a char ter Avas granted March 8, 1803 ; 3 it was laid out as a free highway in May, 1829. By an act passed March 8, 1805, the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike Corporation was authorized to extend their road from its eastern termination, "near to the house of Jonas Wyeth in Cambridge, to the causeway of West Boston Bridge, near the house of Royal Makepeace."4 This portion 1 The same building which is now est highways, and their location has been c.illed the City Hall. described in chapter ii. 2 Miiin Street, westward from Plca-nnt 3 Mass. Spec. Laws, iii. 181. Street, Kirkland Street, North Avenue, 1 Ibid., iii. 514. and Brattle Street, were among the earli- CIVIL HISTORY. 203 of the turnpike was also laid out as a public highway in May, 1829, and it is now known as Broadway. Hampshire Street Avas the easterly end of the Middlesex Turnpike, whose charter was granted June 15, 1805 ;- so much of that turnpike as Avas situated in Cambridge became a public highway in September, 1842. All these, as Avell as Webster Avenue (which was opened before 1809, and Avas until 1860 called Medford Street), Avere constructed as avenues to West Boston Bridge, without material aid or opposi tion from the town. The turnpikes Avere made at the expense of their stockholders and others interested in West Boston Bridge and Cambridgeport lands ; and Webster Avenue, by the parties specially interested, and at their OAvn expense. But when Andrew Craigie had completed his purchase of the Lechmere or Phips estate, and was ready to bring it into the market by7 building Canal Bridge to connect it with Boston, a sharp rivalry between him and his associates on the one hand, and the proprietors of West Boston Bridge and the Cambridge- port residents and land-OAvners on the other, for several years kept the town in constant excitement and turmoil. Whenever either party desired to open a new avenue to its bridge, it was resolutely opposed by the other party7, as adverse to its OAvn in terest. The majority7 of voters sometimes favored one party, sometimes the other. AU, or nearly7 all, the desired avenues were at last obtained, but through much tribulation. The severest contest between the two parties was in regard to Mount Auburn Street and Cambridge Street. It has already been stated that the road from Cambridge to WatertoAvn for many years substantially7 coincided with the present Brattle Street, Elmwood Avenue, and Mount Auburn Street. To shorten the distance between Watertown and West Boston Bridge, the Town appointed a committee, Dec. 26, 1805, to present a petition to the Court of Sessions " to establish the road as now laid out from the garden of the Hon. Elbridge Gerry to the garden of the late Thomas Brattle, Esq. " 2 At a subsequent meeting, Feb. 17, 1806, the other party triumphed, and the committee was dis charged. The subject was again discussed, Nov. 17, 1806, Mr. Craigie having offered to give the land and make the road so far as it crossed his farm, if the town would establish a neAV road from Gerry's corner to a point on Brattle Street, nearly opposite to his house ; 3 the town voted in favor of establishing such a road, 1 Mass. Spec. Laws., iii. 611. Street, between Elmwood Avenue and 2 That is, the present Mount Auburn Brattle Square. 3 Such a road would continue the con- 204 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and appointed a Committee to procure the discontinuance of the road from Gerry's corner to Brattle's garden. On the 27th of May7, 1807, the Selectmen laid out the road, as desired by Mr. Craigie ; but it does not appear that the town accepted it. A year later, May 2, 1808, the West Boston Bridge interest was again in the ascendant, and the toAvn voted (104 against 65) to lay out Mount Auburn Street (west of Brattle Square), appro priated S3, 000 to defray the expense, and directed the Selectmen to construct the road immediately. On the 16th of May, An drew Craigie and thirty-five others protested against the making of the road ; and it Avould seem that violent measures were adopted-to prevent it, for on the 7th of June following, the town, by a majority of 116 against 71, approved what the Selectmen had done, directed them to complete the work, and appointed them as a committee " for the purpose of prosecuting Andrew Craigie and others, for trespasses committed, or which may here after be committed by him or others upon the road " before de scribed. In continuation of this road, and to complete a nearly straight avenue from the Watertown line to West Boston Bridge, the town voted, Sept. 6, 1808, to lay out Mount Auburn Street, from Holyoke Street to Main Street. Meanwhile, Mr. Craigie made several efforts to have Brattle Street laid out from Fayer- Aveather Street to " Wyeth's sign-post," Avhich stood near the present junction of Brattle and Mount Auburn streets, to coun teract the effect of opening the new Mount Auburn Street ; this object Avas not accomplished until September, 1812, when that portion of Brattle Street Avas very properly laid out, — not by the toAvn, hoAvever, but by the county, as a county road. What is now known as Cambridge Street Avas constructed in the interest of Mr. Craigie and his associates, theoAvners of Canal Bridge, almost the Avhole of East Cambridge, and a portion of Cambridgeport. In connection Avith William Winthrop and the heirs of Francis Foxcroft, they opened and graded the road from Canal Bridge to the Common, except about an eighth of a mile next eastward from Elm Street, Avhere the land was owned by parties having an adverse interest.1 After other ineffectual ef forts to have the road completed and established as a public highway, a petition Avas presented by Thomas H. Perkins and nection with Mason Street, over which 1 The owners were Henry Hill, Rufus and Cambridge Street, already projected, Davenport, and Koyal Makepeace, all it was designed to conduct the travel largely interested in Cambridgeport lands. toward Lechmere's Point. CIVIL HISTORY. 205 fifty-two others to the General Court, June 6, 1809, setting forth, " that the Canal Bridge across Charles River, between the Avest end of Leverett Street, in Boston, and Lechmere's Point, so called, in Cambridge, was begun during the last season, and great prog ress was made therein, that the Avork has been again resumed this spring, and is now pursued with great spirit and alacrity, so that the Bridge will probably be completed and ready for the accommodation of passengers by the middle of July next; that there is not now any public highway leading to the west end of said Bridge ; " and that the Court of Sessions, for lack of a quo rum of disinterested Justices, had failed to establish such a public way. " Wherefore your petitioners pray, that you will take their peculiar case into yrour consideration, and provide for their relief, either by appointing a committee in such a way as to you may seem most fit, to explore, vieAV, and mark out new highAvays from the westerly end of said Bridge to communicate with the great roads into the country at such places as will best comport Avith common convenience and the public good, or in such other way as you in your wisdom may appoint ; which Committee shall be further authorized and instructed to notify all persons and cor porations who may be in any wise interested and affected by their proceedings, of the time and places, Avhen and Avhere they shall report ; and who shall make their report to the Court of Sessions for said County of Middlesex, or to some other tribunal Avhich may be authorized finally to hear all persons and parties, and es tablish such new highways as the public convenience may re quire." An order of notice was issued, and at a meeting held on the 12th day of June, " the following order was taken thereupon by the town : Whereas a road has been laid out and made by Andrew Craigie and others, from the west end of Canal Bridge (so called), to the road near the Colleges, called Cambridge and Concord Turnpike, or Concord Street, leading to Cambridge Common, excepting over a small piece of land belonging to Henry Hill and others, which prevents a communication from said Bridge to said Common ; therefore voted, that the Select men be authorized and directed to lay out a road or Avay over the land aforesaid of the said Hill and others, of the same width of the road made by said Craigie, so that all obstructions may be removed to the opening of the said road from' Canal Bridge to Cambridge Common. Voted, that a committee of five be appointed to prepare and present a petition and remonstrance against the petition of Thomas H.Perkins and others to the Hon. 206 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Legislature of this Commonwealth now in session, and to state such facts and to petition for such measures in regard to this matter as they7 may judge proper. Voted, that the Committee consist of the following gentlemen : Hon. Francis Dana, Esq., Hon. Elbridge Gerry, Esq., Hon. Jonathan L. Austin, Esq., Messrs. Royal Makepeace and John Hayden." The Committee, thus appointed, presented to the General Court a long and very energetic remonstrance, a copy of which remains on file in the office of the City Clerk. They commence by alleging " that the inhabitants of Cambridge and Cambridge- port are deeply afflicted by the incessant machinations and in trigues of Mr. Andrew Craigie, in regard to roads ; " in proof of Avhich they refer to the fact that, at the last session of the Gen eral Court, Mr. Craigie caused two petitions to be presented for the appointment of a committee with extraordinary powers to lay out roads in Cambridge ; that these petitions " seemed by their tenor to proceed from disinterested persons, whereas some of the petitioners were proprietors of the Canal Bridge, and others deeply interested in lands connected Avith the proposed roads ; and Mr. Craigie, Avho Avas not a petitioner, supported them in person and with two lawyers, in the absence of all the petitioners ; these two petitions being manifestly, as the remon strants had stated, a continuation of a plan of him and his coad jutors, commenced in 1797, and invariably pursued to 1809, to turn the travel to that quarter ; and the same game he is evi dently now playing, by the petition signed by T. H. Perkins and others." " That such a petition, A7iz. to lay7 out roads Avithout number, with courses undefined, by a committee of the Legisla ture, your remonstrants conceive, never was before offered to any Court, Legislative or Judicial, of Massachusetts ; " that a Bill reported in accordance Avith these petitions, was rejected ; " that the principal object of all these petitions, viz. to open a road from Mr. Wyeth's sign-post to Mr. Fayeivveather's corner,1 has been three times before the Court of Sessions of Middlesex, has been as often rejected by it, and has been once suppressed after it had obtained by intrigue and surprise the sanction of that honorable Court ; and it is now a fifth time pending in the exist ing Court of Sessions of that County ; that the petition of T. H. Perkins and others prays for a committee to explore, vieAV, and mark out new highways from the westerly end of the Canal Bridge to communicate Avith the great roads into the country," i Namely, Brattle Street, from Fresh Pond Lane to Fayerweather Street. CIVIL HISTORY. 207 etc. ; " that this petition is predicated on the feeble pretence that there is not any public highway leading to the Avest end of said Bridge, — an higliAvay which Mr. Craigie has ever had it in his power, by a petition to the town, to attain, and which is now ordered by a vote of the town, by removing every obstacle to be laid out and established." This remonstrance was effectual ; the committee, to whom the petition Avas referred, reported that " it is inexpedient for the Legislature to appoint any Committee to view or mark out any of the highways aforesaid ; " and the re port was accepted. Agreeably to the vote of the town, before recited, the Select men laid out a road over the lands of Hill and others, so as to make a continuous aA'enue from Canal Bridge to Cambridge Common ; and the road was accepted by the town July 10, 1809. But this was not satisfactory7 to Mr. Craigie ; - and on the fol lowing day (July 11) he presented a petition to the Court of Sessions, that a road might be " laid out from the west end of the Canal Bridge in a straight line through the lands of Andrew Craigie, Henry Hill, Aaron Hill,2 Rufus Davenport, Royal Make peace, William Winthrop, Harvard College, and John Phillips, over what is called Foxcroft Street, to the Common in said Cam bridge, and over and across said Common to or near the house of Deacon Josiah Moore," which "road is already made- over the whole of it, except a few rods only." This petition was referred to a committee, Avho reported in its favor, Aug. 1, 1809 ; where upon another committee was appointed, who reported Sept. 11, the laying out of the road, Avith a schedule of land damages amounting to S2.055 ; whereof the sum of 81,327 was awarded to Andrew Craigie, and §292 to William Winthrop. The town, considering it to be unreasonable that Mr. Craigie should claim and receiA7e damages for land used in the construc tion of a road which he so much desired, and for which he had so long been earnestly striving, petitioned the Court of Sessions in December, 1809, for the appointment of a jury, "to determine Avhether any and what damages said Craigie has sustained by- means of said road," alleging " that in fact said Craigie sustained no damages." At the next term of the Court, in March, 1810, it was ordered that a jury be empanelled, and at the next term in June, Edward Wade, Coroner, returned the verdict of the 1 The road, as laid out by the town, structed by Mr. Craigie, and no damages did not include the portion already con- were awarded. 2 No land of Aaron Hill was taken. 208 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. jury, and the case was continued to December, when the verdict was set aside by the Court, and it was ordered that another jury be empanelled. The case Avas then continued to March, and again to June, 1811, when Nathan Fiske, Coroner, returned the verdict of the jury, which the Court set aside, and continued the case to the next September, when neither party appeared. On petition of the town of Cambridge, setting forth that two cases in Avhich said town Avas petitioner for a jury to assess the damages, if any, suffered by Andrew Craigie and William Win throp for " land taken for the highway from the Canal Bridge to Cambridge Common," had accidentally been dropped from the docket of the Court of Sessions, and praying relief, the General Court, June 22, 1812, ordered tbe Court of Sessions "to restore said cases to the docket," and to proceed " as if they had never been dismissed therefrom." Accordingly, on the records of the Court of Sessions, Jan. 5, 1813, the former proceedings are recited, together Avith the action of the General Court, and a mandamus from the Supreme Judicial Court, requiring the Court of Sessions at this January Term, to " accept and cause to be recorded the verdict aforesaid, according to the laAv in such case made and pro vided, or signify to us cause to the contrary." The record proceeds thus : " And on a full hearing of the parties in the premises, the Court here do accept said verdict, and do order that it be recorded ; Avhich verdict is as follows : We, David Town- send jr., Thomas Biglow, Thomas Sanderson, Nathaniel Brown, "William Wellington jr., Jonas Brown, Ephraim Peirce, Jacob Gale, Moses Fuller, Thadeus Peirce, Arthur Train, and Gregory Clark, having been summoned, empanelled, and as a jury sworn to hear and determine on the complaint of the toAvn of Cambridge against Andrew Craigie, have heard the parties, duly considered their several allegations, and on our oaths do say, that, by the laying out and establishing of the highway from Cambridge Com mon to Canal Bridge, and by the passage of the same highway over lands of Andrew Craigie, the said Craigie has sustained no damage." It may be added, that the same proceedings were had in regard to the damage awarded to William Winthrop ; and the jury, in like manner, determined that " the said Winthrop has sustained no damage." Thus ended the exciting contest concerning Mount Auburn and Cambridge streets. I have entered so fully into the details, partly because they illustrate the character of the long-continued ¦ rivalry between the two bridges, but chiefly because I have been CIVIL HISTORY. 209 assured by the late Abraham Hilliard, Esq., that in the trial of the Cambridge Street case, the principle of laAV Avas first announced and established in the courts of this Commonwealth, that the damage which a land owner sustains by the taking of his land for a highway, and the benefit which he derives from its construction, shall be equitably adjusted, and offset against each other ; and if the benefit be equal to the damage, he shall receive nothing more. 14 CHAPTER XIV. CIVIL HISTORY. Although Cambridge was early abandoned as the seat of gov ernment, it maintained from the beginning a prominent rank among the towns in the Colony. It was designated, before the establishment of counties, as one of the four towns in which Judicial Courts should be held. Having until that time exercised the whole power of the Colony, both legislative and judicial, the General Conrt ordered, March 3, 1635-6, " That there shall be four courts kept every quarter; 1. at Ipswich, to which Newe- berry shall belong; 2. at Salem, to which Saugus shall belong; 3. at Newe Towne, to Avhich Charlton, Concord, Meadford, and Waterton shall belong; 4th, at Boston, to which Rocksbury, Dorchester, Weymothe, and Hingham shall belong. Every of these Courts shall be kept by such magistrates as shall be dwell ing in or near the said towns, and by such other persons of Avorth as shall from time to time be appointed by the General Court, so as no court shall be kept Avithout one magistrate at the least and that none of the magistrates be excluded, who can and will intend the same." L And Avhen the Colony Avas divided into counties, May 10, 1643, - the courts continued to be held in Cambridge, as the shire-toAvn of Middlesex. As " the business of the courts there is much increased," it was ordered, Oct. 19, 1652, that two additional sessions should be held for that county in each year, both at Charlestown. These courts Avere continued for many years, and a court house and jail were erected in that town. At a later date, courts were established and similar build ings erected in Concord, and also, at a comparatively recent day, at Lowell. All these places Avere regarded as " half-shires " ; but the County Records Avere never removed from Cambridge, as the principal shire, except as follows : During the usurpation of Sir Edmund Andros, he appointed Capt. Laurence Hammond of Charlestown to be Clerk of the Courts and Register of Probate 1 Mass. Col. Rec. i. 169. 2 [bid., ii. .38. CIVIL HISTORY. 211 and Deeds, who removed the records to Charlestown. After the revolution and the resumption of government under the forms of the old Charter, Captain Hammond denied that the existing courts had any legal authority, and refused to surrender the rec ords which were in his possession. The General Court there fore ordered, Feb. 18, 1689-90, " that Capt. Laurence Hammond deliver to the order of the County Court for Middlesex the rec ords of that county ; that is to say, all books and files by him formerly received from Mr. Danforth, sometime Recorder of that County, as also all other books of record, and files belonging to said county in his custody." - A year afterwards, Feb. 4, 1690-1, the Marshal General was directed to summon Captain Hammond to appear and show cause why he had not surrendered the Mid dlesex Records ; and on the next day, he " peremptorily denying to appear," the General Court ordered the Marshal General to arrest him forthwith, with power to break open his house if nec essary.2 The records were at length surrendered. Again, at a town meeting, May 11, 1716, an attempt was made to reclaim missing records : " Whereas the Register's office in the County of Middlesex is not kept in our town of Cambridge, Avhich is a grievance unto us, Voted, that our Representative be desired to represent said grievance to the honorable General Court, and in- treat an Act of said Court that said office may forthwith be re moved into our town, according to law, it being the shire-town in said county."3 By the records of the General Court it appears that on the 8th of June, 1716, Colonel Goffe complained that no office for the registry of deeds was open in Cambridge, being the shire-town of Middlesex ; the Representative of Charlestown in sisted that his town was the shire ; and a hearing was ordered.4 A week afterwards, June 15, " upon hearing of the towns of Cam bridge and Charlestown as to their respective claims of being the shire-toAvn of the Countv of Middlesex, resolved that Cambridge is the shire-town of said County. Read and non-concurred by the Representativ-es." ° The case between the two toAvns being again heard, June 13, 1717, it was resolved by the whole court, that "Cambridge is the shire-town of the said county;"6 and on the following day it was voted in concurrence " that the public office for registering of deeds and conveyances of lands for the County 1 Mass. Prov. Rec, vi. 117. of Deeds, and kept his office and the rec- 2 Ibid., vi. 173. ords in Charlestown up to this time. 8 Samuel Phipps, Esq., of Charlestown, * Mass. Prov. Rec, x. 63. succeeded Captain Hammond as Register b Ibid., p. 68. 6 Ibid., p. 145. 212 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of Middlesex be forthwith opened and kept at the shire-toAvn of Cambridge." - This order Avas immediately obeyed. I have not ascertained Avhen or Avhere the house Avas erected in Avhich the judicial courts were first held in Cambridge. It seems to have been burned in 1671. In the Court Files of that year, is a document commencing thus : " At a County Court held at Cambridge, 4 (8) 1671. After the burning of the Court House, Avherein was also burnt the Court Book of Records for trials, and several deeds, wills and inventories, that have been de livered into Court before the fire Avas kindled," etc. - The Court afterwards passed this order : " Upon information that several Records belonging to this County Avere casually burnt in the burning of the house where the Court Avas usually kept, this Court cloth order that the Recorder take care that out of the foul copies and other scripts in his custody he fairly draw forth the said Records into a Book, and present the same to the County Court, Avhen finished : and that the Treasurer of the County do alloAV him for the same."3 The first Court House of Avhich we have any definite knoAvledge, was erected, about 1708, in Har vard Square, nearly in front of the present Lyceum Hall.4 It ap pears by the Proprietors' Records that " at a meeting of the Proprietors of Cambridge, orderly convened, the 26 day of Jan uary 1707-8, — Voted, That the land where Mr. John Bunker's shop now stands, with so much more as will be sufficient to erect the Court House upon (to be built in this town), be granted for that end, in case a Committee appointed by the Proprietors do agree with Andrew Bordman and John Bunker for building a lower story under it .... Deac. Nathaniel Hancock, Jason Russell, and Lieut. Amos Marrett, were chosen a committee to agree with said Bunker and Bordman about building under the said house." The Committee reported, Feb. 9, 1607-8 : " Pursuant to the aforesaid appointment, we, the subscribers above mentioned, have agreed with and granted liberty unto the said John Bunker and Andrew Bordman to make a lower room under the said 1 Mass. Prov. Rec, x. 147. on a pen and ink plan drawn about 1750, 2 The volume which was burned con- and here reproduced by permission of its tained the Records after October, 1663, up owner, Henry "Wheatland, M. D., of Sa to October 4, 1671. lem. The Court House (called Town- 8 County Court Rec, iii. 173. house on the plan) stood further south 4 This Court House stood where the than is here represented, — its northerly Market House was erected more than a end being several feet south of the south- century later. It3 position is indicated erly front of the meeting-house. CIVIL HISTORY. 213 house (which we apprehend will be about thirty foot in length and twenty-four foot in width), the said loAver roohn to be about seven or eight foot stud, betwixt joints, with a cellar under the whole of the said house ; the aforesaid lower room and cellar to be for the use of the said John Bunker and Andrew Bordman, their heirs and assigns forever, excepting an entry through the middle of the said lower room, of about six foot wide, and a stairway for passage into the said Court House, or chamber, as the committee for building the same shall see meet ; the remain der of the said lower room and the Avhole of the said cellar to be for the* use and benefit of the said John Bunker and Andrew Bordman, their heirs and assigns, forever, as aforesaid. It is the true intent and meaning of this agreement, that the said John Bunker and Andrew Bordman shall, at their own cost and charge, build the cellar and lower room aforesaid, and finish the same up to the girts, and keep so much of the said buildings as appertains to them the said Bunker and Bordman, viz., up to the girts afore said, in good repair, at all times, on penalty of paying treble damage that the upper room may sustain by reason of the said Bunker and Bordman 's neglect in causing their part of said build ing to be kept in good repair," etc. The County Court had previously " Ordered, that there be allowed out of the County Treasury towards the erecting a suitable Court House for the use of the County in the town of Cambridge, thirty pounds, the one half thereof to be paid at the raising and covering, and the other half at the finishing of the same ; the said house to be not less than four and twenty foot wide and eight and twenty foot long, and of height proportionable." 1 This house, diminutive as its proportions now appear, was used by the courts for about half a century. But in 1756 the Court of Sessions appointed a com mittee to provide better accommodations, either by enlarging and repairing the old house or erecting a new one. Whereupon the toAvn, Nov. 2, 1756, declared by vote its willingness to pay its customary proportion of the cost of a " new Court House, to be erected, of such model and dimensions, and in such place in the town, as the Committee of said Court shall judge most suitable and commodious : provided the materials of the old meeting-house now about to be taken down, be given and applied (so far as they shall be wanted) to that use, together with the town's pro portion of the present Court. House." On the 29th of the same month, the Proprietors voted to grant land, " not exceeding one ' Sessions Records, April 23, 1707. 214 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. quarter of an acre, Avhereon to erect a new Court House," the place to be determined by a joint committee of the proprietors, of the town, and of the Court of Sessions. At length a lot of land, where Lyceum Hall noAV stands, was purchased of Caleb Prentice, who conveyed the same Nov. 5, 1757, to William Brat tle, Andrew Bordman, and Edmund Trowbridge, for the use of the town of Cambridge, and county of Middlesex, " for erecting and continuing a Court House upon forever hereafter." On this lot a house was erected, more spacious than the former, and was occupied by the courts more than half a century. An attempt was afterwai-ds made to erect another edifice in the centre of Har vard Square ; and the Proprietors voted, June 14, 1784, " to give and grant to the town of Cambridge, for ever, so much land ad joining to the land on which the old Court House stood (which was nearly opposite to where the present Court House stands), as shall be sufficient to make up a piece forty six feet square; .... including and surrounding the land on which the old Court House stood (which was thirty feet by twenty-four feet), for the purpose of erecting a building to keep the County Records and hold the Probate Courts in." - It does not appear, how ever, that any such building Avas erected. An ineffectual attempt was also made in 1806 by prominent men in Cambridgeport to induce the County to erect a court house on the easterly side of what Avas long called the " meeting-house lot," bounded by Broadway, and Bordman, Harvard, and Columbia streets. Andrew Craigie and his associates were more successful. Having given ample grounds, and erected a court house and jail at an expense of 824,000, as related in chapter xiii., they Avere re warded by the removal of the courts and records in 1816 to the edifices prepared for them, Avhere they remain to this day. The old Court , House having been abandoned by the County was used for town and parish purposes until April 19, 1841, when the toAvn quitclaimed all its right and interest in the house and the lot (containing about ten perches) of land on Avhich it stood for the nominal consideration of one dollar, to Omen S. Keith and others, in trust for the use of the proprietors of the Lyceum Hall to be erected on the premises ; provided, nevertheless, that the grantees " do and shall forever grant and secure to the town the right of the inhabitants of the first Ward in said Cambridge to the use of the Hall for all necessary meetings of the voters in said Ward." The old Court House was soon afterwards removed to Palmer Street ; it still remains, being occupied for secular purposes. 1 Proprietors' Records. CIVIL HISTORY. 215 The earliest notice which I have found of a place of imprison ment in Cambridge is contained in the following report, preserved in the Middlesex Court Files : — " January the 7th 1655. Wee, whose names are underwritten, being appoynted by tbe County Cort of Middlesex to provide a house of Correction, with a fit person to keep the same, do make our return to the honored Court as followeth : Impr. Wee have bargained and bought of Andrew Stevenson of Cambridge his dwelling house with about half a rood of land adjoyning to the same, being bounded with Mr. Collines on the north and east, and the highway on west, and south,1 with all the appurtenances and privileges thereoff ; the said Andrew hereby covenanting and promising, for him and his heyres to make legal- con veyance thereoff to the County when thereunto demanded. In consid eration whereoff we do covenant with the said Andrew Steven son, his heyres aud assignes to pay and satisfie to him or his assignes sixteen pounds in cattle or 18u in corne, at or before the first of May next ; and at the same time the said Andrew to de liver his house in as good repaire as now it is for the use of the County. Also wee have agreed with our brother EdAvard Goffe to errect an addition thereunto, in length 26 foote and in propor tion to the other house, and a stack of chimneys in the miclle, and to finish the same as may be most sutable for the work and end proposed. Also, wee do desire the honored Court to allow unto our brother Andrew Stevenson (who hath willingly at our request yelded himselfe to the service of the County in that place) such an annual stipend as may be due incouragement to continue the same with all diligence and faithfulnes, according as need shall require. Ephraim Child, Edward Jackson, Ralph Mousell, Edward Goffe." On the other side is endorsed, — " This witnesseth that I, An drew Stevenson, do consent to the within named propositions and covenant, as witnes my hand this 7th- llmo. 1655.2 Andrew A. S. Stevenson." 1 The House of Correction stood on was reconveyed to Stevenson, whose heirs the easterly side of Holyoke Street, about sold it to Jonathan Nutting, March 25, two hundred feet northerly from the pres- 1695. ent location of Mount Auburn Street. - By the Court Records and Files, it After the erection of a jail, this estate appears that the House of Correction or 216 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. In October, 1660, the County Court ordered, that the House of Correction, or BrideAvell, should be used as a prison for the County, until further provision be made. Such provision Avas made by the erection of a jail 1 before Aug. 26, 1692, when it Avas ordered by the Court, " that the County Treasurer take care that their majesties Goal at Cambridge be repaired, for the com fortable being of what persons may be committed forthAvith." - It Avas also ordered, Dec. 14, 1703, " that an addition be made to the prison at the west end thereof, of eighteen foot square, with studs conformable to the old house." A dozen years later, the old part of the prison became so unsatisfactory, that the Court appointed "a committee to agree with carpenters and other Avorkmen to erect and build a good well-timbered house in Cam bridge for a Prison, for the accommodation of a keeper, to be thirtv-six foot lon*;, and for Avidth agreeable to the foundation of the old Goal or Prison, two storeys high, fifteen foot stud, with a stack of chymneys in the middle, to be done and finished work manlike, as soon as may be conveniently effected Further ordered, that Coll. Edmund Goffe, the present Sheriff, repaire Bridewell was erected in 1656. Andrew Stevenson was the prison keeper from 1656 to 1672; William Healy, from 1672 to 1682, when he was removed from of fice; Daniel Cheever, from 1682 until he was succeeded in office by his son Israel Cheever about 1693. In 1691, the prison- keeper presented a petition for relief, which is inserted, as characteristic of that period : — " To the honored Court for the County of Middlesex, holden in Cambridge by adjournment this 11th day of May 1691, the petition of Daniel Cheever, keeper of the Prison in Cambridge humbly sheweth, That your poor petitioner is in great straits and want at present, by reason that his salary hath not been paid hi.n for some considerable time past, and hav ing a considerable family depending on him for maintenance, he is compelled to make his complaint to this honored Court, hoping to find relief, begging some order may be taken speedily for his supply, which otherwise cannot be done without great loss and damage to your petitioner; and he would further inform thi3 Court, that George Newbe, who is under bond to pay a fine imposed on him by this Court, hath a pair of young oxen which he would part with, in. order to said pay ment; which oxen your petitioner desires he may have, and then would put off his old oxen to help supply him with neces saries for his family. Also he further desires to add that Sylvester Hayes hath lain upon him this many months, without any consideration from Charlestown, which your petitioner is not able to bear, therefore desires redress of this honored Court in this particular also. But not further to be troublesome, your petitioner earnestly requests your serious consideration of what is premised, and remains your Honors' most humble ser vant." — Court Piles. - The jail stood on the northerly side of AVinthrop Street, between Winthrop Square and Eliot Street; and this con tinued to be the place for imprisonment until the new county buildings were erected at East Cambridge. 2 This was when the witchcraft excite ment was at its extreme height, and the prisons in several counties were put in requisition to confine the unhappy victims who were accused in Essex. CIVIL HISTORY. 217 the chymneys in the neAV Goal, and what also may be needfull for the reception of and securing of criminals." Until 1720, the " Common " extended to Linnaean Street, and included also a few acres, lying in a nearly square form, at the northwesterly comer of Linnaean Street and North Avenue.1 This extreme point of the Common was set apart as a " Place of Ex ecution," or " Gallows Lot," as it was more familiarly called. And after the Common was reduced to its present size, and the lots in this square fronting on the streets, had been granted to in dividuals, about one acre in its extreme northwesterly corner was reserved for its former use, until trials, and imprisonments, and executions were transferred to East Cambridge.2 It was entered from North Avenue through a bridleway or passage, between Lancaster Place and Arlington Street, now called Stone Court. The names and the number of the wretched convicts who suf fered the extreme penalty of the law at this " Place of Execu tion," are unknown to me. One horrible example, however, was recorded by Professor Winthrop, in his interleaved Almanac, under date of Sept. 18, 1755 : " A terrible spectacle in Cam bridge : two negroes belonging to Capt. Codman of Charlestown, executed for petit treason, for murdering their said master by poison. They were drawn upon a sled to the place of execution ; and Mark, a felloAV about 30, was hanged ; and Phillis, an old creature, was burnt to death." The " Boston Evening Post," of Sept. 22, states more particularly, that " the fellow was hanged, and the Avoman burned at a stake about ten yards distant from the gallows. They both confessed themselves guilty of the crime for which they suffered, acknoAvledged the justice of their sentence, and died very penitent. After execution, the body of Mark Avas brought doAvn to Charlestown Common, and hanged in chains on a gibbet erected there for that purpose." Dr. In crease Mather, in his diary, printed in the first volume of the " Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society," page 320, says that on the 22d of September, 1681, " there were three per sons executed in Boston, — an Englishman for a rape; a negro i Delineated on an old plan in the City land," etc. It was sold on the 24th of the Hall. the same month to William Frost, and de- - This lot was described in the Pro- scribed as bounded "easterly, southerly, prielors' Records, April 3, 1826, as "about and westerly, by his own land, northerly one acre of land, called the Gallows Lot, and northeasterly by a bridle-way, lead- in front of the house of James Rule, and ing from the county road to land belong- separated from his real estate by a bridle- ing to Mary Stone and Susanna Jarvis," way leading from the county road to said etc. 218 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. man for burning a house at Northampton ; and a negro woman who burnt two houses at Roxbury, July 12, in one of which a child was burnt to death. The negro Avoman was burnt to death, — - the first that has suffered such a death in New England." It is devoutly to be hoped that the Avoman Avho thus expiated her crime at Cambridge, in 1755, was the last " that has suffered such a death in New England." " Ye have tbe poor with you ahvays ; " and the judicious re lief of their wants is an important but often a very perplexing duty. For several years, as will be related in chapter xv., the church assumed this duty, and made suitable provision for the destitute and distressed. It does not distinctly appear at what time the management of this charity passed into the hands of the town. The earliest reference to this subject which I find on the Town Records is under date of June 29, 1663 : " Jane Bourne [or Bowen] making her complaint to the selectmen, that she can find none in the town that is wilb'ng to entertain her to their service, and craving their favor that she may have liberty to provide for herself in some other town, with security to such as shall so entertain her, — the ToAvnsmen do grant her request in manner following, viz., so as that she place herself in some honest family ; and in case she stand in need of supply, or the town whither she shall resort do see reason to return her again upon the toAvn, she shall be still accepted as one of the poor of this place ; and this is to be understood and taken as binding to the town for one year next'after the date hereof, any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary, notwithstanding." Again, under date of April 8, 1672 : " The terms of agreement of the selectmen with Thomas Longhorne for the keeping of William Healyes child, as followeth : That the said Thomas Longhorne is to bring up Hanna Hely, daughter of William Healy, born in the y7ear 1671, providing all necessaries for her of food and clothing in the time of her minority and suitable education meet for one of her sex and degree ; and for his satisfaction, he is to be allowed out of the ToAvn Rate five pounds a year for five years ; and if she should die before those five years be expired, or it should be pro vided for by any of its friends before that time, then he is to have no more than for the time he keep it, after five pounds per annum ; only forty shillings of said pay is to be made in cash, or, if not, then so much in other pay at money price." In like manner, for more than a hundred years after this date, provision appears to have been made for the poor, in private families, CIVIL HISTORY. 219 under the supervision of the selectmen. At length it was de termined, March 15, 1779, to purchase a house in Avhich they might be gathered together, and their wants be more systemati cally supplied. Accordingly7, " the committee who were chosen at the last Town Meeting, March 1, 1779, to purchase a work house for the poor of the town, reported that they could purchase of Deac. Samuel Whittemore a suitable house for that purpose. Voted, That said Committee purchase the house and land be longing to said Whittemore, take a deed for the same for the town, and that the Treasurer be directed to give security for the same, or hire the money to pay for it. Voted, that the Select men take care of the said house, and appoint some discreet per son as Overseer." The estate consisted of a dwelling house and twenty-five square rods of land on the northeasterly corner of Brighton and South streets, and was conveyed to the to%vn by deed dated March 29, 1779. For some reason this estate proved unsatisfactory; and the town voted, March 1,1785, "that Mr. Caleb Gannett, Stephen Dana, Esq., Capt. John Walton, Deac. Aaron Hill, and William Winthrop, Esq., be a committee to in quire whether there is any person Avho is desirous to purchase the house and land belonging to the town, situate near the causeway, Avhich Avas bought for a workhouse and almshouse, and Avhat price it will fetch ; and they are also to inquire Avhether another place can be purchased in the town that Avill answer for said pur poses, and upon what terms it can be had." The committee having been authorized so to do, reported, March 6, 1786, that " they sold the house at public auction for ,£19, 10s. ; they after wards sold the land for «£37, 10s., both amounting to £57." They had also received an offer from the heirs of Abraham Watson of a house and about five acres of land for the sum of £Q0. This estate x was on the southwesterly corner of North Avenue and Cedar Street, and Avas conveyed to the toAvn by deed dated March 9, 1786. The committee reported, June 12, 1786, " that an house is nearly finished and will be ready7 within a few days for the reception of the poor," and rec ommended that it " be called the Poor's House ; " also that there " be chosen and appointed, as soon as may be, five persons, distinct from the Selectmen, to be Overseers of the Poor," who should have the general charge of the house, and provide all necessary " food, fuel, clothing, and medicine, proper for " the occupants, and tools and materials necessary to their proper em- 1 Formerly owned by Matthew Cox. 220 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ployment; that the Overseers should "appoint a suitable person to be Warden of the Poor's House," Avho should " cause his fam ily to lead their lives and behave at all times soberly, quietly, decently, orderly,- and regularly; particularly he shall cause them to attend the public worship on Sundays as often and generally as conveniently may be ; " and he " shall endeavor to form the paupers under his care to habits of economy, frugality, temper ance, sobriety, and industry; particularly he shall keep them em ployed in such useful and profitable labors as they may be re spectively able to perform, within doors or without doors, having regard to their different sexes, ages, bodily strength, former habits of life, and all other circumstances, Avith the approbation of the Overseers ; " and that they7 should also appoint a suitable physician, and employ all necessary servants. The Warden should be required to pay all the earnings of the paupers, monthly, to the Overseers, who should pay the same, half yearly, to the Treasurer, drawing on him for the funds necessary to de fray all charges ; and the Treasurer should keep a separate ac count of all such receipts and payments. Finally, " the Overseers of the Poor shall from time to time make such regulations, not inconsistent with these general regulations, the laws of the Com monwealth, or the principles of humanity and benevolence, as they may judge fit for the better ordering of the Poor's House and the affairs of it; Avhich regulations so by them made shall be binding until the expiration of the year for which such Overseers shall be chosen, or until they shall be by them revoked." This report Avas accepted ; and Dr. William Kneeland, Mr. Jeduthun Wellington, Deac. Aaron Hill, Mr. Ebenezer Stedman, and Mr. EdAvard Jackson, were thereupon elected as the first " Overseers of the Poor, distinct from the Selectmen." In this house, and under such regulations, the pauper estab lishment was admininistered until 1818, Avhen a neAV Almshouse was erected in Cambridgeport. By deed dated April 2, 1818, Jonathan L. Austin and Benjamin Austin conveyed to the town about eleven acres of land, being the Avhole square bounded by Harvard, Norfolk, Austin, and Prospect streets, except one house lot, previously sold, at the corner of Norfolk and Austin streets, " measuring 100 feet on each oi' said streets, 100 feet on the westerly side, and 78 feet on the northerly side." The Over seers reported to the town, Nov. 2, 1818, that they had sold the old Almshouse to Jonathan Fowle, for $454.50, and had erected CIVIL HISTORY. 221 on the lot purchased of the Austins a brick house - 55 feet long, 36 feet wide, about half three stories high, and the other half two stories high, with accommodations for sixty persons, and had removed the paupers into it. A code of Rules and Regu lations, an Address by Royal Makepeace, on behalf of the Over seers, and a Sermon delivered in the Almshouse by Rev. Dr. Holmes, in September, 1818, are entered at full length on the Records of the Overseers of the Poor. The new location of the Almshouse did not prove satisfactory ; and a desire for further change was soon manifested. As early as Nov. 14, 1831, a Town-house having been erected on the north easterly corner of the square, a committee was appointed by the town " to cause the Almshouse lands to be surveyed and laid out into proper streets and building-lots, and to ascertain Avhat the same may be sold for ; also to ascertain for Avhat sum a suitable spot of ground for an Almshouse may be purchased, and a proper and suitable Almshouse erected thereon." During the night pre ceding July 30, 1836, the Almshouse, together with the out buildings, was utterly consumed by fire, and one of its wretched inmates perished. The order for surveying the Almshouse lands was renewed, Aug. 22, 1836 ; and it was further ordered, that the building-lots be offered for sale at auction. Meantime, the town voted, Aug. 8, 1836, " that the Overseers of the Poor be authorised to make such temporary provision for the support of the ToAvn's Poor, and such of the State's Poor as are not of competent health to labor, by hiring a building, or otherwise, as they may consider for the interest of the town." The Overseers accordingly hired a spacious house, originally designed for a tavern, on the northerly side of Main Street, nearly opposite to Osborn Street, Avhich was occupied until a new Almshouse was erected at Riverside. The town purchased, Dec. 9, 1836, of Amos Hazeltine, for $5,600, eleven and a quarter acres of land, bordering on Charles River, and extending from Western Avenue nearly to River Street, together with two acres and three quarters on the op posite side of Western Avenue, extending from the river to Putnam Street. A committee reported in April, 1838, that a 1 This house stood on the westerly side first story; and ten chambers in the second of Norfolk Street, opposite to Worcester story ; a large garret, 55X24 feet, and a Street. It contained "a kitchen, 30X15 cellar, 34X24 feet." Connected with the feet, a bathing room, and three cells, in house were a wood-house, 30X15 feet, and the basement story; a work-room 30X15 a barn 35X25 feet. The land cost $1,750; feet, and six other sizable rooms, in the the buildings, $4,851.77; total, $6,601.77. 222 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. brick Almshouse had been constructed on the first mentioned lot, at an expense of §7,490.90 ; and the paupers were again placed in a comfortable habitation. Within a few years afterwards, a desire was manifested to abandon this pleasant spot, which had attained a greatly in creased marketable value, and to try the experiment of farming on a larger scale. Accordingly the city purchased, Aug. 7, 1849, of Samuel Smith and Spencer Cook, for $12,000, about thirty- two acres of land, situated partly in the northAvesterly corner of Cambridge and partly in the southwesterly corner of Somerville, and erected a stone Almshouse of the size and fashion then preva lent. The cost of the whole establishment was reported by a com mittee to be, — for the land, $12,000; for the house, $32,970.69; for fences, furniture, etc., $3,000; total, $47,970.69. The house was formally placed in the custody of the Overseers of the Poor, April 3, 1851, with much congratulatory speech -making, in pres ence of a large assembly of citizens, and the paupers were trans ferred to their new home. When this house was erected, its magnificent proportions were considered necessary for the accom modation of the large number of State paupers then under the charge of the city. Shortly afterwards, the Commonwealth adopted a new policy, erected State Almshouses, and withdrew its paupers from the care of cities and towns. Complaints were uttered, that the erection of so large a house for so few inmates was unnecessary, and involved an extravagant outlay of money. But such complaints are no longer heard ; partly, because the increase of city7 paupers has kept pace with the rapidly increasing population, until the house is nearly if not altogether filled ; and partly, because the citizens have become accustomed to expendi tures so much more unnecessary and extravagant, that this has dwindled into comparative insignificance. The old Almshouse (together with the land) Avas sold, May 22, 1851, to Little & Brown, publisher's and booksellers, for $24,000 ; they converted it into an establishment for the manufacture of books, and erected many additional buildings. Subsequently the larger part of the estate became the property of H. O. Houghton & Co., by Avhom it was further embellished and rendered famous as the seat of the Riverside Press. Ordinaries, or houses of public entertainment, were established at a very early period. The General Court ordered, March 4, 1634-5, " that no persons whatsoever shall keep a common vict ualling house, without license from the Court, under the penalty CIVIL HISTORY. 223 of xxs. a week." - The power of granting licenses " to keep houses of common entertainment, and to retail wine, beer, &c." was transferred to the County Courts, May 26, 1647, " so as this Court may not be thereby hindered in their more weighty af fairs."2 Various laws were enacted, regulating such houses, notably in 1645 ; 3 yet so necessary were they considered, that the toAvn of Concord was presented by the grand jury, June 19, 1660, " for not having a common house of entertainment," and was "enjoined to present a meet person to be allowed at the next Court at Cambridge for that employment, on penalty of 51., and to pay costs of Court, 2s and 6d." Great caution was manifested in the appointment of grave and respectable citizens to keep ordinaries and to sell intoxicating drinks. The first person licensed by the General Court, Sept. 8, 1636, " to keepe a house of intertainment at Newe Towne," was Thomas Chesholme4 a deacon of the church, and afterwards Steward of Harvard College. He was also licensed " to draw wine at Cambridge," May 13, 1640.5 His dwelling-house was on a lot at the northwest corner of Dunster and Winthrop streets, adjoining the lot on Avhich the first meeting-house was erected ; so that the first church edifice and the first tavern in Cambridge stood side by side ; and from all which is known of Deacon Chesholme's character, it may be confidently believed that he permitted nothing to be done in the one which could bring dis grace upon the other. The first person " allowed to sell wine and strong water" in Cambridge, March 12, 1637-8,6 was Mr. Nicholas Danforth, a selectman, a representative in the General . Court, and one of the most active and honored citizens. He re sided on the northerly side of Bow Street, near Plympton Street, but died about a month after the date of his license. The next year, May 22, 1639, " Mr. Nathaniell SparhaAvke was permitted to dniwe wine and strong water for Cambridge." He also Avas 1 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 140. wine when above half a pint of wine is al- - Ibid., ii. 188. lowed at one time to one person to drink : * It was then forbidden to "suffer any to provided that it shall be lawful for any be drunk or drink excessively, or continue strangers, or lodgers, or any person or tippling above the space of half an hour, persons, in an orderly way, to continue in in any of their said houses, under penalty such houses of common entertainment dur- of 5s. for every such offence suffered ; and ing meal times, or upon lawful business, every person found drunk in the said what tune their occasions shall require." houses or elsewhere shall forfeit 10s., and — Mass. Col. Rec, ii. 100. for every excessive drinking he shall forfeit 4 Mass. Col. Rec, i. ISO. 3s. id. ; for sitting idle and continuing 6 Ibid., i. 292. drinking above half an hour, 2s. 6d. ; and 6 Ibid., i. 221. it is declared to be excessive drinking of 7 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 259. 224 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. a deacon of the church, and resided on the easterly side of Brigh ton Street, about midway between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street, in the house formerly owned and occupied by the Reverend Samuel Stone. We come next to the establishment of an ordinary which was long known as the " Blue Anchor Tavern." Dec. 27, 1652, " The ToAvnsmen do grant liberty to Andrew Belcher to sell beer and bread, for entertainment of strangers and the good of the town ; " 1 and the County Court granted him a license, June 20, 1654, " to keep a house of public entertainment at Cambridge." Mr. Belcher was a trustAvorthy man, occasionally employed by the General Court to perform important duties. He was respectably connected ; his wife was daughter of Mr. Nicholas Danforth and sister of Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth ; their son, Andrew Belcher, Jr., was a member of the Council, and his son, Jonathan Belcher, was Governor of Massachusetts and of New Jersey. It does not appear where he first opened a " beer and bread " shop, or a " house of public entertainment ; " but on the first of Oc tober, 1671, his son Andrew, then residing in Hartford, Conn., purchased of Sarah Beal, widow of Deacon Thomas Beal, an estate at the northeast corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets, where the sign of the Blue Anchor was soon afterwards displayed. Mr. Belcher was licensed for the last time in April, 1673, in which year he probably died. In April, 1674, license was granted to his widow Elizabeth Belcher, and afterwards from year to year until she died, June 26, 1680. She was suc ceeded by her son Andrew Belcher, who was licensed in 1681 and 1682.2 In September, 1682, Capt. Belcher sold the estate to his brother-in-law Jonathan Remington, who performed the duties of host until April 21, 1700, when he died, and was succeeded by his widow, Martha Remington, daughter of the first Andrew Bel cher. The Belcher family ceased to be inn-holders May 12, 1705, when the widow and children of Captain Remington sold to Joseph Hovey the estate " near the market-place, commonly called and known by the sign of the Blue Anchor." Joseph Hovey retained the house only four years, and then sold it to his brother John Hovey, who died in 1715. His widow Abiel Hovey 1 Although this was not, as Rev. Dr. 2 Capt. Belcher's son Jonathan, after- Holmes supposed, "the first license for wards Governor of Massachusetts, was an inn, in Cambridge" (Coll. Mass. Hist, born Jan. 8, 1681-2, and probably in this Soc, vii. 28), it may be regarded as the house. most important, in respect to its charac ter and permanency. CIVIL HISTORY.' 225 received license for two years, and then married Edmund Angier, who conducted the business until April 4, 1724, when he died and his widow Abiel again assumed charge of the house ; she married Isaac Watson, Aug. 27, 172-5, in Avhose name business was transacted about four years, when it passed into the hands of John Hovey, son of the former owner. In November, 1731, the General Court authorized the Court of Sessions to grant (out of the usual season) to Joseph Bean, late of Boston, " a license to keep a Tavern in Cambridge, in the house of Mr. John Hovey, which he hath lately hired, and has for many7 years past been used as a house of public entertainment." On the 23d of April, 1737, Mr. Bean bought of Nathaniel Hancock an estate on the westerly side of Brighton Street, about midway between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street, to Avhich he transferred the sign of the Blue Anchor ; and for nearly a century afterwards it was a famous Tavern. Mr. Bean sold the estate, Jan. 26, 1749, to Ebenezer Bradish ; Mr. Bradish died in 1785, and his son sold it, Feb. 29, 1796, to Israel Porter, who is Avell remembered by many now living, and who died May 30, 1837, aged 99, according to the town record. A part of the tavern-house remains stand ing, though much changed in appearance.1 John Jackson kept a public house near the northwesterly angle of Brattle Street and Brattle Square, probably from about 1672 until 1695, when he was succeeded by Capt. Josiah Parker, who purchased the estate in 1699, and was an inn-holder as late as 1725, and perhaps until he died in July or August, 1731. - 1 At this house the Selectmen met for their patronage of the bar. Among the the transaction of public business, and paid bills remaining on file is the follow- probably paid for the use of rooms by ing : — " The Selectmen of the town of Cambridge to Ebenr. Bradish, March, 1769, To dinners and drink, April, " To flip and punch, May 1, " To wine and eating, May, " To dinners, drink and suppers, To flip and cheese, To wine and flip, June, " To punch, July, ¦' To punch and eating, August, " To punch and cheese, Oct., " To punch and flip, To dinners and drink, Dec, Jan., 1770, & Feb., Sundries, £4. 10. 7" 2 It does not distinctly appear whether 1672 he was punished for unlawfully en- Samuel Gibson was an innholder; but in tertaining students. The following depo- 15 Dr. £0. 17. 8 0. 2. 0 0. 6. 8 0. 18. 0 0. 1. 8 0. 4. 0 0. 2. 8 0. 4. 0 0. 3. 7 0. 4. 8 0. 13. 8 0. 12. 0 226 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Another tavern, somewhat famous for many years, stood on the southerly side of Mount Auburn Street, about midway between Brighton and Dunster Streets. It seems to have been first opened in 1726, by John Stedman, grandson of Robert Stedman, the former owner of the same estate. He was succeeded, in 1728, by his widow, Sarah Stedman, and she, in 1734, by her son Ebenezer Stedman, Avho died Sept. 13, 1785, aged 76. Time would fail me should I attempt to enumerate and de scribe all the inn-holders who have flourished in Cambridge. During the first century after the foundation of the town, licenses Avere granted to the following named persons (and perhaps oth ers) besides those who have already been mentioned : — James Cutler, 1718-1735. Daniel Champuey, 1691. William Russell, 1696-1715. Samuel Phipps, 1707-1709. Elizabeth Phipps, 1710-1712. Edward Marrett, 1709. Susanna Stacey, 1709, 1713-1715. Hannah Stacey, 1712, 1716-1724, Ruth ChUd, 1713-1715. . Samuel Robinson, 1714-1720. John Smith, 1715-1717. James Ingham, 1716-1720. Samuel Smith, 1716-1735. Thomas Thompson, 1721-1724. Elizabeth Thompson, 1725. Thomas Brown, 1721. William Bond, 1722-1724. Peter Oliver, 1727-1729. Joshua Gamage, 1729-1731. Daniel Champney, Jr., 1730-1733. Thomas Holt, 1730-1731. Thomas Dana, 1731-1735. William Bowen, 1732. Jonathan Starr, 1735. During the early part of the present century, the Davenport Tavern, at the westerly corner of North Avenue and Beech Street, was widely celebrated for the concoction of flip ; and in sition and confessions are preserved in the files of the County Court : " Urian Oakes, aged 14 yeares and upward do testifie that about 10 dayes since he and Percifall Greene being gathering up fruite in the Marshals orchard, Mr. Edw: Pel ham came to them with a fowling peece in his hand and desired him to shoot a fonle of Gm. Farlengs, and when he was disapoynted there, he brought him to ye fence between ye Marshals yard and Capt. Gookins, where sat a turkie, and desired him to shoot y', wch he accordingly did, and ye fowle being killed ye sa Pelham took y„ coate of ye si Urian and wrapt up the turkie in it, and sent it by Perci fall Greene to Samuel Gibsons and bid him, leave it at y« said Gibsons house." "' Samuel Gibson being examined do con- fesse y' about 10 dayes sence Percifall Greene came to his house and brought a turkie wrapt up in a coate and left it there, and was dressed by his wife, and baked in the oven, and in the night fol lowing it was eaten by Mr. Pelham, John Wise, and Russell, stud13-" etc. " Good- wife Gibson his wife do confesse y' w' is above related is ye truth, and y' she sus pected it not to be stoalen, but that Mr. Pelham said he came by it honestly, and was frequently at their house. 23 (7) 1672." The result appears on the Court Records, Oct. 1, 1672. " Samuel Gibson, being convicted of enterteyneing some of the stud1*- contrary to law, is sentenced to be admonished and to pay a fine of forty shillings in money. And he stands com mitted until it be pd." CIVIL HISTORY. 227 the easterly sections of the town the hostelries at the easterly corner of Main and Pearl streets, the Avesterly corner of Main and Douglass streets, near the westerly corner of Main and Moore streets, at the junction of Main Street and Broadway (and another a few rods farther eastward), at the junction of Cambridge and Bridge streets, and at the junction of Bridge and Gore streets, besides a generous local patronage, reaped an abundant harvest from the country teams engaged in transporting merchandise to and from Boston ; which teams almost entirely disappeared immediately after the construction of railroads, and the inns did not long afterwards flourish. Besides innkeepers, the County Court licensed others to sell intoxicating liquors by retail. Among the names of such retail ers, in addition to those who have already been mentioned, the following appear during the first century : — John Stedman, 1653-1686. Jonathan Remington, 1713-1735. William Manning, 1654-1686. Nathaniel Hancock, Jr., 1707-1709. Edmund Angier, 1674-1686. Mary Bordman, 1708-1714. Samuel Andrew, 1684-1691. John Stedman, 1717-1724. William Andrew, 1701. Sarah Fessenden, 1720-1735. Mrs. Seeth Andrew, 1702-1703. Mary Oliver, 1731-1732. Zachariah Hicks, 1704-1717. Edward Marrett, 1733-1735. Martha Remington, 1705-1712. Two of these retailers in their old age found it necessary to appeal to the County Court for relief ; their petitions are still preserved on file, to wit : — " To the honored Court assembled at Cambridge, all pros perity wished. Thease are to informe you that I wase brought up in an honest collinge in ould England, where we sould all sortes of goode3 and strong waters, Avithought offence. I have bine now in this land forty-nine yeres and upwards in this towne, and have payd to the magistre and ministre, and to towne charges, and all willingly ; that I have helped to beare the bur then and heate of the daye ; and now I am 74 yers and upward, yet I can abide in my shope and attend my collinge, though litell is to be gotten by anye thinge I can by ; that my trad will not maintayne my ffamily and other charges of towne and coun trey and ministrye. There being so many sellers that never served for a trade, I desire that it might be no offence to aney that I continue in that collinge I Avas brought up to, and may have yor leave to sell rome, it being a commodity sallabell and allowed to be brought into the countrey ; and many that was 228 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. formerly a commodity is not now. Hopeing you will grant me my request, I rest yr servant, Edmund Angier." April 7, 1686. " To the honored County Court sitting by adjournment at Charlestown, 24, 8br., 1690. The petition of John Stedman of Cambridge, aged 88, sheweth, That your petitioner, as is well known, hath had a license to sell Rum for many years past, Avhich never Avas discontinued till the Revolution, since Avhich he would have sought for the renewal of it, had he had the least notice Avhen or where he ought to apply himself for it, or that any others renewed theirs: That your petitioner wonders that his daughter Sharp should be summoned to this Court for selling Rum without license, she never having sold any at Cambridg on her own or her husband's account, but upon the sole and proper account and by the order of your petitioner, who is well assured that he hath never given cause to be dealt with in extremity, he having never bin behindhand in paying for his draft, or in serv ing the country to his power. Your petitioner therefore praies that his said daughter Sharp may no further be molested or dis couraged from her dutiful and charitable assistance of your peti tioner for his support and comfort in his extream old age, and that a license may be granted bim as formerly. So praies your humble servant, John Stedman." In addition to innholders and retailers, venders of beer and bread Avere licensed, one of whom, Andrew Belcher, has already been mentioned. Another was Mrs. Bradish, probably the wife of Robert Bradish,1 who resided on the Avesterly corner of Har vard and Holyoke streets, where the Holyoke House now stands. The following appeal to the County Court, without date, is in the handwriting of President Dunster, and is preserved in the files for 1654 : — " Honored Gentlemen, as far as it may stand with the whole some orders and prudential laws of the country for the publick weal, I can veiy freely speak with and write in the behalf of sister Bradish, that shee might be encouraged and countenanced in her present calling for baking of bread and brewing and selling of penny bear, Avithout which shee caHot continue to bake : In both Avhich callings such is her art, way and skill,. that shee doth vend such comfortable penniworths for the reliefe of all that send 1 The license may have been granted to her husband; but she seems to have been the active manager of the business. CIVIL HISTORY. 229 unto her as elsewhere they can seldom meet with. Shee was complained of unto me for harboring students unseasonably spending there their time and parents' estate ; but upon exam ination I found it a misinformation, and that shee was most de sirous that I should limit or absolutely prohibit any ;that in case of sickness or want of comfortable bread or bear in the College only they should thither resort and then not to spend above a penny a man, nor above two shillings in a quarter of a year ; which order shee carefully observed in all ordinary cases. How far she had publick allowance by the townsmen hertofore I leave to Br. Goff or any of our townsmen that are with you to shew : and how good effects for the promoting of the weal publick and how christian a thing in itself godly emulation is, as your histor ical knowledge informs you so your experience abundantly dem onstrates, as contrarywise the undoing messures of monopolyes. The Lord to guide and prosper all your administrations shall bee the prayer of yours in what he can. H. Dunster." From time to time the Court established a scale of prices for ordinaries : — " At a meeting of the magistrates and committee to take the Treasurer's account, Dec. 30, 1679 ; For the regulating of ex penses at the County Courts, it is ordered that henceforth, for the juries, there shall be allowed in money, For their breakfast, one man, £0. 0. 4. For their dinner, " " 0. 1. 3. For their supper, " " 0. 1. 0. for the magistrates, For dinner, " " 0. 2. 0. For supper, " " 0. 1. 6. for the marshall and constables, one meal, 0. 1. 0. "And wine and beer, &c, to be included in the abovesaid sums ; and if any ordinary shall exceed the abovesaid order, it shall be at their own peril." In the Proprietors' Records, 1635, it is stated that a large lot, originally designed for Richard Saltonstall, "is now to be en tered the Market Place." It was bounded northerly on Mount Auburn Street, easterly on Brighton Street, and southerly on Winthrop Street. This lot retained the name of Market Place more than two hundred years ; but there is no evidence that any 1 Middlesex Co. Rec. 230 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. market house was ever erected thereon.1 It may have been used, long ago, as an open mart for the interchange of goods between producers and consumei-s ; but even of this, no proof remains. Again, Avhen Davenport & Makepeace, in 1805, laid out streets in the Phips Farm, a Market Place was reserved at the junction of Market Street and Broadway ; but the time has not yet arrived for appropriating it to its intended use. In July, 1812, the first effectual movement was made for securing the long-desired ac commodation. Premising that " a convenient market-stall, suffi ciently capacious to admit meat and other articles to be exposed for sale, protected by a roof or covering from the rains and the sun, erected near the town pump in Cambridge, will be of gen eral benefit," twenty-four persons subscribed an agreement for the accomplishment of that purpose. The " town pump " stood near the centre of Harvard Square ; and the Square was then much smaller than it now is, having since that period been en larged on the northeasterly and westerly sides. On the westerly portion of this Square a building was erected, about thirty-four feet long and twenty-five feet wide, with posts, and rails around it, probably encumbering nearly the whole space granted for that use by the proprietors of common lands ; namely, " a square piece, measuring forty-six feet on each side." John Bowers engaged to erect the building for such price as should be determined by Deac. Josiah Moore, Deac. John Watson, and Mr. Thomas Ma son. The referees reported, Nov. 5, 1812, that Mr. Bowers Avas entitled to $210.55, for labor and materials, and that materials had been furnished by subscribers, amounting to $38.39. They also estimated that it Avould cost $81.00 additional " to complete the coving, furnish posts and railings around the house, steps to each door,2 raising the earth around it, providing benches, cleaver, block, and additional hooks, painting the building, and procur ing Dearborn's patent Balance, with a scale attached thereto, that will weigh from half a pound to five hundred and forty weight." 3 1 The Market Place is now generally also that the town shall have a right to called Winthrop Square. After remain- remove the enclosure, if they shall here- ing open and common for two centuries, aftersee fit." on petition of Levi Farwell and others, 2 One door was at the south end, and April 7, 1834, the Selectmen were author- one on the east side. ized " to permit Market Place, so called, 8 To defray the whole cost, amounting to be enclosed as they shall judge for the to $329.94, and to provide "a fund for ornament and benefit of the town and the repairs," a joint stock was established of petitioners ; provided that the enclosure forty shares, valued at ten dollars, each, shall be of a permanent nature and with- which were immediately taken as follows : out expense to the town; and provided Oliver Wendell, three shares; Caleb Gan- CIVIL HISTORY. 231 At their meeting, Jan. 11, 1813, the proprietors established several Regulations, the first three of which Avere as follows : — " 1. No person occupying said market house shall be permitted to use or vend spirituous liquors therein, except on such public occasions, and under such restrictions, as the committee may hereafter agree to and direct. 2. That no fire be carried into or kept in the market house, and that no cigars or pipes be allowed to be smoked therein. 3. That no shell or other fish be per mitted to be kept in said market house, at any7 season of the year." 1 The first occupant of the market house seems to have been Joel Wellington, who paid rent for the quarter ending March 31, 1813; he also occupied it several years after April 1, 1814. The ' second occupant was Henry Greenwood, under a lease dated March 31, 1813, in which lease the committee of the proprietors reserved " one quarter part of said house, — viz., next to the bal ance and scale, for the purpose of accommodating those Avho may bring into the market, butter, eggs, or foAvls, or any kinds of sauce ; but no person shall be admitted to A7end therein such articles of provision as are usually supplied by butchers." The committee also reserved " the right of letting said market house on Wednesday and Thursday of Commencement week, without any deduction from the rent thereof." And it is worthy of note, that, according to the Treasurer's account current, Israel Porter paid for the use of the market house on those two days and the intervening night, the sum of twenty dollars, while the Avhole rent of the house for the year, exclusive of those days, Avas only forty dollars. Afterwards, this reservation of tAvo days was dis continued, and the rent Avas gradually increased to eighty dollars per annum, and taxes. A lease of the ground under and around the market house had been granted by the Proprietors of Common Lands, extending to nett, two; John Mellen, two; Josiah self and William AVarland, one; Samuel Moore, two; Samuel Bartlett, two; Israel Child, one; Samuel Child, Jr., one ; Jonas Porter, two; Sidney Willard, one; Henry Wyeth, 3d- one; Thomas Austin, one; Ware, one; AVilliam Hilliard, two; Joseph Holmes, one; Royal Morse, one ; Thomas Warland, one ; Artenatus Moore, John Walton, for himself and Ebenezer one; Richard Bordman, two; Eliab W. Stedman, Jr., one ; Jacob H. Bates, one; Metcalf, one ; John Farrar, one; John T. AVilliam Gamage, one. Kirkland, two; Levi Hedge, including i A cellar was constructed in 1816, and Joseph McKean's subscription, one ; was rented for fifteen dollars per annum James Read, Jr., two; Joseph S. Read, toZenasC. Atwood, " to keep for sale oys- for himself and William Brown, one; ters; no kind of gambling, tippling, or ri- James Munroe, for himself and Torrey otous behaviour, to be suffered in said eel. Hancock, one ; John Warland, for him- lar." 232 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. April 1, 1833. But at a toAvn meeting, April 3, 1826, a Com mittee, of which Abraham Hilliaixl was chairman, submitted an elaborate Report concerning the respective rights of the Town and the Proprietors of Common Lands in and to several lots therein described, and concerning sundry encroachments on the public highways. The report recited the history of the lot on which the Market House stood, showing that, after it had been occupied about fifty years by a court house, it had remained open for public travel during a still longer period, from about 1760 to 1812, and that the toAvn had thus acquired the right of passage over it as a public highAvay; which report was accepted, and arrangements were made to secure the immediate or future re moval of all encroachments on any7 of the public highways in the town. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Market House, March 5, 1827, " a deed was presented by a committee of the town of Cambridge, for the Proprietors to sign, thereby acknowl edging that they have no right or title to the land whereon the market house now stands; the proprietors refused to sign said deed, and voted, that William Hilliard, Levi Farwell, and Joseph Holmes be a committee for the purpose of ascertaining whether a suitable lot of land can be procured upon which to remove the market house, and upon what terms. After an in effectual negotiation, lasting more than two years, resort was had to legal process. At the September term of the Court of Com mon Pleas, 1829, an indictment was presented by the Grand Jury against the Proprietors of the Market House, for keeping up and maintaining "a certain wooden building, extending in length thirty-four feet and in breadth twenty-five feet, with a cellar under the same, and with posts and railing on the sides thereof extending in length forty feet, standing upon the common and public highway in the town of Cambridge." The case was con tinued from term to term until June, 1830, when the result is thus recorded : " And now, Asahel Stearns, Esq., Attorney for the Commonwealth in this behalf, says, the within named defend ants having paid the costs of prosecution, and given satisfactory security for the removal of the nuisance within forty days from this seventeenth of June, 1830, he will no further prosecute this indictment." In clue time the building was removed, and the Square has since remained open and unobstructed. The enclosure at tbe corner of North Avenue and Garden Street is generally supposed to be the most ancient burial-place CIVIL HISTORY. zo3 in Cambridge. It was used for that purpose as early as January, 4, 1635-6, when it was " ordered, that the burying-place shall be paled in ; whereof John Taylcot is to do 2 rod, Georg Steele 3 rod and a gate, Thomas Hosmer 3 rod, Mathew Allen 1 rod, and Andrew Warner appointed to get the remainder done at a public charge ; and he is to have iiis. a rod." But at an earlier- date, April 7, 1634, we find this record : " Granted John Pratt two acres by the old burying-place, without the common pales." This evidently refers to some spot devoted to the burial of the dead, earlier than the one then in use. Its location is not cer tainly known, yet it is indicated with some degree of probability by two circumstances: (1.) The lot owned by John Pratt in 1635, Avas situated on the southerly side of Brattle Street, and on both sides of Hilliard Street. (2.) The "common pales" are supposed to denote the stockade which was erected in 1632, nearly, if not precisely in the line of the present Ash Street, and of Avhich Dr. Holmes says traces existed when he Avrote his His tory in 1800. It is not unreasonable then to suppose that " the old burying-place without the common pales " may have been at or near the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets, in the grounds now owned by Samuel Batehelder, Esq. A hundred years after the second burial-place was ordered to be " paled in," the town enclosed it by a substantial stone wall, instead of the old wooden fence, or pales. The corporation of Harvard College contributed one sixth part of the expense, as appears by their Records under date of Oct. 20, 1735 : " Whereas there is a good stone wall erected and erecting round the burying-place in Cambridge, which will come to about £150, and whereas there has been a considerable regard had to the College in building so good and handsome a Avail in the front ; and the College has used, and expects to make use of the bury ing-place as Providence gives occasion for it ; therefore, Voted, that as soon as the said stone Avail shall be completed, the Treas urer' pay the sum of twenty-five pounds to Samuel Danforth, William Brattle and Andrew Bordman, Esq,., a committee for the town to take care of the said fence." After another hundred years, in his Preface to " Epitaphs from the old Burying-ground in Cambridge," 1845, Mr. William Thaddeus Harris says, " It is rather surprising, that, in this age of improvement, Cambridge should fall behind her neighbors, and suffer her ancient grave yard to lie neglected. Interesting as it is from containing within its limits the ' tombs of the prophets,' the spot is often visited by 234 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. the curious stranger ; but it is to be feared that he as often leaves it Avith feelings of regret at its desolate appearance." It should be added, that this " desolate appearance " has been almost entirely removed within the last thirty years, and, though not pro fusely ornamented, an air of quiet neatness now marks the spot. This ground, however, was of such limited dimensions, that in the course of nearly two hundred years the mouldering remains of some must have been disturbed, to give place to others. The increasing population of the two new villages in the easterly part of the town made the necessity urgent for additional room. Ac cordingly, at a Town-meeting, May 27, 1811, a committee was appointed " to contract for a piece of land in the most eligible situation, for a new burial-ground in Cambridgeport." The Committee reported, August 5, that they had selected a spot, and they Avere empowered to purchase it. On the first day of January, 1812, Jonathan L. and Benjamin Austin, for §791.67, conveyed to the town two acres one quarter and twenty rods of land, bounded north by Broadway and east by Norfolk Street, with a right of way to Harvard Street by a passage forty feet Avide. For more than half a century this ground was used as a public burying-place, chiefly by7 the inhabitants of Cambridge- port and East Cambridge. Meantime the beautiful cemetery at Mount Auburn was consecrated by solemn religious services, Sept. 24, 1831, and the less extensive but scarcely less beautiful and attractive Cambridge Cemetery was in like manner con secrated, Nov. 1, 1854. In one or the other of these cemeteries many of the inhabitants purchased lots, and reverently removed to a more quiet and secluded resting place the remains of their deceased friends. The ground, being comparatively disused for new burials, and divested of many treasures formerly deposited therein, gradually assumed a desolate and forlorn appearance, until a general desire Avas expressed to discontinue entirely its former use and to convert "it into a public park. Application was accordingly made to the General Court for permission to effect the desired change ; and on the 29th of April, 1865, it was " Resolved, that the city council of the city of Cambridge is hereby authorized, at the expense of said city, to remove the re mains of the dead from the burial ground between Broadway and Harvard Street in Ward Number Two, in said Cambridge, to the Cambridge Cemetery, or such other burial place in the vicin ity of Cambridge as the relatives and friends of the deceased may designate and provide Said ground shall be surrounded by CIVIL HISTORY. 235 suitable enclosures, and shall forever remain unused for a public street, unoccupied by any building, and open as a public park. In due time the work was accomplished ; a suitable fence was erected, the ground properly graded, walks constructed, and trees planted, so that the park has already become ornamental to the city.1 • Cambridge Common originally extended northwestAvardly as far as to Linnaean Street, including all the land thus far between Garden Street and North Avenue. It was used for military pa rades and other public purposes, but especially for the safe keep ing of the herd of cows, through the nights of the summer sea son, and was therefore called the Cow-common. In April, 1720, a survey was made for the purpose of division ; but the work was not completed until 1724, when that portion lying northerly of Waterhouse Street was laid out into lots, which were assigned to individuals. The Common was thus reduced substantially to its present dimensions. It continued to be the property of the " Proprietors of Common Lands," until Nov. 20, 1769, when they " Voted, that all the common lands belonging to the Pro prietors, fronting the college, commonly called the Town Com mons, not heretofore granted or allotted to any particular person or persons, or for any special or particular use, be and the same is hereby granted to the town of Cambridge, to be used as a train ing-field, to lie undivided, and to remain for that use forever ; provided nevertheless, that if the said town should dispose of, grant, or appropriate the same, or any part thereof, at any time hereafter, to or for any other use than that aforementioned, that then and in such case the whole of the premises hereby granted to said town shall revert to the Proprietors granting the same, and the present grant shall thereupon be deemed null and void, to all 1 Across the westerly end of this burial upon an ancient Indian fireplace, andhad place a large lot was reserved for the burial to remove nearly a ton of stones from the of paupers and strangers, generally called spot. That part of the town being, ac- the " Strangers' Lot." In the Cambridge cording to appearance, formerly a great Chronicle, Aug. 20, 1846, the late Mr. place for Indian resort, we expected to Daniel Stone, who had long been Super- come across other relics of the Red men ; intendent of the ground, published some but before and since that time, there have reminiscences, among which was the fol- been more than 2500 burials in all parts lowing : " Remarkable Coincidence. In of the lot, and this is the only discovery February, 1826, Lemuel Johns, an Indian we have made. This was the only Indian aged fifty-nine years, from the tribe that buried in the ground, and it would seem once owned Grafton, .... was buried that he had been providentially brought in the Strangers' Lot, as his turn came into the improvements of perhaps some in rotation. From two to three feet from of his ancestors." the top of the ground, the diggers came 236 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. intents and purposes, as if the same had never been made." At a toAvn meeting, March 3, 1828, the Selectmen reported that they had purchased for the town all the remaining rights of the Proprietors in the common lands, and had taken " a good and sufficient deed thereof, and caused the same to be recorded." Before the Common was fully released to the town, a desire was manifested to embellish it and convert it into a pleasant park. At a town meeting, April 7, 1823, a petition was presented by William Hilliard and others for liberty, at their own expense, " to make certain improvements on the Common in said toAvn, by setting out trees, fencing in certain parts, etc., not incompatible with the original grant to said town." The petition was referred to a Committee, who having " matured nothing " Avere discharged at the next meeting. The matter seems then to have rested until June 5, 1830, when it was enacted by the General Court, " that Israel Porter, Stephen Higginson, Asahel Stearns, Joseph Holmes, and Francis Dana, with their associates, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, at their own expense, and under the direction of two commissioners, to be appointed by the governor, with the advice of the council, to enclose such part or parts of the Common in Cambridge, in the County of Middlesex, as the said commissioners shall determine, due regard being had to the public convenience and necessity. And the said commis sioners, after giving due notice to all persons interested, shall have power to make such alterations with respect to the direction of the roads by which the said common is traversed, as they shall see fit, and shall designate the portion or portions of the said common to be enclosed, by metes and bounds, and shall make report of their doings, under their hands and seals, and file the same in the Secretary's office as soon as may be convenient after the said service shall have been performed. And they are further authorized and empowered to leA-el the surface of the ground, to plant trees, and lay out and make Avalks within said enclosure, in such manner as, with the approbation of the selectmen of the said town, they may think proper, leaving suitable and conven ient avenues for the accommodation of persons who may have oc casion to enter or pass over any part of said enclosure on foot. Be it further enacted, that the said enclosure shall be forever kept and appropriated to public use only, as a public park, promenade, and place for military parade ; and no part thereof shall, on any pretence, be appropriated to any purpose of private use or emolument."1 The Avork was accomplished in due time, 1 Mass. Spec. Laws, vii. 7. •CIVIL HISTORY. 237 and the expenses were defrayed by the petitioners and their asso ciates. Meantime, a determined opposition to any enclosure of the Common was manifested by many persons in East Cam bridge, and by certain market-men and others residing in Arling ton and elsewhere, among whom Col. Jeduthun Wellington Avas especially prominent, notwithstanding the Aveight of more than fourscore years. On their petition a town meeting was held, Oct. 8, 1830. The people assembled in the old Court House, — the usual place of meeting ; but so great Avas the concourse that they immediately adjourned to the meeting-house of the. First Parish. After an angry and stormy debate, it was voted, by a majority of 169 against 119, to postpone indefinitely the further consideration of the first and second articles in the warrant, to wit: "Art. 1. To take into consideration the expediency of petitioning the Legislature, at their next session, so far to repeal the Act passed in June last, authorizing certain persons therein named to inclose Cambridge Common, as to secure to the public the right to travel over the said Common by the roads heretofore laid out by competent authority. Art. 2. To see if the town will take any measures in relation to the proposed inclosure of Cambridge Common." Another meeting was held, Nov. 1, 1830, when it was voted by a majority of 299 against 211, to postpone indefinitely the further consideration of the question, whether the town will petition the Legislature so far to repeal the act author izing the enclosure of the Common, as to " secure to the public the right to travel over said Common by the road passing by Dr. Hill's and the late Deacon Moore's 1 to the road leading: to Canal Bridge,2 and also the right to travel over said Common by the road heretofore called the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike." Although the town thus declined to ask for even a partial repeal of the obnoxious act, it appears that individuals presented a peti tion to the General Court ; for at a meeting of " the subscribers for enclosing and ornamenting Cambridge Common," Jan. 11, 1832, it was voted, " to request the Hon. Judge Fay and Prof. Ashmun to attend before the Committee of the Legislature to defend the interests of the subscribers." The appeal to the Gen eral Court being ineffectual, as a last resort a petition was pre sented to the County Commissioners ; whereupon the town, voting by ballot, and by a majority7 of 343 against 111, appointed Judge Story, Judge Fay, and William J. Whipple, " to oppose before the County Commissioners, and otherwise, the petition of 1 Mason Street. - Cambridge Street 238 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Jeduthun Wellington and others, for a highway to be laid out over Cambridge Common." The history and result of this peti tion appear on the records of the Commissioners, January Term, 1835 : " A petition of Jeduthun Wellington and others for a neAV highway across Cambridge. Common was presented to the County Commissioners " at the May Term, 1832, and an order of notice was issued. The case was heard at the September Term, 1832, Avhen after argument and due deliberation, the Commission ers "did adjudge and determine that they had no jurisdiction in the premises, and could not by law lay out and establish a pub lic highway over and across said Common, as prayed for," etc. " Whereupon the said petitioners applied to the Supreme Judicial Court of this Commonwealth for a mandamus upon said Commis sioners, requiring them to exercise jurisdiction in the premises ; and the said Supreme Judicial Court having refused to grant such writ of mandamus, it is now ordered, that said petition, which has been continued from term to term, to await the deter mination of the said Supreme Judicial Court, to this time, be dis missed." Costs of Court were assessed upon the petitioners, who pursued this litigation no further. This result was highly grati fying and advantageous to the inhabitants of Old Cambridge, who thus secured in perpetuity, for themselves and their succes sors, a spacious and pleasant park, rich in historical recollections. It Avas here that Washington assumed the command of the Amer ican army ; and here still flourishes the venerable elm, under which tradition says he stood, while his commission Avas read and proclaimed. Long may that monumental tree escape the ravages of the rampant vandalism which disgraces the present age. But the benefit thus derived Avas not Avithout its drawback. The old proverb, that " every rose has its thorn," was verified in this case. The fierce and angry contest, Avhich gave to Old Cambridge its beautiful Common, indirectly transferred to Cam bridgeport the public meetings of the town and the offices for the transaction of municipal affairs. The old Court House - Avould not contain the multitude assembled on the 8th of October, 1830, and the meeting, according to a former custom, adjourned to the 1 It was agreed, Dec. 24, 1632, "that the joint expense of the town and county, every person undersubscribed shall meet to be used for both court house and town- every first Monday in every month within house. A similar concert of action was the meeting-house." Probably the town had in 1756, when the town agreed to meetings were uniformly held in the share the expense of erecting a new court meeting-house, or church edifice, nntil house, which was also used as a town- about 1708, when a house was erected at house until 1831. CIVIL HISTORY. 239 meeting-house of the First Parish. It is understood that some members of that Parish expressed a natural unwillingness to have their house of worship used for the transaction of secular- business, and especially for the indulgence and expression of angry passions. After the close of this unpleasant meeting, some of the citizens discussed the propriety of erecting a house sufficiently large to accommodate the voters, so that there might be no further occasion to use the church ; and it very naturally occurred to them that if such a house should be erected, it would be Avell to place it where it would best accommodate the whole town.1 The result Avas the insertion of an article in the War rant for the next town-meeting, Nov. 1, 1830, " to see if the town will erect a Town-house on the Almshouse lot, or some other suitable spot, as prayed for by John Cook and others." This article was referred to a committee consisting of three prominent citizens in each section of the town, to wit : Samuel P. P. Fay, Royal Makepeace, John Cook, Stephen Higginson, Asahel Stearns, Levi Farwell, William Parmenter, Samuel S. Green, and Ephraim Buttrick. This committee reported, March 7, 1831, " that, having considered the subject, it is, in their opinion, expedient that a town-house should be erected on the easterly part of the almshouse lot in the parish of Cambridgeport, as more central to the population of the toAvn than the present house, and that a house sufficient to accommodate the town may be built for a sum not exceeding S'2,000 : that when such house shall be finished, all town meetings should be held therein from and after that time." The report was accepted ; and Levi Far- Avelf, Luther S. Cushing, and William Parmenter were appointed as a committee " to report a suitable location, prepare plans, and report estimates for a toAvn-house." At the next toAvn meeting, April 4, 1831, the committee recommended that the town-house be erected at the northeasterly corner of the Almshouse lot,2 and presented a plan of an edifice, drawn by Asher Benjamin, and estimated to cost $2,505. The town accepted the report, elected a building committee, consisting of John Chamberlin, Luther S. Cushing, and William Parmenter, and authorized the Treasurer to pay the bills therefor, not exceeding the sum of $3,000. Sub sequently an additional appropriation of $1,300 was made. The total expense, including $296.09 for furniture and $145.13 for fencing the lot, was $4,351.19. In asking for estimates, the 1 Some of these facts are stated on the - At the corner of Harvard and Nor- authority of the late Samuel S. Green, folk streets, where the Catholic Church Esq., as within his personal knowledge. now stands. 240 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. building committee inserted this specification : " The house is to be of avoocI, forty-six feet in front or breadth, and seventy-six feet long, Avith posts tAventy feet and four inches high, and the roof one fourth of its base in height ; on each end of the building, in addition to the aforesaid length, will be a portico, of six feet in width, consisting of six fluted Doric columns, with an entablature and pediment." Internally, there was one principal hall, fifty- nine feet long, of the Avhole width and height of the building. At the rear, or west end, Avere two rooms, half the full height, each eighteen feet long and fifteen feet wide, with an entry be tween them : over Avhich was another room extending across the whole, to which access was had by two flights of stairs from the principal hall. The town held its first meeting in the new house March 5, 1832, and all subsequent town-meetings Avere held in the same place. After Cambridge became a city in 1846, the Mayor and Aldermen assembled in the southerly small room,1 and the Common Council in the larger room above, until the evening of Dec. 29, 1853, when, in the midst of a furious snow storm, the whole building Avas utterly consumed by fire. Fortu nately, all the Records and other books and public papers were preserved, the larger and more valuable portion being removed while the flames were raging, and the remainder being afterwards found in the safe uninjured, except that they were discolored by smoke. After the destruction of this edifice, rooms for the ac commodation of the City Government were obtained in the Cam bridge Athenaeum, at the easterly corner of Main and Pleasant streets. This edifice Avas subsequently purchased and converted into the present City Hall. For the space of forty years after the erection of West Boston Bridge, Cambridgeport was an isolated village, separated from Old Cambridge by a belt of land half a mile in Avidth, almost wholly unoccupied by buildings. East Cambridge was even more completely separated from the other two villages by the Great Marsh. In 1835, the heirs of Chief Justice Dana sold the tract of land now called " Dana Hill," having laid it out into streets and lots ; and they sold other portions of the same estate, in 1840, extending, on the northerly side of Harvard Street, as far westerly as Remington Street. Buildings were soon erected on this territory, so that, within a few years, Old Cambridge and Cambridgeport became one continuous village, and the original 1 The northerly room was the office of the City Treasurer. CIVIL HISTORY. 241 parish line Avould not be observed by a stranger. East Cam bridge also, though more slowly, approached Cambridgeport, especially on Cambridge Street ; and an extensive system of improvement has been recently commenced, which promises to convert the northerly portion of the Great Marsh into dry land, and at no distant day to unite the inhabited portions of the two villages." along the whole line." Meanwhile, it was natural, in the early days when the two new villages were struggling into existence, that a spirit of rivalry, sometimes attended by jealousy, should become manifest between each other and between both and the ancient town. Their interests were sometimes adverse. Sharp contests between Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, or rather between the large landholders in the two places, in regard to streets and bridges, have been mentioned elsewhere. The re moval of the courts and the public offices to East Cambridge, by the authority of the County Court, was a sore grievance to the people of Old Cambridge, and by no means agreeable to the in habitants of Cambridgeport, whose access to the Court was easier before than after the removal. It was another grievance to Old Cambridge, that the municipal government should be removed from its time-honored seat to Cambridgeport ; but this was ap proved by East Cambridge, because the new place was easier of access. On the other side, the new villages had long standing grievances, growing out of a real or supposed unwillingness of Old Cambridge to give them their full share of schools, streets, and other public conveniences. Especially in regard to streets, they7 frequently complained that they were required to pay their proportionate share of the expense of keeping all the old streets in repair, and at the same time to pay the whole expense of mak ing and repairing the streets necessary for their own convenience, including those Avhich were constantly used by Old Cambridge in passing to Boston. At the expiration of half a century after the erection of the bridge, many of those sources of mutual jeal ousy had disappeared, and time had at least partially healed the wounds occasioned by events which were beyond remedy. The new villages had become sufficiently strong to protect their own interests and to secure for themselves a fair and equitable pro portion of public conveniences. At the same time, no one section was able to control or oppress the two others ; and it does not appear that any desire to do so was cherished. Many of those who had been active in tbe early struggles had passed off the stage; a great majority of the inhabitants had become such since 16 242 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. those struggles ended ; and although each may have had a nat ural desire to make his own particular dwelling-place pleasant and convenient, and may have cherished a generous spirit of rivalry, yet all had a common pride in the reputation of the Avhole toAvn, and desired the prosperity of all its institutions. In the midst of this general harmony and peace, a desire for a division of the town was unexpectedly manifested by a portion of the residents in Old Cambridge, who presented to the General Court a petition, dated Dec. 15, 1842, as follows : — " To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. " The undersigned inhabitants of the westerly part of Cam bridge, being that part of the town usually called Old Cambridge, respectfully represent, — " That, in consequence of the rapid increase of population in those parts of the town being nearest to Boston, and called Cam bridgeport and East Cambridge, the town in fact consists of three distinct and separate communities, which are generally known to the public by those names, and each of Avhich has a Post Office recognized in the United States Laws by the said names of Cam bridge, Cambridgeport, and East Cambridge ; That the time cannot be far distant, Avhen a division of the town, for the con venience of elections and other municipal purposes, will be deemed as necessary as it ever has been at any former period of its history, Avhen the towns of Newton, Lexington, Brighton and West Cambridge were successively separated from the parent town of Cambridge. Your petitioners believe that the present is a favorable time for an amicable division of the town, and they therefore respectfully pray that the toAvn of Cambridge may be divided, and that that part thereof lying westerly of Lee Street and a line drawn in the direction of said street northerly to the boundary line of Somerville, and southerly- to Watertown Turn pike, and by said Turnpike to Charles River, may be incorporated as a distinct town, by the name of Cambridge." Legislative action was postponed until the next General Court, when a supplementary petition was presented, identical Avith the former, Avith slight verbal changes, except that the name " Old Cambridge " was proposed instead of " Cambridge." The cus tomary order of notice on both petitions was issued, requiring the town to show cause why it should not be divided, and the inhabitants assembled Jan. 22, 1844 : at which meeting it is re corded, that " The subject of the second article in the warrant CIVIL HISTORY. 243 being under consideration, the following Preamble and Resolu tions were adopted, — 312 voting in the affirmative, and 73 in the negative : Whereas, it is understood that there are noAV pend ing before the honorable Legislature two petitions, .... praying for a division of this town ; and whereas an order of notice .... has been issued and duly served on this town ; . . . . and whereas the inhabitants of the town, in pursuance of a Avarrant issued by the selectmen, are now in town meeting assembled, to take into consideration the subject of the division of the town ; and whereas, after full inquiry made and full discussion had, no person on be half of the petitioners being able to show any good and sufficient reason for such division : therefore " Resolved, that the division of this town, as prayed for in either of said petitions, or in any other manner, would be not only inexpedient, but greatly and permanently prejudicial to the true interests and the legitimate weight and influence of the town." A committee was thereupon appointed, representing the sev eral principal villages, " to appear before the Legislature and oppose any such division of the town." The case was earnestly contested, but the opposition was successful. The General Court, in the absence of any good reason for division, granted leave to withdraw the petition ; and the town had rest for two years. At the March meeting - succeeding this attempt to divide the town, for the purpose of obviating one of the difficulties in the administration of municipal affairs, a committee was " appointed to consider the expediency of combining the duties of sundry Boards of town-officers, imposing said duties upon a single Board, and paydng to the persons performing said duties a reasonable compensation for their services." This committee submitted a report, May 12, 1845, recommending " that the Boards of Asses sors, Overseers of the Poor, and Surveyors of Highways be abol ished, and the duties heretofore performed by those Boards be in future discharged by the Board of Selectmen ; that the duties of Auditor of Accounts be transferred to the ToAvn Clerk, who shall ex-officio be clerk of the Board of Selectmen ; that the chair man of the Board of Selectmen be ex-officio a member of the School Committee ; that the Selectmen be authorized and re quired annually to appoint some member of their Board to be Chief Engineer ; and that the Selectmen and Town Clerk be reasonably paid for their services." The report was recommitted, - March 11, 1844. 244 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. with authority to revise and print. It came up for final action, Jan. 5, 1846, and its further consideration was indefinitely post poned. After the defeat of this measure, several citizens, before leav ing the ToAvn-bouse, being confident that some change in the method of conducting the public business Avas highly desirable, if not indeed imperatively necessary, signed a petition requesting the Selectmen to appoint a legal meeting, to see if the town would ask for a City Charter. Accordingly the inhabitants of the town met, Jan. 14, 1846, and " voted, that the Selectmen be instructed to petition the Legislature for the grant of a City Charter. Voted, that the Selectmen, together with Simon Greenleaf, Omen S. Keith, Abraham Edwards, Sidney Willard, Thomas Whittemore, Isaac Livermore, William Parmenter, Eph raim Buttrick, Thomas F. Norris, and the Town Clerk, be a Committee to draft a Bill in conformity to the preceding vote, and to use all proper means to procure its passage." A renewed effort was made for a division of the town, Avhile action on the petition for a City Charter was pending ; but now, as before, a large majority of the Avhole toAvn opposed the division. At a tOAvn meeting, Feb. 18, 1846, by the votes of 246 in the affirmative against 50 in the negative, it was " Resolved, that, in the judgement of this meeting, the true interest and glory of the town of Cambridge require that it remain undivided. Re solved, that we will oppose the division of the toAvn, as prayed for, .... by all fair means. Resolved, that the Selectmen be requested to appear before the Committee of the Legislature to whom said petition has been committed, and to oppose the prayer of said petition, and to employ counsel, if they shall deem it ex pedient." After a full hearing, the petitioners, as in the former case, had leave to withdraw their petition, and the town again escaped dismemberment. Before narrating the result of the petition for a City Charter, one more effort for a division may be mentioned. In January, 1855, a petition was presented to the General Court, short, but expressive and very remarkable : " To the Honorable the Sen ate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled : Your petitioners pray that a portion of the westerly part of the City of Cambridge comprising Ward One l be set off and incor porated into a town by the name of Cambridge, and that the 1 Ward One then embraced all the territory lying westerly of the line of Dana Street. CIVIL HISTORY. 245 remaining portion of the territory of said City be called Cam bridgeport, or such other name as may seem fit." This was fol lowed by a petition from certain inhabitants of the Third Ward, asking to be incorporated as a distinct town, but more modestly requesting that the new town might be called East Cambridge. On the 21st of February, 1855, orders of notice on these petitions having been read, it was ordered, by concurrent vote of the City Council, " That the Mayor be authorized to adopt such measures in opposition to the prayer of said petitions as he shall judge ex pedient ; and that he be also authorized to employ counsel, if he shall deem it expedient." It is proper to mention the fact, that when this vote to resist a division of the City was passed, the First and Third Wards, in which the petitions originated, had a clear majority of members both in the Board of Aldermen and in the Common Council. The petition from East Cambridge was not urgently pressed ; but upon that from Old Cambridge an earnest straggle ensued.1 The opposition was again successful, and Cambridge remained undivided. Whatever excitement at tended this contest speedily abated, and those who were most prominently active on either side cherished a spirit of mutual friendship and respect as aforetime. And now, after an interval of more than twenty years, it is not known that a desire for divis ion is entertained in any section of the city. The petition for a City Charter was opposed by tbe citizens who desired a division of the town ; but its advocates presented such satisfactory arguments in its favor that it was granted, and " An Act to establish the City of Cambridge " was approved March 17, 1846, containing a provision that if? " shall be void, unless the inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, at a legal town meeting, called for that purpose, shall, by a majority of the voters present and voting thereon by ballot, determine to adopt the same, within twenty days after its passage." Such a meet ing was held March 30, 1846, when, according to the Record, " the polls having been opened at twenty minutes past ten o'clock, A. 3i., for the reception of ballots on the question whether the town will adopt the Act of the Legislature, passed on the 17th of March instant, entitled ' An Act to establish the City of 1 In his argument against division, the precedented request; and that their sug- principal speaker made effective nse of the gestion was altogether gratuitous, that extraordinary fact, that the petitioners, " the remaining portion of the territory like their predecessors in 1844, did not of said city be called Cambridgeport, or ask to be set off from Cambridge, but to such other name as may seem fit." be incorporated as Cambridge, — an un- 246 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Cambridge,' and closed, agreeably to vote, at six o'clock, P. M., the result was ascertained to be as follo\vs ; whole number of ballots, 869 ; in the affirmative, 645 ; in the negative, 224 ; the majority in favor of adopting said Act being 421. Whereupon said result was announced by the Moderator, and proclamation made, that the Town of Cambridge, having accepted its Charter by the requisite majority of votes, as therein prescribed, had be come a City." CHAPTER XV. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. As stated more at large in chapter ii., Cambridge was originally designed to be a fortified town, the seat of government, and the residence of the rulers. It Avas agreed, Dec. 28, 1630, that all the Assistants, except two, should build there " the next spring, and to wiuter there the next year." Dudley and his son-in-law, Bradstreet, were the only Assistants who fully performed Avhat was promised. Apparently there were very few inhabitants in the town for a year and a half, until Aug. 14, 1632, when " the Braintree Company," otherwise called " Mr. Hooker's Com pany," were directed by the Court to remove thither. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising, that, contrary to the usual qustom, a church was not immediately organized, and a house erected and dedicated to the service of God. There is no evidence within my knowledge that meetings were held in Cam bridge for religious worship, before the arrival of " Mr. Hook er's company ; " and for a whole year afterwards, until Mr. Hooker himself arrived, this flock probably had no pastor nor stated teacher. Meantime, Prince says,1 on authority of a man uscript letter, that in " this year (1632) is built the first house for public worship at Newtown (after called Cambridge) Avith a bell upon it." No notice of the erection of such a house is found on the records of the town ; yet the fact that it had been erected seems to be recognized in an agreement made Dec. 24, 1632, " that every person undersubscribed shall meet every first Mon day in every month, Avithin the meeting-house - in the afternoon, within half an hour after the ringing of the bell." The connec tion between Mr. Hooker and the " Braintree Company" is re lated by Mather, and more concisely by Dr. Holmes: "The recent settlers of Newtown had, while in England, attended the ministry of the Reverend Thomas Hooker, who, to escape fines l Annals ii. ',:,. worship, was on the southwesterly comer - The house first erected for public of Dunster and Mount Auburn streets. 248 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and imprisonment, for his nonconformity, had now fled into Hol land. To enjoy the privilege of such a pastor, they Avere Avilling to migrate to any part of the world. No sooner, therefore, was he driven from them, than they turned their eyes towards New England. They hoped that, if comfortable settlements could be made in this part of America, they might obtain him for their pas tor. Immediately after their settlement at Newtown, they ex pressed their earnest desires to Mr. Hooker, that he would come over into New England, and take the. pastoral charge bf them. At their desire, he left Holland ; and, having obtained Mr. Samuel Stone, a lecturer at Torcester, in Northamptonshire, for an assistant in the ministry, took his passage for America, and arrived at Boston September 4, 1633 Mr. Hooker, on his arrival at Boston, proceeded to Newtown, where he was received with open arms by an affectionate and pious people. He was now chosen pastor, and Mr. Stone teacher, of the people at New town ; and on the 11th of October, 1633, after solemn fasting and prayer, they were ordained to their respective offices." 1 Under this date, Winthrop says, — "A fast at NeAvtown, where Mr. Hooker was chosen pastor, and Mr. Stone teacher, in such man ner as before at Boston." - As he says nothing concerning the organization of the Church at that time, it would seem probable that it had been constituted previously, but at what precise date does not appear. From the same authority we learn the name of the Ruling Elder of this church, in September, 1634 : " At this court, Mr. Goodwin, a very reverend and godly man, being the elder of the congregation of Newtown, having in heat of argument, used some unreverend speech to one of the assistants, and being reproved for the same in the open court, did gravely and humbly acknoAvledge his fault, &c." 3 In 1636, the Church with its officers removed to Hartford, Connecticut, as related in chapter iv., and thenceforth ceased all visible connection with Cambridge.4 Meantime a new company arrived from England, under the leadership of Rev. Thomas Shepard, Avho purchased the houses and lands of their predecessors, and organized a new church even 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 12. gifts and graces, his Christian humility - Savage's Winthrop, i. 115. was conspicuous at the hour of death. 3 Ibid., i. 142. Elder William Good- As related by Mather, "when one that win, eminent in the State a3 well as in the stood weeping by the bed side said unto Church, died at Farmington, Conn., him, ' Sir, you are going to receive the March 11, 1672-3. reward of all your labors,' he replied, 4 Mr. Hooker, that " bright and shin- ' Brother, I am going to receive mercy.' " ing light," died July 7, 1647. Though The pious, learned, and witty Mr. Stone renowned " in both Englands " for his died July 20, 1 663. JKCCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 249 before the actual removal of the former, embracing probably a very few of its members who remained here. Winthrop, who undoubtedly was present, describes Avith much particularity the organization of this Church, under date of Feb. 1, 1635-6 : — " Mr. Shepherd, a godly minister, came lately out of England, and divers other good Christians, intending to raise a church body, came and acquainted the magistrates therewith, Avho gave their approbation. They also sent to all the neighboring churches, for their elders to give their assistance, at a certain day, at New town, Avhen they should constitute their body. Accordingly, at this day, there met a great assembly, Avhere the proceeding was as followeth : — Mr. Shepherd and two others (who were after to be chosen to office) sate together in the elder's seat. Then the elder of them began with prayer. After this, Mr. Shepherd prayed with deep confession of sin, etc., and exercised out of Eph. v. — that he might make it to himself a holy, etc. ; and also opened the cause of their meeting, etc. Then the elder de sired to know of the churches assembled, what number were needful to make a church, and how they ought to proceed in this action. Whereupon some of the ancient ministers, conferring shortly together, gave answer, that the Scripture did not set down any certain rule for the number. Three (they thought) were too few, because by Matt, xviii., an appeal was allowed from three ; but that seven might be a fit number. And, for their pro ceeding, they advised, that such as were to join should make con fession of their faith, and declare what work of grace the Lord had wrought in them ; which accordingly they did, Mr. Shepherd first, then four others, then the elder, and one who was to be deacon, (Avho had also prayed,) and another member. Then the covenant was read, and they all gave a solemn assent to it. Then the elder desired of the churches, that, if they did approve them to be a church, they would give them the right hand of felloAVship. Whereupon Mr. Cotton, (upon short speech with some others near him,) in the name of their churches, gave his hand to the elder, with a short speech of their assent, and desired the peace of the Lord Jesus to be with them. Then Mr. Shepherd made an exhortation to the rest of his body, about the nature of their covenant, and to stand firm to it, and commended them to the Lord in a most heavenly prayer. Then the elder told the assem bly, that they were intended to choose Mr. Shepherd for their pastor, (by the name of the brother who had exercised,) and de sired the churches, that, if they had any thing to except against 250 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. him, they would impart it to them before the day of ordination. Then he gave the churches thanks for their assistance, and so left them to the Lord." 1 The relations previously existing between Mr. Shepard and many of the early members of this Church are mentioned by him self in his autobiography. Born Nov. 5, 1605, at Towcester, Northamptonshire, and educated at Emanuel College in Cam bridge, A. B. 1623, A. M. 1627, he took orders in the English Church ; but as he could not conscientiously conform to all its ceremonies, he Avas constantly harassed by its rulers, and pre vented from the exercise of his ministry in peace. After preach ing at Earles Colne somewhat more than three years (where he secured the lasting friendship of Roger Harlakenden), and about a year at Buttercrambe, Yorkshire (where he married his first Avife), and another year in sundry places in Northumberland, he sought refuge from constant persecution, by a removal to New England. He failed in his first attempt, however, being driven back by stress of weather ; but his second attempt Avas success ful, and he arrived at Boston Oct. 3, 1635, with his "wife, child, brother Samuel, Mr. Harlakenden, Mr. Cooke, &c." 2 Two clays afterwards, he came to Cambridge and took lodgings at the house of Mr. Stone. " The reasons," says he in his Autobiography, " which swayed me to come to New England, Avere many. 1. I saw no call to any other place in Old England nor Avay7 of sub sistence in peace and comfort to me and my family. 2. Diverse people in Old England of my dear friends desired me to go to NeAV England, there to live together, and some went before and i Savage's Winthrop, i. 180. The or- together, they may supply what this pres- ganization of this Church is commemo- ent work lacks in the graces of descrip- rated in A Discourse on the Cambridge tion and fullness of detail. A general Church Gathering in 1636, delivered in reference is now made, once for all, to the First Church on Sunday, February those Lectures for a particular account of 22, 1846, by William Newell, Pastor of the doctrines taught and the books writ he First Church in Cambridge. See also ten by Mr. Shepard and by hL succes- Lectures on the History of the First sors in the ministry. Church in Cambridge, by Al-xander Mc- - Besides these, he mentions among Kenzie, Pastor of the First Church in the brethren who shared his unsuccessful Cambridge and Shepard Congregational attempt to cross the ocean, and who af- Sociely, in which not only is the gath- terwards became members of his church, cring of the church described, but its " brothers Champney, Frost," subse- subsequent hintory traced to 1872. The quently Ruling Elders, "Goffe, and di- Discourse relates the facts, embellished verse others, most dear saints." He also with the charms of a highly poetic im- acknowledges special acts of kindness agination; the Lectures exhibit the fruits rendered to him in England by Mr. Rus- of careful and patient investigation, and sell, Mr. Collins, ami Mrs. Sherborne, — a loyal adherence to the truth of history; names afterwards familiar in Cambridge. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 251 writ to me of providing a place for a company of us, one of which was John Bridge,1 and I saw diverse families of my Christian friends, who were resolved thither to go with me. 3. I saAv the Lord departed from England when Mr. Hooker and Mr. Cotton were gone, and I saAv the hearts of most of the godly set and bent that way, and I did think I should feel many miseries if I stayed behind. 4. My judgment was then convinced not only of the evil of ceremonies, but of mixed communion, and joining with such in sacraments, though I ever judged it laAvful to join with them in preaching. 5. I saw it my duty to desire the frui tion of all God's ordinances, which I could not enjoy in Old Eng land. 6. My dear wife did much long to see me settled there in peace, and so put me on to it.2 7. Although it was true I should stay and suffer for Christ, yet I saw no rule for it now the Lord had opened a door for escape ; otherwise I did incline much to stay and suffer, especially after our sea storms. 