YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Estate of Henrietta W. Hubbard BAEDEKER'S GUIDE BOOKS. Austria-Hungary, including Dalmatia, Bosnia, Bucharest, Belgrade, and Montenegro. With71 Maps, 77 Plans, and 2 Panoramas. Eleventh edition- 1fl11 - 10 marks The rg, U . ¦ ith Ti Bel| 6( Th« to Ooi K(m B M Dei Eg3 Si EnfPre I'm 1 Not e I Soi C I 1 Alg GeBei 1 1 SO! 4 "/give thtfe Books fo^pie founding if a C"olUgi in this Colony'. °YALE°¥MHVi£IIESIITrY° - imiBia^iair - ggg^v^^^vw^x^v^r,-'?^^ -¦.¦--: - " \;--— --rererare^F: Gift of Q^r jJL X, SvyAi ,k r^ ;ion.arksiers.arks and irks Th :.. ... j anic Eifel, the Taunns, the uaenwaia ana neiaeiDerg, iue lungeo moun tains, the Black Forest, etc. With 69 Maps and 59 Plans. Seven teenth edition. 1911 8 marks 19/7 rks:w, - rksion rks die hn. rkstes. ,rks nthirks aireans.ipf. the inchion,irka Published at net prices LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS HANDBOOK FOR TRAVELLERS BY KARL BAEDEKER WITH 3 MAPS AND 20 PLANS ELEVENTH REVISED EDITION LEIPSIC : KARL BAEDEKER, PUBLISHER LONDON: DULAU AND CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. 1898 All rights reserved \^ : 1 rv-i. '("in, little book, Qod send thee good passago, And specially let litis Ito thy prayoro Unto them all that Ihco will read or hear, Where thou art wrong, after their help to call, Thee to eorreet in any part or all.' Gn / PREFACE. lhc chief object of the Handbook for London, like that of tho Editor's other guide-books, is to enable the traveller so to employ his time , his money, and his energy, that he may derive the greatest possible amount of pleasure and instruc tion from his visit to the greatest city in the modern world. As several excellent English guide-books to London al ready existed , the Editor in 1878 published the first English edition of the present Handbook with some hesitation, not withstanding the encouragement he received from numerous English and American correspondents, who were already familiar witli tho distinctive characteristics of 'Baodokor e Handbooks'. So favourable a reception, however, was accord ed to the first edition that the issue of a second became ne cessary in little more than a year, while nine other editions havo sinco been called for. Tho present volume embodies the most recent information, down to the month of June, 1898, obtained in the course of personal visits to the places describ ed, and from tlie most trustworthy sources. In the preparation of tho Handbook tho Editor has re ceived most material assistance from several English and American friends who are intimately acquainted with the great Metropolis. His grateful acknowledgments are specially due to theREV. Robert Gwynne, B. A., who has contributed numerous valuable corrections and interesting historical and topographical data. Particular attention has been devoted to the description of the great public collections, such as the National Gallery, the British Museum, and the South Kensington Museum, to all of which the utmost possible space has been allotted. The accounts of the pictures in the National Gallery , Hampton Court, the Dulwich Gallery, and the various private collections, are from the pen of Dr. Jean Paul Richter of London. The Introduction , which has purposely been made as comprehensive as possible , is intended to convey all the in formation, preliminary, historical, and practical, which is best calculated to make a stranger feel at home in London, and to familiarise him with its manners and customs. While the de- il PREFACE. scriptive part of the work is topographically arranged, so that the reader may see at a glance which of the sights of London may be visited together, the introductory portion classifies the principal sights according to tlieir subjects, in order to present the reader with a convoniont index to their char acter, and to facilitate his selection of those most congenial to his taste. As, however, it has not been tho Editor's pur pose to write an exhaustive account of so stupendous a city, but merely to describe the most important objects of general interest contained in it, he need hardly observe that the in formation required by specialists of any kind can bo given only to a very limited extent in the present work. The most noteworthy sights are indicated by asterisks. The list of Hotels and Restaurants enumerated in the Handbook comprises the most important establishments and many of humbler pretension. Those which the Editor has reason to believe especially worthy of commendation in pro portion to tlioir charges iiro denoted by asterisks; but doubt less thero are many of equal excellence among tlioso not so distinguished. The hotels at the West End and at the prin cipal railway-stations are the most expensive, while the inns in the less fashionable quarters of the Metropolis generally afford comfortable accommodation at moderate charges. The Maps and Plans, upon which the utmost care has been bestowed, will also, it is hoped, be found serviceable. Those relating to London itself (one clue-map, one large plan, four special plans of the most important quarters of the city, and a railway-plan) have been specially revised for this edition, and are placed at the end of the volume in a separate cover, which may if desired be severed from the Handbook altogether. The subdivision of the Plan of tlie city into three sections of different colours will be found greatly to facilitate reference, as it obviates the necessity of unfolding a large sheet of paper at each consultation. The Routes to places of interest in the Environs of London, although very brief, will probably suffice for the purposes of an ordinary visit. Some of tho longer excursions that appeared in earlier editions have now been transferred to Baedeker' s Handbook lo Great Britain. CONTENTS. Introduction. Page 1. Money. Expenses. Season. Passports. Custom House. Time 1 2. Routes to and from London. Arrival 2 3. Hotels. Boarding Houses. Private Lodgings .... 6 4. Restaurants. Dining Rooms. Oyster Shops 13 5. Cafe's. Tea Rooms. Confectioners. Billiard Rooms. Chess. 18 6. Libraries, Reading Rooms, and Newspapers . . .19 7. Baths 22 8. Shops, Bazaars, and Markets. The Co-operative System 23 9. Cabs. Tramways. Omnibuses. Coaches 32 10. Railways . 54 11. Steamboats 62 12. Theatres, Music Halls, and other Entertainments ... 63 13. Concerts and Exhibitions of Pictures ... ... 68 14. Races, Sports, and Games 70 15. Embassies and Consulates. Colonial Representatives. Bankers . . ...... 74 16. Divine Sorvico . . . • .76 17. Post aud Telegraph Ufflces. Parcels Companies. Coin- missionnaires. Messengers. Lady Guides 78 18. Outline of English History 82 19. Historical Sketch of London .... 88 20. Topography and Statistics ... 93 21. Gonoral Hints .... 97 22. Guilds. Charities. Societies. Clubs 98 23. Preliminary Ramble ... 102 24. Disposition of Time 105 25. Books relating to London . . 108 Sights of London. I. The City. 1. St. Paul's Cathedral 109 2. Gen. Post Office. Christ's Hospital. Newgate. Holborn 119 Paternoster Row. Peel's Statue, 119. — Barber Surgeons' Court Room , 120. — Central Criminal Conrt. Holborn Viaduct, 122. — St. Sepulchre's Church. Ely Chapel, 123. 3. St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Church. Smithfleld. St. Giles. Charterhouse 124 London Central Meat Market, 120. — St. John's Gate, 128. — Bunhill Fields Cemetery. Friends' Burial Ground. Honourable Artillery Company. Wesley Museum, 129. — Allan Wesleyan Library, 130. 4. Cheapside. Guildhall. ManBion House loU viii CONTENTS. Goldsmiths' Hall, 130. — Bow Church, 131. — Gresham ^ College. Mercers Hall. Grocers' Hall. Armourers' Hall 134. — St. Stephen's Church, 135. ' 5. The Bank of England. The Exchange 135 Bankers' Clearing House. .Stock Exchange. Drapers' Hall. Dutch Church, 137. — merchant Taylors' Hal). Crosby Hall. St. Helen's Church, 139. — Bishopsgate. Shoreditch. Stoke Newiugton, 140. ¦ — Comhill. Leadenhull Market. S t. Andrew's Underahaft. St. Catherine Cree . 141. — Corn Exchange. St. Olnvc's Church. Minories, 142. 6. London Bridge. The Monument. Lower Thames Street 143 St. Mary Woolnotb, 143. — Fishmongers' Hall. Viutnerfl' Hall. St. Magnus the Martyr's. Billingsgate, 145. — Custom House. Coal Exchange St Dunstan's in the East. St. Mary at Hill, 146. 7. Thames Embankment. Blaokfriars Bridge. Queen Vic toria Street. Cannon Street 147 Cleopatra's Needle, 148. — Ofiice of the Times. Bible Society, 160. — Heralds' College. London Stone, 151. — Southwark Bridge, 152. 8. The Tower 152 Trinity House, 169. — All Hallows, Barking. Tower Sub way. Royal Mint, 160. — Tower Bridge, JUL 9. The Port and Docks 1G1 St. Katharine Docks. London Docks, 162. — Thames Tunnel. Commercial Docks. Regent's Canal, 163. — West India Docks. East India Docks. Millwall Docks. Blackwall Tunnel. Victoria and Albert Docks, 164. 10. Betlinal Green Museum. Victoria Park 106 Toynbeo Hull, 165. — People's i'alace, 161). 11. Fleet Street. Temple. Chancery Lane. Courts of Justioe 108 St. Bride's 163. — St. Dunstan's in the West, 169. — New Record Office. Patent Ofiice, 170. — Lincoln's Inn. Gray's Inn, 171. — Temple. Temple Church, 172. — Temple Bar, 175. n. The West End. 12. Strand. Somerset House. "Waterloo Bridge 177 St. Clement Danes, 177. — Roman Hath. King's College. St. Mary le Strand, 178. — Savoy Chapel, 180. — Society of Arts. National Life Boat Institution. Eleanor's Cross 181. 13. Trafalgar Square 182 Nelson Column, 182. — St. Martin's in the Fields. Charing Cross, 183. — Charing Cross Road. Shaftesbury Avenue, 184. 14. The National Gallery . 184 16. The National Portrait Gallery . 210 10. Royal College of Surgeons. Soane Museum 224 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 224. — Covent Garden Market, 227. — St. Paul's. Garrick Club, 228. 17. Whitehall 229 Royal United Service Institution, 230. — Royal Almonry. Admiralty. Horse Guards, 231. — Government Offices. Mon. lague House, 232. — New Scotland Yard, 233. 18. Houses of Parliament and Westminster Hall 233 St. Margaret's Church, 240. — Westminster Bridge, 241. 19. Westminster Abbey 242 Westminster Column. Westminster 8chool, 267. — Church House. Westminster Hospital. Royal Aquarium, 2CS. CONTENTS. ix Po6e 20. National Gallery of British Art 269 St. John the Evangelist's, 269. — Vauxhall Bridge, 272. 21. Pall Mall and Piccadilly 273 Haymarket. Waterloo Place. Crimean Monument, 273. — York Column. St. James's Square, 274. — Marlborough House. St. James's Street, 275. — Burlington House. Royal Society, 276. — Royal Academy. University, 277. — St. James's Church. Geological Museum, 278. — Leicester Square, 279. 22. Regent Street. Oxford Street. Holborn 280 Hanover Square. Cavendish Square, 280. — All Saints' Chnrch, 282. — Hertford House. Grosvenor Square. Berke ley Square, 282. — Soho Square. St. Giles-in-the-Fields, 283. — Bedford Square. Bloomsbury Square. Russell Square. University College. Catholic Apostolic Church, 284. — St. Pancras' Church. 8omers Town. Camden Town. Kentish Town. Islington. Highbury. Holloway. Canonbury Tower, 285. — Foundling Hospital, 286. 23. Regent's Park 287 Zool. Gardens, 287. — Botanic Gardens, 290. — St. Katharine's Hospital. Primrose Hill, 291. —Lord's Cricket Ground, 292. 24. The British Museum 292 25. St. James's Palace and Park. Buckingham Palace . . 318 Royal Mews. Green Park, 321. 26. Hyde Park. Kensington Gardens & Palace. Holland Houbo 322 Lord Leighton's House. St. George's Cemetery, 326. 27. Private Mansions around Hyde Park and St. James's . . 320 Grosvenor House, 327. — Stafford House. Bridgewater House, 328. — Lansdowne House, 329. — Apsley House. Dorchester House, 33U. — Lady ltrassey Museum. Devonshire House. Northbrook Collection. Mr. L. Mond's Collection, 331. 28. Albert Memorial. Albert Hall. Imperial Institute. Natural History Museum 332 Goro House, 383. — Royal College of Music, 334. — School of Art Ncorllowork. School of Cookery, 835. 29. South Konslugt.oti Museum 338 Exhibition Galleries, 352. — The Oratory, 856. 30. Belgravia. Chelsea 357 Chelsea Hospital, 857. — Royal Military Asylum, 358. — Carlyle's House. Chelsea Old Church, 359. 31. Hampstead. Highgate. Kensal Green Cemetery .... 360 Hampstead Heath, 361. — Highgate Cemetery, 362. — Water- low Park. Highgate Wood, 363. III. The Surrey Bide. 32. St. Saviour's Church 366 Barclay and Perkins' Brewery, 366. — Guy's Hospital. South- wark Park, 368. 33. Lambeth Palace. Bethlehem Hospital. Battersea Park . 368 St. Thomas's Hospital, 868. — St. George's Cathedral, 370. — Christ Chnrch. Doulton's Pottery Works. Clapham Com mon, 371. — Battersea Polytechnic. Dives' Flour Milla, 372. Excursions from London. 34. The Thames from London Bridge to Hampton Court . . 373 35. The Thames from London Bridge to Gravesend .... 377 36. Greenwich Hospital and Park 379 x CONTENTS. Page 37. Woolwich 382 38. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham . . .... 383 llorniman Museum, 388. 39. Dulwich . -389 40. Hampton Court. Richmond. Kew ... . 392 41. Epping Forest. Waltham Abbey. Rye House . . 402 Chingford, 402. — From Rye Ilouso to Hertford, 404. 42. St. Albans 405 Harrow on the Hill, 405. — From St. Albans to Luton and Dunstable, 407. 43. Rickmansworth. Chenies. Chcsham . . . 407 44. Windsor. Eton 409 From Slough to Stoke Poges and Burnham Beeches. Run- nimede. Holloway College, 410. 45. Gravesend. Chatham. Rochester . . . ... 419 Elfham, 420. — Cobhain Hall, 421. List of Eminent Persons ... 422 Index . . . . ... . 427 Index to Plan of London in the Appendix. List of Maps and Flans. 1. Railway Map of England, before tlie title-page. 2. Map of the Environs of London, between pp. 372 aud 373. 3. Key-Plan of London. 4. Plan of London in three sections. 6. Special Plan of the West End from Baker Street to Soho. 0. „ „ „ nolliorn, Fleet Street, ami Strand. 7. „ „ „ the City. 8. „ „ „ the West End from Hyde Park and Bel- gravia to the Thames. 9. Railway Map of London. 10. St. Paul's Cathedral, p. Ill; 11. Tower, p. 153; 12. National Gallery, p. 186; 13. National Portrait Gallery, between pp. 216 and 217; 14. Houses of Parliament, between pp. 232 and 233; 15. Westminster Abbey, p. 213; 10. Zoological Gardens, between pp. 288 and 289 ; 17. British Museum , betweon pp. 292 and 293 ; 18. Natural History Museum, between pp. 334 and 336; 19-21. South Kensington Museum, survey -plan, p. 338; special plans, pp. 339 anil 349; 22. Crystal Palace, p. 384; 23. Windsor Castle, p. 411. sr CD M O w Abbreviations. M. = Kngl. inile; hr. = hitur; uiin. = minute; r. = right; ). =¦ left N. = north, nurfhwards, northern ; S. = ,sotilli, etc.; K. = cast, etc. \V. = west, etc.; It. = Jioule or mom; U. = breakfast; 1>. = dinner, A. = attendance; L. = luncheon. The letter d, with a date, alter a name indicates the year of the person's death. AateriakB arc used as marks of commendation. INTRODUCTION. 1. Money. Expenses. Season. Passports. Custom House. Time. Money. In Great Britain alone of the more important states of Europe the currency is arranged without much reference to the decimal system. The ordinary British Gold coins are the sovereign or pound (I. = libra) equal to 20 shillings, and the half-sovereign. The Silver coins are the crown (6 shillings), the half-crown, the double florin (4 shillings ; seldom seen), the florin (2 shillings), the shilling (s. = Bolidus), and the six-penny and three-penny pieces. The Bronze coinage consists of the penny (d. = denarius), of which 12 make a shilling, the halfpenny i1/^.}, and the farthing O/4 d.). The Ouinea, a sum of 21s., though still used in reckoning, is no longer in circulation as a coin. A sovereign is approximately equal to 5 American dollars, 25 francs, 20 German marks, or 10 Austrian florins (gold). The Bank of England issues notes for 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 pounds, and upwards. These are useful in paying large sums ; bnt for ordinary use, as change is not always readily procured, gold is preferable. The number of each note should be taken down in a pocket-book, as there is a bare possi bility of its being in this way traced and recovered, if lost or stolen. Foreign Money does not circulate in England, and should always be exchanged on arrival. A convenient and safe mode of carrying money from America or the Continent is in the shape of letters of credit, or circular notes, which are readily procurable at the prin cipal banks. A larger sum than will suffice for the day's expenses should never be carried on the person, and gold and silver coins of a similar size {e.g. sovereigns and shillings) should not be kept in the same pocket. Expenses. The cost of a visit to London depends, of course, on the habits and tastes of the traveller. If he lives in a first-class hotel, dines at the table-d'h6te, drinks wine, frequents the theatre and other places of amusement, and drives about in cabs or flys instead of using the economical train or omnibus, he must be prepared to spend 30-40s. a day or upwards. Persons of moderate requirements, however, will have little difficulty, with the aid of the information in the Handbook, in living comfortably and seeing the principal sights of London for 15-20s. a day or even less. Season. The 'London Season' is chiefly comprised within the months of May, June, and July, when Parliament is sitting, the Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 1 2 1. CUSTOM HOUSE. aristocracy are at their town-residences, the greatest artistes in the world are performing at the Opera, and the Picture Exhibitions open. Families who desire to obtain comfortable accommodation had better be in London to secure it by the end of April ; single travellers oan, of course, more easily find lodgings at any time. Passports. These documents are not necessary in England, though occasionally useful in procuring delivery of registered and poste restante letters (comp. p. 78). A visa is quite needless. Amer ican travellers, who intend to proceed from London to the Continent, should provide themselves with passports before leaving home. Passports, however, may also be obtained by personal application at the American Embassy in London (p. 74). The visa of tho American consul, and that of tho minister in London of tho country to which the traveller is about to proceed, aro sometimes neoessary. Passport Agents. C. Smith & Son, 63 Charing Cross; E. Stanford, 26 Cockspnr Street, Charing Cross; Lee * Carter, 440 West Strand; W. J. Adam3, 5U Fleet Street. Charge 3s. 6*2., including agent's fee. Custom House. Almost the only articles likely to be in the possession of ordinary travellers on which duty is charged arespirits and tobacco, but half-a-pint of the former and '/2'u- of *ue latter (including cigars) are usually passed free of duty, if duly declared and not found concealed. Passengers from the Channel Islands are allowed only half these quantities. On larger quantities duty must be paid at the rate of 10s. lOd. to 17s. 3d. per gallon of spirits and 2s. 8d. to 5s. per pound of tobacco. A small fine is also leviable on packets of tobacco or cigars weighing less than 80lbs. ; but a quantity of 71bs. from non-European ports or 3lbs. from European ports beyond the Straits of Gibraltar are passed without fine. Foreign re prints of copyright English books are confiscated. The custom house examination is generally lenient. — Dogs are not at present allowed to land in Great Britain without a licence previously obtained from the Board of Agriculture (4 Whitehall Place, London, S.W.). Time. Uniformity of time throughout Great Britain is maintained by telegraphio communication with Greenwich Observatory (p. 381). 2. Routes to and from London. Arrival. The following lists include the principal routes between America and Great Britain and between London and the Continent, whioh may prove useful to travellers in either direction. The times and fares are liable to alteration. On the more popular routes and at the most frequented Beasons it is desirable to secure berths and state-rooms in advance. On the Atlantic steamers fares are reduced during the winter season (Nov. lBt to March 31st), and children between 1 and 8 years of age are generally charged half-fare (be- tweenl'l and 12 in the second cabin). There is no reduction on first cabin return-tickets by the four first undermentioned lines, but on second cabin return-tickets a reduction of 5 per cent on the com- 2. ATLANTIC PASSAGE. 3 bined out and homo fares is granted. The largest and finest steamers on the Atlantic Ocean at present are the Lucania and Campania of the Gunard Line, the Teutonic and Majestic of the White Star Line (Oceanic, 17,000 tons, building), the City of Rome of the Anchor Line, the Kaiser Wilhelm der Orosse of the North German Lloyd, and the Fiirst Bismarck of the Hamburg-American Line. The St. Louis, St. Paul, New York, and Paris of the American Line were requisitioned by the U.S. Government in April, 1898, to serve as armed cruisers. — The records for the quickest passages are held by the Lucania (westward, 5 days, 7 hrs., 23 min. ; eastward, 5 days, 8 hrs., 38 min.; average speed 22 knots; highest day's run 562 knots or about 650 statute miles). Routes to England from the United States of America and Canada. The steamers of any of the following companies afford comfortable accom modation and speedy transit. Cunard Line. A steamer of this company starts every Sat. and every second Tues. from New York and every Wed. from Boston for Queens- town and Liverpool. Cabin fare 76-175 dollars; second cabin 42!/2-57 dollars. Steamers from Liverpool for New York every Sat. and every second Tues., for Boston every Tuesday. Fare 15-35/. ; second cabin 8-12/. London offices, 93 Bishopsgate Street and 13 Pall Mall. White Star Line. Steamer every Wed. from New York to Queenstown and Liverpool. Cabin 75-175 dollars; second cabin 40-50 dollars. From Liverpool to Now York every Wednesday. Cabin 15-30?.,* second cabin It. 5s. to 9/. 10*. London office, 34 Leadenhall Street, E.G. American Line. Every Wed. from New York to Southampton. Cabin 75-175 dollars; second cabin from 45 dollars. From Southampton to New York every Saturday. Fare from i6l. ; second cabin from Si. 10*. Also from Philadelphia to Liverpool, and vice versd, every Wed. (no first cabin; second cabin from 11. 5*. or 3G dollars). London offices, 116 Leadenhall Street, E.C., and 3 Cockspur Street, S.W. North German Lloyd Line. From New York to Southampton or Ply mouth every Tues. and every Thurs. in summer. Cabin from 102 dollars; second cabin from 45 dollars. From Southampton to New York every Wed. and every Mon. in summer. Cabin from 15/. ,• second saloon from 10/. London offices, 2 King William Street, E.C., and 32 Cockspur Street, W.C. Hamburg - American Line. From New York to Plymouth every Thurs day. Saloon 72-275 dollars; second cabin 60-75 dollars. From Southampton to New York on Friday. Saloon from 20* ; second cabin from 10f. 10s. London offices, 158 Leadenhall Street, E.C., and 22 Cockspur Street, S.W. Anchor Line. From New York to Glasgow every Sat.: from Glasgow to New York every Thursday. Saloon from 9p*., return-tickets from 19/. 19s., second cabin from Ql. 10*. London address, 18 Leadenhall Street, E.C. Allan Line. From Montreal (in summer) or Portland (in winter) to Liverpool every Sat., returning every Sat. or Thursday. Cabin from 10/. 10*. (52!/2 dollars); second cabin from 11. 5*. (36 dollars). London address, 103 Leadenhall Street. Dominion Line. From Quebec and Montreal weekly in summer, and from Halifax and Portland fortnightly in winter, to Liverpool. Saloon i.Q-20gs. Also from Boston to Liverpool fortnightly (S.S. 'Canada'). Saloon fare 15-30/.; second cabin 8/. London address, 18 Cockspur Street, S.W. Lepland Line. From Liverpool weekly to Boston. Saloon passengers only; fare from 10/. Atlantic Transport Line. From New York to London every Sat. ; return ing every Thursday. Saloon passengers only; fares 10-225'*.; return 19-42/. Wilsons & Furness - Lepland Line. From New York to London every Sat.; returning every Thursday. Saloon passengers only; fares from 10/. 10*.; return-ticket from 19/. 19*. London office, 38 Leadenhall St., E.C. 1* 4 2. ATLANTIC PASSAGE. The average duration of the passage across the Atlantic is 6-10 days. The best time for crossing is in summer. Passengers should pack cloth ing and other necessaries for the voyage in small flat boxes (not portmanteaus), such as can lie easily in the cabin, as all bulky luggage is stowed away in the hold. State-room trunks should not exceed 3 ft in length, i'/2-2 ft. in breadth, and 15 inches in height. Trunks not required on hoard should be m rked 'Hold' or 'Not Wnuted', the others 'Cabin' or 'Wanted'. The steamship companies generally provide labels for this purpose. Dress for the voyage should be of a plain and serviceable description, and it is ad visable, even in midsummer, to be provided with warm clothing. Ladies should not forget a thick veil. A deck chair, which may be purchased (from 6-7*. upwards) or hired (2-4*.) at the dock or on the steamer before sailing, is a luxury that may almost be called a necessary. This should be distinctly marked with the owner's name or initials, and may be left in charge of the Steamship Co.'s agents until the return-journey, feats at table, retained tbr. ughuut the voyage, are usually assigned by the Saloon Steward immediately afier starting; and those who wish to sit at a particular table or beside a particular person sh< uld apply to him. It is uflual to give a fee of 10*. (2*/z dollars) to the table-steward and to the state-room steward, and small gratuities are also expected by the boot- cleaner, the bath-steward, etc. The state-room steward should notbe 'tipped' until he has brought all the passenger's small baggage safely on to the landing-slage or tender. On landing passengers remain In a largo waiting-room until all the l>ag«a|{0 has buun placed In thu custoiu-hoiiso sited. Hero the owner will find his property expeditiously by looking for tho Initial of bis surname on the wall. The examination is generally soon over (comp. p. 2). Porters then convey the luggage to a cab (3d. for small arlicles, iSd for a large trunk) — Baggage may now be 'expressed' from New York to any city in Europe. Agents of the English railway-companies, etc , also meet the steamers on arrival at Liverpool and undertake to 'express' baggage on the American system to any address given by the traveller. From Liverpool to London there are four different railway routes (202-238 M., in 4y2-8 hrs. ; fares by all trainB 29s., 20s. Sd.t 16s. 6d.; no second class by Midland or Great Northern Railways). The Midland Railway (to St. Pancras Station) runs by Matlock. Derby, and Bedford. The route of tb e_ London and North Western Railway (to Euston Square Station) goes via. Crewe and Rugby. A special service, for Atlantic passengers only, runs from the Riverside Station on the land ing-stage to Euston Square in 4 hrs. By the Great Western Railway (to Pad- dington Station) we may travel either via Chester, Birmingham, Warwick, and Oxford; or via Hereford and Gloucester; or via. Worcester. Or. lastly we may take a train of the Great Northern Railway (to King's Cross Station)! passing Grantham and Peterborough (with a fine cathedral) — The follow ing are comfortable hotels at Liverpool: North Western Bote I, Lime Street Station; Adelphi, near Central Station; Lancashire & Yorkshire, at the Ex change Station; Comp ton , Church St.; Grand, Lime Street; Alexandra Dale Street; Shaftesbury Temperance Hotel, Mount Pleasant. From Southampton to London, by South Western Railway to Waterloo Station (79 M., in 2y4-3V4 hrs. ; fares 13s., 8s. 2d., 6s. 6d.~). Hotels at Southampton: South Western; Radley's; Royal; Dolphin; Flower's Temperance. From Plymouth to London, by Great Western Railway to Pad- dington Station, or by South Western Railway to Waterloo Station (247 or 231 M., in 53/4-8 hrs.; fares 37s. Ad., 23s. 4d., 18s. 8d.). Hotels at Plymouth: Grand; Duke of Cornwall ; Royal; Chutb's; Globe ; Westminster Temperance. For fuller details of these routes, see Baedeker's Great Britain, 1. ROUTES TO THE CONTINENT. 5 Routes from England to the Continent. From Dover to Calais thrice a day, in lVt-l'f, hr.; cabin 10j., fore- cabin 8*. (Railway from London to Dover, or vice vend, in l'/i-23/« hrs.; express fares 19*. 9d., 13.'. id.; ordinary fares 13*., 8*. 2d., 6*. 5'/2d) From Dover to Oslend. thrice a day, in 3-3'/2 hrs. ; 8*. 6d. or ti*. 8d. From Folkeitone to Boulogne, twice a day, in l'/2-2 hrs. ; cabin 8a., fore- cabin 61. (Railway from London to Folkestone in 2-4 hrs. ; fares same as to Dover, except 3rd class, which is 6s.). From Queenborough to Flushing, twice daily, in 8 hra. (4 hrs. at sea)-, train from London to Queenborough in l'A hr., from Flushing to Amster dam in 6-9 hrs. ; through-fare 36s. Id. or 25*. From Newhaven to Dieppe, twice daily, in 5-7 hrs.j 14«. Id. or 11*. Id. (Railway from London to Newhaven, or vice vend, in l'/2-3hrs.i fares 9*. 6d., ft*. Bd., and 4*. 8d.) From Newhaven to Caen, Ihrice weekly, in 10-12 hrs.; fares 15*., 9*. From Harwich to Hoek van Holland and Rotterdam, daily in 8-9 and 11-12 hrs. Great Eastern Uailway from London to Harwich in lV2-2'/2 hrs. (fares 13*. 3d., 6*. ll>/2d.); fare from London to Rotterdam, 29*. or 18*. (second-class passengers pay 7*. extra for the first cabin). From Harwich to Antwerp, daily (Sun. in summer only), in 12-13 hrs. (train from London to Harwich in l'/2-2'/z hrs.); 2u*. or 16*. (from London). From London to Oslend, twice a week, in 12 hrs. (6 hrs. at sea); 7* 6 2 hrs.); U. 10*., II. (from London il. 17*. 6d., il. 5*. 9d.). From Harwich to Esbjerg (Denmark), Ihrice weekly in 30 hrs. (from London to Harwich, see above); fares from London il. 17*. 6d , il. 5s. 9d. From London to Bremen, twice a week, in 40 hrs.; 1/. 6*., 15*. From London to Hamburg, thrice a week, in 36-40 hrs. ; U. 10*. or il. From Southampton to Bremen, by North German Llnyd Transatlantic steamer (p. 3) in 26 hrs., twice weekly; fares 21. 10*. or 11. 10*. From Plymouth to Cuxhaven by Hamburg-American steamer (p. 3), in 23 hrs. ; fares 31. ID*, or 2'. 10*. From Southampton to Cherbourg, thrice a week, in 8-9 hrs. ; faros 20*., 14*. From Southampton to Havre, nightly, in 7-8 hrs.; fares (from London) il. 8s. 4d., il. 4*. lOd. From London to Bordeaux, every Sat., in 55-65 hrs.; 50*.. 35*. From Southampton to St. Malo, thrice a week, in 10-lSbrs ; fires 23*., 17*. From Tilbury (1 hr. by rail from Fencburth St.) to Ostend in 5-6 hrs. Steamers also sail regularly from Hull to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc. ; from Grimsby to Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Denmark, etc. ; from Let/h to Norway, Hamburg, etc. ; from London and from Liverpool to Spain, Portugal, Egypt, etc. See the advertisement in Bradshaw's Railway Guide. Un the longer voyages (10 hrs. and upwards), or when special attention has been required, the steward expects a gratuity of 1*. or more. Food and liquors are supplied on board all the sleamboats at fixed charges, but the viands are sometimes not very inviting. An official Interpreter accom panies the chief trains on the Dover and Folkestone route9. Arrival. Those who arrive in London by water have sometimes to land in small boats. The tariff is 6d. for each person, and 3d. for each trunk. The traveller should take care to select one of the watermen who wear a badge, as they alone are bound by the tariff. Cabs (see p. 33) are in waiting at most of the railway-stations, and also at the landing-stages. The stranger had better let the porter at his hotel pay the fare in order to prevent an overcharge. 6 3. HOTELS. At the more important stations Private Omnibuses, holding 6-10 persons, may be procured on previous application to the Railway Co. (fare Is. per mile, with two horses la. 6d.-2s., minimum charge 3-4«.) 3. Hotels. Boarding Houses. Private Lodgings. Hotels. The attempt made in the following pages to arrange the hotels of London in geographical groups is necessarily based on somewhat arbitrary distinctions, hut will, it is hoped, nevertheless prove useful to the visitor. Within each group the arrangement is made as far as possible according to tariff. Tho most expensive houses are naturally those in the fashionable quarters of the West End , while those in such districts as Bloomsbury and the City are considerably cheaper. Charges for rooms vary according to the floor; and it is advisable to make enquiry as to prices on or soon after ar rival. When a prolonged stay is contemplated, the bill should be called for every two or three days, in order that errors, whether ac cidental or designed, may bo detected. In some hotels tho day of de parture is charged lor, unless the rooms are given up by noon. Many hotels receive visitors en pension, at rates depending on whether it is or is not the Season. Numerous as the London hotels are, it is often difficult to procure rooms in the height of the Season, and it is therefore advisable to apply in advance by letter or telegram. Several of the West End hotels arc equipped in tlie most luxur ious manner, ami even in the smaller houses most of the rooms are fairly well furnished , while the beds are clean and comfortable. Breakfast is generally taken in the hotel, the continental habit of breakfasting at a cafo' being almost unknown in England. The meal consists of tea or coffee with meat, fish, and eggs, and is charged for by tariff. A fixed charge per day (almost invariably Is. 6d.) is made for attendance, beyond which no gratuity need be given. It is however, usual to give the 'boots'(i.e. boot-cleaner and errand man) a small fee on leaving, and the waiter who has specially attended to the traveller also expects a shilling or two. The excellent Amer ican custom of paying one's bill at the office instead of through a waiter has not yet been naturalized in London. Lights (i.e. candles or gas) are Beldom or never charged for, but travellers accustomed to tho American system of heating must remember that fires in bed rooms or private sitting-rooms are an extra. — In most hotels smok ing is prohibited except in the Smoking Rooms provided for the pur pose. — In the more old-fashioned houses the dining-room is called the Coffee Room. — Wine is generally expensive at London hotels; but the expectation that guests should order it 'for the good of the house' has fallen largely into abeyance, and there are many Temper- once Hotels, where no intoxicating drinks are served. — Attendance at table-d'hfite is not obligatory. — English newspapers are provided at every hotel, but foreign journals are rarely met with. 3. HOTELS. 7 The ordinary charges at London hotels vary from about 8*. a day in the least pretentious houses up to 20*. and upwards in the most expensive. The prices given below will enable the traveller to form an approximate idea of the expense at the hotel he selects. The charge for room is that for an ordinary room occupied by a single person. The charge for two persons occupying the same room is often proportionately much less, while that for the best bedrooms may be much higher. Private sitting-rooms are usually expensive. The ordinary charge for a hot bath is 1*., for a cold sponge-bath in bedroom 6d. The prices here given for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner generally refer to table-d hote meals. The average a la carte charges for breakfast are 2s. -3*. 6d., for luncheon 2*. 6d.-5*., for dinner from 3*. upwards. 'Pension' as used in this Handbook includes board, lodging, and attendance. Almost all the great terminal railway-stations of London are provided with large hotels, often belonging to the railway-companies and offering accommodation at varied rates. These hotels, which are specially convenient for passing travellers, are noted in their proper places in the following lists. a. Hotels in or near Charing Cross and the Strand. The objects of interest in this district include the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, and most of the theatres. Hotel Cecil (PI. R, 30 ; II), an enormous new house on the Victoria Embankment, near Waterloo Bridge, overlooking the Thames and extending back to the Strand ; 700 bedrooms , 200 private sitting rooms, large ball and concert rooms, restaurant (p. 14), lifts, terrace, etc. ; R. & A. from 6s., B. from 2s., L. 4s., D. 6s. Savoy Hotel, another large hotel on the Embankment, adjoining the Cecil, with an entrance in Beaufort Buildings, Strand; R. & A, (including bath) from 7s. 6d\, B. from 2s., L. 5s., D. 7». 6d.; restau rant, see p. 14. *Ht>lel Mtlropole (650 bedrooms), "Hotel Victoria (600 beds; orchestra during meals), and *Orand HOtel (400 bods; facing Tra falgar Square; restaurant, p. 14), three large and handsomely fur nished hotels in Northumberland Avenue, belonging to the same company; R. & A. from 5s., B. 3s. 6d., L. 3s. 6d., D. 6s. Charing Cross Hotel, at Charing Cross Railway Station, with 350 rooms, restaurant (p. 14), and lifts; R. &A. from 4s., D. from 3s. 6d. — "Morley's Hotel, Trafalgar Square, a comfortable family hotel with 100 beds ; R. & A. from 4s. 6d., D. from 3s. 6rf., pension from 13s. — Golden Cross Hotel, 352 Strand, opposite the Charing Cross Hotel. The streets leading from the Strand to the Thames (PI. R, 31 ; //) contain a number of quiet and comfortable hotels with reason able charges. Among these are the following: — In Arundel Street: Arundel Hotel (No. 19), on the Embankment, R., A., & B. from 6s., D. 3j., pens, from 9s. 6d.; Temple (No. 28), R., A., & B. 7s. 6d., D. from 3s. 6d. — In Norfolk Street : Howard (100 beds), R., A., & B. from 6j., D. 3s., pens, from 9s. 6a\, well spoken of; Kent's (Nos. 31 & 32; 25 beds), R., A., & B. 5s. — In Surrey Street: Loudoun (No. 24; 90 beds), R., A., & B. from 6s., D. 3s. 6d., pens, from 9s. 6d.; g 3. ""HOTELS. Lay's (Nos. 5, 6, 8, & 9) ; Royal Surrey (Nos. 14-18) ; Norfolk (No. 30), K. A. & B. from 1:3. — Adelphi (50 beds), Adam Street, R. & A. from 3s! 6d. pens, from 31. 3s. per week ; Caledonian, 10 Adelphi Terrace. In Covent Garden, to the N. of the Strand : — Tavistock (200 beds), Piazza, Covent Garden, for gentlemen only, R., A., & B. 7s. 6d., D. from 3s., good wines; Hummums, Bedford, also in the Piazza; Covent Garden, at the corner of (Southampton Street, pens, from 10s. Buckingham Temperance Hotel, 28 Buckingham Street, It. & A. from 4s. Od.; Temperance Hotel, 12 Catherine Street, for gentlemen only, R. from 2s., these two in streets leading N. from the Strand. In or near Leicester Square , a little to the N. of Charing Cross, a quarter much frequented by French visitors: — Hotel de Paris, Leicester Plane, U., A., & B. from 5s., 1). 3s. (new hotel 11-13 now building); Challis's Royal Hotel, 69-04 Rupert Street, Coventry Street, 11., A., & Ii. from 5s. 6d., D. 4s.; Hotel Suisse, Compton Street, unpretending, well spoken of. The stranger is cautioned against going to any unrecommended house near Leicester Square, as there are several houses of doubtful reputation in this locality. 6. Hotels in or near Piccadilly. The hotels in this group are convenient f r those who wish to be near St. James's Park, the Green Park, HjdePark (E. end), Ihe principal clubs, St. James s Palace, Marlborough House, Ilurlington House (Royal Academy), and the most fashionable shops. They include some of the most aristocratic and expensive hostelries in London, all well equipped with electric light, lifts, etc. In Piccadilly itself: — "Albemarle Hotel (PI. 22, R; IV), at the corner of Albemarle Street, largely patronized by royalty, the diplo matic corps, and the nobility; excellent wine and cuisine; R. & A. from 7s., L. 4s., D. 7s. 6d. — Berkeley (No. 77), at the corner of Berkeley Street, with a frequented restaurant; R. & A. from 73., B. 2-4s., L. 4-5s., D. 7s, 6d. or 103. — Avondale (No. 68A), at the cor ner of Dover Street, with restaurant; R. & A. from 7s., B. from 2s., L. 3s. 6d., D. from 6s. — Bath, at the corner of Arlington Street (S. side of Piccadilly). To the N. of Piccadilly : — Sackville Hotel, 28 Sackville Street, near Regent Street, R. & A. from 5s., D. 6s., pens, from 10s. 6d. ¦ — "Long's Hotel, 16 New Bond Street, It. & A. from 6s., L. 3s. 6d., D. 7s. 6d. ; Burlington 1 130 beds), 19 Cork Street , near Bond Street, an old-established house, R. & A. from 4s. 6d., D. 6s., pens. ( out of the Season) I63.; "Bristol, Burlington Gardens, a high-class house, similar to the Albemarle. — Almond's, 6 Clifford Street. — "Lim- mer's Hotel, George Street, Hanover Square, R. & A. from 6s. 6d., D. from 4s. — "Browns fy St. George's Hotel, Albemarle Street aud Dover Street, quiet, good cuisine, R. & A. from Cs. , D. 6s.; York Hotel, 9-11 Albemarle Street, R. & A. from 5s., D. 4s. 6d.; Car ter's, 14 Albemarle Street; Waite'a Private Hotel, 18 Albemarle 3;rH0TELS. 9 Street, suites T-i3gs. in the Season, 4-6jis. out of the Season. — "Thomas's Hotel, 26 Berkeley Square, a high-class houBe with apart ments let 'en suite'; no tariff or public rooms. — Claridge's, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, long the leading West End hotel, rebuilt in 1898. — Buckland's, 43 Brook Street. — Coburg, Carlos Street, Grosvenor Square, U. trom 6s., D. 7s. 6d. — Fleming's Hotel, 41 Clarges Street (no public rooms). — Harvey's Hotel, Curzon Street, Mayfair. To the S. of Piccadilly : — In Jermyn (Street, parallel to Picca dilly : Waterloo (No. 86), R. & A. from 3s. 6d., L. 2s., D. 3s. 6d., pens. from 9». 6d.; Cacendish (No. 81), an old family hotel, well spoken of, R. & A. from 5s. 6d., D. from 6s., reduced terms in winter ; British (No. 82); Brunsuick (No. 62) ; Cox's (No. 55) ; Rawlings's (No. 37); Morle's (No. 102). These hotels are all comfortable houses for single gentlemen. — Park Hotel, Park Place, St. James's Street, R. from 53., D. from 63., well spoken of; Waite's Private Hotel, 12 Park Place. — Hotel Dieudonne", 11 Ryder Street, St. James's (French). — Carlton, a huge establishment at the corner of the Haymarket and Pall Mall (building). 0. Hotels in or near Westminster. Convenient for the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the Tate Gallery, St. James's Park, Lambeth Palace (acr.iss the river), Victoria Sta tion, the United States Embassy, and the offices of the High Commissioner of Canada and the Agents General of the chief British Colonies. Westminster Palace Hotel (PI. R, 26; IV), Victoria Street, oppo site Westminster Abbey, with 250 beds, R. & A. from 5s., B. 3s. 6d., L. 3s. 6d., D. 6s., pens, from 12s. 6d.; HOlel Windsor (PI. R, 25; IV), also in Victoria Street, with 212 beds, well spoken of, R. & A. from 4s., D. 6s., pens, from 12s. — Buckingham Palace Hotel (PI. R, 21 ; IV), Buckingham Palace Gate, a large hotel, R. from 5s. 6d., D. 6s. — Grosvenor Hotel, at Victoria Station (PI. R, 21 ; 1 V), a large rail way-hotel, li. from 5s., D. from 3s. — Uelgravia Residential Hotel, 72 Victoria Street. — St. Ermine Residential Hotel, Caxton Street, R., B., & bath bs., D. 3s. or 5s. d. Hotels in Kensington and Neighbourhood. The objects of interest in this district include Hyde Park (W. end), Kensington Gardens, the Albert Hall, South Kensington Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the Imperial Institute. Hans Crescent Hotel, Hans Crescent, Sloane Street (PI. R, 13), new, R. from 6«., D. 6s., pens. 16s. — Alexandra Hotel, 16-21 St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner (PI. R, 17). — Cadogan Hotel, 75 Sloane Street, Ca :ogan Place (PI. R, 17). — Queen's Gale Hotel, 98 Queen's Gate (PI. R, 9); South Kensington Hotel, Queen's Oate Terrace (PI. R, 5), 160 bedrooms, R. & A. from 63., D. 6s. — Royal Palace Hotel (300 beds). Kensington High Street, overlooking the grounds of Kensington Palace (PI. R, 6); R. & A. from 4s. 6d., B. 2s.-3s., L. 33., D. 6s. — The Maisonettes (Nos. 28-30), De Vere Hotel, Prince of Wales Hotel (Nos. 16, 18), Broadwalk Hotel (Nos. 9-13), all resi- 10 3. HOTELS. dential hotels in De Vere Gardens (PI. R, 6) make a speciality of small suites of rooms, with meals (if desired) in the general dining- room; terms from about 31. 3s. per week upwards. — Imperial Pri vate Hotel, 121 Queen's Gate. Great Western Hotel, Paddington Station (PI. R, 11), a railway terminal hotel. — Norfolk Square Hotel, London St., opposite Pad dington Station, R., A., & B. from 6s., D. 4s. "Bailey's Hotel, opposite Gloucester Road Station (PI. G, 6), with about 250 beds, R. & A. from 4s. 6d., D. 6s., pens, from 12s. — Nor folk, Harrington Gardens (PI. G, 6). — Bolton Mansions (residential), Bolton Gardens (PI. G, 6). — "Norris's Hotel, 48-53 Russell Road, Kensington, facing Addison Road Station (beyond PI. G, 1), a family hotel, R. & A. from 3s., D. 3s., pens, from 11. \1s. 6d. per week. e. Hotels between Oxford Street and Regent's Park. Langham Hotel (PI. R, 24; I), Portland Place, a large and cen trally situated house, with 450 beds , electric light, lifts etc. ; R. & A. from 4s. 6d., B. 3s., L. 2s. 6d.-3s. 6d., D. 6s., pens. 16». — Port land Hotel, Great Portland Street, less protending, R. &. B. 6s. — Marshall Thompson's Hotel, 28 Cavendish Square. — Ford's Hotel, 14 Manchester Street, Manchester Square (PI. R, 19; i), R. & A. from 6s., L. 2s. 6d., D. 4s. 6d., an old house and well spoken of. — Hotel Grand Central, Marylebone Station (PI. R, 16), a large railway hotel, to be opened in 1899. f. Hotels in Bloomsbury and Neighbourhood. This district includes the large terminal hotels of the northern railways and an immense number of small unpretending hotels and boarding-houses at moderate prices. Its centre of interest is the British Museum. "Midland Grand Hotel, St. Pancras Station (PI. B, 28), a hand some Gothic building by Sir G. G. Scott and one of the best of the large terminal hotels, with 400 beds; R. & A. from 4s., B. 3s., D. 6s., pens. 12s. — Euston Hotel, Euston Station (PI. B, 24, 28). — Great Northern Railway Hotel, King's Cross Station (PI. B, 31, 32). In High Holborn (PI. R, 32; II): First Avenue Hotel, a large hotel (300 beds) with electric light, lifts, etc., R. & A. from is., B. 3s., L. 2s. 6d., D. 6s. , well spoken of; inns of Court Hotel, another large house, with another entrance in Lincoln's Inn Fields. In Queen Square (PI. R, 32; II): Burr's Hotel (No. 11), pens. in winter 7s., in summer 83.; Shirley's Temperance Hotel (No. 37), pens, from 5s. 6d. — West Central Hotel, 75-79 and 97-105 South ampton Row (PI. R, 32; //), an excellent temperanco hotel, R. & A. from 2s. 3d., pens. 6s. 8d.; Bedford Hotel, 93 Southampton Row, R. & A. from 23. 6d., pens. 83. — • Thackeray Temperance Hotel, Great Russell St., facing the British Museum, new, well spoken of, R. & A. from 3s., D. 2s. 6d. — Woburn House Hotel, 12 Upper Wo- burn Place, corner of Endsleigh Gardens (PI. B, 28), R. & A. from 23. 9d. , D. 2s. 6d. , pens. 5s.-8s. 6d. — Woodstock House (private 3. HOTELS. 11 hotel), 8 Euston Square (PI. B, 28), R., A., & B. from 3s. 6d., D. 2s. 6d. ; Wild's Temperance Hotel, 70 Euston Square, R. & A. from 2s. 6d., B. 2j. — .Mann's Private Temperance Hotel, 48 Torrington Square (PI. R, 28), largely patronized by vegetarians; R., A., & B. from 3s. 9d. In Tottenham Court Road (PI. R, 28) : The Horseshoe (No. 264) and the Bedford Head (No. 236; R., A., & B. 6s., D. 3s.), two com mercial houses, suited for gentlemen. g. Hotels in the City. These hi tels are convenient for those visiting London on business, while the City also contains numerous objects of wider interest such as St. Paul's Cathedral, the Guildhall, the Tower, St. Bartholomew's, and the Charterhouse. The Fleet Street hotels are near the Inns of Court and the Law Courts. "De Keyser's Royal Hotel (PI. R, 36; II), well situated on the Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars, and largely patronized by Ger mans, Frenchmen, and other foreigners ; 400 rooms, electric light, lifts; inclusive terms 12-20s. per day. Cannon Street Hotel (PI. R, 39 ; HI), R. & A. from 4s., D. 23. 6d.- 6s. — Holborn Viaduct Hotel (PI. R, 35; II), R. & A. from 63., B. 3s., L. 3s. 6d. , D. 6s., pens, from 12s. ¦ — Great Eastern Hotel (PI. R, 44 ; III), largely frequented by German and other visitors to the great wool sales; R. & A. from 4s. 6d., B. 3s., L. 33. 6d., D. 4s. 6d. These are large railway hotels. Castle and Falcon, 5 Aldersgate Street, near St. Martin's le Grand (General Post Office), R. & A. 6s., B. 3s., D. 3s. 6d. — Manchester Hotel, 136-146 Aldersgate Street and Long Lane. — The Albion, 172 Aldersgate Street. — Metropolitan Hotel, South Place , Moorgate St. , near the Great Eastern Railway Station. — Klein's Hotel, 38 Finsbury Square, R. & A. from 2s., D. 3«. 6d., fre quented by Germans, well spoken of; Seyd's Hotel, 39 Finsbury Square, R. & B. from 4s., D. 2s. 6d.-3s., well spoken of; Biicker's Hotel, Christopher Street, Finsbury Square, R. & B. 5-6s., D. 3s., a favourite foreign hotel. — In Charterhouse Square (PI. R, 40; II), quietly situated : Cocker's (No. 89); Brunswick Private Hotel (No. 14). — Ridler's Hotel, 133 Holborn, adjoining Fumival's Inn. In or near Fi.bbt Street : — • Anderton's Hotel, 162 Fleet Street, a favourite resort of many dining clubs and masonic lodges; Peele's Hotel, 177 Fleet Street; Salisbury Hotel, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. Temperance Hotels in the City : Devonshire House, 12 Bishops- gate Without, near Liverpool Street Station (PI. R, 44; III), R. & A. from 33. 6d., B. 2s. 6d. , L. 2s. 6d. — Wild's, 34-40 Ludgate Hill (PI. R, 35; II), R. & A. from 2s. 6d., B. 2s. — Tranter's, 6-9 Bridge- water Square, Barbican (PI. R, 40), in a quiet situation, R. & A. from I3. 6d. , pens, from 6s. 6d. — Temperance Hotel , 42 Wood Street, Cheapside, for gentlemen only, R. & A. from 23. 12 3. BOARDING HOUSES. h. Hotels to the South of the Thames. There are few hotels of importance on this side of the river, and neither London Bridge Station nor Waterloo Station is provided with a terminal hotel. Fair accommodation may be obtained at the houses men tioned below. Bridge House Hotel, 4 Borough nigh Street, London Bridge (PI. R, 42; 111). — Piggoll's Hotel, 160 Westminster Bridge Road (PI. R, 29). — York Hotel, corner of Waterloo Road and York Road, close to Waterloo Station (PI. R, 30), R., A., & B. from 4s. 6d.; Waterloo Hotel, 2-16 York Road, Waterloo, R. & A. from 3s. 6d. Boarding Houses. The visitor will generally find it more econouiical to live in a Boarding House than at a hotel. For a sum of 30-40s. per week or upwards he will receive lodging, breakfast, luncheon, dinner, and tea, taking his meals and sharing the sitting rooms with the other guests. It is somewhat more difficult to give a trustworthy selection of boarding-houses than of hotels, but the Editor has reason to believe that those noted below are at present (1898) fairly comfortable. In the West End: Mrs. J'Mltips, 10 Duchess Street, Portland Place, near Langham Hotel (p. 10), 7-D*. per day, 2f. 2s. to 3/. 13*. 6d. per weeki Miss Edwards, 44 L.ngri.ige Road, h'arl's Court, 27*. to 21. 2*. per week; Pension JJurnam, 48 St. George s Road, S.W. , near Victoria Station, from 5*. per day and 30*. per week-. Dr. Oliver Speer, 26 Kennet Road, West- bourne Park; Langham House, i4 St. Stephen's Road, Ba\swater, from 4*. 6d. per day and 25*. per week ; Mrs. Craston, 8Talitot Road, Bayswater, from 5*. Qd. per day or 25*. pur week; Misi Usher, 42 lluiubridgc Gardens, North Kensington, W. Near the British Museum: Misses Wright, 15 Upper Woburn Place, Tavistock Square, 6-8*. per day; Mrs Dyson Smith, 18 M ntague Street, Russell Square; Mrs. Jane Hawgood, 33 Guilf rd Street, 5s. -7*. 6d. ; Mrs. Holt, 10 bedford Place, Russell Square, from 6*. a day and 34*. 6d. a week; Mrs. Terry, 82 Guwer Street, from 25*. 6d. per week; Mrs. Rosenbaum, 80 Gower Street, from 6*. per day and 35*. per week ; Qlendevon (Mrs. Kelly), 16 Upper Woburn Place, from 5*. 6 J. per day and 30* per week; Mrs. Snelt, 21-23 Bedford Place, 6 7s. 6d. per day, 42s.-52s. 6d. per week; also at No. 31., 4*. 6d. per day tR. .* B. onlyjs Mrs. Cory, 23 Torrington Square; Mrs. W. Hawgood, 18 Harrington Square. The arrangements of boarding-houses are, however, more suitable for persons making a prolonged sojourn in London than for those who merely intend to devote two or three weeks to seeing the lions of the English Metropolis. To a visitor of the latter class the long distances between the different sights of London make it expedient that he should not have to return for dinner to a particular part of the town at a fixed hour. This independence of action is secured, more cheaply than at a hotel, by taking — Private Apartments, which may be hired by tho week in any part of London. Notices of 'Apartments', or 'Furnished Apartments', are generally placed in the windows of houses where there are rooms to be let in this manner, but it is safer to apply to the nearest houBe-agent. Rooms in the house of a respectable private family may often be obtained by advertisement or otherwise, and are gener ally much more comfortable than the profossed lodging-houses. 3. PRIVATE APARTMENTS. 13 The dearest apartments, like the dearest hotels , are at the West End, where the charges vary from 11. to 151. a week. The best are in the streets leading from Piccadilly (Dover Street, Half Moon Street, Clarges Street, Duke Street, and Sackville Street), and in those leading out of St. James's Street, such as Jermyn Street, Bury Street, and King Street. Good, but less expensive lodgings may also be obtained in the less central parts of the West End, and in the streets diverging from Oxford Street and the Strand. In Bloomsbury (near the British Museum) the average charge for one room is 15-21s. per week , and breakfast is provided for Is. a day. Fire and light are usually extraB, sometimes also boot-cleaning and washing of bed-linen. It is advisable to have a clear under standing on all these points. Still cheaper apartments, varying in rent according to the amenity of their situation and their distance from the centres of business and pleasure, may be obtained in the suburbs. The traveller who desires to be very moderate in his ex penditure may even procure a bedroom and the use of a breakfast parlour for 10s. a week. The preparation of plain meals is generally understood to be included in the charge for lodgingB, but the sight seer will probably require nothing but breakfaBt and tea in his rooms, taking luncheon and dinner at one of the pastrycooks' shops, oyster-rooms, or restaurants with which London abounds. Though attendance is generally included in the weekly charge for board and lodging, the servants expect a small weekly gra tuity, proportionate to the trouble given them. Money and valuables should be securely locked up In the visitor's own trunk, as the drawers and cu) boards ol hotels and boarding-houses are not always inviolable receptacles. Large sums of money and objects of great value, hou ever, hao hotter ho entrusted to the keoping of the landlord of llio lmofK', If a person ot known respcetalilllly, or lo a hankor in ox- change for a receipt It Is hardly necessary to point out that It would be unwise to make such a deposit wifh the landlord of private apartments or boarding-houses that have not been specially recommended. 4. Restaurants. Dining Rooms. Oyster Shops. English cookery, which is as inordinately praised by some epi cures and bons vivants as it is abused by others, has at least the merit of simplicity, so that the quality of the food one is eating is not so apt to be disguised as it is on the Continent. Meat and flsh of every kind are generally excellent in quality at all the better restaurants, but the visitor accustomed to continental fare may discern a falling off in the soups, vegetables, and sweet dishes. At the first-class restaurants the cuisine is generally French ; the charges are high, but everything is sure to be good of its kind. At the smaller restaurants it is usual to find out from the waiter what dishes are to be had, and to order accordingly. The dinner hour at the best restaurants is 4-8 p. m., after which some of them are closed. At less pretentious establishments dinner 'from he joint' is obtainable from 12 or 1 to 5 or 6 p.m. Beer, on draught 14 4. RESTAURANTS. or in bottle, is supplied at almost all the restaurants, and is the beverage most frequently drunk. The Grill Rooms are devoted to chops, steaks, and other dishes cooked on a gridiron. Dinner from the Joint is a plain meal of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and cheese. At many of the following restaurants, particularly those in the City, there are luncheon-bars, where from 11 to 3 a chop or small plate of hot meat with bread and vegetables may be obtained for 6-8d. Customers usually take these 'snacks1 standing at the bar. In dining it la carte at any of the foreign restaurants, one portion will often be found sufficient for two persons. Many of the larger drapery and outfitting establishments have Luncheon and Tea Rooms, which are convenient for ladies while shopping. The bill-of-fare is usually excellent and the charges moderate. Among these may be mentioned those at Swan & Edgar's, Shoolbred^s, Owen's, Derry & Toms'1 , JSvanit, Whiteley's, etc. (see p. 25). Good wine in England is expensive. Claret (Bordeaux) is most frequent ly drunk, but Port, Sherry, and Sock (a corruption of Hochheimer, used as a generic term for Rhenish wines) may also be obtained at most of the restaurants. Some of the Italian restaurants have good Italian wines. The traveller's thirst can at all times be conveniently quenched at a Public Souse, where a glass of bitter beer, ale, stout, or 'half-and-half (i. e. ale or beer, and stout or porter, mixed) is to be had for l1/a-2d. (64. or Sd. per quart). Good German Lager Bier (3-6d. per glass) is now very generally obtainable at the larger restaurants, in some of which it has almost entirely supplanted the heavier English ales Wine (not recom mended) may also be obtained. Genuine Munich Beer ('Pschorr') and Bohem ian Beer (lBurgerliches Brauhaus, rilsen') from the cask may be obtained at the Oambrinus Restaurants, 3 Glasshouse Street, Piccadilly Circus, and 3 Lawrence Lane, Cheapside; also German sausages, smoked eel, and similar 'whets'. English-made lager-beer is supplied in an establishment in the basement of the Cafe Monico, Piccadilly Circus, fitted up in the lold German' style. Many of the more important streets also contain Wine Stores or ^Bodegas'1, where a good glass of wine may be obtained for Bd.-Qd., a pint of Hock or Claret for 8 d.-i s. GJ., and so on ; and a few taverns (such as Short'"*, 333 Strand) have acquired a special reputation for their wines. Restaurants at the West End. In and near the Stband and Cuabing Cross : — Restaurants of the *H6tel Cecil (p. 7) and the * Savoy Hotel (p. 7), two high-class establishments with charges to correspond, both with open-air terraces and views of the river. Charing Cross Station Restaurant (Charing Cross Hotel ; p. 7). Adelphi Restaurant (Qatii), at the Adelphi Theatre, 410 Strand, table-dJh6te 3s. 6d. *Simpsonys Dining Rooms, in the busiest part of the Strand (Nos. 101-103); ladies' room upstairs; dinner a la carte. Imperial Caf£- Restaurant (Qatti fy Rodesano), 161 A &166 Strand. * Gaiety Restaurant (Spiers $ Pond), at the Gaiety Theatre, 343 and 344 Strand; table-d'hfite from 5.30 till 8p.m., 3s. 6d. Tivoli Or and Restaurant, 66 Strand, adjoining the Tivoli Music Hall (German beer). * Gait? s Restaurant and Cafe", 436 Strand, with another entranoe in Adelaide Street, and a third in King William Street. Tavistock Hotel Restaurant, Covent Garden. The dining-rooms of the * Victoria, *Metropole, and Grand Hotels (see p. 7) are aho open to visitors not residing in the hotels. 4. RESTAURANTS. 15 The Grand also has a buffet and an excellent grill-room (entr. in the Strand; hot luncheon from Is. 9d.). In and near Leicester, Square : — Hdtel de Paris, see p. 8; Hotel de Provence, 8 Leicester Square, German cuisine and Munich beer, D. (5-9 p.m.) 3s. ; The Cavour, 20 Leicester Square, hotel and cafe", French cuisine and attendance, D. (6-9) 3s.,- Monte Carlo Restaurant, 2 Leicester Street; Grand Vienna Cafe"- Restaurant, 7 New Coventry Street. — Previtali, Arun- dell Street, Coventry Street, D. 3s. 6d.-5s. 6d. "Kettner's Restaurant du Pavilion, French house , 28-31 Church Street, Soho ; Wedde, 12 Greek Street, Soho ; Hdtel d 'Italic (Moli- nari), 62 Old Compton St., Soho, Italian house (table-d'hote 2s. 6d,). HStel de Solferino, 7 & 8 Rupert Street ; Hotel de Florence, 57 Rupert Street, Italian house (table-d'hfite 3s., luncheon Is. 6d.~). There are many cheap foreign restauiantB in Soho. Near Pall Mall : — Epitaux, 9 Haymarket. — Willis's, 26 King Street, St. James's, L. 4s. 6d., D. h la carte. In Westminster : — Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria Street, with dining-room (D. 3s.) and buffet; Lucas, 37 Parliament Street, luncheon-counter downstairs, ladies' room upstairs. — Over ton, 3 Victoria Buildings, opposite Victoria Station (flsh dinners). In Piccadilly, Regent Street, and the vicinity : — "Princes' Restaurant, new and handsomely fitted up, dinners and luncheon a la carte or 3 prix fixe; charges similar to those of the Savoy (p. 7). The Criterion (Spiers and Pond), Regent Circus, Piccadilly, sumptuously fitted up and adorned with tasteful decorative paint ings by eminent artists; theatre, see p. 65. — Table-d'h6te D. in the Grand Hall 3s. 9d., in the W. Room 5s., in the E. Room 10s. 6d., accompanied by music; dinner from the joint 2s. 6d. Grill room, cafe", and American bar, etc. "Trocadero, corner of Great Windmill St. and ShafteBbury Avenue, new, handsomely fitted up, D. 5s., 7s. 6d., 10s. 6d., wine table-d'hote 3s. 6d., 5s. 6d., 7s. 6d., also it la carte; music during dinner. Piccadilly Restaurant, in the building of the Pavilion Music Hall, Piccadilly Circus (Munich beer on draught). Slater's Luncheon and Tea Rooms, 2i2 Piccadilly. Monico's, 19 Shaftesbury Avenue, handsomely fitted up, with res taurant, grill-room, caft, luncheon-bar, and concert room (seep. 69). "Berkeley Hotel, 77 Piccadilly, with good French cuisine; L. 4-5s., D. 78. 6d.-10s. 6d.,- also a la carte ; no suppers served. "The Burlington (Blanchard's), 169 Regent Street, corner of New Burlington Street ; dinners on first and second floors, ground. floor reserved for luncheons. Ladies' rooms. Dinners at 6s., 7», 6d,, and 10s. 6d. ,- also a la carte. Formaggia, 109 Regent Street, comparatively inexpensive (Ital.), 16 4. RESTAURANTS. *Kuhn (Berlin), 21 Hanover Street, cafe" downstairs, restaurant upstairs. "Verrey, 229 Regent Street, French cuisine (bouillabaisse to order). • "Grand Cafe" Royal, 68 Regent Street; French dinner 5». "Blanchard' s Restaurant, 1-7 Beak Street, Regent Street (ladles not after 5 p.m.) ; dinner 2s. 6d.-6s. or d la carte. Good wines, In and near Oxford Street and Holborn : — "The Pamphilon, 17 Argyll Street, Oxford Street, near Regent Circus, with ladies' rooms; unpretending, moderate charges. Pagani, 44 & 48 Great Portland Street. Circus Restaurant (Gianella), 213 Oxford Street, near Regent Circus; Star and Garter (Pecorini), 98 New Oxford Street. — Bustard (pastry-cook), 197 Oxford Street (recommended for ladies). "Frascati, 26-32 Oxford Street, a large and handsome establish ment, with winter-garden, cafe', and grill-room; D. 5s. Oriental (Seleri), 184 Wardour Street (three doors from Oxford Street), L. Is. 6d., D. Is. The Horseshoe , 264-267 Tottenham Court Road , not far from the British Museum, luncheon-bar, grill-room, and dining-rooms; table-d'h6te 5.30 to 8.30 p.m., 2s. 6d. Vienna Cafi (see p. 18), near the British Museum. Inns of Court Restaurant, in Lincoln's Inn Fields, N. side. "The Holborn Restaurant, 218 High Holborn, an extensive and elaborately adorned establishment, with grill-room, luncheon buffets, etc. ; table-d'h6te at separate tables in the Grand Salon from 5.30 to 9 p.m., with music, 3s. 9d. The Radnor, 73 Chancery Lane and 311-312 High Holborn. Spiers and Pond's Buffet, Holborn Viaduct Station. Table-d'hdte at the First Avenue Hotel (p. 10) from 5.30 to 8.30 p.m., 5s.; also restaurant, grill-room, and luncheon-buffet. Table-d'h6te at the Midland Grand Hotel (p. 10). "Veglio, 314 Euston Road, near the end of Tottenham Court Road (moderate). Restaurants in the City. In Fleet Street : — The Cock, 22 Fleet Street (chops, steaks, kidneys; good stout)- with the fittings of the Old Cock Tavern, pulled down in 1886. * The Rainbow , 15 Fleet Street (good wines) ; dinner from the joint, chops, steaks, etc. Old Cheshire Cheese, 16 Wine Office Court, Fleet Street (steak and chop house; beefsteak puddings on Saturdays). Here is pre served Dr. Johnson's chair. f ; Dick's Royal Restaurant (Oreste Giolito), 8 Fleet Street. f Near St. Paul's : — Spiers and Pond's Restaurant , Ludeate Hill Station. 4. RESTAURANTS. 17 Duval Restaurant, 17 Newgato Street. Grand Restaurant de Paris, 74 Ludgate Hill, table-d'hfite from 5 to 9, with «/2 bottle of claret, 3s. 6d. Slater's, 72 Aldersgate Street; Thomas's, Shannon's, two chop- houses in Maidenhead Court, Aldersgate Street. Near the Bank : — The Palmerslon, 34 Old Broad Street. — "Auction Mart (Spiers & Pond), Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury. — Charley's Fish Shop ( snacks of flsh), 20 Coleman St. In Gresham Street : — New Gresham Dining Rooms (No. 68) ; The Castle (No. 40); Guildhall Tavern (Nos. 81-83). Herrmann #- Birkenfeld, 41 and 42 London Wall. In Cheapside : — Lake and Turner (No. 49) and Bead's (No. 94), good houses, with moderate charges ; Cyprus Restaurant (Nos. 1 &2), a temperance house; Queen Anne (No. 27); Sweeting's (No. 158; flsh); "Simpson (No. 76), flsh ordinary at 1 and 4 p.m. 2s., glass of milk-punch 6d. Mullen's Hotel Restaurant, Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside (lun cheon 2s.). City Restaurant, 34 Milk Street (table-d'hote 12-3, Is. 3d.). In the Poultry: — "Pimm's (Nos. 3, 4, 5). InBucklersbury, near the Mansion House : Ye Gresham (No. 21), moderate. Spiers and Pond's Buffet, Mansion House (Metropolitan) Station. The Bay Tree, 33 St. Swithin's Lane. — Windmill, 151 Cannon Street. In or near Cornhill : — Birch's (Ring $ Brymer), 15 Coinhill, the principal purveyors to civic feasts; Baker's, 1 Change Alley, a well-known chop-house. In Gracechurch Street : The Grasshopper (No. 13) ; Half Moon (No. 88); Woolpack (No. 4, and 6 St. Peter's Alley). Ship and Turtle, 129 Leadenhall Street, noted for its turtle. "London Tavern, formerly King's Head, 53 Fenchurch Street. Queen Elizabeth here took her flrBt meal after her liberation from the Tower. "Crosby Hall (p. 139), 32 Bishopsgate Within (waitresses). These last two are very handsomely fitted up and contain smoking and chess rooms. Ye Olde Four Swans, 82 Bishopsgate Street Within. Great Eastern Hotel Restaurant, at the corner of Liverpool Street and Bishopsgate Within. Three Nuns, 10 Aldgate High Street, adjoining Aldgate Metro politan Station. New Corn Exchange Restaurant, 68 Mark Lane, near the Tower. Waiters in restaurants expect a gratuity of about Id. for every shilling of the hill, but 6d. per perBon is the most that need ever be given. If a charge is made in the hill for attendance, the visitor Baedekeb's London. 11th Edit. 2 18 a. CAFES. is not bound to give anything additional , though even in this case it is customary to give the waiter a trifle for himself. Among the chief Vegetarian Restaurants in London are the Cafe, 37 St. Martin's Lane, W.C. ; Forsler & Hazell, 8 Queen St., Cheapside, and 100 Bishopsgate Within ; Apple Tree, 34 Poultry, E.C; Central, 16 St. Bride's Street, Ludgate Circus, E.C; Garden, 24 JewinStreet, E.C; Alpha, 23 Oxford Street; The Holborn, 278 High Holborn ; Tea & Tiffin Bungalow, 170 New Bond Street (curries and Indian specialties). Oyster Shops. "Scott (Edwin), 18 Coventry Street, exactly opposite the Hay- market (also steaks); Blue Posts, 14 Rupert Street (American special ties, clams, etc. ; also grill), these two in the evening for gentlemen only; Rule, 35 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden; Gow, 357 Strand; Pimm, 3 Poultry, City; Sweeting, 168 Cheapside and 70 Fleet Street, City; "Lightfoot, 3 Arthur Street East and 22 Lime Street, City. The charge for a dozen oysters is usually from 2s. to is. 6/z per cent. The articles sold comprise groceries, wines, spirits, provisions, tobacco, clothing, books, stationery, fancy goods, drugs, and watches. The chief premises of the association are in Queen Victoria Street, while it has others in Bedford Street and Chandos Street, Strand. — The sales of the Army and Navy Stores reach a still higher total, amounting to 2,920,000/. per annum. Strangers or visitors to London are, of course, unable to make purchases at a co-operative store exeept through a member. Co-operative Working Societies. Another application of the co-operative system is seen in the various associations established on the principle of the Co-Partnership of the Workers. Among meritorious societies of this kind the following may be men tioned : Bookbinders' Co-operative Society, 17 Bury Street, Bloomsbury ; Hamil ton Shirt-Making Society, 41 Poland Street, W.; Women's Printing Society, 68 Whitcomb Street, W. C. ; Co-operative Printers, Tudor Street, New Bridge St., E.C; Co-operative Depot, 19 Southampton ltow, W. C. (tailoring, etc.). 9. Cabs. Tramways. Omnibuses. Coaches. Cabs. When the traveller is in a hurry, and his route does not coincide with that of an omnibus, he had better at once engage a cab at one of the numerous cab-standB, or hail one of those passing along the street. The 'Four-wheelers', which are small and un comfortable, hold four persons inside, while a fifth can be accommo dated beside the driver. The two-wheeled cabs, called Hansoms 9. CABS. 33 from the name of their inventor , have seats for two persons only (though often used by three), and drive at a much quicker rate than the otherB. Persons without much luggage will therefore prefer a hansom. The driver's seat is at the back, so that he drives over the heads of tho passengers sitting inside. Orders are com municated to him through a small trap-door in the roof. A small number of Electric Cabs, plying at the same fares as the horae-cabs, were placed on the streets in 1897. — There are now over 11,000 cabs in London, employing nearly 20,000 horses. •« -« 13 Gab Fares 21 *! s Sa 33 from the chief railway-stations <3 to, 1 1- 1 3*: 3 < 1? 1 | to.c 0 rS O to ? £ 6 I «5 1 s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. Bank of England 1 - i - 1-6 1 - 1-6 1 - 2-6 2 - 1 Bond Street, Piccadilly .... 1-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1 - 1 British Museum 1-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1-6 1-6 1-6 1 - Covent Garden 1-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1-6 1-6 1 - 1 - Qronvonor Square, N.W, . . . 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1-6 2 - 1 - 1 - 1-6 Hyde Park Corner ... 2 - 1 - 1-6 2 - 2 - 2 - 1-6 1 - 1-6 Leicester Square ... 1-6 1 - 1 - i-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1 - 1 - London Bridge 1 - 1-6 2 - 1 - 1-6 2-6 1-6 1 Ludgate Hill , . 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1-6 1 - Marble Arch . 2 - 1 - 1-6 2 - i-6 2 - 1 - 1 - 1-6 Oxford Circus 1-6 1 - 1 - i-6 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - Piccadilly, Haymarket . . . 1 - 1 - 1 - i-6 1-6 1-6 i-6 1 - 1 Post Office 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - Regent Street, Piccadilly . . i-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1 - 1 St. Panl's 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1 - 1 - 2-6 1-0 1 South Kensington Museum 2-6 1-6 2 - 2-0 2-6 2-6 1-6 1-6 2 - Strand (Wellington Street) 1-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1-6 1 - Tower 1 - 1-6 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 2-6 2 - 1-6 Trafalgar Square . 1-6 1 - 1 - 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1 - 1 - Westminster Palace . . 1-6 1 - 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 2 - 1 - 1 - Zoological Gardens . . 2 - 1-6 1 - 2-6 1 - 2-6 1-6 2 - 2 Fares are reckoned by distance, unless the cab is expressly hired by time. The charge for a drive of 2 M. or under is 1*.; for each ad ditional mile or fraction of a mile 6tf. For each person above two, Gd. additional is charged for the whole hiring. Two children under 10 years of age are reckoned as one adult. For each large article of luggage car ried outside 2d. is charged ^ smaller articles are free. The cabman is not bound to drive more than 8 miles. Beyond the 4-mile radius from Charing Cross the fare is 1*. for every mile or fraction of a mile. The charge for waiting is 6d. for each completed '/« ^r- f°r four-wheelers, and od. for hansoms. The fare by time for the first hour or part of an hour is 2s. for four-wheelers, and 2*. 6d. for hansoms. For each additional lU hr., 6d. and Sd. Beyond the 4-mile radius the fare is 2s. 6d. for the first hour, for both 2-wheel and 4-wheel vehicles, and for each additional 1/i hr. Sd. The driver may decline to drive for more than one full hour, or to be hired by time between 8 p. m. and 6 a. m. Whether the hirer knows the proper fare or not, he is recommended to come to an agreement with the driver before starting. Babdkker's London. 11th Edit. 3 34 9. TRAMWAYS. Each driver is bound to possess a copy of the authorised Book of Distances, and to produce it if required. Many of the London cabmen are among the most insolent and ex tortionate of their fraternity. The traveller, therefore, In his own and the general interest, should resist all attempts at overcharging, and should, in case of persistency, demand the cabman's number, or order him to drive to the nearest police court or station. The driver is bound to deposit any articles left in the cab at the nearest police station within twenty-four hours, to be claimed by the owner at the Head Police Office, New Scotland Yard (p. 232). Tallis il Co. (22 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.) publish a little book (id.) ct ntaining the fares from the sixteen chi.-f railway- stations to 300 of the most important points in London ; also similar booklets with local fares. The Fly is a vehicle of a superior description and is admitted to the parks more freely than the cabs. Flys must be specially order ed from a livery stable keeper, and the charges are of course higher. The tariff of the Coupe Company (14 Regent Street, S.W.) is as follows: coupe" with one horse, 7s. 6d. first 2 hrs., 3s. 6d. each additional hr. j coupe" with two horses, not quite double these rates, with minimum of 15s. Tramways. About 130 miles of tramways, with over 1000 cars, and carrying 150 million passengers annually, are in operation, and are convenient for visiting the outlying districts of London. The cars are comfortable and run every few minutes (fares, ifed.-bd.). The following are the chief lines : — N. Side or tub Tuauks. 1. From Aldgate (PI. E, 47; HI): a. To Well St. (PI. B, 54) via Bethnal Green Museum; b. To Poplar (PI. It, 67); c. To Stratford (PI. B, 70). — d. From Si'ttATFoui* to Leytonstone; e. To Manor Park. — /. From Victoria Pars: (Cassland Road; PI. B, 54) to the West India Bocks (PI. R, n2). 2. From Moorgate St. (PI. R, 44; III): a. To Finsbury Park (beyond PI. B, SJ) via Islington; & To Finshury Park via Canonbury; c. To Finsbury Park (Manor House) via Southgate Road ; d. To Upper Clapton; e. To Dalslon and Stamford Hill; f. To Highgate via Hollo way Road (PI. B, 33). — g. From BisuuI'sgate St. (PI. R, 44) to Stoke Newington. — h From Finsbort Park to Edmonton; i. To Wood Green. 3. From Aldersgate St. (PI. R, 40) : a. To Hackney (Mare St. ; PI. B, 49) ; 6. To Highgate. 4. From Holborn (PI. R, 36): a. To Dalston and Stamford Hill; b. To Holloway via King's Cross ; c. To Parliament Hill via Ring's Cross. — From Bloomsbury (Theobald's Road ; PI. R., 32) : d. To Lea Bridge Road; e. To Poplar. — /. From Clerkenwell Road (PI. R, 36) to Holloway Road via King's Gross. 6. From King's Cross (PI. B, 32): a. To Hampstead Heath; b. la Islington (Angel; PI. B, 35). See also No. 4. 6. From Euston Road (PI. 1), 21): a. To Hampstead Heath; b. To Highgate viii Kcniish Town (PI. B, 21); c. To Holloway iNag's llead) via Camden Road (PI. 11, 25). 7. From Harrow Road (Lock Bridge) to Harlesden via Kensal Green, 8. From TJxbridge Road Station: a. To Acton; b. To Qoldhawk Road. 9. From Victoria Station (PI. G, 21) to Vauxhall Bridge (PI. G, 26). S. Side of the Thaubs. 10. From Kew Bridge: a. To Hammersmith Broadway; b. To Richmond. It. From Oholsea Bridge (PI. G, 18j : a. To Lavender Hill; b. To Clapham Junction. 9. OMNIBUSES. 35 12. From Vauxhall Bridge (PI. G, 2G) to Camberwell. 13. From Westminster Bridge (PI. E, 29): a. To Wandsworth (North St.) via Battersea Park Road; 6. To Wandsworth (East Hill) via Lavender Hill; c. To Lower Tooting; d. To Slreatham Hill; e. To Peckham and New Cross ; f. To Greenwich. 14. From Waterloo Station (PI. B, 34): «. To Clapham; b. To Peckham (Rye Lane); c. To Greenwich. IB. From Blaokfriars Bridge (PI. R, 34): a. To Tooting; b. To Streatham JHU; c To Peckham and New Cross; d. To Greenwich. 16. From London Bridge (Hop Exchange; PI. R, U8): o. To Wandsworth (North St.) via Battersea Park Road; &. To Wandsworth (East Hill) via Lavender Hill. 17. From Plumstead Church to Greenwich, via. "Woolwich. The Highgate Cable Tramway, the first of Ihe kind in Europe, opened in 1884, ascends Highgate Ihll from the Archway Tavern (p. 863); the cars start every 5 min. (fare Id.). The motive power is supplied by an endless wire rope, placed in a tube below the surface of the road ;*nd kept in motion by a slationary engine. Connection between the car and the rope ia effected by means of a "gripping attachment', passing through a slit in the middle of the track. The rope runs between the jaws of the "gripper1, which the driver closes when he wishes to start the car, reversing the operation and applying the brakes when he wishes to stop. Omnibuses, of which there are about 160 lines, cross the Me tropolis in every direction from 8a.m. till midnight. The destina tion of each vehicle (familiarly known as a 'bus)) and the names of some of the principal streets through which it passes, are usually painted on the outside. As they always keep to the left in driving along the street, the intending passenger should walk on that side for the purpose of hailing one. To prevent mistakes, he had better mention his dostination to tho conductor bofnro ontoring. ( The llrst omnlbusos plying In London wore started by Mr. George Shilibeor in 1829. They were drawn by three horses yoked abreast, and were much heavier and clumsier than those now in use. At first they wero furnished with a supply of hooks for tho uno of tho rmssoncorp. Tho London sorvlco of omnibuses is now mainly in tho hands of tho London General Omnibus Co. and iho London Road Car Co. Tho vehicles have been considerably improved of lato years; the 'garden seats' on the top are pleasant enough in One weather and are freely patronized by ladies. The principal points of intersection of the omnibus lines are (on the N. of the Thames) the Bank, Charing Cross, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, and tho junction of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street. The chief point in Southwark is the hostelry called the Elephant and Castle. Those who travel by omnibus should keep themselves provided with small change to prevent delay and mistakes. The fare varies from '/ad. to 6. Then Pall Mall, Regent St., Piccadilly Circus, Piccadilly, Knightsbridge, Kensington High St., Hammersmith Broadway (be yond PI. E, 1). (7.) Old and New Hroad St., Cheapside, Holborn, Ox ford St., Oxford Circm, Edgware Eoad, Kilburn High Road (VI. B, 2). (8.) To Ed;;ware Eoad, see No. 7. Then Praed St., Eastbourne Terrace, Bishop's Road, Westboume Grove, Lancaster Road (beyond PI. R, 3). (9.) Houndsditch, Minories, Tower Fridge, Tooley St., Jamaica Road, St. James's Eoad, Ilderton Road, Canterbury Road, Loder St., St. Mary's Road, Eve lina Road, Nunhead Lane, Peckham Rye (beyond PI. G, 52). (10.) To Knightsbridge, see No. 6. Then Brompton Eoad, Fulham Eoad, Walham (irccn, Putney Bridge, High St. Putney, Chelverton Road (beyond PI. G, 4). (11.) To Jamaica Eoad, see No. 9. Then Rotherhithe (PI. E, 63). (12.) New and Old Broad St. (returning Moorgate St. and London Wall), Queen Victoria St., St. Pauls Station (PI. E, 35). (13.) To Oxford Circus, see No. 7. Then Notting Hill, UxbrHge Eoad, Shepherd's Bush (beyond PI. E, 2). Thence via Goldhawk Road to Starch Green. (14.) To St. Paul's Station, sec No. 12. Then Black- friars Bridge, Stamford St., Waterloo Station (PI. E, 30, 84). Points of interest on route People's Palace, Mansion HouBe, Exchange, Bank, St. Paul's, Guildhall, Brit ish Museum, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens. Monument. Monument, Kennington Oval. Tower, Mint, Tower Bridge. Bank, Exchange, Mansion House, St. Pauls, Temple, Law Courts, Nat. Gallery, Nat. Portr. Gallery, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Chelsea Hospital. SeoNo.5. Burlington House, Green Park, Hyde Park, Imperial Institute. Bank-Hyde Park, see No. 1. Sec No. 7. Tower, Mint, Tower Bridge. SceNos.5,6. SoufhKensing- ton Museum, Natural His tory Museum, Uurlingham, Fuiham Palace. Southwark Park. Bank, Mansion House, Ex change. Bank -British Museum, see No.l. Kensington Gardens. Bank, Mansion House, Ex change. 38 9. OMNIBUSES. Termini Name. Colour Time Fare 15. Liverpool St. -West Kensington. W. Kensington Brown Every 10 min. ld.-5d. 16. Liverpool St.-West- minster. Westminster Chocolate Every 5 or 6 min. Id. -3d. 17. Royal Exchange- South Hackney. 18. Royal Exchange- Old Ford. S. Hackney Old Ford Red Yellow Every 8-10min. Every 6-6 min. ld.-2d.Id. -2d. 19. Bhoreditch - Bays- water. Bays water Dark Green Every 10-11 min. ld.-5d. 20. South Hackney Chelsea. Chelsea Chocolate Every 18 min. ld.-6d. Prom the City to: — Baker St., Nos. 26, 63. \ Camberwell ('Elephant & I Clapton, No. 69. Barnsbury, No. 97. Castle), Nos. 63,69, Finsbury Park, No. 22. £aifOTa/er,Nos.l,8,18,19. < 71,71. Fulham, No. 21. Blackmail, No. 60. ' Charing Cross, Nos. 6, 6, > Highgate, No. 22. Bow, No. 53. 10, 15, etc. j Islington, Nos. 22, 72, 90, Brixton, No. 3. 1 Chelsea, No. 20. (97. b. From London Bridge 21. London Bridge-Ful- ham. — White Every 6-7 min. id.-Gd. 22. London Bridge - Highgate or Fina- bury Park. Favorite Dark Green Every 10-12 min. id.-3d. 23. London Bridge- Ken sal Green. Paddington Yellow Every 5 min. id.-Sd. 24. London Bridge- Ladbroke Grove. Westboume Grove and Lon don Bridge. Eed Every 10-12 min. ld.-6d. "25. London Bridge- Moorgate St. - Chocolate (with red umbrella) Every 6 min. id. 9. OMNIBUSES. 39 Route Points of Interest on route (15.) To Brorapton Road, see No. 10. Th»n Thurlow Road, Old Hrompton Road, Lillie Road, North End Road (PI. G, 2). (16.) To Westminster, see No. 5. Then Great Smith St., Regencv St., Morton St.. Lupus St., Winchester St. (PI. G, 21). (17.) Threadneedle St., Bishopsgate St., Shoreditch, Hack ney Ruad, Mare St., Victoria Park Road (PI. B, 65). (18.) ThreadnecdIeSt., Bishopsgate St Shorerlitch High St., Bethnal Green Road, Green St., Roman Road, Armagh Road (PI. B, 63). (19.) Sho-editch High St., Bishopsgate St., Liverpool St. Thence to Westl'ourne Grove, see No. 8. Then Ladbroke Grove (PI. R, 3), Elgin Crescent, Cla rendon Road-. (20.) Victoria Park Road, Cambridge Road, Bethnal Green Roan" , Shoreditch High St., Liverpool St. Thence to Knightshridge, seeNo.6. Then Sloane St., King's Road (World's End; PI. G, 10). Bank, e»c. South Kensington Museum, etc., see Nos, 6, 10. Bank, National Gallery, Westminster Abbey, etc., see No. 5. Bank, Mansion House, Vic toria Park. Bank, Mansion House, Beth nal Green Museum, Vic toria Park. Bank, Guildhall, St. Paul's, Brit. Museum, etc., see No. 8. Bethnal Green Museum, Bank, St. Paul's, Nat. Gal lery, Burlington House,etc, see Nos. 5, 6. Green Park, Hyde Park. From the City to: — Kennington, Nos. 63, 97. Kensal Green, No. 23. Kentish Town, No. 73. Ladbroke Grove, Nos. 19, 24, 29. Oxford Circus, Nos. 7, 8, 13, 19, 24, etc. Pnddington, Nos 63, 23. Piccadilly Circs, Nos. 6, 10, 15, 20, etc. St. Johns Hood, No. 26. Shoreditch, Nos. 19, 20, 48, (6. Stamford Hill, No. 74. Victoria Station, Nos. 6, 48. West Kilburn, No. 28. Wormwood Scrubs, No. 29 Station (Fl. R, 42). (21.) King William St., Cheaps;de, Holborn, Oxford Street, Charing Cross Roan* , Shaftesbury Avenue, Piccadilly Circus, Piccadilly, Knightsbridge, Bromp- ton Road, Thurlow Road, Fulham Road, Dawes Road (PL G, 8). (22.) King William St., Moorgnte St., Finsbury Square, City Road, Vpper St., Islington, Hollo'cay Road. Thence either to Highgate (Archicay Tavern; beyond PI. B, 29) or via Seven Sisters' Road to Finsbury Park (beyond PI. B, 29). (23.) To Ojford St., see No. 21. Then Oxford Circus, Edgware Road, Harrow Road, Bishop's Road, Porchester Road, Harrow Road, Kensal Green (beyond PI. B, 4). (24.) King William St.. Cannon Sf., Ludgate Circus, Fleet St., Strand, Charing Cross, Pall Mall, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Ctcvs. i hen to Westboume Grove, see No. 8. Then Richmond Road, Talbot Road, Cornwall Road (PI. R, 4), Ladbroke Grove. (25.) King William St., Princes St., Moorgate St. Sta tion (PI. R, 40). Monument, Bank, Mansion House, Exchange, Guild hall, British Museum, Bur lington House, H. de Park, South Kensington Museum, Nat. Hist. Museum. Monument, Bank, Exchange, Mansion House, Agricul tural Hall. Monument-Brit. Museum, see No. 21. Hjde Park. Monument , Temple , Law Courts, Nat. Gallery, Nat. Portrait Gallery , Hyde Park. Monument, Bank, Mansion House, Exchange. 40 9. OMNIBUSES. Termini Name Colour Time Fare *26. London Bridge- St. John's Wood. City Atlas Dark Green Every 10 min. ld.-5d. *27. London Bridge- West Kensington. West Kensington Brown Every 10-11 min. ld.-6d, 28. London Bridge- West Kilburn. Paddington Yellow Every 8-10min. ld.-6d. 29. London Bridge- Wormwood Scrubs. Bays water Dark Green Every 11-12 min. ld.-5d. From London Bridge to : — Baker St., No. 26. j Charing Cross, Nos. 21, 23, ', Holloway, No. 22. Camberwell, Nos. 2, S, 66, 24, etc. j 'Islington, Nos. 22, 72, 90. 69, 72. j Clapton, No. 60. '• Ladbroke Grove, No. 29. u. From Charing •30. Ohoring Cross -Ba ker St. - Chocolate (with red umbrella) Every U min. Id. 31. Charing Cross - Cricklewood. Cricklcwood Red Every 10-12 min. ld.-5d. 32. Charing Oross- Hammersmith. Walham Green via, Victoria White livery 6-7 min. ld.-4d. 33. Charing Cross-Har- lesden Green. Kensal Green and Charing Cross Red Every 10-12 min. ld.-6d. 34. Charing Oross- Highgate. Camden Town Yellow Every 3-4 min. Id. -3d. 35. Charing Oross-Kil- burn. - Red Every 4-5 min. ld.-4d. 36. Charing Or oss -West Kilburn. ~ Red Every Vi hr. ld.-4d. From Charing Cross to: — Baker St., Nos. 26, 62, 83 Blackwall, No. 60. Bow, No. 53. Brixton, No. 54. Camberwell, Nos. 64, 65, 83. \ Hackney, No 20. Camden Town, Nos. 38, 39, / Hampstead, No. 39 41, 44, 50, 64, 75, 87. ] Holloway, No. 41. Chalk Farm, Nos. 39, 44. I Islington, No 49 Chelsea, No. 20. C%,Nos.5, 6, 10, 15, etc. Euston Station, No. 52. Fulham, No. 5. Kennington, Nos. 54, 55. Kentish Town, Nos. 34, 44, 50. King's Cross, Nos. 77, 78. Ladbroke Grove, No. 24, London Bridge, Nos. 23, 24 26, etc. J .9. OMNIBUSES. 41 Route Points of interest on route (26.) To Oxford St., see No 21. Then Oxford Circus, Orchard St., Baker St., Park Eoad, Wellington Eoad. Thence either via Finchley Eoad to Swiss Cottage (PI. B. 10) or via Marlborough Eoad and Abbey Road to 'Princess of Wales' (PI. B, 6). (27.) To Thurlow Road, see No. 21. Then Old Bromp- ton Road, Lillie Road, North End Road (PI. G, 2). (28.) To Harrow Road, seeNo.23. Then Warwick Road, Sutherland Avenue, Shirland Road, Malvern Road (PI. B, 3). (29.) To Oxford St., see No. 21. From Oxford Circus to Westboume Grove, see No. 8. Then Ladbroke Grove (PI. R, 3), Elgin Crescent, Cambridge Gar dens, St. Mark's Road, St. Quintin's Avenue. See No. 21. Madame Tus- saud's, Regent's Park, Lord's Cricket Ground. Monument-South Kensington Museum, see No. 21. Monument-Brit. Museum, see No. 21. Hyde Park. Monument-British Museum, see No. 21. Hyde Park. From London Bridge to: Oxford Circus, Nos. 21, 24, 26, etc. Old Kent Road, No. 90. Paddington, Nos. 23, 24, 29. ~Hccadilly Cin 24, 27, etc. Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 21, I Stamford Hill, No. 74 Shoreditch, Nos. 66, 69. Stamford Hill, No. "' Streatham, No. 8. Cross (Fl. R, 26). (30.) Pall Mall Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, Regent St., Cavendish Place, Wigmore St., High St. Maryle- bone, Nottingham Place, Baker St. Station (P). R, 20). (31.) Pall Mall, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus, Oxford St., Edgware Road, Kilburn, Shoot-up Hill, Crickle- wood (beyond PI. B, 1). (32.) On Sundays only; route, sec No. 0. (33.) To Edgware Road, see No. 31. Praed St., East bourne Terrace, Bisbop*s Eoad, Porchester Road, Harrow Road, High St. Harlesden (beyond PI. B, 4). (34.) Charing Cross Road, Oxford St., Tottenham Court Rnad, Hampstead Eoad, Camden High St., Kentish Town Road, Fortcss Road, Junction Road, Arch way Tavern (beyond PI. B, 21). (35) To High Road, Kilburn (corner of Palmerston Road, PI. B, 2), see No. 31. (36.) To EdgwareRoad, see No. 31. Then Harrow Eoad, and thence to Malvern Road (PI. B, 3), see No. 28. National Gallery, Nat. Por trait Gallery, St. James's Hall, Queen's Hall, Madame Tussaud's. St. .lames's Park, St. James's Hall, Hyde Park. Seo No. 6. See No. 31. Cemetery. Kensal Green National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Zoolo gical Card ns. See No. 31. See No. 31. From Charing Cross to: — Old Kent Road, Nos. 83, 87. Oxford Circus or St., Nos. 24,26,27,38,50, 63 etc. Paddington. Nos. 21, 33. Peckham, No. 56. Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 6, 20, 21, 56, etc. Putney, No. 10. St. John's Wood, Nos. 26, 65, 83. St. Pancras Station, No. 78. Shoreditch Nos. 5, 48. Stoke Newinglon, No. 49. Tufnell Park, No. 50. Victoria, Nos. 38, 39, 41. Walham Green, No. 10. Waterloo, Nos. 62, 64, 65, 75. West Kensington, Nos. 15,27. Westminster, Nos. 5, 16, 52, 54, 55. Wormwood Scrubs, No. 29. 42 9. OMNIBUSES. d. From Victoria Station (Fl. E, 21) Termini Name Colour Time Fare 37. Victoria-Bays-water. Victoria Stalion Red Every 5 min. id.-od. 38. Victoria-Camden Road. Camden Town Yellow Every 10 min. id.-id. 39. Victoria-Chalk Farm. Adelaide Yellow Every 8 min. id. -3d. 40. Victoria-ChelseaBridge. 41. Victoria-HoUoway Road. - Brown Every 5-8 min. ld.-li/sd. Camden Town Yellow Every 7-8 min. id.-bd. 42. Bloano Square- Hornsey. - Dark Green Every 9-10 iniu. ld.-Od. 43. Victoria-Homsey. Holloway Dark Green Every 8-9 min. id.-bd. 44. Victoria-Kentish Town. Camden Town Yellow Every 8 min. id.-id. 45. Victoria-Kilburn. Victoria Station Red Every 6 min. id.-id. 46. Victoria -King's Cross. - Light Green Every 2 min. Id. -3d. •47. Victoria- Ox ford Cir cus. Royal Blue Blue Every 6 min. id.-2d. 48. Victoria-Shore- ditch. 49. Victoria-Stoke Newington. Victoria and Liverpool St. Favorite Brown Dark Green Every 5-6 min. Every 6-6 min. Id. -3d. id.-6d. 60. Viotoria-Tufnell Park. Camden Town Yellow Every 10 min. ld.-4d. 51. Victoria-West Kil burn. - Red Every 8-10 min. id.-bd. 52. Westminster - Eus ton Station. L. dp N.W Rail way 'Bus — irreg. intervals. id.-id. 9. OMNIBUSES. 43 and Westminster (Fl. B, 25). Route Points of interest on route (37.) Grosvenor Place, Hamilton Place, Park Lane, Edgware Road , Praed St. . Eastbourne Terrace, Bishop's Road, 'Royal Oak' (PI. R, 7). (38.) Victoria St., Westminster, Whitehall, Charing Cross, St. Martin's Lane, Oxford St., Tottenham Court Road, Hampstead Road, High St, Camden Town, Camden Road, Brecknock Arms (PI. B, 25). (39.) Via Westminster to High St., Camden Town, see No. 38. Then Chalk Farm Road, ' Adelaide. Tavern' (PI. B, 18). (40.) Buckingham Palace Road, Commercial Road, Chelsea Bridge (PI. G, 18). (41.) Via, Westminster to Charing Cross, see No. 38. Thence to Hampstead Road, see No. 34. Then Camden Town, Camden Road (PI. B, 25), Parkburst Road, Holloway Road. (42.) Sloane Square (PI. G, 17), Sloane St., Park Lane, Oxford St., Orchard St., Baker St., Euston Road, King's Cross, Caledonian Road, Holloway Road, Seven 8isters' Road, Hornsey Road. (43.) Grosvenor Place, Piccadilly, Piccadilly Circus, Ox ford Circus, Portland Place, Euston Road, King's Cross, 'Angel', Islington, Upper St., Holloway Road, Seven Sisters' Road, Tollington Park. (44.) To Chalk Farm Road, see No. 89 Then Ferdi nand St., Maiden Hoad, Lismore Road. ISeo also No. 50.] (45.) To Edgware Eoad, see No. 37. Then Maida Vnlo, High Rond, Kilburn (Palmerston Road; PI. B, 2). (46.) To Piccadilly Circus, see No. 43. Then Coventry St., Leicester Square, Long Acre, Great and Little Queen St., Southampton Now, Guilford St., Judd St., King's Cross Station (PI. B, 32). (47.) Grosvenor Place, Piccadilly, Old and New Bond St., Oxford St., Oxford Circus (PI. R, 23). (48.) To Liverpool St. , Bee No. 5. Then Bishopsgate Street, Shoreditch High St. (PI. B, 44). (49.) Via Westminster to Islington ('Angel'), see No. 42. Then Essex Road, Newington Green Road, Albion Road (PI. B, 41), Stoke Newington. (50.) Via Westminster to Camden Town, see No. 38. Then Kentish Town Road, Fortess Eoad, Boston Tavern (beyond PI. B, 21). (51.) To Edgware Eoad, see No. 37. Then Harrow Road, and thence to Malvern Road (PI. B, 3), see No 28. (52.) Bridge St., Westminster, Whitehall, Charing Cross, Charing Cross Road, Oxford St., Tottenham Court Eoad, Euston Eoad, Euston Station (PI. B, 28). Hyde Park, Green Park. Westminster Abbey, House; of Parliament, Nat. Gallery, Nat. Portr.Gallery, Eegent'i Park, Zoological Gardens See No. 38. For Battersea Park. See No. 38. Hyde Park, Marble Arch Regent's Park. Green Park, Burlington House, St. James's Hall Eegent's Park. See No. 89. See No. 37. Green Park, Hyde Park, Burlington House, St. James's Hall, Foundling Hospital. Green Park, Hyde Park, Burlington House, Gros venor Gallery. See No. 6. See Nos. 38, 42. See No. 38. Hyde Park, Green Park. Westminster Abbey, House( of Parliament, Nat. Gallery Nat. Portrait Gallery, British Museum. 44 From Victoria Station to : Baker St., No. 81. Camberwell, No. 61. From Westminster to: 9. OMNIBUSES. CamdenTown, Nos.41, 39,50. Chalk Farm, No. 39. > Charing Cross, Nos. 38, 89, ! 41, etc. ! Fulham, No. 5. ?rom v\ estminster to : — Baker St., Nos. 62, 65,83. ', CamdenTown, Nos.41, 39 50. ) Fulham, No. 6. Brixton, No. 54. ( Charing Cross, Nos. 5, 16, ( IlammcrsmUh, No. 32. 52, 54, 55, etc. ) Islington, Nos. 43, 49. City, Nos. 5, 16. ( Kennington, Nos. 54, 55 Camberwell, Nos. 56, 65, 83. e. From Oxford Circus (PI. R, 23) Colour Time 53. Oxford Circus-Bow Church. 54. OxfordOircUB-Brix- ton Ohuroh. 65. Oxford Oircua-Ken- nington. 56. Oxford Oircus- Peckham, 57. Oxford St. -Acton or Ealing. *58. Gower Street-Edg- ware Road. Brixton Kennington Times Ealing Dark Green Light Green Red Light Green Red Blue&white (with red umbrella) Every 8 min. Every 5 min. Every 5-6 min. Every lfi hr. Every l/l hr. Every 5 min. Fare ld.-4d. i/2d.-4d. Id. -3d. id.-id. id.-id. id.-2d. From Oxford Circus or Oxford St. to: — Baker St., Kos.26 30,65,83. \ Chalk Farm, Nos. 39_, 82 Barnsbury, No. 80. Bayswater, Nos. 1, 8, 13, 19. Burielt Road, No. 1. Camberwell, Nos. 64, 65, 83. Camden Road, No. 38. Camden Town, Nos. 34, 38, 44, 50, 64, 75, 87, etc. , .. . , Hampstead, Nos. 82, 39. Charing Cross, Nos. 24, 53, ', Harlesden, No. 38 6i, 83, etc. I Citii, Nos. 1, 7, 8, 13, 19, i 24, etc. < Cricklewood, No. 31. ; Fulham, No. 21. j Hammersmith, No. 80. , Highbury',Vos'.93,U,9b,%. ' Highgate, No. 34. ' Holloway, Nos. 41, 43, 88. < Hornsey, No. 43. / Islington, Nos. 43, 91, 94, J 95, 96 f. From Piccadilly "59. Piccadilly Circus- Baker St. 60. Piccadilly Oircus- BlackwaU. It lack wall Chocolate (with red umbrella) Blue Every 6 min. Every 7 min. id. id.-id. 9. OMNIBUSES. 45 From Victoria Station to : - Hammersmith, No. 92. Islington, Nos. 43, 49. Liverpool 81., No. 6. From Westminster to: — Oxford Circus, Nos. 38, 41, 44 50, 64, etc. Peckham, No. 66. Oxford Circus, Nos. 38, 41, 44, 60, 64, etc. Paddington, No. 87. ,' Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 43, j 46. Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 43, ) St. John's Wood, Nos. 65. 54, 62, 65. j 83. Pimlico, No. 61. < Waterloo Station, No. 62. & Oxford St. (Tottenham Court Road; PI. R, 27). Eoute Points of interest on route (53.) To Cannon St., see No. 24. Then Queen Victoria St., Cornhill, Aldgate, Whitechapel Eoad, Mile End Road, Bow Road, Boa Church (PI. B, 68). (54.) Regent St., Piccadilly Circus, Pall Mall, Charing Cross, Whitehall, Westminster, Westminster Bridge Road, Kennington Eoad, Kennington Park Rood, Brixton Road (PI. G, 31, 32). (55.) Same route as No. 54 to Kennington Road (PI. G, 33, 34). (66.) To Westminster Bridge Road, see No. 54. Then St. George's Road, 'Elephant & Castle', Walworth Road, Camberwell Road, Peckham Road, Rye Lane (PI. G, 48). (57.) Oxford Circus, Uxbridge Eoad, Shepherd's Bush, Acton Vale, High St., Acton; thence to Ealing Broadway. (58.) Euston Road, Tottonham Courtltoad, Oxford Circus, Oxford St., Edgware Road Station (PI. B, 16). See No. 24. Slansion House, Bank, Exchange, People's Palace. St. James's Hall, National Gallery, Nat. Portrait Gal lery, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Ken nington Oval. See No. 54. See No. 64. Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens. Ilydo Park. From Oxford Circus or Oxford St. to: Kensal Green, No. 23. Kentish Town, Nos.34, 44, 60. Kilburn, Nos. 7, 31, 35. Ladbroke Grove, Nos. 19, 24, Lancaster Road, No. 8. London Bridge, Nos. 24, 26, 21, etc. Old Kent Road, Nos. 83, 87. Paddington, Nos. 8, 24, 29, 33. Peckham, No. 56. Putney, No. 95. St. John's Wood, Nos. 26, 65, 83. Shepherd's Bush, Nos. 1, 13. Shoreditch, No. 19. ', Walham Green, Nos. 91, 96. I Waterloo, Nos. 64, 75, 87. \ W. Kensington, Nos. 27, 88. \ Westminster, Nos. 38, 41, / 44, 60, 64, etc. ( W. Kilburn, Nos. 28, 36. > Wormwood Scrubs, No. 29. Circus (PI. R, 26). (59.) Piccadilly, Bond St., Oxford St., Orchard St, Baker St. (PI. R, 20). ISee also Nos. 62, 65, 83.) (60.) To Cannon St., see No. 24. Thence to Whitechapel Road, see No. 53. Then Commercial Eoad, East India Dock Road, 'AberfeUy Tavern' (PI. R, 71). Burlington House, Gros venor Gallery, Madame Tussaud s. See No. 24. Docks. E. & W. India 46 9. OMNIBUSES. from Piccadilly Circus to: — Barnsbury, No. 80. I Charing Cross, Nos. 6, 10, J Hammersmith, Nos. 6, 32,80. Bow, No. 63. 15, 21, 27, etc. I Harlesden Green, No. 31. Brixton, No. 64. Chelsea, No. 20. J SiyA&ury, Nos. 93,91, 95,96. Camberwell, Nos. 56, 64, j City, Nos. 6, 10, 15, 20, etc. ¦ Holloway, Nos. 43, 88. 65. < Cricklewood, No. 31. J Hornsey, No. 43. Camden Town, Nos. 64, 75, Fulham, No. 21. Islington, Nos. 43, 91, 94, 87. j Hackney, No. 20. j 95, 96. g. From Baker St. Termini Name Colour Time Fare 61. Baker Bt.-Pimlico. - Chocolate Every 5 min. id.-Bd. 62. Baker St.-Waterloo Station. - Chocolate Every 4-5 min. id.Sd. 63. Paddington - Ken nington. King's Cross Light Green Every 7 min. id.-bd. Prom Baker Street Station to : — Camberwell (Elephant & { City, Nos. 26. 63. Castle'), Nos. 03, 05, 83. Hornsey, No. 42. Charing Cross, Nos. 26, 30, Hyde Park, No. 42. 62, 65, 83. j Islington, Nos. 92, 9! Kennington, No. 63. A'iWj Cross, Nos. 42, 63, 92, 93. London Bridge, No. 26. h. From Camberwell (Fl. G, 38, 39) 64. Camberwell Gato- Oamden Town. 65. Camberwell Gate- St. John's Wood. 66. Camberwell Gate- Shoreditch. 67. Camberwell Green- Clap hum. 68. Camberwell Green- King's Oroaa. 69. 'Elephant ftOastle'- Olapton. Waterloo Atlas Hackney Road Waterloo Clapton Dark Blue Every 6-7 min. Light Green Orange Green Dark Blue Dark Green Every 8-10 min. Every 5-6 min. Every 10 min, Every 4-5 min. Every 8 min. id.-id.id.-bd. ld.-2d. Id. -2 Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 65, ? Westminster, Nos. 65, 83. 83. \ 83. \ From Kilburn (or West Kilburn) to: — Oxford Circus, Nos. 7, 28, \ Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 31, I Victoria, Nos. 45, 51. 31, 85, 36. j 35, 36. ', Kentish Town, & Holloway. (86.) 'Eagle', Camden Road (PI. B, 26), Park St., Regent's Park Road, Albert Road, St. John's Wood Road, Clifton Gardens, Warwick Road, Harrow Road, Porchester Road, Queen's Road , Uxbridge Road (PI. R, 7). (87.) Same Route (reversed) as No. 64 to 'Elephant & Castle'. Then New and Old Kent Road. (88.) Seven Sisters' Road, Holloway Road (PI. B, 33), Caledonian Road, King's Cross, Great Portland St., Regent St., Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, Picca dilly, Knightsbridge, Brompton Road. Thence to West Kensington, see No. 15. Regent's Park, Zoological Gardens, Lord's Cricket Ground, Kensington Gar dens. See No. 64. Burlington House, Hyde Park, Imperial Institute. From Camden Town to : — Piccadilly Circus, Nos. 64, ) Victoria and Westminster, Nos. 39, 41, 50. 75, 87. From Kentish Town (PI. B, 17, 21) to : — Oxford Circus, Nos. 31, 14, 60. Waterloo Station, No. 64. Victoria and Westminster, Nos. 44, 60. 4* 52 9. OMNIBUSES. m. From'' Islington, Termini Name Colour Time Fare "89. Iulington-Holborn Viaduct. - Red Every 5 min. id. 90. Islington-Old Kent Eoad. Dark Green Every 6 min. id.-id. 91. Islington- Walham Green. - Blue Every 4-5 min. id.-bd. 92. Islington-Walham Green. - Blue Every 9-10 min. id.-Bd. 93. Highbury-WestKensington. 94. Highbury -Picca dilly. - Blue Light Green Every 9-10 min. Every 9 min. id.-6d. id.-3d. 95. Highbury-Putney. - Light Blue Every 16 min. id.-6d. 96. Highbury-Walham Green. - Blue Every 9-10 min. id.-Od. 97. Barnsbury - Ken nington Park. Islington Chocolate Every 7 min. id.-id. From Islington to : — Baker St., Nos. 92, 93. Charing Cross, No. 49. City, Nos. 22, 72, 90, 97. 'Elephant hr. to Dalston, Highbury, Camden Town, Kentish Town ; thence as above to Willesden Junc tion, and thence to St. Quintin Park & Wormwood Scrubs, Uxbridge Road (for Shepherd's Bush), Kensington (Addison Road; see above), Earl's Court, South Kensington, and thence by the 'inner circle' (p. 68) to Mansion House. — Gospel Oak is also the terminus of a line via Highgate Road, Junction Road, Upper Holloway, Horn- 10. RAILWAYS. 57 sey Road, Crouch Hill, Harringay Park, St. Ann's Road, South Tottenham, St. James's Street, Hoe Street, Wood Street, and Hale End, to Chingford. X. Ludgate Hill Station (PI. R, 35; II), near St. Paul's Cathe dral and Blackfriars Bridge, City station of the Metropolitan Extension of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway (p. 56). XI. Holborn Viaduct Station (PI. R, 36 ; II), Holborn Viaduct, City terminus for the main line trains of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. XII. St. Paul's Station (PI. R, 35 ; II), Queen Victoria Street, a new terminus of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, for the Main Line, Catford, and Crystal Palace trains. XIII. Fenchurch Street Station (PI. R, 43; HI), near the Bank (S. side of Fenchurch St.), terminus of the Blaokwall Railway to Shadwell, Stepney, Limehouse, West India Docks, Poplar, and Black- wall, and of the Tilbury, Gravbsend, and Southend Railway. XIV. Marylebone Station (PI. R, 16), to be opened in 1898, the London terminus of the Great Central Railway. Trains for Nottingham, Rugby, Leicester, Sheffield, Lincoln, Manchester, etc. XV. Baker Street Station (PI. R, 20), of the Metropolitan Railway (p. 69), practically ranks among the London termini since the extension of the St. John's Wood branch to Harrow, Northwood, Rickmansworth, Chesham, and Aylesbury (comp. R. 43). On the right (S.) bank of the Thames : — XVI. London Bridge Station (PI. R, 42), the terminus of the Brighton and South Coast Railway, vi& Norwood Junction (see p. 66), Croydon (see p. 56), Purley (junction for Caterham), Red Hill Junction (branch W. for Reigate, Box Hill, and Dorking; 15. for Dover), Three Bridges (for Arundel), and Hayward's Heath (junction for Lewes and Newhaven), to Brighton. Also to Chichester and Portsmouth for the Isle of Wight. — Suburban Trains to New Cross, Brockley, Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, Sydenham (Crystal Palace), Penge, and Anerley ; to Victoria Station, see p. 56. XVII. Waterloo Station, Waterloo Road, Lambeth (PI. R, 30), terminus of the South Western Railway, consists of three parts — 1. The Northern (entrance on the E. andN.E.), for the line to Reading by Vauxhall, Queen's Road, Clapham Junction, Wands worth, Putney, and Barnes. At Barnes the line forks ; the branch to the right (N.) forms a loop-line via Chiswick, Kew Bridge, Brent ford, Isleworth, and Hounslow , beyond which it rejoins the main line; that to the left (tho main line) passes Mortlake, Richmond, Twickenham (branch to Strawberry Hill, Shepperton, Teddington, Kingston, and Combe §¦ Maiden) and Staines (junction for Windsor). 2. The Central (entrance on the E. and W.) , for the main line to Southampton, Bournemouth, Weymouth, Portsmouth (Isle of Wight), Salisbury, Exeter, Plymouth, lXfracombe, North Cornwall, etc. 3. The Southern (same entrances as the Central), for local 58 10. RAILWAYS. trains to Guildford via. Earlsfield , Wimbledon (an important junc tion), and Raynes Park. At Raynes Park a loop-line, to the left, runs via Epsom and Leatherhead, rejoining the older line at Effing ham Junction. The latter line proceeds via Combe-Maiden and £«*•- biton. The trains for Surbitoni Thames Ditton} and Hampton Court also start from the Southern station ; and also a service to Kingston and Twickenham (see p. 57). [Waterloo Junction t adjoining Waterloo terminus on the E., is a distinct station belonging to the South Eastern Railway.] On all the English lines the first-class passenger is entitled to carry 1 V2lb. of luggage free, second-class HO/6., and third-class 60/6. The com panies, however, rarely make any charge for overweight unless the excess is exorbitant. On all inland routes the traveller should see that his lug gage is duly lahelled for his destination, and put into the right van, as otherwise the railways are not responsible for its transport. Travellers to the Continent require to hook their luggage and obtain a ticket for it, after which it gives them no farther trouble. The railway-porters are nominally forbidden to accept gratuities, but it is a common custom to give 2d.-Qd. to the porter who transfers the luggage frum the cab to the train or vice versa. Travellers accustomed to the formalities of Continental railway-of- ilcials may perhaps consider that in England they are too much left to themselves. Tickets are not invariably checked at the beginning of ajourney, and travellers should therefore make sure that they are in the proper com partment. The names of the stations are not always so conspicuous as they should he (especially at ni^ht); and the way in which the porters call them out, laying all the stress on the last syllabic, is seldom of much assistance. The oflicials, however, are generally civil in answering ques tions and giving information. In winter foot-warmers with hut water are usually provided. It is 'good form' for a passenger quitting a railway carriage where there are other travellers to close the door behind him, and to pull up the window if he has had to let it down. Smoking is forbidden in all the carriages except in the compartments marked 'smoking1 under a penalty of 40$. Bradthaw''t Railway Guide (monthly; Gd.) is the most complete; but numerous others (the ABC Railioay Guide, etc.), claiming to be easier of reference, are also published. Each of the great railway-companies pub lishes a monthly guide to its own system (price l-2d.). Metiopolitan or Underground Railways. An important artery of 'intramural' traffic is afforded by the Metropolitan and Metropolitan District Railways. These lines, which for the most part run under the houses and streets by means of tunnels, and partly ako through cuttings between high walla. form a complete belt (the 'inner circle') round the whole of the inner part of London, while various branch-lines diverge to the outlying suburbs. The Midland, Great Western, Great Northern, and other railways run suburban trains in connection with the Me tropolitan lines. Part of the Metropolitan Railway was constructed at a cost of 5O0,OO0Z. per mile. The Underground Railways cunvey over 110 million passengers annually, or upwards of 2 million per week, at an average rate of about twopence per journey. Over the quadruple part of the line, between Farringdon Street and Moor- *0. RAILWAYS. 59 gate Street, 1400 trains ran every week-dry. The stations on the underground lines are the following (see Railway Map) : — Mark Lane, for the Tower of London, the Mint, Corn Exchange, Billingsgate, and the Docks. Aldgate, Houndsditch, corner of Leadenhall and Fenchurch Streets, for Mincing Lane, Whiteohapel, Minories, and the East End. From Aldgate the line is extended to Aldgate East and St. Mary's (Whitecbapel), whence the trains rnn on to Shadwell, Wapping, Rotherhithe, Beptford Road, and New Cross, on the East London Railway, Through- trains now run between New Cross and many of the District and Metropol itan stations. Bishopsgate , near the Liverpool Street (Great Eastern ; sub- way) and Broad Street (North London) stationa. Moorgate Street , close to Finshury Circus , 5 min. from the Bank, chief station for the City. Aldersgate Street , Long Lane , near the General Post Office and Smithfield Market; change for Ludgate Hill, Crystal Palace, and London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. Farringdon Street, in Clerkenwell, l/4 M. to the N. of Holhorn Viaduct, connected with Holborn Viaduct and Ludgate Hill stations (see p. 67) ; trains to and from the latter (London , Chatham, and Dover Railway) every 10 minutes. King's Cross, corner of Pentonville Road and Gray's Inn Road, connected with tho Great Northern and Midland Railways. Gower Street, near Euston Square (North Western) Terminus and ahout Y2M. from the British Museum. Omnihus (2d.) to Edg ware Road Station (see below) in connection with the trains. Portland Road, Park Square, at the S.E. angle of Regent'B Park , V2 M. from the S. entrance of tho Zoological Gardens (by the Broad Walk). Baker Street (comp. p. 57), corner of York Place, another station for the Botanic and Zoological Gardens. A little to the E., in Mary- lebone Road, is Madame Tussaud's (p. 67). Railway-omnibuses to Oxford Circus (id.), Piccadilly Circus (id.), and Charing Cross (Id.). Branch Line to St. John's Wood, Rickmansworih, and Aylesbury, see B. 43. Edgware Road, Chapel Street. Omnibns to Gower St. (see above). Branch Line to Bishop's Road, Royal Oak, Westboume Park, Notting Hill (the last two stationa are both near Kensal Green Cemetery), Latimer Road, Shepherd's Bush, Hammersmith (train9 every V* hr.); also to Turn- ham Green (Bedford Park), Gunnersbury, Kew Gardens, Richmond (trains every half-hour, from Bishop's Eoad to Richmond in 28 min.). — From Latimer Road branch-line to the left to Uxbridge Road , Addison Road (Kensington; for Olympia, p. 67), EarVs Court, and Brompton (Gloucester Road), see p. 60 ; trains every lfs hr. — Omnibus to Kilburn. Fraed Street (Paddington) , opposite the Great Western Hotel and the Paddington Station, with which it is connected by a subway. Queen's Road (Bayswater), N. side of Kensington Gardens. Notting Hill Gate, Notting Hill High Street, for the E. part of Notting Hill, Campden Hill, etc. 60 10. RAILWAYS. Kensington High Street, Kensington, l/3 M- from Holland House and Park, and 3/4 M. from the Albert Hall. Gloneester Road (Brompton). Branch Lines: To Earl's Court, West Brompton, Walham Green (for Stamford Bridge Athletic Grounds), Parson's Green (for Hurlingham Park), Putney Bridge, East Putney, Southfields, Wimbledon Park, and Wimbledon; to Earl's Court. West Kensington, Hammersmith, Ravenscourt Park, Turnham Green Gunnersbury, Kew Gardms, and Richmond; to Earl's Court, Addison Road] Latimer Road, etc. (see p. 69); to Earl's Court, Addison Road, Willes den Junction, Broad Street (see p. 66). From Turnham Green a branch runs to Chisaick Park, Mill Hill Park, Ealing Common, and Ealing (Broadway). South Kensington, Cromwell Road, for South Kensington Mu seum (3 min. to the N.), Natural History Museum , Albert Hall, Albert Memorial, and the Imperial Institute. Sloane Square, near Chelsea Hospital, station for Battersea Park. Victoria, opposite Victoria Terminus (p. 55), with which it is connected by a subway, and i/4 M. from Buckingham Palace. St. James's Park, York Street, near Birdcage Walk, to the S. of St. James's Park. Westminster Bridge, Victoria Embankment , at the W. end of Westminster Bridge , station for the Houses of Parliament , West minster Abbey, etc. From Westminster to Blackfriars tlie line runs below the Victoria Embankment (p. 147). Charing Cross , for Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, and West Strand. Temple, between Somerset House and the Temple, below Waterloo Bridge, station for the Law Courts, Somerset House, and the London School Board Office. Blackfriars, Bridge Street, adjacent to Blackfriars Bridge, con nected by a covered way with the St. Paul's Station of tho London, Chatham, & Dover Railway, and near Ludgate Hill Station (p. 57). Mansion House, corner of Cannon Street and Queen Victoria Street, station for St. Paul's. Omnibus to Liverpool Street Station. Cannon Street, below the terminus of the South Eastern Rail way (covered way), the station nearest the Bank and the Exchange. The Monument, at the corner of Eastcheap, station for the Monument, London Bridge, the Coal Exchange , and the Electric Railway under the Thames (p. 61). Trains run on the 'inner circle' in both directions from 6 a.m. to nearly midnight, at intervals of 5-10 min. during the day, and of 16 min. before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. On Sundays the train-service iB suspended during the 'ohuroh interval' (11 a.m.-l p.m.). The stations generally occupy open sitCB, aud are lighted from above, many of them being roofed with glass. At night some of them are lighted by electricity. The carriages are lighted with gas. TUo boukfoig-ofllcc ii generally on a level with the street, at the top of the llight of stairs leading down to the railway. The ofncial who checks the tickets points out the right platform, while the tickets themselves are marked with a large red 0 or I (for 'outer1 and 'inner1 line of rails), corresponding with notices in the stations. After reaching the platform, the traveller had better enquire whether the train for his destination is the first that comes 10. RAILWAYS. 61 up or one of those that follow, or consult the somewhat inconspicuous telegraph-board on which the destination of the 'next train' is indicated. It may, however, be useful to know that the trains of the 'inner circle' have one white light on the engine; trains between Hammersmith and New Cross have two smaller white lights to the right in front of the engine, betweon Hammersmith and Aldgate two white lights to the left in front, and between Richmond and Aldgate two large white lights. The terminus towards which the train is travelling is also generally placarded on the front of the engine. Above the platforms hang boards indicating the points at which the different classes of carriage are drawn up ; the first-class carriages are in the middle of the train. The names of the stations are called out by the porters, and are always painted at different parts of the platform and on the lamps and benches, though frequently difficult to distinguish from the surrounding advertisements. As the stop pages are extremely brief, no time should be lost either in taking seats or alighting. Passengers leave the platform by the 'Way Out', where their tickets are given up. Those who are travelling with through-tickets to a station situated on one of the branch-lines Bhow their tickets at the junction where carriages are changed, and where the officials will indicate the proper train. — Comp. the time-tables of the companies. The carriages are of three classes; the third class is apt to be incon veniently crowded between 8 and 10 a.m. and 5 and 7 p.m. by passengers going to or returning from their daily work. The fares are extremely moderate, soldom cxcocdlng a shilling even for considerable distances. Return-tickets arc Issued at a fare and a half. At first, in order to make himself acquainted with the Metropolis, the stranger will naturally prefer to make use of omnibuses and cabs, but when his first curiosity is satisfied he will probably often avail himself of the easy, rapid, and economical mode of travelling afforded by the Underground Railway. Electric Railways. The City and South London Electric Railway, opened in 1890, passes under the Thames just above London Bridge by means of two separate tunnels for the 'up' and 'down' traffic. This underground olectrlc railway, 8V< M. in length, runs from the Cily Terminus close to the Monument (PI R, 43; III) to Stockwell (PI. G, 32), with intermediate stations at the Borough, Elephant and Castle, New Street (Kennington), and Kennington Oval, all on tho Surroy side of tho river. Tho ontire journey Is performed In Vi hr., by trains running every 5 minutes, a uniform fare of Id. tor any distance being paid on entering the stations. At each station powerful hydraulic lifts convey the passengers between the streets and the plat forms, while there are also broad and convenient staircases, ine total cost was 200,0001. per mile. An extension to Clapham Common and Wandsworth is proposed. The Waterloo and City Railway, to be opened in 1898, connects the ter minus of the London & Soutb-Western Railway with the City. It begins at Waterloo Station (low level), crosses the Thames in two tunnels just above Blackfriars Bridge, and ends, near the Mansion House, at the City Station, which is connected by means of tunnel footpaths with the Bank Motion ot the Central London Railway (see below). The total length is IVjH, and there are no intermediate stations ; the journey occupies 4 or o minutes. The Central London Railway, to be opened in 1889, runs eastwards from Shepherd's Bush (beyond PI. R, 2) in 11 Gale, Queen's Road, Westboume, Marble Arch, Dames St., ^fcrdCvrc,^, ~7t SaSatlor^SiyrS fTrief S^i journey. (62 11. STEAMBOATS. 11. Steamboats. On the Thames between Hampton Court towaras the west and Southend and Sheerness on the east there are about 45 piers or land ing-places, the larger half of which are on the north or left bank. At London Bridge there are two piers, Old Swan Pier, on the N. bank, immediately above the bridge, and Surrey Side Pier, on the S. bank, immediately below. Between the bridges, as the reach between Vauxhall Bridge on the west and London Bridge on the east iB sometimes called, are the piers at AU Hallows, Blackfriars, Temple , Charing Cross , Westminster , Lambeth , and Vauxhall. Above Vauxhall Bridge are Nine Elms, Pimlico, Battersea Park, Cadogan (Chelsea), Carlyle Pier ( Chelsea), Battersea Square, Wands worth, Putney, Hammersmith, Kew, Richmond, Teddington, and Bampton Court. Below London Bridge ('below bridge') are Cherry Gardens pn no sense corresponding with its name), Thames Tun nel, Qlobe Stairs, Limehouse, West India Docks, Commercial Docks, Greenwich, North Greenwich, Blackwall, South Woolwich, North Woolwich, Rosherville, Gravesend, Southend, and Sheerness, whero the Nore light-ship is reached, and tho oBtuary of the Thames ex pands into the German Ocean. The following steamers ply in summer only. Comp, the advertise ments in the daily papers. Thames Steamboat Compant. Above bridge steamers of this com pany ply between London Bridge (Old Swan Pier) and Chelsea (Cadogan Pier), calling at intermediate stations (fares id.-2d. according tu distance) ; between Chelsea (Cadogan Pier) and Kew (fare 6d.), every l/2 hr. ; and once daily between London Bridge (ca. 9.30 a.m.) and Hampton Court (22 M. in 2-3 hrs. ; fare is., return-fare is. Gd.). Below bridge steamers of this company ply between Old Swan Pier and Greenwich (fare od.) and Woolwich (fare 5/2 hr. before the beginning of the performance, with, if possible, the exact price of their ticket in readiness. All the theatres are closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day, and many throughout Passion Week. Evening-dress is not now compulsory in any of the London theatres, but is customary in the stalls and dress circle and de rigueur in most parts of the opera-houses during the opera season. The chief London theatres are the following (many of them closed in August and September) . Royal Italian Opera, or Coyent Garden Theatre, on the "W. side of Bow Street, Long Acre, the third theatre on the same site, was built in 1858 by Barry. It accommodates an audience of 3500 persons, being nearly as large as the Scala at Milan, and has a handsome Corinthian colonnade. This house was originally sacred to Italian opera, but is now used for promenade concerts in autumn and for fancy dress balls, etc., in winter. Boxes 3-10 gui neas, orchestra stalls 21s., balcony 15s. , amphitheatre 10s., 7s., and 6s., gallery 2s. 6d. Performance commences at 8 or 8.30 p.m. 64 12. THEATRES. Operas have also been given here at 'theatre' prices — i.e. about 60 per cent lower than those just mentioned. In winter, stalls 6s., stage stalls 4s., grand circle Is. 6d., balcony stalls 2s., promenade Is. Drury Lane Theatre, between Drury Lane and Brydges St., near Covent Garden, where Garrick, Kean, the Kembles, and Mrs. Sid- dons used to act. Shakspeare's plays, comedies, spectacular plays, English opera, etc. Pantomime in winter. Stalls 10s. Gd., grand circle 7s. and 6s., first circle 6s. and 4s., balcony 2s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. No fees. The vestibule contains a statue of Kean as Hamlet, by Carew, and others. Lyceum Theatre, Strand, corner of Wellington Street. Shak- spearian pieces , comedies , etc. (Sir Henry Irving and Miss Ellen Terry). Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s., upper circle 4s., amphi theatre 2s. 6d., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. No fees. Haymarket Theatre, at the S. end of the Haymarket. English comedy and romantic drama. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony stalls 7s., balcony 5s., pit-circle 2s. 6d., upper boxes 2s., gallery is. No fees. Her Majesty's Theatre, in the Haymarket, opposite the pre ceding. English comedy and drama (Mr. Beerbohm Tree). Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. Od., balcony 5s., upper circle 2s., 3s., and 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. St. James's Theatre, King Street, St. James's Square. Come dies and society plays (Mr. George Alexander). Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s., upper circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. No fees. Savoy Thbatrb, Savoy Place, Strand (electric light). English comic operas and operettas. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony 7s. 6d. and 6s., first circle 4s., pit2s. Gd., amphitheatre 2s., gallery Is. No fees. Princess's Theatre, 150 Oxford Street, to the E. of Oxford Circus. Melodramas, musical comedies, etc. Stalls 6s., grand circle 4s. and 3s., first circlo 2s., pit stalls Is. 6d., pit Is., gallery 6d. Koyal Adeli-hi Theatre, 411 Strand (N. side), near Bedford Street. Melodramas and farces. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 6s., upper circle 4s. and 3s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Strand Theatre, 168 Strand, near Somerset House. Comedies, opera-bouffeB , and burlesques. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 6s., boxes 4s., pit 2s., gallery Is. Gaiety Theatre, 345 Strand. Musical comedies, burlesques, farces. Orchestra stalls 10s. 6d., balcony stalls 6s. and 7s. Gd., upper boxes 6s. and 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. No fees. Opera Comicub, 299 Strand. Operettas, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony stalls 7s. 6d. and 6s., boxes 4s., upper circle and pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Vaudeville Theatre, 404 Strand. Comedies, farces, and bur lesques. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. Gd. and 6s., lower circle 6s., upper circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d. , gallery Is. . Globe Theatre, Newcastle Street, Strand. Operettas, come dies, etc. Prices as at the Strand Theatre. 12. THEATRES. 65 Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Square, Chelsea. Comediettas, farces, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. 6d., upper circle 4«., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. No fees. Criterion Theatrb, Piccadilly East. Comedies, society plays, farces, etc. (Mr. Charles Wyndham). Stalls 10s. 6d. , dress circle 7s. , family circle 3s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Qarrick Theatre, Charing Cross Road. Comedies and dramas. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper boxes 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Shaftbsbury Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue. Comedies, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d , dress circle 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper circle 4s., pit It. 6d., amphitheatre Is. 6d., gallery Is. Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue. Comedy-operas, romantic drama, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony stalls 7s. 6d. and 6s., circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Daly's Theatre , Cranbourn St. , Leicester Square. Shak- spearian pieces, comedies , etc. (Daly Company, with Miss Ada Rehan. in the season). Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony 7s., upper circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Terry's Theatre, 105 Strand. Comedies, domestic dramas, etc. (Mr. Edward Terry). Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper boxes 4s., pit 2». 6d., gallery is. Avenue Theatre , Northumberland Avenue. Light comedy. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony stalls 7s. 6d., dress circle 6s., upper circle 4s. and 3s., pit 2s., gallery Is. Duke op York's Theatre, St. Martin's Lane, near Trafalgar Square. Comedies dramas, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper boxes 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Prince op Wales Theatre, Coventry Street, naymarket. Comedies, operettas, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. New Olympic Theatre, Wych Street, Strand. Comedies, farces, and extravaganzas. Royal Combdy Theatre, Panton Street, Haymarket. Comic operas, farces, etc. Stalls 10s. 6d., balcony 7s. and 6s., pit 2s. 6d., etc. Royalty Theatre, 73 Dean Street, Soho. Burlesques, farces, and opera-bouifes. Stalls 10s. 6d., dress circle 7s. 6d. and 6s., upper circle 4s., pit 2s. 6d., gallery Is. Grand Theatre, High Street, Islington. Comedies, melodra mas, operettas, etc. ; pantomime in winter. Stalls 4s., dress circle 3s., balcony 2s., pit stalls Is. 6d., pit Is., gallery 6d. National Standard Theatre, 204 Shoreditch High Street. Popular pieces. Balcony 3s., stalls 2s., pit stalls Is., gallery 4d. 'west London Theatre, Church Street, near Edgware Road Station. Stalls and boxos 2s., pit Gd., gallery id. Pavilion Theatre, Whitechapel, holding nearly 4000 persons. Nautical dramas, melodramas, farces. Admission 3d.-ls. Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 5 66 12. MUSIC HALLS. Imperial Thbatbb, Royal Aquarium, Westminster (see p. 268). Comedies, burlesques, and farces. Stalls 7s., dress cirole 5s., boxes 3s., pit 2s., amphitheatre Is. Royal Surrey Theatre, 124 Blackfriars Road. Melodramas and farces. Admission 2s. 6d., 2s., Is., 6d., 4d. Britannia Theatre, Hoxton Street, in the N.E. of London, holding nearly 3400 persons. Melodramas. Admission 2s., Is., 6d., and 3d. Novblty Theatrb, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Prices 3d. to 2s. 6d. Elephant and Castle Theatre, New Kent Road. Popular performances. Prices 4d. to 2s. 6d. Suburban TiieatiiIis. Within the last few years a number of theatres have been built in Ihe suburbs of London, where very fair performances are frequently to be seen (sometimes metropolitan companies). Among these are the Mitropole, Camberwell Green; Shakspeare, Lavender Hill, Battersea; Parkhurst, Holloway Road; Shakspeare, near Clapham Junction; Lyric Opera House, Hammersmith ; Brixton. Brixton Oval ; Grand, Fulham Road; Coronet, Notting Hill Gale (building); and theatres at Kilburn, Lewigham, Oroydon, etc. Adm. fid. -5s. Music Halls and Variety Entertainments. Tho objectionable custom of charging 6d. for a programme, often consisting mainly of advertisements, is also rife at thu music halls. Palace Theatre of Varieties, Cambridge Circus, Shaftesbury Avenue. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Prices 6s., 6s., 3s., 2s., Is., 6d. Alhambra, Leicester Square (elaborate ballets). Begins at 7.30 p.m. Fautcuils and grand circle stalls 7s. 6d., stalls and prom enade 6s., grand balcony 3s., pit stalls 2s., pit Is. Empire Theatre op Varieties, Leioester 'Square (also with good ballets). Prices 7s. 6d., 5s., 3s., 2s., Is., 6d. London Pavilion, Piccadilly Circus. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Prices Is., Is. 6d., 3s., 4s., 6s. Tivoli Theatre op Varieties, Strand. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Prices 5s., 3s., 2s., Is. 6d., Is. The Oxford, 14 Oxford Street. Begins at 7.16 p.m. Adm. Is. to 2s. Metropolitan Music Hall, 267 Edgware Road. Begins at 8 p.m. Adm. 6d. to 11. 2s. Royal Music Hall, 242 High Holborn. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Prices 3s., 2s., Is., 6d. Canterbury Theatre op Varieties , 143 Westminster Bridge Road. Entertainment begins at 7.40 p.m. Adin. from 6d. Middlesex Music Hall, Drury Lane. Begins at 7.30p.m. Prices from 6d. upwards. Sadler's Wblls Theatre, Rosebery Avenue, St. John Street Road, Clerkenwell. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Prices 4d. to Is. 6d. * Royal Victoria Cofpbb Music Hall, 131 Waterloo Road, Lam beth, formerly the Victoria Palace Theatre. Open at 7 p.m. Prices from 3d. to 10s. 6d. (private box). 12. EXHIBITIONS. 67 Paragon Thbatre op Varietibs , Mile End Road. Begins at 7.30 p.m. Admission from 6d. upwards. Forbstbrs' Hall, 93 Cambridge Road, E. Collins's Music Hall, Islington Green, near the Royal Agri cultural Hall. Admission 6d.-3s. South London Palace of Amusements, 92 London Road, St. George'B Fields, near the Elephant and Castle. Concerts, ballets, etc. This is the largest concert-room in London, seating 6000 persons. Admission 2s., Is. 6d., Is., and 6d. Exhibitions and Entertainments. Public Gardens. Madame Tussaud's Waxwork Exhibition, Marylebone Road, near Baker Street Station, a collection of wax figures of ancient and modern notabilities. The best time for visiting it iB in the evening, by gaslight. Admission Is. — At the back (6d. extra) is a room with various memorials of Napoleon I. (including his travelling carriage, captured by the Prussians at Genappe, and bought by Madame Tussaud for 25002.), and also the 'Chamber of Horrors', containing casts and portraits of executed criminals, the guillotine which decapitated Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette, and other articles of a like ghastly nature. Mme. Tussaud, a Swiss by birth, camo to London in 1802, lost her first collection of waxworks by shipwreck on the way to Ireland, started a new one, and died in London in 1850 at the age of ninety. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, opposite Burlington Arcade. Mas- kelyne and Cooke's conjuring and illusionary performances (at 3 and 8 p.m. ; 5s., 3s., 2s., Is.), concerts, art-exhibitions, etc. Moore and Burgess Minstrels, St. James's Hall, Regent Street and Piccadilly. Adm. 5s., 3s., 2s., andls. At 8 p.m. daily ; and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 3 p.m. also. Royal Aquarium and Summer and Winter Garden, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster (p. 268). Theatre, concerts, ballets, acro batic, pantomimic, and conjuring performances. Adm. Is. Various side-shows extra. Agricultural Hall, Liverpool ltoad, Islington. Cattle shows, military tournaments (notably the Royal Military Tournament in June), lectures, dioramas, concerts, etc. — The Mohawk Minstrels (Christy Minstrels) also give their entertainments here. Niagara Hall, York Street, Westminster (near St. James's Park Station). Skating-rink of real ice (adm. in the morning or evening 3s., in the afternoon 5s.). — There is a similar rink at the National Skating Palace (Hengler's Circus), 7 ArgyU Street, Regent Street (adm. 3s.). Crystal Palace, Sydenham (p. 383). Occasional exhibitions, dog-shows, cat-shows, poultry-shows, etc.; pantomime in winter. Olympia, opposite the Addison Road Station, Kensington, a huge amphitheatre, holding 10,000 people, for speotacular perfoim- 6* 68 13. CONCERTS. ances, sporting and military shows, bicycling contests, promenade concerts, etc. (see daily papers ; adm. l-5s.). Earl's Court Exhibition Grounds (PI. G, 1, 2), with (1898) the Universal Exhibition (in 1899, 'Greater Britain'), a gigantic wheel (300ft. high), a belvedere tower 200 ft. high, a captive balloon a panorama of Hungary, and the huge Empress Theatre (adm. is.). Rosherville Gardens, Gravesend. Music, dancing, theatre, zoological collection. Admission 6d. Reached by rail or steamer. Open in summer only. Wembley Park, to the N.W. of London. Music, boating on artificial lake, athletic contests, various outdoor amusements, and occasionally fireworks. Wembley Tower. Admission 6d.;. tower 6d. extra. Reached by train from Baker St. Station (see R. 43). Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill (p. 363). Music, boating, switchback railway , waxwork exhibition , fireworks, and various side-shows. Also special shows. Admission Is. 13. Concerts and Exhibitions of Pictures. Concerts. St. James's Hall (p. 279), with entrances from the Regent Street Quadrant and Piccadilly, used for concerts, balls, and public meet ings. Among the concerts given here are tho favourite Monday and Saturday Popular Concerts, held every Monday evening at 8 o'clock and every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock during the winter season, at which classical music is performed by eminent artistes. Admis sion to these concerts : stalls 5s., front gallery 3s., other seats Is. Queen's Hall (p. 281), Langham Place, W., a large hall (3000 Beatsl, opened in 1893. Among the concerts given here are the Philharmonic Concerts, in May and June, and the Sunday Afternoon Concerts (Mr. Henry J. Wood, conductor), in winter. Royal Albert Hall, South Kensington (p. 332). Sunday afternoon concerts (seats 3d. -2s.) in winter, and musical fetes and concerts on a large scale at uncertain intervals. Crystal Palace, Sydenham (p. 383); numerous concerts by a good orchestra (Mr. August Manns, conductor) and celebrated artistes. Agricultural Hall, Islington. Occasional concerts, which are advertised in the daily papers. St. George's Hall, 4 Langham Place, W. Steinway Hall, 15 Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square. Store Street Hall, 16 Store Street, Bedford Square. Princess's Concert Room, at the back of the Princess'B Theatre (p. 64); occasional concerts. Grafton Gallery, Grafton Street, Bond Street. International Hall, above the Cafe Monico (p. 15). 13. EXHIBITIONS OF PICTURES. 69 Tree's Panel Concert Date List, obtained free on application (enclos ing stamped envelope) to Mr. Basil Tree (see p. 63), contains all the forthcoming concert-engagements of importance. Exhibitions of Pictures. Royal Academy of Fine Arts , Burlington House, Piccadilly (p. 277). Exhibition of tho works of living British painters and sculptors , from first Monday in May to first Monday in August. Open daily 8-7; admission Is., catalogue Is. During the la9t week open also from 7.30 to 10.30 p.m. ; admission 6d. Exhibition of the works of Ancient Masters in January and February. Diploma and Gibson galleries, open throughout the year (Bee p. 277 ; en trance to the right of the main entrance). The New Gallery, 121 Regent Street. Summer and winter exhibitions. Admission Is. Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, 5a Pall Mall East. Open from Easter to the end of July, and from December to March; admission Is., catalogue Is. Royal Institute op Painters in Water Colours', Picca dilly Galleries, 191 Piccadilly. Exhibitions from March to the end of June (9-6 ; Is.). Society of British Artists, 6f/2 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall. Ex hibitions from 1st April to 1st Aug. (9-6) and from 1st Dec. to 1st March (9-5). Admission Is. Royal Socibty of Painter -Etchers. Spring exhibitions at 5a Pall Mall East. Society of Painters in Oil Colours. Exhibition at 191 Picca dilly from Nov. to Jan. (10-4; Is.). Society op Lady AnTis-is. Suintnor exhibition at tho Suffolk Street Galleries (see above); admission Is., catalogue 6d. Society of English Artists (established 1896), Regent Gallery, 236 Regent Street. Summer and winter exhibitions. New English Art Club. Spring exhibitions at the Dudley Gallery, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Lemercieu Gallery (late Dor6 Gallery), 35 New Bond Street, containing 365 "Drawings by J. James Tissot, illustrating the life of Christ. Daily, 10-6; Is. Grafton Gallery, Grafton Street, Bond Street ; occasionally. Princes Club Skating Rink, Knightsbridge; occasionally. There are also in winter and spring various exhibitions of French, Belgian, German, and other paintings at 120 Pall Mall (French Gallery), 39 Old Bond Street (Agnew's), 27 Old Bond Street (Burlington Gallery), 47 New Bond Street (Hanover Gallery), 5 Regent Street (Goupil Gallery), 148 New Bond Street (Fine Art Society), 160 New Bond Street (Dowdeswell Galleries), 157 New Bond Street (Continental Gallery), 6 Haymarket (Mr. Tooth), 7 Hay market (McLean's"), the Conduit Street Galleries, the St. James's Gallery, 4a King Street (Mr. Mendoza), etc. Usual charge Is. 70 14. Races, Sports, and Games. Horse Racing. The principal race-meetings taking place within easy distance of London are the following : — 1. The Epsom Summer Meeting, at which the Derby and Oaks are run. The former invariably takes place on a Wednesday, and the latter on a Friday, the date being generally within a fortnight before or after Whitsuntide (end of May or beginning of June). The Derby was instituted by the Earl of Derby in 1780, and the value of the stakes now sometimes exceeds 6000i. The length of the course is Vfe M., and it was gone over by Per.-immon in 1890 in 2 min. 42 sec, the shortest time on record. Both horses and mares are allowed to compete for tho Derby (mares carrying 316. less weight), while the Oaks is confined to mares. In both cases the age of the horses running must be three years. To view these races London empties itself annually by road and rail, though Parliament no longer suspends its sitting on Derby Day, once its almost invariable custom. The London and Brighton Railway Company (London Bridge and Victoria stations) have a station at Epsom close to the course, and this is the most convenient route. It nyiy also be reached by the London and South Western Railway from Waterloo. The increased facilities of reaching Epsom by train have somewhat diminished the popularity of the road$ but the traveller who would see the Derby Day and its characteristic sights thoroughly will not regret his choice if he select the latter. A decently appointed open carriage and pair, holding four persons, will cost 8-10f., everything in cluded. A hansom cab can be had for rather less than half that amount, but an arrangement should be made with the driver on the previous day. The appearance of Epsom Downs on Derby Day, crowded with myriads of human beings, is one of the most striking and animated sights ever witnessed in the neighbourhood of London, and will interest the ordinary visitor more than the great raco itself. *2. The Ascot Week is about a fortnight after the Derby. The Gold Cup Day is on Thursday, when some members of the Royal Family usually drive up tho course in state, attended by the master and huntsmen of the Royal Buckhounds. Tho course is reached by train from Waterloo ; or the visitor may travel by the Great Western Railway (Paddington Station) to Windsor and drive thence to Ascot. 3. At Sundown, near Esher, at Kempton Park, Sunbury, and at the Hurst Park Club, Hampton, races and steeple-chases are held several times during the year. 4. The Epsom Spring Meeting, lasting for three days, on one of which the City and Suburban Handicap is decided. Besides the above there are numerous smaller race-meetings near London, but with the exception of that at Croydon they will hardly repay the trouble of a visit, as they are largely patronised by the 'rough1 ele ment. The stranger should, if possible, attend races and other public gatherings in company with a friend who is well acquainted with the best method of seeing the sport. Much trouble and disappointment will he thereby avoided. Newmarket, the headquarters of racing, and Goodwood Races, see Baedeker's Great Britain. Hunting. This sport is carried on throughout England from autumn to spring. Cub -hunting generally begina in September and continues until 31stOctober. Regular fox-hunting then takes its 14. RACES, SPORTS, GAMES. 71 place and lasts till about the middle of April. Hare-hunting lasts from 28th Oct. to 27th Feb., and buck-hunting begins on 14th Sep tember. Should the traveller be staying in the country he will prob ably have but little difficulty in seeing a meet of a pack of fox hounds. The Surrey fox-hounds are the nearest to London. There is a pack of harriers at Brighton. The Royal Buckhounds often meet in the vicinity of Windsor, and -when this is the case the journey can be easily made from London. The quarry is a stag, which is allowed to escape from a cart. The huntsmen and whippers-in wear a scarlet and gold uniform. The followers of the hounds wear scarlet, black, and indeed any colour, and this diversity, coupled with the large attendance in carriages, on foot, and on horseback, makes the scene a very lively one. For meets of hounds, see the Field. Fishing (roach, perch, gudgeon, pike, barbel, dace, and trout) can be indulged in at all places on the Thames between Richmond and Wallingfoid. No permission is required, except in private waters. The services of a fisherman, who will furnish a punt and all tackle, can be secured at a charge of about 10s. per day, the hirer provid ing him with dinner and beer. The Lea (p. 404), Darent, Brent, Colne, etc., also afford good opportunities to the London angler. See the Angler's Diary (Field Office, 346 Strand; Is. 6d.) or Dickens's Dictionary of the Thames (Is.), and compare p. 404. Cricket. Lord's at St. John's Wood (p. 292), the headquarters of the Marylebone Club (sec., Mr. F. E. Lacey), is the chief cricket ground in London. Here are played, in June and July, the Eton and Harrow, and the Oxford and Cambridge matches, besides many others. The Kennington Oval (p. 371), the headquarters of the Surroy County Club, is also an important cricket-centre. Golf. Golf, which is in season all the year round , has become exceedingly popular in England within the last few years. Near London there are golfing- courses at Blackheath (Royal Blackheath Club, founded in 1608), Richmond, Wimbledon, Tooting, Ching- ford, Neasden, Wembley, Northwood, Eltham, Bushey, Mitcham, Stan- more, and a score of other placeB. Football. Football i6 in season from about September to April. The chief matches under the Rugby Football Union rules are played at the Rectory Field, Blackheath (headquarters of the Blackheath Football Club) ; Richmond Old Deer Park (London Scottish Club) ; and Richmond Athletic Ground (Richmond Club). The Crystal Palace and the Essex County Ground at Leyton are the scenes of the best matches under the Football Association rules. The Oxford and Cambridge matches (both Rugby and Association) are decided at Queen's Club, West Kensington (p. 101). Athletics. The chief scene of athletic sportB of all kinds is Stamford Bridge, on the Fulham Road, where the London Athletic Club has its headquarters. The Amateur Championships of the 72 14. RACES, SPORTS, GAMES. United Kingdom are decided here when these sports are held in London (every third year). The University Sports, between Oxford and Cambridge, take place at Queen's Club, in the Boat Race week (see p. 73). The card comprises nine 'events', and the university whose representatives secure the majority is the winner. It was at Queen's Club that the Yale and Oxford contest took place in 1894. The German Gymnastic Society, 26 Pancras Road, King's Cross, takes the lead among all gymnastic clubs ; about half of its 7-800 members are English. The Amateur Athletic Association consists of representatives of the leading athletic clubs. Boxing. Among the chief boxing clubs in London are the West London Boxing Club and the Cestus Boxing Club, and there are also boxing r.lubs in connection with the German Gymnastic Souioty, the London Athletic Club, etc. Most of these are afilliated to the Ama teur Boxing Association. A competition for amateur boxers is held yearly, the prizes being handsome challenge cups presented by the Marquis of Queensberry. Lawn Tennis. Tho governing and controlling body for this pastime Is the Lawn Tennis Association (sec, Mr. W. H. Collins), established in 18rf8. The Lawn Tennis Championship of tho World is competed for early in July on the ground of the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, and the Covered Court Champion ship and other important competitions take place at yueen's Club. Courts open to strangers are found at the Crystal Palace, Hattersea Park, and other public gardens, drill-halls, etc.. bnt this game can not be enjoyed to perfection except in club or private grounds. Rackets and Court Tennis are played at Lord's (p. 292), Prince's Club, and Queen's Club. The Amateur Championship in tennis and the Public Schools and University Rackets Competitions are decided at Queen's Club. Cycling. There are now a great many cycling clubs in London, the oldest of which was founded in 1870. The chief bicycle race- meetings are held at Catford, Putney, Heme Hill, and Woodford. The English 'rule of the road' Is the reverse of that on the Con tinent and iu America; keep to the left in meeting, to the right in overaking vehicles. Lamps must he lit at dusk. The headquarters of the National Cyclists' Union are at 57 Basinghall Street, E. C. thon. sec , Mr. J. A. Ch rchl, and those of the Cyclists' Tour ing Club are at 47 Victoria Street, Westminster (see., Mr. E. R. Shipton). The chief consul for the foreign district of the latter club is Mr. S. A. Slead, 14 St. Ge rge's Avium, Holloway. All cyclists touring in Great Britain will Ond ii advantageous to join the C. T. C. Exhibitions of bicycles, tricycles, and their accessories are held in London annually. Compare the Monthly Gazette of Ihe Cyclists' Touring Club. Hookey is rapidly growing in popularity, and there are over thirty clubs in or near London alflliated to the Hockey Association (hon. sec, Mr. R. S. Lucas, Teddington). Baseball seems to have taken root in England in the past few years, and the London Baseball Association (sec, Mr. J. A. McWeeny) 14. RACES, SPORTS, GAMES. 73V contains several clubs and owns a good ground at Telford Avenue, ~ Brixton Hill. Good matches are also played at the Crystal Palace, Streatham. Wembley Park, and Woolwich Arsenal. Lacrosse is now played by about a score of clubs in or near London, and the chief authority in this part of the country is the South of England Lacrosse Association. The final ties of the Inter national and North v. South matches are generally played either on the Richmond Athletic ti round or at the Crystal Palace. Archery. The focus of this sport in London is in the grounds of the Royal Toxopholde Society, Regent's Park (see p. 287). Aquatics. The chief event in the year is the Oxford and Cam bridge Boat Race , usually rowed on the second Saturday before Easter. The course is on the Thames , from Putney to Mortlake ; the distance is just over 4'/4 M., and the time occupied in rowing it varies from just under 20 min. to 23 min., according to the state of the wind and tide. The Londoners pour out to see the boat-race in almost as great crowds as to the Derby, sympathetic ally exhibiting in some portion of their attire either the dark-blue colours of Oxford or the light-blue of Cambridge. — There are also several regattas held upon the Thames. The best are those at Henley (at the end of June or the beginning of July), Marlow, Staines, and Walton. To Henley crews are usually sent from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin, by Eton College, and by the London Rowing Club , the Leander, the Thames Club, and other clubs of more or less note. Crews from American uni versities sometimes take part in the proceedings. On Aug. 1st a boat-race takes place among young Thames watermen for Doggett's Coat and Badge, a prize founded by Doggett, the comedian, in 1715. The courso is from Old Swan Pier, London Bridge, to the site of the Old Swan at Chelsea, about 6 miles. Yacht-races are held at the mouth of the Thames during stimmer, under the auspices of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, the Royal London Yacht Club, and the New Thames Yacht Club. See the Rowing Almanack (Is. ,• Field Office, 346 Strand) or Dickens's Dictionary of the Thames (Is.). Swimming. London contains nearly 100 swimming clubs, with their headquarters at the Public Baths Ip 22). Most of them are affiliated to the Life Saving Society (3 Clarendon Square, N.W.), established in 1891. The Southern Counties Amateur Suimming Association conducts various championship competitions, swum in the Thames and elsewhere. Water Polo is also very popular. Skating. Among the chief skating resorts in or near London are the Welsh Harp (p. 405), Ruislip Reservoir (p. 408), Wembley Park (p. 408), the Serpentine (p. 322), Regent's Park (p. 287), and Hamp stead Heath (p. 361). The headquarters of the London Skating Club are in the gardens of the Toxophoite Society (p. 287); the secretary of the National Skating Association is Mr. J. Drake Digby, Cam bridge House, Weston Park, Crouch End, N. 747 15. Embassies and Consulates. Colonial Represent atives. Bankers. Embassies. America, United Stales of. Embassy, 123 Victoria Street, S.W. (office-hours 11-3); ambassador, Hon. John Hay. Consulate, 12 St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate, E. C. ; consul - general, William M. Osborne, Esq.; vice -consul -general, Richard Westacott, Esq. Austria. Embassy, 18 Belgrave Square. Consulate, 11 Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Belgium. Legation, 18 Harrington Gardens, S.W. Consulate, 118 Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C. Brazil. Legation, 56 Curzon Street, W. Consulate, 6 Great Win chester Street, E.G. China. Legation, 49 Portland Place, W. Denmark. Legation, 24 Pont Street, S.W. Consulate, 5 Muscovy Court, Towor Hill, K 0. France Embassy, Albert Gate House, Hyde Park. General Con sulate, 38 Finsbury Circus, E. C. Germany. Embassy, 9 Carlton House Terrace. General Consulate, 49 Finsbury Square, E. 0. Greece. Charge" d'Affaires, 31 Marloes Road, Cromwell Road, S.W. General Consulate, Eastcheap Buildings, E.C. Italy. Embassy, 20 Grosvenor Square, W. General Consulate, 31 Old Jewry, E. 0. Japan. Legation, 8 Sussex Square, Hyde Park, W. Consulate, 84 Bishopsgate Street Within, E. C. Netherlands. Legation, 40 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Consulate, 40 Finsbury Circus, E. C. Persia. Legation, 30 Ennismore Gardens, S.W. Consulate, 1 Drap ers' Gardens, Throgmorton Avenue, E. C. Portugal. Legation, 12 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. Consulate, 6 South Street, Finsbury, E. C. Russia. Embassy, Chesham House, Belgrave Square, S.W. Con sulate, 17 Great Winchester Street, E. C. Spain. Embassy, 1 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Consulate, 21 Billiter Street, E. 0. Sweden and Norway. Legation, 52 Pont Street, S.W. Consulate, 24 Great Winchester Street, E. 0. Switzerland. Legation and Consulate, 52 Lexham Gardens, W. Turkey. Embassy, 1 Bryanston Square. Consulate, 7 Union Court, Old Broad Street, E. C. Representatives of British Colonies. Canada, Dominion of. High Commissioner, Lord Strathcona and Mountroyal, 17 Victoria Street, S.W. 16. BANKERS. 75 Cape Colony. Agent General, Sir David Tennant, 112 Victoria Street, S.W. Natal. Agent General, Sir Walter Peace, Esq., 64 Victoria Street, S.W. New South Wales. Agent General, Sir Daniel Cooper, 9 Victoria Street, S.W. New Zealand. Agent General, Hon. W. Pember Reeves, 13 Victoria Street, S.W. Queensland. Agent General, Sir Horace Tozer, 1 Victoria Street, S.W. South Australia. Agent General , Hon. Thos. Play ford, 16 Victoria Street, S.W. Tasmania. Agent General, Sir Robert Herbert, 6 Victoria Street, S.W. Victoria. Agent General, Sir Andrew Clarke, 15 Victoria Street, S.W. West Australia. Agent General, Sir Malcolm Eraser, 16 Victoria Street, S.W. Bankers. Private Banks: — Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, $ Co., 54 Lom bard Street and 1 Pall Mall East ; Child, 1 Fleet Street; Coutts, 59 Strand; Drummond, 49 Charing Cross; Glyn, Mills, & Co., 67 Lombard Street; Hoare fy Co., 37 Fleet Street; jRo&arts, Lubbock, fyCo., 15 Lombard Street; Smith, Payne, & Smiths , 1 Lombard Street, etc. Joint Stock Banks : — London and County, 21 Lombard Street ; London Joint Stock, 5 Prince's Street, Mansion House, E. C. ; Lon don and Provincial, 7 Bank Buildings; London and South Western, 170 Fenchurch Street; London and Westminster, 41 Lothbury; Union Bank of London, 2 Prince's Street, Mansion House, E.C. ; Lloyds, 72 Lombard Street and 222 Strand; Williams, Deacon, & Manchester /2 oz. For Book Packets ijod. per 2 oz. is charged for Great Britain and the countries of the postal union. No inland book-packet may exceed 18 iu. in length, 9 in. in width, and 6 in. in depth, or 5lbs. in weight. Newspapers for abroad pay book-post rates. Post Cards for use in the British Islands are issued at S'/^d. or 6d. per packet of ten (thin and thick) ; for countries included in the postal union and some others, at Id. each ; reply post-cards may be had at double these rates. Inland post-cards are transmissible abroad with an additional lfed. stamp. Private post-cards, conforming in size and thickness to the official cards and prepaid by means of adhesive stamps, may also be used ; those for abroad must have the words 'Post Card' printed on the address side (sold by most stationers). Letter Cards, the communication on which is concealed from view, are sold at V/id. each or eight for 9d. Envelopes of two sizes, with embossed '/gd. stamps, of three sizes, with embossed Id. stamps, and of two sizes, with embossed 1lfad. stamps, and newspaper wrappers with impressed '/jd. or Id. stamps, are also sold. The number of daily deliveries of letters in London varies from six to twelve according to the distance from the head office at St. martin's le Grand. On Sundays there is no delivery, but letters posted in the pillar boxes within the town limits and in some of the nearer suburbs are col lected in time for the general day mails and for the first London district delivery on the following day. Letters for the evening mails must be posted in the pillars before 0.30 p.m., in Ihe central district before 6 p.m., or at the General Post Office, with an additional 1/id. stamp, up to 7.46 p.m. Foreign letters mav be posted at Ihe General Post Office till 7 p.m. with an additional Id. stamp; till 7.15 with 2d. extra; till 7.30 with 3d. extra; and at the termini for Continental trains till 8 p.m. with 4rf. extra. Most of the head district offices are open on Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Full official information will be found in the Post Office Guide (quarterly ; 6/zd. ,' Turkey or Greece 6l/2d.; Canada is.-is. Gd. ; United States is.-is. 8d. ; Indians.; Australia H$. Id. to 5*. Id.; C«pe Colony or Natal 5x.-bs. 2d.; West Indies 2s. 8d. to 8*. 1*.; South America 3*. id. to 10*. The minimum in any case Is lOd. Telephones. The telephonic communication of London is mainly in the hands of the National Telephone Co., the head office of which is in Oxford Court, Cannon Sireet, City. There are numerous call-rooins through out London and district, open to the public at tlie rate of 3d. for each three minutes1 conversation. — Telephonic communicaiion with Paris was established in 1891. The public call-ofi'ces are at the General Post Office West (p. 120 ; always open), West Strand Office (alwajs open), and Thread- needle Street Post Ofiice (open on week-days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m ). Charge 8s. per three minutes. (Paris time is 10 min. in advance of Lon don time, a fact to be taken into account in arranging for conversations with Paris correspondents.] Parcels Companies. Parcels for London and the environs are trans mitted by the London Parcels Delivery Company (head-office, Rolls Build ings, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street), and by Carter, Paterson, & Co. (126 Goswell Road, E.C.)i both with numerous receiving otlices distributed throughout London, usually in shops indicated by notices. Within a radius of 3 M. a parcel under 4lbs. is sent for 3d., under 14lbs., 6d., under 28lbs., 8d., and so on up to 112lbs. for is. 2d.; beyond 311. the charges arc from 4d. upwards. [A card with C. P. in large letters, conspicuously exhibited in the window, will arrest the first of Carter and Paterson's vans which hap pens to pass the house.] Parcels for all the chief towns of England are conveyed by Pickford & Co. (57 Gresham Street, E.C), but the Post Office is the best carrier for packages not exceeding lllhs. in weight. Parcels for tho Continent aro forwarded by tho Continental Daily Parcels Express (53Gracecburcb Street) and the Globe Parcels Express {'20 St. Paul's Church yard and 9 Blenheim Street, New Bond Street), which work in connection with the continental post-offices. Parcels for America are forwarded by Slaveley it- Co.'* American European Express {IT. Starr & Co.), 45a Jewin Street, E.C, the American Express, 35 Milk Street, Cheapside, and the American Line Steamship Co. (p. 3). Pitt <£ Scott (25 Cannon Street, City, and 25 Regent Street) and G. W. Wheatley & Co. (10 Queen Street, Cheap- side, and 23 Regent Street) are general shipping and parcel agents for all parts of the world. Oommissionnaires. These are a corps of retired soldiers of good character, organised in 1859 by Captain Sir Edward Walter of the 'Times' newspaper, and form convenient and trustworthy messengers for the conveyance of letters or small parcels. Their head-office is at Exchange Court, 419a Strand, but they are also to be found in most of the chief thoroughfares, where they may be recognised by their green uniform and metal badge. Their charges are 3d. per mile or 6d. per hour; the rate is a little higher if the parcel to be carried weighs more than 14lbs. The charge for a day is about 4*. Gd., and they may also be hired by special arrangement for a week or a longer period. — The Army and Navy Pen sioners Employment Society, 20 Charing Cross, is a similar organisation. District Messenger Service Co. Messengers of this company charge 3d. per half-mile, Gd. per mile, 8d. per hr., fares extra. Letters are posted or cabs called at 2d., or 4d. after 10 p.m. and on Sundays. Head-office: 50 Lime Street, City; numerous branch-offices, open always. Baedeker's London, ilth Edit. 82 18. OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. The Lady Guide Association, 20 Haymarket, S.W. (Foundress and Manageress, Miss Davis), established in 1888, provides ladies qualified to act as guides to the sights of London, as interpreters, as travelling companions, as aids in shopping, etc. (not for gentlemen unaccompanied by ladies). It also keeps a register of boarding and lodging houses, engages rooms at hotels, exchanges money, provides railway and other tickets, and generally undertakes to give all the information and assistance required by a stranger in London. Tickets are issued for the services of the lady guides at rates ranging from 5s. to 10s. per day, and proportionately by the week , month, or year. Other tickets include lodgings, etc., in London or on the Con tinent. The fee for meeting at railway-stations i3 5s. 6d. — The Ladies' Matine'e Club (entry fee 5s., annual subs. 10s. 6d.), at the same address, is intended for the convenience of ladies living in the suburbs or the country. 18. Outline of English History. The visitor to the Metropolis of Great Britain, whether from the western hemisphere, from the antipodes, or from the provinces of that country itself, will at almost every step meet with interesting historical associations ; and it is to a great extent on his acquaintance with these that the enjoyment and instruction to be derived from his visit will depend. We, therefore, give a brief table of the chief events in English history, which the tourist will often liud convenient as au aid to his memory. In the following section will he found a sketch of the rise and progress of London itself. B.C. 66-449 A.D. B.C. 65-64. 43 A.D. 78-86. 412.449. 449-1066. 449-585. Roman Pbbiod. Of Britain before its first invasion by Julius Csesar in B.C. 55 there is no authentio history. Oajsar repeats his invasion in B.C. 54, but makes no permanent settlement. Emp. Claudius undertakes the subjugation of Britain. Britain, with part of Caledonia, is overrun by the Roman general Agricola, and reduced to the form of a province. Roman legions recalled from Britain by Honorius. The Britons , deprived of their Roman protectors , are unable to resist the attacks of the Picts, and summon the Saxons, under Hengist and Horsa, to their aid. Anglo-Saxon Pbbjod. Tho Saxons, re-inforoed by the Angles, Jutes, and othor Germanic tribes, gradually overcome Britain on their own ac count, until the whole country, with trifling exceptions, is divided into the seven kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy (585). To this period belong the semi-mythical exploits of King Arthur and his knights. Christianity re-introduced by St. Augustine (597). Tho Venerable Bede (d. 735). Caedmon (about 680). 18. OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 83 835-871.871-901. 979-1016. 1013. 1017-1035.1035-1040.1040-1042.1042-1066. 1066. 1066-1154.1066-1087. 1087-1100. 1100-1135. 1135-1164. 1138. 1154-1486.1154-1189. 1170.1172. Contests with the Danes and Normans, who repeatedly invade England. Alfred the Great defeats the Danes, and compels them to make peace. Creates navy, establishes militia, revises laws, reorganises institutions, founds schools at Oxford, is a patron of learning, and himself an author. Ethelred the Unready drawB down upon England the vengeance of the Danes by a massacre of those who had settled in England. The Danish king Sweyn conquers England. Canute the Great, the son of Sweyn, reigns over England. Harold Harefoot, illegitimate son of Canute , usurps the throne. Hardicanute, son of Canute. — The Saxon line is restored in the person of — Edward the Confessor, who makes London the capital of England, and builds 'Westminster Abbey (see p. 242). His brother-in-law and successor — Harold loses Mb kingdom and his life at the Battle of Hastings , where he opposed the invasion of the Normans, under "William the Conqueror. Norman Dynasty. William the Conqueror, of Normandy, establishes him self as King of the English. Introduction of Norman (French) language and customs. William II., surnamed Rufus , after a tyrannical reign, is accidentally shot by Sir Walter Tyrrell while out hunt ing. Henry I., Beauclerc, defeats his older brother Robert, Duke of Normandy, at the battle of Tenchebrai (1106), and adds Normandy to the possessions of the English crown. He 'leaves his kingdom to his daughter Matilda, who, however, is unable to wrest it from — Stephen, of Blois, grandson of the Conqueror. David, King of the Scots, and uncle of Matilda, is defeated and taken prisoner at the Battle of the Standard. Stephen appoints as his successor Matilda's sou, Henry of Anjou or Plantag- enet (from the planta genista or broom, the badge of this family). House op Plantagenet. Henry II. Strife with Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, over the respective spheres of the civil and ecclesiastical powers. The Archbishop excommunicates the King's followers, and is murdered by four knights at Can terbury. The E. part of Ireland is conquered by Strongbow and De Courcy. Robin Hood, the forest outlaw, flourishes. 84 18. OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 1189-1199. 1199-1216. 1216-1272. 1272-1307. 1305. 1307-1327. 1314 1327-1377. 1364. 1377-1399. Richard I., Coeur de Lion, takes a prominent part in the Third Crusade , but is captured on his way home, and im prisoned in Germany for upwards of a year. He carries on war with Philip II. of France. John, surnamed Lackland, is defeated at Bouvines by Philip II. of France, and loses Normandy. Magna Charta, the groundwork of the English constitution, is extorted from him by his Barons (comp. pp. 234, 410). Henry III., by his misrule, becomes involved in a war with his Barons, headed by Simon de Montfort, and is de feated at Lewes. His son Edward gains the battle of Evesham, where De Montfort is slain. Hubert de Burgh de feats tho Fronch at soa. Roger Bacon, tlio pliilosoplior. Edward I., Longshanks, vanquishes tho Wolsh undor Llewelyn, and completes the conquest of Wales. The heir ap parent to the English throne thenceforward bears the title of Prince of Wales. Robert Bruce and John Baliol struggle for the crown of Scotland. Edward espouses the cause of the lat ter (who swears fealty to England), and overruns Scotland. The Scots, led by s Streets of London (each ts.) are intended to help in ascertaining the position of any street in London, Little's Loudon Pleasure Guide, (annual; is.) gives convenient inform ation us to theatres (plans), race-meetings, regattas, shows, etc. The London Manual (is. annually) explains the functiuns of the public bodies of the Metropolis. Whitaker"s Almanack (Is. and 2s. Gd.) gives a large amount of useful information in a condensed form. The most detailed plan of London is that of the Ordnance Survey, on a scale of 5 ft. per mile (in course of publication; several hundred sheets at 2«. Gd. each; index map Ad.; Edward Stanford, 2G Cockspur Street, S.W.). — Stanford's excellent New Map of the County of London consists of 20 sheets (4 inches to a mile) ut la. each (complete, in portfolio, 16s.). I. THE CITY. 1. St. Paul's Cathedral. The City, already noticed in the Introduction as the commercial centre of London, has sometimes also been not unaptly termed its capital. In the very heart of it, conspicuously situated on a slight eminence, stands London's most prominent building, *St. Paul's Cathedral (PI. R, 39; 77/). Some authorities maintain that in pagan times a temple of Diana occupied the site of St. Paul's, but Sir Christopher Wren rejected this idea. Still the spot must at least have been one of some sanctity, to judge from the cinerary urns and other vessels found here, and Wren was of opinion, from remains discovered in digging the foundations of the present edifice, that there had been a church on this spot built by Christians in the time of the Romans, and demolished by the Pagan Saxons. It is believed to have been restored by Ethelbert, King of Kent, about A.D. 610. This building was burned down in 961 , and rebuilt within a year. It was again destroyed by lire in 1087, but a new edifice was at once begun, though not completed for about 200 years. This church, Old St. Paul's, was 590 ft. long (30 ft. longer than Winchester cathedral, now the longest church inEngland), and in 1315 was furnished with a timber spire, covered with lead, 460 ft. high according to Wren's estimate, though earlier authorities state it to have been 620 ft. in height (i.e. 8 ft. higher than Cologne Cathedral). The spire was injured by lightning in 1445, but was restored, and it continued standing till 1561, when it fell a prey to the flames. The church itself was damaged by this fire, and fell into a very dilapidated condition. The S.W. tower was called the Lollards' Tower (comp. p. 369). Before the building of the Lady Chapel in 1225 the choir was adjoined by Ihe church of St. Faith, the name of which was after wards applied to the crypt bencnth Ihe cathedral-choir, which was used by the congregation on the demolition of their church. Near the cathedral once stood the celebrated Cross of St. Paul (Powle's Cross), where sermons were preached, papal bulls promulgated, heretics made to recant, and witches to confess, and where tho Popo'n condemnation of Luther wan proclaimed in the prunenco of Wolsuy. Tho cross and adjacent pulpit wore at length removed by order of parliament in 1G43. The platform on which the cross stood was discovered in 1879, at a depth of about 6 ft., by workmen engaged in laying out the garden on the N.E. side of the church (comp. Plan). The subterranean portions of the half-ruined church were used as work shops and wine-cellars. A theatre was erected against one of the outer walls, and the nave was converted into a public promenade, the once famous PauVs Walk. The Protector Somerset (in the reign of Edward VI.) went so far as to employ the stones of the ancient edifice in the con struction of his palace (Somerset House, p. 178). In the reign of Charles I. an extensive restoration was undertaken, and a beautiful portico built by Inigo Jones. The Civil War, however, put an end to this work. After the Restoration, when the church was about to be repaired, its remains were destroyed by the Great Fire of 1666 (p. 144), though the ruinous nave was used for service until 1673. — Among the numerous historical remi niscences attaching to Old St. Paul's, we may mention that it was the burial-place of a long series of illustrious persons, and the scene of Wy cliffe's citation for heresy in 1337, and of the burning of Tyndale's New Testament in 1527. — The farm of Tilllngham in Essex has belonged to St. Paul's since the 7th cent., representing perhaps the most ancient tenure in the country. The present church, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, and begun in 1675, was opened for divine service on Sun,, Dec. 6th, 110 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1697, and completed in 1710. The ordinary statement that the whole building was completed by one architect, Sir Christopher Wren, and by one master mason, Thomas Strong, under one bishop, Dr. Compton, is correct only as far as Wren is concerned. The greater part of the cost of construction (747,954j.) was defrayed by a tax on coal. Sir Christopher Wren received during the building of the cathedral a salary of 2Q0l. a year. The church, which resembles St. Peter's at Home, though much smaller, is in the form of a Latin cross. It is 500 ft. in length and 118 ft. broad, and the transept is 250 ft. long. The inner dome is 225 ft., the outer, from the pavement to the top of the cross, 304 It. in height. The diameter of the drum beneath the dome is about 112 ft., of the dome itself 102 ft. (37 ft. less than that of St. Pe ter's at Rome). In the original model the plan of the building was that of a Greek cross, having over the centre a large dome, sup ported hy eight pillars ; but the court party, which was favourable to Roman Catholicism, insisted, notwithstanding Wren's oppo sition, on the erection of the cathedral with a long nave and an extensive choir, suitable for the Romisli ritual. The church is so hemmed in by streets and houses that it is difficult to find a point of view whence the colossal proportions of the building can be properly realised. The best idea of the ma jestic dome , allowed to be the finest known, is obtained from a distance, e.g. from the Thames below Blackfriars Bridge (view from the bridge itself now somewhat interfered with). St. Paul's is the third largest church in Christendom, being surpassed only by St. Peter's at Rome and the Cathedral of Milan. Exterior. It is interesting to note the union of classic details and style with the essentially Gothic structure of St. Paul's. It has aisles lower than the nave and surmounted by a triforium, just as in regular Gothic churches. But the triforium, though on a laTge scale, is not shown from the nave ; while the lowness of the aisles iB concealed on the outside by masking-walls, so as to preserve the classical appearance and cover what would be, in a Gothic church, the flying buttresses. The West Facade, towards Ludgate Hill, was brought better to view in 1873 by the removal of the railing, though on the three other sides the church is still surrounded by high and heavy railings. In front of this facade rises a Statue of Queen Anne, with England, France, Ireland, and America at her feet; the present statue, erected in 1886, is a replica of the original by Bird (1712). Tlie facade, 180 ft. in breadth, is ap proached by a flight of 22 marble steps, and presents a double portico, the lower part of which consists of 12 coupled Corinthian columns, 50 ft. high, and the upper of 8 Composite columns, 40 ft. high. On the apex of the pediment above the second row of columns, which contains a relief of the Conversion of St. Paul by Bird, rises a statue of St. Paul 16 ft. in height, with St. Peter 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Ill CHCAPSlCt Grand K n trance 5 I nine o£ ., © Q.ufctnt * Mi£^ 112 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. and St. James on his right and left. On each side of the facade is a campanile tower, 222 ft. in height, with statues of the four Evan gelists at the angles. The one on the N. side contains a fine peal of 12 bells, hung in 1878, and the other contains the largest bell in England ('Great Paul'), hung in 1882 and weighing more than 16 tons. Each arm of the transept is terminated by a semicircular por tico, adorned with five statues of the Apostles, by Bird. Over the S. portico is a phoenix, with the inscription 'Resurgam', by Cibber ; over the N. portico, the English arms. In reference to the former it is related, that, when the position and dimensions of the great dome had been marked out, a labourer was ordered to bring a stone from the rubbish of the old cathedral to he placed as a guide to the masons. The stone which he happened to bring was a piece of a gravestone with nothing of the inscription remaining save the one word 'Resurgam' in large letters. This incident was regarded as a favourable omen, and the word accordingly adopted as a motto. At the E. end the church terminates in a circular projection or apse. The balustrade, about 9 ft. high, on the top of the N. and S. walls was erected contrary to tho wishos of Wren, and is considered by modern architects a mistake. A drum in two suctions, the lower embellished with Corinthian , the upper with Composite columns, bears the finely-proportioned double Dome, the outer part of which consists of wood covered with lead. The Lantern above it is support ed by a hollow cone of brickwork resting upon the inner dome. On the top of the lantern is a hall, surmounted hy a cross, tlie ball and cross together weighing 8900 pounds. The ball is Oft. in diameter, and can hold ten or twelve persons. The church is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The usual Entrances are on ttaeW. and K. The monuments may he inspected, free of charge, at any time, except during divine service, which takes place daily at 10 a.m. (choral) and 4 p.m. (choral) in the choir, and on Sundays at 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m. (tine music), 3.15 p.m., and 7 p.m. On week-days daily services are also held at 8 a m. and 8 p.m. in the chapel in the crypt, and Holy Communion is celebrated at 8 a.m. and a short sermon preached at 1.15 p.m. in the N.W. chapel. The choir is closed except during divine service, but between 11 and 1 and between 2 and 3.30 (tree) the verger admits visitors who wait at the gate of the N. ambulatory. Tickets admitting to the Library, Cluck , the Whispering Gallery , and the Stone Gallery (6i.) and to the 'Crypt and Vaults (6d.) are obtained in Ihe S. transept. Tickets admitting to Ihe Golden Gallery (lj.) and to the Ball (Is.) are ohtained from the keeper in tho Stone (iallcry. The Intekiok is imposing from the beauty and vastness of its proportions, but strikes one as bare and dark. Though it is evi dent from tho care witli whioh the carvod stone enrichments are executed that Wren did not contemplate docorating tho entire in terior in the rich Btyle of the Italian churches of the day, it is prob able that he intended some portions to be adorned in colour. But with the exception of Thornhill's grisailles (see p. 113), practically nothing was done in this direction until about 1860, when a Decor ation Completion Fund was founded, mainly through the exertions 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 113; of Dean Milman (p. 118), for the embellishment of the interior with marble, gilding, mosaics, and stained glass. The decoration of , the dome was completed in 1863-94, that of the choir (see p. 114) in 1891-97. The dome is adorned with eight scenes from the life of St. Paul in grisaille by Thornhill, restored in 1864, but hardly visible from below (see p. 117). The eight large mosaics in the spandrels of the dome, executed by Salviati, represent St. Matthew and St. John, designed by G. F. Watts, St. Mark and St. Luke, by Brittan, and Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, by A. Stevens. In the nichos above the Whispering Gallery are marble statues of the Fathers of the Church. On the last pier (N. Bide) in the nave is a large allegorical painting representing 'Time, Death, and Judgment', painted and presented by G. F. Watts. The Organ, which is one of the finest in Great Britain, is divided into two parts, one on each side of the choir, with connecting mechanism under the choir flooring. The builder, Mr. Willis, in constructing it, used some of tho pipes of the old organ by Father Smith or Schmitz, which dated back to 1694. Above the N. door is the tablet in memory of Sir Christopher Wren, with the inscription containing the celebrated words, 'Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice' . This tablet formerly stood at the entrance to the choir. The numerous monuments of celebrated Englishmen (chiefly naval and military officers) , which make the church a kind of national Temple of Fame (though second to Westminster Abbey, p. 242), are very rarely of artistic value, while many are remarkable for egregiously bad taste. The Gband Entrancb (W.) is a favourable point for a survey of the whole length of the nave. The N.W. or Morning Chapel, to the left, is handsomely decorated with marble. The mosaic, repre senting the Three Maries at the Sepulchre on Easter Morn, was executed by Salviati, and commemorates Archdeacon Hale. The stained-glass window is a memorial of Dean Mansel (1868-71). Then to the left, in the N. ArSLis : — L. The Crimean Cavalry Monument , in memory of the officers and men of the British cavalry who fell in the Crimean war (1854-56). L. Major-General Sir Herbert Stewart, who died in 1886 of wounds received at the battle ofAbu-kru, in the Sudan; bronze medallion and reliefs by Boehm. L. Major-General Charles George Gordon, killed at Khartoum in 1885; sarcophagus-tomb, with bronze effigy by Boehm. R., beneath the central arch of the aisle: "Monument to the Duke of Wellington (d. 1852), by Stevens. The bronze figure of Wellington rests on a lofty sarcophagus, overshadowed hy a rich marble canopy, with 12 Corinthian columns. Above are colossal groups of Taloui and Cowardice, Truth and Falsehood. The mon ument still wants the equestrian effigy with which the sculptor in tended it to be crowned. Though originally designed for its present Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 8 114 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. position, this monument stood in the Consistory Court (p. 116) until 1893. L. William, Lord Melbourne (d. 1848) and Frederick, Lord Mel bourne (d. 1853), by Marochetti. Two angels guard the closed en trance to the tomb. — On each side is a brass plate , on which are inscribed the names of the officers and crew (484 in number) of tho ill-starred line-of-battle ship Captain, which foundered with all hands off Cape Finisterre on 7th Sept., 1870. In the N. Transept : — L. Sir Joshua Reynolds (A. 1792), the celebrated painter, statue by Flaxman. Upon the broken oolumn to his left is a medallion portrait of Michael Angelo. L. Admiral Lord Rodney (A. 1792), by Rossi. At his feet, to the left, is History listening to the Goddess of Fame (on the right), who recounts the Admiral's exploits. L. Lieutenant- General Sir Thomas Picton (killed at Waterloo in 1815), by Gahagan. In front of his bust is a Goddess of Victory presenting a crown of laurols to a warrior, upon whoso shoulder leans the Genius of Immortality. R. Admiral Earl St. Vincent (A. 1823), the victor at Cape St. Vincent ; statue by Baily. L. General William Francis Patrick Napier (d. 1860), the his torian of the Peninsular War, by Adams. L. Sir Charles James Napier (A. 1853) ; statue by Adams , 'a prescient General, a beneficent Governor, a just Man' (comp. p. 182). R. Admiral Lord Duncan (A. 1804), who defeated the Dutch in the naval battle of Camperdown ; statue by Westmacott. L. General Sir William Ponsonby (A. 1815), 'who fell glor iously in the battle of Waterloo', by Baily; a nude dying hero, crowned by the Goddess of Victory, with a falling horse in the rear. L. Admiral Charles Napier (A. 1860), commander of the Eng lish Baltio fleet in 1854, with portrait in relief, by Adams. L. Henry Hallam (A. 1859), the historian ; statue by Theed. L. *Dr. Samuel Johnson (d. 1784) , statue by Bacon. We have now arrived at the entrance to the Ohoib. (adm., see p. 112), the most conspicuous object in which is the Reredos, an elaborate white Parian marble structure in the Italian Renaissance style, designed by Messrs. Bodley $ Garner and unveiled in 1888. The sculptures, by Quellemin, represent the chief events in the life of Christ; at the top are statues of the Rison Saviour, the Virgin and Child, St. Paul, and St. Peter. The Choir Stalls are by Grin- ling Gibbons, and some of the iron work by Tijou (p. 398). The vaulting and walla of the choir have been decorated in glass (smalto) mosaic from designs by Sir W. B. Richmond. On the central panel on tbe roof of tbe apse is Christ enthroned ; to the right and left are Recording .Angels. On the panels below the stone ribs of the ruuf in the apso and (ho adjoining bay are aix figures of Virtues, viz. (beginning lo llio xJ.), Hope, Fortitude, Charity, Truth, Chastity, and Justice. Tho upper windows 1. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 115 of the Apse represent the Four and Twenty Elders of the Revelation, with -angels. In the adjoining bay are panels with Noah's Sacrifice (S.) and Melchizedek blessing Abraham (N.); the larger panels above these re present the Sea giving up its Dead. — In the choir proper the chief features of the mosaic decoration are the saucer-domes above each of the three bays. That in the easternmost bay represents the Creation of the Birds, while the subjects of the other two are the Creation of the Fishes and the Creation of the Beasts. On the four pendentives in each bay are Herald Angels, with extended arms. In the spaces between Ihe clerestory windows on the N. side are the Delphic and Persian Sibyls, Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Abraham and the Angels, and Job and his three Friends; on the S. side are David, Solomon, Aholiab, Bezaleel, Moses, and Jacob. On the spandrels of the arches are Angels with the Instruments of the Passion. The rectangular panels above the organ represent Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The clerestory windows were also designed by Sir W. B. Richmond. The mosaics are executed in the style of the early mosaicists, and not after the smooth modern method. Their general effect certainly adds largely to the richness and warmth of the choir; but comparatively few of their details can be satisfactorily distinguished from below under or dinary conditions of light. It is hoped that arrangements may be made hy which they can be viewed from the top of the cornice. The glass tea- seres were furnished by Messrs. Powell of Whitefriars, and the whole work was executed by British workmen. The Apse, behind the new reredos, has recently been fitted up as the Jbbus Chapel, with a reredos bearing a copy of the Doubting of St. Thomas, by Cima da Conegliano , in the National Gallery (p. 194). In front is the recumbent marble statuo of Canon Liddon (A. 1890), on an altar-tomb by Bodley l. 13s. id. See 'Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate', by lieu. J. E. Cox, D.D. (1870). — In St. Helen's Place is tho modern Hall of the Leatherscllers, a company incorporated at tho end of the 14th century. The building is erectod over the old crypt of St. Helen's Nunnery. Here also (No. 12) is the Consulate General of the United States. — The Church of St. Ethelburga, in Bishopsgate (entrance between Nos. 52 and 63), just to tlie N. of St. Helen's Place, also escaped the Great Fire. The National Provincial Bank of England, 112 Bishopsgate Streot, is worth viaitiitg l'or tho beautiful interior of its largo hall, a remarkablo specimen of tho Byzautino-Uomanesquo stylo, with polished granite columns and polychrome decoration. Bishopsgate Street Within is continued to the N. by Bishopsgate Street Without (i.e. outside the walls), and the site of the gate which gave name to both is indicated by tablets at tbe corners of Worm wood Street and Camomile Stroet (PI. 11, 43 ; III). On tho left side of Bishopsgate Without, opposite Houndsditch, is the Church .of St. Bololph (PI. R, 43 ; III), rebuilt in 1725-29. John Keats was baptized here on Oct. 31st, 1795. Farther on Bishopsgate Without passes (on the left) Liverpool Street (station, see p. 55). On the opposite side of the street, a little farther on, is the Bishopsyate Institute, opened in 1894, with a library, reading-room, etc. Shoreditch, the con tinuation of Bishopsgate Street , leads to the chief goods-depot of the Great Eastern Railway, beneath which is a flsh, fruit, and veg etable market. The churchyard of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, now opened in summer as a public garden, is the burial-place of many actors. The present church dates from 1740, but incorporates a chancel window of the 13th century. To theE. lies Spitalftelds , with its weavers (see p. 93) and bird-fanciers, beyond which is Bethnal Green (p. 93). At No. 204 High Street, Shoreditch, Is the Standard Theatre (PI. R, 44), a characteristic 'East End' place of amusement (see p. 66). The Britannia Theatre (PI. B, 44), in lloxton Street, lies to the N.W. , in the crowded district of Hoxton. Shoreditch liigh Street is continued due N. by lungsland Road to Kingsland and to Dalston, where the German Hospital is situated. Farther to the N. are Stoke Newington and Clapton (tramway No. 2g; p. 34). The open spaces in Stoke Newington include Clissold Park (55 acres), intersected by the New River (p. 131) aud acquired for tbe public in 1889, and Stoke Newington Common (o'/4 acres). Abncy Park Cemetery was formerly the estate of Sir Thomas Ahney, with whom Dr. Isaac Watts spent the last 5. LEADENHALL MARKET. 141 thirty years of his life, and contains a statue of the hymn-writer by Baily. Mrs. Booth, wife of Gen. Booth of the Salvation Army, is buried near the upper end of the cemetery. Other famous names connected with Stoke Newington are those of Edgar Allan Poe, who was at school here in 1817-19 (comp. his 'William Wilson'); Daniel Defoe; Thomas Day, author of Sandford and Merton'; John Howard, the philanthropist; and Bridget Fleetwood, eldest daughter of Oliver Cromwell. — In Hornsey, to the N.W. of Stoke Newington, is the misnamed Finsbury Park (115 acres). In Cornhill, the street which leads to the E. straight past the S. side of the Exchange, rises on the right (S.) St. Michael's Church, with a largo late-Gothic tower, built by Wren, and restored by Sir G. G. Scott. Farther on is St. Peter's Church, which, accord ing to an ancient tablet preserved in the vestry, was originally founded in 179 A.D. by 'Lucius, the first Christian king of this land, then called Britaine'. The present structure was built by Wren in 1680-81. The organ is by Father Smith (p. 113), and its old key-board, now in the vestry, was used by Mendelssohn on Sept. 30th, 1840. Gray, the poet (1716-71), was born in the house which formerly occupied the site of No. 41 Cornhill. In Leadenhall Street, which continues Cornhill, stands, on the right and near the corner of Gracechurch Street, Leadenhall Market, one of tbe chief marts in London for poultry, game, and hides (seep. 31). Farther on, to the left, is the small church of St. Andrew Undershaft (i.e. under the maypole, as the maypole which used to be erected here was higher than the tower of the church), a Perpendicular building of 1620-32, with a turreted tower. At the end of tbe N. aisle is the tomb of Stow, tbe antiquary (d. 1605). Near this tomb is the monument of Sir Hugh Hammersley (d. 1636), with two fine figures of attendants, by Thomas Madden. Still farther on, on tbe same sido, is tho Church of St. Catherine Crec, with an interior by Inigo Jones, being the successor of an older church in which Holbein (d. 1543)is said to have been interred. The character of the services held here by Archbp. Laud in 1631 at the consecration of tho church formed one of the charges in his trial. The old House of the East India Company, in which Charles Lamb (for 33 years), James Mill, and John Stuart Mill were clerks, stood at the corner of Leadenhall Street and Lime Street. The New Zealand Chambers (No. 34) are one of Norman Shaw's repro ductions of mediaeval architecture. Leadenhall Street is joined at its E. end by Fenchnrch Street (see below). Lombard Street and Fenchurch Street , forming a line on the S. nearly parallel to Cornhill and Leadenhall Street, are also among the busiest thoroughfares of the city. Lombard Street has been for ages the most noted street in London for banking and finance, and has inherited its name from the 'Lombard' money-dealers from Genoa and Florence, who, in the 14th and 15th centuries, took the place of the discredited and persecuted Jews of 'Old Jewry' as money-lenders. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) was bom in Plough 142 5. CORN EXCHANGE. Court, on the right (S.) side of Lombard Street, in a house demolished in 1872. On the N. side of Lombard Street is the Church of St. Edmund King and Martyr (open 10-4), completed by Wren in 1690, in which Addison was married to the Countess of Warwick on Aug. 9th, 1716. Fenchurch Street reminds us hy its name of the fenny character of the district when the old church was built (drained hy the little stream of 'Lang bourne' running into the 'Walbrook') f. On the N. side of the street was the Elephant Tavern (rebuilt), where Hogarth lodged for some time, and which was once adorned with several of his works. Adjacent is the Ironmongers' Hall, whose company dates from the reign of Edward IV., with an interesting interior, portraits of Izaak Walton and Admiral Hood, etc. Fenchurch Street is con nected with Great Tower Street by Mincing Lane (so called from the 'minchens', or nuns of St. Helen's, to whom part of it belonged), which is the central point of the colonial wholesale trade. The Clothworkers' Hall, in Mincing Lano, was built in I860; tho com pany, of which Samuel Pepys was master in 1677, was incorporated in the 15th century. A little to the E., in Mark Lane (originally Mart Lane), is the Corn Exchange (PI. R 43, III; chief market on Mon., 11-3), and near it is Fenchurch Street Station (for the railway to Blackwall, p. 57). The fine Tower of All Hallows Staining, behind the warehouses at the N. end of this lane is one of the oldest of the relics which have survived the Great Fire. On the E. side of Mark Lane is Hart Street, with the Church of St. Olave (open 12.30 to 2.30), interesting as having survived the Great Fire, and as the church once frequented by Samuel Pepys (d. 1703). The picturesque interior contains a number of curious old tombs, including those of Pepys and his wife. A bust of Pepys was placed on the S. wall in 1884. Many persons who died of the plague in 1665 are buried in the churchyard, a fact commemorated by the skulls over the gate in Seething Lane. In the same street once stood a monastery of the 'Crossed Friars', a reminiscence of whom still exists in the adjoining street of Crutched Friars. — From the junction of Fenchurch Street and Leadenhall Street, Aldgate High Street runs E. to the Aldgate Station of the Metropolitan Railway. In Great Alie Street (PI. E, 47), a little to the S.E. of Aldgate Station, once stood Goodman's Fields Theatre, in which Garrick made his first ap pearance on a London stage in the character of Richard III. (Oct. 19th, 1741). On the E. margin of the City proper lies Houndsditch, the quarter of Jew brokers and second-hand dealers, whence the Min ories lead southwards to tbe Tower and the Thames. In the Minories rises the old Church of the Holy Trinity (PI. R, 47 ; III) , once belonging to an abbey of Minoresses , or nuns of the order of St. Clare, and containing several curious old monuments, on one of which are the arms (stars and stripes) of the Washington family. In a glass t Mr. Loftie thinks 'fen' may he a corruption of the Anglo-Saxon foin (hay), as 'grace' in Gracechurch Street is of grass. 6. LONDON BRIDGE. 143 case in the vestry is the supposed head of the Duke of Suffolk (beheaded 1654). From Aldgate Station Whitechapel High Street runs E. to White- chapel, see R. 10. 6. London Bridge. The Monument. Lower Thames Street. Fishmongers' Hall. St. Magnus the Martyr's. Billingsgate. Custom House. Coal Exchange. King William Street, a wide thoroughfare with handsome build ings, leads S.E. from the Bank to London Bridge. Immediately on the left, at the corner of Lombard Street, is the church of St. Mary Woolnoth, erected in 1716, by Hawksmoor. It contains a tablet to the memory of Newton, the friend of Cowper the poet and once rector of the parish, with an epitaph by himself. Newton's remains, however, were removed to Olney in 1893. The fine organ was orig inally built by Father Schmitz (1681; comp. p. 113). In St. Cle ment's Lane, to the left, is St. Clement's Church, built by Wren in 1686 and containing a stained-glass window and brass tablets commem orating Thomas Fuller (d. 1661), Bishop Pearson (d. 1686), author of the 'Exposition of the Creed', and Bishop Walton. Farther on, at the point where King William Street, Gracechurch Street, Eastcheap, and Cannon Street (p. 161) converge, on a site once occupied by Falstaff's 'Boar's Head Tavern', rises the Statue of William IV., by Nixon. Adjacent are the Monument Station of the Underground Railway (p. 60) and the City Terminus of the Electric Railway (p. 61). To the left, in Fish Street Hill, is the Monument (see p. 144). On each side of the first arch of London Bridge, which crosses Lower Thames Street (p. 145), are flights of stone steps descending to the street below. London Bridge (PI. R, 42; HI), until a century ago the only bridge over the Thames in London, and still the most important, connects the City, the central point of business, with the Borough, on the Surrey (S.) side of tbe river (see p. 365). The Saxons, and perhaps the Romans before them, erected various wooden bridges over the Thames near the site of the present London Bridge , but these were all at different periods carried away by floods or destroyed by fire. At length in 1176 Henry II. instructed Peter, chaplain of the church of St. Mary Cole, to construct a stone bridge at this point, hut the work was not completed till 1209, in the reign of Henry's son, John. A chapel, dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury, was built upon the bridge, and a row of houses sprang up on each side , so that the bridge resembled a continuous street. It was terminated at both banks by fortified gates , on the pinnacles of which the heads of traitors used to be exposed. In one of tbe houses dwelt Sir John Hewitt, Lord Mayor In the time of Queen Elizabeth, whose daughter, according to tbe romantic story, 144 6. THE MONUMENT. fell into the river, and was rescued by Edward Osborne, bis apprentice. The brave and fortunate youth afterwards married the young lady and founded the family of the present Duke of Leeds. The present London Bridge, about 60 yds. higher up the river than the old bridge (removed in 1832), was designed by John Rennie, a Scottish engineer, begun in 1825 under tbe superintendence of his sons, Sir John and George Rennie, and completed in 1831. The total outlay, including the cost of the approaches, was about 2,000,0002. The bridge, 928 ft. long and 54 ft. broad, is borne by five granite arches, of which that in the centre has a span of 152 ft. The lamp-posts on the bridge are cast of tbe metal of French cannon captured in the Peninsular War. It is estimated that, in spite of the relief afforded by tho Tower Bridge, 22,000 vehicles and about 110,000 pedestrians cross London Bridge daily, a fact which may give the stranger some idea of the prodigious traffic carried on in this part of the oity. New-oomers should pay a visit to London Bridge on a week-day during business-hours to see this busy scene and hear the almost deafening noiso of the traffic. Stoppages or 'blocks' in the stream of vehicles, of course, sometimes take place ; but, thanks to the skilful management of the police, such interruptions are seldom of long duration. One of tho police regulations is that slow-moving vehicles travel at the sides, and quick ones in the middle. London Bridge divides London into 'above' and 'below' bridge. Looking down the river we survey the Port of London, the part immediately below the bridge being called the Pool. To this portion of tho river sea-going vessels of tho largest sizo have access. On the right and left, as far as the eye can penetrate the smoky atmosphere, are seen forests of masts ; while high above and behind tbe houses on both banks rises the rigging of large vessels in the various docks. Above bridge the traffic is carried on chiefly by penny steamboats and coal barges. Among tbe buildings visible from the bridge are, on the N. side of the river, tbe Tower, Billingsgate Market, the Custom House , the Monument , St. Paul's , a great number of other churches, and the Cannon Street Station, while on the Surrey side lie St. Saviour's Church, Barclay and Perkins's Brewery, and the ex tensive double station of the South Eastern and Brighton Railways. An admirable survey of the traffic on the bridge as well as on the river is obtained from The Monument (PI. R, 43; III), in Fish Street Hill , a little to tbe N. This consists of a fluted column, 202 ft. in height, designed by Wren, and erected in 1671-77 in com memoration of the Great Fire of London, which, on 2nd-7th Sept., 1666, destroyed 460 streets with 89 churches and 13,200 houses, valued at 7,335,000J. The height of the column is said to equal its distance from the house in Pudding Lane in which the fire broke out. A winding staircase of 345 steps (adm. 3d.) ascends the column to a platform enclosed hy an iron cage (added to put a stop to sui cides from the monument), above which rises a gilt urn with blaz- 6. BILLINGSGATE. 145 ing flames, 42 ft. in height. The pedestal bears inscriptions and allegorical reliefs. Just above London Bridge are the tunnels by which the City and South London Electric Railway passes under the Thames (see p. 61). Immediately to the W. of London Bridge , at the lower end of Upper Thames Street , stands Fishmongers' Hall , a guildhouse erected in 1831 on the site of an older building. The Company of Fishmongers existed as early as the time of Edward I. It originally consisted of two separate trades , that of the Salt- Fishmongers and that of the Stock- Fishmongers, which were united to form the pre sent body in the reign of Henry VIII. The guild is one of the richest in London, possessing an annual revenue of 20, OOOi. In politics it has usually been distinctively attached to tbe Whig party, while the Merchant Taylors are recognised as the great Tory com pany. On the landing of the staircase is a statue of Lord Mayor Walworth (a member of the company) , who slew the rebel Wat Tyler (p. 126). Among the objects of interest in tho interior are the dagger with which that rebel was slain ; a richly embroidered pall used at Walworth's funeral ; a chair made out of part of the first pile driven in the construction of Old London Bridge, supposed to havo boon submorgod in tho TlinmoB for 060 years; portraits of William 111. and his queen by Murray, George II. and his consort by Shackleton, and Queen Victoria by Herbert Smith. Vintners' Hall (PI. R, 39; III), 68 Upper Thames Street, was built by Wren in 1671 but almost entirely rebuilt in 1820-23. Tbe old Council Chamber contains good oak-carving. Tbe company was incorporated in 1436-37. — Near the W. end of Upper Thames St. is Si. Benet's Church, built by Wren in 1683, now used as the Welsh Church. Lownn Thames Strict runs eastwards from London Bridge to tbe Custom House and tbe Tower. Chaucer, the 'father of English poetry', is said to have lived here in 1379-85. Close to the bridge, on the right, stands the handsome church of St. Magnus the Mar tyr, with a cupola and low spire, built by Wren in 1676. Miles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter, author of the first complete printed English version of the Bible (1535), was once rector of St. Magnus and his remains were transferred hither in 1840 from St. Bartholo mew by the Exchange, when that church was pulled down. Farther to the E., on the Thames, is Billingsgate (so called from a gate of old London, named, as an improbable tradition says, after Belin, a king of the Britons), the chief fish-market of London, the bad language used at which has become proverbial. In the reign of Elizabeth this was a market for all kinds of provisions, but since the reign of William III. it has been used for flsh only. Fish has been landed and sold here from time immemorial, though now a considerable part of the fish-supply comes hy railway: salmon from Scotland, cod and turbot from the Doggerbauk, lobsters from Nor way, soles from the German ocean, eels from Holland, and oysters from the mouth of the Thames and the English Channel. Oysters Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 10 146 6. CUSTOMHOUSE. and other shell-fish are sold by measure, salmon by weight, and other flsh by number. The best flsh is bought at the beginning of the market by the regular fishmongers. After them come the costermongers, who are said to sell a third of the flsh consumed in London. Billingsgate wharf is the oldest on the Thames. The present market, with a flgure of Britannia on the apex of the pedi ment, was designed by Sir Horace Jones, and opened in July, 1877. The market begins daily at 5 a.m., and is one of the sights of London (see p. 31). Adjacent to the flsh-market is the Custom House, built by Laing in 1814-17, with an imposing facade towards the Thames, 490 ft. in length, by Sir R. Smirke. The customs-duties levied at tbe port of London amount to nearly 10,000,000i. a year, being about equal to those of all the other British sea-ports put together. The London Custom House employs about 2000 officials; in the Long Room (190 ft. in length by 66 in breadth) nearly 80 clerks are at work. Confiscated articles are stored in a warehouse reserved for this purpose, anil are dUpouud of at annual sales by auction, which take place in Mincing Lane, aud yiold 2000J. per annum, lictwoen the Custom House and the Thames is a broad quay, which affords a flue view of the river and shipping. The Coal Exchange, opposite theW. wing of the Custom House, erected in 1849 from plans by Banning, is in the Italian style, and has a tower 106 ft. in height. Adjoining it on the E. is a hypo- caust, or stove of masonry belonging to a Roman bath , discovered when the foundations were being dug (shown on application to one of the attendants). The circular hall , with glass dome and triple gallery, is adorned with frescoes by F. Sang, representing the formation of coal and process of mining. The flooring is in laid with 40,000 pieces of wood, arranged in the form of a mariner's compass. The sword in the municipal coat-of-arms is said to be formed of the wood of a mulberry-tree planted by Peter the Great in 1698, when he was learning the art of ship-building at Deptford. A collection of fossils, etc., is shown in cases in the galleries. — The amount of coal annually consumed in London alone at present averages upwards of 6,000,000 tons. To the N. of the Custom House and to the E. of the Coal Exchange, at the convergence of St. Dunstan's Hill and Idol Lane, is the Church of St. Dunstan's in the Fast (PI. E, 42; III), rebuilt in 1671 by Wren and again in 1817-21 ; the square tower, ending iu a kind of lantern-steeple, is Wren's work (1699). The church contains a number of monuments and stained glass windows. Iu the vestry ia a model of Wren's church, carved iu oak aud chestnut. — The Church of St. Mary at Hill, a little to the W. of St. Dunstan's, was built by Wren in 1672-77 (tower modern). Its present rector, the ftev. W. Carlile, is the founder of the Church Army, and the services include many popular featui-es. Adjacent is the City Samaritan Office, a kiud of club for the destitute. Lower Thames Street debouches at its E. end upon Tower Hill (p. 169). — The Tower, see p. 152. 147 7. Thames Embankment. Blackfriars Bridge. Queen Victoria Street. Cannon Street. Cleopatra's Needle. The Times' Publishing Office. Bible Society. Heralds' College. London Stone. Southwark Bridge. The "'Victoria Embankment, which loads from Westminster Bridge (PI. R, 29; IV) towards the E. along the N. bank of the Thames as far as Blackfriars Bridge (PI. R, 36 ; II), offers a pleasant approach to the City and the Tower to those who have already ex plored the Strand and Fleet Street. It was constructed in 1864-70, under the supervision of Sir Joseph W. Bazalgette (p. 96), at a cost of nearly 2,000,000*. It is about 2300 yds. in length, and consists of a macadamised carriage-way 64 ft. wide , with a foot pavement 16 ft. broad on the land-side, and one 20 ft. broad on the river-side. The whole of this area was once covered by the tide twice a day. It is protected on the side next the Thames by a granite wall, 8 ft. thick, for which a foundation was made by sinking iron cylinders into the river-bed as deeply as possible and filling them with concrete. Under the Embankment run three different tunnels. On the inland side is one traversed by the Metro politan District Railway, while on the Thames side there are two, one above the other, tbe lower containing one of the principal in tercepting sewers (p. 96), and the upper one holding water and gas pipes and telegraph-wires. Rows of trees have been planted along the sides of the Embankment, which in a few years will afford a shady promenade. At intervals are large openings, with stairs lead ing to the floating steamboat piers (p. 62), which are constructed of iron, and riso and fall with tho tido. Part of tho land reclaimed from tho river has boon oonvortod into tasteful gardons. The principal approaches to the Victoria Embankment are from Blackfriars Bridge and Westminster Bridge (p. 241), from Charing Cross (p. 183), and from Arundel , Norfolk, Surrey, and Villiers Streets, all leading off the Strand. Beginning at Westminster Bridge (p. 241) we see St. Stephen's Club to the left, and a little farther on pass New Scotland Yard (p. 232) and Montague House (p. 232). Immediately above Charing Cross Bridge rises a lofty block of buildings containing the National Liberal Club (p. 183). The public gardens in front of these are embellished with bronze statues of General Outram, Sir Bartle Frere, and William Tyndale, the translator of the New Testament. Below the bridge is another public garden, with statues of Robert Raikes, the founder of Sunday schools, and Robert Burns, and with a memorial fountain bearing a bronze medallion of Henry Fawcett, M. P. The ancient level of the river is indicated by the beautiful old * Watergate of York House, a palace begun by Inigo Jones for the first Duke of Buckingham (in the N.W. corner of this garden). No. 15 Buckingham Street, behind the Watergate, formed part of 10* 148 7. VICTORIA EMBANKMENT. York House .and contains old ceilings adorned with stucco and paint ings (comp. p. 181). Above is the Adelphi Terrace (p. 181). On the right of the Embankment, by the Adelphi Steps, rises Cleopa tra's Needle (PI. R, 30; II), an Egyptian obelisk erected here in 1878. This famous obelisk was presented to the British Government by Mo hammed Ali, and brought to this coiiutry by tho private munificence of Dr. Erasmus Wilson, who gave 10,000f. for this purpose. Properly speaking Cleopatra's Needle is the name of the companion obelisk now in New York, which stood erect at Alexandria till its removal, while the one now in London lay prostrate for many yoars. ltoth monoliths wcro originally brought from Heliopolis, which is referred to in the inscription on the London obelisk as the 'house of the Phoenix'. The obelisk, which is of reddish granite, measures G8'/j ft. in height, and is 8 ft. wide at the base. Its weight is 180 tons. The pedestal of grey granite is 182/a ft. high, in cluding the steps; the inscriptions on it summmarize the ancient and modern history of the Obelisk. The Obelisk of Luxor at Paris is 76 ft. in height, and weighs 240 tons. Two largo bronze Sphinxes, designed by Mr. G. Vulliamy, have been placed at the base of the Needle. A little farther on, near Waterloo Bridge, rises the Cecil Hotel (p. 7), an enormous new building by Perry and Reed, occupying the site of one of the most ambitious enterprizes of the notorious Liberator Society. It is adjoined by the Savoy Hotel (p. 7; at the back of the Savoy, p. 180), beyond which stands the Medical Exam ination Hall. The latter, a building of red brick aud Portland stone in the Italian style, erected in 1880, contains a statue of the Queen by Williamson, unveiled in 1889. Below the bridge are the river-facade and terrace of Somerset House (p. 178). Farther on, near the Temple Station, is a statue of Isambard Brunei; and in the adjoining gardens are statues of W. E. Forsler, erected in 1890, and of John Stuart Mill, erected in 1878. Behind Forster's statue is the tasteful Office of the London School Board, the weekly meet ings of which are held here on Thursday at 3 p.m. (public admitted to the gallery; p. 97). Then follows the Temple (p. 172), with its modern Gothic Library and its Gardens. Farther to the E. is the Gothic building of Sion College and Library (see p. 20), opened in 1886, beyond which is the handsome building of the City of London School, completed in 1883, of which Sir J. R. Seeley was an alumnus. To the N., in Tudor Street, is the Guildhall School of Music (3600 pupils), a building in the Italian stylo, erected by the Corporation of London in 1886 at a cost of 22,000J. The Em bankment ends at Blackfriars Bridge, at tbe N. end of which is a statue of Queen Victoria, by Birch, erected in 1897. To the N. is De Keyser's Royal Hotel (p. 11). The Albert Em&anftment (PI. G, 29, R,29 ; IV), completedin 1869, extending along the right bank of the Thames from Westminster Bridge to Vauxhall Bridge, a distance of about t of the staircase by which wo leave the White Tower are some fragments of the old State Barge of the Muster-General of the Ord nance (broken up in 1859), with Ihe nrma of the Duke of Marlborough and other decorations in carved and gilded oak. Outside the White Towor is an interesting collection of old cannon, someof very heavy calibre, chiefly of the time of Henry VIII., but one going back to the reign of Henry VI. (1422-61). — We now cross the 'Tower Green' to the Beauchamp Tower, on the W. side, the only other part of the Tower shown to ordinary visitors. On the way we pass the site of the scaffold, marked by a railing. The Bbauchamp Tower, built by Edward HI. (1327-77), con sists of three stories, which are connected by a narrow winding staircase. The walls of the room on the first floor are covered with inscriptions by former prisoners, including some transferred hither from other parts of the Tower. The inscription of John Dudley, 158 8. THE TOWER. Earl of Warwick, eldest hrother of Lord Guildford Dudley, is on the right side of the fire-place, and Is a well executed family coat- of-arms with the following lines : — 'Yow that these beasts do wel behold and se, Hay deme with case wherefore here made they be Withe borders wherein 4 brothers' names who list to serche the grovnd'. Near the recesB in the N.W. corner is the word Ianb (repeated in the window), supposed to represent the signature of l.ady Jane Grey as queen, but not inscribed by herself. Above the ilre-place is a Latin inscription left by Philip Iloward, Earl of Arundel, eldest son of the Duke of Norfolk who was beheaded in 1573 for aspiring to the hand of Mary, Queen of Scots. The earliest inscription is that of Thomas Talbot, 14G2. The inscriptions in the upper cham ber (not shown) are less interesting. The thirteen Towers of the Inner Ward, at one time all used as prisons, were afterwards employed in part lor the custody of the state archives. The names of several of them are indissolubly as sociated with many dark and painful memories. In tho Bloody Tower the sons of Edward IV. aro said to havo boon murdorod, by ordor of Richard III. (comp. pp. 155, 260); others ascribe the namo to the suicide of Henry, 8th Duke of Northumberland, in 1585. In the Bell Tower the Princess Elizabeth was confined by her sister Queen Mary, and Arabella Stuart was imprisoned for four years; Lady Jane Grey is said to have been imprisoned in Brick Tower; Lord Guildford Dudley, husband of Lady Jane Grey, was confined, with his father and brothers, in Beauchamp Tower; in the Bowyer Tower, the Duke of Clarence, hrother of Edward IV., is popularly supposed to have been drowned ina butt of malmsey ; and Henry VI. was commonly believed to have been murdered in Wakefield (Re cord) Tower. The Salt Tower contains a curious drawing of the zodiac, by Hugh Draper of Bristol, who was confined here in 1561 on a charge of sorcery. The Lanthorn Tower was entirely rebuilt iu 1882. At the N.W. corner of the Tower Green is the chapel of St. Petek ad Vincula (interior sometimes accessible for a fee), built in ita present form by Henry VIII., and restored in 1877. The original church, probably built by Henry II., was burned in 1512. Adjoining it is a small burial-ground. 'In truth, there is no sadder spot on earth than this little cemetery. Death is there associated, not, as in Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's, with genius and virtua, Willi public veneration and with imperishable renown; not, as in our humblest churches and churchyards, with every thing that is most endearing in social and domestic charities ; but with whatever is darkest in human nature and in human destiny, with the savage triumph of implacable enemies, with the inconstancy, the ingrat itude, the cowardice of friends, with all the miseries of fallen greatness and of blighted fame'. — Macaulay. The following celebrated persons were buried in this chapel : Sir Thomas More, beheaded 1535 (but comp. p. 359); Anne Boleyn, 8. TRINITY, HOUSE. 159 beheaded 1536 ; Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, beheaded 1540 ; Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, beheaded 1641 ; Queen Catha rine Howard, beheaded 1542 ; Lord Admiral Seymour of Sudeley, beheaded 1549 ; Lord Somerset, the Protector, beheaded 1552 ; John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland, beheaded 1553; Lady Jane Grey and her husband, Lord Guildford Dudley, beheaded 1554 ; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, beheaded 1601 ; Sir Thomas Overbury, poisoned in the Tower in 1613 ; Sir John Eliot, died as a prisoner in the Tower 1632; James Fitzroy, Duke of Mon mouth, beheaded 1685 ; Simon, Lord Eraser of Lovat, beheaded 1747. The executions took place in the Tower itself only in the cases of Anne Boleyn, Catharine Iloward, the Countess of Salisbury, Lady Jane Grey, and Devereux, Earl of Essex; iu all the other in stances the prisoners were beheaded at the public place of execution on Tower Hill (see below). The list of those who were confined for a longer or shorter period in the Tower comprises a great number of other celebrated persons : JohnBaliol, King of Scotland, 1296; William Wallace, the Scottish patriot, 1305 ; David Bruce, King of Sootlaud, 1347 ; King John of France (taken prisoner at Poitiers, 1356) ; Duke of Orleans, father of Louis XII. of France, 1415 ; Lord Cobham , the most distin guished of tho LollardB (burned as a heretic at St. Giles in the Fields, 1416); King Henry VI. (who is said to have been murdered in the Wakefield Tower by the Duke of Gloucester, 1471); Anne Askew (tortured in the Tower, and burned in Smithfield as a horotlc, 1546); Archbishop Cranmer, 1553; Sir Tlinmns Wyatt (beheaded on Tower Hill in 1554) ; Earl of Southampton, Shak- spearo's patron, 1562; Sir Walter Raleigh (seep. 165; bohoaded at Westminster in 1618); Earl of Strafford (boheaded 1641); Archbishop Laud (beheaded 1646) ; Viscount Stafford (beheaded 1680) ; Lord William Russell (beheaded 1683) ; Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, 1688; Duke of Marlborough, 1692, etc. The large modern buildings to the B. (right) of St. Peter's Church are the Wellington or Waterloo Barracks, erected in 1845 on the site of the Oraml Storehouse nud Small Armoury, which had been destroyed by fire in 1841. The armoury at the time of the conflagration contained 150,000 stand of arms. On Tower Hill, N.W. of the Tower, formerly stood the scaffold for the execution of traitors (see above). William Penn (comp. p. 160) was born, and Otway, the poet, died on Tower Hill, and here too Sir Walter Raleigh's wife lodged while her unfortunate husband languished in the Tower. On the N. side rises Trinity House, a plain building, erected in 1793-95 from designs by Wyatt, the facade of which is embellished with the arms of the corporation, medallion portraits of George III. and Queen Charlotte, and several emblems of navigation. This building is the property of 'The Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Guild, Fraternity, or Bro therhood , of the most glorious and undividable Trinity', a com- 1 60 8. ROYAL MINT. pany founded by Sir Thomas Spert in 1515, and incorporated hy Henry VIII. in 1529. The society consists of a Master, Deputy Master, 24 Elder Brethren, and an unrestricted number of Younger Brethren , and was founded with a view to the promotion and en couragement of English navigation. Its rights and duties, which have been defined by various aots of parliament, comprise the regu lation and management of lighthouses and buoys round the British coast, and the appointment and licensing of efficient pilots. Two elder brethren of Trinity House assist the Admiralty Court in deoiding all cases relating to collisions at sea. Its surplus funds are devoted to charitable objects connected with sailors. The in terior of Trinity House contains busts of Admirals St. Vincent, Howe, Duncan, and Nelson; and portraits of James I. and his con sort Anne of Denmark, James II., aud Sir Francis Drake. There is also a large picture of several Elder Brethren, by Dupont, and a small collection of models. The Duke of York, son of the Prince of Wales, is the present Master of Trinity House, while the Prince of WaleB himself is an 'Elder Brother'. The annual income of Trinity House is said to be above 300,000«. At the end of Great Tower Street, to the W. of the Tower, is the churoh of All Hallows, Barking, founded by the nuns of Barking Abbey, and containing some fine brasses. It had a very narrow escape from the Great Fire (see Pepy's Diary, Sept. 6th, 1666) and Is now undergoing an extensive restoration in the interior. Arch bishop Laud was buried in the graveyard after his execution on Tower Hill (1645), but his body was removed in 1663 to the chapel of St. John's College, Oxford, of which he was an alumnus. The parish register records the baptism of William Penn (Oct. 23rd, 1644). John Quincy Adams was here married to Louisa Catherine Johnson on July 26th, 1797. The Czar's Head, opposite the church, is said to occupy the site of a tavern frequented by Peter the Great (see p. 178). The Tower Subway, an iron tube 400 yds. long and 7 ft. in diameter, constructed in 1870 for 20,000;., passing under the Thames from the S. side of Great Tower Hill, was cloEed to passengers in 1897. The gloomy and unpleasant passage is now occupied by a gas-main. On the E. side of Tower Hill stands the EoyalMint, erected in 1811, from designs hy Johnson and Smirke, on the site of the old Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary of the Graces (see p. 242), and so ex tensively enlargedin 1881-82 as to be practically anew building. The Mastership of the Mint (an office abolished in 1869) was once held by Sir Isaac Newton (1699-1727) and Sir John F. W. Herschel (1850-55). Permission to visit the Mint (for not more than six persons) is given for a fixed day and hour by the Deputy-Master of the Mint, on written application. The various processes of ooining are extremely interesting, and the machinery used is of a most in genious charaoter. In 1882 fourteen improved presses were in troduced, each of which can stamp and mill 120 coins per minute. 8. TOWER BRIDGE. 1.61 The cases in tho museum contain a large number of coins and com memorative medals, including specimens of Maundy money, and gold piecos of 11. and bl., never brought into general circulation. In 1896 tho value of the money coined at tho Mint was 6,260,670/., including 8,334,005 sovereigns: 2,9tu,GUG half-sovereigns; 317,599 crowns; 2,148,500 half-crowns; 2,911,416 florins; 9,2G4,5D1 shillings; 6,651,699 six- ponces; 4,607,418 thrcoponces; 21,147,150 pence; 9,112,000 half-pence; and 3,668,010 farthings; besides Maundy money (p. 231), value 39li/. , and colonial money, value 504,098/. In 1887-96 there were here prepared for issue 46,743,772 sovereigns, 31,874,154 half-sovereigns, 22,217,621 half- crowns, 17,839,800 (lorins, 66,191,400 shillings, etc.; of copper or bronze coins over 2/i hr. ; fares Gd., Hd., id. ); and every ,/i hr. (Sat. every '/< hr.) from Millwall Junction to South Dock, Millwall Docks, and i'orlh Greenwich (25 min.; fares from London 10d., Id., 6d.), whence there is a steam-ferry to Greenwich (p. 379). Also about thrice an hour from Fenchurch St., ond once an hour from Liverpool St. Station (PI. B, 44) to the Victoria and Albert Docks (to Gallion's Station, 25-86 min.: fares 9rZ., Id., 5d.). Baedkkkr's London, lllh Edit. 11 162 9. LONDON DOCKS. One of the most interesting sights of London is the Port, with its immense warehouses, the centre from which the commerce of England radiates all over the globe. The Port of London, iu the wider sense, extends from London Bridge to the mouth of the Thames, opposite the Isle of Sheppey, and it is actually occupied by shipping all the way to Tilbury Docks. In 1895 the total number of vessels from foreign ports entering the Docks of London was 4106, with an aggregate burden of 6,195,016 tons. Immediately below London Bridge begins the Pool (p. 144), which is held to end at Li mehouse Reach. Ships bearing the produce of every nation under the sun here disoharge their cargoes, whioh, previous to their sale, are stored, subject to customs, in large bonded warehouses mostly in the Docks. Below these warehouses, which form small towns of themselves, and extend in long rows along the banks of the Thames, are extensive cellars for wine, oil, etc., while above ground are huge magazines, landing-stages, packing-yards, cranes, and every kind of apparatus necessary for the loading, un loading, and custody of goods. The docks are not municipal or public property, but are owned by various private joint-stock dock companies. The principal docks (London, St. Katharine, East and West India, Royal Victoria and Albert, and Tilbury) are under the management of the London and India Docks Joint Committee. To the E. of the Tower, and separated from it hy a single street, called Little Tower Hill, are the St. KatharineDocks[l'l.lt, 46; 111), opened in 1828, and covering an area of 23 acres, on which 1250houses with 1 1,300 inhab. formerly stood. The old St. Katharine's Hospital once stood on this site. The engineer was Telford, and the architect Hardwick. The docks admit vessels up to 250 ft. in length and 24 ft. of draught. The warehouses can hold 110,000 tons of goods. St. Katharine's Steamboat Wharf, adjoining the Docks, is mainly used as a landing-stage for steamers from the continent. London Docks (PI. Ii, 50), lying to the E. of St. Katharine Docks, were constructed in 1805 at a cost of 4,000,000/., and cover an area of 100 acres. They have three entrances from the Thames, and con tain water-room for about 400 vessels, exclusive of lighters. Their warehouses can store from 170,000 to 260,000 tons of goods (according to description), and their cellars 121,000 pipes of wiue. At times upwards of 3000 men are employed at these docks in one day. Every morning at 6 o'clock there may be seen waiting at the principal entrance a large and motley crowd of labourers, to which numerous dusky visages and foreign costumes impart a curious and picturesque air. The capital of the London & St. Kath arine Docks Co. amounts to 11,000,000/. Tho door in the E. angle of the docks, inscribed 'To the Kiln', leads to a furnace in which adulterated tea and tobacco, spurious gold and silver wares, and other confiscated goods, are burned. The long chimney is jestingly called the Queen's Tobacco Pipe. 9. THAMES TUNNEL. 163 Nothing will convey to the Btranger a better idea of the vast activity and stupendous wealth of London than «. visit to these warehouses, filled to overflowing with interminable stores of every kind of foreign and colonial products ; to these enormous vaults, with their apparently inexhaustible quantities of wine; and to these extensive quays and landing-stages, cumbered with huge stacks of hides, heaps of bales, and long rows of casks of every conceivable description. — Permission to visit the warehouses and vaults may be obtained from the secretary of the London and India Docks Joint Committee, at 109 Leadenhall Street, E.C. Those who wish to taste the wines must procure a tasting-order from a wine-merchant. Ladies are not admitted after 1 p.m. Visitors should be on their guard against the insidious effects of 'tasting' in the heavy, vinous atmosphere. St. George Street, to the N. of the docks, was formerly the not orious Ralcliff Highway. No. 179 is the shop of Jamrach, the well- known dealer in wild animals. Swedenborg (1688-1772) is buried in a vault beneath the Swedish Church in Prince's Square (PI. R, 61). To the S. of the London Docks, and about 2 M. below London Bridge, lies the quarter of the Metropolis called Wapping, from which the Thames Tunnel leads under the river to Rotherhithe on the right bank. The tunnel was begun in 1824, on the plans and under the supervision of Sir Isambard Brunei, and completed in 1843, after several accidents occasioned by tlie water bursting in upon the works. Seven men lost their lives during its con struction. It consists of two parallel arched passages of masonry, 14 ft. broad, 16 ft. high, and 1200 ft. long, and cost 468,000/. The undertaking paid the Thames Tunnel Company so badly, that their receipts scarcely defrayed the cost of repairs. The tunnel was purchased in 1865 by the East London Railway Company for 200,000/., and is now traversed daily by about 40 trains (terminus at Liverpool Street Station, p. 55). — A Steam Ferry (id.) crosses the Thames between Wapping and Rotherhithe. At Rotherhithe (sec p. 94), to the E. of the tunnel, are situated the numerous large basins of the Surrey Commercial Docks (PI. R, 53, etc.), covering together an area of about 350 acres, and chiefly used for timber. The Grand Surrey Canal extends hence to Cam berwell and Peckham. On the N. bank of the river, to the E. of Wapping, lie Shadwell and Stepney. The old church of St. Dunstan (PI. R, 59) in Stepney, l/a M- to tlie N- oi the river> contains tlie tomb of Sir Thomas Spert (p. 160) and several quaint monuments. In the wall of the W. porch is a stone with an inscription (1663) stating it to have been brought from Carthage. There is a popular but erroneous belief that every British subject born on the high seas belongs to Stepney parish. At Limehouse, opposite the Com mercial Docks, is the entrance to the Regent's Canal, which runs N. to Victoria Park, then turns to the W., traverses the N. part of 11* 1 64 9.. BLACKWALL TDNNEL. London, and unites with the Paddington Canal, which forms part of a continuous water-route as far as Liverpool. Limehouse Cut is another canal joining the river Lea (p. 168). St. Anne's Church (PI. R, 63), with its conspicuous tower, was built by Hawksmoor (1730). The West India Docks (PI. R, 62, etc.), about 350 acres in area, lie between Limehouse and Blackwall, to the N. of the Isle of Dogs, which is formed here hy a sudden bend of the river. Several of the chief lines of steamers load and discharge their car goes in these docks. The three principal basins are called the Import Dock, the Export Dock, and the South Dock. There is a dry dock in the Blackwall Basin, aud pumps have been erected to maintain the water in the docks at or above high-water level. The warehouses are on a most capacious scale, including refrigerating chambers with accommodation for 100,000 carcases of shuep. The cranes aud other machinery are adapted for handling the largest logs of furniture wood ; aud the floating derrick 'Elephant' can lilt a weight of 20 tons. The smaller East India Docks (PI. R, 70, 71) are at Blackwall, a. little lowor down. Some of the chief lines of sailing ships use those, anil many passenger-steamers call at the adjoining Brunswick Pier. The Millwall Docks, 100 acres in extent (35 water), are in the Isle of Dogs, to the S. of the West India Docks. At the S. extremity of the Isle of Dogs is North Greenwich Railway Station, in Cubitt Town, whence there is a railsvay steam-ferry to Green wich, on the S. bank of the Thames. Above Greenwich lies Dept- ford, with the Corporation Market for Foreign Cattle, occupying 30 acres, on the site of the old Admiralty dockyard. The Blackwall Tunnel (PI. It, 70), begun for the County Coun- oil in 1892 and opened in 1897, affords a free passage for pedestrians and vehioles beneath the Thames, from Blackwall, 6 M. below Lon don Bridge, to E. Greenwich. The N. approach begins at East In dia Dock Road (PI. R, 71), the S. at Blackwall Lane (PI. R, CO); and there are also staircases for pedestrians in vertical shafts near the river on each bank. The tunnel is lighted with electricity. The work was designed by Sir A. R. Binnie. The total length, including the open approaches on both banks, is 2070 yds., of which 1490 yds. form the actual tunnel, 407 yds. being sub aqueous. The tunnel is a tube, 27 ft. iu external diameter, formed of cast iron 2 in. thick, lined within with cement concrete, faced with glazed tiles. The headway in the centre of the roadway is 17i/j ft- At one point the top of Ihe tunnel is only 6'/a ft. below the river-bed. The tunnel was excavated hy means of a shield driven by hydraulic jacks, and it is the largest shield-driven tunnel ever constructed. The totul cost of tho work was 1,265,0U0/., of which 871,000/. were spent on tbe tunnel proper. Still lower down than the East India Docks, between Bow Creek, North Woolwich, and Gallion's Reach, lie the magnificent Royal Victoria and Albert Docks, 23/4 M. in length, lighted by electricity and provided with every convenience and accommodation for sailing-vessels and steamers of the largest size. Their area is about 500 acres, of which 180 are water. The steamers of the Pen- 10. TOYNBEE HALL. . 165 insular and Oriental, the British India, the Allan, the National, and other important companies put in at these docks. The hydraulic machinery includes a crane with a lifting capacity of 55 tons ; and tho warehouses have accommodation for 350,000 refrigerated sheep and 250,000 tons of miscellaneous goods. All the tobacco imported into London is stored at the Royal Victoria Dock. In the Royal Albert Dock are two graving docks, 602 and 410 ft. in length. We may regain London by train from Gallion's Station (Hotel, small hut first-class) nt tbe K. end of the Royal Albert Dock (comp. p. 161); or wc may take the Woolwich Free Ferry from North Woolwich, immediately S. of tho dock, to Woolwich (p. 382). The ferry is used annually hy 4,000,000 rassengers and 300,000 vehicles. The- large docks at Tilbury are described at p. 379. 10. Bethnal Green Museum. Victoria Park. Toynbee Hall. People's Palace. Adjoining tho City proper on the E. lies Whitechapel, a district chiefly inhabited by artisans, the main thoroughfare travers ing which is Whitechapel Road, continued by Mile End Road, leading to Bow and Stratford (comp. p. 166). To tho loft, ahout '/4 M. beyond Aldgate Station (p. 69), divergos Commercial Street, in which stands St. Jude's Church (PI. R, 47 ; III) , containing copies of four of the principal works of Mr. G. F. Watts, finished off by that artist himself ('Love and Death', 'Messenger of Death', 'Death crowning Innocence', 'The Good Samaritan'). The exterior is adorned with a fine mosaic after Walls. Adjoining the church is Toynbee Hall, founded in 1885 and named aflcr Arnold Toynbee. who died in the printo of youth (in 1883), while actlvoly engaged in lecturing on polillca) economy to tho worklng-mon of London, 'i'he hall, which is a 'hall' in the academic sense, contains rooms for about 20 residents, chiefly Oxford and Cambridge graduates desirous of sharing the life and experiences of the E. end poor (comp. p. 100). It also contains drawing, dining, reading, and lecture rooms, a library, etc., in which numerous social meetings are held for the people of the neighbourhood. The warden is the Rev. Canon S. Barnctt, late vicar of St. .lude's. Thoso interested in work of this kind should write to the secretary for cards of admission. Toynbee Hall is also one of the centres of Ihe 'Universily Extension Lectures' scheme. A Loan Exhibition of Pictures, established by Mr. and Mrs. Barnctt in 1880, is held for a fortnight or three weeks every Kaster (10-10; free) in the schoolrooms adjoining St. .lude's. It generally contains some of the best works of modern English artists, and now ranks among the artistic 'evenls' of the year. In Whitechapel Road, '/j M. farther on, stands the London Hos pital (PI. R, 62; 800 beds; p. 99), behind which is the church of ay College for older stu dents of either sox, with courses in engineering, chemistry, and art; and Evening Classes in scientific, technical, and general subjects, attended by about 4000 students annually. — Popular exhibitions arc aunually held in Ihe grounds; and concerts and entertainments of various kinds arc given in the Queens' Hall on Mon., Thurs., and Sat. e\ enings (udm. id -6/« ft. high. The Moor, door posts, window-frames, and ceilings are of iron, and the shelves of slate. Since the completion of the structure the state papers, formerly kept in the Tower, the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey, Ihe Rolls Chapel in Chancery Lane, at Carlton Hide, and in the State Paper Ofiice in St. James's Park, have been deposited here. Here, for instance, are preserved the Domesday Book, in two parchment volumes of different sizes, containing the results of a statistical survey of England mado in 1086 by order of William the Conqueror; the deed of resignation of the Scottish throne by David Bruce in favour of Edward III. ; a charter grunted by Alphonso of Castilo on tbe marriage of Kdward I. with Eleanor of Castile; the treaty of peace between Henry VIII. and Francis 1., with a gold seal; various deeds of surrender of monasteries in England and Wales in favour of Henry VIII.; and an innumerable quantity of othor records. The business-hours are from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (on Sat. 2 p.m.), during which the Search Rooms are open to the public. Documents down to 1760 may be inspected gratis; the charge for copying is lid. -Is. (accord ing to date) per folio of 72 words, tlie minimum charge being 2j. Near the Holborn end of Chancery Lane, on the right, are South ampton Buildings, in which is situated the Government Patent Office (PI. R, 36, 36), recently rebuilt and extended into Staplo Inn. Hero all applications for the protection of inventions and designs are dealt with, as well as most of those for the protection of trade marks. In 1897 there were nearly 31,000 applications for patents (700 by women), over 19,000 for designs, and over 10,600 for trade marks. Adjacent, in Quality Court, is the 'Sale Branch', whero specifications of English patents from tho 17th cent, onwards may be purchased. For the Patent Office Library, see p. 20. To the barristers belong the four great Inns of Court, viz. the Temple (Inner and Middle) on the S. of Fleet Street (see p. 172), Lincoln's Inn in Chancery Lane, and Gray's Inn in Holborn. These 11. LINCOLN'S INN. 171 Inns are incorporations for the study of law, and possess by com mon law the exclusive privilege of calling to the Bar. Each is governed by its older members, who are termed Benchers. Formerly subsidiary to tho four Inns of Courl wore the nine Inns of Chancery, which now, however, have little beyond local connection with them, and are let out in chambers to solicitors, barristers, and the gen- oral public. These are Clifford's Inn, Clement's Inn, and Lyon's Inn (now the site of the Globe Thoafre), attached to the Inner Temple; New Inn and Strand Inn, to Ihe Middle Temple; Furnival's Inn and Thavies' Inn, to Lincoln's Inn; Staple Inn and Barnard's Inn (p. 124), to Gray's Inn. Serjeants' 7nn, Chancery Lane, was originally set apart for the use of the serjeanls-at-law, whose name is derived from the 'fratres servientes' of the old Knights Templar; but. tbe building is now used for other purposes. Sec 'The Inns of Court and Chancery', by W. J. Loftie. Lincoln's Inn (PI. R, 31, 32; II), the third of the Inns of Court in importance, is situated without the City, on a site once occupied by the mansion of the Earl of Lincoln and other houses. The Gatehouse in Chancery Lane was built in 1518 by Sir Thomas Lovell, whose coat-of-arms it bears. Ben Jonson is said to have been employed as a bricklayer iu constructing the adjacent wall about a century later (1617); but the truth of this tradition may well be doubted, since in 1617 Jonson was 44 years old and had written some of his best plays. The Chapel was erected by Inigo Jones in 1621-23, and contains good wood-carving and stained glass. Liko the Round Church of the Temple, this chapel was once used as a consultation-room by the barristers and tlieir clients. The New Hall, the handsome dining-hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the Tudor stylo, was completed in 1845 under the supervision of Mr. Hardwick, the architect. It contains a largo fresco of the School of Legislation, by G. F. Watts (1860), and a statue of Lord Eldon, by Westmacott. Tho Library, founded in 1497, is the oldest in London, and contains 25,000 vols, and numerous valuable MSS.; most of the latter were bequeathed by Sir Matthew Hale, a member of the Inn. Among its most prized contents is the fourth volume of Prynne's Records, for which the society gave 335/. — Sir Thomas More, Shaftesbury, Seidell, Oliver Cromwell, William Pitt, (Lord Erskine, Lord Mansfield, Lord Brougham, Canning, Benjamin Dis raeli, and W. E. Gladstone were once numbered among its members Thurloo, Cromwell's secretary, had chambers at No. 24 Old Square (to the left, on the groundfloor) in 1645-59, and the Thurloe papers were afterwards discovered here in the false ceiling (commemorative tablet on tho wall towards Chancery Lane). Among the preachers of Lincoln's Inn were Usher, Tillotson, Warburton, Heber, and Frederick Denison Maurice. — The Courl of Chancery, or, more correctly, under the Judicature Act of 1873, the 'Equity Division of the High Court of Justice', formerly held some of its sittings in Lincoln's Inn (comp. p. 176). Lincoln's Inn Fields, see p. 224. Chancery Lane ends at Holborn, at a point a little to the N. of which iB Gray's Inn (PI. R, 32; II), which formerly paid a ground- rent to the Lords Gray of Wilton and has existed as a school of law 172 11. TnE TEMPLE. since 1371. The Elizabethan Hall, built about 1560, contains fine wood-carving. Shakspeare's 'Comedy of Errors' was acted hero in 1694. During the 17th cent, the garden, in which a number of trees were planted by Francis Bacon, was a fashionable promenado ; but it is not now open to the public. The name of Lord Chancellor Bacon is the most eminent among those of former members of Gray's Inn; others are Sir William Gascoigne, who committed tho Prince of Wales (Henry V.) to prison, Thomas Cromwell, Lord Burleigh, Laud, and Sir Samuel Romilly. Comp. 'Chronicles of an Old Inn', by Andree Hope. Gray's Inn Road, an important but unattractive thoroughfare to the E. of Gray's Inn, runs to the N., passing Holborn Town Hall and the Royal Free Hospital, from Holborn to Euston Road (King's Cross Station, p. 54). Elm Street leads to the E. from this road to the Parcel Post Office (p. 119), on the site of the old Cold- bath House of Correction. The Temple (PI. R, 35; 11), on tho S. side of Fleet Street, formerly a lodge of the Knights Templar, — a religious and mili tary order founded at Jerusalem , in the 12th century , under Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, to protect the Holy Sepulchre, and pilgrims resorting thither, and called Templars from their original designation as 'poor soldiers of the Temple of Solomon' — became crown-property on the dissolution of the order in 1313, and was presented by Edward II. to Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. After Pembroke's death the Temple come into the possession of the Knights of St. John, who, in 1346, leased it to the students of common law. From that time to the present day tho building, or rather group of buildings, which extends down to the Thames, has continued to be a school of law. The Temple property passed into the hands of the Crown on the dissolution of the religious houses iu the reign of Henry VIII. (1541); but in 1609 it was declared by royal decree the free, hereditary property of the corporations of the Inner and the Middle Temple subject only to a rent-charge of 10/., which was extinguished in 1873. The Inner Temple is so called from its position within the precincts of the City; the Middle Temple derives its name from its situation between the Inner and the Outer Temple, the last of which was afterwards replaced by Exeter House (and later by Essex Houso). Tho name Outer Temple is now appropriated by a hand some block of offices and chambers directly opposite the new Law Courts (p. 176). Middle Temple Lane separates the Inner Temple on the east from the Middle Temple on the west. The Inner and the Middle Temple possess in common the *Temple Church, or St. Mary's Church, situated within the bounds of the Inner Temple. Adm., see p. 106; visitors knock at the door. This church is divided into two sections, the Round Church and 11. TEMPLE CHURCH. 173 the Choir. The Round Church, about 58 ft. in diameter, a Norman edifice with a tendency to the transition style, and admirably en riched, was completed in 1185. The choir, in the Early English style, was added, in 1240. During the Protectorate the ceiling paintings were whitewashed; and the old church afterwardshecame so dilapidated, that it was necessary in 1840-42 to subject it to a thorough restoration, a work which cost no less than 70,000/. The lawyers used formerly to receive their clients in the Round Church, each occupying liis particular post like merchants 'on change'. The incumbent of the Temple Church is called the Master of the Temple, an office once filled by the 'judicious Hooker', a bust of whom is placed in the S.E. corner of the choir. The present Master is tho Rev. Canon Ainger. A handsome Norman archway leads into the interior, which is a few steps below the level of the pavement. The choir, at the end of which are the altar and stalls (during divine service open to members of the Temple corporations and their friends only), and the Round Church (to which the public is admitted) are both borne by clustered pillars in marble. The ceiling is a fine example of Gothic decorative painting, carefully restored on the original lines. The pavement consists of tiles, in which the lamb with the cross (tho Agnus Dei), the heraldic emblem of the Templars, and the Pegasus, the arms of the Inner and Middle Temple respectively, continually recur. Most of the stained-glass windows are modern. In the Round Church are nine '"Monuments of Templars of the 12th and 13th centuries, consisting of recumbent figures of dark marble in full armour. One of the four on the S. side, under whose pillow is a slab with foliage in relief, is said to he that of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke (d. 1219), brother-in-law of King John, who filled the office of Regent during the minority of Henry HI. The monu ments are beautifully executed, but owe their fresh appearance to a 'restoration' by Richardson in 1842. In a recess to the left of the altar is a black marble slab in memory of John Selden (A. 1654), 'the great dictator of learning to the English nation'; and to the right is a fine recumbent effigy of a mitred ecclesiastic, discovered in the wall of the church during the restoration in 1840. The triforium, which encircles the Round Church, contains some uninteresting old monuments, but is not now open to the public. On the stair lead ing to it is a small penitential cell, prisoners in which could hear the service in the church by means of slits in the wall. Oliver Goldsmith (d. 1774), author of the 'Vicar of Wakefield', is buried in the Churchyard to the N. of the choir. — See 'The Temple Church and Chapel of St. Ann', by H. T. Baylis, Q. C. (2nd ed., London 1896). The well-kept Temple Gardens, once immediately adjacent to the Thames, but now separated from it by the Victoria Embank ment, are open to the puhlio on days and Iioutb determined from 174 11. TEMPLE CHURCH. time to time by the Benchers (ascertainable by enquiry at the gates or lodges). Here, according to Shakspeare, were plucked the white and red roses which were assumed as the badges of the houses of York and Lancaster, in the long and bloody civil contest, known as the 'Wars of the Roses'. Planlagenel. Great lords, and gentlemen, what means this silence? Dare no man answer in a case of truth? Suffolk. Within Ihe Temple hall we were too loud; The garden here is more convenient. Planlagenel. Since yon are tongue-tied and so loath to speak, In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts: Let him that is a true-born gentleman, And stands upon the honour of his birth, If he suppose that I have pleaded truth, From off this brier pluck a white rose with me. Somerset. Let him that is no coward, nor no flatterer, But dare maintain the party of the truth, Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me. Warwick. — This brawl to-day, Grown to this faction in the Temple Garden, Shall send, between tho red roso and the while, A thousand souls to death and deadly night. llenry VI., Part I; Act ii. Sc. 4. The Temple Gardens used to be famous for their Chrys anthemums, a brilliant show of which was held in November. The figure of a Moor (Italian; 17th or 18th cent.), bearing a sun-dial, waB brought from the garden of St. Clement's Inn. The flue Gothic *Hall of the Middle Temple, built in 1572, and used as a dining-room, is notable for its handsome open-work ceiling in old oak. The walls are embellished with the armorial hearings of the Knights Templar, and five large full-length portraits of princes, including an equestrian portrait of Charles I. The large windows contain the arms of members of the Temple who have sat in the House of Peers. Shakspeare's 'Twelfth Night' was acted in this hall during the dramatist's lifetime (Feb. 2nd, 1601-2). — The Library (40,000 vols.) is preserved in a modern Gothic building on the Bide next the Thames, which contains a hall 85 ft. long and 62ft. high. — The new inner Temple Hall, opened in 1870, is a handsome structure, also possessing a fine open-work roof. It is adorned with statues of Templars and Hospitallers by Armslead. The Library (50,000 vols.) occupies a commodious suite of rooms overlooking the Terrace so lovingly described by Charles Lamb. Oliver Goldsmith lived and died on the second floor of 2 Brick Court, Middle Temple Lane; Blackstone, the famous commentator on the law of England, lived in the rooms below him ; and Dr. John son occupied apartments in Inner Temple Lane, in a house now taken down. Charles Lamb was born in Crown Office Row (within the Temple) in 1776; from 1801 to 1809 he lived at 16 Mitre Court Buildings and from 1809 to 1817 at 4 Inner Temple Lane, but both houses have been torn down. 11. COURTS OF JUSTICE. 175 Tho list of eminent members of tho Inner Temple Includes the names of Littleton, Coke, Selden, Francis Beaumont, Lord Mansfield, and William Cowper. On that of the Middle Temple are the names of Raleigh, Pym, Clarendon, Ireton, Wycherley, Shadwell, Congreve, Burke, Sheridan, Blackstone, and Moore. At the W. end of Fleet Street risos the Temple Bar Memorial, with statues of the Queen and tho Prince of Wales at the sides and surmounted by the City Griffin and arms. This was erected in 1880 to mark the site of Temple Bar, a gateway formerly adjoining the Temple, between Fleet Street and the Strand, built by Wren in 1670. Its W. side was adorned with statues of Charles I. and Charles IL, its E. side with statues of Anne of Denmark and James I. The heads of criminals used to be barbarously exhibited on iron spikes on the top of tho gate. When the reigning sovereign visited the City on state occasions, he was wont, in accordance with an ancient custom, to obtain permission from the Lord Mayor to pass TempleBar. The heavy wooden gates were afterwards removed to relieve the Bar of their weight, as it had shown signs of weakness; and the whole erection was finally demolished early in 1878 , to permit of the widening of the street and to facilitate the enormous traffic. In Dec, 1888, the gate was re-erccted near one of the entrances of Theobalds Park, Waltham Cross, Herts, the seat of Sir H. B. Meux (see p. 403). Adjoining the site of Temple Bar, on tho S. side of Fleet Street, stands the large, new building of Child's Bank, which was in high repute in the time of tho Stuarts, and is the oldest banking-bouse in London but one. Drydcn, Pepys, Nell Gwynne, and Prince Ilupcrt were early customers of this bank. The Child family is still connected with the business. Next door to this house was the 'Devil's Tavern', noted as the home of the Apollo Club, of which Ben Jonson, Ilandolph, and Dr. Kenrick wore frequenters. Tho tavern was in timo absorbed hy Child's Bank, which also used the room over the main arch of Temple Bar as a storehouse. Immediately to the W. of Temple Bar, on the N. side of the Strand (p. 177), rise the Royal Courts of Justice, a vast and magnificent Gothic pile, forming a whole block of buildings, with a frontage towards the Strand of about 500 ft. The architect was Mr. G. E. Street, who unfortunately died shortly before the com pletion of his great work; » statue of him, by Armstead, has been placed on the E. side of the central hall. The Courts were formally opened on Dec. 4th, 1882, by Queen Victoria, in presence of the Lord Chancellor, the Prime Minister, and the other chief dignitaries of the realm. The building cost about 750,000/. and the site about 1,450,000/. The principal internal feature is the large central hall, 238 ft. long, 48 ft. wide, and 80 ft. high, with a fine mosaic flooring designed by Mr. Street. The building contains in all 19 court rooms and about 1100 apartments of all kinds. Wheu the courts are sitting, the general public are admitted to the galleries only, the central hall and the court-rooms being reserved for members of the Bar and persons connected with the cases. During the 176 11. COURTS OF JUSTICE. vacation the central hall ia open to the public from 11 to 3, and tickets of admission to the courts may he obtained gratis at tho superintendent's ofiice. For about a century and a half after the Norman Conquest the royal court of justice, which included the Exchequer aud the 'Curia Regis', followed tho King from place to place; but one of the articles of Magna Charta provided that the Common I'leas, or that branch of the court in which disputes between subjects wero settled, should be fi\ed at West minster. The accession of Edward I. found the Courts of Kind's Bench, Common liench, and Exchequer all sitting iu Westminster Hall. The Court of Chancery sat regularly in Westminster Hall as early as tho reign of Edward II., hut was afterwards removed to Lincoln's Inn. This separation of common law and equity proved very inconvenient to the attorneys and others, and the Westminster courts became much too small for the business carried on in thein. It was accordingly resolved to build a largo new palace of justice to roceive all tho suporlor courts, and the site of the present Law Courts was iixed upon in 1807. The work of building actually began in 1874. The Judicature Act of 1873 provided that tlie same rule of law should be enforced in the historically independent Courts of Common Law and Equity, and united all the superior tribunals of the country into u Supremo Court of Judicature, subdivided into a court of original jurisdiction (the High Court of Justice, with the two divisions of M^ueen'a llcnrh' and 'Chancery ) and a court of appellate juris diction (the Court of Appeal). The House of Lord still remains tlie ulti mate Court of Appeal, exercising its jurisdiction through its legal members — the Lord Chancellor, peers who have held the position of Lord Chan cellor, and certain law-lords holding life-peerages. II. THE WEST END. 12. Strand. Somerset House. Waterloo Bridge. St. Clement Danes. The Roman Bath. King's College. St. Mary le Strand. Savoy Chapel. Savoy Palace. Society of Arts. National Life Boat Institution. Eleanor's Cross. The Strand (PI. K, 26, 31, and//; so named from its skirting the bank of the river, which is now concealed by the buildings), a broad street containing many handsome shops, is the great artery of traffic between the City and the West End, and one of the busiest and most important thoroughfares in London. It was unpaved down to 1532, and about this time it was described as 'full of pits and sloughs, very perilous and noisome'. At this period many of the mansions of the nobility and hierarchy stood here, with gardens stretching down to the Thames (comp. p. 91). The names of several streets and houses still recall these days of bygone magnificence, but the palaces themselves have long since disappeared or been converted to more plebeian uses. Ivy Bridge Lane andStrand Bridge Lane com memorate the site of bridges over two water-courses that flowed into the Thames here, and there was a third bridge farther to theE. The Strand contains a great many newspaper-offices and theatreB. Just beyond the site of Temple Bar (p. 175), to which its name will doubtless long attach, on the (N.) right, rise the new Law Courts (p. 176). The church of St. Clement Danes, in the centre of the Strand, was erected in 1681 from designs by Wren and restored in 1808. The tower, 115 ft. in height, was added by Gibbs in 1719. Dr. Johnson used to worship in this church, a fact recorded by a tablet on the back of the pew. The church is said to bear its name from being the burial-place of Harold Harefoot and other Danes. To the N. of St. Clement Danes is Clement's Inn (p. 171), now connected with the Temple, and named after St. Cle ment's Well, once situated here, but removed in 1874. Shallow (Henry IV., Part II) reminds us that he 'was once of Clement's Inn', when he was known as 'mad Shallow' and 'lusty Shallow'. From this point Wych Street, containing the Olympic Theatre (p. 65) and an entrance to New Inn (p. 171), leads to Drury Lane. Between Wych Street and the Strand lies Holywell Street (p. 178). — In Newcastle Street is the Globe Theatre (p. 64). Essex Street, Arundel Street, Norfolk Street, and Surrey Street, diverging to the left, mark the spots where stood the mansions of the Earl of Essex (Queen Elizabeth's favourite) and the Earl of Arundel and Surrey (Norfolk) ; and they all lead to the Thames Baedekkr's London. 