aif. ////// 39002, 0056 3r^/ ^^^'59 m^ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MEN OF VERMONT: AN ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHICAL History of Vermonters AND SONS OF VERMONT. COAIPILED BY JACOB G. ULLERY, Under the Editorial Supervision of HiRAM A. HUSE. Brattleboro, 'Vt. : TRANSCRIPT PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1894. 2>i Copyright 1894 by JACOB G. ULLERY- (¦'^', . / Printed by the Transcript Pubushing Company, Holyoke, Mass. Engravings by the Process Etching and Engraving CompanYj New York. TO ALL BORN UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE GREEN MOUNTAINS, THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. PREFACE My first idea as to this work was that it should be made up of biographical sketches and portraits of living Vermonters and Sons of Vermont who had attained prominence in the political, professional and industrial affairs of their communities ; and thus, through her most striking personalities, bring out the record of that sturdy and aggressive Vermont character (for, be it remembered, the Green Hills of Vermont have developed a distinct character) which has made the state famous as the birthplace and home of a nation's great men. No native of any other state has reason to be prouder of his state than a Vermonter. Such a work had never been attempted; the only previous effort in these lines con fined itself to a few only of the leaders, thus leaving, practically, an unexplored field, and one rich in material and valuable historically. As the work progressed and possibilities unfolded, the suggestion was adopted that it should not be limited to men now living, but that it might be made of historic value and interest, in certain lines, by including those who were leaders in the founding of the state, and those who had been its Governors, its Senators and its Representatives in Congress, and its Judges, since its first struggles for admission to the Union, when it was a " little independent republic." In the preparation of this portion of the work I have endeavored to secure the assistance of the men best adapted to treat the subjects under consideration, and how well this judgment was founded my readers shall decide. That it could not have been made to include all who have, in past generations, made a record honorable to themselves and the state, is to me a matter of regret, but also of necessity, as to cover the whole field would require a life's work. As illustration is a demand of the times and contributes so much to the understanding of biography, it has been made a prominent feature in all departments of this work, and wherever possible I have embellished each sketch with an engraving of the subject. In Parts II and III of the work I have carried out the original intention, except that there have been added to the Sons of Vermont sketches of all Vermonters who have repre sented other states in the National Congress. I have labored faithfully and earnestly to have the work include all who properly come within its scope. That the work contains mistakes of commission and omission within the lines of its intended performance, goes without saying ; but I trust that as it stands it will be of interest to the readers of this day, and that it will preserve something of historic value for the future . J. G. U. Brattleboro, April lo, 1894. CONTENTS. PART 1. Introduction, by Redfield Proctor, Introduction to Historical Biographies, by C. H. Davenport, The Fathers, ...... The Governors, .... Senators in Congress, . . . . Representatives in Congress, . . . . . Introduction to Judges of the Supreme Court, by Hiram .A. Huse, Biographies of Judges of the Supreme Court, Vermont Inventors, by Levi K. Fuller, Queer Characters, by Hiram A. Huse, PART II. Biographies of VERii(.)XTERS, A. D. i892-'94. PART Biographies of Sons of Ver.'mont, Us ij cry^C/i ^-i.Oirr Cl^dX^^T.^ (Ilyv*.d. H/i^L. T-t^i/h O- dlylC^ la, i^''* C^/syl-i- t-j/v-c^ ^n^ A-^>i/ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^i^J^'i^i (H Ct^ e^^iVTCi,; fYU^&^^ /cr^t^ ^W^w.. /^^~T-^y^l^. }z/Llyr^L^t,.t ^. C\^^^crC a^L, l-t^n-i.-x.^ a-tyOvtyf •y^ ^uy^ c// CtxCU'U (/h^.cyi TcJi^ Q.xA^Q~^Uc^^^^^ r^t'^H.W/.:^ INTRODUCnON. h ccTeiv. ZC^^ e(-J^-ht>v^ ^f ^i-^i^ M^^c ^t^y^^ I CL^X^iA^ ^ta^v\ PART I HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHIES. BY CHARLES H. DAVENPORT. INTRODUCTION. Vermont has always been a nursery of remarkable men. Henry Cabot Lodge had an article in the Century Magazine of September, 1891, giving analytic tables of the birth places and race descent of men whose names appear in the biographical dictionaries, that might at first view seem to discredit this statement, for it shows no more —hardly as many — from Vermont, than her proportion according to population. But this calculation neces sarily credited to other states, chiefly Connecticut, where they were born, the fathers of Vermont ; the men who made one of the most romantic and inspiring chapters of modern history, and whose pioneer achievements, along some most important lines in humanity's upward progress, were made as Vermonters and in connection with Vermont — a natural evolution out of Vermont conditions. It is also to be remembered that Vermont is one of the young states. It is but little over a century since her career began. As we measure generations, there have been only three, native born to her soil, from which men of distinc tion could come in season to be counted in Mr. Lodge's computation. Making due allowance for these facts, and for the smallness of her population, the Vermont crop of big men, doing their work at home or contributed to other states, other countries and fields, is proportionately larger than that of any other state in the Union. The physiologist and the psychologist ahke have in this field an interesting line of thought. There are, in the rich soil and verdure, that wrung the words " Verd Mont" from Champlain, as he first viewed it, in the pure water and bracing air, elements and influences that have given a superiority to Vermont products as recognized in all the markets, and have made her an exceptional breeding ground for fine horses and cattle and sheep, of qualities of genuine and stable usefulness rather than fancy value. These elements and influences have had a like effect in the rearing of the human animal. On the moral and intellectual side, the effect of environment, especially of a mountainous scenery, is seen even greater than with the people of Switzerland, because of a more variegated picti ^squeness ; produc ing a race of sturdy, robust, original, clear-thinking and right-reasoning about man's relation to man, all along up the rugged heights that reach towards the eternal problems. THE FATHERS. It was said by Dr. Dwight, during the early contests, that the Vermont settlers were made up of Universalists and infidels. This was an extreme and intolerant way of stating the fact that it was men of independent mould and bold thought, that were attracted to Vermont and that the surroundings here were such as developed these characteristics. But it also included a statement that is full of meaning and that could hardly be made of any other pioneer settlements or of any immigration not purely reUgious in its motives, that the HISTORICAL biographies. men who came to Vermont were men interested in the subjects that engage the highest thought of man. We find their philosophy compressed into a sentence in the instructions of the committee of twenty towns at 'Westminster in June, 1775 : "AH civil power under God is in the people." While their ideas stood to a certain extent for emancipation from the narrowness and dogmatism of that time, no people ever made a more generous and cheerful provision for reUgion than they, as the events of the next few years showed. I here was in the good doctor's bigoted exaggeration, after all, the key to much of the Vermont character and development. Human motives, of course, played their part in the story of A^ermont, as they do every where. There was land speculation mixed with patriotism. There was lawlessness growing out of some of the reasoning about a "state of nature," in which Ethan Allen and his com peers were fond of finding the roots of our institutions. There was overreaching in some ofthe contests with "Yorkers." There was some manipulation of men on their baser side to strengthen the cause of the new state. There was perhaps a little too much of the Napoleonic ideal of statesmanship in the Haldimand negotiations.* But in the aggregate, in the large survey that gives the little hillocks of imperfection only their right proportion, the early history of Vermont is one the student can leave only with admiration that approaches reverence, for the courage that braved the most tremendous odds, the shrewd ness that mastered the most complicated difficulties, the large comprehension of basic prin ciples that made the work of the fathers of the state broadest and most enduring, as weU as of the most progressive character. Consider the situation. With a population of only about three hundred families in the beginning, and not over one-tenth of that of New York at the end, the Vermonters were defying the whole power of that state, fighting for their very homes, on what their greatest jurist, Nathaniel Chipman, always feared would never stand the legal test as titles, but which were indisputable morally. Then as the Revolution approached, they took the lead in braving the powers of the Crown. They shed the first blood for America at Westminster, for the issues back of that massacre were substantially those of the Revolution They won the first decisive victory and achieved the first lowering of the British flag at Ticonderoga. They entered enthusiastically and probably with a greater unanimity than any other people in the country, into the cause of the colonies, and they wrung from Burgoyne the tribute that described them as the "most active and rebelUous race on the continent, that hangs like a gathering storm upon my left." They, or their leaders, did some important and never. fully appreciated work in negotiation with Indians and in securing alliances, or at least neutrality, from tribes at the north and the west. They took the lead of all the states in strengthening the resources of the Revolution — Ira Allen's bold conception — by confiscating the estates of the Tories. They organized and largely fought the turning point battle of the war at Bennington. While Burgoyne's army was marching down upon their borders they adopted at Windsor the constitution of the state, the purest conception of democracy, the best formulation of man's rights, that the world had seen up to that time. The Pennsylvania constitution was the model to a considerable extent ; but this document, the work of an assemblage of unlettered farmers, with probably not a lawyer nor a college graduate among them, of men who had thought out the principles of government while at work in their fields or in felling forests, went far beyond the Pennsylvania constitution in its reach for great truth, engrafted upon the model a large number of what seemed to be the most radical ideas at that time, caught from across the waters the light of the mighty philosophic thought that was beginning to stir Europe, and produced a constitution that for its practical sagacity as well as its enUghtened scope must command the admiration of the ages — a constitution that was the first in modern times to put the ban on slavery — a constitution that advanced beyond the thought of Penn and of the great FrankUn in securing compensation for private property taken for pubUc uses, in guarding the right of hunting and fishing against *Bonaparte said about one of his ablest antagonists: "Metternich approaches being a statesman. He lies very well" Though a caustic reference, there was a Napoleonic conception back of it. historical biographies. 19 exclusive privilege, in placing the right of governing internal police as inherent in the peo ple, and in provision against hasty enactment of laws — a constitution under which the little state grew and prospered as an independent Uttle republic for fourteen years. And it was aU done under constantly multiplying difficulties. Not only were the Ver monters at war with New York and the mother country, but they soon found New Hamp shire and Massachusetts laying claim to their territory, and not only that, but plans forming while Congress refused to recognize them as a state, to divide them up on the line of the mountains between New York and New Hampshire, and secession schemes fomenting for the formation of a new state out of parts of Vermont and New Hampshire, while at the same time a large section of the people of the southeastern part of the state were in revolt against their authority. All the conditions of disintegration into anarchy seemed to be present, and it was while these were at their height that Congress, very Ukely with the idea of forcing the plucky mountaineers to submission — even while they had a regiment fighting for the common cause in the Continental army and were advancing the money to pay the troops because Congress could not, vide resolve of June 9, 1780 — withdrew all protection, even to the last piece of ordnance and the last camp kettle from the Vermont borders, and left the state defenceless before the invasion organizing in Canada. The shrewd and mas terful tactics of the .\llens, Chittenden and the rest were equal to the emergency on every side. They paralyzed the schemes of New York and New Hampshire by coolly incorporating into Vermont portions of those states, under the names of the East and West unions. They kept an army of 10,000 men idle and useless in Canada through three campaigns by pre tending to negotiate for a return to aUegiance to England — about the most skillfully prolonged deception that history records, and they used the fact of this negotiation as a •club to deter Congress from taking action to crush them. They steadily fortified them selves against such an attempt by judicious land grants to officers of the Continental army, until, when an invasion of the state under authority of Congress was discussed, Washington had to confess that he couldn't depend on his army for such work. From a beginning with the famous " beech seal " discipUne of intruders on their land under color of New York titles, they organized well and permanently the machinery of justice ; even in their •outlawry, while defying all outside authority, they respected and observed the principles of law and of the jury system, as in the Redding case. They gave an administration whose taxes were so low as to make the people of adjoining territories anxious to join them ; this Tvas the secret of the East and unions. They developed from their healthful sense of right, many ideas in legislation that are well worth the attention of history. The "quieting .act" to finally settle land titles, which Governor Chittenden finally pushed to enactment over the opposition of nearly all the lawyers, led the state by the path of equity out of diffi culties and confusion that were simply inextricable and insoluble through the precedents and procedure of law, and did it all by applying the simple rule of justice. Much attention is bieing given by publicists of late years to the Swiss system of "Referendum," as a guard -against some of the worst evils and dangers of representative government. Early A^ermont history contains some striking examples of the benefits of it. The most notable was that which disposed of the paper money question. The delusion was having a great run ; people everywhere were harassed with debt ; executions were thick and multiplying ; cheap money seemed to be an easy way out of the trouble ; legislators, taking it for granted, as they always •do, that what appealed to the selfish interests of their constituents would be popular, were eager to pass a paper money biU. Nathaniel Chipman, simply because he saw it could not be defeated in the Legislature, proposed a submission to popular vote. The result was that "the cheap money scheme, supposed to be so popular because people were about all debtors, was overwhelmingly defeated. Vermont escaped the evil which wrought such disaster in nearly all the other states, and in this action largely lay the secret of her marvelous develop ment of prosperity in the next two or three decades. It was a fine demonstration of the ¦great principle that the truth Ues more safely with majorities than anywhere else in human .affairs. ALLEN. ALLEN, Ethan.— Typical of the times, the people, and the conditions, were the character and career of the man whose statue, by common consent, stands with that of Collamer in Statuary Hall at Washington as the representative Vermonter — Ethan Allen, "The Robin Hood of Vermont," Mr. Henry Hall calls him, and the figure, because of its own proportions and of its historic settings, is necessarily a romantic one — Ethan Allen, a born leader of men, with power to inspire and enthuse, to sway and guide, such as the great leaders of history have had. Where- ever he was placed he impressed with his potent personaUty. Washington wrote of him, after their first interview : " There is an orig inal something in him that commands admi ration." It was a something whose presence that great commander felt, besides the "for titude and firmness and patriotic zeal " and the other qualities that he could see and an alyze — a something that left deep and indeli ble lines on our institutions, though Ethan Allen had so little part in the formal framing of them. Gov. Hiland Hall truly said : " It is impossible to tell what the result of the dispute with New York would have been with out Allen's aid." Bold, enterprising, ready and resourceful, fertile in daring exploits, full of confidence in his own powers of mind and body, ready of wit, with a singular faculty of forceful epigrammatic expression, chivalric in bearing and impulse, handsome of face and form, remarkable for his physical strength and endurance, a good judge of men, a natural orator who could address a court or a multitude with equal skill and effect, pa triotic always in purpose and thoroughly grounded in democratic faith, Ethan Allen was remarkably well fitted for the part he played in life. Ethan Allen was born in Litchfield, Conn., Jan. IO, 1737, though three other towns, Woodbury, Cornwall and Salisbury, have been claimed as his birthplace. The blood was Anglo-Saxon, blending with a strain of the Norse, and Samuel AUen, one of two brothers who came to Chelmsford in 1632, was the .American progenitor. Ethan Allen's father was Joseph Allen, a farmer in moder ate circumstances but of good character, and his mother, Mary Baker, and his three brothers, Heman, Hebar and Ira, filled leading parts in the formation of Vermont, as did also another for a time, Levi, who finally turned Tory. Remember Baker was their cousin, and also a cousin by marriage of Seth Warner. Ethan married for his first wife, Mary Brownson, so that there was quite an exten sive relationship among the leaders of our early settlement. It is said that Ethan started to fit for college under the tutorship of Rev. Mr. Lee, of Salisbury, but the death of his father left the family so poor that he had to give it up. It is evident from his earlier writings in the Vermont controversy that his education had been very defective, but his productions show the effects of con stant effort at self-improvement all through his maturer years. But these very lacks probably contributed to his peculiar great ness ; for they compelled a concentration of reading and thought, so that his naturally vigorous mind thoroughly assimilated what it got hold of; especially his knowledge of the scripture embellished and strengthened his rude eloquence. His career could never have been a commonplace one. He was early a man of enterprise in Con necticut. In 1762, when he was only twen ty-five, he entered with three others into the iron business at Salisbury. He afterwards lived at Sheffield, the southwest corner town of Massachusetts. In 1764 he bought a part of a tract of land on Mine Hill, in Roxbury, which contained a remarkable deposit of spathic iron ore, and large sums were spent in trying to develop it as a silver mine. Ex cept for these gUmpses of his business under takings, in farming, mining and casting iron ware, little is known of him until he came to the New Hampshire grants about 1769. He had, in the three or four years previous, spent much time in exploring the grants for the purpose of locating lands. He first set tled at Bennington, but afterwards lived at four other places, Arlington, Sunderland, and Tinmouth until he settled at Burlington, where he died. He immediately became a leader among the settlers in their land controversy with New York. The grounds of that contro versy in their historical and legal bearings need not here be discussed. Suffice it to say that the practical moralities were with the settlers under the New Hampshire grants. They had taken the lands and improved them under what they had a fair right to re gard as good titles and grants, under the au thority of the Crown. When the jurisdiction was decided to belong to New York it ought not to have carried with it any change in the dtles of bona fide settlers and purchasers, and if it had not, as was at first supposed would be the case, there would have been no trouble. Such a sense of equity as that of Chittenden and Chipman a few years later, in the "quieting act" to settle tides under Vermont authority, would have ended the controversy in a twinkUng. But the fact of their settiement and improvement of these lands had increased values to tempt cupidity ALLEN and the heavy fees which each grant yielded to the colonial officials of New York, made it an object to feed this cupidity. The New York grants were chiefly in large tracts, and it was in fact, as the Vermonters claimed, mainly a struggle between land jobbers and genuine husbandmen. Allen reached the marrow ofthe controversey when he wrote in one of his pamphlets : "The transferring and alienation of property is a sacred prerogative of the owner — Kings and Governors can not inter-meddle therewith ; common sense teaches common law." He studied the sub ject exhaustively, knew it in all its relations, coUected a great mass of historical and docu mentary evidence and before the end was reached he had written a series of pamphlets whose vigorous sledge hammer arguments had convinced the world of the justice of the Vermont cause, and in this way gave it the vitality that enabled it to prevail through difficulties almost unexampled. He was not alone in defending the claim of the settlers with the pen, but there will be no disagree ment in according to him the chief distinc tion among them all. Most of his articles were published in the Hartford Courant, then the official organ of the state, as Vermont at that time had no printing press ; but some appeared in the New Hampshire Gazette, and a few in handbills. At the very inception of the controversy, when he had been upon the grants but a few months, he was selected for an agent to defend the New York suits against the set tlers, and went to New Hampshire and got copies of Governor Wentworth's commis sions and instructions from the King. Then he engaged Jared IngersoU of Connecticut as counsel, and in June, 1770, appeared at Albany to answer in a suit of ejectment by a New York claimant against a settler. The judge, Livingston, was a patentee under New York grants, interested directly or indirectiy in 30,000 acres. So were the attorneys and court officers, nearly all, and a fair consider ation of the case was the last thing they pro posed to permit. All of Allen's documents and deeds under New Hampshire authority were simply excluded as evidence, and the verdict was against him as arranged. After wards some gentlemen called on him at his hotel, and representing how desperate the case was, urged him to go home and advise his friends to make the best terms they could. He coolly repUed, " The gods of the vaUeys are not the gods of the hiUs." .Asked his meaning, he told them that if they would come to Bennington it should be made clear. There is a New York yarn that he promised to do as advised ; but the facts of history all go to contradict it, and the evidence is that he was offered land grants for himself and appointments to office under New York au thority if he would use his influence, which was already recognized to be considerable, to support the New York side. He spurned the offer, as he always did all through his life, every attempt to induce him to betray a cause in which he was engaged. Then began the long struggle between the two jurisdictions, not to be finally settled for eighteen years, during the first few of which, after New Hampshire had abandoned them, the settlers were practically without govern ment, except such as they improvised for their towns, acknowledging no other author ity and no other allegiance except such as they agreed to among themselves, for mutual protecticgi. The sheriff of Albany county repeatedly came with posses of from 300 to 700 men to dispossess the farmers, but always without success, doubtless because the bor dering people of New York, from whom the posses had to be recruited, had no heart in the work and no sympathy except for their fellow-farmers whom greedy aristocrats in the cities were using the law to drive out of their homes. The story has often been told of the raid on the farm of James Breaken- ridge, at Bennington, and its successful re pulse without the firing of a gun. Here, Mr. Hall says, was really born the future state of Vermont. Allen was the leader of this resistance before and after it took organ ized form. When the military organization was formed, towards the close of 1771, and Allen was elected colonel, with Seth Warner, Remember Baker, Robert Cochrane and Gid eon Olin captains, this regiment took the name of "Green Mountain Boys," in derision and defiance of Governor Tryon of New York, afterwards the Tory leader, who had threat ened to "drive the settlers from their farms into the Green Mountains." They repeat edly drove off the New York authorities. They protected one another from arrest. They took in hand and disciplined anybody that ventured to survey or occupy lands un der New York titles. Their method was generally that of the "beech seal," or, as AUen humorously described it, a "chastise ment with the twigs of the wilderness, the growth of the land they coveted." The New York government, met and beaten at every point, in the winter of i77i-'72 offered a reward of ^150 for the capture of Allen and ^,^0 for Baker and the others. Allen, Baker and Cochrane promptly met this with a counter proclamation, dated at Poultney, Feb. 5, 1772, reciting that "whereas James Duane and John Kempe of NewYork (prominent lawyers and advocates of New York's claims) have by their men aces and threats greatly disturbed the public peace and repose of the honest peasants of Bennington and the settlements to the north ward, * * * any person that will apprehend these common disturbers shall have ^15 reward for Duane and ;!^io for Kempe." .Allen's personal comment on the act of outlawry was this : "They may sentence us to be hung for refusing to voluntarily place our necks in the halter, but how will the fools manage to hang a Green Mountain Boy before they catch him?" An anecdote is told in this connection that illustrates his extraordinary daring and his power to awe men. Fears were expressed for his safety after this act of outlawry. He offered a bet that he would go to Albany and to the most prominent hotel, drink a bowl of punch and come back unharmed. And he did it. When he reached the city and the hotel, he alighted deliberately from his horse, called for his punch and drank it, while the word flew round, " Ethan .Allen is in the city," bring ing a large concourse of people, among them the sheriff of Albany county himself. It was worth ^750, in those days of scarcity of money, to anybody that would take him, but they all stood gaping and wondering, while Allen leisurely enjoyed his punch, walked out, mounted his horse, and giving a " huzza for the Green Mountains," rode off. On another occasion, which Thompson describes interestingly in his tale of the " Green Moun tain Boys," AUen, while hunting on the shores of Lake Champlain, stopped over night at the house of Mr. Richards. A party of six soldiers from Crown Point opposite, fully armed, determined to arrest him for the sake of the reward. Allen drank with them boisterously and got them well soaked, while he simulated worse intoxication himself, and he and his companions, having been warned by Mrs. Richards, silently raised a window and escaped. These years were full of adventures like these, the expeditions against Clarendon, to breakup its " hornets nest " of Yorkers, the raid on Colonel Reed's Scotchmen along the Otter Creek, the trials of Benjamin Spencer, Benjamin Hough, and Jacob Marsh for ac cepting commissions as judge and justices in disregard of the order in council that no citizen should do any official act under New York authority, the offering of the Bennington county Yorkers' house as " a burnt sacrifice to the gods of the woods in burning the logs of his house," as Allen quaintly told him — these are only a few of the incidents that have come down to us. The size and the intensity of the struggle are illustrated by AUen's declaration, perhaps exaggerated, in a letter to Governor Tryon in 1772, that over 1,500 families had been ejected from their homes and the "writs come thicker and faster." " Nobody," he adds, with a recur rence to first principles, " can be supposed under law if law does not protect." Out of all this struggle was evolved, in 1 774, an interesting scheme of which .AUen was a leading advocate, for the formation of a new colony to include the grants and stretch west and north of the Mohawk river to Lake Ontario. The capitol was to be Skeenes- borough, now WhitehaU, and Col. PhilUp Skeene was to be the Governor. He had gone to England to urge the project upon" the ministry when the outbreak of the Revolution upset aU plans. After the Westminster massacre a meeting of committees was held at that place whicli passed resolutions to renounce and resist the authority of New York "until such times as life and property might be secured by it, or until the matter could be laid before the Crown and the people taken out of so oppres sive a jurisdiction and annexed to some other government or erected into a new one." Al len and Col. John Hazeltine of Townshend and Charles Phelps of Marlboro were ap pointed a committee to prepare a remon strance and petition to King George in ac cordance with these resolutions, but the rapid march of events left no taste or opportunity for such work. The petition was never pre pared, and the resolutions were the last pub lic expression of loyalty to the Crown that ever came from Vermont. The Westminster massacre occurred March 13; 177S) the battles of Lexington and Con cord April 19, and Ticonderoga was cap tured May 10. In these opening days of the Revolutionary struggle Allen was among the most active of the patriots. Ever the unyielding advocate of the rights of man and a foe of oppression of all kinds, the issues of the Revolution were in close line with those upon which he had been thinking and writ ing for the past five years, and they were a kind to enlist all the sympathy and arouse aU the ambition of a nature like his, while the Westminster affair had given the subject a practical personal interest to him and to ah A'ermonters. He plunged into the patri otic work with a promptness, a resolution and farsightedness of plans that ought to have made him one of the foremost men of the struggle and probably would but for the misadventure at Montreal. He early dis patched messengers with characteristic let ters, to win over the Indians to the side of the colonies, or at least to neutrality, and thereby he did an important service to the cause which did not cease entirely to be felt until the end of the war. Many of the red men were induced to come to Newbury, some to settle and some to enter the service as scouts and spies. Some were sent to Washington's camp and some went to Can ada, where they procured information that was highly valued by Washington and Schuy ler. But while he was doing this work, and even before he had fairly gotten into it ALLEN. 23 AUen had entered with aU his zest into the project for the capture of Ticonderoga. Even before the spring opened, perhaps be fore the Westminster massacre, the plan had been formed. In the middle of February he wrote a letter, which is still extant in Massa chusetts, to OUver Wolcott of 'Connecticut that "the regiment of Green Mountain Boys would assist their American brethren," in case of war. John Brown, a Massachu setts lawyer who had been through the grants to Canada in the interest of the Massachu setts committee of safety, wrote on March 29, from Montreal to Boston : "The people on the New Hampshire grants have en gaged to seize the fort at Ticonderoga as soon as possible, should hostilities be com mitted by the King's troops." There were simultaneously in the latter days of April and early in May mo%'ements started for the capture from both Connecti cut and Massachusetts. That from the former state was in charge of Edward Mott, afterwards a major in Colonel Gray's regi ment, and it started out April 28 and 29, enlisting sixteen men before it arrived at Pittsfield, Mass., where John Brown was met on his way back from Canada and joined them. Thirty-nine more men were enlisted at Jericho and Williamstown, and the party proceeded to Bennington, where a party of future Vermonters were gathered. No one dreamed of any one but Allen for com mander, and he, fuU of energy and resolu tion, goes ahead of the party to raise more men and make sure, by throwing trusted scouts StiU farther ahead, that no tidings of the approach reach the fort. But when the expedition reaches Castleton, May 8, it is overtaken by Benedict Arnold, on horseback and with one attendant, to arrogantly claim the command, and show a commission from the committee of safety at Cambridge, Mass. The dispute for a time threatened to wreck the project. Arnold persisted until the men declared that they would serve under no offi cers other than those with whom they had engaged. Finally, when Allen was overtaken, he good-naturedly averted the difficulty by agreeing that, while he should command, Arnold might accompany him at the head of the attacking party. There was great difficulty, and partial miscarriage of plans to procure boats to cross the lake, and as morning began to dawn. May 10, only eighty-three men had been got across, while Seth Warner, with the re mainder of the two hundred and thirty men of the expedition was impatienty waiting on the Vermont side. .AUen saw that no time was to be lost, so he drew his men up in line, told them it was a desperate attempt that was about to be made and gave all who wished the privilege of backing out, but asked those who were wiUing to follow him into the fort to poise their fire-locks. Instantly every fire lock was poised. " Face to the right," he cried, and he marched the men in three files, himself at the head of the center file, to the gate. A sentry at the wicker gate snapped his fuse at .Alien, who pursued him with up raised sword into the parade ground of the garrison. .Alien then formed his men so as to face the two barracks, and ordered three huzzas. Another sentry, who had slightly wounded an officer with a bayonet thrust, and been struck in the head by Allen's sword, begged for quarter, which was granted on condition that he show the way to the quarters of the commanding ofiicer, Captain De La Place, which were in the second story of a barrack. Allen strode up the stairway and summoned Captain De La Place to come out instantly or the whole garrison would be sacrificed. De La Place appeared at the door, trousers in hand, and asked by what authority the demand was made, elicit ing the reply, which has gone thundering down the generations : "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." The dazed commandant wanted more infor mation and began further parley, but Allen, with drawn sword, and voice and manner that admitted no trifling, repeated his de mand for an immediate surrender. De La Place had to comply and ordered his men to parade without arms. All were treated by .AUen with characteristic generosity but as prisoners of war. After the capture, Arnold again demanded the command, greatly to the wrath of officers and men, and to end the assumption the committee of war gave .AUen a certificate signed by Edward Mott, chair man, requiring him to keep command until further orders from Connecticut or Congress. The capture was made on the very day of the first assembling of the Revolutionary Congress. It was the first surrender of the British flag, and had a great effect on the spirits of the country. Lieutenant-Governor Colden, in reporting it with other misfor tunes to Governor Dartmouth, found his consolation in the fact that "the only people of any prominence that had any hand in this expedition were that lawless people whom your lordship has heard .so much of under the name of the Bennington mob." The capture was followed by a rapid suc cession of brilliant strokes. Capt. Sam Her rick and his detachment had simultaneously captured Skeenesboro and Major Skeene, and seized a schooner and several bateaux there. Warner with a detachment of one hundred men was dispatched to Crown Point, which he captured the same day, with thirteen men and sixty-one pieces of cannon. AUen and .Arnold with their sloop and a lot of bateaux proceeded to St. Johns on the i8th, where 24 ALLEN. they or rather Arnold who went ahead of the bateaux, captured the King's armed sloop that was cruising the lake, and AUen attempt ed a land attack though unsuccessful, being attacked by a superior force, and compelled to retire with a loss of three men. The whole of Lake Champlain within a little over a week had fallen into the hands of the Revolutionists. With Ticonderoga were taken without a blow, not only a fortress that had cost Britain years of struggle and vast expenditures of blood and treasure, but stores of incalculable benefit to the army near Boston, including one hundred and twenty iron cannon, fifty swivels, ten tons of musket balls, three cart-loads of flints, a ware house full of material for boat building and a large quantity of other supplies and material. AUen's conceptions were Napoleonic. He proposed at once to foUow up his success with the capture of Canada, which was almost depleted of British forces, there only being about seven hundred regulars in the province, and where a large part if not an actual major ity of the people were ready to rise in sympa thy. It was a great opportunity lost. If there had been in Congress energy and fore sight equal to AUen's the whole course of the war would have been changed and the geog raphy of America made a century ago what it may take a century yet to make it. And Ethan AUen would in all likelihood have ranked next to Washington among the Revolutionary commanders. AUen wrote to Congress May 29 : "The Canadians (all except the noblesse) and also the Indians appear at present to be very friendly to us ; and it is my humble opinion that the more vigorous the colonies push the war against the King's troops in Canada, the more friends we shaU find in that country." He offered to "lay his life on it" that "with fifteen hundred men and a proper train of artiUery," he would take Montreal. Then "there would be no insuperable difficulty to take Quebec, and set up the standard of liberty in the extensive province whose Umit was enlarged purely to subvert the Uberties of America." He pointed out that the only possible defense for the British against such a diversion would be to draw troops from General Gage in front of Washington at Boston, and the result would surely be to "weaken General Gage or insure us of Can ada." Lake Champlain, he shrewdly argued, was "the key of either Canada or our country, according as which party holds the same in possession and makes a proper improvement of it. The key is ours as yet, and provided the colonies would suddenly push an army of two or three thousand men into Canada, they might make a conquest of aU that would op pose them. •* * Our friends in Canada can never help us until we help them." The imagination cannot help but draw pictures of the results of such a master stroke. The enthusiasm following the cap ture of Ticonderoga, and the successful dashes about the Lake, gave the Americans every advantage in pushing their victory. The success of AUen's "political preaching" a few months later showed how receptive the Canadians were. (Even in September James Livingston reported "them aU friends, and a spirit of freedom seems to reign among them. " ) And the dissatisfaction with British rule that has continued ever since, with the repeated though ill-fated uprisings to win the independence the people of the States had secured, indicate something of the tre mendous advantage it would have been to have these people as allies rather than ene mies — a part of the new republic instead of a base for British operations all through the war. Burgoyne's expedition would never have been thought of. The Indian alliances with all their bloody work, which the officers of the Crown negotiated, would have been be yond their reach, and all the fighting that was done by Indians would have been, under the plans launched by Allen, on the side of the colonists. How much this one fact alone would have meant for American his tory in the last one hundred years ! Allen's project, with proper support, could hardly have failed of success, because it would have been undertaken with advantages that were largely gone when the expeditions of the fall were undertaken. If it had failed, its defeat would have been accomplished by so weakening Gage as to make it more than probable that he would have been crushed by Washington. On the other hand, it is to be remembered that success would have meant the incorporation of Canada, with problems of church and state, of race and education, with which, as we can now see, our American system could not safely have loaded itself, besides aU the other problems it has had to solve. .And it would probably have made impossible the independence of A^ermont with its valuable additions to the democratic thought of the age. So we can see how the most disappointing things of history do their part in working out mighty results of righteousness. Allen flooded the Continental Congress and the provincial congresses of New York and Massachusetts with letters and petitions and arguments in favor of his project and in remonstrance against a plan advanced in the Continental Congress to remove the stores and cannon of Ticonderoga to the south end of Lake George, which he declared truly, " meant ruin to the frontier settiements which are extended at least 100 miles to the north ward of that place." Backed by the pro tests of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New 25 York, he secured the abandonment of that plan. In the meantime he went ahead with letters, proclamations and embassies to the Indians and Canadians to prepare the way for an invasion, exhibiting a vigor and adroit ness that evidenced his high quality of lead ership. May 1 8 he wrote the merchants of Montreal, calling for provisions, ammuni tion and Uquors, assuring them that it should aU be paid for and that his orders were not to "contend with or in any way injure or molest" them, "but, on the other hand, to treat them with the greatest friendship and kindness." May 24 he addressed a letter to the Indians, caUing them "brothers and friends," telling them how King George's troops had kUled some of their "good friends and brothers at Boston,' how Ticonderoga and Crown Point had been taken with all their artUlery and two great armies raised, one of which was coming to fight the King's troops in Canada, and how he hoped the In dians, as "good and honest men, would not fight for King George against your friends in America, as they have done you no wrong, and desire to live with you as brothers ;" how he had always been a friend to Indians and hunted with them many times ; how his warriors fought like the Indians in ambush, while the British regulars stood all along close together, rank and file ; how he would give them blankets, tomahawks, knives, paint and anything, and "my men and your men will sleep together and eat and drink to gether and fight regulars because they first killed our brothers." The letter was most shrewdly calculated to impress the Indian mind, and its arguments were reinforced by sending "our trusty and weU-beloved friend and brother," Capt. Ninham of Stockbridge and Winthrop Hoit of Bennington, who had long lived among the Indians and was an adopted son of one of the tribes, as embas sadors to them to further explain the good intentions of the Americans. There is no doubt that if AUen's poUcy had been promptly and systematically fol lowed the trouble from the Indians in the later years of the war might have been greatly avoided. June 4 he issued a procla mation to the French people of Canada, appeaUng to their sense of "justice and equitableness " not to "take part with the King's troops in the present civO war against the colonies," for they were fighting in a common cause to "maintain natural and constitutional rights," and assuring the peo ple that his special orders were "to befriend and protect you if need be ; so that if you . desire our friendship you are invited to embrace it, for nothing can be more unde sirable to your friends in the colonies than a war with their fellow-subjects the Canadians, or with the Indians " "Pray," he added. "is it necessary that the Canadians and the inhabitants of the EngUsh colonies should battle with one another ? God forbid ! There is no controversy subsisting between you and them. Pray, let Old England and the colon ies fight it out, and you, Canadians, stand by and see what an arm of flesh can do." But his vigorous scheme of invasion was too much for the nerveless control of that time. There was indeed at first some disposition to apolo gize for the seizure of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and it was not until autumn that an invading army was put in motion. Allen wrote, August 3, " I fear the colonies have been too slow in their resolution and prepa- tion." AUen and Warner went to Philadelphia and Albany to urge the scheme on the con tinental and provincial congresses. They were received with considerable honor at both places, though they were still placarded as outlaws by the New York government. The result, after long urging, was that the New York Congress, on the recommendation of the continental body, authorized the rais ing of a regiment of Green Mountain Boys, to be commanded by officers chosen by themselves. Another mortification followed for Allen, for when a committee of towns met at Dorset, July 27, to choose a lieutenant- colonel to command the regiment, Seth ^^'ar- ner was elected by a vote of 41 to 5. Not withstanding the high merit as an officer always displayed by Warner, it is difficult to account for this action, in view of Allen's recent achievements, the large capacity he had shown and the unanimity with which he had been regarded as the leader only a few weeks before. Allen himself, in a letter to Governor Trumbull of Connecticut, attri buted it to " the old farmers who do not in cline to go to war," saying he was in the fa vor of the officers of the army and the young Green Mountain Boys. He hoped, however, to get a commission from the Continental Congress, and when, in the fall. General Schuyler invited him to accompany the ex pedition to Canada, with the understanding that he should be regarded as an officer, and have command of detachments as occasion required, he accepted. But this service had continued only about three weeks when it was ended by his capture before Montreal. Schuyler sent him on several expeditions " preaching politics " and extending the work he had so hopefully began to arouse and or ganize the people of Canada into support of the Revolution. He met with sweeping suc cess ; the Canadians guided and guarded him through the woods ; enthusiastic crowds greeted him in the vUlages ; the Caughna- waga Indians, some of whom had been among the British skirmishers, sent him assurances that they would not take up arms on either 26 ALLEN. ALLEN. side. September 20 he wrote to General Montgomery that he had 250 Canadians under arms, and that he could raise one or two thousand in a week's time, but would first visit the army with a less number and if necessary go again recruiting, and he added : " I swear by the Lord I can raise three times the number of our army in Canada, provided you continue the siege." AU these hopes were dissipated by the misadventure at Montreal, Sept. 24. While returning to camp, as he had written to Mont gomery, AUen met Maj. John Brown, the Pittsfield lawyer, who had in the spring made the reconnoitering expedition into Canada, and had now entered the service, and who was at the head of a force of about two hun dred Americans and Canadians, and a plan was concocted between them and their offi cers to surprise and capture Montreal. Brown was that night to cross the St. Lawrence above the city and AUen below, and at a sig nal of three huzzas, they were to attack si multaneously. Brown, for some reason never explained, failed to fulfill his part. Doubtless some unforeseen obstacle prevented, for he was a brave and capable officer ; but he was kiUed at Stone Arabia, in the Mohawk vaUey, in a battle with the Tories and Indians, Oct. 19, 1780, and his story about the Montreal attack was never told. AUen crossed over his force of no men, according to agree ment, taking nearly the whole night for the task, as he had but few canoes. When he failed to get the signal from Brown, he saw he was in a scrape, but concluded to stand his ground as he could not get ofl over a third of his force at a time, and the enemy would surely discover the attempt. So he dispatched a messenger to Brown and to L'Assumption, a French settlement where lived a Mr. Walker, who was on the side of the patriots, to hurry on assistance. Allen's hope was to hold his ground until aid could arrive, and Walker had raised a considerable force to march to him, when he learned of his surrender. AUen placed guards between his position and the town, with orders to let nobody pass or repass. .A good many pris oners were detained in this way early in the day, but one of them managed to escape and went to General Carlton in the city, who had made every preparation to take refuge in his ships, exposed the weakness of Allen's force, and so brought on an attack in the middle of the afternoon, before assistance could arrive. Carlton marched out with a force of about five hundred men, chiefly Canadians and residents of the city, and including only forty regulars. Allen's force was made up of only thirty .Americans and eighty Cana dians, but he was in a well-selected position, and he defended it bravely and skillfully for an hour and three-quarters, until nearly aU his Canadians had deserted him, when he finally surrendered with a force of thirty-one effective men and seven wounded, on being assured good quarters for himseU and men. Schuyler and Montgomery both com mented severely in letters and reports on Allen's rashness in making the attack single- handed, and this view was excusable with the information they had at the time. They knew nothing apparently of the plan of con cert with Brown, or how surely it would have succeeded if Allen had had the co-operation he had a right to depend on. They only knew the consequences of defeat, which were so disastrous, putting "the French people into great consternation," as Warner wrote, and "changing the face of things," as a Tory wrote to Governor FrankUn of New Jersey (the son of the great Benjamin FrankUn). "The Canadians," he added, "were before, nine-tenths for the Bostonians ; they are now returned to their duty." But no such excuse can be urged for the historian, Bancroft, who, writing with aU the knowledge of later years, charges that Allen's officers opposed the project, but that he "with boundless rashness indulged himself a vision of surprising Montreal as he had sur prised Ticonderoga." Even Gov. Hiland Hall was not fair and full when he said the attempt was due to Allen's "ambition to dis tinguish himself, and add to the laurels won at Ticonderoga." The truth is that the at tack instead of being a reckless exhibition of Allen's vanity was planned after a full con sultation, on the united judgment of all the officers in both commands, and it only failed by one of those miUtary accidents which can never be provided against, in Brown's fail ure to co-operate. Carlton practically ad mits this in his report when he shows how poorly prepared Montreal was for attack, and how he was on the point of abandoning the city when he learned from the escaped prisoner of .AUen's weakness. The effect of the failure on the Canadians only shows correspondingly how beneficial the effect of success would have been. The people were wavering, chiefly to be on the winning side, incUned to the American side, perhaps, but fearful of the consequences if the British prevailed. What was needed above aU else was to impress them with confidence of American success. Delay had dimmed the eclat of Allen's victories on Lake Champlain, but another brilUant stroke, like the capture of Montreal, would revive it, powerfully im press an imaginative people, and draw them in great masses to the American standard. Allen and Brown had, in their intercourse with the people, learned the importance of such a stroke, and hence the enterprise. AUen's "narrative" of his captivity gives us aU the information we have of it and it ALLEN. 27 was full of exciting and characteristic inci dents. He had just handed over his sword when an Indian rushed up and attempted to shoot him. AUen instantly twitched the officer to whom he had handed his sword between him and the savage. Then another "imp of heU," as AUen described him, at tacked and AUen only saved himself from being murdered by twitching the officer around him with such swiftness that neither of the Indians could reach him or get aim at him without endangering the officer. He keep this up several seconds until another officer and an Irishman interfered and drove the Indians away. Allen then walked with the officers to Montreal, meet ing in the barrack yard General Prescott, who, when he learned that it was the Colonel Allen of Ticonderoga fame, broke into a tor rent of abuse, shook his cane over Allen's head until the latter shook his fist and as sured the general that it would be " the beetle of mortality" for him if he struck. It would have been interesting to see this af fair to its conclusion, but other officers stayed its progress by reminding the enraged general that it would be inconsistent with his honor to strike a prisoner. Then Pres cott, according to Allen's narrative, ordered forward a sergeant's command to kill the thirteen Canadians who were included in the surrender. Allen's magnetic boldness, as so often in his career, here served a use ful purpose. He stepped between the ex ecutioner and the prisoners, opened his clothes and told Prescott to thrust the bayo nets into his breast, for he was the sole cause of the Canadians taking up arms. Prescott was of course thrown into a quandary ; he dared not execute a man of Allen's promi nence, in violation of the capitulation, and dared not carry out his brutal purpose against the prisoners in the face of such a man's protest. Allen had evidently calcu lated on all this; his "recklessness" usually had calculation behind it. As he says : "My design was not to die, but to save tlie Cana dians by a finesse." Prescott, after a little hesitation, replied with an oath : "I will not execute you now, but you shall grace a halter at Tyburn." Then began Allen's two years and eight months of captivity, most of it fiUed with the most brutal abuse, but relieved with a few gleams of soldierly magnanimity. He was first put on board the ship of war Gaspee in the harbor and kept in irons six weeks. The leg irons he describes as weighing thirty or forty pounds with a bar eight leet long, and so heavy that he could only lie on his back. He wrote to Prescott and Carleton protesting against such usage and contrast ing it with that he had accorded to the prisoners he took at Ticonderoga ; but with out eliciting a reply, though he was finally transferred to another ship where he was \ery generously treated. The impression that he always made on manly men was Ulustrated by the conduct of Captain Littlejohn, the com mander of the latter ship. The captain swore that a brave man should not be treated like a rascal on board his ship ; he refused to keep AUen in irons, and gave him cabin fare with the officers. So far did this friendship go that when Littlejohn was challenged to a duel he accepted .Allen's offer to act as his second, going to the field in disguise, on Allen's pledge of honor that whatever the re sult of the duel he would return to the ship. But this mark of confidence was prevented by the interference of other British officers who at the last moment settled the contro versy without fighting. But this polite treat ment lasted less than a fortnight when, on the appearance of .Arnold before Quebec, Allen and the other prisoners were placed on board a merchantman, the Adamant, and shipped to England. Their treatment under the inspiration of a junto of Tories aboard was most villainous. Thirty-four of them were confined, hand-cuffed, in a little room 20x22, so dark that they could not see one another, filled with vermin and an intoler able stench, denied an adequate supply of water, where suffering from diarrhcea and fever they were compelled to eat, sleep and perform aU the offices of life. AUen had a fight before he would go into the filthy in closure. He first protested against it as a disgrace to honor and humanity, but was told that it was good enough for a rebel, that anything short of a halter was too good for him, and that a halter would be his portion as soon as he reached England. In the course of the dispute a lieutenant among the Tories spit in his face. Allen, hand-cuffed as he was, sprang upon him, knocked him partly down, pursued him in fury to the cabin where the lieutenant, thoroughly frightened, got under the protection of a file of men with fixed bayonets. Allen chal lenged the man out to meet him in hand cuffs as he was, which the cowering fellow would not do. But the soldiers finaUy forced AUen at the point of the bayonet into the hole. Arriving at Falmouth, in England, he and his men were shut up for a few weeks whUe the ministry decided what to do with him. He was a subject of general interest. Bets were laid in London that he would be hanged. Parliament debated the question. Crowds of people came to see what, up to that time, was the most romantic, and, be cause of what he had done, the most feared, figure of the Revolution. He often, whUe walking in the spacious parade of the castle, would stop and harangue the crowds assem- 28 ALLEN. bled to see him, teUing of the impractica bility of Britain's conquering the colonies, expatiating on American freedom, and im pressing all with his boldness in such talk while the question of his execution was still under consideration. It was a part of a shrewd game of bluff. Another part he humorously details in telling how he " came Yankee " over the prison authorities. He asked for the privilege of writing a letter to Congress, which the commander of the castie granted after consultation with a su perior officer. .Alien wrote in this letter of his ill-treatment, how he and his companions were kept in irons by General Carleton's order, but urged Congress to desist from retaliation until the results of the treatment of himself and companions were known, and then that the retaliation should be, "not according to the smallness of my character in America, but in proportion to the impor tance of the cause for which I suffered." The letter, of course, went, as expected, straight to Lord North instead of Congress, and its design, as AUen says, was " to intimi date the haughty English government and screen my neck from the halter." .Another thing that helped him is that there was an attempt to win him back to the British cause. This fact has been found by B. F. Stevens in official correspondence in the British archives at London. An "officer of high rank," whose name does not appear, was sent to him to represent that the injuries he had suffered from New York arose from an abuse of an order in council, and if he would return to aUegiance to the King he should have a fuU pardon, his lands be re stored to him, he and his men sent back to Boston, and he placed in command of a company of rangers ; but if he refused, they must aU be disposed of as the law directs — a deUcate way of intimating that he would grace a gallows. Allen only makes a brief aUusion to this incident. But the event shows that he spurned the bribe and dared the government to do its worst. His bold demeanor won the sympathy of Uberal-minded people. He learned after wards, he says, that there was a move for a writ of habeas corpus to obtain for him his liberty. In consequence of all this, it was determined in cabinet meeting, Dec. 27, to get rid of the problem by ordering AUen and his associates to be returned to America as prisoners of war, and he was, Jan. 8, 1776, placed in irons on board the man-of-war Solebay, Captain Symonds, where he again had to undergo harsh and brutal treatment. When the fleet rendezvoused at Cork some benevolent gen tlemen in that city undertook to supply the prisoners with the necessaries which the ship's officers denied, and sent aboard com plete outfits of clothing, with sea stores. meats, wines and Uquors, most of which Captain Symonds promptly appropriated, swearing that the "damned American rebels" should not be feasted by the "damned rebels of Ireland." A few guineas of money from his generous friends, however, did remain with Allen, and his conclusion from this af fair and his other experience was that as a people the Irish "excel in liberality and gen erosity." He teUsof a characteristic encoun ter he had with the captain sometime after they left Cork. The purser was ordered not to seU to Allen some medical suppUes of which he was in need, and when Allen remonstrated, saying he was sick, the captain replied that it did not matter how soon he was dead ; he was not anxious to preserve the lives of rebels. Allen again contrasted, as he was fond of doing, the treatment of their pris oners by the Americans, and argued that as the English government had not proceeded against him as a capital offender, English officers had no right to, but as he had been acquitted by being sent back as a prisoner of war he was entitled to be treated as such. Furthermore, it was not policy for them by harsh usage to destroy his life, for if living he might redeem one of their officers. The captain retorted in a rage that the Brit ish would surely conquer the rebels, hang Congress and the leaders, AUen in par ticular, and retake their own prisoners, so that his life was of no consequence in their policy ; besides it was not owing to the hu manity of the Yankees, but their timidity, that they treated prisoners so weU. This was really the prevalent idea up to Burgoyne's surrender. AUen's reply was that if they waited until they conquered America before they hung him he should die of old age, and in the meantime he would Uke to purchase of the purser with his own money such arti cles as he really needed. AUen came off first best in the argument as he usually did ; but he did not get the permission. The fleet proceeded by way of Madiera to Cape Fear in North CaroUna, where the prisoners were all collected and put on board the frig ate Mercury, Capt. James Montague, who was even more bigotedly brutal in his treat ment. He even forbade his surgeon to ad minister help to any sick prisoner, many of whom were suffering with scurvy, and cut their food down to barely a third of the usual allowance. AUen shared equally with the rest, though the men offered him more. From Cape Fear they went to Halifax, ar riving about the middle of June, where AUen managed to secure some alteration of their treatment by sending a letter of complaint through a sympathetic guard to Governor Arbuthnot, who ordered them transferred to the HaUfax jaU. AUen, however, there suf fered severely from jail distemper, for which ALLEN. ALLEN. 29 he found a remedy in raw onions, which the other prisoners used to advantage. In Octo ber they were sent on board the Lark frigate, bound for New York, Captain Smith, who drew the first tears of his captivity from Allen by his kindly and cordial treatment, inviting him to dinner and assuring him that he should be treated with respect by the whole crew. Smith, it appears, had before got him self into trouble with some of his superiors by his vigorous protests against their inhu man conduct towards the prisoners. Allen expressed, as best he could, his gratitude at this unexpected kindness, and his fear that it would never be in his power to return the favor. Smith repUed, like the hearty tar, the true soldier he was, that he had no reward in view ; he only aimed to treat his prisoner as a gentleman should be treated ; but this, he said, is a mutable world, and one gentleman never knows how soon it may be in his power to help another. This came true sooner than he ever knew, for while the ship was skirting along the coast, one of the prisoners. Captain Burk, formed a conspiracy with an under officer and some of the crew of the ship to kiU the captain and the principal officers and take the ship with ^35,000 sterling in the hold, into one of the Ameri can ports. They laid the plan before Allen and urged him to enUst the other prisoners in the design. .Alien refused absolutely and showed what a sorry return it was for the chivalric kindness they had received. Asked to remain neutral, he gave emphatic notice that he would fight by Captain Smith's side if the attempt was made, but he assured them that if they would give up the project he would respect their confidence and keep the secret, guarding their Uves with the same honor as he would Captain Smith's, and such was his power over men and their faith in him that the matter rested right there. In November the prisoners were landed in New York, where he was placed on parole and remained for eighteen months in com parative comfort himself, though he tells a harrowing story of the way the private sol diers were treated. He exerted himself a good deal to aUeviate their condition, but with Uttle success. He held Sir William Howe personally responsible for these cruel ties and in his "narrative" in his extravagant style denounces him and James Loring, a Tory, and the commissary of prisoners, especiaUy, as "the most mean-spirited, cow ardly, deceitful and detestable animals in God's creation below, and legions of infer nal devils, with aU their tremendous horrors, are impatientiy ready to receive Howe and him with aU their detestable accompUces into the most exquisite agonies of the hottest regions of heU fire." Of the thirty-one men captured with him two died in imprisonment, three were ex changed and all the rest made their escape at one time or another. It was while at New York that the second attempt was made to seduce his allegiance, by an officer who came to his lodgings, told him that his fideUty, though in a wrong cause, had recommended him to General Howe, who wished to make him colonel of a regiment of Tories ; pro posed to send him back to England to be introduced to Lord George Germaine, and probably to the King, and return with Bur goyne ; he should be paid richly in gold, in stead of rag money, and receive for his ser vices in reducing the country a large tract of land in Connecticut or Vermont, as he pre ferred. Allen replied that if by fidelity he had recommended himself to General Howe, he "should be loth by unfaithfulness to lose the general's good opinion ; besides, I view his offer of land to be similar to that which the devil offered our Saviour, to give him all the kingdoms of the world to fall down and worship him, when the poor devil had not one foot of land on earth." AUen was exchanged May 3, 1778, for Colonel Alexander Campbell, and after two days of courteous entertainment at General Campbell's headquarters he crossed New Jersey to VaUey Forge, where he was enter tained by Washington for several days and received marked honors from Putnam, Gates, Lafayette, Steuben and all the^ officers and men who were heroically maintaining the country's cause in its very darkest hour. He wrote a letter to Congress offering his ser vices to the cause in any capacity where he could be useful, and then proceeded to Ben nington, going most of the way in company with Gates, who treated him royally, and everywhere being received with acclamations by the people, and reaching home Sunday evening. May 31, where the expressions of love and enthusiasm could not be restrained, even in that orthodox populace, and cannon boomed welcome from the people, who had long supposed him dead. Fourteen guns were fired, one for each state and one for Vermont. His brother Heman had just died at Salisbury, Conn., while he was on his journey home. His only son had died dur ing his captivity. His wife, in feeble health, and four daughters were in Sunderland. He at once asserted his old powers of leadership. Another characteristic incident introduced him to it. David Redding had been convicted of treason and sentenced to be hanged. A rehearing was petitioned for on the ground that his conviction was a vio lation of the common law, being by a jury of six instead of twelve. Governor Chitten den had granted a reprieve to June 11. The populace, very bitter against Redding, was 3° ALLEN. ALLEN. disappointed, angry, and threatening to take the law into its own hands, when Allen ap peared and cried : "Attention, the whole ! " and he proceeded to explain the iUegaUty of the trial, and told the people to go home and return in a week, and they should " see a man hung ; if not Redding, I will be.'' The crowd obeyed. AUen was appointed attor ney for the state at the next trial, and he secured Redding's conviction. He was selected to write a reply to a pro clamation of clemency issued by Governor Clinton the February previous, in which the New York Governor charged Vermont's wrongs to the British government whUe New York was a colony, and offered to recall the outlawry act, to revoke all unjust prefer ence in grants, reduce the quit rents to the New Hampshire basis, make the fees of patents reasonable, and confirm all grants made by New Hampshire. .AUen's reply, in a pamphlet, was skillful, and made clear the impracticability of what seemed and doubt less was intended to be a fair proposition. He showed that as a matter of fact most of the New Hampshire and Massachusetts grants had been covered by New York pat ents and that as a matter of law it was impos sible for New York to cancel her former grants, and cited the opinion of the lords of trade to that effect. Many people had been eager to accede to Governor Clinton's terms, but Allen's argument was so strong, the rights of self-government so weU stated, that the tide of public opinion was completely turned. Probably it prevented a dissolution of the state government. Here again, as well as in the initial stages of the controversy, was it true, as his best biographer, Henry Hall, says : " But for him the state of Vermont would probably never have existed." He was three times sent on embassies to Congress, first in August, 1778, with reference to the trouble with New Hampshire over the "Eastern union." He performed the deUcate duties with great tact and reported strongly advising the dissolution of that union and saying that unless it was done "the nation wiU annihUate Vermont." He was again sent in 1779 with Jonas Fay, to defend the new state's action, and to show Congress, as they wrote July i, 1779, that they were "wiUing that every part of the conduct of the people we represent should at any convenient time be fully laid before the Grand Council of .America" but considering all the embar rassments of the country "would be far from urging a decision * '* until you can have leisure to take it up deliberately." The third mission was with Fay, Stephen R. Bradley, Moses Robinson and Paul Spooner in 1 780 to defend Vermont's case against the claims of all three of the adjoining states, and the duties were performed with skiU and address. He was also, Oct. 19, 1799, appointed agent to wait on the Council and General Court of Massachusetts to negotiate for an abandonment of the pretensions which the latter state had raised to jurisdiction over Vermont, and to secure her acknowledgment of Vermont's independence. He was, in October, 1779, though not a member of the Assembly, appointed chairman of a commit tee, consisting of himself, Reuben Jones, Nathan Clark, and John Fassett, "to form the outiines of a plan to be pursued for de fense before Congress against the neighbor ing states in consequence of a late act of that body." He was repeatedly appointed on legislative committees when not a member. He was elected to the Legislature from ArUngton, though his "usual home" was in Bennington and his family Uved in Sunder land, and he was allowed to act, though he refused to take the oath expressing belief in the divine inspiration of the Bible and pro fession of the Protestant religion. His military service after his release from captivity was confined entirely to his own state. Congress gave him the commission of brevet brigadier-general, but did not call him into the field. Perhaps the reason was the suspicion of his loyalty that soon became rife. The third effort to seduce him was pub licly known before he knew it. The Legisla ture made him major-general and comman der-in-chief of the Vermont miUtia, and he held the position for two years, but no active service was required except to guard the frontiers. In February, 1 780, Col. Beverly Robinson, a Virginia Tory, wrote him a letter alluding to the Vermont feeling over its treat ment by Congress and inviting a negotiation with the British. The letter was delivered to him on the streets of ArUngton in July. Allen showed it to Governor Chittenden and the leading men of the state, and it was decided to pay iio attention to it. The next March, howeve-, while the Haldimand negotiation was in \LiU progress, AUen sent the letter, with a dupUc&Ac^which Robinson had impatiently forwarded, to Congress, with a long screed of his own, weU calculated to impress Congress with the idea that it was running a great risk of driving Vermont to the other side by its unjust treatment. He said he was confident Congress would not dispute his sincere attach ment to the cause of his country, though he did not hesitate to declare that he was fully " grounded in the opinion that Vermont had an indubitable right to agree on terms of ces sation of hostiUties with Great Britain, pro vided the United States persisted in rejecting her application for a union with them ; for Vermont of all people would be the most miserable were she obliged to defend the in dependence of the United States and they at- the same time claiming full liberty to over- ALLEN. ALLEN. 31 turn and ruin the independence of Vermont." He closed with the characteristic words : " I am as resolutely determined to defend the independence of ^'ermont as Congress is that of the United States, and rather than fail, wiU retire with my hardy Green Moun tain Boys into the desolate caverns of the mountains and wage war with human nature at large." The Haldimand negotiations are more fuUy discussed in the sketch of Ira .Alien, whose consummate shrewdness conducted them to success. Ethan Allen was in the secret of them aU, and at the time had to bear more of the suspicion and odium than any other man, but his part was chiefly that of counsellor, with very Uttie of the active work. There is reason for beheving that he told Washington all about them in the begin ning, and that the poUcy of protecting Ver mont by fooUng the British had the tacit approval of the country's chieftain. There is no chance for reasonable beUef that .AUen ever for a moment contemplated treason to the .American cause ; he had twice spurned offers when far more alluring. He was con stantly and carefully looking after the arms and equipments of the state, to keep her in the best condition for defense. In Decem ber, 1780, even while the charges of treason were getting loudest against him, he was ne gotiating with Governor Trumbull of Con necticut for two tons of powder, to resist an invasion from Canada. He offered, April 14, 1781, when there seemed to be a chance that the British could no longer be kept off by diplomacy, in a letter to Governor CUn ton, his own services and those of two other Vermont officers to defend New York against their cruel invaders. The only question is whether in his deceit of the British he went beyond the lines of honor. The worst piece of evidence is a letter 'written to Haldimand, June 16, 1782, and closing with these words : "I shaU do everything in my power to render this a British province." The letter was unsigned, but it read 'S'ery AUenish, and has generally been beUeved to have been 'written by him. AUen, as commander of the A^ermont army in 1 78 1, concluded a truce with the British forces while the negotiations were in prog ress, and he got the northern parts and frontier of New York included in it. He reported these doings to Colonel Webster and General Schuyler, and warned the latter of a project to capture his person, assuring him that the "surmises of my corresponding with the enemy to the prejudice of the United States are wholly without founda tion." Captain Sherwood, who came to Allen's headquarters at Castleton as an en voy from Haldimand, reported .Alien as bar gaining hypothetically for himself and for the state, but the report of his terms con cludes with this significant condition: "If, however. Congress should grant A'ermont a seat in that assembly as a separate state, then these negotiations to be at an end and be kept secret on both sides." But the wildest reports of his treachery flew about the country. Some of them even represented him at the head of Britis'n troops in Canada. The feeling grew at home and finally focussed in an arraignment before the Legislature in November, 1782, for miscon duct in the armistice. This is what appears in the "Governor and Council" minutes as the "Captain Hotchkiss Resolutions." The record is very meagre. Fay and Bradley, who were on his staff at Castleton, testified, and apparently convinced aU that nothing improper had been done. .AUen resigned his commission, evidently deeply hurt that after all he had done for the people he should be subject to such suspicion ; that, as he said, "such false and ignominious asper sions" were entertained against him for a moment, and he indignantly left the house, declaring that he would "hear no more of it." The Legislature appointed a committee of two to express the state's thanks for .Al len's services, and then accepted the resigna tion which Allen had offered "because there was uneasiness among some of the people on account of his command," but he patriot ically said he would ever be ready "to serve the state according to his abilities," if ever necessary. The next spring he was chosen general of the brigade of militia, but refused to accept, though with a repetition of his promise to serve the state in an unofficial capacity in case of need. In December, 1781, when New York attempted force to get control of the state, AUen was present with the force of A'ermont miUtia that defeated the project, not nominally in command, but evidently at the request of Governor Chittenden, as his account against the state for that service was aUowed. The rest of his days were passed in pri vate life, but with recognition on every side as the leader of the state. In 1782 he was called to the field, as he had been two years previously, to quiet the rebellious "Yorkers" in Windham county, and when his party was fired on by ambushed men in Guilford he walked into the town on foot and gave his famous warning that unless the inhabitants of the town peacefully submitted to the au thority of the state of Vermont he would "lay it as desolate as Sodom and Gomorrah." When Shay's rebeUion was started in Alassachusetts, messengers were sent to him offering him the chief command, but he con temptuously refused it, ordered the messen gers out of the state, notified the Massachu- 32 ALLEN. ALLEN. setts authorities, and also exerted himself vigorously to prevent the insurgents from making Vermont a place of refuge. Though so long posted as an outlaw, though a leader of revolutionists and a discourser on human rights through all his active career, and though seemingly so recklessly extravagant in his talk, he was always the friend of law and order. His revolutionism was only against what was so plainly wrong as to be in ethics and morals iUegal. In 1787 he moved to BurUngton, where he devoted himseU to farming. He died, Feb. 12, 1789, at the age of only fifty-one, while on his way home from South Hero, where he had been for a load of hay, and had spent the afternoon and evening previous, at the invitation of Col. Ebenezer Allen, with a party of old friends. On the journey his ¦ negro attendant spoke to him several times and received no reply, and on reaching home he was found to be unconscious with apo plexy. He died a few hours later. He was buried with military honors, and his remains rest in a beautiful vaUey near the Winooski. The Legislature in 1885 ordered a monu ment to be erected over his grave, a Tuscan column of granite 42 feet high, and 4 1-2 feet in diameter. A commanding statue of him designed by Mead, of Vermont marble, stands in the portico of the Capitol at Montpelier. Another by the same great sculptor, of Italian marble, is in the Capitol at Washington. The earliest statue of him was modeled by B. H. Kinney, a native of Sunderland, back in the early fifties. It was pronounced by aged people who had seen him, an exceUent likeness, but it is stiU pri vate property. A fourth statue of heroic size, designed by Peter Stevenson, was un veiled at Burlington, July 4, 1873, and sur mounts the AUen monument. Allen's first wife was Mary, daughter of Cornelius and Abigail (Jackson) Brownson, of Woodbury, Conn. The earlier historians used to say that she died in Connecticut during the war, but on the authority of a remembered statement of Dr. Ebenezer Hitchcock it is now believed that she died in Sunderland about 1783 from consumption, and was buried in Arlington. Some verses in her memory, the only attempt at poetry Allen ever made, were published in the Ver mont Gazette of July 10, 1783, and are well worth preservation, for his recognition, how ever skeptical he may have been himself, of the sublime power of the Christian faith in his wife : Farewell, my friends; the fleeting world, adieu, My residence no longer is with you ; My children I commend to Heaven's care, And humbly raise my hopes above despair; And conscious of a virtuous, transient strife. Anticipate the joys ofthe next life; Yet such celestial and ecstatic bliss Is but a part conferred on us in this. Confiding in the power of God most high. His wisdom, goodness, and infinity Displayed, securely I resign my breath To thc cold, unrelenting stroke of death. Trusting that God, who gave me life before. Will still preserve me in a state much more Exalted, mentally beyond decay, In the blest regions of eternal day. No Stone was ever erected to her memory. She bore Allen one son and four daughters. The son died at the age of eleven. Two of the daughters died unmarried and one mar ried Eleazer W. Keyes of Burlington and the other Samuel Hitchcock of Burlington, and was the mother of Gen. E. A. Hitchcock. AUen was married a second time, Feb. 9, 1 7 84, to Mrs. Frances Buchanan, the widowed daughter of Crean Brush, the Tory, the man who had led in the New York Legislature in passing the act of outlawry against him and procured the reward to be offered for his head. The story of this marriage is romantic and again illustrative of Allen's rough-and- ready audacity. Mrs. Buchanan, who was twenty-two years his junior, and a woman of grace, culture and fascination, was living with her mother in the house of Stephen R. Brad ley at Westminster, where she frequently met Alien with other leading men of the state, and a sort of friendship, that was still half of antagonism, grew up between these two strong and original natures. Its character may be judged from a remark to John Nor- tin, the ex-Tory tavern keeper at Westmin ster, who one day said to her: "Fanny, if you marry General AUen you wiU be queen of a new state." "Yes," she retorted scorn fully, "if I should marry the devil I would be queen of heU." But early that February morning AUen drove up with a span of dashing black horses and a colored driver. It was during a session of the Supreme Court, and the judges were at breakfast. He declined an invitation to partake, saying he had break fasted, and passed without ceremony into Mrs. Buchanan's part of the house, where he found her in a morning gown, standing on a chair, arranging some glass and china on the upper shelf of a closet. After a few moments' playful chat, AUen said : "Well, Fanny, if we are to be married, now is the time, for I am on my way to Arlington." "Very weU," she repUed, descending from the chair, "but give me time to put on my Joseph." AUen led her into the room where the judges, having finished their breakfast, were smoking their long pipes, and accost ing his old friend, Chief-Justice Robinson, asked him to tie the knot. "When?" said the judge in surprise. "Now," repUed AUen. "For myseff I have no great opinion of such formality, and from what I can dis cover she thinks as littie of it as I do, but as a decent respect for the opinions of man kind seems to require it, you wiU proceed." ALLEN. ALLEN. 33 The ceremony reached the point where the judge asked Ethan if he promised to live with Frances, " agreeable to the law of God." "Stop ! stop !" cried AUen, and paus ing and looking out of the window he added : "The law of God as written in the great book of nature ? Yes! Goon!" Without further interruption the service was com pleted, the bride's trunk and guitar case were placed in the sleigh and the pair driven across the mountain to the general's home. By this second wife there was one daughter and two sons. After his death the daughter entered a nunnery in Canada and died there. The sons were Hannibal and Ethan A., and became officers of the United States Navy. The latter had a son, since well known. Col. Ethan Allen of New York. Little that Allen wrote has been preserved to the present day. Among his works, besides those mentioned on previous pages, was his " Vindication of Vermont and Her Right to Form an Independent State," a forceful argument of one hundred and seventy-two pages, written in 1779 and published under authority of the Governor and Council. In 1779 also appeared his "Narrative" from which his biographers have all got most of their material. In 1778 appeared his "An- imadversary Address" in answer to Governor Clinton ; in 1780, "Concise Reputation of the Claims of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and New York to the Territory of Vermont," which he and Jonas Fay had prepared with much care ; and in 1782 a" Defense of the Eastern and Western Unions." In 1774 his most am bitious pamphlet on the New York contro versy appeared, a document of over two hun dred pages and an exhaustive discussion of the historical aspect of the case, showing that prior to the royal order of 1764 New A'ork had no claim to extend easterly to the Con necticut river. In 1784 he brought out the work on which he expected his fame to rest, his "Oracles of Reason," printedat Benning ton, which he called a " Compendious Sys tem of Natural ReUgion " and consisting as he described it in a letter to St. John de Cre- vecoeur of "the untutored logic and saUies of a mind nursed principally in the moun tain wilds of America." It was a volume of four hundred and seventy-seven pages, an infidel work, denying the inspiration of the scriptures, but energetic in its expressions of veneration for the being and perfection of the Deity and its firm beUef in the immortal ity of the soul. It was laid a good deal on the same Unes as Paine's "Age of Reason," without Paine's caustic style of debate but with a larger and healthier view of things eter nal. There was a presumptuous tone to it that greatly marred it, and yet much of high ideals, of humanitarian sentiment and of insight beyond things material to things spiritual. He had aU his life been in the habit of jotting down his thoughts on these subjects, and indeed the work was planned in his youth, and there is reason to beUeve that some of it was the contribution of Dr. Thomas Young, one of the ablest men of his times, an influential friend of Vermont in later years and the intimate of .-\llen in his Connecticut days. Both de lighted in battUng against New England orthodoxy, then wrote in conjunction, and it was agreed that the one that outlived the other should publish their stuff. AUen left his manuscript with Young, on going to Ver mont, and on his release from captivity after Young's death obtained it from the latter's family, and elaborating the material as he had leisure, finally pubUshed it. But it was a failure, and a great disappointment to him. The sale was limited, and a large portion of the fifteen hundred volumes burned in the printing office, and it brought on him an op probrium much like that suffered by Paine. There have been two theories about Allen, one that he was a hero, the other a humbug, aijd about them has centered a vast deal of discussion, but all of it fragmentary, without a view in its wholeness of his work or char acter. That there was a big streak of hum bug in him is indubitable, and the anecdotes of himself that he tells with most relish are those where he made the humbug work. He was overfuU of faith in himself, to the point of vanity and bombast at times. He was often a heavy drinker, and that fact may ex plain many of the things that showed worst in him. He was also, as Disraeli said of Gladstone, in the habit of getting "intoxicated with the exuberance of his own rhetoric" — and blasphemy. But after making every allowance, there is no denying his greatness — the greatness of his influence on his times, of the work wrought out by the force of his personality, of the results of what he achieved, as well as attempted, but missed, by the fault of others, and of the greatness that was the foundation of it all, the ideals above and beyond self that guided him. He was too big-minded to ever be mean. Once when sued on a note he employed a lawyer to have execution stayed a short time. The lawyer, as the easiest way to do this, denied the signature. Allen arose in court in a rage and shouted : "Sir, I did not employ you to come here and lie. The note is a good one, the signature is mine. .AU I want is for the court to grant me suffi cient time to pay it." Another court anecdote, not so creditable and perhaps to be accounted for on the in toxication theory, Gladstonian or alcoholic, was at the trial at Westminster, in May, 1779, of the thirty-six Yorkers who had rescued two cows from an officer who had seized them because their owners had re fused to do military duty on the frontier or 34 ALLEN. to pay for substitutes. Three had been discharged for want of evidence, and three more because minors. Allen, who was there by order of Governor Chittenden, with one hundred soldiers to support the court, heard of it and strode into court to warn it not to let the offenders slip through its hands. With hat on and sword swinging by his side he began to attack the lawyers. Chief-Jus tice Robinson said reprovingly that the court would gladly listen to him as a citizen, but not as a military man in military attire. Allen threw his hat on the table and un buckled his sword, exclaiming, " For forms of government let fools contest ; whate'er is best administered is best." Then, as the judges began whispering together, he added, " I said that fools might contest, not your honors, not your honors." Then he told how he had come fifty miles to support the prosecution of the " enemies of our noble state," and some of them are escaping "by the quirks of this artful lawyer, Bradley ;" and " this little Noah Smith," the state's attorney, " is far from understanding his business, since he at one moment moves for a prosecution and in the next wishes to withdraw it. Let me warn your honors," and turning to Smith he said, " I would have the young gentleman know that with my logic and reasoning, from the eternal fitness of things, I can upset his Blackstones, his Whitestones, his gravestones and his brim stones." The miUtary quality of his theological views in the heat of dispute was shown in his retort to John Norton, the Westminster tav ern keeper, who said regarding the then new theories of UniversaUsm : "That reUgion will suit you, will it not. General?" Allen, who knew Norton to be a Tory, re pUed scornfully ; "No ! No ! for there must he a hell in the other world for the punish ment of Tories." In 1778 he complained of his own brother Levi as a Tory, charging that he had passed counterfeit continental money and under the pretense of helping him while a prisoner on Long Island, had been detected in supplying the British with provisions. He stated that Levi had real estate in Vermont and peti tioned that it might be confiscated to the public treasury. For this Levi challenged him to a duel, but Ethan retorted that it would be disgraceful to fight a Tory. The eccentricity of his vanity was illus trated while he was on his way to New York after the capture of Ticonderoga. He stop ped at Bennington and went into the church where Rev. Mr. Dewey was fervently thank ing the Lord in his prayer for that victory for our arms. AUen got impatient as these thanks to the Giver of all good were pouring up, and shouted : "Parson Dewey !" No at tention was paid to him, but the thanksgiv ing stiU went on. "Parson Dewey !" again, and again no stop. "Parson Dewey !" -AUen thundered the third time, springing to his feet as the minister opened his eyes in as tonishment. "Parson Dewey, please make mention of my being there !" Another anecdote, out of the many thait have come down, gives a gUmpse of his make-up on several of its sides. While he was on his way to England as a prisoner, and in irons, he discovered that the pin or wire that fastened one of the handcuffs was broken, and he extracted the pieces with his teeth, unloosed the bolt, and then freeing that hand soon had the other and his feet at liberty. He replaced the irons before his keeper came in, but was able afterwards to Uberate himself at pleasure. One day the captain ordered him to be brought on deck in order to make sport of him, and as though to frighten a land lubber, said there was a probability of the ship's soon founder ing, and asked : "If so, what will become of us, especially you, Mr. Allen, a rebel against the King?" "My !" repUed Allen, "that would be very much like our dinner hour." "How so?" "I'd be on my way up just as you were going down." The joke was theologi cal, but founded on the fact that Allen was allowed to come on deck only when the captain went down to his cabin to dine. But the captain was mad, began a regular tirade of abuse, and promised that "all the rebels wiU soon be in the same situation as yourself." Ethan's choler also arose, and in a twinkUng, raising his hands to his teeth, he had the pins and bolts unlocked and the irons thrown overboard, and while the crowd stood paralyzed with astonishment, actuaUy seized the captain and threw him headlong on the deck ; then turning to the affrighted crew he declared in a voice of thunder : "If I am insulted again during the voyage I'U sink the ship and swim ashore." He had the fondness of a superior mind for the companionship of able men. His early intimacy with Dr. A'oung was only the forerunner of many like it, and one of the pleasantest was that with the cultured St. John de Crevecoeur, French consul at New York, and after whom he procured St. Johns- bury to be named, as well as DanviUe and Vergennes after other eminent Frenchmen ; and great men, both of his and latter times, have always admired him, even if they didn't like. John Jay, found his writings to be characterized by "wit, quaintness, and impertinence." The EngUshman, Col. John A. Graham, who wrote a series of letters from Vermont in the last century, found Allen to be an "extraordinary character," possessing "great talents, but is deficient in education ; in aU WARNER. WARNER. 35 his deaUngs he possesses the strictest sense of honor, integrity, and uprightness." "A character strangely marked by both excellences and defects," is the verdict of Jared Sparks, whose biography finds him "brave, generous, consistent, true to his friends, true to his country, seeking at aU times to promote the best interests of man kind." Governor HaU, in his study of him, was impressed with the extent and accuracy of his political information, and with his style of writing, as one to "attract and fix atten tion, and inspire confidence in his sincerity and justice." Judge D. P. Thompson's summary at tributes to him, "wisdom, aptitude to com mand, ability to inspire respect and confi dence, a high sense of honor, generosity, and kindness." Zodack Thompson finds in him "un wavering patriotism, love of freedom, wisdom, boldness, courage, energy, perseverance," but too much "self-sufficiency and personal vanity." WARNER, Seth,— The ablest soldier of Vermont's youth, was, like nearly all the leaders of the state's formative period, a native of, Connecticut, being born at that part of Woodbury then Roxbury Parish, and now Roxbury, Conn., May 17, 1743, and he returned there to die, forty-one years later. He early joined the movement to the New Hampshire grants, which were begin ning to be settled after the close of the French and Indian war, and were soon to become the Eldorado of New England agri culture. He came to Bennington in 1765, and being a skUled botanist, though he had had only a common school education, and an ardent huntsman, the life was just of the kind to delight him ; judging by his circum- -stances, these pursuits absorbed more of his energies than the more prosaic work of farming. He was once or twice a member •of the conventions of settlers, though he had littie ambition to play a political part. Eut his quasi-mUitary operations were always useful and in demand in the controversy ¦with New York. His residence in Benning ton was less than a mUe from the New York line, and outside of the settlement, and yet despite the indictments and heavy rewards -offered, the Yorkers never succeeded in cap turing him. Once a New York officer, armed to the teeth, found and attempted to arrest him. Warner attacked and wounded ¦and disarmed the man, but with the spirit of a soldier spared his life. Warner was, in 1 771, elected by a convention a captain of one of the companies in the regiment of -Green Mountain Boys organized to resist JMew York authority, and the story of its wUd, rollicking and romantic work is very much the same as to Warner's part as any of the other leaders. He was prompt and eager to go with his comrades into the revo lution, and to join the expedition to Ticon deroga. He was left with the rear guard, the bulk of the party, on the east shore of the lake unable to get across, at the time of the capture of that fortress, but he was sent the next day with a detachment of men to take Crown Point, which he accomplished successfully, the fortress surrendering at the first summons, with two men and sixty-one good cannon, besides a lot unfit for service. He earnestly seconded Allen's efforts for an invasion of Canada, going with him to Philadelphia and Albany, to urge it on the Continental and provincial congresses. It looked for a time as if the controversy be tween New York and the people on the grants was to disappear in the enthusiasm over the capture of Ticonderoga, for not only were .Alien and Warner cordially re ceived when they appeared before the Pro vincial Congress, but they were both willing and eager to lead troops raised under New York authority, and the Congress passed a resolution authorizing the raising of a regi ment among the lately rebeUious people to be commanded by officers chosen by them selves. Allen in his impulsive generosity wrote to the Provincial Congress : "When I reflect on the unhappy controversy which has many years subsisted between the gov ernment of New York, and the settlements of New Hampshire grants, and also con template on the friendship and union that hath lately taken place between the govern ment and these its former discontented sub jects, in making a united resistance against ministerial vengeance and slavery, I cannot but indulge fond hopes of reconciliation. To promote this salutatory end, I shall con tribute my influence, assuring your honors, that your respectful treatment, not only to Mr. Warner (Seth Warner) and myself, but to the Green Mountain Boys in general, in forming them into a battalion, are by them duly regarded, and I wiU be responsible that they will retaliate this favor by wholly haz- ardizing their lives, if need be, in the com mon cause of America. I hope no gentle man in Congress will retain any precon ceived prejudice against me, as on my part I shall not against any of them ; but as soon as opportunity may permit, and the public cause not suffer thereby, shaU hold myself in readiness to settle all former disputes and grievances on honorable terms." But the land jobbers evidently got in their work soon to check this flood of good feeling. For when the regiment had been raised and Warner elected its colonel — much to the mortification of Allen — the New York gov- 36 WARNER. WARNER. ernment neglected to give him his commis sion, for it appears by General Montgom ery's note book that after the regiment had reached Canada and joined in the operations the General appointed him colonel, and re quested him to be obeyed as such. The New York Congress had not only withheld commissions from the regiment, but had asked the Continental Congress to do the same, and the demand was several times afterward repeated. January 20, 1777, the New York Congress adopted a report declar ing that "The said Seth Warner hath been principally concerned in riots, outrages and cruelties against the former government of this state, and is otherwise utterly unfit to command a regiment in the Continental ser vice," and insisting that it is absolutely neces sary to disband the regiment and "recaU the commissions given to Colonel Warner and the officers under him ; as nothing else wiU do justice to us and convince these deluded people that Congress have not been prevailed on to assist in dismembering a state." But no attention was paid to the demand, although New York was profuse in promises to raise extra troops enough beyond her quota to make up for the disbandment of this regi ment, and yet it was but Uttle more than a year after this that New York was relying on Warner and this regiment mainly for the protection of her own frontiers — an arduous and exhausting service which Warner cheer fully rendered, and in which really he lost his Ufe. When the invasion of Canada was finally begun in the fall of 1775, Warner and his Green Mountain Boys joined it within three days. Montgomery promptly sent him with a part of his men to the St. Lawrence and vicinity of Montreal to watch the motions of the enemy. With three hundred men he repulsed Carlton when the latter attempted with eight hundred men to join McLean and raise the siege. Warner watched the British as they embarked from Montreal, permitted them to approach very near the south shore and then poured a hot fire into them, throw ing them into disorder and compelling a retreat. It was well and gallantly done. After repulsing Carlton and maneuvering McLean back to Quebec, he erected a battery at the mouth of the Sorel to com mand the passage of the St. Lawrence and block up Carlton in Montreal. Carlton managed to escape down the river to Que bec, and Montgomery took possession of Montreal Nov. 13. But General Prescott attempting to escape with a number of armed vessels loaded with provisions and mUitary stores, was captured at the mouth of the Sorel with one hundred and twenty men. Warner also commanded at an action at Longueil in which Montgomery com mended his bravery and prudence. November 20, as the regiment had served only as volunteers and was too miserably clad to endure a winter's campaign, Mont gomery discharged it with peculiar marks of respect. But the gaUant boys had hardly got home when General Wooster wrote Warner, telling of the desperate straits the invading army was in after the repulse at Quebec, and the sickness and desertions from which it was suffering and urging him to raise a body of men and hasten to their support until relief could come from the colonies. " Let them come," General Woos ter wrote, " by tens, twenties, thirties, forties or fifties, as fast as they can be prepared to march." Eleven days afterward the valiant and energetic \Varner was again marching a regiment northward. The men had become habituated to turn out at his call, they had unbounded confidence in his vigilance, pru dence and courage, and they loved him as few officers are loved by their soldiers. He was affable and famUiar with the humblest private without sacrificing any of the dignity necessary to command. The campaign was an extremely distress ing one. The troops, even the freshly-armed Green Mountain Boys, lacked comfortable clothing, barracks and provisions. When the retreat was made, Warner was placed in command of the rear guard and did good and skillful service in covering the retreat, picking up the wounded and distressed, and keeping generally only a few mUes ahead of the British advance, who pursued closely from post to post. He brought off most of the invalids, and with this corps of diseased and infirm, arrived at Ticonderoga a few days after the main column. July 5, 1776, shortly after the final aban donment of Canada, Congress resolved, on a report of the board of war, to organize a regiment of regular troops for permanent service, to be under command of officers who had served in Canada. Warner was appointed colonel of this regiment, which was raised chiefly in Vermont, and Samuel Safford lieutenant-colonel. Warner was at Ticonderoga with his regiment through the whole of the remainder of the campaign of 1776, and did some efficient service in pro tecting that post. In the 1777 campaign, with its invasion by Burgoyne, Warner went to work with his accustomed activity to meet it. He issued a stirring appeal to aU Vermonters and wrote, July 2, from Rutland to the convention at Windsor, that an atiack was expected at Ti conderoga, and urging that all men who could possibly be raised be forwarded at once.^ "I should be glad," he said, "if a few hills of corn unhoed should not be a mo- WARNER. 37 tive sufficient to detain men at home." He reached Ticonderoga with 900 men, mainly Vermont miUtia, July 5, in season to assist in its defense, but St. Clair and his council of war resolved to abandon the post that night, before Burgoyne's investment was com pleted. Warner was again placed in com mand of the rear guard. He was overtaken by Fraser, in command of the British ad vance, on the morning of July 7, and the re sult was the weU-planned and splendidly fought, but most unlucky, battie of Hubbards- ton. Warner had about 1,000 men, consist ing of his own and Colonel Francis, and Colonel Hale's New Hampshire and Massa chusetts regiments. The British for cenum- bered rather more, besides Riedesel's in fantry and reserve corps following three miles behind. Hale got detached and captured, and Francis fell while charging for the third time at the head of his regiment. StiU Warner fought on vvith the utmost gal lantry and with skillful dispositions and had the laattle nearly won when Reidesel's rein forcements arrived. Warner himself was surrounded with a smaU party at one time, but fought his way out. Only when defeat was evidently overwhelming did he give up. There is a story, not supported by incontes table proof, however, that he then gave an ¦order not found in any tactics, for every man to take to the woods and meet him at Man- ¦chester. He himself safely conducted a re treat with a small remnant to Fort Edward. The historian, Bancroft, is even more unjust than in his strictures on Allen at Montreal, when he says that Warner had en camped at Hubbardston contrary to St. Clair's instructions, and calls the fight a rash one. St. Clair had ordered him to keep the British in check while the main army made its escape. Besides, it was a good opportunity for St. Clair, who was only six mOes distant, at Castieton, to turn upon the pursuing column and crush it. Burgoyne, with the rest of his army, was on the ships in the lake and beyond supporting distance. War ner would have made the day victorious but for the arrival of Riedesel's reinforcements, and successfully resisted them for a time. And yet Riedesel had three mUes to march ¦while St. Clair would have had only six. When Riedesel arrived with his three Ger man bataUions, Fraser took him by the hand and thanked him for the timely rescue. Tf Warner had run for Fort Edward without ¦fighting, as Bancroft seems to think he ¦ought, it would have reversed the conditions and given the British a chance to beat the Americans in detaU, and very possibly St. Clair would have been unable to reach Schuyler with a single soldier. \\'arner arrived at Manchester a few days after with about one hundred and fifty effect ives, where he maintained a bold front until the New Hampshire men had time to rally, and it very likely saved the stores at Ben nington from a descent by Riedesel from Castieton. He adopted, in agreement with Stark, the plan of arresting Burgoyne's ad vance, harassing his flanks. Schuyler con sented to it most reluctantly and only after he found that Stark would not obey his orders to join him in Burgoyne's front. Washington approved these tactics which Warner had inaugurated, and it was ob viously the only thing to do in the pres ent junction, because it would compel Burgoyne to weaken his column to guard points in the rear, while time was the one thing necessary to gather and organize a sufficient force to arrest his progress in the front. Schuyler, after he had assented to the plan, did his best to make it effective, send ing Warner $4,000 and an order for whatever clothing he could procure at Albany. The result was not only a gain of over a month of precious time, but to make the Benning ton expedition for supplies a necessity for Burgoyne. \\^arner was with Stark two days before the battle of Bennington, August 16, 1777, aided in planning the attack on Raum's in trenchments, and rode about the field with the General early in the fight. The battle was planned and fought with a degree of military talent that would have done no dis credit to any service in Europe, and Stark in his official report expressed his particular obUgations to Warner, "whose superior skiU was of great service." Warner himself had hurried on at the first tidings brought by his admirable scouting service of the approach of the British to capture the stores which had been accumulated at Bennington to be for warded to Ticonderoga. But his regiment had so large a number off scouting that it couldn't start on the 14th, but had to wait for the parties to come in. The next day they started under command of Major Stafford, but owing to a heavy rain it was midnight before they arrived within a mile of Benning ton. Their ammunition was wet, and a considerable part of the next day was ex hausted before they could get to the scene of the battle. They arrived, however, most opportunely, just as Breyman had come with reinforcements for the British, after the day had once been won by the Americans, who were now scattered about gathering up plunder. It was by Warner's earnest advice, and against Stark's first impression, that the fresh troops were at once thrown against Breyman, instead of retreating to rally the 38 WARNER. whole army on a new line. Warner put him seU at the head of his regiment and pushed the fight with a fire and dash that made the xAmericans irresistible as soon as the other troops could be formed in line and brought into action, and swept Breyman and his bat- taUon off the field in complete rout. War ner's brother, Jesse, was kiUed in the battle. Warner was with Gates throughout the rest of the campaign, and after the surrender of Burgoyne he was in constant service along the Hudson and elsewhere. He commanded an expedition to Lake George Landing, by which the vessels in which Burgoyne might have escaped, were captured. In April, 1778, he was ordered to .Albany, leaving the state without protection. Schuyler sent him on a particular command into Yessop's Patent, which he executed with skiU and address. It was not a field for brilliant achievements, but for vigUance, energy and cool judgment in guarding against Indian incursions, watch ing the Tories, gathering information, and protecting communications. His bravery and mUitary capacity came to be highly re garded by the officers of the Continental army. He was wounded from an ambush of Indians in September, 17S0, when the only two officers with him fell dead by his side, and with his constitution undermined by his constant exertions and exposures, he returned to Bennington toward the close of the war a dying man, with poverty to crown his mis fortunes. Never a business man or thought ful for money matters, he had taken no in terest or part in the land speculations that made most of the Vermont leaders wealthy. The proprietors of several towns had voted him land as a reward for his services, but most of it was sold for taxes and he never got any benefit. The neglect of his affairs and other tax sales while he was fighting for his country had nearly used up what little possessions he had, so that before his death his wife was forced to appeal for charity to the helpless Congress. In 1777 the Legisla ture had granted him 2,000 acres in the northwest part of Essex county, supposing it would be valuable, but he never realized much from it. Colonel Warner was not at any time in the secret of the Haldimand negotiation, but Uke most people believed that something wrong was going on between the British and the Vermont authorities and was very indig nant about it, becoming estranged from his old associates on account of it. He went with a Bennington committee to Arlington, in 1782, to protest to Governor Chittenden against the sending of prisoners that had been taken in war to Canada and threatening to raise a regiment to overtake and bring them back. There was quite an altercation, and a reply from the Governor, substantiaUy telling him to mind his own business, that Colonel AUen's regiment which had taken the prison ers was able to protect them, and that there would soon be seen a generous return of prisoners from Canada — which proved to be the fact. Colonel ^Varner returned to Roxbury, Ct., in the summer of 1784 and died there Dec. 26, of that year, at the age of forty-one. He was long sick abed ; mortification began at his feet and continued by slow progress up. his body. His last few months were clouded by fits of insanity. The burial was with all the honors of war. There was in the old days a pleasant story that Washington re Ueved the homestead of a mortgage for the widow ; but it was a fiction. The record is insufficient in the words of the inscription on his tombstone, to " TeU future ages what a hero's done." For Seth Warner's career was one of deeds. done, not words written, and his modesty made his reports few and short and free from any recounting of his own achieve ments. He always appeared to be satisfied. with being useful and manifested little sohci tude that his services should be known or appreciated. So it came about, as he was never much of a pen and ink man, anyway,, that in the latter part of his service, whUe he was on detailed commands, we have very few particulars about him ; but he was about the ideal soldier, with cool courage and perfect self-possession, at all times resolute,. energetic and sound of judgment, inspiring his associates and his command with entire confidence, courteous and frank in bearing and with a character that was given a strong and steady fibre by the high and patriotic purposes that animated him. Hon. S. D. Boardman of Connecticut, who as a youth often saw him, describes Warner as of "noble personal appearance, very tall, not less than six feet two ; large-boned, but rather thin in flesh, and apparently of great bodily strength ; features regular, strongly marked, and indicative of mental strength,. fixedness of purpose, and yet of much benevolent good nature, and in aU respects both commanding and pleasing. His man ners were simple, natural and free from any kind of affectation, at once both pleasing and dignified." Additional descriptions teU of his sparkling and beaming blue eyes, his beautifully arched eyebrows below nut- brown hair, and a forehead broad and intel lectual, indicative of a sound and reflecting mind and a strong and weU-balanced man hood. He bestrode a horse with rare grace and dignity. The state of Connecticut has caused a neat and substantial monument, a granite obeUsk, about twenty-one feet high, to be erected over his grave. CHITTENDEN. CHITTENDEN. 39 CHITTENDEN, Thomas.— The "Washington of Vermont," her firstgovernor,for nineteen years, shaping her ad- minis tration, shares with the Aliens the honor of the successful birth of the new state, and in him was the indis pensable com- p 1 e t e m e n t of their talents to carry it through the multipUed perils of its youth. John L. Heaton in his "Story of Vermont," does not exaggerate when he says that Chittenden should "rank with Adams, Hancock, and Morris among the great men of the Revolutionary period ; for he was one of the wisest and purest," and it cannot now be seen that he made or sanc tioned more than one serious blunder, though his task was one of the most difficult that ever confronted a leader of the people. This plain, hard-working farmer, equipped by God as a statesman, came to A'ermont and assumed his work at the age of over forty and in the fuU maturity of his mind and powers. He was born at East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 6, 1730, the son of Ebenezer Chittenden, and descended from a family that came from Cranbrook, England, in 1639, and of whom one, Moses, was an officer in Cromwell's own regiment. The Chittendens were of Welsh origin and the name comes from the words Chy-tune-den or din, signify ing a castle in a vaUey between mountains. Crittenden is another form of the name and the great Senator John J. Crittenden, of Ken tucky, was closely related to the Connecticut and Vermont family. A brother of the Gov ernor, Bethuel Chittenden, was the first Epis copal minister of Vermont. His mother was a Johnson, and cousin of President Johnson of Columbia College. Thomas Chittenden's father was a farmer of only moderate circumstances, and there fore the boy had only the meagre common school education of those days. He worked on the farm until he was eighteen, becoming quite noted as an athlete, and then shipped as a sailor on a voyage to the West Indies. England and France then being at war, the ship was captured by a cruiser ; he landed on one of the islands moneyless and friendless, and he reached home only after much suf fering and fully satiated with sea Ufe. At the age of twenty he married Elizabeth Meigs and removed to Sahsbury, where by his industry and frugaUty he soon acquired a competence and became a leading man of the place, representing it in the colonial As sembly six years, and being colonel of a regiment of miUtia. His large business judgment saw the opportunities of the virgin land in Vermont, to which the spirit of emi gration and adventure was then directed, and in 1774 he came to Williston, on the Onion river, where he purchased a considerable tract of land, settling with his family and a few others when there was scarcely a family or road in that part of the land. He was pushing improvements on the place when the retreat of the American army from Can ada forced him, in the spring of 1776, to abandon it, first taking his family to Massa chusetts. But he soon bought a farm in Arlington, to which he removed, and re mained there, with short stays at Pownal and Danby, until after the war, when he returned to WiUiston, which was his home until his death. One of his reasons for locating in ArUngton was to queU the Tory power which had then become seriously troublesome there, and this, in conjunction with the Aliens and Matthew Lyon, he did vigorously, but, as Hon. David Read says, with "sagacity, humanity, and sound discre tion," until nearly every royaUst was driven out of town or persuaded to remain in sub mission. From the beginning he had entered zealously into the struggle of the settlers with New York and the mother country. He was appointed first president of the committee of safety at Bennington, was a member of the first convention of delegates that met at Dorset, Sept. 25, 1776, to consider the inde pendence of the state, and at the Westmin ster session was one of the committee that drafted the declaration, and assisted at the Windsor convention in framing the constitu tion. He went to Philadelphia with AUen, at the opening of the Revolution, to learn the disposition and intentions of Congress, and generally to procure intelUgence and advice. He was chosen one of the council of safety by the Constitutional Convention, and at once became president of that body, and was unremitting in his attention to its duties, which combined the legislative, judicial, and executive powers of government, throughout that summer. Perhaps he cannot be said to have been the first to see the opportunity to end the New York controversy by erecting a new state ; but he was one of the foremost in ad vocacy of the idea, and indeed, by this time, this sagacious, cool-headed, thoroughly prac tical and dignified gentleman had come to be universally recognized as the representative man of the settlers ; the one to mould and weld into practical shape the results of the tremendous power, as a popular leader of agitation, of Ethan Allen; the brilUant fertil- 40 CHIITENDEN. CHITTENDEN. ity and financial resourcefulness of Ira Al len, and the shrewd and patriotic endea'\'ors of Carpenter and Warner, the Fays and Rob insons and the rest. So, naturally, he was elected the first Governor, taking the office March i, 17 78, and being regularly re-elected until March, 1797, except in the one year of '89, when, owing to issues which wiU be later explained, Moses Robinson defeated him for a single term. He was undoubtedly best fit ted of any man in the state for the position and its duties. He steadily pursued the poUcy of inde pendence, and he made the Haldimand negotiations (more fully treated in the sketch of Ira Allen) a chief club with which to maintain it. He wrote a spirited protest against the proposal, on which New York and New Hampshire were figuring in 1 780, to divide the state upon the mountain Une between them. He likened it to the iniquit ous division of Poland, told about the new state's maintenance of posts in the northern frontier, and that she was at liberty " if necessitated to it," to offer or accept terms of cessation of hostilities with Great Britain ; and " if neither Congress nor the other states wiU support her in independence, but devote her to the usurped government of any other power, she has not the most distant motive to continue hostilities and maintain an im portant frontier for the benefit of the United States, and for no other reward than the un grateful one of being enslaved by them." He acted in December of the next year with General Enos, Ira Allen and W'ilUam Page, as commissioners to New Hampshire, to ac commodate matters with that state and save the effusion of blood in a conflict of author ity in the East Union. When called upon by Stark for an explan ation of St. Leger's letter, expressing regret at the kiUing of an American citizen, he made it direct to Washington. This is another of the many pieces of circumstantial evidence that Washington was in the secret of the Vermont intrigue with Haldimand. On transmitting the resolution of Congress of August 7, 1778, preceding, requiring as an indispensable pre liminary to her admission as a state, that Ver mont give up the territory of New York and New Hampshire, which she had incorporated into her own Unes under the name of the East and the West unions, Washington had inquired by verbal message if the people would be "satisfied with the basis of inde pendence suggested, or whether the people seriously contemplated a British dependen cy." Washington was certainly inclined to take the Vermont side. He wrote guardedly in transmitting the above message that he would not discuss the rights of Vermont's claim to independence but take it for granted that it was good "because Congress by their resolve of .August 7, imply it." In one of his letters he asks : " "Would it not be more prudent to refer this dispute to New York and Vermont than to embroU the whole confederacy of the United States therewith?" Even if Chittenden had in good faith at tempted a British connection he would have been morally justified. For after the new state had been cheated by Congress — as aU Ver monters believed and as Washington prac tically admitted in advance, in his letter about the resolve — into abandoning the unions on the broken promise, in effect, that it should then be admitted to the confeder acy, and had ignored the offer of union and aid in the "protest" of 1780, the Governor did the utmost, as the "protest" suggested, to get the neighboring states to act in con junction with Vermont against the British. He sent circulars to New Hampshire, Massa chusetts, Connecticut and New York, pro posing a union with the first three for pur poses of defense against the invasion which would surely be made from Canada the next spring, demanding as the only condition that any claim of territory in Vermont should be relinquished. Massachusetts assented to this. Connecticut made no response, though understood tobe favorable. New Hampshire paid no attention to it. The New A'ork Legislature wanted to agree to it, recog nizing the benefit the state had had from the miUtary activity of the Green Mountain Boys and the likelihood that the plan would make Vermont instead of New York soil the scene of the next campaign, but Governor Clinton only prevented the passage of a resolution of assent by threatening to prorogue the Legislature. In such a situation, abandoned by both Congress and the other states to her own resources, believing, as there was every reason to do, that the purpose of it aU was to crush her, what was there for Vermont to do ? Absolutely nothing but to throw her self into the arms of the British, or adopt the poUcy of tergiversation that was adopted. The fact that the latter was the course taken is of itself sufficient proof of the pa triotic Americanism of the A'ermonters. One of Chittenden's letters, Nov. 14, 1781, after the British had returned to Canada, shows his purpose : "The enemy were man oeuvred out of their expectations and then re turned into winter quarters with great safety, that it might be fulfiUed which was spoken by the prophet : 'I wiU put my hook in their nose to turn them by the way whence they came, and they shall not come into this city (alias Vermont) saith the Lord.' " Another evidence of it was afforded by a circumstance in October of that year. The New York government, comparatively imbe- CHITTENDEN. CHITTENDEN. 41 cile in a military sense, because of its large element of Toryism and its aristocratic con stitution, never hesitated when in danger to caU for help on the Green Mountain Boys, whom it persisted at aU other times in regard ing as "rebels" against its authority. So when Carlton made his raid from Canada and captured Forts Ann and George, Gov ernor CUnton again appealed to Chittenden for aid. The latter repUed that the state's miUtia was up north, but he would immedi ately forward some he expected from Berk shire. The fact is that at this time and on repeated other occasions, as CUnton officially acknowledged, the Vermont troops rendered prompt and valuable service to New York when she needed it, and New York's return was to procure Vermont's being left entirely undefended, when invasion was organized against her. Governor Chittenden wrote to Washington, Nov. 14, 1782, that they would join the Brit ish in Canada rather than submit to New York, though there were no people more at tached to the cause of America. W'ith Chipman and Lewis R. Morris, he was a commissioner in 1791 to negotiate the admission of the state into the Union. He died, August 25, 1797, at the age of sixty-eight. For several months previous he had been unable to perform the duties of his office, and in July he had issued an address to the freemen announcing that he would not be a candidate for re-election, and invoking Heaven's blessings on the state and people to whom he had devoted so many years of service and whom he had seen increase from a band of a few hundred to a population of over 100,000 people. Many descendants have borne his honored name, and it is said that they all bear the stamp of his physiog nomy, so strong has been the personality to show through generations. One son, Mar tin, was congressman and Governor ; another, Truman, was councilor and repeatedly Dem ocratic candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, and he and stiU another son, Noah, were judges of probate. One daughter was the wife of Gov. Jonas Galusha, another of Mat thew Lyon, and another of Col. Isaac Clark : " Old Rifle " in the war of 181 2. The character of Governor Chittenden is best expressed by a statement of the work done by him. He was a genuine Yankee in his mental make-up, with its strength and activity, its practical rather than theoretic knowledge, its keen and quick perceptions, its great tact, its penetration of the designs and character of men, its " almost unerring foresight, unhesitating firmness and sound judgment," as Governor Hall says. But he was more. He had that quality and poise of mind that constituted so much of Washing ton's greatness, that habit of hearing all the evidence and considerations before reaching a conclusion, of seeking a fuU view of aU sub jects however complex, of divesting himself of aU influences except that of duty, which in spired confidence even to the point of vener ation, which inevitably evolved a dignified demeanor, and which made this plain, unlet tered farmer who could hardly write a letter in straight EngUsh, one of the great men of his time. He grew in statesmanlike stature as his opportunities widened. While so keen a judge of human nature that bad men could rarely deceive him, he did not fail to bestow his trust where it was worthy ; he did not make the mistake of smaUer minds, because he saw so much of evil and Uttleness in the world, of losing faith in humanity in the aggregate. The crown ing element of his success was that he knew and utilized the good in men. He was plain and simple and kindly in manners and ways of living, his dignity be ing that of moral and inteUectual rectitude entirely, not of affectation, fitting him with his long residence and his close acquaintance with the work of the people, for the long popularity he enjoyed. There is a story told of a visit of some high-born dames from .Albany to the chief executive's home at Ar lington that gives a glimpse of the genuine democracy of those days in A^ermont. When the hour for dinner arrived the Governor's wife went out to the piazza and blew the horn for the-men at work in the fields. "Do you have your servants eat at the same table with you?" inquired the visitors, doubtless with some elevation of noses. "Yes," re plied Mrs. Chittenden, " but I have been telling the Governor that we ought not to, that they have lo work to much harder that they ought to eat first." He was always of remarkably equable temper, and it is related of him that when a neighbor. Colonel Spofford, had induced the Legislature to appoint a man justice of the peace whom the Governor thought unfit and had opposed, and came to him to triumph over the success, the Governor replied plac idly, " Well, weU, Spofford, I am glad of it on the whole ; Smith will make a better justice than I supposed, and / always hoped he would." The sure way to rouse his wrath to the depths was to abuse Ira Allen. It was his appreciation of and faith in Allen that brought him his only political defeat, in 1789. The Legislature in 1783 authorized the disposal at a specific price, of the " flying grant" of Woodbridge (apparently High- gate), which had been forfeited for non-pay ment, and thirty-five rights in Carthage (Jay), to raise funds and provide supplies for the survey of town lines and cutting roads in the northern part of the state. No sales were effected under this resolution, but 42 CHITTENDEN. CHITTENDEN. AUen, as surveyor-general, went ahead with the work, advancing some ^4,000 for it, as it ultimately appeared, from his own funds. Governor Chittenden, at the meeting of the Governor and Council at Arlington, July 12, 1785, when unfortunately only half the Council were present, gave Allen a paper, signed by himself and seven members of the Council, stating it as their opinion that if .AUen advanced the money he should have the lands " at the price mentioned." Allen was defeated for state treasurer the next year, and called on Governor Chittenden to deliver to him the charter of Woodbridge in pursuance of this paper, and it was done. The next year, in 1787, Jonathan Hunt, of A'^ernon, procured from the Legislature, by a vote of 36 to 13, against the protests of Allen, a grant of the same lands, and organ ized a fight in the Legislature and secured an investigation. .A committee, headed by Stephen R. Bradley, reported that the Gover nor had converted the state seal to " private sinister views," and that the charter was fraudulent and ought to be declared void. A bill to this effect, modified somewhat, passed and went into effect, and such a storm was raised that Chittenden failed of a majority at the next election, and as a ma jority of the Legislature was against him, Moses Robinson was chosen in his place. Allen got out a statement " To the Impartial Public " about the case, but it was published too late to save the election. But the report of the commission in 1790, to adjust the state's accounts with AUen, showed that he had actuaUy advanced the money for the state, and the people were satisfied that though there had been technical irregularity there was no fraud or wrongful intent in the matter, and the Governor's old popularity returned to him with renewed strength. Chittenden's bearing when the storm was at its height was one of admirable dignity. When the count was completed it was his duty to declare Robinson elected and after assurances that he had sought to discharge his duty " with simplicity and unremitted atten tion" he said : " Since I find that the election has not gone in my favor by the freemen, and that you, gentlemen, would prefer some other person to fiU the chair, I can cheerfully resign to him the honors of the office I have long since sustained, and sincerely wish him a happy administration, for the advancement of which my utmost influence shaU be exerted." .And the Legislature could not help re sponding that the people "felt a grateful sense of the many and good services he had rendered them ","and wished for him on his re tirement from arduous labors "aU the blessings of domestic ease.'' His wise and foresighted benevolence twice had a chance to show itself in provid ing food for the people, first at ArUngton, where the disorders of the times and the leav ing of their unharvested fields, had brought danger of a famine, and afterwards, after the war at Williston where early frosts had done great harm. The Governor's granaries were full, and they were freely emptied for the bene fit of his suffering neighbors. At ArUngton he visited every family periodically, took an account of the provisions on hand, and by impartial and disinterested distribution saw to it that no one perished for want that hard winter. At WiUiston, so one historian says, men came from scores of mUes away through the snow to draw food on hand-sleds for their suffering famiUes. When they offered pay or security his reply was that he had no corn to sell to those who were hungry. The only re striction was that they should leave enough for seed. And the tale has been handed down in many a family how they would have starved that "cold winter," but for the corn of " Old Governor Tom." The high quality of his statesmanship was shown in the "betterment" and "quieting" acts of 1781-86, legislation that was perfectly novel in character yet so clearly founded on the principles of natural justice that several other states have since imitated it. The idea was his in origin, and it cut the way with equity through difficulties that were simply inextricable in law procedure. And it was done after a long fight against the op position of nearly all the lawyers of the state, who were unable to see beyond technicalities. ^Vhen the state government was formed, land titles were in woeful shape, owing to the long time since the grants by New Hampshire, the unsettlement and insecurity that had come from the contro\ersy with New York, the lack of any office or place of record, and the general custom of not passing title deeds to purchasers. There was pretty nearly noth ing by which to determine ownership. Lands could be sold without the preliminary of pur chase as well as with it, and there were many men who had practiced swindling of this kind extensively. The possessor, though he had cleared and improved his land and erected the best of buildings on it, was in law simply a trespasser if some one else could trace a title to it. Of course the greater the improvements the greater the ob ject to dispossess, the thicker the speculators, like those of former times in New A'ork, who sought farms that others had converted from forests for them. Litigation was multiplying on every side. Governor Chittenden's solu tion, which he had the help of Nathaniel Chipman to put in its final shape, was first to give the settler, if a trespasser technicaUy, the fuU value of his improvements and leave CHITTENDEN. 43 the courts to make further equitable division, then by the act of '84 to give him hah the rise in the value of the land besides the im provements, and finally to allow the legal owner only the original \alue before the im provements and six per cent besides. Governor Chittenden's readiness of re source in an emergency was shown in Octo ber, 1 78 1, when the Legislature was in session at Charlestown in the East union, and an accident came near uncovering the whole Haldimand business. For the sake of ap pearances the Vermonters had an army under Enos at Castieton to confront the British under St. Leger, who had come up the lake from Canada. The commanders and leading officers only were in the secret of the negotiation, and when an affair between scouting parties re sulted in the death of a Vermont sergeant (Tupper by name). General St. Leger sent back the man's clothes with a letter of apology and regret to General Enos, which when delivered, caused a good deal of dis turbance among the A'ermont troops. .A messenger, who was sent soon afterward with dispatches to the Governor, made loud proclamations all along the route, of the ex traordinary occurrence, fanning into flame the suspicion with which the air was sur charged, and creating great excitement in the Legislature when Charleston was reached. The Governor saw what must come, so he called a meeting of the board of war, sum moning to their aid Chipman, then a young lawyer and leader of the party opposed to Chittenden, and in a few moments while Ira Allen was bluffing in the Legislature by getting up a row with an inquisitive mem ber. Major Rounds, the Governor and his assistants concocted some new letters from General Enos and Colonels Walbridge and Fletcher, who were at the front with him, including all they reported about military matters that did not bear on the negotiation. After Allen had kept up his disputation long enough, he appealed to the dispatches as evidence that there was nothing wrong, the new ones were brought in and read for the originals. Chipman followed with a speech reminding the people that they were doubt ing the good faith of Thomas Chittenden, a man whom he though of the opposing party, knew to be honest and true, and would trust against a whole army of St. Legers. And before long the crowd that started in so ugly was dispersing with cheers for Chitten den and Chipman. His remarkable qualities of character were weU summarized by Ethan Allen, who wrote of him : " He was the only man I ever knew who was sure to be right in all, even the most difficult and complex cases, and yet could not tell or seem to know why it was so." Thompson says : " He had a rare combi nation of moral and inteUectual quaUties — good sense, great discretion, honesty of pur pose and an un\arying equanimity of tem per, united with a modest and pleasing address." E. P. Walton says : " He did not tower like an ornate and graceful Corinthian col umn, but was rather like the soUd Roman arch that no convulsion could overturn and no weight could crush." And another bi ographer concludes : " Mosses and lichens have covered the stone which marks his grave, but that stone wiU crumble into dust long before Vermonters wiU cease to respect the memory of Thomas Chittenden." ALLEN, iRA, the "Metternich of A'er- mont,"ashe has sometimes been called ; its first secretary and its first treasur- erer ; the one great diplomat ist of the Uttie republic, and its guide through its greatest diffi culties, has had meagre justice done him by history. While we properly re gard Chittenden as the "Wash ington of Vermont," Ira Allen may be well caUed its Hamilton. Indeed, the likeness is striking between these two men in their dif ferent fields. The wonderful intellectual precocity of Hamilton, a mind versatile, clear, and penetrating, with its intense, prac tical and logical cast, its perceptions quick as light, its fertiUty of original ideas, its bold and foresighted conceptions, and its master ful handUng of the problems of administra tion, had its counterpart in .AUen. Like Hamilton, Ira AUen was a statesman before he was twenty-five. Like Hamilton, he was one of the handsomest men of his time, with his inteUectual countenance, his flashing black eyes, his imposing presence, and pleas ing address. .As with Hamilton, there was at times a dash of unscrupulousness in his pub lic or poUtical work, coupled with the utmost personal honor — a sort of misdirection of an over-generous nature in sacrifice for others. It has been truly said of Ira AUen that he was secretly or openly the originator of more important poUtical measures for Vermont and the Revolution than any other man in the state, and it might truly be added than hardly any other in the country. Still other projects of vast utility from his teeming 44 ALLEN. ALLEN. brain were prevented from fruition only by the misfortunes of his later years. He it was, who' after the fall of Ticon deroga, when the settlements seemed help less before the on-coming army of Burgoyne, conceived the scheme of confiscating the estates of the Tories to raise money to equip and support troops, and as a result within a week a regiment of men was in the field. It was the first act of the kind in the country, but it was one which aU the other states, on the urging of Congress, had to adopt later. It was the measure that put the new state on its feet as a self-reliant, self-supporting entity. He was a leader in the formation of the constitution. He did inestimable service as secretary of the com mittee of safety, which was given the work of defending the state, because the members of the Constitutional Convention at Windsor when Ticonderoga fell had to leave for their homes and families and had no time to com plete the organization of a state government. He sent expresses at his own expense in every direction with news of the disaster, and appeals for prompt forwarding of troops. In the terror of the time no one else, even among the military commanders, attended to this, and it may not be too much to say that the victory at Bennington was due to the energy and the wise provision of Ira Allen. He organized scouting parties that gathered full information of the enemy's movements and forwarded it by express in all directions, with such encouragements as it warranted that the enemy could be met and repulsed. He sent timely warnings of the expedition to Bennington, so that it was by no accident that Stark and the New Hamp shire troops and the Berkshire militia ar rived in season to repulse and crush it. He helped to concert the measures for the cap ture of Ticonderoga, Crown Point and the strong posts in his rear that helped so much towards the ruin of Burgoyne. He did all this when the new state was without funds or credit, as well as without organization, when near three-fourths of the people of the west side of the mountain had fled from their homes, and a large part of those of the east side were disposed to favor New York's claims, when weak nerved and weak prin cipled men were flocking to Burgoyne and taking the oath of allegiance to the Crown, and when, besides the danger of invasion from the British and the savages, the late proceedings of Congress had shown par tiality towards New York and the embryonic state had every reason to expect hostile action. He staked not only large amounts of his money, but his life on the chance of winning victory out of this seemingly des perate situation. He was nearly always the agent of the state, either alone or with others in dealing with Congress and with New Hampshire and New A'ork. He was the principal manager of the Haldimand nego tiations and Metternich never handled his difficult tasks with more skUl or with a tech nical frankness that was more profoundly deceptive. He was the author of many publications in pamphlet and newspaper form in defense of the state in the New York controversy. One in 1777, reviewing the constitution of New York, with aU its features of aristocracy, was especially strong. He was a clear and forcible writer always, and most of the offi cial correspondence of the state in its early years, particularly Governor Chittenden's orders, was done through him. He was the father of the University of Vermont. October 14., 1789, he presented a memorial to the Legislature for the estab lishment of the college with subscriptions amounting to ^5643, of which he contribu ted ^4000, and the charter was granted Nov. 3, 1791. Ira was the youngest of the AUen brothers and was born at CornwaU, Conn., AprU 21, 1 75 1, so that he was barely Jtwenty-two when he was acting as secretary of the A^ermont committee of safety, only twenty-six when he was taking the lead in our Constitutional Convention, a Uttle over thirty when the state had been piloted, so largely by his efforts, as an independent Uttie repubUc into a safety and prosperity that were the envy of the states surrounding, and stiU in the early thirties when, by his remarkable judgment and nerve in business operations, he had come to be recognized as one of the wealth iest men of the country. He received a good English education, and was a practical sur veyor very young. He came to A''ermont before he was twenty, and he was scarcely twenty-one when he became an extensive proprietor of land in BurUngton and Col chester. He had the eye to see the future of this location, but at the time had to en dure much ridicule for his selection. He entered with zeal into various land specula tions, first as a member of the "Onion River Land Company," which consisted besides himself, of his brothers, Ethan, Heman, and Zirmi, with Remember Baker, and which became the most extensive proprietor of land in the state, with a corresponding in tensification of zeal, of course, against the New York claims. He was appointed secretary of the com mittee of safety as soon as it was formed and served until its labors closed. He was a Ueutenant in Warner's regiment in the Can ada campaign in the faU of 1775, and was selected by Montgomery as one of the two officers for the confidential trust of attacking Cape Diamond and throwing rockets as a ALLEN. ALLEN. 45 signal for three other detachments ,to attack Quebec on the night of Montgomery's at tempt on the city. For the next two years he was a member from Colchester of aU the conventions. On the organization of the new state gov ernment, in 1 778, he was chosen a member of the council and was its secretary. He was also elected state treasurer at the beginning and held that office for nine years, and was surveyor-general about the same time, until the jealousies and antagonisms that accumu lated against him, the complaints that he was holding "so many offices," resulted in his defeat in 1786, with widely-beUeved charges of corruption soon following, and though they were afterwards cleared away and it was shown that he had been constant ly aiding the state with his money instead of making money out of it, enough of the cloud clung to the old suspicion about the Haldi mand negotiation to somewhat shadow his subsequent career. In the elections of 1784 and 1785 he failed as candidate for state treasurer before the people, and was only elected by the joint assembly. He was dropped from the Governor's Council after a year of service in 1785, and the Assembly on the last day of the session of the latter year, aimedabiU at him to annul his surveys and discontinue his work as surveyor gen eral, which the council succeeded in postpon ing to the next session. His miUtary service in the Revolution, ended with the retreat from Canada in 1776, but he soon became captain, then colonel, and finally major-general of the state miUtia. He was also a member of the board of war during nearly the whole of the Revolution. The Haldimand negotiations, over which so much controversy has been waged, must form a chief feature of Allen's biography. Though magazine and newspaper writers keep bobbing up with startiing "discoveries" of the treason of the Vermontese, as editor H. B. Dawson of the New York Historical Magazine calls them, the facts are fully known. There are, as J. L. Payne says, hun dreds of manuscripts in the archives of Can ada bearing on the subject, and indicating to a one-sided view as he expresses it, "how near Vermont came to being a British prov ince." They leave no doubt of the fact of these negotiations or of their pretended purpose. The fact was, that beginning with a cartel for the exchange of prisoners which was concluded with the Vermont authorities when it was refused to Washington, these negotiations brought about a truce between Vermont and the British forces, which was ex tended through the last three campaigns of the war, whUe emissaries and spies passed back and forth in great profusion, and the hope was kept dangling before the British that the state would desert the cause of the Revolution and return to allegiance to the Crown. Several times the negotiations went so far as to discuss the terms of settlement and to fix dates for it ; but Ira Allen as the principal negotiator was sure to turn up with some plausible reason for postponing de cisive action.* But all that has been published and argued has shown no more than was known more or less definitely at the time or soon after. The dispute is whether the Vermonters were sincere, or were merely fooling the British, or were playing for a position that would leave them free to take advantage of the issue whichever way it went. The conduct of Congress towards the new state, with all its people had at stake in the controversy with New York, would make it seem natural that the Vermonters should seek safety under the British wing. But the event and the skillful way the negotiation was pro tracted shows that they did not. It is certain that the masses of the people would not tol erate the idea, and did not when they found out what was or seemed to be doing ; and the leaders never once lifted a finger to reconcile them to it. It is notable also that in all the correspondence and negotiations, including the conversations as reported by the English representatives, there was never once a single profession of loyalty to the King on the part of the Vermont leaders. But there is one decisive fact in this busi ness to which the disputants have never given due attention. The participants on the Vermont side took particular pains to pro tect themselves in history. Early in the negotiations they put on paper a record of their purpose in the form of a certificate for AUen, prepared in June, 1781, and signed by aU the eight men in the secret, Jonas and Joseph Fay, Samuel Safford, Samuel and Moses Robinson, Governor Chittenden, Timothy Brownson and Jona Fassett. This certificate stated explicitly that the scheme was adopted "to make them (the British au thorities) believe Vermont had a desire to negotiate a treaty of peace," and because it was beyond the power of the state to defend itself by arms, the negotiation was opened and "we think it to be a necessary political manoeuvre to save the frontier of this state." Such a document as this, considering the times and circumstances of its writing and the confirmation of the event, ought not to leave an intelligent doubt of the design. * It is quite possible that Allen was more inclined to gen uineness in these negotiations than tbe other leaders, or at least to be looking a far way ahead for contingencies. This would be consistent with his character and a recently discovered letter from him written to Samuel Hitchcock, Oct. ii, 1809, says a situation was gained by the negotiation where " if the events of the war had terminated in favor of Great Britain, Vermontwould have been a favorite colony under the Crown." 46 It is fortunate that this paper has been prevented, for reasoning upon ordinary human motives, we should expect the Ver monters to be seeking British help. They had in no way obligated themselves to the cause of the colonies. They were in their own view, in the nature of poUtics, and prob ably in a legal view, an independent republic. They had sought union with the confederacy and it had been refused. They had made great sacrifices for the Revolutionary cause, and the return had been to abandon them to British invasion, and even while a regiment of their own troops — and paid by them, because Congress could not pay — was serving in the Continental army, to withdraw all means and ammunition of defense from the state. Con gress, which had been temporizing with the Vermont question for fear of aUenating New York or New Hampshire, had at this time apparently reached a point where it calcu lated in this way to drive the new state into submission to New York. Remembering how this involved the property interests of the Vermonters — their aU for most of them — it would not have been surprising if it had set them against the country that treated thera so, and it accounts for such disposition as there was to reach a position where they would be favorably regarded above New York in case of final British victory. And yet it is the truth, attested in a variety of ways, that from the beginning to the end there was a smaUer Tory sentiment in Ver mont than anywhere else in the country, and there was not a moment when every reservation would not have been abandoned if the state could have been admitted to the Union. The A^ermonters had been too well educated in the first principles, too thoroughly innoculated with the spirit of independence to allow their sympathies to be swerved by mean considerations. Whether in the ethics of war such decep tion as was practiced on the British was justi fiable, is another question. But at least it can be said that it was a necessity, the only thing the Vermonters could do, unless to ab solutely desert to the British side, or suffer ruinous invasion, or commit poUtical suicide by surrendering to New York, and then with out any certainty of protection against the British. And it was the most useful thing for the American cause that could possibly have been done ; for it kept an army of ten thous and men idle on the border in Canada. It was really a help in this way to the Yorktown movement, which would have been weU- nigh impracticable with such an army besides Clinton's left in Washington's rear. Wash ington knew aU about the negotiation at least a month before the surrender of CornwaUis (so says James Davie Butier on the strength of a recently discovered letter) and he understood its purpose. AUen in after years with the knowledge he had gained in Europe and in extensive travels about this country wrote : "I know that the capture of Ticonderoga, etc., and the fame of the Green Mountain boys are more thought of in Europe than in the United States. That in the southern states, the battie of Bennington is considered to have caused the change of the commander-in-chief of the Northern army, and a stepping-stone to the capture of Gen eral Burgoyne and army. That the truce between the British in Canada and Vermont, in causing the inactivity of ten thousand British troops, enabled General Washington to capture Lord CornwaUis and army." WhUe the negotiations were in progress early in 1781, a dispatch from Lord George Germaine to Sir Henry CUnton, disclosing their existence and the hope that the people of Vermont would "return to their aUegi ance," feU into American hands, and was laid before Congress with the effect of alarm ing that body into a more just policy. Referring to this dispatch, AUen says it "had greater influence on the wisdom and virtue of Congress than aU the exertions of Ver mont in taking Ticonderoga, Crown Point, and the two divisions from General Bur goyne's army, or their petition to be admit ted as a state in the general confederation, and offers to pay their proportion of the expenses of the war." Out of the discovery of these negotiations and the fear that the state with the control of Lake Champlain would be thrown into British hands, came the pledge of the resolutions of August 7 and 20, 1 78 1, on which finally, after much back ing and filling, came the acknowledgment of the independence of the state. After the war ended, the Governor of Can ada StiU pursued the negotiation and it has been plausibly supposed that one of the en voys he sent to Burlington was the prince who was afterwards George IV. AUen played with consummate address through these negotiations not only a double but a triple, and even a quadruple game. \\'hile he was fanning the British hopes to their highest, he was with Stephen R. Brad ley in 1780, and with Jonas Fay and Bez'l Woodward in 1781, an agent before Con gress to urge the admission of the state and resist the claims to jurisdiction of New York and New Hampshire, he was manipulating with the Legislature and authorities of New Hampshire and the commander of the New York troops, to avert bloodshed, pending a decision by Congress over the conflicting claims of the East and West unions, and in the meanwhile he converted to the support of the new state Luke Knowlton, who had been sent to Philadelphia especiaUy to fight it by the adherents of New York in Cumber- ALLEN. ALLEN. 47 land (now Windham and Windsor nearly) county, and in Allen's words, " a plan was laid between them to unite all parties in Ver mont in a way that would be honorable to those who had been in favor of New York." The nerve, the resourcefulness and the com prehension of human motives by which he kept aU these schemes floating, and the peo ple of his own state passably well satisfied at the same time, were Uttle short of marvelous. They had a good illustration in the hearing before the Vermont Legislature in June, 1 78 1, on a resolution for an inquiry into the grounds for the report of a treaty with Can ada. Allen knew that there were several spies from Canada among the spectators. How could he answer the inquiry so as to satisfy the suspicious A^ermont patriots with out undeceiving the British authorities as soon as his words were reported to them? But he did it with a frankness that was praised by both sides. Governor Chittenden led off, stating how he had at the request of several persons who had friends prisoners in Canada, appointed Colonel AUen to meet a British commissioner to arrange for an ex change, and how the latter had succeeded after considerable difficulty in accomphshing it, though no such exchanges had taken place with the United States or any other in the northern department. For further par ticulars he would refer them to Colonel AUen. The latter told how, having made his re port to the Governor and Council, not ex pecting to be called on, he had left his com mission and papers at home, but he was ready to make a verbal statement, or if desired he would go home and produce the writings for the inspection of the Leg islature. They called for the papers and the next day he appeared with them, read them seemingly without skip or hesitation, and made a short verbal explanation which seemed to show that the British had exhib ited great generosity in the business, and narrated sundry occurrences that indicated that there was a fervent wish for peace among the British officers, and that the English government was as tired of the war as the United States, and he concluded by inviting any member of the Legislature or any au ditor in the gallery who wished to ask any further questions to do so and he was ready to answer them. But "aU seemed," to use his words, "satisfied that nothing had been done inconsistent to the interests of the states," and many of those who had before been most suspicious complimented him for his "open and candid conduct." That even ing he had a conference with the spies from Canada and they also had nothing but praise for the devotion he had shown to the cause of union with Britain I His and Bradley's mission to Congress in 1780 was to prepare for the second Tuesday of September, which time had been set for the determination of the case of Vermont. Besides the claims of New York and New Hampshire, the former supported by Knowl ton as agent from the southeast part of the state, the advocates of still another state to be carved out of portions of Vermont and New Hampshire were represented by Peter Olcott. AUen and Bradley did what they could in the way of private interviews with members of Congress, and then requested that they might be present at any de bates affecting the sovereignty or independ ence of Vermont. They Ustened for parts of two days to the presentment of New York's claims and took minutes of it, but when it came time to put in New Hampshire's claim they refused to attend because Vermont was not put on an equal footing with the others. They submitted a remonstrance to Congress against the mode of trial adopted, which meant that they should "lose their poUtical Ufe in order to find it." They refused to submit to "Congress acting as a court of judicature by virtue of authority given only by the states that made but one party." But they offered in behalf of Vermont to leave the question in abeyance until after the war, in the meantime agreeing that the state should do its fuU share in furnishing troops and supplies, and then to leave the decision to one or more of the Legislatures of disin terested states as mediators. They accomplished their purpose by this course and prevented any decision at aU by Congress. The next year's mission was more delicate, because of the suspicion of the Haldimand business, but Allen and the others parried the inquiries skillfully whUe they continued to impress upon Congress the danger that the support of the Ver monters would be drawn off from the patriot ca,use, and the result was the resolutions of August 7 and 20 favorable to Vermont pro vided they would relinquish their east and west unions. Allen had early the previous year visited the Legislatures of New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland to distribute phamphlets and work up sentiment in favor of Vermont, and succeeded in gaining con siderable favor by supporting their views of the Western land question and pledging Ver mont if admitted to the Union, to assist in compelling unappropriated lands and the property of loyalists to be disposed of to de fray the expenses of the war, and not for the emolument of any one state. The combina tions which he formed had considerable effect in later driving New York and afterwards Virginia to cede their western claims to the general government. 48 The British were not without suspicion while he was negotiating with Congress and on these missions to other states, especiaUy Connecticut and Massachusetts. In June, 1781, an agent reported his belief that .Alien was " gone to solicit forces to ensnare Gen eral Haldimand's troops." But AUen always managed when he got round to allay these suspicions just enough to prevent the break ing off of the negotiations, and to leave enough of them to deter Haldimand from any overt act against the Vermonters for fear that he would drive them to active sup port again to the American cause. Allen accomplished this by steadily representing the people to be naturally strongly inclined that way, and only being gradually alienated by the iU treatment of Congress. The "east union" of a number of New Hampshire towns with Vermont was based on the argument that New Hampshire was granted as a province to John Mason, ex tending only sixty miles from the sea, and that the lands to the west were annexed only by royal authority, which ceased with the power of the Crown, and the towns had a right to join any government they chose. The real reasons were : first, the attraction which the low taxes and vigorous govern ment of Vermont held out to neighboring peoples, and second, the scheme of influen tial men near the Connecticut river to se cure the center and seat of the new govern ment for that section. The Legislature was reluctant to take in the new towns and re ferred the subject back to the freemen, who returned a strong majority in favor of the union, and an act was passed at the next session to incorporate sixteen petitioning towns from New Hampshire, with a later provision to accept others where a majority of their people desired it. But on Ethan AUen's report of the feeling of Congress, the Legislature hastened in 1779 to get rid of the connection, with the result of stimu lating a project for the formation of a new state from the seceding New Hampshire towns joined by some from the other side of the river in Vermont, followed still later by overtures from the dissatisfied Vermont towns to be annexed to New Hampshire. Ira Allen was sent on a mission to New Hampshire to explain the matter and re store amicable relations. He penetrated the designs of the Connecticut River schemers, and also found that New Hampshire was planning to revive before Congress her jurisdictional claim to the whole of Vermont under the pretense of friendship for Vermont and to defeat the NewYork claims. She wanted A'ermont's support in this. AUen was satisfied that the scheme was deeper than this, argued his best against it without success, insisted that he had no authority to negotiate on such a basis, and finally managed to get the matter postponed till the next session, so that the opinion of the Vermont Legislature might be obtained in the meantime. He was playing simply for time to unite the people on the Vermont side of the river against all these projects, which was success fully done. And upon his disclosure of the intrigue the Legislature of Vermont at the next session and under his advice boldly advanced a claim tothe whole of New Hampshire west of the Mason Une. His skiU in handUng such negotiations came well into jalayin i78i-'82, when there was eminent danger of civil war with both New York and and New Hamp shire over these unions which Vermont had accepted, or revived and enlarged as a buffer to the claims of both states to her. Both were organizing military invasions. AUen interviewed General Gansevort, the New A'ork commander, took his measure, and found that he was reluctant to engage in civil war but felt that he must obey orders by going ahead. AUen then advised Governor Chit tenden that aU that was neccessary was to take the offensive and march out a regiment against him and Gansevort would retreat, and so it proved. Then AUen proceeded to New Hampshire, sending out orders from Gov ernor Chittenden to caU out the militia to meet the "menacing insults of New Hamp shire and repel force by force." One of these he contrived to have fall into the hands of a New Hampshire partisan and sent post haste ahead of him to Exeter. The New Hampshire authorities were thus easily fright ened out of their project and decided to take the advice of Congress before proceed ing to hostilities — aU of which he managed to learn through a lady friend, while they sup posed they were scaring him with their threatenings. AUen always regarded these unions as trump cards in the game with the opposing states and he regarded it as a great miss when A^ermont surrendered them in comphance with the August resolutions of 1 781 and before she had actually got in hand her quid pro quo in the recognition of her independence. He was on the way from Philadelphia with Jonas Fay and Abel Carter in high spirits over the success they had had with Congress which satisfied them that no measures would be taken against Vermont, when they learned of the dissolution of these unions by the Legislature. They hurried their journey to secure a reconsideration of this action but the Legislature had adjourned the day before they arri^-ed. After the return of peace in 1786 Allen was, with his brother Levi, a Tory who had returned to the state, and it was supposed would-be useful for this purpose, commis sioned to negotiate a treaty of commerce with Canada, and he was greatiy interested ALLEN. HERRICK. 49 in the idea. He tried to secure a substan tial free trade arrangement and pictured eloquently the benefits that would come from such a use of Champlain's waters, especially if supplemented by a canal to connect the lake with the St. Lawrence river. He de signed this connection several years ahead of the scheme of Watson and Schuyler for the present Champlain canal and he offered to cut it at his own expense if the British government would allow him to coUect such a tonnage as would secure the interest on the investment, and the ships of Vermonters could be allowed to pass out into the open sea with only a reasonable tonnage at Que bec, and the products of both countries to pass both ways without import or export duties. This was one of the enterprises in whose interest a few years later he took the trip to Europe that resulted in his business ruin. He was also an enthusiastic promoter of the canal scheme between the Hudson and the southern waters of Lake Champlain. His official services to the state closed in 1790 when he was member of the commis sion on the part of Vermont that finally settled the protracted controversy with New York and cleared the way for the admission of the state into the Union. In 1795 Allen went to Europe for his canal enterprise and on a commission from Governor Chittenden to purchase arras for the state. He got nothing but fair words from the British cabinet in return for his ex ertions for the canal, but he secured twenty- four cannon and twenty thousand muskets in France, and with them took ship for home. But the ship was captured by an English cruiser, and seized with the whole cargo on a charge that it was designed to aid the rebeUion in Ireland. AUen showed conclusively by evidence secured from Ver mont that the charge was untrue and the arms purchased for the purpose he repre sented. But it took eight years of litigation to do it, and the enormous expense of it, with the neglect of his affairs at home, ruin ed him. He at one time estimated his real estate in Vermont to be worth on proper appraisal from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. He may have included in this estimate the shares of his four brothers and of Remem ber Baker, of whose estate he was adminis trator, but there is no doubt that he was enor mously wealthy, or that while he was in Europe he was robbed right and left with claims of fraudulent title, executions and tax sales. He had accumulated considerable unpopularity at home, having had a long controversy over his accounts as state treasurer as well as surveyor-general, and had once gone so far, in 1792, as to begin a suit against the state in the United States Circuit Court, and these things were of material assistance to the people who were plundering him. Finally, wearied with lawsuits, broken in health and fortune, and even jailed at Burlington by exacting creditors, he made his escape and fled from the state for which he had done so much. He lived in PhUadelphia the last few years of his life, where he died in pov erty, Jan. 7, 1814, and was buried in a stranger's grave with no stone to mark the spot. He married Jerusha, daughter of General Roger Enos, and three chUdren were the fruit of the union : Two, a son and daugh ter, died in early life, and one son, Ira H. AUen, lived to become prominent in Ver mont affairs, showing good sense and good character but nothing like his father's bril liant abilities, and dying at Irasburgh, April 29, 1866, at the age of sixty-five. It was while in England watching his lit igation that he wrote his History of Vermont, which contains much valuable matter, though it is marred by some striking errors, due to the fact that he wrote almost entirely from memory. Our state seal is among the things credited to AUen, and quite a story is told of it by Henry Stevens, who got it from an aged member of Governor Chittenden's guard. The design was engraved on one of the Gov ernor's horn drinking-cups, made from the horn of an ox, bottomed with wood, and done by a British lieutenant who used to come secretly to the Governor's house in Arlington, bringing him letters from Canada during the progress of the Haldimand intrigue, and who also improved the opportunity to "spark" a hired girl in the Governor's family. While once staying there several days, he happened to look out of the west window of the resi dence on a wheat field of some two acres, in the distance, beyond which was a knoll with a solitary pine on the top, and he drew the scene on the cup. This cup attracted Allen's attention and he adopted it for a state seal, except that he brought a cow from over the fence into the wheat. Ira AUen loved Vermont and in that fact is the secret alike of his achievements and his offences, if such they were, and the message that he sends down to us is in the words he penned after he had experienced much of the wrong and ingratitude that shadowed his later years : " I have travelled through some of the finest countries in Europe and paused with rapture on some of the most picturesque views, and I do not hesitate to say that Ver mont vies with any of them." HERRICK, COL. Samuel.— One of the romantic figures of the Revolution and the few years before, and that is aU we know of him. He came to Bennington about 1768, so BREAKENRIDGE. and soon after the Revolution moved to Springfield, N. Y., but prior to and after that time his career is a blank to written history. He was a captain in the Ticonderoga ex pedition and was detaUed by Allen with a party of thirty men to capture Skeenesbor- ough (now WhitehaU) and take into custody Major Skeene and his party. He succeeded completely, secured the young man and a schooner and several bateaux with which they hastened to Ticonderoga and which gave Arnold the material for his victory at St. Johns. In the summer of 1777 he was made colonel of a regiment of rangers which the council of safety ordered raised to help meet Burgoyne's invasion. He and his ran gers bothered Burgoyne a great deal, ob structed his advance by felling trees over the roads and rolling stones in his path so that Burgoyne was compeUed to cross Fort Ann Mountain with his heavy train of artillery by a road that was almost impassable. They harassed his rear, cut off his supplies, and in a thousand ways did the work of genuine "rangers" to increase the difficulties of the British descent. It was a work which contri buted materially to the final ruin of the in vasion, and for it the credit is due the council of safety which ordered him to keep it up, while Schuyler was continually order ing him to abandon it and join the defen sive army in the front of Burgoyne. He was at the battle of Bennington with such of this regiment as had then been enUsted and a body of local militia as a separate detach ment, making a body of 300 men with which he led the attack on the rear of Raum's right simultaneously with the assaults of Colonels Nichols, Hubbard and Stickney on olher parts of the Une, and he did his part of that glorious day's work skillfully and gal lantly. In September of the same year he and the Rangers with Colonel Brown's regiment gained the command of Lake George, drove the British from Mounts Independence, Defiance and Hope, and forced their evacu ation of Ticonderoga. He was afterwards in command of the southwestern regiment of the state mUitia and did active service on several occasions. The council in February, 1778, ordered a bataUion of six companies to be raised under command of Herrick to aid a proposed attack of Lafayette on St. Johns, but the enterprise was given up. Herrick had a special letter of thanks from Gates and from the Vermont councU for his part in the Lake George expedition. BREAKENRIDGE, JAMES, whose house was the scene of the opening struggle with the Yorkers, and who was sent to Eng land with Capt. Jehial Hawley of Arlington, as agent for the settlers in 1772, was a FAY. native of Massachusetts, and of Scotch-Irish descent. He came to Bennington, and as his farm was right on the border of the Grants up against the twenty-mile line from the Hudson river, it was naturally the first point of attack. His name appears in the New York riot act of 1774, but he was a quiet and inoffensive man who never en gaged in riots, was in fact a man of the most exemplary habits in every way. He was a Ueutenant of the militia company formed in Bennington in 1764. He died there, AprU 16, 1783, at the age of sixty-two. FAY, Dr. Jonas.— One of the most act ive, level-headed, and industrious of the men who laid the foundations of Vermont, the draftsman of the Declaration of Independ ence, and the man from whom we get nearly aU of the early records. His service covers a wider field than that of any of the other fathers. He was prominent among the early settlers, coming to Bennington in 1766 and practicing medicine there, except for his calls to public duty, for thirty-five years. Being a man of education and pen and ink training, he was secretary for most of the meetings of the committee of safety and conventions until after the formation of the state government, keeping his records in account books or on sUps of paper, some of which have been lost. He and his father, Stephen Fay, the landlord of the famous Catamount Tavern, were appointed delegates from Bennington and neighboring towns to appear before Governor Tryon in 1772 in response to his invitation for a statement of grievances, and to urge him to discontinue violent proceedings. He was clerk of the convention of settlers in March, 1774, which resolved to defend their cause and leaders by force, when Allen, \\'arner, and the others were threatened by New York with outlawry and death. In January, 1776, he was clerk of the Dorset convention, that petitioned Congress to be allowed to serve the common cause independent of New York. He, and Chittenden, Reuben Jones, Jacob Bayley, and Heman Allen were appointed delegates to prepare and present to Congress the declaration and petition of independence, and he was its draftsman. He was secretary of the convention of July, 1777, that framed the constitution, and he was one of the coun cil of safety to administer the affairs of the state during that summer of storm and diffi culty. He was four times, between 1777 and 1 782, an agent of the state to the Continental Congress. As soon as the state government was launched he was elected a member of the Governor's council, and held the position for seven years to 1785. In the necessity because of the scarcity of lawyers, as well as the disposition of the times to make judges FAY. SI •of men who had not been "learned in the law," he was elected judge of the Supreme Court in 1782. He was also judge of pro bate for the five years following, until 1787. Dr. Fay was a native of Hardwick, Mass., where he was born, Jan. 17, 1737. At the age of nineteen he served in the French war, in 1756 at Fort Edward and Lake George as clerk in Capt. Sam Robinson's company of Massachusetts troops. He accompanied Allen's expedition to Ticonderoga as surgeon and continued in that capacity until the Green Mountain Boys were relieved by the arrival of Colonel Elmore's regiment from Connecticut. He was then appointed by the Massachusetts committee of safety to muster in troops as they arrived for the defense of that post. He was also for a time surgeon of Warner's regiment organized later in the season for the invasion of Canada. After he had helped launch the new state on her career of independence and pros perity he returned to the practice of his pro fession at Bennington, until 1800, when he moved to Charlotte, then a few years later to Pawlet, and then back again to Bennington, where he died March 6, 181 8, at the age of eighty- two, after one of the most useful careers to his fellow-kind that it is given any man to fiU. ProfessionaUy, history says little of him, for a physician's labors, though most beneficent to the generations that follow, are little known about even by the next generation. But he was a man of extensive information, well di gested for mental strengthening, and bold and determined in opinion and action. Evidently he was also a most likeable man personally, for he was on intimate terms with all the Ver mont leaders and nowhere do we find any expression of jealousy of him or any feeUng but one of confidence in his fidelity and capacity. Dr. Fay was twice married and left numer ous descendants. FAY, COL. JOSEPH, brother of Dr. Jonas, and son of the tavern keeper Stephen Fay, was born at Hardwick, Mass., in 1752, and came to Bennington in 1766. He was secretary of the council of safety from September, 1777, to March, 1778, and of the Governor's councU from March, 1778, to 1794. He was also secretary of state for three years after the resignation of Thomas Chandler, Jr., in the latter part of 1778, untU 1 78 1. Hewas Ira Allen's assistant in most of the Haldimand negotiations and did some skUlful work in footing the British. It took him over two weeks, on his trip of July, 1 781, to overcome their suspicions, but he finally did it, and he and Allen managed to shift the risk and responsibUity of the first public proposal of a treaty on to Haldi mand, and then got him to put it off. The latter reluctantly consented to proceed by proclamation to the recovery of Vermont. He had the forra of the proclamation all prepared when the news of the surrender of CornwaUis saved AUen and Fay the necessity of concocting further excuses for delay, which seemed to be about exhausted. Colonel Fay moved to New York City in 1794 and died there of yellow fever in 1803. BAKER, Remember. — A cousin of the AUens, and, by marriage, of Seth Warner, one of the men for whose head New York offered a reward, was among the most influential and useful of the early leaders and was fast grow ing towards a larger fame when his life was cut off at the age of thirty-five. He was a native of Woodbury, Conn., born about 1740. In early youth he lost his father, who was shot by a neighbor while out hunt ing, and he was apprenticed to a joiner, where he learned to read and write and acquired the habits of prudence, energy and self-reliance that served him so well in after years. At the age of eighteen he served in the ex pedition against Canada in the French war and saw much service about Lakes George and Champlain, and in this way acquired much knowledge of Vermont lands and their attractiveness. He was present at Ticon deroga when Abercrombie feU. He rose to be an officer before the war closed, and gained much distinction by his bravery and discretion. He came to Vermont with the first wave of immigration to the west side, in 1763, at the age of twenty-three, and spent rauch tirae exploring lands and hunting, and a year later he settled in Arlington, where he built the first grist miU on the grants north of Bennington, which attracted many settlers to that vicinity, and identified himself unre servedly with the cause of the settlers when the trouble with New York arose. He is de scribed as cool and temperate in council, but resolute and determined in action. He usu ally wished to inflict severer penalties on the Yorkers than his companions. Perhaps his own tough experience afforded some reason, for, stimulated by the reward offered, an at tempt was made in March, 1772, to capture him, by a dozen partisans of New York under the lead of one John Monroe. They broke into his house in the dawn of a Monday morning, pounded and maltreated his chil dren, attempted to slash his wife with a sword, and even to fire the building after plundering it. Baker at first attempted to defend himself in his chamber, but to draw the attention of his assailants from his family burst a board from the end of the house, es caped and ran. Then, according to the story written by Ethan .Alien for the Hartford Courant, they set a large dog upon him. S2 WALBRIDGE. overtook him, pinioned him, refused to allow him to dress — for he was just as he arose from the bed — threw him into a carriage where they clubbed and cut and slashed him unmercifully until blood streamed from va rious parts of the body, and then drove rapidly towards Albany. Three men who pursued were fired upon by Monroe's party, and robbed of all their effects to the amount of $40. But another rescuing party was formed at ArUngton as soon as the news of the kid napping spread, and pursued with such vigor that it came up with Monroe's gang at Hud son's Ferry, just opposite Albany, drove the captors off, and took Baker back in triumph to Arlington. Baker was with AUen as a captain at Ticon deroga, and also with the regiment of Green Mountain Boys when the invasion of Canada was begun in the fall following. When Schuyler took coramand of the northern de partment he sent Baker ahead to reconnoiter the enemy's position and obtain information of the military situation in Canada, and it was while out on this duty that he was shot by the Indians in the vicinity of St. Johns. He was not only a brave and capable offi cer and a progressive business man, but he was a kind neighbor and he relieved the dis tress of many a family. He left five children, one of whora, also named Remember, became a lawyer of some note in New York state. WALBRIDGE, EBENEZER.— Prominent as both a railitary raan and civiUan, and one of the few, after the original eight, admitted to the secret of the Haldimand corres pondence, was born at Norwich, Conn., Jan. I, 1738, came to Bennington about '65, and died there October, 18 19. The faraily was a brave and brainy one, tracing back to Sir William de Walbridge of Suffolk county, Eng., who distinguished him self in the Fourth Crusade, under Richard Cceur de Lion. One of General Wal- bridge's grandsons, Hiram Walbridge, was a member of Congress from New York in i853-'55, a granddaughter was the wife of Gov. Washington Hunt of New York, and David S. Walbridge, congressman from Michigan, i854-'59, born in Bennington in 1802, was probably a relative. Ebenezer Walbridge was a Ueutenant in the regiment of Green Mountain Boys before Quebec in 1775, and was adjutant of the regiment, and he fought at Bennington where his brother Henry was killed. He was in this campaign sent by General Lincoln with five hundred troops to Skeens- borough. Fort Ann and Fort Edward to alarm and divide the British forces, and this diversion had an important bearing on the campaign and was another iraportant factor COCHRAN. in the ruin of Burgoyne. He was lieuten ant-colonel in 1778, and in 1780 succeeded Herrick in command of the Bennington regiment, and he also commanded a regi ment of militia in that vicinity in 1781J ^^'^ in October of that year was at Castleton to meet a threatened invasion by St. Leger. In December of that year when New York was threatening to make war on the state,, he was in command of the troops before which the New York miUtia fled. He was subsequently elected brigadier-general. He twice represented his town and was a mem ber of the Governor's council 1 78o-'88. He was an enterprising business man, and in 1784 built and operated at Bennington the first paper miU in Vermont. Personally he is described as a raan of most kindly and winning qualities. COCHRAN, ROBERT.— Who was honored as one of the eight outiawed by New York in 1774, and who was one of the recognized leaders in the "beech seal" days,. came from Coleraine, Mass., to Bennington. about 1768, but soon moved to Rupert. He was a captain among the Green Mountain Boys before the Revolution, and after the Westminster massacre, appeared within forty-eight hours at the head of forty men to- fight the cause of the people against the "Court party." With a file of twenty-five he assisted in conveying the prisoners taken the next day to the jail at Northampton. He was a captain in the Ticonderoga ex pedition in the May following, and assisted AVarner in the capture of Crown Point. He afterwards joined Colonel Elmore's regi ment, where he held a commision as cap tain until July 29, '76, when he was pro moted to be major by resolution of Con gress. The next October we find hira on the frontier in Tryon County, N. Y., com manding at Fort Dayton. He served with reputation in the '77 campaign, probably on Gates' staff. He certainly bore dispatches from the general to the coraraittee of safety on the Grants. The next year he had an adventurous trip to Canada, where he was sent to obtain information of the military situation, and narrowly escaped arrest and execution as a spy. A large reward was offered for his capture, and he was taken iU while hiding in a brush-heap from his pur suers. Hunger and disease at length com pelled him to venture to approach a log cabin, where he heard three men conversing about the reward and planning his capture. When the men left he crawled into the pres ence of the woman of the house, frankly told her his name and pUght, and threw himself on her mercy. She gave him food and a bed, and kept him hid in the house until the men had returned and left again,. ALLEN. ALLEN. S3 and then directed him to a place of conceal ment a Uttle off, and she steaUhily fed and nursed him there until he was able to travel, knowing all the tirae how much money it would be worth to her to betray him. Years afterward he met her and rewarded her generously for her womanly ministration. In September, 1778, Cochran was in com mand of Fort Schuyler and did active and efficient work on the frontier. In 1780 he was promoted to a Ueutenant-colonelcy. He came out of the war Uke most of the heroes who had fought through it, deeply in debt, and Sparks, in his life of Baron Steuben, gives a pathetic account of Cochran's distress, as he viewed the circumstances in which his ser vices to his country had left him and the empty-handedness with which he must go to the wife and children who were awaiting him in the garret of a wretched tavern. It is a scene to which, for the credit of human nature, attention cannot be too often directed, show ing what raan with aU his Uttieness and im perfections is capable of doing and sacrific ing for an idea. Later years, however, brought deserved prosperity to Cochran. He Uved after the war at Ticonderoga and Sandy Hook, N. Y., dying at the latter place July 3, 1812, at the age of seventy-three, and being buried near Fort Edward. ALLEN, Heman. — The eldest of the Allen brothers, and a most capable man of affairs, as he proved himself before his early •death, at the age of thirty-eight, was born at Cornwall, Conn., Oct. 15, 1740. He was only fifteen years old when his father died and he soon had to take the care of his widowed raother and the younger children. He was a merchant at Salisbury at the out break of the Revolution, and probably his legal residence was there though he was prominent in Vermont affairs, a delegate from Rutland to the convention in January, 1777, that declared independence, and from 'Colchester to the Windsor convention that framed the constitution, an agent of the Dorset convention in January, 1776, to pre sent their petition to Congress to be allowed to serve in the common cause under officers to be naraed by Congress, and the minutes •of the councU of safety showed that he re ported on the mission July 24, 1776. His narae in fact appears on the record of all the conventions, except two, from July, 1775, to July, 1777, and in two he was delegate at large or adviser and counselor, once with Seth Warner. He served on the most ira portant committees, as of that to fix the basis ¦of representation of the towns in January, 1776, and that to treat with the inhabitants of the eastern part of the state in July of that year. He represented Middlebury once. His service in the mission to Congress in 1776 was very tactful and probably pre vented an adverse decision which would have been ruinous to the new state at that time. His brother Ira regarded Heman Allen with even more admiration than Ethan. Heman was in the Canadian campaign as a captain in the regiment of Green Mountain Boys. He was at the battle of Bennington as a member of the council of safety, and he caught a cold there and died of decUne in the May following. He was a considerable owner of Vermont lands. Henry HaU says : "Of aU our early heroes few gUde before us with statelier step or more beneficent mien than Heman Allen. His Ufe of thirty-seven and one-half years was Uke that of ChevaUer Bayard, without fear and without reproach. A merchant and a soldier, a politician and a land owner, a diplomat and a statesman, he was capable, honest, earnest and true." ALLEN, Ebenezer, one of the framers of the constitution, a brave and successful partisan leader, and the pioneer aboUtionist, was not of the Connecticut family of the other famous Vermonters, and only distantly related to them. He was born in North ampton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1743. His parents moved, while he was a child, to New Marl boro, Mass., where his father soon died, and he, as one of the oldest children, had to bear much of the burden of the support of the family, with only meagre opportunities for education. He was for a while, at least, an apprentice to a blacksmith. In 1762 he married a Miss Richards, who survived him for many years, and in 1768 he came to Ben nington, Uving there for three years, and thence proceeding to Poultney, where he helped in the first settlement of the town. He was with Ethan AUen at Ticonderoga, and was a lieutenant in Warner's regiment of Green Mountain Boys in Canada in 1775, and he moved to Tinmouth soon after. He was a delegate from there to the several conven tions of 1776, and to the historic ones of the next year that declared the state's independ ence and framed the constitution. In July, 1777, he was captain of a company of min ute men in Herrick's regiment of Rangers, and he greatly distinguished himself at Ben nington. At one time during this fight, with only thirty men, under cover of a natural breastwork of rocks, he stood against the main body of Raum's army, and a hot and weU directed fire threw the assailants into confusion and temporary retreat. He saw considerable service later in the war, was promoted to be major in the Rangers, and afterward several tiraes a colonel in command of a regiment in the state's service. He participated with Brown, Herrick and John son in the movement in the middle of Sep- 54 ROBINSON. tember, 1777, to cut off Burgoyne's com raunications by attacking the posts in his rear, and with only forty men he made a brilUant night attack on Alt. Defiance, occu pied by two hundred men, captured it and had turned its guns on Ticonderoga when Brown decided to give up the attempt to take the fort. Two months later, when the British abandoned Ticonderoga, AUen cut off their rear guard and with a force of men took forty-nine red-coat prisoners. He used to explain in after years how he did this. It was by a ruse, and by the employment of most all his raen scattered about to yeU and make the English think the woods were fuU of Her rick's Rangers, or "white Indians," as the English called them, and of whom the in vaders had learned to have a mortal terror. In this capture was the negro slave of a British officer, Dinah Morris, with her infant child. "Conscientious that it is not right in the sight of God to keep slaves," he gave her a written certificate of emancipation and caused it to be recorded in the clerk's office at Ben nington, where it stands with the clause for bidding slavery in the constitution, and Judge Harrington's blasphemous, yet reverent de cision that he would require a "biU of sale from God .Almighty" as proof of ownership before he would remand a runaway negro back to slavery, as one of the brightest jew els in Vermont's imperishable diadem of honor. He was in command of the fort at Ver gennes in 1778 or 1779. He was also in 1779 on the board of war. In May 1780, Sir John Johnson, made a raid from Canada into the Mohawk Valley and Governor Clinton hastened to the south end of Lake George to intercept his return. The Governor dispatched a request to the commander of the Vermont troops at Castle ton to send aid. The next day Colonel Allen wrote that he had reached Mt. Inde pendence with two hundred men one hun dred more would follow at once, and he would lead the three hundred to the scene if the Governor would send boats to trans port them. Johnson escaped by way of Crown Point, but Clinton in writing to Con gress was constrained to say that this punct uality did great honor to the men of the Grants. There is but little record evidence left of the railitary events of the four years after 1779, as it was all "play war" so far as Vermont was concerned, with alraost no fighting. But it is certain that Allen per formed much service about Lake Champlain, and mainly on the western side. He moved to South Hero, about 1783, where he engaged in farming, blacksmithing, tavern-keeping, and finally shipping oak lum ber to Quebec. In 1792 he made a tour of the then unsettled territories of Ohio and Michigan, in company with a party of friendly Indians, and was absent nearly a year on the trip. He represented the town from 1788 to '92, was a justice of peace, and its leading citizen. He was a member of the convention in 1791 that voted for admission to the Union. He moved to BurUngton in 1800, where he opened a tavern near the south wharf, which he conducted until his death, March 26, 1806, at the age of sixty- three. He is described in personal appearance by D. W. Dixon, his best biographer, as : " Of medium height, with a large head, in which the perceptive faculties were very prominent ; black-eyed, dark-featured, deep-chested, and endowed with more than ordinary physical strength and activity." In reUgion he was a Calvinist, in politics a Hamilton FederaUst. He was in raany respects a remarkable man. Nature had infused into him a vigor and vi vacity of mind which in a measure suppUed the deficiencies of his education. Courage, enterprise, and perseverance were the first characteristics of his mind. His disposition was frank and generous, though he possessed a combative temperament. THE ROBINSON FAMILY. ROBINSON, Samuel.— The acknowl edged leader of the band of pioneers who settled Bennington, and almost a controUing authority among them, was the progenitor of the most remarkable among a number of Vermont families proUfic of public useful ness — a faraily that has in the past century furnished two Governors, two United States senators, six judges of one degree and an other, the acknowledged leaders of the Demo cratic party in the state in three different generations, and United States marshals, generals, colonels, state's attorneys, town clerks, etc., almost without computation. The family had a heritage of brains and power, tracing its descent from Rev. John Robinson, the father of the Puritans in Eng land in 1620, and pastor of the Pilgrims be fore they sailed from HoUand in the May flower, and being alUed by marriage witb the ancestry of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut. Samuel Robinson, born at Cambridge, Mass., in 1705, came to Vermont from Hard wick, Mass. He had been a captain of Massachusetts troops through several campaigns in the vicinity of Lake George and Champlain in the French and Indian war. He was the first justice of the peace com missioned by Governor AVentworth in the Grants and the first clash between New York and New Hampshire authority was be- ROBINSON. ROBINSON. 55 fore him. It arose over the case of two claimants in Pownal. He took the New Hampshire side and he and Samuel Ashley, a New Hampshire deputy sheriff, were arrested and taken to Albany jail in consequence and occasioning acrimonious correspondence between the two Governors ; but the affair ended in a compromise and though Robin son and Ashley were indicted for resisting New York officers, they were never brought to trial. He was deputed by the settlers in 1765 to go to NewYork and try to save their lands from the city speculators to whom Lieutenant-Governor Colden was making Grants with lavish hand, but his efforts were unavailing. He was, in 1766, sent as an agent for the settlers to England to present their case to the ministry, and the mission was making very favorable progress towards success when he was taken with smallpox and suddenly died in London, Oct. 27, 1767. His eldest son. Col. Samuel Robinson, born at Hardwick, August 15, 1738, was active in the controversy over the grants, was elected one of the town committee to succeed his father, coramanded one of the Benning ton companies in the battle of Bennington, and during the war rose to the rank of colonel. He was, in 1777 and 1778, "overseer of the Tory prisoners" and in 1779 and 1780 rep resented the town in the General Assembly and was a member of the board of war. He was the first justice appointed in town under Vermont authority, in 1778, and was one of the judges of the special court for the south shire of the county, and, as such, presided at the trial of Redding. He was a generous and large-rainded raan, upright, enterprising, kindly in raanner and of decided natural ability and ready courage. .Another son. Gen. David Robinson, born at Hardwick, Nov. 22, 1754, was a major-general of the state militia, an active and energetic man of his time and United States marshal for eight years up to 1818. He fought as a private in the battle of Bennington, rising by regular promotion to the place of major-general, which he resigned in 181 7. He was sheriff of the county for twenty-two years ending with 1811. He died Dec. 12, 1843, ^t the age of eighty-nine. His wife was Sarah, daughter of Stephen Fay, who bore him three sons. One of these, Stephen, was a member of the General Assembly several years, a judge of the county court, and a raeraber of the council of censors in 1834. He died in 1852, at the age of seventy-one. ROBINSON, GOV. MOSES.— The first chief justice of the state. Governor and one of her first senators, the close friend of Jefferson and Madison, and one of the leaders of the Democracy of that day, was the second son of Sarauel Robinson, Sr., born at Hardwick, Mass., March 20, 1 74 1 . Lanmann says he was educated at Dartmouth. He was elected Bennington's clerk at the first meeting of the town in March, 1762, and kept its records for nineteen years. In the early part of 1777 he ^^^ ^ colonel of militia, and was at the head of his regiment on Mount Independence when Ticonderoga was evacuated by St. Clair. Then he be came a meraber of the council of safety which held continuous sessions for several months. He was also on the Governor's council for eight years, to October, 1785. He was in the secret of the Haldimand negotiation from the beginning, was one of the signers of the certificate which was drawn up to protect the farae of Chittenden, and Allen and Fay, in 1781, and all through the infant troubles of the new state, had the confidence of the leaders and fathers, and was one of the shrewd advisers of this criti cal period, though his position was such that he could not take an active part. For, on the first organization of the state, he was ap pointed chief justice, a position which he held, except one year, until 1789, when in a temporary breeze of dissatisfaction he was elected Governor for a single term. But as the issues were purely local and personal, and bore no relation to national politics, with which, of course, Vermont had no in terest while outside the Union, he cannot be said to have been the first Democratic Governor — an honor which belongs to Israel Smith as a matter of fact, though in point of power of leadership Jonas Galusha must be called the first of his tirae. The causes of the overturn of this year are explained in the sketch of Governor Chittenden. The vote of the freemen stood 1,263 for Chittenden, 746 for Robinson, 478 for Samuel Safford, and 378 for aU others. The choice, in the failure of any one to get a majority, therefore went to the Legislature, and the opposition to Chittenden concentrated on Robinson, and elected him. In 1782 Judge Robinson was sent to the Continental Congress as one of the agents of the state, and he was one of the commissioners that finally adjusted the controversy with New York. In 1791 he was chosen by the Legis lature with Stephen Bradley Senator to Con gress. He was very active with the then young Republicans in opposition to the rati fication of the Jay treaty, not only in Con gress but in procuring public meetings in his town and county to conderan it, as a part of the campaign of popular agitation organized all over the country against the measures of the FederaUsts that finally drove that party from power. The Senator had the vigorous support of his town and county for his poUti cal views, but when satisfied that he was in a fixed and definite minority in the state, in 56 ROBINSON. ROBINSON. obedience to his democratic views of duty, he resigned his position as Senator in Octo ber, 1796, a few months before the expiration of his term, and was succeeded by Isaac Tichenor, who had then become the Fed eralist leader. This closed his public career, with the ex ception of one term in the General Assembly in 1802. He died May 26, 1813, at the age of seventy-two. Senator Robinson was a man of profound piety and Democracy, and he had no diffi culty in raaking these convictions mix, though it was the general belief of New En gland that they were antipodal. He was an ardent sympathizer with the French Revolu tion, because he beUeved in the rights of man, and even if French repubUcans were infidels and went to the most extravagant length in blasphemy, it was, to his view, no argument for the rights of kings. Many news paper squibs were fired at him in after years because of an occurence in 1791, when Jeffer son and Madison, making a horseback trip through New England, stopped with him at Bennington over one Sunday. The senator who never failed to attend divine worship when possible, took them to church, and proud, as country people were apt to be in those days of the church choir, insisted on getting their opinion of it, and how it com pared with church music in other churches and places, whereupon, it was said, both had to admit that they -were no judges, as neither of thera had attended any church for several years. The yarn of course was designed to injure him politically with the intolerant people with whom he mixed and to discredit him as deacon of the church, as he was from 1789 to the time of his death. But though Moses Robinson raight and doubtiess did regret Jefferson's tendency to free religious views, it did not abate one jot his admira tion of that man's great work for humanity's progress, or friendly association with him in working towards high ideals of governraent. This union of piety and Democracy is finely expressed in his address on retiring from the Governor's chair in 1790, so free frora the slightest accent of jealousy, so cor dial towards his successful rival, so unaffect edly obedient to the popular wish, that it de serves to be preserved as a gem in our poUtical literature. After alluding to his own election the year previous, and his conscious ness that he had faithfully discharged his duty and executed his trust, he added : " It appears frora the present election that the freemen have given their suffrages in favor of His ExceUency Governor Chittenden. I heartily acquiesce in the choice, and shall, with the greatest satisfaction, retire to private Ufe, where I expect to enjoy that peace which naturally results from a consciousness of having done my duty. "The freemen have an undoubted right when they see it for the benefit of the com munity to caU forth their citizens from be hind the curtain of private life and make them their rulers, and for the same reason to dismiss them at pleasure and elect others in their place. This privilege is essential to aU free and to repubUcan governments. As a citizen I trust I shall ever feel for the in terest of the state ; the confidence the free men have repeatedlly placed in rae ever since the first formation of government, lays rae under additional obligations to promote their true interest. " Fellow-citizens of the Legislature, I wish you the benediction of Heaven in the prose cution of the important business of the pres ent session ; that all your consultations may terminate for the glory of God and the inter est of the citizens of this state, and that both those in pubUc and private life raay so con duct in the several spheres in which God in his providence shaU caU thera to act, so that, when death shaU close the scene of life, we may each of us have the satisfaction of a good conscience and the approbation of our Judge." Governor Robinson became very wealthy with the progress of the state and was cor respondingly generous in his gifts for the cause of reUgion. He was really the father of the Congrega tional church at Bennington, and it is related of him that when people came to Benning- tan to purchase land, he would invite them to his house over night, contrive to learn their reUgious views and if they were not good Congregationalists persuade thera to settle in Shaftsbury or Pownal, in both of which he was also a proprietor. So strong a bent did he and his associates give to the reUgious opinion of the community that up to 1830 there was only one house of public worship in the town. His sunset days were of almost ecstatic hope and beauty. One of those present at his death, the wife of Gen. David Robinson, said of the scene : " If I could feel as he did, it would be worth ten thousand worlds." Governor Robinson raarried for his first wife Mary, daughter of Stephen Fay, and after her death, Susannah Howe. He left six sons by his first wife, to show the effects of blending the patriotic blood of Robinson and Fay. Moses, the eldest, was a member of the councU in 18 14, and was repeatedly, in i8i9-'2o-'23 representative in the General Assembly. He was, in opposition to nearly all the rest of the family, a FederaUst in poU tics, and repeatedly that party's candidate for councilor, being defeated once only by the oraission of "Jr." frora his name. Aaron, the ROBINSON. second, was town clerk seven years, justice of the peace twenty-three years, representative in the Legislature in i8i6-'i7, and judge of probate in i83S-'36. Samuel, the third, was clerk of the Supreme Court for the county from 1794 to 1815, and Nathan, another son, a lawyer, who died at the age of forty, repre sented the town in 180^. t ROBINSON, JONATHAN,— The young est son of Samuel, Sr., brother of the pre ceding, and, Uke him, chief justice of the Supreme Court and United States Senator, was born at Hardwick, August 11, 1756, came to Bennington with his father in 1761, and was admitted to the bar in 1796. He was town clerk for six years beginning with 179s, town representative thirteen times be fore 1802, and chief justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1807. In the latter year the triumph of the Jeffersonians in at last defeating Tichenor and electing Israel Smith Governor, seven years after they had got control of the rest of the government, neces sitated the latter's resignation of his seat in the Senate, and Judge Robinson was chosen to succeed hira, and in 1809 he was also elected for another term closing in 181 5. He was in Federal relations the poUtical raaster of the state during this time, had a controll ing influence in the distribution of the army and other patronage of the administration, which was very great during the war of 181 2, and he handled it with rauch shrewdness as weU as care for the pubUc interest. He had not the remarkable power of his great com peer, Jonas Galusha, to make a permanent impress on the thought of his time, but he -was an astute and far-seeing leader. He more closely resembled his great competitor in county politics, and his successor in the Senate, Isaac Tichenor, in his popular man ners and facility of leadership ; and, as with Tichenor, there was a strong leaven of faith fulness to duty and an underlying strength of character and solidity of ability, that made the ultimate basis of success. He had the ear and confidence of President Madison to an extent that few men had. After his retirement from the Senate, like many other great Vermonters, he found it not beneath his dignity to serve the people in other stations to which they caUed him. He was elected judge of probate in October, 1815, and held the position for four years, and again represented the town in 181 8, be ing prominent in the discussion over the proposed constitutional amendment for the real democratic plan for the choice of presi dential electors by districts. He died Nov. 3, 18 19, at the age of sixty- three. He married into another noted A^ermont family, his wife being Mary, daughter of John Fassett. One of their sons, Jonathan EOBINSON. 57 E., a lawyer, was town clerk nine years and judge of county court in 1828 and died in 1831. Another, Henry, was paymaster in the army, clerk in the pension office, briga dier-general of miUtia, and for ten years clerk of the county and supreme court. He died in 1856. ROBINSON, JOHN S.— Son of Nathan, and grandson of Gov. Moses Robinson, a Democratic leader in the last generation and the only Democratic Governor of the state for more than half a century, was born at Bennington Nov. 10, 1804. He graduated at WilUams in 1824, and was admitted to the bar in 1827. A man of brilUant parts, he rapidly rose to the front rank of his profes sion and was well adapted for a poUtical career like that of the other great men ofthe name but for the fact that the movement of the times had left his party in a hopeless minority in the state. He twice represented the town in the lower House of the Legisla ture and was twice a state senator. He was repeatedly the Democratic candidate for Congress in his district. There was a serious spUt in the organization growing out of the Free Soil movement of 1848, and continuing for several years until it merged into the Liberty or later the RepubUcan party. In 1851 hewas the candidate of the minority element, receiving 6,686 votes to 14,950 for Timothy P. Redfield, the regular Demo cratic candidate, and 22,676 for Charles K. Williams, Whig. The next year the Demo crats made him their regular candidate, and with a teraporary increase of strength for the Liberty party which cast 9,446 votes for Law rence Brainerd, there was a failure to elect by the people, Robinson having 14,938 votes and Erastus Fairbanks, Whig, 23,795, and the choice was by the Legislature, which elected Fairbanks. The next year the enactraent of prohibi tion had stirred things up a good deal, and given the Democrats renewed hope, they made Robinson their candidate again, and the result of the election was 20,849 ^^r Fair banks, 18,142 for Robinson, and 8,291 for Brainerd, again throwing the choice to the Legislature where Robinson was elected. But it was only a year's triuraph. It was the period of political breakup over the slavery issue, and of the foundation of the new Repub Ucan party. In July of the next suramer, Brainerd presided over the first Republican state convention, and that fall was sent to the United States Senate. The polls in Sep tember showed the dropping out of the Liberty party, and except some 1,600 scat tering votes araong various candidates, the issue was between the two leading parties, and Stephen Royce was elected Governor by ROWLEY. DEWEY. a vote of 27,926 to 15,084 for the Demo crats. Governor Robinson, however, remained an active Democrat, and in i860 was chairman of the Vermont delegation to the National Democratic convention at Charleston, S. C, but was stricken with apoplexy while in that city, and died there the 24th of that month. Governor HaU, so long his rival, profes sionally and poUticaUy, pays tribute to his "legal attainments and high order of talent," and adds : "Generous of heart, araiable in disposition, and with integrity undoubted, he, by his uniform courtesy and kindness, endeared himself to aU with whom he had business or intercourse." Governor Robinson wedded, in October, 1847, JuUette Staniford, widow of WilUam Robinson. He left no children. ROWLEY, Thomas.— The first poet of the Green Mountains, a public favorite, trusty patriot, and soraething of a statesman, a soldier, legislator and judge, was born in Hebron, Conn., and came to Danby in 1769, was its first town clerk serving for nine years until in 1778, and then, on the organi zation of the state government was its first representative in the General Assembly and also for the next two years. Through the troublous times of the Green Mountain Boys' resistance to New York and the Revolution he was generally chairman of Danby's com mittee of safety and whUe in the Legislature he served on the most important commit tees, and was the draftsman of their bills. He was in the convention of 1777 that de clared independence and framed the con stitution. But it was as a poet that he rendered his memorable service to Vermont. His verses were everywhere sung through the state as an inspiration to the settlers and the Green Mountain Boys. And they were just fitted, with their homely vigor of phrase, their sympathy with the wild romance of nature about them, their heat of intense conviction of right and their scoring of the speculators after their homes, to stir the people on the Grants deeply. They were indeed the fit complement of Ethan Allen's vehement elo quence in prose. They were mostly given out impromptu, many of them never cora mitted to paper at all, and only a few and imperfect fragments have been brought down to the present ; but with all their roughnesses of meter and expression, even after the struggle that made the soul of them had passed, it is easy to see that there was wit and genius in thera. He was always versifying, and some specimens on religious, moral and faraily topics have been preserved, but though they contain sorae diamonds of poetic thought, they lack the fire that even now can be felt in his effusions. He lived at Rutiand for a while and was first judge of the special court for that county. After the Revolutionary war he moved to Shoreham, where he had before lived for a year, and was also the first town clerk and first justice of the peace of that town. About the year 1 800 he went to Ben son to Uve with his son Nathan and died there in 1803. He was regarded as a man of sound judg ment and ability, as well as a wit and poet. He was intensely religious, a Wesleyan in his views. In appearance he is described as "of medium height, rather thick set, rapid in his movements, with light eyes, sprightly and piercing, indicating rapidity of percep tion, and sometimes the facetious poetic faculty ; yet he was generally a sedate and thoughtful man." DEWEY, Rev. Jedediah,— Son of Jede diah and Rebecca Dewey, was born in VCest- field, Mass., AprU 11,1714, married Mind well Hayden of Windsor, Conn., August 4, 1736, and removed to Bennington from Westfield, Mass. Died December 21, 1778. "The Records and Memorials of a Cen tury," edited by Rev. Isaac Jennings, show that Mr. Dewey was the first minister and also the first school teacher in the state. He was a patriot with a profound interest in the future prosperity of the infant settlement where he had cast his lot, and took a promi nent part in the controversy originating from the disputes concerning the land titles of the New Hampshire Grants. His correspondence with Governor Tryon, of New York, demon strated that his influence was weighty in put ting an end to the struggle by peaceful negotiation. Rev. Mr. Dewey preached the war sermon previous to the battle of Ben nington, charging his congregation to go forth and fight for their native land. On the foUowing Saturday the battle of Bennington was fought and won. His son, Capt. Elijah Dewey, was on the field in command of the infantry corapany from Bennington, and every history of Vermont relates how well he discharged his duty on that occasion. It is related in "Jennings' History of Ver mont," that at the public divine service of thanksgiving for the capture of Ticonderoga, many officers being present, among whom was Ethan Allen, Mr. Dewey preached and made the prayer, in which he gave to God all the glory and praise of the capture of that strong hold. Ethan AUen, in the midst of the prayer caUed out, "Parson Dewey," "Parson Dewey," "Parson Dewey." At the third pronunciation of his name Mr. Dewey paused and opened his eyes, when Allen raised both hands and exclaimed, "Please mention to FASSETT. the Lord about my being there," to which the parson repUed, "Sit down thou bold blasphemer, and Usten to the word of God," and it is a matter of record in the Walloomsac VaUey that the hero of Ticonderoga quietly resumed his seat. FASSETT, Captain John.— One ofthe most useful and constantly employed of the public men of the state's formative period, was born in Hardwick, Mass., June 3, 1743 ; the son of Captain Fassett, who carae to Bennington in 1761, became an innholder and captain of the first miUtary company forraed in town, and was the town's repre- rentative in the first Vermont Legislature. John Fassett came to Bennington with his father. He was lieutenant in Warner's first regiment in 1775, and captain in Warner's second in 1776. In 1777 he was one of the commissioners of sequestration, and with Governor Chittenden and Matthew Lyon successful in subduing the Tories of .Arling ton. He was elected Representative of Arlington in the General Asserably for 1778 and 1779, and for Cambridge in 1787 and 1788, 1790 and 1791 ; though in 1779, 1787 and 1788 and 1790 and 1791 he was also elected councilor. He served in each office portions of the time. He was a member of the Council in 1779 and until 1795, with the exception of 1786, fifteen years. He was judge of the Superior Court from its organ ization in 1778 until 1786, eight years; and chief judge of Chittenden county court from 1787 until 1794, seven years. Highland Hall states that Judge Fassett died in Cambridge, but the historian of that place tells of "Dr. John Fassett who came from Bennington in 1784 raoving west after he had lived in town about forty years, and when he must have been an octogenarian." KNOWLTON, LUKE, (or Knoulton, as he wrote the name), councilor, judge, early settler and most influential citizen of New- fane, and holding some anomalous positions in the early controversies, was born at Shrewsbury, Mass., November, 1738.'' He was a soldier in the French and Indian war, was stationed at Crown Point for a while, and came close to starvation in the march from that point to Charleston, Nov. 4, where his company was obliged to kUl its last pack horse for food. He came to Newfane in 1773, the fifteenth family to settle in town, and carae under a New York title which he and another raan had purchased frora a lot of speculators in New York City. Naturally, therefore, he took the New York side in the controversy with the Green Mountain boys, and adhered to it untU 1780, when he and Ira AUen came to terms while they were at PhUadelphia as agents for the two sides KNOWLTON. 59 before Congress. But it is certain, in spite of the accusations of later years, that he was on the patriot side at the opening of the Revolution, and there is no sufficient reason for impugning his patriotism afterwards, for at the tirae it was done he was acting in concert with the Vermont leaders when his social and personal connections were such as to make him a convenient medium of communication with the British. From June, 1776, to June, 1777, he was a member of the Cumberland county committee of Safety. May 17, 1774, on the organization ofthe town of Newfane, he was elected town clerk and held that position sixteen years. In 1772 he had been appointed by NewYork one of the justices of peace for the county. In September, 1780, the Yorkers of Cum berland county sent him to Congress as their agent to oppose the pretensions of the new state, and for this service he had a letter of recommendation from Governor Clinton, of New York. It was whUe on this mission that the arrangeraent was raade with Ira AUen, on a basis, as the latter wrote, that should " be honorable to those who had been in favor of New York." The arrange ment was to call a convention of delegates of aU parties interested, including the New Hampshire towns that wanted to unite with Vermont. The next month we find Knowlton active as chairman of a Cumberland county com mittee of thirteen to bring about this con- •6o KNOWLTON. KNOWLTON. vention, which first met at Walpole, and then caUed another convention at Charlestown, Jan. 1 6, 1 781. He was present at the latter convention, acting in concert with Allen, who was manipulating it frora the outside. The result was the "East union" of thirty-five New Hampshire towns with Vermont, and following that the "West union" of that part of New York to the banks of Hudson river, north of Massachusetts line to latitude 45° Knowlton was evidently satisfied with this, as were most of the New York adherents in Windham county, for he soon appeared among the leaders in Vermont politics. He was town representative in the General Asserably of the state of Vermont during the years 1784, 1788, 1789, 1792, 1803, and 1806, and a meraber of the old council from 1790 to 1800; judge of the Supreme Court in 1786, and judge of the Windham county court from 1787 to 1793. In 1782 while the Haldimand intrigue was at its height and emissaries were passing thick back and forth through Vermont, a dis patch was intercepted which showed that the British commander in Canada was communi cating with British agents in New York City by means of letters, exchanged through Mr. Knowlton and Col. Samuel WeUs, of Brattle boro. The thing was of course suspicious, and there is no doubt that WeUs was thor oughly T.ory in sympathy ; but it was neces sary for the Vermont poUcy at-this time that Haldimand should frequently consult the British commander in New York about it, and it had to be done through' men in whom both parties had confidence. The discovery was laid before Congress by Washington and the result was an order for the arrest of WeUs and Knowlton. Their escape to Canada was aided by the AUens. Knowlton, however, returned within a year, and was at his house in Newfane, November 16, 1783, when a lot of Yorkers but American sympa thizers broke in and arrested hira, and forcibly deported him to Massachusetts. General Fletcher and Colonel Bradley organized a rescuing party, but Mr. Knowlton returned before it became necessary for them to act. It was this case of abduction for which the leader of the rioters, Francis Prouty, was in dicted for burglary at Westminister, and which resulted in this curious verdict : " The jury find in this case that the prisoner did break and enter the house of Luke Knowlton, Esq., in the night season, and did take and carry away the said Luke Knowlton, and if that breaking a house and taking and carry ing away a person as aforesaid amounts to burglary, we say he is guilty ; if not, we say he is not guilty." The judgment of the court on the verdict was not guilty. John A. Graham, in a series of rambUng let ters descriptive of A'ermont scenery, written and published at the close of the last century, thus speaks of Judge Knowlton : "Newfane owes its consequence in a great measure to Mr. Luke Knowlton, a leading character and a man of great ambition and enterprise, of few words, but possessed of great quickness and perception and an almost intuitive knowledge of human nature, of which he is a perfect judge." "Saint Luke" was the ap- pelation given Mr. Knowlton by his contem poraries because of his grave and suave man ners and his decorous deportment even to the point of humility. He was liberal and generous to the poor, entered heartily and zealously into all the public enterprises of the day, gave to the county of Windham the land for a common on Newfane hill at the time of the removal of the shire from West minster to Newfane, and contributed largely towards the erection of the first court house and jail in Newfane. Judge Knowlton died at Newfane Nov. 12, 1810, aged seventy- three. His wife, Sarah, daughter of Ephraim Hol land of Shrewsbury, whom he married Jan. 5, 1760, had died Sept. i, 1797. Three sons and four daughters were the fruit of the union, nearly aU of whom had distinguished careers or connections. Calvin, the eldest, graduated at Dartmouth and was a promis ing lawyer at Newfane at the time of his death at the age of thirty-nine. Patty, born in 1762, dying in Ohio in 1814, married Daniel Warner and was the grandmother of Hon. WUlard ^Yarner, late United States senator from Alabaraa, and during the civil war a member of General Sherman's staff in his celebrated "march to the sea." Silas, born in 1764, married Lucinda Holbrook at Newfane, Nov. 30, 1786, and died in Canada aged eighty. Sarah, born May 2, 1767, married John Holbrook at Ne'wfane, Nov. 30, 1786. She died March 22, 1851, aged eighty-four. AUce, married Nathan Stone, April 24, 1788. She died Nov. 14, 1865, aged ninety-six. Lucinda, born August 8, 1 77 1, raarried Samuel Willard. They lived awhile in Sheldon, from thence they raoved to Canada, where she died May 4, 1800. Luke Knowlton, Jr., was born in Newfane, March 24, 1775, died at Broome township, Canada East, Sept. 17, 1855, aged eighty. Among Judge Knowlton's grandsons, be sides General Warner, are Paul HoUand Knowlton, Broome township. Lower Canada, son of Silas Knowlton, who has occupied distinguished positions in the Province, and was for many years a member of the Canada Parliament ; Rev. John C. Holbrook of Syracuse, N. Y., an eloquent divine, highly esteemed for his piety and learning ; Hon. Geo. W. Knowlton of Watertown, N. Y., and Frederick Holbrook, the war Governor of Vermont. CLARK. 6l CLARK, Nathan, of Bennington, was speaker of the first General Assembly after the organization of the state government in 1778. He was also a native of Connecticut, though the place and date of his birth are not known, and came to Bennington as early as 1762 and died there April 8, 1799, at the age of about seventy-four. He was frequently chairman of the several committees and con ventions of the settlers. He was chairman of the Bennington committee of safety in 1776, and received the thanks of General Gates for his promptness in supplying Ticonderoga with flour. He was also a meraber of the state council of safety. He represented Ben nington in 1778. In manners he is described as mild and gentlemanly, and he was evi dently very facile as a manager of men and measures. His son. Col. Isaac Clark, known as "Old Rifle," was distinguished as a parti san leader in the war of 181 2. BOWKER, JOSEPH.— An early settler in Rutland, president of every general conven tion, except two, in the state's embryonic period, and the first speaker of the General Assembly ; " in a modified sense, the John Hancock of Vermont," as Henry HaU caUs him, was born in Sudbury, Mass., or vicinity. The tradition as dug up by Mr. Hall is that he was early left an orphan, brought up in the family of a Mr. Taintor, privately be- throthed to his daughter, Sarah, drafted into the army during the French and Indian war, in the garrison at Ticonderoga one or two years, and then returned with so good a rep utation that he soon became the son-in-law of his quasi guardian. He appeared in Rut land about 1773, and participated in the opposition to the New York grant of Social- borough which covered that township. Yet, although he was the recognized leader of the opponents and much trusted in the town and state throughout the struggle, he was not named in any act of outiawry. He soon becarae a very general office-holder, member of the committee of safety, town treasurer, selectman, representative, magis trate, conveyancer, and adviser of citizens. He was one of the four men that buUt the first saw-miU in town, and aU his Hfe "farmed it," though apparently rather shiftlessly. At the first election under the constitution he was elected representative for Rutland, and at the same time received the highest vote cast for any man as councUor. Before the votes for councilor had been canvassed, he was elected speaker of the House, which office and that of representative he of course relinquished on taking his seat in the coun cU. To that body he was elected seven times, and untU his death. He was the first judge of Rutland county court, which office he held tiU December, 1 783 ; also the first judge of probate, and held that office untU his death in 1 784. He was a superior presiding officer, famil iar with parliamentary usages, impartial, courteous and quick of apprehension, and must have been a man of raarked native abUity though of liraited education. A neighbor speaking in after years, says of him : "that Joseph Bowker was greatly looked up to for counsel, much esteemed for his great and excellent qualities, for many years the most considerable raan in town, and during the negotiations with Canada he was always resorted to solely for counsel and advice." He seems to have combined with his qualities of leadership, moderation, and generosity, so that he encountered less antagonisra than most of his associates in the work of state building. He died July 11, 1784, just as the little republic he had helped to launch was well upon her remarkable career, and was buried somewhere in the public acre of the ceme tery at Rutland Center, but the exact spot nobody knows. The date of his marriage is also unknown. He left only two children, daughters, who early left the state and set tled somewhere in the West. Few indeed are the men who do so useful a work as that of Joseph Bowker and yet of whom the rec ord is so meagre and unsatisfactory. BAYLEY, Gen. JACOB.— Washington'-; raost trusted officer in Vermont, who had charge of the protection of the frontier for several years, and who was at different tiraes an advocate of the claims of New York, of the new state, and of New Hampshire to the territory of Vermont, was born at Newbury, Mass., July 2, 1728. He was a captain in the French war in 1736, present at the Fort William Henry massacre in 1757, from which he escaped, and was a colonel under Am herst in the taking of Crown Point and Ticonderoga in 1759. He carae to New bury, Vt., in October, 1764, was in 1775 elected to the New York Provincial Con gress, though he did not take his seat, and was one of the raost influential men of that part of the state. He was commissioner to administer oaths of office, judge of inferior court of common pleas, and justice of the peace; August i, 1776, he was appointed brigadier-general of the mUitia of Cumber land and Gloucester counties, and in 1776 he began work on the celebrated Hazen road, afterward completed by General Hazen, which was designed as a mihtary road from the Connecticut river to St. Johns, Canada. He was, in the early years of the struggle between the settlers and New York, one of the most trusted representatives of the authority of the latter, but suddenly changed 62 BAYLEY. MARSH. his position in 1777, writing to the New York councU under date of June 14, acknowl edging the receipt of ordinance for the election of Governor, Senators and Repre sentatives and saying : "I am apt to think our people wUl not choose any member to sit in the state of New A^ork. The people before they saw the constitution were not willing to trouble themselves about a separation from the state of New A'ork, but now almost to a man they are violent for it." He had earlier been chosen by the convention one of the delegates to present Vermont's re monstrance and petition to the Continental Congress, and he was one of the two repre sentatives from Newbury in the Windsor convention of July 17, 1777, that framed the constitution. Less than a year and a half afterwards, he was a leader in the scheme of the Connecticut River towns on both sides of the river to join together and form a new state, and was chairman of the committee that issued, Dec. i, 1778, a long " public defense " of their right to do so. In less than two years from that time he was an emphatic and headlong advocate of New Hampshire's jurisdiction over the whole of Vermont, and Nov. 22, 1780, wrote to Presi dent Weare of New Hampshire : " For my part I am determined to fight for New Hampshire and the United States as long as I ara alive and have one copper in my hand." But, notwithstanding his erratic state poli tics, he was unflinchingly faithful to the con tinental cause, and his later state flops were largely due to his suspicions of the AUens. He warned Washington repeatedly that there was treason afoot. "We have half a dozen rascals here," he said, and in 1781 he fully beUeved that Vermont had been sold out to Canada. British emissaries in the state wrote to Haldimand in that year, that he had been employed by Congress at great expense to "counteract underhand whatever is doing for government." He was in 1780 intensely anxious to lead an invasion into Canada — "the harbor for spoils, thieves, and robbers," as he wrote President Weare. He thought then that the patriot cause was "sinking so fast" as to make the attempt a vital necessity whatever the risk. He did important service throughout the war in guarding the ex tensive frontier of two hundred miles, keep ing friendship with the Indians, and keeping them employed for the American cause so far as he could. He was in this way con stantly in confidential communication with Washington to the end of the war. He was repeatedly waylaid while in the performance of his arduous duties, his house rifled and his papers stolen by the bands of both scouts and lawless men that roamed the forests be tween the hostile countries. He was a com missary-general during a part of the war. He was a meraber of the famous CouncU of Safety in 1777, and the next spring was elected to the Governor's CouncU. He was at Castleton in mUitary service in 1777, but appears to have been acting under his New A'ork commission. For the next few years the Vermonters had no use for him, but in 1793 he was again elected councilor by a close margin over John White. He repeat edly represented his town in the Legislature, and was a judge of Orange county court after that county was organized. He died at Newbury, March 1,1816. He was married, Oct. 16, 1745; to Prudence Noyes. They had ten children, and their descendants have been numerous and re spectable. MARSH, JOSEPH, the first Lieutenant- Governor ofthe state, and an cestor of sever al of the ablest men that have graced Ver mont history, was born at Le banon, Conn., Jan. 12, 1726, the son of Jos eph Marsh and descended from John Marsh, an early Puritan, and from Dep uty Governor John Webster. He is, however, said to have had but a single month's school ing himself. He carae to Hartford in 1772 and soon became active and influential in public affairs. He took the New York side in the early part of the controversy over the grants, as did a vast majority of the people on the east side of the mountains in the beginning, because they had their grants from New York, or where they were from New Hampshire, New York had taken pains to secure their friendship against the "Ben nington mob" by confirming them. In August, 177s, he was by New York authority appointed Ueutenant-colonel of the upper regiment of Cumberland county, and in the January following he was promoted to a fuU colonelcy. He was also in 1776 ap pointed by the Cumberland county commit tee of safety a delegate to the New York Provincial Congress for the sessions begin ning in February, May, and July ; but he appears to have been present only at the May and a part of the July session, and within a year of that time he was among the leaders of the "new state" raen, participat- CARPENTER. 63 ing in the conventions of June, July, and December of that year, and being their vice- president. The July convention made him chairman of the committee to procure arms for the state. As miUtary commander he did sorae efficient service that year. General Schuyler ordered him, in February, to enlist every fifth man in his regiment to reinforce the Continental army at Ticonderoga, and he executed the order with remarkable prompt itude. The Vermont council of safety, in August, ordered him to march half of the regiment to Bennington, and he did so, but apparently not in season to participate in that battle, though the regiment was after ward in service under his command on the Hudson. When the new state government was or ganized in March, 1778, he was, by a narrow margin, elected Lieutenant-Governor, and was re-elected for another term and then was succeeded by Benjamin Carpenter. In 1787, however, he wa,s again elected and successive ly reelected until 1 790. He was almost simul taneously with his first election as Lieutenant- Governor, made chairraan of the court of confiscation for Eastern Vermont and was also during the "East union" chairman of the committee of safety for a section of Ver mont, including also the annexed territory from New Hampshire and had his head quarters at Dresden. He represented Hart ford in the General Assemblies of 1781 and '82, was one of the first council of censors and was from 1^787 to 1795 chief judge of the Windsor county court. He died Feb. 9, 1811. Colonel Marsh married, Jan. 10, 1750, Dorothy, a descendant of Gen. John Mason, the faraous commander of the English forces in the Pequot Indian war, and an aunt of the distinguished jurist Jeremiah Mason of Boston. Among their descend ants have been Professor and President Jaraes Marsh of the University of Vermont, Dr. Leonard Marsh of Burlington, Charles Marsh, congressman and famous lawyer, and greatest of all, George P. Marsh, congress man, minister to Turkey and Italy, Scandi navian scholar and a profoundly able author in many lines. Governor Marsh is described by his grand son, Hon. Roswell Marsh of SteubenviUe, Ohio, who was brought up in the former's family, thus : " He excelled in acquiring knowledge from conversations, and his own was exceedingly interesting. His knowl edge, however acquired, was utilized by a close logical mind. His teraper was equable, and chUdren loved him. In poUtics nothing save remarks disrespectful to President Washington, ever disturbed him, for he was of the pure Washingtonian school, and trained his chUdren in it. He was an earnest Christian, but free from bigotry. In person he was of large stature and well pro portioned — broad shouldered, large boned, lean and of great rauscular power ; in weight over two hundred." CARPENTER, BENJAMIN.