8. Though my ends were mixed, and I looked much to my own quiet, y7et the Lord let me see the glory of those liberties in New England, and made me purpose, if ever I come over, to live among God's peo ple as one come out from the dead, to his praise." Actuated by such motives, Mr. Shepard entered upon the work of the ministry here. His ordination doubtless soon folloAved the organization of the church, but the precise date is not re- 1 John Bridge became a deacon of the ber, she being unable to come unto us. church here. And because we feared her end was not 2 Mrs. Shepard lived only a fortnight far off we did solemnly ask .her if she after this "settlement in peace " seemed was desirous to be a member with us; to be secured by the organization of the which she expressing, and so entering church. She was doubtless the first fe- into covenant with us, we thereupon all male admitted as a member of the newly took her by the hand and received her as constituted body. Her husband left on become one with us, having hud full trial record an affecting account of her admis- and experience of her faith and life before. sion and her "unspeakable joy," which At this time and by this means the Lord was quoted and preserved by Rev. Cotton did not only show us the worth of this Mather, in a Sermon entitled The Tern- ordinance, but gave us a seal of his ac- ple Opening (1709), pp. 30, 31: "An- cepting of us and of hU presence with us other passage must be from our cele- that day ; for the Lord hereby filled her brated Shepard, who in a manuscript heart with such unspeakable joy and as- which I have in my hands relates the surance of God's love, that she said to us gathering of the church at Cambridge she had now enough ; and we were afraid quickly after his coming into New Eng- her feeble body would have at that time land, and the condition of his own virtu- fallen under the weight of her joy ous consort, at that time very near her And thus, a fortnight almost before her death of consumption. The relation has death unto her departure, in the midst of these words in it: 'It pleased the Lord most bitter afflictions and anguishes, her to join us into church-fellowship. After peace continued.'" the day was ended, we came to her cham- 252 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. corded. , From the concurrent testimony of his contemporaries, during his short ministry his praise Avas in all the churches. No record of admissions to the church is known to have been made by Mr. Shepard, except a small manuscript volume in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, entitled, " The Confessions of Diverse propounded to be received and were entertained as Members." - It contains fifty confessions, all in the handwriting of Mr. Shepard, varying in length from a quarter of one page,2 to eight pages.3 Only tAvo bear any date, namely, the forty -first,4 Jan. 8, 1640, and the forty -seventh,5 Jan. 7, 1644. The first in the series, though one of the shortest, may serve as a specimen of their character : — "Edward Hall's Confession. The first means of his good was Mr. Glover's ministry, whereby he saw his misery from Jer. 7, the temple of the Lord, and that he Avas without Christ. But he went from thence to another place, under the sense of an undone condition ; but in that place he Avas deprived of the or dinances of God, and hence the Scripture came oft to mind, what if a man win the world, and lose his soul? Hence he de sired to come to that place again ; but the minister was gone. But Mr. Jenner came, and by him he saAv more evil in himself ; but Mr. S.6 came, and then the Lord did more clearly manifest himself to him from John 3, concerning the new birth. And here he saAv more of his misery, and that he had followed examples and duties, and made them his Christ, and lived without Christ. Hereby the Lord let him see he was Christless, and built upon false foundations, and by this text he saw himself no new crea ture, but only a mended man. Now Avhen the Lord did humble him under this, he saAv the want of Christ, and that without him he must perish. And afterwards John 5. 40 was opened, you will not come to me to have life ; and here he saw how freely Christ was offered, and hereby the Lord did stay and comfort his spirit, and so was stirred up with more veheraency to seek Christ. And then that promise was opened, the Son of man came to seek that which was lost ; and he did not know but the Lord might seek him. And out of that text, 1 Pet. 2. 8, that unto you that believe he is precious ; and here he saw his unbe lief in cleaving to Christ by fits and starts. And since the Lord 1 See N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, xxiii. 4 " Goodman ffessington." 369. 6 " Goodman With." r " Mrs. Greene." 6 Rev Thomas Shepard, probably. 3 " Mr. Dunster." ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 253 brought him to this place, he found his worldliness ; and this bred many fears whether ever any work of Christ in him was in truth, and that he was one that might fall short of Christ, and that he Avas humbled ; but his heart was not deep enough, and hence he was put to more search whether ever he was humbled. Yet the Lord made it more clear from Ephraim's condition, Jer. 31. 18, that the Lord had made him loathe himself, and this made him loathe him [self] ; and here he hath found more en mity of his heart against the Lord than ever before. But hear ing the Lord was willing to take away his enmity, he, by Rev. 22. 14, was brought nearer to the Lord." Besides these fifty persons, the names of others may be gath ered from the lists of Freemen in the Colony, during that period ; for as none were then admitted to political freedom except mem bers of churches, it may safely be supposed that all the Cam bridge men thus made free were members of the Church. More over, Mr. Shepard's successor, the " matchless Mitchell," pre pared in 1658 a manuscript account of " The Church of Christ at Cambridge in N. E., or, the names of all the members thereof that are in full communion," etc., Avhich, after having long been lost, Avas discovered in 1815, by Rev. Dr. Holmes, among the Prince manuscripts, and was published by Rev. Dr. Newell, in the Appendix to his " Discourse on the Cambridge Church-gath ering." It must be remembered, however, that this list contains the names of those who were admitted to membership between 1649, when Mr. Shepard died, and 1658, when the record was made, as Avell as of those who were previously members ; also, that the names of some deceased members may have been omitted. There are still preserved two folio volumes, Avhich may be styled Church Books, chiefly devoted to financial affairs, con taining a particular account of receipts and disbursements by the Deacons, together Avith some historical notices. From these books something may be gleaned concerning the condition and Avork of the Church. On the inside of the cover of one volume is the following mem orandum : — " Goodman Hayes departinge this natural life 1639 hee dis posed of his children as followeth commending them to the Lord and the care of these friends folloAving : unto Mr. Goodyn of Harford his daughter Anna ; unto Goodman Lewis his sonn 254 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Jeames ; unto Goodman Taylcoat his daughter Elizabeth ; unto Goodman Clark his daughter Sarah ; his eldest son to Mr. Hook ers and Mr. Goodyns dispose ; and the youngest child he com mitted to the mother. The congregation of Harford did give toward satisfying of some here that he did owe money unto 251. which hath been thus paid out to that end. l. a. d. " Imprimis pd to Mr. Hill for Goodman Stanley 30". 1. 10. 0 Item alsoe pd to Mr. Cullott in full of his det 17*. I say ).„... per me John Cullock. ) Item alsoe pd Mr. Robert Payne of Ipswich for Good- ) „ . . . man [J ) ' ' Item more a month's diet of the 4 children is owing me ) for " j On a fly-leaf of the same volume, Ave find the disposition of a benefaction : — " Item, Mr. Harlakingdon gave the Church a legacye of 20'.1, Avch Avee receved a young cow for it of Mr. Pellam 2 in the be ginning of the y7ear 1640. Wee gave the summers milk of the cow to brother Towne and brother John French ; the first calfe dyed. The winteringe cost to John .Stone 25s. wch some the second calfe was sold for. The second summers milke wee gave to sister Manninge and brother John French. The 3d summers milke Avas yelded Elder Frost and alsoe all the winteringe of it. The beginning of the year 1643 wee yeelded it Elder Frost for his owne ; at that time it was worth but 5'." 3 The first entry in the Record proper is somewhat mutilated. What is supposed to be lost is here supplied, but enclosed in brackets. " [An account] of the moneys by contribution ] upon the first clay of [the Aveek for] the supply of the Avantsof the Church of Christ and the needy people of Cambridge since the second day of the tenth month in the year of Christ 1638. i In the will of Roger Harlakenden, 2 Herbert Pelham, Esq., married the 1633, is this bequest: "I give to Mr. widow of Harlakenden. Shepard our pastor forty pounds, and to ~ AVinthrop says that in 1640 "cattle our Elders that wch is in their hands, and and all commodities grew very cheap." to the pore brethren of our congregation (ii. 7.) And Hutchinson says, " the price twentye pounds to be ordered by Mr. of a milch cow had kept from 25 to Shepard." 30/., but fell this year to 5 or 61." — Hist. Mass., i. 93. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 255 I. s. d. " Imprimis was contributed the first day of the week be- \ ing the second day of the 10th month, 1638 (part V 0. 19. 5 of it was in papers, namely 8''.) ) "Item was contributed the second sabbath in the 10th ^ . 54" month 25s. 4A (whereof was in papers 3s. i'!.) ) Then follow on the first page the weekly contributions until the last Sabbath in the sixth month, or August, amounting, in the nine months, to nearly fifty pounds, including two which are specially recorded thus : — " Item Mrs Sara Sims the 7th of Feb. brought for herselfe 0. 10. 0 Item [lmo. 1639] was on a day of thanksgiving (at Mr. > „ „ fi„ Eatons) given forty-nine shillings and six pence. ) On the other side of the account we find : — "What the layinges out ha[ve been ] as on the other side appears [ ] Avere contrybnted on severall oc casions for the supply of manyfold nessessyties. I. s. d. "Imprimis for eleven quartes of red wine for the use ofthe) Lords tabell upon the 9th day of the tenth month1 > 0. 13. 9 at loa. a quart. ) And for bread for the Lords tabell at that time 8d. For ) ri 1 a a messenger to goe for the wine 12J. ) Lent my brother Towne 5. 0. 0 Payd for this booke (to keepe accounts in) 0. 4. 6 Given to Elder Frost the 18 of January 2 20s. 1. 0. 0 P*1 for a lether pillow to put in the cushin to the desk ) n 5 n 5s ; it waved otb. ) Payd for sendinge a messenger (goodman Crackbone) to ) Charlestowne and Roxbery to atayne helpe for >- 0. 2. 0 preachinge in our pastors weaknes 2*. ) Payd to goodman Line for 5 quarts and \ pint of wine 0. 6. 6 Payd my brother Towne for his half years alowauce 1. 5. 0 and payd him for 5 times goinge with messages to the church 0. 3. 4 Given to Elder Frost the 22 of the 3d month 20s. 1. 0. 0 Given my brother John French 3l. 3 0. 0 Given to our brother Hall the 11th of the 4th month to- } l Q 0 ward the rearing of his house that was blown down. > For the refresshing my brother Sill in time of fayntnes | 0. 2. 4 sent him 4 pints of sack, 2\ A\d- ) Pd to my brother Cane for goinge to Salem with a mes- \ 5 0. 0 sage to 3Ir. Philips when he was about to come to us. j 1 163S. - 1638-9. 256 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE." Given to Elder Frost toward his luiildiuge 40*. 2. 0. 0 Lent our brother Bealle the 9th of the 5th month, 5'. 5. 0. 0 Payd the hyman - that brought Mr. Philips and for his ^ 0 0 0" goods bringing from Salem when he removed to us. j Thus far the account is copied entire. The last charge is erased in the account, and underneath is written, " AAre [ ] this and took it out of that received for officers mainten ance." Shortly aftenvards the following disbursements are re corded : — " Payd my brother Cane for helpinge Mr. Philips at his > 0-0 first coming to set up his goods, 5s. ) Payd my brother Cane for carying a leter to Salem (con- ) cerninge clt-aring about Mr. Philips) to Mr. Haw- >- 0. 5. 0 thorne. ) Payd my brother Cane for his helpe in Mr. Philips remov- ) „ „ _¦ inge to Mr. Pellams house for 1 day and i> j Pd for a help of another to mend Mr. Pelams house for ") n , „ „ Mr. Philips. } °-L6 These several disbursements on account of Rev. John Phillips furnish the only evidence to be found in the Church Record con cerning the attempt Avhich was evidently made to secure him as a teacher of the church of which Mr. Shepard was pastor. Sav age describes2 him as of " Dedham, 1638, a famous minister of Wrentham (Avhich is about 30 miles N. E. from Ipswich, Eng land), where he obtained his living as rector 1609, and married 6 Jan. 1612 Elizabeth a sister of famous Dr. Ames, which cave him favor in the eyes of puritans, was desired to accept office here in several places, especially Cambridge, perhaps in connec tion with the newly7 begun College, but preferred to go home in the autumn of 1641." From Lamson's " History of the First Church and Parish in Dedham," pp. 77-82, it would seem that Mr. Phillips did not " take office " in Dedham until 1640, " the Lord ordering things so by a special providence that he no where settled " until that time. It is certain from our old Church Rec ord, that he came here from Salem in 1639; and it is probable that he removed from this toAvn to Dedham in 1640, Avithout completing the contemplated arrangement for a permanent set tlement here. His residence in Cambridge was in the old ox- pasture, on the northwesterly side of Kirkland Street, near Oxford Street. It was afterwards the homestead of Deputy-governor Danforth, as appears by the Town Record : " At a meeting of the 1 Hoyman, or boatman. 2 Geneal. Dictionary. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 257 inhabitants of this town in May 1650, it was voted and consented unto by the Town, that the house which Mr. Philips built anent CharlestoAvne lane, Avith the land adjoining and Avoodlot, should be sold to Thomas Danforth for fifty pounds, to be paid by him to Mr. Philips or his assigns in current country pay upon demand at the said house ; the said Thomas Danforth to enjoy the said house and land to him and his heirs and assigns forever." It does not appear by Avhat authority the town thus disposed of Mr. Phillips' estate ; but a subsequent record, under date of Feb. 12, 1655-6, confirms the sale, notwithstanding the purchase-money had not yet been demanded by Mr. Phillips, then residing at Wrentham, to which place he seems to have returned when he left New England. Deputy-governor Danforth resided on this estate nearly7 half a century, having very much enlarged it by subsequent purchases, and at his death in 1699 bequeathed it to his daughter, the Avife of Francis Foxcroft, Esq., whose de scendants owned it more than a whole century afterwards. Among the disbursements up to 1645 (at which point there occurs a hiatus of more than twenty years in the account), are many for the relief of the poor as well as for provisions for the " Lord's table," and for other necessaries : — [1639.] " To Elder Frost we sent the 15 of the 5th month } in beefe, chese candle and money to buy come in > all 20s. ) Given my brother John French the 5th of the 11th ) } month Given my brother Towne toward his expense in a sicknesse Our brother Syll being deeply indebted and that to ~) Mr. Ting 22*. 12*. we did give of the churches stock hidf soe much to Mr. Ting if he wold frely forgive the other and give it to our brother Syll wch God moved him to do soe pd. Payd my brother Towne his half years allowance 30s Payd him for paynes taken more than ordinary in making cleane tbe meetinge house in the time of its repayreinge. 12s. Payd for 9 times going to call the church together at ) 8d. a time 6s. i [1640.] To our Elder Frost the 20 of the 3d month 30s. To our sister Albon 1 pk of malt 18d- [1641.] Given our sister Francis More (to supply them ) in there need) 5s. > 17 1. 0.0 2. 0. 0 1.0.0 11. 6. 0 0. 6.0 1. 10. 0 0. 1. 6 0. 5.0 0.5. 0 0. 1. 1 0.0. 10 0. 1. 2 0. 1. 6 258 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Given our sister Grissell in a hard time 5s. Sent our sister Maning a leg of mutton 13d. Sent our sister Banbrick being sick a brest of mutton Sent our sister Albone the 27 of the 9 month 1641 ^ 71 of venison ) [1643.] Payd our brother Manninge for a belrope1 Item payd Elder Frost for a years allowance wch was ") due at midsomer in the yeare 1643, I say pd him V 10. 0. 0 by 10'. ) Payd on for looking to goody Alborne 4 weeks (she )„ ., „ found herself) ) Sent our sister Albone 1 bottell sack 11J- 0. 0. 11 " [" Elder Frost," " brother Banbrick," " brother Syll," "sister Maninge" and "sister Stephenson," each re ceived a similar benefaction during this year.] [1644.J " Payd Mr. Palsgrave for physic for our sister Albone 0. 2. 6 For 4 years rent for our sister Albone (besides 5 A months time allowed her for about 7'. charge in >- 4. 0. 0 repayer wch she did) I say 4 years ) [1645.J For cloth for Ben. Eaton for 2 shirts 3s. 4d. 0.3.4 1 pr shoes for Ben Eaton cost 22d. 1 pr cost 14s. 0. 3. 0 Payd our brother Briggam for something for cloth- ) o 7 fi inge for his sone ) Payd brother Chesholme for nessessaryes he layd out ) n p c for Ben. Eatons clothes ) Payd for a goat for goody Albone to goodman Prentiss 0. 11. 0 " The close of Mr. Shepard's ministry is described by Mather,2 after his usual quaint manner : " Returning home from a coun cil at RoAvly, he fell into a quinsie, Avith a symptomatical fever, which suddenly stopped a silver trumpet, from whence the people of God had often heard the joyful sound. Among other passages uttered by him, Avhen he lay a dying, he addressed those that were about him with these words : ' Oh love the Lord Jesus very dearly ; that little part that I have in him is no small comfort to me noAV.' He died August 25, 1649, Avhen he Avas forty7-three years and nine months old, and left behind him, of three Avives, which he successively married, three sons who have since been the shepherds of three several churches in this country." 3 And 1 A similar purchase was made in 1640. 1658), minister at Rowley ; the third was - Magnalia, Book iii., ch. v., § 13. Margaret Boradell, who survived him 3 His first wife was Margaret Toute- and was mother of Jeremiah (H. C. ville, who was mother of Thomas (H. C. 1669), minister at Lynn and elsewhere. 1653), minister at Charlestown; the sec- Besides these, John, a son of the second ond was Joanna, daughter of Rev. Thomas wife, survived the father, but died young. Hooker, and mother of Samuel (H. C. U.UULESIASTICAL HISTORY. 259 Savage, who surely will not be considered a partial judge, says, " So Avell employed had been his short life, that no loss of a pub- lie man in our country was more lamented, except that of Gov. Winthrop a few months before." - It is much to be regretted that no monument marks his grave. Almost a year elapsed between the death of Mr. Shepard and the ordination of his successor. In the mean time, a new meet ing-house was erected. Of the style and dimensions of the old meeting-house we know nothing. Doubtless it was very plain and humble ; yet it Avas rendered glorious by the manifestation of divine power in the preaching of Hooker and Shepard, two of the most brilliant lights of that age, insomuch that to the congregation of Avorshippers it became as " the house of God " and " the gate of heaven. " - It Avas built, however, of perishable materials, and although it had stood less than twenty years, it had fallen into decay ; it would seem also that it was not sufficiently large. At first, it was proposed to repair the house " with a four-square roof and covered with shingle," and Edward Goffe, Thomas Marrett, John Stedman, Robert Holmes, and Thomas Danforth, were appointed, Feb. 18, 1649-50, to superintend the repairs. But shortly afterwards, March 11, 1649-50, " At a general meet ing of the whole town, it was voted and agreed, that the five men chosen by the town to repair the meeting-house shall desist from the same, and agree with Avorkmen for the building of a new house, about forty7 foot square and covered as was formerly agreed for the other, and levy a charge of their engagements upon the inhabitants of the town. It Avas also then voted and generally agreed, that the new meeting-house shall stand on the watch- house hill."3 The new house was erected immediately, as ap pears by the following extracts from the Town Records : Jan. 13, 1650-51 : "The ToAvnsmen do consent that one of the 1 Geneal, Diet. gates from the several churches, assembled 2 In this house also were probably at Cambridge, and condemned eighty-two gathered the whole body of reverend and opinions adjudged erroneous. 2. In 1646, learned divines in New England at the a second General Synod assembled at first two Synods for the determination of Cambridge, and after sundry adjourn- vitally important questions both of doc- ments was dissolved in 1648, having trine and of church polity: 1. In 1637, adopted a system of church discipline when through the prophesyings of Mrs. called " The Cambridge Platform." Hutchinson and others, the religious com- 3 The watch-house hill was in the munity was violently agitated, and the southwesterly corner of the present Col- two parties, styling each other Amino- lege yard, and extended several feet into mians and Legalists, were on the brink of Harvard Square, which has been enlarged civil war, a Synod, composed of all the since that meeting-bouse was erected. teaching elders in the country and dele- 260 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Elders and two of the Deacons, at the request of John Betts, shall determine Avhether in equity any satisfaction ought to be rendered by the town to the said John Betts for the land on which the neAV meeting-house standeth ; and with their deter mination the said John Betts promiseth to set doAvn satisfied."1 Feb. 26, 1651-2. Ordered, " That the Townsmen shall make sale of the land whereon the old meeting-house stood." The Reverend Jonathan Mitchell, described by Mather as the " matchless Mitchell," was born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, Eng land, about 1624, and Avas brought by his father to New England in 1635. " Their first settlement," says Dr. Holmes, " was at Concord, in Massachusetts ; whence, a year after, they removed to Saybrook, in Connecticut; and, not long after, to Wethersfield. Their next removal was to Stamford, where Mr. Mitchell, the father, died in 1645, setat. LV. The classical studies of his soil Jonathan were suspended for several years after his arrival in America ; but, ' on the earnest advice of some that had observed his great capacity,' they were at length resumed in 1642. In 1645, at the age of tAventy-one, he entered Harvard College. Here he became religiously impressed under Mr. Shepard's minis try7, which he so highly estimated as afterward to obserA-e, ' un less it had been four years living in heaven, I know not how I could have more cause to bless God with Avonder, than for those four years ' spent at the university. He Avas an indefatigable student, and made great acquirements in knoAvledge and virtue. His extraordinary learning, wisdom, gravity, and piety, occasioned an early application of several of the most considerable churches for his services in the ministry7. The church at Hartford, in par ticular, sent for him with the intention of his becoming successor to the famous Mr. Hooker. He preached his first sermon at Hart ford, June 24, 1649 ; and on the clay following was invited to a settlement in the ministry in that respectable town. Having hoAvever been previously importuned by7 Mr. Shepard and the principal members of his society to return to Cambridge, free from any engagement, Avith a vieAV to a settlement there, he de clined an acceptance of the invitation at Hartford, and returned to Cambridge, Avhere he preached for the first time, Aug. 12, 1649. Here a providential opening Avas soon made for his in- 1 John Betts owned the lot" adjoining acre of land, more or less; Edward Goffe, the watch-house hill, and fronting on Har- east; the watch-house hill, south; com- vard Square. It is described on the Pro- mon, west ; the land intended for the Col- prietors' Records as "by the town, one lege, north." ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 261 duction into the ministry. Mr. Shepard died on the 25th of the same month ; and by the unanimous desire of the people of Cam bridge, Mr. Mitchell Avas hoav invited to become his successor. He accepted the invitation, and was ordained Aug. 21, 1650." ¦ " Eighteen years," says Mather, " did he continue a pastor to the church of Cambridge. And as that which encouraged him to accept at first the pastoral charge of that flock, was his being able to write that character of them, that they were a gracious savoury-spirited people, principled by Mr. Shepard, liking an humbling, mourning, heart-breaking ministiy and spirit, living in religion, praying men and women, .... so the continual prayers of such a people to the Lord Jesus Christ for him doubt less contributed more than a little unto his being furnished from heaven with such rich treasures of light and grace as made his ministry richly serviceable unto them all." 2 By the concurrent testimony of his contemporaries and subsequent writers he was remarkably distinguished for learning, eloquence, and piety, superadded to uncommon natural gifts. Morton testifies that " he was a person that held very near communion with God ; eminent in wisdom, piety, humility, love, self-denial, and of a compassionate and tender heart ; surpassing in public-spirited- ness ; a mighty man in prayer, and eminent at standing in the gap ; he Avas zealous for order, and faithful in asserting the truth against all oppugners of it. In a word, he was a man whom God had richly furnished and eminently fitted for his Avork ; lived desired, and died lamented, by all good Christians that knew him. It pleased God upon the ninth of July, 1668, in a hot and burning season, (but miich more hot in the heat of God's anger to New England,) to take him to rest and glory."3 About eight years after his ordination, Mr. Mitchell com menced compiling an account of " the Church of Christ at Cam bridge," etc., in which he rescued many interesting facts from oblivion. The financial records of the church, kept by the dea cons, were not resumed until near the close of his ministry. A very feAv items may be reproduced : — "20. 3. 67. to Mr. Michell in silver when he went to) q g q Rehoboth > 1 Mass. Hist. Coll., vii. 48. chap. iv. ; and Sibley's Harvard Gradu- - Magnolia, iv., chap, iv., § 9. ates, i. 141-157 ; and for the character 8 New England's Memorial, Davis's ed., of his theological labors and writings, pp. 336, 337. For a more full biogra- see Rev. Mr. McKenzie's Historical Lec- phy, see Mather's Magnolia, Book iv., tures. 262 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. 20. 3. 67 to bro. Okes 1 when he went to Rehoboth with t q 4 0 Mr. Michell iu silver ) 22. 4. 67 Payd to Daniell Cheavrs for veall to Mr. ) Q - Q Chauncy when he was sick ) 3. 12. 67-8 Payd to Mrs. Danforth in her husband's] absence in silver the sume of 25 shillings for wine f i c n sugar and spice at the buriall of Mrs. Chauncy who deseaced the 24 of the 11. 67 ' 27. 4. 68 Paid to John Sheapheard for a fower gallon ) ^, „ n „ bottell to bring sack for the sacrament ) The Town Records also afford some glimpses of the manner of managing ecclesiastical affairs at this period: Nov. 9, 1657. The town " Voted, affirmative, that the deacons, townsmen, Mr. Jacson, Edw. Goffe, Mr. Stedman and Edw. Winship are appointed to make a levy of two hundred and forty pounds for the mainten ance this year, and for the payment of the debts of our reverend pastor, Mr. Michell." 27, 1. 1665, The selectmen " Ordered, that all persons that do contribute to the ministry of this place do, upon the first second day 2 of May next, appear before the deacons and selectmen, to clear the payment of their dues for time past, or send in writing a receipt thereof under the baud of our pastor or deacons, and that for the future every one do annually attend the like order at the same time ; the place of meeting to be at the meeting-house, and the time by eight of the clock in the morning." Feb. 18, 1658-9. " Voted, that the Elders, Deacons, and Selectmen for the time being, shall be a constant and settled power for regulating the seating of persons in the meeting-house, from time to time, as need shall require." One of the acts of this committee is recorded under date of Jan. 19, 1662-3. " The committee for ordering the seating of people in the meeting house, being met at the ordinary, appointed .Bro. Ri. Jackson's wife to sit there Avhere sister Kempster Avas wont to sit. Mrs. Upham, with her mother. Ester Sparhauke, in the place Avhere Mrs. Upham is removed from. Daniel Champney, Ephraim Winship, on the south gallery. Jno. Stedman, on the fore gallery on the south side. Joanna Winship, in the place where Ester Sparhauke Avas wont to sit. 1 Edward Oakes, father of President '- The first Monday. Oakes. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 263 Mary Lemon, where old sister Jackson was wont to sit. Mr. Day, to sit in the 2d seat from the table. Ens. Samuel Greene, to sit at the table. Ri. Bobbins, to sit in the place where Ens. Greene was Avont to sit. Jno. Gibson, Avhere Mr. Day was wont to sit. Richard Eccles, where John Gibson was wont to sit. Benj. Crackbone, where Richard Eccles Avas wont to sit. Justinian Holden, to sit in the foremost seats. Robert Stedman, to sit in the second seats. Goode Gates, at the end of the Deacons seats." Almost all the congregation either Avalked to the meeting house, or rode on horseback. For the accommodation of eques trians, in mounting, dismounting, and passing between their beasts and the house, Nov. 20, 1665, " The Townsmen do order the Constables to make a convenient horse-block at the meeting house, and causeway to the door." And to secure order in the house and the comfort of the worshippers, Nov. 12, 1666, " Thomas Fox is ordered to look to the youth in time of public worship, until the next monthly meeting, and to inform against such as he find disorderly The Constables are ordered to repair the glass about the meeting-house, and to get the pinning mended." During his ministry, Mr. Mitchell encountered two special trials, namely, the division of his church, and the reputed heresy and open opposition of President Dunster. It has already been related in chapter viii., that as early as March, 1654-5, some of the inhabitants on the south side of the river requested " that they might ha\7e the ordinances of Christ amongst them, distinct from the town." Doubtless Mr. Mitchell shared the fears Avhich Avere expressed by the townsmen, that " the fraction will prove destructive to the Avhole body." Upon the extreme urgency of the petitioners, the town consented, Jan. 23, 1659-60, " that the remote inhabitants on the south side of the River should annually be abated the one half of their proportion to the ministry's allow ance, during the time that they Avere provided of an able minister according to law." And Jan. 15, 1661-2, all persons residing south of the river and more than four miles distant from the old meeting-house, were released from all ministerial charges, on con dition that they should " give good security to the town for the payment of twenty pounds per annum forever to the use of the other part of the town belonging to the old meeting-house on the 264 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. north side of the River." Although these propositions were not accepted, the agitation was continued for many years, until New ton became a separate town. Mr. Mitchell did not live long enough to witness the final catastrophe ; but the church was effectually divided in his lifetime, and Rev. John Eliot, Jr., was ordained pastor of that portion which withdreAV from the parent body, July 20, 1664. A still greater trial was the open opposition of President Dunster to an ordinance which Mr. Mitchell con sidered important and sacred. When Mr. Dunster became a member of Mr. Shepard's church, about 1640, he avowed his belief that the children of believers ought to be baptized, and his willingness that baptism should be administered by sprinkling.1 Afterwards, he opposed both ; he withheld his own infants from baptism, and publicly denounced such baptism as " not according to the institution of Christ," when administered to others. It is related by Mather that, besides his public advocacy of infant baptism, Mitchell labored privately with Dunster, though he felt " embarrassed in a controversy with so considerable a person, and with one who had been his tutor, and a worthy and a godly man." 2 His efforts to reclaim his former guide and instructor were unavailing. Dunster became more and more violent in op position to what he regarded as error, until he both forfeited the office' of President of the College and exposed himself to the pen alty of a violated law. He was indicted by the grand jury, April 2, 1655, " for disturbance of the ordinances of Christ upon the Lord's day at Cambridge, July the 30th 1654, to the dishonor of the name of Christ, his truth, and minister." 3 It was testified 1 "As prayer, so the Lord hath given ster, it should be remembered that their 2 sacraments. 1. Baptism, by which we personal friendship continued through have our initiation ; and concerning it, I life. In his will, Dunster styles Mitchell believe that only believers and their seed and President Chauncy (his successor in ought to be received into the church by the presidency), his "trusty friends and that sacrament; hence profane unbeliev- brethren," and gave to each of them ers are not to be received into the church, sundry books from his library. And Jla- And that the seed are to be received, that ther says, that " Mr. Mitchell continued of Paul is clear, — else your children were such an esteem " for Mr. Dunster, " that unholy; hence, if holy, let them be of- although his removal from the govern- fered to God ; let children come to me. ment of the College, and from his dwell- And as children, so those that come to ing-place in Cambridge, had been pro- mature age ought to be received into the cured by these differences, yet when he church by baptism. And concerning the died, he honored him with an elegy," outward elements, something there is con- which " very truly points out that gen- cerning sprinkling in the Scripture ; hence erous, gracious, catholic spirit, which not offended when it is used." — Shepard's adorned that person who wrote it." MS. Confessions. ° Probably Mr. Mitchell was the "min- 2 Magnolia, Book iv., ch. iv., § 10. To ister" then engaged in administering the the lasting honor of Mitchell and Dun- ordinance of baptism. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 265 that, on that clay, " Mr. Dunster spake to the congregation in the time of the public ordinance, to the interruption thereof, without leave, which was also aggravated iu that he being desired by the Elder to forbear and not to interrupt an ordinance of Christ, yet notAvithstanding he proceeded in Avay of complaint to the congre gation, saying I am forbidden to speak that in Christ's name Avhich I would have testified. And in his following speeches, he asserted as his testimony7 in the name of Christ these things : 1. That the subjects of baptism were visible, penitent believers, and they only, by virtue of any7 rule, example or any7 other light in the new Testament. 2. That there was an action noAvto be clone which was not according to the institution of Christ. 3. That the exposition, as it had been held forth, Avas not the mind of Christ. 4. That the covenant of Abraham is not a ground for baptism ; no, not after the institution thereof. 5. That there were such corruptions stealing into the church, which every- faith ful Christian ought to bear witness against. The Court ordered that. Mr. Henry Dunster, according to Eccleast. Law, page 19, at the next Lecture at Cambridge should (by such magistrates as should then be present) be publicly admonished, and give bond for his good behaviour. " Mr. Henry Dunster acknoAvledged that he had spoken these particulars above named, and said that he owned them and that he would stand by them in the fear of God ; and after farther debate he gave in his answer in writing as followeth : April 4th 1655. I answer to the presentment of the grand jury : — I an swer, first, that I am not conscious that I did or said any7 thing contemptuously or in open contempt of God's Avoid or messengers, and therefore I am not guilty of the breach of that LaAV, page 19, as I conceive. For the particulars that were charged against me, the terms, words, or expressions, wherein they are presented to the honored Court, I own not, being not accurately the same that were spoken, especially the 1st, 4th, and 5th ; but the matter or purport of them I spake. I also acknowledged, and do, that for the manner they were not seasonably spoken ; but for the matter, I conceived then, and so do still, that I spake the truth in tlie fear of God, and dare not deny the same or go from it, until tlie Lord otherwise teach me ; and this I pray the honored Court to take for mine answer. As for any words or expressions that in mixed or broken conference, interrogations by sundry persons propounded and mine answers interrupted before they have been fully expressed, I heartily and humbly pray you, mine honored 266 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Judges, as you desire to find mercy with our gracious Judge, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you Avill be pleased to give the most can did and christian construction, if any were amiss, seeing charity thinketh no evil, and seeing by interruptions they Avere not per fected, and especially since my sickness yesternight my mind and expressions are not in a capacity to be so clear and distinct as usually; that therefore no lapse in expression, proceeding from the aforesaid grounds or mere natural infirmity may be improved against your humble servant and afflicted brother, Henry Dunster." It is reported by his biographers, that Mr. Mitchell Avas a FelloAV of Harvard College, 1650, a member of the Synod Avhich assembled at Boston in 1662, and very frequently employed on ecclesiastical councils and in resolving questions propounded by the General Court ; and that, while he Avas much younger than many of his associates, great deference was paid to his skill and judgment. The famous Baxter is reported to have said, "If an Ecumenical Council could be obtained, Mr. Mitchell Avere worthy to be its moderator." But his labors, and trials, and enjoyments, in the work of the ministry, came to a sudden termination July 9, 1668, when a violent fever destroyed his life. Although, while living, his name was renowned in the church, it is not found in scribed on any monumental stone, to denote the spot Avhere his body was laid. There are circumstances, hoAvever, Avhich render it highly probable that the bones found under the slab which bears the name of President Dunster are in fact the bones of Mitchell. They are briefly as follows : About thirty years ago, a desire was entertained to erect some memorial of Dunster. The place of his sepulture Avas unknown, but it Avas assumed to be underneath an ancient slab from Avhich the inscription had dis appeared. This assumption is said to have been grounded on two facts, Avhich Avere supposed to point more directly to Dunster than to any other person — 1. It was perceived that this slab Avas of a peculiar stone, probably imported, and unlike any others in the cemetery except tAVO, which bore respectively the names of President Chauncy and President Oakes, who died during the same half century. 2. There were found, not very far from this slab, two headstones, inscribed with the names of President Dunster's great-grandchildren. The subsequent proceedings are related by Palfrey : — " His grave, in the old ' God's Acre,' near the halls of Harvard ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 267 College, Avas opened July 1, 1846, when the President and Fel lows renewed the tablet over it. The remains were found lying six feet below the surface, in a brick vault Avhich was covered Avith irregularly shaped flag-stones of slate about three inches thick. The coarse cotton or linen shroud Avhich enveloped them had apparently been saturated Avith some substance, probably resinous, which prevented it from closely fitting the body. Be tween it and the remains of the coffin Avas found a large quantity of common tansy, in seed, a portion of Avhich had evidently been pulled up by the roots. The skeleton appeared to be that of a person of middle size ; but it was not measured, as the extremities of the bones of the arms and thighs had perished, as Avell as por tions of the cancellated structure of these and of some other bones. The configuration of the skull, which Avas in good preservation, was such as to the phrenologists indicates qualities, both moral and intellectual, of a superior order. The hair, Avhich appeared to have retained its proper place, was long behind, covering thickly the whole head, and coming down upon the forehead. This, as well as the beard, Avhich upon the upper lip and chin was about half an inch long, was of a light brown color. The eyebrows were thick, and nearly met each other.1 The foregoing description indicates the remains of some emi nent person. But are they the remains of Dunster ? or, are they not rather the remains of Mitchell ? It is no disparage ment to Dunster to assume that Mitchell was fully his equal, both intellectually and morally7 ; so that the skull might seem as characteristic of the one as of the other. The character of the grave and memorial slab is more suitable to Mitchell than to Dunster, because, 1. Dunster left a small estate, deeply involved in debt, and there is no evidence that his Avidow was able, or that the corporation of the College was disposed, to provide for him such an expensive sepulchre ; but, on tbe other hand, Mitch ell died in the meridian of his fame, and left a plentiful estate, so that his widow was able thus to honor him, unless (yvhich is more probable) his church insisted on defraying the expense.2 2. The peculiar slab, similar, it is said, only to those Avhich cover the remains of Chauncy, who died in 1672, and Oakes, Avho died in 1681, would more probably be placed over the grave of Mitch- 1 Hist. New Eng., ii. 534. his successor, (and another to accompany 2 The church, which long made a gen- him hither,) surely would not grudge erous allowance to tbe widow of their him nn honorable burial and a conspicu- beloved pastor, and was able to send a, ons stone of remembrance. special messenger to England, to invite 268 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ell, who died in 1668, than over that of Dunster, who died nine years earlier, in 1659. But if the structure and adornments of the grave point to Mitchell rather than to Dunster, much more its contents. For what conceivable reason should the coffin of Dunster have been stuffed Avith tansy, or his body Avrapped in cerecloth? He" died in February, Avhen the frost might reason ably be expected to arrest decomposition and prevent any nox ious or offensive effluvia from his body. Morton, indeed, says, " his body was embalmed and removed unto Cambridge ; " but it may reasonably be doubted Avhether the process Avas very thorough or complete at that season of the y7ear. On the con trary, Mitchell died in midsummer, and under circumstances re quiring the utmost precaution against discomfort and danger. Mather says, " Mr. Mitchell had, from a principle of godliness, used himself to bodily exercise ; nevertheless he found it would not wholly free him from an ill habit of body. Of extreme lean, he grew extreme fat ; and at last, in an extreme hot season, a fever arrested him." 1 This was a case loudly calling for cere cloth and tansy ; and the proof is preserved that such cloth Avas actually used. In the old Financial Record of the Church is found this memorandum of disbursement : " To goodman Orton of Charlestown for making a terpaluing 2 to wrap Mr. Michell, and for doing something to his coffing that way 4s." And what would be more natural than to adopt the custom, which cer tainly prevailed in the country in the early part of even the present century, of placing tansy in and around the coffin, to counteract the effect of unpleasant odors ? The contents of the grave described by Palfrey Avere precisely Avhat we might expect to find in the grave of Mitchell, and what we should not expect to find in the grave of Dunster ; namely, the cerecloth or tarpau- ling, which was necessary7, and is knoAvn to have been used in the one case, but not known to have been either necessary or used in the other, and the tansy, Avhich was in season, fragrant, and adapted to its purpose, in the one case, and out of season, com paratively unfragrant, and useless in the other. On the whole, it seems highly probable that the monumental slab, on which is inscribed the name of President Dunster, actually covers the re mains of Rev. Jonathan Mitchell.3 It may be added, if this be 1 Magnolia, Book iv., ch. iv., § 16. tographs which I have seen, it was uni- - Tai-pauling, cloth smeared with tar. formly so written by himself; and it was 8 Tbe name of this eminent man is written in the same form by his two sons, spelled Mitchel on the College Catalogue; Samuel (H. C. 1681), and Jonathan (II. I write it Mitchel], because, in several au- C. 1687). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 269 really the grave of Mitchell, the remains of Shepard probably rest near it, because the widoAv of these two pastors, as well as their bereaved and grateful church, would naturally desire that their bodies should rest near each other. It may also be safely supposed that Dunster was buried near the same spot ; for where could his friends desire to place histbody rather than near that of his former pastor and beloved co-laborer, Mr. Shep ard, the only clergyman Avho had previously been laid to his rest in that cemetery ? This supposition is to some extent rendered more probable by the proximity of the graves of the great grandchildren. For three years after the death of Mr. Mitchell, the church remained destitute of a pastor ; during Avhich time President Chauncy appears to have partially performed the duties of that office. The committee appointed by the town for that purpose voted, Dec. 20, 1669, that " fifty pounds be paid to Mr. Chauncy and such as labor among us in preaching the word," and " thirty pounds to Mistris Mitchell," and Dec. 23, 1670, forty-five pounds were in like manner granted to Mr. Chauncy, and thirty pounds to Mrs. Mitchell.1 In the mean time the town and church Avere not idle or inactive. Thus it is recorded, Feb. 8, 1668-9. " For catechising the youth of this town ; Elder Champney, Mr. Oakes, are appointed for those on the south side the Bridge. Elder WisAvall, Mr. Jackson, and John Jackson, for those at the new church. Deacon Stone, and Deacon Chesholme, for those at the remote farms. Lt. Winsbipj William Dixon and Francis Whitmore for those on west side Winottime. Deacon Stone and Deacon Cooper, for those families on the west side the common, and for Watertowne lane, as far towards the town as Samuel Hastings.2 Thomas Danforth and Thomas Fox, for those fami lies on the east side the common. Richard Jackson and Mr. Stedman, for those families on the west side of the toAvn : Cap tain Gookin and Elder Frost, for those families on the east side of the town; — Water Street, leading from the meeting-house to the waterside being the partition." Again, May 10, 1669, " The Selectmen, taking into consideration, upon the complaint of some of the idleness and carelessness of sundry persons in the time of public worship, upon the Sabbath day, by keeping with out the meeting-house, and there unprofita"bly spending their 1 Similar gratuities were granted to - That is, to Ash Street. Mrs. Mitchell, from year to year, as late as 1687. 270 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. time, whereby God's name is dishonored, — they do order, for tbe time being, that the Constable shall set a ward of one man during the time of public worship, one in the forenoon and another in the afternoon, to look unto such persons, that they do attend upon the public worship of God, that God's name and worship be not neglected nor profaned by the evil miscarriage of such persons." Hitherto the pastors of the church had dwelt in their oavii houses ; but now it was determined to erect a house, at the pub lic expense, as a parsonage. July 5, 1669, " Voted on the affirmative, that the Selectmen and Deacons, and Richard Jack son, and Mr. Stedman, and Mr. Angier, are appointed a commit tee, to take present care to purchase or build a convenient house for the entertainment of the minister that the Lord may please to send us to make up the breach that his afflicting providence hath made in this place ; and that the charge thereof be levied on the inhabitants as is usual in proportioning the maintenance of the ministry." Afterwards a different method of payment was adopted. Sept. 9, 1669, " At a church meeting, to consider about the selling of the church's farm at Bilrica, for the building of a house for the ministry, it Avas voted on the affirmative, that the said farm should be sold and improvement made of it for the building of a house for the ministry." 1 In the old Financial Record of the Church a particular statement is made that " a committee Avas chosen for that purpose, Avhich tooke care for the same, and to that ende boiight fower akers of land of Aviddow Beale to set the house upon, and in the yeare 1670 theare Avas a house earected upon the sayd land of 36 foote long and 30 foote broad ; this house to remayne the churchis and to be the dwell ing place of such a minister and officer as the Lord shall be pleased to supply us withall, during the time hee shall supply that place amongst us.2 The chargis layd out for the purchas of the land and building of the house and barne, inclosing the orchyard and other accommodations to it : " The purchas of the land in cash The building and finishing the house The building the barne, 1 It was sold Nov. 12, 1669, to Richard side of Harvard Street, two or three Daniels, for .£220. hundred feet easterly from Plympton 2 This house stood on the northerly Street. 40!. 0s. 0d 263. 5. 6 42. 0. 0 27. 1. 10 1' Is. 8J 0. 7. 8 0. 2. 2 0. 8. 10* 1. 4. 0 4. 6. 4i" ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 271 The inclosing the orchyard and yards, and re- payering the fencis, building an office-house, and planting the orchyard with trees, and seeling some part of the house and laying a duble floore on sume part of it, " In the yeere 1676, the hall and hall-chamber were sealed, and another floore of bords Avas layed upon the chichin chamber. The perticular chargis : — " 20 bushells of lime and the feching it 800 of larth, 6s. 8<*. a bushel of hayer, 1« 3 peckes of shreds, 1*. 6'1 ; lamblack, 8d 3560 nailes, 8*. 10£d The mason's worke For brickes, and sand, and help to brick the kichen Other disbursements at this period were : — March 6. 1668-9. "To Deacon Stone by a pair of shooes ) and a pound of suger, because the deacon had silver >• 0'. 3s. 6**. though they cost him 4* &', had but ) Feb. 4, 1670. '"Payd in silver, by the apoyntment of the commitee for the mynister house unto the deputie governor, Mr. Francis Willoughby, by Deacon Stone and Thomas Chesholm, as appears by his discharg wch J- 8!. 13*. 6d Deacon Stone hath, for the discharg of Mr. Michells funarall the sum of eight pounds thirteen shillings six pence. I say the sum of The events connected Avith the induction of Mr. Oakes to the pastorate are minutely detailed in the ancient record : "An ac count of seaverall providencis of God to the Church of Cambrigd, after the death of that reverant and eminent man Mr. Jonathan Micthell pastor of the church of Cambrigd whoe departed this life July th 9, 1668, and the actings of the church for supply in the ministry. The church, sume time after gave Mr. William Stoutton a call, but they were denied, but after sume time of seek- inge God by prayer the Lord was pleased to guide the church to make theare application to Mr. Urian Oakes in old England Avhich to further the same theare was a letter sent from the church Avith a mesenger namly Mr. William Maning with a letter alsoe sent by seaverall magistats and ministers to invite him to come overr and be an oficer amongst us which he after counsill and advice did except but devine providence ded hinder him for that yeere by reason of a sickness the Lord was pleased to visit his wife Avithall 272 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and afterward tooke her away by death which hindered him for that yeere. The church the next yeere reneAved againe thear call to him by another letter but then he Avas hindered by an ague that he was long visited Avithall in the yeere 1670. Thease providencis interposing the church was in doupt Avheather to Avaight any longer but after sume debate the church was willing to waight till the spring in the yeere 1671 and then had an answer early in the yeere of his purpose to come over that sumer which Avas acomplished by7 the good providence of God hee ariving in New England July th 3, 1671, and finding good acceptance both by the church and towne and in the country and joined a member with our church and was ordained pastur of our church November the eight 1671." Mr. Oakes Avas received with demonstrations of joy. " At a meeting of the church and town July the 17th 1671. — 1. To acknowledge thankfulness to Mr. Oakes for his great love and self-denial in parting with his friends and concerns in England to come over to us. 2. To manifest unto him the continuance of the earnest and affectionate desires of the church and people that, as soon as well may be, he Avould please to join in felloAV- ship here, in order to his settlement and becoming a pastor to this church. 3. To intreat him forthwith to consent to remove himself and family into the house prepared for the ministry. 4. That the deacons be furnished and enabled to provide for his accommodation at the charge of the church and town, and dis tribute the same seasonably7 for the comfort of him and his family. 5. That half a year's payment forthAvith be made by every one, according to their y7early payment to the ministry ; and the one half of it to be paid in money, and the other in such pay as is suitable to the end intended. All these particulars Avere voted on the affirmative." The church and town united in keeping " the 17th day of January 1676 a day of thanksgiA7ing " that the loss sustained by Mr. Mitchell's death was thus supplied. The expense attending the removal of Mr. Oakes, including the ser vices of a special messenger sent to accompany him hither, was defrayed by the church. " August the 9th 1671. Delivered to William Manning sixty pounds in silver to pay Mr. Prout toward the transportation of Mr. Urian Oakes his famine and goods, and other disbursements and for John Taylor his passage, I say payed him the just sume of 60'. 0. 0. Let it be taken notice of that Mr. Prout dos demaund thirteen pounds more due to him." This balance Avas subsequently paid, as appears by the account : ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 273 " Disbursed for Mr. Oakes transportation from Old England Avith his family 73Z." Also a gratuity was given to the messenger. Out of the legacy of £ 20 bequeathed to the church by Hezekiah Usher, Avho died in 1676, there Avas given " to John Taylor five pound, hee being in sume streights by reason of a dept in Eng land he goeing to accompany our pastor to New England it Avas the ocation of it." An additional glimpse of the customs of that period is obtained from the following " Account of the disbursements for the ordi nation of Mr. Urian Oakes pastor of the church of Cambrigd, being the 8 of November, 1671. '' It 3 bushells of wheate 0'. 15s. 0d It. 2 bushells h of malt 0. 10. 0 It. 4 gallons of wine 0. 18. 0 It. forbeefe 1. io. 0 It. for mutton 1. 4. 0 It. for 301 of bntter 0. 15. 0 It. for foules 0. 14. 9 It. for suger, spice, and f'rute, and other small tilings I. 0. 0 It. for labour 1. 8. 6 It. for washing the table lining 0. 6. 0 It. for woode 7' 0. 7. 0 It. suit 7,b, 3' bread 6* 0. 9. 0 9. 17. 3 ' " Gathered by contribution of the church the saboth before the ordination for the sayde occasion "And the remainder of the charge was defrayed out of the } - weekly contribution ) }*• 9. 17.3" As a further illustration of the customs, the following items are inserted : — "Eldar Frost liing a longe time weake Avith others of his familly alsoe having the ague at the same time the church see meete to make a contribution for his relefe upon June 16, 1672. The sume gathered Avas in cash 7. 4. 9 and in other pay 2. 5. 8." 1675. "For a neAV hour-glass for the meeting-house, 0. 1. 0 " " October the 22, 1676. The contribution Avas for Ensigne Samuell Green in the time of his sicknes and his family alsoe being sicke there Avas contributed in cash 10. 5. 7 and in bills 3. 7. 6." " November 2d 1679. The contribution upon the saboth day 18 3'. 10*. . 0* 0. 4. 0 0. 7. 6 0. 7. 0 1. 4. ,0 0. 10. 0 0. 6. 0 0. 2. 6 0. 4. 0 0. 4. 4 6. 19. 4." 274 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Avas for the reliefe of the family of John Gibson they being in a low condition they being visited with the small pox and under many Avants. The sum contributed in cash was six pound nine teen shillings and fower pence. This contribution was disposed of as f olloAveth : " To doctor Oliver for fisicke To Mr. Angier for things in his sicknes To Mr. Stedman for things in his sicknes To sister Belsber for wine for his funerall To two nurses that tended him in his sicknes To Hana Arington for nursing To Jeremiah Holman 's daughter for nursing For bords for his coffin To John Palfree for making of his coffin To old goodman Gibson in cash Like his predecessors, Mr. Oakes died when he Avas yet com paratively a young man. He had long been subject to a quartan ague; but his life was terminated by fever July 25, 1681, in the fiftieth y7ear of his age. His death Avas as sudden and unexpected as that of Mr. Mitchell. " He was arrested with a malignant fever which presently put an end unto his clays in this Avorld. .... When he had lain sick about a day or two, and not so long as to give the people of God opportunity to pray for his re covery, his church coming together with expectation to have the Lord's Supper on the Lord's clay administered unto them, to their horror found the pangs of death seizing their pastor that should have broken to them the bread of life." - The last ten years of his life Avere years of trial, mental excitement, and seA-ere labor, partly in the proper work of the ministry, and partly resulting from his connection with the College.2 Within a year after his ordination as pastor of the church in Cambridge, he was elected Fellow of Harvard College, which office he (together with three of his associates, Thomas Shepard, Joseph BroAvn, and John Richardson) very soon resigned, under somewhat questionable circumstances. The overseers of tlie College requested them to resume the office ; but they declined, until March 15, 1674-5, the day on which President Hoar sent in his resignation. " On the same day, Oakes and Shepard took their seats as members of the - Mather's Magnolia, Book iv., ch. v., Oakes, see Sibley's Harvard Graduates, § 8- 173-185, and McKenzie's Lectures, 120- - For a more extended notice of Mr. 127. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 275 Corporation, and the seat Dr. Hoar bad quitted Avas given to the Rev. Mr. Oakes." He hesitated to accept the office, but at length consented to perform its duties as President pro tern., which he continued to do for five years ; when, having been again elected, he was installed into the office of President on Commencement Day, in August, 1680, less than a year before his death.1 Ancient writers uniformly represent Oakes as a skilful and dili gent teacher. The college was in a disorganized condition when he assumed its management, and required the most cautious and judicious guidance. This, together with the labor of instruction, was sufficient, it would seem, to tax his mental energy to the utmost, especially in connection with his various duties to his church and parish. But in addition to all this, his mind was disturbed by the consciousness that his opposition to President Hoar was regarded by many as the result of disappointed ambi tion, it being suspected that he coveted the presidency when it was vacated by the death of Chauncy, that he was offended when it was given to Hoar, and that he hoped yet to obtain it if his rival could be displaced. Mr. Oakes had other trials, more closely connected with his pastoral office. Intense political excitement prevailed in regard to encroachments by the British Government on the Charter, which, not long after the death of Oakes, Avas utterly subverted and abrogated. Intense religious excitement also prevailed in consequence of tbe renewed activity of those dreaded disturbers of the public peace, the Anabaptists and Quak ers, who were encouraged thereto by7 the British Government; To this excited state of the public mind Rev. Samuel Danforth alluded in a letter addressed to bis brother, Thomas Danforth, March 31, 1670: " The truth is, matters are so circumstanced that a man can hardly come into any company and enter into any discourse, but before he is aware he finds himself in the like fan and sieve as that wherein Satan Avinnowed Peter in the high priest's hall." - On the same subject the " Freemen of Cam bridge " addressed a long memorial to the General Court, dated June 3, 1671 (just one month before the arrival of Oakes from England), in which they say : — " After the experience of the Lord's goodness in giving a good issue to many other temptations wherewith in his wisdom he hath seen meet to exercise his people and churches here, it is 1 Quinc/s History of Harvard CoUege, - Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1873-1875, p. i. 34-38, and Sible/s Harvard Graduates, 306. 180. 276 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. none of the least trials to the faith and patience of his poor ser vants that Avhich at present is upon us, viz., the Lord's judicial hand is delivering up many among us to their own heart's lusts, that they can boldly, Avith a presumptuous high hand, give defi ance to the Lord's holy institutions and ordinances, to his dear ministers, despising the word of the Lord in tbeir mouths, and refusing to obey them that have the rule over them in the Lord, vs is more especially the practice of the Quakers, Anabaptists, and Familists, that are of late risen up among us, and in these wicked practices do they continue notwithstanding all the means that have been used for their conviction, and wholesome laAvs of this jurisdiction prohibiting them therein. And if, by their in corrigible hardiness, they can at last weary out God's ministers, casting dirt and reproach on their persons, doctrine, and holy ad ministrations, which they Avell know will soon stick and easily prevail to cause the word of God by them dispensed to be unprof itable, and also shall perceive that there are some, who, though they declare not themselves to own their corrupt opinions and to allow their wicked practices, yet can plead for their liberty and implicitly at least make their reflections to the reproach of the godly zeal of the authority here established, (seeking to reform such exorbitant practices), and thereby so weaken their hands that they Avax feeble in that great work of the Lord, they hope then that the day shall be theirs ; but sure it is, if it be their day, it will be a black and dark night, as with the Lord's people, so also Avith his truth and holy institutions, (examples whereof are not a few in Eccl. histories), the upholding whereof in purity and poAver, and the conveying of the same in pure streams down to our posterity, as it was the main end of the first planters, as is before declared, so it cannot but be the earnest desire and en deavor of every Christian soul. Be pleased, therefore, honorable sirs, to accept our tender of humble thankfulness as to the Lord, so also to your honored selves, who, under God are the Avails of this our Jerusalem, for all your pious endeavors and holy zeal (tempered Avith much tenderness, as Avell becometh christians) against those highhanded and presumptuous sinners. And it is our humble petition to this honored Court, that the laws here es tablished against the wicked practices of those obstinate offenders may be fully executed, all discontentments that may tend to give any discouragement thereto notwithstanding ; Ave being well as sured that the tolerating of them will add to the catalogue of those things that he whose eyes are as a flaming fire in the midst ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 277 of his churches will soon espy and be offended with us for, as is by himself affirmed, Rev. ii. 14, 20 ; but on the contrary it is very pleasing when his people do hate those things that his soul doth hate, as appears in the 6th verse of that chapter."1 Mr. Oakes expressed his opinion concerning these exciting subjects in an Election Sermon, May 7, 1673 : " They that are weary of and disaffected to this government that God hath estab lished among us, and shall betray and give up the civil interest of New England, will have more to answer for than they are aware of. He is a madman that will hope for the continuance of our spiritual liberties, if the wall of our civil government be once broken down. Those beasts that break down the hedge of our civil government do not design or do it merely because they are angry with the hedge, but because they would break in and de vour all that is precious and dear to us. The change of our gov ernment will inevitably introduce a sad change in our churches. To divide Avhat God hath conjoined, viz., civil and ecclesiastical liberties, to deliver up civil and yet hope to keep spiritual liber ties, is folly in its exaltation." Again, " The loud outcry7 of some is for liberty of conscience ; that they may hold and practice what they will in religion. This is the Diana of some men, and great is the Diana of the Libertines of this age. I remember Julian the Apostate, that malicious and implacable enemy to Christianity have observed that the Christian religion prospered the more for the severe persecution in Dioclesian's time, and that the Christians grew up thicker and faster for being mowed down with the scythe of bloody enemies. He did for a while abstain from severities against the Christians, and suffered all men to use what religion they would ; and Austin saith of it, Libertatem perditionis permisit, he gave men liberty to destroy themselves. Such is that liberty of conscience, even a liberty of perdition, that some men are so unconscionably clamorous for. But remem ber, that as long as you have liberty to Avalk in tbe faith and order of the Gospel, and may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty, you have as much liberty of conscience as Paul desired under any government. 1 Tim. ii. 1. 2. He that is allowed without molestation to walk with God, and seiwe him with all good conscience, hath liberty enough. Never com plain when that is your condition, that you may be as good as you will. Oh take heed in all societies, and in all respects, of an inordinate and undue affectation of liberty. The latter end of it 1 Mass. Arch., x. 58. 278 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. will be bondage and slavery." " I look upon an unbounded tol eration as the first born of all abominations. If this should be once born and brought forth among us, you may call it Gad, and give the same reason that she did of the name of her son, Gen. xxx. 11, Behold a troop cometh, even a troop of all manner of abominations. This would be not only to open the Avicket, but to fling open the great gate for the ready admission and reception of all abominable heresies." - In the ancient Record-book, Deacon Cooper continues his " ac count of seaverall providencis of God to the church of Cambrigd " as folloAvs : " Mr. Oakes our pastor being chosen to be presi dent of the Colegd about a yeere before his death it pleased the Lord to guide our church to give Mr. Nathanill Gookin a call to bee helpfull in the ministry in order to call him to office in time convenient which sume time after our pasturs death our church ded give hime a call to the office of pastor which call he ded ex cept of and was ordained pastor of our church November 15th, 1682. Alsoe theare Aveare ordained the same day two Ruling Elders of our church, namly, Deacon John Stone, and Mr. Jonas Clarke to the ofice of Ruling Elders." By the same hand we have an account of the expense attending Mr. Gookin's ordina tion, and the manner in which that expense was defrayed : — " Provision for 80 persons For burnt wine P. sugar 2s. brandy 6d. before diner Wine for the mesengers in the morning The chargis for the cakes for the mesingers > wheate flower 7*. 8d rose-water 9d ) 12Ib of currans 6* 15lb of suger 4s. 8d A pound of lofe suger Is east 6d Spice 5s. 6d milke \7d Ten pound of butter 5s a cheese 4s 61. of porke Is. 6J Hay for the horsis 5* helpe to tende the horsis 2* Half an ounce of cloves 6d 13. 14. 2 " How it was produced the pay for the charge of Mr. Gookins ordination iu maner as followeth : — " Payed to John Jackson by cash in his hand 5'. 0*. Qd Payed to John Jackson out of the contribution upon the saboth dayes 5' 2* a part of the saide contribution being otherwayes disposed of then \- 5. 2. 0 to the minister before Mr. Gookins ordination by the order of the church. 1 Pages 49-54. 9'. 10*. Qd r 1. 2. 6 0. 16. 2 0. 8. 5 0. 10. 8 0. I. 6 0. 6. 11 0. 9. 0 0. 1. 6 0. 7. 0 0. 0. 6 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 279 More payed to John Jackson out of Thomas Beales ) ,j g, Qd legacy toward the ordination by Walter Hastio3 ) More payed by "Walter Hastins toward the ordina- 1 i io (j tion of widow Beales legacy j By John Cooper 11* a cheese, 4'* 0. 15. 0 By butter and hay and milke this 15*. was 13. 15. 6 payed by money that Avas in my hand." Little is known of Mr. Gookin's personal history. His ministry was short, but it extended over a troublous political period, em bracing the abrogation of the charter, the usurpation of the gov ernment by Andros as the agent of arbitrary power, and the rev olution which reinstated the old charter-magistrates. Although his father, Major-general Gookin, was one of the most sturdy defenders of popular rights against the encroachments of tyranny, and his brother, Capt. Samuel Gookin, was an active participant in the strap-cde, sometimes on the one side and sometimes on the other, Mr. Gookin is not known to have turned aside from his pastoral duties, or to have taken any7 part in the political conflict. He Avas a Fellow of Harvard College, but probably did not act as a tutor after taking the entire charge of the church. Short as was the life of his predecessors, his own was even more brief, — lack ing two months of thirty-four years. His pastorate was almost precisely as long as that of Mr. Oakes, — nearly ten years.1 The ancient record says, "Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, our pastor, departed this life 7 day of August 1692, being the Sabbath day at night, about nine or ten o'clock at night. Elder Clark de parted this life 14 January 99 or 1700, being the Sabbath day. Our pastor Mr. Nathaniel Gookin's wife Hannah died 14 day of May 1702, and was buried 16 day of May at the town's charge." - During Mr. Gookin's ministry, the church continued to " remem ber the poor." Contributions Avere taken for Joseph Graves, in 1683, Moses Eyers, in 1684, and Thomas Gould, in 1685, sev erally in " Turkey Sla\-ery ; " for poor Frenchmen, in 1686, Avho fled here for shelter ; and in 1692 for " York captives Avith the Indians." In 1686, seven pounds were contributed for* the relief i Dr. Holmes says: " The shortness of Journal says, "Mr. Joseph Eliot comes Mr. Gookin's ministry, and the imperfec- in and tells me the amazing news of the tion of the earlv records of the church, Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Gookin's being dead : leave us very deficient in tbe means of 'tis even as sudden to me as Mr. Oakes' obtaining his historv and character." Coll. death. He was one of our best ministers, Mass Hist Sor vii. 54. But we have this and one of the best friends I had left." testimony of his worth by one of his con- - The orthography of this record is ex- temporaries • Judge Sewall in his MS. traordinarily vicious, and is here corrected. 280 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of John Parker at the " Village," whose house had been burned. " June 3, 1683. The contribution upon the Saboth day was for tbe releefe of AviddoAv Crackbon and her sone, hee being dis tracted. The sume contributed in cash was 8'. 13*., and in other pay, by Maior Gookin a bl. of rie and a bl. of malt, 7s. 6d. ; by Thomas Androwes, 2'. ; by Sharabiah Kibby, 2s. ; by Simond Gates, 4s." Again : " Jan. 12, 1689. Theare Avas a contribution for AviddoAv Arrington and her family they being under the aflicting hand of God, her sonns weare taken aAvay by death and her daughter and a grandchilde. The sum in cash Avas 6!. 18*. The sum in common pay was 1'. 2s. 6d." While Mr. Gookin was laboring as an assistant to Mr. Oakes, the County Court required certain statistical returns from the several toAvns in the county, concerning the number of families and taxable polls, schools, tything-men, and the amount of com pensation paid to the pastors of the several churches. The Cam bridge Committee made report, March 30, 1680, as follows : — " The number of onr families, according to our nearest com putation, is one hundred and twenty-one. The number of our persons,1 according to our nearest computation, is one hundred and sixty-nine. The annual alloAvance to our reverend pastor in money is about 51' ; in goods and provisions about 78', 13 . Sum is 129! 13s 0d ; Avith his dAvelling in the house built for the ministry, with four acres of land adjoining thereunto; also about twenty load of wood annually carried to his house." It was voted, June 28, 1680, " that the maintenance that is annually allowed to the ministry, Mr. Nathanill Gookin shall have one hundred pounds thereof for this present year, and the remainder to be paid to Mr. Oakes." After Mr. Gookin's death, the town A-oted, May 13, 1695, " to give to the next minister that the church and town shall settle among them ninety pounds per annum, in money, so long as he shall carry on the work of the ministry in Cambridge ; " and, Jan. 23, 1712-3, "voted, that the sum of ten pounds per annum be added to the salary of the ministry in this part of the town, instead of the annual custom of carting of wood ; so that the said salary is one hundred pounds per annum." The nominal salary remained unchanged until the close of Dr. Appleton 's long ministry, more than seventy years afterwards ; but it Avas the custom, for many years, to give the pastor " a considerable quan tity of wood gratis, some years between thirty and forty loads, 1 Ratable polls, or males sixteen years of age. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 281 sometimes above forty loads." - A reasonable allowance was made, also, for the depreciation of values, during the Revolution ary War. Provision was made Avhich resulted in the creation of a fund for the maintenance of the ministry. June 28, 1680, " Voted and agreed, that five hundred acres of the remote lands, lying between Oburne, Concord, and our head-line, shall be laid out for the use and benefit of the ministry of this toAvn and place, and to remain to that use forever." In 1718, this land Avas sold, and of the proceeds one hundred and thirty pounds Avere expended on the Parsonage, and the remainder was in vested in a fund, whereof tAvo thirds of the interest should be paid annually to the pastor of the church, aud the remaining third part should be added to the principal. It is understood that this fund recently amounted to more than twenty thousand dollars. It was Mr. Gookin's lot to witness another division of his parish. In 1682, the " Farmers," as those were called who dwelt in what is hoav the town of Lexington, petitioned to be set off as a separate parish, " in order to provide for themselves a person that may be meet and able to dispense unto them the Avord of God ; " representing that they Avere " seated at a great distance, the nearest of them above five miles (some of them six, some eight, some nine, if not ten miles), from the public place of meeting to worship God in the town that we appertain unto." This petition was opposed by Cambridge, and was not granted by the General Court. It Avas reneAved in 1684, when it met a similar fate. The request was finally granted, Dec. 15, 1691 ; and although a church was not organized, separate from the mother church, until nearly five years later, Rev. Benjamin Estabrook Avas engaged to preach one year in the parish, com mencing May 1, 1692. He avus ordained Oct. 21, 1696, and died July 22, 1697. After the death of Mr. Gookin, more than four years elapsed before the ordination of his successor. In the meantime more than thirty ministers preached in the Cambridge pulpit, of Avhom Samuel Angier, William Brattle, and Increase Mather, preached more frequently than any other. The compensation to the preachers was ten shillings for each sermon ; and generally one person preached in the forenoon, and another in the afternoon. The commendable generosity of one eminent preacher is re corded by Deacon Hastings : " Mr. Increase Mather preached 1 Church Record. 282 • HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. much in the time of our vacancy ; and he gave his to Mrs. Han nah Gookin, widow, and it was paid her and for entertaining the minister that preached with us." - The generosity of the parish ought also to be held in remembrance. The expense, of Mr. Mitchell's funeral Avas defrayed by the parish, and donations were made to his widow (who was also Avidow of the former pas tor, Mr. Shepard), as long as she lived. Mr. Oakes left no widow, and the College assumed the charge of his funeral, as in thejcase of their former President, Mr. Chauncy. The town (which Avas the parish) voted, Nov. 14, 1692, " to pay the ex pense and defray the charge of our Pastor Gookin's funeral charges, which amounted to about eighteen pounds in money : " and the continuance of the same benevolence is indicated by a vote, March 10, 1700-1, " that Mrs. Hannah Gookin should be paid three pounds, to pay the rent of her house this present year." The account is fittingly closed by the record under date of May 15, 1702 : " Voted, that the selectmen take care that Mrs. Hannah Gookin be decently buried at the charge of the inhabi tants belonging to this meeting-house, and the charge of said funeral be added to the town rate granted this year." ReA7. William Brattle, born at Boston, November, 1662, H. C. 1680, Tutor and Fellow of the College 1692, one of the first two on Avhom the College conferred the degree of Bachelor of Divin ity, 1692, who had supplied the pulpit occasionally since Mr. Gookin's death and constantly since March 25, 1696, Avas or dained pastor of the church Nov. 25, 1696. From this time a regular church record was made, Avhich has been preserved in good condition. At the commencement of this record, Mr. Brattle says he " succeeded the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, and was ordained a minister of Jesus Christ and a pastor to the flock at Cambridge, Nov. 25, 1696, per the Rev. Mr. Inc. Mather. The Rev. Mr. Morton, Mr. Allin, and Mr. Willard laid on hands. The Rev. Mr. Sam1. Willard gave the right hand of fellowship Deo sit gloria. Amen." The proceedings at this ordination seem to have been misapprehended by some historians. President Quincy says that Brattle " gave immediate evidence of his dispo sition to set himself free from some customs of the established Congregational Church. He preached at his own ordination, and forbade an elder, because he was a layman, to lay his hand upon his head during the ceremony. Both were deviations from the established practice of the early Congregational Churches."2 1 Church Record; orthography revised. a History of Harvard University, i. 88, 89. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 283 And he quotes the remark of Judge Sewall : " It was, at first, ordered that Mr. Brattle should not preach. But many being troubled at it, 'twas afterward altered." - Instead of deviating from the established custom, Mr. Brattle, in fact, conformed to it by preaching at his own ordination, though he earnestly desired to be excused from that service. In proof that it was not unusual for a pastor to preach his OAvn ordination sermon, it is sufficient to quote two examples, Avhich occurred near the same time and in this immediate vicinity. Rev. Thomas Shepard, grandson of the first pastor of this church, was ordained at Charlestown, May 5, 1680. " Mr. Shepard was ordained by Mr. Sherman of WatertoAvn, and received the right hand of fellowship from Pres ident Oakes. He preached his own Ordination Sermon, and took his text from Hebrews, xiii. 20, That great Shepherd of the sheep. Another sermon was preached on this occasion, from Ezekiel xxxiii. 7, Son of man, I have set thee a watchman."2 Rev. Benjamin Estabrook was ordained at Lexington, Oct. 21, 1696, exactly five weeks before the ordination of Mr. Brattle. Judge Sewall describes the exercises thus : " A church is gath ered at Cambridge North Farms. No relations made, but a covenant signed and voted by ten brethren, dismissed from the churches of Cambridge, Watertown, Woburn, Concord, for this work. Being declared to be a church, they chose Mr. Benjamin Estabrooks their pastor, Avho had made a good sermon from Jer. iii. 15. Mr. Estabrooks, the father, managed this, having prayed excellently. Mr. Willard gave the charge ; Mr. Fox the right hand of Fellowship."3 These examples are sufficient to show that Mr. Brattle did riot depart from an established Congrega tional custom, by preaching at his own ordination. On the con trary, he conformed to the custom, not willingly, but in deference to the wishes of others. In the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society is preserved a manuscript letter from Mr. Brattle to Rev. Rowland Cotton of Sandwich, dated Nov. 6, 1696, in which he says : " I Avrote to your good father the last week, and therein acquainted him and yourself, &c, that the or dination at Cambridge is designed (God willing) 25 this instant- Shall be glad to see you and others my friends, and in the mean time entreat your good wishes. I trust the Reverend Presi dent will preach the ordination-sermon ; it is my hearty desire, l History of Harvard University, i. 489. 3 Sewall's MS. Journal. - Prothingham's History of Charles town, p. 1 92. • 284 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and that which must be, otherwise I shall have great dissatisfac tion in my own mind, it being, according to my best ligbt, most proper that, Avhen there is time but for one sermon on such days, some grave Divine, and not the young Candidate, should give the said sermon." As a compromise, Mr. Brattle preached to gratify those Avho adhered to the custom, and in compliance Avith his earnest desire Dr. Mather preached, as appears by the dea con's record of the services. In one matter, Mr. Brattle early adopted a practice, then re cently introduced, at variance Avith the established usage. He obtained a vote of the church that public relations of experience should not be required of candidates for admission to member ship ; J and that the question upon admission should no longer be taken by " manual vote," but silence should be considered as sent. This gave dissatisfaction to Deputy-governor Danforth and others : whereupon, — "At a church meeting at Mr. Bord- man's house, May 4, 1697, — (1) Then propounded to Mr. Dan forth and the Avhole body of the brethren Avho had remonstrated as to the votes of the church passed March 11, '96-7, at the house of deacon Hastings, Avhether, if I would condescend so far as to let something be communicated to the church by my7self, or the Elder, wherein I received satisfaction from those Avho ask communion Avith us, as to their spiritual fitness for it, and this to be done at some time before or Avhen they are to be admitted as I shall judge best, and this to remain so long as the peace of the church requires it, — they would then be satisfied, and give no further trouble : — This proposal Avas consented unto by them all, no one expressing his dissent. (2) Then propounded to them whether, if the Avay and manner of taking the Church's consent, Avhether by handy vote, or silence, or any other indifferent sign, be left to the discretion of the Elders, this would be to their satis faction : — to this, likewise, their consent Avas given, and no one expressed his dissatisfaction. Upon which I promised that, so long as the peace of the Church called for it, I would observe what I had now propounded to thein for the accommodating the differences which had been among us." - The connection of Mr. Brattle with his church for more than twenty years was peaceful and successful. His connection with the college, as Tutor and Fellow was even longer, and equally 1 The same course had been pursued at - Church Record. the gathering of the church at Lexington, Oct. 21, 1696. « ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 285 pleasant and beneficial. After the death of his brother, Thomas Brattle, he skilfully performed the duties of Treasurer of the College, for about two years. At the election of President, Oct. 28, 1707, he had one vote.1 His literary attainments were further recognized by his election as a member of the Royal Soci ety, — an honor conferred on very few Americans. After "a languishing distemper which he bore with great patience and resignation," he "died with peace and an extraordinary serenity of mind," Feb. 15, 1716-17, in the fifty-fifth year of his age. An obituary appeared in the " Boston News Letter," dated Feb. 25, in which it is said that his " good name Avhile he lived was better than precious ointment, and his memory7, now being that of the just, will be always blessed. They that had the happiness to know Mr. Brattle, knew a very religious, good man, an able divine, a laborious, faithful minister, an excellent scholar, a great benefactor, a wise and prudent man, and one of the best of friends . The promoting of religion, learning, virtue, and peace, every Avhere within his reach, was his very life and soul, the great busi ness about which he was constantly employed, and in which he principally delighted. Like his great Lord and Master, he went (or sent) about doing good. His principles were sober, sound, moderate, being of a catholic and pacific spirit." In a preface to Dr. Sewall's sermon on the death of Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton, Dr. Mather fully corroborates the foregoing testimony : " In the same week another faithful minister of God was taken away, viz. the Rev. Mr. William Brattle, pastor of the church in. Cam bridge, whom also I had reason to have an intimate acquaintance with, for that I presided over the College all the time of his be ing a Fellow and a Tutor there ; and I had much comfort in his conversation. Had I not known his abilities, I would not have advised the precious Church in Cambridge to have elected and 1 It is not unlikely that this vote was and that day with your presence and given by Increase Mather, D. D. A MS. managements. I know it would be very letter from Mr. Brattle to him, dated May great condescension in yourself; but be- 8, 1707, preserved in the Library of Har- cause of the special service which would vard College, indicates their mutual re- come thence, and for the sake of the pub- spect and affection. After hearty thanks lie glory that would attend it, I cannot for a book which he had recently received, but wish it. I have deep resentments of Mr. Brattle says : "As to the affairs of your respects to my unworthy self : it is the College, I wish they were under better what I am most apt to be proud of, that I circumstances than they are : I do not have in any measure your smiles. The hear but that the Commencement is like argument you urge my compliance from to be carry'd on as of late: If not, I in case and of your presence, &c, is with- would with all earnestness wish that your- out flattery the greatest temptation from self would once more honor that society the head of honor that could assault me." 286 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ordained him their pastor, and at their and his desire performed that office of respect and love on Nov. 25, 1696. He that holds the stars in his right hand was pleased to uphold him in the pastoral office some months above twenty years. I am glad to see his character already published, and that it is done without hyperbolizing, that which is there said of him being true, and nothing but justice to his memory. Where shall there be found a suitable successor? " This surely does not indicate such a jealousy and antagonism between Dr. Mather and Mr. Brattle as some historians have represented. It would seem that hitherto, very few pews had been con structed in the meeting-house ; instead of which there Avere long seats appropriated to individuals by the " seaters of the meeting house." But early in Mr. Brattle's ministry, March 14, 1697-8, the town " voted, that there should be a pew made and set up between Mr. Samuel Gookin's peAv and the stairs on the south east corner of the meeting-house for the family of the ministry." Soon afterwards, July 11, 1698, "on the motion of Mr. John Leverett and Doctor James Oliver, the Selectmen do grant that they shall have convenient place in the meeting-house for the ac commodation of their respective families ; the place or places to be set out to them by the Selectmen, the Elders consenting thereto : the places which they desire are on each side of the east door of the meeting-house." This meeting-house, having stood some what more than fifty years, had become dilapidated, and the in habitants of the town voted, July 12, 1703, " that they apprehend it necessary at this time to proceed to the building of a neAV meet ing-house, and in order thereunto, there Avas then chosen Capt. AndreAV Belcher, Esq., Thomas Brattle, Esq., John Leverett, Esq., Col. Francis Foxcroft, Esq., Deacon Walter Hastings, Capt. Thomas Oliver, and Mr. William Russell, a committee to advise and consider of the model and charge of building said meeting house, and to make report of the same to said inhabitants." Final action was delayed until December 6, 1705, when it was " voted that the sum of two hundred and eighty pounds be levied on said inhabitants, toward the building a new meeting-house amongst them." Thanks were voted by the town, March 8, 1707-8, to "the Honble AndreAV Belcher, Esq.," for his gift "toward build ing our new meeting-house." The same generous benefactor had previously given a bell, as mentioned in a former chapter. On the 28th of September, 1703, the College granted sixty pounds " out of the College Treasury towards the building a new meet- ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 287 ing-house ; " and, August 6, 1706, " A-oted that Mr. Leverett with the Treasurer take care for the building of a pew for the Presi dent's family in the meeting-bouse noAV a building, and about the students' seats in the said meeting-house ; the charge of the peAV to be defrayed out of the College Treasury." This third house stood on or very near the spot occupied by the second, and seems to have been opened for public worship, Oct. 13, 1706, as Mr. Brattle's record of Baptisms shoAYS that on that day he first bap tized a child in that house, having performed a similar service in the College Hall on the previous Sabbath. As before stated, Mr. Brattle died Feb. 15, 1716-7. On the next day after his decease, the town " voted, that the charge of Avine, scarves, and gloves, &c, for the bearers at the funeral of our late Pastor, the Rev. Mr. William Brattle, deceased, be de frayed by the toAvn, and that the deacons and selectmen, by themselves, or any three of them that they may appoint, order the management thereof." An account of money thus disbursed, amounting to £23 17 10, Avas presented and allowed March 11, 1716—7. Mr. Brattle's remains were deposited uuder the same slab which marks the resting-place of Dr. James Oliver, who deceased April 8, 1703. - - On the day of the fnneral, Wednes day, Feb. 20, 1716-7, there was an ex traordinary snow-storm. The Boston News Letter, dated Feb. 25, says : " Be sides several snows, we had a great one on Monday the 18th current, and on Wednesday the 20th, it began to snow about noon and continued snowing till Friday the 22d, so that the snow lies in some parts of the streets about six foot high." A more vivid description is given in a letter from Rev. John Cotton, of Newton (who was present at the funeral) to his father, Rev. Rowland Cotton, of Sandwich, dated Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1716-7, and preserved in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society : " Hond. Father, I left 3 letters at Savel's ys & y« last week, besides 1 I put into Ezra Bourns hand last Wednesday night at Cambridge, wc night (as he went to Maiden & there I suppose kept prisoner till now) so I went to Boston, & by reason of y° late great & very deep snow I was detained there till yesterday. I got with difficulty to y° ferry on Friday, but cdnt get over : went back to Mr. Belcher's where I lodgd. Try'd again ye next day. Many of us went over ye ferry — Majr Turner, Price, Lynde, Brattle, Somersby, Holyoke, Sewall, &c, & held a council al Charlstown, & having heard of y" g' diffi culty of a butcher going tow'd neck of land, who was founder'd, dug out, &c , yl we were quite discorag'd : went back & lodg'd w' abundance of heartiness at Mr. Belchers. Mr. White & I trudg'd thro' up to ye South, where I knew Mr. Colman was to preach in j.e forenoon, when he design'd to give the separate character of Mr. Pemb., [Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton, who died Feb. 13, 1717] -w" yr wasn't time for on y" Lecture, w° he did sweetly & well : telling how emulous he always was to excel! ; his candle envied, &c, ••• when we saw him stand up how our ex pectations wr always rais'd & y' he always exceeded 'em & never deceiv'd 'em. Mr. Sewal upon — we have y* Treas. in earthin vessels &c. Mr. Sewal spake well, very well, of his ascended Master & father, concerning wm he cdnt be wholly silent, & then gave a breif, full, & good charac ter, together w* his last words wc Mastr. 288 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Immediately after the decease of Mr. Brattle the Church adopted measures to supply the vacancy thus occasioned. A meeting for that purpose was duly appointed, and its proceed ings Avere minutely recorded by President Leverett, in his Diary, preserved in the Library of Harvard College. As the result was so important, securing the settlement of a pastor Avho fed the flock of Christ nearly sixty-seven years, almost as long as the combined ministry of his five predecessors, this record is worthy of publication : " Friday, April the 19th, 1717. At a meeting of the Church of Christ in Cambridge. 1. The President being desired by the deacons and brethren opened the meeting with prayer. 2. The deacons proposed that a moderator might be chosen for the ordering and directing the meeting. 3. Voted, that the President be moderator of this meeting. He sub mitted to the vote of the brethren of the Church, and, opening the design and intention of the meeting, earnestly desired that every body would freely discover their minds and declare Avhat measures they thought proper, and what steps they Avould take in order to a settlement of the ministry in this place. After a due time of silence Mr. Justice Remington expressed himself, that the nomination of some suitable persons seemed to be the first step to be taken. Some other spake to the same effect. No opposition being expressed, a vote was called and it Avas voted. 4. Voted, that the brethren express their minds as to nomination in writing, and the three persons that shall have the most votes shall be the persons nominated, out of which an election shall be made of one, in order to be settled in the pastoral office in this Williams writ down. They'll all be in Sam. Jacks. [Samuel Jackson] Stowell, print. On Monday I assay'd again for &c. come down on purpose to break ye Newton ; but 'twas now also in vain. No- way & conduct me home — wc yy kindly body had been from Cambr. & there was did & thro favor safely, last night; but lodg'd there Mr. Gerrish, Rogers, Fitch, w* such difficulty y' I design not down to- Blowers, Prescot, Whiting, Chevers, & morrow. Tho' yc Dr's mind, he told me some others. Mr. Gerrish preach'd 23 yesterday run much on a thaw — his Numb. 10, Mr. Rg" beg. with prayer. Mr. text tomorrow /\ 47, 18. They were Fitch beg. in ye aft'n. Mr. Blow, preach'd afraid of a sudden thaw, bee. of a mighty 2 Ez. 5 uit. clause. At Boston wr lodg'd flood. Before Cutler's door, so great was as prisoners Mr. Sheph. Loring, Barnard, ye bank that yy made a handsome arch Holyoke, Porter, &e. in it & sat in chairs, w' yr bottles of wine, " I ordered my horse over y8 ferry to &c. Denison came over yest. upon sno Bostn yesterday, designing to try Rox- shoes & designs back tomorrow. I bury way — but was so discorag'd by suppose bee. of Conventions last week,yT gentlemen in town, especially by ye Gov7. County was generally w'out preaching. w' whom I din'd y' I was going to put up I believe y° like was never known as to my horse and tarry till Thursd. & ns I ministers absence from yr parishes," etc. was going to do it I met Cap. Prentice, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 289 church. Pursuant to this vote, the brethren Avere desired by the moderator to write and bring in their votes, which they did ; and upon the view, numbering and declaring the vote, Mr. Henry Flint, Mr. Jabez Fitch, and Mr. Nathaniel Appleton were the three persons agreed to be nominated, out of which the brethren should proceed to an election. Accordingly the moderator de sired the brethren of the Church to bring in their votes for the choice of a person to settle in the ministry in this place, viz. one of three before nominated persons. Pursuant hereto the chureh brought in their votes in writing. 5. Upon sorting and number ing the votes, Mr. Nathaniel Appleton was by the church elected to the work of the ministry, in order to the taking upon him the pastoral office a3 God shall open the way thereunto. This was by a great majority ; the votes for Mr. Appleton being 38, and the votes for Mr. Flynt but 8. The moderator declared to the church their election of Mr. Appleton as aforesaid. 6. It was proposed that those that had notrvoted for Mr. Appleton in writ ing might have the opportunity to manifest their satisfaction with the vote that had passed, that the brethren Avould manifest that they chose him as aforesaid by lifting up their hands, which was complied with, and it is said that there Avere but two that had acted in the foregoing votes that did not hold up their hands." After appointing a committee to ask the concurrence of the town with the church in their choice, "the moderator concluded the meet ing Avith returning thanks to God for the peaceable and comfort able management of the affaire of the church. Laus Deo." - The town concurred, and Mr. Appleton was ordained Oct. 9, 1717. Dr. Increase Mather preached and gave the charge ; Dr. Cotton Mather gave the right hand of Fellowship ; and they, together with Rev. Messrs. John Rogers, of Ipswich, and Samuel Angier, of Watertown, imposed hands. Ministers and delegates of elev en churches in Boston, Charlestown, Watertown, Ipswich, New ton, Lexington, and Medford, "were invited," says President Leverett, " and were all present except Mr. Gibbs, who could not attend by reason of indisposition. The solemnity avhs car ried on Avith as great decency and good order throughout as has been ever remembered at any time in any place. Laus Deo." The. town, having concurred with the church in the invitation to Mr. Appleton, voted, May 27, 1717, that the sum of one hun- 1 This election was the more gratifying was gratified in a similar manner by the to President Leverett, because Mr. Apple- election of his brother-in-law. Rev. Ed- ton was a nephew of the President's wife, ward Holyoke, to the Presidency of Har- Twenty years afterwards, Mr. Appleton vard College. 19 290 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. dred pounds, and the stranger's money, the improvement of the parsonage, and all other perquisites Avhich our late Revd. Pastor .... enjoyed, be annually paid to and enjoyed by the Rev. Mr. Nath. Appleton, he settling in the work of the ministry, amongst us, during his continuance therein." The Parsonage erected in 1670 having become dilapidated, the town voted, Aug. 1, 1718, " that the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds be granted for the building a new Parsonage-house, provided the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds of the said money be procured by the sale of town, propriety, or ministry lands in said toAvn, as may be thought most proper to be disposed of for said use." Accord ingly, the church farm in Lexington Avas sold, and so much as was not appropriated for the Parsonage was invested in a per manent fund. The records do not distinctly indicate whether the Parsonage Avas wholly or only partly rebuilt. But Dr. Holmes, writing in 1800, says, " All the ministers, since Mr. Mitchell, have resided at the Parsonage. The front part of the present house, at the Parsonage, was built in 1720." ~ The whole house was taken down in 1843. The congregation seems to have soon increased, demanding ¦additional room ; and it was voted, Aug. 1, 1718, " that a new upper gallery in our meeting-house over the women, agreeable to the gallery over the men, be erected and built, provided the cor poration of Harvard College be at the charge of the same ; Avhich the Rev. Mr. President Leverett, on behalf of the College, offered to do ; the Avhole of the gallery on the south side of our meeting house being then resigned for the use of the scholars, excepting the two Avings of the front seat, which are to be improved by the toAvn till such time as the scholars have occasion for the same, and no longer." Notwithstanding this enlargement of the seat ing capacity of the house, the people on the Avesterly side of Me notomy River desired better accommodation, and as early as May 10, 1725, petitioned the town to consent that they might become a separate precinct. The town withheld its consent, on the ground that " near one half of said inhabitants " had not signed the petition. The request Avas reneAved in 1728, but Avas not successful until four years later. The General Court having dis missed the petition of James Cutler and others for incorporation as a religious precinct, Nov. 3, 1732, a neAV petition, slightly differing in form, was presented soon afterwards; which was granted Dec. 27, 1732, and Menotomy became a precinct, with 1 Mass. Hist. Coll., vii. 30. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 291 substantially the same bounds which were assigned to it when it was incorporated as a town in 1807. This separation appears to have been entirely amicable, and a spirit of Christian felloAVship and love is indicated by an act of the church mentioned by Dr. Holmes in " Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc," vii. 33 : " On the Lord's day, September 9, 1739, a church was gathered in this precinct by the Rev. Mr. Hancock of Lexington ; and on the 12th day of the same month, the Rev. Samuel Cooke Avas ordained its pastor. On this occasion, the First Church in Cambridge voted, that £25 be given out bf the church stock to the Second Church in Cam bridge, to furnish their communion table in a decent manner." In 1753 the First Parish resolved to erect a new meeting-house, and desired the College to defray a part of the expense ; where upon the corporation voted, Dec. 3, 1753, to pay " one seventh part of the charge of said house," provided the students should have the use of the whole front gallery, and " at least the third or fourth pew as to the choice" be set apart for "the President for the time being and his family." The erection of the house Avas delayed about three years. It " was raised Nov. 17, 1756, and divine service was first performed in it July 24, 1757." - Mean time further negotiation was had Avith the College, and a prop osition was made to place the new house farther from the street, which would " very much secure it from fire as well as render the appearance of it much more beautiful," and also would render it " absolutely7 necessary in order to a suitable accommodation of the Parish that they should be allowed the. use of a part of the President's orchard behind their said new meeting-house, where Avhen they come to attend on divine Avorship they might place their horses, chairs, chaises, &c." Desiring " to make the said situation of the new meeting-house as convenient as may be," the corporation voted, Sept. 6, 1756, to grant to the Parish the use of a strip of land one hundred and sixteen feet and four inches in length by thirty-two feet and ten inches in width, on certain con ditions ; viz., " (1.) That the scholars' gallery shall be in the front of the said meeting-house, and the fore part of the said gal lery seventeen feet on a perpendicular line from the said front, and that they shall enjoy all that space of the said front gallery contained Avithin the mitre lines drawn from the angles where the foreparts of the side gallerys meet Avith the forepart of the front gallery to the corner-posts of the house, saving Avhat shall be cut off from the said mitre lines by7 a pew at each corner of 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 34. 292 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. said house of about seven feet square.1 (2.) That the said new meeting-house shall front southerly down the street, in the man ner the old one now doth. (3.) That the front of the said new meeting-house be two and an half or three feet behind the back side of the old meeting-house. (4.) That there be a liberty for the President of the College to cart into his back yard, viz., at the backside of the said new meeting-house, wood, hay, boards, &c, for his OAvn or the College use, as there shall be occasion for it." These conditions were accepted by a Committee of the Parish. The amount paid by the College is stated at £213 6 8. If this was exactly " one seventh part of the charge," the whole cost of the neAV house Avas £1,493 6 8, and the sum payable by the Parish was £1,280.2 1 By consent of the corporation, the width of the gallery was reduced to fifteen feet and seven inches. Also a portion of "the mitral part" of the gallery was re linquished, "provided, that the part we thus cede to the Parish shall not be occu pied by the negroes." Tbe pew selected for the President was " that on the left hand entering in at the front door, if it may be had, and if not, then the third pew on the east side of the pulpit." The corporation also paid " for erecting two pews in the scholars' gallery in the new meeting-house for the Tutors to sit in." 2 A large portion of this amount was subscribed by individuals, as appears by a MS. in the Library of Harvard College, entiiled, "List of the number of subscrib ers and sums subscribed for building the N. Meeting house in Cambridge." Sam1. Kent, £13. 12. 0 Nath1. Kidder, 13. 12. 0 Peter Tufts, 14. 2. 0 Isaac Watson, 9. 6. 8 Sam'. Whittemore, 12. 0. 0 Jacob Watson, 7. 0. 0 John Wyeth, 10. 0. 0 Peleg Stearns, 13. 6. 8 John Warland, 7. 6. 8 Isaac Bradish, 8. 0. 0 W". Manning, 10. 13. 4 John Winthrop, 21. 11. 7 Judah Monis, 13. 6. 8 Eben'. Fessenden, 11. 6. 8 Richa. Champney, 8. 0. 0 Eb. Stedman, 17. 8. 0 Z. Boardman, 9. 6. 8 Edm. Trowbridge, ' • 20. 0. 0 13. 26. 7. 16. 10. 11.10. 7.8. 9. Edwd. Ruggles, 6. 13. 4 Sam1. Danforth, 14. 5. 0 Saml. Sparhawk, W. Brattle, Edw. Manning, Edw. Wigglcswforth] Thos. Soden, Edwd. Marrett, Jn". Fessenden, Owen Warland, Wm. How, Henry Flynt, John Hicks, Wm. Angier, Jon\ Sprague, Moses Richardson, Mr. Appleton, Eben7. Bradish, Thomas Kidder, Jon". Hastings, Stephen Prentice, James Read, Fr. Foxcroft, Caleb Prentice, Sam1. Hastings, 11. Deacon Prentice, 8. Eb. Wyeth, 8. John Stratton, 8. Seth Hastings, 10. S. Thatcher, 10. Widow Tufts, 13. Am. Marrett's heirs, 8. And. Boardman, 16. Chr. Grant, 8. Wid. Sar. Hastings, 15. RichA Gardner, 13. Stephen Palmer, 7. H. Vassall, 20. 6. 8 0. 0 4. 0 2. 8 0. 0 6. 8 0. 0 6. 8 0. 1 6. a 7. 10. 0 7. 1. 0 10. 14. 0 8. 12. 0 13. 6. 8 14. 10. 0 10. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 10. 13. 4 10. 3. 0 18. 13. 4 8. 10. 0 15. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 3. 4 6. 8 0. 0 10. 0 5. 0 0. 0 9. 4 0. 0 0. 0 JTo.6. Jfichardsan MaryTnfti jVo.5 Hift JR. Gardner & JVo.8. .Bradish. JVo.9. "'^.Trowbridge... DttlSMEO FOR • Wmlletcher- JVoJO. ¦ftch* Champney. Jfo.U. lSeth Hastings. ti JYoJ2. vMnFessenden. [I JVa/3. Ii' ' Stephen [ilmer.JuiC JVo.4. SamuelMnt. JVb.3. Foxcroft. JTo.37. ffancocfr. JVo.38. SamfWJnttenn'are. JVo.39. StephenPremdce. JVo.40. ¦ Wm.Mannima. JVb4/. Aaron MF.. JVo.4Z . :Q— JoJm Hicks. JVo.43. ZsaacJfracr~:sA. J JITo.14. d.Warland. JVo.I5. Appleton. JVo.2. FeterTufrs. JYo.J. Edm. Trowing PULPIT. -DeaconSeat. Jro.36 W&owSaoh -Hastings. -yVb.3.1 JorfHzstmgs. JVo.34. Colledge. JV0..33. Nathaniel Kidder. JVo.32. Samuel Hasting. No.67. JV0.68. Widow JohnBickson 'fc,}f ¦'" -. ftSSEWEN. i [ciir. or then?. J\To.69. Inman. JV0.60. Mik, Gill JYo.51. Sam1 Thatcher. JVo.52, E.Wyeth. JVo.63. jR 'f 'Dana. JVo33. Calel '.Prentice. JVo.54: JVo.57. PelegStearns. Jfo.59. S.Dmforth, JVo.56. WilliamFow- 0 JVo.5S. Isaac Watson. James Head. JV0.60. J. Morris. M.63. FbenrStedman. J/0.6/. Grant. ©— JSo.62. M.64. Z.Bordman. JVo. 65. WilliamAngier. : JVo.4.9. Thomas SotJen. ; Jfo.ts. HenryPrentice. 4 Aro£6- EMairett. John Stratton. i JV0.47. MrMarrits Heirs. : JVbM Open Warland. -© MS5. Idtrf Manning. M44. Jacob Watson. JV0J6. Hodyoke Vassald. jvois. PJdps. PLAN OF THE MEETING-HOUSE, JYo.]9. Battle. Jyo.20. Mwterial Per?. JVo.Zl. Wmfmojx. JV0.22. Sparhawlw. jVa-3). Ibenezer Wyeth. JV0.30. Sprague. JVo.29. Calel Dana. M.28. IJRuggles. jYo.27. Bordman. JV0.Z6. Wigglesmrth. JYo.25. IbenfStedman. JVo.23. Oliver. JV024-. Josiah Morse. ERECTED IN CAMBRIDGE 1756. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 293 The house thus erected by the joint contributions of the Col lege, the Parish, and individuals, served its purpose until 1833, Avhen it was taken down, and the land on Avhich it stood was sold to the corporation of Harvard College. " In this edifice all the public commencements and solemn inaugurations, during more than seventy years, Avere celebrated ; and no building in Massachusetts can compare with it in the number of distinguished men, who at different times have been assembled Avithin its walls. Washington and his brother patriots in arms there wor shipped, during the investment of Boston by the Provincial army, in 1775. In 1779, the delegates from the towns of Massachu setts there met and framed the Constitution of the Common wealth, which the people of that State ratified in 1780. There Lafayette, on his triumphal visit to the United States, in 1824, was eloquently welcomed, during the presidency of Dr. Kirk land." - Long before the " triumphal visit " of Lafayette, and several years before the erection of this famous edifice, another distin guished foreigner, Rev. George Whitefield, visited America, creating nearly as much excitement as Lafayette himself ; with this difference, hoAvever, that while all united to honor the one, the other was vehemently applauded by some and resolutely and sternly opposed by others. Without discussing the subject in controversy between him and his opposers, it is sufficient here to record the historical fact, that the Pastor of the Cam bridge Church and the Faculty of Harvard College set their face3 as a flint against Mr. Whitefield, who had denounced the Col lege and the Xew England clergy, as teachers of an unsavory and unprofitable religion, and alleged that a large number of grave and learned divines, held in honor and reverence through out the vicinitv, Avere in fact unconverted and destitute of vital piety. Professor Wigglesworth and others published vigorous replies to Mr. Whitefield, who was finally induced to retract oi essentially modify his accusations against the College. Mr. Ap pleton declined to admit Mr. Whitefield into his pulpit, in accord- B. Hancock, 10. 0. 0 Josh. Morse, 6. 13. 6 Pr. Holyoke, 20. 0. 0 Aaron Hill, 8. 1.0 John Dickson, 13. 6. 8 Rich. Dana, 15. 0. 0 L. M. 836. 2. 0 Caleb Dana, 13. 6. 8 = in 0. T. 6270. 1. 3 Mr. Fletcher, 14. 0. 0 The sum total is not precisely accurate. Lt. Gov7. [Phips] 40. 0. 0 A copy of the original Plan of this meet Mr. Inman, 10. 0. 0 ing-house is here reproduced. 1 Quincy's Hist. Harv. Univ., ii. 463. 294 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ance with the advice of his brethren, which was published in the " Boston Evening Po3t," Jan. 7, 1745, as follows : — ¦ " Cambridge Jan. 1, 1744-5. At a meeting of the Association of this and the neighboring towns, present, the Reverend Mes sieurs John Hancock of Lexington, William Williams of Weston, John Cotton of NeAvton, Nath1. Appleton of Cambridge, Warham Williams of Waltham, Seth Storer of WatertoAvn, Ebenr. Turell of Medford, Nicholas BoAves of Bedford, Samuel Cook of Cam bridge. The Rev. Mr. Appleton having applied to his brethren of said association for our advice, relating to a request Avhich hath been made to him by a number of his church and congregation, that he would invite the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield to preach in Cambridge ; after supplications to God and mature consideration of the case proposed, and the several pleas made in favor of said request, and the state of the town, as also the many weighty ob jections which lie against the said Mr. Whitefield, with respect to his principles, expressions, and conduct, Avhich are not yet answered, nor has any Christian satisfaction been given by him for them ; considering also hoAV much the order, peace and edifi cation of the churches of this land are endangered, together with the unhappy, divided state of many of them; — -It Avas unani mously voted, that it is not advisable, under the present situation of things, that the Rev. Mr. Appleton should invite the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to preach in Cambridge. And they accordingly de clared, each of them for themselves respectively, that they would not invite the said gentleman into their pulpits. 18®°" The above advice was signed by each member of the association. "Attest, John Hancock, Moderator." Another article relative to the same subject appeared in the " Boston Weekly News Letter," June 27, 1745 : " Whereas it is reported in the Gazette or Journal of this Aveek, that the Rev. Mr. Whitefield preached last Saturday at Cambridge, to prevent misapprehensions and some ill consequences Avhich may arise from thence, you are desired to give your readers notice that he preached on the Common, and not in the Pulpit ; and that he did it, not only Avithout the consent, but contrary to the mind, of the Rev. Mr. Appleton the minister of the place." As early as May, 1747, a petition was presented to the Gen eral Court that the inhabitants of that part of Cambridge which afterwards became the toAvn of Brighton might be incorporated as a separate religious precinct. A protest was presented by other persons residing on the same territory, and the petition ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 295 was dismissed. After a like unsuccessful attempt in April, 1748, the petition was renewed by a committee in December, 1749, in which it is said, " There is within the bounds of the proposed new parish on the south side of the river, 2660 acres and 81 rods of land, by the plan; 42 dwelling-houses; about 50 families ; above 50 persons in full communion with the church ; and this part of the town's proportion to the Province Tax in 1748 was £700. 11s. 84., old tenor, and 67 ratable polls, about 290 souls." It is also said : " We have supported the gospel among us some part of the year for fourteen years, during which time we set apart a house for divine worship that had been a dAvelling-house : upon finding it too small for the congregation we erected a convenient house for the worship of God, .... and soon after we had winter-preaching in this house we con cluded to have summer-preaching in it also : and we are now in the 5 year that we have had constant preaching." l This peti tion, like those which preceded it, was dismissed. It was fol lowed by another in June, 1758, in which it is more definitely stated that it was " necessary for the inhabitants on this side the river, about twenty-seven years since, to procure preaching among ourselves during the winter season, which we for the space of fourteen years continued to support at our sole expense, paying our full proportion of the gospel in the old town ; but afterwards finding the house in which we met neither convenient nor large enough for the purpose, we did about thirteen years since erect a meeting-house of suitable dimensions in the most suitable place to accommodate the people on this side the river, and have ever since supported the public preaching of the gospel among us at our own charge (except about ten or eleven pounds per annum which has been allowed us by the First Parish, for a few years last past)," etc.2 So strong was the opposition, however, that this petition was dismissed ; and another which was presented Feb. 22, 1774, met the same fate. At last, nearly half a century after the commencement of regular religious services (for the winter), and about thirty-five years after the erection of a meet ing-house in which public Avorship was offered throughout the year, the inhabitants on the south side of the river were incor porated by the General Court, April, 1779, as a separate precinct with authority to settle a minister, and to provide for his support by a parish tax, — " excepting Samuel Sparhawk, John Gardner, Joanna Gardner, and Moses Griggs, and their estates, who' shall i Mass. Arch., xii. 368-371. - Mass. Arch., xiv. 73-76. 296 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. be exempted from all ministerial taxes to said precinct, so long as they shall live or reside Avithin the same, or until they or either of. them shall give their hands into the Secretary's Office of this State, desiring that they with their estates may be considered as part of said precinct." The subsequent proceedings are related by Dr. Holmes in " Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc," vii., 36, 37 : " In 1780, the church members on the south side of Charles River in Cambridge presented a petition to the church, signifying their desire to be dismissed and incorporated into a distinct church, for enjoying the special ordinances of the gospel more conveniently by themselves. The church voted a compliance with their peti tion ;. and they were incorporated on the 23d of February, 1783. The Reverend John Foster Avas ordained to their pastoral charge, November 4, 1784." .Besides the incorporation, of the second and third precincts, re sulting in the establishment of two more churches professing the same faith Avhich had distinguished the parent church during the century and a half of its existence, Dr. Appleton witnessed yet another secession from his congregation, involving Avhat he must have regarded as a departure "from the faith and order of the churches. A subscription was commenced in 1759 for the erec tion of an edifice, which was opened Oct. 15, 1761, for the wor ship of God according to the forms prescribed by the Episcopal Church. The organization and history of Christ Church Parish will be more fully noticed elsewhere. It is sufficient to say here that it drew from Dr. Appleton's parish several of its richest and most aristocratic members. Socially and financially, he must have regarded their secession as a serious loss. The ministry of this sixth pastor of the church was long and peaceful, — two thirds of a century in length, but not marked by any very extraordinary characteristics. " The written record of his labors as pastor comprises little more than long lists of persons received to the church, of adults and children who Avere baptized, and of persons married. The summing up is as follows : children baptized, 2,048 ; adults, 90 ; admissions to the fellowship of the church, 784. All through this long ministry the pastor was busy in the duties of his office, preaching the word, striving for the salvation of those under his care, and for the edifying of the body of Christ." - Among the methods adopted for the furtherance of this object, Dr. Holmes says that "in 1736, a committee, chosen by the church to consult with.the . 1 McKenzie's Hist. Lect.,p. 147. : ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 297 pastor respecting measures to promote a reformation, proposed and recommended to the church, as what they ' apprehended might be serviceable for reviving religiou and suppressing growing dis orders,' that there be a number of wise, prudent, and blameless Christians chosen among themselves, whose special care it should be to inspect and observe the manners of professing Christians, and such as Avere under the care and watch of the church. The pro posal Avas adopted, and a committee was appointed, for the pur pose expressed in the recommendation. This committee, Avhich Avas a kind of privy council to the minister, though Avithout au thority, appears to have been very serviceable to the interests of religion ; and it was renewed annually, for the space of about fifty years." - It was provided that this committee should con sist of " three in the body of the town, one upon the common, one in Charlestown End, two at Menotomy, and two on the south side of the River." The members first elected were Samuel Danforth, Esq., AndreAV Bordman, Esq., John Bradish, Deacon Samuel Bowman, Benjamin Goddard, John Cutter, Ephraim Frost, Daniel Dana, and Deacon Samuel SparhaAvk. The faithful and useful services of Dr. Appleton were recog nized by the College in the bestoAvment of a degree, Avhich, hoAV- ever common it may have since become, had never before been conferred by that corporation, except upon Rev. Increase Mather in 1692, and which was therefore a notable mark of honor. The record bears date July 9, 1771 : " The Rev. Mr. Nathanael Ap pleton having been long an ornament to the pastoral character and eminently distinguished for his knoAvledge, wisdom,- and sanctity of manners and usefulness to the churches, and having for more than fifty years exerted himself in promoting the in terests of piety and learning in this society, both as a Minister and as a Fellow of the corporation, therefore, Voted, that the De gree of Doctor in Divinity be conferred on the said Rev. Mr. Nathanael Appleton, and that a Diploma for that purpose be pre sented to him." The longest human life has an end. On the verge of ninety years Dr. Appleton on account of his " very, advanced age and growing infirmities " requested that a colleague might aid him in the pastoral office. Accordingly, Rev. Timothy . Hilliard was elected by the church and congregation and was duly installed. Dr., Appleton survived this event less than four months. ".His public usefulness, though diminished, for a few of his last l Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., vii. 33, 34. 298 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. years, by the infirmities of age, did not entirely cease but with his life. He died Feb. 9, 1784, in the ninety-first year of his age, and sixty-seventh of his ministry • and NeAV England can furnish feAv, if any, instances of more useful talents, and of more exemplary piety, united with a ministry equally long and success ful." - A memorial tablet marks the resting-place of his body in the old burial-ground. The prolonged pastorate of Dr. Appleton was succeeded by the shortest Avhich the church experienced, from its organization in 1636 to its division in 1829. Rev. Timothy Hilliard, born in Kensington, N. H., 1746, H. C. 1764, Tutor 1768-1771, Chap lain at Castle William, 1768, was ordained at Barnstable, April 10, 1771. The climate proving unfavorable to his health he resigned his charge at Barnstable, and was installed at Cam bridge as colleague with Dr. Appleton, Oct. 27, 1783. His ministry here did not continue quite seven years, yet it was pro ductive of good fruits. His immediate successor, Dr. Holmes, says of him : " Placed by Providence in this conspicuous station, his sphere of usefulness became much enlarged, his labors being now extended to the University. For this new sphere he was peculiarly qualified. ' His pulpit talents were excellent. He was pleasing in his elocution. In prayer he was exceeded by few, being ready in his utterance, pertinent on every occasion, and devotional in his manner. His discourses from the desk were never such as could be said to have cost him nothing, but were well studied, pure in the diction, replete with judicious senti ments, clearly and methodically arranged, instructive, serious, practical, and truly evangelical ; so that his public services Avere useful and edifying to all ranks of men, both learned aud un learned.' He was ' ever viewed by the Governors of the Univer sity as an excellent model for the youth under their care Avho were designed for the desk ; and they considered his introduction into this parish a most happy event.' .... Though firm in the maintenance of his own religious sentiments, he was ' eminently candid, and ready to embrace all good men.' In public and private life, he Avas exemplary for virtue and piety ' There was no minister among us,' said President Willard, ' of his standing, Avho, perhaps, had a fairer prospect of becoming extensively useful to the churches of Christ in this Common wealth.' .... In his last illness, which was very short, he was supported by the Christian hope, which gave him a religious su- 1 Coll, Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 62. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 299 periority to the fear of death He died on tbe Lord's-day morning, May 9, 1790, in the forty-fourth year of his age." 1 His " bereaved, affectionate flock," erected a suitable monumen tal slab, in the old burial-place, over bis mortal remains. Mr. Hilliard Avas succeeded in the pastoral office by Rev. Abiel Holmes, Avho was born in Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 24, 1763, Y. C. 1783, and was ordained pastor of a church at Midway, Georgia, Sept. 15, 1785, which church removed thither bodily from Dor chester, Mass. He resigned his pastorship of this church in June, 1791, and was installed pastor of the church in Cambridge, Jan. 25, 1792. His ministry avus long and eA7entful. His parish was much enlarged by the establishment and growth of villages at Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, and it Avas subsequently diminished by their incorporation as a separate parish,2 and the organization of churches in both villages. A new church was organized, Nov. 6, 1814, under the auspices of the College, which withdreAV many of the officers and students from his congrega tion. These changes were effected peacefully, and with the cooperation of Dr. Holmes. He preached at the dedication of the meeting-house of the Cambridgeport Parish, and at the or dination of their first minister. He also assisted in the organi zation of the College Church. / But another change occurred, which occasioned much grief and sadness, and Avhich he resisted earnestly and steadfastly though unsuccessfully. About the year 1S15, a difference in opinion, which had for several years existed between the Trinitarian and Unitarian Congregationalists, attained such prominence as to dis turb the relations between pastors of churches, and to rend the churches themselves into fragments. Such was the sad effect here. The pastor felt it to be his duty to bear testimony against what he regarded as the errors of Unitarianism, and to prevent their dissemination from his pulpit. A majority of his church approved the measures Avhich he adopted, and adhered to him Avith unswerving fidelity. A minority of the church, Avith a majority of the parish, disagreed Avith him in opinion, and in sisted that, if he could not conscientiously teach such doctrines as they believed to be true, he should at least allow other clergy men to do so in his pulpit. A long and unhappy controversy en- 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 64-66. 2 The Cambridgeport Parish, which in- The quotations by Dr. Holmes are from eluded both Cambridgeport and East Cam- President AVillard's Sermon at the funeral bridge. of Mr. Hilliard. 300 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. sued, which resulted in a division of the church. For obvious reasons, the particular incidents of this controversy are not here repeated. Each party published its own version of the Avhole matter in 1829 : one, in a pamphlet of 58 pages, entitled, " An Account of the Controversy in the First Parish in Cam bridge ; " the other, in a pamphlet of 103 pages, entitled " Con troversy between the First Parish in Cambridge and the Rev. Dr. Holmes, their late Pastor." It may suffice to record the re sult. An ex-parte council, called by the First Parish, assem bled May 19, 1829, and, after due deliberation, " Voted, That there is plenary evidence of the facts, that Dr. Holmes has ma terially varied in his ministerial and Christian intercourse from that of his two immediate predecessors, and from that of more than thirty years of his own ministry ; that such change more essentially affects the peace, comfort, and edification of the Par ish, than any mere change in speculation, or in points of dogmat ical theology ; that this change has been persisted in, contrary to the repeated remonstrances of a large majority of the Parish, con sisting of about three-fourths of the legal voters, including several members of the church ; that this course has greatly grieved them, and so far impaired their confidence in their pastor, as to preclude the possibility of continuing his ministerial relation to them, either Avith comfort to himself, or any prospect of advan cing their religious interests. Voted, That the First Parish in Cambridge have sufficient cause to terminate the contract sub sisting between them and the Rev. Dr. Holmes, as their minister, and this Council recommend the measure, as necessary to the ex istence and spiritual prosperity of the society. This Council wish it to be distinctly understood," it is added, " that the ser vice, to Avhich we have in Providence been called, is one of the most painful services of our life. We do not arraign or condemn the motives of the Rev. Dr. Holmes. We are happy to testify tbat all our impressions of his course, during the peaceful state of his society, are associated with the most interesting and hon orable views of his ministerial character and the Christian spirit."1 In accordance with this " Result," the Parish notified Dr. Holmes, June 11, 1829, that his " services will not be re quired or authorized in the public religious services in the meet ing-house in said Parish hereafter."2 And, as Dr. Holmes ex pressed the opinion that he was still the legal minister of the Parish, and. professed a willingness to perform all his pastoral ' Controversy, etc., pp. 87, 88. ' 2 Ibid., p. 97. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 301 and ministerial duties, as heretofore, the Parish committee, on the succeeding day, closed the correspondence thus: "You do not owe any such duties as aforesaid to said Parish, and that said Parish refuses to accept from you any service, or services, as such minister, or pastor, thereof. Hereafter you cannot occupy nor use the pulpit of the meeting-house of said Parish, as it Avill be exclusively appropriated to such preacher, or preachers, as said Parish shall employ to supply it." J On the next Sabbath, Dr. Holmes and those who adhered to him held religious services in the old Court House. They also called an ex-parte council, Avhich assembled June 17, 1829, and, after a full examination of the case, agreed in this result : " In vieAV of all the facts and evidence presented to this council, they are unanimously of the opinion, that the Rev. Dr. Holmes has not in any Avay forfeited his office as pastor of the first church and parish in Cambridge ; and that he is still, according to ecclesiastical usage, the pastor and minister of said church and parish." - As before stated, a majority of the church adhered to Dr. Holmes, and acknowl edged him as their pastor ; but the majority of the parish would never thereafter acknowledge such relationship, and the breach between the two has never been healed. The minority of the parish organized a neAV society, and adopted the name of the " Shepard Congregational Society," Avith which the majority of the church, claiming to be the First Church, united to maintain public Avorship and the ordinances of the gospel. Dr. Holmes soon asked for a colleague, and his request was granted. Rev. Nehemiah Adams, Jr., Avas ordained Dec. 17, 1829. On account of physical debility, Dr. Holmes requested a dismission, which was granted by the church, and confirmed by a council. He preached his farewell sermon Oct. 2, 1831. He continued to preach occasionally until near the close of his^ life. He died, of paralysis, June 4, 1837, in the 74th year of his age. It is Avorthy of notice, that even during the unhappy controversy in the parish, no "railing accusation" is knoAvn to have been heard against the moral and Christian character of Dr. Holmes ; even the council, which determined that he had forfeited his ministry by a steadfast persistence in Avhat he regarded as his duty contrary to the desires of others whose opinions differed from his own, bear a frank and manly testimony to his worth aud sincerity as a Christian. His present successor in the ministry has thus described his labors and his character : " The minis- 1 Controversy, etc., p. 98. - Account of the Con'rorersy, etc., p. 55. 302 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. try of Dr. Holmes here Avas but a few months short of forty years. With a single exception, it was the longest Avhich the church has known. For nearly the whole of the time he Avas the only pastor in this part of the toAvn, and he stood at the centre of a large parish, making his influence felt in every direction. He preached the word with fidelity and diligence. He fulfilled the various offices of our holy religion. He instructed the children, and gaA7e them books. He formed libraries for the use of the parish. He watched over the schools. He gave of his substance to the poor. He brought into the parish the aid of others whom he esteemed able to edify the people. He zealously followed every good work Dr. Holmes left a large number of printed works, consisting chiefly of sermons preached on various occasions He published a small ' History of Cambridge,' l which is invaluable to any one interested in the ancient toAvn. His largest work was ' The Annals of America from the Discov ery by Columbus in the year 1492 to the year 1826 He Avas connected with a number of societies. From 1798 he was a most devoted friend of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and for more than tAA'enty years its. corresponding secretary. He was one of the founders of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the American Education Society. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one "of the Trustees of the Institution at Andover, and an Overseer of Harvard University. His degree of Doctor of Divinity Avas re ceived from the University of Edinburgh about 1805, and he was made Doctor of Laws by Alleghany College, in 1822." - Dr. Holmes was the last pastor of the whole church. Each of the tAvo branches, into Avhich it was divided in 1829, as serts its claim to be " The First Church in Cambridge." With out reference to the validity of their respective claims, in a brief sketch of their history after the division, it seems most natural and proper to speak first of that branch which adhered to Dr. Holmes, and Avith Avhich he remained connected during the resi due of his life. Rev. Nehemiah Adams, H. C. 1836, D. D. Amherst, 1847, was ordained Dec. 17, 1829, as colleague pastor. During his ministry there Avere " large additions to the church ,upon confes sion of faith. The loss of members was soon more than made good." 3 Religious services were held in the old Court House, 1 In Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 1-67. 8 Ibid., pp. 222, 223. 2 McKenzic's Hist. Led., pp. 210-213. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 303 until a new edifice, erected at the northwest corner of Holyoke and Mount Auburn streets, was completed ; the corner stone Avas laid Sept. 21, 1830, and the house Avas dedicated Feb. 23, 1831. The pastorate of Mr. Adams was short. He accepted an invita tion to become pastor of the Essex Street Church in Boston, and his connection Avith the church here was dissolved by an ecclesi astical council, March 14, 1834. Mr. Adams Avas succeeded by Rev. John Adams Albro, who was born at Newport, R. I., Aug. 13, 1799 ; studied law at Litchfield, Conn., and, after practising that profession about two years, entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, from which he graduated in 1827. He received from Yale College, the same year, the honorary degree of Master of Arts ; and also received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from BoAvdoin College, in 1S48, and from Harvard College in 1851. He was ordained in Chelms ford in 1827, installed in Fitchburg, May 9, 1832, and again in stalled here on the 13th of April, 1835. After a faithful service of thirty years, Dr. Albro requested a release from pastoral duty, Avhich was granted, and which took effect April 15, 1865. He continued to reside here, preaching occasionally in the neighbor hood, until he departed this life, after a very short sickness, Dec. 20, 1866. His ministry was successful, and his memory is cher ished by those among whom he labored so long and so dili gently. The successor of Dr. Albro Avas Rev. Alexander McKenzie, who Avas born at New Bedford, Dec. 14, 1830, H. C. 1859, and ordained at Augusta, Me., Aug. 28, 1861. He was installed here, Jan. 24, 1867, and thus far his labors have been reAvarded by large accessions to the church, and by general peace and pros perity. A new and much more spacious meeting-house has been erected, during his ministry, at the northAvesterly corner of Garden and Mason streets ; the corner-stone was laid April 29, 1871, and the house was dedicated May 22, 1872. The old meeting-house, which had been in use for more than forty years, Avas sold, and, having been re-consecrated, is now a Catholic church. The other branch of the original church, which retained its connection Avith a majority of the First Parish, held a meeting on the 12th of July, 1829, and, in consideration of the fact that the two Deacons, William Hilliard and James Munroe, had neglected to meet with the church in the meeting-house, but adhered to Dr. Holmes, and had acted as deacons at his administration of the 304 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Lord's supper to the majority of# the church in the Court House, " Voted, as said William Hilliard and James Munroe have separ ated themselves, as above stated, from said church, and abdicated or abandoned their offices as deacons therein, and left said church destitute of a deacon, that said Hilliard and Munroe severally be removed and dismissed from his office of deacon of said church, if the above stated facts do not amount, in law, to a legal abdica tion or abandonment of said office' of deacon ; and that the office of deacon in said church is now vacant, and that it is expedient and necessary noAV to elect a deacon or deacons thereof. Voted, To elect by ballot. Voted, That Abel Whitney be a deacon of said church. Voted, That Sylvanus Plympton be the Clerk or Scribe of said Church." * Being thus reorganized, the church united Avith the parish in the settlement of a pastor. Rev. Wil liam Newell, born at Littleton, Feb. 25, 1804, H. C. 1824, D. D. 1853, accepted a call, and Avas ordained May 19, 1830. After a long and peaceful ministry, he resigned his pastoral office March, 1868. He still dwells among his people, universally respected and beloved, having, for several years after his resignation, per formed most of the duties of a pastor (preaching excepted) as a labor of love. The First Parish erected a new meeting-house on the westerly side of Harvard Square, between the ancient burial- place and Church Street, Avhich was dedicated Dec. 12, 1833. The College contributed a portion of the expense, and became entitled to certain rights in the new house, equivalent to its in terest in the house erected in 1756, Avhich Avas now removed, and the land on Avhich it stood was sold to the College. For the space of forty years, up to 1873, the annual Commencements of Har vard College Avere celebrated in this neAV house, Avhich is still standing ; and it is perhaps not extravagant to apply to it the language used by President Quincy concerning the former house ; namely, that no existing " building in Massachusetts can compare with it in the number of distinguished men who at different times fmve been assembled within its Avails." After the resignation of Dr. Newell, the church remained destitute of a regular pastor until March 31, 1874, Avhen Rev. Francis Greenwood Peabody Avas ordained and duly installed as shepherd of the flock. Mr. Peabody Avas born in Boston, graduated at H. C. 1869, and at the Theological School in Cambridge, 1872. From the beginning, the First Church in Cambridge has had a regular succession of Deacons ; and for the first tAvo thirds of a 1 Controversy, etc., p. 100. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 305 century, it had abo Ruling Elders. Until 1696, the Church Rec ords are imperfect, so that the dates of early elections cannot be ascertained. The dates of death are obtained from other sources. Ruling Elders. Elected. Died. Age. Richard Champney . Edmund Frost . . . John Stone .... Jonas Clark .... Nov. 15, 1682 Nov. 15, 1682 Nov. 26, 1669 July 12, 1672 May 5, 1683 Jan. 14, lffg. 64 80 Deacons. Elected. Died. Age. Thomas Marrett . . Before 1658 June 30, 1664 75 John Bridge . . Before 1658 1665 Nath1. Sparhawk . Before 1658 June 28, 1647 Edward Collins Before 1658 April 9, 1689 86 Gregory Stone . . Before 1658 Nov. 30, 1672 82 Thomas Cbesholm . After 1658 Aug. 18, 1671 John Cooper . . After 1658 Aug. 22, 1691 73 "Walter Hastings After 1 658 Aug. 5, 1705 74 Nath1. Sparhawk . After 1 658 1686-7 Samuel Cooper . . March 22, 1705 Jan. 8, 1717-8 64 Nath1. Hancock June 7, 1705 April 12, 1719 80 Samuel Kidder - Jan. 22, 1718 July 4, 1724 58 Joseph Coolidge . Jan. 22, 1718 Dec. 17, 1737 71 Nath1. Sparhawk . Aug. 5, 1724 Nov. 8, 1734 67 Samuel Bowman Aug. 5, 1724 1746 67 Samuel Sparhawk April 12, 1734 April 4, 1774 75 John Bradish . May 5, 1738 July 17, 1741 60 Sam1. Whittemore Nov. 24, 1741 1784 90 Henry Prentice ' Nov. 24, 1741 Oct. 18, 1778 84 Aaron Hill . . July 14, 1774 Oct. 16, 1792 62 Stephen Sewall . May 18, 1777 July 23, 1804 71 Gideon Frost . June 30, 1783 Juue 30, 1803 79 James Munroe . June 30, 1783 Sept. 14, 1804 69 John Walton Nov. 19, 1792 Nov. 23, 1823 81 William Hilliard April 5, 1804 April 27, 1836 57 Josiah Moore . Jan. 4, 1805 May 1, 1814 67 James Munroe . Aug. 2, 1818 May 31, 1848 73 i Resigned July 14, 1774. 20 306 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. At the division of the church in 1829, the two surviving Dea cons, Avith a majority of the members, adhered to Dr. Holmes. Subsequently other Deacons Avere installed into office, as fol lows : — Elected. Died. Age. Stephen T. Farwell . April 30, 1837 Oct. 20, 1872 67 Charles W. Homer Jan. 4, 1849 Feb. 15, 1873 71 Charles T. Russell - . July 2, 1869 George S. Saunders . July 2, 1869 Francis Flint . . . Feb. 27, 1874 Charles W. Munroe - . Feb. 27, 1874 James M. W. Hall . Jan. 27, 1875 Aaron H. Safford . . Jan. 27, 1875 The Deacons elected by the other branch of the church were as follows : — Elected. Died. Age. Abel Whitney . . . Sidney Willard . . Charles R. Metcalf . Augustus A. Whitney July 12, 1829 Dec. 15, 1833 May 1, 1853 May 1, 1853 Feb. 22, 1853 Dec. 6, 1856 70 76 1 Resigned Sept. 15, 1871. - Resigned Jan. 27, 1875. CHAPTER XVI. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Christ Chtjrch. — A comprehensive and interesting " His torical Notice of Christ Church," is appended to a sermon by Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, D. D., on the reopening of the church, Nov. 22, 1857. This church was originally established as a missionary station by the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," under the charge of Rev. East Ap- thorp, who was born in Boston, 1733, and educated at Cam bridge, England. " The original subscription for building the church is dated at Boston, April 25, 1759. The petition to the society was signed by Henry Vassal, Joseph Lee, John Vassal, Ralph Inman, Thomas Oliver, David Phips, Robert Temple, James Apthorp. At a meeting held at Boston, September 29, 1759, the six first named gentlemen, with the Rev. East Apthorp, were chosen as the building committee ; Ralph Inman, Esq., was appointed Treasurer." 2 These "six first named gentlemen" re sided in Cambridge, and Avere among the richest citizens, "each of whose income Avas judged to be adequate to the maintenance of a domestic chaplain." - The church edifice, which is still pre served in good condition, was erected on the southerly side of the common, between the old burial ground and Appian Way. " A piece of land, one hundred feet square, was bought of Mr. James Reed, for £16. 2s. \\d., lawful money." . . . . " This with the same quantity bought of the Proprietors of the common and undivided lands of the Town of Cambridge and taken in from the Common, formed the church lot. The price paid to the Pro prietors Avas j£13. 68. 8c?. lawful money, the church also paying for the removal of the Pound. The line of the Common, which was originally curved, was thus straightened, the burying ground being also extended up to the church line." 3 At the meeting, Sept. 29, 1759, when the size and general plan of the edifice were 1 Hist. Notice, etc., p. 21. - Hist. Notice, p. 22. - Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 34. 308 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. determined, it was voted, " That the expense of executing the Avhole building is not to exceed ,£500 sterling." - But although " the dimensions of the building proposed by the committee Avere adopted by the architect without change, the Avhole cost of the church, not including the land, was about £1300 sterling." - " The church was opened for the performance of divine service, Oct. 15, 1761." Rev. Mr. Apthorp again visited England in 1765, Avhere he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and became successively Vicar of Croydon, Rector of St. Mary-le- Bow, London, and a Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. He died April 16, 1816, aged 83 years. The next Rector of Christ Church was Rev. Wimvood Sar- jeant, supposed to be a native of England, who Avas ordained Priest by Bishop Pearce, Dec. 19, 1756. He commenced his rectorship as a missionary in June, 1767, and continued to per form the duties of his office, until the commencement of the Revolutionary War, Avhen he retired to Kingston, N. H., and afterwards to Newbury. In 1777 he had an attack of paralysis, and in 1778 went to England. He died at Bath, Sept. 20, 1780. " The congregation had almost entirely dispersed at the begin ning of the Avar. Perhaps no church in the country was more completely broken up. Of all the persons Avho took part in its concerns, including the sixty-eight original subscribers for the building (several of Avhom, however, were of Boston), and twenty original purchasers of pews, not a name appears on the records after the Revolution but those of John Pigeon, Esq., and Judge Joseph Lee. The former espoused the patriotic side ; the latter was a loyalist, but being a quiet man and moderate in his opin ions, remained unmolested." s Divine service is said to have been had in the church a feAV times while the army remained in Cambridge. It Avas also occupied and much damaged by the soldiers, Avho Avere destitute of proper barracks. It " was left for many years in a melancholy and desecrated condition, the doors shattered and all the windows broken out, exposed to rain and storms and every sort of depredation, its beauty gone, its 1 Hist. Notice, p. 21. Lands, May 9, 1760; they appoiuted a - Ibid., p. 23. Possibly this enormous committee, Nov. 20, 1769, to commence excess over the estimated cost of the edi- a suit against the grantees; the purchase- fice occasioned some disaffection which money was paid by Major John Vassall, resulted in what seems to be an unaccount- Jan. 6, 1670, but no interest was allowed, able delay of payment for the land on though payment had been delayed nearly which it was erected. The land was ten years. granted by the Proprietors of Common 8 Hist. Notice, p. 46. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 309 sanctuaiy defiled, the wind howling through its deserted aisles and about its stained and decaying walls ; the whole building being a disgrace instead of an ornament to the town. No effort appears to have been made for the reneAval of diAdne worship till the beginning of the year 1790." - The edifice was then re paired, and an effort was made for the regular administration of religious services. Rev. Joseph Warren, Rev. William Mon tague, and others, officiated for short periods, but for nearly forty years the church Avas generally supplied with lay Readers, among whom were Theodore Dehon, afterwards Bishop of South Car olina, and Jonathan-Mayhew WainAvright,2 afterwards Bishop of New York. The church was thoroughly repaired in 1825, and was again " opened for service July 30th, 1826, when the Rev. George Otis, M. A., then tutor in the University, preached a sermon, afterwards printed." 3 Mr. Otis was chosen Rector, but declined the office, as it was supposed to be inconsistent with hia official engagements to the College ; he " however continued to officiate for the church, and Avas virtually its minister, till his la mented and untimely death, at the age of thirty -two, February 25th, 1828." * Rev. Thomas W. Coit, D. D., was Rector from Easter, 1829, to Easter, 1835; Rev. M. A. D'W. Howe, D. D., for a few months in 1836 and 1837 ; and Rev. Thomas H. Vail from the spring of 1837 to Easter, 1839. Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, a native of Providence, R. I., and a graduate of Brown University, 1831, commenced his labors as Rector in November, 1839, and ministered to the church longer than all his predecessors in that office. During his rectorship the congregation so increased that it became necessary to enlarge the church edifice, and twenty-three feet were added to its length in 1857. A subscription had been commenced, in 1855, to pro cure a chime of bells for the church ; the design was now pros ecuted more vigorously and with such success that thirteen bells, at a cost of about five thousand dollars, were placed in the belfry of the church, and were first chimed on Easter morning, April 8, 1860. After a faithful and successful ministry for more than thirty-four years, Dr. Hoppin resigned the rectorship April 20, 1874. His degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by Trinity College in 1859. 1 Hist. Notice, p. 53. sary of Rev. Mr. Apthorp and of Epis- - Grandson of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew copacy generally. of Boston, who, a half centnry earlier, 8 Hist. Notice, p. 61 . was a most zealoos and formidable adver- 4 Ibid., p. 62. 310 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The present Rector, Rev. William-Chauncy Langdon, entered upon the discharge of his duties Jan. 2, 1876. The Wardens of Christ Church have been as follows : — 1762, 1763, 1764-1765,1766,1767-1770, 1771, 1772,1773,1774,1791-1795,1796,1797-1799,1800, 1801, 1802-1803,1804-1809, 1810-1813, 1814-1815, 1816-1819, 1820,1821-1825,1826-1828, 1829-1832, 1833-1835,1836-1840,1841,1842,1843, 1844, 1845-1846,1847-1851,1852,1853-1859,1860,1861, 1862-1863, 1864, 1865-1871,1872,1873-1874, 1875-1876, David Phips, John Vassal], Robert Temple, David Phips, Thomas Oliver, John Vassall, Ezekiel Lewis, Joseph Lee, David Phips, Jonathan Simpson, John T. Apthorp, Leonard Jarvis, Samuel W. Pomeroy, Abraham Biglow, Richard Richardson, William Winthrop, William Winthrop, Abraham Biglow, Abraham Biglow, Abraham Biglow, Abraham Biglow, Abraham Biglow, Joseph Foster, Joseph Foster, Samuel P. P. Fay, Charles C. Foster, James Greenleaf, Isaac Lum, C. Gayton Pickman, C. Gayton Pickman, William C. Bond, George P. Bond, George P. Bond, Herbert H. Stimpson, Luther Crane, Herbert H. Stimpson, Abraham Edwards, Samuel Batchelder, Jr., Samuel Batchelder, Jr., Samuel Batchelder, Jr., Samuel Batchelder, Jr., John Vassall. Robert Temple. Richard Lechmere. Thomas Oliver. John Vassall. Ezekiel Lewis. John Fen ton. Jonathan Sewall. John Pigeon. Nathaniel Bethune. Andrew Craigie. Samuel W. Pomeroy. Abraham Biglow. Richard Richardson. Jonathan Bird. Ebenezer Stedman. Abraham Biglow. Samuel P. P. Fay. William D. Peck. J. F. Dana. Jonathan Hearsey. Samuel P. P. Fay. Abraham Biglow. Samuel P. P. Fay. Isaac Lum. James Greenleaf. Isaac Lum. Luther Foote. Charles Chase. William E. Carter. William E. Carter. John M. Batchelder. Charles F. Foster. Luther Crane. Samuel Batchelder, Jr. Samuel Batchelder, Jr. Samuel Batchelder, Jr. J. Gardner White. Jos. Fay Greenough. Wm. A. Herrick. J. Gardner White. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 311 Cambridgeport Parish. — A brief account has already been given (chapter xii.) of the establishment of the " Cambridgeport Meeting-house Corporation," in 1805, and of the " Cambridge- port Parish," in 1808 ; abo of the erection, dedication, and de struction, of their brick meeting-house on Columbia Street, and the erection of the present meeting-house on Austin Street. The church connected with this parish Avas not organized until July 14, 1809. Its first pastor was Rev. Thomas Brattle Gan nett, born in Cambridge, Feb. 20, 1789, H. C. 1809, and ordained Jan. 19, 1814. During his pastorate occurred that theological contest which rent the parish and church of Dr. Holmes asunder. The great majority of the Cambridgeport Parish, together with their pastor, adhered to what was styled the liberal party, and were thenceforth known as Unitarians. Mr. Gannett, however, did not take an active part in the contest, but devoted himself entirely to the inculcation of those moral duties and Christian graces which become the true disciples of Christ. Indeed, he is reported to have expressed the highest satisfaction, in his mature years, that he had never preached a doctrinal sermon. Early in 1833 he closed his labors with a flock which had abundant cause to regard him with profound respect and love. " A good man, — one like Nathaniel of old, without guile, — • according to the gift that was in him, had gone in and out before the people, pure and godly in his conversation, charitable in his words and feel ings as in his deeds, keeping peace with all men."1 He re mained in Cambridge about ten years after the close of his min istry, during which period he represented his fellow-citizens two years in the General Court, and served them faithfully three years in the office of Town Clerk. He afterwards took charge of the Unitarian Church in South Natick, to which place he re moved in 1843, and died there April 19, 1851. Rev. Artemas B. Muzzey, born in Lexington, Sept. 21, 1802, H. C. 1824, was ordained at Framingham, June 10, 1830, dis missed May 18, 1833, and installed here Jan. 1, 1834. He re signed May 4, 1846, and was succeeded by Rev. John F. W. Ware, H. C. 1838, who was installed Nov. 29, 1846, and re signed April 1, 1864. He is now pastor of the church in Arling ton Street, Boston. Rev. Henry C. Badger was installed Jan. 15, 1865, resigned Oct. 1, 1865, and was succeeded by Rev. George W. Briggs,. B. U. 1825, D. D. 1855, who was installed 1 Sermon by Rev. John P. W. Ware, on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Rev. Thomas B. Gannett, p. 19. 312 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. April 3, 1867. The four successors of Mr. Gannett are still ac tively engaged in the ministry ; may it be long before judgment shall be pronounced upon their completed labors. Deacons. Nathaniel. Livermore , Ephraim Forbes . . Isaiah Bangs . . . Nathaniel P. Hunt . Elected. 1809 - April, 1817 Feb. 21, 1842 Feb. 21, 1842 Died. Aug. 7, 1862 Nov. 1817 Mar. 22, 1859 Oct. 29, 1854 Age. 90 73 61 University Church. " Until 1812, the College government and students had united in public worship with the inhabitants of the First Parish in Cambridge ; but in that year the Overseers expressed the opinion, that it Avould be for the advantage of the students, should religious instruction on the Sabbath be given within the walls of the University." 2 " On the morning of Lord's-Day, 6th Nov. 1814, the Church was organized, in the presence and by the assistance of the pastor and delegates of the First Church in Cambridge." 3 "A distinct church being or ganized, public worship has since been conducted within the Col lege Chapel by the Faculty of the Theological School."4 Apple- ton Chapel subsequently became the stated place of Avorship, and after about forty years the ex-officio service of the Theolog ical Faculty ceased ; since which time the church has been under the care of a pastor specially designated by the Corporation of the College. The successive pastors and stated preachers have been, — Rev. Henry Ware, H. C. 1785, D. D. 1806, from 1814 to 1840.6 Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., H. C. 1812, D. D. 1834, from 1840 to 1842. Rev. Convers Francis, H. C. 1815, D. D. 1837, from 1842 to 1855. Rev. Frederick D. Huntington, A. C. 1842, D. D. 1855, from 1855 to 1860. Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, H. C. 1826, D. D. 1852, LL. D. Roch. U. 1863, from 1860 to the present time. 1 The date of election does not dis tinctly appear ; but Mr. Ware, in his Ser mon before quoted, says : " The church appears to have been fully organized on the 14th July, 1809 ; Nathaniel Livermore being its first deacon, as he was also its last." 2 Quincy's Hist. H. U., ii. 309. 8 McKenzie's Hist. Led., p. 184. 4 Quincy's Hist. H. U., ii. 310. 5 Rev. Dr. Kirkland officiated as joint pastor, until he resigned the Presidency of the College in 1828. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 313 First Baptist. — The First Baptist Church was organized " at the house of Mr. Samuel Hancock " in Cambridgeport, Dec. 17, 1817, seventeen males and twenty-nine females then subscribing the " Articles of Faith and a Covenant." 1 The church was publicly recognized on the 25th day of the same month by a Council regularly convened ; and on the same day the meeting-house, which had been erected at the junction of Magazine and River streets, was dedicated. This house was a Avooden structure, Avhich was enlarged in 1827 and twice after wards ; it was utterly consumed by fire Jan. 22, 1866. Prepara tions Avere immediately made for the erection of a much larger house on the same spot. The corner-stone was laid Aug. 17, 1866. The chapel was dedicated March 17, 1867, in Avhich religious services were held until the completion of the main edifice, which Avas opened and dedicated Dec. 25, 1867, on " the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church, and of the dedication of the former house of worship." " The cost of the whole building was about $90,000." It is a spacious brick edifice, not only convenient to its occupants, but ornamental to the city. On the 8th of February, 1819, William Brown and twenty-one others (several of Avhom resided in Brighton) were " incorporated as a religious society, by the name of the Baptist Church in Cambridge." - The first pastor of this church was Rev. Bela Jacobs, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in Pawtucket, R. I. He was in stalled July 22, 1818, and served the church faithfully and suc cessfully until May, 1833, when he resigned, and became Secre tary of the Baptist Educational Association. He recei\-ed the de gree of A. M. from Brown University, 1822. A further notice of him will be found in connection Avith the Second Baptist Church, of which he was aftenvards pastor. Rev. Stephen Lovell Avas installed March 24, 1834, and resigned May 15, 1836, " and immediately after his resignation united Avith the Methodist Church in Portland, Maine." He was afterwards associated with Rev. Thomas F. Norris, in the editorship of the " Olive Branch," and died in Boston, Sept. 29, 1858, aged 59 years. Rev. Joseph W. Parker, U. C. 1831, was ordained Dec. 11, 1836. The church enjoyed prosperity during his ministry, which continued until Jan. 1, 1854, when he resigned, and entered upon his duties as Secretaiy of the Northern Baptist Education Society and 1 Brief History of the First Baptist - Mass. Spec. Laws, v. 282. Church in Cambridge, etc., p. 3. 314 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Financial Agent of the Trustees of the Newton Theological Insti tution. He received the degree of D. D. from Brown University, 1852. Rev. Sumner R. Mason, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in Lockport, N. Y., entered upon his labors the first Sabbath in March," 1855, and " on the 25th of the same month he was publicly recognized by religious services." He received the degree of D. D. from Chicago University. His ministry Avas diligent and successful for somewhat more than sixteen years. It had an unexpected and tragical termination on Saturday even ing, Aug. 26, 1871, when a disastrous collision of cars occurred on the Eastern Railroad, at Revere, Mass., by which about thirty persons were killed,1 and a still larger number wounded, — some of them fatally. Among those who Avere killed outright was Dr. Mason. He died at his post, Avhile engaged in his Master's ser vice ; for the object of his journey was to fulfil an engagement to preach the gospel. His mutilated body Avas identified on the next day, and Avas interred at Mount Auburn on the folknving Thursday, after appropriate funeral services in the presence of a great congregation, and in the house where he had so long been a living power. The present pastor of the church, Rev. Hiram K. Pervear, B. U. 1855, had been pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Cambridge about seven years, and of the First Baptist Church in Worcester nearly eight years, before his public recognition here on the 5th of January, 1873. The church has had nine Deacons, to wit : — Elected. Died. Age. Levi Farwell . . . Feb. 10, 1818 May 27, 1844 60 William Brown 2 . Feb. 10, 1818 June 25, 1861 75 Josiah Coolidge - . . July 30, 1844 Sept. 13, 1874 87 George Cummings 3 . Aug. 23, 1844 Josiah W. Cook . . . Aug. 23, 1844 William B. Hovey Jan. 29, 1849 July 4, 1871 75 Joseph A. Holmes Jan. 29. 1849 Albert Vinal . . . Feb. 19, 1850 Joseph Gooduow . . Oct. 13, 1871 1 Among the killed was Rev. Ezra the church now in Arlington Street, Stiles Gannett, D. D., born in Cambridge, Boston. May 4, 1801, H. C. 1820, for many years - Deacons Brown and Coolidge were colleague-pastor (with Rev. W. E. Chan- " dismissed to the Church in Old Cam- ning, D. D.), and afterwards sole pastor of bridge, Aug. 16, 1844." 8 Removed to Lancaster in 1850. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 315 First Universalist. — On the ninth day of February, 1822, Peter Tufts, Jr., and thirty-three others were "incorporated and made a body politic and religious society by the name of the First Universalist Society in Cambridge." a For some years pre viously, Rev. Hosea Ballou and others had occasionally preached in the school-house then standing on Franklin Street. Immedi ately after its incorporation the society commenced preparations for the erection of the meeting-house which now stands at the junction of Main and Front streets in Cambridgeport. The cor ner-stone was laid with masonic ceremonies by Amicable Lodge, June 24, 1822 ; and the house was dedicated to the worship of God on the 18th of the following December. The church was organized June 19, 1827. The first pastor of this church was Rev. Thomas Whittemore, who was born in Boston, Jan. 1, 1800, ordained, June 13, 1821, and after preaching somewhat more than a year at Milford, com menced his labors here in April, 1822, but was not formally in stalled until April 23, 1823. He resigned the pastorate, and preached his farewell discourse May 29, 1831, but remained a citizen of Cambridge until the close of his life. As early as June, 1828, he purchased the " Universalist Mag azine" (which was established July 3, 1819), and changed its name to " Trumpet and Universalist Magazine." This paper he conducted with consummate skill and energy until Feb. 18, 1861, about a month before his death, when he was compelled, by sheer exhaustion, to relinquish the charge. He represented the town three years in the General Court, and served the city one year in the Board of Aldermen. For many years he was President of the Cambridge Bank, and also of the Fitchburg and the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroads. He continued to preach, almost every Sabbath, until near the close of life. In 1837, he published " Songs of Zion," a volume of sacred music, a portion of which was original. He was the author of " Notes and Illustrations of the Parables of the New Testament," 1834 ; " A Plain Guide to Universalism," 1840; " Memoir of Rev. Walter Balfour," 1852; " Life of Rev. Hosea Ballou," in four volumes, 1854, 1855 ; and " The Early Days of Thomas Whittemore, an Autobiography," 1859. His first and last literary Avork was " The Modern History of Universalism," of which the first edition was published in 1830. He made large collections for a second edition, and pub lished the first volume in 1860 ; but the completion of the second 1 Mass, Spec. Lams, v. 464. 31t HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. volume Avas prevented by his death, which occurred March 21, 1861. Tufts College bestowed on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1860. Rev. Samuel P. Skinner commenced preaching here June 5, 1831, and was ordained on the nineteenth day of the same month. His ministiy was very short. About the first of May, 1832, he removed to Baltimore, and Avas for a time engaged in teaching. He subsequently preached in several places, and at length settled in Chicago, 111. He died August 12, 1858, aged 48. Rev. Lucius R. Paige was born in Hardwick, March 8, 1802, commenced preaching June 1, 1823, and was ordained June 2, 1825. After laboring in several places, as an evangelist, more than two years, and performing the duties of a settled pastor nearly four years at Springfield, and about two years at Glouces ter (noAV Roekport), he commenced his ministry here May 20, 1832, was installed July 8, 1832, and resigned July 1, 1839. He continued to preach, occasionally, nearly thirty years afterwards, until the precarious condition of his health compelled him to de sist. During his pastorate he published " Selections from Emi nent Commentators," in 1833, and " Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels, designed for the use of Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes," in 1838 ; also a Centennial Address at Hardwick, 1838. He subsequently wrote a " Commentary on the New Testament," in six volumes, of which the first Avas published in 1844 and the last in 1870. While engaged in this Avork, as a relaxation from severer studies, he gathered materials for this History of Cam bridge. Meanwhile, his literary labors yielding scanty returns, he devoted the business hours of the day to the performance of secular duties. He Avas Town Clerk from March, 1839, to Janu ary, 1840, and from March, 1843, to May, 1846 ; City Clerk from May, 1846, to October, 1855 ; Treasurer of the Cambridgeport Savings Bank, from April, 1855, to April, 1871, during the larger portion of Avhich period he was also successively Cashier and President of the Cambridge Bank. He received the degree of A. M. from Harvard College, 1850, and that of D. D. from Tufts College, 1861. Rev. Lemuel Willis was born at Windham, Vt., April 24, 1802, commenced preaching July 28, 1822, was ordained Oct. 2, 1823, and was installed here Oct. 1, 1842, having previously been settled at Troy, N. Y., Salem, Washington, N. H., and Lynn. He resigned Sept. 28, 1845, and was afterwards pastor at Claremont, N. H., South Orange, Mass., and Portsmouth, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 317 N. H. Since 1856 he has generally resided at Warner, N. H. Though he has passed beyond the age of three-score years and ten, his eye is not yet dim, nor is his mind clouded ; and he con tinues to preach and perform other ministerial duties. Rev. Luther J. Fletcher was ordained in 1843, commenced preaching here Jan. 4, 1846, and was installed on the 5th of the folloAving April. He resigned April 14, 1848, and Avas after wards settled at Lowell and at Buffalo, N. Y. He received the degree of D. D. from St. Lawr. Univ. 1876. Rev. EdAvin A. Eaton, who had been previously settled at Newburyport, com menced preaching here Jan. 7, 1849, resigned April 25, 1852, and was afterwards settled in Providence for six years, and at South Reading for a similar period. He retired from the min istry about 1870, and is now an Insurance agent in Boston. Rev. Charles A. Skinner was ordained in 1848, labored a few years in western New York, and was installed here July 17, 1853, He retained the pastorship longer than any of his predecessors ; and after a peaceful and successful ministry he resigned Sept. 29, 1867, in order to become the pastor of the church in Hartford, Conn., which office he still sustains. Rev. Benjamin F. Bowles was ordained in 1848, and held the pastoral office successively at Salem, Southbridge, Natick, Melrose, Manchester, N. H., and Worcester. He was installed here Dec. 6, 1868, and resigned Jan. 31, 1873 ; since which time he has been pastor of the Second Church in Philadelphia. The present pastor of this church is Rev. Oscar F. Safford, a graduate of the Theological School, St. Lawrence University, 1862, who was ordained in 1862, and Avho was settled at Danvers, Charlestown, Chicago, and Springfield. He Avas installed here Jan. 1, 1874. Deacons. Elected. Died. Age. Samuel Watson . . July 12,1827 Feb. 1855 87 Flavel Coolidge . . July 12, 1827 Feb. 1, 1848 73 Isaac Kimball . . . July 12, 1827 Oct. 14, 1831 74 Simon Ames . . . Dec. 28, 1831 Oct. 28, 1841 51 Alvaro Blodgett • . . July 28, 1843 May 14, 1874 58 Joseph P. Howlett July 28, 1843 Ebenezer P. Holman . Oct. 28, 1847 Dec. 17, 1859 47 Robert White . . . May 29, 1874 1 Deac. Blodgett resigned Sept. 3, 1853, and was reelected May 25, 1860. 318 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Second Universalist. — By an Act of the General Court, Feb. 11, 1823, Calvin Brooks and others1 were incorporated as the " Second Society of Universalists in the town of Cambridge." They held meetings for a time in a school-house on Third Street, between Bridge and Gore streets, and afterwards worshipped with the Unitarian Society in their meeting-house on Third Street. In July, 1834, the Society hired what Avas then called " Berean Hall," on the northerly side of Cambridge Street, be tween Third and Fourth streets, and occupied it until the early part of 1843, when it was purchased, enlarged, converted into a meeting-house, and was dedicated on the 5th day of December. In 1865 this house was sold, and the Society erected the neat and commodious church now standing on the northerly side of Otis Street, betAveen Third and Fourth streets, which was dedicated Sept. 26, 1866. This parish had no settled pastor until 1834, when Rev. Henry Bacon commenced his labors in November, and was ordained on the 28th of December. He resigned in the spring of 1838, and was afterwards settled at Haverhill, Marblehead, Providence, and Philadelphia. He was born in Boston, June 12, 1813, and died in Philadelphia, March 19, 1856. His Avas a busy life. Besides faithfully performing his pastoral duties, he was a prolific Avriter in various periodicals, the author of some small volumes, and edi tor of the " Ladies' Repository " twenty years. Rev. Elbridge G. Brooks was ordained at West Amesbury, Oct. 19, 1837, and was installed here Sept. 16, 1838. He resigned early in 1845, and was subsequently settled in Bath, Me., Lynn, NeAV York, and Philadelphia, where he is still actively engaged in the ministiy. He has written much for various periodicals, and in 1873 pub lished a volume entitled " Our New Departure." He received the degree of D. D. from Tufts College in 1867. Rev. Wil liam- R. G. Mellen was ordained at Milford, May 17, 1843, and was installed here Oct. 26, 1845. He resigned in October, 1848, and was afterwards settled in Chicopee, Auburn, N. Y., and Gloucester ; he served his country several years as a Consul in a foreign port ; and has since had the pastoral charge of several Unitarian societies. Rev. Massena Goodrich was ordained at Haverhill Jan. 1, 1845, commenced his ministry here April 8, 1849, resigned in January, 1852, and was aftenvards settled at Goff's Corner, Me., Waltham, and Pawtucket, R. I. In 1861 he became a Professor in the Theological School at Canton, N. Y. ; 1 Mass. Spec Laws, vi. 78. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 319 after two or three years he returned to Pawtucket, and resumed his pastoral duties. He received the degree of A. M. from Tufts College in 1863. Rev. Henry A. Eaton was born in South Reading (now Wakefield) Nov. 27, 1825, ordained at Milford Sept. 11, 1859, took charge of this parish on the first Sabbath in May, 1855, and resigned at the end of September, 1857. His health was broken down, yet he preached, more or less, for two or three years at Waltham, and Meriden, Conn. He died at Worcester, of consumption, May 26, 1861. Rev. Henry W. Rugg Avas ordained in 1854, and having preached three or four years on Cape Cod, commenced his pastorate here on the first of March, 1858 ; resigned at the end of three years, and Avas after wards settled at Bathj Me., and Providence, R. I. Rev. S. L. Roripaugh was ordained in 1856, was pastor of this flock from January, 1862, to the end of the year, and has since beeen settled at New Bedford, North Bridgewater, Joliet, 111., Valhermosa Springs, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga. Rev. James F. Powers, Tufts College,. 1861, was pastor from the first of December, 1863, until April, 1866. He was afterwards settled in Maiden, and about 1872 took orders in the Episcopal Church. Rev. Henry I. Cush- man Avas ordained May 15, 1867, resigned May 31, 1868, and was afterwards associate pastor of the Second Universalist Church in Boston, and pastor of the First Universalist Church in Provi dence. His successor was Rev. Frank Maguire, a graduate of St. Lawrence Theological School, 1863, whose pastorate extended from Oct. 1, 1868, to Jan. 1, 1871, after which he was settled at Fitchburg. He was ordained in 1863, and had previously preached at Greenport, N. Y., and Waterville, Me. Rev. Sum ner Ellis, ordained at Boston, Nov. 1851, and successively pastor at Boston, Salem, Brighton, Lynn, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Newark, had charge of this parish, as stated supply, from April 1, 1872, to Sept. 29, 1874, when he returned to Chicago. He was succeeded, as " stated supply," by Rev. Henry I. Cushman, Nov. 1, 1874, and by Rev. William A. Start of Melrose, Sept. 4, 1875. Mr. Start has recently been appointed Secretary of the Massachusetts Convention of Universalists. A further notice of him may be. found in connection with the Third Universalist Society. 320 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The church was organized Jan. 1, 1836. Its Stewards or Deacons have been : — Elected. Held office until Ebenezer Tirrell . . Jan. 1836 Died Dec. 3, 1839 Victor Eaton . . . March 2, 1838 Died Nov. 20, 1847 Daniel Jewett . . . Oct. 30, 1840 Resigned Dec. 2, 1843 Marshall S. Boyer . Dec. 2, 1843 Resigned 1859 Peter Shorfenburg . Feb. 2, 1848 Died June 18, 1854 Barnabas Binney Jan. 1856 Died March 18, 1874 John B. Winslow March 2, 1860 Removed from the city. Jonas Woodard . . March 2, 1860 Otis H. Hendley . . Jan. 1870 Died April 25, 1871 John M. Hastings Jan. 1870 John C. Burdakin Jan. 16, 1875 First Methodist Episcopal. — " From the first settling of Lechmere Point (or East Cambridge) the few inhabitants were obliged to attend church in Boston or Charlestown until the autumn of 1818, Avhen the Methodist Society was formed by the following named persons, all of whom had been members of the church previous to their coining to the Point ; namely, William Granville,1 Elizabeth Granville, Eliza Sargent, Lucinda Sargent, William Swindel, and Charles Elliot."2 For a time they met in private houses ; and the first sermon to them Avas delivered by the Reverend Enoch Mudge in the house of Mr. William Gran ville. " Public Avorship Avas first regularly established in a school- house on North Third Street, where the Society worshipped until 1823, Avhen Mr. Granville erected a small, convenient chapel on Gore Street, noAV occupied as a dwelling-house."2 By an Act of the General Court, June 14, 1823, Amos Binney and others were incorporated as " Trustees of the Methodist Religious Society in Cambridge." " About this time a lot of land was donated to the society, on which a substantial brick church was erected, and dedicated in the autumn of 1825." - That house, on the south Avesterly corner of Cambridge and Third streets, stood about forty-five years, Avhen it was demolished, and a much larger brick edifice was erected on the same spot, at a cost of" $45,000, Avhich was dedicated December 12, 1872. 1 Mr. Granville seems to have been a preacher or cxhorter. - MS. Letter from Mr. O. H. Durrell. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOYY. 321 As nearly as can now be ascertained, the preachers in charge of this church were appointed as follows : — 1823, Rev. Leonard Frost. 1824, 1825, Rev. D. Young. Died 12 March, 1826. 1826, Rev. Ebenezer Blake. 1827, 1828, Rev. Enoch Mudge. Died 2 April, 1850. 1829, Rev. Ephraim Wiley. 1830, Rev. Bartholomew Otheman. 1831, Rev. Ephraim Wiley. 1832, Rev. Leonard B. Griffing. 1833, Rev. George Pickering. Died 8 Dec, 1846. 1834, Rev. James C. Bontecou. 1835, Rev. Edward Otheman. 1836, Rev. Elijah H. Denning. 1837, Rev. Stephen G. Hiler, Jr. 1838, 1839, Rev. Henry B. Skinner. 1840, 1841, Rev. Edmund M. Beebe. 1842, 1843, Rev. Shipley W. Willson. Died 30 Dec, 1856. 1844, 1845, Rev. Samuel A. Cashing. 1846, 1847, Rev. Joseph A, Merrill. Died 22 July, 1849. 1848, 1849, Rev. James Shepard. 1850, 1851, Rev. John W. Merrill, W.U. 1834, D. D. (McK. C.) 1844. 1852, 1853, Rev. William H. Hatch. 1854, 1855, Rev. Converse L. McCurdy. Died 22 Nov. 1876. 1856, Rev. Abraham D. Merrill. 1857, 1858, Rev. George Bowler. 1859, 1860, Rev. Moses A. Howe. Died 27 Jan. 1861. 1861, 1862, Rev. David K. Merrill. 1863, Rev. Samuel Tupper. Died 11 Jan. 1S69. 1864, 1865, Rev. William H. Hatch. 1866-1868, Rev. Isaac J. P. Collyer. Died 7 May, 1872. 1869, 1870, Rev. Pliny Wood. Died 1873. 1871-1873, Rev. William P. Ray. 1874, 1875, Rev. Charles T. Johnson, W. U. 1863. 1876, Rev. George W. Mansfield, W. U. 1858. Third Congregational (Unitarian). — The Third Con gregational Society was incorporated June 16, 1827,1 and in the course of the same year erected a substantial brick meeting-house, which is yet standing at the northwest corner of Thorndike and 1 The corporators were eight citizens, tion of a Congregational meeting-house named, " and all those persons who now at Lechmere Point in Cambridge." — have or hereafter may subscribe and pay Mass. Spec Laws, vi. 575. the sum of fifty dollars towards the erec- 21 322 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Third streets. The church was organized March 3, 1828. The first pastor was Rev. Warren Burton, H. C. 1821, avIio was born at Wilton, N. H., Nov. 23, 1800, and ordained here March 5, 1828. He resigned June 6, 1829, and after preaching for short periods in several places, and laboring abundantly in the cause of education, died in Salem, June 6, 1866. Rev. James D. Green, H. C. 1817, born in Maiden, Sept. 8, 1798, was ordained at Lynn, Nov. 3, 1828, and installed here Jan. 6, 1830. He resigned the pastorate April 21, 1840, and soon afterwards retired from the ministry. Like other ex-pastors in Cambridge, he was called by his fellow citizens to the performance of various municipal duties. He was a Selectman, 1845, and Representative in the General Court six years, between 1841 and 1854. On the incorporation of the City in 1846, he was elected as its first Mayor, and was re elected to the same office in 1847, 1853, 1860, and 1861. He was succeeded in the ministry by Rev. Henry Lambert, June 3, 1841, who resigned April 19, 1846. Rev. George G. Ingersoll, H. C. 1815, D. D. 1845, was installed Dec. 3, 1847, and resigned Oct. 14, 1849. He died in 1863. Rev. Frederick W. Holland, H. C. 1831, Avas installed Oct., 1851, and resigned June 3, 1859 ; he is actively engaged elsewhere in the Avork of the ministry. Hia successors, for short terms, were Rev. Frederick N. Knapp, H. C. 1843, from July, 1860, to July, 1861 ; Rev. William T. Clarke, from Oct. 1861 to Oct. 1862 ; Rev. Henry C. Badger, from Nov., 1862, to Nov., 1863 ; Rev. Rufus P. Stebbins, Amh. C. 1834, D. D. 1851, Avas a " stated supply " from Jan., 1864, to May, 1864. Rev. Stephen G. Bulfinch, Columbian, Wash. 1827, D. D. 1864, was pastor from Sept., 1865, to July, 1869, and died in 1870. He Avas succeeded by Rev. Samuel W. McDaniel, in Nov., 1869, who resigned, July, 1874. The parish is now destitute of a pastor. Deacons. Elected. Held office until Cornelius Clark . . Abraham P. Sherman Robert Vinal . . . George Newhall . . John Palmer . . . Jan. 27, 1830 April 3, 1831 Jan. 3, 1833 Dec. 3, 1851 May 6, 1855 Resigned Resigned ResignedDied Jan. 3, 1833 Dec. 2, 1851 Feb. 1846 May 24, 1869 Second Baptist. — As early as 1824, several persons residing in East Cambridge, being members of Baptist churches in Bos- ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 323 ton and elsewhere, established a Sabbath-school, and subsequently made arrangements " to have preaching one evening in a Aveek, and to this end permission was asked to occupy one of the rooms in the Putnam School-house." In 1827 a meeting-house was erected on the northeasterly corner of Cambridge and Fourth streets, which was dedicated on the tenth of October in that year. This house was of Avood, 66 feet in length, 46 feet in breadth, Avith a steeple about 100 feet in height, and cost, Avith its bell and furniture, about nine thousand dollars ; it was burned, with all its contents, April 14, 1837. With commendable spirit, the society erected a new house on the same spot, of brick, 70 feet in length, 54 feet in breadth, with a convenient vestry in the basement, which was dedicated Jan. 11, 1838. The church Avas formed Sept. 3, 1827, which was publicly recognized by a council convened for that purpose four days afterwards. The first pastor of the church was Rev. John E. Weston, Avho was ordained Oct. 10, 1827, having preached to the society for several months pre viously. He was a graduate of tbe Newton Theological Institu tion, and was a faithful minister of the church. He resigned April 4, 1831, and was invited to take charge of the Baptist Church in Nashua, N. H. ; but "in the month of July in the same year " he was unfortunately drowned at Wilmington, Mass. Rev. Jonathan Aldrich, B. U. 1826, a graduate of NeAvton Theolog ical Institution, who had previously been pastor of a church in Beverly, entered upon his labors here June 2, 1833, resigned June 19, 1835, and took charge of the First Baptist Church in Worcester. Rev. Bela Jacobs, formerly pastor of the First Bap tist Church in Cambridge, was installed here Aug. 23, 1835. His pastorate had a tragical termination on the morning of May 22, 1836, Avhen, as he was about to leave his carriage, at the door of the meeting-house, his horse suddenly started, ran a few rods, dashed the carriage against the Univeralist Church, " at the same time throwing7 him against the corner with such force as to frac- ture his skull ; " he survived about an hour, and entei-ed into rest. Mr. Jacobs had resided in Cambridge eighteen years, and was universally respected and beloved. His death was sincerely la mented; not only by the people of his charge, but by the Avhole community. Rev. Nathaniel Hervey, a graduate of Newton Theological Institution, who had been settled at Marblehead, was installed Sept. 18, 1836, and closed his ministry here Sept. 1, 1839. He was afterwards settled for a short time at Andover, and soon afterwards died, of consumption, at Worcester. Rev. 324 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. William Leverett, B. U. 1824, who had been pastor of the Dud ley Street Baptist Church in Roxbury, was installed Oct. 4, 1840, and resigned at the end of the year 1849. After a short pastor ate in New England Village, his health failed and he retired from the ministry. Rev. Amos F. Spalding, born in Boston, B. U. 1847, a graduate of Newton Theological Institution, who had been settled in Montreal, commenced his ministry here Aug. 1, 1852, and resigned Nov. 23, 1856. Rev. Hiram K.. Pervear, B. U. 1855, a graduate of Newton Theological Institution, was ordained as an Evangelist Nov. 5, 1857, commenced preaching here in tbe previous summer, became tbe regular pastor April 30, 1858, resigned April 1, 1865, was installed over the First Baptist Church in Worcester, and on the 5th of January, 1873, took charge of the First Baptist Church in Cambridge. Rev. Frank R. Morse, D. C. 1861, a graduate of Newton Theological Institution, commenced his pastorate Sept. 3, 1865, and resigned Nov. 20, 1867. He was succeeded, Dec. 4, 1868, by Rev. George H. Miner, B. U. 1863, who resigned Aug. 21, 1872. Rev. Hugh C. Townley, who graduated at the University of Rochester, 1858, was called to office here April 1, 1873, having previously been settled at Peekskill, N. Y., and Woburn, Mass. He resigned April 1, 1875. The present pastor is Rev. George W. Holman, Avho was born in Somerville, 1841, educated and ordained in the State of New York, and had been pastor at Radnor, Pa., Fort EdAvard, N. Y., Lewiston, Me., and Holliston, Mass. He was in stalled Nov. 7, 1875. Deacons. Enos Reed . . . John Donallan Henry S. Hills . Daniel Grant . . William B. Savage Alonzo Stewart . Ambrose H. Sanborn Elected. Oct. 17, 1827 April 1, 1829 Sept. 15, 1854 Oct. 4, 1870 Oct. 4, 1870 July 2, 1875 July 2, 1875 DiedDied Resigned Held office until July 8, 1871 May 13, 1867 Oct. 30, 1874 Age. 75 69 First Evangelical Congregational. — " The First Evan gelical Congregational Church, formed in that part of the city of Cambridge usually called Cambridgeport, Avas gathered Sept. 20, 1827. It consisted originally of forty-five members, most of ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 325 whom, being residents of this place, had been previously con nected with the Hanover Street Church, Boston, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D." - The society connected with this church consists of the pew-owners, by whom " all questions of taxation are decided." In the settlement of a pastor, " it is the right and privilege of the church to nominate, and of the pew-holders to concur or non-concur ; and upon their non-concurrence, the church nominate anew, until the parties agree." - Their first meeting-house was dedicated Sept. 20, 1827 ; it stood on the southerly corner of Norfolk and Washing ton streets, and " was held by the Deacons in trust for the use of the religious society worshipping in it, but subject, Avith certain restrictions, to the ultimate and entire control of the church." 3 This house was of wood and was several times enlarged, but still proving too small, and not sufficiently convenient, it was sold,1 and a much larger brick house was erected on the westerly side of Prospect Street between Harvard and Austin streets : the corner-stone was laid July 29, 1851, and the house was dedicated June 30, 1852. The first pastor of the church was Rev. David Perry, D. C. 1824, who was ordained April 23, 1829, and resigned October 13, 1830. He was succeeded by Rev. William A. Stearns, who Avas born at Bedford, March 17, 1805, H. C. 1827, D. D. 1853, Avas ordained December 14, 1831, and resigned December 14, 1854. " The pastoral connection was dissolved, that he might accept the Presidency of Amherst College, to Avhich he had been elected." His pastorate was distinguished for energy and suc cess ; and it is understood that his presidency was equally ener^ getic and successful. He died 8 June, 1876. Rev. Edward W. Gilman, Y. C. 1843, who had been settled at Lockport, N. Y., commenced preaching here in July, 1856, Avas installed on the 9th of the following September, resigned Oct. 22, 1858, and Avas succeeded by Rev. James O. Murray, B. U. 1850, who Avas in stalled May 1, 1861, resigned Feb. 6, 1865, and became pastor of a church in Xew York. He received the degree of D. D. from Princeton College, 1867. Rev. Kinsley Twining, Y. C. 1853, formerly settled at New Haven, Conn., was installed here Sept. 12, 1867, resigned April 28, 1872, and took charge of a church 4 "• 1 Historical Sketch of the Church, in its * The house was used for a lecture- Manual 1870. room, and for similar purposes, until it 2 j0;j was consumed by fire, Nov. 7, 1854. 8 Ibid. 326 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. in Providence, R. I. Rev. William S. Karr, A. C. 1851, Avas installed Jan. 15, 1873, and dismissed Nov. 22, 1875, to take a professorship in the Hartford Theological Seminary. Rev. James S. Hoyt, Y. C. 1851, D. D. Olivet College, 1876, commenced his pastorate Sept. 3, 1876, and Avas installed on the 15th day of the same month. Deacons. Elected. Held office until Age. William Fisk . . . Jan. 3, 1833 Died April 18, 1864 80 Samuel Barrett . . Jan. 3, 1833 Resigned Oct. 2, 1846. "William Adams . . July 3, 1846 Resigned May 5, 1853 Thaddeus B. Bigelow Feb. 28, 1851 Resigned Dec. 19, 1856 William Davis . . Sept. 29, 1854 Removed to N. H. Caleb H. Warner Sept. 29, 1854 Resigned Sept. 29, 1872 Sumner Albee . . March 5, 1858 Lucas B. Grover . . April 24, 1868 Henry N. Tilton . . April 24,1868 Second Evangelical Congregational. — The Second Evangelical Church was organized March 30, 1842, and erected a commodious meeting-house on the easterly corner of Austin and Temple streets, Avhich was dedicated Jan. 3, 1844. Meet ings had previously been held in a chapel, erected on the same lot, and dedicated May 3, 1842. Generally speaking, the mem bers of this church were zealous advocates of the immediate abolition of slaA'ery. Their first minister was Rev. Joseph C. Lovejoy, BoAvd. Coll. 1829, who was installed Jan. 26, 1843. He resigned May 10, 1853, and Avas afterwards active in politics. He died here, Oct. 19, 1871, aged 67. Rev. Charles Packard, BoAvd. Coll. 1842, was installed April 26, 1854, Avas dismissed March 21, 1855, and was succeeded by Rev. Charles Jones, whose ministry extended from May 25, 1855, to Oct. 16, 1857. Rev. George E. Allen, B. U. 1850, Avas installed May 20, 1858, and resigned July 12, 1861. After a series of discouragements, by ad vice of a council, the church Avas disbanded Oct. 3, 1865, and many of its members united Avith the Pilgrim Church, then Avorsbip- ping in Stearns Chapel on Harvard Street, to Avhich church they contributed more than twelve hundred dollars (the residue of their funds), to aid in defraying the cost of the new meeting-house on the northerly corner of Magazine and Cottage streets. The ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 327 church edifice which had been the scene of many joys and many sorrows, was sold, and was soon afterwards utterly consumed bv fire, Sept. 6, 1865. Deacons. Elected. Held office until David McClure . . Dec. 12, 1843 Died Jan. 20, 1852 Dexter Fairbanks . Dec. 12, 1843 Dismissed Feb. 2, 1849 Enos H. Baxter . . April 28, 1846 Dismissed July 27, 1855 Francis Hunt . . . Jan. 18, 1850 Dismissed May 9, 1854 Josiah H. Rugg . . CO Jan. 18, 1850 Removed from the city Willard Sears . . . Jan. 8, 1855 Dismissed 1857 George W. Wyatt . Sept. 18, 1857 Resigned June 8, 1860 Lyman G. Case . . Sept. 18, 1857 Oct. 3, 1865 Curtis C. Nichols . . Sept. 18, 1857 Oct. 3, 1865 Baxter E. Perry . . Feb. 6, 1860 Resigned Jan. 14, 1861 Edward Kendall . . Jan. 14, 1861 Oct. 3, 1865 The four deacons who were " dismissed" had previously re moved from the city. Evangelical, East Cambiidge. — The Evangelical Church at East Cambridge was organized Sept. 8, 1842. In the course of the next year a meeting-house was erected at the northeasterly corner of Second and Thorndike streets, which was dedicated Sept. 13, 1843, and taken down for removal to Somerville in 1876. The first pastor of the church was Rev. Frederick T. Perkins, Y. C. 1839, who Avas ordained Jan. 11, 1843, and, after a longer pastorate than has hitherto been held by any of his successors, resigned May 26, 1851. He was succeeded by Rev. Joseph L. Bennett, A. C. 1845, Avho was installed July 1, 1852, and resigned Feb. 18, 1857. Rev. Richard G. Green was installed March 31, 1858, resigned Sept. 17, 1860, and was succeeded by Rev. William W. Parker, Avho Avas installed April 3, 1861, and resigned March 22, 1864. Rev. Nathaniel Mighill, A. C. 1860, was ordained Sept. 29, 1864, and resigned Sept. 24, 1867. Rev. H. R. Timlow was the acting pastor from Oct., 1867, to March 31, 1870 ; and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Bell, who Avas in stalled Nov. 1, 1870, and resigned May 29, 1872. Rev. D. W. Kilburn supplied the pulpit from Sept. 1, 1873, to Sept. 1, 1874. The church is at present destitute of a pastor. 328 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Deacons. Elected. Remarks. John Whipple. . . I. T. Winchester . . Lyman Morse . . . John B. Taylor . . George N. Bliss . . Wm. H. Pettingell . Oct. 7, 1842 Feb. 29, 1848 May 4, 1849 April 11, 1851 April 24, 1857 Sept. 2, 1869. Removed from the City. Removed from the City. Removed from the City. Removed from the City . Saint Peter's Church (Episcopal). — The Parish of St. Peter's Church was organized at a meeting held Oct. 27, 1842. Religious services were held in the Town Hall until the comple tion of the church, which was commenced in 1843, and conse crated Jan. 31, 1844. This church was erected on the easterly side of Prospect Street, between Harvard and Austin streets, and was constructed of wood, Avith seats for two hundred and twenty persons. It was afterwards converted into a block of two dwelling-houses. In 1864 the foundation was laid of a much larger church, at tbe westerly corner of Main and Vernon streets ; services Avere held in the Sabbath-school room as early as Sept. 1, 1866 ; the whole house was completed in Dec. 1867, and was consecrated Oct. 2, 1873. The several Rectors of the Church have been as follows: Rev. Darius-Richmond Brewer, from Dec. 4, 1842, to June 9, 1844 ; Rev. Edmund-Farwell Slafter, D. C. 1840, from July 21, 1844, to Sept. 30, 1846; Rev. Moses- Payson Stickney, from June 1, 1847, to April 7, 1851 ; Rev. William-Putnam Page, from Aug. 1851, to April 26, 1863 ; Rev. Charles Seymour, from Sept. 23, 1863, to March 31, 1866 ; Rev. Edwin-Bailey Chase, from Aug. 1, 1866, to Oct. 1, 1874, who died May 6, 1875. Rev. Edward M. Gushee, B. U. 1858, be came Rector at Easter, 1875.1 The Wardens have been as follows : — 1842, Simon Greenleaf, 1843-1844, Isaac Lum, 1845-1846, Isaac Lum, 1847-1848, Isaac Lum, 1849, Isaac Lum, 1850, G. F. R. Wadleigh. G. F. R. Wadleigh. John Dallinger. Charles S. Newell. John Dallinger. Stephen P. Greenwood, Benjamin H. Ordway. 1 With the exception of the Reverend grade of the several Rectors is unknown Messrs. Slafter and Gushee, the College to the writer of this history. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 329 1851, Stephen P. Greenwood, Bela F. Jacobs. 1852, Isaac Lum, Asa P. Morse. 1853, Benjamin Woodward, Asa P. Morse. 1854^1855, Luther Crane, Asa P. Morse. 1856, Isaac Lum, Ethan Earle. 1857, Swain Winkley, John K. Palmer, M. D. 1858, Goodrich M. Dayton, William Page. 1859, Goodrich M. Dayton, Asa P. Morse. 1860, Goodrich M. Dayton, Francis Dana, M. D. 1861, Asa P. Morse, Justin A. Jacobs. 1862, William D. Robinson, Humphrey P. Caldwell. 1863-1864, James H. Hallett, Humphrey P. Caldwell. 1865, James H. Hallett, William Whitman. 1866-1876, Edward R. Cogswell, M. D., "WiUiam W. Dallinger. St. John's Church. — The parish of St. John's Church was organized by Rev. John B. Fitzpatrick; and the church on the easterly side of Fourth Street, betAveen Otis and Cambridge streets, was erected in 1841, and dedicated in 1842. Mr. Fitz patrick was the first pastor ; he was afterwards Bishop of the diocese of Massachusetts. He received the degree of D. D. from Harvard College, 1861, and died in Boston Feb. 13, 1866, aged 53 years. He was succeeded in 1848 by Rev. Manasses P. Dough erty, who may be regarded as the Apostle of the Catholic Church in Cambridge, inasmuch as he has organized three parishes, in addition to that of which he was originally pastor. His succes sors in the pastorship of St. John's Church were Rev. George T. Riordan ; Rev. LaAvrence Carroll ; Rev. Francis X. Brannagan, Avho died in office, June 25, 1861, aged 29 years; Rev. John W. Donahoe, who also died in office, March 5, 1873, aged 45 years ; and Rev. John O'Brien, the present incumbent. All these cler gymen are supposed to have been liberally educated ; but the par ticulars are not ascertained. Harvard Street Methodist Episcopal. — A class of six members Avas formed in 1831, whose leader was James Luke, who still survives. In 1835, this class, which had hitherto met in or near Harvard Square, and had lost some of its members, by removal from the town, was established in Cambridgeport, and by new accessions consisted of seven members, under the leadership of Samuel Stevens, who died July 2, 1876. From this small be ginning, the Harvard Street Methodist Episcopal Church has be come one of the most vigorous and active religious organizations 330 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. in the city. Meetings for public worship were held first in the " Fisk Block," at the Avesterly corner of Main and Cherry streets, and afterwards in the Town House, on the south Avesterly corner of Harvard and Norfolk streets, where St. Mary's Church now stands. " In 1842, a wooden church, 40 by 60 ft. was erected at an expense of about 86,000, Avhich %vas lengthened in 1851, twenty feet, increasing its value to $9,000. This edifice was burnt Nov. 26, 1857. A neAV church of wood, 60 by 80 ft., was immediately erected at an expense of §17,000, and dedicated Oct. 13, 1858. This house was burnt March 15, 1861, and the present edifice, a brick structure 61^ by 96£ ft. extreme length, Avas ded icated Nov. 19, 1862." - This house, like its predecessors, Avas built on Harvard Street, opposite to Essex Street. It has a spacious and commodious vestry on the ground floor, the audi ence room being approached by an easy flight of stairs. " The church appears in the Minutes for the first time in 1841, when the first appointment was made." The preachers in charge, according to the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, were appointed at the Conferences holden in the years hereunder named : — 1841, 1842, Rev. Leonard B. Griffing. 1843, 1844, Rev. Isaac A. Savage, W. U. 1841. Died 16 Feb. 1854. 1845, Rev. Mark Trafton. 1846, Rev. John Clark. Died 19 Oct. 1849. 1847, 1848, Rev. I. J. P. Collyer. Died 7 May, 1872. 1 849, 1850,- Rev. A. D. Merrill. 1851, 1852, Rev. Charles Adams. 1853, 1854, Rev. I. J. P. Collyer. Died 7 May, 1872. 1855, Rev. C. S. McReading. Died 11 April, 1866. 1856, Rev. Moses A. Howe. Died 27 Jan. 1861. 1 The comer-stone of this church was tion3. Especially he prayed that the laid in masonic form, June 12, 1861, by Masons present might be blessed for the the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. A respect which they were showing to Relig- very characteristic prayer was offered by ion, and that the members of tbe church Rev. Edward T. Taylor, who was clad in might receive an abundant spiritual re- the appropriate costume of a Knight ward for their steadfastness in the midst Templar. Kneeling on the foundation of trials a3 by fire, and for their generous stone, and brushing away the carpet contributions to defray the expense of which had been spread to protect his erecting this third house of worship. knees from its hard and sharp protuber- "Two churches, O Lord," said he, "for- ances, he poured forth his fervent thanks merly standing on this spot, have been and supplications on behalf of Christian- destroyed by the hand of the incendiary, ity and Freemasonry, Christians and or by carelessness, which is as bad as Masons, the Church and the Grand Lodge, an incendiary." alternately, and in about equal propor- ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 331 1857, 1858, Rev. Isaac Smith. Died 16 July, 1860. 1859, 1860, Rev. Gilbert Haven, W. U. 1846. Elected Bishop, 1S72. 1861, 1862, Rev. Edward Cooke, W. U. 1838, D. D. (H. C.) 1855. 1863, 1864, Rev. Lorenzo R. Thayer, W. U. 1841, D. D. 1863. 1865-1867, Rev. Henry W. Warren, W. TJ. 1853. 1868, 1869, Rev. Nelson Stutson. Died 16 April, 1871. 1870, 1871, Rev. Ira G. Bidwell. 1872, 1873, Rev. Andrew McKeown. 1874-1876, Rev. Melville B. Chapman. [For most of the statistics concerning this church I am in debted to its Secretary, Mr. Samuel L. Ward.] Old Cambridge Baptist. — The Old Cambridge Baptist Church was organized Aug. 20, 1844, and was publicly recog nized Oct. 23, 1845. Eighty-three members of the church were formerly members of the First Baptist Church, and a large num ber of the society and congregation had worshipped with them in Cambridgeport. Their first meeting-house was a Avooden struc ture, which was erected on the corner of Kirkland Street and Holmes Place, and was dedicated Oct. 23, 1845. This house was sold, Oct. 23, 1866, to what is now known as the North Avenue Congregational Society, and was removed bodily, Avith out even disturbing the steeple, to the southerly corner of North Avenue and Roseland Street, where it now stands. The con gregation worshipped for the next few years, partly in the meet ing-house of the Shepard Congregational Society, generously offered for their use, and partly in Lyceum Hall. Meantime arrangements "were made, and contributions on a magnificent scale Avere offered, for the erection of a new meeting-house. The effort Avas successful, and the spacious stone edifice, extend ing from Main Street to Harvard Street, opposite to Prescott Street, was dedicated Sept. 29, 1870. The first pastor was Rev. Ezekiel G. Robinson, B. U. 1838, D. D. 1853, LL. D. 1872, Avho was installed Oct. 23, 1845, the day on which the church was recognized and the first meeting-house was dedicated. He resigned Sept. 13, 1846, and became Professor of Theology at Rochester, N. Y., and after wards President of Brown University. His successor was Rev. Benjamin I. Lane, who was installed Dec. 30, 1846, and re signed March 8, 1849. The next pastor Avas Rev. John Pryor, who had received the degree of D. D. at King's College, N. S., and was installed March 25, 1850. He resigned July 26, 1861, 332 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and was succeeded by Rev. Cortland W. Anable, who was in stalled June 21, 1863, and resigned Oct. 27, 1871, having received the degree of D. D, from Madison University during his ministiy here. The present pastor is Rev. Franklin Johnson, D. D., who was installed Dec. 31, 1873. Deacons. William Brown . Josiah Coolidge . . John B. Dana . . Wm. T. Richardson . Eleded. Sept. 2, 1844 Sept. 2. 1844 Sept. 2, 1844 March 30, 1862 Died. June 24, 1861 Sept. 13, 1874 Age. 7587 Lee Street. — The Lee Street Society was organized in 1846. Most of its original members, together with its first pastor, had been connected with the Cambridgeport Parish. Their first meeting-house, on the westerly side of Lee Street, near Harvard Street, was dedicated March 25, 1847, and was consumed by fire May 20, 1855. A new edifice was immediately erected on the same lot, which was dedicated Jan. 23, 1856. The church was organized April 9, 1847. Its first pastor was Rev. Artemas B. Muzzey, who had for twelve years previously been pastor of the Cambridgeport Parish. His pastorate here commenced Sept. 7, 1846, and continued until Feb. 20, 1854, when his resignation was accepted. He was installed at Concord, N. H., March 29, 1854 ; but after a pastorate of several years returned to Cam bridge, where he now resides, preaching statedly at Chestnut Hill. His successor Avas Rev. Henry R. Harrington, H. O, 1834, who Avas ordained 1842, installed here Feb. 11, 1855, and re signed April 1, 1865. He has since been a successful superin tendent of public schools in New Bedford. He was succeeded by Rev. Abram W. Stevens, a graduate of the MeadAalle Divinity School, who Avas ordained 1862, preached three years in Man chester, N. H., Avas installed Nov. 26, 1865, and closed his minis try here Nov. 1, 1870. The present pastor, Rev. John P. Bland, a graduate of the Cambridge Divinity School, 1871, was ordained Sept. 6, 1871. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 333 Deacons. Ezra Dean . . Peter Mackintosh Eben Snow . . Elected. April 9, 1847 April 9, 1847 April 27, 1847 Died. Aug. 8, 1858 July 28, 1848 St. Peter's Church (Catholic). — The Parish of St. Peter's Church was organized in January 1849, by Rev. Ma nasses P. Dougherty, who still remains its faithful and beloved pastor. For more than a quarter of a century he has done much to promote the growth and prosperity of his church. He has been actively engaged in the organization of all the Catholic parishes in the city, except St. John's ; and of this he was the second pastor." St. Peter's Church edifice, on the southerly side of Concord Avenue, near the Observatory, was erected in 1848, and dedicated in May, 1849. Third Universalist. — A Unitarian Society was organized Oct. 8, 1851, in North Cambridge (including several families residing in Somerville), under the name of the " Allen Street Congregational Society." The corner-stone of a meeting-house for its use had been laid a fortnight previously, Sept. 25, 1851, on a lot furnished for that purpose by Mr. Walter M, Allen, at the southeast corner of Allen and Orchard streets. This edifice was constructed of wood, " was finished Feb. 2, 1853," and was totally destroyed, March 19, 1865, by a fire which also consumed many other buildings. Another meeting-house, also of Avood, was immediately erected on the same spot ; it " was completed Dec. 21, 1865," and Avas afterwards enlarged. The corner-stone of a more spacious edifice was laid Oct. 23, 1875, on the south westerly side of North Avenue and fronting on Union Square ; constructed of brick, 67 by 85 feet, and containing 154 peAvs ; this house was dedicated Sept. 14, 1876. At a meeting of the society, Oct. 17, 1869, it was voted, " that the Allen Street Congregational society be, and the same is, hereby united with the Religious Societies of the Universalist Denomination of Christians." The society voted, June 29, 1870, to ask the formal fellowship of the Massachusetts Convention of Universalists, which was granted ; and by an Act of the General 334 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Court, approved March 27, 1874, its corporate name Avas changed to the " Third Universalist Society in Cambridge." The first pastor of this parish and church was Rev. James Thurston, H. C. 1829, who was installed June 14, 1853, and resigned July 5, 1854. Rev. Caleb Davis Bradlee, H. C. 1852, was ordained Dec. 11, 1854, resigned the pastorship June 28, 1857, and soon afterwards took charge of a parish in Boston. Rev. John M. Marsters, H. C. 1847, formerly of Woburn, was installed April 25, 1858, resigned April 7, 1862, and was suc ceeded, on the first of the next September, by Rev. Frederick W. Holland, H. C. 1831, formerly pastor of the Third Congregational Societ}7 at East Cambridge, who retained his charge someAvhat more than two years, Avhen he resigned, and Mr. Marsters re sumed the pastorate Feb. 10, 1865, and held it until Sept. 26, 1867, after Avhich time, for more than a year, the pulpit was " supplied by various and numerous preachers." Mr. Charles E. Fay, T. C. 1868, was invited, Dec. 10, 1868, to become pastor; he preached statedly about a year, when, not having been ordained, he accepted a professorship in Tufts College, and dis continued his ministry. Rev. William A. Start, T. C. 1862, was ordained at Groton Junction (now Aver), Sept. 24, 1862, and was installed here, April 10,' 1870, having previously been pastor of the societies at Ayer and at Marlborough. " Under his ministry, the church building Avas enlarged, and the society greatly increased in numbers and strength." x He resigned Jan. 1, 1874, and removed to Chicago, but returned before the end of the year and Avas installed pastor of the Universalist Church at Melrose, March 7, 1875. Rev. Isaac M. Atwood was ordained at Clifton Springs, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1860, and commenced his pastorship here on the first Sabbath in April, 1874, having previ ously held the like office at Clifton Springs, Portland, Me., North BridgeAvater (hoav Brockton), and Chelsea. He received the degree of A. M. from St. Lawr. Univ., 1869. North Cambridge Baptist. — In 1846, a Sabbath-school was established in North Cambridge, under the auspices of the Bap tists. For a time it had permission from the City Council to meet in the Winthrop School-house;2 but in 1852 this privilege Avas 1 MS. letter from Jabez A. Sawyer, hereby grant the use of the lower room Esq., from which are derived many statis- in the school-house in the north district tics in this sketch. of "Ward One, for the purpose of holding - " Cambridge, Sept. 26, 1848. By the a Sabbath School, until otherwise ordered. authority vested in me by a vote of the James D. Green, Mayor." City Council, passed Sept. 22, 1S16, I ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 335 suddenly and unceremoniously AvithdraAvn by the School Com mittee.1 The friends of the school thereupon hired a lot of the city, near the school-house, and erected " a neat and commodious chapel, — at a cost, including furnishing, of §1,411.81," 2 which Avas dedicated Oct. 31, 1852, and was called "Our Sabbath Home." Religious meetings were held in the chapel on Thursday evenings, through the winter. In May, 1853, regular sabbath services were established, and Rev. Alexander M. Averill, a graduate of the Newton Theological Institution, soon became the "stated preacher." A meeting-house was erected in 1854, on the northwesterly side of Coggswell AA7enue, near North Avenue, which Avas dedicated Feb. 15, 1855. The Sabbath-school chapel was soon afterwards removed, and connected with the new meet ing-house ; ten years later the house Avas greatly enlarged and beautified, and was reopened on the nineteenth anniversary of the school. The church was organized in March, 1854, and was publicly recognized on the 6th of the following April. Rev. Mr. Averill continued to hold the office of pastor until October, 1859. Rev. Joseph A. Goodhue, D. C. 1848, was elected to the pastor ate in July, 1862, Avhich he resigned in July, 1864, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Joseph Colver Wightman, B. U. 1852, who was elected in February, 1866, and resigned in March, 1868. The present pastor is Rev. William S. Apsey, Madison Univ. 1861, who commenced his pastoral duties here in October, 1868. This church has no officers bearing the name of deacons ; but the duties ordinarily performed by such officers are assigned to a " standing committee," consisting of four members, elected an nually. " Upon this committee brethren Henry R. Glover and Chester W. Kingsley have regularly served since the organiza tion of the church ; different members have completed the num ber."3 North Avenue Congregational. — In September, 1857, a religious society was organized in North Cambridge, under the name of the " Holmes Congregational Society," Avhich name was changed, about ten years afterwards, to " North Avenue Congregational Society." Its first place of Avorship Avas an edifice of moderate size, called " Holmes Chapel," which was 1 "Cambridge, Sunday, July IS, 1852. service after this day. N. Wilkinson, To the members of the Sabbath School Sub-School Committee, Ward One." held in the AVinthrop school-hoase : I - Memorial of the North Avenue Sab- am directed to inform you that the room bath School, p. 21. now occupied by you will not be at your - MS. letter from "Warren Sanger, Esq. 336 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. dedicated Sept. 17, 1857. After a few years this house was found to be too small for the congregation, and was sold (it is now owned and occupied by the Methodist Society on North Avenue). The Holmes Society bought of the Baptists, Oct. 23, 1866, their meeting-house Avhich stood at the corner of Kirkland Street and Holmes Place, Avhich was removed bodily to its present location on the southerly corner of North Avenue and Roseland Street, and was dedicated Sept. 29, 1867. " The succeeding four years found this house too small, when it was enlarged by adding chan cel and transepts, and otherwise remodelling the house, giving it its present seating capacity of 1,040." The house, thus improved, was rededicated Dec. 15, 1872. The church, now known as the North Avenue Congregational Church, was organized Sept. 23, 1857, under the auspices of an ecclesiastical council duly convened ; it consisted originally of forty-three members. The first pastor of this church was Rev. William Carruthers, Bowd. Coll. 1853, who Avas installed Jan. 2, 1861, and was dismissed Feb. 21, 1866. Rev. David 0. Mears, born in Essex, Feb. 22, 1842, A. C. 1865, was ordained and installed Oct. 2, 1867, under whose ministry " the growth of the church and congregation has been rapid and substantial." The following named persons have served this church as Dea cons : — John Harmon, Daniel Fobes, Samuel Chadwick, H. D. Sweetser, F. E. Whitcomb, Henry M. Bird, James R. Morse, Wm. Fox Richardson, William P. Hayward, Frank Foxcroft. Pilgrim Congregational. — In 1852, a mission Sabbath- school was established under the joint direction of the Baptist, Methodist, and tAVO Congregational Churches in Cambridge. After a feAv years it was managed solely by the First Evangelical Church. In 1863, a chapel was erected for the accommodation of the school, and as a missionary station.1 It was soon opened for religious services two evenings in the week, and Rev. William R. Stone, a Methodist clergyman, Avho was at that time city mis sionary, was employed to preach on Sabbath afternoons. In 1864, Rev. Edward Abbott, Univ. of the City of New York, 1860, was invited to take charge of this mission, with the hope 1 This edifice, known as the "Stearns of Harvard Street, about two hundred Chapel," still stands on the northerly side feet easterly from Windsor Street. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 337 of organizing a permanent congregation and church, and com menced his labors Jan. 1, 1865. A church was organized Nov. 21, 1865, under the name of the Stearns Chapel Congregational Church, and Mr. Abbott was installed as its pastor. " Fifty-one persons constituted the church at its formation, of which 15 were males, and 36 females. Of the entire number, 12 made profes sion of their faith for the first time, and 39 brought letters from other churches. Of the latter, 18 came from the First Congre gational Church, 17 from the Second Congregational Church (recently disbanded), and the remaining 4 from different and dis tant churches." x Mr. Abbott Avas dismissed, at his own request, in November, 1869 ; he became assistant editor of the " Con gregationalist," published several books, and performed other literary work. After the change of name and removal of this church, Mr. Abbott returned to the scene of his former labors, and gathered a new congregation, out of which the present Chapel Church was organized in October, 1872. During the last feAv years, still residing here, and still retaining his connection Avith the " Congregationalist," he has been connected with a third missionary enterprise in Belmont and Watertown, near Mount Auburn, which has proved so successful that a chapel has been erected, and the organization of a church is anticipated. Rev. George R. Leavitt, W. C. 1860, was installed as pastor of the Chapel Church, May 4, 1870. The chapel, though en larged in 1867, Avas still too small for the congregation ; and a much more spacious edifice Avas erected on the northwesterly cor ner of Magazine and Cottage streets, at a cost of nearly forty thousand dollars; the corner-stone Avas laid May 13, 1871, and the house was dedicated Jan. 4, 1872. In anticipation of removal to a ne\v meeting-house, at the distance of about a mile from " Stearns Chapel," and in view of the fact that the original name Avould not properly designate the church after its removal, it assumed the name of " The Pilgrim Congregational Church," Feb. 27, 1871. The church has had only three Deacons: — John N. Meriam, elected Nov. 29, 1865. Edward Kendall, elected Nov. 29, 1865. Lyman G. Case, elected 1875. Broadway Baptist. — A Sabbath-school, consisting of twen ty-eight scholars and fifteen teachers, was opened Dee. 16, 1860, in a room at the corner of Harvard and Clark streets, under the 1 Manual and Historical Sketch of Stearns Chapel Church. 22 338 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. patronage of the First Baptist Church. In 1861, a small chapel was erected for the accommodation of the school, and for religious meetings, on the southerly side of Harvard Street, about two hundred feet easterly from Pine Street. The school held its first meeting in this chapel Jan. 12, 1862 ; and it Avas dedicated as a house of worship Feb. 9, 1862. This chapel avus afterwards sold, and removed to the southeasterly corner of Harvard and Essex streets, where it was occupied by a school under the direction of the Catholic Church. A new house of worship, for the accom modation of the Sabbath -school and the congregation which had been gathered in connection Avith it, was erected in 1866, on the soutliAvesterly corner of BroadAvay and Boardman Street, eighty- six feet in length and sixty-four in breadth, Avhich was dedicated Nov. 22, 1866. Meantime, Rev. William HoAve, Waterville Col lege, 1833, formerly pastor of the Union Church in Boston, had been engaged by the First Baptist Church as a missionary at thi3 station. He commenced his labors early in 1863, which Avere so successful that on the 9th of May, 1865, a church consisting of fifty members was constituted under the name of " The Broad way Baptist Church," and he was unanimously elected pastor. The public services of recognition were held in the First Baptist Church, June 25, 1865. Mr. Howe remained pastor until July, 1870, when he resigned ; he continues to reside in Cambridge, and performs clerical duties, but without pastoral charge. The present pastor of the church, the Rev. Henry Hinckley, H. C. 1860, Avas installed Dec. 13, 1870; he had previously been settled at Winchester, and more recently at Groveland, Mass. Deacons. Elected. Held office until Age. Ebenezer Hovey Josiah Sparrow Jacob Eaton Simeon Taylor . Charles L. Fessen leu May, 1865 May, 1865 Dec. 1867 Dec. 1867 Nov. 1872 Died ResignedResigned March 25, 1866 Nov. 1872 Oct. 1869 65 Free Church of St. James. — The Parish of St. James, at North Cambridge, was organized on Christmas day, 1864, and from that time divine service Avas regularly continued under the charge of Rev. Andrew Croswell, B. U. 1843, Avho Avas elected Rector at Easter, 1865, and remained in that office until Easter, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 339 1871, when the failure of health compelled him to resign. He was succeeded by Rev. William H. Fultz (since deposed), whose connection with the church ceased in the summer of 1873. Rev. Theodosius S. Tyng, a graduate of Kenyon College, 1869, and of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, 1874, took charge of the church Oct. 1, 1873, and became its Rector June 15, 1874. At first, divine service was held in a building on North Avenue, which was erected for a bank, and altered into a chapel. " The present church building stands upon Beech Street, on a lot ac quired by the parish during the Rev. Mr. Croswell's rectorship. It Avas presented to the parish by Mrs. Mary L. Greenleaf, and consecrated Dec. 21, 1871." - The following named persons have served the church as Wardens : — 1865-1870, Joseph H. Rice, George A. Meacham. 1871-1872, Joseph H. Rice, George Vincent. 1872, George Viucent,2 James M. Barker. 1873-1875, James M. Barker, George H. Mullin. 1876, James M. Barker, Daniel McNamara. Methodist Episcopal. — The 'Methodist Episcopal Church in Old Cambridge was organized June 3, 1868 ; and on the same day, their chapel on the easterly side of North Avenue, between Holmes Place and Waterhouse Street, was dedicated.3 The preachers in charge of this church have been as follows : — 1868, 1869, Rev. Abraham D. Merrill and Rev. James Mudge, Wesl. Univ. 1865. The Rev. Mr. Mudge received the degree of B. D. from the Bost. Theol. Sem. 1870 ; Avas transferred to the India Conference and assigned to missionary Avork, in 1873, and now has " charge of the publishing interests of the M. E. Church " in India. 1870, 1871, Rev. Samuel Jackson, Wesl." Univ. 1859. 1872, Rev. Pliny Wood. In 1873, Rev. Mr. Wood Avas appointed a commissioner to the National Exposition at Vienna, and died there of cholera. 1873, Rev. James Lan sing, Avho Avas transferred to Nashville, Tenn., before the expira tion of his year, and his place here was supplied by Rev. Mr. Beiler. 1874, 1875, Rev. David K. Merrill, to Avhom I am in debted for some of the foregoing facts. 1876, Rev. Charles Young. 1 MS. letter from Rev. T. S. Tyng. Chapel," had for several years been oc- - Mr. Rice died July 28, 1872, aged 71 ; cupied by what was then called the and thereupon Mr. Vincent was elected " Holmes Congregational Society," now Senior Warden, and Mr. Barker, Junior the "North Avenue Congregational So- Warden. ciety." It was purchased and removed to 3 This edifice, formerly called " Holmes its present locality early in 1868. 340 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. St. Mary's Church. — The parish of St. Marys Church was organized in 1866 by Rev. Manasses P. Dougherty, who per formed the duties of pastor, in connection Avith bis charge of St. Peter's Church, until May, 1867, Avhen he was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Thomas Scully, who had previously served his country as Chaplain of the Ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion. The corner-stone of the spacious brick church, at the southwesterly corner of Har vard and Norfolk streets, was laid July 15, 1866, and the edifice was dedicated March 8, 1868. The congregation is larger than any other in Cambridgeport. St. John's Memorial Chapel. — On the twenty-second day of January, 1867, Mr. Benjamin T. Reed, of Boston, by legal indenture, placed in the hands of trustees one hundred thousand dollars, towards the founding and endowing of an Episcopal The ological School in Cambridge, which school Avas opened in the autumn of the same year. " In the year 1869, Mr. Robert M. Mason [of Boston] , completed and presented to the Trustees the beautiful edifice of St. John's Memorial Chapel, as a free church for the permanent use of the students of the school, and of the congregation Avhich might be gathered there as worshippers. This building, Avith its fine organ and other furniture, cost its generous donor seventy-five thousand dollars." : The congregation is not organized as a parish, nor has it any Rector or Wardens ; but the Faculty of the School are required to maintain, permanently, public worship and preaching in the Chapel, under the direction of the Dean of the Faculty. Rev. John S. Stone, D. D. Avas elected Dean at the organization of the School in 1867. Chapel Congregational. — After the removal of the Pil grim Church, in January, 1872 (see page 337), a mission Sab bath-school and religious services on the Lord's day were contin ued at Stearns Chapel, by the Rev. Echvard Abbott, the former pastor of the church. A new church was organized Oct. 16, 1872, under the name of " Chapel Congregational Church," and on the same day the Rev. John K. Browne, H. C. 1869, was ordained and installed as its pastor. At his request, he was dismissed from his charge, Sept. 16, 1875, that he might devote himself to the foreign missionary service. He is now stationed at Har- poot, in Eastern Turkey. 1 A Statement by the Trustees, etc., p. the westerly corner of Brattle and Mason 14. This elegant stone edifice stands on streets. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 341 Rev. Robert Beales Hall, W. C. 1870, Avho had preached two years at Wolf borough, N. H., was installed here Dec. 28, 1875. His ministry Avas acceptable, and gave promise of abundant suc cess ; but it was terminated by what seemed to be a premature death, Nov. 2, 1876, before he had quite attained the age of thirty-one years. Deacons. H. Porter Smith, elected January, 1873. Henry C. "Williams, elected January, 1873. Cottage Street Methodist Episcopal. — The Cottage Street Methodist Episcopal Church — the outgrowth of a Mis sion Sabbath-school enterprise started in 1870, in Williams Hall — was organized April 5, 1871. It consisted of seventeen members. The church and society at first worshipped in Wil liams Hall, and afterwards in Odd FelloAvs Hall. In 1872 a convenient chapel was erected, which was dedicated June 19th. By the erection of this chapel, the Society incurred a debt of four thousand dollars, in addition to its own free and generous con tributions. One of its original members, Mr. Amos P. Rollins, who died March 9, 1873, bequeathed two thousand dollars to- Avard the extinction of this debt, on condition that the society should raise an equal sum within three years of his death, — which condition was complied with ; but the estate of Mr. Rollins yielded to the society little more than half the original bequest. The several preachers in charge have been as follows : — 1871-1874, Rev. Isaac F. Row. 1874-1875, Rev. W. L. Lockwood. 1875-1877, Rev. Jarvis A. Ames. St. Paul's Church. — A new parish was organized in 1874, by Rev. Manasses P. Dougherty, in old Cambridge, under the name of St. Paul's Church. The meeting-house at the north Avesterly corner of Mount Auburn and Holyoke streets, erected in 1830 by the First Church in connection Avith the Shepard Congregational Society, Avas purchased for the use of this new parish, and after being repaired and fitted for its new use, was opened for Divine service Dec. 25, 1873. Rev. Mr. Dougherty retained the pastoral charge of St. Paul's Church, as well as of St. Peter's, until Oct. 1, 1875, Avhen he was succeeded by Rev. William Orr, the present pastor. 342 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Church op the Sacred Heart. — On the fourth day of October, 1874, the corner-stone was laid of an edifice to be called the Church of the Sacred Heart, on the southerly side of Otis Street, betAveen Sixth and Seventh streets. It is to be con structed of stone, 150 feet in length and 75 feet in width, at an estimated cost of 380,000. The church is designed to seat twelve hundred persons. The basement under the Avhole building is to be fitted for the use of tbe Sabbath-school and various societies. Ascension Church. — Several attempts had been made, at different times, to establish the Episcopal Church in East Cam bridge, but without success. In May, 1875, Rev. William War- land, a native-born son of Cambridge, H. C. 1832, finding several Episcopal families in that part of the city, offered his services as a missionary. The use of the Unitarian meeting-house, on the northAvesterly corner of Third and Thorndike streets, was ob tained, and on Whitsunday, May 16, 1875, worship according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church was commenced, and it has continued thus far with encouraging prospect of success. At the close of the first year, however, in May, 1876, an arrangement was made with the Second Universalist Society for a joint occu pation of their church on Otis Street ; since "which time the Mission has a morning and evening service in that edifice, and the Universalists hold their regular service in the afternoon. No Episcopal parish has yet been organized, nor have the customary church officers been elected. Charles River Baptist. — The history of this church is briefly given in the printed order of services at its recognition : " Meetings for prayer held in 1869 at private houses. Sunday- school commenced April 3, 1870, meeting in the chambers of house No. 8, Magazine Court. Chapel dedicated Nov. 29, 1870. Regular preaching services commenced in July, 1874, and contin ued to the present time in charge of J. P. Thorns, Theo. C. Gleason, and Rev. G. T. Raymond." The chapel is a neat and convenient edifice of wood, 78 feet in length by 33 feet in width, capable of seating 300 persons, and standing at the southeast corner of Magazine Street and Putnam Avenue ; it was erected in 1870, at an expense of about $8,500. Until recently this was substantially a missionary station, under the patronage of the First Baptist Church ; but on the 25th of April, 1876, a new church was organized, consisting of forty members, twenty-eight ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 343 of whom had previously been members of the First Church ; and on the 8th day of the following June, it was publicly recognized, and received into the fellowship of the Baptist churches. Rev. Fenner B. Dickinson Avas installed as pastor of the neAV church Nov. 13, 1876, and commenced his ministry under very favora ble auspices. As in the " North Cambridge Baptist Church," the official duties, ordinarily assigned to Deacons, are performed by the "Standing Committee" of this church. CHAPTER XVIII. HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. At the present time, almost every principal sect into Avhich the Christian Church is divided has its representatives in Cam bridge ; and the introduction of a new sect produces compara tively little commotion. But in the beginning it was not so. For a few years after the settlement of New England by the Puritans, the churches had rest ; but in 1636, " the country was miserably distracted by a storm of Antinomian and Famalistical opinions then raised." - So violent became the controversy, and so great was the apparent danger of civil strife, that many of the heretical party, in Boston, Salem, Nevvbury, Roxbury, Ipswich, and Charlestown, were disarmed.2 The Cambridge church, how ever, seems to have escaped infection ; and none of its members were included among the disaffected and supposed dangerous class. " The vdgilancy of Mr. Shepard was blessed for tbe preservation of his OAvn congregation from the rot of these opinions." 3 Nearly twenty years later, his successor, Mr. Mitchell, was sorely tried by the defection of President Dunster from the established faith, as related in chapter xvi. Great excitement followed, both in church and in state ; and, as Dunster Avould neither renounce nor conceal his opposition to infant baptism, he was removed from office as head of the College (designed to be the school of the prophets), and fell under censure of the civil magistrates. Both consequences Avere natural, and appar ently unavoidable. The goA-ernors of the College could not reasonably be expected to retain in office a President who per sisted in teaching what they regarded as " damnable heresy," and thus poisoning the minds of his students, and unfitting them to become preachers of the truth ; and the civil magistrate was bound to take notice of open violations of the law. It does not 1 Mather's Magnolia, Book iii., ch. v., - Mass. Col. Rec, i. 211, 212. § 12. s Magnolia, ut sup. HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 345 appear, however, that Dunster had many adherents in his op position to the ordinances of the church, notwithstanding the general respect entertained for his scholarship, and the warm affection cherished for him as a man. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any of the congregation at Cambridge openly avoAved similar sentiments, except his kinsman Benanuel BoAvers,1 and the members of his family. The Middlesex County Court Rec ords shoAv that, on the 19th of June, 1656, " Benanuel Bower, being presented by the Grand Jury for ordinary absenting him self from the ordinance of baptism, was admonished and con victed of his evil therein by the court." - In the same year, 1656, " an accursed and pernicious sect of heretics lately risen up in the Avorld who are commonly called Quakers " appeared in Boston. Severe measures Avere adopted for their suppression, but in vain. Neither fines, imprisonment, nor scourging, would turn them aside from their purpose ; and they even submitted to death, rather than to depart, or to forbear disturbing the public peace. " Some at Salem, Hampton, New bury, and other places, for disorderly behaviour, putting people in terror, coming into the congregations and calling to the minis ter in the time of public Avorship, declaring their preaching, &c, to be an abomination to the Lord, and other breaches of the peace, Avere ordered to be Avhipped by the authority of the county courts or particular magistrates. At Boston one George Wilson, and at Cambridge Elizabeth Horton, went crying through the streets that the Lord was coming Avith fire and sword to plead with them. Thomas Newhouse went into the meeting-house at Boston Avith a couple of glass bottles and broke them before the congregation, and threatened, ' thus will the Lord break you in pieces.' Another time M. Brewster came in with her face smeared and black as a coal. Deborah Wilson went through the streets of Salem naked as she came into the world, for which sbe was well Avhipped. For these and such like disturbances they might be deemed proper subjects either of a mad-house or house of correction, and it is to be lamented that any greater severities 1 Mr. Bowers married, Dec. 9, 1653, deed of twenty acres in Charlestown, now Elizabeth Dunster, whom the President, Somerville, adjoining " Cambridge line," in his will, styles "my cousin Bowers." on which lot he probably resided during 2 Up to this time Mr. Bowers had re- the remainder of his life; yet in almost resided in Cambridge, near the junction all respects his relations continued to be of North Avenue and Milk Street. Soon more intimate with Cambridge than with afterwards he received from his father a Charlestown. 346 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Avere made use of." - Some of these events are painted in Quaker colors by George Bishop, in a work entitled " New England judged by the Spirit of the Lord." Elizabeth, Avife of Eliakim Wardel of Hampton, being called before the church at NeAvbury, " as a sign to them she Avent in (though it Avas exceeding hard to her modest and shamefaced disposition) naked amongst them, which put them into such a rage, instead of consideration, that they soon laid hands on her and to the next court at Ipswich had her " etc.'2 For this offence she received " twenty or thirty cruel stripes, being tyed to the fence post." 3 " Amongst the rest, one Deborah Wilson, who, bearing a great burthen for your hard- heartedness and cruelty, being under a deep sense thereof, was constrained, being a young Avoman of a very modest and retired life, and of sober conversation, as Avere her parents, to go through your toAvn of Salem naked, as a sign ; which she having in part performed, after she had gone through some part thereof, as afore said, she Avas soon laid hands on, and brought before old Hath- orne, avIio ordered her to appear at the next Court of Salem, at which your wicked rulers sentenced her to be whipped." i " After this at Cambridge, as she [Elizabeth Hooton, called Horton by Hutchinson] returned, she crying Repentance through some part of that town, Avhere no Friend had been before (as she heard of) she was there laid hold of by a blood-thirsty crew, and early in the morning had before Thomas Danfort and Daniel Goggings, (two wicked and bloody magistrates of yours, of whom I have elsewhere spoken, and their wickedness), Avho committed her, and Avhose jay lor thrust her into a noisome, stinking dungeon, where there Avas nothing to lie doAvn or sit on," and kept there two days and tAvo nights, Avithout helping her to bread or water; and because one Benanuel Bower (a tender Friend) brought her a little milk in this her great distress, wherein she Avas like to have perished, they cast him into prison for entertaining a stran ger, and fined him five pounds." 5 " They ordered her to be sent out of their coasts towards Rhode Island, and to be Avhipped at three towns, ten stripes at each, by the way." 6 She returned to Cambridge, was imprisoned, and Avhipped there and at tAvo other towns, as before. " This Avas the entertainment they received at Cambridge, (their University of Wickedness), and from Thomas Danfort and Daniel Goggin, magistrates, Avho (viz. Goggin) 1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 203, 204. 6 Ibid., p. 383. - New England judged, etc., p. 376. 6 Ibid., p. 414. 8 Ibid., p. 377. 6 itfj^ p 415 HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 347 desired his brother Hathorne to send some Quakers that Avay, that he might see them lashed, as is mentioned elsewhere in this treatise." - " Thomas Danfort, a magistrate of Cambridge, one whose cruelties Avere exceeding great to the innocent, mentioned before ; he laid his hand on Wenlock Christison's shoulder, in your Gov ernor's house at Boston, and said to him, Wenlock, I am a mor tal man, and die I must, and that ere long, and I must appear at the tribunal-seat of Christ, and must give an account for my deeds in the body ; and I believe it will be my greatest glory in that day, that I have given my vote for thee to be soundly whipped at this time." 2 Making due allowance for extravagance and embellishment, it appears by Bishop's account, that no Quaker missionaries visited Cambridge before 1662 ; 3 that Avhen they did appear, Gookin and Danforth were ready to enforce the law against them ; and that Benanuel Bowers, who had formerly suffered as a Baptist, had be come a Quaker, and subject to fine and imprisonment. His wife, Elizabeth, and his daughters Barbara and Elizabeth, shared his faith and his sufferings.4 At the County Court, October 6, 1663, "Benanuel Bowers appearing before the court, and being con victed of absenting himself from the public ordinances of Christ on the Lord's days, by his own confession, for about a quarter of a year past, and of entertaining Quakers into his family tAvo several times ; on his examination he affirmed that the Spirit of God Avas a Christian rule, and that David had no need of the word, nor "never contradicted it, and that he speaks of no other law but that which was in his heart. The court fined him, for his absenting himself from the public ordinances, twenty shillings ; and for twice entertaining the Quakers, four pounds, and costs three shillings to the Avitnesses." For the next twenty years he was called to account, almost every year, and fined for the ab sence of himself and his wife from the public ordinances.5 Not ably was this' the fact, October 3, 1676, when he was fined forty 1 New England judged, etc., p. 418. ing the meeting-house with his hat on his 2 Ibid., p. 467. head ; in 1670, for saying "I dare as well 8 The date 1662 is affixed to Elizabeth come to an Image among the heathen as Hooton's first visit and imprisonment, by to your worship ; " in 1673 for slandering Sewell, in his History of the Quakers, p. and reviling the Court, and for servile 327. labor on the Lord's Day; and in 1676, * Sufferings of the Quakers, by Joseph for "profane and wicked cursing." — Besse, pp. 260-264. County Court Records and Files. 5 He was also fined, in 1666, for enter- 348 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. shillings for his OAvn absence, and twenty shillings for the absence of his wife, Avith costs of court, and was ordered to stand com mitted until payment should be made. He refused to pay, and was committed to prison, where he remained more than a year; during which time he offered several petitions and addresses to the County Court and to the General Court, some of Avhich are yet preserved on file, and refer to facts which do not else where appear on record. For example : " To the Court now held in Cambridge. I have been kept in prison this six months upon account of my not attending the public worship of God. I desire the Court to consider of my condition and the condi tion of my family ; and if it be just and necessary that you should relieve us in this case, I desire you to do it. I leave it with you to act as you think meet. 3 April, 1677. Benan- uell Bower. From prison in Cambridge."' The Court re plied : " The Court understands that you are imprisoned for not paying a fine duly imposed upon you according to law ; and therefore if yourself or any for you will pay it, or tender goods to the officer that he may take it, you may be discharged, paying also the prison charges ; which is all the favor that the Court can show you." 1 He then presented to the higher court a long ad dress, commencing thus : " To the General Court, Avhom I honor in the Lord, and Avhose laws I am bound to obey by doing or suf fering for conscience sake, and that not of constraint, but Avil- lingly. I am kept in prison this eight months, because I refuse to attend the publick meetings to hear the ministers preach in order to the public worship of God, or pay the sum of three pounds ten shillings according to law. It seems if I will either give money or lie constantly in prison, I may be left to my liberty whether I will worship God according to }7our laAV or be of any use in the Commonwealth, contrary to the law in nature, — a large liberty ! And I told the Court then, and do now tell you, that I did attend God's worship according to my faith and con science, and according to Scripture which saith, Avhere two or three are assembled together in Christ's name he is in the midst of them. And this I can prove by those that assaulted us (on the first day of the week) when we Avere met to Avorship God. At that very instant, because I would not obey men's commands and leave the worship of God, though I told them if they would for bear whilst we had done, I did not know but I might attend their order. They Avould not forbear, but violently hauled me out of 1 County Court Files, 1677. HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 349 the room down a pair of stairs by the heels into the open street, and carried me in a Avheelbarrow to prison ; and Avas Avhipped (as I have been at several courts), which is no shame for me to tell of, though I am sure 'tis a shame for some to hear of. I am about sixty years of age, thirty of which I have dwelt within about a mile of Cambridge town. What my life and conversa tion hath been amongst them, and what I have suffered this fifteen years for not going to the public meeting is well knoAvn to many of my neighbors." He then appealed for relief. Dated, " From Cambridge Prison the 24th 3d mo., 1677," and signed "Benanuel Bower."1 This address, like the former, is not an autograph except the signature. " In answer to the petition of Benanuell BoAvers, the Court judgeth meet to refer the considera tion thereof to the next County Court in Middlesex for answer."2 At the session of the County Court, Oct. 2, 1677, " The remon strance exhibited by Benanuel Bowers to the General Court in May last being, by order of said Court referred unto the con sideration of this Court for ansAver, — this Court sent for the said Bowers, and gave him liberty to declare what he had to say, and no just exception appearing against the sentence of the Court that committed him unto prison, but on the contrary he manifesting much perver3eness and peremptory obstinacy against the laAvs and government here established, making his appeal to England: the Court declared unto him that they judged his sentence to be just, and his imprisonment just, and that it Avas the pride and perverseness of his own spirit that Avas the cause and ground of his suffering by his imprisonment."3 He had now been in prison a year, and he again appealed to the General Court, which Court summarily settled the Avhole matter, Oct. 22, 1677 : " In answer to a paper signed by Benanuel BoAver, it is ordered that the marshal general do forthwith levy upon the estate of the said Bowers such fine or fines as have been laid on him according to law by the County Court of Cambridge, and that thereupon he be discharged the prison." i Imprisonment for more than a year, however, was not the full measure of punishment endured by Mr. Bowers. Naturally im patient of confinement, he gave vent to his feelings in some doggerel poetry, Avhich he sent by his wife to Mr. Danforth, Avhom he seems to have regarded as his chief opposer. For this he was convented before the General Court, convicted and pun ished. The official record appears in " Mass. Col. Rec," v. 153. l County Court Files, 1677. 3 County Court Records. - Mass. Col. Rec, v. 153. * Mass. Col. Rec, v. 163. 350 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The original papers, never before printed, are preserved in the files of the Middlesex County Court, 1677, and are here in serted - : — " To Thomas Danforth, Maggistrate. " It is nigh hard this fifteene years since first oure war begun And yet the feild I have not lost nor thou the conquest wunn Against thy power I have ingaged which of us twoo shall conquer I am resolvd if God assist to put it to the venter Both my person and estate for truth Isle sacrafise And all I have He leave at stake He venter winu or loose He that from his cullors runs and leaves his captaine in the feild By the law of armes he ought to dy and reason good shoud yeald Unwise art thou against the streame to strive For in thy enterprise thou art not like to thrive Thy forces are to weake thou art not like to conquer For with a power thou hast ingagd that will thy forces scatter Of him thats wise thou counsell didst not take Thy teachers like unto thyself Ime sorry for thy sake Though of Christianity profession thou dost make And yet thy neighbor doest oppress only for conscience sake Tho art as blind as Bonner was that burnt the martyrs at the stake To the proud belongs the fall he surely shall comm. downe Out of his throne be brought he shall mans pride must come to th ground Abomminable if be his deed soe in the end heas like to speed Dread belongs to the evell Almighty God will recompence - From Cambridge Prison March 3, 1677. Bexanuell Bower." " I do attest that on ye 5th of March last Elizabeth ye wife of Ben11 BoAvers came to my house & put a printed book & this abovewritten paper into my hand ; the book I perceiving by the frontispeace it Avas a Quakers work I caused it at the same time to be burnt ; this paper I tore it imediately before her face & did after a time peice it again as above.3 Also I do assert y* accord ing to ye knowledge y* one man may have of another's hand it have been Avritten by Benu BoAvers owne hand. By mee, Tho. Danforth. Sworn to by Mr. Danforth in Court, 30th of May, 1677. E. R. S."4 1 As these documents are autographs, sheet of the same size. In their efforts to the orthography is preserved. consume the paste, the worms have not 2 Fifteen more lines were written ; but spared the paper. they arc so mutilated as to be illegible. * The initials of Edward Rawson, 3 The paper was rent asunder, and was Secretary. reunited by being pasted upon another HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 351 " The Deputyes haveing read a paper of scurilous verses pre sented & subscribed by Benanel BoAver, now in Cambridge prison, wherein the honord Mr. Danforth by name & others are defamed, they judge it no less than duty to call the sd Bower to give an account thereof, & to that end that a warrant be issued out from this Court to the Marshall Gen11 to bring or cause to be brought the sd Bower before this Court on the morrow by four of the clock, & not to fayle, & desire or honor4 Magist9 consent thereto. 30th May, 1677. William Torrey, Cleric. " The Magist. consent, so it be 4 of the clock in the afternoon. " Edwb. Rawson, Secr*- " The magistrates on further consideration doe judge meet that Benanull Bowers be severely whipt w,h twenty stripes, or pay the fine of five pounds mony. The Magist8 have past this av"1 reference to their brethren the Deputies hereto consenting. 7 of June 1677. Edwd. Rawson, Seer*. " Consented to by the Deputies. William ToRREY, Cleric." Smarting under this sharp discipline, Mr. Bowers publicly de nounced Mr. Danforth in presence of the congregation, about a fortnight afterwards. The deposition of witnesses is still pre served in the county court files : — " I, John Danforth,1 aged about 16 years, testify that on the 24th of June last past, being Sabbath day, after the pronuncia tion of the blessing in conclusion of that day's exercise, Benan uel Bowers, standing forth upon one of the benches in public view of the assembly, began to speak unto them. Then the Reverend Mr. Oakes interrupted him and told him that if he had any exception to make against what himself had delivered he should give him liberty so to do, provided he did it on a week day and not on the Sabbath, alleging that it Avas not the custom of the church. This notwithstanding, the said Benanuel pro ceeded in his speech. Whereupon the constables were required to carry him the said BoAvers out of the Assembly by the wor shipful Major Gookin, and he the said BoAvers commanded silence. Nevertheless he proceeded in his speech, saying that he was very grievously oppressed and slandered by Magistrate Danforth, and desired the church to take notice thereof and single out such of themselves as might take 'cognizance of his great affliction, using that for a motive, that he that did him the Avrong was a member * 1 John Danforth, H. C. 1677, son of afterwards pastor of the church in Dor- Rev. Samuel Danforth of Roxbury, was Chester. 352 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of the church. Many other Avoids did he utter to the like pur pose in the audience of the abovesaid assembly. The above written being truth for substance, and the very words that he then uttered as near as I can remember. 