THE PUBLICATIONS OF tCJje f^arleian ftocie-tp. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. Volume MP. FOR THE TEAR MDCCCLXXI. TAYLOB AND CO., PEINTEKS, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN MEEDS. © %^t ©Citations of tfje County of Jiottingimm 1569 and 1614, WITH MANY OTHEE DESCENTS OF THE SAME COUNTY. EDITED BT GEORGE WILLIAM MARSHALL, LL.M. LONDON 1871. At a Meeting of the Council of the Haeletan Society, held at 8, Danes Inn, London, W.C, on theA&th day of March, 1871, the Hon. Henet Bopee- Curzon in the Chair, it vjas resolved that — "The Visitation op Nottingham in 1569 and 1614, to be edited by G. W. Marshall, be the Second Publication for the Present Year." 3 Preface. The following pages are a copy of Harleian MS. 1555, together with such additions as can be supplied by collating it with Harl., MS. 1400. Harleian MS. 1555 was for the most part written and tricked by Eichard Mundy, and contains the Visitations of Nottinghamshire made in 1569 and 1614. Har leian MS. 1400 contains professedly the Visitation of 1614 ; was partly written by John Withie, but mostly by Jacob Chaloner and others. The pedigrees in this MS. are far less complete than those in the former, never theless they have enabled me to add considerably to many of them. Taking Harleian MS. 1555 as the copy to be edited, I have added to the pedigrees it contains every- scrap of additional information furnished by Harleian MS. 1400 ; and whenever the MSS. differ in the names of persons, places, or blazon of arms, I have given the different reading, and appended the words " Harl. 1400 " in parentheses. - It may not be thought unnecessary to say a few words in justification of this course. When I undertook to edit for the Harleian Society the Visitation of Nottinghamshire taken in the year 1614, I was not aware that it would be impossible to separate it from that of 1569, but having afterwards come to this conclusion on a closer examination of the Harleian MSS. containing Visitations of Nottinghamshire, I deter mined to solve the difficulty by producing both. Undoubtedly the best copy of them is that in Harleian MS. 1555, which forms the staple of this work, but the supplementary matter to be gathered from Harleian MS. 1400 appeared to me to be too valuable to be omitted, and, at the same time, that MS. does not differ so much from the former that its contents would be worth producing as a separate volume. I hope therefore that by incorporating the two, I shall be deemed to have done most service to the members of the Harleian Society. The first Visitation of Nottinghamshire, if the few pedigrees recorded in Tonge's Visitation of the northern counties are worthy to be considered as such, was taken in the year 1530, and has been printed in the 41st volume of the publications of the Surtees Society. VI PREFACE. The second and third Visitations, taken in 1569 and 1575 by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, both appear to be included in Harl. MS. 1555. There are two books in the College of Arms purporting to be copies of these Visitations, one lettered " Glover's Visitation of the North, 1569 and 1575," with the following on the title page, — " The Original draught of some Descents of certain Gentlemen residing in the counties of Stafford Derby Yorke Notingham and Northumberland, taken in the yeares 1569 and 1575 by that most skilful & industrious Antiquary Robert Glover Somerset Herauld Deputy and Marshall to William Flower Norroy King of Armes. Ex dono Willi' Dugdale Norroy Regis Arinorum, 2 Junij, A0. 1676." The other (Vincent MS. 117), though entitled the Visitation by Flower and Glover in the above years, appears principally to be that of 1614 with some additions. The fourth Visitation, that of 1614, was taken by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy; the original copy is in the College of Arms (MS. C. 9). Only a few of the pedigrees are attested by the signature. of the gentlemen who recorded them. The last Visitation was begun by Wm. Dugdale in 1662, and finished in 1664. The original is in the College of Arms, MS. C. 34, and contains pedigrees of the following families : — Atkinson of Newarke. Barkestou of Nottingham. Barret of Thoroton. Bellamy of Badford. Bland of Hablethorpe. Braylefford of Welley. Bristow of Beesthorpe. Broome of Carcolston. Broughton of Lowdham. Brunsell of Bingham. Burnell of Winkburne. Brigho'use of Bilby. Cartwright of Wheatley. Cartwright of Ossington. Charleton of ChilweU. Chaworth of Annesley. Chadwick of Nottingham. Clarkson of Kirton. Cley of Kellum. Clifton of Clifton. Clud of Suthwell. Cooper of Thurgarton. Cressy of Outcotes. Dand of Mansffeild Woodhouse. Digby of Mansffeild Woodhouse. Draper of Elyntham. Eyre of Ray ton. Gelsthorpe of Whatton. Golding of Colston Basset. Gregory of Nottingham. Grundy of Bleasby. Hacker of Flintham. Hacker of Trowell. Harecourt of Plumtre. Holcroft of Balderton. Holland of Kynolton. Hotoffc of Eliutham. How of Langar. Hynde of Laxton. Hutcheuson of Owthorp. Hutchenson of Willoughby-on-thc- Woulds. lenison of Newarke. Ironmonger of Nottingham. PREFACE. vi l Kerchevall of Orson. Lacock of Woodborougli. Lascells of Elston. Lee of Norwell. Leeke of Balderton. Leeke of Hallum. Mansfeild of Westleake. Markham of Ollerton. Mellish of Ragnall. Midleton of Wannesley. Molineux of Teversall. Molineux of Little Markham. More of Kirtlington. Mucklow of Broughton on Soulney. Mompesson of Bilsthorpe. Needham of Kynolton. Odingsells of Eperston. Palmer of Southwell. Palmes of Stapleford. Parkins of Bonney. Pendock of Tollerton. Pierpont of Nottingham. Pierpont of Thorsby. Pigot of Thrumpton. Plump tre of Nottingham. Rayner of East Drayton. Rodes of Sturton. Rolleston of Watuall. Roos of Laxton. Rosell of Ratcliffe upon Sore. Rosse of Snenton. Sacheverell of Barton. Salmon of Einningley. Savile of Rufford. Savile of Oxton. Savile of Darton Grange. Scroope of Langar. Sherbroke of Oxton. Shipman of Scarrington. Smith of Askham. Stanhope of Stoke juxta Nottingham. Staunton of Staunton, Stertevant of Norwell. Strelley of Woodborough. Stringer of Sutton upon Lound. St. Andrew of Gotham. Tate of Sutton Bonington. Thornhagh of Fenton. Thoroton of Carcolston. Tonstall of Everton. Waldron of East Bridgford. Warburton of Rolles. Wastneys of Iledon. Whalley of Kirton. Whalley of Cotgrave. Widmerpole of Widmerpole. Williamson of Great Markham. Willoughby of Selston. Wood of Woodborough. Wylde of Nettleworth. I need only add that my best thanks are due to John Davidson, Esq., for undertaking the labour of compiling the complete and comprehensive index to this work. ERRATA. P. 46, line 4. For dewodsetes read de Wodsetes. P. 50, line 2. Omit the word Edmond. P. 76. At bottom of page memisisse, meaning remisisse. P. 141, line 20. Omit the words beginning ex sigillo and ending visuntur. &tet of ^etitfirees. PAGE w PAGE PAGE . ... 129 Cressy .... 95 Marshall 100 Ayscough . . 77 Dabridgcourt 37 Marshall 182 Babington . . . 150 Dande 131 Medhop . 178 .36 Darrell 90 Merino 12 Ballabd . . 104 Digby . 168 Molineux . . 72 Barnard .177 Dobson . . . 130 Moyle . . . . 173 Bassett . 41 Dod . ... . 43 Nevell 64 Basseti . ' 42 DONHAM . . . . 160 Newark . 3 Bassett . 170 Draper . . 136 North . . . 82 Beresford 169 East Retford . . 4 Nottingham . . 1 Bevercotts . . 171 Eastwood . . . 91 Odingsells 75 Bingham . . 121 Elwis . . 29 Osborne 31 Bingham . 144 Eyre 43 Parkins 159 Bingley . . . 155 Eyre . . . 92 Pendock . . 107 Blacknall . 113 Fenton . . . 33 Perpoint . 43 Bland . . . 89 Fenton 113 Pigott. . . . 115 Bland . . . 182 Fitz-Randolfe . . 187 Poole . . . 27 Blondeston . .157 Flower . . . . 121 Power 176 Bolle or Boll es . .94 Golding . . 107 Reynes 108 Brendisley . 140 GoODERE .... 175 Rolston . 169 . ... 114 Handley . . 156 Roos . 111 Brome . . . . 134 Haselrig . 153 Rossell . 119 Brookesby . . 133 Hercye . . 14 Sacheverell 163 BURNELL . . 99 Heron .... . 182 St. Andrew 78 Byron . . 9 Hollis .... 61 Samon . . 35 C ARN ON . . . 135 Holtofte . 103 Sanderson 100 Cartwright . . . 109 Hunt . . . . . 167 Sandford 168 Chaworth . . 123 Hutchinson . . . 115 Savell . . 174 Clarkson . . 92 Hynde .... 129 Sherbrooke . 132 Claxton . . 183 94 SOUTHWORTH . . . 114 Clifton . . ... 16 Lacock .... 95 Stanhop . 5 Cludd . . . . . .103 57 Stanton . 179 Constable ... 40 Leeke . . . . 101 Stockwith . . 176 Cooper . . . 140 100 Strelley . . . 19 Cornwallis . . . 161 Longford . . . . 32 Stretton . . 89 Cranmer . . . 70 119 Stringer . 85 Cressy . . ... .41 23 STURDrVANT . . 159 LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE Sutton ... 141 Sutton .... 142 Sutton . . 186 Symcock . . 156 Tate . . 84 Therland .154 Thornhegh 69 TONG ... 84 Trussell . .28 PAGE Vincent 138 Walker 130 "Wase 173 Wastneys . . .67 Whalley . . . . 116 Whalley . 117 White . . . . 96 WlDMERPOOLE . . 108 WlGHTMAN . . .131 PAGE Wightman . . . 178 Williamson . . . . . 97 WlLLOUGHBY . . . 102 Willoughby . . . 145 WlLLOUGHBY . 184 Wood . 86 Wymondeswold 114 Yerburgh . . . 105 %ty Vimtdfim. of tjje County of Jfrottinojam, MADE AND TAKEN BY WILL'M FFLOWER, AL'S NORROY KING OF ARMES, A0 1569. CONTINUED ENLARGED WTH THE VISSITATION OF THE SAME COUNTY MADE BY RICHARD ST GEORGE NORROY KING OF ARMES, A0 1614, WITH MANY OTHER DESCENTS OF THE SAME COUNTY. TRANSCRIPT F ME RICHARD MUNDY. (Harl. MS., 1555). TOGETHER WITH Cije Vfeftatfoti of ^otttngjamsjetre, MADE BY SE RICHARD ST GEORGE NORROY KING OF ARMES, IN THE YE ARE OF OUR LORD GOD 1614. WITH OTHER INLARGEMENTS. JOHN WITHIE, 1631. (Hael. MS., 1400.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. #ottitt<$anu The towne and Borough of Nottingham being a County within it selfe was Auntiantly iu corporated by the name of Burgesses of Nottingham in time of H. 1 and hath since that time received divers emunityes and franchises from many of the kings of this Realme as apeareth by theire severall Charters and in the time of H. 6 they were newly incorporated hy the name of maior & Burgesses adding vnto them many other emunityes franchises & priuilidges as hy his Charter apeareth all which haue ben confirmed successively by the Kings & Queens of this Realme as by the Charter of our Soueraigne lord King James vnder his greate seale of England most plainly apeareth & at the time of this vissitation made in An° 1614 was William ffreeman Maior, Sr Henery Peirpoint Knight Recorder, Richard Hurt, Arther Jacksonn, Robert Staples, Richard Welsh, Richard Parker, & Richard Hare, Aldermen, & William Gregory Town Clerke of the same Towne & County. Will'm ffreeman Maior. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. In Harl. 1400 a lion paseant guardant is substituted for the fleur-de-lis on sinister side'of the chief. The Towne & Borough of Newark vppon Trent within the County of Notting ham was in Corporated by E. 6 in the 3 yeare of his Raigne by the name of one Alderman & xij assistants. Queene Elizabeth in the 21 yeare of her most happy Raigne gaue the authoritye to haue a Recorder, making the Alderman & the Recorder Justices of Peace & quorum, & 4 of the society & ffraternitye to be Justices of the peace, exempting them 13 from all manner of seruices whatsoever in the County, and lastly our most gratious soueraigne lord king James in the 2 year of his raigne did not only confirme all fformer graunts made by his predi- sessors the kings & queens of this land, but also of his most princely disposition towards the town exempted all the inhabitants thereof from all manner of foraigne seruices whatsoever, giueing them full power to purchase lands & make such orders & laws as should be thought by them more convenient for the better gouernment of the towne hauing both Armes & a Comon Seale belonging therevnto. And at the time of this Visitation was Mr Henery Webster Alderman, & these following Recorder & A sistants, vizt, Mr Gervase Molineux Recorder, Edmond Metheriug- ham, Peter Key, John Twentiman, Bartholmew Martyn, John Browneley, John Noble, Richard Birketts, Thomas Jennysonn, Robert Good, Christopher Haselam, Richard Hering, & John Methringham, John Brownley Coroner. Henery Webster Alderman. Bartholmew Martyn. Johu Browneley. John Noble. Richard Birkett. John Metheringham. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. €ast lUtfortr- The Towne & Borough of East Radfford in the County of Nottingham is the kings towne & hath ben an Auutiant Borough as. apereth by an Auntiant grauut made by E. 2 who graunted the towne in ffee ffarme to the Burgesses of the same paying x1 p' annum giueing them power to choose Baylifis for the gouernmeut of the sayd towne, H. 3 graunted them a ffayre. E. 3 exempted them from all tolles & flbraigue seruices. H. 6 gaue them a Court of Record to hold plea of action without limitation of Som, & to execute the office of Escheator & Clerke of the markett with many other liberties. All which priuilidges haue ben from time to time confirmed by the severall Kings & Queenes of this land, and now lastly our Gratious Soueraigne lord King James iu the 5 yeare of his Baigne did not only Confirme all former graunts made by his predecessors, but also in Corporated it anew by the name of Baylifis & Burgesses, & apointed the same to be gouerned by 2 Baliffs, & likewise xij Alder men, to make a Comon Counsell for the towne, also they shall haue a Comon Seale with power to alter it at ther pleasure, and that the 2 Bayliffs for the tyme being and the lerned Steward shalbe Justices of the peace & quorum within the sayd Borough & at this present Vissitation was Nicholas Watson, & Thomas Draper, Bayliffs, & these following Aldermen, vizt. William Thornton, Robert Wharton, John .Tegison, Richard Ellsham, Richard Parnell, Robert Stockham, William Bellamy, ffrancis Barker, Martin Taylor, William Bayly, Robert Hudsonn, & William Dickins, the Right honorable Gilbert Earle of Shrewsbery High Steward, Sr Richard William* Knight lerned Steward, Robert Browne Towne Clarke, & 2 Sergeants at mace. This towne hath no Burgesses for the parliament. Nicholas Watson. Thomas Draper. Rob' Browne. * Williamson, Harl. 1400. ^tanJopA 3. Salle, a bend between six cross crosslets Aems. Quarterly: — 1. Quarterly, ermine and gules. 2. Vert, three qreyhounds eourant or. argent. 4. Argent, three saltires engrailed sable, a crescent for difference gules. Ceest. Out of a tower azure a demi lion or, crowned gules, and holding between his paws a flint-stone proper. This coat also accompanies the Stanhope pedigree : — Quarterly :— 1 and 18. Quarterly, ermine and gules. 2. Vert, three greyhounds eourant or. 3. Salle, a lend between six cross crosslets argent. 4. Argent, on a cross patonce azure, five escallops or. 5. Argent, a cross patonce azure. 6. Argent, three saltires engrailed sable, a crescent for difference gules. 7. Azure, a fees engrailed between three lirds, holding in their beaks cross crosslets fitched or. 8. Argent, a chief vaire or and gules, a bend sable. 9. Or, an eagle displayed azure, beaked and clawed gules. 10. Erihine, a lordure gules, semee of horse-shoes or. 11. Sable, a lend engrailed between six 'billets argent. 12. Gules, three covered cups argent. 13. Azure, six martlets or, a canton ermine. 14. Per fess sable and argent, a pale and three griffins' heads, all counter changed. 15. Argent, fretty salle, a canton of the last. 16. Gules, a chevron between three wolves' heads erased argent. 17. Gules, a chevron between three lions passant guardant or. Thomas de Longvillers de Hoghton in Com. Nottingham fil. Joh'is de Longvillers d'ni Manerii de Tuxford per inquis. iv. E. 3 Ric'dus de Stanhop qui habuit amplissima possessiones in parti- bus boraialibus Begni Anglise Joh'es Longvillers dn's . . . Ma- terri p'tis m. de Tuxford lovell inqui. 35 H. 3=7= =Elizabetha Longvillers. Robertas Crom-=Alice fil et haeres Rogeri well Miles Bellers de Kirkby Bellers militis Ric'dus Stanhop de Novo Thomas de Long- Castro equ. d'us de Est- villers ob. s. p. wick in Com. Northum- inqui. 48 E. 3 berland T Agnes ux. Reigi- naid de Hueving- ham militis Stephen Malovell= . . . filia et Rad'us Cromwell=Matild. fillia miles d'ns de Bampton in Com. Nott. heres Lexinton Miles d'ns de Tatishall iure vxoris heridator' Joh'is Bernake militis Joh'es Stanhop Armiger 46 E. 3 (of Hough- =Elizabetha Malovell heres de Houghton et Rampton ton in com. Nott"1, K4, Harl. 1400) Rad'us Cromwell d'ns de Tatshall w> O oaood 2;Hoo HH1— 1 o> 01 OS I II I . ux. Grimsby Stephanus Johanna fil.=Ricardus Stan Margerett ux Egidii S' low Kobertus Rott'ti Staley soror Rad'i Staley militis hop miles tenet maner de Ramptou ob. 14 H. 6 Ricardus Stan-=Isabella filia Thomas hop ob. in vitu patre of Shelford Joh'is Mark ham militis Chief Justice Jacobus I . Henericuss. p. 12 August1453 =Matilda soror et heres Rad'i d'ni Cromwell et renup'S'Will'mEitzwilliams of Emley Rad'us Cromwell d'ns Hawis ux. Thesauri' Anglise ob. Thomas s. p. 13 H. 6 mar. Lord Margerett heire of Bardolph. Will'm Lord Dein- court of Thurgaston John Clif-=Eliza- ton of J/beth d. Burnam coheire Castell in Norfiblk & Edmond Bensted * Thomas=Nevell 2 mari- tus =Matilda 1 ux.: Robert d'ni Willough- =Gervasius Cliften miles 3 maritus Humfrid' Bour- chier d'ns d'ni Cromwell et Tatshall =Joanna Stanhop d'na Cromwell et Tateshall Robertus Radchff miles s. p. Elizabetha fillia ThomsB=Joh'es (Richard,=Catherina filia=Bad'us Radcliff (Edward, Harl. 1400) Talbott de Bashall Nicholas Harl. 1400) Stan- Rad'i MoU- hop miles ob. 9 neux H. 7 miles 2 maritus — Willimus Joanna ux. Roberti Rad'us Bourchier Strelley de Strelley ob. s. p. militis 3H>HOOte)ooa oH Si > Thomas Stanhop of Shelford=Margaretta (Ehzabeth, Harl. 1400) Armiger I fillia Jerningham Robertus Willimus Radulphus Margaretta ux. — Stephan et ob. s. p. 2 Henricus Stanhop= Joanna soror et her' Rochfford Ehzabetha ux. Humfridi Hereye de Anna ELhnora de Stoke in Com. Lincon. Groue in Com. Nottingham Edmondus Stanhop=Allicia fillia . . . Ely=Edwardus Darell militis 2 maritus Thomas Skeffington de Skeffington in Com. Lester=Margeria fil. et heres Edmondi Stanhop Avelina (Au- =Edwardus Stanhop of=Elizabetha fillia ffulconi Bourchier=Richardus delia, Harl. 1400) filha Gervash Clif ton militis Shelford miles terti' maritus Ehzabetha d'ni fitz warren 1 nupta Hen. Beamont postea 2 maritus — Verney Page miles Camerarius E. 4=T Tl Thomas John ffitzharberfr of Coterall in Edmondus co. Derby = Margaret da. to Rob't Babington 1. Richardus= Stanhop of Shelford Armiger Anna fillia Johannis Strelleyafter to Sr John Mark ham K' 3 Marma- duke 4 Johannes Ehzabetha 2 Michell Stan hope miles Anna fillia Nico- laii Rawson of Audley in Essex et Beatrici Cooke ex Elizabetha Belknap Anna ux. Ed ward Semer ducis Somer- sett died 16 of Aprell A0 1587 Elizabetha ux. Will'mi Skip with de fflamb- sted in Com. Hertford militis Sir John Port=Johanne da. & heire to of Etwall in Co. Derby K* John ffitzharbert John Poole of Radborne 2 husband I Sir John Port=Elizabeth da. to Thomas of Etwall Joh'e Babington de= Rampton in Cora. Nottingham 2nd son to Sir Anthony Babington K' I Ricardus All-=Joane sister of Sr" William Cordall Mr of the Bolles =Sancia fil. et ington de heres ... in Com Cambridge Gifford & heire to hir mother Thomas Stanhope de= Margaretta fil. et Shelford in Com. Nottingham militis 1596 ob. 1597 coheres Joh'is Port de Etwall in Com. Darby militis Dorothey m. GeorgeHastings E. of Huntington, Elizabeth m. Sr Thomas Gerrard K' Cordeha fillia et co-=Joh'es Stanhop de Shel-=Catherin (Doro- heres Ric. Ailing- ford miles ob. 1597 they, Harl. 1400) ton Esq1 (ob. 1609 Harl. 1400) fillia Thomas . Trentham of Roc- cester I 2 Thomas Stanhop 3 Edward= Stanhop =Ellena fil. et heres Roberti Wolfull de Wolfull in Com. Lane. 4 Anne ux. Joh'is Hollis Baro. Houghton Comes Clare a a oH H I— I SiG 2 wife widows of S' Jo. Ferrers = 1. Phillipus Stanhop= miles Baro. de SheJ- ford Earl of Ches- terfeld =Catherina filia ffrancisci Hastings soror Hene- rici Hastings Comes Huntingdon Cordeha ux. Rogeri Aston militis Anne ux. Thomas Cockayne de Ash- borne in Com. Darby militis Catherina Dorothea I I " Jana Fran- cisca . I I Willimus Stan hop — Thomas Stanhop Joh'esStanhop Henericus=ux. Woston Carolus Sara 2. Joh'es Stanhop miles 1614 married=:01ivia fil. et heres 3 Willimus to his 2 wife Mary daughter Sr John Edwardi Beresford — Rattlef of Wordsall in Co. Lankester de Com. Stafford Ar. 4 Thomas 5 John post- humus r i Phillip 3. John: =Jane da. of John Curlon If 1. John 2 Thomas 7 Alexander 4 Cromwell 5 Badclif 6 Byron Ann Eliz. Frances Olliefe ux. Cotten John Ehzabeth oo 3 GO s I— I oSI Q O HSI o H H i— i S|O K Edwardus Stanhop miles Constabu- larius Boriali 2 sonne =Margareta fiha et Juliana ux Michaell=. . . Ed- Elenora . . . ffilia= coheres Thorn' Joh'is Hot- Stanhop ffilia mond ux. Thomas et heres Colshill of Chig- ham de militis . . . Stan Cooper de Willielmi well in Com. Holdernes Read hope Thurgar- Knowles Essex = in Com. ton in ux. p'ima Lawrentius Mar- Ebor. Com. Not bury 2 maritus tingham =Joh'is Stanhop= miles Consil- liarius Jacobi Regis Lord Stanhop of Harington =Margereta fil. Henery Mack- Williams Armiger ux. 2 sister & heire of Henery I Jana ux. HogeriTownsend militis md 2 Henry Lord Barkeley SP John Stanhop of Studfold in Com' Ebor=Mary d. of John Hawley. Edward Stanhop of Studfold John Stanhop= =Margerett d. of . . . Peers Thomas Michell Henery I Margerett ux. Rob. Dynley Susan Ursula Anne Mary Elizabeth 35pnm. Aems. Quarterly .— 1 and 4. Argent, three lendlets enhanced gules. Bteon. 2. Argent, on a bend azure three annulets or, in sinister chief a cross erosslet fitched sable. Clayton. 3. Chiles, three fusils conjoined in fees argent, in chief two cvnauefoils pierced or. Colwick. Ceest. A mermaid proper, crined and holding in her dexter hand a mirror and in her sinister a comb or. The above coat, differenced with a bordure sable, is also tricked with this note :— " Thus John Biron of Newsted, base sonn of Sr John bare it, and two descents from him." Under the trick of the undifferenced coat is written, " Thus they bear it now, 1630." Sir Richard Byron of Byron & Clayton in Com. Lanck. Sr John Byron of Clayton=Margery d. of John Booth of Barton in Com. Lanck. Sr Nichholas Byron=Alhce d. of Sr John Butler of Bewsey Raffe of Clayton Knt. in Com. Lanck. Byron ticha Richard Byron = Ellen uxor of Byron Walter Blount Sr John Byron of Clayton Knt. ob. s. p. Margery d. of Sr Robert ffowlsherst Knt. Sir Nicholas=Jane d. of Sr John Byron of ClaytonKnt. brother & heire Bussey of Haugnam in Com. Lincon Knt. re- nupt' Gervase Cliffton Knt. Alice ux Hen. Sutton sonne & heire of Robert Sutton of Aleham . . . ux. of Sr John Nicholas: Sauage Knt. of the Byron Garter — . . . ux. John Radcliffe of Rad cliffe tower =. . . d. of ffitz Geoffrey Margaret ux. . . . Staunton Isabel! d. of=Sir John=Elizabeth d.=George Halgh Petar Bvron ! of Wm. of ... in Casterden of Com. Lane. Blackley in 1 husband Com. Peter Byron Shelton of of Byron Lynne in & Clay Norff. ob. ton s. p. Knt. Mary ux. Christofer Wimbreth of Norton in Com. Lane. Nicholas Byron a Captaine Sibbell ux. Will'm Spence of Pagrave in Com. Norf. I I Allice ux. Will'm Walden of Erith in Com. Kent Elizabeth ob. s. p. Thomas=Margery d. & Welsh ofOnlip in Com. Lester coheire of . . . Staunton Jane d. & coheire ux. Wm. Bassett of Blore >HoS)oHa te) o od Si H o*)SioHHoW > CD John Byron of New-= Allice d. of. Gefferey Byron=dau'r of Freeman of Bedfordshire sted & Papulwicke in Com. Notting ham borne before marriage Nicholas Strelley of Strelley in Com. Nott ingham Thomas Byron of London haberdasher s. p. Richard Ehzabeth s. p. Sybill wife to Will'm Spence of London^ Ahce wife to Will'm Walden of St. lues in Com. HuntrP ingdon Y Ellen d. & co heire ux.* Sir Wm. Little ton of ffrauckley NicholasByron ob. s. p. I Anthony Byron=Margaret d. of 1577 ob. s. p. ... Beaumond was disinherited of Coleorton by his Father in Com. Lester re'to Barkeley Issabell'ux. Thomas Skeffingtonof Skeffing ton in Com. Lester Sir John Byron of Newsted Knt. = Margarett d. of Sir Wm. Fitz- williams Knt. I Elizabeth ux. John Ather ton of Ather ton in Com. Lane. Mary ux. Sir Ric. (Roger Harl. 1400) Ashton of Midleton in Com. Lane. Elizabeth d. & coheire ux. S' Eaffe Shir ley Knt. Joanne heire to her Mother ux. John Aston of Tixhall in Com. Stafford Anne ux. Sr Thomas Poultney Knt. 2. Nicholas Byron a ColloneU Anne ux. John Ather ton of Skelton in Com. York 2 sonn of John Atherton of Atherton by Cathren d. & heire of John Lord Conyers of Skelton Sir John=Anne 1 d. of Biron of New stedliving 1614. Sr Ric. Moli neux of Sefton in Com. Lanck. Knt. and Baronett Allice ux. S1 John Rad- cliffofOrd-sall in Com. Lanck. K' I Margarett ux. Gilbert Arm strong of Thorpe in Com. Nottingham s. p. Mary was vn- marid in An0 1622, after marid to Thomas Hut chinson of Ow- thorpe co. Nott. Kt. Francis Poult ney of , Com. . m Gabriell Poult ney of Mis- terton in Com. Lester ob. 1597 i-3 wte) CO M o te) Q O oH H MS) Q * In Harl. MS. 1400 she is made Bister to her grandmother. I I I 7 Gilbert 9 George ob. yong 2 Nicholas 4 William 8 Phillip 10 Charles ob. yong 3 Richard 5 Thomas 1 Sir John Byron of Newsted Knt. of the Bath at the coronation of King Charles. Mt. 15 1614 da of West Lo. Delaware buryed Feb. 1638 I I 6 Robert 11 ffrancis ob. yong Anne (Harl. 1400.) Wm Byrom J~ John Byrom of the p'ish of Looton in Com. Lane. T John Byrom of London==d. of William Byrom of London= Jane da. of Tho. Chaloner of Brewer Linfeild in Com. Sussex COI 1-1o SJ ote)H*-r /»*«£"• Cobbtable. 8. CW or and-gules, on a chief argent a lion passant sable ComSbw™' 3 ™lS ? ,7 ^ i ^ I0' Ar9*nt a chevron between three martlets sable. 11. Gules, an eagle displayed argent charaed § on the breast with a crescent sable. Stjthtll. 12. Azure, a fess fusilly or, on each fusil an escallop gules. pfoMPTO* 13 Salle Z, "fi"gent letween six lions rampant or. 14. Argent three bendlets gules. 15. Gules, a fess or "between thZZkirls' argent' | ST^™ Ta ' o "Tf" , Tz **"" horseshoes *«*»¦ U- Gvl™, three fusils conjoined in fess, barry wavy of six araentand I CnjfouflT , ^ U len\letween^ es™ll°P* or- Eo^amb. 19. Barry of six or and gules, « ^ «2fc £ Cbest. Out of a coronet or a demi-peacock per pale argent and sable, wings expanded, counterchanged. S S< Alvere (Almere Harl. 1400) Cliffton Lord of Cltfton and warden of the Castell of Nottingham Knt.i § J o I * S1 Robert Clifton_of Clifton Knt.2 H I ' o Sr Geruase CKfton of Clifton Knt.3 o X 3 Sr Gervase Clifton of Chfton Knt.*==Amphelis d. of Sr Wm. Sampson Lord of Preston Knt. H S' Geruase Clifton of Clifton Knt.5=Mary d. of S' James Audley Knt. Eoger Clifton de Hodsock o ¦A- | -d =— H wa}mSp£™^ *•" aPurt— -eheeffeasof ffee was Warden of the Castell of Nottingham in the time of | 2. Sr Eobert Clyfton Knt. after the decease of Sr Alured his ffather was lord of the mannor aforesavd & likewise finnataWo r.f «.• ..m n 4. n ^ 3. S; Gervas Clyfton Knt. after the decease of & Robert his ffather was Lord of the same m^Tj^T^^,^' 8ame Ca8teU- E 4. S' Gervas Clyfton Knt. after the decease of S' Gervas his ffather was lord of the same mannor & Ward™ nf • l^TfJ^r *" 11 11 u- vr ,- , P warde called the vtter ward of the sa,ne Castell with a mill to the same Castell & made one Sd 'wile • fron the wato of T^t" i th hfetlme,T^° T^ the aJtM^ssSoS1 ^ *arsi2!& air John Cheny Knt- was ^ l2 of August An° 3i =¦ 6 Robert w^ *« *** - «- »*. / i.\.l, > ¦ &. J V>\»»1 ri'o.t^ «c . A_| B I S' Robert Clifton, of Clifton Knt.=Emme d. of S1 Wm. Motion Knt. Will'm Clifton de Hodsock S1 Gervase Clifton Knt. = Margerett d. of Sr Robert Perpoynt Knt. S? John Cressy of Hodsock Knt. Sr Robert Clifton of= Agnes d. of Lord Sr John Cressy Knt. Lord Hugo Cressy ob. Catherin ux. Will'm Elizabeth ux nuft^ tt„4- «.,.„„ nf TxriUnr, nf Hnrisha.lfi s. n.912 Cresholme . . . "V avasor Chfton Knt Gray of Wilton of Hodshale s. p. 9 E. 2 Issabell d. of George Mon-=Sr John Clifton hocker 1 wiffe ob. s. p. Dhn Clifton of Clifton=Catherin d. & Margerett ux. John . . . ux Makerell Hugh Cressy ob. and Hodshalle Knt. coheire Markham the Judg & ob. s. p. s. p. 9 H. 4 Sr Gervase Clifton Knt.=Issabell d. of Sr Rob. ffrancis Knt. S' Robert Clifton Knt.== Allice d. of John Booth of Barton in Com. Lanck. Sr Walter Griffith Knt.=Anne d. of Sr Rob. Constable Knt.=Sr Gervase Clifton Knt. Threaseror=Allice d. of Thomas Nevell of of Callais 1482 Roleston Anne d. of S1 Walter=Sr Gervase Clifton= Jane d. of John Bussy of Hougham=Sr Nicholas Protohasius Thomas - Hugh Griffith Knt. of Clifton Knt. in Com. Lincon. Byron 2 hus- (Parlhasius band Harl. 1400) Clifton Anne d. of Henery Lord Clifford sister of= the Erie of Comberland I I I Robert Clifton Lord of— Allice d. of Simon Digby Liftennant Anneys Gervase Clifton ob. 1508 of the tower of London Chfton HW h-l H>HM O S!o § S|H osi o H O a I \ Mary &.-- ofSr JohnNevellof Cheet 1 wiffe :Sr Gervase= Clifton of CliftonKnt.1569 Wiuiffrid d. and heire of William Thwaites of Mallowtree in Essex widdow of Sr George Perpoint Knt, Eobert Clifton ob. s. p. Dorothey ux. Christopher Pickering of Crosby & Crandon Barbara ' Margerett=Sr Anthony = Anne d. & ux. Wm. Jacksonn of Went worth in Com. York d. of HenerySutton 1 wiffe Thorold of Marston iu Com. Lincon. V 1 Robert ob. s. p. 2 Anthony ob. s. p. 3 Gervase ob. s. p. Ehzabeth ux. Peter Frances ffretchvile of Staley ob. s. p. in Com. Darby Esq' coheire of Sr John Constable of Kenal- ton Com. Nottingham Richard Clifton of ... in Com. Lincon. = Jane d. of Sr Lawrance Tay- ler of Doding- ton in Com. Huntington Ursula ux. BarnardBabington ffather of JarviceBabington bishop of Worcester Gedrge Clifton of Clifton=Winirfrid d. of & Anthony & Hodsock in Com Nottingham Thorold of Marston in Com. Lincon. & heire to her mother GervaseChfton d. of Robert Lord^ Gervase Cli^^^ Penelopie Rich Erie of Warwick 1 wiffe Mary d. of John Egioke of Egioke in Com. Worcester widdow of Sr Francis Leake of ... in Com. Derby (natus 1567 Harl. 1400) Gervase Chfton Clifford Clifton Margerett ffrances Anne Lettice ffrancis Erie of Com- berland 2 wiffe 1 Adelina ux. Sr Edward Stanhop Knt. 11 Robert a priest Gamaliell a doctor 8| Silvanus (Silvester) 9|t_- Ezethius (Elizeus Harl. 1400) 4 | William Chfton Esqr Costemer of London: purchased lands at Barington in Com. Somerset ;Ehzabeth d. of Thomas Blount of Sodington in Com. Worcester 2 William Clifton Myles Saudis of Lattimers=Hester Chfton ^<^=^&? in Com. Buckingham Esqr Clarke of the Crowne marid to Brimton in Com. Somer sett Knt. Thomas Stan ley Lord Mountegle Jane 1 m. to . . . Copleston . . . ux. 2 to S1 William ffleetwood Thomas of Cranford in Com. Strowde Buckingham Esq1 Sr Edwin Sandis * Sr "Will'm Sandis of Clatbury in Com. Worcester S' Gervase Clifton Knt. Baron of Leigh-=Catherin d. & heire ton in Com. Huntington temp. Jacobus of & Henery 8 yere of his Raigne Darcy Knt. Sr Willm. Clifton Knight of the Bath to King James John Clifton Amias Clifton w > HMOSI o H a O O Ho S|O HH s Q i strelley. Stbelley of Steelley. -1 and 4. Pali/ of six araent and at dancette sable. Aems. Quarterly: — 1 and 4. Paly of six argent and azure. 2. * Or, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and memhered gules. 3. Or, a fess § < Ceest. A man's head couped at the shoulders swart, crined sable, encircled by a band gules belled or. M Steelley of Woodbobough. S Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Paly of six argent and azure, a cinquefoil pierced gules. 3 and 4. Barry of eight argent and azure, a lion g rampant or. ' ' 1^ Ceest. A cockatrice's head vair, beaked, combed, and wattled gules. 0 Hugh de Capella Lord of Gyton & Oxton pn T « I I Q S1' Walter Strelley of Strelley in Com. Nottingham Sewallus le Fone=Avice d. & heire Elizabeth § S!HMoS| I H Sr Robert Strelley of=Ehzabeth d. & heire of William Stephen Strelley of 1. Richard Strelley H Strelley Knt. 30 E. I. Vavasor of Haslewoode Woodborough =p 3 i ; T , I , § S'Ro jert Strelley of Strelley lived in Sampson Strelley of Woodborough^ the time of E. I. died 12 E. I. in Com. Nottingham =Lucia d. & heire Robert Strelley Esq' dyed . . . ux. Eland of ... ux. Basilye William Strelley Thomas Strelley ^ before his father 27 E. 3. Baseford ofRadcliff =f= = ¦4-T uppon Trent b | c * Argent in Harl. MS. 1400, and the whole coat has a martlet for difference. jl! Sr Sampson Strelley=Elizabeth d c| of Strelley Knt. liued in the time ofR. 2. died 13 R. 2. of S' John Hereye Knt. Robert ob. s. p. Helen ux. Ivo Jek & ob. s. p. Richard Strelley=Mary John Strelley of Woodborough Richard ob. s. p. Sr Nicholas Strelley=Elizabeth d. of of Strelley Knt. Sr Edmond Perpointe Knt. John Strelley of Woodborough Henrey Strelley of Woodborough John Ahce Robert Strelley of Woodborough Joanne d. of= Richard Stanhop =Sr Robert Strelley= of Strelley Knt. ob. 17 H. 6. = Agnes d. of Hare court (Jane d. of Harcourt 1 wiffe Harl. 1400) John Strelley=Joane d. & heire of John Hunt of Lynby John Strelley=. . . d. of Almere Berroyke Sampson Strelley Elizabeth ux.. Thomas ob. s. p. Whalley Sr Robert Strelley: of Strelley =Issabell d. of Thomas Kemp of ... in Com. Kent sister of John Kemp Archbishop of Canterbury the Cardinal! John Strelley =Elizabeth d. of of Lynby Wm. Meering 2. SrNicho-=Catherin d. 1. John Strelley=Sara (Sanchia las Strelley of Strelley Knt. of Thomas West Lord Delaware of Strelley Harl. 1400) d. of Sr Richard Willoughby sister of Sr Henery Sr Nicholas Strelley ,Knt. ob.,s. p. Issabell sister & heire ux. George Stave- ley of Bignill in Com. Oxon. ~T~ Anne wiffe to Rich. Bingham of Watnoll Sr Henery Strelley K* ob. s. p. to o W fed Richard (Robert Harl. 1400) Strelley of Wooborough «j >H Oo •=dfedoo d s; Ho^dS|oH HI— i S| Q Janne ^ 1 B| Sara (Grace Harl.=Sir Nicholas Strel-=Ellen d. of ohn 1400) d. of Simon Digby Liftennant of the Tower 1 wiffe ley of Strelley Knt. m. to his 3 wiffe Elizabeth d. of 8' John Spen ser Knt. Sr Thomas Gresley Knt. 2 wiffe John Strelley ob. s. p. Issabell 1 m. to Clement Low of . . . in Com . . . 2 to Richard Paynell I Margaret ux. John Pow- treU of West Hallom in Com. Darby Ehzabeth ux. Wm. Ayscough I Anne 1 m. to Sr Ric. Stanhop K' 2 to S* John Markham Knt. 1. S'Anthony= Strelly of Strelley Knt. 1569 =Joane eldest d. of Sr George Bayn- ham of Clorewall in Com. Gloster Knt. 4 Henery Strelley of Hempsell= Joane d. of George Sherley of Sherley in Com. . . (called dau* of Charnley of Charnley Harl. 1400) John Strelley of Hempsell A" 1614 | I I ' I I John Strelley son & heir sets 22 an. A0 1614 Henrey Patricke George Francis 1. Sr Phillip: Strelley K' of Strelley 1589 =Elizabeth d. & heire of Tho mas Gar- neys (Garnishe of Norfk. Harl.1400) 1 1 Mary Strel 1 1 3. Anthony 5. George= ley eldest Strelley Strelley a da. ob. s. p. ob. s. p. twin with — Nicholas 2. Henery 4. Nicholas (ob. s. p'le, ob. s. p. a twin Harl. with ¦ 1400) George ob. s. p. Anne d. of...Aldredg 6. ffrancis Strel ley ob. s. p. (called son & heir A0 1614 Harl. 1400.) d. of=Sr George . . . Wil- loughby Peckhamof ... in Com . . . 2 husband Elinor 2 da. & heire ux. John Mi- chell of Austey in Com. Sussex after knight ed by King James Nicholas Strelley ob. s. p. Nicholas Strelley=Elizabeth d. of=Richard Biron of Strelley Ro swell 2 husband 7 children all dyed without issue John Michell= Judith da. of John Esq. Hill of Honing- leigh in Com. . H WEd CD l-i i-3> oSio*d QOaHKjo si O H H>— t S| Q to 22 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. ao o3 pq a xi o 1-5 aa xi -d O 0) -ja O 03 Sh bo zb -d « fisti so . o 'a a*-g • -° so afag h g o- O _P " d •'d " I? ^ O =H 4= O M 3 d «1&pqW 03 rt -rO I bo d " &®£ ¦"d Vi M S d a I "3 Pn ° o 0) r- 1 .ST3 2 ft ¦^ S =3 | %M § TO w i a - "? =m bD o d r2 O do g "rQ <~' OS O rt CO > O rd V CO d _rO o ^ !>> COrS d o «« Js •" r« °-1 a| ¦S OS o -d * -1 1^ H -2 |.g M ^ ! P g£ I 8*" 1 .fen® 3^ M -a a a-* d-3 ¦ S bfl o '-^ ^ w a^ ^ o-a d 03 rd 03 -rt a en m ° 03 a _« J ° § gU3 I §3 pa-d a.soom ud O O 0)J d . . o o _ . _: m 3 d ^ i-2 - fr frlH.^ r*. rQ g O OfH C'S BB OrQOfl a rW rS> O rS Fhgq ^ pi's drd ° tlT « O g Q rt '" ... ¦. w B h eS O 0) o * « rrj pn jz; ^ o P r^ °° r? 03 rt CO » H PI _rS ^ rt-11-5 QQ ¦3 3 ^, en 'g en grSN ° a o 03 -rt.g ca rd h r-H O C3 -2 3Q rd cS M ££§ -r^ £rt to d o3 to - t» 03 Sh CO 0 rt-l 03 ? 3 ri ¦* -£3 « dM m 0) OO CQmo'-i S=rt rt 1=-. - ._, O .d rQ fe* rQ o -*— j VW P-] ti. IL) t« • o's^g^sw r& II g r« o rt Frt 6- d ~rd 5d rrt o drt03 pq O 02 art d o d 03 C3 ?I ¦? r-A "3P *Aems. Quarterly :-—!. Azure, on a chief or a lion issuant gules. 2. Argent, a lion rampant, double queued sable. 3. Argent, three pilgrims' staves gules, garnished or. 4. Cheque argent and gules a bend salle. 5. Gules, a fess fusilly argent. 6. Argent, on a saltire engrailed salle nine annulets or. 7. Salle, a tower or. 8. Argent, a chevron between three lozenges sable. 9. Argent, three fleurs-de-lis between nine cross crosslets fitched gules. 10. Gules, on a saltwe argent an annulet sable. 11. Sable, a chevron h between three trefoils argent. 12. Prance and England quarterly within a bordure compony. 13. Gules, a fess between six cross ^ crosslets or. 14. Argent, two bars gules. 15. Lozengy or and azure, a bordure gules bezanti. 16. Cheque or and azure, a chevron ermine. 17. Gules, semee of cross crosslets or. 18. Gules, a chevron between ten crosses patee argent. 19. Gules, a lion passant „ guardant argent, crowned or. 20. Or, a fess between two chevrons sable. f^ Sr Allexander Markham Knt. Constable of the Castell of Nottingham temp. H. 3 H , ' 3 John Markham of Markham==Issabell 2 IT) i i i , s Eobert Markham of Markham John Markham Eichard ob. s. p. tef = T -. S Margerett d. & coheire of Sr Henery=John Markham of Sedbrookef in Com.=Millesent d. & coheir of Sr John Bekering=Sr John (John Harl. 1400) Cressy Knt. Lord Cheefe Justice of the Comon Pleas 2 husband Knt. renupt Sr William Meering Burden Cheque" gules and argent a bend sable. Knt. 1 husband Scisseley ux. John Bray Berta ux. "Wm. Longvillers Agnes ux. "Wm. St. Crure Eobert Markham g H ' H John Markham of Markham=Joane d. & heire of Sr Nicholas Bothomsell Knt. »-* Or, on a bend sable three mullets argent. +. I s Eobert Markham of Markham= . . . of Sr John Caunton Knt. H Argent, a chevron between three griffins'' heads erased sable. >2< O to * There is a trick in the MS. of a coat containing the first nine of these quarterings with the addition in the second quarter of Argent, a cross patonce azure. w> t The word Sedbroke, i. e. Sedgebrooke, is erased in Harl. MS. 1400, and " Markham " substituted. Al Sr Eobert=Elizabeth d. & sole Markham heire of Nicholas Knt. Burden Ar. three palmers' staves gules, garnished or. Audella ux. Eobert Stanhop Knt. Sr John Markham of=Margerett d. & Sedbrook Lord Cheefe Justice of England & deposed by E. 4 coheire of Simon Leek Margerett ux. "Walter Ped- warden Issabell ux S1 Eobert or Sr Eaffe Stanhop Knt. Sr Eobert Markham Knt.= Jane d. & heire of S1 Gyles Daubney Knight Gules, a fess fusilly argent. Thomas Markham of Sedbrooke =Catherin d. & coheire of "Wm. Hartishorne Sr John Mark ham Knt. =Allice d. of Sr Wm Skipwith of Ormesby in Com. Lin- colne Knt. Eobert Markham of ... in Com. Oxon Elizabeth d. of Sr "William Mering Knt. Elizabeth ux. ThomasMolineux of Haughton Margarett ux. S1 Hen. Willough- by Knt. Catherin ux Sr Hen. Bozom Knt. John Mark ham of Sedbrooke Sr Eobert Wil- loughby Knt. Sr Eichard Bozom Knt. Margery d. of Sr=Sr John Markham of John Longford 2 wiffe Knight m. to his 1 wiffe d. & heire of Sr George Nevell Knt. =Anne d. & heire of John Strelley of Strelley & widdow of Eichard Stanhop 3 wiffe Eichard Mark- =Anne d. of George ham of Sed brook 1562 =Ellenor d. of Sr John Turbervyle Knt. Heningham Jerom = Margerett Mark- d. of John ham Villers 13 children all s. p. Allice ux. . . . More- ton John Mark ham of Cotham =Catherin d. of & An thony Bab ington Knt. Thomas Mark—Mary d. & "Willi'm Mark-=Elizabeth d. of Sr ham of Al berton in Com. Not tingham heire of Sr Eice Griffin son of Sr Tho mas Griffin ham of Okeley in Com. Northton. Elizabeth Anne Edward Moun tague Knt. widdow of Eichard Caue _of Okley I I Frances ux. Hen. Babing ton — Issabell ux. John Haring- ton E rrt- rrt COH ao oHffl o o1=1HH o*ioHHQw > Anne ux. Sr Thomas (FrancisHarl. 