— Colonel in the Revolutionary service, Lieutenant-Gov ernor, i779-'8i, araong the foremost of the early patriots of the state, and a character whose steady strength of principle makes one of the most interesting figures of Thomp son's romance, was born in Swanzey, Mass., May 17, 1725, the son of Edward and EUza beth (Wilson) Carpenter. He had only a common school education, yet he was evi dently a man of prominence before he came to Vermont, for the faraous inscription on his tombstone at Guilford states that he was a magistrate in Rhode Island in 1764. He appeared on the Grants and settled in Guil ford in 1770, and he was the first delegate from Guilford to a A^erraont convention and one of the very few on the east side of the state that had any part in the early struggles against New York. He was in the ^Vest- minister convention of April 11, 1775, which conderaned the New York government for the Westminster massacre, in the Dorset and Westminster conventions of 1776, and in the Windsor convention that framed the con stitution of the state. An incident in this connection, given on the authority of the late Rev. Mark Carpenter, shows a creditable freedom on his part from the greed for land speculation which was so mixed up with the Vermont patriotism of those days. The Leg islature, which consisted largely of the men who had framed the constitution, voted to themselves several townships of land as " compensation for their long and self-sacri ficing services." Colonel Carpenter voted against the raeasure, denounced it as detract ing from the dignity of the work, and to his dying day persisted in never touching what the town voted to him, (Barre), or in taking any compensation for his pubUc services. In the heated politics of GuUford, going far beyond what was ever known elsewhere in the state, the New York adherents got atop in 1778 and ruled the town for the next thirteen years ; but Colonel Carpenter fought them uncompromisingly and at much risk and sacrifice, as it is recorded that in December, 1783, he was taken prisqner by the Yorkers and carried away " to his great damage." He was a leader among the patriots as soon as the Revolution broke out, being chairman of the Curaberland county com mittee of safety Feb. i, 1776, and by that body was norainated lieutenant-colonel of militia and the appointment confirmed by New York authority. He was a meraber of 64 HASWELL. PAYNE. the Council of Safety which managed the 1777 campaign so efficiently, building out of disaster and disorganization the victory at Bennington and the eventual capture of Burgoyne. With pack and cane he went afoot frora his Guilford home, thirty mUes through the woods by his line of marked trees, to attend the meeting of the Council that took the decisive measures of confiscat ing Tory estates to raise money, and stimu lating enlistments by the promise of a township of land for each company. So important were his services recognized to be, that at the second election of the new state in 1779, he was chosen Lieutenant- Governor and re-elected in 1780. In the later politics of the state he was a staunch Jeffersonian ; in the words on the tombstone : " A public leader of righteousness, an able advocate to his last for Democracy and the equal rights of man." His last office was that in the Council of Censors in 1783. He was a deacon in the Baptist church, of which he was for fifty years a member, influ ential throughout the denomination in New England, and occasionally preaching himself. He died March 29, 1804, at the age of nearly seventy-nine, and leaving one hun dred and forty-six persons of lineal posterity. His wife was a fourth cousin, Annie, daugh ter of Abial and Prudence Carpenter, whora he married at Providence, R. I., Oct. 3, 1745- Colonel Carpenter was a man of impres sive presence, being over six feet taU and weighing two hundred. Thompson's His tory of Vermont truly says that he " deserv edly holds a conspicuous place in the early history of the state." HASWELL, ANTHONY.— Editor, pub lisher, and author, the postmaster-general of the state when it was an independent re pubUc, and in after years one of the victims of the alien and sedition laws, was born at Portsmouth, Eng., AprU 6, 1756, came to Boston when he was thirteen years old, learned the printer's trade with Isaiah Thomas, afterwards drifted to Vermont and started the Vermont Gazette at Bennington, June 5, 1783. He was for many years one of the pubUc printers of the state, the work being divided between his and the press established at Windsor about the same time. The Legislature in 1784 passed an act establishing postoffices at Bennington, Brat tleboro, Rutland, Windsor, and Newbury, and made him postmaster-general, and this position he held with extensive powers and increasing business until the state was ad mitted to the Union in 1791. In national politics he then became an ardent Repub lican, and when Mathew Lyon was prose cuted under the sedition law, he criticised the proceeding severely in his paper, and alsO' published another article severely condemn ing President Adams' appointment to office. The articles, though they showed consid erable warmth of feeling, were not anywhere near as bad as have been published thou sands of times since in political controversy without exciting more than passing attention,, and they did not begin to compare for bit terness and personal invective with the utter ances which the Federalists were constantly pouring forth from both press and pulpit against Jefferson and the Democratic lead ers. Nevertheless, he was indicted before the United States Circuit court, at Windsor, and sentenced by Judge Patterson to ^200 fine and two months' imprisonment. He was aUowed to serve out the iraprisonraent in the jaU at Bennington, but the fine he had to pay, and it was refunded to his descendants over fifty years afterward. The prosecution made him a good deal of a popular hero, as it did Lyon, and the celebration of the Fourth of July in i8oo was postponed at Bennington tUl July 9, when his term ex pired, and he was liberated amidst the roar of cannon and a great demonstration of the people. The publication of the old Bennington Gazette which Mr. Haswell established was continued with occasional interruption both before and after his death, until 1849, when it expired in the hands of his son, John C. Haswell. The elder Haswell also started a paper in Rutland, in 1792, called the "Her ald of Freedom," the progenitor of the pres ent Rutland Herald, but his office was burned after he had issued the fourteenth number, and it was to recoup this misfortune that the Legislature authorized him to raise $200 by lottery. Mr. Haswell ventured twice into the magazine field, starting in March, 1794, "The Monthly MisceUany, or Vermont Magazine," and on Jan. 8, 1808, another monthly called. the "Mental Repast." Both had a short life, though the latter carried considerable original and interesting matter. He pubUshed a good many books and pamphlets from his- office, among them the "Memoirs of Capt. Matthew Phelps " of which he was the author, and he wrote or rather composed much on moral, religious and political subjects, in both prose and verse, for most of his thoughts took shape as he put them into type at his case. He was a man of decided ability, warm and impulsive temperaraent and thorough conscientiousness. He was twice married, and dying. May 26, 18 16, left numerous de scendants. PAYNE, Elisha.— Lieutenant-Governor in 1 781, simultaneously chief judge of the Supreme Court, and in 1782 one of the dele- CHANDLER. CHANDLER. 65 gates to Congress,, appears only briefly in Vermont history, during the continuance of the " East union " of New Hampshire towns with Vermont. He was born at Canterbury, Conn., in 1731, became quite prominent in New Hampshire in colonial days, doing good service in the French war, rising to be colonel and deputy surveyor-general of the King's woods, to preserve the pine trees re served in all grants for the royal navy. In the short-lived union of the sixteen New Hampshire towns with Vermont in 1778, Colonel Payne appeared as representative of Cardigan, N. H., and was elected councilor, though he refused the position because he thought he could be more useful in the House in resisting the effort he knew would be pressed to dissolve the union. He was a leader in the Charleston convention of 1781 which, with the aid of Ira AUen's manipula tion, resolved to ask annexation to Vermont of all of New Hampshire west of a line seventy miles from the sea-coast, instead of attempting to form still another new state of this part of New Hampshire and the eastern half of Vermont, as had been originally planned. He urged the union energetically and eloquently before the Vermont Legislature until it was consummated in the AprU fol lowing, when he enjoyed a Uberal share of the honors of the new state as above stated. His election as Lieutenant-Governor was by the Legislature, as there had been no choice by the people. In the winter foUowing, when New Hampshire started to regain the seceded territory by force, Mr. Payne's ad dress and firm stand undoubtedly went far to avert bloodshed. When Governor Chit tenden ordered hira to call out the mUitia "to repel force by force," he at once wrote President Weare of New Hampshire stating his instructions, but in a tone so conciliatory and yet firm that peace was restored. When this last " union " was dissolved. Gov ernor Payne adhered to New Hampshire, though he had now such a hold on the respect and affections of the people of Ver mont that he could have commanded high honors from thera which were irapossible frora the former state. He died at Lebanon, July 20, 1807, aged seventy-six. One ofhis descendants was Col. E. P. Jeweti, of Mont pelier. CHANDLER, THOMAS.— Among the earliest and most influential settlers on the east side of the mountain, but dying finally in poverty and disgrace, was a native of Woodstock, Conn. He was born July 22, 1709, and came to Vermont in 1763, being one ofthe proprietors under New Hampshire of the present town of Chester, under the name of New Flamstead. He procured its rechartering with the name of Chester by New York, after jurisdiction had been given that colony by the Crown, and in the course of 1766 was appointed justice ofthe peace, surrogate of the county, colonel of militia, and judge of the inferior court of coramon pleas under New A^ork authority, and held all these appointments when the county was reorganized by direct act of the Crown. His conduct at the attempted session of the court that led to the Westminster massa cre is difficult to understand. The picture which D. P. Thompson paints in such dark colors of the sycophancy, the cowardice and tergivisation of his conduct corresponds to the idea that was generally held at the time and covered his reputation with an obloquy from which it never recovered. There is no doubt that he wavered in his ideas of duty. He had presided at raeetings of settlers that resolved to resist the British encroachments. He had publicly said a few days before that he thought it would not be best to hold the court, "as things then were," but yielded to the more resolute loyalty of Judge Sabin and perhaps to the pressure of the land grabbers by whom he was surrounded, and convened the court, though he evidently exerted himself to avert the violence that foUowed, and conducted himself with prudence and dignity through the difficulty. He was imprisoned for two or three days by the popular party and though released on bonds was never brought to trial. He appears to have been zealously on the patriot side in the next few years, though so distrusted that he had no pubhc position. He was deeply embarrassed financially in his later years, the result, as Thompson charges, "of a long course of secret fraud in seUing wild land to which he had no title," and in 1784 petitioned the Legislature for an act of insolvency in his favor. It was finally granted, June 16, 1785, but on June 20 of the same year he died in jail at West minster, where he had laid for several months, and was buried privately and with out funeral, owing to the superstition that then prevailed about the inhumation of the body of an imprisoned debtor. Similarly wretched was the fate of his two sons, who came with him to Chester after a residence of a year or two at Walpole, N. H. John, the eldest, was assistant judge for six years, 1766 to 1772, and county clerk for nearly the same period ; but he was re moved for misconduct, and the rest of his career is buried in obscurity, except once in 1 781, when a case appears before the Legis lature to recover a tract of 9,000 acres of land in Tomlinson (Grafton) which he had unlawfully deeded as attorney for a Tory, •after the latter had joined the eneray, and showing that he had his father's business habits. 66 SAFFORD. HAZELTINE. Thomas Chandler, Jr., the second son, first secretary of state for a few months, then for nearly three years speaker of the General Assembly, was born Sept. 23, 1740, and died towards the close of the century in poverty and embarrassraent, like that of his father. He was also for nine years, 1 776-' 75, an assistant judge of the inferior court of common pleas, a court which New York seems to have made a family snap for the Chandlers. But he was soon after active among the Vermont men, was a delegate in the Westminster convention of October, 1776, and January, 1777, was elected to the first General Assembly in March, 1778, and chosen its clerk, but abandoned the post to take the secretaryship of state, was re-elected in 1778 and 1781, was a member of the council in 1779 and 1780, a commissioner of sequestration on the estates of Tories, and was judge of the first Supreme Court, elected in October, 1778. He resigned the speakership of the Assembly in the middle of the session of r 780, because of charges brought by Azariah Wright of Westminster, aUeging that he had acted as an attorney for a negro while speaker, and that he also invited the massacre at Westminster in 1775 by misleading the sons of liberty by writing to them that he knew his father's raind in their favor. Chandler brought a Ubel suit against Wright because of these charges, and finally recovered sorae $50 and costs, but they nevertheless brought hira into "great discredit" and he sank into a rapid decline politically. He was once elected a judge of the Windsor county court in 1786, and in 1787 again represented Chester in the Assembly, but the prejudice against him was too great to permit his successful ad vancement. He was, however, an undoubted patriot during the war, and exerted himself rauch for the patriot cause in Chester town meetings. The records of the Governor and council in October, 1792, show that like his father he was a petitioner for an act of insolvency in his favor, having been re duced to poverty "by a long series of sick ness in his faraily." SAFFORD, Gen. Samuel, — Revolu tionary soldier, judge and councilor, was born at Norwich, Conn., April 14, 1737, and came to Bennington among its earUest settlers. He took an active part in the land controversy with New York, represented Bennington in several of the conventions of settlers, and was an ardent advocate of the new state idea. When the regiment of Green Mountain Boys was organized under the recommendation of Congress to support the Revolutionary cause, he was chosen major and second officer to Warner, who was lieutenant colonel, and he served under Warner in Canada, and when Warner's continental regiment was raised Safford was appointed Ueutenant col onel, and as such fought at Hubbardton and Bennington and throughout the war. The Legislature in 1781 elected him general of militia. He represented Bennington in 1 78 1 and '82 and the next year was elected state councilor and regularly re-elected for nineteen years. In 1781 he was elected chief judge of Bennington county court and held the office for twenty-six successive years. Governor HaU weU describes him as "an upright, intelligent man of sound judg ment and universally respected." "He was one of the few who were cognizant of the Haldimand negotiations, but his patriotism was never questioned," says Walton. He died March 3, 1813, and there are sorae of his descendants stiU at Bennington. HAZELTINE, JOHN, of Townshend, was one of the early and raost trusted patriots on the east side of the mountain. He came to Townshend from Upton, Mass., soon after the first settlement in 1761. He was chair man of the convention at Westminster, Oct. 19, 1774, which resolved to "assist the peo ple of Boston in defense of their liberties to the utmost of our abiUties," and also chair raan of the convention of Feb. 7, following, which formed a standing committee of cor respondence with the friends of independence in other colonies, and he was made, by order of the convention, custodian of all its papers. He was one of the committee appointed by the convention after the Westminster massa cre to draw up resolutions of indignation and resistance to the authority of New York. He procured the signature of every raan in Townshend to a pledge to maintain and dis seminate the principles of American liberty. In May, 1775, he was appointed with Dr. Spooner and Major AViUiams a delegate from Cumberland county to the Provincial Con gress and Convention of New York and -attended, but remained only three days. He was the person to whom bonds with security were given by sundry of the persons who were arrested for participation in the West minster massacre. This is only one of the evidences of the confidence in which the whigs held hira. Another is the epithet "King Hazeltine" which John Grout, the pestilent Tory, bestowed on him. He died in the early part of 1777, owning about one- fourth of the land of Townshend. He was quite a land speculator, and his enemies used to tell amusing tales of the sharp methods by which he got his titles. FLETCHER, Gen. Samuel.— Judge, councilor and Revolutionary soldier, was born at Grafton, Mass., in 1745, served' a year in the French and Indian war, married TOWNSHEND. JONES. 67 a daughter of Col. John Hazeltine, and gave up the blacksmith trade to which he had been trained, and moved to Townshend. He was one of the few men on the east side •of the mountain active in the formation of the new state and was a member of the con ventions of October, 1776, and January, 1777. He was at the Bunker HiU fight as •orderly sergeant, then was made captain of mUitia, was at the siege of Ticonderoga and the Bennington fight in 1777 and on the way to the former at the head of a party of thirteen, he attacked a British detachment ¦of forty, killed one and took seven prisoners without the loss of a man himself. He was promoted to be major and continued in the service until after the surrender of Burgoyne. He was afterwards a brigadier and major general in the Vermont MUitia, represented Townshend at the first session under the new government in 1778 and also in 1779. He was councilor from 1779 to 1790 and in 1808, sheriff of Windham county from 1788 to 1806, and judge of the county court in 1778, 1783, 1784 and 1786. Hewas ap pointed a judge of the superior court in 1782 but refused to serve. He died Sept. 15, 1814. Physically he was a man of fine proportions and manly beauty, elegant in manners and bland and refined in deport ment, while his intellectual equipment was strong and his courage, integrity and busi ness capacity conceded. He was a fine writer and through much of his active life kept a journal, recording daily events of public importance, but it was unfortunately lost in the burning of the house of his son- in-law and executor. One of his daughters married Epaphroditus Ransom, afterwards Governor of Michigan. TOWNSHEND, MiCAH, for twenty-four years a lawyer at Brattieboro, Secretary of State i78i-'88, and the ablest and most trusted of the "Yorkers" in the early years of the controversy, was born at Cedar Swamp, Oyster Bay, L. I., May 13, 1749, graduated from Princeton in 1767, studied law in New York City, and first settied in practice at White Plains, N. Y. He was active among the young patriots there at the opening of the Revolution, clerk of the county committee of safety, and captain of a company of militia to operate against the Tories. The destruction of the village of White Plains by fire caused him to start anew in Ufe and to locate at Brattieboro, where, in August, 1778, he married Mary, daughter of Col. Samuel Wells. He was here in confidential correspondence with Governor CUnton, raaking a series of able and cool-headed reports on the condition of affairs and frequently being entrusted with important negotiations with the Vermont men. He was a delegate from Cumberland county to the New York Assembly, and ex erted a great influence there. He earnestly opposed the proposal to divide the state on the mountain line with New Harapshire after the extraordinary exertions and sacrifices the people of his county had made to remain in New York, and his arguments were effective in dissuading New York from going into the scherae. Finally he becarae satisfied that New York could not raaintain her claims, and gave in his adherence to the new state, which was quick to avail itself of his talents in public employment. Besides the secretaryship of state, he was judge and register of probate for Windham county from 1781 to '87. He resigned the former office in '88, and the Legislature, by resolution, " expressed the warmest sentiraent of gratitude for the fidel ity and skUl " with which he had peformed its duties. Nathaniel Chipman regarded him as one of the ablest and most useful men the state had at this period. He served with Chip- man on the committee to frame the " quieting act." He was secretary of the council of censors for the first revision of the constitu tion, and his promptness and skill with rec ords, and his facility in phrasing legislative propositions made him almost indispensable to the times. He had a large and success ful practice as a lawyer, was not renowned for oratory, but for the clear, cogent way he had of making his statements. He, how ever, quitted the state and country in 1801, selling his Brattleboro property to Judge Tyler, and settling in Farnham, Que., on lands which the ' British government had granted his father-in-law for his Toryism, where he died, April 23, 1832. JONES, Dr. Reuben, of Rockingham and afterwards of Chester, was the earliest and perhaps the raost acti'^-e of the new state men on the east side of the mountains. He was active in stirring up the people to arrest the loyal court after the Westminster massa cre, riding express and hatless to Dummer- ston on this errand. He gave history the answer to the raisrepresentation of the offi cial reports, with his "relation" of the affair. He was an efficient raeraber of each of the Vermont conventions, beginning with that of Sept. 25, 1776, and being secretary of several of them. He represented Rockingham in the first four Legislatures and also Chester for one year. He was one of the most ar dent and uncomproraising whigs in the state. His later years were spent in deep poverty and in dodging back and forth between New Harapshire and Vermont to avoid imprison ment for debt. Once when under arrest pop ular sympathy forced his release, for which he and two friends were indicted in the Windsor county court. 68 SPAULDING. PHELPS. SPAULDING, Lieut. Leonard, of Dummerston, shared with Dr. Jones the honor of being among the earliest leaders in this county of the new state men. He was born, probably in Rhode Island, Oct. 28, 1728, served in the French and Indian war and soon after its close settled in Putney and later for a few months in Westmoreland, N. H. He was a member of aU the conven tions beginning with September, 1776, but for years before that he had been a headlong agitator against both royal and New York authority, and had built up a strong popular following. It was early when he shocked pious people by denouncing the King as "Pope of Canada" because of the Quebec biU. In 1 77 1 while he was a resident of Putney some of his property had been seized under a judgment of a York court, and a large party crossed the river from New Hampshire and rescued it by force. In 1774, after he had come to Dummerston, he was arrested and imprisoned at Westminster for high treason in speaking disrespectfully of the King, and it is related that it required three or four Yorkers to arrest him. A meet ing of indignation was held at Dummerston the next day to denounce " the ravages of the British tyrant and his NewYork and other emissaries." A large body of men formed from that town. Putney, Halifax and Draper and proceeded to AVestminster a few days later and forcibly released him. He was once arraigned before the county coraraittee for the arrest and imprisonment of Col. Sara WeUs, which in the excess of his patriotic zeal he had effected at the head of a body of fol lowers. But his penalty was only a require- raent of apology to the 'Tory leader, which he made. He was the first man in Dummers ton to shoulder his gun and start for West minster for the fight of March 13, 1775. He joined the Revolutionary army as soon as hos- tihtes broke out, served through most of the war, gained a captain's commission, was in the battie of Bennington and was wounded in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776. He represented Dummerston in the General Assembly in 1778, '81, '84, '86, and '87. He died July 17, 1788, aged fifty-nine. PHELPS, Charles.— The first lawyer tb settle upon the grants, in 1764, one of the leaders in the organization of Cumber land county, and the most unbending of all the "Yorkers," though a supporter of the Revolution, was born at Northampton, Mass., August 15, 1717, of a family which had con tained John Phelps, private secretary of Oliver CroraweU. He was one of the orig inal grantees of Marlboro under New Hamp shire authority, and he petitioned unsuc cessfully for a confirmation of the charter by New York, but nevertheless supported New York authority with a courage and devotion that were pathetic in the sacrifices and suffering it caused him, but with an ec centricity that indicated the twist of mind that after events made only too evident. "Vile Vermonters" was his regular epithet for the great men of the new state. For a time after the Westminster massacre, when New York and royal authority appeared to be identical, he was in revolt against both, and was on the coramittee that framed reso lutions of denunciation. At one time also he intrigued industriously for the annexa tion of the state to Massachusetts, declaring that he regarded the authority of New York as composed of "as corrupt a set of raen as were out of hell," and that he would as "soon put raanure in his pocket as a commission from New York" — though he held such com missions for a good share of his life. But this aberration was short-lived, and he was soon engaged again in fighting New York fights. Twice, in 1779 and 1782, he appeared before Congress, first as a delegate from the A'orkers of Cumberland county, and last on his own responsibility, to oppose the recog nition of the new state, and he stuck to the latter raission, penniless, hungry, and almost freezing at one tirae, an actual object of charity frora the New York delegates, until, by his " persistence, zeal, craftiness, and finesse," as Jay describes it, he thought, as was the general idea, that he had won in the resolution from Congress, ordering " full and ample restitution" to be made to the New A'ork adherents who had been arrested or imprisoned, or had their property confis cated, and declaring the purpose of Congress to enforce a comphance with this deraand ; but he found when he reached Vermont that these resolves were treated with as much in difference as the edicts of New York. It was while on this mission that he wrote his trenchant pamphlet, "Vermonters Un masked." He was jailed in January, 1784, his prop erty ordered to be sold for the benefit of the state, and even his law books given to Nath. Chipman and Micah Townshend to pay for their services in revising the laws of the state. But his petition for pardon and re mission of sentence, on taking the oath of allegiance, brought a resolution of the Legis lature in October, 1 784, restoring such prop erty as had not been sold for the benefit of the state. One of the reasons given for this clemency was his fidelity to the whig cause. But his allegiance was only norainal. He reraained to the end intensely opposed in feeUng to the new state, and he dated his last will at " New Marlborough, in the county of Cumberland and state of New York." He died in AprU, 1789, at the age of seventy- ENOS. A GROUP OF TORIES. 69 three. Among his descendants have been some exceptionally able men, but aU, in the early generations at least, showing often to the point of insanity, the mental eccentrici ties that became so marked in his later years. His oldest son, Solomon, a graduate of Har vard and a lawyer and preacher of fine powers, coraraitted suicide at the age of forty-eight. Timothy, his third son, a man of great energy of character and steadfast ness of opinion, and sheriff of Curaberland county under New York authority, passed his later years with darkened mind. John Phelps, son of Timothy and grandson of Charles, was register of probate, state sena tor and councilor in 183 1 and 1832. Other descendants have been : John Phelps, of Guilford, son of Timothy, who was state councilor in 1831 and 1832, his son Charles E. Phelps, congressman from Maryland and brigadier-general of the Union army ; Judge Charles Phelps, of Townshend, who was councilor in i820,-'2i,-'22, and his son, the late Judge James H. Phelps, of Townshend ; Gen. John W. Phelps, the author, scholar and accomplished soldier, who entered the war with such brilUant prospects which were blasted by his quarrel with Butler and his in- sistance on emancipation of negroes in Louisiana before the administration was ready for that measure, and who was the anti-Masonic candidate for President in 1 780. Except for a young son of General Phelps, the male line of the family is now extinct. ENOS, Gen. Roger.— One of the few men in the secret of the Haldimand corres pondence, and Vermont's miUtary com mander through that trying period, was born at Simsbury, Conn., in 1729. He was in the colonial service, and in the French and Indian war, being promoted to be an en sign in 1760, an adjutant in 1761, and a ¦captain in Col. Israel Putnam's regiment in 1764. He also took part in the Havana campaign of 1762. He was afterwards a raeraber of the coraraission to survey lands in the Mississippi vaUey. He promptly took the side of the patriots at the outbreak of the Revolution and had coraraand of the rear guard of Arnold's expedition against Quebec. He left it, however, with a siz able detachment, in order to avoid starva tion, as he claimed. He was afterwards courtmartialed under a charge of cowardice in this action but was honorably acquitted. He was lieutenant-colonel of the i6th Con necticut regiment in 1776, and colonel of another regiment in i777-'79. In 1781 he came to Vermont, settling at Enosburg, which was named after him, and his inti macy with the Vermont leaders, so many of -whom had come from Connecticut, at once gave him a prominent position. He was that year appointed brigadier-general in cora raand of all the Vermont troops and was at the head of the army that was pretending to resist the invasion from Canada. In 1787 he was appointed major-general of the First Division of the mUitia but resigned in 1791, after thirty-two years of nearly continuous military service. He was a meraber of the Vermont board of war from 1781 to 1792, served several terms in the General As sembly, was a trustee of the Vermont Uni versity, a member of the commission to adjust the trouble with New Hampshire, and of the committee to consider to resolutions of Congress for the admission of the state to the Union. His daughter married Ira Allen and his son, Pascal Paoli, was one of the four proprietors of the original site of Springfield, IU. A GROUP OF TORIES.— As before stated, notwithstanding the peculiar situation of the state, outside of the Union, or recog nition with the other colonies, an independ ent republic, having to maintain herself by her own efforts, Vermont contained fewer Tories and British sympathizers than any other part of America. Perhaps the most distinguished of these was the one who played only a brief part either in Vermont or on earth after the Rev olution began. Crean Brush carae to this country about 1762, from Ireland, where he had evidently had quite a career, being educated as a lawyer and having held a commission in the miUtary service. He first settled in New York City, was for several years assistant under the deputy secretary of the province and having by his connection obtained large grants of land in this section, came to West minster in 1 77 1, was appointed clerk of Cumberland county, obtained a large law practice, and cut a big figure among the high-toned and arrogant loyalists. He and Col. Samuel WeUs were elected, in 1773, as representatives from the county to the Gen eral Assembly of New York, where Brush became a leader in the advocacy of all min isterial measures, fighting against the meas ures of Schuyler, AVoodhall, and the leading patriots, and made the report offering a re ward for the head of Ethan AUen — whom his step-daughter afterwards wedded — and the other Vermont patriots. When hostUities broke out Brush offered his services to General Gage at Boston, and was employed in removing goods from the buUdings where Gage wished to take winter quarters. He improved the opportunity for piUage and plunder of the merchants and people by the wholesale, packed a ship with goods he had seized under his coraraission, and calculated to make himself wealthy. 70 A GROUP OF TORIES. A GROUP OF TORIES. But the ship fell into the hands of an Ameri can cruiser, and Brush and some of his fellow plunderers were thrown into jail at Boston, but he finaUy escaped by the time-honored device of donning his wife's apparel, when she came to visit him. He made his way to the British quarters at New York, but met little but contempt from Lord Howe, and living in poverty and neglect for several months, finally blew his brains out in an apartment house. His large estate in A^er- mont was confiscated to the use of the state, his name being included in the 128 specified by a legislative act as Tories. Samuel Adams formed a company of Tories from Arlington, Sandgate and Man chester, to co-operate with Burgoyne. Capt. Jehial Hawley, the founder of Arl ington, connected by marriage with the Warners, a leader among the settlers against New York, though peaceful and a non-com batant, was strongly royalist in syrapathy, and took refuge with Burgoyne, and died on Lake Champlain while on his way to Canada. He had several sons who took the same side, and one of them, Eli, helped con vey the correspondence between Canada and the Vermont authorities, and believed to the day of his death that the A-'ermont leaders really wanted to form a British colony. He often pointed out the "Raven Rock," where he had a midnight interview with Governor Chittenden on one of these trips. Camp James Hard from .ArUngton, held a commission in the British army. Zodack, his brother, was a loyalist in principle but took no active part in the war, though he is said to have secreted and fed the loyaUsts who came to him for shelter, and he was always generous and hospitable. He was several times arrested and heavily fined by the patriot authorities. Noah Sabin, of Putney, a native of Reho- both, Mass., was the judge whose insistence on holding the court when Chief Justice Chand ler was incUned to temporize, led to the West minister massacre. His thorough-going con scientiousness, his conception of his duty tp^ the Crown, from which he held his commis sion, led him to this course. Hewas impris oned for some time after the affair. He was, in the first years of the Revolution, strongly attached to the Crown, and so strong was the whig feeUng against him that he was confined to his farm in 1776 by order of the committee of safety, with permission given to anybody to shoot hira if seen beyond its limits, and he was refused communion at church. Finally, after a period of indecision,. he took the side of the colonies and de veloped into quite an earnest patriot. He was elected judge of probate for Windham county, 1 781, and though suspended for a few months because of the suspicions of his loyalty, was soon reinstated and continued to serve until 1801. He died March 10,. 1811, aged ninety-six. He was a man of large mental power, superior education for his times, and of indisputable integrity. Col. James Rogers of Kent (now London derry), who had been a prominent man of that section, was offered the office of briga dier-general of mUitia by New York, but refused it " upon political principles." He afterwards became an avowed Tory and left the country, and his property was confis cated, though the Legislature in 1 797 restored to his son, James Rogers, Jr., all the lands- that had not been sold. THE GOVERNORS. The foUowing is a complete list of the Governors of Vermont, with the dates of service. Biographical sketches of the entire list are given on the foUowing pages, with exceptions noted. *Thomas Chittenden, 1778-87 Silas H. Jennison (3), 1835-36 Paul Dillingham, 1865-67 ^Moses Robinson, 1789-go Silas H. Jennison, [836-41 John B. Page, 1867-69 *Thomas Chittenden, 1790-97 Charles Paine, 1841-43 Peter T. 'Washburn, 1869-70 Paul Brigham (2), John Mattocks, 1843-44 tGeorge W. Hendee (5), 1870 Aug, 25 to Oct. 16, 1797 William Slade, 1844-46 tjohn W. Stewart, 1870-72 Isaac Tichenor, 1797-1807 Horace Eaton, 1846-48 Julius Converse, 1872-74 Israel Smith, 1807-08 Carlos Coolidge, 1848-50 Asahel Peck. 1874-76 Isaac Tichenor, 1808-09 Charles K. Williams, 1850-52 Horace Fairbanks, 1876-78 Jonas Galusha, 1809-13 Erastus Fairbanks, 1852-53 t Redfield Proctor, T878-80 Martin Chittenden, 1813-15 ¦*John S. Robinson, 1853-54 JRoswell Farnham, 1880 82 Jonas Galusha, 1815-20 Stephen Royce, 1854-56 tJohn L. Barstow, 1882-84 Richard Skinner, 1820-23 Ryland Fletcher, 1856-58 fSamuel E. Pingree, 1884-86 Cornelius P. Van Ness, 1823-26 Hiland Hall, 1858-60 fEbenezer J. Ormsbee, 1886-88 Ezra Butler, 1826-28 Erastus Fairbanks, 1860-61 tWiUiam P. Dillingham, 1888-90 Samuel C. Crafts, 1828-31 tFrederick Holbrook, 1861-63 tCarroI S. Page, 1890-92 William A. Palmer, '831-35 J. Gregory Smith, 1863-65 jLevi K. Fuller, 1892-94 * Bioo;raphical sketch will be found among " The Fathers." f Biographical sketch will be found in Part II. (2) Lieutenant Governor, acting Governor on the death of Governor Chittenden. (3) Lieutenant-Governor, Governor by reason of no election of Governor by the people. (5) Lieutenant-Governor, Governor by reason of the death of Governor Washburn. BRIGHAM, Paul.— For twenty-one years Lieuten ant-Governor of the state and a few months, in 1797, the acting Governor, a Revoluti onary soldier, state councilor for five years, and ma jor-general of the state militia, was born at Cov- entry. Conn., Jan. 17, 1746. He early devel oped military capacity, and rose in the militia of his native state, through every intermediate position, from the ranks to a captaincy, at the age of twenty-eight. When the Revolution broke out he had been captain long enough to be exempt from miUtary duty, but he went promptly into active service with his com pany, in Colonel Chandler's regiment of McDougaU's brigade in the Continental ser vice, fought at Germantown, Monmouth and Mud Island, and was in the service three years. In 1 78 1 he joined the tide of adventurous spirits from Connecticut to Vermont, and settled with his family at Norwich. Here again he became active in militia services, passing through every grade untU he became a' major-general. He and Samuel Fletcher, Isaac Tichenor and Ira AUen coramanded the four divisions of the state in 1794, at the time President Washington ordered detach ments of minute men to be formed, accord ing to the act of Congress of that year. He rapidly rose to prominence in Windsor county, being successively elected high sher iff, judge of probate, assistant judge and chief judge of Windsor county court. He represented Norwich in the General Assera bly in 1783, 1786 and 1791, and was a dele gate to the Constitutional Conventions of 1793, 1814 and 1822. In 1792 he was elected councilor and five times re-elected, until in 1796 he was elevated to the lieuten ant-governorship. During his service on the council he was prominent in the state bank and state prison controversies, and with John White and Nathaniel Niles was a mem ber of the coraraittee that reported the cora promise bill for the banks in 1806. In 1792 he was a Washington presidential elector. The quality of his service as Lieutenant- Governor is illustrated by the remarkable way he held on through aU the ups and downs of party politics in the state. He was re-elected regularly with Governor Tichenor years after the Jeffersonians had got a raajor ity in the state, and when in 1807 Tichenor was defeated by the Democratic Israel Smith for Governor, Brigham was still elected Lieutenant - Governor. So it was when Tichenor was returned in 1808, and stUl again when Tichenor was overthrown by Galusha in 1809. Brigham started out a Federalist, but gradually drifted in his sym pathies towards the Jeffersonians, and when the Federalists got atop again for a short 72 TICHENOR. time in i8i3-'i4 they defeated Brigham as well as Galusha for re-election. But the fight was a close as well as a hot one, and in neither year was there a choice bythe people, and the election went to the Legis lature and the FederaUsts only won, in 1813, by tactics that bore more.'than a'suspicion of dishonesty. But with the ret;urn of the Jeffersonians in 1815, Brigham was again elected Lieutenant-Governor, and success ively re-elected until ,1820, when at the age of seventy-four, together with, his great party chieftain. Governor. Galusha, he decUned re election. He died, June 15, 1824, after a few years of happy and 'easeful retirement, deepened in its enjoyment by. the consciousness of duty long and weU done;, and by the consola tion of a reUgious faith which had gaited and ennobled his whole career. TICHENOR, Isaac— The third Gover nor of the state ; for six years a s judge of the Su- j p r e m e Court, ;,, twice a United States senator and the Federal ist leader for a nuraber of years, was a resident of the state all through her ex istence as an in dependent re- pub 1 i c , b u t i. _ _ cameonthe stage of political activity only towards the close of that inter esting, period. ' He was born at Newark, N. J., Feb. ¦8,' 17.S4, and graduated from Prince ton CoUege in 1775 under the presidency of Dr. Witherspoon and for whom he always had the utmost consideration. He studied law at Schenectady, N.Y., where he was in 1777 appointed an assistant to Comraissary Gen eral Cuyler in.buying supplies for the north ern department. It was on this duty that he came to Bennington in the summer of that year and remained there and in that vicinity collecting the suppUes whose accumulation tempted the fatal expedition of Burgoyne. -Tichenor had just left, August 13, with a drove of cattle for Albany when the tidings of that exJDedition were received. He re turned by. way of Williamstown, reaching the field' at dusk on' the evening of the 1 7th after the fighting had ceased. ¦ He then decided' to settle in Bennington, and .this was his home when not in actual service 'in 'the - coramissary department. In ¦the Une of his duty he incurred heavy pecuni ary responsibiUties, which embarrassed him TICHENOR. through a large part of his life. Aboiit the close of the war he began the practice of law there. He was town representative in i78i-'82-'83-'84, speaker of the House in 1783, and an agent to Congress in 1782. In that year he was also sent by the Legis lature to Windham county to urge the clairas of the new state on the people, and queU the disturbances there, and the mission had con siderable effect, though severer raeasures had to be taken later. He was a commissioner under the act of 1789 to determine the terras of settlement with New York. He had been steadily growing in reputa tion among the Vermont leaders, and the peculiar value of his services with his plausi- iDle, persuasive ways added much to his prominence. He was a judge of the Supreme Court from 1791 to 1796, and chief justice the last two years, when, on the resignation of Senator Moses Robinson, he was chosen to fill out the latter's term. He was re elected the next year for a full terra of six years, but he was also elected Governor that faU, and resigned the senatorship to accept. He had then become the recog nized Federalist leader of the state, and the canvass for the governorship was a sharp one. The retirement of Governor Chittenden had loosed the restraint partisan ship had felt. The result was no choice by the people for Governor, but Tichenor was elected by the Legislature by a large ma jority. He served eleven years in all as Governor, being steadily re-elected every year until 1809, except 1807, when he was defeated bythe Democrats under the leader ship of Israel Sraith ; so strong had he be corae that he was re-elected several years after his party had got into a minority. He was in 1814 again elected Senator to Congress, serving six years, until March 3, 182 1, when with the complete obliteration of his party from American politics he retired to private life, after a public service filling thirty-eight out of the forty-four years be tween 1777 and 1821. He died Dec. 11, 1838, at the age of eighty-four and leaving no descendants. Governor Hall measures him compactly as a man of " good private character, of highly respectable talents and acquirements, of remarkably fine personal appearance, of accomplished manners and insinuating ad dress." So marked was his make-up in the latter particular as to earn for him the sobriquet of " Jersey Slick," which stuck to him all through his career. But though he had these qualities, perhaps to the point of fault, it would be a great mistake to suppose that he had not solid merit beneath his smooth exterior, even beyond what Governor Hall credits as "respectable talents." It was a clear head and a strong will that he TICHENOR. SMITH. 73 carried on his shoulders. With all his poli tician arts he was a real statesman. It was on the state's prison issue largely, that he defeated Governor Smith for re-election in 1808, but he had strongly recommended such an institution in 1803, got a bUl through the Legislature for it, and had the prepara tory steps taken under his administration, and in his message after his return to power did not hesitate to commend it as a " hu mane and benevolent" idea, and urge measures to carry it into "complete effect." His messages were often strongly tinctured with Federalist doctrine, but so skiUfuUy phrased that the able young Republicans in the Legislature found it hard to find any effective point on which to join issue. A strong proof of his popularity was afforded in 1799, when the Legislature by a unani mous vote adopted a resolution of thanks, whose author, Udney Hay, was the leader of the opposition in the House, for the " happy and speedy " settlement he had effected with Canada of the difficulty over the arrest by American officers on J3ritish soil, and the subsequent accidental death, but alleged raurder, of John Griggs. The event has "increased, if possible," so the resolution read, " the very high esteem we have ever entertained of your patriotism, your candour, your abUities, your integrity." His high courtesy and genuine kindliness of character were shown by the letter of con gratulation he wrote after his defeat in 1809, to his successful competitor. Governor Galusha, tendering " in great sincerity, my best services in any matter that shall relate to the duties of your office or shall have a tendency to promote the interests of our country." Governor Hall teUs a couple of anecdotes that are illuminating. He had an art, some tiraes too obvious, of ingratiating himself into favor. WhUe traveling in a distant part of the state he contrived to pass the resi dence of a farmer of great influence in his town, who had formerly supported him for Governor, but who was now supposed to be wavering. On his approach to the place he discovered the farmer at some distance buUding stone wall by the road side. Leav ing his carriage the Governor began to examine the wall with great care and earnest ness, looking over and along both sides of it and exhibiting signs of excessive admiration. On coming within speaking distance the Governor exclaimed, with much apparent emotion : " Bless me, friend, what a beauti ful and noble wall you are buUding — I don't believe there is another equal to it in the state." "Yes, Governor," was the reply of the farmer, " it's a very good waU to be sure, but I can't vote for you this year." He was quite a sportsman and delighted to range the mountains hunting and fishing until the feebleness of age prevented. Once he laid a wager with a companion with whom he was out fishing, as to which would catch the raost trout. On weighing the fish at Landlord Dewey's the Governor was found to have lost the bet, which he readily paid, though considerably disappointed. " I don't see," said he to his friend M., "how your trout should weigh the most, mine cer tainly looks the largest, and besides I fiUed it full of gravel stones." " Ah, Governor," said his friend, " I was too rauch for you this time, I stuffed mine with shot.'' SMITH, ISRAEL, the fourth Governor, judge, congressman and senator, the first popular favorite of the young Democrats of the state, and a fine specimen ofthe politi cian of the early days, was also a native of Connecticut, born at Sheffield, .AprU 4, 1759. He graduated from Yale in 1781, and two years later settled at Rupert, where he was admitted to the bar. He represented that town in the General Assembly in 1785, '88, '89 and '90, and became prominent in the affairs ofthe state during the latter part of its period of independence. He was one of the com mission in '89 to close the controversy with New York, and a member of the convention in '91 that ratified the federal constitution preparatory to the admission of the state into the Union. In this year he moved to Rutland. He was immediately elected one of the first representatives in Congress from the western district of the state, and was re elected several times, when in 1797 he was at last defeated by Matthew Lyon, who had twice before contested the election with him. He and Lyon were both identified with the Jeffersonian party, though Lyon was far the more rabid, and the Federalist element of the district supported a third candidate. But he was that fall elected to the Legislature from Rutland, and the Republicans being in a majority he was elected chief justice of the Supreme Court. But he held the positipn only one term ; for the next year came a re turn of FederaUst control, and the "Ver gennes slaughter-house," when every position in the state within reach was made party spoils. In 1 80 1, he was again elected to the chief justiceship but declined it. He was that fall the Republican candidate for Governor against Tichenor but was defeated. He was, however, again elected representative to Congress and at the end of the term elected Senator over Chipman. In 1807 the Democrats or RepubUcans were finally able to overcome for a short time the great popularity of Governor Tichenor and elected Mr. Smith Governor. He resigned his seat in the Senate to accept the place. 74 SMITH. GALUSHA. His inaugural address, though most courteous to his defeated opponent, for his "urbanity and unassuming administration," was breezy with healthful new ideas. He laid down the good Democratic truth, that "the end of aU government is to teach each individual of the community the necessity of self-govern ment." He urged a measure whose import ance is only just beginning to be reaUzed to day, for state supervision of highways, like that of schools. He argued that the two subjects were equally of "very general concern," and that the state was entitled to be "officially informed how far and in what manner" laws about them were carried into effect. He ably discussed punitive problems, urged the abolition of all corporal punishment and the substitution of confinement at hard labor, "to initiate the culprit into a habit of useful industry, and as a method pecuharly suited to an advanced state of society where the arts abound." His discussion would be a good text for prison reformers today. His influence was exerted strongly to secure the construction of the state's prison. But these good ideas were the cause of his political undoing. The farmers of the state were too accustomed to governraent of the utmost fru gality to welcorae such plans, and though the Democrats had now secured an easy ascend ing in the state and cast its electoral vote for Madison that fall. Smith was defeated for re election by Tichenor, after a hard fought campaign, by a pluraUty of 859 and majority of 432. Soon after his health began to fail, and he died at Rutland, Dec. 2, 1810, aged fifty-one. His son, MlUiam Donaglas Smith, a graduate of Middlebury, and a lawyer, was clerk of the House of Representatives from 1809 until his death, Feb. 22, 1822, at the age of thirty-six. Governor Smith was a brother of Noah Smith, who also came to Vermont soon after his graduation, became state's attorney for Cumberland, then for Bennington county, judge of county and Supreme Courts, U. S. collector of internal revenue, and coun cilor. Little that Governor Smith wrote besides his one inaugural address has come down to present times. But he was conceded to be a man of fine talents and high ideas, of "amiable candor," one cotemporary says, and of "inflexible integrity" as another de scribes him. "He was a noble-looking man, and got the name of the handsome judge." He was a great admirer of the principles on which the French Revolution was based in its earUer and nobler days, and was at that time one of the RepubUcans who gloried in the charge of being French sympathizers. GALUSHA, Jonas, Revolutionary sol dier, sheriff, judge. Governor, for forty years in continuous pub lic service, the Democratic leader who led his party into as- cendency that lasted for nearly a generation, and one of the most interesting per sonalities of our whole history, was born at Nor wich, Conn., Feb. II) 1753) and came to Shaftsbury in 1775. He was captain of one of the town's two mUitia companies, commanded them both in the battle of Bennington, and saw much ac tive service from 1777 to '80. He was by occupation a farmer and inn-keeper, and his first political office was that of sheriff of Bennington county from 1781 to '87, and as such he did prompt and efficient work in preventing Shay's men during their rebellion in Massachusetts from making Vermont soU a base of operations. He was elected state councUor in 1793, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, and again in 1801, '02, '03, '04 and '05, and judge of the county court in 1795, '96, and '97, and again in 1800, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05 and '06. He had, as soon as the national parties developed in politics, become an ardent Democrat, and the recognized leader of the party in state politics. After the de feat of Governor Smith by Tichenor in 1808, Galusha was made the next Republican can didate and elected, by a vote of 14,583 to 13,467 for Tichenor, and 498 scattering, and re-elected in 18 10, 'it and '12, and again in 1815, '16, '17, '18 and '19, a service of nine years. His party was rapidly increasing in strength and aggressiveness until the New England feeling against the embargo and the war of 181 2 produced a reaction, and he failed of a majority in the election in 1813, getting 16,- 828 votes, to 16,532 for Mardn Chittenden and 625 scattering. This sent the election to the Legislature where the vote was a tie, and where after a long struggle Chittenden was elected, and the Democrats claimed that the state "was stolen." The result turned on the vote of Colchester, which if counted would elect the three Democratic councUors and if rejected would elect the three Feder alists. The House was FederaUst and the CouncU Democratic. The House appointed a canvassing coraraittee which rejected the Col chester returns, on the ground that other Uni- GALUSHA. GALUSHA. 75 ted States troops had voted there in company with those from this state in the national ser vice who were allowed under the act of i8i 2 .to vote in any town in the state where they might happen to be. There was violent dis pute over the facts and also over the consti tutional power to canvass the votes. The constitution made the House the judge of the election and qualifications of its members ; but it had no such power over the members of the Council nor was the latter body given any power to determine the election of its raerabers. In other words the power rested expressly nowhere and the House assumed it. But for this returning board action the Democrats would have controUed the joint Assembly and re-elected Governor Galusha and Lieutenant-Governor Brigham ; as itwas, that body was just a tie. The council' pro tested and insisted that the Cplchester votes should be counted, that the Assembly refused a reading to the report. Finally the baUot- ing in the Legislature, greatly to the astonish ment of the Democrats, showed 1 1 2 votes for Chittenden and rn for Galusha, and the lat ter was declared elected. Two days later the Democrats offered to show by the oaths of one hundred and twelve members that they had voted for Galusha, so that there was an error or fraud in the result as de clared, and therefore they asked that the first vote be counted as naught, and another one taken. A long debate ensued, but before a conclusion was reached Chittenden and Chamberlain appeared in the House and council, took the oaths of office and Chittenden delivered his speech. The truth probably was as developed later, that one of the Democratic assemblymen was bribed to withhold his vote. Notwithstanding this scaly victory, the feeling over the war ran so high that the Federalists won again in 18 14 by a narrow margin. The popular vote was : Chittenden, 17,466; Galusha, 17,411; scattering, 451. But the Federalists had a stiff majority in the Legislature and elected Chittenden again by a vote of 123 to 94, and Chamberlain by a still larger majority. But the next year witnessed a merited revolution on both state and national Unes. Galusha defeated Chit tenden handsomely at the polls, 18,055 to 16,632. The next year the Federalists made Samuel Strong their candidate and were worse whipped, 17,262 to 13,888. In 1817 the Federalists tried Tichenor again for a candidate and were beaten almost two to one, 13,756 to 7,430. By 18 19 there was no organized opposition to Galusha left, less than 3,000 votes being cast for various can didates against him, and the bulk of these for other Democrats, W. C. Bradley and Dudley Chase. Governor Galusha was well qualified to bring about such a state of affairs. A plain farmer without pretending to scholastic at tainments, but with commanding native abilities, his thoroughly democratic man ners and habits of thought appealed strongly to a constituency of yeomen. A resolute fighter and skillful campaigner, he had too generous a nature to be mean or vindictive and too philosophic a bent of mind to fail to see beyond personal interests and feelings to the larger forces involved in poUtics. Fervently patriotic, his voice and thought naturally headed the sweep of sentiment that followed the peace after the last war with Great Britain, while his comprehen sive understanding and his humble, nay, even religious devotion of the best there was in him to the service of his fellowmen made him a most useful legislator and adminis trator, though never very original or sug- gestful of new ideas. It is impossible to read his inaugural addresses, eloquent with the intensity of sincerity, without comprehending in sorae measure the sources of his power. For in stance, on his accession to power in 1809, after one of the most heated struggles, there was not a word of bitterness toward his ad versaries, no epithet worse than "misguided" for the "spirit of discord and disunion" that had been so rarapant in New England, no expression but of " gratitude to Heaven " that the " efforts of foreign emissaries and doraestic traitors " had " faUed to distract and divide us," and no hope worse than that " the talents, the wisdom and the ener gies of the states " might now be united, and citizens soon "lay aside all party feel ings and become united like a band of brothers." The address was Jeffersonian, aUke in the shrewdness with which it was phrased and the warmth of its faith in human good. He had a kindly word to say of the new state's prison as "an humane and bene ficent institution," but he wanted a strict inquiry made into the expenditures for its erection. His message of 1812 urged the laying aside of aU party prejudices and unit ing of the whole people in the common cause. In 1815, after allthe heated struggles of the past two years, the only lesson he had to draw was that "during the calm," since the return of peace to the country, "we ought, by an indissoluble union, to be pre pared for any storm that raay arise." He pictured the triuraph of ruthless despotism in every part of the Old World, and besought the people solemnly to remember that " of aU the nations of the earth" they "alone were left to support a government whose basis is equal liberty and whose sovereignty is the will of the people.'' 76 CHITTENDEN, CHITTENDEN. His message of 1 817 alluded with satisfac tion to the "wide and recent spiritual har vest" in the state, in the shape of the great reUgious revival of that year, probably the only allusion of the kind ever made in any Governor's message. He hailed with joy the revolutionary movements in South Araerica, and they stimulated for him beadfic visions of the future of humanity. He urged, in 1819, legislation to free the bodies of debtors from arrest and imprisonment on debts of smaU amount, being "of opinion that more money is spent in the collection of such debts than is saved by the coUection," and arguing that it would be a benefit to "dis courage credit." He advised the chartering of agricultural societies throughout the state, by "experiments, proper researches, and cor respondence," to improve agriculture. He was always an earnest supporter and presi dent of "both societies. He died Sept. 24, 1834, his last years, fuU of honor and con tentment, having been passed in rural enjoy ment at his Shaftsbury home. He was always profoundly religious in his methods of life, of thought and expression, but never joined any church, though he announced his intention of doing so at the age of sev enty-nine, wheji he attended a protracted meeting at Manchester and took an active part in the exercises. His first wife was Mary, daughter of Gov. Thomas Chittenden, and so sister of his strongest opponent in political life, and by her he had nine children -five sons and four daughters ; one of the former, Elon, became an eminent Baptist clergyman. He rarely failed in his messages to urge the encouragement of manufactures, and in that of i8io said : "I trust the tirae is not far distant when the citizens of these United States, instead of relying on foreign coun tries for their clothing, wiU be able not only to supply their own wants, but to export every kind of cotton, if not woolen goods, and restore to the Union that portion of specie which has been drawn from us by the exclusive use of foreign manufactured goods." Governor Galusha retired frora office with expressions of affection from the Legis lature and the people, second only to those which had been bestowed on Thomas Chit tenden. He was a presidential elector in 1808, 1820 and 1824, and a member of the constitutional conventions of 1814 and 1822. CHITTENDEN, MARTIN.— Second son of Gov. Thoraas Chittenden, sixth Governor, and thirty years in the public service as judge, congressraan and legislator, was born at Salisbury, Conn., March 12, 1769, and was liberally educated, graduating from Dart mouth in 1789. He inherited much of his father's aptitude for pubUc affairs and raany of his popular qualities, so that the very next year after his graduation in 1790, he was elected Jericho's representative and. subsequently for eight years, and WilUston's two years after he moved to that town. He was clerk of the Chit tenden county court four years, judge ten years, judge of probate two years, and a delegate to the const itutional conventions of 1791 and 1793. He was elected a r e p r esentative in Congress in 1 803 and four times re-elected, until his elevation to the governorship in 1813. The circum stances of that election and suspicions surrounding it have been fully explained in the sketch of Governor Galusha. Ver mont was the one New England state that had sustained the declaration of war in 181 2, had cast her electoral vote for Madison, and the revolution of 181 3, though not accom plished by the vote of the people, produced a deep sensation at the time, all the more aggravating because of the obvious unfair ness and dishonesty that brought it about, unfairness in excluding the votes cast at Col chester of the citizens who were defending the state — even though there were irregular ities about it — and dishonesty somewhere, somehow in the final vote of the Legislature. His re-election in 18 14 bore no such stigma, though it had to be reached through the Legislature, there being no choice by the people but a pluraUty for Governor Galusha and the patriotic side. Governor Chittenden's administration was in the main in full sympathy with the anti war element, though on the whole it may fairly be said to have been better in this respect than most of the New England ad ministrations, and the Vermont sentiment was generally better than that of the sea board states. His address, in 1813, argued that the "conquest of Canada of which so much has been said, if desirable at all," would be "poor compensation for the sacri fices" that must be made, and in 1814 he reiterated his opinion that the war was, •' - necessary, unwise and hopeless, in aU. its offensive operations." The minority ofthe House, 89 in the former year and 82 in the latter, under the lead of WiUiam .\. Griswold, solemnly entered their protest on the journal CHITTENDEN. SKINNER. 77 against such sentiments, and against the repUes which the House had by a partisan vote given to the Governor in echo of his words. Governor Chittenden took the ground in both messages, the contempti ble one that was then general with New England executives, that the railitia could not be ordered out of the state for the com mon defense, or to "repel invasion" of any except the state's territory. In November of that year, while a part of the 3d brigade of the 3d division of the state militia was about Plattsburg, "under the coramand and at the disposal of an officer of the United States, out of the jurisdiction or control of the executive of this state," Governor Chittenden issued a proclamation reciting this lugubrious situation, and the danger to "our own frontier," and com manding the militia "forthwith to return " to their homes. The order was received with hot indigna tion by the troops, the messenger who brought it was marched by force out of camp, and the officers united in a reply to the Governor declaring that " an invitation or order to desert the standard of our country will never be obeyed by us, although it proceeds from the Governor and captain-general of Ver mont." They told him flatly that the proc lamation was, in their opinion, " a renewed instance of that spirit of disorganization and anarchy which is carried on by a faction, to overwhelm our country with ruin and dis grace," and they told him that even the sol diers of the Une regarded it "with mingled emotions of pity and contempt for its author and as a striking monument of his folly." Prob ably it was the most extraordinary military communication of its kind ever framed, and it was not altogether undeserved or without good effect ; for the next year when General Macomb wrote of the advance of the enemy again towards Plattsburg, and calling for "all the assistance in his power," Governor Chit tenden promptly repUed, that he would take •"the most effectual measure to furnish such number of volunteers as may be induced to turn out." He insisted that he was not "authorized by the constitution or laws to ¦order the raiUtia out of the state," but could request them to go, and he "recommended" the officers to volunteer to go. The caU was grandly responded to by the people, fathers, sons, and veterans of the Revolution, from all parts of the state, and the result was the glorious victory at Plattsburg. Chittenden could not help feeling the in- ^ ..ation, and as the British array, notwith standing the failure of Provost's campaign, was hovering on our frontier, the Governor issued a proclamation, Sept. 14, exhorting the people to defense. "The conflict has become a coramon, and not a party concern," he said, "and the time has now arrived when aU party distinctions and animosities * * ought to be laid aside ; that every heart may be stimulated, and every arm nerved for the protection of our common country, our liberty, our altars, and our firesides." And he "enjoined" upon all military officers to be in "a complete state of readiness to march at a moment's warning," and upon all selectmen and civil authorities to render all aid possible. It was good talk at last, after victory had been seemingly won in the war, but it did not save Chittenden and his party frora defeat and emphatic rebuke at the polls the next September. The party went to speedy ruin in the state and nation, and the Gov ernor into a political eclipse from which he never emerged until his death, Sept. 5, 1840, at the age of seventy-one. StiU it is but just to the Governor to say that these positions into which the party passion of the time swept him, were not natural to hira. His blood and breeding were patriotic, and his real feeling, that which finally burst partisan bonds, found expression in the last quoted proclamation. He was constitutionally moderate and tem perate, and broadly inteUigent in his views, but lacked in assertive strength, and was too apt to yield to the counsels of party leaders. In his personal relations he was kindly and winning, and leaving an impress of large capacity on all with whom he came into intercourse. SKINNER, RICHARD.— The seventh Governor, con gressman, judge, and speaker of the .Assembly, was born at Litchfield, Conn., May 30, 1778, the son of Gen. Timothy Sk i n - ner ; received his legal education at the famous law school in that place, and came to Vermont in September, 1 799, settling at Manchester. The next year he was ap pointed state's attorney for Bennington county and held the position until 181 2, and was judge of probate for the last six years of this time. The next year, in 18x3, he was elected to Congress, serving a single term, and then representing his town in the state Legislature, serving for two years and being the speaker in the last, 1818. He was also assistant judge of the Supreme Court in 18 15 VAN NESS. VAN NESS. and 1816, and in 18 17 was elected chief justice but declined to accept. He was again state's attorney for his county in 1819. In 1820 in the era of "good feeling" he was elected Governor by nearly a unanimous vote, 13,152 to 934 scattering. He was re elected in 182 1 with still greater unanimity, 12,434 to 163, and again in 1822, though the record of the vote cannot be found. He declined further re-election, but was the next faU chosen chief justice ofthe Supreme Court and served untU 1829, when he retired from public life for good, and died May 23, 1853, from injuries received by being thrown from his carriage while crossing the Green Mountains. The period of Governor Skinner's admin istration was in the years of cessation frora the great controversies of early politics, so that there was no chance for the exhibition of great qualities of leadership. His state papers had the clearness and force which are said to have characterized his arguraents as a lawyer, and were always severely practical in their scope. His inaugural address of 1820 advanced sorae suggestions for the im proveraent of our judicial systera, especially on the chancery side and with regard to the probate courts, which afterward bore good fruit. He pointed out that the difficulties which had become so serious in the settle ment of estates was due to a lack of clear apprehension, that our whole system of pro bate law must be essentially different from that of England, whence we derived our common law. He expressed disapproval in this address in emphatic terms of the Mis souri compromise, and of the failure of the last Legislature to instruct the state's delega tion to vote against it. He also expressed the opinion, in his address in 1821, that there could "be no doubt of the wisdora and jus tice" of a protective tariff policy. He was president of the northeastern branch of the American Educational Society, and a meraber of the board of trustees of Middlebury CoUege, which institution confer red on him the degree of LL. D. In personal appearance he is described as of ordinary form and stature, eyes and com plexion dark, and hair of the deepest black. "InteUectually," says Henry R. Minor, Man chester's historian, "his qualities were of a kind which gain the respect and confidence of mankind rather than immediate admi ration." VAN NESS, Cornelius P.— The eighth Governor, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1782, son of Peter Van Ness, and of a wealthy and prominent Dutch family. Two of his brothers were distinguished in public life. Gen. John P. Van Ness, congress man, and for years mayor of Washington, and WiUiam P. Van Ness, United States dis trict judge for New York. Judge \V. W . Van Ness, the distinguished jurist and scholar, was a cousin. The subject of this sketch did not receive a coUege education, though designed and prepared for it by his father, because he pre ferred a c o m - mercial to a pro fessional life. He soon changed his mind, however, and studied law in the office ot his brother, where Martin Van Buren was a fellow - s tu dent. Being admitted to the bar, he practiced at Kinderhook for two years and then came to Vermont, first settling at St. Albans in 1806 and then at BurUngton in 1809. He was appointed United States district attorney for this state in 18 10 and this was the begin ning of a public career in the state and Federal field that lasted for more than thirty years. He rapidly rose in the confidence of the Madison administration and in 181 3 was appointed collector of custoras at Burling ton, at that time the most important posidon of the kind in the county, especially so be cause of the necessity the administration had found of getting around its restriction poUcy, by admitting importations of goods from Montreal under the legal fiction that they were goods from neutrals. Mr. Van Ness handled this delicate duty, both as district attorney and collector, with tact and skiU. He held the latter posidon until the close of the war and then was appointed one of the commissioners under the treaty of Ghent to settle the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions, a task to which he gave a large part of his time for several years, but without coming to an agree ment with the British commissioners. He was Burlington's representative in the Legislature from 1818 to 1820, chief justice of the Supreme Court in i82i-'22, and in 1823 was elected Governor, being twice re elected, in 1824 and 1825, until he declined further service. He was at this tirae at the height of his popularity and influence. Nearly twenty years of practice had brought hira to rank with the half-dozen leading lawyers of the state, in an era that has not been surpassed for brilUant ability at the bar. He had for a decade been supreme in wielding the VAN NESS. VAN NESS. 79 federal patronage of the state as well as that of state affairs whUe Governor. His ad ministration in the latter office had been most acceptable ; first elected with only 1,431 votes cast against him, his re-election in 1824 was almost as unanimous— with only 1,962 votes cast for the opposing candidate, Joel DooUttle, besides 346 scattering— and in 1825 it was so strongly so that no record is preserved of the vote. He had done the honors for the state during Lafayette's visit in a manner of which everybody was proud. The favors he had had to distribute with the genuine good-fellowship and kindhness as well as shrewd discernment and knowledge of men which he had shown, had attracted to him a strong following of devoted friends. He was in thorough sympathy with the Deraocratic developraent upon which our institutions had entered, and he had to some extent led and directed it. And his wealth, with the generous hospitality he dispensed, and the social leadership he and his ac complished wife had wielded in the most cultivated circles, seemed to make him strong in the only remaining direction where strength was needed. But all this prestige was shattered at a single blow, which sent him in mortification into political exile. He desired to crown his career with a term in the Senate, and even before he left the executive chair, laid his plans to succeed Horatio Seymour whose term was to expire, and who, it was generally understood, would not seek a re-election ; but the latter was finally persuaded to do so. It was at the time of a reformation of party lines, and when the feeling was most ran corous between the adherents of Adams and Jackson ; antagonisms that for years had been smouldering against Van Ness burst forth ; raen whora he had disappointed in giving out offices entered the field actively against him, while the disposition of Ver monters, which has exhibited itself from the beginning, to retain senators in long service, was a large factor, adding much to the strength which his talents and conciliating manners gave Mr. Seymour. It was the most exciting personal fight the state ever had, and few in the country have ever equalled it. Where it was supposed at first Governor Van Ness would be irresistible, the result was left doubtful at the poUs and the fight was taken to the Legislature where at length Seymour won by a small majority. Governor Van Ness attributed his defeat to the influence of the A_dams administration, and issued a manifesto to the people declar ing hostiUty to Adams, and hiraself went to work actively to pay off scores by organizing Jackson support in the state. He was in volved, as a consequence of the manifesto, in a number of controversies with men who had long been in his confidence and friend ship, and before the election of 1828 his old power had been pretty generally broken and the state cast its vote for Adaras by a strong majority. Shortly after Jackson's inauguration, how ever, he was appointed minister to Spain and continued to occupy this position for about ten years. He returned to the country and state in 1840 and made a determined effort to carry Vermont for his old friend Van Buren, but of course with even less results than in the campaign of 1828, and the next spring he shook the dust of Vermont frora his feet, and took up his home in New York City. He was after this for a year and a half, in i844-'45, collector of the port of New York by appointment of President Tyler. This was his last poUtical position. The death of his brother. General Van Ness, at Washing ton, in 1846, devolved the care of the latter's estate on him and he spent much of his tirae in Washington until his death, Dec. 15, 1852, which occurred at Philadelphia while he was journeying between New York and the Cap itol. G. B. Sawyer in an obituary sketch of Governor Van Ness in the New "York Even ing Post just after his death, thus summed up his character : "Governor Van Ness neither felt nor affected love for literature ; troubled himself little with theoretical speculations or with abstract principles, except as connected with the kindred sciences of law and poUtics, which few men more thoroughly studied and understood ; this concentration of mind and effort was the secret and the source of his success. Without iraagination, using lan guage plain, but expressing always the pre cise idea he wished to convey, disregarding decoration, his reasoning, compacted link within link, glowed with the fire of earnest ness and conviction — or rather his speech was a torrent of impassioned argument, as clear as it was rapid, capable of sweeping away juries and assemblies, and of moving from their moorings the anchored caution and gravity of the bench." The most considerable monument to Gov ernor Van Ness in our statutes is the act of Oct. 25, 1824, for the present systera of choosing presidential electors, which was passed in pursuance of his recoramendation in place of the old method of election by the Legislature. He made many valuable sug gestions for legislation regarding the railitia and imprisonment for debt, and was par ticularly clamorous that the last should be abolished, at least as regards females. Each of his messages argued for a protective tariff as was the habit of all the old Democratic Governors, and he took what afterwards be came solid Whig ground as to internal im provements. A large part of his address of 8o BUTLER. BUTLER. 1825 was given to adiscussionof the projects for improvement of the navigation of the Con necticut and the junction of its waters by canal with those of Lakes Memphremagog and Champlain, a work in which he thought the general governraent ought to assist under the "general welfare" clause of the constitu tion. Governor Van Ness was twice married, first, March 5, 1804, to Rhoda, daughter of Jaraes Savage of Chatham, N. Y., who died at Madrid, Spain, July 18, 1834, and second to a Spanish lady. Three sons and two daughters were the fruit of the first union. The second son, Cornelius, went to Texas, where he was secretary of state at the time of his death by accident, July 18, 1842. The third son, George, also died in Texas in 1855, being then a coUector of customs. Of the daughters, the eldest married Lord Onseley of the British legation at Washing ton, and the second, CorneUa, a famous belle of her time, raarried Judge J. J. Roose velt of the New York Supreme Court. BUTLER, Ezra. — Legislator, councilor, judge, representative in Congress and Gov ernor, was another Baptist preacher and Democrat. He was a native of Lancaster, Mass., the fifth of seven children of Asaph and Jane (McAllister) Butler, and born Sept. 24, 1763. During his early youth his father carae to West Windsor in this state, but the death of his mother necessitated the boy's spending of most of his time in the family of an older brother, and his taking care of him self after he was fourteen, with only six months of schooUng. He went to work on the farm of Dr. Stearns at Claremont, N. H., soon having the entire management of it. At the age of seventeen he was a soldier in the Revolutionary army and early in 1785, when twenty years old, having spent a few months in Weathersfield, he and his brother came to Waterbury, where they built a log house, to which Mr. Butler, in June of that year, brought his bride. Miss Tryphena Diggins, they making the journey into the wilderness on horseback by way of a bridle path. They were the second family to settle in Water- bury and suffered aU the privations and hard ships of pioneer life. He afterward buUt the first frame house in town. The town of Waterbury was organized at a meeting in 1790, and Mr. Butler was chos en the first town clerk, and for the next forty years he was constantly in the public service, frequently holding two or more important positions at a time, so that if we count the years of his terms of office they make over sixty-five. He was town representative for eleven years, from 1794 to 1805, excepting 1798, and again in 1807, when he was chos en both representative and member of the colincU, and acted a part of the time in one body and a part in the other. He served in the councU sixteen years, 1807 to 1826, ex cepting 1 8 13 and '14, when he was in Con gress. In 1803, '04 and '05, he was assist ant judge ofthe county court of Chittenden, to which Waterbury then belonged, and in 1806 to '11 he was its chief judge. In 1812, when Jefferson (now Washington) county was organized, he was elected its chief jus tice and held the position uninterruptedly except for the two years of his congressional service, until 1825, when the present judi ciary system was formed, and he was elected first assistant judge. In 1806 he was a raeraber of the Council of Censors, and in 1822 of the Constitutional Convention of that year. He was a vigorous supporter of Jonas Galusha, in state politics, and in his long and active service in the Council steadily rose to a recognized position of leadership. But he fought for his beliefs of right rather than for personal advancement and he was so earnestly conscientious that party rewards carae slowly to him. He was well started in that way when in 181 2 he was elected to Congress on a general ticket with James Fisk, ^^'illiam Strong, W. C. Bradley, Richard Skinner and Charles Rich, a galaxy of talent that has never been surpassed in the state's representation. He was with the rest an earnest supporter of the Madison adminis tration. But the New England revulsion against the war gave the state to the Fed eralists in 1 8 14, and the delegation to Con gress was entirely changed. But Mr. But ler's constituents were prompt to return him to the council and to the bench, and he was regularly re-elected until in 1826 he was made the Democratic candidate for Gover nor and was elected and re-elected without any party putting up a candidate to oppose him, though some 2,000 votes were cast for Joel Doolittle at each election. His most notable work as Governor was his strenuous opposition to lotteries as expressed in both his messages, and his arguments for legislation to abolish or minimize imprisonment for debt. He decUned in 1828 to be a candidate for another term and retired to private life after a continuous political service since 1790. But he went into the anti- Masonic raovement, which after the disappearance of the old political issues now swept the state, and held control of its affairs for the next few years, with only a remnant of the Dem ocratic organization to stand up against it. Mr. Butier was one of the electors to cast the electoral vote of the state in 1832 for Wirt and EUmaker. He had before been a Jef ferson elector in 1804 and a Monroe elector in 1820. He was a member of the commit- BUTLER. CRAFTS. tee that fixed the site of the first state house in MontpeUer and of the comraissioners that located the state's prison and state arsenal and made the plans for them. He was a trustee of the University of Vermont from 1810 to i8t6. With the other party leaders in the Legislature of 1804 he aided in the defeat of the Massachusetts proposal of a constitutional amendment to exclude slaves in the apportionment for representatives in Congress, arguing that this was one of the sacred compromises of the constitution and thus the consideration for it in the provision which Massachusetts also proposed to abolish for the apportionment of direct taxes by population might be important in case of war. For above forty years he was an elder of the Baptist church, its pastor at Waterbury, its preacher whenever at horae and a con stant and unremitting teacher of religion wherever he was. According to his own account he was an irreligious and profane youth, presumptuous in his skepticism. His conversion was brought about one Sunday by the reading with his wife of a pamphlet, whose beginning and end were gone and whose author he never knew, on hereditary sin. Its perusal threw him into deep and anxious thought, bordering on despair, which lasted for several days until he was brought "into the clear Ught and Uberty of the gospel." In a few months he was bap tized into the Baptist church and when a church of that denomination was organized in Waterbury he was ordained its pastor and continued in the discharge of its duties until within a few years of his death, July 12, 1838, at the age of seventy -four, adding this service to aU his other multifarious cares ¦as legislator and judge, and political leader, for love of his Maker and his fellowmen, without salary or remuneration to the end. Rarely indeed does any man hold pubUc confidence as Ezra Butier did. He had not the winning presence of Fisk or Tichenor, or the learning of the Bradleys, or the tre mendous popular strength of Galusha, but his judgment was sound and penetrating, his ideals high, his purposes pure, his methods always painstaking, and his appearance al ways that of intensest sincerity. This is illustrated by the tradition that after one of his executive speeches a man in the gaUery invited the audience to sing "Mear." He -always had the air of meekness and dignity characteristic of the ministry, and one that could not fail to command respect. No portrait of him was ever painted — "He was not that sort of a man," repUed a mem ber of the family to an inquiry of Governor Walton. But he is described by Rev. C. C. Parker as in form "sUghtly stooping, his complexion sallow and dark, and his whole -appearance quite unprepossessing; but his penetrating black eye and the calm tones of his voice quickly told of an intellect and will of no common order.'' CRAFTS, Samuel C- Governor, sen ator, and rep resentative in Congress, fiUed nearly every office within the gift of the people of Ver mont, being in continuouspublic service for fifty years or more. He was born in Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 6, 1768, the son of Col. Eben ezer Crafts, a first and leading settler of Craftsbury, and in honor of whom the town was named. The son was Uberally educated and graduated frora Harvard in 1790, then accompanied his father into the wUderness, and two years later, on the organization of the town of Craftsbury, was elected its first town clerk, and held the posUion for thirty- seven consecutive years, even while his pu'b- lic duties called him away from home a large part of the time. He was in the con vention to revise the state constitution in 1793, being its youngest member, and even then showed the raarked aptitude for pubhc affairs that achieved his distinguished career. In 1796 he was Craftsbury's representative in the General Assembly, in 1798 and 1799 he was clerk of the House, and the next year was again on the floor, being re-elected in 1801, 1803, and 1805. He was register of pro bate for the Orleans district from 1796 to 1815, judge ofthe Orleans county court from 1800 to 18 10, and chief judge for the next six years, and twenty years later, from 1836 to 1838, after he had filled the highest posi tions in the state, he was clerk of the court. In 1809 he was elected a member of the ex ecutive council, serving for three years, and again from 1825 to 1827. At this time also, frora 1825 to 1828, he was again chief judge of his county court. In 1 8 16 he was elected representative in Congress and served eight years, untU 1825, usefully and industriously, but without any great distinction or prominence in the na tional battles of those times. Indeed, he was seldom heard in debate in either state or national haUs, for he had Uttle faith in the good of speech-making. Afterward he was senator for a few months, from December, '42, to March, '43, being appointed by Governor Paine, and then also chosen by the Legisla- CRAFTS. PALMER. ture, to fiU out the unexpired term of Judge Prentiss, who had resigned to accept the of fice of United States district judge. In 1828, after his last term in the council, he was elected Governor and re-elected in 1829 and '30. His first election, which was substantially without opposition, as Van Ness' and I5utler's had been, closed the "era of good feeling" in state poUtics. The vote in 1828 was 16,285 for him and 916 for Joel Doolittle. The two parties had already taken lines under the names of "National Republican" and the "Jackson Party" or "Democrats," with the Anti-Masons soon to appear, and in 1829 the vote was 14,325 for Crafts, 3,973 for Joel DooUttle, and 7,347 for Heman Alien, of Highgate, then of Burlington, whom the Anti-Masons sup ported, though he had refused to identify himself with them. But in 1830 the Anti- Masons had become so strong as to prevent an election by the people. The vote was 13,476 for Crafts, 10,923 for WilUam A. Palmer, Anti-Mason, and 6,285 for Ezra Meech, Democrat, with 37 scattering. This threw the election into the Legislature, where the Democrats substituted WilUam C. Brad ley for Meech as their candidate, and thirty- two ballots were required to reach a result. Crafts was finally elected by eight of the Anti-Masons and some of the scattering votes going to his support. The next year the Anti-Masons had a strong plurality lead in the popular vote, and won in the Legisla ture, though a portion of the National Re publicans supported Governor Crafts in the balloting, endeavoring to compromise on him when it was evident that their candidate, Heman AUen, could not be elected. Governor Crafts' address in 1829 was the first to treat of the evils of intemperance, and he urged higher licenses and more stringent regulation of public houses to check the "free indulgence in the use of spirituous liquors." He advanced in his message of 1828 what may be called the germ idea of our present town system of schools, and he urged the system of highway taxes that has since been adopted. He was able to see into the future even beyond today, when he said in his message of 1830 : "The state of Vermont, possessing a salubrious climate, a productive soil, much mineral wealth, an immense amount of water power, and an in dustrious, enterprising and intelligent popu lation, seeras destined to become, when the natural resources shaU be fully developed, a very important member of our great family of states. If some safe, cheap and expeditious means of communication with the raarket towns be constructed, no part of the Union would offer more eligible situation for some branches of manufacture than Vermont." Governor Crafts, after his retirement, was president of the constitutional convention of 1829 and was an elector on the Harrison ticket in 1840. Personally he was modest and unassum ing — not " magnetic " in leadership, but with a profound power of inspiring confidence; scholarly in habit, especially in dealing with practical affairs, he became in the course of his long life an almost exhaustless storehouse of information which he gathered from every side. In June, 1802, when there were but few log huts on the site of the present city of Cincinnati, he commenced a tour of obser vation to the lower Mississippi, and in com pany with Michaux, the younger, made a botanical reconnoissance of the valley of the Great ^Vest in canoes and arks. All the sciences, including natural history, geology, mineralogy, astronomy, as well as the higher mathematics, were the objects of study and extensive reading and some writing by him all his life. While in coUege he calculated a transit of Venus, the first achievement of the kind that had ever been made by an undergraduate at Harvard. He was also an accomplished student of architecture, serv ing on the committee of public buUdings in Congress, and the noble structure of a state house was a monument of his learning untU it was burned in 1857. Above all was he a student of the Bible, and the most honorable station he ever filled, in his view, was that of Sunday school teacher, whose duties he faith fully performed whenever at horae, giving freely of his vast and varied knowledge to illuminate the text. He was active in every good work, serving on the official boards of the various state benevolent societies. He died, Nov. 19, 1853, at the age of eighty-five. Governor Crafts raarried, in i 798, Eunice Todd, a sister of the famous alienist. Dr. EH Todd, of Hartford, Conn., and by whom he had two children, one son and one daughter. The former died while at college at Burling ton, and the latter married N. S. HiU, treas urer of the University of Vermont. PALMER, William lectual and physical vigor. A. — The eleventh Governor of the state, judge, leg islator and Fed eral senator, was another leader of Connecticut ori gin, born at He bron, Conn., Sept. 12, 1781, the son of Joshua and Susanna Pal mer, of a family that had emi grated from Eng land before the Revolution, and was fuU of intel- Of the Gover- PALMER. PALMER. 83 nor's seven brothers and sisters, aU lived to the age of eighty or upward. He had only a common school education, but an accident by a faU on the ice with an axe lost him the use of a part of one of his hands and unfitted him for manual labor, so that he studied law with Judge Peters, and, after coming to Ver mont, with Daniel Buck at Chelsea, prac ticed a few years at St. Johnsbury and then moved to Danville, where in after years he devoted raost of the time that he was free from public cares to agriculture. He was for eight years county clerk and judge of probate of Caledonia county and served one year as judge of the Supreme Court in 1816, refusing a further election. He was six tiraes elected representative from Danville. In politics he was a Jeffersonian Demo crat, and during the ascendency of that party in the state, until the Anti-Masonic break-up, was one of its most potent leaders. In 18 17 he was elected United States senator to suc ceed James Fisk, resigned, and then for a full term of six years, closing in 1825. ' He had for several years been under something of a cloud of unpopularity, because of his vote for the Missouri coraproraise, and be fore that in favor of admitting the state with the constitution which she had herself adopted, though it allowed slavery. He was practically the only senator from the state who ever cast a vote on slavery's side. But he always maintained to his dying day that the vote was right, not because he approved of slavery, but because he stood, even at that early day, on what afterwards became the Douglas idea of squatter sovereignty as the only doctrine consistent with the com promises of our constitution. Returning to his home in DanviUe he was the next year elected again to the Legislature, and re elected in 1827. He was elected Governor in 1831, and re-elected tiU 1835. He had in 1830 been the candidate of the new and rapidly rising element that caUed itself the Anti-Masonic party, and obtained so strong a vote as to throw the election into the Legislature as detailed in the sketch of Governor Crafts. At the 183 1 election. Palmer and the Anti- Masons were in a strong lead in the popular vote, it standing 15,258 for Palmer, 12,990 for Heman AUen, National RepubUcan, and 6,158 for Ezra Meech, Democrat. No party had a majority in the Legislature, and it took nine ballots and a heated contest to elect Palmer, and this was only accomphshed by one raajority, due to a break among the National Republicans in trying to transfer their support from AUen to Governor Crafts. In 1832 again there was no election by the people. The National RepubUcans returned again to Governor Crafts, whom they had found to be their strongest candidate, and gave him 15,499 votes, while Palmer had 17,318, and Meech 8,210. It took forty- three ballots in the Legislature to re-elect Governor Palmer, with barely two raajority, and this result was finally due to the aid of a few friends of Crafts. In 1833 the National RepubUcans had gone out entirely or been absorbed by the Anti-Masons, owing to a combination of both national and state causes, and the Democrats were the only party to stand up with any show against the new party. The vote was 20,565 for Palmer, 15,683 for Meech (Dem.), 1765 for Horatio Seymour, 772 for John Roberts, and 120 scattering. This was the only election Governor Palmer received by a majority vote of the people. By 1834 the Whigs had got weU organized under the lead of Horatio Seymour, and the vote was 17,131 for Palmer, 10,365 for WiUiam C. Bradley (Dem.), and 10,159 for Seymour; but Pal mer was elected on the first ballot in the Legislature, getting 126 out of the 168 votes cast. This was due to the fact that both par ties, anticipating the early coUapse of the Anti-Masons as a political organization, were playing to catch the pieces. Seymour had published a letter announcing that he would not be a candidate in the General Assembly against Governor Palmer, and the vote indi cates that Bradley or the Deraocratic leaders had been conveying the same assurances privately. In 1835 Governor Palraer still led in the popular vote, 16,210 for himto 13,254 for Bradley, and 5,435 for Paine, Whig, but could not win in the Legislature, and after sixty-three ballots without any choice, the highest vote for Palmer being 112, Bradley 73, and Paine 45, the effort was given up, and Jennison, who had been chosen Lieuten ant-Governor, had to take the executive chair. AU the rest of the .Anti-Masonic ticket except Governor Palmer had been indorsed by the Whigs, and the corabination to defeat the Governor was due to the recollection of his Deraocratic proclivities and the belief that he purposed to support Van Buren for the presidency the next year. Governor Palmer had been the .Anti-Ma sonic leader because he profoundly believed in the evil of aU secret societies. He was never a member of any of thera or of any similar social organization. But he did not take any such radical grounds in his mes sages as might have been expected. In his first address in 1831 he declared his purpose to appoint to office only men who were "un shackled by any earthly allegiance except to the constitution and laws," and he suggested legislation to prohibit the administration of oaths except "when necessary to secure the faithful discharge of public trusts and to eUcit truth in the administration of justice," 84 JENNISON. JENNISON. and to "diminish the frequency" of even these, because of the "influence which they exercise over the human mind." He reiter ated these recommendations in subsequent messages. He followed up the denunciations of the previous Governors of the system of im prisonment for debt, which he pronounced "a relic of a dark age, and a barbarous code," and declared to be inconsistent with the constitution of the state as it was, "ex cept where a strong presumption of fraud" could be shown. He took occasion in his 1834 message to disapprove President Jack son's severe measures against the national bank as "pernicious in their consequences, and altogether unwarrantable," though he admitted the misconduct of the bank and the dangerous features of its charter, to whose renewal he was opposed "in its present form." The latter declaration was the reason of the Whig bitterness towards him. In 1837 Governor Palmer was again re turned to the Legislature, being elected county senator, and with this service he closed his pubhc career, retiring to his farm in DanviUe, where he lived in honored ease until his death, Dec. 3, i860, at the age of seventy-nine. He had in his later years been so subject to epileptic fits as to become a great source of trouble and anxiety to his friends and family. The Governor was a very popular man personally, and also a good manager in po litical contests, and hard to beat when up as a candidate. He was charitable to a fault, as is sometiraes said, frequently giving to his own hurt financially, and at his death he was coraparatively poor. He was often consulted as an adviser by his townsmen and others, and his opinion was always considered valu able — and quite usually acted upon. He was certainly a man of " strong natural abil ity, possessing a decided and penetrating mind," and with such an "unpretending simplicity of manners," as inevitably made him a popular favorite. He married in September, 1813, at Dan ville, Miss Sarah, third daughter of Capt. Peter and Sarah Blanchard of Danville, who had removed to Vermont from Concord, N. H., in 1790 or before. The Governor and wife had seven children in aU, two daughters dying in infancy ; five boys lived to man hood : WiUiam B., Abial O., Henry Wirt, Edward Carter, and Franklin Rolfe, all ex cept Edward, who died in 1888, residing in Danville. JENNISON, Silas H.— Governor ofthe state in 1836 and for the six years following, was the last of the Governors to secure such repeated re-elections, and the first who was native born. He was born in Shoreham, May 17, 1 79 1, the son of Levi and Ruth Hemenway Jennison. His father died when he was only a year old, but his mother was a woman of uncommon strength of character, and to her very largely was due his success in after life, as is the case with most great men. He had to work hard in his youth, attend ing school only a few weeks each year, but with the en couragement of his energetic, in dustrious and ambitious moth er, he secured an education by omniverous reading, devoting his nights to study and reciting to Mr. Sisson, a neighbor. And he kept up this habit of study all through his life, storing his mind with information, so that though he was never a speaker and never engaged in public debate, the weight and solidity of his attainments, with his faculty of facUe and accurate transaction of public business, won him prominence. He early became an expert in mathematics and surveying. He represented his town 1826 to 1831, was assistant justice of the county court six years, i829-'35, councilor, Lieutenant-Gov ernor in 1835, acting also as Governor, as there was no choice by the people or in the Legislature, as explained in the sketch of Governor Palmer. He was then elected Governor in 1836 as a whig, by a vote of 20,471 over WilUara C. Bradley, who had 16,124. He issued a proclamation this year, during the rebeUion in Canada, warning against any violation of the neutrality laws, as there was much sympathy araong our people with the rebels. The proclamation affected his popularity for the time being, but in the end only in creased it, as his firmness and good judg ment came to be appreciated. The Demo crats, however, took advantage of the feeHng to make a sharp canvass against him in 1837, but he was re-elected with an increase of 187 in his majority. In 1838 it was in creased 1,024 more, though so able and strong a raan had been his competitor each year. The next year the Deraocratic fight was raade under the cry of "SimUe and Bank Reform," with Nathan SimUe as the candi date, and Jennison's majority was cut to 2,354. But in the Harrison log-cabin year, 1840, he got a majority of 10,798, after the most exciting canvass he ever had. In the PAINE. Legislature, and as Governor, he interested himself largely in the subject of the grand Ust and problems of taxation. At the close of his term in 1841 he decUned re-election. But he served for six years after this as judge of probate, i84i-'47, and was a dele gate to the Constitutional Convention of 1843, and he died in September, 1849, after a protracted iUness. Governor Jennison, who was of tall, stately build, and unaffected, cordial manners, was d man of cultivated tastes, clear-viewed on pubhc questions, and prudent and correct in administration. As a poUtical leader he was a man of uncommon shrewdness and percep tion, of winning lines of argument, and he ¦Was one of the half-dozen leaders to whom it was due that out of the Anti-Masonic shake- up the Whigs brought such growingly secure control of the state, to hand down to the Republicans after them. PAINE, Charles. — Governorof the state in i84i-'43, the youngest man who had ever held the office, one of the leading projectors of the Vermont Central R. R., and its first president, was the son of Judge Elijah Paine, and was born April 15, 1799. He inherited his father's executive ability and bold con ceptions of mind and enterprise of spirit, with even more than his benevolence, be cause of the easier lines on which his Ufe was cast. His last work, where he lost his life, fitly supplementing what he had done in Vermont, was exploring a route in Texas for a Pacific railroad. He was well educated, graduated from Harvard, and was intended for a profession, but instead took hold of his father's business matters, showing such an efficiency and grasp of affairs as pointed out the proper career for him. The great ambition of his young manhood was the building of the Vermont Central R. R. He interested foreign capital in it, and Oct. 11, 1848, he rode on the first train into Northfield, where he had settled. He built and conducted for years the large hotel at Depot Village, and was aU his days engaged in iraportant enterprises. Like his father, he was interested in agriculture, and imported a full-blooded Durham into town to improve the breeding of the cattle there. He was elected Governor in 184 1 as a whig, being re-elected the next year. He had for several years been prominent in his party, and had been its candidate as far back as 1835, when its resurrection began frora the ruins of Anti-Masonry, as explained in the sketch of Governor Palraer. There were no great feat ures to his administration, though it was busi ness-like in its conduct, and his messages gave considerable prominence to topics of education. MATTOCKS. 85 He donated the land on which the North- field Academy was built, giving, besides, an excellent apparatus and S500 in cash. He built entirely with his own funds the Con gregational church at Depot Village. He bequeathed to the CathoUc church the land for its church and ceraetery, and he also gave the land for the beautiful Elrawood cemetery at that place. He was a man of too broad mind to be sectarian in his gen erous impulses, and his charities always ex tended to the most diverse objects. His views were epitomized in his wiU, which, leaving aU details to the trustees, required them, after "assisting such persons as they may think have any claim arising from con sanguinity, friendship or obUgation" in curred by him, "to use and appropriate what ever property I may die possessed of for the best good and welfare of my fellowmen, to assist in the improvement of mankind, re commending that they do it without sec tarianism or bigotry according to the inten tion of that God whose wiU is found in the law of the Christian religion in which I be lieve and trust." This wiU is not lawyer-like, could not stand under the law of trusts as expounded by the courts nowadays, and notably in the Tilden case, but it is noteworthy as showing the character of the man. His career was cut short by his death in Texas, as above stated, after only twenty-six days' Ulness, July 6, 1853, when he had reached the age of only fifty-four. In personal apjjearance he is described by a friend. Rev. E. Gannett, D. D., as of "erect form, open face, and princely de meanor, always with words of cordial greet ing." MATTOCKS, JOHN.— A distinguished lawyer, briefly a judge ofthe Supreme Court in 1832, Governor in 1843, and three times a representative in Congress, was born at Hart ford, Conn., March 4, 1777, the son of Samuel Mattocks, a captaiii in the Revolutionary army who afterwards came to Vermont, be came prominent in the early days, represent ing Tinmouth in the Legislature for four years, being judge and chief justice of the Rutland county court for five years, serving in the ninth council, succeeding Ira Allen as state treasurer, and holding the position fourteen years, from 1786 to 1800. John Mattocks was only a year old when his father raoved frora Connecticut to Tin mouth, and at the age of fifteen went to live with his sister, Rebecca Miller, at Middle bury for two or three years, where he began the study of law in the office of Samuel Miller, completing it, however, at Fairfield, under Judge Bates Turner, and being ad mitted to the bar in February, 1797. He .^lATTOCKS. SLADE. commenced practice at DanviUe, but soon after moved to Peachara, where he carved out his successful career. He was Peacham's representative in the General Assembly in i8o7-'i5-'i6-'23-'24, was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1836, and was first elected to Congress in 1820, then in 1824, and again in 1840. He joined the Whig party as soon as it was formed, and was an unyielding adherent of that organiza- '¦-T'ti^- / tion to the day of his death. He was chosen judge of the Supreme Court in 1832, but declined a re-election the foUowing year. He devoted himself to his professional prac tice for the ne-\t four years, until in 1843 the Whigs norainated hira for Governor and elected hira by a vote of 24,465 to 21,982 for Judge Daniel Kellogg, Democrat, and 3,766 for Charles K.Williams. He was in 1806 one of the thirteen direc tors of the Vermont State Bank, and a brig adier-general of the state niihtia in 1812. As a lawyer Governor Mattocks was often likened to the great Jeremiah Mason of New Hampshire. He was especially strong before a jury, with a concentration of mind, a power of analysis and illustration, a capacious mem ory that was a storehouse of argument, and a clear and convincing way of statement that were apt to make him irresistible. He was keen and searching on cross-examination, and his knowledge of practical life and his quickness of judgment of human nature, made him a very shrewd and adroit mana ger of cases. In Congress his most notable speech accompanied the presentation of a petition for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. His personal de meanor was always that of the utmost cour tesy, and his kindliness to young lawyers has been the subject of anecdote for generations. He was deeply religious, Calvinistic in belief, and in his later years a member of the Con gregational church at Peachara. A severe domestic affliction in the death of a son caused him to refuse re-election as Gov ernor and to retire to private life. Governor Mattocks wedded, Sept. 4, 1810, Esther Newell, of Peacham, who died on her fifty-second birthday, July 21, 1844, leaving a daughter and three sons living. Two daughters died in infancy. Governor Mat tocks died August 14, 1847. Of the three sons who survived, one filled an honorable position as a clergyman, another as a lawyer, and the other as a physician. SLADE, "William.— Congressman, Gov ernor, secretary of state, secretary of the National Board of Education, poUtical edi tor, compiler of "Slade's State Papers," and who pro'bably held a greater variety of civil trusts than any other citizen of the state, was born at Cornwall in 1786. His father was Col. \\'illiam Slade, a Revolutionary vet eran, who came from Washington, Conn., in 1786, was sheriff of Addison county for sev eral years, an active RepubUcan poUtician, and a staunch supporter of Madison and the war of 18 T 2. Young Slade graduated from Middlebury CoUege in 1807, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1810. But his attention was soon absorbed in journal ism and politics, and in historical and Uter ary studies. In i8i4-'i5-'i6 he edited the Columbian Patriot, a poUtical paper at Mid dlebury, where he also kept a book store. In 1816 he was made secretary of state, and held the position for eight years. He was a Madison presidential elector in 18 12. From 181 7 to 1823 he was also judge of the Addi son county court, and was afterwards state's attorney. Before the close of the Monroe administration he was appointed clerk in the state department in Washington, and served until 1829, when he had to "go" under Jack son. But he had improved the opportunity in the meantime to equip himself inteUectually for the larger usefulness of later years, and was one of the few men who ever rose from departmental service to anything higher. In 1830 he was elected rejaresentative to Congress and served continuously for twelve years. On his retirement, such was the versatility he had shown, that he was ap pointed reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Vermont. But he held this position only one year, because in 1844 he was chosen Governor, and re-elected the SLADE. EATON. 87 next year. Subsequently he was for nearly fifteen years secretary of the national board of popular education, having for its object the furnishing of the West with teachers from the East, and gave himseU to the duties of the position with the thoroughness and the zest that always characterized him, and with an effect for good that it is not easy to measure. These labors ceased only with his death, Jan. 18, 1859. His iDest title to historical rank wUl rest on his speech, Dec. 20, 1837, on a petition for the abolition of the slave trade in the Dis trict of Columbia, and though the speech was suppressed by vote of the House, the pluck with which he presented the case and the skUl and coolness with which he prodded the slavocracy to desperation, were well worthy of admiration. In arguing for the removal of the disgrace of this traffic from the National Capital, he naturally branched off into a discussion of the wicked and brutaUzing character of the traffic every where. Quoted Franklin, Jefferson and Madison in reprobation of it, and when points of order were fired at him to the effect that " slavery in the United States " could not be discussed, he was ready with quotations from these great southern statesmen thera selves to show that they were ready to dis cuss and consider, but never to throttle debate on the subject. He finally got the southerners into a corner where they ob jected to quotations from the Declaration of Independence itself, and driving thera re morselessly in their dilemraa, extorted a call from the leaders for the southern delegations to leave the hall in a body. When they attempted the gag rule to suppress him he said : " You may indeed silence the voice of truth in this hall, but it will be only to give it louder and deeper tones elsewhere" — words that were prophetic. His speech on the tariff bill of 1842 was also regarded as a strong one for the protectionist side of the arguraent, especially for its wool schedule, and it was widely published and circulated by the Whigs. One of the interesting episodes of Ver mont politics in those days was the "war of pamphlets" between him and Senator Phelps in 1845 and 1846, growing out of the charges made against the senator before his re-election in 1844, that he had been inclined to kick out of the party traces and to refuse to vote for the tariff biU of 1842 and against the land distribution biU, and that he had impaired his usefulness by excessive intemperance, violence of teraper, and coarseness of lan guage. Slade was at the time Governor and claimed that Phelps had got him nominated to silence these accusations. He had been an aspirant for the senator's seat, as also had Hiland Hall, and these two with Ezra Meech and Charles Adaras fathered the reports, as Phelps claimed. The thing was fought out in the Whig convention and in the Legisla ture, which appointed a committee of inves tigation. Phelps won at both points, and then in the following winter pubUshed an "Appeal" to the people of Vermont in his vindication, reviewing the charges, produc ing letters from a large number of his col leagues and associates to show the baseless ness of the charges. Slade followed with a "reply," then Phelps with a "rejoinder" and Slade with another address "To the People of Vermont," in which they handled each other severely and with a pergonal bitterness that would be irreparably damaging to the author in these days. EATON, Horace, Governor of the state in 1846-8, Lieutenant-Governor for the three years preceding, physician, coUege professor and writer, was a raan of modest but wide merit. The accessible biographical facts about him, however, are meagre. He was a son of Dr. Eliphozand Polly (Barnes) Eaton, born at Barnard, June 22, 1804, but reraov ing with his parents to Enosburg two years later. He attended the district schools until he was fifteen, when he was sent to St. Albans .Academy to fit for college, entered Middle bury in 182 1, and graduated in 1825, having taught school every winter to help pay his expenses, but keeping up with his class v.'ith- out difficulty. He taught the academy school in Middlebury for two years after graduation, and then returned to Enosburg and studied medicine with his father, and also attended medical lectures at Castleton, where he received his diploma. He contin ued at Enosburg in the practice of his pro fession in corapany with his father, until the latter's retireraent, then alone, and still later in company with his brother. Dr. Rollin Eaton. He was town clerk for a number of years, representative in the Legislature six different times, and once in the Constitu tional Council. In 1837 he was elected state senator, and again in 1839, being re-elected three times. Though unpretentious, he was so diUgent and useful a legislator that he made a reputation which resulted in his nomination by the Whigs for Lieutenant- Governor, in 1843, on the ticket with Gov ernor Mattocks, and he was re-elected on the ticket with Governor Slade for his two terms. In 1846 he was the party nominee for Governor, and was elected by a plurality of 5,763, the largest the Whigs had up to this time obtained, except in presidential years, and he was re-elected the next year. On his retirement from the Governor's chair he was called to Middlebury College to take the post of professor of natural history and chemistry, which he held for about six years COOLIDGE. WILLIAMS. until his death, July 4, 1 85 5, in his sixty-first year. He had for several years been in feeble health, the victim of wasting and ex hausting disease contracted in the care of a professional brother. Doctor Bard, of Troy. He was a man of clear and weU-balanced mind, Madison-Uke in the simple, convincing fairness of his arguments, and the comprehen siveness of his understanding of the subjects he handled, just and kindly towards others, of great delicacy of feeling, and always exceed ingly careful not to wound, always a gentleman in his deportment. It was a combination of qualities that when bottomed on real intellec tual strength and extensive learning, as was the case with him, make a strong raan, a con troUing one in deliberative assemblies and an authoritative on executive duties. He wrote much in the way of pubUc addresses and lectures, reports and newspaper articles, not much of which, however, was of an enduring character. His last address deUvered but a few weeks before his death was before the "Enosburg Young Men's Temperance So ciety." He was much interested in temper ance work all through his later years, taking an active part in the agitation that finally led to the enactment of our prohibitory law. Besides aU his other services to the state he was for five years the state superintendent of common schools. Governor Eaton was twice married, first, August 14, 182 1, to CordeUa L. Fuller, who died Feb. 7, 1841 ; and second, December, 1 84 1, to Miss Edna Palmer. There were two children, but only one, Mrs. R. D. Ross of Missouri, Uved to reach maturity. COOLIDGE, Carlos.— Speaker, sen ator, and Governor, son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Curtis) Coolidge, was born in Windsor, June 25, 1792. He fitted for col lege with Rev. James Converse of Weathers- field, and entered Dartmouth in the faU of 1807, but transferred to Middlebury in the spring of 1809, and was graduated in 18 11. After graduation he comraenced the study of law with Peter Starr, Esq., of Middlebury, with whom he remained about two years, and then returning to Windsor completed his legal studies with Hon. Jonathan H. Hubbard, and was admitted to the ^Vindsor county bar at the September term, 1814, and established himseU in practice in his native town. In 1 83 1 he was elected state's at torney for the county of ^Vindsor, and was successively re-elected for five terms. He was a member of the first board of bank commissioners, appointed under a statute enacted in 1831. In 1834 he" was elected to represent Windsor in the Legislature, and re-elected during the two succeeding years, being speaker in 1836, and was also repre sentative for another term of three years. i839-'4o-'4i,and speaker during the whole term, and distinguished himseU by the dig nity and impartiaUty with which he dis charged the duties of that station. In 1845 he was presidential elector and assisted in giving the vote of Vermont to Henry Clay. He was the candidate of the "Whig party for Governor in 1848, and, no election being made by the people, was chosen by the Legislature. In the same way he was re-elected in 1849. He was a sena tor from Windsor county in i853-'54-'55, and was frequently called upon to act as president pro tempore of the Senate and Joint Asserably. He married Harriet Bingham of Clare mont, N. H., by whom he had one son, who died in early childhood, and one daughter : Mary, who married Rev. FrankUn Butler. He received the honorary degree of A. M. frora the University of Vermont in 1835, and that of LL. D. from his alma mater in 1849. He died at Windsor, August 14, 1866, aged sixty-nine. WILLIAMS, Charles Kilborn.— Governor, an " eminent jurist ! and one of the ' most widely use- ! ful of our states- ,:,/ , , men, was born at C ambridge, Mass., Jan. 24, 1782. Youngest son of that emi nent philosopher and historian. Rev. Samuel Wil liams, LL. D., by Jane, daughter of ^ Elphialet Kil born. He came to Vermont with his father in 1790, gradua ted at ^\'iUiams in 1800, and locating at Rutland, continued to reside there untU his death. He studied law with Cephas Sraith, Esq., of Rutland, then clerk of the U. S. courts for the district of Vermont ; was ad mitted to the bar in March, 1803; was appointed a tutor in WilUams CoUege in 1802, and about the same time received a similar appointment from Middlebury CoUege, both of which he decUned. He served one cam paign on the northfrontierin thewarof 1812. Represented Rutland i8o9-'ii-'i4-'i5-'2o- '21 and '49. After his retirement from the bench, by the general concurrence of aU po Utical parties in town, he was state's attorney of Rutiand county in 18 15 ; was elected judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont, in 1822- '23-'24, declining the last election; was ap pointed coUector of customs for Vermont in 1825 and held the jDosition until October, 1829, FARBANKS. FAIRBANKS. when he resigned, being again elected one of the judges of the Vermont Supreme Court ; to this office he received seventeen successive annual elections. He retired from the bench in 1849, decUninga re-election. In i85o-'5i he was elected Governor by a majority of the popular vote. In 1827 he was appointed one of the state comraissioners for common schools, a board to select and recommend suitable text books and to have general super vision over educational affairs of the state ; was a member of the corporation of Middle bury College from 1827 to 1843, and, at the time of his death, was president of the society of the Alumni of WilUams CoUege. He re ceived the degree of Master of Arts from Middlebury and WilUams CoUeges in 1803, and that of Doctor of Laws from the former in 1834. Governor WilUams died very suddenly at his residence in Rutland, March 9, 1853. FAIRBANKS, ERASTUS.— Twice Gover nor of the state, the signer of its prohibitory law, which defeated him for re-election, but eight years later elected the first of our three war Governors, the founder, with his brother Thaddeus, of the great firm of scale manufacturers at St. Johnsbury, one of the fathers of the Passumpsic R. R., and its first president, was born in Brimfield, Mass., Oct. 28, 1792. The early American ancestors of the Fair banks family, Jonathan and Grace Fair banks, came from Yorkshire, England, in 1633 and settled in Dedhara, Mass., where the faraily raansion there erected stiU stands. In Erastus Fairbanks, the sixth generation in the line of descent, was seen the junc tion of the quaUties of character in the early New England settlers, energy, public spirit, and clear reUgious convictions. Joseph Fair banks, a fanner, carpenter, and mill owner, was the father of the subject of this sketch, and he came to Vermont and St. Johnsbury in 1815, the son having preceded him by a few years. Erastus Fairbanks' early means of edu cation were very limited and confined wholly to the coramon school of which he made un common use. In referring to this period ¦of his early history he himself said of the school where he studied : "I went thor oughly through all the stages of the fresh man, sophomore, junior, and senior classes of this institution, and graduated at the age of seventeen with a knowledge of the branches there taught as a foundation. I ever considered rayself a student at large, capable of acquiring, and bound to acquire, a knowledge of other sciences more or less thoroughly, and an acquaintance with what ever is requisite to qualify myself for any caUing or station whicn in the providence of God I may be called upon to occupy." For a little while after leaving school he con tinued his education by teaching for two terms. Soon after, in 181 2, he accepted an invitation from his uncle. Judge Ephriam Paddock of St. Johnsbury to enter his office as a student of law. A serious affection of the eyes soon compelled him to abandon his legal studies and engage in other pursuits. He entered mercantile life as represented in a country store, and continued in this for eleven years in Wheelock, East St. Johns bury, and Barnet. In these years he estab lished a reputation for absolute integrity and for interest in everything that concerned the public welfare. On the settlement of his affairs in Barnet, he returned to St. Johnsbury and entered into business with his next younger brother, T'haddeus Fairbanks, as manufacturers of stoves, plows, etc. In 1829 the brothers added to their business the purchase and preparation of hemp for market. The rude and inaccurate mode of weighing their pur chases led to the invention of the platform scale by them. This invention, like most of the discoveries that have revolutionized methods of industry, was simple and easily understood. The demand for the new scale corapelled the brothers to relinquish other business interests. The two raen were fitted for partnership in the work and growth of a great manufacturing establishraent. Thad deus gave the strength of his inventive genius to the improvement and manufacture of the scale, whUe Erastus with his genius for business, by original and far seeing methods, secured a wide and solid financial success, though they had their full share of struggles and misfortunes. A fire and a freshet in 1828 compelled thera to ask for a two years extension frora their creditors, which was cordially granted. In 1836 Erastus Fairbanks was elected to represent the town in the state Legislature, and was re-elected for the two succeeding years. In 1844, and again in 1848, he was chosen a presidential elector for the state. In 1848 he was appointed with Charles K. WilUams and Lucius B. Peck to prepare a general railroad law, and also one relating to manufacturing corporations, and their report StiU remains embodied in the statutes of the state. In. 1852 he was elected Governor by the Legislature, having faUen a few hundred short of a majority in the popular vote, be cause of the candidacy of Brainerd and the Liberty party. In the closing days of the Leg islature of that year the law for the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating Uquors was passed ; Governor Fairbanks signed it, and in conse quence was defeated for re-election the next year. The figures and particulars of that interesting contest are given in the sketch of Governor Robinson, his successful competi- FAIRBANKS. ROYCE. 91 tor. The Whigs desired to fight out the issue in 1854 with Governor Fairbanks again as a candidate, but he dechned a nomination because of his business engagements. In i860, however, the Republican con vention unanimously made him its candi date, and he was easily elected over John G. Saxe, the poet. Democratic candidate. His administration in 1861 secured for him a reputation as a "man with a brain and con science." By his energy and patriotism ; he being "as lavish of his own time and money as by was sparing of the people's ; and as regardless of his private interests as he was devoted to the public good," he earned the name of the war Governor. War meant loss of property and credits which the firm had in the South, but he never wavered for a moment in the conviction that the Union must be sustained. He caUed an extra session of the Legislature eight days after the assault on Sumter, and it placed ^1,000,000 at his disposal without check on his discretion, for the arming and forwarding of troops, but at his earnest request a com mittee was appointed at the October session to audit his accounts, and on its report the Legislature adopted a series of resolutions highly complimentary to the abiUty and patriotic devotion with which he had ex ecuted the trust. The first six regiments of the state, of the famous "Vermont Brigade," and the first company of sharp-shooters were organized and mustered into the service under his adrainistration. The Governor's services aU through this trying period were purely a patriotic offering. He decUned even to draw his salary, such was his sentiment on the subject, and it still remains in the treasury a monument of his self-sacrifice. As a man of business, he had the power that easily assumes and carries on great op erations. In 1850 he was active in the con struction of the Passumpsic R. R., and was for years president of the corapany. He was also a leading and efficient member of the company that constructed the Sault Ste. Marie canal. He was always a man of deeds rather than words. " A staid and stable cit izen, a successful man of business, a dignified and courteous Christian gentleman," is Colo nel Benedict's description of him in " Ver mont in the Civil War." A man of wide reading, to which he devoted an hour every day, of wide and practical information, in tensely earnest in his convictions, and reso lute in carrying them out, he was well equipped in every way for success in both private and public life. He made work of public good, especiaUy the interests of the town, an integral and a necessary part of his business. Anything that touched the community touched his in terests. Probably his raost enduring reputa tion is that of a business philanthropist. Prominent araong his horae charities repre sented in an active way raay be mentioned the founding of the Academy, with his broth ers ; and his endowments assist in maintain ing the Athenaeum, the Museum of Natural Science, and the North Church. From 1849 until his death, he was president of the Ver mont Domestic Missionary Society, and for many years was a corporate member of the American Board of Foreign Missions. He was married. May 30, 181 5, to Lois Crossman, of Peacham. His married life continued to within a few months of half a century. They had nine chUdren, of whom four now survive : Charles, Franklin, Sarah (Mrs. C. M. Stone), and Emily (Mrs. C. L. GoodeU). Governor Fairbanks died Nov. 20, 1864. ROYCE, Stephen.— Governor in 1854 and 1855, for twenty-five years a member of the Supreme Court of the state, and for six years the chief justice, had some of the brainiest and most patriotic blood of the state in his veins, and belonged to a family that for four generations has been distin guished in Vermont affairs. He was the grandson of Maj. Stephen Royce, a Revolu tionary soldier and a member of the Dorset convention that declared Vermont's inde pendence, and son of that Stephen Royce, also a Revolutionary soldier, who was Berk shire's first representative in the Legislature. On his mother's side he was a grandson of Judge and Doctor Ebenezer Marvin, like wise a Revolutionary officer, who was with Ethan AUen at Ticonderoga, a surgeon in the Continental army, judge of the county courts in Rutland, Chittenden, and Franklin for six teen years, and member of the Governor's Council for eleven years. His nephew. Homer E. Royce, was a member of Congress for four years, and a judge of the Supreme Court for nearly a generation, and for eight years chief justice. Governor Royce was born in Tinmouth, August 12, 1787, but removed with his parents to Huntsburgh (now Franklin), in 1 79 1, and two years later to the still newer town of Berkshire where there were at the time only two other families. His oppor tunities for schooling in his early youth were very meagre, but besides an able father he had in his mother, Minerva Marvin Royce, the best of teachers and character de velopers, and at the age of thirteen he was sent to Tinmouth to attend the comraon school, and a year later began an academ ical course at Middlebury under Charles Wright, afterwards a famous clergyman, and in 1803 entered Middlebury College, where he graduated with the class of 1807 which contained such a remarkable number of 92 ROYCE. FLETCHER. eminent men. Twice was he interrupted in his academical and collegiate course by the necessity of returning to the farm to work. But he persevered, made his journey back to college on foot, with packages of furs secured in the wilderness, from which he obtained the money for the purchase of necessary books. After graduating at the age of twenty, he taught district school for one term and studied law with his uncle, Ebenezer Mar vin, Jr., with whom he was afterwards in partnership for a few years. He commen ced practice at Berkshire, where he remained two years, then for six years was at Sheldon, representing the town in 1815 and 18 16, and in 1 81 7 went to St. Albans, where he re mained the rest of his life, pursuing his pro fession with ever-increasing success until he was caUed to the bench. St. Albans sent him to the Legislature in 1822, 1823, and 1824 and as a delegate to the state constitu tional convention in 1823. He was a mem ber of the legislative committee in 1816 that made a strong report in favor Of adopting the constitutional amendment proposed by North Carolina for choosing both presi dential electors and congressraen by the dis trict system, the same principle substantially as has recently been tried in Michigan. He was state's attorney for Franklin county from 1816 to 1818 and held the office of judge during 1825 and 1826, when he declined a re-election and resumed his professional practice until 1829, when he was again elected to the bench and continuously re elected for twenty-three years until 1852, rising to be chief justice in 1847, and hold ing that position until he positively refused a re-election. In 1854 the whigs nomi nated him as their candidate for Governor and he was easily elected. In 1855 he was re-elected, and at the end of his term retired to private life, passing the remaining twelve years until his death, Nov. II, 1868, in a serenity and weU-earned contentment that made a beautiful picture, with its easy hospitality, its enjoyment of literature and social amenities, and its care from kindred ; for, though he was never married, his decUning years were attended by nephews and nieces. His local attach ments were deep, and among his later works was a carefully written history of Berkshire, though he did not Uve to complete it. His personal appearance is described by B. H. SraaUey as "taU, erect, with a vigorous and well-proportioned frame, of a command ing presence and a serene majesty of raan ners. His face was mobile, expressive, and strongly marked. The gleam of his mild gray eye illuminated his countenance and revealed every emotion whether grave or gay that was passing within, moving the looker-on by a sort of magnetic influence to sympathize with him." Professionally his ideal of honor was high. He made it a rule never to accept a fee in a case in whose justice he did not believe, and if afterwards he was convinced it was wrong, to comjDel the client to settle or abandon the case. As a judge, he resem bled Marshall and Chipman in his way of stating a case, laying down the legal principles and seldom referring to the books for authority ; in other words, regarding the law in its high relation as the science of reason and right, which authorities can only illuminate, not slavishly bind. He followed this method even whUe confining himself to the case before him and carefully avoiding any essays upon law at large. He refused to report cases where there were no new prin ciples involved, and it is said that he also refused to report sorae when he was satis fied, upon reviewing the case, that his de cision had been wrong, holding that it was bad enough to have done injustice to an individual without sending it out as a prece dent for future wrongs. He had considera ble trouble because of these omissions to report, and the Legislature withheld a part of his salary for a time, but without moving him. Politically his career cannot be said to have been a notable one. The times of his prominence were not of a kind to call forth great powers, and it is doubtful if his tem perament was of a kind to strive in political turmoil. He made a good and painstaking Governor. FLETCHER, RylAND.— The first dis tinctively Republican Governor of the state, was born in Cavendish, Feb. 18, 1799, the son of Dr. Asaph and Sally (Green) Fletcher. His father who came from Westford, Mass., in 1787, had been a member of the conven tion that framed the constitution of that state and was a man of considerable prominence both professionaUy and politicaUy in Ver mont, being a judge, legislator, councilor and presidential elector. One of the sons, Richard, who studied law with Daniel Web ster, and after whom one of the latter's sons was named, represented Massachusetts in Congress and was a judge of her Supreme Court. Another, Rev. Horace Fletcher of Townshend, was quite a distinguished Bap tist clergyman. The family was of English and Welsh origin and probably farther back of French, and Rev. John Fletcher, the early Methodist philologist and philosopher rank ing next to Wesley himself for his influence on religious thought, belonged to one branch of it. Ryland was the youngest of Dr. Fletcher's children, had only a common school educa tion, worked on his father's farm through his FLETCHER. HALL. 93 young manhood, teaching district school winters, but by his soUd merits of mind and character grew to be a man of local influence. He was seized with the "western fever" in 1836, but after a few months' vain quest of fortune in the several parts of the country, was glad to return to old Vermont. He was early identified with the raiUtia of the state, joining the corapany at Cavendish at the age of eighteen, being made a lieutenant the next year, captain two years later, major in six years more, then successively lieutenant- colonel and colonel, until in 1835 he' was ap pointed brigadier-general, resigning when he went west. He became active as an anti- slavery man as early as 1837, and was the intimate associate of Garrison, Giddings, Wilson, Tappan, Gerrit Smith, and John P. Hale, in their work for the cause. He attend ed the great meeting of the anti-slavery lead ers in 1845, ^t Fanueil Hall, Boston, and was with Henry Wilson present at the Philadel phia meeting of the Native American or Know-nothing leaders to launch a new party, and he and Wilson were the only decided anti-slavery men present, and after their elo quent appeals to commit the proposed party to this cause, the convention finally adjourned in great excitement without accomphshing the purpose for which it had been convened. In 1854 the practical fusion through the action of the state committees of the Whigs with the Free Sellers and Liberty party men resulted in the selection of Mr. Fletcher as candidate for Lieutenant-Governor after the nomination had been refused by Oscar L. Shafter, and he was elected this year and in 1855 on the ticket with Governor Royce. He distinguished himself as the presiding officer of the Senate, and in 1856 was nomi nated by the RepubUcans for the chief magistracy, and was elected by a majority of 23,121 over Henry Keyes, Democrat, and re-elected the next year with a majority of 23,688, also over Keyes. In his messages he took strong ground for prohibition, and recommended the appointraent of a board of education, which was done. He began the agitation for the establishment of a reform school with the first gubernational recom mendation to that effect. It was during his adminstration that the state house was de stroyed, and the location and construction of the new one deterrained. He retired from oflSce after trying respon sibilities, with general agreement that his record had been a clean and creditable one. He was again summoned to the public ser vice in 1861 and '62, when his town sent him to the Legislature to give the weight of his reputation and influence, as well as his ability and experience, to the war measures of the state. He of course exerted a large power for good in this emergency. He was also a member of the Constitutional Con vention of 1870, and strongly favored the policy of biennial elections. He was several times a presidential elector and a delegate to Republican national conventions. He was identified with temperance work from a very early period, gave many lectures on the subject, and was for several years president of the State Temperance Society. WhUe colonel in the militia he induced the officers of his regiment to pass a vote to abolish the custom of "treating" on parade days. He was prominent in the denominational work of the Baptist church, and always active in Sunday-school duties. Governor Fletcher's distinction was won, not as a man of brilUant abilities, but as one of weU-balanced and well-poised character, pure of purpose, high of aims, and sound of judgment. .As a public speaker he was most logical and convincing, without oratorical display, but with a power of pointed illustra tion and sirapUcity and clearness of state ment that went straight to the understanding of the ordinary audience. Governor Fletcher wedded, June 11, 1829. Mary, daughter of Eleazer May of West minster. Of the three children of this union only one. Col. Henry A. Fletcher, Lieuten ant-Governor of the state in 1890, survives. Governor Fletcher himself died Dec. 19, 1885, at ProctorsviUe. HALL, Hiland.— Governor in i858-'59, for ten years a ; congr e s s m a n , ComptroUer of the United States Treasury for about a year more, and per haps the most indefatigable of the state's his torians, certain ly the most fruit- ful in results, was born in Ben nington July 20, I 1795, the eldest of seven chil dren of Deacon Nathaniel and Abigail (Hubbard) HaU. He was descended on both sides frora good EngUsh stock, from ancestors who were among the first settlers of Middletown, Conn., going there from Boston in 1650. Hiland was brought up on a farm, receiv ing only a comraon school education with one finishing term at the GranvUle, N. Y., Academy. But he had besides the best of all education, in an experience of several terms, with all its power of development and discipline, as a district school teacher. .And /»*« j^. 94 HALL. HALL. he was from early youth an omniverous reader, especially along historical and bio graphical lines, absorbing the contents of every book he could get in the neighbor hood, often by the light of coals on the hearth of an old-fashioned fireplace, even candles at that time being a luxury. He was a born patriot, and at the age of eigh teen was interested in the formation of the " Sons of Liberty," a society of young men in Bennington to uphold the rigorous prose cution of the war of 1812, and in protest against the pro-English sympathy that was then so rarapant in New England. Studying law, he was admitted to the bar in 1 819, and continued its practice through his active life at Bennington, except when caUed away by official duties. He repre sented the town in the Legislature in 1827, was clerk of the Supreme and county court for Bennington county in 1828, and was state's attorney in i828-'3i. On the forma tion of party lines afresh, after the "era of good feeling" under Monroe, he espoused the cause of the National RepubUcans dur ing the brief existence of that party under John Quincy Adams, then becarae a whig, and finally a RepubUcan. In 1833, on the death of Hon. Jonathan Hunt, he was elected to succeed hira in Congress and rep resented the old south district of the Senate for ten years, when he dechned a renomina tion, and attempted to return to private life. His service in Congress was a laborious rather than a speechmaking one, his com mittee places being q,n that of postoffice and post roads, and Revolutionary claims. His chief speeches were in May, 1834, joining the attack on President Jackson's removal of the government deposits from the national bank, and in May, 1836, favoring the distribution of the surplus among the states, frora which Vermont received nearly $100,000 as her portion to be added to the school fund of the towns. Both these speech es were printed and extenivesly circulated by the Whigs as campaign documents. In one of the premonitory struggles over the slavery question, he presented a strong minority re port on "incendiary publications" in oppo sition to the message of the President and the advice of the Postmaster-Creneral and in answer to a report made in the Senate by Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina. So thor oughly and convincingly did it answer the position of the slave party that the majority of the committee did their best to suppress it by faiUng to make a majority report. But it found its way into the newspapers and was widely pubUshed and commented on. Mr. HaU did an important and permanent service in connection with the act of July 22, 1836, in procuring the passage of which he took an active and leading part and by which in the reorganization of the postoffice depart ment a system for which the settlement of accounts was established, which inaugurated an economical administration. He made a big and single-handed and tri umphant fight against the fraudulent claims which had for years been put in by Virgin ians under the name of commutation half pay and bounty land claims, founded on al leged promises of the state of Virginia or of the Continental Congress to officers of the Revolutionary army. It was an organized raid led by influential Virginians, Governors and congressmen, and had been jDushed through Congress with little opposition, so that over $3,000,000 had been coUected in the names of deceased officers, and the de mands were fast multiplying. Mr. HaU's habit of thorough and exhaustive investiga tion stood him in good stead in this fight. He went through the Revolutionary archives at Washington and the public records at Richmond, he found authentic evidence that every one of these claims was unfounded, and he made a report as chairman of the committee on Revolutionary claims to this effect. The whole Virginia delegation, led by ex-Governor Gilmer, who was getting i per cent on aU he could collect of these claims, aided by their sectional sympathizers in the South and political in the North, at tacked him bitterly and atterapted a re opening of the case by raeans of a select committee. Hall in response gave a list of sixteen of the last claims that had been paid, and on which over $200,000 had been drawn, chaUenged the Virginians to show that a single one was well or honestly founded and offered to withdraw his opposition if they could. The fight lasted through several days. Mr. HaU sustained every position he had taken in the debate, and so thoroughly dis comfited his assailants as to win the plaudits of ex-President Adams and of the whole country. The result was a select coramittee and a report frora it prepared by Mr. Hall which definitely suppressed the rascality. He was president of the large "Whig" convention held in Burlington in 1840, and raade the opening speech, and introduced to and presented Hon. Daniel Webster at the famous " Stratton Whig convention," held on the top of the Green Mountain on the i6th of August of the same year. He was bank commissioner of Vermont for four years, from 1843, judge of the Su preme Court for a Uke period untU 1850, when he was apjDointed second controller of the United States Treasury. He had an opportunity while in the latter position to do the country a permanent ser\ice, and to lay down lines which have since been foUowed in departmental practice. He took the ground that he should, if satisfied of the HALL. HALL. 95 iUegality of an expenditure, reject it, no matter who ordered it, even if the head of a department, or if sanctioned by the Presi dent himseU. He held this ground against the pubUshed opinion of three former attor ney generals. He showed conclusively that judicial authority had been designedly con ferred on the accounting officers as a check upon lavish expenditures in the several de- jDartments, and a second edition of his pub lished opinion, which has since been followed in the department, has recently been printed for government use. In 185 1 he was appointed by President FiUmore, with Gen. Jaraes Wilson of New Harapshire, and Judge H. I. Thornton of Alabama, a land commissioner for Cali fornia, resigned his position as controUer, recommending for his successor, Edward J. Phelps of Burlington. He was chairraan of the commission and wrote the opinion in the famous Mariposa claim of Gen. J. C. Freemont, which included almost without exception, aU the points that would be liable to arise in the adjusting of land clairas under the treaty with Mexico. After the election of President Pierce, he remained for a time in San Francisco with the law finn of HaUeck, Peachy, Billings & Park as general adviser, and to assist in the prepara tion of important papers. He returned to Vermont in the spring of 1854, and resumed the practice of his pro fession at Bennington, was a delegate to the first Republican national convention at Phila delphia in 1856, and in 1858 was elected Governor by a majority of 16,322 over Henry Keyes, Democrat, and re-elected in 1859 by a still larger raajority, 16,717, over John G. Saxe, Democrat. He spoke severely in his message of the attempt, by a decision of the Supreme Court, to legalize slavery in the Territories, he pronounced the decision in the " Dred Scott " case as " extra judicial, and as contrary to the plain language of the constitution, to the facts of history and to the distastes of common humanity." He, however, acted as chairman of the delega tion from Vermont to the fruitless " Peace Congress," at Washington in February, 1861, on the eve of the rebellion. Mr. Hall always took a deep interest in the history connected with the territory and state of Vermont. He delivered the first annual address that was made before the Vermont Historical Society ; and for six years, from 1859, was its president and was after wards active in the preparation of the mate rials for a number of the volumes of its col lections, and otherwise promoting its success. He read several papers at the meetings of the society, some of which were pubUshed ; among them, one in 1869, in vindication of Ethan Allen as the hero of Ticonderoga, in refutation of an attempt raade in the " Galaxy Magazine " to rob hira of that honor. He contributed papers to the " New York His torical Magazine," to the " A'ermont Histori cal Gazetteer," to the " Philadelphia Histori cal Record," and also to the "New England Historic Genealogical Register." In i860, he read before the New York Historical Society a joaper showing why the early inhabi tants of Vermont disclaimed the jurisdiction of New York, and estabUshed a separate government. In 1868, his " Early History of Vermont," a work of over five hundred pages, was pub lished, in which is unanswerably shown the necessity of the separation of the inhabitants from the government of New York ; their justification in the struggle they maintained in the establishraent of their state independ ence, and their valuable services in the cause of .American liberty during the Revolutionary war. In it the loyalty of aU the important acts of the leaders is so firmly established by documentary evidence, that he was confi dent no aspersion could be maintained reflecting upon the patriotism of any of the early heroes. NaturaUy he has also taken a leading part in the rearing of the Bennington battle monument. The honorary degree of LL. D. was con ferred upon him by the University of Ver mont in 1859. He was a life member and vice-president for Vermont of the New Eng land Historic Genealogical Society, a mem ber of the Long Island Historical Society, an honorary meraber of the Buffalo and corres ponding member of the New York Histori cal Societies. Mr. HaU was possessed of the qualities which go to make up a statesman ; a strong mind stored with good common sense, a re tentive meraory, and a practical raode of thinking. His flow of language as an ex temporaneous speaker was deficient, but at the desk he exceUed, as formulated thoughts and moulded ideas flowed as freely as could be readily written, and in whatever position he was placed he was found equal to any exigency which arose, as his fund of inforraa tion extended to aU branches of national, constitutional or international research. He married- in 181 8, Dolly Tuttle Davis, daughter of Henry Davis of Rockingham. She died Jan. 8, 1879. Henry Davis was at the battle of Bunker Hill under Colonel Stark at the line of rail fence, and also served at West Point at the time of Arnold's trea sonable attempt to surrender it to the enemy, being in the Revolutionary service over three years. At a family reunion in North Bennington, July 20, 1885, in honor of Mr. Hall, at the residence of his granddaughter, on which day he was ninety years of age, there were present fifty-one of his descendants. 96 DILLINGHAM. there being five others who were detained from this interesting gathering. Governor HaU died in Springfield, Mass., at the house of his son, with whom he was spending the winter, Dec. i8, 1885. SMITH, JOHN GREGORY.— The third of the war Governors of the state, the organizer and the head for years of the great Central Vermont railroad system, and one of the pro jectors of the Northern Pacific, was for nearly thirty years the most potent person aUty in Vermont affairs. He was born at St. Albans, July 22, 1818, and was the son of John Smith, a pioneer railroad builder in Vermont, and a leading lawyer and public man of his generation, representing St. Al bans nine successive years in the Legislature and serving one term in Congress. The family came from Barre, Mass. John Greg ory graduated frora the University of Ver- raont in 1841, and subsequently frora the Yale law school. He at once associated with his father in the practice of law and inci dentally in railroad management. At the death of his father in 1858 John Gregory succeeded to the position of trustee under the lease of the Vermont & Canada R. R. Simultaneously he entered politics, and for many years the career in each line was involved with the other. The roads ran down so that in 1865 trust bonds began to be issued to provide for repairs, and from this Governor Smith advanced to a large poUcy of " development " forming by leases and purchases a great " through systera of roads, all under the authority " of the court of chancery, and as an extension of the policy of repairs. The emissions of "trust" bonds continued till 1872, when $4,356,600 were out. When the financial panic struck the country, these structures tumbled, the rent payment to the Vermont & Canada was defaulted, notes went to protest, a legis lative investigation was held, and a long and complicated litigation ensued. Governor Smith and his management, generally speak ing, came out of the courts successful, but before the end was reached a compromise was effected by which new securities were issued to the different interests and the " Consolidated Railway of Vermont " formed, still under Smith's management. He was one of the originators of the Northern Pacific railroad enterprise and was the president of the corporation from 1866 to 1872, when he retired amid the troubles that were thicken ing about both companies. Under his lead five hundred and fifty-five miles of the road were built. He entered the Legislature as St. Albans' representative in i860, and in '61 and '62 was speaker of the House, winning such popularity that he was unanimously nom inated for Governor in 1863 and re-elected in '64. And none are there to deny the high quaUty of his service to the state and nation in those days. He was the friend and con fidant of Lincoln and Stanton. He was par ticularly soUcitous in caring for the Vermont boys at the front, and his many deeds of kindness won hira m.any enthusiastic and life-long admirers. He was chairman of the state delegation to the national Re publican conventions in 1872, 1880, and 1884. After his retirement from the Gover nor's chair he held no pubUc office, though for about twenty years he was the master of Vermont poUtics. He was frequently afterward talked of for a seat in the United States Senate, particu larly in 1886, when quite a breezy little fight was made for him, and again in 1891 after Edmunds' resignation. But in both cases he withdrew his name. He was a very remarkable man — shrewd,. far-seeing, persuasive, and yet iron-handed in his determination to carry his purposes. He had a wonderful faculty, with his wide knowledge of human nature and his singu lar affability of manner, of winning other men to his support, and his marked execu tive ability made successful the schemes he was so facile in organizing and inaugurating.. ' He was prominently interested in several local business enterprises, and was president of Welden National Bank, the People's Trust Co., and the Franklin County Creamery Association. He was a life-long member of the Congregational church, and a liberal giver for church purposes, a late contribution being a gift of some $7,000 for remodeling- the church edifice. In 1888 he gave the village of St. Albans an elegant bronze foun tain costing $5,000, which now adorns the public park. His palatial residence in St. Albans has been the scene of many gather ings, at which Governor and Mrs. Smith. have dispensed a courteous hospitality. He- married in 1842, Ann Eliza, daughter of Hon. Lawrence Branerd, who has written several novels and other charming books and who survives him with five children : George G.,. in business at Miniieapolis, Minn., Edward C, president of the Central Vermont R. R.,. Mrs. C. O. Steven of Boston, and Mrs. Rev. D. S. Mackay of St. Albans. Governor Smith died at St. Albans, after a. month's illness, Nov. 6, 1891. DILLINGHAM, Paul. — Congressman,. Governor, and a lawyer of singular power and eloquence, was born at Shutesbury,. Mass., August 10, 1799, the son of Paul and Hannah (Smith) DiUingham, and of a family that traces back to the Winthrop colony in American history, that had brave- officers, the direct ancestors of the Gover- DILLINGHAM. nor, in both the French and the Revolution ary wars, and that has always been marked by that fervent patriotism and usually by the reUgious earnestness so characteristic of hira. Paul's father, a farraer, moved from Shutesbury to Waterbury when the boy was only six years old. The latter was educated in the Washington county grammar school, studied law at Middlebury in the office of Dan Carpenter, was admitted to the bar in March, 1823, and formed a partnership with his preceptor, which lasted until the latter's elevation to the bench. For fifty-two years. DILLINGHAM. 97 until his retirement in 1875, he was in the constant practice of his profession, except for the interruptions by his public service, and as a jury advocate he was at the head of a bar that for a full generation was among the ablest the state ever contained, and ranked perhaps as the first in the state. As a Supreme Court lawyer he was not so great, though strong. A fine presence, six feet tall and weighing over two hundred pounds, with a kindly bearing, manly frank ness and dignified simplicity, an eye beam ing with magnetic quality, a voice " musical and sweet as a flute in its lower cadences, but in passion or excitement resounding like the rausic of a bugle," were only the exter nals of his power. The real secret was a nature rich with human sympathy. A knowl edge of men and of affairs gathered in a long and observant contact, was illuminated by a mind fertUe in poetic conceptions, apt illus trations and happy anecdotes, and deepened and strengthened by a profound study of the Scriptures to enforce his thought. .As B. F. Fifield says in a sketch of him : " When in his best mood, he played upon the strings of raen's hearts with the facility that a skilled musician plays upon the strings of a guitar, and made them respond to emotions of laughter, anger, syrapathy or sorrow, when ever he pleased and as best suited the pur poses of his case." He was town clerk of Waterbury from 1829 to '44; representative to the Legisla ture in 1833, '34, '37, '38 and '39; state's attorney for Washington county in 1835, '36 and '37 ; a raeraber of the Constitutional Conventions of 1836, '57 and '70 ; state sen ator of Washington county in 1841, '42 and '61 ; and in 1843 ^^^ elected member of Congress, where he served two terms, and was on the committee on the judiciary. In 1862, '63 and '64 he was Lieutenant-Gov ernor, and in 1865 and '66 Governor of the state. He was one of the leaders of the state Democracy, in what may be caUed its golden era inteUectually, though it was a hopeless minority ; and when a state convention raet with Saxe, Eastman, Dillingham, SmaUey, Kellogg, Stoughton, Thomas, Field, Chit tenden, Poland, Redfield, Davenport and others, to flash their wit and eloquence across it, and with Hawthorne frequently coming up from Massachusetts to partake of the comraunion, there was apt to be a "feast of reason and flow of soul," such as no other poUtical organization in the state before or since has witnessed. While in Congress Mr. DilUnghara was the only Democrat on the delegation. He strongly favored the admis sion of Texas, and the policy that led to the Mexican war, not that he had any syrapathy ¦with slavery, but because he was a beUever in the manifest-destiny doctrine, and one of his speeches predicted the territorial growth and expanding greatness of his country in words that were almost prophetic. Mr. DiUingham's personal power was a large factor in making that section of the state so strongly Democratic. But the firing on Sumter shattered in a moment the political affiliations of a life-time. With a nature Uke his it was irapossible for patriot ism to take any other course. He would go to the utmost verge in concessions under the constitution to keep the South content in the Union and this sarae intense love of the Union would lead him to Uke sacrifice when once the blow of rebellion was struck. He couldn't see why any Democrat should fail to take that view. He wanted party lines obliterated entirely and the whole North to stand solid in support of the national administration. He, of course, received a warm welcorae into the Republican ranks. He was a leader in the state Senate in the 98 PAGE. war measures of 1861, and the next year his services were recognized with the nomina tion for Lieutenant-Governor, and after three years' service in this position with that for chief executive in '65 and '66. The can didate against hira both years was his old poUtical friend, Charles N. Davenport. Governor DiUingham's majority in '65 was 16,714 and in '66 22,822. The great mon ument of his administration is the estabUsh ment of the reform school, which he recom mended in his first message. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1870 and with this his pubUc service closed. He retired frora law practice in 1875 and lived for fifteen years more, in se rene and weU earned leisure, dying at Waterbury July 26, 1891. He was for many years an influential lay man of the Methodist church, and was the first lay delegate from the Vermont confer ence to the quadrennial general conference in Brooklyn, N. Y., in May, 1872, where he took a high position. Governor DiUingham was twice married, first to Sarah P., eldest daughter of his friend, preceptor, and partner, Dan Carpenter. She died Sept. 20, 1831, and Sept. 5, 1832, he married her younger sister, Julia. Seven children, three daughters and four sons, lived to reach maturity. One daughter, who died in 1875, married J. F. Lamson of Boston, and another the great senator, Matthew H. Carpenter of Wisconsin, while the other is unmarried. Two of the sons entered the army : Col. Charles, president of the Hous ton & Texas Central R. R., and Major Edwin, who was killed at W^inchester. Frank is a citizen of San Francisco, Cal., while WiUiam P., Governor of the state in '88 and '90, is still practicing law at \Vaterbury and Mont pelier. PAGE, John B. — Governor, state treas urer, and for a generation prorainent in Verraont raUroading, was born in Rutland, Feb. 25, 1826, the son of Williara and Cyn thia (Hickok) Page. Educated in the pub lic schools, and at Burr and Burton Semi nary at Manchester, he was called at the age of sixteen to assist his father, then cashier of the old bank at Rutland, to which office the son of John B. succeeded later, and so became a banker, and was raany years presi dent of the National Bank of Rutland, the reorganized form of the old state bank. He became interested in the Rutland & Bur lington R. R., by being appointed one of the trustees of the second mortgage bond holders, and upon the reorganization of the property as the Rutland Railroad Co., was made president. He was for a time co trustee with Hon. T. W. Park of the Ben nington & Rutland R. R., and later was PAGE. associated with Hon. J. Gregory Smith as vice-president of the Central Vermdnt. He was a director of the Champlain Transporta tion Co., and various other raUroad enter prises, and also in the Caughnawauga Ship Canal project for connecting Lake Cham plain and the St. Lawrence, etc. He was instrumental in the transfer of the shops of the Howe Scale Co., from Brandon to Rutland, of which company he was the treasurer. He was in 1852 elected a representative to the General Assembly of Vermont at the age of twenty-six, and re elected for the sessions of 1853 and 1854. In i860 he was elected state treasurer and re ceived successive re-elections annually till 1866, and was during this time allotment com missioner by appointraent of President Lincoln. He originated the plan for the payraent of the extra state pay voted by Vermont to her soldiers, $7 per month, and disbursed during his term as treasurer a total of $4,635,150.80 for railitary expenses. In 1867 he was elected Governor and re elected in 1868, serving with judgment and ability through the critical period after the war. He was again elected representative from Rutland in 1880 and took the place for the purpose of furthering some important meas ures that he had become interested in. Chief among these was a comprehensive scheme of tax reform, which is the founda tion of our present corporation law, and with which he wished also to include a plan for the taxation of personal property like that WASHBURN. WASHBURN. 99 ¦of Connecticut. He made a strong fight for these ideas with the influential vested in terests of the state mustered against him, and he lived to see them afterwards incor porated into its laws. He was a member of the Congregational church, for many years a deacon and super intendent of the Sunday school, a corporate member of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions and was in strumental in having the meeting of that -society, the only one ever convened in the state, held at Rutiand in 1874. During this meeting he led in the movement which resulted m the establishment of a Christian College in Japan which the late Joseph Neesima projected. His strong personality was illustrated by his advocacy and accom plishment, at a meeting of this society at Providence, of an effort to pay off a debt of over $70,000. He was one of the most public-spirited of men and had always in mind the welfare of his town and state. In his young manhood he was foreman of the Nickwackett Engine ¦Co., one of the oldest organizations of fire men in the state. He pushed the erection of the commodious Congregational church in i860, building for future generations, and largely aided in the construction of the chapel addition, the two united forming, perhaps, the most complete church property in the state. He died Oct. 24, 1885, and is buried near Rutland in Evergreen cemetery, a " city " which he helped to purchase and adorn. WASHBURN, PETER T.— Governor, ad jutant and inspector-general during the war, and one of that brUliant group of lawyers that made Woodstock famous through so many years, was born at Lynn, Mass., Sept. 7, 1 8 14, the eldest son of Reuben and Han nah B. (Thacher) Washburn. There was distinguished ancestry on both sides. John Washburn, the sixth generation back, was secretary of the Massachusetts Bay Co., while in England. Joseph Washburn, his grandson, raarried a granddaughter of Mary ChUton, the first female member of the PU- grim band that stepped upon Plymouth Rock. The Thachers were for several gen erations dstinguished preachers in Massa chusetts. In 18 1 7 the father of Peter T. Wash burn moved to Vermont, first settUng at Chester, then at Cavendish, and finally at Ludlow. Young Peter graduated at Dart mouth in 1835, studied law first under the direction of his father, then for a time in the office of Senator Uphara at MontpeUer, was admitted to the bar in 1838, and began prac tice at Ludlow, moving in 1844 to Wood stock where he forraed a partnership with Charles P. Marsh which continued until the death of the latter in 1870. Mr. Washburn was in 1844 elected reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Vermont, holding the position for eight years with high credit. He represented Woodstock in, the Legisla tures of 1853 and '54. But his chief ener gies had been devoted to his professional work, with ever growing reputation, until the breaking out of the war in 1861. He had been chairman of the Vermont delegation to the RepubUcan national convention that in i860 nominated Lincoln and Hamlin. He was then in command of the Woodstock Light Infantry, a company of citizen soldiers who at once proffered their services to their country, and on the ist of May marched to Rutland where it was incorporated with the First Vermont Regiment. Washburn was commissioned Ueutenant-colonel, but acted as colonel during its entire period of service. In October, 1861, he was elected adjutant and inspector-general of Vermont and untU the war closed devoted hiraself to its arduous duties, foreseeing their iraportance to the future, bringing order and system out of chaos and making it the model adjutant's office of the country. He was often Ukened by his admirers to Stanton for the energy, force and intellectual grasp with which he performed the duties ofhis office. He was in 1869 elected Governor by a majority of 22,822 over Homer W. Heaton, the Democratic candidate, and died in office February 7, 1870. He had simply worn himself into the grave by overwork in the excess of his faithfulness to duty. No trace of disease, organic or functional, could be found by the physicians after his death. The decision was that there had been a complete breaking down of the nervous sys tera. He was at the time preparing a digest of all of the decisions of the Supreme Court from the beginning, and had worked his way through thirty-eight of the forty-one volumes of the Vermont reports when his labors were interrupted. The able, painstaking and widely varied service he had done the state were ap preciated at his taking off, and have been raore so since. "He was our Carnot, in or ganizing and adrainistrative talents, our Louvois in energy and executive force," said the Rutland Herald, in speaking of his ser vice as war adjutant Thorough, studious, accurate, absolutely incorruptible, inflexibly just, judicious and kindly, he was a raan the people could not fail to admire. Governor Washburn was twice married, first to Almira E. Ferris of Swanton, and second to Almira P. Hopkins of Glens FaUs, N. Y. Two children by tbe first wife died young, but two daughters and a son by the second marriage survived his decease, as did the widow. CONVERSE. PECK. CONVERSE, Julius.— Governor and another Woodstock lawyer, was born at Stafford, Conn., Dec. 17, 1798, the fourth son of Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Con verse. The family was of French origin, the primary orthography being De Coigners, but emigrated to England centuries ago, and the American ancestor, Dea. Edward Converse, came with Winthrop's colony in 1630. The Governor's grandfather and ' great-grand father. Lieutenant Josiah and Major James Converse, were renowned in the Indian wars of Massachusetts. Joseph Converse, father of the subject of this sketch and a farmer, carae to Vermont and settled at Randolph in 1801. Julius was educated in the common schools and at Randolph Academy, studied law in the office of W'illiara Nutting at Randolph, was adraitted to the Orange county bar in 1826, and settled first at Bethel, whence he re raoved in 1840 to Woodstock. At Bethel he was for several years in partnership with A. P. Hunton, afterwards speaker of the lower house of the Legislature in i86o-'62. At Woodstock he formed a connection with Andrew Tracy and later with Jaraes Barrett, the firms of 'Tracy & Converse, Tracy, Con verse & Barrett, and after Mr. Tracy's elec tion to Congress, Tracy & Barrett, being among the strongest in the state. After Mr. Barrett's elevation to the Supreme Court Mr. Converse formed a partnership with W. C. French which continued until 1865, and after that Mr. Converse's practice was alone and within comparatively narrow limits. As a lawyer he was particularly strong in the careful preparation of his cases and as a cross-examiner of witnesses. He also ex celled in chancery practice. He several times represented Bethel in the Legislature and was a member from Wind sor county of the first Senate in 1836, and three times re-elected to that body. He also represented Woodstock several times, and was state's attorney for Windsor county from 1844 to '47. In 1850 and '51 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor on the ticket with Gov. Charles K. WiUiaras. For the next twenty years he was out of public life until in 1872, when nearly seventy-four years old, he was suddenly and unexpectedly norai nated for Governor, being taken up to defeat Frederick Billings, a purpose that was ac comphshed by a narrow majority of one after a hard fight in the RepubUcan state conven tion. Mr. Converse was traveling outside of the state at the time, and the first he knew of his candidacy was when he read about the noraination in the raorning papers. He was elected by a majority of 25,319 over A.B. Gardner, ex-Lieutenant Governor, who had joined the Liberal Republican movement of that year, and whom the Greeleyites and Democrats had nominated in high hopes of cutting the Republican majority down to 1 0,000. His administration was without notable incident. Governor Converse was twice raarried, first in 1827 to Melissa, daughter of Henry Arnold of Randolph, who died two raonths after his inauguration as Governor, Dec. 14, 1872. June 12, 1873, he wedded Jane E., daughter of Joseph Martin, and a daughter was the issue of this second union. Governor Converse died, August 16, 1885, at Di.xviUe Notch, N. H. PECK, ASAHEL.— Judge of the Su preme Court and Gover nor, was born at Roy- alsto n, Mas s., September, 1 803, the son of Squire and Eliza b e t h (Goddard) Peck of Puritan ances try on both sides. The family rec ord can be traced back from Joseph Peck, the first American anc estor, for twenty-one gen erations to John Peck, Esq., of Beiton, Yorkshire, England, probably farther than that of any other A'ermont family. His father carae to Vermont and settled at Mont pelier when Asahel was only three years old. Asahel's youth was passed on the farm, where he developed the sturdy vigor, men tal, raoral and physical, that was so marked throughout his career. He was educated in the common schools and fitted at the Wash ington county grammar school to enter the sophomore class of the University of Ver mont in 1824; but he did not graduate, leaving in his senior year at the invitation of the president of a French college in Canada, for a course of study in the French language in the family of the latter. He studied law in the office of his oldest brother, Nathan Peck, at Hinesburgh, and one of the leading lawyers of that section, and afterward for a year or two in the office of Bailey & Marsh at BurUngton. He was admitted to the bar in March, 1832, practiced alone for a while and afterward in partnership with Archibald Hyde and later with D. A. SmaUey. He was a man of solid rather than brilliant parts, but he made his way steadily. E. P. Walton says that it was "characteristic of him that he was slow in everything, but in the end he was almost always sure to be right and that he regarded as the only point worth gaining. He was a thorough and patient PECK. FAIRBANKS. ¦Student. * * Possessing a tenacious mem- ¦Ory, he held firmly all that he had secured in years of study, and could instantly bring his great store of learning to bear upon any legal ¦question presented to him." One critic has .said that no man in New England since Judge Story has equaUed him in knowledge of the •coraraon law of England and the law of equity. He and Rufus Choate were once pitted against each other in a case, and that wonderful genius of the profession professed astonishraent to find such a lawyer in Ver mont, and besought him to move to Boston, where he would surely win both fame and fortune. But there were higher things in life for Peck and he persisted in staying in Ver mont, whose practice he believed was the best in the Union to develop a lawyer of really great attainments. He was judge of the circuit court from 185 I tiU it ceased in 1857. In i860 he was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court under the present system and held the position con tinuously, though desiring toward the end to retire, until his election as Governor in 1874. He was nominated then in response to a strong demand from the people and against the calculations of the old line of managing poUticians. He did not, however, make such radical recommendations on the ques tions of the day, especially with regard to the regulation of railroads, as some of his sup porters had expected. But generally speak ing, his administration was able, sound and deeper in its impress on the opinion of the people than that of almost any Governor of recent years. He strongly urged in his mes sage the establishraent of the house of cor rection to supply a serious lack "i'n the means of the suppression of crime and the punishment and reform of criminals," and he may justly be caUed the father of that in stitution. On his retireraent from the gubernatorial ¦chair Judge Peck retired to his farm in Jer icho, where he lived in the enjoyment of rural life, of which he was passionately fond, •untU his death May 18, 1879. In politics Judge Peck was by nature and ¦early affiUations a Democrat. But the ag gressions of the slaveocracy early disgusted him, and he became a Free Soiler in 1848, being a member of the famous Buffalo con vention that norainated Van Buren and Adams ; and after the formation of the Free Democracy or Liberty party he identified himself with it, was its candidate for Con- ¦gress in the Burlington district, and naturally was one of the pioneers in the formation of the Republican party. His patriotism was of the uncompromising kind, and during the ¦war he had little patience with the assaUants ¦of the administration. A western lawyer of •copperheadish proclivities who had been a student in his office in forraer years,, and knew his reverence for law and all legal safeguards of the individual, met him one day in Burlington, and speaking of the Val- landingham or some similiar case, asked, "How long are such outrages to be endured ?" "What outrages?" demanded the Judge. "The arrest and imprisonment of American citizens without process of law." The Judge replied, "I don't know what this case is, but I do know one thing, that a good many more men are out of jail who ought to be in, than in who ought to be out." The reply was evidently aimed at the coUoquist individ ually and he subsided. Judge Peck was too great a lawyer, too large-minded a man to allow the forms of law to outweigh the es sentials of right and justice. Personally he was a most lovable man, tender and chivalric almost to the point of fault, as it soraetiraes seemed, when as a judge he was accused of "riding" cases in favor of the weaker party, especially if a woraan — modest, kindly, and unostentatious — with a side of poetic beauty to his rugged nature, with its positive integrity. He was profoundly religious, and Gov. W. P. DiU ingham, who was his secretary of civU and railitary affairs, says that he was one of the best biblical students he ever raet, that he would sit up until nearly midnight talking of religious matters, of the lofty purity of Isaiah and of the mission of Christ, whose divinity, in his opinion, was better attested by His character and by the fact that through Hira the Gospel is preached to the poor, than by His miracles. Governor Peck was never raarried. FAIRBANKS, HORACE. -Governor and son of a Governor, was born at Barnet, March 21, 1820, coraing with the family to St. Johnsbury five years later. The general facts about the family are given in the sketch of Gov. Erastus Fairbanks on page 89. Horace was the second son of Erastus and Lois (Crossman) Fairbanks, was edu cated in the comraon schools and at the ac ademies in Peacham and Lyndon, Meriden, N. H., and Andover, Mass. At the age of eighteen he took a clerkship in the firm of E. & T. Fairbanks & Co., became active partner in 1843, ^nd finally the financial manager of its extensive business, whose annual product he saw grow from $50,000 to $3,000,000, and force of workmen from forty to six hundred. He was from the beginning identified 'with the construction of the Port land & Odgensburg R. R., almost the father of the idea, the piloter of the charter through the New Harapshire Legislature, and the backer of the enterprise with the utraost of his raeans and credit. The Fairbanks characteristic of benefaction towards St. HORACE FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. 103 Johnsbury and of desire to devote a share of their prosperity to public good, was very strong with Horace Fairbanks and took. shape to correspond with the great success which his adminstration of the business achieved. The result is the great free pub lic library and art gallery under the name of the St. Johnsbury Athensum, for which the foundation was laid in 1868 and which was finished and dedicated in 187 1. The library now contains some 15,000 volumes and in the gallery is a splendid collection of paint ings including Bierstadt's masterpiece the " Domes of the Yosemite." The cost of this donation was never raade public by Gover nor Fairbanks, but the spirit in which he gave it and the keynote of his whole Ufe, were well expressed in the words of the dedi cation in which he said : " It gives me pro found satisfaction and sincere pleasure to present to you and your chUdren and to all who may come after you, the free use of this building and its contents. My highest ambition will be satisfied and my fullest ex pectations realized, if now and in the com ing years the people make the rooms of the Athenaeum a favorite place of resort for patient research, reading and study." Governor Fairbanks' active life was spent as a business man rather than a politician, and in moral, educational and religious work rather than office-holding. He was a dele gate to the Republican national conventions of 1864 and 1872, and was a presidential elector in 1868. The only other political position to which he was chosen, before the governorship, was that of state senator from Caledonia county, to which he was elected in 1869, but was unable by reason of illness to take his seat. His nomination for Gov ernor was a compromise after a bitter pre- convention fight in the party over the candi dacy of Deacon Jacob Estey of Brattleboro. A number of names were placed in the field, arraying different elements against Estey, and finally that of Fairbanks was brought forward and he was norainated on the third ballot, though he had before de clined overtures. He was out of the state at the tirae. The resuU at the polls was his election by a vote of 44,723 to 20,988 for W. H. H. Bingham, the Democratic can didate. The chief criticism of his administration was that concerning his use of the pardoning power. His humanitarianism and his kind ness of heart made it difficult for hira to re sist appeals that appeared to have any basis of raerit to them. It was during this term that the celebrated case of John P. Phair came up, and the Governor granted the con demned man a reprieve on the very day fixed for his execution, on a telegram from Boston that seemed to indicate his inno cence. Phair finally went to the gallows after the SujDreme Court had passed on his case, but Governor Fairbanks' conduct, though bitterly assailed at the time, was amply justified by the circurastances. His inaugural raessage was to quite an extent devoted to the different systeras of prison discipline, the condition of our county jails especially receiving his critical notice, and he earnestly urged more attention to the work of reforming criminals, and a revision of our whole prison system with this in view. His recommendations bore fruit of good in this line, and his administration for what it did and what it proposed, deserved and coraraanded the respect of thoughtful peo ple. He was held in high esteera abroad, being a member of the Century Club at New York, and the St. Botolph, Boston. Governor Fairbanks was married, August 9, 1849, to Mary E., daughter of Jaraes and Persis (HemphiU) Taylor of Derry, N. H. Of their three children, Helen Taylor, the oldest daughter, died in March, 1864 ; Agnes, the wife of Ashton R. Willard of Boston, is now living; and Isabel, wife of Albert L. FarweU, died July 2, 1891. Governor Fair banks died in New 'York, March 17, 1888. SENATORS IN CONGRESS. The following is a complete list of the Senators in Congress for Vermont. Biographical sketches of the entire list are given on the following pages, with the exceptions noted. FIRST CLASS. *Moses Robinson, flsaac Tichenor, Nathaniel Chipman, tisrael Smith, ^Jonathan Robinson, jlsaac Tichenor, Horatio Seymour, Benj'amin Swift, Samuel S. Phelps, 179X-96 1796-97 1797-1803 1803--071807-15I 81 5-2 I 1821-33 1833-391839-51 Solomon Foot, 1851-66 JGeorge F. Edmunds, 1866-91 SECOND CLASS. Stephen R, Bradley, 1791-95 Elijah Paine, 1795-1801 Stephen R. Bradley, 1801-13 Dudley Chase, 1813-17 James Fisk, 1817-18 fWilliam A. Palmer, 1818-25 Dudley Chase, Samuel Prentiss, fSamuel C. Crafts, William Upham, Samuel S. Phelps, La-wrence Brainerd, Jacob Collamer, Luke P. Poland, JJustin S. Morrill. 1825-311831-42 1842-431843-53 1853 1854-551855-651865-67 " First and second class'' relate to classes, as defined in the second clause, third section, first article in the Constitution of the U. S. * Biographical sketch will be found among " The Fathers." t Biographical sketch will be found among " The Governors.' X Biographical sketch will be found in Part II, BRADLEY, STEPHEN R., and Moses Robinson were the first senators after the admission of the state into the Union. Mr. Bradley was five times elected the president pro tem of the Senate, the third highest of fice in the government, was the friend and close adviser of Jefferson and Madison, and all through that era up to the war of 1812 was regarded as the ablest and raost potent Democrat in New England. He was on terms of intimacy also with Ethan Allen, and filled a briUiant career during the state's existence as an independent republic, being one of the brainiest of her statesmen, and acquiring great wealth in the land operations in which most of the fathers were engaged. Stephen R. Bradley was born at Walling ford (now Cheshire), Conn., Feb. 20, 1754, the son of Moses and Mary (Row) Bradley and grandson of Stephen Bradley, one of a family of six brothers who came to this country in 1637, after service in Cromwell's Ironsides, in which one of them was an offi cer. Young Bradley graduated from Yale in 1775, having whUe a student there prepared an almanac for that year, of which an edi tion of two thousand copies was published by Ebenezer Watson in November, 1 774, and having in his course shown frequent promise of the unusual abilities he afterward devel oped. Soon after graduation he entered the Revolutionary service, being captain of a company of "Cheshire Volunteers," as early as January and February, 1776, being in the fighting about New York, and afterward serving as quartermaster and as aid on the staff of General Wooster, until that patriot fell at Danbury in AprU, 1777. The next year Bradley was employed as coramissary and in the summer of '79 as major at New Haven. About this time, probably in the fall or winter previous, he had appeared in Vermont, certainly being present at the May terra of court in West minster in '79, when he was licensed to prac tice law in the new state. He had in the in termissions of his military service both taught school and pursued his law studies under the direction of Thomas Reeve, after ward the founder of the faraous Litchfield Law School. He had, before 1780, located definitely in Vermont, for he was in June of that year appointed state's attorney for Cum berland county, and stiU earUer, Dec. 10, 1779, had prepared, at the request of the Governor and council, a statement of Ver mont's case against the claims of New York, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, en- tided "Vermont's Appeal to a Candid and Impardal World." It was a pamphlet of re markable power, considering that, coming to the state a stranger to the controversy, he had had actually less than two months to study it up. He reviewed trenchantly the claims of each of the states, laid bare with great skiU the inconsistencies and weak points of aU, and concluded with the declara tion that "Vermont has a natural right of in dependence ; honor, justice and humanity forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which our innocent posterity have a right to demand and receive from their ancestors. Full weU may they hereafter rise up in judg ment against us, if, like profane Esau, we mortgage away their birthright, and leave them at the expense of their lives to obtain freedom. We have now existed as a free and independent state almost four years; have fought Britains, Canadians, Hessians, Tories and aU, and have waded in blood to BRADLEY. BRADLEY. 105 maintain and support our independence. We beg leave to appeal to your own mem ories with what resolution we have fought by your sides, and what wounds we have re ceived fighting in the grand American cause, and let your own recoUection teU what Ver mont has done and suffered in the cause of civil liberty and the rights of raankind, and must we now tamely give up all worth fight ing for? No, sirs; while we wear the names of Americans we never will surrender those glorious privileges for which so many have fought, bled, and died ; we appeal to your own feeUngs, as men of like sufferings, whether you would submit your freedora and independence to the arbitrament of any court or referees under heaven? If you would, after wasting so rauch blood and treasure, you are unworthy the naine of Americans ; if you would not, condemn not others in what you allow yourselves." He and Jonas Fay and Moses Robinson were appointed agents to Congress to urge the recognition of the independence of the state. They arrived there February i, 1780, presented the appeal and declared their readiness to unite in placing Ver mont on a footing with other states, but had no authority to close with the resolutions of Sept. 24. They said, if given time, they thought they could show that Great Britain had made a distinct government of Vermont, appointed Governor Skeene to preside over it, and hence Vermont had equal right with any of the other states to assurae an inde pendent goverraent. The fruitlessness of this mission has been explained in previous sketches, but the abil ity and resourcefulness with which Bradley sustained the argument added greatly to his reputation, and though only twenty-six years old, he at once took a position at the forefront among the Vermont leaders. B. H. Hall says : " An examination of his papers affords conclusive evidence that at this pe riod, and for raany years after, he was, in raany respects, the ablest man in the state." In September he again went to Congress in Ttf-y 1 06 BRADLEY. BRADLEY. company with Ira AUen, as an agent for the state to meet and defeat Luke Knowlton, the representative of the Cumberland Coun ty Yorkers, and Peter Olcott who was there in advocacy of the scheme to form stiU another state by sUcing off strips on each side of Connecticut. How safety was brought out of this compUcation and an agreeraent of all the factions reached, is told in the sketch of Ira AUen. Bradley was that year and again in 1781, '84, '85, '88, '90 Westminster's repre sentative and in 1785 speaker of the House, of which he had been clerk in 1779. He was selectman of Westminster in 1782, and town clerk in i787-'88. He continued to be state's attorney tiU 1775, and was for sev eral years a general prosecuting officer for the state. He was register of probate from December, 1781, to March, '91, when he en tered the United States Senate. In 1783 he was judge of the county court and from October, 1788, to Octoberji789, was judge of the Supreme Court. In addition to aU this he was active in the military service, being first appointed a lieutenant and then a colonel in the first regiraent of the Vermont militia, serving on the staff of Gen. Ethan .•\Uen, and finally in 1791 being made a brigadier-general. He was repeatedly caUed out with his troops to restore order during the troubles in the southern part of the county and with his skiUful management seldom failed of success. He was a member of the commission that settled the controversy with New York and of that which afterwards established the bound ary. He was a powerful advocate in the conven tion of 1 791, of the ratification of the Federal constitution and of the vote to join the Union, and next to Chipman, is entitled to the chief credit for the sweeping victory which the Union party won there. By lot it fell to him when elected in 1791 to be a senator of the second class whose terra expired in four years, and then as politi cal Unes began to form and the Federalists were a majority, he was defeated for re-elec tion in 1794, but six years later, after serving one term in the council, in 1798, and one in the General Assembly, in 1800, on Paine's decUnation to serve another term, Bradley was again elected, and re-elected in 1806, serving with great distinction. He was president of the convention of Republican members of Congress, and, as such, Jan. 19, 1808, he suraraoned the con vention of raerabers which met and nomina ted Mr. Madison as President, and though there was vigorous kicking by the rainority faction of the party when he caUed the caucus, the nominadon that resuUed was confirmed by the country. He was placed on commit tees to which the most important and delicate questions were referred, for example— on the special message of Jefferson, Jan. 13, 1806, transmitting the claim of Hamet Cararaelli, ex-Bashaw of TripoU, which involved the then late war with the ruling Bashaw, and Mr. Bradley raade the report, including a biU for Haraet's relief, and a resolution of thanks to General William Eaton and his Araerican associates, for their eminently brave and suc cessful services in Hamet's behalf ; on the confidential message of President Jefferson, Dec. 18, 1807, proposing an embargo; and on the confidential raessage of President Madison, Jan. 3, 181 1, suggesdng that the United States take possession, for the time being, of East Florida, and publish a declara tion that the United States could not see, without services inquietude, any part of a neighboring territory, in which they have, in different respects, so deep and so just a concern pass from the hands of Spain into those of any other foreign power. This was aimed against Great Britain, and this, in fact, contained the germ of the famous "Monroe doctrine," of 1823. A StUl raore important service was that for the constitutional amendment of 1803, requiring the Vice-President, like the Presi dent, to be elected by a majority of the electoral votes, of which he was the author, and which he reported from the appropriate committee. But Mr. Bradley partook of the New England feeling about the war of 18 12. He earnestly counseUed Madison against it, and at the close of his term in 18 13, he had become greatly dissatisfied with his party's policy and he retired finally from public Ufe. In 181 8 he removed from Westrainster to the neighboring village of Walpole, N. H., where, after a happy and contented evening of life, he went to rest Dec. 9, 1830. Dartraouth and Middlebury both conferred the degrees of LL. D. on hira. Sorae of his contemporaries called him " eccentric " or " erratic," but all united in testimony to his great abUity, his power as an orator, and his high qualities of leadership. Graham's let ters from Vermont in 1 79 1 say of him : " Few men have more companionable talents, a greater share of social cheerfulness, a more inexhaustible unaffected urbanity." S. C. Goodrich, or " Peter Parley " who married a daughter of Mr. Bradley, says in his "RecoUections of a Lifetime :" "Hewas distinguished for political sagacity, a ready wit, boundless stores of anecdotes, a large acquaintance with mankind and an exten sive range of historical knowledge. His conversation was exceedingly attractive being always illustrated by pertinent anec dotes and apt historical references. His developments of the interior raachinery of parties, during the tiraes of Washington, Jef- PAINE. PAINE. 107 ferson and Madison ; his portraitures of the political leaders of these interesting eras in our history — aU freely communicated at a period when he had retired from the active arena of politics, and now looked back upon them with the feehngs of a philosopher — were in the highest degree interesting and instructive." PAINE, Elijah.— Senator at the close of the last century, state judge. United States judge for forty years, and a pioneer manufacturer, road maker and scientific far mer, was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1757, the son of Seth Paine, a respectable farmer of Brooklyn, and grandson of Seth Paine of Pomfret, Conn. He entered Har vard in 1774, but abandoned his studies for a few months to fight for his country in the Revolutionary army, and graduated in 1781. Then after studying law he came to Ver mont in 1784, locating first at Windsor where he cultivated a farm, and then pushed into the wilderness and opened a settlement in Williamstown near the Northfield line, and soon established a large manufactory of fine broadcloths, which finaUy employed one hundred and seventy-five to two hun dred workmen, erected the first saw and grist- mUls in that section, and constructed, at a cost of $10,000, a turnpike road twenty mUes through the forest from Brookfield to Montpelier and which he finally presen ted to the state. Full of energy and enter prise, with a capacity for large affairs and of extensive scientific attainments, he intro duced progressive ideas in every direction. He was a pioneer in the rearing of Merino sheep of which -he had at one time a flock of 1,500. He also gave much attention to improveraent in the breeding of horses, cattle and swine. And in addition to all this busi ness and to his professional engagements, his farming was done on a vast scale and it is said to have been no uncommon thing for hira to have thirty or forty raen at work in the field, and himself superintending them. But with all these multifarious activities he grew to be a very able lawyer and a great judge, even whUe he devoted some of his best years to politics and statesraanlike useful ness and to educational projects. His re markable executive ability seeraed to win success from everything he undertook, and he died very wealthy for those times. His public service extended almost con tinuously through sixty years. In 1786 he was a member of the convention to revise the constitution of the state, and was its secretary. From 1787 to 1791 he was Will- iarastown's representative in the General Assembly. Then he was appointed judge of the superior court, and held that office untU in 1794 he was elected United States Sen ator to succeed Stephen R. Bradley. He was offered a re-election for another term in 1800, but declined it because in the late days of the Adams administration he was appointed United States district judge for the district of Vermont. The appointment was one of thqse of partisan grab in the last days of FederaUst power, which so marred the record of patriotic upbuilding the party had made, but it proved to be a most ad mirable appointment, for Judge Paine's long career on the bench extending over a period of over forty years, until within a few weeks of his death, April 28, 1842, at the age of eighty-six, was one of strength and honor throughout, bearing with it at notable points the enlightenment he brought to his business operations. Though he came to the state after her formative period was well advanced, he be came prominent in her affairs before the period of independent statehood had passed, and he was with Tichenor, Bradley, Chip- man and Ira Allen one of the comraission ers to settle and close the controversy be tween Vermont and New York. He was on terms of personal friendship with Washing ton and on the visit of Lafayette to America was selected as the fittest man in the state, because of these associations, to deliver the address of welcome. He was interested in many movements for the intellectual and moral betterment of his time, and in close relations with the best minds of his day. He was president of the Vermont Coloniza tion Society, the first president of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Harvard, pronounc ing its first oration, a trustee of Dartmouth College, a pecuniary benefactor of the Uni versity of Vermont, elected a fellow of the .American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an honorary member of several other literary institutions. Both Harvard and the Univer sity of Verraont conferred the degree of LL. D. on him. All around he ranked with his great po litical antagonist, Nathaniel Niles, as intel lectually the most versatUe man Vermont has contained. He was an exeraplary Chris tian of the orthodox faith, and a constant attendant at church. One secret of his varied attainraents was his close economy of time. It is said that he was never seen idle in his waking moments. Whenever there was an intermission of labor, it was improved with book and pencil. His thought powers were brought into training so that he could deal thoroughly and systematically with one subject after another as they came before him — now a problem of constitutional law, then one about the construction of the hog pen, and anon one about the machinery in the woolen mUl — and come out superior to difficulty in every one. He was punctual to io8 PAINE. CHIPMAN. the utterraost in business raatters. Two anecdotes Ulustrate this : One night he happened to reraember that he had not paid a note due to a townsman that day, and he routed out his hostler, hitched up and drove to the townsman's house with the money before the hour of .midnight had arrived. "You need not have bothered," reraarked the creditor, " to-raorrow would have answered just as well." "Did I not promise to pay it to-day?" was Judge Paine's response in his quick, nervous style. The late Hon. Daniel Baldwin tells another : Once Judge Paine called on him for a loan of $i,ooo for a few days, until he could get a remittance from Washington for his salary, yi^hich he had been expecting for some tirae. Baldwin, who was a merchant, said he could spare it until a certain day, when he would have to take it to Boston to buy goods with. On the appointed day Judge Paine came hurrying to Baldwin just before time for the stage to leave and explained that he had waited for his Washington remittance until the day before, but not receiving it he had gone to Woodstock, forty mUes distant, rid ing all night, and making a journey of eighty miles to procure it and return to fulfiU his promise. Judge Paine married, June 7, 1 790, Sarah, daughter of John Porter, a lawyer of Ply mouth, N. H. She was a woman of culti vated mind, engaging manners and lofty character, and the result was a brainy fam ily of children. There were four sons, three of whom graduated at Harvard, and one at Dartmouth. Martin, the eldest, was a dis tinguished physician at Montreal and New York, one of the founders of the Medical Department of the University of New York, where he for years held a professor's chair, and the author of various medical works, es pecially some aimed at materialistic ideas, which attracted much attention in both Eu rope and .America. The second son, Elijah, was a judge of the Supreme Court of New York, rendering the notable decision sus taining the constitutionality of the statute that freed slaves when brought by the owner into the state, and a law writer of reputa tion, associated in the making of Wheaton's reports and the United States Circuit reports that bear his name. Gov. Charles Paine was the third son, and the fourth, George, also a lawyer, died in his twenty-ninth year at Mar- sellon, Ohio. One of the judge's descend ants married into the Bonaparte family in Baltimore. \\'alton describes Judge Paine as a "tall, weU-propordoned gentleman, dressed in the style of President Washington, of a grave countenance and dignified bearing, scornful to none but affable to aU." His daughter, Mrs. John Paine, says he "had a command ing personal appearance, a weU proportioned frarae of six feet in height,with a physiognomy of the Roman cast and a corresponding vigor of mind. Though sternly dignified he was as gentle as a woman and was loved and venerated by his children." CHIPMAN, Nathaniel.— One of the most erainent jurists and statesraen of his time. United States senator for one term, a Federal judge and a judge of the Supreme Court of the state for many years. He was also of Sahsbury, Conn., origin, being born there, Nov. 15, 1752, the son of Samuel and Hannah Chipman and one of a family of six sons, of whom two were physicians, and four lawyers, and nearly aU men of eminence. He graduated from Yale, in 1777, served for a time as Ueutenant in the Revolution, fought at Monmouth and was at Valley Forge through a part of that winter of destitution and suffer ing, but resigned because of poverty, and completed his study of the law. Admitted 10 the bar in March, 1779, he came to Ver mont, settled in Tinmouth, where his father had preceded him, and where in addition to his professional duties he took the manage ment of the farm and built a forge for the manufacture of bar iron. There was a most promising field for lawyers in those days and he and young Bradley, espousing the side of the new state with ardor, rapidly and almost simultaneously came to the front as leaders. Chipman, however, became a member of the "young party," opposing Governor Chitten den and his administration and seeking to clear the way of , the fathers for a generation of younger men. The "fathers" were indeed at that time only men of middle life and many of them of less, but the contingent of younger and ambitious men, as is almost in variably the case, viewed their ascendency with impatience. But Chipman was too candid and just- minded a man to carry this party feeling to unreasonable lengths, and several times at critical junctures he rendered the Governor and his associates important service. One of these was at Windsor when knowledge of the intrigue with Canada was exploded be fore the Legislature and he helped the Gover nor and Ira Allen to concoct the hasty de ception which bridged the affair over. He was frequently in confidential relations with the Governor and wrote out many of the lat ter's letters and state papers. He was a raan of great and resourceful shrewdness in legislative and political management. It was his idea that stayed the paper money flood when the Legislature was overwhelm ing in favor of such an issue. Coming to Rutiand, where the Legislature was in ses sion in 1786, he found such a bill, with another making specified articles a legal CHIPMAN. CHIPMAN. 109 tender for debt, on the point of passage, and seeing after looking the ground over and consulting with various members, that there was no hope of defeating the bill on a straight issue, he prepared the amendment, which made the enactment conditional on the approval of the voters of the state and to go into effect only after it had been submitted to a vote of the electors. Then the ques tion was fought out at the next election and the result was the rejecting of the biU by a vote of more than four to one. And it is not too much to say that Ver mont's exceptional prosperity above any part of the Union in the next thirty years, and its freedom from troubles like Shay's rebelUon in Massachusetts that afflicted so many parts of the country, and came so near reducing things to a state of anarchy, was the result of this referendum scheme. It was, considering the times, a measure of ex traordinary wisdom, and even yet its lesson has not been fully learned, that where dema gogues and agitators with their plausible fallacies are bringing on disaster the safest defense is a reference to the original source of power, the people. It cannot be said, of course, that the people wiU always be right, especially on new problems before they have been fully discussed and sifted. But they are more apt to be right than any other source of authority. This is the bottora princi pal of deraocracy as against monarchy or oligarchy. Especially is it true, in a repre sentative government where leaders con stantly figure that the way of popularity and power lies in pandering to the selfishness and meaner passions of raankind, that an occasional direct application of the ozone of genuine popular thought is necessary. The poUticians of Verraont then beUeved as did the poUticians of other states, while the times were hard and debt burdens were op pressive, that the people would be pleased with a raeasure of inflation. The error was shown by an appeal to the people in Verraont ; if it had been in the other states they would have escaped some severe experiences. An other notable case like it in political history was in Ohio in 1875, when the wave of Green- backism was at its highest, men of all parties .were bending before it, the Democrats had made it their chief issue, with the idea that success lay that way, and the Republicans feared to face the issue. Gen. Rutherford B. Hayes, the RepubUcan candidate for Govern or, insisted that there should be no faltering, but the canvass should be fought out on that question before the people, and the result was a signal victory for sound money against aU the calculations of the tirae servers. It was this act of clear- viewed courage that made General Hayes his party's candidate for President the next year. It is always the safest course. Mr. Chipman was also Governor Chitten den's coadjutor in the pressing to passage of that extraordinary measure of good sense in law, the quieting act, which is explained in the sketch of Governor Chittenden. Chip- man represented Tinmouth in the General Assembly in i784-'85. In 1786 he was elected assistant judge of the superior court being the first lawyer to be placed on the bench in Vermont. In 1789 he was elected chief justice and held the offlce for two years. He also had the decisive part in the negotiations which finally closed the contro versy with New York and brought about Vermont's admission to the Union. He was a friend of Alexander HaraUton and in 1788 opened a correspondence with that great leader, which finally ended in Hamilton's espousing the cause of Vermont or throwing all his power and influence into an argu ment for an adjustment. Daniel Chipman says that the two men had an interview at Albany that winter, in which they agreed on the mode of settlement that was afterward adopted by the two states. When finally the consent of the New York Legislature was secured Chipman was appointed one of the comraissioners for Vermont to determine the terms of settlement. He had always been fearful that the Vermont claims, and so land titles under Verraont authority, would fail to stand the test of law if they should ever be brought to adjudication, and so was not only solicitous for agreement with New York but that all these questions be disposed of in the agreement, as was done. He was a member of the commission that deter mined the boundary between the two states. In the convention at Bennington to pass on the act of union and adopt the Federal Constitution, Chipman was the " Colossus of the debate," as Jefferson said of Adams in the Congress that adopted the Declaration of Independence. There was then a strong feeling for the continued independence of Vermont ; her prosperity had for several years been the envy of her neighbors ; her own taxes were very light, and she had no share to bear of the burdens which the Rev olution had left upon the rest of the country ; her population was fast increasing and her values steadUy mounting upward ; she had gone safely through difficulties which seemed irapossible of paraUel, had shown her abUity to take care of herself, was in a situation where it was an obiect for all sides to culti vate her friendship, had established a stable and smooth-working system of her own — and raany were the raen who argued that there was nothing to be gained by hitching the state to the federal system. Probably consent would have been positively refused CHIPMAN. CHIPMAN. in the latter years of the old confederation, but the vigor and hopefulness which the new government under the constitution showed was very attractive to men of Chipman's views. Still the result seemed very doubtful when the convention at Bennington assem bled, and under the leadership of Daniel Buck the arguments against union were speciously presented. Chipman made a speech of magnificent logic and eloquence, portraying the possibUities of political devel opment in art, literature, science, industry and commerce, that were contained in the proposed connection, discussing and analyz ing the new constitution in comparison with the best the world had seen. It was master ful as an argument and with the support of Bradley and NUes and others, it carried such conviction that the ratification was agreed to by a vote of 105 to 4. January 18, 1 79 1, he was appointed with Lewis R. Mor ris commissioner to attend Congress and negotiate for the admission of the state into the Union. Immediately after the admission Presi dent Washington appointed Chipman United States judge for the district of Ver mont, a position which he resigned in 1793. But three years later, in 1796, hewas again elected chief justice and in 1797 elected senator to succeed Tichenor, serving from 1797 to 1803. At the expiration ofhis term he returned to Verraont and resumed the practice of law with ever increasing fame. But he was not above serving the public in the humbler capacity and for the meagre pay of a legislator because he had been a United States judge and senator and he again represented Tinmouth, in the Leg islature in i8o6,-'7-'8-'9-'ii. In March, 18 13, he was elected one of the council of censors, a body chosen once in seven years to review the constitution and recommend admendments. The ideas for which he stood then have some of them had to be adopted since and others must be to overcome evils that remain in our system. He always advocated amending the constitu tion to create a Senate as a co-ordinate branch of the Legislature, to take the power of election of judges from the Legislature and provide for appointment during good behav ior and also to constitute a court of chan cery distinct from the courts of law. He made and pubUshed a great arguraent then for the independence of the judiciary, re viewing the constitutions and practice of all the states, and applying most cogently the lessons of history and of the methods of other countries. But in spite of this luminous showing the old raethod of election at each session stiU survives, a relic of distorted and misappUed deraocracy, a method that combines the vices of both the appointive and elective systems without the merits of either. It is simply wonderful that the re sults of it have not been more evU. Chipman was chosen chief justice of the state in 1813, receiving a majority of seven teen, where his party, the Federalists, had the lead by only one or two on joint ballot. He was however displaced in 18 15 when the Democrats, or Republicans as they then generally called theraselves, returned to power. This was his last public position. He had for many years been an associate justice on the supreme bench, and had four tiraes left the practice of law to take a seat on the bench. In 181 6 he was appointed profes sor of law in Middlebury College, and gave a course of lectures that attracted rauch at tention, and held the chair until 1843. During the nuUification times he wrote and published a very strong pamphlet against the Calhoun doctrine, more than matching in its vise-like logic the argument of the able South Carolinian. Judge Chipman died Feb. 13, 1843, from congestion and inflammation of the lungs, aged ninety-one years. The last twenty-five years ofhis life were the golden period, where in well earned retirement, except for such law business as he chose to undertake, he enjoy ed in rural pursuits his books, his friendship and correspondence with some of the most cultivated men of his time, and he was re garded by his neighbors and brethren of the profession almost as a patriarch. His measurement as a lawyer and a judge wUl best be given by Mr. Huse in his de partment of this work. We will only allude to one of his methods as a judge, his habit of giving in his charges a summary of the testi mony of each witness, instructing the jury as to the points on which it bore, clearing away immaterial matter and laying before the jury a compact and lucid statement of the whole case in all its bearings, while in structing them upon the law of it. He had a clear and discriminating mind, compre hensive in its grasp, and steadily analytic in its processes. He was cautious in forming his opinions, proceeding entirely without prejudice or bias, conscious that he had done so, and therefore positive and em phatic when he had reached a conclusion. In 1 793 he pubUshed a sraaU work entitled "Sketches of the Principles of Government" and also a volurae of " Reports and Disserta tion" containing reports of cases decided while he was chief justice, with dissertation on the statute adopting the common law of England, the statute of offsets, on negotiable notes and on the statute of conveyances. In 1796, he was appointed one of a committee to revise the statutes of Verraont and the re vised laws of 1797 were written by him. In CHASE. FISK. 1833 he pubUshed "Principles of Govern ment, a treatise on free institutions including the Constitution of the United States," which contained parts of his 1796 work. CHASE, Dudley.— Speaker of the state Assembly for five years, twice United States senator, and four years chief justice of the state Supreme Court, was of a brainy family, being a brother of Bishop Philander Chase of Ohio, founder of Kenyon and Jobilee coUeges, and the uncle of Salmon P. Chase, the great Republican statesman and chief justice. Dudley Chase was born at Cornish, N. H., Dec. 30, 1 77 1, the son of Deacon Dudley Chase, and one of a numerous family of eight sons and six daughters. His youth was passed in pioneer privations at Cornish and Sutton, Mass., but he succeeded in ob taining a college education, graduating at Dartmouth in 1791. He studied law with Hon. Lot HaU at Westminster, and in the early nineties settled at Randolph. He was state's attorney for Orange county for eight years from 1803 to 18 11 inclusive. He was a member of the constitutional conventions of 1814 and 1822. He represented Randolph in the Legislature from 1805 to 1812 in clusive, and for the last five years he was speaker of the House, closing the service with such popularity that he was immediately elected United States senator to succeed Stephen R. Bradley. He was elected for a full term of six years, but he resigned his seat in 181 7 to accept an election as chief justice of the Supreme Court of the state. He was re-elected to that post each year untU 1821 when he re tired to return to the practice of law, but was sent to the Legislature in i823-'24 and again won such popularity that he was in 1825 again elected to the United States Senate. At the close of his term in 183 1 he retired finally to private life, devoting his attention to farming and gardening, of which he was exceedingly fond. A little of the scattering and disorganized opposition to Governor Galusha in 18 19 centered about him, giving him 618 of the 2,618 votes cast against Galusha for Governor. He was of attractive and winnirig address, portly in person, commanding in presence, weU balanced mentally, with a poise of mind that fitted hira admirably for judicial posi tion, and a real kindness of heart that could not help to make him a favorite among men. He was perhaps somewhat lacking in the aggressive quality, like that of Galusha or Bradley or NUes, that makes the political leader of enduring power or that leaves per manent impress in statesraanUke work. Still there are events and good ideas in Ver mont history with which Dudley Chase's name is identified. He was always earnest in advocacy of the support of district schools by a tax on the grand list so as to give poor children an equal opportunity with the rich to obtain an education. He helped in the framing in the act of 1805 regulating marriage and divorce. He was a member of the coramittee that fixed upon Montpe lier for the location of the state capital. The state bank was established in 1806 on lines largely laid down by him. He was that year also a member of the legislative coraraittee that drafted the faraous "address of the Vermont Legislature" to President Jefferson entreating him to be a candidate for a third term. He was a member of the committee that provided for the location of the state prison at Windsor. He supported Bradley's resolution in 1807 for a consti tutional amendment empowering the Presi dent to reraove Supreme Court judges on address by a majority of the House and two-thirds of the Senate. He died Feb. 23, 1846, at the age of seven ty-four, after several years of declining health with fits of epUepsy. A fall in his room para lyzed his right leg which swelled badly, be came erysipelas, and terminated in mortifica tion and death. His wife, whose maiden name was Olivia Brown and whom he raarried in 1796 when she was seventeen years old, survived him but twenty-three days. They had no children of their own, but brought up many nephews and nieces and indentur ed boys, and of these gave a coUege educa tion to not less than twelve or fifteen. FISK, James. — Judge of the Supreme Court, representative and senator in Con gress, UniversaUst preacher, and a leader of the Democratic or Republican party in the state during its era of power and prosperity, was a native of Greenwich, Mass., born Oct. 4, 1763, and came to Vermont from Green wich. Little is known of his ancestry or early youth, but his circurastances were humble and he was self-educated. His father died when he was only two years old, and he was early left to shift for himself. In 1779, at the age of sixteen he enlisted in the Revolutionary army, served for three years, then returned to Greenwich and went to work as a farm hand. He was only twenty- two years old when he was elected repre sentative to the General Assembly of Massa chusetts, and about this time he began to preach as a Universalist minister. He came to Barre in 1798, continued preaching occasionally, cleared a farm, and in his leisure hours studied law, opened practice and rapidly rose to eminence and influence. His alert mind, ready wit and power of prac tical and winning argument, his poise of character and justice and kindhness of views. FISK. FISK. combined with his singularly genial, attract ive demeanor, qualified him to an unusual extent for leadership. The late E. P. Wal ton says of hira that " in his form, the vigor of his inteUect and the brilliancy of his mind, he much resembled Aaron Burr." He was smaU of stature, keen-eyed, a brilliant conver sationalist, and, as Thorapson says, "really talented." He had been in Barre only three years when he was elected one of its selectmen, and the next year was sent to the Legisla ture, representing the town nine years, from 1800 to 1805, 1809 and 1810, and in 1815. He was a useful and prolific legislator, taking an active part in the legislation for the ob servance of the Sabbath, the taxing of liquor selling, the overhauling of the statutes for the support of the gospel, the collection of debts, proceedings in case of absconding debtors, land taxes, the forfeiture of charters, the reorganization of the judiciary systera, and the regulation of marriage and divorce. He was prominent in the fight of 1804 over the law of libel, when it was proposed to do away with the old principle of privilege, "the greater the truth the greater the libel," and in criminal prosecutions to allow the respondent to plead in defence the truth of his words. He moved, as early as 1803, for the establishing of a perraanent seat for the Legislature, and when the Assembly had passed the bUl, before the Governor and CouncU had got the subject postponed, he was selected for Orange county's member of the special committee to locate the capital. He was also, in 1804, chairraan of the com mittee that endeavored to get a settlement of our northern boundary with Canada. He was an ardent friend of the University of Vermont in its younger days, and served on its board of trustees for several years, re signing in 181 2. He naturally, with his adroitness and resourcefulness, became the leader of the Jeffersonians, being placed in the front in most of the contests with the Federalists, and especially where they wanted to match Governor Tichenor, who was in dubitably one of the shrewdest poUticians of his time. He was chairman of the com mittee in 1805 to draft an address in reply to the Governor's speech, and framed the answer to the proposal of the Massachusetts Legislature for constitutional amendments to exclude slaves from representation in any measure in Congress. He regretted the ex istence of slavery, and its influence in the making of laws to bind the freemen of our free state, but could see no remedy that "would not subvert the first and most opera tive principles of our federal compact." The skill with which these replies managed to take issue with the Governor, while couched in the most commendatory phrase, were too much for even "Jersey Slick" himself, and' they may be instructively studied as models of this sort of sheathed stabbing in political warfare. Mr. Fisk was also the chairman of the same committee when the Democracy came into power in 1 809 and it was the address of Governor Galusha, with whom he was in full political sympathy, that was to be answered. He was a judge of the Orange county court in 1802 and 1809, and in 1816 the Legisla ture chose him one of the three judges of the Supreme Court of the state. The next year hewas re-elected, becoming the first assistant, and with his undoubted talent as a lawyer was on his way to the chief justiceship when he resigned to accept an election to the Senate. He was elected a representative in Con gress in 1804, serving two terms, and again two terras frora 1811 to 1815, and then after his two years service on the Supreme Court, was chosen by the Legislature United States senator in 181 7 to succeed Dudley Chase, but resigned after less than two years service and ^Villiam A. Palmer was elected to suc ceed him. He was a close friend and confidential ad viser of President Madison and the adminis tration through the war of 181 2 ; he voted for the declaration of that war and his counsel was constantly sought, with reference to war measures. He took a vigorous part in the "John Henry" debate of 1812, over the papers secured frora that reprobate, who after five years life as a farraer, lawyer and editor in Vermont, was in 1809 employed by the Governor of Canada to get into communica tion with the most violent Federalists in New England and ascertain how far they could be brought to turn against their own country and in favor of England in case the embargo and other resistance to British aggressions should result in war. These papers opened the lid only a bit upon one of the most shameful chapters of our history^ a chapter over which, fragmentary and un satisfactory as is our knowledge of it, the blood of right feeling men cannot faU to boil to-day, a chapter that teUs of sordid men and raoney making interests in New England that conspired in treason against the govern ment that was fighting their battie and seek ing to protect thera from British spoliation, because they believed that the government ought to crawl at Britain's feet and do Britain's bidding against France, in order to help them to continue their money raaking. Mr. Fisk treated the subject vigorously in this view, and collected and presented a large raass of evidence showing how plottings for the dissolution of the Union had been going on. He quoted letters from Mr- SEYMOUR. 113 Erskine, the British minister, in support of this view. His arraignment was one that must have done an important part in cover ing the once glorious Federalist party with the disgrace that brought it into speedy decay and ruin. But Mr. Fisk's moderation at another time served the state a good turn. The country's indignation at the selfish and base deeds of Federalists, focussed in the introduction, Jan. 6, 1814, of resolutions in the House in structing the attorney-general to institute a prosecution against Gov. Martin Chittenden for his proclamation of the year before ordering the Verraont miUtia home from New York, where they had been assigned to miUtary duty at a critical time and point un der the orders of federal commanders. The Governors of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island had pursued a similar policy, refusing or threatening to refuse, on state rights grounds, requisitions on their miUtia for the comraon defense. Unscrupulous parti sanship had reached about its worst abase ment when FederaUst executives could take this ground, and so far as they were concerned personally, prosecution might have been healthy. But Fisk deprecated the resolu tions. He admitted that the proclamation was unjustifiable, thought few people in Ver mont approved of it, knew the delegation in Congress did not, but he did not think it advisable to thus force the issue between state and nation. If the Governor had com mitted an offense against the laws let him be prosecuted, but let not Congress turn in former, which was all the resolutions meant ; their effect would be only to give undue weight to successful prosecution and make Congress ridiculous if unsuccessful; they neither raade nor strengthened law, and so were of no use. The argument was so weU made that the resolutions were put to final sleep on the table. Mr. Fisk was norainated and confirmed judge of the territory of Indiana in 181 2, but decUned the office after the Federalist presses in Vermont had wasted considerable energy in ridiculing the appointment. He did not cut rauch of a figure in his senatorial service because it was too brief to permit hira, even under the rules then, to get to the front. He resigned in 181 9 to accept the post of collector of customs for the district of Vermont, which he held for eight years, and during that time moved to Swanton, where he made his home until his death, which occurred Dec. i, 1844. In his later years he was a Whig as ardent as he had formerly been a Democrat. He was by temperament and logic a foUower of Henry Clay, and the development of issues after the death of the Federalist party, that made the great Kentuckian the leader of the new party, naturally brought Fisk with them. Mr. Fisk, soon after he came out of the Revolution, wedded Miss PrisciUa West, of Greenwich, who died August 19, 1840, at the age of seventy-seven. They had six children — three sons and three daughters. SEYMOUR, HORATIO.— Judge, coun cilor and senator, was born in Litchfield, Conn., May 31, 1778, the son of Major Moses and Mary (Marsh) Seymour. His father was a man of importance in Connecticut, a Rev olutionary officer, state legislator for seventeen years and town clerk forty years, and among his descendants was Horatio Seymour, the New York statesman. Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1868, and a nephew of the Horatio Seymour who became the Ver raont senator and for a number of years the acknowledged leader of the Whigs in this state. The subject of this sketch fitted for coUege under the tuition of his brother-in-law. Rev. Truman Marsh, graduated from Yale in 1797, taught an academy for a year at Cheshire, Conn., then attended Judge Reeve's famous law school at Litchfield for a year, and in October, 1 799, came to Middlebury to con tinue his studies in the office of Daniel Chip- man, and in 1800 was admitted to the bar. He was soon after appointed postmaster at Middlebury, and continued in the office nine years, until the growth of his law practice pre vented his longer holding it. His reputa tion professionally was confined mainly to his own county, but he was probably engaged in more cases than any lawyer before or after him. His great defect was over modesty and lack of confidence in himself, so that he never pushed himself in law practice or poli tics as he raight. He had to get absorbed in the cause of his client, and the feelings and interests in volved, before he could do himself justice. But he was very shrewd and tactful in the manageraent of cases, and as a speaker, while making no pretensions to oratory, clear, logical and persuasive. In raanners he was not only unassuming, but most ur bane and courteous, and careful not to offend. His make up, in fine, was such as was sure in the course of years to command a great popularity, and he held it almost against his wiU, whUe shrinking frora lead ership, as few Verraonters have done. He was state's attorney for Addison county 1810 to 1813 and again 1815 to 1819, and coun cilor 1809 to 1814. When the Vermont state bank was estabUshed in 1806 he was chosen one of the first directors, and re mained such untU the branch at Middlebury was closed. In 1820 he was elected United States senator, and re-elected in 1826 after a vigorous contest with Governor Van Ness. 114 PRENTISS. PRENTISS. He was in early life a supporter of the ad ministration and measures of Jefferson and Madison, but after the breakup foUowing the Monroe administration he went with the Adams, on National RepubUcan or what was afterwards the Whig element, and was influential in the party councils untU his terra in the Senate closed. He was also on terms of intimate personal friendship with Adaras, Clay, Webster, King and Marcy, and raen of such caliber, who all relied much on his judgment in matters of legislation, though it was rarely they could ever get him to speak in the Senate. He was chair man of the committee on agriculture. At the close of his second term he re turned to his law practice, and to party leadership in the state. It was due to his shrewd management very largely, that after the' Anti-Masonic wave had swept over the state and controUed it for several years, the whigs were able to get the chief advantage of its breakup. Mr. Seymour was their can didate for Governor in 1833 and 1834, in the former of which years the whig vote fell to less than two thousand. In 1834, when the election was thrown into the Legislature, Seymour wrote a letter before the assemb ling, announcing that he would not be a candidate. This was to allow Governor Palmer an ^unobstructed re-election, which it was calculated would count when the coUapse of Anti-Masonry came. Bradley, the Deraocratic candidate, who had about the same vote as Seymour, each a Uttle over ten thousand, pursued the same wary course, but by individual instruction rather than a public letter, and with much less effect on the rank and file of the voters. Mr. Seymour's later years were passed in the practice of his profession and in the duties of judge of probate, which he per formed from 1847 to 1856. Middlebury conferred the degree of LL. D. on hira in 1847- He died Nov. 21, 1857, after several years of infirmity, at the age of eighty. He married in 1800 Lucy, daughter of Jonah Case, of Addison. She died in October, 1838, leaving three sons and one daughter. One of the sons, Moses Seymour, settled at Geneva, Wis. ; another, Horatio, was a law yer at Buffalo, N. Y., and another, Ozias, an attorney at Middlebury. PRENTISS, Samuel, twice United States Senator, one of the great Whig leaders ofhis day, ranking with the six of highest fame whom Vermont has had among " the Elders of the land," the peer of the intellectual giants with whom he sat, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and Benton, and perhaps even greater yet on the bench of the state Suprerae Court and the United States district court, was a native of Stonington, Conn., where he was born March 31, 1782, the son of Dr. Samuel Prentiss. The family had been one of note for centuries, tracing back to 13 18 in Eng lish official records, and including Capt Thoraas Prentiss, the noted cavalry officer in the King PhUlip war, and Col. Samuel Prentiss, of the Revolutionary army, the great - grandfather of Judge and Senator Samuel. Young Pren tiss' boyhood was chiefly passed at Northfield, Mass., where Dr. Pren tiss raoved after a short stay at Worcester, when the future states- m a n was only four years old. ^Vith only a com mon school edu cation, supple mented by a study of the classics under Rev. S. C. Allen, the minister of the town, young Prentiss studied law, first with Samuel Vose, of Northfield, then with John W.Blake, at Brattleboro, was admitted to the Windham county bar in December, 1802, and located at Montpelier a few months later. He de voted himself for full twenty years to his profession, and to extensive study and read ing in cognate lines until his equipment was such as few men have. The Legislature offered him almost unani mously in 1822, a position as associate jus tice of the Supreme Court, but he declined it. But in 1824 he did accept an election as Montpelier's representative in the Gen eral Assembly and from this time his rise in politics was rapid. It was at a time when the era of great Democratic leadership, the era of Galusha, Niles, Butler, Fisk, Bradley, and Van Ness, was drawing to a close, anda man of Prentiss' inteUectual sweep found but little to obstruct his progress. He was re elected to the General Assembly in 1825, and during the session was chosen to the Supreme Court, where four years' service won him an election by common consent to the chief justiceship, and one year more brought a summons to go to Washington as senator to succeed Dudley Chase. He was re-elected for a second term in 1836, but before it expired he resigned to accept an appointment as judge of the United States district court for the district of Vermont to succeed Elijah Paine, deceased. The nom ination was confirmed by unanimous con sent without the usual reference to a com mittee. He continued in this position for PRENTISS. 