9, 5th, 77. Jn°. Danforth." No immediate action seems to have been had by the court. But on the 20th of November, after Bowers Avas discharged from prison in accordance with the order of the General Court before mentioned, the foregoing deposition was substantially confirmed by the oaths of five Avitnesses, and the court rendered judgment Dec. 18, 1677 : " Benanuel BoAvers and Elizabeth BoAvers his wife appearing before the Court to answer the presentment of the Grand Jury for reproaching and slandering Thomas Dan forth, and by their own confession convicted thereof, the Court sentenced them to be openly Avhipped fifteen stripes apiece, un less they pay five pounds apiece in money ; and to stand com mitted until the sentence of the Court be executed." Quakerism obtained no firm establishment in Cambridge ; there is no evidence Avithin my knowledge that it extended be yond the family of Mr. Bowers. Whether he held fast the faith through life or renounced it, and whether he maintained perpet ual Avarfare or made his peace with the civil and ecclesiastical rulers, does not appear.1 It may be hoped, hoAvever, that the closing years of his life were peaceful. It is certain that the witnesses of his will (dated Oct. 5, 1693, and proved May 28, 1698), were John Leverett, H. C. 1680, William Brattle, H. C. 1680, Isaac Chauncy, H. C. 1693, and Joseph Baxter, H. C. 1693 ; of Avhom the first was afterwards President of Harvard College, and all the others became orthodox ministers. This fact justifies the presumption that he did not regard them as perse cutors, and that they did not consider him to be an arch heretic. Early in 1692, a strange infatuation seized the inhabitants of Salem village, and soon spread Avidely. It Avas imagined that Satan was making a deadly assault on men through the interven tion of Avitches. I do not propose to enter upon the general history of that tragedy ; - but as one of the victims Avas a child 1 The Court' Records indicate that as during her old age, for her testimony was late as June, 1682, he was fined for non- received in Court, Dec. 26, 1693, notwith- attendance on public worship, and that in standing "she being-a Quaker took no April, 1681, both he and his son George oath." were fined for the same offence. His wife * "The mischief began at Salem in seems to have been tolerated in her heresy February; but it soon extended into HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 353 of Cambridge, a brief notice of her case may be proper. Re becca, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Andrew, was born here, April 18, 1646, and married John Frost, June 26, 1666 ; he died in 1672, and she married George Jacobs, Jr., of Salem. The father of her second husband and her OAvn daughter had already been imprisoned, and her husband had fled to escape a similar fate, when she was arrested on suspicion of witchcraft. She Avas long confined in prison, leaving four young children, one of them an infant, to the tender mercies of her neighbors. What made her case the more deplorable was, that she had long been par tially deranged. During her confinement, her mother1 presented a petition to the court in her behalf, on account of her mental infirmity, but in vain. She then addressed to the Governor and Council a petition which is still preserved in the archives of the Commonwealth, and which deserves insertion here : — " To his Excellency Sir William Phips, Knt., Governor, and the honorable Council now sitting in Boston, the humble petition of Rebeccah Fox of Cambridge sheweth, — " That whereas Rebecah Jacobs (daughter of your humble pe titioner) has a long time, even many months now lyen in prison for Witchcraft, and is well known to be a person crazed, distracted, and broken in mind, your humble petitioner does most humbly and earnestly seek unto your Excellency and to your Honors for re lief in this case. Your petitioner, who knoAvs well the condition of her poor daughter, together with several others of good repute and credit, are ready to offer their oaths that the said Jacobs is a woman crazed, distracted, and broken in her mind ; and that she has been so these twelve years and upAvards. However, for (I think) above this half year the said Jacobs has lyen in prison, and yet remains there, attended with many sore difficulties. Christianity and nature do each of them oblige your petitioner to be very solicitous in this matter ; and although many Aveighty cases do exercise your thoughts, yet your petitioner can have no rest in her mind till such time as she has offered this her address on behalf of her daughter. Some have died already in prison, and others have been dangerously sick, and how soon others, and various parts of the Colony. The con- 1 Thomas Andrew, the father of Mrs. tagion, however, was principally within Jacobs, died about 1647, and his widow the County of Essex. Before the close married Nicholas Wyeth ; he died July of September, nineteen persons were ex- 19, 1680, and she married Thomas Fox, ecuted and one pressed to death, all Dec. 16, 1685 ; she died in 1698. of whom asserted their innocence." — Holmes' Amer. Annals, i. 438. 23 354 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. among them my poor child, by the difficulties of this confine ment, may be sick and die, God only knoAVS. She is uncapable of making that shift for herself that others can do ; and such are her circumstances on other accounts, that your petitioner, who is her tender mother, has many great sorroAvs and almost overcom ing burthens on her mind upon her account ; but in the midst of all her perplexities and troubles (next to supplicating to a good and merciful God), your petitioner has no way for help but to make this her afflicted condition knoAvn unto you. So, not doubting but your Excellency and your Honors will readily hear the cries and groans of a poor distressed woman, and grant what help and enlargement you may, your petitioner heartily begs God's gracious presence with you, and subscribes herself in all humble manner your sorroAvful and distressed petitioner, REBECCAH Fox."1 This petition availed nothing, except perhaps to delay the trial. The poor demented Avoman was kept in prison until the next January, when she was indicted, tried, and acquitted. Be fore this January Court, a great change had occurred in the pub lic opinion. A principal reason for such a change is mentioned by Hutchinson : " Ordinarily, persons of the lowest rank in life have had the misfortune to be charged with witchcrafts; and although many such had suffered, yet there remained in prison a number of women, of as respectable families as any in the towns Avhere they lived, and several persons, of still superior rank, Avere hinted at by the pretended bewitched, or by the confessing Avitches. Some had been publicly named. Dudley Bradstreet, a justice of the peace, Avho had been appointed one of President Dudley's Council, and Avho AA-as son to the worthy old governor, then living, found it necessary to abscond. Having been remiss in prosecuting, he had been charged by some of the afflicted as a confederate. His brother, John Bradstreet, was forced to fly also. Calef says it Avas intimated that Sir William Phips's lady was among the accused. It is certain that one who pretended to be bewitched at Boston, where the infection Avas beginning to spread, charged the Secretary of the colony of Connecticut. Mrs. Hale, Avife to the minister of Beverly, was accused also; which caused her husband to alter his judgment, and to be less active in prosecutions than he had been." - - Mass. Arch., cxxxv. 76. jury found bills against about fifty for - Hist. Mass., ii. 60. Hutchinson adds: witchcraft, one or two men, the rest "At tbe Court in January, the grand women; but upon trial they were all ac- HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 355 A few years aftenvards, Mr. Hale published " A Modest En quiry into the Nature of Witchcraft," etc., wherein he gave the reasons for his change of opinion. In this book reference is made to two cases of suspected Avitchcraft in Cambridge, one of Avhich had a tragical result : " Another suffering in this kind was a woman of -Cambridge, against whom a principal evidence was a Watertown nurse, Avho testified that the said Kendal J (so was the accused called) did beAvitch to death a child of Goodman Genings 2 of Watertown ; for the said Kendall did make much of the child, and then the child was Avell, but quickly changed its color and dyed in a "few hours. The court took this evidence among others, the said Genings not knoAving of it. But after Kendal was executed (who also denyed her guilt to the death), Mr. Rich. Brown, knoAving better things of Kendall, asked said Genings if they suspected her to bewitch their child ; they an swered, No. But they judged the true cause of the child's death to be thus ; A'iz., the nurse had the night before carryect out the child and kept it abroad in tbe cold a long time, Avhen the red gum was come out upon it, and the cold had struck in the red gum, and this they judged the cause of the child's death. And that said Kendal did come in that clay and make much of the child, but they apprehended no Avrong to' come to the child by her. After this the said nurse was put into prison for adultery, and there delivered of her base child ; and Mr. Brown Avent to her, and told her it avus just Avith God to leave her to this Avickedness as a punishment for murdering Goody Kendal by her false wit ness bearing. But the nurse dyed in prison, and so the matter was not further inquired into." 3 " Another instance Avas at Cambridge about forty years since ; 4 There was a man much troubled in the night with cats, or the devil in their likeness, haunting of him ; Avhereupon he kept a light burning, and a quitted, except three of the worst charac- Jackson ; but whether this were the ters, and those the governor reprieved for woman mentioned by Hale is problemat- the king's mercy. All that were not ical. brought upon trial he ordered to be dis- - The reference is probably to Robert charged. Such a goal delivery was made Jennison, who died July 4, 1690, or to his this court as has never been known at any son Samuel Jennison, who died Oct. 15, other time in New England." 1701. 1 I cannot certainly identify this per- 8 A Modest Enquiry, etc., pp. 18, 19. son. The only known early inhabitant 4 It is not known to what case of sup- of Cambridge bearing this name was posed witchcraft Mr. Hale here refers. John Kendall, who resided on the south Mrs. Holman was accused at about the side of the river, and married Elizabeth, date indicated, but the circumstances of widow of Samuel Holley, before Sept. 8, the two cases were different. 1646, when the estate was sold to Edward 356 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. sword by him as he lay in bed ; for he suspected a widow woman to send these cats or imps by Avitchcraft to beAvitch him. And one night as he lay in bed, a cat or imp came Avithin his reach, and he struck her on the back ; and upon inquiry heard this Avidow had a sore back ; this confirmed his suspicion of the Avidow, he supposing that it came from the wound he gave the cat. But Mr. Day, the AvidoAv's chyrurgeon, cleared the matter, saying this Avidow came to him and complained of a sore in her back, and because she could not see it desired his help ; and he found it to be a boyl, and ripened and healed it as he used to do other boyls. But while this was in cure, the supposed cat" Avas wounded as already rehearsed." 2 Although we are not certain to Avhom Mr. Hale refers in the foregoing instances of supposed Avitchcraft, yet one case did occur, about forty years before he Avrote his "Modest Enquiry," in regard to Avhich a circumstantial account has been preserved. William Holman resided on the northeasterly corner of Garden and Linnasan Streets (where the Botanic Garden now is) ; he died Jan. 8, 1652-3, aged 59, leaving a widow, Winifred, and several children, among whom was an unmarried daughter, named Mary. On the opposite side of Garden Street, and extending to Sparks Street, was an estate of six acres belonging to John Gibson, whose house was within plain view from Mrs. Holman 's. Some " root of bitterness " sprung up between these neighbors, and troubled them, until Mr. Gibson entered a complaint against Mrs. Holman and her daughter as witches, and a Avarrant of pe culiar form was issued for their arrest : " To the Constable of Cambridge. You are required forthwith to apprehend the per sons of Widow Holman and her daughter Mary, and immedi ately bring them before the County Court now sitting at Charles towne, to be examined on several accusations presented, on sus picion of Avitchcraft ; and for witnesses John Gipson and his wife ; you are forthwith to bring them away, and not suffer them to speak one Avith another after their knowledge of this Avarrant, and hereof you are not to fayle at your perill. Dat. 21 (4) 1659. Thomas Danforth, R. It will be com7enient that you charge some meet person to bring away the mayd first, and then you may acquaint the mother also A\7ith this Avarrant respecting her also." 2 No notice of this action appears on the Records of the Court ; i A Modest Enquiry, etc., pp. 64, 65. - Copied from the original in the files of the County Court, 1659. HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 357 from Avhich it may be inferred that the evidence submitted to the grand jury was not sufficient to justify an indictment. Nine months afterwards the Holmans sought legal redress for the Avrongs they had suffered. This warrant Avas issued : " To the Constable of Cambridge, or his Deputy. You are hereby re quired to attach the goods or in want thereof the person of John Gibson Junr. of Cambridge, and take bond of him to the value of tAventy pounds, Avith sufficient surety or suretyes for his ap pearance at the next County Conrt holden at Cambridge upon the 3 day of April next, then and there to answer the complaint of Mary Holman of Cambridge, in an action of defamation and slaunder; and so make a true return hereof under your hand. Dated this 26 of March, 16f&. By the court, Samuel Green." 1 Similar warrants were issued March 28, 1660, requiring John Gibson, Sen., his Avife, and his daughter Rebecca, wife of Charles Stearns, to make answer to the widow Winifred Holman. Both cases seem to have been tried together. A mass of testimony is still preserved in the files of the County Court, apparently pre pared by John Gibson, Sen., to be used in this trial, as a justifi cation of the charge formerly made against Mrs. Holman and her daughter. A recital of this testimony is tedious, but it may be excused inasmuch as it shows on what frivolous grounds the charge of witchcraft was made tAvo hundred years ago : — "A relation of the passages between Mrs. Holman and her daughter Mary, and the wife of Charles Stearns,2 noAV living in Cambridge. The first thing that makes us suspect them is that after she had two extraordinary strange fits, which she never had the like before, Mary Holman asked her why she did not get some help for them, and she ansAvered she could not tell Avhat to do ; she had used means by physicians, and could have no help. And the said Mary said that her mother said, if she Avould put herself into her hands, that she would undertake to cure her Avith the blessing of God. Our daughter telling us of it, and we not suspecting them, we wished her to go and to see what she would say to her. And she said her daughter was a prating wench and loved to prate ; but yet she did prescribe some herbs to her that she should use in the spring. After this my daughter's child grew ill, and Maiy Holman coming in often asked her what the child ailed ; and she said moreover that her mother and she took • 1 Court Files, 1660. left unchanged. Mrs. Stearns was daugh- - The orthography of this testimony is ter of John Gibson, Sen., subject to fits, corrected, except that proper names are and partially demented. 358 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. notice of it, that the child declined ever since the 5 of January, and Avill till it come to the grave ; but if you will put it into my hands I will undertake to cure it : I cured one at Maiden that had the ricketts, and if you will take a fool's counsel, you may ; if you will not, choose. She said also the child fell away in the lower parts, and yet she did not see the child opened. She said also that Mr. Metchelles child had the ricketts, and it was easy to be seen, for the face did shine ; but since Mr. Metchell sent to Linn for a skilful Avoman to look on it, and she could not see no such thing. After this, Mary Holman borroAved a skillet of her, and when she brought it home, the child Avas asleep in the cradle, and a boy a rocking it, and the mother of the child was gone for water ; and the boy said that Mary Holman came to the child as it was asleep, and took it by the nose, and made the blood come, and set it a crying, that the mother heard it ; and before she came in Mary was gone out over the sill. When she came in and saw the child in such a case, she chode the boy for making the child cry ; and he said it was Mary Holman that did it and went away as fast as she could. " After this, she was taken with her ordinaiy fits, two nights and two clays, and was pretty well again and sensible one clay ; and then she Avas taken with a strange raving and marvellous unquiet night and day, for three or four days and nights together, and took no rest ; and it was observed that all this time Mrs. Holman was walking about by her rails, stooping doAvn and picking of the ground along as she went, and both of them walk ing up and doAvn, and to and again, that it Avas taken notice of by many ; and all this time she raged, could not be quiet, till the last day of the Aveek in the afternoon they Avere gone both from home ; and then she Avas quiet and was fast asleep till she came home, and suddenly she sprung up out of her sleep, and cried out with such rage against Mrs. Holman that she Avas a witch, and that she must be hanged. Her mother being amazed, she went out and see her a coming towards the house ; and the nearer she came the more she raged, and so she continued all night. And in the morning, Mary Helman came in for fire, as she did every morning, and sometimes twice in a day ; as soon as she came in she cried out on her that she Avas a Avitch, so that we could not still her till my Avife shoved her out of door ; and when they were out, Mary asked my Avife Avhat her daughter ailed, and said she was a quiet Avoman. Another being by, my wife an- SAvered she thought she was bewitched. Then said Mary Hoi- HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 359 man, my mother said that she Avas not light-headed, nor her head did not ache ; but she continued so still, and crying out to her mother, and said Mrs. Holman she Avas Avorking Avickedness on the Lord's clay. With that, my wife looked out and saAv Mrs. Holman a pecking by the rails, as she did of other days. When folks Avere gone to meeting, about half an hour after two of the clock, she Avent to meeting, that is, Mrs. Holman; and by that time she got to meeting as we guessed, she lay still about half an hour and then fell asleep. And of a sudden, she flings up and cried out of Mrs. Holman. My wife, not thinking they had been come home from meeting, looked out and saw her at home. Anon after, Mary Holman came to the house and said to my wife, your daughter had a sleep, had she not ? and she ansAvered her, Why do you ask ? and she said, because she slept yesterday afore this time, and so she did, — but how she should come to know it, we cannot tell ; for they were both times from home. On the second clay in the morning, Mary came for fire ; and she cried out on her as before, and continued raging almost all that day. On the third day, Mary Holman was a coming again for fire, and my wife prayed me that, if I saw her come, that I would not let her come in ; and so I did ; I met with her at the sill, with a bright skillet in her hand, and she asked me hoAV my daughter did, and I said, she is not well, and I asked her whither she went Avith that ; and she said, for fire. But I told her she should not have none here, but bid her go to some other house ; upon Avhich we took notice that that day she Avas very quiet, and there was such a sudden alteration to admiration to all that saAv it, and so continued ; but after she was more sensible of her weakness. " Some things were forgotten : — that my daughter, before she was taken with her fits, put a pair of stockings to her, and she kept them a great while ; and upon the last day of the Aveek at night she sent them home, and she Avore them on the Sabbath, and that night she had her fits, being free from them a great while before ; and, as was said before, Avhen she had had them tAvo days and two nights, she fell into this strange condition, as before mentioned. . And all this time she cried out of Mrs. Hol man and her daughter Mary, that they were Avitches, and they must be found out, and said, you must not suffer a Avitch to live ; and she said Mr. Danford was chosen a magistrate to find out Mrs. Holman. And when my Avife went to give her some re freshing, she would not take it in, she was so troubled with Mrs. Holman, that she must be found out, that my wife told her that 360 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. she would get the magistrate to find her out ; and it was taken notice of by my wife and others, that her countenance Avas changed and did eat. Thus she lay, taking on against Mrs. Holman and Mary to all that came to her, that they were witches and must be hanged ; and so she told them to their faces, and could not be stilled. And many times she flung up with such rage and cried out with exceeding earnestness that Mrs. Holman was at the rails, let me go out and I will show you her ; and it Avas so, for my Avife and others looked out, and saAv her there. It seemed to us very strange ; for it Avas not possible that she could see her, for she was kept so close on her bed, and a covering hanging before her, and another before the Avindow. " The first great trouble that she had, she was affrighted with Satan, and thought that she saw him stand by the bed's side, so that she cried out Avith a loud noise, all night, to the Lord, for help, saying Lord, help me, Lord, help me, that she was heard a great Avay off. The second great trouble she had, she was like- Avise troubled Avith Satan appearing to her, that she Avas set of a great trembling that she shook the bed she lay on ; and striving mightily with her body, and fighting Avith her hands, that two men were fain to hold her. We asked her why she fought so ; and she said she fought with the devil. And ever and anon she called out of Mrs. Holman, and would have her sent for ; and one that sat by said, what would you say to her ? And she said, I will tell her that she is a Avitch. We then not suspecting her so to be, we reproved her, and Avished her not to say so ; but the more Ave forbade her, the more violent she was in so calling her, and crying out of Mrs. Holman's black chest and Mrs. Holman's cake ; but what she meant by them, we cannot tell. But this last time, she was troubled Avith Mrs. Holman and her daughter Mary. And concerning the child, it does decline and fall away daily, according to Mary's words ; and yet we cannot perceive that it is sick at all, but will suck and eat ; and in the time of the mother's trouble, the child is set quite crooked in the body, Avhich before was a straight, thriving child. Also it Avas taken notice of that, in the time of my daughter's trouble, that her hands were set crooked, that her husband could not get them open. " A Avhile after we were at the Court, she had another raging fit, wherein she Avas carried with rage against her parents, and her brothers and sisters, and we desired one of our brethren to pray with her ; and she raged at him, and bade him get him HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 361 home, or she Avould throw something at his head ; and she was so outrageous that we were fain to tie her hands. And she cried out and said a snake stung her under her arms. And when she Avas out of her distemper, she said she saAv a thing like a great snake come into the house, with a something like a turtle upon the back, and came upon the bed to her. And another time Avhen one of our elders Avas at prayer, she barked like a dog ; and though we held her mouth close Avith our hands, yet she would speak, saying that Mrs. Holman and Mary Holman Avere witches, and bewitched her and her child. And sometimes she cried out against blood, that it cried and that it stunk; and we bade her hold her peace ; but she said she must speak, and conscience must speak ;. and at last she said there was a hole of blood by the cradle." .... " The last Avinter before this, I was afflicted with Mrs. Hol man's hens, aud could not keep them out of my barn from stroy- ing my com. I being much troubled at it spake of it to my Avife ; and she said, it may be the poor woman cannot keep them at home. I being thus afflicted with them, I flung a stone at one of them and killed it, and laid it upon a hovel that stood upon the common. When my wife saw it, she sent to Mrs. Holman, to see if it were one of hers, and her daughter fetched it home ; and after that they troubled me no more, though they went abroad still, AA7hich Ave wondered at, being so constantly there every day before. After this, my wife had a brood of chickens of fifteen, which were like to do well, and did thrive for the space of one fortnight ; and then they were taken with fits, and they would turn their heads upward, and turn round many times, and run about the house as if they were mad ; and sometimes picking toAvards the ground, but not touch the ground, and sometimes they Avould be pretty well and eat their meat ; but they died, two or three at a time, till they came to four. Likewise Mrs. Holman had a white cock, that went a grazing about the common every day in the summer time, between the pond and the house, with out any hens with him ; and we taking notice of him asked Mary Holman wherefore that cock went so alone ; and she said, that the hens did not care for him, nor he cared not for them ; and she said, moreover, that he was seven years old. Then we asked her, why they would keep him ; and she said, she could not tell ; her mother would keep him. And soon after that, Ave saAV him no more. Also there was a bird that Avas taken notice of, not only of us but of some others ; such a one as they nor we ever saAv be- 362 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. fore. It Avas all milk-white, save only a little gray on the wings. My son, being told of such a bird, did look to see if he could see it, and did see it, and threAV stones at it, but could not hit it, although it were very near him. And when it rose up, it Avould fly to Mrs. Holman's house. So likeAvise Avhen those that saw it first flung stones at it, it would always fly thither ; and some times they said they saw it fly into the house. They had taken notice of it a week before Ave did ; and when A son and I Avent to mend up the fence that Avas before my daughter's house, the bird was skipping about the rails ; My son said, here is the devilish- est bird that ever I saw in my life ; and I asked him why he did so; and he said, I never threAV half so often at a bird in his life but he did hit it, but this I cannot hit ; and he flung again at it, but could not hit it ; and Ave both of us see it fly to Mrs. Hol man's house. The same day my son and the «ther persons saw it again ; and they hunted it about and flung stones at it; and it flying thither again, one of them called out, saying, the bird was gone home ; and two of them resolved the next day to get their guns and see if they could shoot it. Mrs. Holman came out of her house, and looked on them, and in likelihood heard Avhat they said, for they were near the house ; but since that time the bird have not been seen. In this time, my daughter Starnes, going out of her house Avithin evening, saw this bird under her house-sill. She thought at first it had been a cat ; but she, going towards it, perceived it was a Avhite bird, and it did fly along by the house-side, and so away to Mrs. Holman's. It was seen another evening, Avhen it was too late for birds to be abroad, between my daughter's house and the rails. " My wife have been much troubled with her Avheel, when she haA'e set herself to spin, for the necessity of her family. Some times she could not make no Avork of it ; she thought at first it might be out of kilter, and we both used what means we could with it ; but it was never the better, but was fain to set it away, and go about some other work ; and when she took it again, it would go very well, and thus it Avas very often ; and sometimes, Avhen she could make no Avork with it, she would set it away, and not so much as unban d it, and take it again and not alter it at all, and it would go very Avell. One time amongst the rest, she set herself to work, and was much troubled that she could make no work of it, she began to fear that there might be something that might be the cause of it ; she set her Avheel away, and went out, and saw Mary Holman at the oak, turning round ; and when HERESY AND WITCHCRAFT. 363 she saw my wife, she catched up a chip ; and that caused her to fear that it might be by their means. Another time she was a spinning, and as it Avas wont so it did again, that she Avas so affected with it that she could have cried ; and sitting still, with her Avheel before her, saying thus to herself, ' Lord, thou hast commanded me to labor, but I am hindered ; good Lord, if there be any hand of Satan in it, prevent it ; ' with some other words, and went to spinning again, and it Avent as well as ever. " At another time, Avhen my daughter Avas not very well, my wife went out and saw Mary Holman sitting on her knees at a hole of water ; she took up water in a dish, and held it up a pretty height, and drained into another thing. My wife Avent presently to her daughter and found her crying so immoderately that the tears fell so fast from her eyes that my wife Avas fain to stand and Avipe them off her face Avith her apron. And her mother asked her wherefore she cried ; and she said she could not tell, but she said she could not forbear it. Concerning what our daughter have seen and felt in the time of her affliction, she can declare, if she be called to it." Following this long and tedious statement (Avith much more to the same purpose), is a recapitulation of the same facts, with the names of the witnesses by Avhom they might be proved. Their deposition is authenticated by the Recorder of the Court : " 4 (2) 1660. Jn°- Gibson, sen1., Rebeccah Gibson, Jn°. Gipson, junr., Rebecca Sternes, Martha Belsher, Bethia Michelson, Charles Sternes, Steven ffrances, SAVorn in Court to their respec tive evidences ; as attests, Th. Danforth, R." In defence of her' character as an honest, Christian woman, Mrs. Holman submitted two certificates, Avhich yet remain on file, signed by two of the deacons,1 and several members of the church : " We, whose names are. underwritten, we. do here testify that Winifret Holman, Ave having been acquainted Avith her this many years, she being near neighbor unto us, and many times have had occasion to have dealings with her, and Ave have not indeed in the least measure perceived, either by words or deeds, any thing whereby we could have any grounds or reason to suspect her for witchery or any thing thereunto tending. And this is evident unto us that she is diligent in her calling, and frequents public preaching, and gives diligent attention there unto. John Palfery, MatheAV Bridge, Richard Eccles, ffrancis Whitmor, John Greene, Nathaniell Green, William Diksone." 1 John Bridge and Gregory Stone. 364 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " We, Avho have here subscribed our names, do testify that we have knoAvn this Winnefret Holman, AvidoAV, this many years, but never knew any thing in her life concerning Avitchery. But she hath always been a diligent hearer of and attender to the word of God. Mary Patten, Mary Hall, Jane Willows, Anna Bridge, Elizabeth Bridg, Elizabeth Green, Jeane Diksonne, Elizabeth Winship, Thomas Fox, Ellin Fox, William ToAvne, Martha Towne, Mary Eccles, Isobell Whittmor, John Bridge, Rebekka Wieth, Gregory Stone, Lidea Stone." The result of the trial is entered on the County Court Rec ords : " Winifred Holman, Pit. against John Gibson senr. and his Avife, in an action of defamation ; the jury having heard their respective pleas and evidences presented in the case do bring in their verdict, finding for the defendants costs of court, fifteen shillings and ten pence. — Winifred Holman, Pit. against Rebecca the Avife of Charles Sternes, DeP., in an action of defa mation ; the jury having heard their respective pleas and evi dences presented in the case, and it appearing to the court that the defendant was by God's hand deprived of her natural reason when she expressed those words charged on her, do bring in their verdict for the defendant, costs of court, eight shillings and four pence." The decision in the other case I copy from the original verdict, preseived on file, as it is more full and circumstantial than the record : " Concerning the case between Marye Hol man, plaintive and John Gibson, junr. defendant, we find for the plaintive, that the said John Gibson shall make acknowledge ment that he hath Avronged and scandalously slandered Marye Holman, by speeches irregularly, rashly, and sudden spoken, for which he desire to be humbled and sorry for the same ; and if he refuse to make this acknowledgement in the present court, that then Ave do enjoin John Gibson to pay to the plaintive the full sum of five pounds ; and we also give the plaintive cost of court." To which the Recorder appended this memorandum : " John Gibson jun5. acknowledged in court that, whereas he is legally convicted of a slanderous speech concerning Mary Holman, he is heartily sorry for his evil thereby committed against God, and wrong done to the said Mary Holman and her friends, and doth crave forgiveness of the said Mary Holman of this trespass." It does not appear that either of these persons was ever after wards disturbed on suspicion of practising the diabolical arts of witchcraft. Mrs. Holman died Oct. 16, 1671, aged 74 ; her daughter Mary died, unmarried, in 1673, aged 43. CHAPTER XIX. EDUCATION. In 1643, there was published in London a Tract entitled "New England's First Fruits; in respect, first of the Conver sion of some, Conviction of divers, Preparation of sundry, of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at Cambridge, in Massacusets Bay. With divers other speciall matters concerning that countrey." In regard to the " progresse of learning," the writer says, " After God had carried us safe to NeAV England, and wee had builder! our houses, provided neces saries for our livelihood, rear'd convenient places for Gods wor ship, and settled the Civile Government : One of the next things we longed for, and looked after, was to advance Learning and perpetuate it to posterity ; dreading to leave an illiterate Minis- tery to the Churches, when our present Ministers shall lie in the dust. And as wee Avere thinking and consulting how to effect this great work ; it pleased God to stir up the heart of one Mr. Harvard (a godly gentleman, and a lover of learning, there liv ing amongst us) to give the one halfe of his estate (it being in all about 1700?.) towards the erecting of a Colledge, and all his Library ; after him another gave oOOl. others after them cast in more, and the publique hand of the state added the rest ; the Colledge was, by common consent, appointed to be at Cambridge (a place very pleasant and accommodate), and is called (according to the name of the first founder) Harvard Colledge." a He adds, " And by the side of the Colledge a faire Grammar Schoole, for the training up of young Schollars, and fitting of them for Aca- 1 New England's First Fruits, p. 12. A tories of the College have already been History of Cambridge may well be con- published, and there is no apparent neces- sidered incomplete, if it do not contain a sity to glean a field so recently and so full account of Harvard College. But thoroughly reaped. See History of Har- such an account must be omitted by me card University, by Benjamin Peirce, Li- for two obvious reasons : (1.) The subject brarian, etc., 1833; History of Harvard is too important to be thrust into a corner University, by Josiah Quincy, President, and treated asmerelv subsidiary to a gen- etc., 1840; and Sketch ofthe History of eral history of the city. (2.) Three his- Harvard College, by Samuel A.Eliot, 1848. 366 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. demicall Learning, that still as they are judged ripe, they may be receiA-ed into the Colledge of this Schoole ; - Master Corlet is the Mr. avIio has very Avell approved himselfe for his abilities, dexterity and painfulnesse in teaching and education of the youth under him." - The precise date Avhen the grammar school was established in Cambridge does not appear ; but before 1643 Mr. Corlett had taught sufficiently long to have acquired a high rep utation for skill and faithfulness. He continued in office nearly half a century, until his death, Feb. 25, 1686-7, at the age of 78 years. His services Avere commemorated by Cotton Mather, who kneAV him and his works : — " 'Tis Corlet's pains, and Cheever's, we must own, That thou, New England, art not Scythia grown." 8 Again, he calls " Mr. Elijah Corlet, that memorable old school master in Cambridge, from whose education our colledge and coun try have received so many of its worthy men, that he is himself worthy to have his name celebrated in ... . our church his tory."4 In. addition to his English scholars, he prepared several Indians for the College, though only one of the number gradu ated.5 By the records of the " Commissioners of the United Colonies," it appears that he Avas paid <£6 9 4, in 1658, " for teaching the Indians at Cambridge and the charge of an Indian that died in his sickness and funeral;" also ,£22, in 1659, " for dieting John Stanton for some time not reckoned formerly, and for his extraordinary pains in teaching the Indian scholars and Mr. Mahews son about two years." Similar payments were made to him in 1660 and 1661. In their letter to the corpora tion in England, dated Sept. 7, 1659, the Commissioners say, " there are five Indian youthes att Cambridge in the lattin schoole, whose dilligence and profisiency in theire studdies doth much encurrage us to hope that God is firing them and prepar ing them for good instruments in this great and desirable Avorke ; wee have good testimony from those that are prudent and pious, that they are dilligent in theire studdies and civell in theire car riage ; and from the Presedent of the Colledge ; Avee had this testimony in a letter directed to us the 23 of August 1659 in 1 Rather, "they may be received into 8 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xvii. 132. the Colledge : of this schoole, Master - New England's First Fruits, p. 13. Corlet is the Mr. " In the " Errata," 4 Magnolia, Book iii., Part i. App. without any more definite reference, is § 27. found this direction : "At Colledge, put - Caleb Cbeeshahteaumuck, 1665, died a colon." There is no other place in tho 1666. tract where the change is so much needed. EDUCATION. 367 these Avords : the Indians in Mr. Corletts scoole were examined oppenly by my selfe att the publicke Commencement; consern- ing theire growth in the knowledge of the lattin toungue ; and for their time they gave good satisfaction to myselfe and also to the honored and Reverent Overseers."1 Notwithstanding Mr. Corlett's well-earned fame, and his abil- itj7 to teach both English and Inchans, his school seems never to have been large, nor Avere the stated fees for tuition adequate for his support. The town had frequent occasion to supply the deficiency by special grant. In 1648, " It Avas agreed at a meet ing of the whole town, that there should be land sold of the com mon, for the gratifying of Mr. Corlett for his pains in keeping a "school in the town, the sum of ten pounds, if it can be attained; provided it shall not prejudice the cow-common." Forty acres of land on the south side of the river were sold, for this purpose, to Mr. Edward Jackson. Again, Jan. 29, 1654-5, " The toAvn consented that twenty pounds should be levied upon the inhabit ants, and giA-en to Mr. Corlett, for his present encouragement to continue with us." March 25, 1662 : " The townsmen taking into their consideration the equity of allowance to be made to Mr. Corlett, for his maintenance of a grammar school in this toAvn, especially considering his present necessity by reason of the fewness of his scholars, do order and agree that ten pounds be paid to him out of the public stock of the town." Nov. 14, 1684 : " Voted on the affirmative, that Mr. Elijah Corlett shall be allowed and paid out of the town rate, annually, twenty pounds, for so long as he continues to be schoolmaster in this place." The colony also interposed for his relief; and, having previously made similar giants, on the 7th of November, 1668, "In answer to the petition of Mr. Elijah Corlet, the Court having considered of the petition, and being informed the peti tioner to be very poor, and the country at present having many engagements to satisfy, judge meet to grant him five hundred acres of land where he can find it, according to law."2 The meagre number of scholars is more definitely stated in an official ansAver of the town to certain questions proposed by the County Court : " 30 (1) 1680. Our Latin Schoolmaster is Mr. Elijah Corlitt ; his scholars are in number nine at present." 3 Under all these discouragements, the veteran teacher seems to have per severed bravely up to the close of his life ; for there is no evid- 1 Plym. Col. Rec, x. 217. - Middlesex Court Files, 1860. 2 Mass. Col. Rec, iv., part ii., p. 406. 368 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ence that a successor Avas elected until after his death. Two manuscripts have been preserved, — one containing a reference to him, and the other Avritten by him, — Avhich seem AA'orthy of publication : 1. In a letter from Thomas Danforth of Cam bridge to Rev. John Cotton of Plymouth, dated Nov. 16, 1674, concerning the troubles Avhich compelled Dr. Leonard Hoar to resign the Presidency of the College, the Avriter says, — " As for the Dr.'s grievance, you do not I suppose Avonder at it. I doubt not but he hath been told of his evill in that matter from more hands than yours, yet he does justifie his own innocency, and I perceive that Mr. Corlet, both elder and younger,1 were so taken with hopes of a fellowship, that they strenuously sought to excuse the Dr. and lay the blame elseAvhere ; but by this time I suppose are out of hope of Avhat they expected, the Colledge standing in more need of students than of rulers." 2 2. Richard Cutter, brother-in-law to Mr. Corlett, felt aggrieved at a decision of the County Court in 1659, and Mr. Corlett united with him in petition to the General Court for relief; the petition Avas re ferred to the County Court Avith a favorable result. At the same session, the General Court, upon his petition, granted to Mr. Cor lett two hundred acres of land."3 In acknowledgment of both benefactions, he presented his thank-offering to the magistrates of the County Court, who were also members of the General Court : " Much honoured, Mr. Deputie Governour, Major Wil lard, Mr. Russell, and Mr. Danforth : Elijah Corlett, who was latelie your Worps humble petitioner at the Generall Court in my owne behalfe, for land ; very thankfull and humblie, I acknowl- edg the great favour and good Avill of that Court unto mee (and your Worp3 my good friends therein) confering upon mee 200 acres of land. As alsoe touching my petition in the behalfe of Ric. Cutter, referred to the full and finall decision of this hon oured Court ; I most humblie and thankf ullie acknowledg your Worps favour in your remarkeable gentlenes and very tender dealinge with a sad, afflicted, weake man, inconsiderate and rash sometimes, &c, your goodnes towards him will, I hope, have a good effect upon him to mollifie his heart, and the influence of your good advice you left with him, to moderate his spirite. Soft meanes many times effects what rigour cannot ; and mercie rejoiceth against (exulteth over) judgement. Elijah Corlett 1 The "younger" was Ammi-Ruha- - Harvard College Papers (MSS.), i. 11. mah Corlett, H. C. 1670, who obtained 8 Mass. Col. Rec, iv., part i., p. 397. the coveted fellowship, and died 1679. EDUCATION. 369 humblie blesseth God for you : who cause judgment to run doAvn our streets like Avater ; Avhere mercie likewise has its current. Thus heartielie wishing and praying for your happienes and Avellfare in the Lord, he ever remaines acknowledging himself your Worp3 most obliged humble servant, Elijah Corlett." - The successors of Mr. Corlett were generally young men fresh from College.2 Very few of them appear to haA-e selected teach ing as a permanent employment ; only one indeed died in the service, namely, Nicholas Fessenden, Jr., H. C. 1701, who taught about eighteen years, and died of apoplexy Oct. 5, 1719. Wil liam Fessenden, Jr.,3 H. C. 1737, taught the school eleven years, from 1745 to 1756, but left it two years before he also died of apoplexy, June 17, 1758. Samuel Danforth, H. C. 1715, seems to have chosen teaching as a profession. At a meeting of the selectmen, Oct. 26, 1719, it is recorded, that — " Whereas, by reason of the death of Mr. Nicholas Fessenden, our late School master, the school in our town is in an unsettled condition ; and whereas, Mr. Samuel Danforth of Dorchester has been pleased to manifest his inclinations to be a Schoolmaster amongst us, and to devote himself to said service : Voted and agreed, that the said Mr. Samuel Danforth take the care and charge of said school, on the same terms that our said late Schoolmaster kept it ; and that he forthwith provide some suitable person to manage said school until such time as he can remove amongst us himself ; which Mr. Danforth promised to comply with." After eleven years, how ever, Mr. Danforth retired from the service, and for many years was Judge of Probate, Judge of Common Pleas, and member of the Council. All the others seem to have adopted teaching as a temporary expedient, while studying some other profession, or waiting for more desirable employment.4 1 Middlesex Court Files, 1660. Samuel Kendall, May, 1780; Asa Pack- - John Hancock was elected teacher, ard, April, 17S3; Lemuel Hedge, July, Jan., 1690-1; John Sparhawk, Feb., 1783. All these teachers were graduates 1692-3; Nicholas Fessenden, Jr., about of Harvard College. I have not found 1701; Samuel Danforth, Oct., 1719; John the materials for a consecutive list at a Hovey, April, 1730; Stephen Coolidge, later period. May, 1730; John Hovey, May, 1737; s Nephew of Nicholas Fessenden, Jr. Stephen Coolidge, May, 1741 ; William 4 There are now engaged in the service Fessenden, Jr., May, 1745 ; James Lov- of the city three veterans, whose lives ell, May, 1756; Antipas Steward, about have been devoted to this work, and whose 1760; Ebenezer Stedman, Jr., about terms of service commenced as follows: — 1765; Thomas Colman, July, 1770; Jon- Aaron B. Magoun, Harvard Grammar athan Hastings, Jr., May, 1772; Jona- School, 1838. than Eames, May, 1776; Elisha Parmele, Daniel Mansfield, Washington Gram- May, 1778; Aaron Bancroft, Aug. 1778; mar School, 1842. 24 370 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The first school-house knoAvn to have been erected in Cam bridge stood on the Avesterly side of Holyoke Street, about mid- Avay between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets.1 The lot Avas owned in 1642 by Henry Dunster, President of the College ; it contained a quarter of an acre of land, on Avhich there Avas then a house, which Avas not his dwelling-house. There are reasons for believing that the " faire Grammar Schoole " had been estab lished in that house, and that it remained there five or six years. It seems probable that the " school-house " mentioned in the folloAving " agreement " was afterwards erected on that lot, and designed for that school : — " Articles of agreement between Henry Dunster and Edward Goffe on the one party and Nicholas Withe and Richard Wilson, Daniel Hudson, masons, on the other party, witness as follow eth:2 " 1. Impr. That we Nicolas Wite, Richard Wilson and Dan iel Hudson, masons, have undertaken to get at Charlestowne Rock one hundred and fifty load of rock stone, and to lay them in convenient place Avhence they may be fetched with carts, and that betwene this present third month 1647 and the tenth of the ninth month next ensuing, for the which stones Henry Dunster and Edward Goffe covenant to pay to us sixe pence the load. " 2. Item. That we the foresaid three masons will Aval or lay the said stones in wall for twelve pence the yard, so long as we lay any side of the said wall within the ground, and the other answering wals at the same price until they come to the hight of the wal that lieth within the grouude, albeit that these Avals should ly both sides of the ground to the open ayre, and that Avee Avill measure all this cellar or in ground Avail Avithin the house. " 3. Item. That we will lay in wal the saide stones above ground a foote and a halfe thick at the least, at the middle story, and soe proportionally gathering in until it end in the Aval plats Benjamin W. Roberts, Allston Gram- uniil 1769 ; not many years later, a print- mar School, 1848. ing office was erected on nearly if not In addition to these should be men- precisely the same spot, which has thus tioned Dr. Alvah C. Smith, who was been devoted almost continuously to the compelled by the failure of his health in cause of literature. 1872 to resign the office of Grammar - For a copy of these " articles of agree- Mnster, to which he was elected in 1845. ment," made by him from the original He served the city two years afterwards in 1845, I am indebted to John Wingatc as teacher of penmanship. Thornton, Esq., of Boston. 1 This lot was used for a school-house EDUCATION. 371 or eaves, about a foote thick, for eighteene pence a yard, making n the said above ground Avals, Avhere Henry Dunster or Edvrard Goffe shal apointe, convenient dore ways, arched over head, and windowe spaces as we shal be ordered and directed for timber windowes to be put in as we goe up Avith the wall, one of Avhich said dore ways, and as many windoAV spaces as shal bee judged convenient, we Avill alsoe make in the cellar wall as Ave shall be directed. " 4. Item. That we Avill erect a chimney below, ten foote wide Avithin the jaumes, and another in the rome above, eight foote £ Avide within the jaumes, in the place where we shal be directed, whereof if the jaumes be different from the wal of the house we will receive eighteene pence a yard for as much as we wal with stone, and ten shillings a thousand for what square brickes we lay, and sixteene shillings a thousand for the bricks that appear out of the roofe. " 5. Item. The said Henry Dunster and Edward Goffe are to prepare and lay on the ground in redines, within forty or at the most fifty foote of the aforesaid cellar, al the aforesaid brickes and rock stones ; but the saide brickes. as many as shal need to be cut, are to be done by the sayde masons. The convenient planckes alsoe and poles for staging are to be laid in redines by the said Henry and Edward, and the stages to be made by the said masons. " 6. Item. The 2 gable endes of the foresaide Avals or schole- house shall be wrought up in battlement fashion, at the prize of eighteene pence a yard, as above said. " 7. Item. The foresaid masons by these presents covenant that they wil lath the roofe of the aforesaid scholehouse and tile the same at sixe shillings the thousand the tile. " 8. Item. The said masons covenant to perfect the saide worke that is herein mentioned before the first of the sixth month that shal be in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred forty-eight, provided the said Henry Dunster and Edward Goffe procure all the materials requisite of stones, brick, timber, clay, lime, sand, and the sayde materials lay in convenient place. " 9. Item. It is the true intent and meaning of both partyes, that al pay specified in these writings should be such as is re ceived of the inhabitants and neighbours of the town of Cam bridge, provided it bee good and merchandible in its kind, whether corne or cattle, and to goe at such rates as now it is payable from man to man when the aforesaid masons take the aforesaid worke, 372 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. that is to say, Wheat at 4J. Ry at 3s 6d. Indian at 3'. Pease at 3'. 6d- Barly mault at 4s 6d. the bushell. " In witness of the premises Avee for our parts subscribe our hands, Henrie Dunster [l. s.] Edward Goffe [l. s.] " Sealed, signed, indented and delivered in presence of Richard Hlldreth." It would seem from the Records, that the school-house was not erected by the town ; but that certain public-spirited individuals, — Mr. Dunster being foremost in the enterprise, — assumed the responsibility, and defrayed the expense. Under date of Feb. 10, 1655-6, Ave find this record : " Whereas Mr. Dunster hath made proposition to the Townsmen for the acquitting and dis charging of forty pounds upon the account of his outlaying for the school-house : the Townsmen hereby declare, namely, that as they cannot yield to the same, for the reasons before men tioned, yet nevertheless, if Mr. Dunster shall please to present any proposition concerning his outlayings for the school-house to the toAvn Avhen met together, they shall be willing to further the same according to justice and equity." Perhaps inconsequence of some such proposition by Mr. Dunster, it is recorded that at a meeting, November 10, 1656, " The town do agree and consent that there shall be a rate made to the value of ,£108. 10s. and levied of the several inhabitants, for the payment for the school- house ; provided every man be allowed what he hath already freely contributed thereto, in part of his proportion of such rate." Whatever Mr. Dunster may have received as his share of this assessment, his heirs renewed the claim for further remuneration, after his death, Avith partial success : Nov. 12, 1660. " As a final issue of all complaints referring to Mr. Dunster's expenses about the school-house, although in strict justice nothing doth appear to be due, it being done by a voluntary act of particular inhabitants and Mr. Dunster ; and also the town having other wise recompensed Mr. Dunster for his labor and expenses therein ; yet the toAvn, considering the case as its noAV circumstanced, and especially the condition of his relict widow and children, do agree that thirty pounds be levied on the inhabitants of the town, by the selectmen, and paid to Mr. Dunster's executors, — and that on condition that they make an absolute deed of sale of the said house and land to the town, with a clear acquittance for the full payment thereof." A school-house, constructed as this appar- EDUCATION. o i rf ently Avas, might be expected to stand much more than tAventy years; but the record shows that on the 4th of October, 1669, " at a meeting of the selectmen, Mr. William Manning and Petter ToAvne Avas appointed to agree Avith Avorkmen to take doAvn the school-house and set it up again ; and to carry the stones in the cellar to the place where the house for the ministry is to be built." The toAvn voted, June 24, 1700, to build a new school- house, twenty-six feet in length and twenty feet wide ; and in 1769 it was ordered, that the old grammar school-house then standing on this lot, be demolished, and that a new house be erected on the southerly side of Garden Street, about a hundred feet Avesterly from Appian Way. This house was removed to Brighton Street, converted into a dwelling-house, and succeeded by a larger and more convenient edifice in 1832, in Avhich the Grammar School Avas taught until, after a transitional state of a few years duration, it was merged into the High School. Besides the Grammar School, others of a lower grade were established ; but their scanty patronage affords slight ground for boasting. In March, 1680, when it was certified that Master Corlett had only nine scholars, it Avas added, " For English, our schooldame is goodwife Healy ; at present but nine scholars. — Edward Hall, English schoolmaster ; at present but three schol ars." A school Avas also established at an early date in Menot omy, now Arlington : Jan. 16, 1692—3. " It was voted whether the toAvn would give to Menotomie people a quarter of an acre of land, upon our common, near Jasson Russell's house, near the highway, for the accommodation of a school-house; and it was voted on the affirmative, so long as it was improved for that use, and no longer." The earliest trace Avhich I have seen of a school-house on the south side of the river, afterwards Brighton, is in 1769, in which year new houses Avere erected in three sec tions of the town. At a meeting of the Selectmen, May 7, 1770, " Voted, To give an order on the Treasurer to pay for the neAV school-houses erected in the town the last year, viz. — "In the body of the town, £107. 2. 4. 1 In the northwest part, 50. 14. 6. 2 In the south part, 42. 3. 1. 1 200. 0. 0. 0" Dr. Holmes, writing in 1800, says, "A little to the Avestward ofthe Episcopal Church is the grammar school-house; where a 374 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. town school is kept through the year. Besides this, there are six school-houses in the town ; two in each of the three parishes."1 Of the two in the First Parish, one undoubtedly stood at the northeasterly corner of Winthrop and Eliot streets, and the other probably on the northeasterly corner of North Avenue and Rus sell Street. The Second Parish is now Arlington, and the Third is the Brighton District of Boston. Before the incorporation of the second and third parishes as separate towns, another school- house was erected in 1802, at the northwesterly corner of Wind sor and School streets, in Cambridgeport, on a lot of land given to the town by Andrew Bordman ; it cost about six hundred dollars, of which sum about one half Avas contributed by indi viduals, and the remainder Avas paid by the town. Seven years later, in 1809, the population of Cambridgeport having rapidly increased, yet another school-house was erected on the southerly side of Franklin Street, about midway betAveen Magazine and Pearl streets, on a lot of land given to the town by Chief Justice Dana; it cost somewhat more than eight hundred dollars, of which sum the town paid about three hundred dollars, and the remainder was contributed by individuals. After the inhabitants of East Cambridge had become numerous, and had repeatedly petitioned therefor, the town, in 1818, appropriated four hundred dollars for a school-house on the easterly side of Third Street between Gore and Bridge streets ; the remainder of the expense was raised by subscription. In 1845, the School Committee de scribed thirteen school-houses, then standing, and their cost, so far as it Avas paid by the town : 1. The North School-house, corner of North Avenue and Russell Street, erected in 1841 on the site of a former house, at the cost of $2,477, exclusive of land. 2. Washington, on Garden Street, erected in 1832 on the site of a former house, at the cost of $2,150.56, besides about $1,000 contributed by individuals. 3. Auburn, in School Court, erect ed in 1838, at the cost of 84,171.67. 4. Harvard, on the northerly side of Harvard Street, between Norfolk and Prospect streets, erected in 1843 (on the site of a similar house Avhich Avas burned in March of that year), at the cost of $3,557.48, besides the land, which originally cost $500. 5. Franklin, on a lot given by Judge Dana, erected in 1809, at the cost to the town of about $300. 6. Mason, on Front Street, opposite to Columbia Street, erected in 1835, at the cost of $3,901.89. 7. Boardman, at the corner of Windsor and School streets, erected in 1802, on land given by Andrew Bordman, at the cost to the town of about > Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 5. EDUCATION. 375 $300. 8. Broadway, at the southwesterly corner of Windsor Street and Broadway, "erected in 1838 for the accommoda tion of a Classical or High School for the whole town," at the cost of $5,791.05. 9. Bridge, on the westerly side of Pioneer Street, between Main Street and Broadway, erected in 1836, at the cost of $1,055, besides the land. 10. Otis, on Otis Street, erected in 1843, at the cost of $5,406.78, described as " quite a magnificent structure." 11. Thorndike, on Thorndike Street, erected in 1832, and enlarged in 1840, at the total cost of $2,585.31. 12. Putnam, on the southAvesterly corner of Otis and Fourth streets, erected in 1825 at the cost of $550 to the town, besides about $800 contributed by individuals. 13. Third Street, on the easterly side of Third Street, between Gore and Bridge streets, erected in 1818, at the cost to the town of $400. During the thirty years since the date of this Report, several of the school-houses then standing have disappeared ; but other spacious edifices have been erected, so that, instead of the thir teen houses described in 1845 as having cost $32,646.67, besides individual subscriptions, or the sixteen houses, valued by the Committee on Finance in 1850 at $80,000, there are now in the city twenty-six school-houses, which have cost more than half a million dollars. The earliest record which I have found of the election of a School Committee is dated May 21, 1744, when it was " Voted, That the Hon. Francis Foxcroft and Sam1. Danforth, Esq8., Wm. Brattle, and Edmd. Trowbridge, Esq3., also the Hon. Jona. Rem ington, Esq., be a committee to inspect the Grammar School in this town, aud to inquire (at such times as they shall think meet^) what proficiency the youth and children make in their learning." Again, May 7, 1770, it was " Voted, That a committee of nine persons be and hereby are fully empowered to chuse a Grammar Schoolmaster for said town, — the Hon. Judge Danforth, Judge Lee, Col. Oliver, Judge Sewall, Mr. Abraham Watson, Jr., Mr. Francis Dana, Major Vassall, Mr. Samuel Thacher, Jr., Mr. Pro fessor Winthrop, they or the major part of the whole being noti fied, and that said committee be a committee of inspection upon the said schoolmaster, and that said committee be and hereby . are empowered to regulate said school." Generally, hoAvever, the schools were under the charge of the Selectmen until March 23, 1795, when a committee, consisting of Caleb Gannett,1 Rev. 1 Mr. Gannett declined, and Josiah Moore was substituted. 376 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Abiel Holmes, Maj. John Palmer, William Locke, Jonathan Winship, Rev. John Foster, and Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, was " chosen for the purpose of superintending the schools in this town, and carrying into effect the School Act. The only mate rial change since that period consists in the appointment of a Su perintendent of schools, in 1868, who acts, however, under the general direction of the School Committee, and is their executive officer. At a town-meeting, March 3, 1794, a committee was " ap pointed to divide the town into school districts, as the law directs, and to put the schools into operation." Previously the school- money was distributed among the " wings " or " precincts " of the town : — for example, twelve pounds were granted, in May, 1737, to " each wing," for winter schools ; and June 4, 1770, the Selectmen " voted to give an order on the Treasurer to pay the town's school-money for the year 1769, viz. : — The Body of the Town's 1 proportion is £40. 0. 0 The northwest Precinct,2 18. 18. 11 The southwest Precinct,8 15. 14. 6 = 74. 13. 5 and so for several years afterwards. Again, Aug. 4, 1777, in consideration of the diminished value of the currency, it was " agreed to make a present to our Grammar Schoolmaster for his encouragement to continue said school from the 4th day of last Julj7 to the 4th day of October next, being three months, the sum of four pounds, exclusive of the sum of £60, being the for mer contract for one year ; he allowing the Hopkins money that he may receive for said term, as before. Also that the wings of the toAvn shall have the same allowance in proportion." Subse quently the present territory of Cambridge was divided into three, and still later into Ave districts : (1.) Old Cambridge, south of the Railroad : (2.) The section north of the Railroad ; (3.) Cambridgeport, west of Columbia Street ; (4.) East of Co lumbia Street ; (5.) East Cambridge. It was ordered, March 1, 1802, that in the first of these districts, there should be a Gram mar School the whole year, and a school for female children four months ; in the second district, a school for four months ; and in the third, fourth, and fifth, then included in a single district, four months ; " being the quantity required by law, according to the number of families in the town." May 4, 1829, a committee 1 What 13 now the City of Cambridge. 8 Now Brighton or Boston. 2 Now Arlington. EDUCATION. 377 reported the amount of valuation, the number of children be- tAveen the ages of three and seventeen years, and the duration of the schools in each of the five districts before described, — 12 months of school taught by a female being reckoned as equiva lent to 4| months of a master's school. District. Valuation. JV6. qf Children. Months. 1 1,290.245 350 m 2 141,340 SO 0 3 630,395 362 16| 4 359,535 298 16 5 725,662 557 16* An entirely neAV system - Avas adopted Oct. 6, 1834, when the town voted to abolish the five school districts, or to merge them into three Wards, namely, the first and second districts into Ward One ; the third and fourth into Ward Tavo ; and the fifth into Ward Three. The schools were graded, and designated as Grammar, Middle, and Primary, in each Avard. It was ordered that schools should be maintained in the several Wards as folloAVS : Ward One to be in two sections, of which the first should haA-e one Grammar School, one Middle, and one Primary, and the second, schools equivalent to one female school for the Avhole year ; Ward Tavo should have one Grammar School, one Middle, and three Primary ; Ward Three should have one Gram mar School, one Middle, and one Primary. In addition to these a High School was established in 1839 for the whole toAvn.2 In this school since 1854, has been given the instruction contem plated in the will of Governor Edward Hopkins, Avho died in England in 1657, namely, " to giA-e some encouragement in those Foreign Plantations, for the breeding up of hopeful youth in a Avay of learning, both at the Grammar School and College, for the service of the Country in future times." Five hundred pounds of his donation were assigned to the College and School in Cambridge. " Three fourths of the income of this estate," 1 Concerning this change from the dis trict system to that of regular gradation, Hon. James D. Green, in his Inaugural Address, as Mayor of the City, in 1853, says : " I claim for the town of Cambridge the honor of having introduced it into this Commonwealth, and of having car ried it to the greatest degree of complete ness." 2 The first High School-house was on tho comer of Windsor Street and Broad- wav ; the second, on Summer Street, between Inman and Amory streets ; and the third on the northeasterly corner of Fayette Street and Broadway. 378 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. says Dr. Holmes, in 1800, " are applied, according to the in struction of the Avill of the donor, to the maintenance of five resident Bachelors of Arts at Harvard College, and the other fourth ' to the Master of Cambridge Grammar School, in consid eration of his instructing in grammar learning five boys nomi nated by the President and FelloAvs of Harvard College, and the Minister of Cambridge for the time being,' who are, by the Avill, ' Visitors of said School.' " 1 Some of the subsequent changes in the management of the "Hopkins Fund" are described in the Report of the School Committee of 1869 : — " We sometimes hear complaints that our High School is essen tially a classical school. This we deny ; it should, however, be remembered that it ought to be really more than a High School under our statutes. In 1839, the Legislature authorized 'the trustees of the charity of Edward Hopkins,' who was the second governor of the Connecticut colony, ' to establish in the town of Cambridge a classical school, the main object of Avhich shall be to prepare boys for admission to Harvard University,' and ' to apply one fourth part of the net income of their funds to the support of said school.' This school was accordingly established.2 It was provided, hoAvever, in the act above referred to, that at any time thereafter, when the school should ' cease to be supported in said toAvn, the trustees shall annually pay over the said fourth part of the net income of their funds to the treasurer of the town of Cambridge, on condition that the said toAvn of Cambridge shall provide and maintain a school, and perform and comply Avith the other duties and provisions contained in the next section of this act.' The next section is as follows : ' The toAvn of Cambridge shall annually apply so much of said income as may at any time hereafter be paid to the treasurer thereof, in pursuance of the preceding section, to the instruction of nine boys in the learning requisite for admission to Harvard University ; the said instruc tion to be furnished in a public school in said town, the instructor of which shall be at all times competent to give such instruction ; and said town shall, so long as said income shall continue to be paid, receive into said school, and admit to all the benefits, privileges, and advantages thereof, free of expense, any number of boys not exceeding nine at any time, who, being properly qualified, shall be selected and presented for admission thereto, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, and the Min- 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, vii. 22, 23. erly side of Main Street, a -few rods west- 2 In a house which stiod on the south- erly from Dana Street. EDUCATION. 379 ister of the First Church in Cambridge, who shall be the visitors of said school for the purpose of seeing that the duties and pro visions in this section are duly complied with and performed.' In 1854, the trustees proposed to the city to discontinue the Hopkins School, and, pursuant to the provisions of the statute above recited, to transfer to the city that portion of the income of their fund which had been previously applied to the support of that school ; this proposition Avas accepted by the city, Avhich thereby assumed the obligations above quoted, and tbe school Committee of that year immediately acted in fulfilment of those obligations, by appointing a Hopkins classical teacher. It is not for us to pass upon the wisdom of the contract thus entered into by the city, but Ave will ask those who may be inclined to think our High School too much a classical school, whether it can be any less so without a violation of that contract." It has already been stated that the compensation paid to the pioneer master of the Grammar School Avas meagre. He prob ably receiv-ed about £7 10s. per annum from the Hopkins Char ity, with a small tuition-fee for each scholar ; in addition to which occasional special grants from the town and colony served to eke out a precarious subsistence. His successors for more than a century, received a very moderate stipend. Nov. 9, 1691, " it was put to vote, whether there should be given by the toAvn, in common pay, annually, to a schoolmaster, twelve pounds, and it was voted on the affirmative, to teach both Latin and English, and to write and cypher;" and June 27, 1692, "it was voted to pay the schoolmaster twenty pounds per annum in common pay." The Grammar School was made a Free School 1 May 16, 1737, and, in consideration, it would seem, of the discontinuance of a tuition-fee, the salary of the master was increased. It was then "put to vote Avhether the Grammar School in our town should be a Free School for the year ensuing, and it passed in the affir mative. Also voted, that the sum of forty pounds be paid Mr. Hovey for his service as schoolmaster for the year ensuing. Also voted, that twelve pounds be paid each wing in our toAvn, to de fray the charge of their schools in the winter season." This 1 Notwithstanding this vote, the schol- boy, not exceeding sis shillings old tenor, ars were not wholly exempt from expense, from time to time, as there shall be oc- At a town-meeting, Nov. 28, 1748, it was casion to purchase wood for the use of " Voted, that the Grammar Schoolmaster said Grammar School." If not paid, in this town be desired and is hereby em- delinquent pupils were to be excluded powered to make a tax on every school- from the school. 380 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. salary remained stationary until 1777, Avhen it Avas advanced to sixty pounds ; but as an offset the master Avas required to relin quish all claim to the " Hopkins money." During the Revolu tion, all values became unsettled and fluctuating. The school master Avas partially protected, however, by an agreement that the town should pay for his board in addition to the stipend from time to time established. We obtain a glimpse of the financial disturbances at that period from the records of the Selectmen. For example : Sept. 4, 1780. " Allowed the schoolmaster Kendall his account from July 7, 1780, to Sept. 2d., £407 4s., including two weeks boarding at £50, per week, and allowing £8, per week, above what he charged some time before, for eight weeks board." Oct. 1, 1780. "Allowed to Mr. Wra. How £90, for boarding Mr. Kendall tAvo weeks, and £55, per Aveek, for boarding him four Aveeks, £220, being in the whole £310. It is too much, and the account Avas alloAved by the selectmen for pru dential reasons, but sorely against their wills." Dec. 18, 1780. " AlloAved Mr. Kendall's account (schoolmaster's) to this day, at £380, if paid within one week, otherwise to be £400. Soon af terwards a more stable currency Avas introduced, and the former was AvithdraAvn. The Selectmen, May 9, 1781, " allowed Master Whittemore's account of £1,000, in old emission, to be paid in new emission at one for forty." Under this new state of things Master Kendall's salary was fixed at thirty pounds and his board, as appears by a vote of the Selectmen, April 7, 1783, " to engage with Mr. Asa Packard to keep the Grammar School in this town for three months, to commence on Thursday next,1 at the rate of thirty pounds per annum, and his board to be found for him, it being upon the same terms that Mr. Kendall kept it." Fifty years later, it appears by the Report of the Auditing Committee, April 19, 1833, that the salary of the schoolmasters (of whom there were then five) was five hundred and fifty dollars, — each providing his own board ; since which time the amount of salary has been more than quadrupled. The following tables exhibit the condition of the schools, and cost for instruction, as stated in a " Tabular View of the Public Schools of Cambridge, Jan. 1, 1876," appended to the Report of the School Committee. 1 Mr. Samuel Kendall closed his three 1782. He was ordained at Weston Nov. years' service April 10, 1783, having 5, 1783, where he died Feb. 16, 1814. Ho taught the Grammar School more than received tbe degree of D. D. from Yale two years before he graduated at II. C. College, 1806. EDUCATION. 381 Grade. No. Teachers. A7o. Pupils. Cost qf Instruction. For each Pupil. High School . 7 Grammar . 20 Primary . Music .... Superintendent 12 88 83 1 402 3,445 3,701 $21,700 76,850 57,400 2,500 3,000 $53.98 22.31 15.51 184 7,548 $161,450 $21.14 Female Teachers. Salary. Amount. i Male Teachers. Salary. Amount. 1 7 7 S1.200 1,000 850 800 700 600 500 $1,200 1 7,000 i 5,950 i 20,000 81,200 ; j 6,6002,000 ; i 11 11 $4,000 3,000 2,500 $4,000 3,000 27,500 25 116 13 Fe" 171 mate * ' * 34,500 123,950 11 4 184 Superin- ) tendent J 158,450 3,000 171 $123,950 . $161,450 An additional expense of §5,862.44 was incurred for " Evening Schools for Adults." * 1 In his Inaugural Address, Jan. 1, 1877, the Mayor says that, with 39 schools, 176 teachers, and 7,554 pupils, the amount expended during the year 1876, on account of schools, was: — " Por Geusral Instruction 8159,318.00 Instruction for Evening Schools 5,881.50 Furniture and Apparatus for Evening Schools 2,126.47 Care and Repair of School-houses 32,052.43 Alterations of School-houses 1,636.50 Books for Indigent Scholars 3,166.89 Stationery, etc., for Schools 406.77 Truant Officers 5,500.00 Total S210.088.57 " CHAPTER XX. INDIAN HISTORY. In describing the original settlement of Cambridge by the English, the author of " Wonder-working Providence " calls at tention to their preservation Avhen " they were in such great straites for foode " ; and what " was more remarkable, when they had scarce houses to shelter themselves, and no doores to hinder the Indians accesse to all they had in them, yet did the Lord so aAve their hearts, that although they frequented the English mens places of aboade, Avhere their Avhole substance, weake wives, and little ones, lay open to their plunder during their ab sence, being whole dayes at Sabbath-assemblies, yet had they none of their food or stuffe diminished, neither children nor wives hurt in the least measure, although the Indians came commonly to them at 'those times, much hungry belly (as they use to say) and Avere then in number and strength beyond the English by far." a There may have been some Indians in the easterly part of the toAvn, as in old records that section is sometimes styled "Wigwam Neck"; but the far greater number probably dwelt near Menotomy River and Mystic Pond. They Avere subject to the " Squaw-sachem," formerly wife of Nanepashemet, Avho is mentioned in " Mourt's Relation." A party from Plymouth visited the Indians at " the bottom of the Massachusetts Bay," Avhose sachem, Obbatinewat, a subject of Massasoit, " used us very kindly ; he told us he durst not then remain in any settled place, for fear of the Tarentines. Also the squaw-sachim, or Massachusetts queen was an enemy to him." - On promise of 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xiii. 138. County Court (1662), testifying that he 2 Charles River, anciently called Quin- was present when the Squaw-sachem and eboquin, was the natural boundary be- her husband iu 1639 "did give and sell tween these two hostile tribes. The unto Charlestown all their lands within Squaw-sachem seems to have resided on the limits of Charlestown, except that on the westerly side of Mystic Pond. A dep- the west side ofthe Ponds called Mis- osition of Edward Johnson is preserved ticke, wheretheir wigwam then stood, which among the papers of the Middlesex they reserved for term of her life," etc. INDIAN HISTORY. 383 protection, however, he "Avent along Avith us, to bring us to the squaw-sachim." Crossing the bay to its northerly side, "we went ashore, all but two men, and marched in arms up in the country. Having gone three miles, Ave came to a place where corn had been neAvly gathered, a house pulled down, and the people gone. A mile from hence, Nanepashemet their king in his life-time had lived. His house Avas not like others, but a scaffold was largely built, Avith poles and planks some six foot from ground, and the house upon that, being situated on the top of a hill. Not far from hence in a bottom, we came to a fort- built by their deceased king, the manner thus : there Avere poles some thirty or forty foot long, stuck in the ground as thick as they could be set one by another, and with these they enclosed a ring some forty or fifty foot over. A trench breast high was digged on each side ; one Avay there Avas to go into it Avith a bridge ; in the midst of this palisado stood the frame of a house, Avherein being dead he lay buried. About a mile from hence, we came to such another, but seated on the top of an hill ; here Nanepashemet was killed, none dAvelling in it since the time of his death."1 After his decease, his widow administered the gov ernment of the tribe as squaw-sachem, and married Webcowits, her principal poavwow, conjurer, or medicine man. By this mar riage, however, he did not become a sachem, or king, but merely a prince-consort. In the "First General Letter of the Governor and Deputy of the New England Company for a Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, to the Governor and Council for London's Plantation in the Massachusetts Bay in New England," dated " In Gravesend the 17th of April, 1629," is this important direction, — " If any of the salvages pretend right of inheritance to all or any part of the lands granted in our pattent, Avee pray you endeavour to pur chase their tytle, that Avee may avoyde the least scruple of intru sion." - Accordingly, at the session of the General Court, March 13, 1638-9, " Mr. Gibons was desired to agree with the Indians for the land within the bounds of Watertowne, Cambridge, and Boston." 3 The deed of conveyance, or release of title, I have not been able to find ; yet there is sufficient evidence that the purchase Avas made of the squaw-sachem, and that the price was duly paid. The General Court ordered, May 20, 1640, " that the 13'. 8s. 6d. layd out by Capt. Gibons shall bee paid him, vid. : 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xix. 57, 5S. 8 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 254. 8 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 394. 384 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. 13'. 8'. 6<*. by Watertowne and 10'. by Cambridge ; and also Cambridge is to give Squa-Sachem a coate every Avinter Avhile shee liveth." 1 This sale or conveyance to Cambridge is recog nized in a deed executed Jan. 13, 1639, by the " Squa-Sachem of Misticke " and her husband Webcowits, Avhereby they conveyed to Jotham Gibbons " the reversion of all that parcel of land which lies against the ponds at Mistick aforesaid, together Avith the said ponds, all which we reserved from Charlestown and Cambridge, late called Newtowne, and all hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging, after the death of me the said Squa-Sachem." - The inhabitants of Cambridge lived on friendly terms Avith the Indians ; at least, no evidence appears to the con trary. They paid their allotted dues to the Squa-Sachem, and made full compensation for all losses which she sustained through their default. The Town Records show that, on the 10th of April, 1643, " agreed with the Indians, by the present townsmen, to pay to Squa-Sachem 8 bushels of Indian corn, after next har vest. It is agreed likewise, that George Cooke being at the charge to make a fence of two sufficient rails in the town line, about half a mile in length, the fence to begin at the outside of George Cooke's land, running out northward to meet Captain Gibbines his fence, to secure the Indian's corn, it is agreed that the town will pay for the making the fence." Again, Nov. 11, 1643, " Agreed, that the cow-keepers shall pay six bushels of corn to Squa-Sachem, for the damage done to her corn, upon the Sab bath clay, through the neglect of the keepers, in the year 1642." On the 8th of March, 1643-4, the " Squa-Sachim " with four other Indian rulers, voluntarily put herself " under the govern ment and jurisdiction of the Massachusetts, to be governed and protected by them," and promised " to be true and faithful to the said government." 3 She is supposed to have died not lonp- before 1662, Avhen a claim was made for land in Avhich she had reserved a life estate.4 One of the Indian Chiefs, who united with the Squaw-sachem in this act of submission to "the government and jurisdiction of the Massachusetts," Avas Cutshamache, Cutshamakin, or Kucha- makin, who resided " at a place called Neponsitt, within the 1 Mass. Coll. Rec, i. 292. marks, it bears the autographs of John " The original deed is preserved in the Winthrop, John Endicott, Richard Sal- files of the Middlesex County Court, 1662, tonstall, Thomas Flint, Thomas Dan- having bejn used as evidence in a legal forth, and William Aspinwall. controversy concerning the lands con- - Mass. Col. Rec, ii. 55. veyed to Gibbons. Besides the Indian * Brooks' Hist. Medford, p. 74. INDIAN HISTORY 385 bounds of Dorchester." - His authority extended over those who dwelt at Nonantum, which was then included in Cambridge. With these Indian neighbors the English maintained peace. In one respect their relations were peculiarly interesting. When Rev. John Eliot commenced the public labors of his mission, " the first place he began to preach at Avas Nonantum, near Watertown Mill, upon the south side of Charles RiA7er, about four or five miles from his own house, where lived at that time Waban, one of their principal men, and some Indians Avith him." - Eliot had previously devoted much time to the task of acquiring a competent knowledge of the Indian language, and had imparted religious instruction to individuals, as he had op portunity. At length he commenced his public ministry to the heathen, as thus related by himself : " Upon October 28, 1646, four of us (having sought God) Avent unto the Indians-inhabiting within our bounds, Avith a desire to make known the things of their peace to them. A little before we came to their Wigwams, five or six of the chief of them met us with English salutations, bidding us much welcome ; Avho leading us into the principal wigwam of Waaubon, we found many more Indians, men, women, children, gathered together from all quarters round about, according to appointment, to meet with us, and learn of us. Waaubon, the chief minister of justice among them, exhort ing and inviting them before thereunto, being one who gives more grounded hopes of serious respect to the things of God than any that as yet I have known of that forlorn generation," etc.3 My prescribed limits will not admit a particular account of this prim itive Christian mission to the Indians. Briefly, they Avere visited in a similar manner, November 11 and 26, and December 9, in the same year. At these several meetings, by prayers, and ser mons, and familiar questions and answers, an earnest effort was made to impart to them a knoAvledge of the Gospel. A particu lar description of the means used, and of tbe encouraging results, is given by Eliot in a tract entitled, " The Day-breaking if not the Sun-rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England," printed at London, 1647, and reprinted in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, xxiv. 1-23. In this missionary work, Mr. Eliot Avas assisted by Rev. Thomas Shepard of Cara- 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 169. He is of land in Dorchester to Richard Colle- styled "Sagamore of the Massachusetts," cott "for the use of the plantation of in his sale of land in Andover to John Dorchester." — Mass. Arch., xxx. 7, 15. Woodbridge and his associates, and " Sa- - Ibid., p. 168. chem of Massachusetts " in a similar sale s Coll. Mas?. Hist. Soc, xxiv. 3. 386 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. brido-e and others. In a tract entitled " The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England," printed at London, 1648, Mr. Shepard says, " As soone as ever the fiercenesse of the winter Avas past, March 3, 1647, I Avent out to Noonanetum to the Indian Lecture, Avhere Mr. Wilson, Mr. Allen of Dedham, Mr. Dunster, beside many other Christians were present." 1 At a later clay, Mr. Eliot was assisted by his son John (H. C. 1656), by Daniel Gookin, son of Genera! Gookin (H. C. 1669), and by others. For several years, the mission was successful beyond all reasonable expectation. The Indians at Nonantum soon became so far civilized as Avell as Christianized, that they desired to live in a more orderly way. Accordingly a tract of land, called by the natives Natick, or a Place of Hills, was assigned by the General Court, for their ex clusive use. " In the year 1651, the town of Natick was set tled. It consisted of three long streets, two on the north and one on the south side of the river, Avith a bridge eighty feet long, and eight feet high, and stone foundations, the whole being built by the Indians themselves. To each house situated on these streets was attached a piece of land. The bouses were in the Indian style. One house, larger and more commodious than the rest, Avas built in the English style. One apartment of it was used as a school-room on. Aveek-days, and as a place of worship on the Sabbath. The upper room Avas a kind of Avardrobe, where the Indians hung up their skins and other valuables. In the corner of this room was partitioned off an apartment for Mr. Eliot. This building was the first meeting house in Natick." - ' In this town Avas the first church of Indians embodied, in the year of our Lord, 1660." 3 The Christian mission was not confined to the dwellers at Nonantum. Mr. Eliot, and others Avhom God raised up, both English and Indians, preached the word Avith success to other tribes. In addition to his other labors, Mr. Eliot translated the whole Bible into the English tongue, Avhich was printed at Cambridge, the NeAV Testament in 1661, and the Old Testa ment in 1663. He also prepared an Indian Grammar, and translated into the Indian tongue several tracts written by himself and others,* all which were also printed in Cambridge. It was very properly said by the Rev. Mr. McKenzie, "Let it be remembered to the honor of our fathers, that the first i Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xxiv. 41. 4 One or more of them is said to have - Bacon's History of Natick, p. 9. been written by Mr. Shepard. 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 181. INDIAN" HISTORY. 387 Protestant mission to the heathen in modern times began in Cambridge ; the first Protestant sermon in a heathen tongue was preached here ; the first translation of the Bible by an English man into a heathen tongue was printed here ; the first Protestant tract in a heathen language was Avritten and printed here." - The result of all these labors up to the year 1674 was described by Gookin, in his " Historical Collections of the Indians in New England," printed in the first volume of Collections of the Mas sachusetts Historical Society. Besides Natick, the most impor tant of all, there were six communities in Massachusetts, exclu sive of Plymouth, which had long been denominated " praying towns ; " namely, Pakemitt, or Punkapaog (now Stoughton) ; Hassanamesitt, or Hassanamisco (Grafton) ; Okommakamesit (Marlborough) ; Wamesit, or Pawtuckett (Tewksbury) ; Na- shobah (Littleton) ; Magunkaquog (Hopkinton). There were also seven " new praying towns," Avhere the Gospel had been favorably received about three years : Manchage (Oxford) ; Chabanakongkomun (Dudley) ; Maanexit (north part of Wood stock, at that time included in Massachusetts) ; Quantisset (southeast part of Woodstock) ; Wabquissit (southwest part of Woodstock) ; PackachOog (south part of Worcester) ; Wae- untug (Uxbridge). "There are two other Indian toAvns; viz., Weshakin - and Quabaug,3 which are coming on to receive the gospel; and reckoning these, there are nine in the Nipmuck country." * In these fourteen established towns, there were two organized churches, and, as Gookin estimated, about eleven hun dred " souls yielding obedience to the gospel." Meantime an earnest effort was made to impart scientific as well as religious knowledge to the Indians, in which commenda- ble Avork Mr. Eliot Avas a prominent actor. His labors and their result are described by Gookin in his " Historical Collections." Besides preaching and inducing others to preach the Gospel, and translating the Bible and other books into the Indian language, — "he took great care that schools should be planted among the praying Indians ; and he taught some himself to read, that they might be capable to teach others ; and by his procurement some of the choice Indian youths were put to school with English schoolmasters, to learn both English, Latin, and Greek tongues. There Avas much cost out of the Corporation stock expended in this work, for fitting and preparing the Indian youth to be learned 1 Hist. Led., p. 67. 8 Brookfield. 2 Or Nashaway, now Lancaster. * Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 189-195. 388 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and able preachers unto their countrymen. Their diet, apparel, books and schooling, was chargeable. In truth the design Avas prudent, noble, and good ; but it proved ineffectual to the ends proposed ; for several of the said youth died, after they had been sundry years at learning, and made good proficiency therein. Others were disheartened, and left learning after they Avere almost ready for the college. And some returned to live among their countrymen, Avhere some of them are improved for school masters and teachers, unto which they are advantaged by their education. Some others of them have entered upon other call ings ; as one is a mariner ; another, a carpenter ; another Avent for England Avith a gentleman that lived sometimes at Cam bridge in New England, named Mr. Drake, which Indian, as I heard, died there not many months after his arrival. I remem ber but only tAvo of them all that lived in the college at Cam bridge ; the one named Joel, the other Caleb, both natives of Martha's Vineyard. These two Avere hopeful young men, espec ially Joel, being so ripe in learning, that he should, within a few months, have taken his first degree of bachelor of art in the college. He took a voyage to Martha's Vineyard, to visit his father and kindred, a little before the co'mmencement, but upon his return back in a vessel, Avith other passengers and mariners, suffered shipAvreck upon the island of Nantucket The other, called Caleb, not long after he took his degree of bachelor of art 1 at Cambridge in New England, died of a consumption at Charlestown, where he was placed by Mr. Thomas Danforth, Avho had inspection over him, under the care of a physician in order to his health, where he wanted not for the best means the country could afford, both of food and physick ; but God denied the blessing, and put a period to his days." - The records of the Commissioners of the United. Colonies of New England contain accounts of sundry payments for the main tenance and instruction of Indian scholars, some of them very young, from 1656 to 1672. An earlier account is preserved in the " Massachusetts Archives," xxx. 9, Avhich may serve as a sample : — " An account of expenses layd out for ye country from August 1645 untill this 8th of October 1646. 1 " Caleb Cheeshahteaumuck, Indus," on the Triennial Catalogue of Harvard 1665, is the solitary Indian name found College. - Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 172, 173. INDIAN HISTORY. 389 First, for y" printing of five hundred declarations, 4. 00. 00 Item, for y" diet & washing of ye two Indians since ye 3d of) y° 8th mon. hitherto, considering ye attendance of ye [• 16- 00. 00 yonger beeing a very chiltle w' y° think meet, ) Item, for physick for James during his sicknes for 5 or 6 weeks, A. 19. 06 Item, for physick for Jonathan in y° time of his sicknes, 00. 04. 06 Item, for making ym 12 bands & 8 shirts & often mending their apparel, 00. 03. 08 Item, for buttons thread & other materials bought of Mr. Russel for ym, 00. 02. 06 Item, for half a years schooling for James, 00. 06. 00 " I pray y° to appoint mee part of my pay as far as that will reach in the hands of Henrie Shrimpton both because I am in- gaged to him and bee hath promissed to accept y* pay, & if y* ye Indians require pay back at his hands I shall bee ready to repay him such as they shal accept. Further, wheras the Indians with mee bee so small as that they [are] uncapable of ye benefit of such learning as was my desire to impart to ym & therfore they being an hindrance to mee & I no furtherance to them, I desire they may bee somwhere else disposed of wth all convenient speed. So I rest in Avhat I can. Yrs Henrie Dunster." This account was referred to a committee, who reported, — " Wee thinke meete Mr. Dunster should be paid 22'. 16s. 2d. The magistrates consent to this return of the sd Committee, " Jo : Winthrop, Gov1. "Consented to by ye deput8. Edward Raavson." In this praiseworthy effort to enlighten, and civilize, and Christianize the Indians, Cambridge shares the glory Avith Rox bury. Not only Avas the gospel first preached to them here, and many of their youth here educated, but some of the most conspic uous and energetic laborers in this field of duty resided here. Omitting for the present all mention of others, if the labors of John Eliot of Roxbury entitled him to be regarded as an " Apos tle," or as standing in the place of Aaron as a high-priest to them in spiritual things, with equal propriety may Daniel Gookin of Cambridge be regarded as their Moses, — their civil instructor, ruler, judge, and historian. The " praying Indians " are said to have been early persuaded by Mr. Eliot, Aug. 6, 1651, to adopt the Mosaic form of government, by electing rulers of 390 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.1 " Moreover the General Court appointed and empowered one of the English magistrates, to join with the chief of their rulers,2 and keep a higher court among them ; extending the poAver of this court to the latitude of a county court among the English ; from the jurisdiction whereof nothing for good order and government, civil or criminal, is ex pected [excepted ?] but appeals, life, limb, banishment, and cases of divorce. The first English magistrate, chosen to be ruler over the praying Indians in the colony of Massachusetts, Avas first Mr. D. G.3 the auther of these Collections ; and this was in A. D. 1656. But not long after his occasions called him for England for two or three years, one Major Humphrey Atherton was appointed to conduct this affair, which he did about three years. But then the Lord taking him to himself by death, and the author being returned back, in the year 1660, a year or more before Major Atherton's death, Avas again called and reinstated in that employ, A. D. 1661, and hath continued in that work hitherto." 4 In this position Gookin continued until the Charter government was abrogated in 1686 : and most faithfully did he perform his duty. He tells us that besides causing the orders of the General Court to be observed, sundry other things were to be " done by him in order to their good ; as the making of orders, and giving instructions and directions, backed with penalties, for promoting and practising morality, civility, industry, and diligence in their particular callings : " he was also " to make and execute good orders for keeping holy the sabbath clay ; and that the people do attend the public worship of God ; and that schools for the edu cation of youth be settled and continued among them." - His own record of a court held at Wabquissit, in 1674, illustrates the manner of proceeding: After Mr. Eliot had preached, " then I began a court among the Indians. And first I approved their teacher Sampson, and their Constable Black James ; giving 1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xxiv. 171. first missionary visit of Eliot to Nonan- - Gookin bears honorable testimony to turn, as heretofore related. His sign the character of one of these rulers. In manual, or mark, is preserved in the describing Natick he says : " In this town Cambridge Records, affixed to an agree- they have residing some of their princi- ment "to keep about six-score head of pal rulers, the chief whereof is named dry cattle on the south side of Charles AVaban, who is now above seventy years River," in 1647. He was living in 1681, of age. He is u person of great pru- then " aged about eighty years." dence and piety ; I do not know any 8 Daniel Gookin. Indian that excels him." — Coll. Mass. 4 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 177. Hist. Soc, i. 183, 184. This Waban was - Ibid., i. 178. the same who made arrangements for the INDIAN HISTORY. 391 each of them a charge to be diligent and faithful in their places. Also I exhorted the people to yeild obedience to the gospel of Christ, and to those set in order there. Then published a war- ran t or order that I had prepared, empowering the constable to suppress drunkenness, sabbath-breaking, especially powowing and idolatry ; and, after warning given, to apprehend all delin quents, and bring them before authority, to answer for their mis doings ; the smaller faults to bring before Wattasacompanum, ruler of the Nipmuck country ; for idolatry and poAVOAving, to bring them before me." - A life-like picture of one of these courts is exhibited in Gookin's certified copy of its session : — " At a Court held at Naticke among the Indians, Sept. 14, 1681. The testimonies of several aged and principal Indians hereafter named, taken in Court, as followeth : " Present, Daniel Gookin senr. Esq., Assistant. Waban, \ Mr. John Eliot, sen1., \ PiamboAV, A Rulers. Andrew Pittimee, v Interpreters. Tom Tray, ) Peter Ephraim, ) " Waban, aged about eighty years, Piambow, aged about eighty years, Nowanit, aged about 81 years, Jethro, aged about 70 years, William, aged 6S years, Anthony Tray and Tom Tray, unkells by the father's side unto John Woampas deceased, aged 60 years and fifty-eight or thereabout," testified that the said " John Woampas was no Sachem, and had no more right or title to any lands in the Nipmnk country within [the bounds] of " Massachusetts than any other common Indians ; " and therefore they disclaimed and repudiated all sales or gifts of land pre tended to have been made by him.2 Under the joint instruction and superintendence of Eliot and Gookin, slow but encouraging progress Avas made in civilizing and Christianizing the Indians in Massachusetts, as far west as the Avesterly border of Worcester County ; and a similar good work was accomplished in the Colony of Plymouth. The two races maintained peaceful relations with each other until 1675, when that terrible contest commenced, Avhich is generally known as Philip's War. And even then, Gookin insists that the Chris tian Indians, in the seven old praying toAvns, were true friends to the English, and rendered them important assistance ; and he intimates that the magistrates agreed with him in opinion, while the popular branch of the government and the common people l Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, i. 192. - Mass. Arch., xxx. 260. 392 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. generally, lost all confidence in the Indians, and insisted that, Avithout distinction, they should be treated as enemies. Having mentioned some instances of useful information given by the Indians, and services rendered by them as soldiers, Gookin says, "Notwithstanding those signal and faithful services done by those Christian Indians, and divers others not here related, yet the animosity and rage of the common people increased against them, that the very name of a praying Indian Avas spoken against, in so much that some wise and principal men did advise some that were concerned Avith them to forbear giving that epithet of praying Things groAving to this height among the Eng lish, the Governor and Council, against their own reason and inclination, Avere put upon a kind of necessity, for gratifying the people, to disband all the praying Indians, aud to make and pub lish an order to confine them to five of their own villages, and not to stir above one mile from the centre of such place, upon peril of their lives." l " This cruel frame of spirits (for I can give it no gentler denomination) arose, I apprehend, from a double ground ; first the malice of Satan against Christ's Avork among the Indians, and to hinder their progress in religion A second root of this trouble arose from the perfidious and unfaith ful dealing of the Avicked Indians, and their causeless rage and cruelty and fury against the English, and particularly the Spring field and Northampton Indians, who lived near the English and seemed to carry it fair for a time, but at last proved perfidious and treacherous. But there Avas not one of them that ever I heard of, that was a pretender to Christian religion." - It is possible that a desire to appropriate the land of the Indians to their own use may have had some influence on the populace then, as it has in more recent times. Afterwards, orders were issued for the removal of the Indians to Deer Island ; and Gookin relates the maimer in which the Natick tribe was removed. " In pursuance of this order, Capt. Thomas Prentiss (av!io Avas a person civil and friendly to those Indians), with a party of horse, Avas commanded to bring them doAvn speedily to a place called the Pines upon Charles River, about two miles above Cambridge, where boats Avere appointed to be in readiness to take them on board, and take them to the aforesaid island Good Mr. Eliot, that faithful in structor and teacher of the praying Indians, met them at the place before mentioned, Avhere they were to be embarked, Avho 1 Coll. Amer. Antiq. Soc, ii. 449, 450. 2 Ibid., ii. 454. INDIAN HISTORY. 393 comforted, and encouraged, and instructed, and pniyed with them and for them ; exhorting them to patience in their sufferings, and confirming the hearts of those disciples of Christ, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, for through many tribulations Ave must enter into the kingdom of heaven Iu the night, about midnight, the tide serving, being the 30th of October, 1675, these poor creatures Avere shipped in three vessels and car ried away to Deer Island above mentioned, Avhich Avas distant from that place about four leagues, Avliere I shall leave them at present." 1 In May, 1676, many of the men having performed military service for the English, permission Avas granted by the General Court for the departure of the Indians from the Island. The remnant of the Natick tribe, after a temporary residence near Nonantum, returned to their own toAvn, Avhich Avas under the management of Indian officers for nearly a century, until it Avas incorporated as an English district in 1762. " From 1651 to 1762 " Natick " Avas an Indian town ; and its history is little more than a picture of wild Indians making unsuccessful at tempts to clothe themselves in the robes of civilization." - While the Christian Indians Avere passing through this furnace of affliction, they had a faithful friend in Gookin, Avho labored constantly to avert the evils to which they Avere exposed and to alleviate those Avhich they suffered. In this labor of love he had the constant support of Thomas Danforth, his associate in many a hard-fought political battle on other fields. Indeed it Avould seem that most of the magistrates, or Court of Assistants, con curred with him in a desire to deal kindly with the praying In dians ; but that they were to some extent compelled by the pop ulace to adopt harsh measures. He says, "tlie enmity, jealousy, and clamors of some people against them put the magistracy upon a kind of necessity to send them all to tlie island."3 Again, an Indian who bad a certificate of fidelity from Gookin and Avas actually employed in the public service as a secret agent, Avas apprehended by Capt. Henchman, who, "being ignorant of the design, sent both him and his pass to the Governor, at Boston, who more to satisfy the clamors of the people than foi-any of fence committed by this man, he was committed to the common jail He had committed no offence (that ever I heard of), but was imprisoned merely to still the clamors of the people, who railed much against this poor fellow, and fain would have 1 Coll. Amer. Antiq. Soc, ii. 473, 474. 3 Coll. Amer. Ant. Soc, ii. 485. * Bacon's Hist, of Natick, p. 23. 394 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. had him put to death (though they knew not wherefore). But those murmurings were not only against the Indian, but as much against Major Gookin, avIio granted him the certificate."1 Again, he says, " notwithstanding the council's endeavors in the former orders, and the testimony of these English Avitnesses - on behalf of the Christian Indians, yet the clamors and animosity among the common people increased daily, not only against those Indians, but also against all such English as Avere judged to be charitable to them, and particularly, man}7 harsh reflections and speeches were uttered against Major Daniel Gookin and Mr. John Eliot," 3 As a specimen of the popular " clamors and animosity," I copy a feAv manuscripts : — " Elizabeth Belcher, aged 57, Martha Remington aged 31, and Mary Mitchell, aged 20, being SAVorne, doe say, that on ye 28th day of Febr. last, ab' 10 of the clocke at night, Ri: Scott came into ye house of ye said Belcher, and suddenly after he came in broak out into many hideous raileing expressions ag' ye woru Capt. Daniel Gookin, calling him an Irish dog y* Avas never faithful to his country, the sonne of a whoare, a bitch, a rogue, God con found him, & God rott his soul, saying if I could meet him alone I Avould pistoll him. I Avish my knife and sizers were in his heart. He is the devils interpreter. I and two or three more de signed to cut of all Gookins brethren at the Island, but some English dog discovered it, the devil will plague him," etc. Sworn before Simon Willard, Assistant, March 4, 1675-6. * Scott Avas fined and imprisoned ; he afterwards made a very humble con fession, and was released. Two copies of a written handbill are preserved, dated on the same day that Scott gave vent to his wrath : " Boston, February 28, 1675. Reader thou art desired not to supprese this paper, but to promote its designe, Avhich is to certify (those traytors to their king and countrey) Guggins and Danford, that some gener ous spirits have vowed their destruction ; as Christians wee warne them to prepare for death, for though they will deservedly dye, yet we wish the health of their soules. By ye new society. A. B. CD."5 1 Coll. Amer. Ant. Soc, ii. 481. their obedience to God and their faithfnl- - John AVatson, Sen., and Henry Pren- ness to the English. tiss, both of Cambridge, who by direction - Coll. Amer. Ant. Soc, ii. 452, 453. of the Council dwelt with the Natick In- 4 Mass. Arch , xxx. 192. dians about twelve weeks, and certified 6 Mass. Arch., xxx. 193. INDIAN HISTORY. 395 The following memorandum was entered by Rev. John Eliot, on his Church Record : " 1676. On the 7th day of the 2" month, Capt. Gookins, Mr. Danforth, & Mr. Stoughton wr sent by the Councill to order matters at Long Island for the Indians planting there, ya called me AVth ym. In or way thither a great boat of about 14 ton, meeting us, turned head upon us (wheth1 willfully or by negligence, God he knoweth), ya run the sterne of or boate av1 Ave 4 sat under water. Or boats saile or some thing tangled with the great boat, and by God's mercy kept to it. My cosin Jacob & cosin Perrie being forwarder in or boat quickly got up into the great boat. I so sunk y* I drank in salt water twice, & could not help it. God assisted my two cosins to deliver us all, & help us up into the great boat. We were not far frm the Castle, where we went ashore, dryed & refreshed, & yu went to the Island, performed or work, returned well home at night, praised be the Lord. Some thanked God, & some wished we had been drowned. Soone after, one y4 wished kwe had been drowned, was himself drowned about the same place. wr we avf so Avonderfully delivered : the history wroff is " — . Here the ac count abruptly ends. At a later day, John Marshall testified that on the 9tb of Octo ber, 1677, " I saw John Joans driveing his trucks, Avhipping his horses Avhich caused them to run very furiously ; the worshipful Thomas Danforth being before the trucks shifted the way several times to escape the horses, and I Avas afraid they Avould have ran over him ; but having escaped them, when the said Joans came to the wharfe Avhere I Avas, I asked him why he drave his trucks soe hard to run over people, and told him he had like to have ran over Mr. Danforth ; he answered it was noe matter if Mr. Dan forth and Major Gucking Avere both hanged. Sworn in Court. J. Dudley, Assistant. 12. 8. 77. Said Jones is sentenced to be admonished, and not to drive a cart in Boston upon penalty of a severe whipping. J. Dudley, per order." - On account of the popular exasperation, Capt. Gookin failed of election in May, 1676, as one of the Assistants. The General Court, however, manifested their sympathy and confidence, by promoting him, at their first session, to the office of Sergeant- major, or chief commander of the militia in the County. During the year, the tide of feeling changed in his favor, and in May, 1677, he was reinstated in his former position as an Assistant. Thenceforth, both he and his associate, Danforth, retained their hold on the public confidence until the close of life. 1 Mass. Arch., viii. 4. CHAPTER XXI. MILITARY HISTORY. At the second meeting of the Court of Assistants after their arrival at Charlestown, Sept. 7, 1630, "half a year's provision" was made for " Mr. Patrick and Mr. Underbill ; " and at the next meeting, three Aveeks later, the sum of fifty pounds Avas assessed upon " the several plantations, for the maintenance" of the same persons.1 These Avere the commanders of the incipient militia. Of Daniel Patrick, Winthrop says, " This Captain Avas enter tained by us out of Holland (where he was a common soldier of the Prince's guard) to exercise our men. We made him a captain, and maintained him." 2 He resided a short time in Watertown, but came to Cambridge before May 1, 1632,3 and remained here until Nov. 1637, when he removed to Ipswich, and subsequently to Stamford, Connecticut, where he Avas killed by a Dutchman in 1643. During his residence here, the tract of upland surrounded by marsh, on which the Powder Magazine stands at the foot of Magazine Street, was granted by the town to him ; and since that time it has been known as "Captain's Island." Thus, for five years, from 1632 to 1637, Cambridge A\7as the head-quarters of one of the two principal military com manders. And when a more perfect organization of tlie militia Avas made, Dec. 13, 1636, the whole being divided into three regiments, Cambridge had a large share of the honors. Thomas Dudley, one of the founders of the town, was appointed lieuten ant-colonel of the first regiment ; and seven years later he was elected Major-general of all the militia. It Avas further ordered, " CharlestoAvne, NewetOAvne, Watertowne, Concord, Deddain, to bee another regiment, Avhearof John Haynes, Esq1"., shalbee colonell, and Rogr. Herlakenden, Esq1"., leiftenant colonel]."4 Both were Cambridge men ; the former had been Governor of i Mass. Col. Rec, i. 75, 77. - Ibid., i. 74. - Savage's Winthrop, ii. 151. * Mass. Col. Rec, i. 187. MILITARY HISTORY. 397 Massachusetts, and was afterwards for many years Governor of Connecticut ; the latter was one of the Assistants, and remained in office, both civil and military, until Nov. 17, 1638, when he departed this life. At the session of the General Court, commencing March 9, 1636-7, officers Avere appointed to command the militia in the several towns : " For Newetowne, Mr. George Cooke chosen captain ; Mr. Willi: Spencer, leiftenant ; Mr. Sam: Shepard, ensign." * All these exhibited a military spirit. Captain Cooke Avas one of tlie earliest members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1638-9, Avas its captain in 1643, and when a similar company was incorporated in Middlesex County, May 14, 1645, he Avas its first captain. Having performed faithfully many military and civil services here,2 he returned to England near the end of 1645, was a colonel in Cromwell's army, and sacrificed his life in the service of the Commomvealth, being "re ported to be slain in the wars in Ireland in the year 1652." 3 Lieutenant Spencer avus one of the corporate members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1638-9, in Avhich year he removed to Connecticut, where, as Avell as here, he was an active and useful civil officer.4 Ensign Shepard returned to England Avith Captain Cooke, being excused by the General Court in October, 1645, from further attendance as a member, "being to go for England." He was a Major in Cromwell's army, and very probably in Colonel Cooke's regiment. He is represented in Mitchell's Church Record, 1658, as then living in Ireland, where he probably died about 1673. It does not appear that either of these officers was engaged in the short and decisive Pequot War, Avhich occurred shortly after they were commis sioned ; 5 but in September, 1643, " it was agreed that Ave should send three commissioners, Avith a guard of forty able men to attend them, which have authority and order to bring Samu: Gorton and his company, if they do not give them satisfaction. The three commissioners are Capt. George Cooke, Humfrey Atherton, and Edward Johnson ; and Capt. Cooke to command 1 Mass. Col. Rec, i. 190. in this expedition ; and Captain Patrick, 2 He was a member and Speaker of the who was an officer "for ihe country s House of Deputies, and served on many service" and still resided here, had coni- of its important committees. mand of forty men from Massachusetts, 3 Middlesex Court Files. but seems not to have arrived until alter 4 Both here and in Connecticut be was the principal battle ended. — Mass. Col. a Deputy in the General Court. Rec, i. 197; and Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, 6 Cambridge furnished twelve soblieis xviii. 143, 144. 398 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. in chief, and Hum: Atherton to be his Leift: of the military force." - When Captain Cooke returned to England in 1645, the Gen eral Court thought " meet to desire Mr. Joseph Cooke to take care of the company in the absence of the Captain, and till the Court shall take further order, and that John Stedman be estab lished ensign."2 Nov. 11, 1647. " Mr. Joseph Cooke, upon his petition, is freed from exercising the company at Cambridge, and from being compellable by fine to attend upon every training hereafter."3 About this time Daniel Gookin removed to Cam bridge, and probably was the next Captain of the trainband, of Avhich he retained the command about forty years. He was com mander-in-chief of the militia in Middlesex County during that terrible contest. Avhich is generally denominated "Philip's War," or the " Narragansett War," even before he attained the rank of Sergeant-major.4 He Avrote the instructions to Captain Joseph Sill,5 Nov. 2, 1675, to "take charge of the soldiers raised from Charlestown, WatertoAvn, and Cambridge, which are about sixty men," and to go forth against the enemy, closing thus : " so de siring the ever-living Lord God to accompany you and your com pany Avith his gracious conduct and presence, and that he will for Christ's sake appear in all the mounts of difficulty, and cover all your heads in the day of battle, and deliver the bloodthirsty and cruel enemy of God and his people into your hands, and make you executioners of his just indignation upon them, and return you victorious unto us, I commit you and your company unto God, and remain your very loving friend, Daniel Gookin, Seif."6 The names of some of the Cambridge soldiers may be gleaned from the few military documents preserved. It appears that in November, 1675, John Adams, Daniel Champney, John Eames, David Stone, and Samuel Stone, Jr., were impressed as "troop ers," or cavalry. On the 26th day of the same month, Corporal 1 Mass. Col. Rec, ii. 44. In this ex- April 9, 1648, when, among the lands at pedition Thomas Parris of Cambridge Shawshine, the town granted to " Captain served as surgeon, and Samuel Green as Googine a farm, if he buy a house in tlie sergeant. Mr. Green held military office town." about sixty years, attaining the rank of 6 He was a Cambridge man, and was Captain in 1689. styled "Lieutenant" before September 24, 2 Ibid., ii. 137. 1675, when he was appointed Captain of 8 Ibid., ii. 217. one hundred men, under Major John Pyn- * He came from Virginia to Boston, ebon. May 20, 1644, being then styled "Cap- 6 Mass. Arch., lxviii. 40. This signa- tain ;" he resided in Roxbury about three ture was afterwards erased, and "By the years, but removed to Cambridge before Council, E. R. S." substituted. MILITARY HISTORY. 399 Jonathan Remington, and Isaac Amsden, Jacob Amsden, John Amsden, Gershom' Cutter, William Gleason, James Hubbard, Jonathan Lawrence, Nathaniel Patten, Samuel Read, John Sal ter, Samuel Swan, Edward Winship, Jr., Daniel Woodward, and John Wyeth, were impressed by order of Captain Gookin, to whom the Corporal reported, Dec. 3, 1675, that all his men Avere ready, except as folloAVS : " Edward Winship, his father tells me he is or will be released by the council ; John Salter, he saith his master Avill give him his time, and so Avill take no care to fit him out ; hoAV he will be provided I know not ; John Wyeth is not yet come to his father's, neither can I hear any tidings of him." - These three men were not mustered. The names also of Capt. Thomas Prentice, Lieut. William Barrett, Cornet Edward Oakes (afterwards styled Lieutenant), and several soldiers who served in this Avar, are found in the Massachusetts Archives, and in an Account Book of Treasurer Hull, preserved in the Library of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society.2 " Captain Daniel Gookin was by the whole Court chosen and appointed to be sergeant major of the regiment of Middlesex," May 5, 1676.3 Before this election, hoAvever, he performed the duties proper to that office. Thus, on the llth of January, 1675-6, " the committee of militia of Charlestown, Cambridge, and Watertown," were " ordered and required to impress such ar mor, breasts, backs, and head-pieces, and blunderbusses, as you can find in your respective towns, and to give express and speedy order that they be cleaned and fitted for service, and sent in to Cambridge to Captain Gookin at or before the 15th of this in stant, by him to be sent up to the army by such troopers as are 1 Mass. Arch., lxviii. pp. 73, 79, 80. At Gates, John Gibson, Samuel Gibson, Sam- about tbe same date, Peter Hanchet, nel Goffe, Nathaniel Green, John Hast- Joshua Woods, Samuel Hides, and Jon- ings, Nathaniel Healy, Zachariah Hicks, athan Bush, on the south side of the Jacob Hill, Justinian Holden, Sebeas river, were impressed. Jackson, Ambrose McFassett, Daniel Ma- - Of private soldiers, the following gennis, Amos Marrett, Thomas Mitch- names appear : Matthew Abdy, Thomas elson, John Needham, Thomas Oli- Adams, John Barrett,. Thomas Batherick ver, Zachariah Paddlefoot, John Park, [or Baverick], Richard Beach, Joseph Solomon Phipps, Henry Prentice, James Bemis, William Bordman, Francis Bow- Prentice, Solomon Prentice, AVilliam man, Matthew Bridge, Thomas Brown, Reed, Samuel Robbins, Jason Russell, Samuel Buck, Samuel Bull, Samuel William Russell, John Smith, Joseph Champney, James Cheever, Joseph Cooke, Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Samuel Smith, Stephen Cooke, Benjamin Crackbone John Squire, John Stedman, Andrew [killed], John Cragg, James Cutler, Stimson [or Stevenson], John Streeter, Samuel Cutler, John Druse [killed], Gershom Swan, John Wellington, Jacob Jonathan Dunster, Thomas Poster, AVillard, John AVinter. Stephen Franci3, Thomas Frost, Simon 3 Mass. Col. Rec, v. 83. 400 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ordered to go up to the army."1 And on the 25th of April, Captain Gookin received instructions as " Commander-in-chief of all the forces of horse and foot in this expedition, for the service of the Colony, against the enemy." - A letter addressed by him to the Council for the management of the War affords a glimpse of the magnitude of the perils Avhich then beset the Colony, and the spirit in Avhich they Avere met : " Honored sirs, I received your orders after I Avas retired to rest ; but I suddenly got up and issued forth warrants for the delinquents, and sent away the Avarrant to Capt. Prentice, and also sent Avarrants to the com manders-in-chief of Charlestown, WatertoAvn, Cambridge, and the Village, Maiden, and Woburn, to raise one fourth part of their companies to appear at Cambridge this morning at eight a clock. But I fear the rain and darkness of the last night hath impeded their rendesvous at the time ; but sometime to-day I hope they will appear, or at least some of them. I judge, if the Captains do their duty in uprightness, there may be about 100 men, or near it. I have Avritten to Capt. Hammond to send up Capt. Cutler to conduct this company ; I am uncertain about his compliance ; I desire your order, in case of failure, and also directions to Avhat rendesvous to send this company when raised. It is a very afflictive time to be called off, considering Ave have planting in hand this week, and our fortification 3 pressing upon our shoul ders. But God sees meet to order it so that this rod must smart sharply. I pray let me have your directions sent away with all speed. I stay at home on purpose to despatch these soldiers. So Avith my dutiful respects to your honored selves, I remain your assured friend and servant, Daniel Gookin, Senr. May the first, 1676." - Four days after the date of this letter, May 5, 1676, Capt. Gookin Avas elected Sergeant-major of the Middlesex Regiment, and at the General Election, May 11, 1681, he became Major-general of all the militia in the Colony, which office he 1 Mass. Arch., lxviii. 114. pursuance thereof do nominate and em- 2 Ibid., p 228. power the militia of the town and select- 3 Soimminent was the peril, that on the men to set out the place where, and to 27th of March, 1676, " at a public meet- each one their proportion, nnd to do whal ing ofthe inhabitants of the town to ever shall be necessary for the completing consider about fonilyinjr tbe town against thereof," The stockade was commenced ; the Indians, it was agreed upon by a pub- but before it was completed the danger so lie vote ofthe town as followeth : It is by far diminished that the project was aban- the inhabitants jointly agreed, that they doned, nnd tbe timber which had been judge it necessary that something be done gathered was used for the repair of the for the fencing in the town with a stocka- Great Bridge. doe, or something equivalent ; and in * Mass. Arch.; lxviii. 247. MILITARY HISTORY. 