11th Edit. 12 178 12. SOMERSET HOUSE. Embankment. Peter the Great resided in Norfolk Street during his visit to London in 1698, William Penn once lived at No. 21, and Mrs. Lirriper's famous lodgings were in the same street. In Devereux Court, to the E. of Essex Street, is a bust of Lord Essex said to be by Colley Cibber and to mark the site of the Grecian Coffee House. George Sale (1680-1736), the translator of the Koran, as well as Congreve (d. 1729), the dramatist, lived and died in Surrey Street. Beyond Surrey Street, on the left, is the Strand Theatre (p. 64), nearly opposite which is the Opera Comique (p. 04). At No. 5 Strand Lane, the narrow opening to the left of the Strand Theatre, is an ancient Roman Bath, about 13 ft. long, 6 ft. broad, and4'/2ft. deep, one of the few relics of the Roman period in London (open to visitors on Sat., 11-12). The bricks at the side are laid edgewise, and the flooring consists of brick with a thin coating of stucco. At the point where the water, which flows from a natural spring, has washed away part of the stucco covering, the old pavement below is visible. The clear, cold water probably flows from the old 'Holy Well', situatod on tho N. side of the Strand, and lending its namo to Holywell Street (behind the Opo"ra Comique), which is chiefly occupied by book-shops of a low class. The Uoman antiquities found here are preserved in the British Museum (p. 315). Close by, on the right of the passage, is another bath, said to have been bnilt by the Earl of Essex about 1588; it is supplied by a pipe from the Roman bath. At No. 36 Holywell Street is a survivor of tho ancient signs with which every shop in London used to he provided (a crescent moon with a face in the centre). King's College , the large pile of buildings adjoining Strand Lane on the W., built by Smirke in 1828, forms the E. wing of Somerset House (see below). It includes a School for boys as well as a College with departments for theology, literature, medicine, etc. Among its distinguished students were Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Prof. Cayley, Prof. Thorold Rogers, and Dean Farrar. The Museum contains a collection of models and instruments, including ap paratus used by Daniell, Faraday, and Wheatstone. In the Strand we next reach, on the N. side, the church of St. Mary le Strand , built by Gibbs in 1717, on the spot where stood iu olden times the notorious Maypole, the May-day and Sun day delight of youthful and other idlers. It waB called St. Mary's after an earlier church which had been demolished by Protector Somerset to mako room for his mansion of Old Somerset House (see p. 179). Thomas Becket was rector of this parish in the reign of King Stephen (1147). — Drury Lane, a Btreet much iu need of improvement, and containing the theatre of the same name (p. G4), leads N. from this point to Oxford Street and the British Museum. Farther on, on theS. side of the Strand, rises the stately facade of Somerset House (PI. It, 31 ; 11), 150 ft. in length. The present large quadrangular building was erected by Sir William Chambers 12. WATERLOO BRIDGE. 179 in 1776-86, on the site of a palace which the Protector Somerset began to build in 1549. The Protector, however, was beheaded (p. 159) before it was completed, and the palace fell to the Crown. It was afterwards the residence of Anne of Denmark, consort of James I., of Henrietta Maria, the queen of Charles I., and of Cath arine of Braganza, the neglected wife of the second Charles. Inigo Jones died here In 1652. The old building was taken down in 1766, and the present edifice, now occupied by various public offices, erected in its stead. The imposing principal facade to wards the Thames, 780 ft. in length, rises on a terrace 50 ft. broad and 50 ft. high , and is now separated from the river by the Victoria Embankment. The quadrangular court contains a bronze group by Bacon, representing George III. leaning on a rudder, with the English lion and Father Thames at his feet. The two wings of the building were erected during the present cent. : the eastern, containing King's College (p. 178), by Smirke, in 1828; the western, towards Wellington Street, by Pennethorne, in 1854-56. The sum expended in constructing the latter alone was 81,000J. ; and the cost of the whole building amounted to 500,000J. At Somerset House no fewer than 1600 offlcialB are em ployed, with salaries amounting in the aggregate to 350,000!. The building Is said to contain 3600 windows. The puhlio offices established here include the Audit Office ; the Inland Revenue Office, in the new W. wing, where stamps are issued and public taxes and excise duties received; the Office of the Registrar- General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages ; and the Probate Registry. The last, to which Doctors' Commons Will Office (p. 151) was transferred in 1874, is tho great repository of testamentary writings of all kinds. The Contral Hall (open daily, 10-3) contains an interesting collec tion of wills, including those of Shakspeare, Holbein, Van Dyck, Newton, and Samuel Johnson. The will of Napoleon I., executed at St. Helena, used to be kept here, hut was handed over to tho French in 1853. The registers of wills go back to the 14th century. Tho lowest recorded amount of personalty is Is. Id., in a will of 1882. Visitors are allowed to read copies of wills previous to 1700, from which also pencil extracts may be made. For showing wills of a later date a charge of Is. is made. A fee of Is. is also charged for searching the calendars. No extracts may be made from these later wills, but offlcial copies may he procured at 8d. per folio pago. > On the W. side of Somerset House is Wellington Street , lead ing to *WaterIoo Bridge. This bridge, one of the finest in the world, was built by John Rennie for a company in 1811-17, at a cost of over 1,000,000*. It is 460 yds. long and 42 ft. broad, and rests upon 9 arches, each of 120 ft. span and 35 ft. high, and borne by granite buttresses. It commands au admirable view of the W.'v,part' of Loudon between Westminster and St. Paul's, of the 12* 180 12. SAVOY CHAPEL. Thames Embankment, and of the massive but well-proportioned facade of Somerset House. In 1878 the bridge was sold to the Metropolitan Board of Works for 475,000*. and opened to the public toll-free. — Waterloo Bridge Road, on the S. side of the river, leads to Waterloo Station (p. 57). On the N. side of the Strand we next observe several theatres, including the Gaiety (p. 64) and the Lyceum (p. 64). Beyond these, between Burleigh Street and Exeter Street (commemorating Exeter House, the residence of Queen Elizabeth's Lord Chancel lor), is Exeter Hall, marked by its Corinthian portico, and capable of containing 6000 porsons. It is the property of the Young Men's Christian Association and used for the advocacy of religious and philanthropic movements (the largo annual 'May Meetings' of var ious religious societies being held here). To the left is Savoy Street, leading to the Savoy Chapel, de dicated to St. John the Baptist , and built in tho Porpendicular style in 1505-11, during the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., on the site of the ancient Savoy Palace. Tho chapol, created one- of tho Chapels ltoyal l>y George HI. arid nnw a 'Royal Peculiar' attached tu the Duchy of Lancaster, was seriously injured by tire in 1864, but restored at the expense of Queen Victoria. The handsome wooden ceiling ia modern. Bishop Gavin Douglas of Dunkeld (d. 1522), the poetical translator of Virgil, is buried in the chancel (with brass), and George Wither (d. 1GGT), the poet, was also buried here. Fine stained glass. Savoy Palace was first built in 12-15 , and was given by Hour) II). to i'eter, Count of Savoy, the unclu of his qucun, Kleanur uf Provence. The captive King John of France died here in 13G4, and Chaucer was probably married here when the palace was occupied by John of Gaunt. It lay between the present chape) and the river, but has entirely disappeared. At the Savoy, in the time of Cromwell, the Independents adopted a Confession of Faith , and here the celebrated 'Savoy Con ference' for the revision of the Prayer Book was held, when Baxter, Calamy, and uthers represented the Nonconformists. The German chapel which used to stand contiguous to the Savoy Chapel was removed in widening Savoy Street, which now forms a thoroughfare to the Thames Embankment. The French Protestants who conformed to the English church had a chapel heie from the time of Charles II. till 1737. See Memorials of the Savoy, by the Rev. W. 3. Loftie (Macmillan; 187S). Farther on, to the left, is Terry's Theatre (p. 65), beyond which Beaufort Buildings leads to the Savoy Theatre (p. 04). At No. 13 Cecil Street, to the left (now almost wholly engulfed by the Hotel Cecil), Sir W. Congreve (d. 1828), the inventor of tho Congreve Rocket, resided and made his experiments, firing the rockets across the Thames. Edmund Kean (1787-1833) lived at No. 21 in the same street. A little to the N. of this part of the Strand lies Covent Garden Market (p. 227). On the right, between Southampton Street and Bedford Street, is the Vaudeville Theatre (p. 64); beyond it, the Adelphi Theatre (p. 64). In Bedford Street is a store of the Civil Service Supply Association (p. 32). To the S. of the Strand, opposite the Adelphi Theatre, is the region known as 'the Adelphi', built by four brothers called Adam, .12. SOCIETY OF ARTS."' 181 whose names are commemorated in Adam St., John St., Robert St., James St., and William St., and in the Adelphi Terrace. In John St. rises the building of the Sooiety of Arts (PI. R, 30; II), an association established in 1754 for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, which took a prominent part in promoting the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862. The large hall (open daily, 10-4, except Wednes day and Saturday) contains six paintings by Barry (1777-83), re presenting the progress of civilisation. No. 14 in the same street ia the headquarters of the Royal National Life Boat Institution, founded in 1824 and supported entirely hy voluntary contributions. This society now possesses a fleet of 295 life-boats stationed round the British coasts, and in 1897 was instrumental in saving 659 lives and 30 vessels. The total number of lives saved through the agency of the Institution from its foundation down to 1898 was 40,744. The expenditure of the society in 1897 was 78,698*. The average cost of establishing a life-boat station is 1050*., and the annual expense of maintaining it 100*. — Adelphi Terrace, over looking the Thames and the Embankment, contains the house (No. 4) in which David Garrick died in 1779 (tablet). Nos. 6 and 7 in this terrace are ocoupied by the Savage Club; No. 8 by the Irish Literary Society; No. 10 by the School of Economics and Poli tical Science (founded in 1896) ; and No. 5 by the Royal Statistical Society. The arches below the terrace were once a resort of bad characters of various kinds, but are now enclosed as wine-cellars. — On tho right, where King William Street joins the Strand, stands tho Charing Cross Hospital; and in King William Street is the Ophthalmic Hospital. A little farther on, to the right, is the Lowther Arcade(p. 31), and on tho left is Coults's Hank, a very noted firm, with which the royal family has banked for nearly 200 years. The names of several streets on the S. side of the Strand here (George, Villiers, Duke, Buckingham) refer to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who once owned their site (comp. p. 147). 'Of Lane has disappeared. At the W. end of the Straud, on the left, is Charing Cross Station (with a large Hotel, p. 7), the West End terminus of the South-Eastern Railway (p. 56) , built by Barry on the site of Hungerford Market, where the mansion of Sir Edward Hungerford stood until it was burned down in 1669. In front of it stands a mod ern copy of Eleanor's Cross, a Gothic monument erected in 1291 by Edward I. at Charing Cross, near the spot where the coffin of his consort was Bet down during its last halt on the way to Westminster Abbey. The original was removed by order of Parliament in 1647. The river is here crossed by the Charing Cross Railway Bridge, on one side of which is a footway (freed from toll in 1878; the most direct route to Waterloo Station). — To the E. of the station is Villiers Street, which descends to the Embankment Gardens (p. 147) aud to the Charing Cross Station (p. 60) of the Metropolitan District 182 13. TRAFALGAR SQUARE. Railway. — Benjamin Franklin lived at No. 7 Craven Street (denoted by a memorial tablet), to the W. of the station. 13. Trafalgar Square. Nelson Column. St. Martin's in the Fields. Charing Cross. "Trafalgar Square (PI. R, 20; II, IV), one of the finest open places in London and a great centre of attraction, is, bo to speak, dedicated to Lord Nelson, and commemorates his glorious death at the battleofTrafalgar (22nd Oct., 1805), gainedby the English fleet over the combined armaments of France and Spain. By this victory Na poleon's purpose of invadingEngland was frustrated. The ambitious Emperor had assembled at Boulogne an army of 172,000 iufantry and 9000 cavalry, and also 2413 transports to convey his soldiers to England, but his fleet, which he had been building for many years at an enormous cost, and which was to have covered his passage of the Channel, was destroyed by Nelson at this famous battle. The Admiral is, therefore, justly revered as the saviour of his country. In the centre of the square rises the massive granite Column, 145 ft. in height, to the memory of the hero. It is a copy of one of the Corinthian columns of the temple of Mars Ultor, the avenging god of war , at Rome, and is crowned with a Statue of Nelson, by Baily , 17 ft. in height. The pedestal is adorned with reliefs in bronze , cast with the metal of captured French cannon. On the N. face is a scene from the battle of Aboukir (1798) ; Nel son, wounded in the head, declines to be assisted out of his turn by a surgeon who has been dressing the wounds of a common sailor. On the E. side is the battle of Copenhagen (1801) ; Nelson is re presented as sealing upon a cannon the treaty of peace with the conquered Danes. On the S. is the death of Nelson at Trafalgar (21st Oct., 1805); beside the dying hero is Captain Hardy, com mander of the Admiral's flag-ship. Below is Nelson's last sig nal: 'England expects every man will do his duty'. On the W. side is a representation of Nelson receiving the sword of the Span ish commander after the battle of St. Vincent (1797). — Four colossal bronze lions , modelled by Sir Edwin Landseer (A. 1871) in 1807, couch upon pedestals running out from the column in the form of a cross. — The monument was erected in 1843 by voluntary con tributions at a total cost of about 45,000*. Towards the N. side of the square, which is paved with asphalt, are two fountains. A Statue of Sir Henry Havelock, the deliverer of Luckuow (d. 1857), by Behnes, stands on the E. (Strand) side of the Nelson Column, and a Statue of Sir Charles James Napier, the conqueror of Scinde (d. 1853), by Adams, on the other. The N.E. corner of the square is occupied by an Equestrian Statue of George I V., in bronze, by Chantrey. Betwoen the fountains is a Statue of Gen eral Gordon (A. 1886), by Homo Thornycroft, erected in 1888. 13. CHARING CROSS. 183 On the terrace on the N. side of the square rises the National Gallery (p. 184), adjoined by tho National Portrait Gallery (p. 210). Near it, on the 15., is the church of St. Martin in the Fields, with a noblo Grecian portico, erected in 1721-26 by Gibbs, on the sito of an earlier church. The tower and spire are 185 ft. high. Nell Gwynno (d. 1687), Farquhar the dramatist (d. 1707), Roubiliac the sculptor (d. 1762), and James Smith (d. 1839), one of the authors of 'Rejected Addresses', were buried in tho churchyard. Adjoining Morley's Hotel, on the E. side of the square, is the build ing of tho Royal Humane Society, founded in 1774 for the rescue of drowning persons. This valuable society possesses a model house on the N. bank of the Serpentine iu Hyde Park, containing models of the best appliances for saving life, and apparatus for aiding bathers and skaters who may be in dangor. It also awards prizes and medals to persons who have saved others from drowning. Down to 1874 Northumberland House, the noble mansion of the Duke of Northumberland, with the lion of tho Percies high above the gates, roso on the S.E. side of Trafalgar Square. It was purchas ed in 1873 by the Metropolitan Board of Works for 497,000*., and was removed to make way for Northumberland Avenue, a broad new 6treet from Charing Cross to the Thames Embankment (comp. p. 147). The Grand Hotel (p. 7) occupies part of the site. Two other large hotels, the Hotel Metropole and the Hdtel Victoria, have been built on the opposite side of Northumberland Avenue. Next door to the Grand Hotel is the Constitutional Club, a handsome building of red and yellow terracotta in the style of the German Renaissance, hy Edis, erected in 1886. At the corner of Northumberland Avenue and Whitehall Place, facing the Thames, is the magnificent build ing of the National Liberal Club, hy Waterhouse, opened in 1887. One of the most attractive features of this imposing edifice is the spacious flagged terrace overlooking the Embankment Gardens and the river ; another is the grand staircase. On the W. side of Trafalgar Square, between Cockspur Street and Pall Mall East, is the Union Club (p. 102), adjoining which is the Royal College of Physicians, built by Smirke in 1825, and containing a number of portraits and busts of celebrated London physicians. Charing Cross (PI. R, 26, and IV; probably bo called from the village of Cherringe which stood here in tho 13th cont.), on the S. side of Trafalgar Square, between the Strand and Whitehall, is the principal point of intersection of tho omnibus lines of the West End, and tho centre of tho 4 and 12 miles circles on tho Post Offlco Di rectory Map. The Equestrian Statue of Charles I. , by Le Sueur, which stands here, is remarkable for the vicissitudes it has undergone. It was cast in 1633, but had not yet been erected when the Civil War broke out. It was then sold by the Parliament to a brazier, named John Rivet, for the purpose of being melted down, and this worthy sold pretended fragments of it both to friends and foes of the 184 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. Stuarts. At the Restoration, however, the statue was [produced uninjured, and in 1674 it was erected on the spot where Eleanor's Cross (p. 181) had stood down to 1647. In Hartshorn Lane, an adjoining street, Ben Jonson, when a boy, once lived with his mother and her second husband, a bricklayer. Chaeinq Cross Road (PI. R, 27), a great and much needed thoroughfare from Charing Cross to Tottenham Court Road, cuts through a number of low streets and alleys to theN. of St. Martin's Church. At the S. end of this street, to the left, is the new National Portrait Gallery (p. 216), and to the right are a Savings Bank, the St. Martin's Vestry Hall and Public Library, and the Garrick The atre (p. 05). Farther up are some large blocks of Industrial Dwell ings , and the Welsh Presbyterian Chapel (on tho loft). The road theu expands iuto Cambridge Circus, in which is the handsome facade of the Palace Music Hall (p. 66), erected as the Royal Eng lish Opera House in 1891. In the section of Charing Cross Road to the N. of the Circus is the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Soho, on the site of the first Greek church in Loudon (1677), part of which is still standing (see Greek inscription over the W. door). The church, which was afterwards occupied by a French congregation, contains some old stained glass and a good Crucifixion, in marble, by Miss Grant. Adjoining are schools for 600 children, used hy the Board Schools by day and by the Vicar for technical and other classes in the evening. — Siiai-teshuky Avenue, another wide street open ed in 1886, runs from Piccadilly Circus , past the Lyric and the Shaftesbury Theatres (p. 06), to meot Charing Gross Road at Cam bridge Circus, and is prolonged to New Oxford Street opposite Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 14. The National Gallery. Among the buildings round Trafalgar Square the principal in point of size, although perhaps not in architectural merit, is the "National Gallery (PI. R, 26; 11), situated on a terrace on the N. side, and erected in 1832-38, at an original cost of 96,000*., ou the site of the old King's Mews. The building, designed by Wilkins, is in the Grecian style, and has a facade 460 ft. in length. The Gallery was considerably altered aud enlarged in 1800; an extensive ad dition (including the central octagon) was made by Mr. E. M. Barry in 1876; and five other rooms, including a gallery 86 ft. long, were opened in 1887. At tho back of the National Gallery is the new National Portrait Gallery (p. 216). The nucleus of the National Gallery, which was formed hy Act of Par liament in 1824, consisted solely of the Angerstcin collection of 38 pictures. It has, however, been rapidly and greatly extended hy means of dona tions, legacies, and purchases, and is now composed of some 1500 pictures, ahout 11U0 of which are exhibited in the 22 rooms of the Gallery, while the others are lent to provincial collections. Among the most important additions have been the collections presented or bequeathed by Robert 14. NATIONAL GALLERY.' 185 Vernon (1847), 3. M. TV. Turner (1856), ond Wynn Ellis (1876); and the Pee] collection, bought in 1871. For a long period port of the building was occupied by the Royal Academy of Arts, which, however, was removed to Burlington House (p. 2711) in 1809. Ninety paintings by British artists born ador 1790 were trnnsferrcd to the Tato Gallery (p. 269) in 1897; and there are other national collections at South Kensington (p. 347) and at Hertford House (p. 282). — In 1897 the National Gallery was visited on the free days by 42'J,421 persons, being a daily average of 2055, in addition to 32,876 visitors on 26 Sun. afternoon*, and on the pay-days (Thurs. and Frid.) by 39,358 perrons, besides 20,215 students. From the number of artists represented the collection in the National Gallery is exceedingly valuable to students of the history of art. The older Italian masters are especially important. The catalogues prepared by Mr. Wornum (d. 1877), the late keeper of the Gallery, and re-issued with corrections ond additions by Sir F. W. Burton in 1889 (Foreign Schools Is., abridgment 6d.; British. School 6d.), comprise short biographies of the different artists. The 'Pall Mall Gazette Guide to the National Gallery' (6d. ; sold ontside tbe doors) contains a descriptive catalogue aud a scheme for studying the gallery in a series of twelve 'half-holidoy visits'. Mr.E. T. Cook's 'Popular Handbook to the National Gallery' (Macmillan & Co., 5th ed., 1897) includes an interesting collection of notes on the pictures by Mr. Euskin and others. Mr. Cosmo Monkhouse's 'In the National Gallery' (1895) may also be consulted. Each picture is inscribed with the name of the painter, the year of bis birlh and death, the school to which ho belongs, and the subject represented. In a few instances this Handbook differs from the Catalogue in its ascriptions of authorship. — The present director is Sir E. J. Poynter, R. A., and the keeper and secretary is Mr. Turner. — Photographs of the paintings, by Morelli, are sold in the gallery at prices ranging from is. to 10.*. OtheTS, and perhaps belter, may be found at Deighton's, 4 Grand Hotel Buildings (on the other side of Trafalgar Square), at HanfstacngeVs, 26 Pall Mall East, and at the Autotype Fine Art Gallery, 74 New Oxford Street. Admission to the Gallery, Bee p. 106. Thursday and Friday are students' days and should be avoided by the ordinary visitor, as the crowds of easels preclude a satisfactory view of the pictures. The Gallery is closed for cleaning on the Thursday, Friday, and Satur day before Easter Sunday. Sticks and umbrellas are left at the entrance (no charge). The pictures are arranged in schools , with as close adherence as possible to a chronological order. The main staircase facing us as we enter ascends to Room I, in which begins the series of Italian works. The staircase to the left leads to the British Schools ; that on the right to the French and Spanish Schools. The Hall contains a marble statue of SirDavidWilkie (d. 1841), with his palette let into the pedestal, by Joseph, and busts of the painters "W. Mulready (d. 1863) and Th. Stothard (d. 1834), hy Weekes. On the walls are two large landscapes with cattle by James Ward, the Battle of the Borodino by Jones, a forest-scene hy Salva- tor Rosa, aud a cast of a bust of Mantegna by Spcrandio. To the left is a staircase descending to a room containing Watercolour Drawings from paintings by early Italian and other masters, published and lent by the Arundel Society (soon to be removed). Other rooms contain copies of paintings by Velasquez at Madrid and by Rembrandt at St. Peters burg. To the right is a flight of steps (with a bronze bust of Napoleon at the top) descending to the collection of Turner's Water Colours (catalogue by Raskin, lj.), now occupying four rooms. 186 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. The Vestibule op the Main Staihoase is roofed by a glass dome and embellished with marble columns and panelling, of green 'cipollino', 'giallo antico', 'pavonazzetto ', etc. Here are hung several large paintings of the Bnrnsu School. To the left (W.) : Uuliuncu Hajj 1372. John J. Halls, Admiral Sir George Cockburn ; 780. Thomas Gainsborough, Family group ; Sir Henry Raeburn (Scottish School ; d. 1823), 1435. Portrait of Lieut. Col. McMurdo, 1140. Portrait of a lady; 1228. Fuseli (A. 1825), Titania and Bottom; 1102. Longhi, Andrea Tron, Procurator of St. Mark's, Venice (placed here tem porarily). To the right (E.) : 308. Gainsborough, Musidora ; *143. Reynolds, Equestrian portrait of Lord Ligouier; 681. Reynolds, Capt. Orme; 684. Gainsborough, Dr. Schomberg; 144. Sir Thomas Lawrence (A. 1830), Benjamin West, the painter; 677. Sir Martin Shee (A. 1850), Portrait of the actor Lewis as the Marquis in the 'Midnight Hour'. — The North Vestibule (see Plan), iu the centre of which is an antique head of the Hying Alexander, in porphyry, is now devoted mainly to the works of the Early Tuscan School, chiefly of historical interest. To the right: 276. School of Giotto (A. 1336), Two Apostles; 1456. Italian School, Virgin and Child with angels; 564. Margarilone (Arezzo; 1215-93), Virgin and Child; 681. Spinello Aretino (Tuscan School; d. 1410), Three saints; 508. School of Giotto, Coronation of the Virgin; 579. School of Taddeo Gaddi (A. 1306; chief scholar of Giotto), Baptism of Christ. To the left: 569. Andrea Orcagna (A. 1376), Coronation of tho Virgin, with saints (largo altar-piece from Sail Piotro Maggiore iu Florence; school-piece); Spinello Aretino, 1468. Crucifixion, 1210-1216 B. Fragments of frescoes; 1437. Barnabe da Modena, Descent of the Holy Ghost. Also, eleven interesting Greek portraits of the 2nd and 3rd cent, from mummies found in the Fayilm. Room I is devoted to the Tuscan Schools (16-lCth cent.). — To the left : 246. Girolamo del Pacchia (A. after 1535), Madonna and 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. 187 Child; 218. Baldassare Peruzzi (Siena ; d. 1567), Adoration of the Magi (said to give portraits of Titian, Michael Angelo, and Raphael); 1124. Filippino Lippi (pupil of B6tticelli; d. 1604), Adoration of the Magi (school-piece): 1301. Tuscan School, Savonarola (on the back, his martyrdom); 646. Albertinelli (A. 1515), Virgin and Child; 704. Angelo di Cosimo, called Bronzino (1502-72), Cosimo I., Duke of Tuscany; 1143. Iiidolfo Ghirlandajo (son of the- more famous Domenieo Ghirlandajo; 1483-1561), Christ on the way to Golgotha. *1034. Sandro Filipepi, called Botticelli (1447-1610), The Na tivity; to the left the Magi, to the right the Shepherds, in front shepherds embraced by angels. The subject is conceived in a manner highly mystical and symbolical. At the top of the picture is a Greek inscription to the following effect: 'This picture I, Alessandro, painted at the end of the year 1500, in the (troubles) of Itoly in the half-time after the time during the fulfilment of the eleventh of St. John in the second woe of the Apocalypse, in the loosing of the devil for three years and a half. Afterwards he shall be chained and we shall see him trodden down as in this picture'. 248. Fra Filippo Lippi (A. 1496), Vision of St. Bernard; *592. Ascribed to Filippino Lippi, Adoration of the Magi, in the manner of Botticelli; 809. In the manner of Michael Angelo, Madonna and Child, with John the Baptist and angels (unfinished) ; 727. Pesel- lino (A. 1457), Trinita; 790. Michael Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Entombment (unfinished and youthful work; in tempera, on wood). *296. School of Verrocchio, Virgin adoring the Infant Christ, with angels. This painting is executed with great carefulness, but the conception bf the forms and proportions is hardly worthy of a mastor of the first rank, such as Verrocchio, to whom some critics assign the work. 781. Tuscan School, Tobias and the Angel; 1194. Marcello Venusti (followor of Mlcliaol Angolo; d. ca. 1570), Jesus expelling the money-changers from the Temple; 8. After Michael Angelo, A dream of human life. — *292. ./Int. Pollajuolo (A. 1498), Martyrdom of St. SebaBtian. This picture was painted in 1475 for the altar of the Pncci chapel, in the church of San Sehnstiano de' Servi at Florence, and according to Vosari is tbe artist's masterpiece. Tho head of the saint, which is of great beauty, is the portrait of a Capponi. 1150. Ascribed to Jacopo Pontormo (1494-1667), Portrait of t man; *593. Lorenzo di Credi (Florence, pupil of Verrocchio at tho same time as Leonardo da Vinci; d. 1537), Madonna and Child; 21. Crislofano Allori (1577-1621), Portrait; 648. Lorenzo di Credi (1459-1537), Virgin adoring the Infant (in his best style); "293. Filippino Lippi, Madonna and Child, with SS. Jerome and Dominic, an altar-piece with predella (rich landscape); 1323. Bronzino, Piero de' Medici. 1131. Pontormo, Joseph and his Brethren ; according to Vasari, the boy seated on the steps, with a basket, is a portrait of Bronzino. 650. Bronzino, Portrait. *1093. Ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci (1462-1519), Madonna and Child, with John the Baptist and an angel, resembling 'La 188 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. Vlerge aux Rochers' in the Louvre, bought from tho Earl of Suffolk in 1881 for 90001. 17. A. del Sarlo (the greatest master of the school; 1486-1531), Holy Family (school-piece); 049. Ascribed to Pontormo, Portrait of a boy, in the style of Bronzino (probably a youthful work of the latter) ; 1048. Italian School (here temporarily), Portrait of a Car dinal; Florentine School (15th cent.), Virgin and angel adoring the Infant Christ (lent by Mr. G. Salting) ; 589. Fra FU. Lippi, Virgin and Child; *690. Andrea del Sarto, Portrait, a masterpiece of chia roscuro; "'1282. Jwopo Chimenli da Kmyoll (1554-1610), San Ze- nobio restoring a dead child tu life; 098. l'iero di Cosimo (pupil of Cosimo Rosselli and teacher of A. del Sarto; d. ca. 1521), Death of Procris, in a beautiful landscape. — 651. Bronzino, Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, an allegory. 'Bronzino painted a picture of remarkable beauty, which was sent into France to King Francis. In this picture was pouvtrayed a naked Venus together with Cupid, who was kissing her. On the one side were Pleasure and Mirth, with other Powers of Love, and on the other Deceit, Jealousy, and other Pulsions of Love.' — Vasari. G70. Bronzino, Knight of St. Stephen; Sandro Botticelli, *915. Mars and Venus, 782. Madonna and Child (in tempera, on wood); 1036. Franciabigio (A. 15241, A Knight of Malta; 027. Filippino Lippi, Angel; 620. Botticelli, Young man. On a Sokken: 1033. Filippino Lippi (more probably Botticelli; comp. No. 592, p. 187), Adoration of the Magi (iu a circular frame). Room II. Sienese anp other Tusoan Mastbhs. To the left: 1461. Afa((eodi'6riouanni(d.l495), St. Sebastian ; 1406. FraAngelico da Fiesole (A. 1455), Annunciation (school-piece); 591. Benozzo Gozzoli (pupil of FraAngelico; 1420-98), Rape of Helen (school- piece); 673-576 and (farther on) 576-578. Orcagna, Small pictures belonging to the large altar-piece, No. 669 (p. 186); *606. Fra Filippo Lippi, Annunciation, painted like No. 667 for Cosimo de' Medici and marked with his crest; 1216. Domenieo Veneziano (A. 1461), Madonna and Child; 667. Fra Filippo Lippi, John the Baptist and six other saints, seated on a marble bench (painted for Cosimo de' Medici; 1389-1464); 227. Cosimo Rosselli (A. 1507; school-piece), Various saints (names on the original frame); 760, 767. Dom. Veneziano, Saints (in fresco). — 283. Benozzo Gozzoli, Virgin and Child enthroned, with saints. 'The original contract for this picture, dated 23d Oct., 1461, is still preserved. The figure of the Virgin is in this contract specially directed to be made similar in mode, form, and ornaments to the Virgin En throned, in the picture over the high-altar of Sou Marco, Florence, by Fra Giovanni (Angelico) da Fiesole, aud now in the Academy there'. — Catalogue. *663. Fra Angelico, Christ with the banner of the Resurrection, surrounded by a crowd of saints, martyrs, and Dominicans, 'so beau tiful', says Vasari, 'that thoy appear to be truly beings of Paradise' ; 667. Segna di lluonventura (Sienese school; ca. 1310), Christ on the 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. 189 Cross; 586. Ascribed to Fra Filippo Lippi , Madonna enthroned; 1199. Florentine School of the 15lh cent., Madonna and Child, with John the Baptist and an angel. — *666. Duccio di Buoninsegna (founder of the school of Siena; d. ahout 1339), Madonna and Child. 'A genuine picture, which illustrates how well the master could vivify Byzantine forms with tender feeling'. 1156. Matteo di Giovanni da Siena (A. 1495), Assumption, tho Virgin throwing down her girdle as a proof to the incredulous St. Thomas; 1331. Bernardino Fungai (A. 1516), Virgin and Child sur rounded by cherubim ; 909. Benvenuto da Siena (ca. 1520), Madonna and Child; 927. Filippino Lippi, Angel adoring; 582. Fra Angelico (school-piece), The Magi. Room III. Tuscan Sciiools. To the left : School of Taddeo Gaddi, 215, 216. Saints; 594. Emmanuel (Greek priest; Byzantine School), SS. Cosmas aud Damian (ono of the earliest pictures in the Gallery in point of artistic development); 1196. Tuscan School, Amor and Castitas; 916. Botticelli (school-piece), Venus and Cupid; *583. Paolo Vccello (A. 1479), Cavalry engagement at S. Egidio (1416), one of the earliest Florentine representations of a secular subject; 1299. Dom. Ghirlandajo (?), Portrait of a youth (school- piece, miioh rostorod); 701. Justus of Padua (School of Giotto ; d. 1400), Coronation of the Virgin, dated 1367 (a small triptych, of cheerful, soft, and well-blended colouring); 598. Filippino Lippi (?), St. Francis in glory ; 565. Giov. Cimabue (1240-1302), Madonna and Child enthroned ('the early efforts of Cimabue and Giotto are the burning messages of prophecy, delivered by the stammering lips of infants' — Ruskin); 226. School of Botticelli, Madonna and Child, with John the tfaptist and angels with a rose-hedge in the back ground (fliio circular framo); 1412. Filippino Lippi, Virgin and Child, with the young John the Baptist; 896. Piero di Cosimo, Por trait of a warrior in armouT ; 276. Botticelli, Virgin and Child (a circular picture in a fine old frame); no number, Ghirlandajo, Costanza de' Medici (lent by Mr. Salting); 928. Ascribed to An tonio Pollajuolo, Apollo and Daphne. — 1126. Botticelli, Assump tion of tho Virgin. In the centre of the upper port of the picture is the Virgin, kneeling before the Saviour, while around are cycles or tiers of angels, apostles, soints, and seraphim. Below are the apostles gathered round the tomb of the Virgin, with portraits of the Palmieri, the donors of the altar-piece. Tho picture was probably executed by a pupil from a cartoon by Botticelli. In the background are Florence and Fiesole, with the Villa Palmieri. 680. Jacopo Landini di Casentino (A. ca. 1390), St. John the Evangelist lifted up into Heaven. Those who wish to continue their survey of the Italian schools should omit Room IV for the present ond pass on to Room V (p. 191). Room IV. Early Flemish School. The names of the artists are iu many cases doubtful. To the |Ieft: 721. J. van Schoreel or Scorel (d. 1662), Portrait; 190 14. NATIONAL GALLERY. 709. Flemish School, Virgin and Child ; *1432. Oheerardt David (early Flemish painter of Bruges; d. 1523), Mystic Marriage of St. Catharino, with the kneeling donor to the left; 946. Joachim Patinir (A. ca. 1524), Nun ; 1433. Flemish School (15th cent.), Portrait of a lady; 720. J. van Schoreel or Scorel (?) , Rest on the Flight into Egypt; 774. Flemish School (15th cent.), Virgin and Child enthron ed; 715. Patinir, Crucifixion ; 1419. Flemish School, Legend of St. Giles; *1045. Oheerardt David, Wing of an altar-piece, representing Canon Bernardino di Salviatis, a Florentine merchant in Flanders, with SS. Martin, Donatian, and Bernardino of Siena, a masterpiece. *686. Hans Memling or Memlinc (early Flemish master of Bruges ; d. ca. 1496), Virgin and Child enthroned. This is the only authentic work of this master in the gallery, and is marked by his peculiar tenderness of conception and vividness of tints. 711. Ascribed to Roger van der Wegden (A. 1464), Mater Dolo rosa. *222. Jan van Eyck (A. 1440; founder of tho early Flemish School), Portrait of a man. 'This is a panel in which minute finish is combined with delicate modelling and strong relief, and a brown depth of colour.' — C. & C. 696. Flemish School, Marco Barbarigo. *186. Jan van Eyck, Portraits of Giovanni Arnolilni and Jeanne de Ohenany, his wife. 'In no single instance has John van Eyck expressed with more per fection, by the aid of colour, the sense of depth and atmosphere ; he nowhere blended colours more carefully, nowhere produced more trans parent shadows Tho finish of the parts is marvellous, and tho preservation of the picture perfect'. — Crowe and Cavulcasclle, 'Early Flemish Painters'. 'Without a prolonged examination of this picture, it is impossible to form an idea of the art with which it has been executed. One feels tempted to think that in this little panel Van Eyck has set himself tu accumulate all manner of difficulties, ur rather of impossibilities, for the mere pleasure of overcoming them. The perspective, both lineal and aerial, is so ably treated, and the truthfulness of colouring is so great, that all the details, even those reflected in the mirror, seem perspicuous and easy; and instead of the fatigue which the examination of so laborious and complicated a work might well occasion, we feel nothing save pleasure and admiration'. — Reiset, 'Gazette des Beaux Arts', 1878 (p. 7). The signature on this picture is 'Johannes do Eyck fuit hie' ('Jan van Eyck was here'). The inscription on No. 222 (sec above) is equally modest ; 'Als ich kan' ('As I can'). 719. Henrik met de Bles ('Henry with the forelock'; Flemish painter of the 16th cent.), Mary Magdalen. *290. Jan van Eyck, Portrait of a man, dated 1432. 'The drawing is careful, the painting blended lo a fault.' — C. hMepairing Roam. B Lasutory CLifY TZ&fp «¦ <180hCenltay>Z*ivin&s, Philosophers <£c 15 Statesmen, and Politicians 16 Jctors and Dramatists 17 Artists 18 ^Central Corridor) Statesmen, Pohtiaans 19 Artists, Hen. of Science BaynL Portraits A hepairing Boom. B Cupboard curt EutWin.£ 25 Literary, AftHtarr and Ifarul 26 Military and h'aral 27 SnentifU and Literary J> Service Boom. 28 Judges 2» f Corridor* MisaeZUuteauJ Portraits 30 (fourth. landing) £utVrm| 31 Sculpture CaMen : -Xtectrotrpcs 32 Sculpture and Models Basemen! 33 Bouse, of Commons A Board Room. H Secretary's Boom. C Library » Waiting Boom. B Trustees' Larntnry V Corridors fr J*traiuv Ball SL Bead. Porters Boom. Top Floor 7 Ut'li"ifi.J5Tv First FIoot Gr>OUTir| FlnnT. .16. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. 217 had unfortunately to bo built in three stories, and some of its thirty odd exhibition-rooms are 6mall and not too well lighted. The arrangement and numbering of the rooms are also somewhat puzzling ; and a careful study of the plan is necessary. The pictures, however, have been hung with great taste and judgment; on the upper floor a chronological order lias been adhered to, whilo downstairs the arrange ment is mainly by groups. The following selection of the most interesting works follows a chronological order as far as possible and begins on the top floor. The show-cases scattered throughout the rooms contain engravings, medals, autographs, and tho like. From an artistic point of view the finest paintings are in the earlier rooms, including specimens of Holbein, Van Dyck, Zucchero, More, Miere- vclt, Reynolds, Dohson, Kncllcr, Gainsborough, llomney, and others. The falling oil' is particularly noticeable in the royal portraits , those of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert comparing very poorly with those of (e.g.) the Tudor period. The line series of portraits by Mr. G. F. Watts (p. 222), however, does something to redeem the mediocrity of the Victorian era. TOP FLOOR. Room I (small) contains the earliest portraits of the collection. Portraits of Richard II. (1366-1400) and Henry I V. (1366-1413), by unknown masters. Facsimile of an ancient diptyoh representing Richard 11., at the age of fifteen, kneeling before the Virgin and Child. Portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400). TracingB of the portraits of Edward III. and his family ou the E. wall of St. Steph en's Chapol, Wostminstor (date, 1356), now destroyed. Boom II, chiefly containing portraits of the Tudor Period (1486- 1603). To the left, several portraits of the Plantagcnct period, ex ecuted nt a later date and of little artistic value. Tho best In that of Richard 111. (A. 1483), in the act of putting a ring ou his finger, probably by a Flemish painter. Henry VIII. at the age of fifty-three, an early-Flemish copy of the portrait by Luke nornebolt at War wick Castle ; Cardinal Wolsey, a crude performance, probably after an Italian original; *Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury (1489-1556), by Gcrbarus Flicius ; portraits of Latimer and Ridley; Edward VI., by a pupil of Holbein ; Lady Jane Grey, a small work by Lucas de Heere ; Sir Thomas More; Queen Mary I.; William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, probably by Sir Anthony More (Moro), a pupil of Schoreel ; Philip II. of Spain, hy Coello ; several portraits of Queen Elizabeth ; portraits of the Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Earl of Leicester; Sir Thomas Gresham (1519-79), founder of the Royal Exchange (p. 137), by More; Foxe (1516-87), author of the 'Book of Martyrs'; Sir Henry Union (A. 1596), a curious work with scenes from his life, by an unknown painter; portrait of the 'Judicious Hooker; Peter Martyr Vermilius of Florence (d. 1562), preacher of the Befonnation nt Oxford, by Hans Asper of Zurich; two portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots, one after Janet, the other by Oudry ; Mary of Lorraine, mother of Mary Stuart, long supposed to 218 15. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. be » portrait of the latter (so-called Fraser-Ty tier portrait); John Knox, the Scottish Reformer. Room III (Early Stuarts; 1603-49). King James I. (1567- 1625); oil-portrait of Shakspeare (the Chandos portrait). In the case below are an engraving from the first folio edition of the plays (1623), photographs of portraits of Mary Stuart, and some auto graph writings. Ben Jonson (A. 1637) ; James VI. of Scotland al the age of eight, by Zucchero; James I., iu the royal robes, by Van Somer; Lord Chancellor Bacon (1661-1626), by Van Somer; Michael Drayton, the poet (d. 1631); *Group of eleven statesmen, assembled at Somerset House in 1604 to ratify a commercial treaty between England, Spain, and the Netherlands, by Marcus Gheeraedts, a fine work ; Coke, the famous legal authority ; *Endymion Porter, confidant of Charles I. (1587-1649), by Dobson ; Countess of Pem broke, by Gheeraedts; Sir John Suckling; Sir Dudley Carlelon, Vis count Dorchester, and his wife, by Micrevelt; portraits of John Fletcher, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Harrington; Earl of Straf ford (A. 1641), alter Van Dyck; Two Cavaliers, by W. Dobson; Abp. Laud, after Van Dyck; Children of Charles I., early copy of a well-known work by Van Dyck; Charles I., by Old Stone, after Van Dyck; Sir Kenelm Digby (A. 1665), by Van Dyck; George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and his family, by Honthorst ; Sir Julius Caesar (see p. 139), by Van Somer; Selden, the antiquary; W. Dobson (1610-46), a follower of Van Dyck and the first native English portrait-painter of any eminence, hy himself. — Another case in this room contains an engraving oiQuyFawkes and other conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot, with good portraits taken from life. Room IV (Commonwealth ; 1649-60). *Portraits of Queen Eliza beth of Bohemia (A. 1662), by Honthorst and Micrevelt; Oliuer Cromwell, by Robert Walker; case with photographs of portraits of Oliver Cromwell; Ireton, by Walker; Oliver Cromwell at the age of fifty-eight, by an unknown painter; Milton, by Van der Plaas; por traits of Baxter, Marvel, Cocker (the arithmetician who lives iu the phrase 'according to Cocker'; comp. p. 368), and Sir Matthew Hale. Room V (Charles II. ; 1660-85). Portraits of Quarles, Samuel Butler, and the poet Waller; Inigo Jones, the architect (1573- 1652), by Old Stone, after Van Dyck; isaac Barrow , by Claude leFevre; John Owen; Thomas Hobbes, the philosopher (d. 1679), by J. M. Wright; Abp. Tillotson; Monk, Duke of Albemarle, by Sir Peter Lely ; Col. Blood (see p. 154), by Soest; William, Lord Russell; Algernon Sidney; Archbp. Sancroft; Sir Peter Lely , by himself; Dr. William Harvey (1578-1657), discoverer of the circulation of the blood; A. A. Cooper, first Earl of Shaftesbury; Prince Rupert, by Lely; Charles II., by Mrs. Beale; Wycherley ; several male por traits by Lely; Pepys, by John Hales; "'Duke of Buckingham (A. 1687), by Lely; 'Old Parr', the centenarian (see p. 264) , after Honthorst; Cowley; Dryden, by Kneller. 15. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. 219 Room VI (Charles JI. and James II. ; 1660-1688). Portraits of Nell Gwynne, Mary Davis, the actress, La Belle Hamilton, and other beauties, by Sir Peter Lely; the "Countess of Shrewsbury , by the same artist; Locke, the philosopher , by Brownover, after Kneller ; Saint Evremond , by Parmcntier; Mary of Modena , second wife of James II., hy Wissing; James II., by liiloy; Duchess of Cleveland, by Kneller; Duke of Monmouth, hy Lely; Boyle, by Kerseboom. Room VII (Busts and Engravings). Engravings of various worthies of the 17th century. Busts of Colley Cibber, attributed to Roubiliac (realistically painted), Cromwell, by E. Pierce and by an unknown artist (latter in bronze), and John Hampden (terracotta; artist un known). Room VIII (William III. ; 1688-1702). Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, by Kneller; Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), by Vanderbank; *Str Christopher Wren, the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral (1637-1723), by Kneller; tho Seven Bishops (p. 238), by an unknown artist; William III., by Wyck; Mary II., by Wissing; Earl of Halifax (1661-1715), Earl of Rochester (A. 1711), by Kneller. Room IX (Queen Anne; f702-14). Jonathan Swift (1667-1746), by C. Jervas; Congreve, by Kneller; Gay, unfinished sketch by Kneller; Joseph Addison (1672-1719), by Kneller; Alexander Pope (1688-1744), crayon by Hoare; Pope, by Richardson ; Bentley, hy Thornhill; Steele, by Richardson; Viscount Bolingbroke, tho states man (1678-1761), by H. Rigaud; Duke of Marlborough, by Closter- man, Wyck, and Kneller (the last treated allegorically); portraits of Queen Anne; Duchess of Marlborough, by Kneller; Bishop Berke- ley (1684-1763) , by Smibert; James Thomson, tho poet (d. 1748), by Paton ; Joseph Addison (sec above), by Dahl ; Matt. Prior (1664- 1721), tho port, hy Hudson, after Hiihardson. Room X (The Pretenders). President Duncan Forbes of Cullo- den (1685-1747); Prince James, tho Old Pretender (1688-1766), by Belle; Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender (1720-88), his wife, the Countess of Albany, and his brother, Cardinal York, three small portraits by Battoni; other portraits of the Pretenders and Card. York, by Largilliere, Battoni, and Raphael Mengs ; Dr. Isaac Walls, by Kneller. Room XI (George I. and II. ; 1714-60). Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), by Highmore; Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery, by Jervas; Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773), by Allan Ramsay, and another by Hoaro; Lord Lyttelton (1709-73); Chas. Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset, hy Kneller; Sir C. H. Williams, by Mengs ; Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, after Kneller; Thomas Gray, by Eccardt; Horace Walpole, by Eccardt, and another by Hone ; Sir Robert Walpole, by Van Loo; George Washington, by Gilbert Stuart; Wm. Hogarth , the painter (1697-1764), hy himself; Committee of the House of 'Commons (1729), by Hogarth; Simon ' Eraser , Lord Lovat, by Hogarth; Bust of W. Hogarth, by Roubiliac; Sir Hans 220 15. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Sloane (p. 292), by Slaughter ; Roubiliac, by Carpentiers ; Handel, the composer (d. 1759), by Hudson. Room XII (Corridor with large portraits). Pope and Martha Blount, by Jervas; James II., by Kneller; Henry, Prince of Wales (1694-1612), by Van Somer; William III., by Wyck; Warren Hastings (1733-1818), by Devis; Lord Mansfield, by Copley; Sir Wm. Hamilton (1740-1803), by Sir Joshua Reynolds; Shenstone, by Alcock. • — Bust of Thomas Gray, by Bacon. Room XIII (Staircase Landing ; Royal Portraits). Various royal portraits by Hudson, Jervas, etc. — Bust of Newton, by Baily. FIRST FLOOR. Room XIV (18th century; Divines, Philosophers, etc.). Ben jamin Franklin (1706-90), by Baricolo; Dr. Erasmus Darrein, by Wright of Derby; Arkwright, the inventor, by the same; George Whilefield, the preacher (d. 1770), by Woolaston ; Rev. Wm. Dodd, executed for forgery in 1777, by Russell; William Woodfall, the printer of the 'Letters of Junius', by Beach; John Howard, by Matthew Brown; John Wesley (1703-91), at the age of 63, by Hone, and another, at the age of 85, by Hamilton ; Bust of Wesley, by an unknown artist; Abp. Seeker, by Reynolds; Paley, by Beechey. Room XV (Statesmen and Politicians). * VV. Pulteney , Earl of Bath (1682-1764), by Reynolds, vigorously handled; Sir James Mackintosh (A. 1832), by Lawrence; J. P. Curran; Lord Chancellor Thurlow (1732-1806), by Lawrence, and another by Phillips; Wil liam Pill, first Earl of Chatham (d. 1778), by Hoare ; William Pitt ihe Younger (1769-1806), by Hoppner; R. B. Sheridan (A. 1816), by Russell; * Charles James Fox (1749-1800), by Hickol; Edmund" Burfce (d. 1797), by Reynolds ; Warren Hastings (1733-1818), by Sir Thos. Lawrence, and another by Tilly Kettle. — Busts of WtMiatn Pitt and Charles James Fox, by Nollekens; of Canning, by Chantrey , etc. Room XVI (Actors and Dramatists). David Garrick (1716-79), by Pine; Kemble (1767-1826), the tragedian, by Gilbert Stuart; Peg Woffinglon (1720-60), the actress, painted as she lay iu bed para lysed, by A. Pond ; Mrs. Siddons (A. 1831), by Beechey ; Oliver Gold smith (1728-74), by a pupil of Reynolds, a portrait familiar from numerous engravings ; Grimaldi, by Cawse. — Bust of Garrick (see above). Room XVII (Artists). Busts of Sir Charles Easllake, by Gibson; of Wm. Etty (A. 1849), by Noble; of Sir Thos. Lawrence (A. 1830), by Baily; of Benjamin West (A. 1820), by Chantrey. — Portraits of Angelica Kauffmann , by herself; Romney, by himself; Benjamin West, by Gilbert Stuart ; Sir John Soane (p. 225), by Jackson ; Gains borough, by himself; Reynolds, Chambers, and Willon, group by Bigaud ; Sir Joshua Reynolds, by himself; WiHtam Blake, by Phillips. XVIII, Central Coiuudob, (Statesmen, Politicians, etc). Lord 16. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. 221 Brougham, by Lonsdale; Sir Rowland Hill, by Vinter; Disraeli, by Millais ; Cobden by Dickinson ; John Bright, by Ouless. Room XIX (Artists, Men of Science, etc.). Portraits of Bewick, Landseer, Daniel Maclise (A. 1870), Chantrey (A. 1841), John Gibson the sculptor (1791-1861), and other artists. Family of Adam Walker, by Romney; Home, author of 'Douglas', by Raeburn; Charles Dibdin, by Phillips ; Macpherson ('Ossian'), by a pupil of Reynolds ; Henry Mackenzie, the 'Man of Feeling', by Raeburn ; Tobias Smollett (1721 -71); Smeaton, the engineer, by Rhodes; Sir William Hersche I ( 1738 -1822), by Abbott. Vi Room XX (Men of Science). Dr. Jenner (A. 1823), discoverer of the protective properties of vaccination, by Northcote; in front lies his work 'On the Origin of Vaccine Inoculation' (1801), with a cow's hoof as letter-weight. *James Watt (1736-1819), by C. F. de Breda. — In the centre, Benjamin Disraeli, statuette by Lord Ronald Gower. Room XXI (Screen Room ; Female Portraits, Drawings, Sketches, etc.). 1st Section : Lady Hamilton, by Romney; Harriet Marttneau, by Evans; Mary Mitford, by Lucas; Hannah More, by Pickersgill; Mrs. Fry, after Leslie; Mary Somerville, in crayons, bySwinton; Gforoe Eliot (Mrs. Cross; d. 1880), drawing hy Sir F. W. Burton; E. B. Browning, tho poetess (d. 1861), a chalk drawing by Tal- fourd; Christina Rossetti and her mother, drawing by Dante Rossetti; Thos. Hood and his wife; James Hogg, the 'Ettrick Shepherd' (d. 1833), by Denning; Lamb, Coleridge, Southey, and Wordsworth, four small drawings in one frame, by Hancock ; Tennyson, by Arnault ; Wilkie Collins (A. 1889), by Millais. — 2nd Section: D. G. Rossetti, hy himself; Leech, by Millais; Ford Madox Brown, by Rossetti (pencil sketch); Sir John E. Millais, by CharlesKeene (pen-and-ink sketch); David Livingstone, sketch from life; Sir David Wilkie (A. 1841), by himself; Pat. Nasmyth, by Bewick. — 3rd Section: Wolfe, facsimile of a sketch made at Quebec in 1759; W. Wilberforce, the phil anthropist (d. 1833), by Sir T. Lawrence (unfinished); Sir Robert Peel, by Linnell; Rev. Ed. Irving (1792-1834), founder of thelrvin- gito or Catholic Apostolic Church, drawing by Slater; Robert Owen, the socialist (d. 1858) ; Thomas Paine, after Bomney ; Lord Palmer ston at the ago of eighteen; Daniel O'Connell (A. 1847), by Mulrenin ; George Washington, by Mrs. Sharpies (crayon). — Busts of Mrs. Jameson (Gibson), Mrs. Hemans (Fletcher), Miss Amelia Edwards (Ball), and Grace Darling (Dunbar). XXII. ConniDon (Miscellaneous Busts and Portraits). Bust of Sir Robert Peel (A. 1850), by Noble; Francis Horner, the politician and essayist, one of the founders of the 'Edinburgh Review' (1778- 1817), by Sir Hemy Raeburn; Bust of the Duke of Wellington, by Francis ; Sir Wm. Blackstone , by Reynolds ; William Roscoe , by Williamson. — The case in the centre contains clay busts of the .Hon. Mrs. Norton, by Williamson, and of Samuel Johnson, by Boehm. On screens: collections of portraits in chalk by George Richmond (Canon 222 16. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Liddon, Keble, Pusey, Cardinal Newman, Samuel Rogers, etc.) and by Sir Francis Chantrey ( Crabbe, the poet ; Callcott, the artist, etc.) ; Admiral Lord Nelson, after Guzzardi; Lord Leighton, P. R. A., by G. F. Watts. XXIII. Landing. Full-length portraits of Kemble and Mrs. Sid- dons, by Sir Thos. Lawrence. — Busts of Douglas Jerrold (A. 1867), by Baily; of Thomas Moore (A. 1852), by C. Moore; and of Charles Knight (A. 1873), by Durham. We now descend a few steps to another landing, from which we enter the East Wing of the First l''loor. XXIV. Landing (Royal Portraits). William, Didce of Cumber land (A. 1765), by Reynolds; Prince Albert (A. 1861), by Winter- halter; Queen Victoria, copy of Angeli; George 111., by Allan Ram say; Queen Charlotte, wife of George III., by Ramsay. The short passage leading from this landing to R. XXV contains busts of Southey (Lough), Tennyson (Miss Grant), W. B. Proctor (Foley), and ScoH (Chantrey). Room XXV (Litorary, Military, and Naval). Small portraits of Southey, S. T. Coleridge (A. 1834), and Cowper. Sir Walter Scott (d. 1832), iu his study at Ahhotsford , with his deerhound Maida, by Sir Win. Allan, the last portrait he sat fur; another by Landseer. John Keats (A. 1821), by Hilton, and another by Severn ; Lord Byron (A. 1824), in Greek costume, by T. Phillips, and another by Westall; Leigh Hunt (A. 1859), by Haydon; Robert Burns (A. 1796), by Na smyth, well known from engravings; C/ia8. Lamb (A. 1834), by Hazlitt; Chas. and Mary Lamb, by Cary; Scott, by Graham Gilbert; S. T. Coleridge, hy Allston ; Thos. Campbell (A. 1844), by Lawrence. — Fine series of portraits by G. F. Watts: Sir Henry Taylor, D. G. Rosselli, Sir Ant. Panizzi, Mall. Arnold, Tennyson, Browning, Card. Manning, Lord Lawrence, J. S. Mill, William Morris, Robert Lowe (Lord Sherbrooke), Carlyle, Lord Lytlon, the Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Lyndhurst, Lord John Russell, and Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. — W. S. Landor (A. 1864), by Fisher; Robert Browning, by Lehmann; W. M. Thackeray (A. 1863), by Lawrence ; Charles Dickens (A. 1870), by Ary Scheffer; Douglas Jerrold (A. 1857), hy Macnee; Coventry Patmore(A. 1896), by J. S. Sergeant; Carlyle, by Millais; ¦'•Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859), by Sir John Watson Gordon. — R. L. Stevenson (A. 1895), by Richmond; Samuel Rogers (d. 1855), by T. Phillips; Marquess Wellesley (A. 1842), by J. P. Davis; Lord Macaulay (A. 1859), sketch by Grant; William Gifford (A. 1826), hy Hoppner; Sir Richard Burton (A. 1890), by Lord Leighton; Fred. Denison Maurice (A. 1872), by S. Lawrence ; Card. Newman, by Miss E. Deane. — On the W. wall are various military and naval celebrities, including Lord Clive (A. 1774), by Dance; Lord Heath- field (A. 1790), by J. S. Copley; General Wolfe (1726-69), by Schaak ; Lord Nelson (A. 1805), by L. J. Abbott and II. Fiiger of Vienna (two portraits). — In the centre are busts of Porson, Capt. 15. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. '223 " Cooke, Thackeray (by Foley), Carlyle (by Boehm), Richard Jefferies, a medallion of Lord Stanhope, the historian, an electrotype bust of Thackeray as a boy, and an electrotype mask of John Keats (d. 1821). Room XXVI (Military and Naval). To the right: Sir Sidney Smith (A. 1841), by Eckstein; Lord Beresford (A. 1854), by Roth- well ; Sir James Outram (A. 1863), by Brigstocke; Capt. Cooke, by Webber; the Duke of Wellington, by the Count d'Orsay; Admiral Lord Lyons (A. 1858), by G. F. Watts ; Sir John Franklin (A. 1847), by T.Phillips; Capt. Vancouver (A. 1798), by L. Abbott (?). Above Franklin is a small portrait of Lady Franklin (A. 1875) and on tho opposite wall are 20 portraits of Arctic explorers and others connected with the search for Franklin. Room XXVII (Scientific and Literary). Brewster, by Watson Gordon ; William Godwin, by Pickersgill ; Darwin, by Collier ; Sir Chas. Halle, by Watts; Professor John Wilson (Christopher North; A. 1854), by Gordon; Sir Richard Owen, by Pickersgill; Michael Faraday (A. 1867), by Phillips; George Stephenson (1781-1848), by rickcrsgill; Babbage, inventor of the calculating machine, by Lawrence; George Grote, the historian of Greece (1794-1871), by Steward son; Hook, by Eddis. — On a screen: Sir Henry Halford (d. 1844), by Sir W.Bccrhcy; 'Father Mathew', by Leahy. — Among the busts is one of Faraday, by Brock. We now return to R. XXIV (Landing) and descend thence to the — GROUND FLOOR. Room XXVIII (Judges). Modern Judges, including Talfourd, by Pickcrsgill. XXIX.CortmnoB.(Miscellaneous Portraits). Clarkson, tho philan thropist, by C. J. de Breda; Sir George Scharf (A. 1895), former keeper of the National Portrait Gallery, by Ouless; "Jeremy Bent- ham, the economist and political writer (d. 1832), by T. Frye and II. W. Pickersgill; Bishop Colenso (A. 1889); William Wordsworth, by Pickersgill. — Bust of Dr. Thos. Arnold (1795-1842), by Behnes. XXX. Landing. Convention of the Anti-Slavery Society in 1840, by Haydon, with portraits of Clarkson, Fowell Buxton, Gurney, Lady Byron, etc. — Busts of Lord Francis Jeffrey (A. 1850), hy Park, and Samuel Lover (A. 1868), by Foley. Rooms XXXI and XXXII, on the groundfloor of the E. Wing, form the Sculpture Gallery. R. XXXI contains electrotype casts of statues and busts, including a series representing English Monarchs and their wives; figures of Lord Darnley and Mary, Queen of Scots; recumbent figures of Edward II. and Robert Curthose, Duke of Nor mandy; and a statue of Francis Bacon, from his tomb. — R. XXXII contains models of busts of the Duchess of Sutherland (1806-68) aud Sir James Scarlett (1799-1871), by Matthew Noble; and a series of bust-models hy Sir J. E. Boehm. Near the E. end are model busts of Thomas de Quincey, by Sir John Steell, and Sir Francis 224 16. LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. Grant, P.R.A., by Mary Grant, and a seated figure of Edward W. Lane (1801-76), the Orientalist, in Egyptian costume, by his brother. On the end-wall are a marble half-figure of ilirs. Siddons, by T. Camp bell, and a medallion of Henry Fawcett, by Mary Grant. By the windows are bust-models of CS. Parnell (A. 1891), by Mary Grant, and Dean Buckland, by H. Weeks. Iu the centre, a recumbent figure of Dean Stanley, by Boehm. A staircase to the right (as we enter the Gallery) descends to the Basement, with — Room XXXIII. The House of Commons in 1703, hy Karl Anton Hickel, presented by the Emperor of Austria in 1885. — The First House of Commons after the Reform Bill of 1832, with 320 portraits, by Hayter. — The House of Lords in 1820, during the discussion of the bill to divorce Queen Caroline, by Hayter (with portraits of the Queen, etc.). — Also a largo collection of engraved legal portraits. 16. Royal College of Surgeons. Soane Museum. Floral Hall. Covent Garden Market. St. Paul's. Garrick Club. Linooln's Inn Fields (PI. R, 31 ; II), to the W. of Lincoln's Inn (p. 171), are surrounded by lawyers' offices and form the largest square in London. The gardens were laid out by Inigo Jones, and before their enclosure in 1736 they were a favourite haunt of thieves and a resort of duellists. They were thrown open to the public in 1895. Lord William Russell (p. 159) was executed here in 1683, and among the other names closely associated with the Fields are those of the Duke of Newcastle, prime minister of George II. (house at the corner of Great Queen Street), Blackstone, Spencer Perceval (No. 69), Lord Erskine, Milton, Nell Gwynne, Tennyson (No. 65), John Forster (No. 58; the house of Mr. Tulkinghorn in 'Bleak House'), Brougham (No. 60), and Thomas Campbell (No. 61). Comp. 'Lincoln's Inn Fields', by C. W. Heckelhorn (1895). On the S. side of Lincoln's Inn Fields rises the Royal College of Surgeons, designed by Sir Charles Barry, and erected in 1835. It contains an admirable Museum, conspicuous for its excellent organization and arrangement. Visitors are admitted, through the personal introduction or written order of a member, on Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. from 11 to 4 in winter, and from 11 to 5 in summer. The Museum is closed during the month of September. Application for orders of admission, which aro not transferable, may be made to the secretary. The nucleus of the museum consists of a collection of 13,000 anatomical preparations formed by John Hunter (d. 1793), which was purchased by Government after his death and presented to the College. It is divided into two chief departments : viz. the Physiol ogical Series, containing speoimens of animal organs and formations in » normal state, and the Pathological Series, containing similar 16. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. 225 specimens in an abnormal or diseased condition. The number of specimens in tho Museum has been enormously increased since its foundation, and the building containing it has been several times enlarged. It now consists of Ave main rooms : the "Western, Middle, and Eastern Museums, and the New Large and Small Museums (the last two erected in 1888-91). The Human Osteological Collection occupies the groundfloors of the Western, New Large, and New Small Museums and includes an admirable and extensive collection of the skulls of the different nations of the earth, deformed skeletons, abnormal bono formations, and the like. In the Cen tral Wall Case on the E. side of the New Largo Museum is the ekeloton of the Irish giant Byrne or O'Bryan. 7 ft. 7 in. high; adjoining it, under a glass-shade, is that of the Sicilian dwarf, Caroline Crachami, who died at the age of 10 years, 20 in. in height. Under the same shade are placed wax models of her arm and foot, and beside it is a plaster cast of her face. The Floor Cases contain various anatomical preparations. In the centre of the Western Museum is hung the skeleton of a Greenland whale ; a marble statue of Hunter by Weekes, erected in 1864, stands in the middle of the floor at the S. end of the hall. The Comparative Osteological Collection occupies the Eastern Museum, the Middle Museum, and part of the Western Museum. In the centre of the Eastern Museum are the skeletons of the large mammalia: whales (including a sperm-whale or cachalot, 50 ft. long), hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, elephant, etc. The elephant, Chunee, was exhibited for many years in England, bnt becoming unmanageable had at last to be shot. The poor animal did not succumb till more than 100 bullets had been fired into its body. The skeleton numbered 4506 A. is that of the first tiger shot by the Prince of Wales in India In 1876- The skeleton of 'Orlando1, a Derby winner, and that of a favourite dcerhound of Sir Edwin Landseer, are also exhibited here. The Cases round tho room contain smaller skeletons. In the Middle Museum the most interesting objects are the large antediluvian skeletons. Skeleton of a gigantic stag (erroneously called the Irish Elk). dug up from a bed of shell-marl beneath a peat-bog at Limerick; giant armadillocs from Buenos Ayres ; giant sloth (mylodon), also from Buenos Ayrcs; the huge megatherium, with the missing parts supplied. In tho Wall Cases is a number of smaller skeletons and fossils. Several Floor Cases in the Western Museum contain a collection Illustrating the zoology of the invertebrates, such as zoophytes, shell-fish, crabs, and beetles. The galleries round the rooms contain Pathological Specimens (W. Mu seum and New Large Museum), Physiological Specimens (E. and Middle Mu seums), Dermatological Specimens (top gallery of W. Museum), etc. The Collection of Calculi, the Toynbee Collection of Diseases of the Ear. and the Collection illustrating Diseases of the Eye (all in the W. Museum) deserve special mention. Tlie Histological Collection now comprises 12,000 specimens. The upper galleries of the new museums contain a collection of drawings and photographs illustrating rare or curious diseases. A room, entered from the staircase of the Eastern Museum, contains a collection of surg ical instruments. The College also possesses a library of about 40,000 volumes. The Council Room contains a good portrait of Hunter by Reynolds and several busts by Chantrey. At No. 13, Lincoln's Inn Fields, N. side, opposite the College of Surgeons, is Sir John Soane's Museum (PI. R, 31 ; ii), founded by Sir John Soane (d.1837), architect of the Bank of England. During March, April, May, June, July, and August this interesting collection is open to the public on Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Frid., from 11 to 5. During the lecess visitors are admitted by tickets Baedeker's London. 11th Edit, 15 226 16. SOANE MUSEUM. obtained from the curator, Mr. George Henry Birch, F. S. A. The collection, which is exceedingly diversified in character, occupies about a score of rooms and cabinets, some of which are very small, and is most ingeniously arranged, every corner being turned to account. Many of the contents are of little general interest, but some of the pictures and other objects of art aro of great importance and well repay a visit. There are also many curiosities of historical or personal interest. A General Description of the contents, price 6d., may be had at the Museum. The Dining Room and Liukar?, which the visitor first enters, are decorated somewhat after the Poinpeian style. The ceiling-paintings arc by Henry Howard, R. A., the principal subjects being Phoebus in his car, Pandora among the gods, Epimetheus receiving Pandora, and the Opening of Pandora's vase. On the walls are Reynolds* Snake in the grass, a replica of the picture at the National Gallery, and a portrait of Sir John Soane, by Lawrence. The Greek painted fictile vase at the N. end of the room, 2 ft. 8 in. high, the Greek vase and English chopine on the E. side, and a French clock with a small orrery all deserve notice. A glazed case on a table contains a fine illuminated MS. with a frontispiece by Oiulio Clovio. The library also contains a lar^e collection of valuable old books, drawings, and MSS., which are accessible (o the ttudeut. We now pass through two diminutive rooms, forming a corridor, into the Museum, containing numerous marbles, columns, etc. To the right is the Picture Gallery, a room measuring 13ft. 8 in. in length, 12 ft. 4 in. in breadth, and 19 ft. 6 in. in height, which, by dint of ingenious ar rangement, can accommodate as many pictures as a gallery of the same height, 45 ft. long and 20 ft. broad. The walls are covered with movable shutters, hung with pictures on both sides. Among these are: Hogarth, "The Rake's Progress, a celebrated series of eight pictures, and "The Election (four pictures) ; Canaletto, The Rialto at Venice, and The Piazza of St. Mark-, a series of drawings by Piranesi; a collection cf Sir John Soane's architectural designs; study of a head from one of Raphael's large cartoons, perhaps by Oiitlio Romano, and a copy by Flaxman of two heads from another cartoon. — When the last shutter of the S. wall is opened we see into a well-lighted recess, with a copy of a nymph by Westmacott, and into a small room called the Monk's ParJoir (seu below). From the hall with the columns we descend into a kind of crypt, where we thread our way to the left, through numerous statues, both originals and casts, relics of ancient art, modern works by Flaxman and others, and a collection of cinerary urns, to the Sepulchral Chamber, which contains the most interesting object in the whole collection. This is an Egyptian 'Sarcophagus, found in 1817 by Belzoni in a tomb in the valley of Biban el-Muluk, near the ancient Thebes , and consisting of one block of alabaster or arragonite, 9 ft. 4 in. long , 3 ft. 8 in. wide, and 2 ft. 8 in. deep at the head, covered both internally and externally with hieroglyphics and figures; it is 2'/^ inches in thickness. The hiero glyphics are interpreted as referring to Seti I., father of Ramses the Great. The sarcophagus was bought by Sir John Soane in 1824 for 2000*. On the S. side of this, the lower part uf the Museum, is the Monument Court, with an 'architectural pasticcio', showing various styles, in the centre. The Monk's Parloik (see above) contains objects of mediaeval art, some Peruvian antiquities, and two fine Flemish wood-carvings. The rooms on the groundfloor (to which we now re-ascend) are filled with statuary, architectural fragments, terracottas, and models, among which some fine Roman portrait-busts may be noticed. Behind the cast of the Apollo Belvedere is an additional picture-gallery, containing tpecimens of Canaletto ('Port of Venice), Turner fAdin. Tromp's barge entering the Texel; Kirketall Abbey), Calcvlt (^Passage Point), Clerisseau, Eastlake, etc. Adjoining this is a recess with portraits of the Soane family, works by 16. SOANE MUSEUM. 227 Ruysdael and Wattean (Les Nnces), etc. In the Breakfast Room are some choice illuminated MSS., and an inlaid pistol which once belonged, to Peter the Great. This room, for its arrangement, mode of lighting, the use of mirrors, etc., is, perhaps, unique in London. The Drawing Rooms, on tho first floor, contain a carved ivory and gilt table and four chairs from the palace of Tippoo Sahib at Sering- apatam; a collection of exquisitely delicate miniature paintings on silk, by Labette ,- a small but choice collection of antique gems , chiefly from Tarentum ; many drawings and paintings ; and various architectural designs by Sir John Soane. In the glass-cases are exhibited the first three folio editions of Shakspeare, an original MS. of Tasso's 'Gerusalemme Liberata', several large illuminated MSS., two sketch-books of Sir .losbna Reynolds, etc. On stands in theso rooms aro cork models of Pompeii, ancient temples, etc. On the walls of the Staircase are hung pictures, prints, and bas-reliefs. Below one of the staircase-windows is a small bronze Mercury, ascribed to Giovanni da Bologna. — A large variety of ancient painted glass has been glazed in the windows throughout the museum. In Duke St., miming to the W. from near the S.W. corner of the square, is the Sardinian Catholic Chapel (PI. R, 31 ; II), oppo site which Benjamin Franklin lodged while working as a printer in Wild Court, a little to the W. A little to the S.E. is the large King's College Hospital, behind which lies the once unsavoury district of Clare Market, named from the Earls of Clare (tablet) and. now con siderably improved. Great Queen Street, running to the S.W. from the N.W. comer of Lincoln's Inn Fields, contains Freemasons' Hall and Freemasons' Tavern, the London headquarters of the Masonic Craft. Among former residents in this street were Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Sir Godfrey Kneller, and Sheridan. Trinity Church, in Little Queen Street, running to the N. to Holborn, stands on the site of the house in which Mary Lamb killed her mother in a fit of insanity (1796). Beyond Drury Lane (p.- 178) Great Queen Street is continued by Long Acre, with numerous coach-builders' establishments. To the left (S.) of Long Acre diverges Bow Street, in which is the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, adjoined by the Floral Hall, now used as a foreign fruit wholesale market. Nearly opposite is tho New Bow Street Police Court, the most important of the 14 metro politan police courts of London. At the corner of Bow Street and Kussell Street was Will's Coffee House, tho resort of Diydeu and other literary men of the 17-18th centuries. Waller, Fielding, Wycherley, and Grinling Gibbons are among tlie eminent persons who once resided in Bow Street. Russell Street leads hence to the 10. to Drury Lane Ihealre (p. 64), and to the W. to Covent Garden Market (PI. R, 31 ; II), the property of the Duke of Bedford, the principal vegetable, fruit, and flower market in London. It presents an exceedingly pictur esque and lively scene, the best time to see the vegetable-market being about 6 o'clock on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, the market-days (comp. p. 31). The show of fruit and flowers is one of the finest in the world, presenting a gorgeous 15* 228 16. COVENT GARDEN. array of colours and diffusing a delicious fragrance; it is seen to full advantage from 7 to 10 a.m. The Easter Eve flower-market is particularly brilliant. The neighbourhood of Covent Garden is full of historic mem ories. The name reminds us of the Convent Garden belonging to the monks of Westminster , which in Ralph Agas's Map of Lon don (1560) is shown walled around, and extending from the Strand to the present Long Acre (p. 227), then in the open country. The Bedford family received these lands (seven acres, of the yearly value of 6(. 6s. 8d.) as a gift from the Crown in 1552. The square was planned by Inigo Jones ; and vegetables used to be sold here, thus perpetuating tho associations of tho ancient garden. In 1831 tho Duke of Bedford erected the present market-buildings, which have recently been much improved, though they are still quite inadequate for the enormous business transacted here on market-days. The neighbouring streets, Russell, Bedford, and Tavistock, commem orate the family names or titles of the lords of tho soil. In tho Covont Garden Piazzas, now noarly all cloarcd away, tho famllios of Lord Crewe, Bishop Berkeley, Lord Uollis, Earl of Oxford, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Sir Kenelm Dighy, the Duke of Richmond, and other distinguished persons used to reside. In this square was tho old 'Bedford Coffee-house', frequented by Garrick, Foote, and Ho garth, where the Beef-Steak Club was held ; and here was the not over savoury 'Old Hummums Hotel'. Here also was 'Evans's' (so named from a former proprietor), a house once the abode of Sir Kenelm Digby, and long noted as a place for suppers and evening entertainments. It is now occupied by a club. — At No. 4 York Street, to the E. of the Flower Market, Thos. de Quincey wrote the 'Confessions of an English Opium Eater'. Charles and Mary Lamb lived at No. 20 Russell Street (1817-23). Joseph Turner (1776- 1861), the son of a hair-dresser, was born at No. 20 Maiden Lane, to the S. of Covent Garden; and in the same street Andrew Marvell (1621-78), the poet, once resided, and Voltaire lodged for some time. The neighbouring church of St. Paul, a plain building erected by Inigo Jones at the beginning of the 17th cent., contains nothing of interest. It was the first Protestant church of any size erected in London. In the churchyard are buried Samuel Butler (A. 1680), the author of 'Hudibras' ; Sir Peter Lely (Vandervaes, A. 1680), tho painter; W. Wycherley (A. 1715), the dramatist; Grinling Gibbons (A. 1721), the carver in wood; T. A. Arne (A. 1778), the composer of 'Rule Britannia' ; John Wolcot (Peter Pindar; d. 1819), the author; John Taylor (A. 1654), the 'Water Poet' ; and Kynaston (A. 1712), the actor of female parts. The Garrick Club, 13 and 15 Garrick Street, Covent Garden, founded in 1831, possesses an important and valuable collection of portraits of celebrated English actors , shown on Wednesdays only, to visitors accompanied by a member. 229 17. Whitehall. United Service Museum. The Horse Guards. The Government Offices. The broad and handsome street leading from Trafalgar Square, opposite the National Gallery, to the S,, towards Westminster, is called Whitehall (PI. R, 26; IV), after the famous royal palace of that name formerly situated here, of which the banqueting-hall only now remains. At the beginning of the 13th cent, the Chief Justiciary, Hubert de Burgh, who resided here, presented his house with its contents to the Dominican monks of Holborn, who afterwards sold it to Walter Gray, Archbishop of York. Thenceforward it was the Lon don residence of the Archbishops of York, and was long known as York House or York Palace. On the downfall of Wolsey, Arch bishop of York, and favourite of Henry VIIL, York House became crown-property, and received the name of Whitehall: — 'Sir, you Must no more call it York-place, that is past; For, since the cardinal fell, that title's lost; "fis now the king's, and caird — Whitehall'. Hen. VIII. iv. e. The palace was greatly enlarged and beautified by its new owner, Henry VIIL, and with its precincts became of Buch extent as to reach from Scotland Yard to near Bridge Street, and from the Thames far into St. James's Park, passing over what was then tho narrow street of Whitehall, which it spanned by means of a beau tiful gateway designed by Holbein. The banqueting-hall of old York House, built in the Tudor style, having been burned down in 1615, James I. conceived the idea of erecting on its site a magnificent royal residence, designed by Inigo Jones, which would have filled the whole space between West minster and Charing Cross, St. James's Park and the Thames. The building was begun, but, at the time of the breaking out of the Civil War, the Banqueting Hall only had been completed. In 1691 part of the old palace was burned to the ground, and tho remainder in 1697 ; so that nothing remained of Whitehall, except tbe new hall, still standing on the E. side of Whitehall (see p. 230). The reminiscences of the tragic episodes of English history transacted at Whitehall are much more interesting than the place itself. It was here that Cardinal Wolsey, the haughty, splendour- loving Archbishop of York, gave his costly entertainments, and here he was disgraced. Here, too, Henry VIII. became enamoured of the unhappy Anne Boleyn, at a ball given in honour of the fickle and voluptuous monarch; and here he died in 1547. Holbein, the famous painter, occupied rooms in the palace at that period. It was from Whitehall that Elizabeth was carried as a prisoner to the Tower, and to Whitehall she returned in triumph as Queen of England. From an opening made in the wall between the upper 230 17. BANQUETING HALL. and lower central windows of the Banqueting Hall Charles I. was led out to the scaffold erected in the street close by. A little later the Protector Oliver Cromwell took up his residence here with his secretary, John Hilton, and here he died on 3rd Sept., 1658. Here Charles II. , restored, held a profligate court, and here he died in 1685. After the destruction of Whitehall Palace by fire in 1697 St. James's Palace became the royal residence. The Banqueting Hall, one of the most splendid specimens of the Palladian style of architecture, is 111ft. long, 55'/2ft- wide, ami 651/2 ft. high. The ceiling is embellished with pictures by Rubens, on canvas, painted abroad, at a cost of 3000J., and sent to England. They are in nine sections, and represent the Apo theosis of James I. in the centre, with allegorical representations of peace, plenty, etc., and scenes from the life of Charles I., tho artist's patron. Van Dyck was to have executed for the sides a series of mural paintings, representing the history and ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, but the scheme was never carried out. Qeorgo 1. converted the banqueting -houso into a Royal Chupel, which was dismantled in 1890, and in 1894 the United Service Museum was removed hither (see below; adm., seep. 108). The base ment floor or crypt, previously subdivided into dark cellars, was restored and provided with a concrete floor, while the wood of tho oaken pews was used to panel the bases of tlie walls and piers. Adjoining the Banqueting Hall on the S. are the new buildings of the Royal United Service Institution, which was founded in 1830 and possesses an interesting collection of objects connected with the military and naval professions, and a library. The in stitution numbers about 4600 members, each of whom pays an entrance fee of U. and a yearly subscription of the same amount or a life-subscription of lOi. The new buildings contain a large Lec ture Hall, Library, Smoking Room, etc., while the United Service Museum is accommodated in the Banqueting Hall (see below). Ad mission to the Museum, see p. 106. Soldiers, sailors, and policemen in uniform are admitted free. — Until 1894 the Institution occupied a building in Whitehall Yard, now Horse Guards Avenue, to tho N. of the hall. Tho Banuuetinu Hall contains a large "Model of the battle of Water loo, by Captain Siborne, in which 190,000 figures are represented, giving one an admirable idea of the disposition and movements of the forces 011 the eventful day ; relics of Napoleon and tho Duke of Wellington ; the skeleton of Napoleon's charger, Marengo; the skull of Shaw, the Lifcguardsinan, and numerous memorials of Waterloo. Hamilton's model of Sevastopol, allow ing the position of the troops; a model of the battle of Trafalgar, showing the British fleet breaking the enemy's line; and a model of the battle of Sadowa, besides numerous models of war-vessels of various dates, are also placed here. — The rest of the collection, placed parlly in this hall and partly iu the Basement, includes weapons and martial equipments from America, Africa, Ihe South Sea Islumls, etc.; a European Armovry, con taining specimens of the armour and weapons of tho different Kuropean nations; an Asiatic Armiwy, with Indian gnus and armour, etc.; a Xaral Collection, Including models of different kinds of vessels, ships' gear, mar- 17. HORSE GUARDS. 231 Ine machinery, and the like , Including an ingenious little model of a ship, executed by a French prisoner-of-war; relics of Franklin's expedition to theN. pole, and others of the Royal George, sunk at Spithead in 1782; caseB containing the swords of Cromwell and General Wolfe: a midship man's dirk that belonged to Nelson; the pistols of Sir Ralph Abercromby, Bolivar, and Tippoo Sahib ; relics of Sir John Moore ; personal relics of Drake, Nelson, Captain Cook, and other famous seamen; numerous other interesting historical relics; models of ordnance and specimens of shot and shells; model steam-engines; military models of various kinds: siege-operations with trenches, lines, batteries, approaches, and walls in which a breach has been effected; fortifications, pioneer instruments, etc. ; uniforms and equipments of soldiers of different countries; fire-arms and portions of fire-arms at different atagos of their manufacture; trophies from the Crimean War and from the last campaigns In China, Ashantee, etc. In the garden at the S. end of the building stands a leaden Statue of James II., by Grinling Gibbons, erected behind the Ban queting Hall in 1686 and left undisturbed at the Revolution. It was removed to its present position in 1897. Whitehall and the neighbourhood now contain various public offices. Near Charing Cross, to the left, is Craig's Court (PI. R, 26; IV), No. 6 in which is the Royal Almonry, where the royal alms are distributed at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide. On Maundy Thursday, i.e. the Thursday before Easter, the distribution was formerly made in Whitehall Chapel, but it now takes place in West minster Abbey. On that day a gift of food, clothing, and money ts made to as many poor old men and women as the sovereign has lived years. The 'Maundy Money', which consists of silver penny, two-penny, three-penny, and four-penny pieces, is always fresh from the mint, and, with the exception of the three-penny pieces, is not coined except for this purpose. The name 'Maundy' has been derived from tho first words (mandatum novum; John xni, 84) of the Latin anthem usually sung during the ceremony ; whence also the baskets In which the doles were placed were called 'maunds'. James II. was the last English sovereign that performed this cere mony in person. This office must not, of course, be confounded with the district in Westminster anciently known as the Almonry, in which Caxton set up his printing-press (comp. p. 267). Farther on, on the same side of the street, is Great Scotland Yard, once the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police (comp. p. 232). Scotland Yard is said to have belonged to the Kings of Scotland (whence its name) from the reign of Edgar to that of Henry II. At a later period Milton, Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, and otlier celebrated persons resided here. Opposite, on the right side of Whitehall, is the Admiralty, built in 1722-26, behind which, in St. James's Park, large new offices have been recently erected. The Admiralty Board consists of a First Lord (usually a member of the Cabinet), four Naval Lords, and a Civil Lord, besides a parlia mentary and a permanent secretary. To the S. of the Admiralty is the Horse Guards, the office of the commander-in-chief of the army, an inconsiderable building with a low clock-tower, erected in 1753 232 17. PUBLIC OFFICES. on the site of an old Tilt Yard. It derives its name from its orig inal use as a guard -house for the palace of Whitehall. Two mounted Life Guards are posted here as sentinels every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the operation of relieving guard, which takes place hourly, is interesting. At 11 a.m. the troop of 40 Life Guards on duty is relieved by another troop, when a good oppor tunity is afforded of seeing a number of these fine soldiers together. The infantry sentries ou the other side of the Horse Guards, in St. James's Park, are also changed at 11 a.m. A passage, much fre quented by pedestrians, leads through the Horse Guards into St. James's Park, but no carriages except those of royalty and of a few privileged persons are permitted to pass. The Treasury, a building 100 yds. iu length, situated between the Horse Guards and Downing Street, originally erected during the reign of George I. and provided by Sir Charles Barry with a new facade, is the office of the Prime Minister (First Lord of the Treasury) and also contains the Education Office, the Privy Council Office, and the Board of Trade. The Office of the Chancellor of Ihe Exchequer occupies a separate edifice iu Downing Street. To the S. , between Downing Street and Charles Street, rise the new Public Offices , a large pile of buildings in the Italian style constructed in 1868-73 at a cost of 500,000i., from designs by Sir G. G. Scott (A. 1878). They comprise the Home Office, the Foreign Office, the Colonial Office, and the India Office. None of these of fices are shown to visitors. — The effect of the imposing facade towards Parliament Street (the southern prolongation of White hall) has been greatly enhanced by the widening of the street to 50 yds., whereby, too, a view ofWestminster Abbey from White hall is disclosed ; but the full realisation of this effect will not be obtained until the removal of the AV. side of Parliament Street (now in progress). The widening of Whitehall will involve the practical disappearance of King Street (to the W. of Parliament Street), the only thoroughfare in earlier times from Whitehall to Westminster. At the N. end, demolished to make room for the new Government Offices, stood Holbein's great gate (p. 229). Spenser, the poet, spent his last days in this street, and he was carried hence to Westminster Abbey. Cromwell's mother lived here, often visited by her affectionate son; so did Dr. Sydenham, Lord North, Bishop Goodman, Sir Henry Wotton, and at ono time Oliver Cromwell himself. Through this street, humble as it nuw looks, all the pageants from Whitehall to the Abbey and Westminster Hall passed, whether for burial, coronation, or state-trials. Parliament Street was opened only in 1732, long after Whitehall had ceased to be a royal re sidence, and was carried through the old privy garden of Whitehall. — No. 17 Delahay Street was the home of Judge Jeffreys (d. 16891. The modem edifice on the E. side of Whitehall opposite the Treasury, in the Franco-Scottish Renaissance style, is Montague House, the mansion of the Duke of Buccleuch, containing a splendid collection of miniatures and many valuable pictures. WMttJiall Gardens, tu the N. of Montague House, occupy the site uf the ul.l Privy Garden uf Whitehall. No. 2 was the home of Benjamin •TfPl \ COMMONS' LI BRA R lies Jj 1 C™ " P E E CORRIDOR pr II LLj-U-L^S' CAST DIVISION LOBBY A COMMONS'1 —A \. LOBBY '.......rr CENTRAL^ 5" }_, r"\ HALL Js ijl |l r^l^OMMONS P_ ++ " + ut PALACE YARD •"UBLIC ENTRAN otfT-aph.. AjuTalt -»o: "Warner * Oebra. Leipzig 18. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. 233 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsflold) in 1878-75. No. 4 was the town house of Sir Hobert Peel, whither he was carried fo die after falling from his horse in Constitution Hill (June 29th, 185X1). Derby Street, on the E. side of Parliament Street, leads to New Scotland Yard, on the Victoria Embankment, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police since 1891. The turreted building, in tho Scottish baronial stylo, was designed by Norman Shaw, and Is im pressive by its simplicity of outline and dignity of mass. 18. Houses of Parliament and Westminster Hall. St. Margaret's Church. Westminster Bridge. The *Houses of Parliament, or New Palace of Westminster (PI. It, 25 ; IV), which, together with Westminster Hall, form a single pile of buildings, have been erected since 1840, from a plan by Sir Charles Barry, which was selected as the best of 97 sent in for competition. The previous edifice was burned down in 1834. The new building is in the richest late-Gothic (Tudor or Perpendicular) style, and covers an area of 8 acres. It contains 11 courts, 100 stair cases, and 1100 apartments, and has cost in all about 3,000,0001. Although so costly a national structure, some serious defects are observable; the external stone is gradually crumbling, and the building stands on so low a level that the basement rooms are said to be lower than the Thames at high tide. The Clock Tower (St. Stephen's Tower), at the N. end, next to Westminster Bridge, is 318 ft. high; the Middle Tower is 300ft. high ; and the S.W. Victoria Tower, the largest of the three (75 ft. su.), through which the Queen enters on the opening and prorogation of Parliament, attains a height of 340 ft. Tho archway is 66 ft. high. The largo clock has four dials, each 23 ft. in diameter, and it takes five hours to wind up the striking parts. A light in the Clock Tower by night, and the Union flag flying from the Victoria Tower by day, indicate that the 'House' is sitting. The great Bell of the Clock Tower, popularly known as 'Big Ben' (named after Sir Benjamin Hall, First Commissioner of Works at the time of its erection) is one of tho largest known, weighing no less than 13 tons. It was soon found to have a flaw or crack, and its tone became shrill, but the crack was filed open, so as to prevent vibration, and the tone became quite pure. It is heard iu calm weather over the greater part of London. The imposing river front (E.) of the edifice is 940 ft. in length. It is adorned with statues of the English monarchs from William the Conqueror down to Queen Victoria, with armorial bearings, and many other enrichments. The impression produced by the interior is in its way no less imposing than that of the exterior. The tasteful fltting-up of the different rooms, some of which are adorned down to the minutest details with lavish magnificence, is in admirable keeping with the office and dignity of the building. 234 18. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. The Houses of Parliament are shown on Saturdays from 10 to 4, (no admission, however, after 3.30) by tickets obtained gratis at tbe entrance. We enter on the W. side by a door adjacent to the Victoria Tower (public entrance also through Westminster Hall; Handbook, 6d. or Is., unnecessary). Ascending the staircase from the entrance door, we first reach the Norman Porch, a small square hall, with Oothic groined vault ing, and borne by a finely clustered central pillar. We next enter (to the right) the Queen's I!owko Room, a handsome chamber, 45 ft. in length, the chief feature in which is formed by the fresco paintings by Mr. Dyce, representing the virtues of chivalry, the sub jects being taken from the Legend of King Arthur. Above the fire place the three virtues illustrated are Courtesy, Religion, and Generosity ; on the N. side are Hospitality and Mercy. The fine dado panelling with carvings by H. 11. Armstead, R. A., illustrative of Arthurian legends, the rich ceiling, the fireplace, the doors, the flooring, and the state-chair at the E. end of the room are all worthy of notice. Next comes the Royal or Viotokia Gallery, 110 ft. long, through which the Queen, issuing from the Queen's Robing Room on the S., proceeds in solemn procession to the House of Peers, for the purpose of opening or proroguing Parliament. On these occasions privileged persons are admitted into this hall by orders obtained at the Lord Chamberlain's Office. The pavement consists of fine mosaic work ; the ceiling is panelled and richly gilt. The sides are adorned with two large frescoes in water-glass by Maclise ; on the left, Death of Nelson at Trafalgar (comp. p. 182), and on the right, Meeting of Bliieher and Wellington after Waterloo. Tbe Pkince's Chamber, the smaller apartment entered on quit ting the Victoria Gallery, is a model of simple magnificence, being decorated with dark wood in the style for which the middle ages are famous. Opposite the door is a group in marble by Gibson, representing Queen Victoria enthroned, with allegorical figures of Clemency and Justice. The stained-glass windows on the W. and E. exhibit the rose, thistle, and shamrock, the emblems of Eng land, Scotland, and Ireland. In the panels of the handsome wainscot is a series of portraits of English monarchs and their relatives of the Tudor period (1485-1603). These are as fullows, beginning to the left of the entrance door: 1. T.onis XII. of France; 2. Mary, daughter of Henry VII. of England and wife of Louis; 3. Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, Mary's second hus band j 4. Marquis of Dorset; 5. Lady Jane Grey; 6. Lord Guildford Dud ley, her husband; 7. James IV. of Scotland; 8. Queen Margaret, daughter of llenry VII. of England and wife of James (through this princess the Stuarts derived their title to the English throne); fl. Earl of Angus, sec- und husband of Margaret, and Regent of Scotland ; 10. Jauies V. ; il. Alary uf Guise, wife of James V., and mother of Mary Stuart; 12. Queen Mary Stuart; 13. Francis II. uf France, Mary Stuart's first husbaud; 14. I.urd Darnley, her second husband; 16. llenry VII.; 10. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV., and wife of Henry (this marriage put an end tu the Wars uf the liuses, by uniting the Houses of York and Lancaster); 17. Arthur 18. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. 235 Prince of Wales; 18. Catharine of Aragon; 19. Henry VIIL; 20. Anue Boleyn; 21. Jane Seymour; 22. Anne of Cleves; 23. Catharine Howard; 24. Catharine Parr; 25. Edward VI.; 26. Queen Mary of England; 27. Philip of Spain, her husband; 28. Queen Elizabeth. Over these portraits runs a frieze with oak leaves and acorns and the armorial bearings of the English sovereigns since the Con quest; below, in the sections of the panelling, are 12 reliefs in oak, representing events in English history (Tudor period). Two doors lead from this room into the "House of Peers, which is sumptuously decorated in the richest Gothic style. The oblong chamber, in which the peers of England sit in council, is 90 ft. in length, 45 ft. broad, and 45 ft. high. The floor is almost entirely oc cupied with the redleather benches of the 550 members. The twelve fine stained-glass windows contain portraits of all the kings and queens of England since the Conquest. At night the House is lighted by electricity. Eighteen niches between the windows are occupied by statues of the barons who extorted the Magna Charta from King John. The very handsome walls and ceiling are decorated with heraldic and other emblems. Above, in recesses at the upper and lower ends of the room, are six frescoes, the first attempts on a large scale of modern English art in this department of painting. That on the wall above the throne, in the centre, represents the Baptism of King Ethelbert (about 596), by Dyce; to the left of it, Edward III. investing his son, the 'Black Prince', with the Order of the Garter; on the right, Henry, son of Henry IV., acknow ledging the authority of Judge Gascoigne, who had committed the Prince to prison for striking him. both by Cope. — Opposite, at the N. end of the chamber, three symbolical pictures of the Spirits of Religion, Justice, and Chivalry, the first by Horsley, the other two by Maclise. At the S. end of the hall, raised by a few steps, and covered with a richly gilded canopy, is the magnificent throne of the Queen. On the right of it is the lower throne of the Prince of Wales, while on the left is that intended for the sovereign's consort. At the sides are two large gilt candelabra. The celebrated woolsack of the Lord Chancellor , a kind of cushioned ottoman, stands in front of the throne, almost in the centre of the hall. — At the N. end of the chamber, opposite the throne, is the Bar, where official communications from the Com mons to the Lords are delivered, and where law-suits on final appeal aro pleaded. Above the Bar are the galleries for the re porters and for strangers. Above the throne on cither side are seats for foreign ambassadors and other distinguished visitors. From tho House of Lords we pass into the Peers' Loiiiiy, another rectangular apartment richly fitted up, with a door on each side. The brass foliated vdngs of the southern door are well worthy of examination. The co-ners contain elegant candelabra of brass. The encaustic tiled pavtment, with a fine enamel inlaid with brass in the centre , is of great beauty. Each peer has in this lobby his own hat-peg, etc., provided with his name. The door on the left (W.) side leads into the Pkers' Konisr. Room (not usually shown), which is detonted with frescoes by Herbert. Two 236 18. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. only have been finished (Muses bringing the Tables of the Law from Sinai, and the Judgment of Daniel). The door on the N. side opens on the Peeks' Corridor, the way to the Central Hall and the House of Commons. This corridor is em bellished with the following eight frescoes (beginning on the left) : — 1. Burial of Charles I. (beheaded 1649); 2. Expulsion of the Fellows of a college at Oxford for refusing to subscribe to the Covenant; 3. Defence of Basing House by the Cavaliers against the Roundheads; 4. Charles I. erecting his standard at Nottingham; 5. Speaker Lenthull vindicating the rights of the House of Commons against Charles I. on his attempt to arrest the five members ; 6. Departure of the London train-bands to the relief of Gloucester; 7. Embarkment of the Pilgrim Fathers for New England; 8. Lady Russell taking leave of her husband before his execution. The spacious "'Central II all, in the middle of the building, is octagonal in shape, and richly decorated. It is 60ft. in diameter and 75 ft. high. The surfaces of the stone-vaulting, between the massive and richly embossed ribs, are inlaid with Venetian mosaics, representing in frequent repetition the heraldic emblems of the Eng lish crown, viz. the rose, shamrock, thistle, portcullis, and harp. Lofty portals lead from this hall into(N.) tlie Corridor to the House of Commons; to (W.) St. Stephen's Hall ; to (E.) the Waiting Hall (see below); and (S.) the House of Peers (see p. 234). Above the last door js a St. fleorgo, in glass mosaic, by Poynter. Here, too, are statues of Lord John liussell (d. 1878), Lord Iddoaleigh (d. 1887), Lord Granville (d. 1891), aud John Bright (d. 1889), the last rather a failure; and a bust of Lord Randolph Churchill (d. 1895). The niches at the sides of the portals bear statues of English sover eigns. At the W. door: on the left, Edward 1., his consort Eleanor, and Edward II.; on the right, Isabella, wife of King John, Henry III., and Eleanor, his wife. At the N. door: on tbe leit, Isabella, wife of Edward II., Henry IV., and Edward III. ; on the right, Richard II., his consort, Anne of Bohemia, and Philippa , wife of Edward III. At the E. door: on the left, Jane of Navarre, wife of Henry IV., Henry V., and his wife Cathar ine; on the right, Henry VI., Margaret, his wife, andEdwardVI. At the S. door: on the left, Elizabeth, wife of Edward XV., Edward V., and Rich ard III.; on the right, Anne, wife of Richard III., Henry VII., and his con sort Elizabeth. The niches in the windows are filled with similar statues. Round the handsome mosaic pavement runs the inscription (in the Latin of the Vulgate), 'Except the Lord keep the house , their labour is but lost that build it'. A door on the E. aide of the Central Hall leads to the Hall of thk Poets, alao called the Upper Waiting Hall (not usually shown). It con tains the following frescoes of scenes from English poetry, now in a very dilapidated condition: — Griselda's first trial of patience, from Chaucer, by Cope; St. George conquering the Dragon, from Spenser, by Watts; King Lear disinheriting his daughter CurdeSa, from Shakspeare, by Herbert; Satan touched by tho spear of llliuric], /nun Sill Ion, by Horsley; St. Cecilia, from Dryden, by Tmniel; Persouillcatim of the Thames, from Pope, by Armitage; Death of Marmiou, from Stott, by Armitage; Death of Lara, from Byron, by W. Dyce. Beyond the N. door of the Central Hall, and corresponding with the passage leading to the House of Lords in the opposite direction, is the Commons' Corridor, leading to the House of Commons. It is also adorned with 8 frescoes, as follows (beginning on the loft) : — 18. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. 237 1. Alico Lisle concealing fugitivu Cavnllers niter the Imlllo of Sedec- moor; 2. Last nlocp of the Duko of Argyll; 3. The Lords and Commons delivering the crown to William and Mary in the Banqueting Hall; 4. Acquittal of the Seven Bishops in the reign of James II. (comp. n. 233); 6. Monk declaring himself in favour of a frco parliament; b. Landing of Charles II. ; 7. The execntioner hanging Wishart's bonk round the neck of Montrose; 8. Jane Lane helping Charles II. to escape. We next pass through, the Commons' Lobby to the — Ilousn of Commons, 75 ft. in length, 45 ft. wide, and 41 ft. high, very substantially and handsomely fitted up with oak-panel ling, in a simpler and more business-like style than the Houso of Lords. The present ceiling, which hides the original one, was con structed to improve the lighting and ventilation. The members of the House (C70 in number, though seats are provided for 476 only") enter either by the public approach, or by a private entrance through a side-door to the E. of Westminster Hall and along an arcade botween this hall and the Star Chamber Court. The twelve stained glass windows are adorned with the. armorial bearings of parliament ary boroughs. In the evening the House is lighted through the glass panels of the ceiling. Tho seat of the Speaker or president is at the N. end of the chamber, in a straight line with the woolsack in the House of Lords. The benches to the right of the Speaker are the recognised seats of the Government Party ; the ministers occupy the front bench. On the left of the Speaker arc the mem bers forming tho Opposition, tho leaders of which also tako thoir seats on the front bench. In front of the Speaker's table is tho Clerks' table, on which the Mace lies when the House is in session. The Reporters' Gallery is above the speaker, while above it again, behind an iron grating, is the Ladies' Gallery. At the S. end of the House, opposite the Speaker, aTO the galleries for strangers. The upper, or Strangers' Gallery, can bo visited by an order from a member of parliament. To the lower, or Speaker's Gallery , admission is granted only on the Speaker's order, obtained by a member. Strangers will add considerably to their intelligent appreciation of the scene before them by obtaining a copy of tho Order of the Day from the ushers (small ice). The rov< of seats in front of the Speaker's Gallery is appropriated to mem bers of tho peerage and to distinguished strangers. The galleries at the sides of the House are for the use of members, and are deemed part of the House. The seats underneath the galleries, on a level with tho floor of tho House, but outsido the bar, are appropriated to members of the diplomatic corps and to distinguished strangerB. Permission to be present at the debates of the Lower House can be obtained only from a member of parliament. The House of Lords, when sitting as a Court of Appeal, is open to the public; on other occasions a peer's order is necessary. On each side of the House of Commons is a 'Division Lobby', into which the members pass, when a vote is taken, for the purpose of being counted. The 238 18. WESTMINSTER HALL. 'Ayes', or those who are favourable to the motion, retire into the W. lobby, to the right of the Speaker; the 'Noes', or those who vote against the motion , retire into the E. lobby, to the Speaker's left. Returning to the Central Hall, we pass through the door at its western (right) extremity, leading to St. Stephen's Hall, which is 75 ft. long, 30 ft. broad, and 55 ft. high. It occupies the site of old St. Stephen's Chapel, founded in 1330, and long used for meetings of the Commons. Along the walls are marble statues of celebrated English statesmen: on the left (S.), Hampden , Selden , Sir Robert Walpole , Lord Chatham , his son Pitt, and the Irish orator Grattan ; on the right (N.) , Lord Claren don, Lord Falkland, Lord Somers, Lord Mansfield, Fox, andliurke. The niches at the sides of the doors are occupied by statues of English sovereigns. By the E. door: on the left, Matilda, Henry II., Eleanor; on the right, Richard Coeur de Lion, lierengaria, and John. liy the W. door: on the left, William the Conqueror, Matilda, Wil liam II; on the right, Henry I. lieauclerc, Matilda, and Stephen. A broad flight of steps leads hence through St. Stephen's Porch (G2 ft. in height), passing a large stained-glass window, and turning to the right, to Westminster Hall. The present Westminster Hall is part of the ancient Palace of Westminster founded by the Anglo-Saxon kings, and occupied by their successors down to Henry VIII. The hall was begun by William Rufus , son of the Conqueror, in 1097, continued and extended by Henry III. and Edward I., and almost totally destroyed by fire in 1291. Edward II. afterwards began to rebuild it ; and in 1398 Richard II. caused it to be remodelled and enlarged, supplying it with a new roof. It is one of the largest halls in the world with a wooden ceiling unsupported by columns. Its length is 290 ft., breadth 08 ft., aud height 92 ft. The oaken roof, witli its hammer-beams, repaired in 1820 with the wood of an old vessel in Portsmouth Harbour, is considered a masterpiece of timber archi tecture, both in point of beauty and constructive skill. Westminster Hall , which now forms a vestibule to the Houses of Parliament, is rich in interesting historical associations. In it were held some of the earliest English parliaments , one of which declared Edward II. to have forfeited the crown ; and by a curious fatality the first scene of public importance in the new hall, as restored or rebuilt by Richard II., was the deposition of that unfortunate monarch. In this hall the English inonarchs down to George IV. gave their coronation- festivals ; and here Edward III. entertained the captive kings , David of Scotland and John of France. Here Charles 1. was condemned to death; and here, a few years later (1053), Cromwell, wear ing the royal purple lined with ermine, and holding a golden sceptre in one hand and the Bible in the other, was saluted as Lord Protector. Within eight years afterwards the Protector's body was 18. WESTMINSTER HALL. 239 rudely dragged from its resting-place in Westminster Abbey and thrust into a pit at Tyburn, while his head was exposed with those of Hradshaw and Ireton on the pinnacles of this same Westminster Hall, where it remained for 25 or 30 years. A high wind at last carried it to the ground. The family of the sentry who picked it up afterwards sold it to one of the Russells, a distant descendant of Cromwell, and it passed finally into the possession of Dr. Wilkinson, one of whose descendants, at Sevenoaks, Kent, claims now to possess it. There is some evidence, however, that the Protector's body, after exhumation, was buried in Red Lion Square, and that another, sub stituted for it, was deprived of its head and burled at Tyburn. Many other famous historical characters were condemned to death in Westminster Hall, including William Wallace, the brave champion of Scotland's liberties; Sir John Oldcastle, better known as Lord Cobham ; Sir Thomas More ; the Protector Somerset ; Sir Thomas Wyatt ; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex ; Guy Fawkes ; and the Earl of Strafford. Among other notable events transacted at Westminster Hall was the acquittal of the Seven Bishops, who had been committed to the Tower for their opposition to the Illegal dispensing power of James II. ; the condemnation of the Scottish lords Kilmarnock, Balmerino, and Lovat; the trial of Lord Byron (grand-uncle of the poet) for killing Mr. Chaworth in a duel ; tho condemnation of Lord Ferrars for murdering his valet ; and the ac quittal of Warren Hastings, after a trial which lasted seven years. The last public festival held in Westminster Hall was at the coronation of George IV., when the King's champion in full armour rode into the hall, and, according to ancient custom, threw his gauntlet on the floor, challenging to mortal combat anyone who might dispute the title of the sovereign. . The ceremony of swearing in the Lord Mayor took place here for the last time in 1882, and is now performed in the new Law Courts (p. 176). Mr. Gladstone's coffin lay here in state for two days before his interment (May, 1898). On theE. side of the hall are placed the following marble statues (beginning from the left) : Mary, wife of William HI., James I., Charles I., Charles II., William III., George IV., William IV. A tablet on the E. wall marks the position of an archway which formed tho chief access to the House of Commons from 1547 to 1G80. It was through this archway that Charles I. passed to arrest the Five Members ou Jan. 4th, 1G41-42. A tablet on the steps marks the spot where Charles I. stood during his trial; and a third tablot near tlie middle of the floor shows where Strafford stood during his trial (1641). From the first landing of the staircase leading to St. Stephen's Hall a narrow door to the left (E.) leads to St. Stephen's Crypt (properly the Church of St. Mary's Undercroft; not now shown), a low vaulted structure supported by columns , measuring 90 ft. in length, 28ft. in breadth, and 20 ft. in height. It was erected by King Stephen, rebuilt by Edwards II. and III., and, after 240 18. ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. having long fallen to decay, has recontly been thoroughly restored and richly decorated with painting and gilding. St. Stephen's Clois ters, on thoE. side of Westminster Hall, were built by Henry VIII. and have been lately restored. They are beautifully adorned with carving, groining, and tracery, but are not open to the public. The other multifarious portions of this immense pile of buildings include 18 or 20 official residences of various sizes, libraries, committee rooms, and dining, refreshment, and smoking rooms. The Terrace, overlooking the Thames, is much resorted to by members and tlieir friends for afternoon tea. The number of statues, outsido and inside, is about live hundred. On the W. side of Westminster Hall, and to tho N. of the Abbey, stands St. Margaret's Church (PI. R, 25; IV), which, down to 1858, used to be attended by the House of Commons in stato on four days in the year, as then prescribed in the Prayer Book. It was erected in the time of Edward I. on the site of an earlier church built by Edward the ConfesBor in 1064, and was greatly alterod and improved under Edward IV. The stained-glass window of the Crucifixion at the E. end was executed at Gouda in Holland, and is said to have been a gift from the town of Dordrecht to Henry VII. Henry VIII. presented it to Waltham Abbey. At the time of the Commonwealth it was concealed , and after various vicissitudes it was at length purchased in 1758 by the church wardens of St. Margaret's for 400i., and placed in its present position. William Caxton , whose printing-press was set up iu 1476-77 in the almonry, formerly standing near the W. front of Westminster Abbey, was buried here in 1491. From the fact of a chapel existing in the old almonry printers' work-shops and also guild-meetings of printers are still called 'chapels'. Sir Walter Raloigh, who was executed in front of the palace of Westminster in 1618, was buried in the chancel. The church, the interior of which was restored in 1878, is open daily, 9-1 and 2-4.30, except Sat. afternoon (entr. by the E. or vestry door, facing Westminster Hall). At the E. end of the S. aisle is a stained-glass window placed here by tbe printers in 1882 in memory of Caxton, containing his portrait, with the Venerable Bede on his right and Erasmus on his left. On a tablet below the window is a verse by Tennyson, referring to Caxton's motto, 'Fiat lux'. Adjacent is a brass memorial of Raleigh. The large and hand some window over the W. door was put up by Americans to the memory of Sir Walter Raleigh in 1882; it contains portraits of Raleigh and several of bis distinguished contemporaries, and also scenes connected with the life of Raleigh and the colonisation of America. The poetic inscription on the Raleigh window was written by Mr. J. Russell Lowell. There arc also windows in tbe S. wall in memory of Lord and Lady Hatberley, Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Massachusetts (d. 1803), Sir Thomas Erskine May (d. 1886), the great authority on Constitutional Law, etc., and also one erected in 1887 in memory of Queen "Victoria's Jubilee, witb an in scription by Browning. Tbe window at the W. end of tbe 3. aisle com memorates Lord Frederick Cavendish, assassinated at Dublin in 18H2. At the W. end of the K. aisle is a memorial window (erected by Mr. G. W. Childs) to John Milton, whose second wife and infant child are buried here 18. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. '241 and whose banns are in the parish-register ; tbe inscription is by Whittier Edmund Waller, Samuel Pepys, and Thomas Campbell were also married in this church. In the N. wall are windows to Mr. Edward Llovd (1815- 90), printer and publisher, with a verse by Sir Edwin Arnold'; to Ad miral Blake (d. 1667), 'chief founder of England's naval supremacy", who was buried in St. Margaret's churchyard after being exhumed from West minster Abbey; and to Mr. W. II. Smith (ii. 1891), leader of the House of Commons under Lord Salisbury. Besides Raleigh and Caxton the church shelters the remains of Skelton (d. 1520), the satirist, and James Harrington (d. 1677), author of 'Oceana'. Perhaps the most interesting of the old monu ments is that of Lady Dudley (d. 1600), wilh its painted effigy (near the E. end of the 8. wall). Near this monumont Is a brass tablet commem orating Dean Farrar's connection with St. Margaret's. In Old Palace Yard, to the S., between the Houses of Parlia ment and Westminster Abbey, rises an Equestrian Statue of Richard Coeur de Lion, in bronze, by Marochetti. Farther on are the Victoria Tower Gardens, abutting on the ThameB, and affording a fine view of Westminster Bridge. — Thence to the Tate Gallery, see p. 269. To the N. of St. Margaret's, in Parliament Square, is a bronze Statue of Lord Beaconsfield (A. 1881), in the robes of the Garter, by Raggi, unveiled in April , 1883. To the right, opposite the entrance into New Palace Yard, stands the bronze Statue of the Earl of Derby (A. 1869), in the robes of a peer, 10 ft. high, by Noble, erected in 1874. The granite pedestal bears four reliefs in bronze, representing his career as a statesman. A little farther to the right is a bronze statue of Lord Palmerston (A. 1865), and on the N. side of the square is that of Sir Robert Peel (A. 1850). On the W. side of the square Is the bronze Statue of Canning (A. 1827), by Westmacott , near which , at the corner of Great George Street, is a handsome Gothio fountain, erected in 1863 as a memorial to the distinguished men who brought about the abolition of slavery in the British dominions. The Surveyors' Institution, 12 Great George Street, contains & Forestry Museum, mainly illustrating the diseases of trees, parasite growths, and insect pests. Strangers are admitted on the introdnction of a member of the institution. "Westminster Bridge (PI. R, 29; 7V), erected in 1856-62, by Page, at a cost of 250,0002., on the site of an earlier stone bridge, is 1160 ft. long and 85 ft. broad (carriage-way 53 ft., side-walks eaoh 15 ft.). It consists of seven iron arches borne by granite buttresses, the central arch having a span of 120 ft., the others of 114 ft. The bridge is one of the handsomest in London, and affords an admirable view of the Houses of Parliament. It was the view from this bridge that suggested Wordsworth's fine sonnet, beginning 'Earth has not anything to show more fair'. Below the bridge, on the left bank, is the beginning of the Victoria Embank ment (p. 147); above, on the right bank, is the Albert Embankment, with the extensive Hospital of St. Thomas (p. 368). A group re presenting Queen Boadicea in her war-chariot, by J. Thorneycroft, is to be erected at the W. end of the bridge. Bakukkir's London, ltth Edit. 16 242 19. Westminster Abbey. Westminster Column. Westminster School. Church House. West minster Hospital. On the low ground on the left bank of the Thames, where Westminster Abbey now stands , once overgrown with thorns aud surrounded by water , and therefore called Thorney Isle , a church is said to have been erected in honour of St. Peter by the Anglo- Saxon king Sebert about 616. With the church was connected a Benedictine religious house (monasterium, or minster), which, in reference to its position to the W. of the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary of the Graces (Eastminster ; see p. 160), waB called **West- minster Abbey (PI. R, 25 ; IV). The church, after having been destroyed by the Danes, appearB to have been re-erected by King Edgar in 985. The regular establish ment of the Abbey, however, may be ascribed to Edward theOonfessor, who built a church here which seems to have been almost as large as the present one (1049-65). The Abbey was entirely rebuilt in the latter half of the 13th cent, by Henry III. and his son Ed ward I., who left it substantially in its present condition, though important alterations and additions were made in the two succeed ing centuries. The Chapel of Henry VII. was erected at the begin ning of the 16th cent., and the towers were added by Wren and Hawkesmore in 1722-40. The facade of the N. transept was restored iu 1890 from designs by Sir G. G. Scott and Mr. Pearson; and the view of the exterior was improved in 1895 by the removal of several houses in Old Palace Yard. At the Reformation the Abbey, which had been richly endowed by former kings, shared in the general fate of the religious houses ; its property was confiscated, and the church converted into the cathedral of a bishopric, which lasted only from Dec, 1540, to March, 1550. Under Queen Mary the monks returned, but Elizabeth restored the arrangements of Henry VIIL, and conveyed the Abbey to a Dean, who presided over a chapter of 12 Canons. — The title Archbishop of Westminster, recently created by the Pope, is not officially recognised in England. Westminster Abbey t , with its royal burial-vaults and long series of monuments to celebrated men, is not unreasonably regarded by the English as their national Walhalla, or Temple of Fame ; and in terment within its walls is considered the last and greatest honour which the nation can bestow on the most deserving of her offspring. The honour has often, however, been conferred on persons unworthy of it, and even on children. 'The spaciousness and gloom of this vast edifice produce a profound and mysterious awe. We step cautiously and softly about, as if fearful t The best guide to Westminster Abbey is the Deanery Quids, by M. C. and '/'. Bradley, published by the Pall Hall Gazette (illustrated; price 6d.). 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 243 0 10 PALACE YARD S* WkRC *...'-* ^" ^' 16* 244 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. of disturbing tbe hallowed silence of tbe tomb ; while every footfall whispers along tbe walls, and chatters among the sepulchres, making us more sensible of the quiet we have interrupted. It seems as if the awful nature of the place presses down upon the soul, and hushes the beholder into noiseless reverence. We feel that we are snrrounded by the con gregated bones of the great men of past times, who have filled history with their deeds, and the earth with their renown'. — Washington Irving. 