1400) Smyth Knt. Elizabeth ux. Edward sonn & heire of EaffeSheldon of Beely Margerett ux. Nicholas Langford of ... in Com. Darby s. p. Jane ux. John Skinner sonn of Thomas Skinner of LondonAlderman 3 George Mark ham of Al- berton 6 "William 7 John Mark ham 1. Sr Griffin=Anne d. of Peter Markham Eoos of Laxton Knighted in Com. Not- at Eome tingham by the da. to Alderman Harvey I I 4 Charles Markham a twin with Thomas 5 Thomas Markham a twin with Charles I . ' I Thomas Skinner John Skinner Thomas . . . da. to William Burnell of Wigborne=Bobert Markham of Cotham=Mary da. of Sr ffrancis Leak Knt. Emme ux. 2 wiffe Hardwick Anne d. & h. of Sr John=Sr Eobert Markham of=Winiffrid (Ann Harl. 1400) d. of (Peter) Warberton 1 wiffe of Arley Esq. Cotham Thomas Thorold of Houghe 2 wiffe 2 ffrancis Markham. 3 Gervas Markham Eobert Markham John Markham of Cotham Daniell Alexander Markham . . ux. Cicell Caue . . . ux. Daniel Bassano Phillip Markham John Mark- =Mary d. of Geffrey George s. p. Eichard s. p. John s. p. Dorothey ham of Ley of Southwell — — — — Sedbrook Thomas s. p. William s. p. Will'm s. p. Ehzabeth I I Anne Catherin Ellin or Margerett 2 Abraham=Jane da. of Bofeert Eyre Agnes Markham of the Hermitage in Com. Stafford Allice Mary d. of Sr Anthony Thorold 1 wiffe '=Joim Markham= of Sedbrooke - Jane d. of Welby of ... in Com. 2 wiffe Anne Catherin John Mark ham — Eobert Mark ham Anthony MarkhamHenery Markham Sr Anthony=Bridgett d. of Sr Issabell Markhamof Sed brook James Haring- ton of Eidling- ton in Com. Eutland Knt. & Baronett ux. Sr John Molineux Knt. & Baronett Anne ux. John Mark- Anthony ham Eyre of — Laugh- Charles ton Markham George Mark- Millicent ham = ux. Sr ... d. of Hamond Eoger Lane Withcott John Markham= . . . d. of S' James Tiringham Eobert ob. s. p. Henery ob. s. p. firances ob. s. p. ... MaJkham a daughter Eichard Markham of Newboro" Abbey 8 sonn of Eichard=Mary daughter of Nicasus Yetsworth of Sunbery in Com. Middlesex John Abraham Markham=Jane d. of Eobert Eyre Thomas Elizabeth ob s n aL„t nn\,a^ an. I • -r i nb « n nfNfiwW,' nfA,m;t,mi,pJ ^0~ °' S' P' A^e ux Eobert Theodocia ux. John ob. s. p. of Newboro' Abbey of Armitage in Com Stafford ob. s. p. Mary ob. s. p. Clarke of Allington Eussell of Allington in Com. Lincon. in Com. Lincon. John Markham Eobert Markham Anthony Henery William ffrancis to OS e H >Hrrt oHI QO do oH H M THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 27 A™LQZart9l'Vnll md f" Jmrf' a Uon ramPant arffeni iet™™ eight fleurs-de- Z°Z 7< ' U C\?r°n between three Jmc*s' *«** cabossed argent. 3. Argent, three capons sable. ,y ^^old0™/^ CZ°netJr' Ut}ed.97ules> a griffin's head azure, beaked and eared gold, and charged on the neck with a crescent. Eobert Pull al's Poole vel de la Poole A" 21 E. 1 Eeignald Pull al's Poole James John Poole of Poole in Com. Chester 18 E. 2 Eobert Poole of Poole A0 30 E. 3 T Sr John Poole of Poole,=Daughter and heire to Bureton knight, A° 3 E. 2 & Capenhurst Thomas Poole of Poole= in Com. Chester A0 15 H. 5 =Elizabeth d. of Eichard James Isabell ux. John Sr Wm Stanley — — Leighe of High of Hooton K' John William Leighe in Com. Chester. I " " William Poole of= Poole in Com. Chester, 7 H. 6 =Maud d. to RandallManwaring of Pever I Eandall Eobert Poole of — Poole James Henery Eichard Mary ux. John Meols of Meols Sr Thomas Poole of Poole in Com. Chester, Knight Eaffe Poole of Wirrall, 2 sonne Eichard Poole 3 sonne vl/ =Mary da. to Eaffe Pem- bridg Eobert Poole=Bennett d. of Thomas Boys John Poole of Monington in Com. Kent 2 sonne Eowland Poole of Chester T I Eaffe Poole of the=Anne d. of Hugh Hooks of Frauncis Citty of Chester Conway in Com. Denbigh Poole EobertPoole John Poole of Eobert ob. s. p. William Poole of= Ehzabeth d. Chester ob. s. p. Eichard ob. s. p. Ansley in Com. Nottingham vixitt 1569 of John Bretton of Ansley Scissely ux. Belin (Bollin Harl. 1400) of Chester | j * 1 Eobert Poole of Aunesley 7 yere old 1569 Isabell Poole Agnes Poole 28 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Argent fretty, gules on each joint a bezant, a bordure azure. Tetjssel:l. 2 and 3. Vaire, a fess salle. Maemion. Warren Trussell of Billesley in Com. Warwick William Trussell William Trussell William Trussell=Maud d. of Eandall Manwaring Theobald Trussell Sr Thomas Trussell Knt. ~T~ Sr William Trussell Knt.=Maud d. of Venables Lord of Warmicham Baron of Kinderton Allured Trussell==Catherin d. of Sr Wm. Trussell I William Trussell of Billesley I John Trussell of Billesley Thomas Trussell of Billesley William Trus sell of Billes ley Scisseley d. of John Cursonn of Ketleston in Com. Darby ThomasTrussell Henry Marmion= of ... in Com. Nottingham Auery Trussell of=Margarett d. of Jssabell d. & heire of John Egerton Billesley in Co. Warwick Eobert fful- wood of Tam worth in Com. Warwick John Trussell ofe Cosshall in Com. Nottingham 2 =Bridgett d. of Hen. Marmion of ... in Com. Nottingham John Trus sell of Bil lesley I I I ThomasEobert Henery Dorathey ux. Adam Palmer Mary ux. John Gelsthorp Scissely ux. Giles Kemp-ster Ursulaux. James Eouth Thomas Trussell Henery 1 1 Edith ux. Anne William Joane ux. Ursula ux. Trussell Thomas Trus John Thomas = Lewes sell Squire of Hare- Sara d. — . = Com. court of Mary ux. Cathe Stafford Ketle- John rin d. of wood Holme . . . Ithell Margerett ux. Eichard Water man al's Dixon Elizabeth ux. John Har.mer of Win chester eitois- Aems. Quarterly .— 1. Or, a fess azure, a lend gules. 2. Salle, a lion rampant or, within a bordure gobony salle and ermine. 3. A fess letween three masers. 4. Argent, a chevron engrailed letween three lions rampant salle. Ceest. Five arrows, four in saltire and one in pale or, flighted and larled argent, entwined ly a snake gules. These 4 coates wth the Crest was set out ffor Will'm Elweys of Broxton in Com. Nottingham by Clarencealx Cooke. William Helwish al's Elwis of Asham in Com. Nottingham=. . . d. of . . . Levesey (Leuesley Harl. 1400) 1 Edward Elwis of Asham 2 John Elwis of Worleby in Com. Lincon. =. . . d. of . . . Blackden Ermine, three lions rampant gules, a bordure engrailed sable. Thomas Elwis of Henery ob. " Margerett ux. Agnes ux. Brockston in s. p. William Kniveton Com. Nottingham Batte Sr Gervase Elwis Knt.=Mary da. of Thomas Margerett ux. . Liftennant of the Tower of London Executed on Tower Hill Brooke of ... m Com. Norfolk Mohun of ... in Com. Southampton or Northampton Sr Will'm = Martha d. of Nathaniell Elwis of Sr Edward — Worleby Tirwhitt Gervase in Com. Knt. — Lincon. Knt. John I I I I I I Thomas Mary ux. Jane ux. Thomas — Eobert Skinner 2 sonn Elizabeth Yerborough of S1 Thomas — Skinner of London Bridgett Alderman & — Maior Troth all ob. s. p. I Anne ux. Sr Will'm Park hurst Knt. mr of the Mynt ffrances Bridgett Ehzabeth Geruase Elwis ob. s. p. 1. John Elwis sonn & heire 2 Thomas Elwis Margerett ob. s. p. Elizabeth Margerett Winiffrid a hHO "3o*JHffiH O O c! S!H*O *i Si o > toCO 3 Thomas Elwis of Habelsrop ^Hablesthrope Harl. 1400) in Com. Nottingham 1 " 4 Gervas Elwis of London=Elizabeth d. & coheire of Alderman Eobert Gabbott A| ux. . . . Hamerton of in Com. Lincon. Thomas=. . . d. of . . Elwis Shepard of ... in Com. Notting ham. Bridgett ux. Edward Ashton of ... in Com. Nottingham. Barbara ux. Edward=Suzan d. of Thomas ob. s. p. Throg morton Elwisof Lon don Eichard Creswell of William ob. s. p. Barnhurst — in Com. Elizabeth ob. s. p. Stafford Mary ux. Thomas 2. Silvius Elwis Plomer of — Londonstone 4. Gervas Elwis 5. Henery Elwis Henery Elwis Geffrey Elwis ob. s. p. Elizabeth r 3 John Elwis of London=Elizabeth d. of Eoger Hebbs of Weybridge in Com. Surrey 6. Jeromy Elwis Ehzabeth Geffrey Elwis Thomas a twin with John John Elwis a twin with Thomas John Helwis or Elwis of Askham in the co. of Nott. Sr Jeruas Helwis leuitenant of the Tower maried Mary the da. of Brooke of Nbrff. Pray set downe Brooke's coate of Armes Quere what kin the Alderman of London was to the Leiftenant of the Tower. 03 o w rlmi— i H > H i— i OSio Q OdSiH K|oS|oHH g THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 31 #storne* Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Quarterly ermine and azure, a cross or. 2. Two bars, and on a canton gules a cross argent. 3. Argent, a chevron between three annulets vert. 4. Azure, on afessfleury between three lions passant or, as many peewits proper. Ceest. An heraldic tyger or, maned sable, and charged on the shoulder with a pellet. Eichard Osborne of Ashfford in Com. Kent Sr Edward Osborne Knt. = Allice d. & sole heire of Sr William Hewett Maior of London 1583 Knt. maior of London 1559 Sr Hewett Osborne= Joyce d. of Thomas ffleetwood=Sr Peter ffretchvile sonn of Knt. was of . Com. of the Vach in Com. Buck ingham Master of the Mynt Peter ffretchvile of Staley in Com. Darby 2 husband Sr Edward Osborne of Key-=. . . d. of S1' Thomas ton in Com. Nottingham Knt. & Baronett 1630 Bellases Lord ffaulkonbridg William Osborne . . . ux. Christopher Wandisford of Wandisford in Com. York Edward Osborne Allice d. of William-- Boteler of Biden- ham in Com. Bed ford 1 wiffe :Edward Osborne of= Nowell in Com. Bedfford ;ffrances d. of James Harvey of Dagen- ham in Com. Essex I Edward Osborne William Osborne Allice ux. Eo bert Pay ton sonn of Eobert 32 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. ^onfifortr. Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Paly of six or and gules, a bend argent, charged with an annulet sable for difference. 2. Paly of six or and gules, on a chief azure a bar dancette or. 3. Argent, a fess dancette between ten billets sable, a label gules. 4. Quarterly, argent and gules. The entire coat is charged with an annulet for difference. George Longford a yonger brother of Longford of Longford in Com. Darby Nicholas Longford Thomas Longford of Mansfeld in Sher-==Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lowe of wood in Com. Nottingham Alderolsley in Com. Derby Eoger Longford=Catherin d. of Thomas Longford of=Catherin d. of of Mansfeld Thomas Brad shaw of Mansfeld Sutton in Ashfeld in Com. Notting ham 1569 Comyn of North amptonshire William Longford Godffrey Long ford Abraham Longford Dorathey George Longford 22 yere old 1569 Joane Longford Dorathey Long ford George Longford 2 sonne William Longford Thomas Longford THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 33 Jentom* Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Argent a cross between four fleurs-de-lis sable. Fen ton. 2. Or, a lion rampant gules, collared argent. Malloey. 3. Azure, semee of cross crosslets and a lion rampant argent. Beetofts. Ceest. Out of a coronet an arm embowed in armour or, in the hand a sword argent, "" or. Sr Eichard Fenton Knt. Lord of Fenton in Com. Nottingham WiUiam Fenton of Fenton Esqr t William Fenton of Fenton Esq1 William=Agnes d. of Eaffe Eoul- Fentonof Fen tonEsqr ston of Eoulston Bendy of six gules and vert, a chevron ermine. Thomas (William Harl. 1400) Mallory Lord of Walton in Com. Lester Sr Eoger Disney of Disney in Com. Lincon Knt. Eichard= Jane d. of Sr Eobert Clifton Thomas Feutonsonn & heire Sable, a lion rampant, and the Mallory field replenished with cinque- ' .- foils argent. I Eoger Mallory Sr Willm. Disney of Disney Knt. sonn & heire John Fen-=Ellinor d. & co- ton sonn heire of Tho- & heire mas Mallory John Mallorey of Wallo (sic.) Sr Willm. Disney of=Jane d. & Norton Disney Knt. sonn & heire Sr Ancketyll Mallorey knight coheire of Sr Willm. Dyve Thomas Fenton= sonn & heire =Margerett d. of Sr Wm. Disney Sr Willm. Disney of Disney in Com. Lincon V Henery Fenton= sonn & heire =Issabell d. of Alexander Mering of Mering Argent, on a chevron sable three escallops or. John Bretofte of Breytoffce in Com. Lincon Henery Fenton=Catherin d. & coheire sonn & heire of John Bretofte A Margerett ux. Wm. Friskney of Friskney. * This pettegre is sett out by Clarenceulx Cooke and by him subscribed. + Omitted in Harl. MS. 1400. 34 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Edward Fenton sonn & heire=Ellenor d. of John Eevell of Darbishire Per pale indented erm. and sable three chevrons gules. Thomas Fenton sonn & heire=Ellinor d. of Eaffe Nevell of Leversedg Nevell, with a label azure. Eaffe Fenton sonn=p=Dorathey d. of Eobert Staunton Thomas & heire- Vaire" ar. and sa., a canton gules. Fenton Henery Fenton Hugh Fen ton 2 sonn Thomas Fenton=. . . d. of Thomas Burgh William Edward sonn & heire of Burgh in Yorksh. Five swans on a saltire. Henery ThomasFenton Willm.Fenton /H.eneryrFenton son= of Eaffe (sic. in' Harl. 1555) =Scissely d. of John Beau mont of Colhorton in Com. Lester. Hugh Fenton ob. s. p. John Fenton = Joane d: of Alsop Sable, a chevron leiween three birds or. John Fenton= Joyce d. of Hugh Eabon Gules, three wolves ? passant, counter passant or. John Fenton of=Ellinor d. of Bodenham in Com. Herefford Euan Lloyde James = Fenton JDorathey d. of John Bell Sable, a fess ermine between three bells argent. I John Fenton James Fenton John Fenton Captaine= =Thomazin= Edward d. & co- Fenton of heire of Fenton Beniamyn buried at Gonson Detford of Great in Kent Warley ob. s. p. in Com. - Essex Christo pher Browneof Det ford 2 husband lich; Eichard Browne Catherin ux. James Parsons 2 sonn of Thomas Parsons of Dish- worth Grang in Com. Lester Sr Geffrey: FentonKnt. prin- cipall se cretary of state in Ireland. * = Allice d. of Eo bert Weston Lord Chan cellor of Ireland John Anthony James Fenton ob. s. p. Henery Fenton ob. s. p. * So much of this descent of Fenton as Hugh from the red lyne I tooke out of a Dettemwn l, scribed by Mercury Pattent Blewmantell with these words following subscribed at the bottn P cordat cum originali genelogia Galfredi Fenton militis J. P. Blumantle wch S* Geffrev J t ¦ pettegree I coppied by the originall subscribed by Clarenceulx Cooke in which there is no m" r " at all made the above named Hugh. (The line here referred to is in red ink and is that m °.u ing Hugh with Eaffe Fenton his father. ThiB part of the pedigree is omitted in Harl 1400 ) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 35 Sr William Fenton=Margerett d. of Morrice of Fenton Knt. Fitz Edmond Fitz Gibon sonn & heire Fitz Gerald Catherin ux. Sr Eichard Boyle Knt. baron of Yoghhall vis count Dungarven & Earle of Corke in Ireland. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Sable, three salmons haurient argent. 2. Argent, a bend azure between a mullet in chief and an annulet in base gules. 3. Argent, on abend engrailed sable three mullets of the field. Ceest. Out of a coronet gules a pelican's head or, beaked and vulned gules. John Samon of the towne of Nottingham a benefactor= Joane d. of to the building of St. Maryes Church there lich Eichard Samon I John Samon of Annesley Woodhouse Thomas Samon of Anesley Woodhouse=Scisseley d. of John in Com. Nottingham Babington of Dethick Jane d. of Sr Phillip =Eichard Samon=Jane d. of Alex- Draycott of Penisley in Com. Stafford Knt. 1 wiffe of Ansley Woodhouse ander Mering of Collingham 2 wiffe 2 Eobert= Samon d. of Bal lard. Anthony; Samon of Ans ley Wood- house 1569 =Mary d. of Tho mas Entwi-sell of Stanton Wyvell in Com. Lester Myllesentux. Ed ward He- renden al's Arundell of London gent.buried at St. Anns by Alders- gatewhere is tomb is Nicholas Samon ob. s. p. John Sa monIssabelld. of . . . Dela- laund of ... in Com. Lincon Katherin Samon John= Samon :. . . d. of...Eed- I Edward=Issabell d. Samon sonn & heire of Sr Wm NewmanKnt. Issabell ux. Willm Holme of Dun- holme in Com. Lane. Mary ux. Will11 Beckwith of Clynt in Com. York John Samon Wilffryd Samon Thomas Samon Elizabeth 36 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. John Samon Anne ux. Anthony Gibsonn Groome of the Elizabeth ux. Camber to Q. Ehzabeth & King James Oliver Bator* Aems. Frmine, on a chief vert two boars' heads or. Eichard Baker of Aldesworth in Com. Nottingham John Baker of Aldesworth=. . . d. of Hyde of Coventry Eichard Baker of= Aidesworth Eichard=Margaret d. of =Bridgett d. of Thomas Powtrell of West Hallom in Com. Darby BakerofAldes- worth Huddeston of Wollaton in Com. Nottingham Margerett ux. Wollhowse of Glapwell in Com. Derby Catherin ux. George Wells of . . . in Com. York Elizabeth ux. John Hussy of Flinton (Flintham Harl. 1400) in Com. Nottingham Mary d. of John=Thomas Baker=Anne d. of Thomas PiL Eyton of Eyton in Com. Sallop (Nott. Harl. 1400) 1 wiffe of Aldesworth kington of Langley in Com. Darby 2 wiffe I Anne ux. Francis Gelthorpe of Whatton in Com. Nottingham III I.I II 1 Jeremy Baker Ehzabeth Mary I I George Baker Anne Baker A sonn John Baker Catheryn Jane BaWUficourt Aems. Quarterly .— 1. Ermine, three bars humette gules, a crescent for difference. 2. GwZes, tfaw lions passant guardant argent (or Harl. H 1400), collared azure. Z. Per pale indented argent and gules. 4s. Azure, a cross moline or, a bordure argent 5. Gules, a lion rampant ffi «y^eM«, a bordure engrailed or. 6. Argent, six lioncels rampant gules, 3. 2. as«^ 1. 7. 2%7-ee leopards' faces. 8. Argent, a stag couchant proper. 9. Argent, a fess gules between three birds vert, beaked, legged, and collared of the second. 10. Azwre, semee offlewrs- H r-l O John Delamare Lord of Oxwich & Portnor in Wales Si T 1 § S1' Eustace Dampredicourt 2 sonn of the Lord Dampredicourt in Hennolt= Came into England with Queene Phillip wiffe to King Edward the 3 Esqr i Sr Nicholas Dabridgcourt of Stratffeldsay=. . . d. of . . . Lord Say of Strafeld- S1 Thomas Delamare Knt. in Com. Southampton Knt. Say in Com. Southampton T * | =Elizabeth d. of John Lord Wake & Eaffe Delamare g widdow of John Erie of Kent ~f §QO Sr Sanchett Dabridgcourt Knt. one of the William Delamare=Janett d. & coheire of David first founders of the order of the garter ap Ivangrch of Neth ^ = M I ' I § Sr John Dabridgcourt Knt.=Maud d. of Sr Eichard Bromhall Knt. & widdow of John Delamare of the Garter | Eobert Touchett of ... in Com. Chester ~j~ § H John Dabridgcourt John Delamare=Avice d. & coheire of John Penris in Eobert Delamare whose heire generall Peeter £ ° t* / _ P /-< _ . .__ . tt_. 1 -i a nr\\ '„ J J-„ 1\/Tn«»nl1 >-H Bower (of Gower Harl. 1400) married to . . . Mansell ffi oo Thomas Dabridcourt=Allice d. & co-=Sr Eichard of Stratfeldsay Esq1 (called Knight Harl. 1400) heire of Tho mas Dela mare Elliott Kt. 2nd hus band . . . d. of Sr=John Dela- Nicholas mare ob. Dabridg- s. p. court Anne ux. Wil liam Gawyn of ... in Com. Wilts. . . . ux. Willm. Butler . . . ux. Sr Thomas Wood Knt. Cheefe Justice of the Comon Plees COoo Eiall Sr Thomas Elliott Kt. Thomas Dabridg-=Dorathey d. of Sr George Katheren d. of= John Dabridgcourt=Elizabeth d. of Eoeer court of Strat feldsay Puttenham of Sherffeld in Com. Southampton Knt. Eichard Minors of Tregoost 2 wiffe Barnard ob. s. p. ThomasDa bridgcourt of Anne Strat feldsay Anne ux. Phillip Mansell brotherofSrEice of Longdon in Com. Warwick Wigston 1 wiffe (2 wife Harl. 1400) Mary ux. Eeig- Janeux. nald Pym of Hugh Brimore in Smyth- Corn. Somersett wick Scissely ux. Sr Eice Mansell Knt. brother of Sr Philhp Thomas Da- = Alhce sister & co- bridgcourt of Longdonhall in Com. Warwick George Da-: bridgcourt of Strat feldsay =. .. d.ofSr EichardNorton of ... in Com. Southamp ton Catherin d. & coheire ux. John Full- wood of Tam worth in Com. Warwick Christian d. & coheire ux. Wm. Belcher of Giles- borough in Com. North hampton heire of Eichard Griswold (dau. & heire to John G. Harl. 1400) of Longdon in Com. Warwick William Da bridgcourt of Ossington in Com. Notting ham =Dorathey d. & heire of Wm. Mollineux of. Houghton in Com. Notting ham Christian 1 m. to Anthony Forster of. . .2toSr Eo bert Constable of Newark in Com. Nottingham Anne 1 m. to Henery Hug- ford of ... 2 to John Hugford of Henwood in Com. Warwick Grace ux. Wm. Cartwright of Os sington in Com. Nottingham 2 to WmDabredgcourt of Ossington John Da bridgcourtof Ossing ton 1575 William Dabridgcourt I I I Margerett Mary Christian cum o'bus alijs p'tinentijs &c. Hijs testibus D'nis Joanne de Annesley tunc Vicecomite Nottingham, Eic'o de Bingham, Waltero de Ludeham, Joh'e de Leke, Joh'e de Viliers, Militibus, Will'mo de Eadcliff, Thoma Basill de eadem, Wilhelmo de Mareschall de eadem, Will'o de Leke, Nicholao de Buckton, Johanne Lutterell, Waltero de Mortein de Badcliffe, Hugone de Shelford de Lamcote, Simon de Eempston et multis alijs. Seals. — Bound seal with coat of arms : — Pour barrulets, over all a lion rampant. Oval seal, a female figure holding in her dexter hand a shield of this coat : — A lion rampant within an orle of cinquefoils ; and in her sinister one with this : — Six annulets. Omnibus xp'i fidelibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris Annora quae fuit uxor Henrici de Perepont salutem. Noueritis me dedisse Will'mo de Langton vnu' toftu' cum crofto et i bouatum t'rae in Holbebek Woodhouse iuxta Welbuck Hijs testibus Joh'e de Eunce Hugone de Boure de Holbek et alijs. * There is a second Sr Edmond in Harl. 1400. 46 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod nos Eoh'tus de Easen et Annora uxor mea dedimus Eob'to Alio Henrici de Perepont militis et haeredibus suis maneriu' n'rum de Suthanston. Testibus Johanne de Dinigton, Thoma Caily, Hugone de Serceby de Herthull, Joh'e Bernard de eadem, Joh'e de Aldham dewodsetes, Eogero de Watton. Dat' apud woodhouse iuxta Welbeck die Jouis prox' ante iestu' S'ci Anibrosij Epi' A0 32 E. 1. Haec Indentura testatur q'd ego Eob'tus de Perepont miles dimisi Joh'i Torkerd vna' placeam t'rae prout iacet in Newarke reddendo inde annuatim mihi et hseredib' meis octodecim denar' argenti' &c. Hijs testibus Joh'e Neifer, Hen rico Mons, Johanne de Beckingham, Joh'e Thornheghe,' Joh'e Campion, et alijs. Dat' apud Newark 3 februarij A0 2 E. 3. Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod ego Edmundus Perpont miles dedi Adae de Babing ton necnon Joh'e de TurnhiU Capellano haerebus et assignat' suis omnia ten'ta mea t'ras et prata redditus et seruicia quae et quas habeo vel aliquo modo habere potero infra ciuitatem Lincolne Besham et Fiskerton &c. Hijs testibus Joh'e de Sutton de Lincoln, Will'o de Sutton de eadem, Eic'o de Gainesburgh de eadem, Will'o Hanney de eadem, Joh'e Friuile de eadem, Joh'e Eand de eadem. Dat' apud Lincoln iouis in festo S'cae MargaretaB virginis a0 9 E. 2. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 47 Nouerint vniu'si per p'ntes me Henr. Perepont militem recepisse de Eadulpho D'no Cromwell centu' marcas sterlingoru' in praesoluconem certae summse pecuniae predict' Domin' mihi debit super diuersis conuencionibus. Dat' A0 19 H. 6. Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod ego Eob'tus de Perepont miles dedi Eic'o filio Joh'is de Kirnsale omnes terras &c. quas habui in Northanston. Hijs testibus D'no Nicho' de Worteley, WiU'o de Clarell, militibus, Hugone de Serelby, Thoma Cailij, Stephano Deiuile et alijs. Dat' apud Northanston a0 11 E. 2. L Ex registro euidentiaru' Henrici Perpont Militis. Memorandum quod Georgius Mowbegere iunior desponsauit Margareta' filiam Thomas Chaucer et haeredem Thomae Matirsey et habuit filium no'ie Bertramum Mowbegere et tres filias, vidzt Joannam, Margareta', et Isabellam, quae quidem Isabella desponsata Joh'i Clifton militi, et obiit sine exitu, et pred'c'us Bertramus habuit exitu' Nicolau' Mowbegere mihtem qui quidem Nicholaus habuit tres filios vizt. Georgiu', Eadu'm, et Bertramum qui obierunt sine exitu, et duas filias viz. IsabeUam quae nupta fuit Joh'i Burogh, et Matildam qua? nupta fuit Joh'i Kirmond adhuc sup'stes et in magna 33tate et sine exitu, et memorandu' quod Johanna soror praefati Bertrami filiae primogenitae Georgii Mowbeger desponsata fuit Edmundo Perpont Militi et habuit exitum per se viz. Edmundu' Perepont militem filiu' suu', qui quidem habuit exitum viz. Henricum Perepont militem filium suum qui qui dem Henricus habuit exitu' Henricu' nunc sup'stitem et alteram filiam nomine Margaretam quae desponsata fuit Ankero Frescheuile et habuit exitu' per se viz. Eadulphum Frescheuile militem filiu' suum et Isabellam filiam suam qui quidem Eadus' obijt sine exitu infra sponsalio et praed' c'a Isabella &c. Note that the father of this Sr George Monbocher was Sr Bartram Monbocher who maried Joane da. and sole heire to the yonger Sr Guichard de Charrons whose father (eiusdem nominis) maried Margarett daughter & coheire to Sr Eichard Sut ton Vppon Trent in the county of Nottingham. Bartram Monbocher= Margerett d. & Argent three cups gules, a bordure sable semde of bezants sole heire of Sr Eichard Sutton vpon Trent Sr Bartram Mon-=Joane d. & sole heire of Sr bocher Knt. Eichard Charrons Knt. 48 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. AJ Sr George Mon bocher Knt. = Margerett d. of Thomas Chaucer by the heire of Thomas Matirsey Edmond-- Perepoynt : Joane d. of Sr George Mon bocher Bartram Monbo cher Isabella nupta Joh'is Clifton militis ob. s. p. Margeretta nupta Ankero Fresche- vile Edmundus Perepoynt miles Nicholas Monbocher miles Ead'us Fresche- Issabella ville miles ob. s. p. I I I Henery Pere- Georgius poynt miles — Ead'us Issabella nupta Joh'es Matilda nupta Johes Burogh ob. s. p. Kermond ob. s. p. Bertramus ob. s.p. Henery Perepoynt nunc sup'stes Walter de Hulme Michell brother to Walter and heire to James his nephew ¦Argent 6 annulets, 2, 2, and 2 sable. I . de Hulme Leonius James ob. s. p. Michaell T I Leonius T" I Michaell "T I Leonius 1 vxor=Michellus Mannours=2 vxor miles An0. 39 H. 3 Leonius Johanna Johannes Henricus Perpoynt miles Argent a lion rampant sable within an orle of cinquefoils gules Annora soror John Mannours=Henricus Per- tandem hasres ob. 1314 poynt miles Eobertus Perpoynt miles=Sara filia et haeres ob 6 marth 1333 Johan' Heriz miles Placita coram Eege A0. 18 E. 1 Eot. 48 do proue all these descents from Mi chell the brother of Walter de Hulme to Annora the wife to Sr Henry Perpont Knight wherein Eichard Barry doth impleade the sayd Sr Henry and Annora for that they distreyned his Cattell for x" rent in Bazingfeild. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 49 Aems.* Quarterly : — 1. Argent, semee of cinquefoils gules a lion rampant sable. 2. Azure, a chief cheque or and gules. 3. Barry of eight argent and gules, a lion rampant sable, over all a bendlet or. 4. Argent, six annulets 3, 2, and 1 sable. 5. Azure, three hedgehogs or. 6. Argent, an escutcheon sable within an orle of cinquefoils gules. 7. Argent, on a bend between six cross crosslets gules three bezants. 8. Argent, three fleshpots (sic) gules, a bordure of the last bezante. 9. Gules, a chevron between three escallops argent. 10. Per pale argent and gules, a lend, counterchanged. 11. Argent, on a chief azure two fleurs-de-lis or. 12. Or, a lion rampant vert. 13. Azure, a cross patonce argent. 14. Sable, three saltires engrailed argent. 15. Vert, a saltire engrailed or. 16. Sable, a pale engrailed between six cross crosslets or. 17. Argent, a cross sable fretty or. 18. Sable, a lion rampant argent crowned or. Ceest. A lion rampant sable between two wings argent. Suppoetebs. (only one drawn in the trick) A lion rampant sable, langued and dented gules. Motto. — " Pie beponte te." Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 8. Argent, semee of cinquefoils gules, a lion rampant sable. Pebpoint. 2. Argent, six annulets, two, two, and two, sable. Mannotjes Lowdham. 3. Azure, three hedgehogs or. Heeeiz. 4. Argent, three cups gules, a bordure, sable, bezante. Monbochee. 5. Gules, a chevron between three water bougets or. Empson. 6. Argent, three lendlets engrailed sable. Empson. 7. Argent, on a fess sable between three fleurs-de-lis gules as many bezants. Thwaites. There is another trick of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarterings with this note, " thus quartered in the vissitation made in 1614, by S* George Norroy," aud another, 1 , 2, and 3 as before. 4. On a chief two fleurs-de-lis. 5. A lion rampant within a bor dure engrailed, a crescent for a difference. 6. A lion rampant within a bordure. 7. Bendy of ten. 8. Gules, on a saltire argent a martlet (?) salle. Ceests. 1. A lion's jamb erased salle, holding a cinquefoil gules, and charged with three lezants in pale. 2. A fox passant gules. 3. A hedgehog or. Sr Eaffe Perpoint Knt. Sr Eaffe Perpoint Knt. Sr Morris Herris Knt. Cham- berlin to Eic. King of the Eomans & Erie of Cornwall Henery Lowdham of Lowdham Sr Henery Perpoint Knt. T~ Henery Per point Esqr Sr Eichard Herris Knt. slayne at the Battell of Evesham Sr Thomas Lowdham Knt. =Catherin d. & Coheire of John Darcye of Com. Lincon I " I Sr Morris Herris= Joane d. & coheire Knt. Elizabeth ux. Sr Eob. Powtrell Knt. Sr Eobert Per- = Elizabeth d. of Erie poynt Knt. of Warwick I Sr Eichard Herris=Margerett d. of Sr Knt. Jordan Bussy Knt. Sr Eobert Per-=Maud d. of point Knt. Thomas Mallett Henery Herris=Anne d. & heire of John Semnermarsh (?) u * The quartered Coates, Crest, and Supporters as they were sett out by Sr William Segar, Carter for the Earle of Kingston. H 50 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. a] I I Sr Eobert Perpoint Knt. Edmond ob. without issue male Edmond=. . . d. of Sr Perpoint Walter Hackett Knt. Henery:HerrisEsq. Sr Henery Perpoynt Perpoint Knt. Knt. Sr Bobert= Jane d. & heire of r Elizabeth ux. Sr Eobert Pedwarden Henery Herris I I I Henery s. p. Eichard s. p. Thomas s. p. r 1 1 Wilham Bartram= s. p. Mon bocher Eobert s. p. Edmond; PerpointEsqr =Margerett sister of Sr John Lang ford Knt. Quarterly : — Ar. and gules. Sr Bertram Mon bocher Knt. :Margerett d. of S* John Nevell of Thornton Brigg :Margerett d. & coheire Sr Eichard Sutton up on Trent : Joane d. & sole heire of Sr Eichard Char rons Knt. Sr Edmond=Thomasin d. of Sr PerpoyntKnt. John Melton Knt. Gules, a cross pattSe argent. Sr George Mon-=Margerett d. of Thomas bocher Knt. Chancer by the heire of Thomas Matersey Eobert Per-=Joane d. & heire point Esq1 of Sr George Mount-BocherKnt. Bartram Monbocher Issabell ux. Sr John Clifton Knt. & ob. s. p. Margerett ux. AnkeroFretchvile Sr Edmond Per-=Margerett d. of Sr I point of Holme Perpoint Knt. Wilham or Sr John Fitzwilliams Sr Nicholas Monbocher Knt. Sr Eaffe Fretch vile Knt. ob. s. p. Issabell Henery Per-=. . . d. of point of Holme Esq1 Eichard Mongo-mery of Darbyshire Anne ux. Sr Nicholas StirleyKnt. George ob. s.p. Eaffe s. Bertrams.p. Issabell ux. Maud ux. John Bo- John rough & Kermond ob. s. p. & ob. s. p. Sr Hen. Per-=. . . d. of . . , point Knt. Boos of Ig- ob. s. p. manthorpe Francis Per-=Margerett d. of point of Holme John Burden of Com. Notting ham Edmond= Perpoint =. . . d. of Ansley I Francis Perpoint ob. s. p. I Sr Nicholas Perpoint=Joane d. of Sr Eichard of Holme Perpoint Empson Knt. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lane. Henery Perpoint Sr George Perpoint=Winiffrid d. & heire of Sr=Sr Gervase Clifton of of Holme Perpoint Wilham Thwavtes of niiftnn K\,+ o i.„„ of Holme Perpoint An0 1558 Wilham Thwaytes of Malowtree in Com. Essex Clifton Knt. 2 hus band 1569 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 51 I Sr Henery Perpoint of Holme: Perpoint 1614 r :Francis d. of Sr Wm. Cavendish of Hardwike Eobert Perpoint Earle of=Gertrude d. & coheire Grace= Kingston vppon Hull Viscount Newark & baron of Homes Perpoint of Hen. Talbott bro ther of Gilbert Erie of Shrewsbery. Henery Perpoint 7 yere old 1614 I William =Elizabeth d. of Sr Thomas Perpoint G yere old Harris of Tong in Com. Sallop Knt. & Baronett this yere 1636 Eobert Frances Margerett = George Mannors of Haddon in Com. Darby Francis Perpoint Frances a dau. Grace Ex Chartis et aliis Eecordis in Custodia Qeorgii Lascells de Eileston in Com' Nottingham 1624. B. de Molbray omnibus audientibus videntibus legentibus hanc cartulam Gallis Anghs o'ibus hominibus suis amicis Gallis et Anglis salutem Sciatis me dedisse, A uxori mea filia Walteri de Gaunt et neptae Alani comitis centu' librat' t'ra in dote et decern militis feufatos scilicet Castellu' de Malefart cum saca pro xx libris et caua cum soca pro 50 libris Neuibalda xxx libris. -Hijs testibus Alano Comite, Will'o de Merlan, Sampsone cl'ico Eic'do Burdett, Bertramo Haghett, Waltero de FlamenuiUa, Bualdo Constabulario de Bichmont, Conono Archidiacono, Ead'o filio Eibaldi Escolando, Eoberto Camerario, Hugone filio Gernegan, Alano Pincerna, Pigoto de Lascellis, Acaria Alano Delamara, Eob'to filio Copsi, Hugone Camen et cum disparem eam dedi ei et concessi rogatu Bertas Comitissa? et accreui in dote duas milites feufatas et decern libratas terras in pophgtona. Teste Andrea presbitera qui desponsauit eam et Berta Comitissa, et Isac p'sbitero, Conano Archidiacono, Tetbaldo Capellano comit' Badulpho filio Eibaldi Escolando, Alano pincerna, Picot de Lascellas, Eic'o Burdett, Hugone filio Gernegan, Eogero de Cundeo, Valete. Sara de Lucy petit versus Matilda' de Lucy medietatem manerij de Angle (in Com' Essex) et Estanford vnde Eic'us de Lucy fuit seisitus t'pe Eegis Henrici aui de Eicardo descendit Galfrido filio et hasredi et de Galfredo Eicardo filio et haeredi qui obijt sine haerede descendit Herberto vt fratri et hasredi et de eo Matildas filias et haeredi istius Saras et Matildas et filiarum et hasredu' de vno patre et vna matre D'nus Eicardus Bex maritauit prasd'cas Matildam et Saram duobus fratribus Galfrido de Lascelles et Will'mo de Lascelles qui tenuerunt eas t'ras tam in Anglia quam in Normannia et postea Bex Joh'es perdidit Ducatu' Normannias, Galfridus et Matildis venerunt in Angliam et Will'us et Sara per- manebant in Normannia et tenuerunt te'ras ibidem et ordinatur per consiliu' E'g quod nullus de patria Eegis Franciae debet respondere in Anglia. Paschas Fines a0 31 E. 1 Ebor'. Johannes de Lascelles filius et haeris Will'mi de Lascelles de Otringham defuncti qui tenuit die quo obijt de Eege in capite vt de honore Albamarle in II oldernes viz. Otringham, Frockingham, Kingston et Seton xij carucatas terras dat' Eegis pro releuio suo de t'ra pred'ca vt de quart' parte feod'. 52 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Will'us Lascelles de Otringham defunctus 31 Ed. 1 Joh'es Lascelles filius et haeres a0 31 E. 1 Cononanus Archid' omnibus hominibus Com. & omnibus suis Francis et Angli- cis salutem me dedisse et concessisse Ead'o de Hoilanda Esteuening et omnia ilia quas pertinent Esteuening in Hoylanda in feodo et hasreditate ita bene et libera- liter et honorifice sicut Barones cum mehus teneant. Teste Bogero de Lacella, Galfrido Trihanton, Eogero Tesard, Henrico Clerico, Onte Eussella, & Hugone filio suo, Atsur Algar, Thoma filio Griketell. Gilbertus de Aleby & Nigellus filius eius o'ibus videntibus l'ras has salutem Scitote quod ego Gilbertus et hasredes mei concessimus Thomas fratri meo et haere dibus suis i carucatam & dimidiam in Sixstanby liberam et quietam ex omnibus consueud' cum omnibus p'tinentijs suis in pratis et t'ris et in aquis et in pascuis et toftis et in villa et extra villam scilicet faciend' forms' seruicium ex hasc pred'ca carucata & dimidia quantu' pertinet ad sex carucatas et dimid' de feodo militis pro hoc concessione dedit mihi Thomas frater meus Palfridam ferrant et filio meo gladium suum. Teste Galfrido de Fort, et Galfrido filio eius, Gaufrido de Insula, et Will'mo de Perir, Gaufrido de Aleby, et Eapieo fratre eius, et Nigello filio eius, et Eob'to de Bouill, et Hugone fratre eius, Eicardo filio Hugonis de Scaldeford, et Achardo fratre eius, Eodberto de Arraby, et Bogero fratre eius, Henrico de Moli- tum, et Waltero de Mealtum. This Deede being in the custody of the sayd George Lascells Esqr who being descended of the coheires of Bellers who was seized of Sex- stanby and Bellers being a brother of Mowbray and this Nigellus de Aleby being also a brother of Mowbray and Thomas brother of Nigellus vnto whom this Sixstanby being graunted doth concurre to proue Bellers and a Mowbray and Nigell to be brother and the bearing the hon ram pant white. Ex antiqua pergamena in custodia Georgii Lascells Ar. A0 1614. Memorandum de o'ibus seinoru' D'ni Jacobi Bellers a conquestu usqu' in diem confectionis istius scedulas D'ni Hamondi Bellers fr'is D'ni Mowbray D'ni Sampsonis Bellers D'ni Ead'i Bellers et Emmas uxoris eius quas fuit filia D'ni Walteri Foluile Will' mi Bellers et Mabilias uxoris eius filise Domini Eob'ti Aungeruile Hamundi Bellers et Mabilias filias D'ni Maunsell Domini Ead'i Bellers et Sibillae uxoris eius filias Joh'is de Perers et Joh'es de Perers p'dict' sponsauit Ceciliam de Quenesburgh et Will'm Bellers de Kirkby qui fuit frater Hamundi Bellers Ar. Ead'i Bellers et Agathas filias D'ni Eic'i de Bingham Jacobi de Bellers et Margaretae uxoris eius filias Nicholai Bernake et Ellenas uxoris eius quas fuit soror D'ni Philippi de Lymbury Johannes Bellers et Elizabetha? uxoris eius fihas Antonij Howby Joh'es Bellers. In an Inquisition taken at Melton in com. Leicester A0 16 E. 4 after the death of John Bellers are found his heires generall. Placita a0 20 E. 1 rot. 129 Ebor'. Margeria quas fuit uxor Henrici de Midleton optulit se quarto die versus Edmundu' filium Eoberti de Lascells et alios quare ipsi bona et catalla ipsius Margerias vi et armis apud Berthelby inuenta asportauerunt ad graue damonum ipsius Margerias. r Eobertus de Lascelles Edmundus de Lascelles A0 20 E. 1 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 53 Notum sit omnibus tam p'ntibus quam futuris quod ego Gaufridus de Lascells dedi et concessi et hsec mea charta confirmaui eccl'ias S'cas Marias de Giseb' t'ram illam quam Herbertus de Eboraco tenuit de patre meo et postea de me &c. Hijs testibus Eodberto de Baius, Eodberto Bosse de Thorpe, Eeginaldo de Thun- stall, Will'mo filio Warner &c. et alijs. Sans dat'. Eadulphus de Lascells miles dedit Waltero de Lascells filio suo decern libras annui redctitus ereunt de o'ibus t'ris et ten'tis quas vel quas habuit ex dono et eonces- sione Lucias le Constable in villa et territorio de Escrick sibi et hasredibus de cor- pore suo 1'itime procreatis. Hijs testibus Will'mo de Ellerton Eectore eccl'ias de Escrick, Joh'e de Newton, Henrico Bawnes, Joh'es de Selby et alijs. Dat' apud Escrick die Jouis prox' post festu' S'ca Lucas Evangelistas Anno D'ni 1349 A0 13 E. 3. From this Walter is descended the family of Lascells of Eileston in Com. Nottingh' a0 1614. Hasc Indentura testatur quod Ead'us filius Eogeri de Lascells militis ad firmam dimisit Waltero de Lascells avunculo suo totu' manerium de .Ellerton in Com' Ebor'. Dat' apud Ellerton A" 2 E. 2. Seal. A round seal, on a shield three chaplets. Eadulphus de Hoding et Duncanus de lascelles et Christiana uxor eius dant 20u et 4 marcas pro habenda terra quam Walterus de Windesore tenuit die quo obijt in capite. Claus a0 44 H. 3 pro t'ra Eadulphus de Lemington in Gamesby et Glasamby ^f Christiana uxor Tho. de Lascells Eua uxor Eobti Auenell De term0 Hillary A0 5 E. 4 North'ton. Johannes Bellers Ar' per Simonem Burton atturnatu' suu' petit versus Gerardu' Fosbrok 6 mess' 6 virgat' t'ra? et 8 mercat' reddit' cum p'tinen' in Cranford qua Joh'es filius Hugonis de Bernak nuper de Drayton dedit Anktiro filio Walt' filij Gilberti de Howby et hasredibus de corpore eiusdem Anketine exeuntibus et quod post mortem p'dci Anketini et Alicia? filias et haeredis praefati Anketini et Antonij filii et haeredis prasd'ias Alicias et Elizabetha? filias et haeredis eiusde' Antonij pras- fato Johi' Bellers filio et haeredi praefatas Elizabetha? descendere debent per formam donationis prasdict' et vnde dicit quod p'd'cus Joh'es filius Hugonis de Bernak dedit ten'ta p'd'ca &c. prasfato Anketino et hasredibus de corpore praefati Anke tini exeuntibus in forma p'd'ca virtute cuius doni idem Anketinus fuit seisitus in t'ris- illis &c. in dn'co suo vt de feodo &c. t'pe pacis t'pe D'ni nuper regis Anglia? tertij post conquestum progenifcoris D'ni E'g nunc capiendo inde explecia' ad valentiam et de ipso Anketino descendit ius per formam &c. cuidam Alicia? vt 54 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. filias et hasredi et de p'd'ca Alicia descendit eius cuidam Antonio vt filio et haeredi et de ipso Antonio descendit eius cuidam Elizabetha? vt filia? et hasredi et de ipsa Elizabetha descendit ius per formam doni Johannis Bellers qui nunc petit vt filio et haeredi etc. prasdictus Joh'es Bellers recuperat seisinam versus p'd'cum Gerardu' Fosbrok. Parfcitis t'rarum et ten'torum nuper Joh'is Bellers Armigeri. Pars Marina? Grene. Manneria de Kettleby et Stamesby praster certas t'ras et ten'ta in Sistonby assignata parti Jasparis Euskin xxxiij11 Pars Johannis Villiers. Maneriu' de Howby Sewelby Eetharby et Oleby Parua Dalby ex manerio xxvj8 viijd "1 Burton S'ci Lazari vi'is i^d r Burton S'ci Lazari vij na libra peperis et xvj pulli ix" J xxxnj8 vd Pars Jasparis Euskin. xxxij11 ix8 iv° xxxiij11 iij8 ixd Maneriu' de Sutton Sheinton Becleston Aston Flamvile et Burton xiiu Holt Drayton BlastonMelton vij11 xvj3 iiijd) Meltborne xxxiij8 f lvj8 viij xxvs ij' x° ivieitDorne xxxnj8 ? Somerby et Parua Dalby ) Siftonby de Joh'e Mesure Item de Joh'e Dalby Item de Eic'o Webster Item de Joh'e Eichard Summ' huius partis mjt lviij8 xliiij8 XXXs xxxiii js vij8 xxxiiij11 vijs Particuli subscripti assignati pro Cantaria perpetra Joh'is Bellers Armigeri Mansio eapitalis in Howby' Turlington Magna Dalby BradleyBringhurst xlviij8 xxxiij8 vis viijd xvj's 103s vhjd et mansio iiiju i viij15 xiijs iiijd xxvj Annuitates concessa? per Johannem Bellers Ar. Personis subscriptis pro t'mino vitas. Bartholomew Villiers Thomas Tomson Eoberto Clay Isabella Milliner xx8 . 