401 retained until the Charter Government Avas abrogated in 1686, when he was seArenty-four years of age. Up to this time military service Avas required of all able-bodied men. Such service commenced at the age of sixteen years ; but I have not found a limit prescribed for its close. Special ex emption was granted to privates at various ages. April 1, 1656? " Edward Goffe of Cambridge, aged about 63 years, having long been serviceable both to town and country, and now disenabled as well by infirmities of body as age, is by this court released from all ordinary trainings. And he is to make such annual allowance to the military company as himself shall see meet." - Ordinarily, five shillings per annum was required to be paid in consideration of such exemption, as in the case of Gilbert Crack- bone, April 6, 1658, and Robert Parker and William Mann, October, 1658,2 all Cambridge men. So also, June, 1659, " William Kerley,3 aged about 76 years, is released from all or dinary trainings, paying 5s. per annum to the use of the military company in the town Avhere he dAvelleth." In the Middlesex Court Files of 1659 is preserved a document without date, enti tled, " Reasons, showing why old men of sixty years are not to train : " — " First. From the word of God, though not in express terms,- yet by consequence, may be gathered, that if the Levites were to be dismissed at fifty years from their service at the tabernacle, then much more old men at sixty from training, which is the practice, of our native country, to take in at sixteen years and dismiss at sixty, which is agreeable to our neighbor plantations to do the like. " 2ly. The Scripture doth hold forth, by Avay of allusion, that it is an act of cruelty. Deut. vi. The words are these : if a bird's nest be upon a tree or upon the ground, be they young or eggs, thou shalt not take the dam Avith the young, but in any wise thou shalt let the dam go, and take the young to thee, that it may be well with thee. Doth God count it an act of cruelty to put no difference between old and young in an unreasonable creature, and shall not man shun cruelty towards the reasonable ? If your children come in at sixteen years, well may their fathers be taken out at sixty. " 3ly. Old men of sixty years have not the organs of nature to handle their arms, and are overborne with heat and cold, having 1 Middlesex Court Record. • Ibid. Kerley resided in Lancaster. 2 Ibid. 26 402 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. many natural infirmities, and are slow in action ; that which was their delight, when young, is their burden being old. For old men to attend common trainings, to stand forth with every young boy to answer to his name, and it may be stand three or four hours together, till his joints be stiff and numb, that he can scarce go upon his legs, — surely such practice cannot be pleasing to God ; and then not to be suffered nor approved on by men ; but we hope our wise and godly magistrates Avill take it into serious consideration, and relieve such as are thereby oppressed." This appeal Avas not immediately successful, as appears by the petition of a Cambridge man in 1673: "I Avould intreat that favor of this honored Court, that I may be freed wholly from training any more, as one not being able to perform that service by reason of a consumptive cough I have had about a year and a half, and other Aveakness of body that attend me, besides my age Avhich is very near 63 years ; so that I find that exercise, Avhen standing so long upon the ground, very prejudicious and destruc tive to my health, as I found by experience the last training day, although it was a warm day. So committing myself to your worships favor I rest your humble servant. Tho. SwcETMAN. The 8 (8) 73." 1 In 1689, the term of service had been short ened. " All the inhabitants from sixteen to sixty years in each town are by the laAV and constant custom of the country to bear arms, if occasion shall require." 2 But, although the private soldiers were released from further service, on attaining three score years, their officers sometimes voluntarily served until a much later period of life. A notable example of this long-con tinued devotion to official service Avas exhibited by Captain Samuel Green, the veteran printer, avIio Avas sergeant in the expedition against Gorton, as before stated, in 1643, ensign in 1660, and on the 27th of June, 1689, became a captain. Of him it Avas stated, in an obituary notice of his son BartholomeAv, that " this Captain Green was a commission officer of the military company at Cambridge, who chose him for above sixty years to gether; and he died there, Jan. 1, 1701-2, re. 87, highly esteemed and beloved both for piety and a martial genius. He took such great delight in the military exercise, that the arrival of their training days Avould ahvays raise his joy and spirit ; and when he Avas grown so aged that he could not Avalk, he Avould be carried out in his chair into the field, to view and order his company."3 1 Middlesex Court Files. England from the beginning of that Planta- - A Brief Relation of the stale qf New tion io this present year, 1689, p. 9. 3 Boston News Letter, Jan. 4, 1733. MILITARY HISTORY. 403 In the warfare Avith the French and Indians, during most of the time for more than thirty years after the government of the Province was organized under the new charter, Cambridge fur nished both officers and soldiers, of whom, however, the lists are imperfect. Among the officers may be included John Leverett, Esq. (afterwards President of tbe College), Avho, with his asso ciates, Col. Elisha Hutchinson and Col. Penn Townsend, received instructions from Governor Dudley, July 3, 1707, as " joint com missioners for the superior command, conduct, rule and govern ment of her majesty's forces on the expedition to Nova Scotia and L'Accadie." - Andrew Belcher, previously of Cambridge, was Commissaiy five years before 1708.2 In the expedition against Port Royal, which sailed from Nantasket Sept. 18, 1710, Edmund Goffe was Lieut.-colonel of the regiment Avhereof Wil liam Tailer was Colonel and William Dudley was Major. Samuel Gookin (grandson of General Gookin) was a Lieutenant in the company commanded by Capt. Robert Handy.3 In the Minutes of Council, when raising troops for an expedition against Canada in 1711, are some memoranda concerning Cambridge men : June 20, " Mr. Daniel Foxcroft spoken with to be sub-commissary in this expedition, and accepted." June 21, "Capt. Gookin* and Capt. Phips to be sent to for riding officers." June 22, " Mr. Sheriff Gookin and Capt. Sam1. Phips accepted to ride the circle for hastening the troops " (Gookin commanded a company in this expedition). June 23, Lieut.-col. Goffe and Major Jonas Bond to provide quarters for the troops " of the north of Charles River, appointed to rendezvous at Cambridge." 5 Col. Edmund Goffe submitted a memorial to Lieut.-gov. Dum mer, in 1724, when the Province was engaged in a Avar Avith the Indians, representing that " in the month of July last past," he " Avas commissionated and appointed to be Colonel of all the forces in the western frontiers of Middlesex and Essex, together with the town of Brookfield, by his Honor the Lieutenant Gov ernor," and that he had visited all the stations at great personal expense, and at the hazard of his life ; he reported the " number of men now in the service of this Government in the towns fol lowing, viz. : Dunstable, 40 ; Dracut, 12; Almsbury, 10; Haver hill, 12; Groton, 14; Lancaster, 14; Turkey-Hills, 12; Rut land, 25; Brookfield, 10 ; total, 149." 6 At a later period, Rev. 1 Mass. Arch., lxxi. 368. 4 Sheriff of Middlesex, and son of Gen. 2 Ibid., p. 456. Gookin. 3 Ibid., p. 673. 5 Mass. Arch., Lxxi. 80r>, 807. 6 Ibid., lxxii. 169-172. 404 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Ammi-Ruhamah Cutter (a Cambridge man), H. C. 1725, having been dismissed from his charge at North Yarmouth, served his country as Captain several years before his death, Avhich occurred at Louisburg in March, 1746.1 Next after Colonel Goffe, William Brattle Avas for many years the most prominent military character. He attained the rank of Major as early as 1728, when he Avas only twenty-two years old; Colonel, before March, 1739 ; Adjutant-general in 1758; Brigadier-general, as early as 1760, and Major-general of the militia throughout the Province in 1771. During the French War, Avhich commenced in 1753 (though not formally declared until 1756) and continued until 1763, he was active and ener getic in the raising of troops and the general administration of military affairs in the Province ; but in the army Cambridge seems to have had no officer of higher rank than Captain.2 I have gleaned from the muster rolls, preserved in the State House, the names of probably only a portion of the Cambridge officers and privates who served in that Avar. Of officers, Capt. Thomas Adams, Capt. William Angier, Lieut. Leonard Jones, and En signs Joseph Chadwick and John Dickson. Of staff and non commissioned officers, Samuel Dean, Chaplain ; Francis Moore, Surgeon ; John Wright, Surgeon's Mate ; Daniel Barrett, Down ing Champney, John Demont, Benjamin Manning, Abraham Osborn, and James Lanman, Sergeants ; William Baldwin, Jason Batherick and William Butterfield, Corporals. Some- 1 Cutter Family, 55-59. The names of to the shorter war with France, 1744 to a few non-commissioned officers and pri- 1748. A paper is on file in the office of vate3 also, during these troublous times, the City Clerk, endorsed, " Men enlisted have been preserved. Joseph Hastings in Cambridge against Canada, 1745 and was wounded and lost an eye in 1690. 1746," containing tbe following names: In the same year, among those who were Capt. [William] Phips, Lieut. [Spencer] engaged in the unfortunate expedition Phips, Lieut. Moore, Sergeant Gee, Sam- against Canada are found the names of uel Andrew, AVilliam Barrett, Jr., John John Andrew, William Blanchard, Na- Batherick, AV. Brown, Nathaniel Chad- thanii-I Bowman, Matthew Bridge, Daniel wick, Downing Champney, Solomon Champnej-, James Cutler, Edward Green, Champney, John Clark, Abraham Col- Stephen Hastings, Joseph Hicks, John frey, Benjamin Crackbone, Robert Crow- Manning, John Peirce, Joseph Smith, ell, " Cutter's Man,' Fillcbrown, Si- Nathaniel Sparhawk, John Sqpire, Thorn- mon Godding, Nathaniel Hancock, An as Stacy, John Stedman. In 1707, drew Hill, Andrew Hinds, William How, John Conue was killed, and Benjamin Edward Jackson, Joseph Kidder, Cuffe Mu-scy "captived." Sergeants William Monis, William Mora. Thomas Patrick, Cheever and Eliazar Parker served in Reuben Prentice, Edward Pursley, John 1722; Zechariah Hicks, clerk, and John Smith, Solomon Smith, John Sparhawk, Manning, in 1724; Sergeant Simon Hoi- Edward Stanley, Michael Stanley, Jon- den, in 1725, nnd John Oblham, in 1740. athan Stedm.in, Webber, William ¦ The s ime remark holds true in regard Woodhouse. Ue MILITARY HISTORY. 405 what more than one hundred names of private soldiers are pre served ; and although the list in probably far from perfect, it is inserted in a note.1 One of the papers in the Massachusetts Archives commemo rates the good service of a Cambridge officer and its recognition by the General Court: "Province of the Massachusetts Bay. To his Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Captain General, Gov ernor, and Commander-in-Chief, in and over his Majesty's Prov ince aforesaid, the HonWe his Majesty's Council, and the Hon House of Representatives in General Court assembled at Boston, December, 1763, — Humbly sheweth William Angier of Cam bridge, that on the second day of November, A. D. 1759, he was Captain of a company in Col. Joseph Frye's Regiment, stationed ivt Fort Cumberland in Nova Scotia: that tbe Regiment appear ing inclined to mutiny, and refusing to do duty because (they said) the time they enlisted for expired the day before ; and as there Avas no troops arrived to relieve the Regiment, the Fort would undoubtedly fall into the hands of the enemy, if the Reg iment (as they threatened) should desert it, Col. Frye, to pre vent their desertion, ordered the several Captains to demand from the men their arms ; in consequence of which order your petitioner mustered his Company on the parade and demanded 1 Theophilus Alexander, William Al- Aaron Hodges, Nathaniel Holden, Elisha ford, Henry Appleton, John Badger, Holmes, Daniel Hovey, Simon Howard, William Barker, Caleb Barrett, Jonathan Jonathan Ingersol, Jonas Jackson, John Barrett, Joshua Barrett, John Bartlett, Kidder, David Lamson, Edward Man- John Batherick, Timothy Batherick, Ja- ning, William Marshall, John Mason, son Belknap, Joseph Belknap, John Bisco, John Matthews, Thomas Mayhew, Fran- Israel Blackington, Thomas Brickley, cis Moore, Jr., AVilliam Moore, Christo- Thomas Brown, John Bryant, Robert pher Mudgeon, John Mullett, John Nut- Bull, Thomas Bumstead, Robert Camp- ting, Daniel Paiue, Stephen Paine, Daniel bell, Moses Chadwick, Downing Champ- Parkhurst, Thomas Peirce, Warren Per- ney, Ephraim Child, Thomas Coe, John kins, Reuben Prentice, Addison Richard- Cole, John Cole, Jr., Samuel Cole, son, John Rickey, John Robbins, Joseph Aaron Comstock. Joshua Converse, Jo- Bobbins, Nathan Bobbins, Thomas Rob- seph Cook, Daniel Cooper, John Craige, bins, Jr., William Robbins, John Robin- Samuel Cutter, Benjamin Darling, Ed- son, Hobart Russell, Philemon Russell, ward Dickson, John Dickson, Jr., Wil- Dennis Ryan, Henry Seager, Thomas liam Doty, Thomas Dnrant, Henry Shepard, Philip Sherman, Thomas Sher- Evans, Edward Fillebrown, John Fille- man, Thomas Sisson (Drummer), Joseph brown, Richard Fillebrown, John Fowle, Smith, Parsons Smith, Benjamin Stanley, Simon Gardis, Samuel Gookin, Jr., Jo- David Stanley, Jonathan Stanley, Jo seph Hamilton, Solomon Hancock, Cato seph Stanley, Michael Stanley, Stephen Hanker, Joseph Hartwell, Elisha Hast- Stearns, Aaron Swan, Joshua Swan, ings, AVilliam Hastings, Jason Hazard, Samuel Swan, Mansfield Tapley, Thomas Timothy Heath, Abraham Hill, Andrew Thwing, Daniel Warren, Joseph AVith- Hill, Benjamin Hill, Daniel Hill, Zacha- ington, Jason Winship, John Wellington, riah Hill, Israel Hinds, Samuel Hinds, Jonas Wyeth. 406 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. of every man his gun : — that Elisha Jackson, the second man to whom he made this demand, not only refused to deliver his gun, but made great resistance ; and upon your petitioner's seizing the gun, he with great force and violence thrust one end of it against his breast ; and as several of the men at the same time cocked their guns, your petitioner apprehending his life to be in great danger, and at the same time knowing it was bis duty if possible to put his Colonel's orders into execution, was obliged to draw his .sword and Avith it (to intimidate the rest of the men) strike at the said Jackson, Avho, by endeavoring to Avard it "'off, had some of his fingers cut. HoAvever, by this behavior of your peti tioner, it is the opinion of Col. Frye and the other officers that a general mutiny was at that time prevented, and the Fort pre served from falling into the enemy's hands (your petitioner's company being the first to Avhom the Colonel's orders Avere com municated), as Col. Frye is ready to testify to your Excellency and Honors, and as appears by the annexed affidavits. Notwith standing which, the said Jackson, soon after his return to this Province, sued your petitioner for striking at him as aforesaid, and at the Superior Court, held in Charlestown in January last, the Jury gave a verdict for your petitioner to pay him six pounds and costs (although the Honble Judges all gave their opinion to the Jury in your petitioner's favor), by which means your petitioner has been put to very great trouble and costs. And as your petitioner Avas doing his duty Avith regard to said Jackson, and his so doing was the means of preserving the King's Fort, he most humbly requests that your Excellency and Honors Avould be pleased in some measure to relieve him, by making him a grant of the sum of fifteen pounds, lawful money, being the sum with the costs that said Jackson recovered of him, or that yon would be pleased otherwise to interpose in his behalf, as to you in your great wisdom shall seem meet. And, as in duty bound your petitioner shall ever pray. William Angier. In the House of Representatives, Jan. 27, 1764. Read, and ordered That the sum of fifteen pounds be paid out of the public Treasury to the petitioner in full consideration for his sufferings. Sent up for concurrence. TlM°. Ruggles, Spkr. In Council, Jan. 27, 1764. Read, and concurred. John Cotton, D. Sect. Con sented to, Fba. Bernabd." * General Brattle remained Major-general of all the militia in the Province until the commencement of the Revolutionary War. 1 Mass. Arch., lxxx. 395. MILITARY HISTORY. 407 At the same time, agreeably to the military code until that time in force, he retained the offices of Colonel of the First Middlesex Regiment, and Captain of the train-band of Cambridge. The officer in immediate command of the train-band was styled Cap tain Lieutenant, though ranking as Captain. Thus the records in the office of the Secretary of State shoAV that in 1763 commis sions Avere issued to William Brattle, Colonel, and Henry Vassall, Lieut. -colonel, of the 1st Regiment in Middlesex, also to Edward Marrett, Capt. Lieutenant, Eliphalet Robbins, 2d Lieutenant, and William Gamage, Ensign of the train-band. In 1765, Eliphalet Robbins became Capt. Lieut., William Gamage, 2d Lieut., and Seth Hastings, Ensign, avIio Avas soon afterwards succeeded by Thomas Gardner. In 1771, commissions Avere issued to " Honble William Brattle, Esq. Major General of the militia throughout the Province " ; also to HonWe William Brattle, Esq., Colonel ; Thomas Oliver, Esq., Lieut. Colonel of the 1st Regiment in Middlesex ; 1 and in the same year, Thomas Gardner became Capt. Lieut., Samuel Thatcher, 2d Lieut., and John Gardner, Ensign, of the train-band, Avhich up to that time included the militia on the south side of the river. There Avas another train band in Menotomy (Arlington), of Avhich Ephraim Frost was Captain, William Cutler, Lieut., and Daniel Brown, Ensign, in 1766 ; and Ephraim Frost, Captain, Daniel Brown, Lieut., and William Adams, Ensign, in 1771. There are traces also of a Cavalry company styled the Troop, whose Captain and two Lieutenants, like those of the present company of Cadets, ranked as Colonel, Lieutenant-colonel, and Major. Of this company, probably including members from several towns, some of the commanders Avere Cambridge men. When the Governor commenced a journey " by land for his other government of New Hampshire," Oct. 15, 1716, he " was met by Spencer Phips, Esq., with his Troop of horse, the Sheriff of Mid dlesex, and other gentlemen of the county, and by them con ducted to Harvard College in Cambridge," etc.2 It is not un likely that the elder Col. John Vassall may have derived his title from the command of the same company ; but I find no definite designation of officers succeeding Colonel Phips until 1771, Avhen his son David Phips Avas commissioned Captain, and John Vassall 3 and Jonathan Snelling Lieutenants, Avith the rank respectively of Colonel, Lieutenant-colonel, and Major. 1 Massachusetts Spy, August 1, 1771. Colonel Phips was Lieut.-governor from - Boston News Letter, Oct. 22, 1716. 1732 until he died in 1757. 3 Son of the first Col. John Vassall. 408 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. The military events in and around Cambridge at the com mencement of the Revolutionary War have been so fully related in Frothingham's " History of the Siege of Boston," that I may properly forbear to travel again, step by step, over tlie same ground. It may suffice if I mention a few transactions in Avhich the inhabitants of this toAvn Avere actively engaged, or especially interested. Before the commencement of active hostilities, General Brattle gave place to his former Lieutenant, Thomas Gardner, as com mander of the company composed of the militia in Avhat is now Cambridge, together Avith those who resided in that part of the toAvn Avhich was afterwards Brighton. At the neAV organization of the military force, Captain Gardner Avas elected Colonel of the First Middlesex Regiment, and his Lieutenant, Samuel Thatcher, was promoted to the office of Captain. On the memorable 19th of April, 1775, Avhen the British troops landed at Lechmere's Point (East Cambridge), under cover of the night, crossed the marshes to the Milk Row Road (noAV Milk Street, Somerville), and marched through Beech Street - and North Avenue to Menotomy, and thence to Lexington and Concord, Captain Thatcher and his company were among the foremost to rally for the public defence. There is a tradition that a British soldier, becoming sick, AYas left at Lechmere's Point, and sought relief at the solitary house then standing there ; and that the oc cupant of the house immediately gave the alarm at the centre of the toAvn. Whether this tradition be trustworthy or not, there is good reason to believe that the Cambridge militia pursued tbe foe A7ery early in the morning, and fully participated in the perils and the glory of that clay. Their muster roll says they " marched on the alarm," and the " number of miles out and home " for Avhich they Avere credited, was twenty-eight, — equal to the distance to and from Concord. In commemoration of their patriotism, I insert " A Muster Roll of the company under the command of Capt. Sam1. Thatcher, in Col0. Gardner's Reg iment of militia, Avhich marchd on the alarm, April 19) 1775 :"2_ Sam1. Thatcher, Capt., Jotham Walton, 2d Lieut., John Walton, Lieut., Josiah Moore, Serg'., 1 Beech Street was then the only open North Avenue at Union Square, was not passage-way between the Milk Row Road established as a highway until a much and North Avenue. Milk Street in Cam- later day. bridge, from Milk Street in Somerville to - Muster rolls in the State House. MILITARY HISTORY. 409 Joseph Bates, Serg'., Sam". Butterfield. Serg'., James Kittle, Serg'., Thos. Fillebrown, Corp., Belcher Hancock. Corp., Joshua Gamage, Drum7., Will. Bradish, Drum1"., Joseph Ayers, John Batherick, Will. Bordman, Jr., Oliver Brown, Benj. Butterfield, Edmund Bowman, Will. Brewer, John Caldwell, Walter Coxs,1 Sam11. Coxs, Joseph Coxs, Solomon Cooper, Henry Dickson, Isaiah Dickson, John Dickson, John Evers. Ebenr. Fisher, Stephen Frost, Jonathan Frost, David Frost, John Frost, Eben7. Fessenden, Stephen Goddard, Benj. Goddard, Thos. Goddard, Nathaniel Goddard, Torry Hancock, Philemon Hastings, Thomas Hastings, Stephen Hastings, 1 Cox is the proper name. 2 Of the " scholars," who seem to have volunteered, John Haven was of the col lege Class of 1776, and Edward Bangs and Daniel Kilham (probably the per sons here named), were of the Class of 1777. Lincoln (Hist. Worcester, 233) says that Mr." Bangs " remained in Cam- Will. Manning, Abel Moore, Alexander Nelson, John Phillips, Jr., Thomas Prentiss, Nath11. Prentice, Daniel Prentice, Sam11- Prentice, Israel Porter, Stephen Palmer, Jr., Joseph Palmer, James Stone, Robert Tvvadwell, Josiah Temple, Eben'. Wyeth, Jonas Wyeth, Jonas Wyeth, Jr. Noah Wyeth. Joseph Wyeth, John Wyraan, Nathan Watson, Joshua Walker, John Warland, Thomas Warland, Nath11. Wait, Thomas Barrett, James Reed, John Butterfield, Edward Fillebrown, John Prentice, Parson Smith, John Haven, \ Bangs, > Sc-liol.2 Kill am, ) Cato Stedman, a Negro, Cato Bordman, a Negro. bridge during the spring vacation of 1775, when the British troops marched to Con cord. On the 19th of April, as soon as intelligence of the hostile movement was received, he hastily equipped himself from the armory of the college company, re paired to the scene of action, and fought gallantly during the day." 410 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. A company of minute-men had previously been organized in the northwest precinct of the toAvn, or Menotomy, under the command of Capt. Benjamin Locke, consisting of fifty non-com missioned officers and privates, twenty-fiA'e of Avhom are described as residents in Cambridge on the original enlistment roll, which is still extant.1 There can be no reasonable doubt that this company \Aras actively engaged in the conflict on the 19th of April,2 and the names of its Cambridge members should be here inserted. Benjamin Locke, Capt. Solomon Bowman, Lieut. Stephen Frost, Ens. John Cutter, Serg'. Moses Hovey, Serg'. Thomas Cutter, Corp'. John Tidd, Corp1. James Fowle, Corp1. Seth Stone, Corp1. William Adams, Israel Blackington, Israel Blackington, Jr., Matthew Cox, Joseph Cox, Charles Cutter, Andrew Cutter, Joseph Frost, John Fowle, Miles Greenwood, Abraham Hill, Elisha Hastings, Zechariah Hill, John Locke, Jonathan Perry, Peter Stearns, Josiah Williams, William Winship, Cuff Whittemore (negro). This was an eventful day in Cambridge. The first detach ment of British troops passed through the toAvn, at midnight, stealthily and unmolested. Tlie reinforcement marched openly at midday ; but the militia Avere engaged in the distant conflict, and no opposition Avas offered, except the removal of the planks from the Great Bridge;3 these, however, Avere speedily replaced, 1 In possession of the family of the late Delmont Locke. See Smith's Address al West Cambridge (1864), p. 59. 2 More than thirty years ago, I copied from a muster roll, then in the State House, tbe names of twenty-five Cam bridge men who served in a company commanded by Capt. Benjamin Locke, in 1775. Unfortunately that muster roll has disappeared, so that I cannot ascer tain its precise date ; but as the names correspond, name for name, with the Cambridge names on Capt. Locke's En listment Roll of Minute-men, we need not doubt that prompt and effective fen-ice was rendered in this memorable conflict. - General Heath says (Memoirs, p. 13), that he sent some of the Watertown mil itia "down to Cambridge, with directions to take up tbe planks, barricade the south end of the bridge, and there to take post; that, in case the British should, on their return, take that road to Boston, their re treat might be impeded." Other accounts say the planks were removed to the north side of the bridge, by order of the Select men, to impede the advance of Lord Percy with the reinforcement. MILITARY HISTORY. 411 and the troops suffered little delay.1 But their retreat toward Boston Avas far different. From the westerly border of Menot omy to their point of departure by Beech Street into the Milk Row Road, their passage was through a flame of fire. The pro vincials rallied from the towns in the vicinity2 even to as great a distance as Salem, and hung upon their rear and flanks, firing upon them from every advantageous point. The British loss, in this retreat, is reported to have been '• seventy-three killed, one hundred and seventy-four Avounded, and twenty-six missing, — the most of which were taken prisoners."3 Of the provincials the loss was less, being forty-nine killed, thirty-nine wounded, and five missing.4 This conflict has generally been called the " Concord Fight," or " Lexington Battle ; " but the carnage was greater in this town than in any other; greater in deed than in all others combined, if it be true, as has been stated by a diligent investigator, that " at least twenty-tAvo of the Americans, and probably more than twice that number of the British, fell in West Cambridge."5 As many as four6 native citizens Avere killed on the southerly side of North Avenue, a feAv feet eastwardly from Spruce Street, near the house then OAvned by Jacob Watson.7 These four, with the twenty-two slain in the northwest precinct, make a total of twenty-six, — more than half of the whole number of Americans whose lives were sacri ficed on that memorable day. Among the victims were six inhabitants of Cambridge, three 1 The train bearing their provisions 3 Frothingham's Siege of Boston, p. 82. and supplies was less fortunate; it was 4 Ibid., p. 81. The place of residence delayed so long that it lost the protection of those who were killed is indicated in ofthe troops, and was captured at Menot- tbe preceding note. omy by a dozen exempts, or men too old ' Smith's Address, p. 48. to go into the conflict in which all the 6 General Heath (Memoirs, p. 14) says, young men were actively engaged. " several of the militia (among whom was 2 The list of killed, wounded, and miss- Isaac Gardner, Esq., of Brookline, a val- ing, gives the names of twenty-three uable citizen) imprudently posted thein- towns, which, with tbeir respective num- selves behind some dry casks, at Watson's ber of killed are as follows: Acton, 3; Corner, nnd near to the road, unsuspicious Bedford, 1 ; Beverly, 1; Billerica; Brook- of the enemy's flank-guard, which came line, 1; Cambridge, 6; Charlestown, behind them and killed every one of them 2; Chelmsford; Concord; Danvers, 7; dead on the spot." Neither Gardner nor Dedham, 1 ; Framingham ; Lexington, tbe Cambridge men killed were of the 10 ; Lynn, 4 ; Medford, 2 ; Needham, 5 ; " militia ; " if any such were slain here, it Newton; Roxbury; Salem, 1; Stow; increases by so much the number who Sudbury, 2 ; Watertown, 1 ; Woburn, 2. fell in Cambridge. See Frothingham's Siege of Boston, pp. 7 This house was the residence of the 80, 81. Certainly some other towns, and late John Davenport, after he left the probably many, besides these, were repre- tavern. It was said to exhibit a largo sented in this sangninarv conflict. number of bullet-holes. 412 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. on each side of Menotomy River.1 Jason Russell, son of Hubbard Russell, born Jan. 25, 1717, resided on the southerly side of the Main Street not far westerly from the centre of Menotomy (Arling ton) ; " he barricaded his gate Avith bundles of shingles, making Avhat he thought Avould be a good cover from which to fire on the enemy as they returned." The British flank-guard drove in a party of militia, who " rushed into Mr. Russell's house. Mr. Russell himself, being lame, Avas the last to reach the house, and Avas shot Avith two bullets in his own doorway ; they found after- Avards eleven bayonet stabs on the body of the poor old man." " The house itself Avas riddled with bullets, and the marks of them in many places are still visible." 2 Jason Winship, son of Jason Winship (who Avas drowned Dec. 26, 1762), was baptized June 28, 1730. Jabez Wyman, son of John Wyinan, Avas born at Woburn July 24, 1710, but had long resided here. The two last named Avere slain at Cooper's tavern. " They had come up to inquire the neAvs, and were surprised there. The landlady, Mrs. Cooper, avIio was just mixing flip at the bar, with her husband fled to the cellar." 3 A month afterwards, Benjamin Cooper and Rachel Cooper deposed " that in the afternoon of the 19th day of April last, the King's regular troops under the command of General Gage, upon their return from blood and slaughter, which they had made at Lexington and Concord, fired more than one hundred bullets into the house Avhere we dwell, through doors, windows, &c. ; then a number of them entered the house where Ave and two aged gentlemen Avere all unarmed ; we escaped for our lives into the cellar ; the two aged gentlemen were immedi ately most barbarously and inhumanly murdered by them, being stabbed through in many places, their heads mangled, sculls broke, and their brains out on the floor and walls of the house." 4 On North Avenue, near the easterly end of Spruce Street, three Cambridge men Avere killed : John Hicks, son of John, and great- grandson of Zechariah Hicks, was born here, May 23, 1725. He built and resided in the house still standing on the south easterly corner of Dunster and Winthrop streets. Among the early patriots he Avas actiA'e in resisting the arbitrary measures of 1 The old monument in the Menotomy cruelly slain on that fatal day." Win- burial place had this inscription: "Mr. ship and AVyman were two of the- mim- Jason Russell was barbarously murdered ber; the other nine may have been inhab- in his own house, by Gage's bloody troops itants of other towns. on the 19th of April, ajtnt. 59. His body 2 Smith's Address, pp. 37-39. is quietly resting in this grave, with eleven 3 Ibid., p. 45. of our friends, who, in like manner, were 4 Mass. Arch., cxxxviii. 371. MILITARY HISTORY. 413 the British Government. There is a tradition among his de scendants that he assisted in the destruction of the tea in Boston Harbor, Dec. 16, 1773. He is said to have been shot through the heart. Moses Richardson, born probably about 1725, Avas a carpenter, and resided in the house which still stands at the north easterly angle of Holmes Place, and Avhich was afterwards the home of Mr. Royal Morse for about three quarters of a century. Like Hicks, he was exempt from military service, on account of his age ; but, like him also, he is represented to have been ac tively engaged in the conflict as a volunteer.1 William Marcy was a laborer, employed by Dr. William Kneeland. His origin and former residence have not been ascertained ; but he seems to have been here about five years before his death.2 Tradition says he Avas a person of feeble intellect, — who imagined the mil itary parade to be an ordinary training or muster, and the con flict to be a sham fight ; he was sitting on a fence near the street, enjoying the spectacle, when he Avas shot by the British flank guard.3 At the same time and place, Isaac Gardner, Esq., of Brookline was killed. In an address at the dedication of their monument, Rev. Alex ander McKenzie has embodied the traditions preserved in one of the families concerning the burial of these three victims : — " The son of John Hicks, a boy fourteen years old, was sent by Ins mother4 in the afternoon to look for his father Avho had been absent most of the day. He found him lying by the side of the road dead. Marcy and Richardson were near him. He procured assistance, and the bodies Avere lifted into a wagon and brought here for burial. But who had leisure for funeral rites ? The dead alone were safe, done with duty. The living had the living to care for. One grave received them all, as with patriotic indignation against the tyranny and cruelty which hurried them to their death, with admiration and affection for their devotion 1 His military spirit was inherited by Hastings' barn ; the Steward paying the one of his great-grandsons, James P. charges." Richardson, Esq., who organized the first 3 My informant was tho late Mr. Royal volunteer company for the defence ofthe Morse, born in 1779, whose memory of country in the lite War of the Rebellion, events which occurred during his lifo was hswIII be mentioned in another place. remarkably comprehensive and accurate, 2 He was probably the person named and whose traditional lore was almost in a vote of the Selectmen, Sept. 3, 1770, equivalent to authentic history. when such proceedings were customary : 4 The widow of Mr. Hicks died in De moted, to warn out of the town William cember, 1825, nged 99 years; many per- Mercy, a man of very poor circumstiinccs ; sons now living have heard the story from he for some time hath lodged in Steward her own lips. 414 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. to the common Aveal, they Avere given to tbe keeping of their mother earth. The son of Moses Richardson, standing by, thought it was too bad that the earth should be thrown directly upon their faces, and getting into the trench he spread the large cape of his father's coat over his face." ~ In 1870 the city erected over their remains a neat monument of Scotch granite, Avith this inscription: "Erected by the City, A. D. 1870. To the memory of John Hicks, William Marcy, Moses Rich ardson, buried here. Jason Russell, Jabez Wyman, Jason WlNSHIP, buried in Menotomy. Men of Cambridge who fell in defence of the Liberty of the People, April 19, 1775. " 0, what a glorious morning is this ! " Among the Avounded, on that memorable day, was Capt. Sam uel Whittemore. He Avas son of Samuel Whittemore of Charles town, where he Avas born July 27, 1696, but early removed to Cambridge. His estate bordered on Menotomy River and his house stood on tbe northerly side of the Main Street, near the magnificent elms Avhich are still preserved. He Avas now nearly seventy-nine years old, but yet vigorous in body and mind. In spite of the expostulations of his family, he repaired to the post of danger. His exploits and sufferings have often been related, - — possibly Avith some embellishments in later years. He died Feb. 2, 1793, aged 96 years and six months.2 His obituary was published in the " Columbian Centinel" of February 6, Avhich I quote rather than more recent publications for obvious reasons. " Died at Menotomy, the 2d instant, Capt. Samuel Whittemore, ./Et. 99. The manly and moral virtues, in all the varied rela tions of brother, husband, father, and friend, Avere invariably exhibited in this gentleman. He Avas not more remarkable for his longevity and his numerous descendants (his progeny being 185, one of which is the fifth generation), than for his patriotism. When the British troops marched to Lexington, he Avas 81 years of age, and one of the first on the parade ; he Avas armed with a gun and horse-pistol. After an animated exhortation to the col lected militia to the exercise of bravery, and courage, he ex claimed, 'If I can only be the instrument of killing one of my country's foes, I shall die in peace.' The prayer of this venera ble old man Avas heard ; for on the return of the troops, he lay 1 Cambridge Revolutionary Memorial, years, as is manifest from the record of pp. 32, 33. his birth. At the date of the conflict he 2 His age is overstated in the obituary, was not 81, but lacked three months of 79 as 99 years, and on bis gravestone as 98 jears. MILITARY HISTORY. 415 behind a stone Avail, and discharging his gun a soldier imme diately fell ; he then discharged his pistol, and killed another ; at Avhich instant a bullet struck his face, and shot away part of his cheek bone ; on which, a number of the soldiers ran up to the Avail, and gorged their malice on his wounded head. They Avere heard to exclaim, ' We have killed the old rebel.' About four hours after, he Avas found in a mangled situation ; his head was covered with blood from the wounds of the bayonets, which were six or eight ; but providentially none penetrated so far as to destroy him. His hat and clothes were shot through in many places ; yet he survived to see the complete overthrow of his enemies, and his country enjoy all the blessings of peace and independence. His funeral will be tomorrow, at 4 o'clock P. M., from his house at Menotomy, which his relations and friends are requested to attend." Among the disasters of the day, it should be mentioned that Seth Russell and Samuel Frost of Menotomy were taken prison ers, and remained in captivity until the 6th of June, when a general exchange was effected. The destruction of property partly appeals in a report submit ted to the Provincial Congress, by a committee Avhich was ap pointed May 12, 1775 : " The committee appointed to estimate the damages done at Cambridge, Lexington, and Concord, by the King's troops, on the nineteenth of April, 1775, have at- tended that duty, and beg leave to report : That the destruction made by fire and robbery on said day, by said troops, is as fol lows, viz: " The damages to the buildings in Cambridge, estimated ac cording to the best skill and judgment of your committee, after viewing the same amount to .£76 5. 6. " The value of the goods and chattels that were destroyed, or taken out of the houses, or near the same, by the estimation of those persons who left the same, according to their several ac counts, exhibited on oath, and annexed, amounts to £1036. 6. 3. " The value of the goods and chattels that Avere destroyed, or taken out of the said houses, or near the same, by the estimation of those persons who left the same, by their several accounts ex hibited, Avho were not sworn, by reason of some being absent, or some other inconvenience that attended the same, amounts to £72. 6. 10. " The damage done to the meeting-house and school-house in the nortliAvest precinct in said Cambridge, as estimated by your committee, amounts to £0. 13. 4. 416 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " The vessels, linen, and cash, belonging to the church of said precinct, taken out of the house of Joseph Adams, deacon of said church, as by his account exhibited on oath, amount to £16. 16. 8. " The whole losses suffered in Cambridge amount to £1202, 8. 7." - In the morning, at Concord, the military movements seem to have been directed by Col. Barrett,, Lieut.-Col. Robinson and Maj. Buttrick. General Heath met the militia at Lexington and assumed the command.2 Having pursued the British until they crossed Charlestown neck, he placed suitable guards and con ducted his troops to Cambridge, Avhere they " were ordered to lie on their arms." "In the afternoon of the next day General Ward arrived, and, being the senior general officer, became com mander-in-chief. From this time, for the next eleven months, Cambridge Avas occupied by the American army, of Avhich the right wing Avas immediately extended to Roxbury, and the left, to Prospect and Winter Hills. General Ward established his head-quarters at the house of Jonathan Hastings3 now known as the Holmes House, in Holmes Place. The soldiers were quar tered in private houses, in the College buildings,4 and elsewhere,. as accommodations could be found. "The buildings of the Col lege were taken possession of, and occupied as barracks, by the American Army." 5 As early as May 1, 1775, the Committee of Safety " Voted, That tlie quarter-master general be directed to clear that chamber in Stoughton College, occupied by S. Par sons Jr., for a printing office for Messrs. Halls." 6 And on the 1 Journals of each Provincial Congress, p. 685. AA'hole amount of loss in Lexing Heath's Memoirs, p. 14. 8 Familiarly called Steward Hastings. ton, £1,701. 1. 5. ; and in Concord, £274. 4 In the Mass. Arch., vol. clviii., is pre- 16. 7. served a " Return of Col. Haggles Woodbridge's Regiment, Cambridge, June 14, 1775. Captains* Namf.t. No. of AT.n. Places where Slntioned. C**pt. Dickinson . .... Capt. Dexter Capt. Stephen Pearl .... Capt. \\'m. Meacham .... Capt. John Cowls . . . . 6031 44 54 30 ; 7 on the road 45 35 In College, Comhridge. College.Lechmere Point, Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. College.College. Kichakd Montague, Adj'., Col. Woodbridge's Reg'." 6 Quincy's Hist. Harvard University, 6 Journals of each Provincial Congress, ii. 168. • p. 530. MIL1TABY HISTORY. 417 fifteenth of June the Provincial Congress took possession of other apartments : " Whereas, it is expedient that those apart ments in Harvard Hall, under the immediate charge of the pro fessor of philosophy and librarian of Harvard College, be evacu ated, Resolved, that the library, apparatus, and other valuables of Harvard College be removed, as soon as may be, to the town of Andover." - The students were scattered ; no public com mencement was had that year ; but the degrees were conferred by a general diploma. An arrangement was made to give in struction at Concord, to which place a part of the library and apparatus was removed in November from Andover. " On the 24th. of June (1776), the students were again assembled Avithin the College walls, after a dispersion of fourteen months." - The Episcopal Church also was converted into barracks for the Connecticut troops.3 It had previously been deserted by its owners, most of whom were adherents to the British government. Private houses were hired, and some seized for public use. The Committee of Safety, May 15, 1775, " Resolved, That Mr. Bor land's house 4 be appropriated for the use of the Committee of Safety ; and the quarter master general is directed to provide quarters for the troops now lodged at said house. Voted, That the quarter master general be directed to remove as many of the three companies now at Mr. Borland's, to the house of Dr. Kneeland, 5 as the house can accommodate, and that the three companies at Mr. Vassal's house6 be placed at Mr. Foxcroft's house, 7 and that Mr. Borland's house be cleared and cleansed as soon as possible." 8 On the same day it was " Voted, that the clearing Mr. Borland's and Mr. Vassal's houses be suspended till further orders ; " and the committee probably remained at Stew ard Hastings' house, where they had a room soon after the con flict at Lexington.9 Hospitals were established in many private houses. It was 1 Journal of each Provincial Congress, ' On the northerly side of Kirkland p. 334. Street, near Oxford Street ; burned Jan. 2 Quincy's Hist., ii. 164-169. 24, 1777. 8 Frothingham's Hist. Siege of Boston, 8 Journals of each Provincial Congress, p. 132. pp. 548, 549. 1 Between Harvard, Plympton, Mount 9 Ibid., p. 521. The Committee re- Auburn, and Chestnut streets; now solved, April 24, 1775, "that General known as the Plympton house. Ward be desired, immediately, to direct 6 At the southwesterly corner of Mount all the field officers of the Regiments of Auburn Street and Winthrop Square; Minute Men now in Cambridge, to attend demolished not long ago. the Committee of Safety, at their Cham- 6 Afterwards the Washington Head- ber at Mr. Steward Hastings' house." quarters. 27 418 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. ordered, April 22d, " that a sergeant and six men mount daily to guard the wounded at Mr. Abraham Watson's house." - The Provincial Congress, June 20, " resolved that the house of Mr. Hunt, at Cambridge, be hired for a hospital," and on the pre vious day the Committee of Safety "resolved, that the house of the Rev. Samuel Cook, of Menotomy, be improved, as a hospital for the colony army,"2 and as many other houses in that parish as might be necessary. In addition to these, the General Orders indicate other hospitals : it was ordered, June 28, " that Lieut.- col. Bond occupy one room in the south-east corner of Col. Vas- sall's house, upon the second floor, for the sick belonging to said regiment, till a convenient place can be procured elsewhere for the above named purpose." July 26 : " It being represented that the present hospital is not large enough to contain the sick, Lieut.-gov. Oliver's house is to be cleared for that purpose, and care to be taken that no injury is done to it." August 21: "a sergeant, corporal, and nine men to mount guard to-morrow morn ing at Mr. Fairweather's house3 lately converted into an hospi tal." On the 17th of June, 1775, occurred the sanguinary Battle of Bunker Hill. The disasters and the glory of that day have been particularly and vividly described in Frothingham's " History of the Siege of Boston." I shall not repeat the story. But I must not omit the fact that Cambridge furnished one of the most illus trious victims in that heroic sacrifice. With the exception of General Warren, Colonel Thomas Gardner held a higher military rank than any other who fell on that day ; and like Warren, he was conspicuous for the political services which he rendered be fore the clash of arms. He was a selectman of the town from 1769 until his death, and Representative in the General Court from 1769 until that Court was superseded by the first Provincial Congress, of which and also of the second Congress he Avas one of the most active members. He was an energetic member of the Committee of Correspondence elected by the toAvn in 1772, and by the House of Representatives in 1773, and of the Committee of Safety, elected by Congress, April 14, 1775. He Avas commis sioned as an Ensign in the company commanded by General Brattle in 1765, and Captain Lieutenant in 1771. When Brat- 1 General Ward's Orders. Watson's southwesterly comer of Mount Aubum house was on North Avenue, near Coggs- and Eliot streets. well Avenue. 3 On the northeasterly cornerof Brattle 2 Journals qf each Provincial Congress, and Fayerweather streets. pp. 360, 571. Hunt's house was at the MILITARY HISTORY. 419 tie fled to Boston, he became the commander of the company, with Samuel Thatcher1 for Lieutenant, and John Gardner2 as Ensign. The Provincial Congress, Oct. 26, 1774, " recommended to the several companies of militia in this province, who have not already chosen and appointed officers, that they meet forthwith and elect officers to command their respectrve companies ; and that the officers so chosen assemble as soon as may be ... . and proceed to elect field officers to command the respective regi ments."3 In accordance with this recommendation, Captain Gardner having been reelected or retained in office, Avas elected Colonel, Nov. 29, 1774, " at a meeting of the officers of the sev eral companies of militia in the first Regiment in the County of Middlesex."4 Soon after the Battle of Lexington, in Avhich he was actively engaged,5 he enlisted a Regiment for the Continen tal Army, of which he was commissioned as Colonel, June 2, 1775.6 A fortnight later, he secured immortal fame. He led his regiment to Bunker Hill, "and was just descending into the engagement, when a musket ball entered his groin, which proved mortal. He gave his last solemn injunction to his men, to con quer or die ; aud a detachment Avere just carrying him off tbe ground when he was met by his son, 2d Lieut, of Capt. Trevett, marching on, a mere youth of nineteen, and the interview which ensued between them was melancholy and heart-rending, though at the same time heroic. The affectionate son in agony at the desperate situation of his father was anxiously desirous to assist him off the field, but was prohibited from doing this by his father, Avho, notwithstanding he was conscious that his wound was mor tal, yet encouraged his son to disregard it, reminding him that he was engaged in a glorious cause, and, whatever were the conse quences, must march on and do his duty."7 Colonel Gardner, "a few days after the battle, being asked if he was Avell enough to see his son, 'Yes,' answered the hero, 'if he has done his duty!' He had the satisfaction to see him and learn that he bravely dis tinguished himself."8 He suffered more than a fortnight, but 1 Lieut. Thatcher succeeded Gardner 5 The Council Records, March 14, 1776, as Captain, and as Colonel, ofthe militia, show that a warrant was drawn to pay 2 Ensign Gardner was afterwards Major- "Col. Thomas Gardner's Field Alarm 8 Journals of each Provincial Congress, Roll, on the 19th of April last." p. 33. 6 Journals of each Provincial Congress, i Boston Gazette, Dec. 5, 1774. The p. 292. The other field officers were Wil- other field officers were Capt. William liam Bond of Watertown, Lieu t.-col., Bond, Lieut-col. ; Capt. William Conant, and Michael Jackson, of Newton, Major. 2d Lieut.-col. ; Capt. Abijah Brown, i Swett's Bunker H'dl Balde, pp. 40-42. Major; Capt Benjamin Hammond, 2d 8 Ibid., p. 55. Major. 420 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Avas mercifully released by death on the 3d of July. An obituary notice, eulogistic, but Avell merited, was published in the " New England Chronicle," July 13th: "On Monday the 3d instant, died of the Avounds received in the late engagement, Thomas Gardner, Esq., Colonel of a Regiment in the American Army, in the 52d year of his age ; and on the Wednesday following was interred with martial honors1 and every testimony of respect from his relatives and friends. From the era of our public diffi culties he distinguished himself as an ardent friend to the expir ing liberties of America, and by the unanimous suffrages of his townsmen Avas for some years elected a member of the General Assembly ; but when the daring encroachment of intruding des potism deprived us of a constitutional convention, and the first laAV of .nature demanded a substitute, he was chosen one of the Provincial Congress ; in Avhich departments he was vigilant and indefatigable in defeating every effort of tyranny. To promote the interest of his country was the delight of his soul. An in flexible zeal for freedom caused him to behold every engine of oppression Avith contempt, horror, and aversion. His abilities in a military capacity were equally conspicuous. That he might cultivate a spirit of emulation for that now necessary and useful science, he devoted not only a great part of his time, but even of his OAvn patrimony, and ever exhibited an example of courage and magnanimity. In the humid vale of private life he was agreeable and entertaining. Justice and integrity Avere the first movements of his actions : To his family, kind, tender, and in dulgent : To his friends, unreserved and sincere : To the whole circle of his acquaintance, affable, condescending, and obliging : Avhile veneration for religion augmented the splendor of his sister virtues. As he ever maintained and avoAved the highest senti ments of patriotism, so his conduct entirely cohered, and, actuated by this divine principle, entered the field of battle. And although he returned uncrowned with victorious bays, and his temples un adorned with laurel Avreaths, yet doubtless he will be croAvned with unfading honors in the unclouded regions of eternal day." Colonel Gardner's residence was near Union Square, in the south- 1 General Washington's Orders, July company at Maiden, to attend on this 4, 1775 : " Colonel Gardneris to be buried mournful occasion. The places of these to-morrow, at three o'clock, p. m., with companies, on the lines, on Prospect Hill, the military honors due to so brave and to be supplied by Colonel Glover's regi- gallant an officer, who fought, bled, and ment, till the funeral is over." A sad died, in the cause of his country and order, to be issued on the next day after mankind. His own regiment, except the assuming command of the army. MILITARY HISTORY. 421 erly parish of Cambridge, which afterwards was the town of Brighton. On the day of Colonel Gardner's death, July 3d, General Washington assumed the command of the American Army, hav ing an-ived in Cambridge on the preceding day. Quarters were at first assigned to him in the President's house, erected in 1726, and still standing on Harvard Street, between Dane and Boylston Halls. The Provincial Congress, June 26, " resolved, that the President's house in Cambridge, excepting one room reserved by the President for his own use, be taken, cleared, prepared, and furnished, for the reception of General Washington and General Lee." - This arrangement was not wholly satisfactory. He had occupied the house only four days,. when Congress ordered, July 6, " that the Committee of Safety be a committee to desire Gen eral Washington to let them knoAV if there is any house at Cam bridge, that would be more agreeable to him and General Lee than that in which they noAV are ; and in that case, the said committee are directed to procure such house, and put it in proper order for their reception." 2 Accordingly the Committee directed, July 8th, " that the house of Mr. John Vassall, ordered by Congress for the residence of his excellency General Wash ington, should be immediately put in such a condition as may make it convenient for that purpose." 3 Precisely how soon the new quarters were occupied does not appear ; but Thacher rep resents that before July 20 the General was residing in " a con venient house, about half a mile from Harvard College,"4 a description which indicates the Vassall house ; and these quarters were retained until he left Cambridge, April 4, 1776. Quarter master-general Mifflin's head-quarters Avere at the Brattle House. " Immediately after the battle of Bunker Hill, the Americans began to erect Avorks on 'Prospect Hill, a very commanding height above Charlestown Common, and at several other places Several works were also constructed at Roxbury, and the British confined to Boston and Charlestown within the neck." 5 These works were extended, after the arrival of Washington, from Dor chester on the south, through Cambridge, to Mystic River on the north. In Cambridge a line of fortifications was constructed along the summit of Dana Hill, then called Butler's Hill,6 to- 1 Journals of each Provincial Congress, * Thacher's Military Journal, p. 32. p. 398. s Heath's Memoirs, p. 22. ¦ Ibid., p. 460. 6 Probably so called because, in the first - Ibid., p. 593. division of lands in Cambridge, lots on 422 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. gether with several detached forts and redoubts, delineated on the map accompanying " Marshall's Life of Washington." The for tress there designated as " Fort No. 3 " was a very littje outside of Cambridge bounds, not far from Union Square in Somerville. This served as a connecting link between the Avorks on Prospect Hill, and the Cambridge lines which extended northwardly from the point where Broadway crosses the top of Dana Hill, and of Avhich some vestiges still remain. " Fort No. 2 " was on the easterly side of Putnam Avenue, at its intersection Avith Franklin Street. It was in good condition a few years ago ; but since Franklin Street Avas extended directly through it, a large propor tion of the embankment has been removed, and the remainder is rapidly disappearing. This fort effectually commanded the river as far doAvn as Riverside, Avhere " Fort No. 1 " probably stood, though no vestige of it remains. Both the map and the obvious fact that it commands the river doAvn to Captain's Island, un mistakably indicate this as the locality of the Fort. At Cap tain's Island was a " 3 gun battery," commanding the River down to its next angle ; this also has disappeared, its embank ments very probably having been levelled when the Powder Magazine was constructed. At the next angle of the river, on the easterly side of Pine Grove, anciently called the Oyster Banks, there Avas another " 3 gun battery," Avhich commanded the river down to Lechmere's Point. This fortress was care- t fully preserved by the Dana family, for many years, until by an arrangement Avith the owners, and at the joint expense of the City and the Commonwealth, it Avas restored in 1858 as nearly as possible to its original state, and enclosed by a substantial iron fence. The United States contributed three cannon, Avhich were duly mounted. Let no unpatriotic hand destroy this revolution ary relic, now known as Fort Washington. A still more formi dable fortress, at Lechmere's Point, called Fort Putnam, Avill be mentioned in another place. Immediately after the arrival of General Washington, the army was more fully organized. The right Aving, at Roxbury, under the command of Major-general Ward, consisted of two brigades, commanded by Brigadier-generals Thomas and Spen cer. The left Aving, commanded by Major-general Lee, con sisted of two brigades, under Brigadier-generals Sullivan and Greene. The centre, at Cambridge, commanded by Major-gen- the northerly side of Main Street, extend- Hancock Street, were assigned to Richard ing from Dana Street somewhat beyond Butler and William Butler. MILITARY HISTORY. 423 eral Putnam, consisted of tAvo brigades ; one under the com mand of Brigadier-general Heath, embraced the regiments of General Heath, and Colonels Patterson, Scammon, Phinney, Gerrish, and Prescott ; the other, under the-immediate command of General Putnam, comprehended the regiments of Colonels Glover, Frye, Bridge, Woodbridge, and Sargeant.1 According to a " List of Colonels of the several Regiments raised by the Colony of Massachusetts," dated Oct. 18, 1775, it appears that the regiments composing the centre (except that of Colonel Ger rish which seems to have been detached for service elsewhere), Avere stationed as follows : — General Heath's Regiment at Number Two. Colonel Patterson's Regiment at Number Three. Colonel Scammon's Regiment at Number One. Colonel Phinney's Regiment at North of Number Two. Colonel Prescott's Regiment at Cambridge. Colonel Glover's Regiment at Cambridge. Colonel Frye's Regiment at Cambridge. Colonel Bridge's Regiment at Cambridge. Colonel Woodbridge's Regiment at West side of Prospect Hill on the road leading from Charlestown Road to Menotomy. Colonel Sargeant's Regiment at Inman's Farm.2 Frothingham says that during the next Avinter the troops were accommodated in barracks thus : " At Prospect Hill, 3,464 ; at different places, — Number One, Inman's House, &c, 3,460; at Roxbury, 3,795 ; at Dorchester, 814 ; at SeAvall's Point, 400 ; at Cambridge Barracks, 640 ; at Winter Hill, 3,380 ; in the Col lege, '640; in the New College, 640; in the Old College, 240; North Chapel, 160 ; total, 17,633 ; exclusive of private houses in Cambridge." 3 After the 19th of April, 1775, not many important military events occurred Avithin the borders of this town, while it was oc cupied by the army. A few are mentioned by Gen. Heath, Avho was an eye-witness ; " Nov. 9th. At the top of high Avater, the tide being verv full, some British Light Infantry, in boats, came over from Boston, and landed on Lechmere's Point. The centi- nels on the point came off ; the alarm was given ; and several hundred Americans forded over the causeway,4 in the face of the 1 Frothingham's Siege of Boston, pp. * The New England Chronicle, Nov. 16, 219,220. says: "The tide was very full, and our 2 Mass. Arch., cxlvi. 340. It is said men were retarded in getting to the point that Gen. Putnam's head-quarters were in by being obliged to pass a ford near breast the Inman house. high." This ford or causeway was prob- 8 Siege of Boston, p. 291. ably the same which the British troops 424 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. British,' the water at least two feet deep. The British, seeing the spirit of the Americans, although they were very advantage ously posted, made a precipitate retreat to their boats. Three or four Americans were wounded, one mortally. The British ship and floating-batteries kept up a brisk fire, but to little pur pose.1 Dec. 12. " A causeway Avas begun over the marsh to Lechmere's Point." - For the next few days the " approaches were carried on briskly, nearly to the top of the hill." On the 17th, " the morning was foggy7. A detachment of 300 men, under the direction of Gen. Putnam, broke ground on the top of the hill, on Lechmere's Point, at a distance of not more than half a mile from the ship. Between twelve and one o'clock, the fog cleared away, and the ship began to cannonade the Ameri cans with round and grape shot, and some shells were thrown from West-Boston. One soldier was wounded, and the party driven from the works." On the next day, Gen. Heath "with 300 men " renewed the work, and although severely cannonaded, held his ground without loss. The fortification was completed within a few days, during Avhich the " cannonade continued, but to no effect." 3 This fortress rendered important service in the final attack, which resulted in the evacuation of Boston by the British army. Feb. 25, 1776, " some heavy cannon were mounted on the works at Lechmere's Point." March 2d, " at night a cannonade and bombardment began at the American works on Cobble Hill and Lechmere's Point on the Cambridge side, and at Lamb's Dam on the Roxbury side, against the Brit ish works ; and a number of shells Avere thrown into Boston." March 4th. " There Avas an almost incessant roar of cannon and mortars during the night, on both sides. The Americans took possession of Dorchester heights, and nearly completed their works on both hills by morning. March 9th, " there Avas, dur ing the evening and night, a continual roar of cannon and mor tars, from the Castle and lines on Boston neck, south end of that toAvn, as well as from the Americans at Roxbury, Cobble Hill, and Lechmere's Point at Cambridge." The position of Gen. Howe had now become utterly untenable, and on the 17th of crossed, on their way to Lexington, when ing the fortification on Lechmere's Point there was only a half tide. with "Fort No. 3," and crossing Miller's 1 Memoirs, p. 30. River at or near the spot where the Gore - Whether a new causeway was con- (or Medford) Street Bridge was after- structed, or the old one repaired does not wards built. distinctly appear. But, old or new, it is 8 Memoirs, pp. 32-34. delineated on Marshal's Map as connect- MILITARY HISTORY. 425 March, " in the morning, the British evacuated Boston ; their rear guard with some marks of precipitancy." " The troops on the Roxbury side moved over the neck and took possession of Boston, as did others from Cambridge in boats. On the Ameri cans entering the toAvn, the inhabitants discovered joy inex pressible." - I find on the Toavii Records only three references to the presence of a large army. The town protested, May 29, 1775, against permitting army contractors to become rich at the public expense. In the instructions given to their delegates in the Provincial Congress, they say, " As we are informed the honorable Com mittee of supplies have agreed with a number of persons to sup ply the Provincial Army with fresh provisions at a stated price, which has caused great uneasiness amongst the inhabitants of this Province in general, and this town in particular, we do in struct you to use your influence that they be paid a reasonable consideration for their services, and no more." On the 11th of March, 1776, " John Foxcroft and John Wyeth, Esqs. and Deacon Aaron Hill were chosen as a committee to present a peti tion to his Excellency General Washington, to knoAV Avhat part of our lands he will Avant for the use of the Army for the pres ent year. The committee made no report to the toAvn of their proceedings." Perhaps the committee did not consult General Washington, and had nothing to report ; Avithin a Aveek after their appointment, Boston was evacuated by the British, and the American army left Cambridge very soon afterwards. After their departure, the town appointed a committee, May 13, 1776, " to estimate the losses sustained by means of or in consequence of the British troops, and report to Col. Palmer and others, a committee appointed by the Great and General Court of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay to receive the same, — keeping separate accounts of the damages sustained by posting the Amer ican Army in this town." The Records of the Selectmen afford some glimpses of the difficulty with which arms and ammunition Avere procured at the commencement of the War, and of the ruinous depreciation of the currency at a later period. I select a few items. An order was drawn, March 13, 1775, to pay Col. Thomas Gardner " for four half barrels of powder, £20. 13. 4." To arm the soldiers, it Avas necessary to obtain muskets from private individuals. The 1 Heath's Memoirs, pp. 39-43. £. 1. 0.0 1. 10.0 1. 4.0 1. 4.0 1. 7.0 0. 19.6 1. 0.0 2. 8.0 1. 10.0 1. 10.0 2. 8.0 426 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Selectmen, May 30, 1775, acknowledge that they have received guns, etc., valued as follows : — Of John Caldwell, gun, Of Ebenezer Bradish, gun aud bayonet, Of Capt. Thatcher, gun, Of Capt. Edward Marrett, gun. Of Capt. Stedman, gun, Of Capt. Stedman, gun, Of Capt. Stedman, gun, and on the 11th of June, — Of Wyman, gun and bayonet, Of Mr. Sparhawk, gun and bayonet, Of Mr. Sparhawk, gun and bayonet, Of Mr. Sparhawk, his own gun, " Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1776. We the subscribers received of the Selectmen one gun each, valued at the price set against our names subscribed ; which gun we respectively promise to return or allow the price set against each name. Samuel Champney, £1. 7. 0 ; William Fuller, jEl. 4. 0; Abijah BroAvn, £1. 0. 0; Jonathan Deland, £0. 18. 0; March 4: John Lock, £2. 14. 0." December 16, 1776, " Voted, to desire the Selectmen of Water- town to find a Drum and deliver the same to Mr. Eayers, our drummer, for Capt. Blaney's Company now going to New York; and in case there should happen any damage to said Drum, we Avill be at charges with them to make it good." August 4, 1777, "N. B. There being £6. 8. 0 money left of poAvder, voted to deliver the same to Capt. Locke, Deacon Hill, and Mr. Jack son, to procure balls and flints. Memorandum : The poAvder last bought by Deacon Hill and Mr. Wyeth (at Watertown) came to £37. 10. 0." July 26, 1780. Voted to "meet at 5 o'clock next Friday to procure the horses." July 28, " Mr. BroAvn offers his bay horse for £1,000; the sorrel horse, £900; Capt. Jesse Putnam for his, £900; Mr. Locke, for money doAvn, £1,000; Mr. Lemuel Blanchard, for a large one, £1,200, or £2,400 for two, that and another ; Thad. Wyman, £1,000; another horse of Locke's £1,000." The sad state of the currency appears also from sundry votes of the town : June 20, 1780, to assess £15,000 for the purpose of hiring soldiers ; June 22, the same sum, and June 29, £50,000, for the same purpose ; Dec. 18, 1780, to assess £60,000 for the purchase of 35,255 lbs. of beef for the MILITARY HISTORY. 427 use of the army, — being at the rate of very nearly six dollars per pound. On the 17th of October, 1777, Gen. Burgoyne surrendered his army as prisoners of Avar. They Avere ordered to Cambridge, Avhere they arrived in the folloAving month, and were placed under the charge of Gen. Heath, the commander of this military district. " As soon as he Avas notified that these troops Avere coming under his direction, he set himself in earnest to prepare for their reception. The barracks at Prospect and Winter Hills Avere directed to be put instantly in order. The Council was applied to, to aid in the procurement of quarters from the citizens for the officers ; nor was this an easy task. The families of the citizens generally Avanting the room in their respective houses rendered it difficult to obtain so many quarters as were necessary for so great a number, and extended the limits of the parole very considerably." - Gen. Burgoyne had quarters as signed to him in the Borland House, Gen. Riedesel in the Lech mere (or Sewall) House, and others elsewhere. The soldiers occupied barracks on Prospect and Winter Hills. "Between 11 and 12 o'clock" on the 5th of April, 1778, "General Burgoyne left Cambridge for Rhode Island;" and on the 15th " a division of the Convention troops marched for Rut land, under escort of a detachment of militia, commanded by Major Read."2 The remainder of "the Convention troops marched for Virginia," on the 10th and 11th of November, 1778,3 after having been prisoners of Avar someAvhat more than a year. During their continuance in and around Cambridge, vexatious collisions were of frequent occurrence ; and tAvo, of a more serious character, produced painful excitement. In January, 1778, " Col. Henley, Avho had the immediate command at Cambridge," being treated insolently by a British soldier, " pricked him Avith a sword or bayonet. Gen. Burgoyne immediately presented a complaint against Col. Henley, charging him with barbarous and wanton conduct and intentional murder."4 A spicy correspondence ensued between Generals Burgoyne and Heath. The case was duly examined by a court martial, and Col. Henley was acquit ted.5 June 17, 1778. " A British officer was shot by an Amer ican sentinel on Prospect Hill, the officer attempting to pass con trary to the standing orders." A jury of inquest, consisting of 1 Heath's Memoirs, p. 134. 4 Ibid., pp. 149, 150. - Ibid., pp. 161, 162. 5 Ibid., p. 155. s Ibid., p. 198. 428 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. " William Howe, Benjamin Locke, John Brown, Ebenezer Sted man, Samuel Manning, Nathaniel Austin, Joseph Read, jr., James Hill, Thomas Barrett, Benjamin Baker, Aaron Hill, Isaac Bradish, James Munroe, Joseph Johnson, good and laAvful men of Cambridge," rendered their verdict on the 18th of June, " that the said Richard Brown was shot with a fire arm by the centinel in Charlestown, near Prospect Hill, betAveen the hours of five and six, P. M., on the 17th day of June, A. D. 1778, in attempting to pass the centinel with two women, after being properly challenged by said centinel, and so came to death." - By the official census, it appears that the population of Cam bridge was 1,586 in 1776, and 2,115 in 1790 ; a very large pro portion of which number served in the Revolutionary Army. My list is doubtless imperfect ; yet it contains more than four hundred and fifty names. Among the officers were Colonels Ebenezer Bridge, Thomas Gardner, Samuel Thatcher ; Captains, Benjamin Locke, John Walton ; Lieutenants, Solomon Bowman, Samuel Butterfield, William Colson, Stephen Frost, Samuel Locke, Josiah Moore, Josiah Warren, Jotham Walton, John Wy man ; Sergeants, Joseph Bates, Joseph Belknap, Nathaniel Be- mis, Oliver BroAvn, John Burns, John Cutter, Josiah Dana, James Fillebrown, Thomas Fillebrown, Belcher Hancock, Wil liam Harrington, Moses Hovey, James Kettle, Isaac Learned, Joseph Trask, Isaac Tufts, Elkanah Welch, Jeduthun Welling ton ; Corporals, Michael Applebee, Ebenezer Brown, Stephen Cook, Moses Coolidge, John Cooper, Thomas Cutter, James Fowle, Joshua Gamage, John Hackleton, Nathaniel Learned, James Locke, James Perry, Solomon Phipps, Seth Stone, John Tidd, James Tufts, John Warland, Thomas Warland. Abraham Watson, Jr., Avas Surgeon of Col. Gardner's Regiment, and James Winthrop Avas aid-de-camp to Gen. Prescott. Besides the pri vate soldiers Avhose names appear on the before mentioned rolls of the two companies commanded by Capt. Samuel Thatcher and Capt. Benjamin Locke, those who are named in the list below appear to have been a portion of the Cambridge quota : — John Abbott. Nathaniel Austin. Jonathan Barrett. John Acres. Benjamin Badger. George Barrington. Daniel Adams. William Barber. Thomas Beals. John Adams. Caleb Barrett. Thomas Bemford. Thomas Adams. Daniel Barrett. Luke Bemis. George Allen. John Barrett. Francis Bennett. 1 Heath's Memoirs, p. 175. MILITARY HISTORY. 429 Joseph Biglow. Nathan Blodgett. Henry Bond. Amos Bordman. Moses Bordman. Richard Bordman. William Bordman. Zechariah Bostwick. Andrew Bradshaw. Christopher Brandon. Robert Bray. Jonathan Bright. Joseph Bright. Abijah Brooks. Abijah Brown. James Brown. Jonathan Brown. William Brown. Alexander Buckingham. John Bucknam. John Bull. Stephen Butterfield. John Capell. Daniel Carmichael. Thaddeus Carter. John Cassell. Isaac Champney. Nathaniel Champney. Samuel Champney. Thomas Champney. Joseph Child. Moses Child. Norman Clark. James Connor. Benjamin Cook. Caleb Cook. Ephraim Cook. James Cook. Joshua Cook. Thomas Cook. Caleb Coolidge. Joseph Coolidge. Joshua Coolidge. Nathaniel Coolidge. Simon Coolidge. Thomas Coolidge. Thomas Cooper. Richard Crease. Jazaniah Crosby. John Crosby. William Crosby. Ishmael Cutler. Prince Cutler. Ammi Cutter, Jr. James Cutter. Richard Cutter. Samuel Cutter. William Cutter, Jr. Silent Cutting. Benjamin Dana. Ezra Dana. John Dana. Richard Dana. Henry Darling. Daniel Doland. Paul Dexter. James Dickson. William Dickson. Thomas Ditson. Isaac Dix. John Dorin. Thomas Dove. Zacheus Drury. Daniel Duncan. David Edmands. John Edmands. Thomas Edmands. Andrew Ellis. Richard Everett. Thomas Farrington. Absalom Farwell. David Farwell. Josiah Fessenden. Samuel Fillebrown. Aaron Fisher. Ephraim Flagg. Benjamin Floyd. John Forman. Benjamin B. Foster. Bennett Foster. James Fowle. John Fowle, Jr. Samuel Fowle. John Francis. Cato Freeman. Abraham Frost. Edmund Frost. Ephraim Frost. James Frost. James Frost, Jr. Neptune Frost. Seth Frost. Charles Frothingham. William Frothingham. Robert Fulton. William Fuller. Jesse Gaffield. Samuel Gallison. Daniel Gamage. John Gardner. Thomas Gardner. George Geyer. Jonathan C. Godden. William Grady. John Grandy. Isaac Greenleaf. William Gridley. John Hagar. Richard Hales. Edward Harrington. Benjamin Hastings. Edward Hastings. John Hastings. Richard Hay. John Heywood. Samuel Heywood.. John Hill. Samuel Hill. Thomas Hill. John Holbrook. Joseph Holden. Reuben Hooker. Thomas Hoppin. Edward Horton. Josiah Horton. Caleb Hovey. Josiah Hovey. Thomas Hovey. Samuel Howard. Simon Howard. Abraham Hurley. William Hurley. Peter Jackson. Job Jennens. Phinehas Jennison. Abel Johnson. Abijah Johnson. Jesse Johnson. Jonas Johnson. Lawrence Johnson. 430 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Philip Johnson. Wicom Johnson. James Jones. John Kidder. Henry King. Peter Landman. Joseph Larkin. Jonathan Lawrence. James Learned. William Learned. Jack Leavenworth. Robert Leonard. Job Littlefield. Jonathan Locke. Thomas Long. Richard Loring. Thomas Mason. Edmund Masters. Robert McCleary. Arthur McCord. Daniel McGuire. Daniel McNamara (de serted). John Mead. Thomas Melendy. Joseph Mills. Samuel Mills. Pierce Moran. William Morse. Ephraim Mullett. John Myrick. Alexander Nelson. John Palmer. John Parcells. Thoma3 Park. Jackson Parker. Thomas Parrott. William Penniman. Thomas Perkins. Jesse Perry. Elijah Phipps. Samuel Phipps. John Pierce. Joseph Pierce. Samuel Pierce. Job Potamea. Edward Prentice. Henry Prentice. Henry Prentice, Jr. Jonas Prentice. Solomon Prentice. Peter Quinn. Henry Ramor. Abraham Rand. Moses Rand. Thomas Ransford. Jonathan Read. Joseph Read. Stacy Read. John Rice. Elias Richardson. Moses Richardson. George Richey. John Ridgway. Ebenezer Robbins. Ephraim Robbins. Jonathan Robbins. Gain Robinson. Silas Robinson. York Ruggles. John Runey. Joseph Russell. Patten Russell. Samuel Russell. Jacob Sanderson. William Sanger. John Savage. Richard Seaver. Joseph Shaw. John Sherrin. Ebenezer Simonds. James Simson. John Smith. Blake Sparhawk. Noah Sparhawk. Convers Spring. Jonathan Stanley. Joseph Stanley. Jotham Staple. John Stearns. Robert Steward. Samuel Stimson. Amos Stone. David Stone. John Stone. Aaron Swan. George Swan. Stephen Symmes. Amos Taylor. John Tidd. Joseph Trask. Stephen Tucker. Ebenezer Tufts. John Tufts. Jonathan Tufts. Nathan Tufts. Nathaniel Tufts. Samuel Tufts. George Turner. Wait Turner. Elijah Tuttle. Joseph Tuttle. John Vertys. John Vila. Thomas Wait. Edward Walker. Israel Walton. William Warland. Daniel Watson. Isaac Watson. William Watson. Ezra Welch. John Welch. Elijah Weld. Henry Weld. Job Wetherell. Thomas Wheeler. Andrew White. James White. John Whiting. Andrew Whitney. Nathaniel R. Whitney. Oliver Whitney. Timothy Whitney. Francis Whittemore. Nathan Whittemore. Samuel Whittemore, Jr. Thomas Whittemore. James Williams. Nathaniel Williams. Timothy Willison. George Wilson. Josiah Wilson. Thomas Wilson. William Wilton. Henry Winship. Isaac Winship. John Winship. Coolidge Wood. Charles Wyman. Phipps Wyman. James Yates. MILITARY HISTORY. 431 The war against Great Britain, Avhich was proclaimed on the 19th of June, 1812, was unpopular in Cambridge, as in New Eng land generally. The muster rolls are not Avithin my reach ; aud I am unable to furnish a full list of volunteers Avho may have en tered the army. A certificate remains on file, hoAvever, that the Cambridge Light Infantry Avere in camp at South Boston fifty- one daj7s, commencing Sept. 10, 1814. The company consisted of Captain Samuel Child, Jr.; Lieutenant Jonathan C. Prentiss; Ensign Eliab W. Metcalf; Sergeants, John Ruggles, William Hunnewell, Oliver L. Child, Rufus Roberts ; Corporals, Jacob H. Bates, Asa Wyman ; Fifer, Nathaniel Munroe ; Pri\7ates, William Bates, Elijah Bellows, David Bowtell, John Brackett, William Brown, James Child, Nathaniel Colburn, Charles Ev erett, John Fillebrown, Timothy Flagg, Abraham J. Gould, Henry Greenwood, Sewall Hadley, Isaac Herrick, William Hol- lis, Isaac Kilburn, Richard Larrabee, Cyrus Morse, Harris Mun roe, Seth Sanderson, Buckley Stone, Moses Thompson, Charles Walton, Galen Ware, Jonas Wyeth 3d. Besides these, William Burges, James Gilson, John Wheeler 2d, Samuel S. Willard, and Stephen Wyeth, were drafted into the service in August, 1814, and Samuel Carpenter, Peter G. Conant, William C. Davis, Thomas Dean, Jr., Edmund Morrill, Seth Tinkham, and John Wyman, served as substitutes for other drafted men. To Cambridge rightfully belongs the honor of organizing the first company of militia in the United States, which Avas enlisted expressly for the defence of the government in the War of the Rebellion, 1861. Soon after the Presidential election in 1860, many who carefully watched the signs of the times were confi dent that the Southern States would soon be in open rebellion, and that the national government could only be preserved by force of arms. Among those who foresaw the peril and did not shrink from it Avas James P. Richardson, Esq.,1 an attorney at law in Cambridgeport. In anticipation of the impending strug gle, he issued the following notice: — "The undersigned proposes to organize a company of volun teers, to tender their services to our common country, and to do what they can to maintain the integrity and glory of our flag and Union. Any citizen of good moral character and sound in body, who wishes to join the corps, will please call at my office, Main Street, Cambridgeport. J. P. Richardson." - 1 Great-grandson of Moses Richardson, who was slain on the day of the Lexing ton Battle, April 19, 1775. - Cambridge Chronicle, Jan. 5, 1861. 432 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. On the 13th of April, 1861, it Avas announced that sixty per sons had enlisted, and that the company had been accepted by the Governor. Two days afterwards, April 15tb, the President of the United States issued a proclamation, calling for 75,000 volunteers, to serve three months, in defence of the Union. On the 16th, the GoA-ernor issued his orders ; and this company responded on the morning of the 17th, having in its ranks, when it arrived at the State House, ninety-five members, some having joined it on its march. It seems highly proper to preserve the names of those patriotic men, who, first of all, voluntarily offered their services to the country : — CAPTAIN. James P. Richardson. 1st hedt. Samuel E. Chamberlain. 2D LIEUT. Edwin F. Richardson. SERGEANTS. John Kinnear. Francis M. Doble. George W. Smith. Conrad D. Kinnear. CORPORALS. Augustus A. Thurston. Daniel F. Brown. Benjamin F. Dexter. John E. Howe. MUSICIAN. John Charles Copp. PRIVATES. Leonard Arkerson. Edwin Barry. Andrew J. Bate. Joseph II. Baxter. Albert C. Berry. Isaac H. Blake. Robert F. Bourne. Charles B. Brown. Solomon M. Busnach. Joseph P. Cartwright. James Cate. Edwin F. Chandler. Frederick Chandler. William Chandler. William H. Clark. William A. Colby. Thomas Costello. Robert D. Crabbie. Jere C. Cronin, Jr.. Hugh Cunningham. Charles R. Dakin. Louis - P. Davis, Jr. Lowell Ellison. Edwin E. Fairbanks. Thos. W. Frederickson. John C. Gaffney. Robert J. Gamble. Thomas Gamble. Joseph Gay. John Green. Abner A. Griffing. James XV. Haley. Samuel L. Harty. George W. Hastings. Levi Hawkes. William A. Hayward. Frederick A. Hill. Simon D. Hitchcock. Alfred F. Holt. Patrick Howard. Charles M. Howlett. William Kavanaugh. Frank E. Kelly. Paul Kennedy. John W. King. George W. Lamson. Samuel H. Libbey. Samuel C. Lucy. Thomas H. Lucy. Thomas Martin. Richard T. Marvin. Alfred J. Mason. Joseph Mayer. Timothy McCarty. Thomas McDonald. Eugene H. McQuillen. Michael McQuillen. Daniel R. Melcher. Horatio C. Moore. George T. Nichols. Thomas A. B. Norris, Jr. James W. Penniman. Calvin D. Peirce. Thomas Preston. William W. Richards. William R. Russell. William Shannon. James Sheedy. Charles S. Slate. Samuel F. Slocomb. Henry A. Smith. John Smith. Charles E. Stevens. Warren F. Stone. Michael Sullivan. Timothy Sullivan. William Tibbetts. Charles H. Titus. Edwin H. Trulan. John "Vose. George W. Waters. George XV. Wheelock. Henry White. John A. White. Andrew Wilson. Or, Llewelyn. MILITARY HISTORY. ' 433 Ninety-seven in all ; but Calvin D. Peirce and Edwin H. Tru- lanAvere not mustered in until the 6th of May, after the company arrived at Fortress Monroe. At the expiration of its term of service, this company returned, and received an ovation from their fellow citizens July 23, 1861, at the City Hall. Nearly all its members ree'nlisted, and ren dered further service to the country ; and many laid down their lives in its defence.1 Of its three commissioned officers, Capt. James P. Richardson received a commission as Captain in the 38th Regiment, Aug. 12, 1862 ; Avas promoted to the office of Major, Dec. 4, 1862, and to that of Lieut.-colonel, July 16, 1863; from which time he had the command of the regiment, as the Colonel was absent on leave from April, 1863, until the end of the war. Col. Richardson was severely wounded at the battle of Opequan, Sept. 19, 1864, but continued in service until the end of the war, after which he served in the regular army in a sub ordinate office, and was for a considerable time Judge Advocate. He Avas afterwards appointed Judge of a court in Texas. Lieut. Samuel E. Chamberlain was commissioned Captain of a company in the First Regiment of Cavalry, Nov. 25, 1861 ; Major, Oct. 30, 1862; Lieut.-colonel, March 5, 1864; Colonel of the Fifth Regi ment of Cavalry, July 26, 1865 ; and Avas discharged, Oct. 31, 1865, after the Avar ended, with the brevet rank of Brigadier- general. He was very dangerously wounded at Kelly's Ford, March 17, 1863. A bullet entered his left cheek-bone, and was long afterwards taken out from his spine between the shoulder- blades. He soon returned, however, to his post, and remained in active service more than six months after the surrender of Gen. Lee's Army. He afterwards served the Commomvealth as Deputy Quartermaster-general, from Aug. 24, 1866, to Jan. 25, 1872 ; and he is now Warden of the State Prison, to which office he Avas appointed in December, 1871. Lieut. Edwin F. Richard son received a commission as First Lieutenant of a eompany in the 22d Regiment, Oct. 1, 1861, which he resigned June 10, 1862. He soon afterwards enlisted as a private, became a Ser geant, Ava3 mortally Avounded in battle, May 18, 1864, and died on the 26th of the same month. He nobly redeemed his pledge at the ovation on the 23d of July, 1861, Avhen he is reported to have said, "he was determined to go back to the seat of Avar," 1 As nearly as can be ascertained, the ceived commissions, snd twenty-one were whole number reenlisted, with only two killed in battle, or died of wounds and exceptions; twenty-seven of them re- disease contracted in the service. 28 434 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. and " to fight till the Avar was over ; and if need be he would leave his bones to bleach on southern soil." z He sacrificed his life, but his remains, transported by friendly hands, Avere honor ably deposited in the Soldiers' Lot in the Cambridge Cemetery. Cambridge furnished about tAvo hundred commissioned officers, durino- the War of the Rebellion. The folloAving list is doubtless imperfect ; yet it is the result of an examination of the Adjutant- general's Reports, supplemented by personal inquiry, and an in spection of the names on the Soldiers' Monument in Cambridge. BRIGADIER-GENERALS. Henry L. Eustis. Charles Russell Lowell. BREVET BRIGADIER- GENERALS. Samuel E. Chamberlain. Charles F. Walcott. COLONELS. P. Stearns Davis. Norwood P. Hallowell. Albert Ordway. Edmund Rice. BREVET COLONEL. James B. Smith. LIEUTENANT-COLONELS. William W. Bullock. Jeremiah W. Coveney. J. Durell Green. William H. Lounsbury. George A. Meacham. David P. Muzzey. James P. Richardson. Samuel W. Richardson. Albert Stickney. MAJORS. Ezra P. Gould. C. Frederick Livermore. Charles C. Parsons. Henry L. Patten. Thomas O. Barri. Joseph H. Baxter. James B. Bell. George N. Bennett. Robert T. Bourne. John T. Burgess. Richard Cary. Charles H. Chapman. Joseph H. Clark. J. Warren Cotton. Lewis S. Dabney. Alexander J. Dallas. George H. Dana. James T. Davis. Horace Dexter. Edward G. Dyke. Charles W. Folsom. William H. Gertz. Joseph A. Hildreth. Arthur Hodges. George F. Holman. Henry A. Homer. Henry P. Hoppin. Samuel D. Hovey. William G. Howe. Alpheus Hyatt. William H. Jewell. Edward B. P. Kinsley. Leodegar M. Lipp. Roger S. Littlefield. John T. Richards. AthertonH. Stevens, Jr.2 Frederick A. Lull. brevet major. John W. McGregor. Charles J. Mills. Samuel McKeever. captains. Robert R. Newell. Thomas H. Annable. William J. O'Brien. William Plumer. Josiah Porter. Thomas R. Robeson. J. Emery Round. Taylor P. Rundlett. John S. Sawyer. George A. Schmitt. J. Lewis Stackpole. George H. Taylor. Levi P. Thompson. George O. Tyler. Charles C. Wehrun. Henry C. Wells. Thomas R. Wells. Edward E. White. William H. Whitney. John B. Whorf. John Wilder. John C. Willey. Andrew Wilson. John T. Wilson. J. Henry Wyman. BREVET CAPTAIN. Benjamin Vaughn. SURGEONS. Alfred F. Holt. Anson P. Hooker. Alfred A. Stocker. A. Carter Webber. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Henry O. Marcy. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. John S. Allanson. William B. Allyn. John Bijjelow. 1 Cambridge Chronicle, July 27, 1861. - To Major Stevens was allotted the privilege of conferring special honor on Cambridge. On the morning of April 3, 1865, he received from the Mayor of Richmond a formal surrender of the city, led his squadron within the walls, and displayed the Stars and Stripes upon the State House. MILITARY HISTORY. 435 George W. Booth. William S. Buck. Isaac H. Bullard. John H. Butler. A. L. Chamberlain. Daniel II. Chamberlain. Frederick Chandler. William H. Clark. Theodore Collamore. Marcus M. Collis. John H. Conant. George H. Copeland. Calvin A. Damon. Henry C. Dana. Charles M. Duren. Gerald Fitzgerald. Charles F. Foster. John C. Gaffhey. Thomas L. Harmon. John C. Heymer. ' Charles V. Holt. George H. Howard. Eli P. Kinsley. Thomas J. Langley. James R. Lawrence. Edward M. Livermore. Charles A. Longfellow. James J. Lowell. Alphonso M. Lunt. Timothy MeCarty. William McDermotL Lebbeus H. Mitchell. William Mullett. James Munroe. Isaac H. Pinkham. John H. Rafferty. W. Carey Rice. Darius P. Richards. Edwin F. Richardson. Ezra Ripley. AVilliam A. Robinson. Nathan Russell, Jr. Frank N. Scott. Jared Shepard. George B. Smith. George W. Smith. Charles B. Stevens. Frank E. Stimson. William B. Storer. Humphrey Sullivan. Robert Torrey, Jr. Emory Washburn, Jr. Charles P. Welch. Austin C. Wellington. Amos W. Bridges. Joseph P. Burrage. Edward F. Campbell. Howard Carroll. William M. Cloney. George Cole. Daniel G. E. Dickinson. Lowell Ellison. George A. Fisher. Thomas J. Fletcher. Nathan G. Gooch. James B. Hancock. Stephen S. Harris. Harrison Hinkley. Henry C. Hobbs. Andrew J. Holbrook. George M. Joy. Henry B. Leigh ton. John McClintock. Edmund Miles. Daniel S. Parker. William L. Putnam. Hiram Rowe. William L. Whitney, Jr. George P. Small. second lieutenants. William H. B. Smith. William A. Tarbell. William H. Tibbetts. Payson E. Tucker. Oliver H. Webber. Nathaniel S. Wentworth. Leonard C. Alden. Pardon Almy, Jr. Rudolph N. Anderson. John V. Apthorp. Charles P. Blaisdell. George L. Bradbury. To these should be added three officers in the Navy, whose names are inscribed on the Soldiers' Monument : Assistant Surgeons William Longshaw, Jr., Henry Sylvan us Plympton ; Assistant Engineer, John M. Whittemore. And it Avould be un pardonable to omit the name of Rear Admiral Charles Henry Davis, Avho rendered activ7e and efficient service during the War. On the 17th of June, 1869, the Mayor and City Council laid the corner-stone of a monument,1 which was dedicated, with fit ting ceremonies, July 13, 1870. It stands upon the Common in front of the College, and bears this inscription : " THE SOLDIERS and Sailors of Cambridge, whose names are here in- 1 The committee charged with the erec- Silloway, A. M., of Boston; Contractors tion of this monument give due credit to for the Stone and Masonry, McDonald & the persons engaged in its construction: Mann, of Cambridge; Manufacturers of " Designers of the Monument and Artists the Tablets, The Metallic Compression of the Statue, Cyrus and Darius Cobb, Company, of Somerville." of Cambridge ; Architect, Thomas W. 436 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. scribed, died in the service of their country, in the War for the maintenance of the Union. To perpetuate the memory of their, valor and patriotism, this monu MENT IS ERECTED BY THE ClTY, A. D. 1869-70." The names are inscribed on eight tablets, two upon each buttress. It is surely no more than just that they should also be inscribed here : BRIGADIER GENERAL. Charles Russell Lowell. COLONEL. P. Stearns Davis. MAJOR. Henry L. Patten. BREVET MAJOR. Charles James Mills. CAPTAINS. Thomas O. Barri. Joseph A. Baxter. Robert T. Bourne. Richard Cary. Alexander J. Dallas. Thomas R. Robeson. Levi P. Thompson. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. William Bradford Allyn. Gerald Fitzgerald. James J. Lowell. James Munroe. John H. Rafferty. W. Carey Rice. Ezra Ripley. Jared Shepard. Frank E. Stimson. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Leonard C. Alden. Pardon Almy, Jr. Rudolph N. Anderson. Joseph P. Burrage. Howard Carroll. James B. Haucock. William L. Putnam. Hiram Rowe. William H. B. Smith. William H. Tibbetts. SERGEANT MAJOR. Walter W. Nurse. SERGEANTS. J. Frank Angell. William H. Babcock. Charles Bisbee. Charles B. Brown. Daniel F. Brown. James L. Brown. George F. Cate. Martin G. Child. A. Stacy Courtis. John L. Fenton. George Grier. William P. Hadley. Anselm C. Hammond. Oliver Hapgood. George W. Harris. Edward M. Hastings. George E. Henshaw. Curtis Hobbs. Oliver L. Hodgdon. Horace M". Hosmer. Charles A. Howard. William H. Keene. Andrew A. Langley. Lauren F. Langley. William Matthews. James McCalvey. Nathaniel Prentiss. John Henry Purcell. Edwin F. Richardson. Charles C. Schwartz. John P. Turner. Theodore E. Waters. CORPORALS. Alexander T. Barri. Erastus R. Bullard. Thomas Cassidy. William L. Champney. Richard Condon. John Cooley. Owen Duffy. Hezekiah O. Gale. John Hamilton. John Hogan. John E. Howe. Levi Langley. Thomas Lawson. David K. Munroe. Jeremiah Murphy. Joseph McEvoy. Charles E. Neale. William J. Rand. Frederick Ruhling. Lucian J. Sanderson. John Soanlan. Frank Snow. William F. Sparrow. Thomas Tabor. Augustus A. Thurston. Alphonzo D. Titus. Henry Walker. Joseph H. Wyman. PRIVATES. William Adams. George N. Allen. Sidney Allen. Frank M. Almy. Lucien Andrews. James Angling. Joseph Baldwin. Samuel Benjamin. George W. Bentley. Joseph D. Bertsch. Edwin J. Bigelow. George R. Blake. Horace O. Blake. Walter S. Bradbury. Charles M. Bridges. John P. Brown. George W. Bullock. George L. Burton. John D. Burtwell. Albert L. Butler. John E. Butler. Patrick Callahan. William C. Carnes. Charles A. Carpenter. MILITARY HISTORY. 437 Charles A. Carter. John Caswell. H. Gray Chipman. Edwin R. Clark. Herman J. Clark. Thomas J. Clements. Jeremiah Cokely. Timothy Condlin. Peter Conlan. John Conner. Bernard Conway. Daniel Conway. Michael Conway. Jeremiah Corkery. Joseph Corrigan. Thomas F. Costello. Franklin J. Cremin. John Crockett. Michael T. Croning. George Cubery. Augustus Cunningham. Samuel A. Cutting. Robert L. Dale. Michael Daley. Milo H. Daley. John H. Dame. Charles T. Denton. William A. Dillingham. John A. Dodge. Joseph Donavan. Patrick Donavan. Marcus Downing. John Ducy. John Dunn. Francis W. Eaton. Charles F. Edwards. Herbert L. Emerson. Charles W. Emery. James English. Henry L. Ewell. James M. Fairfield. George F. Falls. Charles C. FataL Patrick Fay. Isaac Fenton. Thomas Fitzgerald. Bernard Flanigan. Herman Flint. Howard J. Ford. William F. Freeman. Thomas Gaffney. Benjamin F. Garland. Charles R. Gay. John Gibbons. James J. Gibson. Thomas Gibson. John M. Gilcreas. Patrick J. Gill. James Golden. Charles W. Goodwin. Henry Gould. Samuel S. Gould. Francis Graham. Aurelius Gray. Benjamin F. Gunnison. Wiufield S. Gurney. Ferdinand Haberer. Bernard Haley. Aromel H. Hamilton. Peter Hanlon. Charles D. Harlow. William Harlow. John Harney. David G. Hatch. John F. Hawkes. George W. Hearsey. Daniel Hickey. Edward T. Hixon. Michael Hoar. Joseph Hodges, Jr. Joseph Hoey. Francis C. Hopkinson. Dennis Horrigan. Patrick Howard. John Hughes, 2d. Joseph H. Hughes. John Irwin. William R. Jackson. Austin Jefferson. Alfred Jennings. George A. Jewett. Charles D. Johnson. William Johnson. David Johnston. John O. Keefe. Timothy Kelleher. Peter Kelly. Thomas Kelsey. Paul Kennedy. Alois Kolb. Benjamin F. Lancton. Francis L. Lander. William H. Lattimer. William Laws. Philo G. Lawton. Timothy Leary. Edward Lennon. John M. S. Lernard. Thomas Long. George W. Lucy. William H. Lunt. John Lynch. John W. Macconnell. Bernard Madden. John Madden. John H. Maguire. Elias Manning. John Manning. Thomas Marin. Thomas Maroriey. John Marshall. Ferdinand Matthews. Archibald McCaffrey. John McCarthy. Patrick McDermott. Albert McKown. Dennis McMahon. James McNall. Francis McQuade. Michael McQuillan. Michael McVey. Dennis Meagher. William Mitchell. Alvah Montgomery. Stephen Moore. William Z. Morey. Alexander Morin. Christopher Morris. Joseph A. Morris. George E. Morse. Bernard Mullen. Charles Murphy. John Murphy. John C. Murphy. Michael Murphy. Thomas Murphy. Dennis B. Nash. Thomas Neville. George Nichols. Dennis O'Brien. Martin O'Brien. William O'Brien. John O'Connor. 438 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. John O'Hara. Patrick O'Niel. Thomas Palmer. Charles Parker. William L. Parker. George W. Paul. James D. Paul. Edwin R. Pearson. Henry Penmore. Walter S. Penniman. William Phipps. James H. Pierce, Jr. William Plant. Augustus R. Pope. John Powers. William B. Price. Edwin C. Proctor. Philip J. Quinn. John H. Ready. Frederick S. Richards. William Robins. James B. Robinson. Thomas H. Roper. James H. Rowe. Randolph Ruther. Thomas F. Ryan. William Schmidt. Orrin Seavey. David Shattels. Thomas J. Short. William H. Smart. Daniel F. Smith. Augustine Sorg. George H. Stearns. Walter H. Stedson. Francis E. Stevens. William L. Stevens. Humphrey Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan. Francis C. Swift. John Ii. Talbot. Edward B. Thomas. William Thompson. Robert Thornton. George G. Thwinj7. William Tingey. Frank Todd. John Toomey. James Travis. George T. Tucker. John II. Tucker. David Tyler. Leonard Volk. George F. Wakefield. George W. Waters. Henry C. Waters. George P. Welch. Lewis Westacott. Richard Westacott. Charles White. Dennis White. Edward P. White. George R. White. Ebenezer Whiting. Thomas Wilson. William Wilson. Robert Wiseman. George T. Wood. Levi Woofindale. William H. Wyeth. Charles F. York. Thomas Yuill. Of those engaged in the naval service : Assistant Surgeons, William Longshaw, Jr., Henry Sylvanus Plympton ; Assistant Engineer, John M. Whittemore; Gunner, Jacob Amee ; George Bacon, Charles F. Brown. Among the documents deposited under the corner-stone of the Soldiers' Monument is a " Brief History of Cambridge," (pre pared by Henry W. Muzzey, Esq., President of the Common Council), in which it is stated that, " During the War, Cam bridge furnished to the army of the United States four thousand one hundred and thirty-five men, and to the navy four hundred and fifty-three men." This Avas about one sixth part of the en tire population, which was 26,060 in 1860, and 29,112 in 1865.1 1 Cambridge not only furnished a full share of soldiers, but was active in reliev ing the distress occasioned by the war. A subscription was commenced in July, 1862, which amounted to more than 830,000, for the benefit of soldiers nnd their families. When tbe " Massachusetts Soldiers' Relief Association" was formed at Washington, Aus. 11, 1862, its first President, George AAr. McLcllan, and its Corresponding Secretary, George F. Mc Lcllan, were Cambridge men. One of its Directors was Zenas W. Bliss, then a clerk in the Department of the Interior, but previously and for many years since a proof-reader at Riverside. Before that Association was formed, however, Mr. Bliss wni appointed by the Senators and Representatives of Massachusetts in Con gress to visit and relieve the sick and wounded soldiers. As their agent, and afterwards on bohalf of the Association, until his appointment as Commissioner of Enrollment, he visited the hospitals and battle-fields near AVasbington, on his er rand of mercy, and at one time was for ten days within the rebel lines, minister ing to the wants of the soldiers who were wounded at the second Bull Run Hattie. CHAPTER XXII. STATISTICS. The Town Records contain the following Rate List: "The number of persons & of the estate of the [inhabitants] as it was taken by tbe townsmen by the order of the Court - in the yeare 1647(1) mo.: — 135 ^sons, at 20* g> heade, one peny in the pound, comes to 11'. 5' 90 houses, at 2537*. 10* Broaken land, 776 ac. at ll ^ ac. 3'. 4*. Sd Unbroaken land, 1081 ac. at 10"$ ac. Marsh land, 500 ac. at 10" f ac. ffarr medowes, 258 ac. at 6* ^ ac. 208 cowes, at 5' ^ cow, 10401 42 three yearelings, at 4' ^3 head, 74 two yearelings, at 2'. 103 $ head, 79 one yearling, at ll. 10' $ heade, 14 steers, at 5'. p? heade, 1-31 oxen, at 6'. ^ heade, 20 horse, at V ^ heade, 6 thre yearlings, at o! pi heade, 9 two yearlings, at 2>l. ^ heade, 5 one yearelings, at 2! ^ heade, 37 Sheepe at 1*. 10* ^ heade, 62 swine, at 1! "p* heade, 58 goates, at S' ~$ heade, total, 401. 01'. id l. „. d. 11 05 00 10 II 05 03 04 08 02 05 04 01 01 08 00 06 05 04 06 08 00 14 00 00 15 05 00 09 10£ 00 05 10 03 05 06 00 11 00 00 02 06 OO 02 03 00 00 10 00 04 07i 00 05 02 00 01 11 1 This " Order of the Court," estab lishing what was called a "single rate," was passed in November, 1646: " That a due proportion may be had in all public rates, it is ordered, that every male within this jurisdiction, servant or other, of the age of sixteen 3-ears and upward, shall pay yearly into the common treasury the sum of 20<*., and so in some proportion able way for all estates, viz. that all and every person that have estates shall pay 40 01 04 one penny for every 20j estate both for lands and goods; and that every laborer, artificer, and handicrafts man that usually take in summer time above 18d. by the day wages, or work by the great which by due valuation amounts to more than 18<*. by the day, shall pay per annurh. 3'. id- into the treasury, over and besides the 2077. before mentioned," etc. — Mass. Col. Rec, ii. 173. 440 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. /. s. d. It. More in a barke of Mr. Sparahauke, 50'. at peny fj *. 00 04 02 More in goods of Mr. Tanners, 70' 103. at peny "§ '. 00 05 10 J a hoy of John Thrumbles at 50!. 00 04 02 Halfe a shallup of Bro. Hutchins, 5'. 00 00 05 It. 10 men to be added to there rate 3s. 4d- f) heade, 1'. 13. 4 01 13 04 02 07 11J More, halfe a barke of Mr. Andrews, halfe come to a 1401 00 11 06 Halfe a boate, 2' 00 00 02 02 19 07J 40 01 04 43 00 11J In Stocke 55'. 4'. la. 00 04 07 In Sheepe, 3'. 00 00 03 43 05 09J Cambridge List of persones axd estates taken in the Month op August, 1688.1 PIE30X3. 1. $. d. 1 Tho. Danforth Esq1 person & estate is 00 12 01 1 Edmond Angier person & estat is 00 05 03 1 Sam": Gookin Esqr person & estate is 00 04 11 1 Leut. Sam11 Green person & estate is 00 02 06 3 Nath: Hancock persons & estate is 00 06 03 1 Will: Barritt person & estate is 00 04 03 2 Arron Bordman persons & estate is 00 05 01 0 AndreAV Bordrnans widdow estate 00 01 03 1 Joseph Cooledg person 00 01 08 1 Isacc Day person & estate is 00 01 11 1 Jonah Clarke person & estate is 00 02 05 1 Petter Town person & estate is 00 04 00 2 Jonath Cane persons & estate is 00 05 11 1 This List purports to contain the the River, or the Brighton District; those ratable polls and estates in Cambridge ; between the second and third, residents in the polls being rated, as in the preceding Menotomy, or the Arlington District; list, at 1*. 8d. each (or one penny in the and those below the third blank line, resi- pound on a valuation of "201. per head"), dents at the Farms, or the Lexipgton and the estates also at one penny in the District. The original document, recently pound. The names above the first blank discovered, was the property of the late line indicate residents in the present City John Jeffries, M. D., of Boston, by whose of Cambridge ; those between the first permission it is now printed. and second, residents on the south side of STATISTICS. 441 I. t. d. 3 Nicholas ffessenden persons & estat is 00 09 02 0 Mr. Steadman estate 00 05 09 1 Zecheriah Hicks senr. person & estat is 00 03 03 2 Zecheriah Hickes jun1. person & estate is 00 04 11 1 Joseph Hickes person & estate 00 01 10 1 Tho: Stacy person & estate 00 01 11 2 John Buncker persons & estate is 00 03 06 2 Mr. Joseph Cook persons & estate is 00 06 10 2 John Goue persons & estate is 00 05 09 1 Mr. Sam": Gaskell person & estate OO 02 08 0 John Green estate 00 01 06 1 Sam": Gibson person & estate is 00 03 09 2 Owin Warland persons & estate is 00 03 09 1 Jacob Amsden person & estate is : 00 02 06 2 Daniell Cheeuers persons & estate 00 05 03 1 John Steadman junr. person & estat is 00 02 01 1 Jonath: Remington person & estate 00 03 03 2 Sam": Andrew persons & estat 00 05 06 4 Sam": Goff persons & estate is 00 15 09 2 Abraham Hill persons & estate is 00 13 05 1 Ephraim ffrost person and estate is 00 04 00 1 Will: Burges person & estat 00 02 11 1 Michell Spencer person & estate . 00 02 01 0 Tho: ffox estate is 00 01 08 1 Sam" Green person & state is 00 02 11 1 Christopher Muchin person & estat 00 02 01 1 John Palfry person & estate is 00 03 09 1 John Green person &. estate is 00 02 01 1 John Cooper junr person & estate 00 02 04 1 Tho: Andrew person & estate is 00 04 10 1 Sam" Cook person & estate is 00 04 03 3 John WaUon persons & estate is 00 10 05 1 Phillip Cook person & estate is 00 03 03 1 Barnabns Cook person & estate is 00 04 00 2 ffrancis More persons & estate is 00 08 08 2 Walter Hastm persons & estate is 00 09 02 1 John Marritt person 00 01 08 0 Richard Eccles estate 00 01 04 1 John Collice person & estat is 00 02 11 1 Sam": Prentice person 00 01 08 2 John Hasting persons & estate is 00 06 02 2 Sam". Hasting persons & estat is 00 05 01 1 Edward Goff person & estate is 00 03 03 1 James ffrost person 00 01 08 442 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. '. #. i, 1 John Jackson person & estate is 00 08 08 1 Henry Prentice person & estate is 00 02 02 1 Solomon Prentice person & estate is 00 03 02 0 John Cooper sen1" estate 00 04 07 1 Joseph Cragbon person & estate is 00 04 02 1 Jer: Holman person & estate 00 04 01 1 Jacob Hill person & estate is 00 04 10 1 John Wieth person & estate is 00 03 04 1 Will: Wieth person & estate is 00 03 07 1 Sam": Cooper person & estate is [ 00 04 01 1 Piam Blores person & estate is 00 04 00 1 John Marritt senr person & estate 00 04 02 3 Samuell Chamne persons & estate is 00 10 04 2 Tho: Oleuer persons & estat is 00 09 09 Richard Dany person & estate is 00 02 08 Jacob Dany person & estate is 00 03 08 Beniamin Dany person & estate is 00 04 10 Daniell Dany person & estat is 00 02 04 Daniell Chamne person & estate is 00 06 11 Nath: Robbins person & estate is 00 05 05 John Squire persons & estate is 00 06 07 Richard Hauen person & estate is 00 06 08 John Hauen person & estate is 00 05 03 Tho: Brown persons & estate is 00 08 11 Henry Smith person & estate is 00 04 01 John ffrancis person & estate is 00 05 00 John Smith person & estate is 00 04 00 Isacc Wilson person & estate is 00 02 10 Sam11: & Nath: Sparahauke persons & estat 00 10 01 Tho: Cheeny persons & estate is 00 10 07 John Maekoon junr person & estate is 00 02 04 James Phillips person 00 01 08 Dauid Stowell person & estate is 00 02 10 James Clarke person & estate is 00 02 10 John Oldum person & estate is 00 05 01 Sam": Oldum person & estate is 00 03 09 John Maekoon sen1" estate is 00 01 09 Joshua ffuller person & estate 00 03 Oo Ebenezer Ston person & estate is 00 03 01 Justin Houldon estat is 00 04 03 John Willington person & estate is 00 04 01 Jonath: Sanders person & estate is 00 08 04 STATISTICS. 443 r. «. a. Will: Cutter person & estate is 00 06 03 Mathew Abdee person & estate is 00 02 07 John Acldams persons & estate is 00 10 08 Richard Cutter person & estate is 00 05 08 Nath: Cutter person & estate is 00 02 11 Tho: Hall estate is 00 00 09 Joseph Russell person & estate is 00 05 09 Nath: Pattin persons & estate is 00 09 09 Joseph Winship person & estate is 00 03 01 Gersham Cutter person & estate is 00 04 01 Leut. Edward Winship estate is 00 03 00 Edward Winship person & estate is 00 06 03 Jason Russell person & estate is 00 05 05 Will: Russell person & estate is 00 04 09 James Herberd person & estate is 00 05 04 Sam": Buck person & estate is 00 04 11 Will: Dickson persons & estate is 00 10 03 John Dickson person & estate is 00 03 05 Israeli Mead person & estate is 00 03 10 Jonath: Dunster person & Doom 00 02 06 Mathew Bridge persons & estate is 00 11 06 Phillip Jones person & estate is 00 03 07 Widdow Boeman person & estate is 00 06 00 ffrancis Boeman person & estate is 00 05 03 Goorg Addams person & estate is 00 03 01 Tho: Smith person & estate is 00 03 07 James Cuttler, jnnr person & estate is 00 03 02 . John Winter senr persons & estate is 00 11 07 Tho: Cutler person & estate is 00 04 07 Sam": Ston junr person & estate is 00 03 03 John Cutler person & estate is 00 01 09 Sam": Cutler person & estate is 00 02 01 Tho: Johnson person 00 01 08 John Ston Sam" Stons son person & estat 00 04 04 John Miriam person & estate is 00 03 07 Widdow Miriam person & estate is 00 06 08 Joseph Miriam person & estate is 00 04 02 Isacc Sternes person & estate is 00 04 05 John Ston Dauid Stons son person & estat 00 04 03 Sam": Ston sen1" persons & estate is 00 11 09 John Sternes person & estate is 00 02 05 Dauid Ston estate is 00 01 07 Daniel Ston person 00 01 08 444 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. 1 Dauid ffisk senr person & estate is 1 Dauid ffisk junT person & estate is 1 Ephraim Winship person & estat 1 John Russell person & estate is 1 Phillip Gleesson person & estate 3 John Tidd persons & estate is 1 Phillip Russell person & estate is 2 Will: Munroe persons & estate is 2 Sam": Whittmore persons & estate 2 Beniamin Muzy persons & estate 1 Will: Reed person & estate is 1 Joseph Simons person & estate is 1 Will: Carly person & estate is 1 John Johnson person & estate is 1 Will: Johnson person & estate is 1 Sam": Winship person & estat is 00 06 03 00 04 11 00 05 06 00 04 08 00 02 01 00 09 08 00 04 10 00 08 10 00 07 00 00 06 08 00 03 03 00 04 11 00 02 10 00 02. 06 00 02 01 00 03 08 N°- persons 192 Total sum is 37 02 11 The foregoing "List" is endorsed "Cambridge Rate, £37. 2. 11. Jacob Hill, John Wythe, Joseph Symons, Constables." Number of People in Cambridge, 1777.1 Between ihe Bridges.- Henry Holden . 1 Nathaniel Prentice . 3 Jonas Prentice . 1 Thomas Prentice 1 Ebenezer Wyeth 4 Esq. [Abraham] Watson . 3 Col. [Samuel] Thatcher . 2 Daniel Watson . 2 Seth Hastings . 3 Jacob Watson . 2 Thomas Fayerweather . . 2 Henry Dickson . 1 Judge [Joseph] Lee . 1 Samuel Cook . 1 Col. [Ebenezer] Bridge . 2 Edward Dickson 3 Deac. [Aaron] Hill . 1 AValter Dickson . . 2 James Munroe . 2 John Dickson . 1 Josiah Moore . 1 Nathaniel Kidder . . 3 Josiah Mason . 2 Gideon Frost 2 Corp1. Prentice . 1 Torrey Hancock . . 1 Jonas Wyeth . . . 1 Samuel Hastings 1 Widow Wyeth . 4 John Wyeth . 1 Daniel Prentice . . 1 Nathaniel Jarvis 1 Noah Wyeth . 1 AVilliam Bordman . 1 John Prentice . 1 Capt. [John] Walton 1 Noah Bowman . 2 Jotham Walton . 1 Thomas Goddard . . 1 John Hastings . 1 Mansfield Tapley 1 Moses Richardson . 1 Rather, number of ratable polls. 2 In the present city. STATISTICS. 445 Stewd. [Jona.J Hastings . 1 John Manning . ... 1 John Foxcroft . 2 Owen Warland .... 4 Frost 3 Doct. [Francis] Moore . . . 1 John Kidder . 1 Samuel Hicks .... 1 William Manning 2 Edward Prentice . ... 1 [Thomas] Farrington . . 3 Samuel Hinds .... 1 Samuel Chandler 1 James Kettell . . . . 1 Thomas Barrett . . 1 Francis Moore . . . . 1 Stephen Palmer 3 Joseph Cooke . . . . 1 James Read . . . . . 1 Judge [Edmund] Trowbridge . 3 Samuel Hill 1 Rev. Mr. [Nathaniel] Appleton . 1 Robert Twadwell . . 1 Jonathan Ireland ... 1 Joseph Welch . 1 Hunt & Flagg .... 3 Samuel Champney . 1 Hubbard Russell ... 1 John "Wyman 1 Stephen Sewall . ... 1 William Manning . . 2 Rev. Mr. Wigglesworth . . 1 Isaac Bradish . 2 George Douglass . . . .1 Doct. [William] Kneeland . . 1 Ye President [Langdon] . . 1 William Gamage 4 Person Smith . ... 1 Mr. [John] Winthrop . . 3 Bates .... 1 Thomas Hastings 2 James Frost 2 Ebenezer Bradish . 1 Joseph Read .... 1 William Darling 1 Joseph Eares . ... 1 William Howe . 1 Benjamin Bird .... 1 Mr. [Thomas] Marsh 1 John Baverick . . . ¦ . 1 Deac. [Samuel] Whittemore . 2 Philemon Hastings ... 1 Capt. [Ebenezer] Stedman 3 Ebenezer Fessenden . . .1 Israel Porter . . 1 Nathaniel Chadwick ... 1 John Phillips, Jr. 2 . Stephen Randall . . 1 Blacks, 9. 155 Edward Marrett 1 Deac. Thomas Hall Capt. Ephraim Frost Joseph AVellington William Bowman James Perry . Ebenezer Prentice Ebenezer Prentice, Jr. Stephen Robbins Thomas Williams . Philip Bemis Aaron Williams . Benjamin Locke Samuel Locke Francis Locke . Gregory Hill . Gershom Cutter Gershom Cutter, Jr. As far as Menotomy Bridge. 1 Aaron Swan 2 Nathaniel Swan 1 Solomon Bowman 1 Samuel Russell 1 William Cutler . 1 Nehemiah Cutter . 1 William Winship 3 Israel Blackington . 2 Deac. Joseph Adams 1 John Cutter . 1 Ammi Cutter 1 Thomas Russell 1 Ebenezer Swan . 1 Capt. William Adams 1 Lieut. Daniel Brown 1 William Whittemore 2 Samuel Cutter . 446 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Capt. Thomas Adams Edward Wilson . John Winship Samuel Russ Samuel Hill . Jason Belknap . Seth Russell . Joseph Belknap Aaron Cooke Zechariah Hill . Capt. Sam1. Whittemore Thomas Whittemore . Samuel Whittemore, Jr. Thomas Robbins William Butterfield Thomas Cutter . John Wilson . Timothy Swan . Samuel Frost Joseph Frost Edward Fillebrown Ephraim Frost, Jr. Abraham Hill William Hill . John Hill . Samuel Swan Joshua Kendall George Prentice Patten Russell Samuel Frost, Jr. Solomon Prentice Joseph Locke . AVilliam Cutter Lemuel Blanchard 1 George Swan 2 Lieut. Stephen Frost 1 Stephen Cutter 1 John Adams I AVilliam Cutter . 1 Jeduthun AVcllington 2 Moses Hovey 1 Benjamin Cooper 2 Jonathan Robbins 2 Seth Stone 1 Capt. Samuel Carter 2 Josiah Hall 2 Thomas Adams, Jr. 1 John Cutter, 3d 1 Thomas Cutter 1 Jonathan Perry 1 John Locke . 1 Josiah Wilson . 2 James Frost 2 John Stone 1 Jonathan Locke , 1 John Cutter, Jr. 2 Caleb Hovey 1 Francis Locke, Jr. 1 Ephraim Cooke . 1 Am mi Cutter . 1 AVilliam Adams, Jr. 1 James Locke 2 Stephen Locke 1 John Perry 1 Ebenezer Robbins 1 Joseph Shaw 1 1 Black, 1 Number of Inhabitants on the South Side of Charles River. Eliphalet Robbins Josiah Warren . Seth Brown . Caleb Child Coolidge AVood Benjamin Baker Widow Capen John Ellis Thaddeus AVytnan Nehemiah Fuller Henry Coolidge . AVidow Hood Edward Jackson . 5 AVidow Smith . 6 Lois Brown . 3 John AVyman . 5 Jonathan Fessenden 4 Nathaniel Sparhawk 6 John Dennie, whites 6 blacks, 2. 3 James Bryant . 4 AVilliam Fuller . 5 Abijah Learned 2 Samuel Learned . 2 Elijah White . 8 James Holton STATISTICS. 447 Thomas Thwing 3 Jonathan Park . 5 Nathaniel Thwing . 6 Silas Robbins .... 5 Nathaniel Clark 2 Benjamin Faneuil, Esq., white . 4 Jona. Winship, whites . . 12 blacks, 3. black, 1. John Tudor, white 4 Mr. Cocklin 9 black, 1. Ebenezer Seaver . 9 Thomas Sparhawk, Esq., white . 8 Nathaniel AVilton 3 black, 2. Caleb Coolidge . 3 James Robbins 4 Ezekiel Comee . 5 Benjamin Hill . 7 Samuel Champney . 4 Phinehas Robbins 6 Daniel Dana 4 David Ross . 3 Mr. AVells . A Edmund Horton 6 Benjamin Dana 6 Samuel Sparhawk . 10 Josiah Sanderson . 2 Edward Hastings, white . 7 Moses Robbins 7 black, 1. John Stratton . 6 Moses Griggs .... 6 Jonas White . 2 Maj. John Gardner, white . . 8 Samuel Zeagars, white . 8 black, 2 blacks, 2. Ezra Comee .... 5 Stephen Dana . 4 Michael Taylor . 3 The foregoing enumeration is preserved in the City Clerk's Office. It is manifest that, in the last section, the whole number of inhabitants is included, instead of ratable polls as in the first and second sections. On a separate paper in the same file, this memorandum is found : " The whole number of polls on the south side of Charles River in Little Cambridge, from sixteen years of age and upwards, 66 whites, 4 blacks." The whole number is : — In the Town, 155 whites. In Menotomy, 122 whites. South side of the River, 66 whites. Total, 343 whites. 9 blacks. 1 black. 4 blacks. 14 blacks. In 1781, a general valuation was taken of the property in the Commonwealth, as the basis of a State tax. The Cambridge List was as follows : : — 1 Mass. Arch., clxi., p. 369. 448 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. 417 Polls 229 Houses 100s. 246 Barns 30s. 1 Stores, &c 40s. 4 Oistill-houses, Mills, &c 80s. 1446 Acres of English mowing .... 14s. 1003 Barrels of Cyder 3s. 777 Acres of Tillage land lis. 1402 Acres of salt and fresh meadow . . 6s. 3523 Acres of Pasturing 4s. 11S5 Acres of wood and unimproved land 80s. £6619 Money on interest and on hand . . £990 Amount of goods, wares, and mer chandise 219 Horses £6 187 Oxen £7 624 Cows £4 258 Sheep and Goats 6s. 131 Swine 12s. £650 Coaches, chaise, &c 20 Ounces of gold, coined or not coined 1495 Ounces of silver, coined or not coined Value of Property. Income. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1145 00 369 00 2 00 16 1012 04 165 09 427 07 420 12 704 12 2 per cent. 94 397 16 02 990 00 00 1314 00 00 1309 00 00 2496 00 00 77 08 00 78 12 00 650 00 00 101 06 08 498 06 08 List of Voters,1 March 18, 1822. Abbot, James. Abbot, Joseph. Adams, Isaac. Allen, Edward F. Ames, Simon. Appleton, John. Ayres, James. Alexander, Henry. Bangs, Isaiah. Bard well, Seth. Barker, John. Barker, Mark. Barton, Charles. Bates, Jacob H. Bates, AVilliam. Beers, Joseph. Bent, Newell. Bigelow, Benjamin. Bigelow, Thaddeus B. Biglow, Abraham. Boardman, Andrew. Boardman, John. Boardman, William. Bos worth, Isaac. 1 For this list of voters, more, Esq. Bowman, Benjamin. Brackett, John. Brackett, Joseph. Bradford, Gamaliel L. Brayman, Daniel P. Brigham, Lincoln. Brigham, Taylor. Brooks, Cyrus. Brown, Edward. Brown, AVilliam. Bruce, Abel AV. Bruce, Chandler. Bruce, Sylvanus. Bryant, Amos. Burridge, Joseph. Burrows, James. Butler, Aaron. Brooks, Calvin. Bogle, AVilliam. Barnard, Alpha. Barnard, Silas. Baker, George. Baxter, Valentine. Cambridge, Frederick. Carpenter, Benjamin. Chamberlin, Ephraim. Chamberlin, John. Chaplin, James P. Cheney, Artemas. Child, James. Child, Oliver L. Child, Samuel. Clark, John. Cole, John. Cole, Richard G. Cook, John. Coolidge, Flavel. Coolidge, Josiah. Coolidge, Nathaniel. Cox, Samuel. Cox, Samuel, Jr. Crafts, Joseph. Craggin, John. Crane, Nathan. Curtis, Daniel T. Cutler, Samuel. Cutler, Samuel B. Cutter, Nehemiah. prepared by the Selectmen, I am indebted to John Liver- STATISTICS. 449 Cutter, AVilliam F. Carter, George. Child, Nathan. Carter, Nathan C. Clark, Hosea. Clark, Horace. Daley, David. Dana, Edmund T. Dana, Joseph. Dana, Joseph, Jr. Dana, Richard H. Dane, Joseph. Danforth, Otis. Dascomb, Daniel. Davenport, John. Davis, Asa. Davis, Eliphalet. Derby, Loring. Dickson, Edward. Ditson, Thomas. Dodge, John. Dowse, Thomas. Dudley, Ephraim. Dunbar, Alpheus. Dana, Francis AAr. Dudley, John. Ditson, AVilliam. Edwards, Abraham. Edwards, John. Emmet, AVilliam. Everett, Charles. Everett, William. Ellis, Benjamin. Fairfield, Barney. Farrington, Isaac. Farwell, Levi. Faulkner, Francis E. Fay, Samuel P. P. Felsit, Harry. Fillebrown, Richard. Fisher, Jabez. Fisk, Nathan. Fisk, Rufus. Fisk, AVilliam. Fogg, Ebenezer. Ford, Jonathan W. Ford, Simeon. Foster, John. Foster, Joseph. Foster, Thomas. Freeman, John. Frost James. Frost, James, 2d. Frost, AVilliam. Fuller, J. N. Fuller, Oliver. Fuller, Robert. Fuller, Timothy. Ford, Thomas. Farrar, Jacob. Fairbanks, Silas. Fay, Isaac. Gary, Jonathan. Gay, Lusher. Gideon, John. Gilson, Asa. Gilson, Simeon. Goddard, Benjamin. Goddard, Daniel. Goddard, John. Goddard, Nathaniel. Goddard, Thomas. Goodenow, Daniel. Gookin, Squire. Gookin, Thomas T. Gordon, Charles. Gorham, Benjamin. Gould, Camaralzaman. Grant, Abraham. Gray, Benjamin. Gray, Lewis. Green, John. Green, Samuel S. Green, Zaccheus. Greenwood, Henry. Gibbs, John. Gray, Samuel. Goodhue, Nathaniel. Gannett, Thomas B. Hadley, Israel. Hagar, Jonathan. Hall, Jesse. Hancock, Samuel. Hancock, Solomon. Hancock, Torrey. Harlow, Asaph. Harlow, Joshua. Harris, Benjamin. Harris, Leonard. Harris, Samuel. Hastings, Charles. Hastings, Edmund T. Hastings, John, Jr. Hastings, Joseph. Hastings, Samuel. Hayden, John. Hayden, John C. Hayden, Lot. Hearsey, Jonathan. Hale, Stephen. Hall, Prentice. Holmes, Abiel. Hearsey, Jonathan, Jr. Hemenway, Luke. Higginson, Stephen, Jr. Hill, Benjamin. Hill, John. Hill, Joseph. Hill, Thomas. Hilliard, Abraham. Hilliard, AVilliam. Hammond, Shaw B. Holmes, Joseph. Hosmer, Josiah. Hovey, Ebenezer. Hovey, Josiah. Hovey, Phinehas B. Hovey, Samuel. Hovey, Thomas, Jr. Hovey. William. Howe, Joseph N., Jr. Hunnewell, Charles. Hunnewell, Leonard. Hunnewell, AVilliam. Hyde, Jonathan. Howe, Artemas W. Henley, Charles. Hayden, Caleb. Hastings, Thomas. Hastings, Thomas, Jr. Ireland, Nathaniel. Jackson, Jonathan. Jacobs, Bela. Jewell, Benjamin. Jarvis, Deming. Jennings, Gilbert. Jennison, Timothy L. Johnson, Jonas. Johnson, Josiah. Jennings, Joseph. Johnson, AVilliam. Johnson, Moses. Jewell, Gilman. 29 450 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Jordan, Sylvanus. Keating, Oliver. Keyes, Ephraim. Keyes, Joshua. Kidder, Samuel. Kidder, Samuel, Jr. Kimball, Henry. Kimball, Isaac. King, George. King, Horatio. King, Lemuel. Kuhn, George. Kimball, Joseph. Lawrence, Jonas. Leach, Thomas. Learned, Benjamin G. Leathe, William. Lee, Thomas. Lenox, Charles. Lewis, Adam. Litchfield, Roland. Livermore, David. Livermore, David, Jr. Livermore, Isaac. Livermore, Marshall. Livermore, Nathaniel. Livermore, Oliver. Lord, Joseph H. Lyon, John. Lowell, Charles. Lyon, Isaac. Lyon, Leonard, Lord, Joseph AV. Lovell, Joshua. Lyman, Samuel F. Lake, Robert. Leonard, Thomas. Linscott, Samuel. Lowden, George. Makepeace, Royal. Manning, Samuel. Manson, Frederick. Marcy, Marvin. Marshall, Josiah N. Mason, Alphonso. Mason, Josiah. Mason, Josiah, Jr. Mason, Samuel. Mason, Thomas. Mason, AValter R. Melntire, Charles. Meacham, George. Mellen, John. Meriam, William. Merritt, Gamaliel. Messenger, Henry. Metcalf, Eliab W. Metcalf, Thomas. Miranda, John. Mixer, Josiah. Mixter, Amos. Mixter, Joshua. Moore, Luke. Moore, Lyman. Morse, Calvin. Morse, Cyrus. Morse, Daniel. Morse, Royal. Mumler, George F. Munroe, Amos. Munroe, Edmund. Munroe, James. Munroe, Nathaniel. Murdock, Asa. Murdock, Robert. Mycall, John. Martin, Samuel. Mallard, George. Melntire, Jonathan. Mallard, David. Manning, Samuel, Jr. Miller, Joel. Meacham, Albert. Nevens, Elijah. Newton, Abraham. Noble, George. Nowell, Henry. Norton, Henry. Nowell, Mark. Nowell, James. Oakes, Josiah. Oliver, David. Orcutt, Levi. Odin, David. Oliver, Daniel. Orcutt, Henry. Orne, John G. Page, Jacob. Page, Jonathan. Palmer, John. Parker, Aaron. Parker. Thomas L. Parks, Leonard. Parks, Leonard, Jr. Parmenter, AVilliam. Peirce, Abijah H. Penn, AVilliam. Pickett, Samuel. Pond, Samuel. Porter, Israel. Porter, Joseph. Prentiss, Caleb. Prentiss, Ellis. Prentiss, Jonathan C. Putnam, Artemas. Page, Isaac. Payson, Samuel. Payson, Samuel, Jr. Peirce, Artemas. Peirce, Joseph. Pitts, Edmund. Pratt, Dexter. Priest, Jonathan. Palmer, Nathan. Rand, Benjamin. Read, James. Read,. Joel. Read, Joseph S. Read, Lawrence. Reed, Enos. Reemie, Marcus. Reney, AVilliam L. Reynolds, Nathaniel S. Rice, Charles. Rice, Joseph W. Richards, Edward. Richardson, Augustus. Richardson, Loa. Rindge, Samuel. Roberts, Rufus. Ruggles, John. Rule, James. Russell, Nathan. Russell, John. Rand, James. Richards, Sullivan. Robertson, John. Roulston, George. Roundy, Oliver. Rumrill, Joseph. Russell, Phinehas. Roby, Ebenezer. Sales, Franeis. STATISTICS. 451 Saunders, Richard. Saunders, AVilliam. Sawin, Joshua. Sawyer, Franklin. Sawyer, Samuel F. Scott, Ebenezer B. Scott, Nathaniel. Seaver, Richard. Short, Thomas W. Skinner, Benjamin. Slocomb, Emmons. Smith, Billings. Smith, Jacob. Smith, Ralph. Soper, Frederick. Southwick, Simeon. Stearns, Asahel. Stebbins, Smith. Stedman, Ebenezer. Stedman, Samuel. Stevens, Atherton H. Stimson, James. Stimson, Royal. Stone, Abraham. Stone, Daniel. Stone, AVilliam F. Snyder, John. Sherman, Abraham P. Sherman, Prentice. Snow, Joseph. Summers, Samuel S. Stevens, Alexander. Stone, Ezra. Studley, George. Tarbell, John. Tarbell, Samson. Teel, Ammi C. Thayer, Richard. Tidd, John. Thayer, Cephas P. Train, Isaac. Trowbridge, John. Tufts, Peter, Jr. Tupper, Hiram. Tainter, AVilliam C. Taylor, Daniel G. Taylor, Coffin. Taylor, David G. Tilley, John. Tin-ell, Ebenezer. Turner, Barnabas. Valentine, Elijah F. AValton, Charles. AValton, John. AValton, John, 2d. AVard, Winthrop. AVadsworth, Ira. AVare, Galen. A\rarland, John. AVarland, Thomas. Warland, AVilliam. AVaterhouse, Benjamin. AAraters. Thomas. Watson, Jacob. AVatson, Samuel. AA^atson, Samuel, 2d. AVetherbee, Jeremiah. AVeld, John. AVellington, Joel. Wheeler, Edward. AVheeler, John. AVhipple, AVilliam J. AVhitney, Abel. AArhitney, Zaceheus. AVilde, Daniel. AVillard, Abel. AVillard, Charles. AVilliams, Amasa. AVilliams, John. Winthrop, AVilliam. AVorcester, Joseph E. Wyeth, Jacob. Wyeth, Job. AVyeth, Jonas. Wyeth, Jonas, 2d. AVhite, Sewall. AVheeloek, L. J. AValker, Edward. Winchester, AVilliam. Wells, Thomas. AVarner, Stephen. AVallace, James. AVhitney, Stephen. Woodbury, John. AVyeth, Stephen. Wyman, AVilliam. York, Uriah. For nearly two hundred years after its foundation, Cambridge increased very slowly in population and wealth. Most of the in habitants were employed in agriculture and ordinary handicraft. The "New England Glass Company," established about 1814, and sundry "soap factories," represented almost the entire manufacturing interest of the town. The College gave employ ment to several professors, mechanics, and boarding-house keep ers ; and there was a competent supply of professional men and retail traders. In those early days the municipal affairs were very economically administered. The school-houses and other public buildings were few and inexpensive ; the streets and side walks were neglected and unlighted ; thorough sewerage was un known ¦ the members of the fire department were volunteers ; and the police consisted of one constable in each of the three 452 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. principal villages. As the result of this self-denying system, the inhabitants enjoyed a grateful immunity from excessive taxation. In 1830 (near the close of the second century of its corporate existence), with 1,514 polls, and property valued at $3,061,570, the town levied a tax of $8,387.88, at the rate of $2.26 on $1,000, to defray its current expenses. Even in 1840, the rate was only $2.77 on $1,000 ; but in that year the Committee on Finance uttered a warning voice against a ruinous system, then recently introduced : " There has been expended within the last six years $40,000 more than has been raised by taxation." The town debt was then $36,600 ; it reached its highest point, $41,527.41, in 1842 ; after which it was reduced to 322,000 in 1846, when the town became a city. Meantime, an increase of population and wealth commenced, which from year to year became more rapid. Various manufactures were introduced, giving employment to many workmen. Merchants, mechanics, and others, transacting business in Boston, adopted Cambridge as a residence. With this increase came naturally a demand for public improvements and increased expenditures. Unwisely, instead of postponing such improvements, or making them gradually and paying for them when made, the policy was adopted of making them rapidly and extensively, and providing for the expense by the creation of a City Debt. The following tables exhibit the increase of popu lation aud wealth, and the much larger increase of taxation and debt. Population.1 1765, 1,571. 