115 fourteen years until his death, Jan. 15, 1857, completing an official career of thirty-four years which was not begun until he was forty- two. There is reason for believing that he could have had a seat on the Federal su preme bench, but preferred this because the duties were so near horae. As a lawyer he was profoundly learned with a learning that reached to the sources of the Roman as weU as the common law, with a comprehension that embraced it as a great system of principles rather than tech nicalities and with a thorough belief that no less could be said of the law, in the words of Bishop Hooker, "than that its seat is the bosora of God." As a judge no less an authority than Chancellor Kent said : "I cannot help regarding Judge Prentiss as the best jurist in New England." His penetrat ing judgment, his power of analysis, like that of chemical forces in the certainty with which it could resoh'e every problem into its elements, his habit of sifting and of classifi cation, together with his faculty of luminous stateraent, and his resolute uprightness, cora bined to render hira well nigh a raodel for a judge. It is said that not one of his decisions while on the Supreme Court was afterwards over ruled. In the Senate his rank was easily among the first. John C. Calhoun said of him and his speech against the bankruptcy law of 1840, that it was the clearest and most un answerable argument on a debatable ques tion which he had heard for years. Mr. Pren tiss' independence in following where his con victions led was illustrated by his stand on his questions, for he was the only Whig, with one exception, that fought the bill. But he was generally in close and confidential rela tions with Clay and Webster, sharing with them as third in command, the party leader ship in the Senate. They both regarded him as the best lawyer in the Senate. He was the originator and successful ad vocate of the law to suppress dueling in the District of Columbia. He was in at the opening of the great and protracted battle with the slavocracy, presenting in 1838, the resolutions of the state Legislature for the abolition of slavery in the District of Colum bia and also against the annexation of Texas. Several of his speeches on different subjects have gone into the reading books as among the American classics, and they are fine examples of the eloquence of straightfor ward logic. In his younger days he wrote considerable on literary and moral topics, which was published in the newspapers, and all through his life he constantly sought re freshment and invigoration of the mind by comraunion with the great raasters of Eng Ush literature. In his personal habits and his domestic life, he was a severe economist, a habit to which early necessity trained him ; but he was stUl a liberal giver where the' object comraanded his approval. It is related of him that when the rainister lost his own cow, the judge sent his man to the parson age stable with one of his own two cows, and when as luck would have it that cow died the first night, he forwarded to the minister the money required to buy still another. He married, in 1804, Lucretia, daughter of Edward Houghton of Northfield, a woman of unusual powers of mind and strength of character, who bore most of the family cares during Judge Prentiss' busy life. She died at Montpelier, June 15, 1855, aged sixty- nine. She had twelve children of whom ten were boys, and all of them who lived to reach manhood became lawyers. SWIFT, Benjamin.— Representative in Congress in 1827,-1831, and senator from 1833 to 1839, came of a family of distinction in Connecticut, where his uncle, a Revolu tionary colonel, was a judge and member of the council for twelve years. His father. Rev. Job Swift, was a well-known divine at Ben nington and Addison. A brother, the sev enth son of Rev. Job, was Samuel Swift, lawyer, editor, historian of Addison county, a judge of probate and assistant judge there, and secretary of the Governor and councU in ' 1813 and 1814. Benjamin Swift, the sixth child of Rev. Job, was born at Amenia, N. Y., April 8, 1780, before his father's coming to Vermont. He was well educated for those days, took a course in the law school of Reeves & Gould at Litchfield, Conn., and first put out his shingle for practice in Bennington county, but moved to St. Albans in 1809. Like most young lawyers he soon plunged into poUtics, taking the side of the then decUning FederaUsts, so as to be effectually estopped from office-holding for a while and leaving a good share of his time and energy for im proveraent in his profession. He thus at tained a leading place at the bar, though his equipment was not by nature that of a lawyer. He was repeatedly a candidate on local and county tickets and was two or three times elected representative from St. Albans, but it was eighteen years after his settlement in St. Albans before he reached any other office. He had come out of the war of 1812 a good deal better than most FederaUsts, for he did not allow his feeling against the Madison ad ministration and his criticism of the war to carry hira to any such foolish or traitorous lengths as it did many of his party. In fact, when the report came of a probable engage ment with the British at Plattsburgh he was one of the first to shoulder his musket and proceed to the scene, and though he arrived ii6 PHELPS. PHELPS. too late for the battie he showed a disposi tion which counted in his favor in after years. As party Unes were reformed after the "era of good feeUng" under the Monroe administration, he naturally took the side of the national RepubUcans, and afterwards the Whigs, and as such was elected representa tive to Congress in 1827. He was re-elected in 1829, but before his term had expired the opposition party had become so strong, that though he was earnestly supported by his followers for a third election, he withdrew in favor of Heman AUen of Milton, who was elected. The next year, however, while the poUtics of the state were shaken aU to pieces as regards the old parties, by the Anti- Masonic movement, he was brought forward as a candidate for the United States Senate, as a man whose moderation of views could command votes from aU factions. He was elected and served a fuU term till 1839, re tiring with a fair degree of credit. On one point especially he took an emphatic posi tion in line with Vermont's views from the beginning. He refused to vote for the ad mission of Arkansas in 1836, because the new constitution of the state sanctioned per petual slavery. He was a warm admirer and follower of Clay, and an enthusiastic advocate of his policies. After his retirement from the Senate he devoted himself mainly to agricultural pur suits and scholarly leisure, except when he buckled on the arraor for the raanageraent of campaign work for the Whig party, and it was while he was at work in the fields with his laborers that death overtook hira. While in Congress he engaged earnestly in temper ance work and was among the pioneer movers in the great Washingtonian temperance re form. WhUe in the Legislature he obtained the charter for the Bank of St. Albans, and was its first president. He was a man of simple tastes and habits of life, of clear and penetrating judgment, severe in his notions, even while of a natur ally impulsive temperaraent, and inclined to pursue with an absorbing energy any object for which he had started. In theology he was a Calvinist of the most rigid type in the regu lation of his own conduct, but incUned to gentleness in abstract views. There was a rugged kindly courtesy about him, a freedom from malice or personal bitterness in contro versy, political or religious, which in spite of his uncompromising argument, could not fail to command respect and even attachment. "Physically, mentally and morally," says E. P. Walton, "he was a large raan." PHELPS, Samuel S.— Senator for thir teen years, councilor. Supreme Court judge. and one of the ablest and most accomplish ed men the state has ever had in public life, was born at Litchfield, Conn , in May, 1793, and of a faraUy that had for generations been one of intelligent well-to-do farmers. Litchfield was in those days a breeding ground for able and influential men, and has probably turned out more than any town of its size in the country. It then contained the very best law school in the country. The intellectual friction of such associations was of incalculable benefit for such a bright youth as Phelps, and here may be found the foundation of his great ness and that of his son. He entered Yale at the age of fourteen, graduating in 181 1, in the class with John M. Clayton of Dela ware and Roger S. Baldwin of Connecticut. He pursued his legal studies for a few raonths in the law school untU in 181 2 he carae to Middlebury and entered the office of Horatio Seymour who had himself come from Litchfield. He served in the war of 181 2, in the ranks at Burlington and Platts burg and afterwards as paymaster. In those days he was an enthusiatic young Democrat and supporter of the adrainistration and the war ; but when the Whig party was formed he went with that, though all through his political life he exhibited an indepen dence of judgment and action that was un usual in those times, and several times he stood up for his views against the majority of his party when it cost something of perU and sacrifice to do so. He was admitted to the .A.ddison county bar in 1815, and made rapid progress to professional erainence, even with such lawyers as Seymour, Dan Chipman and Robert B. Bates as corapetitors. He was a raeraber of the council of censors of 1827, and wrote the address of that body to the people of the state, chiefly notable for its arguraent for the abolition of the Governor's council, and the estabUshment of a Senate as a co-ordinate branch of the Legislature — an argument which bore fruit seven years later, though it then failed. In 1831 he was elected a mem ber of the Governor's council, and at that faU's session was chosen a judge of the Supreme Court, and was annuaUy re-elected seven tiraes until 1838, when he was chosen a senator in Congress to succeed Benjamin Swift. He was again elected in 1844, though he had one of the most disagreeable fights that the state has ever seen ; an ac count of it is given in the sketch of Gov ernor Slade. In January, 1853, on the death of Senator Upham he was appointed to the vacancy on the recommendation of the Vermont delega tion in Congress, though he Uved on the west side of the state, because he was in Washington at the time ; the nomination of a PHELPS. UPHAM. 117 judge of the Suprerae Court was pending in the Senate and it was doubtful if any one else if appointed, could reach the Capital from Vermont, in season to help the ^Vhigs on the vote. Judge Phelps remained in the dis charge of his duties through that session, and returned to Washington the next winter to claim his seat, but as the Legislature had raet in the meantime and failed to elect him or anybody else, the Senate refused to admit him on the ground that an executive appointee could not continue after the Legislature had had an opportunity to fill the vacancy. Judge Phelps then retired to private life and the delights of his farm, though he stiU practiced in the courts in important cases, especiaUy before the Supreme Court at Washington, where he had a high reputa tion. One argument especially, on the Woodworth planing machine patent, was regarded as among the strongest ever de livered before the court. He was not a frequent speaker in the Senate, reserving himself for great occasions. He was a member of the committee of thirteen that reported the Clay corapromise measure be tween the North and South, the Omnibus bill of 1850, and the action greatly weakened him at home. He had been fully comraitted to the principle of the Wilmot proviso ; he had, in a powerful speech the year before, reminded the Southerners that the whole agitation over the slavery question of which they complained, and because of which they were threatening the dissolution of the Union, was " only the logical sequence of the Mexican war, * * * which carried in its train elements that might end in despoiling the Republic ;'' but when the real danger of dissolution confronted him, his love of the Union led him, like Webster, to temporize, where with larger and cooler prevision he had recognized that temporizing was useless. There was no stronger argument made against slavery in the whole course of the debates than that of Phelps in answer to Calhoun and Berrien in 1848 on the bill for the exclusion of slavery from Oregon, with the lessons and warning he drew from the action of the new French republic in abol ishing it. Henry WUson in his "Rise and Fall of the Slave Power" describes it as a speech of "remarkable eloquence and pow er." Wilson says, in a general estimate of Phelps, that he was "a man of rare ability and equalled by few as a lawyer and forensic debater, but his unfortunate habits irapaired public confidence." His position in the Senate gradually grew to be a conservative ¦one, out of sympathy with the current of thought and events, soon to be guided by men like Seward and Chase, and he thus became less of a leader than his admirers thought he ought to be. He served labor iously on the coraraittees of clairas and In dian affairs, and it is said that the recom mendations of his reports, fortified as they were by a definite statement of the case, were seldora rejected. He was, both as senator, judge and advocate, a cogent, pow erful reasoner, with a clear, siraple, vigorous way of stating his argument, and a habit of viewing questions that was at once compre hensive and discriminating, large in its grasp and quick in its mastery of the sub ject, and this with his dignified bearing and his air of resolute honesty, made him a weighty man in what was perhaps the great est era of the greatest deliberative body of the world, a peer among such senators as Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Cass, Benton, Macy, Clay ton, Wright, Forsyth, Corwin and Douglas. The senator died at his home in Middle bury, March 25, 1855. He was twice raar ried, and brought up a large family of chil dren of whom the eldest is Edward J. Phelps, the late minister to England. [For a sketch of E. J. Phelps see page 309, part II.] UPHAM, William— For ten years United States Senator, and though not ranking up with the great historical names from Ver mont — Bradley, Phelps, Prentiss, Collamer, and Foote — yet a strong and able raan of his time in national councils. He was born at Leicester, Mass., August 5, 1792, the son of Capt. Samuel Upham, who moved to Ver mont in 1802, settling on a farm in Mont pelier. Young WiUiam worked on the farm until he was fifteen, attending school only winters, when an accident in a cider mill, crushing his right hand so that it had to be amputated, and unfitting hira for manual labor, procured paternal consent to his being "educated." .\ few terms at the old acad emy at MontpeUer, then sorae tutoring in Latin and Greek by Rev. James Hobart at Berlin, and a short time at the University of Verraont were, however, all that his raeans would permit in this line. Then he studied law with Samuel Prentiss at Montpelier ; was admitted to the bar in 1811, and for a few years practiced in partnership with Nicholas Baylies and afterwards alone or in temporary partnership for about thirty years, with hardly an interruption from poUtics to mar his professional achievements. It was a bar of great lawyers with whom he had to match wits, including besides Senator Prentiss, such giants as DiUingham, Collamer and Lucius B. Peck. But he was a foeraan worthy of the best of thera, and became, in fact, one of the strongest jury advocates the state has ever had. He was Choate-Uke in the fiery impetuousness of his eloquence, though without the rich poetic fancy with which Choate embelUshed his arguraent, masterful in his raethods of state- ii8 UPHAM. FOOT. ment, biting in sarcasm, full of nervous energy. Senator Seward in the obituary speeches in Congress described hira as a "man of strong and vigorous judgment, which acted always by a process of inductive reasoning," and these were quaUties that gave him peculiar powers in the rough and tumble of the law combats of those days. He kept carefully out of politics until his reputation was made at the bar, refused all proffers of nomination to office, including one for a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, and held firmly to the theory that the "law is a jealous mistress." In 1827 he did accept an election as town represen tative, because success seemed very dubious when he consented to run, and he was re elected the next year and again in 1830. He took high rank as a debater, of course, but at the close of his third term he re mained for ten years more a simple lawyer though he was state's attorney for Washing ton county in 1829. But he was ardently in sympathy with the Canadian rebeUion of 1838, presided over a great meeting at Mont pelier that year to send greetings to the insurgents and condemn the Van Buren administration for its efforts to stop filibust ering aid, and the 1840 campaign aroused him and for the first time in his life, when nearly fifty years old, he plunged actively into politics, and stumped nearly the whole state for Harrison. The fruit was an enthusiastic personal fol lowing for himself, which, in 1842, showed itself in his election as United States senator to succeed Sarauel C. Crafts ; at the end of his term he was re-elected for another term but died before completing it, Jan. 14, 1853. He was an ardent Whig and aU the more so because of the power of partisan advocacy which his training as a lawyer had given him. Ill-health in the later years of his service interfered rauch with his activity, but he made a number of notable speeches and took positions on some occasions that were historic. He and Crittenden of Kentucky were the two men who voted "aye, except the preamble " on the bill in 1845, declaring that "war existed by the act of Mexico " and authorizing the President to call out 50,000 men. He moved the Wilmot proviso, for ever forbidding slavery in the territory to be acquired, as an amendment to the bill in 1846 appropriating I3, 000,000 to authorize the President to negotiate peace with Mexico, and he made a speech on the subject, treating trenchantiy as it deserved the whole iniquity back of the Mexican war, which was widely circulated and published in pamphlets and newspapers. He raade a number of strong speeches on different questions connected with the war, the greatest of them being that of Jan. 28, 1848, on the biU to estabUsh ter ritorial governments in Oregon, California, and New Mexico. But perhaps the greatest one and the one most independent of party lines of aU his career was that of July 1 and 2, 1850, against the "compromise biU" of that year on the slavery question. On the tariff question he was a Whig of Whigs, believing that increase of industry and growth of national wealth would surely flow from a protective pohcy, and being one of the most strenuous advocates of the idea that wool growing was to be promoted by high duties. He fought hard against the Walker tariff-reducing biU of 1846, and his speech on that occasion was highly compUmented by Daniel Webster, who wrote asking for memoranda of some of his " statements re specting the market abroad for our wool," and adding, "following in your track, my work is to compare the value of the foreign and home market." The senator had a habit of exhaustively studyinghis subject before speaking and then an effective way of marshaling his facts and arguments. As Senator Foot said in his eulogy, his speeches had " the peculiar im press of his earnestness, his research, his ability, and his patriotic devotion." Mr. Upham was for several years chairraan of the coramittee on Revolutionary claims and post offlce and post roads, so that a vast deal of detail work was thrown on his shoulders. The senator's domestic life was a singu larly happy one. His wife was Sarah Keyes of Ashford, Conn., whom he met while she was on a visit in Montpelier with her sister^ Mrs. Thomas Brooks, grandmother of Gen. W. T. Brooks, coramander of the Vermont Brigade. She was a beautiful, accomplished woman, who made her home at Montpelier and at Washington a center of social charm as weU as a delight to its inmates. She died May 8, 1856. One of their sons, WilUam K. Upham, went to Ohio, where he rose to the front in law, ranking with such men as Chase, Corwin, and Bingham. Another, Major Charles C. Uphara, was paymaster in the United States Navy. FOOT, Solomon. — Senator, repre sentative in Congress for nineteen years, like Bradley and Edmunds long president pro tem of the Senate, and among the great est of the succession of reraarkable men Vermont has kept in the Senate, with hardly an exception, frora the beginning, was a native of the state, born in CornwaU, Nov. 15, 1802, the son of Dr. Soloraon and Betsey (Crossett) Foot. The family was of Con necticut origin, where one of the ancestors was prosecuted in 1702 "for having his negro servant sit" in his church pew, "contrary to reUgion and profanation of the Sabbath." Dr. Foot died when young Solomon was FOOT. FOOT. 119 only nine years old, and the boy was left to the training of an inteUigent and prayerful raother. With intermissions of farm work and teaching of district schools to earn money, he fitted for college and graduated frora Middlebury in 1826. For the next five years, except for one year while he was a tutor at Middlebury, he was preceptor of Castieton Academy, and professor of natural philosophy at the Vermont Medical School at that place. He re-estabUshed the academy on a broader basis, erected a handsorae and spacious edifice, and indeed achieved a large success as a pedagogue, as he did with everything he took hold of in life. But while teaching he had pursued the study of law ; was admitted to the bar in 1 83 1, and estabUshed himseU in practice at Rutland. He at once plunged into poUtics, attracted attention the next year with an ad dress which he issued in favor of Clay for President and against the re-election of Jack son, and from this time until his death he was almost constantly before the public. Rutland sent him to the Legislature in 1833, again in i836-'37-'38, he being speaker in the last two sessions, and freshly enhancing his reputation by the ease and ability with which he discharged the duties. From 1836 to 1842 he was state's attorney for Rutland county, and in the latter year was elected representative in Congress as an ardent Whig, a follower of Clay, and a repudiator of Tyler. His first appearance on the floor was to pre sent a petition for the "protection of Ameri can producers against the unfriendly and ruinous competition of foreign nations." His first speech, June 4, 1844, was in the same line, and this was his position as long as he was in Congress. He was one of the few Republicans to vote against the low tariff biU of 1857. He, of course, fought the Walker tariff bill of 1846 strenuously. He earnestly opposed the adraission of Texas and the Mexican war, whose purpose he de clared to be simply to obtain more territory for slavery, and denounced the raeasures of the Polk adrainistration almost uniformly, and especially its construction of the Oregon boundary question. He made a hot speech Feb. 10, 1847, fuU of " scornful defiance " of the President for his intimation that those who censured the conduct of the executive in carrying on the war were guUty of con structive treason. He was one of the three intrepid men who came to the rescue of Giddings of Ohio, when Dawson of Louis iana, supported by four other Southerners, pistol in hand, threatened to shoot him for his denunciation of the "brutal coarseness" and " moral putridity " of slavery, and when it looked for a time as if the floor of Con gress was to be a general shooting-ground. He served in the House two terms and refused a re-election in 1 841, to return to the practice of law. But he was the next fall sent to the Legislature by Rutland and re-elected in 1848, and again was speaker of that body, andin 1850 he was elected to the Senate to succeed Judge Phelps, and this was the arena where he won his largest fame. He was prominent in the debates over the Kansas question against the ad mission of the state under the Lecompton constitution. He opposed the scheme for the acquisition of Cuba, justifled the action of Commodore Paulding in the arrest of William Walker whose filibustering expedi tion to South America he recognized as a scheme of the slavery extensionists. He was a participant in the discussion of all Central American matters, and strenuous in insisting that England should give up her protectorate over the Mosquito territory. He served with Jeff Davis as a commissioner to reorganize the course of study and disci pline at West Point. He was a strong advocate of governmental construction of a raUroad to the Pacific coast. He carried through bUls for the erection of a custora house at Burlington and court houses at Windsor and Rutland and for the improve ment of the breakwater at Burlington. He served industriously on the committees on pensions, post-offices and post roads, revo lutionary claims, public lands, pensions con tingent claims and foreign relations, rising steadily by the care and thoroughness of his work to a position of leadership. He super vised the enlargeraent of the capitol and the erection of other government structures. He was chairman of the committee of ar rangements for the inauguration of President Lincoln. When the extra session of Congress was convened on account of the war, July 4, 1861, Mr. Foot was unanimously elected president pro tempore and through the whole of this, the whole of the Thirty-seventh and a part of the Thirty-eighth Congress he continued in this position. During the trying days of the war he did not appear on the floor so rauch as he had before done, evidently regarding speech- making as a needless waste of energy when there was so much work to be done, and the party in power had things aU their own way, anyhow. On several important occasions, however, he kicked out of party traces. He voted against the legal tender act because he regarded it as clearly unconstitutional, and against Sumner's biU in 1861 to wipe out of slavery in the proposed new state of West Virginia as a prerequisite to its admission. He was a delegate to the Republican national convention of 1864. One of his last speeches in the Senate was that of Jan. 12, 1865, in favor of terminating the Canadian reciproc- 120 Bl^INERD. BRAINERD. ity treaty. He was with the leaders of his party in sharp antagonism to President Johnson and his policy, but died March 28, 1866, before the crisis in that struggle carae, though he clearly foresaw it. In him the country plainly saw it had lost one of its best equipped statesraen. He raay not have had, as Senator Edraunds says, " that aggressive intellectual combativeness and analytical subtlety of mind, which, for tified by learning, has produced the greatest lawyers," but he had a sound and practical mind, an active and vigilant industry, a habit of thoroughness of preparation for his duties, together with an intellectual and moral courage, and a hatred of meanness and duplicity, that, while it sometimes car ried him too far in partisanship, made him faithful, reliable and useful. Senator Foot was twice married, first in 1839, to Emily, daughter of WUUam Fay of Rutland, who soon after died ; and second, to Mrs. Anna Dora, daughter of Henry Hodges of Clarendon, who survived him. BRAINERD, LAWRENCE.— Briefly sen ator, to fiU out Mr. Up ham's term, for years the recognized leader of the Lib erty party in the state and under whose auspices the old Whig party was ab solved into it, under the new narae " Republi can," was a na tive of Connecti cut, born at East Hartford, March 16, 1794- He was from a family that has been called one of " the two great families of divines" — the Beechers being the other — be cause of its great number of clergymen. Con gregational, Presbyterian and Methodist. Among them have been several missionaries, including David Brainerd, the evangelist of the aborigines, whose biography was written by Jonathan Edwards. Lawrence was the fifth of the thirteen chil dren of Dea. Ezra and Mabel (Porter) Brain erd, but when nine years old went to Troy, N. v., to live with an uncle, Joseph Brainerd. Five years later he started out to shift for himself, went to St. Albans on the proceeds of walnuts he had gathered and sold, and with a capital of just twenty-five cents began the struggle of life. That same year, though only fourteen, he was sent to Massachusetts, a distance of three hundred miles, to fetch a pair of oxen. He made the journey on foot but executed the trust faithfully. Though his education had been Umited, he fitted him self to teach district school and that pursuit he foUowed for several winters. Then he became a clerk in a store, and, in 1816, em barked in business for himself, and with his foresight, courage and large judgment rapidly enlarged his operations, acquiring additional wealth at every step. He conducted a large mercantile estab lishment, doing an extensive barter with the farmers. He also engaged in farming and sheep raising, and as "railroad tiraes" ap proached took hold of these enterprises with all his energy. With John Smith and Joseph Clark he effected the construction of the Vermont & Canada R. R., borrowing ^500,- 000 on their personal credit before any stock subscriptions had becorae available. He was connected with the Verraont Central either as director or trustee until his death, and was araong the original projectors and promoters of the Stanstead, Sheffield & Chambly, and of the Missisquoi roads. He was also largely interested before this time in Lake Cham plain navigation, built the first upper cabin steamer that pUed its waters, and was a director of the St. Albans Steamboat Co. for many years. His political life began with service as deputy sheriff in his young manhood, to which he was recommended by his reputa tion for bravery. In 1834 he was elected representative from St. Albans, but this was his last office until he became Federal sena tor, because in 1840 he abandoned the Whig party, with which he had been affili ated, on the slavery issue. He was one of the three hundred and nineteen in Vermont to cast their votes for Birney for President in 1840. He stood as the Liberty party's candidate for Governor in 1846 and 1847, yielding the post to Oscar L. Shafter and the "Free SoU" movement of 1848, but re turning to it in 1852 and 1853, holding the balance of power so as to throw the election into the Legislature in 1852, and defeat the Whigs and prevent Governor Fairbanks' re-election in 1853. The result was the break-down of the W'higs, the coalition of 1854 and the formation of the new Repub lican party, over whose first convention in July of that year Mr. Brainerd presided. He was a candidate for the state Senate frora his county, but was beaten by the old Whig animosity. But the new movement had be corae so strong before the close of the year, that when a \-acancy in the United States Senate occurred by the death of Senator Uphara, Brainerd was elected to it by a practicaUy unaniraous vote, the first man who had been sent there on purely abolition ist principles. COLLAMER. COLLAMER. He was a delegate to the Republican -national conventions of 1856 and i860, and chairman of the Vermont delegation in the latter that threw the vote of the state for iAbraham Lincoln. He called the conven tion of 1856 to order, was chosen one of its vice-presidents, and served during the cam paign on the national executive committee. He was,of course, a cordial supporter of the Union cause through the war, and a less impatient one than most of the old anti- slavery leaders, because he foresaw that the end, in the inevitable logic of events, raust be eniancipation. He had, before the war, kept the last station of the "underground raUroad " on the route to Canada, and many a poor runaway black had been aided by . him to liberty. After the war he was deeply interested in the work of the American Missionary Associ ation in educating and uplifting- the freemen, and was president of the association and always a generous contributor to its funds. He in fact came to be known as among the most princely of Vermont philanthropists, and his donations were in many Unes of edu cational and religious work. He was a bus iness man of remarkable abiUty always, and his training and habits of thought followed him in his benefactions. He had to be con vinced that the object of charity was a worthy one, that the money would be judi ciously expended, and then his purse strings were open. Disbursements increased in magnitude as his means increased, and he recognized in the possession of wealth a trust to be executed for good. Hewas married Jan. 16, 18 19, to Fidelia Barnet, daughter of WiUiam Gadcomb, and she died Oct. t8, 1852, having borne him twelve children, of whom four sons and two daughters reached maturity. One daughter married J. Gregory Smith, afterwards Gover nor ; and the other, F. S. Stranahan, the present Lieutenant-Governor. The sons were : Lawrence, Aldis, Erastus P., and Herbert, who have aU been men of promi nence. COLLAMER, JACOB.— Judge, both representative and senator in Congress, post master-general under Taylor, the only Ver monter before Proctor to serve in the cabinet, is the man whose statue, as the rep resentative Vermonter, stands with that of Ethan Allen in legislative hall at Washing ton. He was born at Troy, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1791, the son of Sarauel and Elizabeth (Van Ormun) Collamer, the third of eight chU dren. His father was a soldier of the Revo lution and of a family that had for genera tions been prominent in Massachusetts, " CoUamores Ledge " being naraed after one member, Capt. Anthony Collamer, who was shipwrecked there. Samuel Collamer carae to Vermont when Jacob was about four years old. Early in youth, ambition and thirst for knowledge possessed the boy, and by his own energy and industry he procured the means to prosecute preparatory collegi ate and professional study and yet was fitted for admission to the University of Vermont at the age of fifteen. He gradu ated in 18 10, and then studied law with Mr. Langworthy and later with Benjamin Swift at St. Albans, being admitted to the bar in 1813. There was an interruption in 1812 when he was drafted into the detailed militia service and served in the frontier campaign as lieutenant of artillery. In 1 8 16 he moved to Royalton, where he practiced his profession with growing repu tation for twenty years, until in 1836 he went to Woodstock. He was for several years register of probate in the Royalton district. He represented that town in the Legislatures of 1821, '22, '27 and '28. He was state's attorney for Windsor county in 1822, '23 and '24. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1836, that did away with the old Governor's council and established the state Senate, and took a leading part in effecting the change. In 1833, unexpectedly to himself, Mr. Collamer was elected one of the assistant judges of the Suprerae Court, and regularly re-elected until 1842, when he declined further service. If his career had ended here it would have been distinguished ; as a nisi prius judge he was extraordinarily well equipped by habit and training of mind. As Judge Jaraes Barertt, long his partner, says of hira : "Without any of the qualities designated fancy, imagination, brilliancy, or genius, his mind was made up of a clear and ready perception, acuteness of discrimi nation, a facile faculty of analysis, an apt ness and ease in rigid and simple logic, exceUent coraraon sense, and withal, a most tenacious memory of facts. These qualities of .mind enabled him to serve and master all the substantial purposes of professional and judicial avocation without his becoming era phatically a judicial scholar. What his law books contained he knew not, as mere raat ter of recollection, their substance became incorporated as matter of consciousness into the very substance of his raind, which thus became thoroughly indoctrinated and imbued with the foundation principles upon which the superstructure of his professional greatness arose." Says Judge Poland : " His published opinions while a judge of the Supreme Court, are models of judicial compositions. For accuracy of learning, terseness of statement, clearness and comprehensiveness of style, I COLLAMER. COLLAMER. do not know where they are excelled. Had Judge Collamer remained upon the bench to the end of his Ufe, like Chief Justice Shaw of Massachusetts, or Chief Justice Gibson of Pennsylvania, I have no doubt his judicial fame would have equalled that of those emi nent jurists." But the next year, after a close and hotly- contested campaign that required two trials at the poUs, and with Ransom and Titus Hutchinson the candidates against hira, he was elected to Congress and entered upon the national career that continued, with only brief interruptions and with steadily enlarg ing fame and usefulness, until his death. His colleagues when he took his seat were George P. Marsh, Solomon Foot and Paul DiUing ham. His first speech was in February, 1844, in opposition to the apportionment resolution, and it attracted a good deal of attention. But the argument which fixed his place in the front rank of the Whig leaders was delivered in the April following, on the tariff, and under the title of " A^'ool and Woolens," to which a large part of it was given. It is, perhaps, the strongest and most exhaustive argument ever made in favor of protection to wool growing, and as a his torical, constitutional and economic argu ment was one of the best Congress has ever heard on the protective side of the question. He served on the pubUc lands committee and was its chairman in the Thirtieth Con gress. He originated the system now in force of mapping the pubUc domain and thus exhibiting the real location and raarket status of every section of land. He was prominent in the debates on the annexation of Texas and the Mexican war, taking the Whig view, of course, but with the modera tion and independence of judgraent that so often marked his conduct. He decUned a re-election to Congress in 1848, but a legislative caucus that faU for mally recommended him for a cabinet posi tion, and President Taylor on his inauguration named him for Postmaster-General. Here again his clear-headed and progressive thought brought some good ideas to the administration, and though the service was brief, it is the testimony of his associate in the cabinet, Reverdy Johnson, that the "vast and complicated business of the department was never more ably conducted." Henry Wilson says in his history, the "Rise and FaU of the Slave Power," that Mr. Collamer "was a statesman of recognized abiUty and firmness, and was unquestionably the most decided of any meraber of the cabinet in his opposition to the increasing encroachments of the slave power." On the death of President Taylor, in July, 1850, Mr. Collamer resigned with the rest of the cabinet, and again returned to his law practice in Vermont, and was that faU elected circuit judge by the Legislature. The choice between the Supreme Court and circuit judiciary was offered him, but he pre ferred the latter and continued to preside in the county courts, untU in 1854 the young RepubUcan party elected him United States Senator as an anti-slavery Whig, in conjunc tion with Lawrence Brainerd of Free Soil antecedents. He at once entered the arena over the Kansas troubles, presented a min ority report, signed only by himself, upon the condition of affairs in that territory, and he was fully a match for Douglass in the great debate that followed, ushering in the years of controversy that ended with the admis sion of Kansas as a free state in 1861, a result that was largely developed out of his efforts. He was not and never professed to be an aboUtionist, but he understood fully the spirit and purpose and inevitable pro cedure of the slave power. He long be lieved that it could be met and defeated by standing on the constitution, but never by yielding to its encroachments. He and Grimes of Iowa, and Fessenden of Maine were most intimate associates through this era, forraing in their conservatism along cer tain lines, and their agreement in economic views a triumvirate not less useful, though less conspicuous than that of Seward, Chase and Sumner which finaUy aroused and brought to fruition the tremendous moral sentiment of the North on the slavery question. As has been weU said of him, he "united the best traits of the radical and the conserva tive." He was one of the three senators from New England who voted against the tariff biU of 1857. When his term expired in i860 he was re-elected for a second term, and fiUed even a larger place in national councUs. Indeed, Vermont presented his name to the Chicago convention that year for the Republican nomination for the presidency, and he re ceived ten votes on the first ballot of the convention, the only Vermonter, except Ed munds, who has been so honored in the national conventions of either party. But his name was withdrawn after the first ballot, and though there was some talk of him for the vice-presidential nomination, he was left to do an important work and one for which he was best adapted in the Senate, to meet the storm which was gathering upon the country. At first, as Sunset Cox says in his "Three Decades," Senator Collamer was " regarded as not indifferent to a compromise which would at least retain the border states, if it did not stop the movement of the Gulf states" toward secession. He and Fessenden were araong the few RepubUcans who decUned to vote against the "Crittenden corapro- COLLAMER. COLLAMER. 123 mise" of the winter of 1861, proposing by constitutional amendment to forever forbid any revocation of the guarantees of slavery within existing Umits, its three-fifths repre sentation and its perpetual right to recover fugitives, in other words, to intrench the institution securely in the organic law of the land. They did not vote for this amend ment, but by abstaining from voting at all, signified their wiUingness to concede so much if it would satisfy the South ; and indeed it would only have been putting into constitutional phrase the doctrine upon which aU parties had professed to stand up to that time. He voted and spoke power fully in the panic following Bull Run, for the Crittenden resolution, declaring that the war was waged only to preserve the Union, the su premacy of the constitution, and the dig nity, equality and rights of all the states, and as soon as these objects were accomplished the "war ought to cease." But while he was of the conservative ele ment of the party, repressing the extreme measures to which the times naturally tended, he was resolute and uncompromising in his stand for the Union. The great act of July 13, 1861, which invested the President with new powers and gave the war its first con gressional sanction, was drawn by him, and in the words of Charles Sumner, who was so often in conflict with him, it was "a land mark in our history, and might properly be known by the narae of its author as Col- lamer's Statute." He offered the resolution in the amended form it finally took regard ing the reclaiming and surrender bf fugitive slaves, forbidding any army or naval officer under severe penalties from assuming to take any action whatever on the subject. He opposed in 1862 Sumner's amendment to an appropriation biU prohibiting the do raestic slave trade, on the ground that any law which should undertake in any way to recognize negroes as merchandise in stead of "persons," as described in the constitution, was " totally unauthorized and unconstitutional." He offered the biU of 1864, to treat aU negroes who had enlisted on the same footing as other troops. But he opposed, as did several of the most radi cal anti-slavery men, the prohibition of slavery in West Virginia when it was cre ated into a state and admitted to the Union. He stood out against the bulk of his party in denying the right of Congress to tax the state banks out of existence. He opposed also the Legal Tender Act, making an ex haustive argument against it as unconstitu tional. He would not admit the " necessity " or the morality of the greenback issue. He was not wilUng that the government should be hke the man who says, " Here is my note, if I do not pay it you must steal the araount frora the first man you come to and give him this note in payment." .As the war closed and the era of recon struction came on, Mr. Collamer found him self more nearly in line with the more radical section of his party. He denied the right of the insurgent states to participate in any presidential election untU Congress had declared that the insurrection was ended. He demanded of the South in the last speech he made, " some security for future peace." His arguraent for the requirement of the " ironclad oath " is declared by-Henry WUson to have been "among the most lucid and logical presentation, of the reasons for extra-judicial and extra-constitutional legislation." He took the ground fully that Congress could and should control in the matter of reconstruction. But disease and death cut short his service before the struggle over this subject had reached its great historic intensity. He died at his home in Woodstock, Nov. 9, 1865. The judgraent of his cotemporaries was one of profound adrairation for his character and abiUties. Senator Morrill, in presenting to Congress the statue in behalf of the state, declared hira to be its "foreraost citizen in abiUty, raoral excellence, and national dis tinction." Mr. Blaine in "Twenty Years of Congress" sums Collamer up as "an able, wise, just and firm raan, stern in principle, conservative in action," and again, "to de scribe hira in a single word, he was a wise man." "Conservative in his nature, he was sure to advise against rashness. Sturdy in his principles, he always counseled firmness. In the periods of excitement through which the party was about to pass, his judgraent was sure to prove of highest value — influ enced, as it always was, by patriotism, and guided by conscience. Without power as an orator, he was listened to in the Senate with profound attention, as one who never offered counsel that was not needed. He carried into the Senate the gravity, the dig nity, the weight of character, which enabled him to control more ardent natures, and he brought to a later generation the wisdom and experience acquired in a long life de voted to the service of his state and of his country." Of his personaUty the best picture was that drawn at a single touch by Representa tive Woodbridge, in presenting resolutions upon his death. "You aU recollect the sweetness of his face. He seemed, as Sidney Smith said of Horner, to have the ten com mandments written there." He was a man who was loved by chUdren, by neighbors, by all who knew him. He was a member of the Congregational church for the last twenty years of his life, and he delivered a course of lectures, as reverent as they were learned, on 124 POLAND. POLAND. " The Authenticity of the Scriptures." He was for some tirae professor of medical juris prudence in the Vermont Medical CoUege, at Woodstock, where he gave short but instructive courses of lectures. The Uni versity of Verraont conferred the degree of LL. D. on him in 1849, and Dartmouth in i860. Mr. Collamer wedded, July 15, 18 17, Mary N., daughter of Abijah Stone, and seven children were the fruit of this union : Harriet (Mrs. EUakim Johnson), Mary (Mrs. Horace Hunt, of New York City), Edward, now in Ohio ; EUen (Mrs. Thoraas G. Rice, of Cambridge, Mass.), and Frances, who resides at the old family mansion at Wood stock. WilUam Collamer died in 1873, being a man of unusually brUUant parts. POLAND, Luke P.— Chief justice of the state Supreme -" - ' ^ . ] Court, both sen ator and repre- sentative in Congress, and a man of extraor dinarily large brain power, though without the qualities of popular success in politics, was born at West ford, Nov. I, 1815, the son of Luther and Nancy (Potter) Poland. The father and grandfather were carpenters and joiners by trade and farmers as well, and the father was Waterville's first representative in the Legislature after it was organized as a town. But the family was in comparatively humble circumstances and Luke's educational advantages were limited to a few weeks each year in the public school, until he was twelve years old, and a bare five months in the academy at Jericho, when he was seventeen. The balance of his youth was passed as clerk in a country store at WatervUle, and in work upon the paternal farm and in the saw-miU. But he was an eager student and gathered such knowledge from reading and contact with Ufe that his father approved of his desire to study law, and he set out on foot with a capital consisting of just one change of underclothing, for the neighboring village of Morristown, and teaching school that win ter, began the study the following spring in the office of Samuel A. WUlard. He was admitted to the bar in 1836 and by the force of his native abiUty rose so rapidly in the ranks of his profession that twelve years later, in 1848, he was elected one of the judges of the Supreme Court over a Whig competitor and by a Whig Legisla ture, though he had himself always been a Deraocrat until that year when he was can didate for Lieutenant-Governor on the Free Soil ticket. He had before been register of probate for Lamoille county in i839-'4o;a meraber of the state constitional conven tion in 1843; states attorney for Lamoille county in 1844 and '45. His judicial duties kept him out of active poUtics for the next twenty years, though he was still a Democrat of Free Soil sympathies until after the formation of the Republican party when he joined that. In i860 he was chosen chief justice of the Supreme Court and held the position until his election as senator. Some important questions went into the crucible of his thought and decision during these years, araong them the power of eminent domain or the right to take pri vate property for pubUc uses and the proper extent and limitation of that power ; the adoption of the common law of England by the United States ; the subject of easements; the constitutionality of retroactive statutes; the acquirement of title by adverse posses sion ; to what extent promises to pay the debt of another are governed by the statute of frauds. His opinion upon the extent of the constitutional power of the state to au thorize its soldiers in carap to vote was re garded as a settlement of that vexed ques tion, and was followed by several states. Judge James Barrett says of him : "In thirty years conversancy with the bench and bar of Vermont, it has not been my fortune to know any other instance in which the presiding judge in his «m/r/«j circuit has been so uniformly, and by the spontaneous acquiesence of the bar, so emphatically 'the end of the law' in aU things appertaining to the business of these courts. As judge of the Supreme Court sitting in banc his adapt- edness to the place was equaUy 'manUest His mastery of the principles of the law, his discriminating apprehension of the principles involved in the specific case in hand, his facility in developing, by logical processes and practical illustrations, the proper ap- pUcations and results of these principles are very strikingly evinced in the judicial opin ions drawn up by him, contained in the Ver mont reports. His meraory of cases in which particular points have been decided was extraordinary, and this raemory was ac companied by a very full and accurate appre hension of the very points and grounds and reasons of the judgment. Some of the cases in which he drew the opimon of the court stand forth as leading cases, and his treatment of the subjects involved ranks with the best specimens of judicial disquisition." POLAND. POLAND. 125 Upon the death of Senator Collamer, having some years before moved to the east side of the mountain and made St. Johns bury his home, he was chosen by the Legis lature to fiU out the unexpired term of a little over a year, and in 1866 was elected representative to the lower house of Con gress and MorrUl transferred to the Senate. While in the Senate he was placed on the judiciary committee and piloted the bank ruptcy bUl, of which he was given charge, tb enactment. While in the Senate also he inaugurated, the greatest work of his con gressional career, the revision and consoli dation of the statutes of the United States. The plan, a singularly clear and comprehen sive one, was his, and passed substantially in the shape he reported it, the direction of all subsequent proceedings in the foUowing seven years was by him, as chairman of the house committee ; the ultimate decision of what was and was not law, the sifting out of statutes that over-lapped one another, or were repealed because of incompatibility or inconsistency ; the construing of difficult or conflicting phrases, the rearrangement of the statutes by subject and in all the detaU and diversity of chapters and sections, were aU guided ultimately by him. This codification was a work largely judicial in character, and as Hon. Lorin Blodgett said in an address before the Social Science Association at Philadelphia, in 1875, entitled to " a rank quite distinct from if not higher than any previous work of the kind known to history." Both the House and Senate accepted the work as it came frora his hands and it be came law June 3, 1874. Judge Poland fiUed several other important posts during his House service. He was chairman of the committee to investigate the Ku Klux outrages, which took evidence fiU- ing thirteen large volumes, and whose report had much to do with breaking up that organ ization. He took a prominent part in the discussion of the vexed question of the Geneva award, advocating the right of the insurance companies to receive the m.oney awarded for vessels and cargoes destroyed by the rebel cruisers where the owners had received their insurance. He was chairman of the Credit Mobilier investigating com mittee, and drew the report which, though unaniraous on the part of the committee, and relegating several prominent men to private Ufe, was regarded as somewhat of a com promise on the merits of the case. In the winter of i874-'75, after he had been de feated for re-election, he was chairman of the special committee appointed to investi gate the troubles in Arkansas, and his report was in direct antagonism to the views of President Grant and the party leaders, and strong in its condemnation of the policy of military interference with state elections and state governments. It was a vigorous dis play of independence, such as he had not often been accustomed to in the heat of the politics of the previous few years, but natural ot his judicial mind. There had been a marked incident of a similar kind while he was in the Senate when he voted in opposi tion to the bulk of his party in favor of Senator Stockton in the contested election case from New Jersey. It was in the Congress of i873-'75, while leading in the Credit MobUier investigation, and as his great work in the revision of the laws was nearing its end, that Judge Poland seemed to be on the crest of the wave of advancement. There were even suggestions of him for the Presidential nomination in the next campaign. But the prospects were aU dashed at one blow, by the passage of the "salary grab" biU, so called, increasing the salaries of members to ? 7,5 00 a year and dating it back to the beginning of that Con gress. Judge Poland voted against the bill, but he would not yield to the storm of pop ular fury which arose. While other raerabers hastened to convert their extra salary back into the treasury, or give it to their states or benevolent objects, he felt only conterapt for their terror. "Here," he said, slapping his trousers pocket, when asked as to the dispo sition of his extra pay, "here it is and here it is going to stay." He had had a sharp fight against the brilliant Judge B. H. Steele to secure his renomination in 1872, and antagonisms and claims of broken trades arose on every side to confront him. There had always been weaknesses in hira as a politician. His brainy quaUty could not be denied, and personally there was a spark ling wit and genial humor that won some raen to him, while it seemed to repel others ; there were accusations of greed in money matters, of too much grasping of honors for himself and of too great fondness for whiskey, all of which had some basis of truth, though greatly exaggerated and entitled to weigh but little in the balance against his extraordinary intellectual equipment. But in the peculiar conditions of that year, the political revulsion that extended through the land, they were sufficient to defeat him for re-election in one of the strongest Republican districts of the country. He was, however, chairman of the state's delegation to the RepubUcan national con vention of 1876, and was still suggested in some quarters as a vice-presidential candi date ; but he himself presented Wheeler's name to the convention and was largely in strumental in securing the nomination for that gentleman. In 1878 St. Johnsbury sent hira to the state Legislature, where, of course, he took a leading position. In 126 POLAND. POLAND. 1882, he made something of a contest against Senator Morrill for the latter's seat in the Senate, but unsuccessfully of course. But a "surprise party" in the convention of the new second district of that year secured him the nomination for the House away frora General Grout. But he served only one term and despite his great and recognized abiUty, and long experience, without especial dis tinction ; he seeraed to be out of the current, all the raore because it was evident that he would not secure a re-election. He was married on the 12th of Janua ry, 1838, to Martha Smith, daughter of Dr. WiUiam Page of Waterville. By this mar riage he had three chUdren. Of these Martin L., the eldest, was educated at West Point Military Academy, and afterward served as captain of the ordnance corps; he died at Fort Yuma in August, 1878; Mary died in August, 1865; and Isabel is now the wife of A. E. Rankin of St. Johns bury. Mrs. Poland died in AprU, 1853, In 1854 Judge Poland married Adelia H, Page, sister of his deceased wife. He received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Vermont in 1861, was a trus tee of the institution, 1878, and founded the Westford scholarship there in honor of his native town. Judge Poland died July 2, 1887. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. The following is a coraplete list of the Representatives in Congress for Vermont. Bio graphical sketches of the entire hst are given on the following pages, with exceptions noted. Nathaniel Niles, 1791-95 Orsamus C. Merrill, 1817-ig §Solomon Foot. 1843-47 flsrael Smith, 1791-97 Charles Rich, 1817-25 tPaul Dillingham, T843-47 Daniel Buck, 1795-99 Henry Olin, 1824-25 §Jacob Collamer, 3843-49 Matthew Lyon, 1797-1801 Mark Richards, 1817-21 William Henry, 1847-51 Lewis R. Morris, 1797-1803 William Strong, 1819-21 Lucius B. Peck, 1847-51 flsrael Smith, 1801-03 Ezra Meech, 18x9-21 William Hebard, 1849-53 William Chamberlain, 1803-05 Rollin C. Mallory, i8ig--3i James Meacham, 1849-56 tMartin Chittenden, 1803-13 Elias Keyes, 1821-23 Ahiman L, Miner, 1851-53 James Elliot, 1803-og tJohn Mattocks, 1S21-23 Thomas Bartlett, Jun., 1851-53 Gideon Olin, 1803-07 Phineas White, 1821-23 Andrew Tracey, 1853-55 §James Fisk, 1805-og William C. Bradley, 1823-27 Alvah Sabin, 1853-57 James Witherell, 1807-08 D. Azro A. Buck, 1823-29 IJustin S. Morrill, 1855-67 Samuel Shaw, 1808-13 Ezra Meech, 1825-27 George T. Hodges, 1856-57 William Chamberlain, 1809-11 tJohn Mattocks, 1825-27 Eliakim P. Walton, 1857-63 Jonathan H. Hubbard, 1809-11 George E. Wales, 1825-29 Homer E. Royce, 1857-61 §James Fisk, 1811-15 Heman Allen of Milton, 1827-29 Portus Baxter, 1861-67 William Strong, 181T-15 §Benjamin Swift, 1827-31 Frederick E. Woodbridge, 1863-69 William C. Bradley, 1813-15 Jonathan Hunt, 1827-32 Worthington C. Smith, §Luke P. Poland, 1867-73 jEzra Butler, 1813-15 William Gaboon, 1827-33 1S67-75 jRichard Skinner, 1813-15 Horace Everett, 1829-43 Charles W. Willard, 1869-75 Charles Rich, 1813-15 tWilliam Slade, 1831-43 JGeorge W. Hendee, 1873-79 Daniel Chipman, 1815-17 Heman Allen of Milton, 1832-39 Dudley C. Denison, 1875-79 Luther Jewett, 1815-17 tHiland Hall, 1833-43 JCharles H. Joyce, 1875-83 Chauncey Langdon, 1815-17 Benjamin F. Deming, 1S33-35 Bradley Barlow, 1879-81 Asa Lyon, 1815-17 Henry F. Janes, 1835-37 t J ames M. Tyler, 1879-83 Charles Marsh, 1815-17 Isaac Fletcher, 1837-41 fWilliam W. Grout, 1881-83 John Noyes, 1815-17 John Smith, 1839-41 §Luke P. Poland, 1883-85 Heman Allen of Colchester, 1817-18 Augustus Young, 1841-43 tJohn W. Stewart, 1883^92 tSamuel C. Crafts, 1817-25 tJohn Mattocks, .841-43 tWilliam W. Grout, 1885- William Hunter, 1817-19 George P. Marsh, 1S43-49 JH. Henry Powers, 1892- * Biographical sketch will be found amo ng " The Fathers.'' § Biographical sketch will be found among " The S enators.'' t Biographical sketch will b^ found amo ng " The Governors,'' j Bic graphical skt tch will be found in Part II. NILES, N ATH ANIE L.— Legislator, speaker, councilor, congressraan, lawyer, judge, physician, preacher, inventor, and with al soraething of a poet, was, perhaps, the man of the most varied attainments of any of the fathers. He was one of the first settlers of Fairlee, and having been a legislative leader during the state's career as an independent repubhc, was, with Israel Smith, its first representative in the Federal Congress. He was born at South Kingston, R. I., April 3, 1 741, the grandson of Samuel Niles, the famous author and minister at Braintree, Mass. He commenced his coUegiate course at Harvard, and, ill-health compelling hira to suspend his studies for a time, graduated at Princeton. He studied theology under Rev. Dr. Bellamy, early exhibiting his tendency toward independent thought and inquiry along unusual lines. He was also in these young days a student of law and medicine, taught school awhile in New York City, preached for a tirae at Norwich and Torring- ton. Conn., and showed his versatUity of mind with mechanical experiments. He was the inventor of the process of making wire from bar iron by water power, and he erected at Norwich, Conn., where he early took up his residence, a woolen card manufactory. He was an ardent patriot in the Revolution and, though there is no record preserved of military service on his part, he was the au thor of an ode entitled " The American Hero," written just after the battle of Bunker HiU and published in the Connecticut Ga zette in February, 1776, which was immedi ately set to music by Rev. Dr. Sylvanus Rip ley, father of Gen. E. "W. Ripley, and was almost universally sung in the churches of the eastern states, and is said to have be come the war song of the New England soldiers. Its concluding stanza read : Life for my country and the cause of freedom Is but a trifle for a man to part with; And if preserved in so great a contest, Life is redoubled. He came to West Fairlee with a number of Connecticut associates just after the Rev olution, settled near the center of the town and purchased a large tract of land. Here he preached every Sunday in his own house for twelve years, and became a strong reUg ious and moral force in the comraunity. He was elected to the Legislature in 1 784 and was immediately chosen speaker. As a pre siding officer he won the same success as everywhere in life, being masterful in parUa mentary law, fair in rulings, and efficient and expeditious in the transaction of business. In 1784 he was also elected with Moses Rob inson and Ira Allen an agent to Congress to "transact and negotiate the business of this state with that body." In the break-up of 128 NILES. NILES. I 789,when Governor Chittenden failed for one year of re-election, Mr. Niles got a few of the scattering votes for Governor. The same year also he was elected one of the judges of the Supreme Court, and held the position until 1 788. In 1 785 and 1787 he was also a mera ber of the council, and served in the Consti tutional Convention of 1791, and took the lead with Chipman in securing the ratifica tion of the Federal Constitution. Upon the admission of the state to the Union he was elected to Congress, serving two terms from 1791 to 1795. But the close of his service in Congress did not mean his retirement frora public life. He again rep resented Fairlee in the Legislatures of 1800- 'oi-'o2, and in i8i2-'i3-'i4, was again a member of the council of censors in 1799, and was again returned to the Governor's Council in 1803, and served five years until 1808, while he also took a prominent part in the Constitutional Convention of 1814. In poUtics Mr. Niles, Uke that other great Baptist preacher-politician of the state, Ezra Butler, was a thorough-going Jeffersonian Republican, all the more influential because their views were in such marked contrast to the generality of ministers in New England. For a period of nearly twenty years Mr. Niles was perhaps the most steadfast and most popular champion of Democratic views in Verraont. His first election to Congress was before party Unes had been definitely forraed in either the state or nation, and his retirement became inevitable as the Federal ists got control of the state, and party pas sion was running to a high degree of virulence. It is worthy of note that aU four of the state's first congressmen. Senators Robinson and Bradley, and Representatives Niles and Israel Smith, afterwards took the Jeffersonian side of politics. Naturally, coming from the healthy mountain atmosphere of freedom, they were shocked even as Jefferson was, at the growth of aristocratic ideas and mon archical leanings which increasingly charac terized the career of the FederaUst party, and ruined its usefulness so quickly after it had achieved its great work of consolidating the Union. His poUtical feeUng once led hira to what approached rather near sharp prac tice for a raan of the cloth. It was in 1813, when the people of Vermont had failed to elect a Governor by popular vote and when the issue in the Legislature hung so long doubtful. Three of the FederaUst councilors had failed to arrive at the opening of the Legislature, and Niles and Henry Olin on October 16, moved to proceed at once to the election and fought hard to bring it about in joint committee. Probably if they had succeeded Governor Galusha would have been re-elected, but they were beaten by a vote of 108 to 102. Niles was consistent with the spirit and hope of his party in those days, in being a resolute antagonist of slavery. He led in formulating the demand ofthe state in 1805 for a constitutional amendraent to forever prohibit the importation of slaves, or people of color into the country. His name appears all through the records of the "Governor and Council" alike during his service on the floor of the Assembly and in the Council, as among the busiest of legis lators, alike with topics of raere local inter est and those of large importance. He was prominent in 1801 in advocacy of the amendraent to the Federal constitution for the election by districts of presidential elec tors and representatives in Congress, which passed the Vermont legistature by a vote of nearly three to one, but failed of assent by the requisite nuraber of states. He and Olin made sharp issue with Gov. Martin Chittenden's address of 18 14, expressing the extreme Federalist antipathy to the war of 18 1 2, and declaring it "unnecessary, un wise and hopeless in all its offensive oper ations." After fighting the answer ofthe, legislative committee echoing this sentiment, they with eighty other Democratic members entered their solemn protest against it on the records of the House. It was a time that stirred men deeply. That Niles was not ordinarily indisposed to the amenities of official intercourse was shown in 1800, when he was chairman of the committee to draft a response to Gover nor Tichenor's address, and though they were on opposite sides in politics and it was the year of a presidential campaign, the re port responding to the sentiments of the Governor was such as was agreed to by the Assembly without a division. He was alsa chairman of a committee to respond to Governor Galusha's patriotic address in 181 2, and being in fuU sympathy with the Governor did it in a, style that was called " eminently partisan." He is on record with Asaph Fletcher and Samuel Shepardson in 1804, as "entering a solemn protest" against some of the lottery legislation of that year, not so much against the principle of the thing itself as the extraordinary immuni ties granted the seUers of the tickets. He was chairman of the coraraittee in 18 14, that reported against the constitutional amend ment proposed by Tennessee and Pennsyl vania to reduc- the term of senators from six years to , and he was chairman on the part of thc House of the joint committee to consider the invitation of Massachusetts to send delegates to the Hartford conven tion, and which to the lasting credit of Ver mont, by a unanimous vote of the six Fed eralists and three Republicans, reported NILES. BUCK. 129 against having anything to do with this traitorous scheme. He was a strenuous opponent of the bank biU schemes proposed so thickly in the early years of the century, though he did, finally, in 1806, assent to the compromise for the establishment of the Verraont State Bank. Some of the arguments of his reports read interestingly now. "Banking operations," he wrote, are " a vicious substitute for that in dustry and economy, which constitute the best portion of our means of UveUhood." " Credit is not less liable than money to be misimproved, and while the misiraprovement of money merely diminishes property, that of credit creates debt and when it is eraployed to discharge one debt by incurring another, nothing can commonly be gained. Sudden changes in the quantity of circulating me dium are not less fatal to prosperity than all such changes in the atmosphere to the com fort and health of mankind. They operate powerfully, to shift property from hand to hand without at all augmenting the general wealth of a country ; banking establishments, to say the least, possess in a very high degree, the very dangerous power of producing such changes, in the circulation of the pecuniary medium of commerce." The " tendency " of bank bills would be to " palsy the vigor of in dustry and to stupefy the vigilance of econ omy." Among the many other measures of permanent interest with which he was iden tified was that of 1803 defining the power of justices of the peace. With his work in the Legislature, and the constitutional convention of 18 14, Judge Niles, at the age of nearly seventy-four, re tired from his thirty years of almost con tinuous pubUc service, and passed the rest of his days until his death, in November, 1828, at the age of eighty-eight, at his com fortable home in West Fairlee, and being until the end among the most revered of our public characters. A massive granite monument, typical of his character, stands over his grave in the center of the town. Judge Niles was twice married, first to a daughter of Rev. Dr. Joseph Lathrop of West Springfield, Mass., and second to EUzabeth, daughter of William Watson of Plymouth, Mass., a lady of the highest ac- compUshraents and the intimate friend and correspondent of the most eminent philoso phers and theologians of the period. He left two sons of considerab' ' intellectual at tainments ; one of them, . ^amed Nath aniel, became United Stai'es consul at Sardinia, acting plenipotentiary to Austria, and secretary of legation at the court of St. James under General Cass. Judge Niles was quite a voluminous writer and a large number of his sermons, addresses on one occasion or another, essays and poems were published. BUCK, Daniel. — One of the state's re presentatives to Congress and speaker of the Assembly just after the adraission to the Union, was one of the earliest settlers of the state, a lawyer by profession. He repre sented Norwich for several years, was active and prominent in legislation always, and held the speaker's chair in 1795-6. He was also in the Legislature again in 1806. He was in 1792 counsel for Ira Allen in the long and bitter fight in the Legislature over the latter's accounts, one phase of which re sulted in a political revolution, and ousted Governor Chittenden from office for one term. He was a member of the convention at Bennington that adopted the act of union, but took the lead in opposing that action and urging Vermont to continue an inde pendent little republic by herself. He made the motion in 1794, though then speaker, by which it was decided after long debate not to make provision to pay the debts of those Tories whose property had been con fiscated by the state. He took a leading part in the passage of the act of 1806, era- powering judges of the Supreme Court of judicature to grant divorces. He was one of the committee in 1805 that drafted the resolution to concur in the proposal of Ken tucky to amend the constitution so as to limit the jurisdiction of United States courts by excluding causes between citizens of dififerent states. He was also active in the Legislature of 1806 for the establish ment of a state bank. He appears to have served the state as attorney-general in 1 794, as the records of the Governor and council show an act in October, '95, directing pay ment for the last year. His service in Congress from 1795 to '99 was in no way noteworthy, except that as parties forraed he became an ardent Feder alist, while his colleague Matthew Lyon was a red-hot Deraocrat. Soon after his last term in the Legislature expired he was committed to jail at Chelsea for debt, and obtaining the liberties of the prison took up his residence there and kept up the practice of his profession until his death in 181 7. Buck, D. Azro A., son of the former, also speaker and representative in Congress, was born at Norwich in 1789, and was a young man when his father raoved to Chelsea. He graduated from Middlebury in 1807, and also from West Point in 1808, when he entered the army, being appointed second lieutenant of engineers ; but he resigned his commis sion in 1 81 1. The state offered him a com raission as major in a volunteer corps ordered by the Legislature. The next year, April 13, I30 LYON. he became a captain in the 21st Regt. in the U. S. Army, which was raade up of Ver monters, and served creditably through the war, but finally abandoned the miUtary pro fession in 1815, and at the age of twenty- six established himself as a lawyer at Chel sea, and though not profoundly learned reached a reasonable success. His easy and courteous address, with the demeanor of the real old-fashioned gentleman, made him quite effective as an advocate and won rapid polit ical promotion. He was for six years state's attorney for Washington county, and was Chelsea's representative in the Legislature fourteen years, and was speaker in i820-'23, i825-'2 7, and i82g-'3o, a length of service equaled only by Gideon Olin and James L. Martin in the whole history of the state. He was with William Strong and Stephen Royce a member of the committee in 1816 that drafted the report in favor of electing congressmen and presidential electors by districts, as proposed by the constitutional amendment that had been sent up by the Kentucky Legislature. He was one of the presidential electors in 1820 that cast the vote of the state for Monroe. He was twice elected to Congress, in 1822 and 1826. In 1836 he moved to Washington, where he was connected with the Indian Bureau of the War Department, and he died there Dec. 24, 1841. LYON, Matthew.— Elected to Congress from three states, the peppery, red-headed Uttle Irishman, whose ups and downs in life with his big ideas and his untiring enterprise, raade a career that can but kindle the admira tion of the reader even as it did of some of his coteraporaries, while it stirred the pro found animosity of others. He carae to this country a poor boy, indentured for his pas sage money, and touched, before he got through, raost of the extreraes of huraan experience. His apprenticeship indenture was transferred a few raonths after he reached here for a yoke of steers and his favorite oath in after years was " By the bulls that bought me." He was born in Wicklow, Ireland, about 1746; his parents were poor and his father died when he was a boy. He attended school at Dublin where he got an EngUsh education and a respectable smattering of Latin. He was then apprenticed to a printer and bookbinder, where he got a taste for the "art preservative " that foUowed him through life ; but at the age of thirteen a sea captain, with glowing tales of America, in duced hira to run away and corae here, even though it meant several years slavery to pay his passage. Lyon in after years would be corae sentiraental instead of corabative for a few raoraents whenever he recurred to this experience and his last visit to his mother's chamber to kiss her good-bye while she slept. On the sea voyage he was very sick and tenderly ministered to by sorae aban doned woraen on board who also suppUed his necessities for new clothing, raost of his old having been rendered unfit for use by his iUness. This was one of the extremes of life which he touched, and perhaps it helped to give him the broad human sympathy that always accompanied his resolute aggressive ness. He never told, or if he did it is not remembered, of his first fifteen years in this country, the working out of his indenture and his struggles for a livelihood. But he was in Vermont in 1776, for he then held a lieutenant's commission under Captain Fassett and was stationed at Jericho with a squad of men to hold a post of obser vation there. The men refused to serve be cause of the unsupported position, and cleared out, leaving Lieutenant Lyon to report the facts. It was strongly surmised that the officers were as wilUng as the men to get away frora the post and Lyon and the others were court raartialed and cashiered for cowardice. The story, which his political eneraies were careful to keep alive all through his career was that he was presented with a wooden sword, and raade to ride about the camp, and he was caUed in derision the " Knight of the wooden sword." But General Schuyler reinstated him, and in July, 1777, appointed him paymaster of the North ern array. Before the end of that year and after the battle of Bennington, we find him in ArUng ton and a laborer on the farm of Governor Chittenden, with whom he had apparently come to take possession of the confiscated estates of the Tories and who raade him also deputy secretary for the Governor, and clerk of the court of confiscation until 1780. He got himself into one of his scrapes in later years and suffered some opprobrium, because he refused to give up the records of this court. He married the widow Beulah Galusha, daughter of the Governor, an inteUigent, warm-hearted and benevolent, though rather coarse woraan, and was soon a rising man. He had before wedded a woman by the name of Hosford, who died after bearing him four children. He became a captain and colonel of the mihtia and served the state in its contests with New York. He represented Arlington in the Legisla ture in i779-'82, serving on iraportant com mittees. He was one of the original gran tees of Fair Haven under the new state's authority and moved there in 1783, having already established a saw and grist miU there. He erected an iron miU in 1785 and a LYON. LYON. 131 paper mill soon after. He manufactured paper frora bass wood, and with some suc cess, long years before it was thought of any where else, and in his iron raiU he turned -out hoes, axes and various agricultural im plements, but the business was mainly the making of iron, from the ore imported frora abroad, into naU rods which were then raan- nfactured into nails by hand. During the time of his prosperity he employed a large number of hands. He drew distinctions of honor between his business and his pubhc relations that could weU be emulated in these days of subsidy and special privUeges. Once he endeavored to get a legislative act giving him the exclusive right of sUtting iron in the state and he counted every meraber frora Bennington county as a supporter of the b)iU because a poUtical friend. But after hearing the arguraents on both sides he refused to support the measure himself and when his name was reached in the roU caU he asked to be excused, because his con science would not perrait him to so use the trust of the people for his private benefit. He was for years the king-bee of Fair Haven, was selectman in 1788, 1790, and 1791, the town's representative in the General Asserably ten years continuously from 1783 to 1796, except 1785, 1786 and 1789, and he gave raost of his time to town affairs till the ad mission of the state to the Union. He was a man of multifarious activities. Besides aU his other business enterprises he started in 1793 a newspaper called "The Farmers Library" and later through his son James, a pohtical sheet, the " Fair Haven Gazette," In 1786 he was assistantjudge of the county •court. He plunged into politics as soon as the state was admitted to the Union, became a red-hot Democratic leader, and immediately a candidate for Congress. He ¦contested the election with Israel Smith and Isaac Tichenor in 1791, '93, '95. Party lines had not been very clearly formed then, but Tichenor stood for the Federalist ten dencies, and between Smith and Lyon who were in political sympathy, it was a matter of personal choice. Lyon announced his •candidacy as that of the "commercial, agricultural and manufacturing interests in preference to any of the law characters." At the first election, in August, 1791, he had a plurality — 597 votes to 513 for Sraith and 473 for Tichenor; but at the second trial Tichenor withdrew and Smith was elected by a majority of 391 over Lyon. The next election, in January, 1793, also required two trials, but Smith was elected. Lyon's re markable strength among his neighbors was shown by the fact that in 1793 he got 355 of the 376 votes cast in Fair Haven. In 1795 he was elected in a close contest in which he and Smith were the only candi dates, the vote being 1,804 to 1,783, and he took his seat in 1797, having grown steadily in the violence of his hatred of the Federal ists. His first appearance in debate was in a long speech replying to the President's message. He and Andrew Jackson in the Senate had the distinction of being the two most rabid anti-Washington raen in Con gress. In January, 1798, he had a personal fray with Roger Griswold of Connecticutt that ruined his position in that body. In the course of a debate Griswold twitted him with the "wooden sword" story. Lyon spit in his face. Griswold started to give him a thrashing, but was prevented by his col leagues. A raotion of expulsion against both was lost by a less than two-thirds vote, though it had a raajority. In an address to his con stituents the February following justifying his conduct, Lyon said that if he had borne the insult he should have been "bandied about in all the newspapers on the continent, whieh are supported by British money and federal patronage, as a raean poltroon. The district which sent rae would have been scandalized." But perhaps the thing with which Lyon's name is most strikingly linked in history is his martyrdom to the alien and sedition law. At the October terra of the United States court at Rutland in 1798 he was indicted for " scurrilous, scandalous, malicious, and defamatory language " about ¦ President Adams, written in June, fourteen days be fore the passage of the law, but published in the Windsor Journal the last of July. The language, though Lyonesque decidedly, was no worse than has been used thousands of times in , every political carapaign without other effect than an amused pity that men will so lose their heads, and the prosecu tion was an illustration of the dangerous and vicious tendency which Federalist ideas had taken after their great service in consolidating the Union. The article was about appointments and removals and the use of religion to make men hate each other — all legitimate though exaggerated argu ment — and the offensive words about Presi dent Adams were these : " Every considera tion of pubhc welfare swallowed up in a con tinual grasp for power, unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation or selfish avarice." He was also accused of having " malic iously" procured the publication of a letter from France which reflected somewhat severely on the government. Lyon pleaded his own case at the trial, but was convicted and sentenced to four raonths imprisonment and a ^1,000 fine. He was committed to jail at Vergennes and treated with inexcusable hard ship.. But the prosecution only increased his popularity. While in the jail, he was re-elected to Congress by five hundred ma- LYON. MORRIS. jority. The sentence expired in February, 1799, and he only saved himself from re arrest by proclaiming that he was on the way to PhUadelphia, as a member of Congress. His journey was one of triumph in a coach and four under the American flag and with a succession of fetes along the way, especially at Bennington. He was for the time being a party and popular hero. Another effort was made to expel him, but without success. In the prolonged contest over the presiden tial election of 1800, he became prominent by finally casting the vote of the state, which had been divided in the House, for Jefferson, and in after years when out of teraper with that great leader, he said, " I raade him, and can unmake him." This was of course an exaggeration, as Bayard, of Delaware, also cast the vote of that state for Jefferson, while Maryland voted blank, and Jefferson had nine of the sixteen states, without Ver mont. But his neglect of his extensive business while in jaU and so immersed in politics, with the bitter antagonisms engendered by the prosecution, had ruined hira financially and he determined to quit Vermont and start anew in life. So putting his affairs into liquida tion, and settUng his debts as best he could, on the expiration of his terra in Congress he moved to Kentucky, estabhshed the first printing office in the state at what is now Eddyville, and again engaged in extensive business operations and was again elected to Congress in 1804, serving until 18 10. He again feU into business disaster, owing to his failure during the war of 181 2, to deliver to the government in season some ships he had contracted to construct, and he again struck out to new fields, going to Arkansas, whence he was, in 1820, chosen the first delegate to Congress, but died at Little Rock, August i, before taking his seat. One of his sons, Chittenden Lyon, was also afterward a mem ber of Congress. Another, Matthew, was a man of considerable business prominence in Kentucky, and a Jackson elector. General H. B. Lyon of Kentucky was also the latter's son. That this "ardent, combative, rough and ready Irishman" as Pliney H. White charac terizes him, this "rough and wilful raan" as A. N. Adams, the historian of Fair Haven, styles hira, was a man of extraordinary qualities as his career sufficiently attests. Among the men with whom he came into friendly contact he was wonderfully popular. He was a forceful writer, an independent thinker, full of moral courage, and physical also, notwithstanding the episode of 1776. He dispensed a generous hospitality always. He was a business genius, and unsuccessful mainly because instead of looking out for himself alone he was always ambitious to buUd up prosperity around him. Perhaps the personal ugliness that so often appeared in him was due to the fact that like Ethan AUen he was often a deep drinker. One of the traditions stiU preserved at Arlington, where perhaps much of the old Tory feeling is handed down, is that of often seeing AUen, Lyon and most of the old Vermont heroes staggering drunk through the streets in squads after their meetings of state. In 1840, Congress refunded to Colonel Lyon's heirs the fine that he paid under the sedition law. MORRIS, Lewis R.— Six years congress man, prominent in the last days of Ver mont's independence, and in the negotia tions which resulted in her admission to the Union ; was a native of New York, where he was born, Nov. 2, 1760, of one of the most illustrious famiUes of the colonial period. The family influence secured a grant of land for him in Springfield, which was settied under a charter from New York, and he came to the new state about 1786, and at once became prominent in business and poUtical affairs of both the town and county. Though his land tities originated in New York authority, he came to the state after the controversy had practically ceased, and no distinction was made against hira on this account. He was a member of the Benning ton convention that voted to ratify the Federal constitution ; was influential in carry ing the vote, and was one of the com missioners to Congress that completed the negotiation for admission to the Union in 1791. He represented Springfield in the General Assembly in 1 79S-'96, i8o3-'o5-'o6-'o8. He was secretary of the Constitutional Conven tion held in Windsor in 1793. From 1797 to 1803 he was a member of the National House of Representatives, and though an ardent FederaUst in poUtics, he assisted in ending the long contest over the presi dential election of 1800, and to defeat the Federalist intrigue to supplant Jefferson with Burr, by absenting himself on the thirty- sixth ballot and allowing Lyon to cast the vote of .the state for Jefferson. He was subjected to much bitter criticism at the time, for this action ; but history has amply justified it with the revelations of after years about Burr's character. Many are the anecdotes told of General Morris, aU going to show that he was kind and considerate to those in humble circum stances with whom he had to deal. He was a complete gentleman ; the ease and grace of his manner under aU circumstances made him a general favorite. Soon after settiing in Springfield he married the daughter of Rev. Buckley Olcott of Charleston, N. H. A CHAMBERLAIN. few years later his wife died, and he later married Ellen, daughter of Gen. Arad Hunt of Vernon. He had children by both wives, but the descendants of the family have all left the state. The last years of General Morris's life were devoted to rural pursuits on his farm on the banks of the Conncticut, where he died, Dec. 29, 1825, surrounded by mem bers of his family. CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM.— A Revo lutionary soldier, general of militia, councilor, judge, congressman and Lieutenant-Gov ernor, was born at Hopkinton, Mass., in 1753, and, when twenty years old, moved with his father to London, N. H. He en listed proraptiy when the war for independ ence opened, was in the Canada expedition as an orderly sergeant, and one of nine officers and privates out of a company of seventy that survived to take part in the battle of Trenton, N. J. He soon after re turned to his New Hampshire home, but volunteered again upon Burgoyne's invasion, and was in the battle of Bennington where he distinguished himself by his bravery, and brought away some trophies of personal com bat with the enemy. He settled in Peacham about 1780, being clerk of the proprietors of the town, and was town clerk for twelve years ; justice of the peace twenty-four years ; town representative twelve years, 1785 and '87 to 1796, and in 1805 and 1808; chief judge of the Caledonia county court seven teen years, 1787 to 1803, and in 1814, and councilor seven years, from 1796 to 1803. He was twice elected to Congress, first in 1802 and again in 1808, serving only one term in each case. The Federalist victory of 1813 elected him Lieutenant-Governor with Martin Chittenden, and they were re elected in 1814. He was an Adaras presi dential elector in 1800. He was for nearly two decades one of the party leaders — facile and resourceful in tactics, and very strong before the people. But he came to the front in the period of his party's decUne, which was particularly rapid in Vermont after the war of 18 1 2, and this fact prevented his at taining further distinction. The close and hard-fought election of 18 15 retired hira to private Ufe finally, though he ran a Uttle bet ter than Chittenden. He was for fifteen years president of the Caledonia County Bible Society, and of the board of trustees of Peachara Academy. He died Sept. 27, 1828. Personally he was a man of clean and up right life, sincere in all his relations, both public and private, interested in the forward movements of humanity, and of a simple and earnest religious faith. He had two sons of some distinction : MelUn, a Maine law- ELLIOT. 133 yer, who was drowned in Europe in 1840, and WilUam A., professor of languages at Dartmouth, who died in 1830. Judge Mel Un Chamberlain of Boston was a grandson. ELLIOT, James. — in Congress three terms, 1803-9, a ™an who had to shift for hiraself from the time he was seven years old, and yet, without educational or professional advantages, was in Congress before he was thirty, and was for some years the foremost Democrat of his part of the state. He was born at Gloucester, Mass., August 18, 1775. His father was a seafaring man and lost his life while the boy was yet an infant. The widow raoved to New Salera five years later, and ill- health rendering it difficult for her to sup port the family, young James was placed in the family of Colonel Sanderson of Peters ham, as the youngest and most menial farm servant. He was, however, taught the rudiments of grammar by his employer. His mother had before taught him to read, and the few books within his reach, the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Josephus' Wars of the Jews, RolUns' .Ancient History, Dilworth's spelling book, and the catechism, were pe rused and reperused until he was the thorough master of their contents. This he was able to supplement in later years with other books of travel and history, and it may be said to have constituted his education. He carae to Guilford at the age of about fifteen, and got a position as clerk in a retail store, where he had the advantage of an acquanitance and conversations with a reraarkable circle of literary people, includ ing Royall Tyler, John Phelps, J.' H. Palraer, John Shepardson, Henry Denison, and Miss Elizabeth Peck. According to his own ac count, young Elliot had come to be pretty lawless about this time and spent a good share of his leisure in gambling. It was only a brief aberration, however ; he had too much mind to find lasting enjoyment in such things. His youthful readings had fiUed hira with miUtary ardor, and at the age of eighteen he enlisted at Springfield, Mass., as the first non-commissioned officer in the Second U. S. Sub-legion, commanded by Capt. Cornelius Lyman, and was in the ser vice for three years against the insurgents in Pennsylvania, and the Indians in Ohio. Re turning to Guilford, he pubhshed in 1798 a volume of two hundred and seventy pages, caUed "The Poetical and Miscellaneous Works of Jaraes ElUot," including a diary of his raiUtary service, twenty-five short essays called "The Rural Moralists," a nuraber of fugitive political pieces, and some twenty poetical effusions, chiefly versifications of the Odes of Horace, but including several original pieces, lines of glorification on the adoption of the Federal constitution, an Ode to 134 OLIN. WITHERELL. Equality, another to General Lafayette, etc. The diary part of the work is notable for the views it expresses on the Indian question, uncommon for the tirae, and such as would make him a leader in these times in the Indian Rights Association. The es says, poems and fugitive pieces had been pubUshed in the Greenfield Gazette, and the New England Galaxy. Mr. Elliot had from his youth enthusiastic- aUy taken the Democratic or Republican side in the political division, though he was of too candid a cast of mind to ever be so bigoted a partisan as was usual in those days. He was also a warm admirer and follower of Nathaniel Niles and took the lead in politi cal discussions in this part of the state, and in 1803, having in his leisure moments read law, was admitted to the bar and settled in practice at Brattieboro. He was elected to Congress to succeed Lewis R. Morris. On his retirement from congressional service, in 1809, he published a paper for a while in Philadelphia, then entered the army in the war of 181 2 as a captain, but after a brief service returned to Vermont and resumed the practice of law at Brattleboro, being sent to the Legislature by that town in 181 8- '19 ; afterwards removed to Newfane, repre sented that town in i837-'38; became county clerk, register of probate, and in the last two years before his death state's attor ney. He died at Newfane, Nov. 10, 1839, aged sixty-four. His wife, a daughter of General Dow, survived hira for thirty years, and both are buried in the Prospect Hill cemetery at Brattleboro. One daugh ter, Mrs. D. Pomroy, of New York, was at a recent date the only survivor of that family. Mr. ElUot was a man of fine intellectual equipment, thoroughly honest and sincere, and with the force of character to raake his raark. The raistake of his life was that his energies were so scattered. Samuel Elliot, so long a distinguished citizen of Brattle boro, was his brother. OLIN, Gideon. — Congressman, and one of the founders of the state, was born in Rhode Island, in 1743, and came to Vermont and settled in Shaftsbury in 1776. His abiUty and force of character were such as to at once bring him to the front in Verraont af fairs, and he was a delegate to the Windsor convention of June 4, 1777, and a represen tative in the first Legislature under the new state governraent in 1778. He was also ap pointed a commissioner of sequestration that year. He was major of the second regiment under Colonel Herrick, in 1778, and after wards under Lieutenant-Colonel Walbridge, and was often in service on the frontier dur ing the Revolutionary war. During the state's independence he was one of its most trusted leaders ; being in the General Assem bly fourteen years, from 1780 to 1793, and speaker six years, from 1788 to 1793 ; judge of the Bennington county court from 1781 to 1798. After the adraission to the Union he was equally prominent, serving in the coun cil from 1793 to 1798, being again judge of the county court from 1800 to 1802, and chief judge frora 1807 to 181 1 — a total judi cial service of twenty-three years. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1791 and 1793, and was in Congress two terms, from 1803 to 1807. He died in January, 1823. Martin Matti- son says in his sketch of Shaftsbury. "Gideon Olin was one of the firmest supporters of the state, and in the hours of political darkness not a star of lesser raagnitude ; possessed great natural talents, an intuitive knowledge of raankind, was nobly free in his opinions, and decided in his conduct." Congressraan Abraham B. OUn of New York was his son. Congressman Henry Olin, of this state his nephew, and the descend ants of distinction from him and his brother, of Shaftsbury, have been numerous. WITHERELL, JAMES.— Patriot of the Revolution and the war of 1812, doctor, councilor, congressman and United States territorial judge, had a stirring career. Born at Mansfield, Mass., June 16, 1759, of an old English family, he enlisted at the age of sixteen in the Revolutionary service, and continued in it from early in the siege of Boston, and being severely wounded at White Plains, until peace was won and the army disbanded at Newburgh in 1 783, when he came out an officer in the Continental line, with just ^70 in continental currency as pay for his eight years of fighting, bleed ing and suffering for his country. With this, it is said, he "treated a brother officer to a bowl of punch, and set out pennUess to fight the battie of life." He studied medicine with Dr. Billings of Mansfield, and in 178(3 settled in practice at Fair Haven, where the next year he wedded Amy, daughter of Charles Hawkins, a lineal descendant of Roger Williams. He was the hearty associate and coadjutor of Matthew Lyon in politics, a red-hot uncompromising Democrat. He represented Fair Haven from 1798 to 1802; was assistant judge of the Rutiand county court 1801-3, and chief justice 1803-6; councilor 1802 tiU 1807, when he was elected to Congress, where he had the pleasure of voting for the act abolishing the slave trade, which was passed in 1808. But before his term was completed Presi dent Jefiferson appointed him one of the judges of the territory of Michigan, with executive and legislative duties to perform SHAW. HUBBARD. 135 as well as judicial, and whh a jurisdiction extending over a vast wUderness from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean and con taining a population of only about three thousand in aU. Here he helped to lay out the new city of Detroit. Here also he had an opportunity to again serve his country bravely in the war of 181 2, and he embraced it. He commanded a corps at Detroit and when the post feU before the British, he refused to surrender his coramand but allowed his raen to disperse and escape while he and his son and son-in-law re mained to be taken prisoners. He again lived in Fair Haven a few years while paroled, but when exchanged returned to Detroit to resume his mixed judicial and political duties which he continued with increasing use fulness and honor untU, in 1826, President John Quincy Adams appointed him secretary of the territory. He died at Detroit Jan. 9, 1838, aged seventy-nine. One of his sons, Benjamin F. H. WithereU of Detroit, was a judge of the circuit court of Michigan and a man of much influence. SHAW, Samuel. — Physician, councilor, congressman, and Democrat of the Matthew Lyon school, was born at Dighton, Mass., in December, 176S; came to Putney with his parents in 1778, and nine years later, when he was only nineteen years old, though he had had but a Umited education, settled him self at Castleton and began, after two years of study, the practice of medicine. He soon became a leading politician of that locality, and Lanman says in his "Dictionary of Con gress" that he was "one of the victims of the sedition law. For his deunciation of the administration of John Adams he was ira prisoned, and liberated by the people with out the forras of the law." 'Walton says he is unable to verify this statement, but there was probably a demonstration of some kind to furnish a foundation for it. Dr. Shaw was Castleton's representative from 1800 to 1807, when he was elected to both Houses, but accepted the office of councilor. He was, however, defeated for re-election the next year, when the FederaUsts elected ten of the twelve councilors. But he was immediately elected a representative to Congress, serving from 1808 to 1813, being high in the confi dence of Jefferson and Madison, and vigor ously supporting the war measures of the latter. He had, whUe in private practice, won quite an extended reputation as a surgeon, and on his retirement from Congress was ap pointed a surgeon in the United States army, being stationed at different times at New York, Greenbush, St. Louis, and Norfolk, and attaining an eminence that was remark able, considering his early disadvantages. He was indisputably a man of decided native ability and with physical powers to corre spond. He once rode on horseback frora St. Louis to Albany, N. Y., in twenty-nine days. He continued in his duties as sur geon throughout the war and until 181 6. He died at Clarendon, Oct. 22, 1827. HUBBARD, Jonathan Hatch.— Jurist, born in Windsor, in 1768; died there Sept. 20, 1849. After receiving a lib eral education he studied law and was ad mitted in 1790, and practiced his profession with success until his election to Congress in 1808. He served until 181 1, and in 1813 became judge of the Supreme Court of Ver mont, continuing in office until 1845. STRONG, William.— At two different times in Congress, was born at Lebanon, Conn., in 1763, the son of Benajahand Polly (Bacon) Strong, descended in the sixth gen eration from Elder John Strong of North ampton, the American ancestor. Benajah Strong was also one of the first settlers of Hartford in this state, coming there in 1764 when William was a baby. The latter was necessarily self-educated, denied even the advantages of a common school in youth, and gaining from contact with men and Ufe, and from the reading of such books as he could borrow, the knowledge that made him a man of power and usefulness in his later years. He was in early manhood, for several years extensively engaged in making land surveys in Grand Isle county, a professional work for which he had fitted himself by his own exertions. Returning to Hartford and engaging in farming he quickly became a man of influence in the town and county ; represented Hartford in the Legislature in 1798-99, 1801, '02, '15, '16, '17, and '18, and taking a leading position among that re markable coterie of Democrats or Republi cans, including Galusha, Leland, Butler, Skinner, Richards, and Meech, who so long ruled the state. He was also sheriff of Wind sor county for eight years, frora 1802 to 1810, judge of the Suprerae Court of Wind sor county in 1817, and a member of the council of censors in 1834. He was first elected to Congress in x8ii, and served two terms with James Fisk, Samuel Shaw, WiU iam C. Bradley, Butler, Skinner, and Charles Rich for his colleagues a part or all of the tirae. In 1819 he was again returned, serv ing one terra. He died Jan. 28, 1840, at the age of seventy-seven. He was a man of sterling integrity, hearty and cordial in manner, thoroughly democratic in his instincts and bearing, broadly generous in views and ac tion, and of ample raental capacity. He was throughout his pubhc career connected 136 BRADLEY. BRADLEY. wwo * •\r— «•- 'tf ^¦¦^^P"'^^.^ :^-^V^^ (THuipHirm' with events of large importance, and always acquitted himself creditably in them. He married, June 17, 1793, Abigail Hutchinson of Norwich, who bore him nine children. Of these, Jasper, a man of superior abilities, was an extensive govern ment contractor before the war, and two others, John P. and Charles, were woolen manufacturers at Quechee, and the latter, the inventor of valuable improvements in vertical and horizontal motion. One daugh ter, EraUy, was the wife of Hon. A. G. Dewey. BRADLEY, William C— Twice a con gressman, long the leader of the Jacksonian Democracy of the state, and its perennial candidate for Governor, in the opinion of Pliney White, " aU things considered the greatest man Vermont has produced," and whom Webster declared to have one of the greatest minds in the country, was born at Westminster, March 23, 1782, the son of Senator Stephen R. and Merab (Atwater) Bradley. His youth contained abundant promise of his brilUant future. He began to write poetry when only six years old and at twelve his first prose work was published under the titie of : "The Rights of Youth, composed revised and subraitted to the candid reader by WilUam C. Bradley, Esq., author of the poem on Allen's and Tichenor's Duel." At nine he had read the Bible through seven tiraes 1 thoroughly saturated his young mind the noble imagery, the right thougli L 'a I s .bhme eloquence better im bibed fron., he Scriptures than any otKer source on es h. At eleven he was fitted for coUege ; at t ve he was studying Hebrew, and at thirteen i e entered Yale, but was ex pelled before his freshman year was ended. At seventeen he delivered the Fourth of July oration at the Westminster celebration, followed by an ode which he had coraposed. Both exhibited a remarkable maturity of BRADLEY. BRADLEY. 137 thought. At eighteen he was secretary of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy, serving for three years, and before he was of age he was state's attorney for AVindham county, being specially appointed by the Legislature, though he had been refused permission to practice before the Supreme Court because of his youth. He held this position for seven years. At twenty-four he represented his town in the Legislature. At thirty he was a member of the Governor's Council and at thirty-two was sent to Congress. His expulsion frora college (for some prank, of which he always claimed that he was not guilty, though he admitted that he deserved it on general principles) greatly enraged and mortified his father, who fo'r discipline gave him a dung fork and set him to work on a raanure heap and finally expeUed hira from home. He went to Amherst, Mass., and entered upon the study of law with Judge Simeon Strong, and soon showed the manly, sturdy stuff in him, sufficiently to win back the stern parent's forgiveness, so that on Mr. Strong's appointraent to the Suprerae Court young Bradley returned to his horae at Westminster and continued the study of the law, being admitted to the bar in 1802. He was for a number of years town clerk of Westminster, and it was in i8o6-'o7 that he represented the town, and in 181 2 that he was in the councU. Besides all his other accomplishments he had, through his father's intimacy with the great men and events of the time and by constant and instructive corres pondence with that great statesman while at Washington, acquired an understanding of poUtics on their practical and personal, as weU as their philosophic side, that was an education of itself. Few men ever entered public Ufe so thoroughly and admirably equipped or so certain of winning the largest farae ; but he soon developed a strong dis taste for ofifice holding, while his love of horae life was unceasing. Besides, after the forraation anew of party lines after the ad ministration of John Quincy Adaras, he was in the minority party, and pleased to be so, though he enjoyed leading the Democracy in its up-hill fight, and did so with very great skill at times and with a relish that was in inverse proportion to his chance of being elected. He was the Deraocratic nnee for Governor in 1830, 1834-'^^- vice in i837-'38 driving the choice .0 t i^egisla- ture, holding the organization tog ner against the Anti-Masonic wave, playi' ¦ warily but unsuccessfully against Seyiw to get the remnants of that moveraent when it should collapse, and still heading the ticket after the Whigs had gained a secure ascendency in the state. But when the extension of slavery became the issue of our poUtics he was prompt to join the Free SoU party of 1848, and afterward the young Republican party, in company with many others of his old associates, and he headed the Fremont elec toral ticket in 1856. He was first elected to Congress as a Jef fersonian Democrat in 18 12, and was an ardent supporter of the war policy of the Madison administration. He was the friend and intimate associate of Clay, Adams, Web ster, Calhoun, Graudy, Forsyth, Pickering and men of that stamp, who were all won and charmed by his wonderful versatility. It may be that he shone too rauch in the drawing room and social circle for the best achieveraents in coraraittee and on the floor. .\t the ex piration of his term he was appointed agent of the United States, under the treaty of Ghent, for fixing the northeastern boundary, a work that required five years, and which he regarded as the greatest service of his public life. He went in person to the wild region in dispute and laid down the line which, rejected by Great Britain and dis puted over almost to the point of war, he had the satisfaction of finally seeing adopted by the Ashburton treaty. He was again elected to Congress in 1822, and re-elected in 1824, and this substantially closed his ofiflce-holding, though he again represented Westrainster in the Legislature of 1850 and was a member of the constitutional conven tion of 1857. During his last term in Con gress he had a rupture with President Adams over what he considered a breach of faith on the latter's part. This was the immediate occasion of his retirement, and naturally also of his allegiance to the Jacksonians, as party lines were reformed, though his sym pathies and antecedents were such as would have made him a Democrat anyway. He had some part in the tariff debates of that time, though always moderate in his views, which he well summarized in after years in his eulogy of ^Vebster, when he said, "Tariffs are, of necessity, alway raatters of expedi ency, and an unchanging one would in tirae defeat itself." In 1858, he took formal leave bf the bar, after fifty-six years of constant practice, ex cept when called away by public duties, with the most brUliant success, and always as the acknowledged head. The banquet and toasts on this occasion at Newfane forraed one of the most interesting annals of the Windham county bar. The sunset years that followed were indeed beautiful. He had been called a free thinker, because he was willing to read and to discuss can didly all that was written on the great prob lems of life, the works of the German infidels as well as the Scriptures whose thought and feeling had been interwoven with every fiber of his mind in chUdhood. ,He was a truth seeker always, but never a scoffer. "Theol- 138 BRADLEY. BRADLEY. ogy" he once said "is the noblest profession, law is second to U." "My boy," he said to a pert fellow once, "never make sport of the religious worship of any sect, no true gentle man wiU do it." Shortly before his death he remarked to a minister "As I grow older, my faith grows simpler ; I come nearer and nearer to the simple truth of salvation by Christ.'' .\ correspondent of a New York paper, who visited him about this time, wrote, "He was portly and florid, as if fed on roast beef and port ; but redeemed from the sensual by a massive, noble-formed head. He had a keen bright eye, which gave rae at once a glance into that capacious brain, as I have sometimes peeped through the window of a conservatory and caught a vis ion of rich masses of foliage and rare flowers. * * * It is delightful to see this man in the green November of life, hale and hearty, ripened and mellowed, with all the juices of a kindly nature flowing in a full, strong cur rent in his veins. Such a spectacle does one good ; we understand better the capac ity and power of the human soul to enjoy and impart enjoyment." He died at Westminster in March, 1867, at the old homestead where he had remained after bringing the remains of his fondly loved wife from Brattleboro, for interment in the famUy tomb in the August preceding. She was a daughter of Hon. Mark Richards, a woman of rare beauty of person, and had mingled in the politest society of the tirae, to whom he plighted troth when they were school boy and girl together and between whom love and devotion grew till at the age of eighty-four death separated them. There were four children of whora only two, Jona than Dorr and Merah Ann, who afterwards raarried Judge Daniel Kellogg, survived until maturity. Mr. Bradley with his rich imagination and vast stores of learning from English, French, German, Latin, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew literatures, his keen wit and wholesome nature, was a good deal of a poet and some of the scraps which he dashed off, notably ".\ Ballad of Judgment and Mercy," may fairly be counted among the gems of our litera ture. Rev. Pliney H. White in the estimate above quoted of him, says: "Williams raay have equalled hira as a lawyer, CoUaraer as a reasoner, Phelps as an orator and Marsh may be a peer in multifarious learning ; but neither of them, nor any other Vermonter, living or dead, who has come to my knowl edge, has been at once lawyer, logician, orator and scholar to so eminent a degree. His personal presence was that of a remark- ble man." And E. P. Walton says, " Rich in the wisdom that comes from learning, reflection and intercourse with the ablest men of the country, he had also a ready wit and a large fund of anecdotes, so that in public ad dresses or social converse he was charming." Rev. J. F. Fairbanks, says " He possessed a wonderful raemory, accorapanied with rare conversational powers. His capacious mind seeraed an inexhaustible reservoir of learn ing, wit and wisdom, which poured forth in a full torrent from his powerful, yet melodi ous voice, that would hold the delighted hearers entranced for hours." J. Dorr Bradley, was of the third gen eration of this remarkable family, and by many good judges rated as the most brilUant intellectually of all, with the large practical J. DORR BRADLEY. talent of his grandfather, and the rich origin- aUty of his father developed into positive genius. He held no pubUc ofifice higher than that of representative in the Legislature from Brattleboro, though he was several times the Democratic candidate for Congress from his district. Indeed, he had very Uttle ambi tion for official place which he could have readily coramanded after the formation of the Republican party, of which he early be came a member. He was also utterly without care for money. His tastes and desires were all inteUectual ; the only acquisitions for which he cared were those of law, literature and science, with liberal enrichment from the humorous and the knowledge of contact with life. Jonathan Dorr Bradley was born at West minster in 1803, the son of WilUam C. RICH. OLIN. 139 Bradley. He graduated from Yale, studied law in his father's ofifice, began practice at BeUows Falls, but moved to Brattleboro about 1832. It was in 1856 that he repre sented that town in the Legislature, and greatly distinguished himself in the debate over the new state house question. He was prominent in the Vermont and Massachu setts R. R. enterprise, and was on the first board of directors of the company. Pro fessionally, he stood for years admittedly at the head in this portion of the state, and one of the two or three leaders of the brilUant bar of Vermont. As a pure lawyer, a rea soner from foundation principles, he was great and masterful, and added to that, in the words of the tribute of a committee at the session of the U. S. circuit court after his death, "his varied and elegant acquire ments as a scholar, his general and attractive qualities as a man * * professional labors en riched by learning so complete, by wit so rare, and sense so fuU, and inspired always by so thorough an appreciation of what be longed to the lawyer and the gentleman," it is not to be wondered that he won so large a fame. E. P. Walton says of him : "His reading was extensive and recherche, his meraory was retentive, his style of conversa tion was playful and captivating, and always appropriate to his therae, his perceptions were quick and vivid, his iUustrations apt and beautiful, and his whole air and manner reminded us of the school of elder times in which he, had his training." He was always fond of mechanical and scientific investiga tions, and especially strong, of course, in those lines of law that were allied to these studies. He was facile in adapting himself to all grades of intellect, a keen judge of huraan nature, and so a jury advocate of treraendous power. Thousands are the anecdotes that still Unger in local annals of his wit and readiness at repartee. Withal he was soraething of a poet and dashed off at differeiit times some good specimens of verse, especially of a satirical kind. He married at Bellows Falls, in 1829, Susan Crossman, who bore him four children ; WUUam C, a Harvard graduate in 1851, now librarian at Brattleboro ; Richards, of Boston and Brattleboro ; Stephen Rowe of New York, and of the firm of HaU, Bradley & Co., exten sive manufacturers of white lead ; and Arthur C, an Amherst graduate in 1876, and now of Newport, N. H., and who has won fortune by the genius of mechanics and scientific experiments which he inherited from his father. Mr. Bradley died after three weeks of ill ness from fever, in September, 1862. RICH, Charles. — Congressman for ten years, was a thoroughly representative Ver monter in the first quarter of this century with its vigorous Democratic growth, healthy hard-working prosperity and beautiful home life. He was born in Warwick, Mass., Sept. 13, 177 1, and came to Vermont with his father, Thomas, in 1787, going aU the way to Shoreham on foot. Charles at the age of twenty-nine was elected representative from Shoreham to the Legislature and was re elected eleven times. He served as county judge six years. He was first elected to Congress in 181 2, and constantly re-elected, except for the term of i8i5-'i7, tiU 1825. He was there a member of practical useful ness, a ready debater, well and quite widely informed, with a habit of thoroughly study ing every subject that came before hira, so constantly growing more active and promi nent in service. He had only a Umited education, attending school only three months when he was fifteen years old, his aid being required by his father in erecting mUls, clearing land, etc., but he was always a great reader, especially of Addison's Spec tators, had a retentive raemory and a faculty of analysing and assimilating his informa tion, and he early began to discipline his mind by committing his thoughts to writing. As a youth he was often called upon for ora tions on public occasions. His mind was weU balanced and considering his opportun ities, a well trained one, his knowledge of human nature was penetrating, and his fine personal appearance and his open bland manners fitted him for the great popularity he so long enjoyed. He continued, along with his public duties, the miU business which his father estabUshed, and he took a cold from working in the water for several days on some repairs, and died from the con sequences Oct. 15, 1824, aged fifty-three. He wedded at the age of twenty a daugh ter of Nicholas ^^'ells, to whom he had been attached since childhood and toward whom he was a lover to his last day, and the affec tion evidenced by his correspondence with her and with the children is inspiring for the depth and richness of hfe's possibilities which it shows. He comraenced life with one cow, a pair of steers, six sheep and a few articles of furniture, on about forty-five acres of land which Mrs. Rich's father had given them, but by industry and prudence from this small beginning he became a very wealthy man. OLIN, Henry.— Both Lieutenant-Gov ernor and congressman and a leader of the Jeffersonian Democrats to their long con trol of the state, was born in Shaftsbury, May 6, 1768, the son of Justice and Sarah (Dwin- eU) OUn, and a nephew of the distinguished patriot, Gideon OUn. The family was a Rhode Island one. Henry settled in Leices- 140 CHIPMAN. CHIPMAN. ter in 1788 and it \vas there that he passed his active life and won his distinction. He was chosen to the Legislature in 1 799 and steadily re-elected, except four years, ¦ nntil 1825 and was elected to the council in 1820 and '21. This twenty-three years of legislative service was matched by a similar period on the bench. He was elected assist ant judge of the county court in 1801, when only twenty-three years old, and held the place eight years, then being chosen chief judge and serving for fifteen years more. In 1824 he was elected to Congress to fill the unexpired term of Charles Rich. He was chosen Lieutenant-Governor in 1827, and for the three years subsequently. His popularity was so great that he had the nearly unani raous vote of his town for Governor in 1827. He was a member of the constitutional con ventions of 1814, '22, and '28. He became a Whig after that party was forraed and about that time retired from public life after nearly forty years of almost uninterrupted service. He was undeniably a strong man — one of the "self-made," so-called — winning his way upward, in spite of his Umited early educa tion, by his native wit, shrewdness and vigorous common sense. He was alraost Lincolnlike in his exhaustless fund of stories and apt illustrative humor. He had a great unwieldy frame, but such was the sense of power that went with it that it is said, wher ever he went, men, women and children would abandon any task to look at him. He mixed his Jeffersonian Democracy with zeal ous Methodism, and of his nine children one, Stephen Olin, D. D., became a famous Methodist divine in the South, professor of belles lettres in FrankUn College, Ga., presi dent of Randolph, Macon and Wesleyan CoUeges, and author of "Travels in Holy Land " and other books. Henry Olin died at Salisbury in .\ugust, 1837, having moved there the spring before. CHIPMAN, Daniel.— Brother of Na thaniel, the youngest of seven sons who were all distinguished men, congressman for one session, legislator, speaker, biographer of his brother. Gov. Thomas Chittenden, and Seth Warner, and a law writer of some note. Hewas born at Salisbury, Conn., Oct. 22, 1763, fitted for coUege with his brother, Nathaniel, at Tinmouth, graduated frora Dartmouth in 1788, studied law with his brother, opened an office in Poultney in '90 but moved to Middlebury in '94. He rep resented Middlebury in the Legislature several tiraes between 1798 and 1808, and also in 1812-13-14-18 and 21, was speaker of the House in '13 and '14, and was a meraber of the Governor's councU in 1808. In 1814 he was elected to Congress, but had to resign because of ill-health after one session. In 1828 he moved to Ripton, where he had large property interests and where he did most of his literary work. His biographies cannot be praised as either very interesting or instructive, though of course they have preserved a few facts from loss, especially in the history of the state under Chittenden. In 1822 he published a treatise on law contracts for the sale of specific articles which is highly esteemed by the profession and was commended by Kent, Story and other jurists. In 1823 the Legislature ap pointed him reporter of the decisions of the Suprerae Court, the necessity of which work he had strenuously urged, and he had pub lished one volurae of reports when Ul-health compeUed him to resign. His law pactice was extensive and in his younger years took him regularly to all the courts in Rutland, Bennington, Addison and Chittenden coun ties. He was state's attorney for Addison county for twenty years, from 1797 to 1817. He was a meraber of five different Consti tutional Conventions in 1793, 1814, 1836, 1843 and 1850. In attending the latter at the age of eighty-four he incurred the disease that ended in his death. In the convention of 1843 ^^ ^^s conspicuous in the debate over the araendment for the establishment of the state Senate which was adopted by a small majority. E. P. Walton, who saw hira there, says he strongly re- serabled John Quincy Adaras in personal and intellectual qualities, and "with equal advantages in culture and experience in lofty statesmanship, Mr. Chipman would certainly have won high repute in the nation." His ideas were considerably different from his brother's, or rather ran to an extreme from the same premises, for his writings are not able for the distrust they express of democ racy, whUe sorae of his brother's grandest achieveraents had their roots in that trust In state politics Daniel Chipman wiU proba bly be longest remembered for his part as speaker of the .Assembly in carrying through the seating of Gov. Martin Chittenden. The details of the affair are given in the sketch of Governor Galusha. Chipraan's part was to refuse to yield his chair to the Governor for a joint assembly the second day, holding that the report of the canvassing committee the first day, that there was no choice, was conclusive, and that the two Houses had no power to canvass the votes or to act on the subject otherwise than by concurrent resolu-, tions to meet and elect a Governor. In other words he held that the Legislature had no power to act on the report of its own coraraittee ; if there had been a deliberate and palpable falsification of the figures there would have been no escape. In this case it JEWETT. LANGDON. 141 amounted to nearly the sarae thing, for the action prevented any consideration of ques tions of law and fact, whether certain votes should be counted or not, on which the result turned. To the lay mind it looks like a curious doctrine for so great a lawyer as Mr. Chipman. At any rate it was unexpected for the joint assembly had adjourned to the next morning for just that consideration and Speaker Chipman's action assuraed to dis solve it. But he said he had satisfied hira self by an examination of the constitution during the night that this was the proper action, and Governor Galusha and his sup porters were unable to help themselves with out violence. Afterwards, whUe the dispute over the election was in progress, Chipman ended it by escorting Chittenden to the chair and having him sworn in as Governor. He was a liberal supporter of Middlebury CoUege and a meraber of the corporation from the beginning. He received the degree of LL. D. from it in 1849. He married, in 1796, Elatheria, sister of Rev. Lemuel Hedge, of Warwick, Mass., sister of Prof. Levi Hedge, of Harvard. JEWETT, Luther.— Congressman, physician, preacher, and editor of St. Johns- bury's first paper, was born at Canterbury, Conn., in 1772, graduated at Dartmouth in 1792, and came to St. Johnsbury in 1800. He began his career there with the practice of medicine and kept it up more or less all his active life. He was later Ucensed to preach by the Coos Association, and supplied the pulpits of Newbury and other towns for ten years. In 1827 he started the first paper in St. Johnsbury, which he styled the Friend, and issued chiefly to combat Anti-Masonry, to which he was strenuously opposed, though he gave considerable attention to slavery and intemperance. The next year, July 3, 1828, he issued the first copy of the Farraers' Her ald, Whig in politics, but ably edited, and which he continued for four years, when de clining health compelled him to abandon it. In 1815 he was elected to Congress from the northeastern district of the state, but served only one term. He was a man of varied ac quirements, scrupulously just, and all through his later years was one of St. Johnsbury's most honored citizens. He died in i860 at the age of eighty-seven. LANGDON, HON. ChauNCY.— Rep resentative in Congress, i8is-'i7, state leg islator and councilor, was a man of very considerable power, who was kept from the pubUc employment his talents merited, by the fact that he was a Federalist in a strongly Democratic locaUty. Among the families that came early from Connecticut to the New Hampshire Grants, when it was probable that they would soon be admitted into the American Union as a new state, were the Langdons. Chauncy was the second son of Ebenezer Langdon of Farmington, Conn., where he was born Nov. 8, 1763. Having by his own efforts, secured for himself a collegiate education, graduating at Yale in 1787, and studied law at Litch field, he determined to seek his fortune in the new state, and removing to "the Grants" in 1788, he pursuaded his parents and his five brothers and sisters to go with him. They HON. CHAUNCY LANGDON. went first to Windsor, where his parents and older brother, Ira, remained. The young lawyer, however, with the younger merabers of the family settled in the new viUage of Castleton, between Rutland and Skeensboro. Here Mr. Langdon became an influential member of the community, in consequence not only of his superior education and abili ties, his force of character and his unflagging industry and energy, but even more on ac count of his capacity for public affairs and his proud integrity and thorough uprightness. He was register of probate, i';g2-'g-j, and judge of probate in 1798 and 1799. He represented Castleton in the General Assera bly in 1813 and '14, '17, '19, and '20, and '22. He was elected to Congress with the full Federalist delegation in 1814, during the last war with England. But it was nearly the last effort of Federalism in Vermont. The delegation went out at the end of its first term and the party thereafter went rapidly to 142 LYON. LYON. pieces. But Mr. Langdon who had been a councilor for one term in 1808, was again elected to this body in 1823 and continued untU his death in 1830, While in Congress, and indeed so long as the party lasted, he was a Federalist of the most pronounced type, strong and sturdy in temper and character, a representative Vermonter of the day. He was a trustee of Middlebury CoUege for nine teen years, from 18 1 1 until his death; and for many years president of the State Bible Society. "Squire Langdon" brought with him frora Connecticut a young wife, Lucy Nona Lathrop, daughter of the Rev. Elijah Lath rop of Hebron, who, as "Lady Langdon," is remembered by some yet living. Besides children who died in early life, they left one daughter and two sons : Lucy, who married Charles K. WiUiams of Rutland, afterwards chief justice and Governor of the state ; Benjamin FrankUn, who succeeded his father as lawyer and judge at Castleton ; and John Jay, who removed from Vermont to Washington, D. C, and afterwards to the South. The Hon. Chauncy Langdon died July 23, 1830, and with his wife, who survived him four years, is buried at Castleton. LYON, Asa. — Representative in Congress i8i5-'i7, member ofthe Governor's Council one year in 1808, for eight years a member of the lower house of the Legislature, for four years chief judge of the Grand Isle county court, a preacher who preached a life-time without pay, and yet died the wealthiest man in his county, was one of the unique characters of our history. He be longed to that remarkable generation of clergymen, including Nathaniel NUes, Ezra Butler and Aaron Leland, that had so de cided an influence in the state's adolescent period. He was always a hard fighter in theology and politics and in money getting, a man as cordially hated and roundly de nounced by his enemies as Matthew Lyon (to whom he was in no way related), and yet within his range exercised the completest influence and commanded the most devoted foUowing, which was very likely only strength ened by his eccentricities. Rev. Asa Lyon was born at Pomfret, Conn., Dec. 31, 1763, graduated from Dartmouth in 1 790, and for nearly a year, from Octo ber, 1792, to September, 1793, was pastor of the Congregational church at Sunderland, Mass., where he got into some controversy that resulted in his leaving. Soon after he appeared at Grand Isle, which was origin ally united with North and South Hero in one town under the name of the Two Heroes, then divided into two and finally into three towns. Here he organized the Congrega tional church, and was its first minister and continued to serve it for over forty yeats, though he was never instaUed as pastor, but was elected by the members. When after a few years a difficulty arose about its sup port he declared that his pastoral service^ should be gratuitous and so they ever con tinued to be. One of his motives in this action was to raatch the Methodists, who were in those days declaiming against sala ries. But while he proclaimed a free gospel he had an eye for the doUar in other direc tions, and was all his days a shrewd and ex acting, though strictly just, business man, frugal to the point of penuriousness and never giving money to any charitable object, regarding his contribution of services as sufficient for him. He secured a fine tract of the most valua ble land in North Hero, richly timbered, and built a house of cedar logs containing just two rooms and a lobby, in which he Uved and wrote, reared his family, and transacted his business until in later years, after he had got wealthy, he built a brick house. He never made pastoral calls, except in sicknes^i but required people to corae to him on church matters as well as other business, summoning each one by letter, for which he used about a tenth of a sheet of foolscap, His economy of time was as severe as of other things, and enabled him to do thorough work in each of his multifarious employments. With all the rest he had, because his wife (a Miss Newell from Charlotte) was crazy for many years, to carry the cares of the family and the rearing of five children. He was not too stingy to own a copy of the Edin burgh Encyclopedia, and he studied it and made himself master of vast masses of its information. With his assimUative powers of mind, his vigor and positiveness of logic, he was regarded, as he was in fact, a very learned man. Theologically, he belonged to the Jonathan Edwards school, and he was the moulder of the religious thought not only of his congregation, but of the minis terial associations of that part of the state. He was also for a long period its foremost public man and its political leader. He represented South Hero in the General As sembly 1799 until 1803, 1804 until 1807, and in 1808 for a short time until he entered the council. He was Grand Isle's representa tive from 18 1 2 until 18 15, when he was elected to Congress, being the third of the council of 1808 who succeeded in the sarae Congress. He was chief judge of the county court in i8os,-'6,-'8 and '13, being in nearly continuous public service for eighteen years. In politics he was a thorough-going Fed eralist, and with Chipman and Arad Hunt was in constant tilts in the Legislature with MARSH. NOYES. 143 such Jeffersonian champions as WiUiam C. Bradley, James Fisk, Ezra Butier, Aaron Le land, Henry OUn, Charles Rich, Mark Rich ards, Titus Hutchinson, and Samuel Shaw, who all but two afterward becarae congress men. He led the opposition to Governor Galusha in the Legislature of 181 1, and moved a substitute to the address of the committee in reply to the Governor's ad dress. When he was elected to Congress, so the story goes, he decided that he must have a new suit of clothes. So he sheared the wool from one of his sheep, did the card ing, spinning and weaving in his own faraily, procured butternut-tree bark for the dyeing, and had the suit made up by a woman who was owing hira. Thus he fitted himself out for service in the halls of national legisla tion without the expenditure of a penny in cash. Though his service in Congress ex tended only through two years, it was enough to impress his colleagues with his powers. Another anecdote illustrates this : One of the committees on which he served had a bill to frame of more than ordinary importance, and a member remarked : "Lyon will draft it so strong nothing can break it. Let us go down to him to-night ; but we must buy the candles." The late Charles Adams of Burlington said : "There have been two men in the state whose inteUect towered above all others ; one, 'Nat' Chipman of Tinmouth, the other Asa Lyon of Grand Isle." Said one of his old parishioners : "People would talk about Father Lyon and his peculiarities but when he arose in his pulpit every one forgot the man, or the peculiarities in the man ; with such a dignity he looked down upon his assembly, with such a commanding power of eye, voice, thought, he drew every one up to him and carried them with him. All, whether pulpit audience, political oppo nent or theological controversialist to be brought over, were not more irresistibly than agreeably drawn to his conclusions." Rev. Simeon Parmalee in his sketch of him for the Gazetteer, describing his personal appearance, said : "He was a great man in stature and in powers of mind. He had a dark complexion, coarse features, powerful build, more than six feet in height, large boned, giant-framed and a Httle stooping." He died AprU 4, 1841, in his seventy- eighth year. MARSH, Charles.— Congressman one term, but greatest as a lawyer, standing undis- putedly at the head of the bar of the -state for manv years, was a member of one of the remarkable families of the state, being the son of Lieut. Gov. Joseph Marsh. He was born at Lebanon, Conn., July 10, 1765, but carae to Hartford, in this state, with the family in 1773. Fie was graduated from Dartmouth, in 1786, took a course in the famous law school of Judge Reeves at Litch field, Conn., and estabhshed himself in practice at Woodstock. His honors were nearly aU in the line of his profession up to the time of his election to Congress. He was ap pointed in 1797 by President Washington to the then comparatively unimportant position of district attorney forthe district of Vermont, serving until 1801. In 18 14 he was elected to Congress but served only one term. While in \Vashington he becarae identified with the Araerican Colonization Society as one of its founders. He acquired great popularity as a patron of benevolent societies generaUy, and was a highly influential and useful citizen. He raade three notable speeches while in the House, on the tariff, the war with Mexico, and the Smithsonian Institution, the latter a particularly thoughtful one. He was chosen one of the board of trustees of Dartmouth CoUege in 1809, and continued as such until his death. The degree of LL. D. was con ferred on hira by this institution. He was twice married — first, June 18, 1793, to Nancy ColUns of Litchfield, Conn., and second, after her decease, to Susan, widow of Josiah Arnold of St. Johnsbury, and daughter of Dr. EUsha Perkins of Plain- field, Conn. There were two children by the first wife, and five by the second. One son, Lyndon Arnold, was a lawyer at Wood stock for thirty-three years, and register of probate for that district. Another son, Charles, a lawyer at Lansingburg, N. Y., died at the age of twenty-seven. Joseph, the third son of the second marriage, was professor of theory and practice in the Uni versity of Vermont. The youngest son, Charles, spent his life on the paternal estate. The daughter by the first marriage married Dr. John BarneU of Woodstock, and the daughter by the second marriage, who died when only thirty-four, was the wife of ^\'yllys Lyman, a Hartford lawyer. Mr. Marsh died at Woodstock, Jan. 11, 1849, in the eighty- third year of his age. NOYES, John. — Representative in Con gress i8i5-'i7, and for years one of the leading business men of the southeast part of the state. He was born at Atkinson, N. H., a descendant of one of the early settlers of Massachusetts, and of an unusually learned and scholarly family. He was graduated at Dartmouth in 1795, and became a tutor there, and had among his pupUs Daniel Webster, who in after life admitted his debt inteUectually to the tutor. Mr. Noyes en gaged in theological study and fitted himself for the ministry, but gave it up because of iU-health and returned to teaching, had 144 HUNTER. charge of the Chesterfield, N. H., Academy for a time, and in 1800 moved to Brattleboro to engage in mercantUe trade with General Mann, the grandfather of the wife of Gen. George B. McClellan. There were several famous connections through the firm of Noyes & Mann. A partner of one of its branches, at AVilmington, was Rutherford, father of President Rutherford B. Hayes. Mr. Noyes' oldest son was John H. Noyes, founder of the Oneida, N. Y., Perfectionist community, which had its first start at Put ney. His eldest daughter was Mrs. L. G. Mead, mother of the famous sculptor of that name. The firm did a heavy business, with stores at Brattleboro, WUraington, Whitingham and Putney, and rapidly amassed wealth. Mr. Noyes represented Brattleboro in the General Assembly of i8o8-'io and 1812, and in 1815 was elected to Congress, serv ing one term as contemporary with Clay, Randolph and other celebrities. On his return frora Washington he moved to Dum merston, where he lived for four years, and then retired frora active life to a farra in Putney, where he died Oct. 26, 1841, at the age of seventy-eight. He wedded, in 1804, Polly, the oldest daughter of Rutherford Hayes, the grandfather of the President. ALLEN, Heman.— "Chili" Alien, as he was called to distinguish him from his distant relative and long political opponent, but per sonal friend and for many years close neigh bor, Heman AUen of Milton, who was also in Congress, was a son of Heber AUen and nephew of Ethan and Ira, born at Poultney in 1779. After the death of his father he was at an early age adopted into the family of his uncle Ira at Colchester and given a good education, graduating from Dartmouth in 1795. He adopted the profession of law, but did not practice very extensively as he was in public life nearly all his days. He was sheriff of Chittenden county in 1808 and 1809; from 1811 to 1814 he was chief justice of the Chittenden county court ; frora i8i2toi8i7 he was an active mem ber of the state Legislature ; was appointed quartermaster of militia, with the title of brigadier, and was a trustee of the Univer sity of Vermont. He was first elected a representative in Congress from Vermont in 1817, but resigned in 1818 to accept from President Monroe the appointment of United States marshal for the district of Vermont. In 1823 he received frora the sarae President the appointment of minister to ChiU, which he resigned in 1828 ; in 1830 he was ap pointed president of the United States Branch Bank at Burlington, which he held until the expiration of its charter, after which he settled in the town of Highgate, where he died of heart disease April 9, 1852. His remains were brought to BurUngton and interred in the AUen cemetery there. He had rauch of the AUen ability. HUNTER, William.— Was born in Ver raont ; was a raeraber of the Legislature in 1807, 1809; was a state councilor in 1809, 1 8 14 and 1815 ; was elected a representative frora Vermont in the Fifteenth Congress, serving from Dec. i, 1817 to March 3, 1819. MERRILL, Orsamus C— Printer, law yer, judge, congressraan and councilor, was born at Farmington, Conn., June 18, 1775, carae to Bennington in April, 1791, and was apprenticed to Anthony Haswell. On com pleting his apprenticeship he engaged in the printing business for himself, and his first printed book was a Webster's spelling book. He then studied law and was admit ted to the bar in June, 1804. He entered the railitary service in the war of i8i2-'i5, and was made major in the eleventh United States infantry, March 3,. 181 3; lieutenant-colonel ofthe twenty-sixth infantry as riflemen, Sept. 4, 18 14, and transferred back to the eleventh infantry as. lieutenant-colonel, Sept. 26, 18 14. He was register of probate 1815 ; clerk ofthe courts 1816; meraber of Congress i8i7-'i9; repre sentative of Bennington in the Constitu tional Convention and General Assembly in 1822 ; judge of probate court in 1822, 1841, 1842 and 1846; state's attorney 1823 and '24; councilor 1824 and 1826, and member of the first state Senate. Governor Hall states that he was also postmaster for sever al years. He was a candidate for re-elec tion to Congress in 18 18, and the joint assembly declared him elected, but R. C. Mallory, the opposing candidate, contested. his claim, showed that the result was de clared for MerriU before the returns from several towns had been received, and the result was that Mallory was given the seat. Mr. MerrUl lived in the honor and respect of his fellow-citizens, untU he reached the age of eighty-nine, dying AprU 12, 1865. The late Timothy Merrill, of Montpelier,. who held many responsible positions in the public service, was his brother. RICHARDS, Mark —Councilor, Lieu tenant-Governor, congressraan, and one of the brilliant coterie of Jeffersonian leaders that so long ruled the state in the first quar ter of the territory, was born in Waterbury,. Conn., July 15, 1760, the grandson on his mother's side of Rev. Dr. Hopkins, the dis tinguished theologian and divine. He was a soldier of the Revolution, enlisting at the age of sixteen, and seeing hard service at Stony Point, Monmouth, Red Bank and MEECH. MALLORY. 145 Valley Forge. He afterwards settled in Boston, and accumulated property in mer cantile and mechanical pursuits, until in 1796, he moved to Westminster, where he also continued in trade. Five years later, in 1 80 1, he was elected to represent the town, and was re-elected in i8o2-'o4-'os. From 1806 to 1 810 he was sheriff of Windham county, in i8i3-'i5 was in the Governor's council, and in 1816 was elected to Con gress, serving two terms untU 1820. He again represented his town in i824-'26, and 1828, and in i830-'3i was Lieutenant-Gov ernor of the state, being associated on the ticket with Governor Crafts. He was again in the Legislature in 1832 and 1834. His son-in-law, WilUam C. Bradley, de scribes him as in person " lean and taU, of pleasant but somewhat forraal manners and in spite of lameness a remarkably active man. His liberality though great for his means was discriminating and well timed ;" his "industry and perseverance whenever occasion caUed for it were untiring ; his love of order was so precise and descended to such minuteness of detail that it appeared alraost incompatible with much expansion of thought, and yet few men can be named who united more knowl edge of human nature, more sagacity and promptness in business." His wife was the widow Dorr, and their daughter, Sarah, married Mr. Bradley. He died at Westminster, August 10, 1844, at the age of eighty-four. MEECH, Ezra. — Twice in Congress, Democratic candidate for Governor in i830,-3i'-32, and afterwards prominent as a Whig, and one of the most enterprising and far-seeing business operators the state had in the early part of the century, was born at New London, Conn., July 26, 1773 and came with his father to Hinesburgh in 1785. He was in his young manhood a hunter and trapper, then branched out into the fur trade, became associated with John Jacob Astor in it, and in 1806, and for a few years after, was the agent of the Northwest Fur Co. He frequently went into Canada on his purchasing trips, bringing large packs through the wUderness, and in 1809 was agent for supplying the British government with spars and timber. In 1795 he opened a store at Charlotte Four Corners, stiU keeping up his fur trade. In 1806 he pur chased a farm along the lake shore in Shel- burne, moved there, opened a retaU store, also continuing the purchase of furs; en gaged in the manufacture of potash and in 1 8 10 in lumbering, especially with oak, which he shipped to the Quebec market. At the declaration of the war of 181 2 he was caught in Canada with a large quanity of timber, and obtained a permit to remain and close his business. During the war he was an extensive contractor in supplying the governraent and army with provisions. At its close he again went into the lumber trade with success, and aU through his later years was also an extensive agriculturist and stock breeder, his farm containing three thousand acres in a high state of cultivation, on which could be seen a flock of three thousand sheep and eight hundred oxen. He was probably the largest land holder in the state, and at his death his real estate was appraised at $125,000. He was in 1805 and 1807 elected to the state Legislature. In 1822 and 1823 hewas chief justice of the Chittenden county court and he was a member of the Constitutional Conventions of 1820 and 1826. His first election to Congress was in 1818 ; he served only one term but was again elected for another term in 1824. His candidacies for Governor were during the period that the state was swept by anti-Masonry and it was largely under his leadership that the skeleton of a Democratic organization was preserved. But before 1840 he had become a Whig, being then a Harrison presidential elector. He was emphatically what is caUed a " self made man" ; with but a limited education he won farae and fortune by the aid alone of a strong mind, an accurate judgment and resolute perseverance. He was a large man, physically as well as inteUectually, being six feet five inches in height and weighing three hundred and seventy pounds, and yet he was one of the most expert trout fishers in the country, foUowing the sport with delight to his last years, even as he had the chase with his rifle in his youthful days. He was always noted for his generous hospitality. He died at Shelburne, Sept. 23, 1856, aged eighty-three. He was twice married, first in 1800 to Mary McNeU, who died while he was in Congress, and subsequently to Mrs. L. C. Clark who survived him. He was the father of ten children, only two of whom survived him, sons who lived in Shel burne. He joined the Methodist Episcopal church in 1833, and for the rest of his life was a very influential man in his conference. MALLORY, ROLLIN CARLOS.— Rep resentative in Congress frora 18 19 to 1831, and like Morrill in later years the chief framer and foremost advocate of the high tariff biU of his time, was born in Cheshire, Conn., May 27, 1784. He was graduated from- Middlebury in 1805, studied law with Horatio Seymour at Middlebury, and Robert Temple at Rutland, and settied at Castleton in 1806, where he was preceptor of the acad emy for a year, then was admitted to the bar 146 KEYES. WHITE. in 1807 and practiced at Castieton tiU 181 8, when he raoved to Poultney. He was secretary of the Governor and Council in 1807, 1809 to 181 2, and 1815 to 18 19— ten years in all — was state's attorney for Rutland county, 181 1-' 13 and in 18 16; was elected to Congress in 18 18, serving for six terms until 1831, and becoming a leader among the protectionists. He was chair raan of the committee on manufactures that reported the tariff of 1828, the "tariff of ab ominations" as the Democrats caUed it, that led to South Carolina's act of nullification, and Jackson's energetic measures for the Union, though it was largely the reaction of the country against this tariff biU, which had been calculated to strengthen Adaras' cause, that had made General Jackson President. Mr. Mallory therefore was one of the issue-mak ing men of one of the most exciting epochs in our national history. He was a thorough believer inthe principles of protection, like Governor McKinley of our day, and it was a subject that grew on his hands. This tariff was projected at first in the interest of the woolen manufacturers but ended by includ ing all the manufacturing interests. He was the leader of the House debate on it and ex erted hiraself greatly to secure its passage. He was also prorainent in the fight over the Missouri compromise which took place soon after his entrance into Congress and he opposed the admission of the state with its slave constitution. But sudden death, at BaUimore, Md., AprU 15, 183 1, cut short a career which proraised to become one of continent-wide fame, and hardly second to that of his great compeers. Clay, Webster and Hayne, in the great economic struggle ushered in by the 1828 tariff. Lanman says of him that " he was held in the highest estimation both for his public acts and his private virtues." He was a brother of Rev. Charles D. Mallory, D. D., the Baptist divine and founder of Mercer (Ga.) University. That branch of the family has produced a number of distinguished men of the South. KEYES, Elias. — Representative in Con gress for one term, and a judge, and a coun cUor in state affairs, a native of Ashford, Conn., was one of the first settlers of Stock- bridge, whither he came in 1784 or' 85. He represented the town sixteen years, 1 793 to '97, 1798 to 1803, 1818, 1820 and i823-'26, and was in the Governor's councU fourteen years, from 1803 to 18 18, except the one term of 1814; was assistant judge of the Windsor county court eight years, 1806-14, and chief judge two years raore, 1815-17. He also served in the constitutional conven tion of 1 8 14. He was in Congress from 1821 to 1823. WHITE, Phineas. — Representative in Congress 182 1-3, was a native of South Had ley, Mass., where he was born Oct. 30, 1770. Graduating at Dartmouth in 1797, he studied law with Charles Marsh at Woodstock and Judge Samuel Porter at Dummerston and in 1800 began practice at Putney where he made his home the rest of his life. He represented the town in the Legislature in i8i5-'2o; was postmaster 1802-9 j was state's attorney for the county in 18 13; register of probate 1800 to 1809 ; judge of probate for several years afterward and chief judge of the county court from 1818 to 1820, or until his election to Congress. On his return from the latter service he abandoned his law prac tice and devoted himself to farming on quite an extensive scale, but was frequently called to public duty, nevertheless. He was a mem ber of the constitutional convention of 1836, and was a state senator in 1838-40. He was for several years president of the Ver mont Bible and Verraont Colonization So cieties, and was prorainent in Masonry, being grand master of the Grand Lodge of the state. He was also one of the trustees of Middlebury College. He was. a man of solid rather than brilliant abilities, always fulfilling faithfully and creditably the many positions of trust to which he was called. He died at Putney, July 6, 1847, at the age of seventy-six. His wife, who survived him for nine years, was Esther, daughter of Nehe miah and Hepziba Stevens of Plainfield, Conn., and he married her July 5, 1801. WALES, George E. — Judge, speaker of the lower house of the Legislature and four years in Congress, was born in West minster May 13, 1792, studied law in the offices of Gen. Stephen R. Bradley at West minster and Titus Hutchinson at Woodstock, was adraitted to the Windsor county bar in 1 81 2, and settled at Hartford that year. A man of brilliant parts, he rapidly rose to success and prominence. He was Hartford's representative in the Legislature in 1822, 1823 and 1824. He was in his first term elected speaker on the resignation of D. Azro A. Buck, and he was re-elected in 1823 and 1824, holding the position as long as he was in the House. A nomination to Congress followed these triumphs, and he was elected in 1825, and re-elected in 1829. But here he formed habits of dissipation that brought rauch criticism upon him and really wrecked his political career, though doubtless his prominence in Masonry, being grand master in i825-'27, just as the wave of Anti-Masonry was beginning its sweep of the state, had more to do with it. At least ALLEN. 147 Jit brought attack for things that would other wise have passed without mention. Doubt less also the attack and defeat aggravated the evil. After leaving Congress he located in different places in Windsor county, prac ticing his profession, but finally returning to Hartford, where he was elected town clerk in 1840, and held the position untU his ¦death. He was elected judge of probate for the Hartford district in 1847, bit held the ofifice only three years. He was active in Masonry, beginning in 18 12, he being one of the charter members of the lodge at Hartford. Personally he was one of the most attrac tive men we have had in public life ; accom plished, eloquent, quick-witted, genial and large-hearted, ever drawing about hira a ¦coterie of friends and admirers. He married in January, 1813, Miss Amanda Lathrop of Sharon, by whom he had seven children. He died at Hartford, Jan. 8, i860. ALLEN, Heman, of Milton — twice a .representative, serving in all eight years, and one of the Whig leaders of his time, was ¦born in Ashfield, Mass., within liraits of what was anciently Deerfield, June 14, 1777, the son of Enoch Allen. His grandfather and several of his other ancestors were vic tims of the dififerent Indian raids upon that historic ground. On his mother's side he was descended from Elijah Belding, the first town clerk of Deerfield. His father died when he was only twelve years old, and -a few years later the family, a widow and younger chUdren came up to Grand Isle where two of their uncles had preceded them. Heman remained behind for a tirae and took a course of two years at the old -academy of Chesterfield, N. H., then he followed to Grand Isle, pursuing his classi cal studies under Rev. Asa Lyon, and read ing law with Elnathan Keyes at Burlington, •and Judge Turner at Fairfield, until in 1803 he was admitted to the bar and opened practice at Milton. Though a modest and unassuming man, very diffident about ap pearing in court, he within a few years secured a clientage that extended through ¦Chittenden, FrankUn and Grand Isle coun ties, won a high reputation for the thorough ness with which he prepared his cases, and -as the best real estate lawyer in the circuit. He represented MUton in the Legislature in 1810, and eleven years afterward between that time and 1826, whenever in fact he would be a candidate. He was MiUon's -earUest lawyer and a man whom the people there almost universally adraired. He was ¦several times a colleague of his namesake of Colchester in the Legislature, and he being .a Federalist and the other just as warm a Democrat, they helped to keep things inter esting. He was first nominated in 1826 for Congress and elected only after a close con test, because his candidacy was entangled with that of Governor Van Ness for the Senate, so that he was suspected of being a " Jackson man " and partly because of a lack of understanding with the supporters of Benjamin Swift. He served only one terra at this time because of these complications, but was again elected after a protracted con test in 1832, and three times re-elected. He served on the Revolutionary clairas coramit tee where he stood bravely and efficiently with Hiland Hall against the swindlers from Virginia. His lawyer-like habits of pains taking care and thoroughness made his con gressional service efficient. He was defeated for re-election in 1838 because of his vote for the neutrality biU proposed by President Van Buren against the insurrection which had broken out in Canada. Mr. Allen's district was a hot-bed of sympathy with the- insur rection and he understood fully the risk he took with this vote, but it was clearly right and even the entreaties of his friends to at least absent himself from the roll call could not shake his resolution to do his duty. The September election failed to give a raajority for anybody and he peremptorily refused to stand for the second contest. It had been his idea from the first that the un popularity he had incurred made it injudi cious for his party to nominate him, but he yielded to the persuasions of his enthusiastic supporters in accepting. There was a move raent afterward to make hira the Whig can didate for senator, but it failed. He was also offered the Whig nomination for Governor but decUned it. For the next four years he devoted hira self with all his energy to his professional practice, but died Dec. 11, 1844, after a lin gering iUness brought on by a cold contract ed in the service of a client. Mr. .\llen wedded, Dec. 4, 1804, Sarah, daughter of Dr. John Prentiss of St Albans. There were nine children, of whora five lived to raaturity. Of these George became pro fessor of Latin and Greek in the University of Pensylvania, Joseph W. became a lawyer of some prominence, and Sarah was the wife of Rev. J. R. Converse. His son George describes his personal appearance as " of lofty stature, over six feet high, and of coramanding presence. His strongly raarked countenance indicated that combination of massive strength of inteUect with inflexible adherence to principle in private and public life, which formed the saUent points of his character. His feat ures, in repose, wore a slight expression of severity, which belied the real kindness of his disposition. The dignified simplicity of HUNT. CAHOON. his manners was perfectly expressive of his habitual absence of all personal pretension." HUNT, JONATHAN.— Congressman, i827-'32, and dying in the service, a man of remarkable popular strength in his day, came from a notable Vermont famUy. His father was Jonathan Hunt, Sr., who was Lieutenant-Governor of the state in 1794- '96, a native of Northfield, Mass., a leader in the early troubles of the settiers, first a "Yorker" and afterward appointed a sheriff under New York authority, then an advocate of the division of the "Grants" between New York and New Hampshire, and one of the committee of thirteen, with Luke Knowl ton, Charles Phelps and Micah Townshend, to prepare a plan to establish still another new government out of parts of Verraont and New Hampshire, and only joining the "new state" men, as did Knowlton and Townshend, when they saw that these schemes were hopeless. He was one of four brothers, who were all raen of superior abilities and large influence in the affairs of this part of the country. Among them was Gen. Arad Hunt, of Vernon, who got his title in the command of Vermont militia, who was a member of the Wesminster con vention of June, 1776, and who donated 5,000 acres of land in the town of Albany, Vt., to Middlebury College. One of his daughters married Governeur Morris of New York. The distinguished Hunt family of New York is also a branch of this, which was also connected by marriage with the Seymours of Connecticut. Gov. Jonathan Hunt, the father of the congressraan, raarried Lavinia Swan of Eos- ton, a woman of superior intellectual en dowments, a former pupil of President John Adams, and their home in Vernon, with its wealth and generous hospitality, was long a social center for the best and brainiest peo ple in New England. With such an ances try and such surroundings, Jonathan Hunt, Jr., who was born August 12, 1780, natur ally came up a man of unusual talent and promise, uniting as he did uniform industry and perseverance to his other advantages. He was graduated at Dartmouth in 1807, studied law at Brattleboro, and was admitted to the Windham county bar in Noveraber, 1792. He settled in a practice, which grew to be extensive, at Brattieboro, and was prorai- nently identified with the town's commercial and social life. He was chosen the first president of the old Brattleboro Bank, after its incorporation in 1821, and held the posi tion until his death. He represented the town in the Legislature in i8i6-'i7-'24. He succeeded WilUam C. Bradley as repre sentative in Congress in 1827 and was twice re-elected, holding the ofifice until his death in Washington, May 15, 1832, aged only forty-two. The news of his death was re ceived almost as a personal bereavement by the people of the district, so deep was the hold he had obtained on their affections and regard. Mr. Hunt married Jane Maria Leavitt. Araong the five children were WiUiam Mor ris Hunt, the artist of world-wide renown, and Richard M. Hunt, the architect, of New York. CAHOON, Gen. William.— In Con gress from 1827 to 1833, and Lieutenant- Governor 1820—22, was born at Providence, R. L, in I 774, the son of Daniel Cahoon and brother of Daniel Cahoon, Jr., the first settler of Lyndon. The misfortunes of Revolution ary times brought to comparative poverty and to Vermont the father, who had been an importing merchant and was one of the charter grantees of Lyndon, where the family has ever been one of prominence. The elder Cahoon was town representative eight years, selectman eleven, and town clerk fif teen in succession. The son, William, suc ceeded to the latter position in 1808 and held it uninterruptedly until he went to Con gress. He was elected town representative in 1802 and re-elected eight times. Hewas a delegate to the constitutional conventions of 1814 and 1828, a Madison presidential elector in 1808, judge of the Caledonia county court i8ii-'i9, and councilor 1815- '20. He was for many years one of the most influential Democratic leaders of the state,, and was one of the candidates for councilor counted out in the close contest of 1813. He obtained his titie of general in the mil itia and was the commander of the fourth division at the time of the war of 1812, with the rank of major-general. EVERETT, HORACE.— Congressman for years, one of the strong Whig leaders, was born in Vermont in i 780. He gradu ated at Brown University in 1797, studied law, and practiced in Windsor. He was state's attorney for Windsor county i8i3-'i7 and became famous as one of the most suc cessful jury advocates in the state. He repre sented \Mndsor in the Legislature in 1819, 1820, 1822, 1824, and 1834, and was aprom- inent member of the state Constitutional Convention of 1828, and in that year also was elected to Congress as a Whig, defeating- George E. Wales. He was re-elected to the Twenty-third Congress on the second trial, receiving 304 majority ; was re-elected again to the Twenty-fourth, defeating Anderson (Dem.) and Arnold (Whig), and again to the Twenty- fifth and Twenty- sixth Con gresses, receiving 5,183 votes in the latter DEMING. FLETCHER. 149 year against 3,841 votesfor Partridge (Dera.), and was re-elected to the Twenty-seventh — 2,222 majority — serving from Dec. 7, 1829, to March 3, 1843. His chief fame in Congress was made by his advocacy of the rights of the Indians. Among his notable speeches was that of June 3, 1836, against the Indian bounty bill and the removal of the Creeks, Seminoles, Cher okees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws to Indian Territory, a very exhaustive one, and he pre dicted that the removal only changed the scene of war. He died at Windsor Jan. 30, 1851. DEMING, Benjamin P.— Who was sent to the House for one term, i833-'35, being elected from the Fifth congressional district on the Anti- Masonic ticket by a large majority, was a native of DanviUe, where he was born in 1790. He received only a coramon school education, began life as a clerk in a store and then was for a num ber of years a merchant at Danville until he gave up his time to his public duties. He was for sixteen years, i8i7-'32, the Cale donia county clerk, and eleven years, i82i-'32, judge of probate, and councilor for six years, 1827 to 1833, winning in these positions the reputation which secured his nomination to Congress. He served, how ever, only one session, and contracting a disease of the bowels at Washington, died while on his way home, at Saratoga Springs, N. v., July II, 1834, aged only forty-four. He left a wife and young faraily. He was a man of " raore than ordinary talent, of a calra and deliberative raind, quick of perception, prompt, apt and up right in business transactions, gentle and winning socially, and benevolent in ideas." JANES, Henry F.— Congressman 1835- '37, councilor from 1830 to 1834, and state treasurer from 1830 to 1841, was of a family that was among the pioneers in Vermont, and prominent in the early history of several towns. He was hiraself born in October, 1792, at Brimfield, Mass., the third of eight children of Solomon and Beulah (Fisk) Janes. The family came in his early boy hood to Calais, and he studied law at Mont peUer, enUsted from there in a company that was in the battie of Plattsburg in the war of 1 81 2, and settled in Waterbury for the practice of his profession in 1817, being reasonably successful with his cases as well as in amassing a competence and in winning popular favor. He was postmaster for ten years, i820-'29. Then he was immediately elected a councilor, serving four years, till 1834, and then promoted to Congress where he represented the district for one terra, and then was elected state treasurer, serving three years, 1838 to 1841. This closed his poUtical Ufe in a large field, though he was a member of the council of censors in 1848, and represented Waterbury several terras in the Legislature, his last election being in 1855. He died June 6, 1879, in his eighty- eighth year. He wedded, in 1826, Fanny, daughter of Gov. Ezra Butler ; and Dr. Henry Janes, a distinguished physician and war surgeon, was their son. Mr. Janes is described as a most just man in every relation of Ufe, with clear, strong judgment, and conscientious devotion to duty. FLETCHER, Gen. ISAAC— Representa tive in Congress for two terms, i837-'4i, was native of Massachusetts, born in 1784, and a graduate of Dartmouth. After teaching the academy awhUe at Chesterfield, N. H., he studied law with Mr. Vose in that state and Judge White at Putney, and established hira self in practice at Lyndon. He rose rapidly to the front rank of the profession, participa ting for a time in the trial of nearly every case in Caledonia, Orleans and Essex coun ties, and literally wearing himself out with overwork. He represented Lyndon in the General Asserably four years, was state's attorney of Caledonia county eight years and was adjutant-general on the staff of Gover nor Van Ness, getting his title from that source. His health had faUed before he got far in his congressional service and though he was still faithful to his duties, his weak ness prevented his attaining any distinction. He died in October, 1842, just after the close of his second term. He married Miss Abagail Stone of Chester field who survived hira. His only son, C. B. Fletcher, a lawyer of Boston, was a man of brilliant parts, but died of consumption at the age of thirty-four. SMITH, John.— Representative in Con gress, i839-'4i, and one ofthe chief projec tors of the Verraont & Canada R. R., was a native of Barre, Mass., born August 12, 1789, and the son of Deacon Samuel Smith. The famUy moved to St. Albans in 1800, where young John had only the advantage of the slender educational faciUties of the town, studied law first with his brother-in- law, Roswell Hutchins, and then with Ben jamin Swift, was admitted to the bar in 18 10, and formed a partnership with Mr. Swift, which continued with high success for seven teen years, untU Mr. Swift went to Congress. He represented the town in the General Assembly ten years, from 1827 to 1838, with the exception of 1834, and was speaker of the House in '32 and '33. He was state's attorney for Franklin county seven years, i82 7-'33. In 1838 the Democrats of that ISO YOUNG. MARSH. district nominated him for Congress, and, though the district was strongly Whig, Mr. Smith was elected, after a vigorous canvass to which his large personal popularity added much strength. But it was only for one terra. The great political storm of 1840 left him high and dry at horae. His con gressional service was of course too short to permit any great reputation in it to be won, but he made one speech, a defense of the independent treasury idea, which was wide ly published and counted one of the ablest and most thorough ever made on the sub ject. His defeat for re-election to Congress closed his public life and he returned to the practice of his profession, until 1845, after which he gave his time and energies chiefly to railroad enterprises, and it was to him in conjunction with Lawrence Brainerd and Joseph Clark and to their boldness of action through the most critical emergencies, risk ing their entire fortunes in the project by borrowing $350,000 on their personal credit, that the Vermont & Canada road was made a reality and the last link forged that was to connect New England with the great lakes. The conception was a great one and by energy and sagacity was it reaUzed, but the triumph was followed by perplexing and ex hausting labor to raake a business success of the enterprise, and the strain and the anxiety undermined Mr. Smith's health and led to his sudden death, Nov. 20, 1858. Mr. Smith was a man of large mold, liberal and public-spirited, of clean and worthy pri vate life, and in the words of a local biogra pher : "An earnest Christian man, -full of charity and good works, without partiaUty and without hypocrisy." He married, Sept. 18, 1814, Miss Maria W. Curtis, of Troy, N. Y., and Gov. John Gregory and Congressman Worthington C. Smith were their sons. YOUNG, AUGUSTUS.— Representative in Congress t84i-'43, and a scientific author of reputation, was born in Arlington, March 20, 1785, studied law and was admitted to the bar at St. Albans in 1810, began practice at Stowe, but in about eighteen months moved to Craftsbury, where his active life was spent. He represented the town eight years, was state's attorney for Orleans county four years, and judge of probate in 1830. He was elected state senator in 1836, and was twice re-elected. His election to Con gress was in 1840, but he declined a re-elec tion. In 1847 he moved back to St. Albans, and for several years was judge of probate, but devoted most of his time untU his death, June 17, 1857, to literary and scientific pur suits, and was appointed state naturalist in 1856. He was one of the raost learned men the state ever contained in geology and mineralogy, was a great mathematician and a profound reasoner. His inteUectual charmi was such, with his easy and kindly manners, as to give him great popularity, and though his energies were perhaps too scattered to- win the greatest success, none knew him but to admit that he was a man of great talents.. MARSH, George Perkins.— Son of Congressman Charles Marsh and grandson of the Lieutenant-Governor, a lawyer, congress man, diplomat, philologist and of world-wide fame as an author and scholar, was perhaps the most broadly accomplished man the state ever produced. He was born March 15,, 1801, graduated at Dartmouth in 1820, stud ied law in his father's ofifice, was admitted to the bar in 1825, and settled at Burlington, speedily acquiring an extensive practice. But he divided his tirae between law, literature and poUtics, and, in 1835, he was a member of the Governor's council. In 1842 he was elected representative to Congress and three times re-elected, until, in 1849, President Taylor appointed him minister to Turkey., The time and the situation were such as to give him opportunity, which he improved to the utmost, to render important service to the cause of civil and religious toleration in the Turkish empire. The marked improvement of the system of the Porte in this respect in the past forty years may truly be said to be due to Mr. Marsh more than any other one man. He was also charged in 1852 with a special mission to Greece, which he filled with added reputation. On the change of admin istration, however, in 1853, he was reUeved, and returning to Vermont, he was appointed one of the commissioners to rebuild the pres ent state house in Montpelier, and, in 1857, he was appointed railroad commissioner,, serving two years. In 1857, also by the ap pointment of Governor Fletcher, he made a valuable and exhaustive report on the artifi cial propagation of fish, laying the foundation for much of the work that has been done since. In 1 861 President Lincoln appointed him rainister to Italy, and he held the position, being the patriarch of American diplomacy, twenty-one years, until his death, in Valom- brosa, not far from Florence, July 23, 1882. During his residence abroad he travelled extensively in the East and in Europe, pass ing some tirae in Denmark, Sweden and Nor way, where he has long been recognized as a leading Scandinavian scholar. His pubUshed works include a " Compendious Grammar of the Old Northern or Icelandic Language," compUed and translated from the Grammar Rask (Burlington, 1838) ; "The Camel, His Organization, Habits and Uses, considered with reference to his introduction into the United States" (Boston, 1856) ; and "Lec tures on the English Language" (New York, HENRY. PECK. ISI i860) ; originally delivered in 1859 in the post-graduate course of Columbia College, New York, in which he "aimed to excite a more general interest among educated men and women in the history and essential char acter of their native tongue, and to recom mend the study ofthe EngUsh language in its earUer Uterary monuments rather than through the medium of grammars and Un- guistic treatises. He never tired in delving in the languages and Uterature of the North of Europe, and his sympathies appear to be with the Goths, whose presence he traces in whatever is great and pecuhar in the character of the founders of New England. In a work en titled "The Goths in New England," he has contrasted the Gothic and Roman charac ters, which he appears to regard as the great antagonistic principles of society at the present day. He was also the author of va rious essays, hterary and historical, relating to the Goths and their connection with America. Still another ofhis works, and one of great merit, was "Man and Nature," first pub lished in 1864, and largely re-written and re published in 1874 under the tide : "The Earth as Modified by Human Action." He was collaborator in the preparation of the. dictionary of the English language, issued under the auspices of the London Philologi cal Society. And his miscellaneous pub lished addresses and speeches are quite nuraerous. Henry Swan Dana says he "was a truly learned man, in the variety and thoroughness of his acquisitions, in all de partments of human knowledge being almost without a peer in the world." His Ubrary, one of the finest in the country, rich beyond compare in Scandinavian literature, he pre sented to the University of Vermont, of whose corporation he was chosen a member, in 1844. Mr. Marsh was twice married. His first wife, who lived but a few years after the mar riage, was Harriet, daughter of Ozias Buell, of Burlington. The second, whom he wedded Dec. i, 1816, was Caroline Crane, of Berkeley, Mass., a woman of Uterary power and an author of sorae reputa tion. Her published productions are : "The HalUg ; or, the Sheepfold in the Waters," translated from the German of Biernatzki, with a biographical sketch of the author (Boston, 1857) ; and "Wolfe of the KnoU, and Other Poems" (New York, i860). There were two children by the first wife : Charles, who died in childhood, and George Ozias, a promising New York lawyer, who died when only thirty-three. HENRY, William. — Congressman for two terms, close friend of Lincoln, and one of the fathers of the now large village of Bel lows FaUs, was born in New Harapshire in 1788. He received only a common school education, moved to Bellows FaUs, where he was cashier of the Bank of BeUows FaUs for fifteen years, and held various stations in public life. It was on his motion in 1834 that the act incorporating the viUage was accepted at a meeting of the corporation, after it had once been rejected. Frora that time up to and including 1843, Mr. Henry was a member of the board of fire wardens. He was a member of the Harrisburg conven tion in 1839 which nominated General Har rison and a presidential elector in 1840. In 1846 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives and was re-elected and served two terms. In i860 he was again elected a presidential elector and during the campaign visited Mr. Lincoln at his home in lUinois, with whom he was personally acquainted, they having served together in Congress where their seats were near to gether and they had been in close sympathy as Whigs. The Democratic candidate against him at both his elections was WilUam C. Bradley. Mr. Henry died at Bellows FaUs April 1 7, 1 86 1, at the age of seventy-three, just as the great civil war was breaking upon the country. Up to his last .moraent almost, he followed the progress of events with intensest interest. PECK, Lucius B. — Representative in Congress from 1847 to 185 1, was born at Waterbury in October, 1802, the son of Gen. John Peck. He was admitted as a cadet at West Point in 1822, but had to resign be cause of ill-health after a year's study, en tered upon the study of law first with Judge Prentiss at MontpeUer, and then with Denni son Smith at Barre, and was adraitted to the bar in September, 1825. He formed a part-, nership with Mr. Smith, who had an exten sive practice, but was growing old so that the burden soon feU upon young Peck's shoulders. But he rapidly rose in his pro fession and became one of the leading lawyers of Washington and Orange counties, and the worthy antagonist in the forensic forum of such men as Paul DiUingham, WilUam Uphara, and Jacob CoUaraer. He represented Barre in 1831, but soon after moved to MontpeUer, where he devoted hiraself to his profession with aU the ardor of his nature, keeping out of pohtics steadily for fifteen years. In 1846 the Democrats of the district nominated him for Congress and elected him, and re-elected him for a second term in 1848. While in Washington he was on intimate and famihar terras with such great party leaders as William L. Marcy and Daniel S. Dickinson. He was also twice the Democratic candidate for Governor, and IS2 ME.4CHAM. from 1853 to 1857 was United States dis trict attorney by appointment of President Pierce. But these were aU the political honors he ever held, and indeed he had but little taste for politics, and Uttle arabition for its contests or distinctions. B. F. Fifield, the able lawyer with whom he was in partner ship in his later years, says that Mr. Peck often told him that the greatest mistake of his life was in going to Washington at all. He resumed his professional practice after his congressional career closed and to the end held a rank close to the front at the bar of the state and being especially potent in railroad litigation. He was president of the Vermont & Canada road from 1859 until his death. His power as a lawyer and poli tician, too, was in his candor and fairness of statement, his fine and unruffled courtesy, his masterful analysis, separating the true from the false, the essential from the non essential, and the clearness with which he piled up proposition upon proposition un answerable. It was true of him, as his admiring colleague said of John G. Carlisle, that he " never had a clouded thought." He was slow and deliberate, cautious in con clusions, but most apt to be convincing when he reached them, and a safe and dis criminating adviser. He had little of the art of oratory or the embellishments of fancy ; he spoke to convince, not to please. He married in 1830 the daughter of Ira Day of Barre, an accomplished lady with whom his home life was a most beautiful one for the fifteen years until her death in 1845. He was stricken with paralysis whUe on a professional visit to LoweU, Mass., and died there Dec. 28, 1866. HEBARD, William.— Was a self-made and self-educated man, ancl read law with William Nutting of Randolph. He was ad mitted to the Orange county bar in 1827, and commenced to practice at East Randolph, but in 1845 removed to Chelsea, and re mained there practicing his profession until the tirae of his death. He was one of the ablest and most popular men of his tirae, represented Randolph four years, and Chel sea five years in the General Assembly ; was state senator in i836-'38, and state's attor ney in i832-'34-'36 ; judge of probate in 1838, 1840, and 1841, and judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont from 1842 to 1844 inclusive. In 1848 he was elected to Congress, and again in 1850. In i860 he was a delegate to the national Republican convention that nominated Abrahara Lin coln. Judge Barrett of the Supreme Court pays him this tribute : "I think his promi nent characteristics were candor, consider- ateness, integrity and faithfulness. He was plain and practical, with substantial common sense that gave itself with faithful effort to such ofifice as he was caUed to do, and the estimate in which he was held is amply and best attested by the fact of his large and long continued professional practice with all classes of the coraraunity, by his early and oft re peated caUs to offices of iraportant respon- sibiUty, in which his integrity and assiduity were always conspicuous ; by the universal respect in which he was held as a citizen, as a member of society, as a neighbor, and as a friend." As an advocate, in the putting of his facts and ideas, his propositions and his argument into written expression he had unusual facility and merit. Judge Hebard married Elizabeth Stockwell (Brown), Sept. 12, 1830. He died at Chel sea at the age of seventy-five, Oct. 20, 1875. MEACHAM, James.— CoUege professor and Congregational preacher as well as poli tician, was born in Rutland, August 10, 1810, and being left an orphan in early childhood was apprenticed to a cabinet maker. But a benevolent neighbor, irapressed with his tal ents and ambition, assisted him to an educa tion, and he graduated from Middlebury in 1832, took a course of theology at Andover, and was settled as pastor of the Congrega tional church at New Haven in 1838. He had been employed before completing his education as a teacher in the academies at Castleton and St. Albans, and for two years, from 1836, had been a tutor at Middlebury. In 1846, he was caUed back to the coUege to take the professorship of elocution and Eng lish literature. His reputation as an orator, writer and man of high culture rapidly ex tended and in 1848 he was elected to Con gress, served four terms and had been unanimously nominated for a fifth at the time of his death, August 23, 1856, at the age of only forty-six. He resigned his chair in the college in 1850 and devoted him self entirely to his public and poUtical duties. In Congress he was chairman of the committee on the District of Columbia, and the severe labors of the position are what undermined his health. He was prominent in the opposition to the abroga tion of the Missouri corapromise, which he regarded as a contract which both sides were bound to obey in good faith, and he warned the Southerners that if they persis ted it was the last compromise that would be raade between the clashing interests of the sections. A number of his speeches whUe in Congress have been published. MINER, Ahiman L. — Representative in Congress, i85i-'53, was a native of Middle- town, the son of Deacon Gideon and Rachel (Davison) Miner, and was born Sept. 23, 1804. BARTLETT. TRACY. IS3 He worked on his father's farm until he was of age and then fitted for the sophomore class in coUege, but instead of entering studied law in the offices of Malloney & Warner at Poultney and Royce & Hodges at Rutland ; was adraitted to the bar in 1832 ; practiced for three years at \^'allingford and then moved to Manchester. He represented the latter town four years in the Legislature, 1838, '39, '46 and '54 and was also in 1840 county senator. He was clerk of the House of Representatives, i836-'38; state's attorney for Bennington county in i843-'44; register of probate seven years and judge of probate three years, i846-'49. His nomination for Congress, by the Whigs frora the southern district of the state, in 185 1, was secured after one of the hardest fought pre-conven- tion campaigns the state has ever seen. Col. Calvin Townsley opposing him. He was a man of popular power, social and en gaging personally. He was twice married and had eight children. He died July 19, BARTLETT, THOMAS JR.— Was a na tive of Burke, the son of Thomas Bartlett, a man of abiUty and local prominence in his time. Young Bartiett studied law and set- tied in Lyndon in 1 839 ; in '4 1 and '42 he was the state's attorney for the county, in 1840 and '41 was in the state Senate and in 1850 was elected to Congress fora single term. In the former year he was also chosen the town's representative and again filled that position in '54 and '55. He was also a member of the constitutional conventions of 1850 and '57 and presided over the former body. At that tirae he was one of the most influential raen of his district and of the state. TRACY, Andrew. —In Congress for one term and speaker of the state House of Representatives for three years, was born in Hartford, Dec. 15, 1797, the son of James and Mercy (Richmond) Tracy. The faraily was one of worthy and prosperous farmers, but it was decided to give young Andrew an education, because he was not robust physic ally. He was fitted for college at the Royal ton and Randolph Academies, and entered Dartmouth, but reraained there only two years, because his friend and classmate, Leonard Marsh, had to leave on account of trouble with his eyes. The two young men then struck out into New York state, and Tracy taught school at Troy for two years. Returning home he studied law in the ofifice of George E. Wales, being a portion of the time postmaster at White River village, was admitted to the bar in 1826, and began practice in Quechee viUage, enlarging his clientage and reputation steadily until it be came of state extent. In 1838 he moved to Woodstock, where he formed a partnership with Norman WilUams that lasted until the spring of 1839, when Mr. Williams became county clerk. The next year he formed one with Juhus Converse, and in 1849 with Con verse and James Barrett, which lasted until he went to Congress. For raore than a generation Woodstock was faraous as a place of big lawyers, and this firra, and Mr. Tracy at its head, raore than kept alive the tradition and held its rank among some of the ablest competitors ever gathered at any bar. Of him W. H. Tucker, Hartford's historian, says : " Mr. Tracy's power and strength as a lawyer and advocate consisted in his wonderful quickness of perception, the rapidity with which he could adapt facts to legal principles, his quick comprehension of the fuU merits or demerits of a case, his keen discriminating analysis of facts, the nervous power and eloquence with which he presented facts to a jury, and in his masterly power of sarcasm and invective. Mr. Tracy was not what we caUed a learned lawyer, he rarely read text books or reports, but consulted thera in connection with his cases. He was weU grounded in the principles of common law, and in his arguraents of legal points, rea soned from first principles, and rarely cited or referred to decisions." H. S. Swan, the Woodstock historian, teUs of his swift and ready way of speaking, the force and compactness of his statements, and the keenness of his sarcasm. His political career would have been one of equal briUiance if his tastes had permitted him to persist in it. He was at first a National or Adams Repubhcan and then after the Whig party was formed an ardent follower of it. He represented Hartford in the Legislature for four years, i833-'37, and after his removal to Woodstock, he was, in 1839, elected a state senator. In 1840 he was a candidate against Horace Everett for the Whig nomina tion for Congress, but was defeated after a hard fight, much to his chagrin. In 1842, however, Woodstock sent him to the Legisla ture, and he was immediately made speaker, being re-elected in 1843 and 1844, as long as he was in the House and coraing out with great eclat. In 1852, he was nominated and elected to Congress as a Whig, but declined re-election after serving one term, being thoroughly satiated with political honors and a good deal disgusted with what he saw at Washington. He returned to the practice of his profession with renewed zest and con tinued at it without further distraction through his active life. Personally, he is described as a tall, slim, cadaverous man, who to a stranger would seem to be in the last stages of consumption. But his step was ever quick and elastic, and 154 SABIN. WALTON. he had a great araount of energy and an in domitable wiU, though never a weU man. He died at Woodstock, Oct. 28, 1868. SABIN, Alvah. — Another preacher-pol itician of a power approaching that of Niles, Lyon, Leland and the giants of the earUer days, was born in Georgia, Oct. 23, 1793, the son of Benjamin and PoUy (McMaster) Sabin. He was graduated at Columbian Col lege in the District of Columbia, educated for the Baptist ministry, and preached at Cambridge, Westfield and UnderhiU until he was settied in Georgia in 1825. Here he re mained, a fine specimen of the old-time power of the country rainister in the com munity, for forty-two years, removing in 1867 to Sycamore, 111., where he continued his ministerial duties as long as Ufe and strength lasted. His only brother, Daniel Sabin, was also a Baptist clergyman, and after preach ing at Swanton, North Fairfax, and other places for several years, went to Wisconsin. Parson Sabin was ten tiraes his town's representative in the Legislature, in 1826, '35> '38, '40, 47, '48, '49> 51, '61, and '62, and in the latter sessions, though nearly seventy years old, was prominent in the war legislation. He was three tiraes county senator, in i84i,'43 and '45 and was secre tary of state in 1841. He was also county commissioner for Franklin county under the prohibitory law in 186 1 and '62. He was first elected to Congress in 1852 and re-elected in 1854. HODGES, George T.— Was born in Clarendon, July 4, 1789, the son of Dr. SUas Hodges, a surgeon in the Revolutionary army and for some time in the raUitary faraily of General Washington, and for twenty years the leading physician of his section. George was the third son of a family of eleven chUdren, and took a partial course in college, but abandoned it for a business career and went to Rutland where he was a prosperous merchant for raany years and untU his death. He served repeatedly in both houses of the Legislature. On the death of Hon. James Meacham, representa tive to Congress, in 1856, he was chosen to fill the vacancy. He was a director of the old Bank of Rutland from its organization in 1825, until his death, and its president from 1834. He was also a director and the vice-president of the Rutiand & Burlington R. R., from its commencement. He was also a warm supporter of the Ver mont Agricultural Society. He was a man of dignified and courteous demeanor and with a good deal of abUity in both business and political affairs. He died at Rutiand Sept. 9, i860. WALTON, Eliakim P.— Representa tive in Congress from 1857 to 1863, one of the great editors of the state, and a valuable c o n - tributor to its history ,was born a t Montpeher, Feb. 17, i8i2, the son of Gen. E. P. and Prus- s i a ( Parsons ) Walton. The family was of Quaker origin, and the father, who rose to be major-general of the state miUtia, was also for years one of the chief editorial powers of the state, who probably did more than any other one man towards building up the old Whig party and its suc cessor to secure ascendency, and who was nominated for Governor by the first Repub Ucan convention in 1854, but withdrew in favor of Judge Royce for the purpose of con- sohdating the various elements into one organization. EUakim, the eldest of his children, was educated in the common schools and at the Washington county grammar school, but, better than all, had a double advantage in in struction by a cultured and discriminating mother and of training at the printer's case in his father's office. He studied law in the ofifice of Samuel & S. B. Prentiss, where he also obtained an instructive insight into^ national politics, as the former was then United States senator. But instead of giv ing his life to law he was, when twenty-one, in 1833, taken into partnership with his father in the pubhcation of the Vermont Watchman and State Journal and in the general printing and publishing, book-bind ing and paper-making business. Soon the main editorial duties feU upon him, while General Walton's attention was chiefly ab sorbed in the other departments of the busi ness, and for thirty-five years, except whUe in Congress and engaged in other pubUc duties, he was constantly in the editorial harness. He established the first exclusively legislative newspaper, which soon expanded into a daily. Early in the war he started a daily, maintained a live correspondent in every Vermont regiment at the front and gathered and preserved in this way an immense quantity of historical data that is of price less value. Like his father he was not a seeker for ofifice for himself, but in 1853 represented Montpeher in the Legislature, and three years later, at the solicitation of Judge Col- WALTON. ROYCE. 155 lamer and other party leaders, reluctantly consented to stand for Congress in order to solve a political situation that was fuU of complications. He was easily elected by a majority of over three to one, and twice re elected, in 1858 and i860. His most notable speeches during this service were on the admission of Kansas to the Union in March, 1858; on the tariff question, in February, 1859 ; on the state of the Union, in Febru ary, 1 86 1, and on the confiscation of rebel property, in May, 1862. He demonstrated by an exhaustive table of figures the injustice to Vermont and seven other states of the apportionment act of 1862, based on the census of i860, and caUing Senator CoUa- mer's attention to it, the latter procured the passage of a supplementary act by which Vermont's representation in the House was saved from being cut down frora three to two. He performed a similar service for the state under the act after the census of 1870, and Edmunds and Thurman, producing his facts and figures, carried an amendment which again saved the threatened states from a cut-down. Mr. Walton, returning to private life, con tinued in charge of the Watchman until 1868, when he sold it to J. and J. M. Poland, but continued to write much as long as he lived. He was a member of the constitu tional convention of 1870 and a senator from Washington county for two terms, 1874 to '78. He was three times a delegate to national conventions, in 1840 to the young men's convention at Baltimore, in 1864 to the Republican convention at Philadelphia, and in 1866 the Philadelphia convention to meet and consult with southern men. He was president of the Vermont Historical Society from the retirement of Rev. Dr. Lord in 1876 until his death, and of the Vermont Editors' and Pubhshers' Association from its organization until 1881. He edited Vol. II of the coUections of the Vermont Historical Society, including ' the Haldimand Papers and the eight volumes of the " Records of the Governor and Council," and his notes — biographical, historical and explanatory — exhibit a painstaking and exhaustive re search, while the illumination of the Haldi mand business, under his careful analysis, was a service to the state and to the truth of history which cannot be too highly appreci ated. The "Vermont Capitol," 185 7, consisted mainly of his reports, and Walton's Vermont Register, up to within ten or a dozen years, was under his editorial charge. Printed ad dresses of his include those on Gov. Charles Paine, on the Battle of Hubbardton, and on Nathaniel Chipman. Mr. Walton was twice married, first to Sarah Sophia, daughter of Joseph Howes, of Montpelier. She died Sept. 3, 1880, and ** i^t Oct. 19, 1882, he wedded Mrs. Clara P. Field, nee SneU, of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Walton died Dec. 19, 1890. ROYCE, HOMER E.— Congressman, and chief jus tice of the state Supreme Court, was born at Berkshire, June 14, 1820, the son of Elihu Marvin, and Sophronia (Par- ker ) Royce . His ancestry in his father's side traces back on ^ both directions to the fathers of the state, Maj. Stephen Royce and Ebenezer Marvin, and he was a nephew of Gov. Stephen Royce. His maternal grandfather was Rev. James Parker, the first settled rainister of Underbill and long known as an able preacher of the Congre gational denomination. Young Royce was educated in the district schools and at the academies in St. .\lbans and Enosburgh, studied law with Thomas Childs, was admitted to the bar in 1844, was in partnership for two or three years at East Berkshire with Mr. ChUds, and after wards for about the same time with his rela tive, Heman S. Royce. He was state's attorney for FrankUn county in 1846 and '47. In the same year also he represented Berkshire in the Legislature, was chairman of the raUroad and a member of the judic iary committees, which had sorae difficult work in a hitherto unexplored field in guiding legislation upon the relations of the railroads to the state. In 1849, '50 and '51 and again in 1861 and '68 he was elected to the state Senate from Franklin county, doing his most notable work on the judic iary committee. Professionally and politically he had come to be recognized as a man of briUiant parts and comprehensive reach of mind, and in 1856 he was elected a representative in Congress, being the youngest member of that body, but taking quite an active part for a new member, serving on the foreign affairs committee, and attracting attention by his speech on the Cuban question, which was at that time deeply agitating the country. Retiring frora Congress he resumed his professional practice with increasing renown, until in 1870 he was elected justice of the Suprelne Court, and regularly re-elected until in 1882, on the death of Judge Pier- point, Governor Farnham appointed hira 156 BAXTER. WOODBRIDGE. chief justice, a position that he held by regular re-election, though once or twice with a spirited contest, until his death. It was under hira as chancellor that the long ancl involved litigation of the Central Ver mont R. P.. arose. Many of his opinions, notably as to the disqualification of jurors, as to what constitutes an expert, and as to the rights of riparian owners, are often quoted. Judge Royce was prominent among the promoters of the Mississquoi R. R. In 1882 he received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Vermont. He raarried, Jan. 23, 185 1, Mary, daugh ter of Charles Edmunds of Boston, who bore hira three children ; Stephen E., Horaer C, and Mary Louise. Mr. Royce died April 24, 1891. BAXTER, PORTUS. — Representative in Congress 1861- '65, the "sol dier's friend," as -,», he was then fondly and de servedly caUed, and, for a fuU decade before, the Thurlow Weed of Ver mont politics, the greatest per- sonal poUtical force on the east side of the mountains, was born from one of the oldest and best families of the state, at Brownington, 1806. He was liberally educated at Norwich University, but engaged at Derby in 1828 in mercantile and agricultural pur suits, and, with his keen activity, energy, and farsightedness, most successfully. His posi tive character, his fine judgment of men, and his facile handling of them rapidly won him an influential position in politics, first in his town and county, then throughout the dis trict and the state, and finally in national affairs. But he was never a self-seeker, more enjoying power behind the throne, in con ventions and appointments, and in using his electric power to lift other raen rather than himself. He repeatedly refused election as town representative and once or twice at least could have had his party's nomination for Congress but preferred it to go to others. He was an ardent Henry Clay Whig while the party lasted, and was the only delegate from New England in the convention of 1848 to advocate the nomination of- Gen eral Taylor from the beginning. In 1852 he headed the Scott electoral ticket in Ver mont, and in 1856 that of the young Repub Ucan party for Fremont. Finally, in i860, he accepted a nomina tion for Congress, beginning services with the opening of the rebellion and continuing through the momentous events of that pe riod, until in 1866, with the Union secure, he decUned a re-election, which he had befbre had almost unanimously. He served indus triously on the committees of elections, agri cultural, and expenditures of the navy de partment. He was a close friend of Secretary Stanton, and the latter as he said, found it about irapossible to refuse him anything. Mr. Baxter improved the opportunity to min ister with extraordinary zeal to the wants of the soldiers in the field. He operated by personal efforts, by the charm of his man ners and the magnetism of his conversation and social intercourse, rather than by speech- making. He never but twice attempted any formal speech-making or any real argument on his feet. What he had to say he said in a few words, so surcharged with the intense conviction and the thorough earnest ness of his nature as to well take the place of logic and rhetoric. He was in every fibre of his being a patriot; he was a man of generous and warm sympathies. These two facts, with his frank and engaging manners, explain his remarkable power of party leadership. "We never knew a more earnest or energetic politician," said one eulogist after his death. During the ghastly days of the Wilderness carapaign and fight he was at the front at Fredericksburg to rainister to the wounded and suffering, and all that summer both he and his wife remained at their post of tender duty untU they were themselves prostrated, and sickness only made an interval in their labors. It was no wonder that he obtained such a large place in the soldiers' affections. Two of his sons, physicians, also rendered invaluable ser vice on the field and in the hospitals, and a third, the youngest, entered the service as a private, in the nth Vermont and came out a brevet major, with successive promotions, all won by gaUantry. His wife, was EUen Jannette, daughter of Judge Harris of Strafford, whom he wedded in 1832. Mr. Baxter died at Washington, March 4, 1868, from pneumonia, after only a few days' illness, though he had for years suffered from asthma. WOODBRIDGE, FREDERICK E.— For four years in Congress, was born at Ver gennes, August 29, 1818, graduated at the University of Vermont, 1840, studied law with his father, Hon. E. D. Woodbridge and was admitted and practiced at Vergennes. He was a member of the state House of SMITH. Representatives, 1849, 1857, 1858, repeatedly mayor of Vergennes, state auditor, i85o-'5i- 52, prosecuting attorney, i854-'s8, engaged in railroad management, and was several years vice-president and active manager of the Rutland & Washington R. R. ; a state senator, i86o-'6i, and president pro tempore of that body in 1861. He was elected a represent ative from Vermont in the Thirty-eighth Congress as a Republican, receiving 8,565 votes, against 3,486 for White, Deraocrat; was re-elected to Thirty-ninth Congress, re ceiving 9,447 votes, against 3,671 for WeUs, Democrat, was re-elected to Fortieth Con gress, 10,568 votes, against 3,036 for WeUs, Democrat. Mr. Woodbridge died April 25, 1888. SMITH, WORTHINGTON C— Congress man from 1867 to 1873, son of Congressman John and Maria (Curtis) Smith, and brother of Gov. John Gregory Smith, was born at Barre, Mass., August 12, 1789. He gradu ated from the University of Vermont, near the head of his class, in 1843, and studied law for a while in his father's ofifice, but abandoned it before admission to the bar to enter business life. He embarked in the iron trade in 1845, and carried it along suc cessfully, either alone or in partnership, until i860, when he leased the works known as the St. Albans Foundry until 1878, then re suming the active management again. The business consisted chiefly in the manufacture of articles needed by railroad companies. He was himself largely identified with the railroading of the state, being a director for several years and afterwards president of the Verraont & Canada, a trustee and manager of the Vermont Central and the leased lines from 1870 to the crash of 1873, then vice- president for three years of the Central Ver mont, and one of the trustees for six years after 1872, and then president and manager of the Missisquoi road. He was also presi dent of the Vermont National Bank, at St. Albans, from 1864 to 1870. Up to the war he was a Democrat in poli tics, but promptly identified himself with what he regarded as the party of the Union after the firing on Fort Sumter. As presi dent of the corporation of St. Albans he con vened the first "war meeting" at the place, and he helped to raise and equip the Ransom Guards, a company in the first volunteer reg iraent dispatched frora Vermont. In 1863 he represented St. Albans in the Legislature, and in i864-'65 was state senator, being compUmented by a unaniraous election to the presidency pro tem of that body in the latter year. He had served so usefully in both branches of the Legislature that in 1866 he was sent to Congress, and was re-elected in 1868 and 1870. In the two latter terms he WILLARD. 157 served on the committee on banking and cur rency, of which Garfield was chairman. His position was not a prominent one in Con gress, though its duties were weU filled. His first speech, on the question of the impeach ment of President Johnson, was a very good one in its discussion of constitutional princi ples. Another one which attracted some attention was delivered Jan. 26, 1869, and took the ground that the way to reach specie payments was to retire the greenbacks. Mr. Smith was possessed of a good deal of executive ability, was keen and farsighted as a business raan, and personally was a raost interesting conversationalist, and he had the powers of mind that would have adorned almost any of the professional walks. He married, Jan. 12, 1850, Catherine M., daughter of Maj. John Walworth of Platts burg, N. Y., and seven children, of whora five survived childhood, were the issue of the union. He died Jan. 2, 1894. WILLARD, Charles W.— Lawyer, editor and congressman, was born at Lyndon, June 18, 1827, and son of Josiah and Abigail (Carpenter) Willard. He graduated from Dartmouth in 185 1, and came to MontpeUer where he studied law in the ofifice of Peck & Colby, was admitted to the bar in 1853, and for a time was in partnership with F. F. Merrill. He was a man of refined scholarly habit, of a breadth and candor of mind that were alraost Madisonian, and of high ideals and earnest purposes in every relation of life. These qualities corabined with practical good sense and ready courage in contests for what ever he believed to be right, made him a power for good in state thought and opinion, and though he was lacking utterly in the arts of politics secured him steady advancement. In 1855 and '56 he was secretary of state, until he decUned a further re-election. In i860 and '61 he was a state senator from Washington county, and in the latter year became editor and proprietor of the Mont pelier Freeman, which he built up to be one of the most influential papers of the state, and a fine exponent of the more temperate thought of his party. He retained the con trol of its conduct and most of the time did its editorial work until 1873, though in 1865 he was for a time in Milwaukee in the editor- torial chair of the Sentinel, and as long as life lasted he wrote much and inspiringly on current events. He was elected to Congress in 1868, and re-elected in 1870 and 1872. His service was both conscientious and laborious, so much so as to undermine his health. In the latter part of his service amid the revulsions of wholesale corruption, the credit MobiUer, salary grab and other scandals, the use of 158 DENISON. BARLOW. force to sustain state governraents in the South, and the progress of the third term movement for President Grant, he got out of sympathy with his party, and voted inde pendently on a number of questions, while he wrote vigorously in criticism of events. The result was that he was defeated for re nomination. For some time afterwards his energies were given largely, with visits to Colorado and other places, in efforts to regain his health, but with only partial success. His inteUectual activity, however, did not cease, and in 1879 he accepted an appointment as one of the commissioners to revise the statutes of the state, and his colleague. Col. W. G. Veazey, having gone upon the bench, the burden of the work feU on Mr. Willard, and he did it, had the copy aU prepared and about three-fourths of it put to press, before death overtook him, June 7, 1880. In the state election of 1878 he received quite a complimentary vote, without any action or approval on his part, from an inde pendent movement in the southeast part of the state, consisting raainly of Democrats. He was a Ufe-long member of the Congre gational church, and a genuine Christian in his daily walk. He raarried, in 1855, Emily Doane, daugh ter of H. H. Reed, and she bore him four children ; Mary, Ashton R. (a lawyer and literateur of growing reputation), Eliza May, and Charles Wesley. DENISON, Dudley C — Congressman, born in Royalton, Sept. 13, 18 19, was the son of Joseph A. and Rachael (Chase) Den ison. The Denison family is of English origin, represented now in that country by the Earl of Londesborough. The Chase family and its distinction in American life is traced in the sketch of Senator Dudley Chase, after whora our subject was naraed. Dudley C. Denison was graduated from the University of Vermont in 1840, studied law in the ofifice of John S. Marcy, was ad mitted to the bar in 1845, ^^d has practiced continually at Royalton, having his oldest son, J. D. Denison, for a partner after 1870. He was county senator in i853-'54, state's attor ney 1858 '60, and represented Royalton in the House in i86i-'62-'63, serving on the cora mittee of ways and means, and doing efificient work in securing the first appropriation for defraying the expenses of the war for the Union. In 1864 President Lincoln ap pointed him United States District Attorney for the District of Vermont, and he held the position untU 1869, having a good raany dif ficulties growing out of the war to handle, as also those connected with the Fenian raid on Canada. The political reaction of 1874, so strong throughout the country, was intensified in the old Second District of Vermont by the an tagonism left by the animated contest for the noraination to Congress in 1872 between Judge Poland and Judge B. H. Steele. Poland won, but he had another hard fight, though against a more scattered and more poorly led opposition to get the nomination in 1874. The result was a bolt after the con vention, the opposition concentrating on Denison. The result was no election in September and at the second trial in Novem ber the Democrats generally united with the dissatisfied Republicans, and Denison was elected by a handsorae raajority, getting 8,295 votes to 4,079 for Poland, and 1,524 for Alex. McLane, the Deraocrat. Mr. Deni son was elected for a second term in 1876, by a vote of 14,430 to 5,739 for A, M. Dickey, Deraocrat. His congressional career, however, was without notable incident, ex cept that he was one of the twelve in the House to vote against a resolution declaring that no man should be eligible to a third terra for the presidency. At the expiration of his term he returned to the practice of his profession with renewed vigor and success. He was regarded as an especially strong jury advocate, fuU, clear and explicit in his statement of the case, and with a rare faculty of inspiring confidence. He was married Dec. 22, 1846, to Eunice, daughter of Joseph Dunbar, of Hartland, and seven children, of whora five survive, were the issue of this union. Besides Joseph D., his father's partner, John H., is a lawyer at Den ver, CoL, and three are daughters. B A R L OW, Bradley. — Congressman, banker, railroad operator, over land stage pro prietor and for forty years one 4 of the most ac tive and influen tial raen of his section,was born in Fairfield, May 12, 1814, theson of Col. Bradley and Deborah (Sherman) Bar low. His father was one of the leading citizens and business men of Franklin county. The son, receiving a common school edu cation, commenced life as a clerk in a store at Philadelphia, then succeeded his father in business at Fairfield, until he moved to St. Albans, in 1857,10 becorae cashier of the bank there. The bank management was his ri^N-*^ BARLOW. BARLOW. 159 primary business, first as cashier, then, after 1874, as president, untU the collapse of aU his interests in 1883. In i860 he was drawn through a loan he had made into the overland stage and ex press business in the West. He readily saw the opportunities and future of the business, and for the next twenty years as the chief member of the firra of Barlow & Sanderson, and in other connections, he was deeply en gaged in it, building hundreds of railes of road, eraploying hundreds of men, and thou sands of horses and mules, and at one time covering an aggregate distance of seven thousand miles a day. The enterprise was very successful, and when Mr. Barlow re tired it was with a fortune. But he was also a thorough believer in Verraont and her resources, as are all who know the West best, and he was full of projects for Vermont development, in the water power at Ver gennes, the statuary marble quarries and mills at Brandon, in all of which he had in terests, but misfortune prevented the fulfil ment of his plans. He was liberal to every project of enterprise, benevolence, or public spirit at St. Albans, and especially he put some ^40,000 into the Welden House at that place. He became interested in the Southeastern Railway of Canada and Northern Vermont in 1879, after the death of Col. A. B. Foster, whose sons, one of whora had married a daughter of William Barlow, found his es tate badly involved. Barlow stepped into the breach, purchased one interest after another until he became substantial owner of the whole property, entered upon an exten sive scherae of equipraent, improveraent and development, acquiring, by lease and pur chase of securities, control of a line 300 miles in length and connecting the Atlantic seaboard with Montreal and the Canadian Northwest. He had a contract with the syn dicate controlling the Canadian Pacific and went ahead with his improvements in full confidence that the contract would be ful fiUed, because it was a needed property for the syndicate. But the latter preferred to get control cheaper, so at a critical time it refused to advance the expected money, and Barlow was compeUed to faU, drawing his bank down with hira and raaking the beginning of a series of crashes that wiped out every bank in St. Albans. He turned over everything for the benefit of creditors, who almost uni- versaUy felt only sympathy for hira, regarding the failure, disastrous as it was, as a raisfor tune rather than fault. He never recovered from the blow, and his remaining years were passed in coraparative retirement until his death. Mr. Barlow represented Fairfield in the Legislature pf 1845, 1850, 1851 and 1852, and St. Albans in 1864 and 1865, while he was a member of the state Senate from Franklin county in 1866 and 1868. He was a member of the Constitutional Conven tions of 1843, 1850 and 1857 and assistant secretary of the former. In each of these bodies and wherever he was placed, his ready and resourceful raind, his faculty of making winning combinations, and his clear and businesslike way of stateraent whenever he spoke, raade him a leader in influence. Up to the war he was a Democrat in politics but afterwards a Republican. He was the county treasurer from i860 to 1867, and among the other positions of responsibUity and trust he held were that of director and president of the Vermont & Canada R. R., and director of the Central Vermont and other companies. In 1878 he was ambitious to go to Con gress, but was defeated for the nomination by Gen. W. W. Grout. A bolt was soon organized, and an independent convention held to endorse the noraination which had been given him by the Greenbackers, who were quite strong in the district, and the bulk of the Democrats turned in to his sup port. The result was to prevent Grout's election at the first trial and Barlow's easy victory at the second. Barlow had the unaniraous vote of his native town of Fair field and the largest one that was ever cast for any candidate of any party in St. Albans. But he served only one terra. Before that was out he got involved in his Southeastern enterprise and before the next campaign opened withdrew his narae in favor of his forraer competitor, Gen. W. W. Grout. Mr. Barlow married, Jan. 17, 1837, Caro line, daughter of Gen. James Farnsworth of Fairfax, and the issue of the union were five children, only two of whom survive. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. By HIRAM A. HUSE. The following is a complete list of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Verraont, with dates of service, from 1778 to 1894. *Moses Robinson, Ch, J,, tJonas Galusha, 1807-09 Milo L. Bennett, 1838 50, 1852-59 1778-84, 1785-89 David Fay, 1809-13 William Hebard, 1842- -43, 1844-45 John Shepardson, 1778-80 Daniel Farrand, 1813-15 Daniel Kellogg, 1843- -44. 1845-51 John Fassett, 1778-86 irjonathan H. Hubbard, 1813-15 fHiland Hall, 1846-50 Thomas Chandler, 1778-79 Asa Aldis, Ch. J., 1815-16 Charles Davis, 1846-48 John Throop, r778-82 tRichard Skinner, Ch. J., §LukeP, Poland, Ch, J., 1848- SO, 1857-65 Paul Spooner, Ch. J., 1779-89 1815-17 1823-29 Pierpoint Isham, 1851-57 Increase Mosley, 1780-81 §James Fisk, 1815-17 Asa 0. Aldis, 1857-65 *Elisha Payne, Ch. J,, 1781-82 fWilliam A. Palmer, 1816-17 John Pierpoint, Ch. J., 1857-82 Simeon Olcott, 1781-82 §Dudley Chase, Ch. J., 1817-21 James Barrett, 1857-80 *Jonas Fay, 1781-83 Joel Doolittle, 1817-23 Loyal C Kellogg, 1S59-67 Peter Olcott, 1782-85 William Brayton, 1817-22 fAsahel Peck, 1860-74 Thomas Porter, 1783-86 f Cornelius P. Van Ness, Ch. J William C. Wilson, 1865-70 Nathaniel Niles, 1784-88 1821-23 Benjamin H. Steele, 1865-70 §Nathaniel Chipman, Ch. J. fCharles K. Williams, Ch. J., John Prout, 1867-69 1786-87, 1789-91, 1796- 97. 1813-15 1822-24 1829-46 tHoyt H. Wheeler, jHomer E. Royce. Ch. J 1869-77 *Luke Knowlton, 1786-87 Asa Aikens, 1823-25 ,, 1870-90 §Stephen R. Bradley, 1788-89 §Samuel Prentiss, Ch. J., 1825-30 Timothy P, Redfield, 1870-84 Noah Smith, 1789-gi Samuel Knight, Ch. J,, , 1798-1801 Titus Hutchinson, Ch. J., 1825-34 fjonathan Ross, Ch. J,, 1870- 1789-94 fStephen Royce, Ch. J,, f H. Henry Powers, 1874-90 §Elijah Paine, 1791-94 1825-27 1829 52 Walter C, Dunton, 1877-79 flsaac Tichenor, Ch. J., 1791-96 Bates Turner, 1827-29 Wheelock G, Veazey, 1879-89 Lott Hall, 1794-1801 Ephraim Paddock, 1828-31 Russell S, Taft, 1880- Enoch Woodbridge, Ch. J., 1794-1801 John C. Thompson, 1830-31 John W. Rowell, 1882- flsrael Smith, Ch. J., 1797 98 Nicholas Baylies, 1831-34 William H Walker, 1884-87 *Jonathan Robinson, Ch. J., 1801-07 §Samuel S. Phelps, 1831-38 James M. Tyler, 1887- Royal Tyler, Ch. J,, 1801-13 §Jacob Collamer, 1834-42 Loveland Munson. 1889- Stephen Jacob, 1801-03 f John Mattocks, 1834-35 Henry R. Start, 1890- Theophilus Harrington, 1803-13 Isaac F. Redfield, Ch. J., 1835-60 Laforrest H. Thompson 1890- * Biographical sketch will be found among " The Fathers." t Biographical sketch will be found among " The Governors." J Biographical sketch will be found in Part II. § Biographical sketch will be found among " The Senators." ir Biographical sketch will be found among " The Representatives." THEIR FIELD OF LABOR. There are (since Dec. i, 1893) three terms (October, January and May terms) of the Supreme Court, aU held in MontpeUer. The seven judges of the Supreme Court (one chief judge and six assistant judges) aU attend these terms, giving them frora fifteen to twenty weeks' work in a year hearing cases that go up from the county courts on appeal or excep tion. Besides this each judge presides in four terms of county court (our trial court) each year. For some years the judges have gone in rotation to their county court work, and, as there are fourteen counties in the state, it takes each judge three and one-half years to make the entire circuit of the state as presiding judge of the county court. Until about ten years ago this county court work was done in a different way, each judge having two or three coundes where he regularly presided, and tiU Dec. i, 1893, a term of the Supreme Court was held in each county attended by four judges, there being only one general term held in MontpeUer. So that the Suprerae Court, as to its own terms, has ceased to be " on wheels," but its members still have to wheel about, or slide about the whole state to do their nisi prius work.. The aboriginal jurisdiction of the Indians was not much interfered with tiU about the middle of the eighteenth century, and till that time they ran things and themselves pretty much as they liked, and indeed, for many years after that, now and then ran the whites off in a way the latter did not like. Governor Benning (hence Bennington, and John and Molly, whose real name was Elizabeth Stark, and the battle and the monument) Wentworth of New Hampshire began JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. l6l granting towns in 1749, and to 1764 had granted one hundred and thirty-eight towns, on what is now Vermont territory. At the close of the French and Indian war immigration set in, and in 1764 an order of the King in councU raade the west bank of the Connecticut River the boundary between New Harapshire and New York, and NewYork began granting not only lands not before granted by New Hampshire, but* also regrandng such granted lands on which settlements had been made. The King, in 1767, ordered NewYork to cease making these grants, but the New York authorUies construed the order to apply only to lands already granted by New Hampshire. We get to 1764 no counties, for New Harapshire itself was not divided into counties tUl 1769 or 17 7 1, and as her courts between 1749 and 1764 seem to have been held at Portsmouth, the luxury of a lawsuit was rather a long-distance blessing for Vermont. From 1764, for some years, theprivUege of " 'tendin' court " could only be indulged in in Albany, for the whole state was then in Albany county. This " privUege " continued for the west part of the state longer than for the east, and was not highly valued by the settlers of the " grants," as is set forth in Judge Taft's excellent sketches of the Supreme Court now publish ing in the "Green Bag." He says: "So many of the recalcitrant settlers were sum moned to the City Hall in Albany, in which the blind goddess purported to hold sway, that a raeeting of the settlers was held at Bennington to devise means to get rid of the buUding. Several methods of blowing it up were suggested, when Ethan Allen, to divert their minds from that manner of destruction, proposed that Sim Sears, a famous land speculator, noted for selling property that did not belong to him, 'be eraployed to seU the d — d thing.' " By the way, how Ethan keeps himself to the fore ! Evidently not as rauch loved by his fellows as were Seth Warner and Remember Baker, his "please mention that I was there" gets obeyed by later generations, though it only drew from the parson to whom it was directly addressed, the rebuke, "Sit down, thou bold blashemer." He -was bold, and strong ; not modest ; loved to do things deserving praise, and loved praise. Only the other day, going down through the State House yard, I met by the gate a raan and woman with their little girl between thera. It would have warraed the cockles of Ethan's heart to have heard, as I did when I passed thera, the mother say to the girl, "I'U show him to you just as soon as we get there." The Bennington cannon and Mead's statue of Allen flank the State House door, and within and above are the battle-flags borne against the rebelUon — all symbols of the sword that won and preserved the peace in which our courts give justice to those who seek it within their precincts. Allen, Warner, Baker, and their fellow settlers didn't have county seats and court houses on the " Hampshire Grants " for sorae time, but in the Documentary History of New York may be found some " mighty interesting reading," as to how they judged and punished those who trespassed on their lands. In fact, these plaints of those who suffered from the beech seal, and from the twigs of the wilderness, and from the free and untram- meled language of the woodland judges, are excellent specimens of repordng, and would make at least as large a volurae as N. Chipraan. New York took measures for the administration of her laws in the territory declared to be hers in the order of 1764, beginning in 1766 to establish the county of Cumberland and effecting it finaUy by a charter of March 17 or 19, 1768 — the boundaries were the west bank of the Connecticut, thence twenty-six railes to the southwest corner of Stamford, thence north fifty-six mUes to the northeast corner of Socialborough (Clarendon), thence north fifty-three degrees, east thirty railes to the south corner of Tunbridge, thence by the south hne of Tunbridge, Strafford and Thetford to the Connecticut. The county seat was first Ches ter, then (1772) Westminster. A Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace was authorized to be held twice a year. Thomas Chandler of Chester, Joseph Lord of Putney and Samuel Wells of Bratdeboro were first commissioned judges of the Inferior Court of Comraon Pleas July 16, 1766, and their commissions were renewed in April, 1768 and 1772, and in the last naraed year Noah Sabin was added to their number. So the first court ever held in Verraont was at Chester, in the county of Cumberland of the state of 1 62 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. New York, and the first judges were the above named. I think Charles Phelps of Marlboro, the great-grandfather of Gen. John W. Phelps, was the first Verraont lawyer, at any rate he had the first law library of any member ofthe profession in the state and by being a Yorker in sympathy and action, got it confiscated. Mr. Phelps got most of his books back after a time, but the revisers of the laws in 1782 raade use of them in their work and they raay be said to have constituted the first appearance of a Verraont State Library. Soloraon Phelps, Crean Brush, Charles Phelps and Samuel Knight were commissioned as attorneys, John Grout, of Chester, was also admitted an attorney. They wefe the first "block of five" of lawyers here, and in their lives pretty weU exempUfied the varying for tunes of the profession. Grout had an especially rocky time in attempting to practice ; Brush was a tory, and committed suicide in 1777; Knight was an estimable man and highly esteeraed after the unpopular stand he took with the Yorkers had grown to be an old story ; the Phelpses were men of brains but Charles was always in troubled waters, and Solomon, his son, at last killed himself. By a New York ordinance of March 16, 1770, Gloucester county was established out of that part of Albany county lying north of Cumberland county and east of the Green Moun tains, and May 29 of that year, at Kingsland (or Kingsborough), now Washington, the first court for Gloucester county was held. There was not an inhabitant or a house within the liraits of Kingsland when the county was established, but a log courthouse and jail were there when court was held in May, and the streara that flows near by is stiU called "JaU Branch." Governor Farnham's article on the Orange County Bar in Child's Gazetter of Orange County sets forth the records of this Gloucester county " courts of quarter sessions and court of common pleas." John Taplin, Samuel Sleeper and Thomas Sumner were the "judges being appointed by the government of New York." There were also present Jaraes Pennoc, Abner Fowler and John Peters, "Justices of the Quor'm," as weU as John TapUn, Jr., High Sheriff. The business recorded is : "The court adjourned to the last Tuesday of August next." The last Tuesday of August it raet and "adjourned to the last Tuesday in Noveraber next.'' In November it had eight cases before it, called them and put them over, and adjourned to the last Tuesday in February, 17 71. The record of the next term shows that when our Supreme Court wheeled and slid about the state it was not in the lowest condition attainable, for here was its humble fore runner fairly traveUng "on its uppers." This is the record (now at Chelsea), and in read ing it one must remember that Mooretown (Moretown) is now Bradford and not the town which now has that name, and that Kingsland is now \\'ashington. " Feb, 25th, Sat out from Mooretown for Kings Land travieled untill 1771. Knight there being no road and the Snow very Depe we travieled on Snow Shoes or Racatts on the 26th we travieled some ways and Held a Council when it was concluded it was Best to open the Court as we saw No Line it was not whether in Kingsland or Not But we concluded we were farr in the woods we did not expect to see any house unless we marched three miles into Kingsland and no one lived there when the Court was ordered to be opened on the spot. Present John Taplin Judge John Peters ofthe Quorum. John Taplin, Jun'r, Sheriff. All cases continued or adjourned over untill ne.'ct term. The Court, if one, adjourned over untill the last Tuesday in May next." " If one " is careful and good. In 1772 it was ordered that the February and .August terms be held in Newbury, and the court ran a year or raore longer. In July, 1774, there first appeared in Vermont a Supreme Court judge doing official business. This was at Westminster, and the judge was Robert R. Livingston, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York, presiding in a court of Oyer and Terminer and general gaol delivery. Judge Livingston was born in New York in August, 1718, and died in Clermont, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1775. He was a man of abUity and many accompUshments, and the richest landholder in New York — his country home at Clermont JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. 1 63 and his city residence in New York being of the best in their day. He married Margaret, daughter of Col. Henry Beekman, and his daughter Janet married Gen. Richard Montgomery. Judge Livingston was also a landholder in Verraont, as one of the grantees of Camden, (part of Jamaica and vicinity). The Revolution was coming on apace and the next March saw the close of courts held under authorUy of a Province of a King, and of New York judicial rule in Vermont. This close was more than dramatic ; it was tragic ; and, whUe there has been much dispute as to' whether the uprising was against New \'ork or Britain, and sorae doubt as to Williara French's right to the titie that has been given him, it should be reraerabered that Benjamin H. HaU, than whom no more painstaking, accurate and truthful historian ever wrote, clairas for him in the History of Eastern Vermont, " the titie of the proto-martyr to the cause of American liberty and of the Revolution." The Westminster massacre marked the last attempt to hold court in Vermont under royal authority ; and WilUam French's epitaph on the old gravestone that first raarked his resting place, is the testimony of his own day and genera tion as to the cause in which this young man from Brattleboro died. It ran thus : " In Memory of William French, Son to Mr. Nathaniel French, Who Was Shot at Westminster March ye 13111, ^775' t)y the hands of Cruel Ministereal tools, of Georg ye 31I in the Corthouse at a 11 a Clock at Night in the 22d year of his Age. Here William French his Body lies. For Murder his Blood for Vengance cries. King Georg the third his Tory crew tha with a bawl his head Shot threw. For Liberty and his Country's Good. he lost his Life his Dearest Blood," Charlotte county had been established by NewYork March 12, 1772, its territory being the northern part of what had been Albany county, and lying partly in Vermont and partly in New York. The southern part of what is now Bennington county remained in Albany county. So rauch of Charlotte county was hostile to New York that, in 1774, the courts of Albany county were given jurisdiction of criraes coraraitted in Charlotte county — that was the year that one hundred pounds reward was offered by New York for Ethan Allen, the sarae for Remember Baker, and fifty pounds each for six others. Those named in the act of outlawry issued an address threatening immediate death to any one trying to arrest thera. Charlotte county, whose county seat was Fort Edward, really did no business this side the present New York Une. After the Westminster tragedy no courts were in operation till the •organization of the state government. The people took care of public matters by corarait tees and by the CouncU of Safety. The division into counties was recognized, however, as raay be seen, as well as elsewhere, on the title page of Rev. Aaron Hutchinson's Sermon, "preached at Windsor, July 2, 1777, before the representatives ofthe towns in the counties of Charlotte, Curaberland and Gloucester, for the forming ofthe State of Vermont." When Vermont's first Legislature convened the new state was organized into two •counties, Bennington and Unity. This act was passed March 17, 1778. March 21 the -name of Unity was changed to Curaberland. Cumberland included the territory east of the Green Mountains and was divided into two shires by the " ancient county line" — the Newbury shire and the Westrainster shire. Bennington county had also two shires, Ben nington and Rutland. At the February session, 1781, Bennington county was divided, keep ing under its own name substantially what is now its territory, and its northern part becom ing Rutland county. The same session Cumberland was divided into three counties — Windham and Windsor, substantially as now existing ; and Orange county, comprising every thing to the Canada line north of Windsor and east of Rutland. October 18, 1785, Addi son county was established and Oct. 22, 1787, Chittenden county. November 5, 1792, Franklin, Caledonia, Orleans and Essex counties were estabUshed, but the Orange county territory in the above counties was io "continue to be annexed" to Orange county tiU Oct. 164 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. I, 1796. Grand Isle county was formed Nov. 9, 1802, getting North and South Hero from Chittenden and its other three towns from FrankUn. November i, 1810, Jefferson county was incorporated and it was organized in 181 1, beginning its working existence Dec. i, 181 1. It got its territory from Orange, Caledonia, Chittenden and Addison counties. The name of Jefferson was changed to Washington Nov. 8, 1814. Lamoille county was estab lished in 1836. Vermont's first Legislature met March 12, 1778, and had a session of two weeks, and another session in June. It estabUshed a special court, with five judges to each court, for each shire, thus electing twenty judges, none of whom, it may be noted, were lawyers. In June they re-elected twelve of these, and elected eight new ones, and among the eight not re-elected was Maj. Jeremiah Clark, the first judge of the Bennington shire. His court had done business, however, before he went out of ofifice, for David Redding was tried for and convicted of " eneraical conduct." Redding was a spy, and had been detected in his secret work, and in carrying off some muskets to the enemy. But June 4, John Burnham, who appears never to have been adraitted to the bar, appeared before the Governor and Council with a copy of Blackstone, and convinced thera that it was aU wrong to hang Redding, as the jury that convjcted him consisted of only six men. They gave the prisoner a new trial Ethan Allen had returned the week before from his captivity in England, and had completed the celebration of his return, at which, he records, they " passed around the flowing bowl." The Governor and, Council on that 4th of June reprieved Redding, who was to have been hung that very day, for one week, and appointed Allen as prosecutor to conduct the case at the new trial. A multitude had gathered to see Redding hung, and on learning of the reprieve seemed incUned to appeal to Judge Lynch. Allen mounted a stump, waved his hat, and, without speaking through it, caUed "Attention, the whole ! " advised the people to go quietly home, and to return the nth, adding : "You shaU see somebody hung, for if Red ding is not then hung I wiU be hung myself." The crowd left ; Redding was tried the 9th by a jury of twelve men, Major Clark being presiding judge again, and Allen conducting the prosecution. The twelve found Redding guilty, as the six had done before, and on the nth he was duly hung, having had the same benefit he would from exceptions, if there had been any provision for exceptions, which benefit figured up just seven days more of life. June 17, 1778, the General Assembly constituted a Superior Court for the banishment of Tories and appointed as its judges Col. Peter Olcott of Norwich (afterwards a judge of the Supreme Court), Bezaleel Woodward of Dresden (now Hanover, N. H., and then with Piermont and many other New Harapshire towns, represented in the Verraont Legislature), Major Griswold, Patterson Pierraont, Esq., and Major Tyler. I think it was this court that passed judgraent of banishraent on Jaraes Breakenridge, Ebenezer Cole and John McNeill, and which the councU, July 17, 1778, recommended to " dissist frora any further prosecu tions " till the " rising of the Sessions of Assembly in October next." These men sentenced to banishment were reprieved till such rising of the Assembly : See Vol. I, Governor and CouncU, pp. 273, 274. The Major Tyler of this court was evidently Major Joseph Tyler of Townsend. Major Griswold was doubtless Major John Griswold of Lebanon. Patterson Pierraont, Esq., I am now unable to place. It is a fact that a Capt. Isaac Patterson was then or soon after a resi dent of Piermont. The ridiculous mistake once made by the Austrian police, warns me however frora indulging the notion that Patterson of Piermont was the fourth judge. The relation — by consanguinity, affinity, or otherwise — of the Austrian pohce to the Suprerae Court of Verraont may be rather distant but this paragraph goes in aU the same. In Watertown, Wis., Feb. 6, 1857, I heard the briUiant if eccentric Rev. Jaraes Cook Richmond lecture on Hungary, the body of whose patriot Kossuth is at this writing on its way to burial in the land he loved. No better word-painting was ever done at the bar or on the lecture plat form than Mr. Richmond's of the bewilderment ofthe Austrian poUce when they had muddled their brains by some alleged raental process pecuUar to theraselves and superinduced by Jaraes Cook Richraond's pecuUar name, and became thfereby convinced that there was within JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. 