'When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies iu me: when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out: wheu 1 meet with the grief of pareut9 upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion : when I see the tombs of the parents them selves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow : when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men who divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonish ment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind'. — Addison. The church is in the form of a Latin cross. The much admired chapel at the E. end is in the Perpendicular style. The other parts of the church, with the exception of the unpleasing and incongruous W. towers by Wren, and a few doubtful Norman remains, are Early English. The impression produced by the interior is very striking, owing to the harmony of tho proportions, the richness of the colour ing, and the beauty of the Purbeck marble columns and of the tri forium. In many respects, however, the effect is sadly marred by restorations and by the egregiously bad taste displayed in several of the monuments. The choir extends beyond the transept into the nave, from which it is separated by an iron screen. In front of the altar is a ourious old mosaic pavement with tasteful arabesques, brought from Rome in 1268 by Abbot Ware. The fine wood-work of the choir was executed in 1848. The organ was entirely rebuilt by Mr. Hill in 1884, and stands at the two extremities of the screen between the choir and the nave. It is connected by electric wires with an echo organ in the triforium, above Tennyson's monu ment (p. 253). The very elaborate and handsome reredos, erected in 1867, is chiefly composed of red and white alabaster. The large figures in the niches represent Moses, St. Peter, St. Paul, and David. The recess above the table contains a line Venetian glass mosaic, by Salviati, representing the Last Supper. In the S. bay of the sanctuary is a portrait of Richard II. on panel, formerly in the Jerusalem Chamber, the oldest contemporary representation of an English sovereign. Behind it is some old tapestry from Westminster School, with the liamesofWestmiiisterscholarspaintedon its ends. The Abbey, or, as it is officially termed, the Collegiato Church of St. Peter, is now decorated with upwards of 20 stained-glass windows. The total length of the church, including the chapel of Henry VI 1., is 513 ft. ; length of the transept from N. to S., 200 ft. ; breadth of nave and aisles, 75 ft., of transept, 80 ft.; height of the church, 102 ft., of towers, 225 ft. The Abbey is usually entered by the door (Solomon's Porch) in he N. transept, near St. Margaret's Church. The nave, aisles, and .19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 24 5 transept are open gratis to the public daily (Sun. excepted), except during the hours of divine service, till 4 p.m. in winter and 6 p.m. In summer. Daily service at 9.15 (8 on Sun., 9 on Saints' days), 10, and 8 o'clock. In summer there is u special Sunday service in the nave at 7 p.m. A charge of 6d. (except on Mon. and Tues.) Is made for admission to the chapels, which are shown only to visitors accompanied by a verger. Parties thus conducted start about every »/« hr. from the S. gate of the ambulatory. Visitors are cautioned against accepting the useless services of any of the numerous loiterers outside the church. The following list of the most interesting monuments, which do not invariably imply interment in the Abbey, begins with theN. transept, and continues through the N. aisle, the S. aisle, and the S. transept (Poets' Corner), after which we enter the chapels. N. Transept. On the right, William Pitt, Lord Chatham, the statesman (d. 1778), a large monument by Bacon. Above, in a niche, Chatham is represented in an oratorical attitude , with his right hand out stretched ; at his feet are sitting two female figures, Wisdom and Courago; in the contre, Britannia with a trident; to the right and left, Earth and Sea. — Opposite — L. John Holies, Duke of Newcastle (A. 1711); large monument by Bird, in a debased style. The sarcophagus bears the semi-re cumbent figure of tho Duke ; to tho right is Truth with her mirror, on the left, Wisdom ; above, on the columns and over the armorial bearings, Genii. — Adjacent — L. "George Canning, the statesman (d. 1827); statue by Chan trey. ¦ — Adjacent, Mb son — L. Charles John, Viscount Canning, Governor-General of India (d. 1862), statue by Foley. Close by is their relative, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe (A. 1880), long British ambassador in Constantinople ; statue by Boehm, with an epitaph by Tennyson. L. Sir John Malcolm, General (d. 1833), one of the chief pro moters of the British power in India; statue by Chantrey. Adjacent, Lord Beaconsfield (A. 1881), statue by Boehm. R. Lord Palmerston, the statesman (d. 1865); statue by Jack son, in the costume of a Knight of the Garter. — Adjoining — R. William Bayne , William Blair , and Lord Manners, naval officers who 'were mortally wounded in the course of the naval en gagements under the command of Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney on the 9th and 12th of April, 1782', by Nollekens. L. William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle (A. 1676), and his wife ; a double sarcophagus, with recumbent figures in the costume of the period, under a rich canopy. — Adjacent — 246 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. L. *8ir Peter Warren, Admiral (d. 1752), by Roubiliac. Her cules places the bust of the Admiral on a pedestal , while Navi gation looks on with mournful admiration. — Beneath the pavement in front lies William Ewart Gladstone (A. May 19th, 1898). — Opposite — R. Lord Castlereagh, the statesman (d. 1822); statue by Thomas. The scroll in his hand bears the (now scarcely legible) inscription, 'Peace of Paris, 1814'. Next to it — L. "William, Lord Mansfield, the statesman and judge (d. 1793), by Flaxman. Above is the Judge on the judicial bench, in his offlcial robes ; on the left is Justice with her scales , on the right, Wisdom opening the book of the law. Behind the bench is Lord Mansfield's motto : 'uni aequus virtuti', with a youth bearing an ex tinguished torch. — Opposite, by the railing of the ambulatory — L. Sir Robert Peel, the statesman (d. 1850) ; statue by Gibson. Henry Gratian (d. 1820), Charles Fox (p. 248), and the two Pitts are all buried in this transept. It was the proximity here of the graves of Fox and tbe younger Pitt (p. 249) that suggested Scott's well-known lines : — 'Drop upon Fox's grave the tear, 'Twill trickle to his rival's bier'. W. Aislb or N. Transept. It. George Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, the statesman (d. 1860), Byron's 'travelled Thane, Athenian Aberdeen' ; bust by Noble. R. "Elizabeth Warren (A. 1816), widow of the Bishop of Bangor, by Westmacott. The fine monument represents, in half life-size, a poor woman sitting with her child in her arms, in allusion to the benevolence of the deceased. — Adjoining — R. Sir George Cornewall Lewis , statesman (d. 1863) ; bust by Weekes. — Adjacent — R. Sir Eyre Coote, General, Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in India (d. 1788); colossal monument by Ban/is, erected by the East India Company. R. Charles Buller (A. 1848), the statesman ; bust by Weekes. R. Francis Horner, Member of Parliament (d. 1817); statue by Chantrey. — Opposite — L. Sir John Balchen, Admiral, who in 1744 was lost with his flag-ship and crew of nearly 1000 men in the English Channel ; with a relief of the wrecked vessel, by Scheemakers. R. General Hope, Governor of Quebec (d. 1789), by Bacon; a mourning Indian woman bends over the sarcophagus. — Above — R. Warren Hastings, Governor-General of India (d. 1818); bust by Bacon. — To the left — Richard Cobden, the politician and champion of free-trai'e (d. 1865); bust by Woolner. — Above — Sir Henry Maine, professor of jurisprudence and the 'friend of India' (d. 1888), marble medallion by Boehm. 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 247 R. Earl of Halifax, the statesman (d. 1771); bust by Bacon. At the end of the passage, in three niches in the wall above, separated by palm-trees, Ib the monument of — Admiral Watson (A. 1757), by Scheemakers. The Admiral, in a toga, is sitting in the centre, holding a palm-branch. On the right the town of Calcutta on her knees presents a petition to her conqueror. On the left is an Indian in chains, emblematical of Chandernagore, also conquered by the Admiral. N. Aisle. On the left, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (A. 1845), Member of Parliament, one of the champions of the movement for the abol ition of slavery, by Thrupp. — Close by, W. E. Forstcr (A. 1886), M. P. and educationalist; medallion portrait-head. — Farther on — L. Balfe (A. 1870), the composer, medallion by Mallempre. L. Hugh Chamberlain, physician (d. 1728), by Scheemakers and Delvaux; recumbent figure upon a sarcophagus; on the right and left, two allegorical figures, representing Health and Med icine. R. Tablets to Charles Burney (A. 1814), the historian of music, and John Blow (A. 1708) , the composer and organist. — Then — R. William Croft, organist of the Abbey (d. 1727), with a bust. On the floor are the tombstones of Henry Purcell (A. 1695), or ganist of the Abbey, and W. Stemdale Bennet (A. 1875), the composer. — Above — R. "George Lindsay Johnstone (A. 1815); fine monument by Flaxman, erected by the sistor of the deceased. On a sarcophagus, with a small medallion of the deceased, Is a mourning female figure. L. "Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor of Java and founder of the Zoological Society (d. 1826; comp. p. 287), sitting figure, by Chantrey. L. "William Wilberforce (A. 1833), one of the chief advocates for tbe emancipation of the slaves ; sitting figure, by Joseph. L. Charles Darwin (1809-82), the naturalist; bronze medallion by Boehm. — James Prescott Joule (A. 1889), the physicist ; tablet. — John Couch Adams (A. 1892), the discoverer of the planet Nep tune ; medallion by Bruce Joy. L. Lord John Thynne, D. D., Sub-Dean of the Abbey (d. 1881), recumbent figure by Armstead. To the left, at the end of the choir : — Sir Isaac Newton (A. 1726), by Rysbrack. The half-recumbent figure of Newton repoBes on a black sarcophagus, beside which are two small Genii unfolding a scroll. Below is a relief in marble, in dicating the labours of the deceased. Above is an allegorical figure of Astronomy upon a large globe. 248 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Charles Darwin (p. 247), and 5ir John Herschel (A. 1871), the astronomer, are buried within a few yards of Newton's tomb (memorial slabs in the floor). — The window above and the follow ing window are respectively memorials of Robert Stephenson (A. 1859) and Joseph Locke (A. 1860), the engineers. R. (in the N. aisle) Richard Mead, the physician (d. 1754), with bust, by Scheemakers. — Abovo, in the window : — "Spencer Perceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of the Treasury, who was murdered at Westminster Hall in 1812. Recumbent figure upon a sarcophagus, by Westmacott; at the head a mourning figure of Strength, and at the foot Truth and Mod eration. The bas-relief above represents the murder ; the second figure to the left is that of the murderer, Bellingham. II. Jlfrs. Mary Beaufoy (A. 1705) ; group by Grinling Gibbons. R. Thomas Banks (A. 1806), the sculptor; tablet. — Above this — R. Robert Killigrew, General, killed at Almanza iu Spain in 1707, by Bird. — In front of this monument Ben Jonson is buried (p. 253), with the words '0 Kare Ben Johnson I ' cut in the pave ment. The stone with the original inscription is now built into the wall close to the floor beneath Killigrew's monument. Close by, under a modern brass, lies John Hunter (A. 1793), the celebrated surgeon and anatomist, brought here in 1869 from St. Martin's in the Fields. — The window above was erected to the memory of Isambard Brunei (A. 1859), the engineer. R. Dr. John Woodward (A. 1728), the 'founder of English geol ogy' ; monument by Scheemakers. — Above — R. Sir Charles Lyell, tlie geologist (d. 1875) , bust by Theed (also slab on the floor). — The next window commemorates Richard Trevithick (A. 1833), the engineer. It. "Charles James Fox (A. 1806), by Westmacott. The famous statesman is supported by the arms of Liberty ; at hiB feet are Peace, with an olive-branch, and a liberated negro slave. We have now reached the Belfry Tower, called by Dean Stanley the 'Whig Corner'. R. "Captain Montagu (A. 1794) , by Flaxman. Statue on a lofty pedestal, crowned by the Goddess of Victory. R. Viscount Howe (A. 1768); monument by Scheemakers, erected by the Province of Massachusetts before its separation from the mother-country. R. Sir James Mackintosh, the historian (d. 1832); bust by Theed. R. George Tierney , the orator (d. 1830) ; bust by Westmacott. R. Marquis of Lansdowne (A. 1863); bust by Boehm. R. Lord Holland, the statesman (d. 1840); large monument, by Baily. Below is represented the entrance to a vault, on the steps to which on the left the Angel of Death, and on the right Litera ture and Science are poBted. R. John, Earl Russell (A. 1878), bust. 19. . WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 249 It. Zachary Macaulay (A. 1838), the father of Lord Macaulay, and a noted advocate for the abolition of slavery; bust by Weekes. Having now reached the end of the N. aisle, we turn to the left (S.), where on the N. Bide of the principal (W.) Entrance, at the end of the nave, we observe the monuments of — Antony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury (A. 1885), a marble statue by Boehm, and — Jeremiah Horrocks, the astronomer (d. 1641). Above the door is the monument of — "William Pitt, the renowned statesman (d. 1806), by Westma cott. At the top stands the statue of Pitt as Chancellor of the Exohequer, in the act of speaking. To the right is History listen ing to his wordB ; on the left, Anarchy in chains. On the S. side of the door is the monument of Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy (A. 1732), by Cheere. R. James Cornewall, Captain (d. 1743), by Taylor. At the foot of a low pyramid of Sicilian marble is a grotto in white marble, with a relief of the naval battle of Toulon, where Cornewall fell. The mon ument terminates above in a palm-tree with the armorial bearings. S. Aisle. In the baptistery at the W. end : — James Craggs, Secretary of State (d. 1721) ; statue by Guelphi, with inscription by Pope. William Wordsworth, the poet (d. 1860); statue by Lough. Rev. John Keble (A. 1866); bust by Woolner. The baptistery also contains busts, by Woolner, of the Rev. Fred. D. Maurice (A. 1872) and tho Rev. Charles Kingsley (A. 1876), one of Matthew Arnold (A. 1888), by Bruce Joy, one of Dr. Thomas Arnold (A. 1842), by Gilbert, and a bronze medallion of Professor Henry Fawcett (A. 1884), by Alfred Gilbert, with a row of small allegorical figures. The stained-glass windows were placed here by Mr. George W. Childs of Philadelphia in memory of George Herbert (A. 1632) and William Cowper (A. 1800). We now continue to follow the S. aisle. Slab on the floor: Bishop Atterbury (A. 1732). To the right, above the door leading to the Deanery, is the Abbot's Pew, a small oaken gallery, constructed by Abbot Islip in the 16th century. On the right: William Congreve, the dramatist (d. 1728), by Bird, with a medallion and a sarcophagus of Egyptian marble. The monument was erected by Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough. — Slab on the floor: Ann Oldfield (A. 1730), the actress. R. William Buckland, the geologist (d. 1856), bust by Weekes. R. Lord Lawrence (A. 1879), Governor-General of India ; bust by Woolner. — Above the door to the cloisterB (see p. 266) — 250 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. "George Wade, General (d. 1748) , by Roubiliac. The Goddess of Fame is preventing Time from destroying the General's trophies, which are attached to a column. R. Sir James Outram, General (d. 1863); bust by Noble. Below are Outram and Lord Clyde shaking hands, and between them is General Havelock. At the sides are mourning figures, represent ing Indian tribes. — Above, occupying the whole recess of the window, — R. William Hargrove, General (d. 1750), by Roubiliac. The General is descending from his sarcophagus, while Time, represent ed allegorically, conquers Death and breaks his arrow. Adjacent is a tablet recording the burial in tbe nave of .Sir William Temple (d. 1699) and his wife, Dorothy Osborne (d. 1095). Sidney, Earl Qodolphin (A. 1712), Lord High Treasurer, by Bird. R. Colonel Townshend, who fell in Canada in 1759, by Eck stein. Two Indian warriors bear the white marble sarcophagus, which is adjoined by a pyramid of coloured Sicilian marble. R. John Andrl, Major, executed in America as a spy in 1780. Sarcophagus with mourning Britannia, by Van Gelder. —Opposite, in the nave, by the end of the choir: — James, Earl Stanhope, ambassador and minister of war (d. 1720), by Rysbrack. — Then, returning to the S. aisle : — L. Thomas Thynn, murdered in Pall Mall in 1682 by assassins hired by Count Koningsmarck, whose object was the hand of Thynne's wife, a wealthy heiress, by Quellin. The relief on the pedestal is a representation of the murder. R. Dr. Isaac Watts, the famous divine and hymn-writer (d. 1748), with bust by Banks. R. John Wesley, founder of the Methodists (d. 1791), and Charles Wesley (A. 1788), by Van Gelder, relief by Adams- Acton. R. Charles Burney, philologist (d. 1818); bust by Gahagan. L. Thomas Owen, judge (d. 1698); an interesting old painted monument, with a lifesize recumbent figure leaning on the right arm. — By the adjoining pillar — L. Pasquale Paoli, the well-known Corsican general (d. 1807), formerly buried in old St. Pancras Churchyard, but transferred to Corsica in 1889; bust by Flaxman. R. Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Admiral (d. 1707), by Bird, recumbent figure under a canopy. — Above — Sir Godfrey Kneller, the painter (d. 1723), by Rysbrack ; bust under a canopy. The monument was designed by Kneller himself, who is the only painter commemorated in the abbey. He was buried in his own garden, at Kneller Hall, Twickenham. Here is a door leading to the E. walk of the cloisters and to the chapter-house (p. 266). 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 251 L. Sir Thomas Richardson, judge (d. 1634), old monument by Le Soeur. L. William Thynne (A. 1684); a fine old monument in marble and alabaster, with a coloured effigy. L. Dr. Andrew Bell, the founder of the Madras system of edu cation (d. 1832), with relief representing him examining a class of boys, by Behnes. In the middle of the nave lie, amongst others, David Living stone, the celebrated African traveller (d. 1873), Arc/ioisftoj> Trench (d. 1886), Sir Charles Barry, the arohitect (d. 1860), Robert Stephen son, the engineer (d. 1859), Lord Clyde (A. 1863), Sir James Outram (d. 1863; the 'Bayard of India'), Sir George Pollock (A. 1872), Lord Lawrence (A. 1879), Sir G. G. Scott, the architect (d. 1878 ; with a brass by Street), and ff. E. Street (A. 1881), the architect of the New Law Courts. We now turn to the right and enter the — S. Transept and Pobts' Corner. On the right: George Grote (A. 1871) and Bishop Thirlwall (d. 1875), two historians of Greece who now share one grave. Grote's bust is by Bacon. R. William Camden, the antiquary (A. 1623). Above — David Garrick, the famouB actor (d. 1779) ; large group in relief, by Webber. Garrick is stepping out from behind a curtain, which he opens with extended arms. Below are the comic and the tragic Muse. — Below — Isaac Casaubon, the scholar (d. 1614). On this stone, near the foot, is the monogram I. W., scratched here by Izaak Walton In 1658. — Above — John Ernest Grabe , the Oriental scholar (d. 1711); sitting figure by Bird. — Several uninteresting monuments ; then — Isaac Barrow, the scholar and mathematician (d. 1677). Joseph Addison, the essayist (d. 1719; p. 258) ; statue by Westmacott. On the base are the Muses in relief. Lord Macaulay, the historian (d. 1859) ; bust by Burnard. W. M. Thackeray, the novelist and humorist (d. 1863); bust by Marochetti. — Above — George Frederick Handel, the composer (d. 1759), the last work from the chisel of Roubiliac ; lifesize statue surrounded by musio and instruments; above, among the clouds, a heavenly choir; in the background, an organ. — Below, Jenny Lind Goldschmidt, the singer (d. 1887); medallion portrait-head, by Birch. Sir Archibald Campbell, General (d. 1791), by Wilton.— Below, to the right, — James Stuart Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal for Scotland (d. 1800); medallion-portrait, by Nollekens. — By the S. wall : — 252 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. "John, Duke of Argyll and Greenwich (A. 1743); a large monu ment by Roubiliac. On a black sarcophagus rests the half-recumb ent lifesize figure of the Duke, supported by History, who is writing his name on a pyramid ; on the pedestal, to the left, Elo quence, to the right, Valour. — Sir Walter Scott (A. 1832), replica of the bust by Chantrey, placed here In 1897. A door here leads into the Chapel of St. Blaise or St. Faith, with Its lofty groined roof. The chapel is open for private devotions. Above the doorway of the chapel : — Oliver Goldsmith (A. 1774), buried at the Temple (p. 173); medallion by Nollekens. — Then — John Gay, the poet (d. 1732), by Rysbrack. A small Genius holds the medallion. The irreverent inscription, by Gay himself, runs : — 'Life is a jest ; and all things show it : I thought so once, but now I know it'. Nicolas Rowe, the poet (d. 1718), and his only daughter, by Rysbrack. Above, the medallion of the daughter. — Then — James Thomson, tho poet of the 'Seasons' (d. 1748); statue by Spang. — Adjacent — "William Shakspeare (d. 1616), designed by Kent, and executed by Scheemakers. The figure of the Poet, placed on a pedestal re sembling an altar , is represented with the right arm leaning on a pile of his workB ; the left hand holds a roll bearing a well-known passage from 'The Tempest'. On the pedestal are the masks of Queen Elizabeth, Henry V., and Richard III. Above, Robert Burns (A. 1796), bust by Steell. Robert Southey, the poet (d. 1843), bust by Weekes. i S. T. Coleridge, the poet (d. 1834), bust by Hamo Thornycroft. — Then, opposite Addison'B statue, — Tlwmas Campbell, thepoet(d. 1844), statue by Marshall. — The grave of Charles Dickens (A. 1870) is between the statues of Ad dison and Campbell, and is surrounded by the tombs of Handel, Sheridan, and Cumberland. Garrick, Francis Beaumont, Sir John Denham, the Rev. Henry Cary (translator of Dante), James MacPherson (of 'Ossian' fame), Dr. Johnson, and Macaulay are also buried in the Poets' Corner. Passing round the pillar we now enter the — E. Aisle of the Poets' Corner. On the right. Granville Sharp (A. 1813), one of the chief advocates for the abolition of slavery, medallion by Chantrey. — Above — Charles de St. Denis, Seigneur de St. Evremont, author, French Marshal, afterwards in the service of England (d. 1703), bust. — Below — 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 253 Matthew Prior, politician and poet (d. 1721), large monument by Rysbrack. In a niche is Prior's bust by Coyzevox (presented by Louis XIV. of France); below, a black sarcophagus, adjoined by two allegorical figures of (r.) History and (1.) Thalia. At the top are two boys, with a toroh and an hour-glass. — Then — William Mason, the poet (d. 1797) ; medallion, mourned over by Poetry, by Bacon. — Over it — Thomas Shadwell, the poet (d. 1692), by Bird. — Below — Thomas Gray, the poet (d. 1771) ; medallion, held by the Muse of poetry, by Bacon. — Above — John Milton (d. 1674 ; buried in St. Giles's Church, Cripplegate), buBt by Rysbrack (1737). Below is a lyre, round which is twining a serpent with an apple, in allusion to 'Paradise Lost'. — Below — Edmund Spenser (A. 1598; buried near Chaucer), 'the prince of poets in his tyme', as the inscription says; a simple, altar-like monument, with ornaments of light- coloured marble above. — Above — Samuel Butler, author of 'Hudibras' (d. 1680), with bust. — Then : Ben Jonson (A. 1637), poet laureate to James I., and contem porary of Shakspeare ; medallion by Rysbrack (1737) ; on the ped estal the inscription, '0 rare Ben Johnson I' (comp. p. 248). — Michael Drayton, the poet (d. 1631), with bust. Barton Booth, the actor (d. 1733), an ancestor of Edwin Booth, with medallion, by Tyler. John Phillips, the poet (d. 1708) ; portrait in relief. The tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer (A. 1400), the father of English poetry, is on the same side, close by, and consists of an altar-sarco phagus (supposed to be from Grey Friars Church, p. 121) under a canopy let into the wall (date, 1556). The tomb was erected by Nicholas Brigham (d. 1558), who is said to have removed Chaucer'B remains from the cloister. — Above it is a fine stained-glaBS window, erected in 1868, with scenes from Chaucer's poems, and a likeness of the poet. Abraham Cowley, the poet (d. 1667), with uru, by Bushnell. Robert Browning, the poet (d. 1889), is burled directly in front of Cowley'B monument; and side by side with him lies Lord Tennyson, poet laureate (d. 1892 ; bust, by Woolner, on the pillar opposite). H. W. Longfellow, the poet (d. 1882) ; bust by Brock. John Dryden, the poet (A. 1700) ; bust by Scheemakers. Archbishop Tait (d. 1883); marble bust by Armstead (at the entrance to the choir-ambulatory). Robert South, the preacher (d. 1716) ; statue by Bird. Richard Busby (A. 1695 ; see p. 268) ; statue by Bird. In front of Dryden's tomb is a blue slab in the floor, believed to commemorate Robert Hawle, murdered in the choir in 1378 by the followers of John of Gaunt. The church was closed for four months 254 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. until the outraged privileges of sanctuary were again confirmed to it. — In the centre of the S. transept is a white slab, covering the remains of 'Old Parr' (d. 1636), who is said to have reached the age of 152 years. To the left of the entrance to the ambulatory is an old altar decoration ofthe 13th or 14th cent., below which is the old monument of the Saxon king Sebert (A. 616) and his wife Athelgoda (A. 615). We now repair to the *Chafels, which follow each other in the following order (starting from the Poets' Corner). I. CiiArRL of St. Benedict. 1. Archbishop Langham(A. 1376) ; with recumbent figure. 2. Lady Frances Hertford (A. 1598). 3. Dr. Goodman, Dean of Westminster (d. 1601). 4. A son of Dr. Spratt. *5. Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex (A. 1645), Lord High Treasurer in the time of James I., and his wife. 6. Dr. Bill(A. 1561), first Dean of Westminster uuder Elizabeth. 3 1 1 4 1 2 5 6 1 Near this is the tomb of Ann of Cleves (d. 1557) , fourth wife of Henry VIII. II. Chapel of St. Edmund, King of the East Anglians(d. 870). *1. John of Eltham, second son of Edward II. , who died inl334 in his nineteenth year. Sarcophagus with lifesize alabaster figure. 2. Earl of Stafford (A. 1762) ; Blab, by Chambers. 3. Nicholas Monk (A. 1661), BiBhop of Hereford, brother of the famous Duke of Albemarle (p. 258) ; slab and pyramid, by Woodman. 4. William of Windsor and Blanche de la Tour (A. 1340), children of Edward IIL, who both died young; small sarcophagus, with recumbent alabaster figures 20 in. in length. 5. Duchess of Suffolk (A. 1558), granddaughter of Henry VII. and mother of Lady Jane Grey ; recumbent figure. 6. Francis Holies, son of the Earl of Clare, who died in 1622, at the age of 18, on his return from a campaign in Flanders, in which he had greatly distinguished himself; sitting figure, by Stone 7. Lady Jane Seymour (A. 1560), daughter of the Duke of Somerset. 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 255 8. Lady Katharine Knollys (A. 1568), ohief Lady of the Bed chamber to Queen Elizabeth, niece of Anne Boleyn, and grand mother of the Queen's favourite, the Earl of Essex. 9. Lady Elizabeth Russell (A. 1601), a handsome sitting figure of alabaster, in an attitude of sleep. The Latin inscription Bays, 'she sleepB, she Is not dead'. 10. Lord John Russell (A. 1584), and his son Francis; sarco phagus with a recumbent figure, resting on the left arm, in offlcial robes, with the boy at the feet. 11. Sir Bernard Brocas of Beaurepaire, Chamberlain to Queen Anne, wife of Richard II., beheaded on Tower Hill in 1399 ; an interesting old monument in the form of a Gothic chapel, with re cumbent figure of a praying knight ; at the feet, a lion. 12. Sir Humphrey Bourchier, partisan of Edward IV., who fell Chapel of St. Edmund. on Easter Day, 1471, at the battle of Barnet Field. Altar monument, with the figure of a knight, the head resting on a helmet, one foot on a leopard, and the other on an eagle. 13. Sir Richard Pecksall (A. 1571), MaBter of the Buckhounds to Queen Elizabeth; canopy with three niches. *14. Edward Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury (A. 1617), and his wife; figures lying under a canopy on a slab of black marble with a pedestal of alabaster. 15. William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, who fell at Bayonne in 1296 ; recumbent wooden figure, overlaid with metal, the feet resting on a lion. 16. Robert de Waldeby, Archbishop of York (A. 1397), once an Augustinian monk and the companion of Edward the Black Prince in France , tutor to Richard II. ; mediseval monument, with en graved figure. *17. Eleanora de Bohun, Duchess of Gloucester, Abbess of Bark ing (d. 1399), one of the most interesting monuments in the Abbey. Her husband was smothered at Calais between two feather-beds by 256 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. order of Richard II. , his nephew. She is represented in the dress of a nun of Barking. The inscription is in old French. 18. Mary, Countess of Stafford (A. 1693), wife of Lord Stafford, who was beheaded ou Tower Hill in 1680. 19. Dr. Feme, Bishop of Chester, Grand Almoner of Charles I. (d. 1661). Edward Bulwer Lytton, the novelist (d. 1873), and Lord Her bert of Cherbury (d. 1678) are buried under slabB in this chapel. III. Chapel of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. 1. Lady Cecil, Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth (d. 1591). 2. LadyJane Clifford, daughteroftheDukeofSomerset(d.l679). 3. Countess of Beverley ; small tombstone with the inscription, 'Eaperance en Dieu' (d. 1812), by Nollekens. 4. Anne, Duchess of Somerset (A. 1587), widow of the Protector Chapel of St. Nicholas. (beheaded on Tower Hill in 1652, see p. 159), and sister-in-law of Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII. ; recumbent figure. 5. Westmoreland Family. — Above — 6. Baron Carew (A. 1470) and his wife , meditsval monument, with kneeling figures. 7. Nicholas Bagenall (A. 1687),' overlain by his nurse when an infant. *8. Lady Mildred Burleigh (A. 1588), wife of Lord Burleigh, the famous minister, and her daughter Anne. Lady Burleigh, says the epitaph, was well versed in the Greek sacred writers, and founded a scholarship at St. John's College, Oxford. Recumbent figures. 9. William Dudley, Bishop of Durham (d. 1483). 10. Anna Sophia (A. 1601), the infant daughter of Count Bella- monte, French ambassador at the court of James I. 11. Lady Ross (A. 1591); medimval monument. 12. Marchioness of Winchester (A. 1586). 13. Duchess of Northumberland (A. 1776), by Read. 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 257 14. Philippa de Bohun, Duchess of York (A. 1431), wife of Edward Plantagenet, who fell at Agincourtinl415. Old monument with effigy of the deceased in long drapery. *16. Sir George Villiers (A. 1605) and his wife (d. 1632), the parents of the Duke of Buckingham, favourite of James I. ; mon ument with recumbent figures, in the centre of the chapel, by Stone. — The remains of Katherine of Valois , wife of Henry V. (d. 1437), lay below this tomb for 350 years (comp. p. 261) 16. Sir Humphrey Stanley (A. 1505). Opposite us, on leaving this chapel, under the tomb of Henry V., is a bronze bust of Sir Robert Aiton, the poet (1670-1638), executed by Farelli from a portrait by Van Dyck. Aiton was secretary of two Queens Consort andafriendof Jonson, Drummond,and Hobbes. The earliest known version of 'Auld Lang Syne' was written by him. IV. A flight of twelve black marble steps now leads into the **Chapel of Henry VIL, a superb structure erected in 1502-20 on the site of an old chapel of the Virgin Mary. The roses in the decoration of the fine brass-covered gates are an allusion to the marriage of Henry VIL, founder of the Tudor family, with Eliza beth, daughter of Edward IV. , which united the Houses of York and Lancaster, and put an end to the Wars of the Roses (comp. p. 174). The chapel consists of nave and aisles, with five small chapels at the E. end. The aisles are entered by doors on the right and left of the main gate. On the left stands the font. The chapel contains about 100 statues and figures. On each side are carved choir-stalls in dark oak , admirably designed and beautifully exe cuted; the quaint carvings on the 'misereres' under the seats are worthy of examination. Each Btall is appropriated to a Knight of the Order of the Bath, the lower seats being for the squires. Each seat bears the armorial bearings of its occupant in brass, and above each are a sword and banner. The chief glory of this chapel, however, is its fan-tracery ceiling with its fantastic pendentives, each surface being covered with rich fret-work, exhibiting the florid Perpendicular style in its utmost luxuriance. The airineBs, elegance, and richness of thiB exquisite work can scarcely be over-praised. The best survey of the chapel is gained either from the entrance-door, or from the small chapel at the opposite extremity, behind the monument of the founder, whose portrait iB to be seen in the stained-glaBS window above. 'On entering, the eye is astonished by tho pomp of architecture, and the elaborate beauty of sculptured detail. The very walls are wrought into universal ornament, incrnsted with tracery, and scooped into niches, crowded with the statues of saints and martyrs. Stone seems, by the cunning labonr of the chisel, to have been robbed of its weight and density, suspended aloft, as if by magic, and tbe fretted roof achieved with the wonderful minuteness and airy security of a cobweb.' — Washington Irving. We first turn our attention to the S. aiBle of the chapel, where we observe the following monuments: *1. Lady Margaret Douglas(A. 1577), daughter of Margaret, Queen Baedeker's London, llth Edit. 17 258 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. / of Scotland, great-granddaughter of Edward IV., granddaughter of Henry VII., niece of Henry VIIL, cousin of Edward VI., sister uf James V. of Scotland, mother of Henry I. ofScot- land (Lord Darnley), and grandmother of James VI. Her seven children kneel round the sarcophagus ; the eighth figure is her grandson, King James. 2. Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded in 1587, an inartistic monument by Cure, representing a recumbent figure uuder a canopy, in a praying attitude. The remains of the Queen are buried in a vault below the monu ment. Adjacent, on the wall, hangs aphotographic copy of the warrant issued by James I. in 1612 for the removal of his moth er's body from Peter borough Cathedral to Westminster Abbey. S.Margaret, Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VII. (d. 1509); recumbent metal effigy, by Torregiano. 4. Lady Walpole (A. 1737) , first wife of Sir Robert Walpole, executed by Valori after an ancient statue of Livia or Pudic.itia in the Villa Mattei, Rome, and brought from Italy by her son, Horace Walpole. 5. George Monk, Duke of Albemarle (A. 1670), the restorer of the Stuarts, by Scheemakers. Rostral column, with lifesize figure of the Duke. In Monk's vault, which is in the N. aisle, are also buried Addison (A. 1719; p. 251) and Secretary Craggs (A. 1721). In the vault in front of it are buried Charles II., William III. and Queen Mary, his wife, and Queen Anne and her consort, Prince George of Denmark. We now enter the nave, which contains the following monuments (beginning from the chapel on the left) : — in South Aisle of the Chapel of Henry VII. E itrance. 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 259 1. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, the favourite of James I. and Charles I., murdered in 1628 by the fanatic Felton, and his consort. The monument is of iron. At the feet of the recumbent effigies of the deceased is Fame blowing a trumpet. At the front corners of the sarcophagus are Neptune and Mars, at those at the back two mourning females, all in a sitting posture. At the top, on their knees, are the lifesize children of the deceased. 2. John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire (A. 1721), and his wife, by Scheemakers. The figure of the Duke is half-recumbent, and in Roman costume. At his feet iB the duchess, weeping. Above is Time with the medallions. Anne of Denmark (d. 1618), consort of James I., is interred in front of this monument. — Within this chapel is preserved an old pulpit ofthe Reformation period, prob ably the one in which Cranmer preached the coronation and funeral sermons of Edward VI. In the E. chapel were interred Oliver Cromwell and some of his followers, removed in 1661. •3. Duke of Montpensier (A. 1807), brother of King Louis Phil ippe, recumbent figure in white marble, by Westmacott. Dean Stanley (A. 1881 ; recumbent statue by Boehm), and his wife, Lady Augusta Stanley (A. 1876), aro buried in this chapel. 4. Esm£ Stuart, who died in 1661, in his eleventh year; pyr amid with an urn containing the heart of the deceased. 5. Lewis Stuart, Duke ofRichmond(A. 1623), father's cousin and friend of James I., and his wife. Double sarcophagus with re cumbent figures. The iron canopy is borne by figures of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Wisdom. Above is a fine figure of Fame. *6. Henry VII. (A. 1509) and his wife Elitabeth of York (A. 1502); metal monument, by Torreglano. It occupies the centre of the eastern part of the chapel, and is enclosed by a tasteful chantry of brass. On the double sarcophagus are the recumbent figures of the royal pair in their robes. The compartments at the sides of the tomb are embellished with sacred representations. — James 1. (A. 1625) is buried in the Bame vault as Henry VII. George II. and a number of members of the royal family are interred , without monuments , in front of the tomb of Henry VII. Also Edward VI. (A. 1553), whose monument by Torregiano was destroyed by the Republicans, and is replaced by a modern Renais sance altar (No. 7 in plan, p. 268). The marble frieze and two of the columns, however, belong to the original. To the left is the tomb of Elizabeth Claypole (A. 1658), second daughter of Oliver Cromwell, marked by an inscription in the pavement. The monuments in the northern aisle of this chapel are not less interesting than those in the southern. •1. Queen Elizabeth (A. 1603), by Powtrain and De Critz. Here also is commemorated Elizabeth's sister and predecessor Mary (A. 1558), who is buried beneath. 17* 260 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. ZT ? North Aisle of the Cha pel of Henry VII. E Entrance. i 2. Sophia, daughter of James I., who was born in 1607, and died when three days old. Small recumbent figure in a cradle. 3. Edward V. and his brother, the Duke of York, the sons of Edward IV., murdered in the Tower when child ren, by Richard III., in 1483. Some bones, supposed to be those of the un fortunate boys, were found in a chest below a staircase in the Tower (see p. 165), and brought hither. Small sarcophagus in a niche. 4. Afary, daughter of James I., who died in 1607 at the age of two years. Small altar-tomb. 5. George Saville, Marquis of Hali fax, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal during several reigns (d. 1695). 6. Charles Montague, Earl of Hali fax, Lord High Treasurer (d. 1716). — The earl was the patron ot Addison (A. 1719; p. 268), who is commemorated by a slab in front of this monument. After quitting the Chapel of Henry VII. and descending the steps, we see in front of us the Chantry of Henry V. (p. 261), with its finely sculptured arch, over which is represented the coronation of that monarch (1413). A slab on the floor marks the vault of the Earls of Clarendon, including the distinguished historian (d. 1674). V. Chapel of St. Paul. 1. Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879), the originator of the Bystem of penny postage ; bust by Keyworth. 2. Sir Henry Belasyse (A. 1717), Lieutenant-General and Gov ernor of Galway. Pyramid by Scheemakers. 3. Sir John Puckering (A. 1596), Keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth, and his wife. Recumbent figures under a canopy. 4. Sir James Fullerton (A. 1630), First Gentleman of the Bed chamber to Charles I., and his wife. Recumbent marble figures. 5. Sir Thomas Bromley (d. 1587), Lord Chancellor under Queen Elizabeth. Recumbent figure ; below, his eight children. 6. Sir Dudley Carleton (A. 1631), diplomatist under James I.; semi-recumbent figure, by Stone. 7. Countess of Sussex (A. 1589) ; at her feet is a porcupine. 8. Lord Cottington, statesman in the reign of Charles I. (d. 1652), and his wife. Handsome black marble monument, with the recumbent figure of Lord Cottington in white marble, by Fanelli, and, at the top, a bust of Lady Cottington (d. 1633), by Le Soeur. *9. James Watt (A. 1819), the Improver of the steam-engine ; colossal figure in a sitting posture, by Chantrey. 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 261 *10. Si»- Giles Daubeney (A. 1507), Lord-Lieutenant of Calais under Henry VIL, and his wife. Recumbent effigies in alabaster, painted. 11. Leuns Robsart (A. 1431), standard-bearer of Henry V. ; an Interesting old monument, without an effigy. Chapel of St. Paul. This chapel contains an ancient stone coffin found in digging the grave of Sir Rowland Hill. To the right, on leaving the chapel, is a monument to William Pulteney, Earl of Bath (A. 1764), by Wilton; and beside it another to Rear-Admiral ChaHes Holmes (A. 1761), also by Wilton. Op posite is a screen of wrought iron executed by an English black smith in 1293. *VI. CuArnr, or St. Edward the Confessor, forming tho ond of tho choir, to which wo ascend hy a small flight of narrow stops. (The following chapel, No. VII, is sometimes shown before this.) 1. "Henry III. (A. 1272), a rich and artistic monument of por phyry and mosaic, with recumbent bronze effigy of the king, by William Torel (1290). 2. QueenEleanor (A. 1290), first wife of Edward 1., by Torel. The inscription is in quaint old French: — 'Ici gist Alianor, jadisReyne de Engletere, femme al Rey Edeward, Fiz le Rey Henri e fylle al Rey de Espagne e Contasse de Puntiff del alme di li Dien pur sa pito eyt merci'. Recumbent metal effigy. 3. Chantry of Henry V. (A. 1422). On each Bide a lifesize figure keeps guard by the steps. The recumbent effigy of the king wants the head , which was of solid silver, and was stolen during the reign of Henry VIII. In 1878 the remains of Katherine of Va lois (d. 1437), queen of Henry V. (the 'beautiful Kate' of Shakspeare's 'Henry V.') were re-interred in this chantry, whence they had been removed on the building of Henry VII.'b Chapel. On the bar above thiB monument are placed the saddle, helmet, and shield said to have been used by Henry V. at the battle of Agincourt. 262 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 1 n 12 _ o ^1 o 4. PAifippa (d. 1369), wife of Edward III., and mother of twelve children. She was the daughter of the Count of Hainault and Holland, and was related to no fewer than thirty crowned heads, statuettes of whom were formerly to be seen grouped round the sarcophagus. 5. Edward III. (A. 1377), 9"\0 recumbent metal figure on a sarcophagus of grey marble. This monument was once sur rounded by statuettes of the king's children and others. The pavement in front of it dates from 1260. 6. Margaret Woodville (d. 1472), a daughter of Ed ward IV., who died in in fancy. Monument without an effigy. 7. Richard II., murdered on St. Valentine's Day, 1399, and his queen. The wooden canopy bears an old and cur ious representation of the Saviour and the Virgin. 8. The old Coronation Chair,' of oak, made by Ed ward I., and — 9. The new Coronation Chair, made in 1689 for Queen Mary, wife of William III., y & a tu Chapel of St. Edward the Confessor. on the model of the old one, and last used by Queen Adelaide in 1831. The former contains under the seat the famous Stone of Scone, the emblem of the power of the Scottish Princes, and traditionally said to be that once used by the patriarch Jacob as » pillow. It is a piece of sandstone from the W. coast of Scotland, and may very probably be the actual stone pillow on which the dying head of St. Columba rested in the Abbey of Iona. This stone was brought to London by Edward I. in 1297, in token of the complete subjugation of Scotland. Every English monarch since that date has been crown ed in this chair. On the coronation day the chairs are covered with gold brocade and taken into the choir of the Abbey, on the other side of the partition in front of which they now stand. Between the chairs are the state sword and shield of Edward III. (d. 1377). The reliefs on the screen separating Edward's chapel from the choir, executed in the reign of EdwardlV., represent the principal events in the life of the Confessor. 10. Edward I. (A. 1307), a simple slab without an effigy. The inscription is : — 'Eduardus primus, Scottorum malleus, hlc est' 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 263 (here lies Edward I., the hammer of the. Scots). The body was recently found to be in remarkably good preservation, with a crown of gilded tin on the head, and a copper gilt sceptre in the hand. •11. Edward the Confessor (A. 1066), a large medieval shrine, the faded splendour of which is still traceable, in spite of the spoliations of relic-hunters. The shrine was erected by order of Henry III. in 1269, and cost, according to an authentic record, 255f. 4s. 8d. A few devout pilgrims still visit this shrine on St. Edward's Day (Oct. 13th). 12. Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, murdered at Calais in 1397. 13. John ofWaltham (A. 1395), Bishop of Salisbury, recumbent metal effigy. Opposite the Chapel of Edward the Confessor is the entrance to the Chapel or Shrine of St. Erasmus , a picturesque archway, borne by clustered columns, dating from about 1484. Passing through this chapel, we enter the — VII. Chapel of St. John the Baptist. 1. Sir Thomas Vaughan (A. 1483), Lord High Treasurer of Edward IV. Old monument, with a brass, which is much defaced. 2. Colonel Edward Popham (A. 1651), officer in Cromwell's army, and his wife. Upright figures. 3. Thomas Carey, son of the Earl of Monmouth, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Charles I., who died in 1648, aged 33 years, from grief at the misfortunes of his royal master. 4. Hugh de Bohun and his sister Mary (A. 1300), grandchildren of Edward I. ; tombstone of grey marble. Chapel of St. John the Baptist. 5. Henry Carey, Baron Hunsdon, cousin of Queen Elizabeth (d. 1596). Rich canopy without an effigy. 6. Countess of Mexborough (A. 1821), small altar-tomb. 264 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 7. WiMiam of Colchester, Abbot of Westminster (d. 1420) ; a mediaeval stone monument with the recumbent figure of the pre late, his head supported by angels, and his feet resting on a lamb. Above this monument is a slab with a mourning Genius by Nollekens, erected to the memory of Lieut. Col. MacLeod, who fell at the siege of Badajoz, at the age of 26. 8. Thomas Rulhall, Bishop of Durham under Henry VIIL, who died in 1524, leaving great wealth. Mediaeval recumbent figure. 9. Thomas Millyng, Abbot of Westminster (d. 1492) ; canopy without a figure. 10. G. Fascet, Abbot of Westminster (d. 1500). A slab in front of this tomb, with an inscription by Dean Stan ley, marks the resting-place of the third Earl of Essex (A. 1646), the only prominent Parliamentarian in the Abbey not disinterred at the Restoration. 11. Mary Kendall (A. 1710); kneeling female figure. 12. Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter (A. 1622), Privy Councillor under James I., and his wife. His wife lies on his right hand ; the space on his left was destined for his second wife, who, however, deolined to be buried there , as the place of honour on the right had already been assigned to her predecessor. VIII. The small Chapel ofAbeotIslip exhibits the rebus of its founder, 'I slip', in several parts of the carving. The tomb of Abbot Islip (d. 1632), destroyed by the Roundheads , is now represented by a kind of table by the window. The chapel also contains the tomb of Sir Christopher Hatton(A. 1619), nephew of the famous Lord Chancellor, and his wife. — A room above this chapel (adm. 3d. on Mon. and Tues., on other days 6d.) contains the remains of the curious Wax Effigies which were once used at the funerals of per sons buried in the Abbey. Among them are Queen Elizabeth (re stored in 1760), Charles II., William III. and his wife Mary, Queen Anne, General Monk, the DuchesB of Buckinghamshire, the Duch ess of Richmond (comp. p. 396), William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Lord Nelson. The last-mentioned two are not funeral figures. In the ambulatory, near the chapel of Edward the Confessor, is the ancient monument of the Knight Templar, Edmund Crouchback (A. 1296), second son of Henry III., from whom the Uoubo of Lan caster derived its claims to the English throne. On the sarcophagus are remains of the figures of the ten knights who accompanied Edmund to the Holy Land. Adjacent is the monument of another Knight Templar, Aymer de Valence (A. 1323), Earl of Pembroke and cousin of Edward I., who was assassinatod iu France. Tho beautiful effigy of Aveline, Countess of Lancaster (A. 1273), first wife of Edmund Crouchback , on an adjoining monument (seen from the choir), merits notice. To the right is a largo marble monument, executed by Wilton, to General Wolfe (buried in St. Alphago's, Groenwich), who fell in 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 265 1759 at the captnre of Quebec. He Is represented sinking into tho arms of a grenadier, while his right hand is pressed on his mortal wound ; the soldier is pointing out to the hero the Goddess of Fame hovering overhead. In the background Is a mourning Highlander. Opposite is the monument of John, Earl Ligonier and Viscount of Inniskilling, Field-Marshal (d. 1770), by Moore. IX. Chapels of St. John the Evangelist, St. Michael, and St. Andrew, three separate chapels, now combined. 1. Sir John Franklin (A. 1847), lost in endeavouring to discover the North West Passage, by Noble. Inscription by Tennyson. 2. Earl of Mountrath (A. 1771), and his wife ; by Wilton. An angel points out to the Countess the empty seat beside her husband. 3. Earl of Kerry (A. 1818), and his wife ; a marble sarco phagus with an earl's coro net, by Buckham. Altar- tomb. 4. Telford, the engineer (d. 1834); huge statue by Baily. 6. John Kemble (A. 1823), tho actor, In tho charactor of Cato ; statue by Flaxman. 6. Dr. Baillie (A. 1823); bust by Chantrey. 7. (above) Susannah Da vidson, daughter of a rich merchant of Rotterdam (d. 1767), by Hayward. Altar tomb with head. 8. Afrs. Siddons, the fam ous actress (d. 1831); statue by Chantrey, after Reynolds's picture of her as tho Tragic Muse. 9. Sir James Simpson (A. 1870), the discoverer of the value of chloroform as an an esthetic ; bust by Brodii. ?10. Lord Morris (d. 1601), son of Sir Henry Norris who was exocuted with the ill-fatod Anne Boleyn, with his wife, and six sons. The recumbent figures of Lord and Lady Norris are under a catafalque ; at the sides are the life- size kneeling figures of the sons. On the S. side of the canopy is a relief of warlike scenes from the life of the deceased nobleman. At the top is a small GoddesB of Fame. 11. Mrs. Kirton (A. 1603); tablet with inscription, sprinkled with tears represented as flowing from an eye at the top. LiJ © UU L_L- W© 10 t 8 - 1 it a t - it : " | u 1— 1 « I 266 19. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 12. Saraft, Duchess of Somerset (A. 1692). The Duchess Is represented leaning on her arm, looking towards the angels, who are appearing to her in the clouds. At the sides are two poor boys bewailing the death of their benefactress. ?13. J. Gascoigne Nightingale (A. 1752), and his wife (d. 1731); group by Roubiliac. Death, emerging from a tomb, is launching his dart at the dying lady, while her husband tries to ward off the attack. 14. Lady St. John (A. 1614), with an effigy. 15. Admiral Pocock (A. 1793) ; sitting figure of Victory with medallion, by Bacon. 16. Sir ff. Holies (A. 1626), nephew of Sir Francis Vere, by Slone. *17. Sir Francis Vere (A. 1608), officer in the service of Queen Elizabeth. Four kneeling warriors in armour support a black marble slab, on which lies the armour of the deceased. This chapel also contains tablets or busts in memory of Ad miral Kempenfelt, who was drowned with 900 sailors by the sink ing of the 'Royal George' in 1782 (commemorated in Cowper's well-known lines); Sir Humphry Davy (A. 1829), the natural philosopher; the learned Dr. Young (A. 1829), and others. Beyond this point we dispense with the services of the guide. A door in the S. Aisle, adjacent to the angle of thePoets' Corner, leads from the abbey to the beautiful Cloisters, dating in their present form from the 13-1 6th cent. , though they include work of as early as the 11th century. The cloisters may also be entered by a passage in the N.E. corner of Dean's Yard (p. 267). They contain the tombs of numerous early ecclesiastics connected with the abbey, and many other graves, including those of Betterton, the actor (d. 1710), Afrs. Bracegirdle, the actress (d. 1748), Aphra Behn , the novelist (d. 1689), Sir Edmond Godfrey (murdered 1678), Dr. Bu chan, author of 'Domestic Medicine' (d. 1805), etc. From the E. walk of the cloisters we enter the 'Chapter House, the 'cradle of all free parliaments', an octagonal room with a central pillar, built in 1250, and from 1282 to 1547 used for the meetings of the House of Commons, which Edward VI., in the latter year, appointed to take place in St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster Palace. The Chapter House was afterwards used as a receptacle for public records, but these were removed to the New Record Office (p. 170). In the vestibule, to tbe left, is a Roman sarcophagus. The starined- glass window, on the right, commemorates Janus Husstll Lowell, poet und essayist (d. 1891). — On the wall of the Chapter House aro remains of a mural painting of Christ surrounded by the Christian virtues. Tbe old tiled pavement is well executed. The Chapter House, which has recently been ably restored, contains a glass-case with fragments of sculpture, coins, keys, etc., found in the neighbourhood; and another case with ancient documents relating to the Abbey, including the Great Charter of Edward the Confessor (1065). The stained-glass windows were erected in memory of Dean Stanley : the E. window by the Queen , that adjoining on the S. by American admirers, and the rest by public subscription. Adjoining the Chapter House is the Chapel of the Pyx (shown by 19. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. 267 special order Only), which waB once the Treasury of the Kings of England. The pyx (i.e. the box In which the Btandards of gold and silver are kept) haB been removed to the Mint (p. 160). Opposite the entrance to the Chapter House is a staircase ascending to the JMuniment Room , or Archives of the Abbey, and to the Triforium, which affords a fine Burvey of the interior. In the Jerusalem Chamber, to the S.W. of the Abbey (shown oh application at the porter's lodge), are frescoeB of the Death of Henry IV. and the Coronation of Queen Victoria, some stained glass ascribed to the reign of Henry III., and busts of Henrys IV. and V. It dates from 1376-86, and was the scene of the death of Henry IV. King Henry. Doth any name particular belong Unto the lodging where I first did swoon Warwick. 'Tis called Jerusalem, my noble Lord. V King. Land be to God ! even there my life must end. It bath been prophesied to me many years, I should not die but in Jerusalem ; Which vainly I supposed the Holy Land: — Bnt bear me to that chamber; there I'll lie In that Jerusalem shall Harry die. Shakspeare, King Henry IV.. Part II;- Act iv. Sc. 4. It probably derived its name from tapestries or pictures of tho history of Jerusalem with which it vrns hung. The adjoining Abbot's Refectory or College Hall, where tho Westminster college boys dine, oontains some ancient tapestry and .Staitied glass. For fuller information the curious reader is referred to Dean Stanley's 'Memorials Of Westminster Abbey', Sir G, G. Scott'B 'Gleanings from Westminster Abbey', and E. T. Bradley's (Mrs. A. Murray Smith) 'Annals of Westminster Abbey'. To the W. of Westminster Abbey rises the Westminster Column, a red granite monument 60 ft. high, deBignedby Sir Gilbert Scott, and erected in 1854-59 to former Bcholafs of Westminster School who fell in the Crimea or the Indian Mutiny. At the base of the column couch four lions. Above are the statues of Edward the Confessor and Henry III. (chief builders of Westminster Abbey), Queen Eli zabeth (fouilder of Westminster School), and Queen Victoria. The col umn is Surmounted by a group of St. George and the Dragon, It is on or near the site of Caxton's house (the 'Red Pale'), in the Almonry. An archway, passing under the new house to the S. of the column, leads to the Dean's Yard and Westminster School, or St. Peter's College (PI. R, 25; IV), re-founded by Queen Elizabeth in 1560. The school consists of 40 Foundationers, called Queen's Scholars, and about 180 Oppidans or Town Boys. Among the celebrated meh educated here wereDryden, Locke, Ben JonSon,Cartwright,Bentham, Barrow, Home Tooke, Cowley, Rowe, Prior, Giles Fletchef, Churchill, Cowper, Southey, Hakluyt the geographer, Sir Chris. Wren, Warren Hastings, Gibbon, George Herbert, Vincent Bourne, Dyer, Toplady, Charles Wesley, George Coleman, Aldrich the musician, Elmsley the 268 19. CHURCH HOUSE. scholar, Lord Raglan, J. A. Froude, and Earl Russell. Nicholas Udall, author of 'Roister Doister', was appointed Head Master about 1666, and Dr. Richard Busby (p. 263) held the same office here from 1638 to 1695. A comedy of Terence or Plautus is annually performed at Christmas in the dormitory of the Queen's Scholars by the West minster boys, with a prologue and epilogue alluding to current events. The old dormitory of the Abbey is now used as the great school-room, while the school-library and class-rooms occupy the site of the mediaeval Misericorde, of which considerable remains are ¦still traceable. The old tables in the dining-hall are said to be made from the timbers of the Armada. The staircase of Ashbumham House (included in the school-buildings) and the school-gateway are by Inigo Jones. On the S. side of Dean's Yard is the Church House (P1.R.26; IV), the ecclesiastical memorial of Queen Victoria's Jubilee. When complete it will occupy the whole area bounded by Dean's Yard, Tufton Street, Little Smith Street, and Great Smith Street; but the only part now roady is the Great Hall, at tho baok, opened in 1896. The architect is Sir Arthur W. Blomfield, the material red brick, aud the style late -Perpendicular (Tudor). The hall has a fine oaken roof. Besides serving as a kind of ecclesiastical club, the Church House is intended to be the business-centre of the Church of Eng land. Both Houses of Convocation meet here, and it also accommo dates many of the Church Societies. Adm. 10-12 and2-4, Sat. 10-12. The Royal Architectural Museum, No. 18 Tufton Street (adm. daily 10-4, Sat. 10-6, free), to the S. of Dean's Yard (whence a passage leads), contains Gothic, Renaissance, and Classio carvings (mainly casts). The open space to the N. and W. of the Abbey is the Broad Sanctuary, formerly a sacred place of refuge for criminals and political offenders. Edward V. was born in the Sanctuary in 1470 and his mother and brother again took refuge here in 1483. The poet Skelton (d. 1529) also sought shelter here from Cardinal Wol sey's vengeance. Westminster Hospital (PI. R, 25 ; IV), on the N. side, founded in 1719, was the first of the now numerous hospitals of London supported by voluntary contributions. It contains bods for 205 patients. — To the E. of the hospital is Westminster Guildhall or Sessions House, dating from 1805 but recently rebuilt. — To the W. of the hospital is the Royal Aquarium, a handsome red brick edifice, 600 ft. in length, with an arched roof of glass and iron. It includes a few fish-tanks, a theatre (see p. 66), etc., and music- hall entertainments of all kinds are given here. From this point Victoria Street (PI. R, 21, 25; IV), a wide and handsome thoroughfare, opened in 1861 at a cost of 216,000i., loads to the S.W. to Victoria Station (p. 66). Among its buildings are numerous large blocks of flats and chambers, some largo hotels, Picture Gallery Picture Gallery HATIOHAL SA.LLIKY ®r BRITISH ART SB . JE H. US \v Terrace '^H = w Picture Gallery ¦VI Picture Gallery ¦i. .4" 0 M 3d 20. NATIONAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART. 269 the Army and Navy Stores (p. 32), the American Embassy (No. 123; p. 74), and the offices of the Canadian High Commissioner and of several Colonial Agents (see pp. 74, 76). At No. 63 is the Me teorological Office, where the latest forecast of the weather may be obtained for a fee of Is. (daily 11-8, Sun. 7-8 p.m.). — In Ashley Gardens, just to the S. of Victoria Street, the new Roman Catholic Cathedral of London is now being built in the Byzantine style. It is intended to be 350 ft. long, 166 ft. wide, and 106 ft. high (nave). The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster resides at Archbishop's House, Carlisle Place, close by. In Caxton Street, to the N. , near St. James's Park Station (p. 60), is the Westminster Totcn Hall, a Jacobean building of red brick. On the opposite side of the same street, a little farther to the W., is the Blue Coat School (PI. R, 21; IV), a small building ascribed to Wren (1709). A little to the S. is the Grey Coat Hospital (PI. R, 25; IV), built in the 17th cent, and now used as a school for 400 girls. 20. The National Gallery of British Art. From the S. side of Old Palace Yard (p. 240) Abingdon Street and Millbank Street lead to tlie S. to Lambeth Bridge (PI. G, 25, 29 ; IV), built in 1862. In Smith Square, a little to the W., rises the large church of St. John ihe Evangelist (PI. R, 29 ; IV), built in 1721-28, with four heavy corner-towers, erected, it is said, to produce the uniform subsidence of tho marshy site. In the E. window is some ancient stained glass brought from Rouen. From Lambeth Bridge Grosvenor Road skirts the left bank of the Thames to Vauxhall Bridge (p. 272), passing midway the site of Millbank Penitentiary, a model prison built and arranged from designs by Jeremy Bentham (d. 1832). The prison was taken down in 1893, and the site is now partly occupied by the — ?National Gallery of British Art (PI. G, 25), or Tate Gallery, bnilt and presented to the nation, along with a collection of 66 paintings, by Sir Henry Tate. The building, which was opened in July, 1897, is in a free classic style. In the centre of the facade is a handsome projecting Corinthian portico, approached by a flight of steps ; at each end is a pavilion, with Corinthian pilasters, con nected with the central portion by means of a plain ashlar wall, relieved by a niche flanked with pilasters. The pediment over the central portico is surmounted by a colossal Britannia, behind which appears a low dome. The building is 290ft. long and 140ft. deep, and cost nearly 100,000*.; while an addition nearly doubling it in size is about to be made, also at the expense of Sir Henry Tate. The architect is Mr. Sidney R. J. Smith. Besides the Tate Collection (see above) the gallery contains the works of art purchased under the conditions of the Chantrey Bequest (formerly In South Kensington Museum), the Vernon Collection and 270 20. NATIONAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART, other paintings removed hither from the National Gallery, and a fine *Series of paintings by Mr. 0. F. Watts, presented by him to the nation. There are also a. few sculptures. The director is Mr. Charles Holroyd. On passing through the Vestifaile% where sticks and umbrellas are given up (no charge), we enter a Central Hall, lighted by a flume and enlivened by a fountain. In tlie centre and in the recesses are Sculptures: from left to right, //. Thomycro/t, Teucer; Lord Leighton, Sluggard; F. W. Po- meroy, Dionysus; Onslow Ford, Egyptian Singer*, Leighton, Athlete struggling with a python; IV. G. John, Boy at play. — We now turn to the left (W.) and enter — Boom I. Chantukv Bequest. To the left: 15G9. J. M. Swan, Prodigal Son; 1570. Val. Prinsep, Ayesha; 1571. J. MacWhirter, June in tlie Austrian Tyrol ; 1572 J. W. Waterhouse, The Magic Circle ; 1573. P. H. Calderon, St. Elizabeth of Hungary; 1574. Lord Leighton, Bath of Psyche; 1576. H. Herkomer, Found; 1576. A. Hacker, Annunciation; 1577. Briton Riinei'e, Beyond Man's footsteps; 1578. Alice Merritt, Love locked out; 1579. Colin Hunter, Their only harvest; 1580. If. L. Wyllie, Toil, glitter, grime, aud wealth on a flowing tide; 1531. W. Hunt, Dog in the manger; 1532. J. Pettie, Vigil; 1583. Marcus Stone, '11 y en a ton jours un autre'; 1584. Sir John Millais, 'Speak, Speak!'; 1585. Q.F. Walts, Psyche; above, Portrait of Sir Francis Chintrey, by himself; 1586. Sir E. J. Poynter, Visit to iEscu- lapius; 1587. Frank Dicksee, Harmony; 1588. A. C. Qow, Cromwell at Dun bar; 1589. A. Parsons, 'When nature painted all things gay'; 1590. T. C. Ootch, Alleluia! Room II. Watts Collection. This and the corresponding pavilion (ft. VI) at the E. end ofthe gallery are devoted to works by George Frederick Watts, R. A. (b. 18'20), but the paintings suffer somewhat from the small size of the rooms. To the left: 1637. The Spirit of Christianity, dedi cated to all the churches. — 1638. Sic transit. — 1639. Faith. — 1640. Hope. — 1641. Love and Life (there is a replica of this painting in the Luxembourg). — 1612. Eve tempted, 1644 (farther on), Eve repentant. — 1643. 'She shall be called woman . — 1645. Love and Death. — 1646. The Messenger. — 1647. Chaos. Room III. Tate Collection. To the left: 1559. S. Carter, Morning with the wild red deer; 1540. B. W. Leader, Valley of the Llugwy ; 54. A. Hunt, Windsor Castle (water-colour); 55. E. J. Gregory, Marooning (water-colour); 1515. Briton Riviere, The herd of swine; 1511. Lord Leighton, 'And the sea gave up its dead'; 1551. S. E. Waller, Success; 1530. A. C. Qow, Flight of James II. ; 1537. E. Nicol, Wayside prayer; 1518. Briton Riviere, A blockade-runner; 1542. J. W. Waterhouse, St. Kulolia; 1555. Bendy Sadler, Thursday; 1513. /. C. Jlook, Young Dreams; 1544. Rtan- hope A. Forbes, The health of the bride; 1548. Keeley Halswelle^ Pangbourne; 1512. J. C. Hook, Home with the tide; 1517. B. Riviere, Companions in misfortune; Sir John E. Millais, 1510. Mercy (St. Bartholomew's Day), 1509. The North-West Passage, 1507. Vale of rest, 1508. Tlie knight-errant; 1522. Luke Fildes, The doctor; 1545. /. B. Pyne, Alum Bay; 1514. J, C. Hook, The sea-weed raker; 1543. Waterhouse, The Lady of Shalott; 1560. T. B. Kennington, Orphans; 1528. H. W. B. Bavis, Mother and son; 1557, J. R. Reid, A country cricket-match; 1550. A Goodwin, Stnbad Ihe Sailor; 1558. E. Douglass, Mother and daughter; 1533. Sir E. Landseer, Uncle Tom aud his wife for sale; 1567. Mrs. H. M. Stanley, His first offence; 1554. J. Haynes Williams, 'Ars lon^ga, vita brevis' ; Frank Holl, 1535. Hush!, 1536, Hushed; 1512. Landseer, Scene at Ahbotsfordj 1538. Erskine Nicol, Emigrants; 1565. IV. /. Milller, Carnarvon Castle ; 15i6. B. Riviere, Giants at play. — 1505. John Iloppner, Portrait; 1504. John Orame, Near H high am, Norfolk; 1525. J. Faed, The silken gown; 1529. Qow, The musical story by Chopin; 1524. Peter Graham, A rainy day \ 1546. John LinnelL Noonday rest; 1503. Millais, tit. Stephen; 1541. J. W. Waterhouse, Consulting the oracle; 1550. Hendv Sadler, A good story; 1520. W. Q. Orchardson, The 6rst cloud; 1506 Millais, 20; NATIONAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART. 271 Ophelia; 1047. Linnell, Contemplation; 1534. John Phillip, The promenade; 1521. Orchardson, Her mother's Voice; 1657. Millais, The order of release; 1553. Hits Thompson (Lady Butler), The remnants of an army ; 1519. Orchard- son, Her first dance; 1520. J. Faed, Faults on both sides; 1531. H. Woods, Cupid's spell; lS'iB. Itirtire, Sympathy; 156S. 0. H. Mason, Wind on the wold; 1539. a. II. Houghton, Weeding the pavement; 1527. Faed, The Highland mother; 1523. L. Alma-Tadema, A silent greeting; 1519. Albert Moore, Blossoms. We now enler a Corridor, wllh sculptures. Tu the. right: //. C. Fehi; A moment of peril; 11'. Calder Marshall, Prodigal Son; II. C. Fehr, Perseus and Andromeda; //. Bates, Pandora; John Gibson, Hylas and the nymphs; opposite the last, Banks, Thetis and Achilles (relief). In the so-called IIri.vkderk, tn the lefl : Jl. Stark, Indian rhinoceros; F. W. Pomeroy, "Nymph uf Loch Awe; A. Drury , Griselda (busi); H. A. Pegram, Ignis fatuus (medallion); Onslow Ford, Folly. — At the end of tbe corridor we enter — Room IV. To the left: Sir Charles Eastlake, P. R. A., 397. Christ lament ing over Jerusalem, 398. Haide'e, a Greek girl; 431. Fdward M. Ward, The disgrace of Lord Clarendon (1667). 354. O. S. Newton, Dulch girl at a window ;' 1370. Andrew Morton, Portrait; 613. Ward, James II. receiving the news of the landing of the Prince of Orange (168?); 1245. John Con stable, Church porch, Bergholt, Suffelk ; 447. E. W. Cooke, Dutch boats in a calm; 374. Richard Boningion , The column of St. Mark, Venice; 407. Clarkson Stanjield, Scene in Venice; 1463. Matter, A street in Cairo; 609. landseer, The maid and the magpie ; Stanjield, 405. The battle of Trafalgar, 406. The lake of Como ; 1474. Milller, Dredging on the Medway ; 353. Newton, Yorick and the grisette ; 430. Ward, Dr. Johnson in the anteroom i>r Lord Chesterfield (1748) ; 1029. William /Anton, The temples of Peeslum ; 422. Daniel Maclise, Scene from 'Hamlet' ; 328. Sir Darid Wilkie, The first earring; 608. Landseer, Alexander and Diogenes; 1379. Thomas Woodward, The ratcatcher; 401. Charles R. Leslie, Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman in the sentry-box; 451. Goodall, The tired soldier; 404. Stanjield, Entrance to the Zuyder Zee ; 400. Damd Roberts, Burgos Cathedral ; 423. Maclise, Malvolio and the countess; 1253. Holland, Hyde Park Corner; 442. George Lance, Red Cap; 1091. Paul Poole, The vision of Ezekiel; 1389. G. B. Willcock, Torquay; 429. Thomas Creswick, Pathway to the village-church; 439. John Linnell, The windmill; 331. Wilkie, Newsmongers; 1236. Con stable, The Salt Hor Hampstead Heath; 1498. J. Prcscott Knight, Sacking of a church; 4VC. Thomas Webster. The Truant; 1181. Lance, Fruit; 497. Danby, The fisherman's home; 443. Lance, Fruit; 401. Roberts, Church of St. Paul, Antwerp; 1992. Bell, Cardinal Bourchier urging the widow of Edward IV. to let her son out of sanctuarv ; 1204. James Stark, The valley of the Yare, Norfolk; Constable, 1276. Harwich, 1244. Bridge at Gilling- ham; 1367. Morton, Portrait; 432. Ward, The South-Sea bubble, scene in Change Alley (1720); 1499. William Hilton, Nature blowing bubbles for her children; 40*2. Leslie, Sancho Panza in the apartment of the duchess; 1368. Morton, Portrait; 894. Wilkie, John Knox preaching before the lords of the congregation (June 10th, 1559); 921. Wilkie, Blindman's-buff ; 1428. 7?. Hume Lancaster, View at Southampton ; 1182. Leslie, Scene from Milton's 'Comus'i 898. Eastlake, Lord Byron's dream; 1040. Milller, Landscape; 427. Webster, A dame's school; 399. Eastlake, Escape of the Carrara family from the Duke of Milan; Linnell, 1112. Portrait, 438. Woodcutters; 1225. Webster, The artist's parents; 452. Herring, The scanty meal; 1395. East- lake, Portrait; Constable, 1237. View on Hampstead Heath , 1215. House in which the artist was born. Room V. To the left: 1S94. Ford Madox Brown, Christ washing the feet of St. Peter; William Dyce, 1407. Pegwell Bay, Kent, 1426. St. John leading the Virgin Mary from the tomb ; 620. Fred. R. Lee, Elver-scene, with cattle by Cooper; 1385. Egg, Beatrix knighting Esmond; 1142. Laioson, Tbe August moon ; 615. W. P. Frith, Derby Day ; . 1209. Fred. Walker, The vagrants; 450. Fred. Goodall, A village-holiday in the olden time; 444. Augustus Egg, Scene from 'I.e. Diable Hoiteux'; 446. ./. C. Horsley, The pride of Ihe village; 231. Wilkie, Portrait of Thomas Daniell; 1391. 272 20. NATIONAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART. Fred. Walker, The harbour of refuge; 1503. Landseer and Millais, Equestrian portrait ; 424. Solomon Hart, Interior of a Jewish synagogue ; 1250. Maclise, Charles Dickens ; 1502. H. Hamilton Macallum, The crofter s team ; 1205. Fred. Lee Bridell, The woods of sweet chestnut above Vareuna, Lake Como; Z>. fit. Rossetti, 1210. The Annunciation, 1678. Portrait of Mrs. William Morris (lent by herself); 1477. /. W. Inchbold, The Moorland; 1192. Geo. Richmond, Christ and the woman of Samaria; 448. Cooke, The hoathouse ; 1388. Mason, The cast shoe; 759. E. Armitage, The remorse of Judas; 1279. Rossetti, Beata Beatrix; 1322. W. B. Scott, The eve of Ihe deluge; 879. MUller, Lycian peasants; 563. Thomas Seddon, Jerusalem from Ihe Hill of Evil Counsel; 1405. J. F. Lewis, Edfou, Upper Egypt; 1500. Robert Mar- tineau, The last day in the old home. Room VI. Watts Collection. To the left: G. F. Watts: 1630. Mam mon. — 1635. Death crowning Innocence. — 1632. 'For he had great possessions'. — 1633. The dray horses. — 1634. Minotaur. — 1636. Jonah. — 1831. The dweller in the innermost. — 1561. Portrait of the artist. — 1629. Hilton, Christ crowned with thorns; 1562. F. Goodall, Ploughman and shepherdess; 1607. /. W. North, Winter-sun; 160S. H. W. B. Davis, Returning to the fold; 1628. Ernest Parton, The waning ofthe year; 1501. Alphonse Legros, Femmes en prifcre. Room VII. CnAHTitBT Bequest. To the left: 1609. Yeames, Amy Robsart; 1610. J, Clark, Early promise; 1611. F. D. Millet, Between two fires; 1612. G. Clausen, The girl at the gate; 1C04. Henry Moore, Catspaws oil' the land ; 1613. H. S. Tuke, August blue; 1611. David Murray, 'My love has gone a-sailing'; 1615. /. 5, Sargent, 'Carnation, lily, lily, rose'; 1616. Hon. John Collie/', Hudson's last voyage; 1617. John Brett, Britannia's realm; 1618. Tuke, All hands to Ihe pumps ; 1619. J. Aumonier, Sheep-washing in Sussex ; 1620. Seymour Lucas, Afler Culloden; 1621. W. Logsdail, St. Martin's, Char ing Cross; 1603. Edwin Hayes, Sunset at sea; 1595. William Small, The last march: 1622. Joseph Knight, A tidal river; 1675. C. Napier Hemy, Pilchards; 1G50. Adrian Stokes, Upland and sky. — 1592. M. R. Corbet, Morning glory ; 1627. Frank Bramley, A hopeless dawn; 1626. Joseph Farquharson, The.joyless winter-day; 1619. Miss L. E. Kemp-Welch, Colt-hunting in the New Forest; 1599. Vicat Cole, The Pool of London; 1C00. /. ii. Reid, Toil aud Pleasure; 1601. W. Q. Orchardson, Napoleon on board the 'Bellerophon' ; 1602. //. Her- komer, R. A., Charlerhouse Chapel; 1597. R. W. Macbeth, A. R. A., The cast shoe; 1598. /. C. Hook, The stream; 1605. H. H. La Thangue, The man with the scythe ; 1596. E. A. Walerlow, Galway gossips; 1CC6. C. E. Johnson, Qurth and the pigs ; 1648. David Farquharson, In a fog. From the Central Hall a staircase ascends in the S.W. pier to the first floor, on which there is a Watercolour Room, containing a few paint ings, and an open Sculpture Gallery, entirely empty. Immediately in front of the Tate Gallery the Thames is crossed by New Lambeth Bridge, a temporary hut substantial structure, to serve during the contemplated rebuilding of Lambeth Bridge (p. 269). Vauxhall Bridge (PI. 9, 26), constructed by Walker in 1816, is 800 ft. long and consists of nine iron arches. It was enlarged in 1896. Vauxhall Bridge Road runs hence to the N. to Victoria Station (p. 65; tramway No. 9, p. 34). — A little to the S. of Vauxhall Bridge is Kennington Oval (p. 71), a cricket-ground second only to Lord's in public favour and in interest. The river is crossed farther up by the Grosvenor Road Bridge, used for the various railways converging at Victoria Station, aud hy Chelsea Suspension Bridge (p. 357). 273 21. Pall Mall and Piccadilly. Waterloo Place. York Column. Marlborough House. St. James's Street. Burlington House. Geological Museum. Leicester Square. rail Mall(Pl. R, 22, 26 ; IV), the centre of club-life (see p. 101), and a street of modern palaces, derives Us name from the old game of pail mail (from the Italian palla, 'a ball', and malleo, a mallet ; French jeu de mail), introduced into England during the reign of Charles I. In the 16th and 17th centuries Pall Mall waB a fashionable suburban promenade, but about the end of the 17th cent, it began to Assume the form of a street. Among the many celebrated persons who have resided in this street may be mentioned Marshal Schomberg, the scion of a noble Rhenish family (the Counts of Schonburg), who fell at the Battle of the Boyne (1690). Gainsborough died in 1788 in the house which had once been Schomberg's (house next the War Offlce). Dodsley, the publisher, carried on business in Pall Mall under the sign of 'Tully's Head', bringing out, among other works, Sterne's 'Tristram Shandy', and the 'Annual Register'. Nell Gwynne lived at No. 79 (rebuilt) from 1671 till her death in 1687 and used to talk over the garden-wall to Charles IL, as he walked in St. James's Park. Sir Walter Scott stayed at No. 23, the house of his son-in-law Lockhart, in. 1826-27. The eastern portion of the street, between Cockspur Street and Trafalgar Square, is called Pall Mall East. Here, nearly opposite the corner of the Hatmarkbt (where Addison once resided), is a bronze statue of George III., by Wyatt, erected in 1837. On the N. side of Pall Mall East stands the United University Club (entrance from Suffolk Street); farther to the W., at the left corner of Hay market, is an arcade above which rises the new Carlton Hotel (p. 9). Farther to the N., on the left side of the Haymarket, is Her Majesty's Theatre (p. 64), opposite which is the Haymarket Theatre (p. 64). Then in Pall Mall, at the corner of Waterloo Place, is the United Service Club. To the N. of Waterloo Place (PI. R, 26 ; IV) is Regent Street (p. 280), leading to Piccadilly. In the centre of the place is the •CnrMKAN Monument, erected, from a design by Bell, to the memory of the 2162 officers and soldiers of the Guards, who fell in tho Russian war. On a granite pedestal is a figure of Victory with laurel wreaths; below, In front, three guardsmen ; behind, a trophy of guns captured at Sobnstopol. On the sides are inscribed tho names of Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol. — In the 9. part of the place or square are five monuments. Iu the centre is an equestrian statue of Lord Napier of Magdala (1810-90), by Boehm. To the left is a bronze statue of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, Field-Marshal (d. 1863), the Conqueror of Luftknow, by Marochetii. Adjacent is a similar monument (by Boehm) to Lord Lawrence (d. 1879), ruler of the Punjab during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 and Viceroy of In- Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 13 274 21. YORK COLUMN. dia from 1864 to 1869, erected in 1882 by his fellow-subjects, Brit ish and Indian. — To the right, opposite, is the bronze statue of Sir John Franklin, by Noble, erected by Parliament 'to the great arctic navigator and his brave companions who sacrificed their lives in completing the discovery of the North West Passage A. D. 1847-48'. On the right of this statue is a bronze figure of Field- Marshal Sir John Fox Burgoyne (d. 1871), by Boehm. The broad flight of steps at the S. end of Waterloo Place, known as Waterloo Steps, descends to St. James's Park. At tho top of the steps rises the York Column, a granite column of the Tuscan order, 124 ft. in height, designed by Wyatt, and erected in 1833. It is surmounted by a bronze statue of the Duke of York (second son of George III.), by Westmacott. A winding staircase ascends in the interior to the platform, which affords an admirable *View of the W. portions of the great city (closed at present). — To the W. of the column, in Carlton House Terrace (No. 9), is Prussia House, the residence of the German ambassador. Carlton House, the site of which is occupied by Waterloo Place, was built in 1709 for llenry Boyle, Lord Carlton, and was bought in 1732 by the Prince of Wales. It was afterwards the residence of the Prince-Regent (later George IV.), but was pulled down in 1827. Its columns are now said to adorn tbe facade of the National Gallery (p. 184). Farther on in Pall Mall (S. side) is a series of palatial club houses, the oldest of which dates from 1829 (see also p. 101). At the corner ou the left is the Athenaeum Club (with frieze) ; then the Travellers' Club (with its beat facade towards the garden), Reform Club, and Carlton Club (with poliBhed granite pillars ; an imitation of Sansovino's Library of St. Mark at Venice). John St. leads from this point to the N. to St. James's Square (PI. R, 22, 26; IV), which is embellished with an Equestrian Statue of William III., in bronze, by Bacon, erected in 1808. The square has been an aristocratic place of residence ever since it was first laid out in the reign of Charles 11. At the S.E. corner (No. 31) is Norfolk House (Duke of Norfolk), built 1748-52; in an older building, behind, George III. was born in 1733, bis parents having been turned out of St. James's Palace by George II. Ad joining, to the N., is London House (rebuilt 1820), the official town-resi dence of the bishops of London since 1771, bnt seldom occupied (comp. p. 371). Lord Chesterfield (1694-1773) was born in the house originally occupying this site. Next door is the Earl of Derby's mansion. No. 8, on the N. side of the square, was the home and depot of .losiah Wedgwood the Younger from 1796 till 1880. No. 10 has been the residence of Ihe elder Pitt (1759-62) Lady Blessington (1820-29), Lord Derby (1837-64), and Mr. Gladstone (1890). At No. 13 (now the Windham Club) Lord Ellen- borough died in 1818. No. 14 is the London Library (p. 20). The East India United Service Club (Nu. 16) occupies the site of the house in which Queen Caroline lived during part of her trial (1820), while Lord Castlereagh, then Foreign Secretary, lived next door (No. 18). No. 21, now a branch of the war-office, is called Winchester House, because from 1829 till 1875 it was the London residence of the bishops of Winchester. It was occupied in 1676-78 by Arabella Churchill , mistress of James II. The adjoining house, now incorporated with the Army and Navy Club (p. 275), was the residence of Mary Davis, the actress, in 1676-87. The S. side of the square is mainly occupied by the N. front of the Junior Carlton Club (p. 275). — See 'History of St. James's Square', by Arthur Dasent (1895) 21. MARLBOROUGH HOUSE. 275 Adjoining the Carlton Club, on the S. aide of Pall Mall, is the War Office, in front of which is a bronze Btatue of Lord Herbert of Lea (d. 1861), once War Secretary, by Foley. Opposite, on tho right side of the street, are the Junior Carlton Club and the Army and Navy Club (familiarly known as 'the Rag'). Farther on, at theW. end of Pall Mall, are the Oxford and Cam bridge Club, the Guards' Club, and the New Oxford and Cambridge Club on the left, and the Marlborough Club on the right. Marl borough House (PI. R, 22; IV), on the S. side of Pall Mall, was erected by Sir Christopher Wren, In 1710, for the first Duke of Marl borough (d. 1722 at Windsor), and his Duchess Sarah (d. here 1744), who lived in such a magnificent style as entirely to eclipse the court of 'Neighbour George' in St. James's Palace. Prince Leo pold of Saxe-Coburg (d. 1865), husband of Princess Charlotte (d. 1817), was tenant of Marlborough House from 1817, when part of the crown-lease on which the property was held terminated, until he accepted the throne of Belgium in 1831. Marlborough House finally reverted to Government in 1835. The house was afterwards occupied by the Queen Dowager Adelaide, subsequently used as a picture-gallery, and has been the residence of the Prince of Wales since 1863. It has been remodelled and considerably enlarged since 1860. The walls of the principal staircases are embellished with mural paintings by La Guerre, representing the battles of tho great duke of Marlborough. The house and grounds occupy about 43/4 acres. The chapel on the side next St. James's Palace, built for the Roman Catholic services of Queen Henrietta Maria , wife of Charles I., is now the German Chapel Royal. To the W. of Marlborough House, and separated from it by a narrow carriage-way only, is St. James's Palace (p. 318). In St. James's Stbket, which here leads N. to Piccadilly, are situated the Thatched House Club, the Conservative Club, Arthur's Club, Brooks's Club, New University Club, White's Club (the bow window of which has figured in so many novels), Boodle's Club (founded about 1760), the Junior Army and Navy Club, the Devon shire Club (formerly Crockford's, notorious for its high play under tho Regency), and others. In St. James's Place, to the left, arc Spencer House (Earl Spencer) and the house (No. 22) occupied by Samuel Rogers, banker and poet, from 1800 till his death in 1865, and the scene of his famous literary breakfasts. To the right, in King Street, is St. James's Theatre (p. 64). Willis's Restaurant, a little farther along King Street, occupies the site of rooms which were down to 1863, under the name of Almack's (from the original proprietor, 1765), famous for the aristocratic and exclusive balls, which were held in them. King Street also contains Christie and Manson's Auction Rooms, celebrated for sales of valuable art collections. The chief sales take place on Saturdays, during the Season. 18* 276 21. PICCADILLY. Picoadilly (PI. R, 18, 22 ; I, IV), extending from Haymarket to Hyde Park Corner, is nearly 1 M. in length. The eastern portion is one of the chief businesa-streets of the West End. The western half, which is bordered on the S. by the Green Park (p. 321), con tains a number of aristocratic and fashionable residences, and the Naval and Military (94; formerly the house of Lord Palmerston), Bad minton (100), Isthmian (No. 105), St. James's (106), Savile (107), New Travellers' (97), Junior Athenaeum (116), and other clubs. Turning into it to the right, we flrat notice, on the right, the Egypt ian Hall (p. 67). On the opposite side are Old and New Bond Streets (p. 283), leading to Oxford Street. Between Old Bond Street and Sackville Street rises New Burlington House (PI . H, 22 ; 1), to tho W. of which is the Burlington Arcade (p. 31). Old Burlington House, built in 1695-1743 by Richard, Lord Burlington, with the assistance of the architect Campbell, was purchased by Government in 1854 for the sum of 140,000i. along with ita gardens, on which various new edifices have been built. The incongruous top story and the pre sent facade of the old building are also now. [Tho facado of Old Burlington House has lain on the river-side of Battersea Park (p. 371), with its stones carefully numbered for rebuilding, ever since 1866.] Nearest Piccadilly is a building in the Italian Renaissance style, completed in 1872 from designs by Banks and Barry, and occupied by Beveral learned societies, to whom the rooms are granted by Gov ernment rent-free ; in the E. wing are the Royal, Geological, and Chemical Societies, and in the W. the Antiquarian (with a collection of paintings, chiefly old portraits), Astronomical, and Linnaean. The Royal Society, or Academy of Science, the most important of the learned bodies of Great Britain, was founded in 1660, and received its charter of incorporation from Charles II. three years later. As early aa 1645, however, its germ exiated in the meeting of a few men of learning, far from the turmoil of the Civil War, to discuss subjects relating to the physical and exact sciencea. The first number of its famous Philosophical Transactions appeared in 1665. It now comprises about 520 members (including 50 foreign members), each of whom is entitled to append to his name the let- tors F. R. S. (Fellow of the Royal Society). Tho Library of the society consists of about 50,000 vols, and 5000 MSS. The rooms contain portraits and busts of celebrated Fellows, including Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Halley, Sir Humphry Davy, Watt, and Sir William Herschel ; also a telescope whioh belonged to Newton, and the MS. of his 'Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematical and the original model of Davy's safety-lamp. The Copley Medal and two Royal Medals are awarded annually hy the society for scientific eminence, and the Davy Medal fur chemical invest igation. The Ruinford and Darwinian Medals are awarded biennially for investigations in light and heat and in biology respectively. Besides the Transactions the society also issues its Proceedings annually, and a Ca talogue of Scientific Papers published in all parts of the world. '21. ACADEMY OF ARTS.' 277 An arcade leads through the building into the inner court. On the N. side is the exhibition building of the Royal Academy of Arts (founded in 1768), in the Renaissance style, erected by Smirke in 1868-69. At the top ofthe facade are 9 statues of cele brated artists: Phidias, Leonardo da Vinci, Flaxman, Raphael, Michael Angelo, Titian, Reynolds, Wren, and Wykehara. The Ex hibition of the Royal Academy (transferred in 1869 from Trafalgar Square to Piccadilly), which takes place here every year from May to the beginning of August, attracts immense numbers of visitors (admission Is., catalogue Is.). It consists of paintings and sculp tures by modern (mainly) British artists, which must have been finished during the previous year and not exhibited elsewhere before. The 'Private View' ofthe Exhibition, held by invitation of the Academicians before it is thrown open to the public, is always attended by the cream of society and is one of the events of the London Season. The 'Academy Dinner' held about the same time is also a highly important social function. The Academy organiaes every winter a loan exhibition of works of old masters or of deceased modern artista. The society consists of 40 Royal Academicians, 30 Associates, and 2 Associate Engravers. — A staircase in the corner to the right ascends to the Qiiison and Diploma Galleries (open daily, 11-4, free), which contain Bome valuable works of early art, the diploma pictures presented by Academicians on their election, and the Gibson collection of sculpture. Among the ancient works are : *Mary with Jesus and St. John, a relief by Michael Angelo; ""Ma donna, Holy Child, St. Anne, and St. John, a celebrated cartoon by Leonardo da Vinci, executed in 1503 for the church Dell'Annun- ziata at Florence; Copy of Leonardo's Last Supper, by his pupil Marco da Oggionno, from which Morghen's engraving was taken; Woman at a well, ascribed to Giorgione but considered by Frizzoni to be an early work of Seb. del Piombo ; portrait by Giorgione. The diploma works include good specimens by Reynolds and Wilkie. The Library, on the first floor, contains a fine collection of books and prints. At the back of the Academy, and facing Burlington Gardens, is London University (PI. R, 22; 1), founded in 1836, another Re naissance structure, erected in 1869 from designs by Pennethorne. London University (not to be confounded with University College in Gower Street) is not a teaching establishment but an examining board, granting degrees in arts, science, medicine, music, and law, to candidates of either sex wherever educated. Its diplomas are much valued on account of the high standard of the examinations. The effective facade is decorated with a series of statues. Above the portico are those of Milton, Newton, Harvey, and Bentham (as represent atives of the four Faculties), hy Durham; over the cornice in the centre, Plato, Archimedes, and Justinian, by Woodington, and Galen, Cicero, and Aristotle, by Westmacott; In the W. wing, Locke, Bacon, and Adam Smith, by Theed, and Hume, Hunter, and Sir Humphry Davy, hy Noble; in the 278 21. GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM. B. wing, Galileo, Laplace, and Goethe, by Wyon, and Cuvier, Leibnitz, and Linneeus, hy Macdowell. The interior contains a spacious lecture room, a number of other apartments , in which the graduation examina tions take place twice annually, and a valuable library. A marble statue of Queen Victoria, by Boehm, was erected here in 1889. Close by, at 1 Savile Row, to the N.E., is the Royal Geograph ical Society (sec, Dr. J. Scott Keltie). Richard Brinsley Sheridan died at 14 Savile Row in 1816. — In Albemarle Street, to the W., beyond Bond Street (p. 283), is the Royal Institution, founded in 1799 for the promotion and teaching of science, with library, read ing-room, laboratories, and weekly lectures from Christmas to Mid summer. The admirably equipped Davy Faraday Research Labora tory, at No. 20, presented to the Royal Institution by Mr. Ludwig Mond, was opened in December, 1896. The Royal Asiatic Society (No. 22) has a library (open 11-4, on Sat. 11-2). No. 5*0, the house of Mr. John Murray, the publisher, contains portraits of Scott, Byron, Washington Irving (Wilkie), and other men of letters ; also Hogarth's Scene from the 'Beggars' Opera'. No. 13 is the Albemarle Club (p. 101), No. 7 the Royal Thames Yacht Club. On the N. side of Piccadilly, a little beyond Burlington House, is the Albany, let out in chambers, and numbering 'Monk' Lewis, Canning, Byron (No. 2a), Bulwer Lytton, and Macaulay (No. 1b, second floor) among quondam residents. The last lived here for 16 years and wrote here the first volumes of his 'History of England'. Byron passed the first part of his married life at 139 Piccadilly, where his daughter Ada waa born in Dec, 1815. St. James's Church (PI. R, 22 ; I), adjoining Princes' Restaurant (p. 16) on the S. aide of Piccadilly, built by Wren in 1682-84, aud considered (aa to the interior) one of his finest works, contains a marble font by Grinling Gibbons, who also executed the handsome foliage over the altar. The stained-glass windows, representing the Passion and other scenes, are modern. The vestry is hung witli portraits of former rectors. The Museum of Fraotical Geology, erected in 1850, is a little farther to the E. The building contains, besides the geological museum, a lecture-room for 500 hearers, and a library. Entrance by Jermyn Street (Nos. 28-32); admission, see p. 106. The Hall contains busts of celebrated geologists: on the right, Buck. land, Greenough, Playfair, Forbes, William Smith, and Jukes (behind) ; on the left, Murchison, De la Beche, Ramsay, Hall, Sedgwick, and Hutton ; at the pillars near the entrance, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. At the upper end is a colossal copy of the Farnese Hercules in Portland limestone. Then English, Irish, and Scotch granite; alabaster; Portland limestone from the island of Portland, near Weymouth in Dorsetshire; Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and Irish marbles ; auriferous quartz ; malachite ; a large block of solid copper; lode with galena and pyrites; and numerous varieties of limestone. These are partly in the rough, and partly polished and cut in the shape of large cubes, squares, tablets, or short columns. Two tables inlaid with ancient and modern marbles. Also terracotta statuettes, copies of ancient statues, vases, and pieces uf tesselated pave- nient. The mosaic pavement in the middle of the hall deserves notice. 21. LEICESTER SQUARE. 279 The table-cases contain part of a large mineralogical collection bequeathed by Mr. Henry Ludlam. On the First Floor we first observe a large vase of Siberian avan- turine qnartz, a gift from the Emperor of Russia ; a geological model of London and its vicinity; a gold snuff-box with enamel portrait, given to Sir Roderick Murchison by Alexander II. of Russia; a steel salver, Inlaid with gold, presented by the Russian Administration of Mines to Sir Roderick Murchison. On tho S. side is a collection of porcelain, glass, enamels, and mosaics from the earliest period down to tho present day. Then, In table-cases at the sides ofthe room, iron, steel, and copper, at different stages of their manufacture. We notice in a case on the right (E.) side a penny rolled out into a strip of copper, 10 yds. long. The cases arranged in the form of a horse-shoe in the middle of the room contain the collection of non -metallic minerals: here are seen all kinds of crystallisations, particularly of precious stones, from quartz nodules with brilliant crystals in the interior np to the most exquisitely polished jewels. Models of the largest known diamonds, such as the Koh-i-noor and the Regent Diamond, are also exhibited in these cases. The metalliferous minerals, or ores, occupy the wall-cases. Other cabinets are filled with agates, some of which are artificially coloured with oxide of iron, and the precious metals, including a model of a huge nugget of pure gold, weighing 2020 oz. (value 6376(.). Near the top of the staircase is a case with recent additions, including a series of ancient Egyptian pigments. In the adjoining apartments to the N. are exhibited geological relief plans and models of mines, metallurgical processes, and various kinds of machinery. The two upper galleries, running round the hall, chiefly contain fossils, which are of little interest to the ordinary visitor. On the N. side of Piccadilly, opposite the Geological Museum, is St. James's Hall (p. 68), which has another entrance in the Regent Quadrant (p. 280). We next reach Piccadilly Circus (p. 280), and then, on the right, the Criterion Theatre (p. 65) and the Hay market (p. 273). At this point Piccadilly proper cornea to an end. Coventry Street, its eastern prolongation, containing the Prince of Wales Theatre (p. 65), leads on to Leicester Square (PI. R, 27; 1), a quarter largely inhabited byVroitch rosldonts, and adorned in 1874 with Dower-beds and a marble statue of Shakspeare, in the centre, bearing the inscription, 'There is no darkness but iguorauce' ; at the base are four water-spouting dolphins. The corners of the garden are embellished with marble busts of Reynolds, Hunter, Hogarth, and Newton, all of whom lived in or near the square. After the revocation of theEdict of Nantes (1685) this neighbourhood became a favourite resort of the more aristocratic French Protestant exiles. Leicester House and Savile House, once situated in the square, were occupied by members of the royal family during the first half of last century ; and Peter the Great was entertained at Savile House by the Marquis of Carmarthen (1698). Down to the beginning of the present cent ury the open space in the centre was a frequent resort of duellists. — The Alhambra Theatre (p. 66), on the E. side, burned down in 1882, was rebuilt in 1883-84. The site of Savile House, on the N. side of the square, is occupied by the Empire Theatre (p. 66). The line of Coventry Street is continued on the other side of the square by Cranbourne Street, in which is Daly's Theatre (p. 65), leading to Charing Cross Road (p. 184). 280 22. Eegent Street. Oxford Street. Holborn. All Saints' Church. University College. St. Pancras' Church. Foundling Hospital. Regent Street (PI. R, 23, 26; 1), one of the finest streets in London, and containing a large number of the best shops, waa laid out by Nash in 1813, for the purpose of connecting Carlton House (p. 274), the residence of the Prince Regent, with Regent's Park. It is 1 M. in length, and extends from Waterloo Place, Pall Mall (p. 273), acroBs Oxford Street, to Portland Place. To the right (E.), at the corner of Charles Street, stands the Junior United Service Club, and on the same side is the Raleigh Club. Jermyn Street (with the Geological Museum, p. 278) is a little farther on. The street then reaches Regent Circus, Piccadilly (see p. 279; known as Piccadilly Circus), whence Piccadilly leads to the W., Coventry Street to the E., and the wide Shaftesbury Avenue (p. 184) to the N.E. The triangle in the centre of the Circus is occupied by a Memorial Fountain to Lord Shaftesbury (d. 1885), by Alfred Gilbert, A. R. A., unveiled in 1893 and adorned with eight plaques of scenes from the philanthropist's life. Beyond the Circus Regent Street describes a curve to the W., forming the so-called Quadrant. On the left is the entrance to St. James's Hall (see p. 279). Vigo Street, at the end of the Quadrant, leads ou the left to London University (p. 277). Farther on, to the left, we paas New Burlington Street, Conduit Street, and Maddox Street. Between Hanover Street and Prince's Street stood Hanover Chapel (pulled down in 1897). Uanovbh Squam, on the loft, is embellished with a bronze statue of William Pitt (d. 1806), by Chantrey. On the E. side of the square is the St. George's Club, occupy ing the site of the long popular Hanover Square Concert Rooms ; on the W. side, the Oriental Club ,¦ and at the N.W. angle, inTenterden Street, the Royal Academy of Music. In George Street, leading out of the square on the S., is St. George's Church, built by James (1713- 24), with a classic portico, and three stained-glass windows, made in Malines about 1520 and brought to England early in the 19th cent ury. It is the most famous church in London for fashionable wed dings. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu died in George Street in 1762. The intersection of Regent Street with Oxford Street (see p. 281), which extends for a long distance in both directions, is called Regent Circus, Oxford Street, or simply Oxford Circus. Margaret Street, the second oross-street beyond Oxford Street, leads to the W. (left) to Cavendish Square, which contains an equestrian statue in marble of the Duke of Cumberland (the victor atCulloden in 1746), by Chew, and a bronze statue of Lord George Bentinck (d. 1848), by Campbell. Harcourt House, on the W. side ofthe Bquare, is the mansion ofthe Duke of Portland. Lord Byron was born in 1788 at 24 Holies Street, between Cavendish Square and Oxford Street; .22, OXFORn STREET. 281 the house, however, has since been rebuilt. He was baptised in Old Marylebone Church, at the top of Marylebone High Street (PI. R, 20), where Charles Wesley was burled in 1788 and Robert Browning was married in 1846. This was the old church (rebuilt in 1741) which figures in the 'Rake's Marriage' by Hogarth (see p. 226). — In Margaret Street, to the E. (r.) of Regent Street, ia AU Saints' Church (Pi. R, 24 ; I), built by Butterfield in 1850-59, in the Early English style, lavishly decorated in the interior with marble and gilding. The E. wall of the choir is frescoed by Dyce in the style of early Christian art. The spire is 227 ft. high. — At No. 74a Mar garet Street is the Parkes Museum of Hygiene (adm., see p. 106). The Polytechnic Young Men's Christian Institute, between Ca vendish Square and Regent Street, has occupied since 1882 the old Polytechnic Institution. The Institute haB numerous technical and other classes (11,000 students), reading-rooms, a gymnasium, etc. The good genius of the institution is Mr. Quintin Hogg, who has spent 150,0002. upon it. On the opposite side of the street is the County Council's School of Arts (p. 97). Farther on, on the right side of Regent Street, are St. George's Hall (p. 68) and the handsome Queen's Hall (p. 68). The latter has accommodation for 3000 per sons ; the ceiling is painted by Carpcgat. At the N. end of Regent Street is Langham Place, with All Souls' Church, erected by Nash. The large building on the other side is the Langham Hotel (p. 10). From this point Portland Place, one of the widest streets in London (120 ft.), leads to Park Crescent, Park Square, and Regent's Park (p. 287). Oxford Street (PI. R, 19, 23, 27; J, //), the principal artery of traffic between the N.W. quarter of London and the City, extends from the Marble Arch (at the N.E. corner of Hyde Park, p. 323) to Holborn , a distance of l'/a M. The E. portion of this imposing street contains a number of. the most important shops in London, and presents a scene of immense traffic and activity ; while the W. end, with the adjoining streets and squares (particularly Grosvenor Square and Berkeley Square on the S. and Portman Square on the N.), comprises many aristocratic residences. Edgware Road, which begins at the W. end of Oxford Street (see PI. R, 16), follows the line of the old. Roman road to St. Albans. In Harrow Road, leading to the W. from Kdgware Road, is St. Mary's Churchyard (Pl.R, 12), now a public park , containing the grave of Mrs. Sarah Siddons (d. 1831), the famous actress. A Statue of Mrs, Siddons, by Cha- valliaud, whb erected in 1807 on Paddington Green, close by. Port land Street and Orchard Street lead to the N. (left) to Porlman Square, No. 15 in which is the residence of the Duke of Fife. The 'Blue Stocking Club' met at Mrs. Montagu's (d. 1800) in the N.W. comer of the square. Anthony Trollope lived in Montagu Square, just to the N. From the N.E. corner of Portman Square Baker Street runs due N. to Baker Street Station (Pi. R, 20; p. 57) and Marylebone 282 22. HERTFORD HOUSE. Station (PL R, 16; p. 57), in Marylebone Road. Blandford Street, diverging from Baker Street to the E., contains the house in which Faraday, the chemist, served his apprenticeship (tablet). Lower Berkeley Street runs to the E. from Portman Square to Manchester Square (see below). Adjacent, at 13 Mandeville Place, is Trinity College, an incorporated institution for the study of music and arts. Duke Strcetleads to the left (N.) from Oxford street, farther on, to Manchester Square, on the N. side of which stands Hertford House (PI. R, 20; /), formerly the residence of the fourth marquis of Hertford, aud said to bu the original of Gaunt House in Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair'. Hertford House was afterwards occupied by Sir Richard Wallace (d. 1890), who added three fine galleries for the re ception ofthe famous Hertford Collection, which he greatly extend ed. This magnificent collection, valued at 4,000,000 1., was bequeath ed to the nation by Lady Wallace (d. 1897), and 80,000 1, were voted by parliament to purchase the house and adapt it as a public gal lery. The collection will necessarily remain quite inaccessible to visitors until tho summer of 1899, when tho structural alterations are expected to be finished. Tho director is Mr. Claude Phillips. The "Wallace Collection includes a picture-gallery of over 700 works, long esteemed tbe finest private collection in England. It contains 11 specimens of Rembrandt (''The Ungrateful Servant), 11 uf Rubens p'Haiu- bow landscape; Holy Family), 6 of Van Dyck (*Portraits of Philip le Roy and his wife), 11 of Murillo, 8 of Velazquez ("La Femine a 1'Eventail'), 2 of Bernardino Luini, a Virgiu and CLild with St. John, by Andrea del Sarto, and the "Young Cavalier, by Frans Hals (1G24). Among the other Italian paintings are works by Cima] da Conegliano, Giulio Romano, Guido Reni, Domenichino, Sassoferrato, Canaletto, Guardi, etc. The collection of modern French paintings is particularly fine, including 11 examples of Watteau, impor tant series of works by Lancret and Pater, many vast decorative canvases by Lemoine and Boucher, 22 masterpieces by Greuze, 15 by Delaroclte, 81 by Decamps, 15 hy Meissonier, and representative works by Fragonard, PrutThon, Horace Vernet, Ary Scheffer, Delacroix, Coroi, Troyon, Rousseau, Gir&me, etc. There is also an important series of Dutch and Flemish works, with examples of Berghem, Cuyp, G. Dou, F. Hals, Hobbema, Metsu, Ostade, Paul Potter, J. Ruysdael, Teniers, Vandewelde, Weenix, Wouverman, Wynants, elc. The British school is represented hy Reynolds (*'The Strawberry Girl', Portraits of Nelly O'Brien and Mrs. 'Perdila' Robinson, and 10 other works), Gainsborough (Mrs. Perdita Robinson and another work), Lawrence (3 works), Wilkie (2), Stanfield (3), Roberts (8), Bonington (38), Landseer (3), and others. — The collection also includes choice specimens uf guid and silver wurkmauship, bruuzes and marble statuettes (chiefly French and Italian ; 10-18tb ceut.), Sevres porcelain of the 18th cent, (many pieces uf historic interest), Italian majolica, clocks, caskets, ivory carvings, and art-treasures of every description. The collection of 'French Furniture, chiefly of the periods of Louis XIV., XV., and XVI., at least equals the corresponding cullections iu the Louvre and the Garde Meuhle uf Paris. The "Armoury is the finest in Kuglaud and fills au important gap in the national collections; while it is supplemented by a magnificent and unu sually comprehensive collection of Oriental armour aud arms. To the S. of Oxford Street are Grosvenor Square (PL R, 19) and Berkeley Square (with its plane-trees ; PI. R, 22, 23), many of the houses in which still have bits of fine old iron-work in front of their doors, with extinguishers for links or torches. Horace Walpole 22. OXFORD STREET. 283 died at 11 Berkeley Square in 1797; Olive committed suicide at No. 45 in 1774. No. 38, now the town-house of Lord Rosebery, was the house from which the daughter of Mr. Child, the banker, oloped with the Earl of Westmorland In 1782, and was afterwards the residence of their daughter Lady Jersey (d. 1867) and her husband. Pope lived at No. 9 Berkeley Street, to the S. of Berkeley Square , and presented the lease of it to Martha Blount. Bulwer Lytton spent his later years at No. 12 Grosvenor Square. At the foot of South Audley Street, which runs to the S. from the S.W. corner of Grosvenor Square, is Chesterfield House (PI. R, 18; IV), with a fine marble staircase and the library in which the 'Chester field Letters' were written. In Brook Street, which runs E. from Grosvenor Square to Hanover Square (p. 280), is a house (No. 25) distinguished by a tablet indicating that Handel used to live here. New Bond Street (PI. R, 23 ; I), which diverges to the right (S.) from Oxford Street, farther on, is continued by Old Bond Street to Piccadilly (p. 276). This thoroughfare contains numerous attract ive and fashionable shops, the Grosvenor Club (No. 135), and sev eral picture-galleries (comp. p. 69). — Hanover Square, Cavendish Square, Regent Street, and Oxford Circus, see p. 280. — In Oxford Street, on the left, farther on, is the Princess's Tlieatre (p. 64), nearly opposite which is the Pantheon, which has suoceBsively been a concert-room, * theatre, and a bazaar, and is now the extensive wine warehouse of Messrs. Gilbey. Then on the right (No. 58) is the Soho Bazaar (p. 31), with an exit at the other end to Soho SauARB (PI. R, 27). On the N. side of this square is the new French Protestant Church, one of the beBt examples of terracotta architecture in London ; and on the E. side is the new Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick. The district of Soho contains a large colony of Italian cooks, couriers, waiters, tailors, restaurant-keepers, servants, teachers, etc. — No. 87 Gerrard Street, */* M. to the S. of Soho Square, was for several years the home of Edmund Burke (tablet) ; and Dryden lived at No. 43 (tablet) from 1G86 till bis death in 1700. Mozart, when a boy of eight years (March, 1763), lodged with his father and sister at 51 Frith Street, leading to the S. from Soho Square. — In the churchyard of St. Anne's (PI. R, 27; 1), Wardour Street, are a tablet to Theodore, King of Corsica, who died (1706) in poverty near by, and the grave of William Hazlitt (d. 1830). Oxford Street proper ends at Tottenham Court Road, which runs to the N. to Euston Road, and Charing Cross Road (p. 184), leading to the S. to Charing Cross. The eastern prolongation of Oxford Street, extending to Holborn, aud called New Oxford Street, was laid out in 1849 at a cost of 290,000*. through the 'Rookery of St. Giles', one ofthe most dis reputable quarters of London. No. 76, to the right, belonging to Messrs. Pears, has a vestibule in the style of a Pompelan room, adorned with sculptures. On the left, at the corner of Hart Street, Is Mudie's Library (p. 20). A little to the S. of New Oxford Street, in High Street, is the church of St. Qiles-in-lhc-Ficlds, the third 284 22. . UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. church on this site, completed in 1734. Chapman, the translator of Homer (tombstone against the exterior S. wall, ereoted by Inigo Jones), Shirley, the dramatist, and Andrew Marvell are buried here. To the E. in the churchyard is the square tomb of Pendrell, who helped Charlea II. to safety after the battle of Worcester, with a quaint epitaph, describing him as 'Unparalleled Pendrell'. The British Museum (p. 292) lies in Great Russell Street , which runs off Tottenham Court Road, a little to the north. There are several squares at a short distance from the street, among the chief of which are, to the W. of the British Museum, Bedford Square ; to the E., Bloomsuuuy Squaw; and Russell Square, the one con taining a statue of Charles James Fox (d. 1806), and the other one of Francis, Duke of Bedford (d. 1802), both by Westmacott. In Blooms bury Square stands tlie College of Preceptors (1889), an examining institute which grants diplomas to teachers (F. C.P., L.O. P., A. 0. P.). Gower Street, which leads to the N. from Bedford Square, con tains University College (PI. B,28), founded in 1828, chiefly through tlie exertions of Lord Brougham, for students of every religious de nomination. A long flight of steps leads to the dodecastyle Corinthian portico fronting the main edifice, which is 400 ft. in length and surmounted by a handsome dome. It contains numerous lecture rooms, a laboratory, the Slade School of Fine Art, and a museum with original models and drawings by Flaxman (d. 1826), the cele brated soulptor (open to visitors in the summer months, Sat. 10-4). The new laboratories, etc., built next the 6treet in 1892, somewhat mask the view of the main edifice. The subjects studied at the college comprise the exact and natural sciences, the classical and modern languages and literatures, history, law, and medicine. The number of professors is about 40, and that of students about 1100, paying over 20,000i. in fees. The building also contains a well known school for boys (4-500), at which Mr. John Morley, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, and Lord Leighton were pupils. The whole is maintained without aid from Government. In Gower Street, opposite, and connected with it as a clinical establishment, stands the University College Hospital, where about 46,000 patients are annually treated by the medical professors of the college. Close by, in Gordon Square, is the Catholic Apostolio Church, built in 1860-54, one of the largest ecclesiastical edifices in London. The Interior is a fine example of modern Gothic (Early English), though unfinished towards the W. The Choir, with its graceful triforium aud diapered spandrils, is very rich. Tho most beautiful part of the church is, however, the English Chapel, to the E. of the chancel, with its polychrome painting, stained-glass windows, and open arcade with fine carving (particularly on the three arches to the S. of the altar). Next this church is the building formerly known as University Hall and occupied by Unitarian students, but now used for other purposes. Adjoining is Dr. Williams's Library (p. 20). The 'Uni versity Settlement', established at University Hall, largely under 22. STi PANCRAS1 CIIUROH. 285 tho inspiration of Mrs. Humphry "Ward's 'Robert Elsemcre', has been transferred to the Pass-more Edwards Settlemtnt (p. 100). At the N. end of Gower Street is the Oower Street Station (Me tropolitan; p. 69). Thence Euston Road runs to the E. to Euston Square Station, terminus of the London and North Western Rait- way (p. 04), tho cntrancc-hall of which contains a colossal statuo of George Stophonson, hy Baity. Farthor to the E. is the St. Pan cras Station, terminus of the Midland Railway (p. 54), with the terminus hotel, a very handsome building in an ornate Gothic style, by Sir G. G. Scott. Adjacent is the King's Cross Station, terminus of the Great Northern Railway (p. 54). A tablet on No. 263 Hampstead Road, to the N.W. of Euston Station, marks the house of George Cruikshank, the caricaturist, where he died in 1878. St. Pancras' Church (PI. B,28), in Euston Square, was built by the Messrs. Inwood in 1819 at a cost of 76,679J. It is an imitation of the ETechtheum at Athens; while its tower, 168 ft. in height, ia a double reproduction ofthe so-called Tower of the Winds. Old St. Pancras'' Church (PI. B, 27), with ita historical churchyard, is situated in Old St. Pancras Road, next to the Workhouse. Part of the churchyard, with the adjacent St. Giles burying-ground, baa been converted inlo public gardens. A monument was erected here in 1879 by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts to those whose graves were disturbed in the process. Among the gravestones preserved here are those of William Godwin (1756-1836) and his wife. It is said that Shelley first met his second wife, Mary Godwin, at her mother's grave in this churchyard. To the N. of King's Cross He the populous but comparatively uninterest ing districts of Somebb Town, Camden Town, Kentish Town, Islington, Highbury, and Holloway. In Great College Street, Camden Town, is situated tbe Royal Veterinary College (PI. B, 23), with a museum to which visitors aro admitted daily (0 to 6 or 6) on presenting their cards. Charlei IHbdin (d. 1814), the writer of nautical songs, Is hurled In St. Martin's Burial Ground, Camden Street (now a public recreation-ground), a little to the N.W. of the Veterinary College. He Is commemorated by a Scan dinavian cross. The Royal Agricultural Hall (p. 67) is in Liverpool Road, Islington (PI. B, 35), and the Grand Theatre (p. 65) is close by, in High Street. Alex. Cruden (1701-70), of 'Concordance' fame, lived in Camden Passage, o(T High Street (Pi. B, 35). The original 'Bleak House1 stands in St. Peter's Street, near by (PI. B, 30). About »/« M. to tho N., In Canon- bury Square (PI. B, 38), is "Canonbury Tower, an interesting relic of the country-residence of the Priors of St. Bartholomew. The tower was prob ably built by Prior Bolton (p. 125), though restored at a later date, and contains a fine carved oak room. Oliver Goldsmith occupied rooms in the tower in 1762. It is now used as a free library and reading-room. Charles and Mary Lamb lived at No. 19 Colebrooke Row (PL B, 35) from 18?3 to 1827. IJoltoway Gaol or City Prison (beyond PI. B, 25), a rather handsome building, is mainly used for short-sentence or unconvicted prisoners (about 350 men and 650 women); Pentonville Prison (PI. B, 30), constructed on the radiating principle, accommodates about 1000 male prisoners and is conducted on a modified silent and separate system. Grimaldi, the famous clown, is buried in St, James's Churchyard, Pentonville Eoad (PL B, 32). The great Metropolitan Cattle Market (PL B, 25, 26, 29, 30), Copenhagen Fields, repays a visit on Thursdays, when 3-4000 cattle and 12,000 pheep are usually on sale (coinp. p. 31). The market, opened in 1855, covers an area of 30 acres. Around the lofty clock-tower in the centre are grouped 286 22. FOUNDLING HOSPITAL. a post-oflice, a telegraph -station, banks, an enquiry- office, shops, etc. At the sides are interminable rows of well arranged stalls for the cattle, of which about 4,000,000 are sold here every year. The 'Pedlars'1 Market' on Friday afternoons brings together an extraordinary assortment of second hand goods likely to be useful lo cattle-dealers and drovers. — Lord Beaconsfleld (Disraeli) was horn in a house near Highbury Station (PL B, 33, 34), now occupied as a draper's shop. The eastern prolongation of New Oxford Street is High Holborn (PI. R, 32, and II; so called from the 'Hole Bourne', or Fleet Brook, which once flowed through the hollow near here), a street which survived the Great Fire, and still contains a considerable number of old houses. Milton once lived here, and it was by this route that condemned criminals used to be conducted to Tyburn. The increas ing traffic indicates that we are approaching the City. On the right are several side -streets, leading to Lincoln's Inn Fields (with the Soane Museum, etc., see pp. 224-228). Red Lion Street on the left, continued by Lamb's Conduit Street, leads to Quilford Street, on the N. side of which stands the — Foundling Hospital (PI. It, 32), a remarkable establishment founded by Captain Thomas Coram in 1739 for *deserted children'. Since 1760, however, it has not been used as a foundling hospital, but as a home for illegitimate children, whose mothers are known. (Neither in London nor in any other part of England are there any foundling hospitals in the proper sense of the term, such as the 'Hospice desEnfants TrouveV in Paris.) Tho number of the children is about 520, and the yearly income ofthe Hospital, 10,000t. In the Board Room and the Secretary"1! Room are a number of pictures, chiefly painted about the middle of last century. They include the fol lowing: Hogarth, ^March to Finchley, and Finding ofMoses; portraits hy Ramsay, Reynolds, and Shackleton ; views of tho Foundling Hospital and St. George's Hospital hy Wilson; view of the Charterhouse by Gains borough. The Picture Gallery contains a good portrait* of Coram hy Hogarth. Most of the pictures were presented to the institution by tho artists themselves. (The success with which the exhibition of these pic tures was attended is said to have led to the first exhibition of the Royal Academy in 1760.) The hospital also possesses Raphael's cartoon of the Massacre of the Innocents, a bust of Handel and some of his musical MSS., a collection of coins or tokens deposited with the children (1741-60), otc. The Chapel is adorned with an altar-piece by West, representing Christ blessing little children •, the organ was a gift from Hdndel. Divine ser vice, at which the children are led in singing by trained voices, is per formed on Sundays at 11 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. The Hospital is shown to visitors on Mondays from 10 to 4 and on Sundays, after morning-service, when the children in their quaint costumes may be seen at dinner. Tho attendants are forbidden to accept gratuities, but a contribution to tbe funds of the institution is expected from tho visitor on entering or in the church- offertory. To the E. of Lincoln's Inn are Chancery Lane (p. 170) on tho right (after which we are in the City), and Uray's Inn Road (-p. 172) on the left. Then Holborn Viaduct] Newgate, etc., see p. 122. 287 23. Regent's Park. Zoological Gardens. Botanic Gardens. Primrose Hill. Lord's Cricket Ground. Regent's Park (PI. B, 16, 16, 19, 20) was laid out during tho Inst years of the roign of Ooorgo HI., nnd dorivos its name from the then Prince Regent, afterwards George IV. It occupies the site of an earlier park called Marylebone Park. The name Marylebone Is said to bo a corruption of Mary on Tyburn (Mary-le-bourne), Tyburn being a small brook, coming from Kilburn and flowing Into the Thames. It crossed Oxford Street a little to the E. of the Marble Arch and flowed through St. James's Park, leaving its mark upon Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, and notably upon 'Tyburn', that melancholy old place of execution situated about the lower corner of Edgware Road. It has also given its name to Tyburnia, the quarter of London situated to the N. of Hyde Park. In the time of Queen Elizabeth Marylebone Park was filled with deer and game. Under the Commonwealth the land was cleared of the woods and used as pasturage. Afterwards trees were again planted, footpaths constructed, and a large artificial lake formed. The Park, which is one of the largest in London, embraces 472 acres of ground, and extends from York Gate, Marylebone Road, to Primrose Hill. Within its precincts are situated several private residences, among which is St. Dunstan's Villa with the clock and the automatic figures from the church of St. Dunstan's inFleetStreet (see p. 169). The gardens of the Zoological Society (founded by Sir Humphry Davy and Sir Stamford Raffles in 1826) occupy a large space in tho N. part of tho Park, which also contains the gardons of the Botanical Society and the Toxopholite (Archery) Society. Tho Park is surrounded by a broad drive known as the Outer Circle. In summer a band generally plays in the Park on Sun. afternoons in the Kiosk a little to the S. ofthe Zoological Gardens (PI. B, 20). The **Zoological Gardens are bounded on the N. by the Regent's Canal and intersected by the Outer Circle, which here runs parallel with the canal. They are thus divided into two portions , which, however, communicate with each other by means of a tunnel constructed under the drive. The principal entrance is in the Outer Circle (the Main Entrance in the Plan) ; ingress may also be obtained from the Broad Walk, at the S.E. angle ofthe gardens (see PI., South Entrance), or from Albert Road, Primrose Hill, on theN. side of the canal (North Entrance, near No. 43 on the Plan). The Main Entrance is about 3/4 M. from the Portland Road Station of the Metropolitan Railway, from which the S. Entrance is a little less re mote, while both gates are about 3/4 M. from the Chalk Farm Station of the North -Western and North London Railways. The Baker Street Station (Metropolitan) is about 3/4 M. from the S. entrance, which is only 300 yds. from Park Street, where 'Waterloo' omnibuses 288 23. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. (No. 64 ; p. 46) pass at frequent intervals. The iVor(/i Entrance is l/% M. from Chalk Farm and 3/4 M. from St. John's Wood Road (Metropol itan), and is passed by Camden Town and Bayswater omnibuses (No. 86; p. 50). (Carriages may not drive along the Broad Walk.) The Zoological Gardens are open daily from 9 a.m. to sunset; adm. Is., on Mon. Gd., children half-price except on Mon.; on Sun. only by order obtained from a member. The number of visit ors in 1897 was 717,755. The number of animals is about 2550, including 800 mammals and 1360 birds. The band of the Life Guards usually plays here on Saturdays in summer at 4p.m. Many of the animals conceal themselves during the day in their holes and dens, under water, or among the shrubbery ; the best time to visit them, accordingly, is at the feeding-hour, when even the lethargic carnivora are to be seen in a state of activity and ex citement. The pelicans are fed at 2.30, the otters at 3, the eagles at 3.30 (except Wednesdays), the beasts of prey at 4 (in winter, Nov. -Feb., at 3), the seals and sea-lions at 4.30 (in winter at 3.30), and the diving birds in the fish-house (PI. 37) at 12 and 5 p.m. The snakes receive their weekly meal on Friday, but visitors are not admitted to this curious spectacle without the express per mission of tho Director of tho Gardons. Children may enjoy the delight of a riding on elephants, camels, and so ou for a small fee. Those who have not time to explore the Gardens thoroughly had better follow the route indicated below, so as to see the most inter esting animals in the shortest possible time. On entering from the Outer Circle (PI., Main Entrance), we turn to the right, and first reach the Western Aviary (PI. 1), which is 170 ft. long, and contains 200 different kinds of birds, chiefly from Australia, the Indian Archipelago, and South America. Then, passing the Crows (PI. la) and the Crane and Bustard Paddocks (PI. 2), we reach, on the left, the — *Monkey House (PI. 3), which always attracts a crowd of amused spectators. The unpleasant odour is judiciously disguised by num erous plants aud flowers. The bats are also kept here. We next return (to the right) to the Crane Paddocks (PI. 2), by which we pass to the left, and enter the new Crane and Ostrich House (PI. 4), on one side of which are tlie storkB and cranes, and on the other (by which we return) the ostriches, rheas, emeus, cassowaries, and an apteryx or kiwi. Quitting this house by the door at which we entered, we turn to the left and then take another turning ou the right leading to the Rodents (PI. 6), Swine (PI. 7), and Southern Ponds for Water Fowl (PI. 5 ; about 50 different kinds). We then proceed to the left, along the other side of the Southern Ponds and past the Sheep Sheds (PI. 8), to the Sea-Lions' Pond (PI. 9). To the right is the Sheep Yard (9 A), built in 1886 for the Burrhel, or blue wild sheep, from the Himalayas. To the S.E. of this point are the Wolves' and Foxes' Dens (PI. 9 B). WagneriDebes'Ceo^ZstabVLeipsic 23. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. 289 Opposite, to the N. (see Plan), is the large *Lion House (PI. 10), which is 230 ft. long and 70 ft. wide. In addition to its living occupants it contains a bust of Sir Stamford Raffles (d. 1826), the first president of the Zoological Society. To the E. of the Lion House are the Cattle Sheds (Pi. 34), containing, among other specimens, the yak, the bison, the gayal, and the wild cattle of Great Britain. We now retrace our steps, and pass along the open-air enclosures at the back of the Lion House to the Antelope House (PI. 11). Issuing thence, we proceed straight on, past the Bear Pit (PI. 14), to the Bonthern front ofthe dens containing Hyenas and Bears (PI. 12 and 13). The terrace above affords a view of the bear-pit and the pond for the Potar Bears (PI. 13 a). We next turn to the right, and pass through the archway near the Camels (PI. 16). Then, leaving the Clock Tower on the right and the Eagle Owls (PI. 15) on the left, and passing the Night-Herons' Aviary (PI. 17; flamingo, ibis, etc.) on tho loft, and the Eastern Aviary (PI. 19) on the right, we reach the pavilion of tho Pelicans (PI. 18). From the pelicans wo retrace our stops to the Clock Tower, and bear to the left to the Northern Pond (PI. 20), which contains more water- fowl. To the right is the Barbary-Sheep Yard (PI. 20A). By continuing to the loft we reach the Owls' Cages (PI. 21), at tho back of which is the Llamas' House (PI. 22). This should not be ap proached too closely on account of the unpleasant expectorating propensities of its inmates. A little farther on is the pond con taining the Mandarin Ducks (PI. 23). Between the two, on our left, is the entrance to the tunnel, which we pass in the meantime. Opposite, on the right, are the Otters (PI. 24) and the Kites (PI. 25) ; to the N.E., on the left, lies the Civet House (PI. 26). We now turn to the right and proceed to the south. We first reach, on the left, the Small Mammals (PI. 27; the house may be entered), on the right the Ducks (PI. 29); then, on the left, the Flying Squirrels (PI. 28) and the Racoons (PI. 30), near which is the refreshment-room (Bee below). Continuing in a straight direction past the Vultures (PI . 