1X xmJ8 llJ Margareta Bellers moniali liijs 4d j Memorandum it is agreed that the Anuitie granted to Barrhnlmow ttu- j others aforesayd shalbe* equally borne at the costs rfiS EafelT?^ "J of each of them the third part during the tyme that they be * granted * Item it is agreed that during the life of Katherine Dio-bT late «,- ,,;& * tt. Bellers Esq' John Villiers shall pay yearly to Dame MarinJpl* • 6 °f John for Kettleby & Sistonby viij11 xij'ix-1 \o be^iade sure thereof n6 1U reeomPence THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 55 Item Jasper Eoskin shall in likewise pay to the same Dame Marine in like recompence yearely to the sayd Dame Marine during the life of the sayd Digby xxvj8 viijd and the sayd Jasper other xxvj8 vijd. Item it is agreed that in as goodly hast as can be thought by the aduice of good substantiall the states of the land according to the partitions be ingrossed togeather with the state that shalbe made to the sayd Katherine Digby &c. that is to say to each of the part to them assigned in taile & fault of issue the remainder to be either of the copartners of the Moietie of the same entayle. Sciant p'tes futuri quod ego Ead'us Beler miles D'nus de Kettleby dedi con- cessi et hac p'nti carta mea confirmaui Hugoni Beler filio meo vnam sehonem in campo de Sexstanby viz. apud le longspellowes &c. Testibus magistro Hamone Beler, Will'mo de Sixstanby, Johanne Mabill et alijs. Sans date. Seal. Upon a round seal, on a shield a lion rampant. Sr Hen. Perpoint Knt. 2 wiffe=Michell Mannors=l wiffe Sr Hen. Per-= point Knt. ^Annora sister of John=Bobert Eason John Man- Leonis Mannors and after 2 husband 32 nors — heire E. 1 Johanna Sr Bob. Perpoint of Holme=Sara d. & heire of Sr John Heriz Sr Hen. Per-: point Knt. :Margerett d. of Sr William Margerett ux. Sr Geruas Fitzwilliams Chfton Knt. Sr Edmond Per-= Joane d. & heire Sr William Franck=d. & heire of Sr point Knt 9 E. 2 of Sr George of Grimsby Knt Marmaduke Monbocher Tunstall Sr Hen. Perpoint Knt. 19 H. 6=Ellen d. of Sr Nicholas Langfford Knt. Thomazin d. of=Hen. Perpoinfc=. . . d. of Eichard Anne ux. Sr Sr John Mel- Esqr Moungomery of Nicholas ton Knt. Darbyshire Strelley Knt. This is the top of the descent of Perpoint as it sett out in the vissitation in the office made 1614. The following pedigree is from Harl" 1400. S' Henrey Perpoint Knight Uxor 2=Michell MannoureB=TJxor 1 S' Henrev Per-=Annora sister to John=Kobt. de Kason John Man- Leonius Johanne poynt K' Mannours and da. to 2 husband 32 Michell at length B. 1 his heire Sr Robert Perpoynt Knight of Hulme=Sara da. & heire to Sr John Heriz K' a 56 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Sr Henrey Perpoynt=Margarett da. to Sr Wil- Knight I Ham fl'itzwilliains Margerett wiffe to S* JervaiB Clifton K' Sr EdmoundPerpoynte= Joanne da. & heire to Sp Sir Will'm Franke=d. & h. to Sr Marma- Knieht 9E.2 I George Monboueher K' of Grimesby K« duke Tunstall Kl Sr Edmound Per-=ffraunces da. to Sr William poynte Knight ffranke Kivght d. & coheire ux. Sr Thomas Bramston K' Sr Henrey Perpoynte Knight 19 H. 6=EUen da. to Sr Nicholas Langford K' d. to Kiehard Mont-=Henry Perpoynte=Thomasine da. to Sr John Anne wiff to Sr Nicho- gomry of Darbishire Esqr I Mellon Knight las Sterley K' I S* Henrey Perpoynt ffrancis Per- =Margarett da. to John Bur- Edmond Per-=da. to Auns- Knight obiit s. p'le. poynte don of Nottingham povnt ob. s. lowo 1463 p'le. ffrances ob. SP William Perpoynt=Joanne da. to Sr Rich Empson K' b. p'le. K' bannerett Chancelor of D uchy of Lane. Henrey Perpoynt 3 sonne Sr George Perpoynte Knight=Winifrede da. & heire to Sr William Thwaytes in Com. Norff. S' Henrey Perpoynt=ffraunces da. to Henry Talbott=Eliz. da. of=Sr Tho. Hol-=Elizabeth da. to of Holme Perpoynte in Com. Nott. Knight living 1614 gr -yy-m Cauen- 4 sonne of dishe of Hard- Geo. Earle of wicke K' Salop gr W"> eroft of ye Eeyner 2 Vale Boyall wiffe K' Sr Edward Filton of Gos- worth K' 1 wiffe I I II Grace ux. Sr Eobert Perpoynt son & heire=Gertrud da. & heire to Mary da. &='Thomas George Man- Earl of Kingston upon Hull nors of Viscount Newarke upon Haddon Trent & Barron of Homes peirpoint Henrey Talbott yong1 coheire of brother to Gilbert Henry Earle of Shrewes- Talbott bury Holeroft son & heir V Henrey Perpoynte setis 7 ann. 1614 I Wilham 2 sonn 8e. 6 ffrancis 3 sonne ffrancesa da. Aems. Quarterly .— 1. Argent, three chaplets gules. 2. Azure, two bars or, on each three martlets (omitted in Harl. 1400) gules. 3. Argent, a chevron between three lions' heads erased gules. 4. Azure, three bucks trippant or. 5. Gules, a chevron between six cross crosslets, and in chief a lion passant or. 6. Per pale gules and sable a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 7. Azure, a bend between six estoiles argent. 8. Argent, three bars and in chief as many mullets sable. The whole coat has a mullet for difference. Ceests. 1. A buck's head argent. 2. Out of a coronet, a griffin's head* vert, beaked or, and charged on the neck with a mullet for difference. 3. Out of a coronet or, an eagle's head between two wings sable. Galfrey Lasscells Sr Eichard Lasscells of Eastkrick in Com. York Picott Lasscells Sr JohnLass-=Anne d. of Sr cells Knt. Wm. Skip with Knt. Sr Thomas cells Knt. Walter LassceUs ob. s. p. Catherin Margerett ux. Thomas ux. John Booth Eeresby Eoger de= LassceUs Picotus de=Maud who S1 Eaffe =Joane d. & heire LasscellsKnt. of John Bur dett John =Elizabeth Lass- - d. of . . . cells Delamore I Sr Geffery Helen ux. Lasscells Thomas Knt. Booth I Picotus de= Lasscells LassceUs hved 37 H. 3 Wilham Lass- Eoger ceUs of Es- ceUs ob, crick 37 H. 3 s. p. :- Auice sister & heire 37 H. 3 Sr Eaffe Lass-=Maud d. of Sr Eichard s. p, ceUs Knt Knt. Constable Eichard s. p. Elizabeth ux. S'¥m.Eoch Knt. Joane ux. JohnHolme Sr John de Lass-= Issabell ceUs Knt. 10 E. 1. B Eichard LasceUs: of Eskrick 5 H-fo a Q O OOHH * Between two wings in the older Visitation, and only the three first quarterings are tricked. Or -±J Sr Walter=Agnes d. Ahce (Auvice & coheire Harl. 1400) d. ofSrEob. & coheire ux. Eocliff Bob. Con- Knt. stable Knt. Joane ux. Thomas Colwenn Maud 1 ux. Bob. Tilioll 2 to Eobert Dehlton Theophania ux. Eandall Fitz- Eandall Eichard de Lass- ells of Eskrick (omitted in Harl. 1400) Gilbert de Howby Walter de Howby Sr Walter LaseUs=. . . d. of William LasseUs of=Scissely of Eastkrick in Com. York Knt, JohnEland Sturton in Com. Nottingham d. of. Danby Sr Eaffe LasseUs I Anthony de Howby T Ahce d. & heire j~ Anthony Howby of Howby William- LasseUs Esqr =. . . d. of . . . Med- calffe Wilham Lass-=EUen d. of Eobert Walter=Alhce d. of Wm. John Bellers of Ketleby=Elizabeth d. & eUs of Stur ton with Beck-, — Edward Lass-eUs Fyn of Hunning- ton in Com. York Sisonby & Kirkby Bellers in Com. Lester heire of An thony Howby William =Issabell d. of Wilham Lass-=. LasseUs Esq1 Sr_. . . Wood- erington Knt. eUsof Sturton I I I d. of . . . John Henery Heyfeld of Com. York Eichard Eichard= Lass eUs |*| Sr Thomas Greene=Marian of ... in Com. Northampton sister & heire Sr John Bellers Knt. ob. s. p. Eobert Lass-= Catherin d. of Sr Eaffe LasceUs=Joane d. of John Topcliff Sr Brian Sand-=Elizabeth d. & heire eUs Thomas Grey Knt. of Sturton HE. 4 Knt. of Somerby in Com. Lincon fford Knt. of Sr Thomas Greene Knt. James Pickering=Margerett d. John ob. s. p. George (Eichard in Harl. 1400) LasceUB=Dorathey d. of Sr Brian of Harington & heire of Sturton & Gavtford in Com. Sandford Knt. he™ +.n Of Sturton & Gaytford in Com. Nottingham * Sic, Harl. 1555. Sandford Knt. heire to her mother CO H WH CD MH >H i— i Otz!o nod S! HooHHi— i S!QW Sr James Pickering Knt. George Lascells of Sturton Gaytford =Dorathey d. of Geffrey PayneU of Bothby Paynell in Com. Lincon John Lascells ob. s. p. Sr Bryan Las-=Issabell d. of SrEd- Elizabeth ux cells of Stur ton and Gaytford Knt. ward Mountague of Boughton in Com. Northamp ton Knt. Lord Cheefe Justice Edward Bas sett of Fled borough Anne ux. John Molineux of Thorpe in the Clotts in Com. Nottingham MilleBent ux. Eaffe fretch- vile 2 sonn of Sr Peter Dorathey ux. Thomas Dud ley of Ne- therton in Com. Staf ford 4 Gervase LasceUs 5 George LasceUs 2 Hereye LasseUs of Normanton in Com. Nottingham Anne d. of . Normanton of Sr George=EUinor d & heire of Chris topher Wandisford of Ip swell Esq1 LasceUs of Stur* ton & Gaytford Knt. 1614 Gervase Francis LasceUs — — Eoger CatherinThomas Las cells Digby LasceUs Susan Las cells Eichard s. p. — John s. p. Winifrid Eichard s. p. Ehzabeth s.p. Katherin George ob. s. p. Henery s.p. SamuelLasseUs of Wood- house Bryan Las- sells of Houghton in Com. Nott ingham 1619 Mary ux. Wm. Sherman of ... in Com.Lester. Elizabeth d. of . . . Marbury EUinor d. & heire 19 yere old 1614 John LassceUs S1 Eoger Lasscells Knt. ~T JohnMethley Eaffe LassceUs Christopher Lasscells^ i& heire of Sedgwick of ... ux. Christojher Eokesby I , , T ¦ 4.^ +„ -EMmrmd Perrve Deane of Thomas Lister Francis Lass-=. . . sister of Thwaites John cells of Marston Eookesby § o go o H 3oH Ox G =J lL Christopher Methley=Anne d. of Thomas Sr Eichard Lister Lord of Elston Lister of Cheefe Justice Wakefield =f= J I . . . ux. . . . Thorpe of Thorpe in Com. Nottingham Thomas Lasscells= Jane d. of Sr of Brackbar Wm. MaUory Knt. Barthelmew Methley= Joane d. of . . . Bingham of Carralston Sr MicheU = of Elston in Com. Nottingham Lister Knt. Sr Eichard Blount liften-=Elizabeth d. of Sr nant of the tower Eichard Lister Knt. 3 John Las cells of Elston ^Elizabeth d. & sole heire of Barthel mew Methley of Elston Lawrance Lister Charles Lister Sr MicheU Blount liftennant of the tower Eichard Blount=Mary d. of Willm. of Dedsham in Com. Sussex West Lord De-la- warr Elizabeth ux. Nicholas St. John of Lidyard Tregose in Com. WUts George Las-=Anne d. of Garvis cells of El ston 1614 Wirrall of Le- uersall in Com. York Sr Eichard Blount of Maple Durham in Com. Oxon Knt. Wilham Blount sonn & heire Sr John St.= . . .d. of Sr John Lascells 10 yere old 1614 Gervase I J J Wilham Lionell Edmond * John Knt. & Baro nett Thomas LeightonKnt. Sr Oliver St. John Vis count Grandisonn Ellinor Ux. Tho mas Caue of Stamford in Com. Nottingham I I I Anne Elizabeth Ellen I I Margerett Theophania Sr Eichard St. George Knt=Ehzabeth d. of Norroy King of Armes & after Clarenceux Nic. St. John *Henery St. George Esqr=Mary d. of Sr Thomas Darell of Lillinston Eichmond Herald Dayrell in Com. Buck K* George St. George Eichard St. George 05© aH<1 p— < coi— i >HI— I o odSiH y< ooHHt-H S!OP Thomas * This Henery was knighted by the King of Sweden when hee caried the Garter over to the sayd king. ©XliltS- Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Ermine, two piles sable. 2. Argent, on a chevron between three cross crosslets sable as many crescents of the field. 3. Quarterly, argent and gules, on a bend salle three cross crosslets fitched of the first. 4. Sable, a crescent surmounted of a mullet argent. 5. Argent, a chevron gules between three men's heads sable. 6. Argent, three chevrons sable. 7. Gules, a chevron between three stumps of trees eradicated or. 8. Sable, a bend letween two tallots passant argent. Geest. A man's head couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure. Motto. Spe-kta tamen vruTJira, Hollis Eichard Hollis temp. E. 2 John Hollis of Stoke nere Coventry in Com. Warwick. John Hollis of Stoke Thomas HoUis Sr Hugh Hollis Knt. Thomas Holhs 16 E. 2 Margery ux. John Troutbeck 17 H. 6 Eeinfrid DeynsyU of DeynsiU: in Com. Cornub. :Catherin d. and coheire of John Skewis John DeynsyU Sergeant= at law =Mary d. of Sr Thomas Lucy of . . in Com. . . . Knt. John Holhs of Stoke in Com. Warwick Anne eldest d. and coheire ux S1 Willm. Holhs of Houghton in Com. Nottingham vide below Allice2 d.andcoheire ux. WUhn. Eoskymer of Com. Cornub. . . . d. & coheire ux. John Ean- daU of Stoke T . . . d. & coheire ux. . . . Ludford of Com. War wick ^ Wffliam Holhs of London Thomas Hollis of Stoke George Scopham= of Scopham = Agnes d. & heire of Thomas Disney (Scisne Harl. 1400) of Carleton a Hi— i O OodsiHoSi o H H s Q g . . . d & heire ux. Ashton of . . . in Com. War wick EdwardHollis of Stoke Thomas HoUis Sr Wilham = HoUis of Haughton in Com. Nott. Knt. Maior of London Elizabeth d. & heire of George Scop- ham of Scop- ham John Hollis sonne & heire Thomas a preste Edward Hollis . . . ux. Ludford of Com. War wick. . . . ux. . . Wooton of Com. War wick . . . ux. Burdett of Com. War wick. . . . ux . . Ball of Com. Warwick Francis HoUis Jane d. of . . . Grosvenor of Com. Chester s.p. =Sr Wiliiam=Anne d. & heire Hollis of HoughtonKnt. of John DensiU of Densill in Com. Cornwall vt supra 3 Francis Hollis=. . . sister of Sr George of Yoxhall ob Henage of Hainton in s. p. Com; Lincon Knt. 1 Sr Thomas Holhs = of Flintham in Com. Nottingham Knt. I " WUliam Holhs=. . . d. of . . . Flowerdew brother of Sargeant Flowerdew . . d. of . Payne Edward HoUis (Edmond Harl. 1400) Francis Hollis Christopher HoUys Densill Hollis of Houghton and Erby=Ellinor d. of Edmond Lord Sheaffeld 9rl .cnn-no ™ ^1«™ T^«««« _P T>._j.i ;i_- 2d sonne in Com. Lincon f of Butterwike I I & John HoUis Knt. Baron=Anne d. of Sr Thomas Frances ux. Fran- Jane ux. Thomas Anne ob. s. n Thomas Hollis Hollis of Houghton A0 1616, & Earle of Clare Stanhop of Shelford in cis Cooke of Trus- Sandersonn Com. Nottingham Knt. ley in Com. Derby Sr George Holhs Knt. Gertrude * Sic in Harl. MS. 1555 ; in Harl. MS. 1400 he is only traced to Thomas Hollis of Stoke. OS to CDI— I Ho*1 QOUH Xo *i s; o H1-3i— i a K Sr John Hollis Knt. ob. s. p. (now Earle of Clare 1637 Harl. 1400) DensiU Hollis Baron of Houghton Francis Holhs Wilham Holhs Elizabeth Arabella I EUinor 3 Sr Gervase Holhs of Burrow=Frances eldest d. of Peter Fretch- Anne* ux. Sr John Whiddon of Gertrude ux. Walter Stanley of g Marsh in Com. Lincon vUe of Staley in Com. Darby. Chagford in Com. Devon Knt. Bromwich in Com. Stafford Elizabeth d. & heire of John=Fretchvile Holhs of Grimsby=Dorathe d. of Herbert Kingstone of Grimsby in Com. Lincon 1 wiffe in Com. Lincon a twin with Margerett Lacon of Humberston in Com Lincon 2 wiffe Francis Hollis: of the town of Barwick =Anne d. & heire Margerett of Wilham Lany atwinwith of Barwick Fretchvile I John Holhs ob. Gervas Holhs 12 yere Anne ob. yong Wilham ob. Darcye ob. Wffliam Holhs borne SamueU HoUis borne old 1620 yonge yonge in May 1620 • m 1621. yong * This Anne is made to die s. p. in Harl. 1400, and Anne wife of Whiddon, Justioe of King's Bench, put in generation above. > HM OSio W td QO ds:H H %S!o sI C5co 0tMl *Amus. Quarterly :—!. Gules a saltire ermine. Eabt. 2. Or, fretty gules, on a canton per pale of the first and argent a galley sable. Nevell. 3. Gules, billettee and a lion rampant or. Btjlmee. 4. Eowlston. 5. Blomstee. 6. Fencott. 7. Ceoftes 8. Bosvtle. 9. Heecye. Ceest. A bull's head ermine, the horns or, tipped vert. Sr. John Mountney of Stoke in Com. Nottingham=Constance John Mountney = Eobert Mountney s. p. Sr. John Bosvile of Cheet in Com. York. knt.== Constance d. & heire of John Mountney Sr WUham NeveU of South Levertonf= Thomas s. p. AchiUes s. p Thomas son and heire George NeveU of Eagnell=IssabeU d. & heire of John Croftes m Com. Nottingham A0 of Eagnell in Com. Nottingham 13 H. 6 John Bosvhe=. . . d. of Percivall Amias | of Com. York. I John Bosvile=. . . d. of . . . Eadcliff of OrdsaU in Com. Lane. I I. Wilham Nevell=. . . d. of . . . MandevUe of EagneU (Mansfield Harl 1400) 4 George Nevell= George NeveU of Eag-=Ehzabeth d. of John neU A" 36 H. 8 Cooke of Fledborough WUham NeveU 3 Alexander Nevell= of Hablethorpe Margaret Nevell=Eichard Eeyner See tdTecTof Hero116' ^^ Quart6rly °f 12« &e firBt 8 9uarters left blaak- 9- Azu™ a tend between 6 martlets or. 10. Hereye. 11. Arches. 12. Leake. t William Nevell of South Leverton, Dunham, Rainell, & Winton in Com' Nott. did graunt the same to George Neuill his sonne and Isabell bi<, ™ff» J« * heire to John Croftes of Bainell & to the heires of their two bodyes begotten A° 13 H. 6 (Harl. MS. 1400). *' & CDISi §Si HK§s; o?4HI— I S!s William s.p. Issabell d. of=Eobert =Margerett d. of John Hare of Clifton 1 wiffe NeveUof Eag neU . Stuting 2 wiffe I I Alexander (An drew Harl 1400 fo. 43) Eichard I I Cutbert Jane ux George Anderson George Nevell=EUen d. of Wil- of London marchan-taUor liam Cutle of Herckfeld in Com. Southton Anthony Beyner Gervase Nevell of EagneU 1614=Elizabeth d. of . . . Johnsonn Eobert NeveU Eosamond ux Thomas White of London Stationer Eosamond Elizabeth Jane Margerett Barbara 2. Eobert Nevell=. . . d. of . . . Woodfford in Com. Lester William Bosvile==. . . d. of . . . Beaston of Beaston in Com. York Andrew Nevell=. . . d. of . . . Oston (Ostin Harl 1400) Edith ux. Elizabeth Anthony ux Thomas Stanton Digby . . . ux George Eyre JohuNevell Robert: Nevell ofEag- nell •Christo- Eobert pher Stan- Nevell ton Alice d. & heire of Wm BosweU of Cheet Sr John Nevell=Elizabeth d. & Knt. of the fa mily of Nevell of Leverseg coheire WUham Bosvile Elizabeth ux Eoger North EowlandDigby Eichard ob. s.p. Eobertob. s.p. Alice » . . . ux . . . George Nevell=Barbara Beatrix Fotherby of Grove Bag- sister & ¦ — nell& Stoke Burton & Thornhey in Com. Notting ham sister & heire of Sr John Hereye of Groue Elizabeth 1 Henery=Dorathy m to Thomas NeveU d. ofSr Boswell John EsqrofErdesley Dawney 2 to Martyn Anne Gervase Nevell of Cheete An0 1585 < CD. I— I H >Hi— i O aso ood sH K O*4SioHHQ r— I > OSan E| John =&ertrud d. of Eichard Frances. Ne vell ofGroue Whaley of Sibthorpe or Welbeck in Com. Nottingham Elizabeth ux Wilham Har den of Fors (Fosse Harl. 1400) in Com. Lincon George NeveU of Groue Gervase Nevell Anthony Nevell I Dennys NeveU=Elizabeth d. of Beatrix Mary of Thorn haugh in Com. Nottingham John Jermin Debden in Com. Suff. Herry Nevell=Bridgett d. of S1 of Groue Henry Savell of 1575 Lupsett sister of Sr George Eobert WiUiam ' George EichardJohn Barbara ux Sr John Meeres of Auber in Lincon Gervase Nevell, 22 yere old 1614. Anthony Nevell John NeveU Barbara Nevell Sara NeveU Susan Nevell GUbert Nevell=Margerett d. of Sr Henery of Groue Thomas Bland of Nevell 1614 Kilpaxe Park in Com. York Knt. Mary ux Thomas Pate of London 2 sonn of John Pate of ... in Com. Lester Issabell 1 m. to Sr Eichard Harper of ... 2 to Sr Peter Fretchyile of Darbyshire Barbara ux Eobert Markham of Sid- brook in Com. Lincon I Bridgett d. & sole heire 2 yere old 1614 OS Dorathey Barbara H CDI— I H%i— I Os;o*fHW QO HK|O *JSi oH H Q W> THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 67 * Sir William Gastneys Knt. Issabell=Sp Hardolphe £ d. of . . . Wastneys Knt. Lex- 11 E. 3 borne 2 wiffe t Edmond Gastneis purchased the mannor of Totwick in Com. York of Sr John Horbury Knt. ~ Sibbell Sr Edmond William Eeignald 1 wiffe Gastneys — — Knt Eobert=Flo- Thomas renee I I Thomas ob. Joane within age John Gastneys Edmond Gastneys "T William Wastneys Sciant presentes Eobertus Wastnes dom's de Totewick et Hedon in the Clay cum aduocat' 24 E. 3 which manor of Hedon and Totewick with the aduowsons Hardolph Wastnes now of Heydon in the Clay in com. Nott and of Totwick in com. York now is possessed of 13 September 1614 but the other lands in Stafford shire above mentioned went by a match to Gresley in Staffordshire. Ego Thomas de Gasteneys miles et Johanna uxor mea dedit Johannes de Gast neis fratri suo (nostro Harl. 1400) ad totam vitam suam vna messuagium &c. dat. An0 19 E. 3. Seal. An oval seal with arms, crest, helmet, and mantling. Aems. A lion ram pant. Ceest. A lion's head erased and collared. Sig'um Johannes Gas teneys. (Harl. 1400.) BananUdam 1 wiffe=Sr Hardolphe Gasteneys=Bartreiam 2 wiffe Sr Eobert Gasteneys K* called Eobert sonne of Hardolphe Sr Philhpe Gasteneys Knight= Amphelisia d. & coheire to Sr Eobert Morley Knight A I * This Sr William gaue his lands in Derdburgh in com. Lester to his sonn Edmond. t A charter graunted by E. 1 to Edmond Gastneys in his manor of Totwick with the aduowson of the Church dat. 28 E. 1. X A writt waB directed to Sr Hardolph Dewastneys inioyning him amongst the rest to come in person habere colloquium et traetatus of the West Biding in Yorkshire. Claus. in dorso An" 11 E. 3,35. 68 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. ±\ Sr William Gasteneys Knight=Margarett Sr WUliam Gasteneys Knight j~ Sr William Gasteneys Knight=Constantia & John Gasteneys =Isabell da. to Jeromey Hay John Fson of the Church Knight of Acton in co. Yorke of Cranys liued 10 E. 3 Sr Wilham Gasteneys Knight=Joane da. to Sr John Brett of Norff. K* Sr Thomas Gasteneys K» 19=Joanne da. to John Toly of John Gasteneys E. 3 of Colton in Com. Staff. Wymondham lived 10 E. 3 lived 18 E. 3 William, John, and Thomazin sister & heire wiffe Thomas ob. s. p'le. to Sr Nicholas Gresley Knight Aems. Sable a lion rampant double queued argent collared gules. Ceest. A demi-lion rampant double queued argent collared gules. John Wastnes of Hedon=. . . d. of Bussie of in com Nottingham Lincolnshire Eobert Wastnes=Elizabeth d. of Thomas of Hedon Nelsonn of ... in com. York George Wastnes=Elizabeth d. of WiUiam of Hedon Blyth of ... in com. Darby George Wastnes of Hedon==Anne d. of Eichard Bas- Bartho- (Omitted in Harl 1400) sett of Fledborough lomew George Wastnes=Mary d. of . . . Gefrey* Anne of Hedon Melfford Wastneys Gervase Wastneys= Jane d. of Lyon Eeresby John Wastnes of Hedon, 1575 of Thribergh in com. York Anne * Made brother to Bartho'.emew Harl. 1400. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 69 I I Sr Hardolph Wastnes of Hedon= Jane d. of John Delabogs of Misterton Daniell in com. Nottingham Knight & Baronett 1614 in com. Nottingham (Jane da. to Jervas Eyre who dwelt at Keyton in co. Yorke Esq.— Harl 1400) I I I II Hardolph Wastnes John Anne Wastnes 2 yere old 1614 — — George Mary Wastnes Martha Wastnes Eosamond — Wastnes Jane AVastnes C&flrnjealn Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Argent, two annulets interlaced gules between three crosses patee sable. Thoenhegh. 2. Gules, on a canton argent a cross patonce azure. *3. Or, a bend wavy azure between two lions passant guardant sable. Ceest. A tiger's head or, maned sable, gorged with a collar wavy azure. Ceest of Thobnhauoh. A thorn-tree proper flowered argent, fructed gules, the seeds of the flowers or. Johannis Thornheigh vixit 2 E. 3 = John Thornhegh Avery Thornhegh of = Ellen d. and heire of Eipers of Lever- Fenton in Com. Nottingham sall in Com. York as apereth by a par- t'ion made 10 H. 7 Anthony Thornhegh of Fenton John Thornhegh=. . . d. & heire of Bryan BaUes of of Fenton Pottersnewton in Com. York Sr John Thornhegh of= Fenton, Knt. 1614 . . d. to Sergant Eoades and sister to Sr Jo. Eoades of Derbysh Argent, a lion passant in bend gules be tween two acorns azure, all letween two bendlets ermines. * A Pattent of the 3 coate and crest to Bryan Bailes of Potternewton in Com. York An. 21 of Q. Elizabeth by Norry Flower, viz. Or, a ffesa wavy B, betweene 2 lyons passant gardant S, the crest a tigers hed cope or mayned sable a coller wavye B. 70 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. a I Sr John Jackson of Ethorp=Eliz. d. of Sr Jo. Sauill of in Com. York Gules, a fess between three birds argent, quartering, azure, a chevron lozengy argent and gules, a mullet for diffe- Bradley in Com. York Francis Thornhegh 21 yere old 1614= Jane eldest d. of Sr John Jackson of now High Sheriff A0 1637. Ethorpe in Com. York Kt I I I I I I Francis Thornhagh Henry John Anthony Jane Penelope sonne & heire Elizabeth wife of Sr John Jackson sonn and h. Bridgett of Sr John Jackson of Ethorpe in Com. York Cranmer* Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Argent, on a chevron azure between three pelicans sable as many cinquefoils or. 2 and 3. Argent a fess fusilly gules, on each fusil an escallop or. Ceest. An eagle's head erased russet, the neck pierced with an arrow or flighted and barbed argent.* Hugh Cranmer of Sutterton in Com. Nottingham. j~ . I Gilbert Cranmer=Ide d. of Adam de Loughton of Sutterton Argent, three crescents sable, fire issuing therefrom proper, a chief indented of the second. Hugh Cranmer of Sutterton. T I Thomas Cranmer of Sutterton Edmond Cranmer of Aslerton=Issabell d. and heire of WUliam Aslerton of Aslerton John Cranmer of Aslerton and Sutterton=. . . d. of . . . Marshall of Muschamp Ar. three lars sable, a canton ermine. Thomas Cranmer of Aslerton= Agnes d. of Lawrance Hatfield of WUloughby A * In the margin near above crest is tricked ; A cock's head erased sable wattled and jellopped gules. " Cranmer's crest of Watton in Nottingh'm bearing the two coates quarterly." THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 71 Jonnett d. of John Fretchvile 1 wiffe =.Tohn = Cranmer of As ler ton Marge rett d. of John Fitzwil- liams of Sprot- I I Thomas Cran mer Arch bishop of Can terbury Edmond Gran- borough mer Deane 2 wiffe (Archdeacon Harl. 1400) of Canterbury. Jane ux. John Monings liften nant of Dover Castell Issabell Lady of Shepey Anne ux. Edmond Cart wright of Ossington in Com. Nottingham Dora theyux. Hen.Eos- sell Scissely= Thomas d. of Cranmer . . Quad- of Asler- ring of ton . . in in Com. ... 1 wiffe Elizabeth Susan 1 ux. Tho- Eich- d. of . . . mas Cobham bro- ard Moreton ther of George Lord Cran- of . . in Cobham 2 to An- mer Com. . . thony Vaughan son 2 wiffe of Sr Hugh Vaugh an Knt. * Susan 1. m. to Thomas Brook bro ther of the Lord Cobham 2 to An thony (Hughe Harl. 1400) Vaughan of Lit tleton in Com. Middlesex Allice d. of . = John Lacye (Lucey Harl. 1400) of Cromwell Botham in Com. York 1 wiffe. Thomas : Cranmer of Asler ton 1564 Elizabeth d. of Thomas Hutchinson& widdow of Thomas Brokesby of Grimsby Edmond Cranmer Eobert:Cranmer of = Elizabeth d! of . . . Crisp of . . in the He of Than- nett in Com. Kent Thomas Cranmer John Cranmer Thomasob. s. p. I I .1 Mary Allice d. & heire ux. Thomas Mollineux of Haugh- Thomas Cranmer ton in Com. Nottingham (& had Sr John Moleneux Cranmer of Haughton Kt. & Bart. Harl. 1400) 2 to Sr John Thorold of ... in Com. Lincon * Thus entered in Harl. 1555, but put only as issue of John C. & M. EitzwiUiams in Harl. 1400, where she is stated to have had issue by Brooke, Thomas Brooke of ChiBlet Parke, and by Yaughan, Hughe and Alice. jHdttmtj;* Aems. Quarterly :-—! and 15. Azure, a cross moline or, a bordure argent 2. Gules, a lion rampant argent crowned and within a bordure engrailed or. 3. Gules, six lioncels rampant argent, three, two, and one. 4. Or, three leopards' faces salle. 5. Argent, a hart lodged proper attired or. 6. Argent, a fess gules between three birds vert, beaked, legged, and collared of the second. 7. Azwe, semee of fleurs- de-lis and a lion rampant guardant argent. 8. Vert, a lion rampant argent. 9. Argent, a cross and in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis sable. 10. Argent, on a bend engrailed sable three hunting horns of the field. 11. Parry of eight argent and gules, a label or. 12 liable, a chevron between three mullets and a bordure argent. 13. Argent, on a chevron azure between three pelicans salle as many cinquefoils or. 14. Argent, a fess fusilly gules, on each fusil an escallop or. Ceest. A plume of 'peacocks' feathers proper. There is another coat, Mohneux without the bordure quartering 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, a crescent for difference. Sr Eichard Molli-= Joane d. of Gilbert Hadock and widdow of neux of Sefton in Com. Lanck. Peter Leigh (Ellen da. to Sr Wm. Haring- ton of Horneby Kt. Harl. 1400) John Cotton : of Bidware in Com. Staff. :Janne da, Nicholas Fitzharbert to Eichard Mollineux of Sefton * Elizabeth d. of Sr Eobert (John= Harl. 1400) Markham of Cot ham Knt. 1 wiffe =Thomas Mollineux of Haughton=Catherine d. of Sr John in Com. Nottingham one of the Priuie Counsell to H. 7 ob. 6 H. Attorney- General to E. 4 Cotton of Eidware in Com. .Stafford 2 wiffe Eobert Molineux=Dorathey_d. of Thomas Pow- of Houghton treU of West HaUom in Com. Darby Elizabeth ux. Stephen Hatfeld & widdow of . . . Beckard I Thomas ob. s. p. 5? fy^n Eichard=Margerett d. of Ed- Molli- mund Bussy of neux of Hether(HeverHarl. Hough- 1400) in Com. ton Lincon I 2 Anthony Molineux Doctor of Diuinity Parsonn of Sefton ob. 5 Q. Mary ^ Anne ux. Elizabeth Bob. Veale ux. . . . Hough William=MargerettMolli- Comyn a neux widdow Catherin ux Stephen Hatfeld Margerett ux. George Warren -ito Ha < COI— I H% M O s;oHWo cds;Ho sioH S|Q> Francis Moli-=Elizabeth d. & coheir neux of Haw- ton of Eoger Greenhaugh of Tavershott Mary ux. Daniell Disney Thomas of Norton Disney in Molhneux Com. Lincon ob. s. p. George Cartwright of =Dorathey= William Daybridg- Ossington in Com. J d. & court of ... in Com. Nottingham 1 husbandVheire ^Warwick 2 husband Thomas Molineux: of Haughton ob. 1597 Alice d. & heire of Tho mas Cranmer of Aslacton Com. Nottingham Gervase Eobert a twin with Richard John Eichard a twin with Eobert Frances ux. FrancisFletcher Winifrid Mary Jane ux. Fran cis Lynley of Skegby d. of Sr John Mark-=Sr John Molineux of Houghton=Anne d. of Sr James Harington of Bid- ham of Sedbrooke in Com. Lincon. 1 wiffe Tavershott & Aslacton in Com. Nott. Knt. & Baronett lington in Com. Eutland & widdow of Thomas Folliaamb 2 wiffe Sr Francis Molineux of=Theodosia d. of Sr Ed- Thomas Houghton Knt. & ward Heron of Cressy — Barronett 1614 Knt. of the Bath Mary Anne Eoger Frances a daughter 1. Sr Edward or Edmond Mohneux== Jane d. of John Cheney Knight of the Bath Judge of the Comon Pleas ob. 6 E. 6 of Chesham Boys in Com. Bucks Margerett ux. Hugh WUloughby of Eisley in Com. Darby Ellen ux. John Bond of Wards End in Com. Warwick Eobert Flet-=Margerett d. of Sr Edmond cher of Stoke Bardolph Molineux Knt. of the Bath & Judge of the Comon Pleas Doratheyux. Eobert Purslow Jane ux. GeorgeLasscells Catherine (Mary Harl. 1400) ux. Daniell Disney 3. Thomas= Jane d. of Sr Moliueux Eic. Molineux of Sefton Francis Fletcher of=Frances d. of Francis Moli- Stoke Bardolph neux of Houghton Margerett ux. Edward Byfeld of Whitbrough in Com. Nottingham Edward Molineux Molineux Fletcher Eobert Fletcher John Fletcher Mary 1 John Molineux of =Anne d. of George Lasscells 2. Edmund 5. Christopher Thome near Newark nf da+fnr-A Sr S+....4-™ .•„ unouupucx Thorpe near Newark vppon Trent of Gatford & Sturton in Com. Nottingham 4. Anthonys, p. Etheldred d. of John Herle al's=Edmond Moli-=Bridgett d. & coheire Vytham (Vaughan Harl. 1400) of Wyard Com. Oxon Chiles on a garb or 3 birds sable (sic). neux of Thorpe of Bob. Sabcotts of Elton in Com. Hunt ington Christian Thomas dyed un- Molineux maried Eutland=Mary d. & coheire Moli- of Cutbert Bever- neux cotts of Bevercotts Sr John Molineux=. of Houghton 1614 . . d. & heire of . . . Bead . in Com. Northampton Anne Moli neux Sabcotts Molineux sus- pensus apud London Edmund William Dorathey Bridgett Gervase=Anne d. of Sr Wilham Molh- Moting and widdow of ueux . . . Foster of Balderston Faytlux. . , of. . Com. Margerett 1 m. to Leonard Lovelace of Hever in Kent in 2 to Thomas Clarke of Hyde . . Abbey nere Winchester John Molli- =Euth d. of . neuxofFarn-ton neare Newark Delwood of Donington in Com. Lester. Elizabeth ux. Sr Anne Thomas Corn- dyed un- wallis Grome married porter to Q. Elizabeth Paule Mollineux John Mollineux ob. yong. Fayth 1 m. to Edward Germin , Mary of Branton in Com. Huntington 2 Eichard Farren; " Ehzabeth Anne ¦M ^ 3 CD 1-1 > IO*J H QO Hos;oHHMs:QP THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 75 Placita de term? Pascha? A0. 32 H. 6 rot 328 dorso. Ichington longa 1 w Ecclesia. J warr" Hugo de Dodingselles temp E. 2 Johannes qui inde feofauit Joh'em Has- lauke nhhtem qui inde feofauit quosdam. Johannes Dodingselles=Emma Johannes DodingseUes Hugh Lindsey lived in the time of King Wm- the Conqueror Johannes Dodingselles temp E. 3 AUen de Lindsey Lord of BradweU and Woluerley Johannes Dodingselles Galfrey de Lindsey Lord=Amicia of BradweU and Maxtock in com. Warwick Edwardus Dodingselles nunc petens A0. 32 H. 6 Galffrey de Oding-=Brasill d. & David de Lindsey a Scott=AUice d. & heire BeUs Lord of Max stock coheire ma ried 20 H. 2 I Wilham Gerrard Oding-=Lucey d. of David Lindsey Alice married to Hen ry de Pinkney OdingseUs sells 38 H. 3 Beresfford Henry de Pinkney Eobert de Pinkney Hugh Oding=SibbeU Eowland Odingsells of Long Ichington=Lucey da sells 16 E. 1 in com. Warwick V" Bruce John Odingsells 10 E. 3=Luce John Odingsells 24= yere old 27 E. 3 Amicia d. of Eob. (Eoger Harl. Edmond Odingsells 1400) Carbett ob. 34 E. 3 22 E. 3, 1347 Sr John Odingsells Knt.=Allice d. of Sr 16 yere old 3 E. 2 I John St. John 76 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. a| Sr John Odingsells Knt.=Mary d. of . . a?. 5, 9 E. 2, ob. 5 H. 4 Bernake Margerett d. ofe . . . Cokaine =Edward Odingsells 14 yere old=AUice d. of . . . Sharpe at his Father's deth died 5 E. 4 sister of Henery Sharpe Gerard Oding-=Margerett sister Henery Odingsells=AUice d. of Morgan But- sells of Allice Sharp yonger sonn ler of Cabernes in com. Essex I Edward Oding sells :. . . d. of Ealeigh Eichard Oding=Alhce d. of sells Browne Edmond Odingsells=Anne d. of . Tresham John Odingsells=Anne d. & heire of Gabriell Barwick John Oding=. . . d. of . . . Hyde Gabriell Oding-=Catberin d. of John sells ob. s. p. seUs Markham I Edward Odingsells of Everston=Elizabeth d. of Wm. Sutton of in com. Nottingham 1614 Averham in com. Nottingham John Odingsells 10 yere old 1614 II II II II Emanuel Edward Odingsells Ehzabeth Elhanor Gabriell Thomas Issabell Catherin Henery OdingseUs==. . . d. of . . . Sutton I I I Thomas OdingseUs Henery Odingsells Francis John OdingseUs Omnibus xpi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris amicia relicta dn's Johannis de OdingseUs Dn's de longa Ichington noueritis me memisisse totam ius meum in Expuston in com. Nott. A0 29 E. 3. Seal. A fess and in dexter chief a mullet, impaling, two bars and a canton ; with this crest, a fox passant, collared and chained. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 77 gpStOUfilK Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Sable, a fess or between three asses argent. Atscotjgh. 2. Or, a bend azure. Caythoep. 3. a saltire gules, and on a chief of the last three escallops argent, a crescent sable for difference. Talbots. 4. Gules, a cinque foil within an orle of cross crosslets or. Homffeevyle. 5. Gules, a chevron be tween ten cross crosslets or. Ktme. 6. Gules, two bends or. 7. Azure, a cross chequee argent and gules. Cobkfeld. 8. Gules, two chevrons and a bordure or. CHANifELL. 9. Sable, a chevron between three columns or, a label argent. BOLLINGBKOOK. Ceest. An ass's head erased argent. (Path coat and crest are charged with a mullet for difference.) John Ascough of Colling in Co. Lincon Esq. Sr Wilham Ascough knighted at Bullen Edward =d. and Ascough2 son heire to Gibson Ehzabeth d. & heire of: WiUiam Hansard of south Kelsey in Com. Lincon 1 wiffe Edward Ascough of Cottam in Com. Nott. :Sr Francis =Elizabethd. of Eobert Ayscough of South Kelsey in Com. Lin- V Dighton of Stougton & widdow of Wm. Dallisonn the judge. S1' Eoger Ayscough of Nutthall in=Dorathey d. of WiUiam ri »Tu_' 1 T___.U ~ei.\.„ TVA- :iV C WI ~\. ~M--\ Com. Nottingham Justice of the peace. Fitzwill'ms of Mabelthorp Edward=d. of Ays cough FrancisEobertsofWils- den in Com. Elizabeth Anne ux. Sr Wm. How- son of Wig- tofte in Com. Lin- Midlesex con Knt. WUlm.Ays-= cough Be- gester of the Court of Audience to the Archbi shop of Can terbury 1626 :Elizabeth= Willm. d. of Oland Eoger Cole Procter of St. Sa- of the uior's in CiviU Com. Sur- Law 1 ry. husband John Ays cough Dorathey Ayscough 78 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Johannes de St. Andrea obiit sestitus de terras in Hinxton=Johanna superstes et Armigton in Com. Cantabrid' A0 34 E. 3 An0 34 E. 3 Johis de St. Andrea a?tatis 22 an Edmondus St. Andrea heres et amp. ob. 43 E. 3 fratris a?tat. 7 Ann. Canta-rriaia / ^"vo °"e ^' Andrea dat demidiam marcam pro vna assisa \ capienda coram Nicholaio de Turri An0 46 H. 3 Paganus de St. Andrea temp H. l=Crueburga Thomas de St. Andrea j" J Henericus de St Andrea An0 10 Eegis Joh'is Placit. de banco Com. Buck, pro manerio de Stainsly An0 10 Johis Eot. dorso 1. Sr Saiher St. Andrea Knt=Maud d. & heire of William Dine Sr Eoger St. Andrea Knt. S' Eobert de St. Andrea Knt. James de St. Andrea Eoger de =Maud Sr Eoger de St.=Agnes d. of Sr Eichard Grey of Sandiacre St. Andrea Andrea Knt. Knt. & had in mariage the mannor of Bifeld Eichard St Andrea=AUice d. of Eichard Stoke of Stoke nere Coventry Sr John St. Andrea Knt.= Julian d. of Eobert Zouch of Lubthorpe Knt. Seven mascles conjoined 3, 3, Sf 1, a label ; impaling, 10 roundles 4, 3, 2, & 1. Eobert St. Andrea= Catherin d. of . . . Maulley of Sutton John St Andrea I " I ' I Thomas St.=Elizabeth d. of Peter Poole John St. Elizabeth Andrea of Eadborne Andrea Peter de St. Andrea John St. Andrea==Alice William St.=Margerett d. of Edmond Andrea . . . Aston — Hugh THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 79 John St. Andrew: of Gotham in Com. Notting ham. Ehzabeth :Catherin d. of John Wells of Whorcrosse — in Com. Stafford Allice Anne Catherin Dorathey Ellinor Mary Margerett Ehzabethe Sanchia George St. Andrea= Barbara d. of George Nevell of of Gotham Groue in Com. Nott. Mary sister and coheire=Willm. St. Andrew=Mary d. of Ed- Jane ux. Thomas of Thomas Skeuington of Skeffington in Com. Lester 1 wiffe of Gotham in Com. Nottingham 1614 ward Pilkington Wildbore of of Stourton 2 Knottingly in wiffe Com. York John St. Andrew of Gotham= 13 yere old 1614 =Elizabeth d. of John Bainbridg of Locking- ton (Lodington Harl 1400) in Com. Lester WilliamJane Barbara George St. Andrew John St. Andrew Barbara ux John Gibsonn of Kirton in Holland in Com. Lincon Ex chartis WUlm. St. Andrew de Cotham in Com. Nottingham. An0 1614. Sciant p'ntes et futuri q'd ego Margereta de Quincy Comitissa Winton' dedi &c. in ligitima viduitate mea postquam feci homagium meum D'no Eegi Henrico filio Eegis Joh'is Seihero de St. Andrea pro homagio et seruitio suo centu' solid' terrae mea? de Crokeston et Kerdinton cum multis natiu's et eoru' sequelis &c. et si forte warrantizare non potero dabimus et escambiu' ad valenham in loco compe- tenti de ha?reditate mea in Anglia. Testibus Will'mo de Knapwell tunc Senes- challo meo, Euerardo de Trumpington, OdineUo de Albiniaco, Eogero de S'c'a Andrea, Eado' Neuill, Barthlo' filio Will'mi, Will'mo de St. Georgio, Briano Forestario, Alexandre de Witeby, Will'mo Falconario, Henrico Forestario, et aliis (Harl. 1555, fo. 64 b.) 80 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Ex chartis Will'mi St. Andrew de Gothan in Com. Nott. Arg' A° 1614 _ Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod ego Matildis de Sc'o Andrea in ligea [sic] viduitate mea dedi et concessi etc Laurentio de Sancto Andreo filio meo tota' t'ram quam habui in villa de Erington* vna cum manerio d'cas' t'rae d'co Laurentio et hsered' suis habend' etc. eid' Laurentio et ha?red' suis excepto Judaismo et domo religionis pro vna libra cinimini, Testibus D'no Henrico Childerle, D'no Joh'e de Musgrose, D'no Hugone de Dokesworth militibus. Jacobus de S'ca Andrea fil's D'ni Saiheri de S'co Andrea concessit Bogero filio D'ni Bogeri de S'co Andrea totu' ius in manerijs de Hadton in Com. North'ton Gaham in Com. Nott. Armigston et Henxston in Com. Cantabr. et Sheffend in Com. Essex. Sans date. Anno regni E'g Hen' filij Eegis Joh'is 55 in aula D'na? Matildis de S'co Andrea apud Gatham couam Do'no Petro Picoth et multis aliis facta est ha?c conventio inter Bogeru' de S'co Andrea antenatum dicta? Matildis de S'ca Andrea matris sua? et D'num Will'mum Perpetuum Viccarium Eccl'ia? de Bodington Joh'em Capellanu' de Kemurth et nobilem ancillam de Eametianam filiam D'ni Thoma? filij Will'mi Executor' D'na? Albrida? la Walesch relicta quondam D'ni Eob'ti de S'co Andrea militis, etc ; vizt. quod dictus Eogerus nomine matris sua? dimisit d'cis executoribus d'ca? D'nse Albreda? totu' manerium de Gatham secundu' formam contenta' in scripto qa D'ca D'na Matildis de S'co Andrea concessit D'no Eoberto de S'co Andrea filio suo. Dat' A0 55 H. 3. Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod ego Eogerus de Quincy Comes Winton' Constabu- * Erington est in Com. Cantabridg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 81 larius Scotia? dedi Eoberto de S'co Andrea filio Seiheri de S'co Andrea pro homagio et seruitio suo cent' solid' sterlingoru' Annuatim recipiend' de par presenta de firma mea de Brackley etc. Hijs testib' D'no Will'mo Mauduit, Will'mo filio suo, Ernardo de Bosco, Ernaldo filio suo, Eado' Bassett de Draiton, Eado' filio suo, Seihero de S'co Andrea, PhUippo Louell, WhTmo de Bosco, Warino de Tunderley. iSortjK Arms. Argent, two chevrons between three mullets sable. Ceest. A lion's head erased, ardent collared vaire or and azure, the collar ring gold. In the Visitation made 1614 this moderne eoate and crest per Wm. SEXGtA.n norroy 42 Q. Elizabeth 1600 for North of Walkeringham. Also On a chevron between three escallops, as many Catherine wheels. (THE A UNTIANT COATE.) And Quarterly : — 1. and 4. Azure, a lion passant or letween three fleurs-de-lis argent. 2. Argent, on a bend sable three wolves (?) passant of the field. 3. Salle, on a chevron between three pheons argent, as many mullets gules. (Loed Noeth.) Eoger North of Walkeringham in Com. Nottingham T Eoger North of Walkeringham Thomas North of Walkeringham in Com. Nottingham= Eoger North of==Elizabeth d. of Anthony Staunton Walkeringham of Staunton in Com. Nottingham Eoger North of London Marchant Haberdasher buried at St MicheUs-in-the-Querne London= Thomas North of London=Christian d. of Eichard Warcop of St. Haberdasher Nicholas nere Appleby in Kent. I Edward North of Wal-= keringham 1614 ^Dorathey d. of Thomas Wray of , . . in Com. Eichmond Elizabeth ux. Audeley vel Atherley quere whether (Aderley Harl 1400) Allice ux John Quarles of ... in Com. Hertford Charles North=Dorathey d. of of Walkering- Wm. Burnell ham 1G14 of Winckborne in Com. Not tingham II Judeth ux. Anne ux. Thomas Thomas Tuke Stourton Thomas North Edward North Eoger North John North Mary ux. Francis Thornhill Elizabeth ux. Thomas Foster of Smawes in Com. York Dorathey Eebecka Charles North 2 yere old 1614 Edward North oo to CD H i— i OS|o H MEi QO HMloS|oHH Q Margerett d. of Sr ¥m.=S' Edward North Knt. First Lord= Butler of London Knt. North of Cartelage in Com. Cam- & widdow of S* David bridg Chancellor of the Augmen- Brook tation 7 April 1554 =AUice d. of . . . Squier of Southeby nere Portsmouth widdow of . . . Briggandyne of Com. Southampton ob. 7 Q. Ehzabeth Joane ux. Willm WU- kinson of London Mercer Shreue= Eoger= LordNorth Winiffrid d. of Eichard Lord Eich widdow of Sr Henery Dudley Knt. Christian ux. William Erie of Worcester Eichard= Knivell of Kent =HeUen d. of Ehzabeth d. of=Thomas=. . . widdow of Wm. Harding . . . Colwell North . . . Bridg- widdow of Sr Widdow of water Docter . . . Browne Eobert Eich of the Civill Law Ellenor ux. Henery LordScroope of Bolton Joane ux. Sr Wm. Lock of London Knt. Sr John North=Dorathey d. & heire dyed before his father of Valentyne Dale Docter of the law Sr Henery North: of Mildenhall in Com. Suffolk. :Mary d. of Eichard Knivellof Kent 1 Mary North Sr Dudley North=Frances d. & coheire Lord North of of Sr John Brockett Brockett Hall in Com. Hertford Elizabeth North Eoger North Sr Eoger North=Elizabeth 2 d. & co- Cartelage John North Mary North of Finborow in Com. Suff. Knt. heire of Sr John GU- bert of Finborow HaU in Com. Suff. Knt. Dorathey ux. Henery Sackfford of . . .in Com. Suff. Esq. Henery North: =Sara d. of John Eeyney of London, Draper Dudley North Mary ux. Thomas Moyle of Caversfeld in Com. Buckingham co >Hl-H OSio *i HMtei QO H Kj o Si oHHQa > CX3OS 84 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Aems. Per fess or and gules, a pale counterchanged, three cornish choughs proper. John Tate of London T John Tate of Coventry to whom S1 John Tate Knt. Mercer Wm. Palmer gave lands in Whit- & Lord Maior of London ley 16 E. 2 1392 1473 John Tate=Margerett John Tate Esqr sonn & heire Thomas Tate Sr John Tate Sr Eobert Tate Mercer Lord Maior of London 1488 Sr Barthelmew Tate=Anne d. of Lawrance= of De la Pree 4 husband Saunders of Haring ton in Com. North ampton =Sr Thomas Long-= vile of Wolver- ton 3 husband =Wadham (of ?) Pifford was 1 husband to Anne Barthelmew: Tate of De- lapre :Dorathey d. of Francis Tanffeld of Gayton in Com. Northampton John Tate==Margerett d. of (Anthony Harl. 1400) John Digby of Wel- by in Com. Lester Sr William=Elizabeth d. & Tate of WhitleyKnt. 1614 heire of Ed ward Lord Zouch of Ha- ringworth FrancisTate George Tate of= Sutton Bon- ington in Com. Nottingham 1614 :Barbara d Eichard Stanley of Sutton Bon ington of I Saunders Tate a daughter Zouch Tate I I Elizabeth Mary Wilham Tate John Tate Conjj, Mary Bridgett Margerett Tate 3 yere old 1614 Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Azure, a lend cotised argent letween six martlets or, a mullet for difference. Tons. 2 and 3. Argent, a fess fleury counter fleury or, between three escallops sable. Illingworth. [Not quartered in the Vissitation in the office.] Ceest. A cubit arm, vested argent, in the hand proper an anchor fessways or. John Tong of Maningham=. . . d. of . . . Thornton of in Com. York Thornton in Com. York THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 85 Nicholas Tong of Maningham=. . . d. & heire of . . . Illingworth Thomas Tong of Maningham=. . . d. of . . . Wooddes of Horton in Com. York Nicholas Tong of Newark in=Dorathey d. of William Cressy of Barnby super Dun in Com. York Com. Nottingham Cressy Tong of Newark=Susanna d. of Nicholas Bulby of Carlecoston 1614 in Com. Nottingham Nicholas Tonge 3 quarters old 1614 Margery ^trtnfler* Aems. Per chevron sable and or, in chief two fleurs-de-lis of the last, and ii eagle displayed of the first. Ceest. A griffin's head erased vert, gorged with a coronet argent chained or. John Stringer=. . . d. of . . . Hussey of Shropshire an Eichard Stringer of= ... in Com. Darby :Mary d. of John Powtrell of West Hallom in Com. Darby Eobert Stringer of Eaton=. . . d. of . . . Bates of in Com. Nottingham ... in Com. York Nicholas Stringer of Eaton=Mary d. of Vallen- in Com. Nottingham 1614 tyne Hartop William Nicholas = Stringer ob. Stringer of yong. Sutton vppon Lound in Com. Not tingham 1631 Allice d. of Sr Ann ux. Thomas Job- Eliza ux. John Francis South son of Cudworth in ... Copley of of Fotherby the West Byding in Doncaster in (of Kelson Com. Ebor. Com. Ebor. Harl. 1400) j A" 1650 in Com. Lincoln y Francis Stringer sonne & heire aet. 16 Ans. 1649 Ann a?t. 17 Anor' 1649 ^Lfc^ ^V^^^^^ argent on a canton sinister azwe three fieurs- SlSets^t " T'T't*^^ °™^ ^ ^ cJZZ*££22zZ quartered m the ViS8itations of this Co^ in the ^ S< Thomas Wood Knt. Lord^?ei^^ . . d. & coheire rf ^ ^ (rf) ^^ Ehzabeth d. & heire ux. S- Thomas Stewkley of Aston in Com. Devon Knt. This S* Thomas Wood quartered the two first coates of Wood of Lamley but without the Canton." siff1^01^8/011^68 de 8}°^ie vetri Lafford Composita An° Dom 1452 31 H fi Seal. On a fess three crosses patUe. Sigii, Johan Slory de Veteei. "" ^ "' ^ °e" ^^ *** 81°' •— «-*-««--, Herall «** JoL„s Slo, Cap,!,™, Henery Wood: of Enfield in Com. Midlesex Jane d. of John * Thomas =. StreUey of Woodborough in Com. Nott ingham Slory of NetherColwick in Com. Nott ingham . d & heire Wilham Slory =EIizabeth d. of of S^ Giles Colwick of Com. Nott ingham of Colwick in " Co. Nott. Sr Eaffe Sacheverall of Morley in Com. Darby Johannes Slory Willimus Slory testator testator WUlimus Croffc=Alecia ux. testatoris eius * This Thomas Slory maried one of the daughters & heires of S' GiV* rWw,-„L. i™ „i, i i , ,T , oo OS 3 COH> sSI o Ei o ods; KjO*jS|O H H I >s Eooert Delwood of=Ehzabeth d. & heire Eichard Slorye=Marye d. of Nether Colwick in Com. Nottingham of Enfield in Com. Middlesex of Thomas Slory of Colwick (called dau. of his brother Wm Harl. 1400) of Braunston in Com. Lester Thomas Beaumont of Thrink- ston in Com. Lester. Elizabeth ux. Eaffe Neale of Prestwold in Com. Lester Anne ux. George Vincent of Peckleton in Com. Lester Sr Norman Slory= Knt. Sr Alfford Slory= Knt. Eobert Wood=Margerett d. of Sv Edward of Nether Colwick in Com. Nott ingham Mountague of Boughton in Com. Northampton Lord Chefe Justice of England Mary 1 m. to William Hilton* an Attorney 2 to Eobert Vawdy of Saffron Walden in Essex Edward Wood ob. s.p. Eichard Slory ob . s.p. I WilliamSlory ob. s.p. Sr WiUiam Slory-- Knt. Sr Alured Slory= Knt. Joane Vawdy ux. Thomas Greene of London a Baker & after one of the Serjeants of the Citty Anne Hilton ux. Pollard of London in Fleetstreet Tre- surer of Bridwell Sr John Slory Knt. I Ermintred ux. Sr Eobert Lathbury Knt. Agnes ux Sr Edward Apleby Knt. Margerett ux. Sr Nicholas Longford Ejit. ob. 3 H. 4 Allice ux. Sr Thomas Stafford Knt. ¦flssabell a twin with Thomas ux. Hen. Par kins of Fishlake in Com. York Margerett ux. Edward Dud ley of Clop- ton in Com. Northampton, 2 brother of Edward John Wood = of Lamley in Com. Nott ingham in An0 1614 & now of Woodborow in An0 1629 ;Catherin d. of Wim. Hewsonn of London Aems. Azure, three chevrons interlaced and a chief or, a bordure company argent and gules. Edward Wood of Lollard BiaU in Com. Wilts Elizabeth d. of 1 Moun = Frances d. & heire Eobert Thorn tague of Sr Francis hill of Thorn Wood WUloughby of hill in Com. Wollaton (Wol- Dor sett uerton Harl. (Somersett 1400) in Com. Harl. 1400) Nottingham E * This Wm Hilton was 4th brother of Baron Hilton of the North. f Arms. Vert, a chevron between three feathers argent, a bordure or, for Parkins ; quartering, gules, three fire-balls or. tei 3CDMrMo*iH QOdsio S|o HHr-\S|Q OO John Wood 16 yere= old 1614 of Wood borough in Com. Nottingham 1629 =Catherin d. of John Chaworth of Wiver- ton in Com. Notting ham 1629 PhiUep Wood ob. s. p. Edmond Wood George Wood Gervase Wood ob. s. p. Eobert Wood Margerett ux. Edmond Heron of Bulcot in Com. Notting ham Frances Dorathey Ehzabeth ob. s. p. Anne ux. . . , Staple of Nottingham towne Grace Thomas Wood of London a twin with IssabeU Mary d. of Thomas Phettiplaee of Lon don Iremonger Francis ob. s. p. Eobert Wood vn- marid in An0 1627 Anne d. of WiUiam AungeU of London Esqr of the office of Catry to King James & King Charles 1 wiffe = Simon Wood =Mary d. of Bar- of London & thelmew Baron of Dunton Hall al's Barnes of in the Parish London Mercer of Tid St. 2 wiffe Giles in Com. Lincon Gerrard Wood Doc ter of Divinity Areh- decon of Wells Mary d. of John , Lyn of Bassingborne in Com. Cambridg Elizabeth ux. Edward Dud ley of Clopton in Com. North hampton bro ther of Thomas Wilham Wood dyed in y* month hee was borne Eobert Wood dyed yong Margerett d. & heire ux. John Trafford of Lowe Layton in Com. Essex Eoger "Wood James Wood Gerrard Wood Elizabeth Wood a daughter co GO H g £H O*JH a K QOd SHKo*JS| oHHQ THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 89 Thomas Stretton of Stretton in Cora. Nottingham I ' Thomas Stretton^Francesd. & coheire of . . . Smyth . . . Kniveton of Brad ol I. >vl to i . of Whittcott in Com. Butland ley in Com. Darby= Eoger Stretton of Stretton 1614=Ellen d. of . . . Kniveton of Bradley Ehzabeth d. & sole heire 10 yere old 1614 Blantr, Aems. Argent, on a bend sable three pheons or. Ceest. Out of a coronet or a leopard's head proper. Both coat and crest are differenced with a martlet. Sr John Nevell of Bystbrooke in Com. Nottingham T WiUiam Bland==Jane 1 d. & coheire ... 2d & coheire ux. . . . Owlys I John Bland of Goldington in Com. Nottingham X I I Eichard Bland . . . ux. . . . Tuke T" Sr Bryan Tuke Knt. . . . Bland of Com. York Michel! Bland of Applestock= Jane d. of John Stephensonn in Com. Nottingham of the CittyofYork J III Michel! Bland=:Bebecka d. of Eobert John Joane ux. Edmond Elizabeth of Applestock 1614 Somerscales of Bland Gibsonn of Alber Gainsborough in in Com. Lincon Com. Lincon I I Michel! Bland Mary Bland 90 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. BarrelL Abms.* Quarterly : — 1. Azure, a lion rampant or crowned argent and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil sable, a crescent for difference. Daeell. 2. Or, a che vron between three cinquefoils gules. Chichley. 3. Argent, on a chevron gules between three hunting horns salle stringed or as many mullets gold. Hoene. 4. Azure, a lion rampant or crowned and within a lordure argent. Daeell op Pagham in- Sussex. 5. Argent, a fess fusilly salle. Knoteswobth. 6. Argent, three lions' heads erased gules. Denmaj*. Ceest. Out of a coronet a Saracen's head wreathed round the temples argent and azure, on the head a cap of the last frettee of the second turned up ermine and Florence d. of William Chichley of= Higham Ferrers in Com. Widdow of Sr Nicholas Peech :John Darrelh of Colehill in Com. Kent : Joane d. & heire of VaUentyne Barrett Thomas Darell=Thomazin d. of S1 I of Scotney John Gresley Knt. Henery Dar-= Elizabeth d. of . . . Cheny of Crall in Sussex rell of Scot ney William=Anne d. to Edward Guil- Darrell J deford of Halden William Darell=Jane d. & heire of of Pagham in Sussex Wm. Knotsworth of Pagham Elizabeth d. & heire: of James Home of Bethersden in Kent Thomas Dar-=. . . d. of . . . Marmaduke=Anne d. of Eich- rell of Scot ney of Wetten hall Darell of Pagham Esq. ard Scott brother of Sr Eeignald Edward=Margarett d. & sole heire of Marma- Darell duke Darell of Pagham in com. Sussex Esqr Eose ux George Eoberts of Brenchley in Kent Ste- Elizabeth=Sr Thomas Da-=Anne d. phen d. of . . . rell Knt. m. to of Wm. Da- Morley of his 3 wiffe Brid- Mus- rell ob* Glind in gett d. & heire champ s. p. com. Sus- of . . . Crosby 2 wiffe sex 1 wiffe Phillip Marmaduke (called Sr Mar maduke DarreU sonne Harl. 1400) Christopher Henery George Anneob.s.p. Mary ob. s.p Ehzabeth Dorathey ob. s. p. Blanche * In Harl. 1400 the arms are drawn quarterly of four, 1, 2, and 3 as above, 4 chequl argent and gules a cross azure, a shield of pretence (blank). The cap of the crest is not turned up ermine and the wreath round the head is or and azure. The coronet is marked or. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 9 1 ! Edward; DareUof West Eadford in com. Notting ham Esq. 1614 b| Id =Barbara d. & coheire of Francis Denman of West Eadfford I Thomas Darell 6 yere old 1614 Jill breorge Mary ux 1 Eliza 1 Thomas= =Mary d. — Wilham beth ux. Darell of Tho Marmaduke Johnston . . . Car of Lon mas Boe — of Ford- roll don of Lon Mary wick in 1630 don — Kent marchan- Frances talor J 1614 Brian Darell 1 i Edward Darell Thomas Darell I d. to Hedley==Thomas Darrell=Mary d. & h. to Eoyden 1 wife of Scotney of Foxton in Kent Alice 1 Henry= =Marga- 1 Mary wife 1. Ellin wife Mar- 1 J Francis Mar- ux. John DarreU ret d. to to Barnaby to Edmond grett ux gery Brookes ofScot-ney Gage Goughe Pellham ux. Tin- dall Greene John Eastwood of Hayton in Com. Nottingham Thomas Eastwood of Hayton=Issabell d. of Southworth Thomas Eastwood=Anne d. & heire of John Marshall of Carleton of Hayton in Moreland in Com. Lincon Thomas Eastwood of=Elizabeth d. & heire of Charles Hayton 1614 Wood of Hayton Thomas Eastwood 5 yere old 1614 Charles East wood 1 yere old 1614 There is no coat given for Eastwood, but the coats of Marshall, Bruse, Hawke, Brown"; and Muston (see Marshall) are placed on a shield, the first and two last quarters of which are left blank. (Ed.) 92 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Clarton. Aems. Argent, on a lend engrailed salle three annulets of the field. William Clarksonn of Kenton (Kerton Harl.=IssabeU d. of 1400) in Com. Nottingham Nevell of EagneU Michel! Clarksonn=Senc' (Sanchia Harl. 1400) d. of of Kenton Wilham (John ibid.) Powtrell of West Hallom in Com. Darby John Clarksonn: of Kenton =Elizabeth d. of John Eodney of Stok Bodney in Com. Somersett George Michell Clark sonn of Ken ton 1614 =Elizabeth d.=George ofWraHar- Flower top of Bur- 2 hus- ton in Com. band Lester Esq. "William Clark-=Ester d. son of Bed- minster in Com. Som' of John Fones of Bris tol Ann ux. Harrison Elinor ux. Wright Alice iix. Luke Wilh Clark sonn 5 yere old 1614 =Eliz. d. of Eobert Williamson of East Markham in Com. Nott. JohnClark- Mary Elizabeth Judeth Hugh Elizab. Penelope Mary WiUiam €pre* Aems. Quarterly: — 1. Argent, on a chevron salle three quatrefoils or. 2. Or, three barnacles sable. 3. Sable, a cross engrailed argent, between four poppy-heads or. 4. Or, three magpies proper. Ceest. A leg couped at the thigh quarterly argent and sable, on the heel a spur or. Both coat and crest are differenced by a mullet. WiUiam Eyre of Eyton i'n Com Nottingham=Anne d. & heire of the Lord of descended of Eyre of Hope in Com. Darby Eyton in Com. Nottingham. Edmond Eyre=:Margerett d. of Eobert Coyney of of Eyton Weston Coyney in Com. Stafford THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 93 Eobert Eyre=Dorathey d. of George Collom- of Eyton beU of Darley in Com. Darby George Eyre of Eyton 1614 =Anne d. of Eobert Sparke of Nant wich in Com. Chester Mary ux. Eob. Cooke of Coly in Com. Darby Grace ux. Hum frey Chapman of Com. Darby Ann Eobert Eyre 11 yere old 1614 .1 . WiUiam Eyre Mary Thomas Eyre Elizabeth Eebecka Joseph Eyre Dorathey Sara (Harl. 1400.) The descent of Geruis Eyre of — in Com. Derby, gent., who is descended from a yonger branche of the family of the Eyres of Hope in Com. Derby aforesaid, and from the Eyrs of Eeyton in the County of Nott., extracted out of the Visitac'on of Nottinghamsh. and other authenticall proofes, by Tho. Thompson Lancaster Herauld, testified and subscribed by Sr Henry Sr George K* Norry King of Armes. Wm. Eyre of Eeyton: in Com. Nott. Ann d. & h. of . . . Lord of Eeyton in, Com. Nott Eobert Eyre=Katherin d. of Edmond Eyre of=Margery d. of of Little Hodloke in Com. of . . . 2 sonne Giles Smith of Tirkhill in Com. Yorke Eeyton in Com. Nott. & of Cub- nell in Com. Derby Eob. Coynye of Ouerton Coyney in Com. Staff. Will'm Eyre of=Dorothy Bhthe in Com. . 2 sonne da. of Copwood Eob. Eyre of Blith Spittle in Com. . . . son & h. Geruis Eyre of Bhth 3 sonne Geruis Eyre of . in Com. Derby Arm d. & h. of Hen. Stanley of Sutton Bonnington in Com. Nott. I . Geruis Eichard Eobert Eyre of Eeyton in= Com. Nott. sonne & heire :Dorothy d. of Geo. Columbell of Darley in Com. Derby Esq. George Eyre of Eeyton=Ann d. of Eob. Sparke of Nampt- Liueing 1614 wich in Com. Cestr. 94 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Sessop* Swifte ~T~ Swifte Sr Eobert Swifte Eichard Jessop of Bromhall in Com. Yorke=Anne d. & heire of . . . Swifte Margerett d. of John Atherton of= Chowbent in Com. Lane. 1 wiffe : William Jessop: of . . . 1614 =Anne d. of . . . Goode- rick 2 wiffe Wortley or Wortely=Catherin d. of Thomas George Margerett Anue Jessop 1614 Doyley Docter of Phissick Jessop ux. Humfry Savage WiUiam Jessop 4 yere old 1614 Anne Milt ov Bolles. Aems. Quarterly: — 1. Azure, three boars' heads argent on dishes or, a mullet for difference gold. Bolle. 2. Argent, a chevron gules between three mullets sable, on a chief azure a lion's head erased between two lozenges or* Bolle. 3. Argent, on a fess vert three crosses moline argent between as many hawks' heads erased sable.f Watts. 4. Gules, a cockatrice or, on a chief argent a label ermine. Ceest. — A buck's head sable, collared attired and eared or, erased gules, and charged on the neck with a pallet argent between two plates. Eichard Gate==Lucey d. of Eichard Benington William Bolle al's Bolls of Wortham in Com.=Ehzebeth John Wats: Suff. descended out of the house of Bolles of of London Haugh in Com. Lincon Grocer =Allice d. of Bie. Gate Margerett d. of= Wilham BoUe al's Bolls of Os-=Lucy d. & heire of=John Petyt Avery Eawson berton in Com. Nottingham John Watts of 1 husband of Essex 1 wiffe 80 yere old 1575 London Grocer Beniamyn Bolles=Anne d. of . . . Gooderick of of Osberton Kirby in Com. Lincon Bonaventure Bolls ob. s. p. * -'A pattent graunted by WiUiam Flower Norrey to William Bolles of Osberton in Com. Nott. the 17th of Queen Elizabeth." The crest is a hawk's head, os in the Arms. t " A pattent of this coate & crest graunted to Robert Watts of Barkshire 19 H. 7 bv Rich mond Clarenceux." THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. ,96 Mary d. of Witham of LedstoninCom. York 2 wiffe = Thomas =Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bolles of Osberton 1614 SamueU Bolles 13 yere old 1614 Perkins of Fishlake in Com. York WilhamBolls John BoUs Joseph Bolles Elizebeth Bolles Judith Bolles Mary ux. ThomasLockwood Abbigale Bolles Cmsp. Aems. Argent, a lion rampant double queued sable. *Ceest. Out of a coronet or a demi-peacock proper. Allice d. of Oding-=Henery Cressy of sells of Ipperston in Com. Nott. 1 wiffe Owlcottes in Com. Notting ham Joane ux. Hablethorne I WUliam Cressy: of Oulecotts 1614 :Catherin d. of Sr Eichard Smyth of Walkeringham in Com. Nottingham 2 wiffe Mary d. of Leonard Shalcros of Shalcros in Com. Darby I I Hugh Cressy Elizabeth I I Leonard Cressy 1614 Wilham Cressy Susan Cressy Mary Cressy Bridgett Catherin * The Crest was confirmed by William Flower norry king of Armes to Henery Cressy of Oule- cottes in Com. Nott. An" Dom. 1480. iLacoclu Aems.* Argent, a dexter gauntlet sable, garnished or. Ceest. A cock argent, wattled, jelloped, and legged gules, resting his dexter claw on a gauntlet as in the arms. Motto. " Veetjs honoe hohestas." Thomas Lacock was possessed of Lands in Stourton in Com. Nott. and serued K. H. 8 in his warrs in Fraunce Leonard Lacock of Lincolne who Lyeth buried=Margret da. of Tho. Jenyson of in the ChaunceU of the Church of 8* Marks there sonne & heire Marneham in Com. Nott. Azure, a bend between two swans * Under the hand & seal of Rich. St. george, Norroy, A0 1613, 11 K. James. 96 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. George Lacock of Burton in Com. Nott. A°=Alice d. of Bartholemew Widowson 1614 & of Nottingham Towne A0 1637 & Clarke of the peace of the said County sonne & heire of Loudham in Com. Nott. Gules, on a chevron between three cinque foils argent five billets of the field. Edmond Lacock 2 sonne Bachiler of Deuinity Phillipp Lacock sonne &= heire A0 1614 Councellor at Law & of the Inner Temple London A0 1637 =da. of Cartwright of Ossington in Com. Nott. Mathew Lacock 3 sonne Maister in Arts George sonne & h. set. 3 A' 1637 A dau. wmutt. Aems. Gules, a chevron engrailed vair between three lions rampant or. Ceest. Out of a coronet argent a demi-eagle sable. Nicholas White of= ... in Com. Suff. Eichard Cicell Esqr=Allice d. & heire ob. 22 March 1553 of . . . Walcott Thomas White= of Woodhead in Com Eut- land =Anne d. of William Cicell Eichard Lord Burley & Cicell Lord Threasurer I Sr John White: of Tuxford in Com. Notting ham 1614 ^ Margerettux. Eoger Cave of Stamfford Elizabeth ux. Eob. Wing- feldof Upton =Doratheyd. ofSr John Harper of Swarkston in Com Darby Knt. Allice ux. Henery Elizabeth ux. Ade- Welby of Gokes- lard Welby of hill in Com. Casterton in Com. Lincon Eutland Eichard White of Tuxford set. 18, 1614 Gervase Thomas Anne THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 97 Williamson, Aems. Or, a chevron gules between three trefoils sable. Ceest. Out of a mural coronet gules a demy griffin or. Given by Willm Camden Clarenceux King of Armes 1602. John Williamson of Wakeringham in Com. Nottingham X. Giles WUliam-=Catherin d. Eichard Williamson of Wakeringham*= son of Waker ingham of Sr Eobert Aems. Williamson, with a crescent for Thornhill difference, quartering Marshall, Bbtjse, Knt, Hawke, Beown, Muston. Vide Pedi- gbeb of Marshall Marga rett d. of Eo bert Thorn-hUl Eobert Williamson=Anne d. of John Torkington of Torkington in Com. Chester Eobert WUliamson of Hay-: ton in Com. Nottingham Anne d. & heire of John Mar- shaU of Carlton in co. Line. Eobert Wilhamsonn of=Dorathey d. & coheir of William Williamson Mr of Hayton in Com. Not- John Savell of Nether Artes and Chaplyn to GUbert tingham living 1614 Shitlington in Com. York Earle of Shrewsbury Elizabeth d. of , Eyther of ... in Com. York 1 wiffe =Eobert William son of Waker ingham =Anne d. of . Stockham 2 wiffe Gyles WU-=Frances d. of Margerett (Mary Anne ux. Eobert WUhamson Barnaby Williamson liamson of Tuxford nere Not tingham Eobert Brad- Harl. 1400) ux ford of Stan- Eaffe Madisson ley nere of . . . Com. Wakefeld in Lincon Com. York Wm. Manby of . . . in Com.Lincon Francis WUhamson John Williamson of Burton in; Com. Nottingham 1614 :Anne d. of Sr Henery Disney of Norton Disney in Com. Lincon Knt. * This Richard was not brought doune in the pedegree made by Mr. Camden Clarenceux, but by the relation of Robert ; it semeth he was brother to the first Giles mentioned in this pedegreeon the other side of the leafe. (Harl. 1400.) O 98 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. A| Frances halfe a yere old 1614 Mary I Anne John WUliamson=Jane d. of Christopher Dob- of Gainsborough I sonn of Gainsborough Sr Eichard Williamson=Mary d. of Thomas Andersonn of Castrop of Gainsborough in in Com. Lincon elder brother of the Lord Com. Line. K* Cheefe Justice of the Common Plees •I. M John WUhamsonn, s. p. Magdalen. Edmond Williamsonn s. p. Ehzabeth . . .=Gre8Ul d. of John=Tho. WUhamson of=Jane da. of Samuel! Ouerton of ... in Gainsborough 3' Holdernes in Com. sonne & of Scotter Ebor' 2 wife Clark of ... in Com. Line. 1 wife Thomas WUhamson son of Scotter in Com Line. a?t. an' 21 1658 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 99 BurnelU * Aems. Per fess indented or and argent a lion rampant sable, on a bordure gules eight bezants. Ceest. A lion's garni sable, holding a bunch of violets proper. Sr William Blundeville Knight Quarterly, per fess indented, a bend. William Blundeville=Elizabeth da. to Boswell Eichard BlundeviUe=Elizabeth da. to Inglos Three bars, and on a canton five billets Eaphe Blundeville=Constance da. to Gourney 1 wiffe=Thomas Burnell=2 wiffe of London 21 H. 8 Edward Blunde-=Elizabeth da. to Thomas ville of Newton Flotteman in Com. Norff. Godsalue Per pale gules and azure, on a fess wavy argent be tween three crosses pattie or as many crescents sable John Burnell had diuers children T William Burnell=Constance d. of Edward Blunde- buried at S' Bo- tolph's Alders- gate London vile of Newton- Flotman in Com. Norff. ob. 12 Aprill 1562 buried at S4 Buttols Aldersgate EdwardBurnell Christian William BurneU=Elizabeth d. of of Wynkburne in Com. Nottingham John Cordall of London Edward Constance ux. Thomas Sutton Burnell of King's Mead in Com. Darby M 60 A" 1611 WiUiam Burnell=Dorathey d. & sole heire of Humfrey Katherynes of Wynkborne of Quarendon in Com. Lester (Lincoln Harl. 1400) Acton Burnell 14 yere old 1614 I William Burnell Thomas Burnell Francis Burnell Ehzabeth Edward I Dorathey ux. Gervase StreUey of Beaucliff in Com. Darby *1. William Burnell of London & Constance his wiffe, shee died the 12 of Aprill 1562. in St. Botolph's Church without Aldersgate, London. Buenpll impaling, quarterly per fess indented or and azure, a bend gules. 2. In Wynkburne Church in Nottinghamshire Burnell Lord thereof in the glas windowes. Argent, a lion rampant sable, on a bordure gules eight cinquefoils argent. 3. Willm. BurneU Auditor to K. H. 8 died An" 1571, on a tombe in Wynkburne Church. Argent, a lion rampant sable, on a bordure gules eight bezants. 100 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. ;>antJ£OTitt* Henery Sandersonn ofStandby in Com. York T" Christopher Sandersonn of Stirrop=Dyonis d of . . . Barber of Eowley in Com. Nottingham in Com. York 1 3. Eobert Sandersonn of=Elizabeth d. of Eic. Carr 1. . . . San- 2. . . . San Blyth in Com. Notting ham of Ecclesfield in Com. York dersonn dersonn William Sandersonn=A nne d. of Edward Gell of Lightwood in of Blyth 1614 Com. Darby I " "~ " i I Eobert Sandersonn 8 yere old 1614 Elizabeth Mary §Letj$* # Aems. Azure, on a fess cotised or, three leopards' faces gules. Ceest. A demi-Moor vested gules, the sleeves argent, holding in his dexter hand a gem ring and round his neck a collar or, entwined round the temples with a wreath of the second and azure. Geffrey Leigh of Southwell in Com.= Agnes d. of . . . Conyers of Sockborne Nottingham Eeignald Leigh of Southwell==Dorathey d. of Edward Thurland of Gamston in Com. Nottingham Bridgett d. of Eobert Sotherby=Gervas Leigh al's Lee=. . . 2 wiffe of Pocklington 1 wiffe of Southwell 1614 I • III Gervase=Ehzabeth d. of Sr William Thomas Leigh Leigh Ayliffe of Brettaysin Com. — Essex K* & Baronett Wilham Leigh Myles Scissely Dorathey Leigh Bridgett Wilham Leigh 3 month old 20 September 1614 Barbara * This Petigree of Lee you shall find more at large in the uiesetation of Kent from whench this Jeffrey Lee is decended. %,tt\t. Aems. Argent, on a saltire engrailed sable five annulets or, quartering Coopee and Smtth. William Leeke of HaUom in John Leeke of= Jane d. of Eobert Drax of Wood- com. Nottingham Esqr. ob. 1493 Normanton hall in com. Yorke Esq'. John Leeke of HaUom Esqr.=Elizabeth d. of . . ; Mercer of Wynkborne Allexander Leeke ~r WUham Leek=Elizabeth d. & sole heire of Hen. Cooper of Hallom of Edingley in com. Nottingham WiUiam Leeke of Normanton vpon Sore in com. Nottingham T Thomas Leeke Adam Leeke=Elizabeth d. & coheire of Martin Smyth of HaUom of Carlton in Com. Nottingham WiUiam Leeke of=Barbara d. of Charles Yarborough of Normanton 1614 WiUoughby in Com. Nottingham Wilham Leeke William= Leeke of Hallom1614 :Susan d. of Herbert La con of Hum berston in com. Lincon Charles Leeke 14 (10 Harl. 1400) yere old 1614 Mary 1644 Anne Frances James Leeke= of Balderton in com. Nott ingham Anne d. & heire of . . . Bobert- sonn Thomas Leek=Emining d. & yonger sonn 1614 of Ha- lom heire of Fran cis Leeming HerbertLeeke 7 yere old 1614 Wilham Leek Ehzabeth AnneDorathey William Leek James Leeke Francis Edmond Anne Leeke Mary Leek Dorathey Leek Thomas Leek 12 yere old 1614 I I II Mathew Eobert WilliamSusan Francis 1630 John 1630 Jarvis 1630 ft<>— i CD MHIS l-H O Ofth3wftQOcj*OftoH Hi— i o • These 3 children were borne since the visitation made 1614. 102 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. »iltouflp£* A ems. Argent, two bars gules, charged with three water bougets or. Ceest. An owl argent, beaked, legged, and crowned or. William WUloughby of Normanton upon Sore in Com. Nottingham 31 GUbert WUloughby =Francis d. Sr William WUloughby =. . . d. of of Normanton of William of Aston in Com. Oxon Walkedyne Knt. & of Carlton in Com. Nottingham Yong of Eick- mansworth in Com. Hertford William WUloughby of=Susan d. of William Moulton Mary sister and heire to Normanton 1614 of ... in Com. Gloster Wm. uxr Edw Manley of ob. s. p. Shipley in Com. Leic. WUloughby Manley of Thornyhills House= Prudence dau. & coh. of Thomas Stone in Com. Staff, set. 29 years A0 1647 of Elson (Carson) in Com. Derby I II WUloughby Stone Manley Anna a?t. 3. sonne & heire almost a — yeare old May 1647 Mary set. 2. Sr Eotheram Willoughby of Carlton =Anne d. of S' Eichard Wort ley of Wortley in Com. York Knt. renupt Sr George Morton of Milborne in Com. Dorsett Knt. & Baronet I John Elizabeth Margerett Anne ux. ob. s.p. ux. Sr An ux. Thomas Sr Simon — thony Pell Paramore Norw ich "William of Dymble- of ... in of ob. s.p. by in Com. Com. Kent Bramp Lincon ton in Knt. Com. Northton Knt. WUliam Willoughby of Carlton==. . . d. & heire of Pewsey ... in Com. Nottingham . . . Willoughby sonn & heire 1631 I I . . . Willoughby . . . WUloughby 1 daughter 2 daughter THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 103 Aems. Sable, three congers' heads couped and erect argent. Alexander Holtofte of Flint-=Elizabeth sister of . . ham in Com. Nottingham Whitmore of Caunton Walter Holtofte of=Anne d. of John North Flintham 1614 of Lowdham I II Eobert Holtofte 13 Anne yere old 1614 — Elizabeth Clutrtu Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Argent, a bend double cotised and in chief a martlet (for difference) sable. 2. Ermine, a fret sable. 3. Argent, on a bend sable three martlets of the field. 4. Per fess sable and argent six fleurs-de-lis counter- changed. Ceest. A hawk proper, belled or, preying on a grey rabbit vulned in the head gules. Eichard Cludd of Cludley in Com. Sallop T~ WiUiam Cludd of Orleton=. . . d. & heire of Orleton of Orlton WiUiam Cludd of Orleton=. . . d. of Wm. Brereton of Com. Chester Thomas Cludd of Orleton=. . . d. of Peter vel Thomas Corbett of Lee in Com. Salop ("Peter" Harl. 1400) Thomas Cludd of=Eose d. of John Aston of Orleton Tixsall in Com. Stafford Eichard Cludd of=Elizabeth d. of Wm Stevenson of DodhiU Orleton I (Dothell Harl. 1400) in Com. Sallop Thomas Cludd=Anne d. & coheire of Griffith Hinton of Orleton 30 H. 8 of Hinton in Co. Salop Esq. Aems. Argent, in chief two estoiles, and in base three arrows two in saltire and one in pale, flighted argent, barbed azure, banded gules. 104 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Edward = da. & coheire Cludd of Orleton to John Best of Acham in Co. Salop Thomas Cludd= AUice d of Arnold in Com. Notting ham 1614 of Eichard Elizabeth Thomas Salley — ux. Wm. of Arnold in William Leech of Com. Notting- Com. ham Chester Samwell Cludd Mary Anne ux. Ehzebeth Edward 17 yere old ux. . . . Eobert — Cludd 1614 Bayly Nodell Thomas Cludd III II Susan AUice Amy Sarha Martha Thomas Cludd: son & heire =da. & sole heire to Coston of Coston in Co. Salop Edward Cludd= 2a sonne =da. to Hopton Hopton I Beawtrix da. sole heire & Charles Cludd son & heir a?ts. 8 a' A0 1614 An indenture of marrage betwene Richard Cludd of Orleton in Com. Salope Esq. & Griffeth Hinton of Hinton in the said Countey esq. on the other party for a mariadge to bee had betwene Thomas sonne & heire to the said Richard, and Agnes one of the daughters & coheires of the savd Griffin Hinton of Hinton Ann" 30 H. 8. Ballartr. Aems. Sable, a griffin segreant ermine beaked and armed or. Ceest. A demi-griffin ermine beaked or. PhiUip BaUard of Greenwich in Com. Kent=Joane d. of Edward Fitzwilliams Wilham BaUard of SouthweU=Anne d. of Lunn of WeUey in Com. Nottingham in Com. Nottingham Henery BaUard of Southwell=Elizabeth d. of Thomas Townesend of Testerton 1614 f Thomas Ballard 14 yere old 1614 in Com. Nottingham (Norff. Harl. 1400) Catherin Anne WUliam Ballard Phillip Ballard Elizabeth THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 105 Strturgg)* Aems. Quarterly: — 1. Per pale argent and azure, a chevron letween three chaplets, all counterchanged. Yeebuegh. 2. Argent, a rose letween six cross crosslets fitched gules. Belingee. 3. Salle, a chevron letween eight cross crosslets argent. Tets. 4. Argent, a chevron engrailed azure between three birds vert, beaked and legged gules. Atwell. 5. Sable, two lions' gambs erased saltirewise argent. Legbobne. 6. Gules, a fess humeltee argent, in chief three griffins' heads erased or. Auetpon. On a shield of pretence, Argent three whales' heads erased and erect sable. Wha llet. Ceest. A hawk belled or, preying upon a mallard vulned in the head proper. Eustace Yerburgh An0 1066 T Eobert Yerburgh 5 H. l=Maude d. of S1' Lambert Mumby Lambert Yerburgh=. . . d. of Artlier Ormesby Sr Thomas=Bridgett d. of S1 Atwell Phillip Kyme Knt. John Yer-=Ursula d. of burgh Eaffe Hom- berston Thomas=Vrsula d. of Sr Anne AtweU Wm Leech Knt. Margerett Eaffe Yer-=Anne d. of Sr burgh 12 King John James =. . . d. of Sr Wm. Staine Knt. Atwell Thomas Bussan Knt. I I I Eobert Christopher John Eobert Yer-=. . . d. of Sr John burgh Bissam Knt. r i i Eaffe At.=Christian d. of Thomas John well I . . . Pigott ob. yong William Yer-=Beatrix d. of Sr Geffrey burgh Eichard Yer-: burgh Auk Knt. :Cassandra d. of Sr Eichard Mable- thorpe Knt. John At weU = Julian d. of Ha- Marian mond Upton Hamond= Grace d. of Atwell John Okonor I I Thomas John Eaffe Eobert Yer-: burgh Jssabell d. of Sr John Orby Knt. John At-=. . . d. & sole Sr John=Margerett well of Legborne heire of . Legborne of Legborne "I BillingKnt. d. & heire of Sr John Tey William Yerburgh^,. . ? ^ble. ueest. A griffin s head erased and collared (Harl. 1400). Edward Golding of Aye in Com. Suff.=Merabell d. of . . . Aldham Edward Golding=Mary d. of Eichard Godffrey of Hendringham in Com. Norff. dsssrsffffi?— ktt. vis Throsmorto11 of cawton John Golding sonne Frances Golding Mary Golding 811(1 heire 1 daughter 2 daughter Aems. Quarterly .—1 and 4<. Gules, two bars gemelles argent, on a chief of the last 5 trefoils vert. Pendock. 2 a« o CO * The fess borne gules by the first Hugh Cartwright. t Omitted in Harl. 1400. "William = Cart wright of Norwell in Com. Notting ham Frances d. of Eegi- .Thomas (caUed =Mary d. nald Peckham by Foulke Harl. 1 of Sr Ehzabeth d. of Ed- 1400) Cart- Henry mond Cartwright wright of Oss- Perpoint of Ossington in Com. ington Esq. of Home- Nottingham 1614 ~ perpoint in Com. Notting ham Dorathey ux. Thom as Broome of Canton Christian Eliza- ux. Thorn- beth as Barton of Home in Com. Nott. Thomas: Cart wright =Margerett d. of . . . Domvile Mary ux. Thomas Bookesby of Skyers (Skyrre Harl.1400) in Com. York William Cartwright John Cart wright Hugh Cartwright Thomas Cartwright William Car_wright= 6 yere old 1614 ?S__2_* K -2_^_1_?£S2fc *""- *± »*U.0_i__*_ George Cart wright Berisford of Long Ledenham — — .___ in Co. Line. Mary Ehzabeth Grace Cartwright WiUiam a.t. 30 an. 1672 George 2 son a?t. 20 an. 1672 George now 'of Cambridg 1672 Charles at. 19 an' 1672. 