1820, 3,295. 1860, 26,060 1776, 1,586. 1830, 6,072. 1865, 29,112 1790, 2,115. 1840, 8,409. 1870, 39,634. 1800, 2,453. 1845, 12,490. 1875, 47,838 1810, 2,323.2 1850, 15,215. 1 According to the United States Cen- 2 Between 1800 and 1810, West Cam- sus, except 1765, 1776, 1865, and 1875, bridge and Brighton were separated from which are according to the State Census, Cambridge. and 1845, which was taken by the Asses sors in that year. STATISTICS. 453 Polls. Valuation. Rate per SI ,000. City Tax. City Debt. 1846 3,224 $9,31 2,481 $5.00 $46,122.59 $22,000.00 1847 3.3S7 9,806,539 5.40 52,760.08 43,861.27 1848 3,639 10,476,230 5.50 55,967.53 51,661.27 1849 3,720 10,667,272 6.30 64,964.79 63,661.27 1850 3,436 11,469,618 6.30 68,809.16 91,661.27 1851 4,010 12,392,440 6.30 73,478.70 116,780.27 1852 4,044 13,175,257 7.50 94,252.19 134,800.00 1853 4,298 13,599,360 6.50 82,522.26 147,903.68 1854 4,648 15,437,100 7.10 108,604.53 146,600.00 1855 4,277 16,111,700 7.60 110,941.73 134,100.00 1856 4,806 18,038,650 7.70 125,790.88 207,100.00 1857 5,323 20,148,150 8.00 140,892.05 240,692.00 1858 4,974 20,261,850 9.10 175,652.74 250,692.00 1859 5,572 20,603,000 8.60 168,415.93 237,092.00 1860 5,629 21,280,700 9.00 182,977.40 257,508.40 1861 5,990 21,687,700 9.50 188,940.08 250,670.07 1862 5,615 21,527,100 10.00 169,974.72 501,224.28 1863 5,775 22,549,200 11.00 189,702.92 603,736.28 1864 6,289 23,271,500 11.50 210,969.23 830,236.28 1865 6,594 26,085,900 15.00 267,724.60 853,092.00 1866 7,253 28,385,700 13.20 293,562.40 871,092.00 1867 7,807 31,853,500 15.30 351,282.98 1,161,900.22 1868 8,196 34,093,800 13.80 413,214.43 1,262,072.01 1869 8,933 39,210,900 14.00 478,136.10 1,389,082.50 1870 9,435 43,097,200 14.00 533,544.40 1,671,072.40 1871 10,323 46,859,800 15.60 674,808.92 1,970,082.40 1872 10,867 55,248,350 12.00 592,165.46 2,184,584.42 1873 11,687 62,421,215 13.50 741,500.00 3,126,656.91 1874 11.9S3 66,576,671 12.50 757,508.36 4,399,066.02 1875 11,983 66,623,415 17.00 1,060,396.52 4,676,360.73 Of this debt 81,395,200 represents what is styled the Water Loan, which the income of the Water Works is expected grad ually to extinguish ; and $25,000 represents certain perpetual funds, on which interest only is to be paid. These two sums being deducted, there remains — A balance of outstanding debt $3,256,160.73 For the payment of this debt, Sinking Funds are pro vided, amounting nominally to 605,011.99 Balance to be provided for by taxation $2,651,148.74 A more particular statement of the debt, at the close of the financial year, 1876, is made in the Mayor's Address, Jan. 1, 1877: — " The total debt of the City, November 20, 1876, is shown by the following exhibit : — 454 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Note of the City $30,000.00 City Bonds 3,186,000.00 $3,216,000.00 {Daniel White Charity . . . 5,000.00 Dowse Institute 10,000.00 Sanders Temperance Fund . 10,000.00 25,000.00 State and County Tax 84,426.47 Unpaid approved bills 3,883.08 Unpaid interest, due 565.00 Water Loan 1,500,300.00 Gross amount of outstanding debts $4,830,174.55 " Towards the payment of this debt there was, November 30, 1876, in the hands of the — Commissioners of the Sinking Funds of the City (not in cluding the premium — $14,080.00 — paid on securities purchased for investment of the funds, as has been the custom heretofore) 531,945.85 Trustees of the Sinking Funds of the Cambridge Water Works, June 30, 1876 179,441.33 City Treasurer, cash 27,157.58 738,544.76 Leaving the total net debt of the City November 30, 1876, $4,091,629.79 " Deducting the Water Loans from the net amount of debt, as before stated, we have as The real Municipal Debt, November 30, 1876, for which provision must be made by taxation $2,770,771.12 " To pay the interest, and provide for the Sinking Funds upon this portion of the debt, there must be raised by taxation this year the sum of $188,162.50 for interest, and $155,265.00 for the Sinlcing Fund, making a total of $343,427.50, equal to more than $5.50 per thousand on the valuation of the City, as deter mined last year." STATISTICS. 455 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS— 1875.1 MANUFACTURES AND RELATED OCCUPATIONS. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. CITY/ Of CAMBRIDGE. NA3IE3 OP INDUSTRIES. MAXCFACTtTKES. Artists' Materials Barrels Barrels and Harnesses Boats ... Boilers, Tanks, etc Boots and Shoes Bookbinding Book and Pamphlet Printing . . . Bread, Cake, and Pastry . . . Bricks Brittania "Ware, Stationers' Hard ware, etc Brooms Brushes Buildings Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, etc. Car Springs Car Wheels Cigars Clothing, Men's Coffins, Robes, etc Collars and Cuffs, Paper .... Confectionery and Ice Cream Cordage Crackers Diaries Drain Pipe, Chimney-Tops, etc. Earthenware Engine Polish, Boiler Composition, etc. ... Fishing Rods Furniture, House, Church, and OfBce Furnace Registers and Borders . . Gas Glass Ware Glass Syringes, Tubes, etc. . . . Hardware Hats and Bonnets, Women's . . . Ice Iron Castings Iron, Rolled Ladders, Steps, Clothes-Driers, etc. Leather Lumber, Planed, etc Machinery Mats, Door Medicines, Proprietary Monuments, Mantels, Tablets, etc. . Mouldings, Brackets, Boxes, etc. . Newspapers, Magazines, etc. . . . Oil Clothing and Water-proof Hats 1 Copied from advance sheets, kindly furnished of Statistics of Labor. Number of Capital Invested. Value of Goods Establish ments. made and Work: done. 2 $400 82,672 1 30,000 201,000 2 57,500 56,650 1 2,500 18,000 2 55,000 180,550 7 3,150 9,135 2 72,000 435,300 3 420,000 551,000 13 46,800 261,222 7 513,000 249,275 1 30,000 33,000 2 1,500 9,375 3 90,000 221,000 8 105,000 377,500 9 55,500 83,885 1 6,000 12,000 1 20,000 34,000 12 12,300 49,978 6 14,550 79,900 2 100,500 175,350 1 140,000 550,000 5 22,0S1 131,375 3 650 9,700 2 92,000 500,000 1 130,000 150,000 1 10,000 75,000 2 60,700 _ 60,000 I 500 5,000 1 50 1,050 10 150,300 616,837 1 3,000 8,725 1 950,000 243,100 2 500,000 370,500 1 500 5,000 1 10,000 15,750 1 500 800 2 125,000 32,500 1 10,000 40,000 I 160,000 420,000 2 15,000 10,500 5 110,000 605,646 1 10,000 50,000 4 386,000 480,493 1 4,000 8,000 2 108,000 170,000 7 91,500 138,080 3 265,000 231,000 6 35,000 103,600 1 9,000 35,000 shed by Hon. Carroll D. Wright, Chief of the Bureau 456 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. MANUFACTURES AKD RELATED OCCUPATIONS — ( Continued.) Names or Ia-dcstrtes. Oleomargarine and Stearine . . . Organs, Cabinet and Church . . . Patterns, Wooden Photographs Piano-fortes Piano-forte Actions Piano and Organ Key-boards . . Piano Taborets Picture-Frames Pocket Books Printing, Job Pumps, Wooden Roofing Cement Rum Sausages Shirts, Cuffs, and Collars .... Shirts, Overalls, and Jumpers . . Slippers Soap, Tallow, and Candles . . . Spring Beds and Cots Stair Rails, Balusters, etc. . . . Steel Engravings Sugar, Refined Telescopes Tinware Trunks and Valises Tools, for Ice Cutting Wood, sawed and turned . . . Washstands and Woodwork for Sewing-machines Whips OCCCPATIOS. Bell-hanging .... Blacksmithing Bookbinding Building Moving .... . . Butchering Cabinet Making and Repairing . . Carpentry and Joinery Carpet, Feather, and Hair Cleansing Carriage Trimming Carriage Painting Carriage Smithing Chair, Cane-seating Clock Repairing Clothes Cleaning, etc Clothing, repairing and remodelling Coat Making Cobbling Coffin and Casket Trimming . . . Coopering Drain Building Dressmaking Frnit Preserving Funeral Wreath Preserving . . . Furniture Repairing Fur Skin Dyeing Number of Capital Invested. Value of Goods Establish ments. made and Work done. 1 50,000 69,000 3 571,000 1,036,000 1 200 1,000 1 5,000 15,000 1 10,000 6,060 2 12,000 33,200 1 33,000 137,604 1 400 4,000 3 5,300 10,700 1 1,000 6,195 3 21,000 27,500 1 300 250 2 6,000 17,500 1 45,000 199,347 3 5,500 31,000 1 550 7,500 1 1,000 4,000 1 10,000 120,000 9 168,500 928,800 2 18,000 51,300 2 4,500 22,550 1 2,000 4,000 1 — 4,000,000 1 20,000 10,000 5 204,850 321,068 1 3,000 14,800 2 4,500 9,790 1 65,000 80,000 1 700 1,550 1 300 1,200 1 100 800 23 25,815 102,262 1 500 . 5,000 2 4,000 11,999 1 5,000 200,000 1 — 400 26 25,760 182,070 1 4,600 4,300 4 325 2,750 7 2,700 9,600 4 2,300 10,500 5 98 1,100 4 110 1,500 6 50 1,930 9 4,025 7,342 1 — 800 36 4,745 26,463 1 6,000 9,000 2 4,500 55,000 2 12,000 26,773 6 190 5,050 1 25,000 12,000 1 25 300 6 720 2,850 1 50 1 250 STATISTICS. MANUFACTURES AND RELATED OCCUPATIONS 457 — (Continued). Names of Industries. Gilding Glazing . . Ham Curing Hair Work, etc .... Harness and Saddle Repairing . Horseshoeing House Painting House and Sign Painting . . . Japanning Jewelry Repairing Lard Rendering Locksmithing and Bell-hanging . Machinists' Work Machine Stitching and Sewing . Masoning Marble Finishing Marble Sawing . . ... Millinery Work Organ-pipe Making and Repairing Painting Paper and Wood Hanging . . Paving Photographing Piano Hammer Covering . . . Picture Framing Plastering Plumbing Roofing Sign Painting , Stair Building Steam and Gas Fitting .... Stone Cutting and Dressing . . Tailoring Tinsmitbing . .' Upholstering Varnishing and Polishing . . . Watch Repairing Wheelwrighting Whitening and Coloring . . . . AGGKEGATES. Manufactures (goods made) Occupations (work done) . Number of Establish ments. 1 6 1 2 10 4 8 1 1 8 1 2 235 1 1 9 1 96 11 1 1 5 12 5 3 1 6 4 2 16 72 10 9 4 211 321 536 Capital Invested. 100 150 5,000 4,600 1,700 8,500 200 330 15,000 1,200 10,500 75 6,300 3,0003,000 1,750 200 7,750 6,230 75,000 800500 300 250 25,07019,500 110 1,000 7,350 24,000 500 21,150 15,575 1,400 2,1206,100 50 $6,033,081 383,473 Value of Goods made and Work done. 6,686,554 500 2,000 25,000 850 18,83013,800 54,925 2,500 200 1,790 35,000 2,700 35,000 320 44,274 8,0007,500 10,238 1,500 39,500 6,327 135,000 1,8006,000 750 8,945 80,946 43,200 1,320 6.000 12',800 95,000 2,200 67,24676,250 600 8,450 14,300 1,450 SI 5,229,7651,561,555 $16,971,320 458 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.1 Apples bush., Beans, String and Shel) bush., Beets bush., Cabbage heads, Carrots bush., Corn, green bush., Flowers, Leaves, and Vines, cut .... Fodder, com tons, Grapes bush., Hay, English tons. Hay, meadow tons, Hay, salt tons, Lettuce heads, Melons Milk gals.. Onions bush., Parsnips bush., Pears bush., Pease, green bush., Peppers bush., Plants, flowering and other, in greenhouses Potatoes, Irish bush., Radishes b'ches, Raspberries qts., Shrubbery in nurseries Squashes lbs., Tomatoes bush., Trees, Fruit, in nurseries Trees, Ornamental, in nurseries .... Turnips bush., Vines in nurseries AGGREGATES. Hay, 65 tons ...... Other Agricultural Products Amount. Value. 50 300 200 6,500 100 90 2 6 36 9 20 2,000 1,000 2,400 185150 2,900 7530 275 3,000 1,150 10,000 18,000 400 15,000 40,000 100 6,000 $50300 100 300 5080 25,000 40 24 S00 136 300 40 100 600 200 100 7,200 100 30 21,800 260 150 210 5,000 375200 15,000 5,000 30 3,500 $1,236 85,839 $87,075 1 Over and above home consumption. CHAPTER XXIII. CIVIL OFFICERS. The following list of civil officers, resident in Cambridge, is compiled chiefly from official records. Vice-president of the United States. Elbridge Gerry, 1S13, 1814. Governors. Thomas Dudley, 1634.1 Elbridge Gerry, 1810, 1811.3 John Haynes, 1635.2 Deputy or Lieutenant-governors. Thomas Dudley, 1630-1633.1 Spencer Phips, 1732-1757.6 Thomas Danforth, 1679-1692.4 Thomas Oliver, 1774.6 Assistants under the First Charter. Simon Bradstreet, 1630-163G.7 Herbert Pelham, 1645-1649. Thomas Dudley, 1635, 1636.1 Daniel Gookin, 1652-1675, 1677-1686. John Haynes, 1634, 1636. Thomas Danforth, 1659-1678. Roger Harlakenden, 1636-1G38. Councillors under the Second Charter. Thomas Danforth, 1693-1699. Thomas Oliver, 1715.3 John Leverett, 1 706. Spencer Phips, 1721-1723, 1725-1732. 1 Held one or other of these offices 11, 1749, to Aug. 7, 1753, and from Sept. every year, residing elsewhere, until he 25, 1756, until he died, April 4, 1757. died, July 31, 1653. 6 Left the country at the Revolution. - Afterwards for many years Governor 7 Mr. Bradstreet, residing elsewhere, of Connecticut. remained in the office of Assistant until 3 He was one ofthe signers of the Dec- 1778, when he was elected Deputy Gover- laration of Independence. He was de- nor; in 1679 he was elected Governor. feated as a candidate for Governor in and held that office until 1692, except 1812, but before the end of that year during the administration of Andros. He was elected Vice-president of the United was a member of the Council under the States, in which office he died, November Second Charter, but retired in 1693, after 23, 1814. sixty-three years' continuous official ser- 4 Except during the administration of vice, with the exception before named. Andros. 8 Died in office, October 31, or Novem- 6 Hewas acting Governor during the ber 1, 1715. absence of Governor Shirley, from Sept. 460 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Jonathan Remington, 1730-1740. Francis Foxcroft, 1732-1757. Samuel Danforth, 1739-1774. William Brattle, 1755-1773.1 Edmund Trowbridge, 1764, 1765. John Winthrop, 1773, 1775, 1776. Francis Dana, 1776-1779. Mandamus Councillors, 1774. Thomas Oliver. Samuel Danforth. Joseph Lee. All resigned in Sept. 1774. Councillors under the Constitution. Aaron Hill, 1810, 1811, 1824, 1825. Samuel P. P. Fay, 1818, 1819. Timothy Fuller, 1828. Sidney Willard, 1837, 1838. Albion K. P. Welch, 1868. Senators under the Constitution. Elbridge Gerry, 1793. Aaron Hill, 179 7, 1801-1808. William AVinthrop, 1799. Timothy Fuller, 1813-1816. Asahel Stearns, 1830, 1831. Sidney Willard, 1834, 1835, 1839, 1840. William Parmenter, 1836. Francis Bowman, 1837. Levi Farwell, 1838. John P. Tarbell, 1842. Isaac Livermore, 1844, 1845. Joseph T. Buckingham, 1846-1848, 1850, 1851. John Sargent, 1849, 1876. Anson Burlingame, 1852. Zebina L. Raymond, 1855, 1856. J.M. S. Williams, 1859. Stephen T. Farwell, 1860. John C Dodge, 1862. Knowlton S. Chaffee, 1868. Estes Howe, 1869, 1871. Robert O. Fuller, 1872, 1873. Ezra Parmenter, 1874, 1875. Charles T. Russell, 1877. Representatives in the General Court.3 William Goodwin, 1634. William Spencer, 1634-1638. John Talcott, 1634-1636. John Steele, 1635. Matthew Allen, 1636. George Cooke, 1636, 1642-1645.3 Clement Chaplin, 1636. Joseph Cooke, 1636-1641. Nicholas Danforth, 1636, 1637. Richard Jackson, 1637-1639, 1641, 1648, 1653, 1655, 1661, 1662. John Bridge, 1637-1639, 1641. Joseph Isaac, 1638. Gregory Stone, 1638. ' Negatived by the Governor in 1759. - Styled Deputies, under the First Charter. Samuel Shepard, 1639, 1640, 1644, 1645. Nath. Sparhawk, 1642-1644, 1646, 1647. Edward Goffe, 1646, 1650. Edward Jackson, 1647-1654, 1656, 1665-1668,1675, 1676. Daniel Gookin, 1649, 1651. 4 Edward Collins, 1654-1670. Thomas Danforth, 1657, 1658. Edward Oakes, 1659, 1660, 1669- 1681. Edward Winship, 1663, 1664, 1681- 1686. 8 Speaker in 1645. 4 Speaker in 1651. CIVIL HISTORY. 461 Joseph Cooke [2d], 1671, 1676-1680. Thomas Prentice, 1672-1674. John Stone, 16S2, 1683. Samuel Champney, 1686, 1689-1692, 1694, 1695. David Fiske, 1689, 1697. Thomas Oliver, 1692, 1693, 1698, 1701-1713. John Leverett, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1706.1 Jona. Remington, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718, 1722-1728. Edmund Goffe, 1716, 1720, 1721. Andrew Bordman, 1719, 1720. Spencer Phips, 1721. William Brattle, 1729-1733, 1735, 1736, 1754, 1755, 1770. Samuel Danforth, 1734, 1735, 1737, 1738. John Vassall, 1739, 1740, 1747. Samuel Bowman, 1741. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1742-1751, 1757-1768. Edmund Trowbridge, 1750-1752, 1755, 1763,1764. Henry Vassall, 1752, 1756. William Fletcher, 1753, 1754. David Phips, 1 753. Henry Prentice, 1756. Joseph Lee, 1764, 1765. Thomas Gardner, 1769-1774. John Winthrop, 17 74. Abraham Watson, Jr., 1775, 1776. Samuel Thatcher, 1775, 1776, 1779, 1782, 17S4-1 786. William Bowman, 1776. Eliphalet Robbins, 1776. Stephen Sewall, 1777. Stephen Dana, 1778, 1787, 1788, 1792, 1793. Thomas Farrington, 1780. Jeduthun Wellington, 1788, 1793, 1794, 1800-1802, 1804-1806. Aaron Hill [Deac], 1789, 1790. Ebenezer Bradish, 1791. Aaron Hill [Dr.], 1795-1800. Joseph Bartlett, 1801. 1 Speaker in 1700. 2 Mr. Austin was Secretary of State, 1806-1807, and State Treasurer, 1811. Jonathan L. Austin, 1803, 1806.2 Daniel Mason, 1804-1806. William Whittemore, 1804-1806. Nathaniel P. Watson, 1807. Samuel Butterfield, 1807. Josiah Mason, 1807. Samuel P. P. Fay, 1808-1812, 1815- 1818, 1820. John Mellen, 1808-1812. William Hilliard, 1811-1817, 1821, 1822, 1827, 1834. Royal Makepeace, 1813, 1814, 1818, 1827-1S30. James P. Chaplin, 1819. Richard H. Dana, 1819. Levi Farwell, 1823-1825, 1833-1835, 1844. Newell Bent, 1824-1826. Deming Jarvis, 1824. Timothy Fuller,3 1825, 1827, 1828, 1831. Ephraim Buttrick, 1825, 1827, 1828. Isaac Train, 1826. William J. Whipple, 1826, 1828-1834, 1836-1838. William Parmenter, 1829. Francis Dana, 1829. John Trowbridge, 1829, 1834. Ralph Smith, 1S29, 1835, 1837. Benjamin Bigelow, 1830, 1835. James Hayward, 1830-1832, 1835. Jesse Hall, 1830. Abraham P. Sherman, 1830, 1831. Thomas Whittemore, 1831-1833, 1836, 1837. Levi Parker, 1831, 1834, 1836. Josiah Mason, Jr., 1832. Samuel King, 1832, 1833. Amasa Davies, 1832-1834. Sidney Willard, 1833, 1837, 1843. Charles Everett, 1833. Robert Fuller, 1834. Thomas B. Gannett, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838. Luther Brooks, 1835-1839. Eliab W. Metcalf, 1835. Jos. T.Buckingham, 1836, 1838, 1839. 3 Speaker, 1825. 462 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Isaac Livermore, 1836, 1838, 1841, 1842, 1849. Charles C. Little, 1836, 1837. Abraham Edwards, 1836. Enos Reed, 1837. Ezekiel Hayden, 1839, 1840, 1844. Joel Giles, 1840. James D. Green, 1841-1843, 1846, 1853, 1854. Sylvanus Plympton, 1842, 1843. John Sargent, 1844-1848. John S. Ladd, 1845-1847, 1852. Charles R. Metcalf, 1845. Samuel Batchelder, 1847. Stephen T. Farwell, 1848-1852. William Wyman, 1848, 1849. Charles Wood, 1850, 1851. Justin Jones, 1850-1852. Willard Phillips, 1851. Franklin Sawyer, Jr., 1851. Isaiah Bangs, 1S52, 1853. John Livermore, 1852, 1853, 1867, 186S. William A. Brewer, 1853. Joseph "Whitney, 1853, 1854. Franklin Hall, 1854, 1856. Thaddeus B. Bigelow, 1854. Justin A. Jacobs, 1854. Stephen Smith, 1855. J. M. S. Williams, 1855. Oliver T. Leighton, 1855. David S. Buck, 1855. George Fisher, 1855. Asa F. Lawrence, 1856. William Parker, 1856. Eben Manson, 1856. Henry S. Hills, 1856, 1857. William A. Saunders, 1S57, 1858. Wm. T. Richardson, 1857, 1859. John C. Dodge, 1857. Josiah Burrage, Jr., 1857. Nathan K. Noble, 185S-1860. William Page, 185S. Alanson Bigelow, 1859. Francis L. Chapman, 1860-1861. George W. McLellan, 1860, 1861. Anson Hooker, 1861, 1862. Charles Beck, 1862, 1S64. Hamlin R. Harding, 1862, 1867. Knowlton S. Chaffee, 1863. Charles F. Choate, 1863. P. Francis Wells, 1863. J. Warren Merrill, 1864. Lorenzo Marrett, 1864, 1865. George S. Saunders, 1865, 1866. George P. Carter, 1865, 1866. Isaac S. Morse, 1866. Richard H. Dana, Jr., 1867, 1868. John S. March, 1867. Anson P. Hooker, 1867, 1868. Curtis Davis, 1S68, 1870, 1874. John McDuffie, 1S68, 1871, 1872. Asa P. Morse, 1869, 1873. James R. Morse, 1869, 1870. Charles A. Fiske, 1869. Martin L. Smith, 1869. Charles J. Melntire, 1869, 1870. Joseph Newmarch, 1870. Alonzo B. Wentworth, 1870. Charles F. Walcott, 1871, 1872. Robert O. Fuller, 1871. Curtis C Nichols, 1871, 1872. Ezra Parmenter, 1871, 1872. John W. Hammond, 1872, 1873. George P. Sanger, 1873. Joshua B. Smith, 1873, 1874. Samuel W. McDaniel, 1873. Levi L. Cushing, Jr., 1874, 1875. Daniel H. Thurston, 1874. 1875. Jeremiah W. Coveney, 1874-1876. Edward Kendall, 1875, 1876. Austin C. Wellington, 1875, 1876. Leander M. Hannum, 1876, 1877. Solomon S. Sleeper, 1876, 1877. Emory Washburn, 1877. Oliver J. Rand, 1877. Charles F. Thurston, 1877. Joseph J. Kelley, 1877. SELECTMEN.1 John Haynes, Feb. 1634-1635. John Talcott, Feb. 1634-1635. Simon Bradstreet, Feb. 1634-1635. William Westwood, Feb. 1634-1635. 1 Styled Townsmen until 1656. It is certain, from the Records, that the Con- CIVIL HISTORY. John White, Feb. 1634-1635. William Wadsworth, Feb. 1634-1635. James Olmstead,* Feb. 1634-1635.1 Roger Harlakenden, 1635-1638. William Spencer, 1635. Andrew Warner, 1635. Joseph Cooke, 1635-1637, 1639, 1641, 1643, 1645. John Bridge, 1635, 1637-1639, 1641- 1644, 1646, 1647, 1649, 1652. Clement Chaplin, 1635. Nicholas Danforth, 1635-1637. Thomas Hosmer, 1635. William Andrews, 1635, 1640. Richard Jackson, 1636, 1637, 1641, 1644, 1G54, 1656. Edward Goffe, 1636, 1637, 1639, 1641, 1643, 1644, 1646-1655. Simon Crosby, 1636, 163S. Barnabas Lanison, 1636. Edward Winship, 1637, 1638, 1642- 1644, 164G, 1648, 1650, 1651, 1662, 1663, 1673, 16S2, 1684. George Cooke, 1638, 1642, 1643. Samuel Shepard, 1638. Joseph Isaac, 1638. Thomas Parish, 1639, 1640. Thomas Marritt, 1639-1641, 1644, 1646, 1647. John Moore* 1639. Thomas Brigham, 1639, 1640, 1642, 1647. Edmund Angier,* 1640. John Stedman, 1640, 1647-1649, 1651, 1653-1655, 1669-1676. Abraham Shaw, 1640. Edward Collins * 1641. Roger Shaw, 1641, 1642, 1644, 1645. John Russell, 1642, 1643,1648. Edward Oakes, 1642-1646, 1648, 1649, 1652, 1655, 1657-1664, 1666-16C8, 1670-1678. Herbert Pelham, 1645. Thomas Beale, 1645, 1647, 1651, 1653. Richard Hildreth, 1645. Thomas Danforth, 1645-1669, 1671. John Cooper, 1646, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1654, 1656-1681, 1683, 1685-1690. Robert Holmes * 1649, 1657, 1662. Roger Bancroft, 1649-1651. John Fessenden, 1650, 1655-1666. John Jackson,* 1650. Richard Robbins,* 1651, 1655. Thomas Fox, 1652, 1658, 1660-1662, 1664-1672, 1674, 1675. William Manning, 1652, 1666-1670, 1672, 1675-1681, 1683. John Hastings,* 1653. Thomas Oakes,* 1653. Samuel Hyde,* J.653. Thomas Prentice,* 1 654. Gilbert Crackbone,* 1656, 1663. Philip Cooke,* 1655. Richard Parkes * 1656. Edward Shepard * 1656. Robert Parker* 1656. Thomas Hammond,* 1657, 1677. John Watson, 1657, 1G65, 1682, 1684, Nathaniel Sparhawk, 1658, 1677-1680. 1683, 1685,1686. John Shepard* 1658. Francis Moore, 1659, 1673-1681, 1683, 16S5-1GS7. Thomas Longhorn,* 1659. Thomas Cheney,* 1659. Thomas Chesholme,* 1660, 1664. John Ward,* 1660. Richard Eccles * 1660, 1669. Daniel Gookin, 1660-1672. Richard Dana,* 1661. Abraham Errington,* 1661. Walter Hastings, 1661, 1669, 1673- 1681, 1683, 1GS5-1705. Jonathan Hyde,* 1662, 16 76. stables acted as members of the Board of Townsmen or Selectmen until 1666; and there is no evidence that they ceased so to act until the first Charter was abrogated in 1686. Their names are therefore in cluded in this list ; but the names of those persons who were never members of that Board, except by virtue of their election as Constables, are distinguished by a star (*). 1 Mr. Olmstead was elected Constable, Nov. 3, 1634, before the office of Towns man was established ; and still earlier, in May, 1632, Edmund Lockwood was ap pointed Constable by the General Court, and John Benjamin, May 29, 1633. 464 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Edward Hall,* 1663. Thomas Brown,* 1063. John Greene,* 1664. Isaac Williams,* 1664. Thomas Parks,* 1665, 1685. Edward Jackson, 1665, 1682. Samuel Andrews, 1666, 1681-1693. James Trowbridge,* 1666. Joseph Cooke,* 1667, 1689. William Dickson, 1667, 1679, 1680, 1682, 1684. Gregory Cooke* 1667. Francis Whitmore,* 1668, 1682. Peter Towne, 1668, 1676, 1690, 1691, 1694, 1695. John Spring,* 1668, 1678. John Fuller,* 1669, 1675. Samuel Goffe,* 1670. Thomas Prentice, Jr.,* 1670. Samuel Champney, 1670, 1681-1687, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1694. John Kendrick,* 1671. John Gove, 1671, 1684, 1690, 1697. William Barrett, 1671, 1681. Samuel Hastings, 1672, 1691, 1692. Daniel Bacon * 1672. Marmaduke Johnson,* 1672. Nathaniel Hancock,* 1673, 1685. Samuel Stone, 1673, 1681, 16S8, 1692. Daniel Champney, 1673, 1684, 1686, 16S7. Noah "Wiswall,* 1673. Job Hyde,* 1674. John Palfrey,* 1674. Jonathan Remington, 1674, 1688, 1689, 1591-1694, 169S-17O0. Isaac Stearns,* 1674. Matthew Bridge,* 1675. John Jackson, 1075, 1693, 1694. David Fiske, 1676, 168S. Andrew Bordman,* 1676. Francis Bowman, 1677, 1689, 1696, 1700-1711. Nicholas Fessenden,* 1677, 1692. Christopher Reed,* 1677. John Marrett,* 1678. John Winter,* 1678. Thomas Foster,* 1678. Jonas Clarke, 1679, 1690. JohnMasoD,* 1679. Ephraim Winship,* 1679. John Oldham, 1679, 1695-1698, 1700- 1703, 1706-1708, 1711-1714. John Hastings,* 1680. Nathaniel Wilson,* 1680. John Russell,* 1680. James Prentice,* 1680. Abraham Holman, 1681, 1684, 1685. James Cutler, Jr.,* 1681. Sebeas Jackson,* 1681. Solomon Prentice,* 1682. Nathaniel Patten,* 1682. Samuel Buck,* 1683. Abraham Jackson,* 1683. Samuel Gookin,* 1683. John Tidd,* 1683. David Fiske, Jr.,* 1684. Joseph Russell,* 1684. John Prentice,* 1684. James Hubbard,* 1685. Thomas Cutler,* 1685. Aaron Bordman,* 16S6. Thomas Andrews,* 1686. Ebenezer Wiswall,* 1686. Philip Russell, 1686, 1700, 1701. Edward Winship, 1691-1693, 1695- 1701. James Oliver, 1694, 1698, 1699. Abraham Hill, 1695, 1696. William Russell, 1697, 1700-1702, 1704, 1705, 1712-1714. Joseph Simons, 169S, 1699. William Reed,. 1698, 1699. John Leverett, 1699, 1700. Samuel Sparhawk, 1701-1705, 1709, 1710. Samuel Cooper, 1702-1710, 1712- 1716. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1706-1710, 1719-1730, 1732. Joseph Winship, 1706, 1725. Jason Russell, 1707-1709, 1711. Josiah Parker, 1710. John Dickson, 1711, 1717, 1722-1724. Thomas Blodgett, 1711. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1712, 1715-1719. Jcseib. Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordman, 1713-1718, 1720- 1724, 1726, 1727, 1731, 1733-1736. CIVIL HISTORY. 465 Joseph Coolidge, 1713, 1714, 1730. Daniel Dana, 1715, 1725. William Cutter, 1715, 1718-1721. Samuel Kidder, 1716, 1719-1721. Nath. Sparhawk, 1716-1724, 1726, 1727, 1730. Edmund Goffe, 1717, 1718. Samuel Bowman, 1722-1724, 1726, 1727, 1735-1743. John Bradish., 1725, 1729, 1730, 1732, 1735, 1736. Francis Foxcroft, Jr., 1725, 1728, 1734. Ephraim Frost, 1725, 1727, 1730, 1735. Nathaniel Bowman, 1726. Solomon Prentice [2d], 1728. Gershom Davis, 1728, 1729, 1731, 1732. John Cutter, 1728, 1736, 1741. William Brattle, 1729, 1731-1733, 1748-1757, 1766-1772. Joseph Adams, 1729, 1731, 1732, 1737, 1738. Isaac Watson, 1731, 1737, 1738. Samuel Danforth, 1733, 1734, 1737- 1739. Henry Dunster, 1733, 1734. Samuel Smith, 1733. Benjamin Dana, Jr., 1734-1736, 1742, 1743. Samuel Sparhawk, 1737-1741. John Vassal!, 1739, 1740, 1747. Jonathan Butterfield, Jr., 1739, 1740. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1740-1769. Joseph Bean, 1741. Jacob Hill, 1742. John Winship, 1742. Edmund Trowbridge, 1743-1746. Capt. Sam. Whittemore, 1743-1746, 1748-1757, 1759, 1762. Stephen Prentice, 1744. Thomas Sparhawk, 1744, 1745, 1747, 1750-1764. Abraham Watson, 1745-1749, 1757- 1760. Caleb Dana, 1746, 1748, 1749. John Butterfield, 1747. John Wyeth, 1750-1756. 30 Gershom Cutter, 1757. William Dana, 1757, 1765-1768. Joseph Adams, Jr., 1758, 1769-1771. Ephraim Frost, Jr., 1758, 1760, 1761, 1763-1768, 1772-1777. Ebenezer Stedman, 1759-1764, 1767- 1776, 1786-1790, 1796-1801. Henry Prentice, 1761-1765. Abraham Watson, Jr., 1765, 1766. Joseph Wellington, 1769-1773, 1776. Abijah Learned, 1769-1771. Thomas Gardner, 1769-1775. Edward Marrett, 1769-1777. Nath1. Sparhawk, 1772-1775. Samuel Thatcher, 1773-1776, 1780- 1786. John Cutter, Jr., 1774, 1775. Eliphalet Robbins, 1775-1776. Stephen Dana, 1776-1778,1787, 1788, 1793, 1794. Deac. Aaron Hill, 1777, 1778, 1787, 1788. Jonas Wyeth, 1777, 1778. Benjamin Locke, 1777, 1778. Edward Jackson, 1777, 1778, 1780- 1782. Thomas Farrington, 1778, 1779. Benjamin Cooper, 1778. William Howe, 1779. Gideon Frost, 1779-1785. William Adams, 1779. Ammi Cutter, 1779, 1786. John Gardner, 1779. Moses Robbins, 1779, 1781-17S6, 1790-1792. John Wyeth, 1 780. Jeduthun Wellington, 1780-1785, 1792 -1802, 1805. Samuel Whittemore 3d, 1780. Ebenezer Seaver, 1780. Ebenezer Wyeth, 1781-1785, 1789, 1790. John Adams, 1781, 1782, 1791-1795, Ephraim Frost, Jr., 1783-1788. Daniel Dana, 1783. Jonathan Winship, 1784-1789, 1793] 1794. William Winthrop, 1786, 1789-1791, 1793, 1794, 1799, 1800-1802. 466 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Walter Dickson, 1786-1788, 1791, 1792. Samuel Butterfield, 1787, 1788. Ephraim Cook, 1789, 1790. Samuel Locke, 1789, 1790. James Robbins, 1789. Moses Griggs, 1790-17.92. Richard Richardson, 1791-1795. George Prentiss, 1791, 1792. John Walton, 1793, 1794, 1796-1798, 1809-1811. Tim. L. Jennison, 1795, 1806, 1817. Dr. Aaron Hill, 1795-1805, 1807. Nathaniel Cbampney, 1795-1801, 1806. Ebenezer Brown, 1795-1801, 1803- 1805. William Locke, 1796-1802. Ebenezer Hall, 1802-1804. James Frost, 1802-1805, 1807. Dudley Hardy, 1802-1806. Thomas Mason, 1802, 1811-1814. John Holbrook, 1802. Daniel Mason, 1803-1805. William Whittemore, Jr., 1803-1805. Nathaniel P. Watson, 1806, 1807. Asa Nichols, 1806. Benjamin Locke, 1806, 1807. Jonathan Whittemore, 1806, 1807. Newell Bent, 1807, 1822-1824. Nathan Fi.-ke, 1807. John Mellen, 1808-1810. John Hayden, 1808-1811. Royal Makepeace, 1808-1811. William Hilliard, 1808-1816, 1818, 1822, 1826, 1S27. Josiah Mason, 1808. Benjamin Bigelow, 1812-1814. Thomas Austin, 1812, 1813, 1815. Phinehas B. Hovey, 1812-1814. Josiah Moore, 1814. Job Wyeth, 1814, 1815. John Cook, 1815, 1816. Rufus Fiske, 1815, 1816, 1839, 1840. Josiah Hovey, 1816-1818. Abel Whitney, 1816, 1838, 1839. John Williams, 1817. Levi Farwell, 1817-1821. Thomas L. Parker, 1817-1822. Luke Hemenway, 1818, 1819. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1819-1821. Henry Messenger, 1819-1821. Isaac Train, 1820-1822, 1825-1827. Thomas Warland, 1822, 1823. Lusher Gay, 1822. Samuel F. Sawyer, 1823-1825. Deming Jarvis, 1823, 1824. Lincoln Brigham, 1823. John Whitney, 1824, 1825. Isaiah Bangs, 1824-1826. Jabez Fisher, 1825, 1826, 1840. William Brown, 1826-1828. William Fiske, 1827. Ephraim Buttrick, 1827-1831, 1842, 1843. Josiah Mason, Jr., 1828-1831. Atherton H. Stevens, 1828-1831. Edmund T. Hastings, 1828-1830. Eliab W. Metcalf, 1829-1833. James Hayward, 1831, 1832. Ralph Smith, 1832-1835, 1837. Luther Brooks, 1832-1835, 1837. Robert Fuller, 1832-1834. Wm. J. Whipple, 1833-1835. John Chamberlin, 1834, 1835. Joseph Burridge, 1835, 1836. William Parmenter, 1836. Charles C. Little, 1836-1841. Jesse Hall, 1836. William Hunnewell, 1836, 1837. Nathan Childs, 1837, 1838. Walter R. Mason, 1838, 1839. John L. Hobbs, 1838, 1839. Walter M. Allen, 1840, 1841. Jonathan Wheeler, 1840. Sidney Willard, 1841, 1844. William H. Odiorne, 1841. Levi Parker, 1841. Thomas Whittemore, 1842, 1843. James Luke, 1842, 1843. Sylvanus Plympton, 1842. William Saunders, 1842. Jacob H. Bates, 1843. Nathaniel J. Wyeth, 1843. Stephen T. Farwell, 1844. William Wyman, 1844, 1845. Josiah Burrage, Jr., 1844, 1845. Jonas Wyeth, 1844. James D. Green, 1845. Alex. H. Ramsay, 1845. Charles Wood, 1845. CIVIL HISTORY. 467 . Assessors.1 1607, 1698, Walter Hastings, 1694 1700-1705. Samuel Stone: 1694, 1G97, 1698. Thomas Oliver, 1694, 1697-1699, 1706, 1715. Josiah Parker, 1699. Francis Bowman, 1699-1709, 1711. Jonathan Remington, 1700. Edward Winship, 1700, 1701. John Oldham, 1700, 1701, 1710-1714, 1716, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1727. William Russell, 1700, 1701, 1704, 1705, 1712, 1714. Philip Russell, 1 700, 1 701 Joseph Adams, 1729, 1731, 1732, 1737, 1738. Andrew Bordman, Jr., 1730. William Brown, 1730. Isaac Watson, 1 731. Henry Dunster, 1733, 1734. Samuel Smith, 1733. Benjamin Dana, 1734-1736, 1742. Samuel Sparhawk [2d], 1737-1741. Jonathan Butterfield, 1739, 1740. John Winship, 1742. Samuel Whittemore,2 1743-1746, 1748-1757, 1759, 1762. Edmund Trowbridge, 1744. Samuel Sparhawk, 1701, 1703-1705, Thomas Sparhawk, 1744, 1745, 1747, 1709- 1707-1709. Andrew Bordman, 1702, 170 1713, 1715, 1716, 1718. Samuel Cooper, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1714. Samuel Kidder. 1706, 1715. Jason Russell, 1709, 1710. Joseph Coolidge, 1710, 1714. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordman, 1714, 171 1736. William Cutter, 1716. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1717. Edmund Goffe, 1717. Nath. Sparhawk, 1717, 1722-1724, 1726. 1750-1764. Caleb Dana, 1746, 1748, 1749. John Butterfield, 1747. Abraham Watson, 1747-1749, 1757, 1758, 1765, 1766. John Wyeth, 1750-1756. Joseph Adams, Jr., 1758. Ebenezer Stedman, 1759-1764, 1767- 1776. 1733- Ephraim Frost, Jr., 1760, 1761, -1768, 1772, 1775-1777. William Dana, 1765-1768. Joseph Wellington, 1769-1771. Thomas Gardner, 1769-1775. John Cutter, Jr., 1774. Nathaniel Sparhawk [2d], 1775. 1763 John Dickson, 1717-1720, 1722, 1723. Eliphalet Robbins, 1776. 1779. John Bradish, 1719-1721, 1725, 1726, 1729, 1732. Daniel Dana, 1720, 1725. John Cutter, 1721, 1724, 1727, 1728, 1736, 1741. Samuel Bowman, 1722-1724, 1727, 1737-1743, 1745, 1746. Ephraim Frost, 1725, 1726, 1730, 1735. Samuel Andrew, 1728. Gershom Davb, 1728, 1729, 1731, 1732. 1 The Selectmen performed the duty of Assessors, until 1697, except in the year 1694. Aaron Hill, 1777, 1778, 1782, 1786- 1792. Stephen Dana, 1777, 1778, 1780- 1806. Benjamin Locke, 177S, 1788, 1789. Thomas Farrington, 1779. Ammi Cutter, 1779, 1781-1786. Abraham Watson [2d], 1780, 1781. William Whittemore, 1780. Samuel Thatcher, 1783-1786. Thomas Cutter, 1787. Samuel Locke, 1790-1805. 2 Capt. Samuel Whittemore. 468 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Ebenezer Wyeth, 1793-1796. Aaron Hill [2d], 1797-1805, 1807. Josiah Moore, 1806, 1808-1813. Ichabod Fessenden, 1806. George Prentice, 1807. Newell Bent, 1807. Maj. Jonas Wyeth, 1808, 1809, 1812, 1813, 1817-1819. Thomas Mason, 1808-1813, 1815. Benjamin Bigelow, 1810, 1811, 1814, 1825, 1826, 1831-1835. Royal Makepeace, 1814. Thomas Austin, 1814, 1815. Nathaniel Livermore, 1815. Loamini Baldwin, 1816. Richard H. Dana, 1816, 1817. Rufus Fisk, 1816, 1818, 1837. William Hilliard, 1817-1819. Jabez Fisher, 1819. Wm. J.Whipple, 1820-1841. Isaac Train, 1820, 1821. Luke Hemenway, 1820-1822. Deming Jarvis, 1822, 1823. Lusher Gay, 1823. Peter Tufts, Jr., 1824. Samuel S. Green, 1824-1837, 1843- 1846. John Wheeler, 1827-1830. John Trowbridge, 1836. Eliphalet Davis, 1838, 1839. Abraham P. Sherman, 1838, 1839. William H. Odiorne, 1840. Ezekiel Hayden, 1840. Ira Wadsworth, 1841, 1842, 1847. Sidney Willard, 1841. Lucius R. Paige, 1842-1846. Jacob H. Bates, 1842, 1843. Omen S. Keith, 1844. Royal Morse, 1845, 1846. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1847-1849. James Luke, 1847. Josiah XV. Cook, 1848, 1849, 1855. Edward G. Stevens, 1848-1850, 1854. William L. Whitney, 1850-1852. John Hews, 1850. Charles Wood, 1851-1854. Joseph Whitney, 1851-1853, 1857. George Coolidge, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1857. Joseph H. Rice, 1855. Ozias Clark, 1855. Abel W. Bruce, 1856, 1860. Atherton H. Stevens, 1856. Alvaro Blodgett, 1857. William Frost, 18*58-1863. George W. Livermore, 1858, 1859. Andrew J. Green, 1860-1877. Artemas Z. Brown, 1861-1877. Charles H. Saunders, 1864-1867. Levi L. Cushing, Jr., 1868-1877. Town Clerks.1 William Spencer, 1632-1635. Joseph Cooke, 1636, 1637, 1639-1641. Joseph Isaac, 1638.2 Roger Shaw, 1642. 8 Thomas Danforth, 1645-1668. John Cooper, 1669-1681. Samuel Andrew, 1682-1692. Jona. Remington, 1693, 1698-1700. Samuel Green, 1694-1697. Andrew Bordman, 1 700-1 730.4 Andrew Bordman [2d], 1731-1769. Andrew Bordman [3d], 1769-1779.5 Thomas Farrington, 1780-1782. William Winthrop, 1782-1788. Timothy L. Jennison, 1789-1797, 1806. Aaron Hill, 1798-1805. Timothy Fuller, 1807. William Hilliard, 1S08-1816. Levi Farwell, 1817-1826. Thomas Foster, 1827. William J. Whipple, 1S28-1830. Luther S. Cushing, 1831. 1 The Records were kept by the Clerk of the Selectmen until 1693, when an officer styled "Town Clerk" was first elected. - Probably. 8 Probably. 4 Elected May 18, 1700, in placeof Jona than Remington, deceased. 6 Elected June 2, 1769, upon the de cease of his father. CIVIL HISTORY. 469 John P. Tarbell, 1832-1834. Henry M. Chamberlain, 1835-1838. Lucius R. Paige, 1839, 1843-1846. Thomas B. Gannett, 1840-1842. Town Treasurers.1 Samuel Andrew, 1694-1699. Jona. Remington, 1700. Andrew Bordman, 1701-1747. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1 747-1 769.2 John Foxcroft, 1769-1771.8 Samuel Thatcher, 1772-1776, 1782- 1786. Andrew Bordman [3d], 1777, 1778. Abraham Watson, 1779-1781. Ebenezer Stedman, 1 786-1 808.4 Samuel Bartlett, 1809-1815. Loammi Baldwin, 1816. William Hilliard, 1817-1820. Levi Farwell, 1821-1836. Abel W. Bruce, 1837-1846. OFFICERS AFTER THE INCORPORATION OF THE CITY. Mayors. Jame3 D. Green, 1846, 1847, 1853, 1860, 1861. Sidney Willard, 1348-1850. George Stevens, 1851, 1852. Abraham Edwards, 1854. Zebina L. Raymond, 1855, 1864. John Sargent, 1856-1859. Charles T. Russell,5 1861, 1862. George C. Richardson, 1863. J. Warren Merrill, 1865, 1866. Ezra Parmenter, 1867. Charles H. Saunders, 1868, 1869. Hamlin R. Harding, 1870, 1871. Henry O. Houghton, 1872. Isaac Bradford, 1873-1876. Frank A. Allen, 1877. Aldermen. Samuel Batchelder, 1846. Ephraim Buttrick, 1846, 1848. Samuel P. P. Fay, 1846. William Fisk, 1846. Joseph S. Hastings. 1846, 1847. Charles Wood, 1846, 1847. ¦ Stephen T. Farwell, 1847, 1848. Walter R. Mason, 1847. William Saunders, 1847. Abraham P. Sherman, 1847. Isaac Fay, 1848. George Stevens, 1848-1850, 1855. Wm. L. Whitney, 1848, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875. Thomas Whittemore, 1848. George Cummings, 1849. Calvin Dimick, 1S49-1851. 1 No officer styled " Town Treasurer" was elected until 1694. 2 Elected An£. 3, 1747, upon the de cease of his father. 3 Elected June 2, 1769, in place of An drew Bordman, deceased. Lorenzo Marrett, 1849, 1850, 1852. Charles R. Metcalf, 1849. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1849. Isaiah Bangs, 1850. Edmund A. Chapman, 1850, 1851. Stephen Smith, 1850-1852, 1854. Abraham Edwards,6 1851-1853. John Hews, 1851. Anson Hooker, 1851, 1852. Richar,d C. Joseph, 1851. Thaddeus B. Bigelow, 1852. Ambrose Chamberlain, 1852,' 1853. John W. Donallan, 1853. George W. Livermore, 1853, 1854. George Meacham, 1853. John Taylor, 1853. Henry M. Chamberlain, 1854, 1859. " Elected July 10, 1786, in place of Col. Thatcher, deceased. 6 Elected July 31, 1861, in place of James D. Green, resigned. 6 Elected Oct. 6, 1851, in place of Ed mund A. Chapman, deceased. 470 HrSTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Henry S. Hills, 1854. Linus A. Phillips, 1854. William A. Saunders, 1854, 1867. John B. Cook, 1855, 1856. Isaac Cutler, 1855-1857. John Dudley, 1855. James XV. Gates, 1855. Joseph R. Knight, 1855. George H. Davies, 1856-1858. Isaac Davis, 1856. George W. Fifield, 1856, 1857. Edward T. Whitney, 1856-1858. John B. Atwill, 1857-1860. James G. Hovey, 1857. John Remick,1 1857, 1858. Knowlton S. Chaffee, 1858, 1859. Chester W. Kingsley, 1858. Thomas G. Rice, 1858. James P. Richardson, 1858-1860. Solomon Sargent, 1858. Albion K. P. Welch, 1858, 1859. Josiah Burrage, 1859, 1860. Francis L. Chapman, 1859, 1860, 1864-18G6. Alex. Dickinson, 1859, 1860. David Ellis, 1859, 1860. Michael C. Kenney, 1859. Lewis Hall, 1860. Samuel Slocomb, 1860, 1861. Albert Vinal, 1860, 1861. Andrew S. Waitt, 1860. Levi L. Cushing, Jr., 1861, 1S62. Curtis Davis, 1861, 1862, 1873. Amory Houghton, 1861, 1862. Henry Lamson, 1861-1363. Charles H. Saunders, 1861, 1862. Albert Stevens, 1861, 1863. James H. Thayer, 1861-1863. Israel Tibbetts, 1861-1863. Hosea Jewell, 1862, 1863. J. Warren Merrill, 1862. Henry Whitney, 1862. Samuel W. Dudley, 1863-1866. George H. Folger, 1863, 1864. Samuel James, 1863. John Livermore,2 1863-1865. Ezra Parmenter, 1863, 1864, 1866. John P. Putnam, 1863. George P. Carter, 1864, 1865. Charles F. Choate, 1864-1866. Arthur Merrill, 1864. James R. Morse, 1864. Fordyce M. Stimson, 1864.8 Joseph H. Tyler, 1864, 1865. George B. Lathrop, 1865, 1866. Alpheus Mead, 1865, 1866, 1869. James M. Price, 1865. John L. Sands, 1865, 1866. Sumner Albee, 1866. John N. Meriam, 1866, 1867. Asa P. Morse, 1866. John M. Tyler, 1866, 1867. William Gibson, 1867. WTatson B. Hastings, 1867, 1868. William Page, 1867, 1868. Samuel B. Rindge, 1867, 1868. Samuel F. Woodbridge, 1867, 1868, 1872, 1873. William Wright, 1867, 1869, 1876. Marshall T. Bigelow, 1868. Daniel U. Chamberlin, 1868, 1870. U. Tracy Howe, 1868. John S. March, 1868-1870. Jabez A. Sawyer, 1868. Daniel R. Sortwell, 1868, 1869, 1872. Jeremiah W. Coveney, 1869, 1870. Henry O. Houghton, 1869. Wrilliam J. Marvin, 1869. George W. Park, 1869, 1870. James H. Sparrow, 1869, 1870. Charles F. Walcott, 1669. D. Gilbert Dexter, 1870, 1871. Lewis B. Geyer, 1870, 1871. Horatio G. Parker, 1870, 1871. Aaron H. Safford, 1870. Amos C. Sanborn, 1870. • James H. Hall, 1871. Charles L. Harding, 1871, 1872. John Holman, 1871. Joseph A. Holmes, 1871, 1872. 1 Elected May 1, 1857, in place of 8 Resigned March 23, 1864, and suc- JaTics G. Hovey, deceased. ceeded by Francis L. Chapman. 2 Elected March 2, 1863, in place of Hosea Jewell, deceased. U1V1L HISTORY. 471 Edward Kendall, 1871-1873. Robert L. Sawin, 1871, 1873. William Caldwell, 1872. Chandler R. Ransom, 1872. Samuel Snow, 1872, 1873. Jason Winnett, 1S72. George R. Brine, 1873. James H. Collins 1873, 1874. Hamlin R. Harding, 1873. Isaac S. Morse, 1873. Daniel H. Thurston, 1873, 1876, 1877. Horace O. Bright, 1874. Augustus P. Clarke, 1874. James C. Davis, 1874. Leander M. Haunum, 1874, 1875. Theodore C. Hurd. 1874. Francis Ivers, 1S74. John McSorley, 1874. Francis H. Whitman, 1874. Walter S. Blanchard, 1875. Benjamin F. Davies, 1875. Russell S. Edwards, 1875, 1877. Leander Greely, 1875, 1876. George II. Howard, 1875, 1876. John H. Leighton, 1875, 1876. Samuel L. Montague, 1875, 1876. Jonas C. Wellington, 1875. George F. Piper, 1876, 1877. Edmund Reardon, 1876, 1877. Sulvilyer H. Sanborn, 1876. Walter S. Swan, 1876, 1877. John Clary, IS 77. James A. Fox, IS 77. Charles J. Melntire, 1877. Charles W. Munroe, 1877. Martin L. Smith, 1877. Presidents of Common Council. Isaac Livermore, 1846. John Sargent, 1S47, 1852, 1853. John C. Dodge, 1848, 1854. Samuel P. Heywood, 1849, 1850. John S. Ladd, 1851. Alanson Bigelow, 1855. Ezra Ripley, 1856.1 George S. Saunders, 1856, 1857, 1863, 1864. James C. Fisk, 1858, 1859. Hamlin R. Harding, I860, 1861. Jared Shepard, 1S62.2 Knowlton S. Chaffee, 1862. John S. March, 1865, 1866. Marshall T. Bigelow, 1867. Henry W. Muzzey, 1868, 1869. Joseph H. Converse, 1870, 1871. Alvaro Blodgett, 1872, 1873.8 Francis H. Whitman, 1873. George F. Piper, 1874, 1875. Frank A. Allen, 1876. Perez G. Porter, 1877. Members of Common Council. Josiah Coolidge, 1846, 1847. John C. Dodge, 1846-1S4S, 1854. Francis Draper, 1846, 1847. Charles Everett, 1846-1848. Stephen T. Farwell, 1846. George XV. Fifield, 1846, 1847. Lewis Hall, 1846-1848. Joseph A. Holmes, 1846, 1847, 1852, 1853. Isaac Livermore, 1846. Walter R. Mason, 1846. Isaac Melvin, 1S46-1848. Thomas F. Norri3, 1846. Alex. H. Ramsay, 1846, 1847. Enos Reed, 1846, 1847. Aaron Rice, 1846-1848. John Sargent, 1S46, 1847, 1852, 1853. William Saunders, 1846. Abraham P. Sherman, 1846. Charles Valentine, 1846, 1847. William L. Whitney, 1846, 1847. Samuel P. Heywood, 1847-1850. Anson Hooker, 1847-1850. William Hunnewell, 1847. Levi Jennings, 1847, 1848, 1856. Elijah Spare, Jr., 1847-1849. 1 Resigned Jan. 31, 1856. • Resigned Sept. 17, 1862. 3 Resigned June 17, 1873. 472 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1847, 1S48. Edmund A. Chapman, 1848, 1849. George Cummings, 1848. Eliphalet Davis, 1848. Ralph Day, 1848, 1849, 1852. Jesse Fogg, 1848, 1849. Horatio N. Hovey, 1848. Estes Howe, 1848. John S. Ladd, 1848, 1851. Win. T. Richardson, 184S. WillianTWyman, 1848, 1849. David S. Buck,1 1849-1852. Jesse Coolidge, 1849. Isaac Davis, 1849, 1850, 1855. Israel P. Dunham, 1849. William P. Fisk, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1853. Amory Houghton, 1849. Edward Hyde, 1849. Andrew Jones, 1849-1851, 1858. Charles T. Murdoch, 1849, 1850. Geo. C. Richardson, 1849-1851. Hosea Spencer,2 1849-1852. Edwin Scudder, 1849, 1850. Robert P. Tuten, 1849-1851. Francis Wells, 1849, 1850. Charles Wood, 1849. James Atwood, 1850, 1851. Thomas P. Ayer, 1850-1852. John Dudley, 1850-1852. David B. Hadley, 1850, 1851. Henry S. Hills,3 1850, 1851. George Meacham, 1850-1S52. Luther L. Parker, 1850, 1851. Wm. A. Saunders, 1850. Edmund Boynton, 1851, 1852. Hiram Brooks, 1851. Mason Davis, 1851, 1863, 1864. Royal Douglass, 1851. George T. Gale,4 1851, 1852, 1856. Josiah Dana Hovey, 1S51. Zebina L. Raymond,5 1851, 1852. Franklin Sawyer, Jr., 1851. Andrew S. Waitt, 1851, 1852. Jonas Wyeth, 1851. Alvaro Blodgett, 1852-1854, 1867- 1869, 1871-1873. Ozias Clark, 1852, 1853. Isaac Cutler, 1852. Joseph M. Doe, 1852. Phinehas B. Hovey, 1852, 1853. George L. Mitchell, 1852, 1853. William Stevens, 1852, 1853. Francis L. Batchelder, 1853, 1854. Alanson Bigelow, 1853-1855. Barnabas Binney, 1853. Daniel U. Chamberlain, 1853, 1854. John B. Cook, 1853, 1854, 1863. Lloyd Crossman, 1853, 1854. George H. Davies, 1853, 1854. Franklin Hall, 1853, 1854. George G. Ryder, 1853, 1854, 1863, 1864, 1867. Charles H. Saunders, 1853, 1854. Oliver Tenney, 1853, 1854. William Watriss, 1853, 1854. Thaddeus B. Bigelow, 1854. O. H. P. Green, 1854. Rufus Lamson, 1854, 1855. William A. Munroe, 1854. Benjamin F. Nourse, 1854, 1 856, 1857. Henry Noyes, 1854, 1855. Ebenezer T. Tufts, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858. Almon Abbott, 1855. Daniel S. Brown, 1855. Luther Crane, 1855. John Gage, 1855, 1859. Augustus P. Griffing, 1855, 1856. John Holman, 1855. James G. Hovey, 1855, 1856. William Hunnewell, 1855. Daniel Kelly, 1S55. Jacob S. Merrill, 1855. Philip Nutting, 1855. George G. Rice, 1855, 1856. 1 Elected Jnne 11, 1849, in place of Jesse Coolidge, resigned. 2 Elected Jan. 21, 1850, in place of Jesse Fogg, resigned. 3 Elected Oct. 6, 1851, in place of Rob ert P. Tuten, deceased. 4 Elected Dec. 15, 1851, in place of Franklin Sawyer, Jr., deceased. 6 Elected April 22, 1851, in place of Geo. C. Richardson, resigned. CIVIL HISTORY. 478 Joel Robinson, 1855. George S. Saunders, 1855-1857, 1863, 1864. Nathaniel N. Stiekney, 1855. William W. Bullock, 1856. Chester N. Clark, 1856-1858. Curtis Davis, 1S56-1858. Hervey Davis, 1856, 1857. John H. Fellows, 1856-1858. N. St. John Green, 1856. Michael C. Kenney, 1856-1S5S. William Page, 1856, 1857. Thomas G. Rice, 1856, 1S57. Ezra Ripley, 1856. Samuel Sawyer, 1856, 1857. Atherton H. Stevens, Jr., 1856, 186 7. Albion K. P. Welch, 1856, 1857. James C. Davis, 1857, 1858, 1872,1 1873. James C. Fiske, 1857-1859. George B. Lathrop, 1857, 1S58, 1862- 1864. John Murray, Jr., 1857. Michael Norton, 1S57. Samuel S. Runey, 1857. Samuel Saunders, 1857. J. Henry Wyman, 1857. Marshall T. Bigelow, 1858-1860, 1867. Wm. P. Butterfield, 18.58, 1S59. Francis L. Chapman, 1858. David Ellis, 1858. Charles F. McClure, 1S58, 1859. Thomas B. G. Messinger, 1858, 1859. Joseph Newmarch, 1858, 1863. Lucius R. Paige, 1858. Ezra Parmenter, 1858. - 1871. Jared Shepard, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1S62. Albert Stevens, 1858-1860. Sargeant C. Whitcher, 185S. Ebenezer Fogg, 1859, 1861-1863. Hamlin R. Harding, 1859-1861. Anson P. Hooker, 1859-1861. Samuel James, 1859. Henry Lamson, 1859, 1860. John Livermore, 1859, 1860. Edward Milliken, 1859. Augustus Russ, 1859. Charles T. Russell, 1859, 1860. Israel Tibbetts, 1859, 1860, 1867. Joseph V. Wellington, 1859, 1860. Henry Whitney, Jr., 1859, 1861. George L. Cade, 1860, 1864. Henry M. Chamberlain, 1860, 1861. Eben M. Dunbar, 1860, 1862. John C. Farnham, 1860, 1861. Watson B. Hastings, 1860, 1869. James Jelly, 1860, 1861, 1863. John H. Leighton, 1860. James Mellen, 1860, 1S61, 1868. Nathan K. Noble, 1860, 1866. Josiah Porter, 1860, 1861. Jonas C. Wellington, 1860, 1861. John S. Bates, 1861, 1862. Russell S. Edwards, 1861, 1862. John A. Ellis, 1861. William Gibson, 1861, 1862. Isaac C. Holmes, 1861, 1862, 1872. William F. Knowles, 1861, 1862. J. Warren Merrillv 1861. John S. Pollard, 1861, 1862. Nathaniel D. Sawin, 1861, 1862. George P. Carter, 1862, 1863. K. S. Chaffee, 1862, 1863, 1867, 1S71, 1872, 1876. Hosea Clark, 1862. P. Stearns Davis, 1862. Samuel W. Dudley, 1862. Edward B. P. Kinsley, 1862. James P. Richardson, 1862. Joseph H. Tyler, 1862, 1873. John Wilder, 1S62. Sumner Albee. 1863-1865. Nathaniel P. Brooks, 18G3-1866. Francis C. Foster, 1863, 1864. James M. Price. 1863, 1864. Henry C. Rand, 1863, 1864. George E. Richardson, 1S63, 1864. Amos C. Sanborn, 1863-1865. FordyceM. Stimson, 1863. James M. Thresher, 1S63. William Brine, 1864, 1865. William Daily, 1864-1866. Samuel H. Folsom, 1864. 1 Elected March 24, 1872, in place of J. - Elected May 24, 1858, in place of Milton Clark, resigned. John H. Fellows, resigned. 474 HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE. William Hutchins, 1864. John S. March, 1864-1866. John S. Sawyer, 1864, 1S65. Charles B. Stevens, 1864, 1865. James H. AVyeth, 1864, 1865. Walter S. Blanchard, 1865. Robert O. Fuller, 18G5, 1866. Nathan G. Gooch, 1865, 1866. Samuel C. Knights, 1865, 1866. Arthur Merrill, 1865, 1866. Phineas Parker, 1S65, 1866. Aaron H. Safford, 1865, 1666. Augustus Towne, 1865, 1866. John M. Tyler, 1865. Bradley C. Whitcher, 1865. Joseph Whittemore, 1865, 1866. Charles XV. Eliot, 1866. Charles A. Fiske, 1866. Lewis B. Guyer, 1866. William H. Lounsbury, 1 866. John McDuffie, 1866, 1867. Charles J. Melntire, 1866, 1867. Benjamin R. Rand, 1866, 1867. Samuel F. Woodbridge, 1866. Joseph Child, Jr., 1867, 1868. Jeremiah W. Coveney, 1S67, 1868. William R. Hurlbut, 1867. Lucien S. Learned, 1867, 1868. Horatio Locke, 1867, 1868. Elijah H. Luke, 1867, 1868. William J. Marvin, 1867, 1S68. Jabez A. Sawyer, 1867. Samuel Snow, 1867, 1868, 1871. James H. Sparrow, 1867, 186S. Charles F. AV alcott, 1867, 1868. Charles C. Clapp, 1868, 1869. Noah M. Cofran, 1868, 1869. Leander Greely, 1868-1870. John AV. Hammond, 186S. Henry O. Houghton, 1868. Bernard J. McCormic, 1868, 1869. Henry AV. Muzzey, 1868. 1869. George XV. T. Riley, 1868. Frank D. AArheeIer, 1868, 1S73, 1874. Samuel P. Adams, 1869, 1870. George R. Brine, 1869. 1870. Joseph H. Converse, 1S69-1871. James n. Hall, 1869, 1870. 1 Elected July 1, 1871, in place of Ezra Parmenter, resigned. Orrin W. Hall, 1869. AVilliam G. Hill, 1869, 1870. George AV. Homer, 1869. John McSorley, 1869-1871, 1873, 1877. James Richardson, 1869-1871. Gustavus A. Smart, 1869, 1870. Seymour B. Snow, 1869, 1870, 1876. Daniel H. Thurston. 1869. Samuel K. AVilliams, Jr., 1869, 1870. Isaac Bradford, 1870. J. Milton Clark, 1870, 1872. Thomas Devens, 1870. Augustus AV. Fix, 1870. Thomas G. Lally, 1870. Francis M. Mason, 1870, 1871. Robert L. Sawin, 1870. Robert Stewart, 1870. John Wilson, 1870, 1871. Augustus P. Clarke, 1871, 1873. Darius Cobb, 1871. Joseph Cogan, 1871, 1872, 1877. Joshua G. Gooch, 1871, 1872. James E. Hall, 1871, 1872. Levi Hawkes, 1871, 1872. Wm. L. Lockhart, 1871. Charles R. Patch, 1871, 1872. Warren G. Roby, 1871. J Alonzo R. Smith, 1871. John H. Swiney,2 1871, 1872. Francis H. AA7hitman, 1871-1873. James A. AVoolson, 1871. Sumner J. Brooks, 1872. George B. Hamlin, 1872. Joseph G. Holt, 1872. Thomas L. Huckins, 1872. Harrison AV. Huguley, 1872. Francis Ivers, 1872, 1873. John L. Porter, 1872. Thomas L. Smith, 1872. Johr Stone, 1872, 1873, 1875. Joseph A. AVellington, 1872. John Clary, 1873-1876. Frank Corcoran, 1873, 1874. G. C. AV. Fuller, 1S73. Thomas Grieves, 1873. Leander M. Hannum, 1873. George H. Howard, 1873, 1874. 2 Elected May 15, 1871 , in place of AYm. L. Lockhart, resigned. CIVIL HISTORY. 475 John F. Hudson, 1873. Samuel L. Montague, 1873, 1874. Edward H. Norton, 1873, 1874. George F. Piper, 187 3-1875. Charles C. Read, 1S73, 1874. Richard F. Tobin, 1873. Thomas H. Emerson, 1874. John J. Fatal, 1874. Alexander Frazer, 1874, 1875. Thomas A. Graham, 1874, 1875. John J. Henderson, 1874. Joseph J. Kelley, 1874, 1875. Charles Laurie, 1874. James Mellen Jr., 18 74, 1875. John T. G. Nichols. 1874, 1875. Charles Quinn, 1874, 1875. Edmund Reardon, 1874, 1875. Sulvilyer H. Sanborn, 1874, 1875. Frank A. xlllen. 1S75, 1876. William E.Doyle. 1875, 1876. Henry D. Forbes, 1875, 1876. David Heffernan, 1875. Lemuel Kempton, 1875. Charles Moore, 1875, 1876. Jeremiah Murphy, 1875, 1876. Hibbard P. Ross, 1875. AValter S. Swan, 1875. William E. Andrews, 1876. Joseph H. Bancroft, 1876. James F. Davlin, 1876. Benjamin Dow, 1876.1 Franklin Gay, 1876. Archibald M. Howe, 1S76, 1877. Isaac A. Nay, 1S76.- AVilliam Poland, 1876, 1877. Perez G. Porter, 1876, 1877. George AV. Rawson, 1876, 1877. Silas Rhoades, 1876, 1877. Daniel B. Shaughnessy, 1876, 1877. Benjamin R. Tilton, 1876. George F. Whiting, 1876, 1877. Henry A. Doherty, 1877. AVoodward Emery, 1877. Samuel Noyes, Jr., 1S77. Henry K. Parsons, 1877. John T. Scully, 187 7. Joseph AV. Smith, 1877. James II. Snow, 1877. Z. H. Thomas, Jr., 1877. Edward P. Tucker, 1877. Nathan Underwood, 1877. Edward H. AVhitnev, 1877. Lucius R. Paige, 1846-1855. Henry Thayer,3 1855, 1856. City Clerks. Justin A. Jacobs, 1857-1877. City Treasurers. Abel W. Bruce, 1846-1848. Samuel Slocomb, 1849-1855. Alonzo J. Webber,4 1855. Joseph A Holmes, 1856, 1857. Joseph Whitney, 1858-1877. Clerks of thf. Common Council. Charles S. Newell, 1846-1848. James M. Chase, 1S56-1S61. Eben M. Dunbar, 1849-1853. Joseph G. Holt, 1862-1867. Henry Thayer, 1854, 1855. J. AVarren Cotton, 1S68-1877. Anson J. Stone,3 1855. 1 Elected March 14, 1876, in place of Wm. E. Andrews, resigned. '- Elected March 14, 1876, in place of Franklin Gay, deceased. 3 Elected Oct. 1, 1S55, in place of Lu cius R. Paige, resigned. 4 Elected Feb. 26, 1S55, in place of Samuel Slocomb, resigned. 6 Elected Oct. 1, 1833, in place of Henry Thayer, resigned. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER.1 Abbott, Daniel, owned a house in 1635, at the N. XV. corner of Holyoke and Mount Auburn streets, which he sold to John Russell, and removed to Providence, R L, about 1639. No trace is found here of his family. 2. George, in 1715, purchased a building lot, "near Adams's gate." By w. Rebecca, he bad Jacob, b. 25 Jan. 1715-16; George, b. 2 Oct. 1718; Re becca, bap. 24 June 1721; Rebecca, bap. 22 Nov. 1724; Samuel, bap. 12 Map. 1726-7. Abdy, Matthew, " Boston, came in the Abigail, 1635, from London, was a fisherman: by w. Tabitha, dau. of Robert Reynolds of B., who d. 1661, had Mary, b. 24 May 1648, and Tabitha, 24 Nov. 1652; besides Matthew, named in the will of his grandfather R. He next m., 24 May 1662, Alice Cox, perhaps dau. of Moses of Hampton." Savage, Gen. Diet. 2. Matthew, s. of Matthew (1), b. about 1654, m. Deborah, dau. of An drew Stevenson of Camb., and wid. of Robert AVilson of Sudbury. AVidow Ruth Abdy, who d. 10 Dec. 1762, aged 93, was a subsequent wife of Matthew. He is supposed to have resided at the S. XV. corner of Mt. Auburn and Hol yoke streets, and to have died in 1730, leaving no posterity. For several years he was a fisherman; but in 1718 he was appointed College Sweeper and Bedmaker, an office in which his widow succeeded him. After his death, " Father Abdy's Will," in doggerel rhyme, afforded much amusement on both sides of the Atlantic. Adams, John, was here about 1650. His children, by w. Ann, were Re becca, bap. in England; Mary, John, Joseph, all bap. here; Hannah, bap. 17 June 1660, and d. 25 Jan. 1660-61; Daniel, bap. 14 Sept. 1662, and d. 14 May 1685. Rebecca m. Nathaniel Patten, 24 Nov. 1669, and d. 18 Dec. 1677. John rem. to Sudbury, m. Hannah Bent, had John, 16S4, Daniel, 1685, Han nah, 1688, and was living in 1714. John the father resided in Menotomy, was a millwright, and d. 1706, a. about 85. His w. Ann was living in 1714. 2. Joseph.s. of John (1), received from his father a deed of the homestead, 4 Sept. 1697. He m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Eames, 21 Feb. 1687-8, but I find no record of the birth or baptism of their children. He d. 20 July 1701, and his w. Margaret wa3 appointed administratrix; she was prob. the person whom. Lieut. Daniel Dean of Concord, 27 Dec. 1705. 3. Joseph, prob. s. of Joseph (2), m. Rebecca Cutter 18 Jan. 1710-11; she d. 12 Jan. 1717-18, aged 24, and he m. Rachel , who survived him. His chil. were Thomas, b. 3 Dec. 1711, and d. 17 Nov. 1713; Thomas, b. 20 Aug. 1713; Joseph, b. 3 July 1715; Margaret, b. 26 May r717, m. Double- day; Rebecca, b. 12 Sept. 1720, m. Samuel Kent 27 Nov. 1740; Lucy, b. 29 Oct. 1722, m. John Cutter, Jr.. 21 May 1745, and d. 17 Ap. 1810; WUliam, b. 12 Jan. 1724-5; Anne, b. S July 1729, m. Peter Tufts, Jr., of Charlestown, 19 Ap. 1750; Mary, b. 12 May 1733, m. Nathan Tufts of Charlestown, 6 1 I adopt this plan of a Genealogical Reg- dau., for daughter, etc. The mimes of ister, because it is less complicated than towns are also sometimes abbreviated, as others, yet sufficiently particular for all Bos., for Boston; Camb., for Cambridge; practical' purposes. The system is too plain Chs., for Charlestown; Lex., for Lexing- and obvious to require any explanation, ton; Medf., for Medford; Menot, for Me- The ordinary abbreviations are used, such uotomy; Som., for Somerville; Wat., for as a., for aged; b., for born; bap., for bap- Watertown; and if there be any other, the tized; d., for died: m., for married; f., for reference will be easily perceived. father; w., for wife or widow; s., for son; 478 ADAMS. June 1751. Joseph the f. was selectman five years, and d. 18 Oct. 1774, a. 86. His w. Rachel d. 1 Aug. 1775, a. 85. 4. Thomas, s. of Joseph (3), m Anna Frost, 22 Sept. 1737; she d. at AVorcester 6 Oct. 1740, and he in. Lydia Chadwick; she also d. at AVorc, 1748, and lie m. Elizabeth Bowman of Camb. 15 Sept. 1754. His cbi!. were Joseph, b. , d. at AVorc, 1740 ; Hannah, b. 13 Ap. 1743, in. AAralter Rus sell 17 Dec. 1761, and (2d) Enos Jones 26 Dec. 1790; John, b. 22 Jan. 1744-5, m. Joanna Munroe of Lexington, by whom he had nine children, all b. in Ashburnham, from which place he removed, in his old age, to Hartford, Penn., where he d. 26 Feb. 1849, aged one hundred and four years and one month; Lydia, b. 20 Aug. 1755, m. Lemuel Blanchard, and (2d) Joseph Thorndike, Esq., of Jaffrey, N. H.; Lucretia, b.- 2 Aug. 1757, m. Ethan AVeth- erbee 31 Dec. 1775; Ebenezer-Thomas, b. 10 Jan. 1762, in. Polly Goodwin of Charlestown 20 June 1784. Thomas the f. was a captain, resided a few years at AA'orc, but returned to Menot. about 1748, where he kept a tavern, and d. there in October 1802, a. 89. 5. Joseph, s. of Joseph (3), m. Martha, dau. of Ephraim Frost, 10 Jan. 1739-40; she d. 23 Dec. 1749, and he in. Hannah Hall 11 Sept. 1750. His chil. were Anna, b. 14 Dec. 1740, ro. Timothy Tufts of Medf. 7 May, 1761, and d. 8 Oct. 1825; Joseph, b. 29 Nov. 1743, m. Lucy Kent 6 Sept. 1770; Martha, b. 25 Sept. 1746, m. Samuel Locke, Jr., 16 May 1771; Thomas, b. 19 July 1751, m. Martha Stone 28 May 1780, rem. to New Salem, where he d. 27 June 184S, a. neatly 97; his w. Martha d. 22 Jan. 1847, a. 96; Rebecca, b. 16 Aug. 1753, d. unm. 19 May 1834; Hannah, b. 12 April 1756, m. Peter Tufts, 3d, of Medf. 22 July 1773, and d. 24 Jan. 1843; Susanna, b. 26 June 175S, m. Gershom Teele of Medf. 3 Oct. 1776, and d. 28 June 1828; Mary, b. 13 Feb. 1761, m. Benjamin Winship, 4 April 1788, and d. 2 Oct. 1846; Nathan, h. 9 Aug. 1763, res. in Medf., where he d. 25 Mar. 1842; Joel, b. 23 Aug. 1765, m. Sybil Stone of Medf., 23 Aug. 1788, and d. at New Salem, 8 Feb. 1841; Amos, twin with Joel, b. 23 Aug.' 1765, in. Lydia Adams 19 April 1790, and d. 24 Mar. 1844; Daniel, b. 14 Mar. 1768, m. Phebe Britton 3 June 1793; Abigail, b. 18 Sept. 1772, m. Joseph Convers of Medf. 19 Oct. 1800; Ann, b. 1 April 1775, m. James Hill 11 Oct. 1796. Joseph the f. was for many years deacon of the church, in Menotomy, now Arlington, Selectman four years, and d. 3 May 1794, ». 79; his w. Plannah d. 13 Aug. 1803, a. 73. AVhen her youngest child was eighteen days old, Mrs. Adams was driven from her home by the British troops on their retreat from Lex., and the house was set on fire; but the flames were extinguished before much damage resulted. 6. AA'illiam, s. of Joseph (3), in. Sarah Hill 14 June 1750, and had John, b. 25 July 1751 ; William, b. 12 Dec. 1753, m. Hannah Stone 26 June 1781, and d. 9 July 1820 ; Sarah, b. 10 April 1756, m. James Perry 19 Oct. 1773, and d. 19 July 1780; Lucy, b. 7 Sept. 1758, m. John Cutter, 3d, 4 Feb. 1777, and d. 9 Nov." 1830 ; Anna, b. 1 Mar. 1761, m. Richard Hay of Chs. 25 Mar, 1781; Rebecca, b. 12 June 1764; Lydia, b. 2 Sept. 1767, in. Edward Russell, 9 May 1786; Margaret, b. 12 Nov. 1769, m. Thomas Russell of Chs. 25 Nov. 1788; Mary, b. 9 July 1772, m. Nathaniel Russell of Chs. 8 Mar. 1795; Susanna, b. 10 April ,1778. William the f. was a captain, and d. 10 Sept. 1787, a. 63; his w. Sarah d. 11 Nov. 1805, a. 74. 7. John, s. of AVilliam (6), m. Ruth Perry 2 Dec. 1773; she d. 12 July 1776, a. 24, and he m. Elizabeth Gardner of Chs. 18 Nov. 1777 ; she d. 20 April 1785, a. 29, and he m. Hannah Phelps 6 July 1786. His chil. were John, b. 7 June 1774, in. Susanna Cutter, 5 April 1798 ; James, b. 1 May 1776, and d. 24 Aug. 1776 ; James, b. 28 July 1778, and d. 16 Dec. 1818; Betsey, b. 28 Feb. 1780, m. David Hill 13 Sept. 1799 ; Joseph, b. 15 April 1782, m. Elizabeth , and d. 10 Dee. 1819 ; Sarah, b. , m. Thomas Fillebrown, Jr., 31 Jan. 1808 ; William, b, . m. Sukey Foster 17 Sept. 1818, and d. 26 March 1827; Samuel, b. , m. Anna AVhittemore of Chs. 26 May 1822 ; Amos, b. 1792, and d. 29 Sept. 1794; Lydia, b. 9 Nov. 1797 ; Hannah, b. 25 Sept. 1799, and d. unm. 14 Oct. 1821 ; Amos,b. 16 Nov. 1804, m. Rebecca AVhittemore 25 June 1834. John the f. was a deacon of the ADAMS — AMSDEN. 479 Church in Menot. and d. 31 Mar. 1819, a. 67; his w. Hannah d. 16 Dec. 1854, a. 93. 8. George, s. of George Adams (who was of AVatertown in 1645, rem. to Camb. Farms about 1664, and was killed at AVat. 10 Oct. 1696, by the fall of a rock, aceonling to the verdict of Coroner's Jury, preserved in the Suffolk Court Files), m. Martha FLke 20 Jan. 1683-4, and had George, b. 28 April 1685, a '-bone-setter" or " ehirurgeon," d. at AVat. 8 Feb. 1767 ; Martha, b. 10 Jan. 1686-7 ; John, b. 2 Sept. 1688 ; Nathaniel and Sarah, both bap. at Wat. 12 June 1698 ; Benjamin, b. 20 Dec. 1701. By second w. Judith he had Lydia, b. 9 July 1706 ; Jonas, b. 6 June 1708 ; Judith, b. 15 Sept. 1709; Elizabeth, b 8 July 1712. Jeremy, was here in 1632, and removed with Hooker to Hartford. He served as Deputy in the General Court of Connecticut. Hinman. Thomas, sold a house and nine acres of upland "at the Fresh Pond," in 1638, to Nathaniel Sparhawk. AA'illiam, owned a house on the south side of Brattle Street, not far westerly from Ash Street, in 1638. Henry, bought of Moses Payne a house at the S. E. corner of Dunster and South streets, in 1646, and in the same year sold it to AA'illiam Manning, Jr. All these probablv left Cambridge early, as no trace of their families appears on the Records. Albone. See Luxford. Aldus, Nathan, is named in 1642, as occupying the estate al the westerly corner of Dunster Street and Harvard Square. Alexander, John, by w. Beatrix, or Beatrice, had Martha, b. 16 July 1668 ; Deliverance, b. 17 Jan. 1671 ; and Elizabeth, b. 16 Sept. 1674. Allen, Matthew, was here in 1632, and in 1635 he owned the estate at the N. AV. corner of AVinthrop and Dunster streets. He also owned the oppo site corner, south of Winthrop Street. He was a Deputy in the General Court, 3 Mar. 1635-6, removed to Connecticut with Hooker, and settled at AVindsor, where he d. 1670, having had children, John, Thomas, and Mary. Mr. Allen sustained a. high rank among his fellow colonists ; held several town offices, and served as Juror, Deputy, Magistrate, and Assistant, in the Colony government. He was also appointed by the Colony, in 1660 and 1664, one of the " Commissioners of the United Colonies," — an office fully equal in dig nity and importance to that of Senator in the Congress of the United States. Hinman and Hazard, Ames, Joanna, was buried 23 Dec. 1644. She was widow of " that famous light." and distinguished Puritan clergyman, AVilliam Ames, D. D. She came to N. Eng. in the summer of 1637, then aged 50. Mather says "Dr. Ames had a design to follow Mr. Hooker; but he died soon after Mr. Hooker's removal from Rotterdam. However, his widow and children afterwards came to N. Eng., where, having her house burnt, and being reduced unto much pov erty and affliction, the charitable heart of Mr. Hooker and others that joined with him, upon advice thereof, comfortably provided for them." Mrs. Ames resided for a time in Salem, before she came to Camb. The General Court, 15 Nov. 1637, --gave £40 to Mrs. Ames, the widow of Doctor Ames of famous memory." Her children were William; Ruth, who married Edmund Angier and d. 3 July 1656; and John, who came with her to New England. 2. AVilliam, s. of the foregoing, grad. H. C. 1645, returned to England ; succeeded his father in the ministry at Wrentham ; was ejected, under the Act of Uniformity, 1662, and d. 1689, -*. 65. Winthrop. Amsden. Isaac, m. Francis Perriman 8 June 1654, and had Isaac, b. prob. 1655 ; Jacob, b. 17 Nov. 1657. Isaac the f. was a mason, and owned land south of the river. He d. 7 Ap. 1659, and his w. Frances m. Richard Cutter 14 Feb. 1662-3. 2. Isaac, s. of Isaac (1), m. Jane, dau. of John Rutter of Marlborough, 17 May 1677, and had, in Camb., Elizabeth, b. 3 Feb. 1677-8, and Isaac, b. 28 Aug. 1680. Soon after 1680 he removed to Marlborough, where he was living in 1727. His w. Jane, in her will, dated Feb. 1729-30 and proved 26 May 1740, names children, Isaac, John, Thomas, Jacob, Abraham, Elizabeth Read, and grandchild, Amity AVheeler. 480 AMSDEN — ANDREAV. 3. Jacob, s. of Isaac (1), in. Susanna, dau. of John Marrett, and resided on the westerly side of Ash Street. He was a glazier, and in 1681, contracted " to repair the glass of our meeting-house, for ten shillings ; and to keep it in repair for seven years following, for fifteen shillings a year." He d. 11 June 1701, and bis w. Susanna d. 16 Oct. 1707, without issue. Andrew, AVilliam, was here as early as 1634, and in 1635 resided at the N. E. corner of Dunster and AVinthrop streets ; which estate he sold in 1637, and purchased a house at the N. E. corner of Dunster and South streets. He was a mariner, but served as Constable (then a very important office) in 1635 and 1640, and Selectman in 1635. His w. Mary d. 19 Jan. 1639-40, and lie in. wid. Reana James of AVatertowii about Aug. 1640; their marriage contract is dated 11 Aug. 1040. He d. 1652, leaving an only son Samuel, b. about 1621. His w. Reana in. Robert Daniel 2 May 1654, who d. 6 July 1655, and she then m. a fourth husband, Elder Edmund Frost, whom also she sur vived. The date of her death does not appear. 2. Samuel, s. of AArilliam (1), inherited the homestead, which he sold in 1680, and purchased the estate at the N. E. corner of Dunster and Mt. Auburn streets. He ni. Elizabeth AVhite, 22 Sept. 1652, and had Samuel, b. 29 Jan. 1655-6; WiUiam, b. 7 June 1658; John, b. 2 Mar. 1660-61, d. 30 May 1693 ; Elizabeth, b. 5 Ap. 1663, m. AVilliam Gednev of Salem, 25 May 1704; Thomas, b. 13 May 1665, d. 24 Feb. 1666-7; Mary, b. 28 Dec. 1666, d. 20 June 1667; Thomas, b. 23 March 1667-8, had " been missing" four years, in 1698, and does not appear to have returned afterwards ; Mary, b. 22 Feb. 1671-2, d. 29 Feb. 1671-2 ; Jonathan, named in his father's will as the youngest son, 169S, d. 9 May 1700 ; Samuel the f. was in early life a mariner, and is men tioned as follows: " Mr. Jonas Clarke and Mr. Samuell Andrews, bothwell skilled in the mathematics, having had the command of ships upon several voyages, being appointed to take an observation at the northerly bounds of our Patent upon the seacoast," submitted a report to the General Court, dated 29 Oct. 1653. He was Constable, 1666, Selectman, 1681-1693, Town Clerk 1682-1693, Town Treasurer, 1694-1699, and County Treasurer from 1683 to 1700, except during the usurpation by Andros. He d. 21 June 1701, a. 80. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), grad. II. C. 1675 ; was Fellow of the Col lege ; ordained at Milford, Conn., 18 Nov. 1685; united with Rev. Messrs. Pierpont and Russell in concerting a plan for the foundation of Yale College, 1698 ; was one of its first Board of Fellows 1 700 ; and served in that capac ity during life; was its acting President between 1707 and 1719; and d. 24 Jan. 1738. Hewas prob. f. of Samuel Andrew, who grad. Y. C. 1711. 4. AVilliam, s. of Samuel (2), by w. Seeth, had Seeth, b. 1690, d. 21 Sept. 1700 ; William; Samuel; Jonathan, b. 1696, d. 28 Oct. 1717; EUzabeth, m. Thomas Stone of Sudbury 18 June 1730 ; Mary, bap. 10 Aug. 1701. AVil liam the f. was a merchant, and inherited the homestead. He d. 13 June 1702 ; his w. Seeth m. Zechariah Hicks, and was living in 1740. The eldest son William was living in 1704 ; but on the final division of the estate in 1740 his name does not appear, and he prob. d. without issue. Mary was living unm. in 1753, when the Selectmen represented her to be insane, and in need of a guardian. Mary Andrew, perhaps the same, d. at Menot. 7 Dec. 1756. 5. Samuel, s. of AVilliam (4), grad. H. C. 1714. Winthrop calls him a " preacher " ; but lie is not so designated on the Catalogue, and no evidence has been found that he was ever ordained. He appears to have resided on the homestead in Camb. until 1745, when he and his sisters sold it to Edward Marrett, Jr. He m. Elizabeth Cooper, 10 Ap. 1741. Administration on his estate was granted 18 May 1747, in which year lie probably died, without issue. 6. Thomas, perhaps brother to AVilliam (1), had by w. Rebecca, Thomas, b. at AVatertown 15 Oct. 1641 ; Daniel; Rebecca, b. at Cambridge 18 Ap. 1646, m. John Frost 26 June 1666, who d. in 1672, and she m. George Jacobs, Jr., of Salem Arillage. Thomas, the f. d. about 1647, and his w. Rebecca m. Nicholas AVyeth, who d. 19 July 1680 ; she m. (3d) Thomas Fox 16 Dec. 1685, and d. in 1698. ANDREAV — ANGIER. 481 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas (6), m. Martha Eccles SO Oct. 1673, and had dau. Rebecca, who m. Samuel Bowman 21 Nov. 1700, and d. 18 Nov. 1713. Thomas the f. was a mason ; Constable, 1686, 1696, and resided on the easterly side of North Avenue, near the Fitchburg Railroad. This estate he conveyed to his dau. Rebecca 5 Feb. 1 699-1 700, shortly before her marriage to Bowman. 8. Daniel, s. of Thomas (6), b. Mar. 1643-4, was a mason ; received deed of house and land east of North Avenue 28 Feb. 1666-7 ; and removed to Salem, where he was schoolmaster in 1672. He was a representative of Salem Village in 1689, and suspected of witchcraft in 1692. Angier, Edmund, " The youngest of four sons of John Angier, a person of good account and property at Dedham," England (Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, xxx. 166), was here in 1636; m. Ruth Ames, " daughter of that famous light, Dr. Ames," who d. 3 July 1656; he m. Anna Batt of Newbury 12 June 1657, whod. 3 Oct. 1688, a. 57. His children were John, b. 21 Aug. 1645, d. 2 Jan. 1647-8; Ruth, b. 28 Sept. 1647, m. Rev. Samuel Cheever of Marblehead ; John, b. 22 Ap. 1649, d. young ; Ephraim, b. 1652, d. unm. 16 Jan. 1678-9, a merchant ; Samuel, b. 17 Mar. 1654 or 1655 ; John, b. 2 June 1656, d. 25 Jan. 1657-8; Edmund, b. 20 Sept. 1659, d. young; Anna, b. 9 Dec. 1660, d. unm. 23 Jan. 1690-1; Mary, bap. 10 May 1663, d. young ; John, bap. 15 May 1664, d. 3 July 1664; Nathaniel, bap. 14 May 1665, d. young: Elizabeth, bap. 22 Sept. 1667, m. Rev. Jonathan Pierpont of Reading; Mary, b. , m. John March of Newbury; Sarah, b. , m. Rev. Christopher Tappan (or Toppan) of Newbury, 13 Dec. 1698. Of these fourteen children, only five were living in 1703, when the four married daughters and their husbands executed an agreement with their brother, Rev. Samuel Angier of AVatertown. Edmund the f. was a grocer or merchant, sometimes styled " woolen-draper," and resided at the N. XV. corner of Dunster and Mt. Auburn streets, his store be ing on the opposite or S. E. corner. He d. 4 Mar. 1691-2, a. 80. 2. Samuel, s. of Edmund (1), grad. H. C. 1673 ; ordained at Rehoboth, now Seekonk, 15 Oct. 16 79; installed at AVatertown, AVest Parish, 25 May 1697. He m. Hannah, dau. of Rev. Urian Oakes, 2 Sept. 1680, who d. 15 Aug. 1714, a. 55, and was buried at Cambridge. He d. 21 Jan. 1719, leaving children thus named in his will : Ames, Edmund, Samuel, Urian; Ephraim, Oakes, John, Ruth, Eunice, Sarah. Of these, Ames, b. 29 June 1681, grad. H. C. 1701, and d. 1720 ; Edmund and Samuel resided here; Urian was of Sud bury ; Ephraim, a saddler, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Goddard of AVat. 30 April 1717, and d. there 19 Oct. 1724 ; Oakes, a saddler, m. Abigail Coolidge, 12 Feb. 1703-4, and resided in the village which was so long known as " Angier's Corner" in Newton; John, b. 1 July 1701, grad. H. C. 1724, ordained at East Bridgewater 28 Oct. 1724, and d. 14 April 1787; Ruth, m. Francis Bowman of Lex., and d. 23 July 1754, a. 70; Eunice, d. unm. at E. Bridge- water, 1771, a. 73 ; Sarah, m. Rev. John Shaw of Bridgewater (she was mother of Rev. Oakes Shaw of Barnstable, H. C. 1758, whose son Lemuel Shaw, H. C. 1800, was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; of Rev. Bezaleet Shaw of Nantucket, H. C. 1762, whose only child was Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Andrew Craisie of Camb. ; of Rev. AVilliam Shaw of Marshfield, H. C. 1762; of Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, H. C. 1772; and of Ruth Shaw, who m. Gen. Nathaniel Goodwin, and gave birth to the Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich, H. C. 1807). Hannah, the eldest dau. of Rev. Mr. Angier, d. unm. at AVatertown 27 Sept. 1714, a. 32. 3. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was an innholder. In 1710, his father gave him a house and f ac. of land at the S. E. corner of Holyoke and Mt. Auburn streets; and he afterwards inherited house and about two acres bounded S. and E. on Bow Street. He m., 9 Ap. 1717, Abiel, wid. of John Hovey, who had for several years owned and kept the original " Blue Anchor Tavern," at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mt. Auburn streets, which tavern Mr. Angier appears to have kept5 for the remainder of his life. Their children were William, b. 9 Dec. 1717; Mary, b. 7 May 1719, m. Rev. Joshua Prentice of Holliston 9 Nov. 1743, d. 1754; Samuel, b. 15 July 1722. Edmund the f. d. 4 Ap. 1724, a. 38, and his w. Abiel m. Isaac Watson, 27 Aug. 1725. 31 482 ANGIER — BACON. 4. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), was a shoemaker, and resided at the home stead of his grandfather, N. VV. corner of Dunster and Mt. Auburn streets, and used the old store on the opposite corner for a shop. He m. Dorothy , and had Dorothy, b. 16 Oct. 1713, m. Rev. Gad Hitchcock of Pembroke 22 Dec. 1748; Hannah, b. 11 Feb. 1715-6, m. Rev. Ebenezer Gay of Suffiekl 7 July 1742; Sybil, b. 5 Sept. 1718, in. Daniel Farnham of Newbury 11 July 1749, probably the graduate of 1739; Patience, b. 9 Jan. 1721-2, d. 21 Feb. 1721-2. Samuel the f. d. 6 Mar. 1721-2, a. " 34 years and 6 mo." His w. Dorothy was living, a widow, in 1750, when she and her three daughters sold the homestead to Ebenezer Stedman. 5. AVilliam, s. of Edmund (3), was a tanner, and inherited real estate of his father. He m. Ruth, dau. of Dea. Samuel AVhittemore, 15 Sept. 1742; she d. and he m. Elizabeth Dana (prob. dau. of Thomas) 18 Dec. 1760. His children were, William, b. 12 July 1743, d. 13 Sept. 1743; Ruth, b. 10 Ap. 1745, in. AViswall; living in 1784; Mary, b. 26 Feb. 1746-7, d. young; Sarah, b. 4 June, 1749, m. John Hildreth of Boston, 3 Jan. 1776; Hannah, bap. 4 Oct. 1761; Hannah, bap. 3 Oct. 1762; William, bap. 1 July 1764; Margaret, bap. 15 June 1766; Mary, bap. 18 Sept. 1768, in. Edmund Win ship, 3 Dec. 1789; Lydia and Hannah, twins, bap. 27 Feb. 1774. William the f. was a Captain in two campaigns^ 1758, 1760, in the French AArar. To wards the close of life he became poor, and d. in the almshouse, 11 Dec. 1796, a. 79. 6. Samuel, s. of Edmund (3), grad. H. C. 1748, taught school at Medford, and preached for several years, though he was probably never ordained. He d. 23 Aug. 1775, a. 53. Appleton, Nathaniel, s. of Hon. John Appleton, and grandson of Pres ident Rogers, was b. at Ipswich, 9 Dec. 1693, m. Margaret, dau. of Rev. Henry Gibbs of AVat. 1719-20, and had Margaret, b. 29 Nov. 1720, m. Rev. Joshua Prentice 9 Jan. 1755; Jose, b. 9 Mar. 1722-3, d. 6 June 1723; Nathaniel,b. 22 Feb. 1724-5, d. 1 Dec. 1726; Elizabeth: b. 16 Dec. 1726, m. Dr. Isaac Rand, 10 Jan. 1754; Mehitabel, b. 6 Dec. 1728, m. Rev. Samuel Haven, 11 Jan. 1753; John, b. 23 Mar. 1729-30, d. 22 May 1730; Nathaniel, b. 5 Oct. 1731, II. C. 1749, loan officer, d. 25 June 1798; Mercy, b. 18 Jan. 1732-3, d. 4 July 1733 ; Mercy, b. 24 Aug. 1734, d. 12 Sept. 1734; Henry, bap. 29 May 1737, H. C. 1755, merchant in Portsmouth, d. 5 Sept. 1768; John, bap. 1 April 1739, H. C. 1757, merchant in Salem, d. Mar. 1817; Samuel, bap. 11 May 1740, prob. d. young. Nathaniel the f. grad. H. C. 1712, and was Fellow of the Corporation, 1717-1779. He was ordained pastor of the church in Cambridge 9 Oct. 1717, and remained in office more than sixty-six years. In 1771 his Alma Mater conferred on him the degree of D. D., an honor never bestowed before by that college, except on President Mather ahout eighty years previously. Dr. Appleton d. 9 Feb. 1784, aged ninety years and two months; his w. Margaret d. 17 Jan. 1771, a. 72. Arnold, John, in 1635, resided on the south side of AArinthrop Street, be tween Brighton and Eliot streets. He removed with Hooker's company, and was " of Hartford, 1639, in the division of lands. He died in 1664, and left children, Josiah, Joseph, and Daniel." Hinman. Austin, Jonas, about 1638, sold "two acres of planting ground in the west end." Bacon, Michael, of AVoburn, in 1648, bought of Roger Shaw a farm in the northwesterly part of Camb. (now Bedford), including " all the meadow adjoining to the great swamp near the east corner of Concord bounds, that falls in Cambridge bounds." The Shawshine River runs from this " great swamp," on which Mr. Bacon is said to have erected, before " Philip's AVar" in 1675, a mill, which was very recently, if it is not now, standing. He had a son Michael, and is supposed to have been the ancestor of the large family of his name, in Bedford. 2. Daniel, brother of Michael (2), was early in Bridgewater, and owned land there, " which he sold to his nephew, Michael Bacon, Jr., of Billerica." He " was one of the jury for laying out highways in 1664, and is mentioned BACON — BARRETT. 4S3 again in 1668. but the family early left the town." Mitchell. In 1668, he purchased a house and 6 acres near Angier' s corner, about which time he prob ably came to Cambridge. His w. was Mary, dau. of Thomas Read of Colches ter, Essex Co., England; and their children) recorded here in 1674, but prob. all born in Bridgewater, wert; haac, b. 14 Ap. 1650; Rachel, b. 8 June 1652; Jacob, b. 2 June 1654; Lydia, b. 6 Mar. 1656-7. Tbey had also son John, to whom the father gave deed of land in AVatertown, Feb. 1678-9, " in observ ance of the last will and testament " of his grandfather Read. Daniel the f. was a tailor, and d. 7 Sept. 1691. 3. Jacob, s. of Daniel (2), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1677-8, d. 6 Ap. 1678 ; Jacob, b. 9 Ap". 1680 ; Elizabeth, b. 27 Mar. 1682 ; Ruhamah, b. 8 Ap. 1686. Ballard, Samuel, m. Hannah Belcher, 2 Sept. 1678. Sarah, ni. Caleb Dana, Jr., 24 May 1756. Banbridge, Guy, had a grant of land in Aug. 1634, and resided at the S. E. corner of Garden and Mason streets. His name appears in the records under an unusual variety of forms, — such as Bambrige, Bambrigg, Bainbriek, Banbridge, Banbricke, Banbrook, and Benbricke. He was buried 10 Ap. 1645. His w. Justice subsequently exchanged the homestead, with AVilliam Towne, for a house on the east side of Dunster Street, between Harvard and Mt. Auburn streets, which she sold to Nathaniel Hancock, 6 Oct. 1666. She was living, and received alms of the church, 1670. No account of posterity has been found, except the incidental remark in the Church Record, that Jane, the first wife of Capt. Samuel Green, was " daughter to the foresaid Justice Bainbriek." Bancroft, Roger, in 1639, purchased house and half an acre on the south side of Brattle Street, not far westerly from Ash Street. He d. 28 Nov. 1653, leaving w. Elizabeth, but apparently no children. His w. must have had un common attractions, it would seem ; for she successively m. three additional husbands, to wit, Martin Saunders of Braintree, 23 May 1654, Deac. John Bridge of Camb. in 1658, and Edward Taylor of Boston. She was living in 1685, as appears by a receipt indorsed on her marriage contract with Deac. Bridge, acknowledging the full payment of her claim on his estate. The re ceipt is dated 23 Dec. 1685, and signed by " Timothy Pratt of Boston, tailor, attorney and by order of Edward Taylor and Elizabeth his wife, the relict of John Bridge deceased, within named." Barnard, John, in 1635, owned house and eight acres, extending from Brattle Street to Garden Street, embracing a part of the Craigie estate ; but, within two or three years, he sold to John Bridge, and his name disappears from the record. Barrett, William, in. Sarah, prob. dau. of John Poole of Reading, and wid. of Joseph Champney of Billerica, 19 Aug. 1656. She d. 21 Aug. 1661 , and he m. Mary Barnard 16 June 1662; she d. 28 Mar. 1673, and he in. Mary, dau. of Nathl. Sparhawk, 8 Oct. 16 73; shed. 27 Oct. 16 73, and hem. Margaret , who survived him. His children were Lydia,b. 17 Sept. 1657, ni. Arthur Cole 27 Nov. 1673, whod. 4 Sept. 1676; John, b. 6 Feb. 1660-61 ; WiUiam, b. 3 May 1665; Edward, b. 8 Jan. 1667-S; Samuel, b. 7 Feb. 1669-70; Bartholomew, b. 1 Ap. 1672, d. 6 May 1672; Margaret, b. 4 Mar. 1675-6, m. Giles Roberts ; Thomas, b. 28 Jan. 167S-9; Barlhirlomew. AVilliam the f. was a tailor, and resided on the west side of Dunster Street, the second lot from Harvard Square, which he purchased of William French 10 June 1656, together with the lot on the opposite side of the street. He d. 17 Mar. 1688-9, aged about 60. 2. Thomas, had by w. Lydia, son Thomas, b. 17 Dec. 1672. He prob. re moved to Marlborough. Barry's Framingham. 3. William, s. of William (1), by w. Hannah, had WiUiam, prob. b. 1695, bap. 17 Jan. 1696-7; Hannah, bap. 7 Mar. 1696-7; Elizabeth, bap. 21 May 1699; Hannah, b. 23 Mar. 1700-1; William, bap. 30 May 1703; John, b. 9 July i;06: Daniel, b. 28 Feb. 1708-9. AVilliam the f. was a tailor, resided on the homestead of his f. and d. about 1730. 4. Edward, s. of AVilliam (1), was a cordwainer, and called of Bos. 1705, 484 BARRETT— BARTLETT. and of Camb. 1708, apparently unm. at both dates. No further trace of him has been discovered, unless he was the same who united with the sons of his brother AA'illiam, in 1740, in a sale of land. 5. Bartholomew, s. of AVilliam (1), m. Rebecca AVarland (prob. dau. of Owen), 23 July 1706, and had Rebecca, bap. 18 May 1707; Thomas, bap. 17 Auo-. 1712; Bartholomeiu, b. 27 Dec. 1 713. Bartholomew the f. was a mariner. f. AVilliam, s. of AVilliam (3), by w. Mary, had William, b. 30 Nov. 1728; Jonathan, b. 6 Feb. 1729-30; Hannah, b. 14 Oct. 1731 ; Daniel, b. 12 Nov. 1733, m. his cousin Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Barrett, 5 Nov. 1761, and d. 2 Nov. 1809: Samuel, bap. 3 Aug. 1735; Mary, bap. 15 May 1737; Mary, bap. 11 Feb. 1739; Joshua, bap. 25 June 1741; Jonathan, bap. 2S Nov. 1742, perhaps m. Susanna Robbins 24 Aug. 1783, served long in the Revolutionary Army, and d. in the almshouse 15 Nov. 1794; Caleb, bap. 27 June 1745; Hannah, bap. S Feb. 1747. William the f. was a cordwainer and occupied the estate on the east side of Dunster Street until 1738, when he sold the southerly half to Samuel Danforth, having previously sold the other half to his brother Daniel Barrett. 7. John, s. of AVilliam (3), m. Ruth, dau. of Samuel Champney, 5 May 1737, and had Hannah, bap. 9 Ap. 1738, d. unm. 3 Feb. 1759; John, bap. 6 July 1740; Thomas, bap. 3 July 1743. John the f. was a tailor, and resided on the old homestead. He d. 16 Nov. 1754, a. 48; his w. d. 25 Nov. 1768, a. 61. 8. Daniel, s. of AA'illiam (3), m. Margaret, dau. of Isaac Manning, 10 Nov. 1737, and had children, baptized as follows: Elizabeth, 29 Oct. 1739, m. her cousin Daniel Barrett, 5 Nov. 1761; Lydia, 24 Aug. 1740; Sarah, 22 Aug. 1742: Margaret, 17 Mar. 1745; Margaret, 7 Sept. 1746; James, 18 Dec. 1748; Daniel, 8 Sept. 1751. Daniel the f. was a carpenter, owned the northerly part of estate on the east side of Dunster Street from 1733 to 1737, when he sold it, with a new house, to Andrew Bordman, Jr. He was College Sweeper in 1753, and d. before 1 764, when his w. held the same office, and retained it in 176*: she d. in the almshouse, 13 Feb. 1794, a. 84. 9. Thomas, s. of John (7), m. Elizabeth Cook, 6 Dec. 1771, and had Thomas, b. 30 Oct- 1772; Elizabeth, b. 12 Jan. 1774, m. Edward Fillebrown 16 Ap. 1801 ; Ruth, b. 19 July 1775, m. Oliver Blake, 30 Nov. 1813; Sarah, b. 26 Julv 1776, m. Oliver Blake, 29 Nov. 1798; Hannah, b. 20 Oct. 1780; d. unm. 16 Sept. 1855 ; John, bap. 31 Aug. 1783, d. 7 Nov. 1784. Thomas the f. was a saddler; he owned the old homestead on the west side of Dunster Street, tbe south half of which he sold to AVilliam Morse, 5 Ap. 1773, having purchased in 1 768 an estate on Brattle Street, next southwesterly of the Court House. His w. d. 17 Ap. 1785, a. 41, and he in. Mercy Cook, 4 Feb. 1787. Hed. 1 Dec. 1812, a. 70. Bartlett, Joseph, m. Mary Way te, 27 Oct. 1068, and had Mary, h 17 Feb. 1672-3; Joseph, b. 5 Mar. 1673-4; Elizabeth, b. 12 July 1676. 2. Joseph, by w. Zabilla, had Lydia, bap. 28 Sept. 1735; James, b. 11 Ap. " 1737; Rhoda, b. 12 Oct. 1738; David, b. 20 Mar. 1741-2. 3. Joseph, said to have been born in Plymouth, grad. H. C. 1782, came here from Woburn in 1795, and purchased the estate long called the " Far- well Store." corner of Brighton Street and Harvard Square. He prob. left about ISO:1, when his estate passed into the hands of A. Biglow, Esq. He afterwards resided in Portsmouth, N. H., Saco, and Boston, in which last place his sun went down in a cloud, 1827. He had no children. His taste was very singular. In AVoburn he painted his house black, with white win dow-sashes and green doors. In Saco he built a house of round form, and painted with fiery red. 4. Samuel, of Concord, a silversmith, was elected Register of Deeds in 1795, and soon removed here. He remained in office until his death, 29 Sept. 1821. The names of his children, recorded here, were Lydia, d. 25 Sept. 1796; Joanna, d. 21 Oct. 1837, a. 44; and Joseph, b. July 1799, and d. 2 Oct. 1799. Besides these, he had, Samuel ; John, grad. H. C. 1805, minister at Marblehead, d. 3 Feb. 1849, a. 66; Benjamin Dixon, grad. H. C. 1810, BARTLETT — BATHERICK. 485 a physician in Lowell, d. here 7 Feb. 1853, a. 63; Mary, m. Willard Buttrick of Dracut 28 April 1799; Elizabeth, d. here unm. 6 Aug. 1873, a. 85; Susan, d. here unm. 6 Oct. 1875, a. 85. Abiah, m Jonathan Sanders 24 Oct. 1669. Mary, m. Thomas Thwing 19 May 1731. John, m. Tabitha Kidder 3 May 1759. Barstow, George (Bearstow, Baistow, and Baisto, on Town and Pro bate Records), d. here 18 Mar. 1653-4. His w. Susanna, who was dau. of Thomas Marrett of Camb., d. 11 Ap. 1654. They left two children, Margaret, aged four years, and George aged two years, who were taken into the family of their grandfather, and were living in' 1669. He was brother to Michael of Wat., and to William of Scituate, and removed here from Scituate, in 1653, according to Deane, who adds a melancholy note : " AVe notice the follow ing entry in the Plymouth Colony Records, 1653: 'A suit was commenced against AA'illiam Barstow by Mr. Charles Chauncy (afterwards President), for saying that he (Mr. Chauncy) was the cause of the death of his brother, George Barstow, late deceased: and for saying that the said Mr. Chauncy sent his bulls abroad to the Church at Cambridge, whereby the said George Barstow was hindered from communion with said Church, which hastened his death through grief.' The court ordered AVilliam Barstow to retract. The explanation of this is, that George Barstow was a member of the Second Church in Scituate, with which Mr. Chauncy was at variance." Deane's Hist. Scituate, p. 219. Baster, Joseph, by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 13 May 1643. Savage says he removed to Boston in 1647, and had other children. Batherick, or Baverick, Thomas, m. Ruth. dau. of Roger Buck, about 1670, and perhaps resided for a time in Woburn. Only one of his children is recorded here, Jonathan, b. 3 Sept. 1683, and the f. d. 2 Nov. 1683. In 1688, Roger Buck, then of AVoburn, formerly of Camb., executed a deed, reciting that he had formerly sold a part of his homestead to " Thomas Bath erick who married my daughter Ruth." A part of this estate was sold in 1701, by Thomas Batherick and Ruth AVales, probably a son and daughter of Thomas, first named; and the remainder, in 1732, by the said Thomas and Ruth, joined by Ruth Hook, perhaps a daughter of Ruth AVales, and by Jona than Batherick of Billerica. Anna, who m. Richard Robbins 2 Jan. 1700-1, was prob. dau. of Thomas. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), m. Elizabeth Beeger 9 Oct. 1701, and had John, b. 12 Mav 1702; Ruth, b. 7 Aug. 1703; Elizabeth, b. 2 Sept. 1705: Thomas, b. 23 Ap. 1709; William, b. 23 Oct. 1710; Jonathan, b. 24 Oct. 1713; Samuel, b. 5 Nov. 171S. Thomas the f. d. " at widow Robbins's," 20 Aug. 1762, a. 87; his w. d. 8 Ap. 1749, a. 80. 3. Jonathan, prob. ?. of Thomas (1), by w. Jemima, who owned the covenant 4 Oct. 1722, had Samuel and Jonathan, both bap. 21 Oct. 1722; Jemima, bap. 1 Dec. 1723; Jonathan, bap. 9 May 1725; Lucy, bap. 26 Jan. 1728-9; Rebecca, bap. 2S Feb. 1730-31. Mehetabel, dau. of wid. Jemima, bap. 1 Nov. 1741. 4. John, s. of Thomas (2), m. Mary Boyce, who d. about 1726, and he m. Elizabeth , who d. 18 June 174 7, a. 39', and he m. Ruth Hook (prob. his cousin), 24 Dec. 1747. He had Elizabeth, b. 7 Sept. 1724, m. James Brooks of Concord 26 Dec. 1745; Mary, b. 24 Dec. 1725; John, b. 4 Jan. 1728-9; John, bap. 8 Nov. 1730; Henry, bap. 13 Aug. 1732; Timothy, bap. 3 Ap. 1737; Hannah. 30 Auina,b. 12 Sept. 1691, in. AVatson; Matthew, b. 1 Alar. 1693-4; Abigail, b. 1 Ap. 1696, m. AVhit ney; Joseph, b. S Julv 1698, d. 1 Nov. 1778, and his w. Abigail d. 13 Dec. 1797, a. 95; John, b. i Sept. 1700; Elizabeth, b. 30 Nov. 1703; Samuel, b. 2 May 1705, d. 8 June 1791, and his w. Martha d. 10 June 1793, a. 76; Martha, b. 20 Sept. 1807. Matthew the f. resided on the homestead in Lex., which was secured to him bv deed from his father in 1674. He d. 29 May 1738, a. 88 ; his w. Abigail d. 14 Dec. 1722, a. 55. 5'. Matthew. 5. of Matthew (4), m. Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel Bowman, 24 Mar. 1719-20, and had Matthew, b. 18 July 1721, grad. H. C. 1741, or dained at Framingham 19 Feb. 1745-6, and d. 2 Sept. 1775 ; Anna, b. 1723, m. Brooks ; Nathaniel, b. 8 July 1725 ; Sarah, b. 30 Sept. 1728. Mat thew the f. d. at AValtham 25 Mar. 1761. His w. Abigail d. 15 June 1785. See Barry's Hist. From. Brigham, Sebastian, about 1638 bought house and garden at the_N. AY. corner of Holyoke and AVinthrop streets, which he sold to John Bridge in 1639. He prob. rem. to Rowley, where one of the same name was Captain of the militia, 1643, and was Representative in 1650. Gage's Hist. Rowley. 2. TnOMAS, came to N. E. in the Susan and Ellen, 1635, then aged 32, and about 1638 resided at the easterly corner of Brattle and Ash streets. By his w. Mercvhe had Thomas, b. about 1641, d. 25 Nov. 1717, a. 76; John, b. 9 Mar. 1644-5, d. 16 Sept. 1728, a. 83 ; Mart), b. , m. John Fay of Marlborourdi. had John, b. 30 Nov. 1669, David, b. 15 Oct. 1671, d. 2 Aug. 1676, and "Samuel, b. 11 Oct. 1673, not loner after whose birth the mother died; Hannah, b. 9 Mar. 1650-51, m. AVm. AVard of Marlborough; Samuel, b. 12 Jan. 1652-3, d. 24 July 1713, aged 60. Thomas the f. was Constable in 502 BRIGHAM — BROAVN. 1639 and 1642, Selectman, 1640, 1647, and d. 8 Dec. 1653. His w. Mercy (whose name is said to have been Hurd) m. Edmund Rice, Sen., of Sudbury 1 Mar. 1655-6, who removed to Marlborough and d. in May 1663, and she m. William Hunt of Concord whom she survived, and d. at Marlborough 22 or 28 Dec. 1693. On her second marriage, she took with her to Sudbury and to Marlborough all her children, from whom descended a numerous posterity, residin77 inland near Marlborough, some of whom attained high distinction.1 Brown, or Browne, Richard, owned land south of the river, which he sold in 1645; but probably was a resident of AVatertown. 2. Robert, m. Barbara Eden 8 May 1649. They seem to have had no children. In 1657 he purchased a house and land at the S. E. corner of Holvoke and Bow streets, when the westerly end of Bow Street was several rods more northerly than its present location. He d. 23 Nov. 1690, a. 70. His w. Barbara d. 1 June 1693, a. 80. 3. John, m. Esther Makepeace of Boston, and had in Camb., Joseph, b. 8 Feb. 1655-6, killed by a cart 24 Sept. 1671; Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1657 ; Sarah, b. IS July 1661; Mary, b. 19 Dec. 1662; and "in Marlboro," John, b. 27 Nov. 1664; Hester, b. and d. 1667; Thomas, b. 1669; Daniel, b.1671 ; Deborah, b. 1673; Abigail, b. 1675; Joseph, b. 1677. John the f. resided in Menotomy, sold his estate 27 Oct. 1665, and four days afterwards bought in Marlborough; in the deed of purchase, he is styled " Scotsman." He again " sold to Thomas Rice, 1678, moved to AVat., and d. 1696, leaving John, Thomas, Daniel, and Joseph; and four daus. who m. John Justin, John Adams, Thomas Darby, and John Hartshorn." Barry's Hist. Fram. 4. Thomas, m. Martha, wid. of Richard Oldam, 7 Oct. 1656, and had Mary, b. 2S Ap. 1658, d. young; Mehetabel, b. 13 May 1661 ; Mary, b. 1 Nov. 1663, d. before 1690 ; Ebenezer, b. 15 June 1665; Ichabod, b. 5. Sept. 1666; Martha, b. 19 Oct. 1668, m. Samuel Parker of Reading, 3 Jan. 1688-9. Thomas the f. resided south of the river, on the estate which he purchased of Richard Oldam's executor in 1659. He d. in 1690. His w. Martha and four children survived. 5. Ebenezer, s. of Thomas (4), by w. Mary had Thomas, b. 16 May, 1692, d. May 1696; Ebenezer, b. 30 Nov. 1694; Mary, b. 9 Ap. 1696, d. 25 Jan. 1711-12 ; Thomas, b. 19 Aug. 1698; Hepzibah, b*. 31 Mar. 1702; Mehetabel, b. 2 May 1710. 6. Ichabod, s. of Thomas (4), m. Martha, had John, b. 1 Nov. 1696, grad. H. C. 1714, ordained at Haverhill 13 May 1719; d. 2 Dec. 1742; Martha, b. 16 June 1699, in. William Fessenden, 4 Jan. 1727-8; Priscilla, b. 16 Dec. 1702, m. Noah Sparhawk, 24 Sept. 1724; Sarah, b. 26 Sept. 1706, m. Samuel Belcher 27 Dec. 1726. Martha the m. d. 1 Sep. 1 70S-, and her husb. m. Margaret Odlin 13 Jan. 1708-9 and had Abigail, b. 8 May 1710. Ichabod the f. d. 1728. His w. Margaret and his five children survived. 7. AVilliam, m. Deborah, wid. of Thomas Squire, 11 Nov. 1703, and had William, b. 24 Nov. 1704; Josiah, b. 22 Oct. 1706; Jonathan, b. 8 July 1708, 1 The marriage of Mary to John Pay, and Deeds, vol. viii. John Fay's wife was Mary, of Hannah to William Ward, is indicated and there was no other Fay in Marlborough by two legal documents found on record in at that time of suitable age to be the father Middlesex Countv: (1.) " Thomas Brigham, of John and Samuel before named; and I John Brigham, Samuel Brigham, Hannah do not find any Hannah Ward in that town Ward, and John Fay and Saniud Fay, chil- who could represent herself as a daughter dren of Mary Fay, all of Marlborough in of Thomas Brigham, except the wife pf said County of Middlesex, being the chil- AVilliam who united with the Brighams in dreg and heirs of their father Thomas Brig- the sale of Cambridge land. This Hannah ham late of Cambridge," etc., commenced had been wife of Gershom Fames, and is a suit 28 Sept. 1695, to recover certain lands supposed by her descendant Andrew H. in possession of " Samuel Hastings, Sen.," Ward (Hist. Shrewsbury, p. 457) to have who purchased the Brigham homestead, been daughter of Solomon Johnson of Sud- Mid. Prob. Rec, vii. 9, at the end ofthe bury; but I think it more probable that volume. (2.) Thomas, John, and Samuel Thomas Brigham was her father, and that Brigham, and William Ward, ail of Marl- John Brigham, who witnessed the execution borough, jointly convey land in Cambridge of her will, 30 Oct. 1714, was her brother. to Nicholas Fessenden, 27 Dec. 1681. Mid. BROAVN — BUCK. 603 m. Hannah Gore of Roxbury 1731, d. in Camb., and his bro. Josiah of New ton was appointed adm. 18 Nov. 1751; Deborah,b. 6 Oct. 1712, m. James Green 20 Mar. 1733-4; Mary, b. 16 Jan. 1715-16, m. John Bowles of Rox bury 1735; John. b. 19 Jan. 1717-18, m. Esther Hovey of Brookline 7 Dec. 1739. By a second w. Mary Bayley (pub. 13 Oct. 1744), he had Thad- deus, bap. 2S Sept. 1746; Susanna, bap. 24 Ap. 1748; Seth Ingersoll, bap. 8 July 1750, m. Lucy Brown 7 July 1777, and Sarah Goddin 5 Oct. 1786; Mary, b. 1752: Jonathan, bap. 15 Sept. 1754; Abijah; Josiah; Lucy. AVil liam the f. d. 1 70S. His w. Mary (who afterwards m. Bray) and her six children survived: also William, the eldest son by the first wife; the others had deceased, leaving heirs. From the long interval between 1718 and 1 746, these children mL'ht be thought to compose two families; but the father names them all in his will, describing the second class as his " five younger sons," and his " three younger daughters." About two years before his death, he rem. from Camb. to Natick. 8. Josiah, s. of AVilliam (7). m. Mary Sever of Brookline 1737. He is supposed to have resided principally in Newton, but was of Camb. at the time of his death. His w. Mary and s. Josiah were appointed aduis. 7 Sept. 1761. His chil. were Josiah, became non comp. and Thomas Learned and Stephen Dana were appointed guardians, 21 Nov. 1768; Mary, m. Stephen Paine, Jr., of Maiden 28 Feb. 1754; Deborah, va. Thomas Learned of Watertown 1759; Sarah, m. AVilliam Bowles of Roxbury 26 Nov. 1761 ; Phineas. b. abt. 1742; Eleanor, bap. in Camb. 5 Aurr- 1744, m. Stephen Dana 16 Sept. 1762, d. in Brighton 19 Nov. 1837, a. 93': Elizabeth, b. 1745 or 1746, m. Thoma3 Hovey 21 Ap. 1763, d. at Rutland 14 Jan. 1821, a. 75. 9. John, ni. Elizabeth, dau. of Zachariah Bordman, 13 May 1776, and had Elizabeth, b. 9 Feb. 1777, d. 18 Feb. 1777 ; John Tliomus, b. 23 Nov. 1778, d. on the passage from Africa to Havana, 15 Sept. 1811 ; Mary Stebbins, b. 18 Dec. 1780 (f781 on the record), m. James Read; Charles, b. 13 Jan. 1782, d. 8 Ap. 1782; George Bulkley, b. 11 Dec. 1783 ; Elizabeth, b. 13 Sept. 1786, m. John Labottiere of Boston 31 Aug. 1806; Sally, b. 17 Aug. 1789. John the f. was a bricklayer, and a Major of militia. He kept a tavern several years on Harvard Square. He d. 1 Sept. 1S15. a. 68, having m. two wives after the decease of his first, w. Elizabeth, both of whom it is said followed his body in the funeral procession. Buck, AVilliam (sometimes written Bucke), a " plowrite," came toN. E. in the Increase 1635, then a. 50, with his son Roger, a. 18. He resided in the west field, northeasterly from Garden Street, where was formerly one of the highways to the Great Swamp now called Raymond Street. He d. 24 Jan. 1657-S, a. about 73. 2. Roger, s. of AA'illiam (1), bv w. Susan, or Susanna, had Samuel, h. 6 Feb. 1642-3; John.b. 3 Sept. 1644; Ephraim, b. 26 July 1646; Mary, b. 23 June 1648, d. 31 Aug. 1669: Ruth, b. 6 Nov. 1653, m. Thomas Baverick ; Elizabeth, b. 5 July 1657, m. Joshua Wood, 20 Aug. 1678. John, prob. s. of Roger, d. 1664. Lydia, perh. dau. of Roger, m. Henry Smith, 3 Mar. 1672-3. Roger the f. inherited the homestead and the occupation of his father. He was also for a time the public executioner, in which capacity he was ordered to inflict twenty lashes on a culprit in 1668. His w. Susanna d. 10 Sept. 1685 ; after which he seems to have removed to AA'oburn, where in 1688 he acknowl edged the sale of part of his homestead to his son-in-law Thos. Baverick, on condition that, ii Baverick should sell the same, his son Ephraim Buck should have the preference as a purchaser. He d. at AVoburn 10 Nov. 1693, a. 76. 3. Samuel, s. of Roger (2), m. Rachel Leven 16 Mar. 1669-70, and had Nathaniel, b. 16 Julv 16°72, d. 19 July 1672 ; Hannah, b. 3 Jan. 1674-5, d. IS Ap. 1675; Rachel, b. 7 July 1676, m. Brooks; Hannah, b. 18 Au^. 1680; Sarah, b. 5 Julv 1684; Samuel, b. 3 Dec. 1686. Samuel the f. resided in Menotomy, and d. 21 Sept. 1690. His w. Rachel survived about four years, her inventory 06102 presented 27 Feb. 1694-5. 'Ihe estate was divided, 2 Mar. 1696-7, between Rachel Brooks, Hannah Buck, Sarah Buck, and Samuel Buck. 4. Ephraim. s. of Roger (2), resided in AVoburn. His will, dated 23 Nov. 504 , BULL — BUNKER — BURGESS. 1717, proved 20 Mar. 1720-21, names w. Sarah, and chil. Ephraim, Samuel, John, Ebenezer, Sarah Grover, Mary w. of Nathaniel Pike, Eunice. Bull, AVilliam, by w. Blythe, had Rebecca, b. 22 Aug. 1644; John, b. 9 Mar. 1646-7; Mary, b. 9 Mar. 1649-50; William, 10 Sept. 1652; Samuel, b. 17 Sept. 1654 ; Elisha, b. 21 June 1657. AVilliam the f. d. 13 Sept. 1688, a. 72. At the date of his will, 21 May 1687, all his chil. were living. His w. Blythe d. 23 Sept. 1690, a. 72. 2. Samuel, s. of AVilliam (1), resided in Menotomy, and d. without chil. about the end of the year 1 724. His w. Elizabeth was prob. sister to AVilliam Goddin or Goding of AA'atertown. He conveyed, 29 Oct. 1724, to his adopted children, Samuel Goding and Mary Boyce, all his estate, except £50, due by his brother-in-law AVilliam Goding of AVatertown, which, being a part of his wife's inheritance, was left to her disposal. 3. Elisha, s. of AVilliam (1), resided in Menotomv. He m. Deborah Wil son 2 May 1689, and had Elisha, b. 12 Mar. 1689-00;. John, b. 1693, d. 2 Ap. 1698 ; John, bap. 25 June 1699, d. 14 Jan. 1720-21 ; William, b. 11 Ap. 1703; Samuel, b. 23 Ap. 1705; Robert, b. 3 July 1707; Deborah, b. 1 July 1710, was non comp. from her birth, and was living in 1771. Deborah them. d. 7 Ap. 1722. 4. AVilliam, s. of Elisha (3), was a public charge, and d. prob. unm. be fore 1 755. His brother Robert left it legacy to the Town, of £40, in consid eration of the expense incurred for the support of AA'illiam, and his sister Deborah. 5. Samuel, s. of Elisha (3), by his w. Mary, had Samuel, bap. 9 Dec. 1733, prob. d. young; John, bap. 21 Sept. 1735; Mary, bap. 17 Ap. 1737; Sarah, bap. 14 Jan. 1738-9. Samuel the f. prob. d. in 1747, when guar dians were appointed to his children, John, Mary, and Sarah. His w. Mary d. 9 Feb. 1739-40, a. 29. 6. Robert, s. of Elisha (3), executed a will 10 Sept. 1755, which was proved 6 Nov. 1758. He had w. Tabitha who d. in Aug. 1770, but no chil dren. His property was bequeathed to John, Mary, and Sarah, children of his bro. Samuel, deceased, subject to the widow's life estate and to a legacy of £40 to the Town of Cambridge. Ruth m. Andrew Bordman 15 Oct. 1669. Jacob, m. Rebecca Gamage 25 Mar. 1756. Robert, in. Mellicent Mason 7 Oct. 1771. Bunker. John, of Maiden (prob. son of George, of Charlestown), in. Hannah Miller — Sept. 1655, and had Hannah, b. — Oct. 1656, ni. in Camb., Samuel Newman of Rehoboth, 2 May 1689; and was living in 1715; Mary, b. 29 Dec. 165S, in. Jonathan Sprague of Maiden, and was living in 1714; John, b. and d. in Jan. 1660-61: John,b. — May 1662; perhaps a third John; Edward, a mariner, d. 1691 ; Joseph, a felt-maker, d. in Boston, prob. unm. about 1690. His will is dated 18 Aug. 1687; his inventory presented 1 July 1690; John the f. d. 10 Sept. 1672, on which clay he executed a will in which are named children, John, Mary, Hannah, Edward, and Joseph, all minors, "cousin Mr. Edward Bulkley," and "sister Hills, w. of Joseph Hills." 2. John, s. of John (1), m. in Camb., Rebecca, dan. of Benoni Eaton, 28 Ap. 1690, and had daughter Rebecca, who m. John Stimpson of Chs. 5 July 1709. John the f. was a saddler; his shop was in Harvard Square. In 1708, the spot where the shop stood was granted for a Court House, but the right was reserved to John Bunker and Andrew Bordman to finish and use the lower story for shops. In 1701, he purchased the estate formerly the home stead of his wife's father; and, in 1709, a house and land on the east side of Brighton Street, between Harvard Square and Mt. Auburn Street, part of which was subsequently owned by his nephew Joseph Sprague. He d. 17 May 1712, a. 48 (so marked on the gravestone); his w. Rebecca d. 15 Sept. 1710, a. 40 years and 9 months. Burgess, AVilliam (otherwise written Burges, Burgis, and Burgiss), ni. Hannah, dau. of Andrew Stevenson, 20 May 1684, and had in Camb., Wil liam, b. 2 Mar. 1685-6; John, b. 14 Aug. 1687; Elizabeth, b. 1690, d. 13 Dec. BURGESS— BUTTERFIELD. 505 1713, a. 23, and was buried in Cambridge. AVilliam the f. was a husband man, and was living in Ipswich 25 Mar. 1695, when he and his w. Hannah conveyed to Jonathan Nutting their share of her father's estate in Camb. Burr, Samuel, son of John, and grandson of Jehu, b. at Fairfield, Conn., 2 Ap. 1679, grad. H. C. 1697, and ni. Dorothy, wid. of Samuel Shove, and great-granddaughter of John Stedman, 16 Dec. 1700. Their dau. Sarah was b. 17 Oct. 1701. Dorothy the in. d. 20 Feb. 1701-2, a. 30. After her death, Mr. Burr was unsettled for a time, residing in AVoburn, 1704, and in Concord, 1 705. He subsequently settled in Chs., where he m. Elizabeth Jen- ner 19 June 1707, and had John, b. 14 Ap. 1708; Samuel, b. 28 May 1709; Rebecca, b. 14 Mar. 1710-11. His four children are named in his will, dated 2 May 1717. He d. 7 Aug. 1719; his w. Elizabeth m. AVyer, and was living 22 Mar. 1741-2, when she was appointed administratrix on the estate of her son Samuel Burr. Bush, Randolph (otherwise written Randall, Renold, Rcnould, Rey nold, and Reighnold), owned a house and 18 acres, in 1642, near Newton Corner. No record of children. One of the same name, perhaps the same person or his son, contracted 2 Sept. 1678 to marry Susanna Lovell, late of Beverley, AVilts Co., England. On the Town Records her name appears as Susanna Lovett. 2. John, by w. Elizabeth, had Joseph, b. 16 Aug. 1654; ElizabeOi, b. 14 Aug. 1657; Daniel, b. 4 Ap. 1659; Abiah, b. 2 Mar. 1660-61; Mary, b. 17 Nov. 1662. John the f. d. 1 Jan. 1662-3. Deborah, m. John Maccoone, 8 Nov. 1656. Butler, Richard, was one of the earliest inhabitants here. In 1635, he owned 2 acres at the N. E. corner of Main and Dana Streets. His brother AVil liam owned 2 acres adjoining, extending eastward of Hancock Street. Mr. Butler removed to Hartford, with Hooker, was a Deacon, and d. in 1684, leaving wife EUzabeth, and children, Thomas, Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Daniel, Mary Wright, Elizabeth Olmstead, and Hannah Green. (Hinman.) 2. William, brother to Richard (1), owned house and one acre, in 1635, on the north side of Brattle Street near Brattle Square. He removed to Hartford, with Hooker, and d. in 1648 or 1649; had sisters, AVest and Winter. " He appears to have left neither wife nor children." (Hinman.) Butterfield, Jonathan, by w. Ruth, had Jonathan; John, m. Mary Hill 1 Mar. 1725-6; Mary; all baptized 2 July 1699; Abigail, b. 11 May 1702, m. Joseph AVheeler 2 Mar. 1726-7; Ruth, b. 7 Sept. 1704, m. AVilliam Robbins 13 July 1733; Jane, b. 7 Aug. 1706, in. George Cutter 10 July 1729; Lydia, ba'p. 3 Oct. 1,708; William, bap. 24 Sept. 1710; Phebe, bap. 30 Aug. 1713; Deborah, bap. 3 June 1716. Jonathan the f. was Field-driver for Menotomy fields, 1693. 2. AVilliam, s. of Jonathan (1), m. Sarah Robbins 12 Dec. 1733, and had Mary, bap. 15 Sept. 1734: Jonathan, bap. 21 Mar. 1735-6; Mary, bap. 5 Feb. 1737-8. William, probably the same, m. Mehitabel Chamberlin 1 May 1740, and had Sarah, bap. 31 May 1741, d. 24 June 1741; WiUiam, bap. 6 Mar. 1743; Jonathan, bap. 27 Jan. 1745; John, bap. 11 Jan. 1747; Samuel, bap. 15 April 1750; Sarah, bap. 16 Feb. 1752; Mary, bap. 25 Aug. 1754; Abel, bap. 13 Feb. 1757 ; Stephen, bap. 30 Dec. 1759. 3. John, had Abigail, bap. 22 Nov. 1772; John, bap. 26 Nov. 1775; James, bap. 20 July 1777. 4. Jonathan, va. Mary Dickson 4 Aug. 1772, and had Jonathan, bap. 1 Aug. 1773; Mary, bap. IS" Dec. 1774. 5. Samuel, in. Elizabeth Bemis of AVatertown 14 July 1774, and had Samuel, b. 8 Ap. 1776; Samuel, bap. 5 Ap. 1778; Abel, b. 28 Feb. 1797; and probably others. 6. Benjamin, m. Mary Hackleton 4 Ap. 1776, and had Mary, bap. 5 Jan. 1777. Mary, m. Abraham AVatson 4 Jan. 1750. AVilliam, in. Deborah Lock 12 Jan. 1768. Mehetabel, ra. Samuel Lock 6 June 1770. Sarah, in. John Dickson, Jr., 6 Oct. 1771. Mary, m. Joseph Lock 19 Nov. 1772. Joseph, m. Polly Hastings of Weston 12 Mar. 1792. 506 CANE— CHAMPNEY. Cane, Christopher (elsewhere written Caine, Cayne, Kane, Ken, and Kene), by w. Margaret, had Jonathan, b. 27 Mar. 1640; Nathaniel, b. 5 Aug. 1642; Deborah, b. 17 Jan. 1644-5, was living unm. 1695, and prob. d. about 1723; Ruth, b. 6 Dee. 1647, m. Marmaduke Johnson 28 Ap. 1670, and d. 167G. Christopher the f. was here in 1634; owned a house on the east side of Dunster Street, about 100 ft. N. of Mt. Auburn St., in 1635, which he sold about 1638, and afterwards owned and occupied the estate at the S. E. corner of Brighton and AVinthrop streets. He d. 9 Dec. 1653; his w. Margaret d. 3 Ap. 1687. 2. Jonathan, s. of Christopher (1), m. Deborah Welch, 14 May 1674, who d. 18 Oct. 1689, a. 36. He inherited the homestead, and d. without issue March 1694-5, devising the use of his estate to his sister Deborah, dur ing life, and then the fee to his brother Nathaniel. 3. Nathaniel, s. of Christopher (1), prob. settled in Kittery, Me. In Sept. 1723, Nathaniel (prob. the same or his son) sold the homestead in Cam bridge to John Hill, who conveyed it, four days afterwards, to Judah Monis, who long resided there. 4. Samuel, prob. s. of Nathaniel (3), was Representative of York, Me., for many years Justice of the Peace, Judge of Inferior Court, Member of the Council, and d. at AVells 26 Dec. 1768, a. nearly 95 years, leaving 167 de scendants. (Boston Post Boy, Jan. 16, 1769.) Carley, William (prob. Kerley), had a grant of land in Camb., "near his house," in 1683. Carter, AVilliam, by w. Jane, had Rachel, b. 7 Mar. 1675; Ruth, b. 25 Feb. 1677; Hester, b. 8 Mar. 1678, d. 25 June 1678; Elizabeth, b. 15 May 1680. Susanna, m. Richard Eccles 4 June 1677. Jabez, m. Abigail Manning 27 June 1723. Mrs. Elizabeth, d. 3 Feb. 1797, a. 84. Chadwick, John, ni. Mary Barlow 30 Oct. 1674. Benjamin, of Water- town, in. Hannah Welch 10 May 1711. Nathaniel, m. Mary Burgess 24 Oct. 1738. Mary, ni. John Oldham 2 June 1743. Martha, m. Israel Por ter 29 Jan. 1772. Chamberlin7, Thomas, m. Elizabeth Hammond 18 Ap. 1681, and had Thomas, b. 10 Sept. 1683; Elizabeth, b. 1 Aug. 1686, perhaps the same who in. Benjamin Winchester of Brookline, 22 June 1726. 2. Jacob, chosen Hog-reeve for Menotomy, in 1695. 3. AA'illiam; his house had been destroyed by fire, and a contribution was made for bis relief, in 1700. 4. Joshua, by w. Anna, had Amelia, b. 18 Dec. 1793; Anna Perkins,b. 19 July 1795, d. 14 Sept. 1796; Thomas Gould, b 26 Sept. 1796. Mehetabel, m. AVilliani Butterfield 1 May 1740. Champney, John, was here as early as 1638, and resided at the N. AV. corner of Brattle and Mason streets. By his w. Joanna, he had three chil dren, all baptized here, but without dates; Mary, m. Theophilus Richardson of AA'oburn 2 May 1664; Sarah, m. John Russell, Jr., of AVoburn 31 Oct. 1661; John, d. unm. 20 Feb. 1664-5, and his estate was distributed to his mother and sisters. John the f. d. and his w. Joanna m. Golden Moore, before 1642, and d. at Billeri.-a 18 Feb. 1675-6. The General Court, 15 Oct. 1650, authorized Richard Champney and John Bridge to sell the estate in Camb. for the b<-;;--!it of the children, who soon afterwards went to Billerica with their mother and her husband. 2. Richard, Ruling Elder of the Cambridge Church, came to N. Eng. in 1635. By his wife Jane, he had Esther, b. in England abt. 1633, m. Josiah Convers of AVoburn 26 Mar. 1651, who d. 30 Dec. 16S9, and she m. Jonathan Danforth of Billerica 17 Nov. 1690, and d. 5 Ap. 1713, a. 80 ; Mary, b. Oct. 1635, d. young; Samuel, b. Sept. 1636; Sarah, b. Mav 1638; Mary, b. Nov. 1639, m. Jacob French of Billerica 20 Sept. 1665, and d. 1 Ap. 1681; John, b. 23 May 1641; Lydia, b. abt. 1643. ra. John Hastings 20 May 1668. and d. 23 Jan. 1690-91; Daniel, b. 9 Mar. 1644-5. Richard the f. resided on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, on the second lot southerly from Harvard CHAMPNEY. 507 Street. He d. 26 Nov. 1669: his w. Jane survived. His estate was appraised at £1,449, 16s. 3. Samuel, s. of Richard (2), m. in Billerica Sarah Hubbard 13 Oct. 1657, where the five children first named were born. Samuel, b. 8 Dec. 1658, d. young; Sarah, b. 17 Feb. 1659-60, m. James Clark 24 Sept. 1685; Mart/. b. 1-2 Mav 1662, m. Stowell; Hester, b. 14 May 1664, d. 31 Mar. 1667; Samuel, b". 9 Mar. 1666-7; Joseph, b. 1 Sept. 1669 ; Richard, b. 20 Aug. 1674. Samuel the f. returned to Cambridge about 166 7, and resided on the south side of the river. He was Selectman eleven years between 1681 and 1694, Muster-master 1690; Deputy or Representative during the stormy period from 1686 to 1695, and d. in 1695, leaving w. Ruth, who was his second w. and had formerly been w. of Marshal-general John Green. 4. Daniel, s. of Richard (2), resided on the south side of the river, m. Dorcas, dau. of Thomas Bridge, 3 Jan. 1665-6. who d. 7 Feb. 16S3-4, and he m. Hepzibah Minot, wid. of James Minot and dau. of Elijah Corlett, 9 June 1684. His children were Dorcas, b. 22 Aug. 1667, m. Nicholas Bowes 6 May 1690 ; Daniel, b. 14 Dec. 1669; Thomas, b. 12 Sept. 1673; Noah, b. 27 Sept. 1677, prob. the same who was of Boston, and appointed guardian to his daughter Sarah in 1705; Downing, b. 1 June 1680, and d. 27 June 1705; Abigail b. 26 Ap. 1683 ; Hepzibah, b. 23 June 1687, in. Jonathan AVyeth and was living in 1 743. Daniel the f. was appointed by the General Court, 1677, to redeem Indian captives near AVachusett; Selectman, 1684-1687, and d. 19 Nov. 1691 ; his w. Hepzibah and his seven children survived. 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), by w. Hannah, had Hannah, bnp. 27 June 1697; Man/, bap. 21 Mav 1699, in. Rev. Ebenezer Parkman of AVcstborough 7 July 1724, and d. 29 Jan. 1735-6; Samuel, b. 12 Nov. 1701; Rebecca, b. 8 Oct. 1703, m. John Hicks 8 May 1721 ; Lydia, b. 4 Jan. 1705-6; Ruth, b. 16 Jan. 1707-8, m. John Barrett 5 May 1737, and d. 25 Nov. 1761; John, b. 6 Feb. 1709-10, and d. 12 June 1710. Samuel the f. d. 8 Mar. 1745-6; his w. Hannah d. 1 Sept. 1 748, a. 78. 6. Joseph, s. of Samuel (3), by w. Sarah, had Sarah, bap. 21 Feb. 1696-7; Esther, bap. 9 Oct. 1698 ; Elizabeth, bap. 23 Mar. 1 701-2 : Joseph, b. 19 Sept. 1704; Abigail, b. 24 June 1706; Susanna, b. 8 Sept. 1709; John, b. 7 June 1713. Joseph the f. d. 19 Jan. 1729-30; bis w. Sarah d. 1 July 1730, a. 58. 7. Daniel, s. of Daniel (4), m. Betbia, dau. of Solomon Phipps and gr. dau. of Thomas Danforth, and had Thomas, bap. 7 Mar. 1696-7 ; Dorcas, bap. IS Ap. 1697, d. 26 Mar: 1705; Daniel, b. 21 July 1700; Solomon, b. 17 Mar. 1701-2; Noah, b. 14 Sept. 1704; Downing, bap. 10 Mar. 1705-6; Rich- ard, bap. 23 Nov. 1707; Thomas, b. 14 Oct. 1709. Tlie parents prob. d. 1754, in which year their son Richard was appointed administrator of their joint estates. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel (5), m. Abigail Stearns of Concord 1739, had Mary, bap. 19 Ap. 1741, d. 22 Sept. l'iio{ Mary, bap. 26 Aug. 1744 ; Abigail, bap. 19 July 1747. Samuel the f. owned the Holyoke Place several years. He may have been the same wdio was pub. to Hannah Corey 1 7 Dee. 1772. 9. Joseph, s. of Joseph (6), grad. H. C. 1721, ordained at Beverly 10 Dec. 1729, where he d. 23 Feb. 1773. His first wife was Elizabeth, dau. of his predecessor, Rev. Thomas Blowers, whom he m. 1 Oct. 1730; she had one son Thomas, and d. 13 Jan. 1731-2, a. 19. He then m. Thankful Pickens of Lynn 1733, and had Richard, a second Richard, Israel, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Thomas. His wid. Thankful d. 31 July 1777. a. 71. (Stone's Beverly.) 10. Daniel, s. of Daniel (7), m. Tabitha Hancock 4 Sept. 1723, and had Daniel, bap. 19 Ap. 1724; Dorcas, bap. 22 Aug. 1725, d. young; Mary, bap. 21 Ap. 1728; Dorcas, bap. 20 Aug. 1732: Nathaniel, bap. 1 Dec. 1734; Tabitha. bap. 5 June 1737, d. young; Ebenezer, bap. 29 Ap. 1739; Tabitha, bap. 19 July 1741, perh. m. Samuel Hancock of AVells, 12 Sept. 1774; Thomas, bap. 24 May 1747. Daniel the f. d,, and his wife Tabitha was appointed ad ministratrix 20 Ap. 1747. 11. Solomon, s. of Daniel (7), m. Elizabeth Chamberlin 8 May 1723, who 508 CHAMPNEY — CHAPLIN — CHAUNCY. d. suddenly 21 Feb. 1736-7, and he m. Abigail, wid. of Geo. Macsparran, 173S; his chil. were Elizabeth, b. 4 Nov. 1723; Solomon, b. 7 Jan. 1724-5; Ebenezer, b. 27 Ap. 1729 (Town Rec. 1730, but bap. 4 May 1729); Nathan, b. 27 Sept. 1733; John, b. 25 Sept. 1735; Silence, b. 22 Mar. 1739-40, <}. 29 Nov. 1747; Ebenezer, bap. 29 Ap. 1744 ; grad. H. C. 1762, was the first law yer in New Ipswich, N. H., Judge of Probate sixteen years, and d. 10 Sept. 1810. Solomon the f. was living in 1764; his w. Abigail d. 18 Jan. 1785. 12. Noah, s. of Daniel (7), in. Martha Hubbard 26 Oct. 1725, and had John, b. 12 Oct. 1729 ; Noah, 14 Jan. 1731-2; Noah, bap. 23 Dec. 1733. All these appear to have d. young. Noah the f. died 1749. His w. Martha lon77 survived him, and was a distinguished school-dame. In 1758 she pur- cha;-ed the homestead of Dr. Coolidge, at the E. corner of Harvard and Hol yoke Streets, where she resided, in the old red house, until her death. Her will was proved 11 Jan. 1776. 13. Downing, ». of Daniel (7), had Downing,b. abt. 1734, bap. 3 Ap. 1737; Bethia, bap. 1 Jan. 1737-8, perh. ra. John Colston 9 Dec. 1779 ; Joseph, bap. 17 July 1748. Downing the f. was a carpenter; his w. Abigail d. 24 Sept. 1775, a. 68. 14. Richard, s. of Daniel (7), by w. Catherine, had nine chil. bap. in Camb.: William, 8 Ap. 1739; William, 2 Nov. 1740; Richard, 5 Dec. 1742; Jonathan, 2 Dec. 1744; Noah, 21 Dec. 1746; Samuel, 2 Oct. 1748; &zra/i, 21 July 1751: Nathan, 26 Mar. 1753; Daniel, 26 Sept. 1756. Richard the f. died in Framingham, 1769, and his son Jonathan, of Southborough, admin istered on his estate. 15. Thomas, s. of Daniel (7) by w. Jane, had Danforth, b. 27 Oct. 1730; Thomas, b. 7 Nov. 1735. 16. Daniel, s. of Daniel (10), m. Hannah Emmons 22 Sept. 1746, and d. before 1 Dec. 1773, when his "only son and heir," Benjamin Champney of Providence, R. I., released all interest in the estate in Framingham, formerly belonging to his ancestor Thomas Danforth, Esq. 17. Solomon, s. of Solomon (11), m. Rebecca Brown, 1756, and had Na thaniel, bap. 17 Ap. 1757. He was suddenly killed by the wheel of a loaded cart passing over his head 5 or 7 Ap. 1763. 18. Nathan, s. of Solomon (12), m. Elizabeth Osborn of Charlestown 24 June 1760. 19. Downing, s. of Downing (13), m. Hannah Reed 4 July 1765, and had Mary, bap. 15 June 1766; Mary, b. 10 Dec. 1767. 20. Nathaniel, s. of Solomon (17), by w. Susanna, had Lucy Strollon, b. 20 Jan. 1790 ; WiUiam Richard.-; b. IS" Mar. 1798. Nathaniel the f. was Selectman of Camb. eight years, 1795-1806, and d. in Brighton 12 Nov. 1826, a. 70. Chaplin, Clement, came to N. Eng. in the Elizabeth and Ann, 1635, then a. 48, and was elected the same year a Selectman of Cambridge. He pur chased the estate of AA'illiam Goodwin at the easterly corner of Harvard and Holyoke streets, which was afterwards sold to Samuel Shepard. He removed, probably in 1636, to Connecticut, of which colony he was Treasurer in 1637, and was an Elder of the church in Weathersfield. Chauncy, Rev. Charles, s. of George Chauncy of Hertfordshire, Eng., bap. at Yardley 5 Nov. 1592, came to N. Eag. 1638, and after preaching at Plymouth and Scituate, became President of Harvard College 27 Nov. 1654, in which office he d. 19 Feb. 16 71-2. His w. was Catherine, dau. of Robert Eyre, Esq., of AViltshire, Eng., and d. in Camb. 24 Jan. 1667-8. Their children (all born before the parents removed to Camb.), were Isaac, b. 23 Aug. 1632, grad. H. C. 1651, went to England, preached until the reign of Charles II., when he was ejected, and afterwards resided in London, until his death, 28 Feb. 1711-12; Ichabod, b. 1635, grad. H. C. 1651, went to England, preached, and afterwards practised medicine, and d. at Bristol 25 July 1691; Barnabas, grad. H. C. 1657 ; Nathaniel, grad. H. C. 1661, minister of Hatfield, d. 4 Nov. 1085 ; Elnalhan, grad. H.'C. 1661, physician in Boston, d. 1684 ; Israel, grad. H. C. 1661, minister of Stamford, Conn., d. 14 Alar. 1702-3. Besides these, were two daughters ; Sarah, m. Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, and Hannah. CHEEVER — CHENEY — CHESHOLME. 509 Cheever, Daniel (otherwise written Cheevers, and Cheavers), by w. Esther, had Mary, b. 14 Feb. 1645-6, d. young; Lydia, b. 26 Nov. 1647 ; James, b. abt. 1649; Esther, b. abt. 1851, "d. 21 Mar. 1654-5; Daniel, b. 1 Jan. 1652-3, d. 1654 ; Daniel, b. 12 Dec. 1654, d. 4 Jan. 1659-60; Mary, b. 6 Oct. 1656, m. AA illiam Taylor 28 Nov. 1683; John, b. 24 July 1659; Esther, b. 26 Dec. 1660, d. Feb. 1660-61; Israel, bap. 26 Jan. 1661-2; Anna and Elizabeth, twins, b. 28 May 1664, and d. 14 and 16 June 1664 ; Elizabeth, bap. 6 Aug. 1665. d. young ; Elizabeth, b. 9 May 1672. Daniel the f. suc ceeded AVilliam Healy as prison keeper, 1683, and held the office about ten years, when he was succeeded by his son. He resided on an estate adjoining the prison, west of Winthrop Square. He d. Mar. 1703-4. 2. Israel, s. of Daniel (1), m. Bridgett AVoodhead 10 June 1690, and had Daniel, WiUiam, Esther, all bap. 15 Aug. 1697 (Esther m. Rev. Henry Messinger of AA'rentham 5 Jan. 1719-20) ; James, bap. 19 Mar. 1698-9; John, b. 25 Aug. 1702. Israel the f. inherited the homestead of his father; was appointed Prison Keeper, 1693, and Keeper of the House of Correction, 1699. He prob. d. before 1720, in which year Bridgett Cheever, prob. his wid., ui. Daniel Hawes of AVrentham, and soon afterwards the homestead was sold by his sons Daniel of Concord, William of Cambridge, James of Wrentham, and John of Roxbury. 3. AVilliam, s. of Israel (2), was a victualler, and by w. Miriam, had WiUiam, b. 27 Aug. 1718 ; John, b. 15 Aug. 1722 ; Aaron, b. 28 Nov. 1725. Cheney, Thomas, m. Jane Atkinson 11 Jan. 1655-6, and had Margaret, b. 26 Nov. 1656; Thomas, b. 25 Dec. 1658; Mehetabel, b. 20 Feb. 1660-61; William, b. 30 June 1663 ; Mary, b. 17 Ap. 1665; Joseph; Benjamin; and perhaps others. Thomas the f. resided on the south side of the river, and d. before 1698, when his son Joseph mortgaged certain lands to his mother Jane, and brother-in-law Thomas Belknap. The w. Jane was living in 1724. 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas (1), in. Rebecca Robbins, and had Ebenezer, b. 1 Nov. 1694; Mary, b. 1 Dec. 1695, m. Thomas Dill 11 May 1713 ; Rebecca, b. 19 Nov. 1697 ; Mehetabel, b. 13 Jan. 1700-1 ; Abigail, b. 30 June 1703, m. Thomas Brown, 9 Oct. 1722; Thankful, b. abt. 1708 ; Sarah, b. abt. 1710, m. Daniel Burnap 14 Dec. 1731 ; and perhaps others. Joseph the f. resided south of the river, and d. hefore 1725; and guardians of his minor children were appointed. 3. Benjamin, s. of Thomas (1), by w. Mary, had Benjamin, b- 7 Sept. 1703 ; Mary and Hannah, twins, b. 23 Oct. 1705 (Mary ni. Henry Cheney, and Hannah m. Zaccheus Goodale, before 1726) ; Mary the m. d. 31 Oct. 1705 ; aud Benjamin m. a second Mary, and had Thomas, b. abt. 1709 ; Joseph; Ebenezer; Ruth, b. abt. 1714, m". Elias Mason 7 Nov. 1740 ; John ; William. Benjamin the f. resided south of the river, and d. 13 July 1718. His w. Mary m. Michael Falshaw before 1720, and prob. d. about 1761, when her dower in Mr. Cheney's estate was distributed. 4. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin (3), m. Elizabeth Parker 3 Jan. 1744-5, and had Benjamin, b. 23 Nov. 1745; Elizabeth, b. 13 Feb. 1747-8. Elizabeth the m. d. 25 Dec. 1748; and Benjamin m. Margaret Stedman 9 Nov. 1752; no children are recorded. He died about 1 762. John, d. 6 Aug. 1689, a. 26. '• Robin, negro servant of Andrew Gardner of Muddy River, indicted for that on the 2d Aug. 1689, he wounded John Cheney of Cambridge, by striking him on the head with a stick, whereof he died Aug. 6." A'irdict, guilty of manslaughter: sentence, to pay costs, prison fees, etc. Sup. Court Records. Ebenezer, d. 17 Nov. 1689, a. about 11. Thomas, m. Sarah Fessenden 30 July 1629. Rebecca, m. John Mullis 28 April 1748. Thomas, in. Hannah Hill 22 Feb. 1787. Chesholme, Thomas (sometimes written Chessham, Chesseholme, and Cheeseholme), was admitted freeman 1636, in company with Shepard. Soon afterwards he owned and occupied the'estate at the N. XV. corner of Dunster and AVinthrop streets, where he resided until his death 18 Aug. 1671. He was a tailor, and for several years a Deacon of the Church, and Steward of Harvard College. In 1636 he was licensed by the General Court, " to keep 510 CHESHOLME — CHESTER — CLARK a house of entertainment," being apparently the first in Camb. who received such license. His wife wa3 Isabel; but they left no posterity. Chester, Mrs., owned land in Camb. 1635. She was sister of Rev.Thomas Hooker, and was probably the widow Dorothy Chester, who settled at AVeath- ersfield, Conn., and whose son, Leonard Chester, is said by Hinman to have been " the father and ancestor of the Chester family;" and to have " died when young, under forty years of a-y 32. Jonas, s. of Ammi (20), m. Lydia Frost 19 Oct. 1786, and had Lydia, b. 24 Ap. 1787, m. Nehemiah Mason 10 Oct. 1803; Esther Peirce, b. 15 Ap. 1789, m. Jonas Gleason 31 Oct. 1805; Jonas, bap. 21 Aug. 1791, d. 22 Oct. 1795; Pamela, b. 25 Feb. 1794; Ephraim Frost, bap. 1 Jan. 1797; Louisa, b. 9 Jan. 1800, d. 14 Jan. 1800; Jonas, b. 17 Aug. 1801, d. 3 Mar. 1840; Albert, b. 4 Jan. 1805; and perhaps others. Jonas the f. d. 29 July 1844; his w. Lydia d. 7 Dec. 1858, a. 90. 