31) and another small aviary containing Bateleur Eagles, we reach the S. Entrance, which we leave on the left. Near the entrance is the new Deer House (PI. 32), behind which are the Cattle Sheds (see above). Opposite the Deer House are aviaries containing Pheasants and Peacocks (PI. 31a). We now turn to the left, and after a few paces reach the new *Reptile House (PI. 33), to the E. of the Lion House. This contains an extensive collection of large serpents, lizards, alligators, croco diles, snapping turtles, frogs, and toads. Just beyond it is the new Tortoise House. At this point we turn back and walk straight on, past the front of the Cattle Sheds, to the Three Island Pond (PI. 36), stocked with water-fowl, among which are specimens of the black- necked swan. The path leading first to the left and then to the right, passing (opposite) more Water Fowl (PI. 35), leads to the *Fish Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 19 290 23. BOTANIC GARDENS. House (PI. 37), containing flsh and small aquatic birds. The Refresh ment Rooms (PL 38, 39) here afford an opportunity for a rest. From the Refreshment Rooms we proceed towards the N.W. past the Eagles' Aviaries (PI. 40) , having on our left the Band Stand, and pass through the tunnel leading into the N. section of the gardens. Here we first go straight on, across the canal-bridge, ou the other side of which are the Northern Aviary (PI. 42; for birds of prey), and the *Insectarium (PI. 44), containing insects, land crustaceans, chameleons, toads, tree-frogs, and electric eels (fee for electric shock la.). Here also are various birds, including two mynahs (a kind of starling), which talk as well as parrots. Between the last two houses is the North Entrance, opposite which are paddocks containing Japanese and Axis Deer. We now recross the bridge and turn to the left to the Small Cats' House (PI. 44a) and Lecture Room (PI. 45), the latter adorned with water-colour BketcheB of animals. Close by are the Kangaroo Sheds (PI. 48, 49), the Wombats' House (PI. 60), the Sloths' House (PI. 46), and the "Apes' House (PI. 47), the last containing somo of the most interesting inmates of the Gardens, in the form of specimens of tho anthropoid or manlike apes (including, at present, an orang-utang and three chimpanzees). We now turn to the right and pass the Wombats, the Brush Turkeys (PI. 51), and the Markhore House (PI. 52) on the right, and a small Refreshment Stall (PI. 53) on the left. Opposite this stall is the Parrot House (PI. 54), containing about ninety different species of that gaudy and harsh-voiced bird, next to which is the new "Elephant and Rhinoceros House (PI. 56), containing the African and Asiatic varieties of these animals. No. 57 is a Deer Shed; No. 59 iB the Superintendent's Office. The Moose Yard (No. 69 a), below, to the right, on the bank of the canal, contains moose-deer and rein-deer from Labrador. Proceed ing in a straight direction, we reach the "Hippopotamus (PI. 60) and the Giraffe House (PI. 61). Beyond are the Zebras and Braz ilian Tapir (PI. 62) and the Small Antelopes (PI. 63). Returning along the S. side of these houses, we reach, on the left, the Gazelles (PI. 64) and the Beavers (PI. 58). A little way beyond the Beaver House we reach the Exit, which takes us into the Outer Circle. Part of the southern portion of Regent's Park is occupied by the Botanic Gardens (PI. B, 20), which are circular in shape, and are enclosed by the drive called the Inner Circle. Large flower-shows take place here on three Wednesdays in May and June, which are largely attended by the fashionable world (tickets of admission sold at the gate and by the principal ticket-agents). Musi cal promenades are held on each other Wed. from May to August (adm. 2s. 6d.). On Mon. and Sat. visitors are admitted for a fee of is., and on Tues., Thurs., and Frid. on presenting an order of admission given by a Fellow of the Botanical Society. Foreigners are admitted on appli cation to the officials. The Museum and the collections of economic, 23. PRIMROSE HILL. 291 medicinal, and water plants are very interesting, — Skating Fttei are held at the Botanic Gardens in winter (comp. p . 73). On the E. side of the Park stands St. Katharine's Royal Colleg iate Hospital, with its chapel. This building was erected in 1825 in substitution of one which formerly stood on the site of the St. Katharine Docks (p. 162). The Hospital was originally founded by Matilda, wife of King Stephen (1148), and was renewed by Queen Eleanor, wife of Edward I. (1273). The patronage is vested in the queens of England and forms part of their dower. The foundation consists of a master and two brothera, in holy orders, and three sisters, who together form the chapteT. Schools for boys and girls are within the precincts. The chapel contains a canopied tomb of a duke of Exeter (16th cent.), stalls of the 14th cent., and a fine organ, all brought from the original hospital. A house in the close has been granted by Queen Victoria to the superintendent of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Nurses, whose office adjoins the chapel. To the S. of Regent's Park runs the Martlebonb Road, con taining the imposing premises of Madame Tussaud's well-known waxwork exhibition (adm., see p. 67), which are close to the Baker Street station of the Metropolitan railway. The large building op posite Mme. Tussaud's is the Marylebone Workhouse (see PI. R, 20). Adjacent, in Tork Place, is Bedford College, a university college for women, including an art-school and a teachers' training department. Charles Dickens lived at No. 1 Devonshire Terrace (corner of Marylebone Road and High Street) from 1839 to 1861, writing there 'Barnaby Rudge', 'Martin Chuzzlewit', the 'Christmas Carol', 'Dom- bey and Son', 'David Copperfleld', and other works. In Marylebone Road, a little farther to the W., riseB the large new Hotel Grand Central (p. 10), behind which is the Marylebone Station, the terminus of the new London extension of the Great Central Railway (p. 67). The summit of Primrose Hill (PI. B, 14; 205 ft.), an eminence to the N. of Regent's Park, from which it is separated by the canal and a road, commands a very extensive view. On the E. and S., as far as the eye can reach, nothing is seen but the roofs and spires of the stupendous city of London, while on the N. the green hills of Hampstead and Highgate form the picturesque background of a landsoape which contrasts pleasantly with the dingy buildings of the Metropolis. At the S. base of the hill there iB an open-air gymnasium; a refreshment-room has also been opened. A 'Shak speare Oak' was planted on the S. slope of the hill in 1864, on the tercentenary celebration of the great dramatist's birth. To the N.W. in Finchley Road, near the Swiss Cottage Station (Metropolitan; PI. B, 10), stands New College, for the education of Congregational ministers. Among its professors have been some men of considerable note. It contains a good theological library. The building was erected about 40 years ago in the midst of what was then green fields, and is admired for its style and proportions. — 19* 292 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Farther out in the Finchley Road (beyond PI. B, 6) is Hackney Congregational College, erected in 1887 at a cost of about 23,000i. At 44 Abbey Road, about 1/t M. to the W. of the Swiss Cottage, John Gibson Lockhart (d. 1854), son-in-law and biographer of Sir Walter Scolt and editor of the Quarterly Review, spent some of his later years. Lord's Cricket Ground (PI. B, 12; p. 71), in St. John's Wood Road (Metropolitan station, see p. 59), to the W. of Regent's Park, is thronged with a large and brilliant crowd of spectators on the occasion of the principal cricket-matches, particularly when Cam bridge is disputing the palm of victory with Oxford, or, better still, Eton with Harrow ; and it then presents a characteristic and impos ing spectacle, which the stranger should not fail to see. Admission on ordinary days 6d. ; during great matohes, which are always ad vertised beforehand, Is. or 2s. 6d. The ground was purchased by the Marylebone Cricket Club for a large sum, to prevent it from being built upon. The new Pavilion was built in 1891. The ground is well supplied with luncheon-bars ; and there is also a telegraph-office. In Maida Hill West (PI. U, 12), a little lo the S. of this point, is a handsome Catholic Apostolic Church, by Pearson. 24. The British Museum. The nucleus of the now vaBt contents of the **British Museum (P1.R,28; if) was formed by the library and collection of Sir Hans Sloane (A. 1763), who in his will offered them to the State for the sum of 20,000i. (said to have been 30,000i. less than their value). An Aot of Parliament wa3 at once passed for the acceptance of the offer, and the collections, along with the Harleian MSS. and the Cottonian Library, were deposited in Montagu House, whioh was bought for the purpose. The presentation by George III. of a collection of Egyptian antiquities in 1801 , and the purohase of the Townley Marbles in 1805 and the Elgin Marbles in 1816, made such additions to the original oontents that a new wing had to he built for their re ception. The Museum continued to increase, and when George IV. presented it in 1823 with the King's Library , collected by George III., old Montagu House was felt to be quite inadequate for its purpose, and a new building, designed by Sir Kooert Smirke and completed by his younger brother Sydney Smirke, was erected on its site between 1823 and 1855. The new Reading Room (seep. 317) was added in 1867, and since 1879 a new gallery for the Mauso leum marbles and the entire 'White Wing', on tho S.E. side(p.316) have been erected from a bequest by Mr. William White. The con tents of the British Museum are at present arranged in eight sec tions, eaoh under the special superintendence of an Under Librarian or Keeper. These sections are as follows : Printed Books (Maps and Plans), Manuscripts, Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts, Printa and DrawingB, Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British and MediaBval Antiquities and Ethnography, Greek and Roman Anti- r rrnTTTr-r^; Suppl ljl.'"tiL al1* 4 f„r,,-,- i Bajikslzm ¦ Koojii I TV'ajWxi-Debes' Geog^Est.-ibVLetpstc 24.' THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 293 quitles, and Coins and Medals. The Natural History sections are now at S. Kensington (see p. 335). Wherever it is practicable, the names are attached to the different objects. For a thorough study of the collections the excellent official catalogues are indispensable; for a hasty visit the following directions may suffice. Courses of lectures on the various antiquities of the Museum are delivered here by experts from time to time. — The number of visitors to the British Museum in 1896, exclusive of readers and students, was 581,906. The Museum is open free on overy week-day from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m., but after 4 p.m. in Jan., Feb., Nov., and Dec., and after 5 p.m. in March, Sept., and Oct., some only of tbe galleries remain open, viz. : on Mon., Wed., and Frid,, the MSS., King's Library, Porcelain and Glass, Prints and Drawings, and the Prehistoric, British, Ethnographical, and Medlecval Collections ; and on Tues.j Thurs., and Sat. the Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Assyrian, Semitic, Religious, and American Collections. The Museum is open on Snn. afternoon from 2.30 (2 In winter), bnt is shut on Good Friday and Christmas Day. — Sticks and umbrellas are left in the hall. Cata logues may be obtained in the hall, or from the attendants in the various sections. Good photographs of several of the most interesting drawings and sculptures In the Museum may be purchased in the chief librarian's ofiice. The Phincipal Facadb, towards (S.) Great Russell Street, with two projecting wings and a portico in the oentre, is 370 ft. in length. In front it has an Ionio oolonnade of 44 columns. The pediment above the Portico, which is borne by two rows of eight columns, is adorned with sculptures by Westmacott : on the right, Progress of the Human Raoe; on the left, allegorical figures of Mathematics, the Drama, Poetry, Music, and Natural Philosophy. The Entiianok Hall, which in 1877 was enlarged by an ex tension townrcls the N., monsurcs 0'2 ft. In length. Tho coll ing is emholHshcd with encaustic painting. The statue of Shak speare on the right, at the entrance to the library, chiselled hy Roubiliac, was bequeathed by Garrick, the actor. Beside it is abust "of Sir A. H. Layard (d. 1894). On the W. side of the hall is the principal staircase, ascending to the first floor. To the left of it is a bust of the Duke of Marlborough, by Rysbrack, to the right, a bust of the Earl of Chesterfield. By the door leading into the sculpture-room is a statue of Mrs. Darner, the sculptress, from a model by Ceracchi. Various Buddhist sculptures from Amravati in South India, dating .from the 4th cent. A.D. , are also exhibited on the staircase. The Room of Inscriptions lies to the N. of the entrance-hall. To the right and left, as we enter, Graico-Roman statues of *Thalia, muse of comedy, and Ariadne. This room contains a representative series of Greek and Roman inscriptions , round the walls, and also the following sculptures : To the left: Statue of Marcus Aurelius, in civil costume, from Egypt; marble vase with Bacchic relief; 'Marble patera, with a relief of a Mtenad, from Hadrian's Villa; Bust of Antisthenes; Bust of Anacreon (?)j below, unnamed bust and Bust of Periander; Female statue, in rough workman ship; 19. Hadrian in military costume (legs and arms restored). In the 294 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. centre of this part of the room : *Greek cratera from the Villa of Hadrian, round the upper part of which are reliefs of Satyrs making wine; on pedestals round the last, four cinerary urns. — To the right: Unknown figure In military costume, from Egypt; Vase with Bacchic Relief; Bust of Metrodoms (?); Demosthenes; Votive reliefs of articles of the toilet ; above, Busts of Diogenes (?) and Hippocrates (?); then Busts of Epicurus and Euripides; Bust of Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, proprietor of Cyrene; Antoninus Pius; Profile of the Emp. Otho ; Cleopatra, with .Jewish features; Statue of a Roman poet(V); 9. Unknown statue in civil costume. In the centre: *Equestrian statue, restored as Caligula. On pedestals round the last, two bases for candelabra; 56. Mithras sacrificing a bull; 54. Group of two dogs; 30. Sphinx. From tlie Hall we Ural turn to tlie right into tbe Library, and enter the room which contains the collection of 20,240 vols, be queathed to the Museum by Thomas Grenville. The glass-cases contain a chronological series of Illuminated MSS. from the 10th to the 16th century. Case I (to the left). Greek MSS. of 10-iSth cent.: MSS. illuminated by English artists, 10-llth centuries. — Cask II. MSS. of 12-13th cent.; Psalters; 17. Diurnale; *18. Boll with tinted outline drawings from the life of St. Guthlac of Croyland. — Cases III & IV. MSS. of 14th cent. : copies of the Apocalypse ; breviaries ; summaries of an cient history in French. — 39. Durandus de Divinis Ofliciis; 40. Latin poems by Petrarch's tutor; 41. Latin treatise on virtues and vices; 42 Dante's Divine Comedy with miniatures; French MS. with portrait of Richard II. — Case V. English and French MSS. of 15th cent.: 49. Human de la Hose; 54. French romances, presented by Talbot, Karl of Shrewsbury, to Margaret of Anjou, consort of Henry VI ;55. Froissarfs Chronicle. — Cask VI. French, English, and Italian MSS. ofthe 15th cent. : 66. Lectionary, with portrait of Siferwas, the illuminator; copies of Hours of the Virgin. — Case VII. MSS. of 16th and 16th cent.: 67. Plutarch's Lives; 86. Splendor Solis, an al chemical work; Books of Hours. — In the lower divisions of Cases I, IV, V, and VII are large MSS., chiefly of the 15th century. — Cask VIII, be tween Cases II and UI, contains specimens of Bindings of MSS. of the 10- 16th centuries. We next enter the hall containing the Manuscripts, the cases in which are filled with numerous interesting autographs and treasures of a kindred nature. Case I (on the left, divided into 6 sections) contains autographs of English Sovereigns: Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VI., Ed ward IV., Edward V., Henry VII., Henry VIII., Catharine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Edward VI., Jane Grey, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., Oliver Cromwell, Charles II., James II., William III., Mary n., Queen Anne, George I., George II., George III., George IV., William IV., and Queen Victoria (pencil signature written at the age of four years). The last section contains autographs of foreign sovereigns: Charles V., Henri IV., Louis XIV., Peter the Great, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon I. Cask II contains historical autographs and papers from 1432 to 1648. Autographs of Perkin Warbeck, Card. Wolsey, Sir Thos. More, Abp. Cran mer, and Bishop Latimer ; declaration signed by Cranmer and seven bishops ; letter and leaf from the diary of Edward VI.; letter of Lady Jane Grey; proclamation of Queen Elizabeth; autographs of Mary, Queen of Scots, Lord Burgbley, James VI., Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake. Sir John Hawking Sir Philip Sidney, Abp. Laud, Francis Bacon, Prince Rupert, and others; instruction by Charles I. for the impeachment of the Five Members (1642); letter of Charles I. when a prisoner at Carisbrooke Caslle (1648). Case III (opposite the last) contains historical autographs and docu ments of 1649-1716. Autographs of Cromwell, Charles II., Claverhouse, Duke of Monmouth (begging for his life), William III., the Old Pretender, Duke of Marlborough, and Viscount Bolingbroke. 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 295 Case IV (opposite Case I) contains similar documents of 1730-1885, including autographs of the Young Pretender, Clive. Pitt (Earl of Chatham), Warren Hastings, 'Junius'', George Washington, the younger Pitt, Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Queen Caroline, Nelson (sketch-plan of the battle of the Nile, 1798, and unfinished letter to Lady Hamilton on the eve of Trafalgar, 1805), Duke of Wellington (list of his cavalry at Waterloo, written Just before the battle), Palmerston, Peel, Disraeli, Gen. Gordon (last page of his diary), and Queen Victoria (letter to Miss Gordon). Case V, at right angles to Case HI, contains a collection of charters, ranging in date from 873 to 1216 and including documents of the Saxon Eadrcd, Canute the Dane, Richard Cceur-de-Lion, Henry I., etc. In the triangular part of the case is a collotype copy of the articles of Magna Charta (1215), the original of which is preserved in tlie Museum. — Oabe VI, at right angles to Case II, contains charters from 1220 to 1508. Cases VII and VIII, on either side of the entrance to the Students'1 Room (to the S.), contain literary and other autographs. Those in Case VII are English and include autograph writings of Jeremy Taylor, Wren, Dryden, Locke, Newton, Swift, Pope, Steele, Addison, Richardson, Chester field (letter to his son), Hogarth, Gray ('Elegy'), Reynolds, Goldsmith, John son, Boswell, Gibbon, Garrick, Turner, Burns (song), Coleridge, Words worth, Lamb, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, Tennyson, Dickens (his last letter), Thackeray, Carlyle, and Macaulay. — Among the foreign au tographs in Case VIII are those of Erasmus, Luther, Calvin, Michael Angelo, Titian, Ariosto, Diirer, Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Galileo, Moliere, Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Kant, Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Wagner. The corresponding Casks IX and X, at the opposite end of the room, to the left and right of the entrance to the King's Library, exhibit a series of autograph literary works, etc. In Case IX: treatise on the Sacrament by Edward VI.; the prayer-book of Lady Jane Grey; a book of prayers copied out by Queen Elizabeth; will of Mary, Qneen of Scots; original MSS. of James I. and Charles I.; Milton's Family Bible, with notes in his hand; autographs of Ben Jonson, Francis Bacon, Butler (part of *Hudi- bras1), Locke, Defoe, Pope, and Sterne ('Sentimental Journey'). — In Case X: Autographs of Dr. Johnson, Chatterton, Cowper ('John Gilpin'), Burns ('Autobiography'), Byron ('Childe Harold1), Scott ('Kenilworth'), Cole ridge, Lamb, Keats, Macaulay, Newman ('Dream of Gerontius'), Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot ('Adam Bede'), Leonardo da Vinci (note -book), Michael Angelo, Albrecht Diirer (sketch-book), and Tasso ('Torismondo'). At tbe corners of tho room are four upright cases (F-I) containing early Biblical manuscripts. In Case F, adjoining Case V (S.W.), are a volume of the Codex Alexandrinus and the Gospel of St. Luke in Greek (Codex Nitriensis). The former, dating from the 5th cent., ranks with the contemporary Codex Sinaiticus at St. Petersburg and the Codex Vaticanus at Rome as one of the three oldest Greek MSS. of the Bible. — Cases G and H contain illuminated copies of the Vulgate (840 and 1097). — In Case I ia a copy of WycliflVs Bible (14th cent.), with illuminations. Ad jacent, on the pilaster, are an autograph of Edmund Spenser; the deed of sale of 'Paradise Lost', with Milton's signature; and an autotype facsimile of Shakspeare's will. Cases A-E, in the middle of the room, contain Greek, Latin, and other MSS., arranged to show the progress of the art of writing. A. Greek MSS., some on papyrus. Other Greek MSS. hang on the pilasters near Cases A and O. — B,0. Latin MSS., including illuminated Gospels, Psalters, and Hours. — D. English MSS.: a. unique copy of Beowulf, on vellum (ca. 1000 A.D.); Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to 1066; Piers Plowman (before 1400); poem by Occleve, with a portrait of Chaucer on the margin (early 15th cent.). — Cask E, in the centre, contains chronologically arranged MS. sources of English history, shewing how the history was recorded before the invention of printing; 2. Bede's Ecclesiastical History; 3. Anglo- Saxon Chronicle; 4. Wace's Roman de Rou; 12. Matthew Paris, etc. In frames attached to the wainscot to the left (W.) of the entrance to 296 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. the King's Library are hung several Deeds, including photographs of two copies of Magna Charta preserved in the Museum- — To the left is a series of Papyri (four in Coptic, one in Greek), relating to the monastery of St. Phoebammon, near Hermonthis, Egypt. — On the pilaster beside Case H is a copy of the deed of conveyance of the land on which Melbourne now stands. At the entrance to the Newspaper Room (E.) are two glass-cases (K and L) with impressions of the Great Seals of the British sovereigns (left) and of various baronial and ecclesiastical seals (right). To the S.E. of the Manuscript Saloon is the MS. Boom for Students. The door to the E. opens on the corridor leading to the Newspaper Beading Boom and to the staircase ascending to the Print Department (see p. 316). — On the N. it is adjoined by the King's Library, a collection of 65,000 vols., 20,000 pamphlets, and numerous maps, prints, and drawings, made by George III. and presented to the nation by George IV., and arranged in a hall built for the purpose, which extends along the whole breadth of the building. The collection is remarkable for the beauty and rarity of the works contained in it. Changes in the arrangements are not infrequent, and tomporary exhibitions illustrating special periods are held here from time to time. At the S. end of the hull arc four cases containing a selection of Oriental MSS., some of winch are of great beauty and vulue. Twenty-two cases arranged on each side of the hall contain typo graphical specimens in illustration of the history of printing, in chrono logical order. Cases I and II contain a collection of 'block-books1, i.e. books printed from carved blocks of wood. Among them are several specimens of the Biblia Pauperum; Defensorium Inviolatee Virginitatis Beatee Maria; Vir ginia (1470) ; Ars moriendi ; Temptationes Demonis ; Mirabilia Roma; ; some old German calendars, including that of Regiomontanus printed at Nuremberg in 1474, the earliest known; Planetenbnch , or book of the planets (1470), etc. Cases III and IV are occupied by the earliest German printed books, in cluding the Mazarin Bible, the first printed Bible, printed by Gutenberg and Fust (Mayence, 1465; a copy of this Bible was sold in 1873 for 3400/.); the first psalter, printed on parchment in 1457 by Fust and Schoeffer (the first printed book bearing a date); Bible printed by Fust and Schoeffer in 1462 (the first printed Bible bearing a date); Decretum Gratiani, printed at Strassburg by Eggesteyn in 1471); Latin Bible, printed at Bamberg in 1461; the first German Bible (printed at Strass.burg about 1466). Case V contains early German and Dutch books: Steinhcewers German Chronicle (Ulm, 1473); Eynaert die Vos (Gouda, 1479), the first printed edition in any language. Case VI contains examples of Italian typography: Cicero, De Oratore iSubiaco, 1465), the first work printed in Italy; Livy, printed at Borne in 469 by Schweinheim and Pannartz, on vellum; Petrarch (Fano, 1503); Lactantius , printed at Subiaco by Schweinheim and Pannartz in 1466; Cicero, Tusculancc Questioncs (Rome, 1469); the first printed edition of Dante (Foligno, 1472); Virgil, by Aldus (Venice, 1501); Cicero, Epistolee Familiares, on vellum (Venice, 1469). Case VII contains Italian and French printing : Valtnrins de re mil- itari (Verona, 1472); Lascaris, Greek Grammar (Milan, 1476), the first printed Greek work; /Esop (Milan, 1480); Barzizius, Liber epistolarum (Paris, 1470), the first book printed in France ; L'Art et Science de Rh<£- torique, copy belonging to Henry VIL (Paris, 1493). In Cask VIII are specimens of English printing: Recuyell of the Historyes of Tcoye, by Le Fevre, printed abroad by Caxton about 1476 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 297 (the first book printed in English); thti original French. of the same work, also printed by Caxton (the first book printed in French); The Game and Playe of the Chesse, printed by- Caxton about 1476 ; The Dictes or Sayengis of the philosophers, printed by Caxton at Westminster in 1477 (the first book printed in England); St. Bonaventnra, Speculum Vitas Christi, printed on vellum by Caxton in 1490; Prayer-book, printed by Caxton at West minster ca, 1491 (unique); the first printed edition of Chaucer's Canter bury Tales, by Caxton, about 1478; 'The Book of St. Albans1, a book of the chase, printed at the Abbey of St. Albans in 1486. Case IX contains early specimens (in several instances the first) of Spanish, Portuguese, Slavonic, Oriental, American, South African, and Australian printing. In Case X are examples of Colophons and early Title-pages. Case XI contains specimens of early printed music. Case XII exhibits portraits of printers and bibliographers. Case XIII contains specimens of fine and sumptuous printing : Theuerdank, composed by Melchior Pflnzing on the marriage of the Em peror Maximilian with Mary of Burgundy, and printed at Nuremberg by Schcensperger in 1517; Petrarch, on vellum, printed by Aldus (Venice, 1501), once the property of Isabella Gonzaga, Marchioness of Mantua; Dante, printed in 1502, also by Aldus at Venice, and the first book which bore the anchor, the distinguishing mark of tho Aldino Press; Horace, first edition, from the Aldino press (Venice, 1501); Anacreon, printed in cap itals (1791); Horace, printed in microscopic type (Paris, Didof mer's Odyssey, in very small type (London, 1831). Case XIV contains works illustrated with wood-cuts and engravings* Ariosto (London, 1591), with engravings; Book of the Passion (Wittenberg, 1521), illustrated by Cranach; woodcuts of playing-cards (Amman, Nurem berg, 1588); first and second editions of Holbein's Dance of Death (Lyons, 1538 and 1539); Breydenbach's Journey to the Holy Land (Mayence, 1486), illustrated. In Case XV are specimens of illuminations and sumptuous printing: Euclid, printed by Ratdolt (Venice, 1482); Martial, Aldus (Venice, 1501); Breviaries, missals, and hours; Virgil, printed by Aldus on vellum (1501) ; Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticse, on vellum (Florence, 1513). Case XVI contains books bearing the autographs of the authors or early owners: Wittenberg Bible of 1541, with Luther's signature; auto graphs of Calvin, Francis Bacon, Melanchthon, Michael Angelo, Tasso, Vol taire, Ben Jonson, LordBurghley, Bentley, Newton, Coleridge, Napoleon I.; proof-sheets of Scott's 'Woodstock1, with notes and corrections by the author. Cases XVII and XVIII are assigned to typographical and literary curiosities: Broadsides and proclamations ; the first edition of the Book of Common Prayer (1549); first collected edition of Shakapeare's works; also of Milton, Defoe, and many others. In Case XVIII are Luther's 96 Theses against the Indulgence of 1617, beside which is one of the Papal Indulgences sold by Tetzel; above, Official duplicate of Lincoln's proclamation against slavery. Case XIX has specimens of Chinese, Japanese, and Corean printing and engraving; and Cases XX, XXI, and XXII, examples of Japanese block -printing in colours. At the N. end of the hall a series of six cases are filled with bound books, many of which are very beautiful specimens of the art of book binding, including some by Grolier. Four cases near the middle of the hall contain specimens of recent acquisitions by the library (changed from time to time). Case XXIII contains a facsimile (by Rev. F. T. Havergal) of the Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral (1290-1310; see Baedekers Great Cases XXIV-XXVIII contain relief-maps of Palestine, Mt. Blanc, the Western Alps, Mt. Vesuvius, and Mt. Etna. Other maps shown are a woodcut of the Siege of Aden (1513), a facsimile of a map made at Madrid 298 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. by Jnan de la Cosa, the pilot of Columbus, containing the Arst delineation of the latter's discoveries (ca. 1500), a facsimile of Ribero's 'Carta Universal1 (Seville, 1529), and one of Cantino'a map (1502), the earliest map showing the line drawn by Pope Alexander VI. to divide the discoveries of the New World between Spain and Portugal. Two other cases contain specimens from a collection of postage-stamps bequeathed by T. K. Tapling, M. P., in 1891. In the lower portions of several cases are placed the 5020 vols, (bound in about 1000) of the Chinese Encyclopeedia, a reprint of standard Chinese works from 1150 B.C. to 1700 A.D., published in 1726. Near the middle of the hall stand a large celestial globe by Coronelli (Paris, 1693), the constellations on which are very finely engraved, and a model of the ingenious hanging press employed in the museum library to economize space. At the end of the King's Library is a staircase, leading to the collections of oriental art and ethnography (comp. p. 317). In the meantime, however, we retrace our steps to the entrance-hall, and pass out of It, to the left, into the *Sculpture Gallery. The first room we enter is the — Soman Gallery. On the left side are Roman antiquities found In England. The compartments bolow the windows con tain rough-hewn sarcophagi , while by the intervening pilasters are specimens of old Irish characters (Oghams). Above, on the walls to the right and left, are fragments of Roman mosaic pave ments, discovered in England. On the right (N.) side of the room is ranged a collection of Roman portrait busts and statues (the numbering begins at the W. end of the gallery): 2. Julius Caesar; Marcus Brutus; 3. The youthful Augustus; 4. Augustus; Drusus the younger; 5. Tiberius; 6. Drusus the younger; 7. Drusus; 8. Caligula; 47. Iconio female figure; 10. Claudius; 11. Nero; 12. Otho; 14. Domitia; 15. Trajan; above, Head of Titus; 17, 18. Hadrian; 20. AntinouB, favourite of Hadrian; 21. Julia Sabina, Hadrian's consort; 23. Statue of Hadrian in civil costume; *24. Antoninus Pius; Faustina the elder; Antoninus Pius; 26, 27. Mar cus Aurelius; 28. Faustina, his consort; Claudia Olympias; youth ful heads of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus; 30. Lucius Verus; 32. Lucilla ; 33. Commodus; 34. Crispina, consort of Commodus ; 35. Pertinax; 36. Septimius Severus; 16. Iconic female figure; 37. Caracalla; 38. Julia Mamsea, consort of Alexander Severus; 39, 40. Gordian and Sabinia, his wife; 41. Otacilia Severa, con sort of Philip the Elder; 42. Herennia Etruscilla, consort of Trajan Decius. — We next reach the — First Grceco-Roman Boom. This and the two following rooms contain sculptures, executed in Italy, but chiefly by Greek artists or from Greek models ; also perhaps a few Greek originals. To the right and left of the entrance are four statues of athletes, two believed to be oopies of the Diadumenos of Polycleitos, the larger one (right), from Vaison, in France, being probably the more faithful. To the left: 117. Bust of Homer; 119. Bust of an unknown Greek poet; 112. Statue of Diana; 113. Bust of Diana; *114. Apollo 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 299 Citharoedus (replica of the statue in the Capitol at Rome); 115. Bust of Apollo; 116. Statue of Venus ; 111. Head of Juno; *118. Dancing Satyr (from the Palazzo Rondinini at Rome) ; 109. Satyr playing with the infant Bacchus (from the Palazzo Farnese at Rome). By the W. door, Heads of Athena. 124. Jupiter ; Statue of Dionysos (Indian Bacchus), from Posilipo; 126. Canephora. Second Grreco-Roman Room. In the recess on the left : *136. The Townley Venus, found at Ostia; opposite, *250. DiscoboluB, or the 'quoit-thrower' (ancient copy of the statue by Myron). Round the room are several heads : Muse ; Bearded head (known as Dlomedes) ; Aph rodite (?); Alexander the Great (?); Apollo (?) ; *ApolloMusagetes; Apollo GluBtiniani ; "Head of a hero (Greek original), restored by Flaxman. Here also is a relief of a Bacchante with a sacrificial knife in her raised right hand and the hindquarters of a kid in her left. Third Grseco-Roman Boom. On the right (N.) side: *141. Colossal head of Hercules; 143. Sleeping Cupid, with the at tributes of Hercules; 142. Hercules resting; 144. Hercules sub duing the Cerynsean stag (archaic relief); 145, 146. Cupid bending his bow; 147. Relief of a youth holding ahorse; 148. Endymion asleep; **149. Ioonic female bust (the so-called Clytie), perhaps of Antonia (b. 36 B.C.), daughter of Mark Antony ; 187. Atys; 129. Barbarian captive; Dacian prisoner (from a group); 780. Two youths on horseback; 503. Head of an Amazon; 152. Erato (?); Disco bolus; Heroic head; 157. Relief of centaur carrying off a woman; 140. Bust of Bacchus; Head of Eros; 201. Cupid or Somnus (foun tain figure) ; 159. Apotheosis of Homer, relief with the name of the sculptor, Archelaus of Priene (found at Bovillaj, of the time of Tiborius); 43. Barbarian chieftain (?) ; 162. Youth in Persian costume, restored as Paris; 127. Jupiter, as ruler of the celestial and infernal worlds (arms restored); 163. Mithras, the Persian Sun God, sacrificing a bull ; 164. Term, found near Tivoli ; 165. Actseon devoured by his dogs (from Lanuvium); 166. Head of Sappho (?); Ganymede (head restored); Bust of HermeB; 37. Bac chus (herma) ; 774. Relief, Viotory sacrificing to Apollo. — West Bide: 131. Bust of Jupiter Serapis; *171. Mercury; *Boy extracting a thorn from his foot, found on the Esquiline Hill. — South side: Hermes, archaistic relief in granite; 176. Relief, Bacchus visiting Icarius ; Archaistic head of Dionysos ; Archaistic head of an athlete ; Diana (archaistic statue); 179. Part of a Bacchic Thiasus; Head of Mercury from Tivoli ; Archaistic head of Dionysos ; Head of Diana (archaistic, 1st cent. B.C.); 103. Head of Minerva; 172. Torso of Venus; Small basalt head (Julius CreBar?) ; 188, 190. Fauns; 177. Midas (?); 183, 184. Satyrs; 185. Venus (from Ostia); 197. Head of Diana; 178. Satyr, freely restored ; Discus with relief of Apollo and Artemis slaying the children of Niobe; 189. Bacchus and Am brosia; 186. Part of a group of two boys quarrelling at play; 191. Relief of Ariadne (? Penelope ; from Cumas) ; 193. Youthful Bac- 300 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. chus; 192. Water-nymph; 196. Girl playing with astragali (knuckle bones); 195. Bacchic relief with two sitting satyrs; Cupid on a dolphin, in green basalt, from Egypt; 128. Minerva (helmet and drapery restored in bronze); 182. Satyr; 133. Ceres; 199. Head of youthful Hercules ; 776. Relief representing Apollo, Latona, and Diana, with three worshippers; Statue ofthe triple-bodied Hecate; 202. Head of Venus; Head of Hercules; 204. Head of Hercules. The door on the right leads into the Archaic Room; the stair case at the extreme end descends to the — Greeco-Roman Basement Boom, which contains Greek and Ro man sculptures of various kinds : sarcophagi, reliefs, vases, foun tain-basins, candelabra, table-supports, animals, etc. Part of the floor is decorated with a mosaic from a Roman villa at Ualicarnassus, 40ft. long and 13'/2ft- broad, at the upper end of which is re presented Amphitrite with two Tritons. On the E. wall is a mosaic from Carthage of a colossal head of a marine deity. Adjacent are two sacrificial groups in marble, and a relief of two gladiators struggling with a bull. — The annex oontains a series of Etruscan sarcophagi and urns, an ancient Roman water-wheel (found in Spain), other sculptures, and miscellaneous objects. The door on the right in the Third Grscco-Roman Room leads into the — Archaic Boom, which chiefly contains archaic remains from Asia Minor and the Peloponnesus. At the W. end of the room are ten sitting figures, of very early date (580-520 B.C.), which, with the adjacent lion and the sphinx, onoe formed part of the Saored Way leading to the Temple of Apollo at Branchidae. On a lofty pedestal by the W. wall is a cast of a statue of Nike (Victory) by Paionios (from Olympia); at each side a cast of a metope from the temple of Zeus at Olympia. Opposite the Nike : ""Reliefs from the 'Harpy Tomb' at Xanthos (at the sides sacrificial scenes ; at the ends forms like sirens, bearing away small figures intended to represent departed souls, whose gestures indicate that they are trying to propitiate their captors and gain their compassion). On the N. and S. walls are archaic marble friezes from Xanthos in Lycia, above which aro imitations of the pedimentB of a temple, containing casts ofthe pediment sculptures found in yEgina in 1811 (originals in Munich). On the E. wall are plaster casts of four metopes from Selinus in Sicily, probably dating from about 610 B.C. By this wall also are fragments from the older temple of Diana at Ephesus (S.E. corner) and from the temple of Apollo at Naukratis. By the N.W. exit are objects from Mycenae. On a pedestal, under glass : Stone statuette of a hunter from Naukratis. Among the other works are : *206. Apollo, known as the Strangford Apollo ; 205, 207. Other archaic figures of Apollo ; 208. Archaistic head of Apollo ; 96, 97. Female torsos from Xanthos ; 154. Headless female figure from Attica; 257. Tablet from MycenaB. • 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 301 The Greek Ante-Boom, a small chamber to the N., oontalna, on the right, a sitting figure of Demeter (Ceres); on the left, *209. Apollo, « celebrated archaic work from the Choiseul-Gouffler collection. Beside the latter are two archaic heads copied from the same original as the statue, and two other archaic heads. To the right are a head with inlaid oyes and a head of Cupid. Here also are glass-cases with statuettes, small heads, and sculptured frag ments from Cyrene and Priene. The Ephesus Boom contains fragments of the celebrated Temple of Diana, exhumed by Mr. J. T. Wood at EpheBus in 1869-74. The remains consist chiefly of the drums and baseB of columns, and fragments of capitals and cornices. Among them is the lowest drum of a column with lifesize reliefs believed to represent Thanatoa and Hermes bringing Alcestis back from Hades. On the E. side of the room are sculptures from various sources, including a Scylla from Bargylia in Asia Minor; two Ionic columns of the Roman period, from Daphne, near Athens; aMuBe; torso of aTriton, in high relief, from Delos; several draped statues and statuettes; and a horse's head from a chariot-group from Civita Lavinia. To the right of the exit are a fine head of Alexander the Great (probably a contemporary Greek work) ; and a colossal seated and draped figure of Dionysos, from the choragie monument of Thrasyllos, erected on the S. slope of the Acropolis in 320 B.C. Opposite is a cast ofthe Olympian Hermes by Praxiteles. We now reach the — **Elgin Boom, containing the famous Elgin Marbles, being the remains of the sculptures executed by Phidias to adorn the Parthenon at Athens, and considered the finest specimens of the plastic art in existence. They were brought from Athens in 1801-3 by Lord Elgin, at that time British ambassador at Con stantinople, at a coBt of 70,0001. , and sold to the British Govern ment in 1816 for half that sum. The Parthenon, the Temple of Pallas Athena on the AcropoliB of Athens, was built by Ictinos, about B.C. 440, in the time of Pericles, the golden age of AthenB and of Hellenic art. It was in the Doric order of architecture, and occupied the site of an earlier temple of Athena, which had been destroyed in the Persian war. It was adorned with sculptures under the supervision of PhidiaB. A statue of Athena , formed of gold and ivory , stood in the interior of the cella. The sculptures preserved here consist of the frieze round the exterior of the cella, 15metopae, and the relics of the two pediments, unfortunately in very imperfect preservation. The figures of the deities represented are most nobly conceived, admirably executed, and beautifully draped. The remains of the B. Pediment, representing the Birth of Athena, who, according to Greek mythology, issued in full armour from the head of Zens, are arranged on the W. (left) side of the room. In the left angle of the tympanum we observe two arms and a mutil ated human head, in front of which are two spirited horses' heads, also considerably damaged. These are considered to represent a group of 302 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Helios , the god of the rising sun , ascending in his chariot from the depths of the ocean, his outstretched arms grasping the reins of his steeds. Next comes Theseus (or Hercules?), who, leaning in a half re cumbent posture on a rock covered with a lion's hide, seems to be greet ing the ascending orb of day. This figure, the only one on which the head remains, is among the best-preserved in the two pediments. "Next to Theseus is a group of two sitting female figures in long drapery, who turn with an appearance of lively interest towards the central group — perhaps the Attic Hours, Thallo and Auxo (or Ceres and Proserpine?). Then comes the erect female figure of Iris, messenger of the gods, whose waving robes betoken rapid motion ; the upper part of her body is turned towards the central group, and she seems to have barely wait ed for the birth of the Goddess before starting to communicate the glad tidings to the inhabitants of earth. The central group, which probably represented Athena surrounded by the gods, is entirely wanting. The space occupied by it, indicated here by an opening in the middle of the sculptures (partly filled by a Doric cap ital from the Parthenon), must have measured 33-40 ft. in length. Next comes, on the right, a torso of Victory. Then a noble group of two sitting female forms, in the lap of one of which reclines a third fe male, probably representing Aglauros, Ifcrso, and Pandrosos, the three daughters of Cecrops (or perhaps the three Fates). Adjacent, in the angle of the tympanum, the torso of Selene (the goddess of the moon), as a charioteer, and by her side the head of one of her coursers. This portion of the frieze is thought to have shown the Moon sinking into the sea at the approach of Bay. The horse's head is in good preservation. The remains of the West Pediment are on the opposite side of tbe room. They are by no means so well preserved as those from the East Pediment, and we can only form an idea of their meaning and connection from a drawing executed by the French painter Carrey in 1674, which contains several groups that are now wanting. The sub ject of the sculptures is the Strife of Athena and Poseidon for the soil of Athens. By a stroke of his trident Poseidon caused a salt-spring to gush forth from the soil, but his gift was outdone by that of Athena, who produced the olive-tree, and was adjudged the possession of the city. The moment chosen for representation is that, after the decision of the contest, when the two deities part from each other in anger. In the left angle we observe the torso of a recumbent male figure, probably the river-god Cephissus. Next to it is a cast of a group of two figures (the original is in Athens), supposed to be Cecrops, the first king of Attica, and his daughter; the male figure is in a semi-recumbent posture, propped upon his left arm, the female kneeling beside him has her right arm round his neck. Next, the torso of a man, perhaps Hermes. The relics of the central group are exceedingly scanty. Of Athena only the right shoulder with part of the armour and a piece of the aegis are preserved. [The upper part of a female head, formerly thought to belong to the Athena, is now considered to be of too different a style for this to be possible.] A much mutilated torso , consisting of the shoulders alone , is all that remains of the rival aeity, Poseidon. The proportions of these two statues, which, as the central figures, occupied the highest part of the tympanum, are on a much larger scale than those of the others. Next comes a female torso, perhaps Am phi trite; then the lower part of a sitting female form, probably Leucothea; then the cast of a semi-re cumbent male figure, perhaps tbe river god Ilissus. Lastly, at the end of the tympanum, is the torso of a recumbent female form, supposed to re present the nymph Callirrhoe. Around the whole of the hall, at a height of about 4Va ft. from the ground, we observe the **Fbiezb (about 176 yds. long), which ran round the outside of the cella (or inner sanctuary) under the colonnade enclosing the Parthenon. It forms a connected whole, and represents, chiefly in very low relief, the festive procession which ascended to the Acropolis at the end of the Panatheneea, for the purpose of presenting to the Goddess a peplos, or robe, woven and embroidered by Athenian virgins. 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 303 The priests with sacrificial bulls and horses , the virgins, the warriors on horseback, on foot, and in chariots, and the thronging worshippers of all kinds are executed with admirable taste and skill. The slabs are arranged as far as possible in their original order, the points of the compass being indicated above them. 'On the east side, the side of entrance, Phidias arranged an august assembly of the gods, in whose presence the peplos is delivered to the guardians of the temple (slabs numbered 17-24). These are attended by officials and heralds, followed by trains of noble Attic maidens. The procession is continued along the north and south sides, proceeding in both towards the entrance-porch, as though on the west side it had been divided into two. Bulls and lambs for sacrifice follow with their leaders, interspersed with groups of men and women; some bearing gifts in baskets and beautiful vessels on their shoulders. To these are added players on the lute and cithern, who march in front of a train of men and chariots, probably the victors in the contests. The procession is terminated on the two long sides by Athenian youths on horseback, and on the west side we find others still engaged in preparations, in bridling, restraining, and mounting horses'. — LUbke, History of Sculpture. — Moat of the pieces of this frieze are but slightly damaged, while some of them are perfectly preserved. A few of the slabs are merely casts of portions of the frieze at Paris and Athens. Above the frieze on the W. wall of the room Are 15 "Metope and casts of four others from the Parthenon, being the sculptures which filled the intervals between the triglyphs of the external frieze. They repre sent the battle of the Centaurs and Lapithee, and are executed in much higher relief than the sculptures of the inner frieze; some of the figures are almost entirely detached , being connected with the background or the adjoining figures at a few isolated points only. This room also contains a model of the Acropolis and another represent ing the Parthenon as it appeared after its bombardment by the Venetian General Morosini in 1637. Adjacent are two small casts of the colossal chryselephantine statue of Athena, by Phidias, which stood within the Parthenon. On the E. wall are plaster casts from the external frieze of the Temple of Theseus at Athens, representing battle-scenes, partly of the contests of the Greeks with the Centaurs, three metops from the same temple with sculptures of the feats of Theseus, and (below the Parthenon frieze) casts of the frieze of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates. Among the other sculptures in the Elgin Room are casts of two marble chairs from the theatre of Dionysos at Athens (one on each side of the entrance) ; a head of Pericles (apparently a Roman copy of a Greek original) ; a head of Hera from Agrigentum; a head of jEsculapius. TowardB the N. end of the room are some remains from the Erechtheum (6th cent. B.C.), the purest existing type of the Ionic style, including a column from the E. portico, a*Caryatid from the S. portico, and fragments of friezes, cornices, ceiling coffers, etc. Here, too, is the capital of a Doric column from the Propylaeum, the magnificent entrance to the Acropolis. Near by are a cast of a colossal owl; a draped *Torso of ^Esculapius from Epidauros j and a statue of a youth, probably Eros, from Athens. — "We now enter the — Phigaleian Room, containing the marbles from the Temple of Apollo Epicurios at Phigaleia in Arcadia. Round the walls are arranged twenty-three Blabs fiom^the frieze adorning the interior of 304 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. the cella. Those on the N. and "W. walls represent the contest of the Centaurs and Lapithae, the others, battles between the Greeks and the Amazons. Other fragments from this temple are exhibited in two glass-cases in the middle of the room, on either side of a *Bull from the top of a sepulchral stele at Athens. On the wall, in the S.W. angle, are four reliefs and the cast of a fifth from the frieze of the temple of the "Wingless Victory at Athens. These represent the Athenians fighting with Greek and Asiatic foes. Near the centre of the W. wall, above, are casts from the balustrade of this temple : to the left, *Victory fastening her sandal. The finest of the Greek Sepulchral Stelae are also placed in this room. To the left of the entrance, Stele from Muccdon with a family group. Of the four tombstones let into the E. wall the finest are that on which an athlete is represented handing his strigil to his slave, and that (to the right) representing an athlete standing alone. On the floor below, tablet commemorating the victory of a citharist; tablet in memory of those who had fallen in battle; and a charming relief of dancing nymphs. On the N. wall, curious relief of a physician and patient; stele of Xanthippus, who is represented holding a votive foot, llcsidu the N. and W, walls are sepulchral urns. Among Ihe votive icllcfs is one relating to Ihe lurch- race in honour uf the goddess liendis (Plato, Repuh. Bk. 1). To the left and right of the door between this room and the Elgin Room are busts of .Eschiues and a Greek philosopher. The door in the N.E. comer of the room leads to the Mausoleum Room (see below) ; we, however, return to the Elgin Room, and by the door in tho centre of the E. side reach the — Nereid Boom, containing the sculptures from the so-called Nereid Monument at Xanthos in Lycia (end of 5th cent. B.C.). In the centre is a model of the monument, by Sir C. Fellows, and on the S. wall of the room is a 'restoration' of one of the sides of the monument. Eight Nereids, some much mutilated, stand in this room. On the walls are fragments of four friezes that adorned the building. The broad frieze, supposed to have encircled the base, represents a battle between Greeks and Asiatic warriors, some of whom are mounted; the other narrower friezes bear scenes of war, hunting, banqueting, and sacrifice. On each side of the door on the N. wall is a lion from the monument, and above the doorway is the E. pediment of the same. "We now descend the steps on the left to the Mausoleum Room, added in 1882, containing remains from the ""Mausoleum at Hali- carnassus, discovered by Newton in 1857. This celebrated monument (whence the modem generic term 'mausoleum' is derived) was erected by Artemisia in B.C. 352, in honour of her husband Mausolus (Mausollos), King of Caria, and was reckoned among the Seven "Wonders of the "World. The tomb stood upon a lofty basement, and was surrounded by 36 Ionie ool- umns. Above it was a pyramid rising in steps (24 in number), surmounted by a colossal statue of Mausolus. The monument was 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 305 in all about 140 ft. in height, and was embellished by a number of statues, lions, and other pieces of sculpture. In the centre of the room are a *Statue of Mausolus (restored from 77 fragments) and a female figure (Artemisia) found under the ruins of the pyramid, grouped along with a wheel (largely restored) and fragments of the colossal horses of tho chariot of Mausolus , so as to suggest their position in a chariot. In the S.W. comer of tho room is a well preserved *Column from the colonnade, with fragments of the architrave ; opposite are its base and lowest drum. On the E. wall are seventeen slabs of a frieze (zoophorus) from the Mausoleum, representing the contests of the Greeks with the Amazons, and above are fragments of another frieze, in bad preservation, represent ing races and the battle of the Greeks with the Centaurs. Low down on the W. wall, near the S. end of the room, is a slab with a charioteer, ascribed to Scopas; and close by iB a head of Hermes. At the N.E. end of the room is a reproduction of the cornice of the Mausoleum. Among other fragments are a female torso ; eight lions; fragment of an equestrian figure in Persian garb ; fragments of col umns. The room also contains, in the N.W. corner, a number of marbles from the Temple of Athene Polias at Priene, including the dedication of the temple by Alexander, a colossal arm, hand, foot, and fomale head, and a draped female figure. On either Bide of the steps at the S. end is a Lycian Tomb, adorned with sculptures of martial scenes. Opposite the steps at the N. end is a colossal lion from Cnidos. Tlie admirable little lions on the stair-posis were modelled by Alfred Stevens (d. 1875) and originally stood with others on a railing (now removed) in Great Russell Street. The Mausoleum Annex, which opens off the Mausoleum room near the N.W. angle, contains Graeco-Roman sepulchral and votive reliefs, sarcophagi, altars, stela;, etc. On the S. wall: Slab witli the Muses-, another with Apollo, Minerva, and the Muses, the latter each with a Siren's feather on her head. On the W. wall: Poet reading beside a Muse holding a mask. On the V. wall: Labours oFUcrculca. In the middle of the room : Slab with portrait heads of a Roman and his wife, erected by two of their freedmen. Wo now ascend to the raiBed gallery at the N. end of the room, on which are placed four heads, including the beautiful head of a goddess found at Halicarnassus (early part of the 4th cent. B.C.). By turning to the right we reach the Assyrian and Egyptian collec tions, which, next to the Elgin Room, are the most important parts of the British Museum. The **Assyrian Gallery comprises three long narrow rooms, called the Nineveh (Kouyunjik) Gallery, the Nimroud Central Saloon, and the Nimroud Gallery; the Assyrian Transept, adjoining the last of these three; the Assyrian Saloon ; and finally a room (p. 311) on the second floor. Its contents are chiefly the yield of the excavations of Sir A. H. Layard in 1845-54 at Kouyunjik, the ancient Nineveh, and at Nimroud, the Biblical Baedeker's London. 11th Edit, 20 306 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Calah, hut include the collection made hy Mr. George Smith in Mesopotamia, as well as con trihu tions from other sources. The Nineveh or Kouyunjik Gallery contains bas-reliefs dating from B.C. 721-625, and belonging to the royal palace of Sennacherib (d. B.O. 681) at Nineveh, afterwards occupied by Sennacherib's grandson, Assurbanipal or Sardanapalus, The older reliefs, dating from the time of Sennacherib, are executed in alabaster, the others in hard, light-grey limestone. We hegin our examination at the S.W. corner. No. 1. Esarhaddon, cast from a baa-relief cut in tho rock, at the inoulh of tho Nahr el-Kelb river, near Beirut; 2. Galley with two banks of oars; *3. Colossal face; 4-8. Row of fragments (upper part damaged), representing Sennacherib's advance against Babylon ; 15-17. Return from battle, with captives and spoil; 18-19. Procession of warriors*, 20-29. Siege of a fortified town, perhaps Jeru salem (on slab No. 26 ia the city itself, while 27-29 represent the triumph of the victors). "^Nos. 36-43. Series of large reliefs, which decorated the walls of a long passage between the palace and the Tigris ; on one side, descending the slope, are horses, held by attendants; on the other, ascending, servants with dishes for a feast. The figures, rather under lifesize, are beautifully designed. No. 44. Monumental tablet; 45-50. Triumph of Sardanapalus over the Elamites (in limestone, well preserved). Nos. 61-52. Removal of a winged bull on a sledge by means of wooden rollers and levers; to the right, construction of a lofty embankment. Noa. 53-56. Similar scenes in better preservation ; 57- 59. Sennacherib besieging a city situated on a river (quaintly represented), and receiving the spoil and prisoners; CO. Figure with the head of a lion, bearing a knife in the right hand, which is held up. The glass-cases in the middle of the hall contain some of the most interesting of the cuneiform tablets and cylinders from the library enlarged hy Sardanapalus at Nineveh, including historical, geographical, philolog ical, oflicial, and legal documents of great value. Some ot those in Case A give the Baliylonian versions of the Creation and the Flood, the latter closely resembling that of Genesis. Other tablets bear prayers, incanta tions, omens, etc. The collection of cuneiform tablets in the Museum is the richest in Europe. — We now enter the — Nimroud Central Saloon, containing tlie sculptures (dating from B.C. 880-630), discovered by Sir A. 11. Layard at Nimroud, on the Tigris, situated about 18 M. "below Nineveh. They are from the palace built by Esarhaddon, the successor of Sennacherib, but some of them are of a much earlier date than that monarch, who used tbe fragments of older buildings. The reliefs on the left are from a Temple of the God of War. Wo begin to the left of tho entrance from the Nineveh Gallery. Large relief, representing the evacuation of a conquered city; below, the triumphal procession of King Tiglath-PHeser III. in his war-chariot. Co lossal head of a winged man-headed bull; opposite, another similar, but smaller head. At the central pillars, two statues of tho god Nebo. Then, black marble obelisk, adorned with Ave rows of reliefs; the cuneiform inscriptions record events in the history of Shalmaneser II. Opposite, In the middle of the room, seated statue of Shalmaneser II., in black basalt (about 860 B.C.). At tho entrance to the Nimroud Gallery, on tho right, a colossal winged '''Lion; on the left, a colossal winged bull, both with human heada. Then bas-reliefs, evacuation of a conquered town and other scenes from the campaigns of Tiglath-Pileser. Monolith (figure in relief) of Samsi-Rammanu son of Shalmaneser II. (B.O. 825-812); monolith of Shalmaneser (B.O. 850). At the entrance to the Kouyunjik Gallery, a coloss al Hon from the side of a doorway (B.O. 880). 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 307 Nimroud Gallery. We begin at the S.W. corner. Tho slabs on the W. side are arranged as they originally stood in the palace of Assur-Nasir-Pal (885-860 B.C.) at Nimroud. "Nos. 2-16 are martial and hunting scenes in the life of Assur-Nasir-Pal. On the E. side of the gallery are colossal bas- reliefs ; 18. Winged figure with ibex and ear of corn; 19. Foreigners bring ing apes as tribute; 20. King Assur-Nasir-Pal in a richly embroidered dress, with sword and scoptre ; °21-2G. The king on his throne surrounded by attendants and winged figures with mystic offerings ; 28, 29, Winged figure with a thunderbolt, chasing a demon*, 86. Lion-hunt; 87-41. Re presentation of religious service. The slabs with the larger reliefs bear inscriptions running horizontally across their centres. The glass-cases in the middlo of tho room contain bronze dlshos with engraved and chased decorations, admirably executed, other bronze articles of different kinds, weights in the form of lions couchant, weapons, domestic utensils, etc. Cases E, F contain a collection of *Ivory Carvings, some with Egyptian figures. Between the cases (from S. to N.), part of a broken obelisk of Assur-Nasir-Pal; statue of that king on its original pedestal; inscribed limestone altar and coffer; monolith of Assur-Nasir-Pal (B.C. 830). — The door in the N.W. corner of this room leads into the anteroom of the — Assyrian Saloon, which consists of a large glass-roofed hall, used chiefly as a lecture-room, with a gallery or balcony round it. On the walls of both hall and balcony are reliefs from Nimroud and from Nineveh, excavated hy Messrs. Rassam and Loftus. These reliefs, belonging to the latest period of Assyrian art, are through out superior to those in the upper rooms, both in design and exe cution. The vestibule, which we first enter, contains slabs with mythological reliefs and with scones and inscriptions relating to Tiglath-Pileser III. We then turn to the left and enter the gallery. On the E. wall: 33-53. Assurbanipal (668-626 B.C.) hunting lions. — 3. or end wall: 103-117. Hunting-scenes. — W. wall: 118, 119. Assurbani pal offering libations over dead lions; 63. Guards; 64-69. Attendants with dead lions and hunting-gear; 70-72. Laden mules; 73,74. Attendants with hunting-gear; 13, ID. Soldiers; 19, 20. Soldiers and captives; 21-24. As sault on the city of Lachish; 25, 26. Prisoners and booty from Lachlsh; 27-32. Sennacherib (705-681 B.C.) before Lachish; 17, 18. Mythological sub jects; 619. Tiglath-Pileser III. (745-727 B.C.) receiving the submission of a foe; 861. Siege of a city by Tiglath-Pileser III. We have now reached the anteroom again, and descend the staircase to the basement proper, and turn to the right to enter the hall. On the E. wall: Cuneiform inscriptions ; 96, 98. Servants and warriors; 121. Assurbanipal and his wife banqueting in an arbour; 122. Servants carrying a dead lion; 124. Musicians; 83-87. AfSurbanlpal's war against the Arabians; 88. War against tho Ethiopians. — S. or end wall: Large re liefs of the capture of a city in Su9inna and the reception of captives. — At this end of the room is a glass-case containing the bronze bands that adorn ed the gates of Tell-Balawat, with reliefs recording the victories of Shalma neser II. — W. wall : 89-94. War again9t the Babylonians ; 12, 14. Musi cians ; 8-11, 16. Warriors ; 1-8. Scenes of war ; Bringing home the heads and spoil of conquered enemies; Warriors preparing their repast. — High up on the N. wall is a piece of pavement from the palace of Sardanapalus. Temporarily in this saloon are 200 remarkable brass costings, brought in 1897 from the city of Benin (W. Africa). The Nimroud Gallery is adjoined on the S. hy the Assyrian Transept, which in its western half is a continuation of the Nim roud Gallery (monuments from the time of Assur-Nasir-Pal), while the eastern part contains antiquities from Khorsahad (ahout B.O. 720), from the excavations of Messrs. Rawlinson and Layard. 20* 308 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Near the W. side is the monolith of Assur-Nasir-Pal, with a portrait in relief In front of it is an altar, which stood at the door of the Temple of the Qod of War. At the N. and S. sides are two colossal winged •Lions, with human heads and three horns, from the sides of a doorway. To the right of the entranoe from the Nimroud Gallery is a torso with inscrip tions ; in front of this, upper part of a broken obelisk (B.O. 1100). On the wall are reliefs and inscriptions from the palace of the Persian kings at Persepolis (B.C. 600) and casts ofPehlevi inscriptions from Hadji Abad (near Persepolis). — In the E. or Khorsabad section, two colossal animals with human heads, adjacent to which are two colossal human figures. Within the recess thus formed are fragments of bas-reliefs from the same place, some with traces of colour, and inscribed tablets from Kouyunjik. To the right, opposite the window, a relief of a hunting-scene in black marble, the only slab obtained at Khorsabad hy Sir Henry Layard. The collection of *Egyptian Antiquities fills three halls on the groundfloor, and four rooms in the upper story. The antiquities, which embrace the period from B.O. 3600 to A.D. 350, are ar ranged in chronological order. The Southern Gallery, which we enter first, is devoted to antiquities of the latest period. Southern Egyptian Gallery. Monuments of the period B.C. 1333-850. Those at the 8. end of the gallery are of tlie Greek and Roman periods. Section 1 : monuments of the period of the Itoman dominion. Section 2: time of the Ptolemies. In the middle is the celebrated 'Stone of Rosetta', a tablet of black basalt with a triple inscription. It was found by the French near the Rosetta mouth of the Nile, but passed into the possession of the English in 1802. One of the inscriptions is in the hieroglyphic or sacred character, the second in the enchor ial, demotic, or popular character, and the third in Greek. It was these inscriptions which led Young and Champollion to the discovery of the hieroglyphic language of ancient Egypt. — The remaining part of the gallery contains monuments from the 30th to tho 19th Dynasty (beginning about B.C. 1330). To the left, sarcophagus of Psammetiohus, an official of the 18th Dyn.(?); to the right, sarcophagus of a priest of Ptah; to the right, sarcophagus of Hanata, a temple official of the 26th Dyn., upon it, his statue which was found inside; to the left, sarcophagus of King Ncctanebus I. (about B.C. 378), with reliefs; to the right, sarco phagus of a priest of Memphis; right and left, two ulielisks erected by Nectanebus 1. before the temple of Thotli at Memphis. To the left, mummy-shaped sarcophagus from Thebes (26th Dyn.); to the right, •Sar cophagus of the Queen of Ainasis II. (from Thebes); to the left, green granite sarcophagus of a royal scribe, with reliefs; to the right, part of a seated colossus of Osorkon II. (22nd Dyn.) beside it, ita head. — To the left, granite column from Bubastis, with palm-capital; to the right statue of the Nile; to the left, Apries; between them is a colossal scarabreus iu granite; to the left, granite column from Hcracleopolis; right and left, two sitting figures of the goddess Sekhet or Bast (with the head of a cat). To the right, sitting figures of a man and a woman, in sandstone; to the left, King Menephtah II. on his throne. Between the columns at the entrance to the Central Saloon: on the right, wooden statue of a king of the 19th Dyn. ; on the left, wooden statue of Ramses II. — The — Central Egyptian Saloon chiefly contains antiquities of the time of Ramses the Great, the Sesostris of the Greeks. In the middle are a colossal fist from one of the statues in front of the temple of Ptah at Mem- &his, a cast of the Hyksos sphinx inscribed with the names of Ramses II., Menephtah I., Ramses III., and Pusebkhanu, and a granite lion, from Benha el-Assal; to the left, two colossal heads, the one a cast from a figure of Ramses at Mitrahineh, the other in granite from the Memnoninm at Thebes. To the right, a statue of the king in black basalt. Between the columns, at the entrance to the Northern Gallery : on the right, granite statue of Ramses II., from Thebes; to the left, a wooden figure of King Setil. 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 309 [To the E. ofthe Central Egyptian Saloon, opposite the entrance to the Nereid Room (p. 304), is the Refreshment Room. The authorities would assuredly earn the gratitude of the public if they improved this, the only neglected department under their care.] Northern Egyptian Gallery, chiefly containing antiquities of the time of the 18th Dynasty, under which Egypt enjoyed its greatest prosperity. On the left and right, statues of King Horus in black granite, and two lions in red granite (from Nnbia). In the centre is a colossal ram's head from Karnak. To the right and left are sitting figures of King Ameno- phis III., in black granite, from Thebes. On the left is a tablet recording the Ethiopian conquests of Amenophis III. Opposite is a colossal head of Amenophis III., called by the Greeks Mcmnon (B.O. 1500); De Quincey speaks of this head as uniting 'the expressions of ineffable benignity with infinite duration'. On the left, column with a capital in the form of a lotus bud. To the right and left are two colossal heads, found near the 'Vocal Memnon', at Thebes. In the middle, cast of a sphinx inscribed with the name of Thotmes III. (B.C. 1600). Several repetitions of the statue of the goddess Bast, which is distinguished by the cat's head (in accordance with the Egyptian custom of representing deities with the heads of the animals sacred to them). Lower part of a black granite figure of Queen Mnutomua seated in a boat. In tho middlo is tho colossal head of King Thothmes III., found at Karnak, adjoining which on the right is one of the arms of the same figure. On the right is a monument, the four sideB of which are covered with figures of Thothmes III. and gods. To the left, small sandstone figure of an Egyptian prince. The shelves beneath the windows of the Egyptian galleries contain stelte , inscribed tablets, funeral jars, etc. Below are larger slabs (some with the inscriptions picked out in red for the convenience of visitors), wall-paintings, etc. Smaller antiquities and fragments arc ranged beside the walls (many under glass). — The — Northern Egyptian Vestibule contains antiquities of the period em braced by the first twelve dynasties , and particularly that of the fourth dynasty (about 8000 B.C.), when Egypt enjoyed a very high degree of civilisation. Above the door is a plaster cast of the head of the northern colossal figure of Ramses at Abu-Simbcl (Upper Egypt). Opposite tho Northern Vestibule is a staircaBe leading to the Upper Floor. On the wall of the staircase are Mosaics from Hali- carnassus, Carthage, and Utica. The ante -room at the top of the stairs contains glasB-cases with Cyprian soulptures (p. 312). To the left are four roomB filled with smaller Egyptian antiquities. First Egyptian Room, containing a "Collection of mummies and mummy cases or coffins, from about B. C. 3C00 to the Roman period. The Wall Cases, beginning to the left of the entrance, contain the coffins. Cases 1-2. Coffins nnrt coffin-covers of the 11th Dyn. (B.C. 2500). — Cases 3-6. Coffins of the 18th Dyn. (B.C. 1600). — Case 7. Coffin of the 20th Dyn. (B.O. 1200). — Cases 8-14. Specimens of various dates, down to 800 B.C. Farther on are examples from Der el-Biihri (see below). — Cases 27-28. Coffin covers of 600-450 B.C. — Cases 29-34. Coffin of Bah-en-Maat, etc. — Cases 35-65. Coffins of B.O. 650 and laler dates. The mummy in Case 55 is said to have once been in the possession of Nell Gwynne. — The Standard Cases A to 11, in the centre, contain mummies and coffins. In Case A, next the door, are the coffin of King Mycerinus (4th Dyn.; ca. B.C. 3600) and por tions of the body found with it. — Case B. Coffin of Amamu. — Case E. Skeleton and coffin of Khati (B.C. 2600). — Case F. Skeletrm ofHeni, an offlcial ofthe fame date. — Case 77. Coffins from Thebes, 1000-900 B.C. — Case If. Mummy of priestess and two others. — Case Q. Coffins and mum my of Shepset (B.C. 650). — Case R. Corfin of Heru. — On the walls of the room are caits and paintings. — In Case 55 are photographs of some of the royal mummies discovered in 1882 at Der el-Bahri (see Baedeker's Egypt) 310 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Second Egyptian Room. Tbe Standard Gases S-FF and the Wall Cases 56- 7 4 contain the continuation of the collection of mummies and mummy cases. Case 64. Coffin of the Roman period. — Case 66. Mummy, with portrait and Greek inscription. — Cases 69-71. Mummies of children with portraits. — Case 72. Part of outer coffin of a certain Cornelius (A.D, 110). — Cases 73-74. Interesting Coptic pall, with Christian symbols (ca. A.D. 400); portrait of a Greek girl from Memphis (1st cent. A.D.). Tbe above-mentioned arc tbe oldest known portraits on wood. — Case 77. Canopic jars, in which were interred the embalmed intestines ofthe mum mies. — Cases 81-101, Ushabti figures in limestone, marble, steatite, wood, etc., which were buried with the mummies to serve the deceased in the lower world. — Case AA. Mummy of Cleopatra Candace, from Thebes. — Case BB. Coffin of Tphous, daughter of Heraclius Suter. — Caies GG, 1)D, Coffins of Cleopatra and Sotcr. — On tbe S. side of the room are frames containing sepulchral tablets. Third Egyptian Room. Wall Casks. Cases 48-53. Mummies of animals. Gases 54-57. Pillows or bead-rests in wood and clay; chests to bold can opic jars (see above). Case 58. Sepulchral boxes in tbe shape of temples. Cases 59-80 contain an extensive collection of small figures of Egypt ian gods in various materials, and of the animals sacred to them. Above Cases 05-75 are two ends of a shrine from a sacred boat, and figures of Osiris, Chnemu, and Anubis. — Case 81. Terracotta cones, bearing tbe names of kings and high officials (chiefly from Thebes). Cases 82-85. Se pulchral boxes and tablets (II. (J. 1400 200). Cases 86 91. Mummies of animals; above Cases H'i 00 are terracotta jars, each containing an ibis-mummy. — Table Cases. Case A. Writing-apparatus and materials ; wax-tablets, ost- raca or potsherds used fur writing on. Case B. Armour and weapons: No. 6495. Bronze cylinder bearing the name of Pepi I. (It. 0. 3233), perhaps the most ancient bronze article extant. In the lower part of the case arc a rope-ladder, crocodile-skin armour, and flints. — Case C. Wig found in a temple at Thebes (about B.C. 1500); reed wig-box; toilet articles; some beautiful specimens of Egyptian metal work (No. 2277a. Bronze statuette of Nectanebus II. ; 6. Silver ligure of Amen-lla; S6a. Gold figure of Chonsu). Stands D, IL Models of obelisks. Case E. Food and fruits found in tombs. Case F. Tools and implements. Case Q. Shoes and sandals. Case 1. Mod els of boats used to transport dead bodies across the Nile. Case K. Spin ning implements and weapons in wood: No. 20,048. Box of flint-headed arrows. Below are specimens of ancient Egyptian and Coptic linen. Case L. Sepulchral tablets in wood. — Beneath the windows i3 a long frame con taining a facsimile of the Book of the Dead. Between the second and third windows hangs a specimen of coloured worsted work (400 A. D.). In a long case hy the S. wall is a hieroglyphic papyrus of Queen Netchemct (21st Dyn.), with chapters and illustrations from tbe Book of the Dead. Fourth Egyptian Room. Wall Cases. Cases 100-105. Sepulchral vessels, in alabaster, variegated marble, and stone. Cases 106-113. Egyptian earthenware (B. C 1700-400). Cases 114-119. Egyptian porcelain. In the lower part of the cases, glazed tiles from Tell el-Yehudiyeb. Cases 120-133. Earthenware (B. C 600-100) : No. 22,356 (Case 123), neck of a wine-jar, sealed with the seal of Aahmes II. (B.C. 672). Cases 134-137. Painted earthen ware, etc., of the Greek period. Case 138. Bricks, stamped with the names of kings. Cases 139-143. Figures of gods, men, and animals; terracotta and porcelain lamps, etc. (Grseco-Roman period). Series of sunk relief-* in sandstone from Ptolemaic temples. Gases 144-150. Domestic articles. Cases 151-153. Chairs and scats of various kinds. Cases 154-162. por trait and votive figures of kings, priests, ladie3, etc. Cases 163-167. Sepul chral vessels. — Table Cases. Case A. Musical instruments, spoons, ivory ornaments, glass bottles and vases. Case B. Beads in porcelain and glass; modern forgeries of Egyptian antiquities. Case 0. Bronzes, toys, draughts men, dice, etc. Below, models of a granary, houses, potter's yard, boat cabin, etc. Case D. Scarabs and cylinders used as amulets, in steatite, stone, carnelian, porcelain, etc. Case E. Toilet articles; vessels for hold ing cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Case F. Scarabs in stone and porcelain; rings. — Case Q. "Throne, with gilded reliefs, from Thebes (Graco-Roman 24. THE niUTlSH MUSEUM. 311 Eeriod); ivory and wooden draughtsmen; draught-board; h^ue porcelain cads. Case H. Scarabs in basalt, stone, porcelain, etc. ; porcelain 'Utchats', or symbolic eyes of the sun; rings; heads; crowns. Case I. Jewellery. Case K. Miscellaneous porcelain articles. Case L. Domestic furniture. Case M. Antiquities of l^te periods: terracottas of Grseco-Roman period; ivory ornaments, leaden weight', etc. Coptic crosses, bells, etc.; moulds, bronze stamps, silver and bronze articles. Specially noteworthy are the tablets from Upper Egypt containing letters of Amenophis III. and Ame nophis IV. (ca. B.C. 1450). Case N. Gnostic gems, engraved with magic furmulec, gods, demons, animal", etc. — The casts on the N. and S. walls are of sculptures in the rock-temple of BSt el-Walli in Nubia. Babylonian and Assyrian Room. To the left: F07. Black basalt figure (headless) of King Gudea of Babylon (about B.C. 2500); opposite is a cast of this king, with an archa'tc cuneiform inscription. To the left : 99. Bound ary-stone (B.C. 1320). Behind is an inscribed si ine vessel from Van (B.C. 820). Pier Case A. Gate-sockets and boundary stones. Table CaseB. Terra cotta cones, stone tablets, etc., with inscriptions; bronze figures; stone cylinder-seals (impressions, see Case C) ; beneath, fragments of statues from Nimroud; cedar- beam from Nimroud. Table Case C. Barrel-cylinders with historical inscriptions; clay-tablets with business-memoranda, lists, etc. Fier Case D. Glazed earthenware, chiefly of the Parthian period (about B. C. 200); alabaster vases and figures, lamps, terracotta coffins. Table Cases £", /. Gems and seals with Peblevi inscriptions. Table Case Q. Necklaces, from Nimroud. Table Cases F, H. Important historical collection of inscribed slabs, bricks, cylinders, etc. In Ca^e F, also small antiquities in various materials; in Case II, glass ware from Nimroud. — Wall Cases 43-48. Inscribed bricks; 49-52. Glazed and painted bricks; 53. Bowls; 54-73. Terracotta vessels of the Parthian period; 74-84. Bronzes, etc. We have now reached the American Room of the Ethnograph ical Department (see p. 317). It is adjoined hy a Staircase de scending to the King's Library (p. 298). The Second North Gal lery consists of a series of smaller rooms parallel with those just described. The first three (from this end) arc occupied hy col lections illustrating Religions of the East and Early Christianity ; the three following and tlie ante-chamber contain the Semitio An tiquities. Religious Collections. Room I. Early Christianity. Wall Cases 1-13. Latin Christianity. Bronze lamps; silver spoons, chalices, and patens; in Cases 7,8. *Silver Treasure found at Borne in 1793, including large silver bridal-casket; ivory carvings; terracotta lamps. — Cases 14, 15. Greek Church. Small enamelled ikons; iron crown. — Cases 16-20. Abyssinian Church. Silk altar-cloth; gilt and bras.* crosses; silver patens , chalices, lamps. — Cases 21-^6. Coptic Church. *Cedar door-pnnels; wood-carvings; grave stone from Upper Egypt; limestone fragments with writings in Greek and Coptic. In the lower part of Case 2G are so-called Gnostic article.", of uncertain date. — The Table Cases contain smaller objects, of great interest and beauty. Room II. Eastf.rs Religions. Wall Cases 1-24. Brahman:sm or Hindoo Mythology. — Cases 23, 24. Nepal. — Cases 25-21. Java — Case 27. Ceylon. — - Case 30. Bali (Asiatic Archipelago). — On the lower shelves of Cases 36-46 and the upper shelves of Caies 30, 31. Jainism. — Cases 32-34. Judaism. — Cases 35-37. Islamism. — Cases 38 40. Shintoism. In the glass case in the centre of the room, opposite, is the model of a Shinto shrine for transferring sacred object* from the temple on festivals. — Cases 41, 43. Taoism. — Cases 44, 46. Confucianism. — Cases 47, 48. Sha manism. — At the E. end of the room is an upright glass-case contain ing a model of a sacred car for Vishnu (?), from the Carnatic; two table cases in the centre contain Indian grants of land inscribed on copper plates ; and in an upright case at the W. end is a copy of the Adi Grant'h, or sacred book ofthe Sikhs, with the paraphernalia of the priest who reads it. 312 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Room III. Buddhism, Wall Cases 1-18. Japan. — Cases 19-22. Thibet. — Cases 22-27. China. — Cases 28-45. Burma and Siam. — Cases 46-58. India and Ceylon. — Cases 59-76- Ancient India. — At the E. end of the room, under glass, is a machine used in Japan to oxorcise the 108 demons that tempt the human heart to sin; in the centre of the room are a Bur mese aud two Chinese bells, and table-cases with Indian antiquities; at the W. end of tbe room are two upright cases with relic boxes found in Buddhist topes. Semitic Antiquities. This collection embraces inscriptions, carvings, gravestones, and other monuments from Phoenicia, Palestine, Carthage, and Cyprus, arranged chronologically under these headings. In Case 29, in the first room, is a cast of the Moabite Stone, which was discovered by the Kev. F. Klein in the land of Moab in 18(18. The inscription gives an account of the wars of Mcsha, King of Moab, with Omri, Ahab , and Ahaziah, Kings of Israel. Soon after Mr. Klein had obtained an impres sion of the stone the latter was broken into pieces by the Arabs; most of the fragments have, however, been recovered and are now in the Louvre. The ante-room at the W. end of the Second North Gallery is at the head of the staircase descending to the Egyptian galleries (p. 309). We here enter the rooms to the left, which contain tlie ^Collection of Vases and other objects of ITellenic art, First Vase Room. The arrangement of the (minted terracotta vases In tho eases of this room affords an instructive survey of tbe develop ment of the art of vase-painting. To the left: Cases 1-4. Archaic pottery from Greek islands (pre-Myceniean period). Cases 6-13. Mycenaean period (from Rhodes, etc.). Cases 14-19. Vases from Rhodes and Athens with geometric patterns (Dipylun style). Cases 20-23. Transition period (Pha- leron ware). Cases 24-26. Black vases ('bucchero ncro*) wilb raised patterns. Cases 23-32. Vases from Cyprus. To the right of Ihe entrance: Cases 35-36. Vases with aniuial-friez.es and geometric patterns. Cases 37-45. Early ware from Egypt, Rhodes, Corinth, etc. Cases 46-47. Early ware from Naucratis. Case 48. Terracotta sarcophagus from Rhodes (COO B.C.). Case 49. Fragments of an archaic sarcophagus. Cases 52, 53. Vases showing the development of the 'embroidery1 style. Cases 54, 55. Vases illustrating the imitation of primitive fabrics. Case 58. Pottery from Corfu. Cases 59-64. Pottery from Cyprus. — Table Case A contains archaic jewellery and weapons from Rhodes; archaic stone figures, etc. Above, Phoenician and Oriental pottery. Table Case B, antiquities fromAmathus in Cyprus; above, Roman glass from Amathus. Table Case C. Bhodian and Graco- Egyptian work in porcelain, glass, and ivory. Table Case D. Archaic Rhod- ian pottery. Pedestal Case 2 contains the Burgon lebes from Athens. Two large cases here contain an important sarcophagus from Cluzomena1, painted within and without with designs representing Ihe death of Dolou, etc. Second Vase Room (6th cent. B. C). The vases in this room, also of the archaic period, are almost entirely of Greek design and fabric, and are in most cases adorned with black figures on a red ground. Cases 10, 11, 22, 23 contain vases with black figures on a white ground. In Cases 48, 49, and Table Case C, is a series of vases signed by the potters or painters. In Case I is a series of Panathenaic prize amphora;. The finest vases are in tbe middle of the room. The — Third Vase Room (6lh cent. B. 0.) contains the red-figure vases of the best period, adorned with human and animal forms. To tho right are several large vases adorned with groups of great beauty. Table Cases A, B, D, and E contain a number of kylikes with the artists' signatures. The lekythi in Table Case K come chiefly from Sicily; beautiful Athenian lekythi are shown in Table Case F. Fourth Vase Room (4th-3rd cent. B. 0.). Cases 1-13 contain vases dating from the close of the best period. In the other cases are vases of the period of the decline of the art (end of 4th and beginning of the 3rd cent. B.C.). In the centre of the room are several large craters and a series of ten Panhellenic amphoree. In Table Case B are rhyta (drinking-vessels) 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 313 ending in animals* heads. Table-case E. Fragments of moulded reliefs, etc. — The — *Bronze Room contains Greek and Roman bronzes. Cabinet 1-9. Cande labra, lamps, tripods, etc. Cabinet 10, 11. Strigils and bathing-Implements. Cabinet 12-19. Armours tools. Cabinets 20-80. Vessels of various kinds; weapons; mirrors. Cabinets 31-43. Rich collection of bronze statuettes (chiefly Roman or Grir co-Bom an), arranged according to tho different groups nf gods and heroes : 31, 32. Venun and Cupid; 33-35. Jnpilcr, I'fatn, Hocatc, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Vulcan, Apollo, and Diana; 86-39. Bacchus, Silen us, etc. ; 40, 41. Hercules and Mercury; 42, 43. Heroes (Atys, Harpocrates). Cabinets 44-47 contain a selection of larger bronzes: *Venus putting on her sandals, from Patras; * Youthful Bacchus; Apollo with the chlamys; Jupiter in a sitting posture, with sceptre and thunderbolt (from Hungary); busts of Lucius Verus and Claudius; *Boy playing at morra, from Foggia; Hercules with the apples of the Hcsperidcs, from Phoenicia; *Statuette of Pomona. Cabinets 48, 49. Statuettes of Fortune, Victory, the Seasons, etc.; 50-63. Figures of Lares and actors, allegorical lamps, and other objects; 54, 55. Roman chair of state (bisellium) inlaid with silver, figure head of an ancient galley, tripods, etc.; 56-60. Candelabra and lamps. — On a circular table in the centre of the room is a ""Head of a goddess, of heroic size, from Cappadocia. — Case B contains several fine works : "MarsyaS; Silenus carrying a basket; ^Philosopher (?), found at Brindisi (identical with a statue in the Villa Borghese); Meleager; Bacchus; head of a poet; *Winged head (perhaps of Hypnos, the god of sleep), Perugia; head of a man, from Cyrene ; bronze disk. Also two tablets with archaic in scriptions. — To the right of the entrance is a small case with *Bronzes from Paramythia in Epirus (4th cent. B.C.): Dione (?) ; one of the Dio scuri; Venus; Jupiter with his left hand outstretched; Jnpiter with his right hand outstretched; Apollo bending his bow. To the left of the entrance is a small case with select Greek bronzes, including a mirror, with an alto-relief of Venus and Adonis at the foot (Locri). — Table Case A contains the bronzes of Siris, two shoulder-pieces of Greek armour, from Magna Grsccia; mirror-cases, richly ornamented. — Tho following are exhibited singly in small cases : leg of a colossal figure, apparently a warrior, from Magna Grescia; Apollo, a life-sized figure. — The other table-cases contain weapons, knives, figures of animals, bracelets, brooches, flbulfr, armlets, pins, locks, keys, and other small bronze articles. We next reach the — Etruscan Saloon, which contains archaic bronzes, works in terracotta, pottery, burial urns, cists, and reliefs. Most of the Etruscan sarcophagi and other heavy objects are now placed in tbe basement, see p. 300. Many of the finest bronzes are in the large detached Case B, including a **Lebes\ with an engraved frieze representing Hercules driving away the oxen of Cacus; at tho back are chariot-races and mock combats; on the lid, Her cules carrying off Auge (or Pluto and Proserpine?); round the rim are four mounted Amazons (from Capua). Female figure in long drapery, from Sessa; *Amphora, the handles composed of men bending backwards, with sirens at their feet, from Vulci ; Hercules taming the horses of Diomede, from Palestrina; Ceres sitting in a waggon, from Amelia^ in Etrnria. Noteworthy bronzes in other cases are a strigil (Case I), with a handle formed of a figure of Aphrodite; *Cist with engraved frieze, represent ing the sacrifice of captive Trojans at the funeral pile of Patroclus, and a Satyr and Mcenad on the lid, from Palestrina (Case C); similar cists in Cases A, D, E, and II. To the left of the entrance is a large terracotta sarcophagus from Caere, with lifesize male and female figures, modelled in tbe round. In a large case on the other side: Sarcophagus-cover, with the half-recumbent figure of a woman holding a mirror. The same case contains several cists, urns, and other figures. To the right, Cists with funeral and feasting scenes, in low relief. — To the left is a case with arms and armour. — Some of the wall-cases to the left contain bron zes. Table Case F contains ornamented bronze Yase-handles. In Case 66 is a model of a primitive Italian hut. Case G contains antiquities from 314 Q4. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Cyprus. In Cases K and L are mirrors with incised designs. Case M. In scriptions upon lead, linen, etc.; inscribed sling-bolts, plummets, nails, etc. — Wall Case 93 contains an Etruscan helmet, dedicated by Hlero I., King of Syracuse, at Olympia (B. C. 474). In Wall Cases 126-135 are anti quities from tbe Polledrara Tomb, near Vulci (ca. B. C. 610). — On the W. side of the room is the entrance to the new Coin and Medal Depart ment. Cases 32-53, on either side of this door, contain a very interesting and extensive collection of electrotypes of tho finest Greek und Roman gold and silver coins, from 700 B.C. down to the Christian era, arranged chron ologically and geographically. • — The S. section of the Etruscan saloon, containing Roman terracotta reliefs, etc., may he regarded as an annex of the Terracotta Room (see below). Table Case N contains objects in bone, ivory, and jet; Case O, examples of ancient glazed ware. In the S.E, corner, adjoining tho entrance to the Gold Ornament Room, is a mummy from the Fayum, with a portrait on panel (comp. p. 186j. The "Room of Gold Ornaments and Gems (open till 6 p.m. daily, April to Aug.; in other months closed earlier thrice a week) lies to the S. of the Etruscan Saloon. The collection of medals, gold ornaments, cameos, and gems preserved here is very complete and extremely valuable, being prubably the finest in Europe. It is also most admirably arranged. — In the passage leading to tho room arc specimens of silversmith's work, mostly of the Roman period, including a fine 'Service (ministerium) of 36 pieces, found at Chaourse (France) and probably dating from the 3rd cent. A.D. On the walls hang six mural paintings from the tombs of the Nasones, near Rome. The centre of the Gem Room itself is occupied by a large case (X), with a fine display of cameos (W. side) and intaglios (E. side). The table-case to the N. contains archaic gold ornaments from the Greek islands. On the top stands the famous ** Portland Vase , which was deposited in the British Museum in 1810. In 18^5 it was broken to pieces by a madman named Lloyd, but il was afterwards skilfully recon structed. Tbe vase, which is about 1 ft. in height, is of dark-blue glass, adorned with beautifully cut reliefs in opaque white glass, and was found in a tomb at Rome in the early part of the 17th century. It came for a time into the possession of Prince Barberini, whence it is also called the 'Barberini Vase', and is now the property of the Duke of Portland. The subject of the reliefs is a matter of dispute; some authorities main tain that they represent the metamorphosis of Themis into a snake, others Alcestis' delivery from Hades; the Museum Guide describes them as tbe meeting of Peleus and Thetis, and Thetis consenting to be the wife of Peleus. The bottom, which has been detached, is adorned with a bust of Paris. — The table-cases to the S. contain mediaeval goldsmith's work and enamels. Above is placed an 'Enamelled Gold Cup or Hanap, formerly in the possession of Kings of France and England and purchased in 1892 for 8000/. It was probably made about 1350. — The table-cases to the W. contain archaic Greek gems (outer slope) and later Greek and Roman gems (inner slope). In the three windows are frames with casts of gems made in glass, and by the window-wall are three cases with drinking-vc°sels of various materials and periods. — The cases along the N. wall and part of the E. wall contain Etruscan, Greek (of the best period and later), and Roman gold ornaments; and above are frescoes from Rome, Pompeii, and Hercutaneum. — The other cases by the E. wall contain ancient Barbaric, British, and Irish gold ornaments. Above are silver ornaments from Algeria, Norway, and Abyssinia. — In the wall-cases to the S. are Anglo- Roman and other gold ornaments, and an extensive collection of finger rings. Above are silver ornaments from England and Russia, and gold ornaments from Asbantee. In this room are also gold ornaments and ivory reliefs from Enkomi in Cyprus. Also personal relics: the 'Juxon medal'; Gibban's snufif-box and watch; Napoleon's snufl'-box, etc. The next room contains the Terracotta Antiquities. (The num bering of the cases begins at the end farthest from the Etruscan 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 315 Room.) To tho right are the Greek and Graeco-Phcenician Terra cottas, to the left aro the Grseoo-Roman Terracottas. Probably the most generally interesting are the exquisite little figures from Ta- nagra (Cases 10-22; to the Tight). Table Case D contains terracotta bowls; on the top, a large A.tkos, or vase shaped like a wine-skin. Table Case C contains lamps. Table Ca^e B. Grotesque figures and masks; terracotta moulds. Table Case A. Terra cotta jointed dolls; on the top, a sepulchral urn. The Central Saloon, at the top of the Great Staircase, contains the Prehistoric Antiquities. The numbering of tbe cases begins in the inner (N.) part of the saloon, to the left. The wall-cases and table-cases in this portion contain illustra tions of the Stone and Bronze Ages in Great Britain and the Continent, the exhibits being arranged geographically. Cases 21-30 contain the Oreenwell Collection of Antiquities from British Barrows. — The wall-cases in the outer (S.) part of the room illustrate the Paltcolithic Stone Age in Great Britain and the Continent (Cases 51-60), the stone age in Africa (61-62), late Celtic antiquities (65-74), tbe stone and bronze ages in Japan (77-78), and India (79-98). In tlie table-cases are flint arrow-heads and bone imple ments; nod articles from Swiss lake-dwellings. — Near the top of the Great Staircase is nn interesting clock, constructed in 1589 by Isaac Hab- recht, the maker of the famous clock at Strnssburg. The rooms oocupied by the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Roman An tiquities are entered from the S.E. corner of the Prehistoric Saloon. Anglo-Saxon Room. In the wall-cases are the antiquities found in Kngland, consisting of cinerary urns, swords and knives (some inscribed), runic caskets of whale's bono, a runic, cross, silver ornRinents, bronze articles, etc. In Cases 23-26 is a collection of foreign Teutonic antiquities of similar date, the most noticeable of which are the contents of a Li- vonian grave. In the centre-cases are ornaments, weapons, and three matrices of seals. Near the exit, under glass, is a casket carved out of whale's bone. Anglo-Roman Room. The series begins with four leaden coffins and numerous smaller objects found In graves, including tho contents of the four large sarcophagi in the Roman Gallery on the groundfloor, and several cists of marble, lead, and glass. Tomb of tiles. Vessels of glass, pewter, and metal. Bronze figures, among which are three of Mars, several good statuettes found in the valley ofthe Thames, a fine figure of an archer, and a gilt figure of Hercules. Then silver votive ornaments. Sculptures, in cluding a figure of Luna, the finest piece of Roman sculpture found in Britain. Building-materials, tiles, bricks, drain-pipes. The S. side of the room is devoted to pottery, and at the E. end is a mosaic pavement found on the removal of the old East India House in Leadenhall Street. In the middle of tbo room are a colossal bronze bust of Hadrian from the Thames valley, and an interesting bronze helmet. The table-cases contain brooches, trinkets, moulds for coins, and implements of various kinds. The Mediaeval Room, parallel with the preceding and entered from tho Prehistoric Saloon, contains the mediaeval objects, except ing the glass and pottery. Mediaeval Room. Cases 1-9. Arms and armour ; 10-20. Oriental, Venetian, and other metal work; 21-26. Astrolabes and clocks, including a time >iece in the form of a ship, made for the emperor Rudolph II. (157G-1612); SI. Chalices; 28 31. Limnges and other enamels; 32. Old English embroid eries; 33-31. Paintings from St. Stephen's Chapel at Westminster (1356); 35-48. Ivory carvings ; below, old English work in alabaster -, 44-49. Porcelain and Japanese lacquer (Franks Collection). On the wall, Franconian wood- carving (16th cent.). Cases 60-52. Brasses and other sepulchral objects. 5- 316 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Table Gases A-D contain part of the bequest of Sir A. Wollaston Franks, consisting of Greek, Roman, English, and other rings, gold work from the 'Treasure of the Oxus\ Grceco-Egyptian and other jewellery, mini atures, etc. In Case B is the 'Glenlyon brooch1 also. Table Case E: Enamels, including specimens of English, Italian, German, and Limoges workmanship. Table Case F: Carvings in ivory, rock-crystal, mother-of- pearl, and other materials. Table Case G : Watches and dials. Table Case H: Chamberlains1 keys; portraits on pressed born and tortoise-shell ; collection of papal rings. Table Case K: Watches. Table Case L: Objects used in games; curious set of chessmen ofthe 13th cent., from the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, made of walrus tusk. The Asiatic Saloon (arrangement unfinished). Cases 11-15. Japanese bronzes; 16-18. Corean pottery; 19-46. Japanese pottery ; 46-60. Japunese porcelain; 61. Siamese and Burmese pottery; 62-64. Chinese pottery; 66- 09. Chinese porcelain. — Cases 100-113. Chiuose jade aud metal figures, wcur- ing apparul, figures, and Implement* ; 114-11H. Imliuii and Persian works of art, including a handsome inlaid cabinet. — The detached cases contain Japanese, Chinese, and Indian antiquities, porcelain, etc. From the Asiatic Saloon we turn to the right into the new rooms of the White Building (see p. 292"), which contains the collections of Glasa and Pottery and also the Department of Prints and Drawings. The latter contains an unrivullud collootiou of original drawings , engravings, and etchings. Hitherto the use of this collection has been practically restricted to students, who obtain tickets on wrltton application to tho Principal Librarian (see p. 318), but the spacious new rooms now built for it include a fine Exhibition Gallery (see below), the contents of which are changed every three years. Foreigners and travellers may obtain access to the Students' Rooms on giving in their names. Comp. tho Hand- hook to the 'Department', by Louis Fagan (3s. 6d.). We first enter the — English Ceramic Ante-Room, containing pottery and porcelain chiefly bought from Mr. Willelt or given by Sir A. W. Franks. To the right on enter ing : Wall-tiles from Malvern (1457-58). Cases 1-8 (left). Early English Pot tery (ll-15th cent.); 9-20. Glazed Ware of the 16-18th cent.-, 21-26. Eng lish Pottery, chiefly from Staffordshire; 27-32. Pavement Tiles (13- 16th cent.); 33. Fulham Stoneware (17th cent.); 35-46. English Porcelain (that in the last four cases inferior); 47-60. Liverpool Tiles, transfer-printed, by Sadler. The upright case contains a collection of so-called 'Chelsea Toys1. Glasa and Ceramic Gallery, including the valuable Slade Collection of Glass. Cases 1, 2. English Delft, chiefly made at Lambeth in tbe 17- 18th cent.; 3-7. Dutch and German Delft; 8. Italian Pottery; 9-23. Italian Majolica; 24-26. Spanish Pottery; 27-31. Rhodian and Damascus Ware; 32, 33. Persian Pottery; 34, 36. French Pottery; 37-46. Antique Glass, chiefly of the Bom an period; 46-64. Venetian Glass; 55-58. German Glass ; 59. Chinese Glass; 60-61. Oriental Glass; 62. French Glass; 63. English Glass; 64-66. Wedgwood and other Staffordshire Wares and Bristol Delft. Tho table-cases contain Wedgwood medallions; antique, German, Dutch, and Flemish glass; English engraved glass; Oriental pottery, etc. Above tbe cases are 13 busts, modelled in clay by ltoubiliac, of Milton, Crom well, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Huns Sloane, etc. The Print and Drawing Exhibition Gallery is at present mainly oc cupied by a splendid series of ''"Drawings aud Sketches by the Old Masters, mostly belonging to ihe celebrated collection of Mr. John Malcolm, ceded hy his heirs for 25,000?. (said to be about half their value). It includes specimens of Raphael, Michael Angelo, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Botti celli, Fra Angelico, Antonello da Messina, Carpaccio, Holbein, Diirer, Claude Lorrain, Clouet, Bubcns, Van Dyck, Cuyp, Rembrandt, Van Osl ad e, Berghem, 24. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 317 etc. The gallery also contains a few fine illuminations and some draw ings and engravings not belonging to the Malcolm Collection. We now return to the Asiatic Saloon and begin our inspection of the extensive and interesting Ethnographical Collection, which is arranged topographically and occupies the whole of the East Gallery. The ABiatic Section is flrst entered; then follow the Oceanic, African, and American Sections, each containing a great variety of. objects illustrating the habits, dress, warfare, handicrafts, etc., of the less civilised inhabitants of the different quarters of the globe. At the S. end of this gallery is a case containing a cast of Flaxman'a 'Shield of Achilles', models by Michael Angelo, terracottas by Giovanni da Bologna, and a series of portrait-medallions in wax. At the top of the N.E. Staircase are Mexican sculptures from Tabasco and sculptures from Honduras. On the staircase-walls are casts of heads from monuments at Thebes. On theN. side of the spacious entrance-hall, facing the entrance door, is a passage leading to the *Eeading Room, construct ed in 1854-57 at a cost of 150,000J; it is open from 9 a.m. to 7 or 8 p.m. (closed on the flrBt four days of March and September, as well as on Good Friday and Christmas Day). This imposing circular hall, oovered by a large dome of glass andiron (140 ft. in diameter, or 1 ft. larger than the dome of St. Peter's at Rome, and 106 ft. high), has ample accommodation for 468 readers or writers. Around the superintendent, who oooupies a raised seat in the centre ofthe room, are circular cases containing the General Cat alogue for the use of the readers (now printed and nearly complete in 800 vols.) and various special catalogues and indexes, one of the most generally useful being Mr. G. K. Fortescue's 'Subject Index of Modem Books/ On the top of these cases lie printed forms to he filled up with the name and 'press-mark' (i.e. reference, indicated in the catalogue by letters and numerals, to its position in the book cases) of the work required, and the number of the seat chosen by the applicant at one of the tables, which radiate from the centre of the room like the spokes of a wheel. The form when filled up is put into a little basket, placed for this purpose on the counter. One of the attendants will then procure the hook required, and send it to the reader's seat. About 20,000 vols, of the books in most frequent request, Buch as dictionaries, encyolopffidias, his tories, periodicals, etc., are kept in the reading-room itself, and may be used without any application to the library-offlcialB; while coloured plans, showing the positions of the various categories of these books, are distributed throughout the room. Every reader is provided with a chair, a folding desk, a small hinged shelf for books, pens, and ink, a blotting-pad, and a peg for his hat. The reader will probably find the arrangements of the British Museum Reading Room superior to those of most public libraries, while the obliging civility of the attendants, and the freedom from 318 25. ST. JAMES'S PALACE. obtrusive supervision and restrictions are most grateful. The electric light haB been introduced into the Reading Room and Galleries. — In the year 1858, the first after the opening of the New Reading Room, the number of readers amounted to 190,400, who consulted in all 877,897 books or an average of 3000 a day. In 1896 there were 191,363 readers, or 630 per day. A Description of the Heading Room may be had from an attendant (id.). Persons desirous of using the Reading Room must send a written application to the Principal Librarian, specifying their names, rank or profession, purpose, and address, and enclosing a recommendation from some well-known householder in London. The applicant must not he under 21 years of age. The permission, which is granted usually for six months at a time, is not transferable and is subject to withdrawal. The Reading Room tickets entitle to the use of the new Newspaper Room (comp. p. 296). It is possible for strangers to get permission to use the Reading Room for a single day by per sonal application at the office of the Principal Librarian, to the left of the First Graco-Romau Room. Tickets for visitors to theReading Room are obtained on the right side of the entrance-hall. Visitors are not allowed to walk through the Reading Room, hut may view it from the doorway. — Besides the main reading-room there is a special room for students in the Department of MSS. and another for students of Oriental books and MSS. — Tlie Libraries contain a collection of books and manuscripts, rivalled in extent by the National Library of Paris alone. The number of printed volumes is about 2,000,000, and it increases at the rate of about 60,000 volumes per annum. The books occupy about 40 miles of shelving. 25. St. James's Palace and Park. Buckingham Palace. The site of St. James's Palace (PI. R, 22 ; / V), an irregular brick building at the S. end of St. James's Street, was originally occupied by a hospital for lepers, founded before 1190 and dedicated to St. James the Less. In 1532 the building came into the possession of Henry VIIL, who erected initB place a royal palace, said to have been designed by Holbein. Here Queen Mary died in 1558. Cliarlcsl. slopt here the night bufore his execution, and walked across St. James's Park to Whitehall next morning (1649). Thepalacewas considerably extended by Charles I., and, after Whitehall was burned down in 1691, it became the chief residence of the English kings from William III. to George IV. In 1809 a serious fire completely destroyed the eastern wing, so that with the exception of the in teresting old brick gateway towards St. James's Street, the Chapel Royal, and the old Presence Chamber there are few remains of the ancient palace of the Tudors. The atate-rooms are sumptuously fitted up, and contain a number of portraits and other works of art. The initials HA above the chimney-piece in the Presence Chamber 26. ST. JAMES'S PARK. 319 are a reminiscence of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn. It is difficult to obtain permission to inspect the interior. The guard is changed every day at 10.45 a.m., when the fine bands of the Grenadier, Coldstream, or Scots Guards play for '/4 ',r- in Friary Court, the open court facing Marlborough House. The Duke of York occupies a portion of the palace to the W. of the gateway, known as York House. Though St. James's Palace is no longer the residence of the sovereign, the British court is still officially known as the 'Court of St. James's'. See 'Memorials of St. James's Palace', by Edgar Sheppard. On the N. side, entered from Colour Court, is the Chapel Royal, iu which the Queen and some of the highest nobility have seats. Divine service is celebrated on Sundays at 10 a. m., 12 noon, and 5.30 p. m. A limited number of strangers are admitted to the two latter services by tickets obtained from the Lord Chamberlain; for the service at 10 no ticket is required. At the service on Epiphany (Jan. 6th) an offering of gold, myrrh, and frankincense is still made. — The marriage of Queen Victoria with Prince Albert, and those of some of their daughters, were celebrated in the Chapel Royal. Down to the death of Prince Albert in 1861, the Queen's Levies and Drawing Rooms were always lield in St. James's Palace. Since then, how ever, the drawing-rooms have taken place at Buckingham Palace, but the levees are still held here. A levee differs from a drawing-room in this respect, that, at the former, gentlemen only are presented to the sovereign, while at the latter it is almost entirely ladies who are intro duced. Richly dressed ladies; gentlemen, magnilicent in gold-laced uni forms; lackeys in goryrous liveries, knee-breeches, silk stockings, and powdered hair, and bearing enormous bouquets ; well-fed coachmen with carefully curled wigs and three-cornered hats; splendid carriages and horses, which dash along through the densely packed masses of specta tors; and a mounted band of the Life Guards, playing in front of tho palace: — such, so far as can be scon by the spectators who crowd the adjoining streets, windows, and balconies, are tho cbief ingredients in the august ceremony of a 'Queen's Drawing Room'. A notice ofthe draw ing-room, with the names of the ladies presented, appears nest day in the newspapers. In the life of a young English lady of the higher ranks her present ation at Court is an epoch of no little importance, for after attending her first drawing-room she is emancipated from the dulness of domesticity and the thrald"m of the schoolroom; — she is, in fact, 'out', and now enters on the round of balls, concerts, and other gaieties, which often play so large a part in her life. On the W. side of St. James's Palace Ilea Clarence House, the London residence, since 1874, of the Duke of Edinburgh, who succeeded his uncle as Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1893. — Marlborough House, on the E. side of the palace, see p. 276. St. James's Park (PI. R, 21, 22, 25, 26; IV), which lies to the S. of St. James's Palace, was formerly a marshy meadow, belonging to St. James's Hospital for Lepers. Henry VIIL, on the conversion of the hospital into a palace , caused the marsh to be drained , surrounded with a wall, and transformed into a deer-park and riding-path. Charles II. extended the park by 36 acres , aud 320 25. BUCKINGHAM PALACE. had it laid out in pleasure-grounds by Le NStre, the celebrated French landscape-gardener. ItB walks, etc., were all constructed primly and neatly in straight lines, and the strip of water received the appropriate name of 'the canal'. The present form of St. James's Park was imparted to it in 1827-29, during the reign of George IV., by Nash, the architect (see below). Its beautiful clumps of trees, its winding expanse of water, and the charming views it affords of the stately buildings around it, combine to make it the most attraotive of the London parks. In 1857 the bottom of the lake was levelled so as to give it a uniform depth of 3-4 ft. The suspension-bridge, across the centre of it, forms the most direct communication for ped estrians between St. James's Street and Westminster Abbey. The broad avenue, planted with rows of handsome trees, on the N. side of the park , is called the Mall, from the game of 'paille maille' once played here (comp. p. 273). At the E. extremity, near Carlton House Terrace , is the flight of steps mentioned at p. 274, leading to the York Column (p. 274). — Birdcage Walk, on the S. side ofthe park, is so named from the aviary maintained here as early as the time of the Stuarts. At the E. end of Birdcage Walk is Storey's Gate, leading to Great George Street and Westminster. In Petty I'rance, now York Street, to the S. of Birdcage Walk, Milton once had a house. — A battalion ofthe Royal Foot Guards is quartered in Wellington Barracks, built in 1834, on the S. side of Birdcage Walk ; the interior of the small chapel is very tasteful (open Tues., Thurs. , & Frid., 11-4). The Government Offices (p. 231), the India and Foreign Offices, and beyond them tho Horse Guards and Admiralty, lie on the E. side of St. James's Park. In an open space called the Parade, between the park and the Admiralty (new buildings, seo p. 231), are placed a Turkish cannon captured by the English at Alexandria, and a large mortar, used by MarBhal Soult at the siege of Cadiz in 1812, and abandoned there by the French. The carriage ofthe mortar is in the form of a dragon, and was made at Woolwich. Annually, on the Queen's birthday (May 24th) or the day offfcially celebrated as such, the pretty military ceremony known as 'trooping the colour' is performed here by the Guards. An invitation to one of the above-named public offices should be obtained if possible. Buckingham Palace (PI. R, 21 ; IV), the Queen's residence, rises at the W. end of St. James's Park. The present palace occupies the site of Buckingham House , erected by John Sheffield , Duke of Buckingham, in 1703, which was purchased by George HI. in 1761, and occasionally occupied by him. His successor, George IV., caused it to be remodelled by Nash in 1825, but it remained empty until its oocupatiou in 1837 by Queen Victoria , whoBe town resi dence it has since continued to be. The eastern and principal facade towards St. James's Park, 360 ft. in length , was added by Blore in 1846 ; and the large ball-room and other apartments were 25. BUCKINGHAM PALACE. 321 subsequently constructed. The palace now forms a large quadrangle. The rooms occupied by Her Majesty are on the N. side. A portico, borne hy marble columns, leads out ofthe large court into the rooms of state. We first enter the Sculpture Gallery, which is adorned with busts and statues of members of the rojal family and eminent statesmen. Beyond it, with a kind of semicircular apse towards the garden, is U\o Library, where deputations, to whom the Queen grants an audience, wait until they are admitted to the royal presence. The ceiling of the magnificent Marble Staircase, to the left of tho vestibule, is embellished with frescoes by Townsend, representing Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night. On the first Door are the following rooms : Green Drawing Room, 50 ft. long and 33 ft. high, in the middle of the E. side ; * Throne Room, 66 ft. in length, sumptuously fitted up with red striped satin and gilding, and having a marble frieze running round the vaulted and richly decorated ceiling, with reliefs representing the Wars of the Roses, executed hy Baily from designs by Stothard ; Grand Saloon; Stale Ball Room, on the S. side ofthe palace, 110 ft. long and 60ft. broad; lastly the Picture Gallery, 180ft. in length, con taining a choice, though not very extensive, collection of paintings. Among the most valuable works are the following: — Remfa-andt: •"'Noli mc tangcre' (10381, "Ship-builder and his wife (1C33; cost 5000?.), "Adoration of the Magi (1G57), "Iturgomaster Pancras and his wife (1645), "Portraits of himself, of a lady (1641), and of an old man. Rubens: ''Pythagoras (fruit by Snyders), "The Falconer, "Landscape, "Assumption (sketch). Van Dyck: "Madonna and Child with St. Catharine, Charles I. on horseback, and others. Titian, "Summer-storm in the Venetian Alps (ca. 1531). Fine examples of Frans Hals, Cuyp, A. and /. van Ostade , Jan Steen, Metsu, Hobbema, Rnysdael, Terburg (including his masterpiece, ""Lady writing a lcttcv), Paul /'otter, A. van dr. Velde, Teniers, Maes, Don, and Claude Lorrain. — In the dining-room arc portraits of English sovereigns by Gainsborough and others. In an adjoining room is Sir Frederick Lcighlon's Procession in Florence with the Madonna of Cimabue. Permission to visit tho Picture Gallery may occasionally (very rarely he obtained (during the Queen's absence only) from tho Lord Chamber lain on written application. The Gardens at the back of the Palace contain a summer-house decorated with eight frescoes from. Milton's 'Comus', by Landseer, Stanfleld, Maclise, Eastlake, Dyce, Leslie, Uwins, and Ross. The Royal Mrws (so callod from tho 'mews' or coops in which the royal falcons were once kept), or stables and coach-houses (for 40 equipages), entered from Queen's Row, to the S. of the palace, are shown on application to the Master of the Horse. Tho magni ficent state-carriage, designed by Sir W. Chambers in 1762, and painted by Cipriani (cost 7660J.), is kept here. To theN., between Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly, lies the Green Park, which is 60 acres in extent. Between this and the Qneen's private gardens is Constitution Hill, leading direct to Hyde Park Corner (p. 323). Three attempts on the life of the Queen have been made in this road. Babdbker's London. 11th Edit. 21 322 26. Hyde Park. Kensington Gardens and Palace. Holland House. The district between Bond Street (p. 283) and Park Lane (PI. R, 18, 19; IV), a street about 3/4 M. in length, connecting the W. end of Piccadilly with Oxford Street, is known as Mayfair, and is one of the most fashionable in London. At the S. end of Park Lane (W. corner) is Gloucester House, the residence of the Duke of Cambridge; and a little farther to the N. is a handsome Fountain by Thornycroft, adorned with figures of Tragedy, Comedy, Poetry, Shakspeare, Chaucer, and Milton, and surmounted by a statue of Fame. In Hamilton Gardens, a little farther to the S., near Hyde Park Corner (j>. 323), is a statue of Lord Byron (d. 1824), erected in 1879. Lord Beaconsfleld died at 19 Curzon Street, to the N.E., in April, 1881. Park Lane forms the eastern boundary of Hyde Park (PI. R, 14, etc.), which extends thence towards the W. as far as Kensington Gordons, and covins an aroa of 390 acres (with Kensington Gar dens, 630 acres). Before the dissolution of the religious houses tho site of the park belonged to the old manor of Hyde, one of the possessions of Wostminstor Abbey. Tho ground was laid ont as a park and enclosed under llenry VIII. In tho reign of Elizabeth stags and deer were still hunted in it, while under Charles II. it was devoted to horse-races. The latter monarch also laid out the 'Ring', a kind of corso, about 350 yds. in length, round an enclosed space, which soon became a most fashionable drive. The fair frequenters of the Ring often appeared in masks, and, under this disguise, used so much freedom, that in 1695 an order was issued denying admission to all whose features were thus concealed. At a later period the park was neglected, and was frequently the scene of duels, one of the most famous being that between Lord Mohun and the Duke of Hamilton in 1712, when both the princi pals lost their lives. Under William III. and Queen Anne a large portion of the park was taken to enlarge Kensington Gardens ; and, finally, Queen Carolino, wife of George 11., caused tho Ser pentine, a sheet of artificial water , to be formed. The Serpentine was originally fed by the Westboume , a small stream coming from Bayswater, to the N.; but it is now supplied from the Thames. Hyde Park is one of the most frequented and lively scenes in London. It is surrounded by a handsome and lofty iron railing and provided with nine carriage-entrances, besides a great number of gates for pedestrians, all of which are shut at midnight. On the S. side are Kensington Gate and Queen's Gate, both in Kensington Gore, near Kensington Palace ; Prince's Gate and Albert Gale in Knightsbridge ; and Hyde Park Corner at the W. end of Piccadilly. On the E. side are Stanhope Gate and Grosvenor Gate, both in Park Lane. On the N. side are Cumberland Gate, at the W. end of Ox- 26. HYDE PARK. 323 ford Street, and Victoria Gate, Bayswater. The entrances most used are Hyde Park Corner at the S.E., and Cumberland Gate at the N.E. angle. At the latter rises the Marble Arch, a triumphal arch in the style of the Arch of ConBtantine , originally erected by George IV. at the entrance of Buckingham Palace at a cost of 80.000L In 1850, on the completion of the E. facade (p. 320), it waB removed from the palace , and in the following year was re- erected in its present position. The reliefs on the S. are by Baily, those on the N. by Westmacott; the elegant bronze gates well deserve inspection. The handsome gateway at Hyde Park Corner, with three passages , was built in 1828 from designs by Burton. The reliefs are copies of the Elgin marbles (p. 301). The Green Park Arch, opposite, at the W. end of the Green Park (p. 321), erected in 1846, was removed in 1883, in the oourse of improve ments made at Hyde Park Corner, and has been rebuilt on Consti tution Hill. The Equestrian Statue of Wellington, by Wyatt, with which it was disfigured, has been re-erected at Aldershot Camp, while another equestrian statue of the Duke, in bronze, by Boehm, has been erected in Wellington Place, opposite Apsley House. At the corners of the red granite pedestal are figures of a grenadier, a Highlander, a Welsh fusilier, and an Inniskillen dragoon, all also by Boehm. Apsley House (p. 330), the residence of the Duke of Wellington, lies directly to the E. of Hyde Park Corner. The house next it is that of Baron Rothschild. To the N. of Hyde Park Corner rises another monument to the 'Iron Duke', consisting of the colossal flguro known as the Statue of Achilles, which, as the inscription informs us, was erected in 1822, with money subscribed by English ladies, in honour of 'Arthur, Duko of Wellington, and his bravo companions in arms'. Tho statue , by Westmacott , is cast from the metal of 12 French can non, captured in France and Spain, and at Waterloo, and is a copy of one of the Dioscuri on the Monte Cavallo at Rome. No carts or waggons are allowed to enter Hyde Park, and cabs are admitted only to one roadway across the park near Kensington Gardens. The finest portion of the park, irrespectively of the magnificent groups of trees and expanses of grass for which Eng lish parks stand pre-eminent , is that near the Serpentine , where, in spring and summer , during the 'Season', the fashionable world rides, drives, or walks. The favourite hour for carriages is 5-7 p.m., and the fashionable drive is the broad, southern avenue, which leads from Hyde Park Corner to the left, past the Albert Gate. Equestrians, on the other hand, appear, chiefly in the morning, but also in the afternoon, in Rotten Row, a track exclusively reserved for riders , running parallel to the drive on the N. , and extending along the S. side of the Serpentine from Hyde Park Corner to Kensington Gate, a distance of about il/2 M. The scene in this part of Hyde Park, on fine afternoons, is most 21* 324 26. HYDE PARK. interesting and imposing. In the Drive are seen unbroken files of elegant equipages and high-bred horses in handsome trappings, moving continually to and fro, presided over by Bleek coachmen and powdered lacqueys, and occupied by some of the most beauti ful and exquisitely dressed women in the world. In the Row are numerous lady and gentlemer riders, who parade their spirited and glossy steeds before the admiring crowd sitting or walking at the sides. It has lately becomo 'the thing' to walk by tho Row on Sundays, and on a flno day the 'Church Parado', betwoen morn ing-service and luncheon (i.e. about 1-2 p.m.), is ono of tho beat displays of dross and fashion iu Loudon. Cycling in Hydo Park has also become a fashionable amusement, but cyclists arc not ad mitted to the park after midday. — The drive on the N. side of the Serpentine ia called the Ladies' Mile. The Coaching and Four- in-hand Clubs meet here during the season, as many as thirty or forty drags sometimes assembling. The flower-beds adjoining Park Lane and to the W. of Hyde Park Corner are exceedingly brilliant, and the show of rhododendrons in June is deservedly famous. A refreshing contrast to this fashionable show is afforded by a scene of a very unsophisticated character, which takes place in sum mer on the Serpentine before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. At these times, when a flag is hoisted, a crowd of men and boys, most of them in very homely attire, are to be seen undressing and plunging into the water, where their lusty shouts and hearty laughtor testify to their enjoyment. After the lapse of about an hour the flag is lowered, as an indication that the bathing time is over, and in quarter of an hour every trace of the lively scene has disappeared. — Pleasure-boats may be hired on the Serpentine. In winter the Serpentine, when frozen over, is much fre quented by skaters. To provide against accidents, the Royal Humane Society, mentioned at p. 183, has a 'receiving-house' here, where attendants and life-saving apparatus are kept in readiness for any emergency. The bottom of the Serpentine was cleaned and level led in 1870; the average depth in the centre is now 7 ft., and towards the edges 3 ft. At the point where the Serpentine enters Kensington Gardens it is crossed by a five-arched bridge, constructed by Sir John Rennie in 1826. The view from this bridge has 'an extraordinary nobleness' (Henry James). On the W. side of the park is a powder-magazine. Reviews, both of regular troops and volunteers, sometimes take placo in Hyde Park. The Park is alBO a favourite rendezvous of organised crowds, holding 'demonstrations' in favour or disfavour of somo political idea or measure. Tlie Reform Riot of 1866, when quarter of a mile of the park-railings was torn up and 250 policemen wero seriously injured, is perhaps the most historic of such gatherings. The wide grassy expanse adjoining the Marble Arch is also the fav ourite haunt of Sunday lecturers of all kinds. Near the Victoria 26. KENSINGTON PALACE. 