3CD I— I Hi— i Ooft QO aoft o HH Q > THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Ill Eobert Lord Eoos of Hamlake==Issabell d. of William King of Scotts r 2. Eobert Eoos of: Werk&KendaU =Margerett d. & heire of Peter Bruse of Kendall Lord of Skelton J. 1. William Lord Eoos of Hamlake a quo Com. Eutland^ V WUliam Eoos Baron=Darvogill d. of Allan Lord of Galloway Constable of KendaU of Scotland newphew to the King 2. WUham Boos Lord= of Ingmanthorpe 1. Eobert Lord Eoos of Kendall, of whome corns William Parr Marques of Northampton and Quene Catherin wiffe to King H. 8 and Anne wiffe to Wm. Erie of Pembrooke S1 Eobert Eoos Lord of Igmanthorpe & Steeton & many other lands in Com. York Eobert Eoos was=Elizabeth d. of Sr John Lord of Steeton in Com. York Midleton of Stokeld in Com. York Knt. Wilham Eoos was Lord of Ingman thorpe^ John Eoos of Laxton in=. . . eldest d. & coheire of Sr Myles Com. Nottingham Etton of GUling Knt. I WUliam Eoos of=Ellinor d. of Christopher Wandisford Laxton of Kirklington Humfirey Eoos of=. . . d. of . . . Eestwoold of The Vache in Laxton Com. Francis Eoos of=. . . d. of Thomas Skrimshire of Norbury in Laxton Com. Stafford Knt Agnes d. of =Peter =. . . d. & heire of Eobert ' Eoos of Ig- manthorp Sr James , Harvy Knt. Maior of London 1 wiffe Eoos of Lax ton B Mary ux. Tho mas Broughton of Broughton in Com. Stafford 2 Thomas=Anne d. of Boos . . . Pir'ton of ... in Com. Nott ingham 112 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Anne ux. Sr Griffin MarkhamKnt. B I C | D 1 Gilbert= Eoos 1 =. . . d. of . . . Peeter OrreU of Boos South Caue sister of Peter Francis=Elizabeth John Eoos d. Peter Eoos of Lax- OrreU of ton South Caue 1614 in Com. York . . . d. & heire Eichard Eoos of Torksey in Com. Lincon WUham Eoos of East Barre in Laxtom in Com. Nottingham =. . . d. of . Darwen Thomas Boos ob. s.p. I HeneryBoos of Snenton Eichard Boos: of Snenton in Com. Nottingham :. . . d. & heire of . . . Warren of Snenton Edward= Agnes d. of Anthony Boos of Laxton CoUy of Glaston in Com. Eutland George Boos ob. Edward Eoos=Mary d. & heire of Ashwell in Com. Eut land 1618 of John Casthn of Ashwell in Com. Eutland Joane ux. Thomas Gorney of Marn- ham in Com. Nottingham Henery Thomas Boos Francis Theodocia ux. Eoos of vnder Eoos 25 Leonard Cole Snenton Shreeue of yere old of Stamfford Eutland 1618 in Com. Lin- 1618 con I Ellen ux. Anthony Harston of Peter borough AUice ux. JohnHeard of Ashwell Mary Eoger Eoos of Eg-=Catherin d. of manton in Com. Nottingham Levesey of Laxton I Anthony = Boos of Laxton =Elizabeth d. of... Blague Catherin ux. John Lewcas of London Michel! Eoos THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 113 tfmton. Thomas Fenton of Fenton in Com. Nottingham WUliam Fenton of Fenton=_. . . d. of . . . Abdey of Abdey in Com. York I Thomas Fenton of Fenton= Jane naturali d. of . . . Nevell of South Leverton Lawrence Fenton of Fenton_=Catherin d. of John Leggatt of Stourton WUham (Nicholas Harl. 1400)=Grace d. of Stephen Casely of Fenton of Fenton 1614 . . in Com. Devon WiUiam Fenton of Fenton=Sara d. of WiUiam Fary 1614 of the He of Wight Wilham Fenton 19 yere old 1614 MaryGrace George Fenton Francis Fenton Charles Fenton ThomasFenton Ehzebeth Grace Bladmall* Abms. Per bend or and azure, an eagle displayed, counterchanged. This Coatte is borne by the name of Blackenall, but not allowed to this man. WUliam BlacknaU of Eaton in Com. Nottingham BlacknaU of Eaton John BlacknaU of Eaton=_Elizebeth d. of . . . Burges John BlacknaU of Eaton 1614T Vrsula d. & coheire of Eichard Francis of Beck- ingham in Com. Nott I I I George BlacknaU 28 John BlacknaU Thomas BlacknaU James yere old 1614 - w~am JSfafofa Q Boger 114 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. j?out|)toim!)+ Aymond Southworth of Wellam in Com. Nottingham T Eichard Southworth of Claborough=Emma d. of . . . Levesey of Keeton in Com. and Wellam son & heire Nottingham Eobert Southworth of Clabrough==Ellen d. of . . . Harris of Bestropp in Com. Nottingham I I Edward Southworth of = Anne d. of Eichard Elsam Elizabeth ux Margerett ux. Clabrough and Wei- of West Eadford in Com. George John Otter lam living 1614 Nottingham Harrissonn Aems. Per pale ermine and azure, a fess wavy gules. Ceest. A broken arrow-head, the staff or, pheon argent, embrued gules. This coate and crest was granted to John Brodbent by WUliam Camden Clarenceux An0 1601 in the 43 yeare of Queene Elizabeth. John Brodbent of Staplefford in Com. Nottingham 1614= »pmott&estooltr. Abms. Argent, a chevron between three martlets sable, WUliam Wymondeswold of Southwell in Com. Nottingham ob.=Agnes d. of 1520 and lyeth buried in the church of St. Nicholas in Not tingham with these Armes Wymondeswold impaling argent on a saltire engrailed sable, five annulets or. Leeke of Cork- lingstok Leonard Wymondeswold John Wymondeswold__=. . . d. of . . . HaU of Grantham Edward Wymondeswold=Anne d. of John Bilhngay of ... in of Com. Lincon I Edmond WymondesWold= Joane d. of William Leeke of Hallom in Com. Nottingham '• William Wymondeswold 9 yere old 1614 Mary Frances THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 115 Aems. Sable, three pickaxes argent, a mullet for difference or. Quere the armes, for I think this coate doth not belong to him. Thomas Pigott of Weston vppon Trent An0 4 E. 6 I Edmond Pigott=Margerett d. of John Eoby of Duning- of Weston ton in Com Lester Or, a robuck ppr. Margerett d. of John Hand- = Gervase Pigott= Jane d. of John Bradshaw of fforth of Kegworth in Com. Lester 1 wiffe of Weston 1614 Burton vppon Trent in Com. Stafford 2 wiffe A daughter ob. s. p. Elizabeth 5 yere old 1614 Jane 4 yere old 1614 (Feom Hael. 1400.) Aems. Sable, three pickaxes argent, the handles or. Ceest. A greyhound couchant sable, collared argent, the collar garnished or. The armes, creast, and descent of Geruas Pigot of Thrumpton in Com. Nott. (sonne of Edmond Pigot of Weston vpon Trent, and Margret his wife.d. of John Eoby of Dunington in Com. Leicester sonne of Tho. Pigot of Weston aforesaid that liued A0 4 E. 6) mar' to his first wife margret d. of John Hanforth of Keg worth in the said county of Leicester by whom he had issue onely 2 daughters who dyed issuless, his 2d wifes name was Joane da. of John Bradshawe of Burton in the county of Staff, by who he had issue 2 daughters (viz.) Elizabeth Pigot aged 5 yeares and Joane Pigott aged 4 yers A0 1614. In wch yeare the Visitacon booke of Entries of the Gentry of Nottinghamsheire was made, and therein folio 146 the said armes, creast, and descent remaine registred by me. Ei. S* George Norroy King of Armes. fgutcSfttSon, Aems . Per pale gules and azure, seme' of cross crosslets or, a lion rampan I guar dan t argen t. Ceest. A cockatrice azure, legged and combed or. Thomas Hutchinsonn William Hutchin- =. . . d. of . . . Wat sonn of Owthorpe in Com. Nottingham sonn of Harby in Com. Nottingham John Hut chinsonn 116 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. A| d. of Sr George=Thomas Hutchin- =. . . d. George Souch Perpoint of Holme Perpointe 1 wiffe sonn of Owthorpe of Codnam in Com. Derby George Hut chinsonn Thomas Hutchin-= Jane d. of Henery SachevereU sonn of Owthorpe of Badchff vppon Sore in Com. Nottingham Thomas Hutchin-=Margerett d. of Sr John sonn of Owthorpe Byron of Newsted in 1614 Com. Nottingham II .- M John Hutchinsonn Mary Catherin Anne Jane ux. Francis Gran tham of Goltby in Com. Lincon OBftallc?. Aems. Argent, three whales' heads erased salle. Margerett d. of= . . . Mollineux 1 wiffe Thomas Whalley of=Elizebeth d. of John Cotgraue in Com. Nottingham StreUey of Wodbo- rough 2 wiffe Walter Whalley =Scisseley d. of Francis Broughton of Cotgraue of Broughton in Com. Stafford John Whalley: of Cotgraue 1614 =Mary d. of William Midleton of Wanes- ley Vrsulow ux. FrancisBelfeld I Margerett ux. George Eossell Walter Whalley WJmllep. Abms.* Quarterly .— 1. Argent, three whales' heads erased and haurient salle. Whalley. 2 (Mr, a lion rampant argent Mowbiiaj .3. Argent, a cross raguly couped gules. 4. Argent, on a saltire engrailed salle nine annulets or, a lordure of the second semee, of cross crosslets fitched of the first. Leake. 5. Gules, a fess fusilly or, a lordure of the last semie of cross crossle ts sable 6 ^gent^fess and in chief a chevron gules. Kieto_t. 7. Gules, a chevron vair between three mullets or. 8. Ermine on a chevron sab le three ^efoils or. Hateield. 9. Or, a saltire gulesbetween four eagletsazure. Mallett. 10. Azure, a bend argenta bordure engrailed of the last. Waede. 11. Gules, a chevron between three eaglets argent.f Feancis. 12. Gules, a fess ermine between three (al's 6) round buckles or. Selioke. Ceest. — A whale's head erased haurient. John Ward Lord of WiUoughby nere Newark vppon Trent John Ward— IssabeU d. & heire of Sr John Sehoke Knt. Eichard Whalley of Darleston=Elizabeth d. & heire of Thomas Leek in Com. Stafford of Kirton HaU in Com. Nottingham Eichard=Issabell d. Mallett & heire Thomas WhaUey of Kirton in Com. Nott. ob. 18 E. 4 Eobert Mallett= Jane d. of Eob. Francis of Fornwark of Willoughby (ffenwarke Harl. 1400) in Com. Derby Thomas Whalley of Kirton Thomas Hatfeld of Willoughby=Anne d. & sole heire of Eobert Mallett Eichard WhaUey of Kirton in Com.=Lora d. of . . . Brook Nottingham ob. 25 Q. Ehzabeth man in Com. Essex Henery Hatfeld: of WiUoughby Anne 3 d. of Hum-— Eobert Markham fry Hereye 2 husband * Another shield is tricked with this note,-" thus quartered in the visitation in the office." It has only 8 quarters :-l Whaliey 2. Leeke 3. Mow bray 4. As 5 above, without the cross crosslets on the bordure. 5. Ermine a chief azure. [F itzAbches.] 6. As 3 above. 7. As 7 above. 8. Kibton. t The colours are vice versa in Harl. 1400. 1-9at_ CD M l-_ ^ h-l O O ft HMft Q Oa KjOftO H H a 118 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. w i f-c r? ° & "3!l n_ (N a, oa.b -IS m rd IS -^8 ^s^ d . 5 g£ fe". g-f .* -3 j d . rS s a _ti- s r^ o r- T1 "K .S &r_q O -B S be g 3 _>__.^od(-)-^H N^oODSflfl ° a S- o a -, rilZi CO 1 — 1 4^ Sh 0) bjO -Q o Ph o t»> M d m §3 i s | S^hi d a Hr^rlh ¦3=m . j°3rt (1_ .!__ " w Jg a> tin il-j^ .f bo d b b S - '43 __ fn.S.S d » c; K o o 1 §^£ aw S S»ti3§ d -9 ^J-* l^r^MS rt, 'H "H E! • sS §8S.§>a-g «id.HQ 8=8 CO (-H'S o ^ s rQ O a r.O iH I— I q qjj .J _» ¦ - - - SP99 « >. o o ° rSn~, 11a l*°<°- o EH fe «M •* CO fe >¦, O Ho -a o EH t>.co CD CO p ° _ rt « rS £ -2Hj io rt^-§ N -a 3 Ht— i Oo «__ a o I o*_oHH a > to Francis Bandolfe Flower Flower B| Johnt Grace ux. . . . ux. Flower Griffith Nicholas Elkington Mussard . . . ux . . . BestweUof Annesley Mary d. of=Thomas Flower of Hucknall—. . . d. & co Eyre of Hassop in Com. Darby 1 wiffe Torkard in Com. Nottingham m. to his 3 wiffe Elizabeth d. of John Digby of ManseU Woodhowse in Com. Notting ham heire of . PeUof .. , in Com Lin con 2 wiffe Edward Flower Bachelor of Divinity Geor ge=Elizabeth d. of Wilham Hartop of ... in Com. Vrsula H InTTTOTl Ti_acr_--___i 1lAl/'-i_Ua<_w - -J? T__l T"_" 1 n -¦ _r- .Flower Lester Widdow of John Digby of Mansell Woodhowse in Com. Nottingham & beffore him the wiffe [of] MicheU Clarksonn of Kirton in Com. Nottingh'm Ehzabeth d. & heire 6 yere old 1632 May Allice ux. Thomas Pell of Walter WiUoughby in Com. Lincon Mary d. of=Thomas=Catherin d. of George Cha--=Barthelmew Armvn NT TT_.riCf.Tr HM/VIX.-.-!. t*t/v_4-1. nf TTr™J. 1 /-TTT" _ .-. . . -. J Sr Henery Sacheverell of... Flower of Lan ger worth of Winterton (Wi- uerton Harl. 1400) in Com. . . . Esqr of Osgarby in Com. Lincon 2 husband George Henery Flower Flower a — Prest Henery Flower Maryux... .Smyth Henery Flower of=Vrsula d. & coheire of Henery Huning Langer in Com. of Huning in the County of Fermanagh Nottingham 1614 in the Eelme of Ireland Dorathey ux. . . Leigh of ... in Com. Lincon bo to t_ CDt_>H o o *_ H at_ oo HHo*_ oH Hi— i CJmtoart!)* Aems. Quarterly: — I.Barry often argent and gules, an orle of martlets sable. Chawoeth. 2. Azure, two chevrons or. Alfbeto_t. 3. Argent, an escutcheon within an orle of ten cinquefoils sable. Caltoete. 4. Gules, a fess dancettee between ten billets or. Beett. 5. Azure, a hedgehog or. Hebeiz. 6. Or, three piles conjoined in base gules, a canton ermine. Bassett. 7. Azure, a cross argent. Atlesbtjby. 8. Vair, three bars gules. Kaynes. 9. Argent, three pallets gules, a bordure azure bezantee. Bassett of Weldon. 10. Barry of six argent and azure, on a lend gules three mullets or. Pabenham. 11. Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross cross- lets or.. E_tgai_te. 12. Paly of six argent and azure, a bend gules. Anneslet. Ceest. A tower argent, on the battlements a plume of five feathers agrent. Eadulphus de Alfreton (Eeignold Knt Harl. 1400) Patrick de Carducis whose Ancestors came out of Brittaine in France Eobertus de Alfreton^ WUliam Wilham de Lounders Paganus de Chaworthe ob. s. p. Eobert de Carducis temp.=the sister & heire H. 1 (caUed " Sr Thomas de Chaworth K* called long Thomas " Harl. 1400) of Eaffe Fitz W» de Wathervyle in Com. Nott. a baron WUli'mus* de Alfreton Patrick Dom et Baro de Alfreton de Carducis temp. E. 1 Morrice de Lounders Lord of Ogmor and Kidwelley William de Car ducis Lord of Marnham (omit ted Harl. 1400) Eobertus Dom et Baro de Alfreton et Norton Eadulphus Allice Patrick de= Carducis Werburga Hugo de=Beatrice Carducis I WiUiam de Lounder 7 King John Sr William^ de Cardu cis K* = AUice sister & heire Thomas de Alfretonob. s temp :&. Auice 2 da. & Eaffe Bassett of Drayton Patrick: coheire wife 27 E. 1 de Car- to Sr Bobt. Paly of six or and gules, a ducis de Lathom bordure azure charged K' with eight bezants. b c * Called Robert, and made son of William in Harl. 1400. ^Gundred d. & heire of . . . De- lafforte with whom hee had Bridgwater in Somersettshire Thomas de Lounders summoned to the Parhament by the name of Thomas Ba ron of Ogmore & KidweUey tern. King John t_ %H ot=_ s fe ciO aH K|O•=_ O HH M Si> to Thomas de Carducis al's Chawo£th=Alice Maud ux. Wm. Lord of Alfreton & Norton in Heriz Com. Derbye temp. H. 3. B| Sr Eaffe Bassett Knt. of the Garter I Margerett ux. Edward Lord Stafford Patrie de= Carducis *Sr WUham Chaworth Knt. Laurence =Helwise d. & heire of Thomas de Lounders John a Clerk Joane ux. ...Le Brett Eaffe Bassett Paganus de Carducis baron of KidweUeyob. s. p. 5 H. 3 Patrick de= Issabell d. of Wm Carducis Lord of KidweUey & Ogmore Beauchamp renup Hugh de Le- spencer Henery de Carducis Emme Eve ux. Sr John Tip- toffce Agnes cd *Sr Thomas=Alhce Chaworth Knt. hved temp. E. 2 d. of Joyce sole daght. maried to Eooper of Turndich in in Com. Derb. Eoger le=Bamburga d. Brett miles & heire of John Lord Daincourt Eaffe ob. s.p. Henery Plantagenett=Maud d. & heire of Erie of Lanckaster Patrick de Carducis Lord of KidweUey Hi— i Oo o oHHo ^_ g Bobert de Caignes al's Kaynes Lord of Midleton 4ems. Vair, two bars gules. Aylesbury T William Kaynes Eobert de Aylesbury Mr Eichard de Aylesburye Eobert Kaynes Azure, a cross argent ob. s. p. 3 E. 1 = I . . William de Aylesburye ob. 7 E. 1 Luke Kaynes of Kaynes WUliam Kaynes a quo Cressey ob. 43 H. 3_ de Com. Nottingham T T _____ V John Annsley of Annesley in Com. Nott.=Anne William de Aylesburye Paly of six argent and azure, a bend ~ John Kaynes aetat 26 43 H. 3 John de=Amye Annes ley Sr WaUer de=Daugh. to Aylesburye Knight the lord Somerey Eobert Kaynes Eaffe Bas set of Weldon Sr Nicholas— Alice Engayne K* ob. 8 E. 2 Sir John de Annesley knight f g^T Nicholas Aylesburyob. s. p'le Sr Eoger Aylesbury K* I Phillip Ayles bury de Com. Buck. 23 E. 3 if :Margerett d. & heire Eichard Bassett of Weldon to Walter ffalcon- bridge Sir John Engaine knight John Paben- ham 15 E. 2 (Pagenham Harl. 1400) ^Elizabeth 3 d. of . . . Clifford Thomas Paben-— . . . d. of ham ascent (?) 8 H. 4 Vfford t_< CDHH > H t—iO 5! o »=_ fe_ ao a H o*_ oH Hi— i 5! O to an I Sir John de Annesley knight Thomas An nesley of Annesley I Thomas Ayles-=Joane d. & coheire Sr Thomas bury dyed in of Eichard Lord Engayne the hffe of his Bassett of Weldon K4 ob. s. p. Father Or, three piles meeting in base gules, a bordure azure charged with eight bezants Joanne ob. s. p. Joyce wiffe to John Goleyng ton Marye wiffe to Sr Wil liam Barn* ake K4 ______ Elizabeth— =Sr Lawrance=Joane sister & coheire of John Engaine *Thomas=Catherin d.=Sr WUliam Ayhs- ofS'Law- Cheney bery 1 ranee Pa- Knt. 2 husband benham ob. husband 17 July 14 H. 6 John Goleyng- ton Katharen ux. Hawkes-worth WilliamBarn- ake Pabenham ob. 22 E. 2 d. of Daub ney John Paben ham ob. s. p. 8H. 4 Ellinor ux. John Tirring- ham of Tir- ringham in Com. Buck ingham Nichola d. &-- heire of Sr EeignaldBraybrook Knt. Argent, seven mascles con joined gules =Sr Thomas Cha worth Knt. ob. 10 Feb. 37 H. 6 =Issabell d. of Sr Tho mas Aylesbury K4 nesley of Lord of Wiverton in Annesley Com. Nott. Aunt & — coheire of Hugh Aylesbury her nephew Thomas An- Wilham An nesley 2 sonne John Ayles bury ob. 10 H.5 John de Annesley of Annesley =Issabell Ellinor ast'is Thomas Thomas da. to 17an'A°2 Go- Hawkes- Hughe H. 6ux. leyng- worth Morti- Humfrey ton mer Stafford of Grafton Governor of Callice Ehzabeth heire to her mother ux. John Lord Scroope of VpsaU and Massam m JoLe *£___ ^ "°° * * 8°U °f *' *** * ^^ *' °b' U H" 4' * *** *¦ * ¦«*— *>* Strange of Knocking who was son to Thomas A. * Hugh Aylesbery ob. 25 October 2 H. 6 s. p. toOS t_ > 3 B__ oc aH_ o *_ o H H I > THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 127 <8^ °..p •fj J4© d a d'o.'o, ¦ <° 6 _< O O -H CO Vn • - O di-]o-.atzirdHiHlWS SI rd © . £.0* fl ?Ph_ 3 5s CO 5tt d .d -)-> d .w -^ dS m 3 rOfeP fejd dj.2 g UN b_a o -g — cS Hi a> I ffl r__ d ^ CD « H _> r< O cS rd-d BO fcfc CDCL, oo . o .«_ u§ s.S-S 1 ? I"!L si «t| <3 Jj h_ «j « Hl-HO SJo Hi HM t_ o o H ohd SioHH I— I SiQ Elizabeth d. & heire=SI Wilham Coape sonn of Sr Anthony THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 129 Aems. Quarterly :-l and 4 Argent, an eagle displayed gules, beaked and memhered azure, on a chief of the last three bezants. Atkinson. 2 and 3. Gules , a chevron engrailed between three dolphins embowed argent. Chipenham. Ceest. A demi-eagle displayed or collared azure. WUham Atkin-=Joane d. of John Nicholas Chip cx-fr. rt-P T\_"«-.J — -. T_ n -. «-_. £ sonn of Morton Pearsonn of Nottingham enham of Bows- mane I ^Elizabeth d. of Hugh Har man of Wales (in Com. Warr. Harl. 1400). Thomas Atkinsonn of Nottingham==Elizabeth d. & sole heire of Nicholas Chipenham John Atkinsonn of = Anne d. of Eichard Morrey of the towne Nottingham 1614 of Nottingham I Elizabeth d. & sole heire 15 yere old 1614 f^ptie. Aems. Gules, a chevron between three hinds or, a crescent argent for difference. Ceest. On a coronet or, a cockatrice or, comb and legs gules, charged with a crescent for difference. Thomas Lyon of Perifare in Com. Midlesex. Augustin Hynde=Ehzabeth d. of Sr=Sr John Lyon Henery Lyon of= Alderman and Shreffe of London 1551 ob. 12 Au gust 1554 Eichard Lee ob. 10 July 1569 Knt. Maior of Com. Lincon London 2 hus band ob. s. p. =Dprathey Eichard Lyon=Agnes d. of . . Smyth Ellin ux. John Joane 1 m. to John Dormer sonn of Starkey 2 to John Sr Baffe Dormer Louie (Louis Harl. 1400) 3 to Edm' Gresham 2. Augustine=Anne d. of Hynd of the InnerTemple in London EichardLyon Henrey Lyon Augustin Hynd of Laxton in Com. Nottingham 1614 Eichard = Hynd of Laxton :. . . d. of Eobert Glover Somersett Herald Henery Hynd Ehzebeth Eobert Hynd 6 yere old 1614 130 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 1 Eowland Hynd of Hedsore =Elizabeth d. of Sr Bob* Drury 3 Edward Hynd in Com. Buckingham & of the Inner Temple of S* Gile Chalmffant in Com. Buck. 4 John Hynd 1 Andrew Hynd 3 Eowland Ehzebeth 2 William Hynd Anne John Dobsonn of Gainsborough in Com. Lincon Christopher Dobsonn=Elizabeth d. of of Gainsborough Eobert ThornhiU Hugh Dobsonn of=Elizebeth d. of George Joane ux. John William- Gainsborough 1614 Andersonn of EagneU sonn of Gainsborough Eichard Dobsonn 9 yer old 1614 Ehzebeth mmtx. Aems. Argent three annulets within an orle of cinquefoils salle. Ceest. A luck trippant vert, attired or. Gregory Walker of Mansfeld=Agnes d. of in Com. Nottingham Eichardsonn George Walker of =Elizebeth d. of John Digby Mansfeld 1614 of Mansfeld Woodhouse Allice ux. Thomas Stringer of Nerton in Com. Darhy 1611 John Walker 1 yere old 1614 Gertrude Ehzebeth THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 131 23antre+ Aems. Vert a griffin segreant and in chief three escallops or. Ceest. On a mount vert a swan or, wings sable, beaked gules, The Armes and Crest was graunted to Eowland Dand A0 1575, 21 of Eliz. Ohver Dande of Churcholme in Com. Chester Ohver Dande of Mansfeld in Com. Nottingham d. of . . . Barlow=Bowland Dand of Mans-=Margery d. of Lawrance Wood fl.nsTr\1ll 1T1 (^InTYl "fi-lrl l-n C*.r\-m "l\T/^+-+-.--. r. -.-4-1. -4? OT 1 l • /-I of Mansfeld in Com Nottingham 1 wiffe feld in Com. Notting ham 1614 ob. 1623 noth of Sheuington in Com. Chester ob. 18 May 1617 2 wiffe I Francis=IssabeU d. of John Timothey Dand Todd of . . . m Com. Huntington Margerett Dorathey Issabell ux Ga briell Brunce Eowland Dand 14 yere old 1614 John Dand Oliver Dand WLi$tmmh Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Per fess or and sable a mauneh counterchanged. Wight- man. 2. Gules on a chevron between three roses argent as many escutcheons of the field. Wodam. 3. Argent a cross patte'e flory gules. Teussell. 4. Azure on a chevron ermine three cross crosslets fitched sable. Eeynolds. Ceest. On the stump of a tree proper a buck trippant argent, collared chained and attired or. Thomas Wightman of Burbage in Com. Lester Thomas= Allice d. & sole heire of Wodam Geffrey Trussel of Stamford Eichard Wightmanof Burbage==Seisseley d. & heire of Thomas Wodam Thomas Wightman of Burbage Eichard Wightman= of Burbage Wilham Wightman of Wykin in Com. Lester T M/ =Mary d. & heire of Eobert Eeynalds of Braunsonn in Com. Leic. 132 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. a| Thomas Wightman of = Catherin d. of MicheU Purefoy Stoke in Com. Nottingh of Calcott in Com. Warwick Eichard Wight-=Francis d. of Lancelott Vallen- man of Stoke Alfford of . . .in Com. Surrey tyne Edward Wightman of Hinckley in Com. Lester T Anne d. of William=Thomas Wightman= Ehzebeth d. of John Hacker of East- Cooper of Thurgarton of Stoke Esqr 1614 bridgffordin Com. Nottingham 2 wiffe William Wightman 2 yere old 1614 George Wightman=Margerett d. of Thomas Starkey ofWhitakerHall Wilham= = Ehzebeth d. Thomas= =Elizebeth d. & Eobert James Wight- of Thomas Wight- coheire of . . . Wightman Wightman man Greene man WiUington SamweU Wightman Eichard , Wightman Ehzebeth Margerett &$txbtookt. Aems. Vair, a chief or, on a bend gules three mullets of the second, a crescent for difference. Ceest. A horse's head erased argent, charged with three barrulets and maned gules. Bobert Sherbrooke of Tixshall in Com. Derby. Thomas Sherbrook Eobert Sherbrooke=Alhce d. of John Brailesford of ... in Com. Darby Thomas Sherbrooke of Oxton in Com.=Elizebeth d. of William Hall of SaxendaU Nottingham. in Com. Nottingham. Eobert Sherbrooke of Oxton 1614=Mary d. of John Savill of Oxton ! I I Thomas Sherbrook setat Margerett 14 yere old 1614 — Ehzebeth THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 133 Aems. Barry, nebule of six, argent and sable, a canton gules. Ceest. A boar's head erect gules, tusked argent. In Harl. 1400 the canton is charged with a mullet or, and the ears of the boar's head are or, and this note "noe mullet in the visitacon in the canton." John Brookesby of Sywoldby al's Sholdby in Com. Lester temp. E. 3. William Brookesby of Shouldby. T Henery Brookesby of=Edith d. of Emme ux. Thomas Barkley Shouldby Bracebridge of Wymondham Emme d. of . . . Mylles of= WUliam Brook es-=Elizebeth d. and heire of Anneux. in Com. Darby 1 wiffe r by of Shouldby . . . Staunton 2 wiff. . . . Wal- cott Eobert Brookesby of Shouldby=Allice d. of . . . Sherley of Staunton Anthony Brookesby of Shouldby Bobert Brookesby 7 T Eichard Brookesby of Shouldby Com. Lester Humfrey Brookesby T~ Thomas Brookesby of Broughton=Margerett d. of John Wake of Epe- in Com. Lester sonn in Com. Nottingham Thomas Brookesby of Broughton= Joane d. of Thomas Franck of Broughton n n r n , William Brookesby Eichard Brookesby Frances Elizabeth 10 yere old 1619 — Brookesby — — Eobert Mary John Brookesby Barthelmew Brookesby of Melton=Anne d. of Sr John Villers Mowbray in Com. Lester of Brookesby I I II Eichard Brookesby 1 William Brookesby of Elizabeth Thomas Brookesby of Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray in ux. Hen. of Much Bradley in Com. Lester Turner Com. Suff 134 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM: A| o| George Brookesby of= Staplefford in Com. Lester --Elizabeth d. of Edward Good win of Staple fford Francis Brookesby of Kilvington in Com. Nottingham Thomas Brookesby Lunatick Phillip Brookes-=Allice d. of by of Staplefford 1619 Thomas MicheU of Coston in Com. Lester (Colston Harl. 1400) Mary ux. Eobert : Paule Brookes- Abney byofKil- of Lester vington 1614 ¦Bridgett Barthel- d. of Eobert mew Barwick of Brookes BulcottinCom. by. Nottingham George Brookesby 3 yere old 1619 I Phillip Brookesby Eebecka 1 da. 19 yere old 1614 Bersaby Catherin Bromt* Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 8. Sable, on a chevron argent three sprigs of broom vert. 2. Vert, fretty or. 3. Gules, on a fess azure between nine billets argent three lions passant or. 4. Azure, a fess dancettee between six escallops argent. 8, Argent, a lion passant paly or and sable between three dolphins embowed of the last, all within a tressure flory purpure. 6. Sable, three helmets argent. 7. Argent, an estoile gules. Ceest. A cock argent, wings elevated azure, beaked combed legged and wattled gules. Henery Brome of Brome=Elizebeth d. & heire Hall in Com. York of . . . Snayth Stephen Brome of= Brome Hall :Elizebeth d. & heire of Wm. Whitmore of Calueton in Com. Nottingham I Ehzebeth d. of James Holmes=Henery Brome of Calve-=Catherin d. of Gabriell of Hampole Abbey in Com. York 1 wiffe ton in Com. Nottingham Esqr 1614 Odingsells of Bull- court 2 wiffe Dorathey d. of Wm.=Thomas Cartwright of Ossington 1 wiffe Brome ¦Allice d. & heire of Gregory Hen- son 2 wiffe Gervase Brome Henery Brome Stephen Brome Ehzebeth Catherin Henery Brome 10 yere old 1614 Thomas Brome Ehzebeth Margerett Hensonn Brome Gregory Brome James Brome THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 135 <@anum* Aems. Argent, a luck's head caloshed and in chief a mullet for difference gules. . . . Garnon of South Muskam in Com. Nottingham I John Garnon=Margerett d. of . . . Denman Andrew Garnon= AUice d. of Eaffe Marshall of Muskham WiUiam Garnon of Bran- = Anne d. of John Crosley brough in Com. Lester of . . .in Com. Darby John Garnon of Carlton=Alhce d. of Thomas Eobin- in Com. Nottingham son of KeUam Henery Garnon of=Catherin d. of Nicholas Swyneborne of Carlton 1614 Greate Gransden in Com. Huntington John Garnon 12 Edward Ehzebeth IssabeU yere old 1614 Garnon — — Mary Catherin 3Srapet\ Aems. Quarterly .— 1 and 12. Argent, on a fess between three annulets gules, as many covered cups or (a mullet between two covered cups Harl. 1400). Deapee. 2. ^Argent, two chevrons between three escallops salle loth charged with as many martlets or. Deapee. 3. Ermine on a chief azure three lions rampant or. Agee. 4. Ermine, a fess cheque or and azure. Ueswick. 5. Gules, a chevron letween three swans' heads erased argent. Goulston. 6. Or, on a fess salle a lion passant guardant argent. Hussey. 7. Argent three lendlets enhanced gules. Byeon. 8. Argent, a fess between six martlets sable. Flintham. 9. Sable, a fess dancette surmounted of three fleurs-de-lis or. Ella or Ellee. 10. Or, on a fess gules three water bougets argent. Bingham. 11. Ermine, a fess gules. -D E 3J J_T ABLE • Ceests. 1. A cubit arm erect habited vert slashed and cuffed argent, holding in the hand proper a covered cup or. 2. A buck's head salle attired argent, charged on the neck with two larrulets letween three annulets or. 3. An arm embowed in armour argent garnished or holding in the hand proper a grappling-iron gold. John Draper of Flintham in Com. Nottingham=Sibbell I John Draper of Flint-=Elizebeth d. of . . . Wymond- Hugh Ager=. . . d. & heire ham in Com. Nott ingham 9 H. 5 ham of Claxton in Com. Nott- (Henry ingham (co. Leic. Harl. 1400) Harl. 1'400) of . . . Vrswick Sr Hugh Hussey of Flint ham in Com. Nottingham Thomas Draper=. . . d. & heire of of Flintham Henery Ager Henery Hussey=. . . d. of John Meth- of Flintham Thomas Draper of Flintham==. . . d. of . . . Kettleby f ley of Elston WUham Hussey of Flintham==. . . d. of Wilham Staunton Bobert Draper==Elizebeth d. & coheire of CamberweU in Com. Surrey of John Fifeld al's Lowe of London John Draper of Mel-==. . . d. of . ton Mowbrayin Com. Gunston Lester son & heir I John Hussey of=. . . d. of Flintham Eevell Mathew Draper of Cam-=Dionis d. of Wilham John ob. s. p. berwell in Com. Surrey Blackwell of Cam- — sonn and heire of Eobert berweU Henery ob. s. p. WiUiamob. s. p. Ehzebeth ux. John Bowyer of Cam berweU Bennett ux. Faramond John OSOS HHIOSio*_H o o oSio s THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 137 CD B w CD 1 o o r. CD >-.teo W Bo -S Hi c_ a rSSHj o CD .a HI _; a_ K " d a __! -i CD a :h s . rd -R Pnd •§ ** ° B JJ ffi l o rg gflO N . ,— Hl rrt M 9 !4-i m Brt^ rd be S •Sftl.flSM " . ^_S(u © rt P Hl'T3HlC_)tS.d.So_ l_S s i hg^d 1 — ' J? «i_i o ofi^^ +a t>-.-e ,__ -rtW^Sr-l A O Hi a; © cq ; W K C3 © SrH ; s-s.a-s §hi a ^rSf^rd- TO *2 *! J HI O =« Hj o r-> gi_ CD M b b <|a_ " <= fl o ¦_ "5 ° - H . FQiTSrdoQ 0. -*J t>- C.H " p- o ;d8 a i"S 4 __J 03 k__ ^M=S W'Srd ^S« Of) - d £ 2 ^ h2 4> -Jl O 'H^ oro3 a s^ O rt rrt g 0) h _ o ^> * fit-M 03 rO - 03 03 I B h1 hi S rtfi 03 r. 03 r-» 05 =n iH O l-H Sh e CD 03 rt r- 1 S-" d rH ¦* 0 Q h M fl I-l -^ ^Tl CS Hj 0 _ 138 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY 6f NOTTINGHAM. WintmU Aems. Quarterly :— 1. Azure, three quatrefoils argent. 2. Barry nebule of four or and gules, on a chief argent three birds sable. 3. Argent, a chevron sable be tween three boars' heads gules, a bordure engrailed. 4. Argent, a cinquefoil azure. 5. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Or, three piles meeting in base gules a canton vair. 2 and 3. Or, a fess gules. 6. Or, fretty sable. Ceest. A demi-ram sable, collared and armed or. Sr Eobert Colvile Knt.==Scissely Sr Hugh Colvile Knt. I S1 Walter Colvile Knt. j" Sr Hugh Colvile Knt. ~r AUice d. of=Sr Eaphe Bassett of Sabcotts=Sibbell d. & Knt. 24 E. 1 heire Simon Bassett ob. before=Issabell d. of Wilham his Father 20 E. 3 Boteler Baron of Wem Sr Wilham Bassett Knt. 10 E. 3 SibbeU d.of Giles=Sr Eaffe Bassett= Ashley 1 wiffe of Sapcotts K4 2 E. 2 = Allice d. of John Orby widdow of Eobert Touchett K* Edward Bassett of Sapcotts ob. s. p. 6 E. 3 Sr Eobert Moton=Alhce d. & heire of -of Peckleton in Com. Lester Sr Eaffe Bassett setat 30, 2 E. 2 Ehzebeth ux. Eich ard Lord Grey of Codnor Ellinor ux. John FitzwiUiams of Sprotborne Margerett (Margery) l=Sr Eobert Moton of= Ehzebeth 2 wiffe d. of wiffe d. of . . . MaUory Peckleton I Eeginald Mo-= Margerett d. of Bugg ton of Peckle ton Turvile widdow of , Bugg Thomas Grimes-=. by of Drake- low d.of Hare- court Wilham- Moton =Marge- gerett Ehzabeth d. & coheire ux. Eeginald Poole of Eadborne in Com. Darby a =r Anne d. & co-=William Grimes- Bobert=PhiUip da. heire renupt Eic. Water- ton b -r by of Drakelow 38 H. 6 Moton & heire of . . . Wil loughby THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 139 EichardWater- ton of Eichard Vincent of= Anne d. &=Eichard Messingham in Com. Lincon 20 E. 4 sole heire of WUham Grimesby Water- ton 2 husband Edmund Ehzebeth ux. Moton Sr John s. p. Harrington Knt. Jane d. & Anne d. of heire ux. Wilham Eic. Slory 1 Everard of wyffe Shenton = George Vincent of= Peckleton ob. 7 Q. Ehzebeth 80 yeres of age m. to his 2 wiffe . . . d. of Bernard but no yssue by her =Anne d. of Peter Coles of Preston in Com. Northamp ton 3 wiffe Sr James Harring ton Knight John Lord Har rington Clement Edward (son & heire Harl. 1400) 2 Thomas 4 Gilbert 5 Anthony Jane I m. to Nicholas Pureffoy of Drayton 2 to Wm. Faunt of Foston Mary ux. Francis Staresmore of Frollesworth in Com. Lester widdow= Phillip Vin-=Anne d. of Eichard r_+H3-.i;i „--.j- j _ -n n TT . of Hatffeld cent dyed 1 wiffe in Ireland Eyre of Hadsock in Com. Notting ham 2 wiffe Peter Vin cent ob. __ s.p. Jane ux. Fran cis Cave of Kilby in Com. Lester George Vincent of Wilfford in=Elizebeth d. of Eobert GoodaU Com. Nottingham 1614 of Hollowell in Com. Lester I Gervase Vincent 5 yere old 1614 William Vincent John Poole of Badborne=:Janne da. & heire to John Fitzherbert of Norbury Germanus Poole=Anna da. to Sr Eobert Plumpton Knight Francis Poole==Katharen da. to Humfrey Vernon of Hadon German Poole of=Dorothey da. to Sr Tho. Cockayne Eadborne of Ashbourne K* ,J III Francis Poole sonne=da. to Sr Ger- Sr German Edward 3 Henrey 4 c arma visuntur. Eicardus Sutton de Warsope p' charta' sua' dat' a0 33 Eegni Eg' Ed' dedit Agnetae quae fuit uxor Jacobi de Sutton maritag' Eici' filij et haeredis Jacobi quon da' viri sui quod quidem maritagiu' contingebat dn'o Eic'o Sutton de Worsope one' quor'da' ten'tor's qua? prasd'c'us Jacobus pater p'd'ci Eic'i cuius haeres ip'e est de dc'o Eic'o tenuit in Dene p' seruitiu' militare cui quidem charta. anexu' erat sigiUum armor' Dc'i Eic'i Sutton de Warsope tale quale hie depinxi. Seal. A round seal, on a shield A lion rampant, with the legend, sigillvm EICABDI DE SVTTO-T. Eolandus Bartram miles dedit Luciae filiae suae uxori Eob'ti de Sutton omnia maneria t'r'as et ten'ta suas in Com. Lincoln et Nott. et hsered' suis et in reuer- sione Isabellas sororis suas et haeredibus IsabeUse Dat' apud Lincoln 19 Eg' Edwardi Hijs testibus, Eic'o Neuill de Beekeby mihte, Johe' de Skipwith de eadem milite, Eob'to de Archubus de Warnby mihte, cum multis alijs. Seal. A round seal, on a shield A lion rampant, with the legend sigillvm eo- LANDI DE BEETEAM. 142 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. mtton. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 8. Argent, a canton sable. Sutton. 2. Or, a lion rampant vert. Bakteam. 3. Argent, a cross patonce azure. Lexington. 4. Gules, three pickaxes argent. Pigott. 5. Or, on a fess gules three water bougets argent. Bingham. 6. Argent, a bend gules, a bordure engrailed of the last. Masters. 7. Or, three eaglets purpure. Eodney. Ceest. A fox's head erased gules. The following is given in Harl. 1400 for Sutton Lord Lexinton impaling Palmes : — Argent a canton sable; impaling, Suppoetebs. Two lions vert. Gules, three fieurs-de-lis argent, a chief vair. Motto. — " As God will." Sutton of Egram Eowland de Sutton=the neece & heire of John de Lexinton al's Averham vulgo Aram of Averham in Com. Nottingham of Tuxford & of Henery Lexington som- tyme bishop of Lincon 1254 Azure, a cross patonce argent Sr Eobert Sutton= of Egram Knt 1286 15 E. 1 =Issabell d. & heire of Sr Hugh Pigott of Dodington Knt. Gules, three pickaxes argent Sr James Sutton ob. 1304== Agnes d. of Sr John Barre of Torlaton Knt. | Argent, three bars embattled gules Eichard Sutton of= Averham ob. 1339 13 E. 3 = Allice d. & heire of Sr Eichard Bingham of Bingham Knt. Or, on a fess gules three water bougets argent Eobert Sutton Eobert Sutton ob. 1369 A0 44 E.= Joane d. & heire of Hen. Musters of Syrston 3, inqui' 50 E. 3 n° 60 Nott Argent, a bend gules, a bordure engrailed of the last. *Sr Eowland Sutton= Knt. ob. 1397 Margerett d. of S* Hugh Hussey of Flintham Knt. Or, on a fess sable a lion passant argent Eichard Sutton ob.=Catherin d. of Edmond FitzwUliams of 1468 8 E. 4 | Wadworth (Aldwark Harl. 1400) a ; * In Harl. 1400 Sir Roland is made to marry Katheren da. to Sir Henry Hasty and to have a son Henry, who died 1416, married to Margaret Hussey, their son being Eichard, who married Uathereu lit- Williams. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 143 I Eobert Sutton= ob. 1500 Elizabeth d. of Sr Thomas Stanley of the Pipe Knt. Quarterly, 1 and 4, on a bend three bucks' heads caboshed ; 2 and 3, three cross crosslets fitched and a chief. Henery Sutton dyed= Allice d. of Sr John Biron of Col in the lifetime of his father 1492 wick in Com. Nottingham Argent, 3 bendlets enhanced gules. Sr Thomas Sutton= ob. 1520 ;Catherin d. of Sr Thomas Bassett of Fledborough Knt. Or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton vair. I AUice d. of Fran-=11 Sr Hen. Suttoh= cis HaU of Gran tham in Com. Lincon 1 wiffe Argent, three tal- bots' heads erased Knt. m. to his 2 wiffe . . . widdow Sr . . . Perpoint s.p. =Alhce* d. of Sr John Har ington Knt. & widdow of . . . Flower ¦I I , Anthony 2. John=:Zaunche ob. s. p. Sutton d. of Cutbert Eowland Bever- cotes Barbara d. & heire ux. Francis Har ington of Witham in Com. Lincon Ed ward= Olive d. of Sutton Wm Cooper ob. s. p. of Thurgar ton in Com. Nottingham 2. Nicho-=Hellen d. WUham=Sutton of Aver ham1575 ;Anne d. of John Bodney of Bukwell (BakeweU Harl. 1400) in Com. Somersett I OUve Joane ux. Henery Od- — ingsells of • Elizabeth Colby in Com. — Lincon Barbara las Sutton of SrBic. Mollineux of Seph- ton in Com. Lane. Knt. =Francis Sut ton of Sut ton in Com. Chester 1 husband V I I I I I Jane Sutton Olive Sutton Ehzebeth 3 Edmund Sutton 4 John Sutton Sr WUham=Susan Sutton of Averham Knt. was 14 yere old 1575 Ohve d. & sole heire ux. John Gedney of Enderby in Com. Lincon d. of Thomas Cony of Basing- thorpein Com. Lincon Eobert=Elizebeth d. Sutton of Sr George of Aver- Manners of ham Haddon in Com. Darby Knt. Eichard Sutton Henery Sutton I AUice ux. Thomas Simcockof Butley in Com. Somersett I Susan ux. Wilham Oglethorpe of Ogle thorpe in Com. York I I I Mary Sutton Ehzabeth Gervase * All the children are to the first wife in Harl. 1400. 144 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. John= =Issabell d. 1 Anne 1 m. to Walter 1 Marke= =. . . d. of . . . 1 1 1 Edmond Sut of . . . H addon Mr of the Be Sut Eobinson of — ton Creake of quests 2 to Henery ton ... in Com. Henery ... in Com. brother of Wm Lord Northumb- — York Cobham & son to George Lord Cobham land Harington Sutton Henery Sutton WiUiam John Agnes Stngfram. Sr Eichard Bingham of Bingham=AUice d. of . in Com. Nottingham Knt. Bartram Wilham Eichard Thomas Allice d. and heire ux. Eichard Bingham Sutton of Auerham Eichard Bingham ~T Thomas s. p. Edmond s. p. Wilham Bingham s. p. Eobert s. p. C^bts.1. A gryphon argent. 2. An owl argent, crowned and legged •£ 3 Va{ a fegg leg. Mabmion. 4. Sable, a sword- Anothee Coat'W^ •-!¦ J^ov^r as before. 2. Feetile « \°f™aJaemel£ov^OKD. 6. Argent, billete'e and a lion William Willouglbj * W-tagkV vppo_the Wold in Com. Nottingham temp. E. 1 I S< Eichard WUloughby of WUloughby* Knt. A»° 5 E. 2 j=Issabell d. of Sr Eoger Or, six lioncels rampant i Eichard ob. s. p. » Ei^ wmo#r .r wmJy __.. .^-Sil^SS^ ** ^ °f ^^ of the Justices of the Comon Bench ff Eichard WUloughby of WUloughby Knt.T Joane d. of the Lord Gray of Eotherfeld Sr Edmond (Edward=Issabell Harl. 1400) Wil- I da. of loughby Knt. A0 4 H. 4 Eoger ob. Mary ux. ThomasMallory Issabell ux. ST Bertram Mom- bocher Hugh WUloughby==Joane Bisley Parsonn of al's Joane WoUaton j Spencer his concubyne 5_ I o o d o *j 5h o HH s Q i-H—J !>* Wolverton Harl. 1400. Edmond (Edward Harl.=IssabeU d. of Sr Hugh Annesley 1400) WUloughby of WUloughbye* Esq1 of Annesley Knt. Pah/ argent and azure a bend gules Hugh Wffloughby=Joane d. of Sr John Dabridgcourt Issabell d. of=Sr Hugh Wil-=Margerett d. &=Sr Eichard Bingham Knt. Cheefe Justice of the Kings Bench 2 husband Foliamb 1 wiffe H loughby of WU loughby Knt. h coheire of Sr BaldwinFrevile Knt. Hugh WUloughby=. . . d. of Gervase of Eisley in Com. Clifton of Derby Hodsock Eichard WiUoughby=Anne d. of Margerett Esqr ob. s. p. A0 1471 Eobert ux. Wilham Leek Belgraue Hugh Willoughby=. . . d. of . . . Went- of Eisley worth of Everton Thomas WiUoughby of Eisley==IssabeU d. of John Bradborne of the Hogh I Hugh WUloughby of Eisley=Margerett d. of Thomas Mollineux of Houghton in Com. Nottingham MicheU WUloughby = Catherin d. of John Totlock of George WiUoughby of Mawdley in: of Eisley 1585 Melling in Com. Lanck Wigmore in Norff. 1585 =Elizebeth d. of . . . Neale John Willoughby of Eisley in Com Darby=Frances d. & sole heire of Hen. Hun of Norff. Sr Henery Willoughby of Eisley Knt. = Ehzebeth d. & coheire of Henery Knowles Esqr Francis WiUoughby Ehzebeth c * Wolverton Harl. 1400. __ 148 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. > _3 _ „ ^ "SO 2 Whs o -l I t .g U 1 I M _> g£ fl •EH -. M^£g fl OQ O +3 flr-s T_ 60 .9-9 -NOhiSg Ifl _fl . OS ^g I gjT § lggg 3, TO O rflh-IO •S-:_ ° J3_g2 a § S3 _3 A Wo fl rfl 02 £ 00 ^ rS O '5 tw fl a_. ° s 61 T3 fl * a -a J s^o-s s.S fl »~I 3 J_ Ml H^S§ 1 fl s .1 OrH fl £,fl[> rfl g^ &ft"E_l_"EP°t4-1 1> '? ° _, 3^-g U^>V M 43 92 CM ^ aj^ __> Ji. ^ *_! 03 fl JSa^ s ££i$-£.g§ _ll» I'll fl ?H fl o a a .a fn — & o (D o . ^ _j * «. -fl ° ff« fl a^g aal-ssta P«t| TO N rfl. c3 >^ *s fl id ;_> a> o_fl _S 'S (C ^''oS'hI fl II — : M TO 6DK» — d ^ =n fl . ^fl |?„ A 8 rH.2 r-H -3 _3 _ Mo, H m I s a a S1 Henery Willoughby =Anne d. of of WoUaton* K*, slayne Thomas at Norwich in the time Grey Mar- of the Eebellion there ques Dorssett Dorathey ux. Eobert Wil- Jaue ux. Sr Henery Wil loughby sonn & heire of Eichard loughby of Wol- Thomas Willoughby of Topcliff laton Knt. & Borepiace in Kent Cheefe of Somer- Baronett Justice of the Comon by bench Thomas Colby of=Elizabeth da. Sherefeild upon & heire to Ed- Lodon in ward Gilbert of Hampshire London Alder man 2ai Sr MicheU Molynes K' Thomas Willoughby =. . . d. of of WoUaton ob. s. p. WiUiam Lord Pagett Dorathey d. of Thomas Colby of=Sr Francis WiUoughby=Ehzebeth d. of Sr _n _ /> i i • v"*i CI I_I_ O % \T _*!__. ________ _Ms Af r. "1 £T __*_"_ T ,-. 1-. _-. I -. 4- J-l e-* -i-.