165 the' bounds of the Empire a James Cook (or Yawraess Ko-ok as they pronounced it) of Richmond, who had mysteriously disappeared from their ken. This duphcation business brought on by their own stupidity or carelessness was a horror to the pohce and an arause ment to Richmond as it was to his audience as he told of the police inquiries continually made of him in the hope that he might give aid by having and imparting knowledge of the whereabouts of his interesting countryman, Yawmess Ko-ok. The tragic close of Mr. Rich mond's life brought an -incident of pecuUar interest to Vermonters. In July, 1866, Rich mond was brutally murdered by two of his servants. Frank A. Flower in his life of Matt Carpenter, says : " With perhaps a single exception. Carpenter entertained a deeper regard for Rev. James Cook Richmond than for any other man of God he ever knew." The December after Richmond's murder Carpenter went from Milwaukee to Dutchess county, N. v., and offered to aid in the prosecution, which offer was accepted. The prisoner's counsel tried to prejudice the jury by aUeging that Carpenter, by his long journey and free services, showed he was seeking revenge and not justice. Carpenter made the closing arguraent and the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree after being out only twenty minutes. Judge Gilbert who presided at the trial, after it closed, said to him : " I presume, Mr. Car ter, you were a member of Father Richmond's church." " No," says Flower, was the instant reply, " I take my religion by the curtesy." And now getting near the beginning of the Supreme Court and mentioning Carpenter there comes to mind the picture of the professional beginning of those supreme lawyers, Edmunds and Carpenter, in their night struggle with each other in the justice's court in Bolton nigh unto Camel's Hump ; a scene on which Edmunds threw a flash light when speaking in the Senate on the death of Carpenter. There were no lawyers in the territory that is now Vermont before the State of Ver mont was established, except those in Cumberland county. These, in their order of com ing, were : Charles Phelps, who came from Massachusetts to Marlboro in 1764 and was then a lawyer before there was any court for the place of his new residence, unless one went to Portsmouth or Albany to find it — according as one stood for the Hampshire or York jurisdiction; John Grout, about 1768, who came to Windsor first and rapidly changed to Chester; Crean Brush who was licensed to practice law Jan. 27, 1764, in New York by Governor Colden, and who came to Westminster in 1771 ; Solomon Phelps, son of Charles whose name perhaps should come before Grout's, as Soloraon came to Marlboro with his father and was commissioned by Gov. Henry Moore of New York, as an attorney-at-law, March 31, 1768, though the record ofhis admission to the bar by the court in Cumberland county is as of Sept. 8, 1772 ; Samuel Knight (afterwards a judge of the Supreme Court), who was admitted as an attorney by the court the sarae day as Soloraon Phelps, Sept. 8, 1772, though hewas "commissioned " as an attorney, June 23, 1772 ; Elijah Williams who was admitted at March term, 1773, though it does not appear where he lived— an Elijah WiUiaras was one of the first settlers of GuUford in 1754 — and the most that can be hoped is that when Patterson Piermont makes his local habitation known WUliaras wiU corae with him; Simeon Olcott, who was admitted, Sept. 15, 1774, but as he was doubtless resident in Charlestown, N. H., he can hardly count as a Curaberland county lawyer —he was after wards elected a judge of the Supreme Court but did nothing as such except to resign, and StiU later he was chief justice of and a senator frora New Harapshire ; and last but not least Micah Townsend of Brattieboro, who was admitted in New York in April, 1770, and came to Vermont about 1777. Two ofthe above kiUed themselves — Crean Brush shot his brains out in New York in May, 1778, and Solomon Phelps after preaching, went crazy and tried to beat out his brains with the head of an axe but only broke his skuU, whereupon trepan ning saved his Ufe tiU 1 790, when he cut his throat with a razor. Knight became chief judge of Vermont and Olcott chief justice of New Hampshire and senator as above stated. Micah Townsend lived long and had the happiness so clerkly, and able, and pious a man deserved, and as to Charles Phelps and John Grout, of each the old epitaph is true, " af flictions sore long time he bore." 1 66 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. At one of the many sessions in which Lyman G. Hinckley, of happy meraory, repre sented Chelsea, somebody who had the notion that the state was being impoverished by the eraoluraents pertaining to the ofifice of justice of the peace, had introduced a new fee bill for justices and speech after speech was made, all aimed at abuses real or imaginary that needed to be corrected in our fifteen hundred or more "courts of record" that don't have a seal. At last "Lyme" — it was years after he had been Lieutenant-Governor— who had nearly all his life been a justice without being made aware of the disgraceful character of the occupation as set forth by his fellow-representatives, came to the rescue of the rank and file of the judiciary force and announced that he had heard enough of invective against a re spectable body of men, invective having its moving cause, he said, in nine cases out of ten in the knowledge of those who assailed our worthy magistrates, that they never could hope to arrive at and be clothed with the dignity of a justice of the peace. The House laughed, killed the biU, and, figuratively speaking, took off its hat to the representative frora Chelsea and his array of justices. Well it might, for in early times as well as later, the pathway of the local magistrate was not strewn with roses. And in September, 1778, when the Superior Court had not been estabhshed and the Suprerae Court was yet farther off in the future, and the Special Courts were not in session and the Superior Court for the banishment of tories had been recom mended to "dissist from any further prosecution," the judicial power of the state was in ex ercise only by the despised justices. The following complaint shows some of the emolu ments and pleasures of the ofifice of justice in early days : ¦¦SrERLAN^o^CorvlHalHfax, September ye =6, 1778. to! his exjillencv the governor, to his honour the lleut. -governor, to the honourable counsil and house of Representatives : Greeting — The Complaint of William Hill Most Humbly sheweth that your complainant Did on the 24*11 Day of Instant September receive a warrant from Hubbel Wells Esqr to arrest the Bodys of John Kirkley and Hannah his wife, of the Town and County afore Said for asault and Battery parpetrated in the Highway on the body of David Williams in Hallifax afore Sd I therefore took the said John and Hannah persuant to the orders and Brought them Before said athority without any abuse the warrant was returned the partys called and the Cort opened — then there came Thomas Clark Thomas Baker Isaac Orr Henrey Henderson Alexander Stewart Jonathan Safford Elijah Edwards Peletiah Fitch With about Sixteen Others of Said Town, armed With Clubs to attempt to Resque the prisoners or to set the Court aside and in a Tumultuors manner Rushed into the House Drew their Clubs and Shok them over the Justices Head and Swore he Should not try the case Called him a Scoundral and that he to Shew himself such was forgery Which he Should answer for and Bid Defience to the State and all its authority with Many more Insults and abuses which Stagnated the free Course of Justice, in that way overpowered the author ity and Stopt the Court — all which is against the peace of the Community Subversive of the athority of the State against the peace and Dignity of the Same Your Complainant prays for your advice and assistance in this RI atter that Some Method may be taken Whereby the above Said Offenders may be Brought to Justice for such acts of Contempt of athority and for such atrotious acts of out rage. this Granted and Your Complainant as in Duty Bound Shall Ever pray. Willia:\i Hill, CojistableJ" One gathers from the above that the men with clubs were adherents of New York, for they maintained that for Wells (who was a justice under appointment of the new State of Vermont) "to shew himself such" — that is, to claim to be or shew himself as a justice — was " forgery," a rather unique but forcible use of the word. THE JUDGES. \t the October session, 1778, at Windsor, Oct. 23, the General .\ssembly "Resolved, that there be a Superior Court appointed in this State, consisting of five judges ;" also, " Resolved, that the Hon. Moses Robinson, Esq., be, and is hereby appointed chief judge of the Superior Court, and Maj. John Shepardson, second ; John Fassett, Jun., third; Major Thoraas Chandler, Jr., fourth ; and John Throop, Esq., fifth, judges of said court." The court was to sit four times a year — at Bennington, \\'estminster, Rutland and Newbury, and was not to " sit longer at one sitting than one week." This court existed four years. The first session was held at Bennington and began Dec. 10, 1778. The record be gins : 21 IO o 3 o o 3 o o ling 9 i8 o 0 i8 o IO i6 o 3 12 o L9^ 2 o 1 8 o JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. 167 "State of Vermont, Bennington, \o^ December, 1778. This day met the Superior Court for said State in the Council-Chamber at Bennington half shire in the house of Mr. Stephen Fay's in said town agreeable to an act of the General Assembly of the state made and provided ior that purpose. Present— The Hon. Moses Robinson, Esqnire, Chief Jtidge, John Fassett, Jnn'r, and Thomas Chandler, Jmt'r, Esc/uires. Having each of them taken the necessary oaths of office proceeded to the choice of a clerk for said court," &c. They chose Joseph Fay, Esq., clerk. The following account, which was allowed, shows what judges attended. It seems that Major Shepardson did not attend, but Jonas Fay who was a member of the council, did attend, this coming from a provision of law that in the absence of a judge a member of the council might sit as a judge. The account given below bears on its back the "aproval" of Thomas Chittenden and the receipt of John Fas sett, Jun., to Ira Allen, the treasurer, in January, 1779, when it is plain Fassett got his pay for the money advanced to pay the judges and officers. This is the account : Bennington, 14th December, 1778. State of Vermont. To the Superior Court, Dr. To Moses Robinson, Esq., Chief Judge, 4 days' Service, ;i^6 o o Thomas Chandler, Esq., 12 days' Service, 60 miles Travel, 2100 John Fassett, Jur., Esq., 7 days' Service, 18 miles Travel, 11 8 o John Throop, Esq., 11 days' Service, 100 miles Do., Jonas Fay, Esq., 2 days' Do., John Burnum, Esq., State's Attorney, 2 days' service, Benjamin Fay, Esq., Sheriff, 4 days' Service, Attend Court, 24 Jurymen, 36 miles Travel, David Robinson, Constable, Attending i day. Grand Jury's Bill, Joseph Fay, Clk., 3 days' Service, Samuel Robinson, Esq., 2 Days, ;iJ93 10 o December 14th, 1778. We whose names are heretotore prefi.\ed do hereby acknowledge to have Reed, of John Fassett, Jur., Esq., the several sums annexed to each of our Names in the above Acct. in full of all demands on said Acct. Moses Robinson. Thos. Chandler, Jr. John Fassett, Jur. This may certify that the Grand Joseph Fay. Jonas Fay. Jury Reed, the money mentioned in David Robinson. John Throop- the above act. Saml. Robinson. Benj. Fay. Attest: Jos. Fay, Clk. John Burnam, Junr. Ira Allen, Esq., Treasurer. At this session it seems nothing was done the loth, the day court met, except to appoint a clerk and adjourn to the nth. On the irth the court was mainly occupied with the case of WiUiam Grififin vs.. Jacob Galusha for fraudulently taking and detaining a certain white horse belonging to Grififin ; the parties appeared and joined issue and the defendant Galusha "pleading" for a continuance for the want of material evidence, it was granted him to the third Thursday of February, and to that tirae the court adjourned on the nth. On the 14th of Deceraber, at a Special Superior Court, "called on special occasion," a prisoner pleaded guilty of " enemical conduct against this and the United States and going over and joining the enemies thereof," and was sentenced, having prayed the mercy of the court, and presumably getting benefit from the prayer, to be banished and transported within the "enemies lines at Canada, and to depart this state, on or before the loth day of February next ; and to proceed within the eneraies Unes, without delay ; never more to return within this, or the United States of America, on penalty of being, on conviction thereof, before ariy court or authority proper to try him, whipped on the naked back, thirty and nine lashes ; and the same number of lashes to be repeated once every week, during his stay ; paying cost.'' The bill for service printed above evidently covers the sitting of the court at its regular sessipn on the roth and nth, and at its special session of the 14th. It is rather interesting to follow out Grififin vs. Galusha. Atthe February term, 1779, . Galusha was defaulted, and the court judged " that a certain white horse, now in the custody of the sheriff, the property of WilUam Grififin, be delivered up to the said Grififin and that 'the defendant pay cost," which order was discharged by the defendant, who turned up after 1 68 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. he was defaulted and asked the court to grant a review ; this it did and on the next day tried the cause. Galusha got beaten on the trial and had an additional biU of cost to pay. At this February term Timothy Brownson of the Council sat with Robinson and Fassett, judges, to make a quorum. .At the May terra, 1779, at Westrainster, Stephen R. Bradley and Noah Sraith were " appointed attornies at law, sworn and licensed to plead at the bar within this state "— being the first lawyers adraitted by a Verraont court. At the June term, X779> at Rutland, Nathaniel Chipman was appointed attorney at law, sworn and licensed to plead at the bar within this state. These three young men were very much in evidence in the state later on, and Chipman was the first lawyer to become one of the judges of the Supreme Court, Bradley the second, and Smith the third. Noah Sraith was appointed state's attorney /ra tempore for the county of Curaberland the day he was admUted, and on the same day exhibUed a complaint against Nathan Stone, of Windsor, for uttering reproachful and scandalous words of the authority. It appears that Stone, on the 15 th of March, at Windsor, had said to the sheriff, " you, and your Governor and your CouncU," or, as set forth by Smith in his complaint, "you (raeaning the high sheriff of said county, John Benjamin, Esq.), and your Governor (mean ing his ExceUency the Governor of this state), and your CouncU (meaning the Honorable CouncU of this state), which opprobrious language was a violation of the law of the land." Stone was fined twenty pounds and cost. Lucky for Stone he didn't damn the Court as weU. At that terra all five of the judges were present, so no member of the Honorable CouncU sat in judgment on his revUer. Smith and Chipraan were the first lawyers to be admitted who resided west of the Green Mountains. Sraith had lived in Bennington nearly a year and Chipman had come that spring from Connecticut, where he had been admitted an attorney in March. It is not intended to give here any detailed account of the acts constituting the courts of Vermont. It is enough to say that county courts were established by acts of the Feb ruary and AprU sessions, 1781, and the first county court was held at Westminster June 26, 1 78 1. In 1779 the Governor, councU and assembly were invested with equity powers as a court in cases involving more than four thousand pounds and with appellate powers in equity cases involving more than twenty and less than four thousand pounds, but the 1785 Council of Censors pointed out the inconvenience of that arrangement and in i 786 it was repealed. The Superior Court was given equity jurisdiction in cases above twenty and less than four thousand pounds. The Governor, council and assembly had one chancery case before thera in 1785 but gave up the consideration of it. There was no chancery court between 1786 and 1797. In 1797 the court of chancery was constituted by legislative enactment, and tiU 1839 consisted of the judges of the Suprerae Court, and in 1814 each of the Supreme Court judges was authorized to make as a chanceUor interlocutory orders in vacation in chancery cases preparatory to final hearing. The Supreme Court continued to 1839 to be the Court of Chancery and of course there were no appeals, but since then (except from 1850 to 1857, when the circuit judges were chancellors), there has been a court of chancery, consisting of one judge as chancellor (each Supreme Court judge being a chancellor), sitting contemporaneously with the county courts in each county, appeal from all decrees lying to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was constituted in 1782 and five judges elected. The Supreme Court judges concluded the work of the Superior Court, and except to have this business finished, the latter court ceased to exist after four years from its creation, the county and Supreme courts taking its place. The first session of the Supreme Court was held at Marlboro, Windham County, Feb. 6, 1783, after its judges had finished business pending in the Superior Court. In name no judges elected before October, 1782, belong in the hst of Supreme Court judges, but the judges of the Superior Court have been treated as though they properly be longed in that list and the Supreme Court took the place of the Superior Court, and four of the Superior Court judges of 1782 became Supreme Court judges that same year. The ROBINSON. SHEPARDSON. 169 Superior Court judges wiU be here treated as though their court had been legally caUed Supreme. It was not tiU 1786, four years after the Supreme Court was estabUshed, that it had a lawyer on its bench, and the Superior Court never had one. Lawyers were scarce for one thing, and were either very young or in sympathy with the claims of New York. Out in IlUnois long ago a sensible business man was nominated for judge, and, thinking there was no possibiUty of election did not take the trouble to decline. To his surprise he was elected and thereupon went to a good friend who was a lawyer for advice. The lawyer said, "ac cept," and when the judge-elect protested that he would not know what to do, told him : "Hear each case and decide it as seems to you right, and in nine cases out of ten your de cision wiU be right, but never give a reason for your decision for in nine cases out of ten your reason wiU be wrong." It was not tiU 1793 that any book of reports of decisions of our Supreme Court was published, and "N. Chipman" is a very unpretentious volume. Before giving account of the judges who sat in the highest court of the state frora the October session of 1778, a final word may be said of that first superior court created June i7> 1778, for the banishment of Tories, etc. A quarter of a century ago Charles Reed when working with Gov. Hiland HaU in preparing for publication matter going into the collections of the Verraont Historical Society, got on track of a raan, real or mythical, of the narae of Evan Paul, but never found him. And Patterson Pierraont, Esq., judge of the brief court of banishment, yet stands the shadow of a name. The judges of the Superior Court elected in October, 1778, were five : Moses Robinson, John Shepardson, John Fasset, Jr., Thomas Chandler, Jr., and John Throop. ROBINSON, MOSES.— Chief judge of the Superior Court, 1778 to 1781, and from June, 1782, to October, 1782 ; chief judge of the Supreme Court, 1782 to 1784, and from 1785 to 1789. [See Mr. Davenport's sketch in "The Fathers," ante page 55.] SHEPARDSON, JOHN.— Major John Shepardson, of Guilford, was born in Attle boro, Mass., Feb. 16, 1729, and died Jan. 3, 1802. He carae to Guilford soon after its first settleraent in September, 1761, by Micah Rice and family, and was there when the only road, that up Broad Brook, was impassable with teams, so that the settlers had " to boil or pound their corn, or go fifteen miles to raiU with a grist upon their backs." The first recorded town meeting of Guilford was held May 19, 1772, and John Shepardson was chosen town clerk. When the new state was organized he and Col. Benjamin Carpen ter were the two leaders of the cause of Ver mont against the New Yorkers. He was twice, in 1778 and 1779, elected "second judge " of the Superior Court — his name standing next to that of the chief judge. He attended the court at Westminster, May 26, 1779, when S. R. Bradley and Noah Smith were admitted to the bar, but does not seem to have attended other sessions of the court. This session of May, 1779, which Shep ardson attended was, taken altogether, an interesting one. Vermont and New York were each claiming jurisdiction over Vermont territory. In February, a miUtia law had been passed by Vermont giving the com mander of a mihtia corapany the right to draft men to serve. In April, William Mc- Wain, a sergeant in Capt. Daniel Jewet's company, was drafting men. The Yorkers refused to serve, especially Capt. James Clay and Lieutenant Benjamin Wilson of Putney. McWain told them they would be fined, and then that they were fined ; they would not pay and April 21 he levied on two cows, one Clay's and the other Wilson's, and advertised to seU them the 28th. On the 28th the cows were forcibly taken from McWain by a num ber of men of Col. Eleazer Patterson's New York regiment. May 18, McWain entered coraplaint against those who took the cows from hira and, on papers issued by Ira AUen, thirty-six Yorkers were arrested and confined in Westrainster jail. Governor Chittenden, to protect the Vermont sheriff, ordered Ethan AUen to coUect a hundred able bodied volun teers in the county of Bennington and march them into the county of Cumberland to re main during the sitting of the court. The county committee of the New York adherents met at Bratdeboro, May 25, and sent an ex press to Governor Clinton saying that if aid were not rendered, " our persons and prop erty raust be at the disposal of Ethan AUen, which is more to be dreaded than death with all its terrors." Court met the 26th. Noah Smith was appointed state's attorney, pro I70 SHEPARDSON. SHEPARDSON. temfyore, and complained of the prisoners for asserabhng at Putney, April 28, in a riotous and unlawful manner and assaulting McWain, a lawful officer in the execution of a lawful coramand, and taking the cows which Mc Wain had taken by legal measures — charging that this "wicked conduct" was a violation of the common law and contrary to the stat ute [passed in February but not printed and published until June], to prevent riots, dis orders and contempts of authority. The preUminary proceedings used up the day and the prisoners were sent back to jail. Micah Townsend was one of the thirty-six prisoners ; at his suggestion, twenty-eight of thera peti tioned the court for a month's delay but the only effect of this was to procure the new lawyer, S. R. Bradley, as counsel for the res pondents. On the 27th, Smith entered a nolle prosequi in the complaints against three of the thirty-six, and Mr. Bradley moved to quash three other complaints on account of the nonage of the parties respondent. Brad ley worked this racket on Smith successfuUy. Benjamin H. HaU, who was far from being an admirer of AUen, says : " The motion was granted, and the court was about to proceed with the trial of the remaining prisoners, when an unexpected interruption took place. Ethan AUen, who, with his men, had been engaged at West minster in assisting the sheriff and guarding the prisoners, had watched with interest and satisfaction the transactions of the preced ing day, and had expressed great pleasure at the manner in which the goddess of jus tice seemed to be preparing to punish the rebellious Yorkers. He was not present at the commencement of the second day's session, but having heard that some of the prisoners were obtaining their discharge, he resolved to stop such flagitious conduct, and teach the court their duty. Accoutred in his mUitary dress, with a large cocked hat on his head profusely ornamented with gold lace, and a sword of fabulous dimensions swinging at his side, he entered the court room breathless with haste, and pressing through the crowd which filled the room, advanced towards the bench whereon the judges were seated. Bowing to Moses Rob inson who occupied the chief seat, and who was his intimate friend, he commenced a furious harangue, aimed particularly at the state's attorney, and the attorney for the defendants. " The judge, as soon as he could recover frora his astonishment, informed the speaker that the court would gladly listen to his remarks as a private citizen, but could not allow him to address them either in mUitary attire or as a military man. To this infor mation Allen replied by a nod, and taking off his chapeau threw it on the table. He then proceeded to unbuckle his sword, and as he laid it aside with a flourish, turned to the judge, and in a voice like that of a Stentor exclaimed, ' For forms of government let fools contest, Whate'er is best administered is best.' He then turned to the audience and having surveyed them for a moment, again addressed the judge, as follows : ' Fifty miles I have come through the woods with ray brave men, to support the civil with the military arm ; to quell any disturbances should they arise; and to aid the sheriff and the court in pros ecuting these Yorkers — the enemies of our noble state. I see, however, that some of them, by the quirks of this artful lawyer, Bradley, are escaping from the punishment they so richly deserve, and I find also, that that this little Noah Smith is far from under standing his business, since he at one moment moves for a prosecution and in the next wishes to withdraw it. Let me warn your honor to be on your guard, lest these delin quents should slip through your fingers, and thus escape the reward so justly due their crimes.' Having delivered himself in these words, he with great dignity replaced his hat, and, having buckled on his sword, left the court roora with the air of one who seemed to feel the weight of kingdoras on his shoulders. After a short interval of silence, business was again resumed." Thirty respondents were before the court. Bradley came to the rescue of them as he had of the three "infants," and the thirty pleaded in bar that though by common law they might be held to answer part of the in forraation (Hall calls the allegations against them at one time complaint, at another in dictment, and again information), yet they could not be held to answer that part founded on the statute since it was not in their power to know the statute when the crimes were aUeged to have been committed as it had not then been promulgated, and this they were ready to verify. This invention of Bradley's (if Micah Townsend was not the originator) succeeded as well as could have been expected and the court ordered that part -of the information brought on the statute to be dismissed. To be " boiled in oil" was not a part of the statutory penalty, but whipping on the naked back and divers and sundry other unpleasant things were, so Bradley's point was worth making. The prisoners then pleaded not guilty and gave evidence that they were subjects of New York and did the acts aUeged against them by virtue of authority given them by that state. What Smith was doing when Bradley put in that evidence does not appear, and one can but think of AUen's characterization of the two men. The state then put in sorae evidence and the court considered the mat- SHEPARDSON. SHEPARDSON. 171 ter and adjudged the defendants guilty and fined them from two pounds to forty pounds lawful money each. Townsend's fine was twenty pounds. The court also sentenced the delinquents to pay in equal shares the costs, amounting to 1,477 pounds and 18 shiUings. These large figures, it must be remembered, were those of a miserably de preciated currency and Mr. Hewitt even would regard a coined vacuum with rauch more favor than the paper money of that time. AU these doings Shepardson saw and helped Robinson preside at. He went out of judicial ofifice in 1 780. One raore gUrapse of Allen in the neighborhood of Shepard- son's home maybe had. In 1782 renewed trouble with the Yorkers, who had their main strength in Guilford, induced "one-eyed Tom," as the irreverent dubbed His Excel lency Thomas Chittenden, to again caU out AUen and the troops. Chittenden, by the way, was not the only Governor who had a nick-name, for, appaUing to relate, the, to us, venerable Isaac Tichenor, who was elected Governor in 1797, the year Chittenden died, was called " the Jersey Slick." In Septem ber, 1782, Allen went into Windham county and put himself at the head of the Vermont militia, and when in Marlboro was boldly faced by Timothy Phelps, who, as AUen ap proached, " announced hiraself as the high sheriff of Cumberland county, bade Allen go about his business, denounced his conduct and that of his men as riotous, and ordered the military to disperse. With his usual roughness, Allen knocked the hat from the head of the doughty sheriff, ordered his at tendants to 'take the d — d rascal off,' and galloped away to superintend the operations of other portions of his forces." It was probably the same day that AUen dispersed the Guilfordites by his famous proclamation. They had fired on his troops, and he, on reaching Guilford, made proclamation to the people in these words : " I, Ethan AUen, do declare that I will give no quarter to the man, woman, or child who shall oppose me, and unless the inhabitants of Guilford peacefully submit to the authority of Verraont, I swear that I wiU lay it as desolate as Sodom and Gomorrah, by G — ." The terrified Yorkers of Guilford thereupon fled. • Tradition has it that Allen's answer to De La Place at Ticon deroga, when asked by what authority he demanded the surrender, had the same two words ending as his Guilford proclamation, though not so quoted in the books. A Bos ton newspaper the other day, commenting on the assertion that somebody in Brattle boro says "Begad," remarks that is not the way Verraonters pronounce it when excited. However this raay be, the power to hit the mark with words, and hit it hard, is a great gift, and that gift AUen had in his day, as the creator of Mulvaney, Ortheris, and Learoyd, in an altogether different field, has it in this day. In December, 1783, the Yorkers attempted to capture Shepardson and Col. Benjamin Carpenter, but did not succeed. These two men seem to have hunted in couples some what in their work for the new state. Per haps Shepardson has a monument with par ticulars about him that would go weU here, for the judge don't seem to cut quite as much of a figure in this sketch of him as he ought to, but without monumental inscrip tion at hand to give light on him, a few Unes from Carpenter's monument will have to do to show the kind of man his next friend was. The tribute to Carpenter on his monument after stating among other things that he was a field officer in the Revolutionary war and a founder of the first constitution and gov ernraent of Verraont, concludes with these words, "Uned" by the raonument-maker thus : " A firm professor of Christianity in the Baptist Church 50 years. Left this world and 146 persons of lineal posterity, March 29, 1804, Aged 78 years, 10 months and 12 days, with a strong Mind and full faith of a more Glorious state hereafter. Stature about six feet — weight 200. Death had no terror." In the 5th volurae of Hemenway's Ver mont Historical Gazetteer are given the records of the town of Guilford for many years of Judge Shepardson's time. The pro ceedings ofthe meeting of Feb. 20, 1777, of which Major Shepardson (he wasn't elected judge till the next year and query whether the mUitary title even then gave way to the judicial) was moderator, are, like raany of the other records, well worth reading. The raeeting appointed a committee of nine " to state the Price of Labor, Provisions, Mer- cantable Goods, etc., and to make [report] to the town for their approbation." March 6, 1777, at an adjourned raeeting the cora mittee reported among other things that " good merchantable wheat shall not exceed 60 cts. per bu. * * Good yallow potaters shaU not in the spring exceed 20 cts. per bushel. * * Good West India Rum and New England Rura and Molasses and Muscovado Sugar shall be sold on the same as they are stated in the New England states ; Farraing laborers in the summer season shall not exceed 30 cts. per day and so in usual proportion at other seasons of the year and the labor of mechanics and tradesmen and other labor to be coraputed according to the wages and custoras that hath been practiced among us computed with farm labor." Araong other articles on which a price was fixed were Rye, Indian Corn, Oats, Peas, and Beans, Flax Seed, Salt 172 FASSETT. THROOP. Pork, Good Grass Beef, Raw Hides, Sole Leather, Neat Leather Shoes, Wool, Tow Cloth, Coarse Linen, Striped Flannel, Hay, Butter, Tallow, Hog's Fat and Pine Boards. It was voted if anybody in town should sell any named article to any person in the neighboring towns at a higher price than stated in the report he should forfeit the value of the article to the town, and if any person directly or indirectly took a greater price than stated in the report he should forfeit the value of the article sold, one- half to the town and one-half to the complainant. It was then voted .that the committee of nine hear and determine all cases and coraplaints in these raatters and impose costs of suit if they should find those charged guUty ; " By a unanimous vote of this town and chose Maj. John Shep ardson one of the Committee of Inspection." AU this was in the "RepubUc of Guilford" and there was no Coxey with his army of the Commonweal to march to its capital. Political economists can figure the raatter out to suit themselves. But this wasn't the Guilford which Verraont had on her hands to contend with — that Guilford was the "other crowd," the York adherents. In bidding Judge Shepardson good-bye, we bid good-bye to coraraent on the form and pressure of his time " When the Hampshire Grants were tracts of land Somewhat in disputation, Tracked by the most untractable Of all the Yankee nation; When Ethan Allen ruled the State With steel and stolen ' scriptur,' Declared his ' beech seal ' war against New York, and took and whipt her." Vermont's poet, Eastman (born in Maine though) makes "My Uncle Jerry" sura it up with a free swing of words that matches Allen's own : " There's much, he says, about Vermont For history and song; Much to be written yet, and much That has been written wrong. The old Thirteen united, fought The Revolution through; While, single handed old Vermont Fought them, and England, too. She'd Massachusetts and New York, And — so the record stands- New Hampshire, England, Guilford, and The Union on her hands: Yet still her Single Star above Her hills triumphant shone; And when the smoke of battle passed, .She'd whipt them all, alone! " So Modesty survives the flight of tirae and like Charity, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly. FASSETT, JOHN, JR.— Judge of the Superior Court, 1778 to 1782 ; judge of the Supreme Court, 1782 to 1786. [See sketch in "The Fathers," ante page 58.] CHANDLER, Thomas, Jr.— Judge of the Superior Court, 1778 to 1779. [See sketch in "The Fathers," ante page 66.] THROOP, JOHN, of Pomfret, was born in Lebanon, Conn., Sept. 11, 1733, and died Jan. 25, 1802. He was a judge ofthe Superior Court, 1778 to 1781, and February to October, 1782, and had lived in Pomfret at least as far back as 1773, when the town was organized. He was a delegate to the con vention at Windsor June 4, 1777, and was also a delegate to the convention forming the constitution in July and December of that year. Judge Throop was chosen repre sentative from Pomfret in the faU of 1778 and was a member of the council from 1779 to 1786. In i787-'88 he again represented Pomfret, and was judge of probate, 1783 to 1792. SPOONER, Paul.— Dr. Paul Spooner of Hartland (which was caUed Hertford till 1772) was born in Dartmouth, Mass., March 20 (one authority says March 30), 1746, and -died at Hartland while a judge of the Supreme Court Sept. 4, 1789. Hewas the youngest of the ten children of Daniel and EUzabeth (Ruggles) Spooner and his father moved to Petersham, Mass., when Paul was about two years old. There Paul grew up, studied medicine and from there came to Hertford in 1768. His father Uved to the great age of one hundred and three years, dying in 1797- Dr. Spooner married in 1769 Asenath, daughter of Amasa Wright, and by her had three children, one of whom, Paul, moved to Hardwick and was the first town clerk of that town in 1795 ^''^^ i*^ ^''^^ representative. His second wife was Mrs. Ann (Cogswell) Post. Dr. Spooner was first elected a judge of the Superior Court in October, 1 7 79, at which session that court was constituted a court of equity in matters above twenty and under four thousand pounds— the Governor and council and House of Representatives being given original equity jurisdiction in cases in volving over four thousand pounds, and an appeal lying to them frora the Superior Court in cases where the latter had original jurisdiction. This provision as to the equity powers of the Governor, CouncU and House was, as has been before stated, repealed in 1786. Dr. Spooner was a delegate from Hertford to the Westminster convention of Oct. 19, 1 7 74, caUed to conderan the tea act, the Bos ton Port bUl and like raeasures of the mother country. He was a delegate to a convention of Whigs at Westminster Feb. 7, 1775, and to the " Cumberland County Congress " of June 6, 177s, and was chosen a delegate to represent that county in the New York Prov incial Congress at its sessions beginning in May and November of that year. May 5i 1777, he was chosen sheriff of Cumberland MOSELEY. OLCOIT. 173 county under New York, but declined the ofifice in a letter dated July 15, 1777, having the week before been appointed one of the Vermont Council of Safety. He was a mem ber of the council from 1778 to 1782 and Lieutenant-Governor from 1782 to 1787. In 1 781 and 1782 he was judge of probate for Windsor county, and was agent of Ver mont to Congress in 1780 and 1782. Judge Spooner served as a judge of the Superior Court from 1779 to 1782, though in 178 1 he was left off at the election, when Chief Judge Robinson was displaced by Elisha Payne and being angry declined to serve as assistant. When Robinson declined Spooner was elected in his place. In 1782 Judge Spooner was elected a judge of the Supreme Court and served as such till his death. From 1784 to 1785 he was chief judge. A communication, dated Hartland, Sept. 8, 1789, appeared in Spooner's Vermont Journal of Sept. 16, 1789, from which the following is an extract : " Friday last, departed this life and on Sunday was decently interred, the Honorable Paul Spooner, Esq., in the 44th year ofhis age. His character as a skilful and careful practitioner in the Medicinal Art, was established here soon after his ar rival from Petersham ; even without the advantages of a liberal education. The sprightliness of his genius, his candid and generous temper, his discreet and diligent application to busi ness, soon attracted the eyes of his fellow citizens. He was a steady friend and steady assistant to his country, through all the late unhappy war with Greatbritain; and irom the first rise to the present advancement of the State of Vermont. * * * He died while the other Judges were on the circuit for the administration of justice. * + * The honor and benefit accruing to the town by his dwelling among them has been largely experienced; the loss whereof may be long felt and regretted. He was a zealous promoter of learning — a great benefactor to the rising generation. * * * As a judge he ever aimed to administer judgment in uprightness. * * * He left a sorrowful widow (his second wife) and three chil dren (by his first wife) to bemoan their loss The concourse to the funeral (with only two days for the tidings to spread) was so great, that one could scarce see so many sad counte nances, without crying out in the heart, Behold hoiv they loved him. The conjectures of people varied as to the num ber, as from five to ten hundred A pertinent and affecting sermon (as it is said) was delivered by the Reverend Aaron Hutchinson of Pomfret, well adapted to the occasion, from Psalm cxlvi 3 4. — ' P2it not yotir tntst in Princes^ nor in the Son of man, in whoni there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.^ After sermon the Funeral Thought was sung, which added not a little to the solemnity " MOSELEY, Increase. — Dr. Increase Moseley was born in Norwich, Conn., May 18, 1 712, married Deborah Tracy of Wind ham, Conn., May 7, 1735; moved to An cient Woodbury, Conn., about 1740 and to Clarendon about 1779. Dr. Moseley was one of the leaders in Ancient Woodbury and served as representadve in the Connecticut Legislature from i75r almost continuously tUl his removal to Vermont. He was mod erator of Woodbury's meeting for the rehef of Boston, Sept. 20, 1774, and a member of her Revolutionary committees. He was elected a judge of the Superior Court in 1780, but served only one year, going off in the election of i78r, when everything was mixed up by giving the New Hampshire towns representation on the bench. In 1782 he was representative from Clarendon and was elected speaker of the House. Dr. Moseley was chief judge of Rutland county frora 1781 to 1787 and was presi dent of the first council of censors — that of 1785 — a body of which Benjamin Carpen ter, Joseph Marsh, and Micah Townsend were raerabers, and whose work was weU done and whose "proceedings" — really an address to the people — constitute a state paper of remarkable merit, the authorship of which probably lay largely with Townsend, the secretary. Judge Moseley died May 2, 1795. PAYNE, Elisha.— Cob EUsha Payne of Lebanon, was elected chief ^udge of the su perior court in October, 1781, and held that place tiU he ceased to be a citizen of Ver mont, on the dissolution of the union with the New Hampshire towns in February, 1782. He presided at a session of the court held for the county of Washington (an ephe meral county, made up of New Hampshire towns while the Union existed and that went out of existence with the Union) at Charles town, N. H., December, 1781. No business was done, only Judges Payne and Spooner being present. [See sketch in "The Fathers," ante page 64.] OLCOTT, Simeon.— At the October session, 1781, Bezaleel Woodward, represen tative from Dresden, and a professor in Dartmouth College, was chosen a judge of the Superior Court. Prof. Woodward de clined the office and Simeon Olcott of Charlestown (a New Hampshire town then in Union with Vermont and situate in the short-lived county above referred to) was elected in his place. Judge Olcott was the first lawyer to be elected to the bench by the Vermont Legislature, but he never held court, so that Nathaniel Chipman stands as the first Vermont lawyer elected judge who took judicial service upon himself. Mr. Roberts puts Olcott in the list of judges; while Judge Taft leaves him out because he didn't 'tend court. Whether it was a mere freak that kept Olcott away from sitting with Payne and Spooner when they were at Charlestown in December, or whether he had sorae constitutional scruple about main taining that court of justice in Washington county, is not known. At any rate Olcott resigned Jan. 28, 1782, and Feb. 13, 1782, the Assembly elected Gen. Samuel Fletcher of Townsend, who declined, and, Feb. 16, John Throop, who had been judge tiU left off the October before, was elected, and served. Simeon Olcott was born in Bolton, Conn., Oct. I, 1735, graduated at Yale in 1761, studied law, moved to Charlestown, N. H., in 1764, was adraitted as an attorney in Curalaerland county, Sept. 15, 1774, and was 174 PORTER. in 1784 appointed chief justice of the court of coraraon pleas in New Hampshire. In 1790 he was appointed a judge of the New Hampshire Superior Court of which he was made chief justice in r795. On the resig nation of Samuel Livermore he was made a United States Senator from New Hampshire and served as such from Dec. 7, r8oi, to March 3, 1805. He died in Charlestown, N. H., Feb. 22, 1815. He raarried, Octo ber, 1 783, Tryphena Terry and has descend ants now living in Charlestown. He is said to have been the first lawyer to settle in Western New Harapshire. FAY, JONAS^.— Dr. Jonas Fay, of Ben nington, was a judge of the Superior Court the last year of its existence and of the Suprerae Court its first year. His two years of service were frora 1781 to 1783. [See sketch in the " P'athers," ante page 50.] OLCOTT, Peter.— Col. Peter Olcott of Norwich was the first person elected a judge of the Supreme Court who had not already served as a judge of the Superior Court. The Supreme Court was estabUshed the session of his election thereto, October, 1782. The Superior Court consisted of five judges during the four years it existed ; the Supreme Court had five to begin with, the number was decreased to three in 1787, in creased to four in 1824, to five in 1828 and to six in 1846. In 1850 the nuraber was decreased to three and so continued (during the existence of the Circuit Court of four judges) tiU 1857 when the number was restored to six at which it remained tiU in creased to seven, its present nuraber, in 1870. Colonel Olcott served three years as a judge of the Supreme Court, his service ending in 1785. He is said to have been a graduate of Harvard CoUege ; he married Sarah MiUs and moved from Bolton, Conn., (where Judge Simeon Olcott was born) to Norwich about 1768. He was a member of the Windsor convention, June, 1777, and also of the convention of July and Decera ber, 1777, which adopted the constitution. In 1777 he coramanded a regiment in Glou cester county and was summoned to march to Bennington too late to reach it before the battle, but was employed in other miUtary service. He was elected to the councU in 1779, and elected again in 1781 ; he served tiU 1790 as a councilor. He was Lieuten ant-Governor four years — 1790 to 1794 — and in the latter year decUned to be longer a, candidate for that office. His son RosweU graduated at Dartmouth in 1789 and his son MiUs in 1790. Rufus Choate married Helen, a daughter of MiUs Olcott. Judge Olcott died , at Hanover, where his son Mills resided, in September, 1808. PORTER, THOMAS.— Thoraas Porter was born in Farmington, Conn., in 1734 served in the British army at Lake George in 1755, held local offices in Farmington, married Abigail Howe, raoved to Cornwall Conn., where he was prorainent in town af fairs and frora that town he went into the Revolutionapy array. He was raany years a member of the Connecticut Legislature. In 1 7 79 he moved to Tinmouth from which town he was elected as representative to the Assem bly in 1780, 1 781 and 1782, in each of which years he was elected speaker of the House. In 1782 he was also elected to the council and resigned as speaker to take the new po sition. He served tiU 1795 as a councilor. Judge Porter was a farraer. He was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1783 and served tiU r786. Judge Porter died in GranviUe, N. Y., in 1833. His son, Ebenezer Porter (Dartraouth, 1792), was a faraous Doctor of Divinity and was presi dent of Andover Theological Seminary. NILES, Nathaniel.— Nathaniel NUes, of Fairlee (that part which is now West Fairlee), teacher, student of law and medicine, preach er, inventor and poet, was judge of the Su preme Courtfrom 1784 to 1788. [See sketch in "Representatives," ante page 127.] CHIPMAN, Nathaniel.— Nathaniel Chipman of Tinmouth, the first lawyer to serve as a Vermont judge, was elected an assistant judge of the Supreme Court in 1786, and served one year; in 1789 he was elected chief judge, and served tiU he was appointed U. S. District Judge for Vermont in 1791. In 1796 he was again elected chief judge, and served one year, and in 1813 and 1814 was for the last times elected chief judge, serving two years in this, his third period of service as chief judge. Judge Chipman was the first to report decisions of the Supreme Court. Judge Samuel Prentiss said that the various traits of his mind and constitutional temperament, combined with his deep and extensive learning, entitled him to rank among the first judges of this or any other country. Judge Prentiss further said : "I witnessed, during the short period he was last on the bench, exhibitions of the great strength, vigor, comprehension, and clear ness of his mind, of his profound and accur ate knowledge of legal principles, and of his remarkably discriminating and weU-balanced judgment." Judge Chipraan was a student of the law, and eminently just-minded. He was a Federalist, and thought our system of electing judges a bad one — advocating an appointive system with long tenure. The KNOWLTON. SMITH. 175 proof of the pudding is in the eating, and if in any state as sraall as ours there can be found a court that has maintained a higher standing for a hundred years than that which we have had under our system then we had better give it up — and not tiU then. [See Mr. Davenport's sketch of Judge Chipman in the "Senators," ante page io8.] KNOWLTON, LUKE.— Luke Knowlton of Newfane was elected a judge of the Su preme Court in 1786 and served one year, being dropped with Nathaniel Chipraan in 1787 when the court was reduced frora five to three members. [See sketch in the "Fathers," ante page 59.] BRADLEY, STEPHEN R.— Stephen Row Bradley of Westminster was elected a judge in 1788 and served one year. [See Mr. Dav enport's sketch of him in the "Senators" and of his stiU more briUiant son, William C. Bradley in the "Representatives."] Judge Bradley was three times married, by the first and second of which marriages he had chil dren. His first wife was Merab Atwater ; his second. Thankful Taylor ; and his third, BeUnda Willard. Spooner's Vermont Jour nal of Jan. 19, 1802, has the following notice : "Died at Westminster, in this state, on Sunday the loth instant, of a Ungering iU ness, Mrs. ThankfuU Bradley, consort of the Hon. Stephen R. Bradley, in the thirty-fourth year of her age. To those who have ex perienced her tenderness and affection as a daughter, sister, wife and mother, her loss is irreparable. To the society which she adorned as a friend and neighbor, her virtues will long be remembered, and the loss regretted with tears. "Her funeral was attended by a very large and respectable assembly on the Wednesday following, when a very pathetic discourse was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Barber from the words of the Apostle : 'For we know, that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.' " This exceUent step-mother is as worthy of remerabrance as any just judge on the face of God's earth, for her love wrought a per fect work and that is aU justice can hope to do. Judge Wheeler in his paper on WiU- iara C. Bradley, read before the Vermont Bar Association in 1883, said : " At an early age he encountered what is perhaps the greatest earthly loss of a boy, the death of a worthy mother. Her place was not long after taken by a step-mother, who soon became his fast friend and whose kindness and care he dutifully and affection ately repaid. FuU of both physical and in tellectual life and vigor, he needed at tiraes to break forth in somewhat wayward pranks. His father was stern and imperious with him. She with kindness and good judgraent miti gated the severity of the law. At one time when he was going frora horae alone under his father's displeasure, she foUowed him a little way and gave him a little case of needles and thread, called a housewife, which she had made for him, in the pocket of which was a guinea, and spoke sorae kind words of encourageraent to hira. His father soon relented and got him back. He re membered the kindness and forgot the strictness. He always cherished this keep sake and would never have the guinea taken out. In his last sickness he had it brought to him and held so he could see that the guinea was stUl there, and it was handed down under his will to a favorite grand daughter." [See sketches, ante pages 104 and 136.] SMITH, NOAH.— Noah Smith of Benning ton was a judge of the Suprerae Court from 1789 to 1791, and again frora 1798 to 1801. He was born in Suffield, Conn., in 1755, graduated at Yale in 1778, and at once came to Bennington, where he that summer deliv ered the address at the first anniversary of the battle of Bennington. He was admitted to the bar May 26, 1779, and went right to work as may be seen ante in sketch of John Shepardson. He was for some years state's attorney and county clerk of Bennington county, and was appointed U. S. Collector of Internal Revenue in i79r. In 1798 he was elected a councilor, but resigned to accept the judgeship. He moved from Ben nington to Milton soon after 1800. He married Chloe BurraU ; she died in Burling ton in 1 8 10, where he was then confined in jail for debt. In 181 1 the Legislature passed an act for his relief which freed him from jail. He died in Milton, Dec. 23, 1812. His son Albert became a doctor of divin ity, as did his son Henry, who married Abby, daughter of President Joshua Bates of Mid dlebury College. Henry became president of Marietta CoUege, Ohio, and died whUe a professor and the head of Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati. Prof. Henry Preserved Smith of that seminary and the present day, who is with Dr. Briggs in ecclesiastical con troversy with certain strict constructionists in theology, by narae and locaUty ought to be a grandson of the judge, but there is an other family of Smiths and I do not know the professor's pedigree. Judge Smith came near being elected sen ator instead of Mr. Bradley in January, 1791, and resigned Jan. 24 of that year, perhaps with the intent to contest the senatorial election but he did not do it. 176 KNIGHT. SMITH. KNIGHT, Samuel.— Samuel Knight of Brattieboro was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1789 and chief judge in 1791 and served until 1 794, making five years service in all. He was born about 1730 and died at his home on his farm between Brattieboro and West Brattleboro in 1804. He was ad mitted to the bar in 1772 and was on the York side in the Westminster trouble of March, 1775. He fled across the river and did not return to Brattleboro for a year. He finally made up his mind that the York cause was hopeless and overcame by his character the prejudice that existed against him be cause of his early adherence to the authority of New Y^ork. He represented Bratdeboro in 1781, r783, 1784 and 1785, and was chief judge of Windham county court in 1 786, 1794, 1795 and 1801. PAINE, Elijah.— Elijah Paine of Will iamstown was judge of the Supreme Court from Jan. 27, 1791, (in place of Noah Smith, resigned), tiU he was elected United States Senator in 1 794. [See sketch in the "Senators," ante page 107.] TICHENOR, Isaac— Isaac Tichenor was judge from 1791 to 1794 and chief judge from 1794 to 1796. [See sketch in the " Governors," ante page 72.] HALL, LOT.— Lot Hall, of Westminster, was judge from 1794 to 180 1. He was born on Cape Cod, and was in the early years of the Revolution a sailor. Engaged in a naval expedition to protect South CaroUna, he was taken prisoner while acting as lieutenant in charge of a prize and carried to Glasgow, Scotland, where he was released. On his way home he was again captured, but Patrick Henry procured his release. His marriage to Mary Homer, of Boston, in 1786, was as roraantic as his experiences in war ; she was but fifteen. Mary was not, however, the woraan to whom the Chicago Tribune refers when it says that in Boston Sunday schools each class recites in concert, when asked what became of Lot's wife, " She was trans muted into chloride of sodium." He began the study of law at Barnstable in 1782, came that year to Bennington, and the next year settled in Westminster, whicji he represented in 1788, 1791, 1792 and 1808. He was a presidential elector in 1792, and a member of the Council of Cen sors in 1799. Judge Hall was taken sick while attending the Legislature in 1808, and died May 17, WOODBRIDGE, ENOCH.— Enoch Woodbridge of Vergennes was a judge of the Supreme Court 1794 to 1798, and chief judge 1798 to 1801. He was born in Stockbridge, Mass., December, 1750, and graduated at Y^ale in 1774. In the Revolution he was in the Continental service as commissary of issues, and was at Hubbardton, Bennington and Burgoyne's surrender. He studied law, and on first corning to Vermont began prac tice in Manchester, from which place he went to Vergennes, of which city he was in 1 794 elected the first mayor. He represented Ver gennes from 1791 to his elevation to the bench, and again in 1802. In 1793 Mr. Woodbridge was a meraber of the Consti tutional Convention. He died in May, r8o5. Judge Woodbridge was descended from Gov. Thomas Dudley, and was a great-grandson of Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the In dians. He married, in 1774, Nancy Win- cheU, and they had eight children ; one of whom, Enoch D., married Cora Strong, a daughter of Gen. Samuel Strong, and was the father of Frederick E. ^^'oodbridge. SMITH, Israel.— Israel Sraith of Rut land was elected chief judge in 1897, and served one year. In 1801 he was again elected, but dechned to serve. [See sketch in "Governors," ante page 73.] ROBINSON, JONATHAN.— Jonathan Robinson of Bennington was chief judge from 1 80 1 to 1807. [See sketch in the "Fathers," ante page 57, and also the follow ing notes on Judge Tyler.] TYLER, Royall.— Royall Tyler, was born in Boston, Mass., July 18, 1757. His father, Royall Tyler, was a man of distinction and diedini77i. B.H. HaU says that the son was naraed William Clark Tyler and that on the death of his father this was by legislative enactment changed to Royall. He gradua ted at Harvard in 1776, went into the army and served on the staff of General Lincoln; studied law with Francis Dana at Cambridge, was adraitted to the bar in 1779, went to Falraouth (now Portland) , Me., and practiced there two years, returned to Boston, and set tled in Braintree, Mass., intending to make it his horae. When Shay's RebeUion came he again served under General Lincoln, and was sent by Governor Bowdoin to negotiate with New York and Verraont concerning the sur render of the rebels who had fled. .\bout this time he wrote the "Contrast," the first American play ever staged. This comedy was played at the old John Street Theatre in New York, AprU 16, 1786. Wig- nell, the actor for whom it was written, pub lished it and Dr. Conland of Brattleboro can tell what year, for he has a copy. The state ment here about the play differs from what is stated in Hemenway's Gazetteer, Vol. 5) from the pen of Thomas Pickraan Tyler, son TYLER. of RoyaU, who gives the place of production as the old Park Theatre and the spring of 1789 as the tirae. The editor of the Gazet teer gave only extracts from T. P. Tyler's memoirs of Judge Tyler and they are just enough to make one hungry for the rest. Judge Tyler wrote many other plays and books. TYLER. 177 ROYALL TYLER. Judge Tyler moved to GuUford, Vt., in January, 1791, and soon had a good law practice. He married Mary Palmer and they had eleven children. In rSoi he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court and in 1807 was promoted to chief judge. He left the bench in r8i2 after eleven years continuous service. Tyler's reports are from his pen. From 1815 to r82i he was register of probate for Windham county and con tinued the practice of law to about 1820. He was afflicted with cancer in his later years and died August 16, 1826. In the memoirs above referred to are many letters to and from Judge Tyler that light up the past. Jonathan Robinson, long on the bench with him and then a Senator, writes to him frora Washington, Feb. 4, 1810 : "When we corae to be judged for our judgments, my friend, the question will not be whether we pursued legal forms or technical niceties, but have you heard the cry of the poor and relieved them from their oppression. But I hope that the philan thropy of Bro. Fay and yourself will prevent all unpleasant results because he does not carry the Hopkinsian doctrine to that lofty pinnacle of revelation and philosophy to which you so ardently and rationally aspire. In one thing I fear, he wiU never be able to arrive to equal resignation, which you once expressed, even wiUingness to see Bro. Rob inson damned. However, good men of aU faiths will, I hope, be accepted if their hearts are but right." Senator Robinson's reference may be better understood if it be stated (Robinson being of the Calvinistic and Hopkinsian school) that he and Tyler had debated the alleged need, as evidence of regeneration, that one should be wilUng to be lost eternally if it were for the glory of God, and Tyler on being detained from court on one occasion wrote Judge Jacob and requested him to inform the chief judge (then Judge Robinson) "that he really be gan to hope that he had raade some littie spiritual progress, for, although he could not honestly say that he was wilUng to be damned hiraself, even if it were needful for - the glory of the Almighty, yet he beheved that by great effort he had nearly or quite attained to a sincere willingness that in such an exi gency Bro. Robinson should be daraned." Robinson writes Tyler frora Washington, June 17, 1812 : "AU is anxiety. It is four o'clock and the Senate has not yet taken the question [on a war measure]. I want a pipe, and I want my dinner, but I cannot start, tack or sheet, until I see, as Bro. Her- rington says, ' the last dog hung.' RecoUect me to Mrs. Tyler, the boys and girls and to Miss Sophia. Keep this letter to yourself. I cannot continue while Gorman is murder ing language in an endless speech, which sounds more discordant to ray ears than the thundering cannon did thirty-seven years ago this day, when I heard more than two hundred of them in my cornfield in Benning ton." The thundering cannon were those of Bunker HiU. In another letter from Washington Robin son expresses his impatience at delays in Congress, and on the outside of the letter describes his idea of the scene of its recep tion by their Honors, the Judges of the Supreme Court of Vermont, in these words : " Bro. Tyler filled his pipe and said, ' Come, Brethren, let us see what Bro. Robinson has to say.' Reads. Bro. Fay spits and says, ' Bro. Robinson is as cross as the devU.' 'Well,' says Bro. Herrington, 'I feel easy about it, it is a pack for their backs, not mine.' Bro. Tyler smiled, and fiUed his second pipe." Judge Tyler was honored and loved by all. Judge RoyaU Tyler of Brattleboro, now in his eighty-second year, is his son. That fact, though neither the relationship nor the narae is pat, somehow calls to mind this : "Jerry! I say, my boy, you'll go it yet You're hke your uncle, very." 178 JACOB. GALUSHA. JACOB, Stephen.— Stephen Jacob of Windsor was born in Sheffield, Mass., grad uated at Yale in 1778, carae to Bennington, Vt., that year, and read a poem at the first celebration of the Battle of Bennington, August 16, 1778; married Pamela Farrand in 1779, and carae to Windsor in 1780. He had, before admission to the bar, studied law with Theodore Sedgwick of Massachu setts. In 1 781 he was a representative frora Windsor, and again in 1788 and 1794, and was clerk of the House in 1788 and 1789. He was a member of the able council of censors of 1785, delegate in the constitu tional convention of 1793, chief judge of Windsor county court 1797 to 180 1, and a counciUor from 1796 to 1802. Mr. Jacob was brave and energetic in quelling the Windsor county insurrection in 1786, and in 1789 was a commissioner in settling the controversy with New York. He was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court in 1801 and served two years. Judge Jacob was a high-strung FederaUst, aristo cratic in bearing and raode of life and bought several slaves and brought them into Vermont, where, of course, they could serve him or not as they chose. He bought one Dinah, a negro woman of thirty, July 26, 1783, for forty pounds, but Dinah emanci pated herself, feU into want, and the select men of Windsor sued Judge Jacob for her support. His views on the slavery question were very different from those of his suc cessor next noticed herein. Judge Jacob died Jan. 27, 1817. HERRINTON, Theophilus. — Theo philus Herrinton of Clarendon, called by others in his own day Harrington, Herring- ton, or Herrinton, but who himself wrote his name as here given, was born in Rhode Island, married Betsey Buck, came to Ver raont in 1 785 and becarae a farmer in Clar endon. Betsey and he were not out, and in 1797 there were living eleven of their twelve children. In their school district that year were eight families to whom had been born 113 children, 99 of whora were then living, and none of the husbands in these farailies had a second wife. Judge Harrington, to use the narae by which he is known in history, represented Clarendon in 1795, and from 1798 to 1803 inclusive, being speaker the last-named year. He was chief judge of Rutland county court, 1800 to 1803, and in 1803 was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court, where he served ten years. He was no observer of conventionalities, if he knew them, and it has been said that he sometiraes went into court barefooted. His business was that of a farmer, and he was not admitted to the bar tUl after his election as a Supreme Court judge. Many stories are told of him — how that he said he didn't know as the court knows what a demurrer is, but it knows what justice is, and the plaintiff shall have judgraent ; how, while the other judges doubted whether the horse thief who stole in Canada and was guilty of asportation in this state, could be here convicted, Harrington insisted that he not only stole it in Canada, but every step of the way he took with it, and so stole it all the way through Verraont ; and how he cut the knot about the seal by his "hand me a wafer." His strong good sense and just raind gave him the respect of the people and of his as sociates on the bench, and one of his judg ments (reraeraber he succeeded Judge Jacob, who bought slaves) deservedly made him famous. It was upon application for a war rant to be given the claimant, which would give him power to remove his escaped slave. The claimant's lawyer had a bill of sale of the slave and back of that a bill of sale of the slave's mother. " Is that all? " said the judge. The claimant's lawyer thought going back to the two bills of sale was enough, but Har rington said, " you do not go back to the orig inal proprietor." The attorney wanted to know what would be sufficient and was in formed that nothing in that court would give title to a huraan being but "a bill of sale from Almighty God." Judge Harrington died Nov. 27, 1813. GALUSHA, Jonas. — Jonas Galusha of Shaftsbury was a judge of the Supreme Court two years, 1807 to 1809. [See sketch in "Governors," ante page 74.] FAY, David.— David Fay of Benning ton, youngest son of Stephen and brother of Judge Jonas Fay, was born in Hardwick, Mass., Dec. 13, 1761. When sixteen he was a fifer in Capt. Sarauel Robinson's com pany at the Battle of Bennington. He was adraitted to the bar in 1794, raeraber of the council of censors in 1799, state's attorney of Bennington county, r797 to 1801, and United States attorney throughout Jeffer son's administration. He was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court in 1809 and served till 18 13 when the "Vergennes Slaughter House" proceedings of 1798 were repeated and the Federalists again turned the Republicans or Democrats out of the Suprerae Court — as in 1801, so in 1815 the other side had its innings. Hewas judge of probate in 1819 and 1820, and a councilor from 1817 to 1821. Judge Fay died June 5, 1827, leaving no descendants. FARRAND, DANIEL.— Daniel Farrand, son of Rev. Daniel Farrand, was born in Canaan, Conn., about 1760. HUBBARD. SKINNER. 179 He graduated at Yale, came to Windsor where his brother-in-law, Stephen Jacob, lived, began the practice of law but soon moved to Newbury which town he made his residence till 1800, and represented in 1792, i793> 1796, i797> and 1798, being speaker the last naraed year. He was twice state's attorney of Oran^ county. May i, 1794, he married Mary Porter, of Haverhill, N. H., daughter of Asa Porter, and sister of Mrs. Mills Olcott, of Hanover, N. H. Mr. Far rand went from Newbury to Bellows Falls, represented Rockingham in 1802, and was state's attorney of Windhara county in i8oi, 1802 and 1803, and in the latter year was de feated for Congress by Jaraes EHot. In 1 8 1 3 he was a member of the council of censors and the sarae year was elected a judge of the Su preme Court and served two years. When the Republicans or Democrats got the upper hand in 1815, he was bounced, as he was a ¦strong FederaUst, and, in 1814, M9& presided ¦at a convention in WiUiston that roundly de nounced the administration. He was chair man of the committee of arrangements at BurUngton, when President Monroe was re- ¦ceived there on his tour, July 24, 1817, and did some very good speaking. He was a man of vigorous inteUect, a good lawyer and of extensive learning. He died Oct. r3, 1825, and left nine daughters surviving hira, all brilliant and accomplished women says Judge Taft. HUBBARD, JONATHAN Hatch.— J. H. Hubbard, of Windsor, was a judge of the Su preme Court from 1813 to 1815. [See sketch in "Representatives," ante page 135, where 1845 is a misprint for 1815 — he was a judge but two years.] ALDIS, Asa. — Asa Aldis, was born in Franklin, Mass., about 1770. His father was a loyalist and moved to Boston, where he died in r775. Asa's mother had died two years before and he was brought up by an aunt. He graduated at Brown University in 1796, studied law with Judge HoweU in Providence and began practice in Che- pachet. He married Mrs. Gadcomb, daugh ter of Lieut.-Gov. Owen. In r8o2 he moved to St. Albans and there practiced his pro fession. In 1804 he formed a partnership with Bates Turner, but it did not last long. When the Republicans drove the Federalists •off the supreme bench in 18 15 he was elected chief judge of the Supreme Court, much against his wish, and served one year. Judge Aldis was strongly urged to accept a re-election, but he absolutely refused. His ability was equal to the requirements of the office, but he did not Uke official position. He practiced many years after leaving the bench, but poor health kept hira out of court for a long tirae before his death. He died at St. Albans, Oct. 16, 1847, in his seventy- eighth year. Daniel Kellogg was his son-in- law, and Asa Owen Aldis was his son. SKINNER, Richard.— Richard Skinner of Manchester was judge of the Suprerae Court frora 1815 to 181 7, and the latter year was elected chief judge, but decUned the position. After his service as Governor, he was in 1823 elected chief judge, and pre sided as such tiU 1829. [See sketch in "Governors" ante page 77.] FISK, James. — jaraes Fisk of Barre was judge of the Supreme Court from 18 15 to 181 7. [See sketch in "Senators," ante page III.] P*\LMER, William Adams.— wuiiara A. Palraer of Danville, was elected judge of the Suprerae Court in 18 16, and served one year. [See sketch in "Governors," ante page 82.] CHASE, Dudley.— Dudley Chase of Randolph was chief judge of the Supreme Court frora 1817 to 1821. He presided at the trial of Stephen and Jesse Bourne for the murder of Russell Colvin — a case that has become famous and which gave Wilkie Col lins the theme for "The Dead Secret." [See sketch of Judge Chase in "Senators," ante page III.] DOOLITTLE, JOEL.— Joel Doolittle was born about 1773 in Massachusetts, grad uated at Yale in 1799, came to Middlebury in the faU of 1800 as the first tutor in Mid dlebury CoUege. He was admitted to the bar in 1801 and was a successful lawyer till 181 7 when he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court. He served six years con tinuously on the bench, and after a year of practice at the bar was again elected a judge in 1824 and served the following year. Judge Doolittle was a councillor from 18 1 5 to 1 8 18, represented Middlebury in 1824 and was a member and president of the council of censors in 1834. He died, March g, 1841, at the age of sixty-eight. Mrs. Doolittle survived him and after his death went to Painesville, Ohio, where she lived with her children. BRAYTON, William.— Williara Bray ton of Swanton was born in Lansingburgh, N. Y., and when thirteen was a student in Will iams College, but never graduated. He was admitted to the bar in Franklin county in February, 1807, and began practice in Swanton. He raarried Hortentia Penniman, daughter of Jabez and Frances Penniman. Frances was the widow of Ethan Allen. He VAN NESS. ROYCE. was made chief judge of Franklin county court in 1815, represented Swanton in 18 17, and that year was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court, and served as such five years. While on the Supreme bench he moved to St. Albans, and after living there several years, and after ceasing to be a judge, he removed to Burlington, where he died in 1828. His son, William, died young, but a daughter, if not now, was very lately living in Missouri. He published the reports known as Brayton's Reports. VAN NESS, Cornelius Peter.— Cor nelius p. Van Ness, of Burlington, was chief judge of the Supreme Court from 182 1 to 1823. [See sketch in " Governors ," a«/if page 78.] WILLIAMS, Charles Kilborn.— Charles K. WUliaras, of Rutland, was a judge ofthe Suprerae Court, 1822 to 1824, again from 1826 to 1833, and from 1833 to 1846 was chief judge. [See sketch in "Gover nors," ante page 88.] AIKENS, Asa.— Asa Aikens, of Wind sor, was born in Barnard ; entered Mid dlebury CoUege in 1804; studied three years there ; then was a year as a cadet at West Point. In 1808 he returned to Mid dlebury and studied law with Joel Doolittle. In 1812 he settled in Windsor, which town he represented two years and he was state's attorney for Windsor county two years. In 1 81 2 he was elected a judge ofthe Supreme Court and served on the bench two years. He was a careful, painstaking lawyer and judge, and the two volumes of reports pub lished under his name form the first product of skUled labor in this state in that line. "Aikens' Forms" is thumbed in many a law office in the state. Later in life he pub lished "Aikens' Tables." In 1843 he moved to Westport, N. Y., and made that his home afterwards. On a visit to his son-in-law at Hackensack, N. J., he died of nervous prostration, July 12, 1863. He was buried in Trinity ceraetery. New York City. PRENTISS, Samuel.— Samuel Prentiss, of Montpelier, was judge of the Suprerae Court frora 1825 to 1829, and in 1829 was elected chief judge, and held that position till elected senator in 1830. [See sketch in "Senators," ante page 114.] HUTCHINSON, TiTUS.— Titus Hutch inson of Woodstock, son of Rev. Aaron and Margery (Carter) Hutchinson, was born in Grafton, Mass., April 29, 1771. July 4, 1776, the faraily left Hebron, Conn., and raoved to what is stiU caUed the Hutchinson Farm, in Pomfret, two miles from Wood stock. Titus graduated at Princeton College, studied law with his brother Aaron in Leb anon, N. H., and was admitted to the Orange county bar June, 1 798. He settled in Wood stock, where there was already one lawyer. In 18 1 3 he was appointed U. S. attorney for the district of Verraont, and held the office ten years. In 1826 he was elected a judge of the Su preme Court, served as such till 1830, when he was elected chief judge, which position he occupied three years, being defeated by Judge WiUiams in the election of 1833 by a vote of 118 to 113. Judge Hutchinson married Clarissa Sage Feb. 16, 1800. She died Jan. 18, 1844. Their children were : Edwin, Oramel, Hen ry, Titus, Clarissa S., and Alexander. The judge lived in comparative retirement the last twenty years of his life. He died Aug ust 24, 1857. A full sketch of him maybe found in Henry Swan Dana's History of Woodstock, as good a town history as was ever written in this world — perhaps they write town history better on the planets of the Pleiades or those of the golden belt of Orion, but not here. ROYCE, Stephen. — Stephen Royce of Berkshire was judge of the Supreme Court from 1825 to 1827, again from 1829 to 1846, and was chief judge from 1846 to 1852. [See sketch in "Governors," arite page 91.] TURNER, Bates.— Bates Turner of St. Albans entered the Revolutionary army at sixteen, studied law under Judges Reeve and Gould and was admitted to the bar in Connecticut. He settled in Fairfield in 1 796, but moved to St. Albans and in 1804 there formed a partnership with Asa Aldis. It lasted but a short time and he returned to Fairfield and set up a law school. He had in his life about 175 law students. In 1812 he removed to Middlebury thinking his school would do better there, but soon re turned to Fairfield and before long to St. Albans again. He was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1827 and continued in service two years. He was quite old when elected judge but on leaving the bench returned to prac tice. Judge Turner, carrying his bag of law papers, called on a lady who playfully re minded him that Judas carried a bag. "Yes," said the judge, "and kept better company than I do." Judge Turner died at an advanced age, AprU 30, 1847. PADDOCK, Ephraim.— Ephraim Pad dock of St. Johnsbury came when a young THOMPSON. PHELPS. man frora Massachusetts to Vermont. His opportunities for education were limited to the common school, but he made such good use of them that he was for two or three years employed as an instructor in Peacham Academy. He began the practice of law in St. Johnsbury and by diligence became a learned lawyer. He represented St. Johnsbury from 1821 to 1826, inclusive; was a member of the constitutional conven tion of 1828, and of the council of censors in 1841. Hewas elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1828, but preferred the work of his profession and retired frora the bench in 1831. Judge Paddock continued in active prac tice tiU 1848, when he gave up professional duties and Uved in peace and quiet the re raainder of his days. He died July 27, 1859, at the age of seventy-nine. THOMPSON, JOHN C— John C. Thorapson, of BurUngton, was born in Rhode Island, studied law in Hartford, Conn., and was there admitted to the bar about 1813. He came at once to Windsor, where he staid tiU 1818, in which year he re moved to Hartland. In 1822 he left Hart land and settled in Burlington. He was a good lawyer and rose rapidly in pubUc favor. In 1827 he was elected a counciUor and held that office tiU elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1830. Before his first year of serv ice was ended he was taken sick on his way to Montpelier in a stage-coach and in a few days died. He had won approval as a judge although so short a time on the bench. Judge Thorapson married Nancy Patrick in December, 18 16. His death occurred June 27, 1 83 1. He left surviving him a son who was drowned in Lake Champlain, Sep tember, 1846. BAYLIES, Nicholas.— Nicholas Bay lies of Montpelier, son of Deacon Nicholas Baylies, of Uxbridge, Mass., was born in Uxbridge, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1794, read law with Charles Marsh of Woodstock, was admitted to the bar, and practiced in Woodstock a nuraber of years. He moved from Woodstock to Montpelier in 1809 and was "warned out" of Mont pelier the 15 th of November following — a fine old custom for booming a new settle ment ! He was a scholarly man and was the author of a three volume " Digested Index to the Modern Reports," published at Montpelier in 18 14, which received the ap proval of Jaraes Kent and Judge Parker. The " proprietors " of this book were Nicho las BayUes, Samuel Prentiss, Jr., and James H. Langdon. Mr. Baylies also published a theological work on free agency. He was elected state's attorney in 1813, 1814 and 1825, and a judge of the Supreme Court in 1831, 1832 and 1833. He removed to Lyndon about 1835, where he lived with his son-in-law, George C. Cahoon, and practiced law till his death, August 17, 1847. He was buried in Mont pelier, August 22, 1847. J^r- Baylies was probably seventy-nine years of age at his death, though sorae authorities make him eighty-two and others only seventy-five. He argued a case in the Supreme Court in Mont pelier but a few months before his death. He married Mary Ripley, daughter of Prof. Sylvanus Ripley, and granddaughter of Pres ident Eleazer Wheelock. She was a sister of Gen. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, who com raanded at Lundy's Lane after Scott was wounded. Mr. Baylies' only daughter, Mary Ripley BayUes, raarried George C. Cahoon of Lyndon, Oct. 27, 1825. His son, Hor atio N. BayUes, was long a merchant in Montpelier, and died in Louisiana. An other son, Nicholas BayUes, Jr., was a lawyer. PHELPS, Samuel Sheather.— S. s. Phelps of Middlebury, was a judge of the Supreme Court from 1831 to 1838. [See sketch under "Senators," ante page 116.] COLLAMER, JACOB,— Jacob Collamer of Woodstock, was a judge of the Suprem.e Court from 1834 to 1842. [See sketch under "Senators," ante ^ 121.] MATTOCKS, JOHN.— John Mattocks, of Peacham, one of the brightest men that ever lived, was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court in 1834, but served only one year, ab solutely declining a re-election. The opinions he gave are not only good law but so put that, as Horace Greeley would have said, they "are raighty interestin' reading." [See sketch in " Governors," ante page 85.] REDFIELD, ISAAC FLETCHER.— Isaac F. Redfield, son of Dr. Peleg Red- field and Han nah (Parker) Redfield, was born at Weath ersfield, April 10, 1804; went to Coventry when his father raoved there in 1805 ; graduated at Dartraouth in 1825, and was in 1827 admitted to the bar in Or leans county. He began practice at Derby, and so good a law yer was he that he was continuously state's BENNETT. HALL. attorney from 1832, tiU elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1835. He moved to Montpelier, and about 1846 to the Judge Chase house at Randolph Center, where he lived three or four years, and then moved to Windsor, where he lived till he went to Bos ton in 1 86 1. He was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1835, and so served till 1852, when he was elected chief judge, which office he held till i860. He conferred honor on the court, and it was quoted in other states as the " Redfield Court." After he declined further service on the bench he went to Boston. He wrote many valuable legal works, notably treatises on the law of wiUs and railway law. Judge Redfield died in Charlestown, Mass., March 23, 1876, of pneumonia, and was buried at Windsor. He married Mary Ward Smith of Stanstead, Sept. 28, 1836, and Catha rine Blanchard Clark of St. Johnsbury, May 4, 1842. No chUdren survive. BENNETT, MILO L.— Milo L.Bennett, of Burlington, was born in Connecticut, studied at Williams and Yale and graduated at Yale in 181 1. He studied law at the Litchfield Law School ; came to Bennington and soon went to Manchester, where he remained till 1836, when he went to Maine and spent two years in the business of lumbering and losing his property. In 1838 he moved to BurUngton; was in the fall of that year elected a judge of the Supreme Court and served till the court was reduced to three judges in 1850. He wasin 1850 elected one of the four judges of the newly established circuit court and going off the circuit bench practiced law one year, i85i-'52, in corapany with E. E. Kellogg. In 1852 he was elected again to the Supreme Court and served this time tUl 1859, seven years. After his judicial service closed he was commissioner to revise the statutes and this revision, when enacted, became the "Gener al Statutes," published in 1863. "Bennett's Justice" was also a work on which he spent a good deal of time. Judge Bennett did good work both at the bar and as a judge and good legal work is kept up by his descendants in the Boston Law School. He died July '7, 1868. HEBARD, William.— WilUam Hebard of Randolph was elected a judge of the Su preme Court in 1842, served one year, was again elected in 1844 and served another year. [See sketch in "Representatives," ante page 152.] KELLOGG, Daniel.— Daniel Kellogg of Rockingham was born at Amherst, Mass., Feb. 10, 1 791, graduated at Williams Col lege in 1 8 10, studied law with Gen. Martin Field of Newfane, and began practice at Rockingham in 1814. In 1819 and 1820 he was judge of probate, secretary of the Gov ernor and council 1823 to 1828, state's at torney 1827, and member of the council of censors the sarae year. United States attor ney for District of Vermont 1829 to 1841, member and president of the constitutional convention of 1843 and presidential elector in 1864. He was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1843, but did not accept; in 1845 he was again elected and served six years. He was a scholarly, orderly man of excellent legal learning and took great pains in writing his opinions. He had the confi dence of both the bar and the people. His professional, social, political and business life were characterized by the most perfect integrity. Judge Barrett said of him, " His lawyership was broad, accurate, practical and sensible, the result of faithful study, faithful and extensive practice, of a large con versancy with current business and affairs in aU departments, and a most exceUent social culture and bearing." He was president of the first savings bank of the state. Judge Kellogg married, first, Jane McAffee of Rockingham ; second, Merab Ann Brad ley, daughter of William C. Bradley ; third, Miranda M. Aldis, daughter of Asa Aldis. His children were : Henry, George B., Sarah B., and Daniel. Judge Kellogg moved to Brattleboro in 1854 and died there May 10, 1875. HALL, Hiland.— Hiland HaU of Ben nington was a judge of the Supreme Court from 1846 to 1850. [See sketch in "Gov ernors," ante page 93.] DAVIS, Charles.— Charles Davis of DanviUe was born in Connecticut, and when he was a boy his father raoved to Rocking ham and in 1806 to Middlebury. Charles graduated at Middlebury, studied law with Daniel Chipman and was admitted to the bar in 1814. He edited a newspaper at one time. He stayed two years in Middlebury, then went to Barton and afterwards to Waterford, but in 1828 settled in Danville. He was that year elected state's attorney and held that office seven years and again served a year by an election in 1838. From 1840 to 1845 he was United States attorney for the district of Vermont and was probate judge for a tirae. In 1846 he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court and served two years. He represented Danville after he was on the bench, though it was a strongly Deraocratic town and he was a firm Whig; in his legislative service he was chairman of the judiciary committee. He spent the last POLAND. ALDIS. 183 of his Ufe with a son in lUinois and died Nov. 21, 1863. POLAND, LUKE POTTER.— Luke P. Poland, of St. Johnsbury, was a judge of the Supreme Court, 1848 to 1850; of the Cir cuit Court, 1850 to 1857; of the Supreme Court, 1857 to i860, and its chief judge, i860 to 1865. [See sketch in "Senators," ante page 124.] CIRCUIT JUDGES.— Three judges sat on the bench of the Circuit Court, which existed frora 1850 to 1857, who never re ceived an election to the Supreme bench. They were Robert Pierpoint, William C. Kittredge and Abel Underwood. Robert Pierpoint, of Rutland, a brother of John Pierpoint, was born in Litchfield, Conn., May 4, 1791 ; carae when a child to Manchester, studied law with Governor Skinner, and settled in Rutland. He was circuit judge frora 1850 to 1856, and died May 6, 1865. William C. Kittredge, of Fair Haven, was born in Dalton, Mass., Feb. 23, 1800 ; graduated at Williams College in 181 2; studied law in Northampton, Mass. ; went to Kentucky, and was there admitted to the bar; was six months in Ravenna, Ohio; came to Vermont, was adraitted in Rutland December, 1824, and settled in Fair Haven. He married three times, and had eleven children. For eight years he represented his town ; was county senator two years ; was speaker two years ; was state's attorney five years, and six years a judge of the county court. Hewas Lieutenant-Governor in 1852, and in 1856 was elected a circuit judge, and served one year. He died at Rutland, June II, 1869, while on his way to Bennington in discharge of his duties as U. S. Assessor of Internal Revenue. Abel Underwood, of Wells River, was born in Bradford, April 8, 1799, and was an uncle of Levi Underwood. He fitted for col lege at Royalton, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1824, teaching to pay his way. He stud ied law with Isaac Fletcher, of Lyndon, and was admitted to the bar in Caledonia county in 1827. July 12, 1827, he raarried EraUy Rix, of Royalton, and in 1828 began practice in WeUs River, being about one thousand dollars in debt for his education. He pros pered in life, was U. S. attorney for this dis trict, frora 1849 to 1853, and was a circuit judge from 1854 to 1857. Judge Underwood died April 22, 1879. His daughter and grand daughter Uve in Montpelier. ISHAM, Pierpoint.— Pierpoint isham, of Bennington, was born at Manchester. He was a son of Dr. Ezra Isham and his mother was a cousin of Judge Phelps and of Judge Pierpoint. After attendance at the academy he studied law with Governor Skin ner ; was adraitted to the bar and first set tled in Pownal but soon moved to Benning ton. In 185 1 he was elected a Supreme Court judge and served six years. At the " end of that tirae, when the circuit judge sys tem was broken up and the Supreme Court judges again made to undertake the task of presiding at trials in county court. Judge Isham absolutely declined a re-election, for his impulsive temperament made him averse to sitting at the conduct of jury trials. He made an excellent judge in the work of the Supreme Court, which was all that a Supreme Court judge had to do during the term of his service. Judge Isham died May 8, 1872. ALDIS, ASA Owen.— Asa O. Aldis, of St. Albans, was born in that town ; graduated in 1829 at the University of Vermont, studied law and became law-partner of his father. Judge Asa Aldis. His practice was large, and in 1857 he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court, and served as such tiU the suraraer of 1865, when he resigned, raoved to this step by the loss of several children and the impaired health of other merabers of his family. He was United States consul at Nice till 1870, and in 187 1 was appointed president of the Southern Claims Commis sion, the duties of which important position occupied his time tiU 1880, when the com mission ended. He thereupon served tiU 1884 on the French and Alabama Claims Commission, and from 18 71 made Washing ton City his horae. He had the grippe in 1890, and was thenceforward in poor health till his death, which occurred in Washington, D. C. Owen Aldis, his son, is a Chicago lawyer. PIERPOINT, John.— John Pierpoint, o f V ergennes, was born at Li tchfield, Ct., Sept. 10, 1805, and was the sev enth and young est son of Dan iel and Sarah ( Phelps ) Pier point. In 18 (5 he carae to Rut land to live in the family of his brother Robert, who had raar ried and settled there, and years after at the Bates House he told judge Ross that he had felt old when there for he had hunted that ground all over time and again and shot his first game near where the Gen eral Baxter residence stands. His first day's hunting was so successful that his ^SJS- ^ i84 beardsley. BARRETT. brother Robert told him next tirae he might take his new gun. John was as good a hunter aU his days as he was judge and there can be no higher praise of skiU than that. Judge Peck once went with him when he was hunting and told of his shooting a bird on the wing, "firing as much as a min ute after it had gone out of sight behind some cedar trees." At his brother's he did the chores and went to school ; at eighteen began studying law, probably in Manchester, and to continue his study he soon went to the law school at Litchfield and boarded in his father's faraily two raUes away. Judge Ross thinks that there he got the habit of thinking law as he walked and all through his life he kept the habit of walking in study. He was admitted to the bar in Rutland county in 1827 and began practice in Pitts- ford, where he wore through the boards of his office floor by walking back and forth, it is said. He moved to Vergennes in May, 1832. Here his health broke down and he spent the winter of i835-'36 in Fayette, Miss. With bettered health he returned to Ver raont, but was always a man of frail health. He represented Vergennes in 1841 and was Register of Probate frora 1836 to 1857. In iSSS) 1856 and 1857 he was in the state Senate and chairraan of its judiciary cora mittee two years. In 1857 he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court and his service on the bench was thence continuous till his death ; he was chief judge from November, 1865 to 1882. In 1838 he married Sarah M. Lawrence of Vergennes and they had seven children. He died Jan. 7, 1882, and Mrs. Pierpoint died Jan. 20, 1884. The bar of Vermont erected a monuraent over his grave. No raore lovable man ever was a judge, no man more pure, no man more just, no man whose work was better done. And of aU things in him that made him beloved did Charity most abound. BEARDSLEY, HERMAN R.— H. R. Beardsley of St. Albans, son of Ephraim Beardsley, was born in Kent, Conn., July 21, 1800. His father raoved to Grand Isle while Herraan was a boy and sent his son to school to Rev. Asa Lyon. Herman entered the University of Vermont in 18 19, but be cause of failing health left coUege in his junior year and soon after began the study of law with Bates Turner and afterwards read with Asa Aldis. He took high rank at the bar and on the resignation of Asa Owen Al dis in the suraraer of 1865 was appointed by Governor Smith a judge of the Supreme Court. His service was short, as the Legis lature of that year instead of electing Mr. Beardsley chose \\'illiam C. Wilson. Judge Beardsley married AbigaU S. Webb, stepdaughter of Bates Turner, and by her had three daughters and one son. He died in St. Albans, March 9, 1878. BARRETT, JAMES.— James Barrett of Woodstock, and now of Rutland, son of Martin and Dorcas (Patterson) Bar rett, was born in Strafford, May 31, 1814. He graduated at Dartraouth Col lege in 1838; read law with Charles Crocker of Buffalo, N.Y., in 1838 and 1839, and with Charles Marsh in Woodstock in 1839 and 1840; was ad mitted and began practice in Woodstock in 1840; moved to Boston in 1848, and re turned to Woodstock in 1849. He was a state senator two years, and state's attorney two years. In 1857 he was elected a judge of the Su preme Court, and served as such twenty- three years, his last service on the bench being in 1880. No raan of more profound knowledge of the law than Judge Barrett was ever on the Suprerae Court bench unless Asahel Peck was that raan. It is said of Judge Peck that, having taken his position in consultation on cases in which he differed from his brethren, he was known to confess himself wrong and his brethren right in but one instance in all his service. Judge Poland told me that, in consultation, when he and Judge Peck disagreed, he once said to Judge Peck : " You are a great deal the better law yer, but I am a great deal the better judge." There can be no doubt that the Supreme Court, when I. F. Redfield, Poland and Bar rett were on its bench together and after wards when Poland, Barrett and Peck were merabers, was a court that was supreme — one that united stood and divided didn't fall a great ways. How many times Judge Bar rett gave up that he was wrong is not of record. When those men differed, who would now dare to say which was right and which wrong — unless he could find out what John Pierpoint thought, was, taking everything into consideration, the right way to dispose of the case. Judge Barrett's many opinions, reported in the near a quarter of a century that he served, exhibit a strength and living force that will always in legal circles give good repute to Vermont courts and to the state. KELLOGG. The degree of Doctor of Laws conferred on him is in his case a truthful as well as honorable tide — given in accordance with the fact. After his retirement from the bench he moved to Rutiand where he practiced his profession and where he suffered, Feb. 15, 1887, the great loss of the death by accident of his son James C. Barrett who had though yet young in years attained position in the very front rank of lawyers. Judge Barrett married, Sept. 24, 1844, Maria Lord, daughter of Dr. Simeon Wood- worth of Coventry, Conn., and they had nine chUdren. He lives in Rutland, adding days of good old age to the years of honor that lie behind him, and still dignifying the profession of which he became a member raore than half a century ago, by doing good work in it. KELLOGG, LOYAL CASE.— L. C. Kellogg of Ben son, son of John and Harriot (Nash) KeUogg, was born in Ben son Feb. 13, 1816. He grad uated at Amherst CoUege in 1836, read law with Phineas Smith at Rutland, and with his father in Benson, and was adraitted in Rut land county, September terra, 1839. He settled in Benson, which town he represented in 1847, 1850, 185 1, 1859 and 1870. He was a raeraber of the constitu tional conventions of 1857 and 1870, and president of that of 1857. In 1859 he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court and served eight years ; he was elected for a further term, but declined to continue in office. He moved to Rutland while judge, but returned to Benson on re tiring from the bench. Judge Kellogg was a raost honorable and learned judge. His love of order was great, and I well reraeraber how, years ago, after he had returned to practice, he got me to copy one live-long night papers that were to be presented to the court the next day. They were done to his satisfaction — and that was cause of won der when I learned how particular he was — except that he had well-defined and positive ideas about the place for putting the filing which were new to me, but for which he gave reasons at large. His mode I after wards followed till Judge Rowell, who is as orderly rainded as was Judge Kellogg, insti- WILSON. '85 tuted the present raethod, for which he has reasons as cogent as Judge Kellogg had for his way ; and now that Judge Rowell's method has been embodied in a rule, I try to follow that, but always with a mental apology to the raemory of Judge Kellogg. Both ways are good ways — mine wasn't — and it is entirely probable that the departed judge's respect for a rule of court as a sacred thing would lead him to coraply with it should he return to practice, and if he didn't so comply, revisiting the glimpses of the court room would be unpleasant for hira. Judge Kellogg never raarried. He died at Benson, Nov. 26, 1872. PECK, ASAHEL.— Asahel Peck of Jeri cho was a judge of the circuit court from 185 1 to 1857 and of the Supreme Court from i860 to 1874. [See sketch in " Gov ernors," ante page 100.] WILSON, William C— w. c. Wilson, of Bakersfield, was born inCara- bridge, July 2, 1812. Hisfather, John, was a farra er, and tiU eight- e e n Williara worked on the farm and attend ed districtschool. The boy then went to school in Jericho and by teaching got money enough 1 so he could study - law, which he did first in C a m - bridge, then for two years in Fairfax and then in St. Albans. Mr. Wilson was admitted to the Franklin county bar September term, 1834, settled in Bakersfield, and obtained a large practice. He maintained a school for law students for some tirae after 1850 and drilled them carefully in their studies. He was state's attorney in 1844 and 1845, assist ant judge of the county court in 1849, 1850, and 185 1, member of the Constitutional Con ventions of 1843 and 1850, state senator in 1848 and 1849, and representative in the Legislatures of 1863, 1864, and 1865. In 1865 he was elected a judge of the Suprerae Court and served five years, till 1870. He married Clarissa A. Pratt of Bakers field and by her had three children, three of whora survived him : "W. D. Wilson, Esq., of St. Albans; Mrs. M. R. Tyler of St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs. C. M. Start of Roches ter, Minn. Mrs. Wilson died in 1869. Soon after leaving the bench in 1870 Judge ^^^l- son removed to Rochester, Minn., where his i86 STEELE. STEELE. daughter, Mrs. Start, was then living. In 1873 he married a second time. The Min nesota climate benefited his health and he began wrUing upon a law work for publica tion, but the sickness and death of his wife and then his own faiUng heaUh compelled him to abandon the undertaking. Judge Wilson died AprU 16, 1882, and in accordance with his expressed wish was buried in the cemetery at Bakersfield. STEELE, Benjamin Hinman.— b. H. Steele of Derby, son of Sanford and Mary (Hinman) Steele, was born in Stanstead, P. Q.,Feb. 6, 1837. Fond of books his progress BENJAMIN HINMAN STEELE in study was so rapid that when but fourteen he taught an advanced school in his native town, the next winter he taught in Troy, then two winters in Concord, Mass., then again in Derby. Governor Dale said of him : " He had early selected the road he was to take, and was preparing earnestly for his journey, teaching, studying, reading ; now the raost ardent devotee at the Derby and Stanstead academies, again reciting Latin and French to the kind Catholic priest ; then busily learning French five months at the CoUege of St. Pierre ; rush ing into a course at Norwich Lfniversity, quickly hurrying from there to Dartmouth College for want of tirae to complete a course at both institutions ; prostrated by sickness, burdened with the care of a family which sickness and death threw upon his capable and wiUing mind, he ran towards the city of his destiny with wonderful courage. Thus with a long arm and a strong will, he hewed his way through college, over the threshold of which he was stepping out into the world as the acknowledged leader of his class, when I first saw him." Graduating at Dartmouth with honor in 1857 he continued studying law, first in Bar ton (teaching as principal of Barton Acad emy at the same time) ; typhoid fever com pelled him to stop, on recovery he went to Cambridge, Mass., intending to pursue his studies at the law school. He went into the Supreme Court as a spectator and was ad vised by his friends to apply for admission to the bar and at the age of twenty-one he did so, was exarained by Benjamin F. Butier, commended by Choate, who heard part of the examination, and was admitted. He pre pared to go west, but his old friends were loath to let him go and persuaded him to begin at Derby Line. This he did and at once by untiring application, zeal and elo quence went to the forefront as a lawyer. When Judge Poland, in the faU of 1865, was appointed to the Senate the other judges each went up a peg and the place thus made vacant was filled by Governor DiUingham's appointing Steele a judge of the Supreme Court. Only twenty-eight when he went on the bench he was one of the strongest judges of his day during his five years' service. In 1870 he declined a re-election to the bench, was appointed a member of the board of edu cation, and in 1872 was a formidable candi date for the nomination to Congress against Judge Poland. The canvass was an active one and Judge Poland was barely successful in convention. Judge Steele was a member of the Republican national convention in 1872, and the civil service and tariff planks of the platform were from his draft. Judge Steele had an enthusiastic following among the younger members of his party and his genius justified their admiration. Had he lived he would have taken his proper place in the work of national legisla tion and would have stood second in national fame to no other of Vermont's representative men. He was not only a thorough student and profound thinker but an orator by na ture and cultivation. His early death was not only a grievous loss to his family and friends, but to the state in good service and in the honor a worthy and briUiant son gives her when he becomes on a broader field a statesman and leader of men. Judge Steele married, Feb. 6, i86t, Martha, only daughter of David and AVealthy (Thomas) Sumner. Two children were the issue of this marriage : Mary Hinman, and David Sumner. The last years of Judge Steele were spent at Hartland, where his widow yet resides, and not many railes from PROUT. REDFIELD. the home of his sister, Mrs. Samuel E. Pin gree in Hartford. His health had always been delicate, and in 1873 he went to Minnesota, hoping its climate would arrest the disease that has been fatal to so many of New England's sons and daughters. He died in Faribault, Minn., July 13, 1873. No man who knew hira can wrUe of him, even after the lapse of more than a score of years, without quick ening blood as he remembers the man of whom at the commenorative meeting of old neighbors and friends at Derby Line, Dale long ago said : "A pleasant, happy father, husband, brother, man. From his couch in that far off Western town he looked back upon no wild irregularity of his youthful or riper years. He looked back with conscious rectitude, through the fact that he had done all he could, and with regret that he could no longer comfort his friends ; and forward, across the river Ut by the faith of that church, the forms and creed of which had long been pleasant to his mind ; then quietly passed beyond our view." PROUT, JOHN.— John Prout, of Rut land, was born in Salisbury, Nov. 21, 1815. His training was of the old-fashioned kind, and his education was in the common schools and academy. He followed the trade of a printer several years and then studied law in the oflfice of E. N. Briggs and was admitted to the bar in Addison county in 1837 and began practice with Mr. Briggs. He represented Salisbury in 1847, 1848 and 185 1 and was state's attorney of Addison county from 1848 to 185 1. In 1854 he moved to Rutland and there pursued his profession most successfully till he retired in 1886. He had at various tiraes as partners, Caleb B. Harrington, Charles Linsley, W. C. Dunton, N. P. Simons and Col. Aldace F. Walker. He represented Rutland in 1865 and 1866 and was a sena tor for Rutland county in 1867. In 1867 he was elected a judge ofthe Supreme Court and served two years. The work was not as congenial to him as that of his profession and he declined further service. He was honest, learned and wise ; and was a sort of counselor-general not only to his clients but to the community and his brethren of the bar. It has been said of him that " to one who knew Judge Prout principally in his later life, its most striking characteristic was the degree in which his name and his opinions were deferred to in the community wherein he lived." Judge Prout died in Rutland, August 28, 1890. WHEELER, HOYT H.— H. H. Wheeler of Jamaica, now of Brattieboro, and United States district judge for the district of Ver- -1* } mont, was a judge of the Suprerae Court frora 1869 to his resignation, March 31, 1877. [See sketch in Part II, post page 427.] ROYCE, HOMER ELIHU.— H. E. Royce of St. Albans was a judge of the Suprerae Court frora 1870 to 1890, serving as chief judge after the death of Chief Judge Pier point in January, 1882. [See sketch in "Representatives," ante page 155.] REDFIELD, TIMOTHY PARKER.— T. P. _ R e d fi e 1 d of Montpeher was one ofthe twelve children of Dr. Peleg and Han nah (Parker) Redfield. H e was born at Coventry, Nov. 3, 1812, and was educated at Dartmouth i n the class of 1836. \' "^ He read law with his brother, Isaac F., was ad mitted to the Orleans county bar in the year 1838, and be gan practice at Irasburgh, where he remain ed ten years. In 1848 he was elected sen ator from Orleans county. He raoved to Montpelier after the session of 1848, prac ticed there till his election as a judge of the Supreme Court in 1870, and continued on the bench till the faU of 1884, when he de clined a re-election. He married Helen W. Grannis of Stanstead, Feb. 6, 1840, and she survives hira. They had four children, one of whom, Alice, the wife of Andrew J. Phil lips, is living in Chicago. Alice has one child living, a son Timothy. The judge, after many years, lies with his three other children in Green Mount cemetery, that pleasant place of rest of which Eastman wrote : " This fairest spot of hiU and glade, Where blooms the flower and waves the tree. And silver streams delight the shade, We consecrate, O Death, to thee." Judge Redfield was a wise and genial raan, as well as a profound lawyer and great judge. No man at the bar had quite so much the flavor of the olden time. Some way he re membered the wise and witty things that seemed to be the common stock of the ancients of the law, and it was an education to hear him discourse of the old lawyers and the old practice. And withal he knew more things that were "going on" about him than nine-tenths of their actors ; how he became possessed of his information was a raystery — he must have absorbed knowledge from the air as he went along. He was a powerful ROSS. VEAZEY. advocate while at the bar ; logical, adroit,with play of wit and humor, he was a dangerous antagonist. And after he was on the bench his power and mastery of the art of putting things used to make the lawyer who was getting the worst of the charge wince, and make the one whose law and facts the judge thought were right ashamed of himself to see how a real artist could do his work. When he had his raind made up he took care that his position should be understood. When he made decisions as a chancellor he would often flle reasons with or as a part of the decretal order that, when the case went up, were a tower of strength in defense of the order he had raade. It is, I find, the general sense of those who knew the two Judges Redfield that Isaac F. was the more studious in habit, and Tim othy P. the stronger by nature. The elder brother cultivated more assiduously, but the younger plowed the deeper, and he seemed to know intuitively legal fields and what grains and fruits they bore. I have been surprised, after examining a doubtful point, and going over aU the authorities attainable, to hear him, the moment the question was sprung in the court room, start from a prin ciple and go on till he had talked all the law there was about the thing — give a better summary of the law off-hand than one could find in the books of those who had taken their tirae for thought and stateraent. He was soUdly grounded in the principles of the law, and he remembered a vast deal about practice. He was to the younger merabers of the bar a spring of pure and ever flowing law, and I beUeve that his brethren on the bench would say that they looked to hira as to the master of a stronghold of the law, with all its weapons available to his hand. Judge Redfield died in Chicago, May 27, 1888, and was buried in Green Mount cem etery, Montpelier. ROSS, Jonathan.— Jonathan Ross, of St. Johnsbury, now chief judge of the Su preme Court, was elected a judge of that court in 1870, and has been chief judge since 1890. [See sketch in Parti I, post page 342.] POWERS, HORACE HENRY.-H. H. Powers, of Morrisville, was a judge of the Supreme Court frora 1874 to 1890, when he was elected to Congress. [See sketch in "Representatives," post page 324.] DUNTON, Walter C— Walter C. Dunton, of Rutland, was born in Bristol, Nov. 29, 1830. He was educated at Malone Acaderay, N. Y., and Middlebury College, graduating at the latter institution in 1857. He read law with DiUingham and Durant at Waterbury and with Linsley & Prout at Rut land and was admitted to the bar of Rutland county in 1858. He resided in Kansas some years and was a member of its last territorial Legislature in 1 86 1. That sarae year he located in Rut land. In 1862 he went into the army and served as Captain of Co. H, 14th Vt. Vols. He was Rutland's member of the constitu tional convention of 1870. In 1865 he was elected judge of probate for the district of Rutland and served till April 14, 1877, when he was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court by Governor Fairbanks to fill the vacancy caused by promotions consequent on the resignation of Judge Wheeler. Judge Dunton served on the Supreme Court bench terminated in the fall of 1879 by his resig nation of the ofifice. He resumed practice and died in Rutiand April 23, 1890. VEAZEY, WHEELOCK Graves.— w. G. Veazey of Rutland, now a meraber of the Interstate Comraerce Commission, was ap pointed a judge of the Suprerae Court Nov. I, 1879, upon the resignation of Judge Dun ton, and served tiU August, 1889, when he resigned. [See sketch in Part II, post page 408.] TAFT, RUSSELL F.— R. S. Taft of Bur lington has been a judge of the Supreme Court since 1880, and since 1890 has been first assistant judge. [See sketch in Part ll,past page 391.] ROWELL, John W.— John W. RoweU, of West Randolph, has been a judge of the Supreme Court since Jan. 1 1, 1882, when he was appointed by Governor Farnham sixth assistant after the death of Chief Judge Pier point. He has been, since 1890, second assistant judge. [See sketch in Part II, post page 343.] WALKER, WILLIAM H.— W. H. Walker, of Ludlow, was elected a judge of the Supreme Court in 1884, and served tiU September, 1887, when he resigned. [See sketch in Part II, post page 417.] TYLER, James M.— James M. Tyler, of Brattleboro, has been a judge of the Supreme Court since September, 1887, when he was appointed by Governor Ormsbee to fiU the vacancy caused by promotions after resigna tion of Judge Walker. He is now third as sistant judge. [See sketch in Part 11, post page 405.] MUNSON, LOVELAND.— Loveland Mun son, of Manchester, has been a judge of the Suprerae Court since his appointraent by START. THOMPSON. Governor Dillingham in September, 1889, to fill the vacancy caused by promotions fol lowing Judge Veazey's resignation. He is now fourth assistant judge. [See sketch in Part 11, post 283.] START, Henry R.— Henry R. Start of Bakersfield has been fifth assistant judge of the Suprerae Court since his election in 1890. [See sketch in Part II, post page 373.] THOMPSON, LafoREST H.— L. H. Thorapson of Irasburg has been sixth assis tant judge of the Supreme Court since his election in 1890. [See sketch in Part II, 397.] VERMONT INVENTORS. By LEVI K. FULLER. In a search for rare and curious inventions, there has been revealed, among the citizens of this state, a wealth of inventive talent, great ingenuity and reraarkable achieveraents, little known and long forgotten. It is a pleasing task to rescue frora obscurity and to bring into raore prominent light the efforts of our citizens in this direction. Many inventors are found to have been too early, as weU as some too late, in the race ; so that they have performed their tasks upon a line so slender, in its relation to the then known wants or needs of the coraraunity, that recognition of their discoveries and the importance of their inventions, by the multitude, was not possible until future years and an advanced civilization should disclose their true value in industrial affairs. In raany respects the state of Vermont has been as fruitful in the development of great inventions as it has been unique in other interesting phases of Araerican history. A few of the wonderful deeds of Verraonters are here recorded and their rightful place in the pro gress of a century pointed out. During the century there were 600,000 inventions patented in the United States, of which nearly 4,000 have been granted to Verraonters, upwards of 1,000 of these being the first of their class. Many of them have indeed been iraportant and controlling, even revo lutionizing, departments of industry ; but in many instances important inventions were never patented. How came the inventions and improvements of the century to be made? They were not conceived or born in the patent office at Washington, or in any governraent bureau, much less brought forward by the order of any pubhc official. They were of an impelling force, far dififerent in its nature, strength and magnitude ; a force that had its source in that spirit born of freedom of thought, unfettered hands and unbounded opportunities ; a force that has carved a nation out of the forest, and raade the prairie and the desert to blossom as the rose ; that has preserved to us freedom, and given to the nation prosperity — indi vidual responsibUity and opportunity — with governmental care only so far as is necessary to secure this in its largest and noblest sense. It has not been my object to speak of inventions merely to show the nuraber or kind, but to point out some of those in which citizens of Vermont were the earliest in the field. Thus we see, up among the fertile valleys of our little state, and among the green hills, where live a hardy, thrUty and self-reliant people, left to carve out their own fame and fortune, the ordinary citizen has grappled with the most important inventions of the age, has solved successfully the mechanical and industrial problems of the century, reaping, in many instances, a fair reward with unusual distinction, many with gratifying honors. Patents issued to Vermonters in the last century : Richard Rhobotham, Floor Composition, two patents, AprU 12, 1794. William Hodgson, Threshing Machine, AprU 28, 1794. Joshua Hathaway, Hydraulic Machine, Oct. 29, 1794. Sarauel Kellogg, Wool and Cloth Shearing Machine, Jan. 31, 1795. Lester Fling, Machine for Manufacturing Nails, Dec. 19, 1797. Charles Holden, WindmiU, Jan. 24, 1798. Eliakim Spooner, Cultivator, Jan. 25, 1799. ADAMS. DAVENPORT. 191 ADAMS, RUFUS, Randolph, invented a steel spring pitchfork, about 1827. He kept the secret to himself, until some of the men whora he employed discovered it and started factories in Brookfield and Hart ford, whence it spread throughout the United States. Before his invention was used, the sticks were cut in the woods and heavy forks were made from iron by the blacksmith. BRADLEY, J. DORR, of Bratdeboro, invented in 1852, a rotary pump, consisting of a piece of rubber tubing secured to the inside of a circular form, through which the water was pressed by a revolving wheel driving the water before it, as it was made to turn either by hand or power. Large nurabers of these were made and found at the time a ready market. [A biographical sketch and portrait of J. Dorr Bradley will be found in Part I, page 138.] DAVENPORT, THOMAS, Brandon.— Among the most important inventions with which mankind has to do at the present time, is the use of electricity in its various phases. To Vermont belongs the credit of having given to the world the earliest suc cessful harnessing of magnetism, or electro- magnetism as it was then caUed, or elec tricity, as we now term it, through the inven tions of one Thoraas Davenport, a native of Williamstown. This ingenious man was by trade a blacksmith, and worked at his trade in Brandon until 1832, when he became in tensely interested in magnetism, and many years lived, dreamed and worked, surrounded by his successful demonstration of his skill in the developraent of various electrical ap paratus. In 1834 he made an electric motor, set ting it upon the top of an earthen drinking cup, which contained a battery which oper ated the motor at the top. It had a horizon tal revolving shaft, with the balance wheel at one end. He exhibited this model in New York to a syndicate of gentieraen who pro posed to buy it. Araong those whora they brought to exaraine it for the purpose gf get ting an opinion was Prof. S. F. B. Morse, who carefully exarained it and then decUned to give an opinion other than this : "It is certainly worthy of careful consideration, and the subject is one in which I feel a lively interest." Davenport also invented a twenty-four- wire telegraph for the sending of comrauni cations over long distances. This he had on exhibition in the city of New York, and it was also examined by Professor Morse. It consisted of an apparatus for the sending of an electric current over each wire and an other set of apparatus for receiving and re cording the same at the other end. This twenty-four-wire telegraph of Davenport's, which had a wire for each letter of the alphabet and which was examined by Pro fessor Morse furnished the basis of the latter's invention. Morse did not begin to think of a single wire until 1835. He had gone no farther than the thought of the use of magnetism with the wire, but when he saw the twenty- four-wire invention of Davenport, with the mechanism at one end for sending the electric current and the apparatus at the other for registering the signal, the problem was solved. AVhat Morse did was to invent an alphabet enabling him to dispense with twenty-three of Davenport's wires and use the reraaining one. Mr. Davenport also exhibited his invention in 1835 at Middlebury College, then at the institution at Troy, presided over by Miss Willard, then at Princeton CoUege, and also in N ew York, Springfield and Boston. Prof. Joseph Henry gave hira a certificate attest ing the originality of his invention. His first patent was dated Feb. 25, 1837, and was for the broad use of magnetism as a pro pelling force for motive power. Mr. EUs- worth, then at the head of the patent ofifice, on the 4th of July, 1838, wrote him that his was the first patent issued to anyone for such an invention. In 1840 he began the publication of a newspaper in the city of New York, the print ing press of which was driven by one of his electric motors, and in one of the editions he prints an editorial giving an estimate com parison between the cost of steam when gen erated by the use of wood, and power pro duced from electricity, and showing by his logic a large balance in favor of electricity ; and then he adds, "The power of electricity is far superior to steam, and must and will triumphantly succeed," a prophecy which fifty years later is being fulfilled. Among his inventions is that of a circular railway, a model two and one-half feet in diameter having been raade in 1837, and sold to the Troy Seminary, presided over by Miss WUlard, and it remained in Troy until two years ago, when it was procured by Professor Pope and presented by him to the Society of Electrical Engineers of New York. In that model, there is a stand for the bat tery, a circular track, a magnetic field, re volving armature, a divided commutator, the connection of the armature by raeans of a bevel gear with the track, erabodying every essential element of the modern electric road. In fact, the divided comrautator is the only successful raeans that has been de vised of controlling the electric current. The nuraber of electrical inventions of this wonderful man was quite large, he ex- 192 FAIRBANKS. FULLUM. perimented in the making of motors for driving diff'erent kinds of machines, and ex perimented with an electric piano, since then successfully developed. Professor Pope, who has studied the work of this great mind, says that, at the average progress which attended his labors, six raore raonths of work, logically, would have led to the production of the phonograph. Mr. Davenport gave ten years of his life to this subject, but when Professor Page re ported to the Congress of the United States that the cost of operating by electricity was vastly greater than that of steara, Davenport became discouraged, the want of public ap preciation disheartened him, and he returned to Brandon in 1842, and resuraed his toil at the forge and anvil. He was siraply a few years in advance of his time. FAIRBANKS, THADDEUS, of St. Johns bury. The invention of a cast-iron plough in 1825 was the beginning of an inventive career that was singularly fertile, for the number and variety of inventions as well as their utility and influence upon trade and commerce. The trade in domestic hemp suggested greater convenience for weighing, a simple platform scale was constructed which proved so useful and accurate that its development into a comraercial article soon followed. His first patent for this invention was taken out in 1831. The "knife edge" bearings which supported the platforra and working parts, were so admirably disposed and the entire scale so carefully worked out, that the increasing trade caused the little mill to be speedily turned into a scale factory, and it in turn giving way to larger and more pretentious buildings, untU the present establishment with its array of men, supporting a large and thriving village, is known wherever civilization has developed the need of accurate weighing machines. More than thirty-three patents were taken out upon the scale and the means of its pro duction, for in the early days of this inven tion exact duplication of parts was unknown and special machines for their rapid and accurate production must also be invented. His fertile mind led hira to iraprove the cooking stove and the ice refrigerator for the housewife. For more than sixty years he led this life of enquiry, and developed along many lines new and useful improvements, and at the ripe age of ninety, having com pleted an improveraent in hot water heaters, receiving with unusual deUght his last patent, his hght went quietiy out. [A biographical sketch and portrait of Sir Thaddeus Fair banks wiU be found in Part II, page 129.] FIELD, Arthur, Springfield.— About 1830 invented an iraproveraent in hoes. The blade of his hoe was made of two layers of metal. On the inside, or top, was a thin layer of tempered steel, while the bottom consisted of a thin soft iron. The two were welded together. The soft iron, while it pro tected the steel from breaking, was more ex posed to wear, and as it wore away on the bottom edge, left the cutting edge thin and so acted as a self-sharpener. The hoes raade by Mr. Field were lighter and had an improved socket for the handle. They were made by him as long as he lived, and were held in high esteem by farmers wherever they were used. FULLUM, A. J., Springfield.— Invented and patented about 1852, an improved pro cess of raanufacturing dies, for stamping stencU plates and similar work, by grinding and cutting them into shape with burrs in stead of filing them out by hand, by which the process of manufacture was greatly cheapened, and the form and utility of the implements improved, eliminating the wedge shape which the hand file always gave. He invented in i860 a new method of stencil raaking, and in 1864 a sheep shearing device. FISK, James, Brattieboro.— About 1878 invented a contrivance by which a horse could be released from the wagon and a brake applied to the hub of the wheel for the stopping of a carriage. GORE, JOHN, Brattieboro.— Was the inventor of a steara wagon or carriage, which he constructed and operated about the coun try. It was driven by an engine of several horse power, and was an object of especial interest. It was seen during a period of several years running about the country, but finally was disraantled and put to other uses. GOULD, William, Bratdeboro.— Was a man of peculiar fertility of mind in matters connected with waterworks and appliances. In 1856 he invented improvements in fire engines, but probably his greatest invention was ia a machine for making lead pipe, and lead pipe with tin Uning. This occurred be tween 1840 and 1850. The machine was finally sold for old iron about 1880, although some of the minor parts of it are now at the old shop. As both of these inventions in volved large interests and iraraense sums of money, it is singular that they never came into notoriety, but Dr. Rockwell says that J. Dorr Bradley took two strangers there to see the machine, who were in the interests of one of the parties of the lead or tin pipe litigation. HARRIS, Silas, Shaftsbury.— Was the first inventor and manufacturer ofthe modern FULLER. carpenters' square. He began by cutting the plates out of old saws. In i8i 7 he came to Shaftsbury and engaged Stephen Whipple to forge them from bar stock, as he had a trip hammer. This business had been con tinued by one and another, developing until there were four such manufacturing estab Ushments in Shaftsbury, which were consoU- dated some time since under the name of the Eagle Square Manufacturing Co., located at South Shaftsbury. FULLER, Levi K., Brattieboro.— At the age of sixteen Levi K. FuUer, then a tele graph operator at Bellows Falls, constructed a steam engine, having a valve of new and novel design. It was exhibited at the \Vind- ham county fair and received a premium. This invention attracted much attention and introduced young FuUer to the world of in ventors and mechanics. Many of the most valuable inventions re lating to, and improvements in the con struction and operating of reed organs, are the result of his skill and thought, and for a third of a century he has devoted his efforts to this line of work in the interests of the Estey Organ Co. Not alone in this depart raent have his efforts been crowned with suc cess, but in telegraphy, steam engineering, car construction, and artificial ventilation, as weU, he has originated in many other branches of mechanics and science, iraprove raents and methods of value. The raanner of drying lumber and nuraer ous other articles by raeans of the system widely known as the "Common-sense" Dry ing Apparatus, is one of his inventions. It has been said that the road to the patent ofifice has been more frequently trod by this inventor than almost any other in Vermont, and but few men in the country have a larger list of patented inventions. Upwards of one hundred different patents attest the frequency with which the road to the patent ofifice has been trodden by him. HEDGE, L., Windsor, was an inventor with rare traits of raental activity ; his raind grasped the delicate detaUs of raachines of precision with startling accuracy. His first inventions are dated as early as 1815, for a spring pen ruler ; in 181 7, a revolving ruler ; in 1825, a machine for ruling paper ; in 1835, a carpenter's rule joint; followed by the wonderful machines for the marking of rules, so long employed by E. A. Stearns & Co., at Brattleboro, and later consolidated with the Stanley Rule and Level Co., New Britain, Conn. The machines made sixty years ago have not been surpassed in accu racy in the marking of carpenters' measuring rules. JACKMAN. 193 JACKMAN, Alonzo, Northfield.— Very soon after the successful inauguration of the electric telegraph, scientists every where attempted to grapple with the prob lem of using this means to connect conti nents separated by water and thus bring the world into closer communication. Proba bly the honor belongs to General Jackman of offering the first successful solution of this question. His life was spent in the quiet retreat of Norwich LIniversity ; he was a mathema tician of rare mental endowments and with out a superior ; whatever he did in this matter was the legitimate result of his learn ing, opportunity and scientific investigation. In 1842 he devised the scheme and dem onstrated its practicabUity by successful ex periments ; in 1843, while lecturing at the Windsor Academy, he was asked the ques tion : "How is telegraphic comraunication carried on across large bodies of water?" He iraraediately answered that it was done by encasing the wires in India rubber. In 1846 Amos KendaU pubUshed an article calling upon scientists to investigate the problem, whereupon Professor Jackman im mediately wrote hira revealing his plan and offered the same for publication to prominent newspapers, who declined the same with thanks as being visionary and foolish. The Vermont Mercury, printed at Woodstock, however, pubUshed his article on the 14th of August, 1846; in this he proposed the use of a wire or wires coated with rubber and enclosed within a lead pipe ; in order to give the necessary strength he proposed to wind his cable with iron rings suitably connected with wires passing through holes in the bands and then he proposed to wind the whole with yarn to keep the strengthening material in place. It must be remembered that at this time the use of gutta percha was not known to the arts. The manner of laying the cable was as follows : " Now let two steamers sufficiently large, each having seven hundred and fifty tons of said pipe judiciously coiled in the hold, accompany each other to a point half way between Boston and Liverpool, then let an artist spUce the two halves of the appar atus together, wire to wire, rubber to rubber, and pipe to pipe. Next let one ship head toward Liverpool and the other toward Bos ton, and each put on steam and pay out pipe according to the circumstances of the case." The wide circulation of this article throughr out the world could not have failed to at tract the attention of many readers, for it is precisely this plan that was adopted in 1857, when the British and American men-of-war proceeded to mid-ocean, and, spUcing the cable, the Agamemnon started for the Irish coast and the Niagara for Newfoundland, and 194 HOLTON. MOREY. the dream of Jackman had been successfully accomphshed by the commercial enterprise of Cyrus W. Field. HOLTON, S., Middlebury.— Invented a large number of intricate and interesting things entering into the whole question of the manufacture of cottons and woolens. He was also a jeweler and made an ivory watch, which is running to-day, and which is a great curiosity and an invention of re raarkable ingenuity. He also invented a watch with the chronometer escapement. He also invented new devices in regard to clocks, and made the Garfield clock that was taken about the country for exhibition. KEYES, Asa, Brattleboro. — Invented in 1850 the steam cutting machine for cutting slate used at the slate quarry at Guilford, an invention which at first bid fair to produce iraportant results, but with the closing of the quarry, nothing further was done with it, al though lately it is being revised and intro duced in Pennsylvania. MOREY, Samuel, Fairlee.— In the Life of Robert Fulton, by Knox, it is related that Sarauel Morey, between 1790 and 1794, made experiments on the Connecticut river by propeUing boats by steam. The facts appear to be these : Gen. Israel Morey, of Hebron, Conn., moved to Orford, N. H., in 1765, and to Fairlee, Vt., in 1772. He soon after obtained a charter for a ferry between the towns of Fairlee, Vt., and Orford, N. H., across the Connecticut river. He had five sons and two daughters. The second son, Capt. Samuel Morey, is without doubt en titled to the credit of having invented, built and operated a steamboat at his father's ferry, between Orford and Fairlee, in 1 790 to 1 794, or more than fifteen years before Fulton constructed the "Clermont" on the Hudson river, and is the person alluded to in the biography of Robert Fulton. Rev. Cyrus Mann, of Orford, N. H., states that he saw a steamboat made by Morey in successful operation on the Connecticut river at Fairlee, before 1 793. He also states that he buUt a larger boat that ran from Hartford to the city of New York in 1 794, where it was seen by Chancellor Edward and Judge Liv ingston, and many others. He also affirms that Morey exhibited the same to Fulton and that there was correspondence between him and Fulton. Morey built a model of his steamboat and took it to New York and there exhibited it, as he claimed to Fulton, Liv ingston and others, the model of which is now in existence and in the possession of his heirs. The original engine in the boat which Morey first operated across the ferry at Fair lee, he afterwards placed in a larger boat which he constructed, called the "Aunt Sally," and took to Fairlee Pond (now Lake Morey), and plied it there ; but being unsuccessful in introducing it into comraercial life, he be carae discouraged and sunk the boat in Fair lee Pond. Morey died in 1842 and down to the day of his death he clairaed that he gave the idea to Fulton ; that at one time there was a bar gain between thera, and that, because of its non-fulfillraent, he felt that he was greatly wronged, as well as having his invention misappropriated. In regard to this charge of Morey's, Prof. R. H. Thurston, in his Life of Fulton gives full credence to the claims of Morey as to the invention of 1790 and 1793 at Fairled, accepting the story of William A. Morey, as published in the Provi dence Journal in 1874. Much of the correspondence between Professor Silliraan of New Haven and Morey, and also of others, successfully estabUshed the clairas. Some of this correspondence is in existence today. Knox, in his life of Ful ton, accepts the statement of Morey's bi ographer that he probably had a boat on the Connecticut river at Fairlee between 1790 and 1 793, but in regard to the charge that he had exhibited the same to Fulton, it is claimed that Fulton was in France at the time the plans of the Clermont were made, and could not have known of what was tran spiring in the New World with this Ver monter. Howe, in his "Erainent Mechanics," also accepts the stateraent that Morey did mature and operate a stern-wheel steamboat at Fair lee, in 1793. This last author assigns to Fulton the position, not of having been the original inventor nor the perfecter, but as a successful person, who so satisfied the law of the state of New York as to receive its prize ; and as the first to establish a regular line of steamboats ; and by his genius and perseverance so improved thera as to lay a solid foundation for those who came after him. This places the success of Fulton entirely upon the comraercial side of the enterprise, and takes him out of the category of an in ventor, leaving the honor to others, which so far as i790-'93 is concerned, the problem had been completely solved and was in prac tical operation upon the waters of the Con necticut. Samuel Morey, who invented the steam boat at Fairlee and Orford, was visited by Chancellor Livingston. The patent for this invention was issued to Morey and signed by the President, George Washington. Itis singular in its phraseology ; it is a patent for the securing of power by means of steara. Morey, thinking if he could propel a wheel NICHOLS. by steam he might do so whenever and to whatever it could be applied. NICHOLS, George W., Randolph. — In 1827, whUe driving a team to Boston, passing through Andover, N. H., had the misfortune to break one of the runners of his sled. The next day was stormy and he conceived the idea of cutting off the other runner to the same length as the broken one, went into the woods and cut a short sled-crook, which he put in place of the broken runner, converted his sled into a traverse, and continued his journey with the other teams to Boston. He fourid on the way that with the wooden shoes he could get over the ground better than any other team, could turn shorter by this means, and could start his load when others faUed, turn ing out and getting back into the road with greater ease, and the next winter the teams on that route changed their sleds to the traverse system, setting their wagon bodies on thera. This is one of the raost interesting inven tions affecting the farraing industry, truck ing interests, and a multitude of vehicles. It is a good illustration of the native inge nuity, readiness of resource so characteristic of a large class of our people who possess the ability to overcome difficulties in an un usual degree. PALMER, Frank M., Brattleboro.— Among the remarkable things that have con duced to the economical conduct of busi ness and furtherance of social intercourse, and have greatly promoted the convenience of mankind, is the invention of the postage- stamp, emanating in Brattleboro about 1845, by the postmaster at Brattleboro, Mr. Pal mer, who invented and caused to be made the first stamp for the prepayment of post age in the general conduct of postal affairs. Thomas Chubbuck, then of this place, a most skillful engraver, was the artist em ployed to make the design, and engraved the same upon a block of wood. So valuable have these become that at the time of writ ing this, one thousand dollars has been known to have been paid for a single stamp. PIKE, Samuel, Brattleboro.— During the suraraer of 1861, when the war of the rebell ion was raaking such hea-\'y demands upon our army, invented a portable cannon, to be transported about the field by hand, which could also be used upon a light gun carriage, or upon the deck of a ship. In its best forra it has since been worked out in the tripod class of smaU cannon, and in the rapid-fire form of construction now being introduced in the navy. PORTER. 195 Mr. Pike was a gunsmith of rare talent. He was consulted by Samuel Colt in regard to the making for him of his revolver, and offered, for the sura of four hundred dollars, to construct the first revolver, agreeing to make it in good style, perfect in operation, and first-class in workmanship, one that should serve as a model to be copied in sub sequent manufacture. Mr. Colt thought he could get it done cheaper, but afterwards told Mr. Pike of his error in judgraent. PORTER, Frederick, Springfield.— In 1820 Mr. Porter, while engaged in card- covering by hand, invented a machine that would make the holes in the leather, bend the wire into proper shape, cut it off and in sert it into the leather, suitable for cards. Work upon this invention was carried on under lock and key for many years, with the help sworn to secrecy. SMITH, D. M., Springfield, was one of the brightest inventors that this state has ever had. He was the inventor of the spring clothespin in common use wherever washing is done. The manufacture of hooks and eyes was carried on at Springfield for many years by the D. M. Smith Co., who used the machine of Mr. Smith, which was a marvel of ingen uity, taking the wire from the reel, bending it into both a hook and an eye, and some of the machines went so far as to make the swanbill hook and eye, which contained a fastener, so that it could not be unhooked excepting by a dexterous hand. The same machine counted them, put them upon cards, and boxed thera ready for market, although that part which related to the putting of the hooks and eyes upon the cards was done by one of the workmen, naraed Alvin Mason. A single machine to do this cost $20,000. It is believed that Mr. Smith was the first inventor of the typewriter. Parts of the original machine are now preserved at Springfield. STEWART, P. P., Pawlet.— The inven tion of the modern cooking stove by P. P. Stewart is an illustration of the fertiUty of re sources of men bred amid our hills and hav ing to contend with early difficulties. In 1832, while visiting a friend, he observed the needs of a stove in the roora ; he imme diately raade one, and it served so weU that an addition of an oven was suggested ; this he made of sheet iron, which served the family weU for many years. He had been a sort of industrial missionary to the Choctaw tribe of Indians, and performed this work after he left Pawlet and prior to his founding of OberUn CoUege. He returned to Pawlet 196 STRONG. WHEELER. in 1836. Having adopted a vegetable diet, on account of ill-health, the cooking did not suit him, being burned on one side and half done on the other. This is the way he sohloquized in regard to it — twenty-eight years ago I had this story frora his own Ups, it has been confirmed in courts of law, and reproduced by his biogra pher, and shows the operations of a logical mind while working out a problem. He was then struggUng for a new start in life. He said his stove must be adapted to the wants of a poor man, in order to cook his food well and thoroughly and bake his bread on aU sides ; a single stick of wood as large as a man's arm was to furnish the fire. He split it into three small sticks, laid them side by side, but spread out they would not burn ; he held in his hand a paper and philosophized thus : " If I turn up the sides of the sheet bringing the wood so near together that they touch, then they wiU burn, and the sides will throw off heat enough to heat the oven, back and front," so he cried Eureka and told his wife of his invention. He made a sheet iron box for an oven, and into this he suspended his firebox. No such thing had ever before been heard of and with the three sticks of wood he performed the work necessary for himseU and wife, and upon the bed of coals already made, a single stick sufficed for ironing. Thus simply, yet under great distress was the modern cooking stove evolved. STRONG, Frank M., Vergennes. — a workman in the Sampson scale works of that city, raade a special study of weighing raa chines with a view of overcoming the wear upon the pivots and bearings. It has been stated that while engaged in this study, holding a grapeshot in his hand, it sUpped and roUed upon the floor, striking the wall and rebounding; this suggested the novel idea which he afterward incorporated in the scale. He said, " If I could put the platform of a scale upon balls like that, whenever any weight struck it rudely, I could arrange the platform so as to have the surrounding frame receive the shock, and thereby increase the life of the scale." By allowing the platform to move readily and quickly, all the vital parts of the scale are thoroughly protected. WARDWELL, George j., Rutland.— The marble quarries of Vermont were orig inally worked entirely by hand, the blocks being cut much as they now are, except that they were of less thickness, a large force of men being employed for that purpose at West Rutland, where the main quarries were developed. To Mr. William F. Barnes of West Rut land is attributed the discovery and working of these quarries, which was done for many years in a small way, even before the intro duction of railroads, the marble being then hauled by teams to Lake Champlain to be shipped to more distant markets by water. The great expense of cutting by hand, with other troubles which frequently occurred, induced the owners of the quarries, and more especially Mr. George J. Wardwell, to invent a machine to do the work of channel- Ung, which machine is still extant and in use, and which has proved very valuable in in creasing the output of marble as weU as in reducing the cost of its production, one ma chine doing the work of raany raen. In these machines the drills are combined in gangs consisting of several drills operated by machinery, cutting channels to a greater depth and much faster than was possible by the old process. The same power that op erates the drills also propels the machine along the channels as they are cut. These raachines have, since their introduc tion and use at West Rutland in the quarries there, been extensively used in other marble quarries of the state, and are now in use in many sections of the country in quarrying other varieties of stone. [A biographical sketch and portrait of Mr. Wardwell will be found in Part II, page 419.] WHEELER, Franklin, Brattleboro.- Mr. Wheeler came to Brattleboro about 1820 to work for Hezekiah Salisbury, mak ing window springs. One Sunday while wandering in the woods of West Brattleboro he stumbled and fell, hurting his crippled leg so that he thought best forest before get ting up. While lying on the ground, he noticed some of the stones under him covered with moss ; by his stumbling and fall he had knocked off sorae of this moss, and he noticed shining yellow spots upon the stones ; he dug out a quantity of the shining metal with his knife, resolving to try it in a crucible to see what it was. He shut hiraself up in the shop, melted the ore in a crucible, and it came out pure, shining, yel low metal. With some of it he plated the heads of the window springs and showed them to his uncle Salisbury, who said it was gold ; it was sent to Boston and there pro nounced gold. It is not known of any earUer gold plating having been done in Vermont. While Wheeler was making window springs at Brattieboro he invented a breech-loading, six-shooting, revolving pistol, in 1 821, which was perfect in all its parts and for many years was in constant use. This antedates Colt by about fourteen years. QUEER CHARACTERS. By HIRAM A, HUSE, There is hardly a town in Vermont that has not its tradition of one or more queer specimens of humanity who left a name of curious farae among those who dwelt near his local habitation. These people — odd in different ways and in aU degrees — whose name is legion cannot be individually described unless one should take up the writing of many books of which there is no end. Moreover, they run all the way frora the class whose eccentricities are tacked to strong and forceful natures and form but Uttie part of the real man, to the one that includes those whose oddities are about aU there is to them. Within these wide Umits we find raany nationaUties represented and raore than one race. Joe and Molly — the Indians whose memory is perpetuated by the ponds that bear their name — perhaps would rightly head the Ust — not in degree of strange conduct but in order of time ; and many a man whose name rightfully appears in far other kinds of record would in certain phases belong in the long Ust. The strong man it is said sooner or later always finds a stronger man than he, and the one who has killed his sixty-eight bears can if he seeks find another who has killed one hun dred and twenty-three. And no doubt a large contingent of the noble array of native odd men could be recruited frora the hunters and fishermen who have lived as well as from those who now live in the state. Each profession has its contribution ; business, the trades, the farms — aU give numbers to the ranks of those who are called "odd." One who is interested in this phase of human life wiU find his taste gratified by many true "brief mentions" in Hemenway's Gazetteer, and, as Blackstone has it, not to speak ridiculously, even in the proceedings of the Vermont Bar Association, where are recorded divers and sundry doings and sayings of odd sticks in the profession, as well as those of the wise and learned. But, after all, the best written history in this Une is not dressed up as history at aU, but comes to us in the guise of fiction. The " Y^ankee " is pretty much alike in the six states of his nativity and with more or less degree of fidehty has been painted in many a novel and story. Of the authors who have done this work, D. P. Thorapson was a pioneer, and his Yankee was the Vermont Yankee. Thompson did not go into analysis of mode of thought or attempt photographic accuracy in giving the dialect, but his Verraont Yankees wUl never be turned out of doors by one who knows the genuine article. At this day Rowland Rob inson is introducing to a wide reading public types of the queer folks in Vermont — up to date. Nothing better — closer to the fact — has ever been done in book-making than his Verraont Yankee and French Canadian in " Uncle ' Lisha's ' Shop," and in "Sara LoveU's Camps" — from the opening chorus of the former, the deestric' school meetin' to the end of the books. When Thomas W. Wood paints a Yankee, the real Yankee looks at you from the canvas — you have leen him, you know hira ; when Robinson paints in words what Wood does in colors, you see and hear Uncle 'Lisha and Sam and all the others who have lived and raoved and had their being under other naraes right here in Verraont. So that one who wants to know Vermont types can do no better than read Thompson for the old and Robinson for the later — if a man has read thera once he will read them again and if any Vermonter hasn't read both of them it is high time that he did. The odd characters have 198 SMITH. SMITH. their fair representation in these books — their types there given are weU worth study and life is too short for writer or reader to deal with the host of oddities who have raade Ver mont their home. If one were to begin, say with Heman ^V. W. MiUer, where would he end? Miller, who- was a quondam quasi lawyer, school teacher, orator, what not, with a big voice and flow of words to keep it going — early abolitionist, with genuine behef in the cause and zeal, he it was who, after the killing of Lovejoy by the pro-slavery raob in Alton, said in an anti- slavery speech up in Orleans county : "Fellow-citizens, future ages wUl erect to him a raonument which shall have for its base eternal space, and from whose top you can behold the throne of Alraighty God." There is, however, a quartette of natives of this state that ought to be raentioned by name and have some brief account of them here given. Had they spent their lives in Ver mont those of us who remain within her borders would be modestly reticent about them, but it would be hardly just to the Sons of Verraont not to lift the bushel for a moment and give a glirapse of these four shining Ughts. JOSEPH Smith.— When Dr. Denison of Royalton was called one winter night near ninety years ago to attend Mrs. Joseph Smith, it never entered his head that he was to aid in the advent of a prophet, and it is not at all probable that the good doctor would have admitted, had he hved to this day, the prophetic character of the child born that night of his patient. But thous ands in other lands as well as this have done so, and the Mormon Church and communi ties bear witness to the power exerted by the strange man, who came to be known as the Mormon Prophet. And however much this raan Smith's "revelation" as to spiritual wives raay have paved the way, it should be reraerabered that polygamy was established under the domination of Brigham Y^oung, whose authority and doctrine were disputed by the surviving raerabers of Smith's family. Joseph Smith, son of Joseph and Lucy (Mack) Smith was born in Sharon, Dec. 23, 1805. The family was poor, but it is said that the mother, Lucy, was a woman of sorae peculiarities, and had herself a sort of "prophetic soul" as to some great things her sons were to do in the world. When Joseph was ten his parents raoved to Palmyra, N. Y., and four years later to Manchester, N. Y., near Palmyra. In 1820, a year when four of his father's family joined the Presby terian church, Joseph took to the woods to pray and claimed to have there had a vision, the telling of which excited only ridicule. Sraith obtained the plates soon after at taining his majority, and told his later visions, which were treated with the sarae ridicule that greeted the story of his vision in the woods. He thereupon went to where the family of his wife lived in Pennsylvania, and began copying the characters that were on the plates. These characters, bv the way, are said to have been a " composite " made frora several alphabetical forras. Smith clairaed that he was enabled to understand them by the aid of a pair of magic spec tacles, to which he gave the name of "Urim and Thummim." He dictated his transla tion from behind a curtain, the first of it to one Martin Harris, and the rest to one Mar tin Cowdery. May 15, 1829, Smith again went into the woods, this time taking Cow dery with hira, and there they professed to have been in receipt of an address from John the Baptist, and that he conferred the priesthood of Aaron and the, spirit of pro phecy upon Smith. He claimed to have had another vision Sept. 23, 1823, and that at this time the angel Maroni or Moroni (the orthography of the family name of this angel is a little uncertain) visited him and told him of a book written on golden plates that contained the history of forraer inhabitants and "the fulness of the everlasting gospel." The an gel also told hira where these plates were de posited, and Joseph went to the place de scribed and saw the plates, but was not able to take thera away, afterward learning from the angel that his inability to remove them arose from the fact that he prized the plates more than what was inscribed thereon, and that he could not hope to get into possession of them until he was willing to devote him self to their translation. In 1830 the Book of Mormon (the trans lation, by aid of the magic spectacles, of the matter on the plates of gold) was pubUshed at Palmyra by Egbert _B. Grandin. It is said that its basis was a story written by one Soloraon Spaulding, entitled "The Manu script Found." On the 6th of AprU, 1830, the Morraon Church was organized by "saints" at the house of Peter Whitmer in Fayette, N. Y., and on the next Sunday at Whitmer's house Oliver Cowdery preached SMITH. YOUNG. 199 the first serraon and several were baptized. In June, 1830, the church held its first con ference, and had a membership of about thirty persons. Smith at this gathering claimed supernatural power, and his first " miracle " was casting the devU out of NeweU Knight of ColesviUe, N. Y. The "Prophet" at this time, with his Book of Mormon promulgated, and, church started, was only twenty-four years old and soon did a good business, for a young fellow with his opportunities, in drawing people to his new doctrines. The " Holy RoUers," who infested Hard wick and vicinity more than half a century ago, and were preached against by Rev. Chester Wright, were not more zealous in season and out of season than Smith and his lieutenants, and had none of the executive ability and constructive skiU of the latter. His following increased, and he announced that Kirkland, Ohio, was the promised land, and early in 1831 the new "church" settled there and at once sent out missionaries. That summer Missouri also was announced as promised land, and Sraith located a Z ion, as he called it, out there, afterwards return ing to Kirkland, and getting tarred and feathered at Hirara, Ohio. His partner in this affliction was Sidney Rigdon, a Pennsyl vanian a dozen or rnore years older than Sraith, who tried to succeed Smith after the latter's death, but was outgeneraled by Brig ham Young, and who, notwithstanding, ad hered to the Mormon faith tiU his death in Friendship, N. Y., in 1876. The Mormons adopted May 3, 1834, the name of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints," in February, 1835, organ ized their twelve Apostles, and dedicated the first Mormon temple March 27, 1^836, at Kirkland. A couple of years later there were disagreements and the prophet was accused of having stirred up some of his fol lowers to take the Ufe of Grandison Newell, who opposed him ; on this charge he was ar rested but was discharged. In 1838 he got away from Kirkland and went to Far West, Mo., where for a year conflicts raged between his followers and hostile missionaries. The militia were caUed out. Smith lodged in jail and indicted for all manner of crimes. He escaped from jaU and in April, 1839, with most of his fleeing brethren, setded in lUi nois and founded the city of Nauvoo. In 1840 he obtained a charter for this city of Saints — soon organized the Nauvoo Legion, a miUtary body of 1,500 men, erected and dedicated a new; temple and extended his missionary work by sending preachers across the ocean. In 1842, he was at the height of his power, but the next year his "revelation" to take spiritual wives made a break in the church. and was the cause of his death. All through his career his eneraies had raade life mis erable for hira, if being arrested forty or fifty tiraes was enough to do it ; and now two Mormons, Foster and Law, angered by his new revelation and its effect on their domestic affairs, founded a newspaper to at tack him. The first number of their paper had the affidavits of a number of women who charged Smith and Rigdon with im moral conduct. The prophet appears to have been a prohibitionist in his way, for he had the council adjudge the paper a nui sance and order it abated, and his friends attacked the ofifice, smashed the press and burned the paper and furniture. Foster and Law escaped to Carthage, made complaint on which warrants were issued for the arrest of Smith and a score of his followers ; the ofificer who went to serve the warrants was driven out of Nauvoo by the city marshal. The militia were called out and the Mormons gave up the arms they held belonging to the state. Joseph and his brother Hyrum were ar rested for treason and taken to Carthage where the Governor of lUinois visited thera in jail and proraised to protect them from the mob. He did place a guard at the jail, but June 27, 1844, a mob consisting of more than a hundred disguised men attacked it, rushed in, and at their first volley kiUed Hyrum. Joseph next fell dead, pierced by four bullets. So closed, at the age of thirty- eight, the life of this remarkable specimen of huraan kind. Whether he was an enthusiast partially self-deceived or whether he was a conscious fraud each can deterraine for himself. His wife refused to acknowledge the lead ership of Brigham Young as her husband's successor and remained at Nauvoo when the exodus of the Mormons under Young took thera to Utah. His son, Joseph, who was born at Kirkland Nov. 6, 1832, remained with his mother and after attaining manhood formed the "re-organized" Mormon Church, which professedly in accordance with the teaching of "the prophet" and the Book of Mormon is antagonistic to polygamy. Brigham Young.— The man who suc ceeded Sraith as prophet and leader was also a native of Verraont. Brighara Young was born in Whitinghara, June i, 1801, and when he was three years old his folks moved to Sherburne, N. Y'., and there Brigham re mained tiU sixteen, his educational advan tages consisting in attendance on school to average one day a year. He then went to work in Mention, N. Y., and was there a carpenter and joiner, painter and glazier. Young came to know of the Book of Mor raon the year of its publication, and in 1831 20O YOUNG. KIMBALL. he was converted to its doctrines under the preaching of Samuel H. Sraith, one of the modern Joseph's brethren. April 14, 1832, he was baptized, and in the faU of that year went to Kirkland, where he became a fast friend of Smith, was soon ordained an elder, and, Feb. 14, 1835, was chosen one of the twelve Mormon Aposties. TUl the dedica tion of the Kirkland temple in 1836 Young occupied hiraseU in its building, for which his trade fitted him, and in the study of Hebrew. The year after the dedication, when David Whitmer tried to supplant Smith, Y''oung was very active and successful in keeping the Mormons faithful to Smith. He went to Far West, Mo., in 1837, but got into trouble with Governor Boggs of that state, who ordered him to leave,' upon which Young went into IlUnois. In 1839 Young and Kimball went to England to spread the new faith and remained there two years. On his return he was one of the founders of Nauvoo. When Joseph and Hyrum Smith were shot in 1844 Young was in New Hampshire, but at once set out for Nauvoo, and in August defeated Rigdon for the leadership of the church. The body of believers in the faU were eager to leave Nauvoo, and Illinois soon took its charter away and the Mormons were assailed with great enmity. Many were plundered and had their houses burned ; some were whipped and sorae kiUed. Young proclaimed his intention to have them find a horae in the wilderness and to start to seek it in 1846. In February and March, 1846, they started, and their proces sion of several hundred wagons went west ward. In June they were called on to fur nish 500 men for the Mexican war, and Young had the Mormon battalion fiUed in three days. Frora July to April, 1847, they remained with the Pottawattamie Indians who gave them kind treatment. April 7, Young and 142 foUowers went as an advance guard to select a suitable place for the new city of the Saints, and July 24, 1847, he en tered Salt Lake valley, choosing this as the place for their future home ; he returned in the fall to the main body. He had been chosen to succeed Sraith as prophet, and was now selected as president by the twelve apostles. May 26, 1848, Young with his faraUy and two thousand Mormons started across the plains and reached Salt Lake City, Sept. 20, 1848. A provisional government for the new state of Deseret was organized and Young elected its Governor in 1849. The territory of Utah was established by the national gov ernment. Young was appointed by the President its Governor and took the oath of ofifice Feb. 3, 1851. Thus these strange people found a place to grow undisturbed. and the government machinery was in the hands of their ablest man. August 29, 1852, Young openly announced polygamy as to be a part of the doctrine and practice of the church. Isolated as his peo ple were and powerful as they were be coming, he threw away all disguise in this matter, and claimed that his action was based on a revelation to Smith before his tragic death. But in Smith's behalf it may be urged that the Book of Mormon forbids polygamy and Smith's wife and his four children stren-. uously denied ever having heard of any such revelation. The extraordinary character of these events has not escaped the notice of writers of draraa and fiction, as well as raoralists and legislators. Bayard Taylor felt moved to dramatize some of their features, and A. Conan Doyle has Young as one of his charac ters in "A Study in Scarlet." Doyle puts a sentence into the raouth of one of his Mor mons that shows well the blind faith in which they obeyed this unique and powerful personality : " Brigham Young has said it, and he has spoken with the voice of Joseph Smith, which is the voice of God." The doings of the Danites, or Avengers of Blood, the troubles that led to the military expedition of thirty odd years ago, the efforts of Young to strengthen and of moralists to weaken his pet twin relic — all these belong to history rather than to a brief biographical notice. At any rate, Vermonters have the satisfaction of knowing that it is " the Ed munds law" that of late has done much to do away with the evils of polygamy. Brigham Young died at Salt Lake City, August 29, 1877. He had seventeen wives and left forty-four children living. • Heb'er Chase Kimball.— This man was in 1847, when Young was elected president by the twelve apostles, chosen as one of the two counsellors to act with Young. Kimball was born in Sheldon, June 14, 1801. Some have said that Kimball was from the vicinity of Strafford as weU as that Smith's people at one tirae lived in Tunbridge, but the ac cepted authorities relieve Orange county frora responsibility for these two men. Heber had a coraraon school education and as he grew up worked in his father's black smith shop in West Bloomfield, N. Y. He then learned the potter's trade and worked ten years in Mendon, N. Y. April 15, 1832, he was baptized and thenceforward was a zealous Mormon, becoming one of the twelve aposties in 1835. He was in 1838 taken prisoner by the mihtia and released. The next year he went with Young on a missionary tour to Eng land, where they spent two years. Kimball ' was of those who left Nauvoo in February, NOYES. NO^¦E,'^. 201 1846, and one of the pioneers who first en- estabUshment of the widely celebrated camped at Salt Lake City in July, 1847. He Oneida Community. For some years the died there, June 22, 1868. coraraunity was apparently successful with its "Unity House" and farming and raanu- JOHN Humphrey Noyes. — Altogether facturlng enterprises that represented haU a a dififerent type of man from any of the trio million dollars in value. noted above, John H. Noyes established a The public would not have concerned community that was for a tirae a close second itseU about his affairs as long as they exera- to the Mormons in notoriety. He was born plified a community of property only, but in Bratdeboro, Sept. 6, 181 1, graduated at the complex marriage system savored too Dartmouth CoUege in 1830, studied law for much of a community of person and the a time, then pursued a theological course at Oneida concern had to abandon its complex Andover and Yale seminaries and was marriage business, and thereupon it soon licensed to preached in 1833. The next ''^^'^t °^^ °^ business generally and faded year he experienced a new conversion and ffom the knowledge of men. It had in 1874 < , -u r -il. TT 1 1 two hundred and thirty-five members and a began to preach a new faith. He had some 1 ¦ j j 1 » ^ -n? ir r 1 c- u 1 , ° r -, , , , , , kindred plant at Walhngford, Conn., had theory of a dual body and complex mar- ^^^.^ nigrnbers riage, and ran a small community for sorae ^oyes died' at Niagara Falls, Canada, years before raaking what was his most AprU 13, i860. The public condemned his famous venture. The thing by which he be- institution and its results, but allowed him came known aU over the country was the credit for good motives. Since the foregoing was written a new theory as to the origin of Mormonism has been told me. It wiU be remembered that Gen. John W. Phelps was not only a radical anti- slavery man, but a zealous anti-Mason. Y'ears before he got into trouble with Secretary Stanton, because of his haste to kiU slavery during the rebellion, he had been stationed at Salt Lake City. A Brattleboro neighbor, talking about his experience there, asked him what he thought of Mormonism, and the general replied : "The whole miserable thing had its rise in Masonry." They used to lay many things to Van Buren — in respect of which Parson Tilton Eastman once said, when asked whether he was going to plant his potatoes in the new, full, or old moon, " I think I'U plant 'em when I get ready, and if I don't get a good crop I'U lay it to Van Buren." Van Buren is gone, and "The Total Depravity of Inanimate Things" cannot explain everything, and a table of errata is an abomination. I acknowledge the irrepressible tend ency of the comma to insert itself where it never was written, and contemplate with equanimity its unexpected appearance in aU sorts of places, as where, on page 197, already printed and beyond recall, it impUes that Blackstone said something about the Vermont Bar Association or some of its proceedings, or wherever it does alia enormia. But when in the account of Joseph Smith, on page 198, the fourth paragraph is made to precede the third, I do wish the reader, kind or otherwise, raay discover the transposition or lay the present arrangeraent of the plates to Van Buren or some other deceased person — or even to the Masons, which will let rae out of all but a proportionate share of blarae. Until "hostile missionaries" appeared suddenly, as from ambush, on page 199, the interconvertibility of Missourians and missionaries was wholly unsuspected. It would take more than aU this to worry any of the queer characters, but what may be permitted in a lively theme may not in one severe. So any one whose eye this may catch is asked to note that the sketch of Judge Beardsley on page 184 should follow that of Judge Peck on page 185, and that the names of the first and sixth assistant judges on pages 188 and 189 should be RusseU S. Taft and Laforrest H. Thompson. Judge Beardsley's name is left out of the list of Judges at the head of the article on thera, as is that of Senator Proctor from the Ust of Senators heading sketches of thera. That is aU weU enough, as far as it goes, for it would have been ridiculous to attempt to put up the Senator in nonpariel — and in fact nonpareil and the users of it ought to be abated as nuisances anyway. Outside of matters that go to the forra only and not to the substance there must be in any book purporting to give facts about raany persons, errors of substance unless there be revision upon revision and verification upon verification. Take, to Ulustrate, the case of Ethan AUen— there are, considering time and place, four differing statements as to his birth. Mr. Davenport gives the date as Jan. 10, 1737. Were I giving it I would follow AUen's statement in his own hand-writing in a presentation copy to his second wife of his Oracles of Reason, which is that he was born Jan. 21, 1739. The difference as to the day of the month is because of the use in one case of old style and in the other of new style. But style cannot explain the two years' difference ; and I am not sure Mr. Davenport's statement is wrong or that raine would be right. PART II. BIOGRAPHIES OF VERMONTERS. A. D. 1892-93. ADAMS, Bailey P., of Randolph, son of Luther and Lydia (Reed) Adaras, was born in Brookfield, AprU 11, 1825. He received his education in the comraon schools of Brookfield and Williamstown and at Newbury Academy. His grandfather, Sarauel Adams, was a rela tive and namesake of the famous Massachu setts patriot and served seven years in the Continental array. His maternal grandfather, Jonathan Reed, was also a Revolutionary sol dier and carried on his breast a scar from a British bayonet. BAILEY F. ADAMS. Mr. Adams reraained on his father's farm at Brookfield and WiUiamstown until 1851, when he moved to the farm where he now resides, devoting his attention to dairy pro ducts and horse breeding, and owning a fine herd of Jerseys. Mr. Adams is a Republican in politics ; was selectman for five consecutive years from 1862, and with his associates during that period paid out of the town treasury over ^60,000 to the soldiers, together with the money compensation offered by the govern ment to selectmen for recruiting services. Mr. Adams has been town auditor for seven teen consecutive years ; Uster, fourteen years ; has represented his town repeatedly at county and state conventions ; was member for Ran dolph in the Legislature of 1874; elected assistant judge of Orange county court i888-'90 ; has been one ofthe trustees of the Normal School at Randolph since its estab lishment and also the trustee of its endow ment fund. He was married May i, 1855, to Lucinda S., daughter of Rev. Andes T. and Lydia (Lincoln) Bullard. Of this union four chil dren were born : Jairus B., Chnton A., Al bert C. (deceased), and Julius L. (deceased). ADAMS, Edward Payson, of Swan ton, son of Lemuel and Sally (SmaUey) Adaras, was born in Sheldon, March 16, 1843. His early education was obtained at the district school and a course of study at Barre Academy. Till he arrived at the age of thirty-nine, Mr. Adaras reraained upon the farra in Shel don which had been in the possession of both his father and grandfather. In 1881 he changed his place of residence and removed to Swanton, where he became a heavy dealer in butter. For the last twenty-five years he has been engaged in this occupation. When the Swanton Suspender Co. was or ganized in 1885, he was chosen its president, discharging the duties of that ofifice with gen eral acceptabihty. During his business ca reer he has traveled extensively in the United States. Mr. Adams espoused, Sept. 7, 1868, Helen A., daughter of Noah and Abigail (Yale) Best of Highgate. Four children are the issue of this marriage : Mary A., Helen B., Lemuel P., and John. WhUe residing in Sheldon, Mr. Adams took a leading part in the afifairs of the town, and was the incumbent of many local offices. ADAMS. He was elected county commissioner four successive terms and was appointed railroad commissioner during the administration of Governor Peck. Upon the incorporation of Swanton Village in 1882 he was elected its president, continuing in office two years. He has been vice-president of the Swanton he worked with his father on the farm and at the trade of boot and shoe-making during his minority, enjoying only such opportuni ties for an education as were supplied by the imperfect public school of that time and place. Soon after attaining his raajority he mar ried and settied in Fair Haven, where he established and carried on for nearly twenty years a large manufactory of ladies' shoes for the wholesale trade. His goods had a wide reputation, and were rauch sought for over a large extent of the country. He sold out in 1843 and reraoved to Ra cine, Wis., but returning to Fair Haven, he began, in the spring of 1845, in conjunction with Alonson AUen and WiUiara C. Kittredge, the building of a mill and the sawing of Rut land marble, in Fair Haven. For a number of years he had the principal charge and manageraent of the business and continued his connection with it raore or less actively during the rest of his Ufe. He is properly considered one of the pioneers of the great marble industry of the state. He was always public-spirited and enter prising, leading in works of public improve- EDWARD PAYSON ADAMS. National Bank, and in 1890 was honored by an election to the upper branch of the Legis lature in which he served with great efficiency. He united with the Congregational church in 1864, and for sixteen years perforraed the duties of Sunday-school superintendent. He has long been a Free Mason and when Mis sisquoi Lodge No. 38, I. O. O. F. was organ ized he was unanimously elected its first Noble Grand. In this organization he at present holds the position of grand treas urer of the Grand Lodge of Vermont. Mr. Adams, frora his genial disposition and unaffected manner, is very popular in his section of the state, while his wide experience of men and affairs renders him both an enter taining companion and sage counselor. ADAMS, JOSEPH, late of Fair Haven, the youngest of the seven children of John and Mary Ann (Morrison) Adams, was born in Londonderry (now Derry), N. H., Feb. i, 1802. Of pure Scotch parentage, he re tained in a marked degree the characteristics of his nationality. Having removed with his parents in the autumn of i?c6 to East Whitehall, N. Y., '/®^ vv, ¦V H \'^ JOSEPH ADAMS. mentjancl pnilanthropy. He was a trial justice of the peace for many years ; was president of the Washingtonian Temperance Society organized in Fair Haven in 1B41; was chairraan of the Park Association in 1855- '56, and contributed largely to the establish- ADAMS. ADAMS. ment of the park. He was one of the building committee of the original school and town house. He assisted in raising the bounties for soldiers during the war. He frequently advocated the introduction of public water works. He was the original mover in the estabhshment of the First National Bank; was one of the first and largest stockholders, one of the first board of directors, and be came its president in 1873, holding the ofiSce ¦until his death. He represented the town in the Legisla tures of i854-'55, and was an active member. He was fearless and independent in poU tics and reUgion. He early espoused the cause of the slave, and was one of the first subscribers and readers of the National Era, an anti-slavery journal edited by John G. Whittier at Washington in i846-'48, when slaves were bought and sold at public auc tion in the capital of the nation. Though lacking early educational advantages, he was not an uneducated man. With an active mind, and a genius for philosophy and me chanics, he made himself acquainted with letters and knew what was in many of the best books ; was well informed in history, in constitutional and international law, in poli tics, theology, mechanics and science. Of his own thought he reached conclusions sus tained by later scholarship and criticism. He was a lover and judge of music and no unapt performer on the violin. Writing at the time of his death, Feb. 26, 1878, a friend said of him : "For more than half a century he has been closely identified with the business interests of Fair Haven and has been one of its most respected citi zens. In aU the relations of life he was re garded as a strictly honest man. In business he was remarkable for his energy and tenac ity of purpose, working out success where .most men would have given up in despair. In rehgion he was Uberal, in pohtics a Republican, and he was always a warra friend of temperance in all things. Although econoraical in his style of living, he was ever a friend of the poor — generous and kind- hearted. The people of Fair Haven wiU long have occasion to cherish the memory of Mr. Adams as a citizen thoroughly identi fied with the interests of the town and vil lage, warmly favoring aU practical public improvements, advocating good schools and aU moral reforms." Mr. Adams was married Nov. 6, 1823, to Stella MiUer, daughter of Capt. WiUiam Mil ler of Hampton, N. Y., and sister of Rev. WiUiam MiUer. Of this union were eight children, only two of whom lived to mature age • Andrew N. (see below), and Helen M., who married David B. Colton in 1852. ADAMS, Andrew N., of Fair Haven, son of Joseph and SteUa (MiUer) Adams, was born in Fair Haven, Jan. 6, 1830. His great-great-grandfather, James Adaras, came frora Ulster, north of Ireland, to Amer ica in 1 7 2 1 , and settied in Londonderry, N. H. Mr. Adams prepared for coUege at the Green Mountain Institute, South Woodstock, in i847-'48; spent two years in the Mead ville Theological School, Meadville, Pa. ; en tered the divinity school department of Har vard University, Cambridge, Mass., in 1852, and graduating in 1855 was ordained to the rainistry and settled as pastor of the First Parish Church, Needhara, Mass. ; resigned and reraoved to FrankUn, Mass., in the faU of 1857, serving as pastor of the newly organ- ANDREW N. ADAMS. ized First Universahst Church in that place tiU the suramer of i860, when he resigned and returned to Vermont. Retiring from the rainistry he engaged in mercantile" business in Fair Haven in the spring of 1861, and has retained his connec tion with the same, in association with others since 1869, tiU the present tirae. In corapany with his father Mr. Adams engaged in manufacturing marble for the wholesale trade in 1869, and, with sorae changes, continues to hold connection with the business at Belden Falls. He has a large farra near the village to which he gives personal supervision ; is a di rector in the First National Bank of Fair Ha ven ; has been justice of the peace ; treasurer ALEXANDER. of the town and village ; was instrumental in estabUshing and organizing the graded school of Fair Haven in 1874 ; has been raany years a raeraber of the school board ; principal di rector and manager in the organization and conduct of the Fair Haven Pubhc Library ; a contributing member and ofificer of the Rut land County Historical Society from the be ginning ; trustee of the State Normal School at Castieton since 1869, and president of the board since 1882 ; was chairman of the Rut land County Board of Education during its existence in i889-'90, arranging the contracts for the purchase and sale of text books through the county. Mr. Adams prepared and published the history of the town of Fair Haven in 1870, is the author of numerous essays and addresses which have been pub lished, and has now in course of preparation an extensive genealogy of the Adams family. He has been active in politics as Aboli tionist, Free Soiler and RepubUcan, repre senting Fair Haven in the Legislature of 1884, and his county as senator in 1888. Mr. Adams raarried in Orwell, Aug. i, 1855, Angle, daughter of Erastus and Marga- ret( Hibbard) Phelps, of Orwell, and has four daughters: AUce A. (Mrs. Horace B. ElUs of Castleton), Ada M. (Mrs. John T. PoweU of Fair Haven, died May 21, 1893), Annie E. (Mrs. George B. Jermyn of Scranton, Pa.), and Stella Miller. ALBEE, John Mead, of Gallups Mills, son of John G. and Sarah S. (Blake) Albee, was born Jan. 14, 1854, in Derby. He was educated in the public schools of Holland and Island Pond, and engaged in business as a lumber manufacturer at the latter place and at Whitefield, N. H., until 1882, when he moved to Granby, and was employed by the firm of Buck & Wilcox. His business capacity soon brought him pro motion, and for several years past he has fiUed the position of foreraan of the exten sive works of C. H. Stevens and the North ern Lumber Co. Mr. Albee is a meraber of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Politically he has been a worker in the ranks of the Re pubhcan party. He has been selectman and represented the town of Granby in the Leg islature of 1888. Mr. Albee was married Oct. 31, 1876, to Alivia, daughter of John and Nancy Web ster. Their children are : Austin G., Bertha M., and Myra G. ALEXANDER, JOHN F., of Saxtons River, son of Willard H. and Eunice (Scott) Alexander, was born Feb. 21, 1838, in Ches terfield, N. H. JOHN F. ALEXANDER. JOHN MEAD ALBEE. After passing the common schools of his native town, he entered the high school at Brattleboro. In 1853, as an apprentice, he entered the employ of Gates & White, cabinet makers, Brattleboro, and remained with the firm three years. Removing to Bellows Falls in 1856 he served in the dry goods store of Gray & ALLEN. Perry. Finding the business congenial he bought Mr. Perry's interest in it, conducted successfully his department, and at the end of two years sold his share in the store to engage with S. Perry & Co. in the manufacture of woolen goods at Oambridgeport, residing at Saxtons River. In 1866 Mr. Alexander sold his interest in the firm of S. Perry & Co., buying out that of Theophilus Hoit in the Farnsworth & Hoit woolen mills at Saxtons River. Mr. Farnsworth lately selling his in terest, the firm is now known as Alexander, Smith & Co. PoliticaUy Mr. Alexander is a Republican, and in 1886 he represented the town of Rock ingham in the Legislature. Mr. Alexander is a prominent and widely known member in the order of F. & A. M., a member of King Solomon Lodge and Abenaqui Royal Arch Chapter, BeUows Falls, and of the council and encampment at Windsor. Mr. Alexander was raarried Oct. 31, i860, to Mary S., daughter of George and Hannah (Chandler) Perry, of Saxtons River. Of this union were four children : John F., Jr., Charlotte M.,(wife of Dr. H. G. Anderson, of New York), Anna E., and George P. ALLEN, Charles Edwin, of Burling ton, son of Joseph Dana and Eliza R. (John- CHARLES EDWIN ALLEN. son) Allen, was born in BurUngton, Nov. 28, 1838. He was educated in the Burlington pub lic and high schools, and was graduated from the University of Vermont, August, 1859. During the year 1861 he studied law with Hon. Isaac F. Redfield at Windsor, and in i862-'63 with Hon. Milo L. Bennett in Burlington. He entered the Albany Law School (Union CoUege) in September, 1863, and was graduated in June, 1864. After practicing his profession in the New York courts for three years, Mr. Allen returned to Burlington in the spring of 1867, and there opened an ofifice, raaking a specialty of patent law. Mr. Allen was elected assistant secretary of the Senate in i862-'63. He is a RepubU can. In 1878 he was elected alderraan from ward I for two years, and re-elected for a like term in 1880. In 1882 he was elected city assessor ; in 1883 school commissioner, re-elected in 1884, and successively chosen for terms of two years. During this period, with the exception of one year, he has served as clerk of the school board, and his annual reports of the census and condition of the city schools are highly esteemed for their accuracy and completeness. In Sep tember, 1886, he was elected city clerk, and has been unanimously re-elected each year since. In 1870 he was chosen secretary of the Alurani Association of the University of Vermont, and has held the ofifice since that tirae. During the years i867-'68 Mr. Allen was local editor of the Burlington Free Press, and reported for New York papers. Mr. Allen is a meraber of the Protestant Episcopal church, of which he is now, and has been for several years, a vestryman and its Sunday-school superintendent, and a fre quent delegate to its diocesan conventions. He is a member of the Algonquin Club of the Vermont Press Association, and has published, in pamphlet form, statistics ofthe town and city of Burlington frora 1763, in cluding coraplete meteorological observa tions since 1840, besides several historical papers connected with his native town. Mr. Allen was raarried Oct. 31, 1867, to Ellen C, daughter of Elias and Cornelia (HaU) Lyman. Of this union are three children : Joseph Dana, Lyman, and Flor ence L. ALLEN, iRA R., of Fair Haven, son of Ira C. and Mary E. (Richardson) AUen, was born in Fair Haven, March 29, 1859. Ira C. Allen was a man of abiUty and was well known in the state, serving five terras in the state Legislature. Ira R. Allen obtained his early education in the schools of Fair Haven and in 1877 studied at Colgate Academy. He graduated AMSDEN. -from Brown University in 1882. His busi ness experience has been varied and exten sive and he has traveled in the States and upon the other side of the Atlantic. From 1882 to 1884 he resided in the city of New Y'ork and was engaged in the produce com mission business. In 1886 he became inter ested in mining operations in Virginia, and in 1887 returned to Fair Haven where he has been interested in banking, slate indus tries and railroads. His family has the prac tical control of the Rutland & WhitehaU R. R. and he is vice-president of the AUen National Bank. Mr. Allen is the fortunate possessor of one of the best private mineralogical cab inets in the state. While in Virginia he was enabled to obtain many fine specimens of garnets, some of which were loaned by him for the purpose of exhibition at the ^^¦orld's Fair in Chicago. Mr. Allen is a Republican and one of the most public spirited men of his town. He has served as selectman and was considered as an available candidate to place in the field for town representative in a community where Democratic opinions had hitherto prevailed. This position he easily won and served in the Legislature at the session of 1892. An IRA R. ALLEN. ardent and enthusiastic member of the Ma sonic fraternity, he has attained the 32d degree and represented Mt. Sinai Temple at Cincinnati in 1893. In reUgious \iews a Baptist, and though not a member of the church has always been a liberal supporter of aU Christian enterprises. AMSDEN, Charles, of Amsden, son of America and Nancy (Child) Amsden, was born in West Windsor, May 6, 1832. His grandfather, Abel Amsden, was a pio neer of the town of Reading, a soldier during the Revolution, and a prominent man of his time. His raother, Nancy Child, was born CHARLES AMSDEN. in ^Vestminster, Mass., July 20, 1790, and Uved one and one-half years after the cele bration of her centennial, retaining her men tal vigor to the last. Charles Amsden was educated at the com mon schools and passed his early boyhood on his father's farm. At the age of seven teen, with a capital of .^100, he went to what is now caUed Amsden and engaged in trade, opening the foUowing year a Urae kiln, which he StiU works, producing about 10,000 bar rels annually, and carries on an extensive business in general merchandise. Mr. Amsden is a RepubUcan in poUtics. He represented the town of Wethersfield in the Legislatures of 1870 and 1890, and was elected a senator for Windsor county m 1892. He has been town treasurer since 1876, and postmaster since 1875, except when holding state ofifice. Beyond his own town his business ability has been and is still appreciated. During the years i886-'87 he was a director of the Rutiand R. R. and he is at the present tirae a director of the Na tional Black Ri\er Bank of ProctorsviUe, and of the Howe Scale Co. January 20, 1850, Mr. Arasden married Abbie E., daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann ANDREWS. ANDROSS. (Carey) Craigue. Of this union is one child : Mary Melvina (Mrs. Charles E. AVood- ruff, of Woodstock.) His second marriage was with Miss Mary L. Stockin. ANDREWS, John Atwood, of John son, son of Asa'and Jane (Hogg) Andrews, was born at New Boston, N. H. When John was three years of age, his father, who was a farraer, hoping to better his condition raoved to Johnson. The son received such education as could be obtained in the coramon schools of that period, and afterward pursued his studies at the Lamoille county grammar school. At the age of twenty-one he purchased a farm situated about half a mUe west of the town, where he has ever since resided, and here his father and mother found a home untU their death. His estate of one hun dred and fifty-four acres is one of the best adapted for cultivation in the neighborhood, and is pleasantly located on the Lamoille river, commanding a broad view of raoun tains, hills and stream. He is a member of the Republican party. In 1882 he was sent, to the Legislature, where he served on the educational com mittee, and he has just completed his fourth year as assistant judge of Lamoille county court. Judge x\ndrews was a raeraber of the I. O. G. T. He was united in marriage March 28, 1844, to Angeline, daughter of Daniel and Lydia Scott (Eaton) Davinson of Craftsbury. Four children have been born to thera : Sura- ner A., Lydia (Mrs. Lyndley FuUington , Abner (died in infancy), and Wallace Gale of Montpelier. ANDREWS, Sumner A., of Vergennes, son of J. Atwood and Angeline (Davinson) Andrews, was born in Johnson, Dec. 28, 1844. Mr. Andrews received his education at the pubhc schools of his native town and at the Lamoille county grammar school. He remained with his father on the home farm untU he enhsted in the army at the age of seventeen. He was a member of Co. E. 13th Vt. Vols, and was at the battie of Gettysburg. After the war he worked six years in a store ; and in 1875 went to the State Primary School, Monson, Mass., as supervisor, remaining there eight years. In 1883 he became a member of the firra of Andrews Brothers, dealers in general merchandise, in his native town where he remained until 1889 when he was appointed superintendent of the Ver mont Reform School. Mr. Andrews is a Repubhcan in pohtics, and represented Johnson in the Legislature of 1884, serving on the coramittee of educa tion. In 1888 hewas elected assistant judge. of Lamoille county court. His church connection is with the Bap tists, ancl for several years he ser\'ecl his denomination as deacon in Johnson. SUMNER A. ANDREWS. Mr. Andrews was married Sept. 28, 1868, to Mary A., daughter of Ozias and Charlotte Story. ANDROSS, Dudley Kimball, of Bradford, son of Broadstreet Spafford and Mary (KirabaU) Andross, was born in Brad ford, Sept. 12, 1823. He comes of old Vermont stock, one of his grandfathers. Dr. Bildad Andross, having been an early settler in the town of Bradford, and a member of the first convention which met to organize the Commonwealth of Vermont ; and another, Capt. Broadstreet Spafford, having been the first settler in Fairfax in 1783. His great- uncle, Obadiah KirabaU, was killed in the battle of Bennington. In early hfe Mr. Andross worked as a lum berman, then as a railroad builder, and as such he helped to lay the first rail of the Rutland & Burhngton R. R ; later he was a successful gold-miner in CaUfornia. During his whole life his love of sport has led him to make hunting soraething raore than a pas- tirae. When the civil war broke out he was in business as a miUer and was lieutenant of the Bradford company of miUtia. In its reor ganization for service, upon the first call for ARCHIBALD. ARNOLD. troops in April, 1861, Lieutenant Andross was elected captain and served as such with the ist Vt. Regt. throughout its terra. At the battie of Big Bethel, when the three com panies of the ist regiment attacked the rebel earthworks. Captain Andross was the first man upon the embankment. At the close of the three months' service he returned to the army as lieutenant-colonel of the 9th Vt. Regt., his commission dating May 26, 1862. At Harper's Ferry he was taken pris oner, the 9th regiment having been sur rendered under General Miles. The prisoner was speedily released and at once promoted to the rank of colonel, which position he held until iU health compeUed hira to tender his DUDLEY K ANDROSS. resignation June 23,- 1863. Since the war Colonel Andross has led a quiet life, farming and hunting. Colonel Andross was married March 17, 1878, to Mrs. Marcella Wasson, daughter of Rev. Horatio Harris. Their three children are : Mary Kimball, Walter Carpenter, and Alice Caroline. Colonel Andross is believed to be (ex cept Stephen Thomas, always known as Gen eral) , the senior surviving colonel of Vermont troops. ARCHIBALD, S. HENRY, of Walling ford, son of the Rev. Dr. T. H. and Susan (Tuck) Archibald, was born in Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1848. He received his preparatory education at the New Hampton Institution, Fairfax, and later graduated frora Colgate University, in the class of 1873. Having completed his college course and after further study he ministered to a con gregation at West Pawlet, and during this pastorate he was ordained to the rainistry of the Baptist church. Being settled by the church at Wallingford in 1876, he has since that time reraained in that parish, and is at present the senior clergyman of his denomi nation in the state, with regard to the num ber of years of service in one church. His father was a clergyman of high repu tation, and was formerly settled over parishes in Addison, Bennington and Rutland coun ties, but has now retired to private life, making his residence at Middlebury. Mr. Archibald occupies a prorainent position in the Baptist church, and is weU known and popular throughout the state, and has for twelve years served as the secretary of the board of managers of the state conven tion of that denomination. He was united in marriage at West Paw let, Feb. 13. 1877, to Esther A., daughter of Daniel D. and Mary E. (Townsend) Nel son. Four children have blessed their union : Nelson Henry, Eva E. (deceased), Walter, and Mary Townsend. In his political creed Mr. Archibald is a loyal Republican, but his energies and time have been mainly devoted to his profes sional studies and duties, yet he has served as superintendent of schools in Wallingford, for seven different years, and is now chair man ofthe board of directors. ARNOLD, Fenelon, of Westminster, son of Ambrose T. and Priscilla (Farnum) Arnold, was born in Westminster, Jan. 25, 1817. He obtained his education in the public schools of his native town, and began farm ing at an early age, first with an uncle until the latter's death in 1840, and then at the age of seventeen, with a brother, he took a farm, wiped out a debt contracted in the pur chase and acquired an unincumbered home. In 1855 he began the business of silver and brass plating, continuing it until i860 under the firm name of Arnold & Cook. Mr. Arnold's political preferences are Re publican. He has served as selectman thir teen years, several as chairman of the board. With the exception of clerk and treasurer he has fiUed every ofifice in the gift of the town, serving in the Legislatures of 1880 and 1884, and was a member of the committee on elec tions, banks and banking. As custodian for ten years of the CampbeU Trust Funds he showed excellent ability, making safe and profitable investments in the interest of the people. Finding hiraself physically disquali fied for service in the field during the war ARNOLD. ATKINS. Mr. Arnold took an active part in raising troops for the nation's defence. He was married Nov. 4, 1840, to Amanda, daughter of Luther and Mary Richards. Of this union were two children : Charles F., East, fiUing the master's chair of White River Lodge, No. 90. He was wedded Oct. 17, 1882, to Martha P., daughter of Amos and Nancy White of ,....,^m„^.,,Fm.^-, /. FENELON ARNOLD. FRED ARNOLD and George R. Mrs. Arnold dying Dec. 24, 1867, he married, March 13, 1872, Emily A., daughter of Edmund A. and Isabella (Hos mer) Marsh. Of this union is -one child : Seth F. ARNOLD, FRED, of Bethel, son of Thomas and Jane M. (Wellington) Arnold, was born in Randolph, Dec. 7, 1856. After receiving his education in the com raon schools and the Randolph State Normal .School, he adopted the profession of the law, and since 1880 has pursued that voca tion in Bethel, combining his practice with the occupation of an insurance agent. In both of these pursuits he has raet with grati fying success. His business abUity and un doubted integrity have called him to many positions of honor and usefulness in the town, which he represented in the General Assembly in 1892. In this body he was an able and earnest advocate of the town sys tem of schools, and was largely instrumental in the establishment of that iraportant measure throughout the state. Mr. Arnold has knelt at the altars of Free Masonry, having received the degrees of the blue lodge at Bethel, the chapter in West Randolph and commandery in Montpelier. In the first named he has presided in the Providence, R. I. Six children have been the issue of the union : five boys and one girl. ATKINS, Hiram, late of Montpelier, son of John S. and Margaret (Smith) Atkins, was born Dec. 22, 1831, in Esopus, N. Y., and died at Montpelier, Oct. i, 1S92. \^'hen he was about three years of age his father moved to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where for the next ten years Hirara lived the usual life of a farmer's boy. At the age ot four teen he entered the ofifice of the Poughkeep sie Eagle as an apprentice, and at the age of eighteen was eraployed on the Journal, Kingston, N. Y., having charge ofthe paper during the editor's absence. In 1853 he carae to Vermont and started a small paper called the Battle Ground, at North Ben nington. He had one dollar in cash when he arrived in Bellows FaUs a few weeks later to take charge of a local paper, the Argus. In February, 1863, Mr. Atkins went to Montpelier, bought the Patriot, and estab lished the Argus and Patriot, of which from that time until his death he was publisher and editor. During his residence in Bellows Falls Mr. Atkins was for a time deputy postmaster in President Pierce's and postmaster in Presi- ATWOOD. dent Buchanan's administration, and during President Cleveland's first term he was super intendent of construction of the government building at Montpelier. He was at his de cease one of the four ^Vorld's Fair commis sioners from Vermont, and also by an act of the Legislature one of the Columbian com missioners of Vermont. He attended every Democratic national convention but one after attaining his majority, and in 1888 was the member from Vermont of the Demo cratic national convention. From 1863 he was a member of the Democratic state com mittee, and its chairman since the early seventies. HIRAM ATKINS. Mr. Atkins was a communicant in the Protestant Episcopal Church ; for many years a vestryman of Christ Church at Montpelier, and often a delegate to the diocesan con vention. In 1854 he married Maria Abeel, daughter of John L. DeWitt, of Windham, N. Y. She died Dec. 5, 1859, leaving three chUdren, two of whora, Catherine Abeel, and Eliza beth DeWitt, wife of Major Osman D. Clark of Montpelier, survive their father ; the third, Margaret Smith, died about six months after her mother's decease. Mr. Atkins, June 27, 1864, married Julia M., daughter of Ezra F. Kimball, Bellows Falls. Mr. Atkins was a man of strong individ uality ; honest, rugged, and at times out- warclly harsh and rough, made to contend in stormy times for principle, but kind at heart, and winning the respect and friend ship of men who opposed hira, and whom he opposed in raany things. ATWOOD, Frank C, of Sahsbury, son of Hirara and Phoebe (Frank) Atwood, was born in Starksboro, Dec. 14, 1828. He was educated at the common schools and at the Bristol Academy. In 1851 he settled on a farm in Salisbury, where he is widely known as a cattle buyer and stock man, having had a large experience in the industries he represents. Mr. Atwood is prominent in Masonic cir cles and has been a member of Union Lodge F. & A. M., Middlebury, for nearly forty years. !•' His political affiUations are with the Re pubUcan party. He represented the town of Salisbury in the Legislature of 1882, serv ing on agricultural and other committees. Over the county and district conventions of his party he has presided for many years past. Mr. Atwood was married April 2, 1851, to Sarah M., daughter of Solomon and Sarah Thomas of Salisbury. They have two sons : Henry S. (now deputy county treasurer of LaBette County, Kan.), and Juhus W., who has been rector of St. James Church at Prov idence, R. I., since 1887. AUSTIN, OrlO Henry, late of Bar ton Landing, son of Asa and Nancy (Gregg) Austin, was born in Eden, August 13, 1838, and died at Barton Landing, Sept. 15, 1893. Mr. Austin acquired his education first in the public schools of Eden. On removing to Craftsbury in 1848, he attended the Essex Classical Institute. He was admitted to the class of '63 in the University of Vermont and was a teacher until the breaking out of the civil war, when, in the spring of 1862, he en Usted in Co. F, nth Regt. Vt. Vols., was chosen 2cl lieutenant and successively pro moted to ist lieutenant and captain of Co. A., Sept. 2, 1864, while in active service under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. He was in every action engaging his regi ment except the assault at Petersburg. Cap tain Austin came of patriot stock, his father having joined the Vermont Volunteers in 1 8 14, was in the battle of Plattsburg. At the close of the war, Captain Austin built a store in Barton Landing and becarae a dealer in general merchandise. He entered into partnership November, 1S69, withC. E. Joslyn and together they built up a large trade. J. C. Parker and I. D. R. CoUins joined the "firm in the faU of 1873, adding to its business an extensive lumber trade. Decline in prices, ^ losses by fire, increased through defective insurance, caused a suspension of the firm m the spring of 1877. Captain Austin suffered a second tirae by fire, and then built the BAILEY. present large business block, which is an ornament to the village, entered into part nership with A. C. Parker, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1880. In Novem ber of the following year he was appointed judge of probate to fiU the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. I. N. Cushman and held that ofifice till his death. In politics he was a Repubhcan and held important town ofifices. BAILEY. I I He was an active member and supporter of the Congregational church and served it many years as Sunday-school superintend ent. Captain Austin was married Oct. 15, 1868, to Sophia M., daughter of Captain Timothy J. and Melona (^Vilder) Joslyn of Browning- ton. The children of this union are : Fred O, (deceased), Clara M., Emma S., Helen A., Arthur O., and Grace F. BAILEY, ALDEN Lee, of St. Johnsbury, was born in Compton, P. Q., May 31, 1845, the only chUd of Lewis and Nancy BaUey. He was early bereft of both parents, his father dying before he reached his fourth ALDEN LEE BAILEY. year, and his mother when he was only ten years of age. Alone in the world, he was "bound out" during the remaining years of his rainority to his uncle, a farmer, whom he faithfully served until he reached his major ity. Greater opportunities, with less of hope and resolution raight have disheartened him. He had nothing to lose, but every thing to win, and he was determined to suc ceed. This spirit found him ready employ ment, and also opened the way for hira to enter into the business in which his success has proved his fitness. From very small beginnings he has built up the largest trade in musical merchandise in Northern New England. Two well equipped warerooms, one in St. Johnsbury, the other in Burling ton, with twenty traveling salesmen, attest the fact. He has been a director in Citi zens Bank from its organization, his business tact and good judgment doing much toward giving it its present good reputation. These qualities have also done much toward reraoving the debt and placing on a good financial basis the Young Men's Chris tian Association, of which for several years he has been a director. ' In fearly life he connected hiraself with the Methodist Epis copal church, of which he has always been a generous supporter, and to it he has given his best service as one of its stewards, and also for many years as its successful Sunday- school superintendent. He is possessed in an eminent degree of the quality rudely termed "push," giving an enthusiasm to what ever he undertakes, which insures success. He is a sunny man with a cheerful word for all, and ever ready to dispense sub stantial aid as well as wise counsel when ever and wherever needed. BAILEY, HORACE Ward, of New bury, son of WilUam and Abigail (Eaton) Bailey, was born in Newbury, Jan. 16, 1852. His father's family was of EngUsh descent, coming to Newbury in 1780. His mother carae of Scotch parentage and was the daugh ter of the late Jesse Eaton of Wentworth, N. H. Educated in the common schools of his town and at Newbury Seminary, Mr. Bailey first entered the employment of John Lind- sey at the Fabyan House in the White Mountains, at Old Orchard Beach and in Eastman. In 1882 he opened a grocery store in Newbury Village, where he built up a large and profitable business, but finally sold out in 1890. Since retiring from the mercantile profession he has been chiefly en gaged in the settleraent of estates in North ern Vermont and New Hampshire. In 1886 he was elected town clerk, which office he still holds. He was superintendent of schools in i885-'86-'87 ; for two years chairman of BAILEY. board of listers ; member of county board of education in 1889, and chairman of board of school directors in 1893 ; also several years a trustee of the Bradford Savings Bank. His political creed is Republican and in reUgion he is a liberal. Mr. Bailey is a man of strong literary tastes, possessing an excel- »r HORACE WARD BAILEY. lent miscellaneous Ubrary, selected with great care and which is not surpassed in his sec tion of the state. A raan of most benevolent impulses, he is always a staunch supporter of aU good works and charitable enterprises in his neighbor hood. BAILEY, JOHN, of Wells River, born at Newbury, Jan. 30, 1822, was the son of John and Martha, granddaughter of Rev. Peter Powers, the first settled rainister in New bury. The latter lived with John until he died in his eighty-ninth year. Gen. Jacob Bailey, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was an ofificer in the old French and Indian war and was captured at Fort WiUiam Henry, where his courage and promptness of action alone saved hira from destruction in the treacherous and bloody massacre which followed the surren der of this important post. He hved to be come prominent among the Green Mountain boys, who took such an active part in the dispute concerning the New Hampshire grants, and was a member of the Council of Safety. Col. Joshua Bailey, son of Gen. Jacob Bailey, was a daring scout in the Rev olutionary war, while his son, John Bailey, Sr., was a hardy pioneer and farmer. Descended from such stock, John early showed his lineage, and from earliest youth lent a helping hand upon the farm, on which he resided for nearly fifty years. Though his educational advantages were Umited, being restricted mostly to the district school, he has borne a very prominent part in the pubUc affairs of the town and state. Though he has filled many important town ofifices, he is perhaps best known as sheriff and dep uty sheriff of Orange county, and is consid ered as one of the best executive officers that has ever served the county and the state. Araong his best known exploits the pursmt and capture of the notorious Barre bank rob bers raay be regarded as singularly proving his shrewdness, inteUigence and daring, show ing that he fully inherited the courage of his ancestors. Mr. Bailey was appointed post master in 1889 and stiU holds that position. He was representative in i869-'7o, '84, and elected senator in 1886. He married, Oct. 21, 1847, Isabel, daugh-: , ter of George and Margaret (Gardner) Nel son. They have six children : Ellen M.(Mrs. Newton N. Field), Albert H., Margaret J. (Mrs. Eugene D. Carpenter), Lizzie (Mrs. Oscar Warden of Mclndoes Falls), Nelson H., and Clara (Mrs. Simeon Clark). BAILEY, MYRON W., of St. Albans, son of Richard and Sally (Barrows) Bailey, was born at Waterville, Feb. 9, 1837. Commencing his education at the common schools, and at the Bakersfield Academy he afterwards attended the People's Academy at Morrisville, where he prepared for college, but ill health obUged him to resign his hope of a Uberal education. In the spring of 1857 he coramenced the study of law in the ofifice of Hon. Homer E. Royce, and continued the same under ^^'aldo Brigham until the summer of 1858, when he entered the law department of the University of Albany, where he graduated in May, 1859, and was admitted as an attorney and counselor at law in the supreme court at Albany, N. Y., and at the April term was admitted to the bar of Frank lin county. He then commenced the prac tice of his profession at Bridport and con tinued until June, 1861. When the war began he determined to serve his country, and enlisted in Co. H, 3d Regt. Vt. Vols., and was mustered into service July 16, 1861, and soon after went to the front with his regiment, which was stationed near the Chain Bridge. He was present at the battle of Lewinsville, Va., Sept. II, 1861, but in the last of the month while on picket duty he was severely wounded in the lower part of the back, the result of BAILEY, 13 which was a paralysis of the lower limbs, and he was discharged Feb. 5, 1862. He has held many town offices and has been judge of probate for FrankUn county and district from Dec. i, 1867, up to the present time, and was railroad commissioner from 1872 to 1878. MYRON W. BAILEY. He is a member of the Masonic order, and is a past ofificer of Missisquoi Lodge, No. 9. Judge Bailey married Mary L., daughter of Sherman \V. and Catharine Sears. Their children are : Carrie M. (wife of E. W. Thompson), and Katharine S. (wife of Eben E. McLeod). BAKER, Austin S., of Danby, son of Stephen and Susanna (Matthewson) Baker, was born in Mount Holly, March 16, 1824. Receiving a thorough and practical educa tion in the pubUc and private schools of Danby, he entered the battle of life fully equipped for an energetic struggle. Pos sessing a strong and weU developed phys ique and highly trained reasoning powers, he adopted the profession of teaching for some years. Settling on the homestead in Danby he has devoted himself to farming for twenty- eight years, giving much attention to dairy ing and horse breeding. As an ardent RepubUcan, Mr. Baker has been honored by his fellow-townsmen with an election to nearly every office in their power to bestow. He has perforraed the duties of selectraan, superintendent of schools and justice of the peace, serving with equal credit in each capacity. He has been assist ant judge of Rutland county court for six years and has already established an enviable reputation in the ministration of this office. During the war Judge Baker was greatly in strumental in raising men. He is a member of the Masonic frater nity, taking an active share in the work of Marble Lodge, No. 76, of Danby. Judge Baker was united in wedlock Jan. 27, i."'48, to Betsy M., daughter of Rev. Orange and Maria (Jones) Green. Two children have been born to them : Helen M. (Mrs. L. P. Howe of Mount Tabor), and Charles S. Baker of Troy, N. Y. AUSTIN S. BAKER. BAKER, Joel Clarke, of Rutland, son of Edia and Seleucia A. (Davenport) Baker, was born in Danby, April 16, 1838. Mr. Baker seems to have inherited a goodly share of the sterling character and sturdy in dependence of his Scotch progenitors. Educated at the pubUc schools of Danby, Wallingford, and at Poultney Academy, in 1858 he began the study of Latin and Greek with PhiUp H. Emerson. In 1859 he com menced the study of law in the office of Spencer Green of Danby, then changed to the ofifice of David E. Nicholson of WaUingford, where he remained until 1862, when he was admitted to the bar of Rutland county court. In 1862 he enhsted as private in Co. B, 9th Regt., Vt. Vols., was mustered into the service as sergeant, and before his discharge 14 BALCH. BALDWIN. was successively promoted to the grades of ist sergeant, 2d,and ist lieutenant, and finally captain. At the surrender of Harper's Ferry he was sent as a paroled prisoner to Camp Douglas at Chicago, where he remained until his exchange, Jan. 9, 1863, afterwards serving as guard over five or six thousand rebel pris oners. He then returned to the front, par ticipating in many batties and skirmishes, and with the Array of the James, was present at the engagements of Chapin's Farm, Fair Oaks and the capture of Richmond. He was among the first to enter the city, reach ing the residence of Jeff Davis where the Confederate flag was stiU flying, which he puUed down and took away with his own hands. While he was in North Carohna, Congress organized provost courts in which Captain Baker had a good deal of practice. After his return from the army he pursued his profession in WaUingford, but in 1868 removed to Rutland, where he stiU resides. He has attained a very high reputation as a lawyer, in both civil and criminal practice, and has conducted several cases of notable importance in Rutland and Bennington counties as well as in the 4th district in New York, and also before the United States circuit and supreme courts. Mr. Baker has important real estate in terests in Rutland ; is director in the Clem ent National Bank, Howe Scale Co., the P. E. Chase Manufacturing Corporation, the Rutiand Herald and Globe Association, having been the editor of that paper from 1869 to 1873. He has discharged the duties of superin tendent of schools and grand juror in the towns of Wallingford and Rutiand, and has been register of probate and deputy county clerk. He is a RepubUcan and was elected state senator in 1886, serving on the com mittees on the judiciary, railways, and the insane. He was for two years county audi tor, and is now city attorney. Mr. Baker has also joined the ranks of Masonry, affihating with Chipman Lodge, No. 52, of which he has been junior and senior warden, and is now a member of Cen ter Lodge, No. 34. He also belongs to the Rutland Royal Arcanum, and is interested in the Y. M. C. A. of that city. He is a companion of the M. O. of L. L., and a comrade of the G. A. R. In his religious preference he is an Episcopahan. He married, Oct. 8, 1866, Ada O., daugh ter of Luther P. and Mary A. (Rounds), Howe of Mount Tabor. One daughter, Mabel, is the issue of the marriage. BALCH, William EVERARD, of Lun enburg, son of Sherman and Eliza (Glines) Balch, was born in Lunenburg, Feb. 3, 1854. After pursuing the usual educational course in the public schools and at St. WILLIAM EVERARD BALCH. Johnsbury Academy, he entered his father's carriage shop to learn that trade, and after a two years' sojourn in the West, in 1876, he returned to his native place and again entered the employ of his father. From his early boyhood, Mr. Balch had de voted all of his spare time to the study of natural history and the collection of speci mens illustrating that science. On his re turn to Vermont he learned taxidermy, and employed his leisure in forraing a coUection of the birds and mammals of the state, with such success that in eight years he had gath ered specimens of all the representative birds and mammals of Vermont. This col lection was sent to the World's Fair at New Orleans as the state collection, and about this time he was offered the position of state taxidermist, which he stiU holds. The high scientific standard of his work is amply at tested by the specimens of his skiU exhibited at the Fairbanks Museum at St. Johnsbury. Mr. Balch represented the town in the Legislature of 1892. He wedded, Sept. 27, 1876, Ella, daughter of Jordan and Lois A. Marr. They have two children : Florence May, and Walter. BALDWIN, Charles, of Dorset, son of Thoraas and Polly (Lanfear) Baldwin, was born in Dorset, Oct. 30, 1816. '(njj €. fd cLJt^j.^, i6 BALDWIN. BALDWIN. His education was obtained in the pubhc and select schools of Dorset. In 1835 he went to work for his brother and learned the trade of a cooper and after four years of this employraent he reraoved to Rutland, where he entered the employ of Gersham Cheney. He then returned to his brother, and finally purchased the business in 1841, and tiU 1891 continued to follow his vocation in that locality. Mr. Baldwin was married Feb. 4, 1848, to Susan, daughter of Rev. WiUiam and Susanna (Cram) Jackson of Dorset, who died in November, 1878. His second wife was Mary E. Willard of Castleton, whora he married June 4, 1879. She died in July, 1889. He raarried, Dec. 30, 1889, a third wife, Sarah, daughter of Charles and Adah (EeUs) Bangs of Lenox, Mass. He has been a strong Republican since the forraation of the party and has held most of the town offices, serving as county com missioner since 1862. Mr. Baldwin is a stockholder in the Factory Point National Bank and the BattenkiU Industrial Society as weU as a large owner of real estate. WiUiam J. Fuller, while living with Mr. Baldwin, enUsted in Co. G, ist Vt. Cavalry and died in AndersonviUe in August, 1864, and in honor of his memory W. J. FuUer Post, No. 52, G. A. R., in Dorset is named. In his rehgious views Mr. Baldwin is a Congregationalist and has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the Sunday- school and aU other means for the advance ment of rehgion in the church and society. BALDWIN, A. T., of Wells River, son of Erastus and Lucinda (Richardson) Bald win, was born at Topsham, Aug. 31, 1841. Erastus Baldwin, his father, located at Wells River early in the present century, settled upon a farm in that town and later engaged extensively in the trade of a har ness manufacturer, which vocation he pur sued until the time of his death, which oc curred July 16, 1889. Mr. -A. T. Baldwin received his education at the coraraon schools of the town and at St. Johnsbury Acaderay and at the age of twenty-four he forraed a partnership with his brother, Mr. E. Baldwin. The firm engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe business and for twenty years did a larger business than any other concern in the state. In 1879 Mr. A.T. Baldwin was a partner in the firm of Henry, Jay & Baldwin, which operated at Fabyan's, and continued for three years. Then, in connection with Erastus, Jr., he purchased a miU and timber lands at Groton Pond, where the brothers conducted an ex tensive and profitable lumber business till shortly before the death of Mr. A. T. Bald win. Soon after his brother's death Mr. E. Baldwin entered into copartnership with Mr. L. D. Hazen of St. Johnsbury, which continued for three years. Mr, A. T. Baldwin was one of the bright est business raen ever reared in the village of Wells River, and left one son, who died three weeks after his father, making his A. T. BALDWIN uncle sole heir to the bulk of his property, and the latter, desirous to keep the family name in honorable remembrance, has erected a structure for the village library association as a memorial, which is styled the Baldwin Library Building. Mr. Erastus Baldwin takes a lively inter est in agricultural pursuits and is perhaps best known as the proprietor of the Baldwin Valley Farm, which covers a large area and is one of the leading stock farms in New England. This he has now sold to his son, H. T. Baldwin. Mr. Erastus Baldwin is president of the Wells River Savings Bank which position itself confirms his character for unstained integrity and business sagacity. He acts with the Republican party, but, though interested and well informed in national and state afifairs, he has chosen to reraain a private citizen in spite of many urgent calls to accept important and re sponsible positions of trust. He was united in marriage Jan. 6, 1863, to Ellen, daughter of WUliam B. and Mary A. (Chamberlain) Abbott. One son has been born to them : Hammon T. BALDWIN. BALL. 17 BALDWIN, FREDERICK W., of Barton, was born at Lowell, Sept. 29, 1848, the son of Asa and RosaUnda (Shedd) Baldwin. He is of English descent, this branch of the Bald win family being derived from John Baldwin who appears in BiUerica, Mass., as early as 1655 and who came frora Hertfordshire, Eng land, about 1640. Frederick was brought up on his father's farra and enjoyed only such advantages for education as the average Vermont farmer gives his children. He attended the district school in his native town until he was seven teen years of age and afterward the Westfield grammar school, the normal school at John son and the Vermont Conference Seminary at Montpelier. FREDERICK W. BALDWIN. At the age of twenty-two he entered the law ofifice of Powers & Gleed at MorrisviUe and was admitted to the bar of Lamoille county at the December term, 1872, and soon afterward forraed a copartnership with Gen. William W. Grout which continued tiU 1875. Since then Mr. Baldwin has been in the successful practice of his profession in Barton. In politics he has always been an ardent RepubUcan. In 1872 he was elected assist ant secretary of the state Senate and secre tary of the same in i874,-'76,-'78 and state's attorney of Orleans county in 1 880. He has been successively elected the Orleans county member of the Republican state committee since 1884. His abiUty as a member of that committee has been fully demonstrated by his having been elected the secretary and treasurer of the committee in 1886 and in 1888 its chairman, which position he still holds. This year, as a recognition of his zealous work for the party he was elected a presidential elector at large for Vermont, and was the messenger to carry the vote of Ver raont to Washington. Mr. Baldwin has always been deeply interested in biography and history, especially that of Vermont, and his library of Vermont books is one of the choicest in the state. In 1886 he published the " Biography of the Bar " of Orleans county, containing a sketch of every lawyer admitted or who had practiced in that county since its organization. Mr. Baldwin has given liberally of his time and raoney for the development of business in Barton ViUage, at present being a stockholder and secretary of two corporations for that purpose, the Bar ton Manufacturing Co. and Barton Hotel Co. Mr. Baldwin belongs to the Congrega tional church and has labored earnestly in its behalf. He married Miss Susan M. Grout, Sept. 24, 1873, by whora he had one child, Edward Grout Baldwin. Mrs. Baldwin died in 1876. Mr. Baldwin was united in a second raarriage Oct. 28, 1878, to Miss Susan M. Hibbard of Brooklyn, N. Y. BALL, FRANKLIN P., of Rockingham, son of Abraham and Hannah (Edwards) Ball, was born in Athens, May 2, 1828. His education was derived from the cus tomary course at the common schools of the tiraes. His early life being spent at the horae of his parents, he reraoved at the age of twenty- three to Springfield where he resided and was engaged in manufacturing for thirty years, during this time occupying many responsible positions and representing that town in the General Asserably of i867-'68. In 1883 Mr. Ball removed his manufacturing business to Bellows Falls in the town of Rockingham, and since that time he has successfully conducted his business frora this point. Politically Mr. Ball has always affiliated with the Republican party and at its hands he has been honored with positions of trust, representing the town in the Legislature of i888-'90, serving on the committee on rail roads, and also as a senator frora Windham county in 1892. Mr. Ball offered his services to his country when the call was made, but owing to his constitution was not accepted. Mr. Ball first married Margaret Wilson in May, 1852. She died in January, 1855, with out issue. He contracted a second alliance with Elizabeth, daughter of Asa and Margaret Meacham, in July, 1857. This union has been BALLARD. BALLARD. blessed with four chUdren : Margaret E., George F., Everett M., and Winifred E. Mr. Ball's religious preference is that of the Methodist Episcopal faith, and he has FRANKLIN P. BALL. been closely connected with the societies of both Springfield and Bellows Falls, always contributing liberally to their support. BALLARD, HENRY, son of Jeff'rey B. and Amelia (Thompson) BaUard, was born in Tinmouth, AprU 20, 1839. ',, His early education was obtained in Tin mouth and at Castleton Seminary, and im mediately after his preparatory studies he entered the University of Vermont, from which he graduated with high honors in the class of 1 86 1, having been selected to de liver the master's oration at the coUege cora raencement three years later. In September, 1862, he became a student in the Albany (N. Y.) Law School and he graduated from that institution in May, 1863, and at the time of his graduation the Hon. Amos Dean, the founder and dean of the school, said of him that he was one of the best students that ever was graduated from that institution. He at that tirae gave prora ise of what he has since been noted for— a popular and successful advocate. After his graduation, in 1863, he at once entered the ofifice of Daniel Roberts, Esq., of Burlington, and there remained until he was admitted to the bar in September, 1863, when he opened an ofifice in that city, where he has resided ever since. In 1864 he was admitted to practice in the United States district and circuit courts. Mr. Ballard has obtained a well-earned distinction in the practice of his profession, and while he has the reputation of being one of the best criminal lawyers in the state, he has also been equally successful in the trial of civU cases. He is emphatically a trial lawyer and as a jury advocate he stands among the best. His practice has not been confined to his own locality but has extended into many counties in the state. Among the notable cases in which he has been engaged are the celebrated ciim. con. case of Shackett against Hammond in Addison county; the National Bank of Brandon against John A. Conant et als, a suit to recover 1125,000 lost by reason of alleged forgeries ; the Rutland Railroad Co. against ex-Governor John B. Page, noted as the longest jury trial ever had in New England, lasting nine weeks ; the cases that arose out of the Hartford bridge accident against the Central Vermont Rail road Co. ; the slander case of Lizzie J. Cur rier against J. B. Richardson in Windsor county ; State against Edwin C. Hayden for the murder of his wife at Derby Line ; and State against Smith for the murder of his wife by poison at Vergennes. He is an HENRY BALLARD. effective speaker on political subjects, and since 1868 his services on the stump have always been in demand during political cam paigns, not only in Vermont, but in New York, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He has sometimes made as raany as one BALLOU. BARNEY. 19 hundred speeches in a single campaign. He is a ready speaker upon all occasions and he has frequently appeared upon the lecture platform. Soon after the commencement of the civil war in the summer of 1861, and immediately after his graduation from college, Mr. Bal lard enlisted as a private and was mustered into service as 2d lieutenant of Co. I, 5th Vt. Vols., and served with this regiraent through the Peninsula campaign, being pres ent at the battles of Lee's Mills, Williams burg and the seven days' fight before Rich mond, but he was obliged to resign in July, 1862, on account of iU health. Mr. Ballard belongs to the Republican party, and was elected to the state Senate from Chittenden county in i878-'79, serv ing on the committees of judiciary, state prison, and federal relations. In i888-'89, he represented the city of Burlington in the lower branch of the Legislature and did effective service on the judiciary and general committees, of which last body he was the chairman. He has been city attorney of Burlington for two years. In 1884 he was a delegate to the Republican national conven tion at Chicago, where he was chairman of the important committee on credentials. There were forty-five cases of contested del egates' seats before the committee and much credit was given to him for the manner in which he acquitted hiraself in that responsi ble and difficult position. He was one of the reading clerks at the Republican national ¦convention in 1888. He is a member of the Stannard Post, G. A. R., and was a delegate from that body to the national encampment in San Francisco, in 1886, and has been judge advocate for that order in Vermont. For many years he has been a member of the Webster Histori cal Society of Boston, and of the Home Market Club of Boston, also of the American Institute of Civics, New York City. He was a charter raeraber of the Vermont Command ery of the Loyal Legion. He is a member of the Algonquin Club, Burlington, and of the Lake Champlain Yacht Club, and of the Vermont Fish and Game League. In religious belief he is an Episcopalian, and he takes an active interest in the Young Men's Christian Association. He was united in marriage, Dec. 15, 1863, to Annie J., daughter of Robert and Huldah (Bailey) Scott of Burlington, and he has four children : Kate (Mrs. James B. Hen derson of Burlington), Frank Scott, Mary E., and Maude. BALLOU, HOSEA BERTHIER, of Whit ingham, son of Hosea Faxon and Mary (Ballou) BaUou, was born Jan. 8, 1826, m Monroe, Mass. His father was a Univer salist rainister, and he is a grandson of the Rev. Hosea BaUou, father and founder of UniversaUsm in America. Mr. Ballou's education was obtained in the district schools and at the old Whiting ham Academy. Early in life he served an apprenticeship and becarae a carpenter and joiner, which occupation has eraployed hira raore or less during his life. Mr. Ballou has held every town ofifice of importance, has been town clerk continuously since 1857, and was assistant clerk for fourteen years previous to that time ; this is a record of service unsurpassed by any in the state. He was deputy sheriff for some fifteen years, and has been a justice of the peace for a long period. In 1876 he was made an assistant judge of the county court, and held that office six years. In his political views Judge Ballou is a Republican. In the time of the war he was enrolUng ofificer for his district, and was active in filling the required quotas, and urging men to enlist. He has never belonged to any secret societies, and is a Universahst in his reUgious preferences. Perhaps no man in his vicinity has oftener been called upon as an arbitrator ; and for forty-five years he has been conspicuously engaged in probate matters. Judge Ballou was raarried June 22, 1856, to Adelia A., daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Bowen) Murdock. Of this union there is one daughter : Flora A. (Mrs. F. D. Stafford of North Adams, Mass.) BARNEY, Herbert R., of Chester, son of AUen and Mary L. (WiUet) Barney, was born in Shrewsbury, August 27, 1856. He received his early education in the public and private schools of Shrewsbury. Leaving home at the age of fifteen he went to Plattsburg, N. Y., remaining there one year as clerk and telegraph operator. Re turning to Shrewsbury at the age of nine teen, he assumed the responsible position of train dispatcher, the duties of which he dis charged for two years. In 1877 he settled at Chester, and has acted in the capacity of station agent there tUl the present time. He was elected as a Republican to the Legislature of 1888, and was an efificient member of the coramittee on corporations. He has been a prominent member of the Masonic order, holding several eminent po sitions, as well as Past Grand of Chelsea Lodge, No. 39, of L O. O. F. He married, June 7,1880, Emma F., daugh ter of Alden and Mary (Stuart) Howe of Lud low. They have one chUd : Florence M. BARRETT, BYRON SiMEON, of Bur lington, son of Solomon and Apphia (Mil- BARRETT. BARSTOW. ler) Barrett, was born in Madrid, N. Y., Dec. II, 1831. His father, Solomon Barrett, was well known as the author of a series of gram- raars of the English, Latin, Greek, Gerraan and French languages, and the subject of this sketch was also the author of a work on English graramar, having been educated at the Utica (N. Y.) Acaderay and the Roches ter CoUegiate Institute. He married, June 6, 1855, Ellen P., daugh ter of Jacob and Rispah (Burlingame) Jones of Madrid, N. Y. Four chUdren have been born to thera, aU now living : WUliara Wal lace, Nellie (Mrs. E C. Browne), John Fran cis, and Franklin Clark. BYRON SIMEON BARRETT. Frora i860 to 1869 Mr. Barrett was asso ciated in business with the firra of John F. Henry & Co., druggists, and had the raan ageraent of the Montreal branch of their business. He then removed to New York where he was associated with Mr. Henry in the New York house. He then engaged in printing and literary work and contributed for several years to Puck and other metro politan journals. He visited Europe and spent two years in traveling through the states and territo ries west of the Missouri ,and from the mate rial gathered during the course of his trav els there he has prepared a lecture entitled "Out West," which he is now delivering. In 1889 he located at Burlington and es tablished the newspaper The Earth, and in 1893 his firm, Barrett & Johnsons, bought the Verraont Farraers' Advocate and since then he has had editorial charge of both papers. Mr. Barrett has never been an office- seeker, but did sorae campaign work for Abraham Lincoln in 1859, and during his residence of nearly twenty years in Brook lyn, N. Y., he was active in Republican pol itics and was for several years connected with the Sons of Temperance and Good Templars, and was at one time an ofificer in the Grand Lodge of the S. of T. in the Province of Quebec. He is also an ama teur musician of some note, having com posed over sixty vocal and instrumental pieces that have been published by Ditson and other pubhshers. Mr. Barrett is not a native Vermonter, but has cast his lines with us and takes a deep interest in the welfare of the people of this state, whose interests he conserves in both his papers with all the ability he can command. BARSTOW, JOHN L., of Shelburne, son of Heman and Lorain (Lyon) Barstow, was born in Shelburne, Feb. 21, 1832. His' parents were of English descent, and several of his ancestors served in the colonial and Revolutionary wars. He received his education in the schools of his native town, and began to teach in the district school at the age of fifteen. He went West at an early age and was engaged in active business in Detroit, but in 1857 returned to Shelburne and began farming, assuming the charge of his aged parents. In the faU of 1861, while serving as assistant clerk in the House of Representatives at MontpeUer, he was appointed on the non commissioned staff of the 8th Regt. Vt. Vols., and was afterwards successively promoted to the rank of adjutant, captain, and major, and was honorably discharged at the expira tion of his term of service June 22, 1864. He entered the service with robust health and vigorous constitution, but nearly three years of arduous service in the swamps and 1 miasraatic climate of Louisiana shattered both, and for many years malarial diseases deterred him frora entering upon any active business pursuit. When he was made major, the rank and file of his old company pre sented hira with a beautiful sword, and when he left the regiraent, the raen who were mus tered out with hira presented him with another still more elegant. These two memorial gifts are justly preserved with great pride as evincing the regard of the enUsted raen after they had served with him in the field. The historian of his regiment says : "When, after the bloody fight of June 14, 1863, in BARSTOW. BARRON, front of Port Hudson, General Banks caUed for volunteers to head a storming column for a final attack. Captain Barstow was one of the brave raen who stepped forward to form the forlorn hope." He was acting adjutant general under Generals Thomas and Weitzel ; participated in aU the engage ments in which his regiment took part ; was compUmented for eminent service in the field, for gallantry in the assault on Port Hudson, and honorably raentioned for his personal services. He had hardly reached horae after leaving the array before he was caUed into state service by the offer of a responsible position in the recruiting service by Adjutant General Washburn, which office he was obliged to decline on account of shattered health. In September, 1864, he was elected a member of the Legislature, and it was during this session that the St. Albans raid occurred. At the request of General Washburn, Major Barstow immedi ately repaired to the scene of action and was sent into Canada on a special mission, sub sequently was made commander of one of the brigades of militia raised by the state in consequence of that daring raid. He was placed in command of the forces on the northwestern frontier of the state, and re mained on duty until reUeved by General Stannard in January, 1865. In September of that sarae year he was again elected to the Legislature by the unaniraous vote of his town, and in the years 1866 and 1867 he was elected senator frora Chittenden county. In 1870 he was appointed by President Grant to the ofifice of U. S. pension agent at Burlington which he held for nearly eight years. He at once set about reforras that were of great benefit to the needy pensioner, and so discharged the duties of the ofifice as to call frora Hon. Carl Schurz, then secre tary of the interior, an autograph letter of thanks. In 1879 Governor Proctor appointed him state commissioner for the centennial celebration of the surrender of CornwaUis at Yorktown, and he rendered effective service in securing government aid for the under taking, and for the monument, and in the arrangements for the celebration. In 1880 he was elected Lieutenant-Gov ernor for the biennial term, and in 1882 was elected Governor, the nominations to each ofifice having been made by the unanimous vote of the respective conventions. He was the first Governor of Vermont to caU the attention of the la-yv-making power to the aUeged discriminating and excessive rates of freight by transportation companies, and urged the creation of an effective railroad commission. Colonel Carpenter, in his history of the Sth regiment, says : "The Ely riots occurred during Governor Barstow's term of ofifice. and his course in requiring that justice should precede force, and that the riotous miners be paid their honest dues, attracted much fa:vorable comment throughout the country." The resolution of the Legislature of 1884,. requesting the Vermont delegation in Con gress to use their best efforts to secure the passage of the interstate coraraerce law, was passed in pursuance of Governor Barstow's recommendation. At the close of his ad ministration the Rutland Herald gave utter ance to the general opinion of his constit uents when it declared that "he had been as careful, independent, able and efificient a ruler as Vermont had enjoyed for twenty years." The above sketch might be largely ex tended, as he has held many other appoint ments of trust and honor, such as president of the Ofihcers' Reunion Society ; trustee of the University of Vermont and State Agri cultural College ; trustee of the Burlington Savings Bank ; commissioner to fix and pur chase a site for the Bennington battle monu raent, etc., etc. In 1891 he was appointed by President Harrison to serve on a com raission with Gen. A. McD. McCook, U. S. A., to treat with the Navajoe Indians, and the work was brought to a successful and sat isfactory conclusion. He was also disbursing ofificer of the coraraission, and to the aston ishment of the treasury ofificers, returned ' nearly one-half of the appropriation for expenses. In 1893 at the request of Gov ernor Fuller he has acted with the executive coraraittee of the national anti-trust society. In regard to these elective ofifices it can be stated, as was said by Ashael Peck when he was elected Governor, "Neither soUcitation nor hint of ambition for this dignity ever emanated frora him." Governor Barstow never directly nor indirectly solicited the vote or influence of any man for any elective office. He is, in religious preference, an Episco palian, and has been a Mason since 1853 ; he is also a member of the Grand Army and Loyal Legion. He was married Oct. 28, 1858, to Laura Maeck, granddaughter of Dr. Frederick Maeck, the first physician settled in Shel burne. Mrs. Barstow died March 11, 1885, leaving two sons : Frederick M., born March 3, i860, who was graduated from the Uni versity of Vermont in 1880, and is now a civil engineer ; and Charles L., born May 23, 1867, who was graduated from Union Col lege in 1889, and is now in New York City. BARRON, Lyman P., of Washington, was born in Washington, Nov. 27, 1820. His grandfather, Isaac Barron of Brook field, Mass., held the coraraission of heuten- ant in the Revolutionary array signed by Joha BATES. BAXTER. 