33. Ephraim, s. of Ammi (20), m. Deborah Locke 13 Mar. 1791, and had Deborah, b. 18 June 1791, d. 7 Sept. 1802; Fanny, b 25 July 1792, d. 26 Sept. 1795; Anna, b. 7 Sept. 1793, m. Jona. Benjamin 8 Sept. 1816, and Peter Tufts of Camb. 17 May 1825; Ephraim, b. 2 Dec. 1794, d. 4 Ap. 1826 ; Esther Peirce, b. 28 Ap. 1796, d. 29 June 1798; Ammi, b. 5 Aug. 1797 ; Sam uel Locke, bap. 19 Jan. 1800, d. 1 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 13 Sept. 1 S01, d. 8 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 12 June 1803, a physician in AVob., d. 9 Mar. 1864; Helen, bap. 2 Sept. 1S04; Samuel Locke, bap. 23 Nov. 1806, d. in Cambridgeport 20 June 1871 ; Eliza Ann, bap. 9 Ap. 1809; Joseph, bap. 25 Nov. 1810; d. 23 Aug. 1811. Ephraim the f. was elected Deac. of the church in AVest Camb. about 1819, and d. 31 Mar. 1841, a. 75; his w. Deborah d. 29 Jan. 1823, a. 50. 34. AVilliam, s. of Jonathan (21), m. Mary Blackman 6 Nov. 1774, and d. 11 June 1824, a. 74; his w. Mary d. 9 Mar. 1836, a 80. A granite monument was erected bv the town of AVest Camb. to commemorate their donation of the " School Fund." 35. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (21), m. Lydia Trask of Lex. 15 Sept. 1788, and had a child, b. 28 Mar. 1 7S9, d. 2 Ap. 1789 ; Jonathan Trask, bap. 31 July 1791; WiUiam, bap. 6 Oct. 1793; David Cummings, bap. 21 June 1795; Lydia, bap. 12 May 1798 ; Hitty, bap. 15 Feb. 1801. 36. Solomon, s. of Jonathan (21), m. Sarah Wyman of AVob. 30 June 1793, and removed from the town. 37. Samuel, s. of Samuel (22), m. Rebecca Hill 29 Sept. 1780, and had Samuel, bap. 25 Mar. 1781; Edward, b. 3 Jan. 1783; Rebecca, b. 20 Jan. 1786; Sukey Francis, bap. 24 May 1789; Fitch, bap. 17 Ap. 1791; Sophia, bap. 2 Feb. 1794; Ebenezer, b. 12 Ap. 1796, d. 22 Ap. 1796; Anna, b. and d. 23 May 1799; Ebenezer Francis, b. 13 Mar. 1801. 38. William, s. of Samuel (22), m. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Cutter, 29 Ap. 17S3, and Lydia, widow of Jonathan Cutter, 9 Nov. 1S18. He d. at AA'est Camb. 28 Nov. 1846. 39. Francis, s. of Samuel (22), m. Susanna Whittemore 29 Dec. 1782, and had a child, b. and d. 28 Ap. 1783; Francis (over 21 years old, and non compos, in 1*07); Eliot and Sukey, both bap. 3 Jan. 1790; and perhaps others. Francis the f. d. (felo de se) 6 Mar. 1807, a. 44; his w. Susanna d. 24 Sept. 1805, a. 42. 40. Ebenezer, s. of Samuel (22), m. Abigail Brown Bowman 6 Dec. 1789, and Anna Frost 14 Nov. 1781. He d. 10 Dec. 1824. 41. Thomas, s. of Gershom (23), m. Hannah AVhittemore 19 July 175(, and had Hannah, bap. 10 Dec. 1758, d. unm. 27 July 1783; Mehetabel, b. 23 June 1760, d. 1 May 1777; EUzabeth, b. 14 July 1762; Thomas, b. 26 June 1764; James, b. 16 Mar. 1766; Marshall, b. 7 Mar. 1768; Eunice, b. 10 Ap. 1770; Abijah. b. 11 July 1772, d. 16 Oct. 1772; Abijah, b. 27 Aug. 1773, d. 13 Nov. 1773. Thomas the f. d. 17 May 1782, a. 52. 42. Gershom, s. of Gershom (23), m. Rebecca Crosby 15 Mar. 1757, and had Gershom. b. 6 Nov. 1757, a very skilful inventor and machinist; he d. (felo de se) 20 Auo-. 1799; Rebecca, b. 1 Aug. 1760; Amos, b. 15 Feb. 1703; Hannah, b. 17 Mar. 1768; Rhoda, b. 12 July 1770; Aaron, b. 4 June 1772; Susanna, b. 27 Oct. 1774, m. John Adams, Jr., 5 Ap. 179S; Sarah, b. 20 May 1778, m. Nathan Locke 14 Nov. 1797. Gershom the f. d. 20 Ap. 1807; his w. Rebecca d. 12 Dec. 1817, a. 80. 43. John, s. of Gershom (23), m. Rebecca Hill 24 Jan. 1765, and had Re becca,^ 26 July 1765, m. AVilliam Cutter 21 June 1789; Anna, b. 16 Aug. 1767; John, b. 26 July 1770; Zechariah, b. 8 Feb. 1773; Elizabeth, b. 25 Mar. 1775; and perhaps others. 526 CUTTER — DANA. 44. Stephen, s. of Gershom (23), m. Mary Meads of Medf. 8 Oct. 1776, and d. without children 13 Ap. 1816, a. 66. His w. Mary d. 18 Aug. 1836, a. 83. 45. George, s. of George (24), m. Sarah Robbins 21 Oct. 1756, and had Jonathan, b. 18 June 1757, m. Mary Locke 20 Nov. 1777 ; Joseph, bap. 22 Ap. 1759; Sarah, bap. 2 Aug. 1761. 46. Aaron, s. of Aaron (25), va. Abigail Bowman 17 Dec. 1772, and had Aaron, b. 28 Ap. 1774. Aaron the f. was a tanner, and d. about 1776. His w. Abigail survived, and m. Thomas Goodwin of Chs. 24 Dec. 1776. 47. Thomas, s. of Aaron (25), m. Elizabeth Brown 15 Oct. 1780, and had Thomas, b. 5 Oct. 1781, d. 23 May 1818; Aaron, b. 14 Sept. 1783, d. 22 June 1786; Leicis, b. 20 Nov. 1785; Oliver, b. 21 June 1787; Saunders, b. 13 Mar. 1789; Betsey, b. 21 Jan. 1791. 48. Charles, s. of Aaron (25), m. Sarah Robbins 9 Nov. 1784, and d. 12 Dec. 1840, a. 83. His w. Sarah d. 9 Feb. 1840, a. 84. 49. Aaron, s. of Gershom (42), in. Polly Putnam of Medford 23 Aug. 1796, and had Rhoda, b. 31 Mar. 1797; Marici, b. 22 Ap. 1798; Gershom, b. 12 Mar. 1800; Aaron Barr, b. 10 Dec. 1801; Jefferson,b. 22 Sept. 1803. Aaron the f. d. 25 Dec. 1822, a. 50. 50. Nehemiah, s. of Gershom (15), in. Martha Bowman 17 July 1739, and had Samuel, bap. 20 July 1740; Martha, b. 1 Nov. 1742, m. Henry Luckis 12 Feb. 1767; Elizabeth, b. 14 Feb. 1743-4; Joseph, b. 21 Sept. 1745, d. 23 Dec. 1749; William, b. 14 Ap. 1748, d. 9 Oct. 1788; Sarah, b 14 Feb. 1749-50, m. James Foster of Boston 26 Nov. 1773; Joseph,b. 23 Dec. 1751; Nehemiah, b. 3 June 1753; Mehetabel, b. 28 Ap. 1755, pub. Thomas Hopkins of Boston 19 Dec. 1778; Andrew, b. 9 Feb. 1757, m. Rebecca Cutter 15 Nov. 1779. Nehemiah the f. d. 12 Sept. 1798, a. 81; his w. Martha d. 1 July 1790, a. 75. 51. Samuel, s. of Nehemiah (50), in. Hannah Hartwell of Charlestown 1 Dec. 1760, and had Samuel, b. 1 Dec. 1760 (on the day of marriage), m. Abigail Cutter 21 Jan. 1787; Hannah,b. 18 July 1763; Elizabeth (twin with Hannah), b. 18 July 1763; Mary Bowman, b. 13 Mar. 1766. Samuel the f. d. 8 April 1791. 52. Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah (50), m. Deborah Hill 30 Oct. 1781, and had Nehemiah, b. 26 Mar. 17S2, m. Hannah Packard 24 Nov. 1808, d. 11 Dec. 1864; Deborah, b. 19 Oct. 1783, d. unm. 14 May 1842; Sarah, bap. 7 Jan. 1786, m. AVilliam Dickson, Jr., 3 Feb. 1819, d. 5 Oct. 1855; Elijah, hip. 11 May 17S8; Asa, bap. 31 Jan. 1790, m. Susan Rand 9 Jan. 1820, d."2 Mar. 1S66; Rebecca, bap. 20 May 1792, m. Benjamin Rand 3 Feb. 1817, d. 8 Aug. 1S73; Ezra, bap. 23 Mar. 1794; Leander, bap. 13 Dec. 1795; Alpheus, bap. 8 April 1798; Maria, bap. 26 Jan. 1800. Nehemiah the f. d. 3 Mav 1828; his w. Deborah d. 28 May 1824, a. 68. The Cutter family has resided principally in Menotomy, now Arlington, and in the adjoining sections of Charlestown (or Somerville) and Medfoid. So numerous are its branches, and such a similarity of names occurs in the fam ilies, that it is very possible some mistakes may be found in the preceding arrangement. For a very full genealogy, see " A History of the Cutter Family of New England," compiled by Dr. Benjamin Cutter, and revised with large additions by his son William Richard Cutter, 1871. Dana, Richard (otherwise written Danie, and Dany), was an early in habitant, and resided on the south side of the River. He m. Ann Bullard, and had John, b. 15 Ap. 1649, d. 12 Oct. 1649; Hannah, b. 8 July 1651, m. Samuel Oldham 5 Jan. 1670-71; Samuel, b. 13 Oct. 1653, d. 8 Nov. 1653; Jacob, b. 2 Feb. 1654; Joseph, b. 21 May 1654; Abiah, b. 21 May 1655; d. 8 Dec. 1668; Benjamin, b. 20 Feb. 1661-2; Elizabeth, b. 20 Feb. 1662-3, m. Danl. Woodward; Daniel, b. 20 Mar. 1663-4; Deliverance, b. 5 May 1667, m. Saml. Hides, d. 1741 ; Sarah, b. 1 Jan. 1669-70, d. 11 .Tan. 1669-70. Such are the dates in the record ; but some of them are manifestly wrong. Richard the f. was killed by a fall from his scaffold, 2 Ap. 1690; his w. Ann d. prob. 15 July 1711. 2. Jacob, s. of Richard (1), by w. Patience, had Jacob, b. 12 Nov. 1679; DANA. 527 Hannah, b. 25 Nov. 1685, m. Jonathan Hides, Jr., of Newton 4 April 1706; Experience, b. 1 Nov. 1687 ; Samuel, b. 7 Sept. 1694 : Abigail, bap. 7 Feb. 1696-7, m. Samuel Griffin 9 Jan. 1716-17; Jacob, b. 13 Aug. 1699. Jacob the f. d. 24 Dec. 1698; his w. Patience prob. d. in 1711, when administration on her estate was granted. 3. Joseph, s. of Richard (1), was living in 1690. when he received a share of his father's estate. He was probablv the same who d. at Concord, 1699 or 1 700, leaving wife Mary. 4. Benjamin, s. of Richard (1), m. Man,- Buckma^ter, or Buckminster, 24 May 1688, and had Benjamin, b. 28 Ap. 1689; Isaac, bap. 10 Oct. 1697; Joseph, b. 21 Feb. 1699-1700; John, b. 16 Aug. 1702, d. 13 Sept. 1702; Wil liam, b. 11 Oct. 1703; Anne, b. 14 May 1705, m. Matthew Davis of Pomfret 17 Nov. 1726; Sarah, b. 14 May 1705. in. Gamaliel Rogers 14 Ap. 1726; Jedediah, b. U Feb. 1707-8; Mary, b. , d. 21 Oct. 1712, and perhaps others. Benjamin the f. resided on the south side of the river, and d. 13 Aug. 1738, a. 78; his w. Mary in. Joshua Fuller 19 July 1742, the groom, ac cording to Dr. Appleton's record, being in the 87th year of his age, and the bride in her 75th; she prob. d. 13 Feb. 1754. 5. Daniel, s. of Richard (1), ni. Naomi Croswell of Chs. and had Thomas, named in his father's will ; Caleb, bap. 13 June 1607; Richard, b. 26 June 1700; Naomi, b. 7 Aug. 1702, m. AVm. Upham of Pomfret 21 June 1722, and prob. d. before 1742, leaving son William : Timothy, b. 16 Ap. 1705, d. 3 May 1705; Priscilla, b. 10 Mar. 1705-6, m. Joseph HiU 24 Aug. 1727, and Capt. Samuel Gookin 15 May 1740: she d. prob. in April 1785; Ebenezer, b. 12 Dec. 1711 ; Hepzibah, bap. 24 Oct. 1714, iu. Samuel Hastings 8 May 1735; a son Daniel d. 5 Dec. 1713. Daniel the f. d. 10 Oct- 1749, a. So; his w. Naomi d. 24 Feb. 1750, aged 81. 6. Samuel, s. of Jacob (2), m. Abigail ; she d. 1 June 1718, and he m. Susanna . He had Nathaniel, b. 1 Feb. 1716-17: Susanna, b. 10 Oct. 1720; and perhaps others. 7. Jacob, prob. s. of Jacob (2), perhaps ihe same who "went to Pomfret, Conn., and was ancestor to the late Rev. Joseph Dana, D. D., two of whose sons, Rev. Daniel Dana, a graduate and president of D. C, and Rev. Samuel Dana, were ministers of Newburyport and Marblehead." Fanner. 8. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin (4), m. Anna, dau. of John Francis of Medf. and had John, b. 10 July 1725; Anna, b. 25 Nov. 1726, d. 20 Ap. 1727; Anna, b. 5 Mar. 1727-8, m. John Kenrick 2 Mar. 174.8-9: Benjamin, h. 10 Feb. 1729-30, d. young; Mary; Benjamin, b. 7 June 1734: Francis, b. 6 Feb. 1737; Stephen, b. 1*740 (in his 12th year, 16 Mar. 1752, when his guardian was ap pointed). Benjamin the f. was a captain, and d. 5 June 1751, a. 62; his w. Anna survived. 9. William, s. of Benjamin (4), m. Mary Green of Maiden,, pub. 20 Feb. 1735-6, and had Jonathan, b. 22 Mar. 1 73*6—7 ; Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1738-9; Benjamin, b. 6 Ap. 1741; Sarah, b. 16 Ap. 1743, m. Moses Robbins 31 Oct, 1765; William, b. 29 Sept. 1745; Mary, b. 29 Feb. 1747-8; Lacy, b. 2 Ap. 1750; Josiah, b. 19 Sept. 1752; Ezra, b. 29 Sept. 1755. AA'illiam the f. d. 17 May 1770, a. 67; his w. Mary d. 5 Mar. 1763, a 44.. AU the children sur vived. 10. Thomas, s. of Daniel (5), m. Mary, dau. of Capt, Josiah Parker, 22 Jan. 1718-9; and had Mary, b. 27 Nov. 1710, d. uom. 17 Dec. 1740; Susanna, b. 4 Aug. 1721 ; 'Thomas, b. S Au-. 1723: Nanmi, b. 23 Aug. 1725, d. young; Daniel,b. 22 Oct. 1726; Naomi, bap. 12 Jan. 1728-9, m. Ebenezer Frost, Jr., 21 Ap. 1748; Elizabeth, b. 7 Feb. 1730-1, prob. m. Capt. WiUiam Angier 18 Dec. 1760; Ann, b. 8 June 1733, pub. David AVyman, AA'oburn, 3 Nov. 1752; Richard, b. 6 Aug. 1735; Sarah, b. 2 Sept. 1737. in. George Lamb of Spring field 1 Dec. 1757; Silence, b. 5 Oct. 1739, prob. d. young. Thomas the f. d. 1752; his w. Mary d. 10 Oct. 1739. 11. Caleb, s. of Daniel (5), m. Phebe Chandler of Andover, and had Caleb, b. 20 Mar. 1726-7, d. 6 Aug. 1727; Phebe, b. 12 July 1729, m. Henry Coolidge 12 Sept. 1747; Prisciila, b. 24 Aug. 1731: Caleb, bap. 13 Aug. 1733; 528 DANA. James, bap. 18 May 1735; George, bap. 10 Oct. 1742, and was living in Stow 1769. Caleb the f. was Justice of the Peace, and d. 28 April 1769; his w. Phebe d. in Dec. 1772. 12. Richard, s. of Daniel (5), in. Lydia, dau. of Thomas Trowbridge, 31 May 1737, and had Lydia, b. at Marblehead 14 April 1738, d. 24 Sept. 1744; at Charlestown, Edmund, b. 15 Nov. 1739; Henry, b. 12 Aug. 1741, d. 14 Mar. 1761; Francis, b. 13 June 1743; Mary, b. 2 Mar. 1744-5, d. 12 Dec. 1747; Robert, b. 13 April 1747, d. 10 July 1748; and at Boston, Anne, b. 14 July 1749, d. 4 Aug. 1749; Mary, b. 17 Feb. 1750-51, d. 16 Aug. 1752; Lytlia, b. 26 Jan. 1755, m. John Hastings 7 Dec. 1783, and d. 2 May 1808. Richap.d the f. grad. H. C. 1718, was Counsellor and Barrister at Law, resided several years in Charlestown and Boston, a zealous patriot during the Revolutionary period, but d. 17 May 1772, before the commencement of hostilities; his w. Lydia d. at Newton 7 April 1776, a. 65. 13. John, s. of Benjamin (8), m. Abigail Smith (pub. 6 May 1748), and had Abigail, b. 8 May 1749; Lydia, b. 7 Sept. 1750; Benjamin, b. 24 Feb. 1751-2; Elizabeth, bap. 18 Oct. 1754; John, b. 26 May 1756, and others. 14. Stephen, s. of Benjamin (8), m. Eleanor Brown 16 Sept. 1762, and d. 15 Oct. 1822, a. 82; his w. d. 19 Nov. 1837, a. 91. They left no posterity. Mr. Dana was a carpenter, hut much engaged in public life. He was Colonel of Militia; Justice of the Peace; Selectman seven years, between 1776 and 1794; Representative from Camb. four years, from 1778 to 1792, and from Brighton, 1S06, 1808. His epitaph well describes bim as " a prudent, pleasant friend, the father, legislator, judge, and peace-maker of Brighton, extensively useful, and greatly beloved by all who knew him." 15. Samuel, s. of William (9), grad. H. C. 1755; was settled in the minis try at Groton 3 June 1761, dismissed, on account of his supposed hostility to the Revolution, May 1775, and not many years afterwards removed to Am herst, N. H., and was there a lawyer and Judge of Probate. He d. 2 Ap. 179i, a. 59, and was buried with Masonic honors. The address at his funeral was delivered by Hon. Timothy Bigelow, of Groton. Mr. Dana m. Anna Kendrick, and had at Groton, Luther, b. 13 Aug. 1763; Amelia, b. 14 Ap. 1765; Samuel, b. 26 June 1767, Judge of Court of Common Pleas, in Mid dlesex; Thesto, b. 14 Aug. 1769; Anna, b. 16 June 1771; and others born in New Hampshire. 16. Benjamin, s. of AVilliam (9), was prob. the same who, by w. Luuy, had Jonathan, bap. 13 Nov. 1785. 17. Josiah. s. of William (9), m. Rachel Leverett 31 Oct. 1782, and had Sarah, bap. 7 Mar. 1784; Josiah, bap. 25 Feb. 1787. 18. Daniel, s. of Thomas (10), ni. Experience Hunting of- Dedham 16 Jan. 1745-6 ; she d. 25 Jan. 1766, and he m. wid. Elizabeth Bowen 22 May 1766. His chil. were Mary, b. 24 June 1748; Samuel, b. 29 Nov. 1749; Abi gail, b. 15 Oct. 1752; Daniel, b. 25 Nov. 1754; Jose/jh, b. 2 Oct. 1756; Eliza beth, b. 15 Mar. 1767; Experience, b. 14 Dec. 1768. Daniel the f. resided in Brookline and Warwick; he d. 15 Nov. 1787; his w. EUzabeth d. in 1779. See Dana Family, p. 52. 19. Richard, s. of Thomas (10), by w. Mary, had Edward, b. 18 May 1756. 20. Caleb, s. of Caleb (11), m. Sarah Ballard 21 May 1756, and had Charles; Orlando, bap. 23 Sept. 1760; Henry, bap. 19 Sept. 1762; Caleb; James. Caleb the f. d. Ap. 1769; his w. Sarah survived. 21. James, s. of Caleb (11), grad. H. C. 1753 (D. D., Edinb. 1768), settled in the ministry at Wallingford, Conn., 1758; installed at New Haven 29 Ap. 1789; dismissed Dec. 1805, d. Aug. 1812, a, 77. His s. Hon. Samuel Whittlesey Dana, was several years Senator in Congress. 22. George, s. of Caleb (11), m. Margaret Clark of AValtham (pub. 28 Jan. 1764); she d. 3 Oct. 1770, and he m. ; his chil. were Sarah, bap. 23 Sept. 1770; Edmund, bap. 20 Dec. 1772; and probably others. 23. Edmund, s. of Richard (12), grad. H C. 1759; went to England, and was Rector of Wroxeter, Co. of Salop; m. Helen, dau. of Lord Kinniard, and niece of Sir AVilliam Pulteney; d. 7 May 1823, a. 84. His s. George Kinnianl Dana, was a Brigadier-general in the British Army. DANA — DANFORTH. 529 24. Francis, s. of Richard (12), H. C. 1762, LL.D. 1792, m. Elizabeth, dau. of AVilliam Ellery of Newport, R. I., 5 Aug. 1773, and had Edmund Trowbridge, b. 13 June 1774, d. 12 Aug. 1776; Francis, b. 14 May 1777; Ed mund Trowbridge, b. 26 Sept. 1779, Justice of the Peace, a gentleman of leisure, founded the Dana Library by a generous donation, and d. unm. 6 May 1859; Martha Remington, b. 29 Sept. 1784, m. Washington Allston, and d. s. p. 24 Dec. 1862; Richard Henry, b. 15 Nov. 1787; Elizabeth Ellery, b. 6 Sept. 1789, d. unm. 20 Nov. 1874; Sarah-Ann, b. 1 Sept. 1791, d. unm. 6 Feb. 1866. Francis the f. was a large landholder, and resided on the northwesterly corner of Main and Dana streets. He was a lawyer; Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1778, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787; Elector of Presi dent, 1789; Ambassador to Rus:-ia: Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Mass.; and d. 25 Ap. 1811 ; his w. Elizabeth d. 31 Aug. 1807, a. 56. 25. Henry, s. of Caleb (20), m. Sally Wilson 31 Aug. 1786, and had Sarah, bap. 27 May 1787; Charles, bap. 26 Ap. 1789; Henry Ballard, bap. 11 Sept. 1791; Mary, bap. 30 Mar. 1794; Martha, bap. 23 July 1797; Orlando Nelson, bap, 21 Dec. 1800; James, bap. 21 Oct. 1804. Henry the f. d. 20 Feb. 1817, a. 53. 26. Caleb, s. of Caleb (20), by w. Elizabeth, had Caleb ; Elizabeth; Sarah Weld, all bap. 3 Aug. 1794; Francis, bap. 3 May 1795; Harriet, bap. 5 Mar. 1797; Thomas Weld, bap. 19 May 1799. Caleb the f. was a victualler, and d. prob. 1801, in which year administration was granted to his w. Elizabeth. 27. James, s. of Caleb (20), ra. Catherine Graton 2 Sept. 1790, and had Samuel Heath,b&p. 1 June 1794. 28. Francis, s. of Francis (24), m. Sophia, dau. of President Joseph AVil lard, 4 Aug. 1802, and had So/thia Willard, b. 6 July 1803, m. Rev. George Ripley 22 Aug. 1827; Mary Elizabeth, b. 6 May 1805; Francis, b. 2 Dec. 1806; H. C. 1827, physician, d. I July 1872; Joseph Willard, b. 17 Sept. 1808, H. C. 1828, d. at Donaldsonville, La., 5 Dec. 1830. Francis the f. d. in Boston 28 Dec. 1853; his w. Sophia d. 27 Feb. 1S40, a. 67. 29. Richard Henry, s. of Francis (24), m. Ruth Charlotte Smith of Prov idence 11 May 1813, and had Rutk Churlote, b. 28 Feb. 1814; Richard Henry, b. 1 Aug. 1815; Edmund Trowbridge, b. 2S Aug. 1818, grad. Ver. Uni. 1838, lawyer, d. 18 May 1869; Susan, b. 3 June 1820, d. 27 Ap. 1822. Richard Henry the f. grad. H. C. 1808, LL.D. at VV. C. 1867, devoted himself to lit erature and enjoys an honored old age in 1877; his w. Ruth Charlotte d. 9 Feb. 1822, a. 34. 30. Richard Henry, s. of Richard Henry (29), m. Mary Watson of Hart ford 25 Aug. 1841, and had Saruh Watson, b. 12 June 1842; Ruth Charlotte, b. 30 June 1844; Elizabeth Ellery, b. 3 Ap. 1846; Mary Rosamond, b. 1 Sept. 1848; Richard Henry, b. 3 Jan. 1851, H. C. 1874; Angela Henrietta Chnn- ning, b. 22 Feb. 1857. Richard Henry the f . grad. H. C. 1837, LL.D. 1866, an eminent lawyer, has resided alternately in Cambridge and Boston. 31. James Freeman, s. of Luther and grandson of Samuel (15), b. at Amherst, N. H, 23 Sept. 1793, H. C. 1813, M. D. 1817, Professor of Chem istry in Dartmouth College and at New York, where he d. in Ap. 1827. He m. Matilda, dau. of President Webber, IS Jan. 1818, aud had one child, who d. young. 32. Joseph, supposed to be a descendant of Richard (1), through Daniel (5), Thomas (10), and Daniel (18), b. 2 Oct. 1756, m. Joanna Loud, and had Mary, b. 17 July 1791, d. 12 Ap. 1837; Experience, b. about 1793, m. Jona than Hyde, and d. 22 May 1849, a. 55; Elizabeth, b. 14 May 1795, d. 4 Oct. 1797;' Joseph, b. 11 Feb. 1799, d. 7 June 1847; Elizabeth, b. 1801, d. unm. 17 Dec. 18u3, a. 62; Joan Frances, b. 27 May 1810, d. 27 Sept. 1829; and per haps others. Joseph the f. d. 13 Feb. 1S27, and his w. Joanna, who wa3 b. 26 Mar. 1766, d. 12 Dec. 184 7. Danforth, Nicholas, was here in 1635, and resided on the northerly side of Bow Street, near its intersection with Mt. Auburn Street. He was Select man 1635-1637, Deputy or Representative 1636, 1637, and d. in April 1638. His w. Elizabeth d. in England in 1629. Their children, all born in England, 34 530 DANFORTH. were Elizabeth, b. 1619, m. Andrew Belcher, and d. 26 Oct. 1680, a.61; Thomas, b. 1622; Anna, b. prob. 1624, m. Matthew Bridge, and d. 2 Dec. 1704; Sam uel, b. 1626; Jonathan, b. 29 Feb. 1627-8. 2. Thomas, s. of Nicholas (1), ni. Mary, dau. of Henry Withington (Rul ing Elder) of Dorchester, 23 Feb. 1643-4, and had Sarah, b. 16 Ap. 1645, d. 29 Oct. 1645; Sarah, b. 11 Nov. 1646, m. Rev. Joseph AVhiting of Lynn, and afterwards of Southampton, L. I., and d. before 1699; Mary, b. 20 Ap. 1649, d. 29 Ap. 1649; Mary, b. 28 July 1650, va. Solomon Phipps of Chs. July 1669, and Maj. Thomas Brown of Sudbury, 1 Mar. 1703-4, and was living as his widow in 1725; Samuel, b. 5 Oct. 1652, grad. H. C. 1671, and d. unm. in England 22 Dec. 1676, of small-pox; Thomas, b. 16 Dec. 1654, d. young; Jonathan, b. 27 Feb. 1656-7, d. 20 Ap. 1657; Jonathan, b. 10 Feb. 1658-9, grad. H. C. 1679, d. unm. of consumption, 13 Nov. 1682; Joseph, b. 18 Sept. 1661, d. 2 Oct. 1663; Benjamin, b. 20 May 1663, d. 23 Aug. 1663; Eliza beth, b. 17 Feb. 1664-5, ra. Francis Foxcroft, 3 Oct. 1682, and d. 4 July 1721; Bethia, b. 21 June 166 7, d. 21 Sept. 1668. Thomas the f. d. 5 Nov. 1699, a. 77 ; his w. Mary d. 26 Mar. 1697. Mr. Danforth inherited the homestead, which he sold in 1652, and removed to the northerly side of Kirkland Street near Oxford Street, where a number of elm trees recently marked the loca tion of his house. Connected with his house he had about 120 acres of land, including nearly the whole lying between the estates of the late Dr. Holmes and Nathaniel Jarvis, the Charlestown or Somerville line, Kirkland Street, and Holmes Place ; together with ahout the same quantity on the southerly side of Kirkland Street, extending across Cambridge Street, from the junction of Cambridge Street and EUsworth Avenue nearly to Gore Hall, including the northeasterly portion of the College grounds, the Delta, etc. This wiU readily be recognized by many of the elder inhabitants, as the Foxcroft estate. Be sides this farm, he owned many other large tracts of land in Camb. and about 10,000 acres in Framingham. Mr. Danforth, through a long Ufe, was one of the most energetic and useful citizens in the town and in the Colony. He was a Selectman, 1645-1671, 27 years; Town Clerk, 1645-1668, 24 years; Rep resentative (or Deputy), 1657, 1658; Assistant 1659-1678, 20 years; Deputy Governor 1679-1692, except during the three years' usurpation by Andros, and probably nothing but the prolonged life of the venerable Bradstreet prevented his election as Governor. With the same exception, he was President of the District of Maine 1681-1692. Under the second charter hewas one of tlie Council from 1693 to 1699 ; and Judge of the Superior Court, to which office he was appointed 6 Dec. 1692, " being pressed to accept Iris place " as Judge Sewall says. He was Treasurer of Harvard College 1650-1669, Treasurer of Middlesex County several years, and Recorder 1648-1686. He was also Com missioner of the United Colonies at every session from 1662 to 1678, and President of that Board in 1675. Through his whole life, his appointment and action on numerous and highly important committees, especially during the long struggle which preceded the vacation of the old Charter, abundantly indicate the confidence reposed in him, and his wisdom and integrity in the perform ance of the duties assigned to him. He was confessedly the leader of the party in opposition to the arbitrary proceedings of the King and his counsellors. 3. Samuel, s. of Nicholas (I), grad. H. C. 1643, one of the first Board of Fellows, named in tbe act of incorporation 1650, ordained Pastor of the Church at Roxbury 24 Sept. 1650, the apostle Eliot being teacher. Hem. Mary, dau. of Rev. John AA'ilson of Boston 5 Nov. 1651, and had Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1652-3, d. 22 July 1653; Mary, b. 24 May 1654, d. 7 Dec. 1659; Elizabeth, b. 13 July 1656, d. 15 Dec. 1659; Sarah, b. 30 Oct. 1658, d. 5 Dec. 1659 ; John, b. 8 Nov. 1660; Mary, b. 13 Mar. 1662-3, m. Edward Bromfield, Esq., 4 June 1683, and d. 7 Oct. 1734; Elizabeth, b. 9 Feb. 1664-5, d. 26 Oct. 1672; Samuel, b. 18 Dec. 1666; Sarah, b. 21 Feb. 1669-70, d. young; Thomas, b. 3 Ap. 1672, d. 13 Ap. 1672; Elizabeth, b. 16 Oct. 1673, d. 30 Oct. 1673; Abiel (posthumous), bap. 31 Jan. 1674-5, m. Thomas Fitch, merchant, Bos ton. Samuel the f. d. of putrid fever 19 Nov. 1674, aged about 48 years; his w. Mary m. Joseph Rocke of Boston, and d. 13 Sept. 1713, a. 80. On DANFORTH. 531 the death of his father, he was placed under the care of Rev. Thomas Shep ard, and he well improved his advantages. Having graduated at the early age of seventeen, he devoted himself diligently to study, and became a skilful mathematician, and one of the most learned theologians of his time. He was particularly distinguished however, for the fervor of his piety and the purity of his life. So peaceful was his conscience and so firm his faith, in the hour of death, that his colleague Eliot is reported to have said, '• My brother Dan forth made the most glorious end that ever I saw." It is certain that Eliot entered this testimony on record: " My brother Danforth died in the Lord; it pleased the Lord to brighten his passage to glory." 4. Jonathan, s. of Nicholas (1), was one of the first settlers in Billerica, where he spent his long and useful life. "He was the first Captain of Billerica, was chosen Representative in 1684, Town Clerk 20 years, and one of the most eminent land surveyors of his time." (Farmer.) He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Poulter 22 Nov. 1654; she d. 7 Oct. 1689, a. 56, and he m. Esther, wid. of Josiah Converse of AVoburn, and dau. of Elder Champney of Camb. 17 Nov. 1690. His children were Mary, b. 29 Jan. 1655-6, m. John Parker of Chelmsford 4 June 1678; Elizabeth, b. 27 May 1657, m. Simon Hayward of Concord 7 Mar. 1686-7; Jonathan, b. 18 Feb. 1658-9; John,b. 23 Jan. 1660-61, d. 7 Feb. 1660-61; John, b. 22 Feb. 1661-2, d. 4 June 1664; Lydia, b. i June 1664, m. Edward AVright; Samuel, b. 5 Feb. 1665-6; Anna, b. 8 Mar. 1667-8, m. Oliver AVhiting 22 Jan. 1689-90; Thomas, b. 29 Ap. 1670, d. 31 July 1670; Nicholas, b. 1 July 1671, d. 8 Mar. 1693-4; Sarah, b. 13 Dec. 1676, m. AVilliam French. Of this family ,*only two sons survived their father; but from them have descended a very numerous posterity. Jonathan the f. d. 7 Sept. 1712, a. 84, being the last survivor and the longest liver of his father's children. His w. Esther d. 5 Ap. 1713, a. 80. 5. John, s. of Rev. Samuel (3), grad. H. C. 1677, at the age of seventeen, and was ordained at Dorchester 28 June 1682, where bed. 26 May 1730. His chUdren, by his w. Elizabeth, were Elijah, bap. 2 Dec. 1683, grad. H. C. 1703, a physician and Justice of the Peace, d. 8 Oct. 1736; Thomas, b. 1685, settled at Surinam, where he d. 18 Oct. 1714; Israel Stoughton, b. 14 Oct. 1687, d. 22 Mar. 1688; John, b. 16 Jan. 1688-9, d. 3 Mar. 1728; Ann, b. prob. 1691, d. young; Elizabeth, b. 12 Nov. 1693, m. Capt. John Lowder, Bos ton; Samuel, b. 12 Nov. 1696; Hannah, b. 3 Nov. 1698, ra. Rev. Samuel Dun bar of Stoughton: Mary and Mehetabel, twins, b. 4 June 1701, of whom the latter d. 1 May 1727; Stoughton, b. 24 July 1702, buried 26 Nov. 1735; George, b. 11 Nov. 1704. Soon after Mr. Danforth's death, an obituary appeared in the New England Journal, in which it is said that he " was one greatly quali fied by man}- bright accompUshments for the evangelical ministry, and was eminently a man of God, a man of prayer, ;i close and profitable preacher, of sound principles, a pattern of all the virtues of the Christian life, and zealous for the cause of God and religion among us; greatly beloved and valued while living, aud now lamented at his death ; and his memory will always be pre cious to those who have had the honor and pleasure of an acquaintance with him." He had a fondness for writing epitaphs in rhyme, of which very many- specimens remain in the Dorchester burial ground. An allusion to this trait in his character is made in Blake' s Annals : "He was said to be a man of great learning; he understood the mathematics beyond most men of his func tion. He was exceeding charitable, and of a very peaceful temper. He took much pains to eternize the names of many of the good Christians of his own flock; and yet the world is so ungrateful that he has not a line written to pre serve his memory, no, not so much as upon his tomb, he being buried in Lt.- Gov. Stoughton's tomb, that was covered with writing before; and there, also, lyeth his consort, Mrs. Elizabeth Danforth." 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), grad. H. C. 1683, and was settled in the ministry at Taunton, where he d. 14 Nov. 1727. " He was esteemed one of the most learned and eminent ministers of that period." Farmer. 7. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (4), resided in Billerica, m. Rebecca Parker 27 June 1682, and d. 1710; his w. d. prob. 1755, when her dower was divided 532 DANFORTH — DAYE. to her son Jonathan, the heirs of sons Thomas, Samuel, Nicholas, Jacob, and John, all deceased, and to daughters Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Sarah. 8. Samuel, s. of Jonathan (4), resided in Billerica and was perhaps the same whose estate was divided in 1742, to wid. Hannah, and children Samuel, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Hannah, Rachel, Lydia, and the heirs of Abigail Ruggles, deceased. 9. Samuel, s. of Rev. John (5), b. in Dorchester, grad. H. C. 1715, estab lished himself in Cambridge as schoolmaster about 1724, having had the gen eral charge of the school for some years previously, it would seem. In 1725 he purchased of Samuel Hancock the estate on the easterly side of Dunster Street, between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets, where he resided for the next half century. The house in which he dwelt was demolished not many years ago. He m. Elizabeth Symcues (perhaps dau. of Rev. Thomas Symmesof Bradford, and, if so, » relative to himself), 14 Aug. 1726, and had Elizabeth, b. 24 July 1729, d. young; Elizabeth, b. 29 July 1736, d. unm. 4 June 1816; Samuel, b. 4 Aug. 1740, grad. H. C. 1758, an eminent physician in Boston, President of the Mass. Medical Society, and d. 16 Nor. 182 7;' Thomas, b. 21 Aug. 1744,grad. H. C. 1762, was a lawyer in Chs. until the Revolution, when he fled to England, andd. at London 6 Mar. 1820; John,b. 17 Sept. 1748. Samuel thef.d.at the house of his son in Boston, 27 Oct. 1777, a. about 81; his w. Elizabeth 'd. 13 Jan. 1775, a. 67; but both were buried here. Judge Danforth, during a large portion of his Ufe, filled offices of trust and responsibility. He was Select man five years, 1733-1739, Representative four years, 1734-1738, Member of the Council thirty-six years in succession, 1739-1774, in which last named year he was appointed "Mandamus Councillor;" but having taken the oath of office, he was speedily induced to resign. He was also Justice of the Peace and Quorum ; Register of Probate, 1 731-1 745 ; Judge of Probate, 1745- 1775; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1741-1775. At the Revolution he passed out of office ; but was so quiet in his deportment that, although under stood to be a royalist, he was not disturbed in the possession of his property. Daniel, Robert, was an early inhabitant of Cambridge. About 1638 he purchased of Thomas Blodgett a house and land, on the westerly side of Gar den Street, which he sold about 1645 to Nicholas AVyeth. By his w. Eliza beth he had Elizabeth,b. , m. Thomas Fanning 17 May 1653; Samuel; Joseph; Sarah; Mary, b. 2 Sept. 1642. These children are named in the father's will; Thomas, who was buried 6 Nov. 1644, was probably of the same family. His w. Elizabeth d. 2 Oct. 1653, and he m. Reana, wid. of AVilUam Andrew, 2 May 1654. He d. 6 July 1655, and his wid. Reana m. Elder Frost, whom also she survived. 2. Joseph, s. of Robert (1), purchased of David Fiske 12 Dec. 1660 a house and land on the northerly side of Linnajan Street, being the south easterly corner of the present Botanic Garden. Before 28 May 1662 he had removed to Medfield. There is no record here of his family. 3. Richard, of Edmonton, England, gentleman, was in New England 12 Nov. 1669, and purchased the farm in Billerica, 700 acres, belonging to Cam bridge Church. He remained in Billerica several years, and is said to have resided subsequently in Andover. No record is found of wife or children. Davis, Dolor (Dolard, Dollard. and Doller, on the Record), owned a house lot, in 1635, on the easterly side of Dunster Street, between AVinthrop and South streets. He removed early; was a proprietor of Groton in 1656, and an early planter of Barnstable, where he d. in 1673. " He m. Margery, sister of Major Simon AVillard. His sons were John, Simon, and Samuel. Si mon and Samuel lived in Concord, tho former of whom was Representative in John 1689." (Farmer.) From this family descend Gov. John Davis and a nu merous race of that name in AVorcester County. Daye, Stephen, resided at the westerly corner of Harvard and Dunster streets in 1656. By his w. Rebecca (wid. of Bordman, and mother of William Bordman), he had and brought to N. Eng. with him, Stephen, who d. 1 Dec. 1639, and Matthew. Stephen the f. d. 22 Dec. 1668, a. about 75; his w. Rebecca d. 17 Oct. 1658. Mr. Daye was unquestionably the first printer in DAYE. 533 New England, though it may be doubted whether he ever served a regular ap prenticeship to that trade. In his agreement, 1638, to emigrate to N. Eng., and to labor in the employment of Rev. Mr. Glover, he is styled " lock smith," and various circumstances sufficiently indicate that he labored in that occupation, after he was superseded by Green in the management of the printing-office. It may be that Mr. Glover was unable, or judged it impru dent, to engage a regular printer to emigrate; and therefore employed Daye to superintend the press, on account of his skill in working iron, and perhaps a general knowledge of machinery. However this be, it is certain that he was called locksmith in the agreement, and so styled himself in a deed executed 1660; and the inventory of his goods in 1668 indicates the same fact. He re ceived several grants of land, in consideration of his services as a printer; but he seems always to have been poor, and was probably dependant for assist ance, in his old age, on AVm. Bordman, a son of his wife by a former marriage. His age, at death, has been erroneously represented as 5S. In a deposition, 2 Ap. 1656, he called himself 62 years old, and must have been about 75 in Dec. 1668, if his own estimate was correct. 2. Robert, in 1635, owned a house on the westerly side of Garden Street, but removed early to Hartford. "He died in 1648, and left a comfortable estate for his widow and several children. He had been a good citizen in the Colony. He was the first ancestor who came to Connecticut of President and Secretary Day, and of the Day family in this State." Hinman. 3. Matthew, s. of Stephen (1), appears from his will1 to have been a printer; he was also Steward of Harvard College, as appears by the following memorandum in the Records of the Corporation, Lib. iii. fol. 32: " Mr. John Buckley, first Master of Arts in Harvard College, and Matthew Day, Stew ard of the College,vgave a garden, containing about one acre and one rood of land, situate and near adjoining to the College, and ordered the same to be for the use of the Fellows that should from time to time belong to and be resi dent at the said society; the said garden being commonly called and known by the name of the Fellow's Orchard." Gore Hall stands on the northerly end of this tract; the southerly end fronts on Harvard Street. From Buck ley's Deed, dated 20 Dec. 1645, it appears that the orchard, or garden, was purchased of Thomas Marrett, by himself, Emanuel Downing, Samuel AVin- throp, and John Alcock. Buckley conveyed one quarter part; hence it would seem that Day purchased the other three quarters, which he bestowed, by will, on the College. Mr. Day d. unm. at Cambridge 10 May 1649. 4. Isaac, not ascertained to have been a relative of the foregoing, was in Camb. for a short time previous to 1700, and prob. resided at the N.W. corner of Dunster and AVinthrop streets. His w. was Susanna, prob. dau. of Robert Meriam of Concord. They had Robert, b. 24 Oct. 1686, d. 4 Feb. 1688-9; Susanna, b. 28 Nov. 1688. In 1692, "Isaac Day. heretofore citizen and embroiderer of London," and his wife Susanna, together with Mary, the 1 " The last "Will and Testament of Mat- for the training up of the childe to schoole. thew Day, May 10, 1649. 1. I doe give 6. I doe give unto my mother that eight with all my heart all that part 1 have in the pound or there about which is due to tne for Garden unto the fellowes of Harvard Col- printing, to pay for the house which is due lege, for ever. 2. I doe give to Mrs. Shep- at Michalemas^ 7. I would have Daniell ard my diaper table cloath and napkins and Mary Lemon and my mother's girle which were not yet made up. 3. I doe give have some thing given them, as Mr. Shep- my 3 silver spoones, the one to David Dun- ard and my mother shall see meet. 8. I ster, the other to Doraty Dunster, and the SA doe give ray Ivory Inkhorne in my box with that hath my owne name on it w« I brought a whistle in it unto Jeremy Shepard. 9. I out of England, to my old acquaintance lit- give 20s in mony which once I had and tie Samuell Shepard. 4. I doe give to my layd out for the Colledge, and is to be payd mother all the estate I have in both the by it in mony againe unto Mr. Thomas houses together with all the furniture, beds Shepard. 10. I give unto John Glover my and all moveables (my debts being first paid) lookinge glasse. 11. I give to Elder ffrost to her for her life, arid when she dies to the foure pound. Those before whom he spake little child Movses. 5. I doe give to Sr. these tilings were Mr. Tho. Shepard, Mrs. Brocke (my oufd and deare friend) all the Day. Deposed the 30th 8th mo. 1649. In- bookes I have which he thinks may be use- crease Nowell." — Middlesex Deeds, i. % full to him, except those which may serve 534 DAYE — DICKSON. widow and executrix of Robert Meriam late of Concord, deceased, sold to Richard Proctor of Boston, the above mentioned estate, describing it as "here tofore the mansion place whereof one Thomas Chesholme died siezed, of whose administrators the said Robert Meriam in his Ufe-time," to wit, 3 Oct. 1671, purchased it. After this sale, no further trace is found here of this family. The name now exists in Camb.; but it is not known that the individuals bear ing it are descendants of either of these early families. Deming, David, was a Fence-viewer in" Camb. 1699, and Tything-man, 1 700. He owned the Brattle estate, extending from Brattle Square to Ash Street. Before Nov. 1707 he removed to Boston; at which date he sold the westerly portion of this estate to Andrew Belcher, and the easterly portion, including the house, to Rev. AA'illiam Brattle. In the conveyance, he is styled " Knacker," which Johnson defines, " a maker of smaU work; a ropemaker." There is no record here of his family. Denison, AVilliam, came to N. Eng. about 1630, and settled at Roxbury. He was a merchant, Representative, 1635, and d. 25 Jan. 1653-4. By his w. Margaret, who d. 3 Feb. 1645-6, he had in England, Daniel; Edward, resided in Roxbury, Selectman, Town Clerk, Representative 1652, 1655, and d. 26 Ap. 1668, a. about 50, leaving five daughters who married, and an only son, William, who grad. at H. C. 1681, was many years Town Clerk, Representa tive more than twenty years, and d., leaving a widow but no children, 22 Mar. 1718, a. 53; George, removed early to Stonington, Conn., was highly distin guished as a military leader in "Philip's War," and d. about 1693; he was twice married, (1) to Bridgett Tompson, 1640, and (2) to Ann Boradell, about 1644; he left a numerous family, and among his descendants are many distinguished citizens of Connecticut. 2. Daniel, s. of AA'illiam (1), was one of the earliest inhabitants of Camb. Hewas probably among those who erected the first buildings, under the agree ment to establish this as a fortified town and the seat of government. His residence, as nearly as can be determined from the Proprietor's Records, was the spot since known as the Winthrop Estate, near Bow Street, between Ar row and Mount Auburn streets. He removed early to Ipswich, and became one of the most distinguished citizens of that town and of the Colony. He was Representative, eleven years; Speaker of the House, two years; Assistant twenty-nine years, until his death ; Major-general of the whole military force ofthe Colony, eleven years, including the period of " Philip's War;" Com missioner of the United Colonies, eight years, and once President of that Board. He m. Patience, dau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley, by whom he had two children, who survived to maturity. (1) John, who m. Martha, dau. of Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds, and d. 1671, leaving a daughter Martha, and a son John, who grad. H. C. 1684, m. Elizabeth Saltonstall, commenced preaching at Ipswich, but died 1689, leaving an only son, John, who grad. H. C. 1710, was Sheriff of Essex Co., m. Mary, dau. of President Leverett, and d. 1724, leaving one son and one daughter. See Felt's Ipswich. (2) Elizabeth, m- John Rogers, President of Harvard College, and d. 13 June 1723, a 82. Her children were Elizabeth, m. John Appleton, Esq., and was mother of the ven erable Dr. Appleton of Cambridge, and of Margaret, wife of President Hol yoke; Margaret, m. Capt. Thomas Berry, and (2d) President Leverett; John, grad. H. C. 1684, minister at Ipswich, d. 28 Dec. 1745, a. 79; Daniel, grad. II. C. 1686, a physician and Justice of the Peace, perished on Hampton Beach in a snow storm 1 Dec. 1723; Nathaniel, grad. H. C. 1687, minister at Ports mouth, N. PL, d. 3 Oct. 1723; Patience, m. Benjamin Marston, and was Uv ing his widow in 1721. Dexter, John, by w. Sarah, had Richard, b. 6 Nov. 1676. He may have been s. of Richard of Maiden ; but there is no further trace of him here. Dickerman, Lydia, d. 13 Sept. 1680. Dickson, AVilliam (otherwise written Dikson, and Dixon J7in 1642 owned the estate fronting on Brattle Square, extending from Mount Auburn . of Thomas (1), came here and departed with his father. While here he resided at the southeast corner of Dunster and Mount Auburn streets. He was three times married; first to Mary, dau. of Gov. John Winthrop, who d. 12 Ap. 1643. He resided for short periods at Boston, Ipswich, and Salisbury; was Representative 1641, 1644; and settled in the ministry at Exeter. N. H., 1650, where he d. 1683, a. 77. His children, ac cording to Farmer, were Thomas, bap. 9 Mar. 1634, grad. H. C. 1657, d. 7 Nov. 1655; John, bap. 28 June 1635; Margaret; Samuel, bap. 2 Aug. 1639, d. 17 Ap. 1643; Anne, b. 16 Oct. 1657, m. Edward Hilton of Exeter; The ophilus, b. 4 Oct. 1614; Mary, b. and d. 1646 ; Biley, b. 27 Sept. 1647; Mary, b. 1649, m. Samuel Hardy, a schoolmaster, of Beverly, 24 Jan. 1676; Thomas; Stephen; James; Timothy; Abigail; Dorothy; Rebecca; EUzabeth, who m. Kinsley Hall; Samue'. His descendants are very numerous, particularly in New Hampshire. See Dudley Genealogies, by Dean Dudley, pp. 19, 20. Dunklin, Nathaniel (otherwise written Duntlin), owned land at Cam bridge Farms, in 1699. Nathaniel, probably the same, by w. Mary, had Robert, b. 13 Mar. 1709-10. Dunster, Henry, President of Harvard College from 27 Aug. 1640 to 24 Oct. 1654, m. Elizabeth, wid. of Rev. Jose Glover, 21 June 1641; she d. 23 Aug. 1643, and he m. Elizabeth , and had David, b. 16 May 1645, who was an expensive son to his mother, went to England about 1664, and returned not; Dorothy, b. 29 Jan. 1647-8, prob. d. young; Henry, b. about 1650, prob. d. young; Jonathan, b. 2S Sept. or 27 Oct. 1653; Elizabeth, b. 29 Dec. 1656, was the second wife of Major Jonathan AVade oE Medford (by whom she had Elizabeth, b. 1687, d. unm. 19 Aug. 1721; Dorothy, b. 17 Feb. 1689, d. young); Major AVade d. 24 Nov. 1689 and she m. Colonel Nathaniel Thomas or Marshfield (a Judge of the Sup. Court), about 1714 ; he d. 22 Oct. 1718, and she returned to Medford, where she d. between 31 May and 8 Nov. 1729. Henry the f. d. at Scituate 27 Feb. 1658-9, and was buried in Cambridge, as specially directed in his will ; his w. Elizabeth d. 2 Sept. 1690, a. 60, "according to the Record ; but she was probably somewhat older. In a memoir, formerly in possession of Rev. Samuel Sewall of Bur- 538 DUNSTER. Ungton, drawn up by his predecessor, Rev. John Marrett, a lineal descendant of this family, it is said that President Dunster was son of Henry, of Bale- hoult, England, a man liberally educated and living 20 Mar. 1640, as appears by a letter from him of that date; that he had three brothers, Thomas, Richard, and Robert, and two sisters. Faith, who m. Edmund Rice of Sud bury, and had many children, and Dorothy, who m. [Simon] AVillard and had children. The marriage of Faith to Edmund Rice I have not been able to verify; nor have I found evidence that Dorothy was the name of Mrs. Wil lard. In the Amer. Quar. Reg., 1839, it is stated that Major Willard ra. two of Mr. Dunster's sisters; but their names are given as Elizabeth (or Isabel), and Mary. Mr. Dunster, in his will, speaks of his sister AVillard, and also of sister Hills, understood to be the w. of Joseph Hills of Maiden; but Mr. Hills m. Helen Adkinson (or Atkinson) in Jan. 1655-6, who was prob. livinc at the date of the will, 1658; she may, however, have been a widow, at the time of thi3 marriage, or she may have been sister to Mrs. Dunster, and sister-in-law to the testator. He also speaks of his cousin Bowers (the wife of Benanuel), and cousin Faith Dunster. It is singular that so much obscurity should rest on such a distinguished family, even the name or origin of his wife not being known. The only clue which the most diligent search has obtained, is a bequest to her, in his will, of " twelve or sixteen books brought by her out of England." 2. Jonathan, s. of Henry (1) m. Abigail Eliot, prob. dau. of Francis of Braintree, 5 Dec. 1678; she d. and he m. Deborah, dau. of Maj. Jonathan AVade of Medford (by his first wife), 5 Ap. 1692 ; after her death he in. Ruth, wid. of Joshua Eaton of Reading, — marriage contract signed 23 Nov. 1719. His children were (by first wife), Henry, b. 17 July,. 1680; Elizabeth, b. 22 Feb. 1681-2, d. young; and by second wife, Jonathan, b. 1695, d. unm. 11 April 1742, aged 47; Elizabeth, b. about 1699, m. Philip Carteret (or De Carteret), and d. 25 Jan. 1787, aged 87, as inscribed on her gravestone; Thomas, b. , d. unm. between 3 Ap. 1726 and 1 Ap. 1728; Dorothy, b. 1702, m. Solomon Page of Hampton, N. H. (prob. the graduate H. C. 1729), 13 Ap. 1732, and d. 13 Oct. 1741, leaving five children; David, b. 1705. Jonathan the f. d. 1725; his w. Ruth m. Lieut. Amos Marrett 22 Nov. 1732, and after his death, Peter Hay?s of Stoneham, pub. 30 Sept. 1742. 3. Henry, s. of Jonathan (2), m. Martha, dau. of Jason Russell, 25 Feb. 1707-8, and had Martha, b. 7 Feb- 1708-9, m. Edward Dickson 18 Mar. 1730-31; Mary. h. 7 July, 1712, ra. Amos Marrett 21 Sept. 1732; Abigail, bap. 21 Mar. 1713-14, m. James Cutler (pub. 29 Oct. 1737); Elizabeth, b. 7 July 1717, d. 7 Nov. 1717; Isaiah, b. 21 Oct. 1720, grad. H. C. 1741, or dained in the north parish of Harwich (now Brewster) 2 Nov. 1748, and d. 18 Jan. 1791. a. 70; Henry, b. 13 Feb. 1722-3; Elizabeth, bap. 10 May 1724, d. young; Jason, bap. IS July 1725; Eunice, bap. 26 May 1728, d. young; Jonathan, bap. 1 June 1729, d. young; Ruth, bap. 7 Oct. 1733, d. 30 June 1735. Henry the f. d. 28 Jan. 1753, a. 72; his w. Martha m. Francis Locke 15 Mar. 1759. 4. David, s. of Jonathan (2), m. Mary, dau. of Hubbard Russell, and had Elizabeth, bap. 25 Ap. 1731 ; Mary, bap. 4 Mar. 1732-3 ; Margery, b. 1739; and others. Mr. Dunster resided in Menotomy; but removed to AVestrninster (being dismissed from the Church 17 Oct. 1742, to help form a Church at Narragansett No. 2), where he d. 1758, leaving w. Mary, and chil. Hubbard; Thomas; Elizabeth, w. of James Taylor; Mary, w. of David Bemis; Margery; Ruhamah; Carteret; Henry. 5. Henry, s. of Henry (3), m. Abigail Moore 27 Ap. 1748, and had (posthumous), a daughter," b. and d. 4 Mar. 1748-9. He d. 13 Oct. 1748, a. 25 ; his w. Abigail, m. Jonathan Harrington of Lex. (pub. 9 June 1 750). 6. Jason, s. of Henry (3), m. Rebecca, dau. of Samuel Cutter 26 Oct. 1749, and had Ruth, b. 10 Aug. 1750; Rebecca, b. 17 Aug. 1752, d. 5 July 1753; Henry, b. 4 Aug. 1754; Rebecca, b. 18 June 1756; illartha, b. 28 Aug. 1758; Josiah, b. 10 Ap. 1761; Jason, b. 27 Mar. 1763; Samuel Cutler, b. 20 Ap. 1 766. Before 5 Aug. 1769 Mr. Dunster removed to Masou, N. H, and d. 1 805, a. 80. DUNSTER— EATON. 539 7. Henry, parentage not ascertained, had Elizabeth, bap. 24 May, 1767. " "Elizabeth, called cousin by Henry (1), m. Benanuel Bowers, 9 Dec. 1653. Faith, called cousin by Henry (1), m. John Page, at Groton, 12 May 1664. Dutton, Elizabeth, in. Benjamin Crac-kbone 6 Nov. 1657. Eager, William (otherwise written JEgur, Egar, and Eger), in. Ruth Hill in Maiden, 1659, and was here between 1672 and 1682. His'w. Ruth d. 16 Jan. 1679-80, and he in. Hester Cole (Lydia, wid. of Arthur?) 13 Ap. 1680. His children, born here, wore Zerubbabel, b. 8 June 1672; Martha, b. 26 Nov. 1674; Ruth, b. 1 Feb. 1677; Sarah, b. 25 June-1679; Margaret, b. 25 May 1681. AVilliam the f. d. at Marlborough 4 Ap. 1690; in his will, dated Dec. 1687, he speaks of his w. Lydia, and children, William, Zachary, Abraham, Zerubbabel, James, Jacob, Sarah, Margaret, Mercy, Lydia, Esther, Ruth, and one unborn. Man}- of his descendants may be found in the County of Wor cester, especially in the vicinity of Shrewsbury. " Abraham (w. Lydia), Zech ariah (yr. Elizabeth), Zerubbabel (in. Hannah Kerly 1097), bad children in Marlborough, from about 1693." Barry's Hist. From. In Camb., Mercy m. David Morse of Newton 1 May 1706, and Margaret m. Isaac Mannino- 8 Ap. 1708. Eames. Thomas (having previously resided at Dedham, where he had John, b. 16 May, 1641, d. 17 Sept. 1641 ; John, b. 6 Oct. 1642. and Mary, b. 24 May. 1645), m. Mary, wid. of Jonathan Paddlefoot, and had Thomas, bap. here 12 July 1663; at Sudbury, Samuel, b. 15 Jan. 1664-5; Margaret, b. 8 July 1666; Nathaniel, b. 30 Dec. 1668; and at Framingham, Sarcdi, b. 3 Oct. .1670; Lydia, b. 29 June 1672. While at Framingham his house was de stroyed, and his wife and some of his children were killed by the Indians. He d. 25 Jan. 1680, a. about 62. See Barry's Hist. Framingham. Eason, Joseph, owned a two-acre lot on the northerly side of Brattle Street in 1635. which he sold about 1638, to Abraham Morrill. He "re moved early to Hartford." Savage. Eaton, Nathaniel, styled a schoolmaster hy AVinthrop, and brother to Gov. Theophilus Eaton, was the first teacher at Harvard College, before it was fully organized by the appointment of Dunster to be President. Mather re lates that while preparations were in progress for the erection of a college edi fice " a society of scholars, to lodge in the new nest3, were forming under the conduct of one Mr. Nathaniel Eaton, a blade who marvellously deceived the expectations of good men concerning him; for he was one fitter to be. master of Bridewell than a College; and though his avarice was notorious enough to get the name of a Philargyrius fixed upon him, yet his cruelty7 was more scandal ous than his avarice. He was a rare scholar himself,- and be made many more such; but their education truly was in the school of Tyrannus." His severity and other misconduct attracted public attention. He was fined and discharged from his office by the General Court, and excommunicated by the Church. He fled to A'irginia, and subsequently to England, where he is said to have died in prison for debt after rendering himself an object of detestation by his persecution of his former brethren in the faith. AVhile he remained in Virginia " he sent for his wife and children. Her friends here persuaded her to stay a while, but she went notwithstanding, and the vessel was never heard of after." (Winthrop.) One child, Benoni, remained in Cambridge; the names of the others are not known. 2. Benoni, s. of Nathaniel (1), was brought up in the family of Deac. Chesholme, and the Church contributed something for his maintenance. He became a maltster, and res. at the S. AV. eorner of Dunster and AVinthrop streets. By his w. Rebecca, he had Anna, b. 7 Sept. 1672, d. 5 Oct. 1673; Theophilus, b. 20 Sept. 1674; the following also were probably his children: Rebecca, who m. John Bunker 28 Ap. 1690; Nathaniel, who d. 22 Feb. 1690-91, a. 24; and, perhaps, Ursula, who m. Jacob Parker of Boston 29 Ap. 1708. Benoni the f. d. 20 Dec. 1690; his wid. Rebecca m. John Hast ings 28 Sept. 1691. Albee, m. Franeis Moore 7 Sept. 1650. William, m. Elizabeth Osborn, in Camb, 1 Jan. 17S1. 540 ECCLES — ERRINGTON. Eccles, Richard, resided for a time on the westerly side of the Common, and afterwards on the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets. By his w. Mary he bad Timothy, b. 15 Mar. 1644-5, d. 21 Nov. 1656. Mary, m. John AA'at'son of Roxbury; Anna (or Hannah), m. Gershom Brooks of Concord; Martha, ni. Thomas'Andrew 30 Oct. 1673. His w. Mary d. 23 Aug. 1675, and he m. Susanna Carter 4 June 1677. Mr. Eccles was a weaver, and d. before 10 Mar. 1696-7, when the estate was sold by his daus. Mary and Anna (both widows), and Martha, whose husband, Thomas Andrew, joined in the sale. Eldred, Samuel, by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 26 Oct. 1642: Samuel, b. 26 Oct. 1644; Mary, b. 15 June 1646; 'ITiomas, b. 8 Sept. 1648; no further trace of the family is found here. Eliot, John, styled the "Apostle to the Indians," was for nearly sixty vears minister at Roxbury, where he d. 20 May 1690. By his w. Ann (or Hannah), he had Hannah, b. 17 Sept. 1633; John, b. 31 Aug. 1636 ; Joseph, b. 20 Dec. 1638, grad. H. C. 1658, minister at Guilford, Conn., where lied. 24 May 1694; Samuel, b. 22 June 1641, grad. H. C. 1660, Fellow of the Col lege and candidate for the ministry, d. 1 Nov. 1664; Aaron, b. 19 Feb. 1643-4, d. 18 Nov. 1655; Benjamin, b. 29 Jan. 1646-7, grad. H. C. 1665, assisted his father in the ministrv, and d. 15 Oct. 1687. 2. John, s. of John (1), grad. H. C. 1656, was ordained 20 July 1664, the first minister at Cambridge A'illage (now Newton), ni. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Willett of Swansea (first English mayor of New York); she d. 13 June 1664 (or 1665, as Jackson savs), and he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Gen. Daniel Gookin, 23 May 1666. By his "first wife he had Sarah, bap. 21 Sept. 1662, m. John Bowles of Roxbury 16 Nov. 1681; and by his second wife, John, b. 28 April 1667, who was educated by his grandparents, grad. H. C. 1685, and res. in AA'indsor, Conn. John the f. d. 11 Oct. 1668; his widow Elizabeth m. Col. Edmund Quincy 8 Dec, 1680. Mr. Eliot "was a person of notable accom plishments, and a lively, zealous, acute preacher, not only to the English at New Cambridge, but also to the Indians thereabout." Mather. 3. Ebenezer, parentage not ascertained, m. Susanna Soden 2 May 1745, and had Susanna, b. IS Mar. 1745-6, m. Aaron Swan 19 Sept. 1765; Hannah, b. 18 Jan. 1747-8; Ebenezer, b. 18 Aug. 1749; Lovisa, b. 20 Aug. 1751; Mar garet, b. 30 June 1753; Elizabeth Prentice, b. 27 Sept. 1755; Thomas, b. 3 Jan. 175S; Rebecca and Abigail, twins, b. 4 Feb. 1760. Before 1770 Mr. Eliot removed with his family to Royalston. Elmer, Edward, was here in 1635 and owned several tracts of land; but removed to Hartford before 1639. Ely, Nathaniel (or Elly), in 1635 res. on the westerly side. of Garden Street, nearly opposite to the Botanic Garden. He rem. with the first com pany to Connecticut, and was one of the purchasers of Norwalk from the Indians in 1651. At Hartford, he was "a Constable in 1639, Townsman in 1644, also in 1649, Juror in 1643, was in the division of land in 1639. He was one of the settlers of Norwalk, but afterwards rem. to Springfield. He was a loss to the Colony." Hinman. Emmons, Thomas, by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 26 Nov. 1683. Mary, m. Mephibosheth Bigsbee of Andover 28 May 1713. Thomas, m. Hannah Cutter 17 Nov. 1726. Hannah, m. Daniel Champney, Jr., 22 Sept. 1746. Ensign, James, in 1635, owned an estate on the easterly side of Brighton Street, extending from Jit. Auburn Street to AAlnthrop Street. He rem. with the first company to Hartford, where he was Constable in 1645 and 1648, and died 1670. See Hinman. Errington, Ann (otherwise written Erinton, Arrington, Herrington, and Harrington), a widow, died here 11 Dec. 1653; or according to the inscrip tion on her gravestone, the most ancient now standing in our burial ground, 25 Dec. 1653, a. 77. She was formerly of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as appears by a document recorded Mid. Reg. Deeds, i. 87. It is not known at what time she came here, nor whether she was at that time a widow. She left chil dren, Abraham; Rebecca, who ra. John AVatson; and possibly Robert of AVater town. ERRINGTON— FARRABAS. 541 2. Abraham, s. of Ann (1), m. Rebecca, dau. of Robert Cutler of Chs., and had Rebecca, bap. here, ni. John Gibson 9 Dec. 1668; Abraham, b. 11 Nov. 1652, d. young: Abraham, b. 1 Nov. 1654, d. young; Hannah, bap. here, in. Thomas Ayres, and was living in Newbury in 1699; Sarah, hap. here. ni. Lewis, and was living in 1716; Mary, bap. 13 Jan. 1660-61, d. prob. 1689; Abraham, bap. 8 Nov. 1663, d. prob. 1689; Ann, b. , m. Parker, and was living in 1697; Jacob, b. 12 Sept. 1668, d. 2 Oct. 1668; and perhaps others. Abraham the f. was a blacksmith, and res. on the easterly side of Brighton Street, about midway between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street ; he owned also the lot on the opposite side of the street, where the old "Porter Tavern" stands. He d. 9 May 1677, a. 55; his wid. Rebecca d. prob. 1697, as in that year she received alms for the last time of the Church, and in the same year a final settlement was made of her husband's estate. She seems to have endured much affliction in her old age. Frequent donations were made to her by the Church between 1686 and 1697, and for a much longer period to her daughters Gibson and Lewis, both widows. Especially, in 1689, " there was a contribution for widow Arrington and her family, they being under the afflicting hand of God; her sons were taken away by death, and her daughter, and a grandchild." The male line seems to have become extinct. Estabrook, Joseph, according to Savage came from Enfield in Middle sex, England, about 1660.' He grad. H. C. 1664, and was ordained at Con cord, where he continued in the ministry during life. He m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Hugh Mason, and had Joseph, b. 6 May 1669; Benjamin, b. 24 Feb. 1670-71; Mary, b. 28 Oct 1672; Samuel, b. 7 June 1674, grad. H. C 1696, ordained at Canterbury, Conn., 13 June 1711 (Trumbull), and d. 26 June 1727; Daniel, b. 14 Feb. 1675-6; Ann, b. 30 Dec. 1677. Such are the dates of Births, on the County Records. Savage has some of them different. I know not which is the more correct. Rev. Joseph the f. d. 16 Sept. 1711. 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph (1), in., at the Farms, Millicent AVoodis 31 Dec. 1689; she d. 20 Mar. 1692-3, and he m. Hannah, wid. of Joseph Loring, 25 Aug. 1693. His children were Joseph, b. 10 Oct. 1690; John, b. 28 July 1694; Solomon, b. 22 Dec. 1696, " deceased in 15 days;" Hannah, b. 2. Aug. 1698; Millicent, b. 21 Mar. 1700; Elijah, b. 25 Aug. 1703. Joseph the f. res. at Cambridge Farms, or Lexington, was a Captain, was elected Deacon 1716, and d. 23 Sept. 1733, a. 64. 3. Ben'Jamin, s. of Joseph (1), grad. H. C. 1690, commenced preaching at Camb. Farms in May 1692; was ordained there, 21 Oct. 1696, and d. 22 July 1697, a. 26. By his w. Abigail (dau. of Rev. Samuel AVillard), he had Benjamin, b. 13 Dec. 1695, and Richard, b. 5 July 1697. 4. Joseph, s. of Joseph (2), m. Submit, dau. of Joseph Loring, 8 July 1713; she d. 31 Mar. 1718, and he m. Hannah Bowman 26 Mar. 1719. His children were Joseph, b. 27 June, and d. 17 July 1714; Joseph, b. 16 and d. 18 Mar. 1717-18; Joseph, b. 9 Ap. 1720; Hannah, b. 22 Sept. 1725, d. young; Benjamin, b. 9 Oct. 1727, d. 29 Dec. 1728; Hannah, b. 24 Oct. 1728; Benjamin, b. 20 Dec. 1729 (whose son Joseph, b. 4 Mar. 1758, grad. H. C. 1782, was ordained at Athol 21 Nov. 1787, and d. 1830); a daughter, b. 6 Oct. 1731; Solomon, b. 10 June, and d. 1 Oct. 1733; Samuel, b. 16 June 1735; Millicent, b. 25 July 173S; Ebenezer, posthumous, b. 21 Sept. 1740. Joseph the f. succeeded liis father in the office of Deacon 1733, and d. 19 Aug. 1740, a. nearly 50. Estw ok, Pheasant, by w. Sarah, had Stephen, b. 3 Oct. 1679. Everett, Francis, ra. Mary Edwards 7 Dec. 1675. The name does not occur again on our Records, for about a century. . Fanning, Thomas, in. Elizabeth Daniel 17 May 1655. He was of Camb. in 1652, when he purchased of John Betts land in Billerica. He d. in Wat. 30 Aug. 1685, leaving wid. Elizabeth, and children, Mary, w. of Benoni Larned, Elizabeth, and Sarah. His w. Elizabeth d. 27 Jan. 1722, a. 92. Farrabas, Daniel, m. Rebecca Perriman 27 Mar. 1660; she d. 1 May 1677 in Camb., and he m. Deborah Rideat 22 May 1679. He had in Camb. 542 FARRAB AS — FESSENDEN. Daniel, b. 20 Nov. 1664; Thomas, b. 7 Mar. 1666-7; Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1669; in Concord, Rebecca, b. 15 Feb. 1672; Samuel, b. ; and in Marl borough, John, b. 1681; Isaac, b. 30 Oct. 1682; Jonathan, b. 12 Mar. 1684. Daniel the f. d. in Oct. 1687. This name subsequently underwent various transformations, becoming Farrowbush in 1688, and Forbush in 1693, at Marlborough, and afterwards Forbes at AVestborough. Fassett, Joseph, owned land at the Farms, 1699. He was prob. the same who m. Mary, dau. of William Munroe, and had Joseph, b. 6 Dec. 1701. 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph (1), res. at Lex., and by w. Amittai, had Joseph, b. and d. S Jan. 1726-7; Mary, b. 18 Aug. and d. 12 Oct. 1728; Joseph, b. 21 Mar. 1730-31; Amittai, b. 1 Feb. 1732-3; m. Simon Newton of Bedford 14 Nov. 1754; Mary, b. 9 May 1736 ; John, b. 7 Dec. 1739; Jonathan, b. 15 Mar. 1741-2; Sarah, b. 13 Jan. 1744-5. Joseph the f. d. 1755; his w. Amittai m. John Page of Bedford 15 Jan. 1756, and d. 25 Dec. 1771. Fean, Hannah, " Servant to Nathaniel Sparhawk," d. 11 Mar. 1650-11. Felch, Samuel, a tailor, rem. here from Weston in 1718, having w. Catherine and children, among whom were Catherine, m. Henry Prentice 31 Jan. 1728-9; and Jemima, m. Abraham Hasey 17 Jan. 1739-40; he had here, Ruth, b. 30 July 1719, d. 9 July 1722; Samuel, b. 21 Sept. 1721; Elizabeth, b. 13 Ap. 1723 ; Abigail, b. 26 Ap. 1725. Samuel the f. d. 1725, and his w. Catherine ni. Joseph Badger 2 June 1731. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel (1), had Eunice, bap. 16 Sept. 1744, and Samuel, bap. 21 Feb. 1747-8. Ferguson, Richard (Forginson on Town Rec. and Fergeson on Ch. Rec), m. Sarah Hurley 31 July 1690, and d. apparently s. p. 25 April 1701 ; his w. Sarah ni. John Laicore 11 Aug. 1701. 2. John, parentage not ascertained, had five children baptized here: Anne, 24 Jan. 1724-5; Mary, 26 Nov. 1727; John, 19 July 1730; James, 7 May 1732; David, 29 June 1735. Deliverance, owned the covenant in 1697, and was probably the same who m. AA'illiam Chamberlain at Watertown 20 Dec. 1698. Fessenden, John (otherwise written Fesenden, Fessinden, Fessington, Fezington, Fiziden, Fisenden, Fissendea, Fishenden, Fishington, Phesenden, and Phesington), was here as early as 1638, and res. at the southerly corner of AVinthrop and Eliot streets; which estate he sold in 1639, and purchased a house and land on the westerly side of Eliot Street south of Mt. Auburn Street. The family res. here for more than a century. Mr. Fessenden was a glover, Selectman eleven years, from 1656 until his death, and d. 21 Dec. 1666; his w. Jane d. 13 Jan. 16S2-3, a. 80. They left no children. Their estate was large, for that period, and descended by will to their " cousin Nicholas Fes senden," except a few legacies to others, among which was one of £30 to "cousin Hannah Sewall," prob. sister to Nicholas Fessenden. 2. Nicholas, prob. nephew to John (1), was a glover, and inherited the homestead. By his w. Margaret, he had Jane, b. 25 Oct. 1674, d. 24 July 1676 ; Hannah, b. 27 Aug. 1676, d. 4 Sept. 1676 ; John, b. 4 Oct. 1677 ; Nicholas, b. 12 Jan. 1680-81; Thomas, b. 4 and d. 28 Jan. 1682-3; Thomas, b. 12 Aug. 1684; Margaret, b. 22 Jan. 1686-7, living unm. 1742; Jane, b. 22 Ap. 1688, m. Samuel AA'inship 10 Jan. 1711-12; Mary, b. 28 Oct. 1689, m. Joshua Par ker 15 June 1712; Ebenezer, b. prob. 1692 ; WiUiam, b. 1694; Joseph, bap. 17 Jan. 1696-7; Anna, bap. 9 Jan. 1697-8; Benjamin, bap. 15 June 1701, grad. H. C. 1718, ord. at Sandwich, 12 Sept. 1722, and d. 7 Aug. 1746. Nicholas the f. d. 24 Feb. 1718-19, a. 68; his w. Margaret d. 10 Dec. 1717, a. 61. 3. John, s. of Nicholas (2), m. Sarah, dau. of John Squiers, and had John, b. 21 Oct. ; 704; Sarah, b. 17 July 1706, m. Thomas Cheney 30 July 1729; Jonathan, bap. 24 July 1709; Jabez', bap. 9 Jan. 1714-15, d. 1743; Mary, (named in division of her father's estate), m. Stephen Jennings of Framing ham, pub. 9 June 1737. John the f. was of Lexington 1721, and d. prob. 1739; his Inventory is dated 24 Nov. 1739. 4. Nicholas, s. of Nicholas (2), grad. H. C. 1701, in. Sarah, wid. of Ste phen Coolidge and dau. of Capt. Josiah Parker, 8 Aug. 1706, and had EUzabeth, FESSENDEN. 543 b. 19 May 1707, m. Jacob Sweetser of Maiden 4 May 1732; Sarah, b. 23 Oct. 1708; Nicholas, b. 8 July 1710, a brazier in Boston 1737, and prob. the same who d. there of apoplexy 22 Nov. 1753; Anne, bap. 11 May 1712, d. 6 June 1714; Mary, b. 19 May*1714, m. Mr. Timothy Bourne of Sandwich, pub. 26 Oct. 1741; Josiah, bap. 10 June 1716; Stephen, posthumous, bap. 25 Oct. 1719, grad. H. C. 1737, was a lawyer in AVorcester 1742, aud is said to have been remarkable for the neatness and accuracy of his official papers; he did not long remain in Worcester, but whither he removed is not ascertained. Nicholas the f. res. near the S. AV. eorner of Dunster and AA'inthrop streets; hewas Regi?ter of Probate 1704 to 1709, master of the Grammar School in Cambridge for many years, and d. suddenly (prob. of apoplexy), 5 Oct. 1719; his w. Sarah was Uving in 1 737. 5. Thomas, s. of Nicholas (2), m. AbigaU Poulter 1708: she d. 25 Ap. 1719, and he m. Abigail Locke 8 Jan. 1720; she d. 12 June 1736, and he m. Anna Fillebrown 29 Dec. 1737. After about 1712, he resided at Lex. His children were Thomas, b. 9 Dec. 1709; Samuel, b. 11 Aug. 1711; Abigail, b. 13 July 1713; Mary, b. 17 Jan. 1716; Elizabeth, b. , d. 25 An. 1719; Elizabeth, b. 18 Mar. 1721 : Jonathan, b. 28 Ap. 1723; Hannah, b. 18 June 1725, d. young; Hannah, b. 19 Jan. 1726-7, d. 21 Ap. 1729; John, b. 27 Ap. 1729, rem. to Rutland, was Representative, Senator, member of the Committee on Confis cated Estates, Justice of the Peace, etc., and d. of apoplexy 7 Ap. 1793, a. 64, having had seven children (See Reed's Hist, of Rutland) ; Timothy, b. 6 May 1731; Benjamin, b. 9 Jan. 1733-4; Submit, b. 28 May 1736, d. 6 Jan. 1737. Thomas the f. d. 6 Mar. 1738, a. 53; his w. Anna d. at Menotomy (suicide) 12 July 1753, a. 62. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Nicholas (2), m. Elizabeth Barrett 13 June 1733, and Alice Badcock 16 Ap. 1742. His children were Alice, bap. 18 Dec. 1743, ra. Thomas Ireland, Jr., of Chs. 28 Jan. 1768; Elizabeth, bap. 27 Ap. 1746, m. William Stanwood of Portsmouth, N. H. (pub. 30 Ap. 1768) ; Lucy, bap. 30 Sept. 1750, m. Samuel Foster of Portsmouth, N. H., 15 Oct. 1772. Ebenezer the f. d. about 1756 (his will proved 13 Sept. 1756), and his w. Alice m. James Pierce 26 June 1760. 7. William, s. of Nicholas (2), m. Martha, dau. of AA'illiam AVyeth 12 Oct. 1716, and Martha, dau. of Ichabod Brown. His children were Ruth, b. 28 June 1717, m. John Hunt of Watertown ; William, b. 7 Dec. 171S; Martha, b. 29 Feb. 1719-20, m. John Cheney (pub. 23 Sept. 1738), and was living, his widow, in Rox. 1760; Margaret, b. 8 Nov. 1721, d. 17 Sept. 1722; Benjamin, b. 14 Jan. 1722-3. d. 21 Sept. 1723; Benjamin, b. 23 Oct. 1724, d. 21 Nov. 1724; Nicholas, b. 22 Nov. 1725; Peter, b. 16 Aug. 1728, was living in Rut land District' (now Barre), 1760; John, b. 16 June 1730; Hannah, b. 15 Aug. 1732, m. John Wright, a phvsician in Camb. (pub. 25 Jan. 1752-3), d. 9 Dec. 1800, a. 68; Benjamin, bap*. 25 Aug. 1734; Ebenezer, bap. 10 July 1737; Thomas, bap. 15 July 1739, grad. H. C. 1758, ord. at AA'alpole, N. II., 7 Jan. 1767, and d. 9 May 1813 (he was father to Thos. G. Fessenden, well known as an editor and a poet, who d. at Boston of apoplexy 11 Nov. 1837); Afar- garet, bap. 17 Jan. 1741-2, d. unm. 22 Feb. 1815, a. 73; Martha, bap. 19 Oct. 1746, according to the Record; but another Martha was then living, and the Record may be suspected of error. Nicholas, Benjamin, and Ebenezer are not named in the division of their father's estate, and probably died young ; only one Martha had a share. AVilliam the f. was a farmer, and res. on the old homestead. He d. 26 May 1756, a. 62; his w. Martha and eight children survived. 8. Joseph, s. of Nicholas (2), m. Mindwell, wid. of John Oldham, 6 Dec. 1733. The only chdd recorded was Margaret, bap. 11 Dec. 1737, the f. having previously deceased. 9. John, s. of John (3), m. Mary Nowell 19 Sept. 1723, and had Grace, bap. 26 Ap. 1724. m. Daniel Smith 10 June 1742; Martha, bap. 17 Oct. 1725, m. Alexander Thompson (pub. 24 Mar. 1743-4); Sarah, bap. 13 Ap. 1729; Margaret, bap. 29 Aug. 1731. 10. Jonathan, s. of John (3), m. Elizabeth Newell of Brookline (pub. 16 544 FESSENDEN — FILLEBROAVN. Aug. 1 735.) He was a victualler on the south side of the river, and d. 21 Nov. 1770; hisw. Elizabeth d. 25 July 1776, a. 61. The estate was divided 5 Dec. 1782, to chil., Jonathan, Josiah, Moses, Mary, and heirs of Samuel, deceased. 11. Josiah, s. of Nicholas (4), was a brazier in Camb. 1737, and in Boston 1 745. He is supposed to be the same who was pub. to Ruth Frost of Camb. 25 Oct. 1755. He then resided in Boston. 12. AVilliam, s. of AVilliam (7), grad. H. C. 1737, m. Mary, dau. of Stephen Palmer, and had Martha, b. 8 June 1740, d. 11 May 1741; Nicholas b. 14 Ap. 1742, d. voung; Mary, bap. 29 July 1744, d. 15 Nov. 1749 ; Sarah, b. 8 Aug. and d. 12* Sept. 1746; William, b. 3 Nov. 1747, grad H. C. 1768, taught school at Topsfield a short time, while there, m. Sarah Read of Camb. 22 Jan. 1771, was ord. at Fryeburg, Me., Oct. 1775, and d. May 1805. Stephen, bap. 20 May 1750; Mary, bap. 1 Mar. 1751-2; Nicholas, bap. 8 Sept. 1754; Ebenezer, bap. 13 Feb. 1757. AVilliam the f. taught the Gram mar School in Camb. several years, and d. of apoplexy 1 7 June 1 758, a. 39. 13. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (10), m. Elizabeth Parker 2 Sept. 1763, and had Boradel, bap. 14 Ap. 1765, m. William Cooper 1 Sept. 1784. 14. Josiah, s. of Jonathan (10), by w. Elizabeth had Pemberton, bap. 29 Oct. 1769; William, bap. 10 June 1770; Sarah, bap. 12 Dec. 1773, d. of con sumption, at the almshouse, 6 Jan. 1797, a. 23; Josiah, bap. 7 July 1776; James, bap. 9 Aug. 1778, d. at the almshouse 14 Sept. 1795, a. 17. Josiah the f. d. at the almshouse 15 Ap. 1793, a. 47. 15. Samuel, s. of Jonathan (10), was a victualler on the south side of the river, and m. Sarah Spring 23 Nov. 1762. Administration on his estate was granted 4 Aug. 1772 to his w. Sarah, and guardians were appointed for his children, Henry and Samuel, 4 Dec. 1782. Hannah, prob. sister to Nicholas (2), m. John Sewall, brother to Judge Sewall, 28 Oct. 16 74. Mary. m. Elisha Hagar 19 Aug. 1752. Sarah, buried at Menotomy 28 Jan. 1775. Martin, d. "by accident," 19 Feb. 1798. Fillebrown, Thomas (otherwise written Phillebrown), was admitted to the Church 18 May 1666. By w. Anna he had Thomas, bap. 20 May 1666. Mary, b. 5 May 1662, bap. 20 May 1666, m. Nathaniel Cutter 8 Oct. 1688 ; Hannah or Anna, bap. 14 Oct. 1666, d. 9 Aug. 16S5. He prob. also had s. John, b. about 1672. Thomas the f. d. 7 June 1713, a. 82; his w. Anna d. 31 Mar. 1714, a. 82. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), va. Rebecca, dau. of Richard Cutter, 19 Dec. 1688, and had Thomas, b. 18 Sept. 1689; Anna, b. 13 Dec. 1691, m. Thomas Fessenden of Lexington (pub. 5 Nov. 1737), survived him, and died by sui cide 12 July 1753; Isaac, b. 7 Sept. 1693; Rebecca, b. 6 Nov. 1695; John, b. 4 Jan. 1699-1700; Elizabeth, b. 10 May 1703; Sarah, b. 5 July 1707; Abigail, b. 18 Aug. 1711. Thomas the f. d. prob. 1736 (adra. granted to his s. Isaac 7 June 1736); his w. Rebecca d. 26 July 1741, a. 76. 3. John, prob. s. of Thomas (1), by w. Sarah had John, b. 12 Oct. 1698, d. 8 Nov. 1716; Mary, b. 5 Nov. 1700; Thomas, b. 5 June 1703; Sarah, b. 31 Dec. 1704; Anna, b. 26 Jan. 1706-7, m. Gershom Cutter 3d, 13 Feb. 1728-9; Elizabeth, b. 20 x\.p. 1709, m. Moses Bordman, Jr., 25 Dec. 1746; Edward, hap. 18 May 1712; Ruth, bap. 23 Jan. 1714-15, m. Benj. Storer, Boston (pub. 4 June 1738). His w. Sarah d. 16 Oct. 1716. Perhaps the following were his children by a second wife : John, bap. 6 Nov. 1720; Mercy, bap. 1 Sept. 1723. John the f. d. 23 Oct. 1756, a. about 85. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas (2), m. Isabel dau. of Gershom Cutter, 9 Dec. 1713; he was admitted into the Church 16 Mar. 1717-18. 5. Isaac, s. of Thomas (2), m. Hannah , and had Isaac, John, and Rich ard, all bap. 4 Oct. 1 724 ; Hannah, bap. 6 Feb. 1 725-6, m. Solomon Prentice, Jr.i at Chs. 2 Nov. 1744; Mary, bap. 25 Mar. 1728, m. Rand; Rebecca, bap. 29 Mar. 1730, m. Nehemiah Mason; James, bap. 13 Feb. 1731-2; Thomas, hap. 16 June 1734; Elizabeth, bap. 9 Nov. 1735, m. Hunnewell; Sarah, hap. 23 Ap. 1738, d. unm. 7 Feb. 1803. Isaac the f. d. prob. 1767 (will proved 10 Dec); his w. and all the children except John and James survived. FILLEBROAA'N— FISHER — FISKE. 545 6. John, s. of Thomas (2), res. in Chs. and d. 17 Oct. 1772, a. nearly 73. 7. Edward, s. of John (3). in. Susanna , and had Edward, b. 8 June 1749; Sarah, b. 29 Oct. 1752; Elizabeth, b. 5 Jan. 1755; Ruth,b. 25 Oct. 1757; and perhaps others. His w. Susanna d. 23 June 1772, and he in. (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Stearns 7 Dec. 1775. He d. 16 June 1793. 8. Isaac, s. of Isaac (5), m. , and had John, bap. 24 Nov. 1745; Hannah, bap. 26 Ap. 1747; Mary, bap. 6 May 1750; Elizabeth, bap. 12 Ap. 1752; Rebecca, bap. 1 Dec. 1754, d. young; Rebecca, bap. 5 Sept. 1759; Thomas, bap. 5 Sept. 1762. 9. Richard, s. of Isaac (5), m. Mehetabel , and had James, b. 23 Nov. 1751 ; Samuel, b. 27 Nov. 1753, m. Mary Pitts 9 Nov. 1775; » child, b. and d. 3 June 1756; Richard and Mehetabel, twins, bap. 11 May 1758, of whom the first d. 25 Feb. 1759, and the other d. young: Mehetabel, b. 28 Jan. 1761. Richard tbe f. d. (in the army) at Kittery 20" Nov. 1762; his w. Me hetabel d. prob. 1764 (administration granted 8 Oct.). 10. Thomas, prob. s. of Isaac (5), m. , and had Hannah, bap. 25 Oct. 1772, m. Josiah Morse 12 May 1793; she d. and he m. Hannah Brown 1 Dec. 1778, and had Thomas, bap. 3 Oct. 1779 ; Dorcas and Susanna, twins, bap. 21 Ap. 1782; John. bap. 11 July 1784; James, bap. 20 Aug. 1786; Elizabeth, bap. 20 July 1788; Leonard, bap. 28 Feb. 1790. His w. Hannah d. 3 Oct. 1797, a. 47. Rebecca, wid. of Thomas Fillebrown, who d. at AVest Camb. 18 Aug. 1840, a. 85, was perhaps his third wife. 11. Edward, perhaps s. of Edward (7), ni. Lydia Prentice 23 Aug. 1770, and had Lydia, bap. 16 June 1771, m. Nathaniel P. AVatson 9 Feb. 1797; Edward, bap. 20 Sept. 1772; Jonas, bap. 22 June 1777. Edward the f. was a tanner, and res. on the westerly side of North Avenue, not far southerly from Linnsean Street. He d. 9 July 1798, a. 54 (so the age i3 expressed on the gravestone ; but if this be correct, hewas not the son of Edward, 7). His w. Lydia d. 2 Dec. 1832, a. 87. 12. James, s. of Richard (9), m. Elizabeth Prentice 5 June 1774; she d. and he m. wid. Phebe Barnard 24 May 1798. His children were James, b. 3 Nov. 1 774; Elizabeth, b. 26 Sept. 1778, m. Joseph Seaver Sept. 1795 ; Samuel Sprague, b. 30 Nov. USO; Richard, b. 8 Aug. 1783, m. Charlotte Lowe 26 May 1819, and d. 31 May 1829; John, b. 25 May 1786, prob. m. Joanna Mor rison 2 June 1816, and d. 24 Dec. 1S39; Sdas Barnard, b. 15 Aug. 1799, m. Rebecca R. Richardson 4 July 1S24, and d. 27 April 1857 ; William Jenks, b. 29 Jan. 1S02. James the f res. on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, be tween Harvard and Mount Auburn streets, and d. 22 Oct. 1816, a. 65. His w. Phebe d. 28 Nov. 1S51, a. 92. 13. Edward, s. of Edward (11), m. Elizabeth Barrett 16 Ap. 1801, had Elizabeth, b. 20 Ap. 1806, and perhaps others, and d. 13 July 1817, a. 45. 14. Jonas, s. of Edward (11), m. Mary , and had Mary, b. Aug. 1799. Hed. 19 Nov. 1799, a. 22. 15. James, s. of James (12), m. Elizabeth Newland 2 Ap. 1795, and had Elizabeth, b. 24 June 1797; Mary, named in her grandfather's will, and living in 1816. James the f. d. on a voyage to the N. AV. coast within the year previous to Sept. 1805, when his wid. Elizabeth was appointed admx. _ 16. Samuel Sprague, s. of James (12), was prob. the same who is called Samuel, on the Record, and by w. Dorcas bad Elmira, b. 28 Mar. 1806, d. Ap. 1806. He d. before 10 May 1816. leaving children to whom bequests were made by their grandfather. This "family resided principally near the line between Camb. and Chs., and many of the births were not recorded in either town. Very little is to be gleaned from the Probate Records, to assist in determining the true Une or descent. I apprehend there may be errors in the foregoing sketch. Fisher, Thomas, in 1635 re's, at the N. W. corner of Holyoke and South streets. He rem. early, but would seem not to have settled in Hartford, as he forfeited his lot there. Hinman. Fiske, David, of AA'atertown, freeman 1638, d. 1661 leaving son David and dau. Fitch. 35 546 FISKE — FITT. 2. David, s. of David (1), was early in Camb. and m. Lydia, sister of Deac. John Cooper, and dau. of Deac. Gregory Stone's second wife; she d. 29 Nov. 1654, and he m. Seaborn AVilson of Ipswich 6 Sept. 1655. His chil dren were Sarah, b. , d. 8 May 1647; Lydia, b. 29 Ap. 1647, m. Nicholas Wyeth 6 Sept. 1681, and d. without issue 10 Mar. 1697-8; David, b. 1 Sept. 1648, d. 20 Sept. 1649 ; David, b. 15 Ap. 1650; Ephraim, b. 13 Aug. 1653, d. 14 Sept. 1653; Elizabeth, bap. here, m. John Russell; Sarah, bap. here, prob. d. young; Hannah (or Anna), bap. 27 Nov. 1659, m. Timothy Carter of AVo burn ; Abigail, b. 1 Feb. 1674, m. Henry Baldwin of AVoburn. David the f. rem. from AVatertown to Camb. about 1646, and res. on the northerly side of Linnaean Street, near the Botanic Garden, which estate he sold to Joseph Daniel 12 Dec. 1660, and prob. rem. to the Farms (Lex.) about the same time. He was a wheelwright, but much employed in public service, especially as a surveyor of lands. He was Selectman 1688, and Representative in the critical period of 1689. He was one of the most prominent men in the settle ment at the Farms; precinct clerk, and assessor; the first subscriber for erect ing a meeting-house there, and the first named member of the Church. He d. 14 Feb. 1710-11, a. 87. His w. Seaborn d. prob. 1720. 3. David, s. of David (2), by w. Sarah, had David, b. 5 Jan. 1676-7; Jonathan, b. 19 May 1679; Robert, b. 8 May 1681, a physician, d. IS Ap. 1753; Anna, b. 2 Ap. 1683; Lydia, b. 14 May 1685, m. Joseph Loring; Sarah, b. 16 June 1687; Abigail, b. 20 May 1689, d. 13 Aug. 1691; Ebenezer, b. 12 Sept. 1692. David the f. res. at the Farms (or Lex.), and d. 23 Oct. 1729 ; his w. Sarah d. 22 Ap. 1729. See Hudson's Hist. Lex. 4. Thaddeus, s. of Jonathan of Weston, a descendant from Nathan of Watertown, b. 22 June 1762, ni. Lucy, dau. of Rev. Jonas Clark of Lex., 17 June 1789, and had Horatio Hancock, b. 22 June 1790, m. Letitia AVhitte more 29 Mar. 1818, and d. 13 Sept. 1829; Elmira, b. 23 Ap. 1792, m. Joseph Adams, a lawyer, 19 Nov. 1811, and d. s. p. 13 June 1854. Thaddecs the f. grad. H. C. 1785, and received tbe degree of D. D. from Columbia College, N. Y., in 1821 ; he was ordained pastor of the Church in Menotomy 23 Ap. 1 7S8, which office he resigned 23 Ap. 1828, and d. 14 Nov. 1855 ; his w. Lucy d. 9 Mar. 1855, a. 88. 5. Isaac, brother of Thaddeus (4), b. 4 Dec. 1778, m. Sukey Hobbs of Weston 7 Nov. 1802: and had Isaac, b. — - — , d. young; Augustus Henry, b. 19 Sept. 1805, II. C. 1825, a lawyer in Boston, d. 22 Mar. 1864; Isaac Lam- son, b. 18 Mar. 1810; Georqe, b. 19 Nov. 1813; Susan Ann, b. 22 Oct. 1S15; Andrew, b. S May 1817; Edumrd, b. 17 Dec. 1819. Isaac the f. grad. II. C. 1798, was a lawyer in AVeston, Register of Probate in Middlesex from 1817 to 1851, res. alternately at AVeston and Cambridge, and d. 11 Mar. 1861. 6. Nathan, s. of Samuel of AValtham, a descendant from John of Water- town, b. 6 Dec. 1780 (according to the family record, or 17 79, as Bond re cords it), settled early in Camb., in. Anna Livermore, dau. of Josiah Mason, 13 July 1805, and had Clementina, b. 12 Aug. 1805, d. young; Frederick Wil liam, b. Nov. 1806, d. young ; Sarah Russell Mason, b. 16 Dec. 1S0S, m. James Munroe, Jr , 8 Oct. 1834 ; Elijah, b. 1 Feb. 1811, m. Charlotte D. En dicott 5 Oct. 1837, a merchant in New York, where he d. 4 Dec. 1859 ; Mary Lois, b. 1 May 1813, m. Alexander H. Ramsay 8 Ap. 1835; Margaret, b. 1 April 1815, m. David Humphrey 15 Nov. 1837; Benjamin, b. 9 May 1817, d. young; Elbridge Gerry, b. 26 July 1819, m. Sarah P. Teele 24 Nov. 1842 ; Joseph Bradley Varnum, b. Aug. 1821, d. young ; Josiah Mason, b. 23 Oct. 1823, in. Martha T. Smith; Anna Abigail, b. 10 Julv 1826, m. Nathaniel Prentiss 4 May 1844 ; Charles Carroll, b. 11 June 182*8, grad. H. C. 1849. Nathan the f. was a grain dealer near AVest Boston Bridge, and afterwards Deputy Sheriff, and otherwise engaged in public business. Late in life he res. on Holyoke Place and on North Avenue, and d. 27 April 1868, his w. Anna L. d. 12 Sept. 1861, a. 77. Fitt, Robert, owned an estate, 1638, on the southerly side of AVinthrop Street, nearly opposite the southwesterly corner of AA'inthrop Square. Per haps he was identical with Robert Fitts, who was at " Salisbury 1640 ; rem. to Ipswich, and d. about 1665, leaving a wife Grace, and son Abraham." Farmer. FOORTH — FOX. 547 Foorth, Roger, (in the margin written Foord), d. 24 Ap. 1044. No further record of this family, whose name was prob. Ford. Foster, Thomas, styled a physician on the Court Files, was prob. s. of Thomas Foster of AVevmouth. He was in Roxbury 15 Oct. 1662, when lie va. Sarah Parker, dau. of Robert Parker of Camb., who bequeathed property in 1684 to his dau. Sarah Foster. His children, at Roxbury, were Thomas, b. 1 Aug. 1663 : Sarah, b. 3 June 1667, prob. m. Thomas Williams of Stow; Hannah, b. 23 July 1669 ; Jonathan, b. 21 Sept. 1671 ; and in Camb. Elizabeth, b. 26 Sept. 1677. He d. here 16 Sept. 1679, or as inscribed on bis grave stone 28 Oct. 1679. a. 39. His widow Sarah survived, and was empowered by the General Court, May 16S0, to sell land in Roxbury. See Gen. Reg., xxvi. 394. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), m. Experience Parker 30 Nov. 1686. He removed to Stow, had sou Thomas, b. 18. Sept. 1687, and was living in 1715. 3. Bossenger, s. of Thomas and grandson of Thomas who ni. Ann Bos- senger, in Boston, 1 June 1711, res. on the estate now owned by Samuel Batch- elder, Esq., on the south side of Brattle Street, west of Ash Street. He was a gentleman of leisure, and d. of gout 23 Ap. 1S05, a. 63. He m. Mary, sister to Andrew Craigie. and had (all prob. b. in Boston) Bossenger, grad. H. C. 1787, a lawyer," d. unm. of palsy 17 Jan. 1816, a. 4S; EUzabeth, in. Hon. Samuel Haven of Dedham ; Andrew, grad. H. C. 1800, a physician in Ded ham, m. Marv Conant in Camb. 19 Nov. 1813, and d. 1831 ; John, b. — July 1782, grad. H. C. 1802, d. unm. 3 Nov. 1836 ; Thomas, grad. H. C. 1805, a physician, Town Clerk 1827, d. unm. Feb. 1831, a. 46; James, grad. H. C. 1806, a lawyer. Register of Probate for a short period, d. unm., of dysentery, 27 Aug. 1817 ; Geork, b. 5 Jan. 1699-1700; E'benezer, b. 30 Oct. 1701, d. 23 Mar. 1702-3; Lydia, b. 20 Ap. 1703, m. Joseph Tufts; Ebenezer, b. 25 Mar. 1 708. John the f. was a brickmaker, and rem. to Medf. where he d. 3 Jan. 1727-8, a. 78, and administration was granted to his eldest son John. The following extract from Judge Sewall's Diary refers to him: "Aug. 7, 1674. New College raised. John Francis, helping about raising the New College, had his right leg (both bones) broke, a little above the ankle, and his left thigh, about four inches below the joint, by a piece that fell on him." This accident probably occasioned a permanent lameness; such at least, is a fair inference from a petition presented to the Council of AVar, in the summer of 1676: "The petition of Stephen Francis humbly showeth, that your peti tioner, being by trade a brickmaker, and having been several times abroad on the country's service, and now hath a servant out in his stead, his father at home, ancient, and his brother lame, and this season only being the time for his calling which he is altogether unable to follow for want of the abovesaid servant ; your petitioner humbly intreats your Honors to consider his dis tressed condition, and give order for the release of his said servant Amoras Mackfassitt, that is in his stead, that so they may improve the summer for their calling; and your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray." 4. Nathaniel, s. of John (3), res. in Medf. and thence rem. to Chs. where he d. 2 Sept. 1764, a. 71, leaving wife Ann (who d. at Mason, N. H., 31 Dec. 1777, a. 74), and three sons, Nathaniel, Benjamin, and Richard. Of these FRANCIS —FRENCH. 551 sons, Nathaniel m. in Camb. Phebe Frost 11 Ap. 1751; Benjamin m. Lydia Convers of Medf. 7 Ap. 1757, by whom he had Benjamin, d. at Baltimore; James, AVilliam. a daughter, and Convers, b. 14 July 1766, d. 27 Nov. 1856, whose son Convers Francis, D. D., b. in Camb. 9 Dec. 1795, was one of the professors in Harvard College and d. 7 Ap. 1863; by his second w. Sarah Hall, Benjamin Francis had Sarah, m. Ephraim Bound of Middletown, Conn.; Simon; Nathaniel, drowned in the British Channel; Lydia, m. Job AVyeth of Camb. 31 Jan. 1804; Ebenezer; Stephen. 5. Samuel, s. of John (3). res. in Medf., where he d., and administration was granted to Aaron Blanchard 1 Dec. 1 7 78. His estate was divided be tween the heirs of son John, dec; heirs of Samuel, dec. (b. at Medf. Jan. 1728-9); Lydia, w. of Ebenezer Blunt; Mary, w. of AVilliam Tufts; heirs of Hannah, dec. w. of Dickson ; heirs of Sarah, dec. w. of Abraham Smith; and Rebecca, w. of Aaron Blanchard. 6. Joseph, s. of John (3), res. in Medf. where he d. 1 Feb. 1748, and ad ministration was granted to w. EUzabeth. His children, recorded at Medf., were, Elizabeth, b. 7 Nov. 1736, prob. the same who d. unm. at Medf. Feb. 1829; Lydia, b. 12 Dec. 1737; Joseph, b. 17 July 1741. 7. Ebenezer. s. of John (3). res. in Medf. and by w. Rachel had Susanna, b. 28 Nov. 1734: Abigail, b. 6 Oct. 1736; Lucy, b. 12 Mar. 1738-9, m. Ed ward AVilson 23 Nov. 1758; Sarah, b. 6 June 1741; Ebenezer, b. 22 Dec. 1743; WiUiam, b. 20 Ap. 1746; Thomas, b. 15 July 1748, m. Susanna Hill 11 July 1771; Aaron, b. 16 Feb. 1750-51: John, b. 28 Sept. 1753. 8. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (7), rem. to Beverly 1764, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary Army, highly distinguished for his bravery and good con duct, and was slain in battle"at Hubbardton, Vt., 7 July 1777. By his w. Ju dith AVood, ra. 1766, he had four daughters and one son, Ebenezer Francis, of Boston, Treasurer of Harvard College, who d. 20 Sept. 1S58. 9. Aaron. ?. of Ebenezer (7), rem. to Beverly, where he d. 1825, a. about 74; his son Ebenezer, b. at Bev. 18 Oct. 1790, has for many years resided here, and is father of Rev. Eben Francis. 10. John, s. of Ebenezer (7), rem. to Beverly, was adjutant in the regi ment of his brother, Col. Franc-is, at the Hubbardton Battle, afterwards Col. of militia, and d. 30 July 1822, a. nearly 69. French, AA'illiam, by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. in England about 1631, m. ElUs of Dedham; Mary, b. about 1633, "bap. in England, be tween two and three years old at her father's joining; John, bap. by Mr. Hooker, in Camb." about 1635 (Mitchell). Sarah, b. Mar. 1638; Jacob, b. 16 Jan. 1639^0: Hannah, b. 2 Feb. 1641-2, d. 20 June 1642; prob. an other Hannah, b. about 1643, m. John Brackett at Billerica, 6 Sept. 1661; Samuel, b. 3 Dec. 1645, d. 15 July 1646. AVilliam the f. was a tailor, aud Lieutenant of the militia; he res. on the westerly side of Dunster Street, about midway between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street, which estate he bought in 1639, and sold to AA'illiam Barrett, 10 June 1656. About 1653, he removed to Billerica and was the first Representative of that town, 1666; his w. Elizabeth d. 31 Mar. 1668, and he m. Mary, wid. of John Stearns, 6 Mav 16"«9, and had Mary, b. 3 Ap. 1670; Sarah, b. 29 Oct. 1671; Abigail, b. 14 Ap. 1673, d. 13 Ap. 1674; AVilliam the f. d. 20 Nov. 1681, a. 78. 2. John, brother to AVilliam (1), by w. Joanna, had John,b. about 1635; Sarah, b. Oct. 1637, dismissed to the Church in Billerica 16 May 1664, and prob. the same who m. John Trull 11 Dec. 1657; Joseph, b. 4 Ap. 1640; Nathaniel, b. 7 June 1643, prob. d. young. John the f. was a tailor, and res. at the S. E. corner of Holyoke and Mount Auburn streets, nearly on the spot which now makes the N." E. corner of said streets. He was buried 16 Feb. 1615-6. and his w. Joanna, 20 Jan. 1645-6. His brother AVilUam French of Billerk-a administered, and sold tbe homestead to Robert Browne, 1657 ; " John French, son and heir of said John French," joined in the sale. 3. Richard, prob. brother to AA'illiam (1), was here a short time, and by w. Martha, had Samuel, b. 13 July 1653. He res. on the northerly side of 552 FRENCH— FROST. ¦ Bow Street, on the estate formerly of Nicholas Danforth, which he bought 26 Jan. 1651-2, and sold to Edmund Angier 8 Oct. 1654, after which time no trace is found of him here. 4. John, prob. s. of AVilliam (1), settled in Billerica, and m. Abigail Coggan of Barnstable 21 June 1659; she d. 5 Ap. 1662, and he m. Hannah Burrage 3 July 1663; she d. 7 July 1067, and he m. Mary Rogers 14 Jan. 1667-8; she d. 16 June 1677, and he m. another Mary soon afterwards. His children were Hannah, b. 11 Jan. 1663-4, m. John Kittredge 3 Aug. 1685; Abigail, b. 6 Dec. 1665; Man/, b. 1 Mar. 1669-70; John, b. 15 May 1679; Elizabeth, b. 24 July 1681 ; WiUiam, b. 26 Nov. 1683, d. 21 Ap. 1686; Wil liam, b. 18 Aug. 3 687. John the f. d. Oct. 1712, a. 78. 5. Jacob, s. of AVilliam (1), settled in Billerica, and m. Mary, dau. of Elder Champney of Camb, 20 Sept. 1665; she d. 1 Ap. 1681, and he m. Mary Convers 3 June 1685. His chil. were Jacob, b. 20 Feb. 1666-7; William, b. 18 July 166S; Mary, b. 6 Oct. and d. 12 Nov. 1669; John, b. 3 Dec. 1670; Joseph, b. 5 May 1673; Jabez, b. and d. 16 Sept. 1674; Hannah, b. and d. 23 Oct. 1677; Elizabeth, b. 8 June 1679; Sarah, b. 7 Mar. 1680-81; Abigail, b. 20 Ap. 16S6, d. 29 Mar. 1687. Jacob the f. d. 20 May 1713, a.' 73; his w. Mary d. 18 June 1686. 6. Joseph, s. of John (2), settled in Billerica, m. Experience Foster 4 Nov. 1663, and had Joseph, b. 25 Mar. and d. 25 Ap. 1667; Elizabeth, b. 16 July 1668; Joseph, b. 7 Mar. 1669-70; John, b. 30 Jan. 1671-2; Nathaniel, b. 6 May 1674; Thomas, b. 29 Feb. 1675-6; Sarah, b. 6 and d. 20 Ap. 1677; Jacob, b. 26 Ap. 1678. Frost, Edmund. Ruling Elder of the Church in Camb, came here in 1635, and by w. Thomasine, had John, b. in England about 1634; Thomas, b. Ap. 1637, d. young; Samuel, b. Feb. 1637-8; Joseph, b. 13 Jan. 1638-9; James, b. 9 Ap. 1640; Mary, b. 24 July 1645; Ephraim; Thomas: Sarah,b. 1653. Elder Frost bought of Thomas Blodgett, about 1639, an estate on the westerly side of Dunster Street, between Hai-vard Square and Mount Auburn Street, which he sold soon afterwards to wid. Catherine Haddon; he then bought a house on the westerly side of Garden Street, near Mason Street, which he occupied in 1642, but sold to Richard Eccles in 1646. His subse quent residence is not known with certainty ; but several circumstances indi cate that he occupied the estate on the northerly side of Kirkland Street, extending from Divinity Hall Avenue to and beyond Francis Avenue, which estate remained in possession of his posterity until a very recent period. He was reputed to be rich in Faith, and manifestly enjoyed the confidence of Shepard and his Church. Yet he had trial of earthly poverty ; and while his associate, Elder Champney, added acre to acre and became one of the largest landholders in town, he possessed little besides his homestead, and his press ing wants were relieved b}' the Church. His w. Thomasine d. and before 1669 he m. wid. Reana Daniel, who survived him. He d. 12 July 1672, leaving to his children the example of a godly life. 2. John, s. of Edmund (1), m. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Andrew, 26 June 1666, and had John, b. 19 Nov. 1667, was a mason, and resided in Salem 1696; Rebecca, b. 3 Dec. 1669, m. Deac. Joseph Coolidge, and d. 1 July 1750 (her dau. Rebecca was w. to the first, and mother to the second, Prof. AVig- glesworth); Thomas, b. , was a weaver, and resided here in 1696. John the f. d. and administration was granted, 30 Sept. 1672, to wid. Rebecca, for herself and her three children. The wid. m. George Jacobs, Jr., of Danvers Village, 9 Feb. 1674, and was imprisoned during the witchcraft delusion. 8. Samuel, s. of Edmund (1), by w. Mary, had in Camb, Samuel, b. 21 Aug. 1664; Isaac, b. 21 Oct. 1666; Edmund, b. 21 Aug. 1668; he rem. to Billerica as early as 1674, at which time he had m. Elizabeth Miller, by whom he had John, b. 2 Ap. 1678; Benjamin, b. 10 Aug. 1683; Jonathan, b. 3 Nov. 1685; Daniel, b. 12 and d. 14 Ap. 1689; Edmund, b. 1 Mar. 1691-2. A son Edmund had d. 12 Feb. 1690-91. Samuel the f. d. at Billerica 12 Aug. 1711, a. 73. 4. Joseph, s. of Edmund (1), settled in Chs., m. Hannah Miller 22 May FROST. 553 1666, and had Jabez, b. 12 Dec. 1667; Susanna, b. 27 Jan. 1668-9; Joseph, b. 15 Feb. 1670-71, perhaps the same who ni. Sarah Whittemore 12 Jan. 1707-8; Stephen, b. 9 Mar. 1672-3; Nathaniel, bap. 7 May 1676; Hannah, b. 30 Aug. 1677; Abigail, b. 12 Mar. 1679-80; Miller, b. 28 Feb. 1682-3; Faith, b. 9 Sept. 1687. Joseph the f. d. about 1692, and administration was granted to wid. Hannah 23 Jan. 1692--3. 5. James, s. of Edmund (1), settled in Billerica, and m. Rebecca Hamlet 17 Dec. 1664; she d. 20 Aug. 1666, and he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Foster, 22 Jan. 1666-7. His children were James, b. 14 Aug. 1666; Thomas, b. 18 Oct. 1667; John, b. 14 Nov. 1668, d. 3 Mar. 1668-9; Samuel, b. 28 Feb. 1669-70; Elizabeth, b. 6 Nov. 1672, m. Peter Cornell; Edmund, b. 14 and d. IS May 1675; Sarah, b. 15 July 1678, m. Howard; Hannah, b. 31 Jan. 1680-81 ; Joseph, b. 21 Mar. 1682-3; Abigail, b. 23 Aug. 1685, m. Ephraim Kidder; Benjamin, b. 8 Mar. 1687-8, and Mary, who in. John Walker. James the f. was deacon of the Billerica Church, and d. 12 Aug. 1711, a. 71; his w. Elizabeth survived. 6. Ephraim. s. of Edmund (1), by w. Hepzibah , had Mary, h. 20 May 1678, m. Howard; Edmund, b. 14 Mar. 1679-SO; Ephruim, b. 23 Sept. 1682; Thomas, b. prob. 1688; Ebenezer, bap. 17 Jan. 1696-7; Sarah, b. , m. Nathaniel Patten 17 May 1720. Ephraim the f. res. on the homestead, on the northerly side of Kirkland Street, and d. 2 Jan. 1717-18, a. 72; his w. Hepzibah survived. 7. Thomas, s. of Edmund (1), settled in Sudbury, m. Mary Goodridge 12 Nov. 1678, and had Thomas, b. 23 Aug. 1679; John, b. 14 Sept. 1684, rem. to Groton; Samuel, b. 28 Nov. 1686 (was father of Amariah, b. 4 Oct. 1720, grad. H. C. 1740, minister at Milford, and d. 1792); and Sarah, who m. John Rice. Thomas the f. m. (2d) Hannah Johnson of Sudbury, 9 July 1691, who d. 3 May 1712, and he m. (3d) Sarah Singletary, 22 Dec. 1712. He prob. d. 1724. See Barry's Hist. Framingham. 8. Stephen, s. of Joseph (4), prob. res. in Chs., where he m. Elizabeth Woodward 1 Feb. 1699-1700. His children, baptized here, were Elizabeth, 22 Dec. 1700; Stephen, 6 Sept. 1702; Hannah, 23 Feb. 1703^1; Susanna, 10 Mar. 1705-6. 9. Edmund, s. of Ephraim (6), m. Hannah, dau. of Deac. Samuel Cooper, 1 Feb. 1710-11. and had Hannah, bap. 26 Oct. 1712, m. Samuel Bowman 20 Mar. 1745-6; Elizabeth (Ch. Rec. Hannah), bap. 22 Feb. 1712-13, m. John Goddard 19 Feb. 1734; Edmund, bap. 12 June 1715; Stephen, bap. 18 Jan. 1718-19; Jonathan, bap. 20 Feb. 1720-21; Gideon, bap. 14 June 1724. Edmund the f. was a shoemaker, and res. on the homestead, Kirkland Street. He d. 6 Nov. 1752, n. 72; his w. Hannah d. 15 May 1767, a. 83. 10. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim (6), m. Sarah, dau. of Deac. Samuel Cooper, 9 Sept. 1814, and had Ephraim, b. 10 July 1715; Samuel, b. 18 Dec. 1716; Sarah, b. 2 Jan. 1718-19, m. Moses Harrington, and d. 12 May 1759; Anna, b. 15 Dec. 172n, m. Thomas Adams 22 Sept. 1737; Martha, b. 4 Aug. 1722, m. Joseph Adams, Jr., 10 Jan. 1740; Eunice, b. 19 July 1724, d. 10 Ap. 1732; Abigail, b. 25 Ap. 1726, m. Carter; William,b. 13 Nov. 1727, d. 13 Feb. 1727-8; Lydia, b. 8 Aug. 1729. Ephraim the f. res. in Menot., and d. 26 June 1769, a. 87; his w. Sarah d. 21 Feb. 1753, a. 66. 11. Thomas, s. of Ephraim (6), m. Mary Butterfield 25 Oct. 1716, and had Joseph, b. 21 Dec. 1717; Hepzibah, b. 31 Aug. 1719, in. AVheeler ; Ruth, b. 17 Mar. 1721-2, in. Josiah Fessenden, pub. 25 Oct. 1755; Thomas, bap. 9 Feb. 1723-4; Silas and Mary, twins, bap. 11 Aug. 1728 (Mary m. Silas Stone before 1771, and was living in New Braintree 1795); Phebe, bap. 26 Sept. 1731, m. Nathaniel Francis, Jr., 11 Ap. 1751; Jonathan (perhaps the same who is called John, in the mother's will, 1771), bap. 25 Feb. 1732-3; Sarah, b. about 1736, named in her mother's will, d. unm. 17 May 1825, a. 89; Lydia, b. 29 Aurr- 1740. Thomas the f. res. in Menot., and d. 3 May 1765, a. 77 ; his w. Marv d. 10 Mar. 1 774, a. 77. 12. Ebenezer, s. of Ephraim (6), m. Deborah Martin 2 July 1723, and had Abraham, b. 7 Mar. 1723-4; Ebenezer, bap. 22 Aug. 1725; James, b. 2 Mar. 554 FROST. 1731-2. Ebenezer the f. was a currier, and purchased of Samuel Cooper, 1730, an estate on the easterly side of North Avenue, which subsequently de scended to the wife of Jonathan AV. Ford. He d. between 16 Ap. and 28 June 1708 ; his w. Deborah survived. 13. Edmund, s. of Edmund (9), m. Sarah Rand of Chs., 9 Aug. 1750, and had Sarah, b. 24 May 1751 ; Edmund, b. 21 July 1753; Stephen, b. 13 Sept. 1755; Jonathan,b. 12 Dec. 1757, d. 7 Aug. 1800; Hannah, b. 13 May 1760, m. Josiah AA'ilson 13 Ap. 1780; Nehemiah, b. 6 Oct. 1762; Abigail,b.23 Nov. 1763; Phebe, b. 4 June 1706, d. unm. 3 Dec. 1811 ; Samuel, b. 16 Mar. 1770, perhaps m. Dorcas Hill 15 Oct. 1789. Edmund the f. was a blacksmith, res. on a part of the homestead, and prob. d. about 1777; his w. Sarah d. 28 Oct. 1801, a. 71. A son Gideon received a share of his estate. 14. Stephen, s. of Edmund (9), according to AA'inthrop, grad. H. C. 1739, was a preacher, and d. 9 Aug. 1749, a. nearly 31. 15. Gideon, s. of Edmund (9), m. Sarah Ireland 18 Jan. 1753, and had Sarah, b. 1 Mar. 1754, d. unm. 29 July 1821; Gideon, b. 14 Oct. 1755, was a physician in Uxbridge ; John, b. 4 Mar. 1758, d. young; Elizabeth, b. 15 Nov. 17*60, m. Thomas Frothingham 24 Sept. 1785; Walter, b. 29 Aug. 1766; Martha, b. 29 June 1769, in. Thomas Austin of Boston 22 Mar. 1807, and d. 17 Ap. 183S; WiUiam, b. 23 Ap. 1774. Gideon the f. was a blacksmith, and for a period of twenty years was deacon of the Church. He possessed, by inheritance and purchase, the homestead on Kirkland Street, but his resi dence, after about 1763, was on the easterly side of North Avenue, nearly opposite to Linnaean Street. He d. 30 June 1803, a. 79; his w. Sarah d. July 1805, a. 76. 16. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim (10), m. Mary, dau. of Deac. John Cutter, pub. 16 Mar. 1739, and had Anna, b. 22 Oct. 1740, d. 20 Nov. 1740; Ephraim, b. 29 Sept. 1742; Jonathan, b. 15 Dec. 1744, grad. H. C. 1767, and d. 25 Ap. 1771; Stephen, b. 18 June 1747; Ruhamah, b. 4 Nov. 1749, m. John Russell 31 Aug. 1769; Mary, b. 4 Mar. 1752, m. Jonathan Locke 3 Jan. 177a;Anna, b. 3 Oct. 1754; Lydia, b. 21 Oct. 1756, d. 23 Oct. 1766; John, b. 9 Sept. 1760; Amos, b. 17 Aug. 1763. Ephraim the f. res. in Menot. and d. 5 Mar. 1799, a. 84 ; his w. Mary d. 20 Oct. 1805, a. 89. 17. Samuel, s. of Ephraim (10), m. Abigail, dau. of Deac. John Cutter, 19 Feb. 1741, and had Samuel, b. 7 Dec. 1741, d. young; Samuel, b. 2 Aug. 1743, d. 24 Ap. 1790; Abigail, b. 24 Jan. 1744-45, living unm. 1799; Rebecca, b. 28 Dec. 1746, m. Solomon Prentice 13 Ap. 1775; John, b. 29 June 1748, d. 9 Aug. 1749; Martha, b. 12 May 1750, m. Isaac Tufts 16 Ap. 1769; she seems after wards to have m. a Cooper, which name she bore in 1799; Sarah, b. 10 June 1752, m. John Hutchinson 28 May 1772 ; John,b. 23 June 1754; Hannah, bap. 21 May 1758, m. Josiah Wilson 1*3 Ap. 1780; Seth, b. 20 Mar. 1760; William, bap. 3 Jan. 1762, d. 20 Sept. 1791; Cooper, b. 20 Mar. 1764, married, had children, many of whom d. in infancy, and d. 30 Sept. 1813, a. 49; Lydia Harrington, b. 16 Nov. 1766, ra. Simeon Crosby 7 May 1787. Samuel the f. res. in Menot. and d. 30 Sept. 1798, a. nearly 82; his w. Abigail d. 7 Mar. 1796, a. 74. 18. Joseph, s. of Thomas (11), ni. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Cook, 8 Feb. 1753, and had James, b. 9 June 1753; Joseph, b. 14 Jan. 1757, removed to Harvard, was Deacon, and d. 1827 ; Sarah, b. 8 Aug. 1760, d. unm. 22 Sept. 1837; Elizabeth, b. 12 Dec. 1764, d. unm. 1 May 1813; Mary,b. 11 Nov. 1767; Jonathan, b. 27 Jan. 1775. Joseph the f. res. in Menot. and d. 22 Sept. 1798, a. nearly 81 ; his w. Sarah d. 28 Oct. 1801, a. 71. 19. John, prob. s. of Thomas (11), by w. Betty, had Betsey, b. 16 Feb. 1776, m. Benjamin Harrington of Chs. 1 Oct. 1792; Abigail, b. 12 July 1778, d. 20 Nov. 1782; Eunice, b. 12 Sept. 1780; Lucy, b. 31 May 1782, m. Stephen Tufts 9 Dec. 1798; Abiqail, b. 29 Mar. 1784, m. John Niles 27 Mar. 1803; John, b. 12 Oct. 1785; Reuben, b. 14 Ap. 1787, d. 8 May 1829; Mary, b. 12 Mar. 1789. His w. Betty d. 18 Mar. 1802, a. 51. 20. Abraham, s. of Ebenezer (1-), m. Mary Oliver 8 June 1747, and had Deborah, b. 1 Ap. 1748, d. 8 Oct. 1753 ; Oliver, b. 4 June 1751; Abraham, b. FROST. 555 25 Jan. 1754; Mary and Lucy, twins, bap. 10 June 1759; Samuel, bap. 1 Nov. 1761. This family prob. rem. as no further trace of them is found. 21. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (12), m. Naomi, dau. of Thomas Dana, 21 Ap. 1748 ; she d. and he ni. Ruth AVright of AVoburn, pub. 24 Feb. 1761. His children in Camb. were Ebenezer, bap. 19 Feb. 1748-9; Mary, bap. 24 Feb. 1750-51 ; David, bap. 9 June 1754; Deborah, bap. 12 Feb. 1758. Ebenezer the f. rem. to Rutland, and was appointed guardian to the four children of his w. Naomi, 13 July 1761. 22. James, s. of Ebenezer (12), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Ebenezer Roby of Sudbury, about 1753, and Mary Prentice of Chs. 1 Dec. 1768. His chU dren were James, b. 8 Feb. 1754; David, b. 4 Ap. 1757; Elizabeth, bap. 23 Dec. 1759, d. young; Ebenezer Roby, b. 26 Nov. 1763, d. in the almshouse, 11 May 1810, described as " late of Providence"; Mary, posthumous, b. 3 and d. 24 Feb. 1771. James the f. was a physician, possessed the homestead on North Avenue, and d. 22 July 1770, a. 38; his w. Mary m. Nehemiah Rand Chs. 1766 V 23. Walter, s. of Gideon (15), m. Martha Tufts of Chs. 21 June 1792, and had Martha, b. (prob. 1792), d. 31 Oct. 1796, a. 4; John, bap. 17 Aug. 1794, was printer in Boston and New Orleans; Waller, bap. 14 Feb. 1796, carriage maker in Boston; Martha, b. abt. 1798, m. Geo. H. Kuhn, Boston; Sarah Ann, bap. 19 July 1801, d. 10 Oct. 1802; Gideon, bap. 17 July 1S03, d. 5 Sept. 1825; Samuel T. (prob. the same who was born at his mother's death, as she d. in childbed 30 July 1805, a. 32). Walter the f. was a tan ner, res. on the easterly side of North Avenue near the Railroad Bridge on the estate recently owned by Ozias Morse, which passed out of his hands in 1807, when he prob. rem. from Camb. He d. at Haverhill 20 Ap. 1818, a. 52. 24. AVilliam. s. of Gideon (15), m. Lucy Adams of Chs. who d. 25 Nov. 1809, a. 36, and he m. Mary Teele (pub. 29 Dec. 1810); His chil. were William, bap. 27 Dec. 1801 ; Edmund, bap. 17 July 1803; Lucy C, b. , m. Gideon Frothingham of Sandlake, N. Y., 3 Sept. 1839; Henry, bap. 5 Oct. 1817, a painter, rem. to Galena, 111. ; Frederick. Austin, bap. 15 Oct. 1820; Benjamin, b. , rem. to Galena; and perhaps others. AVilliam the f. res. in 1800 on the northerly side of Linnfean Street, but afterwards rem. to the easterly side of North Avenue, near Forest Street, and d. 10 July 1832, a. 58. 25. Ephraim, =. of Ephraim (16), m. Lydia Perry 6 June 1765; she d. 19 Oct. 1792, and he m. Mary (or Martha) Boylston of Chs. 3 June 1794. His children were Ephraim, b. 7 Ap. 1766; Lydia, b. 30 Jan. 1768, m. Jonas Cut ter 19 Oct. 1786: James, b. 31 Jan. 1770, m. Margaret Locke 1 Feb. 1795, who d. 10 Sept. 1803, a. 26, and he m. Susanna Fillebrown 3 Mar. 1S05 ; Jonathan, b. 2 Mar. 1772, d. 17 Aug. 1773; Mary,b. 26 Ap. 1775, m. Spencer Bucknam of Medford, 9 Nov. 1794; Ruth, b. 26 Ap. 1777 ; Isaac, b. 7 Aug. 1780, d. 14 Feb. 1804. Ephraim the f. res. in Menot., was deacon of the Church forty-one vears, and d. 4 Ap. 1833, a. nearly 91; his w. Martha (or Mary) d. 10 Nov. 1824, a. 68. 26. Stephen, s. of Ephraim (16), m. Susanna Brown 22 Dec. 1772, and had Susanna, b. 18 Nov. 1773, d. young; Stephen, b. 14 Sept. 1775; Jona than, b. 6 Dec. 1777; Susanna, b. 26 Aug. 1779; Abigail, bap. 14 Oct. 1781; Frances, b. about 1788, d. 10 Feb. 1816, a. 28 ; Daniel, bap. 7 Nov. 1790, d. 24 Mar. 1822: Mary, bap. 26 Aug. 1792. Stephen, the f. res. in Menot., was a captain, and d. 31 Oct. 1810, a. 63 ; his w. Susanna d. 15 Oct. 1800, aged 50. 27. John, s. of Ephraim (16), m. Susanna Hill 21 Nov. 1780, and had Susanna, bap. 4 Mar. 1781; Anna, b. 25 Jan. 1783; Jonathan, bap. 1 Mar. 1789; Asa, bap. 7 Nov. 1790; Isaac, bap. 16 Dec. 1792; Mary, bap. 21 Dec. 1794; a child, b. and d. 6 June 1801. John the f. res. in Menot., and d. 15 May 1812, a. 52; his w. Susanna d. 29 Sept. 1804, a. 44. 28. Amos, s. of Ephraim (16), hy w. Lydia, had Amos, bap. 1 June 1788 (idiot), d. 18 June 1812; Joel, bap. 1 Mar. 1789; Thaddeus, bap. 11 Dec. 5b6 FROST — FRYERS — FULLER. 1791, d. 4 Oct. 1792; Lydia, bap. 24 Nov. 1793; Thaddeus, bap. 7 Feb. 1796; William, bap. 3 Dec. 1797; Abijah, bap. 13 Oct. 1799; Susan, bap. 6 Sept. 1S01. 29. John, s. of Samuel (17), by w. Lydia, had Mary, bap. 15 Mar. 1789; Sarah, bap. 10 Aug. 17D0, d. 13 Feb. 1791: Sarah, bap. 5 Feb. 1792; Maria, bap. 14 Dec. 1793; and perhaps others. John the f. res. in Menot., and d. 1 Nov. 1818, a. 64; his w. Lydia d. 9 Ap. 1804, a. 42. 30. Seth, s. of Samuel (17), in. Sarah Hill 20 Nov. 1781, and had Surah, b. 11 Sept. 1782; Abigail Cutter, bap. 2 Nov. 1788; Patty, bap. 14 Ap. 1793; Samuel, bap. 14 Ap. 1793, d. 25 July 1822, a. 29; Rebecca Wellington, bap. 5 June 1795; and perhaps others. Seth the f. res. in Menot., and d. 23 Jan. 1814, a. nearly 54. 31. James, s. of Joseph (18), m. Susanna Dutton 3 Dec. 1776, and had Susanna, b. 8 Sept. 1777: Pally, b. 5 Jan. 1780; in the division of the estate, 1819, two other children are named, — James, and Anna, w. of Eben Cutter. James the f. res. on the westerly corner of North Avenue and Tannery Street. He d. 7 Aug. 1818, a. 65; his w. Susanna d. prob. 1820; administra tion on her estate was granted 10 Jan. 1821. 32. James, s. of James (22), m. Grace Bonner of Springfield, and bad Elizabeth, who m. Thomas AVallace 10 Oct. 1800. James the f. was a tin- plate worker, res. on the southerly part of the homestead, and d. 13 Nov. 1825; his w. Grace d. 14 June 1803, a. 42. 33. David, s. of James (22), m. Elizabeth Allen 8 May 1777, and had David, b. 6 Sept. 1777, d. of dropsy 7 Mar. 1816; James, b. 13 Feb. 1780, a carpenter, d. on his passage from the AVest Indies 25 July 1812; John, b. 4 Feb. 1782, d. young; Betsey Roby, b. 17 Aug. 1784, in. Jonathan AA7". Ford 23 Oct. 1808, and d. 26 Mar. 1820; Pamela, b. 30 Aug. 1786, d. 8 July 1787 (date of 1788 on G. S is wrong). David the f. res. on the homestead, and d. 17 Jan. 1787, a. about 30; his w. Elizabeth was buried 1 Ap. 1839, a. 86. 34. Ephraim, s. of Deac. Ephraim (25), in. EUzabeth Lolridge 4 July 1793, and had Ephraim, bap. 3 Aug. 1794 ; Mary Ann Jones, bap. 7 Feb. and d. 1 Oct. 1796 ; Henry Hope Jones, b. 17 Aug. 1797, d. 24 Aug. 1799; Henry, bap. 22 Mar. 1S01 ; and perhaps others. 35. Stephen, s. of Stephen (26), m. Sarah Twadell 29 Mar. 1798, and had Stephen, bap. 24 Nov. 1798, and perhaps others. Fryers, James. His w. Katherine d. 28 July 1640. Fuller, John, settled on the south side of the river, now Newton, about 1644, and was an extensive landholder. By his w. Elizabeth, he had John, b. 1645 ; Jonathan, b. 1048, m. Sarah Mirick, and d. 1722; Joseph, b. 10 Feb. 16-52-3; Joshua, b. 16 Feb. 1654-5; Jeremiah, b. 4 Mar. 1658-9, m. Elizabeth , and d. 1741 ; Bethia, b. 23 Nov. 1661, m. Nathaniel Bond 1684; EUza beth, b. , m. Job Hyde ; Isaac, b. 2 Dec. 1665, d. 1691, a. 26. John the f. was a farmer and maltster; he d. 1698, a. S7. 2. John, s. of John (1), m. Abigail Ballstone (or Boylston) 30 June 1682, and had Sarah, b. 5 Oct. 1683; John, b. 2 Sept. 1685, and perhaps others. John the f. prob. m. (2d) Margaret Hicks 14 Oct. 1714, and d. 1720, a. 75. 3. Joseph, s. of John (1), m. Lydia, dau. of Edward Jackson, 13 Feb. 1678-9, and had John, b. 15 Dec. 1680. He had in all five sons and two daughters. One of his sons, Joseph, b. 4 July 1685, m. Lydia, dau. of Abra ham Jackson, and had Abraham, b. 23 Mar. 1720, who was a Captain, Judge, Representative eighteen years, between 1764 and 1790, m. Sarah Dyer, and had Sarah, b. 27 Ap. 1759, in. Gen. AVilliam Hull, and Joseph, b. and d. 1765. Joseph the f. d. 1740, a. 88; bis w. Lydia d. 1726, a. 70. 4. Joshua, s. of John (1), in. Elizabeth AVard 7 May 1679; she d. 17 Aug. 1691, and he m. Hannah ; 19 July 1742, he married a third wife; the record, as made by Dr. Appleton, is, " Joshua Fuller in 88th year, and Mary Dana in 75th year." His children, recorded here, were Elizabeth, b. 22 Jan. 1679-80, m. Isaac Shepard of Medford 31 Dec. 1702; Hannah, b. 8 July 1682; Experience, b. 5 Nov. 1685, in. Thomas Miller of Newton 23 Mar. 1709-10 ; Mercy, b. 11 Mar. 1688-9, in. Aaron Cady 23 Mar. 1709-10; Pris- FULLER— GATES. 557 cilia, b. 25 Oct. 1700; Ruth, b. 14 Nov. 1702. Joshua the f. d. 1752, in the 98th year of his age; his w. Mary prob. d. 13 Feb. 1754, a. 86. 5. Ebenezer, res. in what is now Brighton, and by w. Martha had Martha, b. 11 Sept. 1791; Ebenezer, b. 19 Feb. 1793; Mary, b. 4 Ap. 1795 ; Lucy, b. 6 Mar. 1798, d. 14 Oct. 1799; Cyrus Bryant, b. 21 Ap. 1802, d. 25 Aug. 1805; Lucy. b. 15 Sept., and d. in Nov. 1804. Ebenezer the f. was elected Deacon of the Brighton Church 10 Jan. 1803, and rem. to Newton about 1823. Garden, Richard, had a grant of timber, for fencing, 1663. Gardner, Thomas, of Roxbury, d. Nov. 1638, leaving chil. Thomas and Peter. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), m. Lucy Smith 4 July 1641, and had Andreio, nomas, Abigail, Mary, Peter, Abigail (2d), Lucy, Joanna, Joshua, Caleb. Thomas the f. res. in Roxbury, and d. 15 July 1689; his w. Lucy d. 6 Nov. 1687. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas (2). in. Mary Bowles 17 Nov. 1673, and had Sarah, Thomas. Mary, John, Caleb, Peter, Isaac, Richard, Solomon (?), Ben jamin. Thomas the f. res. in Roxbury or Brookline, and d. in 1725, 4. Richard, s. of Thomas (3), m. Elizabeth AVinchester, and had Thomas, Elizabeth, John, Sarah. Richard the f. and his w. were dismissed from the Church in Brookline, and recommended to the Church in Cambridge in 1 725. He was the first of this family in Camb., and d. 9 Jan. 1776, a. 73; bis w. Elizabeth d. Aug. 1795. 5. Thomas, s. of Richard (4), m. Joanna Sparhawk, and had Richard, Thomas, 'Hi'imas (2d), Samuel, Elizabeth. Thomas the f. was the patriotic Colonel,1 who sealed his devotion to his country with his blood on Bunker Hill, 17 June 1775. See pp. 418-420. He d. of his wounds 3 July 1775; hi3 w. Joauna d. 24 Nov. 1794. 6. Richard, s. of Thomas (5), ni. Hannah Goldthwait, and had John; Jo anna; Martha; Hannah, va. Dr. James P. Chaplin of Camb. 10 Dec. 1807, and d. 24 May 1838, a. 45; Susan; Sally. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas (5), m. Hannah, dau. of Isaac Gardner, who was slain in Camb. on the memorable 19th of April 1775, and had Hannah, b. 2 Feb. 1791, m. Aaron Rice of Camb. 10 Oct. 1821, and d. 7 July 1853; Thomas; Susanna; Mary S.; Harriet E.; Thomas S. No trace is found in the Camb. Records of Col. Gardner's parentage, or of his children; nor do the Probate Records refer to the settlement of his estate. The materials for the foregoing brief sketch were given to me by Mr. Thomas Gardner Rice (son of Aaron and Hannah), the present Cambridge representative of two martyrs in the cause of liberty, namely Isaac Gardner, Esq. of Brookline, and Col. Thomas Gardner of Cambridge. Gaskell, or Gaskin, Samuel, by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 13 May 1688. His w. Elizabeth d. 18 Oct. 16S6; his son John d. 9 Oct. 16S6. Un less there be an error in the date, he must have m. a 2d w. Elizabeth. Gates, Stephen, d. here 1662, leaving w. Ann, who contracted 18 Ap. 1663 to marry Richard Woodward of AVatertown. After his death she resumed the 1 The spirit of patriotism and self-sacri- formed from good authority that tbe Com- fice which animated Col. Gardner in the m ttee of Correspondence for the several Kevolutionarv straggle is exhibited in his Towns in the County of Worcester have letter to the" Committee of Correspondence assembled, are in high spirits, and perfectly in Boston: '-Cambridge, Aug. 12, 1774. united. The Committee for Cambridge and Friends and Brethren, The time is come Charlestown are to have a conference to- that everv one that has a tongue and an arm morrow, and I trust the whole County of is called iipon bv their country to stand forth Middlesex will soon be assembled by Dele- in its behalf ; and I consider the call of my gates from the respective Towns in said country as the call of God, and desire to be County. I have the greatest reason to be- all obedience to such a call. In obedience lieve that the people will chuse rather to fall thereto I would administer some consolation gloriously in the cause of their Country, unto vou, by informing vou of the glorious than meanly submit to slavery. 1 am your union of the good people of this Province, Friend and'Brotlier, both ia sentiment and action. I am in- Thomas Gaudner." 558 GATES — GLBSON. name of Gates, and d. at Stow 1683. Their chUdren were Stephen; Simon ; Thomas; Elizabeth, ni. John Lasell; and Mary, m. John Maynard of Sudbury. 2. Stephen, s. of Stephen (1), by w. Sarah had Simon, b. here 5 Mar. 1666-7. In his will, dated at Stow, 5 Sept. 1701, and proved 15 Sept. 1707, are named w. Sarah, and children Stephen, Simon, Thomas, Isaac, Nathaniel, Daniel, Sarah, and Rebecca. 3. Simon, s, of Stephen (1), by w. Margaret, had Abigail, b. 14 Aug. 1671, m. Nathaniel Sparhawk; Simon, b. 1 Sept. 1673, d. 2 Jan. 1675-6; Simon, b. 5 Jan. 1675-6, settled in Marlborough, and was ancestor of a numerous pos terity there and in AVorcester County; George, b. 6 Ap. 1678, d. 23 May 1679*; Amos, b. about 1680; Jonathan, b. 22 June 1683; Samuel, b. 11 Aug. 1685; Margaret, b. 13 Aug. 1689, m. James How. Simon the f. d. at ' Brookline, and his estate was settled by agreement 11 Oct. 1705. 4. Amos, s. of Simon (3), m. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Oldham, 19 May 1703, and had Hannah, b. 28 Oct. 1706, m. Jonathan Edmunds, Newton; Margaret, bap. 25 Ap. 1708, in. Thomas Spring, Newton, 31 Dec. 1729; Abi gail, bap. 25 June 1710, m. Jonathan Pierson, Andover, 17 Mar. 1729-30; Mary, bap. 27 July 1712, m. Nehemiah AA'right in Framingham, 24 May 1733; Amos, bap. 3 Oct. 1714; Oldham, bap. 3 Sept. 1716; Susanna, bap. 18 Sept. 1720; Samuel; Sarah, m. William Jones, Framingham, 31 Mar. 1748. Amos the f. rem. to Brookline, thence to Framingham, and d. about 1754. 5. Jonathan, s. of Simon (3), byr w. Persis, had two children, bap. 2 Aug. 1713, and 8 Jan. 1715-16, names not recorded; Jonathan, bap. 20 Oct. 1717; Persis, bap. 9 Aug. 1719; Margaret, bap. 10 Sept. 1721; William, b. 5 Jan. 1723-4, d. young; Susanna, b. 2 June 1726; William, b. 17 Oct. 1727; Margaret (bap. Abigail), b. 17 Jan. 1728-9; Sarah, b. 12 June 1730; William, bap. 29 Oct. 1732; John. Jonathan the f. rem. to Worcester, and died there in 1756. For a more extended account of the Gates family, see Barry's Hist. Fram ingham. Gay, John, of AVrentham, Miller, bought of Gov. Belcher, 8 Feb. 1733, a part of the estate at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets; and afterwards purchased the remainder, which had been owned by the heirs of Edmund Angier, or of John Hovey. This was the original Blue Anchor Tavern stand; it does not appear, however, whether Mr. Gay pursued the business of an inn-holder. His wife, whom he prob. m. before he removed here, was Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Nutting. They had no children. He d. between 18 Dec. 1753 and 14 Jan. 1754; she d. 1772. 2. Hannah, m. Owen AVarland, 3 Ap.T679. Rev. Ebenezer, of Suffield, Conn., in. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Angier, 5 July 1742. Rev. Bunker, of Hinsdale, N. H., m. Abigail, dau. of Henry Prentice, 22 Sept. 1763. Gearner, Edmund, in 1635, owned house and land at the S. AV. corner of Brighton and AVinthrop streets. He removed before 1642. Gibson, John, in 1635, owned a house on the easterly side of Sparks Street not far southerly from A'assall Lane; and soon after he added three acres more, so that his estate extended across to Garden Street. By his w. Rebecca he had five chUdren, all bap. here : Rebecca, b. about 1635, m. Charles Stearns 22 June 1654, and within two years afterwards was griev ously afflicted with a mental disorder, imagining herself to be under the power of witchcraft; Mary, b. Mar. 1637-8, m. John Ruggles of Rox. 3 Ap. 1655; and d. 6 Dec. 1674; Martha, b. Ap. 1639, m. Jacob Newell of Rox. 3 Nov. 1657; John, b. about 1641; Samuel, b. 2S Oct. 1644. His w. Rebecca was buried at Rox. 1 Dec. 1661, and he m. Joanna, wid. of Henry Prentice, 24 July 1662. He signed a petition to the King in 168S, and d. in 1694, a. 93. 2. John, s. of John (1), m. Rebecca Errington 9 Dec. 1668, and had Rebecca, b. 4 Oct. 1669, and perhaps others. He d. 15 Oct. 1679, a. 38; his w. Rebecca d. 4 Dec. 1713, after having long been a pensioner on the bounty of the Church. 3. Samuel, s. of John (1), m. Sarah Pemberton 30 Oct. 1668; she d. 10 Oct. 1676, and he m. Elizabeth, wid. of John Stedman, 14 June 1679; she d. GIBSON — GLOVER. 559 about 1680, and he m. AbigaU , who survived him. His children were, Sarah, b. 30 Mar. 1670, in. John Stedman 9 Ap. 1691, and d. 1 July 1754; Martha, b. 12 Dec. 1671, m. Rolfe; Samuel, b. 6 May and d. 14 Sept. 1676; Samuel, b. 2 Oct. 1690; Elizabeth, b. , who, with her mother Abigail, sold the original homestead, 4 May 1711, to Jacob Hill. Samuel the f. was a glover, and d. 20 Mar. 1 709-10. Girling, or Gurling, Richard, a mariner, 25 Aug. 1635, bought 100 acres of Simon AVillard, 75 acres of John Bridge, and 25 acres of Dolor Davis. all on the south side of the River, at or near the present S. AV. corner of Brighton District. He d. shortly afterwards. Under date of 19 Supt. 1037, the General Court " ordered, that Mr. Joseph AVchl and Mr. John Benjamin (being authorized), should make sale of Mr. Gurling's hind, for satisfaction of the creditors, in proportion if it came short, and if an overplus be, that to remain in the hands of Mr. Benjamin." The land was accordingly sold to AVilliam Andrew, and the sale confirmed by the Court, 6 Mar. 1637-8. At the Quarterly Court, 4 June 1639. " Mr. Benjamin gave in the account of Richard Gurling, whereby four shillings only appeareth remaining due to widow Gurling." It is not known whether any children survived. Mr. Girling was probably the same who was Master of the ship Hope of Ipswich, in 1634, in which Shepard embarked, with his friends, for New England, but was driven back, and narrowly escaped destruction. Shepard says, " The master of it, a very able seaman, was Mr. Gurling, who professed much love to me, who had got this ship, of 400 tons, from the Danes, and, as some report, it was by some fraud. But he denied it ; and being a man very loving and full of fair promises of going at tbe time appointed, and an able seaman, hence we resolved to adventure that time, though dangerous in regard of the approach ing winter." Autobiography, p. 45, ed. 1832. Gleason, Thomas, by w. Susanna, had Mary, b. here 31 Oct. 1657. He is said to have res. previously in AVat. and subsequently in Chs. and to have d. about 1684. 2. AVilliam, perhaps s. of Thomas (1), by w. Abiel. or Abiah, had Wil liam, b. 15 Ap. 1679; Esther, b. 13 and d. 27 Sept. 1688. AVilliam the f. d. here, and adin. was granted to w. Abiel, 6 Ap. 1691. He seems to have res. at the Farms. 3. AVilliam, prob. s. of AA'illiam (2), by w. Thankful, bad Experience, b. 18 Jan. 170 7-8. 4. David, by w. Mercy, had David, b. 2 Aug. 1744; Mary (bap. Mercy), b. 31 Jan. 1745-6. Glover, Rev. Jose, was Rector of Sutton, in Surrey, Eng. In 1638 he made preparations for emigrating to New England; and, among other things, provided a printing press, types, and furniture, and contracted with Stephen Daye 7 June 163S, to embark with him, and devote his services as he should direct. This was the first printing press established in the British American Colonies. Mr. Glover is understood to have embarked, and to have died on the passage. Shortly before his departure from England, being then iu Lon don, he executed a will, from which it appears that he had then living a wife and five children; it also appears that he had already purchased estates in New England, and possessed, in both Englands, a considerably large property. His widow an-ived here in 1638, with the children, and a. stock of merchan dise, which from time to time she replenished, under the superintendence of John Stedman, her agent or steward, until 22 June 1641, when she became the wife of President Dunster. Her residence was on the westerly side of Winthrop Square, the estate extending from Mt. Auburn Street to AVinthrop Street. She d. 23 Aug. 1643, and her estate, after tedious and vexatious litiga tion, was settled by her surviving husband. As an illustration of the manner in which justice was administered more than two hundred years ago, it may be mentioned, that, on the final settlement of his account by the court Pres. Dunster was required to pay for the use of all the property he had by his wife, and to surrender every article, or its equivalent, to her children; but, on the other hand, he was allowed payment for his expenses in providing for the 560 GLOVER— GODDARD. children while in his family, and also for " disbursements for the maintenance of Mrs. Glover, for diet and apparel in sickness and health, two years and two months, after her marriage to Mr. Dunster until her death, with a maid to attend her, at £30 per annum, £05 "; for medical attendance £15 ; and for funeral charges £10. Mr. Glover was twice married; his first wife (as in scribed on her monument, erected 24 May 1629, by her husband, in the church of which he was Rector), was Sarah, dau. of " Mr. Roger Owfield, citizen of London," by whom he "had three children, viz., Roger, Elizabeth, and Sarah. She died July 10, 1628." See Glover Memorials, p. 563. His second wife was Elizabeth Harris, by whom he had John and Priscilla. Of his children, Roger is said to have been a captain, slain at the taking of Edin burgh castle about 1649; Elizabeth, m. Adam AVinthrop about Mar. 1643-4; and after his death she in. John Richards; Sarah, va. Deane Winthrop about 1648; Priscilla, ra. John Appleton of Salem, Oct. 1651; John, grad. H. C. 1650, M. D. at Aberdeen, and d. unm. about 1668. The date of his gradua tion is assumed to be 1650 (rather than 1651 when his namesake graduated), because this best agrees with one of the items in Mr. Dunster's account: — "maintenance of the children after the death of their mother, viz, John Glover's liberal education, for diet, apparel and schooling, mostly at the college, for seven years and two months, at 20/. per annum, 143.3.4." The mother (Mrs. Dunster) d. in Aug. 1643; seven years and two months would expire in Oct. 1650. The Christian name of Mr. Glover has appeared in vari ous forms, such as Joseph, Jose, Josse, Jesse, Joss, and Joas; and antiquari ans have doubted which was the true name. Proof has at last been presented by J. Hammond Trumbull, LL. D., that bis widow and Mr. Dunster wrote the name Josse ; but that he himself wrote it Jose, three times in his last will. He adds, " comparison of the forms Josse, and Joas, with the autograph Jose, shows that the name was pronounced as a monosyllable, and that the first vowel was moderately Ions;." See N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register, xxx. 27. Goddard, Edward, of Norfolk Co., England, a farmer, in. Doyley, and had William, John, Richard, Edward, James, Vincent, Benjamin, Thomas, Josins, and three daughters, who reached maturity. Goddard Gen., p. 5. 2. AVilliam, s. of Edward (1), was a grocer in London, m. Elizabeth Miles, and had William, Josepih, Robert, and three others who d. young. He came to N. Eng. in 1665; his w. and chil. followed him in 1666. He. had in AVatertown, besides three who d. young, Benjamin, b. 17 Aug. 1668 ; Josiah, b. about 1672, resided on the homestead, and d. 14 Nov. 1720; Edward, b. 24 Mar. 1674-5, m. Susanna Stone, was a schoolmaster in Boston, rem. to Fram ingham, was Selectman, Town Clerk, Representative nine years, member of the Council three years, and d. 9 Feb. 1754. Goddard Gen., pp. 8-10; Bond's Hist. Wat., pp. 237, 238. 