-. -_-. _^+ Fraunces Bridgett ux. PercivaUWiUoughbyof Bore Place in Kent bro ther of Edward Sherfeld in Com. Southampton widdow of John Thomwprth (Tamworth Harl. 1400) after maried to Philhp Lord Wharton 1597 of WoUaton* K4 1569 John Littleton of Franckley Knt. 2 wiffe Dorathey ux. HeneryHastings 2 sonn of S1 GeorgeHastings Knt. Erie of Huntingdon I Margerettux. Eobert Lord Spen cer Winiffrid ux. Ed ward Willoughby brother of (son to Harl. 1400) Per civaU Willough by of Bore Place in Kent * Wolverton Harl. 1400. Abbigale ux. William Par- giter of • Gretworth in Com. North ampton I Frances ux. Mountague Wood of Lamley in Com. Not tingham Margerett ux. Sr Mathew (Tho. Harl. 1400) ArundeU Knt. Thomas Lord ArundeU of Warder t_ % OS3 «fc_ S3 H O Ort i> CO Sr John Babington Knt.=Benedicta d. & heire of Simon Ward of Com. Cambridg Or, a fret azure. A * This Sr John Babington, Knt., lyeth buried in the monestary of the Fryers of Morleas, upon whose monument are these armes : — Argent, ten torteaux 4, 3, 2, & 1, a label azure. Ono H Aems. Quarterly: — 1. Argent, ten torteaux, a label azure. 2. Or, a fret azure. 3. Argent, a fess vaire or and gules,between three water m bougets sable. 4. Argent, a chief gules, on a bend azure three shields of the first having a chief of the second. 5. Or, a chevron gules and j> a canton ermine. 6. Or, on a chief indented azure, three escallops argent. 7. Barry often argent and gules, an orle of martlets sable. ^ 8. Azure, two chevrons or. 9. Argent, am, inescutcheon within an orle often cinquefoils sable. 10. Gules, a fess dancette between ten 2 billets or. 11. Azure a hedgehog or. 12. Or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton ermine. 13. Azure, a cross argent. 14. Vair, three bars gules. 15. Argent three pallets gules, a bordure azure charged with ten bezants. 16. Barry of six argent and azure, on a 2 bend gules, three mullets or. 17. Gules, a fess dancette between six cross crosslets or. 18. Argent, three bucks' heads caboshed sable. 19. Gules, ten bezants, a canton ermine. 20. Sable, fretty or. 21. Quarterly ermine and gules. 22. Vert, three greyhounds eourant § or. 23. Sable, a bend between six cross crosslets argent. 24. Argent, three saltires sable, a crescent for difference gules. __ Ceest. A dragon's head with a scroll issuing from its mouth, between two dragons' wings gules. § d S3H Sr Bernard Babington Lord of Over Babington and Nether Babington in Com. Northumberland (Derbye Harl. 1400) ^ T o j : 4 *Sr John Babington made a knight in the service of E. 3., being cheefe captaine of Morles in Brittain -^ r a *Sr Thomas- Babington of Dethick in Com. Darby Tssabell d. & heire of EobertDethick of Dethick in Com. Dar- by Sr Wilham Babington= Knt. of the Bath at the coronation of H. 6 hee was Cheefe Justice of the Comon Plees a0 1456 H. 6 Margerett his Norman Bab wiffe who dyed ington of the 2 of Feb. 1442 shee was the d. & heire of Sr Peter MarteUofClhl well in Com. Nottingham Brigford in Com. Notting ham ob. s. p. =Margerett Bister of WilliamNeasfeld Arnold Eichard: Babing- Babing ton citti- ton of zen of Arding- Norwich ton in & March- Com. ant of the Devon Staple :Emme d & heire of Sr Eobert Knowlls cheefe captaine of the Enghsh adventurers Shee had her fathers lands Allice ux. . . . Poole of Heige oim '. I John Babington of=IssabeU d. of Henry WUliam Babington Eobert Babington John Babington=Margerett d.^of Dethick slayne at I Bradborne of Hough of Chetwell a quo Babington of widdow of . . . Eoles • • • Com. Oxon. ton of Eoleston Bosworth ffeld of KnowU in Com. Deuon Weynman of . Deuon Thomas=Edith d. of Margery IssabeU Scisseley ux. Babing- I Eaffe Fitz- ux Ed- ux. John Thomas Sal- herbert of mond Pil- EosseU mon of Anes- Norbury in kenton of of Eot- ley Wood- Com. Darby Stanton cliffjp- house in Com. ton of Dethick ponTrent Nottingham. Ehzebeth ux. Eaffe Francisof Forn- wark I Anne ux. James Bollston of the Lea. Beatrix ux Eaffe Poole of Wake bridg in Com Dar- by John__-Elizebeth d. & Bab I ing ton . ux. heire of Walter . . South- Frensh of St. coate of - Mary Awtrey South cote . . . ux. . . Hill of Egenswell * This Thomas Babington sould his patrimony in his youth woh. hee had in Brigfford at Brigfford vppon the hill in Com. Northampton and after serued in the Battell of Agencourt with King H. 5. His Sword and Bow that hee bare that day are yett at Dethick to be seene; hee returned home at the age of 63 and bought the mannor of Kingston in Com. Nottingham to him and his heires. rtH an Sr Anthony=Ehzebeth d. & heire of Babingtonof Dethick Knt. John Ormond by Joane d. & heire of Sr WiUiam Chaworth Knt. Humffey Babington of Temple Eosley in Com. Lester T Sr John WiUiam Babington — Knt. of the Eowland Ehodes — Eaffe o| John Babing ton of Brans- combe in Com. Devon =Elizebeth d. of . Holcombe (of) Bramscombe in Com. Devon 2r.1ttSi ^JSr^tissi't ^d £4- n****-*™ *• * - SIJU Babing ton of Dethick Sr Henry Sach evereU of Mor ley Kt. ton of Eamp- ton in Com. Nottingham Eichard Stanhop of Babing- hampton in Com. ton Nottingham. ton of St. Mary Otery heire of . St. Mary Otery of ington Knt. of the Ehodes Sr PhiUip Babington Knt. of the Ehodes ^^S^^?J£b^^^f^mZ'S^^ *-±™«- -L^ i^ John Babington of Eampton Francis Bab ington Henery Bab ington Frances Fayth Elizebeth d. of Bryan= Walter ==Tho_azn_ d. of Anthony Henerv ob s n Travfirs nf Pill i'n RoTiinn-fnT, P«llo_J „f wr j J , n~ J \r Travers of Pill in Com. Devon Babington Pollard of Way and Horewood in Devon at 22 yeres of age Jane ux. Wm. Winslad Elizebeth ux John Wykes of Ekes- burne 7U Catherin. ux John Blakmor of Com. Somersett an to Hrtt_CD>HM Oo h_ OO HK) O S3oHH Thomas Babington THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 153 ffimlxi$> Asms. Quarterly ;— 1 and 9. Argent, a chevron sable between three hazel leaves vert. Hasleeig. 2. Argent, three squirrels sejant gules. Swaeland. 3. Argent, two bars and m chief three cinquefoils azure. Essington. 4. Azure, a 'bend cotised letween six crosslets fitchee or. Blaeett. 5. Argent, a mauneh salle, a martlet for difference. Hastings. 6. Argent, the leopards' heads jessant de lis sable. Sadington. 7. Argent, a cinquefoil salle. Moeivale. 8. Stanton, vaire argent and salle, a canton gules. Ceest. On a chapeau gules turned up ermine a man's head in profile proper, crined and learded or. The coat and crest are both charged with a crescent for difference. Simon Haselrig Lord of Haselrig in co. Leic. 2. William Haselrigg- =. . . d. & coheire of Sr Eobert Essington Donald .1 Simon I Thomas Haselrigg (Harl. 1400) =da. to Brockett I Thomas Haselrig=Issabell d. & heire of John Blaekett WiUiam HaseUrig=Ehzebeth d. & heire of Thomas Stanton of Stanton- of Noseley in Com. Lester Harold in Com. Lester & of Sutton Bonnington in Com. Nottingham Thomas Haselrig of Noseley vide Lester married Lucy d. & h. to Tho. Entwesell Eobert Hasel rig of Castell Donnington ob. 1529 4- =Ellenor d Sr Eafe Shirley K* obiit A0 1529 of John of Nowes- ley 10 H. 7 Joane d. & coheire of= Thomas Harvey of Elmesthorpe in Com. Lester =Hugh Haselrig of Sutton= Bonnington in Com. Nottingham MicheU Haselrig of Sutton Frances ob. Bonnington s p. I Catherin ux. . . . Ashbye of Quen- by Eichard Neale EobertDorothe Eliz. Catherin John Haselrig 154 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Cftfrlattfi, Aems.* Quarterly: — 1. Ermine, on a chief indented gules three taus argent. 2. Or, three lendlets azure. 3. 1 and 4. Gules, a cross patonce or. 2 and 3. Or, a saltire engrailed salle. 4. Vair, a fess or. 5. Gules, a fess indented ermine letween three lions rampant or. 6. Azure, three eaglets displayed or. 7. Gules, ten lezants, a canton ermine. 8. Barry nebule" of six or and sable. 9. Or, a tower azure. 10. Gules, three bars or, a bordure azure charged with eight martlets of the second. 11. Or, on two bars gules three water bougets argent. 12. Gules, three birds or. 13. Azure, a fess or. Ceest. A demi-Capuchin friar proper. Thomas Therland of= Gamston 1 hus band = Jane d. of Thomas NeveU= of Bolston in Com. Lester =Sr Garvase Chfton of Clifton in Com. Nottingham Therland Thomas Therland of=Jane d. of Sr Eobert Willoughby K* of Gamston in Com. Nottingham WoUaton in Com. Nottingham & sister to Sr Hen. Willoughby K* Thomas Therland: of Gamston Jssabell d. of . . . Welby of ... in Com. Lincon I I I Allice - Dorathey Jane Edward Ther-=011iffe (Ellen Harl. 1400) d. land of Gamston of Thomas Bretton of Wichingham in Com. Norff. (Wiklingham in Com. Nott. Harl. 1400) I I III Jane Thomas Therland Catherin John Therland George Therland John Therland (sonne & heire Harl. 1400) Welberas= Therlandob. s. p. =. . . d. of . . . Williams of . . . Com. Lincon Edmond Therland=Issabell d. of of Gamelston in Com. Notting ham Plumpton of Plumpton in Com. York. Thomas Therland Plumpton s. p. George ob. s. p. Gervase Therland=Elizabeth d. of of London Mar- chant ob. 1577 Eichard Gos ling of ... in Com. Stafford . . . ux. . . . Mor ton of Morton in Com. Notting ham WUliam I Olliffe ux. Ger uase Leigh of Southwell in Com. Notting ham * These quartered Coates with the crest are thus set out in the Vissitation of Surrey made in An0 1623 for Edward Thurland of Rigate in Com. Surrey. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Edward Therland of Eigate in=Anne d. & coheire of Eichard Elliott Com. Surrey 1623 I Edward Therland 16 yere old 1623 Elliott 14 yere old of Eigate in Com. Surrey Eichard Ther land 12 yere old J I Dorathey Elizebeth Bachell Ellen BinsUp* Aems. Argent, two bars sable, on a canton of the last a pheon of the field, a crescent for difference. Ceest. A pellet charged with a pheon argent between two wings conjoined or. . . . Bingley a yonger brother of the house of Broughton in Com. Flint nigh Chester T~ Thomas Forster of Tuxford in Com. Nottingham George Bingley of=. . . d. of Thomas Blyth in Com. Nottingham Forster sister of Henery Henery Forster of Tuxford in Com. Nottingham II I Eichard Bing-=Dorathey d. of John Elizabeth Francis=Elizabeth d. Henery ley of Blith Eeynes of Com. ux. George Bingley of Bolton Bing- Nottingham Ingleby of Blyth ley George Henery Mary Eichard Bingley Bingley — Bingley Elizebeth I Eobert Bingley I Francis Bingley Gervase Bingley Hellen Gertrude 156 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. »pmcotfc* Aems. Ermine, three bears' (?) heads sable muzzled or. Ceest. A beaver passant ermine. Per Clarenceux Cooke 1576 William Symcock of ... in Com. Stafford WiUiam Symcock of Stoke=Margery d. of John in Com. Worster (Staff. Harl. 1400) Shreese (Shruse Harl. 1400) Christopher Symcock of But- =Mary d.jof Nicholas Hals leigh in Com. Somersett well of Gothurst Thomas Symcock=Margerett d. of Allice ux. Margerett ux of . . . in Com. Eichard Jessop WUliam Bryan Pope Nottingham ofBromhall Coward — Joane i i n AUexander=Margerett d. of William Dyer Sym- Christopher Symcock Guppie (Gapper Harl. cock. — 1400) Humffrey Sfantilep. Aems. Argent, a fess gules letween three goats eourant sable armed and unguledor. Ceest. A goat as in the arms. P' William Segar Garte* Kiug of Armes A0 21 June 1612 A part of the pettegree or descent of the Famyley of Handley of Nottingham shire being hneally descended from Handley of Yorkshire which is descended from the Aunciant Family of Handley of Handley in the county of Somersett justified by my hand at the bottom of the pettegree the 21 of June 1612. This was coppied by the originall. . . . Handley of Handley in Com. Somersett j" I . . . Handley of ... in Com. York at THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 157 a| .1 Eichard Handley of Wilford=. . . d. of Fitwilliams of Yorkshire. in Com. Nottingham, Esq. Lozengy argent and gules. Henery Hand- ley of Bram- cofct in Com. Nottingham = Allice d. of . . . Bray A., a chevron be tween 3 eagles' legs erased sable. Cathe- Gervase = rin Handley ob. at Wilfford I II Ann d. of Anne Jerom Brand — of Stanton in Marge- Corn. Not- rett tingham I Henery Handley AUice ux. Nicholas Charlton sonn of Thomas sonn & heire Azure, a chevron or between three swans argent. Bichard=Anne d. of Hand ley Gervas Eobert Henery Huntington Wiuiffrid Thomas Handley Hand- Hand- Hanley — Charlton — ley ley " Margerett Azure, a chevron Anne or between three swans argent. Mary d. & heire Aems. Quarterly:—!. Argent, six crosslets fitchee sable, a chief vair. Blondeston. 2 Argent, a chevron between three crescents gules. Maxet. 3. Gules, a che vron between three cinquefoils or. Chambee. 4. Ermine, a fess cheque or and azure. Abden. Ceest. A wolf passant argent. Sr Thomas Arden Knt.=Eliz. d. of Eoger Swinfford 9J2 (Swinerton Harl. 1400) Eoger Arden WUliam Chamber— Beatrex d. & heire of Eoger Arden John Chamber==Jane Eobert Blondeston of Blondeston in Com. Suff. temp. E. 1 Sr William Chamber Knt. John Blondeston of Blon- S' Thomas Chamber High Shreeue of= . ^ d of deston temp__H. 6 AT Com. Northampton temp. H. 6 Strange 158 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Eichard Blondes ton of Blondes ton :. . . d. of lake of ... in Com. Norff. Has- William Chambers of= Spreton-in-the- Bye in Com. Northampton =Mary d. of Walter Mantell Bichard= Blon deston =. . . d. of . . . Jepsay (Jope- say Harl. 1400) by the d. of . . . Fox of in Com. Darby Henery (Wm Harl 1400) Maxey of Higham Ferrers in Com. North ampton (Maxe in Harl. 1400 aU through) =EUen d. & coheire of WiUiam Chambers William Cham bers ob. s.p. Mary ux. . . . In- goldesby (Inglesby Harl. 1400) I Thomas=Elizabeth d. of Blon deston . . . Windsor of Dracott 3 Lawrance Maxey of Halothan in Com. Nottingham =AUice d. of WilliamEoch I John Maxey bishop of El- phin in Ireland I Eichard Blon deston Mr of Baillioll Col- ledg in Com. Oxon ob. s. p. WiUiam Eobert Blondes- Blon- ton = desfcon Ahce d. of Batche- . . . Brad- ler in Di- shaw uinity Allice (Anne Harl. 1400) ux. . . . ¦Sarringham MV Nicholas Blon-=Anne d. & deston of Haloughthan vel Haughton in Com. Nott ingham heire of LawranceMaxey of Halothan Anne ux. Harbert Lacon of Humberston in Com. Lincon Lawrance Blundeston- of Haughton ^Anne d. of Henry Ned- ham of Kirtlington Nicholas Blondeston son & heire Henery Blon deston Christopher Blon deston Francis Eeignald Eobert John Dorathey Anne Mary 2 Henery Maxey of= Cortndll in Com. Northampton =Mary d. & coheire of Thomas Crawnte vel Grawnt of Cahaice Ehzabeth ux John Taversham of London Edmond=. . . d. of Maxey George ob. s. p. Staple-ton Mary Allice d. of Mathew= Fuller of Liming- ton in Com. South- ton 1 wiffe =Eobert Maxey= Frances d. of Thomas of Medlow in Bawdwyn of Much Com. Hunt- Stoughton in Com. ington Huntington THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 159 DturtifoanL Aems. Gules, a lion rampant argent, a bordure of the last charged with eight pheons sable. William Sturdivant of Nor-=Beatrix d. of Botheram of ... in Com. Darby well in Com. Nottingham by the d. of . . . Linacre of Plunley * John Sturdivant=Margerett d. of William of Norwell Clarke of Ledenham in Com. Lincon WUliam Thomas Allice Lucey John Sturdivant=Alhce d. of of Carlton in Com. Notting ham 1563 Simon Mar shall of Norwell Christopher Sturdivant Eichard Sturdivant Francis Margerett Beatrix WUham Stur- John Stur- Elizebeth Anne ux Eandall Dod of Cromb- divant divant well in Com. Nottingham ^arfuns. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Or a fess dancettee ermine between ten billets ermines. 2 and 3. Argent an eagle displayed sable, on a canton or a fess dancettee between ten billets ermines. Ceest. A pine apple argent leaved vert. Also this Coat. — Quarterly 1. Or, a fess dancette between ten billets ermines. 2. Vert, three passion nails argent, a fleur-de-lis or for difference. 3. Argent, on a fess between three annulets sable as many mullets of the field. 4. Paly wavy of six or and gules. 5. Azure, three fans or. 6. Or, two chevrons and a canton gules. 7. Argent, a chief indented gules three annulets counterchanged. 8. Salle, three lions passant in lend letween two larrulets engrailed argent. 9. Barry of eight or and gules, a mullet for difference. 10. Gules, a lion rampant or. 11. Argent, on a chief azure two saltires or. 12. Azure, three garls or. 13. Azure, a wolfs head erased argent. 14. Cheque or and azure. 15. Gules, a lend fusilly or. 16. Or, five chevronels gules. 17. Gules, three lions passant argent. 18. Sable, three garbs argent. 19. Azure, semee of fleurs-de-lis or, a bordure gules charged with ten lioncels passant or. 20. Sable, a fret or. Eichard Parkins of Bunney=Elizebeth widdow of Humffrey Barley of Stoke & d. in Com. Nottingham of Adam Beresford of Bentley in Com. Darby I Frances ux John Pen- dock Anne ux. Plumtree Elizabeth ux . . . Poole of Hedg. in Com. Darby Margerett ux . . . Brether of New Castell in Com. Northumberland I_arl. 1400 gives a second John in this and the next generation. 160 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. |a George Parkins of Bunney=Mary d. & heire of Edward Eecorder of the towne of Nottingham Isham Parkins Mary Isham of Walmer Castell in Com. Kent. Penelopie Issabell Eichard Parkins George Parkins I Adrian Parkins John Parkins Arden Parkins Henery Parkins Bonjjam. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 6. Azure, on a chief indented or, a label gules. Donham. 2. Sable, three bucks' heads caboshed argent. Bowett. 3. Gules ten bezants, a canton ermine. Zoitche. 4. Argent, on a fess indented sable three bezants. Bitegh. 5. Sable, fretty or. Bellaqtja. John (Thomas Harl. 1400) de Bellaqua Thomas de Burgh=Lueey I Allice William Lord Zouch of Totnes= John de Burgh j ' T Sr John Zouch==Margerett [d.] of John Burgh Bobert Don-=. . . d. of . . . Stanfford ham of ... in Com. Darby Sr Nicholas Bowett=Elizebeth of Eepingale Zouch I I j John Don-=Ehzabeth=Sr WUliam Margerett ux. John ham d. & co- Chaworth heire 1 husband Chaworth brother of Sr Willm. Jane d. of Sr Thomas Thurland of=Sr John Donham of= Gamston 1 wiffe (Sr Thomas Gun- Kirthngton in Com. ston K* Harl. 1400) Nottingham =Bennett d. of Sr God- ffrey Fohambe of Walton 2 wiffe I John Don ham ob. yong Catherin ux. Frances Anne ux. George Mary ux. Thomas Eafe Okover ux. John Meverell (Meuerly Grantham of . . . of Okover in Hasel- Harl. 1400) of . . . in Com. Lincon Com. Stafford wood in Com. Stafford THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 161 Corntoallte* Aems * Quarterly .— 1. Sable, gutte argent, on a fess of the last three cornish choughs proper. Cobnwallis. 2. Sable, three bars-gemelles and a canton argent. Btjcton of Beome. 3. Gules, a crescent between three mullets argent. Hansaed. 4. Gules, a cross patonce argent, in dexter chief an escallop or. De la moee. 5. Sable, a cross patonce or. Bhaham. 6. Argent, a bend between six cross crosslets fitche sable. Tete. 7. Argent, two chevrons azure, a border engrailed gules. Tie bell. 8. Azure, a chevron between three ostrichs argent. Staunfobd. Ceest. A stag lodged regardant argent, attired and unguled or, collared with a garland of acorns and vulned in the shoulder proper. Thomas Cornwallis— Jane d. & heire of Wm. of London Mar- chant An0 2 E. 2 Hansard widdow of Henery Fanner Eobert Buckton; of Brome in Com. Suffolk =. . . d. of . . . Tey (Tye Harl. 1400) John Cornwallis=Philhp d. & coheire of Eobert Buckton of Brome Thomas CornwaUis of=Phillip d. & coheire of Edward Tirrell Brome in Com. Suff. I I John Thomas ob. ob. s. p. s.p. of Downham in Com. Essex I I Eobert Wilham=Ehzebeth d. ob. s.p. Corn wallis of Brome & coheire of John Staun ford I Mary ux. . . . Clo- vell of Essex Catherin ux. Thomas Frox- mer of ... in Com. Worster Sr John Corn-=Mary d. of Edward wallis of Brome Knt. Sulhard of Ottes in Com. Essex Thomas Cornwal lis Archdecon of Norffolk Wilham Elizebeth . . . ux. Singleton I Afra ux Sr Arther Archer of Otterden in Kent I Dorathey ux. John Hed. of Kent Edward; Corn waUis Catherin a nun at Elstow Prudence ux. . . . Boydon Edith ux. . . . Bar wick Thomas Corn-= Catherin d. of Thomas wallis Earle of Southampton Sr Thomas = Cornwallis of Brome Knt. one of the Priuy Counsell to Q. Mary __ane d. of John Jerneganof Somer- leyton in Com. Suff. Henry=d. and Corn wallis mar'dto Cal- dibut h. to Bock-wood 2 wife Eichard = Cornwallis of Arow- tonin Com.Suff. =Margerett d. & sole heire of LionellLowth of Sawtrey in Com. Lincon William Corn wallis * For the junior branch to which Thomas Cornwallis of Okenhill Hall belonged 2 more quarterings are given in Harl. 1400. Viz' Argent, two bars and in chief a lion passant gules, and Argent, on a fess sable three mullets or pierced gules. 162 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. John Corn-=Catherin wallis of SomeLodge in Suff. d. of JohnBlener- hassett Elizabeth ux. Ed mond Bacon of Hessett Anne ux. ThomasDade of Taning-ton in in Suffolk Suff. Sr Thomas = Cornwallis of Horsley Groome Porter to King James ^Elizabeth d. of John Molineux of Thorpe in Com. Notting ham Thomas=Mary d. of Henry s. p. Corn wallis Edmond Grimstonof Eis- hangle in Suff. Phillip s. p. a daughtf Thomas= Corn wallis John Corn wallis of Okenhill Hall in Ba- dingham in Suff. A° 1649 Mary da. &h. of Charles Grims ton of ... in Suff. Eisley Henry Thomas John Cornwallis sonne & heire a_t. 21 A0 1649 Thomas Elizabeth Mary Marg* Catheryn Sr William: Cornwallis of Brome :Lucey 3 d. & coheire of John Lord Lattimer Ehzebeth ux. Sr Thomas Kitsonn of Hengraue in Suff. Knt. Mary ux. William Bourchier Erie of Bath John Corn wallis 11 yere old 1585 ob. s.p. Thomasob. s. p. Elizebethux. . . . Sands sonn & heire of Sr Walter Frances ux. Edmond Withepoole CordeliaAnne Anne d. of . . .: Fincham Wid dow of . . . Nicholls =2. Sr Charles=Anne d. of . CornwallisKnt. Barrow & widdow of SrEafe Shelton Knt. 2 wiffe AUice ux. Eichard Southwell Anne dyed vnmaried Sr William=Catherin d. Cornwallis of Sr Phillip Parkes Knt. Thomas Corn wallis of Ord- sall in Com. Nottingham 1614 =Anne d. & sole heire of Samwell Bevercotts of Ordsall Elizebeth Dorathey ux. WU liam Fitz of Essex CharlesCornwallis Thomas Cornwallis 1 Anne d. & sole heire 2 yeres old 1614 acJjebmlL Aems. Quarterly 1 and 4. Argent, on a saltire azure five water bougets or, a chief gules. 2 and 3. Argent, a chevron between three birds sable beaked and legged or. , ... . ,, . j.„__,_j Ceest. On a lure azure, charged with a water bouget or, having the top or fretted gules and the cords likewise or, a falcon argent beaked and belled or. Motto. — "En bonne fot." Sr Patrick (Petter Harl. 1400) Sacheverell of HopweU in com. Darby temp E. 1 S1' Eobert Sache verell Knt. John Curson of Ketleston— Elizabeth da. & heire to Sr in Com. Darby Eobert Twyford Knight Sr William Sacheverell Knt. temp E. 3 Sr John Cur son Knt. Thomas Stathom=Goodith d. & heire of of Morley Morley of Morley Eobert SachevereU Eichard Curson of Ketleston John Stathom of Morley=Scisseley John— Anne d. of Sr Eobert Sache verell (Eoger Harl. 1400) Leech Knt. John Curson of=Joanne da. to John Ketleston in I Bagott of Blithfeild Com. Darby in Com. Stafford Ehzebeth d.=Thomas Sta-=Thomasin d. of of Bobert Langley thorn of Morley John Curson of Kedleston Eaffe SachevereU of= Joane d. of John Curzon of Morley ob. 4 H. 7 Kedlestone in Com. Darby Henery Stathom of Morley (made=Anne d. of Thomas Booth of son of Elizabeth in Harl. 1400) Barton in Com. Lanck. Sr Eichard Sacheverell=Mary Lady Hunger- Knt. 8 H. 8 ob. s. p. ford widdow to Edw. Lord Hastings Eobert Elizebeth ux Wm. — Slory of Colwick in William Com. Nottingham John SachevereU of Morley: slayne at Bosworth feld in the life of his Father ;Joane d. & heire of Henery Stathom of Morley Knight t_ o S3o t_ QO rt S3 H O *_S3 O H)— i S3 O r— ( r-H> atCO [A William SachevereU of IbuU (Ibwell Harl. 1400) and Switterton in Com. Nottingham "WiUiam SachevereU of IbuU (Ibwell Harl. 1400)== Agnes d. & heire of Eichard Kirby Thomas Sacheverell of Kirby in Com. Nottingham=Issabell d. of Stathom of Gourton Thomas Sache-=Anned. of Eichard Henery Sa- Michaell George Sacheverell John Sa- . . . ux. . . . ... ux. William verell of Kir by s. p. 1574 Francis of Ticken- chevereU ob. s. p. — cheverell Simpsonn Boteler hall m Com. Darby ob. s. p. Eaffe Sacheverell Mary d. & heire ux. Eichard Cooke of Trusley in Com. Darby S' Henery Sacheverell of Morley Knt=Ehzebeth d. of Sr John Montgomery of Cubley Knt. John Sa-=Elizebeth chevereU of Morley d. of Sr Wm. Per point Knt. Ehzebeth ux. Eaffe Francis Catherin ux. Tho mas Babing ton Eichard Sache-=Elizebeth verell of Bar ton in Com. Nottingham John=Catherin d. natural d. of Henery Lord Grey of Codnor Thomas Sache vereU William=Mary d. of Sache- Clement verell of Low by Staun- Issabell d. ton of . . . Strelley Mary ux Jane George ux Cha- Tho- worth mas (Cheuerell Booth Harl. 1400) EobertSache verell Sache verell of Morley of Sr An thony Fitz herbert of NorburyKnt. Henery Sa chevereU of Barton ob. s. p. 1606 Elizebeth Henery Sa cheverell of London Vintner Eafe Sa-=Emma d. cheve rell of Staun ton of Wil liam De thick of Newhall Mary ux. WilliamBonnington of Borowcott Henery Sache verell hath diuers children in Com. Lester Patrick=Anne d. Sache- verall of Ham- sell of 8' Hugh Oversall of Hull Knt. Eobert Sa chevereU Eichard Sa cheverell a clarke Henery= Sacheverell of Morley Jane d. of Hum- Anne William Sache- Mary ux. Wil- Lucey ux. Ed- Jane n -_-_ ii . i _ _"» _f 1- DI- —1- urn v><] a r»__ill j"_t ______ frey Bradborne of Hough in Com. Darby verell 25 yere old 1580 liam Black- weU of Aston ward Abell of Tickenhall in Com. Darby Mille- cent John Sa- cheve'llAnthony Thomas Henery Sache- — verell Baffe III T HeUen Joane ux. John — Strelley of Dorathey HampseU in — Com. Notting- IssabeU ham 1614 Hyacinthus SachevereU Frances Sacheverell John SachevereU of Eadcliff in Com. Nottingham ~r Eafe SachevereU Henery SachevereUof Eatcliffe (Harl. 1400) Eafe Sacheverell of Eeresby in Com. Lincon ux. Francis Kebel Henery Sacheverell of Eadcliffe 1574 X Eaffe Sacheverell of Eeresby Henery Keble 1573 Henery Sacheverell of Eadcliff 1614 Henery Sacheverell of Eeresby < 02 >HM o S3o QcdS3H> C- an 166 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. JflarsfmlU Aems. * Quarterly .— 1 and 8. Sable, three bars argent, a canton ermine. Maeshall. Or, a saltire engrailed gules, a chief per fess indented of the first and second. Beuse. 3. Gules, semie of bezants, a lion rampant argent. Hawkes. 4. Ermine, a chief per pale, indented or and gules. Beowne. 5. Argent, a chevron letween three swords erect gules. Muston. 6. Azure, fretty argent. Cave. 7. Ermine, on a bend sable three fishes' heads erased argent. Gilliott. Ceest. A demi-man in armour proper, holding in his dexter hand a laton, over his armour a sash azure, tied at the shoulder with a ribbon gules. Aems of Sceimsheee. Quarterly .— 1 and 4. Gules, a lion rampant or, a bordure vair. 2 and 3. Azure, a chevron between three bees volant argent. Walter Hawkis was seased Sr Adam Bruse Knt. died seased of certaine lands in Pickering Newton & Thornton of certaine lands in the mannor of Edon S1' Adam Bruse William Hawkes Sr William Bruse Knt. Walter Hawkes John Mar shall Eoger Mar shall Eobert Brown= William Bruse=Margerett d. Jennett ux. of the Hill of Pickering & coheire John Eoodes Eobert =Maud d. Brov & co heire Issabell ux. Wm. Apleby Elizebeth ux. Eichard Inglefeld Eobert ob. s. p. William Marshall= Agnes d. & heire of Eobert Browne Eobert Eoodes John Marshall=Ellen d. of Adam Thorpe of ... in Com. Nottingham William Marshall of Aslerton (Carleton— Catherin d. of Harl. 1400) in Com. Nottingham Thomas Leeke II II John Marshall of Carlton=Elizebeth d. of Eaffe Eichard Bobert in Com. Nottingham Bingham of Bing ham Thomas Joane Eaffe Mar shall of Carlton : Catherin d. of Thomas Nevell of Eolston Eich ard Agnes ux. LawranceHatfeld Elizebeth ux. John Burton EUenor ux. Thomas White Thomas:Mar shall of Carlton Anne d. & heire of William Muston of Callis Eich ard Issabell ux. ThomasHunt of Normanton Elizebeth Agnes ux. ux. James Thomas Ward Ellis I Allice ux. Andrew Garnon * There is another trick of the first five quarters, with Scrimshire in a sixth. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 167 John Marshall=Anne d. & heire of Henery Cave of of Carlton Cold Ashby in Com. Northampton WilliamMarshall I i Eaffe Marshall John Marshall Frauncis Dorathey Catherin John=. . . d. of Stephen Edmond: Mar shall Mar- Mar- Assaby shall shall d. of Geffrey Scrimshere=. . . d. Dalli-sonn of North Mus- champ in Com. Stafford & heire of . . . Mus- champ Thomas Henery Eichard Susan William Scrims-=Agnes d. of Francis Marshall here of Mus- champ Eaffe Bingham Thomas Scrimshere I Eichard Scrimshere== Thomas Scrimshere William Scrimshire==Elizebeth d. & heire of Nicholas Midleton i -I J I- Humfrey Marshall (Henrey=Maude d. & heire of Harl. 1400) William Scrimshire Eaffe Marshall WUham Marshall Henery Marshall Elizebeth f^unt Thomas Hunt of=Issabell d. of Eafe Marshall of Normanton Carlton in Com. Nottingham. Edmond Hunt of Normanton=Dorathey d. of WiUiam Clarksonn of Kirton Catherin ux. Henery Hunt of Jane ux. . . . Anne ux . Aluy Normanton Owen Goneston Issabell ux. Edward Blunt John Blunt. 168 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Aems. Azure, a fleur-de-lis argent, a crescent or difference. charged with another sable for Everard Digby of Tilton in Com.=Jaques d. of John Ellis Lester slaine at Barnett Feld of Com. Devon Sr Everard Simon Digby— Allice d. Beniamyn Digby a quo Liftennant of Digby of the Tower Tilton temp. H. 7 ^ of John Wallis i Eowland S1' Thomas 1 T Liberius Sr John J T Eeignald Digby of Colshull Thomas= Digby 4> i :. . . d. Sara ux. Nic. Alhce ux Eobert . . . ux of . . . Strelley of . . Chfton of Clifton Colum- in Com. Not- in Com. Notting- Tracy bine tingham ham John (Thomas Harl. 1400) Digby of ManseU=Elizebeth d. of Eichard Slaughter Woodhouse in Com. Nottingham of Sutton in Com. Lincon John Digby=Luce d. & co-heire of Thomas Trigott of Elizebeth ux. Gregory Kirkby in Com. Yorke Esq. Walker of Mansfeld John Simeon ^antiforti. Aems. Ermine, on a chief indented sable three boars' heads or. William Sandford of Tirkhill in Com. Northumberland=Maude d. of (Thirkell in Com. Cumberland Harl. 1400) 9 H. 8 John Sandfford of Bakewell in Com.= Joane d. of Eoger Smyth Darby (Blackwell Harl. 1400) WUliam Sandford= Jane d. of Hugh John Sandford Francis Sandfford of of Bakewell 1611 Newton of Bake weU ob. s. p. Suthwell in Com. Nottingham 1614. John Sandford Eoger setatis ffitatis 8 an' 1611 4 an' William set. Catherin 2 an' William Sandford sonn & heir. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 169 Bemfortr. Aems. Quarterly : — 1 and 4. Argent, a lear salient salle, muzzled collared and chained or. Beeesfoed. 2 and 3. Per chevron argent and salle, in chief two pheons of the last and another in lose or, a crescent for difference (per chevron argent and or three pheons salle, Harl. 1400). Hassall. Ceest. A dragon's head erased vert, pierced through the neck with a Iroken spear and holding the upper part of it in his mouth or, headed argent. Both coat and crest are differenced with a crescent. John Beresford of Beresford in Com. Stafford T" Thomas Beresford of Newton= Grang in Com. Darby :Agnes d. & heire of Eobert Hassall of Com. Chester Aden (AUen Harl. 1400) Beresford of Bentley a quo Beresford of Bentley Humfrey=. . . d. John i Beres ford of Newton of. Bresley I Hugh of Newton Grange Bobert Law- * i John Beresford of Newton George Beresford; Steward of Not tingham =EUen d. of Anne ux. Mary ux. John Thomas Greene John Bead of Ossington of Sussex Sauage in Com. Notting ham Agnes ux. George Fitz herbert of Tissington^ ±_ Nicholas Beresford of Kenton— =Bose d. of John Fitz- in Com. Nottingham George Beresford 20 yere old 1569 JamesBennett Thomas Beresford wUliam of Knevett Eichard Frances Thurstan Alston. Aems. Quarterly : — 1. Argent, a cinquefoil salle, on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or, a crescent for difference. Eowleston. 2. Vert, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. Wingfeld. 3. Or, on a fess gules three water bougets argent. Bingham. 4. Azure, a cross engrailed or. Chaenells. 5. Gules, a fess ermine between two chevrons or. Wollaton. 6. Paly of six argent and azure. Steellet. Ceest. An eagle's head erased proper, beaked or. Both coat and crest are differenced with a crescent. James Eolston of the ley in Com. Darby=Anne d. of John Babington Thomas Eolston Eaffe Eolston=. . . d. & heire of Jus- Henery WUliam a of the ley tice Bingham preest 170 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Thomas Eolston= =. . . of . . . Ashe of the North Eobert Eolston James Eolston Ed wardEol ston Ellinor d.=Lancelott Bol-=. . . d. of the of.Mering 1 wiffe I ston of Wat- noil in Com, Nottingham second bro ther of Ashe I I Jane ux. Brownley Issabell Mary ux. Henery Bull of Tissing- ton in Com. Darby John An thony Vallentyne ux. Edward BaUard of Wimswold in Com. Lester I John Eoleston & diuers others Bassett Ead'us Bassett de Sapcot d'ns de Chedley dedit terras in Chedley Ead'us filio Ead'i Bassett per finem An0 56 H. 3 fuit Baro in p'liamento Ann0 49 H. 3 Simon Bassett d'ns de Chedley Eobertus Bassett 54 H. 3 Eobertus Bassett tenuit 20 libratas terra? in Com. Nottingham et Darby 38 H. 3 Willielmus Bassett miles de Com. Nottingham tem pore quo Phillipus Markham fuit Jus- ticiarius ibidem Johannes Bas-=filia Ly sett de Fled borough per uxorem su- p'stes temp. E. 1 seux d'nas de Fled borough I Eoberttis Bassett superstes 1359 Liseux de Fledborough in Com. Nottingham Joheis Liseux -rules d'ns de Fledburgh 1359 Issabell Ehzabetha1359 Bassett Wilhehnus 1359 zr Eicardus Bassett de Fledburgh 33 E. 3 Thomas Bassett of Fledborough in=Margery d. of Sr Com. Nottingham WUlm. Mering Sr Eichard Bassett=Elizebeth d. of Sr Willm. Bassett of Fledborough John Donham of Muskham Catherin ux. Thomas Sutton of Averham Knt. John Bassett= of Fledbo rough = Agnes d. of Thomas Lord Borough of Gainsborough Anne ux. George Wastnes of Hedon in Com. Nottingham Dorathey ux. Thomas Powtrell Catherin ux. Guy Fairfax Aems. Argent, a cross patonce azure, a label gules. ISetorcotts* WUhelmus de Bevercotts Armiger i WiUm. de Bevercotts mUes vir FabeUa filliae T WiUm. de Bevercotts Armiger T" WUlm. de Bevercotts mUes Johannes de Bevercotts=Margeri_ Joanna Miles . Boyvill 8r Bobert Plump-=Alhce d. of Godfrey Foliamb ton Knt. of Com. Darby WUlm. Bevercotts = Joanna filia Eic' John de John Boy-=Elizebeth Thomas Hugh Sr Wilham =_lizebethd. of Sr Brian Armiger Byron Armiger Bevercotts viU Plumpton Knt. Stapleton Knt. Eichard de=Avicia3 John de Bever-=Elhnora Henery SotehUl=Anne Ehzabeth . . ux. . . Wil- Eich- Wilham Bevercotts cots ob. s.p. Attorney Gene ral to E. 4 ux. . . . Eest- ham ard Plump- Cokyn wold =r == ton Esq1 _L :Elizebethd. of Thomas Lord Clifford I I ' I Johnde =Joa'n_3 Eich- Thomas AUice ux. . . . ux. Anne ux. Hugh George ob .s.p. John=Elizebethd. Margery ux. Sr Bevercotts ardus . Haring- Wm. Bab- Hoxton ton thorpe WUham Sote- hiU of Wm. John Bowcliff Plompton Knt. H t_ CD MH >HM o S3o*_ t_ QOdS3H_Ho*jS3oHH S3Q g |c Eicardus de=Anna fiha Bevercotts Armiger Johis Hol- lingworth Catherin ux. Eob.ert Com- berworth Issabell Mare Millezacia 1 1 1 1 1 1 i— i . . . ux. Arther ob. John ob Anne Henery= Jane d. of Sr to . . Cap- s.p. s.p. ux. Ber Sotehffl Eichard anett tram Empson Thomas Eobert Has Knt. ob. s.p. s.p. elrig. i-_ Allexander Bever-=Anne d. & heire of Ehzebeth cotts Esq Wm. Staynfford Alhce William Constable 4 sonn=Jane SotehUl Elizebeth ux. of Sr Marmaduke of Flam- Wm. Drury borough Knt. Sr 2 Thomas 1 WUlm. de==Margerett d. of Bevercotts Bevercotts | . . . Serleby Anne ux. George Babington 2 to An thony Thorold Esqr John Constable dyed yong Ehzebeth Catherin ob. s. p. Marma- maried & — duke ob. ob. s. p. WiUm. Constable yong dyed yong Anthony Bevercotts=. . . d. of of OrdsaU in Com. Nottingham PhiUip Eawson John Bevercotts of London Gold smith Eichard Bevercotts of Newark ux. Bret- ton EichardBever. cotts Alhce Bever cotts Cuthbert =Barbara d. of Bevercotts Esq1 Wilhm Clark sonn Esq1 SaweU =. . . d. of AUice d. & John Bevercotts . . Leigh of heire ux de Be- of OrdsaU Shawell Thomas ver- Esqr Esqr Massingberd cotts Thomas Bever cotts of Ollerton Anne ux. Tho mas Strong Dorathey ux. Nich olas Colm- ridg Elenor ux. Ed wardHynd Bridgett Sence 1 m. to John Wil- = ux. Tho- Sutton 2 to Thomas liam mas Eo- SachevereU 3 to Bever bertsonn George Martin cotts :Scissely d. & coheire ofWm. Constable Cutbert = Agnes d. & heire of Eobert Bevercotts Holt of Stubley John Bevercotts ob. yong WUliam dyed Barbara 1 m. to Eob. Holdenby 2 y°ng to Edward Scrimshire WiUiam ob. John ob. Jane ob. Bridgett ux. John Colley of Glaston in yong yong yong Com. Eutland and ob. s. p. Mary ux. Eutland Mollineu-x aoS3 o QOdS3 H>< O S3oHHS3 O > THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 173 W&lRU. Aems. Argent, on a chevron sable between three garbs azure banded or as many estoiles of the field, in chief a mullet for difference gules. Ceest. An arm embowed in armour garnished or issuing out of clouds irradiated gold holding a battle axe headed argent, a mullet for difference. John Wase of London Marchant John of the counties Lester marchant of the staple : Alhce d. & heire of John= WUham Hill mar- Bayly of Eotherby in chant of CaUice 1 Com. Lester husband Eichard Wase of=Elizebeth d. of George Meverell Lester temp H. 8 of Throwley in Com. Stafford Thomas Wase of Eotherby in=Anne d. of Thomas Coul- Com. Lester temp. Q. Mary clough of Com. Stafford Anne ux William Wid- dew of Com. Stafford Salnson Wase 7. Eichard Thomas =Margery Wase of d. of. Wm * Hickling in Com. Notting ham Brookes by of Gadesby EdwardJohn Anne ux. George Allen of South Croxton in Com. Lester Elizebeth 1 m. to Augustin Hynd 2 to Thomas Amer- sonn Margerett ux. Henery Fox of Great Wigston in Com. Lester I I Alhce s. p. Jane s. p. Dorathey s. p. jtflople* Aems. Quarterly 1 and 4, quarterly 1. Gules, a mule passant and a bordure argent, in dexter chief a mullet or. 2. Gules, a greyhound eourant or between two bars argent charged with three martlets sable, in chief as many plates. 3. Argent a saltire salle letween four estoiles gules. 4. Quarterly embattled argent and sable. 2 and 3. Or a chevron between two roses in chief gules and a dolphin embowed im lase azure. A crescent for difference over the whole coat. Ceest. Two demi dragons addorsed, their necks entwined, the dexter gules, the sinis ter or. Motto.— "Dieu Gaeda Le Motle." Thomas Moyle=Amye d. & heire of . . . Langstone Eaffe Moyle of Bowerhall in Mole Ash in Com. Kent Thomas Moyle=Marcye d. of . . . White A 1 174 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. John Moyle of=Anne d. of Hen. Thomas Moyle of=Mary d. of S Lymby in Gooderick of Caversfeld in Eoger North Com. Not- Eibston in Com. Com. Bucking- Knt. tingham Gooderick of Caversfeld in Eibston in Com. Com. Bucking- York ham I Wilham Moyle Charles Moyle John Moyle I I Anne Jane Mary Mary ux. James Dauenport Dorathey sonn & heire of Sr Humffrey Lord Cheeff Baron Elizebeth ux. Timothey Alhce Anne ux. . Whitby of London of London I Yong Mary ux. WUham Morgan of ... in Com. Chester ^aML Sr John Savell of . . .in Com. York=Jane d. of Wm. Gascoigne of Gawthrop I Sr John SaveU Knt. Thomas SaveU=Margarett d. of . . of Lupsett Basford of Basford John Savell=Anne d. of of Lupset Wyatt George SaveU i Thomas Savell Henery SaveU of Ba-=Joane d. & heire of Willm. raby in Com. Lincon Vernon [of] Baraby Sr George Francis Mary d. & heire of=Cordall Savell of=Susan d. Bridgett Savell of Savell WUlm. Welbeck of Sutton vppon of . . . Baraby Knt. =r ... in Com. Not- Lound in Com. Shakelton =7= \J/ tingham 1 wiffe ob. Nottingham of London \|/ • s. p. Catherin d. of Edward Hunings=Cordall Savell of ClerkenweU of Aye in Com. Suffolk I Edward Savell nigh London 1623 I Arther Savell Mary I Vrsula THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 175 (Hootrm* Aems. Quarterly ¦. — 1. A fess between two chevrons vair. 2. Per fess or and argent, a lion rampant azure. 3. Gules, a wivern argent. 4. Gules, on a che vron cotised argent three lions rampant of the field. 5. Paly of six argent and gules a bordure engrailed azure, on a canton a spur. 6. Quarterly per fess in dented argent and sable, in the first and fourth quarters a hunting-horn argent (sic) . 7. Azure, three peacocks' heads erased argent. 