325 Gate (PI. R, 11) is a curious little Cemetery for Dogs, containing about eighty graves. To the W. of Hyde Park, and separated from it by a sunk- fence, lie Kensington Gardens (PL R, 10, etc.), with their pleasant walks and expanses of turf (carriages not admitted). Many of the majestic old trees have, unfortunately, had to be cut down. Near tho Serpentine are the new flower-gardens; at the N. extremity is a sitting figure of Dr. Jenner (d. 1823), by Marshall. The Broad Walk on the W. side, 50 ft. in width, leads from Bayswater to Kensington Gore. The Albert Memorial (p. 332) rises on the S. side. The handsome wrought-iron gates opposite the Memorial were those of the S. Transept of the Exhibition Buildings of 1851, which stood a little to the E., on the ground between Prince's Gate and tho Serpentine, and was afterwards removed and re-erected as the Crystal Palace at Sydenham (see p. 385). In the Broad Walk, with its back to Kensington Palace, is a highly idealized Statue of Queen Victoria, in white marble, by the Princess Louise, erected in 1893. Kensington Palace (PI. R, 6), an old royal residence, built in part by William 111. , was the scene ofthe death of that monarch and his consort , Mary , of Queen Anne and her husband , Prince George of Denmark, and of George II. Here, too, Queen Victoria was born and brought up, and here she received the newB of the death of William IV. and her own accession. Kensington Palace is now occupied by tho Princess Louise and her husbaud tho Marquis of Lome, snd by various annuitants and widows belonging to the aristocracy. The state-rooms are at present undergoing an exten sive and much needed restoration, preparatory to being thrown opon to the public iu 1809. In the gardon is an Orangery, doslgned by Sir Christopher Wren. Regular Sunday services are held in the palace-chapel. The space to tbe \V. of Kensington Palace is now occupied by rows of fashionable residences. Thackeray died in 1863 at Ho. 2 Palace Green, the second house to the left in Kensington Palace Gardens (PI. R, 6) as we enter from Kensington High Street. Among his previous London re sidences were 88 St. James's Street, 13 (now 16) Young Street, Kensington (where 'Vanity Fair', 'Pendennis', and 'Esmond' were written), and 36 Onslow Square (re-numbered). Holly Lodge, the home of Lord Macaulay, where he died in 1859, is in Campden Hill, a lane leading off Campden Hill Eoad, a little farther to tbeW. The next house is Argyll Lodge, long the London residence of the Duke of Argyll. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727 at Campden Hill (PI. R, 2), in what was afterwards named BuUingham House and recently formed part of Kensington College. Farther to the W., on a hill lying between Uxbridge Road, on the N., and Kensington Road on the S., standBHoUand House (PI. R, 1), built in the Tudor style by John Thorpe, for Sir Walter Cope, in 1607. The building soon passed into the hands of Henry Rich, Earl of Holland (in Lincolnshire) , aon-in-law of Sir Walter Cope, and afterwards, on the execution of Lord Holland for treason, came into the possession of Fairfax and Lambert, the Parliamentary 326 26. HOLLAND HOUSE. generals. In 1665, however, it was restored to Lady Holland. From 1716 to 1719 it was occupied by Addison, who had married the widow of Edward , third Earl of Holland and Warwick. The lady was a relative of Sir Hugh Myddelton (see p. 131). In 1762 it was sold by Lord KenBington, cousin of the last representative of the Hollands, who had inherited the estates, to Henry Fox, afterwards Baron Holland, and father of the celebrated Charles James Fox. Holland House now belongs to Lord Ilchester, a de scendant of a brother of Henry Fox. Since the time of Charles I. Holland House has frequently been associated with eminent personages. Fairfax, Cromwell, and Ireton held thoir deliberations in its chambers; William Venn, who was in great favour with Charlos II. , was daily assailed hero by a host of petitioners; and William 111. and his consort Mary lived in tho houBe for a short period. During the first half of the 19th cent. Holland House was the rallying point of Whig political and literary notabilities of all kinds, such as Moore, Rogers, and Macaulay, who enjoyed here the hospitality of tho distinguished third Baron Holland. The house contains a good collection of historical relics and paintings, including several portraits by G. F. Watts. Compare Princess Llclitonstein's 'Holland House'. No. 2, Holland Tark Road (PL 11, 1), to the 8. of Holland House, was the residence of Sir Frederic Leighton, P. It. A. (Lord Leighton; d. 1896). The house, which contains a beautiful ''Arab Hall and a collection of drawings and studies by Lord Leighton, will probably be devoted to some scheme of public usefulness. Admission at present on special intro duction only. Along the N. side of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens runs Ux- bridge Road, leading to Bayswater and Notting Hill. The rows of houses on this road, overlooking the park, contain some of the largest and most fashionable residences in London. Near tbe Marble Arch (PI. 11,15) is the Cemetery of St. George's, Hanover Square (open 10-4, on Sun. and holidays 2-4), containing the grave of Laurence Sterne (d. 1768; near the middle of the wall on tbe W. side). Mrs. Radclill'e, writer of tbe 'Mysteries of Udolpho', is said to be buried below tbe chupel. The old mortuary chapel has been replaced since 1893 by the tasteful Chapel of the Ascension, designed by H. P. Home, and now being elaborately decorated in the interior with paintings of Scriptural scenes and figures by Frederic Shields. The paintings are executed in oil upon canvas, which is then Axed upon slabs of Belgian slate rivetted to the walls, leaving an air-chamber behind. The chapel (open 8-5) was founded by Mrs. Russell Gurney (d. 1897), and when finished will remain open all day for private prayer and meditation. 27. Private Mansions around Hyde Park and St. James's. Grosvenor House. Stafford House. Bridgewaier House. Lans- downe House. Apsley House. Dorchester House. Lady Brassey Museum. Devonshire House. The English aristooraey, many of the members of which are enormously wealthy, reBides in the country during the greater part of the year; but it is usual for the principal families to have a 27. GROSVENOR HOUSE. 327 mansion in London, which they occupy during the season, or at other times when required. Most of those mansions are in the vicinity of Hyde Park, and many of them are worth visiting , not only on account of the sumptuous manner in which they are fitted up, but also for the sake of the treasures of art which they contain. Permission to visit these private residences, for which appli cation must be made to the owners, is often difficult to procure, and can in some cases be had only by special introduction. Some of them are occasionally thrown open for a few Sunday afternoons in connection with the National Sunday League. During winter it is customary to pack away the works of art in order to protect them against the prejudicial influence of the atmosphere. Grosvenor House (PI. R, 18; 1), Upper Grosvenor Street, is the property of the Duke of Westminster, and is not open to the public. The pictures are arranged in the private rooms on the groundfloor. Room i (Dining Room). No. 1. Guido Reni, John the Baptist; 2. Mu rillo, Landscape with Jacob and Laban; 3. L. Carracci, Holy Family; 4. Hogarth, Distressed poet; 5. Teniers, Interior; 6, 13, 16, 15, 25. Claude Lorrain, Landscapes; 11. Rubens, Landscape; 12. Cuyp, Sheep (early work); 23. Van Dyck, Portrait of himself; 8. Van Huysum, Fruit and flowers; *21. Claude, Sermon on the Mount; Rembrandt, 14. Portrait of a man with a hawk, *i9, *20. Portraits of Nicolas Burghem and bis wife (dated 1617); 22. Adriaen van de Velde, Hut with cattle and figures (1658); 17. Wouverman, Horse-fair: 24. Cuyp, Landscape; "18. Rembrandt , Portrait of a lady with a fan; "27. Berchem, Large landscape with peasants dancing (1656); 28. Rembrandt, Portrait of himself; 29. Claude, Landscape; 30. Rubem, Conver sion of St. Paul (sketch); 31. Suslermans, Portrait. Room ii (Saloon). To the left: "83. Rembrandt, The Salutation. 'A delicate and elevated expression is here united with beautiful effects of light. This little gem is distinguished for its marvellous blending of warm and cold tints'. — Vosmaer. Above, 32. Cuyp, River-scene; "34. G. Dou, Mother nursing her child; "35. Paul Poller, Landscape with catlle (1647); 38. If. Poussin, Children playing; 37. Velazquez, Portrait of himself; "39. Hobbema, Wooded land scape, with figures by Lingelbach; 43. Andrea del Sarto, Portrait; 40. Paolo Veronese, Annunciation; "46. Murillo, John the Baptist; 49. Rubens, Dismissal of Hagar; 52. Canaletto, Canal Grande in Venice; 09. Parmigiano, Study for the altar-piece in the National Gallery (No. 83; p. 198); 57. Dughel (Gaspar Poussin), Tivoli; 60. Jf. Poussin, Holy Family ond angels; 62. Giulio Romano, St. Luke painting the Virgin ; 64. Domenichim , St. Agnes ; *65. Murillo, Infant Christ asleep; 68. Garofalo (?), Holy Family. Room iii (Drawing Room). No. 80. Van Dyck, Virgin and Child with St. Catharine; "79. Reynolds, Portrait of Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse (1784); 77. Andrea del Sarto, Holy Family; 72. Tenters, Chateau of the painter with a portrait of himself; Gainsborough, "70. The 'Blue Boy', a full-length portrait of Master Butball, 74. Coast-scene. Room iv (Gallery). No. "83. Rembrandt (or A. Broumerl), Landscape with figures; 85. Turner, Conway Castle; 88. Raphael (1), Holy Family; "89. Ve lazquez, Don Balthazar Carlos, Prince of Asturias (sketch); 90. Titian, Land scape; *93. Rubens, Portrait of himself and his first wife, Elisabeth Brandt, as Pausias and Glycera (the flowers by Jan Brueghel); 94. Titianp), Wo man taken in adultery; 95. School of Bellini, Circumcision; 9b. Titian, Tribute Money (replica); 99. Giovanni Bellini (? more probably an early imitator of Lorenzo Lotto), Virgin and Child, with saints; 101. P. de Koninck, Landscape. Room v (Rubens Room). To tho left: *102. Israelites gathering manna; 328 .27. STAFFORD HOUSE. •103. Abraham and Melchizedek; *104, The four Evangelists, three of a series of nine pictures painted hy Rubens in Spain in the year 1629. vi. Cokbidob: 105. Rubens, David and Abigail-, Landscapes by Turner, Bonington, Jules Breton, Gotman, Gude, Calcott, and Crome; sixteen piclurea of Oriental subjects by Qoodall. vn. Ante-Dbawing-Room. No. 120'. Fra Bartolommeo Ct), Holy Family \ 131. Domenichino, Landscape; 122. Millais, Duchess of Westminster; 127. Gainsborough, The cottage-door ; 130. J. and A. Both, Landscape. The Vestibule contains a "Terracotta Bust by Alessandro Vitloria. Stafford House, or Sutherland House (PI. II, 22; lV)t in St, James's Park, between St. James's Palace and the Green Park, the residence of the Duke of Sutherland, is perhaps the finest private man sion in London, and contains a good collection of paintings, which is shown to the public on certain fixed days in spring and summer. Application for admission should be made to the Duke's secretary. The magnificent Enthanoe Hall is adorned with well-executed copies of large works by Paolo Veronese. Visitors then pats through the Banqueting Hall and enter the fine Pictube Gallery, un the ceiJing of which is a painting by Guercino. Our enumeration begins to the right: 73. Zurbaran, Madonna with the Holy Child and John tbe Baptist (1053); G8. Annibale Carracci, Flight into Egypt; "02. Murillo, Return of the Prudigal Sou*, 01. Ascribed to Raphael, Christ bearing the Cross (a Florentine picture of little value) ; 59. Parmigiano, Betrothal of St. Catharine; 53, 54. Zurbaran, SS. Cyril and Martin; 57. Dujardin, David with the head of Goliath; °53. Murillo, Abraham enter taining the three angels; 51. After Diirer, Death of the Virgin; 48. Paul Delaroche, Lord Strafford, un his way to the scaffold, receiving the bless ing of Archbishop Laud (1838). — 47. Ascribed to Correggio, Mules and mule-drivers. This work is described as having been painted by Correggio in his youth, and is said to have served as a tavern-sign on the Viu Flaminia near Rome. In reality it is un unimportant work of a much later period. Farther on: 42. Tintoretto, Venetian senator; 36. Rubens, Coronation of Maria de' Medici, design in grisaille upon wood for the painting in the Louvre; 33. Honthorst, Christ before Cuiuphas; 30. Murillo, Portrait; "27. Van Dyck, Portrait of the Earl of Arundel ; 25. L. Carracci, Holy Family; 23. Parmigiano, Purtrait; 22. Guercino, Pope Gregory and Ignatius Loyola; "l\i. Moroni, Portrait; 18. Ascribed to Titian, Mars, Venus, and Cupid; 15. Zurbaran, St. Andrew; 5. A. Cano, The Ancient of Days. A small room, opening off the gallery, contains cabinet-pieces by Watteau, Le Nain, and Roltenhammer . The pictures in the private apartments, which are not exhibited, in clude examples of Velazquez. Murillo, Veronese, Tintorttto, Correggio, Bordone, Pordenone, Rubens, Van Dyck, several Dutch Masters, Reynolds, Hogarth, Lely, Landseer, and others. Bridgewater House (PI. H, 22; IV), in Cleveland Row, by the Green Park, to the S. of Piccadilly, is the mansion of the Earl of EUesmere, and possesses one of the finest picture-galleries in London. The most important works are hung in the private rooms. Admission to the large picture-hall is granted for Wednes days and Saturdays, on application supported by some person of influence. On the walls of the .Staircase: A. Carracci, Copy of Correggio's lll Glorno' at Parma; .#. Poussin, The Seven Sacraments, a celebrated series of paintings; Veit, Mary at the Sepulchre; Pannini, Piazza di S. Pietro at Rome. Gallkiu. To the right of the entrance: "Guido Reni, Assumption of the Virgin, a large altar-piece, nobly conceived and carefully finished. 11. BRIDGEWATER HOUSE. 329 To the left: 156. 0. Coques, Portrait; 225. Sloop, Boy with grey horse; 142. Brekelencamp, Saying grace; 31. Ascribed to Sebastian del Piombo, Entombment; 125. Bassano, Last Judgment; "263. P. van Slingeland, The kitchen (1685); 243. N. Berchem, River-scene; 217. Metsu, Fish-woman; "126. A. van Oslade, Man with wine-glass (1677); 137. Ary de Voys, Young man in a library; 209. N. Berchem, Landscape; "17. Titian, Diana and her nymphs interrupted at the bath by the approach of Actoson (painted in 1559); 136. Rembrandt, Portrait; 247. /. van Ruysdael, Bank of a river; "166. A. van Ostade, Skittle-players (1676); 258. IF. van de Velde, Rough sea (1656); 212. N. Berchem, Landscape; "196. Ruysdael, Bridge; "65. Paris Bordone, Portrait of a man (high up); "281. /. Wynants, Landscape, with figures by A. van, de Velde (1669). — ""19. Titian, 'The Venus of the shell.' 'Venus Anadyomene rising — new-born but full-grown — from the eca, and wringing her hair . . . Titian never gave more perfect rounding with so little shadow'. — Crowe and Cavalcaselle. (This work, painted some time after 1520, has unfortunately suffered from attempts at restoration.) 135. Van der Heyde, Draw-bridge; 222. A. Brouwer, Peasants at the fireside; 171. Van Huysum, Flowers (1723-24); 177. A. van Ostade, Portrait; 242. Metsu, Lady caressing her lap-dog. — "18. Titian, Diana and Callisto. 'Titian was too much of a philosopher and naturalist to wander into haze or supernatural halo in a scene altogether of earth'. — C. . 346). Terracotta bas-reliefs, being studies for three of the reliefs on the pulpit of Benedetto da Maiano at Sta. Croce, Florence (p. 342). — "Sketch in stucco for one ofthe panels of the singing boys on the singing gallery executed by Luca della Robbia for Florenco Cathedral (soc above). — Case containing small modols in wax and terracotta by Italian sculptors of the 16th cent., including twolvo ascribed to Michael Angelo. — Extensive collection of Italian Majolica, one of tho most famous pieces being a plateau with a portrait of Pietro Perugino. — This court also contains exam ples of Italian art in carved furniture, tarsia work, etc. In fact it now roprosents the Italian section of the Museum. Part of the West Arcade (see also p. 343) is occupied by a valuable collection of Musical Instruments : Harpsichord which be longed to Handel ; German finger-organ, said to have once belonged to Martin Luther ; Spinet of pear-tree wood, carved and adorned 346 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. with ebony, ivory, lapis lazuli, and marble, by Annibale de' Rossi of Milan (1577) ; spinet, stated to have been the property of Eliza beth of Bohemia; Harpsichord inscribed 'Hieronymus Bononiensis faciebat, Romas MDXXI'. The North Arcade contains Italian and other glass vessels, an tique pottery, mummy-cases, Spanish woodwork, mural decorations from Puteoli, terracotta figurines from Tanagra, etc. The Fernery, which forms a pleasant object at the windows of this arcade, was fitted up to enable the art-students to draw from plants at all seasons. To the W. of the North Court are four Rooms, formerly occupied by tho Art Library. The first of these contains a collection of His- pano-Moresque ware, including a lus trod "Vase from Malaga (ca. 1500) and other specimens of great beauty and rarity. The next two rooms are mainly devoted to Italian Woodwork and Furniture, including several fine marriage-coffers ('cassoni') and gilt mirror-frames (16th cent.). The fourth room contains a ceiling painted in tompera from n houso at Groiuona (16th rout.), a virginal that belonged to Queen Elizabeth, and other musical instruments. From the last-mentioned room a Corridor leads to tho *Refresh- ment Rooms (p. 338). This passago contains a number of modern marble statues and original models. Among these may be mentioned the Cupid and Pan of Holme Cardwell, and the busts by Baslianini, celebrated for his admirable imitations of tho stylo of the 15 th cent ury. The windows contain interesting specimens of stained glass, partly from German churches. At the end of the corridor is a stair case leading to the Keramic Gallery (p. 352). Wo turn to the left into the — West Corridor, which contains part of tho Museum Collection of Furniture, including specimens of French, Spanish, Flemish, German, English, and Dutch workmanship. Tlie walls aro covered with wood-carvings, tapestries, and paintings. The North- West Corridor, to the N. of the W. Corridor, contains another part of tho collection of furniture and also some old state carriages and sedan chairs. At its N.W. corner is an exit into Ex hibition Road (see p. 352). From the S. ond of tho W. Corridor wo enter the South Corridor, containing the admirable ""Collection of Casts from the Antique, which aro displayed to great advantage (special catalogue 6d.). They includo reproductions of suvcral works of interest rarely met with in collections of this kind. — At tho E. end of this corridor is the staircase to the Art Library (see p. 340). From the S.E. corner of the S. Corridor we enter the hall devoted to * Tapestry and Textile Fabrics (also accessible from the Archi tectural Court, see p. 342). This hall is divided into three sections. Among its finest contents aro three pieces of Flemish tapestry, dat ing from 1507, with scenes from the Visions of Petrarch's 'Trionfl' 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. 347 (on tho W. wall); one of a set of hangings representing the Virtues and Vices, remarkable for the preservation of tho colouring; an ex quisite example of Flemish tapestry in silk and gold and silver tliTcad , representing the Adoration of the Infant Saviour. This room also contains some Italian cassoni (p. 346) and other furniture. At the N.W. angle of tho N. court is a broad flight of steps loading to the upper floor, which contains the • — "British Fine Arts Collections, a valuable and representative gallery of English paintings. It includes the collections given or bequeathed by Messrs. Sheepshanks, Parsons, Forster, W. Smith, and others and some pictures lent by the National Gallery. It also con tains the famous Cartoons of Raphael, formerly in Hampton Court. At the top of the staiTS by which we have juBt ascended are some original cartoons of the frescoes in the Houses of Parliament, and an original model of a group of the Graces, by Baily. — In addition to the paintings the following rooms contain a fine collection of electrotype reproductions of gold and silver plate, etc., of various countries, exhibited in glass-cases. Room I contains a collection of *Water-colour "Drawings bequeathed hy Sir Preccott Gardiner Hewett and a number of recently acquired water- colour drawings of the Enjzli.'h school, including examples of Rossetti, Madox Brown, Millais, ffo'man Hunt, Sir John Gilbert. Sam Bough, Sir I'd. Bvrne- Jones, Tenniel , Sir J. Linton, Birket Foster , Cuthbert Rigby, Albert Moore, etc. On tlio end-wall fire some infereslin;; drawings nn wood by Q. F. Watts, O. Cruikshank, Bnrne-Jones, Leighton, Fred. Walker, Madox Itrown, etc. Room II. Collection of water-colours by De Wint, Cattcrmole, Tur ner, etc., lent by tho National Oallery. Room III. On the left wall are pastel heads, chielly by John Russell, R. A. ; on the right wa'l, watcr-ci lours, mainly bequeathed by W. Smith. tin a screen aro oil-paintings by Vicat Cole and Karl Heffner, and a water- colour by II. Stan/ Marks. Rooms IV, V,' & VI contain the 'Historical Collection of British Wa ter-colour Drawings, of Croat interest to the student and lover of art. Room IV contain' specimens of the works of /". Sandby, T. Gains borough, O. Barrel, N. I'ocock, M. A. Rooker, T. Hearnc, T. Girlin, J. R. Cozens, F. Wheatley, T. Jltmlandson, W. Payne, T. Motion, A. rugin, II. F.d- ridge, J. M. W. Turner, ./. Cristall, Sir A. W. Callcott, J. Varley, 0. F. Robson, J. S. Cotman, Q. Barret jun., nod others. Room V includes specimens of D. Cox, Copley Fielding, F. Mackenzie, S. Front, P. de Wint, J. Crome, R. R. Reinagle, F. L. T. Francia, J. Clover, Room VI is hung with works by R. Caldccott, R. Doyle, W. H. Hunt, D Roberts, W. C. Stanjield, 0. Cattermole, J. Holland, J. Nash, F. W. Top- ham, E. Duncan, J. F. Lewis, W. L. Leitch, F. Tayler, L. Ilaghe, T. M. Ilichardson, S. Cooper, F. Walker, Sir John Linnell, etc. — We now return to complete our inspection of — RoomV. Fokster Collection. On the walls: Illustrations of Douglas Jerrold's 'Men of Character', by W. M. Thackeray; paintings and draw ings by Stanjield, Turner, Cattermole, Stothard, and Cipriani. Frans Hals, Man with a jug; "Gainsborough, His daughters; Reynolds, Portrait; Perngini, John For.'ter (donor of the collection); Boxall , Walter Savage Landor; Frith, Charles Dickens; 'Maclise, Macready as 'Werner ; Maclise, Scene from Jonson's 'Every Man in his Humour-, with portrait of Forster; Watts, Thomas Carlyle; Wynjieli, Death ofCromwell. On the screen: Draw ings by Maclise, Leech, Thackeray, Landseer, and Count d'Orsay. The glass cases in the middle of the room contain autographs of Queen Elizabeth, 318 29. SOUTn KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Charles I., Cromwell, Addison, Pope, Johnson, Byron, Reals, etc.; the MSS. of several of Dickens's novels, including the unfinished 'Edwin Drood', with the last words he wrote; Dickens's desk; three sketch-hooks of Da Yinci, which the master used to carry at his belt; chair, desk, and Ma lacca cane of Oliver Goldsmith. Small model of a curious Chinese Temple, with a grotto. — The door to the right leads to the Keramic Gallery (p. 352). We pass to the left, through Room IV, into — Room VII. Dyce Coli.kction. Pictures. To the left: West, Saul and the Witch of Endor; Ascribed to Janssens, Dr. Donne; *Halls, Edmund Rean as Richard III.; Worlidge, Garrick asTancred; Unknown Artist, Kemble as Coriolanus; Loutherbourg, Garrick as Don John; Richardson the Elder, Portrait of Pope; Unknown Artist, Mrs. Siddons. To the right: Q. Romney, 8orcna; Unknown Painter, John Milton; Reynolds, Portrait. Tho room also contains hooks (line editions of the clussicsi, drawings, and miniatures. — The hooks, MSS., and drawings of the Dyce and Forster Bequests may be consulted in the reading-room of the Art Library, where catalogues are provided. Room VIII. Drue Collection. Books, Engravings, and Drawings. We now return through Rooms VII, IV, III, II to the North Gallery, or — ""Raphael Room, containing the marvellous cartoons executed by tho great painter for Pope Leo X., in 1516 and 1516, as copies for tapestry to bo executed at Arras in Flanders. Two sets of tapestry were made from the drawings , one of which , in a very dilapidated condition, is preserved in the Vatican; the other, after passing through the hands of many royal and private personages, is now in the Old Museum at Berlin. The cartoons were originally ten in number, but three, representing the Stoning of St. Stephen, the Conversion of St. Paul, and St. Paul in prison at Philippi, have been lost (represented here by copies). The cartoons rank among Rapha el's very finest works, particularly in point of conception and design. The cartoons here are as follows, beginning to the right on entering: — "Christ's Charge to Peter. — Death of Ananias. — Peter and John healing the Lame Man. — Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. Then, on the opposite wall : — "Elymas the Sorcerer struck with blindness. — Paul preaching at Athens. — "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. The room also contains copies of the tapestries worked from the three missing cartoons (see above) and some old Italian furniture. At the E. end of the hall we turn to the right, and reach the three rooms occupied by the Sheepshanks Collection. Room A. To the left: "114. iesli'e, Florizcl and Perdita; "171. Red grave, Ophelia weaving garlands. Leslie, *109. Scene from the 'Taming of the Shrew', 115. Autolycus, 116. 'Le Bourgeois Geutilhomme', 111. 'Who can this he?', 127. Portia, 117. 'Les Feinmes savantes' 122. Queen Cathur- ine and Patience , 125. The toilette, 118. 'Le Malade imaginaire', 112. 'Who can this be from?', 128. Griselda. — Farther on: 59. Cope, 11 Pen- seroso; 172. Redgrave, Bolton Abbey; 182. Leslie, Sancho Panza; 1GG. Newton, Portia and Bassanio ; 210. Turner, East Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight; 58. Cope, L'Allegro ; 11. Callcott, Dort (a sunny meadow); 170. Redgrave, Throwing offher weeds; 226. Wilkie, The refusal ('Duncan Gray'); 213. Uwins, Italian mother teaching her child the tarantella; 207. Turner, Line-fishing oil' Hastings; Constable, Landscape study (on loan); 74. Frith, Honeywood introducing tho bailiffs to Miss Richmond as his friends; 212. Uwins, Suspicion; Turner, 208. Venice, 209. St. Michael's Mount, Corn- 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. 349 wall; 10. Callcot^ Slender and Anne Page; 223. Webster, Contrary winds; Constable, Landscape study (on loan); Collins, 31. Seaford, Coast of Sussex, 28. Hall Sands, Devonshire; 113. Leslie, Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman (comp. p. 271); 211. Turner, Vessel in distress off Yarmouth; 501. Wilson, Italian river-scene. — The cases in the centre of the room contain a col lection of fine enamels and miniatures. Room B. To the left: 61. Crestoick, Scene on theTumniel, Perthshire; 237. Morland, The reckoning; 895. Lance, Fruit; 126. Wilson, Coast-scene; Kcrnmic Gall. Staircase to the North Court. Kaphael Room. VI I 4- NORTH COURT. Singing Gallery __J 1— Fresco 'Arts of Wlir' Gainsborough 18G. Daughters of George UI., 91. Queen Charlotte; Linnell, 1407 Driving cattle, 134. Milking-timc ; 110. Leslie, Characters in the 'Merry Wives of Windsor'- "165. P. Nasmyth, Sir Philip Sidneys Oak Penshurst. Mulrealy, 1G2. Portrait of a little girl, 152 Portrait of Mr. Shee pshanks 144 Brother and sister, 141. First love, 143. Open your mouth and shut vour eyes" 147 The sailing-match, 148. The butt - shooting a cherry 1% Owing' a bite, 139. The fight interrupted, H2 Interior with porti-aH of Mr Sheepshanks, 138. Seven ages of man, 145. Choosing the wed- dLg-gown ?222 IKsisfe,', Village-choir; "103. C. Landseer, Temptation of 350 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Andrew Marvell; 232. Creswick, The Land's End, Cornwall; 15. Callcott, Sunny morning; 197. Stothard, Shakspeare's principal characters; 219. Webster, Sickness and health; 62. Creswick, A summer's afternoon; Hering, Arona, on Lago Maggiore ; 167. Redgrave, Cinderella ; Loultierbourg , Land scape ; 233. Danby , Mountain-scene in Wales; "189. Stanjield, Market boat on the Scheldt; 225. Wilkie, The broken jar; Webster, 221. Return ing from the fair, 220. Going to the fair; 188. Stanjield, Near Cologne. — The frames in the centre contain several hundred drawings and sketches by Mulready. Room C. To the left: Landscapes by Dawson (No. 177), Barret (No. 4), and Glover (No. 1C5); 155. MacCullum, Sherwood Forest ; *2G1. De Wint, Woody landscaiie ; 242. Howard, Peasants ot Subiacu ; 1S27. Lee and Cooper, Wooded glen, with cattle; 258. De Wint, Corn-field; 249. Monamy, Old East India Wharf at Loudon liridge; 220. Ward, Hulls lighting; 'I'M. Slanfield, Sands near Boulogne; 236. Crome, On the skirls of the forest; *88. E. Landseer, The drover's departure, a scene in the Grampians; 176. Roberts, Gate at Cairo; 501. Dawson, Shipping; 9. Callcott, Brisk gale. /'.". Landseer, 92. The 'Twa Dogs', 101. Young roe-deer and rough hounds, °93. The old shepherd's chief mourner ('one of the most perfect poems or pictures', says Mr. Ruskin, 'which modern times have seen'), "87. Highland breakfast, 94. A Jack in office, 102. The eagle's nest, 90. A fireside party, 91. 'There's no place like home', 89. The dog uud the shadow, 95. Tethered rams, 100. Comical dogs, 99. Suspense. 234. Chalon, Hastings — fishing-buuts making for shore in a breeze; 164. Mulready Junior, Interior; 64. Crome, Woody landscape. — The radiating frames contain drawings by Mulready, L'ugene L. Lami (d. 1890), Ditchjield, Leech, etc. Room D. This room is devoted chiefly to a collection of paintings and studies hy John Constable, It. A., given hy Mr. Sheepshanks and Miss Isabel Constable. To the left: *94. Dedliam Mill, Essex; *33. Salisbury Cathedral; "36. Hampstead Heath; 1632. Water-mill at Gilliugham; 1631. Collage in the corn-lield. To the right: *38. Waler-meadovvs neai'lSalia- bury; *37. Boat-building near Flatford Mill; 1630. Near Hampstead Church; *36. Hampstead Heath. Ou five screens and on the walls arc sketches by the same artist. — Between the exits into the next gallery is an oil painting of an old English homestead hy R. Redgrave, 11. A. On one of the screens are sketches by the same artist. In tho adjacent long G all minis is the superb **Collection of French marquetry and other furniture, porcelain, ininiaturos, bron zes, paintings, and sculptures of the 18th cent., bequeathed to the Museum by Mr. John Jones (A. 1882), ofllcially valued at 250,000J. Speoial handbook, with numerous illustrations, Is. The Left Gallbuy contains furniture, nearly all of the best period of French art in this department. Among the most in teresting pieces are an Escritoire a toilette, in light-coloured wood, which is said to have belonged to Marie Antoinette , and was prob ably executed by David Rontgen; two escritoires by the same; a writing-table and a small round table with Sevres plaque , both belonging to Marie Antoinette (tlie two valued at upwards of 5000(.) ; cabinet of black boule (purchased by Mr. Jones for 3500J.) ; a mar quetry cabinet inlaid' with Sevres plaques, etc. In ono of the cen tral cases is one of tho llfty copios of the Portland Vaae (p. 314) made by Wedgwood. HiaiiT Gai.lhuy. Collootiou of S6vros, Oriental, Dresden, and Oholsua porcelain. Among these may be mentioned tho 'gros bluu' Sevres vaBes, the green porphyry vases, the 'Hose du Barry' service, 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. 351 etc. — Collection of jewellery and miniatures, including 'Portraits of Louis XIV. by Petitot. — The fine collection of snuff-boxes include many with miniatures by Iaabey, Petitot, lllaremberghe, and others. — Sculpturos, among which are busts of Marie Antoinette and the Princess de Lamballe , in tlie style of Houdon. — At the N. end of this gallery is a magnillcent *Armoire, with inlaid work by Andre Boule or Buhl, the court cabinet-maker of Louis XIV. — The pictures on the walls include examples of Gainsborough, Land seer, Linnell, Mulready, and otherEnglish artists. The foreign works aro mostly school-copies, but there is a genuine, signed work by Crivelli (Madonna). The lunettes in the galleries contain decorative paintings to illustrate the different branches of Art Studies. At the S. end of the Gallery is a staircase leading down to the E. section of the S. Court (p. 344). We now return to Room D., and turn (to the left) into tho Gallery which separates the N. from the S. Court, passing Leigh- ton's great fresco described at p. 342. The balcony on our right, from which we look down into the N. court, is the singing gallery, mentioned at p. 344. Opposite it is tlie "Prince Consort Gallery, which contains a rich selection of small mediaeval works of art, ar ranged in glass-cases, on the left, and German, French, Papal, and Italian medals in frames, on the right. The first glass-case, higher than the others, holds ancient enamelled works, the most important of which are a "'Shrine in the form of a church with a dome (Rhenish Byzantine of 12th cent., bought for 2142J.), a '"Triptych of champlcvo- onamel (German, 13th ocnt.), and an *Altar-cross of Rhenish Byzantino work with enamel medal lions (12th cent.). The following cases contain examples of an cient and modern enamels, especially some fine Limoges Enamels of the 15th, 16th, aud 17th centuries. The most valuable objects are the oval Tortrait of the Cardinal de Lorraine (bought for20002.) ; the large *Casket, enamelled on plates of silver, with a band of dancing figures, ascribed to Jean Limosin (16th cent); a gold *Missal Case, with translucent enamels , said to have belonged to Queen Henrietta Maria (Italian, ca. 1580); and a small *Cup and cover, decorated with translucent enamel, known as 'email de plique a jour'. In the last case are English enamels (made at Bilston and Battersea). To the right, at the end of the gallery, are three cases containing specimens of French Locksmiths' Work. The W. portion of the Gallery contains a few unimportant oil-paintings and three cases With specimens of Bookbinding, The Gallery of the Architectural Court, reached by a few steps at the S. end of the Prince Consort Gallery, contains the collection of Orna mental Ironwork, of Italian, French, German, and English origin: bal conies, window-gratings, lamps, etc. — Five iron screens designed by Jean Tijou, though long attributed to Huntington Shaw of Nottingham, for Hampton Court Palace (ahout 1693) see p. 398), 352 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. The *Keramic Gallery, entered from Room V of the picture galleries (p. 347) , contains an admirable collection of earthen ware, porcelain, and stoneware. Wo nrst reach the collection of English pottery of the 17th and 18th cent.; Wedgwood ware; Chelsea, Worcester, and Derby porcelain ; enamelled earthenware. The following cases contain tho Collection of English Pottery given to the Musoum by Lady Charlotte Schreibor, including lino exam ples of most of the older wares. This is succeeded by a collection of German and Flemish stoneware, including suveral large German stoves. Adjoining are specimens of French earthenware of the 16th cent., including 5 pieces of the famous Henri-Deux ware (in a small case by itsolf), said to have been made either ut Oirou or St. Porchaire; choice collection of Palissy ware; Sevres porcelain; Dresden china ; Italian porcelain, including 4 pieces ofthe rare ¦"Florentine porcelain of the 16th cent., probably the earliest por celain mado in Europe; some Hispano-Moresco (Spanish) ware. The windows on the right, in grisaille, designed by W. B. Scott, represont scones connected with the history of pottery. At the W. end of the Keranric Gallery is a highly decorated staircase, on which is a memorial tablet with portrait of Sir Henry Cole, K. C. B. (d. 1882), tho first Director of the Museum. Tho staircase descends to tho S. end ofthe N.W. Corridor (p. 34li), at the N.W. corner of which is a door opening on Exhibition Road, on the opposite side of which are the Exhibition Galleries. B. ExlIIllITION Gai.leihes. These galleries, which contain the Science Museum and the Oriental Art Collections, extend along the S. side of Imperial Institute Road and on each side (E. and W.) of tho Imperial In stitute (comp. p. 334). Admission, see p. 338. In Exhibition Road, immediately opposite the N.W. exit from the Main Building, is the entrance to the S. Gallery, which con tains the Machinery and Inoentions Dioision. Some of the machinery is shown iu motion or may be set in motion by the visitor. We first reach the Models of Mining Machinery. Farther on are Metal lurgical Models, Textile Models and Macliinery (including a historical collection of sewing and knitting machines, in a wall-case to the left), and Printing and Writing Machines (with a hand-press said to have been used by Benjamin Franklin). The wall-case to the left, at the foot ofthe staircase, contains a historical series of type-writing machines. — Tlie adjacent bay, to the right, contains Agricultural Models, witli the original Bell Reaping Machine (1826). The next section contains Machine Tools for Metal Working, Woodworking Machines", the original model of Nusmylh's Steam Hammer (2nd case from the door), models of Gun Mountings, Rifles, etc. In tho wall cases to the left are models of Agricultural Implements, Cooking and Washing Machines, and Lighting Appliances. 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. 353 The collection of Steam Engines, arrangod as far as possible in historical sequence and showing the most primitive types contrasted with the most recent, begins at the end of this section. To the right are working models of the Newcomon cngino as it was in 1720, and of the 'Old Bess' engine of 1877, which replaced the engine to which James Watt applied for the first time his separate condenser (patented 1769). — We now enter the Central Hall, which con tains the most interesting specimens. To the right is Watt's first Sun and Planet Engine, erected at Soho near Birmingham, in 1788, — The visitor should also notice the admirable models of beam-engines by James Wntt, worked by compressed air; a model of an atmospheric engine worked by steam ('shewing the state of the development of the steam engine in 1730, in which foim it remained until 1760, when J. Watt commenced his improvements'). In the centre of the hall arc, on the right, the 'Agenoria', a locomotive built in 1829 by Foster aud Rastrick, and 'Pufjing Billy', the first locomotive engine ever constructed, in use at fhe Wylam Collieries from 1813 to 18C2. On the left, "Stephenson's first locomotive, the Rocket, constructed to compete in the trial of locomotives on the Liverpool and Manchester Rsilway in 1820, where it gained the prize of 500!.; aud the Sans Pureil, by Hackworth of Darlington, another competitor at the above-mentioned trial. A glass case in front of the Rocket contains a number of personal relics of Stephenson. These early engines may be compared with the fine models of modern locomotives in the annexe behind. To the left, as we quit the central hall, is Ilislop's Winding and Pumping Engine, patented 1790 and erected for raising coals about 1795. The following room contains a historical series of Gas Engines. At the end are three flue models of modem flre-engines. In the wall-cases to sthe left are Gas and Water Meters and a series of Speed Indicators. — Beyond the next sections, in which we may note (on the left) the original Brougham, built for Lord Brougham in 1838, we reach the Marine Machinery. Among the most note worthy objects here aro the * Engine of Bell's 'Comet', tho first commercially successful steamship, which plied on the Clyde in 1812, and tho model ofthe engines and paddle-wheels of the 'Great Eastern' (1867). At the end are the engines and a model of Maxim's Flying Machine (1894). The visitor is recommended to retraoe his steps to the E. stair case and to ascend to the upper floor of the gallery. Here are a collection of Telegraphic Instruments, a large collection of Edu cational Models for teaching Mechanics, and a most interesting collection of *Ship Models. Descending to the groundfloor by the W. staircase, we turn to tho loft and enter u room contiiining models of the flshing-boats of various countries, and beyond this we reach the Museum of Economic Fish Culture, where a State Barge, 270 years old, is exhibited. — At the end of this room is an exit into Imperial Institute Road (p. 335). We now cross Imperial Institute Road in order to reach the W. Gallery, containing the Collections of Scientific Apparatus used in Education and Research, comprising much that is of great value Cakdekkii's London 11th Edit. 23 354 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. and interest to students. Here may be seen the standard weights and measures of Great Britain; the clock of Glastonbury Abbey, con structed by one of the monks in 1325, and showing the phases ofthe moon; Dover striking clock of 1348; clock with stone weights, from Aymestrey Church, Herefordshire. — Farther on are the Physio- graphical , the Meteorological , and the Geological Divisions , the latter including a working model of a geyser. We then ascend the S. staircase to the Mathematical Dioision, in which is Babbage's calculating machine. Next follows the Physical Division, among the most interesting objects in which are the electrical machines, the apparatus used by Joule in his discovery of the mechanical equivalent of heat, copies of the original air-pump and hemispheres of Otto von Guericke, and the historical series of photographic apparatus. Beyond this are the Chemical Division and the Metallurgical Division, comprising a collection of metallic ele ments bequeathed by Prince Lucien Bonaparte. [To the E. or right divorges tho Cross Gallery, described at p. 355. | — Tho Biological Division, ut tho ond of tho gallery, includes u copy of the first com pound microscope (1690), various recording instruments, models illustrating the structures of flowers, models of organs of tlie human body, and models of invertebrate animals. The E. Gallery, onterod from Imperial Tnstituto Road to the right (E.) of the Imperial Institute, is devoted to the "Indian Section of South Kensington Museum. This collection was for merly known as the India Museum, and was kept until 1880 in the India Office (p. 232). The Entrance Hall contains original and reproduced examples of Hin doo architecture, including the stone front of a house from Dulandshahr; the facade of a shop in Cawnpore; the large facades of two dwelling-houses from Ahmedabad, in teak wood, carved and painted (17th cent.) ; and various carved windows, doorways, balconies, etc. In the centre of the hall are a brass model of the Palace of the Winds, Jeypore, a wooden model of the Kutb Minar, near Delhi, and a copy of a tomb in Mooltan tile-work. We next pass the Staircase, ascending to the right to the upper floor, and enter the Lower Gallery. — Fnts'f Section. On the walls, Indian car pets. Plaster casts of architetural details and sculptures. Carved stone work. Portions of stone columns from a temple at Ajmir, destroyed in 1200. Marble throne. Model of the 'Golden Temple' at Amritzar. — Second Section. Cases with figure-models of Indian divinities, handi craftsmen, agriculturalists, etc., and models of ships and boats. On the walls, Persian carpets and cotton carpets from the Deccan. — Thikd Section. Embroidery, brocades, stato carpets, and canopies; peasant dress es from the Punjab, turbans, caftans. — Fouktu Section. Embroidered shawls from Delhi; garments decorated with beetles' wings; fine muslins from Dacca. On the walls, embroidered coverlets and printed chintzes. — Fifth Section. Saddles and trappings. Printed and painted fabrics. We now reach tbe N. staircase, at the foot of which are cases with costumes, including a royal dress from Lucknow. On the walls of the staircose are Indion sketches bv George Landseer (d. 1878). At the head of the staircase we enter the Upper Gallery, In which are placed the collections of furniture, carvings, lacquer-work, arms, pottery, jewellery, lad bronzes. 29. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. 355 Fiiist Section. The first cases on the left contain Buddhist and Hindoo sacred figures, and brass and marble idoJs and vessels used in the worship of Buddha. Among these is a figure of *Buddha as Siddhartha before his conversion taking part in a grand procession; also two Siamese figures of Buddha (19th cent.), of gilt metal decorated with glass spangles. The other cases contain Indian works in metal, arranged according to countries. The most interesting aro the brass vessels with reliefs from Thibet ; the Bidri wprk from Purneah (in tlio N.W. Provinces) ; *Objee1s in dark metal, damascened with silver, from the Dcccan; bells from Burmnh and Tan- jore. Among the most valuable pieces are the large *Ewer, with enamels of Indian scenery, in Bidri work (on a separate stand); Samovar, of tinned copper, from Cashmere (18th cent.); *Bowl and stand, in pierced silver, from Ahmedabad. Reproductions of the vPerak Regalia."1 On the walls are native paintings on talc and sketches of Indian craftsmen, by J. L. Kipling. Second Section. Jewellery and articles in jade, crystal, gold, and silver. Bracelets and necklaces; *lAnkus'1, or elephant goad, of gold, richly ornamented with a spiral band of diamonds, and set with rubies (from Jeypore); necklace of tiger-claws; carvings in jade. Seven cases with the Treasure from the King of Burmal^s Palace at Mandalay, captured in 1835-86. *Silver filigree work. *Golden relics from Rangoon, discovered in levelling a Buddhist temple, consisting of three 'Charifas1 or relic sbrines, a tassel, a leaf-scroll, a bowl with cover, a small cup, a helmet, and a jewelled belt (dated the year 816, i.e. 148-1-85 A. D.). Buddhist Reli quary in gold (said to date from B. C. 50), with interesting figures, re- Bcmhling later Christian works. ^Ancient silver patera (4th cent. A.D.), found at Badakshan, with representations resembling those of classical antiqnrs (worship of BanchusV). Indian crystal vessels ; rigbt, niclli»s; loft, Kuftgari and enamel work. Here also are the golden throne of the Maha rajah Runjeet Singh, and a model illustrating the way in which Hindoo women wear jewellery. — By the walls: Ornaments of various kinds. Tuihd Section. By the wnlls: Arms and Armour, arranged according to provinces; tho swords in the cases to the left are particularly inter esting. *Howdah, with embroidered covering. *Pal:mquin, of ivory, with representations of battles and beautiful ornamentation. Guns from Afgha nistan. Bronze gun from Burinah, in the form of a dragon. On the wall to the right is the banner of Ayoub Khan, captured at the battle of Can- dahar in 1880. — [Off this section, to tho right, opens the Cross Gallery (see below). | Fouirrn Section. Pottery nnd Tiles, arranged by provinces. The most important are the manufactures of the N.W. Provinces (left), Sinde (right), and Madras (left). On the walls, copies of the paintings in the Ajanta caves. In the centre of the room, a collection of Patna glass and a large earthenware bowl used for storing grain. Fifth Section. Wood and Ivory Carvings, Mosaics, Lacquer Work, Musical Instruments, Carvings in- Marble and Stone. — 4th Case to the left: Models of tombs and vessels in soapstone. — 5th Case on the right: Wind Instruments. — 4th, 6th, and 8th Cases to the right: Stringed In struments. In the 8th case also are five conches and two 'nyastarangas'. — In the 7th case are Instruments of percussion. — In the centre: Tiger devouring an English officer, a barbaric mechanical toy that belonged to Tippoo Sahib. — To the left: Drums and other musical instruments. — In the centre: Bedstead from Theebaw's Palace, Mandalay; swinging bed stead of painted wood, from Sinde. Steering Chair of carved teak wood from Burmah. — Wooden articles, lacquered, the ornamentation of which is more striking than tbe forms. — Wood and Ivory Mosaics, of great delicacy of execution. —Carvings in ivory and sandal-wood. — Furniture made of ivory and various kinds of wood. — On the walls is a fine col lection of 274 water-colour drawings of Indian scenery, costumes, customs, etc., by Wm. Carpenter. On the left wall are hung fine old Persian carpets. Cross Gallery (see above). This gallery, consisting of a series of rooms with a total length of 900 ft., connects the upper floor of 23'" 356 29. CHURCH OF THE ORATORY. the India Museum with the Tipper floor of the AV. Exhibition Gal lery (comp. p. 353). It contains Oriental art collections. Room 1. 'Meshrehiyeh^ or lattice window, from Cairo. •'Mimbar', or pulpit, from a mosque at Cairo, of carved wood inlaid with ivory and ebony, and still bearing traces of painting (1430). Casts of Saracenic ornamenta tion. — Room II. Turkish textile fabrics and embroideries (18th cent.). Coloured casts of cornices in Cairo; painted panelling fruin Damascus. — Room HI. Saracenic wood and metal work. Fine Mosque lamps of bronze and glass. Turkish and Damascus tiles. — Room IV. Persian carpets, in cluding (left wall) the splendid 'Holy Carpet' from the Mosque of Ardebil (1540). — Room V. Persian textile fabrics; embroideries; carpets. — Room VI. Persian arms and armour; woodwork, bookbindings, illumina tions. Cast of tbe 'Archer Friezu1 from the palace of Darius ut Susa (500 B.C.). — Room VII. Persian tilei. Fine collection of Persian pottery and glass. — Room VIU. Blue and white Chinese porcelain; models of Chinese buildings, sent by the Emperor of China to Josephine, wife of Napoleon, but cipturcd by the British. On the walls are fans; embroi deries ; screen of i orcelain plaques. — Room IX. Chinese enamels, bronzes, and coloured porcelain. — Room X. lacquer work. Chinese, enamels on copper, including a staff with a Runic inscription (1st case on the left). Carvings in wood, ivory, soaps tone , etc. Japanese arms and armour. Japanese lacquered screens. — Room XI. Old Chinese lacquered screen1); model of Japanese pagoda; Japanese sedan-chair; Japanese cubinet adorned with coloured straw ; Chinese lantern of carved wood ; Japanese domestic shrine; lacquered chest, formerly the property of Napoleon I. — Room XII, Carvings in wood and ivory; lacquer. Historical collection of 'Japanese pottery, formed hy the Japanese government. — Room XIII. *Japanese Collection of bronzes, lacquer-work, textile fabrics, aud enamels. To the left of the entrance, large bronze incense-burner. Bronze equestrian statue of Kato Kiyomasa. * Eagle in hammered iron, with extended wings, ad mirably executed by a Japanese metal-worker of the lUlh cent., named Miyochin Munc'haru (purchased for lOOOf.). Opposite i.s an elaborate modern incense-burner, with peacocks and other birds. At the top of the steps ut the end of the room is a colossal bronze figure of a *Bodhisattva, or sacred being destined to become a Buddha. The lofty building to the K. of South Kensington Museum is the Roman Catholic Church of the Oratory (see p. 77), the finest modern example in London of the style ofthe Italian Renaissance. The facade was completed in 1897. The interior is remarkable for ita lofty maTble pilasters and the domed ceiling of concrete vaulting. In the Lady Chapel are a superb altar and reredos, inlaid with precious stones, brought fronnlirescia. The chapels are embel lished with mosaics and carvings, and it is intended to cover the walla with mosaics. Tlie choir-stalls are beautifully carved in Italian walnut, the floor is of rich marquetry, and tho altar-rail is formed of giallo antico marble. The two seven-branched candlesticks of gilt bronze are accurate copies of the Jewish one on the Arch of Titus. — In front of the W. wing, known as the 'Little Oratory', is a Statue of Cardinal Newman (1801-90), by Chevalliaud, unveiled iu 1896. 357 30. Belgravia. Chelsea. Chelsea Hospital. Royal Military Asylum. Carlyle's House. Tho southern portion of the West End, commonly known as Belgravia, and bounded by Hyde Park, the Green Park, Sloane Streot, and Pimlico, consists of a number of handsome streets and squareB (Belgrave Square, Eaton Square, Grosvenor Place, etc.), all of which have sprung up within the last few decades. It derives its general name from Belgrave Square, the centre of West End pride and fashion. Like Tyburnia, to the N., and Mayfair, to the E., of Hyde Park, it is one of the most fashionable quarters of the town. At Pimlico on the S.E. stands Victoria Station, the extensive West End terminus of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, and of the London and Brighton Railway (p. 65], whence Victoria Street (p. 268), opened up not many years ago through a wilderness of purlieus, leadsN.E. to Westminster ; Vauxhall Bridge Road S.E. to Vauxhall Bridge; Buckingham Palace Road and Commercial Road S.W. to Chelsea Bridge and Battersea Park (p. 371). Chelsea, now a suburb of London, lies on the N. bank of the Thames, to the W. of Chelsea Suspension Bridge (PI. G, 18), which was built In 1858 and leads to the E. cud of Battersea Park (p. 371). For many ages beforo it was swallowed up, Chelsea was a country village, like Kensington, with many distinguished residents. It appears in Domesday Book as Chelchcd, i.e. 'chalk hythe', or wharf; but the name has also been derived from chesl (Gcr. Kiesel), moaning gravel, and eye, an island. Skirting tho Thames botweon the suspension-bridge and the now Battersea Bridge (l'l. (1, 10, II ; opened in j8!)1], Is tho Chelsea Embankment (p. 149), which passes the elegant Albert Suspension Bridge (central span , 450 ft.) and ends, beyond Battersea Bridge, near the site of Cremorne Gardens , so named from an early owner, Lord Cremorne, and formerly a very popular place of recreation, but closed in 1877 and now covered with buildings. The E. end of Chelsea Embankment skirts the grounds of Chelsea Hospital (PI. G, 18, 14), an institution for old and invalid soldiers, begun in the reign of Charles II. by Wren, on the site of a theological college(the name 'college' being sometimes still applied to the build ing), but not completed till the time of William and Mary. The hospital, consisting of a central structure flanked by two wings, and facing the river, accommodates 540 pensioners. In addition to these about 80,000 out-pensioners obtain relief, varying from Vfad. to 5s. a day, out ofthe invested funds of the establishment, which is also partly supported by a grant from Parliament. The annual expenses are about 28, 000J. The centre of the quadrangle in front of the hospital is occu pied by a bronze statue of Charles II. , by Grinling Gibbons. The hospital (small fee to pensioner who acts as oicerone) contains a 358 30. CHELSEA. chapel with numerous flags, 13 French eagles, and an altar-piece representing the Ascension of Christ ; the ceiling above the latter is by Seb.Ricci. In the dining-hall is an equestrian portrait of Charles II., by Verrio. Visitors may attend the services in the chapel on Sun., at 11 a.m. and 6.30p.m. The gardens are open to the public. To the N. of the hospital lies the Royal Military Asylum or Duke of York's Military School (PL G, 13, 17), founded in 1801 by the Duke of York, an institution in which about 550 sons of sol diers are annually maintained and educated. The building has a Doric portico. The school may be visited daily, from 10 to 4 ; Fri day is perhaps the best day. — In Chelsea Bridge Road, near the hospital, are the largest and llnost of all tho Barracks (l'l. G, 17, 18) for the Foot Guards, with accommodation for 1000 men. To tlie S.E., un part of tbe ornamental grounds of Chelsea Hospital, there stood in the reigns of George II. and George III. a place of amuse ment named the Ranelagh, which was famous beyond any other place in London as the centre of the wildest and showiest gaiety. Banquets, masquerades, fetes, etc., were celebrated here in the most extravagant style. Kings and ambassadors, statesmen and literati, court beauties, ladies of fashion, and the demi-monde met and mingled at the Ranelagh as they now meet nowhere in the Metropolis, Its principal building, the 'Rotunda', 185 ft. in diameter, not unlike in external appearance to the present Albert Hall, was erected in 1740, by William Jones. Horace Walpole describes it as 'a vast amphitheatre, finely gilt, painted, and illuminated, into which everybody that loves eating, drinking, staring, or crowding is admitted for twelve pence'. This haunt of pleasure-seekers was closed in 1805, and every trace of it has long been obliterated. To the S.W. of the hospital, adjoining the Embankment, lies the Chelsea Botanic Garden, presented by "Sir Hans Sloane to the Society of Apothecaries, on condition that 50 new varieties of plants grown in it should be annually furnished to the Royal Society, until the number so presented amounted to 2000. It was famed for its fine cedars, of which btit one survives. In the middle is a statue of Sloane, by Rysbrack. Tickets of admission (gratis) may be obtained in Apothecaries' Hall (p. 149). To the W. of this point the Embankment passes Cheyne Walk (PI. G, 10, 14), a row of red-brick Queen Anne or Georgian houses, with wrought-iron gates. Maclise (d. 1870], the painter, lived at No. 4, which afterwards became the home of George Eliot (Mrs. Cross), who died here in 1880. Count D'Orsay lived at No. 10. No.l6,known as the Queens House and associated with Queen Catherine of Bra ganza, was the home of Dante G. Rossetti (d. 1882); and a bust of the painter and poet, by Ford Madox Brown, has been placed in the Embankment Gardens in front of it. No. 18 was Don Sallero's, a coffee-house and museum opened in 1695 by a barber named Salter and often mentioned by Swift, Steele, and other contemporary writers. The houses between this and Oakley Street occupy tho site of Henry VIII.'s Manor House, where Katherine Parr lived with her second husband, Thomas Seymour, and the Princess, afterwards Queen, Elizabeth. Sir Hans Sloano also Hvod at tho historic manor 80. CHELSEA. 359 house and made the collection which formed the beginning of the British Museum (see p. 292). His name is commemorated in Sloane Street, Sloane Square, etc. A little farther to tho W., opposite Cheyne Row (PI. G, 14), which runs to the N. from Cheyne Walk, is a Statue of Thomas Carlyle (d. 1881), by Boehm. At No. 24 (formerly No. 5) Cheyne Row is *Carlyle's House, the unpretending residence of Thomas Carlyle, the 'Sage of Chelsea', from 1834 till his death in 1881. It is now fitted up as a memorial museum (open from 10 till sunset; adm. Is.). The Dining Room and Back Dining Room, on the groundfloor, contain a few pieces of furniture that belonged to Carlyle, a bookcase full of his books, and a rase containing fragments of his writing and other relics. — In the Drawing Room, on the first floor, are other pieces of furniture and a case containing mementoes of Carlyle's intercourse with celebrated per sons such as Goethe, Bismarck, and the Emp. Frederick of Germany, the Trussian Order of Merit given to Carlyle, notes from Carlyle to his wife, Disraeli's offer of a baronetcy and Carlyle's reply, etc. On the walls are several portraits of Mrs. Carlyle, and adjacent is her Bedroom. — On the second floor is Carlyle's Bedroom and the Spare Room, in which Emerson slept. — At the top of the house is the famous Study, double-walled for the exclusion of sound. Here 'Frederick the Great' was written. It con tains many interesting personal relics. — Comp. 'The Carlyles' Chelsea Home', hy Reginald Blunt (illus.; 189S). Leigh Hunt lived at No. 10 Upper Cheyne Row. — The manufacture of Chelsea china was carried on in a pottery in Lawrence Street, the first parallel street to the W. of Cheyne Row. Hard by, at the corner of Cheyne Walk and Church Street, stands *Chelsea Old Church (St. Luke's; PI. G, 10), one of the most in teresting churches in London. It was originally built in the reign of Edward II. (1307-27) , but in its present form dates mainly from about 1660, though some older work remains in the chancej and its side-chapels. Among the numerous monuments it contains are those of Lord Bray and his son (1539) ; several of the Lawrence family , the 'Ilillyars' of II. Kingsley's interesting novel 'The Hillyars and the Burtons' (see recent edition, with a note on Chelsea Old Church by Clement Shorter); the sumptuous monument of Lord and Lady Dacre (1594-95); the Duchess of Northumberland (d. 1566 ; mother-in-law of Lady Jane Grey and grandmother of Sir Philip Sidney); Sir Arthur Gorges (1026), the friend of Spenser; Sir Robert Stanley (d. 1632) ; and Lady Jane Cheyne (d. 1669), a large monument by Bernini, the only work now remaining that he did for England. Sir Thomas More built the chapel on tho S. side of the chancel, and erected a monument to himself, which is now in the chancel. In all probability his remains are in this church, except his head, which is at Canterbury (see Baedeker's Great Britain). In the churchyard is the monument of Sir Hans Sloane (d. 1763; see p. 358). In the church or churchyard are also buried, though their monuments have disappeared, Shadwell, poet laureate (d. 1692), Henry Sampson Woodfall, printer ofthe celebrated Letters of Junius (d. 1805), and John Cavalier, the Huguenot leader (d. 1740). In 360 31. HAMPSTEAD. the church are the 'Vinegar Bible*, Foxe's Book of Martyrs (2 vols.), and two other books, chained to a desk. The keys of tlie church may be had from the Rev. R. II. Davies, 178 Oakley Street. This old church ceased to be the parish-church of Chelsea in 1824. The new church, also dedicated to St. Luke, is a large building of 1820-24, in Sydney Street (PI. G, 13). — In Church Sireet is the old Rectory, for several years the home of Charles, George, and Henry Kingsley, whose father was Hector of Chelsea. Joseph Turner, the landscape-painter, died in 1851 in lodgings at the extreme W. end of Cheyne "Walk (No. 119). The Public Library, in Manresa Road ("PI. G, 10), contains a collection of Keats relics, presented by Sir Charles Dilke, a valuable series of Chelsea prints and sketches, busts of Carlyle and Sir Thomas More, and otlier exhibits of local interest. The past associations of Chelsea are full of interest and have barely been touched upon above. Sir Thomas More resided in Chelsea, in a house afterwards named Beaufort House, the site of which is marked hy Beaufort Street (PI. G, 10). Hero he was often visited by Henry VIII., Holbein, and (probably) Erasmus. The old Moravian Burial Ground, with tho grave of Count Zinzmdorf (d. 17G0), occupies part of the site of More's garden. The adjoining Danvers Street marks tlie silo of JJanvtrs House, the home of the witty and hospitable Lady Danvers, the friend of Dr. Donne and Francis Bacon. Hard by is Lindsey House, now divided into five, once occupied by Brunei and Bramah. Bishop Atterbury, Dean Swift, und Dr. Arbuthnot all resided in Church Street. Sir Uichard Steele resided not far off. Mrs. Somerville lived at Chelsea Hospital, where her husband was physician. Walpole House occupied the site of the W. wing of the Hospital, and Ward 7 of the infirmary was its dining-room (1723-46). Sir Robert Walpole was visited here by Swift, Gay, and Pope. The beautiful Duchess of Mazarin ended her life in a small house in Chelsea, where she was often visited hy St. Evremond. Lord Burleigh, Guy, Newlon, Smollett, Miss Mitford, Letitia Landon (\L. E. L\), George Meredith, Swin burne, and Shelley were also among the famous residents of Chelsea. Prince Rupert is paid to have invented his 'drops* here. Addison occa sionally resided at Sandford Manor House, Sandy End (PL G, 7). Among tbe other famous old houses of Chelsea were Shrewsbury House, whore dwelt 'Bess\ Countess of Shrewsbury, who built Chatsworlb, Hardwick Hall, and Uldcotea (see Baedekers Great Britain), and Winchester House, long the palace of the Bishops of Winchester. A little to the W. was Little Chelsea, now West Brompton, where the famous Earl of Shaftesbury of the 'Characteristics' resided in Shaftes bury House. This mansion, where Locke, who had been Lord Shaftesbury's tutor, was a guest, and where Addison wrote parts of the 'Spectator1, has been converted into a workhouse. See 'Old Chelsea*, by B. E. Martin (illus. by Joseph Penncll). 31. Hampstead. Highgate. Kensal Green Cemetery. The visitor should go to Hampstead by omnibus (p 50), tramway (Nos. 6, 6, p. 34), or train (North London Railway, p. 56), and walk Ihcnce to Highgate. Highgate also may be reached direct by omnibus (p. 50), tramway (Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6; p. 34), or train (Great Northern Railway, p. 55). The two hills of Hampstead and Highgate, occupied by the N.W. suburbs of London, are well worth visiting for the extensive views they command of the Metropolis and the surrounding country. The village of Hampstead ('home -stead') has been loug since 31. HAMPSTEAD. 361 reached hy the ever advancing Bubnrbs of London , from which it can now scarcely be distinguished. It is an ancient place, known as early aB the time ofthe Romans ; and various Roman antiquities have been found in the neighbourhood, particularly at the mineral wells. These wells (in "Weil "Walk, to the E. of the High Street) were discovered or re-discovered about 1620, and for a time made Hampstead a fashionable spa ; the old well-house is now used as a church. "Well "Walk also contains the house in which John Keats and his brother lodged in 1817-18, and at the bottom of John Streot, near Hampstead Heath Station, is Lawn Bank (then called Wentworth Place; memorial tablet), where Keats lived with his friend Charles Brown in 1818-20. Part of 'Endymion' was written in the first of these, and much of Keats's finest work, including parts of 'Hyperion' and the 'Eve of St. Agnes', was done at Lawn Bank. Leigh Hunt long lived in a cottage in the Vale of Health, a cluster of houses in the centre of the S. part of the heath ; the site is now occupied by the Vale of Health Hotel. Tho parish-church of St. John dates from 1747, and with its square tower forms a conspicuous object in the view from many parts of London. It contains a bust ofKeats, by MissAnne Whitney of Boston(TJ.S. A.), placed here in 1894 by a few American admirers ofthe poet. In the churchyard are buried Sir James Mackintosh (d. 1832), Joanna Bailie (d. 1851; memorial tablet in the church"), her sister Agnes (d. 1861, aged 100 years), George Du Maurier (d. 1896), and Con stable, the painter (d. 1837), who has left many painted memorials of his love for Hampstead (see, e.g., his pictures of Hampstead in the National Gallery, p. 216). The well-known Kit-Cat Club, which numbered Addison, Steele, and Pope among itB members, held its first meetings in a tavern at Hampstead. "Hampstead Heath (430 ft. above the sea-level) is one of the most open and picturesque spots in the immediate neigh bourhood of London, and is a favourite and justly valued resort of holiday-makers and all who approciato pure and invigorating air. Tho heath is about 240 acros in extent. Us wild and irregulaT beauty, and picturesque alternations of hill and hollow, make it a refreshing contrast to the trim elegance of the Parks. The heath was once a notorious haunt of highwaymen. In 1870 it was pur chased by the Metropolitan Board of "Works for the unrestricted use of the public. Parliament Hill (265 acres), to the S.E. of the heath proper, has also been acquired for the public. A supposed tumulus, known as 'Queen Boadicea's Grave', was investigated here in 1895 with disappointing results. Near the ponds at the S.E. corner of the heath the Fleet Brook (p. 168) takes its rise. The garden of the Bull and Bush Inn, on the N. margin of the heath, contains a holly planted by Hogarth, the painter; and 'Jack Straw's Castle', on the highest part of the heath, near the flag-staff, is another interesting old inn. Lord Chatham (1708-78) died at 362 31. HAMPSTEAD HEATH. Wildwoods, near the Bull and Bush, in a room with an oriel window on the upper floor (N.E. angle of the house). On public holidays Hampstead Heath is generally visited by 25-50,000 Lon doners and presents a gay and characteristic scene of popular enjoyment. The *View from the highest part of the heath is extensive and interesting. On the S. Hos London, with tho dome of St. Paul's aud the towers of "Westminster rising conspicuously from the dark masses of houses; while beyond may be discerned the green hills of Surrey and the glittering roof of the Crystal Palaco at Syden ham. The varied prospect to the W. includes Harrow-on-tho-Hill (p. 405; distinguishable by the lofty spire on an isolated emi nence), and, in clear weather, Windsor Castle itself. To the N. lies a fertile and well-peopled tract, studded with numerous vil lages and houses aud extending to Highwood Hill, Totteridge, and Barnet. To the E., in immediate proximity, we see the sister hill of Highgate, and in clear weather we may descry the reach of the Thames at Gravesond. We leave Hampstead Heath at the N. end, near 'Jack Straw's Castle', and follow Heath or Spaniards' Road, leading to the N.E. to Highgate. We soon reach, on the left, the 'Spaniards' Inn', the gathering-point of the 'No Popery' rioters of 1780 , and described by Dickens in 'Barnaby Rudge'. Tho stretch of road botween 'Jack Straw's Castle' and this point is perhaps the most open and elevated near London, affording line views to the N.W. and S.E. To the left, just beyond the inn, is the course of the Hampstead Golf Clid). The road then leads between Caen Wood, with its fine old oaks, on the right, and Bishop's Wood, on the left. Caen Wood, or Ken Wood House, was the seat of the celebrated judge, Lord Mansfield, who died here in 1793. Bishop's Wood onco formed part of the park of the Bishops of London. We now follow Hampstead Lane, passing the grounds of Caen Wood Towers on the right, and reach Highgate. To the right diverges The Grove, in the third house in which, to the right, Coleridge died in 1834. A little farther on we reach Highgate High Street, whence a cable-tramway (p. 35) plies down Highgate Hill. There is also u pleasant path from Hampstead to Highgate leading past the Ponds aud over Parliament Hill (p. 361) to Highgate Road. Turning here to the left, we pass the tramway-terminus (No. 4c, p. 3i) at the end of Swain's Lane, and ascend West Hill, skirting the spacious grounds of Holly Lodge, the residence of Baroness Burdetl Cuutls, lo the Highgate High Street (see above). — Swain's Lane, diverging to the right, leads to Highgate Cemetery (p. 363) and to the S.W. entrance of Waterlow Park (p. 363). Highgate, which is situated on a hill about 30 ft. lower than Hampstead Heath, is one of the healthiest and most favourite sites for villas in the outskirts of London. The viow which it commands is similar in character to that from Hampstead, but not so fine. The new church, built in tho Gothic style in 1833, is a handsome edifice, 31. HIGHGATE. 363 and, from its situation, very conspicuous. The Highgato or North London *Cemetery, lying on the slope of the hill just below tho church, is very picturesque and tastefully laid out. The catacombs are in the Egyptian style, with cypresses, and the terraces afford a fine view. Michael Faraday, the great chemist(d. 1867; by tlie E. wall), Lord Lyndhurst (d. 1863), and George Eliot (d. 1880; near tho Swain's Lane on trance to tho lower part of the cemotory) are buried here. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (A. 1834) is interred in a vault below the adjacent Grammar School, which, founded in 1565, was lately rebuilt in the French Gothic style. To the E. of the upper part of Highgate Cemetery is * Waterlow Park, 29 acres in extent, formerly the grounds of Fairseat House, the residence of Sir Sidney Water- low, and presented to the public by that gentleman in 1891. The main entrance of Waterlow Park is at the top of Highgate Hill. In this park is the quaint old Lauderdale House, once occupied by Nell Gwynne, restored in 1893 and now used as refreshment rooms. On the opposite side of Highgate Hill, facing Lauderdale House, is Cromwell House, said to have been built for Cromwell's son-in- law, General Ireton, and now a Convalescent Hospital for Children. It is a plain red-brick mansion, with a fine oak staircase, on the newel of which are small carved figures representing officers of Cromwell's army, etc. A little lower down is St. Joseph's Retreat, the chief seat of the Passionist Fathers in England, with a handsome now church opened in 1891. The Whittington Almshouses at the foot of tho hill were established by the famous Lord Mayor of that name, and are popularly supposed to occupy the very spot where ho heard the bells inviting him to return. Close by is the stone on which he iB said to have rested, now formlugpart of a lamp-post ; it 1s noodloss to say that its identity Is moro than doubtful. The Highgate Archway Tavern, at the foot of Highgate Hill, is an important omnibus and tramway terminus (comp. pp. 50, 34). Archway Road leads thence to the N. to ('/3 M.) the site ol Highgate Archway (now being replaced by a viaduct-bridge), by means of which Hornsey Lane is carried across tho road. Highgate Station lies '/2 M- farther on, near the entrance to the Highgate Gravel Pit Wood, 70 acres in extent and about 1 M. to the N., opened as a public park in 1886. Highgate used to be notorious for a kind of mock pilgrimage made to it for the purpose of 'swearing on the horns.' By the terms of his oath the pilgrim was boimd never to kiss the maid when he could kifs tho mistress, never to drink small beer when be could get strong, etc.. 'unless he liked it best'. Some old rams' heads are still preserved at the inns. Byron alludes to this custom in 'Childe Harold', Canto I. About 2 M. off, on the elevated ground to the E. of Muswell Hill and N. of Hornsey, is the Alexandra Palace (p. 68), an establishment resombling the Crystal Palace. The palace is near tho Alexandra Palace and the Woodgreen Stations of the G. N. R. and the Palace Gates Station on the G. E. R. 364 31. KENSAL GREEN CEMETERY. Kensal Green Cemetery forms an exception to most of the cem eteries of London, which are uninteresting, owing to the former English custom of burying eminent men in churches. It lies on the N.W. side of London and is most easily reached by omnibus from Edgware Road. We may also travel by the Metropolitan Railway to Notting Ilill or Westboume Park Station (p. 59), each of which is about 3/4 M. to the S. of the cemetery ; or by the North London Railway to Kensal Rise Station (p. 66), ^ M. to the N. Kensal Green Cemetery, laid oxit in 1H32, covers an area of about 70 acres, and contains about forty thousand graves. It is divided into a consecrated portion for members of tbe Churcb of England, and an un- consecrated portion fur dissenters. Most of tbe tombstones arc plain upright slabs, but in the upper part of the cemetery, particularly 011 the principal path leading to the chapel, there arc several monuments hand somely executed in granite and marble, some of which possess con siderable artistic value. Four of the most conspicuous monuments are those of Ducrow, the circus-rider, Robins, the auctioneer, Morrison, the pill-maker, and St. John Long, tbe quack. Among the eminent people interred here are: — Brunei, tbe engineer; Sydney Smith, the author; Mulready, the painter; Sir Charles Eastlake, the painter and historian of art-, Tom Hood, the poet; Leigh Hunt, the essayist; Sir John Iloss, the arctic navigator; Thackeray, the novelist; John Leech, the well-known illustrator of 'Punch "¦; Gibson, the sculptor; Mine. Tietjens, the great singer; Charles Kemble and Charles Mathews, the actors; Anthony Trollope, the novelist; John Owen, tbe social reformer. Adjoining the grave of the last is the Reformers1 Memorial. — Cardinals Wiseman and Manning are interred in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, adjacent to Kensal Green. Highgate Cemetery (p. 363) to the N., and Norwood Cemetery to the S. of London, arc worth visiting for the sake of tho excellent *ViewB they afford. Tlie Ureeks have a special enclosure in Nor wood Cemetery. Abney Park Cemetery (p. 140) ia much used as a burying-ground by Nonconformists. The chief Jews' Burial (hound is in Mile End Road, adjoining tho People's Pala«o ( PI. R, GO). — See 'London Burial Grounds: Notes on their History from tlie Earliest Times to the Present Day', by Mrs. Basil Holmes (London, 1896). III. TKE SURREY SIDE. 32. St. Saviour's Church. Barclay and Perkins' Brewery. Guy's Hospital. Southwark Park. The 'Surrey Side' of the Metropolis, -with a population of over 750,000 souls, has in some respects a character of its own. It is a scene of great business life and bustle from Lambeth to Bermondsey, but its sights, institutions, and public buildings are few. South wark, or that part of it immediately opposite the City, from London Bridge to Charing Cross, is known as 'the Borough', a name which it rightly enjoys over the heads of such newly created boroughs as Greenwich or the Tower Hamlets, seeing it has returned two mem bers to Parliament for more than 500 years. We note a few of its objects of interest. Mention must be made, in the first place, of *St Saviour's Church [PI. 11 38, ///; open 11-4), one of the oldest churches in London, situated opposite the London Bridge Station, in the Borough High Street, which runs S. from London Bridge. The original Norman nave, of which fragments still remain, wns built in 1106 by Gifford, Bishop of "Winchester, as the church ofthe then established Priory of St. Mary Overy. Peter de Uupibus, another Bishop of Winchester, built the choir and Lady Chapel in 1207, aud altered the character of the nave, which had boon damaged by tire, from Norman to Early English. Tho building was converted into a parish-church by Henry VIII. in 1540. Tlie interesting choir, transept, and Lady Chapel of Peter de Ilupibus still survive ; the choir and Lady Chapel were restored, with but partial success, in 1822 and 1832-34. The nave was taken down in 1838, and replaced by an incongruous new structure, which was in turn removed to make way for a fine new nave, in the 13th cent, style, built in 1890-96 by Blomfield. Above the cross is a quadrangular tower, flanked by pinnacles. After extensive restorations St. Saviour's was opened as a collegiate church in Feb., 1897, and may one day become the cathedral for South London. — The entrance is on the E. side of the S. transept. Interior. Though the interior at present produces a first impression of newness, and even of rawness, a tribute must be paid to the unusual congruity with which tlie modern dignified nave has been adapted to the earlier work. — The large window in Ihe S Transept was restored and filled with stained glass at Ihe expense of Sir Fred. Wigan. Another of the windows is to be embellished as a memorial of John Harvard, founder of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., who was baptized at St. Saviour's on 29lh Nov., 1607; Ida parents kept the 'Old Queen's Head' in Southwark. On one of the pillars in this transept are cawed the arms and hat of Cardinal Beaufort (son of John of Gaunt), a benefactor of the church. — 366 32. BARCLAY'S BREWERY. Tbe windows in the Nave commemorate illustrious men connected with the church or with Southwark. In the S. wall, from E. to W., are memorial windows to William Shakspeare (see below), Philip Massinger (d. 1639), John Fletcher (d. 1625), Francis Beaumont (d. 1616), and Edward AUeyn (p. 127), once churchwarden of the parish. The next two windows con tain figures of SS. Faulinus and Swithin. The large W. window, repre senting the Creation, was presented by Sir. Withers in 1893. The fine old Norman doorway und tbe recess at tbe \V. end of the N. wall are relics of the original nave. The windows in Ihe N. wall are destined for me morials to Dr. Johnson, Cruden, S'.tcheverel, Bunyan, Baxter, and Chaucer. Near the E. end of this wall is the monument of the poet John Gower (1325-1402), tbe friend of Chaucer. It consists of a sarcophagus with a recumbent marble figure of the poet (repainted in 1S32), whose head rests upon his three principal works, the Speculum meditantis, Vox clamaniis, and Confcssio amantis, while bis feet are supported by a lion. The N. Tbansept has a memorial window to the Prince Consort, and contains several quaint tombs, an aumbrey, and a chandelier presented in 1680. — The Altar Screen in the Cuoir was erected by Fox, Bishop of Winchester, in the early years of the 16th century. In the N. choir-aisle are the painted tomb, with efllgies, of John Trehearne, gentleman-porter to Jumes 1., and the recumbent figure of a Crusader (lblh cent.). — The beautiful Lai>? Cuaim<:l is flanked with aisles and contains the monument of Lancelot Andreices, Bishop of Winchester (d. 1625). The trials of tlie reputed heretics under Queen Mary in if)5!) took place in this chapel. Among those who are buried in St. Saviour's but have no monuments are Sir Eduai'd Dyer (d. 16'J7), the poet, Massinger ;md Fletcher, the dra matists, Edmund Shakspeare (d. 1607, aged 27), a player, brother of Ihe poet, and Lawrence Fletcher, who was a lessee, along with Shakspeare and Burbage, of the Globe and lilackfriars Theatres. — James I. of Scotland and Joanna Beaufort were married in this church in 1425. On the river, near St. Saviour's, once stood Winchester House, the residence of the bishops of Winchester, whose diocese included South London until 1877, when the latter -was transferred to the diocese of Rochester. The central station of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (comp. p. 96) is in Southwark Bridge Road. In Park Street, a little to the W. of St. Saviour's, ia situated Messrs. Barclay, Perkins, and Co.'s Brewery (PI. R, 38; III), partly on the former site of the Globe Theatre. This is one of the most extensive establishments of the kind in London, and is well •worthy of a visit, on account both of its great size and its admirable arrangements. It was founded more than 200 years ago. The brewery covers an area of about 12 acres, forming a miniature town of houses, sheds, lofts, stables, streets, and courts. At the entrance stand the Offices, where visitors, who readily obtain an order to inspect the establishment on application by letter, enter their names in a book. The guide who is assigned to the visitor on entering, and who shows all the most interesting parts of the establishment, expects a fee of a shilling or so. In most of the rooms there is a somewhat oppressive and heady odour, particularly in the cooling-room, where the carbonic acid gas lies about a foot deep over the fresh brew. Visitors are recommended to exercise caution in accepting the guide's invitation to breathe this gas. In spite of the vast dimensions of the boilerB, vats (one of which 32. SOUTH LONDON ART GALLERY. 367 has a capacity of 112,000 gallons, or 2'/2 times that of the Great Tun of Heidelberg), fermenting 'squares', and other apparatus, none but the initiated will have any idea of the enormous quantity of liquor brewod here in the course of a year, amounting to nearly 20 million gallons. About 200,000 quarters of malt are annually consumed, and the yearly duty paid to government by the firm amounts to the immense sum of 180,000(. The head brewer is said to Teceive a salary of 1000J. per annum. One of the early owners of the brewery was Dr. Johnson's friend Thrale, after whose death it was sold to Messrs. Barclay and Perkins. Dr. Johnson's words on the occasion of the sale, which he attended as an executor, though often quoted, are worthy of repetition : 'We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice.' Most of the water used in brewing is sup plied by an artesian well, sunk on the premises. — The stables contain about 160 strong dray-horses, used for carting the beer in London, and many of them bred in Yorkshire. Tlie brewing-trade in London has become a great power within the last twenty or thirty years, and is felt to have a serious bearing upon the reanlts of parliamentary and municipal elections. It is no longer a merely manufacturing trade, but promotes the consumption of its own goods by tho purchase or lcaso of public-houses, whero its agents are installed to conduct the sale. These agents are nominal tenants and are possessed of votes, and their number and influence are so great, that the power of returning the candidate who favours the 'trade' is often in their hands. All the great brewcrfl are now understood to be extensive proprie tors of such Hied houses.' To the S. of Park Street, in Rodcross Street, is Redcross Hall, with paintings commemorating deeds of heroism in humble life. The Borough High Street runs to the S. from St. Saviour's, and is continued hy Newington Causeway to the Elephant and Castle (PI. G, 33; p. 35), a well-known inn and omnibus-centre (electric railway, seep. Gl). In Newington Butts, a little to the W., stood the Tabernacle of the late popular preacher Mr. Spurgeon(d. 1891), built in the classic style and accommodating 6000 persons (comp. p. 76). It was burnt almost to the ground in April, 1898, and will probably be rebuilt in an altered form. — Walworth Road, leading to the S. from the Elephant and Castle, is continued by Camber well Road, ending at Camberwell Green (PIG, 39). Church Street leads hence towards the E. and is continued by Peckham Road, near the beginning of which, on the right, is the Camberwell School of Art and Technical Institute, open in 1898. Farther on (No. 63) is the South London Fine Art Gallery (PI. G, 43), founded in 1868, as the Working Men's College for South London. It now includes a picture-gallery of works either permanent (including a fine car toon by F. Madox Brown) or on loan, a free library, a small mu seum, and a lecture-hall. Lectures on science, art, and literature are given every Sun. from Sept. 1st to May 1st at 7.30 p.m.; lectures to children on Frid. at 7.15 p.m. (adm., see p. 106). 368 32. GUY'S HOSPITAL. In Southwark Street, which diverges to the right(W.) near the N. end of Borough High Street, is the Borough Market (p. 31). Thomas Street , diverging to the left, leads to Guy's Hospital (PI. G, 42), founded in 1721 by Guy, the bookseller, who had amassed an immense fortune by speculation in South Sea stock. The insti tution contains 600 beds, and relieves 5000 in-patients aud 70,000 out-patients annually. It includes a residential college for 50 stud ents aud a dental school. The yearly income of the hospital is about 31,0002. The court contains a brazen, and the chapel a marble statuo of tho founder (d. 1724), the latter by Bacon. Sir Astloy Coopor, the colebrated surgeon, to whom a monument has been erected in St. Paul's (see p. 116), is buried hero. John Keats was a student at Guy's, and the Rev. F. D. Maurice was chaplain here from 1836 to 1846. Among other interesting associations connected with this locality tho following may be noticed. The name i.f Park Street reminds us of the extensive Park of the Bishops of Winchester, which occupied the river side from Winchester House to Holland House. In the fields to the S. of this park were the circuses for bull aud bear baiting, so populur iu the time of the Stuarts. Kdward Alloyn was for many years the 'Keeper of the King's wild beasts' here, and amassed thereby the fortune which enabled him to found Dulwich College (see p. 389). A dingy passage in Bankside still shows the name 'Bear Garden' (PJ. H, 38). — Richard Baxter often preached iu a church iu Park Struct, and in Zoar Street there was a chapel in which John Bunyan is said to have ministered. — Mint Street recalls tho mint existing here under Henry VIII. — In High Stroct ttioru sluuil down to 1876 the old Talbot or Tabard inn, tlie slartingpoinl of Chaucer's 'Canterbury Pilgrims'. — The George (rebuilt after a fire in 1676) is an interesting specimen of an old-time inn, with galleries round its inner court. — 'the White Hart, a similar structure in the Borough High Street, mentioned by Shakspeare in 'llenry VI'. (Part II, iv. 8) and by Dickens in the 'Pickwick Papers' (as the meeting-place of Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller), was pulled down in 1889. — The ilarshalsea Gaol, the name of which is familiar from 'Little Dorrit', stood near St. George's Church, at the corner of Great Dover Street and Borough High Street. In the graveyard of this church lies the arithmetician Edward Cocker (d. 1675), whose memory is embalmed in the phrase 'according to Cocker'. Southwark Park (PI. R, 49, G,49, 53), in Rotherhithe (p. 94), farther to the E., laid out by the Metropolitan Board of Works at a cost of more than 100,000J., covers an area of sixty-three acres, and is in the immediate neighbourhood of the extensive Surrey Docks (p. 163). 33. Lambeth Palace. Bethlehem Hospital. Battersea Park. St. Thomas's Hospital. St. George's Cathedral. Battersea Polytechnic. On the right bank of the Thames, from Westminster Bridge to Vauxhall Bridge, stretches the Albert Embankment (p. 148). On it, opposite the Houses of Parliament, stands St. Thomas's Hospital (PI. R, 29; IV), a spacious edifice built by Currey in 1868-71, at a cost of 500,000*. It consists of seven four-storied buildings in 33. LAMBETH PALACE. 369 red brick, united by arcades, and is in all 590 yds. long. The number of in-patients annually treated in the 672 beds of the hospital is over 5000, of out-patients about 80,000. Its annual revenue is 40,000J. Professional visitors will be much interested in the admir- ahle internal arrangements (admission on Tuesdays at 10 a.m.). The hospital was formerly in a building in High Street, Southwark, which was sold to the South Eastern Railway Company In 1862 for 296,000J. Lambeth Palace (PI. R, 29; IV), above the hospital, at the E. end of Lambeth Bridge (built in 1862), has been- for over 600 years the London residence of the Archbishops of Canterbury. It can he visited only by the special permission of the archbishop (apply to the chaplain). The Chapel, 72ft. long and 26ft. broad, built in 1245 hy Archbishop Boniface in the Early English style, is the oldest part of the building. The screen and windows were placed here by Archbishop Laud ; the latter were destroyed in the Civil War and replaced by Archbishop Tait, his family, and friends. The 'Lollards' Tower' (properly the Water Tower), adjoining the W. end of the chapel, so called because the Lollards, or followers of Wycliffe, were supposed to have been imprisoned and tortured here, is an old, massive, square keep, erected by Archbishop Chi- cheley in 1434. A small room in the upper part of the tower, 13'/2 ft- long, 12 ft. wide, and 8 ft. high, called the 'prison' and forming part of a staircase-turret more than 200 years older than the time of Chicheloy, still contains several inscriptions by prisoners, and eight large rings fastened in the wall, to which the heretics wero chained. The Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favourite (1601), Lovelace, the poet (1648), and Sir Thomas Armstrong (1659), were also con fined hero. The name of Lollards' Tower, applied to what Is roally a group of three buildings distinct in character and architecture, dates only from the beginning of the 18th century. The real Lollards' Tower was the S.W. tower of old St. Paul's Cathedral (see p. 109), as mentioned in Stow's Survey of London (1598). — The Hall, 92 ft. long and 40 ft. broad, was built by Archbishop Juxon in 1663 on the site of the old hall, and has a roof in the style of that of West minster Hall, with Italian instead of Gothic details. — The Library, established by Archbishop Bancroft in 1610, consists of 30,000 vols. and 2000 MSS., some of which, including the Registers ofthe official acts of the archbishops from 1274 to 1744 in 41 vols., are very valuable. It is at present kept in the hall, and is accessible daily, except Saturdays, between 10a.m. and4p.m. (in summer, 5p.m; Tues., 10-1; closed from Sept. 1st to Oct. 15th). — The Guard Chamber, 60 ft. long, and 25 ft. broad, contains portraits of the archbishops since 1533, including Archbishop Laud, by Van Dyck; Herring, by Hogarth; Seeker, by Sir Joshua Reynolds; Sutton, by Sir Thomas Lawrence ; Howley, by Shee ; Tait, by Richmond; and a portrait of Archbishop Warham, after Holbein (1504), a copy of Baedekkb'b London. 11th Edit. 24 370 33. BETHLEHEM HOSPITAL. the original in the Louvre (or perhaps, according to Woltmann, the original itself). The dining-room contains portraits of Luther and his wife. The massive brick gateway, flanked by two towers, was erected hy Cardinal Morton in the end of the 15th century. The part of the palace actually occupied by the archbishop dates from 1829-34. — See 'Lambeth Palace and its Associations', by Rev. J. Cave-Browne (2nd ed., 1883), and 'Art Treasures of the Lambeth Library', by the librarian, S. W. Kershaw, F. 8. A. (1873). Bethlehem Hospital (PI. R, 33 ; popularly corrupted into Bed lam), the oldest charitable institution for the insane in the world, is situated at the point where Lambeth Itoad, leading E. from Lam beth Bridge (see p. 369), joins St. George's Road. The hospital was founded in Bishopsgate Street hy Sheriff Simon Fitz- Mary in 1247, as a priory for the Order of St. Mary of Bethlehem. The priory was seized by the Crown in 1375, and there is evidence that in sane persons were confined in it as early as 1403. In 1547 Henry VIII. granted a charter to the City of London for the management of the in stitution, and it has remained ever since one of the 'royal' hospitals. The building in Bishopsgate Street was taken down in 1676, and a new hos pital built in Moorfields, to replace which the present building in St. George's Fields, Lambeth, on the site ofthe notorious 'Dog & Duck Tavern', was begun in 1812. The cost of construction of the hospital, which has a frontage 900 ft. long, was 122,000/. ; the architect was Lewis, but the dome was added by Smirke. The hospital is now used as a charitable institution for persons of unsound mind of the educated classes whose means are insuffi cient to provide for their proper treatment elsewhere, and admits mainly acute and curable cases. Since the opening of the State Criminal Asylum at Broadmoor oriminal patients are no longer con fined here. Between 1820 and 1895 the number of patients was 16,897, of whom more than half were dismissed cured. The estab lishment can accommodate 300 patients, and is fitted up with every modern convenience, including hot air and water pipes, and various appliances for the amusement ofthe hapless inmates, including a fine recreation-hall. Thereisalso a convalescent-establishment at Witley, in Surrey. Professional men, who are admitted on application to the Resident Physician, will find a visit to the hospital exceedingly interesting. St. Luke's Hospital (PI. B, 40), Old Street, City Road, accommodates 200 patients. There are also extensive asylums for the insane of the pauper class at Claybury (near Woodford, p. 402) and Cane Hill (near Coulsdon S. E. It.), as well as older institutions at Hanwell (p. 409), V/i II. to the w' of London (G. W. li,.), and Colney Hatch, 6V2M. to the N. of London (G. N. E.)] Near the hospital , at the corner of St. George's Road and Westminster Bridge Road, stands the principal Roman Catholic church in London, St. George'B Cathedral (PI. R, 33), begun by Pugin in the Gothic style in 1840, and comploted, with the ex ception of the tower, In 1848. It was not, however, consecrated till 1894, when it was finally freed from debt, — A little to the N. in 33. BATTERSEA. 371 Westminster Bridge Road, is Christ Church, an elegant Noncon formist chapel, erected for the congregation of the late celebrated Rowland Hill, of Surrey Chapel. The beautiful tower and spire were built with American contributions as a memorial of President Lincoln. The pulpit, brought from Surrey Chapel, bears an appro priate inscription. Lambeth Road ends at St. George's Circus (PI. R, 33), whence Westminster Bridge Road runs to the W. to Westminster Bridge (p. 241); Waterloo Road to the N.W. to Waterloo Station (p. 67) and Waterloo Bridge (p. 179); Blackfriars Road, passing the Surrey Theatre (p. 66), to the N. to Blackfriars Bridge (p. 149) ; Borough Road to the E. ; and London Road to the S. to the Elephant and Castle (p. 367) and Spurgeou's Tabernacle (p. 367). In the centre of the circus rises an Obelisk, erected in 1771 in honour of Lord Mayor Crosby, who obtained the release of a printer imprisoned for publishing the parliamentary debates. From this point we return (by tramway if desired) to the Thames at Lambeth Palace, and skirt the river towards the S. by the Albert Embankment (p. 148), passing the handsome buildings of Doulton's Pottery Works (PI. G, 29), which have obtained a high artistic reputation and are well worth a visit. At the end of the Embank ment Vauxhall Bridge (p. 272) lies to our right, and Harleyford Road, leading to Kennington Oval (p. 71), to our left. WandBworth Road, straight in front, leads to the neighbourhood of Clapham Com mon, a fine public park of 220 acres. We diverge to the right, however, from Wandsworth Road by Nine Elms Lane (PI. G, 26), which is continued farther on by Battersea Park Road. Battersea ('Peter's cy', or island), a suburban district on the S. bank of the Thames, opposite Chelsea (p. 357), with about 150,000 inhab., is noted chiefly for its park and contains numerous important manufactories. The making of Battersea enamel (see p. 351) has long been discontinued. Battersea Park (PI. G, 14, 15, 18, 19), at the S.W. end of Lon don, on the right bank of the Thames, opposite Chelsea Hospital, was laid out in 1852-58 at a cost of 312,800?., and is ahout 200 acres in extent. It is most conveniently reached by taking a steam boat to Battersea Park Pier. At the lower end of the park is the elegant Chelsea Bridge, leading to Pimlico, and lliM. distant from the Sloane Square and Victoria stations of the Metropolitan Rail way. From the upper end of the park the Albert Suspension Bridge crosses to the Chelsea Embankment. Near the S.E. angle of the park are Battersea Park Station of the West London Extension and the Battersea Park Road Station of the Metropolitan Extension (see p. 56). The principal attraction of the extensive pleasure grounds, which are provided with an artificial sheet of water, groups of trees, etc. , is the Sub-tropical Garden, 4 acres in extent, contain- 24* 372 33. BATTERSEA. ing most beautiful and carefully cultivated flower-beds and tropical plants, which axe in perfection in August and September. The park contains large open spaces for cricket, football, lawn tennis, and bowls, and is also one of the favourite resorts of cyclists (cycles for hire). It contains two or three convenient refreshment-rooms. In Prince of Wales Road, to the S. of the park, is the Albert Palace (PI. G, 19; closed at present). Adjacent, with its main en trance in Battersea Park Road, is the Battersea Polytechnic In stitute (comp. p. 97), a handsome building by Mountford, erected in 1892. It includes workshops for various trades, laboratories, art, music, and photographic rooms, severaj lecture and class rooms, gymnasia for men and women, and club and social rooms, while a swimming-bath is to be added when the funds allow. The parish-church of Si. Mary, adjoining Battersea Square Pier (PI. G, 11), rebuilt in 1776, contains some memorials and stained glass from the earlier edifice, including the monument of Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke (1678-1751), and his second wife (a nioco of Mine, du Mainti:non). Tho monument, in tho N. gallery, is adorned with their medallions by Roubiliac and boars epitaphs written by Bolingbroke himself. The E. window contains ancient stained glass, relating to tho St. John family. William Blake, tho poet and artist, was married at St. Mary's in 1782; and Turner used to sketch from the vestry windows. — Dives' Flour Mills, to the E. of the church, occupy the site of Bolingbroke's manor-house, of which theW. wing still remains, containing the cedar-wainscotted room, overlooking the Thames, in which Pope wrote the 'Essay on Man'. In Battersea Park Road, close to the Battersea Park Road Station (PI. G, 23), is the Home for Lost Dogs and Cats (open to visitors 10-6, in winter 10-4). In 1897 about 29,000 dogs and 620 cats were received here, most of which came to a painless death in the lethal chamber. Cats may be boarded at the Home for Is. 6d. per week. There is another Institution for Lost and Starving Cats, at 80 Parkhill Road, Hampstead, which receives about 150 cats weekly, nearly all of which are mercifully put to death. EXCURSIONS PROM LONDON. 34. The Thames from London Bridge to Hampton Court. Steamboats from London Bridge to Hampton Court, flee p. 62. Some times tbe boats are unable to proceed farther than Kew. By embark ing at Chelsea or Battersea Park the traveller may ihorten the trip by about 1 hour. Steam Launches also ply from Richmond to Staines, etc. The scenery, after London is fairly left behind, is of a very soft and pleas ing character, consisting of luxuriant woods, smiling meadows, and pictur esque villas and villages. The course of the river is very tortuous. — The words right and left in the following description are used with reference to going upstream. Rowing and Sailing Boats may be hired at Richmond, Kingston, Hampton Wick, and several other places on the river, the charges vary ing according to the season, the size of the boat, etc. (previous under standing advisable). Electric and other Motor Launches may also b hired. The prettiest part of the river near London for short boating-ex cursions is the stretch between Richmond and Hampton Court. A trifling fee, which may be ascertained from the official table posted at each lock (3d.-i*. for rowing-boata), has to be paid for passing the locks. Rowing boats going upstream generally keep near the bank to escape the current. Boats pass each other to the right, but a boat overtaking another one keeps to the left. For the river above Hampton Court, see Baedeker's Great Britain. The prominent objeots on both banks of the Thames between London Bridge and Battersea Bridge have already been pointed out in various parts of the Handbook, so that nothing more is required here than a list of them in the order iu which they occur, with references to the pages where they are described : — South Eastern Railway Bridge, Southwark Bridge (p. 162), St. Paul's Cathedral (right; p. 109), London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Bridge (p. 149), Blackfriars Bridge (p. 149), Victoria Embankment (right; p. 147), the City of London School (right; p. 148), the Temple (right; p. 172), with the new Law Courts (p. 175) appearing above it, /Somerset House (right; p. 178), Waterloo Bridge (p. 179), Savoy and Cecil Hotels (right; p. 7), Cleopatra's Needle (right; p. 148), Charing Cross Railway Bridge, Montague House (right; p. 232), New Scotland Yard (right; p. 232), Westminster Bridge (p. 241), Houses of Parliament (right; p. 232), Westminster Abbey (right ; p. 242), Albert Embankment (left ; p. 148), -St. Tho mas's Hospital (left ; p. 368), Lambeth Palace (left ; p. 369), Lam beth Bridge (p. 369), Tate Gallery (right; p. 269), Vauxhall Bridge (p. 272), London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Bridge (Grosvenor Road Bridge, p. 272), Chelsea Suspension Bridge (p. 357), Battersea Par* (left; p. 371), Chelsea Hospital (right; p. 367), Albert Bridge (p. 367), Battersea Bridge (p. 357). A little way above Battersea is another Railway Bridge, beyond which we reach Wanastoort/i Bridge and — L. Wandsworth (railway-station, see p. 410), an outlying suburb of London, containing a large number of factories and brew- 374 34. PUTNEY. eriea. Wandsworth Prison accommodates about 1000 male prisoners. The old Huguenot Burial Ground here is interesting. The scenery now begins to become more rural in character, and the dusky hues of the great city give place to the green tints of meadow and woodland. About 1 M. above Wandsworth the river is spanned by Putney Bridge, erected in 1886, connecting Fulham, on the right, with Putney, on the loft. R. Fulham, principally noted for containing a country-residence of the Bishops of London, who have been lords of the manor from very early times. The Episcopal Palace, which stands above the bridge, dates in part from the 16th century. Its grounds contain some fine old trees, and are enclosed by a moat about 1 M. in circumference. In the library are portraits of Sandys, Archbishop of York, Laud, Ridley the martyr, and other ecclesiastics, chiefly Bishops of London. The first bishop who is known with certainty to have resided here was Robert Seal, in 1241. A handsome, but somewhat incongruous, chapel was added to the palace in 1867. Fulham Church, rebuilt in 1881, has a tower of the 14th cent., and contains the tombs of numerous Bishops of London. Theodore Hook (d. 1841) and Vin cent Bourne (d. 1747) are buried in the churchyard. In a house at the N. end of Fulham, on the road to Hammersmith, Richardson wrote 'Clarissa Harlowe'. In Fulham (Parson's Green station, p. 60) are the pleasant premises of the Hurlingham Club , with grounds for pigeon-shooting, polo, lawn-tennis, etc. L. Putney (railway-station, p. 410) is well known to Londoners as the starting-point for tho annual boat-race between Oxford and Cambridge universities (p. 73), which takes place on the river be tween this village and Mortlake (p. 375). Thomas Cromwell, Wolsey's secretary, and afterwards Earl of Essex, was the son of a Putney blacksmith: and Edward Gibbon, the historian, was born here in 1737. In 180G William Pitt died at Bowling Green House, on the 8. side of the town, near Putney Heath, where, eight years before, he had engaged in a duel with George Tierney. Lord Castlereagh and George Canning also fought a duel on the heath in 180J. The tower of Putney Church is about 400 years old. ^Beautiful walk from Putney over Putney Heath, through the village of Rochampton (l'/gM. to the S.) and Richmond Park, to (4M.) Richmond. The fine old house, called Barn Elms, which we now soon observe on the left, was granted by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Frau ds Walsiugham, who entertained his sovereign lady here on various occasions. It was afterwards occupied by Jacob Tonsou, the publisher, who built a room here for tlie famous portraits ofthe Kit-Cat Club , painted for him by Sir Godfrey Kneller (p. 404). The Ranelagh Ctfuo here has polo grounds, a golf course, lawn tennis courts, etc. On the opposite bank, a little further on, formerly stood Brundenburgh House, built in the time of Charles I.; it was once inhabited by Fairfax, the Parliamentary general, by Queen Caroline, consort of George IV., who died here in 1821, ond by various other notabilities. R. Hammersmith (railway-station), now a town of considerable 34. 0HISW1CK. 375 size , but of little Interest to strangers. The Church of St. Paul, consecrated in 1631, containing some interesting monuments, a ceiling painted by Cipriani, and an altar-piece carved by Grinling Gibbons, was pulled down in 1882 to make room for a new and larger edifice. The town contains numerous Roman Catholic in habitants and institutions. Some of the housos in the Mall date from the time of Queen Anne. Hammersmith is connected hy a suspension-bridge with the cluster of villas called Castelnau. — Si. Paul's School, founded in 1512, was transferred to Hammer smith from behind St. Paul's Cathedral in 1884. Among its eminent alumni are Camden, Milton, the first Duke of Marlborough, Pepys, Jeffreys, Major Andre", and Jowett. A little to the N., near Addison Road Station, is the huge building of Olympia (p . 67). R. Chiswick (railway-station, p. 410) contains the gardens of the Horticultural Society (p. 333). Opposite Chiswick lies Cliis- wick Eyot. In Chiswick House, the properly of the Duke of Devonshire, Charles James Fox died in 1806, and George Canning in 1827. It was built by the Earl of Burlington , the builder of Burlington House, Piccadilly (p. 276), in imitation of the Villa Capra at Vicenza, one of Palladio'fl best works. The wings, by Wyatt, were added afterwards. — The church yard contains the grave of Hogarth, the painter (d. 1764), who died in a dwelling near the church, now called Hogarth House. L. Barnes (railway-station, p. 410), a village with a church partly of the 12th cent., freely restored, and possessing a modern, ivy-clad tower. At the next bend lies — L. Mortlake (rail, stat., p. 410), with a church occupying the Bite of an edifice of the 14th cent.; the tower dates from 1543. In the interior is a tablet to Sir Philip Francis (d. 1818), now usually Identified with Junius. Mortlake is tho terminus of the University Boat Race course (comp. p. 374). The two famous astrologers, Dee and Partridge, resided at Mortlake, where Queen Elizabeth is said to have consulted the first-named. Sir Richard (d. 1S91J and Lady Burton arc buried here, under a tent of white marble. — "Pleasant walk through (S.) East Sheen to Richmond Park. L. Kew (p. 400) has a railway-station on the opposite bank, with which a stone bridge connects it. Picturesque walk to Richmond. It was on an 'eyot' between Richmond and Kow that Prince Wil liam (William IV.) used to meet IV.nlita Robinson. R. Brentford (p. 401), near which is Sion House (p. 402). R. Isleworth (rail, stat.), a favourite residence of London merchants, with numerous villas and market-gardens. The woods and lawns on the banks of the river in this neighbourhood are par ticularly charming. The course of the stream is from S. to N. A new lock, the first on the river, was opened here in 1894; beyond it we pass under a railway-bridge, and then a stone bridge, the latter at — L. Richmond (see p. 399) ; boats may be hired here (p. 373). L. Petersham (Dysart Arms) , with a red brick church , in a 376 34. TWICKENHAM. quaint classical style, dating from 1505 but enlarged since. Capt. Vancouver (d. 1798) is buried in the cemetery. Close to the church is Ham House (Earl of Dysart), also of red brick, facing the river, the meeting-place of the Cabal during its tenancy by the Duke of Lauderdale. A little farther from the river stands Sudbrook House, built by the Duke of Argyll (d. 1743), and now a hydropathic establishment. It is immortalised by Scott in the 'Heart of Midlothian' , as the scene of the interview between Jeanie Deans and the Duke. On the opposite bank of the Thames is — R. Twickenham (Railway; King's Head; Albany; White Swan, by the river), with a great number of interesting historical villas aud mansions. The name most intimately associated witli the place is that of Pope, whose villa, however, has been replaced by an other (occupied by Mr. Labouchere), while hiB grotto is also altered. The poet was buried in the old parish-church, and its present mod ern successor still contains his monument, erected by Bishop War- burton in 1761. Tbe monument erected by Pope to his parents 'ot slbl' is now concealed by tho organ. Ou tho exterior of tho E. wall of the N. aisle is a tablet placed by Pope in memory of his nurse who served him for 38 years. Kitty Clive (d. 1786), tho actress, is also buried in the churchyard. Near the site of Pope's villa stands Orleans House, a building of red brick, once the residence of Louis Philippe and other members of the Orleans family, and now for sale. Farther up the river, about '/a M. above Twickenham, is Strawberry Hill, Horace Walpole's famous villa; it was long tho residence of the late Countess Waldegrave, who collected here a great many of the objects of art which adorned it in Walpole's time. Among other celebrities connected with Twickenham is Henry Fielding, the novelist. Eel Pie Island (Inn), opposite Twickenham, is a favourite resort of picnic parties. R. Teddington (p. 399), with the second lock on the Thames and a foot-bridge. L. Kingston (Griffin; Sun ;Wheatsheaf '; rail, stat., p. 410), an old Saxon town, where some of the early kings of England were crowned. Iu the market-place, surrounded by an ornamental iron railing, is the Stone which is said to have been used as the king's seat during the coronation-ceremony. The names of those believed to have been crowned here are carved on the stone. The Town Hall, with an old leaden statue of Queeii Anne over the doorway, dates from 1840 ; the Renaissance County Hall from 1893. The Church of All Saints is a flue cruciform structure, dating iu part from the 14th century. Kingston is united with Hampton Wick on the other bank by a stone bridge, constructed in 1827. It is surrounded by numerous villas and country-residences, and is a favourite resort of Lon doners in summer. Rowing and sailing boots may be hired either ot Kingston or Hamp ton Wick. — Pleasant walks to Ham Common, ond through Bushy Park 35. THE THAMES. 377 to (2 M.) Hampton Courl. — The Guildford coach (p. 54) passes through Kingston. Steaming past Surbiton, the southern suburb of Kingston, and Thames Ditton (p. 394), on the left, we now arrive at the bridge crossing the river at — Hampton Court, see p. 394. (The village of Hampton lies on the right, about 1 M. farther up.) 35. The Thames from London Bridge to Gravesend. Steamboats from London Bridge to Gravesend, see p. 62. To Gravesend by railway, fee R. 45. The scenery of the Thames below London contrasts very unfavourably with the smiling beauties of the same river higher up; yet the trip down to Gravesend has altractions of its own, and may be recommended as affording a good survey of the vast commercial traffic of London. — The words right and left in the following description aie used with reference to going downstream. Leaving Fresh Wharf or Old Swan Pier at London Bridge, the steamboat steer3 through the part of the Thames known as the Pool (p. 144). The principal objects seen on the hanks are the Mon ument (left; p. 144), St. Olave's Church (right), Billingsgate (left ; p. 145), Custom House (left ; p. 146), and Tower (left ; p. 162). We then pass under the Tower Bridge (p. 161) and beyond St. Kath arine's Dorks and London Docks (both right), proceed between Wapping (p. 163), on the left, and Rotherhithe (p. 163), on the right, which are connected by the Thames Tunnel (p. 163). The steamer calls at Cherry Gardens Pier in Wapping and at Thames Tunnel Pier in Rotherhithe. — On the left bank lies the district otShadwell (p. 163). To the right are tbe Surrey Commercial Docks (p. 163), and opposite them is Limehouse Dock. At Limehouse Pier, in Limehouse Reach, the Pool ends. For the next three miles we skirt the Isle of Dogs (p. 164), on tbe left, on which are the West India Docks and Millwall Docks. Opposite Millwall Pier lies Depl- ford, at the foreign cattle-market (p. 164). R. Greenwich Pier, whence there is a ferry to North Green wich (p. 164). Greenwich, see p. 379. — Immediately beyond the pier rises Greenwich Hospital (p. 379), on a river-terrace 860 ft. long, and behind it are Greenwich Park and Observatory (p. 381). We now steer to the N., down Blackwall Reach, with Green wich Marshes on the right. On the left, farther on, lie Blackwall and the East India Docks, beyond which we pass over Blackwall Tunnel (p. 164), just before reaching Blackwall Pier. — At the mouth of Bow Creek (left), by which the Lea enters the Thames, is Trinity Wharf, belonging to the Trinity House (p. 159). On the left are the Royal Victoria Docks (p. 164), continued on the E. by the Albert Docks (p. 164), with the workmen's quarters of Canning Town and Silvertown. Off Charlton Pier (right) lies the 'Warspite' training-ship of the Royal Marine Society. 378 36. THE THAMES. R. Woolwich Pier, Woolwich, see p. 382. — Near the pier there is a steam Ferry (p. 382) to North Woolwich (p. 165). The banks of the Thames below Woolwich are very flat and marshy, recalling the appearance of a Dutch landscape. Shortly after leaving Woolwich we enter a part of the river called Barking Reach, with Plumstead Marshes on the right. To the left are the huge gas-works at Becklon. Farther on, at Barking Creek ou the N., and Crossness on the S. bank, are situated the outlets of Lon don's new and gigantic system of drainage (p. 96). The pumping house at Crossness is a building of some architectural merit, with an Italian tower (visitors admitted on application at the office). Passing through Halfway Reach and Erith Reach, with Beloedere House (p. 419) and Erith Marshes on our right, we next arrive at — It. Erith (Prince of Wales), a village pleasantly situated at the base of a wooded hill, with a picturesque, ivy-clad, old church. It is a favourite starting-point for yacht-races. — On the opposite bank of the river, 2 M. lower down, lies — L. Purfleel (Royal Hotel, fish-dinners), tho soat of large Gov ernment powder-magazines, capable of containing 60,000 barrels of powder. The training-ship Cornwall is moored in the Thames at Purfleet. Opposite is the mouth of the small river Darent. In Long Reach, between Purlleet and Greenhithe, is the Admiralty 'measured mile.' — The Essex bank here forms a sharp promontory, immediately opposite which, in a corresponding indentation, lios — R. Greenhithe (Pier; White Hart), a pretty little place, with a number of villas. The training-ships 'Arethusa' and 'Chichester' and the higher class school-ship ' Worcester' lie in the river here. Green hithe is also a yachting-station. A little way inland is Stone Church, supposed to have been built by the architect of Westminster Abbey, and restored by Street (p. 176); it contains some line stone-carving and old brasses. Just beyond Greenhithe the eye is attracted hy the conspicuous white mansion of Ingress Abbey, at one time occupied by the father of Sir Henry Havelock. Two miles below Greenhithe, ou the opposite bank, is — L. West Thurrock (Old Ship), with the Norman church of St. Clement (12th cent.) and some remains of an old monastery. L. Grays Thurrock (King's Arms), near which are some curious caves. The training-ships 'Shaftesbury' and 'Exmoulh' are moored here. — Next, 3 M. lower down, — R. Northfleet, with chalk-pits, cement-factories, and a fine old church containing some monuments and a carved oak rood-screen of the 14th century. Northfleet also possesses a college for indigent ladies and gentlemen, and a working-men's club, the latter a large red and white brick building. An electric tramway runs from Northfleet station (S. E. R.) to the top of Northfleet Hill (Id.), where it connects with a horse-tramway to Rosherville and Gravesend (through-fare 2d.). 36. GREENWICH. 379 The steamer next passes Rosherville (p. 420), with a pier (right), and finally reaches — R. Gravesend, p. 420. Thence by rail to London or Rochester, see R. 45. On the Essex bank, opposite Gravesend, we observe the low bastions of Tilbury Fort, originally constructed by Henry III. to defend the mouth of the Thames, and since extended and strengthened. It was here that Queen Kliznbeth assembled and reviewed her troops in anticipation of the attack of the Armada (1588), appearing in helmet and corslet, and using the hold and well-known words: 'I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too !' The large docks at Tilbury (Tilbury Grand Hotel), opened in 1886, comprise 588 acres, of which 73 are water. They have frequent railway-communication with Fenchurch Street (p. 57). 36. Greenwich Hospital and Park. Greenwich may be reached by Steamboat, see R. 35 (pleasant in fine weather)! by Tramway, see Nos. 13, 14, 15, pp. 34, 35; or by Railway in 25-35 min. from Charing Cross Station (p. 55 : trains every 20 min.; fares Is., 9d., 6d ), Cannon Street (fares 9d., id., I'/id.), London Bridge, Victoria (fares I0d., 9c?., 6d.), or Holborn Viaduct. — This excorsion may also be combined with a visit to Blackwall and the Docks, starting from Fenchurch Street Station (see R. 9). Greenwich. — Hotels : Ship Tavern, King William St., near the pier (fish dinner from about 7«.). Connected with the Ship Tavern is a restaurant, called the Snip Stores, which is cheaper; lunch from is. Gd. Greenwich, with 78,167 inhab. (1891), is situated in Kent, on the S. hank of the Thames, 4l/2 M. below London Bridge. General Wolfe (d. at Quebec 1769) is buried in the parish-church of St. Alphage. — At the close of tHe parliamentary session the Cabinet Ministers and other members of the Government used to meet annually to partake of a banquet at Greenwich, known as the Whitebait Dinner, from the whitebait, a small flsh not much more than an inch in length, for which Greenwich is famous, and which Ib considered a great delicacy. It is eaten with cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and brown bread and butter. The Whitebait Dinner was resumed, after a hiatus of 15 years, in 1896. Greenwich Fair waB discontinued in 1866. "Greenwich Hospital and Royal Naval College (PI. G, 70) oc cupies the site of an old royal palace, built in 1433 by Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and called by him Placentia or Plaisance. In it Henry VIII. and his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, were born, and here Edward VI. died. During the Commonwealth the palace was removed. In 1667 Charles II. began to rebuild it, but he only completed the wing which is named after him. Twenty years later, after the accession of William III., the building was resumed, and in 1694 the palace was converted into a hospital for aged and dis abled sailors. The number of inmates accommodated in the hospital reached its highest point (2710) in 1814, hut afterwards decreased considerably. In 1866 the number was 1400, and of these nearly 380 36. GREENWICH. 1000 took advantage of a resolution of the Admiralty, which gave the pensioners the option of remaining in the hospital or of receiv ing an out-door pension, and chose the latter alternative. There are now no pensioners left. The revenue of the hospital amounts to about 160,000!. per annum, being derived mainly from landed pro perty ; and upwards of 9000 seamen and marines derive benefit from it in one form or another. The funds alBO support Greenwich Hos pital School (p. 381). The hospital is now used as a Royal Naval College, for tbe instruction of naval officers ; hut many of the suites of rooms are at present unoccupied. The expenses of tho college antl the maintenance of the building are defrayed by votes of Parliament. The building consists ot four masses or sections. On the side next the river are tbe W. or King Chaeles Building, with the library, and the E. or Queen Anne Building, which now contains a naval museum. These are both in the Corinthian style. Behind are the S.W. or King William Building, and the S.E. or Queen Maev Building, each furnished with a dome in Wren's style. The Rioer Terrace, 800 ft. long, ia embellished with two granite obelisks, one in commemoration of the marine officers and men who fell in the New Zealand rebellion of 1803-64 ; and the other (of red granite) in honour of Lieutenant Bellot, a French naval officer, who lost his life in a search [or Franklin. Tho quadrangle in the centro contains a luarblo stuttio of George II., in Roman costume, by Rysbrack; an Elizabethan gun found in the Mcdway aud supposed to have be longed to a ship sunk by the Dutch in 1667; and a gun which was on board the 'Victory' at Trafalgar (1805). In the upper quadrangle ia a colossal bust of Nelson, by Chantrey. — On the S.W. side is the Seamen's Hospital, for sailors of all nationalities, transferred hither in 1865 from the Dreadnought, an old man-of-war formerly stationed in the Thames. The Painted Hall (see below) is open to the public daily from 10 to 4, 5, or 6 (on Sun. after 2 p.m.), and the Chapel and Royal Museum are open daily, except Sun. and Frid., at the same hours. The chief feature of the King William section is the Painted Hall, 106 ft. long, 50 ft. broad, and 50 ft. high, containing the Naval Gallery of pictures aud portraits which commemorate tho naval victories and heroes of Great Britain. The paintings on the wall and ceiling were executed by Sir James Thornhill in 1707-27. The Descriptive Catalogue (price 3d.) supplies brief biographical and historical data. The Vestiuule contains, amongst other pictures, Portraits of Co lumbus and Andrea Doria (from Italian originals), Vasco da Goma (from a Portuguese original), Duquesne by Steuben, and tho Earl of Sandwich by Gainsborough; statues of Admirals St. Vincent, Howe, Nelson, and Duncan: a memorial tablet to Sir John Franklin and his companions, executed by Westmacott (on the left); and a painting of tho turret-ship 'Devastation' at a naval review in honour of the Shah of Persia (1878) by E. W. Cooke (to the right). — Tho Hall. The four corners ore filled with marble statues: to the left of the entrance, Adm. de Saumarez, by 36. GREENWICH. 381 Steele; to the right, Capt. Sir William Peel, by Theed; to the left of the exit, Viscount Exmouth, by Macdowell; to the right, Adm. Sir Sidney Smith, by Kirk. The numbering of the pictures begins in the corner to the right. Among the moat conspicuous are the following: Loutherbourg, 11. Destruction of the Spanish Armada in 1688, 28. Lord Howe's victory at Ushant; 26. Briggs , George III. presenting a sword to Lord Howe in commemoration of the victory at Ushant in 1794; 34. Drummond, Battle of Camperdown (1797); 46. Chambers (after Benjamin West), Cattle of La Ilogue, 1692; 53. Zoffany, Death of Captain Cook in 1779; 80. Devis, Death of Nelson in 1805; 86. Turner, Battle of Trafalgar; 91. Arnold, Battle of Aboukir; 98. Jones, Battle of St. Vincent; 107. Allen, Nelson boarding the San Nicholas, 1797. Among the most interesting portraits are: 10. Hawkins, Drake, and Cavendish, a group after Mytens; 27. St. Vin cent; 29. Hood; 37. Bridport, by Reynolds; 50. George, Duke of Cumber land, by Kneller; 52. Cook, hy Dance; 54. James II., by Lely; 56. Sir James Clark Rosa; 63. Adm. Kempenfelt; 77. Sir Charles Napier; 85. Nelson; 87. Collingwood; 88. Capt. G. Duff; 104. Monk, Duke of Albe marle, by Lely; 109. Sir "W. Penn, by Lely. — In the Upper Hall arc busta of (left) Rivers, Goodenough, "William IV., Sir Joseph Banks, Blake, Adam, Liarrtct, TschitchagofF (a Russian admiral), and Vernon. The upper hall also contains glass-cases with relics of Nelson, including tho coat and waistcoat he wore at Trafalgar, when he received his death- wound; tlie ennt he wore at the baltle of tbe Nile; his watch; hia pig tail, cut off after death; an autograph letter; and a Turkish gun and sabre presented to him after the battle of the Nile. — The Nelson Roobi (to the left of the upper hall) contains pictures by West and others^ in honour ofthe heroic Admiral, a series of portraits of his contemporaries, portraits of General Bairington by Reynolds and Admiral Hope (d. 1881) by Hodges; ihe silken hangings of Nelson's hammock, etc. In the S.E. or Queen Mary edifice is the Chapel, which contains an altar-piece by West, representing St. Paul shaking the viper off his hand after his shipwreck, and monuments of Adm. Sir R. Keats, by Chantrey, and Adm. Sir Thomas Hardy, by Behnes. The Royal Naval Museum, in the W. or King Charles wing and the K. or Queen Anne wing (admission free), contains models of ships, Tigging, and various apparatus; relics of the Franklin ex pedition; mementoes of Nelson; a model of the Battle of Trafalgar; a number of paintings and drawings, etc. At the Royal Naval School, lying between the hospital and Greenwich Park , 1000 sons of British seamen and marines arc Ann paled To the S. of Greenwich is * Greenwich Park (PI. G, 71), 174 acres in extent, laid out during the reign of Charles II. by the celebrated Le NStre. The park, with its fine old chestnuts and hawthorns (in blossom in May) and herds of tame deer, is a favourite resort of Londoners of the middle classes on Sundays and holidays, particularly on Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Whit -Monday. A hill in the centre, 180 ft. in height, is crowned by the famono Greenwich Royal Observatory ('astronomical' visitors sometimes ad mitted on application to the Director, Mr. W. H. M. Christie), founded in 1675, from the meridian of which English astronomers make their calculations. The correct time for the whole of England is settled here every day at 1 p.m. ; a large coloured ball descends many feet, and the time is telegraphed hence to the most important towns 382 37. "WOOLWICH. throughout the country. The fine astronomical apparatus in the ob servatory includes a 28-inch refracting telescope and a 26-inch photographic telescope. A large number of chronometers are tested here annually. A standard clock (with the hours numbered from 1 to 24) and various standard measures of length are fixed just outside the entrance, pro bono publico. The terrace in front of tho observatory and the other elevated portions of the park command an extensive and varied view over the river, bristling with the masts of vessels all the way to London, over the Ilainault and Epping Forests, backed by the hills of Ilampstead , and over the plain extend ing to the N. of the Thames and intersected by docks and canals. On the S. and S.E. Greenwich Park is bounded by Blackheath, a common, now 267 acres in extent, across which runs the Roman road to Dover. Here Wat Tyler in 1381 and Jack Cade iu 1460 as sembled the rebellious 'men of Kent', grown impatient under hard deprivations, for the purpose of attacking the Metropolis, and here belated travellers were not unfrequently robbed in former times. Blackheath Golf Club, founded in 1608, is the oldest existing golf club in the world, and the heath is still frequented by golfers, though better 'links' have been laid out within tbe last few years elsewhere near London (comp. p. 71). — To the S. of Ulackheath, beyond the Blackheath Station of tbe S. E.R., lies Lee, iu the churchyard of which is the grave of Edmund Hallcy (d. 1742), the astronomer. 