23 Hancock, president of the Continental Con gress, was captured by the British and held a prisoner in an E nglish raan-o'-war for several years. His family supposed him dead. Recaptured after a daring attempt to escape, during which he suffered incredi ble peril and hardship, he was at length exchanged, and, with a bullet in his thigh, the unfortunate result of his effort to free hiraself from prison, he was restored to his family and was soon afterward drowned in the Con necticut river. His son Eleziah, when a boy of ten, in the company of Thaddeus White, went from Hanover to Washington, then a wilderness, over a route marked by blazed trees a distance of forty miles, whence the boy returned alone. Soon the family re moved to Washington. In due tirae Eleziah raarried and the subject of this sketch was the youngest of ten children. His mother's maiden name was Albea Dickenson. Mr. Lyman Barron has lived upon his farm for fifty-two years, an active and influ ential man in business and public affairs, represented Washington for six years in the Legislature, has served as sheriff or deputy sheriff a nearly continuous term since 1850, a position for which he is well adapted from his shrewd perception and fearless action. He married, March 22, 1852, EmUy A., daughter of Henry and Betsey (Little) God frey. They have one daughter : Ada Louise (Barron) DwineU of Taunton, Mass. BATES, Edward L., of Bennington, son of WUliam and Melissa (Scribner) Bates, was born in Bennington, June 24, 1869. He received his education in the graded schools of Bennington, supplemented by a course of instruction at the KirabaU Union Acaderay, Meriden, N. H. Choosing the , legal profession as a business of life, in 1875 he entered the office of Gardner & Harman, of Bennington, where he reraained untU 1882, when he formed a partnership with James K. Batchelder, Esq., which continues to the present time. Mr. Bates was admitted to practice at the bar of the Bennington county court June 12, 1882, and more recently to that of the United States district and circuit courts. He has also been appointed United States commissioner for Vermont. Though a general practitioner he gives especial attention to criminal and office practice. Outside of his profession he deals largely in real estate in Bennington, Peters burg and Cambridge, N. Y. He is a firm adherent of the Repubhcan party, and through their votes has been ap pointed to raany positions of trust and honor. For several years he discharged the duties of auditor and village clerk in Bennington, was state's attorney, and was commissioned by Governors Page and Fuller as special prosecutor of crirainal offences. He has acted as corporation counsel for the village of Bennington, and was secretary of the citizens' coraraittee of fifty at the dedication of the Bennington battle monuraent. In 1892 he was raade a raeraber of the staff of Governor Fuller, with the rank of colonel. He is very active in town and political affairs and is an eloquent and powerful orator in political carapaigns. Colonel Bates was united in wedlock in May, 1882, to Jennie M., daughter of Buel and Mary (Earaes) Rockwood, who died in 1884. He contracted a second alliance May 17, 1887, with Estella, daughter of Perry W. and Lucy (Green) Elbred, of Hoosick, N. Y. Of this latter marriage there are issue Beulah Bell and William Leroy Bates. Colonel Bates is a meraber of the Baptist church and of the Masonic order, having held several ofifices in the local lodge as weU as that of Grand Orator of the Lodge of Per fection. He belongs to the Bennington CouncU and the Oriental Temple of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and he has also affili ated with Tucker Lodge, I. O. O. F. BAXTER, Edward K., of Sharon, was born in Barton, Feb. 3, 1840, the youngest EDWARD K. BAXTER. in a family of seven chUdren of Harry and Deborah (Steele) Baxter. After the death of his father he removed to Sharon and hved with an uncle, and this town has since been his home. 24 BEAN. BECKETT. His education was received at the com mon schools and KirabaU Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. He studied medicine with Drs. Dixi and A. B. Crosby of Hanover, N. H., attended three courses of lectures at Dartmouth Medical CoUege, and one course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and graduated at Dartraouth Med ical CoUege in 1864. Has been assistant physician at the Hartford, Conn., Insane Retreat, and at Sanford Hall, a private asylura at Flushing, L. I., and is a raeraber of the State Medical Society and of the Araerican Medical Association. Dr. Baxter is a RepubUcan, and has always been active and prominent in the pohtics of the town, having for several years served as chairman of the town committee, superin tendent of schools and represented the town in the General Asserably of 1886. Not being dependent on the practice of his profession he has had time and oppor tunity to indulge a natural fondness for agri cultural pursuits and the study of the natural scierices, especially botany, mineralogy, orni thology and microscopy. He was one of the principal organizers and promoters of the Sharon Co-operative Cream ery Association, and has served as its presi dent and treasurer. Owing to impaired health and the pressure of business cares. Dr. Baxter has recently withdrawn from the practice of his profes sion, and wiU henceforth devote himself to the care of his own business and the execu tion of certain large and important trusts now devolving upon him. Religiously Dr. Baxter is a Congregation alist, and for many years has been clerk and treasurer of the church and society in Sharon, and its most liberal friend and sup porter. Humane, phUanthropic and educa tional work have claimed his interest and support to a considerable degree, as a recent gift of five thousand dollars to Kimball Union Academy in her hour of need can testify. . Dr. Baxter was raarried, Sept. 5, 1880, to Sarah S., daughter of Col. Gardner and Susan (Steele; Burbank. BEAN, Cromwell Phelps, of West Glover, was born in the town of Glover, AprU 4, 1846, was the son of Amos Phelps and Phila E. (SartweU) Bean. Since his education at the public schools and Orleans Liberal Institute he has devoted himself to the cultivation of the old horae- stead. He has also extensively dealt in farra products and is an extensive breeder of Morgan and George Wilkes horses. A strong Deraocrat in politics he has held about every town office that could be con ferred upon him, and in 1882, by the help of the Republicans, was elected to the Leg islature, being the first Democrat who had been sent there since his father in 1859. He is a member of Orleans Lodge, F. & A. M., and his religious preferences are those of UniversaUsm. CROMWELL PHELPS BEAN. He married, Dec. 22, 1867, Alpa M., daughter of Ira and Lavina (Camp) Emery of Burke, by whora he has had two chil dren : Carl W., and Ida L. BECKETT, George, of WUUamstojii'nsJ^'i son of William S. and Polly (Pool) Beckett, was born in WiUiamstown, May 14, 1833. _ The father was a prorainent and highly re spected citizen of that town, fiUing several ofifices of trust and usefulness : thirty years justice of the peace, town clerk thirty-five years, and captain of the local miUtia com pany, besides being four tiraes representative frora the town. The son received a common school education only, which he has supple- raented by extensive reading and intelligent self-culture. He has been successful in bus iness, amassing a modest competence, a part of which he has invested in real estate in his native town. He has been influential in found ing several stock companies, especially the Williamstown Granite Co., giving a great im petus to the business of that place. As librarian he has been an untiring worker for the ^^TUiamstown Social Library, which was started in 1801 with only thirty-five volumes. Mr. Beckett is a Democrat, is town clerk and treasurer, having held these positions for BEDELL. more than ten years. He was an incorpora tor of the Barre Savings Bank & Trust Co., and now holds the position of treasurer, and is a deacon in the Congregational church. He married, June 21, 1855, Belle R., daugh ter of Calvin and Dolly (Delano) Flint. They have one son, Charles Henry, who graduated with distinguished honors at Dartmouth and afterwards at Columbia Law School. He is the author of "Who Is John Noman?" and is ' now a meraber of the eminent law firm of Booraem, Hamilton, Beckett & Ransom, of New York City. BEDELL, Henry Edson, of Newport, son of James G. and Amanda (Smith) Bedell, was born in Troy, July 26, 1836. He was educated in the district schools of Westfield and before the war was a farraer, while his present occupation is that of an BENEDICT. 25 HENRY EDSON BEDELL. auctioneer. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Co. D, 1 Ith Regt. In this organization he was successively proraoted from private through the grades of corporal and ser geant to that of 2d lieutenant. The regi raent was first stationed in the defenses of Washington, but was afterwards engaged in the battles of Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and on the Welden R. R. ; returned to Washington, and driving back the rebels at BerryvUle, then up the Shenandoah Val ley, again returned to Washington and was afterwards detached to Harper's Ferry and after many forced marches' and skirmishes around that place finally met the enemy at Opequan, where Lieutenant Bedell, acting as captain of the second company, was struck by a shell which carried off his left leg and injured hira severely in the right hand. He was conveyed to the temporary hospital on the field and suffered the arapu- tation of his leg. A few days later the sick and wounded were ordered to be transferred to Harper's Ferry As Lieutenant Bedell was so rauch exhausted it was impossible to raove him and he was left in the hands of the rebels, and would have perished had it not been for the kindness of a rebel lady in the neighborhood of the battlefield, who removed him to her own house and though her means could but barely furnish the necessities of life she nursed him with such care and attention that he was finally able to be transported within the Union lines. Lieutenant Bedell married, March 3, 1856, Emeline, daughter of Aaron and Lucinda (Hitchcock) Burba of Westfield. Six chih dren have been born to thera : De Etta J. (died March 9, 1879), Lucena A. (Mrs. Nol- ton McClaflin of Montgoraery), Alden N. (died Nov. 3, 1892), Herman A., Betty Nanny, and James A. Mr. Bedell is a Republican and whUe in Westfield acted as the constable of the town. After the close of the war he was for twenty years an employe of the United States as custom house ofificer. For five years of this period he was stationed at Richford and Berkshire and for fifteen years discharged the duties of inspector and deputy collector at Newport. He is a Methodist in his religious creed ; was one of the charter members and found ers of Baxter Post, No. 5 1, G. A. R., and has been its junior commander. BENEDICT, George Granville, son of George Wyllys and Eliza (Dewey) Bene dict, was born in Burlington, Dec. 26, 1826. Mr. G. G. Benedict prepared for matricu lation at college in the academy at Burling ton, entered the University of Vermont and graduated with honors in 1847, receiving the degree of Master of Arts in 1850. In 1865 he was elected meraber of the corpo ration of the university and was also ap pointed its secretary. Subsequent to his graduation Mr. Bene dict taught in the city of New York for about twelve months, and for the three foUowing years was employed in building the lines of the Vermont & Boston Telegraph Co. In 1853 he acquired a proprietary interest in the daily and weekly Burlington Free Press, became associate editor, and is now editor- in-chief of the same paper. He was also postmaster of Burlington and president of the Vermont & Boston Telegraph Co. from i860 to 1864. 26 BENNETT. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Co. C, 1 2th Regiment, Verraont Volunteer MUitia. In January, 1863, he was promoted to a lieutenant, and later was appointed aid- de-carap on the staff of Gen. George J. Stan nard, comraanding the 2d brigade of Vt Vols. At the expiration of Lieutenant Ben edict's term of service he was honorably dis charged on the 14th of July, 1863. In 1865 he held the office of assistant inspector gen eral with the rank of major. In 1866 he was appointed aid-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Paul Dillingham, with the rank of colonel. In 1869 he was elected to the state Senate frora Chittenden county, and served in the committees on education and military affairs. Re-elected to the same body in the foUowing year, he served therein as chairman of the coramittee on education and in the committee on military afifairs. In civil life Colonel Benedict also served as director of the old Farmers' and Me chanics' Bank. Very appropriately, too, in view of his antecedents, he has been cor responding secretary of the Verraont His torical Society for a long series of years. In 1879 Colonel Benedict was appointed by Governor Proctor state raUitary historian to prepare a history of the part taken by Ver mont in the war for the Union, which work he did with painstaking care and great liter ary ability. He was married on the 27th of October, 1853, to Mary Anne, daughter of Edward and AbigaU Frances (Warner) Kellogg of Canaan, N. Y. One daughter was the issue of this union. Mrs. Benedict died on the 9th of November, 1857. Mr. Benedict mar ried as his second wife on the 2 2d of Decem ber, 1864, Catherine Almira, daughter of the Rev. Alvin Pease, D. D., and Martha (Howes)Peaseof Rochester, N.Y. A daugh ter, who died in infancy, and one son were the fruits of his second marriage. BENTON, JOSIAH H., of Maidstone son of Samuel S. Benton, was born in Waterford, Aug. 8, 1816. He received his education in the coraraon schools of Waterford and St. Johnsbury and at Lyndon Acaderay, concluding his studies at Burr Seminary, Manchester. He left his paternal home at the age of seventeen to pursue his education, relying on his ovvn unaided efforts to effect this praiseworthy endeavor. After teaching several successive terms at Belchertown, Mass., and Montpelier, and in the raeanwhile pursuing his theolog ical studies, he was ordained as minister of the Congregational church and settled in West Addison, but soon went to Northfield, and afterwards to Michigan as a conventional delegate and settied at Clinton, Mich. Then he received a call to Port Huron, but in a year returned to Clinton. Malaria compelled hira to return East. He now resides upon his farm of eight hundred and fifty acres on the Connecticut river. An outspoken advocate of the Republican party, Mr. Benton has filled several impor tant town ofifices and was a meraber of the constitutional convention in 1870. He married at Putney, August 12, 1841, Martha E., daughter of David and Hulda Danforth. From this raarriage there were four children : Josiah H., Jr., Martha E., Mary, and Robert. At Newbury, Oct. 9, 1856, he raarried for his second wife Harriet B., daughter of Nathaniel and Silence NUes. From this union there were eight children : Samuel S., Harriet Maria, Ben Butler, Joseph, Caroline E., Hugh Henry, John Edwin, and Mary Edith. BENNETT, EDWARD DEWEY, of Ben nington, son of Daniel J. and Martha (Dewey) Bennett, was born in Middlebury, Dec 6, 1843. Descended from Daniel Ben nett, a soldier of the war of 18 12. His early education was derived from an attendance in the schools of Middlebury, where befitted for college, and taught school EDWARD DEWEY BENNETT. in Upton and Middlebury. In 1863 he was employed as foreman of a construction gang by the Western Union Telegraph Co. Gain ing a knowledge of the art from this expe rience, he reraoved to Lansingburg, N. Y., where he was placed in charge of the office, and was also employed by the Bennington BILLINGS. & Rutland R. R. in a similar capacity at the former city. Here he remained until 1885, when he was made superintendent of that raUway, a position which he still retains. In addition he has acted in the capacity of train dispatcher and auditor of passenger and freight accounts of the Harlem exten sion and superintendent of the Lebanon Springs and Bennington & Glastonbury R. R. Mr. Bennett is affiliated with the Repub lican party, but his business has left hira no tirae to hold or seek office ; nevertheless he is now serving his third terra as member of the Bennington graded school board, and in 1892 was made president of that body. He has joined the Bennington Historical Society, and was one of the committee of .fifty who served at the dedication of the Bennington monument. In 1888 he re ceived an appointment on the staff of Gov ernor DUlingham, with the rank of colonel. Colonel Bennett was wedded Sept. 15, 1870, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sophronia (Hurd) Cushman. Their union has been blessed with three chUdren: Edward Cushman, Charles Henry, and Bessie Dewey Bennett. Colonel Bennett is a Congregationalist in his religious belief, and has occupied the positions of deacon and superintendent of the Sabbath school. He is much interested in the Y. M. C. A., and has been a member for three years of their state executive board as weU as charter member of the local or ganization. He is allied to the Masonic fra ternity, and has presided in the East in Mt. Anthony Lodge, No. 13. BILLINGS, FREDERICK, son of Oel and Sophia ( Wetherbe) BUlings, was born in Roy alton, Sept. 27, 1823. He received his preparatory education at Kirabail Union Academy and graduated at the University of Vermont in 1844. He then studied law in the office of Oliver P. Chandler of Woodstock and was admitted to the bar in 1848. In the spring of 1849 ^r. Billings began the practice of law in San Francisco, Cal., and for thirteen years con tinued it as a raeraber of the firra of Halleck, Peachy & BiUings. Three years later he made a trip to Oregon and Washington to restore his health, after which he returned to the East and settled in Woodstock, pur chasing, about 1870, the property known as the Marsh estate. There he made the most beautiful home in Vermont. Mr. BUlings not only took first rank as a lawyer but was equally prominent among the men of great business abUity who spanned the continent with railways. His energies were specially devoted to the Northern Pa cific R. R. in which he was long a director, BILLINGS. 27 for many years the manager of its land de partraent and for two years Us president. He did signal service in saving California to the Union during the rebellion, and when President Lincoln was considering the recon struction of his cabinet for his second terra he assured the California delegation of his intention to appoint Mr. BUlings a member to represent that state. After the death of Mr. Lincoln the Legislature of California passed a resolution requesting his successor to give Mr. BiUings a cabinet position as the representative ofthe Pacific coast. FREDERICK BILLINGS. He was married in New York, March 31, 1862, to Julia Parraly, daughter of Dr. Elea zer and Annie M. (Sraith) Parraly. Their children were seven: Parraly (died, 1888), Laura, Frederick, Mary Montagu, Elizabeth, Ehrick(died, 1889), and Richard. Mr. BUlings died in Woodstock, Sept. 30, 1890. His was a manhood not absorbed in great professional and business successes ; it went out to his fellow-men in benefactions large and innumerable. Rev. L. G. Ware, himself since deceased, wrote of hira in November, 1890, the follow ing words of one Christian gentleman of an other : "The trustees of the Vermont State Library desire to place on their record, and to express in their report to the General Assembly, their regret in the lamented death of their feUow-trustee, the Hon. Frederick BISBEE. BINGHAM. Billings. Occurring within the first of his membership of the board, it leaves them to miss the friendly presence and genial com panionship which they proraised theraselves, and deprived of the syrapathy and aid they were looking forward to from the wise inter est he was known to have in library affairs ; an interest in the collection of valuable books and their proper bestowal, which he specially raanifested in the gift he made to the University of the State of the scholarly library of the late Hon. George P. Marsh, and in the erection of the beautiful library building which bears his narae and has be corae his fit and noble monuraent. But regret in Mr. Billings' decease, the trustees are well aware, is to be had on larger grounds than those personal to themselves in the in timacy and conduct of their board. They have to lament in his departure the loss of a true lover of Vermont, who had a quick eye for the- beauty of its hills and a heart quick for the tradition of patriotisra and integrity among its people. He was the large-rainded citizen, to whom aU the interests of his native state were dear, but dearest its highest con cerns of education and all intellectual advan tage of raoral worth and religious conviction." BISBEE, EDWARD W., of Barre, son of Elijah W. and Lydia (Brown) Bisbee, was born in Waitsfield, Feb. 27, 1856. EDWARD W. BISBEE. He received his early education in the public schools of his native town and later at Barre Academy, from which he was grad uated in 1875. He studied law in Mont pelier and was admitted to practice at the Washington county bar at the September term of court, 1879. He located at Barrey in the foUowing November and has since practiced his profession there Mr. Bisbee has been an enterprising and successful young man, a public-spirited; citi zen, and has assisted in supplying the needs of the town, being popular with all classes of the community as a gentleman of good judgment and sterling integrity. In i886fe was one of the incorporators and organizers of the Barre Water Co., which furnishes>it!he village and its inhabitants with an abundant supply of water for public and domestic uses, and since its organization he has been a director and its secretary. He is also a stockholder in the electric light companif"* which furnishes lights for the towns of Mont pelier and Barre. In 1892 he was one of the incorporators and coraraissioners to ef fect the organization of the Barre Savings Bank & Trust Co., and is one of its stock holders. He was state's attorney for Washington county four years, i886-'90. He is a Mason and an Odd Fellow. In politics he is a Re publican ; religious preference Universalist. Mr. Bisbee was married in Montpelier, Jan. 20, 1886, to Julia B., daughter of John and Maria (WUson) Snow. Bingham, William Henry Harrison, of Stowe, was the son of Elias and Martha (Robinson) Bingham. His birthplace was Fletcher, and he was born April 15, 1813. His father, Elias Bingham, in early life carae from Connecticut and settled! in Fletcher, which he represented in the Legis lature, dying in 1839. / '¦: William H. H. Bingham received his edu cation in the schools ofhis native place and at the St. Albans Academy. When- of age he began the study of law in the oflSce of O.W. Butler, Esq., of Stowe and was admit ted to the bar of \Vashington county in 1836. He first opened an ofifice in Stowe, entering at once upon an active professional practice and continued there until 1874. He Iw^ deservedly obtained a very high local repU" tation as a business lawyer and collectotj which specialty has brought him into intiij mate relations with nearly all the merchants and business raen of his vicinity. These circurastances corabined with his great:,per- sohal popularity gave him a raost extensive practice for a rural community. Relying on his good judgment and professional skill very many cases were referred to him by the county and supreme court in his capac ity of auditor, referee, commissioner and master in chancery. He has served four terms as state's attorney for LamoiUe county 3° BIXBY. BIXBY. Mr. Bingham has always been and still is identified with the national Deraocratic party. In 1853 he represented Stowe in the Legislature, the sarae year was elected county commissioner and in 1862 a member of the CouncU of Censors and was its clerk. From 1853 to 1857 he was pension agent for the eastern department of Verraont. A meraber of the last constitutional convention in 1870, he was appointed in 1878 one of the direc tors of the state's prison and house of correc tion and for fourteen years served in that capacity. On three occasions Mr. Bingham was Democratic candidate for the chief magistracy of Vermont and has received the largest number of votes ever cast for a mera ber of that party. Twice he has been selected as congressional candidate from his district. He was for many years director of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Mont pelier, and for ten years its president. He has also been a director of many banks, in surance and railroad companies and is now a director of the Central Vermont R. R., and director of the National Life Insurance Co., and Waterbury National Bank. He also organized a company, of which he be came a president, to erect a magnificent ho tel in the vUlage of Stowe near the base of Mt. Mansfield, and under his careful super vision this enterprise was successfully accom plished, as well as the buUding of a smaUer house upon the sumrait with a carriage road leading from the valley to its door, thus attracting multitudes of strangers and tour ists. He is always known as Governor Bing ham, and now that he counts more than four score years is yet young in mind and is always gladly greeted by the younger men of his profession for that, like all who know him, they respect and love him. Mr. Binghara married, July 31, 1838, Or- pha R., daughter of Riverius Carap, Esq., a prominent citizen of Stowe. She died with out issue in November, 1891, raourned by all who knew her. BIXBY, ARMENTUS BOYDEN, of Poult ney, son of WUliam Armentus and Hannah (Stoddard) Bixby, was born in Mount Holly, June 26, 1834. He is of English descent on both sides and is of the seventh generation from Joseph Bixby, who emigrated from the mother country in 1637 and settled in Massachu setts. The English branch of the Bixby family are of Danish origin. On the Stod dard side he is of the sixth generation from Anthony Stoddard who came from London to Boston in 1639. Anthony Stoddard was a descendant of Williara Stoddard, a knight who came from Normandy to England, A.D. io66,with William the Conqueror, who was his cousin. While he was still an infant his parents moved to Shellersville, O., where both of thera died, leaving him an orphan at the age of seven years. He returned to Ver raont and obtained his support by labor upon the farra during the summer, whUe de voting his winters to attendance at the district schools. At the age of nineteen he decided to educate himself as a physician. Commencing his preparatory studies at Black River Acad emy, Ludlow, and Kimball Union Academy, of Meriden, N. H., he entered Castleton Medical College from which he graduated in 1858, completing his course at the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. He began his professional labors at London derry in i860, and built up a large and ex tensive practice in that and the adjoining towns. Obeying the call of duty, he offered his services to the governraent and was made assistant surgeon of the 4th Regt. Vt. Vols., continuing in the army from Oct. 6, 1862, to Sept. 30, 1864, when he returned to his forraer labors. In 1882 he was compelled to abandon his practice on account of ill health and removed to Poultney, where he now resides. ¦ , In his religious belief Dr. Bixby is a liberal Baptist. He has always been an active worker in the church, but his labors have never been characterized by narrow secta rianism. For some years he was a licensed preacher in the Methodist church and labored as a revivalist with marked success. During the agitation of the slavery ques tion he was a strong opponent of that insti tution and has ever acted with the Republican party till 1 884, when he withdrew and became an active Prohibitionist. He was a member of their state committee for a number of years and chairraan of the state convention of 1888. He was sent as a delegate to the national convention which norainated Clin ton B. Fisk for the presidential chair. His eminent qualifications for official position were demonstrated by the fact that he was the choice of his constituents for the posi tion of state treasurer in 1888 and his popu larity was evinced by his running ahead of his ticket. He also received the nomination for the position of judge of probate for Rutland county in 1892. In the presidential campaign in 1888 he took the platform and advocated the principles of his party in nearly all parts of the state, speaking elo quently and fefifectively. Dr. Bixby was united in raarriage March 17, 1857, to Annie, daughter of Luther and Polly (Hemmenway) French of Mt. Holly, who died June 10, i860, leaving one daugh- ter, Lola Ann. He married for his second wife, Oct. 9, 1862, Elnora E., daughter of Lewis and Mary (Aiken) Howard of London- 32 BISHOP. BISSELL. derry. One daughter has blessed the union : Salome Eliza. Dr. Bixby is pre-eminently a self-made raan, who, left an orphan in early chUdhood, yet struggled successfully to educate himself and by unaided efforts attained an honored position in the community. Independent in idea and action he is respected by all who know hira for the probity of his life and character and has always proved himself a firm friend to those in adversity and a kind and considerate neighbor ; of hira it can be truly said in the words of Sir Henry Walton, " his arraor is his honest thought, and siraple truth his highest skill." BISHOP, William H., of island Pond, son of John R. and Harriet (Kemp) Bishop, was born at Margate, Kent county, Eng land, August 24, 185 I. He obtained his education in the Enghsh schools of Margate, came to this country in June, 1868, and ten years after settled at Island Pond. Soon after his arrival, he pur chased the Essex County Herald and has conducted this paper ever since. Mr. Bishop has established a lively local correspondence in every quarter of the county and made his paper in fact as well as narae the Herald of Essex County. Mr. Bishop is a Republican from convic tion and though born a foreigner is instinct ively American. He has been a delegate to state and county conventions, a member of the Republican county coraraittee for several years and has acted more than once as its chairman. He has been for ten years one of the wardens of the Protestant Episcopal church, secretary of Island Pond Lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., and he is prominent in the lodge and encampment of the I. O. O. F. He was raarried Sept. 22, 1875, 'o Clara M., daughter of James and Matilda( Hayward) Wyatt. They have had five children : Al fred Ernest, WUliara Henry, Roy A., Hubert Stanley, and Arthur William (deceased). BISSELL, Edgar N., of East Shore ham, son of Soloraon L. and Martha M. (Atwood) BisseU, was born Sept. 4, 1840, at Shorehara. He obtained his early education at horae and later on at Newton Academy. Engaged in the occupation of farming and cultivating a large portion of the land upon which his grandfather settled in 1777, Mr BisseU has been principally known as a breeder and ex porter of Merino sheep and is considered as one of the best authorities of the state in this raatter. He is a frequent and valued contributor to various agricultural journals. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1882 ; was state cattle commissioner under Governor Ormsbee ; president of the Verraont Merino Sheep Breeders' Associa tion, i88o-'8i ; also president of the Ver raont Sheep Shearers' Association from 1886 to 1 89 1 and occupied the chief executive ofifice of Addison County Agricultural Soci ety from 1886 to 1892. He is now serving on the committee of the Natural Wool Growers' Association, and for three years has been chairman of that committee. Ap pointed a raeraber of the State Board of Agriculture by Governor Dillingham he re signed the ofifice to give his attention to other matters. Mr. BisseU has received the Masonic de gree, conferred in the lodge, chapter and comraandery. He raarried, first, Sophia N., daughter of Daniel and Nancy Needhara of Whiting, on March 4, 1863, at Shoreham. From this union five chUdren were born : Henry E., Edward S., Helen N., Annie J., and Maude S. His first wife died in August, 1888. On Dec. 28, 1889, he was married to Franc F., daughter of Jerry and Susan Parker of Shore ham. Having a large acquaintance, not only in but beyond his native town, he is universally esteemed and no one is considered to have acquired a greater skill in his specialties than himself. BISSELL, William Henry Augustus, late of BurUngton, son of Dr. Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Washburn) Bissell, was born in Randolph, Nov. 10, 1814. He received his preUminary education in the Randolph public schools and academy, and was graduated frora the classical course of the U. V. M. in 1838. In the following year he was employed as a teacher in Bishop Hopkins' School for Boys, at the same time studying for the ministry. Later, in part nership with G. B. Eastman, he estabUshed a private school in Detroit. In 1838 he was a candidate for Holy Orders in the diocese of New York, in which state, for a brief space, he was instructor in the institution at Troy. In 1839 he was ordained deacon by Bishop Onderdonk of Cavalry Church, New York City. Soon after his ordination he was established as rector at West Troy, and was afterwards called to Lyons, where he remained till 1848, then changed his pas torate to Genesee, N. Y. In 1868 he was elected bishop of the diocese of Vermont, with his residence at BurUngton. Bishop BisseU was ^n Independent in his political views, always voting for the man fitted for ofifice, irrespective of party. He was much interested in missionary work, being connected with aU societies working under the authority of the Episcopal church. BIXBY. He was united in marriage August 29, 1838, to Martha, daughter of Phineas and Maria (Cotton) Moulton of West Randolph. Five children blessed this union : Martha E.(Mrs. Willard S. Pope of Detroit), Laura A. (widow of Surgeon Charies S. Gray, U. S. Navy), Mary A. (Mrs. G. Shaw of Burhng ton), John H., and WiUiam A. BIXBY, Hira L., of Chelsea, son of Icha bod and Susanna (Lewis) Bixby, was born in Chelsea, Sept. 13, 1833. Educated in the common schools and at the academy at Chelsea, he remained upon his father's farm untU he was thitty-one years of age, when after studying the art of pho tography he pursued that occupation in Burlington for eight years and then returned to his native place, occupying himself chiefly with farming and photography. In 1 88 1 he originated a plan for signaling the weather forecasts by raeans of steam whistles, which was received with favor by the weather bureau, and after the latter was transferred from the war to the agricultural departraent, it was adopted and is now in successful operation. In politics a Republican, Mr. Bixby has held raost of the town ofifices and is esteemed a prudent and pubtic-spirited citizen by his fellow-townsmen. He represented Chelsea in the Legislature of 1886, where he introduced a proposal for the first secret baUot system ever brought before that body, and though it faUed at the time its principles were to a great extent embodied in the law of 1890. BLAISDELL,EdSON G., of Bridport, son of Josiah and Cleora (MunsiU) Blaisdell, was born in Richford, Dec. 13, 1846. His grandfather was one of the original settlers of the place and his father, for several years, represented the town in the state Legislature. He received his early training in the pub lic schools of Richford and at- the high school of Fairfax. Graduating from the Comraer cial College at BurUngton in 1864, he pur sued his studies at the Dartmouth Medical School, and finally graduated, in 18 71, from the medical department of the University of Vermont, as the valedictorian of his class. Clerk at quartermaster's department at City Point during the civil war, he afterward went to Texas, but in 187 1 estabHshed him self as a physician at Bridport, where he has built up a lucrative practice. A Republican in politics he has held sev eral town ofifices, notably that of superin tendent of schools ; is a meraber of the Ad dison County Medical Society and of the Masonic order. For the past twelve years he has been the clerk of the Congregational Society of Bridport. Somewhat reserved and an opponent of aU display in his raan- BLISS. 33 ner of living he possesses the affection of all who corae into intimate relation with him. He was married in Bridport, June 1 7, 1874, to Mary E., daughter of Oliver and Sarah Eldredge. Frora this union two chU dren are living : Cleora G., and Harry E. BLISS, Joshua Isham, of Burlington, son of Moses and Sophia (Ishara) Bliss, was born in Burlington, Nov. 19, 1830 His ancestors originally carae from the county of Devonshire, in England, emi grating to Boston in 1635. Mr. Bliss, after a preparatory course in the academies at Shelburne and Burlington, entered the Uni versity of Vermont, from which he grad uated with high honors in 1852. He then took a position in a private school in North JOSHUA ISHAM BLISS. Carolina, but on account of his delicate health was obliged to resign, and in order to recuperate he spent some tirae in travel ing in Europe and the East. In 1857 he again resumed the profession of teaching in Parkersburg, Va. Soon after he was ordered deacon in the Protestant Episcopal church at Burlington, and two years later was or dained priest at Jericho. In 1863 he was caUed as assistant rector to St. Luke's parish in St. Albans, and after wards assumed the sole rectorship, till 1869, when he again visited Europe. On his re turn, after a year of missionary service, he assumed the rectorship of St. Peter's Church Bennington. In 1877 hewas complimented 34 BLACK. BOND. by an appointment to the chair of professor of rhetoric and English literature in the U. V. M., where he reraained for eight years, when he was invited to assume the charge of St. Paul's Church in Burlington, which arduous position he has ably fiUed to the present tirae. In 1885 his alraa mater con ferred upon him the degree of D. D., having previously bestowed those of A. M. and A. B. He is president of the standing com mittee of the diocese of Verraont, and has been elected several tiraes deputy frora that diocese to the general convention. He was married Sept. 10, i860, to Anne E., daughter of Carlos and Caroline (Dem ing) Baxter, of Burlington. BLACK, HENRY Fayette, of East Cov entry, son of Timothy and Almira (Baldwin) Black, was born in Coventry, June 28, 1842. Educated at the common schools and acaderay of Coventry. He has frora early age been a large and successful farmer, mak ing dairying a specialty. He has been prom inent in town affairs, and held different town offices almost continually. He was town representative in i88o-'82, serving on the committee on the Grand List, which origi nated the present systera of sworn inventories which makes personal property bear nearer its share of taxation. Has also been alraost continually acting under the authority of the probate court, in the settleraent of estates and the manageraent of trust funds. In his political preferences he has always been a Republican, and though a Baptist in his religious belief, he attends and supports the Congregational church. He married, Oct. 19, 1865, Melvina, daugh ter of Childs and Ann (Chesney) Brooks. Their chUdren are: Myra (Mrs. John H. Howard, Albion, N. Y.), Orrin H., Mabel, Carrie, Freddie, and Harry A. BOGUE, Homer A., of Bristol, son of VirgU P. and Florentine (Larkin) Bogue, was born in Enosburgh, June 4, 1861. His grandfather was the first settler of Enosburgh, and on his mother's side he traces his lineage to the Winslow faraily of the Mayflower. He attended school both in Enosburgh and Irasburg and then continued his studies at the academy at Newport. Since he carae of a family noted for its physicians, he re solved to study medicine, and at the age of fourteen coraraenced under the tuition of Dr. Templeton, of Irasburg, and later was instructed by Dr. C. B Bogue, of Chicago. He then entered the medical department of the University of Verraont and later that of the University of New York. Visiting Chicago for private instruction and hospital practice, he finally graduated at the U. V. M. in 1886. He first pursued his profession at Monkton, but soon removed to Bristol, where he has met with much success. In politics he is a Republican, is justice of the peace and health ofificer. He is a Mason, belonging to both lodge and chapter. Dr. Bogue was married in Irasburg Dec. 6, 1882, to Ida M., daughter of Abner and Clorinda (Stock) MUes. Their three children are : Ruth S., George H., and Helen M. BOND, George Herbert, of Brattie boro, son of Luke T. and Elsie (Stoddard) Bond, was born in Duinraerston, Jan. 31, 1846. Educated in the common schools, at the age of sixteen he enlisted in Co. I, i6th GEORGE HERBERT BOND. Regt. Vt. Vols. He served for a period of nine raonths when he received his discharge. Returning, he lived five years at home, after wards in Orange, Lowell and Boston. In 1864, at the tirae of the St. Albans raid, he enlisted in the National Guard as a private, and since then has passed through all grades until he has reached that of Ueutenant-colonel, which position he now holds. In January, 1870, he married Miss Addle, daughter of George and Elishaba (Maynard) Carpenter, of Orange, Mass. Two daughters have been born to them : Lizzie C, and Nel lie G., the latter Mrs. W. F. Root of Brattle boro. In 1872 he took up his residence in Brat tleboro, where for fourteen years he was in BOLTON. the employ of the Estey Organ Co., but since 1887 has- been engaged in the coal business. He is a prominent Odd FeUow and Mason, being a member of Wantastiquet Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. ; Brattleboro Lodge, No. 102, F. & A. M. ; Fort Dummer Royal Arch Chap ter, No. 12, and Beauseant Comraandery, Knights Templar, No. 71. BOLTON, PlyNN, of Peachara, son of Luther C. and JuUa (Hooker) Bolton, was born in Barnet, Sept. 16, 1824. Obtaining such educational advantages as lay in his power in the public schools of DanvUle and Newbury, in the intervals of labor upon a farra, when he had attained his raajority he went to Boston, where he found employment. Returning to DanvUle in the spring of 1859, he purchased a farra and cultivated it for five years. He then again went to Boston where he continued a year and then reraoved to Peachara, follow ing the life of a farraer tUl 1869. He then coramenced the business of a dealer in pro duce, and purchased horses for parties in Massachusetts. In 1873 he changed the scenes of his labors to Peacham Corner, where he operates a small farra, making a specialty of the products of the dairy. His religious preferences are Congrega tional, and he has always voted the Repub lican ticket. For four years he was called ¦upon to discharge the duties of trustee, lister and selectman, and has held raany minor ofifices. He was elected to the state Legislature as representative for Peachara in 1882, and served on the general and dis tributing committees. He was united in marriage April 8, 1858, to Phebe B., daughter of Moses and Phebe (Brock) Wesson, who died Sept. 13, 1862, leaving one son, George Bolton, M. D., of West Burke. Mr. Plynn Bolton contracted a second alliance May 11, 1865, with Martha J., daughter of Ira and Recta (Wheelock) McLoud. By his second wife he had issue : Helen Phebe (deceased). May Evelyn, and Recta Gertrude (deceased). BOOTH, ISAAC Phillips, of North- field, son of Isaac BiUings and Lydia Olney (Phillips) Booth, was born in Union, Conn., Sept. 10, 1843. He early evinced a love for books, and the height of his youthful ambition was to obtain an education ; but the circurastances of his •parents were such as to give him but little encouragement, yet he avaUed hiraself of his slender opportunities to the utmost, and by private reading and study, succeeded in ob taining a fair preparation for college. Feel ing himself too poor to pursue a collegiate ¦course, he concluded to settle down to a BOOTH. 35 business life, but his first venture proving unsuccessful, he resolved to return to the vocation of a teacher, sorae experience of which he had had in his earlier days. He first opened a private school in White's Cor ners, N. Y., but was soon called to take charge of a new graded and high school in that place ; and after reraaining there two years was elected principal of the Kent, O., grararaar school. Having spent his vaca tions and other leisure in reading law, in 1870 he was admitted to the Portage county bar, and shortly after entered the ofifice of M. S. Castle, of Cleveland ; but this profes sion he also found uncongenial to him, and he turned his attention to the church. Ac- ISAAC PHILLIPS BOOTH. cordingly, he entered St. Lawrence Univer sity, from which he graduated with honor in 1874, taking, both the theological and uni versity course, and immediately entered upon his pastoral duties at Huntington, I.. I., where he remained two years, and then changed the scene of his labors to Morris- vUle, and subsequently to Northfield, in which place he soon was elected to the pro fessorship of Latin and Greek in Norwich University, receiving frora this institution in due course, the degrees of A. M. and D. D. In 1885 Dr. Booth resigned his position in the university and becarae principal of the graded and high school in Northfield, where he reraained tiU his appointment to the office of county supervisor of schools. In 1880 he represented MorrisviUe, and 36 BOOTH. BOSWORTH. served as chaplain in the House of Repre sentatives, and six years after was elected a member of that body from Northfield, serv ing on the coramittee on education, and earnestly advocating the present school law. In 1 89 1 he again took charge of the graded and high school, but has now accepted a call from his old parish at MorrisvUle. Dr. Booth has always taken a deep inter est in educational matters and has discharged the duties of town superintendent in nearly every place of his residence. He was married. May i, 1866, to Julia E., daughter of Laurens Crawford, Esq., of Staf ford, Conn. Fourteen children have been born to them : Lydia J. (deceased). Earnest V. (deceased), Laurens C. (deceased), Al fred F., Clarence H., Louis P., Edwin, Frank L., Maud G., Annie M. (deceased), Ralph A., Mabel E., Julia B (deceased), and PaulC. Mr. Booth is past master of the local Ma sonic lodge, a meraber of the I. O. O. F,, and chief templar of the lodge of that order in that town, and a trustee of Norwich University. BOOTH, WILLIAM W., of Waltham, son of Ezra and Sophia (Vv'halley) Booth, was born in Ferrisburg, May 26, 1841. Educated at the district school and at Vergennes Academy, at the wish of his par ents he remained with them on the old homestead tUl he became of age. In 1875 he sold his estate in F'errisburg and reraoved to Waltham. He- represented that town in the Legislature of 1880, and has served as selectman, as well as in other town offices. He was married March 26, 1872, to Thirza, daughter of Aaron and Lottie Field, of Fer risburg. They have two chUdren : Agnes F., born June 26, 1874, and Arthur E., born AprU 28, 1878. BOSWORTH, David, of Bristol, son of Hezekiah and Myra (MUler) Bosworth, was born in Hampton, N. Y., June 9, 1814. His ancestors were among the earliest set tlers of Boston. Comraencing his education at the cora raon schools of Hampton, he entered the Castleton Academy and afterwards the Troy Conference Acaderay. Leaving school at the age of eighteen he returned to assist his father in the raanageraent of his farm, and while here taught school for several seasons. Buying an estate adjoining that of his father he carried on both for about fifteen years. During this time he first felt the inclination to preach, and this he did with much success at the Advent church in Hampton. Subse quently he reraoved to Bristol where he labored for five years. The next four years he was in Waterbury, engaging in business in conjunction with his labors for a strug gling church. Later, Mr. Bosworth lived in Fair Haven and Cuttingsville, giving all the aid in his power to the Advent churches near those places. In 1868 he returned to Bris tol and became permanently identified with the Bristol Manufacturing Co., of which he became one of the largest stockholders as well as its secretary and treasurer, which position he has held since. A large share of its success is owing to his business ability and enterprise. Never taking any especial interest in poli tics, Mr. Bosworth was first a Democrat and later on a meraber of the Free Soil party. Since that tirae he has been a consistent Republican. He has been prorainently con nected with the schools wherever he has resided. DAVID BOSWORTH. One of the best-known members of the Evangelical Advent church in the state he is at present presideht of the Society of Advent- ists of Vermont and the Province of Quebec. Rev. Mr. Bosworth was married, Nov. 1$, 1842, to Melina, daughter of William Hotch kiss, of Hampton ; her death occurred Feb. 13, 1864. Of this union were born five chUdren : Alice E , Amanda M., Evangeline A., Ida M , and William H. His second marriage was contracted with Carrie M., daughter of Harvey and Samantha (Bump) Boardman, March 14, 1865. By her he has had five children : B. Boardman, M. Helen, Myra M., Grace M., and David R. BOYCE. BOYCE. 37 BOYCE, OSMORE Baker, son of Rich ard T. and Joanna (Banfield) Boyce, was born in Newbury, Nov. 24, 1841. Born and brought up on a farm he received only such education as was afforded by the district schools. After becoming of age he turned his attention to acquiring an educa tion, following any employment which offered the best inducements, spending as much of his time at Barre Acaderay as his means OSMORE BAKER BOYCE. organization ; also serving as grand director, and represented that body in the supreme lodge for four annual sessions. He is also a member of the local lodge I. 0. O. F. He was married in June, 1871, to Amelia A. French, of Northumberland, N. H., who died September, 1877, leaving one child: Edith A. In January, 1881, he raarried Louisa L., daughter of Oraneel B. Dodge, of Barre. BOYCE, WILLIAM A., of Barre, son of Richard T. and J. (Banfield) Boyce, was born in Newbury, Dec. 3, 1839. He was brought up on a farm, educated in the common schools and at Barre Acade ray, taught several years in the public schools of the state with raarked success, two of these as principal of the Cabot high school. Having decided to enter the profession of the law for his life work, he studied three years in the ofifice ofthe late L.C. Wheelock and of the late E. E. French, and was ad raitted to the Washington county bar at the March term in 1869, and soon after opened an office in Barre and engaged in the active practice ofhis profession. In 1S75 he took woiUd permit, and following teaching suc cessfully. Acquiring a taste for professional life, he decided on the law and read for a tirae in the ofifice of his brother, W. A. Boyce, and then took a course at the Albany (N. Y.) Law School, frora which he graduated in 1 8 7 1 . Mr. Boyce first began the practice of his profession at GuUdhaU where he also edited for a year the Essex County Herald. In 1874 he removed to Barre and formed a law part nership with his brother, W. A. Boyce, which has successfuUy continued to the present time, the firm enjoying a large practice in Orange and Washington counties. PoUtically Mr. Boyce is an adherent of the Republican party, and has been honored with many positions . of trust, viz. : superin tendent of schools, justice of the peace, vU lage trustee, and state's attorney for Essex county in 1872, and a senator from Wash ington county in 1892, serving on the judiciary committee. Mr. Boyce is a member of the Knights of Honor, and has held various offices in that WILLIAM A. BOYCE. into partnership his brother, O. B. Boyce, and since that tirae the firra have enjoyed a large and successful general practice. He has also been extensively and successfully engaged in real estate transactions. At the organization of the Barre Savings Bank & Trust Co. he was elected one of its directors 3^ BOYDEN. BOYNTON. Mr. Boyce has repeatedly held the office of town treasurer, superintendent of schools, and Uster, and he has also represented Barre in the Legislatures of i872-'73. He is a member of Hiawatha Lodge, No. 20, I. O. O. F. BOYDEN, Nelson L., of Randolph Center, son of Luther and Hannah (Goff) Boyden, was born in Barnard, July 19, 1836. His educational advantages were derived from the district schools, the Royalton Academy and Orange county grammar school. Left an orphan in his earliest boy hood, he was brought up on a farm, after wards read law with Hon. Philander Perrin, being admitted to the Orange county bar Grand Isle bridge and also a meraber of the judiciary coraraittee. He was state's attor ney for Orange county in i870-'72-'74-'76 and has been both raeraber and president of the board of trustees of Randolph State Nor- raal School. For the interest of this institu tion Mr. Boyden has labored assiduously, and when their building was burned in the suramer of 1893 he was unanimously chosen chairman of the committee to erect a new edifice, and to this end he has given his clos est attention with flattering prospects of success. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the I. O. O. F., has filled the chairs in the four local bodies of the forraer society at West Randolph, and is a raeraber of Mt. Zion Comraandery Knights Templar at Montpelier. Mr. Boyden was united in marriage to E. Angene, daughter of George and Arminda (Miner) Carpenter. They have had five children, two of whom survive : Charles I., and Florence L. NELSON L. BOYDEN. in 1865. He commenced the practice of his profession at Randolph Center where he has always remained and enjoyed a large and fairly successful business. In addition he is the owner of a large farm and one of the finest herds of Jerseys in the state, and pays rauch attention to the breeding of fine horses. Mr. Boyden is a Republican and has filled many ofifices of trust. He has been super intendent of schools in Barnard and Ran dolph, and town clerk in the latter place for twenty-five years. He was chosen senator from Orange county in 1882, and was chair raan of the coramittee on education and re form school, besides serving on the judiciary coraraittee. In i888-'89 he represented the town of Randolph in the Legislature, being chairraan of the coraraittees on railroads and BOYNTON, THOMAS JEFFERSON, of Montpelier, the son of David F. and Lydia (Roberts) Boynton, was born in Westfield, Dec. 30, 1856. Educated in the coramon schools of West- field and the State Normal School at Johnson, where he graduated, he taught several terms in common and graded schools. In 1878 he began to read law, but UI health compeUed a cessation of study. In 1879 he resumed his legal studies and was admitted to the bar at the April term of Lamoille county court and afterward received the same privilege in Suffolk county, Mass., on Nov. 16, 1889. He practiced law in Johnson tiU July 15, 1875, when he was appointed P. 0. Inspec tor in charge of the New England division, which position he resigned June 25, 1889, when he resuraed the practice of his profes sion and located in Montpelier, continuing untU November, 1893, when he, again re ceived the appointment of P. O. Inspector with headquarters in Boston, where he now resides. A Democrat in his political faith, Mr. Boynton has fiUed the usual town ofiices, and he represented Montpelier in the Gen eral Assembly of 1892, being the leader of his party during that session and influential in the work of the House. He was a mem ber of the Democratic state committee from 1882 to 1886 and is now its chairman. He also belongs to the Masonic fraternity, being on the roll of Waterman Lodge, No. 83, F. & A. M. Mr. Boynton married, Dec. 27, 1879, Miss Hattie L., daughter of Elizah O. and Judith Story, of Johnson. They have one child: Marion J. BOYNTON. BOYNTON, William Seward, of St. Johnsbury, son of David and Harriet (Cham berlain) Boynton, was born in St. Johnsbury, AprU 2, 1853. His early education was received at the public schools of that town. He afterwards attended the St. Johnsbury Academy, where he was graduated in 1873. He entered CorneU University with the class of 1877, where he pursued a sciendfic and literary course of studies. In 1877 he became treasurer and a trustee of the Passumpsic Savings Bank, which position he has since held. He has also served as treasurer of the vUlage, county and union school district. In poUtics he is a Republican, and an hon orary member of the National Guard of Vermont, having served as ist Ueutenant of Co. D, ist regiraent. .\ member of Passumpsic Lodge, F. & A. M., he also for fifteen years has been junior warden of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of St. Johnsbury. September 8, 1881, Mr. Boynton was married to Ida P. Bancroft, formerly of Chelsea, Mass., daughter of WUliara and Statira (Haskell) Bancroft. Their three chUdren are : Helen Agnes, Alice Harriet, and William Henry. BRADY, Charles N., of Newport, son of Patrick and Hannah (O'Connor) Brady, was born in HaverhUl, N. H., Feb. 9, 1855. His education was obtained at the public schools and the Methodist Seminary at Newbury. He began business life at the age of thir teen by mastering the art of telegraphy, which he practiced in suramer until 1877, when he entered the general offices of the Passumpsic R. R. at LyndonvUle, fiUing various minor positions until he was raade night train dispatcher in 1879, which occu pation he relinquished after one year's service on account of ill health. Two years afterwards he entered the train service in the passenger department. In 1886 he took up his abode in Newport, and untU the early part of 1888 devoted his time entirely to the real estate business. In February of that year, he became a partner in the firm of Sherman & Brady, successors to Sherraan & West, wholesale and retail dealers in flour, feed, etc., taking charge of the affairs of the concern and doubling its general business and storage capacity the first two years, also adding to its facilities a steara grist raUl with elevator, etc. ; and at the present time, is conducting one of the raost important in dustries in Northern Vermont. Mr. Brady was one of the incorporators, and at present is a director of the Newport Board of Trade, and vice-president and treas urer of the Memphremagog Driving Park BRADFORD. 39 Association. Mr. Brady is one of the prime movers and ablest supporters of all the im provements that Newport at present enjoys ; to him is due in a great measure the estab lishment of both the water and sewer system in the town, also the electric lights ancl con crete sidewalks. He is vice-president ofthe Moir Granite Co., which has recently located the United States branch of their works at Newport, largely through the efforts of Mr. Brady. He is also a director in the New port Loan and Building Club, and an ener- CHARLES N. BRADY. getic citizen who never allows any opportu nity to escape him to promote the welfare of the community in which he resides. He was united in wedlock Dec. 20, 1886, to May, daughter of Soloraon M. and Louisa (Sias) Field. Mr. Brady is an ardent Democrat who has never sought political preferraent. BRADFORD, PHILANDER D., late of Northfield, was born in Randolph, April 9, 181 1, and was the son of John and Lucy (Brooks) Bradford. His father was a lineal descendant in the sixth generation frora Governor William Bradford, who came over in the Mayflower. An orphan at the age of seven years, he found a home with the relatives of his mother at Alstead, N. H., but returned to Randolph at the age of fifteen, and entered the Orange county graramar school. Five years later he coih- menced the study of raedicine with his 40 BRAGG. BRANCH. brother. Dr. Austin Bradford, and at the age of twenty-three graduated from the Wood stock Medical School, then a branch of Mid dlebury College. He practiced medicine in Braintree, Randolph and Bethel. In 1850 he received the degree of A. M. frora the University of Verraont. In 1854 he perma nently settled in the town of Northfield. In 1857 he became professor of physiology in the medical coUege of Castleton, and held that position until Deceraber, 1862, when he resigned. An antiquarian by nature, he made a large collection of objects of inter est and historical value, as well as a fine col lection of minerals, which he donated to Norwich University, where they are known as the Bradford collection. Dr. Bradford belonged to the Republican party. He was elected to the Legislature from Randolph in i853-'54. In the latter year he was raade coraraissioner of the in sane and served the state in this capacity for two years. In i862-'63 he was elected senator from Washington county, and in the last year president of the Vermont Medical Society. A strenuous advocate of the cause of huraan rights, of temperance and all moral reforms he was elected a trustee of Norwich University. In December, 1862, he was commissioned surgeon of the 5 th Regt. Vt. Vols., but from UI health was com pelled to resign the ensuing April. In i860 he was made G. M. ofthe Grand Lodge of I. O. O. v., and was also placed at the head of the grand division of the Sons of Temperance. In 1875 he was a member .of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge U. S. I. O. O. F., and in 1879 ol Right Worthy Grand Lodge I. O. G. T. He was a liberal supporter of, and a con stant attendant at the services of the Pro testant Episcopal church, and was senior warden of the same at the time of his death. Dr. Bradford raarried first Susan H. Edson of Randolph in 1835, who died in October, 1865, leaving one chUd, Mrs. George W. Soper, who died in 1889. In May, 1867, Dr. Bradford married Mrs. Olive Moore, widow of Hiram Moore, Esq. The second Mrs. Bradford died August 5, 1890. Dr. Bradford died at Northfield, July i6, 1892. BRAGG, Azro D., of Fayston, born in Warren, Nov. 25, 1834, was the son of William and Chloe (Buck) Bragg. His father being crippled from rheuma- tisra when Azro was a young lad, he took charge of the farm, manifesting even at that age the energy, self-reliance and persever ance that has made him a successful man. He has passed most of his life in the town of Fayston. Here he occupies hiraself with dairying and stock raising. From a fine sugar orchard of two thousand trees he sends to the West large quantities of maple syrup each season. Mr. Bragg is an active Republican and has attended as delegate every county con vention but two for the last thirty years ; represented Fayston in the Legislature in i870-'7i, besides holding many town offices. He was four years Master of Waitsfield Grange, P. of H., is a member of I. 0. G. T., and was for six years superintendent of the M. E. Sabbath school of Waitsfield and Fayston. AZRO D. BRAGG. He was raarried, Jan. 9, 1855, to Anna B., daughter of John C. and Lydia (Bixby) Griggs. They have had five chUdren: Francis A., Emily L. (died, 1881), Hattie E. (Mrs. G. F. Ainsworth of Minneapolis), William C, and an infant son, who died in 1862. BRANCH, Charles Franklin, of Newport, son of Orson and Rodilla (Felton) Branch, was born in Orwell, Dec. 9, 1845. His preliminary education was received in the village schools, and he was fitting for college when the civil war destroyed all taste for study. Eager to participate in the stirring events of the times, he enlisted in Co. C, 9th Vt. Vols., and was successively promoted from private, through the grades of corporal, sergeant, lieutenant and cap tain, which last position was assigned him for gallant and meritorious conduct in the field before Richmond ; later he was breveted BRANCH. BREWSTER. 41 raajor for conspicuous conduct at the cap ture of Richraond, AprU, 1865. He was an active participant in all the varied experi ences of his regiment, including their unfor tunate capture at Harper's Ferry, and was among the first to enter the rebel capital. He was twice wounded in battle, and was honorably discharged from the service in December, 1865. centennial. He is medical examiner for nine prominent life insurance companies, and surgeon for the southern division of the C. P. R R. He has taken a deep interest in educa tional matters, and for many years was su perintendent of schools in Coventry. He is esteeraed one of the best speakers on the subject of the war in the state, and is in de mand as a Memorial Day orator. He has no disposition to seek office ; is a Congrega tionalist in his religious belief, earnest and conscientious in his every-day life, and ever ready to strive for the public weal. Dr. Branch was united in marriage at Orwell, March, 1868, to Emma, daughter of Jaraes and Lucretia (Calkins) Cook by whora he had issue : James O., May E., and AUiene E. Mrs. Branch deceased, Septem ber, 1876. In Coventry he was again united in marriage to Ida H., daughter of Hon. Sam uel Burbank. From this union was born one daughter, Helen L. His second wife died in February, 1888, and he contracted a third alliance, at Derby, with Martha J., daughter of Hon. Emera and Julia (Dag gett) Stewart, in October, 1S91. BREWSTER, GEORGE BENJAMIN, of Irasburgh, son of Phineas and Lydia (Isham) Brewster, was born in St. George, August 4, 1823. He was educated at the common schools of St. George, Shelburne, and at Hinesburgh Academy. In 185 1 he removed to Iras- CHARLES FRANKLIN BRANCH. At the close of the war, returning home, he was anxious to continue his studies, but his parents desired that he should remain on the farm, which he did untU 1875, when he decided to adopt the profession of his choice. Graduating with honors, and pursuing fur ther instruction in hospital work, he settled in Coventry, and in 1887 moved to Newpoit, and has become one of the leading physi cians of his section. He has been United States pension examiner for several years, also professor of state medicine and hy giene in the State University. He is an active member in the Orleans County Medi cal Society, the Vermont State Medical Society, and the American Medical Associa tion. For several years was surgeon to the ist Regt., V. N. G., and was surgeon-gen eral of Vermont in i886-'88. He is an ardent G. A. R. raan and member of the MUitary Order of the Loyal Legion. He is a member of Central Lodge F. & A. M., Cleveland Chapter and MaUa Commandery K. T. ; of this last body he was chief njar- shal at the celebration of the Bennington GEORGE BENJAMIN BREWSTER. 42 BRIDGMAN. BRIGHAM. burgh, where he now owns a farm of four hundred and forty acres. In addition to his farming interests, he has for more than twenty years been an extensive dealer in butter and agricultural implements. He has always been ambitious to advance the inter ests of the farmer and was the first to organ ize a farmers' league in the state. Always a Republican, he served in the state Legislature in 1 869-' 70. He is in reUgious belief a Universalist, and for many years was instrumental in maintaining Uni versalist preaching in his town. He married, first, June 16, 1852, Emily Holbrook, daughter of Peletiah Holbrook, and second, Sept. 26, 1855, Mary A. Leon ard, daughter of ^Villard and Amy (Lary) Leonard of Glover. He has two sons and a daughter : W. F. Brewster (living in Iras burgh), Leonard E. Brewster (of Boston), and Emily F. Brewster (wife of Dr. E. M. Shaw of Spokane, Wash.) His high raoral principles and progressive nature demonstrated in his every-day busi ness life, together with his cheerful, indus trious companion, has given to him a beautiful country home, where he now lives a corafortable retired Ufe, and a respected citizen. BRIDGMAN, DORMAN, JR., of Hard wick, son of Dorman and Achsah (MitcheU) Bridgman, was born in Hardwick, Feb. 7, 1837. His grandfather, Capt. John Bridg man, was the first setder (1795) in the southern part of the town, where he cleared the farm on which his son was born, and which has always remained in the family. The son was the first postmaster of Hard wick and the first and most prominent mer chant of the place. Both Capt. John and Dorman, Sr., were prominendy idendfied with the business interests of the town. The forraer was a volunteer at Plattsburg in the war of 181 2, and in addition to his agricul tural pursuits was an inn-keeper, furnishing good entertainment for man and beast at the homestead farm under the sign of the "Hah Moon and Dove," A. D. 1800. Dorman Bridgman, Jr., received the cus tomary educadon at the pubhc schools, then attended the Hardwick and afterwards the People's Academy at MorrisviUe. After teaching several terms in various towns, the California gold fever seized him in 1858, and he started for Pike's Peak. In i860 he returned to Hardwick and employed himseh as proprietor of the hotel in that place dU 1862, when his father took the house, the son redring to the paternal farm, where he re raained for five years, then purchased an estate in Woodbury. In 1879 he engaged with M. E. Tucker in the luraber business and erected a miU in MackviUe, where he remained tiU 1886, when he returned to Hardwick village. Since his return he has occupied himself principally in the advance ment of the material interests and prosperity of the village, the rapid growth of which is largely attributed to him. During this time he has been chosen to different town and village ofifices, and is at the present time (1893) chairman of the board of selectmen and justice of the peace of the town. He was largely interested in securing the incor poration of the village in 1890, and was elected its first president ; and again in 1892- DORMAN BRIDGMAN, JR. '93. He has been at various times Demo cratic candidate for town representative, polling very much more than the party vote. Mr. Bridgman early interested himself in the establishment of the Hardwick Savings Bank & Trust Co., organized in July, 1893, and is at present a director and one of its largest stockholders. He was united in raarriage, November, i860, to Jennie R., daughter of George and Ehza (Renfrew) Whitcher of Albany. BRIGHAM, Charles Orson, of Rut land, son of Leander D. and EUza (Bates) Brigham, was born in Ogdensburg, N. Y-, Dec. 23, 1847. His early childhood was passed in Oshawa, Ont., undl the death of his parents, when with his brothers and sisters he came to re side with his grandmother at Westford. As she was a woman who held fast to the Puri tanical faith of her ancestors and was well BRIGHAM. versed in aU business operations, her influ ence strongly impressed the boy who devoted his attention to study during his evenings, after the steady daily toil upon a rocky hiU- farra, the care of which he manfully took upon his young shoulders. Having availed himseU of the best possible advantages afforded him by the district and "select school" of the village, Mr. Brigham com menced a course of study at the age of twenty, in the Essex Academy, which was unhappily interrupted before its completion BRIGHAM. 43- CHARLES ORSON BRIGHAM. by the destruction of the school buildings by fire, and the bursting of a blood vessel in one of his eyes. Overwork and hard study had been a double draft on weary nature, and partial bUndness seemed about to blot out his prospect of a professional career. Going with one of his fellow-students to his horae at Pittsford, he labored as he was able for a short period, Uttle thinking. that in the future he would return here in a professional capac ity, after an interval of fifteen years of weary waiting and uncongenial occupations. This time he spent mostly in Westford as clerk in the store of a general merchant, or teaching school in the long winters and employing the summer season in agricultural pursuits and in fire-insurance agencies, when his health and eyesight would perrait. He was ever an active worker in church, Sunday-school and choir. Uniting with the Congregationalists in early manhood, he was always prompt to engage in any enterprise which would promote the pubhc welfare in his town, and was ever Uberal in helping' other societies besides his own. He was married on April 25, 1876, to Sarah A., daughter of Samuel G. and Phebe (Dimick) Bishop, who has borne him one son : Lynn B. In 1880, while raaking improvements on. the farra of his father-in-law in Westford,, urgent calls for nursing in that vicinity- seemed to develop a special aptitude and interest in this occupation, and eyesight and health appearing established now on a firm- basis, he commenced a study of medical works, which resulted in his entering the medical department of the University of Vermont in the spring of 1883. Dr. Brigham received his diploma in 1886, after having taken a fuU course of surgery and medicine,. and has practiced with marked success ever since in Pittsford and the adjoining towns. He is thoroughly in earnest in his work, and his reputation has made hira an active mem ber of the Rutland County Medical and Surgical Society, which has availed itself of his services as secretary and treasurer. He is also a member of the State Medical Soci ety. In 1893 he removed from Pittsford to- Rutland, where he now resides. BRIGHAM, Frederick Lucian, of Pittsfield, son of Charles W. and Mary L. Brigham, was born in Pittsfield, July 7, FREDERICK LUCIAN BRIGHAM. His early education was obtained in the State Normal School at Randolph, and the 44 BROCK. BROWN. Vermont Methodist Seminary in Montpe lier, and he graduated from the medical col lege at Dartmouth in 1887, receiving the diploma of M. D. He immediately settled in his native town where he has reraained, enjoying a very successful practice as a regular physician. In 1892 he was appoint ed health ofificer of Pittsfield, and in the sarae year was elected town representative. Dr. Brighara is a meraber of the Masonic fraternity in which he took the Blue Lodge degrees at Rochester in 1885. He was united, Feb. 9, 1887, to Keta L., daughter of George W. and Eldora A. Davis. BROCK, William Wallace, of New bury, son of WilUara and Anna (WaUace) Brock, was born in Newbury, June 7, 18 19. His father, a prorainent citizen of New bury, had hira educated at the public schools and seminary of that place. He lived on the farm on which he was born until 1858, when he removed to the old Brock home stead, where he now resides. A daughter, making the fourth generation of Brocks, stiU resides with her parents. This farm, from the neatness of its surroundings, its appear ance of thrift and corafort, presents the picture of a typical New England home. Mr. Brock has also the care of several estates in the town, whose owners are resi dents, showing how much he enjoys the con fidence of those who know him. A Repub Ucan in his political behef, he has been justice of the peace for forty years, was a member of the Legislature in i86s-'66, and has held numerous other ofifices of trust con ferred upon him by his fellow-citizens. He raarried Sophia Lovewell TapUn. Five children have been born to them : Benjamin F., Eugene, Clarence T., Williara Wallace, Jr., and Clara BeUe, the first three prosper ing in the state of Washington, and the last two StiU residing in Newbury. BROOKINS, Harvey S., of Shorehara, was born Jan. 25, 1835, in Shorehara. He was the son of Philip C. and Lucina (Forbes) Brookins. Receiving his early education at the cora mon schools of his native town, he after wards graduated at Bakersfield Acaderay. In 1856 he went to Minnesota where he found employment as a surveyor, and was there elected sheriff of Wright county. He enlisted in the 8th Minnesota Regt. in August, 1862, and was promoted to the rank of captain May i, 1863. As the trouble with the Sioux Indians came about this time, he served as a scout in Minnesota till 1864. He then marched across the plains, and on returning the regiraent was sent to Mur freesboro, Tenn., where Captain Brookins received a severe wound, which necessitated his discharge May 17, 1865. He then re ceived an appointment as . clerk in the Treasury Departraent at Washington, which position he resigned in September, 1866. Returning to Vermont he gave his atten tion to farming, and has pursued this voca tion with success. Captain Brookins was elected by the Re publicans of the town to the Legislature of 18 76-' 78, and has creditably served on several committees. He also served his town as constable from i872-'8o, when he resigned, and has held other town offices. HARVEY S. BROOKINS. He belongs to Siraonds Lodge of the Masonic order, and is its Senior Warden, and to John A. Logan Post, No. 88, G. A. R. He raarried in Shorehara Sept. 3, 1866, Erama L., daughter of Myron W. C. and Tryphosia Wright. Three children are born from this marriage : Lura E., Edna E., and Arthur H. Captain Brookins is looked upon as a man of marked abUity in his town and section of the county. BROWN, ADNA, of Springfield, son of Isaac and Sarah (Flagg) Brown, was born in Antrim, N. H., Dec. II, 1828. A pupil of the common schools of his birthplace, he left home at the age of sixteen to batde with the world. First entering a woolen mill to learn the trade, he gave this up and served his apprenticeship as a machinist. Rising rapidly, he successively becarae foreman, then superintendent, and BROWN. BROWN. 45 finally master in the Parks & Woolson Machine Co., of which he is now the president and general manager. In this position Mr. Brown has furnished many iraproveraents in cloth-finishing machinery, and is the holder of many valuable patents covering the same. He is also president and managing director of the Jones & Lam son Machine Co., especially prorainent as the builder of the Hartness flat-turret lathe. He organized the Springfield Electric Light his Christianity beyond its doors and is well known for his active benevolence and inter est in aU worthy enterprises. BROWN, Albert L., of Lunenburg, born in Lunenburg, Jan. 12, 1828, was the son of Isaac and Lucretia (Wood) Brown, and was educated in the schools of Lunen burg. Reraaining whh his father tiU the age of eighteen, he went to Boston and worked as a cabinet raaker, then took up his abode in Portland, Me., where for eight years he kept a hotel. At the close of the war he sought his fortune in the West, and for a long period was eraployed as an agent by the Chicago Scale Co., after which he engaged in the grocery business. Satis fied with the corapetence, which was the result of his industry and business abUity, Mr. Brown returned to his native town and purchased the beautiful and picturesque estate, which was the early home of his first wife. A lifelong and stalwart Republican, he has been elected to almost all the offices in the gift of his fellow-townsmen, including a seat in the Legislature in 1888. In creed he is a Congregationalist. ADNA BROWN, Co., and is president of the Brown Hotel Co., chartered under the laws of the state in 1892, which has erected a handsome brick hotel, named in his honor, "The Adna- brown." He is the presiding ofificer of the local board of trade and of the Black River Railroad Co. Mr. Brown is a staunch and active Repub Ucan, and though never seeking ofifice, has fiUed many positions of trust both in town and county. In 1882 he was sent to the Legislature, and in 1890 was a state senator. Mr. Brown was one of Vermont's delegates to the national Republican convention in MinneapoUs in 1892, and was a member of the coramittee which drafted the platform for the party in the campaign of that year. In 1893 he received the appointment of state World's Fair commissioner from Governor FuUer. A CongregationaUst in beUef, he does not confine his reUgion to the church, but carries /# ALBERT L. BROWN. September 17, 1849, ^^ married Lucretia S., daughter of Stephen and Almira Powers. To them a son was born, George Albert, who died Aug. 18, 1864. He married at Chicago, June 13, 1878, Julia F., daughter of Jaraes and Susan Trow. From this latter union there is one daughter : Mabel E. 46 BROWN. RROWNELL. BROWN, Curtis, of Belvidere, son of Lybeout and Betsey W. (Ward) Brown, was born in Coventry., Oct. i6, 1825. His father was the first RepubUcan repre sentative in the Legislature of the state, to which both his son and grandson have been •elected. Mr. Brown was educated in the comraon schools of Coventry and afterwards at Wa terbury, N. Y., residing with his parents tiU the age of twenty-one. At that time he pur chased a farra in Belvidere, and in order to pay for it went to Massachusetts, where he worked industriously in a mill for several years until he had accomphshed his object. For a time he engaged in the manufacture of butter tubs and lumbering, but has given this up and now resides upon his farm. Mr. Brown is said to be the champion bear hunter of the state, having shot or captured sixty-eight of these animals, once performing the feat attributed to General Putnam of Revolutionary times by entering a cave and crawling a distance of forty feet on his hands and knees, when with unerring aim by the light of a torch he brought down the object of his pursuit. He is one of the best representatives of the old class of sturdy woodsmen, who have ¦given such lasting fame to the hunters of the Green Mountains, so few of whora remain to jiarrate the deeds of their early days. He raarried, March 13, 1852, Helen M., daughter of Edmund L. and Lucy (Hodg kins) Crozier of Calais, by whora he has had five children : Reuben J., Edmund L., Alex- ¦ander (deceased), Francis B., and Nora. BROWN, William A., of Jacksonville, son of A,mos A. and Mary (Temple) Brown, was born in Whitingham, April 15, 1856. He received his education at the common schools of his native town, and after its com pletion devoted his time to teaching, deaUng in real estate and lumbering, continuing until 1884. He then opened a store for general merchandise in Jacksonville, and raeeting with success, formed a partnership with H. A. Wheeler, purchasing the stock of goods owned by N. L. Stetson. After a year he bought out his partner and continued the business alone, seUing out to C. H. Shepard son, and formed a stock company which bought out the Cooking MiU, Stetson Bros., ¦and the E. E. Putnam estate, for the purpose of raanufacturing butter tubs and boxes. At present he is pre.sident and manager of the ¦company. Brought up a Republican, on reaching his majority he concluded that Vermont was run by a ring for their personal interests and not in the interest of the people, he cast his first wote for a Deraocrat. xAt that time he, with ¦several other young raen who had formerly been Republicans, began a fight against the ring. H e was elected to the Legislature in 1890 and re-elected in 1892, serving on the committee on insane and on the Grand List. He thoroughly advocated the Australian sys tem of baUot, weekly payments, and the town system of schools. \ WILLIAM A. BROWN. He was married Oct. 3, 1889, to Ada M., daughter of Mervin M. and Almeda (Fowler) Brown, of Whitingham. Two children have been the fruit of this union : Greely A., and WilUam RusseU. BROWNELL, CHAUNCEY WELLS, born in Williston, Sept. 13, 181 1, was the son of Samuel and Zeruah (Forbes) BrowneU. His paternal and maternal grandfathers were both Revolutionary soldiers ; the latter, John Forbes, distinguished for his ready wit and quick power of repartee, came to Williston in very early times. Samuel A., the father ofthe subject of the present sketch, came with his parents from Connecticut to Willis ton and purchased land in the northeast corner of the original town of Burlington, now Williston, embracing a large portion of the grant to Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire in this township. In this new country which his hands helped to clear, C. W. BrowneU grew to manhood, his early days being devoted to hard labor, and his evenings to study by the light of the huge logs burning in the old- fashioned fire-place, or the occasional aid of the glimmer of a pine knot. Here, with a BROWNELL. BROWNELL. 47 board and piece of charcoal, he solved many a problem in mathematics that after ward served him in good stead when he taught the district school. In 1840 he purchased a large farra in the southwestern corner of WiUiston, on which he continued to reside during life. It was his ambition to buUd up and improve and leave to those who should come after him CHAUNCEY WELLS BROWNELL. more coraforts and sources of income than he had been wont to enjoy. He set out large orchards and grew all varieties of fruit that the cUmate would permit. He sought to beautify the roadways, and planted large numbers of maple, elm, butternut, walnut and other doraestic trees, which today ex tend along the street for more than a mUe, making a shady and attractive drive. He added to his real estate from time to time, seldom parting with any he had bought, and it was owing to this peculiar phase of char acter that at his death, notwithstanding con veyances to his chUdren, he was the pos sessor of more than one thousand acres. He gave much time and thought to the improve raent of stock, and bred and owned some of the best horses, catde and sheep in the Strongly attached to the principles of the Republican party, Mr. Brownell was a useful public-spirited citizen, and was called to nearly aU the duties entrusted to town officials. An uncompromising believer m protection for American industries, he was quickly out of patience with those who ad vocated a free trade policy. He repre sented Williston in the Legislature of 1860- '61, and was chosen a member of the state Senate frora Chittenden county for the first biennial terra in 1870. In his business rela tions, upright, of genial temperament and of untiring energy as his last words strongly indicate, "My work is but half accom plished" he has rarely been surpassed as a good citizen and useful friend. On March 4, 1841, he married Miss Laura C, daughter of Isaac and Laura (Chapin) Higbee, from whom the following chUdren were born : Samuel A., of Essex ; Zeruah F., wife of- WUUam F. Whitney, of WiUiston ; Chauncey W., lawyer, of Burling ton ; Laura H., wife of John A. Collier of Brooklyn. One, Eliza, died in 1862. Mrs. BrowneU dying in November, 1852, in May, 1854, he married for his second wife Miss Martha M., daughter of Hon. John Van Sicklen of South Burlington. His children by the second raarriage are Sarah V., Mary A., Mrs. E. H. Thorp of Middlebury, and Grove L., of Essex ; one, John Lester, died in 1885. Mrs. Brownell's death occurred Jan. 5, 1 89 1. Mr. Brownell died June 4, BROWNELL, CHAUNCEY WELLS, son of. C. W. and Laura (Higbee) BrowneU, was born in WiUiston, Oct. 7, 1847. Receiving a preparatory education in the comraon schools and at the academies at Williston and Alburgh Springs, he was grad uated from the University of Verraont in the class of 1870, and afterwards pursued his studies at the Albany (N. Y.) Law School. After graduation he established himself at Burlington and commenced to practice his profession. He was four years city grand juror and prosecuting attorney. Belonging to the RepubUcan party, Mr. BrowneU has been called to many public ofifices. For two years he was state's attorney for Chittenden county and assistant secretary of the Senate from 1874 to 1880, when he was elected to the ofifice of secretary, a position he held frora that tirae until 1890 by successive re- elections. He was elected Secretary of State in 1890 and in 1892 was re-elected. He was secretary for a nuraber of years and is now president of the Champlain VaUey Associa tion for the Promotion of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, and is a director of the electric street railway company. He has the management and personal su pervision of the large estate of his late father, C. W. Brownell. In 1873 Mr. BrowneU received the degree of A. M. from his alraa raater. He is a Con gregationalist in his religious preferences. BRUCE. BUGBEE. Mr. BrowneU married, Oct. 12, 1875, Elva M., daughter of the late Baxter and Laura (Chase) Brigham of Westford. Four chil dren have been born to them : Carl Brig ham, Elva Mabel, Chauncey Sherman, and Henry Chase. BRUCE, George Asa, of South Shafts bury, son of Charles M. and Phebe (Smith) Bruce, was born in Danby, June 17, 1857. He received his early education at the district schools and at the hands of a private tutor, followed by a course at Burr and Bur ton Seminary, and graduated from WiUiaras CoUege with the class of '79. Following his graduation Mr. Bruce for a time was a bookkeeper, and in 1881 he located at Sioux City, la., where he became a member of the firm of CottreU, Bruce & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in farm implements, when he returned East and con nected himseU with the Waterbury Clock Co., of Waterbury, Conn., in the capacity of bookkeeper and cashier, remaining with of North Bennington, and Temple Chapter and Taft Commandery No. 8, of Bennington. Mr. Bruce married at South Shaftsbury, May 27, 1880, May V., daughter of William P. and Sarah C. Mattison. Of this union is one son : Kenneth Mattison. BUGBEE, Herman, of North Pomfret, was born Nov. 21, 1834, in Pomfret, the son of Rufus and Elizabeth (Hunter) Bugbee. His father was a captain of railitia, justice GEORGE ASA BRUCE. thera until 1887, since which tirae he has been engaged in the mercantile business as a member of the firra of W. P. Mattison & Son, of South Shaftsbury. Mr. Bruce has afifiUated with the RepubU can party, and by that body has been honored with many positions of trust, being at the present postmaster and chairman of the Repubhcan town committee. He is a member of the Phi Betta Kappa, and also of the Blue Lodge, Tucker No. 48, HERMAN BUGBEE. of the peace, and a highly respected citizen of the town. Mr. Bugbee was educated in the coraraon schools of Porafret, and has spent the greater portion of his life upon the old horaestead farm settled by his grand father, Abial Bugbee, in 1788, except from March, 1862, tUl June, 1874, he was in Bos ton with Sampson, Davenport & Co. In this occupation he traveled extensively in New York and New England. Mr. Bugbee possesses fine musical ability, and is a well known instructor in the art in the neighborhood of Pomfret ; this in addi tion to his labor as a progressive farmer and dairyman. Republican in politics, he has fiUed raany positions of trust. In 1890 elected to the Legislature, he served on the Grand List committee. In [867 he married Eunice E., daughter of Stephen S. and Deborah Stinson, of Tops ham, Me. His wife died July 26, 1887, and their only chUd, Earle Rufus, in infancy. BUCKHAM. BUCKHAM, Mathew Henry, of Bur lington, son of Rev. James Buckham, was born July 4, 1832, at Hinckley, Leicester shire, England. He pursued his preparatory studies in the academy at ElUngton, Conn., and also at a private school in Canada. Entering the University of Vermont in September, 1847, he graduated from it in August, 1851. He was principal of the Lenox Acaderay at Lenox, Mass., from 1851 to 1853. In September of the latter year he became tutor of languages in the University of Vermont. In August, 1854, he sailed for Europe, spent there two years in travel and study, and returned in 1856 to enter upon a professor ship in the University of Vermont. He occupied the chair of Greek in that institu tion from 1856 to 187 1, and also performed the duties of professor of English literature from 1865 to 1871. In August of the latter year he was elected to the presidency of the University, and was duly inaugurated as the successor of Dr. Jaraes B. AngeU. President Buckham received the degree of D. D. from Dartraouth College in 1877, and also in the sarae year from Hamilton CoUege, N. Y. With aU the educational interests of Vermont he was intimately identified as a member of the State Board of Education from 1867 to 1874. His pubUshed writings have princi paUy taken the form of articles in reviews and educational publications ; of addresses, sermons, etc. He raarried on the 3d of December, 1857, Elizabeth Wright of Shoreham. BULKLEY, George, of Moretown, son of Roger G. and Sally (Taylor) Bulkley, was born in BerUn, Sept. 11, 1815. Roger G. Bulkley was a native of Colches ter, Conn. He graduated from Yale CoUege and afterward studied law at Montpelier. He was admitted to the Orleans county bar in 1809 and practiced law in Williamstown until the war of 181 2, when he enlisted and served throughout the struggle. He purchased a farm in 181 8 but still continued in the practice of law. The early education of George Bulkley was liraited to the common schools of Dux bury. He commenced the manufacture of sashes and blinds, and afterward, in connec tion with his brother-in-law, purchased the old cloth dressing mill at Moretown and put in a plant for a saw mill and also for making doors, sashes, and bUnds. He pur chased the entire interest of the business in 1861, but sold it in 1879. During much of this period he had owned and carried on a smaU farm, and since 1883 has resided with his daughter, Mrs. Haylett of Moretown. Mr. Bulkley cast his first electoral vote for Martin Van Buren and was an adherent of BULLOCK. 49 the Democratic party until 1864, when he was elected to the Legislature as a war Dem ocrat, since which time he has been a Republican. He has passed through the usual routine of town and county ofifices. GEORGE BULKLEY. In 1848 he was united to Sarah, daughter of Hubbard and Lucy (Redway) Guernsey of Montpeher, and of this marriage three children have been born : Clara (wife of Dr. James Haylett, died in 1877), George W., and Lilla (second wife of Dr. Jaraes Haylett) . An extensive reader, he stiU raanifests a lively interest in local and public affairs, enjoying the esteera and confidence of the coraraunity. BULLOCK, Elmer J., of Readsboro, son of James and Cynthia (Baker) Bullock, was born in Whitingham, July 21, 1849. He was educated in the comraon schools of Readsboro. After leaving school he served as clerk in several stores in Verraont and Massachusetts. In 1870 he entered into partnership with his father in a general store in Readsboro. In 1882 he sold out and engaged in the real estate and insurance business in North Adams, Mass. In 1885 he returned to Readsboro, and in 1886 formed a partnership with his mother, under the name of E. J. Bullock & Co. It was through the influence of Mr. Bullock that the telephone line from North Adams to Jack sonville was built, and he was president of the company until the line was sold to the New England Systera. He had also much 5° BUNKER. BUNKER. to do with the organization of the Readsboro Chair Manufacturing Co., and has been its secretary and treasurer ever since. Mr. Bullock worked unceasingly until Reads boro had a good water systera and ample protection against fire. In 1891 the firra built the Bullock block at a cost of ;J> 10,000, in which they at present do business. ELMER J. BULLOCK. Mr. Bullock has never cared to enter into poUtical life, though frequently urged to do so. BUNKER, Charles Albert, of Peacham, son of Alfred and Mary Emerson (Hodgdon) Bunker, was born at Barnstead, N. H., July 21, 1840. He attended the public schools of Barn stead, and then was a pupU of the Pittsfield Academy for three years, afterwards pursuing his studies at Phillips and Pembroke Acade mies. He entered Dartmouth College in the fall of i860, teaching during the winters throughout his college course in the home district in Barnstead, and Pennacook, N.H., Waitsfield, Vt., and Barnstable, Mass. Soon after his graduation in 1864, he was made the principal of Mclndoes Falls Academy, Barnet, and two years after was called to Peacham as principal of Caledonia county grararaar school, an institution which was chartered in 1795, opened in 1797, and is now styled the Peacham Acaderay. WhUe at Dartmouth Mr. Bunker ranked high as a student, as he has since in his pro fession. He was a raeraber of the Psi Upsi lon and Phi Beta Kappa societies. In 1867 he received frora his alraa mater the degree of A. M. In 1869 he was elected town superintendent of Peacham, which oflfice he held sixteen years, and was always a strong advocate of the town system of schools. In 1883 he was elected president of the Ver raont State Teachers' Association. An adherent of the Repubhcan party, he has held the rainor town ofifices, and in 1886 was chosen state senator from Caledonia county, and served as chairman of the com mittee on education, and was a member of that on federal relations. Re-elected in. 1888, he again acted as chairman of the educational committee, also served on the special coraraittee on teraperance legislation. The next year he was made a member of the Caledonia County Board of Education. Mr. Bunker was married May 20, 1869, to Nellie, only daughter of Dr. Jeremiah and Adeline (Carroll) Blake. He is a member of the Congregational church, and all his life has labored in the Sabbath school. He exerted great influence CHARLES ALBERT BUNKER. in the Senate, availed himself of every op portunity to benefit the cause of education, and was specially interested in passing the law requiring scientific temperance instruc tion in the public schools. He has written much which has been printed in different periodicals and lectured upon various educa tional, social and poUtical topics. BURDETT. BURDETT, JESSE, of Rutland, son of Jacob and Rebecca (Talbot) Burdett, was born in Brookhne, Jan. 19, 1826. When quite young his family reraoved to Newfane, where having received his educa tion in the pubUc schools, he was appren ticed to learn the trade of a blacksmith, and followed this employment for eleven years. After a short interval, during which he worked at his vocation in Brattieboro, he removed to Arhngton, where he has since resided and where he was appointed station agent. In 1852 he became conductor on the passenger train running frora Rutland to Troy on the Western Vt. R. R., now the Bennington & Rutiand. In i860 he was employed in a similar position on the Hud son River road, between Albany and New York, and afterwards acted as trainmaster in the eraploy of the same corporation. In 1 87 1 he was appointed superintendent of the Rutland division of the Central Vt. R. R., which position he now holds, making his headquarters at Rutland. Mr. Burdett is a Democrat in his pohtical creed, and though he has never occupied himself in office-seeking, he has held many minor offices in Arlington and represented that town in the Legislature in 1857, but of late years he has been obhged by his profes sional duties to be so frequently away frora his home, that he has not been eligible for the discharge of the responsibihties of any position of pubUc trust. He is a member of St. James' Episcopal ¦Church in Arlington, of which he has been a vestryman for more than twenty years. Mr. Burdett married, Oct. 21, 185 1, 'Cornelia C, daughter of John C. and Amanda. (HiU) Lathrop, by whora he has ¦one son : John L. BUTLER. 51 & A. M., district deputy of 13th district, and member of Tucker Chapter of Morrisville. He married, July 4, 187 1, Abbie A., daughter of Hon. Richard F. and Sophronia (Andrews) Parker. One child was born to them : Harry Parker. BUTLER, FRED Mason, of Rutland, son of Aaron and Emeline (Muzzey) Butler, was born in Jamaica, May 28, 1854. His great-grandfather, Aaron Butler, settled in Jamaica about the time of the close of the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, Aaron, with the assistance of his brothers (their father having died while he was an infant), made a clearinsr in the forest and erected a BURNELL, Milo S., of Wolcott, son ¦of Chester A. and Amanda A. (Skeels) Bur- nell, was born in Swanton, Aug. 18, 1846. From the age of thirteen he supported himself, working whenever he found an opportunity to gain his UveUhood, and in 1868 he began to read law in the office of the Hon. Richard F. Parker of Wolcott. In 1 87 1, at the advent of the P. & O. R. R., he was appointed depot master at Wolcott, and has continued in this employment ever since, though to some extent occupying himself with the bark and lumber trade. He has served both as deputy sheriff and sheriff of his county and has been elected to both branches of the Legislature, where he has been chairman and member of several important committees, as weU as filUng the principal town ofifices. As a Mason, Mr. BurneU has been Wor- .shipful Master of Mineral Lodge, No. 93 F. FRED MASON BUTLER. frame house in place of the log cabin. Aaron Mason Butler, the father of the sub ject of the present sketch, was a prosperous farraer, and held at different times nearly aU of the most important town ofifices. Fred Mason Butler was educated in the public schools of Jamaica and at Leland and Gray Seminary. Before leaving school he had resolved upon a professional career, and began the study of law with Jonathan G Eddy, Esq., of Jamaica, and afterward spent a year and a half in the ofifice of Hon. E. L. Waterman and Hon. H. H. Wheeler. He was admitted to the Windham county bar at the March term of court, 1877, and during the sarae summer entered into a co partnership with Hon. Joel C. Baker of Rut land, which was discontinued at the end of a 52 BUTTERFIELD. BUTTERFIELD. year. He then practiced alone for a time, but early in 1879 he formed a copartner ship with Hon. L. W. Redington, which arrangement continued six years. In 1884 he formed a partnership with Hon. Thomas W. Moloney, which copartnership continues at the present tirae. Mr. Butler was attorney for the defence in State vs. O'Neil ; was counsel for respondent in the notes cases entitled in re Bridget Kennedy, Jaraes Kennedy and Patrick Ready, reported in Vol. 55, p. i, of the Vermont Reports ; was the leading attorney in the cases entitled Vaughan vs. Congdon and Riley vs. Mclnlear, Est. ; counsel for municipality in Bates vs. Village of Rutlancl, Bates vs. Horner et al, also fully reported, and in raany other important cases which an examination of the Vermont Report will dis close. He is a RepubUcan, has been town grand juror and city attorney. He held the posi tion of city attorney until he was appointed judge of the municipal court ; and was suc cessively re-appointed to that ofifice by Gov ernors Dillingham, Page and Fuller. Upon the organization of the city government, he was appointed judge of city court, which ofifice he now holds. He has been a director of the New England Fire Insurance Co. since its organization, and obtained the charter of the corporation from the Legislature. He became a raeraber of the Rutland Bar Asso ciation when he estabhshed hiraself in Rut land ; and is also a raeraber of the Vermont Bar Association, having served on several of its important committees. On Nov. 25, 187s, he raarried LilUan, daughter of Josiah and Octavia (Knight) Holton of Dummerston, and has three chil dren : Anza, Helen, and Florence. BUTTERFIELD, ALFRED HARVEY, of North Troy, son of Nathan S. and Mary (Hatch) Butterfield, was born in LoweU, Sept. 5, 1857. Mr. Butterfield is of the eighth in lineal descent from Benjamin Butterfield of Eng land, who was the first one of the name to settle in America. His grandfather, Joseph Butterfield, was the ninth settler who estab lished his household in the town of LoweU, Vt., removing thence from Dunstable, Mass., in 1 8 10. He comes of Revolutionary ances try on both sides ; his great-grandfather, John Hatch, was a coraraissioned ofificer in the war of 181 2. Mr. Butterfield received a common school education, which he afterwards supple mented at the viUage academy at Water bury. He was a resident of Burlington for several years tiU 1878, when he took up his abode in North Troy, where he raade hira self master of the printer's trade. Three years sufficed to give hira a practical expe rience of that vocation, and he purchased from his uncle the North Troy Palladium in conjunction with C. R. Jamason. This con nection lasted for six months, when Mr. But terfield bought out the interest of his partner and since that time has been sole proprietor of the paper. He espoused, June 22, 1880, Gertrude E., daughter of Mitchell and Henrietta (Porter) Hunt. Their union has been blessed with four children : Alfred Mitchell, Hugh Har vey, Ross Hunt, and Mary Ruth. ALFRED HARVEY BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Butterfield is affiliated with the Pro testant Episcopal church, and for three years he has been secretary and treasurer of the local society, the Church of St. Augustine. •• He is a staunch supporter of the princi ples of the Republican party, has served as town clerk and as chairman of the Republi can town committee, chairman of that on text books, and several minor positions. Since 1890 he has been clerk of the North Troy Corporation, and the previous year was appointed a deputy collector of customs at Newport, where he remained tiU 1890, when he returned to North Troy as deputy in charge. This position he voluntarily re linquished, Nov. I, 1893, and resumed the active management of the Palladium. BUTTERFIELD, EZRA TURNER, late of Jacksonville, son of Deacon Zenas and Sally (Turner) Butterfield, was born in'Dum- BUTTERFIELD. merston, AprU 14, 1815, and died May i, 1887. His education was obtained at the Uttiefred schoolhouse on the hiU, "the glory of Puritan New England," and at the age of twenty he removed to Wilmington, where he became one of the most progressive farmers. For a short time he was engaged in trade, but agriculture was the chief occupation of his Ufe. For forty years justice of the peace, he was also assistant judge of the county court several years. In 1886 he received an BUTTERFIELD. S3 BUTTERFIELD, A. AUGUSTINE, of Jacksonville, son of Ezra Turner and Mary (Leonard) Butterfield, was born in Wilming ton, June 25, 1844. Educated in the common and high school of Wilmington and by private tutors, he read law with the late Charles N. Davenport and Hon. Abisha Stoddard, and was admitted to the bar April 30, 1867. In 1868 he rerao\-ed to the village of JacksonviUe, where he has since resided and practiced law, excepting one year in Massachusetts. Mr. Butterfield has always taken a deep interest in educa tional matters and has held all the district, town and county ofifices connected with this departraent. He has also devoted much attention to insurance and for some years has been a director in the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Montpelier, has been a master in chancery twenty-two years, and twenty years justice of the peace. As a RepubUcan, he represented the town in i88o-'82 and was the originator of the biU taxing telephone and telegraph companies, which was the father of the present corpora tion tax law of Vermont. He was also state's attorney i882-'84 and senator i888-'90. EZRA TURNER BUTTERFIELD. appointment frora the Departraent of Agri culture at Washington, which failing health compelled him to decUne ; was representa tive from Wilmington in the Legislature in 1857. In the old "June Training'' days Judge Butterfield was captain of the first company 27 th Regt. Vt. MiUtia. In his early youth he became a member of the Free WiU Baptist church in Dummerston and was church clerk at the age of nineteen, and later in Whit ingham, and was the last clerk of the Whit ingham society, but after this denomination had quitted their field of labor in the vicin ity he attended the M. E. Church, Uberally contributing to its support and laboring for many years in the Bible class. He was a man of pleasant address and much given to anecdote. Judge Butterfield was wedded, Jan. i, 1835, to Mary, daughter of Rev. Abner and Chloe (Bucklin) Leonard and by her had ; Mary Angelia, Sarah Ameha, Oscar E., A. Augustine, and Lucius Alonzo. A. AUGUSTINE BUTTERFIELD. Made a Mason at the age of twenty-two, he has been several times Master of his lodge, was twice district deputy G. M., and is now chairman of an important coraraittee in the Grand Lodge of Verraont. He is deeply interested in genealogy and is preparing a history of the Butterfield faraily. 54 BUTTERFIELD. BUTl'ERFIELD. He is a member of the Baptist church, and one of the board of managers of the Verraont Baptist State Convention. October 2, 1869, he raarried Marcia Sophia, daughter of Rufus and EUzabeth (Winn) Edwards Brown, by whora he has had two sons and six daughters, two of whom are deceased. BUTTERFIELD, FREDERICK DAVID, of Derby Line, son of David and Elmira Ward (RandaU) Butterfield, was born in Rockingham, May 14, 1838. He was educated at the coramon schools and the Saxton's River Acaderay. Choosing FREDERICK DAVID BUTTERFIELD. a practical business education rather than a coUege course, he, at the early age of sixteen entered the hardware house of A. & J. H. Wentworth of Bellows FaUs. In 1859 he re moved to Derby Line and became con nected with the house of Foster & Cobb. At the breaking out of the rebelUon he gave up his business prospects and entered the Union army, enlisting as a private in Co. B, 8th Vt. Vols., and was successively promoted to 2d lieutenant, ist lieutenant and captain. The original term of service for the regiment expired June i, 1864 ; Col. Butterfield however remained in service some time thereafter, but after his carapaigns in Louisiana and Texas, he became so utterly broken in health that an immediate return to the North was the only means of saving his life. He accordingly resigned his commis sion August 6, 1864. Early in 1862 he was detached from his regiment and appointed to a position in the signal corps, where he re mained during the balance of his military service. In the capacity of a signal officer he was attached to the personal staff of Gen eral Godfrey Weitzel, General Butier, Gen eral Franklin and General Dana. At the battie of Labadieville, La., while carrying an order under a terrific fire he had his horse shot from under him by a sheU from the enemy, narrowly escaping instant death. For his gallantry on this occasion he was comphraented in general orders. His ser vices were highly appreciated in the signal corps. In 1888 he was appointed an aid-de-camp with the rank of colonel on the staff of Gov. Williara P. DilUnghara. On his return from the army he engaged in business at Derby Line until 1866, when he was appointed deputy collector of custoras for that port, which ofifice he retained untU 1872, when he resigned to engage in the manufacture of the Reece sewing machine. On account of the panic of i873-'75 this business failed of success, and in 1879 he commenced the manufacture of taps and dies. Beginning with a small force of men, by careful and painstaking efforts, he graduaUy built up a large and important industry. The works are located at Derby Line, with a second complete plant at Rock Island, P. Q. The firm is known as Butterfield & Co., and they manufacture taps and dies and tools for en gineers' and steam fitters' use. In 1888 his younger brother. Gen. F. G. Butterfield, became associated with him in business. Colonel Butterfield is a member of Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., of Stanstead, Canada, a meraber of Golden Rule R. A. C. at Sherbrooke, a member of Sussex Precep- tory Knights Templar of Stanstead, of which he has been Eminent Coramander. Is a raeraber of Baxter Post, G. A. R., at New port, a charter raeraber of the Vermont Comraandery of the MiUtary Order of the Loyal Legion, U. S. ; a member of the Ver raont Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and nuraerous other railitary and social organizations. At Stanstead, P. Q., Oct. 8, 1868, he married EUen Jeannette Morrill, daughter of Ozro and Charlotte JuUette (YYay) Morrill, who died July 5, 1874, leaving two daugh ters : Charlotte, and EUen. BUTTERFIELD, FRANKLIN GEORGE, of Derby Line, son of David and Elmira Ward (RandaU) Butterfield, was born in Rockingham, May 11, 1842. He attended the comraon schools and Saxtons River Academy, and entered Mid dlebury CoUege in 1859. Entering the army in the faU of his junior year he did not grad- 56 BUTTERFIELD. uate with his class. After the war of the rebellion, however, Middlebury CoUege con ferred on him the degree of Master of Arts. October 4, 1861, he enUsted at Middlebury as a private in Co. A, 6th Vt. Vols. He was promoted successively to 2d lieutenant, ist lieutenant, captain, and, on October 21, 1864, to Ueutenant-colonel, commanding the regiment, at the age of twenty-two years. Having been seriously wounded, he was obhged to reUnquish his command and tendered his resignation. He served with his regiment, which was a part of the " Old Vermont Brigade," in the 6th Army Corps through its campaigns in Virginia with the army of the Potomac, participating in aU its battles up to 1865. He was first in battie at Lees Mills, April 16, 1862, where he dis tinguished himself by carrying off the field Capt. E. F. Reynolds of Rutland, who had been mortally wounded. Later in the Peninsular carapaign, he was raentioned in general orders for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Golding's Farra and also two days later at White Oak Swamp, both engage ments being a part of the seven days' fight. During the year 1863, including the Chan cellorsville, Gettysburg and Mine Run cam paigns, he served as an aid-de-camp on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Lewis A. Grant, command ing the Vermont Brigade. In May of that year at Banks Ford he again attracted notice by his bearing under fire. The foUowing year, at the battle of the Wilderness, though his command was literally cut to pieces, he brought off his surviving troops in good order, and was promptly engaged with the enemy in the advance at dayUght in the fol lowing morning. Throughout his service his conduct was such as to win the com mendation of his superiors, and he was awarded a raedal of honor from Congress " for gallantry at Salem Heights." The gen eral comraanding the army, in making the recoramendation, said : " The record of Lieutenant-Colonel Butterfield is an exceed ingly brilliant one, his conduct on several separate occasions well merited a raedal of honor, but the affair of May 4, 1863, is prob ably the one raost worthy of such special recognition, since Colonel Butterfield not only displayed there his accustomed bravery, but also soldierly quaUties of a high order." After the close of the war, the Legislature of Vermont in joint assembly unanimously elected him judge advocate general of the state, with the rank of brigadier-general, as a recognition of his faithful service with his command and his gallant conduct in the field. Frora 1865 to 1877 he was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Saxtons River. In August, 1877, he comraanded a brigade of veterans at the celebration of the looth BUTTERFIELD. anniversary of the battie of Bennington. In that year he returned to his original inten tion, broken up by his army service, the study of law. In 1880 he was appointed by President Hayes supervisor of census, and had charge of the state of Vermont in the taking of the tenth census. On completion of this work he was selected by the Presi dent, the Secretary of the Interior, and Gen. Francis A. AValker, superintendent of the tenth census, to take charge of the investiga tion of the alleged census frauds in the state of South Carolina. Leaving Vermont early in November he remained in South Caro Una tiU Feb. I, 1 88 1, when he returned to Washington and made his report. A previ ous investigation had been raade which had proved unsatisfactory. General Butter field's report settled this vexed question to the entire satisfaction of aU parties. He was urged by General Walker to reraain in Wash ington to assist in completing the work of the tenth census, and consented. In 1882 he was transferred to the Bureau of Pensions, where he served through all the various grades and became a principal examiner in July, 1884. In 1890 he was made chief of the special examination division and during that year had three hundred and fifty special agents in the field and an ofifice force' of upwards of one hundred. Finding the work much in arrears, he brought it up to date and in a period of three years had reduced the expenditure of that division in the hand some sum of ^426,000. In 1888 he formed business connections in Vermont and in July, 1892, after great reluctance on the part of the Secretary of the Interior and Commis sioner of Pensions, his resignation was ac cepted, and he returned to Vermont to devote his entire time to private business. He is associated with his brother. Col. F. D. But terfield, under the firm narae of Butterfield & Co., in the manufacture of taps and dies and other thread cutting tools at Derby Line. General Butterfield is a charter member of Lodge of Temple, No. 94, F. & A. M., of Bel lows Falls ; a charter member of Abenaqui R. A. Chapter No. 19 of sarae place, of which he has been High Priest ; member of Hugh de Payn's Commandery Knights Templar of Keene, N. H. ; meraber of E. H. Stoughton Post G. A. R. of Bellows FaUs ; has been a member of the Department and National staff ; is a charter member of the Vermont Commandery of the MiUtary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, having previously been one of the ofificers of the District of Columbia Comraandery of Wash ington, D. C. ; meraber of the District of Colurabia Society of the Sons of the Amer ican Revolution, having served as vice- president of the same, and for several years one of the board of managers and was a CAMP. member of the National Congress of the order ; was vice-president of the Society of the Army of the Potomac in 1893, and is also connected with various other social and raiUtary societies. On June i, 1866, he raarried Maria Smith CAMP. 57 Frost, only daughter of Benjamin and Phebe Ann (Smith) Frost. They have two chil dren : Benjamin Frost (U. S. Consular Agent at Stanstead, P. Q., born April 25, 1867), and Esther Elraira (born August 4, 1871). CAMP, Erastus C, of Orange, was born in Orange, March 8, 1823. He was the son of George and Lydia (Paine) Camp. Erastus was the oldest of a family of four sons and one daughter. Piatt. Three children Homer D., Clayton (deceased). were born to them : F., and Oscar F. ERASTUS C. CAMP. Educated in the common schools of Or ange, and Newbury Acaderay, he reraained with his father until he was twenty-three years old, when he married and moved to one of the finest upland farms in Orange county, where he, still active and energetic, now resides, and carries his years lightly. A stalwart Republican, he has held most of the town ofifices during the past twenty years. He represented Orange in i864-'65 and again in 1888, and was senator from Orange county in 1890. A plain, practical man of sterling common sense, he was ¦elected by the town of Orange during the war as a special agent for the enUstment of recruits. He married, April 14, 1846, CaroUne E., daughter of David and Eleanor (Fuller) CAMP, Lyman L., of Elmore, son of Abel and Charlotte (Taplin) Camp, was born in Elmore, June 10, 1838. Of EngUsh descent, his grandfather served under Israel Putnam. His father, Abel Camp, a life-long citizen of Elmore, three times represented his native town in the Legislature. He was educated in the public schools of Elmore and at Barre Academy and then worked for a time on farms in Wolcott and Barre. After his return from the war he bought a farm near that of his father, and in 1889 came into possession of the old homestead. A Republican in politics, he has repeat edly held many important town ofifices, and represented Elmore in the Legislature. He was also a raeraber of the advisory council on farm culture and cereal industry at the World's Exposition at Chicago. In June, 1861, Mr. Camp enlisted as a private in Co. E, 3d Regt. Vt. Vols. He was with his company in the skirmish at Warwick Creek near the old historic field at Yorktown. He afterwards participated in the battles at Williamsburg, the seven days' fight, battle of Savage Station, second and third battles of Fredericksburg Heights, Salem Church, Funkestown, Brandy Station, Antietam, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North and South Anna, Cold Harbor, and Peters burg. He was twice hit, but not wounded, luckily escaping unharraed in aU these con tests. He was discharged July 27, 1864. Mr. Camp is a member of the J. M. Warren Post, No. 4, G. A. R. of Morrisville. He married, March 19, 1868, Hattie E., daughter of Thaddeus and Miranda White of Wolcott. Four children were born to them : Elmer, Mary Gertrude (Mrs. Henry Puffer of Richford), Abel Newton, and Lucy (deceased). CAMPBELL, Alfred H., of Johnson, son of Smith and Sophia (HiUs) CampbeU, was born in Litchfield, N. H., Sept. 28, 1850. Bred on a farra, Mr. CampbeU received his early education in the Nashua high CAMPBELL. CAMPBELL. school. New London Academy, State Nor mal School at Bridgewater, Mass., and Mt. Vernon Academy. He graduated from Dartmouth College with the degree of A. B. in 1877, receiving the degree of A. M. in 1880, and, having completed the post graduate course, that of Ph. D., from the University of Verraont in 1888. After teaching in the public schools and serving as principal of Kingston, N. H., Academy three years, and associate princi pal of Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., five years, he was elected and has been for ten years principal of the State Normal School at Johnson. An extensive traveler in this country, he has twice visited ALFRED H. CAMPBELL. Europe and devoted much time to the study of the school systeras of different nations. He has been very successful in his adminis tration of the State Normal School at Johnson. A member of the Repubhcan party, he has never devoted much time to politics, confining his energies to the educational field. An ofificer of the American Institute of Instruction, and a member of the Na tional Educational Association, he is now (1893) president of the New England Nor mal Council, and also president of the Ver raont State Teachers' Association. He was appointed by Governor Page county exam iner of Lamoille county in 1 891, and was for years secretary, and now holds the office of president of the LamoiUe County Sunday School Association and chairraan of its executive coraraittee. Dr. Campbell is a member of Waterman Lodge, No. 83, F. & A. M., and serves the lodge as chaplain. He is a member of the Congregational church in Johnson and one of its deacons. He has been licensed as a minister, and occasionally suppUes the pulpit in the vicinity of his horae. He married, Nov. 29, 1877, Hattie E., daughter of N. ^V. Winchester, who died Feb. II, 1888. Of this raarriage were born four children : Arthur W., Hattie Louise, Carrol Alfred, and AUce Gary. In a second union. Dr. Campbell was married to Carrie L. Kingsley of Rutland, March 27, 1890. (She died. May 16, 1891.) On July 20, 1893, he married Marian E., daughter of A. P. Blake of Boston. CAMPBELL, Wallace H., of Roches ter, son of George M. and Philette (Pear sons) CarapbeU, was born July 18, 1854, in Brockton, Mass. George M. CarapbeU was a native of Ver mont, to which state he returned before his son was a year old. The latter was educated at the coramon schools of Rochester and at Springfield Academy. Bereft of paternal guidance by the death of his father, he car ried on the old homestead at the age of eighteen. He then emigrated to California and remained there three years as foreman in an estabUshment for reducing gold ore. In 1879 he returned to Rochester, where he engaged in the hardware business for ten years with great success. Mr. CarapbeU married, Sept. 10, 1882, Eva, daughter of Orlando and Helen (Sterling) Kenedy of GranviUe. The fruits of this marriage are : Leon, Adolph (died in in fancy), Helen Catherine, and Jessie. A member of the Republican party, Mr. CarapbeU has been six years member of the town coramittee and justice of the peace, and was the town representative in i892-'93, a school director, and sugar inspector of Rochester. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Rural Lodge of Roches ter, to Whitney Chapter R. A. M., and the Montpelier Comraandery of K. T. CANFIELD, Thomas Hawley, son of Samuel and Mary A. (Hawley) Canfield, was born in Arlington, March 29, 1822. He de scended on the father's side from Thomas Canfield, descendant of James de Philo, a French Huguenot, who came from Yorkshire, Eng., to Milford, Conn., in 1646, while his maternal ancestor was Joseph Hawley, who was born in Derbyshire, Eng., in the earliest years of the seventeenth century and emi grated to Stratford, Conn., where he died in 1690. Nathan Canfield, the great-grandson of Thomas Canfield, reraoved to Ariington in 1768, and was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. m -M .....ji^^mitM '•t ¦6o CANFIELD. CANFIELD. During the early trouble arising from the disputes concerning the New Hampshire grants, the Canfields, Hawleys, Hards, AUens and Bakers were the raost prominent leaders in the struggle. Thomas Hawley Canfield was brought up on a farm and his early education was re ceived in the comraon schools of the place of his nativity. Evincing a strong desire for a more extended course of study than these institutions could afford he was placed by his father at Burr Seminary in Manchester, where he remained until he was fitted for college at the age of fourteen. Not desiring to commence his undergraduate course at this early age, he returned home and for two years worked on the farra, then was trans ferred to the Troy Episcopal Institute, with reference to a scientific course of study, but while there was persuaded by Bishop Alonzo Potter, then acting president of Union Col lege, Schenectady, to abandon his idea of becoraing an engineer, and he entered the junior class in the last named institution in the faU of 1839. Before the completion of his coUegiate course, however, he was summoned to Ver mont by the sudden death of his father, and as he considered the duty he owed to his mother and only sister pararaount to his own wishes, he again took up the burden of farm life, but finding agricultural labor too severe for his slender constitution, he removed in 1844 to WiUiston, where he became a mer chant. Mr. Canfield was married in 1844 to EUz abeth A., only daughter of Eli Chittenden, a grandson of the first Governor of Vermont. She died in 1848, and he was subsequently united to CaroUne A., daughter of the Right Reverend John Henry Hopkins, D. D., L- L. D., first Bishop of Vermont, by whom he had two sons and three daughters ; Emily, John Henry Hopkins, Marian, Flora, and Thoraas H., Jr. In 1847 Mr. Canfield reraoved to Burling ton, where he still resides, and here became a member of the firm of Bradley & Canfield, who carried on large wholesale stores and warehouses on the wharf at Burlington ; also ran Unes of boats to New York and Mont real. About this time. Professor Morse hav ing brought his telegraph into operation, Mr. Canfield ^•isited A^ergennes, OrweU, Mid dlebury, Rutland, and many other towns along the line, securing stock and organizing the company connecting these places with Troy, N. Y., and Montreal in February, 1848. The following year the firra of Bradley & Canfield, with two or three other parties, were concerned in building a railroad from Bellows Falls to Burling ton by way of Rutland, which was com pleted Dec. 19 of that year. He also. in conjunction with others, was engaged in constructing the Rutiand & ^Vashington, the Ogdensburg, as well as many other rail ways in New York and Pennsylvania. From the great knowledge he had already acquired of transportation, the services of Mr. Can- field were eagerly sought as superintendent and afterwards president of the Rutland & Washington R. R., of which he subsequently took a lease, operating it on his own account. This, it is beheved, was the first railroad in the United States leased to an individual. He took a prorainent part in the struggle of connecting Boston and Burlington by rail way, when two routes were proposed, one via Montpeher and Concord, and the other by Rutland and Fitchburg, he being strongly in favor of the latter, the result of which controversey was that both lines were con structed. In the final disposition of affairs, the Rutland & Burlington R. R. was left at Burlington without any through direct con nection by rail with Ogdensburg or Montreal, and to meet this defect, as the Rutland road had not the right by its charter to build and operate boats, Bradley & Canfield, within ninety days, constructed a steamer and four barges with a capacity of three thousand barrels of flour each and towed them be tween Burlington and Rouse's Point, thus enabling the Rutland Une to compete suc cessfully with the Vermont Central. His next enterprise was the estabhshment of a line of propeUers from the upper lakes to Ogdensburg to connect with the railroad to Boston and New England, which opened up for the first time a route for the products of the West by the lakes and St. Lawrence river which had heretofore found their out let only by the Erie Canal and roads from Albany. While thus engaged he formed the acquaintance of Mr. Edwin F. Johnson, one of the most experienced engineers in America, and from information received frora him relative to the belt of country between the great lakes and the Pacific ocean, he becarae thoroughly impressed with the importance of a railroad to the Pacific coast by the Northern route, and he deter mined to devote his Ufe to the accomplish ment of that object. As the first active step toward the enterprise, in 1852, before even there was any railroad into Chicago from the East, he contracted with others to build what is now known as the Chicago & Northwestern R. R., from Chicago to St. Paul, Minn., and Fond du Lac, Wis. ^ Mr. Edwin F. Johnson was made chief engineer of this railroad. The Hon. Robert J. ^^'alker, Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S., and other prominent raen were direc tors. While engaged in the construction of this raUroad Mr. Canfield and Mr. Johnson discussed very fully the subject of an over- CANFIELD. CANFIELD. 6l laiid railroad, and Mr. Johnson prepared an exhaustive treatise embracing their views upon Pacific railroads, coming to the con clusion that one by the Northern route was not only the raost feasible, but important in a military and coraraercial point of view, being so near to the British Une. Mr. Walker learning of this, desired a loan of the manuscript to lay before his associ ate in the cabinet of President Pierce, the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, who was at that time very desirous to extend the territory of the South and its "pecuUar insti tution." Mr. Davis, knowing Mr. Johnson to be an engineer of extensive knowledge and whatever he had written was important and reliable, saw upon examining the paper that it came in conflict with his cherished plans, and he carae on to New York and had a per sonal interview with Mr. Johnson and en deavored to convince hira that he was in error and did not reaUze the difficulties of the Northern route nor appreciate the great advantages of a Southern one. Mr. John son listened attentively to what Mr. Davis had to say and replied "that he had given the subject much thought and patient inves tigation, but his conclusions were strictly logical from the facts and that he had no doubt of the full verification of his estimates by actual measurements hereafter to be made," which have been confirmed since by the actual surveys of the Northern Pacific R. R. Mr. Davis finding that he could not change the conclusions of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Canfield, and that the manuscript could not be suppressed, but would be pubUshed by them, he, on March 3, 1853, procured the passage of a resolution by Congress authorizing him, the Secretary of War, to make such explorations as he might deem advisable to ascertain the most practical route for a railroad to the Pacific coast, hop ing thereby to discredit the arguments in favor of the Northern route, which resulted in sending out the three great Pacific rail road expeditions and in later years the con struction of a railroad over each of the three routes, the Southern being the last to be built. During the civil struggle, when Colonel Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania R. R. was made Assistant Secretary of War and general manager of transportation of the armies of the United States he sent for Mr. Canfield and entrusted to him the charge of the railroads about Washington as assistant manager. This was a very trying position, since every avenue of comraunication by land and water with the District of Colum bia was in the hands of the rebels, except the single iron track between Baltimore and Washington, over which the three hundred thousand soldiers for the Army of the Poto mac were to be transported for the defense of the Capital, as weU as aU provisions for man and beast about the city. Never before or since has so much business been done on a single track and that, too, without any ac cident or the loss of a single life. How promptly, ably and successfully this duty was discharged by Mr. Canfield the page of his tory teUs. In connection with these labors in iDehalf of his country, Mr. Canfield, with the assistance of Hon. Solomon Foote, re ceived permission from the government to raise a cavalry regiment in Vermont and the result of their efforts was that Col. L. B. Piatt, with the ist Regt. Vt. Cav., mounted, armed, and equipped, reported for duty within sixty days at Washington, rendering service during the war second to no other regiraent in the army. After the close of the struggle, for several years Mr. Canfield was superintendent of the steamers on Lake Champlain, but his mind and thoughts were still absorbed more or less with his favorite project until he con ceived and organized the syndicate to con struct the Northern Pacific R. R., in connection with which magnificent enter prise he has gained his chief renown. The space of this article will hardly permit a bare mention, much less a detailed account of his indefatigable labors for many years in its behalf. One incident, however, out of very many, may be mentioned, which will give a sUght idea of the persistence and energy required to carry this enterprise for ward. After several years of preliminary work and advances raade by the syndicate, as the contract with Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. was under consideration for negotiating the bonds of the corapany, Mr. Cooke re quired that his own engineers and men should first examine the country through which the road was to be built before he would sign the contract, and if their report was favorable he would execute it. Mr. Can- field was selected by the directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co. to conduct Mr. Cooke's party from the Pacific coast east and to show them a practicable route for a railroad. He met them at Salt Lake City June 9, 1869, took them to Sacramento by rail, thence by stage nine hundred miles to Olyrapia, Washington Ter. After ex ploring the bays and harbors of Puget Sound he returned to Portland, ascended the Col urabia river to Walla Walla, then the end of settlements. Here he fitted out a pack train of fourteen horses for a trip across the raountains to Helena, Mont., five hundred miles on horseback, having to carry on the backs of the horses all the provisions for the whole trip from Walla Walla through the In dian Territory, where there were no roads or CANFIELD. CANFIELD. ¦settiers, his party lying on the ground at night without a tent or other covering except a blanket. Frora Helena he came on to the Y'ellowstone river, where Livingstone now is, ¦one thousand miles east from Puget Sound, which was about as far as Sitting Bull, then in coramand of that country, would allow him to come. In this trip he had to cross the two raain janges of the Rocky Mountains several tiraes back and forth to examine diff'erent passes in order to satisfy Mr. Cooke's engineers that a line across them was feasible. Once he encountered an Indian outbreak, having nearly all his horses stolen by the Indians, and had this occurred at an earlier stage of the journey the party might all have per ished for want of food and transportation. After being gone four months and traveling about eight thousand miles, Mr. Canfield was able to show to the entire satisfaction of the engineers a practicable route, and, their report to Mr. Cooke being favorable, he executed the contract for negotiating Si 00,000,000 of the bonds of the company, and the work of construction at last commenced. It is not a little reraarkable that the route shown by Mr. Canfield was after subsequent instrumental surveys adopted by the com pany, and from the cars now on their course from Livingstone to the coast can be seen more or less of the way the identical trail of Mr. Canfield and his party, and it is difficult now to believe that such a trip could have been made by him under such circura stances, most of the way on horseback, requiring about sixty days, which is now made in luxurious sleeping and dining cars in less than sixty hours. Notwithstanding the apparently insur mountable obstacles which presented thera selves in the course of the long and bitter struggle to effect this object, the fact that it twice almost lost its charter, which was mainly saved by the active vigilance of Mr. Canfield, the discouraging opposition of the rival lines, and the physical obstructions of the country through which the raUroad was buUt, triumphant success finally crowned his efforts and those of his feUow-workers and the road was completed. How much this enterprise has accom plished for the rapid and extensive develop ment of the whole country through which it passes, an erapire in itself, and which is to become an important factor in the govern ment, is a matter of history, and the personal adventures of Mr. Canfield on the frontier, through Indian Territory with its savage in habitants, and the exciting scenes of which he was a witness during the construction of the line would alone fiU a large and very interesting volume. Notwithstanding all the discouragements of the early days of the Northern Pacific and the hostUity of Congress to its applica tions for aid, araid all the financial panics and storras, Mr. Canfield has always main tained the same abiding faith in this mag nificent undertaking, and he stiU believes that being the only corapany which has a charter frora Congress for a continuous line frora water to water it will becorae the great transcontinental route across the continent to Europe, not only for the products of farm, forest, and mines along its border, but for the trade of Japan, China and the Indies. In fact, it will become the world's highway, over which will pass the travel and business of the most enlightened and civilized por tions of the globe. In view of the great diversity of produc tions of this country and those of the Cen tral American states and the Dominion of Canada, the commercial relations between them and the United States must be con stantly growing stronger and stronger until their interests shall be separated by no transatlantic influence. Mr. Canfield be lieves that within a half century there will be but one English-speaking nation in North America, and that under a republican form of government, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic ocean ; a nation over which will float but one flag, that of the stars and stripes of the United States ; one republic, whose free and enlightened institutions will confer upon hundreds of miUions of people all the benefits of the highest and most enlightened civilization and be the control ling power among the nations of the earth. Since his retirement from the coinpany he has devoted raore or less time to the super vision of his large farm at Lake Park, Minn. He has now been engaged in active business for fifty-three years, during which period he has never taken a day specially for recrea tion or pleasure, but has found his enjoyment in the work in which he has been engaged, believing thereby he has been the source of some good to his feUow-men and to his country. Although of a slender frame and fragile constitution, he is yet apparently as active and raoves with the same elastic step as twenty years ago. He is a good judge of human nature, enabling him to be an excel lent organizer and manager of men, quick in observation, clear in judgraent, and rapid in execution. Modest in his pretensions, he is ever ready to give to others the credit of any good work, although he may have been mainly instrumental in bringing it about. Having been engaged most of his life m work of a public character and connected with many great enterprises, he has an ex- CANFIELD. tended knowledge of the whole country, broad and coraprehensive ideas as to its ¦capacity and resources, and entertains the most sanguine views as to its future great ness and power. When once enlisted in any scheme which commands his approbation he is very persistent and persevering until it is accomplished, no matter how difficult it raay be or how serious the obstacles to be overcorae. The idea of defeat never enters into his calculations. He is generous almost to a fault, a true and firra friend to those who gain his confidence, and raany are the men in prorainent posUions in diff'erent parts of the country who are indebted for thera to his early aid and assistance. At different times he has been actively engaged in political matters, but always refusing to accept office of any kind. Ar riving at his majority when the old Whig party was prominent, his first vote was cast for its nominees, and he continued identi fied with it untU it was succeeded by the Republican party, to which he has since belonged. He understands thoroughly all the great political issues, as well as the great commercial, which involve the business and prosperity of these United States. Few men have had a more extensive acquaintance and knowledge in the last two generations of the prominent men of the nation, whether in politics or business. Mr. Canfield is an active member of the Protestant Episcopal church, having been born in the house occupied by his grand father, Nathan Canfield, in Arlington, and who was the first lay delegate to the first convention of the diocese of Vermont, organized at Arlington, 1790. His great grandfather on his mother's side, Capt. Jehiel Hawley, officiated as lay reader and maintained the service of the church frora 1764, which was the first service of the Episcopal church in Verraont, being before there was any clergyman there. These two men built the first church in Vermont and in that church Thomas H. Canfield was bap tized by old "Priest" Bronson seventy years ago. He has attended every convention of the diocese of Verraont for forty-one years, during thirty-one of which he has been the secretary of the organization. He was one of the original incorporators and trustees of the Vermont Episcopal Institute at Burlington, chartered in 1854, and for twenty-eight years has had charge of the funds of the establishraent. He was mainly instrumental in the erection of Bishop Hop kins Hall for the purpose of a church school for young ladies,, and he has so ably man aged the finances of this corporation that the diocese of Verraont now possesses this beautiful property of one hundred and fifty acres on the banks of Lake Champlain, CARLETON. 6t, upon which is an Episcopal residence, a large gothic stone buUding for the theological departraent and boys' school, with another of equal dimensions and materials for the use of the young ladies, both in successful operation aqd not a dollar of debt outstand ing nor any lien of any kind on the property. Mr. Canfield was a potential factor in raising the funds for buUding Trinity Chapel, Winooski, and the Episcopal church at Brainerd, Minn., and he also furnished the site for churches at Moorhead, and Lake Park, Minn. ; Bisraark, N. D., and Kalaraa, Wash. He has represented the diocese of Vermont in the general conventions of the church in the United States, held in Phila delphia in 1856, in Richmond, Va., in 1859; in New York in 1874, in Boston in 1877, and in Chicago in 1886. Few men have had a more busy life, which from present indications is likely to continue in the sarae way to the end, and he probably will, as he says he expects to do, "die in the harness." In conclusion it may be truly said what the late Rev. Dr. Wick ham of Manchester so beautifully expressed : "If Burlington can boast of her Edmunds, the leader of the United States Senate, and of Phelps, the eminent jurist and distin guished representative at the Court of St. James, she has not another citizen that has honored her more than Thoraas H. Canfield." CARLETON, HiRAM, of Montpelier, son of David and Mary (Wheeler) Carleton, was born in Barre, August 28, 1838. His father, David Carleton, was twenty- fifth in descent frora Baldwin de Carleton, and seventh in descent from Edward Carle ton, who emigrated frora the raother country in 1639 and settled in Old Rowley, Mass. Baldwin de Carleton, of Carleton HaU, Cumberland, Eng., was a remote ancestor. He received his early education in the coramon schools of Barre, and pursued his preparatory studies for college at the acad eray of that place. He then entered the University of Verraont, graduating in i860, after which he was principal of the Hines burgh Academy. He then removed to Keese- viUe, N. Y., where he was eraployed as in structor in natural science, mathematics and Greek, in the KeesevUle Academy, of which he was afterwards made the principal. In 1865 he completed the study of the law with Ephraim E. French, Esq., of Barre, and was admitted to the bar of Washington county court at the Septeraber terra. In •1866 he located in Waitsfield where he began, and confined for ten years, the prac tice of his profession. He then changed his residence to Montpelier in order to be come a member of the firra of Heath & 64 CARNEY. CANNON. Carleton, which continued tiU 1883, when he was appointed judge of probate by Governor Barstow. He lias since held this office by successive elections. In 1869 Judge Carleton was the represen tative of the town of Waitsfield in the Gen eral Asserably, and the foUowing year was /"' ¦^ HIRAM CARLETON. re-elected by a unaniraous vote. In that body he served as chairman of the com mittee on education, and was largely instru mental in the passage of the act permitting the establishment of the town systera of schools. In 1870 he was the delegate from Waitsfield to the state constitutional conven tion, and was chosen state's attorney for Washington county for two years. Judge Carleton has been recently elected president of the Vermont Historical Society, and has acted as treasurer of the Vermont Bar Association since 1883. For fifteen years he has most creditably served as both trustee and treasurer of the Washington county grararaar school. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, uniting with Aurora Lodge, No. 112, of Montpelier. Judge Carleton was married in Chester field, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1865, to Mary Eliza beth, daughter of Lathrop and Mary (BaU) Pope. Of this union are issue : Frederick, and Mary Ball Pope. CARNEY, John Vose, of Bennington, son of Daniel and Mary (Wheeler) Carney, was born in Newcastle, Me., Nov. 6, 1835. His maternal grandfather was a member of the patriotic band who spiUed the tea in Boston harbor. Mr. Carney passed through the common schools of his native town, and instead of devoting his nights to relaxation or amuse ment, employed them in careful and unre mitting study. In 1851 he went to Worcester, Mass., to learn the trade of a machinist, but after three years removed to Bennington. During the war, he acted as inspector of arms at Watervliet Arsenal. He then commenced the marwifacture of knit goods at Bennington, but meeting with reverses, sold his plant and engaged in business for the Mutual Life In surance Co. He is now a half owner ofthe Crawford & Carney shoddy mills in Ben nington. Republican in his political preferences, Judge Carney has been given many civic honors. Besides being elected as assistant judge of the Bennington county court, he was sent to the Senate in 1884; also ap- appointed to serve on the citizens' Benning ton battle monument coraraittee, and was chairman of the banquet committee at the dedication of the monument. Mr. Carney belongs to the Methodist church, and for about twenty-one years was superintendent of the Sunday school. March 23, 1854, he was joined in matri mony at Worcester, Mass., to Susan A., daughter of Asa and Sally Morse Abbott. One daughter was the fruit of this union : Allura Jeannette (Mrs. C. N. Hodgkins of Bennington. She passed away, April 7, 1880). CANNON, M. W., of West Rutland, was born in that town, April 9, 1867. Of Irish parentage, he was educated in the common schools, and after completing his course of study, labored upon a farm belonging to his parents, which occupation he followed untU 1887, when he entered a political life. In 1888 he was the candidate for justice of the peace on the Democratic ticket, and received the largest vote ever given to an aspirant for the ofifice in the town. Two years later he was elected selectman, which position he now holds, being chairman of the board. In 1890 he was the nominee of his party for town representative, and, re ceiving a handsome majority, entered the Legislature at the age of twenty-four, the youngest meraber of the body. He imme diately took an active part in the debate on reforra measures, and distinguished himself by an able and eloquent speech on the weekly payment bill. He was re-elected in 1892, and served creditably on the com mittee on rules and elections. Mr. Cannon CARPENTER. has taken a leading part in town afifairs, and has been prominently identified with aU measures of reform. In October, 1893, he was offered the choice of the ofifice of post master in W^est Rutland or a position in Washington, bythe Cleveland administration. The latter position he accepted. M. W. CANNON. In social life, he is afifable and agreeable, is unmarried, and in religious belief is a Roman Catholic. CARPENTER, AMOS BUGBEE, of Waterford, son of Isaiah and Caroline (Bugbee) Carpenter, was born in Waterford, May 25, 1818. The first of the family who emigrated to Araerica was William Carpenter, who came from Wherwell, England, in 1638, ancl was one of the earliest settlers of Weymouth and Rehoboth, Mass. Jonah Carpenter, the grandfather of Amos B. Carpenter, was a minute man during the Revolutionary war, and Isaiah, his son, came to Waterford in 1808, where he cleared a farm, which has since been the family home. Mr. Amos B. Carpenter attended the common schools of Waterford, and after wards pursued short courses of study at the Lyndon Academy and Peacham grammar school. When eighteen years of age, and each season after that time untU married, he taught school during the winter and attended to his farm duties during the suramer ; but though his educational opportunities were limited, he has supplemented them by a CARPENTER. 65 lifelong habit of reading, and a large expe rience of men and afl'airs. He has made general farming the vocation of his life, paying considerable attention to the pro ducts of the dairy. He was united in marriage, June 24, 1847, to Cosbi B., daughter of Ezra and Hannah (Burleigh) Parker, of LUtleton, N. H. They have had eight chUdren, six of whom stiU live: Martha W. (Mrs. StUlman F. Cut ting of Concord), Althea C. (Mrs. Stephen J. Hastings of Waterford), Philander Isaiah (died in infancy), Caroline Bugbee (Mrs. L. J. Cummings, deceased), Amos Herbert, Cosbi May (Mrs. L. J. Curaraings of Clinton, Iowa), Ezra Parker, and Miner Bugbee. Mr. Carpenter is a consistent Republican, and for thirty-eight years has discharged the duties of postmaster at West Waterford. He was a member of the state Legislature from Waterford in 1888. Nearly half a cen tury ago he was elected a corresponding member of the Historical and Genealogical Society at Boston, and is about to publish a AMOS BUGBEE CARPENTER. record of the Carpenter family, on which Jie has persistently labored for many years. He has received the three degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry, and is a raeraber of Moose River Lodge of West Concord. He was one of the charter raembers of the Green Mountain Grange, P. of H., which was the first subordinate body formed in New Eng land, and later was selected to fulfil the duties of Master of Waterford Grange. 66 CASSIE. CELLEY. CASSIE, George, of Barre, son of James and Margaret (Ronald) Cassie, was born in Auchmaliddie, Aberdeenshire, Scot land, May 29, 1857. His education was limited to the public schools in his native town, and he served his apprenticeship at the trade of a stone cutter. When the regular terra of five years had ex pired, he served as journeyman two years, and in 1880 emigrated to the United States, setding in Barre in 1882. Comraencing with a sraall capital, he has gradually in creased his business, untU it has proved most lucrative and successful. Two years ago Mr. Cassie conceived the idea of import ing pure-bred Shedand ponies for breeding purposes. This venture has also proved successful. Mr. Cassie is a Democrat, and is an ex cellent representative of the Scotch-Ameri can, combining American enterprise with the native thrift and shrewdness of the Scotch. He married. May 16, 1889, Laura E., daughter of Charles L. and Celinda (Dickey) Currier of Barre. Their first child, Jessie, died in infancy ; their second, Raymond J., was born in October, 189 1. CAVERLY, Charles Solomon, of Rutland, Son of Dr. Abiel Moore and Sarah L. (Goddard) Caverly, was born in Troy, N. H., Sept. 30, 1856. He received the usual education in the public schools of Pittsford, to which town his father removed in 1862, and he also attended those of Brandon. In the suraraer of 1873 he entered Kirabail Union Acaderay at Meriden, N. H., graduating there in 1874, and then entered the classical department of Dartmouth College, from which he grad uated in 1878. He was valedictorian of his class, and received two prizes at his grad uation. He received his degree of M. D. from the medical department of the U. V. M. in 1 88 1. During the time of his educa tional career he employed himself in teach ing at West Haven, Proctor and Pittsford. After his graduation he visited New York City, where he spent nearly two years of study in hospitals, and also availed himself of the advantages of private instruction. In 1883, Dr. Caverly returned to Rutland and began to practice his profession, at first in connection with Dr. Middleton Goldsmith, but after a year he opened an office inde pendent of him, and since then he has been alone. He makes a specialty of the diseases of the nose, throat and chest, often visiting New York for a few weeks for the purpose of more particular study and research. He is a member of the State Medical Society, and has held most of the ofifices in this society, being president in i89i-'92. He has belonged to' the American Medical Asso ciation. He is a raeraber of the Rutland Medical Club, and in i89i-'92 was president of the Rutland County Medical Society. Dr. Caverly is a raeraber of the Rutland Repub lican Club, of the Rutland Board of Trade, and one of the directors of the Rutiand Hospital Association. He raarried, Nov. 5, 1885, Mabel A., daughter of Harley C. and Mary (Root) Tuttle of Rutland, by whom he has one son : Harley Tuttle. From 1887 to 1889, Dr. Caverly dis charged the functions of health ofificer of Rutland, and was appointed a member of the State Board of Health in 1890 by Gov ernor Dillingham to fill an unexpired term, being reappointed by Governor Page for a term of six years. He has been president of that body since 1891. Dr. Caverly has entered the Masonic fra ternity, affiliating with Rutland Lodge, No. 79, Davenport Chapter, No. 1 7, and Killing- ton Comraandery, No. 6, Knights Templar. He is a member of the Congregational church, and interested in the Y. M. C. A. of Rutland. CELLEY, William E. S., of Bradford, was born in Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 7, 1838. His father's name was Benjamin, and his mother's Jane M. Sawyer. When he was three years of age his father's family removed to Bradford, and the following year to the town of Fairlee, where he now resides. He was educated at the public schools and at Bradford Academy. William was brought up on the farm of his father, a highly respected citizen, who twice represented the town in the state Legisla ture, and died at the advanced age of nine ty-three. He has always resided on this and on the adjoining estate, and has devoted his attention to general farraing, though at present is especially engaged in the produc tions of the dairy. Mr. Celley is a man of independent con victions, an earnest supporter of temper ance principles, and an ardent advocate of the law of prohibition. He was district clerk thirty-four consecutive years, is a member of the board of school directors, and one of the trustees of Bradford Acad emy. He has held various ofifices in the town, and in 1876 was elected to the state Legislature by the votes of the Republican party. He is a meraber of the M. E. Church of Bradford, and has lately presented a fine bell to the Union Church of Fairlee as a memorial token in honor of his father. He has for many years been a steward in the church to which he belongs, and has been in various ways connected with other organi- CHAFEY. CHAMBERLIN. 67 zations of a religious and reformatory char acter. He was united in marriage June 13, 1865, at Bradford, to Jane C, daughter of Jasper and Celinda (Heath) Moore of West Fair- WILLIAM E. S. CELLEY. lee . Two children have been born to them : Eraraa J. (deceased), and George E., who resides with his parents. They have also an adopted chUd, H. Evelyn. CHAFEY, Martin Beard, of Albany, son of Hirara and Asenath (Kendall) Chafey, was born in Albany, May 11, 1842. He was educated at the public schools of Albany, where he also became a pupil of the academy, and afterwards attended the Peo ple's Academy at Morrisville. He comraenced his business career with a clerkship at Derby Line, and then enlarged his experience by serving for one year in a wholesale store in Boston. In 1866 he entered into partnership with his brother, Hiram W., but since 1882 he has continued the business by himself, carrying a large ¦stock of general merchandise. Since 1879 he has been agent for the collection of rents for Middlebury CoUege. Was postmaster at Albany from 1866 to 1886. Mr. CafiTey was married to Jennie Wilson, daughter of Alexander and Margaret (Cal- ¦derwood) Mitchell of Craftsbury. Their children are : Don M. (died in childhood), Agnes O., Roland E., and Maggie E. A life-long Republican, Mr. Chafey has been town clerk since 1876, and in 1893 was appointed deputy collector of internal rev enue for Albany and vicinity. He enlisted m the army, but being a minor his parents refused their consent. Before the age of twenty-one he had enlisted once and was drafted twice. He was elected to the General Assembly of 1890. Attending the session of that year, also the extra session of 189 1. His son Roland, accompanying him as page in the House in 1890 and in 1891, was ap pointed assistant secretary of the House at the age of fourteen years, he being the youngest person ever appointed to that posi tion in the state, and now at the age of seventeen years is assistant cashier in the First National Bank, Ithica, Mich. In religious preference a Baptist, he nev ertheless attends and supports the Metho dist Episcopal church. He has been a meraber of Central Lodge F. & A. M. of Irasburg. CHAMBERLIN, PRESTON S., of Brad ford, son of Abner and Mary (Haseltine) Chamberlin, was born in Newbury, Nov. 28, 1832. Educated in the coraraon schools and at Newbury Seminary, he remained on his father's farm untU the age of twenty-one, when he removed to the town of Bradford, where he has since resided. He is a Republican and has been elected to fiU several town ofifices and in 1890 rep resented his town in the Legislature. A trustee of Bradford Acaderay for fifteen years, he is strongly interested in the cause of education. Mr. Chamberiin enlisted in the United States service in May, 1861, under the first call of President Lincoln, being a meraber of the Bradford Guards. For the first two months of the war he served as sergeant in Co. D, ist Vt. Vols. Upon the caU for nine months' men in 1862, he enlisted in the 12th Regt. and went out as captain of Co. H, (Bradford Guards) and was mustered out with the regiment. Captain Chamberlin was a charter member of Washburn Post, G. A. R , No. 17, and for several years its Commander. He married Hannah S., daughter of George W. and Rebecca (Mussey) Corliss of Bradford, Jan. 17, 1856. They have three daughters : Annie (wife of C. E. Spalding), Mary H. (wife of George R. Grant) , and Edith JuUa. CHANDLER, FRANK, of Brandon, son of Rufus and Mary (King) Chandler, was born in Coleraine, Mass., June 13, 1838. His education was chiefly obtained at the West Brattleboro high school, and he com raenced a raercantUe career in his early CHAPIN. CHASE. boyhood. For some twelve years he was employed as a clerk in dififerent situations, the last six being in a wholesale clothing store in Montreal. Since that time he has devoted himself to agricultural pursuits, and in connection with these has conducted a summer resort at Silver Lake, Leicester, where for the past fourteen years he has held semi-annual carap raeetings, to which socie ties of every denomination have been hear tily welcomed. Mr. Chandler was wedded in Leicester in 1864 to Ellen M., daughter of Stephen and Sarah Alden. To them eight children have been born: Sarah Ella (deceased), John B., FRANK CHANDLER. Frank E., Mary A., Rufus A. (deceased), Grace A., Gertrude L., and Ernest D. (de ceased). He has held many responsible ofifices in the town of Leicester, which he represented in Montpelier in 1878. He has been prominent in the organizations of the Good Templars and Patrons of Husbandry, and for more than thirty years has been an active member of St. Paul's Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 25, of Brandon. CHAPIN, William, of Middlesex, son of Joseph and Catherine (Holden) Chapin, was born Dec. 7, 1831. Mr. Chapin coraes from a line rich in his toric associations. On his mother's side he is fourth in descent from WUliam Holden, who was with the Colonial troops at the capture of Louisburg in 1745, and served under the immortal Wolfe upon the heights of Abraham in 1759. A soldier of the patriot army of the Revolution, he was pres ent at Stillwater and Saratoga and witnessed the surrender of Burgoyne. The paternal grandfather of the subject of the present sketch came to Middlesex as one of its ear liest settlers shortly after the Revolutionary war, in which he had fought under Washing ton. Together with his oldest son, Joseph, he marched to Plattsburg and again encoun tered the dangers of the battlefield in behalf of his native land. Receiving only the instruction of the common schools of his native town, the early training of Mr. Williara Chapin was eminently practical. After an early experi ence in district school teaching during the winter at Middlesex and Waterbury, he was employed as a clerk in a store at Swamp- scott, Mass., and later in i858-'59 in the Union store at Montpelier. With these ex ceptions, he has always lived upon the farm where he was born. He is a very successful operator in real estate, besides being a large holder of the same. He is an enthusiastic breeder of Jersey cattle and Shropshire sheep, owning one of the best flocks in the county. After holding many town ofifices, he was sent to the Legislature in 1880 and was a member of the State Equalizing Board in 1882. In 1884 he was honored by an elec tion to the Senate and re-elected in 1888. He has also been a member of the Board of Agriculture from 1887 to 1892. Hon. William Chapin is a unique and original character, possessing a fimd of quaint and genial humor with an inimitable gift of drollery in story teUing. When he is convinced of the righteousness of his cause "he knowing, dares maintain," and in brief is an excellent specimen of a good old- fashioned Green Mountain farmer. He was raarried at Worcester, May 15, i860, to Catherine, daughter of Deacon Jonas and Minerva E. (Vail) Abbott. Of this union there were five children : Harry Lee, Joseph Abbott, WiUiam Allen, Hinck ley B., and Edgar L. (deceased). CHASE, Charles Sumner, of Whit ingham, son of Abraham and Catherine (Read) Chase, was born in the town of Whitingham, May 13, 1855. After having attended the common schools. of the town he studied law and stenography, and was adraitted to the Windham county bar in September, 1880, and has since prac ticed law at Whitingham. He has served as the official stenographer of the Bennington, Rutland and Windham county courts for the past seventeen years. He took a prominent part in the organization of the Moses New- CHASE. ton Shoe Co., of which he has had the raan ageraent, and was also connected with the construction of the Deerfield Valley R. R., and the Hoosac Tunnel & WUraington Rail road Co., and is a director of and attorney for the same. He is a Republican, and has been town treasurer, justice of the peace and held some rainor offices. Mr. Chase is a mem ber of Unity Lodge, F. & A. M., of Jack sonviUe. He married, Jan. 19, 1881, Carrie Emily, daughter of John Addison and Emily C. Brigham of Boston, Mass. Two children have been born to them : Robert Martin, born Feb. 22, 1883, and Harry Brigham, born Aug. 9, 1889. CHASE, Charles M., son of Epaphras Bull and Louisa (Baldwin) Chase, was born in Lyndon, Nov. 6, 1829. He received his preparatory education in the academies of Lyndon, St. Johnsbury, and Meriden, N. H., and was afterwards graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1853. He then pursued his profes sional studies with President Allen of Farm er's College, Cincinnati, and in 1857 was adraitted to the bar in Sycamore, IU., where he comraenced the practice of his profes sion, at the sarae time editing the DeKalb County Sentinel and teaching music, thus continuing untU the breaking out of the civU war. In i863-'64 he was in Kansas, a portion of the tirae employed as city editor of the Leavenworth Daily Times, and having CHASE. 69 charge of the musical association of that city. For some time he traveled in the state as correspondent of the Sycamore Re publican, describing the bloody struggles that took place during the episodes of 1856. In 1865 he coramenced the publication of the Vermont Union at Lyndon, which he StUl continues. In connection with this enterprise he has made numerous trips in Florida, California, the western and the southern states as correspondent of his own paper, one of these trips being pubUshed in book forra under the title of "Editor's Run in New Mexico and Colorado." The book received nuraerous compliraents from the press and had quite an extensive sale. During the first years after leaving col lege, Mr. Chase divided his time between studying law and teaching in Cincinnati, O., having charge for three years of the vocal music departraent in Ohio Feraale CoUege and Farraer's CoUege, conducting conven tions, giving concerts, etc. During this period he composed different church tunes, which were published in the books of that date and later. Mr. Chase enlisted in 186 1, and had charge of the brigade band of the 13th IU. Vols. tUl their discharge at the end of three months service in Southwestern Missouri. He was married June 15, 1865, at Syca more, IU., to Mary E., daughter of Timothy and Mary (Waterman) Wells. Their five children are : Everett B., John B., George A., Jennie H., and Nellie L. Mr. Chase is Democratic in his political adherence, and for several years held the ofifice of police magistrate in Sycamore. For twenty years he has been justice of the peace in Lyndon. He was the prime mover in securing the charter for the Lyndon Acaderay and Graded School, being for a long time president of the board of direc tors. In i866-'68 he was the Deraocratic candidate for Congress in the First Verraont District, and was appointed delegate to the national convention of that party in St. Louis in 1876. His ability as a financier has called him to the duties of director in the Lyndon National Bank and the Savings Bank & Trust Co. of St. Johnsbury, of which he has been president since 189 1. • He has taken the vows of Free Masonry, and is actively connected with the lodge at Lyndon and Haswell Chapter in St. Johns bury. CHASE, Edgar MERRITF, of jay, son of MerrUl and Electa (Stickney) Chase, was born in Jay, AprU 18, 1857. Having re ceived his education at the public schools of Jay, he now owns and occupies a small farm at the vUlage and for several years has been foreman in B. F. Paine's luraber raill. 70 CHASE. CHASE. He has held raany town offices and was elected to the Legislature in 1892, where he served on general and several special cora raittees. He has always been a strong Republican in his political faith, and is a member of Masonic Union Lodge, No. 16, of I'rpy. In religious belief he is Methodist Episcopal. EDGAR MERRITT CHASE. August 17, 1881, Mr. Chase married Myra Bartlett. who died Nov. 17, 1891, leaving two chUdren : Charles Bartlett, and Maud Electa. CHASE, Willard, of West Concord, son of George and Eunice (Abbott) Chase, was born in Landgrove, March 10, 1840. Coming to Concord with his parents two years later, he was brought up on the same farm where he has since resided. His father was a frugal, industrious farmer, skUled also in raany handicrafts, and the subject of this sketch naturally received much training in these directions. Being an ambitious, self-reliant boy, he acquired a thorough coraraon school educa tion. As a farmer, he evinces the same energy and thoroughness, making specialties of creamery butter and maple sugar. In 1890 he made 10,100 pounds of sugar. Mr. Chase is an earnest Republican. He was school district clerk and treasurer for twenty-one years. Called to the position of selectman at the age of twenty-six, he has hat position ten terms ; he was five years overseer of the poor, and also served in raost of the other town ofifices, and was representative in the Legislature of 1878. ] He is a public-spirited raan of strong convictions and benevolent impulses. Has always been a temperance man in principle and practice, and a prominent member of the I. O. G. T. In the long and eventful existence of the West Concord Universalist Church, a period of raore than half a cen tury, Mr. Chase has been a constant atten dant and active worker ; about thirty years superintendent of the Sunday school, and. many years chairman of the parish com mittee. He is also president of the Northem Association and treasurer of Universalist Convention of Vermont and Province of Quebec, which ofifice he has held the past fourteen vears. WILLARD CHASE. January i, 1868, he married Ann Maria W., daughter of the late David W. and Sally (StUes) Lee of St. Johnsbury. CHASE, ZiNA GOLDTHWAIT, late of Cambridge, son of Alden and Abigail (Chase) Chase, was born in Cambridge, August 9, 1830. , His educational advantages were derived from the common schools and he steadily followed farming as an occupation, at the same time dealing largely in cattle. Mr. Chase twice enlisted in the ranks of his country's defenders and in his first attempt was advanced to the grade of orderly ser- CHILD. geant of Co. H, 2d Regt. Vt. Vols., but unfortunately he was mustered out for disa bility. After holding many minor positions of trust in the town, he was elected by a strong Republican raajority to the state Legisla ture in the fall of 1886, which position he CLARK. 71 and in 1890 was elected senator of Addison county, also the youngest man ever sent frora the county in that capacity. In both of the legislative bodies he served on ira portant committees and being well versed in parliamentary law, he was often called upon to preside. Mr. ChUd belongs to many political and agricultural societies and, though not a member, is a liberal supporter of the Christian church. ZINA GOLDTHVl'AIT CHASE. filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He was a member of the Masonic order, and was united in raarriage, August 2, 1856, to Jane H., daughter of Sarauel and Hannah Montague. One chUd, Hollis M. Chase, has blessed their union. CHILD, George Edward, of Wey- bridge, was born Feb. 22, 185 1, and is the son of John and Mahala (Briggs) Child. Receiving his early education in the schools of Weybridge, he continued to pur sue his studies at the Stanstead (P. Q.) Acaderay and Fort Edward Collegiate Insti tute. At first intending to enter a profes sional life, he concluded that farraing and speculation were his true vocations. Mr. ChUd has given a large share of his atten tion to the breeding of Merino sheep and of late years his specialty has been the rais ing of cattle and beeves. His farm, on which Gov. Silas Wright was born, is histor ically interesting. In political creed a Republican, after having held many town ofifices he was sent to the Legislature in 1884, being the youngest member ever sent from Weybridge, GEORGE EDWARD CHILD He was married in Weybridge on Jan. 25, 1877, to Susan, daughter of Edwin and Sarah Wright. This union has been blessed with two daughters : CecUe Maude, and Verna Wright. CLARK, Ezra Warren, of Derby, son of Alvah Warren and Mary C. (King) Clark, was born at Glover, Oct. 12, 1842. His father, Alvah, was one of twelve chil dren, eleven of whora lived to raaturity. Mr. Clark's educational training was acquired in the public schools of Glover, the Orleans Liberal Institute, and the Metho dist Episcopal Serainary of Newbury. For several terras he taught in the public schools, and was principal of the Orleans Liberal Institute. In the spring of 1867 he began the study of medicine with Dr. R. B. Skinner of Barton, and soon after entered the medi cal department at Dartmouth College, and in 1869 pursued a course of study at the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1870. 72 CLARK. CLARK. Dr. Clark coraraenced to practice his pro fession in Charleston, but in 1873 removed to Derby, where by patient industry, assidu ity, and his liberal methods he built up a large and valuable business. At the same time he has given some attention to practical farraing. He has been health officer for several years, and has been town superintendent of schools in Charleston, Glover and Derby, and selectraan frora 1889 to 1893. Always deeply interested in the cause of teraperance and education. Dr. Clark has been an active worker in their behalf. He has been for a long tirae chairman of the executive committee of Derby Academy, to the endowment fund of which he has been a liberal contributor. He is a meraber and ofificer of several medical societies. He is Republican in his political creed, and in his religious prefer ences Methodist Episcopal. He has always been energetic in church matters, and for fifteen years superintendent of the Sunday school. Dr. Clark was united in marriage AprU 30, 1 87 1, to Isadore M., daughter of Noble and Emily E. (Rice) Aldrich of Glover. Their union has 'been blessed with six chil dren : Albert W., Marion E., Helen M., Royce W., Genevieve M., and Dora Mae. CLARK, John Calvin, of St. Johns bury, son of John S. and Ann E. (Robinson) Clark, was born in Lunenburg, June 3, 1852. His educational advantages were received in the public and private schools of Detroit, Mich., and he commenced his business career at the age of eighteen, when he was employed as a clerk in the First National Bank at St. Johnsbury. In 1873 ^^ accepted the position of cashier in the First National Bank of Chelsea ; but after ten years returned to St. Johnsbury as assistant cashier in the institution in which he was first em ployed. In 1886 he was promoted to the post of cashier, which he retained until 1893, when he resigned to becorae the treasurer of the E. & T. Fairbanks Co. Mr. Clark is also treasurer of the St. Johnsbury Electric Light Co., The Mystic Club, and Home for Aged Woraen, and is a director of the First National Bank. He is a staunch and straightforward Re publican but has never held any political ofifice excepting that of clerk of the village corporation. He is a meraber of the Sons of Veterans, and of Passurapsic Lodge, No. 27, of St. Johnsbury. He was united in raarriage AprU 14, 1881, to Lida E., daughter of Rev. John M. and Anna Haselton Puffer. Three children are the issue of the marriage : Robert P., Mar- geret R., and Arthur Dana. CLARK, RiPLEY, of Windsor, son of EU and Sarah (Warner) Clark, was born in Strafiford, July 23, 181 7. His father, Eli, was frora Boscawen, N. H., anda soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Clark received his elementary educa tion in the district schools of Stratford, at Thetford Acaderay, and the New England . Seminary at Windsor. He studied medi-' cine with Dr. Phelps of Windsor, and gradu ated from the medical school of Dartmouth College in 1846. Commencing in Reading, Dr. Clark subsequently practiced his profesrsi sion in Illinois, and later at White River Junction. In 186 1 he settled at Windsoijl where he built up a large practice. Develop ing bronchial troubles from the severity of our winters, he was obliged to seek a change of climate, and for the last dozen years has resided in Florida during the winter. He is a Republican and cast his first presi- j dential vote for WiUiam H.. and his last for Benjamin Harrison. Averse to public ofl5ce, he has confined hiraself to the duties of his profession, but in 1880 was elected to the Legislature frora Windsor. For twenty years he was the medical director of the state's prison. He married, August 9, 1848, Mary Ann, daughter of Isaiah and Abigal (Tophff) Ray mond of Bridgewater. Of this marriage is one son : Isaiah Raymond. CLEMENT, Percival W., of Rut land, belongs to a family which has long been prominent in Rutland county, and his work has frora the first been in the larger business interests of the section. His be ginning was in the marble business, in con-, nection with the quarrying and manufacture^ ing enterprise estabUshed by his father, and in later years he has been prominent in railroad and other affairs. Mr. Clement is the son of Charles and Elizabeth (W'ood) Clement. He was born:| in Rutland, July 7, 1846, and his home has/ always been in that town. He was educated at the Rutland high school, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Trinity CoUege, Hartford. He began' business life as a clerk in the Rutland office of the marble firra above referred to, Cle ment & Sons, in the same year and became a partner in 1871. This firra sold out to the Rutland Marble Co. in 1876 for a price which made the transaction the largest then known in the marble business of this coun try. The merabers of the firra then organ ized the State Trust Co., and afterwards the Clement National Bank, both in Rutland, and both corporations have since remained under their control. Mr. Clement was engaged in the banking business until 1882, when he began buying 74 CLARKE. CLEVELAND. largely of the stocks of the Rutiand Railroad Co. He became the active manager of the affairs of this corporation in 1883. The finances of the corapany were deraoraUzed and its securities greatly depressed, and for four years Mr. Clement gave his attention to the property, finally acquiring absolute con trol of it. The stock and bonds of the cor poration advanced in price enormously and its credit was restored, and in 1887 Mr. Clement sold out to the Delaware & Hud son Canal Co. He remained with the rail road corapany, however, as its president and in 1 89 1 negotiated a lease of the property to the Central Verraont R. R. Besides his connection with the Rutland banks named, Mr. Clement is a director in the Howe Scale Works and the chief owner of the Rutland Herald, and concerned in many other local enterprises. Mr. Clement has been little before the public except as a business raan. He has always been a RepubUcan, but has never sought pohtical office and has held none except that of Rutland town representative, to which he was elected in 1892. His special work in this position was in getting the Rutland city charter. He was the active spirit in organizing the Rutland Board of Trade in 1889 and its president three years. He has been led by his affairs to spend con siderable time in the cities and is a member of the Union League Club of New York, the Algonquin Club of Boston, and of some other similar organizations. Mr. Clement married Maria H., daughter of Henry W. and CaroUne (Hinman) Good win of Hartford, Conn., in 1868, and has had ten children, of whom six are living : Elizabeth Wood, CaroUne Hinman, Ethel Scovil, Margaret Goodwin, Anna Elizabeth, and Robert. CLARKE, RansLURE Weld, of Bratde boro, son of Elam and Cynthia (Lewis) Clarke, was born in Williamstown, Jan. 27, 1816. His studies, besides those in the schools of his native town, were pursued at Black River Academy, Ludlow, and at the Orange county graramar school at Randolph Cen tre. He entered Dartmouth College in 1838, and graduated in 1842. Immediately upon his graduation, he became principal of Black River Academy which position he filled for three years, devoting his spare time to the study of law in the ofifice of Gov. P. T. Washburn. On his resignation from the principalship, he lent his entire energy to his professional studies in the ofifice of the late Hon. J. Dorr Bradley, and was admitted to the bar of Windhara county at the Sep tember term of court in 1846. On his admission to the bar he at once began the practice of law in Brattleboro. In 185 1 he received recognition from the Republican party, and was elected state's attorney for 'Windham county, and re-elected for the years of i853-'54. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1857, and one ofthe presidential electors in 1868. In the campaign of 1858 he was elected state senator frora Windham county, and re elected in 1859. Mr. Clarke was register of probate for the district of Marlboro in 1861- '62, when he resigned to accept the position of assistant quartermaster of United States Volunteers. Judge Clarke was married in May, 1849, to Lucy C, daughter of the late Judge John and PoUy ^Vilson) WUder. She died in 1864, and in 1868 he raarried Susan 0. \Yilder, a sister of his first wife. Of the first union there was one daughter, Mary W., now the wife of Hon. MUo M. Acker of Hornellsville, N. Y., and of the latter union one son, Francis E. Captain Clarke received the appointment of postmaster of Brattleboro in i87i,andat the expiration of his four years' term was reappointed, and served untU Jan. i, 1879. In local afifairs. Judge Clarke has taken a prominent part, and among other positions of trust which he has held, is that of presi dent of the Brattleboro Savings Bank. For raore than thirty years he has been United States commissioner and master in chan cery, and in 1882 he was elected assistant judge of the Windhara county court, which position he held until December, 1892. CLEVELAND, JamES P., JR., son of James P. and Anna P. (Huntington) Cleve land, was born in Bethel, Sept. 21, 1828. His father, James P. Cleveland, Sr., is still living, at the age of ninety. Very many years ago he joined the Masonic fraternity, of which he is believed to be the oldest liv ing representative in the state of Vermont. James P., Jr., reraoved to Braintree in 1845, and until 1880 followed farraing. At that tirae he removed to West Randolph and has devoted himself to life, fire and accident in surance. He has also engaged in settling several estates, and frequentiy acted as guar dian. A member of the Republican party, he has been appointed both deputy and sheriff of his county. He was enroUing officer in 1863, and assistant judge in 18 78-' 79, and was elected a member of the Legislature in i876-'77. Enlisting as a private in Co. F, 1 2th Regt. Vt. Vols., he was elected ist lieu tenant, and served nine raonths for the regi ment. He was a charter member of U. S. Grant Post, No. 96, of West Randolph, and has belonged to the Masonic order fnore CLIFFORD. than thirty years, and held the position of Worshipful Master four years, and treasurer twenty-five years. He is also a charter member of Randolph Lodge, No. 48, I. O. O. F. COBB. 75 JAMES P. CLEVELAND, JR. Mr. Cleveland married, August 3, 1850, Martha, daughter of Elijah and Patience (Nefif) Flint, who died Jan. 4, 1893. They have had three children : Frank H., Jennie A., and Harry L. CLIFFORD, NEWELL E., of Shel burne, son of George B. and Sarah (Rem ington) CUfford, was born in Starksboro, May 21, 1850. Availing himself of the usual educational faciUties of his native town, upon reaching the age to choose an occupation he adopted that of his father, that of a carpenter and builder. In 1880 he moved to Shelburne, where in 1887 he engaged with Dr. ^Y. Seward Webb of New York City, owner of Shelburne Farms, and has since been at the head and superintended the erection of the beautiful buildings on that magnificent estate. Since his majority, Mr. CUfford has taken much interest in pubhc raatters, especially in the schools of his town, and he has been entrusted by his townsmen with many responsible positions, being at present se lectman, school director, and a member of the state Legislature. In this last posi tion he served most creditably as chair man of the committee on pubhc buildings, and was an efificient meraber of that on highways, bridges, and ferries. He was largely influential in procuring the enact ment of the new highway law, which has given such general satisfaction to the state and raet such hearty approval in other states. Mr. CUfford was united in marriage, Dec. 31, 1871, to Mary J., daughter of Amos C. NEWELL E. CLIFFORD. and Lucy A. Cole, of Starksboro. As the result of this union, there are three children : Maud E. (deceased), Edith F.,and Cicero G. COBB, Nathan Bryant, of Strafford, son of Daniel and Marinda (Bryant) Cobb, was born at Strafford, Oct. 14, 1827, and is descended frora old Puritan stock. His maternal great-grandfather and grand father were among the minute men who fired on the green at Lexington, opposing the forces of British tyranny, and his paternal grandfather, Nathan Cobb, was also a sol dier of the Revolution. Daniel Cobb, his father, struggling under adverse circum stances, acquired a good education and be came a successful lawyer at Strafiford. Sena tor J S. MorrUl says concerning him, "Judge Cobb for nearly half a century was the chief legal counsel in town, an earnest advo cate and safe adviser." Though a cripple he saw service at the battle of Plattsburg. Mr. Nathan B. Cobb, though an invalid rauch of his life, has done good service in many of the town offices, has been an ex- 76 COBURN. COFFEY. tensive reader, and is considered an expe rienced, trustworthy and well-informed man. He was educated in the comraon schools of Strafiford, and entered Norwich University, but an iUness which proved nearly fatal pre vented the completion of his collegiate career. .'^ NATHAN BRYANT COBB. A Republican in his political faith, he was elected town clerk in March, 1863, and has filled that office ever since. He has been justice of the peace twenty-seven years, and for nine years superintendent of schools. He was elected town representative in 1870 and 1880, and assistant judge of Orange county court in 1874. Norwich University conferred the degree of A. M. upon Judge Cobb in 1874. He is a deacon of the Congregational church, and for many years was prominently connected with the Harris Library as its librarian. He married, Nov. 1, 1861, Emily C, daughter of Hyde and Mary (Wiggin) Cabot of Chelsea, who died April 14,1872. Decem ber 19, 1873, he was united to Mary Jennie, daughter of Eleazer and Mary (Cabot) Gardner of Thetford, by whom he had one child : Gardner N. His second wife died March 17, 1879. COBURN, James Allen, of East Montpelier, son of Larned and Lovisia (AUen) Coburn, was born in MontpeUer, AprU 6, 1828. Educated at the district school, he re mained with his father, who was a Ufelong resident and prominent citizen of the town of Montpelier, several years after attaining his majority and assisted him in the manage ment of his farra and miUs. Gifted with a strong talent for mathematics, he taught school successfully for six winters. In 1850 he married and moved to the farm of his father-in-law, which he has since purchased and here he has always remained. Judge Coburn has always been active and prominent in the councils of the Repubhcan party in his section. A representative in the Legislature in i869-'7o, he was elected assistant judge in 1878 and 1880. During the war he was an active member of the Union League of East MontpeUer. JAMES ALLEN COBURN. He raarried, Dec. 4, 1850, Abbie Daggett of East MontpeUer, daughter of Arthur, Jr., and Nancy (Farwell) Daggett. From their union have sorung five children : Lamed,, Arthur D., Flora H. (Mrs. Henry Kelton), James Lee, and Dwight H. (died in infancy). COFFEY, Robert John, of.Bennlng- ton, was born in the city of St. Johns, N. B., Dec. 15, 1842. In 1853 he raoved to Montpelier and re ceived his education in the coramon schools of Montpelier and Morristown, living in that town from 1855 to 1859. In the spring of i860 he attended the academy at Hyde Park one term. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion he was living' in Montpelier .and was one of the first volunteers from that COFFEY. COLBURN. 77 town. He first enlisted in Co. F, 2d Vt. Regt., but receiving a chance to enlist in Co. F, New England Guards of Northfield he enlisted May 3, 1861, for three months and participated in the first important battle of the war at Big Bethel, June 10, 186 1. In a few days after his return frora the three raonths' service on Sept. 10 he enlisted for He is a staunch Republican in politics. When the Verraont Soldiers' Horae was established in Bennington in 1887 he was the unaniraous choice of the trustees for superintendent which position he has filled with satisfaction and credit. In 1873 he joined the G. A. R. and has been an active and prorainent member of the order since, holding many ofifices in post and depart ment. He is at present major and brigade provost marshal on the staff of Gen. Julius J. Estey and has seen nearly fifteen years service in the National Guard of Vermont. He is a meraber of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M. of Montpelier and also a mem ber of Mohegan Tribe, No. 6, of Bennington. COLBURN, Robert M., of Springfield, son of Joseph W. and EmUy (Edgerton) Colburn, was born in Springfield, Dec. 6, 1844. His grandfather was a soldier of the Revolution, and fought at Bunker HiU and ROBERT JOHN COFFEY three years in Co. K, 4th Regt., and at the organization of the corapany he was made 3d sergeant and was always on duty until disabled by a wound Oct. 16, 1863, during which time he was engaged in the battles of Lee's MUls, several day battles in front of Richmond under General McCleUan, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Banks Ford, Gettysburg,, Funkstown and many skirmishes. At IBanks Ford, he captured during the battle two confederate officers and five soldiers for which gallant exploit he has been awarded a raedal of honor by Con gress. While on picket duty near Center ville, he was badly wounded and disabled for further service and was raustered out at Brattleboro in 1864 with the remnant of the men that left the town three years be fore over one thousand strong. In 1867 he was married to Demis Hattie Burnham ; by this union they have had one child. Soon after the war he became engaged in the hotel business ; first at Waitsfield, "Vt, and then for several years in Montpelier, Richmond and Windsor. ROBERT M. CCLEUr N. Long Island. His father was a wealthy and prominent resident of Springfield, was sena tor from Windsor county, and served four years as assistant judge. The subject of the present sketch was educated at the public schools of Spring field and the academies of Meriden, N. H., Manchester, and Andover, Mass. Reared upon his father's farm, and accustomed to act as his father's foreman and assistant in business, Mr. Colburn is still largely inter ested in agricultural pursuits, but is also a 78 COLTON. CONANT. good financial and business man, and there fore has been caUed upon to fill several im portant positions and among these are dis trict and town offices. Belonging to the RepubUcan party, he was elected to represent the town in 1880. Mr. Colburn is a member of the Vermont Historical Society, and also of the Sons of the Araerican Revolution. He married, Dec. 23, 1884, Sarah E., daughter of Luther and Eunice (Preston) Wheatley of Brookfield. They have two children : Frank W., and Alice Ada. COLTON, Eben POMEROY, of Iras burgh, son of John and Phcebe (Morey) Colton, was born in West Fairlee, Feb. 11, 1828. EBEN POMEROY COLTON. He came to Irasburgh March, 1841, with his father's family, and has resided in that town alraost continually since. He has been a builder, raanufacturer of luraber and a farmer. ?.Xa He was a whig prior to the forraation of the Republican party, and since 1854 has been a Republican. He was a raeraber of the House of Representatives from Irasburgh in 1859, i860 and 1876. In 1870 and 1872 he was elected a state senator from Orleans county. In 1878 he was elected Lieutenant- Governor. Governor Colton was for some years mas ter of the State Grange, Patrons of Hus bandry, and is a meraber of the Verraont Society of the Sons of the American Revo lution, of the Free Masons, and of other societies. He married at Barton, Vt., March 2, 1854 Almira A., daughter of Levi and Achsah (Ainsworth) BaUey. From this union there were born four children : Mary J., born July 4, 1859 ; Jennie G., born AprU 10, 1862; Jessie O., born July 14, 1867, and Eben P., born July 7, 1875. Governor Colton's legislative career was one honorable to himself, his town and his county, and received merited recognition in his election to the lieutenant-governorship. He never raade politics a business, and is one of the men who always has enough to do, other than office-holding. He has taste for books and historical matters to fill any leisure that he ever gets. CONANT, Edward, of West Ran dolph, son of Seth and Melvina (Perkins) Conant, was born May 10, 1829, in Pomfret. Leaving horae at the age of fifteen, he worked as a machinist in East Bridgewater, Mass., till he was twenty-one. After two years of preparatory study at Thetford ^H -;. \ ] EDWARD CONANT. Academy, he entered Dartmouth College in 1852, and left at the close ofthe faU term of 1854. In November of that year he be carae principal of Woodstock (Conn.) Acad emy, and afterwards was principal at the Royalton Academy and Burlington high school. In February, 1 861, he became prin cipal of the Orange county grammar school at Randolph where he remained fourteen CONWAY. COOK. 79 years. During his administration this insti tution became a State Normal School. He was principal of the State Normal School at Johnson for three years (1881 to 1884) when he returned to the State Norraal School at Randolph, of which institution he is stiU the principal. Mr. Conant was a raeraber ofthe National Council of the Congregational Churches, which raet in Boston, 1865, and in New Haven, Conn., in 1874 and in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1892. He has occupied the posi tions of president of the Verraont Teachers' Association, meraber of the Board of Edu cation and of the Verraont Constitutional Convention in 1870. He was State Super intendent of Education from 1874 to 1880. He married. May 10, 1858, Cynthia H., daughter of John and Betsey (Avery) Tag gart of Stockbridge, by whom he has four chUdren living : Frank Herbert, Seth Ed ward, NeU Florence, and Grace Lucia. Mr. Conant's interest in his profession has resulted in the authorship of several educational works, among which raay be mentioned : " A Few Roots of English Words " and " A DriU Book in the Elements of the English Language " and " Conant's Verraont." In 1866 he received the honorary degree of M. A. from Middlebury College and from the University of Vermont in 1867. The respect and love his pupils give him from the first — and their gratitude to this wise man — grow as the years roll by. CONWAY, JOHN, of Norton Mills, son of John and Catharine (Sullivan) Conway, was born at St. Catharine, P. Q., Nov. 29, 1 84 1, and was educated in the common schools of that place. John Conway, Sr., was a farmer and teacher, and John re raained with hira until he was twenty-three years old, when he married and moved to Quebec. In 1871 he took up his abode at Norton MiUs, then a little hamlet on the Une of the G. T. R. R., and was employed by the Norton Mills Co. in the lumber business. Soon his faithfulness and efficiency secured him the position of foreman, both in the mill and in the woods. In 1878 he became the general foreraan for A. M. Stetson and for twelve years served him in this very responsible position. About eight miUion feet of lumber per year were handled, and as Mr. Stetson was absent much of the time Mr. Conway had the entire charge and super vision of this large business, which employed in the winter one hundred and fifty hands. Mr. Conway is an independent Democrat and as such was elected to the Legislature in i888-'90-'92. He received the appointment of custoras ofificer in 1892. He also served on the county board of education in 1889 and has been for several years a member and chairman of the board of school directors, a striking proof that he has won the confi dence and respect of the community. JOHN CONWAY. He was married, July 25, 1865, at St. Catharine, to Judith, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Lannin) Grififin of that place. Their union has been blessed with eight children : Katharine E. (wife of Dr. Elle of Island Pond), John F., Ehzabeth G., Mary Ann, NelUe, Henry J., and AUce (the two latter deceased), and Rose Lottie. COOK, JOHN Bray, of Greensboro, son of Charles, Jr., and Caroline (Hunting ton) Cook, was born at Greensboro, July 3, 1836. Mr. Cook's grandfather removed to Greensboro in 1801, settling on the farm on which he now resides. His educational training was received at the Greensboro public schools and in two terras each at the academies of St. Johnsbury and Barre. Till the age of twenty-two he remained and . labored upon the farm, and reraoved to Iowa in the spring of 186 1. In October of that year, he enlisted for three years in Company A., 14th la. Infan try, and expected to be sent immediately to the front, but the trouble with the Sioux In dians occurring at this time, the regiment was ordered to Fort Randall in South Dakota. Here Mr. Cook reraained for two years, sharing in many of the exciting events 8o COOLIDGE. COOPER. of the campaign under General Sully. After the Minnesota massacre, he was detailed with a party of twenty-five to pursue the Sioux Indians, and after a successful skir mish captured six, who were carried to the fort, but who subsequently escaped. By the command of General Sully, Mr. Cook was assigned to the quartermaster's department, in which he remained until the expiration of his term of service. His corapany built the first buUding at Fort Sully. And as wagon raaster, under a strong Indian guard, he drew the logs for the first warehouse erected at Fort Rice. He has been elected to several town ofifices, and appointed justice of the peace. In his political faith he is a Republican. Mr. Cook is affiliated wilh Caledonia Grange, No. 9, of Hardwick, is a raeraber of the Congregational church, and a teacher in the Sabbath school. Mr. Cook married, Nov. 14, 1865, Katha rine, daughter of Capt. Charles and Han nah (Lewis) Kallamyer. Captain Kallamyer left the service of the German Emperor for political reasons, and afterwards entered the regular army of the United States. COOLIDGE, JOHN C, of Plymouth, son of Calvin G. and Sarah A. (Brewer) Coolidge, was born in Plymouth, March 31, 1845. JOHN C. COOLIDGE. His great-grandfather, Capt. John Cool idge, a Revolutionary soldier, came from Lancaster, Mass., and settled in Plymouth in 1 78 1. His father was a prominent farmer of that place. John C. CooUdge was educated at the comraon schools and at Black River Acad emy. Although a farraer, he is well known as a merchant and business man, having been engaged successfully in trade from the age of twenty-three. He was captain of Co. K, 10th Regt. Vt. State Militia, and has held the usual town ofifices ; has been deputy sheriff and consta ble alraost continually for more than twenty years, and is a director of the Ludlow Sav ings Bank & Trust Co. As a Republican, he represented Plymouth in the biennial sessions of i872-'74-'76, serving on the committees on claims and reform school. On May 6, 1868, he was married to Vic toria J., daughter of Hiram D. and Abigail (FrankUn) Moor of Plymouth. One son, J. Calvin, was born to them, and one daughter, Abbie G., who died at the age of fourteen. Mr. CooUdge's wife died in 1884, and in 1 89 1 he was united to Carrie A., daughter of George and Marcella L. (Moore) Brown, a descendant of Lieut. Bowman Brown, a soldier of the Revolution. COOPER, A LAN SON Lawrence, of , Newport, son of Silas and Rosalinda (Hub bard) Cooper was born March 14, 1824, in Rochester and is a lineal descendant of the seventh generation of John Cooper, who carae from England previous to 1636, and setded at Cambridge, Mass. His eleraentary training was received m the coramon and select schools of Roches ter, and he also studied for a short time at Newbury Seminary. He taught several terras in Pomfret and Rochester, also in Cayuga and Wayne counties, N. Y. Entering the Verraont Conference of the M. E. Church in 1846, Mr. Cooper was stationed in several towns in Vermont, but in 1856 was obliged frora UI health to retire frora the work. In 1857 he entered Garrett Biblical Institution, Evanston, IU., where he graduated in 1859, after devoting himsel especially to theological and biblical branches of study. Previous to his gradua tion he joined the Wisconsin Conference, but later he was transferred to that of Ver mont and was stationed at Woodstock, where he continued for two years. Since that time he has filled many of the first positions in the conference as pastor and presiding elder, and by his conscientious ministry has won the approval of aU asso ciated with him. , Mr. Cooper is an adherent of the Repu»- lican party and a strong Prohibitionist. He has held the ofifice of superintendent ot schools in Cabot and Springfield, and has COTTON. COWLES. 8i been trustee of the Verraont Methodist Seminary for many years. He was one of the charter raerabers of the State S. S. Asso ciation, and was president of the association in i875-'76. He married. May 17, 1853, Lucinda M., daughter of Jeremiah and Serepta (Hincher) Atkins. Their children were : Mary E. (married Rev. C. M. Ward), Emma Louise (raarried Rev. Carlos L. Adaras), Alice Etta, who died Feb. 12, 1872, and Rosa May. lutionary army from Connecticut, serving five years under Washington's immediate command, whUe his grandmother first saw light on the Adantic Ocean, as she was born during the passage of her famUy from Hol land. The only educational advantages received by Mr. Cotton were those of the district schools of W'eybridge and Shoreham, and for sixty years he has lived upon the farm he now occupies. Elected justice of the peace and clerk and treasurer of his school district for many years, he was chosen to represent Weybridge in the Legislature of 1882, and has often fiUed the position of juryman in many cases, notably at the trial of Chaquette for raurder. Mr. Cotton has of late been rauch em ployed in the settlement of estates, and has not been able to accept aU trusts of this nat ure ofifered to him. He is a constant reader and has devoted much attention to the law, of which he has acquired considerable knowledge. He is a cultured gentleman of strict integrity, and much respected by his fellow-citizens. ALANSON LAWRENCE COOPER. In i863-'64 he was stationed at Mont peher, and whUe there Mr. Cooper was elected chaplain of the House of Represen tatives. During the civil war, he was busily engaged in charitable efforts to improve the condition of our gaUant soldiers in the field, and in the hospital at Montpelier. He received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in 1880, and, nine years later, that of Doctor of Divinity, from the Garrett Bibli cal Institute, and has been occasional con tributor to the Vermont Christian Messen ger, and Zion's Herald. He is also endowed with some talent for poetical composition. He represented the Verraont Conference as a delegate to the general conference of his church in Chicago in 1868. COTTON, JOSHUA Franklin, of Mid dlebury, son of WUliam and Dorcas (Finch) Cotton, was born at Weybridge, Jan. 27, 1820. His parents were of English and Dutch stock ; his grandfather enlisting in the Revo- JOSHUA FRANKLIN COTTON. He married, Dec. 20, 1844, Abby C, daughter of Olive Lathrop of Weybridge. Mrs. Cotton died in February, 1888. COWLES, ASAHEL READ, of New port, son of Leonard and EmeUne (Gray) Cowles, was born in Craftsbury, May 26, ^^45- . „ ^ Having removed to Coventry in 1851, he received his education in the public schools. 82 COWLES. CRAMTON. the Brownington Academy, and the high school at Coventry. He studied vocal rausic with James and Albert W^hitney of Boston. For twenty years of his life he has devoted himself to teaching vocal music, four years in New Y'ork. He is extensively engaged in the sale of musical instruments and sewing machines. He has stores for the sale of these articles in Newport and MorrisviUe. JT He is a raeraber of the Repubhcan party, a Master Mason and member of Memphre magog Lodge, No. 64, Newport ; belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church in Newport, and is now leader of its choir. ASAHEL READ COWLES. He married, Dec. 30, 1S71, Hattie E., daughter of ^ViUiam P. and Lydia (Andrus) Titus of Craftsbury, and by her had two sons : Harry E., and Percy W. COWLES, Elmer Eugene, of Wey bridge, son of S. B. M. and Lucy M. (Weth- erbee) Cowles, was born in New Haven, August 21, 1 86 1. He graduated first from Beeman Acad emy, New Haven, 1877, and at Middlebury College in the class of 1884 with high hon ors. Devoting his Ufe to teaching, for two years he was corapeUed to resign this calling by the failure of his eyesight and since that tirae has been occupied in agricultural pur suits, raaking a specialty of breeding \aluable stock — notably Merino sheep. Mr. Cowles has held several minor appointments, but has never sought ofifice. He has been town superintendent and secretary of the county board of education, and a member of the board of selectmen. He holds to the gen eral principles of the RepubUcan party, but in politics is conservative. He is a member of the Delta Upsilon. ELMER EUGENE COWLES. Mr. Cowles married in 'Weybridge, Sept. 25, 1887, Sarah, daughter of L. J. and Margaret Wright. CRAMTON, JOHN Willey, son of Elihu and Lois Cramton, was born in Tin mouth, Nov. 10, 1826. Receiving the customary education of that time in the schools of Tinmouth, Mr. Cram- ton, after working the home farra for several years, changed the scene of his labors to Templeton, Mass., where for more than three years he was engaged in the business of peddling. In January, 1853, he carae to Rutland, where he began the manufacture of tin ware ; a business which he still continues. But in addition, in i860, he became the proprietor of the Central House, at that tirae a hotel well known in Rutland county. In 1864 he purchased the BardweU House, where he now resides. Mr. Cramton is raost widely and creditably known through out the state. A description of the various positions he has fiUed, both in a private and public capacity, would far exceed the allotted space of this sketch. In 1886 he became a trustee of the Howe Scale Co., then in financial straits ; and upon its re organization, he was chosen vice-president, ^^-^y^^-^^^^^^-.^-,.^^ COYNE. CRANE. which position he holds today. For more than ten years he was director of the state's prison, being appointed by Governor Bar stow to that post. He is president of the Baxter National Bank, the True Blue Marble Co., the Steam Stone Cutter Co., and the Rutland Street Railway ; and has acted as chief executive ofificer of the village corpor ation of Rutiand for several terms. Nor does Mr. Cramton confine his efforts to financial trusts. He is also an extensive ag- riculturahst of the progressive type, owning large estates in Rutland and Clarendon, one of which is devoted to the produce of the dairy ; and all are noted for the breeding of fine horses and blooded stock. During the war Mr. Cramton was largely engaged in buying horses for the army ; and he is now director of the Vermont Horse Breeders' Association. For raore than twenty years his voice has been potent as a director of the State Fair Association, and he has also held many offices in the Fair Association of Rutland county. Strongly attached to the principles of the Republican party, he has never paid much attention to political office-seeking, but has held it sufificient to confine himself to the duties of a good citizen and kind-hearted neighbor ; in appreciation of which he was chosen senator of Rutland county in 1888. He was raarried Oct. 3, 1882, to Florence Belle, only daughter of Jacob and Mary Bucklin Gates. Mr. Craraton has not confined his pecu niary transactions to Vermont, but has varied and extensive interests in many other states. His religious creed is that of the Protes tant Episcopal church, and he has entered the ranks of F"ree Masonry, being a Knight Templar attached to Killington Command ery. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias and the Plymouth Rock Association. It wiU be seen that Mr. Cramton has led a most busy life. It is miich to his credit that he has filled so successfully the many and varied responsibUities that his active and honorable career has thrust into his hands. COYNE, Peter M., of Maidstone, son of Michael and Sabrina (Connor) Coyne, was born at Spiddle, Ireland, March 14, 1847. Mr. Coyne came to this country a father less boy at the age of nine years. After re maining about two years at Island Pond, he went to Lancaster, N. H., and received his education in the comraon schools of that town. Having his own way to raake in the world under adverse circumstances, he re raained in Lancaster until 1876, laboring on farm and raUroad, untU by patient industry and thrift, he acquired an ample property. He then went to Maidstone where he pur chased a large farra on which he now re sides. He has also given considerable at tention to lumbering on the Connecticut river. Affiliated with the Deraocratic party, from his ability and faithfulness he has been elected by his townsmen to many positions of trust, and was a useful raeraber of the Legislature in 1888. Mr. Coyne enlisted in the 14th New Hampshire Regiment, but being a minor could not gain the consent of his guardian, and was not received into the service. He was married in March, 1878, to Mary E., daughter of James and Margaret Malone, and their union has been blessed with five chUdren : Eddie M., James, Mary, Theresa, and Peter. CRANE, Joseph Adolphus, of Greensboro, son of Romanus and Asenath (Goodrich), Crane, was born at Greensboro August 26, 1842. Attending the public schools of Greens boro, he completed his course of study in the academies at South Hardwick and Barre, and then taught school for several winters, working for his father in the summer. At his father's death in 1879 he succeeded to the estate, which he sold in 1881, and took up his residence in the village. He has made a specialty of dairy produce and grade Jerseys. Mr. Crane entered into partner ship with L. F. Babbitt in 1887 and the firm did a general mercantile business. Later he bought out his partner and continued the business in connection with E. O. Randall. Republican in his political faith, he has served as a member of the town committee, as a justice for several terras, and as super intendent of the pubhc schools. He is an Odd Fellow and belongs to LamoiUe Lodge, No. 26, at East Hardwick. A member of the Congregational church for twenty-five years, he for a long time per formed the duties of parish clerk and super intendent of the Sunday school. He was united in marriage to Irene S., daughter of Elihu and Ruth (Bean) Wright, Jan. 25, 1 87 1. Of this union there was one child : Jennie Asenath. CROFT, LEONARD F., of North Clar endon, son of William and Ruth (Palmer) Croft, was born in Wallingford, May 25, 1851. After receiving a coramon school educa tion in the schools of his native town, sup plemented by a course at Burr and Burtoft Seminary at Manchester and Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N. H., he entered St. Lawrence University at Canton, N.Y., where CROSSETT. CUDWORTH. 85 he remained a year. He then entered Union College of Schenectady, N. Y., where he graduated with high honors in the de partment of civil engineering in the class of 1873. After completing his education, he engaged in railroad and raining engineering in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and for about three years was the mining engineer in charge of the Penn Gas Coal Co. near Pittsburg. Returning to his native state in 1878, he purchased a large farra in Clar endon, on which he has since resided. He has been successful in this agricultural en terprise and found it remunerative, still he has given some attention to engineering, especiaUy in cases which have come before LEONARD F. CROFT the courts. He is an extensive dairy farraer and breeder of Holstein catde, and has .also been successful in breeding fine road horses. He has filled nearly aU the ofifices of trust in his adopted town, and represented Clar endon in the Legislature of 1890. Mr. Croft, from his natural abilities and superior educational advantages, is naturally an influential raan in' his town and section of the county. CROSSETT, JANUS, of Waterbury, was born in Duxbury, Nov. 12, 1823. His par ents were Edward and Hannah (Carter) Crossett. Edward Crossett was a prorainent citizen and farraer of the town of Duxbury. His father dying when Janus was twenty-one years old, frora that time the entire care and support of the family devolved upon Janus. Mr. Crossett comraencing as a farmer, soon devoted his attention to the luraber business, which he has since carried on for raore than thirty years. He is a practical raan, with a bent for statistics, and during the last forty- four years he has kept a careful record of business raatters, which has been of rauch use as the basis of various settiements. A RepubUcan in poUtics, he has held one or more town offices constantly for the last forty years. He represented Duxbury in the Legislature in i8s5-'56-'57, and was elected assistant judge in 1871. A devoted advo cate of temperance, he has never used Uquor or tobacco, and carries his three score and ten years as actively as most raen do fifty. For forty years he has been a member of the ^Vinooski Lodge, No. 49, F. & A. M., of Waterbury. He married, Nov. 27, 1844, Eureta R., daughter of Amos and Fanny (Wheeler) Crosby. They have two chUdren : Menta F. (Mrs. E. W. Huntley), and James E. CUDWORTH, ADDISON EDWARD, of South Londonderry, son of Abijah Whiton and Sarah M. (Simraonds) Cudworth, was born in Savoy, Mass., July 3, 1852. His early education was obtained at the common schools, and he was fitted for col lege at Green Mountain Perkins Academy, South Woodstock. Entering Dartmouth College in the class of 1877, at the end of the sophomore year he left school on account of failure of eyesight. His parents successively removed to Winhall, Weston, and finally, in 1869, to South Londonderry, where he has since resided. In the faU of 1876 Mr. Cudworth began the study of law in the ofifice of Hon. J. L. Martin ; was ad mitted to the bar in September, 1879, and entered into partnership with Mr. Martin, which connection continued till the removal of the latter to Brattleboro, since which period Mr. Cudworth has continued the business by himself. In 1880 he was elected state's attorney for his county, and four years later he represented the town in the General .Assembly. Mr. i. udworth is a direct de scendant in the ninth generation of Gen. James Cudworth of Scituate, Mass., who came to the country in 1632. He was married April 15, 1880, to Mary Esther, daughter of James Martin and Louisa (McWhorter) Rogers of Hebron, N. Y. A son and daughter have been issue of this alliance : Clyde E., and Ina S., both of whora died in December, 1892. CUMMINGS, HARLAN P., of North Thetford, son of Eben and Betsey J. Cum mings, was born Jan. 19, 1837, in Thetford. 86 CURRIER. CURRIER. Eben Cummings was one of the first set tlers of the town. He served in the war of 1812 and assisted in proving land war rants for the soldiers, who took part in the struggle, and their widows. He occupied the farm where Harlan P. now resides, and was one of the most trusted and influential citizens of the town. Obtaining his educational training in the comraon schools and at Thetford Acaderay, he has devoted his whole life to agricultural pursuits and has made raising Merino sheep a specialty. He has always been an enter prising and public-spirited raan and was in strumental in introducing the creamery which has contributed so much to the pros perity of the town. He contributed largely toward the buUding of the church and Lyme bridge, and has been clerk of these corpora tions nearly forty years. Mr. Cummings is much interested in the cause of education and is a trustee of Thet ford Academy. He has a large amount of probate business, holding in trust a great amount of property, a fact which shows he enjoys to a high degree the confidence and respect of the community. He has for a long time been chairman of the Republican town coraraittee and presi dent of the political club of the town. Twenty-five years since he was elected jus tice of the peace, holding this office contin uously, and in 1876 was chosen to the Gen eral Assembly by a large majority, and was postmaster at North Thetford frora 1866 to 1876. Mr. Curaraings enlisted in Co. A, 15th Regt. Vt. Vols., and continued with it every day during its entire term of service. After the close of the war he became an active member ofthe E. B. Frost Post, G. A. R. CURRIER, JOHN WlNNICK, of North Troy, son of John and Mary (Elkins) Cur rier, was born in that town, April 5, 1835. Mr. Currier is a fine representative of American self-made men. When only nine years old he graduated frora the "Uttle red schoolhouse" and went with his father into the cotton mills at Palmer, Mass., and frora this date he has only himself to thank for his success in life's struggle and for the lib eral education which he has derived from keen observation, undaunted energy and honorable ambition. After leaving the cot ton niiUs he reraoved to Holyoke, where he learned the jeweler's trade, and in 1854 went to Boston to take charge of a wholesale jew elry store. In 1854 he enhsted in the Springfield City Guards under Col. Henry S. Briggs, and when the civil war began he hastened frora Pennsylvania to join his corapany, which had volunteered its services in response to President Lincoln's first caU for troops. After doing duty for a time af the U. S. Arsenal in Springfield, he was enrolled for three years. May 31, 1861, and mustered in as sergeant in Co. F, loth Mass. Infantry, serving with his regiment at the Washington Navy Yard and Arsenal till August 9, 1862, when he was sent to Massachusetts to assist in recruiting a regiment. January 6, 1862, he was discharged for promotion. Made adjutant of the ist Va. Vols., Nov. 26, 1862, he was appointed additional paymaster U. S. Vols. Jan. 14, 1863, which post he decUned in order to accept from the provost marshal of the Array of the Potomac a position for furnishing mihtary clothing and equipments, being stationed at City Point, Va. JOHN WlNNICK CURRIER. In 187 1 he returned to North Troy, bought the old homestead and erected an elegant residence thereon, and has created a raodel farra from the estate. His winters are mostly spent in Boston or on his South ern plantation. Mr. Currier is a very pubhc-spirited man and has done much for the benefit of his native village. He planned and was chiefly instruraental in constructing the present fine system of waterworks. He is a raeraber of Post BaUey, No. 67, G. A. R., one of the largest posts in the county, and gave Carap J. W. Currier, S. of v., No. 81, a fine flag. He is also president of the Orleans County Veterans' Associa tion, and an honorary meraber of the State National Guard. CURTIS. CUSHING. In poUtics a strong adherent of the Dem ocratic party, he has been entrusted with nearly all the town ofifices, was made town representative in 1878 and again in 1882. He has been Democratic ca.ndidate for member of Congress and Lieutenant-Gov ernor, and has attended every national con vention since 1872, nearly always as delegate or alternate, and was U. S. Deputy Marshal for four years under President Cleveland's first administration. In religious profession he is an Episco palian. Since 18 71 Mr. Currier has extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber and has erected at North Troy a flouring mUl with a capacity of one hundred barrels per day. He was interested in building the Clyde River R. R., now a part of the C. P. R. R. system, and was one of the original constructors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. He has given much attention to the formation of companies for handling patent rights and developing mines. He is naturally very social in his tastes and is a Free Mason, and a raeraber of the Scotch Charitable Society in Boston, the oldest organization of the kind in Araerica. Noveraber 9, 1866, he married Eveline, daughter of John E. and Laura (WUlard) Chamberlain of Newbury. Of this union were two sons: John (deceased), and Charles Elliot. An adopted daughter is the wife of T. L. Wadleigh, of Meredith, N. H. CURTIS, JOHN, of North Dorset, son of Daniel and Betsey (Bowen) Curtis, was born in that town, Dec. 24, 1819. He received his education in the com mon schools, and fitted for coUege at the Burr Seminary of Manchester and the Cas tieton Academy, and after this preliminary instruction graduated from the U. V. M. in 1847. During his school-boy days, in con nection with his brother, he made many ex periments in electricity, proposing to com municate instantaneously from one place to another by this means through a wire prop erly arranged. While he was pursuing his collegiate course, he was greatly dismayed to learn that Professor Morse had invented the magnetic telegraph, which he had put in operation, and thus anticipated all efforts of Mr. Curtis in that direction. After his graduation he stiU continued to devote him self to mechanics, and thus became a scien tific and mechanical engineer. He was soon employed by the state of New York to look after the engines and other mechanical appliances used in the state's prison at Dan- nemora. Being convinced of the impor tance of using steam expansively, he soon constructed a valve which he attached to the engine in the machine shop, whereby it was forced to use steam in this manner, and the experiments proved remarkably successful. At this time the U. V. M. honored hira with the degree of A. M. Soon after he left Dannemora and returned to his native place, where he was interested in the construction of the Ben nington & Rutland R. R. Mr. Curtis has made various improvements in engines, on three of which he has obtained patents. It is in no small raeasure owing to his efforts in this direction that he has the satisfaction of seeing the engine of today doing its work with less than one-fourth part of the fuel formerly required. JOHN CURTIS. Mr. Curtis was married in 1 851. to the widow of the late Dr. Cochran of Dorset. The 6th day of July, 1865, he was again united to Nancy Mosher, daughter of Alba and Rebecca (Mosher) Marshall of Troy, N. Y. Two children have been born to them : Marion Ada, and John Daniel. He has always been a strong Republican, but without any disposition for ofifice seek ing. Always interested in education he has, however, been superintendent of the schools continuously for about twenty years. In 1884 he consented to the nomination of state senator for Bennington county, and was elected to that iraportant position. CUSHING, Daniel L., of Quechee, son of TheophUus, who was an early settler of Hartford, and Lucinda (Richardson) Cushing, was born in that town, August 4, 1834- 88 CUSHING. CUSHING. Commencing his education in the cora raon schools and graduating at Newbury Seminary in 1851. Having fitted himself for a civU engineer he entered the city engineer's ofifice of Hartford, Conn. WhUe there he laid out the grounds and buildings of the Colt manufactory of fire-arms, since destroyed by fire. In 1854 he entered the DANIEL L. CUSHING. service of the state of New York where he had the practical oversight of that portion of the enlargement of the Erie Canal extend ing from Rochester to Lyons. Afterward, removing to the West, Mr. Cushing built thirty miles of railroad under raost dis couraging circumstances and his success in this undertaking proved his unusual energy and executive ability. When the civil war broke out Mr. Cushing manifested great zeal in recruiting volunteers and raised two companies for the service of his country. Returning to Hartford, for family reasons, he concluded to remain and invested in real estate and mercantile interests. In 1886, he with others, helped organize and construct the Hartford Woolen MUls. Mr. Cushing has settled many difficult estates and held many public ofifices in his native place and has ably represented it in both branches of the Legislature Mr. Cushing is a Free Mason and a mem ber of Hartford Lodge of Hartford. In September, 1867, he married Ellen F., daughter of WiUiam and Eveline (Porter) Clark, of which union have been born six children . Henry Clark, Mary Porter, Edwin L., Annie L., Daniel T., and Frederic G. CUSHING, Haynes Porter, son of Matthew and Resia (Woodruff) Cushing, was born in Burke, June 10, 1816. He received his education in the district schools of Burke, at Lyndon Academy and Newbury Seminary. Eraphatically a self- made man, he often related with pride the fact that when he started for the last named institution he left home with his parents' blessing and just fifty cents in raoney. Commencing his life's career as an educa tor, he was successful in his vocation in many towns in New Hampshire and Vermont, and especially so at Newbury Seminary. In 1844 he joined the Vermont Metho dist conference in full connection, and filled some of the most important appointments in the gift of that body. 'When he had been preaching only nine years, six of the best parishes in Vermont sought his minis tration, for he had always proved a most successful pastor, alike popular with old and young. Faithful, devoted, earnest, fear less in espousing his convictions, gifted with HAYNES PORTER CUSHING. great persuasive power and deep piety, it is not to be wondered at that at his death, Oct. 21, 1890, an utterly irreligious man should pay this tribute to his memory : "He was a true minister and was a friend to sinners." Mr. Cushing was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Maria, daughter of Alanson S. CUSHMAN. CUTLER. and Gratia (Fletcher) Shaw, who died Dec. 31, 1877. To thera were born three chil dren ; Ella C. (Mrs. A. L. Finney of Lyn- donviUe), Charles E., and another who died in infancy. February 26, 1879, he con tracted a second aUiance with Miss Delia Grace, daughter of WiUiam and Nancy (Calef) Huntington of Washington, Vt. Interested in educational affairs, Mr. Cushing held the ofiice of superintendent of schools for many years in the dififerent scenes of his professional labors. A strong Republican in principle and vote, he repre sented Barton in the Legislature during the war, and upon hira devolved the duties of chaplain of the House in 1857 and 1878. During the civil war he was twice offered the post of military chaplain, but was obliged to decline on account of feeble health. Ever active in the cause of temperance, he joined the society of Good Templars in 1865, holding many of the highest offices and being their delegate to the R. W. G. L. when the latter held their sessions in Bos ton, Detroit, Richmond and Bloomington, 111. He served as Grand Lecturer, and in this post worked raost zealously and effect ively to promote the interests of the order. His life in general was consecrated to good works, and he was a good and faithful serv ant in the discharge of every duty and responsibUity. CUSHMAN, 2ND, Henry T., of Ben nington, son of J. Halsey and Martha Louise (Thayer) Cushman, was born in Benning ton, May 6, 1866. His education was obtained in the graded schools of the village, and he comraenced his active business life in the capacity of grocer's clerk ; but, before a year had elapsed, in 1880, he became an operator in the Bennington Telephone Exchange and was soon promoted to be superintendent. He then, for a short period, entered the employ of the New Haven (Conn.) Clock Co., but returned to Bennington, in 1885, and engaged in his forraer occupation until the exchange was closed, when for a few raonths, he worked in the ofifice of the Bennington Banner, with the intention of learning the trade of a printer. Abandon ing this atterapt, in 1887, he coramenced to read law in the ofifice of WilUam B. Sheldon, and was admitted to the bar after three years study. The Hon. Mr. Cushman was admitted to practice at the general term of the supreme court, in 1890, and was ap pointed master in chancery two years later. He entered into partnership with his forraer instructor, and they now enjoy a large and lucrative practice. Mr. Cush man was of counsel for the defence in the case of State vs. Bent and Roberts (64 Vt.), and associate counsel, for the defence, in State vs. Bradley, an important crirainal case, that attracted rauch attention. He has taken an active part in political afifairs, and, as a Republican speaker, did much effective service in the presidential campaign of 1892, in Bennington county. He has been chosen clerk of the Ben nington graded school district, and is at present president of the Bennington Village Corporation. In 1882 he was appointed assistant state librarian, and in 1891 offici ated as one of the commUtee of fifty of the battle monument and state centennial cele brations, especiaUy devoting his efforts to the entertainment of the guests, serving as chairman of that committee. He was one of the charter members and organizers ot the State Fireman's xAssociation, of which institution, in 1892, he was elected presi dent, and re-elected in 1893. Mr. Cushman is an enthusiastic and worthy member of the Improved Order of Red Men, and is the Chief of Records of the local tribe. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, and interested in brotherhood work, following in this respect his honored father, who was widely known as a Free Mason. He is a Congregation alist in his religious faith. CUTLER, Henry Ralph, is a native of Glover, his parents were Henry and Cordelia HENRY RALPH CUTLER. (Skinner) Cutler, and he was born Dec. i, i860. 90 CUTTING. CUTTING. In early life he attended the public schools of Glover and Barton, and afterwards was a pupil of the St. Johnsbury Academy. With this preparatory education he coraraenced his business life as clerk for J. W. HaU of Barton, but afterwards entered the eraploy of D. L. DwineU of Glover, with whom he remained five years. Since 1883 he has represented the large clothing house of Cushing, Olmstead & Snow of Boston, Mass. He is a Repubhcan in his pohtical pro fession, and was appointed a colonel on Gov ernor Page's staff. Colonel Cutler is a member of Lodge No. 55, Free and Accepted Masons, of Barton, and of the Commercial TraveUers' Union of Boston. Though liberal in his religious beUef, he attends and contributes to the Congregational church at Barton. June I, 1889, he married Ahce E., daugh ter of J. E. DwineU of Glover. CUTTING, Hiram Adolphus, son of Stephen C. and EUza (Dariing) Cutting, was born in Concord, Dec. 23, 1832, and died AprU 18, 1892. Though of distinguished ancestors, both on father's and mother's side, he derived no adventitious aid from ancestry or wealth. Receiving his eariiest instructions in the dis trict school, he diUgently availed hiraseU of whatever advantages it had to offer. From his sixteenth year until he attained his major ity he taught school from three to five months annually. He also attended school ,at the St. Johnsbury Academy in the spring and fall — sometimes both — and served therein as assistant teacher. Desiring to enter the medical profession, from the age of fifteen he studied its theory and practice, under the tuition of Dr. George C. Wheeler of St. Johnsbury, but his health gave way and for a tirae he be carae a land surveyor. At the age of nine teen he becarae assistant to D. H. HuU, one of the first proprietors of an itinerant daguerreotype-car in Vermont. He contin ued in this employment until he entertained a proposition from his uncle, John G. Dar- hng, a successful merchant of Concord, who proposed that he and Cutting should open a store at Lunenburg. The proposal was ac cepted and the new firra began business on the ist of January, 1855. The connection thus established lasted successfully for twenty- five years, when Mr. Cutting purchased the entire stock and business. After that he conducted the enterprise alone. In July, 1870, a fire consumed the store, together with raost of its contents. His loss was heavy, and was aggravated by the destruction of a very extensive geological coUection and of more than a thousand volumes — raainly scientific works — that had been placed in the second story of the building. In 1870 he recommenced his medical studies privately, under the tuition of Prof. E. E. Phelps of Dartraouth CoUege, and soon after received a diploraa from this institution. At the close of the war he took out a license as claim-agent, and prosecuted hun dreds of claims to a successful issue. In June, 1873, he was appointed examining surgeon. In addition to this oflfice, he held those of special notary public and master in chancery. HIRAM ADOLPHUS CUTTING, Dr. Cutting was appointed state curator of the cabinet by Gov. John W. Stewart in 1870, and in the same year he received the further appointment of state geologist, was reappointed by Gov. J. Converse, and was subsequently confirmed in the ofifice until change should be necessary. In 1880 he was appointed by Gov. RosweU Farnham to a position in the board of agriculture, and was elected its secretary. As chairman of the Fish Commission of Vermont, in which position he was placed by. Governor Farn ham, Dr. Cutting was no less useful than in other relations. In 1868, Norwich Univer sity conferred the degree of A. M., and that of Doctor of Philosophy upon him the fol lowing year. In consequence of his scien tific attainments he was made a member, active, corresponding, or honorary, of no less than seventy-nine scientific, Uterary, and CUTTING. medical societies scattered throughout Amer ica and Europe. As geologist, metallurgist, mining expert, practical and consulting scientist, he was perhaps not exceUed in New England, if indeed in the United States. Dr. Cutting was the possessor of a library of twenty thousand volumes and a cabinet of minerals and curios containing thirty thous and specimens. He was married on the 3d of February, 1856, to Marinda E. Haskell of Lennox- vUle, Canada East. CUTTING, Oliver B., of West Con cord, son of FrankUn and Prudence (Isham) Cutting, was born in Concord, Sept. 12, 1837. Mr. Cutting was brought up a farmer, re ceiving his education at the common and high schools in Concord and Waterford. At nineteen years of age he commenced teach ing in the winter and working in the summer on the farra. In 1868 he began business as a druggist and book dealer, to which occu pation he StUl devotes himself. He has been appointed local agent for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co. A memiber of the Republican party, he was appointed postmaster in 1877, and held that ofifice eight years. EnUsting as a private in the Union army, August 20, 1864, he was wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19 of the sarae year, and discharged frora the hospital in May, 1865. He is a Master Mason and a meraber of the Grand Array. He was first married Feb. 23, 1865, to Lavina, daughter of Russell and Louisa Powers. One child, Ursula M., was born to them, and his wife died May 3, 1868. He contracted a second marriage with Lois B., daughter of Austin and Abigail Robinson, Feb. 7, 1872. They have two children : Clarence F., and Susie L. CUTTING, William B., of Westmin ster, son of Samuel and Hannah (Brackett) Cutting, was born in Green River, Nov. 20, 1827. Receiving a coraraon school education, at the age of sixteen Mr. Cut ting commenced his business life as a clerk, and afterwards engaged in the manufacture of paper in connection with other mercan tile pursuits. In 1853 he removed to Boston and entered the employ of the Old Colony R. R., and also started in the grocery trade. In 1854 he coramenced to work for the IndianapoUs CUTTING. 91 and Cincinnati Railroad Co., continuing until April, 1861, when iU health compelled his removal to Kalamazoo, Mich., where he formed a partnership to carry on the grocery and produce business, also the manufacture of lumber and barrel staves. He was again forced by sickness to return to the East, where he took up his residence at Spring field, Mass., afterwards in Brattieboro, and finally, in 187 1, settied on a farm in West minster West, where he now resides. WILLIAM B. CUTTING. A Free Soiler prior to the formation of the RepubUcan party, Mr. Cutting took an active part in the Freraont and Lincoln poUtical carapaigns and continued for some time to act with that party, but differs frora it on the tariff question, and is now an Independent. Elected to the state Senate in 1882, he has held most of the town offices, and has been justice of the peace for twenty years. He has been a meraber of several organizations of the I. O. O. F., and Master of Maple Grove Grange of Westrainster West. Mr. Cutting is a Unitarian in his rehgious views. He raarried, August 12, 1851, Mary A., daughter of Grant W. and Matilda (Camp beU) Ranney. By her he had six children : WilUam L., Mary R., Charies C, Frank H., Stella M., and Nelly G. 92 DAMON. DALE, George N., of island Pond, son .of James and Jane (Needham) Dale, was born in Fairfax, Feb. 19, 1834. After attending the coramon schools in Waitsfield, he studied two or three years at Thetford Academy. Resolving to become a lawyer, Mr. Dale commenced his studies GEORGE N. DALE. in the office of Dillingham & Durant at Waterbury and was adraitted to the bar at the March term of the Washington county ¦court in 1856. He then entered into part nership with Hon. W. H. Hartshorn at Guildhall, where he continued to practice till 1 86 1. At that time he removed to Island Pond and for several years pursued his profession, both by himself and whh the firms of Dale & Robinson at Derby and Bar ton, and with Dale & Carpenter in Charies ton, but since 1882 he has confined his ofifice work to Island Pond. Governor Dale is afifiUated with the Masonic fraternity, being a raeraber of the following organizations : Island Pond Lodge No. 44, Haswell Chapter, St. Johnsbury, and North Star Commandery Knights Templar, of Lancaster, N. H. He married, Oct. 6, 1865, Helen M., daughter of Porter and Mary P. (Wilder) Hinman, and their union has been blessed with three children : Porter H., Helen Inez, and Mary Lettie. Governor Dale has been honored with many ofifices in the gift of the people. He was state's attorney for Essex county for four years from Deceraber, 185 7, and was chosen to the Legislature frora GuUdhaU in i860. Soon after he received the appointment of Deputy Collector of Customs and was put in charge of the port of Island Pond. This ofifice he resigned in 1866 but was reap pointed in 187 1 and discharged its duties till 1882. He was a member of the state Senate for four consecutive terms from 1866 and in 1870 was elected Lieutenant-Gover nor of the state. In the Legislature of 1892 he represented the town of Brighton. Governor Dale was president of the Ver raont Bar Association in 1886. As an advo cate and orator he commands the admira tion, and, as a man, wins the love of those who know him. DAMON, Charles, of victory, son of Benjamin and Fanny (Jaseph) Damon, was born in Kirby, Jan. 9, 1824. CHARLES DAMON. His educatioual advantages were derived from the common schools, and he adopted the trade of a tanner and currier, which in connection with the boot and shoe busi ness he pursued for eighteen years in the Dominion of Canada. In 185 2, Mr. Damon, allured by the golden promises of California, emigrated to that state, and for five years was alternately eraployed in raining and the milk business. Returning to Coaticook, P. Q., he purchased a farm and gave much at- DANA. DANA. 93 tention to breeding Morgan horses, in which he met with great success, raising some very valuable stock. In 1873 he reraoved to Victory, where he stiU devotes hiraself to stock raising and agriculture. He was married at West Concord, Dec. 20, 1874, to Ehzabeth A., daughter of Richard T. and Joanna (Bandfield) Boyce, and by her he has had one daughter : Lilian A. Mr. Damon held the ofifice of school cora raissioner and councilor, at different tiraes, while a resident of Coaticook, and while in Victory he has been selectraan, town treasu rer and agent, as well as lister. For two terms he has been the choice of a Repub lican majority to represent thera in the lower branch of the state Legislature. DANA, Charles S., of New Haven, son of Hon. Edward S. and Mary (Squier) Dana, was born in New Haven, Sept. 13, 1862. nuraber of years, and has taken an active interest in poUtics since attaining his ma jority. For six years he was a member of the Re publican town committee, has served as a delegate in state, district and county con ventions, and enjoys the distinction of hav ing been the youngest man ever elected, in New Haven to be moderator of the annual town meeting. He was one of a com mittee of three to raise money to build the present Congregational church of that place. He was census enumerator in 1890. In 1880 Mr. Dana was assistant door keeper of the Vermont state Senate, and assistant secretary of that body in 1890. He now holds the position of secretary of the Addison County Agricultural Society, and in 1893 was appointed as a meraber of Co. 19, Columbian Guards, at the World's Fair. Mr. Dana is a member of LInion Lodge, No. 2, F. & A. M., and takes a lively interest in all matters pertaining to the agricultural, political 1 and moral welfare of Vermont. DANA, Marvin Hill, of Stillwater, in. Y., son of Edward Summers and Mary Howe Squier Dana, was born in Cornwall, March 2, 1867. Having obtained his earUer education at Beeman Academy, he afterwards graduated CHARLE S. DANA. His father, Hon. E. S. Dana, was for many years assistant clerk of the National House of Representatives at Washington, one of the leading Free Masons of the state, and served in both branches of the state Legis lature. Charles S. Dana follows the vocation of a farmer, and in connection with his mother is possessor of one of the finest estates m Vermont. He is also the owner of the largest private library in Addison county. He has acted as newspaper correspondent for many daily and weekly newspapers for a MARVIN HILL DANA. at Middlebury College, the Sauveur School of Languages, the law department of Union University, and the General Theological 94 DARLING. DARLING. Seminary in New York City. He also took a post-graduate course at the University of New York. He received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. from Middlebury CoUege and L. L. B. frora Union University. After studying law in the ofifice of Judge Lyraan E. Knapp, Mr. Dana practiced his profession in Missouri and Malone, N. Y., but was sub sequently ordained in AU Saints' Cathedral, Albany, by Bishop Doane, June ii, 1893, and is now pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church, at Stillwater, N. Y. As an author he has contributed to various periodicals, both in prose and verse, and has pubUshed a volume of poems entitled : "Mater Christi and Other Poems," which has met with a ready and flattering sale. A volume of prose tales and sketches is soon to be issued. He has frequently been selected as class poet at the institutions where he has been a student, and he was chosen by the alumni of Middlebury College to deliver the annual poem at the commencement of 1894. Mr. Dana possesses eminent musical abil ity and a marvellous raeraory, being able to repeat any list after once hearing or reading, and is distinguished as a linguist — reading, writing, and speaking English, Gerraan, French, Itahan, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Latin, and Greek, and reading Hebrew, Syreac, and Romaic. He is the present head of the Society of St. Paul in America. In 1892 he was nomi nated councilor of the "American Institute of Civics," and in 1893, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain. DARLING, JOSEPH Kimball, of Chel sea, son of Jesse and Rebecca (Whitaker) Darling, was born March 8, 1833, at Corinth. He received his educational training at Corinth Acaderay and at the hands of a private tutor. Being desirous to see some thing of the world beyond the boundaries of his native state, in 1853 Mr. Darling went to California, where he was eraployed in surveying and mining tUl 1861. Returning to Corinth he purchased a farm, upon which he labored for two years. Feeling that it was his duty to give his services to his country in the civU war, he enlisted, August 16, 1862, as a private in Co. H, 12th Vt. Regt., and was raustered out at Brattleboro, July 14, 1863. He then for some years pursued a mer cantUe life and was also the postmaster at East Corinth frora 1864 to 187 1. At this time he formed a resolution, somewhat late, perhaps, to study law and coraraenced read ing with Hon. Roswell Farnham. Having been admitted to the bar in 1874 he prac ticed at East Corinth for ten years, when he removed to the town of Chelsea, where he now resides. Mr. Darling has affiliated with the Repub lican party ; was for several years the chair man of the Orange county Republican com mittee ; was chosen state's attorney in 1882 and is now the deputy clerk of the Orange county courts. He was elected from Chelsea to represent the town in i890-'94 and while a meraber of the Legislature served upon the temperance, judiciary and election com mittees, of which last body he was the chair raan. During his latter terra of office he was raeraber of the judiciary, ways and means coraraittees and chairraan of the committee on military afifairs. JOSEPH KIMBALL DARLING. He is attached to Ransom Post, No. 74, G. A. R., a member of the Congregational church at Chelsea and has been for twenty years superintendent and teacher of a Sab bath school. He was married Oct. 6, 1859, at Corinth to Marv Alice, daughter of Deacon Joseph and Mary (Robie) Knight. She died Octo ber, 1873, leaving four chUdren : Charles K., Eraraa L., Hale Knight, and Eben, the last dying in infancy. Mr. Darling's second raarriage was in Chelsea to Emma, daughter of Rev. Harvey and Laura Webster. She died AprU 5, 1885. DARLING, J. R., of Groton, son of John and Jennette (Brock) Dariing, was born in Groton, Nov. 16, 1823. DARLING. Receiving his education at the Peacham and DanviUe Academies, Mr. Darling re solved to follow a business career, and through a long and honorable life has strictly devoted himself to mercantile and agricultural pursuits. From 1847 to 1857 he was a member of the firm of Welch, Darling & Clark in the town of Groton. Since that time he has been engaged in gen eral trade, lumbering and farming, and in 1883 he entered into a copartnership with his sons under the firm name of Jonathan R. Darling & Sons. Their business has been carried on in Peachara and Groton, in which latter place Mr. Darling owns and runs a large saw mill. ¦^.. J. R. DARLING. An old-time whig tiU 1856, Mr. Dariing joined the RepubUcan party at the period of its formation and is an ardent advocate of the protection of American labor and indus tries. He has held many offices of trust and responsibihty; has been town clerk for thirty-three years; was representative to the Legislature in i857-'58, and state sena tor in i88o-'8i. He was chosen assistant judge of Caledonia county in 1869, which position he held for three successive years. Judge Dariing was united in marriage, July I, 1849, to Sarah M., daughter of John and Phebe (Heath) Taisey of Groton. Eight children have been born to them, of whom six are stiU living : Cyrus T., Eva- lona, John T., Robards N., Elmer E., and Walter Brock. DAVENPORT. 