8. Gules, on a fess or between three birds argent as many fieurs-de-lis azure. 9. Azure, a lion rampant or, a bordure engrailed gules, and a canton of the second. Over all a crescent for dif ference. Eichard Goodere of Hadley in=. . . d. & heire of Com. Midlesex Thornbury John Goodere of Hadley— . . d. of . . . West Lord Delaware I Thomas Goodere of= Jane d. of Thomas Lewknor of Hadley Trotton in Com. Sussex John Goodere of Hadley== Allice d. & heire of . . . Brent John Goodere=Alhce d. of Thomas of Hadley Frowick of The Fold in com. Midle- Eichard Goodere of St. Albans I Willm. Goodere of Edgworth in Com. Midlesex ^ Thomas Goodere=Jane d. of Sr Thomas Hawte= of Hadley of. in Com. Kent =Eobert Wroth 2 husband Sr Francis Gooder=Vrsula sister & coheire of Sr Knt. Eaffe Eowlett of St. Albans in Com. Hartfford Knt. Anne ux. John Cock of Broxborne in Com. Hertfford Sr Henery Goodere of PoUesworth in Com. Warwick Knt. Thomas Goodere=. . . d. of Sr * of CoUingham in Com. Nott ingham Thomas Saunders WUhamGoodere 4< i Anne ux. WUliam Forster of . in Com. Warwick Henry Goodere: of CoUing ham :Margerett d. of Eobert Daberne of ... in Com. Surrey Margerett ux. Samwell Shepard of CoUingham Dorathey 1 m. to Anne ux. Thomas Evans Wilham of London 2 to Forster Thomas Pert of London 176 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Susanna Goodere Henery Goodere of London Alderman=Jane d. of . . . Greene r i William Goodere=Anne d. of Edward Cooke of Anne ux. Henery Cooke of Hadley London Goldsmyth of ... in Com. Kent Henery Goodere=Andrey d. & heire William Anne ux. Thomas Scissely of Newgate Street in Com. Hertfford of John Eombold of Newgate street Walkeden of the Inner Temple in London Francis Goodere of Newgate=Catherin d. of George Ons- Thomas Goodere Street in Com. Hertfford 1631 in June low of Walton Grange in Com. Stafford of Hatffeld in Com. Hartfford Henery Goodere Jane Anne ux. Thomas Eooke of . in Com. Kent I Judith Vrsula Lucey g>totlttott!K Aems. Or, two bars azure, on a chief of the last three cinquefoils argent. Thomas Stockwith of West Stockwith in Com. Nottingham Henery Stockwith Bobert Stockwith Nl/ Edmond Stockwith Humffrey Stockwith Stephen Power of Edwalton in Com. Nottingham=. . . d. of . . . Cressey Christopher Power of Edwalton & Wiverton=. . . d. of . in Com. Nottingham Bookwood THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. 177 John=Anne d. of Mary 1 Power WUlm. El liot of Stoke in Com. Not tingham ux, Snow, 2 to Jerom Boys- ton 3 to John Hayward ___! I III" ""I Judith ux. George Joane ux. Elizabeth George Power Phillip ux. . . . Brecknock — Martin of Aprecher Willm. the towne Power of Not tingham I I I Josua ob. s. p. . Joseph ob. s. p. Nathaniell ob. s. p. Francis s. p. Francis ob. s. p. Samewell Power Eichard Power Daniell Power Bantartr* Aems. Argent, on a bend azure three escallops of the field, in sinister chief a mullet sable within an annulet gules for difference. Ceest. A demi-lion rampant argent, holding in his paws a snake azure, charged on the shoulder with a mullet within an annulet for difference. These Armes & Crest were allowed to Abell Barnard of Pirton in Com. Oxon vnder the hand of William Camden Clarenceulx. Thomas Barnard of Pirton in Com. Oxon=Edith d. of . . . Ballow of . . . docter of divinity was descended of the Barnards of Enderby in Com. York in Com. Berks widdow of . . . Esmond of ... in Com. Berks John Barnard=Sara d. of . . . of Pirton in \ Stoxes of Had- Com. Oxon j dam in Com. Hertfford Sara ux. doc ter Wither- ington of Com. Lankaster Joell Barnard=Anne d. of of Bridffoid in Com. Nottingham ThomasHew- stas of Wat- lington in Com. Oxon Thomas Barnard John Barnard Abell Barnard William Barnard Sara Barnard Susan Barnard Anne Barnard Joell Barnard Margery Barnard Anne Barnard Mary ux. Clement Colomore docter of the Civill Law Chancellor of the bishopriek of Durham sonn [of] WiUm. Colomore of Bremegham in Com. Warwick 2a 178 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. jfletrfiop. WiUm. Medhop of Newarke vppon=Elizebeth d. of . . - Scrimshall of Trent in Com. Nottingham Cottham in Com. Nottingham John s. p. Thomas s. p. John Medhop of Vpton vpon Trent in Com. Notting ham Lawrance Medhop of Saxland in Com. Essex I William ob. s. p. V Margerett ux. John Palmer of Bever Castell I Lett-ice ux. Eic. Widdowsonn of Newarke Ehzebeth s. p. Ellen s. p. 3R£f£g)tman. Thomas Wightman of Stoke= Catherin d. of MicheU Purefoy in Com. Nottingham I of Calcott in Com. Warwick Eichard Wightman of Stoke Vallentyne Edward Wightman of Wightman Hinckley in Com. Lester Eichard Wightman of the towne of Nottingham ThomasWightmanob. s. p. Edward Wightman of Mansfeld in Sherwood in Com. Nottingham hath divers children 1 Edward ob. yong Thomas Wightman Anne Elizebeth Ehzebeth ux. . . . Levesey of ... in Com. Nottingham I ' Jane ux. WiUm. Knight of Newark in Com. Nottingham ary ux. Thomas Danks of Newark SibbeU ux. Eich ard Taylor of Knightsbridg in Com. Midlesex Stanton. Barry of six ermine and gules. Hussey. & Bryan de Stanton lived in the 6 yere of Edward Jhe Con-=.^ -d. of T eoji ^ ^counterchanged. fessor hee was Lord of Stanto_ in Com. Nottingham * SI Geff^ 8tot0n ^Ti^f; tllet H?^! canton vert two bars gules (sic). Mfc_ CD MH15 i— i oS3 Theobald Stanton Lord of Stanton^.d. of^ John Gifford ^ * Maior Stanton ^^^J?^^ ^ «*.. 3 * WiUiam Stanton of Stanton=Athelin d. of ..Whitworth John *> GfaZes, a bend or. 0 cj.a»y<„ w&A <%A. a»»«fefe of the first. j* A O Sr Wilham: Stanton Knt. Tssabell d. of S1' Eaff Chaworth* Knt. aJ_ I Eichard=. . . d. of . Stan ton Sibthorpe Eobert John Stanton p'son of Stanton Margerett ux. Sr Theobald Tirringham al's Trickingham Azure, a saltire engrailed argent. Sr WiUm.: Stanton Knt = Joane d. of the Lord Eincourte Sr John Lowd-= ham Knt. = Allice d Sr Eob. Kirton . of John Stan- Eobert=. . . d. of . . Bosam James ton Stan- Argent, three birdbolts Bellers ton . . . Barwick of Barwick in Com. Lanck. Sr Geffrey Stanton Knt. in-=Joane d. of S taled his lands on his heirs male 43 E. 3 John Lowden (sic) Knt. John Stan-= ton Sr Simon Stan- Thomas . . . d. & heire ux. James ton p'sonn of Hussey of Flintham & Stanton had issue Margeret d. & heir wife of Thomas Curson Barwick WilliamBarwick Sr William=Elizebeth d. of S1 Stanton Knt. Brian Thorne Knt. Allice ux. Steven Mandevile Lord of Bampton Sr Thomas Stanton Knt. Nicholas Stanton Sr John Stan ton p'sonn of Stanton Sr John Stan ton of Com. Devon Margerett d. &=Avery heire of Cursonn Wilham Hampsterley=Elizebeth d. & heire Thomas Stanton X William Stanton Bar wick William Hamp- sterlev WiUiam Stanton George Stan ton William Stanton Thomas Stanton Thomas Bar wick E =f John Stan ton Allice ux. John Thorold of Marston 00 o HWt_HM c S3 o *_ o odS3Hk!oS3 o Hl-HS3O r i j . Haniond William Bobert Joane ux. Ehzebeth ux. William WUlm. Brookesby of Melton Orme Mowbray in Com. Lester Thomas=Anne d. of Stan ton Argent, a chevron Bar- sable between three wick roses gules. Avery=Mary sister of John Pennington I Willm.: Stanton = Catherin d. of . . . Disney of Norton Disney in Com. Lincon Anthony=Scissely d. of Eob. Nevell Stanton the elder Sr John Stanton a preest Gabriell Barwick of= Elizebeth d. of John Marmyon Bullcot of Cotegraue Grandg Bobert Stan ton of Stanton Bridgett d. & coheire of Gabriell Barwick I J William John Elizebeth ux. Eoger Anne ux. North of Waker- William ingham 2 to Arther Snow Walpoole Ellen ux. William Wylde Lord of Netleworth Bridgett ux. Jeremy Brand of Westhall in Stanton Catherin ux. Anne ux. Eichard Gabriel Marshall Oding- — sells Edith Wilham Stanton Anne Stanton Mary Stanton H Mfe_ /»«_, 122. HYNDE, 129, 130. Augustin, 129. Elizabeth (Lee), 129. ElUn, 120. Joane, 129. Illingworth, 84, 188. Illingworth, — , 85. Ingleby, George, 155. Elizabeth (Bingley), 155. Inglefeld, Elizabeth (Bruse) , 166. Richard, 166. Inglos, 99. Inglos, Elizabeth, 99. Ingoldesby, Mary (Blondeston), 158. Insula, Gaufridus de, 52. Ireland, George, 118. Margarett, 118. Isham, Edward, 160. Mary, 160. Ithell, Catherin, 28. Ivangrch, David ap, 37. Jannett, ap, 37. Jackson, 70. Jackson, Jane, 70. Elizabeth (Savill), 70. EUzabeth (Thornhegh), 70. Sir John, 70. Jacksonn, Arther, 2. Barbara (Clifton), 18. William, 18. Jek, Ivo, 20. Helen (Strelley), 20. Jenkinsonn, John, 106. Theodocia (Yerburgh), 106. Jenny, Margerett, 180. WUUam, 184. Jennyson, Thomas, 3. Jenyson, 95. Jenyson, Margerett, 95. Thomas, 95. Jepsay, — , 158. — (Fox), 158. Jepson, John, 4. Jermin, Elisabeth, 66. John, 66. Jernegan, Anne, 161. John, 161. Jerningham, Margaretta, 6. JESSOP, 94. Anne, 94. Anne (Swifte), 94. Anne (Gooderick), 94. Catherin (Doyley), 94. George, 94. Margerett, 94, 156. Margerett (Atherton), 94. Richard, 94, 156. Wortelly, 94. William, 94. Jobson, Ann, 85. Thomas, 85. Johnsonn, Elizabeth, 65. Mary (Willoughby), 147. WUliam, 147. Johnston, Mary (DaneU), 91. WUUam, 91. Jopesay, — , 158. — (Fox), 158. Katherynes, Dorathey, 99. Humfrey, 99. Kaynes, 123, 125. Kaynes, Caignes al's, 125. Kaynes, John, 125. Luke, 125. Margerett, 125. Robert, 125. WUUam, 125. Kelk, 121. Kemp [Cardinal], 20. IssabeU, 20. John, 20. John [Abp. of Cant.], 20. Thomas, 20. Kempster, Giles, 28. Scissely (Trussell), 28. Kent, Elizabeth, Countess of (Wake), 37. John, E.of (Plantagenet),37. Ketlewood, Sara, 28. Kettleby, — , 136. Key, Peter, 3. Kighley, Jane, 119. Robert, 119. KUborne, Francis, 190. Kilpeek, 145. Kingston, E. of [note], 49. Kingston-upon-Hull,~E. of, 56. Kingstone, Elizabeth, 63. John, 63. Kirby, Agnes, 164. Richard, 164. Kirchener, Hugh, 190. Kirkby, — , 140. Kirnsale, John, 47. Richard, 47. Kirton, 117. Kirton, Allice, 180. Sir Robert, 180. Kitsonn, Sir Thomas, 162. Elizebeth (Cornwallis), 162. Knapwell, Will de, 79. Knifton, Mary, 128. Thomas, 128. Sir WiUiam, 128. Knight, Jane (Wightman), 178. William, 178. — , 147. Knivell, HeUen (Harding), 83. Mary, 83. Richard, 83. Kniveton, Agnes (Elwis), 29/ EUen, 89. — , 89. Knotesworth, 90. Knotsworth, Jane, 90. William, 90. Knowles, Elizabeth, 146. Henery, 146. WUUam, 8. KnowUs, Emme, 151. Sir Robert, 151. Kyme, 11. Kvme, Bridgett, 105. Sir Phillip, 105. Kynaston, Anne, 43. Thomas, 43. Lacella, Roger de, 52. Lacock, 95. LACOCK, 95, 96, 190. Alice (Widowson), 96. Edmond, 96. George, 96. Leonard, 95. Margaret (Jenyson), 95. Mathew, 96. PhiUip, 96. Thomas, 96. — (Cartright), 96. Lacon, Anne (Blondeston), 158. Dorathey, 63. Harbert,' 158. Herbert, 63, 101. Susan, 101. Lacye, AUice, 71. John, 71- Lane, Roger, 26. Langfford, 188. Langfford, Ellen, 55, 56. Sir John de, 188. Sir Nicholas, 65, 56. Langford, 50. Langford, Sir John, 50. Margaret, 50. Margerett (Markham), 25. Nicholas, 25. Langham, — , 13. Langley, EUzabeth, 163. Robert, 163. Langstone, Amye, 173. Langton, Cuthbert, 187. Jane, 187. Joane, 187. Johanna, 187. WUliam de, 45. Lany, Anne, 63. William, 63. Lascells, 53 [seal], 57. LASCELLS (Llassells], 57, 58, 59, 60. Agnes (Rocliff), 68. Allice, 58. Allice (Fyn), 58. Anne, 56, 60, 74. Ann (Skipwith), 57. Anne (—?—), 59. INDEX TO NAMES. 209 Lascells — continued. Anne (Wirral), 60. Avice, 57, 58. Bryan, 59. Sir Bryan, 59. Catherin, 57, 69. Catherin (Grey), 58. Christiana (Lemington), 53. Christopher, 59. Digby, 59. Dorathey, 59. Dorathey (Sandford), 58. Dorathey (Paynell), 59. Duncanus de, 53. Edmond, 60. Edmundus de, 52. Edward, 58. Elizabeth, 42, 57, 69, 60. EUzabeth (Delamore), 57. Elizabeth (Marbury), 59. Ellen, 60. EUen (Beckwith), 58. EUinor, 59. EUinor (Wandisford), 59. Francis, 59. George, 42, 52, 58,59,73,74. Sir George, 59. Galfrey, 51, 57. Galfridus de, 57. Gaufridus de, 61, 63. Sir Geffery, 67. Gervase, 59, 60. Helen, 57. Henry, 58, 59. Hereye, 59. IssabeU, 57. IssabeU (Wooderington), 58. IssabeU (Mountague), 59. Jane (MaUory), 60. Jane (Mollineux), 74. Joane, 57, 58. Joane (TopcUff), 58. John, 57, 58, 59, 60. Sir John, 57. Johannes de, 51, 52. Lionell, 60. Margaret, 57, 58, 60. Mary, 59. Matilda de, 51. Maud, 58. Maud (—?—), 57. Maud (Constable) 57. Milliscent, 59. Picott, 57. Picotus de, 51, 57. Radulphus de, 53. Raffe, 58, 59. Sir Raffe, 57, 58. Richard, 57, 58, 59. Sir Richard, 57. Richard de, 58. Robert, 58. Robertus de, 52. Roger, 59. Roger de, 57. Sir Rogerus de, 53. Sir Roger, 59. Samwell, 59. Sara de, 51. Scisseley (Danny), 58. Susan, 59. Theophania, 50 60. Lascells — continued. Thomas, 59, 60. Sir Thomas, 57. Walter, 57, 58. Walterus de, 53. Sir Walter, 58. WiUiam, 57, 58, 60. WUliamus de, 51, 52. Winiffrid, 59. — (Eland), 58. — (Medcalffe), 58. — (Heyfield), 58. — (Sedgwick), 59. — (Thwaites), 59. Lattimer, John Lord, 162. Lucy, 162. Leak, Sir ffrancis, 25. Leake, 14, 64 [in note], 117. Leake, Sir Francis, 18. Mary (Egioke), 18. Lee, Sir James, 15. Elizab. (Stanley), 15. EUzabeth, 129. Sir Richard, 129. Jeffrey [note], 100. Leeeh, Anne, 163. Sir Edward, 128. — (Chaworth), 128. EUzabeth, 104. Sir Robert, 163. Sir Roger, 163. Ursula, 105. WiUiam, 104. Sir WUUam, 105. Leek, Anne, 146. Barbara (Yerburgh), 106. Catherin (Chaworth), 127. Elizabeth, 117. Gertrud, 128. Margerett, 24. Raffe, 128. Robert, 146. Simon, 24. Thomas, 117. WUUam, 106, 127. Leeke, 12, 101, 114. LEEKE, 101. Adam, 101. Agnes, 114. Allexander, 101. Ann, 14, 101. Anne (Robertson), 101. Barbara (Yarborough), 101. Catherin, 166. Charles, 101. Dorathey, 101. Edmond, 101. EUzabeth, 14, 101. EUzabeth (Mercer), 101. Elizabeth (Cooper), 101. Elizabeth (Smyth), 101. Emming (Leeming), 101. Frances, 101. Francis, 101. Herbert, 101. IssabeU (Towers), 14. James, 101. Jane (Drax), 101. Jarvis, 101. Joane, 114. Joanne (Talbott), 14. John, 101. Leeke — continued. Sir John, 14. Margaret, 14. Mary, 14, 101. Mathew, 101. Sir Simon, 14. Susan, 101. Susan (Lacon), 101. Thomas, 101, 166. William, 101, 114. Looming, Emming, 101. Francis, 101. Legborne, 105. Legborne — , 105. Leggatt, Catherin, 39, 113. Janne, 43. Jennett, 109. John, 43, 113. Legrose, Idithe, 186. William, 186. [E. of Aubemarle and Champagne], 186. Leigh, 100. LEIGH, 100. Agnes (Conyers), 100. Anne, 43. Barbara, 100. Bridgett, 100. Bridgett (Sotherby), 100. Dorathey, 100. Dorathey (Flower), 122. Dorathey (Thurland), 100. Elizabeth (Ayliffe), 100. Geffrey, 100. Gervas, 100, 154. Issabell (Poole), 27. Jane (Hadock), 72. John, 27, 43. Myles, 100. Oliffe (Therland), 154. Peter, 72. Reignald, 100. Scisseley, 100. Thomas, 100. WUUam, 100. — , 172. Leigh al's Lee, Gervas, 100. Leighton, Sir Thomas, 60. Leisure, Sir Stephen, 39. EUzabeth (Dabridgcourt), 39. Leke, Sir John de, 45. WUUam, 45. Lemington, Christiana, 53. Esa, 53. Radulphus de, 53. Lespencer, Hugh de, 124. IssabeU (Beauchamp), 124. Levesey, Catherin, 112. Emma, 114. Elizab. (Wightman), 178. -, 29. Levesley, — , 29. Levett, 189. Lewcas, John, 112. Catherin (Row), 112. Lewes, 189. Lewes, Edith (Trussell), 28. Jane (Brendisley), 140. Richard, 140. Thomas, 28. Lewknor, Jane, 175. Thomas, 175. 2 B 210 INDEX OF NAMES. Lexbourne, IssabeU, 67. Lexinton, 141, 142. Lexinton, John de, 141, 142. Robert de, 141, 142. Henery de [Bp. of Lincoln] 141, 142. -, 5. Ley, Geffry, 25. Mary, 28. Leymur, Petrus, 44. Tor, 44. Linacre, — , 161. Lindsey, Allen de, 75. AlUce, 75. Amicia ( — ? — ), 75. Brasile, 75. David, 75. David de, 75. Galfrey de, 75. Hugh, 75. Liseux, Elizabetha, 170. IssabeU (— P — ), 170. Johefe, 170. Lisley, Vist [Grey], 148. Lister, Anne, 60. Charles, 60. Elizabeth, 60. Lawrance, 60. Sir MicheU, 60. Sir Richard, 60. Thomas, 60. Litlebery, EUzabeth, 106. Humphry, 106. Littlebury, Humphry, 15. Ursula (Hereye), 15. Littleton, EUzabeth, 149. Ellen (Walsh), 10. Joane, 10. Sir John, 149. Sir WUUam, 10. Lloyde, Ellinor, 34. Evan, 34. Lock, Joane (WUkinson), 83. Sir WUUam, 83. Lockwood, Mary (BoUes), 95. Thomas, 95. Longford, 32. LONGFORD, 32. Abraham, 32. Catherin (Bradshaw), 53. Catherin (Comyn), 53. Dorathey, 53. EUzabeth (Lowe), 53. George, 53. Godffrey, 53. Joane, 53. Sir John, 24. Margery, 24, Nicholas, 53. Roger, 53. Thomas, 53. WiUiam, 53. LongvUe, Anne (Saunders), 84. Sir Thomas, 84. LongviUers, Agnes, 5. Berta (Markham), 23. EUzabeth, 5. John de, 5. Thomas de, 5. WUliam, 23. Loudham, 188. Loudham, Sir John de, 188. Loughton, Adam de, 70. Ide, 70. Louie, John, 129. Joane (Hynd), 129. Louis, John, 129. Joane (Hynd), 129. Lounders, flelwise, 123. Morrice de, 123. Thomas de, 123. WUUam de, 123. Lovelace, Leonard, 74. Margarett (MoUneux), 74. LoveU, PhUUpus, 81. Lovett, EUinor, 107. Low, Clement, 21, 32, 164. Elizabeth, 32. IssabeU (StreUey), 21. Mary, 164. Lowden, Joane, 180. Sir John, 180. Lowdham, Catherin (Darcy), 49. EUzabeth, 49. Henery, 49. ' Joane, 49. Sir Thomas, 49. Lowe, Fifeld al's, 136. Lowth, Lionell, 161. Margerett, 161. Lucey, John, 71. Lucy, Galfridus, 51. Herbertus, 51. Mary, 61. MatUda de, 51. Ricardus de, 51. Sara de, 51. Sir Thomas, 61. Ludeham, Sir Walter de, 45. Ludford, — (HoUis), 61, 62. Luke, Alice (Clarkson), 92. OUve (Claxton), 183. OUver, 183. Lunn, Ann, 104. LuttreU, Sir Geffery, 124. Joane, 124. Johanna, 45. Lymburg, EUena de, 52. PhiUip de, 52. Lyn, John, 88. Mary, 88. Lyndley, 119. LYNDLEY, 119. Anne (Rotherwood), 119. David, 119. Ellen (Penfax), 119. Francis, 119. Jane (Molineux), 119. Jane (Knightley), 119. John, 119. Margerett (Evers), 119. Margerett (Farmery), 119. Percivale, 119. Raphe, 119. Richard, 119. Robert, 119. Rose (Clarke), 119. Thomas, 119. William, 119. — (Gowland), 119. Lynley, Francis, 73. Jane (Molineux), 73. Lyon, Agnes =(Smyth), 129. Lyon — continued. Anne, 129. Dorathey (— P —), 129. EUzabeth (Lee), 129. Henery, 129. Sir John, 129. Thomas, 129. Lyseux, Elizabeth, 41. Johannes, 41. -,41. MabiU, John, 55. Mablethorpe, Cassandra, 105. Sir Richard, 105. MackwUUams, Henry, 8. Margeret, 8. Mackworth, EUen (Hereye), 15. ffrancis, 15. Madisson, Raffe, 97. Mary (WiUiamson), 97. Margaret (WiUiamson), 97. MakereU, — (Cressy), 17. Mallett, 117, 188. Mallett, Anne, 117. Issabell (Ward), 117. Jane (Francis), 117. Maud, 49. Richard, 117. Robert, 117. Thomas, 49. Sir Thomas, 188. Mallory, 33. MaUory, Sir Ancketyl, 33. EUinor, 33. Jane, 60. John, 33. Margery, 138. Margerett, 138. Mary (WUloughby), 145. Roger, 33. Thomas, 33, 145. WUliam, 33. Sir WUUam, 60. Malnoer, Lionius de, 43. MaloveU, Elizabeth (Long villers), 5. Stephen, 5. — (Lexinton), 5. Manby, Anne (WiUiamson), 97. WUliam, 97. MandevUe, Allice (Staunton), 180. Stephen, 180. -,64. Manley, Anne, 102. Edward, 102. Mary, 102. Mary (WUloughby), 102. Prudence (Stone), 102. Willoughby (Stone), 102. Manners, EUzabeth, 143. Sir George, 143. Mannors, Annora, 55. Catherin, 40. George [Ld. Ross], 40. George, 51. Grace, 51. John, 55. Johanna, 55. Louis, 55. MicheU, 55. Mannours, Annora, 44, 48. Hasculpho de, 45. Johanna, 48. Johannes, 48. John, 48. Leonius, 48. Micheal, 44, 45. Sir MicheUus, 48. Mannours Lowdham, 49. Mannurs, Michael, 44. Mansell, Anne (Dabridgcourt), Phillip, 38. Sir PhiUip, 38. Sir Rice, 38. Scisseley (Dabridgcourt), 38. — 37. Mansfield, — , 64. ManteU, Mary, 158. Walter, 158. Mantle, Catherin, 187. Sir Walter, 187. Manwaring, Maud, 28. RandaU, 28. Marbury, EUzabeth, 59. Laurence, 8. Margerett (ColshiU), 8. March, E. of [Stuart], 18. Countess of (CUfton), 18. MareshaU, WiU. de, 45. Markham, 23, 141. MARKHAM, 23, 24, 25, 26. Abraham, 26. Agnes, 23, 26. Sir Alexander, 23. Alexander, 25. AUice, 24, 26. AUice (Skipwith), 24. Allice (Hereye), 15. Anne, 24, 25, 26. Anne (StreUey), 7, 21, 24. Anne (Henniugham), 24. Anne (Laxton), 25. Anne (Warberton), 25. Anne (Hereye), 117. Anne (Ross), 112. Anthony, 26. Sir Anthony, 26. Audella, 24. Barbara (Nevell), 60. Berta, 24. Bridgett (Harrington), 26. Catherine, 24, 25, 26, 76. Catherin (Hartishorne), 24. Catherin (Babington), 24. Charles, 25, 26. DanieU, 25. Dorothey, 25. Elizabeth, 24, 25, 26, 72. Elizabeth (Burden), 24. EUzabeth (Mering), 13, 24. Elizabeth (Montague), 24. EUenor (Turbervoyle), 24. Ellinor, 25. Emme, 25. Frances, 24,26, 152. ffrancis, 25. George, 25, 26, 118. Gervas, 25. Sir Griffin, 25, 112 Henry, 26. IssabeU, 24, 26. INDEX OF NAMES. Markham — con tinued. Issabell (— p — ), 23. Jane, 25. Jane (Daubney), 24. Jane (Eyre), 15, 26. Jane (Welby), 26. Jerom, 24. Joane (Bothomswell), 23. John, 14, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 72, 76. Sir John, 7, 15, 21, 24, 73, 152, 187. Margerett, 24, 25, 148. Margaret (Cressy), 17, 23. Margarett (Leek), 24. Margerett (Villers), 24. Margerett (Hereye), 14. Margery (Longford), 24. Mary, 26. Mary (Griffin), 24. Mary (Leak), 25. Mary (Ley), 25. Mary (Thorold), 26. Mary (Yetsworth), 26. MiUicent, 26. MUlesent (Bekering), 23. Phillip, 25. PhUUpus, 170. Richard, 23, 24, 25, 141. Robert, 13, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 60, 117, 141. Robert de, 141. Sir Robert, 15, 24, 25, 72, 148. Scisseley, 23. Thomas, 24, 25, 26. WUliam, 24, 25. Winiffrid (Thorold), 25. — (NeveU), 24. — (BurneU), 25. — (Tirringhan), 26. — (Caunton), 23. — (Lexinton), 141. Marmion, 28, 145. Marmion, Bridgett, 28. Henry, 28, 147. Issabell (Egerton), 28. — (Willoughby), 147. Marmyon, EUzabeth, 181. John, 181. Marshall, 70, 91, 97, 166. MARSHALL, 166, 167, 182. Agnes, 166. Agnes (Browne), 166. AlUce, 135, 159, 166. Anne, 91, 97. Anne1 (Cave), 167, 182. Anne (Muston), 166. » Catherin, 167. Catherin (Staunton), 181. Catherin (Leeke), 166. Catherin (Nevell), 166. Dorathey, 167. Edmond, 167. Elizebeth, 166, 167. Elizabeth (Bingham), 166. Ellen (Thorpe), 166. EUenor, 166. Francis, 167. Henry, 167, 182. Humfrey, 167. IssabeU, 166. 211 Marshall — continued. Joane, 166. John, 91, 97, 166, 167, 182. Katherin, 110. Maude (Scrimshire), 167. Raffe, 135, 166, 167. Richard, 166, 167, 181. Robert, 166. Roger, 166. Simon, 159. Susan, 167. Stephen, 167. Thomas, 166, 167. WUUam, 166, 167. — (DaUisson), 167. — (Assaby), 167. -,70. Martell, Margarett, 151. Sir Peter, 151. Martin, George, 172. Joane (Power), 177. John, 22. Mary (Strelly), 22. PhiUip, 177. Sence (Bevercotts), 172. Martyn Bartholmew, 3. Massingberd, Allice (Bever cotts), 173. Thomas, 172. Masters [see Musters], 142. Matirsey, Thomas, 48, 50. Matterden, EUzab. (North), 127. Maudit, William, 81. Maulley, Catherin, 78. MaunseU — , 52. MabUUa, 52. Maxey, 157. Maxey, Allice (Roch.), 158. AUice (Fuller), 158. Edmond, 158. Elizabeth, 158. Ellen (Chambers), 158. Frances (Bawdwyn), 158. Henery, 158. John [Bp. of Elphin], 168. Laurence, 158. Mary, 158. - Mary (Crawnte), 158. Robert, 158. WiUiam, 158. Mealtum, Walterus de, 52. Meares, 179. Meares, Beatrice, 179. Medcalffe — , 58. MEDHOP, 178. Elizabeth, 178. EUzabeth (ScrimshaU), 178. Ellen, 178. John, 178. Laurence, 178. Lettice, 178. Margerett, 178. Thomas, 178. WiUiam, 178. Meeres, Barbara (Nevell), 66. Sir John, 66. Meering, 23. Meering, EUzabeth, 20, 24. EUenor, 121. Margarett, 42. Millescent (Bekering), 23. 212 INDEX OF NAMES. Meering — continued. WiUiam, 20, 42. Sir WiUiam, 23, 24. Melfford, Mary, 68. Melton, 50. Melton, Sir John, 60, 55, 186. Mary (Sutton), 186. Thomasin, 50, 55. Meols, John, 27. Mary (Poole), 27. Mercer, Elizabeth, 101. Merian, EUzabeth, 147. Raffe, 147. Mering, 12, 33. MERING, 12, 13. Alexander, 12, 13, 33, 35. Sir Alexander, 12. AUice, 13. Ambrose, 13. Anne, 13, 140. Catherin, 13. Catherin (Hereye), 13, 15. Edmond, 13. Edward, 13. EUzabeth, 13. Elizabeth (ffoune), 12. EUzabeth (Nevell), 13. EUenor, 170. EUinor (Cressy), 12. ffrancis, 12, 13. GUbert, 12. Sir GUbert, 12. Issabell, 33. James, 13, 140. Jane, 13, 33. John, 13, 15. Margaret, 13. Margarett (Cave), 13. Margery, 13, 170. Mary, 13. Maud (Hercey), 12. Maud (Beckering), 12. MiUicent, 13. Thomas, 12, 13. Sir Thomas, 13. WUliam, 12, 13. Sir WiUiam, 12, 13, 170. — (Hall), 13. ¦ — (Laughton), 13. — (Thwaites), 13. Merian, WiUiam de, 51. Mesure, Johne, 54. Metheringham, John, 3. Edmond, 3. Methley, 18^8. Methley, Anne (Lister), 60. Bartholomew, 60. Christopher, 60. EUzabeth, 60. John, 59, 136. Joane (Perry), 59. Joane (Bingham), 60. MevereU, Anne (Donham), 160. Elizabeth, 173. George, 160, 173. Meverly, Anne (Donham), 160. George, 160. MicheU, Allice, 134. Catherin, 22. EUenor (StreUey), 21. John, 21. MicheU — continued. Judith (Hill), 21. Thomas, 134. al's Copland, John, 106. Midleton, EUzabeth, 111, 167. Henricus de, 52. Sir John, 111. Margeria ( — ? — ), 62. Mary, 116. Nicholas, 167. WUUam, 116. Milliner, Isabella, 54. Minors, Catheren, 38. Richard, 38. Mohun, Margerett (Elwis), 29. Molbray, R. de, 61. Molineux, 72. MOLINEUX, 72, 73, 74. AUce (Cranmer), 73. AlUce (Cranmer), 71. Anne, 10, 72, 73, 74. Anne (Harington), 73. Anne (LasceUes), 59, 74. Anne (Moting), 74. Anthony, 72, 74. Bridgett (Sabcotts), 74 Bridgett, 74. Catherin, 6, 72, 73. Christian, 74. Christopher, 74. Dorathey, 38, 73, 74. Dorathey (PowtreU), 72. Edward, 73. Edmond, 74. Edmund, 74. Sir Edmond, 73. Sir Edward, 73. EUzabeth, 72, 74, 162. Elizabeth (Markham), 24. Elizabeth (Greenhaugh), 73. EUen, 73. Etheldred (Herle), 74. (Vytham), 74. „ (Vaughan), 74. Fayth, 74. Frances, 73. Francis, 73. Sir Francis, 73. Gervase, 3, 73, 74. IssabeU (Markham), 26. Jane, 73. Jane (Cheney), 73. Jane (Molineux), 73. John, 59, 73, 74, 162. Sir John, 26, 71, 73, 74. Margerett, 72, 73, 74. Margerett (Bussy), 72. Margaret (Comyn), 72. Mary, 73, 74. Mary (Bevercotts), 74. Paule, 74. Ralph, 6. Richard, 72, 73. Sir Richard, 10, 73. Robert, 72, 73. Roger, 73. Ruth (Delwood), 74. Rutland, 74. Sabcotts (74). Theodosia (Heron), 73. Thomas, 24, 71, 72, 73, 74. WUUam, 38, 72, 74. Molineux — continued. Winifrid, 73. — (Markham), 73. — (Read), 74. Molitum, Henricus de, 52. Mollineux, Catherin (Cotton), 72. Dorathey, 109. EUzabeth (Markham), 72. Frances, 119. HeUen, 142. Jane, 119. Margarett, 116, 146. Mary (Bevercotts), 172. Richard, 72. Sir Richard, 72, 143. Rutland, 172. Thomas, 72, 146. WUUam, 109. Mololacue, Constance (Sutton), 186. Sir Peeter, 186. Molynes, Sir MicheU, 149. EUzabeth (GUbert), 149. Mombocher, Sir Bertram, 145. IssabeU (WiUoughby), 145. Monbocher, 47, 49. Monbocher, Bartram, 47, 48, 50. Sir Bartram, 47, 60. George, 47, 50. Sir George, 47, 48, 50, 65. Issabella, 47, 50. Joane, 48, 56. Joane (Charrons), 47, 50. Margaretta, 47, 50. Margarett (Sutton), 47, 50. Margarett (Chaucer), 47, 50. Matilda, 48, 50. Nicholas, 47. Radulphus, 47, 50. Monbocker, George, 17. IssabeU, 17. Monboucher, Sir George, 56. Joanne, 56. Monins, John, 71. Jane (Cranmer), 71. Monox, 189. Mons, Henry, 46. Montague, Sir Edward, 24. Elizabeth, 24. Montgomery, Elizabeth, 164. Sir John, 164. Moore, CecUy, 183. [Lord ChanceUor], 183. Sir Thomas, 183. Moreton, Allice (Markham), 24. Elizabeth, 71. Morgan, Mary (Moyle), 174. WUUam, 174. Morivale, 153. Morley, Amphelisia, 67. Elizabeth, 90. Goodith, 163. Sir Robert, 67. Money, Anne, 129. Richard, 129. Mmtein, 145. Mortein, IssabeU, 145. Sir Roger, 145. Walter de, 45. Mortimer, Anne, 147. Hughe, 126. INDEX OF NAMES. 213 Mortimer — continued. IssabeU, 126. John, 147. Mortfclayne, Anne (Ruffo), 14. Eustace, 14. Sir Roger, 14. Thomas, 14. Morton, Anne (Wortley), 102. George, 102. — (Therland, 154). Moting, Anne, 74. Sir WUliam, 74. Moton, Anne, 138. Allice (Bassett), 138. Edmund, 139. Elizabeth, 138, 139. EUzabeth (Bugg), 138. Margaret (MaUery), 138. Margarett (—?—), 138. PhiUip (WUloughby), 138. Reginald, 138. Robert, 138. Sir Robert, 138. WiUiam, 138. Motton, Emme, 17. Sir WiUiam, 17. Moulton, AUice (Bassett), 42. Robert, 42. Susan, 102. WUUam, 102. Mount-Bocher, Sir George, 50. Mountague, Sir Edward, 59, 87. „ [note], 86. IssabeU, 59. Margarett, 86, 87. Mountegle, Lord [Stanley], 18. Mmntford, 145. Mountgmnery, 188. Mountgomery, Richard, 65, 66. Sir WiUiam de, 188. Mountney, Constance ( — ? — ), 64. John, 64. Sir John, 64. Robert, 64. Mowbegere, \ etc., see Mon- Mowbeger, J bocher, 47, 49. Mowbray, 117. Mowbray, — , 52. Moyle, 173. MOYLE, 173, 174. AUice, 174. Amye (Langstone), 173. Anne, 174. Anne (Gooderick), 174. Charles, 174. Dorathey, 174. Elizabeth, 174. Jane, 174. John, 174. Marcye (White), 173. Mary, 174. Mary (North), 83, 174. Raffe, 173. Thomas, 173, 174. WiUiam, 174. Moyne, EUzabeth, 106. Thomas, 106. Mumby, Sir Lambert, 105. Maude, 105. Muschamp, Anne, 90. WiUiam, 90. — , 167. Musgrove, John de, 80. Mussard, — (Flower), 122. Musters, 142. Musters, Henry, 142. Joane, 142. Muston, 166, 188; [note] 91, 97. Muston, Anne, 166. William, 166. MyUes, Emme, 133. Neale, Elizabeth, 146. EUzabeth (Slory), 87. Raffe, 87. Richard, 153. — (Haselrig), 153. Neasfeld, Margerett, 151. WUliam, 151. Nedham, Anne, 158. Henry, 158. Neifer, John, 46. Nelsonn, EUzabeth, 68. Thomas, 68. Nevell, 64. NEVELL, 64, 65, 66. Alexander, 64, 65. Alice, 65. Alice (BosweU), 65. AUice, 17. Anne, 43. Andrew, 65. Anthoney, 66. Barbara, 65, 66, 79. Barbara (Hereye), 15, 65. Beatrix, 65, 66, 140. Bridgett, 66. Catherin, 166. Christopher, 65. Cutbert, 65. Dorathey, 66. Dorathey (Dawney), 65. Dennys, 66. EUzabeth, 13, 65, 66. EUzabeth (Cook), 64. EUzabeth (Johnson), 65. Elizabeth (BosvUe), 65. Elizabeth (jermin), 66. Edith, 65. EUen (Cutle), 65. EUinor, 34. Frances, 66. Sir George, 24. George, 15, 64, 65, 66, 79, 140. Gertrude (Whaley), 66. Gervase, 65, 66. GUbert, 66. Henry, 65, 66. IssabeU, 66, 92. Issabell (Croftes), 64. Issabell (Hare), 65. Jane, 65, 89, 113, 154, 182. John, 50, 65, 66. Sir John, 18, 65, 89, 182. Margarett, 50, 64, 65. Margarett (Stuting), 65. Margerett (Bland), 66. Mary, 18, 66. MatUda (Stanhop), 6. Nevell — con tinned. Raffe, 34, Richard, 65. Robert, 43, 65, 181. Rosamond, 65. Sara, 66. ' Scissely, 181. Susan, 66. Thomas, 6, 13, 17, 64, 154, 166. WUUam, 64, 66. Sir WiUiam, 64. — (MandevUe), 64. — (Woodfford), 65. — (Oston), 65. — (Ostin), 65. Nevill, 16. NevUl, Radulphus, 79. Sir Richard, 141. Newark (town and borough], 2. Newarke-upon-Trent, Vist. [Perpoint], 56. Newcomen, Elizabeth, 106. Martin, 106. Newman, IssabeU, 35. Sir WiUiam, 35. Newmarch, 188. Newmarch, Sir John de, 188. Sir Thomas de, 188. Newton, Hugh, 168. Jane, 109, 168. Sir John, 109. Johanne de, 53. Mary, 148. WUUam, 148. NiehoUs, Anne (Fincham), 162. Nodell, Anne (Cludd), 104. Robert, 104. Norffolk, D. of, — , 187. North, 82, 127. NORTH, 82, 83. AlUce, 82. Allice (Squier), 83. Anne, 82, 103. Charles, 82. Christian, 83. Christian (Warcop), 82. Dorathey, 82, 83. Dorathey (Wray), 82. Dorathey (Bumall), 82. Dorathey (Dale), 83. Dudley, 83. Sir Dudley, 83. Edward, 82. Sir Edward [Ld. North], 83. Elizabeth, 82, 83, 127. EUzabeth (Staunton), 65, 82, 181. EUzabeth (Colwell), 83. EUzabeth (GUbert), 83. EUenor, 83. Frances (Brockett), 83. Henery, 83. Sir Henry, 83. Joane, 83. John, 82, 83, 103. Sir John, 83. Judeth, 82. Lord, 83. Ld. N. of Cartelage, 83. Margarett (Butler), 83. Mary, 82, 83, 174. 214 INDEX OF NAMES. North — continued. Mary (KniveU), 83. Rebecka, 82. Sir Robert, 83. Roger, 65, 82, 83, 181. Sir Roger, 174. Sara (Reyney), 83. Thomas, 65, 82, 83, 181. Winiffrid (Rich), 83. Northampton, Marquis (Pan), 111. Norton, Sir Richard, 38. Norwich, Ann (Willoughby), 102 Sir Simon, 102. Nottingham [town and bo rough], 2. ODINGSELLS, 75, 76. Allice, 25. AlUce (St. John), 75. AlUce (Sharpe), 76. AUice (Butler), 76. Allice (Broune), 76. Amicia (Corbett), 75. Anne (Tresham), 76. Anne (Barwick), 76, 181. Brasile (De Lindsey), 75. Catherin, 76, 134. Catherin (Markham), 76. Edward, 76. Edwardus, 75. Edmond, 75, 76. EUzabeth, 76. EUzabeth (Sutton), 76. EUenor, 76. Emma (— P — ), 75. Emanuel, 76. Francis, 76. Gabriell, 76, 134, 181. Galffrey, 75. Genard, 75, 76. Henery, 76, 143. Hugo de, 75. Hugh, 75. Issabell, 76. Joane (Sutton), 76, 143. Johannes de, 76. Johannes, 75. John, 75, 76. Sir John, 75, 76. Luce (— ? — ), 75. ' Lucey (Beresfford), 75. Lucey (Bruce), 75. Margaret (Cockaine), 76. Margarett (Sharpe), 76. Mary (Bernake), 76. Richard, 76. Rowland, 75. SibeU (— P — ), 75. Thomas, 76. WUliam, 75. — (Hyde), 76. — (Raleigh), 76. [Seal], 76. Oglethorpe, 189. Oglethorpe, WUUam, 143. Susan (Sutton), 143. Okonor, Grace, 105. John, 105. Okover, Rafe, 160. Catherin (Donham), 160. Oland, Elizabeth (Cole), 77. WUliam, 77. OUver, Elizabeth (Samon), 36. Walter, 45. Onley, Edward, 140. Mary, 140. Onslow, Catherin, 176. George, 176. Orby, AUice, 138. John, 138. Sir John, 105. IssabeU, 105. Orleton, — , 103. Ormesby, Arther, 105. Ormond, Anne, 127. Elizabeth, 127, 152. EUzabeth (Chaworth), 127. Joane, 127. Joane (Chaworth), 127, 152. John, 127, 152. OneU, Elizabeth, 112. Peter, 112. Osborne, 31, 183. OSBORNE, 31. AUice, 31. AlUce (Boteler), 31. Allice (Hewett), 31. Edward, 31. Sir Edward, 31. ffraunces (Harvey), 31. Sir Hewett, 31. Joyce (ffleetwood), 31. WiUiam, 31. — (Belases), 31. Ostin, — , 65. Oston, — , 65. Otter, John, 114. Margaret (Southworth), 114. OversaU, Anne, 164. Sir Hugh, 164. Overton, GresiU, 98. John, 98. Owelys, — , 182. Owen, Jane (Hunt), 167. Owghtred, Dorathey, 40. Sir Robert, 40. Owle, 121. Owlys, — (Nevell), 89. Pabenham, 123. Pabenham, Catherin, 126. Ellinor, 126. Elizabeth (CUfford), 125. Elizabeth (Engaine), 126. Joane (Daubney),' 126. John, 125, 126. Sir Laurence, 126. Thomas, 125. — (Ufford), 125. Paganell, John, 186. Issabell, 186. [Lord Dudley], 186. Page, Elizabeth, 7. Elizabeth (Bourchier), 7. Richard, 7. Pagenham, John, 126. Pagett, Will., Lord, 149. Palmer, Adam, 28. Dorathey (Trussell), 28. John, 178. Margerett (Medhop), 178. Paramore, Thomas, 102. Paramore — con Untied. Margt. (Willoughby), 102. Pargiter, WUUam, 149. Abbigale (WiUoughby), 149. Parker, John, 22. Rosamond, 22. Richard, 2. Parkes, Catherin, 162. Sir PhiUipp, 162. Parkhurst, Anne (Elwis), 29. Sir WiUiam, 29. Parkins, 87 [note], 169. PARKINS, 159, 160. Adrian, 160. Anne, 159. Arden, 160. EUzabeth, 159. EUzabeth (Beresford), 159. Francis, 107, 159. George, 160. Henry, 87, 160. IssabeU, 160. IssabeU (Wood), 87- Isham, 160. John, 160. Margarett, 169. Mary, 160. Mary (Isham), 160. Penelopie, 160. Richard, 107, 159, 160. Parnell, Richard, 4. Parr, Catheren [Oueen], 111. W. [Marquis of -Northamp ton], 111. Parsons, James, 34. Catherin (Fenton), 34. Thomas, 34. Paston, Anne, 128. Mary, 128. William, 128. Pate, John, 66. Mary (NeveU), 66. Thomas, 66. Payne, — , 62. Paynell, Dorathey, 59. Geffrey, 59. IssabeU (Strellev), 21 Richard, 21. Pay ton, AlUce, 31. Robert, 31. Pearsonn, Joane, 129. John, 129. Peckham, Frances, 110. EUzabeth (Cartwright), 109. Sir George, 21. Reginald, 109, 110. — (WiUoughby), 21. Pedwarden, Elizabeth (Lowd ham), 49. Margarett (Markham), 24. Sir Robert, 29. Walter, 24. Peech, Florence (Chichley), 90. Sir Nicholas, 90. Peers, Margaret, 7. Peirpoint, Sir Henry, 2. Pelham, Edmond, 91. Ellen (Darrell), 91. Pell, Sir Anthony, 102. Allice (Flower), 122. Pell — continued. EUzabeth (Willoughby), Thomas, 122. Pembridg, Mary, 27. Raffe, 27. Pembroke, W. E. of, 111. Pendock, 107 PENDOCK, 107. Baney, 107. Elizabeth, 107. EUinor, (Lovett), 107. Francis (Parkins), 107, 159 George, 107. Gervase, 107. John, 107, 159. Margarett (Heyton), 107. Maud (Barry), 107. Richard, 107. WiUiam, 107. Penfax, Ellen, 119. William, 119. Peniston, Mary, 118. Thomas, 118. Pennington, John, 181. Catherin, 181. Penris, Avice, 37. John, 37. Percye, Abraham, 137. Elizabeth (Draper), 137. Maude (Sutton), 186. Sir William, 186. Perers, John de, 52. Perir, WiUianus de, 52. SibUla, 52. Perkins, Elizabeth, 95. Thomas, 95. Perpoint, 44, 49. PERPOINT [including Pere- point, Perpoynt, Per poynte, Perpointe, etc.], 43 to 56. Anne, 50, 56. Annora, 48. Annora (Mannours), 44, 45, 55. Edmond, 48, 50, 56. Sir Edmond, 20, 44, 45, 46. Sir Edmound, 56. Elizabeth, 20, 50, 164. Elizabeth (Beauchamp), 48. Elizabeth (Harris), 51. EUen (Langfford), 65, 56. Francis, 50, 51, 56. Francis (Cavendish), 51, 56. Frances, 51, 56. Sir George, 18, 50, 56, 116. Gertrude (Talbot), 61, 56. Grace; 51, 56. Henery, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56 Sir Henery, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 110. Jang (Herris), 50. Joane (Empson), 50, 56. Joane (Mountbocher), 50, 56. Margerett, 17, 51, 55, 56. Margarett (Langfford), 50. Margaret (Fitz WiUiam), 50, 56. Margaret (Burdon), 50, 56. Mary, 110. Maude (Mallett), 48. INDEX OF NAMES. Perpoint — continued. Sir Nicholas, 30. Sir Raffe, 48. Robert, 44, 46, 50, 51, 56. Sir Robert, 17, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55. Sara (Heriz), 44, 48, 55. Thomasin (Melton), 50, 66. WiUiam, 51, 56. Sir William, 56, 164. Winiffrid (Thwaites), 18, 50, 56. Sir — , 143. — (Hackett), 50. — (Montgomery), 50. — (Roos), 50. — (Aunslowe), 66. Pert, Dorathey (Goodere), 175. Thomas, 175. Petinger, — (Cartwright), 109. Pettit, Anne, 147. John, 147. Petyt, John, 94. Lucy (Watts), 94. Pewsey, — , 102. Phettiplace, Mary, 88. Thomas, 88. Pickering, 188. Pickering, Christopher, 18. Dorathey (Clifton), 18. James, 58. Margarett (LasceUs), 58. Sir James, 58. Picoth, Peter, 80. Pigott, 10; note, 115; 142. Pigott, Christian, 103. Edmond, 10. EUzabeth, 10, 42. Gervase, 10. George, 42. Sir Hugh, 142. IssabeU, 142. Jane, 10, 115. Joane, 10, 115. Jane (Bradshaw), 10. Margaret (Roby), 10. Margarett (Handfforth), 10. Thomas, 10. Pilkenton, Edmond, 151. Margery (Babington), 151. PUkington, Anne, 36. Edward, 79. Thomas, 36. Mary, 79. Pinkney, Alice (Lindsey), 75. Henry de, 75. Robert de, 75. Pirton, Anne, 111. Plantagenet, Henry [Earl of Lano], 124. Maud (de Cardusis), 124. Plomer, Mary (Elwis), 30. Thomas, 30. Plompton, 16. Plumpton, Allice (FoUamb), 171. Anne, 139. EUzabeth, 171. EUzabeth (Stapleton), 171. EUzabeth (Clifford), 171. IssabeU, 164. Margery, 171. 215 Plumpton — con t inued. Sir Robert, 139, 171. WUliam, 171. Sir WiUiam, 171. Plumtree, 188, 190. Plumtree, Ann (Parkins), 159. Pollard, Anthony, 152. Mary (Hilton), 87. Thomazin, 162. Poole, 27. POOLE, 27. [al's Pull], 27. [vel de la Poole], 27. Agnes, 27. AlUce (Babington), 151. Anne (Hooks), 27. Anna (Plumpton), 139. Beatrix (Babington), 151. Bennett (Boys), 27. Dorathey (Cockaine), 139. Edward, 139. Elizabeth, 78, 140. EUzabeth (Stanley), 27. EUzabeth (Bretton), 27. Elizabeth (Moton), 138. Elizabeth (Parkins), 159. Frauncis, 27, 139. German, 139. Germanus, 139. Sir German, 139. Henry, 27, 139. IssabeU, 27. James, 27. Janne (Fitzherbert), 7, 139. John, 7, 27, 139. Sir John, 27. Katherin (Vernon), 139. Mary, 27. Mary (Pembridg), 27. Maud (Randall), 27. Peter, 78. Raffe, 27, 140, 151. Randall, 27. Reginald, 138. Reignald, 27. Richard, 27. Rowland, 27. Scissely, 27. Thomas, 27. Sir Thomas, 27. WiUiam, 27. — (Bureton), 27. — (Capenhurst), 27. — (Croker), 27. Pope, Bryan, 156. Margarett (Symcock), 166. Port, Dorathey, 7. Elizabeth, 7. Elizabeth (Gifford), 7. Johanne (Fitzharbert) , 7. Sir John, 7. Margaretta, 7. Porter, Robert, 190. Portington, Margaret, 106. Thomas, 106. — 41. Poultney, Anne (Shirley), 10. Francis, 10. Gabriell, 10. Sir Thomas, 10. Pout rell, 188. Poutrell, Sir Robert, 188. 