3. Benjamin, s. of AA'illiam (2), m. Martha, dau. of John Palfrey, 30 May 1689, and had Nathaniel, b. 19 Aug. 1692. m. Mary, dau. of Deac. Samuel Cooper, removed to AA'eston, and d. without issue about 1770; Benjamin, b. 26 Aug. 1696, d. 29 Dec. 1702; Elizabe'h. b. 20 Aug. 1699; Martha,b. 12 Aug. 1702, m. AValter Cooper 7 June 1 722. and d. 10 Ap. 1768; Benjamin, b. 8 Aug. 1705, was a carpenter, m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Kidder, 9 Dec. 1731, removed to Grafton, and d. here, on a visit lo Dec. 1 759, leaving children Josiah, Benj., Nath., James, Eliz., Sam., Mary.and Hannah; John, b. 18 May 1709; Thomas, b in Chs. 14 Aug. 1712; William, bap. here — Aug. 1716. Benjamin the f. was a carpenter, and res. at the S. AV. corner of Mt. Auburn and Holyoke streets until about 1712, when he rem. to the estate opposite to Porter's Hotel, which was then a part of Charlestown. His w. Martha d. 26 Nov. 1737, a. 67, and he m. Anne Oldham (pub. 16 Mav 173S), who survived him. He d. 24 Oct. 1748, a. 80. 4. John, s. of Benjamin (3), m. Elizabeth, dan. of Edmund Frost, 19 Feb. 1734-5, and had John, bap. 26 Sept. 1736, d. young; Martha, bap. 6 May 1739; Stephen, bap. 6 Sept. 1 741 ; Elizabeth, bap. 5 Sept. 1 743, ni. Norton, and d. Dec. 1834, a. 91; Ruth, bap. 10 Aug. 1746; John, bap. 12 Aug. 1750. John the f. was a cordwainer, and d. 12 May 1751, a. nearly 42; at the divis- GODDARD — GOFFE. 561 ion of his estate 1767, only two children, Stephen and Elizabeth, appear to have been living. His w. Elizabeth d. 4 Ap. 1786, a. 74. 5. Thomas, s. of Benjamin (3),m. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Gove, 3 Jan. 1738-9, and had Kezia, bap. 25 Nov. 1739; Hannah, bap. 11 Ap. 1742, m. Jonas Prentice 1 Dec. 1785; Benjamin, bap. 12 Aug. 1744; Thomas, and Na thaniel, twins, bap. 12 July 1747. Thomas the f. was a carpenter, inherited the homestead, then in Chs. now in Camb. His estate was divided 22 Nov. 1768, to his widow Hannah (who d. 18 Mar. 1799, a. 82), and chil. Benjamin, Thomas, Nathaniel, and Hannah. 6. Stephen, s. of John (4), m. Mary, d. of Rev. David Goddard of Leices ter, and had Mary, b. 23 Nov. 1769, d. 10 Oct. 1798; John, b. 2 May 1771, d. young; Stephen, b. 3 Feb. 1773, d. 25 Dec. 1774; Sarah, bap. 22 Jan. 1775, d. unm. 26 May 1859, in the almshouse, — a pattern of patience and Christian trust; Stephen, bap. 18 May 1777, in. Charlotte Hawes of Canton, 26 Nov! 1801, removed to Leicester; David, bap. 22 Aug. 1779, m. Hannah Brown of Con cord, 13 June 1S05, was a wheelwright here, and a Baptist clergyman at Wendell; Isaac, bap. 27 Jan. 1782, m. Catherine Johnson 3 Aug. 1806, and d. in Boston 14 Mar. 1823; Benjamin, bap. 4 Ap. 17S4, m. Persis Fullerton 25 Sept. 180S; Elizabeth, b. 24 Ap 1788, d. young; Stephen the f . was a wheelwright, and res. on North Avenue, nearly opposite to Porter's Hotel. He d. 31 Jan. 1820; his w. Mary d. 8 Oct. 1798, a. 54. 7. Benjamin, s. of Thomas (5), was a wheelwright and res. nearly op posite Porter's Hotel, on the old homestead, at the easterly corner of North Avenue and Beech Street, and d. unm. July 1828, a. 74. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas (5), m. Hepzibah Prentice 11 Dec. 1777, and had Thomas, b. 11 June 1778, d. 20 Sept. 1805; James, b. 27 July 1780; John, b. 17 May 1783; Daniel, b. 11 July 1787, d. unm. 10 Nov. 1S36; Mary, b. 25 Mar. 1792, m. John Kent of Framingham, 9 June 1816; Charles; Hannah, b. 27 Nov. 1797, d. 3 Dec. 1799. Thomas the f. was a blacksmith, and res. on the estate now occupied by Porter's Hotel; he d. 15 or 17 Mar. 1830, a. 82; his w. Hepzibah d. 17 Aug. 1836, a. 82. 9. Nathaniel, s. of Thomas (5), was a shoemaker and res. on the westerly side of Beech Street. He d. s. p. in Jan. 1830; his w. d. in July 1828, a. 75. 10. James, s. of Thomas (8), m. Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel Frothingham, 17 Nov. 1806, and had Rebecca Austin, b. 12 Sept. 1807; Thomas Austin, b. 30 May 1811, merchant iu Boston, d. 16 July 1868; Matilda, b. 21 July 1814- James, b. 24 Feb. 1818, d. 24 Mar. 1838 ; Charles, b. 20 Nov. 1820, d. young; James the f. res. in Boston, and d. 4 June 1S45; his w. Rebecca d. 30 Oct. 1859, a. 78. 11. John, s. of Thomas (8), va. Eunice Cook, dau. of Henry Dickson, 21 Dec. 1806; she d. , and he in. Anna Peirce 18 Mar. 1824; she d. Nov. 1836, a. 74, and he m. Almira Sanderson of Waltham, 30 Ap. 1S37. His second wife was much older than himself. His chil., all by the first wife, were Charles Henry, John, and Hannah, who m. Elhanan AV. Russell, 18 Oct. 1838. John the f. was a farmer, res. on the southerly side of North Ave nue, near Cedar Street, and was killed on the Fitchburg Railroad track, 3 Feb. 1853. Goffe, Ed-ward, embarked with Shepard in 1634, for N. Eng. and nar rowly escaped shipwreck. The next year, he was more successful, and ar rived safely, with his wife and two (or three) children. His w. Joyce d. in Nov. 1638, and he m. Margaret . His chil. were Samuel, b. in England about 1630 ; Lydia, b. in England about 1632, m. John Sprague of Maiden, 2 May 1651 ; Nathaniel, b. Feb. 1637-8, d. 23 Aug. 1645; Deborah, b. 15 Dec. 1639, d. 21 Nov. 1660; Hannah, b. 23 Mar. 1643-4, m. John Moore of Windsor, Conn., 21 Sept. 1664; Abiah, b. 1 Ap. 1646, m. Henry AVoolcott, of Windsor, Conn., 12 Oct. 1664. A dau. Mary d. 23 Ap. 1646. Edward the f. d. 26 Dec. 1658; his w. Margaret m. John AVitchfield, of AVindsor, Conn., in Dec. 1662, and d. in Cambridge, " about the end of the 4th mo. 1669." She was sister to Jane, the first wife of Edward AVinship, as appears by her will; but their name before marriage is not known. Mr. Goffe was a prominent citizen, 36 562 GOFFE — GOODMAN— GOODAVIN. Selectman sixteen years, between 1636 and 1655; Treasurer of Middlesex Co. 1657-8; Commissioner (or Magistrate) to settle controversies for a less amount than forty shillings, seven years, between 1648 and 165S; Representa tive, 1646, 1650. He was a large landholder, and one of the most wealthy men in the town. His homestead contained thirty-two acres, bounded southerly on the old road into the neck, easterly on land of Joseph Cooke (near the present Ellery Street); northerly on the Danforth estate; and westerly on the par sonage. His dwelling-house stood at the S. AAr. corner of his farm, very near the junction of Main and Harvard streets. Vestiges of the old garden, ex tending into Beck's Park, were visible within the memory of some now liv ing. 2. Samuel, s. of Edward (1), ro. Hannah Barnard, of AVatertown, 25 June 1656 ; she d. Ap. 1679, and he ra. Mary, wid. of Thomas Saxton, 9 Nov. 1682. His children were, Hannah, b. 12 May 1657 ; Edward, b. 28 Nov. 1658; Deborah, b. 22 Jan. 1660-1, d. 27 Dec. 1690; Samuel, b. 1 Jan. 1662-3; Lydia, b. 7 Jan. 1664-5, m. Rev. Thomas Barnard of Andover, 20 July 1704, and d. abt. 1743 ; John, b. 11 Nov. 1666 ; Elizabeth, b. 6 Oct. 1668, d. 15 Jan. 1690-91 ; Edmund, b. about 1670; Nathaniel, b. 9 Ap. 1675 ; Joseph, b.23 May 1677. Samuel the f. was a farmer, inherited the homestead, and d. 15 Jan. 1705-6, a. 75. In younger life, Mr. Goffe had been adopted by Rev. Ed mund Brown of Sudbury, as a son and heir. 3. Edward, s. of Samuel (2), m. Mary, dau. of John Biscoe of Watertown, and had Mary, b. 11 May 1687, in. Thomas Trowbridge of Newton, and became the mother of Judge Edmund Trowbridge, and of Lydia the wife of Richard Dana, Esq., and grandmother of Chief Justice Francis Dana. Ed ward the f. was a tanner, aud d. here before 20 Ap. 1691, when administra tion on his estate was granted to his w. Mary. See Thomas Trowbridge. 4. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), a shoemaker, appears to have d. here in Feb. 1699-1700, prob. s. p. 5. John, s. of Samuel (2), was prob. the soldier of that name at Piscataqua, who had leave from the General Court, 4 Nov. 1690, to return home. He d. before 1706, as Edmund, when appointed administrator on the estate of their father, Samuel, is styled " the only surviving son." 6. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was the principal heir to his father's estate, and res. on the homestead. He grad. H. C. 1690, and is said to have been a lawyer; but his time was chiefly devoted to public affairs. Hewas sheriff of Middlesex 1715-17; Selectman of Cambridge 1717, 1718, Representative 1716, 1721, and often rendered service on important committees. As early as 1710 hewas Lieut.-colonel in the expedition against Port Royal; and was commissioned Colonel of Troopers in 1724, in which office he was actively em ployed against the Indians. About 1697 he ni. Hannah, dau. of Simon Lynde of Boston, who had previously been the w. of John Bigg of Bos. and of Jonathan Mitchell of Camb.; she d. and he m. 24 July 1728, Mary dau. of John Legg of Marblehead, who had been the w. of Capt. Edward Brattle and of Col. Nathaniel Norden, both of Marblehead. Col. Goffe d. s. p. 16 Oct. 1740. It is worthy of note that in 1725 Col. Goffe was appointed guardian to Edmund Trowbridge (grandson of his brother Edward), then a minor, afterwards a famous Judge. In 1740, Judge Trowbridge was appointed guardian to Col. Goffe, who had become incapable of managing his affairs. Thus they alternately had guardianship of each other, — a case of rare occur rence, if it has a parallel. Goodman, Richard, was here in 1633, freeman 1634, but soon rem. to Hartford, where he "was townsman in 1641 and in 1646; surveyor of common lands and fences in 1647; fence-viewer in 1649; member of the civil court in 1637; juror in 1643 and 1645; and held other offices. He was a valuable citizen." (Hinman.) A Deacon of the same name, probably the same person, was slain by the Indians, at Hadley, 1676. Goodwin, AVilliam, was here in 1632, and res. at the easterly corner of Harvard and Holyoke streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker, in whose church he was a ruling elder, and was a prominent person both in Church and GOODWIN — GOOKIN. 563 State. During the unpleasant dissension in the Hartford Church, after Hooker's death, he rem. to Hadley; but he subsequently returned to Connect icut, and d. at Farmington, 1673, leaving a large estate to his only child, a daughter, who in. John Crowe. See Hinman. Gookin, Daniel, is said to have emigrated, with his father, from the County of Kent to A'irginia in 1621. He is supposed to have arrived in Bos ton 1644, in which year he was admitted freeman. He resided for a short time in Boston and Roxbury, but rem. to Camb. about 1647, and here dwelt during the remainder of his life. By his wife Mary,1 he had Mary, b. prob. in Virginia, m. Edmund Batter of Salem 8 June 1670, and was living in 1685; Elizabeth, b. at Rox. 14 Mar. 1644-5, m. Rev. John Eliot, Jr., 23 May 1666; he d. 1668, and she m. Edmund Quincy of Braintree 1680. and d. there 30 Nov. 1700; she was mother of Edmund Quincy, Esq., who d. in London 1738, and the ancestor of many distinguished persons of that name; Hannah, bap. at Rox. 9 May 1647, d. there and was buried 2 Aug. 1647; and in Camb., Daniel, b. 8 Ap. 1649, d. 3 Sept. 1649; Daniel, b. 12 July 1650; Samuel, b. 22 Ap. 1652; Solomon, b. 20 June and d. 16 July 1654; Nalhani-l, b. 22 Oct. 1656. His w. Mary d. after 4 Oct. 1681, and he m. Hannah, wid. of Habijah Savage of Boston, and dau. of Edward Tyng, who survived him, and d. 28 or 29 Oct. 1689, a. 48. Gen. Gookin, for about forty years, was one of the most active citizens of Camb. He was Licenser of the Printing-press, 1663; Selectman, from 1660 to 1672; Representative 1649, .1651, in which last year he was Speaker of the House; an Assistant from 1652 to 1686 ex cepting 1676, in which the prejudice against the Praying Indians, whom he be friended, prevented his election. He was elected Captain of the Cambridge band, or military company, before 1652, and was described by Johnson as a " Kentish souldier," "a very forward man to advance martial discipline, and withal the truths of Christ." He became Major of the Middlesex Regiment in 1676, and was very active in raising and furnishing troops in Philip's War. In 1681 he was appointed Major-general of all the military force of the Colony, and was the last who held that office under the old charter. He was trusted by Oliver Cromwell as a confidential agent, and was selected by him to assist in executing his favorite project of transplanting a colony from New England to Jamaica. He visited England twice, partly at least on public service. On his last return to this country, the two regicides, Goffe and Whalley, were his fellow passengers, and accompanied him to Camb. He was therefore de nounced by Randolph as their friend and protector, and as the custodian of their scanty funds. In the troublesome contest which commenced soon afterwards, upon the restoration of Charles II., Major Gookin was among the foremost defenders of the chartered rights of the colonists. Side by side with Thomas Danforth, he steadfastly resisted the encroachments of arbitrary power. Ii Danforth was the acknowledged leader of the party, Gookin was one of his most active and reliable associates. He was as resolute in the maintenance of religious, as of civil privileges, and when the Quakers dis turbed the peace of°the Church, he was among the sternest of their judges.3 i J. Wingate Thornton, Esq., of Boston, bridge, and take bond of him to the value of . one of the posterity of Gen. Gookin, com- twenty pounds, with sufficient surety or municates this note: "Col. Chester of Lon- sureties for his appearance at the next don writes that, 11 Sov. 1639, the Bishop County Court holden at Charlestown the 19 of London granted a marriage-license for day ol December next, then and there to Daniel Gookin, of St. Sepulchre Parish, answer the complaint of Caleb Grant of London, gentleman, widower, aged 27, and Watertown, in an action of defamation, for Mary Dolling, of St. Dunstan in the West, charging of him for stealing of his horse, London, spinster, aged 21, whose parents and for pulling of him by the hair and neck- were dead." ' cloth, and punching of him with his staff, 2 Once in his life hewas summoned before and all this in the King's highway, and the tribunal as a transgressor. I copv from shaking of his staff over his head, aud say- the Files of the County Court: "To the ing, Sirrah, get you out of the highway, " Constable of Cambridge, or his Deputy, and coming back again several rods to the You are hereby required in his Majesty's said Caleb Grant, with many threatening name to attach the goods, or in want thereof words, saying, I have had better men than the person of Major Daniel Gookin, of Cam- you or your father to wipe my shoes; and 564 GOOKIN. He took a deep interest in the conversion of the Indians, and rendered valu able assistance to Eliot, in his apostolical labors. Under the authority of the General Court, he acted for many years as general superintendent of Indian affairs, visiting their villages, holding courts among them, appointing officers, and generally making provision for their welfare. Gen. Gookin probably res. several years on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets. But he afterwards established himself on what is gen erally styled the Winthrop Estate, on the southerly side of Arrow Street, near the easterly angle of Bow Street. Here he closed his long and useful life 19 Mar. 168*6-7, a. 75 years. 2. Daniel, s. of Daniel (1), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund Quincy of Braintree, in 1681; she d. 2 Jan. 1690-91, and he m. Bethia Collicutt 21 July 1692. His children were Daniel, b. 7 July 1683; Mary, b. 16 Oct. 1685, m. Thomas Paine of Newcastle 23 Jan. 1706-7; Edmund, b. 31 Mar. 1688; Elizabeth, b. 20 May 1690, m. Isaac Hinkley of Barnstable 6 June 1712; Bethia, b. 7 Oct. 1693, d. 1 Mar. 1694-5; Nathaniel, b. 5 June 1695, d. 9 Aug. 1695; Richard, b. 12 July 1696. Daniel the f. grad. H. C. 1669, was or dained at Sherburne 26 Mar. 1685, where he d. 8 Jan. 1717-18. " He was eldest son of the honorable Daniel Gookin, Esq.; a good scholar and solid di vine; was many years Fellow of Harvard College and a Tutor. From his ordination he continued our minister about 34 years, being diligent in his study, tender of his flock, and exemplary in his life. The vicinity of Natick gave him the opportunity of preaching lectures to the Indians there. And al though by great pain and indisposition of body he was taken off from his work for some considerable time, he died lamented." Boston News Letter, Jan. 20, 1717-18. 3. Samuel, s. of Daniel (1), by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 26 Aug. 1679, m. Dr. Samuel Gedney of Salem, 2 May 1701, and Rev. Theophilus Cotton of Hampton 16 Aug. 1711; he d. 18 Aug. 1726, and she m. Newmarch; Elizabeth, b. 11 Nov. 1681, ra. Rev. Daniel Greenleaf of Portsmouth 18 Nov. 1701 (of Yarmouth in 1723); Samuel, b. 14 Aug. 1683; Nathaniel, b. 16 Feb. 1685-6, d. young; Daniel. His w. Mary d. after 29 Ap. 1707, and he m. Mrs. Hannah Biscoe of AVatertown (wid. of Thomas Biscoe) 28 Sept. 1708. Samuel the f. res. on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, about one hundred feet southerly from Harvard Street, where he d. 16 Sept. 1730, a. 78. He inherited his father's military spirit, and was a Captain as early as 1692, when he was commissioned to settle difficulties existing at Little Compton. He was active also in raising troops for the expedition to Canada in 1711. Captain Gookin seems to have been more moderate than his father in opposi tion to arbitrary power; as in May 1687 he was appointed Sheriff of Middle sex by the Andros Administration. At the Revolution, John Green was rein stated Marshal-general, and Gookin probably went out of office. Green died 3 Mar. 1690-91, and two days afterwards Gookin was appointed Marshal-gen eral, — equivalent to High Sheriff of the Colony. After tbe form of govern ment was changed by the new charter, this office was abolished, and High Sheriffs were appointed in each county. Gookin held this office for a time in Suffolk, and was afterwards appointed, 1702, to the same office in Middlesex, which he held (except from Dec. 1715 to July 1717) until 27 July 1 729. 4. Nathaniel, s. of Daniel (1), grad. H. C. 1675, and after assisting Pres. Oakes in the ministry a few years, was ordained minister of the First Church for all due damages. Hereof you are to staff over the head of Caleb Grant, and lay make a true return under your hand. Dated his hand on his shoulder, but I saw no blow this 27th of November, 1676. By the Court, given, nor heard any further. Major Goo- Samuei. Gkeen." At the trial, "John kin doth confess this testimony, he being Johnson, aged about 39 years, doth say that greatly abused. 19. 10. 76. T. D. E." An- sometime in November last, near to Mr. other witness testified that he heard the ob- Danforth's house, he saw Major Gookin, jectionable words. The jury rendered this with sundry others, among whom was Caleb verdict: " In the case between Caleb Grant, Grant and some of his brethren, and at a plaintive, and Major Gookin, defendant, we distance I' saw Major Gookin hold up his find lor the defendant cost of court." GOOKIN. 565 in Cambridge. 15 Nov. 1682. Judge Sewall noticed the ordination thus : "Mr. Sherman ordains Mr. Nath. Gookin Pastor of Camb. Church. Mr. Eliot gives the right hand of fellowship, first reading the Scripture that war rants it. Mr. Sherman, Eliot, and Mather laid on hands. Then Mr. Gookin ordained Deac. Stone and Mr. Clark Ruling Elders. The presence of God seemed to be with his people. Mr. Jona. Danforth, the Deputy Governor's only son, lay by the wall, having departed on Monday morning, (13th) of a consumption." Mr. Gookin m. Hannah, dau. of Habijah Savage (whose wid. Hannah was the last w. of Gen. Gookin), and had Nathaniel, b. 15 Ap. 16S7, grad. H. C. 1703, minister at Hampton, N. II., and d. 25 Aug. 1734; (leaving son Nathaniel, grad. H. C. 1731, ordained at North Hampton, N. H., 31 Oct. 1739, and d. 22 Oct. 1766, a. 53;) Habijah, b. 23 Jan. 16S9-90, d. 1 Aug. 1690; Hannah, b. about 1692, in. Vincent Carter of Charlestown. Nathaniel the f. was cut off in the midst of his usefulness 7 Aug. 1692, at the early age of 36. His w. Hannah d. 14 May 1702, a. 34. The affection and esteem cherished by the Church and town towards her, are manifested by their frequent donations while she lived, and by assuming the direction and charge of her funeral, as they had previously defrayed the expense of her husband's burial. 5. Edmund, s. of Daniel (2), was a joiner and owned the homestead in Sherburne, 1718, which he sold to his brother Richard 4 Sept. 1722. He m. Sarah Thompson of Boston 27 Oct. 1715, and had Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov. 1716; Mary, b. 1 Mar. 1718; Daniel, b. 11 Mar. 1720, d. 12 May 1720. 6. Richard, s. of Daniel (2), was a husbandman for a short time in Chelmsford, but afterwards bought the homestead in Sherburne and was there an innholder; this estate he sold 29 July 1729, and rem. to Dedham. He m. Margaret Morse 19 Feb. 1716-17, and had at Sherburne Bethia, b. 14 Jan. 1717-18, d. unm. at Dedham 14 Ap. 1768; Hannah, b. 22 Dec. 1722, d. 11 Sept. 1723; Daniel, b. 13 Jan. 1725-6, d. 13 Nov. 1729; Richard (twin), b. 13 Jan. 172.5-6, d. 15 Jan. 1725-6; also at Dedham, Mary, b. 8 May 1729, d. 28 Sept. 1734; Margaret, b. 15 Feb. 1733-4, m. AVilliam Smith 3 May 1753; Daniel, b. 23 Mar. 1735-6; Edmund, b. 8 May 173S; Hannah, b. 20 Aug. 1740, d. 22 Aug. 1740; Samuel, b. 29 May 1743. Richard the f. d. 23 Feb. 1754: his w. Margaret d. about 1771, and her son Daniel was ap pointed administrator 5 Ap. 1771. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), inherited the homestead and the military spirit of his father. He served as a Lieutenant in the expedition against Port Royal, 1710, and was afterwards a Captain, by which appellation he was gen erally known. He was appointed Deputy Sheriff by his father in 1702, when he was only nineteen years old; which office he held for sixty-four years, » longer term than I have elsewhere noticed. He was also appointed Crier of the Courts in 1742, and remained in this office until 2 Dec. 1766; on which day is the last record of his appearance as Deputy Sheriff and Crier. Towards the close of life, his financial affairs appear to have become embarrassed. Having dispo.-ed of sundry other lots of land, he sold the homestead in 1754, reserving a life-estate therein to himself and his wife. His life-estate he sold to Rev. East Apthorp, in 1760, and purchased a house and lands at the N. AV. corner of Holyoke and South streets, for the use of himself and wife dur ing their lives, and then to descend one half to their daughter Mary, and one quarter each to Benjamin and Priscilla Hill, children of Mrs. Gookin by a former husband. He was twice married, (1) to Susanna, dau. of Capt. Josiah Parker, 28 Feb. 1711-12, by whom he does not appear to have had any chil dren; (2d) to PriscUla, wid. of Joseph Hill, and dau. of Daniel Dana, 15 May 1740, by whom he had Daniel, b. 28 Mar. 1741; Mary, bap. 24 Oct. 1742, m. James Kettle 1 Dec. 1763: he d. and she m. Joseph Jeffries before 1790, and d. in Boston 2 or 3 Aug. 1825, a. 83, leaving children. In recording her death Dr. Holmes adds the remark, " she was the last of the Gookin family in Cambridge." It is said by those who remember her, that although she possessed but a small estate, iii her personal deportment she fully maintained the ancient dignity of her family. Samuel the f. d. prob. 1767, a. about 84; 566 GOOKIN — GOULD — GOVE. his w. Priscilla d. prob. — April 1 785, at which date is recorded the death of " widow Gookin, an aged woman." 8. Daniel, s. of Samuel (3), was also a Captain, and much engaged in public affairs. He m. Sarah Biscoe (wid. of John Biscoe) 9 July 1716, and had in Camb. Sarah, bap. 11 May 1718, d. young; Mary, bap. 24 Ap. 1720; Sarah, bap. 21 Oct. 1722; Samuel, bap. 31 Jan. 1724-5. He prob. was the same who rem. to AVorcester, and was the first High Sheriff of AVorcester County, from 1731 until his death in 1743. Wor. Mag., ii. 206. 9. Daniel, s. of Richard (6), m. Hannah Child 24 Dec. 1761; she d. 7 May 1769, and he in. Susanna AVhiting 12 Dee. 1771. His chil. born in Dedham, were Margaret, b. 21 Nov. 1762; Lydia, b. 7 Mar. 1765; Hannah, b. 23 Ap. 1769; and perhaps other. 10. Edmund, s. of Richard (6), res. in Roxbury, m. a dau, of Seth Tucker, and d. 10 July 1810. He is said to have had three sons, Edmund, Squire, and Daniel, and four daughters, one of whom, Hannah, was under 14 years of age in 1765. 11. Samuel, s. of Richard (6), is called a surgeon in 1768. He res. in Dedham, m. Rebecca Swan 1 Dec. 1768, and had Richard, b. 6 Oct. 1769, set tled in Haverhill, N. II.; William, b. 1784, settled in Rutland, Vt., and per haps others. 12. Samuel, the reputed s. of Samuel (7) by Bethia Grover of AVater town, b. 1739, was placed under guardianship of Samuel Stratton 31 Mar. 1755, being then sixteen years old. He m. Mary Mullett 21 Dec. 1761 (being styled Samuel Gookin, Jr.), and had Mary, bap. 3 Oct. 1762, and others. Samuel the f. rem. to Suffield, Conn., and thence to Rupert, Vt., where he d. 2 April 1812. 13. Edmund, s. of Edmund (10), res. in Brighton, and m. Sarah Learned 18 Oct. 1791, by whom he had William Boyes, bap. Ap. 1792, entered the Army, and is supposed to have died in the service; Sarah, bap. 14 Ap. 1793; Charlotte, bap. 14 Aug. 1796; Samuel Learned, b. , established himself in business in Memphis, Tenn., and d. at Florence, Ala.; and perhaps others. Edmund the f. d. at Claremont, N. II., about 1843. 14. Squire, s. of Edmund (10), res. in Brighton, and m. Phebe, dau. of Deac. Thomas Thwing, 20 Sept. 1792, by whom he had Thomas Thwing, bap. 6 Jan. 1793, d. in AA'atertown 1 May 1842, leaving George Dana, in. Ann A. Plummer; Abijah Brown, m. Sarah F. Munroe; and others; Phebe. bap. 24 July 1794, d. unm. 23 Feb. 1S60; Samuel, bap. 19 Aug. 1798, d. 15 Oct. 1842; Edmund Parker, bap. 1 Nov. 1801, d. 21 June 1839; George, bap. 24 Mar. 1805, d. unm. 6 Aug. 1856; Elizabeth Barker, bap. 11 Sept. 1808, died young; Charles, b. 3 July 1811, a merchant in Florence, Ala., where he m. Sarah M. Brocchus 3 Sept. 1838, and had five sons. Squire the f. rem. to Camb., and d. 18 June 1833, a. 62. His w. Phebe d. 22 Dec. 1855, a. 81. 15. Daniel s. of Edmund (10), rem. to New Hampshire, and d. about 1849, leaving son Daniel, and four daughters. Gould, Thomas, by w. Mary, had Jacob, b. 16 Sept. 1643. Gove, John, perhaps brother to Edward of Hampton, N. H., was a turner, and was here as early as 1657, when he bought an estate on the easterly side of Brighton Street, between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street, where he res. through life. He m. Mary Aspinwall 6 Oct 1658 ; she d. 14 Nov. 1676, and he m. Mary AVoodhead 15 Mar. 1676-7; she d. 11 Sept. 1700, a. 56, and he m. Elizabeth AV'aldin 2 Dec. 1700, who had previously been the wid. of Batson. His children were Mary, b. 14 Sept. 1659, m. Henry Prentice 7 Ap. 1682; John, bap. 3 Mar. 1660-61, d. 28 Ap. 1679; Aspinwall, b. 2 and d. 11 Oct. 1661; Nathaniel, bap. 16 Nov. 1662, living in 1704; James, bap. 13 Dec. 1663; a child (name worn off) bap. 4 Aug. 1667; Jonathan, b. 19 Jan. 1677-8, d. 11 Oct. 1681; John, b. about 1680, d. 16 Jan. 1681-2; Jonathan, b. 3 May 1682; Sarah, b. 28 Aug. 1686, living in 1704. John the f. d. 24 Nov. 1704, a. 77. His w. Elizabeth was living in 1717. 2. Jonathan, s. of John (1), in. Lydia, dau. of Deac. Samuel Cooper, 26 Dec. 1706, and had John, b. 2 Nov. 170*7; Mary, b. 3 Mar. 1709-10, m. John GOVE— GREEN. 567 Walker 28 Oct. 1731 ; Lydia, b. 22 Aug. 1712, in. Jonathan AVellington of AVeston Jan. 1730-31 ; Kezia. b. 17 Ap. 1715, m. Deac. Joseph Loring of Lex., pub. 2 Nov. 1735: Hannah, b. 27 Feb. 1717-18, in. Thomas Goddard 3 Jan. 1738-9; Sarah, b. Dec. 1720, d. 21 Jan. 1720-21; Jonathan, b. and d. 16 Feb. 1721-2; Jonathan, b. and d. 23 Oct. 1723; all, except the last three, living in 1742, at the date of their father's will. His w. Lydia d. at Weston 18 Ap. 1740, and he m. Hannah , who survived him. Jonathan the f. was a husbandman, and inherited the homestead, which he sold in. 1706, and subse quently owned and probably occupied a lot of two acres on the S. AV. side of North Avenue, at its angle between the Railroad Bridge and Porter's Hotel. This estate he sold in 1729, and rem. probably about that time to AAreston, where he d. 22 Dec. 1747. His will, elated 16 July 1742, was offered for pro bate 15 Feb. 1747, but disallowed; his son John administered. Green, Bartholomew, was here in 1634, and had a house in the AVest Field, not far from the Botanic Garden, but prob. rem. to the S. AV. corner of Brattle and Ash streets, where his widow resided in 1638. By his w. Eliza beth, he had Samuel; Nathaniel; Sarah, m. Thomas Longhorn about 1646; Phebe, m. AVilliam Healy 15 Aug. 1661; all prob. born in England. Bar tholomew tbe f. d. about 1638; his w. Elizabeth d. 28 Oct. 1677, a. 88, after a widowhood of about forty years. 2. Percival. perhaps a brother to Bartholomew (1), came here in 1635, in the Susan and Ellen, then aged 32. and resided on Holmes Place about mid way between its eastern angle and North Avenue. By his w. Ellen, he had John, b. — June 1635; Elizabeth, b. — Ap. 1639. m. John Hall of Concord 4 Ap. 1656, but subsequently res. here and d. at Medf. 14 Feb. 1713-14; Percival the f. d. 25 Dec. 1639, ». 36; his w. Ellen m. Thomas Fox about 1650, and d. 27 May 1682, a. 82. 3. Samuel, s. of Bartholomew (1), m. Jane, dau. of Guy Banbridge; she d. 16 Nov. 1657, and he m. Sarah, dau. of Elder Jonas Clark, 23 Feb. 1662-3. His children were Elizabeth, b 16 Feb. 1640-41; Sarah, b. 7 Oct. 1642; Lydia, b. 23 Mar. 1644-5, d. voung; Lydia, b. 13 Ap. 1646, d. young; Samuel, b. 6 Mar. 1647-8; Joseph, b. 7 Nov. 1649; Lydia, b. about 1651, d. 24 Sept. 1665 ; Debo rah, b. 19 Mar. 1655-6; Jonas, b. 29 Jan. 1663-4; Lydia, b. 3 Nov. 1665; Bar tholomew, b. 26 Oct. 1667; Mary, b. 6 Nov. 1669; Dorcas, b. 6 Sept. 1671; Timothy; and perhaps five more not recorded. Mr. Green is principally cele brated as a printer, the conductor of the Cambridge printing-office about half a century, and the ancestor of a very numerous race of printers. Upon some dissatisfaction with Dave, who was the first to commence printing in New Eng land, Green was appointed to take charge of the press, about 1649. AA'hether he had previously become acquainted with the business, under the direction of Daye, does not appear. But from this time forward, he devoted himself to this work. Thomas (Hist, Piinting) gives a catalogue of books published under Green's superintendence; among which were the Indian New Testament, 1661, the Indian Bible, 1663, and a second edition of the same, six years in press, completed in 1085. Notwithstanding his employment, as sole master-printer iu New England. Mr. Green found some leisure for civil and military duties. He was Town Clerk, 1694-1697, and Clerk of the AVrits, from 1652 until a late period if not to the end of life. He had a passion for military exercises. Pro motion was not as rapid then as now; and a practice then prevailed, and con tinued, I believe, until the Revolution, for a Captain to retain the command of his company, however highly promoted, so long as he remained in office; thus Gookin, a Captain about 1647, continued to be Captain of his company whUe he was Sergeant-major, and Major-general, the immediate command being ex ercised by a Lieutenant; hence Green remained long in a subordinate office before he could attain high rank. He served as Sergeant in the expedition against Gorton Sept. 1643, and had probably held the same office previously; he was appointed Ensign in 1660; was Lieutenant in 1686 ; and was commis sioned Captain in 1689, when seventy-five years old, which station he seems to have held until death. See page 402. In an obituary notice of his son Bar tholomew, published in the News Letter, 4 Jan. 1733, it is stated that " Capt. 568 GREEN. Samuel Green, the famous printer of Cambridge .... arrived with Gov. AVin throp in 1630; he came in the same ship with the Hon. Thomas Dudley, Esq., and used to tell his children that upon their first coming ashore, both he and several others were for some time glad to lodge in empty casks, to shelter them from the weather, for want of housing." Capt. Green res. from an early period on the lot afterwards occupied by Judge Trowbridge, on the northerly side of Mount Auburn Street, between Holyoke and Dunster streets. He d. 1 Jan. 1701-2, and his w. Sarah and his children, Jonas of New London, mari ner, Bartholomew of Boston, printer, Joseph of Boston, tailor, and Timothy of Boston, printer, sold the homestead in 1707; after which time, very little trace is found here of this family. 4. Nathaniel, s. of Bartholomew (1), was a "chandler " and res. on the homestead with his mother. It does not appear that he ever married. The last notice I have found of him is in 1693, when he and his brother Samuel sold the homestead. 5. John, s. of Percival (2), m. Ruth, dau. of Edward Mitchelson 20 Oct. 1656, and had John, b. 24 July 1657; Nathaniel, b. 25 Sept. 1658 ; Percival, b. 29 Mar. 1660; Ruth, b. 25 Nov. 1661, m. Zechariah Hicks, 18 Nov. 1685; Samuel, b. 4 May 1663; Elizabeth, b. 22 Ap. 1665, m. Thomas Johnson 8 Jan. 1682-3; Edward, b. 15 Ap. 1667; Thomas, b. 7 Mar. 1668-9; Jonathan, b. prob. 1671 ; Bethia, b. 20 Jan. 1673-4, m. Joseph Hicks, and d. 12 Ap. 1708; Joseph, b. 24 Nov. 1675; Benjamin, b. 13 Aug. 1677; was living in 1696; Mitchelson, b. 14 Mar. 1680-81, d. 21 Oct. 1681 ; and Mary, b. , ra. Rev. Nathaniel Hunting of Easthampton, L. I., 27 Oct. 1701. John the f. was a tailor. He succeeded his father-in-law, Mitchelson, 3 June 1681, as Mar shal-general of the Colony. During the Andros administration, he was su perseded in office by Samuel Gookin 1687, but was reinstated 15 Aug. 1689. He d. 3 Mar. 1690-91, a. nearly 55; his wid. Ruth m. Samuel Champney. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), was a printer in Boston as early as 1682, where he died of small pox in July 1690. His wife, who is reputed to have been a lady of rare accomplishments, died of the same disease within a few days afterwards. 7. Bartholomew, s. of Samuel (3), was a printer, and commenced busi ness at Boston, upon the death of his brother Samuel. A sketch of his labors and character is given in an obituary published soon after his death: He " first set up his press with his father in Cambridge, and afterwards removed to Boston; where, on Sept. 16, 1690, soon after he was first married, his press and letters, which were then esteemed the best that had been in the country, were consumed by a fire that began in the neighborhood; upon which he re turned to Camb. and there continued till the winter 1692-3, when he came back to Boston, where he has been printer to the Governor and CouncU for near forty years, and of the Boston News Letter (excepting a small intermis sion), from its beginning." He was commended "for a strict observing the Sabbath; his household piety: his keeping close and diligent to the work of his calling: his meek and peaceable spirit; his caution of publishing anything offensive, light, or hurtful; and his tender sympathy to the poor and afflicted. He began to be pious in the days of his youth ; and he would always speak of the wonderful spirit of piety that then prevailed in the land, with a singular pleasure." News Letter, 4 Jan. 1 733. He was one of the Deacons of the Old South Church, and d. 28 Dec. 1732, a. 65. He left several children, of whom Mary was b. in Camb. 2 June 1691 ; one m. John Draper, the successor of Mr. Green in the publication of the News Letter; and Bartholomew, a printer in Boston, 1727, rem. to Halifax, N. S., 1751, to establish a printing house, where he died about a month afterwards, a. 52; one of the daughters of Bartholomew, Jr., was mother of Joseph Dennie, Editor of the Port Folio. Thomas's Hist. Printing. 8. Timothy, s. of Samuel (3), was a printer in Boston 1700, rem. to Con necticut 1714, was a Deacon, and d. at New London 5 May 1757, a. 78. 9. John, s. of John (5), m. Mary, dau. of Joseph Bradish, 22 Nov. 1684, and had John, b. 23 Aug. 1688; Mary, bap. 26 June 1698; Sarah, b. 12 June 1701; Hannah, b. ; and perhaps others. GREEN — GRISAVOLD. 569 10. Nathaniel, p. of John (5), was living in 1691, but not named in his brother Edward's wiU, 1696. 11. Percival, s. of John (5), grad. H. C. 1680, preached a short time in Stow and also in AVells, Me., but probably was not ordained. He d. here unm. 10 July 1684. 12. Samuel, s. of John (5), was a tailor, and res. here; he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Sill, 18 Nov. 1685, and d. soon after 23 July 1692 (the date of his will), leaving children Samuel and Elizabeth. 13. Edward, s. of John (5), a ship-master, d. unm. in 1696. His will, dated 4 Feb. 1695-6, was made on board ship. 14. Thomas, s. of John (5), was living in 1691, but not named in his brother Edward's wUl, 1696. _15. Jonathan, s. of John (5), a housewright, sold the homestead in 1696 to Joseph Coolidge, and rem. to Newton, where by w. Mary, he had Mary, b. 9 Feb. 1702; Jonathan, b. 31 May 1707, d. 1732; Ann, b. 4 Mar. 1713. Jonathan the f. d. in 1736 ; his w. Mary d. in 1732. 16. Joseph, s. of John (5), grad. H. C. 1695, and was ordained at Salem village, or Danvers, 10 Nov. 1698. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Joseph Gerrish of Wenham, 16 Mar. 1698-9, and had Anna, b. 27 Nov. 1699, d. 8 Aug. 1725; John, b. 22 Dec. 1701, H. C. 1719; Joseph, b. 12 Dec. 1703; Ed ward, b. 1 Dec. 1705; Elizabeth, b. 8 May 1708, d. 23 July 1732; William, b. 11 Aug. 1710; Benjamin, b. 1 July 1713; Ruth, posthumous, b. 23 Ap. 1716, d. 24 Aug. 1716. Joseph the f. d. 26 Nov. 1715; his w. Elizabeth m. Rev. AVilliam Brattle of Camb. and d. at Medf 22 May 1747. See An Account of Percival and Ellen. Green and some of their Descendants, by Samuel Abbot Green, M. D., City Physician of Boston. 17. John, s. of John (9), m. Elizabeth Corey 25 Jan. 1711-12, and had Joseph, b. 24 Oct. 1712. . AVilliam, parentage unknown, by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 21 May 1661. Jacob, prob. of Chs., had s. Jacob, bap. 1714. Arigail, m. William Stevens 1 July 1673. James, of Maiden, in. Deborah Brown 20 Mar. 1734. John, m. Mary Reed 24 Ap. 1777. Greenhill, Samuel, res. 1635 at the N. W. corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets. He rem. to Connecticut with Hooker, and " died early." (Hinman.) Reb"cca Greenhill, perhaps dau. of Samuel, m. John Shepard in Camb. 4 Oct. 1649. Greenwood, Thomas, otherwise written Greenhood, m. Hannah, dau. of John AVard, 8 June 1670, and had John, b. prob. 1671; Thomas, b. 27 Dec. 1673; by his 2d w. Abigail, he had James, b. 19 Dec. 1687; William, b. 14 Oct. 1689, m. Abigail AVoodward 1715. Thomas the f was a weaver; and res. on the south side of the river, in what is now Newton, where he d. 1694. It is said that he was the first Town Clerk in Newton, and also Justice of the Peace. 2. Isaac, parentage not ascertained, by w. Sarah, had Isaac, b. 9 May 1730; Sarah, b. 8 Sept. 1731; John, b. 29 Mar. 1733; Tholes, bap. 23 Mar. 1735; Elizabeth, hap. 1 May 1737. Isaac the f. grad. H. C. 1721; was the first Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, to which office he was elected in May 1727; he was a candidate for the Presidency of that Col lege in 1737, and divided the votes of the Corporation equally with Holyoke, who, about a month later, was elected by unanimous vote. He was removed from his Professorship a year afterwards. " He held his office ten years and five months (from the time of his inauguration), and might have continued to hold it, with credit to himself and benefit to the College, had his wisdom and firmness been equal to his acknowledged abilities." " Little is known of him after his dismission. He went to Charleston, S. C, and there he died Oct. 22, 1745." Peirce s Hist. Hart: Univ. Griffith, Henry, d. here 12 Nov. 1639. Griswold. Francis (variously written, Greshold, Greshould, Grisell, Grissell, Grissoll, and Grisold), by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 28 Oct. 1639; Hannah, b. 3 Feb. 1642-3, d. Ap. 1643; Hannah, b. 4 Mar. 1644-5. Francis 570 GRISWOLD— HALL. the f. res. on the northerly side of Kirkland Street, and d. in Charlestown 2 Oct. 1652, leaving two daughters; his wid. Mary m. William Bullard. Grover. Andrew, ra. Hannah Hill 7 Feb. 1673-4. 2. Thomas, a carpenter, from Reading, bought the estate at the N. AV. corner of Brattle and Mason streets, 1711, but sold it again, the next year. Guy, John, by w. Hannah, had Mary, b. 17 Ap. 1676, d. 25 July 1676. Possibly this name may be Gay; in which case, perhaps Hannah may be the same who in. Owen AVarland 3 Ap. 1679. Hadden (or Haddon), Gerard (variously written Garrad, Jarett, and Jarritt), owned a house and three acres, extending from Sparks Street to Garden Street, in 1635. He rem. to Salisbury about 1640, and was living in 1663. George, H. C. 1647, may have been his son. Hall, Mary, a widow, is named by Mitchell as a member of his church. " Her children were all adult at the time of her joining. But two of them are since joined to the Church of Concord, viz., John, and Susanna." Her son Stephen was living in 1668, then "aged 28 or thereabouts." WiUiam, who d. at Concord 10 Mar. 1666-7, was another son. A John Hall of Cambridge had a share of the Shawshine lands in 1652, who may have been husband of Mary ; but he was more probably her son. 2. Edward, in Camb. as early as 1638, res. on the easterly side of North Avenue, very near Holmes Place; the same estate which afterwards became the property of Aaron Bordman, and remained in his family several genera tions. Edward had w. Margaret, but prob. no children; she d. 7 Dec. 1676, and he m. Mary Rayner 18 June 1677. He d. 20 Oct. 1680, a. 73; hi3 w. Mary m. Thomas Brown 23 May 1681, and was living, again a wid., in 1696; her last husband, Thomas Brown, Sen., "on the common," having d. 3 Nov. 1688. Thomas, brother of Edward (2), had a grant of land in 1645. By w. Isabel (Mitchell calls her Elizabeth), he had Mary, m. Israel Mead 26 Feb. 1669-70; Hannah, b. 4 Mar. 1658, m. Stephen Francis 27 Dec. 1670, and d. 2 Ap. 1683; Lydia, b. , m. Gershom Cutter 6 Mar. 1677-8, and perhaps others. His w. Isabel d. 2S Ap 1682, and he m. Martha, wid. of Humphrey Brad sh aw, and formerly wid. of AVilliam Russell, 24 May 1683. He d. about 1691 ; his Inventory is dated 5 Oct. 1691 ; his w. Martha d. about 1694. 4. AVilliam, s. of Mary (1), by w. Grace, had Mary, b. 4 Nov. 1657. He removed to Concord and cl. 10 Mar. 1666-7. 5. John, s. of Mary (1). m. Elizabeth, dau. of Percival Green, 4 Ap. 1656, and had Elizabeth, b. 18 Sept. 165S, m. John Oldham; John, b. 13 Dec. 1661; William, b. prob. 1664, d. at Medf. 4 Jan. 1683-4. a. 19; Nathaniel, b. 7 July 1660; Mary, b. 23 Oct. 1668, m. John Bradshaw; Stephen, b. prob. 1670; Percival, b. 11 Feb. 1672; Susanna, b- prob. 1675; Jonathan, b. 28 Sept. 1677; Sarah, b. 31 Mar. 1679; Thomas, b. 16 Nov. 16S1. John the father res. in Concord 165S and 1666; then in Camb. till about 1675, when he bought a quarter of the Collins farm at Medf. where he d. 18 Oct. 1701, a. 74; his widow Elizabeth d. 14 Feb. 1713-14 a nearly 75. Ten of their children were living in 1 702. 6. John, s. of John (5), ra. Jemima, dau. of Capt. Joseph Sill, 21 Dec. 1687, and had John, b. 11 Sept. 1689, d. 2 Oct. 1689; John, b. 19 Sept. 1690; Wil liam, b. 24 June 1694, d. 4 Oct. 1694; William, b. 1 Nov. 1694. d. 3 Jan. 1694-5; Elizabeth, b. 10 June 1696; Andrew, b. 15 May 1698; Jemima, b. 8 Oct. 1700; Joseph, b. 30 Nov. 1702; Stephen, b. 19 Jan. 1703-i. John the f. resided in Medf. and d. 14 Nov. 1720. 7. Nathaniel, s. of John (5), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 9 Jan. 1691-2; Nathaniel, b. 25 Oct. 1694, d. 22 Sept. 1773; Susanna, b. 30 Aug. 1696; Sarah, b. 8 Sept- 1698; Tabitha, b. 9 Nov. 1699; William, b. 9 Feb. 1704-5. Nathaniel the f. res. in Medford. 8. Stephen, s. of John (5), by w. Elizabeth, had Grace, bap. here 24 June 1698; Josiah, bap. here 24 Feb. 1705-6; Ruth, bap. here 25 July 1708; Mary, bap. Medf. 19 Ap. 1719; Stephen, bap. Medf. 13 Aug. 1721; and probably others. Stephen the f. res. in Medf. HALL — HANCOCK. 571 9. Percival, s. of John (5), m. Jane AVillis, and had Percival, b. 13 Nov. 1698; Jane. b. 15 May 1700; Mary, b. 15 July 1706; Thomas, b. 15 Aug. 1712; Zaccheus and Susanna, twins, b. 11 Jan. 1714-15; Grace, b. 5 Oct. 1717; Willis, b. 7 Mar. 171S-19 ; and perhaps others. Mary, was b. in Camb; the others named in Medf. where Percival the father res. until about 1721, when he and his w. Jane were recommended for admission to the Church in Sutton. He was elected Deacon in Medf. 6 Ap. 1720. 10. Jonathan, s. of John (5), res. in Medf., but had son Jonathan, bap. here 20 Oct. 1706. r 11. Thomas, s. of John (5), res. in Medf. and was elected Deacon in Dec. 1706. He m. Hannah, dau. of Gershom Cutter, 22 Dec. 1702, and had Thomas, b. 5 Oct. 1703; bv second w. Abigail, he had Edward, b. 11 Ap. 1707; Abigail, b. 24 Oct. 1708; Ruth, b. 1 July 1712, d. 30 Oct. 1714; John, bap. 13 Mar. 1715 ; Ruth, bap. 30 Au), va. Elizabeth, dau. of John Biscoe of AArat., and had Elizabeth, b. 8 Aug. 1680, m. Ephraim AVilliams, and d. before 1739, leaving two sons, Ephraim, a distinguished soldier, and the founder of AVilliams College; and Thomas, a physician in Hatfield; John, b. 25 Ap. 1682; Sarah, b. 21 Aug. 1684, ni. Joseph Fuller, Jr., and was mother of Hon. Abraham Fuller; Margaret, b. 1685, in. Henry Bright; Mary, b. 2 Dec. 1686, d. young; Hannah, m. James Trowbridge, Jr., 1712; Mary, b. 19 Jan. 1689, m Daniel Cook — Ap. 1722; Abigail, b. 21 Mar. 1690, d. young; Abigail, b. 1692, d. 26 Jan. 1703; Abraham, b. 12 Mar. 1793, d. young; Thomas, b. 6 Sept. 1694, d. 1713. 5. John, s. or grandson to a brother of Richard (1), was an innholder, and inherited the lands of Richard on Brattle Street and elsewhere. His first w. Sarah d. without issue 15 Nov. 1700, a. 50; by his second w. Deborah, he had Samuel, bap. 4 June 1699; Fifeld, b. 8 Ap. 1702, a cabinet-maker in Boston 1724; John, b. 12 Jan. 1703-4; James, b. about 1706: Xene, b. 2 Ap. 1708, m. Thoma3 Robbins 24 Oct. 1737. John the f. d. 26 Sept. 1709, a. 64. His w. Deborah survived. 6. Edward, parentage not ascertained, m. Susanna Dana 29 May, 1755, and had Samuel, b. 2 Sept. 1759 ; Mary, bap. 30 Aug. 1761. Edward the f. kept a tavern in the centre of Brighton. Johnson, Marmaduke, contracted 21 Ap. 1660 with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England, to remove forthwith to Boston, and toserve for three years in printing the Indian Bible and other books, under 38 594 JOHNSON. the direction of said Society, and of Mr. John Eliot and Mr. Green, at a sal ary of £40 per annum. (Mass. Archives, x. 205). Agreeably to his contract, he entered the Cambridge printing-office, assisted in printing the first edition of the Indian Bible which was completed in 1663, and afterwards assisted in printin"- other books for about ten years. The current of his life did not run smoothly. He encountered opposition in his matrimonial designs, which he resented so highly as to bring himself within the grasp of the law. At the Middlesex County Court, April 1662, " Marmaduke Johnson being presented by the Grand Jury of this County in Oct. last, for obtaining the affections of the daughter of Ens. Samuel Greene, without the knowledge or consent of said Samuel Greene, also being expressly forbidden her society, being a mar ried man, halh often endeavored to draw her into his society, threatening the death of any other that should make suit to her, — the said Marmaduke John son, appearing in Court, confessed a part of the said presentment, and denied the other part thereof, which by evidence on file with the records of this Court appeared to be true; the Court, on hearing the case, sentenced the said Johnson to pay, as a fine for seeking to draw away the affections of the daugh ter of the said Samuel Greene without his consent, five pounds ; and for his threatening speeches, to give security for the peace and his appearance at the next Court at Charlestown, in case he abide so long within the jurisdiction of this Colony ; and for his presumptuous and wicked attempt of marriage, hav ing, by his own confession, a wife in England, that he return with the first opportunity that he may to his wife, on penalty of twenty pounds, to be for feited and paid to the County Treasurer; and to pay the costs of the Court;" Instead of departing from the country, as required by this order of Court, Johnson contracted to serve the society another year, in the printing-office. He was accordingly brought before the County Court Oct. 1663, and com pelled to give bonds in the sum of £40, to " depart this jurisdiction, accord ing to the order of the Court, within six weeks time next ensuing, or by Christopher Clark's ship, now bound for England." A higher authority now interposed. At the session of the General Court, commencing 20 Oct. 1663, an order was passed, to wit : " Upon perusal of the Commissioners' letter to the honorable Corporation in England, and Mr. Eliot's motion, touching Marmaduke Johnson, printer, informing that the said Corporation have con tracted with the said Johnson for one year, expiring 10th August next ; it is hereby ordered, that there be a suspension of the execution of an order of the last County Court of Middlesex for one year, enjoining the said Johnson to return to England, to his wife, whom he allegeth is diseased [deceased?], and may have opportunity, in the interval, to produce full certificate thereof." Probably, before the expiration of the year, Johnson furnished satisfactory evidence that his wife was dead; for he was allowed to remain and to continue the business of printing, without molestation. His intention to marry Greene's daughter, however, was effectually frustrated. He m. Ruth, dau. of Christo pher Cane, 28 Ap. 1670, by whom he had Elizabeth, b. 12 Feb. 1671-2, who prob. d. young. He resided at the S. E. corner of Winthrop and Brighton streets untU 1674, when he removed to Boston, where he d. 25 Dec. 1674. His w. Ruth d. 1676, devising her estate, by will dated 3 Ap. 1676, to her mother, brothers, and sisters ; a conditional bequest was made to her brother Jonathan, of " that house and land at Camb., in case that my husband's son (whom I never saw) come not to demand it, and let it be kept in repair; and in case he come, it is my wiU that the aforesaid house and land be delivered to him, without any molestation of him or any by or under him." Johnson's son probably never came to New England; the estate remained in possession of the Cane family until Sept. 1723, when it passed into the hands of Judah Monis, the Hebrew Preceptor. 2. John, by w. Mary, had John, b. 17 Nov. 1662; Thomas, b. 12 Jan. 1664. 3. John, prob. s. of John (2), by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 20 Jan. 1686-7; Abigail, b. 18 Sept. 1703; and probably others. Thomas, m. Elizabeth Green 8 Jan. 1682. William, id. Mary Cook 18 Feb. 1690-91. Hannah, m. John Cooper 21 Oct. 1725. Matthew, m. Eliza- JOHNSON — KENRICK. 595 beth Prentice 9 May 1726. James, in. Margaret Logan 4 Jan. 1738-9. Tabi tha, m. Asa AA'arren 1 Oct. 1747. Esther, m. Jonathan Cook 8 Nov. 1770. Frederick, m. Rhoda Reed 16 Oct. 17S3. Ruhamah, m. Joseph Perry 11 Ap. 1786. Rebecca, m. Samuel Hastings 14 June 1789. Abijah, m. Be'tsey AVhitney 19 Feb. 1797. Phebe, m. Benjamin Barker 14 Jan. 1798. Joseph. m. Amy Goodnow 23 May 1798. Josiah, Jr., m. Betsey Moore 10 Ap. 1800. Jones, AA'illiam, was here as early as 1635, and owned a house in the "AVest End." and six acres on the northerly side of Linnasan Street, which he sold to Edward AArinship, about 163S, after which period his name disap pears from the Records. The hill, however, in the angle of Linnajan Street and North Avenue, crowned by what was afterwards known as the " Gallows Lot," was for many years called "Jones's Hill." 2. John, by- w. Dorcas, had Samuel, b. 8 Oct. 1648. It is said that he rem. to Concord, and there had Ephraim, b. 1650; Elizabeth; Joseph, b. 1654; John, b. 1656; Rebecca, and William. He d. 22 June 1673, and his w. Dorcas m. William Buss of Concord. See Farmer. 3. Philip, in 1671 contracted to erect " a sufficient fence of stone, of four foot high," from Richard Hassell's farm (on the west side of Menotomy River) to Rocky Meadow, for which he was to receive land in payment. No Record is found of his family. Ann Gleason, spinster, administered his estate 26 Dec. 1690. Dorcas, perhaps dau. of John (2), m. Samuel Stone 12 June 1679. Sam uel, m. Sarah Hill 15 May 1704. AVilliam, m. Elizabeth Ash 28 Mar. 1776. James, in. Ruth Fisk 1 Jan. 1778. Thaddeus, m. Sarah Horton 19 Oct. 1789. Judd, Thomas, one of the first company, was here in 1635, and res. on the northerly side of Brattle Street; his homestead probably embraced the spot where the Craigie House stands, now owned by Professor Longfellow. He rem. with Hooker to Hartford. He was several years a Deputy or Rep resentative of Hartford, and subsequently of AVaterbury, to which place he removed. He was great-grandfather of Rev. Jonathan Judd, the first minis ter of Southampton, Mass., of whom Sylvester Judd, Esq., of Northampton, a diligent and accurate antiquarian, was grandson. Kelsey, AA'illiam (otherwise written Kellsie), was here in 1635, and res. at the S.' E. corner of AVinthrop and Spring streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker. " After his decease, his widow Bethia m. David Phillips of Milford. The town of Hartford, in 1664, offered him £10 to remove from Hartford with his wife." Hinman. . Kempster, Daniel, in 1642 res. on the southerly side of the Common, near Appian AVay. In 1644 he bought an estate on the westerly side of Dunster Street, about one hundred feet northerly froin Mount Auburn Street, where he subsequently resided. A few months before his death, he sold this estate to Justinian Holden. He was a carpenter, and d. between 15 Oct. 1666 and 2 Ap. 1667, a. about 80; Abigail, prob. his w., d. 22 Oct. 1657. In his will, dated 27 Sept. 1665, he bequeaths sundry articles to his cousin Thomas Moul ton, his kinsman Samuel Andrew, the daughter of his brother John Kempster, " sometime of Needum, England, deceased," Anna, daughter of Thomas Parke of Dunstable, England, and Elder Frost: " and the residue to such as shall tender me, and show me kindness, in my sickness and old age." Kendall, John, sold land on the south side of the river 8 Sept. 1646 ; according to the Record, "Edward Jackson bought of John Kendall and Elizabeth his wife, one dwelling-house, late Samuel HoUves, together with an out-house and ten acres of land." His w. Elizabeth was widow of Samuel HoUey; she may have suffered death for supposed witchcraft. See page 355. 2. Thomas, bv w. Sarah, had Mary, b. 28 Ap. 1711. Kenrick, John (otherwise written Kendrick, Kendenck, Kindnck, and Kinnerick), was of Boston 1639, res. for a time at Muddy River (now Brook line), where his w. Anna d. 15 Nov. 1656, and in 1658 purchased a farm south of the river (now Newton), where he d. 29 Aug. 1686, a. 82. His children, by w. Anna, were Hannah, bap. 9 Feb. 1640, d. young; John, b. 3 Oct. 1641; 596 KENRICK — KIDDER. Elijah, bap. 21 Jan. 1644, d. young; Elijah, b. 18 Oct. 1645 ; Hannah, b. 20 Mar. 1652, m. Jonathan Metcalf of Dedham 10 Ap. 16 74. His second w. Judith d. at Roxbury 23 Aug. 1687. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Esther, had Mercy, b. 1 July 1673; Grace, b. 10 Sept. 1674; Maria, b. 28 Jan. 1675-6; Esther, b. 25 Sept. 1677; Sarah, b. 26 Feb. 1678-9; Hannah, b. 15 Dec. 1680; Ann, b. 4 Nov. 1682; Abigail, b. 12 Nov. 1684; Mary; John, b. 6 Jan. 1690; Elizabeth, b. 9 Feb. 1693; Caleb, b. 8 Mar. 1695; Margaret, b. 15 Jan. 1697. John tbe f. res. in Newton, and d. 30 Sept. 1721 ; his w. Esther d. 1723, a. 70. 3. Elijah, s. of John (1), m. Hannah, dau. of John Jackson, and had Margaret, b. 29 Jan. 1668-9; Hannah, b. 5 Aug. 1670; Ann, b. 3 July 1672; John, b. 7 July 1675; Elijah, b. 11 May 1678; Ebenezer, b. 12 Feb. 1679-80; Elijah the f. res. in Newton, and d. 24 Dec. 1680; his w. Mary m. John Hyde 20 Jan. 1682-3, and d. 1 May 1737, a. 91. Kidder, James (otherwise written Kiddar, and Skidder), m. Anna, dau. of Francis Moore, and had in Camb. Hannah, b. 1 Mar. 1650-51, m. Na thaniel Kettle, Chs. 30 Ap. 1672; Dorothy, m. Jonathan Hyde, Jr., 6 May 1673; James, b. 3 Jan. 1653-4; John, b. about 1656; Thomas, b. 1 Mar. 1657; Nathaniel, bap. 27 Feb. 1658-9; and in Billerica, Ephraim, b. 31 Aug. 1660; Stephen, b. 26 Nov. 1662; Enoch, b. 16 Sept. 1664; Samuel, b. 7 Jan. 1665-6; Sarah, b. 1 June 1667, ra. George Brown 30 Jan. 1689-90; Joseph, b. 30 Nov. 1670. James the f. d. 16 Ap. 1676; Anna Kidder of Billerica, prob. his wid., m. William Underwood of Chelmsford 17 Mar. 1684-5. 2. James, s. of James (1), m. Elizabeth Brown 23 Sept. 1678, res. in Billerica, and had James, b. 27 June 1679; John, b. 27 Jan. 1680-81; Joseph, b. 21 Ap. and d. 30 July 1683; Elizabeth, b. 30 Mar. 1686; d. 14 Ap. 1703; Hannah, b. 27 Ap. 1689; Samuel, b. 22 May 1691, d. 1692. James the f. d. 15 Dec. 1732 ; his w. Elizabeth d. 10 Aug. 1691. 3. John, s. of James (1), resided at Chelmsford, where he m. Lydia Parker 3 Sept. 1684, and had Anna, b. 12 Sept. 1685; John, b. 23 Dec. 1687; Thomas, b. 13 Oct. 1690: and others. 4. Thomas, s. of James (1), by w. Elizabeth, had at Billerica, Rebecca, b. 27 Ap. 1689 ; and probably others. 5. Nathaniel, s. of James (1), d. unm. at Newton, between 12 Dec. 1690 and 7 Jan. 1690-91, devising his estate to his seven brothers and three sisters, then living. 6. Ephraim, s. of James (1), m. Rachel Crosby 4 Aug. 1685, and had Joseph; Ephraim, b. 26 Ap. 1688; Rachel, b. 1 Ap. 1691; Alice, b. 8 Feb. 1692; Hannah and Dorothy, twins, b. (at Medf.) 2 Sept. 1696; Thomas, b. 3 Aug. 1700; Benjamin, b. 3 Aug. 1702; Richard, b. 10 May 1705. Ephraim the f. inherited the homestead at'Billerica, where he d. 25 Sept. 1724; his w. Rachel d. in 1721. 7. Stephen, s. of James (1), by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 16 Oct. 1694; Stephen, b. 17 June 1696, d. 21 Jan. 1696-7: Stephen, b. 18 Oct. 1697; Anna, b. 20 Dec. 1699, d. young; Anna, b. 27 July 1701; Elizabeth, b. 29 Sept. 1703, d. of small-pox 28 Jan. 1721-2; Sarah, b. 22 Ap. 1705; Isaac, b. 6 Nov. 1707; John, b. 13 Feb. 170.3-9; Abigail, b. 28 Jan. 1711-12. Stephen the f. was a blacksmith, res. in Chs., and d. 1748; his w. Mary d. of small-pox 17 Sept. 1722. 8. Enoch, s. of James (1), m. Mary ; she d. in 1742, and he m. Han nah Danforth 4 June 1 743. His chil. were Mary, b. 14 Sept. 1693, d. same year; Abiqail, b. 16 Dec. 1694; Enoch, b. 30 Dec. 1697 ; William, b. 5 Dec. 1700, d. 1702; Francis, b. 1 Oct. 1703; Mary, b. 26 Mar. 1707; William, b. 13 Mar. 1710. Enoch the f. res. in Billerica, where both he and his w. Han nah d. in 1752. 9. Samuel, s. of James (1), res. in Camb, on the southerly side of Spruce Street (for many years and until recently known as Kidder's Lane), opposite Cedar Street. He m. Sarah Griggs 23 Oct. 1689, and had Sarah, b. IT Aug. 1690, m. Samuel Cooper, 29 Mar. 1720; Francis, b. 1692; Samuel, b. 1694, d. 14 Aug. 171-8, a. " about 24; " James, bap. 3 Jan. 1696-7, d. 31 Oct. 1714; KIDDER— LAMSON. 597 Thomas, bap. 18 Dec. 1698; John, b. 25 Nov. 1700, was a cordwainer, and d. unm. 6 Mar. 1734-5; Nathaniel, b. 20 Nov. 1702; Joseph, b. 23 Mar. 1704-5, d. 23 Aug. 1725; Mary, b. 5 June 1707, m. Benjamin Goddard 9 Dec. 1731 ; Hannah, b. 5 Mar. 1708-9. Samuel the f. was a maltster; Deacon of the Church six years; Selectman four years between 1716 and 1721; and was a useful and respected citizen. He d. 4 July 1724, a. 58; his w. Sarah d. 15 Nov. 1738, a. 72. 10. Francis, s. of Samuel (9), m. Mary Prentice 13 Feb. 1717-18, and had Mary, b. 16 Mar. 1718-19, m. Richard" Hunnewell, pub. 26 May 1739; Samuel, b. 21 June 1720, va. Mary Tompson 20 Mar. 1744, at Medf., where he prob. resided; and was father of Deac. Samuel of Medf., whod. 16 Dec. 1821, a. 75; James, b. 12 Dec. 1721; Francis, bap. 26 Jan. 1723-4. Francis the f. resided here, and d. 21 Jan. 1723-4, a. 31; his w. Mary m. Samuel Sprague of Stoneham, and was living 7 Nov. 1741. 11. Thomas, s. of Samuel (9), m. Lydia Prentice 8 Ap. 1725, and had Lydia, b. 19 Jan. 1725-6, m. AA7alter Cooper 13 Mar. 1755; Joseph, b. 20 Nov. 1727, d. unm. and his f. was administrator 9 May 1752; Solomon, b. 5 Feb. 1729-30; Thomas, b. 18 Jan. 1731-2; Nathan, b. 12 Feb. 1733-4, grad. H. C. 1755, trader at Dover, N. H., d. at Havanna, 1761, a. 27. Tabitha, bap. 29 Aug. 1736, m. John Bartlett 3 May 1759; John, bap. 18 Feb. 1738-9; Sarah, bap. 21 June 1741; Thomas, bap. 29 Aug. 1742, and d. young; Sarah, bap. 16 Sept. 1744; Benjamin, bap. 30 Nov. 1746. Thomas the f. was a housewright ; he d. before Ap. 1792, at which date his wid. Lydia d. in Boston, a. 88. 12. Nathaniel, s. of Samuel (9), m. Deborah Bowman 17 Sept. 1741, and had Eunice, b. 16 Aug. 1742, m. John Ranslow Sigourney 8 Nov. 1764; Nathaniel, b. 10 Ap. 1747, grad. H. C. 1767. and was a physician at New Market, N. IL, where he d. in Dec. 1823; Samuel, b. 26 Sept. 1753. Na thaniel the f. was a farmer, and d. 28 Mar. 1789, a. 86; his w. Deborah d. 31 Mar. 1789, a. 72; and they were buried in one grave. 13. John, s. of Thomas (11), ni. Mary Jackson of Newton (pub. 6 Mar. 1761) and had Mary, bap. 29 Dec. 1761 ; 'Lydia, bap. 11 Dec. 1763, m. Charles Frothingham 27 Sept. 1786; Sarah, bap. 29 Dec. 1765, m. Andrew Lopez 19 Nov. 1788; Phebe, bap. 1 Nov. 1767; John, b. 10 Sept.. 1769, prob. d. Ap. 1810; Tabitha, b. 9 Ap. 1771; Hannah, b. 20 Ap. 1773; Elizabeth,b. 10 Mar. 1775, d. 6 Nov. 1776; Elizabeth, b. 26 Aug. 1778; Rebecca, b. 16 Aug. 1780, d. unm. 7 Nov. 1854; Thomas, b. 20 May 1783, d. in Boston 20 Jan. 1876. John the f. was a tailor, and res. near the southeasterly corner of the old Burial-ground, where the church of the First Parish now stands. He d. Nov. 1793. 14. Samuel, s. of Nathaniel (12), m. Abigail AVinship 12 Nov. 17S7, and had Samuel, b. 7 Nov. 1791; and perhaps others. Samuel the f. d. July 1832; his w. Abigail d. Mar. 1830. a. 78. Knight, John, sold a house in Camb. to Nicholas Simpkins 20 Nov. 1637; and about 1638, to Roger Shaw, a house near the junction of Bow and Arrow streets. Richard, servant of John Betts, d. about 1652. Michael had a grant of land, 1683. Knowles, Richard, by w. Ruth, had James, b. 17 Nov. 1648. Lamson, Barnabas (otherwise written Lamsonn, Lambson, and Lamp- sone), was a Selectman 1636, aud res. at the N. E. corner of Holmes Place. He d. about 1640 ; his w. had prob. d. previously. By a nuncupative will, he ordered that his estate should be equally divided among his five children, whom he commended to the care of his friends, during their minority, to wit: "My daughter Mary to my brother Sparahak; to my brother Isaack, my daughter Sarah; my son Barnabey to my brother Parish; my daughter Matha to my brother Stone; my son Joseph to my brother Bridge." Joseph was still living in the family of Deacon Bridge, when Mitchell prepared his fragment of a Church Record ; and he may have been the father of Mary, b. about 1679, m. James Clark, Jr., 4 Nov. 1703, and d. 25 June 1711, a. 32. 598 LAPPIN WALL — LEVERETT Lappinwall, Michael, by w. Isabel, had Naomi, b. 8 Nov. 1638. Latham, Cary (otherwise written Lathom, Lathome, Lathum, and La- thrum), by w. Elizabeth, had Thomas, b. Nov. 1639; Joseph. He res. on the westerly side of Ash Street. He sold his house and se'ven acres of land about 1646, and rem.to New London, where he had Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, and Hannah. He d. 1685. 2. Robert, res. in the family of Rev. Thomas Shepard two years, pre vious to 12 Nov. 1646. He afterwards rem. to Bridgewater, where he had a family. Lawton. John (otherwise written Lorton), by w. Mary, had John, b. 10 Jan. 1691. Leverett, John, son of Hudson, grandson of Governor John, and great- grandson of Elder Thomas Leverett, was b. in Boston 25 Aug. 1662, grad. H. C. 1680, and received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity 1692, being the first, together with his classmate, Rev. AVilliam Brattle, on whom that honor was ever bestowed by Harvard College. He was several years Tutor, and a mem ber of the Corporation; Selectman 1699, 1700; Representative of Cambridge 1696, 1699, and 1700; Speaker of the House 1700; Member of the Council 1706; Vice-judge of Admiralty; Judge of Probate from 30 Oct. 1702 to 1707; and during the same period, 1702-1707, Justice of the Superior Court. He was elected President of Harvard College 28 Oct. 1707, was inaugurated on the 14th of the succeeding January, and performed the duties of that office with distinguished honor to himself and advantage to the institution, until 3 May 1724, when he was found dead in his bed, having apparently deceased without a struggle.1 He was highly honored and respected through life, and his death occasioned a general lamentation. For a more extended notice of his character, see Pres. Quincy's Hist, qf the University. It would seem that his 1 A bill for professional services rendered throw any light on the cause of President by Dr. Henry Hooper (who resided at the Leverett's death, it indicates the mannerof westerly corner of Brattle and Appleton medical practice a hundred and fifty years streets) is preserved in the Library of the ago: — N. Kng. Hist. Gen. Society. If it does not " Feb. The Estate of ye Hon.We Mr. John Leverett Dr. 23d Imps visit bleeding & dressing his arme3 £0. 4. 6 1721-2 A'isit Ext? dent. & dressing another ulcer that wanted digestion 0. 4. 6 to Visit & dressing boath armes 0. 3. 0 July 21 [Fortv-seven charges, here omitted, amount to] 6. 18. 0 1722. Two fisits to Boston 0. 10. 0 Dressing at my house when come up again from Boston 0. 2. 0 Eg1*" He went to Boston & stayed yr some time, and by reason I could not attend him there he was drest at Dr. Boylstons untill about the 20"> April he come up agn with his armes very much excoriate & in flamed I dress him at inv house and send a pott of ung' with him by w* in a short time the inflamation of his armes and hands is decipated and almost cicatrized About wch time he come and complaines his [sic] is sick at his stoma: & has an asthma I advise him to ye use of the EIixr pp7 &c. by wch he is restored again so I do no more for him as yett charge " 2. 0. 0 the 6th July he sent for me to apply a fomentation to his leggs y' was much tumefied and pitted with y" touch of ones fing7 which fomen tation with stupes I continue daily to apply at his house untill y" 15th following embrocating with a camphorated sp' with large em- plas78 O: Diac: Simp: & Rollers Item my attend" applying the above fomentation &c» from ye 6th July untill 15th ditto &c. 2. 0. 0 Egr*° the 16th he goes to y« mineral spring totake ye waters and ye 17* he comes and went into y" salt water I go in with him to attend him & when come out dress his leggs as above, and doe thus sundry times & y° 21s' July 1722 I visitt at his house & dress his leggs leave plas ter & spread for sundry dressings by which means he gitts well and for this my attend" &c» I charge 1. 0. 0 11. 9. 6 Emboweling 5. 0. 0 Errors Excepted P H. Hooper." LEVERETT — LONGHORN. 599 appearance was very dignified, and somewhat more haughty than would be tolerated in these days, since it has been discovered that all men are born free and equal. In the Library of the Mass. Hist. Society is preserved a letter from Nathaniel Cotton, a member of the Senior Class in College, to his father, Rev. Rowland Cotton of Sandwich, dated 6 Ap. 1717, in which it is said: " Our two Deacons walk on each side of the President with their hats under their arms, when consulting, making very low obeisance to him when thev take their leave of him. He not so much as touches his hat, or takes his handout of his pocket, which is taken notice of ; and indeed is ruler of the Town as well as College." Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street. nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker | Shepard,^ and -Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wiggles worth; con nected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Daniel Denison, and wid. of Capt. Thomas Berry. She d. 7 June 1720, a. 54, and lie m. 5 Ap. 1722 Sarah, wid. of AVilUam Harris, who survived him, and m. Hon. John Clark of Boston 15 July 1725, after whose death she contracted a fourth marriage 6 May 1731, becoming the wife of Rev. Benjamin Colman, and d. 24 Ap. 1744, a. 71. His children, aU by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward AVigglesworth 15 June 1 726, and d. 9 Nov. 1 727 ; Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1701; m. Major John Denison of Ipswich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dee. 1728; John, b. 26 Sept. 1703, d. 31 Oct. 1704; Payton, b. 4 Aug. 1704, d. 7 Dec. 1704; Margaret, b. 31 July 1705, d. 16Junel716; Anne, b. 5 July 1708, d. 30july 1708; John, b. 21 June 1711, d. 4 July 1711. Rachel, m. Josiah Dana 31 Oct. 1782. Sally, m. Oliver Pratt 29 Sept. 1788. i Lewis, AVilliam, was here in 1635, and res. at the N. W. corner of AVin throp and Holyoke streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker's company, and thence to Farmington, where he was a Sergeant in 1649 ; " to train the men there." Lockwood, Edmund, was among the more prominent of the first company of inhabitants. He was appointed Constable by the General Court, May 1632; and, at the same session, it was " ordered that there should be two of every Plantation appointed to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock; Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Spencer for New Town." He died before 3 March 1634-5, when the Court " Ordered, that Ruth Lockwood, widow, shall bring all the writings that her husband left in her hands to John Haynes, Esq., and Simon Bradstreete, on the third day of the next week, who shall detain the same in their hands till the next Court, when they shall be disposed of to those to whom they belong." It is not. improbable that Mr. Lockwood removed to AVat. before his death, or that his widow removed there immedi ately afterwards ; for by an order of Court 7 Ap. 1635, " It is referred to the Church of Watertown, with the consent of Robert Lockwood, executor of Edmund Lockwood dec. to dispose of the children and estate of the said Ed mund Lockwood (aiven to them), to such persons as they think meet," etc. Of these children, only one name appears on the record of births, viz. John, b. Nov. 1632. 2. Robert, prob. brother of Edmund (1), res. in AVat. and by w. Susan had Jonathan, b. 10 Sept. -1634; Deborah, b. 12 Oct. 1636; Joseph, b. 6 Aug. 1638; Daniel, b. 21 Mar. 1640; Ephraim, b. 1 Dec. 1641 ; Gershom, b. 6 Sept. 1643. Hinman says Robert the f. removed to Norwalk, Conn., as early as 1649. Longhorn, Thomas (otherwise written Longhorne and Langhorne), was a butcher and the town drummer. In 1 652 he purchased the homestead pre viously owned bv Simon Crosby, at the southerly corner of Brattle Street and Brattle Square, where he probably resided during the remainder of his life. He m. Sarah, dan. of Bartholomew Green, about 1646, and had Thomas, b. 26 Aug. 1647, bur. 5 Ap. 1648; Sarah, b. 26 Feb. 1648-9; Elizabeth, b. 600 LONGHORN — LUXFORD. about 1651 ; Man/, b. 5 Sept. 1653, ct. 27 Mar. 1654; Mary, b. 1 Mar. 1654-5; Samuel, bap. 9 Dec. 1660, d. young; Mercy, bap. 11 May 1662, d. young; Pa tience, bap. 3 Ap. 1664, d. young. Thomas the f. d. 6 May 1685, "aged about 68 years," according to his epitaph ; but in his will, dated 24 Ap. 1685, he calls himself 69 years old, and names wife Sarah, and surviving children Sarah, Elizabeth, and Mary. Bethia, family uncertain, m. Amos Marrett 2 Nov. 1681. Loud, Thomas. His name does not appear on our Records. But Hinman says he " came to Hartford from Cambridge, Mass., in 1636, .... and was in'the division of lands at Hartford in 1639. His children were Thomas [a surgeon], Richard, William, Dorothy, Robert, John, and Amy. He is the an cestor of the Lord family of the State." 2. Richard, perhaps s. of Thomas (1), in 1635 owned " one shop, with garden plot, about half a rood," at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets. He rem. to Hartford, where he was Constable in 1642, and Selectman in 1744. " He was a man of great energy, and an original settler. In 1657, he was appointed Captain of the first troop of horse ever raised in the Colony After several years spent in Hartford he removed to New London, where he died." — Hinman. Lowden, John, m. Sarah Stevenson 29 May 1682. Luxford, James, was an early inhabitant, and res. on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, on a lot which he sold to Mrs. Glover in 1639, and which became the site of the famous Old School-house. By his w. Elizabeth, he had Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1637, living in 1658; Reuben, b. Feb. 1639-40. It would seem that Luxford left a wife in England, and during her life-time iniqui- tously contracted a second marriage here. The General Court, being in formed of the fact shortly before the second child was born, took measures to punish the guilty and protect and partially indemnify the innocent. Under date of 3 Dec. 1639, it is recorded that "James Luxford being presented for having two wives, his last marriage was declared void or a nullity thereof, and to be divorced, not to come to the sight of her whom he last took, and he to be sent away for England by the first opportunity; all that he hath is ap pointed to her whom he last married, for her and her children. He is also fined £100, and to be set in the stocks an hour upon a market day, after the lecture the next lecture day if the weather permit; or else the next lecture day after." Soon afterwards, he appears to have been convicted of other crimes; for 13 May 1640, "James Luxford, for his forgery, lying, and other foul offences, was censured to he bound to the whipping post till the lecture from the first bell, and after the lecture to have his ears cut off; and so he had lib erty to depart out of our jurisdiction." Very probably he availed himself of the liberty granted, and with mutilated ears departed from the jurisdiction of those rulers who were a terror to evil doers. I find no trace of him here afterwards.1 His wife remained here, was a member of the Church, and a recipient of its bounty. Her name appears on the records as sister Albon, Albone, or Olbon I conjecture that her name before marriage was Olbon or Albone ; that she resumed it for herself and her children when her marriage was annulled by the Court ; and that, at some period subsequent to 1645 (when she is called sister Albone), she m. Cole (perhaps the father of Arthur Cole), and died before 1668. This conjecture is partly founded on the fragment of a Church Record commenced by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, who d. in 1668. Under the name of John Fezington (Fessenden) he says: "In his family is Reuben Luxford, alias Olbon, who, together with his sister Elizabeth, were baptized in this church, being the children of our Sister Olbon (lately Cole), now deceased." The original Record was thus written ; but subse quently the words — " Luxford alias " — were erased. 1 An unfaithful steward of Governor Win- 169. More than a dozen shits were eom- throp, bearing the same name, perhaps the menced against him in Plymouth, at the same person, fled to Plymouth before 10 court holden in December. 1641. Plym. Col. Oct. 1640, and was then in extreme poverty Rec, vii. 24-27. and di-tress. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soe., xxxvi. LUXFORD -MANNING. 601 2. Reuben, s. of James (1), resumed the name Luxford, and m. Margaret at Lancaster 22 June 1669; she d. 31 Aug. 1691, and he in. Lydia . His chil. were Margaret, b. 27 July 1673, m. John Pattin 13 Mar. 1700; Lydia, va. Philip Goodwin 14 June 1694. Reuben the f. res. on the south erly side of Brattle Street, near Ash Street and d. 3 May 1703; his w. Lydia m. Nathaniel Billings 29 Mar. 1 709. Mackey, Daniel (otherwise written Mackee and Makey), hy w. Sarah, had Sarah, b. 10 Jan. 1663; Nathaniel, b 1 Oct. 1665; Daniel, b. 17 Aug. 1670; Mary, b. 17 Oct. 1672, d. young; Mary, b. 25 Sept. 1673; Jacob, b. 14 Mar. 1675;' Hannah, b. 29 Mar. 1677; Ebenezer, b. 20 Ap. 1680. Macoone, John (otherwise written Maccoon, Maccoone, and Maekoon), m. Deborah Bush 8 Nov. 1656; she d. 20 Feb. 1664, and he m. Sarah AVood 14 June 1665. His chil. were Hannah, b. 31 Oct. 1659; Deborah, b. 31 Dec. 1661; Elizabeth, b. 31 Jan. 1662, d. 30 Jan. 1663; Sarah, b. 15 Feb. 1663; John, b. 14 June 1666; Daniel, b. 18 Feb. 1668; Elizabeth, b. 17 Jan. 1669; Margaret, b. 20 Feb. 1671; Peter, b. 21 Fob. 1673. John the f. resided on the south side of the river, and was living in 1676. Mercy, m. Samuel Foster of Boxford 2 Sept. 1703. Man, AVilliam (or Mann), va. Alice Teel 11 June 1657, and d. before 1 Ap. 1662. In his will, dated 10 Dec. 1661, he names his wife, and an only son Samuel, by a former marriage. AVilliam the f. was here as early as 1635, and res. on the road leading to the Fresh Pond. Before 1642 he pur chased a house and land on the easterly side of North Avenue, near the Com mon, where he subsequently resided. 2. Samuel, s. of AA'illiam (1), b. 6 July 1647, grad. H. C. 1665, and taught school for a time in Dedham. About 1670 he commenced preaching at AVren- tham, where a few famUies were settled. They were scattered during Philip's War. Soon afterwards they returned, and Mr. Mann recommenced his labors. He continued in the ministry untU 22 May 1719, when he died. His posterity is very numerous. Hezekiah, grad. H. C. 1731, d. at the house of Mr. Palmer 5 Aug. 1739, and was buried from the College Hall. Manning, William, was an early inhabitant and ancestor of a family once numerous here and not yet extinct in the female line. About the year 1638 he purchased of George Stocking an estate at the southwest corner of Mount Auburn and Holyoke streets. He appears to have been living in Oct. 1650, when his wife Susanna died; but I find no trace of him afterwards. 2. AVilliam, s. and apparently the only child of AVilliam (1), inherited the homestead, and was a prominent citizen. He was a merchant, somewhat con cerned in navigation, and owned a warehouse at the southwest corner of Dun ster and South streets, to which boats had free access by the canal. He d. 14 Mar. 1690-91, a. 76 ; his w. Dorothy d. 26 July 1692, a. 80. Their chil. were Hannah, b. 21 June 1642, m. Samuel Stearns of AVat., 1662; Samuel, b. 21 July 1644; Sarah, b. 28 Jan. 1645-6, m. Joseph BuU; Abigail, b. 15 Jan. 1647-8, d. 10 May 1648; John, b. 31 Mar. 1649, <1. of small-pox 25 Nov. 1678, prob. unm.;' Mary, birth not recorded, but named on the Church Record and in the division of her father's estate, m. Adams, and d. before 1692, leaving a son Eliphalet. Timothy, prob. of the same family, d. 8 Nov. 1653. 3. Samuel, s. of AVilliam (2), rem. early to Billerica, where he subse quently resided, was Representative in 1695 and 1696, Town Clerk six years, and d. 22 Feb. 1710-11. By his first wife, EUzabeth Stearns of AVatertown, whom he m. 13 Ap. 1664, he had Samuel, birth not recorded, and John, b. 30 Aug. 1666. By his second wife, Abiah AA'right, whom he m. 6 May 1673, he had Timothy, b". 4 Feb. 1673-4, d. 12 Mar. 1673-4; Hannah, b. 28 Mar. 1675, m. Ebenezer King of AVatertown 7 Dec. 1699; William, b. 27 June 1677; Mary,b,2 Sept. 1679; Sarah,1 b. 26 Aug. 1681, m. Samuel Robinson of Camb. 1 Her son, Samuel Robinson, bom in Cam- ton. Vt., went to England as agent for the bridge 4 April 1707, removed to Hardwick, settlers on the Xew Hampshire grants iu and was a Captain in the French War, 1750 their controversy with New York, and died -1763; he aft«nvards removed to Benning- at London, of small-pox, in 1767, leaving a 602 MANNING. 23 Mar. 1703-4, and d. 19 July 1709- Dorothy, b. 27 June 1683; Isaac, b. 15 Ap. 1685; E/,hraim,b. 11 Sept. 1686; Elizabeth, b. 14 Mar. 1690-91 ; Timothy, b. 4 Mar. 1692-3 ; Eliphalet; Abiah. 4. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), was styled " waterman," and rem. from Bil lerica to Cunib. about 1692. In 1698 his father conveyed to him the ware house, boat-house, and wharf rights (which he had inherited), at the south west corner of Dunster and South streets, and a house and land on the southeast corner. A part of this estate he sold to Jonathan Remington in 1720, and before 1724 rem. to AVindham, Conn., where he was living in 1744. By his wife Deborah, he had Dorothy, b. 17 Jan. 1688-9 ; Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1690-91 ; Edward; John, bap. 17 Jan. 1696-7; Abigail, bap. 14 May 1699, m. Jabez Carter 27 June 1723; Elizabeth, b. 21 Nov. 1701, m. Bingham; Mary, b. 17 Mar. 1703-4, m. Case; Joseph (prob. grad. at II. C. 1730), was a physician in Woburn, where he d. in 1745. By his will, dated 29 Oct. 1744, he seems to have left neither wife nor children, as he gives his whole property to his father Samuel, his brothers Edward and John, and his sisters Abigail, Elizabeth, and Mary. 5. John, s. of Samuel (3), was a carpenter. In 1709 he purchased of Richard Proctor an estate on the westerly side of Dunster Street, between Mount Auburn and Winthrop streets, on or near which the first meeting-house in Cambridge was erected. He d. 3 Feb. 1718-19. By his wife Sarah, he had John; Edward, bap. 27 Mar. 1698 ; WUliam, b. 21 May 1700 ; Samuel, b. 20 Ap. 1703; Benjamin, b. 10 Mar. 1704-5, res. in Billerica 1748, and prob. the same who m. Mary, dau. of Deacon William French ; Sarah, b. 27 Mar. 1708, and was living unmarried in 1 732. 6. Isaac, s. of Samuel (3), m. Margaret, dau. of AVilliam Eager, 8 April 1708, and had Isaac, b. 13 Jan. 1708-9; Margaret, b. 25 Sept. 1710, m. Daniel Barrett 10 Nov. 1737 ; William, b. 24 Oct. 1712 ; Thomas, b. 16 Aug. 1714, and d. 16 Nov. 1714; Daniel, b. 5 Feb. 1715-16; Sarah, b. 7 Feb. 1717-18; Hannah, b. 25 Dec. 1719, m. James Lanman 25 July 1743; Thomas, b. 19 Jan. 1722-3. 7. John, s. of Samuel (4), was styled " waterman," and sometimes "cord wainer." He rem. to Hopkinton as early as 1725. By his wife Abigail, dau. of Joseph AVinship, he had in Camb. Joseph, b. 15 July 1718 ; John, b. 10 July 1720; Sarah, b. 2 Jan. 1721-2; Samuel, bap. 10 Nov. 1723. 8. John, s. of John (5), was a carpenter. He m. Rebecca Winship 6 June 1728, and had Sarah, bap. 20 Ap. 1729 : John, bap. 12 Dec. 1731 ; Esther, bap. 5 Jan. 1734-5. 9. Edward, s. of John (5), was a chair maker. By purchasing the rights of the other heirs, he became owner of the homestead on Dunster Street, where he d. 6 June 1774. By his wife Mary, he had Mary, b. 26 May 1720, m. Stephen Randall 29 Mar. 1753; Elizabeth, b. 18 Jan. 1721-2, and d. 26 Jan. 1731-2 ; Edward, b. 26 Mar. 1724 ; John, b. 3 Dec. 1725; Mercy, b. 4 Aug. 1727, and d. 24 Jan. 1731-2; James, b. 16 May 1729, and d. 1 Feb. 1731-2 ; Benjamin, b. 15 Oct. 1730 ; Elizabeth, b. 5 June 1732, and d. 1 Oct. 1733 ; Hannah, b. 20 Mar. 1733-4, m. Benjamin Hill 4 Feb. 1761; Mercy, b. 19 Nov. 1735, in. Samuel AVoods of Roxbury 26 Feb. 1756; Abigail, bap. 3 Dec. 1738, and d. 28 July 1739. 10. AVilliam, s. of John (5), was a cordwainer. In 1725 he purchased an estate at the southwest corner of AA'inthrop and Brighton streets, where he d. 17 Sept. 1778. His wife Mary d. 15 May 1774, a. 74. Their children were WiUiam, b. 19 Sept. 1722, and d. young; 'Thomas, b. 8 Mav 1727; Samuel, b. 26 Aug. 1729; Joseph, b. 26 Jan. 1730-31; Mary, b. 19 Feb*. 1732-3, m. John AVarland 26 Sept. 1754; after his death, she m. William Darling 19 May 1763, large family all born in Hardwick. Two of Senator in Congress, for the same State. his sons were particularly distinguished : Another son, Samuel, served as Adjutant in Moses, who was Chief Justice of the Supreme the French War, commanded a company in Court, Senator in Congress, and Governor the Bennington Battle, and became Colonel of Vermont ; and Jonathan-, who was also of a regiment of militia. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and MANNING —MARKHAM — MARRETT. 603 whom she survived, and d. 22 May 1817; William, b. 11 May 1755; Sarah, b. 29 Nov. 1737, m. John Barrows of Plymouth (afterwards of Dighton), and was living in 1806; Rebecca, b. 17 Ap.'l740, hi. Pratt, and d. 19 June 1774, leaving an only child Rebecca; Ebenezer, b. 8 May 1743, grad. at II. C. 17.66, taught school in Greenland, N. H., and d. 26 Sept. 1801. 11. Edward, s. of Edward (9), m. Patience Day of Boston 4 Dec. 1746, and had Margaret, b. 27 Sept. 1747. 12. John, s. of Edward (9), was a chair-maker, and inherited the home stead on Dunster Street. In 1794, having lost his reason, his guardian sold the estate for his. benefit. Unable by reason of mental and physical imbecility to maintain himself, he became an inmate of the almshouse where he d. 17 Ap. 1814, aged 88. I think he was never married. 13. Samuel, s. of William (10), was a cordwainer, and inherited his father's homestead. He d. 2 Ap. 1824, a. 94 years and 7 months. He m. Mary Woods 1777, and had Samuel, b. 28 Mav 1778. His w. d. 15 Oct. 1788, a. 50; and he m. Sarah AA'oods 29 Dee. 1791;' she d. 16 April 1812, a. 72. 14. Joseph, s. of William (10), grad. at H. C. 1751; was a clergyman, and chaplain in the Continental Army; res. for a time in Providence; was of Bath, Me., in 1806, ami d. in 1808, a. 77. He had several children; one of whom was the late William Manning, who, having been a printer for nearly or quite half a century, and subsequently Messenger to the Governor and Council of the Commonwealth, spent the last few years of a cheerful old age with his affectionate family in this city, and d. 25 July 1849, a. 82. His descendants are numerous.* 15. AA'illiam, s. of AA'illiam (10), was a cordwainer, and resided on the westerly side of Harvard Square, on an estate which he purchased in 1778, and which after his death was sold to Harvard College. He m. Rebecca Oliver 26 Nov. 1772, and d. 10 Dec. 1804, a. 69. She d. 13 Ap. 1821, a. 81. Their children were Rebecca, b. 7 Sept. 1774, and d. 21 Sept. 1774; WiUiam, b. 4 Nov. 1775, and d. 22 Sept. 177 7. 16. Samuel, s. and only child of Samuel (13), grad. at H. C. 1797, was a physician, and res. principally in Lancaster. He returned to Camb. in 1821, and d. in Oct. 1822. His first wife was Lucy Cogswell, by whom he had Samuel, grad. at H. C. 1822, res. in Baltimore, and d. 16 May 1857; Mary W., m. Dr. A. B. Cleaveland of Baltimore; William, a physician in Michigan; Rebecca, deceased; Joseph and Charles, both of Baltimore. His second wife was Elizabeth B., dau. of Thomas Warland, and widow of Rev. John L. Abbott, to whom he was va. 20 Mar. 1822, a few months before his decease. She still resides in Cambridge. Markham, Daniel, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Whitmore, 3 Nov. 1669, and had Daniel, b. 1 Nov. 16 71; Elizabeth, b. 13 July 1673; James, b. 16 Mar. 1674-5. Marrett, Thomas (otherwise written Marritt, Maritt, Mariott, and Mary- ott), came early to Camb. and in 1638 purchased the estate at the N. E. cor ner of Dunster and Mount Auburn streets. He had previously owned a lot on the northerly side of Harvard Street extending northerly to Gore Hall, which was long afterwards known as the " Fellows' Orchard." He was by occupation a shoemaker, but a prominent citizen. He is supposed to have been the first elected Deacon of Shepard's Church, organized in 1636, and was a Selectman six years, from 1639 to 1647. His children, by w. Susanna, all prob. b. in England, were Abigail, m. Daniel Fisher of Dedham 17 Nov. 1641; Susanna, m. George Barstow of Scituate, and d. here 11 Ap. 1654; John; Thomas; Hannah, d. unm. 9 Dec. 1668. Thomas the f. d. 30 June 1664, a. 75. In his will, dated 15 Oct. 1663, he names as then living, his w. Susanna; children John, Thomas, Abigail, Hannah; and grandchildren, Lydia, Amos, John, and Jeremiah Fisher; Thomas, Amos, Susanna, and John Marrett, and the children (George and Margaret) of George Barstow, dec. 2. John, s. of Thomas (1), m. Abigail Richardson 20 June 1654, and had 1 Among the children of AVilliam Manning Hon. J. M. S. Williams, and Mr. Henry B. are the wive3 of Hon. Henry 0. Houghton, Glover, all residing in Cambridge. 604 MARRETT. Thomas, b. 15 Dec. 1656, killed by the Indians at the Sudbury Fight, 20 Ap. 1675 ; John (twin with Thomas), b. 15 Dec. 1656, d. 7 Mar. 1657-8 ; Amos,b. 25 Feb. 1657-8 ; Susanna, b. 19 Jan. 1659-60, m. Jacob Amsden, and d. 16 Oot. 1707 without issue; John, b. 29 Jan. 1661-2, d. 6 Nov. 1663; John, b. 3 June 1664, d. at sea, unm. (administration granted to Jacob Amsden 17 Mar. 1690-91); Abigail, b. 16 Aug. 1666, va. Timothy Rice of Concord 27 Ap. 1687, who d. 1692, arid Joseph Crackbone 11 May 1698 ; Hannah, b. 17 Aug. 1668, m. Samuel Hastings, Jr. ; Edward, b. 2 Aug. 1670; Mary, b. 7 Mar. 1671-2, m. Joseph Hovey 10 Dec. 1702, and Nathaniel Parker of Newton 27 Jan. 1736-7 ; Lydia, b. 22 Feb. 1673-4, d. young. The deaths of Thomas and the third John are stated on the authority of a manuscript genealogy by the late Rev. John Marrett of Burlington. John the f. was a shoemaker, and after 1682 resided a few rods westerly from the Craigie Plouse in the former mansion of Deac. John Bridge. He. d. between 3 Oct. and 16 Dec. 1695; his w. Abigail survived and was prob. the same who d. 15 Mar. 1721-2. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), taught school in Dedham from Dec. 1659 to July 1661 ; and is named in his father's will 15 Oct. 1663. 4. Amos, s. of John (2), m. Bethia Longhorn 2 Nov. 1681 ; she d. 20 Nov. 1730, a. 69, and he m. Ruth, wid. of Jona. Dunster, 22 Nov. 1732, who survived him, and m. Peter Hayes of Stoneham 1742. Mr. Marrett, gener aUy known as Lieut. Marrett, was by occupation a farmer and brickmaker, a man of wealth, and a prominent citizen of the town. In 1 704 he purchased ten acres of land, between the paternal homestead and the estate late of Dr. Hill, embracing the site of the house celebrated as the headquarters of AArashington, the present residence of Professor Longfellow. On this lot, which he had occupied for several previous years under lease, he seems to have spent the remainder of his days ; but whether his house was erected by him or by a previous owner does not appear. The estate remained in the Marrett family until 1746, when it was sold to Col. John Vassall. Lieut. Marrett d. without posterity 17 Nov. 1739, a. 81. He had previously con veyed his homestead to his nephew Amos Marrett, and in his will constituted him his principal heir. 5. Edward, s. of John (2), m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Bradish (Barry, Hist. Fram., says she had previously m. Joseph Stanhope). Their chil. were Amos, b. about 1694, d. young; Hannah, bap. 27 Dec. 1696, m. Joseph Law rence 17 Feb. 1714-15. rem. to Connecticut; Susanna, bap. 11 Sept. 1698, m. John Pierce of Boston 27 Sept. 1722, and Samuel AVitt of Marlborough, d. without issue Dec. 1794; Abigail, b. 28 Feb. 1700-1, m. Judah Monis, the He brew Preceptor, 13 Jan. 1723-4, d. without issue 1761 ; Amos, b. 5 Sept. 1703; Mary, bap. 28 Ap. 1706, m. Rev. John Martyn of Cambridge, afterwards of Northborough, 18 Aug. 1724, d. 8 Sept. 1775, leaving several children; John, b. 29 July 1711, d. of small-pox in Boston, a. 18; Edward, b. 5 Nov. 1713. Edward the f. was a glazier, and resided on the homestead on Brattle Street. He d. 11 Ap. 1754, a. 83: his w. Hannah d. 9 Ap. 1754, a. 84. Both attended meeting on the previous Sabbath, and both were buried in one grave. 6. Amos, s. of Edward (5), m. Mary, dau. of Henry Dunster 21 Sept. 1732, and had Abigail, b. 25 Aug. 1 733, d. young; Ruth, b. 30 Ap. 1735, d. unm. 2 May 1766, and was buried at Lexington ; Amos, bap. 17 July 1737, d. young; Amos, b. 8 Feb. 1738-9; Mary, b. 17 Aug. 1740, d. 17 Oct. 1754; John, b. 10 Sept. 1741, grad. H. C. 1763, ordained at 2d church in AArobum (now Burlington) 21 Dee. 1774, m. Martha, dau. of his predecessor, Rev. Thomas Jones, and d. 18 Feb. 1813, leaving an only dau. Martha, who in. his successor, Rev. Samuel Sewall, the distinguished ecclesiastical antiquarian. Amos tho f. was a glazier and farmer. He dealt largely in real estate, and appears to have been a man of wealth. He was the principal heir of his uncle Amos, and resided on his homestead, until 1746, when he sold it to Col. John Vassall, and purchased the estate afterwards called the Fayerweather estate, recently owned by William Wells, which was then in AVatertown. He d. there (perhaps in the old farmhouse lately demolished) 14 Nov. 1747, a. 44. Plis w. Mary survived. MARRETT — MARTIN— MASON. 605 7. Edward, s. of Edward (5), m. Mary AVyatt of Boston 13 May 1736; she d. 15 Jan. 1743-4, a. 29, and he married wid. Susanna Foster of Boston 3 Nov. 1762, who d. 12 Dec. 1787, a. 71. His chil. were Mary, bap. 13 Mar. 1736-7; Edward, b. 21 Jan. 1738-9, d. young; Judah, bap. 21 Dec. 1740; Thomas, bap. 16 May 1742, grad. H. C. 1761, school-master and Deacon of tlie 3d Church at Gloucester, returned here after his father's death, united with the Camb. Church 1781, and d. 24 June 1784; Edward, bap. 15 Jan. 1743-4. Edward the f. was a tailor, and inherited the homestead, which he sold 28 July 1759 to Col. John Vassall. He had previously, 13 June 1745, purchased the estate formerly occupied by his first N. Eng. ancestor, Deac. Thomas Marrett, at the N. E. corner of Dunster and Mount Auburn streets, where he resided during the remainder of life. He was Captain of militia, and Selectman seven years, from 1769 to 1777 inclusive. He d. 13 Sept. 1780, a. 67. 8. Amos, s. of Amos (6), m. Abigail Tidd of Lex. (pub. 14 Sept. 1760), and had, in Camb., Abigail, bap. 6 June 1762, d. young; Amos, b. 4 Oct. 1763 ; and in Lex., Abigail, b. 4 June 1765; Daniel, b. 18 July 1767; Ruth, b. 12 Nov. 1768. Amos the f. was a farmer, and inherited the homestead, which he sold 19 Ap. 1764 to George Ruggles, Esq., of Boston; it was sub sequently known as the Fayerweather estate. About the time of this sale he removed to Lex. where he d. 27 Mar. 1S05, a. 66. 9. Amos, s. of Amos (8), res. in Lex., and by w. Patty, had Patty, b. 9 Sept. 1787; Salty, b. 1 Oct. 1789; Hannah, b. 24 Dec. 1792; Nabby, b. 18 Aug. 1795; Betsy, b. 4 July 1798; Ruth, b. 18 Mar. 1801; John, b. 17 Oct. 1803; Emily, b. 25 Dec. iS06 ; Harriet, b. 13 Sept. 1809. Amos the f. d. 16 Nov. 1824, a. 61. 10. Daniel, s. of Amos (8), grad. H. C. 1790, Pastor of the Church in Standish, Me., 33 years, where he d. 14 Ap. 1836, a. nearly 69. He m. Dorcas, dau. of Maj. Samuel Hastings of Lex., 8 Oct. 1810 (second wife), and had Leander, b. 16 Sept. 1811, d. 13 July 1814; Lorenzo, b. 18 Mar. 1816, grad. Bow. Col. 1838, m. Eliza A. AViusor of Pawtucket, R. I., 14 Aug. 1845, res. in Camb., is a lawyer, and has been Alderman and Representative ; Isabella Annette, b. 20 July 1817, d. 4 Mar. 1818; Avery Williams, b. 19 Jan. 1819, m. Elizabeth B. Weston of Standish 25 Nov. 1847, and res. on the homestead; Dane Appleton, b. 12 Jan. 1S22, m. Eliza A. Locke of Lancaster 7 June 1848, was a merchant, and had children in Somerville; Samuel Hast ings, b. 12 Jan. 1S22, m. Fanny A. Locke, twin sister to his twin brother's wife, 7 June 1848, was a merchant in Somerville, where he d. 22 May 1850; Helen Maria, b. 3 July 1823, d. unm. 15 Mar. 1846: Francis Grenville, b. 8 Sept. 1826, a piano-forte manufacturer, d. unm. at East Cambridge 16 May 1859. Martin, Thomas, by w. Alice, had Abigail, b. 22 Aug. 1653. Deborah, in. Ebenezer Frost 2 July 1 723. Mason, Hugh, came to N. Eng. with his w. Hester, or Esther, in 1634, and settled in AVatertown. He was by occupation a tanner, but much engaged in public life, being a Captain of the train-band for a long succession of years, Selectman about" thirty years, and Representative ten years. His children, all born in AVat., were Hannah, b. 23 Sept. 1636, m. Capt. Joshua Brooks of Concord 17 Oct. 1653; Elizabeth, b. 3 Sept. 1638, d. young; Ruth, b. 17 Dec. 1640, d. young; Mary (twin with Ruth), b. 18 Dec. 1640, in. Rev. Joseph Estabrook of Concord 20 May 1668; John, b. 1 Jan. 1644; Joseph, b. 10 Aug. 1646; Daniel, b. 19 Feb. 164S-9; Sarah, b. 25 Sept. 1651, m. Capt. Andrew Gardner of Muddy River (Brookline) 20 May 1668, and was mother of Rev. Andrew Gardner, 'who was accidentally killed at Lancaster during the Indian troubles in 1704. Hugh the f. d. 10 Oct. 1678, a. 73; his w. Esther d. 21 May 1692, a. 82. 2. John, s. of Hu 16. Tno.MAS, by w. Mary, had Sybil, b. 3 Mar. 1761. Spencer, AA'illiam, one of the first company, was here in 1632, and res. at the N. E. corner of Mount Auburn Street and Brattle Square. He was Selectman 1635, Deputy or Representative 1632, 1634-1637, five years; Lieutenant of the first Train-band in Camb. 1637, and one of the original members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company 1639, in which year he rem. to Hartford, where he was Selectman, Deputy, and one of the Committee to revise the laws of the Colony. 2. Thomas, was here as early as 1633, and res. on the easterly side of EUot Street. His estate extended from Mount Auburn Street to AVinthrop Street, which he sold to Edmund Angier, and rem. to Hartford, where he served on a Committee 1644, and was Chimney-viewer 1649. 3. Garrad (or Gerard, or Jared), was here in 1634, and owned land on the south side of the river. He probably removed to Lynn, and afterwards to Haddam, Conn. The General Court 13 Mar. 1637-8 granted him " the ferry at Linn for two years, taking two pence for a single person to the furthest place, and but one penny a person for more to the furthest place, and but one penny for a single person to the nearest place." 4. Michael, owned four acres on the south side of the river 1635. Lewis says he was of Lynn 1637. 5. Michael, whether s. of the foregoing not ascertained, m. Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Swoetman, 7 Dec. 1671, and had Rebecca, b. 4 Nov. 1673; Susanna, b. 6 Ap. 1680; Michael, b. 16 Ap. 1682; Thomas, b. 3 Feb. 1688; Ammi, b. 11 July 1690. Michael the f. was a ship-carpenter. In 1677 he purchased the homestead of Thomas Swcetman at the N. AV. corner of the College Grounds, subject to the life estate of Swcetman and his wife, except three rooms already occupied by Spencer. This estate he sold 12 June 1697 to the Corporation of Harvard College, reserving the use of one third thereof to the widow Isabel Swcetman during her life. Spring, John, ;. of John of AA'at., m. Hannah Barsham, and had Hannah, b. 1 Oct. 1657; Mary, b. 10 June 1659; Susanna, b. 16 Ap. 1661; Sarah, b. 1662; Rebecca, b. 10 Feb. 1664; Abigail, b. 20 Feb. 1666; Susanna, b. 18 Aug. 1670, d. young; Mary, b. 19 Feb. 1672-3; Elizabeth,b. 7 Ap. 1675; John, b. 1678. John the f. resided in what is now Newton, was Selectman and Representative, and d. 18 May 1717, a. S7; his w. Hannah d. 18 Aug. 1710, a. 73. Mary, m. John AVard 30 Nov. 1681. Thomas, m. Margaret Gates 31 Dec. 1729. Sarah, m. Timothy Swan 27 July 1766. Marshall, m. Han nah Lee 31 Aug. 1797. Squire, John (otherwise written Squiers), m. Sarah, dau. of Richard Francis, and had Samuel; Stephen; John; Thomas, b.25 July 1672, m. Deb orah , who subsequently m. AVilliam Brown 11 Nov. 1703; Sarah, b. 23 May 1677, m. John Fessenden; Jonathan, b. 24 July 1679 ; Mary, b. 18 Oct. 1681, m. Askell (Haskell V); Richard, b. 2 Nov. 1683; Daniel, b. 3 Aug. 16S6. John the f. res. on the south side of the river, and d. 26 June 1713, a. about 83; his w. Sarah survived. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Rebecca had John, bap. 31 Jan. 1696-7; 660 SQUIRE — STEARNS. Rebecca, b. 11 Mar. 1700-1 ; Sarah, bap. 3 Oct. 1703. John the f. d. before 26 Ap. 1708 (the date of his father's will); his w. Rebecca survived. 3. Thomas, s. of John (1), m. Deborah ; he was long absent, prob ably supposed to be dead; and his w. Deborah m. William Brown 11 Nov. 1703. His father left him a legacy, if he should return; if he should not return, then a legacy to Deborah w. of AVilliam Brown, formerly w. of the testator's son Thomas. 4. Jonathan, s. of John (1), had married and d. before 26 Ap. 1708, leaving a dau. Sarah, who was provided for iu her grandfather's will. 5. Daniel, s. of John (1), by w. Deliverance, had Deliverance, b. 13 Dec. 1715; Daniel, b. 26 July 1718; John, b. 3 Mar. 1720-21. Stacy, Thomas, m. Hannah Hicks 2 June 1683, and had Hannah, b. 2 Sept. 1684. m. Stephen Hastings 28 Oct. 1708; 'Thomas, b. about 1686; Eliz abeth, b. 19 Feb. 1687-8, d. unm. between 18 Dec. 1742 and 28 Ap. 1743; Joseph, b. about 1694, grad. H. C. 1719, ordained at Kingston 3 Nov. 1720, d. 25 April 1741, a. 47; Susanna, bap. 2 June 1700, d. 2 Jan. 1702-3. Thomas the f. was a blacksmith, and resided at the point made by the junc tion of Brighton and Brattle streets. His estate was divided 5 Nov. 1 744. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas (1), by w. , had Susanna, in. Cutting Bean 27 Dec. 1744; Thomas, b. about 1723, was a ship-joiner in Boston 5 Nov. 1744, when he sold to Joseph Bean the homestead which had that day been as signed to him from the estate of his grandfather. Thomas the f. was a blacksmith and d. before 5 Nov. 1744, prob. 24 Ap. 1743, a. 56. 3. Joseph, of Charlestown, a shipwright, prob. brother to Thomas (1), m. Elizabeth Adams 29 June 1682 ; she cl. 27 Dec. 1709 and he d. 17 Aug. 1711. He prob. left no children, as he bequeathed his whole estate to his sister Susanna Adams, except a small legacy to his cousin John Salter. Stanley, Timothy (otherwise written Standly), in 1635 owned a house and garden on the westerly side of Dunster Street near Harvard Street. He removed to Hartford, where he was juror 1639 and 1642; he "died in 1648 and left a good estate to his widow and children, viz., Caleb, Isaac, Lois, and a younger daughter." "The Stanley family maintained a high reputa tion in the jurisdiction for many years after the union of the two colonies. In 1709 Caleb Stanley was elected or rather appointed Secretary of the Colony, which he held three years." Hinman. Stanesby, John, is named as a land-holder in describing the bounds of AVilliam Cutter's land in the Neck about 1638. Starr, Comfort, a " Chirurgeon," or physician, was here in 1638, in Duxbury 16 Mar. 1639-40 and d. in Boston 2 "Jan. 1660. See Savage, Gen. Diet. Stearns, Charles, of Wat., had w. Hannah who d. July 1651, and he in. Rebecca, dau. of John Gibson of Cambridge, 22 June 1654. His chil. were Samuel, b. at AA'at. 2 June 1650; at Camb., Shubael, b. 20 Sept. 1655; John, b. 24 Jan. 1656-7 ; and again at AA'at., Isaac, Charles, Rebecca, and Martha. Charles the f. removed to Lynn and d. before 1695. (Sav. Gen. Diet.) His w. Rebecca was afflicted by insanity. See Gibson, John. 2. Isaac, of AA'at., by w. Mary, had Mary, b. in England; Hannah; John; Isaac, b. 6 Jan. 1632-3; Sarah, b. 22 Sept. 1635, m. Deac. Samuel Stone of Camb. 7 June 1655, and d. 6 Oct. 1700; Samuel, b. 24 Ap. 163S; Elizabeth, m. Samuel Manning of Camb. 13 Ap. 1664; Abigail, va. Deac. John Morse. Isaac the f. d. 19 June 1671; his w. Mary d. 2 Ap. 1677. 3. John, s. of Isaac (2), m. Sarah Mixer of AVatertown, and had John, b. " the second week " in May 1654 ; his w. Sarah d. 18 June 1656, and he m. Mary Lathrop of Barnstable, Dec. 1656, by whom he had Isaac, b. 17 April 1658, d. young; Samuel, b. 3 Sept. 1659; Isaac, b. 23 Dec. 1661; Nathaniel, b. 30 Nov. 1663 ; 'Thomas, b. 6 Dec. 1665. John the f. was one of the earliest settlers in that part of Cambridge which was incorporated into the town of Billerica, and d. 5 Mar. 1668-9; his w. Mary m. Lieut. AViUiam French 6 May 1669. 4. Isaac, s. of Isaac (2), m. Sarah Beers 28 June 1660, and had at the STEARNS — STEBBLNS — STEDMAN. 661 Farms Sarah, b. 14 Jan. 1661-2; Mary, b. 8 Oct. 1663; Isaac, b. 20 Aug. 166o ; Samuel, b. 20 Jan. 1667-8 ; Abigail; John, b. 1675. 5. Samuel, s. of Isaac (2), m. Hannah, dau. of William Manning, 1 Feb. 1662-3 and had Samuel, b. here 4 May 1664, and several others at AVat. 6. John, s. of John (3), reputed to have been the first English child born on the present territory of Billerica, by w. Elizabeth, had John, b. 22 Jan. 1679-80, d. 4 Ap. 1680; Sarah, b. 21 Mar. 1680-81; Mary, b. 23 July 16S4; Isaac, b. May 1689; Abigail, b. 22 Aug. 1691. John the f. d. 26 Oct. 1728, a. 74. 7. Isaac, s. of Isaac (4), by w. Elizabeth, had Isaac, b. 23 Feb. 1690-91, prob. m. Mehetabel Frost 24 Dee. 1725; Simon, b. 19 Oct. 1697; Jonathan, b. 20 Nov. 1701; Hannah, b. 26 Jan. 1703-4. 8. Peleg, by w. Elizabeth, had William, b. 10 Ap. 1754. Phineas, m. Mary AVillington 9 July 1761. Elizabeth, m. Edward Fille brown 7 Dec. 1775. Daniel, m. Elizabeth Knowlton 7 Sept. 1783. Stebbins, Edward (generally written Stebing or Stebinge, on the Record), was here in 1633, and res. on the westerly corner of Harvard and Dunster streets. He sold his estates here to Nicholas Danforth (who bought on behalf of his associates forming the second company of settlers) 2 May 1636, and re moved to Hartford, with Hooker. He was a Deacon of the Church, " Juror in 1639 and 1643, Deputy in 1639, 1641, and 1648, Selectman in 1647, Col lector of funds for the students of Cambridge College, by7 order of the Gen eral Court, in 1645. He d. in 1663." Hinman. Stedman, John, by w. Alice had Elizabeth, b. about 1641; Sarah, b. 11 Jan. 1643-4 ; Martha, b. 3 June 1646. John the f. came here in 1638, in the employment of the widow Glover, as her steward, or general superintendent. In the will of her husband, Rev. Jose Glover, is a bequest as follows : " I do further bequeath and give to my servant John Stedman, my antient faythful servant, the sum of fifty pounds." The epithet ancient must refer to his ser vant's length of service rather than to his age, for he was then only 36 years old. He resided at the N. E. corner of Mount Auburn Street and Brattle Square, where he kept a store for about half a century after Mrs. Glover's death. The monopoly of the trade in furs for Camb. was granted to him Oct. 1658. Hewas a Selectman 16 years between. 1640 and 1676, and Treas urer of the County 26 years, from 1658 to 1683. He was also connected with the military department. The General Court ordered, Mar. 1647-8, that " John Stedman, having been Ensign of the Company at Cambridge about six years, is freed from serving as a common soldier there." He served as Cor net of Capt. Davis's Troop, in the expedition against Ninigret 1654; and was one of the Committee of the Militia for Cambridge 5 Mar. 1676-7, hold ing the rank of Quartermaster (unless John (3) was the person named in the Record). He d. full of years 16 Dec. 1693, a. 92; a large tablet in the old burial oround marks his resting place; his w. Alice d. 6 Mar. 1689-90, a. about 80. °He left no son. His daughters m. and had posterity, namely: (1) Elizabeth, the eldest dau., b. 1641, or 1642, m. Nathaniel Upham, son of Deac. John Upham of Maiden, 5 Mar. 1661-2; he was a preacher, but had not been ordained ; he survived his marriage but a few days, and d. 20 Mar. 1661-2; his w. Elizabeth m. Henry Thompson, merchant, of Boston, 27 Ap. 1669, and had Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan. 1669-70; Dorothy, b. 26 Oct. 1671 (m. Samuel Shove - of Boston 16 Nov. 1692, and Samuel Burr by whom she had one dau. Sarah, and d. 20 Feb. 1701-2); Henry, b. 23 Oct. 1673, d. Sept. 1690; Alice, b. 8 Sept. 1677. Mr. Thompson d. and his w. Elizabeth m. John Sharp, a merchant, whom she also survived, and d. in her third widow hood 9 Mar. 1699-1700. (2) Sarah, the second dau., b. 11 Jan. 1643-4, m. John Brackett of Boston 23 Aug. 1662, and had Sarah, bap. 5 June 1664; John, posthumous, bap. 21 Ap. 1667; both d. young. Mr. Brackett d. 1666, l By Mr. Shove, Dorothy had Elizabeth, they are called " the only surviving children m. Benjamin Bagnall, watchmaker, Boston, and heirs of Dorothy Shove, who was dau. and Sarah, m. Thomas Edwards, goldsmith, of Elizabeth Sharp, who was dau. of John Boston in a deed, dated 27 Sept. 1727, Stedman." - Mrd. Deeds, xxvi.. 192. 662 . STEDMAN. and his w. Sarah va. Dr. Samuel Alcock 24 Mar. 1667-8, and had Samuel, b. 2 Mar. 1669; Elizabeth, b. 25 Dec. 1672; both which children appear to have d. before the death of their father. Dr. Alcock d. 16 Mar. 1676-7, and his w. Sarah ni. Thomas Graves of Charlestown, H. C. 1656, a physi cian and judge, 15 May 1682, by whom she had one son Thomas, b. 28 Sept. 1683, grad. H. C. 1703, was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and Su preme Judicial Court, and d. 19 June 1747. Judge Graves the f. d. 30 May 1697, and his w. Sarah va. Col. John Philhps of Charlestown (also Judge of Court of Common Pleas), who. d. 20 Mar. 1725-6, a. nearly 94. Last of all, the w. Sarah d. in her fourth widowhood 1 Mar. 1729-30, a. 86. I think her only surviving child was Judge Graves the younger, who left several children, chiefly daughters. (3) Martha, youngest dau., b. 3 June 1646, m. Joseph Cooke, Jr., 4 Dec. 1665. and had posterity. See Cooke, Joseph. 2. Robert, prob. brother to John (1), by w. Ann had a daughter, b. 14 Sept. 1638, d. young; John, b. 27 Dec. 1642; Mary, b. 27 Ap. 1645, m. Dan iel Thurston 1 Ap. 1674; Thomas, d. 2 Ap. 1659. Robert the f. was here about 1638, and res. on the northerly side of Winthrop Street, between Hol yoke and Dunster streets, on an estate previously owned by Simon Sackett. This house-lot was enlarged by purchase, until it extended through to Mount Auburn Street, and included the S. AV. corner of Mount Auburn and Holyoke streets. In this form it remained in possession of the family until a very re cent period. Robert the f. d. 20 Jan. 1666; his w. Ann was living 10 Dec. 1674, but d. before 2 Nov. 1676. 3. John, s. of Robert (2), ra. Elizabeth Remington 14 May 1666, and had John, b. 22 Aug. 1668; Elizabeth, b. , d. 15 July 1676. John the f. was a farmer (perhaps the '• Quartermaster" named in 1676-7), and d. of small-pox 24 Nov. 1678, a. 36; his w. Elizabeth m. Samuel Gibson 14 July 1679, and d. between 1 7 July and 1 1 Dec. 1680, her son John being her only surviving child. 4. John, s. of John (3), m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Gibson, by his first wife, 9 Ap. 1691, and had John, b. about 1692, m-ad. H. C. 1712, and d. 5 Sept. 1719; Elizabeth, bap. 1 Aug. 1697, m. Dr. Lawrence Dolhond 26 Oct. 1715, had two children who d. in infancy and were buried here, and son John, who was a physician living in Boston 1754; Samuel, bap. 1 Oct. 1699, prob. d. young; Sarah, b. about 1701, appears by her father's will to have m. and d., leaving children, before 172S; Jonathan, b. 21 Nov. 1703, grad. H. C. 1726, living- in Chelmsford 1756, perhaps the same who was pub. here to Mary Blaisdell 22 May 1742: Benjamin, b. 17 July 1706, was a physician in Brain tree 1746, had a s. Leonard, who was a paper-stainer in Braintree 1759; Eben ezer, bap. 2 Jan. 1708-9; Mary, b. 7 Jan. 1711-12, m. John Henshaw 14 May 1730. John the f. was a tailor, innholder and shopkeeper. He inherited the homestead, was a thrifty man, and accumulated a large property. He d. 24 Mar. 1727-8, a. nearly 60 ; his w. Sarah, who appears to have been a very in telligent, energetic woman, d. 1 July 1 754, a. 84. 5. Ebenezer, s. of John (4), ni. Lydia Moore, and had Sarah, bap. 27 Oct. 1734, d. 24 June 1740; Martha, b. 1 May 1736, d. 23 June 1740 ; Lydia, bap. 26 Mar. 1738, d. 5 June 1740; Ebenezer, b. 27 Ap. and d. 15 Nov. 1740; Sarah, b. May 1741, m. Jonathan Titcomb, Esq., of Newport, R. I., and was living in 1786; John and Ebenezer, twins, b. 16 May 1743, both grad. H. C. 1765 (John m. Mary Quincy, was a physician, and d. 1780, leaving sons John and Ebenezer); Martha, bap. 4 Aug. 1745, d. 10 Oct. 1746; Elizabeth, bap. 1 Nov. 1747, ra. Samuel Clark, hatter, of Newport, and was living in 1786; Sam uel, hap. 7 May 1749, d. 9 Aug. 1751 ; Samuel, hap. 20 May 1753, a printer, d. — May 1774 ; WiUiam, bap. 21 Sept. 1755, d. 1 May 1758; Lydia, bap. 11 Mar. 1759, d. young. Mrs. Lydia Stedman d. 1761, and Mr. Stedman m. Mary Austin of Chs. 4 Jan. 1764, by whom he had one son William, bap. 20 Jan. 1765, grad. H. C. 1784, was a lawyer, resided in Lancaster, Charlton, and Worcester, was a. member of Congress, and d. 1831. Ebenezer the f. inher ited the homestead, and increased the amount of property which he inherited. He kept a tavern many years on the southerly side of Mount Auburn Street, about midway between Brighton and Dunster streets. He was Captain of STEDMAN — STONE. 66B the militia, and Selectman from 1759 to 1776, with the .exception of two years. He d. 13 Sept. 1785, a. 76; his w. Mary d. about 1788. 6. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (5), and twin with John, m. Eunice, wid. of Thaddeus AVinship of Lex., and prob. dau. of Samuel Munroe, and had Lydia, b. 24 Jan. 1787,m. Col. Eliab AV. Metcalf 7 May 1809; Ebenezer, bap. 21 June 1789, m. Mary Braman of Norton 13 Ap. 1807, and d. without issue; Mary, bap. 8 Ap. 1792, m. Col. George Meacham 1 Mar. 1818; Samuel, bap. 14 June 1795, m. Martha Russell (pub. 10 Ap. lS23),aiul d. 18 June 1848; John, bap. 29 Mar. 1801. d. unm. 1 Jan. 1822; he was crushed between the wheel of a cart and a brick wall, in Boston. Ebenezer the f. grad. H. C. 1765, was for many years Postmaster, Selectman eleven years between 1786 and 1801, and Treasurer twenty-three years, from 1786 to 1808. In bis old age his mind became unsettled, and he d. (felo de se) 7 Oct. 1815, a. 72; his w. Eunice was buried 6 Sept. 1846, a. 87. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Hammond 17 Dec. 1662. Hannah, m. Samuel Hyde 20 Jan. 1683. Mary, m. David StoweU 7 Ap. 1692. Sarah, m. Joseph Sprague 30 Nov. 1714. Margaret, m. Benjamin Cheney 9 Nov. 1 752. These may have been of the Roxbury family. Steele, John, one of the earliest inhabitants, res. 1635 at the westerly cor ner of Harvard and Holyoke streets, and was a large landholder. He was Deputy or Representative three sessions in 1635. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker, and was Deputy and Magistrate many years. He " was of the Court that declared war against the Pequots. He was the Town Register in Hart ford 1639, which office he held until he removed to Farmington. He was a valuable man in the Colony, and was the ancestor of the Steeles in Hartford, Farmington, and AVoodbury He d. in 1665, and left a son Samuel, and two daughters, who married AVilliam and Thomas Judd." Hinman. 2. George, brother to John (1), was one of the earliest inhabitants, and res. 1635 on the easterly corner of Harvard and Dunster streets, adjoining to his brother's estate. He also rem. to Hartford, where he was Selectman and Juror 1644, and d. in 1664, leaving one son James, and two daughters. Stevens, AA'illiam, m. Abigail Green 1 July 1673. Rev. Benjamin, m. Mary Remington 23 Sept. 1752. Thomas, m. Mary Barrett 30 Sept. 1771. Stevenson, Andrew (otherwise written Steevenson, Steveson, Stieven- son, and Stimson). by w. Jane, had Deborah, b. in England, m. Robert AA'ilson of Sudbury, and (2d), Matthew Abdy; Sarah, va. Joseph Lowden of Charles town, and d. before 1681, leaving son James, and dau. Mary, who m. James Burbeen of Woburn; Rebecca, b. 20 Jan. 1642, m. James Patterson of Bil lerica 29 May 1662 : John, b. 29 Dec. 1644, d. 26 May 1664 ; Mary, b. 17 Jan. 1646, m. Thomas Richardson of Billerica 5 Jan. 1669-70; Lydia, b. 2 Aug. 1648 ; Andrew, b. about 1652 ; Hannah, va. AVilliam Burges, and was living in Ipswich 1695. Andrew the f. d. between 3 May 1681, and 1 Oct. 16S3; his w. Jane survived. 2. Andrew, s. of Andrew (1), by w. Abigail, had Andrew, died 5 Sept. 1683; Mary, b. 17 Feb. 1682-3, d. young; Mary, b. 21 Oct. 1684; Joseph, b. 17 Dec. 1695, d. 29 Aug. 1696; Lydia, b. 13 Aug. 1697, d. 12 Ap. 1703; Joseph, b. 7 Feb. 1699-1700; Lydia, b. 14 Oct. 1703, and perhaps others. Andrew the f. was a housewright, and resided in Chs., where his chil. were born, and where he d. 14 Dec. 1 721. . 3. Jonathan, parentage not ascertained, by w. Elizabeth, had Abigail, b. 1 July 1671 ; James, b. 26 May 3 673. Stileman, Richard, by w. Hannah, had Samuel, b. 23 May 1644; went to Salem as earlv as 1646, and thence to Portsmouth, where by w. Mary he had Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Richard, from 1657 to 1668. Stocking George (otherwise written Stockine), was an early inhabitant, and res. 1635 at the S. AV. corner of Holyoke and AVinthrop streets. He rem: with Hooker to Hartford, where he was Selectman in 1647. Stonf Samuel, "one of the first ministers of Cambridge and Hartford, was born 'in Hartford, England, and was educated at Emanuel College, came toN En°- in 1633, and settled at Camb. with Rev. Thomas Hooker U Oct. 664 STONE. 1633, admitted freeman 1634, removed to Hartford with Mr. Hooker in 1636, and there d. 20 July 1663." Farmer. " He was chaplain in the little army of ninety brave men under Major Mason in 1637, who by their valorous deeds exterminated tbe Pequot Nation of Indians He left a widow Elizabeth and children, Samuel, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Mary, and Sarah." (Hinman.) Rev. Mr. Stone res. while here on the easterly side of Brighton Street, between Mount Auburn Street and Harvard Square. His w. who accompanied him here d. before 22 Nov. 1640, and he appears to have m. again at Hartford. 2. Gregory, prob. brother to Samuel (1), was here as early as 1637, and about 1638 purchased a house and five acres on the westerly side of Garden Street, between the Botanic Garden and Concord Avenue, which became his homestead. He acquired, hy gift and purchase, large tracts of land at the Farms, where some of his children settled. By his w. Lydia (who had formerly been the w. of Cooper), he had six children, all born in Eng land; John, b. about 1619; Daniel; David ;. Elizabeth, ni. Potter of Ips wich; Samuel; Sm-ah, m. Joseph Miriam of Concord 1653. Gregory the f. was a farmer; he owned a house and 26 acres at AVat. and 54 acres of out- lands, all which he sold to Nathaniel Sparhawk, agent of Thomas Boylston of London, 30 Sept. 1639; but it is not certain that he ever resided in AVat. He was a Representative for Cambridge 1638 ; a Deacon of the Church; and d. 30 Nov. 1672, a. 82 ; his w. Lydia d. 24 June 1674. 3. John, s. of Gregory (2), in early life settled in that part of Sudbury which was afterwards included in Framingham, and by w. Anne had John; Hannah, b. 6 June 1640, m. John Bent 1 July 1658; Mary, b. prob. 1642, m. Isaac Hunt of Concord, who d. Dec. 1680, and she m. Eliphalet Eox of Concord, and d. before 6 Ap. 16S6; Daniel, b. 31 Aug. 1644; David, b. 31 Oct. 1646; Elizabeth, b. prob. 1649, m. Samuel Stow; Margaret, b. 22 Oct. 1653, m. AVilliam Brown 11 Jan. 1676; Tabitha, b. 29 May 1655, m. John Rice 2 Nov. 1674; Sarah, b. 22 Sept. 1657, m. Jacob Hill of Camb.; Nathaniel, b. 11 May 1660. John the f. was a Deacon of the Church at Sudbury, and employed by the town in civil affairs. On the death of his father he returned to Camb., and occupied the homestead. He was Representative 1682 and 1683. He was also elected a Ruling Elder of the Church here, to which office he and Elder Clark were ordained 15 Nov. 1682, when the Rev. Nathaniel Gookin was ordained pastor. He d. 5 May 1683, a. 64. His w. Anne and their ten chil dren survived. A large posterity of Elder Stone remains in Framingham, and in the region round about. 4. Daniel, s. of Gregory (2), m. Mary, wid. of Richard Ward, and dau. of John Moore of Sudbury, and had Mary, b. 21 Mar. 1643—4, in. Walker; Sarah, b. 22 Sept. 1645, in. Edmands; Daniel, b. 2 Jan. 1646-7, prob. d. young; Elizabeth, b. 1 Jan. 1648-9, prob. d. young; Abigail, b. 28 Ap. 1653, m. Keach. Daniel the f. was a physician, or as styled on sundry records, " Chirurgeon," and resided at the N. E. corner of Dunster and Blount Auburn streets. He removed to Boston between 1 May 1655, when Edward Burt acknowledged a debt to him of 7,200 lbs. " Muscavadoe3 sugar," and 23 Nov. 1657, when he sold his " late mansion place " in Camb. to Samuel Andrew. He d. between 6 Dec. 1686 and 6 July 1687. 5. David, s. of Gregory (2), by w. Dorcas had David, b. 6 Ap. 1650; Daniel, b. about 1651 ; Dorcas, b. IS Dec. 1652 ; John, b. about 1654 ; Samuel, b. 19 June 1656; Nathaniel, b. about 1658. 6. Samuel, s. of Gregory (2)', va. Sarah, dau. of Isaac Stearns of AVat., 7 June 1655, and had Samuel, b. 1 Oct. 1656 ; Isaac, b. about 1658, prob. d. young; Sarah, b. 5 Feb. 1660-61 ; John, b. 12 May 1663 ; Lydia, b. 25 Nov. 1665; Mary, b. 22 Feb. 1667-8, d. 11 May 1669; Joseph, b. 1671; Anna, b. 30 June 1673. Samuel the f. resided at the Farms ; was Selectman 1681, 1688, and 1692; at the organization of the Church (now the First in Lex.), he was elected Deacon, and d. 27 Sept. 1715, a. about 80. His w. Sarah d. 4 Oct. 1700, and he m. Abigail , who d. 1728 at AVoburn, a. 71. 7. David, s.of David (5), m. Sarah Hildreth 31 Dec. 1674, and had Sarah, b. 6 Mar. 1676-7 ; Elizabeth, b. 6 Feh. 1678-9, d. 12 Auham, 673. Dana. Sharp.Stedman.Thompson. Usher, 673, 4. Alden.Allen. Andros. Brown.Butler. Cotton. Cromwell.Harris.Harwood. /' Hoar. / Jeffries.Lidgett.Moodey. Morton. Newman. Parsons. Rovall. Sewall.Shrimpton.Symmes. Thomas.Tyng. Wharton. Willis. Woodbridge.Wooddrop. Vassall, 674, 5. Barron.Batchelder.Davis.Ellery.Lavicourt.Oliver.Phips.Royall.Russell. Vincent, 675. Moore. Wadsworth, 675, 6. Andros. Ashley.Bordman.Champney.Higginson.Parrott.Peirce.Stone.Stoughton. Terry. Wakeman, 676. Wales, 676. INDEX TO GENEALOGIES. 729 Ward, 676, 7. Bacon. Brigham. Burrage. Eames.Fuller. Gay.Greenwood.HaU.How.Jackson.Johnson. Kenrick.Lovering.Mattocks.Moore. Rice. Spring. Stone.Trowbridge.Williams.Wilson.Woods.Wyeth. Warland, 677, 8. Abbott. Barrett. Bates. Bean.Bigelow.Bird.Breed.Brown. Carter. Cutler. Darling.Farwell. Giles. Hill. Howe. Hunnewell. Mann. Manning.Moore. Palmer.Parker.Phelps. Plympton. Porter. Prentice. Richardson. Shepard.Stearns.Thompson. Warner, 678, 9. Cooke. Wood. Watson, 679-81. Allen.Angier. Bradshaw. Butterfield.Cox. Errington. Fillebrown. Gamage.Goodwin.Grant.Hall. Hastings. Healy. HiU. Holmes. Huntress. Locke. Lopez.Moore.Munroe.Murdock. Prentiss.Rice. Shepard.Skinner.Stone. Tainter.Tufts.Whitmore. Whittemore. Willis.Wveth. Web'b, 681. Webber, 6S2. Welch, 682. Weld, 6S2. Clapp.Denison. Frank. Fuller. Harris.Kitchen.Mitchelson. Savage.Stoddard. Winslow. Wellington, 682-4. Abbott. Adams. Barnard.Bond. Bosworth. Bridge.Brown.Clark.Cook.Coolidge.Cutting. Davenport. Dix. Fassett. Fay.Fessenden,Hill. Livermore.Lord.Maddock. Mulliken.Munroe.Page.Palsgrave. Phipps.Reed.Richardson. Sew all- Sherman.Smith.Stearns.Stone.Straight. Swcetman. Whiting.W7hittemore.Winneck.Wyman. Yates. Westwood, 684. Cook. I Whaley, 684. Whitcomb, 684. White, 634. Danforth.Hixton. Shepard. Taylor. Whitmore, 684-6. Blodgett.Bowman. Brooks. Cutter. Elder.Eliot.Fillebrown.Francis. Gardner.Hall. Hancock. Hvde. Kendall. Laue.Locke.Markham.Page.Park. Peirce.Poulter. Rolfe.Skinuer.Thompson. Tufts.Watson. Webber. Whittemore.Wilcox. Winship. Whittemore, 686-91. Angier.A very. Bond".Bradley.Brooks.Butterfield.Carteret.Clark.Corbett.Cutler. Cutter.Dana. Danforth.Davenport. Davis. Dickson. Dunster. Durant. Edmands.Eustis.F'arr. Faulkner. Ferguson. Fiske. Foster. French. Gee. Goodwin. Harris.Hastings.Hicks.Jaques.Jennison.Johnson.Kent. 730 INDEX TO GENEALOGIES. Kettell. King. Lawrence. Linnex. Livermore. Locke. Low.Lucas. Mellins. Miller. Mousall. Munroe.Muzzey-Paige.Parker. Parsons- Pease.Peirce.Perry.Phipps. Pilet. Prentice. Quiner. Band.Raymond.Roby. Russell. Scott.Smith. Sprague.Stone. Townsend.Upham.V, arren. Watson. Weston. Wheeler. WhitiDg. Whitmore. WiUon. Winship.Wood. Wigglesworth, 691. Andrews. Appleton.Coolidge. Hill.Hooker. Leverett. Mitchell. Quincy. Sewall. Shepard. Sparhawk. Wilcox, 691. Bancroft. Boyden.Fox.Francis.Frost. Hall. Hastings. Mitchell.Patten.Shepard.Taylor. Whitmore.Woods. Wilkinson, 691. Goffe. _ » Winship. Willard, 691, 2. Andrews. Bartlett.Cochran. Cook. Dana.Heard.Sheaffe. Williams, 692-4. Bordman. Bradstreet.Child. Cooke. Cooper. Cunningham. Cushing.Cutter. Davies. Hovey.Jackson. Leonard. Oliver. Park. Parsons. Prentice.Priest. Robbins. Russell. Savell. Sparhawk. Swan.Wilson. Winship. Woodward. Willis, 694. Palfrey.Parker.Patten.Seccomb. Wade. Willy, 694. Daues. Wilson, 694, 5. Belknap.Brown.Bull.Caldwell.Chesholme. Croford.Dana. Fiske. Francis.Frost. Hopkins.Lopaus. Meek.Patrick.Payne. Perry. Richardson. Sherman.Stevenson.Swan. Whittemore. Williams. Winship. Wyeth. Winchester, 695. Wincoll, 695. Bridge. Goffe. Wines, 695. Winship, 695-700. Adams. Angier. Barsham. Blackington. Bowers.Bowman. Bundy.Carter.Childs. Coggan.Cooke. Crafts. Crosby.Cutter. Davis.Dickson. Edgell.Elder.Eliot. Estabrook.Fessenden. Fiske. Foster. Francis. Geohegan.Godding.Grant, Green. Harrington.Hill.Holbrook. Hovey. Hubbard.Jennison. Johnson.Kendall. Kidder.Laughton. Learned.Loring. Lyon. Manning. Marion.Meriam. Munroe. Muzzey. Peirce. Phillips. Piper. Porter. Poulter. Powers.Prentice.Raymond. Rayner.Richardson. Robbins. Russell.Sawyer.Shed.Simonds. Spring. Stedman. Story. Thorn. Thornton.Wheeler.Whiteley. Wilkinson. Williams.Wilson. Wootton. Wyeth. Wyman. Winter, 700. INDEX TO GENEALOGIES. 731 Winthrop, 700, 1. Chauncy. Fayerweather.Hastiogs.Phillips. Tolman. Townsend. Warren. Wiswall, 701. Farmer. Jackson. Newman. Witherell, 701. Benjamin. Bryant. Caulkins. Deane.Hobart. Oldham. Parish. Wood, 701. Buck.Fuller. Greenwood. Maccoone. Oldham. Rushton. Woodmancy, 702. Clark. Woodward, 702. Brown.Cheever.Dana.Eddy. Fisher. Gates. Goodnow. Flagg. Gove. Fox. Greely. Francis. Greenwood. Gamage. Hammond. Gray. Hunting. Green. Hyde. Hancock. Moore. Hastings. Myrick. Hill. Patten. Jarvis. Robbins. Kendall. Stone. Munroe. Waite. Newell. Woolson, 702. Newman. Bond. Parker. Chadwick. Prentice. How. Read. Hyde. Sargent. Jones. Sawin. Worwood, 702. Shepard. Wyee, 702. Smith. Lawrence. Stearns. Wyeth, 702-6. Stimson. Andrew. Stone. Bowman. Tapley. Brooks. Tidd. Champney. Ward. Cook. Watson. Coolidge. Webster. Corlett. Willard. Cutter. Wilson. Duntin. Winship. Fessenden. Winslow. Fillebrown. Woodward Fiske. Wright. Fitch. Young, 706. ERRATA. Page 5, line 30, for 1837 read 1807. Page 6, note 1,/or 45, 46 read 38, 39. Page 12, note l,for S4, read 85. Page 20, note 2, for xv. read xiv. Page 32, line 26, to Abraham Morrill add 3. Page 32, line 30, to Garrad Haddon add 8. Page 35, line 27, for 1836 read 1636. Page 44, note 7, for Boardman read Bordman. Page 143, note I, for Barnard read .Bernard. Page 168, note 11, dele ". Page 214, line 25, for Bordman read Boardman. Page 263, line 4, for Bobbins read Robbins. Page 292, line 46, for Boardman read Bordman. Page 316, line 3, for I860 read 1858. Page 438, line 1,/jr O'Hnra read O'Hare. Page 526, line 2, after his read second. Page 532, line 7 from bottom, dele John. Page 569, line 25, for Abbot read Abbott. Page 652, line 43, for 1739 read young. '18