95 Judge DarUng has never been a member of any secret or social society. DAVENPORT, CHARLES NEWTON, son of Calvin N. and Lucy W. Davenport, was born at Leyden, Mass., Oct. 20, 1830. He received a common school education in his native town, which he afterwards sup plemented by study at the Shelburne Falls Academy, and the Melrose Acaderay in West Brattieboro. Electing to foUow the profession of the law, he prepared to do so by entering the office of Oscar L. Shafter of Wilmington, Vt., where he continued for three years. At the April term of 1854 he was admitted as an attorney to the 'Windhara county bar, and iraraediately entered into a copartnership with his preceptor, but this association was soon dissolved and Mr. Shafter removed to California. Mr. Daven port purchased his law library and practice and succeeded to his position among the legal fraternity. In 1856 he was admitted to practice in the Vermont Suprerae Court. He was studious, careful, earnest and am bitious to attain professional distinction, and quickly took position as a leader of the bar in Windham and Bennington counties, which he vigorously maintained for more than a quarter of a century. In April, 185 1, Mr. Davenport received his former law pupil, Kittredge Haskins, into partnership, and this connection continued for ten years. In March, 1868, he transferred his residence and practice frora Wilmington to Brattle boro, which town he thenceforward raade his horae. In June, 1875, he received his friend, Jonathan G. Eddy, into copartner ship. In the Federal courts of the Ver raont district he gained great distinction and frequently appeared before the Supreme Court at Washington, where he was admitted to practice in 1876. Mr. Davenport was a Democrat, but always erratic, and in his later years usually styled himself an Independent. In the cara paign of i860, the distinction between the Douglas and Breckenridge faction was most clearly marked and bitterly fought among the Verraont Deraocrats. Mr. Davenport rapidly rose to the leadership of the Douglas wing until it gained the control of the party in the state. Several times he was the Dem ocratic candidate of his district for election to Congress. In 1865, and again in 1868, he was the Democratic nominee for Gov ernor. Painful and deep-seated disease brought him to his deathbed, April 12, 1882. His funeral from the Baptist church of Brattleboro was largely attended by the citizens and by raerabers of the Masonic fraternity, to which he had long belonged. He was married on the 12th of December, 1854, to Louisa Haynes of Lowell, Mass., 96 DAVISON. DAVIDSON. who bore him six children, of whom four died young. Two stiU survive : Charles H., and Herbert J. Mrs Davenport died Sept. 30, 1870, and he contracted a second aUiance on the 6th of November, 187 1, with Roxanna J., widow of Henry Dunklee of Brattieboro. She died May 22, 1881. DAVISON, Amory, of Craftsbury, son of Amory and Nancy (Mills) Davison, was born in Craftsbury, June 29, 1830. «^ AMORY DAVISON. He came of an old Revolutionary family, and his grandfather served in the Conti nental array. Mr. Davison was educated at the schools of Craftsbury and at Bakersfield and Crafts bury Academies. He commenced his busi ness career as a farraer in 1854, and followed that occupation for twelve years, but at the end of that period, turned his attention to buying and selling neat stock, in which busi ness he StiU continues to engage, though he has never lost his interests in agricultural pursuits. In x868 he was elected director of the Irasburg National Bank, and con tinued to act in that capacity until the affairs of that institution were wound up in 1875. When the Barton National Bank was organ ized in 1875, he was chosen to fiU succes sively the ofifices of director, vice-president and president, which last position he stiU retains. A whig of the Horace Greeley school, he joined the Republican party at its inception in 1854, and no less ardently adheres to- their " principles now as thirty-nine years since, or during the war of the rebelUon. He has been selected to fill about all of the town ofifices, and has served as select man fourteen years ; was sent to the Legis lature in i860, and was a state senator from Orleans county in 1892. Appointed railroad commissioner by Governor Page, he was again assigned to this post by Governor Fuller in 1892. He was united in marriage, June 26, 1855, to A. Augusta, daughter of Merrill and Lauretta (West) Williams of Greensboro. Three children have been the fruit of their marriage : Portus W., Amanda, and Julius E. DAVIDSON, MiLON, of Newfane, son of Alvan and Ann (Howe) Davidson, was born in Unity, N. H., Nov. 28, 1834. In his early childhood his parents removed to Acworth, N. H., where he was brought up to MILON DAVIDSON. his father's occupation, that of a farmer. Frora the age of fourteen to seventeen he was in the eraploy of Capt. JSamuel Mc Clure, a neighboring farmer. . His early school advantages were Umited,, for he had only one term a year, from the age of ten to twenty-one, but his evenings were devoted to his books, and he generally rose three or four hours before sunrise to study by the light of the fire or a tallow can dle. He fitted for college at Meriden and at New London, N. H., and, continuing his- DAVIS. DAVIS. 97 Studies under great privations and discour ageraents, graduated at Dartraouth in 1862. He then taught as principal — mostly in academies — twelve years, reading law, as opportunity offered, with Mr. Soule of Fair fax and Hon. A. Stoddard of Townshend, and was adraitted to the bar in 1872. In 1874, without solicitation on his part, he was chosen treasurer of the Windham County Savings Bank, and stiU holds that office. The business of the bank increasing, he has, in recent years, necessarily devoted more of his tirae to that, and less to the [practice of law. He is a raeraber of the executive commit tee, trustee and treasurer of Leland and Gray Seminary, treasurer of the Windham County Creamery Association and a director in the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Mont pelier. He has been director in the Brat tleboro & Whitehall Railroad Co., superin tendent of schools and president of the Christian Aid Association. Formerly as a Democrat and more recently as a Prohibitionist, he has received the votes of his party for town representative and state's attorney. He was a delegate to the national convention of the Prohibition party in 1888; a candidate on their ticket for presidential elector the same year, and for state treasurer in 1892. He married Gratia E., daughter of Sarauel A. and Rachel (Woodworth) Andrews, of Richraond, Nov. 28, 1864. They have one child : Lula Estella. At the centennial celebration of Acworth, N. H., Mr. Davidson read an original poem, which is published in the history of that town, and at the opening of the B. & W. R. R. he wrote a lengthy metrical composi tion — coraraeraorating that event — which at tracted rauch attention. Mr. Davidson is a raeraber of the Baptist church, but has liberally aided other denomi nations. He has a reputation for strict hon esty and high raoral character ; yet he is best appreciated by those who know him most intimately. DAVIS, Dennison, of Putney, son of Alanson and Experience (Orvis) Davis, was born in Putney, May 3, 1819. His early education was obtained at the district schools of his native town and at a select school in Dumraerston. Mr. Davis spent raost of his life on the home farm, branching out into the horse and cattle business as a side issue. For many years past he has devoted a large share of his time to the importation of Can adian horses and the shipment of cattle to the markets at Brighton. Mr. Davis has in turn held every im portant town ofifice except town clerk and treasurer, since he attained his majority, and represented his town in the General Assembly of 1880. Mr. Davis was married in 1840 to Cather ine M., daughter of Zora and AbigaU (Orvis) Scott. Mrs. Davis died in 1878. There was one son frora this union, who died in 1876, leaving two children, a daughter and son : Hattie E., and Dennison P. /^r- ^: DENNISON DAVIS. He has been chosen administrator of many estates and always performed the ser vice with honor to himself and satisfaction to all concerned. Mr. Davis was again married in 1886 to Abbie Jane (Joslin) Evans, and now lives on the Lorenzo Davis farm one mUe north of Putney Village. DAVIS, FRANK E., of Davis Bridge, son of Freeborn G. and Sara (Brown) Davis, was born in Whitinghara, May 22, 1847. His faraily were among the earliest settlers of the town. His progenitors for three generations have successively lived on the farm where Mr. Davis now resides. His education commenced at the Leland and Gray Seminary, Townshend, but later he studied at Arms Academy, Shelburne FaUs, Mass., and was graduated frora Burnham's Business CoUege, Springfield, Mass. After his graduation Mr. Davis was first eraployed as a traveUng agent, but in 1868 he engaged his services as a clerk at Reads- DAVIS. DAVIS. boro and later became a member of the firm of Stearns l^ Davis. After three years' connection with this concern, he moved to Turners Falls, at which place he engaged in business for a year. He then returned to Whitingham, and though possessing a farm, he has worked much of the time for E. J. Bullock & Co. of Readsboro as salesman. In 1887, on account of the faiUng health of his parents, he moved to the horaestead where he now resides. During the summer season Mr. Davis is the manager of the Spring Hotel at Sadawga, and is now the station agent at Whitinghara for the H. T. & W. R. R. In politics he has been a Repubhcan and was the nominee of that party for repre sentative in 1870. He has been chairman of the board of selectmen for two years, re ceiving the unanimous vote of his towns men, and has also discharged the duties of a lister for many terms. In 1892 he was made a justice of the peace. Mr. Davis afifiUates with the Deerfield Val ley Lodge, I. O. O. F., at Readsboro, and is the V. G. of the sarae. He is a member of the M. E. Church at Wilmington. He was married in Whitingham, August 21, 1873, to Ida M., daughter of J. and Olive (Sweet) Bullard. They have three children : F. Rockwell, Sara, and F. PUliot. DAVIS, Frank William, of Bakersfield, son of Joel C. and Martha (Montgomery) Davis, was born in Honeoye Falls, N. "V., July 31, 1850. He received a good coramon school edu cation. At the age of twenty-four he com menced his business career at East Fairfield, but in 1878 removed to Belvidere, where he has ever since raade his horae, with the exception of two years, when he was engaged in trade at Bakersfield. Mr. Davis was raarried at Bakersfield to Emeroy F., daughter of Ira F. and Mahala A. Dean, by whora he has had three chil dren. From 1889 to 1893 he has been in part nership with several others in the manu facture of butter tubs at Belvidere Centre, and the enterprise has proved remunerative and been of much benefit to that com raunity. Mr. Davis has filled aU the town ofifices, and for five years has been an active member of the LamoiUe county RepubUcan cora raittee. He represented the town in 1888, and served on the Grand List coraraittee, and was its secretary. He belongs to both the Masonic frater nity and the order of Odd Fellows, being a member of Mount Norris Lodge F. & A. M., of Tucker Chapter R. A. M. at MorrisviUe, and of BurUngton Council, and he is in good standing with Sterhng Lodge, I. O. 0. F., at Hyde Park. DAVIS, George, of East Montpelier, son of Timothy and PauUne (Stevens) Davis, was born in East Montpelier (then a part of Montpelier), March 13, 1835. Clark Stevens, his maternal grandfather, was the weU-known pioneer and Quaker preacher of the town of MontpeUer, and Mr. Davis was brought up in the peaceful tenets of that per suasion. The public schools of Montpelier fur nished him his early educational training, and his life has been passed upon the fine old farm where he was born. From this last statement it is needless to name his calling. GEORGE DAVIS. but Mr. Davis is a speciahst in his profes sion, and is known far and wide for his herd of Devon cattle. Specimens of these have brought him many a preraiura at the state and New England fairs, while as a breeder of Light Brahraa fowls he is unrivalled. Mr. Davis is also interested in the breeding of colts, and for a long tirae was accustomed to serve as the starting judge at horse races, in which position he always raanifested the needed quahties of firmness and decision. He is a raost excellent judge of aU farm ani mals, and consequently is much demanded as a member of the awarding committees at county fairs and all gatherings of a Uke nature ; for this ofifice his conscientious im- partiahty especially fits him. He has been DAVIS. many years a director and vice-president of the State Agricultural Society. Mr. Davis received the Repubhcan vote and the election for raeraber of the General Assembly in 1884, and served on the com mittee on highways and bridges. DAVIS, Gilbert A., of Windsor, son ¦of Asa and Mary (Hosmer) Davis, was born Dec. iS, 1835, at Chester. Receiving an education liniUed to the ¦district school and Chester Academy, he commenced to teach when he was fifteen years of age. In 1852, he reraoved to New Jersey, where he pursued the same profes sion for four years, giving instruction at Belvidere and other places in Warren and Hunterdon counties. Here he began to DAVIS. 99 GILBERT A. DAVIS. read law with Hon. J. G. Shipman of Belvi dere. Returning to Verraont, he continued the study of his profession in the ofifice of JHon. WiUiam Rounds of Chester and later with Messrs. Washburn (P. T.) & Marsh (Charies P.) of Woodstock. Mr. Davis was admitted to the bar at the May terra of the ^V"indsor county court in 1859. He remained with his last instruct ors about a year and then removed to FelchviUe in Reading. Here he reraained for nearly twenty years, and laid the founda tion of a large and successful practice, and -stUl keeps an ofifice in FelchviUe since his .removal to Windsor in 1879. He has always been identified with public improvements, is a director in the Windsor Electric Light Co., has been a trustee of the village, and when the water works were con structed he was one of the comraissioners for that purpose, and is the president and treasurer of the Windsor Machine Co. Mr. Davis is a raeraber of the Republican party and has held raany important town ofifices. In 1858 and 1861 he was assistant clerk of the House of Representatives and to him was intrusted the task of making out the grand list. He served as Register of Probate for Windsor county for five years, and represented Reading in 1872 and 1874, serving both years on the committee on education, of which he was chairman at the session of 1874. He was elected to the Senate in 1876, where he was a member of both educational and judiciary committees. He was state's attorney for Windsor county for the term of two years, i878-'86. In 1874 he was selected by Governor Peck to com pile the school laws of Vermont and he has also published a history of Reading. At the celebration of the centenary of that town, he delivered the address, and was also the orator at the centennial celebration of the adoption of the constitution and narae of the state, held at Windsor, August 9, 1877. Mr. Davis has been for many years an ofificial of the Vermont Historical Society ; a member of the Vermont Comraandery of Knights Teraplar, the clerk of the Congre gational Society of Windsor and the super intendent of the Sabbath school. He was a raember of the Republican national convention at Chicago in 1888, and a meraber of the Triennial CouncU of Congregational Churches at Worcester in 1889 and Minneapolis in 1892. In AprU, 1862, he was married to Delia I. BoUes, at Turner, IU., and their union has been blessed with four children, two of whom are now living : Mary I., and Gil bert F. DAVIS, Samuel Ray, of Troy, son of Ray and Hannah (Brown) Davis, was born in Troy, April 19, 1837. His father was one of the first settlers of the town, having moved there in 1833 from Lexington, Mass. The subject of this sketch received his education in the schools of the town, and at Bakersfield Academy. At an early age he acquired a taste for general reading, which has increased with increasing years, and his well-stocked library of carefully selected books bears witness that his taste has been well cultivated. Mr. Davis has always re sided in his native town. He is known as a progressive farmer whose success may be largely attributed to his untiring energy, together with good judgment and sound sense. DEAVITT. DEAVITT. In pohtics he is a staunch RepubUcan; though of an unassuming nature he has been often honored by the confidence of his fellow-citizens. He has held the various town offices, from juryman to selectman, and represented Troy in the state Legislature in 1867 and '68. He was one of the county road commissioners in i886-'87, and assist ant judge for two terras from 1888. SAMUEL RAY DAVIS. He is a close observer, and his extensive reading combined with a retentive meraory serve to keep him abreast with the leading topics of the day. An evolutionist in his behef, his religious preferences are liberal, though he supports and attends the Congregational church. Judge Davis was married in 1858 to OrceUa Kenney of Fairfield, by whom he has had four children. DEAVITT, JOHN James, of St. Albans, son of John and Anna (Manley) Deavitt, was born in Brunswick, N. Y., May 3, 1808. During the winter of 18 19, he was a student of the Lancastrian School of Troy, N. Y., and seven years subsequently entered the St. Albans Academy after which, having made choice of his profession, he read law in the offices of Royce & Hunt and Hon. David Read. Mr. Deavitt was a cadet at the U. S. Military Acaderay at West Point in 1828, and stood high in his class. In 1 831' he was employed in the ofifice of Judge Cushman at Troy, N. Y., and soon after became a partner of Henry Wilson, Esq., city attorney. He then removed, first to St. Albans, and afterwards to Johnson, where he was assistant of Cornehus Lynde, the postmaster. After an interval of district school teaching, in 1833 he located in St. Albans and forraed a law partnership with Hon. Orlando Stephens, at the expiration of which he was appointed deputy coUector and inspector of U. S. Customs for Franklin, where he became a resident and practiced his profession for sixteen years in conjunc tion with his duties as a 'United States ofificial. In 1853 he returned to St. Albans, having an ofifice in connection with Judge WilUam Bridges tiU 1870. Mr. Deavitt has been a staunch and lifelong Democrat, yet he was elected from FrankUn in November, 1842, as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention held in Montpelier during the following year. He was appointed postmaster of St. Albans under the adminis tration of President Buchanan, and held the ofifice under President Lincoln till 1862. He was admitted to practice in the United States District Court at Windsor in May, 1848, and seventeen years after he received a similar JOHN JAMES DEAVITT. privilege at Washington with respect to the Supreme Court of the United States. In April, 1874, he was elected municipal judge by a large majority, three-fourths of the voters being Republicans, and unanimously chosen at a second election, after which he - declined to serve. He was a delegate to the Deavitt was united in 1830, at St. Albans, to of Willard and Sarah wedlock Patience, (JeweU) DEMING. national Democratic convention held in New York in 1868. He has acted as chair man of jail commissioners of Franklin county. Judge Nov. 25, daughter Wing. This venerable old man was present at the laying of the corner stone of the present college edifice at BurUngton in July, 1825, and distinctly remembers witnessing the reception of LaFayette and his son George, as they were escorted into Burlington by Governor Van Ness. Judge Deavitt has given largely to chari table objects, and he has ever been liberally munificent to friends and relatives. He is a firm believer in the Christian religion, and has been both director and president of the First Congregational Society of St. Albans. He still takes a great interest in courts and judicial proceedings, and is an indefatigable reader of history, keeping himself well in forraed with regard to aU subjects of current interest. Judge Deavitt is reputed to be an able lawyer, and an eloquent and persuasive jury advocate. DEMING, Franklin, of Wells River, son of Benjamin F. and Eunice (Clark) Deming, was born in the town of Danville, Sept. II, 1828. His early educational training was received in the public schools of Danville and at Derby Academy and the PhilUps Academy in his native town. His father was an old resident of the place, for a long tirae judge of probate and county clerk, and afterwards a member of Congress. Mr. Deming was six years of age when he had the raisfortune to lose his father, and after completing his education he worked as clerk in a store for seven years. When he became of age he removed to Wisconsin, where he remained a year, and then settled in St. Johnsbury, where he engaged in the clothing business as a member of the firm of Boles & Deming. In 1857 he moved to WeUs River, and has resided there ever since, engaged in general trade. He was first chosen a director of the National Bank of Newbury in 1874, and then president, a position he stiU holds. He also is president and half owner of the Adams Paper Co. of Wells River. He has always been a Repubhcan, and was a useful meraber of the Legislature of 1888, serving on the coraraittee on banks. For twenty-five years he was postmaster. He has taken the degree of Royal Arch Mason in Haswell Chapter of St. Johnsbury. Mr. Deming married, October, 1854, Catherine, daughter of Francis Bingham, of DEWEY. St. Johnsbury. Two children have been born of this union : Katie B. (Mrs. Dr. H. H. Lee of WeUs River), and AUce K. FRANKLIN DEMING. Mr. Deraing coraraenced his business career with a very modest capital, but, with judgment and foresight, he has raanaged his affairs raost advantageously, and is regarded as a sound and conscientious financier. DEWEY, Charles, of MontpeUer, oldest son of Dr. Julius Y^eraans and Mary (Perrin) Dewey, was born in MontpeUer, March 27, 1826. He was fitted for college at the Washington county grammar school, and graduated at the University of Vermont in 1845. In September, 1845, he was appointed assistant secretary of the Verraont Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ; was elected secretary of that company, January, 1850, and held that ofifice until Nov. i, 1871. He was a director of that company for thirty years. He was appointed a director of the National Life Insurance Co. in January, 185 1, vice-president in 1871, and has been president of that company since 1877, when his father, who was the founder of the com pany and its president, died. In 1865 he was elected a member of the first board of directors of the First National Bank of MontpeUer; in 1878 was elected vice-presi dent, and in January, 1891, president. For several years he was director and vice- president, and was elected president of the DEWEY. Lane Manufacturing Co. of MontpeUer in 189T. He has served as trustee of the A^'ashing- ton county grammar school since 1864 and as president of the board since 1879; also trustee of several boards appointed by the Episcopal diocesan convention of Vermont. He was for many years a delegate from CHARLES DEWEY. Christ Church, MontpeUer, to the diocesan comention, and in 1886 a lay delegate from the diocese to the general convention of the Episcopal ¦ church, held that year in Phila delphia. He has been for over forty years a vestryman and for more than nineteen years a warden of Christ Church, MontpeUer. He was three times elected a state sena tor, serving as such in i867-'68-'69. He was appointed state inspector of finance by Gov ernor Barstow in 1882 and served two years, but declined a reappointment by Governor Pingree. May 3, 1848, he was raarried to Betsey Tarbox, daughter of Lund and Susan (Edson) Tarbox, of Randolph. Three sons and six daughters blessed their union. AU save one daughter, EUa L. (Mrs. CarroU P. Pitkin), survive : Frances I. (Mrs. Henry E. Fifield), WilUara T., Jennie D. (Mrs. Edward D. BlackweU), Mary G., George P., Gertrude M., Kate D., and Charles Robert. DEWEY, Charles Edward, of Ben nington, son of Jedediah and Hannah Eldred Dewey, was born in Bennington, Nov. 29, 1826. His education was received inthe common schools, and in early life he was prominently connected with the ochre trade, but he has always made farming his principal occupa tion. He was born in the old Dewey house built in 1774, around which cluster many interesting historic associations. It is one of the oldest houses in Vermont, and under its shelter sorae of the hardy rangers reposed before the battle of Bennington. In this house Mr. Dewey and his father first saw the light. Here the worthy son of worthy sires has received raany distinguished guests desirous of visiting a spot hallowed by so many strik ing memories of the past. The surrounding- farm has been somewhat dismembered by cutting off portions for building lots, but much of it yet remains, which however, must soon be absorbed for the sarae purpose, as- it lies in the residential portion of the village... Mr. Dewey is an adherent of the Repub lican party, and a CongregationaUst in re ligious faith. He has been incumbent of several town ofifices, notably that of select man, while he has been prominently con nected with the schools of Bennington as- trustee, and one of the building committee CHARLES EDWARD DEWEY. of the graded high school. He is a charter member of the Vermont Historical Society,, and the Bennington Battie Monument As sociation. He was actively associated with the committee in the construction of the: DEWEY. DEXTER. 103 monument and the celebration at its com pletion. Mr. Dewey was married Feb. 5, 1856, to Martha, daughter of Samuel I. ,Hamlen of Cleveland, Ohio. Seven children have been born to thera : Mary (Mrs. Charles MerriU of Bennington), Arthur J., Sarah (Mrs. B. C. Jenney of Bennington), George H., Charles H., Edward E., and Edith M. DEWEY, Hiram Kinne, of Barton, son of Lyman F. and Laura (Kinne) Dewey, was born in Waterford, July 22, 1832. HIRAM KINNE DEWEY. He obtained his education at the public schools of his native town and the acade mies of Peacham, Mclndoes Falls and St. Johnsbury. For five years after leaving school he was engaged in teaching in Ver raont and New Harapshire. In 1861 he was made chief clerk, and had charge of the 'U. S. Pension Agency at Concord, N. H., untU 1865. In 1868 he held the posi tion of engrossing clerk in the N. H. Legis lature. In the fall of that year he moved to Lyndonville and was in trade and in the em ploy of the Connecticut & Passumpsic R. R. for three years. In 1869 he received the appointment of postmaster at LyndonviUe which ofifice he resigned in 18 71 to accept the position of cashier of the Irasburgh National Bank of Orleans, where he re mained tiU 1875, when he was elected cashier of the Barton National Bank at Bar ton which position he stUl holds. In politics Mr. Dewey has always been a Republican and has several times been chosen to ofifice in the towns in which he has resided. In 1870 he was appointed clerk in the House of Representatives. In 1892 he represented the town of Barton in the Legislature and was a useful member of the committee on banks and the library. His religious preference is Congregational. Mr. Dewey was raarried March i, 1866, to Susan Augusta, daughter of Calvin and Ann (Fifield) Gerrish of Concord, N. H., and they have had three children : Fred, Edie, and Lena. The first named died in infancy. DEXTER, Avery J., late of Wardsboro, was the son of Charles and Lucinda (Bas- comb) Dexter, and was born in Wardsboro, April 27, 1818, and died April 19, 1893. He was educated at the common schools in the town, and worked on the home farm. In 1848 he began the manufacture of chairs and furniture, which business he carried on for two years. In 1850 he established a general merchandise store in Wardsboro, which he continued until 1880, carrying on a farm at the same time. Mr. Dexter is a raan of character and abil ity, and enjoyed the confidence of his fellow- townsmen, which wiU be readily gathered frora the following facts. He has been justice of the peace for over forty years, and has held the ofifice of first 104 DEXTER. selectman for twenty-three years, also town clerk since 1864. In 1858 and 1859 hewas elected to the General Assembly, and served creditably in the first session held in the new State House, when Senator Edraunds was speaker. He was re-elected in 1864 and 1865, during the St. Albans raid, and voted for the confirmation of Lincoln's eraancipa tion of slavery. He was again elected in 1878 and 1879, and also in 1886. Mr. Dexter was married March 12, 1841, to Miss Mary Durant, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Durant) White of Gloucester, Mass. Of this union were nine children, six of whom are still living : Charles D., Ger trude I. (Mrs. Marshall O. Howe), Frederic H., Mary A. (Mrs. Brownson Matteson), Luna J. (wife of D. L. Smith), and Effie E. Mr. Dexter was fairly successful in his pri vate business. He was generous, according to his means ; to accumulate a large property was never the aim of his life. He has left what is "better than riches — a good name." His unselfish and kindly interest in others, the sympathy and counsel that he has freely extended to those who have sought his advice, will long be held in grateful remem brance by many whom he has thus befriended. DEXTER, Charles D., of Wardsboro, son of Avery J. and Mary D. (White) CHARLES D. DEXTER. Dexter, was born in Ward.sboro, Nov. 22, 1843. He attended the coramon schools of his native town, and then pursued a course of study at the Leland and Gray Seminary in Townshend. For some tirae he devoted himself to the interests of education as a teacher, and then removed to Baltimore, Md., where he en gaged in business for a considerable period. In 1864 he returned to Wardsboro, and after some years began the manufacture of sieve hoops, which business he has carried on up to the present time. Mr. Dexter has also been engaged in farraing to sorae extent. In his poUtical preference he is a staunch Republican, and was elected to the Legis lature in 1890. He was raarried Dec. 25, 1870, to Rosa L., daughter of Jason S. and Carrie (Thomp son) Knowlton of Wardsboro. Their union has been blessed with three children : Carrie M., Jaraes A., and Charles K. Mr. Dexter has held many and varied positions of honor and trust in his town, and has a strong hold upon the esteem of his fellow- townsraen as an able and conscien tious citizen, a kind friend and good neighbor. DEXTER, Eleazer, of Reading, was born in Hardwick, Mass., July 7, 1813, and was the son of Eleazer and Charity (Will iams) Dexter. His father foUowed the business of farraing in Hardwick, and feU fighting bravely in the service of his country at the battle of Plattsburg in 18 14. Eleazer, Jr., was the youngest of a family of fifteen children and received such an education as could be obtained in the coramon schools of those days. Manifesting a great taste for music, at the early age of thirteen he began to travel with his brother, whom he assisted in giving entertainments, of which music formed the principal part. Soon his ambi tion led him to higher aspirations and he becarae a facile composer of music of a light character, many of his efforts being received with great approbation. In 1843 Mr. Dex ter located at Reading to give instruction in band music. He has never entered political Ufe, but in 1880 was elected representative from Read ing. Receiving excellent instruction in his art from erainent musicians in Boston, he be carae an eminent teacher of both vocal and instrumental music, and has had for his pupils raany who have since found both profit and fame in their profession, notably the Stratton Brothers, George M. Clark, Hank White, O. A. Whitmore and Theodore J. Allen, both well known solo performers on the clarinet and cornet, aU of whom were originally citizens of Reading. During the war of the rebellion Mr. Dex ter travelled extensively through New Eng land, New York and Canada exhibiting a DICKEY. panorama of the principal events of that war, accorapanying the entertainraent with both vocal and instrumental music. He com posed at the time raany patriotic songs, which proved to be very popular. Notwithstanding his four score years, Mr. Dexter lives peacefully in the enjoyraent of a good old age, cheered by memories of the past and in confident hope for the future. DICKEY, Asa M., of Bradford, son of Adam and Anna (MerriU) Dickey, was born at East Orange, March lo, 1821. His grandfather Adam with his two broth ers served in the Revolutionary war, in which struggle the two latter lost their lives. He received his education in the comraon schools and the Methodist Seminary at DICKINSON. 105 ASA M. DICKEY. Newbury. During his struggle for an edu cation, he defrayed a part of its cost by teaching school and at the time seriously thought of making this profession his life long occupation, but the law proved a stronger attraction to his active mind and he coramenced to read with Hon. John Colby of Washington, completing his studies with Hon. Levi B. Vilas of Chelsea. He was admitted to the bar at the June term in 1845. Soon after Mr. Dickey met with a lifelong misfortune in an impairment of vision, but he nevertheless persevered in his chosen profession, and opened an ofifice at West Topsham, where his success was raarked and immediate. He was elected state's attorney of Orange county in 1850 and was re-elected the succeeding year. Mr. Dickey then forraed a partnership with Hon. C. B. Leslie of Wells River and re mained there tiU 1856, when he opened an office at Bradford, where he did a large and increasing business. In 1870 he moved to St, Johnsbury and entered into partnership with Walter F. Smith. At this time he was again troubled with his eyes, but he soon attained a large and lucrative practice in Caledonia, Orleans, \Vashington and Essex counties. After a serious illness, he re turned to Bradford and although seeking no business, he has been retained in many im portant cases. In 1853 he was chairman of the Demo cratic state coramittee and was appointed chief of staff' with the rank of colonel by Governor Robinson. He was a delegate to the national convention of 1864 and in 1869 represented Bradford in the Legislature, was candidate for speaker and a meraber of the judiciary coraraittee. For two suc cessive years he was Deraocratic candidate for Congress and one year his party's candi date for U. S. senator. He was also ap pointed by President Cleveland postraaster at Bradford. Colonel Dickey was largely instruraental in the organization of the Merchants National Bank of St. Johnsbury, and is president of the village corporation of Bradford. He was united in raarriage July 9, 1846, to Harriet M., daughter of John and Lucy Wood Chubb of Corinth. Three children have been born to thera, two daughters — who died in early life — and one son, George A., a weU-known young lawyer of Bradford. Colonel Dickey is a prominent member of the M. E. Church and was appointed by the bishop lay delegate to an ecumenical coun cU in London. Professionally he is best appreciated in his jury practice. His in timate knowledge of huraan nature and cor rect judgment of motives have raade hira a master of the art of cross-examination. His strength as an advocate lies in the clear ex position of his case, his logical deduction from the evidence, and his earnest sincerity. DICKINSON, Albert Joyce, of Ben son, son of Isaac and Cornelia (Coleman) Dickinson, was born in Benson, April 5, 1841. His education was that of the common schools of the time, and after he had grad uated frora them he continued the pursuit of knowledge at the Castleton Seminary. Born and reared upon a farm, he has naturally fol lowed that occupation, and has always lived in the place of his birth, except an interval of four years, extending frora 1873 to 1877, when he reraoved to the town of West Haven. io6 DILLINGHAM. DILLON. At duty's call he enroUed himself in Co. D, 14th Vt. Vols., and with this organization was present at the battie of Gettysburg, receiving an honorable discharge at the expiration of his terra of enlistraent. In his political affiliations he is a Republi can, and so far merited the confidence of his fellow-citizens, that they chose him a member of the House of Representatives in 1886, and elected him as senator from Rut land county in 1890. He is a member of the Masonic frater nity, having associated himself with Acacia Lodge, No. 91, in which he has been caUed to fiU the Master's chair. He also belongs to John A. Logan Post, No. 88, G. A. R., and is enroUed araong the Sons of the Ameri can Revolution. Mr. Dickinson was married at Benson, Oct. 7, 1867, to Helen Goodrich, daughter of Benjamin and Ursula (Goodrich) Bascom, of which marriage have been born : Florence Bascom, Fannie Coleman, John Quincy, Ben jamin Horace, Charles Albert, and CoUeen Amelia. DILLINGHAM, WILLIAM Paul, third son of Paul and Julia (Carpenter) DUling ham, was born in Waterbury, Dec. 12, 1843. His great-grandfather, John DUlingham, was WILLIAM PAUL DILLINGHAM. kUled at Quebec while serving under Wolfe, and his grandfather, Paul DiUingham, served three years in the Revolution, and settled in Waterbury in 1805. WiUiam, after attending the comraon schools, went to Newbury Serainary and to KirabaU Union Acaderay at Meriden, N. H. He read law with his brother-in-law. Matt H. Carpenter, in MUwaukee from 1864 to 1866, and then with his father, Gov. Paul Dillingham, at Waterbury, and was admitted to the bar at the Septeraber term, 1867, of Washington county court. He was, in 1866, appointed secretary of civil and military afifairs to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Charles M. Gay, Esq., and was again secretary of civil and mUitary afl'airs during the administra tion of Gov. Asahel Peck, 1874 to 1876. Mr. Dillingham was elected state's attor ney for Washington county in 1872, and re elected in 1874. The trial of Magoon for the murder of Streeter, and that of MUes for the Barre bank robbery, both of which resulted in conviction, were events in his time as prosecuting ofificer that attracted much public attention, but they represented but a small part of his labors, for the docket was then crowded with crirainal causes. He represented Waterbury in the House in 1876 and again in 1884, and was a sena tor frora Washington county in 1878 and 1880. In 1882 he was appointed commis sioner of state taxes under the new tax law of that year, and held the ofifice of commis sioner for six years. In 1888, as the Repub lican candidate for Governor, he did effect ive work as a campaign speaker for Harri son and Morton, and was elected Governor by the largest majority ever given in the state to a candidate for that position. He has practiced law since his admission to the bar, and was, till his father retired, a meraber of the firm of P. DiUingham & Son, and thereafter for some years was in prac tice alone. Upon the expiration of his term as Governor in October, 1890, the partner ship of DUlingham & Huse was formed. In 1892 Fred A. Howland became a member of the firra which is now Dillingham, Huse & Howland. Mr. Dillingham married, Dec. 24, 1874, Mary E. Shipman, daughter of Rev. Isaiah H. and Charlotte R. Shipman of Lisbon, N. H. They have one son, Paul Shipman, born Oct. 27, 1878. Governor Dillingham is a Methodist, and was a lay delegate from Vermont to the General Conference of the M. E. Church at Omaha in 1893. He is president of the board of trustees of the Vermont Methodist Seminary. DILLON, John W., of Putnamsville, son of William and Sarah (Megaw) DUlon, was born in East Montpelier, July 17, 185°- He received the usual privileges of a farraer's son, attending the district schools of his native town and the Washington DIMICK. DIX. 107 county graramar school. Soon after he went into a railroad ofifice and learned the art of telegraphy. Subsequently he acted as book keeper for John C. Dow & Co., of Lawrence, Mass., and afterwards entered into an en gagement with C. C. Putnam Sz Son of Put- namsviUe to perforra the duties of clerk, bookkeeper and overseer of their extensive business, and with thera he reraained four teen years. Mr. Dillon is now interested in the granite and insurance business at Barre, and he has also become the owner of some valu able granite properties near Hardwick. He was appointed postmaster by the Re publican adrainistration of 1881, and held that position tiU his resignation in July, 1892. He has been justice of the peace during nearly his entire residence in Middlesex, which town elected him representative in 1892 and he served on the general com mittee. He has always been interested in public afifairs and when called to office has conscientiously discharged his duties and responsibilities to the general satisfaction of those who have entrusted him with the various positions he has assumed. Mr. Dillon was married Dec. 15, 1880, to Belle M., daughter of G. M. and Mary S. (Putnam) Whitney of Middlesex. They have one child living : Grace E. A son, Paul, died Feb. 13, 1890. DIMICK, George Washington, of Windham, son of Nathan and Tabitha (Fairbanks) Dimick, was born in Sherburne, Nov. 7, 1837. Mr Dimick received his early education at the common schools of Bridgewater ; also at Windsor high school and Black River Academy. During the winters he followed the occupation of teacher in the district schools, and in the summer labored on the farra. In Oc'ober, i860, he reraoved to Windham, where he purchased a property, and on this he has since resided. Mr. Dimick has served as selectraan sev eral terras and also represented the town in the state Legislature in 1872 and 1882. He has discharged the duties of superintendent of schools, town agent, and trustee of public raoney, while as a business pursuit he has foUowed the shipping of produce for twenty- five years. Mr. Dimick was married, March 28, i860, to Belle P., daughter of Alvah and Cherry (Davis) Peck. DIX, Samuel Nevins, of Montgomery Center, son of Samuel and Maria B. (Church) Dix, was born in Troy, May 4, 1839. The boyhood and youth of Mr. Dix were spent in the useful occupations of a farmer's life, and he gleaned somewhat scanty instruc tion at the district schools of Troy, Derby, Coventry and Albany ; attending the Albany Academy for a brief period. After attaining his raajority, he was era ployed in agricultural la'bor until the civil war, when in 1862 he enlisted as a private in Co. I, 15th Regt., Vt. Vols., and was dis charged after his term of nine months' service. When Mr. Dix returned from the scene of action and resumed the occupations of civil life he pursued his former vocation for some tirae, and then entered the employ of Dun can Harvey, of Peacham. In 1870 he trans ferred his services to Columbus Green, of Montgomery. In 1875 Hon. W. H. Stiles purchased the business, and Mr. Dix faith- SAMUEL NEVINS DIX. fully served him tiU 1878, when he was taken into partnership, and the arrangement lasted until the death of Mr. Stiles in 1891. He is of Republican poUtical faith, has been entrusted with the positions of select man, justice of the peace, and town grand juror, was a member of the Legislature in 1880 and again in 1882, was for a time assistant postraaster, and has been entrusted with the settlement of raany estates. Mr. Dix was married, Oct. 28, 1875, to Annette L., daughter of Hon. 'WilUam H. and B. M. Stiles. One chUd has been born to thera : Alfa May. He is a charter raeraber and Past Cora mander of Charles Haile Post, No. 95, G. A. R., of Montgoraery. Mr. Dix is a man of affable address and a successful financier. io8 DODGE. DODGE. DODGE, Andrew Jackson, of Low ell, son of Andrew and Artimissa (Kelton) Dodge, was born in Montpelier, Jan. ii, 1825, and in AprU, 1848, reraoved with his parents to Lowell. Educated in the schools of Montpelier, when he arrived at man's estate he began to teach in Montpelier, Middlesex, LoweU, Westfield, and Eden. In eariy life he pur chased his present valuable farm of one hundred and sixty acres. Besides his regu lar farm work he has paid considerable at tention to lumbering and has dealt exten sively in Barre plows. For forty years Mr. Dodge has been an agent for the sale of unoccupied real estate, and since 1855 has ANDREW JACKSON DODGE. been the business manager in Lowell of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which he was a director. Mr. Dodge has been a strong Republican ever since the forraation of that party and his feUow-citizens have bestowed upon him raany of the town offices, selectman, lister, first constable ; fifteen years he was town superintendent of schools, and justice of the peace most of the time for the last forty years. He was a raember of the state Leg islature at the regular sessions of i859-'6o and the special session of '61. He was elected sheriff of Orleans county in 1872 and held the ofifice two years, September 9, 1855, he was married to Sarah C, daughter of E. S. and Irene Snow of Montpelier. By her he had three chU dren, of whom two are now living : Clar ence, and Clara (Mrs. J. K. Little of Boston). He was again united, to Lucinda C, daugh ter of E. S. and Irene Snow, Oct. 14, 1864, and from this marriage there were three children : Sarah, Alton, and Andrew Jack son (aU deceased). Mr. Dodge has always been liberal in his religious beliefs and a public-spirUed man, ready to help in all worthy enterprises. DODGE, Harvey, of Post Mills, son of Eliphalet S. and Mary (Cox) Dodge, was born at Thetford, August 26, 1821. Eliphalet S. carae to Thetford in 1802 and purchased one-half of the original Post farm, on which most of the thriving village of Post MiUs is located, and pursued the occu pations of a farmer and lumberman. EUph- alet S. was uncle of the well-known George Peabody, the millionaire banker and philan thropist of London, who, whUe he was a poor boy, resided nearly two years with Mr. Dodge upon his farm and received frora him rauch kindness and encourage ment. Mr. Harvey Dodge was brought up upon the farm and has always resided there ex cept four years which he spent in Norwich, He successfully devotes hiraself to farming and stock raising. " Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." Mr. Peabody in reraembrance of his early associations has endowed the village of Post MUls with a public library, his own name has been given to the institution and his cousin Harvey who gave the site holds the position of librarian. By the terms of the bequest, three members of the Dodge family, while such members survive, are made permanent trustees and with thera are associated other elective raerabers and the resident rainister or minis ters of the parish. This library contains nearly six thousand well selected volumes. Mr. Dodge was unUed in raarriage April 9, 1846, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Halsey and Mercy (Burton) RUey. They have had four children, two of whora are living : Burton R., and Henry M. In a second union he was raarried to Martha E., daughter of Frederic and Anna (Chandler) Ladd. Mr. Dodge has held raany positions of trust and honor. He has always been Re publican and as such has been deputy sheriff fourteen years and justice of the peace for sixteen consecutive terms. He was elected to represent Thetford by a large majority in 1870, and was made assistant judge of Orange county court in 1876. For twenty years he has belonged to Crystal Lake Lodge, I. O. O. F. The standing of Judge Dodge in town and county is attested by the raany iraportant positions to which he has been chosen. DODGE. DODGE, John Locke, of Barton Landing, son of WiUiam P. and Nancy L. (Locke) Dodge, was born in Irasburg, Oct. 2i> 1833. His educational advantages were limited to the comraon schools and the acaderaies of Derby and Brownington. When nineteen years of age, he com menced his active career as a teacher, but three years later was seized with the western fever and went West, where he engaged in the hotel business, but returned to his native DODGE. 109 JOHN LOCKE DODGE. state in i860, and has been since that year a Verraont farraer. Since the forraation of the Repubhcan party, he has given it his steady adherence, and for his loyalty and ability has been en trusted with raany ofificial responsibihties both by the town and county. For twenty- five years he has most creditably discharged the duties of these, and in 1892 was chosen to represent Irasburg in the Legislature. Mr. Dodge is an earnest supporter of the Congregational church in Irasbuirg, and has contributed by his influence and energy to its success. He was united in marriage, Oct. 15, 1 86 1, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Hiram and Ruth (Cogswell) Merrill, by whom he has one son : Carlos A. Mr. Dodge stands high in (he esteem of his fellows and can boast of a useful life, the honor and probity of which have been duly appreciated by his friends and neighbors. DODGE, Prentiss Cutler, of Bur Ungton, son of Robert and Alma C. (Wheeler) Dodge, was born in East Mont pelier, Feb. 13, 1849. Obliged to abandon school at the early age- of eleven years, Mr. Dodge was apprenticed to the late Hiram Atkins. He remained with him, serving his time, and then worked as a journeyman printer in Burlington, Springfield, Boston and NewYork. In 1872 he raade an extensive tour through the- southern states, and upon his return followed the calling of coraraercial traveler in various lines of business. In 1889 Mr. Dodge entered into an engageraent as Burlington correspondent of the Rutland Herald, and in the following year purchased the Burlington Independent, which enjoys the distinction of being the only Democratic paper in Northern Ver raont. In 1890 he put in a job ofifice, which PRENTISS CUTLER DODGE. now requires three presses to turn out his commercial work, and his business is in creasing rapidly. Mr. Dodge raarried, Dec. 8, 1874, in Buf falo, N. v., Nelia M. Kent of Rorae, N. Y. He has never held political ofifice, nor does he belong to any secret societies, ex cept that he is a member and Past Chancel lor Coraraander of Champlain Lodge, No. 7, Knights of Pythias of Burlington. Though without school advantages since the age of eleven, he has come to the editorial chair by an exceUent and weU proved route — the DONNELLY. DOTY. Greeley route ; a hard climb that once made gives strength for and good assurance of permanent success. September i, 1893, Mr. Dodge received the appointment of immigrant inspector, suc ceeding Gen. W. W. Henry of Burlington. DONNELLY, JOHN H., of Vergennes, son of Thomas and Mary (McDonald) Donnelly was born in Keesville, N. Y., Feb. i9> 1855. ^ His early education was obtained m the Vergennes graded school and afterward from a course of instruction at the coUege at Ottawa, Canada, He commenced the active career of his life by entering the employ of the Vermont Seat & Roller Co. as a clerk and in this continued for about five years; and in 1878 he commenced the occupation of merchant tailoring, and has established one of the largest and most extensive retail trades in the state. Mr. Donnelly is a firm behever in the doctrines of the Deraocratic party and has been alderman of the city of Vergennes for three years. He has also served on the board of council and as a Democrat has been highly honored by his party, of which he is one of the chief leaders in the state. In the last two Deraocratic conventions at St. Louis and Chicago he has been appointed delegate, and has also been norainated for various town and county ofifices. He is prorainent and takes a deep interest in all the firemen's organizations of the state. He is a raember of the Vergennes Volunteers and is one of the executive coraraittee of the Fireman's Association of Vermont. DOTY, George W., of Morrisville, was born in MontpeUer, Feb. 16, 1838. At the age of two years he was adopted by O. L. Metcalf, a farraer of Morristown. Mr. Doty received his education in the comraon schools and the People's Academy, paying his expenses by his labor and the care of the building. At the age of nine teen, under the auspices of the Emigrant Aid Society, he went to the then Territory of Kansas, where he joined a party of forty young men from Verraont, who, under the leadership of William B. Hutchinson, estab hshed themselves at a point on the Osage river, about fifteen miles from the Missouri Une. This settlement they named Mapleton. During the next three years and a half, young Doty was both a witness of and an actor in the most exciting scenes of that remarkable period. As soon as the town ship of Mapleton was organized, he was elected first constable, and joined the Free SoU forces of Captain Bain and Colonel Montgomery. He was also a member of the force under Col. Jim Lane that dispossessed the bogus Lecompton Legislature. Later, as a Free State man, he was driven out of Colum bus, Mo., at midnight, barely escaping with his life. In the late faU of i860 Mr. Doty returned to his native state, and was the first man in LamoiUe county to enlist at the outbreak of the civil war. In conjunction with U. A. Woodbury he recruited sixty raen, who after ward becarae members of Co. E, 3d Vt. Vols. He hiraself was mustered into the United States service as a private in Co. F, 2d Vt. Vols., and followed the fortunes of that com mand throughout most of the bloody battle fields. He was present at the first struggle at Bull Run, and was with the command during the seven days' fight on the peninsula. GEORGE W. DOTY. 2d Bull Run, and in the Maryland cam paign, 1862. A member of the 2d Vt. Color' Guard, he was not absent from duty a single day till he was wounded at Fredericksburgh by a minie baU, which he carries in his right knee. Being thus disabled, he was transferred to the Veteran Corps, and served until the close of the war. He was several times promoted, being a sergeant when wounded, and would have been commis sioned in a short time. Mr. Doty is a staunch RepubUcan, and soon after his return from the army, was appointed deputy sheriff, and later was elected sheriff, holding this position three years. For fourteen years he has been a raember of the prudential committee of the DOWLEY. DRAPER. People's Academy and MorrisviUe graded school. For thirty years he has been a Free Mason, a raeraber of Mt. Vernon Lodge, and has held every position in that body, as weU as in the chapter. A charter meraber of J. M. Warner Post, G. A. R., he served as its commander for eight consecutive years. Mr. Doty also acted as the aid of Com manders-in-Chief Earnshaw and Alger, G. A. R., and in 1891 was unanimously elected Senior Vice-Comraander, Dept. Vt., and in 1893 received a like corapUment when pro moted to be Commander of the department. He married, April 30, 1863, at Brattle boro, Flora A., daughter of Loren and FedeUa (Paine) Bundy. Of their children one son died in infancy, and two daughters survive : Anna G. (Mrs. L. M. Jones, of Johnson, Vt.), and AUce C. For twelve years Mr. Doty was station and express agent and telegraph operator on St. J. & L. C. R. R., at Morrisville. For the last ten years Mr. Doty has been successfully engaged in Morrisville as a furniture dealer and undertaker. Mr. Doty requited the kindness of his fos ter parents by providing them a horae in their old age. DOWLEY, George S.; son of Darius L. and Austis (Baldwin) Dowley, was born in Wardsboro, August 16, 1843. GEORGE S. DOWLEY. His parents removed to Bratdeboro when he was of early age, and he received his education in the public schools there, grad uating from the high school, after which he studied for two years under a former princi pal of the West Brattleboro Academy. Upon the close of his studies he entered the local office of the Vermont & Massachu setts RaUroad Co., where he remained for several months, when the position of teller in the old Bank of Brattleboro — now the Vermont National Bank — was ofifered hira, which he accepted. Four years afterwards he became cashier, and continued as such until his election in 1889 as president. In addition to his official duties in the Vermont National Bank, he has enjoyed raany posi tions of trust in his town and county, the duties of which he has always raet with characteristic abUity and sterhng honesty. Mr. Dowley has served many years as treasurer of his town and the village school district and is also county treasurer as well as a director in the Vermont VaUey Railroad Co., and various other organizations, and has several times been prorainently raentioned as the Republican candidate for State Treas urer of Verraont. He raarried. May 17, 1870, Miss Ada E., daughter of WUliara H. and Adeline S. (Thayer) Estabrook, of Brattleboro. DRAPER, Joseph, late of Brattleboro, was born in Warwick, Mass., Feb. 16, 1834. He was of New England ancestry, both father and raother being natives of Massa chusetts. His early education was obtained in the common schools and in the academies at Brattleboro, and Deerfield, Mass. After he entered upon the study of medicine, he at tended lectures at one of the medical schools in New York and also at the Jeffer son Medical CoUege, Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1858. After a considerable period in general practice he became an assistant of Dr. Rockwell in the Vermont Asylura for the Insane at Brattleboro, where he remained until January, 1865. He left this position for that of an assistant surgeon in the United States General Hospital at Brattleboro, in which he remained a few months, and in May, 1865, became an assistant in the state asylum at Worcester, Mass. He was also acting superintendent of that institution for one year. In 1870 he became an assistant to Dr. Buttolph in the state asylum at Trenton, N. J., where he remained until February, 1873, when he was appointed superintendent of the Ver mont Asylum, where he remained until his death. Dr. Draper was in closest touch and sym pathy with everything that concerned psy chiatry and psychology, and was very jealous of the reputation of our hospitals DREW. DUBOIS. and asylums. His sympathies were quick and large and went out to all who came in his way needing them, so that during his long residence in Vermont his name became a household word and familiar to a large portion of people, by whom he was held in the highest esteem. He was united in marriage to Mary J. Putnam, who survives him. Dr. Draper was a diligent student and yearly prepared papers which he read before medical societies. He is also the author of a history of the Vermont Asylum, covering its first fifty years. At the tirae of his death he was president of the New England Psy chological Society. He had been president of the Verraont Medical Society. DREW, LUMAN Augustus, of Burling ton, son of John Y. and Alraira (Atwater) Drew, was born in Burlington, Oct. 27, 1832. He was educated in the pubhc schools of Burlington and for a year pursued his studies at Bakersfield Academy When he became of age he was associated with his father in a wholesale and retail market in the town, which business is stUl continued under the firm name of L. A. & A. A. Drew. He then took a contract in the construction of the Burlington & La moille R. R. In connection with his brother he is much engaged in breeding horses, chiefly of the Ethan AUen stock, having sent forth many " flyers " from their establish ment, who have made a record in the 2 :30 class. Mr. Drew was a promoter of and a large stockholder in the Vermont Horse Co. and later took a lively interest in the Vermont Horse Breeders Association and was chief marshal at the first meeting of the latter body. He was appointed by the commissioners superintendent of the Ver mont state building at the World's Fair at Chicago, 1893, and performed the duties of that responsible position with much credit to himself and to the general satisfaction of the whole state, as the many handsorae newspaper notices testify. Before the city of Burlington was chartered he was chosen constable ; was elected to the position of chief of police ; then sheriff of Chittenden county, which he held thir teen years, when he resigned both ofifices. In 1887, he was appointed by Governor Orrasbee one of the board of cattle com missioners and three years after acted as doorkeeper in the House of Representatives. In 1890 he became associated with H. N. Parkhurst of Barre in the granite busi ness under the firm name of Drew, Park hurst & Co. Mr. Drew has always taken a lively in terest in fireman's organizations, and in early boyhood was an active member of the Boxer Engine Co., of Burlington. Now honorary meraber of the Ethan AUen Co. He was largely instruraental in sending and going with the Barnes Hose Co. to Chicago in 1877 to participate in the national fire man's tournament in which they won the first prize of ^500 in gold, and also brought back a silver trophy belt which was pre sented to the city of Burlington, the com pany reserving the right to display it at any time upon parade by depositing ^200 with the city treasurer for its safe return. Mr. Drew espoused, April 18, i860 MatUda R., daughter of Phineas and Persis (Nichols) Parkhurst of Barre, by whom he has issue one daughter : Carrie L. He has held raany ofificial positions in the Green Mountain Lodge, I. O. O. F., is a Mason of the 3 2d degree and Knight Templar. He was a charter raember of the first council A. A. S. R. established in Ver mont. He belongs to the Burlington Re publican Club and in his religious belief is a Methodist. At the tirae of the St. Albans raid he was quartermaster in the mUitary regiment of the state and took an active part in the pur suit of the raiders. Dubois, William Henry, of West Randolph, son of Earl C. and Anna (Lam- WILLIAM HENRY DuBOIS. son) DuBois, was born in Randolph, March 24, 1835. He received an academic education in his Dubois. J13 native town, and whUe engaged in his studies at the West Randolph Acaderay, worked more or less in his brother's store in the vUlage, and there acquired a taste for mercantile life. Being ambitious for a broader field of labor, he procured a situation at Randolph, Mass., and from there, when but eighteen years of age, he went to Boston and entered the wholesale boot and shoe store of his uncle, Wales Tucker, taking the position of bookkeeper. In 1856 he was admitted as a partner in the firm of James Tucker & Co., wholesale dealers in boots and shoes in Bos ton, where he continued until 1864, with successful results, but with impaired health. During the next two years Mr. DuBois sought rest and strength in the healthful cliraate of his native state, and finding his health restored, he went to New York in December, 1867, and became a partner in the wholesale boot and shoe jobbing house of DuBois, Magovern & Co. In the autumn of 1872, he retired permanently from active mercantUe life, and occupied hiraself the next two years in building a horae in his na tive vUlage. There he has ever since resided, and actively interested himself in local im provements and educational raatters. He was largely instruraental in estabHshing there the West Randolph graded school, which is at this time one of the best schools in the state. He has also been treasurer of the vUlage of West Randolph since it was incor porated in 1876. Up to that tirae the town of Randolph had never had any organized banking institution, and seeing the great need of banking facUities, Mr. DuBois pro cured a charter and organized the Randolph National Bank of West Randolph. Mr. Du Bois was chosen president at its commence ment, and StiU retains the position. He is chairman of the board of water commis sioners of the village of West Randolph, and of the board of auditors of the town of Randolph. In politics Mr. DuBois has always been a firm Republican. In 1876 he was elected a meraber of the General Asserably frora Ran dolph, by the largest raajority ever given a rep resentative in that town. In that Legislature he served on the coraraittee on banks and education. The same year he was appointed inspector of finance by Gov. Horace Fair banks, and reappointed by Governor Proctor in 1878, and again by Governor Farnham in 1880, holding the office for six years, when he was elected State Treasurer in 1882, which office he held for eight years. Mr. DuBois was the first state ofificer to re commend to the Legislature a direct tax upon corporations in Verraont. Governor Proc tor in his message to the same Legislature comraended the suggestion of the inspector on this subject, and such a law was passed. In 1892 Mr. DuBois was elected senator from Orange county, serving with ability as chairman of the committee on finance and on the joint standing coraraittee on state and court expenses, and a member of the railroad coramittee, and of several special coraraittees. Recognizing Mr. DuBois' faraUiarity with the finances and financial affairs of the state. Governor FuUer appointed him inspector of finance in Deceraber, 1892, which position he now holds. Mr. DuBois was married Jan. i, 1862, to Anne Eliza, daughter of Myron J. Gilbert of Brandon. She died May 31, 1887 ; they had nine children, four of whom died in in fancy, and five are now living ; Mary Susan, Charles GUbert, Clara Adelaide, Anne Lam son, and John Henry. Mr. DuBois was again married June 5, i888, to Miss Ada- line L., daughter of Horace and Lucy Smith Moulton of West Randolph. DUNLAP, Thomas Hiram, of South Shaftsbury, son of MarshaU and Thalia (Mattison) Dunlap, was born in Arlington, August 13, 1853. THOMAS HIRAM DUNLAP. Comraencing with the public schools of Arlington and Shaftsbury, he concluded his educational career at Burr and Burton Sem inary, and Bryant & Stratton's Business Col lege at Manchester, N. H. After a brief experience as teacher and farmer, he ob tained a position as clerk in White Creek, 114 DUNNETT. DUNTON. N. Y., reraaining until the spring of 1878, when he returned to Shaftsbury and again engaged in agricultural pursuits. In the fall of 1882 he entered the eraploy of W. P. Mattison & Co. as clerk, remaining there to the present time. Mr. Dunlap was census enumerator in 1890 and two years after represented Shafts bury in the Legislature, in which he was assigned to the committee of highways, bridges and ferries. In sectarian views he is a Baptist, and has taken the obligations of Free Masonry, being actively connected with Tucker Lodge, No. 48, of North Bennington. Mr. Dunlap raarried, June 10, 1891, Addie, daughter of Williara B. and Harriet (Cole) Mattison of South Shaftsbury. DUNNETT, Alexander, of St. Johns bury, son of Andrew and Christiana (Gal- braith) Dunnett, was born in Peachara, Nov. 29, 1852. ALEXANDER DUNNETT. Having received a preparatory education in the public schools of Peacham, Newbury and Ryegate, he was graduated from the Randolph Norraal School in the class of 1874. Resolving to study law, he entered the ofifice of Nelson L. Boyden of Randolph, and in the spring of 1875 he pursued his professional studies at Boston University, until he was adraitted to practice at the bar of Orange county at the June term, 1877. WhUe at school he employed the winters in teaching at Munroe, N. H., Topsham, Ran dolph and Rochester. He coramenced the practice of his profession at South Ryegate and two years later was appointed master in chancery in Caledonia county. In 1883 he removed to St. Johnsbury where he entered into partnership with A. F. Nichols, Esq., which connection continued three years. Since that tirae he has been alone. In 1866 he was elected state's attorney for Cale donia county and held that ofifice for four years. Mr. Dunnett is one of four partners who are the proprietors of the Ryegate Granite Co., which is the largest granite manufactory in Caledonia county. He belongs to the Repubhcan party. He was appointed town superintendent of schools in Ryegate and for several years dis charged the duties of moderator in that town and since in St. Johnsbury. He was united in raarriage AprU 2, 1879, to Ella J., daughter of James and Anne C. White, who died March 23, 1881. Decem bers 23, 1884, he married Sarah M., daugh ter of Silas M. and Harriett Towne of Barre, who passed away August 8, 1888. He con tracted a third alliance with Mrs. Ella Chalmers, widow of Rev. John R. Chalmers of St. Johnsbury, April 29, 1890. In his religious belief Mr. Dunnett leans toward the Unitarian church. He has been an active and influential Free Mason, having served as Master of the Blue Lodge and High Priest of the St. Johnsbury Royal Arch Chapter ; he is also a raember of the order of Knights Templar. DUNTON, Charles H., of Poultney, son of Elijah and Mary Ann (French) Dun ton, was born in UnderhiU, Jan. 24, 1844. He received his preparatory education at the New Hampton Institute, at Fairfax, and was graduated from the University of Ver mont in the class of 1870. He then for a year suppUed the Methodist church at John son, and in 187 1-' 7 2 took a post-graduate course at the Boston University. Having been admitted to the Troy conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, for two years he discharged the duties of pastor at Man chester and East Dorset. In 1874 hewas elected a teacher of natural science in the Troy Conference Academy, at Poultney, an institution which, after some years of sus pension, was at that time reopened. After serving three years in this subordinate capacity, he was elected principal of the institution in 1877. This position he has occupied ever since, spending most of his summer vacations in travelling abroad, and among the states. As a social leader and popular educator. Dr. Dunton is too weU known for comment. DUNTON. DWINELL. 115 He has placed the Troy Conference Acad emy in the first ranks of the schools of the state. In his poUtical views he is RepubUcan, but his lifework and energies have been more especially devoted to his professional duties. In 1883 he was one of the state DWINELL, Frank A., of Montpelier; son of Albert and Irene D. (Rich) DwineU, was born at East Calais, May 23, 1848. He received his education from the cora mon schools of his native place and gradu ated from Barre Academy in the class of 1868 ; began business in active life in his father's store at East Calais, reraaining until 1874, when he removed to Plainfield and engaged in the mercantile business, which he successfully carried on for a number of years. In 1885 the Farraers' Trust Co. was or ganized. Mr. Dwinell was elected presi dent, at once taking an active interest in the management, which position he has retained up to this time. Under the conservative policy and prudent management inaugur ated, and which has always been maintained, a strong financial corporation has been buUt up. In consequence of his connection with this corapany, he moved to Montpelier in the spring of 1890. CHARLES H. DUNTON. representatives to the interstate convention held at LouisviUe, Ky., which originated the Blair biU. Three years after this time he received the degree of D. D. from Syracuse University, and for a long period has, by successive appointments, been state exam iner of normal schools. Dr. Dunton was married at Johnson, June 26, 1872, to Nettie W., the accomplished daughter of Judge Samuel and Flavilla (Wat erman) Belding. In his denomination. Dr. Dunton is with out question the foremost man in the state, and his own reputation and that of his school are of such a character that words of commendation are superfluous. His untir ing energy and great educational ability have met with well-merited success in the chosen walk of Ufe to which he has devoted so much inteUigent and industrious effort. In 1892 he was a member of the General Conference of the M. E. Church. In the civil war he proved his patriotism by enUsting in Co. F, 13th Vt. Regt., and after six months of creditable service, was honorably discharged on account of physical disability. FRANK A. DWINELL. Mr. DwineU has identified himself with several local institutions, being a director of the Wetraore & Morse Granite Co., a direc tor and vice president of the Montpelier BuUding & Construction Co., also a direc tor in the First National Bank. In politics Mr. Dwinell is a Republican, takes an active interest in political affairs and has held various public ofifices ; was for a number of years town clerk and treasurer of Plainfield. He was elected to the Gen- ii6 DWINELL. DWINELL. •eral Assembly of 1878, and in 1890 was elected senator from 'Washington county and was elected president pro tempore of the Senate, also served on several important committees. He was united in raarriage at East Mont pelier, Dec. 15, 1870, to Hattie A., daughter of Lawson and Asenath (Clark) Hararaett. Two chUdren are the issue of this raar riage : Elbert Hammett, and Melvin Ray mond. DWINELL, Joseph Elmer, of Glover, son of Joseph Hamraond and Almira (Hol brook) Dwinell, was born in Keene, N. H., AprU 30, 1830. His ancestry, of French /•^ #?\ JOSEPH ELMER DWINELL. origin upon the father's side, can be traced back to an early date in the settlement of the New World. His grandfather of six generations back settled in Topsfield, Mass., in 1672, where he becarae the possessor of an extensive property, owning all the land frora Middleton to Wenhara. His raother's ancestor, Thoraas Holbrook, was English and carae frora the mother county in 1624, becoming one ofthe original settlers of Wey mouth, Mass., where he died at an advanced age, a prominent and wealthy man. The subject of the present sketch pos sesses in a marked degree the suavity and ideality of a Frenchman, corabined with the pride and energy of an Englishman. When he was about two years of age, his father moved to Glover, which has since been his home, except for a short time, when he was at St. Johnsbury, White River Junction, and Island Pond. He received his education in the coramon and high schools of the town his school days coming before the founding of the Orleans Liberal Institute, of which institution he has long been a trustee, treas urer, and much of the time chairman of the executive coramittee. In 1853 he bought a half interest in his father's business of furniture dealer, manu facturer, and undertaker. His brother Charles soon assuraed his father's place in the firm, and under the narae of J. E. &C. H. Dwinell, they carried on the largest and raost flourishing furniture trade at that time in Orleans county, keeping warerooms at Bar ton, Barton Landing, and Greensboro. He still has an interest in the business, though not as actively engaged in it as formerly. He has filled many offices of trust in town and county with abUity, acting for several years as constable, collector and deputy sheriff. He has employed much of his time in the settleraent of estates, for which work he seems eminently adapted. He has been for the last ten years, one of the directors of the Barton National Bank. During the years i873-'74 he was a partner with his brother, the late D. Lyman DwineU, as a dry goods merchant in Glover. He has at times been quite extensively engaged in the lum ber trade. He is at present chairraan of the town school board, ever working for the best in terests of education in his beloved state. Mr. Dwinell is passionately fond of music, and was one of the original founders of the Orleans Musical Association. He has had great influence in bringing that organization to its present enviable position, having served as one of its officers from the lowest to the highest grade. He has been a mem ber of the choir in Glover for fifty-three years, and chorister of the Congregational church for twenty years. He is a staunch Democrat in politics, and a firm Universalist in religious preference, though he ever advocates that a spirit of brotherly love should unite aU sects. He was for raany years superintendent of the Universahst Sunday school. He married, Oct. 9, 1856, Eliza M., daugh ter of the late Amos Phelps and PhUa (Sart weU) Bean, of Glover. Eight children have been born to them, four of whom lived to maturity : Fred Elmer, Harley Joseph, Alice Eliza (Mrs. Henry Ralph Cutler), and Edith May (Mrs. Arthur Charies McDoweU). EATON. XI7 EATON, Fred LAURINE, of MontpeUer, son of Arthur G. and EUen M. (Chase) Eaton, was born in Calais, July 10, 1859. At an early age he removed with his mother to Montpelier and obtained his edu cation at the Union and Washington county grararaar school. After this he was for a few EAYRES, George Nelson, of Rut land, son of Jaraes and Anna (Bingraan) Eayres, was born in Rutland, Dec. 12, 1824. He was educated in the public schools and at Castleton Seminary and by experi ence as a teacher in various educational in stitutions in the towns of Rutiand and Pitts ford. Bred upon a farra, Mr. Eayres continued with his father till 1855, when he reraoved to Pittsford, and purchased the estate known as the "Hitchcock" farm, where he remained for more than twenty years, when he again changed his residence and located at Rutland, leaving his property in the care of his oldest son. After a prolonged visit to the West, chiefly in Wisconsin where he had important business interests, he returned to Rutland and in 1879 received the appoint ment of superintendent of the Vermont House of Correction, the duties of which office he continued to discharge to May i, 1893. FRED LAURINE EATON. years employed as a clerk, and was made, in 1877, teller in the First National Bank, where he remained tiU 1881, when he was engaged as the cashier of the National Bank of Barre. After four years of this employment he ex changed to the First National Bank of Mont peher, which he has served as cashier to the present time. He has been for years both town and village treasurer, and has acted as the treasurer of the Wetraore & Morse Granite Co., of the R. C. Bowers Granite Co., and of the Verraont Quarry Co. Of the last two corporations he is also a director. Mr. Eaton raarried, Oct. 15, 1884, at Barre, LilUan, daughter of Lewis and Lu cinda (PettingiU) Gale. Two children have been born to them : Stanley, and Dorothy. He was a charter member of Gen. Stephen Thomas Camp, S. of V., receiving the com- pUraent of being elected their first captain, and in 1888 was promoted to the colonelcy of the Verraont division of that organization. Mr. Eaton belongs to the various Masonic bodies and is now serving as the Eminent Coramander of the Mt. Zion Comraandery of Knights Templar. GEORGE NELSON EAYRES. In the early part of his life a whig, Mr. Eayres has acted with the Republican party since the tirae of its organization and has held raany ofifices in the gift of the people, representing PUtsford in the Legislature of 1876. He was joined in marriage to Almira A., daughter of Eliphalet and Almira (Thomas) Allen, Sept. 19, 1849. Six chUdren have been the fruit of this union, four of whora are now living and have faraUies — two sons in Pittsford and two daughters in Rutiand. ii8 EDSON. EDMUNDS. EDSON, Ezra, of Mendon, son of Cyrus and Hannah (Hudson) Edson, was born in Turner, Me., Jan. 12, 1813, one of seven children, himself and one brother being the only survivors. His parents, descended from Puritan an cestry, removed frora Bridgewater, Mass., first to Maine, and afterwards to Shrewsbury, in 181 7, but finally took up their abode in South Mendon. Here the son was educated in the coraraon schools and West Rutland Acaderay, never losing an opportunity to iraprove his mind by private study and read ing. Though having a strong predilection for the legal profession, the force of circum- ¦ stances caused hira to learn the trade of a EZRA EDSON, blacksmith, and in this capacity he was for sorae tirae in the employment of the Ames Co. at Bridgewater. He then returned to Mendon, purchased a farm, but after some years removed to the village, devoting him seU to the labors of the forge and deaUng to a considerable extent in real estate. Socially and politically he is eminent in his section, has held every important ofificial position in the town, which he ably repre sented in six sessions of the Legislature, serving on several important committees. For nearly haU a century he has honor ably andl conscientiously discharged the duties of a justice of the peace. In early life he became a member of the Rutland Baptist Church, which yet in his later years he regularly attends. Mr. Edson married in Bridgewater, July I, 1837, Angehna, daughter of Zenas and Lydia (Whitman) Washburn. Four chil dren are the fruit of this union : Lucien Lucien Otis, Hannah Whitman (Mrs. Mar quis E. Tenney), and Mary Jane. The two sons and last daughter died young. His wife died in 1882, and his daughter, Mrs. Tenney, her husband and two granddaugh ters are living with him where he has lived for forty-two years. EDMUNDS, George Franklin, of Burlington, son of Ebenezer and Naomi (Briggs) Edmunds, was born in Richmond, Feb. I, 1828. His preliminary education was had in the public schools and under a private tutor. When but eighteen he began the study of law in Burlington, and continued it at Rich mond in the ofifice of his brother-in-law, A. B. Maynard, in i846-'47. In the two fol lowing years he was a student in the office of SmaUey & Phelps in Burlington. In March, 1849, ^^ was admitted to the bar of Chittenden county, and to partnership with Mr. Maynard at Richraond. The new firra was very successful. In November, 185 1, he removed to Burlington, which thencefor ward became his home. At the time of Mr. Edmunds' removal to Burlington the legal fraternity of the state was exceptionally strong. Ex-Governor Underwood, D. A. SmaUey, E. J. Phelps, L. E. Chittenden, and others were formidable competitors, but he soon worked his way to the front. In 1866, when he was first appointed to the National Senate, he had secured the largest and most lucrative practice in that section of Vermont. The services of George F. Edmunds fill some of the cleanest, brightest pages in the legislative history of the state and nation. In 1854 he raade his first appearance in the field of local politics as the raoderator of the Burlington March meeting, and he was soon afterward elected representative of the town to the Legislature. A member of the House in the years i854-'55-'56-'s7-'58-'S9, he was also speaker during the last three ses sions. In 1864 he served in the joint com mittee on the state library, and also in the committee on the judiciary. In 1855 he was made chairman of the latter body. In 1 86 1 Mr. Edraunds was returned, against his protest, to the state Senate from Chittenden county, and was chairman of its judiciary committee. Re-elected in 1862, he served on the same committee. In each of these years he was also president pro tempore of the Senate. In 1866, United States Senator Solomon Foote died and Mr. Edmunds was appointed his successor by Gov. Paul DiUingham. AprU 5, 1866, he began that long senatorial career which so EDMUNDS. ELDREDGE. honored himself, his state, and his country. He was afterwards elected by the Legisla ture for the remainder of the term ending March 4, 1869, and in 1868, 1874, 1880, and 1886 received elections for the full senatorial term. In 1891, after more than a quarter of a century's service, he resigned. His impress on national legislation was greater than that of any other man of his time, and he had for years been the foremost senator. No one thinks of his pro tempore presidency of the Senate, so overshadowed is it by his real leadership. In the winter of 1876 came a crisis in the history of the United States, the great dan ger of which is year by year realized. The nation was threatened with all the evils of disputed succession to the chief magistracy. Senator Edraunds coraprehended the situa tion, and led from danger to lawful safety. He first submitted the draft of a constitu tional amendment, which remitted the duty of counting the electoral votes to the Su preme Court of the United States. But this was rejected by a vote of 14 to 31. On the 1 6th of December he called up the message frora the House of Representatives, an nouncing the appointraent of a coramittee of seven to act in conjunction with a commit tee of the Senate in advising sorae raethod of counting the electoral vote ; and sub raitted a resolution referring the message of the House to a select committee of seven senators, having power to prepare and re port, without unnecessary delay, such a measure as would secure the lawful count of the electoral vote, and the best disposi tion of the questions connected therewith, and that this committee have power to confer with the coraraittee of the House of Representatives. The resolution was adopted, the coraraittee appointed and Senator Edraunds was made its chairman. In the discussions which followed he devised the electoral commission bill. On the 13th of January, 1877, Mr. Ed munds reported the proposed measure, which provided for the appointment of an electoral commission, and which defined the duties of its members. The bill passed into law. Senator Edmunds was appointed a member of the electoral coraraission on the part of the Senate, and contributed effi ciently to the lawful solution of the problera in which so many dangers lurked. The anti-polygaray law now in force is rightly known as the Edmunds law. But a list of good measures passed and bad meas ures defeated by his efforts and under his leadership would be interminable. Unsought by him, in 1880 and 1884 many of his party, who wanted it to make its first statesman its leader, earnestly worked for his nomination for the presidency in the RepubUcan national conventions of those years. In 1891 he resigned his seat in the United States Senate, and has since devoted his time to the practice of his profession. ELDREDGE, LOYAL D., of Middle bury, son of Julius and Polly (Cowles) Eldredge, was born at Stockholm, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1831. At the completion of his preparatory studies he graduated at Middlebury College in 1857 and was admitted to the bar in 1859, Mr. Eldredge practiced his profession at Alburgh Springs for three years and was elected state's attorney for Grand Isle county in 1861 and '62. In the latter year he re raoved to Middlebury, and has resided there ever since, devoting hiraself to the practice of law and other avocations. Frora 1864 to 1870 he held the ofifice of assistant assessor of internal revenue, and deputy collector, and in 1870 was appointed first deputy collector of internal revenue of the District of Vermont. He was elected to the state Senate in 1876, and was a member of the lower House in 1888. Six years previous to this period he was made a trus tee of Middlebury College and in 1884 treasurer of that institution. Both of these ofifices he holds at the present time. Hon. L. D. Eldredge married, July 29, 1858, AVealthy A., daughter of Ralph and Martha (Kneeland) Parker of Waterbury. One daughter was the fruit of this union : Julia A. (Mrs. C. G. Leavenworth of Cleve land, Ohio). ELDRIDGE, LOVELL JACKSON, of St. Johnsbury, son of Lewis J. and Rosa J. (Tracy) Eldridge, was born Nov. 19, 1863, at Montgomery. When eight years old, he was left an orphan, without friends or property. By dint of persistent work on the farra, he paid his own way in district schools until he was eighteen years of age. MeanwhUe he saved raoney enough to provide for himself a sup plementary course of one year's study at the State Normal School, Johnson, and three years at People's Academy, MorrisviUe. At both schools he took a select course of study and thorough drill, preparatory for business. Great credit must be given hira for avaiUng hiraself to the fullest extent of his oppor tunities, and for his honorable struggle, when a youth, to obtain the best education afforded by his narrow circurastances. On leaving school and facing, for the first time, the business world, Mr. Eldridge was handi capped by no cash debts, nor burdened with the consciousness of having had material favors frora relatives or friends. His first venture was to canvass eleven of the western and central states, in the stencil ELDRIDGE. .and stamp business, with headquarters at Madison, Wis., raanufacturing, largely, his own goods. Returning to Verraont to re gain his health, for three years he taught school in Enosburgh and Hyde Park. From 1887 to 1890, he was travelling salesman and collector in the New England states for a large pottery firm of Trenton, N. J. He was then appointed local agent at Morris ville for the Connecticut General Life In surance Co., remaining there two years, when he was placed in charge of the general LOVELL JACKSON ELDRIDGE. agency of the same corapany, with head quarters at St. Johnsbury, where he now has a large and prosperous business. He married, Oct. 19, 1892, at Platts burgh, Clinton county. Mo., Katie A., daugh ter of Col. Charles W. (banker of that city) and Mary E. (Eunkhouser) Porter. Mr. Eldridge has been a raeraber of the I. O. O. F. since 1891, and also of the Sons of Veterans, Camp No. 50, at MorrisviUe. He has never taken any part in politics nor held political ofifice. He became member of the First ¦Congregational Church of DanviUe, in 1890, and later of the Young Men's Christian Association of St. Johnsbury. Mr. Eldridge has been president of the MorrisviUe Lyceum Bureau, and, in 1890, joined the Vermont Life Underwriters Asso ciation, of which he was elected one of the vice-presidents in 1891. ELLIOT. I 2 I ELLIOT, Lester Hall, of Waterbury, son of Ezra and EUza (HaU) Elliot, was born in Croyden, N. H., August i, 1835. Commencing his primary education in the district schools, he entered the University of Vermont, frora which he graduated in 1861, completing his scholastic career in the Union Theological Seminary of New York City, where he was graduated in 1864. Being licensed to preach by the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Congregational Association, he commenced by supplying the pulpits of the Congregational churches of Colchester and Winooski and on May 21, 1866, he was ordained and installed as pastor of the church in the latter place. This position he occupied for six years and then reraoved to Bradford, where he continued his ministra tions till 1880, when, after temporary en gagements, in several parishes in this state and KeeseviUe, N. Y., he finally became sec retary and agent of the Verraont Bible Society in 1884, in which occupation he has continued tiU the present time, with res idence at Waterbury. Mr. ElUot was dele gate to the National CouncU of Congrega tional Churches, held at Oberlin, Ohio, in November, 187 1. While residing in Wi nooski he was made superintendent of pubhc schools, and he represented the town of Waterbury in the Legislature of 1892. During that session he was a member of the committee on education and chairman of that on the insane. He was wedded, Oct. 21, 1866, at Greens boro, to Lois Maria, daughter of Enoch and AbigaU (Cook) Tolman, who died in Winooski, Jan. 6, 1871. Their children were : Anna M., and Henry T., both of whom died in infancy. He was again married, Nov. 30, 1875, at Campton, N. H., to Phebe Elizabeth, daughter of Ezekiel H. and Almira (Dole) Hodgdon. They have one son : Henry Hodgdon. ELLIS, Edward Dyer, of Poultney, son of Zenas C. and Sarah (Dyer) Ellis, was born in Fair Haven, August 31, 1850. His father. Judge Ellis, was well known and prominent in the county and state. Mr. Edward Ellis, having obtained a thor ough preparatory training in the schools of Fair Haven, later attended Kimball Union Acaderay at Meriden, N. H., which he left in 1869 to enter Middlebury College and from this institution he graduated in 1874. He then devoted himself to a course of profes sional study in the medical department of Harvard University frora which he received a diploma in 1877. In 1878 he settled in Poultney as a practicing physician in which capacity he has since remained, raeeting with success and establishing in connection 122 ELLSWORTH. ELLSWORTH. with his professional labors a druggist's busi ness. He is an adherent of the principles of the Republican party, but has devoted the raajor part of his tirae to his professional pursuits, never seeking official preferment, though he is at present chairman of the Republican town coraraittee. EDWARD DYER ELLIS. Dr. Ellis is vestryman and treasurer of St. John's Episcopal Church, was formerly the president and secretary of the Rutland County Surgical and Medical Society. He was married at Hampton, N. Y., Oct. 2 1, 1885, to IsabeUa, daughter of R. T. and Lydia (Stowe) Ray. Of this alliance four children are issue : Sarah Blanche, Lydia Stowe, Hannah Dyer, and Rodney Ray. Dr. Ellis is highly esteeraed by his ac quaintances for the firmness of his character and general ability. He is conservative in his ideas and has met with well-merited suc cess both in public and private life. ELLSWORTH, JOHN Clark, late of Greensboro, son of John and Sarah (Strong) Ellsworth, was born in Chatham, Conn., Feb. 22, 1793. His great-grandfather, Capt. John Ellsworth of East Windsor, Conn., married Anna, daughter of Timothy Edwards, and sister of the celebrated Jona than Edwards. John C. Ellsworth, the fourth of his name, and his father were the first of the family to emigrate to A^ermont, arriving in 1798, and the father was the first judge of probate in Orleans county. They settled on a farra in Greensboro and here John Clark eagerly availed himself of the limited educational privileges open to him, attending the public schools and Peacham Academy, then under charge of his uncle, Ezra Carter, who was the first principal of that institution. He also was instructed to some extent by his father, who was a man of much literary abiUty for that time. At the outset of his active hfe he sen'ed as a clerk in the employraent of his uncle. Deacon Strong, at Hardwick, but in the fall of 1 82 1 he accepted a call to missionary work araong the Cherokee Indians and in the corapany of Rev. Austin Worcester and others he proceeded to Brainerd, Ga., con tinuing his labors araong the savages until 1836, when he returned to Greensboro on account of the ill health of his wife and the removal of the Cherokees from Georgia by Gen. Andrew Jackson. Mr. Ellsworth pur chased a farm adjoining that of his father; previous to his death he purchased a farm near the village, and in the cultivation of this property eraployed himself tiU the time JOHN CLARK ELLSWORTH. of his death, July 11, 1861. In his experi ence as Indian missionary he encountered many hardships and obstacles, but these he cheerfuUy and laboriously overcame, being assisted in his unselfish work by his noble wife, who was the matron of the Indian school, of which he was the superintendent. Those interested in Indian mission work will obtain valuable information by a perusal of the letters of Mr. EUsworth in the Mis- ENRIGHT. 123 sionary Herald frora 182 1 to 1836. He early becarae attached to the cause of aboli tion and while in Georgia, with his corapan ion, Mr. Worcester, suffered rauch persecu tion for righteousness' sake, being arrested and narrowly escaping imprisonment on account of their active sympathy with the downtrodden Indian, and their labors in the cause of Christianity and the welfare of the aboriginal race received little or no encour ageraent frora the white portion of the sur rounding community. The greater part of his long and peaceful life was devoted to study and literary pursuits, and "far from the busy hum of men" he tranquilly enjoyed the pleasures afforded hira by the perusal of his books. He was the representative of Greensboro to the Legislature at an early period, but though much interested in politics as a staunch RepubUcan he never took an active part in public Ufe. Mr. Ellsworth first married EUza, daughter of Thomas Tolman, a soldier of the Revolu tion, later a Congregational minister, who died April i8, 1856. His second wife, whom he wedded March 17, 1857, was Mary E., daughter of Charles B. Bailey and Abi gail (Cobb) Field of Greensboro, but for merly residents of Peacham. EMERY, Curtis Stanton, of Chelsea, son of Amos and Sarah M. (Hibbard) Emery, was born Nov. 6, 1861, in Brook field. He reraoved, with his parents, to Chelsea in the spring of 1869. After receiving his education at the cora raon schools and at Chelsea Academy, he read law with the late Hon. C. W. Clarke and A. S. Austin at Chelsea. He was ad mitted to the bar of Orange county in 1883 and to that of the Supreme Court at Mont pelier in 1886. Mr. Emery commenced practice at Chel sea at the time of his admission to the courts, and continued for three years, when he was appointed cashier of the First National Bank of Chelsea, which position he resigned in February, 1893. He then resumed his profession, doing also a general insurance, loan and collection business. Since 1888 he has been a director of the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Mont pelier. Mr. Emery has held many town offices and was elected commissioner for Orange county in 1885, a position which he holds to the present time. He was elected to the Legislature of 1888, being the youngest member of the House, and serving on the committee on elections. By a curious coin cidence, his father sat in the House at the same tirae, being a member from the town of Sharon. He is now county auditor for Orange county. He was united in marriage May 12, 1887, to Hattie J., daughter of Franklin and Maria R. Ordway of Tunbridge. They have two children : Sallie Helena, and Donald. Mr. Emery has held nearly all the ofifices in George Washington Lodge, No. 51, F. & A. M. of Chelsea and at present occupies the Master's chair. ENRIGHT, JOSEPH Cornelius, of Windsor, son of Rev. Joseph and Catharine (Wier) Enright, was born in Morgan, Dec. 2, 1852. He graduated from Dartraouth College in the class of 1878, and comraenced to study law in the same year. He was admitted to the Windsor county bar in 1881, and since that time has been in the practice of his profession in Windsor, being also largely interested in insurance and real estate. JOSEPH CORNELIUS ENRIGHT. In 1879 Mr. Enright was appointed super intendent of schools in Hartland, and suIdsc- quently served in the same capacity in the town of Windsor, where he has been first selectraan since 1891. In 1890 was elected to represent Windsor in the General Assera bly, and served as chairman of the state's prison committee. He was again called to the same body in 1892, and in that session was chairman of the coramittee on claims. In 1893 he was chosen school director for three years. 124 ENRIGHT. ESTEY. He is a meraber of the Masonic order, in which he has taken every degree frora the ist to the 32d, inclusive; he has served as secretary and warden of Vermont Lodge No. 1 8, recorder of Vermont Commandery No. 4, and secretary of Verraont Lodge of Perfection. He was united in raarriage July 23, 1882, at Brorapton, P. Q., to Clara J., daughter of Araos and Matilda (Alger) Varney. One daughter has been born to them : Daisey Maud. ENRIGHT, John j., of Buriington, was born in South Burlington, April 6, 1862. In 1878 he was graduated from the Bur- »;< JOHN J. ENRIGHT. lington high school and began the study of law in the ofifice of Judge Hamilton S. Peck and later with Hon. Henry Ballard. At the age of twenty-one he was admitted to the bar of Chittenden county, and had charge of Mr. Ballard's ofifice for a year while that gentieman was absent in the West, doing quite a large business at that time. He then opened the ofifice which he now occu pies. These quarters are nicely furnished and equipped, covering the whole ground floor, and his clientage is steadily on the in crease, he having been obUged to eraploy a stenographer the past three years to assist him. In politics Mr. Enright has always been a strong Democrat and has a large following in the Deraocratic ranks. In 1882 he was a candidate for the Legislature from South Burlington and was only beaten by one vote. In 1892 he was a candidate for the ofifice of Secretary of State. Mr. Enright has unusual business ability and has been long identified with several business enterprises in his city. He is one of the owners of Mirror Lake Hotel at Lake Placid in the Adirondacks and is interested in the Hotel Burlington. He is also some what interested in real estate in Burlington. Mr. Enright takes great pleasure in owning and driving fine horses and he enjoys the reputation of possessing the finest driving horses at all tiraes. He is well known among horsemen and has sold several valu able horses at a large figure. He has risen to a prominent position as a lawyer in this county and has a lucrative legal business, ranking as one of the best commercial at torneys in the state. ESTEY, Jacob, late of Brattleboro, son of Isaac and Patty (Forbes) Estey, was born in Hinsdale, N. H., Sept. 30, 1814. Isaac Estey, his grandfather, was a farmer and resided in Sutton, Mass. The eldest son, Isaac (father of Jacob), and his brother Israel settled in Hinsdale, N. H., where they built a sawmill and engaged in the manu facture of lumber. The enterprise, how ever, proved far from prosperous, and as the statute law then permitted imprisonment for debt, under its provisions Isaac Estey was arrested and thrown into the county jaU, as a debtor. Upon his release he resorted to agriculture for the support of himself and faraily, and passed the remainder of his life in that pursuit. The subject of our sketch was adopted when four years old by a wealthy family in Hinsdale. After spending nine years under their roof, at the age of thirteen he left his foster parents and walked to Worcester, Mass., where one of his elder brothers resided. The following four years he labored upon farms in the towns of Rutiand, Mill- bury and vicinity. When seventeen years old he apprenticed himself to T. & J. Sutto^;: of Worcester, in order to acquire a mastery of the plumber's trade, and of the manufact ure of lead pipe. Before the attainment of his majority he resolved to establish himself in business, and for this purpose removed to Brattieboro, where he was successfiil frora the beginning, and established the reputation for ability and probity, which he always retained. In 1848, he erected a large buUding and rented the upper part of it to the proprie tors of a sraaU melodeon factory, but as they were unable to pay the stipulated rent, Mr. Estey accepted, in 1850, an interest in their business in liquidation of his claims, and a few years afterwards purchased the entire ^; 126 ESTEY. ESTEY. establishment. To this new industry he gave close attention, striving for its enlarge raent and the developraent of its proraising possibilities, and in the course of a few years, he deemed it expedient to dispose of his plumbing business, and to devote himself exclusively to the making of organs. W'ith this determination he erected a second and larger buUding, but in the fall of 1857 a con flagration consumed both structures. Though at once rebuUt, another fire in 1864 destroyed the new creation, and a very rauch larger one was proraptiy erected in order to furnish ample room for the storage of the immense quantities of material that were needed for the prosecution of the business. In 1866 his son-in-law, Levi K. FuUer, and his son, Julius J. Estey, were admitted to partnership with himself. In 1869 the sud den overflow of the streara near which their factory was located, caused the death by drowning of one of their workraen, carried off luraber to the value of several thousand dollars, and greatly endangered the safety of the manufactory. To avoid the repetition of similar disasters, the company selected higher ground, and on this have erected nine large factories, each three stories high, together with large dry houses and the neces sary buildings for boilers and engines, with immense storage and packing houses. Mr. Estey was ever a strong advocate of the principles of the Republican party, and in i868-'69 he represented Brattleboro in the state Legislature. He was also a member of the state Senate from Windham county in the biennial sessions of 1872 and 1874, and rendered most excellent service in that body. He was one of the principal raovers in the organization of the First Baptist Church in Brattleboro in 1840, and was dur ing life one of its most active and liberal supporters. His death, on AprU 15, 1890, was a great loss to the community in which for so raany years he had lived. He was married on the 2d of May, 1837, to Desdemona, daughter of David and Anna Kendal Wood of Brattleboro. Three chil dren were the fruit of their union, the eldest of whora is not living ; the two reraaining are: Abby E. (Mrs. Levi K. Fuller), and Julius J. ESTEY, Julius j., of Brattieboro, son of Jacob and Desderaona (Wood) Estey, was born in Brattleboro, January, 1845. He was educated in the pubhc schools of his native place and at the celebrated Nor wich Mihtary University. He did not com plete the fuU course, however, as he was admitted by his father into the business estabhshed in 1846 — which has now be corae so justly faraous — the manufacture of the Estey organs. At his majority in 1866, he was adraitted as a fuU partner in the firra of J. Estey & Co. (afterwards known as the Estey Organ Co.), which was composed of Jacob Estey, Julius J. Estey, and Levi K. Fuller. As treasurer, before and since his revered father's death in 1890 he has contributed greatly to the large and highly successful business of organ manu facturing. General Estey is, and has been for years, the president of the Peoples National Bank of Brattleboro, one of the soundest and raost progressive banking insti tutions in the state. Mr. Estey is first and foremost a thorough business man, but he is also a leading factor in state affairs, having represented the town JULIUS J. ESTEY. of Brattleboro in the Legislature in 1876, and having served as state senator from Windham county for the biennial term be ginning in 1882, his services in both bodies being particularly creditable both to his party and hiraself. He was appointed a del- egate-at-large frora Vermont to the Republi can national convention of 1888, where his infiuence and good work was felt and appre ciated by his associates. At an early age he became interested in military affairs, serving in the National Guard of Vermont. In 1874 he was elected captain of Co. I, known since as the Estey Guard. In 1876 he was appointed by Gov. Hor ace Fairbanks a member of his mUitary staff with the rank of colonel, and in 1881 FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. 127 was elected Ueutenant-colonel of the Ver mont National Guard, which position he held until his election as colonel in 1886. In 1892 he was promoted to the command of the brigade, with the rank of brigadier general, which position he stiU holds. It is a matter of record that General Estey has always commanded one of the finest and best discipUned miUtary bodies in the New England states. He is considerate, polite and popular with his raen, who love and respect their leader as few sirailar organizations do. This is due as much per haps to the strong Christian character of the man as to his soldierly qualities, for not the least portion of his life has been exerted in active service for his church, where he has always successfully endeavored to inspire higher and nobler work in the denomination to which he belongs. In 1867 he raarried Florence, daughter of Dr. Henry Gray of Cambridge, N. Y., from which union he has been blessed with three sons : Jacob Gray, Julius Harry, and Guy Carpenter. He has been president of the Baptist State Sunday School Association, and for the past ten years has held the presidency of the board of managers of the Baptist state convention. He has been a great benefac tor to and worker in the Sunday school of his church, which he has fostered and en couraged to the utmost. Among the educational institutions of the state which he has particularly promoted is the Vermont Academy of Saxton's River, which is now one of the foreraost institu tions of learning in Verraont. For sorae years he has been the treasurer of this insti tution. He has for raany years been a raeraber of the board of trustees of the school for young raen at Mount Hermon, Mass., and the Northfield Seminary, for young ladies, at Northfield, Mass., both of which were estabUshed by Mr. D. L. Moody, the evangeUst. Of the latter institution he is also treasurer. Since the organization of the Young Men's Christian Association of Brattleboro General Estey has served as its president and been one of its raost Uberal supporters and trusted leaders. His interest in this organization, however, is not confined to the local organization, but he has for years been active in the state gatherings and chairman of the state executive committee. His benevolence and charity to deserving objects is too weU known to require especial mention. He has won the highest en comiums of his associates and fellow-men and has always led an active and upright life. FAIRBANKS, Franklin, of St. Johns bury, son of Erastus and Lois (Grossman) Fairbanks, was born in St. Johnsbury, June 18, 1828. He received his early education in the public schools x>t his native town, the Pink erton Academy, Derry, N. H., and in the academies at Peachara and St. Johnsbury. At the age of seventeen he entered the scale works and by actual labor in the various departments, and having a natural genius for mechanics, made himself farailiar wUh everything that had to do with the making of a scale. He afterwards was clerk in the store and. in all the departments of the ofifice of the establishment, and these years of practical experience in the shop, store and office served as a school to give hira a technical and business education. When he was twenty-seven years of age he was admitted as partner in the firm of E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. For many years he was superintendent of the works, a position for which he was prepared by his practical knowledge of all the operations of the estab lishment. To his efificient management is due rauch of the success and growth of the company. He naturally assuraed the prac tical, while his brother Horace undertook the business adrainistration. He was active in the construction of the St. Johnsbury & I>ake Champlain R. R., a work demanding courage, the raost skiUful engineering, and great executive ability. In 1876, at the or ganization of the firra as a corporation he was elected vice-president, and at the death of his brother in 1888 he was made presi dent and has held this ofifice to the present time. While Colonel Fairbanks has not been in politics, he has always manifested a consist ent and active interest in public affairs. He was elected by the Republican party as rep resentative from St. Johnsbury to the state Legislature in 1870 and again in 1872, at the latter session being chosen speaker of the House. He has been a meraber of the state Republican coraraittee for raore than twenty years. He was appointed aid-de camp with the rank of colonel in Governor HaU's staff in 1858. He received the sarae appointraent in 1861 from Governor Fair banks. At this time he did effective service in raising troops, caring for their disposition and arranging for their comfort at the front. Since 1888 he has been president of the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury. He is also president of the Ely Hoe & Fork Co. FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. of the same town. He is a trustee of the Northfield (Mass.) Serainary, the Soldiers' Home, the. St. Johnsbury Academy, the Athenfeura, and Museura of Natural Science. From his boyhood Colonel Fairbanks has had an earnest and intelligent interest in natural science. When a young man he became a collector of Ulustrations of an thropology, mineralogy, and ornithology. These studies have been his recreation and at tiraes have shared, while they have re lieved, his business cares. Having a con- -^'. - --«'*-.-. FRANKLIN FAIRBANKS. viction that a raore extended knowledge of the sciences would elevate the community, he erected and presented to the town a museum of natural science, which was dedi cated in December, 1891. This museum has been by his liberality fully equipped for scientific study, and amply endowed. Since 186 1 Colonel Fairbanks has been superintendent of the Sunday school of the North Church of St. Johnsbury, a continu ous service of thirty-two years. For ten years he was a member of the international lesson coraraittee. December 8, 1852, Colonel Fairbanks married Frances A. Clapp, daughter of Rev. Suraner G. and Pamelia (Strong) Clapp. They have had four chUdren : Alfred, Mary Florence (now Mrs. Joseph T. Herrick of Springfield, Mass.), Margaret Jane, and Ellen Henrietta, of whom two, Mrs. Her rick and Ellen H., now survive. FAIRBANKS, Henry, of St. Johnsbury,. son of Thaddeus and Lucy Barker Fair banks, was born in St. Johnsbury, May 6 1830. When ten years old he spent a year in Pinkerton Academy, Derry, N. H., and then entered the St. Johnsbury Academy, which the brothers, E., T. and J. P. Fairbanks,. established in 1842, to provide instruction. for their children. He was graduated from this academy in 1847, from Dartmouth Col lege in 1853, and from Andover Theologi cal Serainary in 1857, having spent a year in: Europe in i848-'49, and six raonths in 1856. In the latter year he went with Dr. S. H., Taylor, the honored teacher of Phillips An dover Acaderay, as far as Egypt and Pales tine, and completed his tour of Europe by the ascent of Mt. Blanc. After graduation he took the charge of a large number of horae missionary fields, not only preaching, but directing the vacation labor of students and others in them, and gathering up the fruits of their work. In i860 he went to Dartmouth College as professor of natural philosophy, taking afterward the department of natural history. HENRY FAIRBANKS. After eight years in this service he returned to St. Johnsbury, where he developed various inventions, securing raany patents, and at the sarae. tirae preached as his health allowed. He led the evangelistic work of the Young Men's Christian Associations in the state, and as president of the State Missionary FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. 129 Society had opportunity for rauch work in this direction. He is a trustee of Dartraouth College, and president of the St. Johnsbury Acaderay, and, in 1891, went to London as a member of the International Congrega tional Council. For several years he ha? been secretary of the corporation of E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. He was married in 1862 to Miss Annie, daughter of Prof. D. J. Noyes of Dartraouth College, who lived ten years. In 1874 he raarried Ruthy Page of Newport. He has six children ; the eldest. Rev. Arthur Fair banks, Ph. D., is a meraber of the faculty of Yale Divinity School, and the second, Robert N. Fairbanks, is in business in New York. FAIRBANKS, THADDEUS, born in Brimfield, Mass., Jan. 17, 1796; died in St. Johnsbury, Vt., April 12, 1886. The first of the name came to this coun try in 1633, Jonathan Ffayerbanke, from Sowerby, near Halifax, on the west border of Yorkshire ; and Richard, who was the inn keeper and first postmaster of Boston. Jon athan, the ancestor, so far as known, of all the American famiUes, built in 1636 a house in Dedham, Mass., which with the additions made later is still standing. The "Item — two vices and one turning laeth and other seuch thinges," and "Item — many smale tools for turning and other the hke work," in the inventory of the estate of Jonathan F. in 1668 seem to indicate thus early the mechanical taste of the faraily, while the plan of the house, the finish, and many little arrangements show taste and skiU. George, the second son of Jonathan, carae with his father from England, lived in Dedham, and in 1657 removed to Sherborn, where he was selectraan and a leading citizen. His fourth child, EUezur, was born in 1655 and becarae a prominent man in Sherborn. His young est child was "Captain" Eleasur, born in 1690, whose eleventh child, born in 1734, known in Sherborn history as "Deacon" Ebenezer, moved to Brimfield, Mass., in 1783. His second son, Joseph, born in Sherborn in 1763, moved with his father to Brimfield, bought a small farm, and in 1 790 raarried Phoebe Paddock of Holland, Mass., whose ancestor came to America with Gov ernor Carver, and raarried into the family of Governor Bradford, and whose brother. Judge Ephraim Paddock, and others of the family, coming to Vermont, became honored and prominent citizens. To thera three sons were born: Erastus, Oct. 28, 1792; Thaddeus, Jan. 17, 1796, and Joseph Pad dock, Nov. 26, 1806. Thaddeus, though born upon the farra, was a slender child, nervously organized, growing too fast to be strong, suffering in his plays with rougher children, then as aU his life lacking physical vigor, so that in his later years he said that he did not know that he ever in all his life felt weU, an expe rience that led to such care of hiraself and such pains to raake the most of himself that few men have accomplished more or lived longer than he. He describes himself as exceedingly timid, exceedingly bashful, so that when sent on his mother's errands to the store in the evening no one could know what a struggle it cost him to pass the grave yard, made terrible by the talk of the boys, under the dark trees on the way, or to nerve himself to speak to the storekeeper as he must. What costs another nothing develops in such a child a true manliness, a real hero isra. And because it was not easy for him to speak he thought the raore, and gained the habit, so marked in all his life, of not beginning to speak until he had thought the raatter through and was quite prepared to speak inteUigently. The boy who preferred to be with his mother instead of playing with boys outside was learning to consider every question so thoroughly that later his advice was sought and heeded by probably more men than ever came to any one else in the state. His father, Joseph, was a carpenter as weU as farmer, and Thaddeus, who was afraid to speak to the storekeeper, when five years old was found running as fast as a child could around and around upon the plates of a building partly raised ; and very early he began to use his father's tools with a skiU that seemed inborn, setting in raotion Uttle raachines driven by the brook back of the house, or raaking various things for his mother's convenience. His father at that time had met with sorae losses, there was httle money in the country, and the years when Thaddeus should have gone to some acaderay were years when the crops failed, so that he had only the oppor tunities furnished by the comraon schools, when he was well enough to attend. Books were expensive. He often in later years spoke of how large a sum the dollar that must be paid for a new arithmetic seeraed to hira, and many a student coming to him for aid has had occasion to be glad that he re membered how ,in his boyhood and young manhood he longed for educational priv ileges, which he raissed so much that he was glad to help others to gain them. Joseph Fairbanks and his sons were too enterprising to be content with the hard work and sraall returns of the life on the rather rough farm. The new settlements of Verraont attracted thera, and in May, 18 15, he sold his property in Brimfield, purchased the falls of Sleeper's river, in what is now the southwest part of the viUage of St. Johnsbury, and moved his family into a 130 FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. litde cabin of rough boards there, in which they lived two and one-half years, as pio neers live. He and his son Thaddeus worked to gether, and being skilled mechanics, built a dam upon the streara, which, coming from the then wooded country, was of some size, and erected and operated a sawmill and a gristmUl where the Fairbanks scale factory has grown up. Meeting thus the necessities of the new country they began to prosper. In a shop over the gristmill they also made carriages, doing so good work that in 1892 an old gentleman drove into St. Johnsbury with a wagon which he said had been used every year since his father purchased it of Thaddeus Fairbanks in 18 19. In the suraraer of 18 18 Thaddeus built a two-story double house in which his parents lived the rest of their life, and to which he, marrying in Jan uary, 1820, brought his wife, and lived there until 1838. The work of the mills and the shops increased, and for ten years he boarded frora three to seven raen, as the exigencies of that work required. The maternal uncles of Thaddeus Fair banks were iron workers, the newly opened iron mine at Franconia, N. H., attracted his attention, and in 1823 he started a small iron foundry, and was joined in 1824 by his brother Erastus, who gave up his store in Barnet, the elder uniting his business expe rience with the mechanical and practical skUl of the younger, as they formed the firm of E. & T. Fairbanks. Besides some job work they made, cooking and parlor stoves, patenting one which sold well. Thad deus also patented a cast iron plough, an unheard of thing, which the farmers said would " break all to pieces " but which, as made by the inventor, soon displaced the wooden ones with steel point, the only kind before known. For stoves and ploughs, Thaddeus raade not only the plans, but also the patterns with his own hands, raoulding many of thera and attending to the melting, improving the blast furnace, and overcom ing the faults that appeared in weak or porous castings. What he learned by this experience of making strong iron was in valuable to hira in all the later business. In 1829 and 1830 the attention of the farmers of New England was directed to the raising of hemp, and machines for dressing it were required. E. & T. Fair banks built three of the immense Haynes raachines, thirty-two feet long, and each having one hundred and thirty fluted rolls arranged in pairs and geared together so that the hemp stalks were crushed between them as they were drawn from one end to the other of the machine. Mr. Fairbanks made the gear wheels, a machine for fluting the rollers, and parts that required skiUed work, besides planning and superintending the buUding of the new shop and store rooms, and patenting an improved hemp dresser. He was also made manager of the St. Johnsbury Hemp Co. His duties as manager, purchasing hemp by weight, developed a necessity, which with such a man as he must prove the mother of invention. That which cost from ten to fifteen dollars per ton raust be accurately weighed. The only weighing machine for carts then known consisted of a stick of timber suspended high in the air, from one end of which two chains hung down with rings at the ends which could be slipped over the ends of the axle, while from the other end of the timber lever hung a plat form upon which weights were pUed until the cart swung clear of the ground. The first device of Mr. Fairbanks consisted of a platforra upon which a cart could be driven, resting and balanced upon a long knife- edge, or upon two in line, fixed upon a triangular lever, of which the apex hung by a steel-yard rod frora a beam pivoted and graduated like the old Roman steel-yard, while the base rested upon proper bearings at the other end of the scale. To keep the platform balanced upon the supporting knife edges, a stifif post was fraraed into it, from the top of which level chains extended to posts set in the ground on either side which being level neither lessened nor increased the load resting upon the lever under the platforra. The scale which Mr. Fairbanks built upon this plan to weigh hemp worked so well that his brother thought that some might be sold as town scales, and an agent was to take the early morning stage and make the attempt. Mr. Fairbanks says : "While sitting up watch ing for the time to call him, the principle upon which we now build our scales sud denly carae to my mind. I told the agent that he must wait a few days until I could make plans and patterns in accordance with ray new discovery, and said to my wife that I had just discovered a principle that would be worth more than a thousand dollars.' If such an arrangement of compound levers had ever been suggested before Mr. Fair banks did not know it, for it had not been put into practical use, and he obtained a patent for it early in 1831, as his invention. His was the first real improvement upon the scales buried in the destruction of Pompeii. The first hay scale was rude, having wooden levers with cast iron bearings, but it was vastly better than anything before made, and in a few weeks several were sold. Mr. Fairbanks at once saw that the com bination of levers in the hay-scale, in which the four pivots upon which the platform rested should all stand in the same relation )j\j\joJyJ^>-~K_j^jKj), ''^M.x^./OcH.^^yvJVv/b 132 FAIRBANKS. FAIRBANKS. of leverage to the indicating beam from which these levers hang, would be equally adapted to scales of other sizes for other uses. He at once set about making plans and patterns with his own hands for store scales. These and the counter scales, as well as the railway and canal boat scales which he designed later were new articles of manufacture, and everything about them must be originated. He says : " I had to consider the strength of material, the shape that would secure the greatest strength with the least material, and the syraraetry and beauty of outside appearance. These, es peciaUy the last, required a great araount of study. No one can be sure beforehand what the taste of the public wiU approve. That I succeeded in what I airaed at is shown by the fact that now after the lapse of fifty years the scales are raade after the same design and aU other makers follow the same. My evenings and soraetiraes nights were spent in this study, for I must be at the shop all day. My habit was to make the plans complete in my mind before com raencing to put them upon paper." The scale was a comparatively simple in vention, but raany of the machines invented by Mr. Fairbanks for facilitating the man ufacture were exceedingly ingenious, one for engraving the sides of the scale-beams being capable of so raany adjustraents that the old foreman used to say that it could do every thing but talk. Invention was not laborious — to see a result desirable was to devise a mechanism for accomplishing it. The real struggle was with poverty, and unskilled help and with iU-health. The deraands of the business growing so rapidly could not be raet from its earnings, and he raade scales for fifteen years with only the rude tools which he fitted up hiraself, and for fifteen raore bought only a little machinery. Trained mechanics could not be hired in the country, and he had only such assistants as he could educate himself. No business was ever carried on at greater disadvantage, or by its success attested raore manly quali ties in its manager. The invention of the scale met at once a great want, and gradually changed so en tirely the methods of doing business, that now it is as essential as the steara engine or the telegraph. Alraost nothing is measured or counted, everything is weighed, from the minute prescription of sorae potent drug to the loaded freight train or canal boat. And Mr. Fairbanks lived to see scales de raanded for such a variety of uses that some five hundred modifications were sent out frora St. Johnsbury. The scale has become a most potent factor in modern civUized life, the arbiter between buyer and seUer, and by its accuracy is always teaching ex actness in business raethods, and enforcing strict integrity in business transactions. His invention was a scale, not a pair of scales. It takes its narae from the graduated beam, the scale of equal parts (scala, lad der) , and not from the two scales (shells) of the even balance. Mr. Fairbanks obtained early an English patent, and others later. The first was sold to H. Pooley of Liverpool, who thereupon established what is still the leading manu factory of Great Britain. The scales made at St. Johnsbury are also sold in England, and to other countries the export is very large. These scales are graduated accord ing to the standards of all the nations of the world, and are sent everywhere, Russia, Japan, China, Australia and the South American states furnishing large markets. These scales and their inventor have re ceived abundant recognition and honors, awards, diplomas, medals, frora mechanics' and agricultural fairs, the Philadelphia Cen tennial, the London, Paris and Vienna Ex positions, and as a posthumous tribute to Mr. Fairbanks, as well as an honor to the house which he established, twenty awards by the judges of the Colum'bian Exposition of 1893. More personal than these, after the Vienna Exposition he received from his "Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty" the Emperor of Austria, the knightly decora tion of the Imperial Order of Francis Joseph ; from the King of Siam the decoration Paspamula, the gold raedal of Siam, with the heathen prayer, " May the Power which is mighty in the universe keep him and guard him, and grant him all happiness and pros perity ;" and from Mohararaed es Sadok, Pasha, Bey of Tunis, the decoration " of our Order of Iftikar," and the Mohammedan invocation, " May you wear it in peace and prosperity." Mr. Fairbanks was not only a scale maker, but having occasion to build so much he be came an architect of no raean ability, work ing out the details, frora frame to finish, not only of shops, but of some public buddings, some fine residences, and a great many most convenient little houses, sold or leased to workmen, which are a comfort to their families and an ornament to St. Johnsbury. And his inventions were not merely of scales, for which, and raachines for making thera, he received thirty-two patents, but he patented also a herap machine, a stove, a cast iron plough, a device for creating draught in chimneys, a steam heater, a steam water heater, a feed water heater, and an iraproveraent in refrigerators. This last consisted in placing the ice above the level of the articles to be cooled, and the princi ple has been universally adopted for refrig erators, fruit houses, raeat packing houses, FAIRBANKS. FARM AN. 133 etc. The moisture is condensed upon the ice, with aU tainted vapors, and the cooled dry air flows down upon the articles below. Mr. Fairbanks could not go into new busi ness, and gave away his patent, which its new owners later told him was worth at least a raillion of dollars. A rival company attempted to cover the claims of this into a patent of their own by reissue, and to establish a monopoly. The battles that followed were among the hardest fought of patent litigation, and the final decision established the priority of his invention, the judge saying : "In this case the evidence is perfectly conclusive of the construction, both in 1846 and 1849, by Thaddeus Fair banks of refrigerators embodying the prin ciple." In all refrigerating apparatus, as in the plough and the scale, Mr. Fairbanks' in vention proved a revolutionary improve ment. Perhaps it was owing to his own sense of loss by deficiency of education that Mr. Fairbanks was led to such intense interest in giving educational advantages to others. As a young man we find him interested in a lyceum, with his employes and others, and his lectures upon astronomy and heat pre pared for that audience indicate vigorous and original thought. St. Johnsbury had various private high schools before its acad eray, and he and his noble wife were seldom without nephews, nieces or others in the family enjoying these advantages. He and his brothers established St. Johnsbury Acad emy in 1842, and twenty years later he un dertook its support, and still later erected its buildings, and contributed to its endow ment fund enough to make his total gifts to it over two hundred thousand dollars. He also contributed largely to the funds of Middlebury College of which he was a trus tee, and was a constant giver to many western coUeges and other institutions. He was likewise for many years the largest con tributor to home missionary work in Ver mont, and equally large to foreign missions, whUe all the societies that naturally ap pealed to him received liberal regular dona tions, frora him, and scores of students were aided by him. Mr. Fairbanks, while exceedingly taciturn, was an attractive, impressive raan. Active to the last, in spite of limitations frora par tial blindness, he was interested in every thing, and his last patent was allowed upon his ninetieth birthday. His was a beautiful old age. ChUdren loved him, and clung to him. A little child taken to church for the first time saw him corae in, and in an awed whisper asked, "Mamraa, is that Jesus?" He died after a painful Ulness, frora the indirect effect of a fall, at the age of ninety years and three months. On the day of his funeral all business in St. Johnsbury was suspended, buUdings were draped in mourn ing, and great numbers came to look once more on his face, and joined the procession to the grave. A man of Christian faith, of spiritual insight and force, and of fine native gifts, Mr. Fairbanks was successful above most men in his chosen lines of work, and was useful wherever he was successful. He was married, Jan. 17, 1820, to Lucy P. Barker, a native of St. Johnsbury, whose father Barnabas, carae with his father and the first settlers of the town, and in 1791 brought his bride, Ruth Peck, from Reho both on a piUion behind him. Mrs. Fair banks was a woman of marked ability, taking her full share of the care of the faraily, and fuU of kindly deeds. Her son. Rev. Henry Fairbanks, Ph. D., is spoken of elsewhere in this work. Her daughter, Charlotte, became the wife of Rev. G. N. Webber, D. D., pastor at Hartford, Conn., professor in Mid dlebury CoUege, and pastor at Troy, N. Y., and died March 29, 1869. Mrs. Fairbanks was born April 29, 1798, and died Dec. 29, 1866. FARMAN, Marcellus Winslow, of Westfield, son of Ashley and Harriet (Wins low) Farraan, was born in Westfield, July 29, 1865. He is ninth in lineal descent from Kenelm, brother of Gov. Edward Winslow. Until fifteen years of age he attended the public schools of Westfield, and then for a short time pursued his studies at the Nor mal School at Johnson. For several years his sight had been faiUng gradually owing to an internal affection of the eyes, aggravated by excessive use, and his affection developed until it terminated in the loss of physical vision. This was an especial affliction, as from early boyhood he had evinced strong literary tastes, but undaunted by what to many would have proved an insurmountable obstacle, he again attended the Johnson Norraal School, receiving his instruction through the raediura of a reader. In 1887 he entered the University of Verraont, tak ing a special course to fit himself for a pub lic speaker, and notwithstanding the disad vantage under which he labored he attained high rank in both school and coUege. His first lecture was delivered in the spring of 1890 before the Burlington Y. M. C. A. and was attended and received with unqualified approbation by the president of the LIni versity, members of the faculty and the leading men in the city. His lectures cover political, historical and religious subjects and have received most complimentary en dorsement from raany sources. Mr. Farman has met with raarked success as a popular and powerful speaker, and in 134 FAULKNER. FARNHAM. the campaign of 1892 was eraployed by the state Republican committee in this capacity. For several years he has been an occasional contributor to the press. MARCELLUS WINSLOW FARMAN. From early manhood he has been an active and consistent member of the Con gregational church, has served on its com mittee and was formerly a member of the choir. He is also an efficient worker in the Y. P. S. C. E. FAULKNER, SHEPHERD D., of Whit ingham, son of Williara and Hannah (Dal- rymple) Faulkner, was born in Whitingham, March 9, 181 8. Mr. Faulkner belongs to a faraily promi nently connected with the history of Whit ingham, his father being one of its early set tlers. After such an education as the com raon schools of the time aff'orded he desired to devote the energy of his life to farming, in which occupation by his constant labor and careful manageraent he has amassed a considerable fortune. Recently he has not engaged in any active occupation but has lived a retired life at JacksonvUle or with his son WUliam A. Faulkner at Brookline, Mass. In the days of the whig party Mr. Faulk ner was one of its merabers, but has been and is now a staunch Republican. He was first selectman at the tirae of the draft to fill the town quota in the days of the civil war and has ever been one of the substan tial citizens in the comraunity, holding many ofifices of honor and trust. Mr. Faulkner was ' united in marriage Nov. II, 1845, at Whitingham, to Miranda, daughter of Alfred and Clarissa (Smith) Greene. There were two chUdren : William A., and Eraraa M. (Mrs. Henry Holbrook of Whitinghara), deceased. Mr. Faulkner was one of the early found ers of the Universalist Society in Jackson vUle, is a firra believer in its doctrine and a liberal supporter of religious and charitable organizations. FARNHAM, ROSWELL, of Bradford, son of Roswell and Nancy (Bixby) Farnham was born in Boston, Mass., July 23, 1827. Governor Farnham is of the eighth genera tion in line of direct descent from Ralph Farnham, who emigrated from England to America and settled in Andover, Mass. His maternal grandfather, Capt. David Bixby, was a distinguished soldier in the Revolution, and was present in the actions at Lexington and Bunker HiU, afterwards doing excellent service in Rhode Island ; he was also at the battle of Stillwater, and later went to sea on board a privateer, and returned home in pos session of considerable prize-money at the end of his first cruise. The second venture was not so fortunate. His vessel was cap tured by a British frigate, when but a short distance out of port. He, himself, was con veyed to England, lodged in Dartmoor prison, and there, in coraraon with other American captives, suffered great privations for seventeen months. The father of Ros well Farnham was in business on Court street, Boston. He reraoved to Haverhill, Mass., where he began the manufacture of boots and shoes for the southern market. In 1839, the great financial deluge which swept so many fortunes away, ruined hira. In 1840, Roswell Farnham, Sr., removed his family to Brad ford. There he purchased a farm on the Connecticut river, upon which he resided until within two years of his death, on the 20th of Deceraber, i860. The subject of this sketch prepared for college in the acaderay at Bradford, and while thus engaged assisted in the cultivation of his father's farm. Lacking the means requisite to enter coUege when fully pre pared, he pursued the studies of the fresh man and sophomore classes at the same acaderay, and in Septeraber, 1847, he joined the junior class at the University of Verraont, from which he graduated in August, 1849, and received the degree of A. M. in 1852. Immediately after graduation he entered upon active duty as a teacher at Dunham, Lower Canada, now Province of Quebec. From Dunham, Mr. Farnham removed to Franklin, Vt., where he took charge of the FrankUn Academical Institution, and later he taught the Bradford Academy in this state. 136 FARNHAM. FARRELL. . But he did not intend to devote his life to the profession of teaching, and therefore re linquished the charge of the seminary. Dur ing this period he found leisure for the study of law, and made such progress that he was admitted to practice at the Orange county bar in January, 1857. Mr. Farnham's professional career began as the partner of Robert McK. Ormsby. In 1859 he commenced practice independently, soon acquired a remunerative business, and had the satisfaction of witnessing its gradual increase. During the same year he was elected state's attorney for Orange county by the Republican party, and was subsequently re-elected twice by the same organization. As second lieutenant of the Bradford Guards, Mr. Farnham accompanied the first regiment of the Vermont Volunteers to the scene of action, and was stationed for the greater part of its three months service at Fortress Monroe and at Newport News, Va. When the 12th Y't. Vol. Regt. was formed out of the mihtia companies of the state the Governor detailed the Bradford Guards as one of the companies of that organization. Lieutenant Farnham was elected their cap tain, but before the regiraent carae to Brat tieboro, its place of rendezvous. Captain Farnham was appointed and commissioned as lieutenant-colonel. For nearly half of the terra of his new service, he was in coraraand of the regiment, the colonel being in cora raand of the brigade. At the expiration of the second term of service Lieutenant-Colonel Farnham returned to the practice of law in Bradford, where he has since resided. Shortly after, he was the Repubhcan candi date for representative of the town, but was defeated by a Democratic raajority. In 1868 and 1 869 he was elected by the RepubUcans to the state Senate, and served creditably in that body throughout both terras. He was chairman of three iraportant committees and a member of two others. In 1876 he was a delegate to the national Republican con vention which nominated Gen. R. B. Hayes for the presidency. He was also one of the presidential electors in the same year, and for three years was a member of the State Board of Education. He is, and has been, one of the elective trustees of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural CoUege. In 1880 Colonel Farnham was nominated as candidate for the chief magistracy of Ver mont, and was elected by a majority of 25,- 012 votes. The number of pohtical sup porters indicated by the ballot was larger than any previous candidate had enjoyed. His two years of ofifice as Governor were extreraely busy ones, yet he attended faith fully and efificiently to the duties of his posi tion, and that to the neglect of his personal affairs. His administration was as grateful and profitable to the people as it was hon orable to himself. In rehgious matters he is, as might be an ticipated from what has been said of his ancestry and education, a member of the Congregational church. Governor Farnham was married on the 25th of December, 1849, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Captain Ezekieland Nancy (Rogers) Johnson of Bradford. Three living children are the fruit of their union : Charles Cyrus, Florence Mary, and William Mills. FARRELL, PATRICK JOSEPH, of New. port, son of James and Rose Ann Theresa (Hart) FarreU, was born in Stanstead, P. Q., May 10, 1861. His education was derived from the WeUs River and Newport Academies but he mainly relied on his own efforts by private study to make himself a scholar. Soon after his birth, his father removed to New bury and afterwards to Newport. In his early youth Patrick worked upon a farm and assisted his father in handling bark, and eraployed his evenings in studying the art of telegraphy. In the spring of 1880 he entered the eraploy of the Conn. & Pass. R. R., at Newport as billing clerk, and a few months after was transferred to Lyndon ville as train dispatcher, then was eraployed at Stanstead and Derby Line as station agent, and conductor of passenger trains running from the forraer town to Newport. By the death of his father, he was compelled to resign this position and give his attention to the business afifairs of the former, suc ceeding hira as agent for a Boston firm who dealt in hemlock bark. He now turned his attention to the legal profession and in 1884 began studying law whh Crane & Alfred at Newport, then entered the ofifice of C. A. Prouty, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1887. He was appointed a postal clerk the same year, his route extending from Newport to Spring field, Mass., and soon after he was promoted to the position of chief clerk with his head quarters at Boston, having charge of the largest division in New England. He re signed in 1889 and returning to Newport, formed a copartnership with C. A. Prouty in the law business which lasted nearly two years, when the Orleans Trust Co. was or ganized and Mr. Farrell was raade its treas urer, which position he stiU retains and has also charge of the legal affairs of the bank. Mr. Farrell has held several public offices in his town and village, and was, during three years, chairman of the board of trus tees of said viUage. He is a strong Demo crat, having served several years on the Democratic town committee, and is now a raember of the Democratic state committee. 137 In 1890 he was his party's candidate for the office of state's attorney in Orleans county and in 1892 was one of the Democratic candidates for Vermont presidential electors and was an earnest and effective speaker in the political campaign of that year. He was married August g, 1883, to Sarah M., daughter of Patrick and Johanna M. Brady of Newport. Their children are : Mary Agnes, Helen Isabel, Charles Henry, and Charlotte Claire. Mr. Farrell is emphatically a self-made man and one of the brightest young attor neys in the state. He owes his success alraost entirely to his own unaided efforts to advance, and deserves the highest credit for his energy and perseverance. He has not buried a single talent in the ground, but has used every honorable raeans to acquire his present enviable position, which now pre sents to hira the flattering hope of a stiU raore prosperous future. He is a raember of the Roman Catholic church. FIELD, Henry Francis, of Rutland, son of WiUiam M. and Minerva (Daven port) Field, was born in Brandon, Oct. 8, 1843. His ancestors originated in Con necticut and were descended from Z echariah Field, who settled in Hartford in 1639. The education of Mr. Field was obtained in public and private schools and at the serainary in Brandon. At the age of seven teen he entered the Brandon Bank as a clerk, remaining there for something more than a year and until, in March, 1862, he removed to Rutland to take a position in the ofifice of John B. Page, then the treasurer of the state. In 1864 he received the appoint ment of teller in the Bank of Rutland, soon after reorganized or converted into a national bank, and three years later was elected to the cashiership of the Rutland County Na tional Bank, which position he has held for the past twenty-six years and stiU retains. He has also been for many years a director of the same institution. FIELD, Frederic Griswold, of Springfield, son of Abner and Louisa (Gris wold) Field, was born in Springfield, Jan. i, 1842. His father, Abner, was the first post master of North Springfleld, several times represented the town, and was twice elected to the state Senate. He was an influential man in his day and much respected for his probity, energy and decision of character. Mr. F. G. Field passed through the usual course of the comraon schools and attended the Springfield Wesleyan Serainary several years. Shortly after his raajority he deter rained to follow the raercantUe profession and with this view in 1864 opened a store for general trade in North Springfield. With the exception of two years he has been suc cessfully engaged in business there. He is also an extensive owner of real estate and to sorae extent is engaged in farming. As a RepubUcan he has been chosen to fiU various town ofifices, was representative to the Legislature from Springfield in i87o-'72, and elected senator in 1880. He was com missioner for Windsor county in 1890, and in 1 89 1 was appointed inspector of finance to fiU the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. L. O. Greene of Woodstock. He was married July 2, 1872, to Anna M., daughter of Addison and Florella Tarbell of Cavendish. They have two children : Fred T., and Bertha I. The counsel and advice of Mr. Field are highly esteemed in financial and business matters and he does a large amount of con veyancing, besides settUng many estates in North Springfield and vicinity. He is as sound a business man as his brother Wal bridge, the present chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, is lawyer. -- tsm^xsKsj-eiiiim*.'.';." HENRY FRANCIS FIELD. He is a member and the senior deacon of the Rutland Congregational Church, and for a quarter of a century has been connected with the Sabbath school of the church as superintendent or assistant. Mr. Field raarried, June 21, 1865, Annie Louisa, daughter of John Howe of Brandon, who was the founder of the corporation known as the Howe Scale Co., first organ ized and established in Brandon and after wards reraoved to Rutland. The children of 138 FISH. FISK. this union are two sons : John Howe, and ^^'iUiam Henry. Mr. Field's ofificial career commenced as town treasurer, which ofifice he held for ten years. He was also, meanwhile, treasurer of the viUage, and of the graded school district of Rutland for several years, and has been treasurer of the county since 1877. He served as assistant doorkeeper of the Senate in 1858 and 1859 and was deputy secretary of state in 1861. He is a Republican in poUtics, and was chosen a senator frora Rut land county in 1884, when he was chairman of the committee on banks, and in 1888 he represented Rutland in the House, where he was also chairman of the committee on banks, and served at both sessions on other important committees. In 1890 he was elected State Treasurer and re-elected to the same ofifice in 1892. FISH, Frank Leslie, of Vergennes, son of Frederick A. and Sarah M. (Gates) Fish, was born at Newfane, Sept. 17, 1863. He was educated at Leland and Gray Seminary, and at the Verraont Acaderay, graduating from the latter in 1886. At this FRANK LESLIE FISh' school he took a leading part in the rhetori cal and literary exercises, aiding in establish ing and being the first editor of the Ver mont Academy Life, a successful school periodical. After completing his academic course he taught several terms in the district schools. WhUe engaged as principal of the graded school at South Londonderry he coramenced the study of law with A. E. Cudworth. After further study with Milon Davidson of Newfane, he entered the office of Hon. James M. Tyler at Brattieboro, re maining with hira until Mr. Tyler's acces sion to the suprerae court, when he entered the ofiice of Judge Levant M. Reed of Bellows Falls, continuing his law studies and acting as register of probate for the District of Westrainster. When at this place he edited the local colurans of the Bellows Falls Times. He was admitted to the bar at the general term of the Supreme Court, October, 1889. In January following he opened an ofifice at Vergennes, where he now resides. Though but thirty years of age he has established a reputation as a successful law yer ; was elected state's attorney of Addison county in 1892; is city collector of taxes; was chosen superintendent of schools for Ver gennes in 1892, and now holds that position. Mr. Fish was raarried March 15, 1892, to Minnie J., daughter of Chauncey and Emer- etta (Hopkins) Lyon of Waterbury. FISK, Perrin Batchelder, of Lyn don, son of Deacon Lyraan and Mary (Spof ford) Fisk, was born in Waitsfield, July 30, 1837, and from the age of thirteen to twenty-one labored at his father's trade of coopering. Strongly determined to obtain an education, at his majority he entered Barre Academy. Having chosen the minis try as his profession, he took a course in Bangor (Me.) Theological Seminary, where he graduated in the class of 1863. Inthe early part of the war of the rebellion he served as delegate of the Christian Commis sion in the Army of the Potomac. The coffee wagon had been sent to the Christian Commission at City Point, Va., and not being appreciated by those in authority, it had been left to' rust by the wayside. Mr. Fisk finding it, saw it was a good idea and got permission to try it. It proved a great success and is remembered with gratitude by many a veteran. Leaving Dracut in 1865, the subsequent pastorates of Mr. Fisk were in Massachu setts, Vermont, and Minnesota, and for two years he acted as the field agent of Carleton College of the last naraed state. IU-health in his family deraanded removal to a warmer climate, therefore he served in the home missionary field in lUinois and Florida for about five years. Returning to Vermont, he supplied at Morrisville and afterwards re moved to Lyndon, where he now resides and has under his charge the parishes of Lyndon and St. Johnsbury Centre. August 25, 1863, Mr. Fisk was united in marriage to Miss Harriet L., daughter of Charies E. and Luana (Carpenter) Bige- FLAGG. low. They have four children : Flora F. (Mrs. G. L. Zimmerman), George Shep hard, Fidelia, and Grace Harriet. Mr. Fisk was chaplain of the Vermont Senate in 1869 and 1870, and inaugurated the custora of daily legislative prayer raeet ings. He is a poet of more than local rep utation and a few of his compositions have been published in the "Poets and Poetry of Vermont." FLAGG, George W., of Braintree, son of Austin and Mary E. (Harwood) P'lagg, was born in that town, AprU 9, 1839. Educated in the common schools of Brain tree and Randolph Academy he reraained upon his father's farm tUl the age of twenty and afterwards was a day laborer till the breaking out of the civil war. FLAGG. 139 GEORGE W. FLAGG. In May, i86i, he enlisted at Montpelier in Co. F, 2d Regt., Vt. Vols., and partici pated in every engagement in which the old Vermont brigade bore part from Bull Run to Appomattox. He was constantly on duty, but for one month was disabled by a wound received in the Wilderness. May 3, 1864, his brigade was the first to enter Petersburgh, when General Grant advanced on Richmond. Mr. Flagg enlisted as a private, served four years, participated in twenty-five battles and was promoted to the rank of sergeant ; he as such raore than once commanded his company in the absence of all the superior ofificers. He was honorably discharged as ist lieutenant with brevet captain, July 25, 1865. He was in coraraand and took horae to the state the only corapany organized in the capital of the state during the war. Soon after the close of the war, he raar ried and settled upon a farra. He now owns three hundred and fifty acres in the east por tion of the town, it being the second best in tovvn, the production of which he has quad rupled in twenty-four years. He is a well known breeder of Cotswold sheep and has re ceived many medals and prizes for specimens exhibited at New England state and county fairs. He also possesses an excellent orchard, for the fruit of which he finds a ready market. Eariy in life he showed great aptitude for collar and elbow wrestiing and was wont, even when a boy, to display this accoraplish raent at public gatherings. He gradually so increased in skill that he was the acknowl edged champion of the Army of the Poto mac. From the age of thirty-five to forty- eight, he travelled extensively in most of the northern states, giving exhibitions of his proficiency, and his only rival was H. M. Dufur with whom he had raany hard fought battles. At the age of eighteen he lost his last fall (for business), for fifteen years he knew no difference in raen, he could throw any raan he ever raet in five rainutes. He travelled through Western New York, where he won raany raatches, also Ohio. He wrestled in alraost every town of iraportance in Michi gan where he defeated the renowned Indian chief Tipsico at a back hold raatch. In New England he wrestled for agricultural societies, one of which was the Verraont State Fair, also at July 4th gatherings to thousands of people under great excitement. In his travels he challenged all coraers for any araount with perfect confidence. After each carapaign of travels he returned to work on his farm, never training for a match or series of raatches. During Mr. Flagg's wrestling career he doubtless wrestled two hundred matches. Athletic sports had a great fascination for him. A game that was very popular in his boyhood days, the champion wrestler being the lion of the day at all public gatherings. In all of his matches he always manifested good cheer towards aU, never losing his teraper, being strictly honest. As a teraperance raan none were raore zealous in the cause than he. In all of his travels he never tasted liquor ; raaking speeches in the Legislature in the cause of teraperance, never tiring in advocating its cause. Mr. Flagg raarried Delia A., daughter of Whitman and Elmira (Smith) Howard, May 16, 1865. By her he has had two children : Lester G., and Bert C. 140 FLANDERS. FLETCHER. As a Republican, Mr. Flagg has been called upon to serve his town in raany rainor ofifices, and was elected representative to the Legislature in 1886. He received his degrees in Masonry in Phcenix Lodge of Randolph, and has joined U. S. Grant Post, No. 96, G. A. R., of West Randolph, and is its present commander. Mr. Flagg possesses a marked personality, is fuUy six feet in height with the figure of a Hercules ; and with his jovial good nature, his sturdy strength and endurance, his unflinch ing courage and unselfish patriotism is the typical Green Mountain Boy of '76 and '61. FLANDERS, WILLIAM DANA, of Orange, son of Royal C. and Hannah B. (WilUams) Flanders, was born in Orange, June 20, 1850. Royal C. Flanders enUsted as a pri vate in the 2d Regt. Vt. Infantry, and after wards in the 9th, and when he returned frora the war, after more than four years service, he held the comraission of Ueutenant. WILLIAM DANA FLANDERS. Dana attended the comraon schools of Orange, but his father dying when he was about sixteen years of age, his efforts to obtain an education were brought to a ter mination. Before he was of age, he began as a laborer in a sawmill, and naturally has followed the business of lumbering frora that time. In 1879 he forraed a partnership with Carlos B. Richardson, which lasted six years, and since that tirae he has carried on the business alone, in the summer time giving sorae attention to farming. Favoring the principles of the RepubUcan party, he has been thought worthy to fiU the usual town offices, and was sent to the Legis lature from Orange in 1892. Here he served upon the committee on clairas. Mr. Flanders was raarried at Barre, July 3, 1878, to Cora B., daughter of Carlos B. and Sarah (Jackson) Richardson. Four children are the fruit of their marriage, two of whom died in infancy; Nettie B. and Fred C. are stiU living with their parents. Mr. Inlanders is a Free Mason of more than twenty years standing, is a member of Granite Lodge, No. 35, of Barre, and also of the chapter of that place. Though he com menced life under many disadvantages, he has made fuU use of his opportunities, and bears an exceUent reputation in the com munity in which he lives. FLETCHER, HENRY ADDISON,of Proc torsviUe, son of Ryland and Mary Ann, (May) Fletcher, was born in Cavendish Dec. II, 1839. The name of Fletcher for three genera tions has been a prominent one in the town of Cavendish. Dr. Asaph Fletcher was a member of the convention that framed the Constitution of Massachusetts. Having raoved to Cavendish in 1787, he was also a raeraber of the convention which applied to Congress for the admission of Vermont into the Union, was several times elected to the Legislature and was also a county judge and presidential elector. Of his family of nine chUdren the three most distinguished were : Horace, a prominent Baptist clergy man ; Richard, a meraber of Congress and judge of the Suprerae Court ; and Ryland, who becarae Lieutenant-Governor, and was the first Republican Governor of the state. Sketches of both the latter appear in Part I of this work. Henry A. Fletcher was mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 23, 1862, as ist sergeant of Co. C, 1 6th Regt. Vt. Vols., commanded by Col. W. G. Veazey, was appointed ser geant raajor March 9, 1863, and com missioned 2d lieutenant of Co. C, April 2, 1863. A Republican in his political preferences, he represented Cavendish in the House in 1867, 1868, 1878, 1880 and 1882 and was a senator from Windsor county in 1886. Among his other legislative duties he served on the committees on banks, raUroads, revis ion of laws and the general committee. In 1878 he was appointed aid on the staff of Governor Proctor with the rank of colonel. In 1890 he was elected Lieutenant-Gover nor of the state. He is a member of Howard Post, No. ^3, G. A. R. of Ludlow. Mr. Fletcher is unmarried and is a farmer residing on the old homestead, which has FOOTE. been owned and occupied by the faraUy for more than a century. His name is equally associated with the distinguished memory of an honored ancestry and his own excellent record as a citizen and a public man. FOOTE, Rollin Abram, of Cornwall, son of Col. Abram and Orpha (WiUiam- son) Foote, was born in CornwaU, Jan. 9, 1832. FORBES. 141 ROLLIN ABRAM FOOTE. He obtained his education in the common schools of his birthplace, settled upon the farm which has been in the possession of the Foote faraily frora the first settlement of the town, and has continued there pursuing his vocation tiU the present time. The estate has been enlarged and improved since it carae into his hands, and he does not complain of "hard times" in the present depression in agriculture. He is one of the substantial men of the county ; where advice is often sought, and whose influence is wholly on the side of good order. In 1879, he formed a copartnership with his son, Abrara W. Foote, for the sale of hay and agricultural imple ments, and has built up a prosperous trade in that Une ; and he has also raade a spe cialty of breeding raatched horses. Mr. Foote has held aU the principal ofifices in the town of his nativity, among which may be naraed : Lister eleven years, overseer of the poor seventeen years, and road com missioner. He inarried, March i, 1854, Miss Jnha Arabella Sampson, by whom he has had two children : Abrara Williara, and Frank Samp son. FORBES, Charles Spooner, of St. Albans, son of Abner and Catherine Forbes, was born at Windsor, August 6, 185 1, and reraoved to St. Albans in 1863. The public schools gave hira his preUrai- nary training, and resolving to becorae a journalist by profession, he coramenced his newspaper career on the St. Albans Tran script at the age of seventeen. He has been connected with various state papers for neariy twenty years and since 1879 has been the Verraont correspondent and state mana ger of the Boston Journal. Mr. Forbes cast his first vote for President Grant and was prorainent in the Carapaign Club of St. Albans in 1872, and has acted as secretary and treasurer of the local Republi can clubs afterward formed. He was secre tary of the RepubUcan state convention of 1886 ; was a delegate and one of the secre taries of the national convention of Repub lican clubs held in New York City in 1887 ; raade secretary of the Republican League of Verraont in 1888, and assisted in organizing CHARLES SPOONER FORBES. one hundred and fifty campaign clubs. He was appointed captain and aid-de-camp on the brigade staff, V. N. G., in 1886 and was a member of the staff of Governor DiUing ham, with the rank of colonel. Colonel Forbes has held many honorable positions in civil life, among them the secre- 142 FORD. FOSS. taryships of the Vermont coramission on the Washington centennial at New York, the State Press Association, the Vermont Society of the Sons of the Araerican Revo lution, the Vermont Historical Society, the Vermont League for Good Roads, and the state comraission to the World's Columbian Exposition. He was elected president of the Verraont Press Association in i5 In Deceraber, 1889, he received the appoint raent of deputy coUector of internal revenue for the Verraont Division, which ofifice he held for four years. The reUgious views of Colonel Forbes are EpiscopaUan and he is a raeraber of St. Luke's Church, St. Albans. He has been a vestryman, treasurer and parish clerk, and also a delegate to several diocesan conven tions of the church. Colonel Forbes was one of the notification coraraittee appointed at the special diocesan convention in 1893 to inforra Re-\'. Arthur C. A. HaU of Oxford, England, of his election to the Vermont Bishopric. FOSS, James M., of St. Albans, was born at Pembroke, N. H., Jan. 6, 1829. His parents were Jeremiah and - Clarissa (Moore) Foss. He was educated at Pembroke Academy, until his seventeenth year, when he deter mined to supplement his academic instruc tion with practical information in a direction that would fit him for the business life to which he had resolved to devote himself. To this end he coramenced an apprentice ship, November, 1846, in the machine shops of the Concord Railroad Co., at Concord, N. H. From 1850 to 1862 Mr. Foss worked as a machinist and locomotive engineer on the Boston, Concord & Montreal R. R., acquir- FORD, Samuel W., of Concord, son of Robert and Lydia (Hale) Ford, was born in the town of Grafton, N. H., June 16, 1823. When Samuel had arrived at the age of six years his father moved to Kirby and in the public schools of that town he received his early educational training. Mr. Ford left home when about seventeen years old and pursued the vocation of farm laborer untU the age of thirty. He was an excellent type of his class of that period now unfortunately so seldom to be found in our agricultural communities. Sturdy, intelli gent and industrious he fought his way through difficulties and obstacles, until he was able to raarry and settle upon the fertile farra that he has occupied ever since, where he has still continued to manifest the thrift and perseverance of his early life. He has been most successful in breeding good grade Shorthorn stock and Shropshire sheep. Mr. Ford bears a striking resemblance to the late ex-President Hayes and also is of the same political creed. As selectraan he was raost active and energetic in raising the town quota of soldiers during the civil war. The requisition was received Saturday and on the following Thursday sixteen recruits were enrolled before sunset. In 1876 he represented the town of Concord in the Legislature. Mr. Ford was raarried March 8, 1853, to Sophronia, daughter of Williara and Polly Willry. Mrs. Ford has been the mother of four chUdren . EUery, Helen (Mrs. Williara Lindsan), Dan, and Alraeda (Mrs. Milo A. Green). / JAMES M. FOSS. ing a thorough familiarity with the details and practical knowledge of the construction and operation of railroad machinery. Dur ing the last portion of his service, he was in charge of the shops of the last naraed road. From 1862 to 1865 he was raaster mechanic of the Boston & New Y^ork air Une, in connection with the Back Bay Co. In March, 1865, he returned to Concord, N. H., as master mechanic of the Concord Railroad, where he remained until June, 1868, at which time a larger field for the employment of his ability in his special line was afforded hira, and he accepted an offer for the management of the Vermont Central Railroad Co., as its master mechanic. In 1873 he was raade superintendent of the motive power and machinery of the Central FOSTER. FOSTER. 143 Vermont systera, which comprised the Ver mont Central, Verraont & Canada railroads, the Rutland, and other leased Unes. During this period the corporation constructed its own locomotives, some half hundred of which were turned out under the supervision of Mr. Foss. His efficiency as a railroad man was recognized by his promotion in 1879 to the position of assistant general superinten dent, which was followed by a further ad vancement, in 1885, to the office of general superintendent. This appointment he held until 1892, when impaired health compeUed him to resign. But the corporation with which he had been connected for so many years was loth to part with his services, and he remained in its employment in the capacity of assistant to the president, a posi tion in which the benefit of his advice and judgment could be availed of, while he could be afforded more leisure than was possible while performing the more active duties of general superintendent. This position of assistant to the president he stiU retains after nearly half a century of active railroad life. Mr. Foss was raarried, Nov. 15, 1855, to Ellen A., daughter of John V. and Laura Barron, who died in April, 1871. For his second wife he wedded, Sept. 18, 1874, Mrs. Sophia H. (Chester) Locklin (widow of H. H. LockUn), daughter of John and Mary Chester, natives of England and residents at Dudswell, P. Q. Of this union there is one son : Jaraes Barron Foss, born August 17, 1876, who, with Hortense H. Locklin, daughter of Mrs. Foss, constitute the faraily. He is a beUever in the great industry of Verraont farraing, and has a large area of land under cultivation, located on the road from the village to St. Albans Bay. His business Ufe has demanded aU his time, and he has found no opportunity to mingle actively in politics, but he has always manifested a loyal allegiance to the princi ples of the Republican party. He is a raember of St. Luke's Episcopal Society, and contributes generously to its support. Mr. Foss is a raeraber of the sev eral Masonic bodies, and has attained to the 3 2d degree in that fraternity. He possesses a genial, social nature, and enjoys the quiet entertainment of a few friends at his handsome and hospitable home. FOSTER, Alonzo M., of Cabot, son of G. W. and Polly (Kelton) Foster, was born in Calais, Jan. 30, 1830. His father was an early settler and when rauch of the town was an unbroken wilderness he cleared away the land, built farm buildings, and set out shade trees. Not content with this homestead, he busied himseh extensively in reducing wild lands for other farms in the neighborhood. At twenty years of age Alonzo M. Foster bought one-half of his father's estate on credit and carried on this property success fully for sixteen years. In 1866 he came into possession of a valuable property in Cabot, known as the "Old Camp Ground," or "Lyford Farm," where, although doing general farraing, he has given his raost ener getic efforts to the manufacture of maple sugar, producing frora an orchard of raore than two thousand trees three to four tons annually, for which he finds a ready sale both at home and abroad. The products of "Maple Grove Sugar Camp" are becoraing known and appreciated throughout the country, and while Mr. Foster has for years led the coluran of Verraont producers, it is now, though unofficially as yet, learned that his sugar has received the highest award at the late World's Fair. Mr. Foster acted with the Free Soil party in 1852, but since that time has voted the Republican ticket, and in 1864 and 1865 was sent as representative of the town of Calais to the Legislature. He is a member of the Patrons of Hus bandry, and was for years Master of Wash ington Grange of Cabot. Remote from city life, he has spent a useful and quiet existence among his native hills, esteemed and re spected in the community in which fortune has cast his lot. Mr. Foster was united in marriage, April 20, 185 1, to Elsie W., daughter of Charles and Susan (Rich) Dudley of Calais. Their five children are : Charles D., Harry H., Ina B., Bernard M., and Linnie D. FOSTER, Austin Theophilus, of Derby Line, son of Stephen and Mary (King) Foster, was born in East Mont pelier, Sept. 20, 1822. His education was obtained through the usual medium of the coraraon schools and an after course of instruction at the acad emy in Montpelier. In the. spring of 1836 he went to Derby Line and entered the store of Spaulding & Foster just across the Canadian frontier at Rock Island, P. Q., as a clerk. In 1841 he was associated in partnership with Levi Spaulding and his brother Stephen Foster under the firm narae of Spaulding, Foster & Co. In 1851 he also opened a general store at Derby Line which he continued until 1882. In 1865 he purchased frora the estate of Charles Pierce the shoe factory at Rock Island which he still owns. Mr. Foster has been an active business man for fifty-two years during which he has resided continuously at Derby Line, he has generally met with success in his operations. He was a director in the People's Bank at Derby Line from January, 1852, till it was merged 144 FOSTER. FRANCISCO. in the national bank of that place of which he has been a director since its organization and its president since 1871. He represented the town of Derby in the General Assembly in 1862 and 1863, being elected by the Republican vote, and was chosen senator frora Orleans county in 1886. He was appointed U. S. Consular Agent in 1869 at Stanstead, P. Q., and served in that capacity for fifteen years. Mr. Foster has also been prorainent in religious circles, receiving the honor of an election to the presidency of the Universalist convention of the state of Vermont and Province of Quebec in 1882 and has been called to that office every year since by ac clamation. '''-m...* AUSTIN THEOPHILUS FOSTER. He was united in marriage in 1848 at Stanstead, P. Q., to Aurelia, daughter of Harris and Abigail Way of Rock Island, who only lived about two years after their raar riage. In 1853 he raarried Sarah H., daugh ter of Capt. John and Lydia Gilman. By her he has four children : Harriet (Mrs. F. M. Hawes, SomervUle, Mass.), John G., Mary J., and Stephen A. FOSTER, Wells A., of Weston, son of Jeremiah and Mary (Temple) Foster, was born at Weston, AprU 8, 1837. _• r.o He was the youngest of a family of three chUdren, and his father died when he was five years old. His education was neces sarUy limited, and was received in the cora mon schools. When he arrived at the age of thirteen, he had the raisfortune to lose his mother, and frora that tirae never knew the blessing of a horae tiU he had raade one for hiraself. He labored upon a farm in the vicinity tiU he was nineteen, and during the next seven years was variously employed in mechanical pursuits, first at Mt. Holly, and later at Boston. In 1863 he was drafted into the array, but purchased his release. Soon after he coraraenced the raanufacture of ash handles for agricultural tools in com pany with W. S. Foster, and afterward with R. B. Jaquith. The firra then began to turn out chair stuff in the rough, and soon after began raanufacturing finished chair stock. Now their increased business requires a force of forty raen, and their buUdings cover an area of four acres. In 1889 the firm suf fered the loss of their entire plant by fire, but with characteristic energy they immedi ately rebuilt their works, and are doing the usual araount of business, turning out a product of ^40,000 a year. Mr. Foster is a Republican, and repre sented Weston in the General Assembly in 18S4 and 1886, serving on the committee on the grand list. He was married in Mt. Holly, Dec. 23, 1858, to Lavina L., daughter of Austin L. and Lois (Siraonds) Benson. Of this union were two chUdren : Ella (Mrs. Walter M. Wright, of South Gardner, Mass.), and Vernie A. Mr. Foster has settled raany estates and often acted as guardian and has always con scientiously and ably discharged the duties of these trusts. He is a director of Chester National Bank, and one of the trustees of the Black River Academy, of Ludlow. FRANCISCO, M. JUDSON, of Rut land, was born on the 5th day of August, 1835, at West Haven, and was the third son of John Francisco who moved to West Haven in 1795, participated in the war ot 18 1 2, and at the battle of Plattsburgh was one of the famous Green Mountain Boys. The subject of this sketch left home when sixteen years old for Ohio, to enter Oberlin College. After completing his studies there he passed several years travelling through the West and South, visiting all the states then admitted to the Union. He returned to Vermont in 1859, returning West again in October, i860, as principal of the North western Comraercial College at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Here he resided during the first years of the rebellion and took an active part in raising volunteers for the Union cause, and in circumventing the schemes of the " Knights of the Golden Circle." In 1863 Mr. Francisco raarried Margaret Holraes, daughter of Israel Holmes of Water bury, Conn., one of the oldest and best: ¦*¦«-*¦'« 146 FRANCISCO. FRARY. known farailies of that state. Mr. Holmes was directly connected with the founding of the brass industry in the United States and established a large number of manufactur ing concerns in Connecticut, notably among these being the Holmes, Booth & Hayden Manufacturing Co. ; the Waterbury Brass Co. ; the Plume & Atwood Manufacturing Co. ; the ScovUle Button Co. ; the Water bury Clock Co., and the Wolcottville Brass Co. Leaving Fort Wayne in 1864, Mr. Fran cisco accepted the presidency of the Pennsylvania College of Trade and Finance, at Harrisburg, where he organized a large and flourishing institution, in which many men now at the head of influential corpora tions received their first knowledge of cora mercial principles. After several years of. close application in the management of the college, faUing health corapelled hira to re linquish his position, and he returned to his native state where he found renewed vigor, and entered upon that sphere of activity which was destined to be of wider scope than that of any preceding years. When the English fire insurance companies were negotiating for admission into the United States Mr. Francisco was promptly tendered and assumed the general management for Verraont of the North British and Mercan tile of Edinburgh and the Liverpool and Lon don and Globe of London. He was later made manager of the Verraont, New Harap shire and Northern New York departments of several other like companies ; it was while in the service of these corporations that he made his memorable argument before the joint committee of the state Senate and House of E.epresentatives in opposition to the so-caUed "valued poUcy" bUl. He has also the distinction of having written the largest fire policy ever issued in New Eng land, the face value being §2, 100,000. In 1887 he was elected president of the Rutiand Electric Light Co., and since that time has devoted the best part of his energy to furthering the success of his different electrical ventures. In 1887 he also became a member of the National Electric Light Association. At the convention of the latter organization in Kansas City he was elected one of the executive committee, holding that position untU the Providence convention when he was chosen second vice-president. At the St. Louis meeting he was elected first vice-president which place he stUl occupies. His paper on municipal ownership, read be fore the convention of the National Associa tion at Cape May, N. J., requhed two editions to supply the popular demand. Shortly after this he appeared before the joint committee of the Senate and House of Representatives in Washington with a review of the Postmaster-General's argument for a limited postal telegraph, and later stiU re viewed the subject of municipal ownership before the Massachusetts Legislature. Since the publication of his book entitled "Munic ipal Ownership, Its Fallacy," with other numerous contributions to various scientific and literary journals Mr. Francisco has been acknowledged the best authority of the day upon this problem. As a citizen of Rutland he ranks as one of its foreraost and progressive representatives. He does not aim at political preferment, but confines his labors to the interest of his business life, which fact is evinced by the careful ahd energetic supervision given the institutions with which he is associated. He is the senior partner of M. J. Francisco & Son ; president of the Rutiand Electric Light Co. ; vice-president of the National Electric Light Association ; director of the Rutland Trust Co. ; member of the Rutland Board of Trade, the Rutland County Asso ciation of Underwriters, the American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers ; a Mason of many years standing and a stockholder or director in many other corporations outside the state. Mr. Francisco has two sons : I. Holmes, and Don C. FRARY, Solon Franklin, of South Strafiford, son of Jonathan and Lydia Col- SOLON FRANKLIN FRARY. cord (Blaisdell) Frary, was born in Straf ford, Jan. 27, 1822. He is lineally de- FRENCH. FULLER. 147 scended from John Frary, who came from England in 1638, and was among the earli est settlers of the town of Dedham, Mass. The progenitors of Mr. Frary for three gen erations are buried in the town of Strafiford. He received his education in the comraon schools and Norwich University, and com menced the active business of life in a coun try store as clerk with Hon. J. S. Morrill and Judge Jedediah Harris, at Thetford, where he remained for three years. He then returned to Strafford, where he continued to engage in trade till 1890, when he retired frora the pursuits of active life. Deceraber 18, 1854, he was united in marriage to Adeliza, daughter of Benjamin and Betsey (Kent) GUman. Their children are : Gertrude, and Bessie Jane. Mr. Frary has always been a Republican ; has held the ofifices of town treasurer, town agent, justice of the peace, and chairman of the board of auditors. He was chosen rep resentative of the town in the Legislature of 1872, and was elected in 1888 from Orange county to the state Senate. He discharged the duties of postmaster for twenty-eight years, has often been made chairman of the Republican town committee, and was one of the trustees of Goddard Seminary, being one of the auditors of their accounts and chair man of the investment coraraittee. He is liberal in his religious views, and has been a generous supporter of aU the societies of his town. FRENCH, Warren Converse, of Woodstock, son of Joseph Wales and Polly (Converse) French, was born in Randolph, July 8, 181 9. He was educated at the com mon schools and the Orange county gram mar school at Randolph. His father was the oldest son of Gen. John French, one of the early settlers of Randolph, who was brigadier-general of state militia at the time of the last war with England and raarched with his brigade to Burlington at the time of the British invasion in 1 814, Jacob CoUaraer, then a young lawyer at Randolph, being one of his aids-de-carap. He studied law with Tracey & Converse at Woodstock and was admitted to the bar of Windsor county court at the May term, 1844, comraencing practice at Sharon, where he reraained untd 1857. Upon the election of Hon. Jaraes Barrett to the bench, he was invited by his uncle, Mr. Converse, to remove to Woodstock and succeed Judge Barrett in the firm of Barrett & Converse. In this firm he remained as a partner till July I, 1865, when Mr. Converse retired frora the profession and was succeeded by Mr. WiU iara E. Johnson. This connection lasted untU July, 1868, after which for some time Mr. French continued the practice of his profession by himself. In July, 1879, he formed a partnership with his son-in-law, Frederick C. Southgate, and this arrange ment still exists. He has been in fuU and active practice, mostly in Windsor and Orange counties, from his admission to the bar, ancl has been engaged in many impor tant civil and criminal cases. In pohtics he was a whig until the organ ization of the Republican party, of which he has since been a steady adherent. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1850 ; the first state's attorney for Wind sor county elected by the people under the amended constitution of 1850, and state WARREN CONVERSE FRENCH. senator in 1858 and 1859. He represented Woodstock in 1876 and was the same year a meraber of the national convention which norainated Mr. Hayes. In reUgious beUef he is a Congregational ist, and was superintendent of the Sunday school for raany years. Mr. French raarried, Sept. 19, 1849, at Sharon, Sarah A., daughter of Hon. William and Lydia (Gleason) Steele. They have been blessed with six children : Mary (Mrs. WiUiara H. Brooks, deceased), Anna (Mrs. Frederick C. Southgate), LilUe (Mrs. Har old S. Dana), Warren C, Jr., Williara Steele, and John. FULLER, HENRY, of Bloomfield, son of Henry and T. (Bowker) Fuller, was born in Maidstone, August 26, 1838. FULLER. FULLER. When two years old his father moved to Bloomfield, where the subject of this sketch has since resided. His education was con fined to such instruction as could be had in the high schools and in Derby Acaderay. Farming has been the steady occupation in the life of Mr. Fuller, though he has given some attention to teaching. Having frora his early youth a great desire to travel and see the world outside the narrow limits of his home surroundings, he was unable to indulge this longing till he had arrived at the years of middle Ufe, but in 1892 he gratified his cherished wish and spent the greater part of the year in visiting every portion of his native land from the Atlantic to the Pacific, traveling raore than eight thousand railes to effect his purpose. The grandfather of Mr. Fuller, with his brother, carae to Minehead, now Bloomfield, in or about 1800. He raised a family of ten children, nine of whora lived to the age of eighty years. Mr. Fuller has been a Ufelong Democrat, though in his latter days he has had a ten dency toward Prohibition. He has been constable, collector, selectraan, and town clerk for thirteen years, and has held other rainor ofifices. At the age of seventeen he joined the M. E. Church, and during his whole life has earnestly labored in the cause. Devoting himself to the welfare of the parish and Sab bath school, he has been steward for many years, and served on various church com mittees. He raarried. May 31, 1864, Miss Nettie W. Colby of Whitefield, N. H., which union was blessed with two sons : Henry Clarence (died Oct. 9, 1867), and Asa C, now a preacher in the M. E. Church. Mrs. FuUer died Jan. 15, 1868. For his second help meet Mr. FuUer took to wife Miss May L., daughter of Mary and Nathan M. Johnson, of Bloomfield. By her he has had two chil dren : Earle W'., and Maude M. FULLER, LEVI K., of Brattleboro, son of Washington and Lucinda (Constantine) FuUer, was born in Westmoreland, N. H., Feb. 24, 1841. His parents were of English and German stock, and his ancestors on both sides served in the Revolutionary war. He removed to Windham county in 1845 'with his parents, and began his active career at the age of thirteen by learning telegraphy and also the art of printing. At sixteen, having devel oped an aptitude for mechanics, he won a premium for a steara engine improvement at the Windham County AgriciUtural Society's fair. Going to Boston, he served an ap prenticeship as a raachinist, acting for a time as night telegraph operator at the Merchants' Exchange. During a great portion of his residence in Boston he also took a scientific course at the evening schools. Returning to Brattleboro in i860, he entered the Estey works as machinist and mechanical engineer and later established a shop of his own, where he manufactured wood-working and other machinery with success. In April, 1866, he entered with CoL J. J. Estey the firm of J. Estey & Co. (now the Estey Organ Co.), superintending the man ufacturing department, and for twenty years has been vice-president of the company. He has been a most indefatigable inven tor, his name appearing in the Patent Office at Washington as the author of a hundred different inventions, many of great value. His success in aiding in estabhshing large European agencies for the corapany, and his many trips abroad in its interest, have won for him recognition on both sides of the Atlantic as a liberal and inteUigent man of business. On his trip in 1873 he was ten dered by President Grant the appointment of commissioner to the Vienna Exposition, which he was obliged to decline on account of the press of private business. The musical trade of two continents acknowledge his success as a factor in elevating the great corporation to its present high position. His last achievement in securing the adop tion of what is termed in the musical world "international pitch" for musical instru raents, now officially adopted by aU man ufacturers in this country, has been termed by Mr. Steinway "one of the raost impor tant, perhaps the raost iraportant, in the annals of musical history." ' He is an active raember of the American Society for the Advanceraent of Science, and of the American Society of Mechanical En gineers. He is also interested in astronomy, has an observatory of his own attached, to his private residence and the finest equa torial telescope in Vermont. His library also of scientific and technical works is one of the raost coraplete in the state. Organizing the Fuller Light Battery, V. N. G., as an independent company in 1874, he has continuously served therewith since, bringing it to a degree of perfection univer sally commended by aU regular army in spectors as second to no military organiza tion in the country, adding greatiy to the reputation of the Vermont militia. He was brevetted colonel in 1887 for long and mer itorious service. He also served as aid on the staff of Governor Converse. Mr. Fuller's private business, however, has not prevented him from participating act ively in public affairs, both local and state. He has held iraportant town and village ofifices, is a trustee of the Brattieboro Sav ings Bank and the Brattieboro Free Library. ISO FULLER. FULLER. In 1880 he was elected to the state Sen ate, taking an active part in the important legislation of that session, including what was then know as the "new tax law," a meas ure tending to equaUze the burden of taxa tion and raost satisfactory to the people. As a member of the Senate he served as chair man of the committee on finance, upon the committee on railitary affairs, and that on railroads. In 1886 he was elected Lieuten ant-Governor, filling that position with credit to hiraself and honor to the state, proving hiraself one of the best presiding ofificers whose services the Senate has had the good fortune to enjoy. Early in life he becarae connected with the Baptist denomination, and has always had an active interest in the success of the church of his choice. His gifts, however, have never been confined to that faith, but his Uberality to aU denominations is proverb ial. His interest in educational matters is weU known, one of the most important evi dences of which is the Verraont Academy at Saxton's River, to which he has largely given both his time and money, and this institu tion, under his raanageraent as president of the board of trustees, has taken a high rank throughout New England. He has always been specially interested in agriculture and the developraent of that branch of Vermont's industries. His pur chase of a farra and the presentation of the same to the Vermont Academy, his intro duction of finely bred sheep and other stock, and the inauguration of new, features in con nection with practical farm educational work, has attracted wide attention in the community. Governor FuUer's fitness for the position of chief magistrate of his state has long since been recognized, . and in 1892 his Republican friends bestowed upon him the highest honor in their power by nominating and electing hira to the gubernatorial chair. Mr. Fuller was raarried. May 8, 1865, to Abby, daughter of Hon. Jacob and Desde raona (Wood) Estey. FULLER, Jonathan Kingsley, of Barton Landing, son of Sarauel Freeman and EUzabeth (Kingsley) FuUer, was born in Montgoraery, May 13, 1848. Mr. FuUer attended the common, select and private schools of his native town until twenty-one years of age. His parents being Umited in their circumstances, and young FuUer being soraewhat deUcate in health, he had to forego the great desire of his heart, a classical education. In 1870 he entered the law office of John S. Tupper. Here he gave hiraself earnestly to the study of law, and having access not only to a large law Ubrary, but also to a fine coUection of theological and historical works, his reading covered a wide field. During this time also, while teaching school, he felt moved to enter upon the work of the ministry. The M. E. Church, of which he was a member, urged him to take a license to preach, and, forsaking the legal profession, he began the course of study prescri'bed by the church. This was con tinued for four years, and ordination followed at St. Johnsbury, April 23, 1873. He was stationed at Eden in i872-'73, at Richford in i874-'76. At the close of a very success ful pastorate in this thriving center, he handed his resignation to the Vermont Con ference. Uniting with the Congregational church at East Berkshire, he immediately received a hearty call to the parish of that denomina tion in Bakersfield. Free to control and direct his own labors his congregations in creased, while a steady demand was made JONATHAN KINGSLEY FULLER. for his sermons and other writings upon the popular questions of the day. Six of the twelve years of this pastorate he was super intendent of schools, aiding in the estabUsh ment of Brigham Academy. As a testimony of appreciation of such service, he was, on ¦Dec. 15, 1885, made a life member of the General Theological Library of Boston. While at Bakersfield, Mr. FuUer devoted a Uttie time to farming, in which pursuit he was highly successful. He was a frequent lecturer before the State Board of Agricul ture. FULLINGTON. FULTON. 151 PoUtically, Mr. FuUer is an independent RepubUcan. He has written and lectured often on such themes as " Civil Service Re forra," "Political Methods," "Pohtical Re form," "ReUgious and Political Liberty," " Moral Training in Our Schools," "Oppor tunity ; or, the Uses and Abuses of Wealth." In 1883, Mr. FuUer was made honorary raember of the A. B. C. F. M. ; in 1885 he was instrumental in organizing a Congrega tional church at East Fairfield; in 1888 he becarae an orignal member of the Congre gational Club of Western Verraont. In 1 889 he severed his connection with the church in Bakersfield, and of the several caUs which he received, accepted the one frora Barton Landing, where he now rainisters to a thrifty church in a flourishing coraraunity. In 1890 he received under Professor Har- ¦ per the appointraent of examiner in the American Institute of Sacred Literature. In 1 89 1 he was elected to membership in the American Acaderay of Pohtical and Social Science in Philadelphia. In this same year he was chosen superintendent of schools for the town of Barton, which ofifice he now holds ; he is also one of the directors of the Orleans County Suramer School. In 1892 he was constituted a raeraber of the Orleans County Historical Society. In this same year he was sent from the state convention of Congregational churches as delegate to the Free Will Baptist yearly raeeting. In 1892 he was unanimously chosen chairman of the board of school directors for the town of Barton. Mr. FuUer was married Sept. 16, 1875, to Gertrude Florence Smith of Richford. Of this union there have been born : John Harold, Hawley Leigh, Raymond Garfield, and Robert Samuel. FULLINGTON, FREDERICK H., of East Cambridge, son of John T. and Sylvia (Carpenter) P'ulUngton, was born in Cam bridge, Dec. 9, 1 85 1. Ephraim P'ulUngton came from Raymond, N. H., nearly a hundred years ago, and set tled on the farm which has continued the property and residence of the family for four generations. The present possessor of the estate re ceived his early education in the district schools of Cambridge, and afterward pur sued a course of study at the Johnson Nor mal School. The second of a family of four sons, he early displayed such energy and industry that he was the chief reliance of his father. When he becarae of age he rented the property, and has conducted it ever since, at the same time giving his father the shelter of a home. Dairying and the manu facture of maple sugar and syrup are his principal resources. His sugar orchard, numbering over tvvo thousand trees, is one of the finest in the state, and has averaged four pounds to the tree in annual production. Mr. FuUington was chosen to the Legis lature of 1888 by the largest Republican majority given in the town of Cambridge. He has been selectman and road commis sioner, and is now school director and school superintendent. He is a modest man, the possessor of good common sense, and of undoubted integrity. FREDERICK H. FULLINGTON. He raarried, March 16, 1875, Eraraa, daughter of James F. and Clara (Davis) Taylor of Barton, by whora he has had two children ; Fred Earl, and Stella Blanche. FULTON, ROBERT REED, late of East Corinth, son of Robert and AbigaU (Sraith) Fulton, was born in Newbury, May 20, 1824. Mr. Fulton's father was born in Scotland and emigrated to America in 1801. Irarae diately on his arrival he reraoved to New bury and there settled. Mr. Fulton's mother was the daughter of Col. John Smith of Revolutionary farae, who moved to Newbury in 1780. Descended from such ancestry, frora his boyhood days he won the esteera and confidence of his townsraen. Although his early life was spent on one of Vermont's hill farms, Mr. Fulton received what was for his generation a liberal education, attending the Thetford and Corinth Academies. Besides holding the minor ofifices in his native town, he was chosen its representa tive in 1867 and 1868. In 1870 he estab- 152 FURMAN. GALLUP. lished himself as a merchant in the village of East Corinth. He was, in 1888, chosen to represent Corinth in the Legislature and was also postmaster for many years, which ofifice he held till the time of his death, Jan. 18, 1893. ROBERT REED FULTON. In politics he was a pronounced Republi can, and in religion a worthy member of the Congregational church. A raan of generous irapulses, unassuming, kind and courteous was Robert Reed Fulton. He was married to Annie Halley, in November, 186 1, daughter of James Halley of Newbury, who survives without issue. FURMAN, Daniel G., of Swanton, was the son of Warren S. and Mary A. (Ware) Furraan, and was born in Elizabethtown, N. Y., August 22, 1855. He was indebted to the New Hampton Institute at Fairfax for his educational train ing. Mr. Furraan studied law with George W. Newton of St. Albans and the Hon. H. A. Burt of Swanton, and was adraitted to the bar in FrankUn county, Septeraber, 1876. He practiced two years in Berkshire, after which he removed to Swanton, where he has estabUshed a large and successful business. As a Democrat, he was elected as the rep resentative of the town of Swanton in 1888, and was a candidate for the speakership, and in 1893 was appointed United States Consul at Stanbridge, P. Q. DANIEL G. FURMAN. Mr. Furraan raarried, Sept. 8, 1880, Miss Elizabeth M., daughter of Hiram and Eliza beth (Barr) Best. One daughter and a son blessed their union : Berenice May, and AVillis B. GALLUP, O. M., of Victory, son of Amos and Emoline GaUup, was born in Wakefield, N. B., March 21, 1838. His father was a prominent farmer and business man. Mr. Gallup received a fair education in the common schools of the town, and began his career as a driver of logs. Mr. GaUup had a great natural apti tude and desire for large operations and soon coraraenced railroad building. His first work being the Hopkinton & MUford R. R., he next buUt the Acton & Nashua R. R., and then went to Woods River Junc tion, R. I., and constructed the railroad there and afterwards the larger portion of the Kingston & Narragansett road. He soon came to Vermont and built forty- one miles of road from the town of Johnson to the Lake. He then constructed the Profile & Franconian Notch R. R., opening up this iraportant summer resort in the White Mountains. Later he buUt the docks at Swanton and the Champlain House at Maquara Bay, at a cost of 128,000. GALLUP. His next enterprise was the link connect ing Bethlehem, N. H., whh the main line and after this he constructed thirteen miles of railroad to Maquara Bay and Rouse's Point. In 1880 he came to Victory and with C. H. Stevens bought the mUl now called " Gallup's MiUs," but his partner soon sold GAGE. 153 GAGE, Sidney, of Westminster, son of Williara P. and Laura M. (Richmond) Gage, was born in Westminster, Nov. 25, 1853. His education was confined to the com raon schools of AA'estminster, and after his soraewhat limited schooling, he engaged in the employ of his father in the raanufacture of baskets, and later succeeding his father, has continued in the same business to the present time. He has been caUed upon to assume the responsibility of some of the town offices in his native place, and in 1892 represented Westminster in the General Assembly. Mr. Gage is a member of the board of trustees of the Bellows FaUs Savings Institution, having served in that capacity since 1889. An earnest, honest, upright citizen, he has won the esteem and good will of his fellow citi zens. O. M. GALLUP. out. At this time there was not a good highway in the place, and Mr. Gallup at once surveyed a route for a railroad at his own expense and obtained by personal effort a large part of the subscription for the enterprise, contributing fifteen hundred dollars on his own account ; then he took the contract to build the road at a losing price, that the town might receive the bene fit of it. From that time to the present he has been engaged in his mill, although he has since built a road for the WUd River Luraber Co., in the western part of Maine. Mr. Gallup was elected to the Legislature in 1892 from Victory as a Deraocrat. He takes a great interest in every movement which conduces to the moral and raaterial weU-being of his community, and has been a liberal contributor to all worthy enterprises in the community, having donated land for the schools and churches of the place Mr. Gallup was married July 3, 1883, to Miss Mary A. Cutter, daughter of A. B. Cut ter of Bradford, Mass. Four children have blessed their union, of whom two are living : Annie, and Frank. SIDNEY GAGE. Mr. Gage was married in Bellows FaUs, Feb. 21, 1877, to EUen L., daughter of Albert E. and Lucy M. (Davis) Leonard of Grafton. GARDNER, ABRAHAM BROOKS, of Pownal, son of Samuel J. and Jennette (Merchant) Gardner, was born at Pownal, Jan. 6, 1858. After his education was finished in the Bennington pubhc schools, he labored on his father's farm, where he remained until his twenty-second year, when he bought an estate of his own. 154 GATES. GATES. In 1886 Mr. Gardner was elected to rep resent his town in the Legislature, an office which he ably filled for one term. For the past four years he has been, and is now, one of the selectmen of Pownal. -^¦ ABRAHAM BROOKS GARDNER. He is also a prominent member of the Masonic body. He is in religious prefer ence a Baptist. Mr. Gardner was married in October, 1880, to Miss Audria M., daughter of D. F. and H. E. Bates. Their three children are : Flor ence A., Daniel F., and Jennette M. GATES, Amasa O., of MorrisviUe, son of Daniel F. and Lavina (Jordan) Gates, was born in Morristown, April 25, 1842. Of Revolutionary ancestry, his education was obtained in the coramon schools and the People's Acaderay of Morristown, at which acaderay he was prepared for Middlebury CoUege, which he entered in the class of i860. He remained in coUege till his junior year, when he enUsted in the Union array. In Deceraber, 1863, he was mustered into the service as ist sergeant of Co. C, 17th Regt. Vt. Vols., and participated in the bat- ties of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and North Anna. He was then taken sick and sent to Campbell Hospital, and then to his home on furlough. To such a degree was he reduced by illness, that he was brought the whole way on a stretcher. At the ex piration of his leave of absence, he went to the General Hospital at Montpelier and be ing convalescent was put in charge of the muster roUs at Sloan Hospital. He received an honorable discharge from the service in 1865. Soon after leaving the array, Mr. Gates entered the drug store of J. C. Brigham of St. Johnsbury. In 1868 he removed to MorrisviUe and engaged in the same busi ness, and built up an exceUent trade, from which ill health compelled hira to retire in 1893. He was united in marriage, June 7, 1869, to Florence H., daughter of Col. Jonas and Delia (Prouty) Cutting, formerly of Stowe. Their chUdren are : Lillian L. (Mrs. Hollis M. Chase), who was an adopted daughter, Henry Franklin (deceased), and Albert Oscar. Mr. Gates is a Republican in his political predUections, and has been auditor of ac counts fifteen years, member of the board of trustees of People's Academy and is one of the school directors of Morristown. He has served upon the Republican committee of the First District of Verraont and been ap pointed chief of staff of Governor Fuller with the rank of colonel. AMASA O. GATES. Colonel Gates has for thirty years been affiliated with Free Masonry, during which period he has belonged to Mt. Vernon Lodge. He was a charter raember of J. M- Warren Post, No. 4, G. A. R., Morrisville, has held the position of adjutant and for three years been its coraraander. He has GIDDINGS. ¦ GLEASON. 155 been for two years inspector of department of Vermont and twice has been honored with the ofifice of delegate to the national encampment. GIDDINGS, WILLIAM H., of Water bury, son of WiUiam, Jr., and Betsey (Wal lace) Giddings, was born in Bakersfield, Oct. 24, 1840. After the customary coramon school edu cation in Bakersfield he resolved to follow the medical profession and for this purpose coraraenced his studies with Dr. ^V. R. Hutchinson of Enosburgh. He then entered the raedical department of the University of Verraont frora which he received a diploraa, graduating in the, class of 1866. He com menced the practice of his profession in his native town where he remained actively en gaged until April, 1892, when he was chosen acting superintendent of the Vermont Asy lura for the Insane, and the wisdom of his selection to this position was confirmed by his appointment as superintendent a few months after. This ofifice he still continues to hold. He was united in wedlock in Bakersfield, Feb. II, 1868, to Sarah A., daughter of John and Betsey (Pierson) Perkins, One child has been born to them : Florence E. Dr. Giddings was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1870 and by the vote of his Republican constituents he was sent as town representative to the Legislature ten years after, and was finally elected senator from Franklin county in 1888, where he served with raarked ability as the chairman of the committee on the GILL, Daniel Oscar, of Springfield, son of Charles and Sophia (Healey) Gill, was born at Hartland, August 15, 1837. When Daniel was three years old, he was adopted by his uncle, Daniel A. Gill, and educated in the pubhc schools of Springfield and at Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N. H. Mr. GUI was bred a farmer, and never forgetting " that the cultivation of the earth is the most independent labor of man " has reraained a farmer during a long and useful life. He now owns and superintends several estates. On one of these his father was born and lived eighty-nine years. Dur ing the last five years Mr. Gill has resided in Springfield, where he has some important interests, and is a partner in the firm of Noyes & GiU. He is also a stockholder and director in the Jones & Lamson Machine Co., of Springfield. He has been often caUed upon to settle estates and act as guardian, all of which trusts he has ably and faithfully discharged. As a meraber of the Republican party he has been caUed continuously for thirty years to sorae town office and has been a justice of the peace for nearly a quarter of a cent ury. In 1886 he represented Springfield in the House and was a raeraber of the com mittee on railroads. The only secret society with which he is affiliated is the Springfield Grange, P. of H. Mr. Gill vvas united in raarriage Jan. 27, 1864, to Helen C, daughter of Captain John and Elizabeth (Clough) Westgate, of Plainfield, N. H. She died within two years of their raarriage. He contracted a second raarriage with Miss Jennie L., daughter of Rev. George D. and Fanny (White) But terfield, of Monticello, Iowa. Two chUdren have blessed their union : Frank D., and Fred Butterfield. GLEASON, Carlisle Joyslin, of Montpelier, son of Huzziel and Emily H. (Richardson) Gleason, was born in Warren, Oct. 23, T831. He was prepared for coUege at the W^est Randolph Academy, and was graduated from Dartmouth College with the class of CARLISLE JOYSLIN GLEASON. 1856, receiving the degree of A. B. In col lege, he was a raember of the Social Friends and Delta Kappa Epsilon societies. Enter ing the law ofifice of Timothy P. Redfield in Montpelier, he pursued his studies there until February, 1857, when he was made principal of the Central grammar school, Peabody, Mass. During this time he con- 156 GLEASON. . tinned his legal studies, returning to Mont pelier in July, 1858, where he resumed his place in Mr. Redfield's ofifice. He was admitted to the bar Oct. 4, 1858, but still continued with Mr. Redfield as student and assistant tiU Jan. i, 1861, when he becarae a partner under the firm name of Redfield & Gleason. He was associated with Mr. Red- field until the latter was elected, in 1870, a judge of the Supreme Court. During this time he was actively engaged in his pro fession. In 1856 and during the extra session of 1857 he was reporter ofthe Vermont Senate and in the following year he performed the sarae duties in the House of Representa tives. Though alraost a stranger in Mont pelier, he received the appointraent of reporter of the Senate in the contest insti tuted by the late Hon. E. P. Walton, upon whom at that time devolved the duty of raaking this appointment. There were ten or twelve candidates, and just before the opening of the session. Judge Luke P. Poland was to deliver an opinion in a case of considerable iraportance. On the morning of the day on which the opinion was to be delivered, Mr. Walton informed the aspirants that he would appoint the candidate who should produce the best report of it. Mr. Gleason's report was judged the best, and he received the appointraent. In 1859 and i860 Mr. Gleason was secretary of the Ver raont Senate. January i, 1872, he forraed a copartnership with Henry K. Field, Esq., and they carried on a successful practice at Montpelier. Their clients were largely frora Boston and New York. In 1881 Mr. Gleason retired from the active practice of his profession. In 1882 and 1883 he was chairman of the board of listers and assessors and also justice of the peace. In the spring of 1885, he took charge of the American Mortgage and Investment Co., in Boston, Mass., and acted as attorney, director and treasurer in closing up the business of that company. In June, 1885, he was elected director and treasurer of the American Investraent Co., of Nashua, N. H., and had charge of the Boston office of that company till March, 1891, when he returned to his former residence in Mont pelier, which he has since made his horae. He is now a raeraber of the firm of Goss & Gleason of Vergennes, manufacturers of kaolin and owners of the Monkton Kaohn Works. Mr. Gleason clairas to have retired frora active business, but there are few raen who are more industriously employed. His real estate investments in Montpelier and A\'ashington county require his constant care and he bears the reputation of being a care ful and successful financier. He was married, Dec. 12, i860, to EUen GLEASON. Jeannette, daughter of Orarael H. and Mary (Goss) Smith, of Montpelier. Mr. Gleason is a staunch Democrat, but he has not sought political ofifice, preferring to give his attention to professional duties and in later years to business pursuits. He has been United States commissioner since his appointment by Judge Woodruff in 1873 ; the office came to hira unsolicited. GLEASON, HENRY Clay, of Rich raond, son of Rolla and Jenette T. (Mason) Gleason, was born in Richmond, March 28 185 I. His education was obtained from the common schools of his native town and at Barre Academy. When quite young he entered on his business career in a small way as a speculator in poultry and farm pro duce ; from the profits thus realized he pur chased a farra and followed by other invest ments in real estate. For a period of eleven years beginning under Grant's last adminis tration he was raail agent on the Central Verraont R. R., between St. Albans and Bos ton, and having half the tirae to devote to his personal afifairs he continued in other lines of business and also operated in the luraber trade in which he is still engaged. Since leaving the mail service he has given special attention to farming and dairy , products. In this he has been successful and by his advanced methods has been en abled to winter sixty cows and four horses. Among his other enterprises was a creamery which he started simply as a private affair to manufacture the butter frora his own dairy. Frora this sraall beginning it has increased to such an extent that he is now receiving the milk of some 5,000 cows from which his daily raanufacture of butter is more than 3,000 pounds. He was married in 1879, to Katie D., daughter of Albert and Mariette (WUliams) Town. Two daughters were born to them : Grace J., and Gladys M. Mr. Gleason is a sound Republican in his political faith. His father was an active and well known politician and the disposition to take a deep interest in all public matters seems to have been inherited by the son ; his private business, however, has occupied so much of his care and attention that he has been unable to accept raany of the town ofifices which have been tendered him. He represented his town in the Legislature in 1888 and is at the present time serving as one of the state senators of Chittenden county. GLEASON, JOSEPH THOMAS, of Lyndonville, son of George and Sabrina (Thoraas) Gleason, was born in Lunenburg, June 18, 1844. He is the seventh in lineal GLEASON. GLEASON. 157 descent from John Howe of Sudbury, Mass., whose progenitor was John Howe, a War wickshire squire, and kinsman of Sir Charles Howe of Lancaster in the reign of Charles I. John Howe of Sudbury was one of the petitioners in 1657 for the grant constitu ting the town of Marlboro, Mass. Both the paternal and maternal grandfathers of J. T. Gleason served in the war of the Revolution, the latter holding a comraission as lieuten ant in a New Hampshire regiment. His grandfather, Joseph Gleason, carae to Lunen burg in 1802 where for half a century he was deacon in the Congregational church. His father, George Gleason, eighty-four years of JOSEPH THOMAS GLEASON. age, lives in Lunenburg, one of its solid raen, a forraer captain of railitia and a deacon of the Baptist church. After receiving his education in the schools of Lunenburg Mr. J. T. Gleason en Usted in December, 1861, in Co. K, Sth Regt. Vt. Vols., driUed with the regiraent for a brief period and was then rejected on account of his extreme youth. Anxious stiU to serve his country in her hour of peril he re-enhsted in Co. E, 15th Vt. Vols., in August, 1862. When the regiment took up the route for Gettysburg Mr. Gleason, or dered to the hospital by the surgeon on ac count of illness, refused to obey and marched with his command to Gettysburg, serving with it until it was honorably discharged at the close of its period of enlistment. During the war he contracted disabUities from which he has never fully recovered. After his return he engaged in agricult ural pursuits. In 1874 he began the study of law in the ofifice of Joseph P. Lamson, Esq., of Cabot, and then pursued his pro fessional researches under W. W. Eaton, Esq., of West Concord, untU the spring of 1875, when he opened an ofifice for hiraselfi He was adraitted to practice at the Vermont bar in 1876 and entered into copartnership with O. F. Harvey, Esq., at West Concord which connection was dissolved in 1877. A year afterward he removed to LyndonvUle where he was the first member of his pro fession to open an ofifice and where he now resides. Well read in the law and trusted by the people of the vicinage he has built up a large general practice embracing the set tlement of raany estates, while of all the suits he has brought, he has never lost but one. His title of judge he derives from his election to an associate judgeship of the Caledonia county court. Coraing to Lyn donville two years before its incorporation Judge Gleason drew up its charter, put it through the Legislature and at once took a prorainent part in settleraent of the many questions that would naturally arise in the new town and was identified with every step of its progress. His readiness of speech and clearness of statement gave him a prom inent place in the deliberative assemblies of Lyndon, where, a staunch Republican, he has been for several years auditor and modera tor, also serving since 1886 as chairraan of the Republican town coramittee. He owns and resides in one of the hand some raansions of LyndonviUe, having been married, Sept. 9, 1884, to Mary S., daughter of Roswell and Laodicea (Holbrook) Aldrich. They have one daughter : Louise M. Judge Gleason is a Congregationalist in his religious behef and has taken a deep and abiding interest in the Masonic order, being a meraber of Crescent Lodge No. 66, F. & A. M., Lyndonville, and Palestine Com raandery K. T., Caledonia Council R. & S. M., HasweU Royal Arch Chapter of St. Johnsbury. He is serving his second term as Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of the Order Eastern Star of Vermont and is also a member of Farnsworth Post No. 106, G. A. R., of LyndonviUe and is its efificient adjutant. Joseph Thomas Gleason serves as an illus tration of a typical New Englander, who, coming out of the war broken in health and without a dollar, commanded success from adverse circumstances. GLEASON, RICHARDSON J., of Waits field, son of Huzziel and Emily (Richard son) Gleason, was born in Warren, Dec. 28, 1828. Mr. Gleason's early youth and manhood 158 GLEASON. GLEASON. were passed upon the farm, and he received such an education as could be obtained in the coramon schools of Warren and Waits field. In 1849 he entered the employment of Mr. Richardson of the latter place and reraained with hira three years. He then removed to Royalton and gave his services to Daniel Tarbell for two years. At the end of that time he returned to Waitsfield and was employed as clerk by Cyrus Skinner. In 1855 he conducted a union store in the viUage and afterward forraed a mercantile partnership with Judge J. H. Hastings which continued for four years. Since then he has been in trade at Waitsfield, and has been an iraportant factor in the business life of the place. Mr. Gleason is a Republican. The esti raation in which he is held is amply attested by the trusts conferred upon him. He has held nearly every town ofifice, settled several estates and acted as trustee in many ira portant matters. Among the many impor tant appointments bestowed upon him are town clerk and treasurer. These positions he has occupied for nearly forty years. He was made assistant postraaster in 1858 and in 1 86 1 was appointed postmaster, which place he retained until his resignation in 1889. He was sent to the state Legislature in 1890 and served on the grand list cora mittee. He raarried, March 31, 1856, Mary L., daughter of Captain CroweU and Almira Pease Matthews of Waitsfield. Their chil dren are : Herbert C, Mary E., Jennie M., and Louise R. Mr. Gleason belongs to the Congrega tional church and for a long time has been the treasurer of that society in Waitsfield. GLEASON, Samuel Mills, of Thet ford, son of Richard Mills and Harriet (Moxley) Gleason, was born at Thetford, June 28, 1833. He was fittted for college at Thetford Academy, under Hiram Orcutt, and gradu ated at Dartmouth CoUege in 1858. He read law with Cornelius W. Clarke, Esq., of Chel sea, and was admitted to the bar in 1861. He at once coramenced the practice of law at Thetford Center, where he has con tinued ever since. He is one of the best known and most successful lawyers of this section. He was state's attorney in 1864 and 1865, and again in 1868 and 1869. While acting in that capacity he conducted successfully many iraportant criminal cases. In the long contested chancery case of Bick- nell and PoUard against the Vermont Copper Mining Co., supposed to involve the sum of ^500,000, he was associated with Hon. John W. Rowell, and argued the case for an entire day before the general terra of the Suprerae Court, receiving the congratulations of Chief Justice Pierpoint. In 1883 he was appointed receiver of all the immense mining and other property in controversy (in, the suits against the Vermont Copper Mining Co. Vermont Copper Co., and Ely Goddard & Cazin), which was once valued at more than a raUlion dollars, and he has successfully dis charged that trust. Judge Gleason married. May 19, 1862, Sarah Lysenbee, daughter of Dr. Enoch Hil ton and Arvilla Sraith (Brown) PiUsbury ot Hubbardston, Mass. He represented Thetford in the Legisla ture in 1864 and 1865 and was senator in 1880. He is one ofthe trustees of Thetford Acaderay, and of the State Normal School SAMUEL MILLS GLEASON. at Randolph, and was a director and attor ney of the West Fairlee Savings Bank. He was elected in 1893 a trustee of the Brad ford Savings Bank and Trust Co. In 1880 he was appointed by Governor Farnham chairman of the board of raUroad commis sioners for two years, and fiUed this respon sible position to the satisfaction of the public as well as of the raUroad companies. He has been town clerk many years, and was elected judge of probate for the district of Bradford in Orange county, in September, 1886, by a large raajority, and later by every vote of both political parties in the district, which ofifice he now holds. Judge Gleason is a raan universally es teeraed for his raany estimable qualities. GOODELL. GOODELL. 159 GOODELL, Jerome Winthrop, of Burlington, son of Ira and SUa (Holmes) GoodeU, was born in West Townshend, Oct. 29, 1842. His educational advantages were received in the Townshend public schools followed by one term in the Leland & Gray Serainary of that place. He then worked with his father and .at Keene, N. H., in a luraber miU, tUl He has taken thirty-two degrees in the order of Free Masonry and has held raost of the ofifices in the various organizations. He is Sublirae Prince of the Royal Secret and raeraber of the Vermont Consistory of Bur lington. He has also taken all degrees in the order of Odd Fellows, was raade Grand Patriarch in 1890, Grand Master in 1891 and the foUowing year was elected by the Grand Lodge as Grand Representative for Vermont for two years. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the American Legion of Honor. He adheres to the tenets of the Methodist church. Mr. GoodeU married, March 16, 187 1, Mary C, daughter of Luther and Mary (Thomas) Sampson of \Vayne, Me. GOODELL, Tyler D., of Readsboro, was born in that town, Nov. 10, 1849, the son of David and Sabrina (Hicks) GoodeU. The parentage of Mr. GoodeU was of New England stock and he inherited many of the characteristics for which New Englanders of the old school are distinguished. JEROME WINTHROP GOODELL. he arrived at his majority. Returning to his father with whom he remained tiU 1864, he then changed his residence to Boston, Mass., where he was employed as a clerk in a fur nishing store on Washington street for six years. In 1870 he commenced to act as a comraercial traveler for the house of George M. Glaziel & Co. In 1874 he setded in Burlington, where he held the ofifice of superintendent of the Burlington Manufact uring Co., but two years after the firm of J. W. GoodeU & Co. was established which continued untU 1885 when the copartner ship was dissolved and Mr. GoodeU con tinued his business alone, engaging in the working of marble and granite which has proved both successful and remunerative. He is also engaged in the manufacture of patent box binders. Mr. GoodeU for two years served as alder man for the 5 th ward of the city of Buriing ton and since the establishment of a board of managers for the water system has been one of the comraissioners. He has been elected to many minor ofifices by the votes of the dominant 'party. TYLER D. GOODELL. The early life of Mr. GoodeU was spent in acquiring an education and upon the farm, and for ten years from his twenty-fifth birth day he was a stage driver frora Readsboro. About 1874 Mr. GoodeU purchased the GoodeU House of Readsboro, and since that time has successfully conducted that well- known estabUshment, raaking it a raodel country hotel and presiding over his guests i6o GOODHUE. GOODENOUGH. with a grace equaUed only by the boniface of old. Mr. GoodeU married, first, June 25, 187 1, Flora E., daughter of Rev. Jeremiah Gifford. She died Dec. 26, 1874. The fruits of this marriage were HaUie T., and Flora E. He married, second, Feb. 12, 1879, Ida M., daughter of E. W. and G. M. Robertson of Readsboro. Of this union were four sons, two of whora are Uving : Earl W., and Har vey E. Always affiliating with the dominant party he has received raany honors at their hands. Besides holding many local positions he has three tiraes represented his town in the Leg islature, viz. : in the sessions of 1880, 1886 and 1892. Although not rabid on the subject of tem perance, Mr. GoodeU beUeves in the uphold ing and honoring of the prohibitory laws of the state, and has fully demonstrated that Vermont hotels can be successfully con ducted without seUing liquor. GOODHUE, HOMER, of Westminster West, son of Deacon Ebenezer and Lydia HOMER GOODHUE. (Ranney) Goodhue, was born in Westmin ster, March 4, 181 1. He received his early education in the common schools of his native town and at the Deerfield, Mass., and Bennington Academies, graduating from the latter in 1828, when he returned to Westrainster and taught school for two winters, spending his suramers on the farm. In 183 1 he went to Charlestown, Mass. where he was eraployed as an attendant in. the McLane Asylura for the Insane, from which place he was proraoted, after three years of service, to that of supervisor, which position he held for eighteen years, when he resigned and returned to 'Westminster in 1852. In i853-'54 Mr. Goodhue travelled ex tensively in the United States and British provinces, in the company of a private patient under his care. After his return Mr. Goodhue took a lead ing part in town afifairs, and since that time has held all the various town ofifices, and represented his town in the Legislatures of 1863 and 1865. He was also elected state senator in 1866 and 1867, and filled the position creditably to himself and acceptably to his county and state. He served as county commissioner from i860 to 1875, and was appointed by the Legislature in 1867 a commissioner of the insane, and re appointed in 1868. In 1882 he was chosen one of the state board of supervisors of the insane, which position he has continuously held since that tirae, serving the board as chairmain during the past eight years. Mr. Goodhue has never yet failed to be present at the regular monthly meetings of the board in Brattie boro and generally in Waterbury. He has had raore practical experience in the care and manageraent of the insane and insane asylums than any other man in Verraont, and probably in New England. His judgment has often been sought by persons engaged in this specialty. Mr. Goodhue was married March 8, 1855, to Delyra, daughter of Jaraes and Patience (HaUett) TuthiU. She died Nov. 21, 1893. GOODENOUGH, Jonas Eli, of Montpelier, son of Alonzo E. and Elizabeth (Roulston) Goodenough, was born in Berlin, Oct. 22, i860, on the farra originally bought and settled on by Joseph Goodenough in 1794. He was educated in the district schools and Washington county grammar school, taught school several winters, and studied dentistry with Dr. O. P. Forbush of Mont pelier, receiving a certificate of qualification from the state board of dental examiners. August I, 1884, he entered the Montpelier post-office as clerk under Postmaster George W. Wing, and was appointed assistant post master June 16, 1888, which position he re tained till the expiration of the term of Mr. Wing's successor, Mr. Morse, when Mr. Goodenough was appointed postmaster by President Harrison, taking possession of the GOODWIN. office August i, 1892. He has administered the duties of the ofifice to the satisfaction of the entire community and made many im provements in the service. He is a raember of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M., of which he has been Master. He is also a member of King Solomon Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, and Mount Zion Comraandery. GOSS. 161 JONAS ELI GOODENOUGH. Mr. Goodenough raarried, Feb. 18, 1889, Ehza P., daughter of James H. and Cathar ine B. Holden of Middlesex. GOODWIN, Elam Marsh, late of Hartland, son of Israel and Betsey (Mel- endy) Goodwin, was born in Plainfield, Dec. 22, 1828. Comraencing his education in the cora raon schools of Plainfield, he continued pur suing his studies at the People's Acaderay of MorrisviUe and concluded them af the Green Mountain Perkins Institute of South Wood stock. In early life he evinced a taste for the natural sciences, and was always a great reader and careful student in this field. He had collected a very choice and weU-selected cabinet of minerals, shells, reUcs, and arch aeological curiosities. When he was twenty- one he went to the West for a year, but re turned well satisfied to make Vermont his horae. In 1862 he purchased the farra on which he resided until his death in 1890. He was a successful teacher both before and after he devoted hiraself to agricultural pur suits, and was a valuable member of the State Board of Agriculture. ^Mr. Goodwin was an earnest Republican and has held many ofificial positions. He was town superintendent of schools in Flart- land and for many years town agent. He represented Hartiand several terms in the House, was county commissioner, and sen ator from Windsor county in 1882. In the House and Senate as elsewhere he was an able and fluent speaker. The duties of executor, trustee, guardian, referee and au ditor constantiy devolved upon him with the increasing confidence of his associates. Mr. Goodwin was married March 17, 1869, to EUen A., daughter of Seth and Ehza Densmore Brewster of Hartland. Their only child is Fred Marsh. He was a Universahst, and during his long life was a shining example of probity, maintaining a high standard of rectitude araong his friends and neighbors. Ex-Governor Pingree in his memorial ad dress said : "He was ranked by all as a man conspicuous for his natural and acquired abil ities, raost of the tirae filUng ofificial posi tions in his town and county and constantly attaining a wider and more pronounced rec ognition for qualities of heart, head and character as a public man." GOSS, Story N., of Chelsea, son of .\bel and Amanda (Hebard) Goss, was born in Waterford, Feb. 7, 1831. His father was a farraer, and Story reraained upon the farm until he was twenty-three years old. Educated at the public schools of Water ford and later at the academies of St. Johns bury and Chelsea, he coraraenced to study medicine with Doctors Bancroft and NeweU at St. Johnsbury and afterwards with Prof. E. R. Peasley of Dartmouth College. He graduated in 1856 from the raedical depart raent of Dartmouth College and in 1857 he received a degree from the Medical CoUege of New York. Later he accepted an ap pointment as senior physician on the staff" of Dr. Sanger at Blackwell's Island. Re maining there one year he returned to Ver mont and commenced the practice of his profession in Georgia, where he continued to live till the breaking out of the civil war. Dr. Goss was married Jan. 4, 1858, to Ann Eliza daughter of Stephen and Phoebe (Hale ) Vincent of Chelsea, and four children have been born to them : Arthur Vincent, Harry Hale, Walter Story, and Annie E. Dr. Goss was coraraissioned assistant sur geon 9th Regt. Vt. Vols., Sept. 26, 1862, and ordered to report to the general hospital at Brattleboro. Here he reraained till AprU when he received orders to join his regiraent in the field, previous to which he was pre sented with a sword by the patients and at tendants pf the Brattleboro institution in token of their high appreciation of his valu- l62 GOVE. able services. Continuing with the 9th Regt. in the vicinity of Yorktown, he was com peUed to resign in October, 1863, as he was stricken down with malarial fever. Par tially recovering, his zeal for the cause led hira to re-enlist as acting assistant surgeon, U. S. A., and was ordered again to Brattle boro and shortly afterwards to Fairfax Semi nary Hospital, A^a., at the tirae when the battles of the Wilderness were fought. For a third tirae he was stationed at Brattleboro and later at Burlington until the close of the war. After his dischargefrom the service he re turned to Georgia and reraained there tiU 1870, when he settled in Chelsea and has practiced his profession there ever since. Dr. Goss was one of the original raembers, who constituted Waterson Post, No. 45, G. A. R. He has been a Republican from his youth. He was for several years superin- GRANGER. Academy, and at the New Hampton (N. H.) Institute. After graduating from that institute, he taught school in Lincoln and Starksboro three years. He coraraenced business in the faUof 1873 by opening a retaU boot and shoe store, and continued in the same until *s MOSES B. GOVE. STORY N. GOSS. tendent of schools at Georgia and also at Chelsea. Dr. Goss stands high in his pro fession as a public-spirited citizen and has been for a long time the public health officer of the town in which he resides. GOVE, Moses B., of Lincoln, son of Daniel and Sarah (Taber) Gove, was born in Granville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1847. His parents removed to Lincoln when he was five years old, where he has since re sided. He received his education at the coraraon schools of that town, at Barre October, 1890, when at the organization of the Lincoln Luraber Co., he became one of the stockholders, and was elected secretary and treasurer, and has held that position up to the present time. Mr. Gove has been prominently identified with his town, and has held many positions of honor and trust, having been a justice of the peace continuously since 1874, town clerk and treasurer since 1875, postmaster from 1877 to the time of his resignation in 1890, assistant judge of Addison county court, i89i-'92, and a school director in 1893. Judge Gove has been a raember of the Methodist Episcopal church for more than twenty years. He was married May 10, 1870, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Asa and Fanny Purin ton, and they have had three daughters, one of whom died in infancy, and two are living: Amy Pearl, and Fanny EsteUe. GRANGER, Pliny Nye, of West Burke, son of John and Eunice (Owen) Granger, was born in Bethel, Nov. 26, 1823. GRANGER. GREENE. 163 His education was received at the public and private schools of Bethel and Wood stock. The faraily having removed to Wood stock when he was seventeen he assisted his father, who was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and afterwards was concerned in the business of a butcher tUl 1845, when a strong desire for adventure induced him to embark at New Bedford on a whaling voyage as ship's carpenter. This voyage extended through three and a half years. Returning in the fall of 1848 Mr. Granger resumed work at his carpenter's bench at which he continued to labor till the spring of 1853, when he was admitted to the M. E. Conference and immediately began to preach in various towns in the state. He continued his duties as pastor for twenty years and then assumed the position of agent for the State Temperance Society, lecturing all over Vermont and making his residence at Peacham. Returning to his ministerial labors, he is now stationed at West Burke. He has .always been a successful preacher, ever mak ing additions to the societies of which he has had the pastoral charge. He has had few .active revivals bufbelieves in constant regu lar work. Mr. Granger's ancestors emigrated from the old country to Amherst, Mass., and Suf field, Conn. He was united in marriage May 28, 1849, to Sophia, , daughter of Loring and Susan (Metcalf) Richmond of Woodstock, who ¦died Dec. 24, 1878, leaving issue : John Lormg (deceased), Sarah J. (deceased), Guy R., George H., one of a surveying party which went up the Pearl river in 1880 .and was never heard from; Susan L. (Mrs. Harrison McClachlin of Peachara), and Frank P. Septeraber 7, 1880, Mr. Granger raarried as his second wife Ellen E., daugh ter of Nathaniel P. and Lydia (Rollins) Stevens of Derby. Mr. Granger has occupied the responsi ble position of superintendent of schools in the towns of Walden, Holland and Lyndon, represented Peacham in the Legislature in 1872. In 1S74 he was chosen a senator from Caledonia county. He has served eight years as commissioner both in Orleans and Caledonia county. In 1880 and 1884 he was selected as delegate from the Ver mont annual conference to the General M. E. Conference and has been for several years trustee of the Verraont M. E. Serai nary, trustee and treasurer of the Preachers' Aid Society and also served for a consider able time as steward of the M. E. Conference and upon several other standing committees of the church. Mr. Granger was presiding elder of St. Albans district from 1878 to 1882 and of St. Johnsbury district from 1882 to 1886. He has always been a steady ad vocate of temperance and has been erainent in the order of Good Teraplars : was a charter raeraber of Lodge No. 7. He has also served as delegate to the Grand Lodge of Verraont and to the Right Grand Lodge when it asserabled at Detroit, Mich. GREENE, Olin D., of Warren, son of Milton and Aurora (Goodno) Greene, was born Sept. 21, 1856, in Rochester. Brought up as a farmer, he obtained his education in the coramon schools of Roches ter and the State Norraal School at Ran dolph. Concluding to adopt the medical profession, he studied for three years with his brother. Dr. L. M. Greene of Bethel, and meanwhile attended lectures at the U. V. M., from which institution he graduated M. D. in 1879. Dr. Greene coraraenced practice in Roch ester, remained there one year and then re moved to Warren where his devotion to his chosen profession has secured to him a large and steadily increasing practice. He is a meraber of the State Medical Society. He was married March 4, 1879, to Emma L., daughter of Richard and Clara (Ray mond) Bee of Rochester. Their only child is Mabelle S. Dr. Greene belongs to the Republican party, and though never an eager aspirant for poUtical honors, has occupied the ofifice of justice of the peace and in 1888 was elected to represent Warren in the Legisla ture, where he was a useful member of the committee on raanufactures. Two brothers of Dr. Greene occupy the pulpit, one in Lowell, Mass., and one in Wakefield of the same state. GROUT, Don D., of Waterbury, son of Luraan M. and Philura J. (French) Grout, was born in MorrisviUe, April 24, 1849. Educated at the People's Acaderay, Mor risville, he taught for a time in Stowe and HolUston, Mass., and was the principal of the acaderay at West Charleston. Deciding upon a professional career he began the study of raedicine under Dr. George A. Hinraan of Charleston and later with Dr. Edward S. Peck of New York. This was followed by attendance at several courses of lectures at Dartraouth and the University of Vermont from which latter in stitution he graduated M. D. in 1872. Upon his graduation Dr. Grout received the ap pointraent of assistant physician in the Kings County (N. Y.) Hospital and later filled the same position at the asylum for the insane at the sarae place. He began the practice of his profession at Wolcott in 1873, and in 1875 removed to Stowe where he built up a lucrative practice, which he re linquished in the spring of 1890 to enter I 64 GROUT. GRIFFIN. upon a larger field of activity, which he found at Waterbury, where he has since resided and is actively engaged in his profession. Pohtically, Dr. Grout afifiUates with the dominant party of Y'ermont, and that his ef forts have been appreciated by his party is evidenced by the positions of honor and trust which have been given him. He was superintendent of schools while in Wolcott ; DON D. GROUT. while a resident of Stowe he represented that town in the Legislature, serving on the cora raittees of pubhc health and lunatic asyluras, and had charge of the biU to locate and con struct a state asylura for the insane, and was appointed by Governor DilUnghara one of the trustees for said institution, and had the per sonal supervision of the construction of a portion of the buildings. He has held raany town offices and is at present one of the Waterbury viUage trustees. Dr. Grout has been three times raarried. In July, 1873, he married Nettie A., daughter of John and Susan Jones of Barre, by whom he has had two children, Inez L., and Luman M. December 20, 1881, he married Angle, daughter of Venon and Ehza Wilkins of Stowe. She left him four children ; Annie M., Josie R., Benjamin Harrison, and Angle. In 1892 he married his present wife, Ida E., daughter of D. J. and Jane Morse of Water bury. Dr. Grout is an active member of the Ma sonic fraternity, being a member of the Winooski Lodge, Waterbury Chapter, of Royal Arch Masons and of Waterbury Coun cU of Royal and Select Masters. He has for the past two years been the Worshipful Master of Winooski Lodge. GRIFFIN, Benoni, of Sudbury, son of Benoni and Abigail (Ray) Grififin, was born in Sudbury, March 26, 1809. The family came originaUy from England and the name of Benoni has descended frora father to''son for many generations both here and in the old country. His educational advantages were Umited to the common schools of Sud bury and he went from these to labor upon the farra. Mr. Griffin cultivates with great success a large farm of three hundred acres in extent. He also trades extensively in cattie and is known as an honorable and energetic dealer in those hnes of business to which he has given his attention. As an adherent of the RepubUcan party he has held aU the ofifices which could be conferred upon him by his feUow townsmen, and he was elected member for Sudbury to the state Legislature of 1880. Mr. GrifSn was employed as a recruiting ofificer during the war of the rebeUion. BENONI GRIFFIN. Mr. Griffin; was united to Sarah W., daugh ter of Thomas and Dorcas (Murray) MiUer, March 12, 1840. Their children are: La- Roy S., Edna J., Florence S., Ella C. (Mrs. E. C. Spooner), Ernest B., Rolla C, Mary A., Nettie M., and Irwin B. GROUT. GROUT. 