216 INDEX OF NAMES POWER, 176, 177. Anne (Elliott), 177. Christopher, 176. Daniel, 177. Elizabeth, 177. Francis, 177. George, 177. Joane, 177. John, 177. Joseph, 177. Josua, 177. Judith, 177. Mary, 177. Nathaniell, 177. Richard, 177. SameweU, 177. Stephen, 176. WUUam, 177. — (Cressy), 176. — (Rookwood), 176. PowtreU, Dorathey, 72. Bridgett, 36. Dorathey (Bassett), 42, 170. EUzabeth (Lowdham), 49 John, 21, 85, 92. Margarett (Strelley), 21. Mary, 85. Sir Robert, 49. Senc', 92. Sanchia, 92. Thomas, 36, 42, 72, 170. William, 92. Pull, Poole al's, 27. Purefoy, Anna (Bingham), 121. Catherin, 132, 178. MicheU, 132, 178. Radulphus, 121. Pureffoy, Jane (Vincent), 139. Nicholas, 139. Puttenham, Dorathey, 38. Sir George, 38. Pycott, 188. Pycott, Sir Pers, 188. Pym, Henery, 190. Mary (Dabridgcourt), 38. Reignald, 38. Quadring, Scissely, 71. Quarles, Allice (North), 82. Catherin (Chaworth), 128. John, 82. Quenesburglj, CicUia de, 52. Quincy, Roger de [E. of Win chester], SO. Babon, 34. Rabon, Hugh, 34. Joyce, 34. Raby, 64. Radcliff, Joanna (Stanhop), 6. Ralph, 6. Robert, 6. -,64. Radcliffe, Allice (Byron), 10. John, 9. Sir John, 10. — (Byron), 9. Madfford, East [Town and Bo rough], 4. Radley, Brigett (Yerburgh), 106. Raleigh, — , 76. Bamstone, 188. Ramstone, Sir Thomas, 188. Rand, John, 46. Randall, John, 61. Maud, 27. — (HolUs), 61. — , 62. Rasen, Robertus de, 46. Annora, — , 46. Rason, Robert de, 55. Annora (Mannours), 55. Rattlef, Sir John, 8. Mary, 8. Rawson, Anna, 7. Avery, 94. Beatrix (Cooke), 7. Margarett, 94. Nicholas, 7. PhilUp, 172. Read, Bridgett, 184. Dorathey, 184. EUzabeth, 184. Jane, 184. John, 169. Margarett (Alphew), 184. Mary, 184. " Mary (Beresford), 169. Robert, 184. Sir Robert, 184. -, 8. -74. Reade, Griffith, 183. Reding, Elizabeth, 22. Thomas, 22. Redman, EUzabeth (Compton), 128. Sir Walter, 128. Redmer, — •, 35. Rempston, Margeria, 121. Simon, de, 45. Thomas, 121. Reresby, Arnold, 118. Jane, 68. John, 67. Lyon, 68. Margarett (LasceUs), 57. Margarett (WhaUey), 118. Restwood, — (BoyvUl), 171. , 111. Retford [Town and Borough], 4. Bevell, 34. ReveU, EUenor, 34. John, 34. — 136. Reynalds, Mary, 131. Robert, 131. Reyner, Anthony, 65. EUzabeth, 66. Margarett (NeveU), 64. Richard, 64. Sir WiUiam, 56. Reynes, 108. REYNES, 108. Andrew, 108. Catherin, 108. Dorathey, 108, 155. Dorathey (Bassett), 108. Elizabeth, 108. Florence (Bradshaw), 108. Reynes — continued. Jane, 108. Joyce, 108. John, 108, 155. Margery, 108. Mary, 108. Nicholas, 108. Robert, 108. Thomas, 108. — (Armestrong), 108. Reyney, John, 83. Sara, 83. Reynolds, 131. Reyton, Ann, 93. Rhodes, Anne, 42. Francis, 42. RiaU, — (Delamare), 38. Rice, WiUiam, 190. Rich, EUzabeth (ColweU), 83. Penelope, 18. Richard, Lord, 83. Robert, 83. Robert [E. of Warwick], 18. Winiffrid, 83. Richard, John, 54. Richardsonn, Agnes, 130. Richers, Richard, 109. EUzabeth (Cartwright), 109. Ridgway, Cassandra, 185. Lord [in Ireland], 185. Thomas, 185. Ridley, Margarett, 183. Margarett (Musgrave), 183. Nicholas, 183. Rigs, Anne (Mering), 13. Ripers, EUen, 69. Risley, Joane, 145, Roades, 69. Roades, Sir John, 69. Sergant, 69. Roberts, Francis, 77. Anne (Yerburgh), 106. George, 90. Richard, 106. Rose (Danell), 90. Robertsonn, Anne, 101. Bridgett (Bevercotts), 172. Thomas, 172. Robinson, AlUce, 135. EUzabeth, 137. Henery, 137. Thomas, 135. — , 144. Roby, 115. Roby, John, 115. Margarett, 115. Rooh, AUice, 158. Elizabeth (North), 127. EUzabeth (Lascells), 57. WUUam, 158. Sir WiUiam, 57. Rochfford, 179. Rochfford, Sir George, 179. Joanna, 6. Rocliff, Agnes, 58. Sir Robert, 58. Rodney, 143. Rodney, Anne, 143. EUzabeth, 92, 183. John, 92, 143. Roe, Mary, 91. Thomas, 91. INDEX OF NAMES. 217 Rogers, Hugh, 41. Mary (Cressy), 41. Rokesby, Christopher, 59. John, 59. — (Lascells), 59. Mary (Cartwright), 110. Thomas, 110. Roleston, Issabell (Bradborne), RoUston, Ann (Babington), 151. James, 151. Margeria (Bingham), 121. Ralph, 121. Rolston, also Rowleston, 169. ROLSTON, 169, 170. Ann (Babington), 169. Anthony, 170. Edward, 170. ElUnor (Mering), 170. Henery, 169. IssabeU, 170. James, 169, 170. Jane, 170. John, 170. Lancelott, 170. Mary, 170. Raffe, 169. Robert, 170. Thomas, 169, 170. VaUentyne, 170. William, 169. — (Bingham), 169. — (Ashe), 170. Rombold, Audrey, 176. John, 176. Roodes, John, 166. Jennett (Hawkes), 166. Robert, 166. Booke, Ann (Goodere), 176. Thomas, 176. Rookwood, — , 161, 176. Rooper, Joyce (Chaworth), 124. ROOS, 111, 112.. Agnes (Harvy), 111. Agnes (CoUy), 112. AUice, 112. Anne, 25, 112. Anne (Pirton), 112. Anthony, 112. Catherin, 112. Catherin (LeveBey), 112. DargoviU [Steward, Ld. of GaUoway], 111. Edward, 112. Elizabeth (Middleton), 111. Elizabeth (OneU), 112. EUzabeth (Blague), 112. Ellen, 112. EUinor (Wandisford), 111. Francis, 111, 112. George, 112. GUbert, 112. Henery, 112. Humffrey, 111. IssabeU [d. of King of Scots], 111. Joane, 112. John, 111, 112. Margarett (Bruse), 111. Mary, 111, 112. Mary (Gastlin), 112. MicheU, 112. Roos — con tin ued. Peter, 25, 111, 112. Richard, 112. Robert, Ld. [Roos], 111. Robert, 111. Sir Robert, 111. Roger, 112. Theodocia, 112. Thomas, 111, 112. WUUam, 111, 112. Lord [Mannors], 40. 'Rest wold), 111. Scrimshire), 111. Roos), 111. OrreU), 112. Darwen), 112. Wanen), 112. — , 50. Roper, Elizabeth, 183. John, 183. Ropsley, 179. Ropsley, AlUce, 179. Ros, 188. Ros, Sir John de, 188. Sir Robert de, 188. Roskin, Jasper, 55. Roskymer, AlUce (DeynsyU), 61. WUUam, 61. Rosse, Anne, 186. WUliam Lord, 186. Bossell, 119. ROSSELL, 119, 120. Catherin (SachevereU), 120. Doruthey (Cranmer), 71, 120. EUzabeth, 120. George, 11 6, 120. Gervase, 120. Henery, 71. Harold, 120. IssabeU, 120. IssabeU (Babington), 151. John, 120, 151. John de, 119, 120. Margarett (WhaUey), 120. Mary (Cranmer). 120. Robert, 120. Simon de, 119. Thomas, 120. Wilffrid de, 119. RosweU, Elizabeth, 21. Rotheram, Beatrix, 159. — (Linacre), 159. Rotherwood, Anne, 119. Roulston, 33. Roulston, Agnes, 33. Raffe, 33. Routh, James, 28. Ursula (TrusseU), 28. Rowcliff, Sir John, 171. Margery (Plompton), 171. Rowleston, 169. Rowleston, LanceUott, 121. EUinor (Meering), 121. Rowlett, Sir Raffe, 175. Ursula, 175. Rowlston, 64. Royden, Mary, 91. Roydon, Prudence (Corn wallis), 161. 120, 116, Royston, Jerome, 177. Mary (Power), 177. Ruffo, Anne, 14. Issabell (Arches), 14. Sir William, 14. Runce, John de, 45. Ruskin, Jasper, 54. Russell, Jane, 108. John, 26. Termyn, 108. Theodocia (Markham), 26. Russella, Onte, 52. Hugo, 52. Rutland, E. of [Mannors], 40. Ryther, Elizabeth, 97. Ryton, Anne, 92. Sabcotts, Bridgett, 74. Robert, 74. Sacheverell, 163. SACHEVERELL, 163, 164, 165. Agnes (Kirby), 164. Anne, 22, 165. Anne (Leech), 163. Anne (Francis), 164. Anne (Oversall), 164. Anthony, 165. Catherin, 152, 164. Catherin (Fitzherbert), 164. Dorathey, 165. Elizebeth, 86, 163, 164. Elizabeth (Grey), 164. Emma (Dethick), 164. Frances, 165. HeUen, 165. Henery, 116, 164, 165. Sir Henery, 122, 127, 152. Hyacinthus, 165. IssabeU, 165. Issabell (Stathom), 164. Jane, 116, 164, 165. Jane (Bradborne), 165. Joane, 165. Joane (Curzon), 163. Joane (Stathom), 163. John, 163, 164, 165. Lucey, 165. Mary, 122, 127, 164, 165. Mary (—?—),. 163. Mary (Low), 164. MiUicent, 165. Patrick, 22, 164. Sir Patrick, 163. Sir Peter, 163. Rafe, 163, 164, 165. Sir Raffe, 86. Richard, 164. Sir Richard, 163. Robert, 163, 164. Sir Robert, 163 Sence (Bevercotts), 172. Thomas, 164, 165, 172. Sir WiUiam, 163. — (WiUoughby), 147. Sackfford, Dorathey (North), 83. Henery, 83. Sadington, 163. Salley, AlUce, 104. Thomas, 104. Salmon, Thomas, 151. 2 1? 218 INDEX OF NAMES. Salmon — continued. Scissely (Babington), 151. Saltmarsh, Thomas, 40. Margt. (Constable), 40. Samon, 35. SAMON, 35, 36. Anne, 36. Anthony, 35. Edward, 38. Elizabeth, 36, 36. IssabeU, 35. IssabeU (Newman), 36. IssabeU (Delalaund), 35. Jane (Draycott), 35. Jane (Mering), 13, 35. John, 35, 36. Katherin, 35. Mary, 35. Mary (EntwiseU), 36. MyUescent, 35. Nicholas, 35. Richard, 13, 35. Robert, 35. Scisseley (Babington), 35. Thomas, 35. WUffryd, 35. — (Ballard), 35. — (Redmer), 35. Sampson, Amphelis, 16. Sir William, 16. SANDERSON, 100. Ann (Gell), 100. Christopher, 100. Dyonis (Barber), 100. Elizabeth, 100. Elizabeth (Can), 100. Henery, 100. Mary, 100. Robert, 100. WUUam, 100. Sandersonn, Jane (Hollis), 62. Thomas, 62. Sandford, 168. SANDFORD, 168. Catherin, 168. Francis, 168. Jane (Newton), 168. Joane (Smyth), 168. John, 168. Maude (— P— ), 168. Roger, 168. William, 168. Sandfford, Sir Brian, 58. Dorathey, 58. Elizabeth jJGreene), 58. Sandis, Sir Edwin, 18. Hester (Clifton), 18. Myles, 18. Sir William, 18. Sands, Elizab. (Cornwallis), 162. Sir Walter, 162. WUUam, 14. Santon, Anthony, 42. Anne (Bassett), 42. Saningham, AUice (Blondes ton), 158. Saunders, Anne, 84. Bridgett, 147. Laurence, 84. Robert, 147. Sir Thomas, 176. Savage, Ann (Beresford), 169. EUzabeth (Mering), 13. Humphrey, 94. James, 13. John, 169, 187. Sir John, 9. Margarett (Jessop), 94. — (Byron), 9. SAVELL, 174. Anne (Wyatt), 174. Arther, 174. Bridgett, 66, 174. Catherin (Hunings), 174. Cordall, 174. Dorathey, 97. Edward, 174. Francis, 174. George, 174. Sir George, 174. Henery, 174. Sir Henery, 66. Jane (Gascoigne), 174. Joane (Vernon), 174. John, 97, 174. Sir John, 174. Margarett (Basford), 174. Mary, 174. Mary (Welbeck), 174. Susan (Shakelton), 174. Thomas, 174. Ursula, 174. Savile, John, 132. Mary, 132. SavUl, Elizabeth, 70. Sir John, 70. Say, Lord, 37. Scaldeford, Achardo de, 52. Hugo de, 52. Richardus de, 52. Scopham, Agnes (Disney), 61. Elizabeth, 62. George, 61, 62. Scott, Anne, 90. Sir Reginald, 90. Richard, 90. Scrimshall, Elizabeth, 178. Scrimshere, 166. Scrimshere, Geffrey, 167. Agnes (Bingham), 167. EUzabeth (Midleton), 167. Richard, 167. Thomas, 167. WUUam, 167. Scrimshire, Edward, 172. Barbara (Bevercotts), 172. Maude, 167. WUUam, 167. Scroope, Henry, Lord, 82. John, Lord, 126. Elizabeth (Chaworth), 126. EUinor (North), 82. — , 127. Sedewick, — ¦, 69. Sepr, Sir WU1., 49 [note]. Segrave, 16. Selby, Johannes de, 53. Selioke, 117. SeUoke, Dorathey (Chaworth), IssabeU, 117. John, 127. Sir John, 127. Semer, Anne (Stanhop), 7. [D. of Somerset], 7. Semnermarsh, Anne, 49. John, 49. Serceby, Hugh, 46, 47. Serelby, Hugh, 47. Serlby, 127. Serlby, Andrew, 128. Ankarett, 127. Anthony, 128. Gertrud (Leek), 128. Serleby, Margarett, 172. Shakelton, Susan, 174. Shalcros, Leonard, 95. Mary, 95. Sharpe, AUice, 76. Henery, 76. Margerett, 76. Sheaffeld, Edmond, Lord, 62. Ellinor, 62. Sheffeld, Elizabeth, 147. Sheldon, Edward, 25. Elizabeth (Markham), 25. Raffe, 25. Shelford, Hugo de, 45. Shelton, Anne (Barrow), 162. Isabell, 9. Jane, 21. Peter, 9. Sir Raffe, 162. Thomas, 21. Shepard, SamweU, 175. Margarett (Goodere), 175. — , 30. Sheppard, — , 147. Sherbrooke, 132. SHERBROOKE, 132. AlUce (BraUesford), 132. Catherin, 183. EUzabeth, 132. Elizabeth (HaU), 132. Margarett, 132. Mary (SavUe), 132. Robert, 132. Thomas, 132, 183. Sherley, AlUce, 133. EUenor (WUloughby), 147. George, 21. Joane, 21. Sir Raffe, 147. Sherman, Mary (LasceUs), 59. WUUam 59. Shipman, Thomas, 190. Shirley, Anne, 10. EUzabeth (Walsh), 10. EUenor, 153. Sir Raffe, 10, 153. Shreese, John, 156. Margery, 156. Shrewsbury, E. of [Talbot], 4, 51. Shrimpton, John, 148. Frances (WUloughby), 148. Shruse, John, 156. Margery, 156. Sibthorpe, — , 180. Simcock, AUice (Sutton), 143. Thomas, 143. Simpson, Nicholas, 42. Elizabeth (Bassett), 42. — (SachevereU), 164. Singleton, Eliz. (Cornwallis), 161. •" INDEX OF NAMES. 219 Sixstanby, WiUiam de, 54. Skeffington, IssabeU (Byron). 10 Margeria (Stanhop), 6. Thomas, 6, 10. Skevington, Mary, 79. Thomas, 79. Skewis, Catherin, 61. John, 61. Skinner, John, 25. Jane (Markham), 25. Jane (Elwis), 29. Thomas, 25, 29. Sir Thomas, 29. Skipton, Elizabeth (Page), 7. WiUiam, 7. Skipwith, Agnes, 106. AlUce, 24. Anne, 57. Sir John, 106, 141. Sir WiUiam, 24, 57. Skrimshire, Thomas, 111. Skudamore, Richard, 147. Catherin (WiUoughby), 147. Slaughter, Elizabeth, 168. Richard, 168. Slory [seal also], 86. Slory, Agnes, 87. Sir Alfford, 87. AUcia, 86. Sir Alured, 87. Anne, 87, 139. Elizabeth, 87. EUzabeth (HesuU), 87. Elizabeth (SachevereU), 86, 163. Ermintred, 87. Johannes, 86. Johannes de, 86. Sir John, 87. Sir Norman, 87. Richard, 86, 87. Thomas, 86, 87. William, 86, 87, 139, 163. Sir WUUam, 87. — (Colwick), 86. Slorye, Mary (Beaumont), 87. Richard, 87. Smith, GUes, 93. Katherin, 93. Mary (Flower), 122. Smithwirck, Hugh, 38. Jane (Dabridgcourt), 38. Smyth, Ann (Markham), 25. Catherin, 92. EUzabeth, 101. Sir Francis, 25. Frances, 89. Joane, 168. Martin, 101. Roger, 168. Sir Richard, 95. Sir Thomas, 25. Snayth, Elizabeth, 134. Snow, Anne (Stanton), 181. Mary (Power), 177. WUUam, 181. Somerey, The Lord [Somene], 125 Somerscales, Rebeoka, 89. Robert, 89. Somershall, Rafe, 190. Somery, E. of [PaganeU], 186. Sorpey, 188. Sorpey, Sir John de, 188. Sotherby, Bridgett, 100. Robert, 100. Soueh, George, 116. Sir John, 187. South, AUice, 185. Sir Francis, 85. Southampton, Thos. E. of [Wriothesley], 161. Southcoate, — (Babington), 151. SouthweU, AlUce (Cornwallis), 162. Richard, 162. SOUTHWORTH, 114. Anne (Elsam), 114. Aymond, 114. Edward, 114. Elizabeth, 114. Ellen (Harris), 114. Emma (Levesey), 114. Issabell, 91. Margarett, 114. Richard, 114. Robert, 114. Sparke, Ann, 93. Robert, 93. Spence, SibbeU (Byron), 9, 10. WUUam, 9, 10. Spencer, Elizabeth, 21. Joane, 145. Sir John, 21. Margarett (WUloughby) ,149. Robert, Lord, 149. Squier, Allice, 83. Squier, John, 28. Jane (TrusseU), 28. St. Andrea vel St. Andrew, 78. ST. ANDREW vel ST. AN DREA, 78, 79, 80, 81. Agnes (Grey), 78. AUice, 79. AlUce (Stoke), 78. AUce (— P — ), 78. Anne, 79. Barbara, 79. Barbara (NeveU), 79. Catherin, 79. Catherin (Wells), 79. Catherin (MauUey), 78. Crueburga (—?—), 78. Dorathey, 79. Edmond, 78. Edmondus, 78. Elizaheth, 78, 79. EUzabeth (Poole), 78. Elizabeth (Bainbridg), 79. Ellinor, 79. George, 79. Henricus de, 78. Hugh, 78. Ivo de, 78. Jacobus de, 80. Jane, 79. James de, 78. Johanna ( — ? — ), 78. Johannes de, 78. Johannes Seiherus de, 79. John, 78, 79. Sir John, 78. Julian (Zouch), 78. St. Andrew vel St. Andrea — continued. Laurentius, 80. Margarett, 79. Margarett (Aston), 78. Mary (Pilkington), 79. Mary (Skevington), 79. Matilda de, 80. Maud (Dive), 78. Maud (—?—), 78. Paganus de, 78. Peter de, 78. Richard, 78. Robert, 78. Sir Robert de, 78, 80, 81. Roger, 78, 79, 80. Sir Roger, 78. Sir Saiher, 78, 81. Sanchia, 79. Seiherus, 81. Thomas, 78. WUUam, 78, 79, 80. St. Cruse, Agnes (Markham), 23. WUUam, 23. St. George, Elizab. (St. John), 60. George, 60. Henery, 60. Sir Henery, 68. Mary (Darell), 60. Richard, 60. Sir Richard, 60. Thomas, 60. Willianus de, 79. St. John, Allice, 75. Elizabeth, 60. Elizabeth (Blount), 60. EUinor, 60. John, 75. Sir John, 60. Nicholas, 60. Sir Oliver, 60. [Vis1 Grandison], 60. — (Leighton), 60. St. Low, Egidius, 6. Margarett (Stanhop), 6. Stafford, Humffrey, 40, 126. EUinor (Aylesbury), 126. Joyce, 40. Margerett (Bassett), 124. Edward, Lord, 124. Staine, Anne, 105. Sir WUUam, 105. Staley, Johanna, 6. Ralph, 6. Stanfford, — , 160. Stanhop, 5. STANHOP, 5, 6, 7, 8. Adelina (CUfton), 18. Alexander, 8. AUicia (Fly), 6. Anne, 6, 7, 8, 62. Anna (Strelley), 7, 21, 24. Anna (Rawson), 7. Audelia (Clifton), 7. AudeUa (Markham), 24. Avelina (CUfton), 7. Byron, 8. Catherin, 8. Catherin (Molineux), 6. Catherin (Trentham), 7. 220 INDEX OF NAMES. Stanhop — continued. Catherin (Hastings), 8. Charles, 8. CordeUa, 8. CordeUa (Allington), 7. CromweU, 8. Dorathea, 8. Dorathey (Trentham), 7. Edmond, 6, 7, 8. Edward, 8, 18. Elizabeth, 6, 8. Elizabeth (MaloveU), 5. Elizabeth (Talbott), 6. Elizabeth (Bourchier), 7. Ellenora, 6, 8, 140. Ellena (WolfuU), 7. Francisca, 8. Henery, 6, 8. IssabeUa (Markham), 6, 24. James, 6. Jane, 8, 15. Jane (Curlon), 8. Joanna (Rochfford), 6. Johanna, 6, 20. Johanna (Staley), 6. John, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16. Sir John, 8. Juliana, 8. Margaret, 6, 8. Margarett (Jerningham), 6. Margaret (Port), 7. Margarett (ColshiU), 8. Margaret (Mackwilliams), 8. Margaret (Peers), 8. Margeria, 6. Marmaduke, 7. Mary, 8. Mary (Rattlef), 8. Mary (Hawley), 8. Matilda, 6. MatUda (CromweU), 6. Micheall, 8. MicheU, 7, 8. Sir MicheU, 140. Nicholas, 6. OUvia (Beresford), 8. QUiefe, 8. PhiUip, 8. Radcliffe, 8. Raffe, 6. Sir Raffe, 24. Richard, 6, 6, 7, 20, 24, 162. Sir Richard, 21. Richard de, 5. Robert, 6, 24. Sir Robert, 24. Sancia, 7. Sara, 8. Sence, 152. Stephen, 6. Susan, 8. Thomas, 6, 7, 8. Sir Thomas, 62. Ursula, 8. WiUiam, 6, 8. [Earl of Chesterfield], 8. Lord [of Harrington], 8. — (Knowles), 8. — (Read), 8. Stanley, 143, 190. Stanley, Anne, 18, 93. Barbara, 84. Stanley — continued. Elizabeth, 15, 27, 143. Gertrude (HoUis), 63. Henry, 93, 190. Sir John, 15. Richard, 84. Sir Thomas, 18, 143. Walter, 63. Sir WiUiam, 27. Stanthom, IssabeU, — , 164. Stanton, 153, 179, 189. STANTON, 179, 180, 181. Allice, 180. AUice (Ropsley), 179. Anne, 181. Anne (—?—), 181. Anthony, 65. Athelin (Wlitworth), 179. Beatrix (Meares), 179. Bridgett, 181. Bridgett (Barwick), 181. Sir Bryan de, 179. Catherin, 181. Catherin (Disney), 181. Edith, 181. Edith (Nevell), 66. Elizabeth, 65, 152, 180, 181. EUzabeth (Thome), 180. EUen, 181. George, 180. Sir Geffrey, 179, 180. Sir Henery, 179. IssabeU (Chaworth), 180. Joane (Eincourte), 180. Joane (Lowden), 180. John, 179, 180, 181. Sir John, 180, 181. Sir Maior, 179. Margarett, 180. Mary, 181. Nicholas, 180. Richard, 180. Robert, 65, 180, 181. Scisseley (Nevell), 181. Sir Simon, 80. Theobald, 179. Thomas, 163, 179, 180, 181. Sir Thomas, 180. WiUiam, 180, 181. Sir WUliam, 179, 180. — (Chawser), 179. — (Gifford), 179. — (Fitzallen), 179. — (Rochfford), 179. — (Bosam), 180. Staple, Ann (Wood), 88. Staples, Robert, 2. Stapleton, Sir Brian, 171. Catherin (Constable), 40. EUzabeth, 171. George, 168. Sir Robert, 40. Staresmore, Francis, 139. Mary (Vincent), 139. Starkey, John, 129. Joane (Hynd), 129. Margaret, 132. Thomas, 132. Stathom, EUz. (Langley), 163. Goodith, 163. Henery, 163. Joane, 163. Stathom — i John, 163. Scisseley (— P— ), 163. Thomas, 163. Thomazin (Curzon), 163. Staunford, 161. Staunford, Elizabeth, 161. John, 161. Staunton, 34. Staunton, Anthony, 82. Dorathey, 34. EUzabeth, 32, 133. Jane, 9. Margeret (Byron), 9. Margery, 9. Mary (Yerburgh), 106. Richard, 106. Robert, 134. Thomas, 106. Staiieley, 14. Staveley, George, 20. IssabeU (Strelley), 20. Staynflford, Ann, 172. WiUiam, 172. Stepey, 188. ttepey, Sir John de, 188. . tephan, Margaret (Stanhope),6. Stephenson, Catherin, 140. Jane, 89. John, 89, 140. Sterley, Ann (Perpoint), 66. Sir Nicholas, 66. Stevenson, EUzabeth, 103. WUUam, 103. Steward, Esmey [E. of Maich], 18. [Stewart, — ] E. of GaUoway, 111. Stirley, Anne (Perpoint), 50. Sir Nicholas, 60. Stockham, Robert, 4. Anne, 97. Stockwith, 176. STOCKWITH, 176. Edmond, 176. Henery, 176. Humffrey, 176. Robert, 176. Thomas, 176. Stoke, AUice, 78. Richard, 78. Stone, Prudence, 102. Thomas, 102. StotehUl, AUice, 171. Anne, 171. Anne (BoyvUl), 171. Arfher, 172. Elizabeth, 172. Elizabeth (Plumpton), 171. Henery, 171, 172. Jane, 172. Jane (Empson), 172. John, 171, 172. Robert, 172. Thomas, 172. Stourton, Ann (North), 82. Thomas, 82. Stoxes, Sara, 177. Strange, — , 157. Anne (Paston), 128. Strcchley, 188. Strechley, Sir John, 188. INDEX OF NAMES. 221 Strelley, 19, 168. STRELLEY, 19, 20, 21, 22. Agnes (Harcourt), 20. Alice, 10, 20, 22. Anne, 7, 20, 21, 24, 121. Anne (Aldredg), 21. Anne (Baynham), 22. Anne (Sacheverell), 22. Anne (Perpoint), 55. Anthony, 22. Sir Anthony, 21, 22. Bridgett (Thwaites), 21. Catherin (West), 20. Dorathey (BurreU), 22, 99. EUzabeth, 20, 21, 116. Elizabeth (Vavasour), 19. EUzabeth (Hereye), 20. EUzabeth (Perpoint), 20. Elizabeth (Garneys), 21. Elizabeth (RosweU), 21. EUzabeth (Reding), 22. Elizabeth (Mering), 13. EUen (Gresley), 21. EUinor, 21. Francis, 21. George, 21, 22, 99. Gervase, 22. Gertrud (Eye), 22. Gertrud, 22. Grace (Digby), 21. Helen, 20. Henery, 20, 21, 22. Sir Henery, 20. Issabell, 20, 21, 22, 164. IssabeU (Kemp), 20. Jane, 20, 22, 86, 148. Joane, 165. Joane (Stanhope), 6, 20. Joane (Hunt), 20. Joane (Baynham), 21, 22. Joane (Sherley), 21. John, 13, 20, 21, 22, 24, 86, 116, 148, 165. Lucia (le Fone), 19. Margarett, 22. Mary, 21, 22. Mary (—?—), 20. Mary (Thornbury), 22. Nicholas, 21, 22, 121, 168, 187. Sir Nicholas, 10, 20, 21, 55. Patricke, 21. Sir PhiUip, 21. Richard, 19, 20. Robert, 6, 19, 20. Sir Robert, 19, 20. Rosamond (Parker), 22. Sampson, 19, 20. Sir Sampson, 20. Sara (WUloughby), 20. Sara (Digby), 21, 168. Sanchia (Willoughby), 20. Sence (WUloughby), 148. Stephen, 19. WUUam, 19, 22. Sir WUUam, 148. — (Berroyke), 20. _ (WUloughby), 21. STRETTON, 89. Elizabeth, 89. Ellen (Kniveton), 89. Frances (Smyth), 89. Stretton — continued. Roger, 89. Thomas, 89. Strey, Nicholas, 190. Stringer, 85. STRINGER, 85. AUice (South), 85. AlUce, 130. Ann, 85. Eliza, 85. Francis, 85. John, 86. Mary (Powtrell), 85. Mary (Hartop), 85. Nicholas, 85. Richard, 85. Robert, 85. Thomas, 130. WilUam, 85. Strong, Ann (Bevercotts), 172. Thomas, 172. Strowde, Thomas, 18. — (CUfton), 18. Stuffing, — (Cartwright), 109. Sturdivant, 159. STURDIVANT, 159. AUice, 159. AlUce (Marshall), 159. Anne, 43, 169. Beatrix, 159. Beatrix (Rotherham), 159. Christopher, 159. Elizebeth, 159. Francis, 169. John, 43, 159. Lucey, 159. Margarett, 159. Margarett (Clarke), 159. Richard, 159. Thomas, 159. WiUiam, 159. Stuting, Margaret, 65. Styneton, 16. Suffolk, D. of [Brandon], 41. SuUiard, Edward, 161. Mary, 161. Suthill, 16. SuthUl, Barbara, 40. Sir Gerard, 40. Sir Henery, 40. Henery, 40. John, 40. Mary, 40. — (Salwyn), 40. — (Powcher), 40. Sutton, 12, 141, 142, 189 ; seal, 141. SUTTON, 141, 142, 143, 144, 186. Agnes, 144. Agnes (Bane), 142. AlUce, 143. AUice (Bingham), 142, 144. AUice (Biron), 9, 143. AUice (HaU), 143. Allice (Harrington), 143. AUice (Mering), 13. Amandus, 186. Amandus, Lord, 186. Anne, 144. Anne (Rodney), 143. Sutton — continued. Anne (Rosse), 186. Anthony, 143. Barbara, 143. Beatrix (Watton), 186. Catherin (Fitzwilliams), 142. Catherin (Bassett), 42, 143, 170. Constance, 186. Constance ( — p— ), 186. Constance (BurneU), 99. Edmund, 143, 144. Edward, 140, 143. Elizabeth, 76, 143. Elizabeth (Stanley), 143. Elizabeth (Manners), 143. Francis, 143. Gervase, 143. Glyva (Cooper), 140. Harrington, 144. HeUen (Molineux), 143. Henery [note], 142. Henery, 9, 18, 143, 144. Sir Henery, 143. Idithe (Legrose), 186. IssabeU (Pigott), 142. Issabell (Creake), 144. IssabeU (PaganeU), 186. Jacobus de, 141. Jane, 143. Joane, 143. Joane (Musters), 143. Johane (Ayncourt), 186. Sir James, 142. John de, 46. John, 143, 144, 172, 186. Sir John, 186. Katherin (Hasty) [note], 142. Lucia (Bartram), 141. MabeU (Bardolffe), 186. Margarett, 18, 47, 50. Margarett (Hussey), 142. Marke, 143. Mary, 143, 186. Maude, 186. Nicholas, 143. Olive, 143. Olive (Cooper), 143. Richard, 13, 141, 142, 143, 144. Sir Richard, 47, 50, 186. Robert, 9, 141, 142, 143. Sir Robert, 142. Rowland, 141, 142, 143. Sir Rowland, 142. Sence (Bevercotts), 172. Serius, Lord, 186. Seward, Lord, 186. Susan (Cony), 143. Thomas, 99, 170, 186. Sir Thomas, 42, 143. WiUiam, 76, 143, 144. William, Lord, 186. WUliam de, 46, 141. Sir WUUam, 143, 186. Zaunche (Bevercotts), 143. — (Lexington), 141, 142. — (Robinson), 144. — (Albanye), 186. [Ld. Dudley], 186. [Ld. Lexington], 142. 222 INDEX OF NAMES. Swarland, 153. Swifte, Anne, 94. Sir Robert, 94. SwUlington, Margarett, 45. Margaret (BeUers), 44, 46. Robert, 44. Sir Roger, 44. Swinfford, Roger, 157. Swyneborne, Catherin, 135. Nicholas, 135. Symcock, 156. SYMCOCK, 156. Allexander, 166. Allice, 156. Christopher, 156. Dyer, 156. Humffrey, 156. Joane, 156. Margarett, 156. Margarett (Guppie), 156. Margarett (Jessop), 156. Margery (Shreese), 156. „ (Shruse), 156. Mary (HalsweU), 156. Thomas, 156. WUUam, 156. Symonds, Thurston, 137. Sara (Draper), 137. Talbott, EUzabeth, 6. Henry, 51, 56. Gertrude, 51, 56. GUbert, 4, 51, 56. EUzabeth (Reyner), 56. Joane, 14. Sir John, 14. Mary, 56. Thomas, 6. [E. of Shrewsbury], 4, 51, 56, 127. Talboys, 11. Tamworth, John, 149. Dorathey (Colby), 149. Tanffeld, Dorathey, 84. Francis, 84. Tate, 84. TATE, 84. Anne (Saunders), 84. Anthony, 84. Sir Barthelmew, 84. Barthelmew, 84. Barbara (Stanley), 84. Bridgett, 84. Dorathey (Tanffeld), 84. Elizabeth, 84. Elizabeth (Zouch), 84. Francis, 84. George, 84. John, 16, 84. Sir John, 84. Margarett, 84. Margarett (Digby), 84. Margarett (—?—), 84. Mary, 84. Sir Robert, 84. Saunders, 84. Thomas, 84. WUUam, 84. Sir WUUam, 84. Zouch, 84. Taversham, John, 158. Elizabeth (Blondeston), 158. Tayler, Jane, 18. Sir Lawrence, 18. Taylor, Martin, 4. Richard, 178. SibbeU (Wightman), 178. Tee, 189. Terwhitte, John, 147. Margaret (Griffith), 147. Tesard, Roger, 52. Tevery, Catherin (Chaworth), 128 Robert, 128. Tey, — , 161. Teye, 161. Teys, 105. Therland, 154. THERLAND, 154, 155. Allice, 154. Anne (EUiott), 154. Anne (Chaworth), 128. Catherin, 154. Dorathey, 154, 165. Edmond, 128, 154. Edward, 154, 156. Elizabeth, 155. EUzabeth (Gosling), 154. Ellen, 155. ElUott, 155. George, 154. Gervase, 154. Issabell (Welby), 154. IssabeU (Plumpton), 154. Jane, 154. Jane (NeveU), 154. Jane (WUloughby), 154. John, 154. OUiffe, 154. OlUffe (Bretton), 154. Plumpton, 154. RacheU, 156. Richard, 155. Thomas, 154. Welberas, 154. William, 154. Thorbury, Mary, 22. Thomas, 22. Thornbury, — , 175. Thome, Sir Brian, 180. EUzabeth, 189. Thornhegh, 69. THORNHEGH, 69, 70. Anthony, 69, 70. Avery, 69. Bridgett, 70. Elizabeth, 70. EUen (Ripers), 69. Francis, 70. Henry, 70. Jane, 70. ¦ Jane (Jackson), 70. John, 46, 69, 70. Sir John, 69. Penelope, 70. — (BaUes), 69. — (Roades), 69. ThomhiU, Catherin, 97. Elizabeth, 87, 130. Francis, 82. Margarett, 97. Mary (Norton), 82. Robert, 87, 130. Sir Robert, 97. Thornock, Nicholas, 106. Joane (Yerburgh), 106. Thornton, — , 84. WUliam, 4. Thorn worth, Dorathey (Colby), 149. John, 149. Thorold, Anthony, 172. AlUce (Cranmer), 7. AlUce (Stanton), 180. Anne, 25. Anne (Bevercotts), 172. Anne (Constable), 18. Sir Anthony, 18, 26. John, 180. Sir John, 71. Margarett (Sutton), 1<3. Mary, 26. Thomas, 25. Winiffrid, 18, 25. Thorpe, Adam, 166. EUen, 166. — (Lister), 60. Throgmorton, John, 107. Barbara (Elwis), 30. Ellinor, 107. Thunstall, Reginald de, 53. Thurland, Edward, 100. Dorathey, 100. Jane, 160. Jane (WiUoughby), 148. Thomas, 148. Sir Thomas, 160. Thwaites, 16, 49. Thwaites, Anthony, 22. Bridgett, 22. WUliam, 18. Sir WiUiam, 50, 56. Winiffrid, 18, 50, 56. — , 13, 59. Tiffin, EUzabeth (WhaUey), 118. WUUam, 118. TilUol, Maud (LasceUs), 58. Robert, 68. Tiptofte, Eve (de Carducis), 124. Sir John, 124. Tiringham, Sir James, 26. Tirrell, 161. TineU, Edward, 161. PhiUipa, 161. Tirringham, 180. Tirringham al's Trickingham, 180. John, 126. EUenor (Pabenham), 126. Margarett (Stanton), 180. Sir Theobald, 180. Tirwhite, Anne (Bassett), 42. Sir Edward, 29. Margarett, 40. Martha, 29. Sir Robert, 40. Robert, 42. Todd, Issabell, 131. John, 131. Tolley, 140. ToUey, John, 140. Scisseley, 140. Toly, Jane, 68. John, 68. Tomson, Thomas, 54. INDEX OF NAMES. 223 Tony, 84. TONG, 84, 85. Cressy, 85. Dorathey (Cressy), 85. John, 84. Margery, 85. Nicholas, 85. Susanna (Bulby), 85 Thomas, 85. — (Thornton), 84. — (illingworth), 85. — (Wooddes), 85. Topcliff, Joane, 58. Jane (WiUoughby), 149. Sir John, 58. Richard, 149. Torkerd, John, 46. Torkington, Anne, 97. John, 97. Tortismaria, Radul, 44. Totlock, Catherin, 146. John, 146. Tottishurst, Margarett, 184. Elizabeth (WUloughby), 184. Richard, 184. Thomas, 184. Touchett, Allice (Driby), 42. AUice (Orby), 138. Maud (Bromhall), 37. Robert, 37. Sir Robert, 42, 138. Tonke, 188. Tonke, Sir Walter, 188. Towers, 14. Towers, Issabell, 14. John, 14. Townesend, Elizabeth, 104. Jane (Stanhop), 8. Roger, 8. Thomas, 104. Tracy, — (Digby), 168. Trafford, John, 88. Margarett (Wood), 88. Travers, Bryan, 152. Elizebeth, 162. Trentham, Catherin, 7. Dorathey, 7. Thomas, 7. Tresham, Anne, 76. Trickingham, Tirringham al's, 180. Trigott, Luce, 168. Thomas, 168. Trihanton, Galfridus, 52. Troutbeck, John, 61. Margery (HolUs), 61. Troyse, EUzabeth, 40. Robert, 40. Trumpington, Everard, 79. Trussell, 28, 131. TRUSSELL, 28. AUice, 131. • AUured, 28. Anne, 28. Avery, 28. Bridgett (Marmion), 28. Catherin, 28. Catherin (TrusseU), 28. Catherin (ItheU), 28. Dorathey, 28. Edith, 28. Elizabeth, 28. Trussell — con tinued. Geffrey, 131. Henery, 131. Joane, 28. John, 28. Margarett, 28. Margarett (ffulwood), 28. Mary, 28. Maud (Venables), 28. Maud (Manwaring), 28. Robert, 28. Sara (Ketlewood), 28. Scisseley, 28. Scisseley (Cursonn), 28. Theobald, 28. Sir Thomas, 28. Warren, 28. Sir William, 28. Tuke, Sir Brian, 89, 182. Judeth (North), 82. Thomas, 82. — (Bland), 89, 182. Tunderley, Warinus de, 81. Tunstall, Sir Marmaduke, 55, 56. Turbervyle, EUenor, 24. Sir John, 24. Turner, Edward, 42. Elizabeth (Brookesby), 133. Henery, 133. Margarett (Bassett), 42. TurnhiU, John de, 46. TurvUe, Margarett, 138. Twentiman, John, 3. Twyford, Elizebeth, 163. Sir Robert, 163. Tye, 189. Tye, — , 161. Ufford, — , 125. Upton, Hamond, 105. Julian, 105. Vrswick, 136. Urswick, — , 136. Vaughan, Ii. Vaughan, Alice, 71. Anthony, 71. Etheldred, 71. Hughe, 71. Sir Hugh, 71. John, 71. Susan (Cranmer), 71. Vaus, 188. • Vaus, Sir John de, 188. Vavasor, Elizabeth, 19. Elizabeth (Cressy), 17. WilUam, 19. Vawdy, Joane, 87. Mary (Wood), 87. Robert, 87. Venables, Maud, 28. Verney, Elizabeth (Bour chier), 7. Vernon, Humffrey, 139. Joane, 174. Katharene, 139. William, 174. Viliers, Sir John de, 45. Fillers, 188. Viliers, Anne, 133. Sir Frances de, 188. John, 24. Viliers — continued. Sir John, 133. Margarett, 24. Villiers, Bartholomew, 54. John, 54. Vincent, 138. VINCENT, 138, 139. Ajine (Grimesby), 139. Anne (Slory), 87, 139. Anne (Coles), 139. Anne (Eyre), 139. Anthony, 139. Clement, 139. David, 128. Edmond, 128. Edward, 139. EUzabeth, (GoodaU), 139. George, 87, 139. Gervase, 139. GUbert, 139. Jane, 128, 139. Mary, 139. Peter, 139. PhiUip, 139. Richard, 139. Thomas, 139. WiUiam, 139. — (Bernard), 139. Vytham, 74. Vytham, Etheldred, 74. John, 74. Wade, Fayth (Yerburgh), 106. Randolfe, 106. Wadham, Anne (Saunders), 84. Wake, Elizabeth, 37. John, Lord [Wake], 37. John, 133. Margarett, 133. Walcott, AUce, 96. Anne (Brookesby), 133. Walden, AlUce (Byron), 9, 10. John, 16. WilUam, 9, 10. Waldron, Humffrey, 184. Mary (WUloughby), 184. Walesch, Lady Albrida de, 80. Waley, Gertrude, 66. Richard, 66. Walkeden, Ann (Goodere), 176. Thomas, 176. Walkedyne, Francis, 102. WUliam, 102. Walker, 130. WALKER, 130. Alice, 130. Agnes (Richardsonn), 130. Elizabeth, 130, 168. EUzabeth (Digby), 130. Gregory, 130, 168. Gertrude, 130. John, 130. Mary (Brendisley), 140. Robert, 140. WaU, Ursula (Yerburgh), 106. WaUey, Elizabeth (Strelley), 20. Thomas, 20. Wallis, AlUce, 168. John, 168. Wallys,— , 148. Walpoole, Arther, 181. Elizabeth (Stanton), 181. 224 INDEX OF NAMES. Wandisford, Christopher, 31, 59, 111. EUinor, 59, 11. — (Osborne), 31. Warberton, Anne, 25. Sir John, 25. Warcop, Christian, 82. Richard, 82. Ward, 150. Ward, Benedicta, 150. Elizabeth (MarshaU), 166. Issabell, 117. IssabeU (SeUoke), 117. James, 166. John, 117. Simon, 150. Warde, 117. Warnby, Robertus de. Warner, WUUam, 53. Wanen, George, 72. Margarett (Molineux), 72. — , 112. Warwick, E. of [Beauchamp], 49. Warwick, E. of [Rich], 18. Wase, 173. WASE, 173. AUice, 173. AUice (Bayly), 173. Anne, 173. Anne (Coulclough), 173. Dorathey, 173. Edward, 173. Elizabeth, 173. Elizabeth (MevereU), 173. Jane, 173. John, 173. Margarett, 173. Margery (Brookesby), 173. Richard, 173. Samson, 173. Thomas, 173. Wastneys, 68. WASTNEYS, 67, 68, 69. (including WASTNES). Anne, 42, 68, 69. Anne (Bassett), 68, 170. Bartholomew, 68. DanieU, 69. EUzabeth (Nelsonn), 68. EUzabeth (Blyth), 68. Florence (—?—), 67. Geffrey, 68. George, 42, 68, 69, 170. Gervase, 6JS. Hardolph, 67, 69. Sir Hardolphe, 67, 69. IssabeU (Lexborne), 67. Jane, 69. Jane (Delaboys), 69. Jane (Eyre), 69. Jane (Reresby), 68. Joane, 67. John, 68, 69. Martha, 69. Mary (Melfford), 68. Eeginald, 67. Robert, 67, 68. Rosamond, 69. SilbeU (—?—), 67. Thomas, 67. William, 67. Wastneys — continued. — (Bussie), 68. Waterman, al's Dixon, 28. Waterman, Richard, 28. Margaret (Trussell), 28. Waterton, Ann (Moton), 138. Jane, 139. Richard, 138, 139. Wats, Allice (Gate), 94. John, 94. Watson, Nicholas, 4. Watsonn, — , 115. Watton, Beatrice, 186. Sir WiUiam, 186. Watts, Jehn, 94. Lucy, 94. Wayte, Jane (Reynes), 108. Thomas, 108. Webb, Ann (Draper), 137. Bennett (Draper), 137. Sir WiUiam, 137. Webster, Richard, 54. Henry, 3. Welbeck, Mary, 174. WiUiam, 174. Welby, Adelard, 96. Alice (White), 96. Elizabeth (White), 96. Henery, 96. Issabell, 154. Jane, 26. Wells, Catherin, 79. Catherin (Baker), 36. CecUy, 184. George, 36. John, 79. LioneU, Lord, 184. Welsh, Margery (Staunton), 9. Richard, 2. Thomas, 9. Wentworth, Anne, 40. PhiUip, 40. Roger, 40. West, Catherin, 20. [Lord Delaware], 11, 20, 60, 175. Mary, 60. WUliam, 60. Weston, AlUce, 34. Robert, 34. Wettenhall, — , 90. Weynman, Margarett, 15. Whaley, EUzabeth; 106. WilUam, 106. Whalley, 105, 116, 117. WHALLEY, 116, 117, 118. Anne, 137. Anne (Horssey), 118. Edward, 118. Elizabeth, 118. Elizabeth (Strelley), 116. EUzabeth (Leek), 117. Elizabeth (Hatfeld), 118. Elizabeth (Howell), 118. EUenor, 118. Frances, 118. Frances (CromweU), 118. Henery, 118. Jane, 118. John, 116, 118. Judith, 118. Judith (DuffeU), 118. Whalle y — contin ued. Lora (Brookman), 117. Margarett, 116, 118, 120. Margarett (Ireland), 118. Margeret (MoUineux), 116. Mary, 118. Mary (Midleton), 116, 118. Mary (Peniston), 118. Peniston, 118. Rebecka (DuffeU), 118. Richard, 117, 118. Robert, 118. Scisselv (Broughton), 116. Thomas, 116, 117, 118, 137. Ursulow, 116. Walter, 116, 118, 120. Wharton, Dorathey (Colby), 149. PhilUp Lord, 149. Robert, 4. Whatton, 190, Whatton, Sir Richard, 190. Whitby, Elizabeth (Moyle), 174. Timothey, 174. White, 96, 189. WHITE, 96. AUice, 96. Anne, 96. Anne (CiceU), 96. Dorathey (Harper), 96. EUzabeth, 96. EUenor (MarshaU), 166. Gervase, 96. Sir John, 96. Marcye, 173. Nicholas, 96. Richard, 96. Robert, 16. Rosamond (NeveU), 65. Thomas, 65, 96, 166. WUitmore, Elizabeth, 103, 134. WiUiam, 134. Whitworth, 179. Whitworth, Athelin, 179. Widdew, Ann (Wase), 173. WUUam, 173. Widdow, Ann (HoUis), 63. Sir John, 63. Widdowson, Lettice (Medhope), 178. Richard, 178. Widmerpoole, 108. WIDMERPOOLE, 108. Anne, 108. Anne (Grunston), 108. Anne (Haselwood), 108. Dorathey (Danby), 108. Edmond, 108. Edward, 108. Francis, 108. George, 108. Henery, 108. Hugh, 108. Jane (Russell), 108. Joane, 108. John, 108. Joseph, 108. Margarett, 108. Mary, 108. Thomas, 108. William, 108. INDEX OF NAMES. 225 Widowson, 96. Widowson, Alice, 96. Bartholomew, 96. Wightman, 113. WIGHTMAN, 131, 132, 178. Anne, 178. Anne (Cooper), 132. Catherin (Purefoy), 132, 178. Edward, 132, 178. Elizebeth, 178. EUzebeth (Hacker), 132. Elizebeth (Greene), 132. Elizebeth (Wellington), 132. Francis (Alfford), 132. George, 132. James, 132. Jane, 178. Margarett (Starkey), 132. Mary, 178. Mary (Reynalds), 131. Richard, 131, 132, 178. SamweU, 132. Scisseley (Wodam), 131. SibbeU, 178. Thomas, 131, 132, 178. VaUentyne, 132, 178. WUUam, 131, 132. Wigston, Elizabeth, 38. Wikes, Joane, 137. Walter, 137. WUdbore, Jane (St. Andrew), 79. Thomas, 79. Wilkinson, Joane, 83. Joane (North), 83. WiUiam, 83. William, Sir Richard, 4. Williams, — , 154. Williamson, 97. WILLIAMSON, 97, 98. Anne, 97, 98. Anne (Torkington), 97. Anne (MarshaU), 97. Anne (Stockham), 97. Anne (Disney), 97. Barnaby, 97. Catherin (ThornhiU), 97. Dorathey (SaveU), 97. Edmond, 98. Elizabeth, 92, 98. EUzabeth (Ryther), 97. Frances, 98. Frances (Bradford), 97. Francis, 97. GUes, 97. GresiU (Overton), 98. Gyles, 97. Jane (Dobsonn), 98, 130. Jane (Clerk), 98. John, 97, 98, 130. Magdalen, 98. Margaret, 97. Margaret (ThornhiU), 97. Mary, 98. Mary (Andersonn), 98. Sir Richard, 4, 98. Robert, 92, 97. Thomas, 98. WUliam, 97. WUloughby, 102, 145, 184. WILLOUGHBY, 102, 145, 146,147,148,149,184,185. Abbigale, 149. AUice, 148. Anne, 102. Anne (Wortley), 102. Anne (Leek), 146. Anne (Mortimer), 147. Anne (Godfrey), 147. Anne (Pettit), 147. Anne (Percy), 148. Anne (Grey), 148, 149. Anne (FilUol), 148. Baldwin, 147, 148. Bridgett, 148, 149, 185. Bridgett (Saunders), 147. Bridgett (Read), 148. Bridgett (WiUoughby), 149, 185. Cassandra (Ridgway), 185. Catherin, 147, 148, 185. Catherin (Totlock), 146. Catherin (Harte), 185. CatherinfGoldweU), 185. CecUy (Wells), 184. Charles, 147. Christopher, 184. Sir Christopher, 184. Dorathey, 148, 149. Dorathey (Colby), 149. Dorathey (WiUoughby), 184. Edward, 146, 147, 149, 185, 187. Sir Edward, 145, 148. Edmond, 146. Sir Edmond, 145. Elizabeth, 102, 146, 147, 148, 184, 185. Elizabeth (Neale), 146. EUzabeth (Knowles), 146. Elizabeth (ChantreU), 147. Elizabeth (Sheffeld), 147. Elizabeth (Merian), 147. EUzabeth (Burgh), 148. Elizabeth (Littleton), 149. Elizabeth (Cooke), 185. EUenor, 147. EUener (—?—), 147. EUen (Egerton), 148. Francis, 87, 146, 148, 149, 185. Sir Francis, 87, 149, 185. Frances (Walkedyne), 102. Frances (Hun), 146. Friswold, 185. George, 146, 147, 185. GUbert, 102. Henery, 185. Sir Henery, 20, 24, 146, 148, 149. Hugh, 73, 121, 145, 146. Sir Hugh, 22, 146, 148. Issabell, 145. IssabeU (Mortein), 145. IssabeU f— P— ), 145. IssabeU (Annesley), 146. Issabell (Foliambe), 146. IssabeU (Bradborne), 146. Jane, 148, 149, 154. Jane (StreUey), 22, 148. Joane (Gray), 145. Joane (Risley), 145. Willoughby — continued. John, 102, 146, 147, 187. Sir John, 148. Joyce, 147. Kellom, 185. Lettice, 185. Margarett, 102, 146, 148, 149. Margarett (Markham), 24,14X. Margarett (Frevile), 146. Margarett (Mollineux), • 73, 146. Margarett (Griffith), 147. Margarett (Jenny), 184. Mary, 102, 145, 147, 148, 184. Mary (Newton), 148. Mary (Tottishurst), 184. Matilda (Stanhop), 6. Mordaunt, 147. MicheU, 146. Percivall, 149, 185. Sir PercivaU, 185. PhUlip, 148. PhilUppa, 138. Ralphe, 147. Richard, 145, 146, 147, 148. Sir Richard, 20, 145. Robert, 147, 148, 184, 185. Sir Robert, 24, 154, 184. Lord Robert, 6. Roger, 145. Sir Rotheram, 102. Sanchia, 20. Sara, 20. Scisseley, 148. Sence, 148. Sibbell, 185. Susan (Moulton), 102. Thomas, 146, 147, 149, 185. Sir Thomas, 184. Wiborow (Daunsonn), 147. Wiborow, 148. Winiffrid, 149. Winiffrid (WiUoughby), 149 185. ' WUliam, 102, 145, 148. WUliam, Lord, 184. Ld. W. of Eresby, 184. Ld. W. of Parham, 184. [Ld. Cheefe Justice], 184. — (Pewsey), 102. — (Yong), 102. — (Clifton), 146. — (Wentworth), 146. — (Sheppard), 147. — (Pagett), 147. Willowby, Edward, 187. John, 187. Wilson, — (Everingham), 41. Wilton, Lord Gray of, 17. Wimbreth, Christopher, 9. , Mary (Byrom), 9. Windebank, Allice, 137. Windesore, Walterus de, 53. Windsor, Elizabeth, 158. Wing/eld, 169. Wingfeld, Robert, 96. Elizabeth (Cicell), 96. Winslad, Jane (Babington), 152. WilUam, 152. Winsley, Francis (Yerbureh), 106. Thomas, 106. 2 G 226 INDEX OF NAMES. Witeby, Alexandras de, 79. Witham, Mary, 94. Withcott, Sir Hamond, 26. MiUicent (Markham), 26. Withepoole, Edmond, 162. FranceB (Cornwallis), 162. Witherington, Dr., 177. Sara (Barnard), 177. Wodam, 131. Wodam, Allice (Trussell), 131. Scisseley, 131. Thomas, 131. Woderoff, Bridgett (Draper), 137. Stephen, 137. Wodesonn, 190. Wolfull, EUena, 7. Robert, 7. WoUaton, 169. Wollhouse, Margt. (Baker), 36. Wood, 86. WOOD, 86, 87, 88. Anne, 88, 187. Anne (Aungell), 88. Charles, 91. Catherin (Hudson), 87. Catherin (Chaworth), 88, 128. Dorathey, 88. Edward, 87. Edmond, 88. Elizabeth, 86, 88, 91. Elizabeth (Slory), 87. Elizabeth (ThornMU), 87. Elizabeth (WUloughby), 148. Frances, 88. Francis, 88. Francis (WUloughby), 87, 149. George, 88. Gerrard, 88. Gervase, 88. Grace, 88. Henery, 86. Hugh, 187. IssabeU, 87. Jane (StreUey), 86. John, 87, 88, 128, 183. Margarett (Montague), 87. Margarett, 87, 183. Mary, 87, 88. Mary (Baron al's Barnes), 88. Mary (Lyn), 88. Mary (Phettiplace), 88. Mountague, 87, 149. Phillip, 88. Robert [Delwood], 87. „ [Note], 87. Woods — continued. Robert, 87, 88. Roger, 88. Simon, 88. Thomas, 88. Sir Thomas, 86. — (Delamare), 38, 86. Wooddes, — , 85. Wooderington, IssabeU, 58. Sir — , 58. Woodford, — , 65. Woodnoth, Laurence, 131. Margery, 131. Wooton, Edmond, 184. Dorathey (Read), 184. Lord, 184. — (HoUis), 62. [Worcester, Bp. of], 18. Worteley, Anne, 102. Nicholas de, 47. Richard, 102. Woston, — , 8. Wotton, Roger de, 46. Wray, Dorathey, 82. Thomas, 82. Wright, EUenor (Clarkson), 92, 183. Wyatt, Anne, 174. Wykes, Elizabeth (Babing ton), 152. John, 152. Wylde, 187. Wylde, EUen -(Stanton), 181. WUUam, 181. Wymondeswold, 114. WYMONDESWOLD, 114. Agnes (Leeke), 114. Anne (BUlingay), 114. Edmond, 114. Edward, 114. Frances, 114. Joane, 114. John, 114. Leonard, 114. Mary, 114. — (Hall), 114. Wymondham, EUzabeth, 136. Yarborough, Barbara, 101. Charles, 101. Yerburgh, 105. YERBURGH, 105, 106. Agnes (Skipwith), 106. Anne, 106. Anne (Staine), 105. Barbara, 106. Beatrix (Auk), 105. Bridgett, 106. Bryan, 106. Yerburgh — continued. Cassandra (Mablethorpe), 105. Charles, 106. Christopher, 106. Edmond, 106. Elizabeth, 106. Elizabeth (Moyne), 106. Elizabeth (Newcomen), 106. Elizabeth (Litlebery), 106. Elizabeth (Whaley), 106. Ellenor (CUfford), 106. Eustace, 105. Fayth, 106. Francis, 106. Hereye, 106. IssaheU (Orby), 105. IssabeU (BiUing), 106. Joane, 106. Joane (AttweU), 106. John, 105, 106. Lambert, 105. Margarett, 106. Margarett (Portington), 106. „ (Bovington), 106. Margarett (Grantham), 106. Mary (Elwis), 29. Mary, 106. Maude (Mumby), 106. Peter, 106. Raffe, 105. Richard, 105, 106. Robert, 29, 105. Theodocia, 106. Thomas, 106. Ursula (Homberston), 106. Ursula (WaU), 106. ' WUUam, 105, 106. Winiffrid, 106. — (Ormesby), 105. — (Bissam), 105. — (Angevine), 105. — (MicheU), 106. Yetsworth, Mary, 26. Nicasus, 26. Yong, Anne (Moyle), 174. — , 102. Zouch, 145. Zouch, Edward, Lord, 84. Elizabeth, 84, 160. Sir John, 148, 160. Julian, 78. Margarett (Burgh), 160. Margarett (WiUoughby), 148. Robert, 78. WilUam, Lord, 160. Zouche, 160. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND CO., LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN S INN FIELDS. 3 9002 00526 3265