37. Woolwich. Woolwich may be reacbed by Steamboat, see R. 35 j or by Railway in 25-45 min. from Charing Cross (traios every 20 min.; fares is. 6rf., is., 9d.), Cannon Street, or London Bridge. — North Woolwich (p. 160), whence there is a free ferry to Woolwich, may be reached by rail from Liverpool Street or Fenchurch Street. — A tramway (No. 17 ; p. 35) connects Wool- wicb with Greenwicb. Woolwich (King's Arms , near the Dockyard Station ; Royal Mortar, near the Arsenal GateB) is situated on the Thames, 9 M. below London Bridge. There are two principal stations : Woolwich Dockyard and Woolwich Arsenal. Pop. (1891) 40,848. The Royal Absenal , one of the most imposing establishments in existence for the manufacture of materials of war, is shown on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 and 11.30, and 2 and 4.30, by tickets, obtained at the War Office, Pall Mall. Foreigners must receive special permission by application through their ambassador. The chief departments are the Gun Factory, established in 1716 by a German named Schalch (the new Woolwich guns are not cast, but formed of forged steel and wire) ; the Laboratory for making cartridges and projectiles; and the Gun-carriage and Waggon De partment. The arsenal covers an area of 693 acres, and affords em ployment to over 14,000 men. The magazines, which extend along the Thames for a milo to the E. of tho pier, contain onormous 37. WOOLWICH. 383 stores of war-materials. — The Dockyard, established by Henry VIII. in 1632, was closed in 1869, but is still used for military stores. It lies to the W. of the pier. To the S. of the Dockyard Station, and highor up the slope, lie the Red Barracks, eight buildings connected by a corridor, and now partly occupied by tbe Royal Artillery College for training artillery officers for appointments in the arsenal. Still higher up, at the N. end of Woolwich Common, are the Royal Artillery Barracks, 1200 ft. in length, with accommodation for 4000 men and 1000 horses. In front of the building are placed several pieces of ordnance, in cluding a cannon 16'/2 ft- long, cast in 1677 for the Emperor Aurungzebe, and 'looted' at Bhurtpore in 1827 ; and a Statue of Victory, by John Bell, in memory of the artillery officers and mon who fell in the Crimea. — To the E. are the Royal Artillery In stitution, the Military Train Barracks, and St. George's, the gar rison-church. Woolwich Common, which extends hence to the S.W. for about 1 M., is used for the manoeuvres of the garrison. On its N.W. side stands the Royal Military Repository, where soldiers are instructed in mounting and dismounting guns, pontooning, etc. Within its limits Ib the Rotunda (113 ft. in diameter), built by Nash in 1814, containing a military museum, with models of fortiflcationa and designs and specimens of artillery (open to the public daily from 10 to 1 and 2 to 5). The Royal Military Academy , established in 1719, and trans ferred in 1806 to the present building on the S.E. side of Wool wich Common, trains cadets for the Engineers or Artillery. On tho opposite (W.) side of the Common is a Hut Camp for two field-batteries ; and at the S. end is the huge military Herbert Hospital, built in 1865. The extensive Telegraphic Works of Sie mens Brothers, where submarine cables are made, are worth visit ing (Bpecial card of admission necessary, to be procured only at the London office , 12 Queen Anne's Gate , by visitors provided with an introduction). About 11/2 M. to the S. of Woolwich Common rises Shooters' Hill, a conspicuous ominence, commanding an extensive and charm ing view of the richly-wooded plains of Kent. 38. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham. Trains for tbe Crystal Palace leave London Bridge Station (p. 57), Ludgate Hill Station (p. 57), Holborn Viaduct Station (p. 57), and Victoria Station tp. 55) nearly every '/< br. Fares from each of these stations, Is. 3d., is., and Id. ; rclurn-tickets 2s., is. Gd., is.; return-tickets includ ing admission lo the Palace (on the is. days) 2s. Gd., 2s., and is. Gd. Frequent trains also run from Addison Road, Kensington (fares is. dd., is. id., Gd.), on the North f.rndon Railway (p. 56). Through-tickets, with or without admission to tbe Palace, are issued at all stations on tbe North London and Ihe Metropolitan lines, and a glance at the Railway Plan of London in tbe Appendix will enable the visitor to choose bis route. 384 38. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM. The Crystal Palace is situated at D Sydenham, 8 M. S.E. of Charing Cross. Ad mission Is.,- annual season-ticket 21s. On special occasions, duly advertised in the news papers beforehand, the prices are raised. Chil dren under 12 years of age pay half-price. The Palace is opened at 10 a.m., and closed at 7.30 p.m. in win ter (except on nights when the interior of the Palace is illumin ated) and at 10 p.m. in Bummer, when illu minated garden fetes are a great feature (comp. p. 388). A hasty visit to ^ the Palace and gar- § dens , including the g journey there and W back , occupies at least half-a-day. Meals may be taken at the Palace, where there are good restau rants with various charges , from the Third Class Refresh ment Rooms in the S. Basement upwards. Refreshments may be obtained at any of the counters distributed throughout the build ing, and there are also public and private dining-rooms in three or four different parts of the Palace. The Palace also contains a library and reading-room (adjoin- 38. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM. 385 ing the transept in the N.E. section, admission lei.), letter-boxes, lavatories, railway time-tables, shoeblacks, a hair-cutting room, and other conveniences. If fatigued, the visitor may hire a wheel chair and attondant at the rato of Is. Gd. per hr. within the Palace or 2s. in the grounds. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham, designed by Sir Joseph Pax- ton, consists entirely of glasB and iron. It was constructed mainly with the materials of the first great Industrial Exhibition of 1861, and was opened in 1854. It is composed of a spacious central hall or nave, 1608 ft. long, with lateral sections, two aisles, and two transepts. (A third transept at the N. end, which formed a palm- house of imposing dimensions, was burned down in 1866.) The central transept is 390 ft. long, 120 ft. broad, and 175 ft. high. The S. transept is 312 ft. long, 72 ft. broad, and 110 ft. high. The two water-towers at the ends are 282 ft. in height. The cost of the whole undertaking, including the magnificent garden and grounds, and much additional land outside, amounted to a million and a half sterling. Entrances. (1.) The Low Level Station of the Brighton and South Coast Railway, and of the South London Line (London Bridge, Crystal Palace, Clapham Junction, Victoria Station), is on the S.E. side of the Palace, and connected with it by a glass gallery. — (2.) From the High Level Station of the London, Chatham, and Dover Line (Victoria Terminus or Holborn Viaduct Station), on the W. side of the Palace, we pass through the subway to the right, and ascend the staircase, where we observe the notice 'To the Palace only', leading direct to the W. portion of the Palace. If we leave tho subway on tho right, and ascend tbe stairs past tho hooking office, we reach a broad road at the top, on the other side of which is the principal entrance in the central transept. — Those who approach from Dulwich (p. 389) alight at Sydenham Hill Station, Y2 M. from the Palace. The Crystal Palace is of such vast extent , that in our limited space we can only indicate the order in which the chief objects of interest are most conveniently visited (comp. Plan). A fuller description will be found in tbe offlcial Guide (price Is. ; smaller guide-books Id., programme for the day 2d.). Approaching from the Low Level Station (see above) through the glass arcade, 720 ft. in length, we first enter the 5. Transept, whence, opposite the great partition (PI. s), we obtain a good general survey of the Palace (better still from the gallery above the partition). The effect produced by the contrast between the green foliage ofthe plants, distributed along the whole of the nave, and the white forms of the statuary to which they form a background, is most pleasing. Behind the statues are the richly-coloured facades of the courts, and high above is the light and airy glass vaulting of the roof. The whole presents, at a single coup d'oeil, a magnificent and Baidekeb's London. 11th Edit. 25 386 38. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM. unique view of the art and culture of nations which are widely separated from each other in time and space. In order to obtain a general idea of the arrangements of the Palace we walk to the opposite end of the nave , and then visit the variouB courts, beginning with the Egyptian Court on the N.W. side of the central transept. In the Sooth Transept we first observe, in recesses in the par tition mentioned above (adjoining which are refreshment-rooms, see p. 384), a series of plaster casts of the Btatues of English monarchs in the Houses of Parliament (see p. 230). The eques trian statue of Queen Victoria in the middle of the transept is by Marochetti. A little beyond it is a water-basin containing the Crystal Fountain (by Osier), which once adorned the original Crys tal Palace of 1851 in Hyde Park , and is now embellished with aquatic plants and ferns. The castB from modern sculptures are ar ranged for the most part in the S. nave and transept, and those from the antique in the N. half of the building. On the left (W.) of the Central Transept ia tho groat Handel Orchestra, which oan accommodate 4000 persons, and has a diameter (216ft.) twice as great as the dome of St. Paul's. Iu the middle is the powerful organ, with 4384 pipos, built by Gray &. Davison at a cost of OOOOi. and worked by hydraulic machinery (a performance usually given in the afternoon). Opposite, at the garden end of the transept, is the Great Stage. The Concert Hall, on the S. Bide of the stage, can accommodate an audience of 4000. An excellent orchestra plays here daily (at present on Mon. at 12.30 and 4, Tues. and Thurs. at 12.30, Wed. at 3.30, and Frid. at 4), and admirable concerts are given every Saturday from October to April (conductor, Mr. August Manns). The Opera House, on the N., opposite the Concert Hall, accommodates 2000 persons, and is used for plays and pantomimes as well aa for operas. On each side of the nave is a range of so-called "Courts, con taining copies of the architecture and sculpture of the most highly civilised nations , from the earliest period to the present day, arranged in chronological order. The collection of casts, especially those, in the Greek and Roman courts, ranks among the best in the country ; and the careful reproductions of the most famous archi tectural hits of the different epochs merit more than passing in spection. All the exhibits are distinctly labelled. On the W. Bide of the nave are the Egyptian Court (PI. a), with imitations of ancient Egyptian architecture ; the Greek Court (PI. b), with portions of Greek buildings and casts of Greek sculp ture ; the Roman Court (PI. c), with casts and restored models of Roman buildings; and the Alhambra Court (PI. d), a copy of part of the Alhambra, the Moorish palace at Granada. The north end of the Palace, which, like the other, boasts of a handsome "Fountain with a basin of aquatic plants, is now occupied 38. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM. 387 by the Tropical Department, containing specimens of tropical vegetation, and aviaries of foreign birds. — From this part of the building a staircase descends to the right by the buffet to the monkey-house and gardens. We now proceed to the E. side of the nave, where we first enter the Byzantine and Romanesque Court (PI. f), with specimens of architecture and sculpture of various dates from the 6th to the 13th century. The following three Medieval Courts (PI. g; 12-16th cent.) illustrate German, English, and French Gothic. Then follow the Renaissance Court (PI. h), with the Elizabethan Vestibule ; and the Italian Court (PI. i), with the Italian Vestibule. Behind the courts on this side are the Library and Reading Room (adm. Id.) and the Crystal Palace School of Art. On the S. side of the Central Transept, which we now traverse, begin the Industrial Courts, most of the objects in which are for sale. We first observe, next to the Conceit Hall, the French Court (PI. k), now used as an afternoon tea room; thou a Court (PI. 1) containing scientific instruments and books; next, the Fabrics Court (PI. m) ; and then the Glass And China Court (PI. n). Behind these four courts is the Carriage Department, where vehicles of every description are exhibited. We have now again reached the South Transept. Among the ahrubberies around the water-basin mentioned at p. 386 are groups of figures representing the different races of mankind, stuffed animals, and other objects. On thoW. sido is tho PoMrniAN Court (PI. o), which is intended to represent a Roman house of the reign of Titus, having been carefully copied, both in form and pictorial decoration, from a building excavated at Pompeii. — Adjoining is a cabinet with views of Pompeii (admission Gd.). Tho Chinese Court (PI. p) contains Chinese art and manu factures, including Archdeacon Gray's collection of Oriental china. The Manufacturing Court (PI. q) shows interesting processes of manufacture, including a steam loom for ornamental weaving. The Entertainment Court (PI. r) is now used for exhibitions of various kinds. Ascending now to the West Gallery, by a staircase near the Central Transept (W. side), we find to our right (N.) the Portrait Gallery, consisting of a series of busts of eminent men of all nations, and to our left (S.) the collection of Oil and Water- colour Paintings, which includes some fine modern works. Pass ing under the clock hy the S. Gallery, we reach the East Gallery, the S. half of which contains the Wurtemberg Collection of Stuffed Animals (about 1500 in number), while the N. half is devoted to o. Technological Museum and various miscellaneous collections (Tas- manian ; Modern Egyptian ; Palestine Exploration ; Lifeboat So ciety, etc.). — Other portions of the galleries are filled with stalls for the Bale of trinkets, toys, millinery, confectionery, and knick-. 25* 388 38. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM. knacks of all sorts. The Palace alao possesses a gymnasium , a skating-rink, and many other attractions of which it is needless to give an exhaustive list. The highest Terrace, the balustrade of which is embellished with 26 marble statues representing the chief countries and most important cities in the world, affords a magnificent view of the park and of the rich scenery of the county of Kent. The prospect is still more extensive from the platform of the N. Tower, which riaea to a height of 282 ft. above the level of the lowest basins, and is aBcended by a winding staircase and by a lift; it extends into six counties, and embraces the whole course of the Thames. The chief exit from the Crystal Palace into the "Gardens is in the S. basement, below the Central Transept; they may also be entered from the covered arcade leading to the Palace from the Low Level Station (p. 385), sr by any one of the small side-doors in different parts of the building. The Gardens , covering an area of 200 acres, and laid out in terraces in the Italian and English styles, are tastefully embellished with flower-beds, shrubberies, fountains, cascades, and statuary. The numerous seats offer grate ful repose after the fatigue of a walk through the Palace. At the head of the broad walk is a monument to Sir Joseph Paxton, sur mounted by a colossal bust by Woodington. The two great fountain basins have recently been converted into Spout Arenas, each about 8^2 acres in extent. During tbe season football, cricket, lawn tennis, lacrosse, and otlier games are played here (comp. pp. 72, 73). Nine other fountains, however, still remain and play on firework nights (see below) and other special occasions. A great display of fireworks (by Messrs. C. T. Brock & Co.) takes place every Thurs day evening in summer, often attracting 10-20,000 visitors. — The "Geological Department in the S.E. portion of the park, by the Great Pond, is extremely interesting and should not be over looked. It contains full-size models of antediluvian animals, — the Megalosaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Pterodactyl, Palajotherium, Megathe rium, and the Irish Elk (found in the Isle of Man) — together with the contemporaneous geological formations. — The N.E. part of the park is laid out as a Cricket Ground, and on summer afternoons the game attracts numerous spectators. The Lawn Tennis Courts (2s. per hour) are also here. At the N. end of the terrace are a swini- ming-bath, dancing platform, monkey-house, and aviaries; and the gardens also contain open-air gymnasia, 'roller coaster' aud 'switch back' railways, an archery-ground, swings, etc. Near the Rosery is a Panorama of the Siege of Paris (adm. 6d.). In the London Road, Forest Hill, about II/4 M. from the Crystal Palace and the same distance from the Dulwich Gallery (p. 389), is the Homiman Free Museum, a largo collection belonging to Mr. F. J. Horniman, M. P., originally opened in 1890 (Curator, Mr. U. 39. DULWICH. 389 Quick). The museum ia at present closed, pending the erection of a new building, expected to be opened and presented to the public in summer 1899. The park (15 acres) is, however, open. The collections include china and porcelain, ethnographical curiosities, historical relics, carved furniture, enamels, arms and armour, fans, musical instruments, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian antiquitios, Oriental objects, etc. The natural history department includes an interesting collection of insocts and a brilliant array of moths and butterflies. The Musoum is about 3 min. walk from Lordship Lane, on the London, Chatham, & Dover Railway, and 6 min. walk from Forest Hill, on the London, Brighton, & South Coast Railway. In 1897 it was attended by 90,383 visitors. 39. Dulwich. Dnlicich, 5 M. to the 8. of St. Paul's and 2 M. to the N. of the Crysta. Palace, is most conveniently reached from Victori: Station (p. 55 : L.O.D. Railway) in 20 mio., or from .U. Paul's Station (p. 57) in 25-30 mini (fares Gd., Id., bd. ; return-tickets is., iOd., £d.). This exeu-sion may be conveniently combined with the preceding, the morning being spent at Dulwich. Lunch at Dulwich or at the Crystal Palace. On leaving the station at Dulwich we turn to the right. After proceeding for about 100 paces we observe in front of us the new building of Dulwich College, a handsome red brick structure in the Renaissance style, built in 1870 at a cost of 100,000(. The College of God's Gift at Dulwich was founded in 1619, by Edward Alloyn, tbe aclor, a friend of ShaUflpe.ire, and included an almshouse. 'the school was reorganized in 1^57 and 1832 anil n tw comprises this New College, providing an upper grade education for BlOboys, onA s. Lower Grade School, about 1 M. to the N., under .separate m nTgemcnt, where only nominal fees are charged. Gallery Road, a broad road diverging to the left (N.) before the New College, leads in 5 min. to the old college-buildings and "Dulwich Picture Gallery, the entrance to which ia indicated by a notice on a lamp-post. Apart from some unimportant paintings bequeathed to the College by Alleyn and by William Cartwright (d. 1688), the present valuable collection was formed by Noel Desenfans (d. 18U7), a picture-dealer in London, and left by him to .Sir P. J. Bourgeois, the painter (d. 1811), who in turn bequeathed it to God's Gift College, along with 17,500Z. for ita maintenance aud tbe erection of a suitable gallery to contain it. Admission, see p. 106. This collection possesses a few excellent Spanish works by Murillo (1618-82) and one l>y his master Velazquez (1509-1C60), and also some good examples of tho French school (particularly N. Poussin, 1594-1665, and Watteau, 1GS4-1721) ; while, among Italian schools, later masters only (such as the Academic school of the Carracci at Bologna) are re presented. The small pictures catalogued as by Raphael have been, unfortunalelv, freely retouched. The glory of the gallery, however, consists in its admirable collection of Dutch paintings, several masters being excellently illustrated both in number and quality. For instance, no other collection in the world possesses so many paintings by Albert 390 39. DULWICH. Cuyp (1605-72), the great Dutch landscape and animal painter (seventeen, two of which, Nos. 180 and 68, are doubtful). The chief power of Cuyp, who has been named the Dutch Claude, lies in his brilliant and pictur esque treatment of atmosphere and light. Similar in style are the works of the brothers Jan and Andrew Both, also well represented in this gal lery, who resided in Italy and imitated Claude. Andrew supplied the figures to the landscapes of his brother Jan (Utrecht, 1610-56). The ten examples of Philip Wouverman (Haarlem , 1620-63) , the most eminent Dutch painter of battles and hunting-scenes, include specimens of Ms early manner (Nos. 65 and 125), as well as others exhibiting the brilliant effects of his later period. Among the fine examples of numerous other masters, two genuine works by Rembrandt (1607-69) are conspicuous (Nos. 189 and 206). About twenty pictures here were formerly assigned to Rubens (1577-1640), but traces of an inferior hand are visible in most of them. Among the works of Flemish masters the large canvasses of Rubens' rival Van Dyck (1599-1641), and those of Teniers the Elder (Ant werp, 1582-1649) and Teniers the Younger (1610-94), call for special notice. The specimens of the last-named, one of the must prominent of all genre painters, will in particular well repay examination. — Catalogue (1892; ljt.), with biographies of Ihe painters, by J. P. Richter and /. Sparkes. The numbers given below in brackets are those of earlier catalogues and are still shewn on the picture*, along with the new numbers in red. Itouu I. On the left: 2 (334). Uotognc.se School, St. Cecilia; 3, 5 (8, 10). W. von Romeyn (Utrecht, pupil of Berchem ; d. 1662), Landscapes with figures; 4 (9). Cuyp, Landscape with cattle; % 10 12, 15 (30, 199, 41, 205). Jan and Andrew Both, Landscapes with figures and cattle ; 16 (178). Unknown Master of Haarlem, Landscape with figures; 23, 26 (16, 15). Bartolommeo Breenberg (of Utrecht, settled in Home; d. 1660), Small landscapes; 25 (14). Corn. Poelemburg (Utrecht; d. 1666), Dancing nymph: •SI, "SS (155, 61). Teniers the Younger, Landscapes with figures; "34, '36 (64, 63). Wouverman, Landscapes; 35 (52). Teniers the Elder, Cottage and figures. •39 (104). Corn. Busart (Haarlem, d. 1704), Old building, with figures. A remarkably careful and choice picture by this scholar of Adriaen van Ostade, who approaches nearest to his master in the glow of his colouring'. — Waagen. 45 (107). Adriaen van Ostade (Haarlem; d. 1685), Interior of a cottage with figures; 46 (365). Antonio Belucci (d. 1726), St. Sebastian with Faith and Charity; '47 (147). Jan Weenix (Amsterdam, 1640-1719; son and pupil of Jan Baptist Weenix), Landscape with accessories, dated 1661; 49 (84). Teniers the Younger, Cottage with figures; 50(85). Brekehnkamp , Old woman eating porridge; 51 (72). Adriaen van de Velde (Amsterdam; d. 1672), Landscape with cattle; 52, 54(86,50). Teniers the Younger, Cottage with figures, Guard-room; *56 (106). Gerard Dou, Lady playing on a keyed instrument; 62 (329). Spanish School, Christ bearing the cross; Cuyp, 63 (5). Cows and sheep, an early work, *65 (114). Interior of a riding- school. — Room VII, to the left of R. I, contains the Carlwright Collection of Portraits. Room II. On the left: 67(93). Wouverman, View near Scheveningen, early work; 63(113). Willem van de Velde the Younger (Amsterdam : d. 1707), Calm; 71 (156). Cuyp, Two horses; '77, 78, *79 (123, 173, 126). Philip lX™?enaaa> LandscaPes with figures; 81 (124). Van Dyck, Charity; *82 V V' ,fwel du Jardin (Amsterdam, pupil of Berchem, painted at Rome; d. 1078), Smith shoeing an ox; 86(130). Adam Pynacker (of Pynacker, near Delft settled in Italy; d. 1673), Landscape with sportsmen ; "87 (1 30. Memdert Hobbema (Amsterdam; d. 1709), Landscape with a water-mill; i i J* ^an,I,icef\7ir^in and Ix»fant Saviour (repetitions at Dresden and elsewhere) ; 92 (137). Wouverman, Farrier and an old convent (engraved under the title 'Le Colombier du Marshal') ; 05 (139). Teniers the Younger, A chateau with the family of the proprietor; 96 (141). Cuyp, Landscape with figures; *97 (144). Wouverman, Halt uf travellers; '99 (189) Item- 39. DULWICH. 391 6r^<"^P?™SU'..e^l,y w,"k., rented in 1032; 102(143). Sir Joshua Rey nolds (d. 1702), mother and sick child. "103 (106). IF. ua» de Velde, Brisk gale off the Texel. 'A warm evening -light, happily blended with the delicate silver tone of the master, and of the most exquisite finish in all the parts, mokes this one of his most charming pictures.' — W. 1677), Landscapes; *115 (190). A. van Ostade, Boors making merry, 'of astonishing depth, clearness, and warmth of colour'; 120 (140). Jan van Huysum (Amsterdam, d. 1749), Flowers; 122 (100). Nic. Berchem (Haarlem, d. 1083), Wood-scene; "124, **128 (103, 109). Cuyp, Landscapes with cattle and figures; 127 (108). School of Rubens, Samson and Delilah; 131 (182). Rubens, Portrait; 133 (170). Unknown Master, Landscape with cattle; 137 (169). Salvalor Rosa (Naples and Rome; d. 1673), Landscape; 140(368). Gainsborough, Portrait of Thomas Linley. Room III. On the left: 144 (243). Cui/p, Landscape near Dort, with cattle; "146 (60). Teniers the Younger, Sow and pigs; 147 (191). Adriaen van der Werff (court-painter to the Elector Palatine; d. 1722), Judgment of Paris. 1D2 (194). Velazquez, Portrait of the Prince of Asturios , son of Philip IV., a copy of the original at Madrid. "155 (190). Jan van der Heyde (Amsterdam , d. 1712) , Landscape, figures by A. van de Velde; "150 (210). Antoine Watteau (Paris, d. 1721), Le bal champetre; 157,160(200, 209). Berchem, Landscapes; "103 (206). Rembrandt, A girl at a window; "107 (197). A. Watteau, La fete champetre; "108 (211). Ruysdael, Landscape with mills; 171 (215). Wilson, Tivoli; 172 (183). Northcote, Sir P. J. Bonrgeois (p. 389); 173 (218). After Fon Dyck, Portrait; 178 (309). Sir Thos. Lawrence (d. 1830), Portrait of Wm. Linley, the author ; 181 (145). Cuyp, Winter-scene ; 182 (228). Wouverman, Land scape; 183 (150). Pynacker, Landscape with figures; 191 (238). O. Schalcken, Ceres at the old woman's cottage, from Ovid ; *192 (239). Cuyp, Land scape near Dort, with cattle ; 194 (242). Van Dyck, Lady Venetia Digby, taken after death; 197 (180). W. van de Velde, Calm. Hoom IV. On the left: '199 (248). Murillo, Spanish flower-girl; 202 (252). Charles le Brun (pupil of N. Poussin ; d. 1090), Massacre of the inno cents; '205 (244). Claude, Landscape, with Jacob and La ban ('one of the most genuine Claudes I know', writes Mr. Buskin); '208 (36). Both, Land scape ; '210 (278). Wynants (ascribed to Ruysdael), Landscape, with figures by A. van de Velde ; 213 (269). Gaspar Poussin (pupil of H. Poussin ; d. 1675), Destruction of Niobe and her children ; "215 (275). Claude Lorrain (d. 1682), Italian seaport; 216 (271). Salvalor Rosa, Soldiers gaming ('very spirited, and in a deep glowing tone') ; 220 (270). Claude, Embarkation of St. Paula at Ostia. "222 (283). Murillo, Two Spanish peasant boys and a negro boy. 'Very natural and animated, dotlned in the forms, and painted In a golden warm tone'. — IF. "221 (286). Murillo, Two Spanish peasant boys. N. Poussin, 227 (291). Adoration of the Magi ; 229 (290). Inspiration of a poet. 230 (335). Annibale Carracci (Itologna; d. 1009), Virgin, Infant Christ, and St. John. N. Pous sin 234 (300). Education of Jupiter; 230 (305). Triumph of David; 238 (315). Rinaldo and Arinida, from Tasso; 240(310). Flight into Egypt. "241, '243 (307, 306). Raphael, SS. Francis of Assist and Antony of Padua (retouched) ; 242 (337). Carlo Dolci (Bologna ; d. 1680), Mater Dolorosa ; 244 (319). Le Brun, Horatius Coccles defending the bridge; "245 (83). Cuyp, Landscape with figures (bright and calm sunlight); 249 (309). Velaz quez, Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain. Room V. On the left: 251 (327). Andrea del Sarto (d. 1530), Holy Family (repetition of a picture in the Pitti Palace at Florence, and ascribed 392 39. DULWICH. by Mr. Crowe to Salviati); 256 (287). Umbrian School, Virgin and Child; 260 (226). Italian School, Venus gathering apples in the Garden of the Hesperides; 262 (331). Guido Reni (d. 1042), St. John in the wilderness; 2b'3 (336). N. Poussin, Assumption of the Virgin; 204 (240). Van Dyck (ascribed to Rubens), The Graces; 267 (343). After Crislofano Allori (d. 1621), Judith with tho head of Holofernes; 268(339). G. Reni, St. Sebastian; "270 (333). Paolo Veronese (d. 1583). Cardinal blessing a donor; 271 (277). German School. Salvator Mundi ; 281 (347). Murillo, La Madonna del Uo- sorio; 283 (249). Domenichino, Adoration of the Shepherds; 2ir5 (351). Rubens, Venus, Mars, and Capid, a late work; 290(355). School u( Rubens, Rubens's mother. Room VI. On the left: 297 (55). Loutherbourg, Landscape; 299 (46). Teniers the Elder, Landscape with shepherd and sheep; 300, 306 (llO, (111). /. Vernet, Landscapes; 302 (361). Gainsborough, Samuel Linley; 314 (35). Teniers the Elder, Landscape, with the repentant Peter. 310 (366). Gainsborough, Mrs. Moodey and her two children, 318(340). Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, painted in 1789. — •320 (1). Gainsborough, Portraits of Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Tickell, the daughters of Thomas Linley. Mrs. Tickell sits on a bank, while Mrs. Sheridan stands half behind her. Waagen characterises this work as one of the best specimens of the master, and Mrs. Jameson says : 'The head of Mrs. Sheridan is exquisite, and, without having all the beauty which Sir Joshua gave Iter in tbe fumous St. Cecilia, there is even more mind'. "322 (102). Daniel Seghers (Antwerp; d. 1661), Flowers encircling a bas-relief. 'A very admirable picture of this master, so justly celebrated in his own times, uud whosu red roses still flourish iu their original beauty, while those of tho later painters, De liecm, Huysum, and Rachel ituysch, have more or less changed. The vase is probably by Erasmus t^uellinus'. — Waagen. 323 (34). Teniers the Elder, Landscape, with the Magdalen; 331 (302). Gainsborough, Son of Thomas Linley; 339 (89). Loutherbourg, Landscape; 340 (112). Adriaen van der Neer (Amsterdam ; d. 1691), Moouligbt-scene. The adjacent building, at one time the school, is now used as almshouses. In the chapel is the tomb of Alleyn, the founder. — A few min. walk to tbe N. of the Picture Gallery is tbe village of Dulwich (Greyhound Inn; Crown"), beyond which (3/4 M. from the Gallery) is the station of North Dulwich. — College Road leads to the S. from the village to (la/4 M.) the Crystal Palace (p. 383), passing Dulwich Park (72 acres), on the right, presented to tbe public in 1890 by the governors of the college, (>/2 M.) Dulwich College (p. 389), and (1 M.) Sydenham Hilt Station (p. 385), beside which is th of Cupid and Psyche, in 12 small pictures. *276. Correggio, Holy Family, with St. Jerome un the left, a small and admirable work of the painter's early period. Room Xll (The Queen's Drawing Roum), with ceiling painted by Verrio, representing Queen Anne as the Goddess uf Justice. Tbe windows command a fine view of the gardens and canal (*/* M. long). The pictures are all by West: above the door, 309. Duke of Cumberland and his two sisters, when children; 314. Peter denying his Master; 320. Death of General Wolfe (duplicate of the original in Grosvenor House); 321. Queen Charlotte; 322. Prince of Wales and Duke of York. Room XIII (The Queen's Audience Chamber). On the left: 329. P. Snayers, Battle of Forty; °334. Palamedes, Embarking from Scheveningen. Holbein, 259 CO- Countess of Lennox, mother of Lord Darnley; '340. Henry VIU. and his family; 342. Meeting of Henry VIII. and Francis I. of France, at the Field of the Cloth of Guid. 798. Mytens, Portrait of tbe dwarf Sir Jeffery Hudson (immortalised in Scott's 'Peveril of the Peak1). Rooa XIV (The Public Dining Room). On the left: 354. Beechey, George III. reviewing the 10th Dragoons, the Prince of Wales on the right and the Duke of York on the left; 560. Zucchero, Mary, Queen of Scots; 301. Knapton, Family of Frederick, Prince of Wales (tbe boy with tho plan on his knee is George III.); above the fire-place, 663. Van Dyck, Cupid and Psyche; 363. Sir T. Lawrence, F. von Gentz; 365. Walker, Portrait of himself; 366. Gainsborough, Jewish Rabbi ; 309. Michael Wright, John Lacy, comedian, in three characters; 376. Dobson, Portrait of himself and his wife. We proceed in a straight direction; the door to the left leads to the Queen's Chapel, etc. (seo p. 397). Room XV (The Prince of Wales's Presence Chamber). On tbo left: Rembrandt, 381. Rabbi ; 382. Dutch lady. »3H5. Mabuse, Adam and Eve; 330. N. Poussin, Nymphs and Satyrs; 404. Heemskerck, Quakers' meeting. Room XVI (The Prince of Wales's Drawing Room). On the left: 407. Van Belchamp, Louis XIII. of France; 411. Pourbus, Mary de' Medici; 413. Greuze, Louis XVI. of .France; 423. Claude Lorrain, Sea-port; 418. Pourbus, Henry IV. of France; 429. Greuze, Madame de Pompadour; above , 428. Mignard, Louis XIV., as a youth. 40. HAMPTON COURT. 397 Booh XVII (77ie Prince of Wales's Bedroom) contains tapestry re presenting the Battle of Solebay (1672), and a few portraits. We now return to Room XIV (Public Dining Room), and pass through the door on the right, indicated by notices pointing tbe 'Way Out'. Queen's Private Chapel. On the left: *463. Hondecoeler, Birds; 464. Snyders, Still-life ; De Heem, «467, 469. Still-life pieces. — The Bathing Closet adjoining tho chapel contains tbe queen's marble bath. The Private Dining Room contains three bright red beds (William III. 'a to tbe left j Queen Mary's to the right; George II. 's in the middle), and some portraits, including one of the Duchess of Brunswick, sister of George III., by Angelica Kanfmann (602). Adjoining it is a Closet with 12 saints by Fell (506). Qoeen'b Private Chamber. In the centre : *106. Unknown Flemish or German Master, Triptych with the Crucifixion in the centre, the Bearing of the Cross to the left, the Resurrection to the right, and the Ecce Homo on the exterior, of admirable colouring. The Kino's Private Dress ing Room contains some poor copies of various well-known works and a bust of a negro. We then pass through George H.'s Private Room, with fruit and flower pieces, and a dark corner room into the long — Sooth Gallery, where Raphael's famous cartoons, now at South Kensington (p. 348), were preserved until 1865. It is divided into five sections by partitions, and contains the most valuable smaller pictures of the collection. Section I: *561. Janet, Queen Eleanor of France; 663. Holbein (?), Henry VIII., as a youth; 576. Van Orley, Death of Adonis; 579. Hemmessen, St. Jerome; 581. Mazzolini of Ferrara, Turkish warrior; 578. Schoreel, Virgin and Child, SS. Andrew and Michael. — Section II: 588. Cranach, The Judgment of Paris; '610. Holbein, Reskemeer (the hand beautifully painted); °589. Diirer, Portrait; "590. School of Van Eyck, Head of a young man; "595. Mabuse, Children of Christian II. of Denmark; 601. Reme'e (Antwerp ; d. 1678), Henry VII. and his queen Elizabeth, Henry VIII. and his queen Jane Seymour, copy of a fresco by Holbein in Whitehall, which was burned with that palace; 600. L. Cranach, St. Christopher and other saints; 602. Lucas v. Leyden, Joseph in prison. Holbein: '003. Fro- benlas (the famous printer); "608. The artist's parents. 676. School of Frans Hals, Portrait; 629, 637. Gonzales Coques, Portraits; 634. Hendrik Pot, Play scene (the actor here is supposed to be Charles I.); 638. Van Duck, Dying saint. — Section III: 664. After Rubens, Venus and Adonis ; 657. Vcrdussen, Windsor Castle; 662. Molenaer, Dutch merry-making; 666. Ascribed to Holbein, Face at a window, misnamed Will Somers, court jester of Henry VIII. ; 680. Rottenhammer, Judgment of Paris; 684. Withoos, Flower-piece (1665). — Section IV: 698. Everdingen (?), Landscape; 707. Janssen, Villiers, Duke of Buckingham; 710. Dutch Master, Portrait (de scribed by the Catalogue as a portrait of Raphael by himself !); 734. P. Brill, Landscape; 731. J. B. Weenix, Dead game. — Section V : 744. Roeslraeten, Still-life (the earthenware jug very fine); 745,754. W. van de Velde, Sea- pieces (sketches); °746. Wynants, Landscape; 748. Brueghel the Elder, Slaughter of the Innocents, thoroughly Dutch in conception; 751. Hol bein, Landscape; 769. James I., copy of a painting by an unknown artist in Ham House. Above, opposite tbe window, 704. Snyders, Boar-hunt. We now pass through a small, dark chamber on the right, and enter the last long gallery, called the — "Mantegna Gallery, which contains tbe gem of the whole collec tion, the Triumphal Procession of Ceesar, by Manlegna (Nos. 873-831), extending the whole length ofthe wall, and protected by glass. The series of pictures, painted in distemper upon linen, is in parts sadly defaced, and has also been retouched. Mantegna began the work, which was in tended for stage-scenery, in 1485, and finished it in 1490-92. Ihe series was purchased by Charles I. along with the rest of the Duke of Mantua s collection in 1628, and was valued by the Parliament after the king's death at 1000! It was rescued by Cromwell, along with Raphael's cartoons. The lighting of the room prevents these paintings being seen to advantage. Section I. Beginning of the procession with trumpeters , standard 398 40. HAMPTON COURT. bearers, and warriors ; on the flag-poles paintings of the victories of Csesar. — II. Statues of Jupiter and Juno in chariots, host of Cybele, war like instruments. — III. Trophies of war; weapons, urns, tripods, etc. — IV. Precions vessels and ornaments; oxen led by pages; train of musicians. — V. Elephants bearing fruit, flowers, and candelabra. — VI. Urns, armour, etc., borne in triumph. — VII. Procession of the captives; men, women, and children, and mocking figures among the populace. — VIII. Dancing musicians, standard-bearers with garlands; among them a soldier of the German Legion, bearing a standard with the she-wolf of Rome. — IX. Julius Caesar, with sceptre and palm-branch, in a triumphal car; behind him Victoria; on his standard the legend, *Veni, vidi, vici\ 'With a stern realism, which was his virtue, Mantegna multiplied illustrations of the classic age in a severe and chastened style, balancing his composition with the known economy of the Greek relief, conserving the dignity of sculptural movement and gait, and the grave marks of the classic statuaries, modifying them though but slightly with the newer accent of Donatello. . . . His contour is tenuous and fine and remarkable for a graceful and easy flow; his clear lights, shaded with grey, arc blended with extraordinary delicacy, his colours are bright and varie gated, yet thin, spare, and of gauzy substance.' — Crowe and Cavalcaselle, The Mantegna Gallery also contains a few other paintings, including portraits of Jane Shore, mistress of Edward IV. (No. 703; immediately to the right of the door by which we enter) and of Christian, Duke of Brunswick, in his youth (No. 569; by Honthorst). To the left, at the end of this gallery, are three small rooms recently opened to the public. The most interesting of these is Cardinal Wolsey's Closet, with a fine ceiling, pancilcd walls, and a frieze of paintings on panel from the History of (he Passion. We now pass the top of the Queen's Staiuoasb, embellished with ceiling-paintings by Vick, and a large picture by Honthorst, representing Charles I. and his wife as Apollo and Diana, and reach two other rooms, which contain the remainder of the pictures. Room I (The Queen's Guard Chamber). On the left: 811. Ciro Ferri, Triumph of Bacchus; 815, 816. Portraits of Giulio Romano and Michael Angelo; 818. Milani, Portrait of a child; 819. Portrait of Tintoretto; 824. Kneller, John Locke; 839. Battoni, Pope Benedict XIV.; 842. Frederick the Great; 846. Kneller, Sir Isaac Newton; 850. Romanelli, after Guido Reni, Triumph of Venus, with liacchus and Ariadne; 802. Lely, Portrait of himself. The wrought-iron railings, long ascribed to Huntington Shaw (p. 351) but more probably by Jean Tijou, are two of twelve formerly in the gardens. — We now pass through a small Ante Room into — Room II (The Queen's Presence Chamber), with sea-pieces : 871. Zuc- chero, Adoration of the Shepherds; 873. Post, View in the West Indies. W. van de Velde, *879. British ship engaged with three Spanish vessels; 880. Close of the same action. 884. James, View on the Thames, comprising old London Bridge; 898, 899. Huggins, Battle of Trafalgar. W. van de Velde, 902. British fleet attacking the French fleet in a harbour,- *910. Burning of a fleet. 887. S. van Ruysdael, River in Holland ; 912. W. van de Velde, Boats attacking the Dutch fleet in a harbour. Here also are two pieces of timber from Nelson's flag-ship, the Victory. We now return and deBcend the Queen'B Staircase, at the foot of which we turn to the left and enter the Fountain Court, sur rounded hy cloisters, built hy Wren. On the S. wall are twelve circular paintings of the Labours of Hercules, hy Laguerre, now almost ohliterated. Farther on we enter the gardens, in front of the E. facade of the Palace. The *Qarden is laid out in the French Btyle, and embellished with tasteful flower-beds and shady avenues. Immediately opposite 40. HAMPTON COURT. 399 tho centre of the facade is the Long Canal, '/4M. long and 150 ft. wide, constructed by Charles II. On each side of the canal is the House Park. — In tho Pond Garden, to the W. of the Privy Gar den, on the S. side of the Palace, is exhibited a vine of the Black Hamburgh variety, planted in 1768 by Lancelot ('Capability') Brown, the stem of which is 38 in. in circumference, and the branches of which spread over an area of 2200 sq. ft. The yield of this gigantic vine amounts annually to 1200 or 1300 bunches of grapes, weigh ing ahout % lb. each. — The old Tennis Court, opening from the garden to the N. of the Palace, is still used. The Maze (adm. Id.), or labyrinth, in the so-called Wilderness to the N. of the Palace, may be successfully penetrated by keeping in variably to the left, except the first time we have an option , when wo keep to the extreme right ; in coming out, we keep to the right, till we reach the same place, when we turn to the left. On leaving Hampton Court by the Lion Gates, near the Maze, wee see immediately opposite one of the entrances to Bushy Park, a royal domain of about 1000 acres. There are three other gates: viz. one near Teddington , one at Hampton Wick (p. 376) , and one at Hampton village. Its white-thorn trees in blossom ate very beautiful, but its chief glory is in the end of spring or in early sum mer, when the horse-chestnuts are in full bloom, affording a sight quite unequalled in England (usually announced in the London papers). These majestic old trees, planted by William III. and interspersed with limes, form a triple avenue, of more than a mile in length, from Hampton Court to Teddington. Near the Hampton Court end of the avenue is a curious basin with carp and gold-fish. The deer in the park are so tame that they scarcely exert them selves to get out of the way of visitors. They even thrust their heads in at the open windows of the houses that look on the park, insist ing on being fed. The residence of the ranger is a sombre red brick house, screened off by railings, near one margin of the park. We turn to the left on quitting the park. The road almost im mediately forks, when we keep to the right, and then take the second turning on the right, passing the garden of the Clarence Hotel and leading to (i1/* M.) Teddington Station. The train from Teddington to Richmond passes Strawberry Hill (p. 376), Twicken ham (p. 376), and St. Margaret's. From Richmond to London by rail, see p. 393. — The walk from Teddington to (3 M.) Richmond is very picturesque (flue cedars). Carriage from Hampton Court to Teddington 2s. Gd., to Richmond 6s. Waggonettes ply through Bushy Park between Hampton Court and Teddington (fare 2d.); omnibus to Richmond (Gd.) and Kew (Is.), see p. 393. Richmond (*Star and Garter, with line view from the ter race, L. from 2s. Gd., D. 6s. Gd.; Queen's, opposite; 'Talbot Hotel, facing the bridge above the new lock, R., A., & B. from 6». 6d., 400 40. RICHMOND. pens, from 10s. 6d., D. 3s. 6d. or 6s. 6d.; several tea-gardens and coffee-houses j 'Maids of honour', a favourite kind of cake) may be reached direct from London by the South Western Railway (N. Entrance, p. 67), the North London Railway from Broad St. (p. 56), or the Metropolitan District Railway every half-an-hour, by a Richmond omnibus (fare Is.), or, in summer, by the steamboat. It is a small town on the right bank of the Thames, charmingly situated on tlie slope of a hill. Ascending the broad main street of the town to the right, we reach (to the right, near the top of the hill) the charming Terrace Gardens, commanding a beautiful *View. Pretty walks also wind along the opposite bank of the Thames, and the grounds formerly belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch were opened as a public garden in May, 1887. A Theatre, with accommodation for 800 spectators, was opened in 1890 adjoining the Old Castle Hotel. Pop. (1891) 22,684. The original name of the place was Sheen ('beautiful'), which still survives in the neighbouring East Sheen. Edward I. possessed a palace here, which was rebuilt in 1499 hy Henry VII., tho founder of the Tudor dynasty, who named it Richmond, after his own title. Henry VIII. and his daughter Elizabeth often held their courts in this palace, and the latter died here in 1603. In 1648 the palace was demolished hy order of Parliament, and all that now remains of it is a stone gateway in Richmond Green. Richmond is a favourite summer-resort, both of Londoners and strangers ; and its large park, 2255 acres in area, and 8 M. in cir cumference, is frequented in fine weather by crowds of pedestrians, horsemen, and carriages. Large herds of deer here also add to the charms of the park. Pembroke Lodge in this park was the seat of Lord John Russell (d. 1878). — The small church of Richmond contains the tombs of James Thomson (d. 1748), the poet of the 'Seasons', and Edmund Kean, the famous actor (d. 1833). Erom Richmond we may take the tramway (2d. ; from the N. end of the town) to Kew (Star and Garter; Kew Gardens Hotel, close to Kew Gardens Station, R. & A. 3s., B. 2s., also 'pension'), skirting the E. side of the Botanic Gardens. The Church of St. Anne, on Kew Green, dates from 1714; Gainsborough (d. 1788), the artist, is buried in the churchyard. Close by are Cambridge Cottage, the residence of the aged Duohess of Cambridge (d. 1889), and Kew Cottage. — Kew, which iB reached from London direct by any of the routes to Richmond (see p. 393), has two railway-sta tions, Kew Bridge Station on the left, and Kew Gardens Station on the right bank of the Thames. Leaving the first of these, we cross the Thames to Kew Green, and thence proceed to the right to the principal entrance ofthe Gardens. From Kew Gardens station a short road leads direct to the Lichfield Gate, which is visible from the station. The beautiful *Botanio Gardens at Kew are open 40. KEW. 401 gratis daily from 10 a.m. (on Sundays from 1 p.m.) till sunset ; the hothouses are open daily from 1 p.m. Visitors may not bring eatables Into the Gardens, or pluck even the wild flowers. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the houses, but is permitted both in the Gardens and in the Arboretum (see below). The present Director of the gardens is Dr. W. T. Thiselton Dyer, whose predecessors were the distinguished botanists Sir Joseph D. Hooker and Sir William J. Hooker. Official Guide to the Gardens 6d.; Plan of the Gardens (useful) 2d. The path to the right on entering by the principal gate leads straight to Kew Palace, the private grounds of which were added to the Botanic Garden in 1898. The quaint red brick palace, a fav ourite residence of George III. and Queen Charlotte (who died here in 1818), is also open to the public (10-6 daily, except Frid.). It is at present practically empty. To the left lie the Botanic Gardens, with numerous hothouses, where the ferns, orchids, and cacti are particularly interesting. By the pond, at the S. end, are the *Palm House (362 ft. long, 100 ft. broad, and 66 ft. high), where the tem perature is kept at 80° Fahr., and the Water Lily House. A little to the N. of the artificial piece of water is the Tropical House, con taining the tank for the Victoria Regia, which flowers in August. There are also three Botanical Museums in different parts of the Gardens. To the S. and W. of the Botanic Gardens proper lies the Arboretum, covering an area of 178 acres, which extends to the Thames, and is intersected in every direction by shady walks and avenues. In the N. part is a small American Garden, with magnolias and fine azaleas (best about the end of May). On the path leading from the pond towards the Richmond Gate the elegant North Gallery, the gift of Miss North (d. 1891), was opened in 1882. It contains, in geographical sequence, a most interesting collection of paintings of tropical flowers , etc., executed by Miss North in their native localities (catalogue 3d.). The * Winter Garden, or Temperate House, built in 1865 at a cost of 35,000i., is designed for keeping plants of the temperate zone during winter. Tho central portion is 212 ft. long, 137 ft. wide, and 60 ft. high ; with the wings the total length is 582 ft. At the S. extremity of the Arboretum is the Pagoda, rising in ten stories to a height of 165 ft., the summit of which, in clear weather, commands the environs for 30 M. round (no ad mission). Near the Pagoda is a Refreshment Pavilion (tea, ices, etc.). Both the Gardens and the Arboretum contain a number of small ornamental Temples. A footpath on the right bank of the Thames leads from Kew to Richmond, skirting the W. side of Kew Gardens and of the Old Deer Park, at Richmond. In this park is the Kew Observatory, eminent for its important work in meteorology, magnetism, electri city, and the verification of scientific instruments. On the left bank of the Thames lies Brentford (p. 376), the Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 26 402 41. EPPING FOREST. official county-town of Middlesex (ferry a short distance to the S. of Kew Palace). The name of Brentford often ocours in English literature; thus the 'two Kings of Brentford on one throne' are mentioned by Cowper and in the 'Rehearsal'. Adjaoeut is Sion House, a place of great historic interest, which was a nunnery in the 15th cent., and is now the property of the Duke of Northumberland. 41. Epping Forest. Waltham Abbey. Rye House. Great Eastern Railway to (12 Di.) Loughton, in 1 hr. (farea 2s. Id., is. Id., is. l/zd.). From Loughton, which may also he reached from Chalk Faiin and other stations of the North London Railway (via Dalston Junc tion), we go on foot, through Epping Forest, to (5 H.) Waltham Abbey. From Waltham Abbey to (G M.) Rye House by railway. From Rye House back to (19 M.) London by railway (fares 3s. 3d., 2s. 10d., Is. 8oJ.). We may start either from Fenchurch Street Station (p. 57) or from Liverpool Street Station (p. 65). The first stations after Liver pool Street are Bishopsgate, Bethnal Green (p. 166), Old Ford, and Stratford, whero the train joins the North London line. Then Leyton (with a new Technical Institute, opened iu 1896) and Leyton- stone. At (8 M.) Snaresbrook is an Infant Orphan Asylum, with accommodation for 300 ohildreu (to the left of the line). 83/4 M. George Lane; 93/4 M. Woodford, 3 M. from Chingford (see below). About ll/2 M. to the E. of (11 M.) Buckhurst Hill lies Chigioell, where the 'King's Head' is tbe original of the 'Maypole' in 'Barnahy Rudge'. Then (12 M.) Loughton (Railway Hotel), within a few hundred paces of the Forest. About 2/4 M. from the station is the Oriolet Vegetarian Hospital cf Convalescent Home. Beyond Loughton the railway goes on via Chigwell Lane, Theydon Bois, (17 M.) Epping (Thatched House; Cock), with 230u inhab., Nortli Weald, and Blake Hall to the terminus at (22 M ) Chipping Ongar, an ancient place (9.0 inhab.), with the remuins of a castle. Greenstead, 1 M. to the W. of Ongar, has a remarkable wooden church, the walls of the nave being formed of upright tree-trunks said to date from Anglo-Saxon times. Another route to Epping Forest is by the Great Eastern Railway from Liverpool Street, via Wood Street, the station for Walthamstow, to (9 M.) Chingford (fares Is. bd., is. id., I0d.), which may also be reached from the North London Railway via Dalston Junction and Hackney or via Gospel Oak. — Chingford ('Royal Forest Hotel, It. & A. from 4i., table d'hote 5s), which lies 2 11. to the W. of Buckhurst Hill, about 4'/*Jl. to the 8.E. of Walthum Abbey, and 2'/» M. to the S. of High licach (p. 401), is perhaps the best Starting-point from which to visit tho most attractive parts of the Forest. Open conveyances of various kinds run from Ching ford station and from the Royal Forest Hotel to High Beach (6d. each), Waltham Abbey, Chigwell, Epping, and other points of interest; the best conveynnce is the four horse coach starting at the hotel. The quaint old house adjoining the hotel, known as 'Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge', contains a small museum intended to illustrate the history, natural history, and archaeology ot Epping Forest and Hainault Fires! (see below) The Connaught Grounds contain eleven lawn-tennis courts (i-2s. per hr.), and there is also a good golf-course. On an eminence to the W. of Chingford is an obelisk, due N. from Greenwich Observatory, and sometimes used in verifying astronomical calculations. Epping Forest, along with the adjoining Hainault Forest, at one 41. WALTHAM ABBEY. 403 time extended almost to the gates of London. In 1793 there still remained 12,000 acres unenclosed , but these have been since re duced to about 6000 acres. The whole of the unenclosed part of the Forest was purchased by the Corporation of London, and was opened by Queen Victoria in May, 1882, as a free and inalienable public park and place of recreation. The forest contains fallow deer and a few roe deer ; its bird-life is very varied (herons, king fishers, jays, owls, and many smaller songsters); and it is fre quented by many rare kinds of butterflies. One of the finest points in the Forest, if not the very finest, is *High Beach, an elevated tract covered with magnificent beech-trees, ahout l!/2 M. from Loughton. Tennyson was living here when he wrote "The Talking Oak' and 'Locksley Hall'. There is an inn here, called the 'King's Oak', which is much resorted to by picnic parties. About 2'/2 M. farther on, on the northern verge of the Forest and 2 M. to the W. of Epping (p. 402), stands Copped (or Copt) Hall, a country man sion in the midst of an extensive park. Near Buckhurst Hill (p. 402) is the Roebuck Inn, and there is also a small inn (the Robin Hood) at the point where tbe road from Loughton joins that to High Beach. On the highroad between Loughton (or Chingford) and Epping lies Ambresbury Bank, an old British camp , 12 acres in extent, and nearer Longhton is another similar earthwork. Tradition reports that it was here that Boadicea. Queen of the Icenl, was defeated by Suetonius, on which occasion 80,000 Britons are said to have perished. — A good map of Epping Forest, price 2d., may be obtained of H. Sell, 10 Bolt Court, l'leot 8treot. Good hnndhooks to tho Forest aro thoso of E. N. Buxton (Stanford; Is. Gd.) and Percy Lindley (6/2 M., in >/i-l hr. (fares 2s. 8d., is. Tfad.). Our chief description applies to tho first-mentioned route, for which through- tickets may be obtained at any of the Metropolitan Railway stations. — During the summer-months a four-horse Coach runs to St. Albans daily, starting at 11 a.m. from the Hotel Victoria, and, for the return-journey, from the Peahen, St. Albans, at 4 p.m. (2V-z hrs. ; fare 10s., return 15s.). The drive, passing the Welsh Harp, Hcndon, Edgware, Bushey, and Wat ford, is picturesque and pleasant. The first stations on the Midland Railway are Camden Road, Kentish Town, Haverstock Hill, Finchley Road, and West End, where we leave London fairly hehind ub and enter the open country. Hampstead here lies on the right and Willesden on the left, while the spire of Harrow church, also ou the left , may he descried in the distance. Then Child's Hill, and (5'/2 M.) Welsh Harp, with an artificial lake, formed as a reservoir for the Regent Canal. It contains ahundance of flsh, and attracts large numhers of anglers (who for permission to flsh apply at the inn, 'Old "Welsh Harp' ; day-tickets Is. and 2s. Gd,). It is also a favourite resort of skaters in winter. — 6 M. Hendon, with a picturesque ivy-grown church. — 8 M. Mill Hill , with a Roman Catholic Missionary College and a noted Public School for hoys, founded in 1807 by Nonconformists. Sir Stamford Raffles died here in 182G ; and William Wilberforce lived here, and huilt the Gothic Church of St. Paul (1836). Abont 1 M. to the W. lies Edgware, nnd a little more remote is Whitchurch, also called Little Blanmorc. Whllo Hiimlcl was choir-master to the Duke of Chandos at Canons, a magnificent seat in this neighbourhood, now demolished, he acted as organist in the church of Whitchurch (1718-21). The church still contains the organ on which he played, and also some fine wood-carving, and the monument of the Duke of Chandos (d. 1774) and his two wives. A blacksmith's shop in Edgware is said to be the place where Handel conceived the idea of his 'Harmonious Blacksmith'. — There is a good golf-course at Stanmore, near Edgware. 11 M. Elstree, a picturesque village in Hertfordshire, which we here enter. Good fishing may he obtained in the Elstree reservoir. — 14 M. Radlett. — 20 M. St. Albans, see p. 406. If the London and North Western Railway route be chosen, the traveller is recommended to visit, either in going or returning, Harrow on the Hill (King's Head; Railway), one of the stations on that line (the B'a'i™ being 1 M. from the town). The large public school here, founded in 1571, is scarcely second to Eton, and has numbered Lord Byron, Sir Robert Peel, Sheridan, Spencer Perceval, Viscount. Palmerston, and nnmerous other eminent men among its pupils. The older portion of the school is in the Tudor style. The chapel, library, and speech-room are all qmte modern. The panels of the great school-room are covered with the names of the boys, including those of Byron, Peel, and Palmerston. The number of scholars is now about 630. Harrow church has a lofty spire, which is a conspicuous object in the landscape for many miles round. The churchyard commands a most extensive "View. A flat tombstone, on which Byron used to lie. When a boy, i» still pointed out. — A visit to Harrow alone is now most 406 42. ST. ALBANS. easily accomplished by the Metropolitan Railway (from Baker Street in Va hr. i fares is. id., is., 8J. ; see p. 408). — A branch-line runs from Harrow (N. W. R. station) to (2 M.) Stanmore (p. 405). The traveller who is equal to a walk of 10 M., and is fond of natural scenery, may make the excnrsion to St. Albana very pleasantly as follows. By railway from King's Cross (Great Northern Railway) to (9 M.) Barnet; thence on foot, via (1 M.) Chipping Barnet and (531.) Elstree (p. 405), to (10 M.) Watford, a station on the London and North Western Railway; and from Watford by rail to (7 BI.) St. Albans. If the traveller means to return by the Great Northern Railway, he should take a return-ticket to Barnet. — Near Hatfield, the first station on this line in returning from St. Albans, is Hatfield House, the seat of the Marquis of Salisbury, a fine mansion built in the 17th cent, on the site of an earlier palace, in which Queen Elizabeth was detained in a state of semi-captivity before her accession to the throne (comp. Baedeker's Great Britain). St. Albans (Peahen, George, both near the Abbey, unpretend ing) lies a short distance to the E. of the site of Verulamium, the most important town in the S. of England during the Roman period, of which the fosse and fragments of the walls remain. ItB name is derived from St. Alban, a Roman soldier, the proto-martyr of Christianity in our island, who was executed here in A.D, 301. Holmhurst Hill, near the town, is supposed to have been the scene of his death. The Roman town fell into ruins after the departure of the Romans, and tlie new town of St. Albans began to spring up after 795, when Offa II., King of Mercia, founded here, in memory of St. Alban, the magnificent abbey, of which the fine church and a large square gateway are now the only remains. Pop. (1891) 12,896. The 'Abbey Church is in the form of a cross , with a tower at the point of intersection, and is one of the finest and largest churches in England. It was raised to the dignity of a cathedral in 1877, when the new episcopal see of St. Albans was created. It measures 560 ft. in length (being the second longest church in England, coming after Winchester) , by 176 ft. in breadth across the transepts; the fine Norman Tomer is 145 ft. high. The earliest parts of the existing building, in which Roman tiles from "Verula mium were freely made use of, date from the 11th cent. (ca. 1080) ; the Choir was built in the 13th cent, and the Lady Chapel in the 14th century. An extensive restoration of the building , including a new E.E. W. Front, with a large Dec. window, and large new win dows in the N. and S. transepts, has been completed at an expense of 130,000(., by Lord Grimthorpe, who acted as his own architect without conspicuous Buccess. St. Albans, 320 ft. above the sea, lies higher than any other English cathedral. See Froude's 'Annals of an English Abbey', The fine Interior (adm. to nave free; to E. parts of the church 6o\, tickets from the verger) has recently been restored with great care. The Nave, the longest Gothic nave in the world, shows a curious intermixture of the Norman , E. E., and Dec. styles ; and the change of the pitch of the vaulting in the S. aisle has a singular effect. Tbe 'Stained Glass Win dows in the N. aisle date from the 15th century. The painted ceiling of the Cuoie dates from the end of Edward III.'s reign (1327-77) , that of the Chancel from the time of Henry VI. (1422-61). Some traces of old fresco painting have also been discovered in the N. Tbahsepi. The Screen behind 42. ST. ALBANS. 407 the altar in the Phesbttery is of very fine medleeval workmanship, and has lately been restored and fitted with statues. Many of the chantries, or mortuary chapels of the abbots , and other monuments deserve at tention. The splendid brass of Abbot de la Mare is best seen from the aisle to the 8. of the presbylery. In the Saint's Chapel are the tomb of Duke Humphrey of Gloucester (d. 1447), brother of Henry V., and the shrine of St. Albnn. In the N. aisle of the presbytery are parts of the Shrine of St. Amphibalus. The Lady Chapel has been restored with great richness and provided with a marble floor. The Gate, the only remnant of the conventual buildings of the abbey, stands to the W. of the church. It is a good specimen of the Perp. style. It was formerly used as a gaol, and is now a school. Ahout 3/4 M. to the W. of the abbey stands the ancient Church of St. Michael, which is interesting as containing the tomb of the great Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albans, who lived at Gorhambury House here. Tho monument ('sic sedebat')is hy Rysbrack. To reach the church we turn to the left (W.) on leaving the cathedral and descend to the bridge over the Ver. The keys are kept at No. 13 St. Michael's Cottages. The present Gorhambury House, the seat of the Earl of Verulam, l'/2 M. to the W.. of St. Michael's, is situated in the midst of a beautiful park, and contains a good collection of portraits. St. Albans was the scene of two of the numerous battles fought during the Wars of the Roses. The scene of the first, which ushered in the contest, and took place in 1455, is now called the Key Field; the other was fought in 1461 at Barnard's Heath, to the N. of the town, just beyond St. Peter's Church. From St. Albans to (10 M.) Ldton hy railway in 20-30 minutes. This ex cursion is particularly recommended to all who are interested in manufac turing Industries. — First stat. Harpenden, near which, on the right ofthe line, is Harpenden Lodge. The train here passes from Hertfordshire into Bedfordshire. — Chiltern Green. On the right, Luton Hoo Hall , a very fine mansion. — Then (10 M.) Luton (George), a busy town of 30,000 inhab., famous for its manufacture of straw-hats. The straw-plait hall, market, and factories are all most interesting. Admission to one of the last establishments may usually bo obtained on application. The Parish Church, with its fine embattled tower, possesses a chapel founded in the reign 01 Henry VI. (1422-61) and contains a curious font. Dunstable (Sugar Loaf; Red Lion; Railway), 5 M. from Luton by a local line, contains 451X) inhab., and also possesses large straw-plait bonnet and basket manufactories. Dunstable larks are famous for their size and suc culence, and are sent to London in great quantities. The Church is a fine specimen of Norman architecture, dating in part from the time of Henry I. (1100-1135). Charles I. slept at the Bed Lion Inn while on bis way to Naseby. 43. Rickmans worth. Chenies. Chesham. 27 M Metropolitan Railwat from Baker Street Station to Chesham in 1-1 >/« hr. (fares 3s. 10d., 2s. IOd., Is. lid.). This line is sn extension of the St. John's Wood branch of the Metropolitan Railway. Baker Street Station (PI. R, 20), see p. 57. — Passing the suburban stations of St. John's Wood Road (for Lord's Cricket- ground, p. 292), Marlborough Road, Swiss Cottage, Finchley Road, West Hampstead, Kilburn-Brondesbury, and Willesden Green, the train quits London and enters a pleasant open country. To the N. 408 43. RICKMANSWORTH. of (6 M.) Kingsbury- Neasden , with the works of the Metropolitan Railway Co., lies the Brent or Welsh Harp Reserooir (p. 405). At (8 M.) Wembley Park is a popular recreation-ground (see p. 68), disfigured with an apparently futile attempt to erect a tower higher than the Eiffel Tower at Paris. On the other (N.E.) side of the rail way is the excellent course of Wembley Golf Club. 10 M. Harrow-on-the-Hill, see p. 405. — 12y2 M. Pinner (Queen's Head, a quaint 'Queen Anne' building), a prettily situated little town. A little to the W. lie Ruislip Park and Reserooir. — Ahout 3 M. to tho S.W. of ( l-l'/a M0 Northwood, with uuinorous suburban villas and an excellent golf-course, is Harefield, the scene of Milton's 'Arcades'. 18 M. RickniRiiB wor th f Victoria ; Swan), a small paper-making town (7000 inhab.) on the Chess, near its confluence with tho Colne, is a good centre for excursions. Large quantities of water-cross are grown here for the London market. To the S.E., on the other side of the Colne, lies Moor Park (Lord Ebury), with its fine timber. Walkers are advised to quit the railway here and to proceed to (U1/* M.) Chesham on foot, through the *Valley of the Ohess. We turn to the right on leaving the station, pass under the railway-bridge, ascend a few steps immediately to tho left, cross the railway by a foot-bridge, and enter Rickmansworth Park, with its line old trees. The walk across the park brings us iu 25 min. to a road, which wo cross obliquely (to the left) to a meadow-path leading to I1/* hr.) tho highroad to Chenies, at a point near the village of Charley Wood O/zM. 1'iom the station, p. 40il). About l3/i M, farther on wo torn to tho right (sign-post) for (*/a M.) the pictur esque and neatly-built village of Oneirics ("Bedford Inn). The "Mortuary Chapel attached to the church hero contains the tombs of the Russells from 1556 to the present day, affording an almost unique instance in England of a family burial-place of this kind (admission only by order obtained on application to the Duko of Bedford, at Woburn Abbeys key kept by Mr. White, whose house adjoins the above-mentioned sign post). The finest monument is that of ''Anne, Countess of Bedford (d. 155S) the builder of the chapel. Lord William Russell (beheaded in 1683 j E. 404), Lord John Russell (d. 1878), and Lord Ampthill (d. 1884) are buried ere. Adjoining the church is a fragment of the fine old manor-house. Matthew Arnold and J. A. Froude frequently visited Chenies for the sake of the angling in the Chess. — To reach Chesham we follow the lane between the church and the manor-house, and then turn to the left along a path through beech-wood on the slope of the valley of the Chess. View of the Elizabethan mansion of Latimers (Lord Chesham), on the other side of the stream. After about '/< hr. wo pass through two gates. 20 min. Lane, leading to the left to Chalfunt Road station (p. 4011). In 10 min. more we descend lo the right to the road and follow it to the left to (2 M.) Chesham (p. 409). Perhaps no walk in England of equal length combines more literary interest and rural charm than lhat from Rickmansworth to Slough described below (ca. 18 M.). Turning to Ihe left as above ond passing under the railway, we follow the road to (2 M.) Maple's Cross. A field-path to the right brings us in 10 min. to another winding road, which we follow (to the right) to (about 2 M.) tho lodge-gates of Newlands Park. We here pass through a gate on the left and continue by an avenue of trees to (8 min ) a gate and road. We crosB the stile and follow a field-path (several stiles) descending to 0/2 M.) Chalfont St. Giles (p. 409) in the valley. — From Ohalfout St. Giles we follow the road to the S., passing alter l»/< M., the solitary old Quaker meeting- house of Jordans (to tho right), in the little graveyard attached to which lie Elwocd (Milton's secretary), William Penn 44. WINDSOR. 409 (d. 1718), his wife, and five of his children. About '/* M. farther on we turn to the right and follow the road (or through Wilton Park) to (IV, M 1 Beacomfield (p. 410). Thence, as at p. 410, to (3 M.) Burnham Beeches, (4 M.) Stoke Poges, and (2 M.) Blough. 20 M. Charley Wood and (22 M.) ChalfontRoad are each ahout I1/2 M. from Chenies (p. 408). They are also nearly equidistant (cl-31/2 M.) from the charming little village of Chalfont St. Giles. The cottage, at the S.E. end of this village, in which Milton finished 'Paradise Lost' and began 'Paradise Regained' (1666-68), has been left unchanged since the poet's time and contains a few relics (adm. Gd., a party 3d. each). From Chalfont Road a branch-line runs to (5 M.) Chesham (Crown; George), a quaint old town with 8000 inhab., mainly em ployed in the manufacture of furniture and other articles in beech wood, cricket-hats, tennis-rackets, wooden spades, French hoops, etc. Ducks and water-cress are also largely produced. Fine view from the Park. Beyond Chalfont Road the railway is continued via Amersham and Great Missenden to Wendover and Aylesbury and thence to Verney Junction (see Baedeker's Handbook to Great Britain). 44. Windsor. Eton. Windsor is reached by the Great Western Railway, from Pad dington Station (21 M., in 35-75 min. ; fares 3s. Gd., 2s. 3d., Is. 9/2 M. from which is Cowling Castle, huilt in the time of Richard II., and now a picturesque ruin. Beyond Higham the train penetrates a tunnel, li/4M. in length, and enters the station of Strood, a suhurh of Uoohester, on the opposite hank of the river Medway. A few of the North Kent trains go no farther in this direction, hut most of them cross the Medway, aud proceed to Rochester and Chatham, which practically form one town, sur rounded hy fortifications defending tho entrance to the river. 7y2 M. Rochester (Crown; Victoria $ Bull ; King's Head), to theN. of Chatham, a very ancient city, with a pop. of 26,309, a flue Norman Castle, and an interesting Cathedral, is descrihed at length in Baedeker's Great Britain. 8M. Chatham (Sun, ; Mitre), with 37,711 inhah., ontheE.bank of the Medway, below Rochester, is one of the chief naval arsenals and military stations in GreatBritain. See Baedeker's Great Britain. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EMINENT PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE HANDBOOK The following is a list of distinguished persons mentioned in the Handbook in connection with their birth, death, residence, burial-place, and the like. It does not profess to give the names of architects and other artists where mentioned in connection with their works, nor does it enumerate the subjects of the portraits iu the National Portrait Gallery and elsewhere. Abercromby. Sir Ralph 116. Aberdeen, Earl of 246. Abernethy 125. Adams, John C. 247. — , John Quincy 160. Addison 123. 142. 251. 258. 260. 326. 360. 361. Adelaide, Queen 262. 275. Aiton, Sir Eobt. 257. Albany, Duke of 414. Albert, Prince 132. 138. 319. 332. 333. 414. 418. Aldrich, Henry 267. Alfred, King 163. Alleyn 127. 366. 368. 389. 392 Amptuill, Lord 403. Andr<5, Major 250. 375. Andrewes, Bp. 366. Anne, Queen 110. 258.326. 376' — of Cleves 254. — of Denmark (wife of James I.) 175. 179. 259. Arbuthnot 360. Argyll, Dukes of 252. 326. 376. Armstrong 369. Arne 228. Arnold, Matthew 249. 408. — , Thomas 249. Arundel, Earl of 158. 177. Ascham, Roger 123. Askew, Anne 122. 126. 132 159. Atterbury 249. 360. Bacon, Lord 172. 360. 407 Bailie, Joanna 361. Balchen 246. Balfe 247. Baliol 159. Bancroft 369. Banks 248. Barham 118. 131. Barrow 128. 251. 267. Barry, Sir Chas. 181. 233. 251. Bath, Earl of 261. Baxter 120. 180. 366. 368. Bazalgette 96. 147. Beaconsfield, Lord 123. 171. 233. 241. 245. 286. 322. 333. 410. Beaumont 131. 175. 252. 3C6. Becket 134. 178. Beckford 132. Behn, Aphra 266. Bell, Dr. Andrew 251. Bellot 3S0. Bennet, W.Sterndale247. Bentham 267. 269. Bentinck 280. Berkeley, Bishop 228. Betterton 266. Blaokstone 128. 174. 175. 224. Blake, Adm. 241. — , Wm. 129. 372. Blessington, Lady 274. 333 Blood, Col. 164. Blount, Martha 283. Blow, John 247. Boabm, Sir Kdgav 118. Bolevn, Anne 169. 229.319. Bolingbroke 155. 372. Bolton 125. 285. Booth, Barton 253. — , Mrs. 141. 364. — , Wilkes 128. Boswell 169. Bourne, Vincent 267.374. Boyle 274. 270. BraccgirdJe, Mrs. 266. Bradford 126. Bradshaw 239. Brassey, Lady 331. Brooks, Phillips 240. Brougham, Lord 171. 224. 333. Ilrown, 'Capability' 399. Browning 263. 281. Bruce, David 159. Brunei 148. 163. 248. 360. 364. Buchan, Dr. 266. Buckingham . Dukes of 147. 181. 257. 269. 320. Buckland, Wm. 249. Buller 246. Bulwer Lytton 256. 278. 283. 333. Bunyon 119. 129. 366. 363. Bnrbage 366. Burdett Coutts, Baroness 81. 167. 285. 362. 363. Burgoyne 274. Burke 175. 283. 410. Burleigh. Lord 172. 860. Burney 247. 250. Burns 147. 252. Burton, Sir Richard 375. Busby 253. 268. Butler, 8am. 228. 253. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 423 Buxton, 8ir T. F. 247. Byron 278. 280. 322. 405. Cade, Jack 90. 161. 382. Ceesar, Sir J. 139. Caius 126. Calamy 180. Calonnc 393. Cambridge, Duke of 322. Camden 121. 251. 375. Campbell 224. 241. 251. 202. 273. 333. Canning 171.211. 245.278. 374. 375. 417. Carlyle 359. Caroline, Queen 274. 322. 374. Cartwright 267. Cary 252. Casaubon 251. Castlercagh 246. 274. 374. Catharine of Aragon 149. — of Braganza 179. 358. — Howard, Queen 159. Cavalier 359. Cave 128. Cavendish, Lord F. 240. Caxton 241. 267. Cayley 178. Chamberlain 247. 284. Chapman 284. Charles I. 175. 183. 230. 238. 239. 318. 407. 414. 176. 230. 268. 819. 322. 357 II. t!J7. 273. 284. 404. Charlolto, Princess 275. 401. 413. Chatham, Lord 182. 245 361. 417. Chatterton 124. Cbancerl45.180. 253.368. Chesterfield 274. 283. Child 175. 2B3. Churchill 267. Cibber 178. Clarence, Duke of 158. 414. Clarendon 175. 260. Claypole, Eliz. 259. Clive, Kitty 376. — , Lord 128. 283. Clyde, Lord 251. 273. Cobbett 169. Cobden 246. Cobham 159. 239. Cocker 218. 368. Coke 175. 410. Coleman, Geo. 267 Coleridge, S. T. 121. 252. 362. 863. Colet, Dean 124. 134. Collingwood 116. 118. Congreve, Sir W. 180. — . Wm. (the poet) 175. 178. 249. Constable 361. Cooper, Sir Astley 116 118. 368. Coote 246. Cornwallis 116. Coverdale, Miles 145. Cowley 203. 267. Cowper 143. 175. 249. 267. Craggs 249. 258. Cranmer 159. 259. Crashaw 128. Croft 247. Cromwell, Henry 129. 338. — , Oliver 127. 171. 230. 232. 238. 239. 259. 326. 394. , Richard 129. — , Thos. 159. 172. 374. Crosby, Lord Mayor 371. — , Sir John 139. Cruden 285. 3613. Cruikshank, Geo. 118. 167. 285. Cumberland, Duke of 262. 280. 413. Danvers, Lady 360. Darwin, Chas. 247. 248. David, King of Scotland 238. Davis, Mary 274. Davy 266. 276. 287. Day, Thomas 128. 141. Deo 375. Doloo 122. 127. 129. 141. Denham 252. 410. De Quincey 228. Derbv, Earl of 241. Dibd'in 285. Dickens, Chas. 124. 252. 291. 333. 362. 368. Digby 228. Disraeli, Ben., see Bea consfield. Dodsley 273. Doggett 73. 420. Donne 115. 131. 360. D'Orsay, Count 333. 358. Douglas, Gavin 180. Drayton 169. 253. Dryden 175. 227. 253. 267. 283. Dudley, Guildford 158. 159. Dyck^ Van 149. 179. 420. Dyer 121. 267. 366. Eastlake 364. Edinburgh, Duke of 819. Edward the Confessor 242. 261. 263. 267. 412. L 130. 181. 242. 262. 400. 403. II. 238. 420. III. 238. 262. 412. IV. 413. 420. V. 260. 263. - VI. 121. 259. 379. Eleanor, Queen 181. 184. 261. 291. 403. Elgin, Lord 292. 301. Eliot, George 353. 363. Elizabeth, Queen 126. 127. 131.137. 158. 169. 229. 259. 358. 374. 375. 379. 401). 402. 406. 410. 420. Ellenborough, Lord 128. 274. Elmsley 267. Elwood 408. Enghien, Due d' 393. Erskine, Lord 171. 224. Essex, Earls of 159. 177. 178. 239. 261. 369. 374. Fairfax 325. 326. Falstaff 143. Faraday 178. 282. 363. Farquhar 183. Farrar 178. 241. Fawcett, Hen. 147. 249. Fnwkos, (luy 239. Fellows 301. Fielding 227. 376. Flaxman 284. Fleetwood 141. Fletcher, Giles 267. — , John 131. 366. — , Lawrence 366. Foote 228. Forster, John 224. 347. — , W. E. 148. 247. Fox, Charles 246. 248. 284. 826. 375. 417. — , George 129. Foxe 127. Francis, Sir Philip 375. Franklin, Ben. 126. 182. 227 , Sir John 265. 274. 380. 381. Frederick III. 414. Frere 118. 147. Frobisher 127. Froude 268. 408. Fuller 143. Gainsborough 273. 400. Garrick 142. 181. 228. 251. 262. Gascoigne 172. 424 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Gaunt, John of 123. 180. Gay 252. 360. Gentile 140. George, Prince of Den mark 268. 326. — I.- 230. — II. 259. 325. 380. — III. 133. 179. 273. 274. 292. 401. 414. 418. — IV. 182. 238. 274. 292. 414. 415. Gibbon 267. 374. Gibbons, Grinling 114. 117. 227. 228. Gibson 277. 864. Gladstone, W. E. 171. 239. 246. 274. Gloucester 139. Godolphin 250. Godwin, Mary 151. 285. — , William 285. Goldsmith 119. 169. 173. 174. 252. 285. Goodman 232. 264. Gordon, General 113. 182. — , Lord George 122. Gower 366. Grabe 251. Grattan 246. Gray 141. 263. 410. Gresham 121. 134. 137. 133. 139. Grey, Lady Jane 132. 153. 169. Grimaldi 285. Grote 128. 251. Gwynne, Nell 176. 183. 224. 273. 363. Hakluyt 267. Hale 171. Halifax, Earl of 247. 260. Hallam, Henry 114. Halley 276. 382. Hamilton, Gavin 329. Handel 251. 252. 283. 286. 405. Harcourt, Earl 414. Hardy, SirThos. 249.381. Harold, King 177. 403. Harrington 241. Harrison, Fred. 170. Harvard 365. Harvey 126. Hastings, Warren 239. 246. 267. Hatton, Sir Chris. 123. 264. Havelock 128. 182. 378. Hazlitt 123. 233. Heber 115. 171. Henrietta Maria, Queen 179. 275. Henry I. 412. 413. — II. 412. III. 242. 261. 267. 420. — IV. 2G7. - V. 260. 261. — VI. 158. 169. 417. 418. VII. 242. 257. 259. 400. 114. — VIU. 121.229. 318.819. 3^2. 360. 879. 394. 400. 413. 414. Herbert, Geo. 249. 267. — , Lord 227. 256. 275. Herschel, Sir John 160. 248. 409. — , Sir Wm. 276. 409. Hewitt 143. Hill, Rev. Rowland 371. — , Sir Rowland 13S. 260. Hogarth 125. 123.142.223. 279. 281. 361. 375. Holbein 141. 179. 229. 360. Holland , Lord 218. 325. Hone 169. Hood 364. Hooker, Richard 173. — , Sir Joseph 401. — , Sir Wm. 401. Hope 246. Home, Bp. 420. Horner, Francis 246. Horrocks 249. Howard, John 115. 141. Howe, Adm. 116. 160. Viscount 248. Hullah 128. Hunt, Leigh 121. 359. 361. 364. Hunter 224. 243. 279. Iluskissou 138. Hutchinson 123. Ireton 175. 239. 326. 363. Irving, Wash. 126. James I. 175. 230. 259. 363. 394. ¦ II. 231. Jeffreys 134. 169. 232. 375. Jenner 325. Jersey, Lady 283. John, King 410. , King (of France) 159. 180. 238. Johnson , Samuel 114. 127. 169. 174. 177. 179. 252. 366. 367. Jones, Inigo 109.179.228. 231. , Sir Wm. 116. 118. Jonson, Ben 131. 149. 171. 175. 184. 248. 263. 267. Joule 247. Jowett 375. Junius 375. Juxon 369. Katherine of Valois 257. 261. Kean 180. 400. Keats, John 140. 3G0. 361. 361 — , Sir R. 381. Keble 249. Kemble 265. 331. 361. Kempeufolt 2U6. Kenrick 175. Killigrew 248. Kingsley 249. 3G0. Kneller 227. 228. 250. Knight, Charles 412. Kynaston 228. Lamb, Chas. 121. 123. 141. 174. 228. 236. — , Mary 227. 223. 285. Lambert 325. Landor 333. Landseer, Sir E. 118. 333. Langham, Abp. 254. Lansdowne, Lord 248. ¦-aud 141. 169. 160. 172. 369. Lawrence, Lord 249. 251. 273. , sir Thos. 118. Layard 305. 306. 307. Leech 128. 364. Leighton, Lord 326. Lely 228. Leopold of Belgium 275. Lewis, Sir G. C. 246. Monk 278. Liddon 115. 118. Lincoln, Abraham 371. Lind, Jenny 251. Littleton 175. Liverpool, Lord 393. Livingstone 261. Lloyd 241. Locke, John 267. 360. -, Joseph 218. Lockhart 292. Longfellow 253. Louis Philippe 376. Lovat 159. 239. Lovelace 128. 168. 369. Lowell 266. Lycll 248. Lyndhurst 333. 363. . Lytton, Bulwcr 250. 278. 2i3. 333. Macaulay, Lord 261. 262. 278. 325. 326. , Zachary 249. OF EMINENT PERSONS. 425 Macdonald. Sir John 118. Mackenzie 251. Mackintosh 248. 361. Maclise 858. MacPherson 252. Maine, Sir H. 121. 246. Makonochlo 124. Manning 364. Mansel 113. Mansfield, Lord 171. 175. 246. 362. Marlborough , Duke of 159. 275. 375. Marvell 22S. 284. Mary I. 90. 126. 158. 259 318. 379. — II. 258. 325. 326. — , Queen of Scots 253 Mason 253. Massinger 366. Mathews, Chas. 364. Matilda, Queen 291. Maurice, F. D. 171. 249 368. May, Bir T. Erskine 210. Melbourne 114. Mendelssohn 141. Middleton 116. 121. Mildmay 126. Mill, James 141, — , John Stuart 141. 148. Milman 113. 115. 118. Milton, John 126. 127. 130. 131. 151. 168. 224. 230. 231. 253. 286. 320. 375. 409. Monk 254. 258. Monmouth, Duke of 109. Montagu , Lady Mary Wortley 280. — , Mrs. 281. Montpensiera Due de 269. Moore, Sir John 11G. — , Thos. 175. 326. 333. More, Sir Thos. 131. 158. 171. 239. 359. 360. Mozart 283. Mulready 364. Murray, John 278. Myddelton 326. 404. Napier, Adm. 114. -, Sir Chas. 114. 182. — , Gen. Wm. 114. — , Lord 118. 273. Napoleon III. 333. Nelson, Lord 116. 117. 132. 182. 3S0. 381. ¦ Newbery 119. Newcastle, Dukes of 224. 245. Newton , Sir Isaac 160. 169. 179. 247. 276. 279. 326. 360. Newton, John 143. Norfolk, Duke of 127. 123. North, Lord 128. 232. Northumberland, Dukes of 158. 159. 183. 402. Oates, Titus 122. Oldcastle 239. Oldfleld, Mrs. 249. Opie 118. Otway 109. Outram 147. 250. 251. Overbury 159. Owen, John 129. 364. Palmerston 241. 245. 404. 405. Paoli 250. Parkes, Sir Henry 118. Parr, Old 254. Partridge 876. Paterson, Wm. 136. Paxton 385. 383. Peabody 138. Pearson, Bishop 413. Peel , Sir Robt. 119. 233. 241. 210. 405. 417. rendrell 284. Penn, Wm. 122. 159. 160. 178. 326. 408. Pepys 142. 175. 241. 375. Perceval , Spencer 224. 248. 405. Poler the Great 146. 160. 178. 279. Philippa, Queen 262. Phillips 253. Philpot 126. Plcton 114. 117. Pindar, Peter 228. Pitt, Wm. 132. 171. 245. 246. 249. 274. 280. 374. Pocahontas 420. Poe 141. Pollock, Sir Geo. 251. Fonsonby 114. Pope 141. 283. 360. 361. 372. 376. Priestley 329. Prior 119. 253. 267. Purcell 247. Pym 175. Quincey, Thomas de 228. Radclifle, Mrs. 326. Raffles, Sir T. 8. 247. 287. 239. 405. Raglan, Lord 268. Rahere 124. 125. Ralkes 147. Raleigh 155. 159. 175. 241. Randolph 175. Rawlinson 307. Rennie 118. 144. 152. 179. 324. Reynolds 114. 118. 279. Richard I. 241. — II. 155. 156. 238. 244. 262. III. 155. 153. Richardson, 8am. 119. 121. 168. 374. Rodney 114. Rogers, Samuel 126. 275. 326. 333. — , Thorold 178. Romilly 172. Rosebery, Lord 283. Ross, Sir John 364. Rossetti 358. Rothschild 152. 323. Roubiliac 183. Rowe 202. 267. Rumbold 404. Rupert, Prince 175. 360. Russell, Earl 248. 255. 268. 400. — , Lord Wm. 159. 224. 404. 408. Sackville 168. St. Evremont 252. 360. — John, Henry 372. Vincent, Lord 114. 160. Sale 178. Savage 123. Scbomberg 273. Scott, Sir G. G. 251. , Sir Walter 262. 273. Seeley 148. Solden 171. 173. 175. Seymour, Lord Adm. 159. — , Jane 254. Shadwell, Thomas 175. 253. 359. Sbaflcsburv , First Earl of 171. 300. — , Seventh Earl of 249. ' 280. Shakspeare, Edm. 366. — , Wm. 130. 131. 134. 140. 149. 172. 174. 179. 252. 279. 293. 366. 368. 404. 418. Sharp, Granville 252. Shelley 151. 285. 3(i0. Sheppard, Jack 122. Sheridan 175. 227. 252. 278. 405. Shirley 128. 284. 426 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Shovel , Bir Cloudealey 260. Shrewsbury, Talbot, Earl of 255. 8iddons, Mrs. 266. 281. Sidney, Algernon 404. Simpson, Sir James 266. Skelton 241. 268. Sloane, Sir Hans 292. 338 358. 359. Smith, Jas. 183. — , Capt. John 123. — , Sydney 118. 364. — , W. II. 241. Soane 136. 225. Somerset. Protector 109, 159. 178. 179. 239. Somerville, Mrs. 360. South 263. Southampton,Earl of 159. Southey 252. 267. Soyer 333. Speed 127. Spenser, Edm. 128. 232. 253 Spnrgeon 367. Stafford 159. 251. Stanhope, Earl 250. Steele 119. 128. 358. 360. 361. Stephen, Fitzjames 178. — , King 239. Stephenson, George 285. 353 — , Robt. 248. 251. Sterne 326. Stilling ficet 121. Stothard 129. 8tow 141. 369. Strafford 159. 239. Strathnairn 332. Stratford de Redcliffe 245 Street 251. Stuart, Arabella 153. Suffolk, Duke of 113. Surrey, Earl of 132. 177 Sutton 127. 128. Swedenborg 129. 163. Swift 358. 360. Sydenham, Dr. 232. Tait, Abp. 263. 369. Taylor, John 223. Telford 266. Tennyson 224. 253. 403. Thackeray 128. 251. 282 325. 333. 361. Theodore of Corsica 283. Tbiilwall 128. 251. Thomson 252. 400. Thurloe 171. Tierncy 248. 374. Tietjens, Mine 364. Tillotson 132. 171. Tonson 374. Tooke, Home 267. Toplady 267. Trevithick, R. 248. Trollope 281. 364. Turner 116. 118. 211. 216. 228. 360. 372. Turpin, Dick 168. Tyler, Wat 90. 126. 145. 3S2. 420. Tyndale 109. 147. Udall 268. Usher 171. Vundyko, sec Dyck, Van Victoria, Queen 87. 137. 148. 267. 319. 320. 321. 325. 413. Voltaire 22S. Wade, Gen. 260. Wales, Prince of 160. 275 Wallace, Wm. 126. 159. 239. Waller 227. 241. Walpole, Hor. 127. 282 376. Walsingham 374. Walton, Izaak 169. 170 403. Walworth 90. 126. 145. Warburton 171. 376. Ward, Mrs. Humphry 284. Warwick 122. 158. 150. Washington 142. Watson 247. Watt, Jas. 260. 276. 363. Watts, Isaac 129. 140. 250. Wellington, Duke of 113. 117. 132. 138. 323. 330. 417. Wesley, Chas. 129. 250. 267. 281. -. John 128. 129. 130. 250. — , Susannah 129. West, Ben. 118. Whittington, Rich. 124. 134. 363. Wilberforce, Wm. 247. 333. 405. Wild, Jonathan 122. William I. 153. 412. - III. 268. 274. 325. 326. 394. — IV. 143.375. 414. — of Wykeham 412. Wilson, Erasmus 148. Wiseman, Card. 864. Wither, Geo. 122. 180. Wolcot 228. Wolfo 261. 379. Wolsey 149. 229. 394. 414. Woodfall 359. Woodward 248. Worde, De 108. Wordsworth 241. 249. Wotlon 232. Wren, Sir O. 109. 118. 131. 135. 231. 267. 275. 276. Wyatt 169. 239. Wycherley 175. 227. 223. Wycliffe 109. York , Duke of 160. 260. 274. 319. 404. Young, Dr. John 170. — , Dr. Thomas 266. INDEX. Abbey Wood 419. Abney Park Cemetery 140. 364. Academy of Arts, Royal 277. 69. 106. — of Music, Royol 280. 'Achilles' Statue 323. Acton 409. Addresses 98. Adelaide Lodge 418. Adelphi Terrace 148. 181. — Theatre 64. 180. Admiralty 231. 320. Agricultural Hall 87. 68 285. Albany, The 278. Albemarle Club 278. 101 102. Albert Embankment 148. 241. 368. - Hall 68. 832. — Memorial 332. — Palace 372. — Suspension Bridge357. 371. Aldersgate St. Stat. 59 130. Aldgate Station 59. 142 Aldridge's 32. Ale 14. Alexandra Club 102. — House 833. — Palace 68. 363. Station 363. AlhamlnaTheatre66 279 Allan Wesleyan Library 130. 20. All Hallows, Barking, Church of 160. Staining, Tower of 142. All Saints' Church 281. AH Souls' Church 281. Almack's 275. Almonry, Royal 231. Alpine Club 101. Alsatia 169. Ambresbury Bank 403. American Banks 75. — Embassy 269. 74. American Exchange 76. — Newspapers 21, 22. — Reading-rooms 20. Amersham 409. Amusements 66. 67. 63. Amwell 404. Angling 71. Antiquarian Society 276 Apothecaries' Hall 149. Apsley House 330. Aquarium, Royal 67. 268. Aquatics 73. Arcade, the Royal 31. Archaeological Institute 100. Archery 73. — Society 287. Architectural Museum 268. Argyll Lodge 825. Armourers' Hall 134. Army and Navy Club 275. 101. Cooperative Soci oty 32. Stores 269. 32. Arrival 6. Art Club, New Engl. 69. - Collections , Private 326-331 Arthur's Club 275. 101. Artillery Barracks(Wool- wich) 383. — Company, Hon. 129. Artistic Clubs 101. Art-Needlework, School of 835. Arts, Society of 181. 106. — Club 101. — and Crafts, Central School of 97. — , School of 281. Arundel Club 101. Ascension, Chapel of the 326. Ascot 70. 419. Ashford 410. AsiaticSoclety,Royal278 Astronomical Society 276. Athenseum Club 274. 101. Athletics 71. Atlantic Passage 2. Auctions 98. 275. Audit Office 179. Austin Friars 137. Authors' Club 101. Avenue Theatre 65. Aylesbury 409. Bachelors' Club 101. Badminton Club 276. 101. Baker Street Bazaar 31. Station 57. 69. 281. 287. Balls Park 404. Bank of England 195. — , National Prov. 140. — , Child's 175. — , Coutts's 181. Bankers 75. Hankers' Oloarlne House 137. Banknotes 1. Baptist Chapels 76. Barber-Surgeons' Court Room 120. Barclay's Brewery 366. Baring Gallery 831. Barking Reach 378. Barnard's Henth 407. — Inn 124. 171. Barn Kims 374. Barnes 375. Barnet 4(J6. Barracks 358. 383. 159. Baseball 72. Baths 22. — Club 1M. Battersea 371. — Bridge 357. Pork 871. Station 371. — Road Station 371. Polytechnic 372. Bayfordbury 404. Baynard's Castle 160. Bayswater 322. — Station 59. Bazaars 30. Beaconsfield 410. 409. 423 INDEX. Beaufort House 360. Ileckton 878. Bedford 4. — Coffee House 228. — College 291. — Square 281. Bedlam 370. Beefsteak Club 228. Boer 14. Belgravia 357. Bellot's Obelisk 380. Belvedere -119. — House 378. Rennet's Hill, St. 151. Berkeley Square 282. Bermondsey 94. 419. Bethlehem Hospital 370. Bethnal Green 55. 93. 402. Museum 166. 106. Bible Society 150. Bibliography 108. Billiard Rooms 19. Billingsgate 31. 145. Birdcago Walk 320. Birkbeck Inst. 170. 97. Birmingham 4. Bishopsgate Institute 140. — Station 69. Bishop's Road 59. — Wood 362. Blackfriars Bridge 149. Station 149. — Metrop. Railw. Sta tion 60. 149. Blackheath 382. 419. Blackwall 161. 377. — Tunnel 164. Blake Hall 402. Bloomsbnry Square 281. Blue Coat School 121. 269. Board of Trade 232. — of Works 96. Boarding Houses 12. Boating 73. Boat Races 73. Bodegas 14. Bolt Court 169. Bond Street 276. 283. Boodle's Club 275. 101. Books on London 108. Booksellers 23. Borough, the 143. 365. — Market 31. 368. Bostall Heath 419. — Woods 419. Boston to Liverpool 3. — lo Queenstown 3. Botanic Gardens 290. 358. Botanical Society 287. Bow Church 131. — Creek 377. — Street Police Court 227. Boxing 72. Brandenburgh House371. Brassey Museum 331. Breakfast 6. Brent Reservoir 408. Brentford 401. 375. 409. Brewers' Hall 134. Urickendonbury 104. Bridewell 149. Uridgowater House 328. UritanniaTheatreGB.UO. British Art, National Gal- lory of 209. — Artists, Society of 69. — Museum 292: Anglo-Roman and Anglo-Saxon Rooms 315. Asiatic Saloon 816. Assyrian Gallery 305. Bronze Room 813. Ceramic Gallery 310. Cuius und Medals 314. Drawing Exhibition 316. Egypt. Antiquities 808. Elgin Room 301. Ethnographical Collec tion 317. Etruscan Room 313. Gold Ornaments and Gems 314. Inscriptions' Room 293. King's Library 296. Library 294. 318. Manuscripts 294. 298. Mausoleum Room 304. Medireval Room 315 Nereid Room 304. Newspaper Reading Room 296. 318. Prehistoric Antiquities 315. Print Room 316. 296. Reading Room 317. Refreshment Room 309. Religious Collections 311. Sculpture Gallery 298. Terracottas 314. Vase Rooms 312. Brixton Theatre 66. Broad Sanctuary 268. — Street Station 56. Brockwcll Park 392. Brompton Oratory 356. — ¦ Station 60. Brondeshury 407. Brooks's Club 275. 101. Brook Street 283. 287. Broxbourne 403. Buckhurst Hill 402. 403 Buckingham House 320. — Palace 320. Bull & Bush Inn 361. Bullingham House 325. Bunhill Fields Cemetery 129. BurlingtonArcade31. 276. Fine Arts Club 101. House 270. Burnham Beeches 410. 409. Bushy Park 393. Oabs 32. 5. Caen Wood 362. Cafe's 18. Caledonian Club 101. Camberwell Green 867. School of Art&Techn. Institute 367. Cambridge Circus 181. — Cottage 100. Camden Road 405. Town 285. Camera Club 101. Canada 3. Cane Hill 370. Canning Town 377. Cannon Street 151. — Station 55. 151. (Metrop.) 60. 151. Canonbury Tower 280. Canterbury Theatre 66. Carlton Club 271. 101. House 274. Terrace 320. Carlyle Museum 359. 106. Carlyle's House 359. Carpenters' Mall 127. Castelnau 375. Castle Hill 409. Catholic Apostolic Churches 2-U. 71i. 292. Cats' Home 372. Cattle Market 31. 184 285. Cavalry Club 101. Cavendish Square 280. Cemeteries 364. 140. Central Criminal Court 122. - London Meat Market 126. 31. Chalfont Road 409. St. Giles 409. 108. Chalk Farm 288. Station 54. 287. Chancellor of the Ex chequer's Office 232. Chancery, Court of 171. — Lane 91. 170. 286. Channel, Passage of the 5. Chapel of the Ascension 326. INDEX. 429 Chapel Royal 819. Chapels, Baptist 76. — , Congregationalist 76. t— , Independent 76. — , Methodist 77. — , Swedenborgian 77. — , Unitarian 77. Charing Cross 183. Hospital 181. Railway Bridge 181. Road 181. 2"-3. - — Station D5. 181. Metrop. Railw. Station 60. 181. Charities 99. Charlton 419. Charterhouse 127. 106. Chatham 421. Cheapside 130. Chelsea 357. — Botanic Gardens 858. — Bridge 371. — Embankment 149. 357. — Hospital 857. 106. — Old Church 359. — Suspension Bridge 357. Chemical Society 276. Chemists 24. Chenies 408. 409. Cherry Gardens 377. Chesham 409. Cheshunt 403. Chess 19. — river 408. Chester 4. Chesterfield House 283. Cheyne Walk 358. Chigwell 402. Child's Bank 175. — Hill 105. Chiltern Green 407. Chingford 402. Chipping Barnet 406. — Ongar 402. Chiselhurst 420. Chiswick 375. — Eyot 870. — House 870. Chorley Wood 408. 409. Christ Church 120. (Surrey) 371. Christie and Manson's Auction Rooms 276. Christ's Hospital 121. Church Army 78. Churches, List of 78. Church House 268. Cigar Club 101. Cigars 2. 29. Circulating Libraries 20. City, The 93. 94. 109. City AfhcnrcumClub 101. ¦ and Guilds of London Institute 335. 134. 97. — Carlton Club 101. — Companies 96. - Liberal Club 101. - of London Club 101. Collego 97. Consumption Hos pital 167. School 148. — Police, Headquarters of the 134. — Polytechnic 97. — Prison 285. — Samaritan Office 146. Temple 123. Civil Service Co-opera tive Society 32. Supply Association 32. 180. Clapham 393. — Common 371. Clapton 140. Clare Market 227. Clarence House 319. Claybury 370. Clearing House 137. Clement's Inn 171. 177. Cleopatra's Needle 148. Clerkenwell 94. 129. Clewer 419. Clifford's Inn 169. 171. Clissold Park 140. Clothworkers' Hall 142 Clnbs 100. Coaches 51. Coal Exchange 146. Cobham Hall 421. Cockneys 131. Cocoa Tree Club 101. Coffee-houses 18. Coldbath House of Cor rection 172. Collections, etc. 106. College of Arms 151. — of Music, Royal 334. — of Physicians 183. — of Preceptors 284. — of Science 340. — of Surgeons 224. 106. Colllns's Music Hall 67. Colne, the 409. Colney Hatch 370. Colonial Institute, Royal 102. — Office 232. Representatives 74. Columbia Market 31. Comedy Theatre 65. Commercial Docks 163. Commissionnaires 81. Commons, House of 237. Concerts 68. Confectioners 19. Congregational Memorial Hall 168. Congregationalist Chapels 76. Conservative Club 276. 101. Constitution Hill 321. Constitutional Club 183. 101. Consulates 74. Consumption Hospital 167. Cookery, School of 335. Coombe House 393. Maiden 393. Co-operative System 32. ¦ Working Societies 32 Cooper's Hill 410. Copped Hall 403. Corn Exchange 142. Cornhill 141. Coronet Theatre 66. Corporation Art Gallery 133. 106. — of the Cityof London, Free Library of the 133. County Council, London 96. Coupd Company 84. Court Tennis 72. — Theatre, Royal 65. Contts's Bank 181. Covent Garden Market 31. 180. 227. Theatre 63. Coventry Street 279. Cowling Castle 421. Crane Court 169. Cremorne Gardens 357. Crewe 4. 51. Crichton Club 101. Cricket 71. Crimean Monument 273. Criminal Court 122. Criterion Theatre 65. 279. Crockford's 275. Cromwell House 363. Road 338. Crosby Hall 139. — Obelisk 971. Crown Jewels 154. Croydon Race9 70. Crystal Palace 383. 67.68. Cumberland Lodge 418. Curtain Theatre 130. Custom House 2. 146. Cutlers' Hall 122. Cycling 72. Czar's Head 160. 430 INDEX. Dalston 140. 402. Daly's Theatre 65. 279. Danvers House 360. Dartford 419. Datchet 410. 418. Davy Faraday Research Laboratory 278. Dead Letter Office 78. Dean's ?ard 267. Denison Club 102. Dentists 24. Deptford 94. 164. 377. Derby 4. — , the 70. Devonshire Club275. 101. — House 931. Dining Rooms 14. Dinner 13. 14. — Parties 98. Diploma Gallery 277. 106. Directories 93. Disposition of Time 100, District Messenger Serv. Co. 81. Dives' Flour Mills 372. Divine Service 76. Docks 162. Doctors' Commons 150. WillOf(lcel79.151. Dogs' Cemetery 325. — Home 372. Donaldson Museum 334. Don Saltero's 353. Dorchester House 830. Donlton's Pottery Works 371. Dover to Calais 5. — to Ostend 5. Drainage System 96. Dramatic Clubs 101. Drapers' Garden 137. — Hall 137. Drawing Rooms 319. Drory Lane Theatre 64 227. Dudley Gallery 69. Duke of York's School 358. Theatre 65. Dulwich 389. 392. — Gallery 389. 106. — Park 392. Dunstable 407. Dutch Church 137. Ealing 409. Earl's Court 60. 68. Earlsfield 68. East End 93. — India Oo.'s House 141 Docks 164. United Service Club 101. 274. East London Technical College 166. - Sheen 400. Eccentric Club 101. Economics and Polit. Science, School of 181. Edgware 405. — Road 281. Station 59. Education Office 232. Eel Pie Island 376. Egham 410. Egyptian Hall 67. 276. Eleanor's Cross 181. 184. Electric Cabs 38. Railways 61. Electrical Kngineering, School of 100. Elephant and Castle 367. — Theatre 66. Tavern 142. Elstree 405. 406. Eltham 420. Ely Chapel 123. Place 123. Embankment Gardens 147. 181. Embassies 74. Empire Theatre 66. 279. Empress Club 102. English Artists, Society of 69. Entertainments 66. 67. Epping 402. - Forest 402. Epsom 393. 70. Erith 378. 419. Marshes 878. Reach 378. Ethical Societies 77. 78. Eton 417. Euston Sq. Stat. 54. 285. Evans's 228. Exchange, Royal 137. Excursions 373. Exeter Hall 180. Exhibition Galleries 302. Exhibitions 67. 69. 160. Expenses 1. Farringdon Street 123. 149. Station 69. Feltham 410. Fenchurch Street 141. Stat. 67. 142. Fetter Lane 169. Finchley Road 405. 407 Finsbury 95. — Circus 130. — Park 141. Technical College 97 Fire Brigade 00. 366. Fishing 71. Fish Markets 31. 126. Fishmongers' Hall 146. Flaxman Gallery 281.106. Fleet Brook 122. 108. — Prison 168. — Street 163. Floral Hull 227. Flower Market 31. 227. Shows 290. 333. Flys 34. Folkestone to Boulogne 5. Football 71. Foreign Cattle Market 31. 161. — Churches 78. — Missions Club 102. — Office 232. 320. Foresters' Hall 67. Forest Hill 389. Forestry Museum 241. Fonndling Hospital 286. 106. Eox-hunling 70. Free Hospital, Royal 172. Libraries 19. Freemasons' Hall 227. Tavern 227. French Churches 78. — Hospice 168. — Hospital 99. — Prot. Church 283. 78. Friends' Burial Ground 129. — Meeting Houses 76. Frogmore House 418. Fruit Market 31. 126. Fulham 374. FurnLshcdApartments 12. Furnival's Inn 123. 171. Gaiety Theatre 61. 1E0. Gallery, National 184. 106., NotionalPortrait 216. 106. Gallion's Station 165. Games 71. Gardens, Botanic 290. — , Chelsea Botanic 358. — , Public 67. — , Zoological 287. 106. Garrick Club 228. 101. — Theatre 65. 184. Gas-lighting 92. Gates of London, Old 89. General Hints 97. Geographical Society 278. Geological Mnseum 273. 106. — Society 276. George Inn 368. — Lane 402. INDEX. 431 German Afhenseum Club 101. — Churches 78. 276. — Gymnastic Society 72. — Hospital 140. Gibson Gallery 277. 106. Globe Theatre 81. 177. 366. Gloucester 4. — House 322. — Road Station 60. Goldsmiths' Hall 130. Golfers' Club 101. Golf Links 71. Goodman's Fields The atre 142. Goodwood Races 70. Gore House 833. Gorhambury House 407. Gospel Oak 402. Gough Square 169. Government Offices 231. 320. Gower Street 284. Station 59. 285. Grafton Gallery 68. 69. Grand Theatre 65. 66. 235. Grantham 4. Gravesend 420. 379. Gray's Inn 171. 170. Road 172. 283. Grays Thurrock 378. Great Eastern Railway Market 31. — Fire 91. 144. — Missenden 409. — Park (Windsor) 118. — Queen Street 227. — Russel Street 281. — Scotland Yard 231. Greenhithe 378. 420. Green Park 321. 276. Arch 323. Club 102. — Room Club 101. Greenstead 402. Greenwich 379. 93. 94. •- Hospital 379. — Observatory 381. — Park 381. Gresham Club 101. — College 134. Grey Coat Hospital 269. Grill Rooms 14. Grimsby 6. Grocers' Hall 134. Grosvenor Club 283. 101. — House 327. — Road Bridge 272. — Square 282. Grub Street 127. Guards' Club 275. 101. Guildford 68. Guildhall 132. Library 133. — Museum 133. 106. — Picture Gallery 133. 106. — School of Music 148. Guilds 98. — Central Technical College 335. 97. Guilford Street 286. Guinness Trust 139. Guy's Hospital 868. Gymnastics 71. Hackney 102. — Common 163. — Congregational Col lege 292. — Marshes 168. Hainault Forest 102. Halfway Reach 378. Halifax to Liverpool 8. Ham Common 376. — House 876. Hamilton Gardens 322. Hammersmith 374. 59. Hampstead 360. — Heath 361. Hampton 377. — Court 391. 377. 106. — Wick 376. Hanover Chapel 280. — Square 280. — — Concert Rooms 280, Hansoms 32. Hanwell 109. 370. Harconrt House 280. Harefleld 408. Harpenden 407. Harrow on the Hill 105. 408. Hartshorn Lane 184. narwich to Antwerp 5. — to Esbjerg 5. — to Hamburg 5. — to Hoek van Holland 6. — to Rotterdam 5. Hatcham 419. Hatfield 106. Haverstock Hill 405. Hayes 409. Haymarket 278. 279. — Theatre 64. 273. Hendon 105. Henley Regatta 73. Heralds' College 151. Hereford 4. Heme Hill 392. Heme's Oak 418. Hertford 404. — House 282. Higham 421. High Beach 403. Highbury 285. — Station 288. Highgate 362. 54. 55. — Archway 363. — Cable Tramway 35. — Cemetery 363. 364. — Gravel Pit Wood 863. — Station 363. High Holborn 286. Hints, General 97. Historical Sketch of England 82. — — of London 88. Hockey 72. Hogarth Club 101. Holborn 286. — Town Hall 172. — Valley 122. 168. — Viaduct 122. Station 57. 123. Holland House 325. Holloway 285. — College 410. — Gaol 285. Holly Lodge 325. 362. Holy Well 178. Home Office 232. — Park 418. Horniman Museum 388. Hornsey 141. 363. Horse Guards 231. 320. Horse Markets 31. — Racing 70. Horticultural Society 333. Hospice for French Pro testants 163. Hospital Sunday 99. Hospitals 99. Hotels 8. Houndsditch 93. 142. Hoxton 140. Hughenden 410. Hull 5. Humane Society, Royal 183. 324. Hummums Hotel, Old 228. Hungerford Market 181. Hunting 70. HurllnghamClub 374.101. Hurst Park Club 70. Hyde Park 322. Club 102. Corner 323. Hygienic Museum 281. Imperial Institute 334. 106. 102. — Theatre 66. Independent Chapels 76. India Museum 354. — Oface 232. 820. 432 INDEX. Industrial Dwellings 184. Ingress Abbey 378. Inland R even ueO f Ucel79. Inns of Chancery 171. — of Court 94. 170. Insane Asylums 167. 370. . 409. 419. Institute of Architects 100. — of Painters in Water- Colours 69. Institution of Civil En gineers 100. — for Lost Cats 872. International Hall 68. Irish Literary Society 181 Ironmongers' Hall 142. Irvingite Churches 76. Isle of Dogs 164. Isleworth 375. Islington 285. Isthmian Club 276. 101. Italian Opera 227. Jack Straw's Castle 361. Jewish Synagogues 76. Jewry, Old 134. Jews' Burial Ground 364 Jordans 408. Journals 21. Junior Athenseum Club 276. 102. — Army and Navy Club 275. 101. Stores 32. — Carlton Club 276. 101 — ConservativeClublOl. — Constitutional Club 101. — United Service Club 280. 101. Justice, Courts of 175. Kempton Park Races 70. Kennel Clnb 101. Kennington Oval 272. 371. 71. Kensal Green Cem. 364. 409. Kensington College 325. — Gardens 325. — Gore 332. — High Street Station 60. — Palace 325. Kentish Town 285. 405 Kew 400. 375. — Botanic Gardens 400. — Bridge Station 400. — Cottage 400. — Gardens 100. 69. 106 — Green 400. — Observatory 401. — Palace 401. Key Field 407. Kilburn 407. Kingsbury 408. King's College 178. Hospital 227. — Cross Station 54. 285. (Metropolitan)59. Kingsland 140. Kingston 376. King Street 232. — William Street 143. Kit-CatPortraits374. 404. Knightsbridge 332. — Cavalry Barracks 332. Lacrosse 73. Ladies' Clubs 102. — County Club 102. — Matinee Club 82. — Mile 324. — University Club 102. — Victoria Club 102. LadyArtists, Society of 69. — Guide Association 82. Lambeth 93. 94. — Bridge 269. 369. Palace 369. Langham Place 281. Langley 409. Lansdowne House 329. Latimer ltoud 59. Latimers 408. Lauderdale House 363. LawCourts, New 175. 177. Lawn Bank 361. — Tennis 72. Lea, river 71. 168. 404. Leadenhall Market31. 141. Street 141. Leathersellers' Hall 140. LeatherTrades School 97. Lee 382. 410. Leicester Square 279. Leith 5. Lemercier Gallery 69. Lesnes Abbey 419. Levies 319. Lowisham 419, Leyton 402. Leytonstone 402. Libraries 19. 20. Life Boatlnstitution 181. Limehouse 163. Cut 164. Lincoln's Inn 171. 170. Fields 224. 286. Lindsey House 860. Linneean Society 276. Literary Clubs 101. Liverpool 4. 5. Street Station 60. Liverpool to London 4. Livery Companies 98. Lloyd's 138. Lodgings 12. Lombard Street 141. London Bridge 143. Station 57. — . Chatham, and Dover Rail. Bridge 149. County Council 96. Docks 162. — Hospital 166. - House 274. — Institution 130. 20. Library 20. — Library 20. 274. — Pavilion 66. — Stone 161. — University 277. 280. — Wall 89. 127. London to Amsterdam 5. to Antwerp 6. to Bremen 5. to Hamburg 6. — lo New York 3. to Oslend 5. to Rotterdam 5. Long Acre 227. Reach 378. Shore 93. Lord Mayor's Show 98. Lord's Cricket Ground 292. 71. Lords, House of 231. Lordship Lane 389. Lost Dogs' & Cats' Home 372. — Property Office (Scot- laud Yard) 31. Loudoun Road 54. Longhton 402. Lower ThamesStreet 146. 143. Lowther Arcade 31. 181. Lodge 333. Ludgate Circus 119. Hill 119. — Station 67. 149. Lunatic Asylums 167. 370. 409. 419. Luton 407. Lyceum Theatre 64. 180. Lyon's Inn 171. Lyric Opera House 66. — Theatre 65. 184. Maida Vale 01. Maidenhead 01. Maiden Lane 228. Majesty's Theatre, Her 273. 64. Mall, The 320. Manchester Square 282 Mansion House 135. Station 60. 161. INDEX. 433 Maple's Cross 408. Marble Arch 323. Markets 31. Mark Lane 142. Station 59. 162. Marlborough Club 275 102. — House 275. — Road 407. Marshalsea Gaol 368. Martyrs' Memorial Church 129. Marylebone 287. — Church, Old 281. — Park 287. — Road 291. — Station 57. 281, 282. 291. — Workhouse 291. Matlock 4. Mayfair 822. 357. MeatMarket, Central 126 31. Medical Examination Hall 118. Mercers' Hall 134. — Schools 124. Merchant Taylors' Hall 139. School 128. Mermaid Tavern 131. Meteorological Offlce269 Methodist Chapels 77. Mctropolo Theatre 66. Metropolitan Board of Works 98. — Cattlo Morket 31. 285 -- Flro Brigade 90 301). — Improvements 95. — Meat Market 31. — Music Hall 66. — Police District 96. — Railways 58. Mews, Royal 321. Milo End Road 165. Military Academy(Wool wich) 383. — Asylum 358. — and Naval Clubs 101 — Repository (Wool wich) 383. Millbank Penitentiary 269. Mill Hill 405. Millwall Docks 161. Milton Street 127. Mincing Lane 142. Ministerial Offices 231. Minories 93. 142. Mint, Royal 160. — Street 368. Missionary Society's Mu seum, London 130. aedjjkeu's London. Mitre Court 169. Mohawk Minstrels 67. Mond's Gallery, Mr. 831. Money 1. — Changers 75. — Orders 80. Montague House 232. Montreal to Liverpool 8. Monument, The 144. 106. - Station 60. 113. Moor Park 40,3. Moore and Burgess Minstrels 67. Moorgate St. Station 69. Moravian Burial Ground 360. ¦ Chapel 169. Mortlake 375. Museum , Royal Archi tectural 268. — , Bethnal Green 166 106. — , Brassey 331. — , British 292. 106. -, Carlyle 359. — , Donaldson 331. — of Fish Culture 353 — , Forestry 241. — , Geological 278. 106. — , Guildhall 133. 106. — , Horniman 338. -, Hygienic 281. — , India 3r)l. — , London Missionary Society 130. — , Military (Woolwich) — , Natural History 935. 1(10. — , Naval 881. — , Parkes 281. 106. — , Soane 225. 106. — , South Kensington 338. 106. — , United Service 230. 106. — , Wesley 130. Music Hall, Royal 66. — Halls 66. — , Guildhall School of 148. — , Royal Academy of 280. , Royal College of 334 Muswell Hill 363. National Clnb 102. Conservative CJub 101. — Gollery 184. 106. of British Art 269 — Liberal Club 183. 101 — Life Boat Institution, Royal 181. 11th Edit. National Portrait Gallery 216. 106. Provincial Bank 110. — School of Cookery 335. — Skating Palace 67. — Sporting Club 101. Natural History Museum 335. 106. Naval College 879. — Gallery (Greenwich) 380. — and Military Club 276. 101. — Museum & School (Greenwich) 381. Neasden 408. Needlework, School of 335. Nelson's Column 182. New Burlington House 276. — Club 102. — College 291. - Court 152. — Cross 419. — Gallery 69. Newgate Prison 122. — Street 120. Newhaven lo Caen 5. — to Dieppe 5. Newington 95. 140. New Inn 171. 177. — .lerusnloin Churches 77. — Lambeth Bridge 272. Ncwlands Park 408. Now Lyric Club 102. Newmarket Races 70. New Oxford Street 283. and Cambridge Club 275. 101. — Scotland Yard 233. — Somerville Club 102. Newspapers 2t. Newton Hall 170. New Travellers'Club276. 102. — University Club 275. 101. New York to Glasgow'6. lo Liverpool 3. to London 3. — — to Plymouth 3. — — to Queenslown 3. to Southampton 3. New Zealand Chambers 141. Niagara Hall 67. Niinrod Club 101. Norfolk House 274. Northampton Institute 129. 97. 28 434 INDEX, Northampton Square 126. Northbrook Gallery 331. North Dulwich 392. Northfleet 378. 420. Northumberland House 183. North Weald 402. Northwood 408. North Woolwich 166. 382. Norwood Cemetery 364. Notting Hill 69. Gate Station 69. Novelty Theatre 66. Nurses' House 291. Oaks, the 70. Obelisk, the 371. — to Lieut. Bellot 380. Observatory, Kew 101. — , Royal 881. Old Ford 102. — Jewry 184. Olympia 67. 375. Olympic Theatre 65. 177. Omnibuses 35. 6. Opera Colonnade 31. Ope>a Comique 64. 178. Opera, Royal Italian 63. 227. Ophthalmic Hospital 181. Oratory, Brompton 356. Oriental Club 280. 102. Orleans Club 102. — House 376. Orphan Asylum 402. Oxford 4. — Cirous 280. — Music Hall 66. — Street 281. — and Cambridge Club 275. 101. Oyster Shops 18. Paddington Station 55. , Metropolitan 59. Palace Gates Station 363. — Music Hall 66. 184. — Theatre 66. Pall Mall 273. Panorama 388. Panshanger 104. Pantheon 283. Panyer Alley 120. Parade, the 320. Paragon Theatre 67. Parcels Companies 81. — Post 80. 172. Park Crescent 281. Parkes Museum 281. Parkhurst Theatre 66. Park Lane 322. — Square 281. — Street 368. Parliament , Houses of 233. 106. — Hi)l 361. Parson's Green 60. Passage, Atlantic 2. Passmore Edwards Sett lement 285. 100. Passports 2. Patent Office 170. Library 20. 170. Paternoster Row 91. 119. Pavilion Theatre 65. Peabody Buildings 138. Peers, House of 235. Pembroke Lodge 400. Pentonville Prison 285. People's Palace 166. 97. Peterborough 4. Petersham 375. Petty France 320. Philadelphia lo Liverpool 3. Philharmonic Concerts 08. Physicians, Royal College of 183. Piccadilly 276. — Circus 280. 279. Club 102. Picture Galleries (public) 69. 184. 216. (private) 326-331. Pinner 408. Pioneers' Olub 102. Playhouse Yard 119. Plumstead 419. — Marshes 378. Plymouth 4. Plymouth to Cuxhaven 6. — to London 4. Policemen 96. 98. Political Clubs 101. Polytechnics 97. Polytechnic Young Men's Christian Institute 281. Pool, the 144. 162. Popular Concerts 63. Population 92. 95. Port, the 162. Portland Club 102. — Place 281. — Road Station 59. 287 Portland lo Liverpool 3. Portman Square 281. Portrait Gallery, Na tional 216. 106. Poste Restante Office 78 Post Office 78. , General78. 119. 120. Directory 98. Orders 80. 120. Savings Banks 120. 160. Postal Districts 79. Orders 80. Regulations 79. — Traffic 119. Poultry 136. 130. — Market 31. 126. Praed St. Station 59. Preceptors, Coll. of 284. Preliminary Ramble 102. Presbyterian Ohurches77. Press Olub 101. Prime Minister's Office 232. Primrose Club 101. Hill 291. Prince of Wales Theatre 05. 279. Prince's Club 332. 101. Skating Rink 09. Hall 16. 278. Princesa's Concert Room 68. Theatre 64. 283. Printing House So. 150. Prisons 122. 285. 374. Private Apartments 12. Privy Council Office 232. Probate Registry 179. Provincial Bank 140. Prussia House 274. Public Gardens 67. — Houses 14. — Offices 179. 232. Purfleet 378. Putney 374. — Bridge 60. 374. Pye Corner 126. Quakers, see Friends. Quadrant, the 280. Quebec to Liverpool 3. Queen Victoria 87. Jubilee Nurses291. Street 135. 149. Queenborough to flushing 6. Queen's Club 71. 101. Gate 332. Hall 68. 281. House 368. Park 51. — Road Station 59. Tobacco Pipe 162. Queenstown 3. Races 70. Rackets 72. Radlett 405. Railways 61. — , Electric 61. Raleigh Club 280. 102 Ranelagh, the 358. — Club 871. 101. INDEX. '435 Ratcllff Highway 163. Ravenscourt Park 60. Raynes Park 68. Reading 410. Reading Rooms 20. Record Office, New 170. Redcross Hall 367. Reform Club 274. 101. Regalia 164. Regattas 73. Regent Circns 280. — Street 280. Polytechnic281.97. Regent's Canal 103. — Park 287. Registrar-General'sOfflce 179. Restaurants 14. Richmond 399. 375. Rickmansworth 408. Rochester 421. Roebuck Inn 403. Rolls Chapel 170. — Yard 170. Roman Bath 178. — Cath. Cathedral 269. Churches 77. — Remains 89. Rosherville 379. — Gardens 68. 420. Rotherhithe 94. 163. 419 Rothschild's House 323. Rotten Row 323. Routes from England lo the Continent 4. — to England from the United Stales of Ame rica and Canada 3. Royal Academy 277. 69 106. — Almonry 231. — Arcade 31. — Family 87. 88. — Institution 278. — Music Hall 66. — Oak 409. — Societies' Club 101. — Society 276. Royalty Theatre 65. Rugby 4. 54. Ruislip Park 408. Runnimede 110. Russell Square 284. Rye House 104. Saddlers' Hall 181. Sadler's Wells Theatre 66. St. Albans 406. St. Alban's (City) 134. (Holborn) 124. — Alphage's(Greenwich) 379. St. Andrew's 123. — Underahaft 141. — Ann Blackfriars 150. Anne's (Limehouse) 164. — (Soho) 283. — Augustine's 131. > Bartholomew's the Great 126. — the Less 124. Hospital 124. ¦ Benet's 146. Bennet's Hill 151. Botolph's 140. Bride's 168. — Foundation In stitute 168. — Catherine Cree's 141 — Clement Danes 177. Clement's 143. — Dunstan's in the East 146. West 169. — (Stepney) 163. - Edmund King & Mar tyr's 142. — Ethelburga's 140. — Etheldredn's 77. 123 — George'sCathedral 370. Cemetery 326. Church 280. 368. Circus 371. Club 280. 102. Hall 68. 281. — Giles' (Cripplegate) 127. — in the Fields 283. — Helen's 139. — James's 278. (Curtain St.) 130. Club 276. 101. Hall 68. 279. 280. Palace 318. 276. — Park 319. Station 60. 289 Square 274. Street 276. Theatre 64. 276. - John the Evangelist's 269. John's 361. 419. — Church 128. ¦ — Gate 128. Wood Road 288 407. ¦ Joseph's Retreat 863. Jude's 166. Katharine Docks 162. Hospital 291. Lawrence Jewry 132. Leonard's 140. Luke's, Chelsea 369. Hospital 870. St. Hagnas the Martyr's 145. Margaret's 240. Station 399. 404. — Martin in theFields 183. Martin's Vestry Hall & Public Library 184. — Mary Aldermanbury 134. ¦ — Aldermary 151. ¦ — (Battersea) 372. — le Bow 131. • — at Hill 146. — le Strand 178. , Temple 172. Undercroft 239. the Virgin 184. Woolnoth 143. Mary's Churchyard 281. — Michael's 141. 407. — Mildred's 151. — Nicholas Cole Abbey 101. Olave's 142. Pancras' 285. — , Old 285. — Station 54. 285. Patrick's 283. Paul's Cathedral 109. 106. Church 228. — Churchyard 118. — School 375. — Stotlon 57. 149. — Peter's (Cornhill) 141. (Clerkenwell) 129. - Peter ad Vincula, Chapel of 168. — Peter's College 267.- ' — Philip Stepney's 165. — Saviour's 365. — Sepulchre's 123. — Stephen's 135. Cloisters 240. Club 147. 101. Crypt 239. — Swithin's 161. — Thomas's Hospital 148. 368. — Vedast's 130. Saltern's, Don 358. Salters' Hall 152. Salvage Corps 97. Salvation Army 78. Sandford Manor House 360. Sandown Races 70. Sanitary Institute 100. Sardinian Catholic Cha pel 227. Savage Club 181. 101. Savile Club 276. 102. 28* 436 INDEX. Savings Bank 184. Savoy Chapel 180. — Palace 180. — Theatre 61. 180. School Board, London 97. , Office of 148. — of Art Needlework 335. — of Cookery 335. Science , Royal College of 840. Scotland Yard 231. 232. Seamen's Hospital 380. Season 1. Serjeants' Inn 170. 171. Serpentine 322. Shadwell 163. — Market 31. Shaftesbury Avenue 181. — Memorial 280. — Theatre 65. 184. Shakspeare Theatre 66. Shepherd's Bush 69. Sheppey, Isle uf 162. Shoo l.mii; 169. Shooters' Hill 383. Shops 23. Shoreditch 93. 140. Shrewsbury lit, use 3G0. Siemens' Telegraphic Works 383. Silvertown 377. Sion College 20. 148. — House 402. 375. Skating 73. 67. 291. — Palace, Nat. 67. Skinners' Hall 162. Sloane Square Station 60. Slough 409. Smithfield 31. 126. Snaresbrook 402. Snow Hill 418. Soane Museum 225. 106. Social Clubs 101. Societies 100. Society, Antiquarian 276. — , Archery 287. 73. — of Arts 181. 106. — , Astronomical 276. -, Botanical 287. — , Chemical 276. — , Geographical 278. — , Geological 270. — , Horticultural 333. — , Humane 183. — , Linnaian 276. — of Painter-Etchers 69. — of Painters in Oil Colours 69. — of Painters in Water Colours 69. — , Royal 276. — , Toxopholite 287. 73. Society, Zoological 287 Soho Bazaar 31. 283. — Square 288. Somers Town 286. Somerset House 178. Southall 109. Southampton 4. Southampton to Bremen 5. — to Bordeaux 5. — to Cherbourg 5. — to Havre 5. — to London 4. — to St. Male 6. South EasternRailway55 South Kensington Mu seum 338. 106. Station 60. — London Fine Art Gal lery 367. 108. Palace of Amuse ments 67. Place Ethical Society 77. Houthwnrk 03. 94. 366 Bridge 152. Park 368. Spaniards' Inn 862. Spa Road 419. Spencer House 276. Spitalflelds 93. 140, — Market 31. Sporting Clubs 101. Sports 70. Club 101. Spurgeon's Tabernacle 367. Stafford House 328. Staines 410. Standard Theatre 65. 110. Stanmore, Little 105. 103. Staple Inn 124. 171. Stationers' Hall 119. Statistical Society, Royal 181. Statistics 95. Statue of Achilles 323. — of Prince Albert 123 418. ¦ of Queen Anno 110. - of Lord Beaconsfield 241. ofDukeofBedford2S4. ¦ of Lord Bentinck 280. — of Boadicca 241. of Brunei 148. of Burgoyne 274. of Bums 147. — of Byron 322. — of Colin Campbell273. — of Canning 241. — of Carlyle 359. — of Charles I. 183. of Charles II. 137. 357. Statue of Duke of Cum berland 280. — of the Earl of Derby 241. — of Queen Elizabeth 137. 169. — of Forster 148. - of Fox 281. — of Franklin 274. — ofSirBartleFrercl47. — of George II. 380. — of George III. 133. 179. 273. 418. — of George IV. 182. — ofGeneralGordnnl82. - of Havelock 182. — of Lord Herbert 275. — of Rowland Hill 138. — of Huskisson 188. — of James II. 231. — of Jenner 326. — of Lord Lawrenco 273. — of .1. S. Mill 148. — of Sir C. Nuplcr 182. of Lord Napier 278. of Nelson 182. — of Newman 366. — of Gen. Outram 147. — of Palmerston 211. — of Peabody 138. — of Sir R. Peel 119. 130. 241. — of William Pitt 280. of Robt. Raikes 147. of Richard Coeur de Lion 241. of Shakspeare 279. of Mrs. Siddous 2S1. of S ir Hans Sloane 35S. — of Stephenson 286. — of LordStrathnairn332. — of Tyndale 147. — of Queen Victoria 137. 118. 325. — of Prince & Princess of Wales 334. of Wellington 138. 323. of Wesley 129. — of William III. 274. of William IV. 143. — of Duke of York 274. Steel Yard 152. Steamboats 8. 02. Steinway Hall 63. Stepney 163. Stock Exchange 137. Stoke Newington 110. — — Com in .in 110. — Poges 110. 409. Stone Church 378. Store Street Hall 68. Storey's Gate 320. Stout 14. INDEX. 437 Strand 177. — Inn 171. — Theatre 64. 178. Stratford (Essex) 102. Strawborry Hill 376. 399. Strood 121. Sub-tropical Garden 371. Subways 61. 135. 145. 160. Sudbrook House 376. Surbiton 377. 393. Surgeons, College of 224. 106. Surrey Canal 1R3. — Docks 163. 368. — Side 365. — Theatre 66. 371. Sutherland House 323. Swedenborgian Chapels 77. Swedish Church 163. Swimming 73. Swiss Cottage 291. 407. Sydenham Hill Station 385. 392. Symphony Concerts 68. Synagogues 76. Tabard Inn 368. Tabernacle, the 367. Talbot Inn 368. Tate Gallery 269. Tattersall's 31. Tea Rooms 18. Technical Art School 97. — Education 97. Board 97. Teddington 399. 376. Telegraph Hill 419. — Office 80. 120. Telegraphs 80. Telephones 81. Temperance Hotels 10. 11. Temple 172. - Bar 175. 403. Memorial 175. — Chnrch 172. — Gardens 173. — Station 60. Tennis 72. Terminus Hotels 7. Terry's Theatre 65. 180. Thames, the 93. 373. 377. 412. — Ditton 394. 377. — Embankment 96. 147. — Tunnel 163. Thatched House Club 276. 102. Thavies' Inn 171. Theatres 63. — , Suburban 66. Theobalds Park 403. Theydon Bois 102. Thorney Isle 242. Tilbury 979. — Fort 379. Tilbury to Oslend 6. Time 2. Time, Disposition of 105 Times Office 150. Tindall's Bnrlal Ground 129. Tivoli Theatre 66. Tobacco 2. 29. Topography 93. Tottenham, South 54. — Court Road 283. Tower 152. 106. — Bridge 181. — Hamlets 95. — Hill 159. 162. — Subway 160. Toxopholite Society 287. 73. Toynbee Hall 165. Trafalgar Square 182. Tramways 34. Travellers' Club 274. 102 Treasury 232. Trinity Chnrch, Minories 142. , Little Queen Street 227. — College 160. 282. — Hospital 165. — House 159. Turf Club 101. Turnham Green 69. 60. Tussaud's Waxwork Ex hibition 67. 291. Twickenham 376. 399. Tyburn 287. Tyburnia 287. 357. Underground Railways 68. Union Club 183. 102. Unitarian Chapels 77. United Service Club 273. 101. Institution 230. Museum 230. University Club 273. 101. University Boat Race 73. 874. _ Clubs 101. College 284. — Hospital 284. Hall 284. — Settlements 99. - Sports 73. 292. Uxbridge 409. Varieties 66. Vaudeville Theat. 64. 180. Vauxhall 393. — Bridge 272. Vegetable Market 31. 126. Vegetarian Hospital 402. — Restaurants 18. Ver, river 407. Vcrney Junction 409. Verulamium 406. Veterinary College 286. Victoria and Albert Docks 164. — Club 101. — Coffee Music Hall 66. — Embankment 147. — Institution 393. — Park 167. Station 168. — Station 55. 357. (Metrop.) 60. — Street 268. — Tower Gardens 241. Vintners' Hall 145. Virginia Water 418. Visits 98. Walham Green 60. Walpole House 860. Waltham Abbey 403. — Cross 403. Walthamstow 102. Wandsworth 373. Wapping 163. 59. War Office 275. Ware 401. Warwick 4. — Lane 121. Watergate 147. Waterloo Bridge 179. Junction 68. Place 273. Station 57. 180. — Steps 274. Waterlow Park 363. Water Supply 96. Watford 406. Wellington Ban-acks 320. 159. — Club 102. Welsh Church 145. - Harp 405. Reservoir 408. — Presbyterian Chapel 184. Wembley Park 408. 69. Wendover 409. Wesleyan Chapels 77. Wesley's Chapel 129. — House 129. Westboume, the 322. — Park 409. West Brompton 60. Westcombe Park 419. West Drayton 409. -i^a^Bcg •- 438 INDEX. W«st End 93. lTT.r — Hampstead 407. — India Docks 164. ^- London Ethical So- ciety 77. Theatre 65. Westminster 94. — Abbey 242. 106. — Aquarium 268. — Bridge 241. Metrop. Railway Station 60. — Column 267. — Guildhall 263. — Hall 238. — Hospital 268. — Palace, New 233. — School 267. — Sessions House 268. — Town Hall 269. West Thurrock 378. Whitchurch 105. White's Club 276. 102. Whitebait Dinner 379. Whitechapel 93. 165. Whitehall 229. — Olub 102. — Gardens 232. White Hart Inn 168. 368. Whittington Almshouses 368. Wildwoods 362. Willesden Green 407. Will Office 179. Will's Coffee House 227. Williams's Library, Dr. 284. 20. Wilton Park 409. Wimbledon 393. 58. Winchester House 274. 360. 366. Windham Olub 102. 274. Windmill Hill 420. Windsor 412. Wine 14. 30. — Office Court 169. Woodford 402. Woodgreen Station 363. Woolwich 382. 378. 94. — Arsenal 419. Common 383. — Dockyard. 419. Free Ferry 16B. Worcester 4. Wraysbury 410. Writers' Club 102. Yacht Club, Royal Thames 278. — Races 73. York Column 274. — House 319. — 's Military School, Duke of 358. Street 320. Young Men's Christian Association 281. Zoological Gardens 287. 106. Society 287. Leipsic. Printed by Breltkopf ii Ilartel. iimi^P.w^mjw wibiuhw hi i¥ "H2 U INDEX OF STREETS AND PLANS OF LONDON. m This cover may be detached from the rest of the book by severing the yellow thread wbtch will be found : between pp. 38 and 39 of the list of streets. , CONTKNTS. 1. List of the principal streets, public buildings, etc., of London. 2. General Plan of London, showing the limits of the special plans. 3. Large Plan of London in three sections. 4. FourSpecial Plans ofthe most important quarters of London. 5. Railway Plan of London and its suburbs. s£ i List of the Principal Streets, Squares, Public Buildings, etc, with Reference to the accompanying Plans. The large Map of London, on tlie scale of 1 : 21,200, is divided into three sections, of which the uppermost is coloured brown, the central red, and the lowest gray. Each section contains 72 numhered squares. In the accompanying index the capital let ters B , R , G , following the name of a street or building, refer to the different sections, while the numbers correspond with those on the squares in each section. "When the name required is also to be found on one of the special plans, thiB is indicated by an italicised Roman numeral. Thus, Adam Street, Adelphi, will be found on the red Section, square 30; and also on the second special map. The numbering of the squares is so arranged , that squares in different sections bearing the same number adjoin each other. Thus, square 16 on the brown section finds itB continuation towards the S. in square 16 on the red section. The squares will also be useful for calculating distances, each side of a Bquare being exactly half a mile, while the diagonals if drawn would be 1,244 yards. Names, to which Great , Little , Old , New , Upper , Lower , or Saint are prefixed, are to be sought for under these prefixes. The following abbreviations are used: ave., avenue; ch., church; cres., crescent; ct., court; ea., east; grdns., gardens;?™., green; gro., grove; gt., great; hi., hill; ho., house; fa., lane; nth., north; pk., park; pi., place; rd., road; sq., square; St., street; sta., station; sth., south; ter., terrace; tn., town; wd., wood ; we. , west. B R o Abbey grdns. , St. John's wd. Abbey road. , St. John's wood Abbey street, Bermondsey . , Bethnal green road Abbeyfleld road, New road, Rotherhithe Abbott road, Bromley . . . Abchurch la. .Lombard street 7/7 Abercorn pi.. St. John's wood Aberdare grdns., W. Hamp stead Aberdeen pk., Highbury gro. Aberdeen pi., Maldahill . . Abingdon road, Kensington Abingdon st.,Westminster/F Abingdon villas, Kensington Acacia road, St. John'swood Academy, Royal, Burlington house, PiocBdilly . . . I Acton street, Gray's Inn road Adam Btreet, Adelphi . II , New Kent road 11 32 41 43 49 87 Baedeker's London, ilth F.dit. Adam street, Portman sq. / , Rotherhithe .... Adam's mews, Grosvenor sq. 7 Addington road, Bow . . . Addington street, Lambeth Addle hi., Doctors' comm. II Addlest., Woodst.,Clty 77/ Adelaide road, Hampstead Adelaide street, Strand . 77 Adelina gro., Mile End . . Adelphi terrace, Strand 77 Adelphi theatre, Strand 77 Admiralty, Whitehall . IV Agar Street, Strand . . 