1 65 GROUT, Josiah, of Derby, son of Josiah and Sophronia (Ayer) Grout, was born of American parents in Compton, Canada, May 28, 1842. 'When six years of age his father removed to Vermont and he received his education in the public schools and Orleans Liberal In stitute at Glover. He also commenced a course of study at the St. Johnsbury Acad emy, which he left to enlist Oct. 2, 1861, as a private in Co. I, ist Vt. Cavalry. He was mustered in on the organization of his corapany as 2d lieutenant, proraoted to cap tain in 1862, and in 1864 was appointed major of the 26th N. Y. Cavalry which was organized for frontier service after the St. Albans raid. WhUe serving with the ist Vt. he participated in seventeen different en- JOSIAH GROUT. gagements and was badly wounded in a skirmish with the partisan leader Mosby, AprU I, 1863. At the termination of the war he entered the law oflfice of his brother. General Grout, at Barton where he continued tUl December, 1865, when he was admitted to practice in the Vermont courts. The foUowing year he reraoved to Island Pond where he had charge of the Custora House for three years and also served the sarae space of time in the same capacUy at St. Albans and New port. In 1874 he changed his residence to Chicago and afterwards to Moline, 111. WhUe at Newport, before going West, he practiced his profession with very great suc cess, ranking high as a lawyer and espe cially excelling as a jury advocate. In 1880 he returned to Vermont and has since devoted himself solely to his extensive raodel stock farm, his chief delight being farming — and it well done. Major Grout's efforts as an agriculturist and stock raiser have met with great success and he possesses sorae of the finest Jersey cattle, blooded Morgan horses and Shropshire sheep in the Green Mountain state. Major Grout was united in raarriage, October, 1867, to Harriet, daughter of Aaron and Nancy (Stewart) Hinraan, one of the leading fataUies of Derby. They have one son : Aaron H. Major Grout is an earnest Republican. He represented Newport in the Legislature in 1872, 1874, and Derby in 1884, 1886 and 1888. He was one of the Orleans county senators in 1892. He was speaker of the House, in 1874, 1886 and 1888. He has served as the chief executive ofificer of the Republican Club at Derby, and was four years vice-presdent and one year president of the Verraont League of Republican Clubs. He is liberal in his religious belief and has been raised to the sublirae degree of a Master Mason. During the three years he was in Chicago, he built up a nice law practice which was reluctantly exchanged for business prospects at Moline, where for tvvo years he was one of the supervisors of Rock Island county. He devotes hiraself industriously and with conscientious purpose to the accomplishment of all his undertak ings and can be literaUy regarded as one of those who dpes with his might whatever his hands find to do. Particularly is this characteristic of faithfulness noticeable in the work he has bestowed in improving and developing his farm and stock, which with a pardonable pride he so cheerfully shows all who call to see him. GROUT, SELIM E., of St. Johnsbury, son of Theophilus and Hannah (Chick) Grout, was born in Kirby, June 11, 1836. His father first saw the hght in the old homestead now inthe possession of Gen. W. W. Grout, M. C, and died when Sehm was only eleven years old. At that time the farm was sold and Selira was thrown upon his own resources to fight the battie of life without paternal guidance at a critical age, but he possessed the characteristic faraily traits of courage, versatility and enterprise. Beginning his education in the comraon schools at Concord, he attended later the Lyn don Acaderay. He worked upon the farm, learned the trade of a shoemaker, carriage maker and harness maker, acted as clerk, then engaged in selling ice in New York and creditably encountered the rough edge of the world in many and varied capacities. i66 GROUT. GROUT. Later he carried on the carriage and harness business, and when the P. lS: 0. R. R. was completed in January, 1872, he was ap pointed the first station agent at West Con cord and acted nearly twenty years in that capacity. During the latter part of this period he gave his attention to manufactur ing chair stock, bobbins, and dressed lumber until his works were burned down in 1890. He also owned and carried on a large grist miU at West Concord for several years. SELIM E, GROUT. Mr. Grout was raarried at Concord Sept. 18, 1862, to Annette, daughter of Benjamin and Sophronia (Richardson) Hutchinson of Waterford. They have adopted Arthur Mur ray and Florence C. Grout. Mr. Grout was a charter member of Essex Grange P. of H. and also one of the original members of Moose River Lodge, No. 82, F. and A. M., and has passed through the chairs of J. and S. W. For two terras he served his lodge as Worshipful Master. From the beginning Mr. Grout has been an active RepubUcan. A man of benevolent irapulses, he has been a useful and public- spirited citizen, obliging and accommodating often to his own loss. He represented Con cord in the Legislature of 1880. His stand ing in the community may be inferred from the fact that he has been deputy and high sheriff of Essex county for seventeen years, auditor for six years, and was elected state senator from Essex county in 1890. GROUT, William W., of Kirby, was born of Araerican parents in Compton, P. Q.^ May 24, 1836. His ancestry is traced back to Dr. John Grout who came from England in 1630 and settled in Watertown, Mass. His great-grandfather, Elijah Grout, of Charies- town, N. H., served as comraissary in the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, Theo philus Grout, settled on the Moose river in the new state of Vermont upon land after ward included in the present town of Kirby, in the year 1799, and there cleared a large farra which his father, Josiah Grout, after wards owned and on which he lived till near the tirae of his death. ^\'iUiam W. Grout received a common school and academic education, and was graduated at the Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Law School in 1857. Hewas admitted to the bar in Deceraber of the sarae year, and settled in the practice of the law at Barton. In July, 1862, he was norainated by the Republicans of the county to the office of state's attor ney, but declined the noraination and en hsted in a corapany then being raised in Bar ton for the civil war. On its organization he was made daptain, and subsequently was promoted to be Ueutenant-colonel of the 15 th Regt., which was attached to the brig ade of General Stannard, afterward so famous for the repulse of Pickett's charge at Gettys burg, The 15 th Regt. did not remain at Gettysburg till the close of the battie, but on the afternoon of the second day was ordered to the defence of the ist corps train, then on the way to Westminster, and Uable to at tack from Stuart's cavalry, which were prowl ing in the rear of, the Union army. A few days after the regiment joined the brigade at Funkstown, and the next day brought up in front of the eneray at Hagerstown, and Colonel Grout with two hundred men from the 1 6th Regt. went upon the skirmish hne against which the eneray was actively de monstrating, while Lee with the bulk of his army was crossing the Potomac. In August, 1863, Colonel Grout was raustered out with his regiment on account of expiration of term of service. In the faU of 1864 the enemy raided St. Albans, robbing banks, etc., and by order of the Governor of Verraont, Colonel Grout was placed in command of the provisional forces raised on the east side of the moun tain to guard the Canadian frontier. The Legislature then in session organized three brigades of militia, and Colonel Grout was elected brigadier-general and assigned by the Governor to the command of one of them. In 1865 he was elected state's attorney of Orleans county, and was re-elected in 1866. He represented Barton in 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1874. In 1876 he was elected i68 GROUT. GROUT. to the state Senate frora the county of Or leans, and on organization was raade presi dent pro tempore of that body. In 1878 he was norainated for Congress by the Republicans of the third district, but was beaten by Bradly Barlow, a greenbacker. In 1880 he was elected to the Forty-seventh Congress frora the third district. By the tenth census Vermont lost a raeraber, and the third was absorbed by the first and second districts. General Grout was a candidate for noraination in the second district in 1882, but was beaten by Judge Poland, ex-raember of both House and Senate, and ex-chief judge of the Supreme Court. In 1884 General Grout was nominated by the RepubUcans of the second district and was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress by a majority of nearly thirteen thousand, and has since been re elected to the Fiftieth, Fifty-first, Fifty-sec ond, and Fifty-third Congresses, invariably running ahead of his ticket. He has served on the committees on territories, levees and improvements of the Mississippi River, edu cation, District of Columbia (of which he was chairman in the Fifty-first Congress), expenditures in the interior and treasury de partments, and upon the coraraittee on ap propriations, of which he is now a member. Meantime General Grout has been en gaged in an active law practice till quite re cently, and all the time interested in agri culture. He now owns and resides upon the old homestead in Kirby where his grand father settled in 1799, and which has been in the family ever since. General Grout married Loraine M. Smith in i860, who died in 1868. He buried two children in infancy. He has not remarried. GROUT, THEOPHILUS, of Newport, son of Josiah and Sophronia (Ayer) Grout, was born in Compton, P. Q., Sept. 3, 1848. His early education was received in the public schools of Concord followed by an academic course at the institutions at St. Johnsbury, Newbury and Mclndoes Falls, after which, as he had resolved to adopt the legal profession as his life work, he com raenced his studies in the office of Bisbee & Grout and was admitted to the bar of Orleans county at the September term in 187 1. He commenced to practice in the town of Newport and with the exception of one year which he spent in Galveston, Tex., he continued his professional career in that place, having sorae of the tirae been in partnership with his brother Josiah and C. A. Prouty, Esq , but chiefly by hiraself. In 1878 he was made state's attorney and he has been connected with many important cases in the county. In 1880 Mr. Grout was chosen raeraber of the Legislature to represent Newport, in which body he served with marked ability on the committees to which had been entrusted the revision of the statutes and the rules. In educational af fairs, he has always taken an active interest has acted as superintendent of schools and THEOPHILUS GROUT. trustee of Newport Acaderay. In these duties his eariy experience raust have been of service, for he had been an instructor in his youth, having taught in several educa tional establishments in the northern part of the state. He was united in marriage Nov. 25, 1873, to Ellen A., daughter of Charies and Mary (Stubbs) Black of Galveston, Texas, and of this union there are issue : Charles T., and Addie Lou. Mr. Grout is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he is a warden and lay reader and is active in the work of the Sunday school. In Free Masonry he has received the honors of the 3 2d degree and he is the act ing prelate of Malta Commandery No. 10, of Newport. When he withdrew from pro fessional practice in 1891 he became editor and proprietor of the Newport Express and Standard, which journal he continues to publish till the present time. HAILE. 169 HAILE, Benjamin Harrison, of Mont- -gomery, son of Nathan and Mary Ann (Tar bell) Haile, was born in Montgomery, Dec. 26, 1846. The faraily of HaUe carae frora Scodand to Rhode Island at an early day in the col onial period. Nathan Haile was an early settler in Montgomery, a farmer and a lum berman. Benjamin was the fourth child of a family of five, and was born on the farra where he now resides. He received his education in the schools of Montgomery. Early inured to the labor of a farra, he developed a sturdy physique and unusual executive abUity, and from the time of his arrival at raan's estate has taken charge of aU the business appertaining to his father's farm and also of other propertifes which he has purchased from time to tirae. In the winter he devotes his attention to lumbering. In every calling he has met with merited success. He was largely instrumental in establishing a co operative creamery at Montgomery. Like his namesake Mr. HaUe is a stalwart Republican, and he has filled many public positions. In his native town, composed largely of a foreign element, his wise counsel and prudent advice have been influential and beneficial in the management of public affairs, and he was a useful member of the House of Representatives in 1888. He has been county commissioner. Mr. HaUe raarried in 1880, Hattie, daugh ter of A. P. and Harriet (Rawson) Richard son. Their children are : John Rawson, and Clarence Hamilton. HALE, Harry, late of Rindge, N. H., Windsor and Chelsea, was born in Rindge, N. H., Feb. 10, 1780. His father. Colonel Nathan Hale, who had been at horae after July, 1777, upon his limited parole to return within the enemy's lines at the end of two years, if not sooner exchanged, had left home pursuant to the terms of his parole, to return within the enemy's lines, and at the time of his son's birth was a prisoner of war in the hands of the British at New Utrecht, L. I., where he died, Sept. 23, 1780, without again visiting his home, so that the subject of this sketch never saw his father. His training, of course, devolved upon his wid owed mother, a woman of remarkable energy, decision, and intelligence. He was educated at the common schools in Rindge, with the addition of a term or two at New Ipswich Academy, but succeeded in acquiring a thorough practical education, and was al ways reraarkable for his coramand of pure and forcible English both in writing and in speech. When about twenty years of age he joined his brother Nathan at ^Vindsor, and either then or on arriving at his majority, entered into copartnership with him under the firm name of N. & H. Hale as country merchants, having a store at Windsor street and, after a few years, another at the West Parish, now West Windsor. He removed from Windsor to Chelsea in 1807, and there continued for some years in partnership with his brother Nathan. On the dissolution of their partner ship he formed a business connection with Joshua Dickinson for several years, carrying on a country store under the firm narae ot Hale & Dickinson. They built the structure on the west side of the north common, since known as the Dickinson store. Somewhere about 1825 he retired from trade, and thenceforth devoted himself to the raanage raent of his grist raill and his farms. He was early chosen a captain of militia and was best known by the title of Captain. He was frequently elected to town ofifices, selectraan, lister, town agent, etc. F'or many years he was justice ofthe peace. In 1828, 1832, and 1836 he represented Chelsea in the Legislature. For several years he was county clerk of Orange county and bank commissioner of the state. He was repeat edly moderator of the town meetings, and in all respects a leading citizen of his town. He always took an active interest in politics ; was an early Federalist, but when John Quincy Adaras became a candidate for the presidency warmly supported him against the violent opposition of many ofthe leaders of the old Federal party. On the breaking out of the anti-Masonic excitement about 1827 and 1828, Mr. Hale, who had never been a Mason, fully sympathized with the hostUity to that institution, and was first elected to the Legislature as a candidate of that party. Subsequently he acted for many years with the whigs, but on the organiza tion of the so-called "Liberty Party," his firm and unyielding hostility to slavery led him to join it, and to it adhered till his death. In 1843 he received its noraination for state treasurer on the ticket with Lawrence Brain erd as Governor, and this compliment was renewed for several years. It may be added that he never sought ofifice, and that all his nominations and elections came unsought. In all the relations of public and private life, he bore an honorable and unsullied character, and his whole career was marked by integrity and uprightness. Perhaps his most distinguished characteristic was his firm and exact adherence to justice, which made hira a safe umpire not only between his neighbors, a duty he was often called to, but an almost equally safe arbitrator between himself and his neighbor. HALE. HALE. 171 He was a most liberal supporter of the Congregational church, with which he wor shipped, but never becarae a member until 1838. He was never a rich man, but never failed to "pay one hundred cents on the dollar," and but once while in business was com peUed to ask so rauch as an "extension of tirae" from his creditors, which was most freely and wUlingly granted, and within which his indebtedness was fully met. The generous education which he gave his chil dren was a continual drain on his resources which he never regretted, although it left him in moderate circurastances, financially, in his old age. He died at Chelsea, June, 1861. Mr. Hale raarried, first in Rindge in 1802, Phebe, daughter of David and Phebe (Spof ford) Adaras. She died at Chelsea, Jan. 13, 1815, having been the mother of eleven children, six of whom survived her. He mar ried, secondly, Nov. 14, 1818, at Chelsea, Lucinda, daughter of Ephraira and Mary (Safford) Eddy. She bore hira seven chil dren. AU her own children and four of her step-children survived her. She survived her husband and died at Chelsea, August i, 1871. On the renovation of the Congregational church in Chelsea in 1876 a meraorial win dow of stained glass was placed in the rear of the pulpit, which describes Mr. Hale as "Foremost among those who builded this house to the worship of God, 1810," adding the text selected by his children, "One that ruleth well his own house, having his chil dren in subjection with all gravity." HALE, Mark, son of Harry and Phebe Hale, born August 20, 1806, was appointed a midshipman in the navy in 1825 and re signed in 1832. No tidings have been re ceived of him since his resignation, and he probably died many years ago. He is de scribed in a letter written by one of his ship mates to his father as a young raan of fine person, prepossessing raanners, and as highly respected both in his private and official capacity by his brother officers in every grade. HALE, Thomas, son of Harry and Phebe Hale, was born in Chelsea, June 21, 1813. He was adraitted to the bar in 1844, but never practiced the legal profession to any extent. Most of his life was spent in jour- nalisra. He was for raany years editor of the Vermont Journal at Windsor, and also founded and edited the New England Ob server at White River Junction. He was also the editor of the Sentinel at Keene, N. H., and of various other papers in New England. As a journalist he was very suc cessful, continuing in that profession untU he was corapelled to abandon it by the fail ure of his sight. He was married to Sarah Ballou Potter in 1869, and died in Plainfield, N. J., on the 4th of March, 1893, leaving his widow and one son (Thoraas) surviving hira. HALE, Henry, son of Harry and Phebe Hale, was born in Chelsea, June 21, 1814. Graduating at the University of Verraont in 1840, he studied law and practiced his profession first at Orwell, Vt., then at Pough keepsie, N. Y., and reraoved to St. Paul, Minn., in 1855, where he resided until his death in December, 1890. Not long after he reraoved to St. Paul he gave up profes sional labor and devoted his time mainly to the care of the estate which he accumulated there, and to travel, making frequent visits to Europe, where he spent a large portion of his time. He raarried, just before his removal to St. Paul, Mary Elizabeth F'letcher, daughter of Paris Fletcher, Esq., of Bridport. He had two children, who both died in infancy, and left only his widow surviving. By his will he left a large portion of his fortune to the city of St. Paul for the purpose of founding a free library and free dispensary. He was a man of great reading and ability and had a high standing in his profession. HALE, Safford Eddy, eldest son of Harry and Lucinda Hale, was born in Chel sea, Oct. 26, 1818, and received his pro fessional education in the raedical depart raent of Dartraouth College. In 1842 he went to Elizabethtown, N. Y., where he entered upon the practice of medicine, which he continued untU within a few months of his death, which occurred AprU 18, 1893. With an acute and cultivated mind, pol ished raanners, agreeable presence, lively wit, fine professional attainraents and skiU, absolute integrity and fearless independence, he at once becarae and continued to the end to be one of the raost respected citizens of Elizabethtown. He felt a lively interest in all raatters of public concern, and although not an active politician or desirous of office, he frora tirae to tirae served the community in such positions as justice of the peace, commissioner of highways, county treasurer, etc. He was for one term president of the Essex County Medical Society and its secre tary raany years. He raarried Elizabeth Palmer ChurchiU, daughter of Joseph ChurchUl, Esq., of Wood stock. She died March 8, 187 1. He left surviving hira three chUdren : Frederick G. (a lawyer at Chicago), Joseph C. (of Lead ville, Col.), and Clara L., who resided with her father, and stUl resides in Elizabethtown., 172 HALE. HALE. HALE, Robert Safford, second son of Harry and Lucinda Hale, was born in Chelsea, Sept. 24, 1822. He graduated at the University of Verraont in 1842, and re ceived from that college the degree of LL.D. He studied law in Elizabethtown, N. Y., and was adraitted to practice in 1847, continu ing in that professon at Elizabethtown untU his death, which occurred Dec. 14, 1881. The following extract frora the memorial minute adopted by the Board of Regents of the State of New York on the occasion of his death, gives a concise and clear sketch of his public life : "In 1856 he was elected judge of Essex county, and in 1859 a regent of the univer sity. In i860 he was appointed a presiden tial elector, and in 1865 he was elected to Congress. In 1868 he was employed as special counsel of the Treasury before the Court of Claims of the United States. In 1870 he was nominated as a judge of the Court of Appeals, but, with the majority of his party candidates, was not elected. In 1871 he was appointed agent and counsel of the United States before the mixed corarais sion of clairas under the treaty of Washing ton. In 1873 he was again elected to Con gress, and in 1876 he was appointed by the Legislature one of the coraraissioners of the state survey. "To the discharge of these various pro fessional and public duties, Mr. Hale ¦brought a singular combination of powers. His fine natural ability was admirably trained by various study and accomplishments. His mind was a treasury of well ordered knowl edge. His eloquence was clear, forcible and brilliant ; and his quick sympathies, his pro fuse and delightful huraor, his raoral earnest ness and courage raade him one of the most delightful of corapanions, as he was one of the most persuasive of advocates and most upright of magistrates. His political, like his professional career, was distinguished by that independence which is as rare as it is manly, and which of itself is a public in fluence of the highest character. In this board, Mr. Hale's service was constant and efficient. In all its deliberations his sound judgment, his clear perception and his great experience were invaluable, and the board are but too sadly conscious that his loss cannot be replaced." He married Lovina Sibley, daughter of Jeremiah Stone of Elizabethtown, who sur vives him. He also left five children : one son Harry (who is a practicing lawyer in Elizabethtown), and four daughters, three of whom are still living with their raother at Elizabethtown. HALE, Rev. John Gardner, third :son of Harry and Lucinda Hale, was born at Chelsea, Sept. 12, 1S24. He graduated at the University of Verraont in 1845, and Andover Theological Serainary in 185 1. In 1852 he was sent by the Horae Missionary Society to Grass Valley, Cal., where he re sided for several years. Before his depart ure to California he had raarried Jane P. daughter of Israel Dwinell of East Calais and after a few years he returned to Ver raont, and was settled successively at East Poultney, Chester and Stowe. liis health was always rather delicate and the climate of Vermont somewhat severe, therefore he again went to California, and settled at Red- lands, where he resided untU his death in March, 1892. At all his places of residence he was respected and loved as an able, sin cere and earnest minister of the gospel. He left surviving him, one son. Rev. Edson Dwinell Hale (a Congregational minister in California), and three daughters. HALE, William Bainbridge, fourth son of Harry and Lucinda Hale, was born in Chelsea, July 20, 1826. He had not the benefit of a college education, but was a great reader and had a wonderfully retentive memory, and was really a better educated raan than raost college graduates. He was for many years president of the First Na tional Bank of Northampton, Mass., and a prominent and influential citizen of North ampton. The following frora the Spring field Republican is a just tribute to his raeraory. ' In Northarapton he was interested in various raanufacturing enterprises as weU as banking, and for several years was president and raanager of the old Florence Sewing Machine Co. in its palmy days. He was also interested in the Knapp dovetailing machine and other industries. He was identified with the afifairs of the old town of Northarapton, and, in i860, as president of the Young Men's Institute, did much in bringing about the establishment of the present large and flourishing free library. In town meetings he was a ready and fluent speaker, and always took an active hand in debates, frequently having stirring discus sions on educational and other questions with Judge Bond, the late Charles Delano and others. " Mr. Hale was a man of more than ordi nary ability, of wide reading and possessed an extraordinary gift of language, which af times raounted to eloquence. He spoke in public readily and fluently, and with great effect. His raanner was autocratic; often he expressed hiraself with impolitic vigor; his likes and dislikes were apt to be ex treme ; but his weight of character overbore all the traits that raight have made enemies. He was never persuaded to run for office, 173 and his transparent unselfishness increased his influence." He raarried, first, Harriet Araelia, daugh ter of Wright Porter of Hartford, who died Dec. 10, 1882. July 7, 1886, he married Mrs. Victoria Morris of Grassdale, Va., who survives hira. After his second raarriage, he removed to Grassdale, Va., where he con tinued to reside until his death in Novera ber, 1892. He left two sons, children of his first wife : Philip, an organist and musi cal critic of Boston, Mass., and Rev. Edward Hale, a graduate of Harvard, who is now a Unitarian rainister at East Orange, N. J. HALE, Matthew, youngest son of Harry and Lucinda Hale, was born in Chel sea, June 20, 1829. He graduated at the University of Vermont, in 185 1, and after wards received from that coUege the degree LL.D. He studied law with his brother Robert S. at Elizabethtown, N. Y., and was adraitted to the bar of New York in 1853. He settled first in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., then for a few years in New York City ; after wards in Elizabethtown until 1868, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Albany, N. Y. He was a member of the New York state Constitutional Convention of 1867, and ofthe New York state Senate in 1868 and 1869. In 1883 he was the Republican candidate for justice of the Supreme Court in the Third District, but was defeated by the Hon. Rufus W. Peckham. He has been an active meraber of the New York State Bar Asso ciation from the time of its organization, and has been its president. In 1886 he was ap pointed by the New York Legislature one of three comraissioners to investigate and report the most humane and practical method of carrying into effect the sentence of death in capUal cases ; and in pursuance of the recommendation of this commission, the New York Legislature in 1 888 enacted that the punishment of death should there after be inflicted by causing to pass through the body a current of electricity of sufificient intensity to cause death. This mode of in flicting the death penalty has ever since pre vailed in the state of New York, and has proved more efificient and less painful and revolting than the old method of inflicting capital punishment by hanging. Since 1884 Mr. Hale has been an inde pendent in pohtics. He has been quite prorainent in the advocacy of pohtical re forras, and is now (1893) president of the New York State Civil Service Reforra League. He raarried in 1856, EUen S., daughter of the late Hon. Augustus C. Hand, justice of the New York Suprerae Court. She died in 1867. In December, 1877, he married his present wife, Mary, daughter of the late Col. Francis L. Lee, forraerly of Boston,, Mass., by whom he has five children, three daughters and two sons, the eldest of whora was born in January, 1879. He still resides and practices his profession in Albany, and is now the only surviving son of his father. HALE, Franklin D., of Lunenberg, son of .Sprague T. and Nancy M. (Moulton) Hale, was born in Barnet, March 7, 1854. He alternately attended school and worked upon the farra, receiving his preparatory in struction in the coraraon schools of Concord, and after continuing his studies at the high school of Northfield and at St. Johnsbury Acaderay, finally graduated in the law de partraent of Michigan University in 1877. After being admitted to the bar, Mr. Hale FRANKLIN D. HALE. became a raember of the firra of Hutchin son, Savage & Hale at Lewiston, Me., and sorae time afterwards spent two years in traveling in the western states. In 1881 he settled in Lunenberg as a lawyer, and also engaged in farming. Here he has continued to reside. Mr. Hale was raarried Nov. 2, 1881, to Addie L., daughter of Hon. Levi and Susan (Powers) SUsby. Their chUdren are : Susie M., and Charles S. The usual town ofifices have been entrusted to him. He was, in 1884, representative and senator from Essex county in 1886 in the state Legislature, elected by Republican votes. He was state's attorney from 1883 to 174 i888. In 1892 he was elected auditor of accounts of the state of Vermont. He also received the appointraent of town site trustee in Oklahoraa Territory in 1891. Mr. Hale belongs to the Masonic frater nity, and is a raember of the Knights of Honor ; also a raember of the Congrega tional church. HALE, James Buchanan, of Newbury, son of John and Laura Burns (Hutchins) Hale, was born in Haverhill, N. H., July 13, 1855, and removed to Newbury in 1867 with his parents, entering the employraent of the well-known firra of F. & H. T. Keyes & Co., May 22, 1871. Mr. Hale's instruction in the mercantile profession was thorough and prac tical. In 1882 he bought the stock of gen eral merchandise and good-wiU of Deacon Henry H. Deming in Newbury vUlage, where he StUl continues, and by his energy and exceptional business ability has built up a large and prosperous concern. In 1889 Mr. Hale was elected town treas urer, which office he still holds, and is also a trustee of the Bradford Savings Bank and Trust Co., located at Bradford. In politics Mr. Hale is a Democrat, in religion a Congregationalist, of which church and society he is a raember and officer. December 7, 1880, he married Carrie M., only daughter of Daniel P. and Melissa (Keyes) Kirabail. Mr. Hale by this happy union has had one daughter, Mary K., and one son, Harold B. Mr. Kimball has for many years been a resident of Newbury, and one of the largest and most progressive farraers in the Connecticut VaUey ; an upright Christian, a deacon of the Congregational church, a raan honored by his townsraen and a raember of the Legislature in i88o-'8i. HALL, Alfred Allen, of St. Albans, son of R. H. and Mary E. (Crowley) Hall, was born in Athens, Dec. 31, 1848. He received his education in the comraon schools and at Leland &: Gray Seminary, Townshend. He read law with Davis & Adaras at St. Albans and was adraitted to the bar in April, 1873. Soon after he was adraitted to the Supreme Court of the state and to the United States district and circuit courts. In 1874 he formed a law partnership with W. D. Wilson at St. Albans, where they have since enjoyed a lucrative practice. Mr. HaU served as president of the board of trustees in 1880- '81. For six years he was a member of the- school board, and during three years its chairraan. For many years he has been one of the trustses of the Franklin county gram mar school. He has served seven years as moderator of the town, and has been for fif teen years treasurer of the public library. In i882-'84 he was state's attorney. In 1892 he was elected to the Vermont state Senate and was made president pro tem of that body. In June, 1893, he was appointed by the Governor chairman of a commission upon the revision of the laws of the state. He comes of good Revolutionary stock, and is a member of the Sons of the Ameri can Revolution. He was a member of the National Guard from 1876 to 1886, being proraoted from private to the non-commis sioned and commissioned staff, and in 1884 was appointed by Governor Pingree colonel and aid-de-carap. Mr. Hall has had an erainent career as a Mason. He is past Grand Master, past Grand High Priest and past Grand Commander, being the first Mason in the state to receive all these honors. He has repeatedly repre sented the various bodies of his state at the national gatherings of the order throughout the country, and has attained the 33d and highest degree in the Scottish Rite. ALFRED ALLEN HALL. June 15, 1874, he raarried Abbie L, daughter of John H. and Loantha Z . Austin. They have two children : Harrie Vaughn, born Feb. 2, 1878, and Leroy Austin, born August 10, 1887. HALL, Charles Taylor, of Mont gomery, son of Sarauel S. and Martha M. (Taylor) Hall, was born in Montreal, P. Q-, Feb. 23, 1862. He received his early edu cation in the public schools of Waltham, HALL. HALL. ¦175 Mass., and completed his education in the high school at Montreal. His father was a manufacturer of wooden- ware, and the son, raanifesting a natural aptitude for the business from the early age of sixteen, had the practical management and was foreman of the factory, reraaining in that capacity until he was twenty years old. In 1882 the factory was burned, and he engaged in the manufacture of veneering for five years, at the expiration of which time he purchased an interest in the large butter-tub works of The W. H. StUes Company, at Montgomery Centre, and has been ever nsice the junior partner and business man- CHARLES TAYLOR HALL. ager of the concern. The company also engage in the raanufacture of floor boards and bobbins, and have been so successful in their operations that they are about to largely increase their plant, and have recently pur chased one thousand acres of spruce timber land, thus providing a sufficiency of material for the next twenty years. Though taking a lively interest in politics as a member of the RepubUcan party, Mr. HaU has never sought or held pubhc office, and of secret societies he is a member of the Masonic fraternity only. He was married to Etta L., daughter of H. P. and Ann (Fogg) Foss, of Franklin, March, 1886, by whom he has had one daughter. HALL, EMERSON, of St. Johnsbury, son of John and Jane (Graham) HaU, was born in Cabot, Jan. 9, 1816. He obtained his education in the schools of Cabot and Peachara Acaderay, for some time labored on his father's farm, then came to St. Johnsbury, where for six years he was eraployed in the hotel of that place. In 1846 he became engaged in general trade and continued in this occupation for twenty- eight years. He has been for a long time one of the substantial business men of the town ancl by his personal integrity and in dustrious energy has won an enviable posi tion in the community. He has discharged the duties of deputy and high sheriff at a time when the insuffi ciency of the pohce force made these duties raore arduous than at the present time. He received the appointment of postmaster under President Lincoln, but resigned be fore the expiration of his term to represent St. Johnsbury in the state Legislature in i868-'69. In this body he served on the committee on banks. Mr. HaU wedded, June 19, 1850, Mary S., daughter of Isaac W. and (Blount) Stanton of DanviUe. Three children have been born to them : Mattie J., Carrie May, and Eliza. The last naraed died in early childhood. In 1859 he was elected trustee of the Passump sic Savings Bank and for the last thirty years has been one of the executive ofificers of that institution, and for the last fifteen years its president. A staunch Republican since the formation of the party, he cast his first presi dential baUot for Gen. WilUam Henry Har rison in 1840. Mr. HaU is a Congregationalist in his re Ugious beUef, attending the North Church of St. Johnsbury. HALL, Isaac N., late of Groton, son of Henry and Susan (Burnham) HaU, was born in Rumney, N. H., June 3, 1808. He was of EngUsh descent and came from a long- lived family. His grandfather lived to eighty-six years and his great-grandfather died at ninety-three years, while his raater nal great-grandmother, Lydia Bradley, at tained the age of one hundred and four. An ancestress of the latter was taken captive by the Indians near HaverhiU, Mass., in the early colonial times. The parents of Mr. HaU were not in af fluent circumstances, and his only educa tional advantages were those afforded by the district schools in the time of his early youth. At the age of fourteen he was apprenticed to his uncle Moses Burnham, a noted carpenter and builder, with whora he served his tirae and upon his raaster's reraoval to Groton the young apprentice accorapanied hira and at the expiration of his term of service set tled in that town and has remained there ever since. In 1826 he lost his father, and his mother immediately after her husband's iy6 HALL. death moved to Groton and made her home with her son, living to the age of eighty-one. Mr. HaU married EUzabeth, daughter of WilUara Taisey of Groton, April 28, 1829. Nine children have been born to them, seven daughters and two sons. Of these five are Uving ; Judge T. B. HaU of Groton, Maria, (Mrs. Stephen Vance of Albany, Vt.), Helen (Mrs. George Willard of W'aUham, Mass.), Theresa (Mrs. Alex. Cochran of Groton), and Lydia (Mrs. ^Vhitney of San Fran- was put into the hands of the bondholders,, and its president frora 1873 to 1877. V Ina sketch of the early settlers of Groton it is, said of him : "His agency and usefulness in aU matters of public interest wiU be discovered in all that relates to the growth and prosperity of the town for the last sixty years. There is no man who has exerted a greater influence for good or who has advanced the interests and morals of the town in a greater degree." In early life he joined and was ever after an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was a delegate to its general quadrennial confer ence held at Cincinnati. Judge HaU, while with Mrs. HaU at the residence of her daughter, died at South. Chicago Nov. 21, 1S93, and Nov. 25, 1893, he was buried at Groton. HALL, Samuel Baker, of Bennington,. son of MarshaU Carter and Sophia B. (Dem ing) Hall, was born in Bennington, Feb- 17, 1846. His education was obtained in the Ben nington public schools and seminary, and also at the Rock Point Episcopal Institute at Buriington, and PhiUips Exeter Academy of Andover, Mass. k. ISAAC N. HALL, Cisco). The first Mrs. HaU died Nov. 11, 1873, and he contracted a second alUance with Mrs. Louisa A. (Webster) HaU of Ply mouth, N. H. In can be truly said of Judge HaU that he enjoyed the confidence of the people in a re markable degree, as shown by his election to many responsible offices. He was justice of the peace and town clerk for raore than a generation, and represented his town in the Legislature in 1835, 1836, 1840, and 1867. He was elected assistant judge of Caledonia county court in 1842, 1844, and 1845, and in 1848, i860, and 1861 was senator for that county. Judge Hall was appointed a state's prison director in 1868 and 1869, and was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1850 ; he was also made one of the directors of the bank at Newbury, at Wells River, and served as United States assistant assessor of the second district of the state of Vermont. He was one of the first projectors and build ers of the MontpeUer & Wells River R. R., and was one of its directors until the road SAMUEL BAKER HALL. When his school life was completed he comraenced his business career as a clerk in a dry goods commisson house in New York City. In the faU of 1867 he received the: HAMILTON. HAMILTON. 177 appointment of bookkeeper of the First National Bank at North Bennington, and in 1873 was promoted to the position of cashier of that bank, which ofifice he still continues to fill. In 1890 he was elected treasurer of the Bennington & Rutlancl R. R. He is interested in real estate and also in the bank with which he is connected. Politically Mr. Hall is a Republican but has never taken an active interest in politics as he has been compelled to give the princi pal part of his time and attention to his business affairs, but he has served the viUage at different times in local offices and is at present chairraan of the North Bennington school board. He is a liberal supporter of the Congre gational society at North Bennington and an attendant of that church. Mr. Hall was united in raarriage Oct. 3, 1870, to Sarah, daughter of George W. and Jane (Hinsdill) Robinson of Bennington. Their chUdren are : Deming, Robinson, Francis H. (deceased), Sarauel Carter, and Charles Lincoln. HAMILTON, JOSEPH, of St. Johnsbury, son of Jaraes and Mary (Hamraond) Hara Uton, was born in North Gore, P. Q., May 12, 1839. JOSEPH HAMILTON. His- early education was received at La Chute Acaderay in Canada, and he has since taken the course of study prescribed by the Methodist Episcopal Church for all who enter her conferences. He came to Vermont in 1865 and joined the Vermont Conference on trial in April, 1S66. His first appointment was Kirby where he re mained two years. His second appoint ment was Marshfield, and in April, 1868, he was ordained deacon by Bishop Ames and admitted into the conference in full con nection. In 1870 he was ordained elder by Bishop Simpson. In 1869 he was appointed to West Berlin and GouldsvUle. In 1870 to Waitsfield ; during his stay here a new church was buUt costing ^6,000. In 1871 he was sent to Marshfield ; 1872 Plainfield ; 1875 Groton; 1877 he was sent to Roches ter ; during his three years here he took eighty-five members into the church ; 1880 hewas sent to WUraington; 1883 to West Fairlee ; 1886 to Woodstock, where he raised §3,200 to repair the church, making it one of the most convenient churches in the con ference ; in 1888 he was appointed to White River Junction and while here he organized a Methodist church at Olcott and raised $2,000 and succeeded in buUding a new church worth $3,000. Fie served the church at Northfield frora 1890 to 1892 at which tirae he was appointed presiding elder of the St. Johnsbury district and through his efforts a district parsonage was purchased in the village of St. Johnsbury. During his rainis try he has baptized three hundred and forty- eight persons and attended three hundred funerals. In political raatters he is a Prohibitionist and has voted with that party. April 27, 1879, he raarried Charlotte E., daughter of Dr. J. Q. A. and Lavina A. (Newton) Packer of Marshfield. Of this union six chUdren have been born : four sons and two daughters. HAMILTON, Merrill Thomas, of Newport, son of Hannibal and Juha E. (Thompson) Hamilton, was born in Berk shire, Franklin county, AprU 7, 1849. Obtaining his education in the pubhc schools of Berkshire, Richford Academy and the Northampton Institute at Fairfax, in 1869 he entered the dental ofifice of Gilman & Sheerar at St. Albans, where for three years he studied dentistry. In 1871 he reraoved to Newport where he has been established ever since. Dr. Hamilton is unusually pro ficient in his profession in which he takes the highest rank and has enjoyed a very ex tensive practice, not only in the state, but also in Canada. In 1884 he becarae inter ested in the raanufacture of brick in Derby and also at Barton Landing, but three years subsequently sold out his interest in the business. He was united inraarriage August 22, 1873, to Clara F., daughter of Warren and Emily HAMMOND. HANRAHAN. (RoweU) FuUer of Newport, whom he had the misfortune to lose after three years of wedded life. One son was born to them, Harry FuUer. Dr. HamUton contracted a second alUance May 24, 1878, with Etta L, daughter of Eleazer and Mary A. (Culver) Porter of Troy. Of this marriage there have been issue : Lavina FuUer, and Samuel Wor cester Fuller. Dr. Hamilton is an expert horseman and takes much interest in equine matters. He possesses two large farms in North Troy, making a specialty of dairy products. Demo cratic in his political views, he has never taken any active part in public affairs, but conscientiously devoted his whole tirae to his profession. For many years he has been the treasurer of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Newport, and he has taken the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Memphremagog Lodge of that place. HAMMOND, FRED BURTON, of Troy, son of Oscar and Martha (Cole) Hammond, was born in Derby, Oct. 12, 1859. Notwithstanding his political faith,, he be ing a very strong Deraocrat of the conserva tive class, he has been elected clerk and treasurer of the town, also one of the trustees of the public money. He was appointed postmaster under the Cleveland administra tion in 1885, and on the re-election of Mr. Cleveland he was reappointed postmaster which position he is now filling. Although Troy is a strong Republican town he was elected town representative, serving on the committee on claims. Mr. Hammond is an enthusiastic member of the Masonic fraternity, being a member of Masonic Union Lodge No. 16, at Troy, member of Cleveland Chapter No. 20, and Malta Commandery No. 10, of Newport. He also afifiUates with the Mount Sinai Tem ple at Montpelier. He was District Deputy Grand Master of the tenth Masonic district in 1890 and 1891. May I, 1884, he married Frances M., daughter of Robert B. Chandler of North Troy, and has two daughters : Adeline Moore, and Rachel Frances. FRED BURTON HAMMOND. His education was obtained in the pub lic schools of Derby and at Newport Acad eray. He served his raercantUe clerkship in the Boston clothing store at North Troy, be carae raanager of the same store in 188 1 and in 1884 he bought a half interest in the general store of Hiram K. Stewart of Troy. The firm dissolved partnership in 1885 ; Mr. Hammond then erected the buUding he now occupies. HANRAHAN, JOHN DAVID, of Rut land, son of James and EUen (O'Connor) Hanrahan, was born in Rathkeale, county Limerick, Ireland, Jan. 18, 1844. He attended the National schools in the place of his nativity till his father removed with his faraily to New York City. Here he became a pupil of the free academy, then entered the New York Medical University, where he remained tiU 1861, when at the breaking out of the rebellion he entered the U. S. Navy as surgeon. During i86i-'62-'63 he served in the Potomac flotilla, and on the 23d of August, 1863, the vessel on which he was serving was captured and aU on board made prisoners. After being in Richmond six weeks he was paroled and transferred to Washington. While a paroled prisoner in Washington he attended a course of medical lectures at the medical department of the Georgetown University. In the early spring of 1864 was exchanged and ordered to duty in the North Adantic squadron, where he served under Admirals Lee and Porter until discharged in July, 1865. Two years subse quently he received his diploma from the medical department of the New York Uni versity, practiced in New York until the spring of 1869, when he removed to Rut land, where he has since resided and built up an extensive general practice. Dr. Hanrahan has been connected with various medical societies, in which he has taken an active interest and held many posi tions of trust and responsibility. Outside of his professional duties, he has been largely influential in both town and state affairs, has been trustee of the village of Rutland, as -^ ^ od7'^^^>^-^--»-''^<-^^Ks^.^ __)' HAMMOND. HARMAN. well as the president of the board, was ap pointed president of the Rutland county pension board in 1885, the duties of which he so acceptably discharged that, notwith standing his loyal adherence to the Demo cratic party. President Harrison continued him in ofifice until his resignation to accept the position of postraaster of the city of Rutland, which appointment he received from President Cleveland in 1893. A strong Irish Nationalist in his views. Dr. Hanrahan has been a potential factor in the Rutland Land League and a delegate to aU the na tional conventions. He has served as chair raan of the Rutland county Democratic committee and has frequently been a mem- of the state coraraittee ; has been a delegate to the Democratic national conventions of 1884 and '88 and chairman of the delegation of 1892. Has always been a warra sup porter of President Cleveland. Dr. Hanra han is also prorainent in G. A. R. circles. He is a raeraber of the local post and has served on the staff of Commanders-in-chief Veazey, Palmer and Weissert, and has been medical director of the Department of Ver mont. In his religious creed he is a Roman Catholic, worshiping with the congregation of St. Peter's in Rutiand. Dr. Hanrahan was united in marriage Feb. 12, 1870, to Mary, daughter of Bernard and Ehzabeth (Halpin) Riley of WaUingford, who died April, 1882. October 31, 1883, he was again married to Frances, daughter of John C. and Mary (Hughes) Keenan of Rutland. Five children have resulted frora their union . May, Anna, Hugh, Frances, and John. Hammond, Lowell G., of Ludlow, son of Jedediah and Clara (Bent) Hamraond, was born Feb. 1-7, 1824, in Mt. Holly. A farm-bred boy, he received his education in the coramon schools of Mt. Holly, and at twenty-two years of age located at Ludlow, where he engaged in the grocery trade. Then he formed the partnership of Mason & Ham mond, deaUng in dry goods and groceries during four years. Since 1854, he has con ducted an extensive business in general mer chandise. In 1871, meeting with a severe disaster from the loss by fire of his large store and a partial loss of his stock, he iraraediately constructed a much larger and finer block, containing one of the finest haUs in the coun ty, where he has carried on his business ever since. He has always voted the Republican ticket and repeatedly held positions of trust in vil lage and town ; being chosen representative in 1886. He was married in August, 1847, to Maryette, daughter of Dr. LoweU W. and Sally (Pettee) Gurnsey, of Shewsbury. Their children are : Leonora M., Norris G., and Ad die W. For almost forty years Mr. Ham mond has been a raost important factor in the business life of Ludlow, and an active pioneer in new features of trade. He has taken a lively interest in pubUc improvement and has been a generous donor to educational and religious enterprises. He is vice-president of the trustees of the Black River Academy, of Ludlow. LOWELL G. HAMMOND. He is a Universalist in his religious prefer ences ; for more than forty years has belonged to the order of Odd Fellows, being a member of Altamont Lodge, of Ludlow. HARMAN, George Washington, of Bennington, son of Nathaniel and Alice (Hascall) Harman, was born ' in Pawlet, May 7, 1812. He acquired the rudiments of his educa tion in the common schools, this being sup plemented by six terms at the academy, and private instruction. He read law with his father, and was admitted to the bar at Rut land in Septeraber, 1833. He practiced his profession at Pawlet untU 1848, when he re moved to Bennington, and for twenty years was cashier of a bank in that village. In 1859 he resumed the practice of law, and is looked upon as one of the sages of the pro fession. In 1843 he represented Pawlet in the Constitutional Convention, and was one of the county commissioners in i846-'47. HARDIE. HARRIS. Mr. Harman has held most of the local ofifices in Bennington, including that of mun icipal judge, but he has never had any poUt ical aspirations. He has been from the very first one of the strongest advocates and sup porters of the bar association, and at various tiraes has been importuned to accept its presidency, but has always firmly declined. Mr. Harman is the author of several arti cles which have met with high approval from those interested in the subjects to which he has devoted his literary efforts. Among these raay be mentioned a sketch of the life of John Burnham, the first lawyer of Ver mont, which was published in the records of the Vermont Bar Association, a historical paper on BattenkiU and Ondawa, another on AUen at Ticonderoga, pjoving conclusively that Benedict Arnold was present when that post was surrendered ; several papers relating to the battle of Bennington, and various others. GEORGE WASHINGTON HARMAN. Judge Harman's whole hfe has been pre eminently marked by principles of order, industry and perseverance, three character istics which always contribute in a great measure to make an honorable and success ful life. HARDIE, Robert Gordon, of Brat tieboro, son of Robert Gordon and Frances (Hyde) Hardie, was born in Brattleboro, March 29, 1854. He received his early education at the public schools of Brattleboro and Rutland. In 1874 he began his studies as an artist at the Acaderay of Design and Art Students' League in New York, and in 1878 went to Paris, France, to continue sarae at the Gov ernment Ecole-des-Beaux-Arts under the in struction of MM. J. L. Gerome and Alex- ^¦%/^mf'. ROBERT GORDON HARDIE. andre Cabanel. Exhibited in the Salon in the years i879-'8o-'8i-'82. Returning to America in 1883. The first work which brought Mr. Hardie prominently before the public was the por trait of Hon. David' Dudley Field, painted in 1888 and now in the Capitol at Albany, N. Y. In the same year he married Catharine, second daughter of Hon. S. M. CuUom, U. S. senator from lUinois. HARRIS, BROUGHTON Davis, of Brat tieboro, son of Wilder and Harriet ( Davis) Harris, was born in Chesterfield, N. H., August 16, 1822. Mr. Harris began his preparation for col lege in the Chesterfield Academy, and later attended KirabaU Union Acaderay at Meri den, N. H. Matriculating at Dartraouth in 1 84 1, he was graduated with high honors in the class of 1845, being a raember of the Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Delta Phi societies. After graduating Mr. Harris began the study of law under Judge Asa Keyes, and continued it later in the ofifice of Edward Kirkland, Esq., of Brattleboro. \\'hile thus engaged he also entered the ranks of journal ism, and for a year edited the A'ermont HARRIS. HARRIS. Phcenix. In August, 1847, together with WiUiara B. Hale, long president of the First National Bank of Northampton, Mass., he founded the Eagle, a semi-weekly news paper devoted to the interests of the whigs. On his departure for Utah in the spring of 1851 the paper was given over to the con trol of others. On his return in the fall of 1852 Mr. Harris again became editor and proprietor of the Eagle, which he changed into a weekly paper. During those days of great excitement in the political situation of the country the Eagle maintained the po sition of a successful and popular contem porary of the ablest journals ever published in the state, and Mr. Harris won for hiraself the distinction of being classed with the raost skillful and forcible writers then in the ranks of journalism. His connection with the paper ceased by sale in 1856. BROUGHTON DAVIS HARRIS. In the faU of 1850 his Ufe-long friends. Senators Collamer and Foot, without his knowledge, procured for Mr. Harris the ap pointment of first secretary of the new terri tory of Utah frora President FiUmore. In his administration of this ofifice many dififi- culties and obstacles were interposed by the Mormons. The first Governor of Utah was Brigham Young, and the ideas and opinions of the two officials were so radically antago nistic that there was soon friction and later an open rupture between the Governor and the secretary. So defiantly did the Governor and his phant Legislature disregard the pro visions of the enabling act of Congress that Secretary Harris, after earnestly expostulat ing, finally positively refused to disburse the raoney coraraitted to his care by the United States governraent for the benefit of the ter ritory. He wrote an able letter assigning excellent reasons for this refusal, and as a result the Morraon Legislature waxed wroth and passed a series of resolutions requiring him forthwith to deliver over the money to the Mormon United States marshal of Utah on pain of instant arrest and imprisonment. The secretary, firmly adhering to his original conviction of duty and loyalty to his govern ment, peremptorily refused to comply with this deraand, and, amid threats of violence and assassination, returned to \\'ashington and restored every dollar of the coveted ap propriations to the United States treasury. The adrainistration heartily endorsed his action, and shortiy afterward tendered him the ofifice of secretary and acting Governorof the territory of New Mexico, an offer which he proraptiy dechned. In 1847 Mr. Harris was register of pro bate in W'indhara county. In i860 he was a member of the state Senate and served on the committee on railroads. Being re-elected in 1861, he was assigned to the important post of chairraan of the committee on mih tary affairs at the breaking out of the rebel lion, when nearly aU legislation pertained to miUtary matters. In the celebrated Peace Congress, which asserabled in Washington on the invitation of Virginia, just before the war, Mr. Harris was a delegate appointed by Gov. Erastus Fairbanks, together with Ex- Gov. Hiland Hall, Lieut.-Gov. Levi Under wood, Gen. H. H. Baxter, and Hon. L. E. Chittenden. As senior raeraber of the well-known firm of Harris Brothers Sz Co., he was engaged for many years very extensively and success fully in the construction of railroads, being: connected with some of the niost important: lines in the country. Although never an ofifice seeker, Mr. Har ris's name has often been raentioned in con nection with congressional service, and many prominent raen and leading newspapers have at tiraes urged hira to become a candidate for the chief magistracy of the state. Mr. Harris is one of the corporate members of the Brattieboro Savings Bank and for many years has been, and now is, president of that sohd and prosperous institution. Mr. Llarris was married on the 24th of March, 1851, to Sarah Buell, daughter of Ed win i\I. HolUster of New York City (now deceased). Their wedding journey was to Utah, there being then no white settiement between the Missouri River and Great Salt Lake. They have but one child, who is now the wife of John Seymour Wood, lawyer and author, of New York City. HARRIS HARRIS, Charles A., of East Burke, son of Amasa and Ruth (Tarbox) Harris, was born in Lyndon, Sept. 2, 1820. His educational advantages were hmited to the pubhc schools of Lyndon, supple mented by a course of study at the acaderay of that village. HARRIS. 183 rZ: entire satisfaction to the pubUc during his adrainistration of the office. Mr. Harris has held numerous town offices in Derby and East Burke, and was the representative of the latter town in the Legislature of 1874, where his services were creditable. Since 1884 he has been justice of the peace. In his reUg ious belief he is a Congregationalist, and he has long been an active member of this denomination. Mr. .Harris was married, Oct. 20, 1847, to Euphamea Ramsey, daughter of Eben and Mary (True) Blake. Two children have been born to them : Charies E., and Mary E. HARRIS, John Edward, of Hardwick, son of Erasmus B. and Caroline (Brown) Harris, was born in Danville, July 27, 1858. He received his educational training in the coramon schools and at PhUlips Acad emy at Danville. In 1874 he reraoved to Montpelier and read law in the ofifice of Messrs. Randall & Durant. At the completion of his course of study he was admitted to practice at the Septeraber term of the Washington county court in 1879. For two years he followed CHARLES A. HARRIS. As soon as he had arrived at man's estate, he commenced his business career by enter ing the employ of the Farmers and Mechan ics Mercantile Co., of St. Johnsbury, where he remained more than two years, when, in company with associates, he bought the busi ness, and under the style of John Bacon & Co. they continued till 1847. He then went to Derby and reraained two years pursuing a sirailar" occupation, after which he connected hiraself with Mr. Harry Himman, under the firra name of C. A. Harris & Co. For twenty years Mr. Harris remained in business in Derby. In March, 1867, he reraoved to East Burke, where he purchased a sraaU farra and also a store in company with Daniel Townsend, and engaged in trade tiU March, 1872, after which time he continued by him self tiU 1893, when he gave his stock to his children and retired from the active cares of life. ' His reputation as an able financier has been proved by his services as director of the LyndonviUe National Bank for six years and his election to the presidency of that institution in 1889. He was made postmaster of both the towns of Derby Centre and East Burke, and gave *%, JOHN EDWARD HARRIS, his profession in Montpelier and DanvUle, then he purchased the St. Johnsbury Index, now the Republican, which he sold in 1885 and moved to Burlington, where he bought a half interest in the Burlington Clipper. This he parted with in 1889, when he trans ferred his business to Hardwick, establish- HARTSHORN. HARVEY. ing the Hardwick Gazette, of which paper and the accompanying job office he is now proprietor. Mr. Harris is an absolute independent in his political course and has always con ducted the newspapers with which he has been connected on liberal principles, subject to no party control. He married in 1879, Carrie, daughter of N. K. and Susan (Moody) Brown of Bur lington. She died June 20, 1892, leaving three chUdren : Charles B., Frances N., and Edward J. Mr. liarris has done special journalistic work on the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, Chicago News, and Springfield Repub lican. He is an Episcopalian and a member of the I. O. O. F., having held all the offices but the first in Caledonia Lodge of St. Johns bury. HARTSHORN, JOHN WiLLARD, of Lunenburg, son of Colburn and Elizabeth (Fay) Hartshorn, was born in Lunenburg, Oct. I, 1815. JOHN WILLARD HARTSHORN. The public schools of Lunenburg gave him his educational training, and when he arrived at raan's estate he left his native town to seek his fortune in the world. He went to Sterling, Mass., and remained three years, during which period he witnessed the com pletion of the first railroad from Boston to Worcester. Then he returned to Lunenburg, and purchased a large farra for ^800 and a hundred barrels of cider, ten of the latter to be paid annually. At the time of the famous cider and log cabin campaign in 1840, the orchards of Mr. Hartshorn mani fested "active partisanship" by producing twenty-one hundred bushels of apples. For raany years he was a noted farmer, drover and stock breeder, and he acquired some local reputation as an auctioneer, and satis factorily settled many estates in the neigh borhood. He was one of the original direc tors of the P. & O. R. R., and retained that position untU the road passed into the hands of a receiver. From the tirae of his return untU 1878, when he received an alraost fatal injury from a fall, Mr. Hartshorn was continuously in the service of the town as lister, overseer of the poor, moderator and justice of the peace for fifty-one years. He has been chosen to both branches of the state Legislature, mem ber of the House in i852-'53, and senator in i870-'7i, and been honored by two terms as judge of probate in i856-'57. For seven years he was one of the directors of the state prison. Judge Hartshorn married, Nov. 16, 1840, Ann, daughter of Chester and Betsey (Hutchins) Smith of Lunenburg, and four chUdren have been born to them : Hon. Elden J., of Eraraettsburg, Iowa, Elizabeth (Mrs. George H. Eraerson, deceased), Harry C, and Cora (Mrs. Edward LoweU), of Lew iston, Me. HARVEY, RONEY M., of Topsham, son of John and Margaret (Hight) Harvey, was born in Topsham, May 20, 1843. He was educated in the coramon schools of the day, and also attended Newbury Semi nary, Peachara Academy, and a select school at East Topsham, taught by Rev. N. R. Johnson. In his youth he became noted as a "ped agogue," and was always in demand to ad minister discipline in the notorious hard schools of the times. In 1866 he visited the Pacific coast with the view of making his horae in that country, but was soon recalled by the sickness and death of his father. He went to West Topsham in the spring of 1867, and at once coramenced the study of law m the ofifice of J. O. Livingston, Esq., and was admitted to the bar at the December term of Orange county court, 1869. He , soon opened a law ofifice at West Topsham, where he now resides. Mr. Harvey was united in raarriage to Cora I., youngest daughter of Hon. Roswell M. Bill, late of Topsham, Dec. 28, 1870. Three children have been born to thera : Erwin M., Laila J., and lohn N. HASELTON. HASELTON. 185 A RepubUcan of the raost pronounced type, Mr. Harvey has held many and various town ofifices, was state's attorney in 1878, and has twice represented his town in the Legislature. Here he served on iraportant committees, and was elected one of the super visors of the insane. In 1890 he was elected state senator frora Orange county. He still continues his law business at West Topsham, RONEY M. HARVEY. and is weU known in his section of the state. His success in many important cases in which he has been employed is principally due to his Scotch pluck and the personal interest which he takes in aU his work. In addition to the law, Mr. Harvey has become weU known as a dealer in lumber and real estate. He is a hurried raan of business, and his raany cares allow hira little tirae in which to enjoy the quiet of his horae. HASELTON, SENECA, of Buriington, son of Rev. Araos and Amelia (Frink) Haselton, was born in Westford, Feb. 26, 1848. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Jericho, Underbill and the academies of UnderhUl and Barre. He then entered the classical department of the U. V. M., from which he graduated whh high honors in 187 1. During his college course he taught several terms in Barre, Shelburne, Richmond and Waterbury, and for a year after his graduation from the university he occupied the position of associate principal of Barre Acaderay. In 1873 he began the study of law in the ofifice of Wales & Taft at Burlingtpn, but soon after accepted the chair of instructor of mathematics in the Univer sity of Michigan, at the same time pursuing his professional studies in the law depart ment of that institution. Later he returned to BurUngton where he has since reraained, attaining a very high rank as a general prac titioner. Judge Haselton is a strong adherent of the Democratic party and has always taken an active and leading part in both city and state politics. For many successive terms he was city judge and in 1886 represented Bur lington in the Legislature, serving on the judiciary committee. In 1888 he was ap pointed a meraber of the state examining committee on admission to the Vermont bar, and the following year served as chairman of the same. Two years later he was chosen mayor of the city of Burlington to which position he has been twice re-elected. His term of ofifice has been characterized by ex ceptional prosperity on the part of the city. SENECA HASELTON. A school buUding of rare beauty has been erected and an important modification oi the systera of the city has been determined upon and is in progress. An electric rail way has been secured through a contract which raakes the enterprise especially ad vantageous to the business interests of Bur lington. Since Mayor Haselton has been in ofifice the rate of taxation has been consider ably reduced and now compares favorably with that of any other progressive city in New England. i86 HASKINS. HASTINGS. HASKINS, KITTREDGE, of Brattleboro, son of Asaph and Amelia (Ward) Haskins, was born in Dover, April 8, 1836. His great grandfather, grandfather and father served respectively in the French war,[the Revolu tionary, and the war of 181 2. ^^^- .~-' £- Educated in the public schools^'of his native town and by a private tutor, he com menced the study of the law in the ofifice of Messrs. Shafter & Davenport at Wilming ton ; was admitted to the bar of Windham county court, April 14, 1858, and immedi ately entered into a copartnership with the Hon. Charles N. Davenport at Wilmington, which was dissolved in the spring of 1861, when he removed to the village of WilUams- ville, where he opened an ofifice. He has i f * \ ' i. '^ ^ < i * ¦v,^ V A fe I B '{ ^^^f w " '% J^y y. ¦.i T ^' Jt^iiU^ iSffii ^ ^'i. tje KITTREDGE HASKINS. been admitted at various dates a counsellor of the Supreme Court of the State of Y'er- mont, a counsellor, attorney, proctor and soUcitor of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Y'ermont at Wind sor, and counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, D. C. In November, 1863, he removed to Brattieboro, pursuing the practice of his profession with marked success. In poUtics he was a Democrat until the breaking out of the rebeUion, when he be came a supporter of the administration ol President Lincoln, and has acted with the Republican party since. He has been a justice of the peace since Dec. I, 1861 ; state's attorney for Windham county ; was town representative of Brattie boro in 1872, and was elected to the state Senate in 1892. He was appointed by Pres- dent Hayes and also by President Arthur United States Attorney for the District of Vermont, holding the ofifice until June 21 1887. In January, 1893, he was appointed by the Governor of Vermont one of the coraraissioners to establish, in conjunction with a sirailar commission on the part of the State of Massachusetts, a boundary line raonument between the two states. At the organization of the Brattleboro Free Library in 1883 he was elected one of its trustees, and has served in that capacity and as pres ident of the board to the present time. He enUsted as a volunteer, and on the organization of Co. I, i6th Regt. Vt. Vols., Sept. 20, 1862, he was elected and commis sioned rst lieutenant of the company. He resigned and was honorably discharged, by reason of disabilities incurred in the service. On his return home he immediately entered the government service as a civU employe in the ofifice of the assistant quartermaster of volunteers at Brattleboro, doing duty there and at Burlington, St. Albans and Mont peUer until the close of the war. He was appointed and commissioned captain of Co. H, 1 2 th Regt. Vt. MiUtia, and was appointed colonel and aid-de-camp of Governor Peter T. Washburn. He is a 32d degree Mason and has been prominently connected with the order since June, 1857. He has been M. E. Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chap ter of Vermont ; was president of the Order of High Priesthood for many years, R. E. Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the state, and in the M. ^V. Grand Lodge of Vermont, has served as Grand Junior and Grand Senior Warden, and in June, 1893, was elected to the office of R. W. Deputy Grand Master, which posi tion he now holds. He has been a member of the Grand Army of the RepubUc for many years. He married Esther Maria, daughter of Maj. Adna B. Childs of Wilmington, July i, i860, and had one child, who died in 1864. He is an Episcopalian and for many years has been one of the vestry of St. Michael's Church of Brattieboro. He has been quite constant in his attendance upon the conven tions of the diocese as a delegate from his parish, and was elected as one of the lay deputies by the diocesan convention to the general convention of the church, which met in Chicago, IU., in 1886, again at the city of New York in 1889, and at Baltimore, Md., in 1892. Hastings, Jonathan Hammond, of Waitsfield, son of Garinter and Hannah (01- cutt) Hastings, was born in Waitsfield, Feb. HASTINGS. HATCH. 187 12, 1824. His father came from New Hamp shire to Waitsfield in 1823, where he fol lowed the business of farraing, innkeeper, and loaning raoney. "With no educational advan tages but those of the coraraon schools he has acquired in his extensive business relations a wide knowledge of the world, and a large stock of general information. Owing to the iU health of his father he was early caUed to the management of his financial affairs which he safely conducted for him until his decease in 1857. Since 1856 he has retired from ag ricultural pursuits as his other business de manded his sole attention. For four years he was in partnership with R. J. Gleason, engag ing in general trade. The pubhc has reposed such confidence in him, that he has been caUed upon to settle a majority of the estates in the town for the past twenty-five years, also acting as guardian, trustee, referee, commis sioner, and business adviser. He has been a director of the National Bank of Waterbury, since 1856, and is now vice-president of the same. Naturally Judge Hastings has been sought after to fill the various ofifices of the town where he resides, and the county also has sought his services as deputy and sheriff from 1847 to i860. He was elected by a large Republican majority in 1862 and 1863 to the Legislature and was further honored by being the choice of that party to represent them in the Senate of which he was a mem ber frora 1869 to 1872, serving as committee on clairas, and chairman of the committee on banks. Elected assistant judge in 1880, he held that ofifice four years, and has acted as justice of the peace for more than thirty years. Again in 1892 his townsmen saw fit to make hira their representative in the House, where he served on the coraraittee of ways and means. He is now trustee of the pubhc raoney and law agent for his town. Ener getically devoted to the cause of teraperance he was a charter member of Waitsfield Lodge I. O. G. T. Judge Hastings was married Nov. i, 1848, to Miss Ellen M., daughter of Hon. Samuel and Hannah (French) Merriam, of Johnson. Six children have been born to them of whom two only are now Uving : Abbie M. (Mrs. J. C. Joslyn, of MinneapoUs, Minn.), and Lucy H. (Mrs. John W. Gregory), of Waitsfield. ' Judge Hastings was again married Sept. 29, 1892, to Orris, daughter of John C. and Charlotte (LoveU) Paddock of St. Johnsbury. HASTINGS, Stephen J., of Passurapsic, son of Warren and Lydia (Richardson) Flast- ings, was born in '\Vaterford, Feb. 10, 1850. His grandfather and father were reputable citizens of the town, the latter being a mera ber of the Legislature of 1864 and 1865. He gave his son the benefit of a coramon school and academical training, completing his edu cation by sending him to Dartmouth CoUege, where he graduated in 1873. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Hastings mar ried Althea C, daughter of Amos and Cosbi (Parker) Carpenter, and six children have been born of their union : Warren J. (de ceased), Althea L., Ruth B. (deceased), Harold S., Frank B., and Dora E. Soon after his marriage he settled on a, farm in AVaterford, now Passumpsic, and has devoted special efforts to the breeding of blooded Jersey stock. His attempt has 'been most fortunate, and his herd of twenty-three cows averaged 414 pounds of butter per cow STEPHEN J. HASTINGS, in 1892. He is also a large maple sugar producer. After discharging the duties of several pubhc ofifices, he was sent to the Legislature in 1882, and in the following year was appointed by Governor Barstow as one of the Vermont representatives at the Farmers' Congress in New York City, and again served in that capacity by request of Governor Pingree. Mr. Hastings has passed the portals of Freemasonry and Odd Fellowship, is a Knight Teraplar of Palestine Commandery, of St. Johnsbury, and has been Noble Grand of Caledonia Lodge, as weU as C. P. of Moose River Encampment I. O. O. F. HATCH, Royal A., of Strafford, son of Royal and Marian (Chandler) Hatch, was born in Strafford, Sept. 3, 1838. i88 HAY. HAYWARD. He passed the usual time in the public schools of Strafford and continued his studies at Thetford Acaderay, and later at the acad eray at Chelsea when Judge Ross was prin cipal of the school. Finishing his educational training at the age of seventeen, he returned to Strafiford and helped to raise the frarae of the buUd ing which has been the scene of his active labors for nearly forty years. He early dis played an aptitude for mechanics, and his father erected this shop to give him an op portunity to indulge his favorite pursuits and at the sarae time to develop the re sources of the town. He has engaged in the raanufacture of bedsteads for almost forty years, introducing new machinery to accoraraodate the changing deraands of the market. Mr. Hatch was married to Mary E., daughter of Samuel and Almira (Ripley) Cobb, of Hanover, N. H. Their chUdren were : Mabel Ripley, Marian Chandler, Laura Alice, Caroline B. (deceased), and Royal. Although of Democratic stock he is a be liever in protection, and consequently has acted with the Repubhcan party. His busi ness engagements have not allowed him much time to take an active part in public affairs, yet he has served his town in several important , capacities. He now holds the posUion of agent for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and is director for Orange county, having filled both places for many years. Mr. Hatch has been for more than thirty years a Free and Accepted Mason, and affiliates with Temple Lodge, No. 54, of Strafiford. He was a charter meraber at the organization of Bishop Lodge, No. 31, I. O. G. T., and is now treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Verraont. He is well known as a reliable business man; enterprising and substantial, is re spected by all, and is an important factor in the aff'airs of the town, where he has the good fortune to be surrounded by a refined and interesting family. HAY, Barron, of Bradford, son of James and Laura (White) Hay, was born in Bradford, Sept. 26, 1828. His education was acquired in the com mon schools of Orford and Bradford, and at Bradford Academy. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and when Barron was ten years old he went to Orford, N. H., to live with L. D. Corless, Esq. Here he reraained for seven years, working upon the farm and attending school in the winter terms. In 1845 he returned to Bradford, where he has since resided. Having re solved to devote his energies to business, he entered the store of G. & E. Prichard as clerk, and has been connected with the firm for forty-two years, during twenty of which he has laeen a partner in the house. Mr. Hay is a Democrat in his pohtical faith. He has held the position of town treasurer for seventeen years, was town clerk in 1875, and in 1891 was elected a member for five years of the board of water com missioners. He has been a justice of the peace, and in i866-'67, and in 1884 was sent to the House of Representatives. He is a careful, capable, and honest bu,5i- ness raan, and owes his success in the world solely to his own efforts. U ^ '4 *«— 1^1 jk W V vmi 1 ' % wSHA f. BARRON HAY. He was united in marriage to Jeanette C, daughter of Levi and Almira (Abbey), Smith, Oct. 16, 1854. They have had two children : Fred E. (deceased), and John Barron. The Bradford Opinion, on the event of Mr Hay's sixty-fifth birthday, says: "We can truthfully say of him that he detests meanness and trickery in whatever form it shows itself, and is accredited by all with being the best type of an honest man. These traits are so conspicuous that to some he at times seems 'cranky,' but, just the same, he is honored by those who have known him for a half century, as weU as those of more recent acquaintance." HAYWARD, Henry R., of Tunbridge, son of Reuben and Maria (Cushman) Hay- HAZEN. ward, was born in Montpelier, March 29, 1841. He was educated in the common schools, and moved in 1854 to Tunbridge, where he has since resided. In 1861 he enlisted in Co.E., 2d Regt.Vt. Vols., as 3d sergeant, and served three years. He was promoted to 2d heutenant, and was honorably discharged a.t the expiration of his terra of service, when he returned to Tun bridge and engaged in the lumber and grist milUng business, which he has since followed. He has been commander of Whitney Post No. 21, G. A. R., ever since its organization, with the exception of two years, and also held various town offices, serving as selectman, hster, overseer of poor, etc. Mr. Hayward represented Tunbridge in the Legislature of 1880. He was married, Nov. 17, 1864, to Miss Susan E., daughter of Mason and Celenda (Thompson) Farnham, of Tunbridge, and they have had six children, five of whom are living. HAZEN, LUCIUS DOWNER, of St. Johnsbury, son of Lucius and Hannah B. (Downer) Hazen, was born in Hartford, Jan. 19, 1834. LUCIUS DOWNER HAZEN. The coramon schools of his native town furnished the facilities for his early educa tion and he afterwards attended KirabaU Union Acaderay at Meriden, N. H., where he pursued a commercial course and coni- menced at the age of fifteen to assist his father in his store and on the farra. In 1863 his father died in possession of the largest farm in Vermont and, two years after, the subject of this sketch removed to Barnet, where he was employed in purchasing wool for the Caledonia Manufacturing Co. He then made a heavy investment in timber lands in Whitefield, N. H., and in 1872 com raenced the raanufacture of luraber, extend ing his operations to the towns of Groton, Victory, MiU's Pond and Richford, Vt. In 1890 he sold 16,000 acres of timber land in Victory to the Olcott Falls Co , previous to which sale he was the owner of one half of the township. He was wedded Jan. 12, 1862, to Orinda G., daughter of Lloyd and Lois (Griswold) Kimball of Mclndoes Falls. Four children have been the issue of their union : Lucius K., Mary L. (Mrs. N. H. Houghton), Charles D., and Margaret E. Mr. Hazen was selectman of Newbury during the four years of the war and in 1869 was chosen by a Republican constituency to represent the town of Barnet in the Legisla ture. He represented St. Johnsbury in 1888 and served on the coraraittee on the insane and also on that of banks. He has been director and vice-president ofthe Merchants National Bank of St. Johnsbury for fifteen years, this being a longer terra of service than that of any other director. In 1892 he was appointed a delegate at large to the national Republican convention at Minne apolis. He is a deacon in the North Con gregational Church and a meraber of the A. B. C. F. M., and also of the American Home Missionary Society. HEATH, Charles Henry, late of Mont peher, son of EUas and Ruth (Blanchard) Heath, was born in Woodbury, Nov. 4, 1829. His earlier education was received -in the pubhc schools of Woodbury, the W' ashington grammar school and the People's Academy at MorrisviUe. He then entered the Uni versity of Vermont, frora which he graduated in 1854, receiving three years later the de gree of A. M. For two years after his graduation he was principal of the academy at MorrisviUe, which during that time ranked as the best school of its kind in the state. He then com menced the study of law in the ofifice of Thom as Gleed, of MorrisviUe, and was admitted to the bar of LamoiUe county court in Decem ber, 1858. Until 1872 he practiced at Plain- field, but then removed to Montpeher. Early in the sixties he served as state's attorney for the county for two years, and in 1868, 1869, and 1870 was elected to the state Sen ate, and was subsequentiy made a trustee of the State Library. 190 HEATON. HENDEE. Mr. Heath was married Feb. 9, 1859, to Sarah Eliza, daughter of Dr. David Wing and Rebecca (CaldweU) Putnam, of MorrisviUe. His death occurred July 12, 1889. Mr. Heath's hfe work was not aU done in the law nor in the House where laws were raade, but his outlook was as broad as the interests of humanity extend, and whatever commanded itself as helpful to these was sure to enUst his hearty co-operation. He possessed a marvelous memory and whatever he observed seemed indehbly irapressed upon his mind. The cause of temperance had in him an ardent supporter, and firraly beheving in the principles of Free Masonry he was a staunch adherent of the order, being advanced to the degree of Knight Templar. CHARLES HENRY HEATH, A Repubhcan in politics, a liberal Christ ian in his church relations, he attempted no disguise of his beUefs or disbeUefs, but de clared thera openly, forcibly and often. HEATON, Homer Wallace, son of Dr. Gershom and Polly (Wallace) Heaton, was born in BerUn, August 25, 181 1. Having received his early education atthe schools of his native town, he continued his studies at the St. Lawrence Acaderay, Pots dam, N. Y., and the Washington county grammar school at Montpeher. He comraenced the study of law with J. P. MiUer, Esq., and N. BayUes, Jr., in Mont peUer, and was adraitted to the Washington county bar, Noveraber terra, 1835. Atthe dissolution of the firm of Miller & Baylies he at once formed a partnership with Mr. Miller under the firra name of Miller & Hea ton, and when Colonel Miller retired in 1830 he took as a partner Mr. Charles Reed, and under the style of Heaton & Reed they con tinued to practice until the death of the lat ter in 1873. Mr. Heaton was united in marriage July I, 1 841, to Harriet, daughter of John Stearns. Of this union were four sons, three of whom are now hving : Charles H., James S., and Homer W. Mrs. Heaton died April 26, 1859. Mr. Heaton was state's attorney in 1839- '41, '60, and '61, and represented Montpe lier in 1 848. He has always been a staunch Democrat and was the Democratic candi date for Governor in 1869 and '70, and for Congress in 1872 and '74. Of late years Mr. Heaton has kept out of the practice of the law all that he could to devote himself to the care of his own property and the man agement of the Montpeher Savings Bank and Trust Co., of which he has been presi dent since its organization in 187 1. HENDEE, George Whitman, of Mor risviUe, son of Jehial P. and Rebecca (Ferrin) Hendee, was born in Stowe, Nov. 30, 1832. George ^^^ Hendee was educated in the common schools, and at the People's Ac aderay at Morrisville. His parents were poor, and all his educational advantages were obtained by his own strenuous and unaided exertions. At the age of twenty he coramenced the study of law in the oflSce of W. G. Ferrin of Johnson. He was admitted to the LamoiUe county bar in 1855. It was an era of frequent justice and jury trials. 'Phe industry, pleasing address, and clear in sight of the young advocate were soon re warded with an ample and constantly increas ing practice. A large proportion of the more important cases were soon committed to his charge, and nearly aU of his recent practice has been in the county and supreme courts of the state and U. S. circuit and district courts. During the last twenty- five years the discharge of important pohti cal duties, and the management of great business enterprises, have at times withdrawn the attention of Governor Hendee hom his professional labors. He was one of the pioneers in the construction of the P. & 0' R. R., and gave his entire time to it for a period of seven years, and is now the only director who has given the road continuous service since the organization of the corpor ation. He has been for three years, and iS the president of the Montreal, Portland « Boston R. R. of Canada. His connection 192 HEBARD. HENRY. with banking interests has been varied and extensive. He is a director and the vice- president of the Union Savings Bank and Trust Co. of Morrisville. He was receiver of the National Bank of Poultney, and of the Verraont National Bank of St. x'\lbans, and was national bank examiner from 1879 to 1885. Governor Hendee is and always has been a Repubhcan. ^\'hen he was twenty-one years old, he was elected to the office of superintendent of schools, a position he has since repeatedly and worthily filled, and dur ing the alraost forty years since that time there has been no year in which he has not been caUed by the pubhc to discharge some ofificial trust. He has many tiraes acted by order of court as auditor, trustee, and special master. He was a member of the Vermont House of Representatives for Morristown two sessions, i86i-'62, state's attorney for LamoiUe county in 1858-59, deputy provost marshal during the war, senator for LamoiUe county in i866-'67, and 1868, and Lieutenant Governor in 1869. Sworn in as Governor by Judge Steele on the death of Gov. P. T. Washburn, he served the reraainder of the term. He was a raem ber of the Forty-third, Forty-fourth and Forty- fifth Congresses, and there served on the committee on private land claims, and on the District of Columbia. He was largely instrumental in drafting and securing the passage of the law which raade an entire change of the forra of governraent of the District, under which it has since existed, and which has placed it on an entirely sound financial basis. During his long pubhc career Governor Hendee has served his town in raany and varied capacities, and the grateful apprecia tion in which his services, both public and private, are held, is weU known. He is now serving his third terra as president of the board of village trustees. During the last ten years he has sought relaxation in agri cultural pursuits. He is largely interested in the breeding and development of first- class light carriage horses of the Morgan type and blood. He is a raember of the Masonic fraternity; married Nov. 17, 1855, Millissa, daughter of Stevens ancl Caroline (Johnson) Redding. Their only child was LilUan Frances, now deceased. His wife died in 1861, and he married, Dec. 23, 1863, Yhola S., daughter of Loren and Fidelia (Paine) Bundy. HEBARD, Salmon B., son of Hon. William Hebard, was born Nov. 15, 1835, and was educated at the Orange county graramar school of Randolph, and at Chel sea Academy. [For an extended sketch of Hon. WiUiara Hebard see historical portion of this work.] He entered his father's ofifice as a law stu dent when he was nineteen years of age, but at twenty-one he was appointed clerk of Orange county court and held that office until i860. He was adraitted to the bar in 1 86 1. In the faU of that year he enUsted and was made 2d heutenant of the istVt. Light Battery and served in the Department of the Gulf until Noveraber, 1863, when he returned to Chelsea and resumed legal prac tice, soon forming a partnership with his SALMON B, HEBARD, father which continued until the death of the latter. He has been town agent ever since 1875, and deputy clerk of Orange county court most of the time since i860, and on the death of Hon. L. G. Hinckley in 1887 was appointed clerk. In 1880 he was elected state's attorney for Orange county and in 1884 senator. Mr. Hebard is an earnest, reUable raan of good judgment and abiUty. HENRY, William Wirt, of BurUngton, son of Jaraes M. and Matilda (Gale) Henry, was born Nov. 21, 1831, in Waterbury. His educational advantages were limited to the district and village schools of Water bury and one terra in the People's Academy of MorrisviUe. He was in California in 1852, whence he returned in 1857, and entered into partner ship with his father and brother. Selling out his interest in 1 861, he enUsted as a private in Co. D, 2d Vt. Vols. Proraoted ist Ueuten ant, Co. D, he was present at the first battle HEWITT. HEWITT. 193 of Bull Run, and a few months afterwards he was mustered out on a surgeon's certificate. He again entered the service, August 26, 1862, as major of the loth Infantry, Vt. Vols., and successively was promoted to the grade of lieutenant-colonel and colonel, and finally to brevet-brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious service during the war. He comraanded his regiment at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tol- opotomy Creek, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Cedar Creek, Va., and Monocacy, Md. Slightly wounded at Cold Harbor and Mon ocacy, he was hit four tiraes at Cedar Creek. Congress granted hira a medal for gallantry at Cedar Creek. The first entry of General Henry into pubhc life was his appointment as constable in White Oak township, Eldorado county, California, in 1856. After the war he was twice elected state senator from Washington county, and also from Chittenden county, in 1874. He was appointed United States marshal for district of Vermont, in 1879, which office he held for seven years. He was mayor of BurUngton in i887-'88, and appointed immigrant inspector in 1892. General Henry was married August 5, 1857, to Mary Jane, daughter of Lyman and Mary (Sherman) Beebe. Five children were born to them : Bertram Beebe, Mary Matilda, Ferdinand Sherman, Katie Beebe, and Carrie Ehza. His second wife was Valera, daughter of Timothy J. and Susan P. (White) Heaton, whora he married at Watertown, Dec. 3, 1872. After his return frora the war. General Henry again re-entered the old firra and the business was removed to Burlington. This partnership was dissolved in 1870, and from it sprung the firra of Henry, Johnson & Lord. General Henry has been prorainent in the Masonic fraternity and miUtary societies in stituted since the civil war. He received his first degrees in Masonry in Aurora Lodge, Montpeher, in 1858 ; .was a charter member and Past Master of the lodge at Waterbury ; also charter meraber of Burlington Lodge, Burlington. He has enjoyed the honor of Past Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. and de partment coramander of the G. A. R. of Vermont. He has been admitted to the military order of the Loyal Legion, the Soci ety of the Army of the Potomac, and the Knights of Pythias. HEWITT, Alexis B., of Putney, son of William and Abigail (Holman) Hewitt, was born in Windham, Nov. 29, 1822. He received his early education at the common schools of the town, and had several terms at the old Saxton's River academy, where he received a teacher's certificate. In i842-'43 he taught school in London derry, but becoming dissatisfied with the small pay teachers received in those days, he removed to Putney, in the early part of 1843, ^^^ found employment in a woolen mill, where he remained for twelve years, being superintendent for nine years of the tirae. Here he acquired sufificient capital to establish hiraself in business, and in the spring of 1857 he bought a one-half interest in "The Old Corner Store" with Mr. Baker, continuing for fourteen years. In 1869 Mr. A. F. Kelley, now Kelley Bros., bankers, Minneapolis, Minn., bought the interest of Mr. Baker, and the firra narae of Hewitt & ALEXIS B. HEWITT, Kelley was adopted. This firm continued the business for three years, untU 1872, when Mr. Hewitt bought the interest of his partner and continued it until 1882. Mr. Hewitt has always been a raan of high character and standing in the corarau nity, and has held raany positions of trust, to which he has been both appointed and elected. In 1862 he received from President Lin coln the ofifice of postmaster ; holding the office continuously until 1882, when he re signed. In 1857 he was elected town treas urer, a position of trust which he stiU holds. In t868 he was elected town clerk, and since that time he has been elected each year. He has also been receiver of taxes since 1884. In 1890 and 1892 he represented his town in the General Asserably at Montpelier, and 194 HILL. HILL. was a delegate to the national Republican convention at Minneapolis in 1892. Mr. Hewitt was raarried August 4, 1845, to Miss Abbie F., daughter of John B. and Harriet Moore Pierce. A man of quiet habits, unostentatious, but of liberal views, having much sympathy for the unfortunate, and always taking a deep interest in the welfare of the town and its people ; he is beloved by the coraraunity, and raost by those who know hira best. HILL, George W., of Lunenburg, son of Carleton and Amanda M. (Carr) HiU, was born in DanviUe, Dec. 18, 1842. His father moved to Concord when George was three years old, and he received his ed ucation in the coramon schools of that town and of Lunenburg. GEORGE W. HILL. At the age of eight he had the mis fortune to lose his mother, and five years afterward he left home and found employ raent in various places in Concord until 1856, when he returned to Lunenburg and there engaged in farm labor untU his patri otic impulses led him to serve in the army of the Union. Enlisting in Co. K, 8th Regt. Vt. Vols., under the coramand of Col. Stephen Thomas, he shared in the vicissi tudes of the Louisiana campaign. He was present at Boutes Station, Bayou Teche, Fort Bisland, Port Hudson, Donaldson, Win chester, Va., Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. Severely wounded in the first naraed engage raent, he refused an honorable discharge and returned to his regiment. He entered the service a private, was promoted through every grade to 2d lieutenant, and as such returned with his corapany at the close of the war. After the termination of the struggle Lieutenant Hill returned to Lunenburg, en gaged in farming and finally settled on the place where he now resides. He was united in marriage, Nov. 7, 1865 to Amanda M., daughter of Sylvanus and Martha Lane. Four children have been the fruit of their union : Harry S., George W. (deceased), Clara M., and Madge E. Mr. Hill is an adherent of the RepubUcan party and has repeatedly been charged with the responsibilities of many ofifices in the gift of his fellow-townsmen. He ably repre sented Lunenburg in the Legislature of 1890. He is a prominent member of Howard Post, G. A. R., and for three years was commander. He is noted for energy and perseverance, is a good financier and successful farmer. HILL, Harlan Henry, of Lowell, son of Samuel and Jane (Fairbanks) Hill, was born in Greensboro, April 16, i860. He is one of the most successful physi cians in Orleans county, and has an univer sally large practice. Dr. HiU is a self-made man and after leaving the public schools of Greensboro, by a hard and diligent struggle procured sufificient funds for a more extended education in the Liberal Institute of Glover, and the Eclectic CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons, of New York City, from which lat ter institution he was graduated in 1883, af ter an extensive experience in hospital i:)ractice at Bellevue and Blackwell's Island. After graduating he pursued his profession a few months with his former preceptor. Dr. Templeton, of Glower, with whom he had studied three years, going from Glover to Morgan. In the faU of 1884 he moved to Lowell, where he soon acquired an extensive practice. In 1886, Dr. HiU was elected town superintendent of schools. He is a member of the Vermont Eclectic Society and in 1892 was elected vice-presi dent. Politically, he is a strong RepubHcan ; in religious preferences he is a liberal. May 12, 1884, he married Zana B. Drew, of Glover. HITCHCOCK, Aaron Charles, of ^^'estfield, son of Medad Smith and Patty (Hitchcock) Hitchcock, was born July i9> 1823, in Westfield. He is seventh in de scent from Luke Hitchcock, who settied in New Haven, Conn., in 1644, from which place his two sons, Luke and John, removed to Springfield, Mass., building a log house on the present site of the old court house, which habitation was burned down when HITCHCOCK. Springfield was attacked and pillaged by the Indians. I'he great-grandfather of Aaron was the first white settier who remained through the winter in Brimfield, Mass., and was One of the original proprietors of that town, from where Capt. Medad Hitchcock removed to Westfield in 1805 and there buih the first grist and saw mill and the first frame barn, the latter serving as church and schoolhouse for a tirae. The Hitchcock faraily have always been prorainent in Westfield, and no raeraber more so than A. C. Hitchcock, whose edu cation was received in the public schools. His father died when he was seventeen years old and on hira devolved rauch re sponsibihty (ably borne) as the eldest of a family of six. Mr. Hitchcock has devoted HOBART. 19s AARON CHARLES HITCHCOCK. his life mainly to agricultural pursuits and was a pioneer in fruit growing in his section, and as a farmer and business man has been eminently successful. He is a large owner of real estate in Orleans county and also in Iowa and Dakota. In 1873 he purchased a half interest in a general store at Troy for his son Edward and a year later bought out the other partner. This property, however, he sold after his son's death. He was married March 12, 1849, to Cal- ista L., daughter of Johnathan and Lydia (RoweU ) Jenkins of Kirby, who is a direct descendant of the faraous Hannah Dustin. They have had three children : Charles S. {deceased), Edward A. (deceased), Erama C. (Mrs. Hiram O. Miller). Since the formation of the Repubhcan party, Mr. Hitchcock has been a sturdy ad herent of the sarae, and, while in no sense a politician, he has often been called upon to serve his town. In i860 and 1861 he was fitly chosen to represent Westfield in the state Legislature and at the special session in April, 1 86 1. He has been a trustee of the \'\'estfield graramar school since its incor poration and for thirty years was its treasurer and one of the prudential committee. At the age of twenty-five he becarae an active member of the Congregational church to which he has been a most liberal contributor and supporter, always active in Sunday school work and taking much interest in horae and foreign missions. The success of Mr. Hitchcock in the course of a long and active career has been the result of his personal energy, coramon sense, and natural good judgraent. HOBART, John White, of St Albans, son of Thoraas S. and Mary (Packard) Hob art, was born in Randolph, August 23, 1829. The subject of this sketch is of EngUsh descent, and was educated at Orange county graramar school, and at Thetford Acaderay, under the tuition of Hiram B. Orcutt. The traits of character which were to bring suc cess to young Hobart early manifested them selves, and before reaching man's estate he was fighting the battie of hfe unaided. At the age of eighteen he entered the employ ment of the Vermont Central Railroad in the train department. In 1848, several raonths before the road was completed, and during the period of this employment, he had more or less to do with the construction of the Une. In 1849 the road was opened to Mont pelier on the 4th of July of that year, and Mr. Hobart was appointed station agent at the Capital. Ten years of faithful service in this capacity was rewarded by a further recognition of his abihty and usefulness, and in March, 1859, hewas raade master of trans portation. This position he held fourteen years, and at its close had completed a quarter of a century of active service for the Verraont Central corporation, commencing his second quarter as general superintendent of the road and its leased lines in 1873. The growth of the road, and its extension by branch roads built, and other roads leased, furnished a large field, requiring more ex tended supervision, and in 1883 Mr. Hobart was raade general manager of the Central Vermont system. Continued application will teU on the strongest constitution, and though capable of more physical endurance than the average man, Mr. Hobart had to succomb to ira paired health, and on June i, 1891, for that 196 HOBART. HOBSON. reason, resigned his position, after having been in the eraployment of the company forty-three years. During a large part of the period of his service as general superintendent and gen eral manager, the railroad management was harassed by vexatious htigation, extending over a long period, and making heavy de mands on the tirae and abUity of the presi dent, the late ex-Governor John Gregory Sraith, and compelUng him to depend largely, and at times entirely, upon his gen eral superintendent and manager in aU affairs connected with the operations of the rail road ; how thoroughly and ably the many Jacobs (Lyraan) Howe. They have one son : Norman L. He never aspired to any poUtical office though in 1870 he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention. He is a member of the several local branches of the Masonic fraternity, and was district deputy grand master for a term. Mr. Hobart is associated with many of the local enterprises in the town of St. Albans, to which his well-balanced judgment and business instincts are a tower of strength. He is a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and a generous contributor to its support. His genial disposition and uni versal courtesy makes him essentially a man of the people. No corporation ever had a manager who so generally commanded the esteem of aU classes of employes. JOHN WHITE HOBART. duties of the latter were performed is shown by its prosperity, notwithstanding it was so heavily handicapped during that period, a prosperity that John W. Hobart helped to raake possible. His reputation as an able railroad raan ager has extended far beyond the borders of his native state, and he has several times received offers from corporations, notably the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the New Orleans & Mobile. These offers with large salaries connected with them would have persuaded many less unselfish natures, but through them all his loyalty to the old Central Vermont never swerved, nor his love for the Green Mountain state in which he was content to pass his life. He was married in Royalton, Jan. 18, 1853, to Mary Jane, daughter of Luther and Mary HOBSON, Samuel Decatur, of island Pond, son of Samuel and Hannah (Sawyer) Hobson, was born in HolUs, Me., Oct. 5, 1830. Mr. Hobson is of English descent and was educated in the comraon schools and at Lim erick Academy. In 1852, he removed to Island Pond, and aided in the erection of the first building in the village. He continued the business of builder and contractor until 1857, when he was engaged by Isaac Dyer, of Portiand, as foreman of his mill and lum ber business, and he remained with him two years, when he becarae the agent of St. John Smith of the same place, whose interest he soon purchased. After continuing here for three years Mr. Hobson bought the Wood bury MiUs at East Brighton in 1886, and "Hobson's MiUs" has since that time been his residence, until, in 1890, he removed to Island Pond, and his sons have been associa ted with him. In addition to their regular trade, they raaintain an extensive mercantile establishment and carry on a large stock farm. Mr. Hobson was united in marriage in January, 1854, to Mary E., daughter of Eben and Sarah (Haley) Sawyer, of HolUs, Me. To them have been born : Harry Howard, Helen M. (Mrs. K. B. Fletcher, Jr., of Lan caster, N. H.), John E. (deceased), Eugene F., Sarah M., Albion W., Mary C, and Elsie G. Mr. Hobson is an active and influential Republican. Having performed the duties of the various town ofifices he was chosen to the Legislature in 1856, and again in 1882 and 1883. The foUowing year he was elected to the Senate from Essex county and was appointed by Governor DiUingham a mem ber of the comraitte to locate the new state asylum for the insane. In i860 he received the honor of an election as assistant judge of the county court. HOLBROOK. HOLBROOK. 197 Judge Hobson is a Uberal and pubhc-spir ited raan of strong teraperance views and a consistent member of the M. E. Church. He possesses good judgment and remarkable en ergy, in consequence of which he has been financially successful. HOLBROOK, Arthur T., of Leming- ton, son of Thomas P. and Olive (Bufifington) Holbrook, was born Nov. 8, 1839, in Leming- ton. His father, Thomas, came to Lemington frora Belchertown, Mass., as one of the earli est settlers, in 1805. Here in the corapara tive wilderness he reared, amid his rough surroundings, a family of eighteen sturdy children, who though accustomed to hard ships and toil from early infancy, all lived to raaturity. Arthur attended the schools of his native town and the neighboring academy of Cole- brook, N. H., when not engaged in labor on the farm. He now is in possession of a fine fertile estate, embracing six hundred and forty acres, which he manages with great abiUty, producing two tons of maple sugar annually. A dutiful son, he has remained upon this farra his whole life long, and cherished the dechning years of his father who died in 1873, at the ripe old age of eighty-eight ; and of his mother who still survives, and though nearly four score and ten, is a pleasant and intelligent old lady, retaining fuU possession of her mental faculties. Mr. Holbrook is a prominent Repubhcan, but though Uving in a Democratic town, has been pronounced worthy of alraost aU the ofifices in its gift, and was complimented by an election to the Legislature in 1874. He has also been called upon to fiU the responsi ble position of justice of the peace and town clerk for thirty and twenty years respectively, while his assistance has been frequently sought in setthng estates. In 1870 he was a member of the Constitutional Convention. He was married in Colebrook, Jan. 17, 1880, to Marial C, daughter of Judge Elias and Clarissa (Sraith) Lyman. Two children have blessed their union : Maude Lyraan, and Harold Arthur. Mr. Holbrook is a raeraber of the Patrons of Husbandry. He is independent in his judgraent, honest, moral, industrious. Of frank and hospitable nature, one is always assured of a hearty welcome in his pleasant and corafortable home. HOLBROOK, JOHN, late of Brattle boro, son of John and SybU (Lane) Hol brook, was born in Weymouth, Mass., July 10, 1761, and soon after he became of age moved to Newfane (reporting himself to Hon. Luke Knowlton, who assisted him to employment as a land surveyor, as he had been taught drawing and the surveyor's art by British officers stationed at Dorchester Heights). Young Holbrook ran town and division lines in the vicinity of Newfane hiU. At the age of twenty-five he married Sarah, daughter of Luke and Sarah (Hol land) Knowlton. Luke Knowlton was one of the first judges of the Suprerae Court of Vermont, and was one of the very earliest settlers, coraing frora Shrewsbury, Mass., where raost of his family were born. At that time the settlers sought high ele vations in order to protect themselves from roaming Indians who were wont to attack frora arabush along the valleys, and also to escape the malarial fevers. Mr. Holbrook soon opened a small general store in the L of what is now about the only house left of JOHN HOLBROOK. the early ones built on Newfane hiU. He took his produce and articles of barter on pack-horses over a bridle path defined by raarked trees along the West River valley down through Brattleboro, then unsettled, to Greenfield, where they were exchanged for dry goods and groceries. After accuraulat- ing his first thousand dollars he raoved to Brattleboro, buying the old miUs which stood where Hines & Newman afterward buUt their shop, and also buying the house which is now known as the American House, of which his faraily occupied a part, he opening a country store in the other part. He finally formed business relations with HOLBROOK. HOLBROOK. David Porter, a leading merchant in Hart ford, Conn., under the firm name of Porter & Holbrook at Hartford, and Holbrook & Porter at Brattleboro. Mr. Holbrook was one of the original directors of the old Phoenix Bank of Hartford, and is said to have brought the first bank notes here for circulation. He started the first flat bottom boats on the Connecticut river betweefi here and Hartford, and for many years these boats were the principal raeans of exchang ing heavy freights with the seaboard. He also buUt a slaughter house on the island across the river, where large quantities of beef, pork, haras and tongues were cured for market, and which were sent raainly to the West Indies by the Hartford firra in ex change for goods of that country. About the year 1809 he sold his property to Francis Goodhue, who carae to Brattleboro frora Wethersfield. Mr. Holbrook removed to Warehouse Point, Conn., where he lived for two or three years or until the death of his son-in- law, William Fessenden, who left a small family and an extensive business, which made it necessary for Mr. Holbrook to re turn and assume charge of the concern, which he subsequently extended and enlarged after taking as a partner Joseph Fessenden, brother of William, and, under the firm name of Holbrook & Fessenden, the busi ness was continued for raany years. In 1 794 Mr. Holbrook was appointed post raaster and served tiU July i, 1804. At the age of sixty, he retired frora active business and built a house for his own occupancy on extensive grounds in the north part of the village, where for the reraainder of his life he devoted himself to fancy gardening and to the beautifying and cultivation of his home farm. Fie was the second raember of the original board of trustees of the Ver mont Asylum under the Marsh bequests, and died in office in 1838. HOLBROOK, FREDERICK, of Brattle boro, ex-Governor of Vermont, was born in East Windsor, Gonn., Feb. 15, 1813. His father was John Holbrook. [See preceding sketch.] Frederick Holbrook received a sound Eng hsh education in the progress of which he devoted rauch attention to raatheraatics. For two years he was a dihgent student at the Berkshire Gymnasium, Pittsfield, Mass., an institution then under the direction of Pro fessor Dewey, and held by many to be the best private school in the country at that time. When twenty years of age he crossed the Atlantic to obtain the advantage of a Euro pean tour. Returning home in 1833, he set- tied in Brattieboro and confined his energies mainly to agricultural pursuits. Frederick Holbrook was raarried on the 13th of January, 1835, to Harriet, daughter of Joseph ancl Sarah (Edwards) Goodhue of Brattleboro. Their children are : FrankUn F., WilUara C. [see following sketch], and John. Public ofificial life with Mr. Holbrook be gan in 1847, when he was elected register of probate for the district of Marlboro. In 1850 he was chosen to the presidency of the Vermont State Agricultural Society, of which he was one of the founders. The first ad dress delivered before the association was' frora his lips. Eight consecutive annual- elections followed his first elevation to that most useful and honorable post. In 1849 and 1850 he was returned to the state Senate as the representative of his feUow-citizens in Windham county. A\'hile a member of the Senate, and acting as chairman of a special committee on agriculture, he proposed and prepared a memorial to Congress setting forth the usefulness and urging the estabUsh ment of a National Bureau of Agriculture.. The project received the indorsement and commendation of the President of the United States in his message to Congress. It was no less favorably received by the representa-: tives of the several states, and by their action, approved by the chief raagistrate, the depart ment of agriculture soon passed from the- domain of possibility into that of reaUty. His essays and other writings for the agri cultural press for several years first attracted public attention to hira. His style of writ ing, the result of careful training in the for mation of good composition, and clear, con cise statement, was said to be graceful and forceful, and, later on, conspicuous in his state papers and ofificial correspondence. Qualities so useful and pubhc service so beneficial naturally led to Mr. Holbrook's ele\ation to the gubernatorial chair of Ver mont In 1 86 1 he was placed therein by a gratifying raajority of votes. The choice was one of special honor to the subject, inasmuch as the tirae was one of the darkest and most portentous in the whole of our national his tory. Responsibilities of the gravest char acter de-\'olved upon the executive head of the state and burdensome and incessant labor was required of him. While Governor of Verraont Mr. Holbrook' was called upon to assist in devising means for the preservation of injured Union sol diers. Under his guidance Vermont was the first state in the Union to provide hospitals for its soldiers. Thereby many were saved from sinking into untimely graves. There were no precedents to guide action. Good practical sense alone availed to work out the problera. But few raistakes attended the atterapted solution, and briUiant success crowned it in the outcome. ^^^j^^^^^^^^JW^^^^ ^^s/z>-/'-^^/^2r^a-A I. ; 200 HOLBROOK. HOLDEN. Since he was Governor he has decUned aU overtures of public ofifice, preferring the quiet, honored, and eminently useful life he is now leading. As an authority on many and diverse subjects, his opinions are eagerly sought and largely followed by an ever- widening circle of friends and acquaintances. Appointments from general government have sought his acceptance, but have been declined. Never an ofifice-seeker, and com paratively seldom an ofifice-accepter, when ever he has been persuaded to don the ofificial harness he has always been noted for the efficiency, thoroughness and beneficence of his work. The best ends, the wisest raeans to the ends, and the highest rule of action have entered into aU his meditations, plans, and deeds of pubUc activity. Chairraan of the board of trustees of the Vermont Asylura for the past forty years, he has incessantly sought the best good of the patients and the best welfare of the institu tion. Legislator, Governor, and pubUc ben efactor, his career has been one of dutiful, loving UtiUty. In the tranquil but prolific department of agriculture his position, if vacated, would be extremely difficult to fiU. HOLBROOK, William C, of New York, son of Frederick and Harriet (Good hue) Holbrook, was born in Brattleboro, July 14, 1842. He comraenced his education in the pub Uc schools of Brattleboro, and afterwards at tended a private school for boys under the charge of the Rev. Addison Brown. He first engaged in mercantile pursuits in Boston, Mass. Returning to Brattleboro on the out break of the war of the rebelUon, and enlisting as private in Co. F, 4th Vt. Vols., he accompa nied that regiment to Washington as ist heu tenant, and was shortly afterwards made act ing adjutant. Subsequently he was promoted to major of the 7th Vt. Vols., which organi zation he accompanied to Ship Island, Miss., and was commissioned colonel of the com mand in August, 1862. He served as such and as brigade commander until after the sur render of aU the rebel armies. Colonel Hol brook actively participated in sieges and the batties of Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Baton Rouge, Jackson's Bridge, Gonzales Station, Spanish Fort, Blakely, Whistier and Mobile, and he re-enlisted in the 7th Regt. for three additional years service or for the war on the expiration of its first term of service. At the close of the struggle he entered the Cambridge Law School and began there the study of law. In 1868 he went to New York City, was there admitted to the bar and has since been actively engaged in the practice of the law. He has also been adraitted a raember of the bar of Windham county, and of the circuit and district courts of the United States, of various departments in New York New Jersey, and Western Pennsylvania. Colonel Holbrook was married in New Y'ork City, Jan. 17, 1872, to Anna Morrison, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Chalmers. Three children are issue of the union : Mar garet Chalmers, Marion Goodhue, and Chal mers. Colonel Holbrook is allied with numerous civil and military social organizations, among which raay be named Sedgwick Post, No. 8 WILLIAM C. HOLBROOK. of Brattleboro, G. A. R., the military order of the Loyal Legion, the societies of the Army of the Potomac, of the Ofificers and Soldiers 4th Vt. Vols., of the \\'indham County Veter ans, of the Windsor County Veterans, of the 19th Army Corps, of the Vt. Ofificers, of the Veteran Ofificers and Soldiers of the 7th Vt. Y'ols. Of the three last named he either is, or has been, president. He also belongs to the Association of the Bar of the City of New Y'ork, and is a life raeraber of the New Eng land Society of that city. HOLDEN, Charles Reed, of Holden, son of Fitch and Chloe (Todd) Holden, was born in Mt. Holly, June 3, 1840. After the customary pubhc school educa tion he pursued a course of study at the Springfield Methodist Seminary, after which he went to Illinois, following the occupation of farmer and stock raiser for six years. Though meeting with success, he returned to the East in 1865, where after a temporary residence in several towns, he finally settled HOLDEN. HOLDEN. in Chittenden, and there has engaged ex tensively in the lumber trade, paying sorae attention also to agriculture. So highly has Mr. Holden been esteemed in the coraraun ity where he resides that when the U. S. governraent established a new postofifice in that part of the township known as North Chittenden, it received the titie of Holden as a deserved compUment to him. He espoused, June 4, 1859, M. Ellen, daughter of Beeman and Rhoana Bixby, from which connection have sprung : Jennie May, Charles R., Jr., Agnes J., Ada R., Ottie L., and Guy B. Mr. Holden has passed through the rou tine of office in his town and represented Chittenden in 1878, giving his services to the coraraittees on elections and debentures. HOLDEN, James Henry, late of Mid dlesex, son of Elijah and Orpha (Steele) Holden, was born in Middlesex, May 26, 1829. His father afterwards raoved to Barre and then to Waitsfield, and James, whose educa tion was limited to the comraon schools of those towns,by taking advantage to the utraost JAMES HENRY HOLDEN. of his opportunities was enabled to raaster aU the branches there taught. He became a fine penman and a good bookkeeper. He also gave rauch attention to music, and for many years was leader of the choir in his native village. Remaining upon his father's farra in Waitsfield until his majority, he was for seven years afterwards employed as a clerk in Waitsfield, and Danvers, Mass. In 1856 he coraraenced business for himself in Middlesex, in which he continued for thirty- two years, until the time of his death, en gaging in various partnerships during that time. Always honest and conscientious in his dealings he retained the confidence and respect of all his customers during his whole business career, and was the leading mer chant of that town. In his early years he joined the Repub lican party in which he acted a prorainent part during the rest of his life. He repre sented the town of Middlesex in the Legis lature of i860, and from 1872 to 1876 was assistant judge of the county court. Judge Holden was selectman of the town during the period of the war, and rendered good service to his country in enlisting and send ing soldiers to the front. He has frequently acted on town and county committees, and was for two years county commissioner under the prohibition law of the state. For more than twenty years he was postmaster at Mid dlesex, and in every position of pubhc trust proved himself a capable and faithful steward of the people. An active member of the Masonic lodges at Moretown and Waterbury, he was buried with the customary funeral ceremonies of the order. He was a member and a worthy chief of the Good Teraplars, and in aU moral, social, and benevolent enterprises in the town he gave freely his time, his talent, and his money. Judge Holden married at Fayston, July 16, 1855, Catherine, daughter of EU and Pluma (Sherraan) Bruce, frora which union there were : Pluraa Eliza (Mrs. J. E. Good- enough of MontpeUer), WilUara Allen (de ceased), and Jaraes Harry. HOLDEN, Sylvanus Marsh, of South Londonderry, son of Philemon and Sally (Faulkner) Holden, was born in London derry, Feb. 14, 1838. His education was received in the com raon schools of Londonderry and at the West River Academy, from which he gradu ated in 1858. After leaving school he remained on the homestead until i860, when he went to Brattleboro and learned the trade of a jeweler. In 1861 he started in this busi ness at South Londonderry, continuing untU 1865, when he comraenced to deal in general merchandise, and was thus employed until 1 87 1. He then bought the farra where he has since resided, devoting himself to agri culture and dealing in cattle and real estate. He is now also conducting a farm in Lon- ,donderry, where he has started a general merchandise store in addition to his agricul tural operations, and is now the possessor of a large property in South Dakota. HOLDEN. HOLLAND. He has served his town as chairraan of hsters for ten years, beginning in 1881, and as justice of the peace for the past six years. Mr. Holden was raarried, Nov. 28, 1861, at North Adams, Mass., to EUen S., daughter of Thomas and Mary (Wiley) Jaquith. There were born to them three children ; WiUie S. (deceased), Archie W. (deceased), and Arthur H. HOLDEN, ORSEMOR S., of FelchviUe, son of Joel and Priscilla (Whitmore) Holden, was born in Reading, July 30, 1843. He received the school advantages of his native town. His father died when he was only seven years of age. From his father's faraily he inherited a rare taste and gift for rausic, which he has cultivated during his whole life, and of this accomplishment he has availed himself at tiraes to earn his liv ing. For about twenty-eight years he has followed the occupation of a house, sign and carriage painter, though he has meanwhile traveled extensively with concert troupes. In 1864 he commenced an engageraent with Whitraore & Clark's Minstrels during their seasons, and, this lasted five years. Mr. Hol den is a popular ballad singer, possessing a baritone voice of great compass and power. He enlisted three times during the civil war, but could not pass the medical- examination. He has received his degrees in Mt. Sinai Lodge, No. 22, I. O. O. F. of ProctorsviUe. He is an earnest member of the Republi can party ; has been eight years justice of the peace, and ten years a selectman, eight years chairman of the board. He has been twice elected to the Legislature from Read ing, in 1886 and 1890, serving on the com mittee on claims. He is now road commis sioner, town agent and auditor. He contracted marriage July 2, 1873, with J. Ella, daughter of Sarauel H. and Julia A. (Spaulding) Nutting of Andover. HOLDEN, JOHN Stedman, of Ben nington, son of Lewis and Eliza A. (How- let) Holden, was born in Charlton, Mass., May 9, 1845. He was educated in the public schools of Charlton but was sent to Nichols Acaderay at Dudley, when sixteen years of age ; and afterwards entered upon a course of study at the Weslyan Acaderay, Wilbraham, Mass., and finally graduated from Poughkeepsie Business College. The business experience of Mr. Holden has been widely varied. When nineteen he was employed as a clerk in Hartford, Conn., and for two years engaged in the roofing business in that city ; he next served three years on the police force of Hartford. Abandoning this occupation in 187 1, he entered into a copartnership with his brother to trade in general merchandise at Palmer Mass., under the firm name of H. P. & J. s! Holden, and whUe here they established two- branch stores. This connection was dis solved in 1879, when Mr. J. S. Holden established himself in the oU businesss at MiUer's Farm, near Titusville, Pa., where he purchased the Crystal OU Works and manu factured refined oU, but in 1880 sold this property to the Standard OU Co., and then for two years did a wholesale trade in this article. He then erected woolen mills at Palraer, Mass., which he operated till 1889 when he sold the establishraent, bought the Hunt & Tillinghast woolen mills at Ben nington, and entered into partnership with Charles W. and George F. Leonard under the firra name of Holden, Leonard & Co. Here they employ about three hundred hands during all the year in the manufact ure of woolens, and in connection with this they have a large store. Mr. Holden has large interests in tenement house property in Palmer, Mass., and is president of a wire corapany in that town. He also is a direc tor in the Bennington County National Bank and its vice-president. He is a raember of the Congregational church and an ardent supporter of the Ben nington Y. M. C. A. Belonging to the Republican party he was chairman of the committee of that organiza tion in Palmer. He is trustee of the village of Bennington, a thorough protectionist, and though interested in politics, has no desire for ofificial positions. He was married Oct. 21, 1868, to Jennie G., daughter of Cyrus and Almha (Burr) GoodeU of Hartford, Conn. Five children have been born to them : Arthur J., Alice A., Lula J., Florence E., and Clarence L. HOLLAND, Emerson, of vergennes, son of Stephen and Achsa R. (Bixby) Hol land, was born in Hinsdale, Mass., May 21, 1829. He received a good education by attend ing the common schools of Panton, to which town his parents raoved when he was yet, young. Later he attended a private classical school at Vergennes, and the academy at St. Albans. He spent the years 1854 and 1855 'D Kalamazoo, Mich., as a clerk in a store and warehouse. When his father died, he was obliged to return and has since been a farmer and surveyor, and as both has been actively employed. He holds many positions of trust and has assisted by appointment of probate court in settUng fifty-six estates. In politics Mr. Holland is a Republican and has held various town ofifices. He was town treasurer for seventeen years and nve \ 204 HOLTON. HOLTON. years selectman, after which he resigned. He represented Panton in 1864 and 1865, and served as chairman of the committee on mile age and debentures. He was census enum erator for Panton and Walthara in 1890. In 1892 he was elected associate judge for Addison county. Judge Holland is unmarried, and his sister, Jessie M., presides over his household at the old homestead. Judge Holland has a good library of classi cal works. He has raade a raost conservative record in the positions of honor which he has held, but is a quiet, unassuming man and despises office-seeking. He is of a dignified bearing, and though naturally reserved is friendly and sincere in his relations, and is one of the able and respected men of Addi son county. HOLTON, Charles O., of Canaan, son of John and Abbie (Morse) Holton, was born in Charleston, Jan. 8, 1855. His early educational advantages were hm ited to the opportunities afforded by the com mon schools of Charleston. CHARLES U. HOLTON. ^ After laboring on his father's farm till he was twenty years of age, he grew interested in the art of photography and practiced it in Charleston and later on in Sherbrook, P. Q., and North Troy. In 1875 he was employee^ in reproducing and enlarging pictures at the,- Centennial exposition in the city ofVhikdeb phia. He then returned to Charleston and engaged in the drug business with his brother. In 1880 he reraoved to Canaan, where not withstanding his limited capital, he has stead ily prospered in business, addi'ng to his orig inal trade the sale of jewelry, silverware and fancy goods. Mr. Holton has served as town clerk and superintendent of the schools and in 1872 was complimented by an election to the state Legislature. He was married Dec. 11, 1879, to Ida M. daughter of George W., and Mary (Green) Hamilton of Charleston. They have one child : Neil. HOLTON, Henry Dwight, of Brattie boro, son of Ehhu D. and Nancy (Grout) Holton, was born at Saxton's River, July 24 1838. Having prepared himself for coUege, he decided to forego the regular collegiate course and to at once enter into the profes sion he had chosen for himself; therefore he immediately began to study the theory and application of medicine under the tuition of Dr. H. J. Warren of Boston. Subsequently he continued under Professors Valentine and A. B. Mott, in New York, and also at tended the lectures in the medical depart ment of the University of New York, from which he graduated in March, i860. .4fter his graduation, Dr. Holton went to Brook lyn, N. Y., where for six months he acted as physician to the 'Williamsburg Dispensary. In Noveraber, i860, he removed to Putney from whence, after seven years successful practice, he went to Brattleboro where he located permanently. Being always a firm believer in. the bene fits accruing from the association of medical practitioners. Dr. Holton, in 1861, became a member of the Connecticut River Valley Medical Association ; in the year following he was made its secretary, a position ably fiUed by hira for five years, when he was elected president. In 1873 he was elected president of the '\'erraont Medical Society, which he entered in 1861, and of which he was a censor for several years. In 1864 Dr, Holton becarae a raeraber of the American Medical Association and was elected to its vice-presidency in 1880. During the ses sion he was made a member of the judicial council to which was submUted for arbitra tion aU questions concerning professional ethics. He was sent as a delegate to the International Medical Congress held at Brussels in 1875. WhUe abroad, during a visit to England, he was made a member of the British Medical Association. He is also a member of the American Public Health Association and was elected its treasurer at the meeting held in the city of Mexico in 1S92. He is also a member of the Boston 206 HOLTON. HOLTON. Gynaecological Society, and the New York Therapeutical Society. Dr. Holton is the recipient of many grati fying testimonials to his raedical erudition and skill, not only from raedical associa tions, but also from the authorities of his own state. In 1873 he was appointed medi cal examiner to the Vermont Asylum for the Insane, by the court ; and in the sarae year he was elected by the Legislature one of the trustees of the University of Verraont, in the medical department of which institution he was for some years professor of materia medica and general pathology; and in 1881 he received frora the same institution the honorary degree of A. M. Dr. Holton has been an extensive trav eler in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. In 187 1 he crossed the con tinent to San Francisco in order to attend a meeting of the Araerican Medical Associa tion, at which he was elected to membership in the Rocky Mountain Medical Association. He has been a frequent contributor to current medical literature and his essays in turn have been published in various raedical journals and in the transactions of the societies. He reported " Mott's Cliniques " for the press. Dr. Holton has avoided that entire re striction of active energy to one pursuit which sometimes subjects individuals to the charge of narrowness. For twenty years he has been an active meraber of the Brattle boro school board, and during a large por tion of this time its chairraan. He was one of the first trustees of the Brattleboro Free Library ; has been a director of the Verraont National Bank for fourteen years ; and presi dent of the Brattleboro Gas Co. for twelve years. Politically, Dr. Holton is a staunch Re publican, and in 1884 was elected to the state Senate frora Windham county, serving in that body as chairman of the committee on education, chairraan of the committee on insane asylura, and a meraber of the joint coramittee on the house of correction. In 1888 he was elected representative frora Brattleboro to the General Asserably, where he was a member of the committees on education, ways and means and public health. He served for three years as sur geon of the 12th Regt. Vt. MUitia. Dr. Holton was instrumental in the or ganization, and is president of the board of trustees of the Pan-American Medical Con gress, which, under the patronage of the governraent, raet in Washington in 1893. (This organization was one of the most important in the medical profession, and was organized for the purpose of scientific discussion and more intimate relations of the raedical fraternity of the Western Hemi sphere, and undoubtedly wiU have an indi rect influence upon the political relations of the United States and these countries.) He was appointed commissioner for Vermont of the Nicaragua Canal convention, held in New Orleans in December, 1892; was also one of the commissioners for Vermont of the Columbian Exposition. He is a raeraber of Brattleboro Lodge, No. 102, F. and A. M. He married, Nov. 19, 1862, Ellen Jane, daughter of Theophilus and Mary Damon (Chandler) Holt of Saxton's River. They have one adopted daughter : (Mrs. Clifton Sherman of Hartford, Conn.) HOLTON, Joel Huntington, of BurUngton, son of Erastus Alexander and Hannah Brainard (May) Holton, was born in Westminster, Nov. 15, 1841. He is a direct descendant of Kenelm, brother of Gov. Edward 'Winslow of the old Plymouth colony. JOEL HUNTINGTON HOLTON. Mr. Holton obtained his education in the schools of Westminster and the academies of Barre. and West Brattleboro. In 1857 he coramenced to learn the trade of a silver plater and continued in this employment for five years, when, prompted by his patriotic impulses, he enlisted August 18, 1862, as private in Co. I, 12 th Vt. Regt, in which organization he was promoted to the grade of sergeant, and served till the regiment was raustered out, July 14, 1863. HOOKER. 207 After his return from the army he was employed as clerk in a hardware store at St. Albans ; he then purchased a half interest in a plating and saddlery concern at Derby Line. In 1871 he removed to Burlington, where he forraed a copartnership to do a wholesale and retail trade in hardware, sad dlery and builders' suppUes. He shortly becarae sole proprietor in the wholesale department, and is now the most extensive hardware dealer in Vermont. A staunch adherent of the Democratic party, he has taken an active part in city and state politics, has been the incumbent of many iraportant offices, was elected alder man from a strong Republican ward of the city, and nominated for mayor in opposition to the Hon. U. A. Woodbury. Mr. Holton married, Oct. 29, 1863, Emma J., daughter of Sylvester and Amanda (Far- man) Diggins of Westrainster, who died June 16, 1 88 1. Three children were the fruit of their union: Frank E. (deceased), Harry Sylvester, and Susie May. Mr. Holton was again united in marriage, June 25, 1883, to Kate E., daughter of Thomas W. and Rebecca (Richardson) Wiley of Westrain ster. He is commander of Stannard Post No. 2, G. A. R., and is much interested in G. A. R. work. He united with the Congregational church of Burlington, and is now serving his second term as raeraber of its prudential coramittee. HOOKER, George White, of Brat tleboro, son of Sarauel S. and Esther (White) Hooker, was born at Salem, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1838. He attended the common schools of Lon donderry, and his scholastic education was subsequently supplemented in the West River Academy. Comraencing life as a clerk, he continued at Londonderry and at Bellows Falls, and then went to Boston as traveling salesman. In August, 186 1, he enlisted as a private in Co. F, 4th Vt. Vols., and soon after he was made sergeant-major. In the spring of 1862 he received the commission of 2d lieutenant, and in the suraraer that of ist lieutenant. After the battle of Antietam he dechned a captaincy in the Une, and was appointed to the staff of Gen. E. H. Stough ton. Frora thence he was afterward trans ferred to that of Gen. George J. Stannard. In June, 1864, he was appointed assistant adjutant-general- of volunteers by President Lincoln, and held that position until raus tered out, with the rank of Ueutenant-colonel in 1865. After the triumphant close of the struggle Colonel Hooker returned to Boston, and traveled through the eastern and west ern states. In the spring of 1876 he was ad raitted as junior partner to the firra of WiUiara Belden & Co., bankers and brokers, in New York. In 1876 he reraoved to Brattleboro, which has since been his home. Colonel Hooker has very properly raani fested patriotic interest in the political affairs of his adopted state. In 1878 he was ap pointed chief of staff with the rank of colonel, by Governor Proctor. In 1880 he was a delegate-at-large to the national RepubU can convention in Chicago, and in the sarae year was chosen a member of the national Republican committee. In the faU of 1880 he was chosen to represent the citizens of Brattleboro in the state Legislature, and re elected in 1882. During the first session he was unanimously elected judge-advocate- general by the Legislature. Colonel Hooker was chosen sergeant-at- arras of the House of Representatives at the beginning of the Forty-seventh Congress. In 1879 he was elected departraent cora mander of the Grand Army of the Republic in Verraont, and was again elected in the following year. He also received the unusual compliment of nomination for the third term, but positively dechned re-election. Colonel Hooker was married on the 28th of January, 1868, to Minnie G., daughter of James and Love (Ryan) Fiske of Brattle boro. One son is the fruit of their union : James Fiske. HOOPER, Marco B., of Fletcher, son of John W. and Polly (HaU) Hooper, was born in Bakersfield in 1837. John W. Hooper was a soldier in the war of 181 2, and died from the effect of wounds received in the same. Marco was one of a family of twelve chil dren and was left an orphan at the age of seven years by the death of both his parents. He was thus corapeUed in early youth to face the hardships and difficulties that beset his path, in which undertaking he had httle as sistance frora educational facilities, as his ad vantages in this respect were limited to the district school. Soon after he was fourteen he entered the employment of B. F. Bradley of Fairfield to learn the carriage maker's trade and he remained with him until 1861. After a residence of some years in East Fair field he went back to Fairfield and engaged in business in Mr. Bradley's shops. Subse quently he labored on a farm for eight years in Fletcher. In 1885 he bought the house and shops of the late S. E. Chase of Fletcher and gave his attention to carriage repairs and bucket manufacturing until 1892, since which time, in conjunction with his sons, he has occupied and cultivated a large farra in the town. Always a Republican since he cast his first ballot for Abrahara Lincoln, Mr. Hooper was 208 HORTON. HOWARD. sent to the Legislature as the meraber frora Fletcher in 1892 and served on the raanu factures and distributing committees. He is a Baptist in his rehgious faith. He married, May 31, i860, Mary, daugh ter of Joseph and Junia (Montague) Robin son Fletcher, belonging to one of the oldest famiUes of that place. A goodly faraily of six sons have blessed their union : Elraer J., W. Burton, John W., H. Arthur, Samuel R., and Joel A. HORTON, Edwin, of Chittenden, son of John N. and Elsie (Potter) Horton, was born in Clarendon, August 25, 1841. town for three terms and in 1884 '"'as elect ed senator from Rutland county, and served on the committee on claims. In 1890 he was again comphraented by an election as repre sentative and in that session of the Legisla ture his previous experience placed him at once araong the leaders of the House. Mr. Horton was married in Bethel, August 4, 1862, to EUen L., daughter of Zenias and Harriet (Brown) Holbrook. Their children are : Bertha A. (Mrs. Harley Baird of South Boston), Fred E., Ida M. ( Mrs. D. F. Spaulding of South Boston), and Hattie E. When the war which imperiled the exist ence of the Union comraenced Mr. Horton although restrained by his parents was re solved to participate in the struggle. He there fore deserted towards the front and enlisted in Troy, N. Y., June 15, 1861, serving for one year in Co. G., 2 2d Regt., of that state and in 1862 was discharged from the U. S. service. ^Vhen the draft took place in 1863 Mr. Horton was the only one of the fifteen drafted from the town whom fortune selected to fight for their native land, to fulfill this duty. He iraraediately joined the 4th Vt. Regt., and saw hard service in the battles of the Wilderness and at Petersburg and was twice wounded while in action, but remained with the regiment and was discharged when the regiment was mustered out in 1865. Mr. Horton has a large acquaintance throughout the state and many friends. He is a member of Roberts Post, G. A. R., of Rut land, and of the society of Vermont Officers. He has taken the vows of the Masonic order, uniting with Otter Creek Blue Lodge, Daven port Chapter and Council, and KilUngton Commandery of Knights Templar, and Mt. Sinai Teraple ; he is also a member of Kill ington Lodge, Otter Creek Encampment, and Canton Rutland of Odd FeUows. EDWIN HORTON. He was reared araong the usual surround ings of the youth in his time, dividing his time between an attendance at the common and select schools of Clarendon and Black River Acaderay of Ludlow, and labor upon the paternal horaestead. Being desirous of a more extended education than that afforded by the course of study which he had pursued he de voted rauch tirae to private research and read ing. He settled in Chittenden in 1858, where he has principally followed the calling of a farraer, but has been obhged to devote rauch tirae to those official duties which his upright character and keen intelligence have brought to him. He has held at various times different town ofifices, especially that of lister. For twenty-three years he served as constable and collector, resigning these positions in 1893. He was the Republican representative of the HOWARD, Charles W., of Shore ham, son of WUlard and Sarah (Page) Howard, was born in Windham, Dec. 4, 1846. He was educated at the common schools in Windham and afterward fitted for col lege at Chester Acaderay. He entered Mid dlebury CoUege in 1868 and graduated with honors. In 1874 he received a degree from the raedical departraent of the University of Verraont at Buriington. During the next year, he studied raedicine with Dr. Eddy of Middlebury, and afterward, for a year, was in the hospital at Hartford, Conn., remov ing to Shoreham in 1875. From that time he has applied himself to his professional duties and built up a large practice. He has risen from the condition of a poor boy by steady work to that of a man of influence and repute, while he has also acquired some property. HOWARD. HOWARD. 209 Dr. Howard has no aspirations for politi cal preferraent, but has held several ofifices, serving continuously as town clerk since t88i, and also as town treasurer. He has been honored with the town superintendency of schools since 1883, and has been a raem ber of the coraraittee on the county board of education. CHARLES W. HOWARD. He is highly esteemed by his citizens, not a.s a church member or society man, but for his true worth and high principles. He was a member of the Delta UpsUon fraternity during his college course, and is an atten dant of the Congregational church. On Nov. 28, 1876, in the town of Shore ham, he was united in wedlock to Lottie N., daughter of Edwin B. and Naomi Douglass. Frora this union is one daughter : Florence. HOWARD, Henry Seymour, of Ben son, son of Judson J. and Persis (Pierce) Howard, was born in that town, Feb. 26, 1841. His education was obtained in the schools of Benson, the Castleton Seminary, and from a course at the high school at West Rutiand. After the corapletion of his school training, he taught school for a tirae, and being anx ious to lend his personal aid in the defence of his country's welfare, he enlisted, August 29, 1862, in the 14th Regt. Vt. Vols., and was soon promoted to the grade of corporal. He participated in all the hard service which fell to the lot of his brigade. Upon his return from the South, he was for a few years employed in an estabhshment for the raanu facture of flour, at Brandon, and in 1868 he established hiraself in the hardware trade in Benson, in which business he has continued to the present tirae. Mr. Howard was married in Benson, Sept. 13, 1864, to Eunice P., daughter of John and Ruth (Pratt) Balis. Two children are the fruit of this marriage : Judson BaUs, and Hal- lie Maud. Mr. Howard has been selectman, lister, and is town clerk and notary public, besides having held raany other offices of honor and trust. As the candidate of a Republican con stituency he represented Benson in the House of Representatives in 1884, serving on the committee on public buildings. He was a charter member of Acacia Masonic Lodge, No. 91, of Benson, in which he has fiUed the chair of junior warden. He is also a comrade of the G. A. R. For a quarter of a century he has been a respected and hon ored raember of the Congregational church, and has long served as chorister in the soci ety of this persuasion in Benson. HENRY SEYMOUR HOWARD. By his unquestioned sincerity, his honora ble deahng in business and the pubhc spirit which he has ever manifested when the prog ress and welfare of his native place were in question, he has won the respect of all his friends and neighbors, and is considered a leading and influential citizen of the state. HOWARD. HOWARD. HOWARD, Roger S., was born in North Thetford. Mr. Howard was educated at the district schools of his native town and at KimbaU Union Academy, Plainfield, N. H. Being reared upon a farm he has naturaUy followed that avocation, and has dealt largely in lumber as a side issue. Mr. Howard has afifiUated with the Demo cratic party. Has been selectman of his town for seven successive terms, and was honored by his constituency with two elec tions to the lower branch of the Legislature, in 1884 and 1886, and took an active part in the legislation of those sessions. Mr. Howard married, March 5, 1868, Kathere T., daughter of S. C. and Mary (Reed) Taylor. Of this union is one son : Frederick T. He is prominently connected with the Masonic fraternity and has taken the chap ter degrees. A man of sterling worth, Mr. Howard has had the love and respect of the community in which he has resided. HOWARD, Walter E., of Middle bury, son of William Bickford and Louisa (Cilley) Howard, was born in Tunbridge, May 29, 1849. WALTER E. HOWARD. Receiving his early education in the Springfield Wesleyan and Leland and Gray seminaries, he entered Middlebury CoUege, from which he graduated in the class of 1871. After leaving this institution he foL lowed the profession of a teacher and at the same tirae studied law. In 1876 he was appointed principal of the State Normal School at Castleton, and five years later began the practice of his profession in Fair Haven. In 1889 Mr. Howard received the appointment of professor of history and political science at Middlebury College. Always a strong Republican, he was sent to the state Senate from Rutland county in 1882. In this body he served as chairman of the special committee on amendments to the state constitution, and was also a mem ber of those on federal relations, education and the library. Shortly afterwards he was made U. S. Consul at Toronto, Can., and in 1892 received a similar appointment at Cardiff, Wales. He represented the town of Fair Haven in the Legislature of 1888, where he was chairraan of the committee on elec tions and a member of that on the judiciary. In September, 1893, he resumed the profes sorship of history and political science in Middlebury College. HOWARD, William Sumner, of Con cord, son of James and Sarah (Adams) How ard, was born in Ludlow, Sept. 7, 1822. Educated in the public schools of Ludlow and Concord, he made the best use of the opportunities afforded him. Hisfather moved to Concord and purchased the Howard home stead when WiUiam was about fourteen years old, and the son assisted the father in build ing, clearing, and developing their estate. Under his careful management, and by tak ing advantage of all the resources in his power, he has now one of the very best up land farms in town, well supplied with every modern appliance and excellent stock. Here he has always resided, enjoying the fruits of his energy and industry. Always a Republican since the formation of the party, such a man would naturally be called upon to discharge the duties of various town ofifices, and Mr. Howard has been prominently connected with educational affairs, serving as district clerk for more than thirty years and for more than forty as trus tee of the Essex county grammar school, founded by Rev. Samuel Reed Hall as a nor raal school, the oldest in the United States. Mr. Howard was a charter member of Es sex Grange P. of H. of West Concord. He was united in wedlock, June 8, 1843, to Lucinda F., daughter of WilUam and Ra chel (Wilcox) Gorhamof Kirby, and of this union there are issue : William Elmore, George S., and Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. L'VV. Macam of Moncton, N. B.). , HOWE, Elhanan Winchester, of Northfield, was the son of Joel and Rebecca (Wakefield) Howe, and was born in the town of Winhall, March 2, 1825. HOWE. HOWE. He was one of a family of fifteen children, and as his parents were poor he had to push his way in hfe unaided and alone. He re- -ceived his education in the coramon schools in the town of Manchester. He commenced the marble business in South Dorset in 1853 and continued the same at Northfield in the firm of Howe & Sawyer. He also was interested in an enter prise of the same nature at Montpelier. In i860 he formed a business alliance with aged to surmount, a practical education in the schools of Clarendon and Troy Conference Academy of Poultney. Subsequentiy he taught school and while teaching studied and im proved his opportunities. For some time he was engaged in farming in Clarendon and WaUingford, but moved to Mt. Tabor in 1854. Mr. Howe has served with credit in vari ous ofificial capacities, first as an old-time whig and later as a loyal RepubUcan. His residence in the town has seen him hster, town clerk, constable, collector, selectman and deputy sheriff". He has done good ser vice as town representative in four different sessions, 1856, 1861, 1863, 1864, acting on iraportant committees and finally was deeraed worthy of a seat in the state Senate in 1874, where he was a meraber of the agricultural and general coraraittees. He is aUied both to the order of Free Masons and Odd FeUows. ELHANAN WINCHESTER HOWE. •George W. Soper, and later becarae a part ner in the firm of F. L. Howe & Co. at Northfield, which at present is one of the most prominent in the state, carrying a very large stock of ornamental work. Mr. Howe was married in Dorset, July 3, 1848, to Miss PameUa J., daughter of John -C. L. and EUza (ViaU) Soper. Their chUdren .are : F'rank L., Wilbur C, and Helen M. Mr. Howe was appointed postraaster at South Dorset in 1850 and held the office five years. He has served as deputy sheriff •of Washington county for twenty years, and has been its sheriff since 1890. He has ever been a strictiy temperate raan, and has proved a rehable and efficient ofiicer in the enforce- raent of the law. As a Master Mason he is •affiliated to DeWitt CUnton Lodge, No. 15. HOWE, LUTHER Proctor, of Danby, son of Joseph and OUve (Scott) Howe, was born in Ludlow, Jan. 6, 1821. Descended from a well-known ancestry, he obtained, despite difiiculties which he man- LUTHER PROCTOR HOWE, He married at Clarendon, Oct 23, 1845, Mary Ann, daughter of Ozial H. and Avice (Harrington) Round. To them were born : Addie (Mrs. Joel C. Baker), and Charles Luther. November 2, 1865, he formed a second alUance with Helen Maria, daughter of Judge Austin and Betsey M. Baker. They have one son ; Luther Proctor, Jr. HOWE, Marshall Otis, of Newfane, son of Otis and Sally (Marsh) Howe, was born in Wardsboro, Oct. 4, 1832. His early education was acquired at the district school, supplemented by a few terras HOWE. HOWLAND. at the academy. In early life he read sev eral of the standard elementary treatises on law and civil government. He has a general knowledge of the leading branches of the natural sciences, and has made a collection of minerals, grasses, etc. He was agricul tural editor of the Vermont Phrenix frora 1880 to 1890, and has been a paid writer MASHALL OTIS HOWE. for other publications. An article corapar ing, according to the census statistics, the agricultural products of Verraont with those of other eastern states and the leading agri cultural states of the West, which he con tributed to the New Y'ork Tribune, showed a surprisingly favorable result for Vermont, and the article was copied and commented upon by nearly aU the papers in the state. Mr. Howe has since more fully elaborated the coraparative statistics of Vermont pro duction in many newspaper contributions, and in vols. Ill and XI of the reports of the Verraont Board of .\griculture. He has treated of the "Past and the Present Pro ducts of the Soil" in vol. V of the Vermont agricultural reports. Mr. Howe has been a school superin tendent for nine years, and now holds that office in the town of Newfane. He has been for many years statistical correspondent of the department of agriculture for W'indham county. He was census enuraerator in 1880, and in 1882 he represented Newfane in the Legislature, where he attended strictly to his duties, never but once faihng to be present and vote when the yeas and nays were caUed. In 1890, on recoramendation ofthe Vermont delegation in Congress, he was ap pointed supervisor of the eleventh census for the district of Vermont.' For the past twenty-five years Mr Howe's home has been in Newfane. He was married in 1866 to Gertrude I. daughter of Avery J. and Mary (White) Dexter of Wardsboro. They have five sons ; MarshaU A., Hermon A., Arthur O., Carlton D., and Clifton D. MarshaU A. Howe, the eldest son, is now a member of the faculty of the University of Cahfornia. HOWLAND, FRANK GEORGE, of Barre, son of George and Angelina (BuszeU) How land, was born in Boston, Mass., August 27, 1863. His father's employment was that of farmer and auctioneer and he has been a resident of East MontpeUer since April, 1866. He has been the incumbent of several im portant town ofifices and was sent to the Legislature in 1882. FRANK GEORGE HOWLAND. Frank G. Howland pursued the usual course of instruction in the public schools and then graduated frora the Vermont M. E. Seminary at MontpeUer, in the class of 1884. An adherent of the Republican party, he represented the town of Barre in the Legisla ture of 1892, and served creditably as a mem ber of the committee on banks. HUBBARD. He was united in marriage March 29, i888, to Mary, daughter of Sidney and Irene A. (Heath) WeUs of Barre. Mr. Howland was elected teUer of the Na tional Bank of Barre, Feb. 16, 1885, and two years later was proraoted to the position ¦of cashier. He was largely instrumental in securing the charter for the Barre Savings Bank and Trust Co , which coraraenced busi ness Feb. 27, 1893, and of which institution he is treasurer. He is considered in the •community in which he resides as an active, energetic, and efificient man of business; shrewd, intelligent, and honorable in aU his transactions. HUBBARD, GEORGE A., of Guildhall, son of John and Susan D. Hubbard, was born in Guildhall, Sept. 10, 1850. At the age of seven he reraoved to Lunen burg to attend the coramon schools of that place. Here he reraained tiU he was seven teen, at which tirae he returned to GuildhaU and completed his education at the Essex county grararaar school. For raany years Mr. Hubbard made his residence at the place of his birth, and for rtiost of that period was eraployed in farra ing, but after his marriage he removed to the home of his wife, where he remained untU 1892, when his position of county clerk required his immediate presence at the •county seat. He was united in marriage at Lunenburg, Oct. 13, 187 1, to Ida M., daughter of Lor enzo and Ann (Woods) Manning of GuUd haU. One son was born to them and died in infancy. One daughter, Addie Manning, and an adopted chUd, Ethel May, are living. Mr. Hubbard is an active Republican, and has been selectman for five consecutive terms. He has also been town superintend ent, and was elected to represent Guildhall in the Legislature of 1890. He is a quiet, self-respecting raan of good moral principles, and gives promise of a long career of usefulness. He has been a raeraber of the P. of H. at Guildhall. HUBBARD, LORENZO W., of Lyndon, son of Richard and Loraine (Weeks) Hub bard, was born in Lyndon, Feb. 3, 1841. He received his education in the coraraon schools of his native town and at Lyndon Acaderay. September i, 1863, he enlisted in Co. M, nth Regt. Vt. Vols., and on the completion of its organization he was appointed ser geant. Serving in this capacity one year he was raade hospital steward of the regiment and served as such until the close of the war. He then studied raedicine at the Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege, New York, frora HUBBELL. 213 which he graduated March i, 1867. In the following AprU he went to Lunenburg, where he practiced raedicine six years; then located perraanentiy at Lyndon. Dr. Hubbard represented Lyndon at the General Asserably in 1882 and 1886. In each session he was a raember of the cora mittee on the insane, and offered in the House the joint resolutions requesting the Governor to appoint a coraraission to inves tigate as to the advisability and location of a separate building for the care of the crirainal and convict insane, which resulted in the construction of the asylura at Waterbury. In 1883 Dr. Hubbard was made president of the St. Johnsbury board of examining sur geons for pensions, which office he accept ably filled for more than two years. Dr, Hubbard is a deacon of the Congre gational church. He is a practitioner of the regular school and since 1867 has belonged to the White Mountain Medical Society ; he is also a meraber of the Vermont Medical Society, and was one of its license censors two years and has served as treasurer of the Lyndon Republican Club. He is a raember of Crescent Lodge F. & A. M., Lyndonville, and of Chamberlin Post G. A. R., No. I, of St. Johnsbury. He has taken great interest in the academy and graded schools of Lyndon, serving on the coraraittee for the past twelve years. Dr. Hubbard was raarried, Nov. 10, 1868, to Mary E., daughter of Bela and Martha (Perry) Halton. Of this union there was issue: Charles Bela, May E. (deceased), and one son who died in infancy. HUBBELL, Myron R., of Wolcott, son of Seth and Sylvia (Spaulding) Hubbell, was born in Wolcott, April 6, 1835. His grand father was the first settler of the town of Wolcott. Coming there in 1789, he endured privations and hardships, carrying his corn on his back twelve mUes to miU for several years. Under such conditions he reared a family of seventeen children. Seth, the father of the subject of the present sketch, was a life-long resident of the town, and Myron R. was brought up among the usual surround ings of a New England farm. Completing his education in the common schools, when he arrived at man's estate he went to the Northwest on a tour of observa tion, but soon returned to the paternal home stead, devoting himself to the care of his parents during their declining years. At their death he sold the farm and removed to the village. Mr. Hubbell has a decided talent for in vention and for twenty years has devoted hiraself to this pursuit, constructing his own raodels and patterns, and has obtained in all fifteen patents. He has devoted much 214 HUDSON. HUMPHREY. time and thought to improving reversible plows, and is the originator of the theory that the draught attachment of a reversible plow should be adjusted to the right and left furrows, alternately, at each turn of the raouldboard. To accomphsh this object he devised and patented the shifting-lever clevis now so generally used on reversible plows, and also patented the rod running length wise of and swiveled to the beam for the sarae purpose. MYRON R. HUBBELL. It is unnecessary to say more in reference to this matter, as the great value of his im provements in reversible plows are generally and widely known. He has also invented and patented a car-coupler, which those who are conversant with this subject unhesitat ingly declare to be far in advance of all others they have ever exarained. Mr. HubbeU and W. W. Gate, of ^Volcott, are joint invent ors in a spiral rotary cyUnder for planers, which is now in operation and is doing superior work. He married, April 2, 1862, Miss Mary, daughter of Ralph and Sybil (Powers) Mar tin, of Wolcott ; their only living child is Ralph M., of Wolcott. Mr. HubbeU has always been attached to the Repubhcan party, but has never cared for or accepted ofificial positions. He is a member of Min eral Lodge, No. 93, F. & A. M., of Wolcott. HUDSON, Solomon S., of East Haven, son of Calvin and Philoraelia (Powers) Hud son, was born in Athens, July 22, 1836. He was an industrious pupU of the public schools, and made the best use of his limited opportunities to obtain an education. At the early age of nineteen he took to. himself a wife, and with this responsibility commenced to clear a farm in the unbrokea wilderness, carrying his worldly possessions on his back. In this enterprise he was en gaged five years, when he was summoned to the field by the outbreak of the civU war. In 1862 he enhsted in Co. A, loth Regt. Vt. Vols. He remained in the army about three years, most of the time on detached service, and was discharged when the regi ment was mustered out. Returning to his farm at the close of the war, he remained there untU 1886, when he moved to his present location in East Haven vUlage, and has since been engaged in general trade. Mr. Hudson has held raany responsible positions in town, having been for many years justice of the peace and selectman.. He represented East Haven in 1880, and under a Republican administration received the appointraent of postraaster, a position which he worthily filled fiar six years. In 1855 he married Eunecia L., daughtei of RusseU and Almira Hosford. She died Jan. 29, 1881. He contracted a second alli ance with Lydia Gero, daughter of Holden and Viantha Partlow., Mr. Hudson has received the first three degrees of the Masonic fraternity, and is a member of Island Pond Lodge, No. 44. He also belongs to Erastus Buck Post, G. A. R., of that place. He stands prominently forth in the comraunity as a moral, industrious and energetic raan of good judgment and ability. HUMPHREY, Charles Timothy Allen, of East Burke, son of Timothy and Sabrina (Cushing) Humphrey, was born in St. Johnsbury, Jan. 2, 1822. His father was one of the early settiers ofthe town and Mr. Humphrey received only such educational advantages as were afforded by the public schools. At the age of fourteen he commenced to labor for a hvelihood. Four years after he bought his tirae from his father for Si 25, chopped cord wood and drove teams from Boston to Portland in order to reimburse his father for the time he had pur chased. In 1840 with twenty dollars in his pocket he started for the West. Arriving at Conneaut, Ohio, he reraained two or three years in this place, engaging in farming and trading ; then removed to Geneva, in the sarae state, and in 1847 returned to Burke, and finally took up his abode in East Burke, where he employed himself in general trade. Mr. Humphrey has held raany responsible offices. Has been justice of the peace, Uster, overseer of the poor, notary public, and town HUMPHREY. agent to settie claims. He received the honor of an election by Repubhcan votes to the "war session" Legislature of i86o-'6i. In 1877, he was elected associate judge of the Caledonia county court, serving the fuU term of two years. He has been director of the Merchants' National Bank, of St. Johnsbury, for more than eleven years; has been the administrator for many valuable estates, and has acted as guardian in many cases. He attends and supports the Methodist church of that place. HUNTER. 215 CHARLES TIMOTHY ALLEN HUMPHREY. He was united in wedlock Sept. i, 1841, to Flavilla Pameha, daughter of Matthew and Resia Cushing, of Burke, who died April 11, 1880. Four children were born to thera : Violetta M. (Mrs. Olin Sraith, of Springfield, Mass., deceased), Edwin Payson (deceased). Rose Sabrina (deceased), and Celia C. (wife of Dr. Frederick NeweU, of Barton). Judge Humphrey contracted a second alUance Sept. 14, 1880, with Mary L., daugh ter of Sarauel and Eraily (Harvey) Prouty, of Burke. HUMPHREY, Julius Augustus, of East Burke, son of Erastus and Hannah I. (Johnson) Huraphrey, was born in that town Nov. 3, 1830. His father came from Connecticut to East Burke very early in the present century and Mr. Humphrey attended the pubUc schools until seventeen years of age ; since that tirae he has always lived and labored on the farm where he was born and which he purchased in 1889, gi'ving especial attention to the breeding of Devon cattie, and horses of the Wilkes strain of blood. F'or forty years he has been caUed upon to discharge the du ties of various ofifices of the town and was sent to the Legislature as the representative of a RepubUcan constituency in 1868, 1869 and 1882, giving his service to the commit tees on the grand list, highways and bridges, and on pubUc buildings. Being drafted for service in the army he was rejected on ac count of physical disability. He is a mem ber and for several years has been steward of the M. E. Church in Burke. Mr. Humphrey married, Feb. 25, 1856, Lucia A., daughter of Benjamin F. and Annie (Miner) Belden, of Burke. Four children have been born to thera : Mary Helen (Mrs. Sumner G. Prescott of Lyndon), Frank Eras tus, Annie B., and Inez L. HUNTER, Ellsworth M., of Fair Haven, son of Mahlon and Susan Hunter, was born in the town of Hubbardton, April II, 1862. ELLSWORTH M. HUNTER. He received his early educational train ing in the comraon schools and afterwards took a course of study at a business college. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Hunter, who had adopted journaUsm as his profession, was made business manager of the Rutland DaUy Review, and in the following year was eraployed as an editorial writer on the Platts burg (N. Y.) Telegrara, afterwards founding 2l6 HUNTLEY. HUSE. the Clipper at Fort Ann. He returned to his native state in 1887, and for the last four years has fiUed the position of editor and raanager of the Verraont Record. He was united in raarriage Sept. 5, 1886, to E. Alida, daughter of Lyraan and Marie (Broughton) of Fort Ann, N. Y". Of this raarriage there have been three children : Gertrude, Anna, and Frances M. • In 1886 Mr. Hunter was elected a raem ber of the Republican county committee of Washington county, N. Y., and with four others composed the executive board of that committee. After his return to Vermont he entered poUtics and assisted in 1888 in forraing several Republican league clubs, and was secretary of the John A. Logan Club at Castleton. Twice he was elected a delegate to the RepubUcan state convention of Vermont. He was a delegate to the press congress of the World's Fair. He was elected justice of the peace for two succes sive terms, being nominated on the tickets of the Republican, Democratic and Labor parties, the last named of which norainated hira for assistant judge in 1890, when his vote was much larger than that of his party. Mr Hunter is a charter meraber of Fair Haven Lodge, No. 52, I. O. O. F., of which he is an ofificer. HUNTLEY, EBER W., of Duxbury, son of Gilbert and Mary E. (Nash) Huntiey, was born in that town, Nov. 11, 1839. He availed himself of the school training of his native town and then pursued a course of study at the Peoples Academy of Morris ville. He early raanifested an aptitude for raechanical pursuits, and soon after his raa jority commenced working at the carpenter and joiner's trade, and later was a raiUwright and house builder. In the faU of 1886 he purchased the raiU site in Duxbury, near Waterbury, a wonder ful natural water privilege. There he re built the miU and put in a large plant for planing, dressing and matching hard and soft wood luraber, which is sold as a finished product. A large share of his stock is pur chased in the neighborhood and thereby the farraers are furnished with a convenient horae raarket for their surplus wood products. Mr. Huntley was elected by the RepubU cans of Duxbury to the Legislature of 1882, where he was a raember of the coraraittee on corporations. His personal standing in the community has resulted in his being caUed to the occupancy of many town ofifices since he was twenty-one, and among these he has been the incumbent of the town clerkship and also town treasurer for more than a score of years. He has received the degree of the Blue Lodge in the order of Free Masonry, and has twice occupied the chair in the east. He married, August 26, 1863, Minta F. daughter of Janus and Eurette (Crosby) Crossett, of Duxbury. One child is issue of this union : Mertie E. HUSE, Hiram Augustus, of Montpe lier, son of Hiram Sylvester and Emily Mor gan (Blodgett) Huse, was born at Randolph, Jan. 17, 1843. His parents moved to Wisconsin in 1845 and that was his horae till 1868. In the West he went to school at the red school- house, at Willard Serainary in Watertown, Wis., and at Dixon 111., and taught district school several terras. In i860 he went to Randolph where he fitted for coUege (in part under Edward Conant), at the Orange county graramar school, and also taught dis trict school again, and in i87i-'72 was Mr. Conant's assistant in the State Normal School. HIRAM AUGUSTUS HUSE. He graduated from Dartmouth CoUege in 1865, and from the Albany Law School (of which Araos Dean, formerly of Barnard, was then the head) in 1867, and was admitted to the New York bar in Albany. After a year at his home in Wisconsin, he moved to Vermont, where he was adraitted to the Ver mont bar in Orange county, June term, 1869. WhUe in coUege he enlisted August 19, 1862, at Randolph and served as a private in Co. F, 1 2th Vt. Vols., tiU the regiment was mustered out July 14, 1S63. HUTCHINSON. He moved to Montpelier in 1872, begin ning the practice of law, and for some ten years served as editorial writer on the Green Mountain Freeman. He has been state librarian since 1873, represented Montpelier in the Legislature of 1878, and was elected state's attorney in 1882. January i, 1883, a law partnership was formed by Clarence H. Pitkin and himself under the firm narae of Pitkin & Huse, which continued seven years. At the close of WUliam P. DUhngham's terra as Governor in October, i8go, the partnership of Dillingham & Huse was forraed, and by the admission of Fred A. Howland in 1892, the firm is now DiUingham, Huse & Howland. Mr. Huse married at Randolph, Jan. 30, 1872, Harriet Olivia, daughter of Melzar and Eunice Harriet (Smith) Woodbury. They have two children : Harriet Emily, and Ray 'Woodbury. Mr. Huse's mother died at his horae in Montpelier, May 29, 1890, and his father now resides with hira. He is a corarade of Brooks Post, G. A. R., and a meraber of Aurora Lodge, F. & A. M., and of the Sons of the American Revolution. HUTCHINSON, James, of West Ran dolph, son of James and Sophia (Brown) Hutchinson, was born in Randolph, Jan. i, 1826. The grandfather, John Hutchinson, was one of the earUest settlers of Braintree. Noted for his industry and honesty, he was much in public life and represented the town in the Legislature for seventeen years, while his father, James, was an enterprising and prosperous farraer, enjoying the confidence and respect of the neighboring coraraunity. The education of the subject of the pres ent sketch was obtained first in the district and then in a private school in West Ran dolph, and after this course of instruction he was engaged in teaching for three consecu tive winters. November 2, 1847, Mr. Hutchinson was united in the bonds of wedlock to Miss Abby B., daughter of Elijah and Patience (Neff) Flint, of Braintree (who died May 4, 1879). He settled upon' the old horaestead in Braintree, where he lived tiU 1869, when he raoved to West Randolph. While in the forraer place he filled many town ofifices and was elected delegate to the state Constitu tional Convention in 1856. For two years, 1864 to 1866, he was associate judge of the county. Judge Hutchinson was elected state sena tor in 1 868, and also in the following year, while in 1870 he received the appointment of county commissioner, and was in 1872 HUTCHINSON. 217 chosen a delegate to the national Repubhcan convention at Philadelphia. He was ap pointed postmaster at West Randolph in 1872, which ofifice he held tiU 1887. With a few others, Judge Hutchinson petitioned the Legislature of 1889 for a charter for a savings bank in West Randolph, and on the organiz ation of the institution, he was elected its JAMES HUTCHINSON president, a position in which he continues to the present time. Araong the earhest founders of the Repub lican party, he was always an active worker in its behalf, and even pre^•ious to its exist ence, in the days of anti-slavery agitation, he was an enthusiastic disciple of Garrison and PhiUips, ever extending a hearty welcome to all who were interested in the cause of aboli tion. For five years he filled the ofifice of vice-president for Vermont of the New Eng- England Anti-Slavery Society. During the troubles in Kansas, Judge liutchinson was connected with the Emigrant Aid Society, and in the company of the state agent visited several places in the state to raise men and money to aid in freeing Kansas from the trararaels of the slave-holders, and at one time he himself accorapanied an expedition for this purpose. He has held leading posi tions in the teraperance societies of Vermont and has always been a devoted adherent of the cause, strongly ad^•ocating the law of prohibition. 2l8 IDE. JACKMAN. IDE, Henry Clay, of St johnsbury, son of Jacob and Lodaska (Knights) Ide, was born in Barnet Sept. i8, 1844. He conducted his preparatory studies at the St. Johnsbury Academy and then entered Dartraouth College frora which he graduated with the highest honors of his class in 1866. He was principal of St. Johnsbury Acad eray from the tirae of his graduation until the summer of 1868, when hewas appointed head master of the high school of Arling ton, Mass., which position he fiUed tiU the autumn of 1869, when he read law with the late Judge B. H. Steele of St. Johnsbury tiU December, 1870, when he was admitted to the bar. He immediately began to practice in St. Johnsbury and in 1873 formed a part nership with Hon. H. C. Belden which con tinued tiU 1884, when the firra of Ide & Staf ford was formed, which in 1890 was changed to that of Ide & Quimby. This last partner ship was dissolved in 1892 and since then Mr. Ide has practiced alone. In 1890 he was admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court. During this period Mr. Ide was engaged in much of the raost important litigation in Northern Vermont, and stood in the front rank of his profession. He was united in wedlock, Oct. 26, 187 1, to Mary M., daughter of Joseph and Sophia Matcher, of Stoughton, Mass., who passed frora life April 13, 1892. Of this raarriage four children were born : Adelaide M., Annie L., Harry J. (deceased), and Mary M. Mr. Ide has been honored with many of fices in the gift of his fellow-citizens. For three years he was state's attorney for Cale donia county and was twice sent to the state Senate, in which he served on several im portant committees. He was prominent in carrying through measures securing the prop erty rights of married women, simpUfying legal procedure, etc. In 1884 he presided at the Republican state convention, and was chosen delegate to the national convention at Chicago in 1888 where he served on the coraraittee on credentials. Mr. Ide was appointed by President Har rison a coraraissioner on behalf of the United States to act with others appointed by Eng land and Gerraany to settle the disputes in Samoa. Chosen by that commission as its chairman, he rendered iraportant service in organizing, formulating and carrying on its work. In November, 1891, he resigned this appointraent on account of sickness in his family, returning to this country with expres sions of regret from the King of Samoa, his associates, and all other officials with whom he had come in contact in the course of his ofificial duties. On his return he also re ceived from the president a letter of thanks for his efficient and valuable services as com missioner. He has been for years a director of the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, the Passumpsic Savings Bank — one of the largest institutions in the state — the Tredegar Na tional Bank of Jacksonville, Ala., and in va rious manufacturing and railroad corpora tions, all of which trusts he has carefully and honorably fulfilled. In 1893 he was appointed chief justice of Samoa, and on the 6th of October left St. Johnsbury and on the 20th of that month sailed from San Francisco to enter upon his new and most important duties in those dis tant islands of the South Pacific. JACKMAN, A. M., of Barre, son of Abel and Dorothy (True) Jackman, was born in Corinth, March 2, 181 3. His father came from Sahsbury, Mass., and was one of the early settlers of Corinth. The son, left an orphan at an early age, went to Barre and learned the trade of a wool carder and cloth dresser. His oppor tunities for education were Uraited to the coraraon schools of Corinth and a few terms at the Barre district schools. Working with untiring industry and Uving prudently, laying up and not squandering the liberal wages he received, he was enabled in 1836 to hire and three years after to pur chase the mill in which he was employed, and he conducted the business until the factory was destroyed by fire in 1853. In February, 1856, Mr. Jackman bought an estate in Barre. Much of this he has sold, and this portion of the property is now occu pied by the thriving village of Barre. When he commenced his business everyone, with perhaps the exception of the doctor, lawyer, and clergyman, wore homespun, the product of the faraily loora, woven and fashioned in the horae circle, and there was but one cloth manufactory in the state, that of Governor Paine of Northfield, the only product of whose mills was exclusively indigo blue broadcloth. Mr. Jackman has Uved to see an entire change in the population of the town of Barre, and he is the only one that remains of the bygone generation of Barre village. He took to wife, April 11, 1837, Christina, daughter of David and DeUa (French) French. Their union was blesssd with four JACKMAN. sons and one daughter : Orvis French (a soldier of the Union, deceased in 1885), John, George W., Eveline (Mrs. F. H. Rob erts), and Charles Edgar (deceased). Mrs. Jackman departed this Ufe in 1885. JAMES. 219 A. M JACKMAN. Mr. Jackman has always been a Democrat, and has taken an active interest in town and county affairs. For twenty-five years he was sheriff or deputy sheriff, and also justice c f the peace. He was strongly in favor of a resolute prosecution of the war for the pres ervation of the Union, and one of his sons lost an arm in the service. Mr. Jackman carries the cares and labors of his four score years bravely, with form stiU erect and his raental faculties unimpaired. JACKMAN, Henry A., of East Corinth, son of Winthrop T. and Mary (Elkins) Jack- man, was born in Barre, Feb. 18, 1829. His mother died when he was four years old and for two years he resided with an aunt, then he was compeUed to push his own way, working on a farm tiU he was twenty-one and obtaining such instruction as the winter terms of the district school afforded. After attaining his majority he went to Boston where he reraained nine years engaged in teaming. At the commencement of the civil war Mr. Jackman enhsted in the 2d Mass. Light Bat tery. This battery was first stationed at Baltimore and afterwards sent to Fortress Monroe and witnessed the naval contest be tween the Monitor and Merrimac. Soon after he accompanied the coramand to Ship Island and New Orleans in General Butier's expedition. He was present at the first at tempt of Farragut to capture Vicksburg, and afterwards participated in almost aU the bat tles and hostile expeditions in the depart- of the Gulf including the successful attack upon Mobile. When his term of service ex pired he proraptiy and patriotically re-enhsted as a veteran volunteer, and with his coramand marched from Mobile to Montgoraery and thence to Vicksburg, where he reraained till honorably discharged in August, 1865, after more than four years of active and continuous service, during the latter part of which he acted as quartermaster-sergeant. Soon after his discharge he carae to East Corinth, and, in corapany with his brother, purchased and carried on the grist miU in that place for four years. In 1876 he raoved to Topsham and engaged in the manufacture of bobbins and spools and to this end he has just erected a plant that promises much for the future prosperity of the coraraunity. Mr. Jackman was married at Bradford in October, 1869, to Mrs. Nancy (Crown) Row land, and four children have been born to them : .Ylfred C, Winthrop T., Henry A., Jr., and Mary E. He is an ardent Republican, a raan of few words, but prorapt, decided and resolute in action and with a persistence that in the end is bound to succeed in whatever he under takes. He has always avoided rather than sought ofifice, as the deraands of his business are imperative. For several years, however, he served as selectraan and represented Tops ham in the House in 1876. He is a raera ber of the G. A. R. and for two years served as coraraander of Ransora Post, No. 7, of East Corinth. JAMES, JOHN A., of Middlebury, son of Sarauel and Susan (Payne) Jaraes, was born in Weybridge, AprU 7, 1853. Descended frora a family of undoubted worth and respectabUity, he received his earlier education in the schools of Wey bridge and afterwards studied at the high school of Middlebury. His chief occupation has ever been that of a farmer and he resides on the old homestead which has been in the possession of the Jaraes famUy since 1 788. Here he has stead ily pursued his calling and like raany farraers of his county gave rauch attention to sheep breeding, but in recent years he has devoted more effort to the dairy, and breeding of fine horses. His property yields him fine returns and he is one of those who find farming re- nuraerative. Mr. James is a Republican and he has been honored by his fellow-townsmen with more ofifices than he cared to accept. He JANES. JENNE. was chosen representative of the town of Weybridge in 1890 and served on the com mittee on agriculture. While in the House he was an intelligent and conservative raem ber. He was married in Weybridge, AprU 15, 1874, to Orpha, daughter of Philo and fUiza (Landon) Jewett. Four children have blessed their union : Grace E., Emma C, J. Perry (died in youth), and Sarauel E. to follow that profession. He was made suc cessively the principal ofthe graded and high schools of Northfield and of Middlebury. His popularity and success in these posi- tions, and his superior qualities as scholar and instructor, attracted the attention of the college authorities and his services were en gaged as professor of Latin and French in Middlebury college, and he has occupied that chair since 1891. While at the University of Vermont, Pro fessor Janes was an active and prominent member of the local Delta Psi society, and in Boston joined the Theta Delta Chi frater nity, of which he has ever been an active and loyal member. He is a raeraber of the Congregational church and has been actively connected vvith local county and state Christian Endea vor societies, energetically furthering their work and usefulness and holding their high est ofifices. Though one of the youngest professors in the state he has won the respect of all who have come into contact with him, and has gained a wide reputation in social and educational circles. JENNE, James Nathaniel, of St. Albans, son of John Gilbert and Charlotte (Wordworth) Jenne, was born in Berkshire, Dec. 21, 1859. JOHN A. JAMES. Mr. James is a raeraber and liberal sup porter of the Congregational church of his town, to which the James family has ever been attached. He is esteemed a true and hearty supporter of the principles he pro fesses, and all who know hira predict for hira a useful and honorable career in his county and the state. JANES, Arthur Lee, of Middlebury, son of Charies W. and Mina (Anderson) Janes, was born in Montgoraery, August 22, 1867. His early education was obtained in the public schools of St. Albans, where he fitted for college. After a course of hard and un remitting study he entered the University of Vermont, following the classical course in that institution. In the fall of 1887 Mr. Janes changed the scene of his labors to Boston University, from which he graduated in 1889. During the tirae that he was thus employed in completing his education, he had at intervals engaged in teaching with rauch success, and on graduation deterrained JAMES NATHANIEL JENNE. Having received his preparatory educa tion at the Enosburg Falls graded schools, he entered the medical department of the U. V. M. and graduated therefrom in 1881. JENNINGS. JENNINGS. He afterward attended for four years the regular courses of the Post Graduate Medical School of New York, from which he took a diploma in 1890. Dr. Jenne began the practice of raedicine at Georgia, remaining there until 1887, when he estabUshed hiraself at St. Albans, and at once attained a high standing in his pro fession, and won an enviable reputation as a skillful surgeon. Elected a raeraber of the Franklin County Society, Chnical Society of New York, American Medical Association, and the Vermont State Medical Society, he was raade president of the latter in 1890. Previous to this date he was a raember of its board of censors, and he has been a dele gate on several occasions to the societies of other states, and to the American Medical Association. In 1890 he was chosen a meraber of the board of consulting surgeons of the Mary Fletcher Hospital, to which posi tion he has been elected annually since that tirae. In 1892 was invited to fiU the chair of adjunct professor of materia medica in the raedical departraent of the U. V. M., and in 1893 to the chair of materia medica. In 1889 Dr. Jenne was commissioned as sistant surgeon ist Regt. V. N. G., and the foUowing year was promoted to the office of surgeon, which was subsequently followed by his advanceraent to the position of brigade surgeon with the rank of heutenant-colonel, which ofifice he now holds. He is a raeraber of the A. O. F. of A., and of the Masonic fraternity ; in the latter or ganization he is afifiUated with Franklin Lodge, Champlain Chapter, and Lafayette Cammandery. Dr. Jenne was united in marriage in September, 1883, to Abbie, daughter of Hiram and Miranda (Gilmore) Cushraan. JENNINGS, Cyrus, of HortonvUle, son of Justin and Harriet (HUl) Jennings, was born in Hubbardton, Feb. 23, 1838. Having received his education in the coramon schools he adopted farming as his profession, in which pursuit he has been vigorously engaged to the present tirae. Strongly Deraocratic in his political faith, he has enjoyed the confidence of his fellow- townsmen to such an extent that they have seen fit to entrust him with the offices of selectman and Hster. In 1876 he was caUed upon to represent his native town in the General Assembly, which honor was sup plemented by an election to the Senate in 1890. Mr. Jennings was united in raarriage, Nov. 13, 1861, to Alice E., daughter of N. H. Eddy. Four sons have blessed this union : WiUiam A., Edward J., Elraer E., and Joseph S. JENNINGS, Rev. Isaac, late of Ben nington Centre, son of Isaac and Anne Beach Jennings, was born in TrurabuU, Conn., July 24, 1816. While yet a lad he removed to Derby of that state and there his early days were passed. Having obtained his preparatory education in accordance with the admirable New England system in the common school and preparatory academy he graduated from Yale College in the famous class of 1837, which numbered among its nurabers such prorainent raen as Hon. William M. Evarts of New York, Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite, Hon. Edwards Pierpont, Samuel J. TUden and others; and the thoroughness of his mental training was apparent in all his after life. Fresh from collegiate honors, he cora menced the active career of life as the prin cipal of a school in Washington, Conn., in i837-'38, but transferred the scene of his labors to New Haven, where he took charge of the Hopkins graramar school, and num bered araong his pupils Dr. Timothy Dwight, afterward president of his alma mater, but he soon abandoned the profession of a teacher to study for the Christian ministry, pursuing a course of theology at New Haven, Conn., and subsequently at Andover, Mass. From the theological seminary of the latter place he graduated in 1842. Though earnest in church work, he never lost his interest in schools, a fact fully substantiated by his connection with those of Akron, O., where he comraenced his rainistry, becom ing pastor of the Second Congregational Church of that city June 14, 1843. There he labored with untiring zeal to carry out measures of reform in their then defective school system, and his energetic efforts were rewarded, for he inaugurated there the sys tera of graded schools, now so coraraon throughout the country. To such an extent did he leave his irapress upon the interests of education in that section that he has been justly styled in the annual reports of the board of education, "The Father of our PubUc Schools." February 17, 1847, he was raarried to Sophia, daughter of Matthias and Sophia (Loorais) Day of Mansfield, Ohio. They had nine chUdren : Isaac, Jr., Walter Loorais (deceased), Sophia Day (deceased), Frederic Beach, Matthias Day (deceased), Charles Green Rockwood, Robert Gould, PhUip Burton, and WUliam Bigelow. After a successful pastorate at Stamford, Conn., commencing in 1847, Mr. Jennings removed to Bennington, where he was in staUed over the First Church of Christ, Bennington Centre, Sept. 21, 1853, and here the reraainder of his useful and Chris tian life was passed. For over thirty-four JENNINGS. years he presided over his flock— a typical "New England hiU-side parish," as he hira self quaintly termed it. With repeated op portunities to go to larger fields, and with prospects of larger financial gain, Mr. Jen nings steadily refused to leave his people in historic Bennington, preferring to live and die among them. In 1859 he made a Eu ropean tour and returned with fresh vigor and enlarged powers for his life work. Of his published writings the "Memorials of a Century" is probably the best known, and will go down to posterity as a history of Bennington and the old First Church. One of the most reraarkable pulpit efforts of Mr. Jennings was his centennial discourse deliv ered in the old church on its one hundredth anniversary in 1863, which wiU long be re raerabered by those who were privileged to listen to it. Ever zealous and active in all matters pertaining to the welfare and credit of the town from the inception of the enter prise he took great interest and an influen tial part in the erection of the Bennington battle monument. He was an active raem ber and vice president of the association, and a member and secretary of the board of directors, while his last public utterance pronounced the benediction which closed the ceremony on laying the corner stone of the raonument. A model pastor, faithful and beloved to an erainent degree, a public-spir ited citizen, an enthusiastic proraoter of good works, his useful and Christian life was brought to a close August 25, 1887. JENNINGS, FREDERIC B., son of Rev. Isaac and Sophia Day Jennings, was born in Bennington Centre, August 6, 1853. After completing the preparatory course he entered WiUiaras CoUege, where he grad uated in 1872 with high honors. He subse quently studied law at the Harvard Law School, taking his degree therefrom in 1874, and from the University Law School in New York City in 1875 '^^^^ honors. Mr. Jennings entered the office of William M. Evarts in New York City in 1874, where he remained in successful practice several years, after which he established his present law firm of Jennings & Russell, 30 Broad street. New York City. While his tirae and energies have been chiefiy devoted to his law practice, many other business interests have shared his at tention. Mr. Jennings is the vice-president of the American Trading Company, a large and prosperous concern engaged in business with China, Japan and London. He is also vice-president of the Bennington & Rutland Railroad Co., and of the First National Bank of North Bennington. He is a trustee of the Free Library Hall at Bennington, as well as a trustee of public schools in the JOHNSON. 223 city of New York, and a director or trustee in several other business enterprises in. New York. FREDERIC B, JENNINGS, Mr. Jennings married, July 27, 1880, Laura Hall, daughter of Trenor W. and Laura V. D. S. Park, and a granddaughter of the late Governor Hiland Hall. Their chUdren are : Percy HaU, Elizabeth, and Frederic B., Jr. JOHNSON, Leonard, of Pawlet, son of James and Ruth (WilUams) Johnson, was born at Pawlet, Nov. 28, 1828. Having received the usual educational ad vantages of the comraon schools, he was a tiller of the soil till he arrived at his raajority, when his active disposition raaking him de sire a change, he entered the employment of the R. & W. R. R. Co. as station agent, and has continued in this occupation for forty years. During the late civil war he acted as re cruiting officer and assistant provost mar shal. In 1852 he became a member of the order of Odd Fellows, joining Hopkins Lodge, Hartford, N. Y., and he has been a Free and Accepted Mason for thirty-five years. Mr. Johnson was raarried at Pawlet, Feb. 26, 1857, to Harriet, daughter of Harry and Harriet Viets. Of this union were born three children : Wayland, R. G. M., and Anna A. As his second wife he wedded EUen, daughter of Charles and Julia Wright, of Hartford, N. Y. 224 JOHNSON. JOHNSON. In his pohtical career he has been re peatedly elected selectman, and has been justice ofthe peace in Pawlet for thirty-eight years. Twice has he represented his native town in the state Legislature, and been deemed worthy of fiUing the responsibUe position of senator frora Rutland county for two successive terras. In all these positions he has never failed to merit the confidence reposed in him by those through whose in strumentality he has been called to ofifice. JOHNSON, Russell Thayer, of West Concord, son of Ransel and Sally (Farmer) Johnson, was born in Newark, April 4, 1 84 1. ««*«^_ RUSSELL THAYER JOHNSON. The public schools furnished hira with his early educational training and he fitted for coUege in the Charlestown (P. Q.) Acad eray, after which he studied medicine with Dr. Charles S. Cahoon of Lyndon, and graduated frora Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, in 1867. Dr. Johnson began the practice of raedi cine in Stanstead, Canada, and in 1869 he reraoved to Concord, and since that tirae has had an extensive practive not only in that, but also in adjoining towns. In 1862 he enlisted in the nth Regt. Vt. Vols., and served nearly three years, most of the tirae in the raedical department of the Sixth Army Corps and since 1872 has been ex amining surgeon for pensions. He is a Republican, and was member from Concord in the Legislature of 1884. In 1886 he was vice-president of the Vermont State Medical Society. For nine years he has been supervisor of the insane. He has been honored with several town ofifices, and at present is town treasurer. He is a prominent Mason and Odd Fel low and is also a raeraber of the G. A. R., having held several iraportant offices in the departraent of Vermont. Dr. Johnson was raarried, March 29, 1869, to Asenath A., daughter of Samuel and .\lmira (Currier) Weeks of Wheelock. JOHNSON, William Edward, of ^\'oodstock, son of Eliakim and Harrie A. (Collamer) Johnson, was born in Wood stock, June 26, 1 84 1. He received his preparatory education at KimbaU Union Acaderay, Meriden, N. H., and entered Dartmouth College from which he graduated in the class of 1862. He studied law with Gov. P. T. Washburn and Hon. Charles P. Marsh of the firm of Washburn & Marsh, and was admitted to the bar of Windsor county at the May term, 1865. He has from that time on WILLIAM EDWARD JOHNSON. been actively engaged in the practice of his profession at Woodstock. A noticeable thing in his legal work is the large number of cases referred to him for decision, and for findings of fact, more perhaps than to any other lawyer in the state. Mr. Johnson JONES. is the grandson of the late Hon. Jacob CoUaraer. He has proved his business capacity, and is a director in the Woodstock National Bank, the Woodstock Hotel Co., and the Aqueduct Co. He has been always attached to the prin ciples of the RepubUcan party, and was elected to the state Senate in 1888. From 1872 to 1874 he was state's attorney for Windsor county. Mr. Johnson was united in marriage, August 20, 1866, at Woodstock, to Miss EUzabeth, daughter of Philo and Elizabeth M. (Fitch) Hatch. Of this union there is one child : Margaret L. JONES, Edwin Kent, of South North- field, son of Daniel and Rhoda (Pratt) Jones, was born in the town of Randolph, June 4, 1828. He was the youngest of a family of five children, and his mother dying when he was an infant, he found a good home in the household of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kent, of Warren, in the schools of which|place he re ceived his education. JONES. 25 EDWIN KENT JONES. He removed to Northfield when he was twenty years of age and becarae a house car penter. He erected the first academy and a large number of dweUing houses in North- field during the thriving and prosperous times that followed the advent of the railroad. In i860 he went to South Northfield to settle the estate of his brother-in-law, George S. Edson, and soon after formed a partnership with his uncle, engaging in trade and at the same time giving some attention to lumber ing and the manufacture of chairs. By his various enterprises he has added materially to the prosperity and welfare of the village. Mr. Jones is a RepubUcan in his politi cal preferences, has served the town in vari ous capacities, as justice, selectraan and as town representative in 1866 and 1867. He is the author of the militia law which is the basis of the present systera. In 1882 and 1884 he was elected senator from ^V'ashington county. He has been prominently connected with the Dog River VaUey Fair Association as its treasurer and president. He is a member of the DeWitt Chnton Lodge, F. & A. M. He was married Dec. 30, 1852, to Har riet E., daughter of Samuel and Harriet (Gardner) Dodge, of Northfield. Four children have been born to them, of whora three are living : Fred A., Susie E.( deceased), Minnie A. (Mrs. E. H. Prince of Chicago), and Jessie A. JONES, Henry R., of Benson, son of Henry and Loderaa (Crawford) Jones, was born in Shorehara, Dec. 11, 1822. He received his early instruction in the public schools of Shorehara and Newton Acaderay and afterward as a student at Burr Serainary in Manchester, frora which he graduated in 1844. After teaching a pri vate school for one year he commenced the study of raedicine with Dr. Joel Rice of Brid port. He attended his first course of lect ures at the raedical coUege in Castleton, con tinuing his studies with Dr. Joseph Perkins, professor of obstetrics and materia medica in that institution, and graduated in the faU of 1-849. The following year he comraenced his professional labors in New Haven, but left to attend a post graduate course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. Devoting several raonths to hos pital practice and attending lectures, he re turned to Verraont and settled at Benson, where he has since enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. In educational matters he has taken great interest and was for a long time town super intendent of schools. Dr. Jones has always voted the Republican ticket, both national and state, up to the tirae of President Cleve land's nomination in 1884 ; since then he has been independent in his political views. In the winter of 1863 he was appointed by Governor Holbrook one of the board for the county of Rutland to examine those liable to military duty with a view to selecting the fit test subjects to choose from in case of a draft. He represented Benson in the House in the years 1868 and '69, serving each ses sion on the coraraittee on education, and 226 JONES. JONES. contributed largely to obtaining a special charter for a railroad frora Fair Haven or WhitehaU to sorae point on Lake Champlain. Early in its history he became a member of the State Medical Society. In 1884 he was chosen delegate to the Araerican Medical Association and to the Burhngton Medical cultural pursuits chiefly for many years, cul tivating the estate which has been in the family for over a century. He formerly made a specialty of breeding Durham cattle and Merino sheep, but of late years has devoted his attention more especially to sheep and horses. Mr. Jones and S. S. Rockwell originated the business of export ing iraproved sheep, sending away the first lot in 1843. This enterprise first extended to the Mississippi river, and in i860 to the Pacific coast. He made many trips west before any railroads were built in that sec tion, and reraained on that coast five years, having his horses and sheep shipped to him, his headquarters being at San Francisco. Mr. Jones was forraerly a whig, and be carae a Republican when that party was formed. He has been elected four times to the House of Representatives from his town. HENRY R, JONES, CoUege at its annual examination of students preparatory to graduation. In the organiza tion of the Rutland County Medical and Sur gical Society he took an active part and was early elected its president. lie was united in marriage at Benson, May 18, 1853, to Louise R., daughter of Hon. Isaac and Louise C. (Chase) Norton. Five children have been the fruit of this union, three of whom stiU survive : Eraraa S., Henry R., Jr., M. D., and Charles N. JONES, Rollin J., of West Corn wall, son of Arnzi and Hepzibath (Harvey) Jones, was born in Cornwall, Nov. 12, 18 19. His mother was a relative of Jaraes Hervey, M. A., one of the most popular EngUsh authors of the eighteenth century. His father was a great-grandson of Benjamin Jones, who was an ofificer in the EngUsh army. His progenitors came to America in the early settleraent of the country. He received his early education at the common schools in Cornwall, and afterward went to Hinesburgh Academy and frora thence to the high school at Saco, Me. He owns one of the raost productive farras in the state, and he has followed agri- ROLLIN J. JONES. in 1849, 1850, 1867, and 1868, and three times to the Senate, in 1853, 1854, and 1869. He was a raeraber of the Constitutional Con vention in 1857. In 1870 he accepted the coUectorship of internal revenue for the first congressional district under President Grant, at the sarae tirae refusing to. have his name considered for the position of Lieutenant- Governor of the state. He was a popular candidate, having never been beaten in con vention or at the poUs, and has declined being a candidate for many important offices that seemed easily within his reach. He re tired from politics early in life, peferring to JONES. JONES. 227 -devote his time to the manageraent of his estate. Mr. Jones has been a member of the Bap tist church since 1840. He is one of the board of managers of the state Baptist con vention for helping destitute churches and one of the board of managers of the Baptist State Historical Society. He has also held for many years the position of a trustee of Saxton's River Academy. He was married in Hinesburgh, on Sept. 15, 1842, to Flora, daughter of Sarah and -Austin Beecher. From this union two daughters were born : Martha Grace, and Alice May, both of whom died in youth. Mr. Jones has been a hberal contributor to the Sheldon Museum of Middlebury. He is a man of literary tastes, quiet and unas suming in his raanner, yet withal possesses -an extended acquaintance and is largely influential in the state. JONES, Walter Alonzo, late of Waitsfield, son of Hirara and Laura (Car penter) Jones, was born in Waitsfield, July 27, 1840. His father, Hiram Jones, was prominent in town and county afifairs. WALTER ALONZO JONES. The boyhood and youth of Mr. Jones were spent upon his father's farm, and he received his primary education in the public schools, after which he fitted for coUege at Barre Academy. In the faU of 186 1 he entered the University of Verraont, but was obliged tto leave in his sophomore year on account of Ul-health. He was graduated frora the medical college at Pittsfield, Mass., in 1865, and practiced his profession for a short time at Fabius, N. Y., and afterwards in his native town. In 1868 he, with others, bought the somewhat extensive mercantile business of his uncle, and this soon after carae into his hands exclusively, for which reason he relin quished the practice of his profession and devoted hiraself to business pursuits. Dr. Jones was actively identified with town aff'airs, especially interesting hiraself in edu cational progress, and to him more than any other is due the great iraproveraent and enviable reputation of the schools of Waits field. He represented his town in 1880 and 1882, serving each terra as chairraan of the grand list committee. His well demonstrated capacity for afifairs, the high esteem in which he was held, easily gave hira the noraination to the state Senate in 1888. This was his last public service. Dr. Jones was a leading and consistent member of the Congregational church and had its interests always at heart. For four teen years he acted as superintendent of the Sunday school. He raarried, at Waitsfield, Nov. 17, 1869, Elvira, daughter of Jedediah and Naomi (Joslin) Bushnell, and of this union there were born two sons : Matt B., and Walter E. Dr. Jones died Feb. 9, 1892, not before the people of Washington county, and indeed of the state of Vermont, had learned and appreciated his worth, so that they sorrowed for the loss of a good raan, a valuable citi zen, a wise counseUor, and a trusted friend. JONES, Walter Frank, of West Dover, son of WilUara H. and Diana (AlUs) Jones, was born in Dover, April 7, 1840. His educational advantages were obtained in the coramon schools of Dover and at WU raington high school, from which he gradu ated in i860. After the completion of his studies he entered his father's store as clerk, in which he remained for sorae years, and then took charge of the hotel in West Wards boro. Remaining there a year, he again returned to his native town and entered into partnership with his father to do a general merchandise trade, which connection lasted seven years. Mr. Jones was raarried, April 23, 1862, to Miss Annette, daughter of Levi and Nancy (Rice) Snow, of Soraerset. Of this union are two children : Orrin H., and H. Jennie. Mrs. Jones died Dec. 16, 1881. He was united to Martha A., daughter of Wells P. and Mary Ann (Bowker) AUis, who died Dec. 29, 1892, leaving one child: Martha A. Mr. Jones held the ofifice of postraaster for ten years, being appointed under President Lincoln in 1861, and from tirae to time has JOYCE. JOYCE. filled nearly every one of the town ofifices ; for ten years he was town clerk and treas- WALTER FRANK JONES. urer. He was elected to the General Assem bly frora Dover in 1888, an honor which he again received in 1892. JOYCE, Charles H., of Rutland, son of Charles and Martha E. (Grist) Joyce, was born in Wherwell, England, Jan. 30, 1830. He carae to this country with his parents in 1836, and settled in Waitsfield. He worked on a farra and attended the district school, winters, untU he was eighteen years old, when he left the farra and completed his education at the Waitsfield and North- field Academies and at Newbury Serainary. He was a page in the Vermont House of Representatives three sessions, assistant librarian one year, and librarian one year. He taught school several terms, at the same time pursuing his legal studies under Hon. F. F. MerrUl of Montpeher, and the late Col. F. V. RandaU of Northfield. He was adraitted to the bar of Washington county at the Sep tember term, 1852, and coraraenced the prac tice of law at Northfield in Deceraber, 1855. In Septeraber, 1856, he was elected state's attorney of Washington county, and re-elected in 1857. During the last year of service as state's attorney he greatly distinguished hira self in the prosecution and conviction of one Ariel Martin, for the raurder of two raen in Calais. Hon. Jaraes Barrett presided at the trial and Martin was defended by Paul DUlinghara and Luther L. Durant. In June, 1861, he was appointed by Gov. Erastus Fairbanks major of the 2nd Regt' Vt. Vols. Infantry, the first three years'" regiment to leave the state, and in June following he was promoted by Governor Holbrook to lieutenant-colonel in the same regiment. He fought gallantly with his regi ment in the first battle of Bull Run ; at Lees Mills ; at Williarasburgh ; at Golden's Farm • at Savage Station ; at White Oak Swamp ¦ at the second Bull Run ; and at Fredericks burg. In several of these battles he was specially mentioned by his superior officers for gallant conduct upon the field. In Jan uary, 1863, he was compeUed to resign his commission on account of a severe disa bility contracted during the campaign of 1861. On his retirement from the army Colond Joyce removed to Rutland and resumed the practice of his profession. At the March CHARLES H. JOYCE. term, 1869, of the Rudand county court, the case of State against Ziba, Fred and Horace Plumley for the raurder of one John Gilman was tried ; Colonel Joyce had charge of the defence, and his argument for the respond ents attracted wide attention and placed him at once in the front rank of jury advo cates in this state. In 1874 he was engaged to assist the state's attorney in the prose cution of John P. Fair for the murder of one Anne Frieze at Rutland under the most horrible circumstances. The case attracteo wide attention and it was said by the daily JOYCE. JUDEVINE. 229 press of the day that Colonel Joyce's closing argument was a masterly effort and highly appreciated by the bar and the vast audience present at the trial. But probably the great est effort ever made by him and the most splendid victory he ever achieved at the bar, was in the celebrated case of Calvin S. Inman of Poultney, tried for the shooting of Patrick Sennott, at the Septeraber terra of Rutland county court, 1889, and acquitted. The colonel made the closing arguraent for the defence and during its delivery the large court room was packed with people from all parts of the county. A death-like stUlness was preserved by the vast audience until he closed, when the deep murraur of applause showed the efifect produced by the fiery and eloquent words of the advocate. The Rut land Daily Herald speaking of the arguraent said : " Colonel Joyce was eloquent and im pressive. It was the effort of his life. He was inspiring ; he was pathetic ; and with the magical witchery of a silver tongue he painted a portrait so touching, so saddening that at tiraes there was scarcely a dry eye in the audience. Again in characterizing the affray, and that which led up to it, he gave full reign to his terrible power of denuncia tion." In 1869 he was elected a raember of the state House of Representatives from the town of Rutland, and in 1870 was again elected for two years, during which time he was speaker of the House. In 1874 he was elected to Congress from the first congres sional district, and re-elected in 1876, 1878 and 1880. Colonel Joyce took an active part during his eight years service in the national House of Representatives, in the discussion of raost of the iraportant ques tions which carae before Congress. In 1876 he made speeches on the death of Vice- President 'Wilson ; on the presentation of the statue of Ethan AUen ; on early resumption of specific payments ; on the centennial cele- 'bration of the Araerican independence ; in 1878 on the repeal of the resumption act -and the remonetization of silver ; on the election of President and Vice-President ; on the tariff ; on an araendment to the Mexi can war pension bill, to exclude rebels from the pension roU ; in 1879, on the policy of the Democrats in forcing an extra session of Congress by failing to pass the regular ap propriation biUs; in 1880, on coramercial reciprocity between this country and Canada ; ¦on the alcoholic liquor tariff; and in 1882, on Chinese immigration ; on the apportion ment of representatives to the national Con gress ; and on the policy of the government in relation to pensions. Many of these speeches attracted the attention not only of the people of Vermont, but of the whole country and were widely circulated. In politics Colonel Joyce has always been an earnest, thorough-going Republican, and has in every presidential campaign since 1852 done effective work upon the sturap for his party, not only in Verraont, but in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Indiana and New York. He has long been ranked among the lead ing platform orators in the country ; a fine voice, an earnest, impressive manner, a thor ough knowledge of his subject, and a firm conviction of the truth of what he utters, are among the elements which make hira one of the raost eloquent and efifective speakers be fore a popular audience in this country. During aU the years of his busy and labor ious life, in his profession and in Congress, he has found time to respond to aU the nura erous caUs made upon hira for the 4th of July orations, addresses at agricultural fairs, Meraorial Day addresses, and lectures upon a great variety of subjects. He has always been a close and thorough student and a keen and interested observer of raen and things. His favorite books outside of the law, are the Bible, Shakespeare, Milton, Bun- yan's Pilgrim's Progress, Scott's works and Dickens', while history, biography, poUtical economy and general literature make up the catalogue. The esteera in which Colonel Joyce has always been held by the people of his adopted state is fully shown by the posi tions of trust and honor to which they have so often called him. He was married, Feb. 21, 1853, to Rouene Morris, daughter of Gurdon and Laura (Scott) Randall, of Northfield. Of this union there are now Uving one son and one daughter. The son, Charles Pitt F., gradu ated at Princeton in 1887 and at Dartmouth Medical College in 1892. The daughter, Inez Rouene (educated at Tilden Seminary, Lebanon, N. H., and Teraple Grove, Sara- togo, N. Y.), was raarried, March, 1877, at Washington, D. C, to Theron C. Crawford of Michigan. JUDEVINE, Harvey, of West Concord, son of Cornelius and Lucy (Wetherbee) Judevine, was born in Concord, March 28, 1820. The narae of Judevine has been prom inent in the annals of the town of Concord for almost a century. Cornelius Judevine came thither in 1805, was the first merchant who settled there, and had a large and pros perous trade, yet he found some leisure to attend to public affairs, for he represented the town in the state Legislature twice. The raaternal grandfather of Harvey, Capt. Sarauel '\\'etherbee, was a captain in the Revolutionary war and raarried Susannah Johnson, who with her father's family was captured by the Indians, August 29, 1754, at Charlestown, N. H. She had a sister named 230 JUDEVINE. KELTON. Captive (from the fact that she was born on the march of the prisoners to Canada) . HARVEY JUDEVINE Harvey Judevine passed through the usual educational course in the coraraon schools. KELTON, FRANCIS P., of East Mont pelier, son of Sarauel S. and Ursula (Sprague) Kelton, was born in East Montplier, May 6, 1 84 1. The name of Kelton has been well known and honored in this town for three generations. The grandfather of Francis P. settled in town in 1798. His son Samuel S. Kelton was prorainent in official aff'airs for sixteen years ; was assistant judge of Wash ington county court for two years. He moved to Montpelier in 1876 and died there March, 1892. Francis P. was born and reared on the paternal horaestead, receiving sueh educa tion as the coramon schools afforded, sup plemented by a course of instruction at Dr. Spaulding's Academy at Barre. He married, Jan. 19, 1876, Joanna A., daughter of Capt. Edwin J. and Mary (Wig- glesworth) Colby of Salisbury, Mass., of which marriage there is issue : Mary H., Raymond A., and Robert S. Mr. Kelton has successfully pursued the vocation of a farmer on the farra which his father occupied. He has raade a specialty of dairy products and raising thoroughbred Jerseys. Here he lives, respected by his and then was admitted to the Concord gram mar school. He also attended the academy in Plymouth, N. H. At the time of his raajority, Mr. Judevine becarae practically the superintendent in the manageraent of his father's affairs until the- death of the latter in 1862. For years he has been in active business, being engaged in the manufacture of luraber. He is best known however, as a real estate operator and farm. manager and is the owner of a very exten sive property including no less than seven. different farras. On the 23d of August, 1846, he was united in raarriage to Florilla Jane, daughter of Rev. Josiah Morse of Concord. Their only child, Luthera M., died at the age of sixteen. Mr. Judevine contracted a second alliance, Feb. 27, 1861, with Angle, daughter of Ebenezer and Lepha (Joslin) Holbrook, also of Concord. Mr. Judevine is a staunch Republican,. and, beginning with constable, has held al raost every town ofifice and is now chairman of the board of school directors. He was- representative from Concord in 1865 and fifteen years later senator for Essex county,, serving in the Senate on the grand list committee. He is of a raarked and original personal ity, serious and refiective, but with an under lying and spontaneous vein of wit and humor. For nearly half a century his influence in town afifairs has been extensive and contin- FRANCIS P. KELTON KELTON. KEMP. 231 townsmen, all of whom recognize his private worth and hearty interest in all good works. He belongs to the majority party of the state, has been selectman and held other civU ofifices, as well as representing East Montpelier in the state Legislature in 1890. KELTON, Truman Chittenden, of East Montpeher, son of Naura and Fanny (Vincent) Kelton, was born in the town of MontpeUer, May 11, 181 7. The father was an early pioneer, born in Warwick, Mass., 1778, coraing to MontpeUer in 1798. He was an excellent farmer, a successful teacher and five times a representative of the orig inal town of Montpelier. The son received his education in the comraon schools and learned the trade of a raason, which he followed for raore than thirteen years. He is, however, better known as a farmer and business man. He has successfully cultivated an estate of raore than two hundred acres, the basis of which has been owned and occupied by the Kelton faraily for nearly a century. He is esteeraed a man of excellent judgment and thoroughly conscientious in every work he undertakes. TRUMAN CHITTENDEN KELTON. Such a raan would naturally and properly be sought for public ofifice, accordingly we find him acceptably filUng the positions of town treasurer for fourteen years, town clerk thirty-one years, and justice of the peace twenty-five years; while in 1863 and 1864 he was called upon to represent East Mont peUer in the Legislature. In 1846 he married Emehne E., daughter of Joel and Ruba (Metcah) Bassett. Their raarriage has been blessed with six children, five of whom survive : George, Herbert, Henry, Fanny (Mrs. A. D. Coburn), Walter (deceased), and Edwin, all residing in this vicinity. In recent years he has acted as a local counsel in business afifairs, has executed nearly aU deeds required in his neighbor hood, performed all the ofifices of a convey ancer and settled more than twenty-five estates, sorae of them involving extensive interests. KEMP, Dean Gustavus, of Montpeher, son of Phineas A. and Betsey (Blanchard) Kemp, was born in W'orcester, Nov. 8, 1841. .i^ft^.^ DEAN GUSTAVUS KEMP. He resided with his father until he was about eighteen years of age, and spent his time in attendance at the district school and in hard work on the farra. He then went to Montpelier, and became a pupil in the W'ash- ington county grararaar school. In 1862 he entered the ofifice of Dr. W. H. H. Richard son, as a raedical student, and afterwards attended a course of lectures at the BeUevue Hospital Medical CoUege of New York City, where he graduated March 26, 1866, and comraenced the practice of his profession with his first instructor. Soon after, he pur chased the residence of Dr. Richardson and succeeded him in a large and successful prac tice, which he retains to the present time. 232 KENFIELD. Dr. Kemp was a meraber of the board of ex amining physicians for pensions under the adrainistrations of Presidents Garfield, Arthur and Harrison, and has been for years the treasurer of the Verraont Medical Society and was its president in 1886. He has been sec retary of the Montpeher school board for several years and is a director of the Mont peher Electric Light and Power Manufact uring Co. He was raarried to Annette C, daughter of George W. and Laura (Cady) Maxhara, of Northfield, Sept. 5, 1866. In poUtics he is a Repubhcan ; and is a raeraber of Bethany Congregational church. KENFIELD, FRANK, of Morrisville, son of Asaph and Eliza (Shephard) Kenfield, was born in Sterling, now a part of Morristown, March 13, 1838. George Kenfield, the grandfather of Frank, was a soldier of the Revolution. Asaph was the first male child born in Morristown, and followed farming as his life occupation. He was born June 26, 1794, and died Oct. 11, 1866. FRANK KENFIELD. Frank was educated in the common schools, and at the People's Academy, MorrisviUe. After he was of age, he went to Massachusetts for a year, where he taught school and then made a tour of observation through the West and South. In the spring of i860 he returned from his wanderings, built a saw mill at Morristown Corners and commenced the lumber business, but this KENISTON. was interrupted by the call to arms, that resounded through the land in 1861. He enhsted Sept. 24, 1862, as a private in Co. E, 13th Regt Vt. Vols., was immedi ately elected 2d lieutenant, and soon after promoted to be ist lieutenant. He was with his regiment every day of its service, and when General Pickett made his furious charge at Gettysburg he had the good fortune to capture a confederate captain, whose sword is stiU in his possession. In the latter part of this engagement he received a severe wound. On his recovering he again entered the service, recruited Co. C, 17th Regt., was coraraissioned its captain, and mustered in, Feb. 8, 1864. The third attempt at battalion drill of this regiment was on the bloody field of the Wilderness, and there Captain Kenfield was again severely wounded, sent to the hospital at Fredericksburg and allowed a thirty-days' furlough. At the battle of Petersburg Mine, July 30, 1864, his company was almost annihilated, and he was captured and sent to Columbia, S. C. After seven months' iraprisonraent he was trans ferred to Wilmington, N. C, and paroled. He was raustered out of U. S. service. May 15, 1865. Since his return frora the army Captain Kenfield has been actively engaged in mer cantile pursuits, but more recently he has given attention to farming and stock and produce buying. He has been entrusted with nearly every town oflfice, and was sent to the Legislature in 1884, where he served on the general and mihtary committees. He was influential in securing the appropriation for the soldiers' home, and was appointed one of its trustees. He holds the ofifice of assistant quarter master-general of the department of Vermont G. A. R. He married, Sept. 5, 1866, Lamott C, daughter of Lomis and Catherine Wheelock of Montpeher ; she died in 1872, leaving one daughter, Kate B. (Mrs. Cari Smith). Feb ruary 9, 1874, he forraed a second alliance with Mrs. Margaret Lyraan, daughter of David and Ann Cruller. Captain Kenfield is a raember of the Loyal Legion, and has served as commander of J. M. Warren Post, G. A. R., of Morris ville. F'or more than thirty years he has been nurabered among the brotherhood of Free Masons. KENISTON, Nathan, oi Greensboro, son of Nathan and Grace (Currier) Kenis- ton, was born in Cabot, Feb. 5, 1816. His father was a native of Portsmouth, N. H., and was one of the earliest settlers of Cabot. The son received his scanty education in the district school and remained at home till he was twenty-two years of age when he KENISTON. KIMBALL. 233 removed to Greensboro and was eraployed as laborer on a farra in that vicinity, but be ing desirous to see soraething of the world outside the narrow circle to which his pre vious life had been limited, he walked with a companion to Boston, a distance of more than two hundred mUes, where he engaged in the occupation of brick making in the suraraer season whUe he drove a general delivery wagon between Dover and Boston during the winter. He remained in Boston and vicinity about five years, then returned to Greensboro, where he bought a sraall farm which he managed raost successfully in spite of the serious apprehension of his friends that he would fail in this atterapt, but this word was not to be found in his dictionary and he struggled on, bought ad joining land — in all, five hundred acres— and devoting a large part of his efforts to dairy products, brought this enterprise to a pros perous issue by his unflagging zeal and indus try. In addition to his ordinary occupation he plied the trade of brick raason and plasterer and as he had no rival in the place he did a remunerative business. In 1858 he bought the grist miU at Greensboro Village, made exten sive repairs and thus had another source of in come ; not content he added to his other properties a saw raill privilege, built and equipped the raUl with the first circular saw ever used in the place, then took as a partner Hiram Blaisdell. These mUls they afterwards exchanged for a large agricultural property in Hardwick. Having obtained some knowl edge of the trade of carpenter and joiner, he abandoned his farm in Greensboro and built the house where he now resides in Greens boro Village and in addition erected other dweUings in that place and St. Johnsbury. Mr. Keniston was married. May 4, 1845, to Abigail, daughter of Zaccheus and Jennet (Atwood) Thompson, who died Nov. 12, 1866. He was a second time wedded, August 19, 1868, to Mary E. EUsworth, daughter of Charles B. and AbigaU (Cobb) Field. No children have been the fruit of either union, but in 1848 he adopted EUoit F. Rollins, who lost his life in the war of the rebellion, and in 18 71 he adopted Myrtle Thompson who died about two years later. In political choice he has been a life-long Deraocrat, yet has never desired or sought preferraent. He has been elected justice of the peace, raember of the school board and highway surveyor. In 185 i he united with the Congregational church and he has ever been a generous donor to the society in Greensboro as weU as a liberal contributor to home and foreign missions, with which he has especially identified himself by becoming an honorary member of the American board and making Mrs. Keniston a life raeraber of the American Horae Missionary Society. Mr. Keniston is the last survivor of a very large Bible class and has always taken a lively interest in church affairs, but his generous heart does not confine itself to the outward forms of religion, for his kindly charity is extended to all in need or sorrow. KEYES, Thomas C, of Newbury, son of Freeman and Emeline C. (Jewett) Keyes, was born in Newbury, Jan. i, 1844. He was educated chiefly at Newbury Seminary, and then passed through a course of instruction at the Commercial and Colle giate Institute of New Haven, Conn. In 1864 Mr. Keyes was adraitted as a partner in the raercantUe firra of F. & H. T. Keyes & Co., and since his father's death in 187 1, he has owned and continued the business. He is a Republican in his political sym pathies, and was appointed postmaster in 1875, which ofifice he continued to hold for ten years. He was elected to represent Newbury in the House in 1886, and has long been a raeraber of the Republican town coraraittee. Mr. Keyes was united in marriage, Nov. 24, 1881, in Chicago, IU., to Martha »P., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hosmer) Morse, of St. Jonnsbury. KIMBALL, ROBERT JACKSON, of Ran dolph, son of Hirara and Jerusha (Bradish) Kirabail, was born in Randolph, Feb. 16, 1836. His ancestors vsfere EngUsh and his grandfather and great-grandfather both served in the Revolutionary war in Col. Samuel B. Webb's 3d Conn. Regt. His grandfather removed frora Porafret, Conn., to Randolph about the year 1795. He was educated at the West Randolph Academy and coramenced business at the early age of thirteen as a newsboy on the Verraont Central R. R. ; was afterwards a telegraph operator and expressman and has been interested in telegraph and railroad en terprises to a considerable extent ever since, and is now director in the old Vermont & Boston Telegraph Co. He engaged in the banking business at Toronto, Canada, in 1862 and in 1865 estabhshed a banking house in New York, which stiU continues as R. J. KirabaU & Co. In 1872, owing to a great decline in securities, he was unable to raeet his engageraents in fuU and settied with his creditors within forty-eight hours after his failure by the payment of twenty-five cents on the dollar and received his discharge from any further obbgation. In 1881 he paid the other seventy-five per cent together with nine years' interest at six per cent, the whole amounting to many thousands of dollars. He was an aid-de-camp on Governor 2 34 KING. DiUingham's Staff, 1888 to 1890; represented the town of Randolph in the Legislature in 1890 and 1 89 1, and served on the coraraittee of ways and raeans, banks, and special joint coramittee on the World's Columbian Expo sition, and was consular agent at Toronto in 1864. He is vice-president of the State RepubUcan League, also the Repubhcan Club at Randolph, and a trustee of the State Normal School at Randolph. He raarried Martha L., daughter of Charles A. Morse, in 1863. While he has for many years been a meni- ROBERT JACKSON KIMBALL. ber of the Baptist church, his Uberal support to the cause has not been confined to that denomination. He has shown his gener osity and public spirit in many ways in differ ent enterprises in his native town. He has a horae in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he was instruraental in forming a flourishing society of Vermonters, of which he was made presi dent, and is connected as a trustee in various important religious, charitable and other in stitutions in that city. He has maintained his home in West Randolph since 1864. KING, Aaron N., of Tunbridge, son of Eld. Nathaniel and Lydia (Noyes) King, was born in Randolph, July i, 1820. His father Elder King was one of the earhest settiers of Tunbridge, and was one of the first preachers of the FreewiU Baptist denomination west of the Connecticut river. So raarked was his abihty many were the revivals that followed his preaching. Through his efforts largely was the first conference of the denomination organized at Tunbridge. To him came the coraraittee appointed to prepare the articles of faith, and the doctrines outhned by him and written down by the coramittee were the articles of faith found in the Treatise of the denomination. He preached from stumps in the woods, in barns and later in houses of worship. The days not spent in preaching were spent in labor and by his frugality and industry he accumulated a large property. He represented Tunbridge in the Legislature thirteen years and held raany ofifices of trust, he found time however for study and was noted as a Bible student and theologian in the yearly meetings of the denomination in this state. Mr. A. N. King was the youngest of thir teen children. In his earher business Ufe he was a farmer and was succesful in this pur suit. Deceraber 2, 1841, he was raarried to Eliza B. Nutter at Northfield. Two sons were the AARON N. KING. fruit of this union : Heber A., and Millard T. In 1854 Mr. King embarked in mercantile business in Tunbridge, and is still engaged in it. At about the same time he engaged in banking and was for several years a director in the Royalton bank. He was also a director in the Orange County National Bank, of Chelsea, and for several years, until its suc cessful close in 1893, president of the First Na tional Bank, of Chelsea. At the expiration of the charter of this bank the National Bank KING. KING. 235 of Orange County was organized through his efforts, and he was elected its first president. He has nearly completed forty years service as a bank ofificer. He has bought farm after farm until he is one of the largest landed proprietors of Orange county, and, at an age when other men retire from active business, is continually at work looking after various interests. He has been an active meraber of the Repubhcan party since its organization and represented TunlDridge in the Legislature in 1868 and 1869, was for twenty-five years postraaster, several years town treasurer and has held other ofifices in Tunbridge. His elder son, Heber A., was early asso ciated with hira in his mercantile business, continuing in this until his death, Dec. 2, i88g. The younger son, after getting his education at Randolph Academy, entered the store of his father and has for a long term of years been the junior meraber of the firm of A. N. King & Son. He, like hisfather, is an active member of the Republican party and represented Tunbridge in i884-'85 and was a senator frora Orange county in i888-'89. Has been treasurer of the town the greater part of the tirae since 1881. He has been post master several years and is a director of the National Bank of Orange County. KING, Charles W., late of Lunenburg, son of WiUard and Laura L. (Ladd) King, was born at Lunenburg, Nov. 9, 1832. His father. Captain Willard King, was an old resident of the place, industrious, frugal, conscientious, and ever a most zealous worker in the cause of teraperance and religion. He started in life with no capital but his two hands and an axe, cleared for hiraself a farm about three and one-half miles from the present vUlage, and there lived, labored and reared his faraily of eight chUdren. Charles W. was early trained to labor, and his opportunities for an education in the district school were but meagre. After the crops were harvested he was able to attend school a few weeks, boarding at horae and walking seven raUes. But he had an insa tiable desire for knowledge, and every spare moment was spent in reading and studying. He taught school at seventeen, and at twenty-one was elected superintendent, and for several years was an important factor in educational moveraents in his town and county. Mr. King was bred a farraer, and to this occupation was given his chief atten tion, though he was also successfuUy engaged in other business. He was everywhere re cognized as a man of keen insight, at once sure and rapid in his conclusions, and of excellent general abUity. He was frequently trusted with the raanageraent and settleraent of estates, invested funds for others, and occupied responsible financial positions in large enterprises. January 18, 1884, he was elected treasurer of The Browns' Luraber Co., of Whitefield, N. H., and occupied that position tiU his decease. He was for a long time a director of the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, and was in his last years its vice-president. Republican in politics, as such he repre sented Lunenburg in 1874, and served on the committee on education, and was influ ential in 'abolishing the board of education and electing a state superintendent. In 1878 he was chosen to the state Senate from Essex county, and again served on the com mittee on education. He was trustee of Johnson State Normal School and two years county road commissioner, also many years justice of the peace. In all of the varied and private trusts committed to his hands Mr. King was faithful, diligent and efificient, and earned the respect and esteera of his associates. He married, Dec. 25, i860, Jennie, daugh ter of Reuben and Fannie Chandler. Their children are : Charles C, and Willard G. Mr. King died at Whitefield, N. H., August 12, 1893, regretted by all to whora he had become known by his public, business and social life. KING, Charles M., of Benson, son of Mosley F. and Juliette King, was born in Benson, Feb. 26, 1849. He received a careful training in the com mon schools of Benson and Barre Academy, forming the industrious habits and sound ideas which were to render him efificient ser vice in the events of his after life. Like so many citizens of the Green Mountain state, Mr. King has devoted himself to farming in the town where he was born. This vocation he has pursued in aU its branches, and by patient and unremitting toil has met with merited success, attaining a high position among the citizens of Benson. He is a Re pubhcan in his pohtical faith, and has dis charged acceptably the duties of selectraan and other town ofifices. He has been for raany years a director of the Rutland County Agricultural Society, and is also a director in the Western Verraont Agricultural Society. His high reputation for intelligence and energy met with a fitting reward in his choice as representative of Benson to the Legislature in 1888, where he manifested the sarae careful and attentive consideration which had always characterized his private life, in his attention to his legislative duties, giving his services to the coraraittee on agri culture. 