77 Agnes street. Waterloo road Ainger rd., Chalk farm . . Air street, Piccadilly . . 7 Albany, Piccadilly. ... 7 Albany road, Camberwell . Albany street, Regent's pk. Albemarle St., Piccadilly 7 Albert bridge, Battersea. . I 64 24 42 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, B R 0 B R a Albert embankment . . IV 29 29 Allendale road, Camberwell 1 . M Albert gate, Knightsbridge 18 Allerton street, Hoxton . . 44 Albert Hall, Kensington rd. 9 Allhallows lane .... 777 38 Albert place, Kensington . 5 Allington street, Victoria 15 street IV 21 , Kilbnrn park. , . . 3 All Saints' Church, Margaret , Glo'ster gate .... , Queen's road, Dalston 19 46 24 All Saints' road. , West- Albert square, Clapham rd. , Commercial rd. east 31 4 55 AIlsop pi., Regent's park . 20 Albert street, Cambridge rd. 56 All Souls' Church, Langham , Mile End New tn. . . 23 48 24 , Regent's park . . , Alma road, Bermondsey . . 45 , Pentonville ... 35 66 Albert ter., Islington . . . 35 Alma St., Kentish town rd. 21 Albion gro., Barnsbury . . 30 , New North rd. . . . 43 Albion place, Londonwall 77 36 Almeide st., Islington . . . 34 30 Almorah road, Islington . . 42 24 Alpha terrace, Blenheim St., — — Dalston ... ... 46 fil 14 Alsace st., Albany road . . 42 33 Alscot road, Bermondsey . 45 Albion square, Dalston. . . 46 Alvey st., Walworth . . . 41 Albion St., Caledonian road 31 Alvington St. , Shacklewell 45 15 Alwyne lane, Canonbury. . — road, Canonbury .... 38 53 38 Aldenham st., Somers town n Amborley rd., Paddington . 8 Aldermanbury ... . 777 39 Amelia street, Walworth . 37 Aldermlnster road , Bcr- AmCL-shani Vale, New Cross 69 Alderney road, Globe road 56 45 Amburst road, Shacklewell 46 21 49 Aldersgate street, City . 777 40 Amoy pi , Limehouse . . . 63 Aldersgate street station . . Aldford St., Park lane. . 7 40 Anipton st., Gray's inn road 32 18 Amwell street, Pentonville 36 Aldgate station .... Ill 48 Anchor street. Stepney . . 48 Aldgate High street . . 777 Aldred road, Walworth . . 18 Anderson walk, Lumbeth . 29 31 Andrews road, Hackney . . 61 Aldridge road villas, West- Angel court, Throgmorton 4 13 Angel place, Boro' High st. 43 37 Alexander square, Brompton Alexander st.,Westbrne. pk. Alexandra rd., St. John's 8 Angel street, St. Martin's le 39 6 Angler's lane, Kentish town Alexis street, Southwark 21 45 Angrave St., Queen's road . Ann st., Union sq., Islington 47 Alfred place, Bedford sq. 7 28 39 41 Annis road, Victoria park 58 Alfred road, Harrow rd. . 4 Anthony st., Commercial rd. Alfred street, Bersmondsey 2964 51 60 , Colebrook row . . . 35 Appleby road, London fields 50 , Lower Wandsworth Appleby street, Kingsland rd. 47 20 Approach rd., Victoria pk. Apsley House, Piccadilly IV 65 Alhambra Theatre. ... 7 27 18 Alice St., Bermondsey New Aquarium & winter garden, Tothill street . ... IV 41 25 Allcroft road, Kentish town 17 Aquinas st., Stamford st. . 34 Allen street, Holloway road 38 Arabella row, Pimlico . IV 21 , Kensington road 1 Arbour square, Commercial 29 55 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. B R O Arch street, Tarn st., New Kent road Archer street, Camden town , Qt. Windmill st. . / Archer street , Notting hill Archibald street, Bow. . . Architectural Museum . IV Areola st., Shacklewell . . Ardleigh st., De Beauvoir town Argyle square, Euston road — street, King's crosB . . . Argyll place, Regent street / — road, Kensington .... — street, Regent street . 1 Arlington sq., New North rd. Arlington st., Piccadilly IV , Sadler's wells .... Armada st., Deptford . . . Armagh road, Old Ford . . Army & Navy stores . . IV Arnold road, Bow road . . Artesian road, Bayswater . Arthur mews , London street, Paddington Arthur road, Wells street . Arthur st., Camberwell road , Chelsea — — , Gray's inn road. . , , Lower Wandsworth road , New Oxford st. . . . , Trevor square . . . Arthur street east, London bridge /// Artillery In. &. st., Bishops gate without .... /// Artillery row, Westminster IV Artillery st., Horselydown Arundel square, Barnsbury Arundel st., StokeNewington Arundel street, Strand . // Arundell st., Coventry st. . Ascalon st., Battersea . . . Ascham street, Kentish town Ash gro., Mare st., Hackney Ash street, Walworth . . . Ashburnham rd., Cremorne, Chelsea Ashbury rd., Shaftesbury pk. Ashby road, New Cross . . , Islington Ashcroft road, Grove road. Ashford street, Hoxton , . Ashland pi., Paddington st. I Ashley place & gardens IV Ashmore place, Clapham rd. — road, Harrow rd Ashwell road, Roman road Aske street, Hoxton .... B R O 23 39 37 22 21 54 32 62 35 20 23 30 Astey's row, Essex road . . Astley st.. Old Kent road Aston road, Notting hill. . Aston st., Limehouse fields Asylum road, Old Kent road Atheneeum Olub, Pall mall IV Aubin street, Waterloo rd. Aubrey road, Notting hill . Auckland road, Bow . . . Auckland street, Upper Ken nington lane Augusta street, Poplar. . . Augustus street, Regent's pk. Austinfriars, City . . . Ill Austin road, Lower Wands worth road Austin street, Shoreditch . Austral st., Southwark . . Autton st., Kensington. . . Avelon rd., King's road . . Avenue, Pimlico . ... Avenue road, Bow ... , Regent's park .... Avery row, Grosvenor st. / Avondale sq., Old Kent rd. Aylesbury st., Clerkenwell Aylesford St., Pimlico . . . Ayliff street, Harper street Azenby sq., Lyndhurst road Baches row, Hoxton . . . Back Church lane, White chapel Back hill, Hatton gdn. . . Back alley, Bow Bacon street, Bethnal green Bagshot street, Walworth . Baker street, Clerkenwell . , Portman sq / Baker st. bazaar, Baker st. I Balaclava rd., Blue Anchor road Balcombe st., Dorset sq. . Balder ton st., Oxford st. I Baldwin street, City road. Baldwin's gardens, Leather lane II Bale street, Stepney .... Ballance road, Homerton . Ball's Pond road, Islington Balms road, De Beauvoir town Baltic street, St. Luke's. . Banbury rd. , South Hackney Bancroft road, Mile end . . Bank of England . . . /// Bankside, Southwark /// Banner street, St. Luke's . Banqueting Hall (Whitehall) IV 26 29 2 59 24 30 48 10 20 33 34 7 2239 23 46 3748 44 47 36 64 48 42 2020 40 16 19 45 60 40 5643 3840 26 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS: BEG Barbara street, Barnsbnry , Barbel street, Westminster bridge road Barbican, Aldersgate st. . . Barchester street , Poplar New town Barclay & Perkins's Brewery III Barclay road, Walham green Barclay street, Aldenhamst. Barlow street, Walworth . Barnard's Inn, Holborn // Barnet grove, Hart's lane, Bethnal green Barnham street, Tooley st. Barnsbnry grove, Holloway — road, Islington — square, Islington .... — street, Islington .... Baroness road, Hackney rd. Barrett St., Duke st. . . I Barrett's grove, Stoke New ington Barrow hill rd., Portland tn. Bartholomew close .... — lane, Bank /// — road, Kentish town road — villas, Kentish town , . Basing road, Westbourn pk. Basinghall street . , . Ill Bassett street, Kentish town Bastwick st., Goswell rd. . Bateman street, Soho . . I Bateman's row , Shoreditch Bath house IV Bath street, Newgate st. /// , Old st., City road . Bath terrace, Union road . Battersea bridge Battersea bridge road . . . Battersea park Battersea park pier .... Battersea park railway pier, Victoria railway bridge Batterseapk. railway station Battersea railway station, High street Battersea Polytechnic . . . Battersea rise Battle bridge la., Tooley st. Ill road, King's cross rd. Baxendale st., Barnet grove Baxter road, Essex road, Islington Bay ham st., Camden town Bayley street / Bayswater hill, Bayswater Bayswater road, Bayswater Bayswater ter., Paddington Beak street, Regent street / 29 27 44 40 36 19 27 37 42 Beale road, Old Ford road Bear gardens, Bank side . . Bear lane, Southwark street Bear street,- Leicester sq. II Beatrice road, Southwark park road Beauchampst., Leather la. II Beaufort buildings, Strand// Beaufort gardens, Brompton Beaufort street, Chelsea . . Beaufoy rd., Wandsworth . Beaumont sq. Mile end. . . Beaumont St., Marylebone ./ Beckway street, East street, Walworth Bedford avenue / Bedford court mansions . I Bedford grdns., Kensington Bedford pi., Russell sq. // Bedford row, Holborn . // Bedford sq., Bloomsbury I ea., Commercial road east Bedford street, Amp thill sq. , Commercial road east , Covent gdn // Bedfordbury, Ooventgdn. // Beech street, Barbican . . Boerla.,Low. Thames st./// Belgrave mews ea. Chapel st. Belgrave pi., Pimlico . IV Belgrave road, Pimlico . . , St. John's wd. . . . Belgrave square .... IV Belgrave street, Commercial road east , King's cross , Pimlico IV Belham st., Camberwell pk. Belitha villas, Barnsbury . Bell lane, Wentworth st. /// Bell street, Edgware rd. . Bell yard, Temple bar . // Belshaw st., Homerton . . Belmont St., Chalk farm rd. Belsize avenue, Belsize pk. Belsize crescent, Belsize pk. Belsize lane, Hampstead . Belsize park, Hampstead . Belsize pk.gdns., Hampstead Belsize road, Finchley road. Belsize square, Hampstead Belvedere road, Lambeth . Bemerton st., Caledonian rd. Ben Jonson road, Stepney Benjamin St., Cowcross st. // Bonnet's hill, /// Bentinck St., Manch. sq. . / , Soho / Benwell road, Drayton pk. . Benyon rd., Southgate rd. 59 3834 27 3631 13 49 10 20 6620 24 2828 2 283228 bl3227 274042 17 17 41 32 30 39 48 16 35 30 ) 6036 39 19 23 43 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. BED Beresford St., Walworth . , Berkeley rd., Regent's pk. rd. Berkeley square / Berkeley St., Piccadilly 7, IV Bermondsey New road . . Bermondsey street .... Bermondsey wall Bernard street, Russell sq. Berners road, Islington . . Berners street, Oxford st. 7 Berwick street, Soho . . 7 , Pimlico Bessborough street, Pimlico Bethlehem Hospital, Lam beth road Bethnal Green Museum, Cambridge road Bethnal Green junction sta., Three Colt lane ... Bethnal Green road .... Bevenden street , Hoxton Bevismarks, St.MaryAxe777 Bible Society 77 Bldboroughst., Burton cres. Billingsgate Market . . 777 Billiter street, Fenchurch street 777 Bina rood, Old Brompton . Bindeld road, Clapham road Bingcroft St., Holloway . . Bingfleld St., Caledonian rd. Blrchin lane, Cornhill 777 Birchington road, Kilburn Bird street, Oxford street I , West sq., Lambeth . Birdcage walk, St. James's park IV Bird-in-bush road,NewPeck- ham Birkbeck Institution . . 77 Birkenhall mansions. . . 7 Bishop's road, Bayswater . , Hackney , North Brixton . . . , Victoria pk Bishopsgate st. rail, station within . . . 777 without 777 Bittern street, Borough . . Blackfriars bridge ... 77 Blackfriars pier, Blackfriars bridge 77 Blackfriars railway bdg. 77 Blackfriars railway sta. II Blackfriars road . ... II Blackheath avenue .... Blackheath hill ... Blackheath road Blackheath railway station, Blackheath hill Blackwall 18 35 38 22224141 111928 33 52 33 17 35 70 Blackwall railway station . Blackwall tunnel Illake's road, Peckham grove Blakesley street, Commercial road east Blandfordst., Regent's pk. 7 Blantyre street, Chelsea . . Blenheim road, St. John's wood Blenheim st. Cale st. Chelsea , New Bond st. . . . 7 Blenheim ter., St. John's wood Blomfleld place, Harrow rd. Blomfleld road, Maida vale . Blomfleld street, Dalston . , Harrow road .... , London wall . . 777 Bloomfleld terrace, Pimlico Bloomsbury market .... — place 77 — square 77 — street 77 Blonntstr.,Limehou9e fields Blue Anchor la., Bermondsey Bluecross st., Leicester sq. 7 Blundellst., Caledonian rd. Blythe St., Bethnal green rd. Board of Trade, Whitehall gardens IV Boleyn road, Kingsland . . Bolingbroke rood, Church street, Battersea Bolney St., South Lambeth Bolsover street 7 Bolton road, Notting hill . , 8t. John's wood . . . Bolton street, Kennington . , Piccadilly. . . . IV Boltons (The), W. Brompton Bond street, Pentonville . , New 7 , Old 7 , Vauxhall Bonner road, Victoria pk. . Bonny street, Camden town Boodle's club, St. James's street IV Bookham street. Hoxton . Boomfleld road, Clapham . Booth street, Spltalflelds . Borough High street. . . . Borough rd. railway station Borough road, Southwark Boston place, Dorset square Boston street, Park road . . , Hackney rd. . . . . Botanic gardens, Regent's park Botolph lane,Lower Thames street HI 70 70 51 23 13 i 1013 11 . ! 323232 275946 26 17 26 11 21 3 11 31 22 36 2322 28 22 11 18 38 33 16 37 20 12 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, Boundary la. , Camberwell rd. Boundary rd., St. John's wd. — row, Blakfriars road . . — street, Shoreditch . . . Bourdon st /, IV Bouverie st., Fleet st. // Bow churchyard, Cheapside /// Bow common , Middlesex . Bow common lane. Canal rd. Bow junction railway sta., Fairfield road Bow lane, Cheapside . /// , Poplar Bow rail, stain., Avenue rd. Bow road, Mile end .... Bow street, Covent garden Bowling grn. la., Clerknwll. Bowling green street, Ken nington road Boxworth grove, Barnsbnry Boyle street, Savile row / Boyson road, Walworth . . Brabazon street, Poplar . . Bracklyn St., New North rd. Bradley street, Sth. Lmbth. Brady st., Whitechapel rd. Bramah road, Brixton . . . Bramerton St., Chelsea . . Branch place, Hoxton . . . Brandforth rd., South Lam beth Brandon road, York road . Brandon street, Walworth Brantbridge St., Mile End rd. Bread street, Cheapside /// Brecknock road Brewer street, Golden sq. / , Pancras road .... , Pimlico IV Brewery rd., Caledonian rd. Brick court, Temple . . . Brick lane, Spitalfields /// Brick street, Park lane, Piccadilly IV Bricklayers' Arms station . Bride street, Holloway . . Bridewell place, New Bridge street // Bridge road, Battersea . . . Bridge street, Mile end rd. , Westminster . . IV Bridgewater ho., St. James's park iv Bridgewaterst.,Somerstown Brldport pi., Hoxton . . . Bright street, Bromley . . Brill street, Somers town , Brindleyst., Harrow road . Brisbane St., Camberwell . Bristol gardens, Warwick rd. 35 39 43 64 53 27 35 38 41 39 Britannia rd., Walham green Britannia row, Islington . . Britannia street, Hoxton . , Gray's inn road. . . British Museum . ... II British street, Bow road . , Britten st., Chelsea .... Brixton road — street, Brick lane . . . Broad court, Long acre . . Broad Sanctuary, West minster IV Broad street, Bloomsbury // • , Golden sq , Lambeth / , Ratcliff Broad st. railway sta. /// Broadley ter., Blandford sq. Broadwall , Stamford street Broadway, Deptford .... — , Ludgate Mil .... // — , Westminster. . . . IV Brockham street, Borough Broke road, Dalston .... Bromehead st., Commercial road east Bromley railway station, St. Leonard's street Bromley street, Commercial road east Brompton crescent Brompton road Brompton square Brondesbury park, Kilburn Brondesbury villas, Kilburn Bronze st., Deptford .... Brook at., Grosvenor sq. / , Newington , Ratcliff Brooke street, Holborn . II Brookfleld rd., Victoria pk. Brook's mews, Davies st. / Brooksby street, Islington . Brooksby's walk, Homerton Brook's Club, St. James's IV Broom's alley, Fulham . . . Broomhouse lane, Fulham . Brougham road, Dalston . Brougham st., Queen's rd. Brown st., Bryanston sq. . , Grosvenor sq.. . . / Brown's lane, Brick lane . Brownlow road, Dalston Brownlow st., Drury la. // — . — , Haggerston , High Holborn // . . Bruce road , Bromley . . . Brunswick gardens, Campden hill . . Brunswick Chapel . . . . / Brunswick rd., Ea. lud. rd. 47 48 31262723 f 55"44 *34 13 32 29 16 35'2537 63 61 56 1313 19 5536 58 16 19 48 3132 20 2 15 67 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. B R O B R G J 17 13 13 Brunswick sq., Camberwell Brunswick square , Found ling house Brunswick street. Hackney , Hackney rd , Southwark . . . , Poplar Brunswick yard , City road Brush field street, Bishops gate without Bruton st., New Bond st. / Bryan street, Caledonian rd. Bryanston square Bryanston st., Portman sq. / Buckhurstst., Bethnal Green Buckingham gate,Pimlico IV Buckingham palace . . IV Buckingham palace road IV Buckingham road, De Beau voir town Buckingham st., Fitzroy sq. , Strand // Buckland cres., Belsize pk. Buckland St., New North rd. Bucklersbury, Cheapside /// Budge row, Cannon st. /// Bulstrode St., Welbeck st. J Bunhill fields. City road. . Bunhill row, Obiswell street Burcham street, Bromley . Burdettroad, Limehouse . railway station . . . Burleigh street, Strand . // Burlington arcade , Picca dilly / — gardens, Old Bond street/ — road, Westboume park . Burman st., London rd. Burne street, Edgware road Burnett street, Lambeth . . Burr street, St. Katharine's docks Hurrel St., Blackfriars road Burton crescent, Marchmont street Burton road , Brixton road Bury court & street, St. Mary Axe /// Bury street, Bloomsbury // , Jermyn at. ... IV f Sydney St., Chelsea . Busaco st., Pentonville . . Busby place, Kentish town Bush lane, Cannon street /// Bushey hill, Peckham road Buttesland street, Hoxton . Buxton St., Deal st Byron street, Bromley . . . Rywater street, Chelsea . . Gable street, Wcllcloso sq. 32 31 42 40 28 44 43 39 30 36 44 13 Cadogan place, Sloane street Cadogan street, Chelsea . . — ter., Sloane street . Cale street, Chelsea .... Caledonia st., King's cross Caledonia ter., Pimlico . . Caledonian road, Holloway Callow street, Fulham road Camberwell grove ..... Camberwell New road . . . Camberwell railway station, Station road Camberwell road Camberwell square .... Cambridge circus . . I, II Cambridge gardens, Notting- hill Cambridge house . . . IV Cambridge pi., Paddington Cambridge rd., Kilburn pk. — — , Mile end. Cambridge sq., Hyde park Cambridge st., Edgware rd. , Islington , Pimlico Cambridge ter., Edgware rd. , Regent's pk Camden grove , Peckham grove Camden park road .... Camden road, Camden town Camden sq., Camden town Camden st., Bethnal grn. rd. , Camden town .... , Islington green . . . Camden town railway sta., Great College street . . . Cameliast., South Lambeth Camera square, Chelsea . . Camilla road, Bermondsey Camomile st., Bishopsgate/// Campbell road, Bow road . Campden grove, Kensington Campden hill, Kensington . Campden hill rd. , Kensington Campdenhlllsq., Kensington Campden ho. rd., Kensington Campden street, Kensington Canal road, Kingsland road , Mile end road. . . . Canfleld grdns., Finchley road Canning pi., Kensington gate Cannon row,Westminster IV Cannon street Ill Cannon st. railway sta. /// Cannon street road , Com mercial road east .... Canonbury grove, Islington Canonbury junction station, Douglas road north . . . Canonbury lane 39 22 10 4435 27 4039 22 11 52 16 15 24 12 43 27 10 4364 2222 22 60 5 25 393951 64 43 33 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, B R Q Canonbury pk. — nth ii. sth. Canonbury place Canonbury road Canonbury square, Islington Canonbury street . Canrobert street Cantelows rd., Camden sq. Canterbury rd., Old Kent rd. Canterbury terrace, Kings bury road Canton street, Poplar . , . Capland street, Lisson grove Carburton st. ,G t. Portland a t. Cardell st., Waterloo rd. , Cardigan road, Bow .... Cardigan st., Kennington la. Carey lane, Foster lane III Carey street, Lincoln's inn // , Westminster .... Carline at. , Columbia mark ot Carlisle place, Victoria street Carlisle street, Lam both IV , Portinun inarkut . . , Soho Carlos pi., Grosvenor sq, / Carlsbad st., Copenhagen st. Carlton Club, Pall mall IV Carlton gardens, Pall mall Carlton grove, Low. Wands worth road , Queen's road .... Carlton hill, St. John's wood Carlton house ter., Pall mall Carlton road, Kentish town ¦, Mile end Old tn. . . , Notting hill , Wardenroad, Kentish town Carlton vale, Kilburn park Carlyle square, Chelsea . . Carmelite st., Temple . // Carnaby street, Golden sq. / Caroline place, Marlboro' road, Chelsea , Mecklenburgh square Caroline street, Bedford sq. 7 , Coleshill st Oarroun rd., South Lambeth Carter la., Doctors' corns. /// Carter street, Brick lane, Spitalflelds , Walworth road . . . Carteret st., Westminster IV Cartwrightst., RoyalMintst. Cassland rd.. South Hackney Casson st., Old Montague st. Castle la., High st., Battersea Castle road, Kentish town . Castle street, City road . . , Long acre . . . II east, Oxford st. . . / 63 54 22 26 32 48 10 13 38 Castlemaine rd. , Camberwell Cathcart hill, Junction road Cathcart rd., West Brompton Catherine street, City road . , East India dock road , Jonathan street, Lam beth . ... , Strand // Cator street, Peckham road Causton street, Vauxhall bridge road Cavendish place, Cavendish square / Cavendish rd.,St. John's wd. Cavendish sq., Oxford st. / Cavendish st.,NewNorth road Caversham road, Kentish tn. road Caversham street, Chelsea . Caxton street, Westmnstr. IV Cayton st., City roud . . . Cecil court, Charing cr. rd,// Cecil street, Strand . . // Celbridge pi., Westboume pk. Central London Ophthalmic Hospital, Calthorpe street Central street, St. Luke's . Cephas St., Globe rd. . . . Chadwell st., Clerkenwell . Ohu.d wick road, Peckham . Chadwickst.,Westmlnster/FChalcot ter., Regent's park Chalk Farm railway station, Regent's park road . . . Chalk Farm rd., Camden tn. Chalk Farm station .... Chalton street, Somers town Chamber street, Goodman's fields /// , Regent's pk. rd. . . Champion gro., Denmark hill Champion hill, Camberwell Champion park .... Chancery lane // Chandos st. , Cavendish sq. / Chandos st., Covent grdn. // Chandos street, Stratford . Change alley, Cornhill /// Chapel place, Brompton . . Chapel row, Exmouth street Chapel Royal, St. James's // Chapel Royal Savoy, Savoy street // Chapel st., Belgrave sq. IV , Edgware road . . . , Pentonville . ... , Somers town .... Chapter street, Westminster Charing Cross IV Charing Cross Hospital, Agar street // 43 6 29 4752 36 2731 8 48 36 352426 I 43 13 '22 31 1716 44 4440 2626 25 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. Charing Cross mansions // Charing Cross pier, Victoria embankment IV Charing Cross railway sta. IV Charing Cross road . . . II Charing Cross terminus A ho tel // Charity Commissioners' Off. IV Charles lane, St. John's wd. Charles square, Hoxton . . Charles street.Berkeley sq. / , Drury lane . . . II , Hampstead road. . . -, Hatton garden . // ¦, Islington , Portland town . . . ¦, St. James's square /, IV , Westminster . . IV , Whitechapel .... Charlesworth st. 24 Charlotte street , Bedford square J, // , Caledonian rd. . . . , Curtain rd , Fitzroy sq. . . . / , Old Kent rd Charlton place, Islington . , Charlton st., Fitzroy sq. . / Charlwood st., Pimlico . . Charring ton st.,Somers town Charterhouse // Charterhouse square . . // Charterhouse street, City // Chatham place, Hackney . Cheapside Ill Chelsea barracks Chelsea basin , Chelsea . . Chelsea bridge road .... Chelsea embankment . . . Chelsea hospital, Queen's road east Chelsea pier, Albert bdg. . . Chelsea railway sta., Harriet street, Fulham road . . . Chelsham road, Clapham . Cheltenham terrace, Chelsea Chenies place, Pancras road Chenies st., Tottenham court road / Chepstow place, Westboume grove Chepstow villas, Ledbury rd. Cherry garden pier .... Cherry garden st. , Bermonds ey wall Cherry tree ct., Aldersgate st. Chesham place, Belgrave sq. Chesham street, Belgrave sq. Cheshire street, Bethnal grn. 33 39 46 21 Chester mews, Regent's pk. Chester place,Bedford square , Hyde park sq. . . , , Regent's park. • . . Chester square, Pimlico IV Chester st., Grosvenor pi. IV , Kennington road . . Chester terrace ,Eaton square , Pimlico , Regent's pk Chesterfield gardens . . IV Chesterfield Ho., Ourzonst. IV Chesterfield st., Argyle sq. , Mayfair IV Cheyne row, Chelsea. . . . Cheyne walk, Chelsea . . . Chichester road, Kilburn pk. Chichester st., Harrow rd. , Pimlico Chicksand street, Spitalflelds Child's place, Temple bar . Chilton street, Bethnal green Chilworth st., Eastbourne ter Chippenham rd., Harrow rd. Chislett rd., West Hampstead Chiswell street, Finsbury sq. Chrisp street, Poplar . . . Christ Church, Newgate /// — , Wandsworth — , Waterloo rd Christchurch street, Chelsea Christ's Hospital . . //, III Christian street; Commercial road east Christie road, Victoria park Christopher st. , Finsbury sq. Chryssell road, Brixton road Chumlelgh St., Camberwell Church House IV Church pi., Paddington grn. Church road, Battersea . . , Highstreet, Homerton , Islington Church row, Bethnal grn. rd. Church st., Camberwell grn. , Chelsea , Deptford . , Greenwich , Horselydown . . , Islington , Kensington , Lisson grove . . . , Rotherhithe. . . . , Smith square, West minster IV , Soho / 1 SpltalfleldB Churchew st., Horselydown Churchill road, Homerton . Churton street, Pimlico . . 24 17 33 1717 32 18 18 18 1410 48 36 22 48 11 4 40 6739 68 29 12 443542 10 6366 35 53 2 12 49 25274845 21 to LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, b R a Circus pi., Finsbury . . /// Circus rd., St. John's wood Circus street, Marylebone rd. Cirencester' st., Harrow rd. City garden road, City road City gardens, City road . . City liberal club . . . Ill City road Clandon st., Walworth . . Clanricarde gardens, Bays- water rd. ...... . Clapham road Clapton road, Clapton . . . Clapton square, Clapton . . Clare market, Strand . . // Clare street, Clare market // Claremontsq., Pentonville . Clarence gdns., Regent's pk. Clarence place, Clapton . . Clarence House . ... IV Clarence road, Hackney . . , Kentish town .... Clarence street, Rotherhithe , St. Peter's street, Islington , York road, City road Clarence ter., Regent's park Clarendon gdns., Maida vale Clarendon place, Hyde park gardens Clarendon sq., Somer's town Clarendon street, Harrow rd. , Pimlico , Somers town .... Clarges street, Piccadilly IV Clarissa st., Kingsland rd. Clark st., Commercial rd. ea. Claverton street, Lupus st. Clay street, Marylebone / Clayland's road, South Lam beth Clayton st., Caledonian road , Kennington Cleaver street, Kennington Clement's Inn, Strand . // Clement's lane, Lombard st. Ill Clement's rd., St. James's rd. Cleopatra's Needle . . . II Clephane road, Islington . Clerkenwell cio., Clerken well Clerkenwell green .... Clerkenwell road Cleve rd., West Hampstead Cleveland gdns., Bayswater Cleveland rd., Islington . . Cleveland row, St. James's IV Cleveland square, Hyde pk. Cleveland st., Fitzroy sq. I 12 40 30 38 22 53 42 31 21 30 49 Cleveland, Mile end road . . Clifden road. Lower Clapton Clifford st., New Bond st. / Clifford's Inn, Fleet street // Clift street, New North road Clifton gardens, Malda vale Clifton road, Asylum road , Camden sq , Maida vale . . , New Cross , St. John's wood. . , ea., St. John's wd. , Clifton street, Clapham . . , Finsbury Clifton villas', Camden sq. . dinger street, Hoxton . . . Clinton road, Mile End rd. Clipstone St., Fitzroy sq. / Cliveden pi., Eaton sq. . . Cloak lane, Queen street, Cheapside /// Cloudesley road, Islington . Cloudesley sq., Liverpool rd. Cloudesley st. , Cloudesley sq. Cloudesley ter., Islington . Clyde street. Weal Brompton Clydesdale road, Notting hill Coal yard, Pniry lane . . . Coal Exchange, Lower Tha mes street /// Cobham road, Stratford . . Coborn road, Bow road . . Coborn street, Bow road . Cobourg road, Old Kent road Cobourg row , To thill fields IV Coburg street, Clerkenwell Cochrane st., St. John's wd. Cock lane, Smithfield . . // Cock & Castle lane, Stoke Newington Cockspur st., Charing cr. IV Coin st., Lambeth .... Colbrookst.,St. George'srd. Colchester street, Pimlico . , Whitechapel . . /// Coldharbour lane Coleherne rd., West Bromp ton Coleman st., Bunhill row /// , Gresham st — — , New North road . . College of Arms & Heralds' College, Queen Victoria street /// College avenue, Homerton College hill, Cannon str., /// College lane, Homerton . . College place , King's road, Chelsea College road, Haverstock hi. 53 56 25 2335 51 44 28 24 17 39 3 31 42 46 21 36 46 2G 34 37 47 39 40 18 13 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 11 B R G B R O College st., Camberwell gro. , Barnsbury street, Is lington , Dowgate hi. . . /// , Fulham rd., Chelsea , Homerton west, Camden tn. . . College Villas road .... Collier street, Pentonville Collingham pi. , Cromwell rd. Collingham road,Kensington Collin g w o o d street,Birkbeck street, Cambridge road . , Blackfriars road . . Collinson st., Southwark bridge Colonial office, Downing st. IV Columbia market Columbia road, Hackney rd. Colvestone cres.,'Kingsland Colville gardens, Notting hi. Colville road Colville square, Notting hill Colville terrace, Colville sq. Colwyn st., Lambeth road Commercial Docks, Rother hithe Commercial docks pier . . Commercial road, Lambeth ¦, Peckham , Pimlico east /// Commercial street, White chapel /// Compton mews, Canonbury road Compton road , Canonbury Compton st., Brunswick sq. , Goswell rd , St. Paul's road . . . Compton terrace, Canonbury square Conder st., Limehouse fields Conduit street, Regent st. / Connaught pi., Edgware rd. Connaught sq., Edgware rd. Connaught St., Edgware rd. ConservativeClub, St. James's street Constitution hill . ... IV Consumption Hospital . . . Cooper's rd., Old Kent road Cooper's row, Trinity square Copenhagen street, Islington Copersale rd., Homerton . Copperas st., Deptford . . Copthall av., London Wall /// Coptiost., New Oxford st. // Cordova road , Grove road 34 39 65 60 44 13 47 43 53 46 63 Cork st., Burlington grdns. / Corn Exchange, Seething la. /// Cornhill /// Cornwall gardens, South Kensington Cornwall road, Lambeth . , Victoria park .... , Westboume park. . . Cornwall street, Fulham . , Pimlico Cornwall ter., Regent's pk. Corporation row, Clerken well Corsica street, Highbury , Corunna street, Battersea . Cottage grove, Mile end rd. Cottesmore gardens, Ken sington Courland grn.,Sth. Lambeth Courtenay st., Kennington la. Courtfield road, Collingham road , Courtnell street, Bayswater Courts of Justice . ... II Cousin lane, Upper Thames street ........ /// Covent Garden // Covent Garden market . // Covent Garden Theatre.. // Coventry st., Cambridge rd. , Haymarket . . . . / Cowcross st., St. John st. // Cowfield row Cowley road, Brixton road Cowper street, City road . Crampton street, Newington butts Cranbourn street, Leicester square /, // Crane grove, Holloway . . Cranley gdns., West-Bromp- ton .... Cranley place , Onslow sq. Cranmer road, Brixton road Craven hill, Bayswater . . Craven hi. gdns., Bayswater Craven place, Kensington rd. Craven street, City rd. . . , Strand IV Craven terrace , Bayswater Crawford st., Baker st. . I Crawshay road, Brixton . . Creek road, Deptford . . . Cremorne road, Chelsea . . Cremorne pier Crewdson rd., South Lam beth Cripplegate buildings, Lon don wall Ill Crispin street, Spitalflelds 65 22 43 43 5 34 4 2l' 23 28 5 3 3139 3131 31 6227 36 5 35 44 37 27 33 35 11 20 3563 1011 31 4048 12 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B R G Criterion, Piccadilly. . . / Critty st., Charlotte st. . / Crogsland rd., Chalk farm rd. Cromer st., Gray's inn road Cromwell pi., Sth. Kensington Cromwell road, Earls Court , South Kensington . . Crondall street, Hoxton . , Oropley St., Hoxton .... Orosbyhall,Bishopsg.st. /// Cross street, Essex road. . , Hatton garden . . // Crown street, Wyndham rd. Crowndale rd. , Camden town Crozler street, Lambeth IV Crucifix la., Bermondsey st. Crutched friars, Markla. //'/' Oubitt's town, Isle of Dogs Cubitt town pier Cnlford rd., De Beauvoir tn. Culvert road, Battersea . . Cumberland gate . , . . / Cumberland mkt,, Regent's park Cumberland place, College place, Chelsea Cumberland st., PimUco . Cumberland ter., Regent's pk. Cumming street, Pentonville Cunard street, Albany road Cunningham place, St. John's wood Currie street, Nine Elms . Cursitorstr., Chancery la. // Curtain road, Shoreditch . Curzon street, Mayfair IV Custom ho., Lower Thames street /// Cutler st., Houndsditch /// Cutlers' Hall // Cyprus st., Victoria park . Cyrus st., Goswell road . . Dacre St., Westminster . IV Dagmar road, Peckham rd. Dale road, Kentish town . Daleham gardens Dalston green Dalston junction railway station, Dalston lane . . Dalston lane, Hackney . . , Kingsland Daly's Theatre / Danes Inn, Strand . . . II Danevllle road, Camberwell Dante rd., Newington butts Dantzick st., Borough road Danvers street, Panlton sq., Chelsea Darby St., Royal Mint st. . Darnley rd., Hackney . . . 38 23 42 24 44 54 25 39 69 42 26 10 Dartmouth' st., Westm. IV Darwin St., Old Kent rd. . Dashwood road, New road Date street, Walworth . . Davies st., Berkeley sq. / Dawes lane, Fulham . . . Dawe's rd., Walham Green Dawson place, Bayswater . Deacon street, Walworth rd. Deale st. Mile end New town Dean st., Commercial rd.east , Fetter lane — — , Soho square. . . . I Deanery street, Park lane . Dean's yard, Westminster IV De Beauvoir crescent . . . De Beauvoir road De Beauvoir square .... De Crespigny park, Camber well Delahay st., Westminster / V Delamere cres., Harrow rd. Delancey street, Camden tn. Delaune street, Kennington park road Delhi street, Copenhagen st. Dempsey street. Stepney . Denbigh street, Belgrave rd. Denman road., Peckham rd. Denman st., Haymarket / , London bridge . . . Denmark hill, Camberwell Denmark hill railway stat. Denmark rd., Camberwell , Kilburn park .... Denmark street, Coldhar bour lane , Pentonville , Soho / Dennett's road, Queen's rd., Peckham Denyer St., Marlborough rd. Deptford High street . . . DeptfordHigh street railway station Deptford station .... Derby rd., De Beauvoir tn. , Victoria pk. rd.. . . , King's cross Derbyshire st.,Bethnal grn. Devas street, Bromley. . . DeVere gardens, Kensington Deverellst., Great Dover st. Devon's road, Bromley , . Devonshire House. . . IV Devonshire road, Hackney , South Lambeth . . . Devonshire square . . Ill Devonshire street, Bishops gate /// , Cambridge rd., Mile end 26 19 48613527 18 26 4123 38 33 37 25 34 66 27 42 2148 404040 36 40 27 56 13 636353 44 27 56 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 13 B R Q B R G Devonshire street, Islington , Lisson gro , Newington causeway , Portland place. . . / , Queen sq // Devonshire ter., Bayswater Dibden pi., Essex road Digby road, Homerton . , Digby walk, Globe road. . Distaff lane, Cannon st. /// Dlstin street, Lambeth . . Dock street, Royal Mint st. Dockley road , Bermondsey Doctor street , Walworth Doctors' Commons. . . /// Dod street, Burdett road . Doddington grove , Ken nington , Lower Wandsworth road Dolland st., Vauxhall . . . Dorchester House . . IV Dorchester st. , NewNorth rd. Doris street, Lambeth . . . Dorrlngton st., Leather la. // Dorset place, Clapham road Dorset rd., South Lambeth Dorset square, Marylebone Dorset street, Baker st. / , Islington , Spitalflelds ... , Vauxhall bdg. rd. . . Doughty mews, Foundling h. Doughty st., Guilford st. . Douglas place, Queen's road, Bayswater Douglas road, Canonbury . Douglas street, Deptford . , Vincent sq Dulton's pottery works, Lambeth Dove row, Haggerston. . . Dover road, Blackhead . . Dover street, Piccadilly . / Dowgate hill, Walbrook st. Ill Dowlas street, Wells street Down street, Piccadilly IV Downham road, Kingsland Downing st., Whitehall IV Down's pk. rd., Shacklewell Draycott pi., Pavilion road Draycott street, Cadogan ter race, Chelsea :..... Drayton gardens , West Brompton Drayton park, Holloway. . Driffield road, Roman road Drummond cres., Seymour street Drummond rd,, Bermondsey 39 43 42 47 18 48 29 34 29 25 49 63 Drummond st., Euston sq. Drury court, Drury lane // Drury lane II Drury Lane Theatre . . // Drysdale st., Kingsland rd. Duchess St., Portland pi. / Duck lane, Victoria st. IV Duckett st., Stepney . .' . Ducksfoot lane, Upper Tha mes street /// Dudley pi., Paddington gn. Dudley House / Dugdale street, Camberwell new road Duke street, Adelphi . . // , Aldgate /// , Brushfield st , Grosvenor sq.. . // , Little Britain . . /// , London bridge . . . , Manchester aq. . . / , New Oxford st. . // , St. James's square . •, Stamford st , Union street . . IV Dunburyst., Islington . . . Duncan road, London fields Duncan street, Islington , London fields .... , Whitechapel .... Duncannon street, Strand // Dunloe St.. Hackney rd.. . Dunn st., Shacklewell . . Dunston st., Kingsland road Durham street, Hackney rd, , Strand // , Upper Kennington lane Durham ter. , Westboarne park Durham villas, Kensington Durward st., Whitechapel. Dyott st., New Oxford st. // Eagle street, Red Lion st. // Eagle wharf road, Hoxton Eardley cres., W, Brompton Earl road, Upper Grange rd. Earl street , London road . , Lisson grove .... , Millbank Earl's court, WestBrompton Earl's court gardens , Old Brompton Earl's court station .... Earl's court rd., Kensington Earl's court square .... East lane, Bermondsey wall East road. City road . . . East street, Kennington road , Manchester sq. . . / , Red Lion sq 44 31 31 31 1 24216043 1219 26 4344 19 4042 19 24223448 35 39 80 8 1 5228 82 33 16 1 45 44 26 1 55 1 5 20 82 29 14 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B R G East street, Walworth road East Ferry rd., Cubitt tn. , East India docks East India docks pier . . . East India dock rd., Poplr. East Surrey street, Peckham Eastbourne ter., Paddington Eastcheap /// Eastfieldst., Limehouse fields Easton street, Exmouth st. Eaton lane , Buckingham Palace road IV Eaton place , Pimlico . IV Eaton square, Pimlico . IV Eaton street, Waterloo rd. Eaton terrace, Eaton sq. . Ebury square, Pimlico . . Ebury street, Pimlico . IV Eoclesbourne" rd.,NewNorth road Ecclestod sq., Belgrave rd. Eooleston street, Pimlico IV Edbrook rd., St. Peter's pk. Edgware road Edith grove, Fulham road — St., Great Oambdg. st. . Edith terrace, W. Brompton Edmund rd., New Church rd. Edward st., Blackfriars road — — , Deptford High st.. . , Hampstead rd. . . . — — , Shepherdess walk . . Edwardes sq., Kensington Eel brook com., Fulham . Egbert road. Primrose hill Egleton road, Bromley . . Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly IV Eland road, Lavender hill Elcho street, Battersea . . Eldon road, Victoria road — street, Finsbury . . J/7 Eleanor rd., Richmond road Elephant & Castle .... Elgin av., Maida vale . . . — road, Harrow road . . . — ter., Maida vale .... Elizabeth street, Eaton sq. , Walworth Ellen st., Back church lane Ellesmere street, Poplar. . Ellington street , Holloway Elliot road, Brixton .... Elliott's row , St. George's road, Lambeth Ellis street, Sloane street Elm pi., South Kensington — street, Gray's inn road . — tree road, St. John's wd. Elmore street, Islington . . Elaa st., Limehouse fields. Elated st., East at., Walworth I 38 36 50 33 22 32 60 37 47 59 37 Elsworthy road . . Elton St., Kingsland. . . . Elvaston pi. ,S th. Kensington Ely pi., Charterhouse st. // Ely ter., Mile end road . . Emerald st, Theobalds rd. II Emerson at., Bankside /// Emery street, Battersea . . Emmett street, Poplar. . . Emperor's gate, South Ken sington Endell street, Long acre // Endive st., Stepney .... Endsleigh St., Tavistock sq. England's la., Haverstk. hi. Englefleld rd., Kingsland rd. Enham rd., Peckham . . . En a is more gardens, Prince's gate Erlanger rd., Hatcham . . Ernest St., Milo end rd. . , Ersklue road, Chalk farm . Esher street, Upper Kenning ton lane Essex road, Islington . . . Easex street, Kingsland road , Mare st., Hackney. . , Strand // Essexvillaa,Phillimore grdns. Ethelburga street, Bridge rd. Ethelm st., Waterloo road Ethelred'st., Lambeth. . . Eton avenue, Hampstead . . Eton road, Haverstock hill Eton street, Regent's park Euston grove, Euston sq. Euston road Euston square, Euston road Euston sq. railway station Enston street, Euston sq. . Evelina road Evelyn st., New North rd. Eversholt street, Oakley sq. Ewer street, Borough . . . Exchange buildings . Exeter hall, Strand . Exeter street, Chelsea , Strand .... Exhibition road, South Ken sington Exmouth st., Clerkenwell , Commercial road east , Hackney Eyre st. hi., Clerkenwell rd. Ezra st,, Columbia road . . Fair street, Horselydown. Fair street, Stepney .... Faircloughst.,BackChrch.la.Falrcombe st., Bermondsey 5 36 56 3238 . : 62 5 2759 13 47 /// // // 5666 18 30 31 1 34 29 24 52 384331 13 31 416647 46 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 15 B R O Fairfax road,Finchley road, Hampstead Fairfield road, Bow . . . Fairfoot road, Bow .... Falcon road, Battersea . . Falcon sq . , Aldersgate st. /// Falkland road, Kentish tn. Falmonth rd., Kew Kent rd. Fann street, Aldersgate st. Fanshaw St., Hoxton . . . Faraday street, Walworth Farm lane, Walham green Farm street, Berkeley sq. / Farnham rd., Kennington . Farringdon avenue . . . II Farringdon road . ... II Farringdon st., City . . // Farringdon street station // Fashion st., Spitalfields 111 Faance St., Kennington pk. Fawcett st., Finborongh rd. Featherstonehoildingfl, High Holborn II Featherstone St., City road Felix street, Hackney road — — , Thornhill road* . . . FeDbrigg St., Cambridge rd. Fellows road, Hampstead . Fellows st. — North it South, Kingsland road Felton St., Hoxton .... Fen court, Fenchurch street Fenchurch street, City III railway station . Ill Fendall street, Grange road Fcnelon road. Kensington . Fentlman's rd., Clapham rd. Ferdinand pi . , Chalk farm rd. Ferdinand st. , Chalk farm rd. Fern street , Bromley . . . Ferndilf rd., Shacklewell . Fernhead road, Harrow rd. Ferntower road, Highbury New park Fetter lane, City . ... II Finborough road , West Brompton . . ' Finch lane, City . . . Ill Finch street, Whitechapel Finchley pi., St. John's Wood Finchley road, 8t. John's wood , Walworth Finsbury avenue, Crown st. Finsbury circus, City . /// Finsbury market Finstrary pavement, City /// Finsbury square, City road Fish street hill, City . /// Fisher st., Red Lion sq. // Fiti'ohn's avenue . . 21 44 32 62 12 37 64 35 34 Fitzroy hall J Fitzroy road. Regent's park Fitzroy sq., Grafton st. . . Fitzroy street, Fitzroy sq. / Fleet la., Farringdon st. // Fleet street, City . . , II Fleming road, Walworth . Flemming St., King9land rd. Fleur-de-lis St., Spitalfield9 Flint St., East St., Walworth , Poplar New town . . Flockton St., Bermondsey . Flood street, Chelsea . . . Floral st., Covent garden . Florence street, Islington . Florida st., Bethnal green. Flower & Dean St., Spital fields Foley street, Langham st. / Folly lane, Bridge road, Battersea Fopstone rd. Karl's Court rd. Ford road, Old Ford rd. . Ford street, Old Ford rd. . Fordham St., Whitechapel. Fore street, Cripplegate 111 Foreign Cattle Market, Dept ford Forest road, Dalston. . . . Formosa street, Paddington Forston st., Hoxton .... Fort road, Bermondsey . . Fort street, Spitalfields . . Fortune grn. la., Hampstead Fostor lane, Cheapside III Foulis torraco, Fulham rd. Foundling Hospital, Gull- ford street Fountain court, City . , II Fournier st., Hackney road Foxley road, North Brixton Frampton park road . . . Francis st., Barnsbury rd. , Tothill fields . . IV , Tottenham court road Franklin row, Chelsea . / , Pimlico road .... Frasier street, Lambeth . . Frederick pi., Mile end road Frederlckst., Caledonian rd. , Gray's inn rd , Hampstead rd, . . . , Portland town . . . Freeling St., Caledonian rd. French Prot. Church . . / French R. Cath. Chapel / Friar St., Blackfriars road Friday street, Cheapside III Frith street, Soho square I Fulham place, Harrow rd. Fulham park 43 18 24 i 24243535 48 67 45 41 14 27 24 11 1 51 40 62 4439 46 32 31 48 35 28 21 34 1318 27273339 27 12 16 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B R O Fulham road, Brompton . Fuller st., Bethnal green . Furnival's inn, Holborn // Furnival street, Holborn // Oaiety Theatre, Strand // Oainford st., Richmond rd. Gainsborough rd., Grove rd. Gainsford st., Horselydown Oaisford St., Kentish town road Gait st., Limehouse .... Galway street, St. Luke's . Ganton st., Carnaby st. . / Garden row, London road Gardener's road, Roman rd. Garford street, Poplar . . Garlick hill, Upper Thames street Garnault place, Clerkenwell Garrick Club, Garrick st. // Garrick st., Covent grdn. // Garrick Theatre , ... II Garway rd., Westboume gr. Gascoyne road, Victoria pk. Gate street , Lincoln's inn fields // Gayhurstrd., London fields Gaywood street, London rd. Gee street, Goswell road . , Somerstown .... General Post Office . . Ill Geological Museum . . . / George lst's statue . . . 1 George St., Blackfriars rd. , Camberwell -, Euston rd , Hanover sq. . . . I , Manchester sq. . / ¦, Mansion ho. . . /// , St. Giles's . . . // , Tower hill . . /// George yard, London st. . George's road, Holloway . Georgiana St., Camden tn. Gerald Road, Eaton sq. , . German hospital, Dalston Gerrard street, Islington . , Soho / Gertrude street, Chelsea. . Gervase St., Peckham . . . Gibraltar walk, Bethnal grn. Gibson square, Islington. . Gilford st., Caledonian rd. Gilbert road, Kennington . Gilbert St., Museum st. // , Grosvenor sq. . . I Gill street, Limehouse . . Gilston rd., W. Brompton. Giltspurst.,W.SmithAeld/7Gladstone st., London road 48 59 36 68 60 27 24 27 39 17 33 Glaskiu road, Hackney . . Glasshouse St., Regent st. / — — , Royal Mint street . . , Vauxhall 01 en arm rd., Lower Clapton Glengall rd., Cubitt town . , Old Kent rd. . . Globe road, Mile end . . . Globe Theatre, Strand // Gloucester cres., Regent's pk. , Westboume park . . Gloucester gate, Regent's pk, Gloucester gro. , Old Bromptn. Gloucester mews west, Hyde park / Gloucester pi., Hyde park. , Portman sq. . . . I Gloucester rd.,Glo'str. gate , Peckham gro. . . . , Kensington gate . . Gloucester road station . . Gloucester sq., Hyde park Gloucester st., Camden tn. , Clerkenwell . . . , Pimlico , Portman sq. . . / , Queen sq. ... // , Lambeth Gloucester ter., Hyde park , Kensington ... , Regent's pk Goda street, Lambeth . . . Godfrey st., Cale St., Chelsea Godliman street, Doctors' commons II Golden lane, Barbican . . Golden square, Regent st. I Goldhurst terrace Goldington cres., Pancras rd. Goldlngton street, Somers town Goldney road, Harrow road Goldsmith road, Peckham. Goldsmith St., Wood st. /// Goldsmiths1 row, Hackney road Goodge street, Tottenham court road / Goodman's fields , White chapel Goodman's yd., Minories /// Gordon place, Bloomsbury Gordon square, Woburn sq. Gordon street, Gordon sq. Goring street, Houndsditch Gosfield st., Langham st. / Gossett at., Bethnal grn. rd. Goswell road _ Gough square, Fleet street Gough street, East India rd. , Gray's inn rd. . . . 54 2347 29 65 16 11 20 18 43 5 6 19 3233 11 2 19 29 13 394023 27 39 47 47 28 2447472828 32 2440356332 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 17 Goulston st., Whitechapel /// Government offices, Down ing street IV Gower place, Euston square Gower street, Bedford sq. / Gower's walk, Whitechapel Grace street, Bromley . . . Gracechurch st., City . /// Graces rd.. Peckham rd. . Grafton rd., Kentish town road Grafton street, Fitzroy sq. , Mile end — — , New Bond st. . . . / Graham rd., Dalston . . . Graham street, City road . , Pimlico Granby st., Bethnal green , Hampstead rd. . . . Grand av., Leadenhall market /// Grand Surrey Docks, Rother hithe Grange road, Bermondsey . , Camden town .... , Canonbury pk. . . . Grange street, Hoxton . . Grange walk, Bermondsey Grantully road Granville pi., Portman sq. / Gravel lane, Houndsditch . , Southwark Gray street, Blackfriars rd. , Manchester sq. . . / Gray's Inn, High Holborn // Gray's Inn road , ... II Gray's Inn sq. , Gray's inn // Grayhurst rd., Dalston . . Grayshott rd., Lavender hi. Great Alie street, Goodman's fields IV Great Arthur st., Golden la. Great Barlow street, Mary lebone I GreatBlandst.,Gt. Dover st. Great Cambridge street, Hackney road Great Castle st., Regent st. / Great Chapel street, Oxford street I , Westminster . . IV Great Chart street, Hoxton Great College st., Camden tn, , Westminster . . IV Great Coram street, Bruns wick square Great Cumberland place. . Great Dover St., Southwark Great Earl street, Seven dials // 68' 43 43 23 Great Eastern street. . . . Great Eastern terminus , Liverpool street . . /// Great Garden st. , Spitalfields Great George street, West minster IV Great Guildford street, Borough Ill Great Hermitage street, 44 Wapping Great Jamesst., Bedford row. , Hoxton , Lisson gro Great Marlborough street / Great Maze pnd., Southwk. Great Mitchell St., St. Luke's Great New st., Fetter la. // Great Newport st., Soho // Great Northern terminus, King's cross Great Ormond st.. Queen sq. Great Pearl St., Spitalfields Great Percy st., King's cross 57 Great Peter street, West minster IV Great Portland street . . / Great Prescot street, Good man's fields /// Great Pulteney street , Gol den square / Great Quebecst.,Montagusq. Great Queen street, Lin coln's inn fields . . . II Great Russell Bt., Blooms bury /, // Great Saffron hill, Charter house street // Great St. Andrew street, Seven dials // 20 Great St. Helen's, Bishops gate /// Great St. Thomas Apostle, Bow lane /// Great Scotland yard, Char ing cross IV Great Smith street, West minster IV Great Stanhope street . IV Great Suffolk st., Borough Great Sutton st. , Clerkenwell Great Titchfield street, Ox ford street / Great Tower st., City . /// Great Trinity lane, Cannon street west /// Great Western terminus, Paddington Great Western ter., West- bourne park Great White Lion street, I Seven dials H 43 44 44 44 48 25 33 60 32 1 16 23 42 ) 35 27 2524 47 23 16 3627 4339 26 26 18 37 40244239 11 4 27 Baedeker's London. 11th Edit. 18 LIST OP THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B R G B R G Great Wild st., Drury la. // Great Winchester street /// Great Windmill street, Coventry street . . . . I Greek street, Soho square / Green Bank, Wapping. . . Green lane, Newington Green Green park, St. James's IV Green st., Bethnal green . , Grosvenor sq.. . . / — — , Leicester sq. . . . / , Marlboro' rd., Chelsea Greencroft road Green Man street, Essex rd. Greenwich Hospital .... Greenwich Naval Asylum , Greenwich Observatory . , Greenwich Park Greenwich pier Greenwich railway station, London road . Greenwich road Greenwood ruad, Dalston . Grenard rd., Camberwell . Grenville street, Guilford st. Gresham st., City . . . /// Gresse street, Tottenham ct. road I Greville pi., Kilburn priory Greville road, Kilburn . . Greville street, Holborn // Greycoat street, Westminster IV Grey Eagle st., Spitalfields Greystoke place , Fetter la. Griffin st.,Yorkrd., Lambeth Grlmsworthrd., South Lam beth Groombridge road, Hackney Grosvenor cres., Belgrave square Grosvenor gardens, Pimlico Grosvenor gate, Hyde park / Grosvenor House . . . . / Grosvenor mews, Grosvenor street / Grosvenorpark, Camberwell Grosvenor place, Hyde park corner IV Grosvenor road , Highbury , Pimlico rail, station . . Grosvenor square . . . . / Grosvenor street, Camber well road , Comrcl. rd. ea. . . . , New Bond street. . / Grosvenor ter., Camberwell road Grove end rd., St. John's wd. Grove gardens, Regent's pk. 49 64 37 17 19 48 27 38 38 38 Grove lane, Camberwell Grove park square, Camber well grove Grove place, Lisson grove Grove road, Falcon lane . , St. John's wood . . Grove street, Deptford . . , Hackney Guards' Club, Pall mall IV Guildford rd., Poplar New town Guildford street, Lambeth Guildhall, King st., Cheap- side /// Guildhall School of Music // Guilford road, Poplar . . . Guilford st., Russell square Gun la., West India dockrd. Gun street, Spitalfields . . Gundulf st., Lambeth . . . Guntergro.,We. Brompton . Gurney St., Walworth . . , Gutter lane, Cheapside III Guy's Hospital, St. Thomas's street, Borough Guy street, Bermondsey . . Gwynne road, Battersea . . Gye street, Lambeth . . . Haberdasher street, Hoxton Hackford road, Brixton . . Hackney downs junction railway station Hackney rail, sta., Church street ... Hackney road Hadley street, Kentish town Haggerston rail, sta., Leest. Haggerston rd. , Kingsland rd. Hague st., Bethnal green rd. Haines st., Battersea Toad Halfmoon cres., Islington — street, Piccadilly . . IV Half Nichols St., Shoreditch Halidon street, Horn. . . . Halkin st., Grosvenor pi. IV Hall place, Paddington . . Hall road, St. John's wood Hall street, City road , . . Halliford street, Islington . Halsey street, Chelsea . . . Halton road, Islington . . . Hamburg st., London Fields Hamilton pi., Piccadilly IV Hamilton road, Grove road Hamilton St., Camden town Hamilton terrace, St. John's wood Hamish st., Lambeth walk Hammond st., Kentish tn. Hampden street, Harrow rd. 44 16 22 29 393666326348 444416 67 27 39 29 6 37 4241 12 30 31 45 23 22 1712 13 18 29 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 19 bug Hampstead rd., Hampstead Hampstead rd., Tottenham court road Hampton st., Walworth rd. Hamsell st., Orlpplegate /// Hanbury st., Spitalfields . Handel St., Brunswick sq. . Hannlker road , Stratford New town Hanover ch., Regent st. / Hanover square, Oxfordst. / Hanover st., Hanover sq, / , Islington . . , Kentish tn , Pimlico .."... Hanover ter.. Regent's park Hans place, Sloane street . Hans st., Brompton rd. . . Hanway street, Oxford st. / Harcourt street, Marylebone Harcourt House, Cavendish square / Hardinge street,Commercial road east Hardington street, Portman market Hare street, Bethnal green Hare walk, Kingsland road Harewood pi., Hanover sq. I Harewood square, Dorset sq. Harewood st., Harewood sq. Harford street, Stepney . . Harley rd., St. John's wood Harley street. Bow road , , Cavendish sq.. . . / Harleyford road, Vauxhall Harling street, Albany road, Camberwell Harman St., Kingsland rd. Harmoodst.,ChalkFrm. rd. Harp lane , Lower Thames street Ill Harrington gardens , Glou cester road Harrington rd., Kensington Harrington sq. , Hampstd. rd. Harrington st., Hampstd. rd. Harrison st., Gray's inn rd. Harrow alley, Houndsditch Harrow road, Paddington . Harrow street, Lisson gro. Hart st., Bloomsbury square , Grosvenor sq.. . . I Hartham road, Camden rd. Hartington rd., S. Lambeth Hartland road, Chalk farm Hartley street, Green street Hart's la., Bethnal green rd. Harvey road*, Camberwell Harwar st., Kingsland road Harwood road, Fulham . . 43 37 20 42 43 19 27 Haslam pi., Peckham . . . Hassard street, Hackney rd, Hastings street, Burton cres. Hatcham, Surrey Hatcham New Town, Old Kent road Hatcham park road, New Cross rd Hatfield street, Goswell rd. , Stamford st.; . . . . Hatton garden, Holborn circus // Hatton wall, Hutton garden Havelock st., Copenhagen st. Havelock road Haverstock hill Haverstock street, City rd. Havil street, Camberwell Hawley cres., Kentish tn. Hawley road, Kentish town Haydon sq., Minories . /// Hayles st., St. George's rd. Haymarket, Pall Mall. . / Haymarket Theatre, Hay market / Hayne street, Long lane . Hay's lane, Tooley street . Heath road, Hampstead . , Heath street, Commercial road east Heaton place, Stratford . . Heddon street. Regent st. / Helmet row, St. Luke's . . Hemingford rd., Islington . Hemsworth street, Hoxton Heneage st., Whitechapel . Henley street , Battersea road east Henrietta street, Cavendish square / , Covent garden . // Henry street, Bermondsey st. , Gray's inn rd. . . . , Pentonville , Portland town . . . , St. Luke's , UpperKenningtonlane Henshall st., New North rd. Herbert at., New North rd. Hercules rd., Lambeth. . . Hereford grdns., Park la. / Hereford road, Bayswater Hereford sq.,OId Brompton Hereford st., Lisson grove. Herme street, Paddington green Hermes street, Pentonville Hersee pi., Green street. . Hertford House, Manchester square / Hertford rd., Kingsland . . B R (J 47 66 50 40 34 55 36 43 47 33 2640 42 20 6523 48 20 19 27 4132 30 2919 20 20 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B E a B R G Hertford street, Mayfair IV 18 Holborn viaduct. . . . II 34 Hewled road. Roman road 69 Holborn viaduct station // 35 Heygate St., Walworth rd. 37 Holford square, Pentonville 32 Hlckmans Folly, Bermondsey 45 Holland grove, Cranmer rd. Holland House, Kensington 35 High Holborn // 32 1 High street, Aldgate . /// 47 Holland park, Notting hill 1 , Battersea . . 12 Holland park avenue, Not- , Bloomsbury . 27 2 38 Holland park road, Addison 1 , Bromley ... , Camberwell . . . 68 40 36 , Camden town. . . 23 Holland St., Blackfriars rd. 34 63 , Brixton rd.. 31 __ Homerton 53 2 , Islington . . 35 Holland walk, Kensington . 2 , Kensington . . 6 Hollen St., Soho . . . . / 27 -, Kingsland . 45 Holies St., Cavendish sq. 1 24 , Lambeth . . 20 , Clare market . . // 31 , Marylebone . . . . / 20 Hollingsworth st. .Holloway Hollington road, Wyndham 29 2 17 39 6627 Holloway road ... Holly road, Dalston .... 33 46 , St. Giles's . . /, // , St. John's wood . . 11 Hollybush gardens, Bethnal Shadwell 66 52 44 Hollywood road, West — — 'Wnnnlni? 50 e , Whitechapel . .Ill 47 Holmbrook St., Homerton . 53 33 Holms st., Hackney road . Holthamrd., St. John's wood 47 37 7 Highbury New park .... 47 Holyoake road, Dante road 33 Highbury place, Holloway Holywell lane, Shoreditch 4 33 Holywell row, Finsbury 44 Highbury railway station, Holywell street, Strand // 31 34 Home Office, Government Highbury terrace, Highbury build., Whitehall . . IV 26 33 Homer road , Victoria park 58 Highgate road, Kentish tn. 21 Homer row, Varylebone rd. 16 Hilgrove road, Finchley rd. 10 Homer street, Crawford st. 16 Hill place street , Upper North street, Poplar . . 63 63 39 Honey lane, City . . . /// Hill road, St. John's wood 11 Horace st., South Lambeth 27 Hill street, Berkeley sq. . / 18 Horney lane, Bermondsey . 45 33 Hornton street, Kensington 1 44 Horseferry rd., Westminster IV , Knightsbridge . . . 13 47 25 25 Hilldrop crescent, Holloway 25 Horse Guards, Whitehall IV 26 Hllldrop road, Camden rd. Hillneld road, Hampstead 25 Horse Guards avenue . . . 26 1 Horselydown lane , Shad Hilllngdon st., Walworth . 29 38 4644 H ill mar ton road, Camden rd . Horseshoe alley, Finsbury . Horseshoe yard, New Bond Hills place, Oxford street 1 23 Hlnde St., Manchester sq. / 63 19 50 23 Horton road, Wilton road . Hindle street, Shacklewell 46 Hosier la., W. Smithfield// 36 Hindon street, Pimlico . . 21 Houghton st., Clare market // 31 Hobart place, Eaton sq. IV 17 Houndsditch, City .../// 43 Hobury street, Chelsea . . 10 Howard street, Strand. // 31 Holbein pi., Sloane sq . . 36 17 27 Howey St., Bridge rd., Batt. 15 Holborn circus . ... II • 36 Howick rd., Victoria rd. IV 21 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc, 21 B R G Howland street, Fitzroy sq. / Howley place, Belvedere rd. , Harrow road .... Hows street, Kingsland road Hoxton square, Hoxton st. . Hoxton street, Old st.. . . Huggin lane, Wood street, Cheapside Ill Hugh street, Pimlico . . . Hungerford pier, Victoria embankment IV Hungerford road, Camden rd. Hunt street, Pelham street Hunter street, Brunswick sq. Huntingdon st., Caledonian road Huntingdon st., Hoxton st. Huntley street, Bedford sq. Huribott St., Newington . . Hutton rd., Vauxhall . . . Hyde park Hyde park corner . . . IV Hyde park grdns., Hyde pk. Hyde park gate, Kensington Hyde park place, Marble arch / Hyde park square . . . Hyde park st., Hyde pk. Hyde pk. ter., Bayswater rd, Hyde place, Westminster Hyde road, Battersea . . , Hoxton Idol lane, Gt. Tower street lfield road, West Brompton Imperial Institute Imperial Institute road . . India Off., St. James's pk. IV Ingleton street, Brixton road Ingrave street, Battersea . Inkerman road, Kentish tn. Inner Circle, Regent's park Inner Temple // Inverness gardens, Kensgtn. Inverness road, Bishop's road Inverness terrace, Bayswater In ville road, Walworth . . Ion square, Hackney road . Ironmonger lane, Cheapside /// Ironmonger row, St. Luke's Isle of Dogs Islington High street . . . Islington railway stat. . . . Isllp St., Kentish town road Isthmian Club, . ... IV Iverson road, Kilburn . . . Ivy lane, Hoxton , Paternoster row. . . Jacob st., Mill St., Dockhead 28 43 48 40 42 26 39 22 42 65 Jacob's street, Shoreditch . Jamaica road, Bermondsey Jamaica street, Commercial road east James grove, Peckham . . James street, Bethnal green , Buckingham gate IV — , Clapham — , Commercial road east — , Covent garden . . II — , Essex road , Haymarket . . . . / , Kensington sq. . . . , Oxford street . . . I , Westboume ter. . . Jardin street , Albany road Jeffrey street, Camden town Jeffries road, Clapham road Jeremiah street, Fast India dock road Jermyn st., St. James's /, IV Jerningham rd., New Cross Jersey St., Bethnal Green . Jewln cres., Jewin street . Jewin st., Cripplegate, City Jewry street, Aldgate . /// Jocelyn st., Peckham . . . Jockey's fields // John st., Adelphi, Strand // — — , Edgware road . . , Minories .... /// , 8t. John's wood . . , Wilmington sq. . . . , nth. , Marylebone rd. , west, Thornhill sq. . John Campbell road, High street, Kingsland .... Johnson St., Commercial road east , Camden tn Joiners street, Tooley street Jonathan st., Vauxhall walk Jubilee place, King's road, Chelsea Jubilee street, Commercial road east Judd street, Brunswick sq. Junior Constitutional Club IV Junior United Service Olub / Junior Athenseum Club . IV Junior Carlton Club . . IV Juxon street, Lambeth. . . 56 Keetons road , Rotherhithe Kempsford gardens, Rich mond rd., West Brompton Kempsford rd., Lower Ken nington lane Kempshed rd., Albany rd. . 48 46 65 I 21 47 553120 5 19 11 28 22 4228 67 22 . ( 52 404047 . i 32 30 16 47 60 47 16 29 13 55 38 22262626 2949 1 33 42 22 LIST OP THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, B R G B R O Render street, New Cross . 55 King Henry's walk, Stoke Kenilworth rd., Roman rd. 59 41 Kenmure road, Dalston . . 49 KingWilliamst., Greenwich 71 Kennett road, Harrow road 4 , London bridge . /// 43 30 , Strand // 26 34 King's Bench walk, Temple // Kennington park gardens, 36 Royal road 34 King's College, Strand . // 31 34 King's College Hospital, Por Kennington road, Lambeth 33 33 tugal st., Lincoln's inn // 31 10 King's Cross railway station 32 Kensington gardens square 7 32 6 King's road, Chelsea , Hoxton street. . . 10 Kensington gore, Kensington 9 43 Kensington High street . . Kensington' Museum, Crom- 6 61 Kingsbury road, Ball's pond 41 9 Kingsgate st., High Holborn 6 // 32 Kensington Palace gardens 10 Kingslake st., Old Kent rd. 42 Kensington pk. grdns., Lad Kingsland basin, Kingsland 43 brooke square .... 3 44 Kensington park road . . . 3 Kingslelgh st., Shaftesbury Kensington road . . Kensington square . 1 1G 5 Kingston st., Walworth . . 37 Kensington station 6 Kinnerton St., Knightsbridge 1*7 Kentish town road .... 22 Kirby St., Hatton garden// 36 Kenton street, Brunswick sq. 28 66 28 Knightrider st., City. . /// Knightsbridge grn., Hyde pk. 39 13 13 Keppel street, Gower street Knowsley road, Latchmere /, // 48 28 1G Kerbela st., Bethnal green Kerbey street, East India Laburnum st., Kingslandrd. 47 67 64 Kilburn lane, Kilburn . . . 4 Ladbroke grove, Notting hill 2 Kildare gardens, Bayswater 3 Ladbroke grove road . . . 3 Kildare terrace, Bayswater 7 Ladbroke road, Notting hill 2 Kilton street, Lower Wands- Ladbroke square, Notting hi. 3 19 Lamb lane, Hackney . . . Lambeth bridge . . . IV 50 King square, Goswell road 40 , 25 King street, Baker street / 20 Lambeth High street . . . 29 , Cale st., Chelsea . . 13 Lambeth Lower marsh . . 29 ', Camden town . . . 23 Lambeth Palace .... IV 29 , Cheapside. . . Ill 39 Lambeth palace rd. . . IV 29 , Covent garden . .// 27 Lambeth pier, Albert em- , Drury lane . .// 31 29 , Golden square . . / 23 Lambeth rd., Southwark IV 33 29 , Grosvenor square . / 19 Lambeth st., Little Alie st. 47 , Kensington . 5 Lambeth Upper marsh . . . 29 , Moor street ... 27 Lambeth walk, Lambeth . 29 , St. James's sq. . IV 22 Lamb's Conduit st., Theo- , Snow hill // 3625 32 , Whitehall . . . IV Lammas rd., Hackney . . . 54 King Edward st. , Blackfriars 35 Lanark villas, Clifton rd. . 12 — ¦ — , Lambeth road . . 33 Lancaster gate, Hyde park 7 , Newgate street . /// 39 Lancaster road, Belsize pk. 9 King Edward's road .... 55 4 33 King Henry street, Stoke Lancaster street, Boro' road 41 Lancelot pi., Brompton road 13 King Henry's road, Prim Lancing street, Euston sq. 28 rose hill. . . 14 Landseer st., Bow , . . 19 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. B E G Langford pi., St. John's wood Langham place, Regent st. / Langham st., Portland pi. / Langley street, Long acre // Langton road, Camberwell New road Langton street, King's road Lansdowne house . . . . / Lansdowne place, Guilford st. Lansdowne rd. , London fields — — , Lambeth Lant street, Southwark . . Lark row, Cambridge road Larkhall lane, Clapham . . Larnaca St., Bermondsey. . Latchmere grove, Battersea Latchmere road , Battersea Latona rd, Peckham. . . . Laud street, Lambeth . . . Launcelot St., Lambeth . . Laurel street, Queen's road Laurence Pountney lane /// Lausanne road , Nunhead . Lavender grove, Queen's rd. Lavender road Lawford road, Kentish town Lawn road, Haverstock hill Lawrence la., Cheapside /// Lawrence St., Cheyne walk , St. Giles / Lawson street, Gt. Dover st. I.ayard rd., Southwark park Laystall St., Mt. Pleasant . Leadenhall Market, Grace church street .... /// Leadenhall street, City /// Leader St., Chelsea .... Leamington rd. villas,West- bourne park Leather lane, Holborn . // Leatherdale st., Globe road Lebanon street , Walworth Ledbury road, Bayswater . Lee street, Kingsland rd. . Leek street, King's cross rd. Leete st. , King's rd. . Chelsea Lefevre road, Bow Leicester place, Leicester square / Leicester sqnare . . . . / Leicester St., Leicester sq. / Leigh street, Burton crescent Leighton crescent, Kentish tn. Leighton grove, Kentish tn. Leighton road, Kentish town Leinster gardens, Bayswater Leinster road, Kilburn park Leinster square, Bayswater Leipsic road, Camberwell New road Leman st., Whitechapel /// 50 55 46 46 56 63 37 46 47 27 10 49 13 42 13 23 B R G 39 Lenthall street, Dalston . Leonard st., City road. . Leovanda at., Kingsland . Leroy st., Old Kent rd. . Lesly street, Barnsbury . Lessada street, Roman road Lever street, Goswell road Leverton st. , Kentish town Lewis st. , Kentish town road Lewlsham road, Greenwich , New Cross . . railway sta Lewisham at., Westminster IV Lexham gdns. , Earl's court rd. Lexington street / Leyton road, Stratford . . Leyton sq Lillle road, Fulham .... Lilllngton St., Westminster Lime street, Leadenhall St./// Lime str. sq.. Lime str. /// Limehouse pier Limehouse railway station, Three Colt street .... Llmerston street, Chelsea . Lincoln street. Mile end road Lincoln's Inn // Lincoln's Inn fields . . . II Linden gardens, Notting hill. Llnford st., Battersea fields Lingbam St., Stockwell green Linsey St., Bermondsey . . Linton st., Islington. . . . Lion street, Now Kent road Lisford st., Peckham . . . Lisle street, Leicester sq. / Lisson grove, Marylebone rd. Lisson st., Marylebone road Litcham st. , Kentish town Litchfield St., Soho. . /, // Little Albany st., Regent's park Little Alie st., Goodman's field's /// Little Argyle street, Regent street / Little Britain , Aldersgate street /// Little Cadogan pi. , Sloane st. Little Camden St., Camden town Little Chapel street, Soho / Little Compton street, Soho / Little Dean street, Dean St., Soho / Little Earl street, Seven dials // Little Grove St., Lisson grove Little Guilfordstreet, Bruns wick square 64 41 0860C4 26 1 23 69 43436263 46 2 21 10 31 31 3 39 27 1616 I 27 23284637 47 24 47 23 39 17 1 23 27 27 27 27 16 •28 24 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, Gray's Little James street inn road Little Marylebone street . . Little Newport street, Soho / Little Northampton street, Goswell road LittlePortlandst.,Gr.Titch- fleld street / Little Pulteney st. , Soho / Little Queen st., High Hol born // Little Russell st., Bloomsbury // Little Saffron hill Little St. Andrew street, Upper St. Martin's la. II Little Sutton St., Clerkenwell Little Titchfleldstreet, Great Portland street . . . . / Little Tower hill .../// Little Tower st., Eastcheap Little White Lion street, Seven dials Little Wild st., Great Wild street // Little Winchester St., Lon don wall /// Livermore road, Dalston . Liverpool road Liverpool St., Bishopsgate without /// , King's cross . . , Walworth . . station /// Lizard street, Radnor street Lloyd square, Pentonville . Loampit hill Locksley st., Poplar. . . . Loddiges road. Hackney . . Lodge place, Grove road . Lodge rd., Park rd., Regent's park . Lollard street, Lambeth . . Lombard court, Gracechurch st /// Lombard road, Battersea . Lombard street. Fleet st. // , Mansion ho.. . . /// , Southwark bridge rd. Lome st. , Westminster bridge rd Lomont rd., King's rd. . . London, Brighton & South Coast terminus, Victoria London bridge .... /// London bridge pier , . /// London bdg. railway sta. /// London , Chatham & Dover terminus, Holborn viad.// London Central meatmarkel // 36 32 16 44 63 64 29 13 London Commercial Sale rooms , Mincing lane //./ London Docks, Wapping. . London Fever Hospital, Li verpool road London fields, Hackney . . London fields railway sta., Grosvenor place London Hospital, Mount st. east, Whitechapel road . London lane , Mare street , London & North Western ter minus, Broad street . . . London ii South Western terminus, Waterloo . . . London street, Greenwich . — — , Norfolk sq , Ratcliff , Tottenham court road London University, Burling ton gardens / London wall, Moorflelds /// Long Acre, Drury lane . // Long lane, Bermondsey . . , West Smithfield. . . Long street, Kingsland road Long walk, Bermondsey aq. Longcroft rd. , Cobourg rd\ Longfellow road, Mile end road Longley st., Southwark . . Longnor road, Bancroft road Longridge road, Earl's ct. rd. Lonsdale road, Bayswater . Lonsdale square, Barnsbury Lord's Cricket Ground, St. John's wood road .... Lorn road, Brixton road . . Lorrimore road, Walworth Lorrimore square, Walworth Lorrimore street, Walworth Lothbury, City . ... Ill Lothian road, Camberwell New road J Loudoun rd., St. John's wd. Loughborough junction rail way sta., Coldharbour la. Loughborough road, Brixton road Loughborough street, Upper Kennington lane .... Love lane, Bow , Eastcheap , . . /// , Wood street, Cheap- side /// Lovegrove St., Old Kent rd. Loveridge road Lower Belgrave st., Pimlico IV Lower Berkeley st., Portman square / 43 50 35 62 ) 44 3011 692422 40 274140 67 39 42 45 1 32383438 68 36363630 4239 1719 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 25 B R G Lower Chapman st., Cannon street road Lower Clapton road .... Lower East Smithfield . . Lower Grosvenor st., Gros venor street IV Lower James street, Golden square / Lower John st., Golden sq. / Lower Kennigton lane . . Lower marflh, Lambeth . . Lower Phillimore pi., Ken sington Lower rd., Deptford . . . Lower Seymour st., Portman square / Lower Thames street . Ill Lower Whltecross street . Lower William st., High street, Portland town . . Lowndes square , Belgrave square' . . . Lowndes st., Belgrave sq. . Lowth rd., Camberwell . . Lowther arcade, West Strand // Luard street, Caledonian rd. Lucas road , Walworth . . Lucas street , Commercial road east , Rotherhithe Lucey rd., Bermondsey . . Lucretia street, Lambeth . Ludgate circus // Ludgate hill, St. Paul's church yard // Ludgate hill railway station, New Bridge street . . // Luke street, Finsbury . . . — — , Mile end New town Lumley st., Oxford st. . . I Lupus street, Pimlico . . . Lyall pi., Eaton sq., Pimlico Lyall road, Roman rd., Bow Lyall at. .Baton pi., Pimlico Lyceum Theatre, Wellington street, Strand . ... II Lyme street, Camden town Lyndhurst gardens, Hampst. Lyndhurst grove, Peckham Lyndlmrstroad, Hampstead Lynton rd., Bermondsey . . Lyon street, Caledon. road Lyste st., Bethnal Green. . Macclesfield st., City rd. . . Macclesfield street, Soho / Maddox street, Regent st. / Magdalen st., Bermondsey Maida hill, Edgware road . Maida vale, Edgware road . 53 15 31 60 40 26 55 33 53 40 34 17 Maiden lane, Cheapside /// , Covent garden . .// Maidenhead ct., Aldersgate street . .' .' Ill Maidstone st.. Hackney road Maitland park road, Haver stock hill Maitland pk. villas, Haver stock hill Maiden road,' Kentish town Mall, The, Kensington . — , St. James's Malmesbury rd., Bow . . Malt St., Old Kent rd. . . Malta st,, Goswell road . Maltby street, Bermondsey Malvern road, Dalston . , Kilburn park . . . Manchester' rd., Isle of Dogs Manchester square , Duke street, Oxford st. . . . / Manchester st., Gray's inn rd. , Manchester square / Manford pi., Kennington. . Mann at., Walworth. . . . Manor lane, Rotherhithe. . Manor place, Amhurst road, Hackney , Walworth road . . . Manor road, Blue Anchor rd. , Wells street .... Manor street, Chelsea . . . , Old Kent road. . . . Manresa rd.. Chelsea . . . Hansell at., Aldgate High st. /// Mansfield pi., Kentish town Mansfield st., Kingsland rd. , Portland pi / Mansford St., Bethnalgreen Mansion House . . . . /// Mansion House place . /// station, Mansionhouse /// street, Kennington park road lane Mape st., Bethnal green rd. Mapes lane, Edgware road Maplin street, Mile end road Marble Arch / Marchmontst.,Brunswlcksq.Mare street, Hackney . . . Margaretat., Cavendish sq. / } Wells street .... , Wilmington square Margarelta terrace, Chelsea Maria street, Kingsland road Marigold street, Bermondsey Mark lane, Fenchurch st. /// Mark lane station . . . /// Mark street, Finsbury . . 32 3931 40 26 46 45 65 19 20 49 64 30 4253 3449 14 5010 47 52 24 39 39 39 33 23 14 47434244 26 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B E G B E G Market street , Bermondsey , Caledonian rd. . . . , Edgware road . . . , Mayfair , Soho / Harkham square, Chelsea . Markham street, Chelsea . Marlborough House , Pall mall IV Marlborough hill, St. John's wood Marlborough pi., St. John's wood , Westboume park . . Marlborough road, Chelsea , Dalston , Old Kent rd , St. John's wood, . . Marlborough street, Black friars road Marloes road, Kensington . Marmont road, Peckham Maroon st.,Limehouse41eIds Marquess road , Canonbury Marquis road, Camden town Marsdon St., Maitland pk. . Marshall street, Golden sq. , Southwark Marsham st.,Westminster/F Martin's la., Cannon st. Ill Mary street,Arlington square , Kingsland road . . . Marylands road, Harrow rd. Marylebone High street . . Marylebone lane. . . . / Marylebone road .... Marylebone station .... Marylebone workho., Great Marylebone street . . . / Mason street, Old Kent road Matilda st., Caledonian rd. . , Thornhill square . . Maude grove, Fulham road Maude road, Peckham road Mawbey st., South Lambeth Maxwell road, Fulham . . Maygrove road, Edgware rd. May ville street, Kingsland Maze Pond, Borough Mead street, Shoreditch . . Meadow rd., S. Lambeth , Mecklenburgh square, Gray's inn road Mcdburn street, Somers tn. Median road, Clapton . . . Medical Examination Hall // Medway road, Roman road Medway st., Westminster IV Meetinghouse la., Peckham Melbourne square, Brixton road 30 48 22 42 30 47 30 Melbury ter., Harewood sq. Melton street, Euston square Menotti street Mercer street, Long acre // Meredith street, Clerkenwell Merrow st., Walworth . . . Methley st., Milverton street Metropolitan Cattle market Metropolitan District rail way , Mansion house /// Metropolitan Meat & Poultry market, Smithfield . . // Meymoth st., Blackfriars rd, Michael's grove, Brompton Middle Temple lane . . // Middlesex Hospital, Charles street, Goodge street . / Middlesex st., Somers town , Whitechapel . . /// Middleton road], Holloway , Kingsland Midland road, Euston rd. . Midland terminus, St. Pan cras, Euston road .... Mildmay park, Stoke New ington Mildmay grove north & south, Stoke Newington .... Mildmay rd.,Stoke Newington Mildmay street, Stoke New ington Mile end road Miles street, South Lambeth Milford lane, Strand . . // Milk street, Cheapside /// Mill lane, Hampstead . . . Mill row, Kingsland road , Mill street, Dockhead . . . , Hanover sq. . . . / Mill yard, Leman street . . Millard road, Back road. . Millbank st. ,Westminater/F Mill hill pi., Welbeck st. / Millman street, Bedford row Millman's row, King's road Millwall, Poplar Millwall Docks Millwall Dock railway sta tion, Glengall road . . , Millwall junction railway sta. Millwall pier Milner square, Islington . . Milner street, Chelsea . . . , Islington Milton road, Old Ford road Milton st., Cripplegate /// , Finsbury Mina road, Old Kent road Mincingla.,Fenchurchst.///Minerva street, Hackney rd. Minories, City IU 36 27 29 3834 3936 34 13 3524 47 41 56 3139 26 41 452347 25 19 32616565GG 34 ¦10 40 25 10 65Gl 13 i 42 52 43 17 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 27 BEG Mint street, Borough , Tower hill . . . Ill Mintern street, Hoxton . . Minto street, Bermondsey . Mitre court, Cheapside III Mitre street, Aldgate . Ill Modbury ter., Queen's cres. Molyneux st., Bryanston sq. Monck st., Westminster IV Moneyer street, Hoxton Monkwellst., Cripplegate/// Monmouth road, Bayswater Monnow rd., Southwark. . Montagu mews north, Mon tagu square Montagu pi., Montagu sq. / Montagu square / Montagu street, Upper Her keley street I Montague close, Boro' . Montague Ho., Whitehall IV , Portman sq J Montague mansions . . .II Montague pi. ,Bedfordsq. /,// Montague road, Dalston . . Montague st., Russell sq. II Monteith rd., Old Ford road Montpelier pi., Brompton . Montpelier road, Kentish tn. Montpelier row, Brompton Montpelier sq., Brompton . Montpelier st., Brompton . , Walworth Monument station. . . /// Monument sq., Fish street hill /// Moody road, Mile End rd. Moor la., Cripplegate . /// Moor st., Crown st., Soho / Moore street, Chelsea . . . Moore park road, Fulham Moorgate railway station . Moorgate street, City . /// Morecambe St., Walworth . Moreland st., City road . . Moreton place, Morcton st. More ton st. , Vauxhall bridge road Moreton ter., South Kenagt. Morgan street, Mile end rd. Morgan's lane, Tooley st. . Morning lane, Hackney . . Mornington crescent, Hamp stead road Mornington road, Bow road ¦ , Regent's pk Morpeth road'., Victoria pk. Morpeth street,Bethnal green Morpeth ter., Victoria st. IF Morris road, Bromley . . . Morshead rond . . . . ' 43 17 44 21 66 40 42 68 46 38 21 Mortimer crescent, Kilburn Mortimer rd., Kingsland. . , Kilburn Mortimer st., Regent st. . I Morton rd., Islington . . , Morville street, Bow . . . Morwell st., Bedford sq. / Moscow road, Bayswater . . Mostyn road, Stockwell . . , Bow , . Motcomb street, Belgrave sq. Mount Pleasant, Farringdon rd Mount row, Berkeley sq. / Mount street, Berkeley sq. / , Bethnal green. . . , Whitechapel . , . Mountford road, Norfolk rd., Dalston . , Mowlem st., Bethnal Green Munster square, Regent's pk. Muriel st., Copenhagen st. . Murray street , Camden sq. , New North rd. . . . Museum st., Bloomsbury 77 Mosgrave rd., New Cross . Myddelton sq., Clerkenwell Myddelton at., Clerkenwell Mylne street, Claremont sq. Myrdlest.,Commercialrd. ea. Myrtle street, Dalston . . . , Hoxton Nailour st., Caledonian rd. Napier street, Hoxton . . . Narrow street, Ratcliff cross Nassau street , Middlesex hospital I Nassau street, Soho . . . I National Conaervat. Club IV National Gallery . . . . I National Gallery of British Art National Portrait Gallery I National Liberal Club . IV Natural History Museum, Cromwell road Naval and Military Olub IV Navarino road, Dalston . . Naylor's yard, Silver street Neal st., Long acre .... Neate street, Cobourg road, Old Kent road Nelson sq., Blackfriars road Nelson street, Bethnal green , Commercial rd. ea. . , Greenwich , Wyndham road . . . Neptune street, Rotherhithe , South Lambeth . . . Netherwood street, Kilburn 24 64 !36 17 36 1918 52 48 56 51 68 24 2722 2626 9 22 49 23 27 52 53 70 39 27 28 LIST OP THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, Netley St., Hampstead road Neville street, Onslow sq. , Vauxhall New Bond at., Oxford st. / New Bridge st., Blackfriars// New Broad st., London wall /// New Burlington house, Pic cadilly / New Burlington street, Re gent street / New Cavendish street, Port land place / New Church rd., Camberwell Wells street .... New Church st. , Bermondsey New College Chapel .... New Compton st., Soho 1,11 New Cross railway station New Crossroad, Deptford . New Out, Lambeth .... New Gloucester st., Hoxton New Gravel lane, Shadwell NewInn,Wych st., Strand// New Kent road New King street, Deptford New King's road, Fulham . New Nichol St., Shoreditch. New North road, Hoxton . New North st. , Red Lion sq. New Ormond st., Queen sq. New Oxford street . . . II New Palace yard , West minster IV New Quebec street, Port- man square I New road, Rotherhithe . . , Wandsworth rd. , . , Whitechapel road. . New sq., Lincoln's inn . // New st., Bishopsgate st. /// , Borough road — — , Brompton. ..... , Covent garden . .// , Dorset square. . . , Golden square . . / , Kennington pk. rd. . , New rd., Whitechapel , Portland town . . , Vincent square . . . New Tothill street, West minster IV NewWeston St., Bermondsey Newburn st., Vauxhall . . Newcastle street, Farringdon street II , Strand II , Whitechapel .... Newcomen street , Borough Newgate prison, Old Bailey // Newgate st., City . //, /// 24 41 15 39 34 25 29 Newington butts Newington causeway . Newington green <& road. . Newman street, Oxford st. / Newnham St., Edgware road Newton rd. ,West bourne gro. Newton st., Cavendish st. , High Holborn. . .// Nicholas la., Lombard st. /// Nicholas street, Hoxton . . , Mile end road . . , Nichols row, Bethnal grn. Nichols square, Hackney rd. Nightingale lane, St. Kathe- rine's docks . . Nila St., Deptford. Nile street, Hoxton .... , Shepherdess walk . Nine Kims lane , Vauxhall Nine Elms picr,NineElmsla. Nine Kims station Noble street, Cheapside /// , Spaflelds Noel street, Islington , . . Noel street, Soho , . . . I Norfolk cres., Oxford sq.. . Norfolk road, Dalston lane , Islington , . ¦ . . , St. John's wd Norfolk sq., Sussex gardens Norfolk street, Globe road , Park lane. . . . I , Strand' ... . . .// Norman road, Bow .... Norman road, Greenwich . Norman street, Chelsea . . Norman's buildgs. , St. Luke's North Bank, Regent's park North End road, Fulham North Greenwich rail. sta. . North row, Grosvenor sq. I North street, Lisson gro. / , Manchester sq. J , Mare street . . , Pentonville . ... , Sloane street . . , Smith sq IV North Audley st., Oxford st. North Wharf rd., Paddington Northampton rd., Bowling green la Northampton square, Cler kenwell , . . Northampton street, Gos well road , Islington Northport street, New North road Northumberland alley, Fen church street Northumberland avenue IV 43 43 60 46 39 33 64 66 19, 12 20 51 HI 13 25 19 11 36 36 36 38 43 43 2U SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 29 B R O B R O. 13 Northumberland place, Ar tesian road, Bayswater . Northumberland strcet,Mary- lebone / , Strand IV Northwick ter., Maida hill Notting hill High street . Notting hill gate station . . Nottingham pi., Marylebone Nottingham st., Marylebone I Nutford place, Edgware rd. Oakden st., Kennington road Oakley road, Southgate rd. Oakley square, St. Pancras Oakley street, Chelsea . . , Lambeth Oat lane, Wood st. . . /// Ocean street, Stepney . . . Ockendon road, Essex road Office of Works & Public bnildings, Whitehall IV Offord rd., Caledonian road Old Bailey, Newgate street // Old Bethnal Gr'een road . . Old Bond at., Piccadilly J Old Broad street, Thread- noodle "street .... /// Old Brompton road .... Old Burlington street . . / Old Castle St., Whitechapel Old Cavendish street . . / Old Change, Cheapside /// Old Chnrch road, Commer cial road east Old Compton street, Soho / Old Ford railway station, Old Ford road Old Ford railway station, Coborn road Old Ford road, Bow . . . Old Gravel lane, Wapping Old Jewry, City . . . /// Old Kent road Old Kent rd. railway sta. Old Montague street, White chapel Old Nichol st., Shoreditch Old Palace yard, West minster* '. '. IV Old Pye st., Westminster IV Old Quebec street , Port- man square / Old Queen st., Westminster IV Old Rochester row . . IV Old square, Lincoln's inn II Old street. St. Luke's . . . Old Swan pier . ... Ill Olympic Theatre,Wych st.// Omario street, London road 12 63 48 2521 31 40140 .42.131 . 33 15 Onslow crescent. Onslow sq. Onslow square, South Ken sington Onslow vils., Onslow sq. . Opal street, Kennington . , Ope"ra Comique, Holywell st. // Orange street, Borough . . , Leicester square /, II , Red Lion sq. . . .II Orb street, Walworth . . . Orchard place, Blackwall . Orchard street , Essex road -, Portman sq. . . . I , Westminster . . IV Ordnance rd., St. John's wd. Orleston rd., Holloway . . Oriel road, Homerton . . . Oriental club, Hanover sq. / Orme square, Bayswater rd. Ormonde "ter., Primrose hill Orsett atfeet, Vauxhall st. Orsett ter.," Hyde" park . . Orwell rdad, 'Bow Osborn pi., Whitechapel /// Oseney cres., Kentish town Osnaburgh st., Regent's pk. Osprey street, Rotherhithe Ossery road, Old Kent road Ossington street, Bayswater Osaulston' at.," Somera town Oswald st., Vauxhall . . . Oswin st:, Newington . . . Otto St., Kennington . . . Outram St., Copenhagen st. Oval, Hackney road .... — , Kennington' .' Oval pi., South Lambeth . Ovington square, Brompton Ovington street, Chelsea . Owen street, King's road . , St. John st. road . . Owen's rOW, St. John st. rd. Oxendon st., Haymarket / Oxford mansions, Oxford street ; / Oxford road, Islington . . , Kilburn park .... Oxford aquare, Hyde park . Oxford street / , Marlborough rd.. . . , Whitechapel .... Oxford ter., Edgware road. Oxford & Camb. Club, Pall mall IV Packington street, Islington 39 Paddington green Paddington railway station | . Paddington recreation ground, 8 Paddingtonst., Marylebone/^ . 33 64 28 37 29 53 30 3334 3031 13 13 7 23 22 20 13 30 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, BEG Page street, Westminster . Pakenham st.,King's Cross rd. Palace gardens, Kensington Palace gate, Kensington . . Palace street, Pimlico . IV Palace music-hall . . . . / Pall Mall IV Pall Mall East . . . I, IV Palm street, Grove road , Palmer place, Holloway rd. Palmerston road, Kilburn . Palmerston terrace. Lower Wandsworth road .... Pancraa lane, Queen st. /// Panton street, Haymarket/ Panyer alley , Paternoster row /// Paradise road, Clapham rd. Paradise street, Chelsea . . , Finsbury -, Gray's inn road . . , Lambeth , Marylebone . . . . I , Rotherhithe Paragon, New Kent road . Paragon road, Hackney . . Parcel Post Central Office . Paris street, Lambeth . IV Parish street, Tooley st.. . Park crescent, Portland pi. , Stockwell mews west, Maryle bone road Park grove, Lower Wands worth road Park lane, Dorset square . , Piccadilly . . . I, IV Park pi., St. James's st. IV Park pi. villas, Paddington Park road, Bridge road . , Chelsea , Haverstock hill. , Regent's park . . Park side, Knightsbridge Park sq. east, Regent's pk west, Regent's park , Park st., Borough marke , Camden town. . ¦ , Dorset square . , Grosvenor sq. . , , Limehouse . . . Park village east & west Regent's park .... Park walk, Chelsea Parker street, Drury la. // Parkholme road, Dalston . Parliament, Houses of . IV Parliament square. . . IV Parliament street . . . IV Parmiter pi., Hackney road Parnellroad, Tredegar road 32 32 39 44 23 23 46 24 25 29 41 32 19 20 10 Parr street, New North road Parson's green, Fulham . . Pasley st., Walworth . . . Paternoster row, St. Paul's Patriot sq., Cambridge rd. Patshull road, Kentish tn. Paul street, Finsbury . . . Paulet road, Camberwell . Paul's alley, Paternoster rw. Paulton square, Chelsea . . Pavilion road, Chelsea . . Payne st., Copenhagen at. . Peabody buildings . . /// Peacockst., Newington butts Pear Tree sty Goswell rd. Pearson st., Kingsland road Peckham gro., Camberwell Peckham park, Hill street Peckham park road .... Peckham rye stat., Rye la. Peckwater st., Kentish tn. Peel road, Kilburn park . Peel street, Kensington . . Peerless street, Bath street Pekin street, Poplar. . . . Pelham crescent, Brompton Pelham street, Brompton . , Mile end New tn.. . Pumbridgo gardens. High street, Notting hill . . . Pembridge place, Bayswater Pembridge sq., Bayswater Pembridge villas , West- bourne grove Pembroke gardens , Ken sington Pembroke mews, Chapel st. Pembroke road, Kensington ¦, Kilburn pk Pembroke sq. , Kensington Pembroke st,, Bingfield st. Pembury grove, Clapton, . Pembury road, Clapton . . Pennington st., St. George's east Penrose st., Walworth rd. Penshurst rd., Sth. Hackney Pen ton place, Kennington park road , Pentonville rd. . . , Penton street, Pentonville Pentonville road Penywern road, Earl's ct. . People's Palace Pepys road, New Cross rd. Percival street, Clerkenwell Percy road, Kilburn park . Percy at., Tottenham ct. rd. / Peter street, Southwark bridge road , Soho / 39 81 39 44 40 13 33 3 35 36 33 4347 4748 40 2 6348 3 33 1 17 1 50 54 38 33 60 28 38 27 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 31 BEG BEG Petherton road, Highbury . Phelp st., Walworth . . , Phene' street, Chelsea . . . Philip la., London wall /// Philip st., Back Church la. Phillimore pi., Kensington Phillimore ter., Kensington road Phillip street, Queen's rd. Phillippst., Kingsland road Philpot lane, Fenchurch street /// Philpot street, Commercial road east Phosnix place, Mt. Pleasant Phoenix street, Soho . / , Somers town . . . Piazza, Covent garden . // Piccadilly IV Piccadilly circus . . . . / Piccadilly place, Piccadilly Pickering place, Bayswater Pickle Herring st., Tooley st. Pigottst., Eastlndia dock rd. Pilgrim st., Ludgate hill // Pimlico pier, Grosvenor rd. Pimlico road Pinchin st., Commercial rd. Pitfield street, Hoxton . . Pitt street, Bethnal green , Commercial rd., Cam berwell , Fitzroy sq / Piatt street, Somers town Playhoiiso yard, Water lane Plough street, Whitechapel Pocock st., Blackfriars rd. Poet's road, Highbury. . . Poland street, Oxford st. / Pollen street, Hanover sq. / Pomeroy st., Old Kent rd. Pond place, Chelsea .... Ponsonby street , Millbank Pont street, Belgrave square Poole st., New North road Popham rd., New North rd. Poplar High street .... Poplar railway station, Brunswick street .... Poplar railway station, East India dock rond Porchester road, Bayswater Porchester eq., Bishop's rd. Porchester St., Edgware rd. Porchester ter., Edgware rd. Porson street, Nine elms Porteus road, Paddington Porthall rd., Kilburn pk. . Portland pi., Park cresc. / Portland street, Commercial road east 37 43 27 37 20 47 47 23 Portland st., Soho. . . . / , Walworth Portman Epis. Chapel . . / Portman square / Portman street, Oxford st. / Portobello road, Notting hi. Portpool lane, Gray's inn road ........ // Portsdown road, Maida vale Portsea pi., Connaught sq. Portsmouth street, Lincoln fl inn fields // Portugal st., Lincoln's inn // Pott st., Bethnal green road Potter's fields, Tooley street Poultry, Cheapside . . /// Powell street, King aq. . . Powis gardens , Powis sq. Powis sq., Westboume pk. Pownhall road, Dalston . . Praed st., Paddington . . . Pratt street, Camden town Prebend St., Camden town , New North rd. . . . President st., King sq. . . . Preston's road, Poplar. . . Primrose hill, Regent's pk. Primrose hi. rd., Hampstead Prince Consort rd., Bromp ton Prince of Wales's crescent, Camden town Prince of Walea rd., Battersea , Kentish town. . . . Princo of Walos terrace, Kensington Prince's grdns., S. Kensington Prince's gate, Hyde park . Princes road, Bermondsey , Lambeth walk . . . Princes square, Bayswater Princes st., Cavendish sq. / , Drury la // , Hanover sq , Lothbury III ... . , Spitalfields ... , Westminster . . IV , Wilson st., Finsbury Princess rd., Kilburn park , Regent's park .... Princess street, Edgware rd. Princess's Theatre, Castle street, Oxford street . / Princeton St., Bedford rd. // Printing ho. sq., Water la. Priory grove, W. Brompton Priory park road, Kilburn Priory rd., Wandsworth rd. Pritchard'srd., Hackney rd. Provost rd., Haverstock hi. Provost street, City road . . 23 20 19 19 3 36 16 313142 39 4 3 38 15 9 46 7 233123 2544 12 233236 2827 32 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, BEG Prussia House IV Pudding lane, Eastcheap . Pulteuey st., Barnsbury rd. Punderson gardens, Bethnal green road Pyrland road , Highbury New park Quadrant road, Islington . Quaker street, Spitalfields Quebeo Institution . . . / Queen sq., Bloomsbury // Queen street , Camden tn. - — , Cheapside . . /// , Edgware road . , Mayfair . . , Seven dials .// , Soho / Queen street place, Upper Thames street Queen Anne street, Cavon- dish square / Queen Anne's gate, West minster IV Queen Elizabeth street, Horselydown Queen Margaret's grove, Stoke Newington .... Queen Victoria street /// Queen's cres. , Haverstock hi. Queen's gardens, Bayswater Queen's gate, Kensington rd. Queen's gate gardens . . . Queen's gate place . . Queen's gate terrace . . . Queen's Hall, Langham pi. / Queen's Head st., Essex rd. Queen's road, Bayswater . , Chelsea . , Dajston railway station, Peck ham , Peckham . . . , St. John's wood . , Wandsworth rd. . . Queen's Theat., Long acre. // Queen's ter., St. John's wd. Queensborough ter., Bays- water Queensbury st., Islington . Quex road, Kilburn .... Eadnor pi., Gloucester sq. Radnor at., Bath st., City rd. , Chelsea ... , 6th. Lambeth .... Raglan street , Kentish tn. Rahere street, Goswell rd. Railway street, York road, King's cross .... Raine at., Wapping . . . , Ralph st., Falmouth road . 39 46 31 20 31 . 60 . 37. Ramilies St., Oxford st. . / Randall street, Bridge road, Battersea Randolph cresc., Maida vale Randolph grdns., Kilburn pk. Randolph road, Maida hill Ranelagh grove, Pimlico . Ranelagh rd., Thames bank Rathbone pi., Oxford st. / Raven row, Whitechapel rd. Ravenscroft st., Hackney rd. Ravensdon street, Kenning ton park road Hawlings si., Cad t. gun at. Rawstornc street, St. John street road Ray street, Clerkenwell . . Raymouil build. ,Gray'sinn// Raymoulh road, Southwark park road Record OHlee(PuMic),Chan- cccy lane // Rectory grove, Clapham. . Rectory sq., Whitehorse la. Red Lion passage, Red Lion street Red Lion square, High Hol born // Red Lion street, Clerken well road High Holborn. . .// Red Lion yard, Old Caven dish street / Redcliffe grdns., South Ken sington Redcliffe sq., S. Kensington Redcliffe street, Redclifl'esq. Redcross street, Borough . Redficld la., Earl's Court . Redhill st., Regent's park Redman's rd., Stepney grn. Redmead lane, Wapping . Reedworth at., Kennington road Reeve's mews, Grosvenor sq . Reform Club, Pall mall IV Regency str., llorseferry rd. Regent circus, Oxford st. / Regent square, Gray's inn rd. Regent street / , City road . , Limehouse . . Regent's park Regent's pk. road, Regent's park Regent's row, Queen's road Remington street, City rd. Renfrew road, Lower Ken nington lane Retreat place, Hackney . Rhuidol terrace, Islington . 48 36 23 15 2852 17 21 31 13 3u32 35662832 3632 38 24 5650 19 262323 7U 33 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 33 B R Q 29 45 27 67 10 27 Rhodes st., Holloway . . . Rhodcswell rd., Limehouse Rhyl St., Weedington road Rlcardo st., Poplar New tn. Richard St., Liverpool rd. Richardson St., Berinondscy Richmond cres., Islington Richmond grove, Barnsbnry Richmond rd., Barnsbury . , Dalston , West Brompton. . . Richmond st., Edgware rd. , St. Luke's. •, Soho / , Thornhill sqnare . . Richmond ter., Whitehall IV Ridgmount gdns., Bedford square / Ridgmount St., Bedford sq. / Rldinghousest.,Regcntst. / Ridley road, Dalston . Riley street, Chelsea , Bermondsey .... Risinghill St., Pentonville . River St. , Essex rd. , Islington 1 Myddelton sqnare. . , York rd, King's cross Riverhall St., South Lambeth Rivington St., Shoreditch . Robert street, Adelphi . // , Grosvenor sq. . / , Hampstead rd. . . . ., Regent's park. . . . Roblnhood lane, Poplar . . Robinson rd., Victoria park Rochester pi., Camden road Rochester rd., Camden town Rochester row, Westminster IV Rochester sq., Camden town Rochester ter., Camden road Rocbfordrd.,Haverstockrd.Rockingham street, Newing ton causeway * Rodney rd., New Kent road Rodney street, Pentonvillo Roland gdns., Brompton rd. Rollo street, Lower Wands worth road Rolls buildings. Fetter la. // Rolls chapel, Chancery la. // ¦lolls road, Bermondsey Rolls yard, Chancery la. // Roman road, Barnsbnry . . , Bow Romford st., Whitechapel . Romney st., Westminster IV Ronald's rd., Highbury . . Rood la., Fenchurch St. /// Ropemaker street, Finsbury Bakdkkek's London. 11th Edit. 21 37 31 33 21 37 51 20 46 26 36 Rosebery av., St. Johnst. rd. Rosebery street, Dalston. . Rosemary road, Peckham . Rosetta St., South Lambeth Roslyn park Rosoman street, Clerkenwell Rotberileld street, Islington Rotherhithe New road . . . Rotherhithe street Rotherhithe wall R.otten row IV Rouel road, Bermondsey . Roupell street, Cornwall rd. Royal Academy, Burlington House, Piccadilly . . . / Royal Academy of Music / Royal avenue, Chelsea . . Royal Catholic Chapel . / Royal College of Music . . Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's inn Gelds. . // Royal Exchange, Cornhill /// Royal Exchange buildings Royal hill, Greenwich . . Royal Hospital, Greenwich Royal mews, Pimlico . . . Royal Military Asylum, King's road Royal Mint street, Minories III Royal Naval School, Green wich Royal Oak railway station. Roynl Ophthalmic Hospital, Mloomflcld street . . /// Royal street, Carlisle street Royal Victualling Yard, Deptford Royalty Theatre, Dean st. / Rudolph road, Kilburn pk. Rumfordst., Bethnal Green Rupert street, Haymarket / , Whitechapel .... Rushton street, Hoxton . . , New North road . . Russell mansions ....// Russell square, Bloomsbury Russell St., Covent garden // , Lower Wandsworth road Russia lane, Bethnal green Rutland gate, Knightsbridge Rutland mews, Rutland gate, Knightsbridge Rutland St., Hampstead rd. , Pimlico , South Lambeth . . . , Victoria park . . . , Whitechapel .... Ryder street, St; .lames's IV Rye lane, Peckham . . Ill 36 36 46 21 47 60 45 13 70 27 61 55 24 55 13 43 34 LIST OP THE PRINCIPAL STREETS, Sable street, Halton road . Sackville street, Piccadilly / St. Agnes place, Kennington St. Alban's Church . . . II St. Alban's Nat. School . // St. Alban's pi., St. James / St. Alban's rd., Kensington St. Alban's street, Lambeth St. Andrew's Hall . . . . / St. Andrew's Ch., Holborn// St. Andrew's street, Holborn circus // , Wandsworth road . St. Ann St., Orchard st. /// St. Ann's court, Soho . . / St. Ann's st., Westm. . IV St. Ann's ter., St. John's wood St. Anne's Church, Dean at. / St. Augustine's road, Cam den square St. Augustine's ii Faith Church, Old Change . /// St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithaeld . //, /// St. BeneU place , Grace church street .... /// St. Botolph Ch., Aldgate'/// St.Bride st., LudgateCircus // St. Bride's Ch., Fleet st. // St.Christopherst. Oxfordst./ St. Clement Danes Church, Strand // St. Clement's Inn, Strand // St. Clement's st., OLford rd. St. David st., Falmouth rd. St. Dunstan's hill, Lower Thames street 8t. Dunstan's - in - the - east Ch., Great Tower at. /// St. Dunstan's - in - the - west, Fleet street // St. Edmund's terrace, Re gents park St. Ethelburga, Bishopsgate /// St-George's Cathedral(R.C), Westminster bridge road St. George's Church, Blooms bury // — — , Hanover square. . / St. George's barracks . . / St. George's Hall, Langham place / St. George's Hospital, Hyde park corner ..... IV St. George's rd., Camberwell , Pimlico / , Regent's pk. . . . , Southwark St. George's row, Ebnry bdg. 38 20 34 15 18 27 34 29 24 St. George's square, Pimlico St. George's street, Battersea , London docks. . . . St. George's ter., Hyde pk. St. Giles' Church St. Giles in tbe Fields, High street, St. Giles . . . II St. Helena rd., Rotherhithe St. Helen's, Bishopsgate /// St. Helen's place, Bishops gate within Ill St. James's Church, Picca dilly / St. James's Club . ... IV St. James's grove. Lower Wandsworth road .... St. James's Hall, Piccadilly / St. James's Palace . . . IV St. James's Park, West minster IV St. James rd., Bermondsey — — , Holloway , Old Kent rd , Victoria pk St. James's square . . IV St. James's st., Clerkenwell , Islington , Pall mall . ... IV St. James's Theatre, King street, St.' James . . . IV St. John street, Islington . , West Smithfield .// St. John st. rd., Clerkenwell St. John's lane, Clerkenwell St. John's road, Deptford New town , Hoxton St. John's st., Clerkenwell , Smith's sq St. John's wood park . . . St. John's wood road . . . St. John's wood terrace . . St. Jude's st., Ball's Pond rd. St. Julian's road, Kilburn . St. Katherine Cree, Leaden hall street /// St. Katherine's, Regent's pk. St. Katherine's docks . /// St. Katherine's wharf . /// St. Leonard street, Bromley St. Leonard's road .... St. Leonard's ter., Chelsea hospital St. Luke's road, Westboume park St. Magnus the Martyr, Fish street hill /// St. Margaret's Church, Broad way, Westminster . . IV , Lothbury . ... Ill St. Mark's Church . . . . / 39 36 50 16 4027 4343 2222 26 19 53 2222 1G 2545 49 22302222 3030 64 43 36 25 19 43 4040 08 07 4 422043 19 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 35 St. Mark's rd., Camberwell St. Mark's St., Goodman's fields /// St. Martin - in - the -Fields Chnrch , Trafalgar sq. // St. Martin's lane, Trafalgar square // St. Martin's-le-Grand . /// St. Martin's place, Trafalgar square // St. Martin's street, Leicester square / St. Mary Aldermary Church, Bow lane St. Mary-at-hill , Eastcheap /// St. Mary Axe, Leadenhall street /// St. Mary - le - Bow Church, Cheapside /// St. Mary-le-Strand Church, Strand // St. Mary Magdalene Church, Bermondsey street . . . St. Mary Woolnoth Chnrch, Lombard street . . . /// St. Mary'sChurch, Temple // St. Mary's road, Canonbury , Queen's rd St. Mary's sq., Kennington rd. St. Marylebone Ch., Maryle bone road St. Matthias road, Stoke Newington St. Michael's Ch., Chester sq. , Cornhill /// St. Olave's Church, Tooley street /// St. Pancras Ch., Euston sq. St. Pancras goods station, Agar town St. Paul's Cathedral . . /// St. Paul's Church, Covent garden // St. Paul's churchyard . /// S t. Paul's cres . , Camden road St. Paul's pi., St. Paul's rd. St. Paul's pier, Up. Thames street //,/// St. Paul's road, Bow . . . , Camden sq , Islington , Walworth St. Paul's station, Blackfriars // St. Peter street, Hackney rd. , Islington St. Peter's Ch., Cornhill /// , Pimlico IV St. Peter's road, Mile end road 38 41 16 35 66 35 17 34 St. Petersburgh place, Bays" water St.Philipp's rd.,Kingsld.rd. St. Saviour's Church. . /// St. Sepulchre Church, Snow hill // St. Stephen's Church, Wal brook /// St. Stephen's road, Bow . . St. Stephen's road and square, Westboume park St. Swithin's lane , King William street . . . /// St. Swithin's, London Stone Church, Cannon street /// St. Thomas's Church and School / St. Thomas's Hospital, Albert embankment .... IV St. Thomas's place, Hackney St. Thomas's Ch.,Borongh /// St. Thomas square, Hackney St. Thomas street east, Boro' St. Thomas street, Islington St. Vincent St., Charles St. Sale street, Paddington . . Salisbury et., Fleet st. // Salisbury st., Lisson grove — • — , Strand // , Victoria park cem. . Saltrara crescent Sancroft St., Kennington rd, Sandall rd., Campden town Sandover rd., Albany rd. . Sandringham Industrial Dwellings IV Sandringham road, Dalston Sandwich St., Burton cres. Sandy's row , Bishopsgate street /// Sardinia St., Llncolns Inn fields // Satchville rents , Bethnal green rd Savage Club // Savage gardens, Tower hill Savile row, Burlington gardens / Saville place, Lambeth walk Saville street, Langham st. / Savona street, Nine elms . Savoy Church, Strand . // Savoy street, Strand . . // Savoy Theatre // Saxon rd., St. Stephen's rd. Sayer St., New Kent rd. . Scarborough St., Goodman's fields /// Scarsdale villas, Kensington Scawfell St., Hackney rd. . Scepter St., Bethnal Green III* 46 59 7 3835 39 4 4343 19 29 43 42 55 16 35 !12 30 21 29 27 45 4431 3043 23_ 24' 31 31 23 60 37 47 1 56 36 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, b r a b r a Scoresby st., Blackfriars rd. Scotland yard (new), White hall IV Scrutton st., Finsbury . . Seabright st., Hackney road Seagrave road, Fulham . . Seaton st., Hampstead rd. Sebbon street, Canonbury sq. Sedan street, Walworth . . Sedgmoor pi., Camberwell Seething lane, City . . /// Sckforde street, Clerkenwell Selborne road , Camberwell Sclby street, Bethnal green Selwood place, Queen's elm Selwood terrace, Fulham rd. Senior road, Harrow road . Serjeants' Inn, Fleet st. // Serle st. , Lincoln's Inn fields Sermon la., Doctors' com. /// , White Conduit st. • Seven Dials // Seville st., Lowndes Sq. . . Seward street, Goswell road Sewardstone rd., Victoria pk. Seymour pi., Bryanston sq. ¦ — , Fulham road 52 30 35 Seymour st., Portman sq. / Shacklewell la. ^Kingsland rd. Shacklewell roacC . '. . . . Shad Thames, Horselydown Shudwell railway station, Sutton street east . , . . Shaftesbury avenue . /, // Shaftesbury street, Hoxton Shalcomb street, Chelsea . Shandy st., Whitehorse la Sharpies Hall St., Regent's Park road Sharsted St., Kennington pk. Shawfleld street, Chelsea . Sheffield ter., Campden hill Shellwood rd., Latchmere rd. Shepherd street, Mayfair IV Shepherdess walk, Hoxton Shepherd's lane, Homerton Shepherd's market, Mayfair Shepherd's St., Spitallields Shepperton road, Islington Sherborne la., King William street /// Sherborne St., Marylebone road Sheridan street. Commercial road east / Sherriff rd., W. Hampstead Sherwood st-, Ooldcn sq. . Shlpton street, Hackney rd. Shirland rd., Paddington . Shoe lane, Fleet street . // Shore road, Hackney . , . . 34 39 18 39 44 52 46 40 10 10 Shoreditch High street . . Shoreditch railway station Short's gardens, Drury la. // Shouldham3t.,Bryanstonesq.Shrewsbury rd., Westboume park Shrubland grove, Dalston Shrubland road, Dalston Sibella road, Clapham . Sidmouth st., Gray's Inn rd Sidney square, Commercial road east Sidney street, City road . , Mile end -, York road .... Sigdon road , Hackney . Silver street, Stepney . . , Wood st /// Silvester pi., Hackney Simpson St., South Lambeth , York road Sion Colleye // Skidmore street, Stepney Skinner street, Clerkenwell Skinner street, Somers town Skipton street, London rd. Sloane square, Chelsea Sloane street, Chelsea . Sloane terrace^ Chelaeu Slyman st., East rd. City rd Smith sq., Westminster IV Smith street, Chelsea . , Kennington pk. . , Northampton sq. , Stepney Smith terrace, Smith street Smithfield West," tfin'g st. Smyrk's road, Old Kent rd Snow hi., Holborn viaduct // Snow's fields , Bermondsey Soane's Museum, Lincoln's inn fields // Society of Brit. Artists . / Soho bazaar, Oxford street / Soho square / Soho street, Soho squ. . / Somerset House, Strand // Somerset place , Strand // Somerset st., Portman sq. / Somervilleroad, Queen's rd. South Audley street, Gros venor square . . . I, IV South Bermondsey, Ber mondsey itfew road . . . South Bruton mews, Bruton street / South cres., Bedford sq. / South grovu, Utile end road South Island jil., Jlrlxton rd. South Kensington station . South Kensington Museum 44 4827 16 32 27 30 5639 49 3500 27 12 44 30 33 13 25 *50 4030413126272727 3131 19 . I 18 14 34 50 49 2328 00 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 37 b r a b r a Art South Lambeth road South London Fine Gallery ....... South Moi ion lane , Gros venor square / South Molton at., Oxford st. / South parade, Chelsea . . . South pi., Finsbury .... , Kennington South square, Gray's inn // South street, Blackheath rd. — — , Camberwell , Finsbury , Grosvenor sq.. . . / , Manchester sq. . . / , New North road . . , Walworth South Wharf rd., Paddington Southampton build., Chan cery lane // Southampton rd., Maitld. rd. Southampton row, Russell square // Southampton st., Bloomsbury , Camberwell , Strand // Southampton ter., Islington South boro' rd., Sth. Hackney Southgate grove, Kingsland Southgate road Southsea Ho., Threadneedle street /// Southville street, Wands worth road Southwark & Vauxhall wa terworks reservoirs . . . Southwark bridge . . . /// Southwark bridge rd., Boro' Southwark park ..... Southwark park rd., Ber mondsey Southwark street . . , /// Southwell gardens, S. Ken sington Southwick cres., Oxford sq. Southwick place, Hyde Park square Southwick street, Oxford sq. Spa road, Bermondsey . . . Spanish pi., Manchester sq. / Spelman st., Spitalfields . Spencer House IV Spencer road, Battersea . . Spencer st., Canonbury sq. , Commercial road east , Goswell road .... Spenlow street, Stepney. . Spital street, Pelham street Spitalfields market .... Spring grdns., Charing cross Spring street, Farringdon rd. 39 45 31 43 41 43 49 38 45 15 Spring St., Paddington. . . , Portman sq / Spurstowe road, Hackney . Squirries st., Bethnal grn. rd. Stable yard, St. James's palace IV Stacey street, St. Giles' /, // Stafford House IV Stafford road, Kilburn p >rk , Roman road .... Stafford street, Lisson grove , Old Bond st. . . . / Stafford terrace, Phillimore gardens, Kensington . . . Stainsby road, Poplar . . . Stalnforth rd., Battersea. . Stamford road, De Beauvoir town Stamford St., Blackfriars rd. Standard st., New Kent rd. Stanford road, Fulham . . , Kensington Stangate st., Upper Marsh Stanhope gardens , South Kensington Stanhope st., Clare mkt. // , Euston road , Victoria gate .... Stanhope terrace, Hyde pk. gardens Stonleycres,,Kensinglon pk. Stanley gardens, BelsUe pk. , Kensington park . . Stanley park rd., King's rd. Stanley place, Stanley street Stanley rd., Ball's Pond rd, — — , Hackney Stanley street', London street , Queen's road .... Stanmore street, Pancras rd. Stannary at., Kennington . Stanton st., Peckham . . . Stanworth st., Bermondsey Staple street, Long lane . . Star street, Edgware road Stationers' hall, Ludgate hill // Stayton st., Chelsea .... Stean St., Kingsland rd. . . Steedman St., Walworth rd. Steeles road, Haverstock hill Steinway Hall 1 Stephen street,' Tottenham court road / Stepney green, Mile end road Stepney High st. , White- horse st Steward street, Artillery st. , Isle of Dogs Stewart's grove, Fulham rd. Stewart's la.,Batterseaflelds 59 42 24 11 20 2227 22 16 22 1 63 16 3437 5 29 13 27 4541 16 35 7 21 20 34 47 1337 19 '2856 4465 23 38 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, B R Q Stibbington St., Somerstown Stock Exchange, Cape) court /// Stock orchard st., Caledonian road Stockbridge ter. , Victoria st. Stockwell green Stockwell park road .... Stockwell road Stoke Newington road. . . Stonecutter st. , Farringdon st. Stonefleld street, Islington Stoney lane, Tooley street Stoney street. Borough . . Store street, Bedford sq. / Storey's gate, Great George street IV Stork's road, Bermondsey . Strand // Strand Theatre, Surrey st/// Stratford central railway sta. Stratford market railway sta., High street Stratford High street . . . Stratford pi., Camden town Stratford road, Kensington Strattonstreet, Piccadilly IV Streatham St., Bloomsbury // Strutton ground , West minster . IV Studley road, Clapham road Sturgeon rd., Walworth. . Subway, Tower hill .... Suffolk lane, Upper Thames street /// Suffolk street, Pall mall / , Upper North st. , . . Sumner place , Onslow sq. Sumner road, Commercial road, Peckham Sumner st., Southwark /// Sunderland terrace, West- bourne park Surrey gardens, Pen ton pi., Kennington park road Surrey lane, Battersea . . Surrey row, Blackfriars rd. Surrey square, Old Kent rd. Surrey street, Strand . . // Sussex gardens, Paddington Sussex pi. , Hyde pk. gardens , Kensington , Regent's park. . . . Sussex square, Hyde park . Sussex street, Stainsby road , St. George's road . . Sutherland ave., Harrow rd. Sutherland gardens .... Sutherland plaee, Bayswater Sutherland sq., Walworth . .Sutherland street, Pimlico 27 45 16 43 21 42 49 23 Sutton place, Homerton . . Sutton street, Soho . . . I , York road Sutton street east Swallow street, Piccadilly / Swan lane, Rotherhithe . . , Upper Thames street /// Swan pier, London bridge/// Swan place, Old Kent road Swan street, Minories . /// , Shoreditch , Trinity square . , . Swinton st., Gray's inn road Swiss Cottage railway sta., Belsize road Sydney place, Onstlow sq.. Sydney road, Homerton . . Sydney street, Fulham road Symons street, Sloane sq. Tabard st., Borough .... Tabernacle wk. , Finsbury Tachbrook st., Pimlico . . Tagg St., Old Ford la . . . Tait street, St. George's east Talbot road, Westboume pk. Talfourt road, Peckham rd. Tallis St., Temple . . . .// Tanner's hill , Deptford . . Tanner st., Bermondsey . . Tanswell st., Boro' .... Tarling street, Commercial road east Tate Gallery . . Tattersalls Tavistock crescent, West- bourne park Tavistock mews,Litt. Coram street Tavistock pi., Tavistock sq. Tavistock road, Westboume park Tavistock sq., Woburn pi.. Tavistock st., Covent ga. // Taviton street, Gordon sq. Teesdale rd., Bethnalgruen Templar road , Homerton . Temple, City // Temple avenue, Victoria em bankment // TempleChurchfSt.Mary's)//Temple lane, Whitefriars // Temple pier, Victoria em bankment // Temple station // Temple street, Camberwell , Hackney road. . . . , Queen's road .... , Southwark , Whitefriars. . . . // 63 27 305622 63 42 42 . i 434737 41 21 61 3 36413351 13 4 25 4 1 31 35363535 3631 36 33 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc: 39 B R G Temple mill rd Tennison street, Lambeth . Tennyson street, Queen's rd. Tenter St., Moorflelds . . . , Spitalfields . . ./// , Goodman's fields /// Tenterden St., Hanover sq. / Terrace road, Well street Tetley street, Bromley. . . Thames subways Thames tunnel Thanet street, Burton cres. Thayer st., Manchester sq. / The Mall, Kensington . . . Theberton street, Islington Theobald's road. . ... II Theobald St., New Kent rd. Thistle grove lane, West Brompton Thomas st., Grosvenor sq. / — — , Limehouse . ... , Old Kent rd Thome rd., South Lambeth Thornhill road, Barnsbury Thornhill sq., Islington . . Thornmachrd., South Lam beth Thrawl St., Spitalfields /// Threadneedle street . . /// Three Colt st., Limehouse Three Cranes lane, Upper Thames street .... /// Throgmorton avenue . /// Throgmorton st., City . /// Thurloe pi., S. Kensington Thurloe square Thurlow .street, Walworth Tilmey st. Bethnal Green Tllson road, Peckham . . . Times Office, Printing house square // Tindall street , Camberwell New road Titchborne st., Edgware rd. Titchfield rd.. Regent's park Tlte street, Chelsea .... Tiverton street, Newington causeway Tomlln's grove, Bow road Tonbridge st., Euston road Tooley street, Southwark /// Topaz street, Lambeth . . Torriano avenue, Camden tn. Torrington place Torrington square, Blooms bury / Torrington st., Torrington 61 64 35 sq. Tothill st., Westminster IV Tottenham court road . . / Tottenham rd. , Southgate rd. 48 16 28 25 42 20 27 Tottenham st., Fitzroy sq. / Totty street, Roman road . Toulon st. , Wyndham rd. Tower of London . . . /// Tower bridge . . . /// Tower hill /// Tower street, Westminster bridge road Townsend St., Old Kent rd. Townshend rd., St. John's wd. Toynbee Hall /// Tracey street, Kennington . Trafalgar road, Greenwich , Haggerston , Old Kent rd Trafalgar square, Charing cross //, IV , Chelsea Trafalgar st., Walworth rd. Tranton rd., Bermondsey . Travellers' Club, Pall mall IV Treadway st., Hackney rd. Treasury, Whitehall . . IV Tredegar road, Bow .... Tredegar sq., Mile end road Tregunter rd. , W. Brompton Treheme rd., North Brixton Trevor sq., Knightsbridge . Trigon road, South Lambeth Trinity House, Tower hill /// Trinity sq. , Borough High st. 1 Tower hill .../// Trinity street, Blackman st. , Liverpool rd Trottst., High st. Battersea Truman rd., Stoke Newing ton Trump street, Cheapside /// Tudor grove, Well street Tudor road, Hackney . . . Tudor st., Blackfriars . .// Tufton st., Westminster IV Tuilerie street, Hackney rd Turin street, Bethnal grn. rd Turnee sq., Hoxton street Turner street , Commercial road east Turner's road, Limehouse . Turn mill st., Clerkenwell . Turn ville street, Bethnal green road Tussaud's waxworks, Baker street / Tweed street, Nine elms . Twining street, Lincoln's Inn fields Twyford St., Caledonian rd. Tyers street, Lambeth . . Tyler street, Carnaby st. / 60 46 24 ) 46464233 . 4 47 2970 26 492626 35 31 4737 37 35 45 39 3525 5164 48 23 31 . 23 29 40 LIST OP THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, Tyneham rd.. Lavender hi. Type street, Chiswell street Tysoe St., Clerkenwell Tyssen street, Hoxton . Uffood st., Waterloo rd Ufton grove, Southgate rd Ufton road, Kingsland Underwood street, Mile en Union grove, Clapham Union road, Clapham . . , Mlllpond Btreet . . , Newington causeway Union sq., New North rd Union street, Boro' . , Clapham . , East road. . . , Kennington rd. . . , Kingsland rd. . . . , Middlesex hospital , Pimlico road . . . , Whitechapel rd. . United Service Club, Pall mall IV United Service Museum, Whitehall IV University College, Gower st. University College Hospital, University st., Gower st. University street, Totten ham court road Upper Baker St., Marylebone Upper Bedford pi., Russell square Up. Belgrave st., Pimlico IV Upper Berkeley street. . / Upper Bland street, Gt. Dover street Upper Brook street, Gros venor square / Upper Charles street, Gos well road Upper East Smithfield /// Upper Garden street, West minister Upper George street, Edg ware road Upper Gloucester place, Dorset square Upper Grange road , Ber mondsey Upper Grosvenor street . , Upper Hamilton terrace, St. John's wood Upper James street, Golden square / , Oval road, Camden town .. Upper John St., Golden sq. / , Hoxton Upper Kennington lane 28 36 40 48 23 20 83 21 45 30 Upper Manor street, Chela. Upper Marylebone street / Upper North street , East India dock road Upper Ogle street, Upper Marylebone street . . . I Up. Park rd., Haverstock hi. Up. Park st., Liverpool rd. Upper Phillimore gardens . Upper Porchester st., Edge- ware rd Upper Rathbone place . / Upper Rupert street, Soho / Up. Russell st., Bermondsey Upper St. Martin's lane // Upper Smith street, North ampton square Upper Spring street, Mary lebone / Upper street, Islington . . Upper Thames street . /// UpperVernon st., Pentonville Upper Westboume terrace Upper Weymouth street, Marylebone / Upper William street, Port land town Upper Wimpole st., Maryle bone / Upper Winchester street, Caledonian road Upper Woburn place, Tavi stock square Upstal St., Camberwell . . Urswick road, Homerton . Usher road, Old Ford. . . Usk st., Green street . . . Uxbridge road railway stat. Uxbridge street, Kensington , Newington causeway Valentine place, Blackfriars road Varden street, New road Whitechapel Vassal road, Camberwell Vaudeville Theatre, Strand (opposite Salisbury st.) // Vauxhall bridge Vauxhall bridge rd. . . IV Vauxhall High street . . . Vauxhall pier, Millbank . Vauxhall railway station . Vauxhall street, Lain beth Vauxhall walk, Lambeth . Vere street, Clare market // Vere street, Oxford street Verney rd., St. James's rd. Vernon road, Roman road Vernon st., King's cross rd. Verona street, York road . 24 63 24 16 28 27 4127 20 8 20 20 22 37 33 61 35 81 31 19 2021 302530 80 29 60 . 12 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. 41 B R G B R G Verulam street, Gray's Inn road // Vestry road, Peckham rd. Viaduct St., Bethnal grn. rd. Viceroy rd., 8th. Lambeth Victoria embankment //, IV Victoria grove, Fulham rd. , Kensington Victoria park Victoria park railway sta tion, Wick lane Victoria park road, Hackney Victoria park square, Green street, Bethnal green . . Victoria place , Bayswater Victoria railway bridge . . Victoria railway station IV Victoria road, Battersea . , Holloway , Kensington , Kentish tn , Kilburn — ¦ — , Rye la., Peckham. . Victoria square, Pimlico IV Victoria st. , Westminster IV Vigo street, Regent street / Villa street, Walworth . . Villiers street, Strand . // Vincent sq., Westminster . Vincent St., Westminster . Vincent terrace, City road Vine street, Minories . /// , Regent street . . . 1 , Tooley street .... , York rd., Lambeth . Virginia road, Bethnal grn. Vivian road, Roman road . Vyner street, Cambridge rd. Wadeson St., Cambridge rd. Wadhurst rd., Battersea. , Wake street, Lambeth. . . Wakefield at., Gray's inn rd. Walbrook, Mansion ho. /// Walcot square, Lambeth . Walham gro., Walham grn. Wall st., De Beauvoir town Wallace rd., Islington. . . Wallwood at., Burdett rd. . Walnut Tree walk, Lambeth Walpole street, King's road, Chelsea Walterton road, Harrow rd. Walton place, Queen street, Brompton Walton street, Chelsea . . Walworth road Wandsworth road Wandsworth rd. rail, station Wansey st., Walworth rd. Wapping, High street . . 62 69 66 36 35 26 39 63 13 50 48 42 Wapping station War Office, Pall Mall . IV Warburton rd., Hackney . . Ward street, Lambeth. . . Warden road, Kentish tn. Wardour street, Soho . . / Warham st., Kennigton . . Warley street, Bethnal grn. Warner place, Hackney rd. Warner road, Camberwell New road Warner street, Clerkenwell , New Kent rd. ... Warren street, Fitzroy sq. , Pentonville Warrington cres., Maida vale Warwick grdns. , Kensington Warwick la., Newgate st. // Warwick place, Gray's inn Warwick road, Kensington , Maida hill north, Clifton gardens Warwick square, Pimlico . Warwick st., Belgrave rd. , Golden sq. . . . . / , Kensington Water lane, Lower Thames street /// Water street, Strand . // Waterford road, Fulham . Watergate st.. Deptford . . Waterloo bridge . . . II Waterloo pier // Waterloo pi., Pall mall IV Waterloo rd., Bishop's rd, , Borough Waterloo railway sta., Wa terloo road Waterloo st., Camberwell Waterloo and City rail. tunnel Watling street, City . . /// Watney st., 8hadwell . . . Waverley pi., St. John's wd. Waverley rd., Harrow rd. Waverton st.,Berkeley sq. IV Wayiord street, Battersea Weatherby road & gardens, Earl's Court Webber row, Blackfriars rd. Webber st., Blackfriars road Wedderburn rd Weedington road , Prince of Wales road Welbeck st., Cavendish sq. Well street, Jewin street, Cripplegate /// , South Hackney . . . Wellclose square Wellesley cres., St. John's Wood 5022 27 3624 1 39 32 41 23 1 2121 4231 3030 7 62 16 34 39 343961 4 18 3333 16 5 42 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, Wellesley rd., Kentish tn. Wellesley street, Stepney . Wellington av., Holloway. Wellington barracks, Bird cage walk IV Wellington road , Bridge > road, Battersea , St. James's road . . , St. John's wood road , Bow rd Wellington row,Be thnal grn . Wellington square, Chelsea Wellington st., Camden tn. , Chelsea , Kingsland rd — — , New Kent road . /// , Strand // Wells place, Camberwell . Wells street, Camberwell . , Oxford st / Wellsfleld st., Southwark . Welsh Chapel .... /, // Wenlock basin, Wenlock rd. Wenlock road, City road . Wenlock street , Shepher dess walk Wentworth street, White chapel /// Werrington st., Somers tn. West sq., St. George's road West st.. Mare st.. Hackney , Mile end Old town , Soho , Well street West Brompton railway sta. West Cromwell road . . . West End railway station. West Ferry road, Millwall West Ham lane, Stratford . West India docks West India dock pier . . . West India dock rail. sta. West India dock road. . . West India dock road rail way station WestLondon & Westminster Cemetery ... ... West Smithfield . ... II Westboume gro. , Bayswater Westboume park .... Westboume park crescent Westboume park railway station, Great Western rd. Westboume park road Westboume park villas . . Westboume rd., Barnsbury east, Liverpool road . Westboume St., Victoria gate , Pimlico Westboume terrace, Hyde park gardens 89 23 56 21 51 47 27 45 33 Westboume terrace north, Harrow road road, Harrow road . Westcroft rd Western ter., Notting hill Westmacott at., Camberwell Westminster abbey, Old Pa lace yard .... IV Westminster bridge . . IV Westminster bridge rd. IV Westminster bridge sta. IV Westminster hospital, Prin ces street, Victoria st. IV Westminster pier, Victo ria embankment . . . IV Westminster school . . IV Westminster Town Hall IV Westmoreland pi., Bayswater , City rd. ... Westmoreland rd., Bayswater — ¦ — , Walworth road , , . Westmoreland street, Mary- lebonei / , Pimlico Weston st., Gr. Dover st. . , Pentonville , Tooley street .... Wetherby road, South Ken sington Weymouth mews, Portland place / Weymouth st, Gt. Portland street / , Hackney rd Weymouth ter., Hackney rd. Wharf road, City road . . -, Nth. Greenwich — ¦ — , Pancras road .... Wharfdale rd., King's cross Wharton street, Lloyd sq. Whetstone park, Lincoln's inn fields // Whiskin street, Clerkenwell Whistonst.,Gr.Cambridgest.Whitcombst.,Pall malleast/ White St., Bethnal grn. rd. , Borough . , Moorflelds White Conduit st., Islington White Hart at., Drury lane// , Kennington White Horse la., Mile end rd. Whito Horse street, Com mercial road cast . . , Piccadilly . ... IV White Lion street, Norton Folgate .... , Pentonville Whitechapel High st. . /// Whitechapel road . . Whitechapel station. , . . 39 2529 292525292625 4 38 20 22 32 41 ! 42 2420 66 32 62 4727 35 3740 31 35 5659224847 6262 33 SQUARES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. :43 B R G B R G Whiteoross street, Borough Whitefriars St., Fleet st. // Whitehall IV Whitehall court . . IV Whitehall gardens . . IV Whitehall place . IV Whitehall stairs . . . IV Whitehead's grove, Chelsea White's Club, St. James's street IV White'sground Bermondsey White's row, Spitalfields . Whitfield st., Fitzroy sq. / Whitgift st., Lambeth. , . Whitmore road, Hoxton . Wick road, Homerton . . Wickersley rd., Battersea . Wickham st., Lambeth . . Wicklow st., King's cross rd. Widegate st., Bishopsgate st. Wigley road Wigmore street, Cavendish square / Wilcox rd., South Lambeth Wild court, Gt. Wild street Wilfred St., Westminster IV Wilkes place, Hoxton street Wilkes street, Spitalfields Wilkin St., Weedington rd. William street, Adelphi, Strand . // , Lisson grove , Lowndes sq , Marylebone lane . / , New Bridge street // , Regent's pk , St. Peterstrect, Isling ton , Stepney green . . . Willingham ter. , Kentish tn. Willis road, Prince of Wales' road Willis street, Poplar . . . Willow walk, Bermondsey Willow bdg. rd.., Canonbury Wilmer gardens , Hoxton . Wilmington sq., Spafields . Wilmot place, Camden town Wilmot St., Bethnal grn. rd. Wilson road, Peckham road Wilson St., Drury lane. // , Finsbury sq. . . . . Wilton cres., Belgrave sq. Wilton place, Knightsbridge Wilton road, Dalston . , Pimlico Wilton street, Grosvenor place IV Wiltshire road, Brixton . Wimbourne st., N. North rd. Wimpolest.,Cavendishsq. / 43 50 39 44 19 56 67 29 27 17 20 44 36 Winchester gardens, Belsize park , , , Winchester rd., Adelaide rd. Winchester street, Borough market , Pentonville road . . , Pimlico Windmill lane , Deptford Lower road Windmill et. , Canterbury pi. , Lambeth rd — — , Tottenham court rd. / Windsor pi., Denmark hill Windsor street, Essex road Windsor terrace , City road Winsley street, Oxford st. / Woburn place , Russell sq. Woburn square,Bloomsbury Wolsey road, Kingsland . Wood street, Cheapside /// , Exmouth st. . , Westminster . . IV , Prince's road, Lam beth Woodbridge st., Clerkenwell Woodchester st. , Harrow rd. Woodchurch rd Woodfield rd., Harrow road Woodland street, Dalston Woodpecker rd., New Cross Woodstock et., Oxford st. / Wootton street, Lambeth . Worcester street, Pimlico . , Southwark World's end passage, King's road Wormwood st., Bishopsgate street /// Worship st., Finsbury sq. . Wright's lane, Kensington Wright's rd..St.Stephen'srd. Wrotham rd., Camden town Wych street, Drury lane // Wycliffe rd., Wandsworth. Wye St., York rd., Biittersea Wyndham rd., Camberwell Wyndham street, Bryanston square Wynering road Wynyatt street, Goswell road Yalding road, Southwark park road Yurdley street, Exmouth st. Yatton street Yeoman's row, Brompton . York bldgs., Adelphi, Strand // York gate, Regent's park . York place, Baker street / — — , Villiers st., Strand// 38 34 34 21 57 40 232828 29 4344 6 31 36 20 13 39 45 262020 30 44 LIST OF THE PRINOIPAL STREETS, etc. B R G York road, Battersea . . . , King's cross .... , Lambeth York road railway station York square, Commercial road east York street, Baker street . , Hackney road. . . ' , St. James's sq. . IV 47 York street, Walworth road , Westminster . . IV , York rd., Lambeth . York terrace, Regent's park Young street, Kensington . Zoar street, Blaokfriars . . ZoologicalGardens, Regent's park . 21 20 5 38 37 Leipsic, Printed by Breitkopf it Hartal. C ei i\j) -a pli. An null nflfprji'ri Eyk* iu l\V , (h-lbnnnilfc ' , -j , EusUiii IL. ni . 1 Olin.tlai, _/ \ SSPr- I vev^as«* r-l^*iy v ^s v*asrss? ic'4"!,.^"5 y*-.*£r ^^fe^J^i4^®^ \\ ¦T ¦ '¦ > s« \ • rM.ujjit , i" „^iSV : T- ' "XV"'* •>¦ j& , - VmanPfc. . I' w'Tfolrife V'Wli™!"-^ VL- 0j»'AmiPi ¦ bS. - \-xi jrf' BiwatlvV ^ V V; ,<.H^ Ljp Sj MSnlcmauirii^^; CO -il2 is GD (C9 BIIKC '"'d "*' ¦v 3aes».-»*w*i ^™»r< -^v,/^^^>isi^ i Jg--.: — — ITS— SJ'"°e 'J""-'- , x/.. MiIp < "»BM Feel i -olncli.es. _«K. _ l™ boo i'im _»¦;"' Metres. R 1'i.IL.tf ™V Gt'Ogmpli jin.-itakv 1:10.600 r/ljiiMf,..., AA^ JUIaeklxinrs iSiHlioiilGooiUB*^^ ' I "Wagner £ Pebop.leipii^. ,^V;;;V fc*t v>^- #^^ U g§ * bnurautn lull .tin ernT''s« i&ounrmS'; - .V(r"V>Ti' ."%.•''''' f Vjif i KP—^T'V * ^Vi"";^ .¦' jUsr.1 « owl _fc , "fsiLf'-^mfi. 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" P V> VV ""'"-ft /S' .IE : AMU'V k-ll..!,-'!.'! « ._ Vv >V-« .?-• ^"~"*6aD~ i,,,,,;; 1:_r Hid ' ' 3 CS i.w.jlj.w,,;,;. ^ V .<¦ • , -c? \ :.-'.'. ta It, [rafWtr V -r-c „ ,w =- I '"•¦IS \T !¦ I I 5s " 'v'"''u&l '"«*a i Gl »AApMv itltljl .. :^^?«¥g\;'rtr^ - ^;v^v:iivtv~F~T "s- v r1 .¦----- vjgLfevii.g..:. :.i<^aJ^st_v_S.': mi ^Mlr ( 2640 Feci i *3 Incites. ^ ...'¦¦¦¦ LEIPSIC: KARL BAEDEKER. 1898. •¦ This preservation photocopy was made at BookLab, Inc. in compliance with copyright law. The paper is Weyerhaeuser Cougar Opaque Natural, which exceeds ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. 1992 31VA