236 KING KINGSLEY. Mr. King united with the M. E. Church in 1 88 1, and is now filUng the ofifice of one of its stewards. CHARLES M, KING. He was married at Fair Haven, March 31, 1880, to Martha J., daughter of Nathaniel and Dorcas(Kenyon)Fish. They haveone daugh ter and one son : Candace D., and Carl F. KING, Royal Daniel, of Benson, son of Horace and Eunice (Belden) King, was born in Benson, Nov. 17, 1824. His grand father, a Revolutionary veteran, after the war of independence moved from Connecticut and settled in the town of Benson. Mr. Royal D. King received his preUra- inary instruction in district and private schools, fitted for coUege at Castleton Sera inary, and graduated from the University of Verraont in 1846. His Ufe has been raainly devoted to the profession of teaching, though he spent some time in the law office of SmaUey & Phelps of Burlington. He has been an instructor both in his native state and in IlUnois. His first presidential vote was cast for Henry Clay, and he has acted with the Re pubUcan party since its inception. He has taken an active part in the public work of Benson, serving for a long period as town superintendent of schools, and being select man at the outbreak of the rebeUion he was especially energetic in the enUstment of soldiers, tiU he himself was raustered into the United States service Sept. 10, 1862, in Co. D, 14th Regt. Vt. Vols., with which command he honorably served till after the victory of Gettysburg, when he was raustered out with the regiment July 30, 1863. Mr. King received the corapUment of an election as representative from Benson to the Legislature in 1852 and 1854 and was ap pointed a meraber of the committee on edu cation in both sessions. He was reappointed town superintendent and held the position up to March, 1880. He was also elected senator frora Rutland county in 1880, where he again served on the coraraittee on educa tion and also on that of the library. ROYAL DANIEL KING. For several years he was secretary of Aca cia Lodge, F. & A. M. KINGSLEY, JEROME Orlando, of Athens, son of BiUy Gray and Lucy (Pal mer) Kingsley, was born in South Wood stock, Sept. 29, 1822. Receiving a limited education in the dis trict and select schools of South Woodstock, he lived at home untU he was twenty-six years of age, teaching in district schools during the winter and laboring on the farm in summer. In 1849 Mr. Kingsley went to Plymouth and bought a farra, where he lived eleven years, during which period he held the ofifices of first selectraan and super: intendent of schools for three and four years respectively. In i860 he sold his farm property and purchased an estate in Chester in 1 86 1, where he remained for seven years, LADD. LANDON. 237 until 1868, acting as selectman during two years of his residence in that place. He then sold his farm and removed to Athens, where he has since lived. In 1870 he was the delegate frora Athens to the Constitutional Convention, and repre sented the town in 1870 and 1884. He has discharged the duties of lister and justice of the peace, and selectman for several years. Mr. Kingsley was raarried on the 29th day of March, 1849, to Angeline E., daugh ter of John and Rebecca (Eaton) Sargent. Of this union there was one chUd : Eugene S. His wife died August 27, 1884. LADD, Chester M., of Worcester, son of Mark P., and Harriet (Hildreth) Ladd, was born in Worcester, March 16, 1848. In early life his father was a Methodist preacher, and later a large and successful farmer, still continuing occasionally to labor in the former vocation in Worcester. The son divided his time during the days of his boyhood between farra labor and an attendance of the schools of Worcester, and upon the death of his father, went to Chicago, where in connection with his brother he estabhshed a mercantile business and also dealt in real estate. In 1882, on account of the failure of his wife's health, he returned to Worcester and bought the large luraber miU which he has since conducted with an abihty that has met with weU-deserved suc cess. His business has steadily increased and he is now able to turn out one miUion feet of lumber annuaUy. At the sarae tirae he is an agriculturist, owning an exceUent meadow farm which he cultivates with in dustry and care, thus giving to himseh a pleasant rural horae. Mr. Ladd is a member of the M. E. Church, and is a Republican in his political aUegiance. He represented Worcester in the Legislature of 1892, serving on the com mittee of highways. He is a meraber of the school board, and has held other town offices. He was united in raarriage Sept. 2, 1868, to Ella S., daughter of WiUiam and Lydia (Carr) Bruce of Worcester. They have two children : Mildred E., and Mark P. LANDON, Mills J., of New Haven, son of Ehsha H. and Charlotta (Hoyt) Landon, was born in New Haven, Dec. 14, 1845. He received his education at Beeman Academy at New Haven, and Black River Academy at Ludlow. He is and always has been a practical farmer and dealer in young stock. He has made a specialty of the dairy business, breeding Durham cows to quite an extent, has a weU-laid-out and productive farm which he carefuUy cultivates, and is one of the successful farmers of Vermont. In political faith he is a RepubUcan and has held many town ofifices, including select man, lister, and justice of the peace, which last position he has held for many years past. He represented his town in the Legislature of 1886, and served on the committee on the grand list. While there he made a most conservative record, and reflected credit upon the place of his nativity. Mr. Landon is a Free Mason and is afifiU ated with Libanos Lodge, No. 47. He has been a raeraber of the Congregational church since 1868, and has held for raany years the position of treasurer of the society. He also served as chairman of the building commit tee of the beautiful church recently erected in New Haven. He was married on Feb. 25, 1868, to Harriet L., daughter of Deacon Oliver and Louisa Dexter, of Windham county, of this marriage three children survive : Charlotta L., Mary Ann F., and Ralph Dexter. Mr. Landon is a man of energy and un questioned integrity. He is yet in the prime of life and has a career in the future as one of the leading men of his town and county. LANDON, O. B., of Johnson, son of John S. and Lucy (Hinckley) Landon, was born in South Hero, June 28, 1839. He attended the comraon and private schools of his native town and this, with three months' instruction at the Coramercial Col lege of New Haven, Conn., completed his education. Mr. Landon labored as a farraer in South Hero tiU he was nearly thirty years of age and then took up his abode in Colchester, where he engaged in the manufacture of lura ber and land plaster. Removing to Milton, for seventeen years he continued in the same employment and also conducted an exten sive grist raiU. In Johnson for sorae tirae he has been doing a business in feed and western grain, but his chief enterprise has been the erection of a crearaery in connec tion with his raiU. This he coramenced to operate in 1892, and he has increased the original capacity of the plant, which was 5,000 pounds of railk daily to nearly five times that amount. By his careful and sys tematic management it is calculated that thirty per cent more product is realized than under the old systera. He raarried, June 4, 1867, Ahce M., daugh ter of Horatio and Beulah (Bhss) Chapin of WiUiston, who has borne hira two chil dren : Persis L., and Wilbur A. 238 LANE. LANE. Mr. Landon enlisted in August, 1862, in Co. C, 12th Regti Vt Vols., comraanded by Col. A. P. Blunt, served out his term and re ceived an honorable discharge when the regiment was raustered out of service. Since that time he has been a member of Old Brigade Post, G. A. R., of Johnson. Though an ardent Republican he has never sought for nor accepted any political ofifice. LANE, Edwin, of Lanesboro, son of Willis and Laura (Cutler) Lane, was born in Barre, AprU 2, 1835. His father moved to Orange when he was a chUd, and he received his education in the coraraon schools of that town and at Barre Acaderay. Soon after attaining his raajority, he was engaged for six years in buUding at Barre, and later in the wood and luraber trade at Montpelier. In 1867 he desired to see soraething of the world, and visited the EDWIN LANE. State of Michigan on a tour of inspection, where he was eraployed as a millwright and su perintendent. Two years afterwards, he buUt a steara mill in Marshfield, and soon forraed a partnership with his father, which continued about twelve years. He then form ed a partnership with his uncle, Dennis Lane, which continued till the death of the latter, and entered upon a simUar enterprise at Montpelier, running the Pioneer Mills of that place, and finally located his business at Lanesboro, where he has buUt up a large and successful lumber business. During his residence at South Marshfield, in two years his mills were thrice burned, and a man with less courage and determination would have surrendered hiraself to despair ; and again in 1892 he suffered a loss of $7,000 by the destruction of his plant at Lanesboro, but his energy and force of character were now called into action, and in less than two months the present large, convenient and well appointed miU was constructed. He has always been considerate in his treatment of his employes, and consequently has never suffered from the inconvenience of a strike. Mr. Lane was united in marriage in De cember, i860, to Ann L., daughter of WiU iam and Ann Perrin, who died two years after their union. He contracted a second alliance with Lilian, daughter of Jerry and Mary Webber of Rochester, N. Y., with whom he lived eleven years. In 1881 he married Efifie P., daughter of Nathan and Philena Skinner, who passed from earth January, 1893. By his first wife he had one child : LUian A. Lane. Of the second mar riage there were issue : Arthur E., Glen C. (Mrs. Charles M. Bennett of Montpelier), and Fred C. Hallie E., and Effie were the children of his last marriage. Mr. Lane was Republican in his politics, but with one exception has always refused the honors of ofifice. He, however, con sented to represent the town of Marshfield in the Legislature of 1892. He is a Free Mason, afifiUated with Granite Lodge, No. 24, of Barre. LANE, Henry Clark, of Westminster, son of Ithamar and Lucinda (Clark) Lane, was born in Westminster, Jan. 26, 1824. He received his education in the common schools of his native town and Walpole Academy, Walpole, N. H., from which after a four years course he graduated at the head of his class. Mr. Lane's arabition was to quaUfy hiraself for a professional life, but upon his graduation the duties of a son to an invahd father so strongly irapressed him, that he voluntarUy relinquished his ambitious hopes and assumed the cares and responsi bilities of his father's estate, which he found, in consequence of his parent's Ul-health, to be seriously burdened with debt. Having decided as to what was his present duty, he applied himself to the work and in due time the obligations were fully discharged. He had, however, now reached that age which made it practically impossible for him to take up and prosecute his studies again with any hope of realizing his early ambition, and finding farming a congenial pursuit he continued to follow this vocation untU the age of thirty, when he gave his attention to the settleraent of estates and devoted him self largely to the public aff'airs of the town. LAIHROP. 239 In 1866, Mr. Lane was elected a select man and held that ofifice continuously for twelve years, during which tirae the state erected the Williara French monuraent, and the raanageraent was given by Governor Converse into his hands, which duties he discharged with credit to himself, and to the satisfaction of the state. Republican in his political creed he was elected in 1874 a justice of the peace and has continued in this ofifice to the present date, and it is doubtful if any other justice in this section of the state has heard so raany cases as he HENRY CLARK LANE. has. Mr. Lane has an unusual faculty for financial affairs and in 1881 was elected a trus tee in the BeUows Falls Saving Institution, in 1882 was advanced to its presidency, and has continued to fill that postion to the present time. Hewas married, Sept. 11, 1850, to Mary P., daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth T. (Peniman) Nutting. Of this union were four chUdren : Fred I., Emma E., Caroline L., and NeUie V., aU of whom are raarried. Mrs. Lane died March 19, 1874. LANE, Henry James, of East Burke, son of Sylvanus and Martha (Balch) Lane, was born in Lunenburg, March i, 1855. He received his preparatory education in the pubhc and graded schools of Lunenburg, entered the U. V. M. in 1881, and four years later graduated from the classical depart ment. In 1887 he received the degree of M. D. from the Burhngton Medical College, and soon after fixed his abode at East Burke where he entered upon the practice of his profession and where he stiU continues to reside. Born and reared upon a farm, during his educational career he partiaUy gained his support by employment as a clerk at Burke in the intervals of study. Dr. Lane has been appointed to serve on the state board of health and is special health ofificer for Burke and East Haven, has been raade superin tendent of schools, and in 1892 was elected as a Republican to the lower branch of the Legislature, where he was a raeraber of the joint .special coraraittee for public health and reform, also on special- committee on elec tions in Caledonia county. May 20, 1876, he espoused Sarah E. Phil Ups. By her he has had issue : Jessie E., and Charles S. Dr. Lane is an ardent advocate and staunch supporter of the cause of temperance and served on several special committees in the Legislature appointed to consider this HENRY JAMES LANE, important subject. In his religious creed he is Congregational, and is a meraber of Union Lodge, No. 4, I. O. O. F., Lyndon ville. He also takes an active interest in the order of Good Teraplars and by aU means in his power labors to advance the cause of total abstinence and prohibition. LATHROP, Cyrus U., of williams town, son of Urbane and Eliza (Wiggins) Lathrop, was born in Chelsea, Oct. 31, 1839. 240 LATHROP. LAVIGNE. He was the youngest of a family of six children, and his mother, left a widow when he was only three years of age, by great industry and prudence raanaged to keep the famUy together. Cyrus comraenced at the coraraon school, and by strong personal effort was enabled to continue his studies at the Chelsea and Newbury Academies. At the age of twenty-two he purchased a farra at Williarastown, and the cultivation of this estate has been his principal occupation CYRUS U. LATHROP. ever since. He was one of the pioneers in the formation of the Williamstown Granite Co., and chairman of the board of raUroad coraraissioners for the town of WiUiamstown in their bonding and contracting for their railroad, and is at present chairman of the WiUiamstown Construction Co. He has settled many estates and gives an active support to every wise measure for the ad vancement of the interests of the town. When the Union of the states was threat ened with dissolution by the slave aristoc racy, Mr. Lathrop determined to battle for his country's flag, and he enlisted for three years in Co. C, Sth Regt. Vt. Vols., under the leadership of General Stephen Thoraas. He followed the standard of his regiraent in every engageraent after his enlistraent until the war was ended, and he received an honorable discharge from his miUtary duties in June, 1865. He has ever been a stalwart Republican, and been thought worthy by his party to hold raany responsible offices in town and county. For four years he was associate judge of the Orange county court, and in 1892 was elected to represent WiUiamstown in the present Legislature.. Judge Lathrop is a corarade in the G. A. R. He was a raember of Waterson Post, No. 45, of Chelsea, but later became charter member and coraraander of William Wells Post, No. 113, of Williarastown. November 24, 1861, Judge Lathrop was united in marriage to Frances A., daughter of Denison and Eliza (Luce) Hopkins, of Williamstown. One son, Frank D., has been the fruit of this marriage. LAVIGNE, JOSEPH W., of Winooski, son of Henri and Francoise (Beausoleil) Lavigne, was born in the town of St. Da- raasse, district of St. Hyacinth, Province Quebec, July 14, 1844. JOSEPH W. LAVIGNE. In 1848, the father with his family came to Williston, where they continued to live tiU 1852. He then moved to Essex, and remained there two years. From this place he removed to Indiana and remained two years, coming back to Essex in 1856, where they lived tiU 1864. In Essex, Joseph, as a boy and young raan, attended the coramon schools and the classical institute, and re ceived his education which he subsequenuy iraproved by reading and studying at home. Frora the age of sixteen tiU he reached twenty-four, he assisted his father in the LAWTON. LAVl'TON. 241 raanufacture and sale of brick. In 1872 he, entered the eraploy of the J. & J. Rogers Iron Co. of Ausable Forks, N. Y'., in the brick manufacturing business, where he continued about thirteen seasons. He then entered the wholesale grocery house of George W. Kelley of Burhngton. At the end of a year he established himseU in a retail grocery store in Winooski, where he has carried on the business ever since, and in which he built up an extensive and lucrative trade. In this business, as well as in his previous career, he has earned the reputa tion of being an honest and upright man. These qualities, together with good business qualifications and sound judgment induced his fellow-townsmen to elect hira to various town and village ofifices, araong which may be mentioned that of member of the board of school commissioners, which he held for a period of eight years, selectman, grand juror, trustee of the village, and town representa tive, which he was elected in 1892. In politics he is a Deraocrat, and has been a hard worker and influential raeraber in the local councils of the party. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Adeline Desautels, daughter of Francis and JuUa (Le Claire) Desautels of St. Jean Baptiste, P. Q., on the 21st day of April. By her he had three children : Helen (Mrs. Capt. M. H. Daniels of Vergennes), J. Henry, and Arthur. His wife died Oct 9, 1870. Subsequently he married Mary A. Chagnon, daughter of John and Celeste (Trudeau) Chagnon, by whom he had four children : LilUe A., Luke L., Lizzie C, and George W. Mr. Lavigne is a meraber of the Roman Catholic church, and also of St. Jean Bap tiste Benevolent Society. LAWTON, ShaiLER EMERY, of Brattle boro, son of Benjamin and Jane E. (Nettle- ton) Lawton, was born in Goshen, Conn., Oct. 3, 1853. He attended the public schools of his na tive town untU 1863, when he removed with his parents to Great Barrington, Mass., where he took a course at the Sedgwick InstUute, in the meantime assisting his father, who was a merchant. Mr. Lawton went to Bridgeport, Conn., in 1873, and engaged in mercantUe pursuits, continuing for a year, when his desire for the study of medicine prevaUed, and he returned to Great Barrington and was enrolled as a stu dent under the watchful eye of that distin guished physician, Clarkson T. Collins. He continued his studies here for a year, and then pursued a two years' course at the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City, but owing to a lack of funds he was not able to remain. Learning from a friend of the medical department of the University of Vermont, of the exceptional opportunities offered there, he began anew, and availing hiraself of all the advantages of fered by that institution, he was graduated M. D. in 1 88 1. During the vacation tirae of his school years he was eraployed as attend ant at the Hartford (Conn.) Retreat, where he was afiforded special opportunities for the close study of mental diseases. In 1 88 1, after graduating. Doctor Lawton came to the Verraont Asylura for the Insane at Brattleboro, to fiU the place of assistant physician during the temporary absence in Europe of Doctor Draper. In the fall of 1 88 1, at the resignation of Doctor Phelps, he SHAILER EMERY LAWTON. was appointed second assistant physician, and during thewinterof i88i-'82he received the appointment of first assistant physician, to succeed Dr. J. W. Clark, holding that po sition untU the fall of 1889, when he resigned to fulfil a long-cherished design of spending a year in a special course of study in neuro logical and psychological medicine. His resignation was not, however, accepted, and he was voted a year's leave of absence by the board of trustees. He spent six raonths of his year's leave at the Post-Graduate Medical School in New York, and the bal ance of the tirae in travel abroad, visiting and studying at the principal institutions of the old world. Doctor Lawton returned to Brattleboro in Noveraber, 1891, and again took up the du- 242 LEACH. LEACH. ties of first assistant physician, which position he held until March 19, 1892, when, at the death of Doctor Draper, he received the appointraent of acting superintendent, and was elected superintendent, April 20, 1892. He was united in raarriage, June i, 1893, to Mary LiUian, daughter of Capt. James M. and Croline (Stamds) Upton, of Roxbury, Mass. LEACH, Chester K., of Fletcher, son of Joseph and Olive (Burton) Leach, was born in Fairfield, Jan. 17, 1830. (Thoraas) Montague, and four children have been the issue of the union : Justin S., Zeha J. (Mrs. D. C. Robinson), Byron L. and Myron C, the two last being twin brothers. After his discharge frora military duty Captain Leach, like Cincinnatus, returned to the plough, and, after cultivating different farms, finally settled on the old homestead, where he still remains. He is a successful dairyman and also produces a large crop of sugar frora his orchard of raore than two thousand maple trees. Captain Leach has received the blue lodge degrees of Free Masonry and unites with the Mt. Vernon Lodge of Morrisville. He has also a membership in J. M. 'Warner Post, No. 4, G. A. R. He was elected as the Republican candi date to the state Senate in 1878 and was a raember of the coramittee on military affairs and agriculture. Besides this position he has also held many qfifices of minor impor tance in the town where he resides. LEACH, Moses J., of Wolcott, son of Ervin and Mary Ann (Scott) Leach, was born in Craftsbury, Dec. 22, 1837. He can trace his lineage back to the old Puritan CHESTER K. LEACH.. He was one of a faraily of seven children and his early history is that of hundreds of young men in his native state, born and bred upon the farm and in the intervals receiving a' meagre education in the district schools. Frora 1856 to the time of the civil war he was employed in the vocation to which he had been brought up, but sharing in the general outburst of patriotism that followed the faU of Fort Sumter, he enlisted in the 2d Regt. of the old Vt. Brigade and was mus tered into the United States service June 20, 1861. He was immediately made 2d Lieut. of Co. H., and participated with his regi ment in the first battle of BuU Run. After this defeat he was present at every important battie and engagement in which that veteran regiraent took part, and received his dis charge as ist Lieut, after three years of gal lant and arduous service. Captain Leach was raarried, Oct. 8, 185 1, to Ann A., daughter of Sarauel and Hannah MOSES J. LEACH Stock that made the glory of New England, to within ten years of the time when the little band of pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock. When he was nine years old his father moved to Wolcott where the son received LEAVENWORTH. LEAVENWORTH. 243 whatever educational advantages the com mon schools afforded and afterwards at tended the People's Academy of MorrisviUe. He reraained in the employment of his ^father one year after his majority to repay him the amount spent in his academic train ing. Soon after young Leach went to Massa- ¦chusetts where he was employed in a saw .miU until the early winter of that historic year, 1861. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Co. E, 13th Regt. Vt. Vols., and participated with that organization in the famous flank moveraent of General Stannard's brigade which repulsed General Pickett's great -charge at Gettysburg. He wore a corporal's •stripes and was not absent frora his cora pany a single day. Upon his return to civil life he " beat his :Sword into a pruning hook " and established .hiraself upon a farra which he cultivated tUl 1869, then sold the property and re moved to the centre of the village where he buUt the first drug store ever erected in the town and has carried on this business since that time. Mr. Leach was united, March 16, 1864, to EUen B., daughter of Moody and MUliscent (Moulton) Parker of Wolcott. Naturally he is a comrade of Gen. George P. Foster Post, G. A. R,, and has filled •several important ofifices in the departraent -and national encarapment of the order. He has received the three first degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Mineral Lodge, No. 93,, of Wolcott. Mr. Leach cast his first presidential vote for Abrahara Lincoln and has continued a Republican ever since. He has done thorough and successful work in many town ¦ofifices, having served as town clerk con tinuously since March, 1872, and was ap pointed postmaster in December, 1890. Several times he has been selected as a •delegate to county and state conventions, .and under no circumstances has he betrayed a trust reposed in him. LEAVENWORTH, ABEL EDGAR, of •Castleton, son of Abel and Anna (Hickok) Leavenworth, was born in Charlotte, Sept. 3, 1828. Having obtained his preparatory educa tion at the district schools of Madrid, N. Y., and Charlotte, he continued his studies at Hinesburgh Academy, and afterwards en tered the University of Vermont, from which he graduated in 1856, on his return from the South. He commenced his career as a teacher in 1846, taught district schools five winters and becarae successively the principal of Bolivar (Mo.) Acaderay, and the acaderaies of Jlinesburgh, Brattleboro and New Haven. In .1870 he secured the incorporation and en dowment of Beeman Academy at New Haven, the position of principal of which, after a most successful adrainistration, he resigned in 1874 to becorae principal ofthe State Norraal School at Randolph, leaving the forraer institution with an endowment fund of twelve thousand dollars. Leaving the Normal School at Randolph in 1879, after having greatly increased its facilities and the number of the pupils, he spent two years in institute work and the coUection of a large and choice cabinet of rainerals, while recruiting his irapaired health. In 1 88 1 he purchased the school building and equipraent of the Rutland county grararaar school, and was appointed principal of the State Norraal School at Castleton under its patronage. Since that date Mr. Leaven- ABEL EDGAR LEAVENWORTH. worth has devoted his energies to the inter ests of the school, and has always given special attention to the training of teachers, having signed six hundred and thirty-nine certificates whUe principal of the various institutions under his charge. Mr. Leavenworth is a veteran of the civil war, and soon after his enlistraent as a pri vate in Co. K, 9th Regt. Vt. Vols., was pro raoted through the ranks of sergeant and ist lieutenant to that of captain. He was raade assistant inspector general of Wistar's brigade of the United States forces on York Peninsula, of the 2nd division of the i8th army corps, and of the provisional brigade at Bermuda Hundreds. He also served as 244 LE BARRON. LELAND. assistant adjutant general of the last named command, later of the 2d brigade, 3d divis ion, 24th army corps, and led the skirmish line into the city of Richmond, AprU 3, 1865. He was appointed assistant provost marshal of that city and subsequently assist ant adjutant general of the district of Appo mattox. He was mustered out of the service at Richmond, June 13, 1865, having received highly coramendatory letters from the gen erals on whose staff he had served. Mr. Leavenworth was married at Corning, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1853, to Mary Evehna, daughter of Samuel and Sally (Hubbard) Griggs of Cazenovia, N. Y. To them were born : Anna Maria (deceased), Francis Abel (deceased), Samuel Edgar, Clarence Green- man, WiUiara StoweU, Emily Reynolds (de ceased), and Philip Reynolds. Mrs. Leav enworth died July 30, 1877, and he con tracted a second aUiance at Linden, Md., August 12, 1889, with Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of Marcus N. and Julia M. (Burt) Wadsworth of Oswego, N. Y. At the age of twelve he united with the Congregational church, with which he has continued his connection, serving the local congregation as deacon and delegate to county associations and state conventions. Never sectarian in belief or practice, he has ever raaintained raost friendly relations with all branches of the Christian church. He was one of the founders of the Delta Psi fraternity in the U. V. M., and in early life was an active Mason, Odd FeUow, Son of Teraperance, and Good Templar, having been presiding officer in each, as also in various county and state teachers' organiza tions, and later in the Grand Array, from which body he was a delegate-at-large for Vermont at the twenty-fifth national encamp- raent at Detroit, in August, 1891. He has also been a member of the American Acad emy of Political and Social Science frora the first year of its organization. LE BARON, Isaac Newton, of Morris viUe, son of ApoUos and Rhoda (Sanger) Le Baron, was born in Calais, AprU 30, 1839. He received his early education at the dis trict school, and afterwards was a pupil of the academies of Barre and Morrisville. Com raencing his life as a farraer, he met with great success in his chosen vocation. In 1866 he began the manufacture of brick, which he continued for four years, but unfor tunately the financial result was not propor tionate to the skiU and industry displayed by Mr. Le Baron in the business. The lack of fortune was followed by a large decrease in the value of real estate in his vicinity, and after an ineffectual struggle, he was obhged to abandon the old homestead upon which he had so long and earnestly labored, but though suffering pecuniary loss, he could now solace himself with the comforting reflection that his honor and respectable standing in the community still remained. Casting his first vote for Abraham Lincoln Mr. Le Baron has ever since remained a strong adherent of the principles which that vote professed. Repeatedly he has been caUed upon by his townsmen to fiU the differ ent positions of trust and importance in their gift. As Uster, selectraan, justice of the peace and superintendent of schools, he has always merited their confidence and in 1888 he rep resented their interests in the state Legisk- • ture where he made a manly and satisfactory record. Mr. Le Baron is an active and conscien tious meraber of the Universalist church to whose interests he has devoted much active effort, for seven years serving as the sup erintendent of their Sabbath school. In years past he has been the faithful secretary of the old LamoiUe County Fair. He was united in wedlock to Maria L, daughter of Malachi and Patience Barrows of Morristown. Frora this raarriage there are seven children : Dana F., Eva J., Ada C. (deceased), Daisy M., Washington Irving, and Isaac Newton, Jr. LELAND, George Farnham, of Springfield, son of Charles A. and Susan (Farnham) Leland, was born in Baltimore, Jan. 25, 1858. His education was obtained at the public schools of Springfield, and at seventeen years of age he entered the employment of his father, Charies A. Leland, of North Springfield, as clerk, reraaining with him two years. After that, his father having sold his business to Hon. F. G. Field, he con tinued four years as clerk for him. In April, 1882, in corapany with his father, he formed a business partnership under the title of C. A. Leland & Son, and purchased the stock and good-will of Cobb & Derby of Spring field, to deal in general raerchandise, and they have conducted their business on the principle of a farraers' exchange, which raethod has given wide and general satisfac tion in the community where they reside. This has enabled thera to greatly increase their stock, and they now do the largest general country trade of any establishment in their vicinity. Mr. Leland has filled raany town offices, and as a Republican candidate was sent to represent Springfield in the Legislature of 1892, served on the grand list committee and was chairman of that on rules. He is an enthusiastic Mason, and is pas' master of St. John's Lodge, No. 4h and m Royal Arch Masonry has held the highest office in Skitchewaugh Chapter, No. 25, of LEWIS. Springfield and Ludlow. He is also a member of Vermont Commandery, No. 4, of Windsor. Noveraber 8, 1881, Mr. Leland raarried Nellie A., daughter of Edson X. and Mary (Barrett) Pierce. Their union has been blessed with two chUdren : Arthur F., born August 28, 1886, and Mary A., born June 2, 1890. LEWIS, Frank W., son of Albert R. and Eraily (Holt) Lewis, was born in Mid dlesex, Oct. 21, 1852. He is a grandson of the late Dr. Joseph Lewis, Jr., whose father, a surgeon in the Revolutionary array, was by the, side of General Montgoraery when the latter feU in the unsuccessful attempt to storm Quebec. LEWIS. 245 FRANK W. LEWIS. The school privileges enjoyed by Mr. Lewis were rather limited and soraewhat irregular, but this lack was compensated in a measure by the fact that he was, frora childhood, an omnivorous reader and a diU gent student, and that for sorae years he had -access to extensive hbraries. He was usually graded with pupils much older than himself, managing even then to lead his classes, and at fourteen had mastered such elements of ,an education as were afforded by district schools of the better grade, besides giving •some attention to the study of languages. At fifteen he entered an advanced class in the high school at Canton, Mass., after leav ing which he continued his studies, mainly without assistance. Later he pursued the course in "English Literature and Science" prescribed for the candidates for the rainis try of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the four years' course in "Biblical, Ecclesi astical and Literary" studies required after admission on trial, passing his examinations with credit. Being dependent for support and educa tion chiefly on his own efforts, littie of Mr. Lewis' boyhood and youth was exempt from hard work, even when attending school. He was variously eraployed, gaining sorae in sight into pursuits of several kinds, raercan tUe and mechanical, as well as those of the farm, and in city as well as country, having spent some years in Boston. He has taught several terras of district school, and for a year had charge of the Weston high school. In the faU of 1877 he united with the Methodist Episcopal church, entered actively into its work, and was at once singled out as having qualifications for, and an un doubted call to, the ministry. Yielding to the conviction that duty lay in this direction, and urged forward by what seemed providen tial indications, he passed the required ex aminations the following spring, was licensed to preach, and appointed by Bishop Gilbert Haven to supply the pulpit at Topsham. A year later he was admitted to the Verraont conference, ordained deacon in 1881, and elder in 1883. He was appointed to Barton, his present charge, in 1890, where he is serving his fourth year. Mr. Lewis has never taken any active part in pohtics, but has served as superintendent of schools and in some other rainor ofifices. He has been statistical secretary of Verraont conference since 1883, and for several years on the conference board of exaraination. He wedded, March 26, 1879, Miss Ella F., daughter of David H. and Fideha (Thresher) Whitney of Granville. Their marriage has been blessed with three children : Bessie Ethel, Lula Miriam, and Annie Louise. Mr. Lewis is considered one of the most efificient, inteUectual, and well educated young divines on the St. Johnsbury district. Whatever recognition his merits have re ceived, in promotion or otherwise, has been bestowed unsolicited. No raan in the con ference has surrendered the designation of his work raore entirely into the hands of the constituted authorities of his church. LEWIS, L. Halsey, of Hyde Park, son of David and Julia (Sraith) Lewis, was born in the town of Blooraing Grove, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1853- He'recelved his education in the schools of New York City and Michigan, and when his education was completed, learned the printer's trade at Middletown, N. Y'. 246 LEWIS. August 18, 1878, he settled in Hyde Park and purchased the LaraoUle News. Three years after he united that paper whh the Vermont Citizen. Since that time he has conducted the combination of the two papers under the tUle of the " News and Citizen " with ofifices at MorrisviUe and Hyde Park. The News and Citizen is un swerving in its advocacy of Republican principles, and under Mr. Lewis' raanage raent Us influence is strongly feU throughout the state. Notwithstanding the active part he takes in politics, Mr. Lewis has never found tirae to hold political office, as his newspaper business monopolizes all his time and personal attention. Notwithstanding his devotion to journal ism, he has however found time to devote to the two great secret societies of Odd Fellows and Free Masons. He is a mem ber of Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. & A. M., Tucker Chapter R. A. M., Burlington Coun cU, and Burlington Commandery. He also belongs to Sterling Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F. Mr. Lewis was married, Nov. 4, 1880, to Alice D., daughter of Russel S. and M. M. Page. LEWIS, Rodney M., of Wells, son of Benjamin and CherUna (Culver) Lewis, was born in WeUs, June 30, 1839. He obtained his education by a course in the coraraon and select schools, supple mented by raore advanced studies in North Hebron Academy, N. Y. Mr. Lewis has devoted his whole business life to the manufacture of woolen goods, chiefly cashmeres and knit underwear, being until 1875 a partner with his father under the firm title of B. Lewis and Son. At that time he took charge of the business and has managed it individuaUy ever since. H,e. is also the proprietor of the Lewisville cheese factory and of a large farm, the cultivation of which he carefully oversees. He married, at Castleton, Dec. 31, 1859, Maria A., daughter of John and Agnes Fos ter, and by her has had two children ; Helena (Mrs. George D. Carter), and Genevieve. Mr. Lewis is an adherent of the Repub hcan party and has been caUed upon to dis charge various public trusts appertaining to town and county for periods varying from one to sixteen years. While considering the hst of offices whose duties he has discharged, it is difficult to see how he has had oppor tunity to manage his private affairs. Araong other positions raay be mentioned that of state representative for four years from 1870 to 1874. He has also found opportunity in his- busy life to give sorae attention to the ancient craft of Masonry, being a raember of Morn ing Star Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter of LINCOLN. Poultney, in one of which he has held the- position of scribe and in the other of junior- warden. LINCOLN, Benjamin Franklin, of Lyndon, son of Benjamin and Sophia (Makepeace) Lincoln, was born in Ware- ham, Mass., Sept. 4, 1831. He was educated in the coramon schools of his native town, and at twelve years of age- went to New Bedford, Mass., where he lived for six years and then moved to Wilmington,. Del., and there learned the tinner's trade. At twenty years of age he visited California, spending one year in mining, and thence re moved to Oregon where he engaged in the hardware business, remaining four years,. when he returned to New Bedford, Mass. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LINCOLN. In 1862 he came to Vermont and engaged in the hardware business at Lyndon. In AprU, 1866, he commenced the luraber busi ness in which he has been employed for twenty-five years, operating in Michigan and Vermont jointly. As a Republican, he represented his town in the General Assembly in 1876, 1878, and 1888, and was elected to the state Senate m 1890 and 1892. Mr. Lincoln is a raember of Crescent Lodge, No. 66, F. & A. M., is now presi dent of the Lyndon National Bank, also president of the Caledonia Publishing Co., of St. Johnsbury. He was raarried at Acushnet, Mass., Nov. 28, i860, to Annie A., daughter of John A. LIVINGSTON. LOCKWOOD. 247 and Sophronia (Skinner) Lombard. Five children are the issue of this union : Alice S. (Mrs. Homer C. Wilson), Mary S., Benja min, John E., and Charlotte C. LIVINGSTON, FRED B., of Morrisville, son of WilUam R. and Anna S. (AUard) Livingston, was born in SchuylerviUe, N. Y., August II, 1852. Mr. Livingston was married to Stella L., daughter of Alnon D. and Susan (Bingham) Thomas of MorrisviUe, Jan. i, 1875. Three children have been born to them : Florence B., Gertrude A., and Stella (deceased). He is a memlDer both of the Odd Fellows and Masonic societies, belonging to the Sterhng Lodge, No. 44, I. O. O. F., and holding the office of treasurer of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 8, F. & A.M. As a Repubhcan he was elected repre sentative from Morristown to the state Leg islature in 1890 where he served on the committee on rules, and that of ways and means, and in the extra session of 1891 he was made chairraan of the \Vorld's Fair committee. He introduced the agricultural college biU, and labored earnestly for its passage. AU his service in the Legislature was ably perforraed and duly appreciated by those whose vote secured hira the position of representative. LOCKWOOD, Albert H., of Ludlow, son of WiUiara and SaUie (Griswold) Lock- wood, was born in Springfield, Oct. 18, 1840. FRED B. LIVINGSTON. His educational advantages were derived from the pubhc schools, and a course of study at the Cambridge Washington Acadmy. At the age of seventeen, while acting as station agent at Cambridge, N. Y., he mas tered the art of telegraphy, and followed this as his occupation for some years in Rut land and Burhngton, but in the latter city faihng health compelled him to resign his position. After a short rest to regain his health, he came to MorrisviUe and settled on a farm, where he has been engaged ever since in extensive agricultural operations, making a specialty of dairy products and maple sugar and syrup. With a sugar orchard of three thousand trees, an un developed resource, of nearly an equal amount, and using aU modern improvements in the raanufacture, he has built up an ex tensive trade, sending the product to all parts of the world. In 1880 he received the sweepstakes prize on butter at the New Orleans exposition, accompanied by a raedal and a pecuniary testiraonial of seventy-five dollars. ALBERT H. LOCKWOOD. He is the youngest and only surviving member of a family of four children. When less than a year old, by the death of both of his parents he was left an orphan, and was entrusted to the care of Mr. and Mrs. Bucklin Burnham of Springfield, with whom he re mained tiU he was seventeen years old, and whose kindly care he repaid by support during their declining years. While under LYFORD. LYMAN. the roof of Mr. Burnham, he received such education as the coraraon schools could afford. In 1858, he carae to Ludlow, a poor boy without influence but with a firra resolve to push his way and win a support by his own unaided effort and after twelve years spent in the subordinate position of a clerk he forraed a partnership with Charles Raymond to deal in clothing, boots and shoes. In 1876, he moved to the West but the experience of one season expedited his return and he made his residence in Ludlow, where he was for five years associated in business with Edward E. Parker, but is engaged at present by himself as a dealer in boots and shoes in that town. He married, June 10, 1863, Mary A., daugh ter of Albert and Dolly Adams, of Evansville, Wis. They have two children : AUce M., and Edward A. For eighteen years Mr. Lockwood has been an active member of the Congregational church and a liberal contributor to the same. He has also chosen to ally himself to the charitable organization of Freemasonry, re ceiving the first three degrees in Lafayette Lodge No. 53 and afterwards passing through the higher grades of Royal Arch Masonry and Knight Templar. He is treasurer of his chapter and is a Sir Knight of KiUington Commandery No. 6, of Rutland. As a Republican, he received the appoint ment of postmaster in 1884 and continued in ofifice four years. He is now, and has been for ten years, treasurer of both town and cor poration. In 1888 he represented his town in the Legislature and served on the cora mittee on claims. Notwithstanding the early disadvantages against which he was obUged to struggle, Mr. Lockwood, by his own un aided and persistent effort has amassed a handsorae corapetency. LYFORD, Horace W., of Warren, son of Hazen and Electa (White) Lyford, was born in that part of the old town of Mont peher which is now East MontpeUer, Feb. 16, 1835. After he had passed through the usual educational course at the schools of East Montpelier and also in Montpelier village, he learned the sash and blind trade frora his uncle, and while thus occupied raanifested a natural aptitude for mechanical pursuits. At the age of nineteen he formed a partnership with his father, under the titie of Hazen Lyford & Son, to manufacture sash and Winds. Horace was from the first the busi ness raanager, and soon became sole proprie tor of the concern. In 1861 he exchanged this property for a hotel in Warren, which he has since conducted in a manner satis factory to the public. In 1865 he engaged in the tin and hardware trade, and followed this by the raanufacture of pail-bail handles and clothes-pins. During the last ten years he has devoted his attention to the manu facture of butter-tubs, and has invented sev eral appliances that not only turn out a superior article, but result in an immense saving of labor. Mr. Lyford is an earnest Republican and has held many public positions of trust and influence. He was first selectman in Warren in the years of the war, and was many years deputy sheriff. He was from 1872 to 1876 sherifif of ^\^ashington county. He has been • justice of the peace continuously for twenty- nine years. In 1888 he was elected assistant judge of Washington county court, and was re-elected in 1890. HORACE W. LYFORD. Judge Lyford was united in marriage, Sept. 9, 1858, to Sarah R., daughter of John and Sarah (Chamberlain) Vincent, of East Montpelier. He has been long and prominently identi fied with the Masonic fraternity, being a meraber of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, of .Mont pelier, King Solomon Chapter, No. 7, of the sarae place, Montpelier Council, No. i4i * Knight Teraplar of Mt Zion Commandery, No. 9, of the A\'ashburn Lodge of Perfection, No. 14, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. LYMAN, Charles a., of Royalton, son of Jabez and Abigail (Woodbury) Lyman, L\'NDE. 249 was born in Royalton, Oct. 21, 1831, and has always been a resident of that town. He received the customary coramon school education in Royalton. He has chiefly followed the vocation of a farmer but has also practiced the trade of a carpenter and given much attention to the manufact- nre of lumber. He has been entrusted with many responsible positions, araong which may be mentioned those of selectman, over seer, lister, auditor, and trustee of the sur plus revenue fund. He has always dis charged these duties with honor to hiraself and profit to his feUow-citizens. In 1892 he was elected by a strong Republican majority to represent the town of Royalton in CHARLES A. LYMAN. the General Assembly, where his energetic action in behalf of his constitutents merited the approbation of those who had entrusted hira with that position. Mr. Lyraan was united in wedlock, March 8,*i854, to Hannah W., daughter of Horatio and Sarah (Walcott) Freeraan. Four chU dren were born to thera, of whora only one (Mrs. NeUie M. Doyle), is now surviving. He contracted a second alliance, July 5, 1866, with Laura J., daughter of Williara and Elizabeth (Walcott) Fay. Four chUdren were issue of this second marriage, three of whom are now living : Albert F., Ida C, and Elizabeth W. LYNDE, George W., of W^ilUamstown, son of John and Dolly (Smith) Lynde, was born in WiUiamstown Feb. 3, 1849. He was educated at the comraon schools and at Randolph ancl Barre acaderaies. When twenty years of age he comraenced extensive operations in the lumber business in Groton and these he carried on in part nership with his father-in-law for fifteen years. He then removed his plant to MiU Village and has since employed it in running the grist and saw mill, and polishing works. Mr. Lynde was united in raarriage, March 16, 1871, to Frances, daughter of Richard L. and Phebe (Moore) Martin, by whora he has had two children ; Fred G. (deceased), and John Richard. In 1 886 he reraoved to the farm formerly belonging to his father-in-law and has con tinued there the latter portion of his life. He raay be styled the typical Verraont farmer, so large is the scale on which he conducts his operations and so great the success he meets with in aU his enterprises. He is also the possessor of a fine maple grove and one of the four owners of the \\Tlliamstown gran ite quarry. Mr. Lynde is a Republican in his political sympathies ; and in rehgious belief a Univer salist. After having filled the usual town ofifices he was sent to the Legislature in 1888, where he served on the general coramittee. He is active, pubhc-spirited, and influential in every social and business enterprise, and a highly esteeraed member of the commun ity in which he resides. LYNDE, John, of WiUiamstown, son of Cornelius and Rebecca (Davis) Lynde, was born in WUliamstown, August 6, 1810. Cor nelius Lynde left Harvard CoUege at his country's call, enlisted in the Continental array and served through the Revolutionary war, attaining the rank of raajor. In 1786 he moved from WUliamstown, Mass., to the town of the same name in Vermont, and was one of the original proprietoTs. He laid out and aUotted the land to his associates, was justice of the peace and first town clerk. He constructed the first saw miU in the town, was representative frora 1791 to 1795, meraber of the state council, first postmas ter, and associate judge for two years. In the first year of the century at a raeeting in his house, a Universalist society was organ ized, believed to be the earliest in the state. The mother of John Lynde was the oldest daughter of Col. Jacob Davis, the pioneer of Montpelier. The subject of the present sketch was educated at the common schools of WiU iamstown, and at the early age of sixteen began to teach, working in the suraraer on his father's farra. He raarried at the age of twenty-two, uniting himself in the bond of wedlock to Dolly Smith. She bore him twelve children. ^50 LYNDE. LYON. nine of whom stiU survive : EUen (Mrs. W. B. Bass), John, Martha (Mrs. Jerry Kenis ton), Rebekah (Mrs. Nat Simons), George W., James K., Laura (Mrs. Harvey L. Cheney), and Eraraa (Mrs. Dr. WUliam B. Mayo of Northfield, Vt.), and Dr. Cornelius V. Two ofhis sons, John and Charles (the latter deceased), served in the civil war. His first wife died in July, 1881, and he was again married in 1882 to Laura E., daughter of Norman Davis. JOHN LYNDE. Mr. Lynde was a farraer till 1865, and after that was engaged in trade untU 1887, when he sold out his interest to his son, James K., and again returned to farming. He has been very prominent in all social and public aff'airs, has setded raany estates, and was a general counsellor in business and legal matters. For more than ten years he was one of the directors of the Northfield, and later of the Barre bank. Forraerly a whig, but now a Republican, he has been for forty four consecutive years justice of the peace, has held every town ofifice, and was twice town representative before the war and three times afterwards, and was chosen senator in 1876. He was assistant judge of Orange county court for two terms. Judge Lynde has ever been a liberal donor to all benevolent and religious enterprises, a pubUc-spirited cuizen, and has given to aU his chUdren every educational advantage that was in his power to bestow." LYON, JOHN Stanley, of Fair Haven, son of Seth S. and Jane (Barnard) Lyon was born in Winhall, Jan. 28, 1861. He received his early education at Black River Acaderay, Colgate University, Hamil ton, N. v., and the University of thp City of New York. In coUege he developed marked taste in the fields of raental philosophy, poUt ical science, literature and oratory, and was especially interested in Greek and Latin Uterature. He was class poet in both acad emy and college, and also editor of the college magazine. In his early youth he taught the district school. In 1885 hewas caUed to the position of instructor in Greek and Latin in Friends' Serainary, Stuyvesant Square, New York City, which position he held for five years ; and, though not a Quaker, was appointed vice-principal of the institution at the end of the third year. While thus eraployed he was actively engaged in church work, and feeling called to the JOHN STANLEY LYON. gospel ministry, he resigned the chair of classics, and was ordained in the Fair Haven Baptist Church, Feb. 26, 189 1. Mr. Lyon raarried EUa G., daughter of John E. and Almina White, of Mount Holly, Dec. 29, 1886. He has two children: Clif ford S., and Raymond F. Of rare natural abiUty and attainments, and withal an earnest and impressive speaker. Rev. Mr. Lyon has placed the church at Fair Haven among the leading Baptist congrega tions of the state. Enthusiastic in his work LUND. and watchful for opportunities to advance the interests of his people, he has won many friends in his chosen field of labor, a fact which fuUy attests his Christian, manly char acter. He is deeply and actively interested in aU public matters but especially in those that advance the welfare of his beloved Green Mountain state. LUND, Henry W., of Canaan, son of Hezekiah and Mary (Shores) Lund, was born in Granby, Oct. ii, 1854. He comraenced his education at district school No. 2, of Granby, from which more teachers an,d professional men have corae, than any other district of its size in that section of the state. He continued his studies at St. Johnsbury Acaderay and then coraraenced reading law with Hon. H. C. Bates of St. Johnsbury, completing his pro fessional training with George W. Harts horn, Esq., at Canaan. He was admitted to the bar of Essex county at the March term of 1884, and iraraediately opened an ofifice in Canaan in which locality he has reraained and by assiduity and energy has secured a large connection and profitable practice. Mr. Lund is a self-made raan and by teaching paid aU the necessary expense in curred in obtaining his education and while pursuing his legal studies. When only twenty-one he was elected superintendent of schools in Granby and he has held a simUar appointraent in the town of Canaan. In 1892 he was made state's attorney and still McFarland. 251 fiUs that ofifice. He is a young raan of keen observation, ready wit and resolute will, and HENRY W. LUND. wiU undoubtedly, if he so elects, becorae prorainent in town and county aff'airs. He was married in 1881 to Carrie V., daughter of Sylvester P. and Carrie (Col burn) Jones of Canaan and formerly of Farmington, Me. MCFARLAND, HENRY MOSES, of Hyde Park, son of Moses and Livonia (Leach) McFarland, was born in Waterville, August 5, 1852- Mr. McFarland's great-grandfather served in the war of the Revolution, coming out of the service with the rank of major. His father also served his country in the civil war as captain of Co. A, 8th Regt. Vt. Vols., and was a brave and resolute ofificer, having at various times received honorable raention for meritorious conduct on the field of battle. He received his preUminary educational training in the schools of WaterviUe and the People's Academy, working his way through the University of Vermont, where he grad uated as valedictorian in the class of 1878. After his collegiate course he came to Hyde Park, for three years teaching in the academy, and at the same time reading law with Messrs. Brigham & Waterman. In 1881 he was admitted to the bar and coraraenced to practice, being elected three years after ward state's attorney for LamoiUe county. In connection with his law practice, he. has built up an extensive insurance business, his agency being by far the largest in this sec tion of the state. Mr. McFarland served his town for several years as superintendent of pubhc schools. He was secretary of civil and miUtary affairs under Governor Page in 1890. He was the first vice president of the LamoiUe County Savings Bank and Trust Co., and in 1892 was elected to a similar position in the LamoiUe County National Bank of Hyde Park. He has joined both the orders of Free Masons and Odd Fellows ; was a charter member and the first N. G. of the local pr- ganization of the latter institution in Hyde Park, and has received not only the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, but those con ferred by Tucker Chapter, as weU as being a Knight Templar of Burlington Comraandery. Mr. McFarland was united, Dec. 22, 1881, to Julia, daughter of Hou. Waldo and Ellen (Noyes) Brighara of Hyde Park. Three children are the issue of their raarriage. 2!;2 mackie. MACOY. MACKIE, George CaRDNO, of Barre, son of John and Ann (Clark) Mackie, was born in Fraserburg, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, May I, 1849. He received his education by attending the public schools of his native land, and when seventeen years of age was appren ticed to the trade of a granite stone cutter. He emigrated to America in 1 87 1 and worked at his trade in many states of the Union. At this tirae the art of cutting and poUshing granite was in its infancy and mostly all of the finished work of this description was im ported from abroad. Mr. Mackie came to Barre in 1880, accompanied by his half- brother, Jaraes C. Simpson, and entered the employment of Wetmore & Morse. They were the first Scotchmen to ply their trade in that community, though at present there are probably a thousand of their countrymen engaged in similar pursuits in and around '^ '%. »:.. GEORGE CARDNO MACKIE. the neighborhood. In 1884 he commenced business in partnership with his brother. They met with great success and at the end of -three years found theraselves the owners of a valuable property and employing sixty men. At this tirae they made an advan tageous sale of their business to Jones Bros. of Boston and for five years Mr. Mackie con tinued to act as their superintendent, during which time the firm has been very prosper ous, owing not a littie of their success to the industry and executive abihty of their raana ger. Since parting with his interest in the quarry, Mr. Mackie has invested largely in real estate and to the care and improvement of this he has devoted much of his time and energy. In 1893 he bought out the firm of Sortwell & Morse and now owns one of the best raanufacturing plants in Barre, consist ing of about six acres of land, a fine water power, with some very valuable granite cut ting machines. His sons, James and Will iara, are now his business partners. He was raarried in 1869 to Mary, daughter of William and Jane (Scott) Cameron, of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and they have four sons living : James, WilUara, John, and Robert. Mr. Mackie belongs to the brotherhood of the "square and corapasses" and is treasurer of Granite Chapter, R. A. M., of Barre, and is also trustee of the Burns Club of that place. He is an adherent of the Repubhcan party, and has held the ofifice of village bailiff. He has had to raake his own way in life, and affords a notable example of what can be accomplished by energy, intelligence and public spirit. MACOY, Byron Grafton, of Cam bridge, son of Daniel and Laura (Downer) Macoy, was born in Cambridge, Jan. 8, 1844. Daniel Macoy was a long-time resi dent of the town, and when a boy of twelve years paddled the Vermont Volunteers bound for the seat of war at Plattsburg, across the river at JeffersonviUe in a log canoe. Byron was one of a faraily of seven chil dren, and was educated in the public and private schools of Carabridge. In 1858 he went to live with his brother, H. N. Macoy, who was a lumber merchant in Cambridge and built the first steam and circular saw mill in LamoiUe county. During the six years that he remained with his brother, he turned his natural mechanical dexterity to good account, doing all kinds of work that required this species of skiU. He then rented the miU for a year of his brother, who meantime had gone to Ottumwa, la. Byron soon joined him there, but a year's experi ence removed all desire to remain in the West, and he returned to Cambridge in 1866. He, with his brother, W. D. Macoy, and two others, built the large steam saw mill now established there. IU-health soon corapelled hira to relinquish the business, and during the last twenty years he has been en gaged in the occupation of a furniture dealer and undertaker. He married. May 16, 1871, Emma, daugh ter of Joseph Riley. Mr. Macoy is a Republican and was elected to the Legislature in 1890; served on the committee on manufactures. As one of the committee for the construction of the Con gregational church he was largely instru- MANCHESTER. MANLEY. 253 mental in securing the services as architect of his brother, H. N. Macoy. Mr. Macoy, by his integrity of purpose and interest in the general welfare, enjoys in a large raeasure the esteem and confidence of his townsmen. Dr. Manchester has always belonged to the Republican party, but his professional duties have not allowed him to raingle rauch with poUtical affairs. He is a member of the Republican county coraraittee and chair raan of the Republican town coramittee in Pawlet. He is secretary of Morning Flower Lodge, F. & A. M., and has also regularly passed the chair in the same body, and is a meraber of the chapter R. A. M., and of the council R. & S. M. at Poultney, as well as a Sir Knight of KiUington Commandery K. T. of Rutland. A Congregationalist in his creed, he is both clerk and treasurer of the church of that denomination in his place of residence. MANLEY, JOSEPH E., of West Rutland, son of Fobes and Wealthy (Hill) Manley, was born at Sutherland Falls, then a portion ofthe town of Rutland, Feb. 15, 1831. The subject of this sketch was of English and Scotch descent, and one of twelve chU dren of a typical New England faraily. His father was stern in discipline and of sterling religious character, leaving the irapress of BYRON GRAFTON MACOY. His devotion to the principles of the Masonic order has given him all the honors his local lodge could confer upon him. He is a member of Warner Lodge, No. 50, F. & A. M., of Cambridge, and has filled all the chairs of that organization. MANCHESTER, HiRAM Levi, of Pawlet, son of Levi W^ and EveUne (Shaw) Manches ter, was born in Hampton, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1855. He attended the coraraon schools tiU the age of seventeen and for a year pursued his studies at Castieton Serainary. He cora menced his raedical education in Burlington and received his diploma from the University of the City of New York, from which institu tion he graduated on the i8th of February, 1879. Dr. Manchester began the pursuit of his profession in Fair Haven with Dr. T. E. Wakefield but after three months opened an ofifice in Pawlet, in June, 1879, where he has since remained and built up a large practice. He raarried, July 8, 1879, in WhitehaU, N. Y., Flora A., daughter of Harry and Annis (Benjarain) Bartholomew. Two children have blessed their union : Paul R., and Hazel A. JOSEPH E. MANLEY. his teachings upon the minds of his children. Mr. Manley early in life was educated in the comraon schools, but after attaining his raa jority, being desirous of higher educational advantages, he entered Castleton Seminary, a then leading institution under the charge of Rev. E. J. Hallock, graduating therefrom 254 MANN. in 1854. During this tirae he provided for his support by teaching school in the winter and eraploying his vacations in agricultural labor. He was wedded August 19, 1857, to Electa A., daughter of Ebenezer Porter of OrweU. Two chUdren were born to thera : Wilbur P., and Lillian E. After he left the serainary he engaged in the marble business, and is considered as an expert in all matters relating to the deposits of this stone, and has published an article on the "Marbles of Rutland County," which can be found in the first report of Professor Collier of the Verraont Board of Agriculture. He is a staunch Republican and believes in Deraocracy from a Republican stand point. At the age of twenty-eight he was chosen justice of the peace for Rutland county, receiving the compliment of thirteen consecutive elections, during which time he has tried raany hundred cases, both civil and criminal, and his decisions have been characterized by such justice and impar tiality, that jury trials were resorted to in only two instances, and one appeal only from his decision was reversed in the county court. During his term of service he secured a small but well selected library, and occu pied his leisure hours with the study of the law. He entered the ofifice of Hon. C. H. Joyce of Rutland in 1874, and at the March term of the following year was admitted to the Rutland county bar, since which time he has been in successful practice. His ser vices have been especially sought in the set tleraent of estates as administrator and com missioner. Mr. Manley is philanthropic in spirit, and has done much in the aid of the church and the cause of temperance ; held the ofifice of special prosecutor for six years prior to 1892 ; was secretary of the Rutland County Temperance Society for ten years, and for a considerable period dischared the du ties of president. He was elected a resident meraber of the Webster Historical Society of Boston in 1884, and evincing an early taste for literary metaphysical study he has written and published many articles on standard and popular subjects. In his religious belief he is a Congrega tionalist, and united with the First Church at West Rutiand, July 4, i860. During a resi dence of over thirty years at West Rutland, he has taken a lively interest in promoting the welfare and prosperity of the village, having invested to a large extent in real estate. He has erected raany structures, both dwelling houses and for business pur poses, and ever raanifests a strong desire to promote the progress of the town and state. MANN, Charles David, of Ira, son of Benjamin S. and Harriet (Thornton) Mann, MANN. was born in Middletown Springs, Dec. 21 i860. He is of mixed English and Scotch descent and his paternal grandfather took part in the carapaigns of 18 12. His parents moved from Middletown Springs to Ira in i'86i, from which place his father enlisted in Co. B, 9th Regt. Vt. Vols. Benjamin was taken a prisoner at Harper's Ferry and was sent to Chicago on parole where he died of fever. Charles D. Mann received the usual edu cational advantages of the public schools and was afterwards a pupil in the Vermont Acad emy at Saxton's River. His father's death left his mother and one brother to face the CHARLES DAVID MANN. Struggle of hfe alone. Since Mr.. Mann reached his majority he has always devoted himself to some extent to pubhc affairs. He comraenced his public career by an appoint ment as constable and coUector of his native town which latter ofifice he has held until the present time. He has also been made school superintendent and was the choice of the county convention in 1892 to discharge the duties of coraraissioner. In 1893 Gover nor FuUer conferred upon him the honor of a commission as justice of the peace. He has been actively connected with the wtirk of the Baptist church since the age of six teen and even while at the academy he was largely interested in the Y. M. C. A. He was one of the charter members of Camp John A. Sheldon S. of V., and for a time acted as their quartermaster. He follows MANN. 25s principally the calling of a farraer but pays considerable attention to pension clairas and insurance. MANN, HOSEA, Jr., of Wilmington, son of Hosea and Maria (Grousbeck) Mann, was born in Wilmington, July 13, 1858. He received his early education at the comraon schools of his native town, and at the Brattleboro Academy and Eastman's Business CoUege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. After leaving school he commenced the study of the theory and practice of law with the Hon. O. E. Butterfield, was adraitted to the Wind hara county bar in 1882, and at once began the practice of his profession at Wilmington. HOSEA MANN, JR. In 1879, as soon as Mr. Mann had reached his raajority, he was elected treasurer of the Wilmington Savings bank and town clerk of the town of Wilmington, both of which posi tions he held until 1885, when he resigned to devote his tirae to other matters. In 1886 he was elected state's attorney for Windham county, and served in that capacity for a full terra of two years. He was elected to the General Assembly for the successive terms, 1886, 1888, and 1890, and served with great credit, giving valuable assistance in putting through many important measures. In 1890 his abiUty as a legislator was recognized, and he was elected speaker of the House, being one of the youngest raen who ever received that honor. Mr. Mann is interested in raany financial and industrial enterprises, and has given a great deal of his tirae and money to the de velopment of his own town and state as a place of suraraer resort. He was married, February, 1880, to Eva A., daughter of Rev. Jeremiah and Jane Gifford of Wilmington. Of this union is one son : Ralph Hosea. MARSH, Charles Phelps, late of Woodstock, son of John and Amstis Marsh, was born in Wethersfield, Jan. 7, 18 16. He carae of distinguished ancestry, the first progenitor of the family being John Marsh, who organized a colony in Connecticut in 1635- The subject of this sketch graduated frora the University of Verraont in 1839, com menced the study of law in the office of Chandler & BiUings of Woodstock, and was adraitted to the bar in 1843 at the May term of the Windsor county court. A year later Mr. Marsh formed a partnership with Peter T. Washburn, Esq., which continued for a quarter of a century. During these years of active professional life he held sev eral high positions of honor and trust, and for four years was state's attorney for Wind sor county. He was in 1870 a meraber of the Constitutional Convention, and in 1886 and 1888 represented Woodstock - in the House of Representatives. He was for raany years one of the assistant judges of the Windsor county court, and the bar of his own county and lawyers frora other counties having cases at Woodstock were content with his judgment and rulings as with those of a regular presiding judge from the suprerae bench. Politically, he was an original Harrison and Clay whig, and naturally becarae an adherent of the Repubhcan party when it was formed in 1854. In 1842, while a law student, he edited the Whig Advocate, a carapaign paper, and with such care and abiUty that it attained a great circulation and won hira deserved praise. Judge Marsh was always a strong friend of education, an earnest advocate of morality and whatever tended to the promotion of the pubhc good. His talents both in busi ness and in a judicial way were particularly adrainistrative, and he ever evinced a mas tery of the situation whatever might be the emergency. His life was such in aU his re lations with his fellowmen that it is not to be wondered at that his death, which occurred Jan. 13, 1893, was so generally raourned in Verraont. Judge Marsh was married on the 5 th of July, 1844, to Mary EUzabeth, daughter of Rev. Worthington Wright. Four sons were born to them, the oldest of whora alone sur vives : John W. Marsh, Esq., a lawyer now residing in Chicago. Mrs. Marsh died in 256 MARSH. MARSHALL. 1854 and Judge Marsh contracted a second alUance, in 1859, with Araelia Brayton of Swanton, who survives him. He wasa member of the Masonic fratern ity, and the society of Odd Fellows. Judge Marsh was a gentleman of a school that, if it was not the old school, yet was old enough to carry memory back to pleasant days "before the war." A stranger would hardly have selected hira as one to lead in an "end of the century" body of legislators, yet in a House of two hundred and forty members, raade up largely of farmers, this faultlessly dressed lawyer of courtly and not new-fashioned raanner did lead. The secret was an open one. He was a clear-headed, candid gentleraan, one fit to represent Woodstock. MARSH, PLATT T., of SiraonsvUle, son of Col. Sylvanus and Sarah D. (Thorn) Marsh, was born in the town of Andover, Jan. 5, 1 844. His father served with distinction in the war of 181 2. He was educated in the public schools of Andover, and has always devoted himself to the occupation of farming. He has a very pleasant home, around which cluster the cherished memories of kindred running back for more than a hundred years. Here he cultivates his fertile acres, making a specialty of the dairy and in addition possessing a fine orchard of maple trees, from which he annually gathers an abundant crop of sugar and syrup. He married, April 13, 1869, Abbie H., daughter of Mills and Emily (Lockwood) Redfield. Their children are : Mary A. (Mrs. George P. Stickney), Henry P., and Arthur R. Mr. .Marsh is a strong Republican and for several years has performed the duties of selectman, while he has been called upon to fill many ofifices of trust and responsibility in the town where he resides. In 1890 he was elected to the Legislature and again in 1892. In this body he served on the coraraittee of the grand list and that on the insane, and has always discharged his duties creditably and conscientiously. MARSHALL, JESSE, late of YVest Burke, son of Jesse and Sarah (Hall) MarshaU, was born in Ludlow, Dec. 12, 181 7. Receiving his education in the public schools of Guildhall and Burke, to which latter town his parents reraoved in 1833, he first purchased a sraall farra which he cleared but sold in 1854. He then bought a much larger property, on which he lived during the rest of his days, bringing it up to a fine state of cultivation, and devoting especial attention to the breeding of Devon cattle and Morgan horses. Mr. Marshall was eminently successful in aU his agricultural enterprises, and was one of the substantial men of the town whose good judgment and sound sense was esteeraed by aU who came in contact with him. He becafine a large stockholder in the Fairbanks Scale Co., in various banks, and was largely interested in real estate in the town of Burke and its vicinity. He was united in marriage July 20, 1843, to Calista A., daughter of John and Nancy (Bemis) Martin, of Burke, whom he had the raisfortune to lose by death, June 18, 1862. By her he had: Carrie (deceased). JESSE MARSHALL. Benoni HaU, and Fayette (deceased). He was again married, July 30, 1862, to Isabel M., daughter of Joshua and Sarah M. (Allen) Thoraas, of Burke. Mr. Marshall for very raany years had served as selectman, overseer, lister and auditor of the town in which he resided, and enjoyed to such an extent the confidence of the community, that, in 1870 and 1872, he was called by a Republican constituency to represent Burke in the Legislature where he rendered important service upon the grand list and other coraraittees. He was intrust ed with the duties of adrainistrator of many estates. A strong Universalist in his relig ious belief, he attended and supported the UniversaUst church. He was a very charit able and pubhc-spirited man, and his death, which occurred May 21, 1892, was sincerely raourned as an irreparable loss by a circle of friends and acquaintances. MARSHALL. 257 MARSHALL, OSCAR AZOR,lateof Brat tleboro, son of Azor and Ann (Estabrook) MarshaU, was born at Oak Grove, Wis., August 9, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of Brattieboro, and entered the employment of the Vermont National Bank, May 31, 1875. He became assistant cashier of the People's National Bank in 1883, and cashier in 1886, which position he held to the time of his death. He was a director of the People's National Bank, and also a trustee of the Brooks Library. Mr. Marshall was one of the incorporators of the Brattleboro Savings Bank, the Verraont Savings Bank of Brattle boro, and the Wilmington Savings Bank. OSCAR AZOR MARSHALL. Mr. MarshaU represented Brattieboro in the Legislature of Vermont in the sessions of 1890 and 1 89 1. He was a useful member, and ably served his town and state. He introduced the first bill providing for a secret ballot law in the state, basing it upon the Austrahan system, and it was largely through his painstaking efforts that this be came a law. He held numerous minor town offices, in aU of which he proved himself a conscientious, scrupulous, honorable gentie- raan. He was one of the rising young raen of the state, enjoying the full confidence and esteera of all who knew him, and his death was universaUy regretted, for no raan in the comraunity was more beloved. A good citizen, a faithful friend, and a pubhc bene factor, he was most sincerely raourned when he passed from this mortal hfe. Mr. MarshaU was married Sept. 25, 1883, to Katherine R., daughter of Francis W. and Matilda C. (Smith) Brooks. Of this union are two children : EUzabeth G., and Brooks. MARTIN, Frank J., of Barre, son of Kirabail P. and Delana (WUey) Martin, was born in Washington, Oct. 22, 1858. The Martin faraily carae to Verraont frora Con necticut. PYank Martin's progenitors were early settlers of WiUiamstown and their de scendants forra no inconsiderable share of the population of that town. The early life of Mr. Martin was on a farra, and raore than ordinary tasks devolved upon him in consequence of the sickness and early death of his father. In spite of his increased duties he managed to secure such a share of knowledge as was aff'orded by the schools of Barre and Williamstown and some attend ance at the Barre Acaderay. For four years after he had entered active life he divided his attention between eraploy- raent as a clerk in the winter season and labor on the farra in suraraer. In 1880 he had acquired sufficient funds to take a four years' course of study at Worcester Academy, Mass. This he accomplished in three years and graduated in June, 1883. He then taught school in Connecticut and in Will iarastown, and after eraployraent as a clerk in Massachusetts and Verraont, he com menced, in 1887, the study of law in the ofifice of Frank Plumley, of Northfield, re maining there tiU May, 1888, when he went to Montpelier, and whUe deputy-clerk of the Washington county court studied with M. E. Smilie, tUl AprU, 1890, when he entered the ofifice of H. A. Huse, of Montpelier. He was adraitted to the bar at the general term, 1890. In December, 1890, with F. P. Carleton, he began practice at Barre in the firm of Martin & Carleton, which continued tiU Mr. Carleton's removal to Montpelier in 1892. December, 1892, he and L. P. Slack formed the firra of Martin & Slack. Mr. Martin, Dec. 28, 1892, espoused Ida M., daughter of Samuel G. and Lucy M. (Wheeler) Norris. He is a Republican and is one of the town grand jurors and one of the listers of Barre. In 1890 and 1892 he was second assistant state librarian. He has taken the blue lodge degrees and affiliates with Granite Lodge, No. 38, F. & A. M. MARTIN, JOSEPH Gray, of Manches ter Center, son of James and Lucy (Gray) Martin, was born in Landgrove, Oct. 8, 1850. 25 8 JIARTIN. His education was obtained in the schools of Landgrove and Londonderry and for a tirae he enjoyed private instruction in the latter place and Peru. After a visit to the South he returned to his native place on account of ill-health, and in 1869 he studied law with his brother J. L. Martin in South Londonderry. Here he remained tUl 1874 when he was for a short time with Jon athan G. Eddy of Jamaica. He was ad raitted to the bar at the April term of the Windham county court in the sarae year, and soon after opened an ofifice in London derry where he reraained till 1881 when he reraoved to Manchester Center. Mr. Martin has been admitted to practice in the Suprerae Court and both the district and circuit courts of the United States. By meritorious exertion he has arrived at a large general JOSEPH GRAY MARTIN. practice, has been retained as attorney for two national banks and employed as counsel for either the state or the respondent in several important criminal cases. In 1886 he forraed a copartnership with Frank T. Spring, which continued tUl the death of the latter, and in 1888 he forraed a partnership with Frank Archibald, state's attorney, which arrangeraent stUl continues. In 1894 he organized the Verraont Spring Co., of which he is president. This corporation owns a large tract on Putney raountain containing chalybeate and sulphur mineral springs. January 14, 1873, Mr. Martin was umted to Mary E., daughter of Joshua and Lydia A. (AValker) Barnard of Winhall, who died MARTIN. March 9, 1886, leaving four chUdren: Lucy E., Willard B., Lucius P., and James G. (deceased). Mr. Martin belongs to the dominant party of the state but has held only a few rainor offices. He is an Episcopalian in religious belief and has taken the Masonic degrees conferred in Anchor Lodge, No. on F. & A. M. of South Londonderry. MARTIN, James Loren, of Brattieboro, son of Jaraes and Lucy (Gray) Martin, was born at Landgrove, Sept. 18, 1846. His early education was in the district schools, and at Londonderry and Marlow (N. H.) acaderaies. In 1867 he became a student of Judge H. H. Wheeler, and pursued his legal studies as tirae and opportunity perraitted. The following year he went to the law school in Albany, N. Y., from which he graduated, and was admitted to the Ben nington county bar at the June term in 1869. He practiced law in Londonderry from that time until January, 1882, when he bought out the law business of the late Charles N. Davenport, and moved to Brattieboro. In 1888 he forraed a copartnership with Hon. E. L. Waterman, and later George B. Hitt becarae a member of the firm. He com mands a leading position as a lawyer. In 1886 he was elected president of the Brattieboro Tool Co., and two years later was appointed tax commissioner by Governor Dillingham, which ofifice he still holds. In the fall of 1 89 1 he forraed a partnership with L. E. Holden, for the raanufacture of lumber, and the firra is now conducting a large busi ness. He is also president of the Martin & Fitts Lime and Cement Manufacturing Co. Mr. Martin's political career began with his election to the Legislature as representa tive of Londonderry in 1874, in which body he served on the coraraittee on education, having charge of the bill to abolish the board of education and for the appointment of a state superintendent. Two years later he was again returned to the Legislature, serv ing as chairraan of the committee on elec tions, and a raeraber of the judiciary com mittee. In 1878 he was for a third time elected to the sarae position, and was chosen speaker of the House on the second ballot He was elected to the House in 1880 and 1882, and at both of the last-named sessions was again chosen speaker. His thorougn knowledge of parliamentary law, and singular aptitude for the prompt dispatch of business rightfully won for him his reputation as a raodel speaker. In 1892 he represented Brattleboro, and declined being a candidate for speaker. He was chairraan of the judic iary coraraittee, second on the ways and means committee. At this session he won the reputation of being a painstaking, hard- MARTIN. MARTIN. 259 ¦working, and a very useful raeraber of the House of Representatives. He was first married, Nov. 19, 1869, to DeUa E., daughter of Lewis and Mary (Aiken) Howard. She died Dec. 14, 1881. 'Three children were born to them, none of whom survive. On the loth of January, 1883, he married Jessie LiUey, daughter of Capt. Edward and .Susan (LiUey) Dewey, of MontpeUer. They have three children : Margaret Susan, Helen Ruth, and Katharine Gray. MARTIN, Milton, 'of Williamstown, son ¦of Jaraes and Martha (Coburn) Martin, was born in Williarastown, Feb. 19, 1809. He was one of a family of nine children, and a brother of the late ex-Lieut.-Gov. Burnam Martin, and lived the frugal life of a farmer's boy until he was eighteen years old. During this time he obtained what educa tional advantages he could from the comraon schools of WiUiamstown. Abandoning his original occupation he resolved to learn the trade of a blacksmith, and was apprenticed for three years to Enoch Howe, with whora he served his time. Shortly after he went to Wolcott and there married, in 1832, Mary Martyn, by whora he had seven children, three of whom are living : ,Albert R., Lenora (Mrs. Austen H. Young of Minneapolis), and Fred R. His wife died -in 1868, and he espoused Mrs. Nancy (Whit- .ney) Covil, who passed away March 12, 1875. He has contracted a third aUiance with Mrs. Nancy (Martin) Chamberlain. Mr. Martin reraained in W^olcott for five years, pursuing his trade, and then returned to Williarastown, where he continued at the forge, until his eldest son had gained skill and experience sufificient to succeed him, when he turned his attention to farming and also the manage ment of the village inn. He bears his years hghtly and "the grasshopper is not a burden" in his ripe old age, and though somewhat deaf all his physical and mental faculties are unimpaired and active. Mr. Martin may properly be designated a Jacksonian Democrat, for he cast his first presidential vote for "Old Hickory" and he has adhered to that party ever since. He has been honored with ofificial trusts both in Wolcott and WiUiamstown ; was postmaster for five years and justice for fifteen in the latter town, which place he has twice repre- resented in the Legislature. He has also been a director in the MontpeUer Sr White River R. R. MARTIN, William, late of Plainfield, son of William and Sabrina (Axtell) Martin, ¦was born in the town of Marshfield. His ¦grandfather, Jesse Martin, was a veteran of Bunker Hill, and his father, Hon. WUliam Martin, was a man of raark, who represented Marshfield for thirteen years in the Legisla ture, was colonel of a cavalry regiraent, and associate judge of the county court. WiUiam Martin passed through the usual experience in his boyhood days, receiving his education in the common schools. The rough and constant labor of the farm devel oped his energy and endowed hira with un common physical strength and endurance He was always a prodigious worker, and for a time was a manufacturer and merchant, but for many years devoted his chief atten tion to the occupation of his youth. He is a large owner of real estate, possessing at the tirae of his death several extensive farms in this and neighboring towns, and he was also the proprietor of a large saw mill, which is carried on by his sons. Mr. Martin was an enthusiastic adherent of the dorainant party in the state, and held raany public ofifices ; representing Marshfield in the Legislature. He was strongly in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the civil war, and one of his sons, WiUiara E. Martin, served as 2d lieu tenant in Co. C, 13th Regt. Vt. Vols., under the coramand of Col. E. V. Randall, and was promoted to ist lieutenant before that regiraent was mustered out. He then en listed in the 17th Regt., and was kiUed at the battle of Petersburg Mine, July 30, 1864. In honor of his memory the local organiza tion of the Grand Army of the Republic in Plainfield received its title of the WUliam E. Martin Post. The subject of this sketch was wedded Jan. II, 1838, to Vienna L. Perrin, by whom he has had eight chUdren : Julia S. (Mrs. Walter Page, deceased), Williara E. (kUled at Petersburg, Va., as stated above), Curtis A., Cassius L., Charles P., Edwin B., Harry H., and Benjarain F. MARTIN, Willard S., of Plainfield, son of Joshua B. and Betsy (Sheppard) Martin, was born in Marshfield, Jan. 26, 1827. He enjoyed only the privileges of the coraraon school, but by active observation and assiduous reading he is practically a weU educated raan. In i860 he moved to Plainfield and pur chased a fine property of nearly six hundred acres, and he has made his horae here ever since. He has been an extensive dealer in and breeder of fine stock. A public-spirited raan of kindly and syrapathetic nature, he has met with some serious losses in generous attempts to assist his neighbors and friends. Mr. Martin was united in marriage, Feb. 21, i860, to Fannie, daughter of Orlando and Ceciha (Nash) Lewis of East Mont peher, who died May 7, 1889. Five chil- 26o MASON. MATTHEWS. dren are the issue of their raarriage : K. Ahce, WiUard S., Jr., Orlando L., Arthur R. (deceased), and Edgar L. Mr. Martin is a Republican in his pohtical belief and has been entrusted with raany responsible positions in his town. He has held the ofifice of Justice of the peace for thirty years and was chosen to the Legisla ture in 1864 and 1865. He received the election of associate judge in 1874, and con- WILLARD S. MARTIN. tinned on the bench for four years. He was elected senator from Washington county in 1882. He was six years director of the Barre National Bank, and two years president of the Washington County Agricultural Society. Judge Martin is a Universahst, has always taken a hvely interest in educational matters, and for a long tirae has been a trustee of Goddard Seminary of Barre. MASON, Charles W., of Vergennes, son of Lawrence S. and Sarah (French) Mason, was born in Potsdam, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1837- He was educated at the coraraon schools and acaderay at New Haven, receiving a thorough preparation for after life. He has always devoted his attention to farming, and by industry and skill from smaU beginnings has increased the value of his property to such an extent that he has now one of the best farras of Addison county, consisting of over four hundred acres of productive land. He is a breeder and dealer in thoroughbred Merino sheep, and has raised many of very high value. These have been exported to nearly all states of the Union, and he has also shipped many to Africa, being one" of the first to estabUsh this enterprise. He also is a breeder of high-blood horses. Mr. Mason is a Republican, and has been honored with various town ofifices, and is popular and prorainent in Addison county. He enhsted in Co. G, 14th Vt. Vols., when they organized Sept. 9, 1862, and was raustered in in October of the same year, holding the position of 2d heutenant. Re turning to Verraont in July, 1863, he raised Co. E for the 3d Vt Mihtia Regt., and was commissioned captain by ex-Gov. J. Gregory Smith. He was present and took part in the bloody struggle at Gettysburg, and has a war record of which one may well be proud. He belongs to the Masonic brotherhood, being a member of Libanus Lodge, No. 47, of Bristol, and the Chapter and Royal Arch Lodge of Vergennes. He has been a mem ber of the Congregationalist church for a quarter of a century, and is one of the ex amining and building coramittee of the church recently erected. Mr. Mason is a well-informed gentleman on state and foreign raatters, and an intelli gent and pleasant conversationalist. MATTHEWS, CHARLES W., of Granby, son of Jonathan and Nancy F. (Bell) Mat thews, was born in Granby, August 31, 1857. Jonathan Matthews came to Granby in 1838, and has ever since been a resident of that place, purchasing the farm on which he now lives. The son received an excellent education in the district school, and com pleted his instruction at the St. Johnsbury Acaderay. He has always remained on the paternal estate, and is an enterprising and substantial farmer, an enviable lot in these days of bustling and by no means remuner ative toil in other branches of money getting. He belongs to the ruling party of Vermont, and has received the ofifices of Uster and selectman, and enjoyed the honors of town clerk and treasurer for nearly fifteen years. He has served as county commissioner, and also was a member of the House of Repre sentatives in 1880 and 1892. Though a young raan, Mr. Matthews has been promi nent in town and county affairs, and gives promise of a career of much usefulness. He is a prominent meinber of the 1. 0. 0. F. Mr. Matthews was married June 25, 1879,. to Hettie, daughter of Loomis and Adeline (Farr) WeUs. They have one child : Leila. MATTISON, William P., of South Shaftsbury, son of Reuben and Eunice (Slye) Mattison, was born in Shaftsbury, Dec. 22, 1828. His great-grandfather, Thomas Matti son, came from Rhode Island in the latter MA1TIS0N. MATTISON. 261 half of the i8th century, was chosen the first town clerk of Shaftsbury, and the earliest deed on record in that town bears his signa ture. The opportunities for early education en joyed by William P. were those afforded by the schools of his native town, supplemented by a short course at North Bennington Acad emy. For several succeeding winters he was employed in teaching in Bennington and HiUsdale, N. Y'. On his return to Shaftsbury he gave his attention to the raanufacture of squares for several years, stiU continuing at intervals his former profession and devoting all his spare time to the study of law, which he hoped to adopt as a profession. WILLIAM P. MATTISON. Mr. Mattison was united in wedlock August 9, 1853, to Sarah C, daughter of WiUiara P. and Catherine (Sharts) Stickle, of HiUsdale, N. Y. Five children were the fruit of the union : Katherine A. (Mrs. Charles F. Chapin of Waterbury, Conn.), Frederick L., May V. (Mrs. George A. Bruce of South Shaftsbury), WiUiam R. and Clayton S. Some time after his marriage, he removed to Hillsdale, and during a period of about five years engaged in teaching and farming, and also became a partner in a general store. In 1 86 1 he again returned to Shaftsbury, and entered the employment of the Eagle Square Co. He had always taken great in terest in the affairs of this corporation, giv ing much time to the study of square-making and improved machinery therefor. In 1864 the Eagle Square Co., which tiU then had been organized as a partnership, was incor porated and three years later Mr. Mattison was elected secretary and treasurer. In 1883 he was promoted to the position of vice-president, which office he holds at the present tirae. In 1880 the plant of the company, which had been repeatedly en larged to accommodate the manufacture of bedsteads, sash and bhnds, and boring raa chines, was destroyed by fire, with the excep tion of the square-finishing department, and it was principaUy owing to the active and in telligent efforts of Mr. Mattison that the works were reconstructed. To him was entrusted the responsible task of erecting the necessary buildings and providing a new plant on a larger scale than the former, equipped with the most improved machinery. In this en terprise he was eminently successful and the company is now raore prosperous than ever before. His success as the chief acting execu tive ofificer of the Eagle Square Manufacturing Co. for a long terra of years stamps him as a representative raember of that large and valued class of New England manufacturers who have done so much to win the high repu tation which these states enjoy as industrial centers. Pohtically, Mr. Mattison has been a Repub lican since the inception of the party. His natural ability and energy have made him a fit candidate for many ofificial positions in both Shaftsbury and Flillsdale. In 1872 he represented his town in the Legislature, serv ing as a member of the committee on land taxes and taking an active part in all matters affecting the raanufacturing interests of the state. Six years subsequently he was chosen state senator frora Bennington county, in which body he was a raember of several highly iraportant coraraittees. Mr. Mattison, by an accident received in 1858, had the misfortune to lose the sight of his right eye, which disquaUfied him for ser vice in the late war. In his reUgious preferences he inclines to the Baptist faith. He has always taken a lively interest in the welfare of his native town to whose material welfare he has been so large a contributor. MATTISON, FRED LELAND, of South Shaftsbury, son of William P. and Sarah (Stickle) Mattison, was born in Hillsdale, N. Y., AprU 20, 1857. His educational advantages were received in the public schools of Shaftsbury, the graded school of North Bennington and the Wilbraham (Mass) Academy. He cora raenced the active business of Hfe as a clerk in his father's store in South Shaftsbury and afterwards became bookkeeper of the Eagle Square Co. tiU the year 1884 when he was 262 McCULLOUGH. elected secretary and treasurer of that cor poration, which position he still retains, and since the illness of his father has had the chief control ofthe business. He is one ofthe stock holders in that company which was founded by Silas Hawes in 1812. In 1878 Mr. Mattison purchased a third interest in the general store owned by W. P. Mattison & Co. In his political sentiments he is Republi can and he supports and attends the Metho dist church. FRED LELAND MATTISON. He married, Nov. 29, 1881, Jennie, daughter of Clark and Sarina Bates of South Shaftsbury. Four children have blessed the union : Raymond, Louis, Irwin, and Dorothy. MAY, Elisha, of St. Johnsbury, son of Preston and Sophia Stevens (Grout) May, was born in Concord, Dec. 12, 1842. He was educated at the comraon schools and at St. Johnsbury Academy. After his preliminary studies he read law with Jona than Ross, Esq., at St. Johnsbury and was adraitted to the bar at the Deceraber term in Caledonia county in 1867. The following year he served as assistant clerk in the House of Representatives under John H. Flagg. At one time a partner of Henry E. Belden, Esq., Mr. May is now associated with Hon. Henry C. Bates. Forraerly a raember of the RepubUcan party, he withdrew his allegiance in 1884, being a pronounced opponent of the doc trines of the protectionists, and is now a strong Cleveland Democrat of the independ ent type, who believes in principle rather than party. Mr. May was raarried Dec. 12, 1872, to Miss Eunice A. S., daughter of Sumner 'w.. and Rosette (Eastraan) Arnold. Three chil dren have been the issue of this marriage ;, Florence Joanna, Eunice Rosette, and Bea trice Sophia. During the war he made an attempt to en- hst in the 17 th Regt. Vt. Vols., but was re jected. A second effort was more successful, and he was enroUed in the 26th Regt. New York Cavalry under Col. Ferris Jacobs. He received a coramission frora Governor Fen ton as ist lieutenant and regimental com raissary, but was not present at any battle of the war. Mr. May has also knelt at the shrine of Free Masonry, having taken the degrees of blue lodge, chapter and teraple and he is a raeraber of Charaberlain Post, No. i, G. A. R. A modest and unassuming man, notwith standing his hberal and advanced view of the present aspect of pubhc affahs, he has never sought for political promotion, but he was the candidate for auditor of accounts on the Democratic ticket in 1890 and 1892, and is a raeraber of the Democratic state committee for Caledonia county. Mr. Ylay was in 1893 appointed bank examiner in Verraont by President Cleveland, and is at present director of the state prison and house of correction. McCULLOUGH, JOHN GRIFFITH, of Bennington, son of Alexander and Rebecca McCuUough, was born in Newark, Del. He is of raingled Scotch and Welsh ancestry, and the circumstances which surrounded his early youth did not present a rosy prospect for his future ; for his father died when he was three years of age, and his mother when he was seven. His early educational advan tages were meagre, but with unwearied in dustry he made the raost of them, and suc ceeded in graduating frora Delaware College with the highest honors before reaching his twentieth year. He then commenced the study of law in the office of St. George Tucker Campbell of Philadelphia, dividing his tirae between study and practical expe rience in the ofifice and attendance atthe law school of the University of Pennsyl-' vania, frora which institution he received the degree of LLB. In 1859 he was ad raitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. At this rime impaired health rendered a change of climate and surround ings necessary, and he set saU in that year for San Francisco, but the severity of the seacoast winds induced him to remove to Sacramento, where he was admitted to the ^Jjgy|/^C.^5<^£^^ MORRILL. MORSE. 281 ^even or more land-grant coUeges have been successfully estabUshed in various states, with five hundred professors and over five thous and students. The national bounty has caUed out state aid in large amounts and the act supplemented by the recent act (also carried through by Mr. Morrill) increasing the fund at the disposal of these institutions, has given an immense impulse to liberal, scientific and industrial education, and will confer incalculable benefits upon the rising generations of our land. Mr. Morrill was five times re-elected to the House by majorities ranging frora seven thousand to nine thous and, and grew steadily in standing and influ ence in the lower branch of Congress till, in the Thirty-ninth Congress he held the leading position of chairman of the committee of ways and means ; and it was said of him, with truth, that his influence in the House was greater than that of any other member with the exception of Thaddeus Stevens. Among the important speeches made by hira during the critical period before the civil war was one in support of a report, also made by him, in opposition to the adraission of Kansas with a pro-slavery constitution. During the war he had charge of all tariff and tax bills in the House of Representatives — a herculean task — and raade arguments thereon, and the ¦"MorriU tariff" of 186 1, a monument of indus try and practical wisdom, and the internal revenue tax system of 1862 connect his narae indissolubly with the financial history of the tirae. In 1866, after twelve years of honorable service in the House, Mr. Morrill was trans ferred by the Legislature to the U. S. Senate. He took his seat with an established national reputation as a statesman. Subsequently as chairman of the coraraittee on finance in the Senate, he held a most important position of power and influence, and his service as chairraan of the committee of public build ings and grounds, and as a raeraber of the coraraittee on education and labor, has been of the most laborious and useful char acter. He is authority in Washington on questions relating to finance and taxation, and his opinion on any subject carries rauch weight in Congress. Mr. MorriU's period of service in the national Legislature is as re markable for its duration as it is distin guished for its usefulness. His fifth election to the Senate, at the age of four score, was an event without a precedent, and wiU prob ably remain without a parallel. If he sur vives to the end of his present terra it wiU cora plete forty- two years of service. The longest previous continuous terra of service in Con gress was that of Nathaniel Macon of North CaroUna, which was thirty-seven years, or twenty-four in the House and thirteen in the Senate. Mr. MorriU already looks back upon nearly thirty-nine years of congressional life, and he is now younger in raind and body than most raen of three score. It is the crowning glory of such a career that it is absolutely spotless. No act of dis honor or word of discourtesy was ever charged to hira. He has uniforraly held the highest respect and esteera of his brother legislators of all parties, as well as the citi zens of Verraont. Mr. MorriU has been too busy in affairs of the state to give rauch tirae to literary labor, though raaking sorae contributions to the Forum, and to the North Araerican Review, but a volurae entitled "Self-Consciousness of Noted Persons," being a collection of ex pressions of self-appreciation on the part of raany faraous raen and women, gathered by him in the course of his wide reading, was published in 1882, and a second edition in 1886. Mr. Morrill was raarried in 185 1, to Ruth, daughter of Dr. Caleb and Ruth (Barrill) Swan of Easton, Mass. Of this union there is one son living : Jaraes S. Mr. MorriU has been for twenty-six years a raeraber of the board of trustees of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural CoUege, and for raany years one of the regents of the Smithsonian Institution. The degree of M. A. has been conferred upon hira by Dartmouth College, and that of LL. D. by the Pennsylvania University, and also by the Verraont University, and the State Agricultural CoUege. Of Senator Morrill's speech on the tariff, raade in the Senate Dec. 13, 1893, George Alfred Townshend, the veteran and up-to-date correspondent, says : "I fell to wondering whether Daniel Webster ever raade a speech in better hterary form or with more sense of proportion." Charac terizing the senator himself— the Nestor of the Senate — Townshend uses not unfitly the words, "our Gladstonian friend." MORSE, George a., of East Elmore, son of Ira and Huldah S. (Ainsworth) Morse, was born in Plainfield, Oct. 22, 1848. Descended frora a grandsire who was a sol dier in the Revolutionary war, his boyhood was spent upon his father's farra, and in the intervals of labor he attended the common schools and then continued his studies at Hardwick Academy, teaching school win ters. For two years after attaining raanhood he worked upon dififerent farras but in 187 1 re raoved to East Elmore and bought a saw- mUl, engaging in the manufacture of lumber. At first his capital was very liraited, but by his industry and strict attention to business, his resources soon increased, and he is now in possession of two thousand acres of timber land and turns out a miUion and ahalf feet of MORSE. MOULTON. boards per annum, while the product of his plant is StiU increasing He lets the logging principaUy to the neighboring farmers. By diligence, energy and good manageraent he has accuraulated a handsorae property, sold his raill and has reraoved to Morrisville. Mr. Morse is president of the Morse Manu facturing Co. of Wolcott, and is owner of a large portion of the stock ; he also is a di rector of the Hardwick Savings Bank and Trust Co. ,* GEORGE A. MORSE. He has been appointed to raany of the town ofifices, has been constable, selectraan, justice, and coraraissioner, and chairman of the school board. He received the position of postmaster under the administration of President Grant, and is stUl the incumbent of the same, having had the care of the ofifice for about twenty years. He was elected by the Republicans to the Legisla ture in 1882, and was chosen senator for LamoUle county in 1890, in which he was a meraber of the finance committee and chair man of that on the grand hst. Mr. Morse has taken the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, and is a member of Mineral Lodge, No. 93, of Wolcott. He espoused, Jan. i, 1874, Alice M., daughter of William and Pheoba (Olmstead) SUleway of Elmore. Two children have blessed their union : George G., and Ethel Glee. MOULTON, Clarence F., of West Randolph, son of Horace and Lucy (Smith) Moulton, was born in Randolph, March 1 1 1837. He spent the early years of his life on the farm, and in the intervals of agricultural toil he attended the coraraon schools of Ran dolph and later the New London Literary and Scientific Institute, where he received his preparatory instruction for Dartmouth College, from which he graduated in the class of 1863. Soon after his graduation he went to New York and entered the ofifice of Austin Corbin & Co., bankers. After this he became a partner in the mercantile house of Clapp, Braden & Co., importers of milUnery, having also the charge of Mr. Clapp's private estate and acting as guardian for his minor nephews and nieces, after his death. In 1877 he became a raeraber of the firm of A. F. Roberts & Co., comraission merchants in flour and grain. He now became the pro prietor of a seat in the Produce Exchange, and was raade a director of the Hanover Fire Insurance Co., of New York. He is also a raeraber of the New York ConsoUdated Exchange, but his early fondness for the soil of Verraont brought Mr. Moulton back to the scenes of his boyhood and youth. In 1882 he bought the place where he now resides. CLARENCE F. MOULTON. Mr. ivii. Moulton was united in marriage in 1875, to Annie J., daughter of Addison F. and Mary (Sherman) Roberts. Three chil- MUNSON. MUNSON. 283 dren have been born to thera : Sherman Rob erts, Horace Freeman, and Desier Clapp. In his poUtical affiUations Mr. Moulton is a RepubUcan, but he has never been an act ive partisan in pubhc affairs, since he has devoted his active energies to business and his leisure to reading and social enjoyraent. Mr. Moulton is one of the proprietors and the secretary of the Green Mountain Stock Farra Co., an estabhshraent which raust be seen to be fuUy appreciated. Here a plant has been erected, with every detail and appointraent perfected, regardless of ex pense, and a raagnificent herd of nearly three hundred registered Jerseys are kept under ideally perfect conditions with respect to feed and care. The result is butter of great perfection, which was found worthy to take the gold raedal at the Paris Exposition, 1889, also the gold raedal at the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893. MUNSON, Loveland, of Manchester, son of Cyrus and Lucy (Loveland) Munson, was born in Manchester, July 21, 1843. The first ancestor of Mr. Munson to be corae a resident of Verraont was Jared Mun son, who eraigrated frora Lanesboro, Mass., in 1778 and settled on a portion of the land on which Manchester viUage now stands. His son Rufus was born in 1762 and accom panied his father to Manchester, where he died at the early age of thirty-five in 1797. Cyrus Munson, son of Rufus, was born in Manchester, Jan. 22, 1790, and was twice married. His first wife, to whom he was married on the loth of August, 181 1, was Catherine Walker, who died in 18 On the 1 6th of November, 1841, he married Lucy, daughter of Deacon Asa Loveland. Mr. Munson led the life of a quiet, industrious farmer, was honored by election to different town ofifices, and died on the ist of October, 1857- Loveland Munson received a good acad emical education. Choosing the legal pro fession, he began the study of law in 1862 in the ofifice of Ehas B. Burton. Adraitted to the bar of Bennington county in June, 1866, he at once entered into copartnership with his forraer preceptor. The firra of Bur ton & Munson, while it continued, had a good practice, as did afterward its junior member when alone. Mr. Munson occupied for many years a prorainent place in the political affairs of the state. About 1866 he was elected raeraber and afterward chairman of the Republican county coramittee and served as such for several years. After his selection for this position he was raade chairman of the Re pubhcan district coraraittee, and was con tinued in this for several years. Frora 1863 to 1866 Mr. Munson edited the Manchester Journal and his interest in Uterature he has always kept ahve. In 1882 he delivered an excellent address on "The Early History of Manchester" which was afterward published. Frora 1866 to 1873 he was town clerk of Manchester, and in the latter year declined further election because of the pressure of professional pursuits. . Frora December, 1866, to December, 1876, he was register of pro bate for the district of Manchester. He was a member of the faraous Constitutional Con vention of 1870. In 1872 Mr. Munson entered the Vermont Legislature as the representative of the town of Manchester. During the session of that year he served on the committees on the judiciary and on railroads, and also on a special joint committee appointed to inves tigate the affairs of the Central Verraont R. R. The latter assembled after the ad journment of the Legislature and raade its report to the Governor. Again elected to the House in 1874, he served in the session following as chairraan of the judiciary com mittee. He received a large vote for the speaker's chair in competition with Judge PI. H. Powers. In 1878 he represented Bennington county in the Senate, and re ceiving the honor of an election to the presi dency /^(j tem, was for that reason excused from all coraraittee service, except that on rules, of which coraraittee he was chairman. Mr. Munson was again returned to the House in 1882, and by the action of his friends was raade a candidate for the speak ership against Hon. J. L. Martin, but the lat ter was elected. At this session he was chair raan of the general coraraittee and was also a raeraber of the judiciary coraraittee. His sound sense and absolute sincerity gave him the leadership on the floor of the two Houses in which others carried off the honors of the speakership. Strong in debate, his speeches uniforraly coraraanded the close and respect ful attention of his coUeagues, and alraost always their hearty support of raeasures ad vocated by hira. In May, 1883, he received the appoint raent of judge of probate for the district of Manchester, succeeding Judge Ranney How ard, deceased. He was appointed by Governor Orrasbee in 1887 chairman of a coraraittee authorized by the Legislature of 1886 to revise and re draft the school laws and incorporate with their revision new features to iraprove the schools and present the same in the form of a bUl. The bUl so drafted with some few changes became the school law enacted in 1888. Judge Munson was, in Septeraber, 1889, upon the resignation of Judge Veazey, ap pointed sixth assistant judge of the Supreme Court, and in 1890 was elected fourth assist- 284 NEEDHAM. NELSON. ant judge of that court which position he now holds by re-election in 1892. Judge Munson's fairness, studious habit, and literary skUl rendered him a most valu able acquisition to the bench, and his pe culiar ability as a presiding ofificer helps to keep up the well-deserved reputation the Vermont trial courts have won as places where the law is administered with fit dignity and decorum. Judge Munson married. May 4, 1882, Mary B., daughter of Rev. Alexander B. and Anna M. (HoUister) CarapbeU, of Men don, 111. NEEDHAM, LEWIS Cass, of Leicester Junction, son of Benjamin E. and Amanda (Page) Needham, was born in Shrewsbury, April 6, 1843. His parents were early set tlers of Massachusetts, and his great-grand father, Benjarain Needhara, was one of the founders of the town of Shrewsbury. Owing to his being the only dependent of a widowed raother and her younger children, Mr. Need hara is about the only raember of his family who is without a personal war record His LEWIS CASS NEEDHAM. great-grandfather was a soldier in the Revo lution ; his grandfather, father, and an uncle were soldiers in the war of 181 2 ; an uncle, Horace Needham, served in the Mexican war, and raany others of the faraily were engaged in the war of the rebelUon. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the schools of Shrews bury during the fall terms, his summer and winter months being spent in farm labor and teaching. Mr. Needham resolved upon a business career, and pursued a course of study in the Eastman Business CoUege of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Subsequently he re turned to his birthplace and lived with his widowed mother until her death. In 1868 he went to Rutland and commenced work in the employment of the Rutland Railroad Co. In 1878 he moved to Leicester and since then has been agent for the Central Vermont Railroad Co. in that place. He represented Leicester in the Legisla ture in the session of 1884 ; has been justice of the peace since that time, and superin tendent of schools since 1890. He was chairman of the Repubhcan town committee in 1890, and takes an active interest in political affairs. Mr. Needham becarae a raeraber of Centre Lodge, F. & A. M., at Rutland, in 1865, and afterward affiliated with St. Paul's Lodge at Brandon, in 1890. He becarae a member of KiUington Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Rutland in 1870, and was a zealous and efificient worker in the order. He united with the Congregational church at Rutiand in Janu ary, 1875, and was transferred to the church in Whiting in 1885, where he has been a deacon since 1887. Mr. Needham was married, Jan. 23, 1879, to Ella, daughter of Nelson and Nancy (Farr) Brown of Rutland. Of this union there are two chUdren : Martha E., and Florence R. Mrs. Needham is a grand daughter of Solomon Brown of Lexington, Mass., who was a Revolutionary soldier, and fired the first gun in the battle of Lexington. The gun is a keepsake in the Brown family. NELSON, Wilmot G., of Norton's MUls, son of Nathaniel and Eliza (Green- liaf) Nelson, was born in Alna, Me., May 9, 1850. His education was derived from a course of study at the common schools, at the coni- pletion of which he entered his father's shop to learn the tanner's trade and engaged in this calling tUl he arrived at his majority, when he entered the employ of the Norton MUls Co., as clerk. When the company failed in 1874, Mr. Nelson went to Island Pond, but soon returned and rented a store, in which he carried on the principal retail general trade of the place. In 1884 he entered as senior partner the firra of A. McLean & Co. This concern five years NEWELL. after sold their interest to A. M. Stetson & Co., by whora Mr. Nelson was engaged as foreraan of the establishment. Mr. Nelson was united in marriage, August 7, 1874, in Boston, to Cora A., daughter of William and Margaret Libbey of East Machias, Me. Four chUdren have been the fruit of their union ; Frank M. (deceased), Gertrude E., Edward J., and Edith M. NEWTON. 285 WILMOT G. NELSON. He has taken the several degrees of the blue lodge, working with Island Pond Lodge, No. 44, and is also a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the lodge of Odd FeUows in that town. When the town of Norton was organized in 1885 Mr. Nelson acted as moderator and first selectman, which ofifice he held for three consecutive terms. He has also been postmaster for fifteen years and deputy sherifif for twelve years. His business en gageraents have been so pressing and ira portant, that he has avoided ofifice. He is an outspoken Republican and his influence can be seen in the constantly increasing vote of that party in the town, which, not withstanding the large foreign eleraent, gave a majority for Harrison in 1892. His in fluence in the community has been con stantly on the side of good morals and progress. NEWELL, LYMAN Merrifield, of Wardsboro, son of Jackson and Sarah (Mer rifield) Newell, was born in Wardsboro, April 14, 1833. Having availed hiraself of the educational advantages derived frora the common schools, he was employed as clerk in his father's store untU 1855, when he bought his father's interest and continued the busi ness for four years. He then retired from active mercantile life and bought a farm, which he has conducted up to the present tirae. He was united in marriage AprU 20, 1855 to Sylvan D., daughter of Calvin and Orrilla (Choate) Taylor. For twelve years past Mr. NeweU has been town treasurer and town agent. For many years he was lister and constable, and also trustee of public raoney. He was a raera ber ofthe Constitutional Convention in 1870, LYMAN MERRIFIELD NEWELL. while for four years, 1867, 1868, 1872 and 1873, he represented the town in the General Assembly. An upright citizen, Mr. Newell has the respect of the comraunity in which he resides. NEWTON, William S., of Brattleboro, son of WUUiam and Betsey (Harris) New ton, was born in Marlboro, June 26, 1822. He was of the seventh generation on the line of descent frora England. Cotton New ton, his grandfather, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and was at the battle of Stillwater. His educational training was obtained in the common schools and at the Brattle boro Academy, and when seventeen years of 286 NICHOLS. NICHOLS. age he left the farm upon which he was born, to take his first step in active business life, being employed as clerk in the store of Jesse Cone at the center of the town, which was then located on the present site of the raeeting house. Subsequently he came to Brattleboro, where he obtained a sirailar position in the store of Gardner C. Hall, in whose service he reraained for two years. Again he returned to the place of his nativity, but in 1852 accepted a position in the eraployraent of the Verraont & Massachu setts RaUroad Co., at Brattleboro ; frora thence he transferred his services to the post-office under the administration of Samuel Dutton. In March, 1859, he forraed a copartnership whh Nathaniel Cheney and engaged in the grocery business. This con nection was dissolved in July afterwards and he continued the trade at the old stand tUl Dec. I, 1887. He was elected town clerk, March 3, 1863, and justice of the peace at the Septeraber Freeraen's meeting afterwards ; elected a trustee of the Vermont Savings Bank in January, 1882, and vice-president in Jan uary, 1 89 1. In all of these capacities he has given universal satisfaction by the exact itude, impartiality and conscientiousness with which he has discharged the sorae what delicate duties of his ofificial position, and the unwavering rectitude and constant probity of his daily life have earned the entire respect of the community where he resides. Gifted with a keen sense of the ridiculous, no one more appreciates the comic side of life or enjoys with raore hearty zest the droll occurences that are continually arising to relieve in sorae degree the irksome toil to which poor huraanity is otherwise con deraned. His religious preference is the Congrega tional faith. Mr. Newton was united in wedlock, March 30, 1858, to Lucinda W. Harris, daughter of David VV. and Salome (Wheeler) Goodrich, of Chesterfield, N. H. NICHOLS, William Henry, of Brain tree, son of WiUiam and Betsey (White) Nichols, was born in Braintree, Dec. 23, 1829. He descends from old New England stock, which has exhibited the virtue of good citizenship through successive generations. Isaac Nichols, his great-grandfather, was a colonel in the Revolutionary army, and a participant in the battles of Bennington and Saratoga. He came to Braintree with his wife and seven stalwart sons and one grand child in October, 1787, and took up his residence on Quaker HUl, buUding a rude log hut, covered with bark. From that time to the present, the family has been promi nently and ofificially connected with public afifairs. Isaac was the first representative repeatedly holding that position ; and he and his wife were original merabers of the First Congregational Church, of which he was for a long time a deacon, and which was organ ized in 1794. His wife, Dorcas (Sibley) Nichols, was a woraan of unusual mental and physical vigor, of great celebrUy as a nurse, and lived to the reraarkable age of one hundred and four years and ten months. His youngest son, Rev. Arami Nichols, was a clergyman for two-thirds of a century. Betsey White, mother of Judge Nichols, was a lineal descendant of Peregrine 'White, the first born of the Pilgrims, and the old family homestead, now occupied by the son of Judge Nichols, has been the home and unencumbered property of the family for more than a century. William H. Nichols attended the Orange county grararaar school and West Randolph Acaderay, and graduated from Middlebury WILLIAM HENRY NICHOLS. CoUege in the class of 1856. He studied law with John B. Hutchinson, meanwhile teaching several terms of the Orange county grararaar school and West Randolph Acad eray. He was adraitted to the Orange county bar in 1857, and continued to prac tice untU the fall of i860, when he estab lished himself as a lawyer at Cedar Falls, Iowa. On the breaking out of the war he enlisted as a private, served in the departments of NIMBLET^ NORTON. 287 Mississippi and the Gulf, at Vicksburg, Shiloh, the siege and second battle of Cor inth, and capture of Mobile, and was wounded at Corinth. He served at tiraes as drill-raaster, and ordnance and coramissary sergeant. After being raustered out he carae to Braintree and took charge of his father's farm. A Republican in poUtics, he has discharged many public and ofificial trusts. He was a raember of the last Constitutional Conven tion ; representative from Braintree in 1870 ; judge of county court, 1872 to 1874; has been superintendent of schools, and was for a long time clerk and treasurer, a position that has been held by successive raerabers of the faraily for nearly three-quarters of a century. In 1879 ^^ ^^s elected judge of probate, and has since creditably fiUed that position. Judge Nichols married, August 3, 1856, Ann Eliza, daughter of William A. and Abby (Curver) Bates. Their chUdren are : Henry Hebert, WiUiam Bates, Edward H., and Anna. Judge Nichols is a whole-souled gentle man, and in all of the various relations of civil and railitary life has discharged his duties ably and faithfully. He has been for thirty-six years a member of Phoenix Lodge, No. 28, F. & A. M., and is also a comrade of U. S. Grant Post, No. 36, of West Randolph. NIMBLET, OSCAR L., of Monkton, son of Hosea and Althea (Williams) Nimblet, was born in Monkton, Jan. 16, 1832. His scholastic training was received at the public and private schools of his native town and at Bakersfield Acaderay. Immediately after leaving Bakersfield he comraenced the study of medicine by attending lectures at Dartmouth College, and afterwards graduated ¦with high honors frora the raedical depart ment of the University of Verraont, receiving his diploraa in the class of 1854. Returning to Monkton, he practiced successfully in that town and vicinity. Doctor Nimblet was married at Mont peher, August 16, 1853, to Sarah V., daugh ter of David and Hannah (Prescott) Mason, by whora he has had issue : Ida A. (Mrs. Moses Sears, of WiUiston), Katie L. (Mrs. Alfred HuU, of Hinesburgh), Altha S. (Mrs. WilUam Stone, of WiUiston). Mrs. Nimblet died Dec. 2, 1884, and Doctor Nirablet was united, Jan. 2, 1886, to Mrs. Eliza C. Weller. Doctor Nimblet has always been an ardent -supporter of Repubhcan principles. On ac count of his interest in educational matters, he has been caUed upon to act as superin tendent of schools for a quarter of a century, besides serving as school director and town agent. He represented Monkton in the Leg islature of 1888, giving his services to the committee on the insane, in which capacity he estabhshed a most desirable record. He has enroUed himself a raember of the Ma sonic fraternity, and though a believer in Christianity, is not a member of any particu lar sect. He possesses raarked literary abihty, and has often contributed to papers and periodi cals. He is a fluent and eloquent speaker, and has often displayed his oratorical powers in lectures and on pubhc occasions in vari ous parts of the state. NORTON, LUMAN Preston, of Ben nington, son of Julius and Maria (Spooner) Norton, was born in Bennington March 20, 1837. Mr. Norton is directly descended frora WUliam C. Spooner, signer of the De claration of Independence, and his great grandfather, John, fought in the Revolution ary army in which he held the rank of captain. LUMAN PRESTON NORTON. He received his prelirainary education at the public schools of Carabridge, N. Y., and afterward pursued his studies at the acad emies of Randolph and Bennington and also that of Bloomfield, N. Y. Entering Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., he graduated in June, 1858, and the following year forraed a copartnership with his father at Benning ton for the manufacture of pottery, a busi ness estabhshed by his great-grandfather in 1793. After his father's death in 1861 Mr. Norton continued in the concern for twenty- OLMSTEAD . OLMSTEAD. one years, when he sold his entire interest to his partner and removed to Bisraark, Dak., for the benefit of his impaired health. On his return to Vermont he accepted the gen eral agency of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. He was elected the first president of the Bennington County Savings Bank and also of the viUage of Bennington. He is largely interested in real estate both in Verraont and in the West. A RepubUcan in his political preferences, he has taken little active part in public af fairs, though confidence in his integrity and financial capacity have caUed hira to the office of trustee of Bennington village, repre senting that town in the Legislature of 1874, being assigned to iraportant coraraittees. In Mt. Anthony Lodge, No. 13, F. &A. M., he has been the incumbent of all the' ofifices with the exception of that of master • is a charter member of Bennington Histor ical Society, and belongs to the Improved Order of Red Men. He is a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal church. He is. auditor of the diocese of Vermont and has. been for many years lay delegate to the dio cesan convention. Mr. Norton married, Oct. 12, 1858, Alice L., daughter of Bradford Godfrey. Four children have been issue of this union i Luraan S., Agnes C. (wife of Judge Charles H. Darling of Bennington), Ahce Mabel, and Julius Philip. OLMSTEAD, ALNER ALLYN, of South Newbury, son of Isaac H. and S. Ann (Allyn) Olrastead was born at Newbury, June 15, 1850. He is of English-Scotch descent. ALNER ALLYN OLMSTEAD. He received his education at Newbury Sera inary and Verraont Methodist Seminary at Montpeher. In 187 1 he coraraenced the study of law with Orrin Gambell of Bradford, but on account of difificulty with his eyes he was corapelled to abandon his hopes of entering that profession, and formed a partnership with his father for the manufacture of chairs, which trade he had learned in his minority. This business connection continued untU the death of his father in 1878. The next year Mr. Olmstead built a large and commodious. chair factory, costing about ^6,000, and since that time he has successfully conducted the business, with the addition of the lumber and furniture trade. He is a farmer and breeder of blooded horses, of which he is a great lover, owning twelve at the present tirae. He is enterprising and possesses a raarked degree of will power, with that con tinuity that raakes it painful to give up. He is a director, treasurer, and manager of the Orange County Canning Co., which he was instrumental in organizing. Mr. Olmstead is a Democrat, and although his town is strongly RepubUcan, in 1890 he was elected a meraber of the General As serably, a position not held in Newbury by a Democrat since Henry Keyes, thirty-five years before. He served on the committee of raanufacturing and on the joint special coraraittee of the \\'orld's Fair. He gained the reputation of being a prudent and care ful legislator, and won the confidence and esteera of his associates. His townsmen honored him with a re-election in 1892, when he served on the coramittee of grand hst, and, being a staunch teraperance advocate, was placed on the coramittee of temperance, where he did good work. On the 5 th of May, 1892, at the Democratic state conven tion in Montpelier, Mr. Olmstead was chosen a member of the "Vermont Democratic state committee, and now holds that position. On the 13th of June, 1893, J. Sterhng Merton,. Secretary of Agriculture in Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, appointed Mr. Olrastead to the posi tion of state statistical agent for Vermont at a salary of ^600 per year. He joined the M. E. Church in 1870, and has been an active raeraber, ofificer and lib eral supporter since. He was made a Mason. in 1874, and is now a Royal Arch. ORVIS. ORVIS. On May 27, 1880, at South Newbury, he raarried Miss Jennie M., daughter of John and Susan C. (FuUer) Thorapson, a noble Christian woman, "who did him good and not evU aU the days of her life." She died Dec. 25, 1889. ORVIS, Franklin Henry, of Man chester, was born on the 12 th day of July, 1824, and is the eldest child of Levi Church and Electa Sophia (Purdy) Orvis. His father, Levi Church Orvis, and grandfather, WaitstiU Orvis, were likewise natives of Ver mont, though born east of the mountains. His raother was descended from Reuben FRANKLIN HENRY ORVIS. Purdy, who wiU be remembered as the head of one of the oldest and most highly re spected pioneer farailies of the town of Manchester. Levi Church Orvis carae to Manchester about the year 1820, living for a time in the faraily of Ephraim Munson, and attended HiU's School. Shortly afterward he married Electa Sophia Purdy. He was engaged in the mercantile and marble busi ness at Manchester up to the time of. his death in 1849. It was in his father's store that Franklin H. Orvis obtained his early business train ing. He was educated in the comraon schools of the town, and at the Barr Serai nary, and the Union ViUage Acaderay at Greenwich, N. Y., frora which last institution he graduated in 1842, being then eighteen years of age. The next two years were passed in Wisconsin and Illinois in raercan- tile pursuits, but in 1844 he went to New York City as a clerk in the wholesale dry goods house of Marsh & WilUs, which posi tion he held for about two years. In 1846, Mr. Orvis, in association with Elijah M. Carrington, forraerly of Poultney, under the firm name of Carrington & Orvis, engaged in the wholesale dry goods business, which he continued until about the year i860, when he retired to give his whole attention to the hotel which he had established some eight years before. But the Equinox of Man chester, as is very weU known, has been con ducted as a suraraer resort exclusively ; there fore, when Mr. Orvis withdrew frora his occupation in New York City, the winter months became to him a season of compara tive inactivity, except during the period of his connection with the Manchester Journal, which paper he purchased in 187 1, and con tinued with gratifying success. In 1872 Mr. Orvis became proprietor of the St. James Hotel at Jacksonville, Fla., which he con ducted as a winter resort In 1875 he pur chased the Putnam House at Palatka, Fla., enlarged it and continued its management untU it was destroyed by fire in November, 1884. In 1880 Mr. Orvis leased the Wind sor at Jacksonville, conducting this and the Putnam at Palatka until the latter was burned, since which the Windsor has occupied his time during the winter, and the Equinox at Manchester during the summer. The suc cessful conduct of a large hotel caUs for as rauch of tact and good judgraent as the raan ageraent of any other extensive enterprise. These necessary traits and quaUfications are possessed by Mr. Orvis in an abundant degree ; and while to him is due the credit of having built up these large enterprises, and raade for them a reputation second to none in the country, acknowledgment should be made of the efificient assistance rendered by his sons, who have inherited much of the business thrift and energy of their father. He was raarried Nov. 17, 1852, to Sarah M., daughter of Paul and Sarah R. Whitin, of Whitinsville, Mass. Six children are the fruit of this union. It will seera frora the foregoing brief resurae, that the life of Franklin H. Orvis has been one of busy activity for raore than half a century. While he has been thus engaged with his business affairs he has nevertheless found tirae to participate in the various events and raeasures looking to the welfare and improvement of his native town. Every enterprise tending to its advancement has found in hira an earnest advocate, and every worthy charity has received frora him sub stantial aid. In the faU of 1869 he was elected to the Vermont Senate from Benning ton county as the candidate of the Republi can party, of which party he has been an 290 OSGOOD. OWEN. active meraber since 1861. In 1892 he was again elected to the Vermont Senate for two years. Although now in his seventieth year he is actively engaged as the head of the well- known Equinox Spring Co., of Manchester. OSGOOD, Charles Wesley, of Bel lows FaUs, son of Peter and Rebecca Osgood, was born in North Andover, Mass., Nov. 14, 1841. His early education was received at the comraon schools of Andover and supple mented by a short course of study at Phil Ups Acaderay. At the age of fifteen he ended his brief schoohng and coramenced to learn the trade of a machinist. Having mastered this, after various vicissitudes Mr. Osgood came to Bellows Falls in 1871 and entered into partnership with William G. Barker, under the firm narae of Osgood & Barker, to do a general trade. When they started they eraployed but one man, but the firra was successful and business steadily in creased. Ten years after the forraation of the concern Mr. Barker died, and since then Mr. Osgood has owned and operated the plant and he is now chiefly occupied in the raanufacture of paper-raaking raachinery. In 1883 his shops were burned, but in 1891 he purchased the estate known as the Island House property and erected a spacious building thereon, in which now nearly a hun dred raen are employed. Though a strong Republican, Mr. Osgood has neither cared for nor sought ofifice. He married at North Andover, Mass., Fan nie M., daughter of B. Gardner Searle. Three children have been issue : Edward Gardner, Charles Herbert, and Fannie Rebecca. OWEN, Clarence Philander, of Glover, son of Philander and Irene (Knapp) Owen, was born in Glover, March 31, 1844. He is of Puritan lineage, being a descendant from Samuel and PrisciUa Owen, who erai grated frora' Wales about 1685, settled in Salera, Mass., but not finding sufficient re ligious liberty there, went to Roger Williaras colony at Providence, R. I. His great-grandfather, Capt. Daniel Owen, was the president of the first state conven tion of Rhode Island, which adopted the Constitution, and drafted the letter which informed General Washington of the organ ization of the state government. He was also chief justice of the state and Dept.- Governor from 1786 to 1790, and with five others was granted the exclusive privUege of coining money for a term of twelve years, then was a partner in an iron foundry with the celebrated John Paul Jones untU the breaking out of the Revolution. At the close of the war, with others, he received a grant of land in the towns of Westfield and Barton. Mr. Clarence PhUander Owen obtained his education in the public schools, the Orleans Liberal Institute of Glover and Barre Acaderay. After a course of legal study in the office of Knapp and Wright of Keosaukqua, Iowa, in the faU of 1866 he was admitted to the Van Buren county bar of that state, but never practiced his pro fession, for he was immediately appointed United States inspector of customs for the First Iowa district. While visiting his home in 1868 he was seized with a dangerous ill ness the nature of which precluded all in door occupation, and he became a farmer, In this employraent he has always remained, raaking a specialty of Jersey stock and Mor gan horses. CLARENCE PHILANDER OWEN. He was united in raarriage Feb. 4, 1869, to Anna, daughter of WUliam and Fanny (Randall) Chase, of Wheelock. Two daugh ters have been born to them : Maud L- (Mrs. WUliam S. Mason of Glover), and Kate (Mrs. ^^'iUard C. Leonard of New London, N. H.) Mr. Owen has been earnestly interested in public affairs, is a raeraber of the Repub lican party, has served on the county com mittee, held raost of the town offices and is county auditor, now serving his third year. In 1886 and 1888 he was elected associate the fiill inted judge for Orleans county, serving terra of four years, and in 1892 represe: the town of Glover in the General Assembly, serving on the ways and means committee. OWEN. OWEN. 291 Judge Owen is a Congregationalist, and a Free and Accepted Mason, affihating with •Orleans Lodge, No. 55, of Barton, and ¦Cleveland Chapter, No. 20, of Newport. OWEN, JOSEPH, of Barton, son of Jos eph and Esther (Colwell) Owen, was born in Glover, Feb. 18, 1818. He is the grand- .son of Hon. Daniel Owen, Governor of Rhode Island, to whom part of the towns of Barton and Westfield was granted in 1781. The young- .est son of the Governor, and father of the sub ject of this sketch, in corapany with other settlers carae to Barton in 1 798, thence floated •down the river to Newport, raade an excur sion through the woods to Westfield, where they built camps on their own lots, subse- ¦quently settling in Barton. by aU for his personal integrity and financial abiUty. He has taken smaU share in political or town raatters, nevertheless he has served as coUector and selectman in Barton. He has always voted with the RepubUcans since the dissolution of the whig party. For fifty-seven years he has been a mem ber of the Methodist church of which he has been one of the stewards since his early manhood. He has been a faithful instructor in the Sunday School besides being a liberal and generous benefactor to the church. He raarried, Dec. 14, 1848, Diana, daugh ter of Daniel and Sally (Gilman) Shaw, of Sutton, who died August 23, 1884, leaving two chUdren . Ella F. ( Mrs. Waldo Mossman, of Barton), and George W. July 22, 1886, he was married to Mrs. Abbie B. Bickford, of Montpeher, daughter of Reuben and Eliza beth (Sawyer) Giffin. He has now retired from business, enjoying the fruits of his labors. OWEN, Oscar Daniel, of Barton, son of Daniel and Sarah (Barnard) Owen, was born in Barton, Oct. i, 1842. His JOSEPH OWEN. The present Joseph Owen obtained his ¦education in the schools of Barton and Glover .and afterwards at Browington Academy. He comraenced the active business of life as an instructor in Westfield, Barton, and Sutton, and after eraployment as a clerk in the latter place removed to Barton and settled upon a farm, the greater part of which is now occu pied by the village. He was a farraer, and tiUed the soil for the love of it, and conse quently raade it a success ; and he stoutly afifirras that a young man now, with pluck and courage for capital stock, can acquire wealth on a Verraont farm. Mr. Owen has been one of the raost prominent busines men in Orleans county and was much respected OSCAR DANIEL OWEN. ancestors came to tbis country frora Wales in 1685 for the better enjoyraent of civU and religious liberty and to seek a wider field for agricultural labor than they could find in their native land. They setded in Rhode Island and from thence the grandfather of Mr. Owen reraoved to the Harapshire Grants 292 ORMSBEE. ORMSBEE. and was one of the earliest settlers of the town of Barton. Mr. Owen passed through the customary course of instruction at the coraraon schools and acaderay and at the age of nineteen raade his first step in an active business career by being employed as clerk in the local store. He then took his departure for Rockford, IU., and worked in the sarae capacity for two years, after which he trans ferred his abode to Boston, Mass., where he StiU continued to hold a siraUar position. Having by this tirae a wide and varied knowledge of business afifairs, in 1869 he returned to Barton, where he coraraenced as a raerchant on his own account. By his energy, thrift and industry, he has been more than successful, has built up a most flourishing trade and deservedly acquired a handsome fortune by honorable and straight forward dealing. In 1875 he had the mis fortune to lose his entire stock and store by fire, but, undismayed by this stroke of ill- luck, with characteristic pluck, he imme diately commenced the erection of his present business block at that tirae the finest in the vicinity. He is largely engaged in buying and shipping Vermont butter and dairy produce in general. Mr. Owen married, Nov. 5, 1874, Mary A., daughter of Judge Fordyce S. and Martha H. French of Barton. One daugh ter, Julia, is issue of their union. ORMSBEE, Ebenezer JOLLS, of Bran don, son of John Mason and Polly (Willson) Ormsbee, was born in Shoreham, June 8, 1834. He received the education afforded by the coraraon schools of the state and the acade raies at Brandon and South Woodstock, dividing his tirae between the farm and the school until his majority, when he taught school winters while acquiring the higher branches taught in the academy. He began the study of the law in the ofifice of Briggs & Nicholson, at Brandon, in 1857, and was adraitted to the bar of Rutiand county at the March term of court in 1861. Instead of entering upon the practice of his profession, however, he enUsted in the "AUen Grays," a miUtary company of Bran don, in April, 1861 ; this corapany becarae Co. G of the ist Regt Vt. Vols., and having been elected 2d heutenant thereof, he was coraraissioned as such, AprU 25, 1861, and was with his corapany in the service of the United States during the term of its enhst ment, being mustered out of the United States service, August 15, 1861. Returning home, he again enhsted in Co. G of the 12th Regt. Vt. Vols., was elected captain of the company, and commissioned Sept. 22, 1862. This regiment was attached to the 2d Vt' Brigade, coraraanded by General Stannard,' which becarae the 3d Brigade in the jd Division of the ist Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, and taking a most noteworthy part in the Gettysburg carapaign. Captain Orms bee was with his corapany during its term of service, sharing the dangers and hardships of his raen, and was again raustered out with thera, July 14, 1863. Taking up the duties of civil life, he com menced the practice of law at Brandon, as a partner of Anson A. Nicholson, in 1864, af terwards entering into a like business con nection with Hon. Ebenezer N. Briggs, with whose son he is now engaged in the practice of his profession at Brandon. Was appointed assistant United States internal revenue as sessor, in 1868, serving as such untU 1872. Was elected state's attorney for Rutland county, 1870 to 1874; town representative from Brandon in the General Assembly of the state in 1872, and senator from Rutland county in that body in 1878. Appointed and served as a trustee of the Vermont re form school, from 1S80 till 1884, when he was made Lieutenant-Governor of the state, and was chosen Governor of the state in 1886. Araong many other positions of trust to which he has been called, and in which he has served with eminent abiUty, is that of chairraan . of a comraission to treat with the Pi Ute Indians, at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, concerning the rehnquishment of a portion of their reservation to the United States, to which he was appointed by the President in 1891 ; the sarae year he was appointed by the President as the United States land com- raissioner at Samoa, the duties of which of fice he discharged until May 16, 1893, when he returned to this country and resumed the practice of his profession. The subject of this sketch has been hvice married: In 1862, to Jennie L. Briggs, daughter of Hon. E. N. Briggs, of Brandon; and in 1867, to Frances (Wadhams) Daven port, daughter of William L. Wadhams, of Westport, N. Y. Always an ardent RepubUcan in poUtics, he has been an active member of the state Republican committee, and a firm supporter of the principles and policy of that party. He is a raember of St. Paul's Lodge F.and A. M., of Brandon, and has long been a corarade of C. J. Orrasbee Post, No. 18, G. A. R., an order at whose annual memorial services he has been a speaker and partici pant for many years. His religious preference is that of Episco paUan. He is now (1894) engaged in law practice at Brandon. 0»-'C«.<-»^t-<.-4x-*^ J C.4feyix».*>4-'oLc-«--' - 294 PAINE. PAGE. PAINE, Milton Kendall, of Windsor, son of Isaac and Martha Locke (Riggs) Paine, was born in Boston, Mass., July 15, 1834. He is of English descent. When Washington assuraed the command of the Revolutionary forces at Cambridge, Milton's great-great-grandfather, WiUiam Paine, then in the eighty-third year of his age, entered the camp accorapanied by his son and two grandsons, and when the general questioned him with regard to his own presence there, he rephed that he was there to encourage his son and grandsons and see that they did their duty to their country. Milton K. Paine received his educational training at the coramon and high schools of Chelsea, but before attaining his fifteenth year he entered the drug store of A. & H. Wardner of Windsor as clerk, and seven years afterward started in that business in the MILTON KENDALL PAINE. same town, with a capital of S30, running in debt for his entire stock. So successful was he, owing to his prudence and energy, that in two years he was free frora all pecuniary obligations and had built up a trade that was ever widely increasing. A raan of original mind and natural inventive faculty, deveb oped by careful observation, even in his youthful days, he began the preparation of perfumes by processes originated by himself, and later compounded the "Wild Cherry Tonic," which had an immense sale, not only in the state, but in various parts of the Union. His crowning effort was the inven tion of Paine's Celery Compound, of which the local sales were immediately enormous and the medicine is now known and used' throughout much of the civilized world. Mr, Paine has also originated many appliances for the economical manufacture of medi cines, and has received several U. S. patents- for articles of practical value. His health failing after nearly forty years of arduous application to his profession, he disposed of his stock in trade, and on March 19, 1887,, sold his interest in the Celery Compound to' AVells & Richardson Co. of Burlington. He retired from active business April 20, 1888,. one of the oldest and most widely known druggists of the state. Mr. Paine was raarried in May, 1857,10 Helen A., daughter of Dr. Horace Austin of Athol, Mass., whom he had the misfortune to lose by death in Septeraber, 1864. She left one daughter, Jennie Louise Paine, now Mrs. W. R. Sheldon of Charlestown, N. H. On May 6, 1872, he wedded Mrs.. Mary (Lemmex) Smith, daughter of WUliam H. and Elvira (Warner) Lemmex of Windsor. Colonel Paine is an active Republican, attesting his faith by his works, and hasheld several ofificial positions. He was a member of the staff of Governor Farnham in 1881, receiving the rank of colonel, and in 1888 was elected the Windsor county member of the state Republican coraraittee, which posi tion he StiU holds. He is a justice of the peace, and was for two years president of the Vermont Pharmaceutical Association. He was an incorporator, and has been for four years past the treasurer of the Vermont society, Sons of the American Revolution. He is treasurer of the Old South Congrega tional Church at Windsor, and superinten dent of the Sabbath school. In the Masonic order Colonel Paine has ever taken a deep and abiding interest, and in this has attained an eminent position, having reached the 33d degree. He is one of the senior members of the Supreme Council in the state of Verraont. PAGE, Carroll Smalley, of Hyde Park, son of RusseU S. and Martiia Malvina (Smalley) Page, was born in Westfield, Jan. 10, 1843. He was educated at the People's Academy at Morrisville, the Lamoille county gram mar school of Johnson, and the Lamoille Central Acaderay of Hyde Park. Governor Page is identified witii many of the iraportant business enterprises of his county and state, being president of the LaraoUle County Savings Bank and Trust Co., of the LaraoUle County National Bank, of the Hyde Park Hotel Co., and of the Fife Luraber Co. He is the treasurer of the Hyde Park Lumber Co., of the Morse Man- ufacturing Co., of the Buck Lumber Co., and a director of the St. J. & L. C. R. R. Although always a very busy man he has found tirae to give good service to his party and to his state. He represented Hyde Park in the House from 1869 to 1872, was senator from LamoiUe county from 1874 to 1876, and was county treasurer and reg ister of the probate court for the district of LamoiUe for about ten years. In 1880 he was a delegate to the Repubhcan national convention at Chicago, that norainated Jaraes A. Garfield for President. Frora 1872 to 1890 he was a member of the Repubhcan state coraraittee, serving frora 1878 to 1884 as its secretary, and from 1884 to 1890 as its chairraan, his chairmanship covering the notable campaign of 1888. As a financier he became weU known to the people of the state while filUng the office of inspector of finance (examiner of savings banks) from 1884 to 1888. In 1890 hewas elected Governor — the highest office in the gift of the people. To this position, which he fiUed tiU 1892, he brought the same ad ministrative ability that has characterized the conduct of his private affairs. But first and always a business raan, it is not in political or official life that Governor Page's reputation has becorae most widely extended, but rather as a dealer in Green Caff Skins, in which line of business his trade is confessedly the largest in Araerica, if not in the world, extending not only to the Pacific coast, but through aU the British provinces in Araerica, and to England, France and Gerraany. Governor Page is a Mason, an Odd Fel low, and a raeraber of the Society of the Sons of the Araerican Revolution. AprU II, 1865, Mr. Page was united in raarriage to Ellen F., youngest daughter of T. H. and Desderaona Patch, of Johnson. They have three children : Theophilus HuU, RusseU Sraith, and AUce. PARK, Trenor William, late of Ben nington, son of Luther and Cynthia (Pratt) Park, was born in Woodford, Dec. 8, 1823. His parents reraoved to Bennington when he was two or three years of age, and as they were poor he had few educational advan tages, but in his earliest youth hg contrived to contribute something to the famly sup port. Resolving to adopt the legal profes sion he began to study law in an office in the town when only sixteen, and a few years later he vcas adraitted to the bar. In 1852 a political appointraent changed the whole current of his life, and interrupted a suc cessful professional career in Bennington. His father-in-law, ex-Gov. Hiland Hall, had been selected by President FiUraore as chairraan of the U. S. land coramission of California, to settie disputed land tities in the territory lately acquired from Mexico. This appointment induced Mr. Park to re move to San Francisco, where his skill and success in the manageraent of his first case attracted the attention of the newly estab Ushed firm of Halleck, Peachy & Billings and he was invited to become a member of that concern. This offer he accepted, and the firm soon became, and continued for years, the raost erainent one in California. Mr. Park becarae prominentiy identified with the reform moveraent in San Francisco in 1855, and assisted Jaraes King to estab lish the San Francisco BuUetin, and after the assassination of that editor in the streets of the city, he becarae the attorney of the historic vigilance coramittee, which de livered San Francisco from the reign of terror established by lawlessness and ruffian ism. The coramercial panic of 1858 swept away a considerable portion of the large fortune which Mr. Park had acquired, but he soon recovered his lost ground. About this time he became interested in politics, and was a candidate for U. S. senator, lacking but few votes of an election. Returning to Verraont in 1863, he estabhshed the First National Bank at North Bennington, and soon after was elected to the Legislature, exercising great influence in that body. He now gave his attention to a number of rail road enterprises in his native state, assisted in the reorganization of the Vermont Central, and was one of the original incorporators of that company under its new title. He pur chased the '\\^estern Vermont R. R., and coramenced the construction of the Lebanon Springs R. R., hoping to make Bennington an important railroad cen ter, but not raeeting with adequate co operation he sank a large fortune in this latter patriotic enterprise. In 1872 Mr. Park was associated with General Baxter in the ownership and conduct of the famous Eraraa Mine, and he was for many years a director of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. In 1874 he was elected president of the Panama R. R., holding the ofifice till the tirae of his death. Under his skillful man ageraent, and with the able assistance of Gen. J. G. McCuUough the stock rose from par to three hundred cents on the dollar, at which price it was sold to the De Lesseps Canal Co. Mr. Park was pre-eminently a public-spirited man. When a trustee of the U. V. M. he donated to that institution the art gallery which bears his narae. He was a liberal contributor to the New York Tribune "Fresh Air Fund," estabhshed the Benning ton Free Library, and with ex-Governor Prescott of New Harapshire, ex-Governor Rice of Massachusetts, and E. J. Phelps of BurUngton, constituted a committee on the design of the Bennington battie monument. He also contemplated a raagnificent chanty PARKER. PARKER. to be entitled the "Park Home," to be established in Bennington, a refuge for desti tute women and children. Unfortunately his death occurred before his plans could be completed, and a large property which had been secured near the town as the site of the new charity was donated to the state by his heirs and is now occupied by the Soldiers' Home. Mr. Park was married Dec. 15, 1846, to Laura, daughter or ex-Gov. Hiland Hall, of Bennington. He had the raisfortune to lose this estimable lady in June, 1875. He es poused as his second wife, Ella, daughter of A. C. Nichols, Esq., of San Francisco. His own death occurred in 1882, while en route to Panama. One son, Trenor L., and two daughters (Mrs. J. G. McCuUough and Mrs. Fred B. Jennings), survive him. The energy, perseveranc, and public spirit of Mr. Park carried hira from the humblest circumstances in youth to a manhood of noble attainments, and his enterprises pro cured for him the possession of great wealth, a large portion of which he conscientiously eraployed, not in selfish self-indulgence, but for the benefit and assistance of his fellow- raen. PARKER, Charles S., of Elmore, son of Henry C. and Mary (Batchelder) Parker, was born in Barre, Nov. 2, 1820. He availed himself of the educational fa cUities afforded by the comraon school and acaderay of the tirae, and in early life was both teacher and farra laborer, but soon de voted aU his attention to the tillage of the soil and has followed this occupation through the course of a long and honorable life. He has now practically retired frora active pur suits, but can look back with satisfaction upon his career, contented with the success he has achieved. Mr. Parker prides hiraseU upon the fact that he was the first to introduce the breed ing of J ersey cattle into Lamoille county and he possesses at the, present time a fine herd of thirty thoroughbreds. For two years he has been the president of the Lamoille County Agricultural Society, and is a recog nized authority in aU matters pertaining to the cultivation of the farm or the breeding of stock. Frora the formation of the party Mr. Par ker was a Repubhcan, but since 1884 he has identified himseU with the Prohibitionists. He has served as sheriff of Lamoille county and was elected associate judge in i867-'68, county commissioner in 1867, and repre sented the town of Elmore in i863-'64. He has also been county baiUff and justice of the peace. He has been a meinber of the M. E. Church for raore than fifty years, and is the oldest living steward of that church in town. He has also been adraitted to the Masonic fraternity and is a raeraber of Mt. Vernon Lodge in MorrisviUe. CHARLES S. PARKER. Judge Parker was married, Oct. 17, 1842, to Eliza A., daughter of Seth and Susan (Sherman) Town. To them have been born five children : Carlos S., Natt S., Henry C, Candace A. (wife of Rev. D. B. McKenzie of Troy, N. Y.), and Ellen F. (widow of the late J. H. Batchelder of Barre). PARKER, Harry Elwood, of Bradford, son of Charles and Ameha (Bennett) Parker, was born in the town of Lyman, N. H., June II, 1853- , , , His education was received in the local schools of Lyman and at Lisbon Academy, in which town his family took up their resi dence in 1863. Possessing fine musical ability, he devoted himself to the study of this art for several years, and at the age of sixteen was the leader of a military band in Marion, Va. In 1869 he commenced to learn the trade of a printer, reUnquished it for a time, but resumed this occupation in 1872. Five years later he commenced the publication of the Lisbon Globe, a small five- column sheet, and in 1881 he removed to Bradford, consolidated the rival papers of the place and established the United Opinion. Under his able management the circulation of the paper has largely increased. Mr. Parker is also half owner of the Record, :..jd. PARKER PARKER. 299 Plyraouth, N. H., and the Northern Herald of Lisbon, N. H., in addition to which he does a large job printing business, the ar rangements for which, including a spacious and convenient buUding, are said to be supe rior to any country establishment of its kind in New England. He is president of the Opinion Mfg. Co. (newspaper folders), and president of the Bradford Loan and BuUding Association. HARRY ELWOOD PARKER. In 1878 he was chosen engrossing clerk of the New Hampshire Legislature, a lucra tive and responsible position, to which he was again elected in 1879 and 1880. His busy life has not given him rauch leisure for attention to public afifairs, but he was ap pointed postraaster for the town of Bradford in 1890. He is the president of the Ver mont Editors and Publishers Association for 1893, and he has been selected by Governor Fuller to serve as aid-de-camp upon his staff with the rank of colonel. Colonel Parker is very prorainent in the circles of Odd FeUowship, being P. C. P. of Trotter Encarapraent of Bradford, and grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Verraont, having held that position since 1887. He is also a Free Mason, affiliating with Char ity Lodge, No. 43 ; Mt. Lebanon Chapter, No. II, R. A. M. ; Bradford Council, No. 11, of Bradford; Palestine Coramandery, No. 5, of St. Johnsbury, and Mt. Sinai Teraple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Montpelier. He is deputy suprerae regent of the Royal Arcanura. He was raarried at Nashua, N. H., Sept. 24, 1873, to Anna M., daughter of WUliara S. and Sarah (Emerson) Weston. Five children have blessed their union : Leslie Weston (died in infancy), Katherine Louise, Sarah Knowles, Charles, and Levi. Colonel Parker is a spirited advocate of all village improvements, heartily devoted to the interests of his town and section, always on the alert to introduce new enter prises, and a progressive and popular editor. PARKER, Henry J., of Andover, son of Benjamin and Betsey (FuUara) Parker, was born in Plainfield, N. H., May 2, 1836. After attending the common schools, he continued his educational course at the Wesleyan Seminary of Springfield, and the KimbaU Union Academy of Meriden, N. H. In the spring of 1855, he found eraployment in Boston, Mass., as a bookkeeper, but soon went to Ottawa, 111., where he obtained his living by teaching and also served as a clerk in various establishments for four years, when he returned to Springfield. HENRY J. PARKER. He was united in raarriage, Nov. 9, 1859, to Adelaide E., daughter of Timothy and Emily Putnam of Springfield. One child has blessed the marriage : Edwin H. Mr. Parker in response to the call for volunteers to serve for nine months, enlisted Sept. I, 1862, in Co. H, i6th Regt., from 300 PARKER. PARTRIDGE. the town of Weston and was raustered out with that coraraand. After his return from the scenes of the struggle, he purchased an estate in Andover and this has since been his residence. He has made many improvements in the property, since he understands both the theory and practice of farming, making a specialty of dairy produce and maple sugar. For a quarter of a century he has been the general state agent for the Granite State Mowing Machine Co., of Hinsdale, N. H., and has traveled several years in the in terests of A. P. Fuller & Co., dealers in granite and marble. He was one of the incorporators and a trustee of the Chester Savings Bank and since its forraation direc tor and treasurer of the Andover Dairy Asso ciation. Through the confidence of his Republican associates, Mr. Parker has held nearly all the positions of trust and responsibility in the town, which he represented in 1874. Fourteen years later he was caUed to a seat in the Senate frora Windsor county. Both these positions he filled with dignity and credit. PARKER, LUTHER Fletcher, of Peacham, son of Isaac and Arabella (Cobb) Parker, was born in Coventry, Sept. 22, 1821. The early education of Mr. Luther Parker was obtained in the schools of Coventry and in Brownington and Peacham Academies, and whUe a student he taught in Coventry and the neighboring towns. In 1844 he entered the U. V. M., but after remaining two years was obliged to leave the university on account of Ubhealth, when he again taught for two years at Coventry FaUs. He then coraraenced the study of raedicine in the office of Dr. G. W. Cobb, of Peachara, and after the latter's death continued with his successor. Dr. Farr, attending a course of lectures at Dartmouth and Woodstock. He was subsequently requested by Dr. Brewer, of Barnet, to assurae his large prac tice, which he retained tUl his reraoval to Peachara, when he purchased the profes sional connection of Dr. Farr. In 1864 he received the diploma of M. D. from Dart raouth CoUege. For forty years he has had a large and extensive practice, has kept fully abreast with the great advance of raedical science for the past half century, and has gained a high reputation as a con sulting physician in all the surrounding country. Dr. Parker is the proprietor of a farra in Peacham, which he hiraself operates. Forraerly a whig, but now a Republican, though often sought for political ofifice, he has always refused to serve, except in 1886 and 1888, when he represented Peachara in the Legislature, in both sessions being a raember of the temperance and ways and means committees. He has always been active in securing and enforcing prohibitory laws. He was sent, after the batde of the Wilderness, in charge of a sum of money collected in Peacham for the sanitary com raission. When he arrived at the front the exigency of the occasion was so great that he gave his professional services freely to the wounded in that great battie. LUTHER FLETCHER PARKER. He has been a raeraber of several medical societies, of Peachara Congregational Church, the Verraont Horae Missionary Society, and always a generous contributor to different religious organizations. Dr. Parker married, June 6, 1850, Louisa, daughter of Deacon Moses and Jane Adel- aine (Martin) Martin, of Peacham. Of this union are issue: Mrs. E. C. Hardy, of Fraraingham, Mass. ; Mrs. W. H. Bayley, of Peacham ; Mrs. G. B. M. Flarvey. of New York; H. M., of Minneapolis, Minn., and Lizzie A. PARTRIDGE, FRANK CHARLES, of Proctor, son of Charies F. and Sarah A. (Rice) Partridge, was born in East Middle bury, May 7, 1861. , He graduated from the Middlebury hign school with the class of '77, and followed this with one term at Middlebury College. Entering Amherst CoUege in the faU of 1876, he graduated in 1882 at the head of his class, receiving the degree of A. B., and was pres- PARTRIDGE. PARTRIDGE. 301 ident of his class. In the faU of 1882 he entered Columbia CoUege Law School, and graduated in 1884 with the degree of L. L. B. Mr. Partridge was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Vermont in 1885, and in the United States Supreme Court in 1 89 1 . He was assistant manager of the Producers Marble Co. of Rutiand from 1884 to 1885, when he removed to Proctor, where he be came treasurer of the Verraont Marble Co., serving in that capacity until 1890, since which tirae he has been vice-president. He is also vice-president of the Clarendon & Pittsford Railroad Co., and a director of the Proctor Trust Co. FRANK CHARLES PARTRIDGE. Politically, Mr. Partridge has always been a Repubhcan, and though young in years has been honored with elections to raany posi tions of trust. He was a page in the Senate of 1876, page to the Governor in 1878; town clerk of the town of Proctor, i887-'90, and town agent and school trustee. He was private secretary to Secretary of War Proc tor from 1889 to 1890. June 10, 1890, he was appointed solicitor for the Departraent of State by the President to succeed Walker Blaine. He served as law ofificer of that department during the last two years of Sec retary Blaine's adrainistration, and under the adrainistration of Secretary Foster until Jan. 25, 1893, when he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Venezuela, which position he stiU holds. A young raan of great native abihty and strong character, Mr. Partridge owes his success in hfe to his own energies. PARTRIDGE, HENRY V., of Norwich, son of Capt. Alden and Ann Ehzabeth (Swazey) Partridge, was born in Norwich, Dec. 10, 1839. His father, Capt. Alden Partridge, was born in Norwich, Jan. 12, 1785, and was the son of a Revolutionary soldier. Captain Partridge graduated frora West Point in 1806, having entered that institution in 1805, his junior year at Dartraouth CoUege. The following year he was appointed professor of mathematics at the military school of the United States and the September foUowing was made professor of engineering. After ward he was proraoted to the post of super intendent of the school and discharged the duties of that position, with one or more in termissions, until 18 18, when he resigned and went out in charge of a surveying party sent to the northeast frontier of the United States in order to determine the boundary line. In 1820 Captain Partridge founded the American Literary, Scientific and Mili tary Acaderay at Norwich, which he taught with rauch success until 1825 when he re raoved the school to Middletown, Conn. In 1832 Captain Partridge returned to Nor wich and reopened the school. Two years after a charter was obtained from the Legis lature and the academy became a military college with Captain Partridge as its first president. Under his supervision the insti tution ranked second only to the National Academy. Captain Partridge died at Nor wich, Jan. 17, 1854. The subject of this sketch received his education in the public schools of Norwich, from private instruction, and at Bristol Col lege, Penn. In 1859 he went to IlUnois where he entered an ofifice for the purpose of raaking himself a member of the legal pro fession, and a year after removed to Warren, Penn., to continue his studies. In April, 1861, he responded to President Lincoln's first call for troops and raised a corapany of the 39th Regt. Pa. Vols, (roth Reserves), McCaU's Division. He partici pated first in the battle of Gainesville and afterward in McCleUan's Peninsular cam paign, but was dischaarged for physical dis ability in August, 1862. In 1863 he was appointed to a position in the paymaster general's ofifice at Washington and reraained in that capacity about three years. Then he became an attorney for the Union Paper Collar Co. of New York, continuing in their service for five years. Since that time he has raade his residence at Colbrook, Conn., and Norwich, frora which latter town he was elected to the Legislature in 1882. 302 PEARL. PEASE. PEARL, ISAAC L., of Johnson, son of Zimri A. and Eliza (Blake) Pearl was born in MiUon, Nov. 17, 1832. His father was a woolen raanufacturer, and, after pursuing the customary educa tional course at the public schools and the MUton Acaderay, the son concluded to follow the same business ; and in order to give himself a thorough training in his chosen occupation, he commenced to work in the Winooski "Woolen MiUs. He then shifted the scene of his labors to the estab lishment of Messrs. S. & D. M. Dow in Johnson, and, on the death of the latter, purchased a half interest in the factory, where, in partnership with Stephen Dow, he continued the business eight years. Mr. Dow then withdrew, but after some changes in the firm again renewed his interest. In April, 1871, the mill was burned and irarae diately rebuUt and since then for twenty years the business has been successfuUy con ducted by the firra of I. L. Pearl & Co. Mr. Pearl coraraenced at the foot of the ladder, learning every detail of the business and from the completeness of his early training, has been able successfully to mount to the top, and has seen the fruition of his hopes in the fine factory and increased business, that have crowned the efforts of his lifetime. He was raarried, March 11, 1858, to Hattie N., daughter of Sylvester N. and Caroline (Green) Tracey. Four children are issue of their aUiance, three of whom are living : Jed. A., Flora A., and Lizzie H. Mr. Pearl is a director of the Lamoille County National Bank of Hyde Park, and has been for a long time secretary of the board of trustees of the Johnson State Nor mal School. Four times he has filled the chair of Worshipful Master of Waterman Lodge, No. 83, F. & A. M., of Johnson, and he is also a member of the I. O. G. T. In his political preference a Republican, he was elected judge of probate of Lamoille county in 1870, was county coraraissioner for four years and for a quarter of century has been auditor. He was honored by be ing the choice of his fellow-townsraen to represent thera in the state Legislature of 1888, and in that body was chairraan of the raanufacturing coraraittee. PEASE, Allen Luther, of Hartford, son of Luther and Harriet (Cone) Pease, was born in Hartford, Sept. 8, 1843. His father was a successful and enterprising business raan in Hartford, in whose pubhc affairs he was always prorainent. Mr. A. L. Pease passed through the cus tomary course of education in the common schools and then received a higher grade of instruction in Kimball Union Acaderay, of Meriden, N. H. Shortly after he arrived at man's estate, he emigrated to Kansas and there engaged in mercantile pursuits, being an active partici pant in the stirring scenes of that period. After remaining six years, he returned to Hartford and became a raeraber of the firm of L. Pease & Son, dealers in hardware and agricultural impleraents. This business he has successfully conducted for twenty-three years, during the last seventeen of which he has been sole proprietor. He has also been largely interested in real estate and has erected many buildings, notably the Pease Hotel. Mr. Pease has been a director of the White River Savings Bank, and was one of the incorporators of the Capital Savings Bank and Trust Co., of Montpelier. ALLEN LUTHER PEASE. An ardent adherent of the RepubUcan party, he was sent to the Legislature in 1884, where he served on the committee on corpo rations. In 1890, he was chosen senator from Windsor county, and in this branch of the Legislature was chairman of the state prison committee and raeraber of that on claims. He held the appointment of post master from 1881 to 1884. Mr. Pease espoused, Jan. 28, 1869, Sophia M., daughter of Chandler and Roxanna (Huntting) Ward, of Lawrence, Kan. He is an eminent meraber of the Masonic fraternity in which he has taken a deep and abiding interest for thirty years. During this period he has passed through the va riou bodies of the craft, until he has attained PECK. PECK. 303 the 32d degree. At the present time he sits in the master's chair in Hartford Lodge No. 19, is a raeraber of Windsor Chap ter No. 6, R. A. M., Windsor Council No. 8, R. & S. M., and Verraont Comraandery No. 4, K. T. PECK, Cicero Goddard, of Hines burgh, son of Nahura and Lucinda (Wheeler) Peck, was born in the quiet village of Hines burgh, Feb. 17, 1828. His father, Nahura Peck, was a distinguished lawyer, and at the tirae df his death was the oldest practitioner in Chittenden county. Cicero G. Peck is a descendant in the eighth generation frora Joseph Peck, who in 1638, with other Puri tans of Beiton, Yorkshire, England, fled frora the persecution of the Established church to this country to secure for them selves freedom of' thought, speech, and action. CICERO GODDARD PECK. Cicero G. was educated in the common schools and at the old Hinesburgh Academy, in which institution he prepared, at the age of twenty, for a regular coUegiate course, but his health failed and he was forced, though reluctantiy, to abandon his cher ished hope of a Uberal education, and to seek outdoor employment. He therefore engaged in agricultural occupations, in which he has been quite successful, and has, therefore, reraained on a farra all his life, though he has devoted a good deal of time to other affairs, having been called on fre quently to act as executor or administrator in the settlement of iraportant estates in the vicinity. He has enjoyed the entire confidence of his townsraen, as is evinced by the fact that he has been caUed to every ofifice within their gift, and several of these he has fiUed many times. He has been chosen to fiU the position of selectman seven consecutive years. He has always taken an active interest in aU pubUc institutions or in any movement to advance the welfare of the ag ricultural portion of the community. In 1864 he took a leading part in organizing the Valley Factory Cheese Co., which has been in successful operation under his super vision, and has been a great financial benefit to the farraers of the town. In early life he identified hiraself with the Free Soil party, and was always a strong op ponent of the aggressions of the slave power, and since the organization of the Republican party has been a firra adherent to its princi ples. In 1878 the Repubhcans of Chitten den county, recognizing his loyalty to the political principles which he professes, and his fitness for the position, elected hira to represent the county in the state Senate, where he served on the coramittee on edu cation, grand Ust, and chairraan of the cora raittee under the fourth joint rule. In 1890 he was chosen by his townsmen to represent his town in the Legislature, also being a member at the extra session of 189 1. As a member of the House he served on the committee of joint rules, as chairman of the joint special coramittee on industrial mat ters, and again on the committee on educa tion, taking an active part in urging the adoption of the town systera of schools. He has always taken a lively and active part in all educational raatters, has been a member of the school board for fifteen years, and town superintendent frora 1877 to 1884,. inclusive, and again frora 1891 to 1894. Un der the school law of 1888 he was chosen a member of the board of education, which of fice he filled while this law reraained in force. By this board he was chosen coraraittee for the selection of text books for the county, having twice before served on a like com mittee. At the session of 1892 he was nora inated by Governor Fuller and confirmed by the Senate as trustee of the state reforra school for six years, from Dec. i, 1892. In June, 1893, he was honored by Governor FuUer as one of the appointees to the inter national congress of charities, correction and philanthropy, held at Chicago, June 12-18, 1893. He has been an outspoken and earnest advocate of temperance, always favoring all organizations having for their chief aim the suppression of the vice of intemperance, and 304 PECK. PECK. for several years when the order of Good Teraplars was active, was worthy chief of the lodge in his town. In early life he identi fied hiraseU with the Methodist Episcopal church, and has always been an active and liberal supporter of all the interests of the church of his choice. He was raarried at Hinesburgh, March 29, 1854, to Maria P., daughter of Selah and Phoebe (RusseU) Coleman, of Hinesburgh. He has no children of his own, but has an adopted daughter, Lucy, now married to Rev. M. R. France, of Cobleskill, N. Y. PECK, Marcus, of Brookfield, son of Reuben and Hannah G. (Edson) Peck, was born in Brookfield, Jan. 26, 1834. Reuben Peck was a life-long resident and successful business raan in the town of Brookfield, and inseparably connected with the agricultural, coramercial and raanufacturing interests of the place, living to the patriarchal age of eighty-five. \ MARCUS PECK. Marcus received his educational advan tages in the common schools, and at the academies of Newbury and Barre. Soon after he arrived at years of discretion he coraraenced the sale of hay forks, and has pursued this occupation more or less ever since. He has had the general management of the manufacture and sale of this article since 1870, and is now sole proprietor of the business, which is conducted under the firm name of Peck, Clark & Co. They also turn out garden rakes, hoes and cant hooks, for which they find a ready sale throughout New England and New York, and the merit of the product is too well known to require comment. Mr. Peck was formerly largely interested in cheese factories, and at the present time is extensively engaged in farm ing in Brookfield and adjoining towns. He was elected by the Republican vote senator from Orange county in 1880, serv ing on many iraportant coraraittees. He was a charter raeraber of Mystic Lodge, No. 97, F. & A. M., the position of worshipful mas ter of which he has filled nine terms. Mr. Peck married, June 26, 1859, Mary E., daughter of Erastus and Electa (Brown) Wilcox, who bore hira four children : One who died at the age of eleven, Bessie Fran ces (deceased), Mary Stella (Mrs. Arthur Lyraan of Rutland), and Marcia L. His first wife died in 1872, and he contracted a second alliance in January, 1873, ''^ith Mrs. Adeline (Abbott) Wheatley, daughter of Walter and Sarah Abbott. Mr. Peck has been active in church work for over forty years, and has been one of the ofificers ofthe Second Congregational Church for the last fifteen years. PECK, Theodore Safford, of Burl ington, was born in Burlington, March 22, 1843. He enlisted at the age of eighteen as private in Co. F, ist Vt. Cavalry, Sept. i, 1 861; raustered into the United States ser vice, Nov. I, 1861 ; transferred to Co. K, and discharged for proraotion, June 25, 1862 ; appointed, by Col. George Jerrison Stannard, regimental quartermaster-sergeant, 9th Regt., Vt. Infantry, June 25, 1862 ; pro moted 2d Ueutenant, Co. C, Jan. 7, 1863; proraoted ist lieutenant, Co. H, June 10, 1864; acting regiraental quartermaster and adjutant, also acting assistant adjutant-gen eral, aid-de-camp, and brigade quartermas ter, 2d Brigade, 2d Division, i8th Army Corps ; promoted captain and assistant quar- terraaster. United States Volunteers, March II, 1865 ; assigned to ist Brigade, 3d Divi sion, 24th Army Corps. He served on the staffs of Brevet Maj. Gen. George J. Stan nard, Brig.-Gen. Isaac J. Wistar at Suffolk, Va., Brig.-Gen. Joseph H. Potter, Brevet Brig.-Gen. Michael T. Donahue, and Brevet Brig.-Gen. Edward H. Ripley, in the trenches in front of Petersburg and Richmond, Va. In the Vermont cavalry he was present in action at Middletown and Winchester, Va., May 24 and 25, 1862 ; in the 9th Regt., Winchester, August, and Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 13, 14 and 15, 1862 (captured and paroled) ; siege of Suffolk, Nansemond, Edenton Road, Blackwater, May, 1863; Yorktown and raid to Gloucester Court House, Va., July and August, 1863; action of Young's Cross Roads, December, 1863; PECK. PECKETT. 305 Newport Barracks, Feb. 2, 1864; raid to Swansborough and Jacksonville, N. C, May, 1864 ; Fort Harrison, Sept. 29 and 30, 1864 ; Fair Oaks, Va., Oct. 29, 1864; was present in New York City commanding a battalion, 9th Vt. Regt., in Noveraber, 1864, at the second election of President Lincoln. He was also present in the siege (winter, 1864, and spring, 1865) and capture of Richraond, Va., and was with the first organized command of infantry (3d Brigade, 3d Division, 24th Army Corps) to enter the confederate capital at the surrender on the raorning of April 3, 1 865 ; his brigade was also provost guard of the city for two weeks after its capture. He was wounded Sept. 29, 1864, in the assault of Fort Harrison, Va. He received a medal of THEODORE SAFFORD PECK. honor inscribed as follows : "The Congress to ist Lieut Theodore S. Peck, Co. H, 9th Vti Vols., for gallantry in action at Newport Barracks, N. C, Feb. 2, 1864." Captain Peck was mustered out of the UnUed States service on account of the close of the war, June 23, 1865, having served nearly four years as a private in the ranks, an officer in the line and on the staff, a raera ber of the cavalry corps and also of the ist, 4th, 9th, i8th, and 24th army corps in the armies of the Potomac and the James. The governraent at the close of the war offered him two commissions in the regular army, which were declined. Upon his return to Vermont he was ap pointed chief of staff, whh rank of colonel, by Governor John W. Stewart ; afterwards colonel of the first and only regiraent of in fantry of the state, which position he held for eight years. In 1869 appointed assist ant adjutant-general of the G. A. R. depart ment of Vermont, and by his energy and tact saved the order frora going to pieces ; in 1872, senior vice coramander, and in 1876- '77 department commander. In 1881 he was appointed adjutant-general of Vermont, with rank of brigadier-general, and is on duty in this ofifice at the present time. He is a charter member of the A^erraont Com mandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion and was a vice president-general of the National Society, Sons of Araerican Revolu tion. He had four ancestors in the Revolu tionary war and one in the war of 181 2. General Peck was appointed by President Harrison a raeraber of the board of visitors at the United States Military Acaderay at West Point in 1891. He is a resident of Burlington, following the business of general insurance, and repre senting fire, life, raarine and accident cora- panies, the aggregate capital of which araounts to about ^300,000,000, the business extending throughout the United States and Canada. On the 29th of October, 1879, he raarried Agnes Louise, daughter of the late WiUiara Leslie of Toronto, Ont. They have one chUd : Mary Agnes Leslie. General Peck is a raan of public spirit and enterprise. In politics he is a loyal Repub lican. He is a raeraber of the Masonic and other fraternities, and was for ten years grand raarshal of the Grand Lodge of 'Vermont. PECKETT, John Barron, of Brad ford, son of John Barron and Martha (Til ton) Beckett, was born in Bradford, IDec. 19, 1822, and has always resided there. His education was received at the public schools of Bradford. His father was a dealer in lumber, a farmer, and a business man who was a prominent figure in the early history of the town, of active energy and robust, vigorous frarae. The son, though not cast in the sarae iron mould, inherited many of the raental traits of his parent. At the age of fourteen years he entered the eraployment of Asa Low, Esq., a prorai nent merchant of the town. At his majority he formed a partnership with Adaras Preston, Esq., which continued three years. He then engaged with his forraer employer and re raained with hira until April, 1854. He then purchased an interest in a large grist raill and saw mill in Bradford, and formed a partnership with Col. George W. Pritchard & Sons, and for thirty-seven years was the active raanager of this estabhshraent during the existence of four firms. An immense 3o6 PECKETT. PEMBER. business was carried on in wood, lumber and grain during the entire period. Mr. Beckett's masterly raanageraent caused the respective firras to stand high in financial circles, and the business among the leading enterprises of the state. He enhsted in 1861 in the Bradford Guards, ist Regt., and as ist Lieut, of that company was present at the battle of Big Bethel, being mustered out at the expiration of his term of service. He is a meraber of Washburn Post, No. 17, G. A. R. JOHN BARRON PECKETT. Mr. Peckett has held raany town ofifices, but is perhaps best known as justice of the peace, the duties of which he has perforraed for twenty years. He was united in marriage, Sept. 9, 1847, to Carohne H., daughter of Asa and Lucinda (Brooks) Low of Bradford. Two sons and two daughters have been born to thera : Asa Low (who at this writing is engaged in the clairas departraent of the Boston & Maine R. R. at Boston, Mass.), John B., Jr. (who is an attorney at law at Bradford), Caroline Frances (deceased at twenty), and Martha L. (died in infancy). Fie has conducted his business in such a systeraatic raanner as to conduce both to private and public prosperity. He has been thoroughly identified with the financial pros perity of the town of Bradford, and has constructed raore buildings than any other individual in the place. By his dilligence and energy he has acquired a handsome competency. He was very influential in opening a road on the west side of Lake Morey, in Fairiee and frora the head of said lake to Bradford' line. He has built a fine summer residence upon a beautiful and comraanding point of the shore of said lake, and is greatly interested in the developraent of the locaUty. The faraily for three generations have been strong advocates of teraperance and emphat ically in favor of an impartial enforcement of the legal enactments to suppress the Uquor traffic. PEMBER, Emmett R., of Wells, son of Russell and Eraily (Bid well) Pember, was born in Wells, Sept. 21, 1846. He enjoyed such educational facilities as were afforded by the public schools of Wells, supplemented lay a course of study at the Troy Conference Acaderay at Poultney, and the Fort Edward Institute of Fort Edward, N. Y. His arabition terapted him to follow a professional life, but filial duty induced hira to remain with his parents on the home stead, and here he has devoted the larger part of a useful life to agricultural pursuits. Mr. Pember was united in matrimony at Caroline, N. Y'., Oct. 3, 1872, to Carrie, daughter of William and Julia A. (Barton) Winchell. This union has been blessed with five daughters and one son : Grace E., Celesta M., Julia E., Ernest W., Ruth A., and Ruble Alice. Mr. Pember is an ardent Republican and has continuously been the incumbent of some town ofifice since he was twenty-one years of age. He has served sixteen years as chairman of the Republican town com mittee and also several years on the Repub lican county coramittee. He was elected senator from Rutland county in 1880, serv ing on the committees on agriculture and highways and bridges. He enjoyed the dis tinction of being the youngest member of the Senate during that term, but notwith standing his youth established a high reputa tion as a careful, considerate and inteUigent legislator. For two terras he has served acceptably on the State Board of Agriculture. He also has knelt at the altar of Freemasonry and is connected with Morning Star Lodge, No. 37, of Poultney. He has always been actively identified with educational work both in our common schools and Sunday schools and several years of his earlier Ufe were spent in teaching. Whatever tends to promote the raoral, religious or material interests of the community in which he lives, or the state at large, ever finds in him a faithful and zealous advocate. PERKINS, Marsh Olin, of Windsor, son of Henry Olin and Mary Eloise (Gid dings) Perkins, was born in Rutiand, Feb. 7, 1849. PERRY. 307 His early education, including a coUege preparatory course, was obtained in the public schools of Rutland. He entered Middlebury CoUege and graduated in the class of 1870. While stiU pursuing his studies he made his first essay as an in structor, and taught at Bridport, Hydeville and Wallingford. He was raade principal ¦of the South Woodstock Acaderay in 1870. The following year he was elected to a sirai lar position in the Windsor high school, which he occupied until 1880, when he becarae editor of the Vermont Journal. Mr. Perkins has always acted with the Republican party and held many ofifices of trust and responsibihty, among which raay be mentioned that of school director con tinuously from 1881 of both the town and vUlage of Windsor. He was elected a mem ber of the Legislature to represent the town in 1882 and 1884, and four years after was chosen a senator for Windsor county. In 1888 he was appointed by Governor DiUing ham a raeraber of his staff with the rank of •colonel. In Masonic circles Colonel Perkins has been especially prominent, and at various times has been the presiding ofificer of all the bodies of the order in Windsor. He has also most creditably fiUed a similar position in the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and Grand Comraandery of the state, and in 1884 was made honorary meraber of the Suprerae Council Northern Masonic Juris diction, A .. A :. S :. R .., U. S. A. In 1891 he was elected an active raember of the same and deputy for Verraont. He was united in raarriage, Dec. 31, 1878, to Clara Alice, daughter of Lyraan J. and Abbie (Locke) Mclndoe. Five chUdren have been born to them : Locke Mclndoe, GaU Giddings, Margaret Florinda and Ma- :rion Eloise (twins), and Herbert Marsh. PERRY, Elbridge, of Pomfret, son of Asa and Martha Ann (Spooner) Perry, was born at Pomfret, Sept. 2, 1846. Educated in the public and private schools ¦of Barnard, at the age of twenty he left the paternal roof and labored on various farms for a period of five years. In April, 1872, he purchased the estate on which he now resides and which he has cultivated till the present time. He is a substantial farmer and has enjoyed a contented, though perhaps a sorae what uneventful, career. On his farra he raises large numbers of cows and sheep. He belongs to the Republican party ; has been road coraraissioner, school director, and town representative to the Legislature of 1892. He has also served the town as select man. Mr. Perry was raarried Jan. 26, 1870, to Tiola, daughter of Smith and Caroline M. (Hackett) Hodges, of Porafret. Five chil dren have been born to thera : Mima A., Hermon S., Arthur A., Seth E., and Mildred H. PERRY, James M., of Barre, son of Daniel A. and Dulcina (Freeman) Perry, was born in Plainfield, Feb. 28, 1838. His father was a farraer of English descent, and during his whole life resided in Plainfield, where he was prorainent in civU life, and was twice a raeraber of the Legislature. The boyhood of James was passed on the old homestead, where he divided his time be tween labor on the farm and an attendance at the common schools of Plainfield, and Barre Academy. JAMES M. PERRY At the age of twenty-one Mr. Perry cora menced his mercantUe life as a clerk in the Union store of Barre ; this was a good school, for the estabUshment was a financial success. In 1864 he returned to his native town and engaged in trade for four years. He then, perceiving a fine business oppor tunity in Barre, opened a large store in that village, where he still continues to reside, carrying on a large trade in dry goods and boots and shoes. He is recognized as a safe and successful financier and has been prorainently identified with the monetary in terests of the village. He has been for twelve years and is still a director of the na tional bank and also holds the ofifice of president of the Barre Savings Bank and Trust Co. 3o8 PHELPS. Mr. Perry was married Feb. 16, 1869, to Alma H., daughter of AUen and Betsey (Nelson) Martin, of Barre. Four children are issue of this union : J. Frank, Carl M., Edna D., and Dean H. The orders of Masonry and Odd FeUows claim Mr. Perry as a member. He belongs to Granite Lodge, No. 35, F. & A. M., of Barre, and to Royal Arch Chapter, No. 26, and was one of the founders of Hiawatha Lodge, No. 20, I. O. O. F. He is a Repubhcan, and has received sev eral ofifices in the gift of that party, has been chairman of the board of village trustees and also an active member of the town committee. In 1890 he was elected to the House of Rep resentatives and did good service as a mera ber of the committee on claims. PHELPS, BRIGHAM THOMAS, of ^Vest- rainster, son of John and Judith H. (Brig hara) Phelps, was born in Grafton, May 4, 1 84 1. In 1849 ^^ removed with his parents to Walpole, N. H., reraaining there six years, and from there to Westminster where he now resides. He was educated in the coramon schools of Walpole, N. H., Westrainster Academy and at the Bryant & Stratton Comraercial College of San Francisco, Cal. He entered business life m the eraployment of Brigham & Balch, wholesale comraission merchants of San Francisco, and there continued until failing health admonished him that an out door life was a necessity, and upon delibera tion he decided to remove to Westminster and engage in tobacco raising and general farming, which he did in 1870. Mr. Phelps is a Republican and is in full sympathy with his party. In 18 71 he was appointed deputy sherifif of Windham county which office he held for ten years. He has been called to serve his town in raany ofificial capacities, as first constable, auditor, tax coUector, and to represent it in the Legislature, being elected to that body in 1888 and serving on the coramittee on agriculture. Mr. Phelps responded to the nation's call and in August, 1862, enlisted in Co. I, of the 12th Vt. Vols., and was a corporal ofhis company. His regiraent was ordered to the defenses at Washington and was there in Casey's Division and was afterwards attached to the first corps (General Reynolds) of the Array of the Potoraae, and honorably dis charged July 14, 1863. In 1864 recruited and was elected ist lieutenant Co. B, 12th Regt. Vt. State Militia. In social life Mr. Phelps takes a deep interest. He is a meraber of E. H. Stough ton Post, G. A. R., No. 34, of BeUows Falls, and was its coraraander for two years, 1891- '92, and of the Teraple Lodge, F. & A. M., PHELPS. of Bellows Falls, also of the Chapter and of the Hugh De Payen's Commandery of Keene, N. H. He was married, July, 1874, to Annie C, daughter of Nodiah L. and Eliza A. (Bur roughs) Holton of Westminster. BRIGHAM THOMAS PHELPS. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps are the inventors of the Excelsior square systera of cutting ladies' and chUdren's garments, which is of such value that it has found its way into every state in the Union. In recent years Mr. Phelps has also conducted this business in connection with the manageraent of his farm. PHELPS, Edward John, of Burling ton, son of Hon. Sarauel S. Phelps, was born in Middlebury, July 11, 1822. He received his education at Middlebury college, graduating in 1840, and studied law at the law school of Yale University, and in the ofifice of Hon. Horatio Seyraour in Mid dlebury. He was admitted to the bar in' Addison county in Deceraber, 1843, and after soraething more than a year of prac tice in Middlebury, established himself as a lawyer in Burlington. In 185 1 the ofifice of second comptroller in the treasury was unexpectedly offered to Mr. Phelps by President Fillmore. As its- duties would not require a cessation of pro fessional practice, he accepted the office, and held it through Mr. FiUraore's adminis tration. He represented Burlington in the Constitutional Convention of 1870, and was raade president of the Araerican Bar Asso- \ .^v-^. 310 PHELPS. PHELPS. elation in 1881. Mr. Phelps has been for more than twenty years a trustee of the Vermont State Library. He was appointed professor of law in Yale College in the same year, and gave a short course of lectures before the law school of Boston University upon constitutional law. Mr. Phelps was a whig while that party continued organized and active. Since that party ceased to be he has regarded hiraself as an independent in politics, not bound in fealty to any organized party. In the raain, however, he has voted for Deraocratic nominees. Inthe year 1880 he was the candidate of the Democratic party of Vermont for the ofifice of Governor, and received the largest vote ever cast in Vermont for a Democratic aspirant to that ofifice. Mr. Phelps was married in August, 1846, to Mary, daughter of Hon Stephen Haight of Burlington. Of this raarriage there are surviving two sons and one daughter : Ed ward, Mary (Mrs. Horatio Loorais of Bur lington), and Charles Pierpoint. The faculties and qualities by which he is chiefly known and regarded have been mani fested mainly in his vocation as a lawyer. Yet, not only his arguraents to courts and juries, but also his occasional addresses and his professional lectures, show hira exten sively conversant, frora scholarly study and extensive reading, with a wide range of learning outside of the law, and deeply ira- bued with the text and spirit of the best classics of our language, and familiar with the current literature of the day. Outside of the court room the public ex hibitions of Mr. Phelps mark hira as one of the best furnished, best-judging, and most cultivated and accomplished of public speak ers. There is but one expression in this respect by those who heard his address on Chief Justice Marshall at Saratoga before the Araerican Bar Association in 1880, or his address two years after on Araerican Legis lation, or witnessed his presidency of the Bennington Batde Centennial in 1877, or heard him on Judge Prentiss before the Ver mont Historical Society in 1882, or any other of his public addresses. Mr. Phelps has never cast his fortune or plumed his arabUion in the line of politics. What has been before stated as to his politi cal relations and action as a citizen and voter sufficiently explains him in this re spect, however congenial and gratifying polit ical life and political preferment might have been to him under other auspices and con ditions. His chosen status in his relation to politics attests the ingenuousness of his views, discordant as they raay be with the common conception and sentiments of the raajority of his state. In 1885 he was appointed by President Cleveland United States Minister to the Court of St. Jaraes, and no one could have more faithfully, ably and elegantiy discharged the duties of that responsible ofifice. He was leading counsel for the United States before the Behring Sea Board of Arbitration which held its sessions in Paris in 1893. Although the public performance of this most high professional engagement was in the second Cleveland adrainistration his em ployment and preparatory work in this great international lawsuit was in the time of the Harrison administration. PHELPS, FREDERIC B., of Irasburg, son of William and Maria ( Forward) Phelps, was born in Belchertown Mass., Feb. 8, 1829. ^^^HP* VSh, FREDERIC B. PHELPS. \\'hile fitting for coUege at the academy at Belchertown he was allured by the golden promises of wealth offered in California in 1 849, ancl eraigrated to that state, where he reraained for eight years, during which time he acquired a thorough practical knowledge of Spanish and other European languages. On his return to the East he resumed his studies and graduated frora the Hartford Theological Serainary in 1870. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Congre gational church at Lowell, Oct. 18, 1870, where he continued his ministerial services for nine years, the latter portion of the time also preaching in Westfield. In both these PHILBRICK. places many members were added to the church through the energetic efforts of the pastor. In 1879 he was installed at St. Johnsbury East, where he remained four years and finally, after six years of minister ial labor in Massachusetts and New Harap shire was called to Irasburg, where he is now engaged in the labor of his profession. During the twenty-three years of his pastoral labors he has lost but three Sabbaths frora sickness, and he has frequently aided in revival work in parishes other than his own. Rev. Mr. Phelps has twice entered the married state. His first wife was Daraaris S., daughter of Jared and JuUa (Storrs) Clark, to whom he was united at Belcher town, Mass., Jan. 10, 1859. She died five years later having been the mother of two sons, both of whom died in infancy. He was again wedded at North Amherst, Mass., AprU 19, 1865, to Sarah T., daughter of Daniel and Tararay (Eastraan) Dickinson. By her he has had seven children : Frederic William (deceased), Charles Dickinson, Edith Sophia (deceased), Myron Austin, JuUa Eastman, Florence Dell, and Isabelle Maud. Mr. Phelps has been a Republican since the formation of the party and was a mem ber of the state convention that nominated John A. Andrew for Governor of Massachu setts. For four years he was superintendent of schools in Lowell, and also served on school committes' in Erving, Mass., and Sulli van, N. H. For sorae tirae he was chaplain of Mt. Norris Lodge of G. T. at Lowell, and he held a sirailar position in the lodge at Erving, Mass. PHILBRICK, JONATHAN, of Guildhall, son of Thomas P. and Susan (Boston) PhU- brick, was born at Bartlett, N. H., Oct. 26, 1836. His father was for many years a stage driver ofthe old school, an eraployraent that has fallen into disuse under the aggressive and universal advance of the iron horse. He reraoved to Maidstone when Jonathan was six years old. The latter received his education in the schools of that place and also in those of GuUdhaU. Leaving the paternal roof when he had attained his eighteenth year, he was for a period eraployed on various farras in the vicinity. Later he reraoved to Holyoke, Mass., and labored in a paper raill for two years. He then made his residence in Bos ton where he was engaged by the Boston and Providence R. R. Corporation to serve them, first as fireman and afterward as locomotive engineer, and in this responsible capacity he remained, careful and dUigent in the per formance ofhis duties for twenty-nine years. In 1858 he purchased the estate where he now lives and as a solace to the declining PHILLIPS. 311 years of his father, settled his parent in this comfortable horae and thirty years after took possession of the property hiraself and frora that time has made it his abode. In every way he has iraproved the farra which, under his vigorous and successful raanageraent, has always furnished abundant and reraunerative crops. Mr. PhUbrick is a Democrat, but though belonging to the minority party, received the compliment of an election to represent GuUdhaU in the Legislature of 1892, and he has also filled the position of selectraan in the town. He is a raeraber of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers. He was united to Amelia F., daughter of E. M. and Mary (Boston) Hayes of Boston, Oct 25, 1876. PHILLIPS, GEORGE HENRY, of Put ney, son of Aaron Jones and Susan (Walker) PhiUips, was born in Athol, Mass., May 3, 1836. ¦f »¦ GEORGE HENRY PHILLIPS. He raoved with his parents to WinhaU at an early age, and it was here that he received his early educational training by attending school during the winter season and laboring during the suraraer on the farm, as was cus tomary in those days. On the 28th day of August, 1862, Mr. PhiUips enlisted as a private in Co. C, 14th Vt. Vols., and was proraoted through suc cessive grades to that of orderly sergeant, which rank he continued to hold until his 312 PHILLIPS. PHINNEY. discharge in 1863. He is a member of Greenwood Post, No. 90, G. A. R., of Put ney, and has always taken an active part in its work. In 1864, after his return frora the war, he bought a farra at Winhall and carried it on for one season, when the weU-known Dr. Ranney farra in West Townshend was thrown on the raarket, and he sold his WinhaU inter ests and purchased the latter place, which he succes-sfully conducted until 1870, when he reraoved to Putney, where he has since resided and carried on farraing, as weU as real estate business and the shipping of cattle to Brighton. Mr. PhilUps has served the town of Put ney for three years as lister, for two years as selectman, and in 1882 as a raember of the Legislature. Mr. Phillips was raarried, Nov. 25, 1864, to Helen Mar, daughter of Holman and Lucretia (Whipple) Barrows. PHILLIPS, WINFIELD SCOTT, of Arl ington, son of Charles and Marietta (Bennett) PhilUps, was born in Silver Creek, N. Y., .Dec. 9, 1841. When he was six years old his father re moved to Pawlet, where Mr. PhiUips was educated in the pubhc schools. After a short experience as teacher, he studied raedicine with Dr. Munroe of West Pawlet, reraaining with hira till the doctor's death ; he then put himself under the charge of Dr. Mosely of Arlington. He attended the Albany Medical CoUege in 1866, and was graduated from the raedical departraent of the U. V. M. in 1867. After a brief con nection with Dr. Mosely, he took a special course in the Burlington Medical CoUege, and soon after estabhshed hiraself at Arhngton where he has built up a large and prosper ous general practice. He has confined hiraself very closely to his professional duties, but in 1890 was sent as representative to the Legislature by the Re publican vote, where he gave his attention to special coraraittees on teraperance, and was raade chairraan of the coramittee on the insane. Dr. Phillips was a charter member, and for three or four years censor, of the Union Medical Society, and now holds the office of president of the Bennington County Medical Society. He is also associated with the Medical Association of the state, and was for six years master of Red Mountain Lodge, No. 63, F. & A. M., raeraber of Adonirara Chapter, Manchester, of Taft Comraandery, No. 8, Bennington, and for one year served as deputy district grand master. He is a raember of the Episcopal church. On Oct. 23, 1869, he was united in marriage to Lone, daughter of Clark and Sarissa (White) Parsons of Arlington. Two children are issue of this union : HalUe Lone, and Charles Winfield. PHINNEY, TRUMAN C, of Montpelier, son of Elisha and Priscilla (Wentworth) Phinney, was born in Middlesex, April n, 1827. At the age of seventeen he left his father's farra and went to Brandon, where he learned the jeweler's trade. In 1849 he came to Montpelier and went into the jewelry busi ness with Capt. A. A. Mead, under the firm narae of Phinney &: Mead. This firm con tinued in business until 1856, when Mr. Phinney sold his interest to his partner, and started alone in the same business. Here he continued in business until 1863, when he TRUMAN C. PHINNEY. sold out to Stephen Freeman. After spend ing a year in California, he returned to Montpelier and engaged in business with Denison Dewey, under the firm name of D. Dewey & Co. In 1869 he sold his interest to Mr. Dewey, and immediately thereafter bought the Ballou bookstore. For the next sixteen years Mr. Phinney prosecuted a gen eral book and stationery business, at what became known as the Phinney bookstore, disposing of the business in 1885. . Mr. Phinney was elected sergeant-atarms by the Legislature of 1870, and has held this ofifice continually by successive elections un til twenty-three years have been passed by hira in this ofifice. During this period, and in addition to his custoraary duties, he has PIER. PIERCE. 313 superintended the preparation of the ground for the new state library building, the intro duction of a new systera of heating and ven tilating the Capitol building, and the several extensive repairs by which the utility and beauty of the chief public buildings in the state have been greatly enhanced. Since 1885 Mr. Phinney has devoted his whole tirae to state service, merging with the duties of sergeant-at-arms those of deputy secretary of state, to which position he was appointed in 1891. For the last twenty-three years Mr. Phin ney has served the interests of local educa tion upon the school board, and for several years has also served upon the board of ves trymen of Christ Church. He has been prorainently identified with local Masonry for nearly forty years, for seven years holding the position of master of Aurora Lodge, and for fourteen consecutive years that of T. I. Master of Montpeher Council, R. and S. M. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Mr. Phinney married Miss Sarah E. Barnes, daughter of W'illiam S. and AdeUne P. (Howe) Barnes, of Albany, IU., Sept. 11, 1855. Their family consists of three daugh ters and one son : Mary A., Jennie P., Anna W., and Robert T. PIER, FREDERICK BALDWIN, of Rawson- ville, son of Rev. Orvis and Eunice (Sraith) Pier, was born in Westford, July 26, 1847. He received his early education at the coraraon schools and graduated from the Black River Academy, at Ludlow, in 1864. He then learned the trade of a carpenter in Jamaica, which occupation he followed for eleven years. In 1875 he estabhshed hiraseU as a merchant in RawsonviUe, where he has since resided. In 1877, through the unre mitting labor and work of Mr. Pier, the gov ernment estabhshed a postofifice in the place, and he has since been postmaster. At the age of twenty-five he was elected justice of the peace, and has since continuously held the position, while his ability and energy have called him to various other posts of trust and responsibihty. Mr. Pier married, Jan. 2, 1868, at Bond- ville, Helen A., daughter of Charles R. and Faustina (Barrus) WiUiams. There are two children living : Gladys M., and Frank W. PIERCE, Charles Alexander, of Bennington, son of James and Dorcas Bayard Pierce, was born in Chester, August 22, 1839. He was educated in the common schools, and at the age of sixteen entered the ofifice of the Brattleboro Phoenix, where he served his apprenticeship. In 1861 he established the Manchester (Vt.) Journal, which he con tinued to publish for nine years, but finally purchased the Bennington Banner, which he now owns, and in connection with this is the proprietor of one of the largest job printing, bookbinding and pubhshing estab lishments in the state. He was appointed postmaster at Bennington in 1891 by Presi dent Harrison. He enlisted in Co. C, 14th Regt. Vt. Vols., of which corapany he was ist sergeant, and on account of an accidental injury received his discharge in May, 1863. Mr. Pierce wedded Abby, daughter of Isaac W. and Maria Gibson, of Londonderry. Their chUdren are : Charles W., Warren A., and Nettie M. PIERCE, GEORGE W., of Brattleboro, son of Nathan G. and Roxana (Reach) Pierce, was born in Westrainster, Dec. 3, 1854. GEORGE W. PIERCE. He received his education inthe coramon and private schools of his native town and assisted his father on the farm until he was twenty-four years of age, when he entered the eraployraent of the Verraont Asylum for the Insane at Brattleboro. For eight years he served as supervisor of the male depart ment, and at the expiration of that time he was selected for the management of the farm. For the past six years Mr. Pierce has been the raanager of the asylura farra department, a position which he still holds. His name has been very prominent in the agricultural interests of the town and of the 314 PIERSON. State. In 1892 he received the appointment as a meraber of the State Board of Agricul ture, which office he soon resigned, his busi ness relations not allowing him to hold the same. In the same year he also refused the candidacy for town representative. At the present time he holds the ofiice of secretary of the Verraont Dairyraan's Association; also is master of Protective Grange, Brattie boro. Mr. Pierce is an active member of the Universahst church, now being a meraber of the board of trustees of the First Universal ist Society in Brattieboro. In 1884 Mr. Pierce married Ida M., daugh ter of Alvah and Sylvia Weed of Saratoga, N. Y., by whom he has four children : Milton W., George E., Frederick W., and Weed K. PIERSON, James Smith, of Burhng ton, son of Smith F. and Lydia R. (Tabor) Pierson, was born in Shelburne, Dec. 8, 1840. JAMES SMITH PIERSON. After attending the public schools of Bur lington untU he was seventeen years of age he went to JanesvUle, Wis., where he found eraployraent as a clerk in his brother's store for a few raonths ; then returned to Burling ton where he was occupied with learning the trade of a raachinist till 1862, when he enlisted as a private in Co. C, 12th Vt. Vols., but was discharged on account of sickness before his terra of service expired. For nearly five years owing to disease contracted while in the array the state of his health pre vented any active eraployment. He next removed to the city of New York and gave PIERPOINT. his attention to the developraent of Professor Lowe's invention of water gas, the success of which is due largely to the iraprovefnents he invented and perfected in the apparatus for manufacturing the gas, which is now univer sally used in America, and has reduced the cost of gas to the consumers in the United States, mUlions of dollars per year. He was for several years engaged in constructing gas works in most of the large cities in this country and for two years was general super intendent of the United Gas Improvement Co. of Philadelphia, the largest gas cor poration in the world. After accumula ting a fortune he retired frora active busi ness in 1886 and returned to Burlingtoii, where he purchased his father's old farm and has since occupied hiraself with the im proveraent of the same. He is a director in the Burhngton and Waterbury (Conn.) Gas light companies and president of the latter, also a director in the Burlington Electric Light Co., and has ofificial connection with various other water gas companies. Mr. Pierson married, Dec. 7, 1872, Lu- cUle, daughter of James and Elenor (Pellea- true) Blake of Brooklyn, N. Y. They have an adopted daughter : Constance. He is an adherent of the Republican party but has never sought or held any ofifice. He belongs to several social organ izations in the city of Burlington and attends the Protestant Episcopal church. PIERPOINT, EYELYN, of Rutland, son of Hon. Pierpoint and AbigaU (Raymond) Pierpoint, was born in Rutland, June 10, 18 16. He is descended from the Rev. James Pierpoint, who was the second clergyman of New Haven,- Conn. [For a sketch of his father. Judge Pierpoint, see Part I of this work.] The subject of this sketch received the custoraary education in the public schools in Rutland, foUowed by a short course of study in Bennington Acaderay. When twelve years of age he was employed as a clerk in Rudand post-office, and served a term of years as clerk in a general merchandise store in that place. In 1837 he took charge of the store of the Brandon Iron Co., and later formed a partnership with WUliam Y. Ripley at Centre Rudand. He was for a number of years engaged with a dry goods jobbing and importing house in New York City, and was engaged in trade for four years in Lansingburgh, N. Y. He then returned to Rutland, and after engaging in business with his father-in-law for four years, erected in Mendon the first steam saw mill in Ver raont, and during the building and operation of the Rutland & Buriington R. R. was en gaged in the lumber and bridge building business. In 185 1 he engaged in the real PINGREE. 315 estate business, and has been directly inter ested in the purchase and sale of many of the prominent transfers in his growing city. He was a member of the Council of Censors in 1854 and 1855, and was one of five dele gates to the national convention in Phila delphia in June, 1855. EVELYN PIERPOINT. Politically Mr. Pierpoint is a Republican, and was justice of the peace and for a nura ber of years town treasurer ; was inspector of finance under Governors Washburn, Hendee and Stewart ; was one of the directors and cashier of the National Bank of Rutland ; was also one of the incorporators and direc tors of the Merchants' Bank in that city. Mr. Pierpoint vi^as one of the founders of Otter Creek Lodge of I. O. O. F., and is the only surviving charter member of that body. He also belongs to the Masonic Lodge of Rutland, and is a Congregationalist in his religious preference. June 4, 1841, he was united in marriage to Sarah J., daughter of James and Miriam (Buttrick) Barrett, of Rutland, who departed this life May 7, 1893. Five chUdren were the fruit of this union : Kate Frances (de ceased), Alice J. (deceased), Charles E. (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), and Annie Evelyn, now at home with her father. PIKE, PAPHRO D., of Stowe, son of WilUara and Nancy (Hitchcock) Pike, was , born in Morristown, Dec. i, 1835. He passed the days of his youth in labor on the paternal acres, and gained his educa tion in the coramon schools of Morristown, and later at Johnson Acaderay. When he had arrived at raan's estate, as he had a nat ural taste for mechanical pursuits, he pur chased a saw miU, which furnished hira with eraployraent tiU i860, when he raoved to Stowe and engaged in a similar enterprise, constructing a raill in that town. When President Lincoln issued his call for volunteers he enhsted in Co. D, nth Regt. Vt. Infantry, and followed the fortunes of that organization during its entire service, including the last grand advance on Rich mond. During this period he was constantly at his post, with the exception of two months spent in the hospital, and was honorably dis charged in July, 1865. Mr. Pike wedded Abigail, daughter of Luke J. and Eunice (Camp) Towne, of Stowe, Nov. 7, i860. Three sons are the issue of this union : Arba A., Lewis A., and Fred M. After his release from the army he was variously employed as carpenter and mill wright for several years, and in 1871 he coraraenced the manufacture of butter tubs. In this he continued for fourteen years, when he sold the business and went to Brooklyn, N. Y., and was eraployed in the Hatters Fur Cutting Co., but after a tirae returned to Stowe and again purchased his old mill, where with iraproved raachinery the firm of P. D. Pike & Sons are now engaged in the manufacture of butter tubs, making use of several iraproveraents in the raechanical appUances of the trade which have been patented by himself, and from smaU begin nings has derived an increasing and prosper ous business. Though favoring the political principles of the Repubhcan party, Mr. Pike has not found much time for official life, so urgent and various have been the demands of his private affairs, but he has faithfully discharged the duties of those town ofifices which have been conferred upon hira. He was elected to a seat in the House in the Legislature of 1880, and served on the coraraittee on manufactures. PINGREE, Samuel E., of Hartford, son of Stephen and Judith (True) Pingree, was born in Salisbury, N. H., August 2, 1832. Moses Pengre, his earUest Araerican ancestor, was the proprietor of salt works in Ipswich as early as 1652, was selectman of that town, deacon of the First Church, and deputy of the general court in 1665, and frora this worthy, Sarauel E. Pingree is the sixth in lineal descent. After the usual preUminary studies pur sued in the academies at Andover (N. H.) and Mclndoes Falls, he entered Dartmouth College, from which he graduated in 1857. 3i6 PINGREE. PITKIN. Selecting the profession of law, he studied in the ofifice of Hon. A. P. Hunton of Bethel, and was admitted to the bar of Windsor county at the Deceraber term of 1859, after which admission he began to practice at Hartford with fair prospects of success. At this juncture the war for the preserva tion of the Union commenced, and Mr. Pingree promptly responded to President Lincoln's caU for troops by enUsting as private in Co. F, 3d Regt. Vt. Vols., and was soon chosen ist lieutenant of that organiza tion. In August, 1 86 1, he was promoted to captain, commissioned raajor 27th of Sep tember, 1862, for meritorious conduct, and finally received the grade of lieutenant- colonel on the 15th of January, 1863. In his first important engageraent, that of Lee's Mills, Ya., he was severely wounded and con fined for ten weeks in hospital at Philadel phia, but returned to his coramand irarae diately upon his recovery, and was present in most of the important battles in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged. In the second day's battie of the Wilderness, Lieutenant-Colonel Pingree was placed in command of the famous 2d Vt. Regt. (aU the field ofificers of that regiment having been kiUed or wounded), and this honorable posi tion he retained until that organization was mustered out of the U. S. service. After participating in the battles of Spottsylva nia Court House, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and in the sanguinary struggle for the possession of the Weldon R. R., in which last affair he narrowly escaped capture with a portion of his command, he concluded his military service by assisting in repulsing the moveraent of General Early on Washington, arriving with his comrades of the 6th Corps just in time to save the capital of the nation frora destruction. He was honorably mustered out of service July 27, 1864. After his return to civil life Colonel Pingree resumed the practice of his profession at Hartford. In i86S-'6g hewas state's attor ney for Windsor county and during his term of ofifice Hiram Miller was indicted. and tried for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Go\yan, and it was chiefly owing to the careful preparation and the efificiency with which Colonel Pingree conducted the prosecution that the accused criminal was duly convicted and suffered the extreme penalty of the law. Though not an office seeker Colonel Pingree has never shunned responsibihties of ofificial position. He has been town clerk of Hart ford for thirty-four years, less the time he was in the war, and in' 1868 was chosen delegate- at-large to the national Repubhcan conven tion at Chicago. Two years subsequentiy he was made president of the Reunion Society of Verraont Ofificers, before the members of which association he delivered an excellent and scholarly address in 1872. In the fall election of 1882 Colonel Pingree was chosen Lieutenant-Governor of the state by the Repubhcans, his popularity being indicated by the fact that his vote was the largest of any cast for the state ofificials and two years later his merit was still farther recognized by his election to the ofifice of Governor. His administration was characterized by the same efficiency and zeal which he has ever dis played as soldier, lawyer and citizen. Upon the establishing of a state railway commission ex-Governor Pingree was appointed chairman of the board, in which position he is now serving. Governor Pingree was married Sept. 15, 1869, to Lydia M., daughter of Sanford and Mary (Hinman) Steele, of Stanstead, P. Q. PITKIN, PERLEY Peabody, late of Montpelier, son of Truman and Rebecca (Davis) Pitkin, was born in Marshfield, March 9, 1826. It was his raisfortune to early lose his mother, Rebecca (Davis-) Pit kin, but his subsequent good fortune to be guided in his future conduct and studies by his grandfather. Gen. Parley Davis of Mont pelier Centre, who was the first general sur veyor of Washington county, and with his cousin, Col. Jacob Davis, first permanently settled in Montpeher. The general's grand father was Major Stephen Pitkin, one of the first settiers in Marshfield. Through these ^e-^i^-^. t:^^*"-?-^ 31^ PITKIN. ancestors General Pitkin inherited the com mon attributes of great energy, a good judg ment, and a strong mind, a kind and court eous disposition. His education was secured at the district schools and completed in the Washington county grararaar school. Until the war he resided at East Montpeher. When the gold fever struck the community Mr. Pitkin visited CaUfornia and for three years was em ployed in trading and raining. After his return to East Montpeher he represented that town in the General Assera bly during 1859 and i860 and in the extra session, convened to take action on the war. Mr. Pitkin very soon raade up his raind as to the action which he would personally take and so, on the 6th of June, r86i, he having meantirae volunteered his service, he was coraraissioned quartermaster of the 2d Regt. Vt. Vols. In April, 1862, he was proraoted to be assistant quarterraaster of the volunteers with the rank of captain, and July 8, 1864, to the rank of colonel. In November, 1864, obedient to the wishes of his Governor, Col onel Pitkin resigned from the army to assume the ofifice of state quarterraaster general, which office he retained for a period of six years. During that tirae he had charge of the state arsenal with its large quantity of railitary stores, the major part of which he afterward disposed of to foreign govern ments, turning the proceeds into the treasury of the state. Upon his return frora the South, he located at Montpelier in business with Dennis Lane and Jaraes W. Brock, and frora that tirae on exerted a large influence both in the affairs of that corapany and the town. In 1872 General Pitkin represented Montpeher in the Legislature. He was first selectraan dur ing 1868-' 70 ; i874-'77 ; i879-'8o; a cora raissioner of Green Mount cemetery frora March 2, 1880 ; a director of the First Na tional Bank frora Jan. 9, 1866; a director of the National Life Insurance Co. and raember of its finance committee, from Jan uary, 1878; a trustee of the 'Washington county graramar school from 1868 ; and for some years president of the Montpeher school board. His principal business was in the manage ment of the Lane Manufacturing Co., of which corporation (which sends its saw mills as far as Japan) General Pitkin was president, from the death of Dennis Lane in 1888, to his death. Every movement in town or village mat ters that contemplated a true and probable progress, received his encouragement, his service, and his support. He was a man of fine physique and commanding appearance, and his presence fiUed the eye. His own eye, dark and clear, beamed with kindness and glowed with power. His personal influ ence, born of the general respect which was had for his judgraent and his fairness, was very great — in a word, it was a coramanding influence. His work in the war was such that to enter upon any account of it would be idle, with the space at coraraand. In the memorable campaign of 1864 the wagon trains of the Army of the Potomac were under his direc tion ; the supply of food, clothing and am munition was largely under his management. General Grant wrote his memorable "fight it out on this line if it takes aU summer" dis patch while General Pitkin waited to take it to Washington. In "Benedict's Vermont in the Civil War" wiU be found a clear sketch of General Pitkin's military service, while in L. E. Chittenden's "Personal Rerainiscences" is a chapter devoted to hira — a very readable chapter, too, though sorae of it will bear a little salting. Mr. Pitkin raarried, April 14, 1848, Caro Une M., daughter of James Templeton, of East Montpelier. Their four sons are : Clar ence H., CarroU P., Fred E., and Frank I. Mrs. Pitkin died Dec. 11, 1883, and General Pitkin married, July 26, 1886, Mrs. Jennie (Dewey) Poland, daughter of Denison Dewey. PITKIN, John G., of Fair Haven, son of Joseph and Lucinda (Smith) Pitkin, was born in Poultney, Sept. 6, 1826. He received his education in the public schools of Poultney, and at the age of twen ty-one reraoved to F'air Haven where he has since resided, with the exception of three years (frora 1852 to 1855), which he spent in California. In 1855 he engaged inthe grocery and provision business in which he continued for ten years, when he and his brother, W. W. Pitkin, forraed a partner ship, under the firra narae of Pitkin & Brother, to do a general hardware trade, in which enterprise they have been successful to the present tirae. In politics, Mr. Pitkin has always been an ardent Repubhcan. He has held nearly aU of the town ofifices, and has always fiUed them with credit to himself and honor to the town. In 1872 he represented Fair Haven in the state Legislature, also in 1886 and in 1892 was elected to the state Senate from Rutland county. Mr. Pitkin is a meraber of Eureka Lodge, No. 75, F. & A. M. of Fair Haven, and has been raaster of the lodge six-years. He has served as D. D. G. M. of the Fourth Ma sonic district three years. He is also a member of Poultney Chapter, No. 10; Morning Star CouncU, No. 10, of Poultney; and of KiUington Comraandery, No. 6, Rut land. Mr. Pitkin was raarried in Fair Haven, Dec. 31, 1855, to Miss Susan J., daughter of Sarauel and Marinda (Brown) Howard. Of JOHN G. PITKIN. this union only one chUd is issue, a daugh ter : Hattie M. (Mrs. W. H. Childs of New York City). PLATT, Myron, of Larrabee's Point, son of Elmore and Betsy (Peck) Piatt, was born in Glens Falls, N. 'V., on August 15, T830. Until eleven years of age he attended the district schools of his town and then entered Glens FaUs Acaderay. In 185 1 and 1852 he took a special course at the Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Shortly after he went into business in Glens Falls where he re mained until 1858 when he moved to Shore hara, purchasing a large farra on Lake Charaplain at Larrabee's Point. Here he has reraained since, devoting himself to farra ing and stockraising. Mr. Piatt has held all town ofifices which he could be persuaded to accept. He was inspector of elections in Glens Falls, N. Y., in the presidential election in 1856, in which carapaign he supported Fremont, the Republican candidate, and the principles of this party Mr. Piatt has steadfastly believed in. He has been a justice of the peace since 1868, receiving his comraission frora each of the Governors since. For the last twelve years he has been the only trial justice in Shoreham. He was elected assistant judge PLUMLEY. 319 of the Addison county court in 1886 and whUe upon the bench established a reputa tion for sound sense in the discharge of his duties. Judge Piatt raarried in Shoreham, August 6, 1856, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of L. D. and Mary Larrabee. From this union three children have been born: Mary L. (Mrs. Robert O. Bascom of Fort Edward, N. Y.), Fred Elmore, and Nellie. MYRON PLATT. Judge Piatt is a member of no church or society but known throughout the county as an honorable raan and true to his principles. PLUMLEY, FRANK, of Northfield, was born in Eden, Dec. 17, 1844. Reared upon a farm and educated in the coramon schools of the town and the People's Academy, of MorrisviUe, he adopted for a time the profession of a teacher, but in 1866 coraraenced the study of the law with Powers & Gleed, at Morrisville, and a year after entered the law departraent of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he also pur sued a selected course of study in the hterary departraent. After three years of professional training he was adraitted to the bar at the May terra of the LaraoUle county court, 1869, and afterwards carae to Northfield, and entered the ofifice of Hon. Heman Carpenter. The firm of Carpenter & Pluraley, forraed in 1870, was disolved by rautual consent in 1876. Mr. Pluraley has attained a leading position at the bar. He was state's attorney frora 1876 to 1880 inclusive, and among his •320 PLUMLEY. PLUMLEY. iihportant cases were the Carr and Meeker murder trials. He was appointed in 1889 by President Harrison, United State's attorney for Vermont. Mr. Plumley possesses the entire confi dence of his townsmen in every walk of life. He is a member of the M. E. Church and for twelve years has been superintendent of the Sunday school. FRANK PLUMLEY. He is now serving his fourth consecutive term of three years each, as a raember of the board of directors of the Northfield graded and high schools, of which body he is chair man, and for several years has fiUed the same position on the board of village trustees. He is also a trustee of Norwich University, and a trustee of the Northfield Savings Bank. He was married August 9, 1871, to Lavinia L., daughter of Hiram and Mary (Sraith) Fletcher of Eden. They have two children : Charles Albert, and Theodora May. Mr. Plumley is a Republican, and an ardent temperance man. Elected repre sentative from Northfield to the Legislature in 1882, he served with abihty on the judi ciary coramittee, and also on that on the insane. He was chairman of the Repub hcan state convention in 1886, and was ap pointed one of the delegates from Vermont to the anti-saloon conference, held in New York in the spring of 1888, and was the fourth delegate-at-large to the Republican national convention of 1888, in which he was a member of the coraraittee on the plat form, and was the author of the resolution presented to that committee pledging the cordial sympathy and raoral support of the national Republican party to all weU-directed efforts to temperance reform. It was pre sented on the floor of the convention by Mr. Boutelle of Maine and adopted with slight verbal alterations. Mr. Plumley has a national reputation as an interesting and effective campaign orator, and in the strug gle of 1884 he was sent to Michigan by the national coramittee, to which state he has been recalled at each successive state and national carapaign since that time. Mr. Plumley has served four terras as the wor shipful raaster of DeWitt Clinton Lodge, No. 15, F. & A. M., and is also a member of Northfield Lodge, No. 19, I. 0. 0. F., and of Northfield Lodge, No. 175, I. O.-G. T., and was the first and the present W. C. of Northfield Lodge, which contains two- hun dred and forty merabers. For five years he was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge I. O. G. T., and represent ative frora that body to the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World at its New York and Topeka sessions. For three successive years he filled the ofifice of grand chief teraplar in the state. He is a lecturer on constitutional law at Norwich University, which institution conferred on him the de gree of A. M. at its comraenceraent in 1892. PLUMLEY, FRANK M., of Sherburne, son of Adolphus and Lucy (Dexter) Plum ley, was born in Shrewsbury, March 27, 1840. He received his early educational training in the coramon schools and later supple mented this by a course of general reading. A lover of books he has collected a small but well selected library. After the comple tion of his schooling he followed the calling of a comraercial traveler for a few years and then settled down upon a farra in his native town, to which vocation, after a short time, he added a luraber business which he carried on successfully for thirty years. In 1885 he removed to Sherburne and engaged in the lumber trade in that town untU 1893 when he purchased an estate on the Wood stock road on which he now resides. Mr. Plumley was married in Shrewsbury, Nov. 30, 1862, to Eliza N., daughter of Curtis and Eliza Hale. To them have been born three sons : Rush, Ralph, and Albert. He has always been an earnest Republi can ; has held the offices of selectman, road commissioner, justice of the peace, as weU as other positions of honor and trust, and was chosen to represent Sherburne in the state Legislature of 1892, where he served POLAND. POLAND. with credit on the coramittee on manufact ures. Being yet in the prime of life he will FRANK M. PLUMLEY. Legislature. After four years' connection with this paper, Mr. Poland returned to Montpelier and established the Green Mountain Freeraan as the organ of the new- ly-forraed Liberty party. This publication he continued, with raarked success, untU the close of the presidential carapaign of 1848, during which period the vote of the party in the state increased to raore than 15,000, and in the nation to 300,000. He served as chairraan of the state coraraittee, and large ly as general organizer of the party, during a large portion of these years— a period raade ever raeraorable as witnessing the birth of that wonderful moral and political revolution which, a few years later, elevated Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, and struck the fetters from every Araerican slave. About 1882, the late Hon. E. P. Walton justly wrote : "Mr. Poland raay properly in dulge in the double boast of hira that girdeth on the harness and of hira that putteth it off, having lived to see Araerican slavery, not only forever extinguished by the organic law probably becorae raore prorainent in county and state afifairs within the next few years. POLAND, Joseph, of Montpelier, son of Luther and Nancy (Potter) Poland, was born in Underbill, March 14, 1818. His father, Luther Poland, was born in Brook field, Mass., March 11, 1790, raoved to Vermont in 1814, and .died at Montpelier, June 16, 1880. The family raoved from UnderhiU to Wa terville (then CoU's Gore), in 182 1, and till 1835 Joseph worked on the farm, meanwhile attending the district school and Johnson Acaderay. In Septeraber, 1835, he carae to Montpelier, and as an apprentice entered the ofifice of the Vermont Watchman, where he remained untU 1839. He was confirmed in anti-slavery opinions by witnessing the riotous conduct of those who, in October 1835, disturbed the raeetings at the State House and the "Old Brick Church," at which Rev.- Sarauel J. May lectured. January i, 1839, he began the publication at MontpeUer of the Voice of Freedora, the first distinctly anti-slavery periodical of the state, but in less than a year was cora pelled to dispose of the property on account of broken health. In June, 1840, he was able to resurae his chosen profession, and established the LaraoUle Whig at Johnson. While residing there he served as assistant clerk in the state JOSEPH POLAND. of the land, but remembered only with such detestation that history blushes at the record." In 1849 ^i- Poland was chosen a director and secretary of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., positions which he held during the entire life of the company, more than thirty years. In i852-'53 he served as judge of probate for Washington county ; in i858-'6o was a meraber of the state Senate, and in i870-'7i represented the town of 322 POLAND. PORTER. Montpeher in the Legislature. In 1861 he was commissioned by Governor Fairbanks (and afterwards by President Lincoln, in connection with Hon. John B. Page and Hon. John Howe, Jr., under an act of Con gress providing for allotment commissioners) to visit the Vermont regiraents in the field and procure frora each soldier an allotment of such portion of his monthly pay as could be spared during his enlistment, to be trans mitted to his family, or any depository he might select^ In 1863, under a coraraission frora Governor Smith, Mr. Poland purchased what was then denominated tlie "Fair Ground," but now "Seminary Hill," in Mont pelier, and erected thereon the buildings constituting "Sloan Hospital," which was raaintained for many years, first by the state and subsequently by the general government, as a rendezvous for invahd soldiers. He has been a trustee of the Verraont State Library since Nov. i, 1859. From 1861 to 1869 he held the position of collector of internal reve nue for the First Congressional District of Vermont. In March, 1868, Judge Poland in connection with his son, J. Monroe, purchased the Verraont Watchman, which he continued until 1882, when he permanently retired from active business. He left the paper with far more than double the circulation it had when he assumed it. Mr. Poland was also favor ably known to the Congregational churches of 'Vermont and New Harapshire as the pub lisher and proprietor of both the Verraont Chronicle and the New Hampshire Journal. Of Mr. Poland's long service in the editorial field, space allows us only one or two brief expressions of his brethren on his retirement. The Rutland Herald said : "The Watchman and Journal, under his hands, has always hewed straight to the line on all great ques tions of deep public concern in morals and politics. A man of exceUent abiUty as a thinker and writer, of discreet action and sagacious judgment in pohtics, Mr. Poland has acted well his part in Vermont journal ism. His influence has been large, and it has been uprightly exerted." The St. Albans Messenger said : "But it is not so much in relation to the public as an able and con scientious journahst that we feel moved to write, but rather in his relations to the editors and pubhshers of the state. In these rela tions Mr. Poland has been most exception ally free from the petty jealousies, the spirit of detraction and disparagement, the rancor and unwarranted personal abuse which have prevailed too generaUy among the editors of the state, and in this respect he leaves to his professional brethren a very worthy example." Mr. Poland becarae a communicant of Bethany Church in 1839, and has been since the death of Hon. E. P. Walton its senior deacon ; also served as superintendent of its Sunday school, which relations he sustained to the Congregational church in Johnson, during his residence there. Judge Poland has been for half a century by voice, pen and earnest work an untiring friend and advocate of the teraperance cause. During his long residence in Montpelier Judge Poland's political and personal influ ence has been far-reaching and effective, and has been freely sought and acknowledged in connection with raost of the pubhc men and measures of his tirae. Proverbially public- spirited, he has ever moved far in advance of men of much larger means in encourag ing every business, benevolent, or social enterprise in his community ; the sick and the suffering have always found in him a friend and benefactor, and the worthy young raen are by no raeans few whom he has en couraged and assisted to enter upon a successful business career for themselves. July 7, 1840, Mr. Poland married Mary Ann, daughter of the late Joseph RoweU. Of their seven children, but one, Edward R., is living ; three died in infancy : Clara A., an accoraplished daughter of twenty-one, died in 1865 ; Charles F. died in 1875, in early raanhood, and J. Monroe formerly adjutant of the 15th Vermont, died Sept. 16, 1891. Mrs. Poland died in 1862, and Feb. 8, 1873, Judge Poland married Julia M. Harvey, daughter of James K. and Caroline (Coburn) Harvey, of Barnet. PORTER, Charles Walcott, son of Judge John and Jane Francis (Foster) Por ter, was born in Hartford, July 11, 1849. His early education was received in the schools of Hartford and the Kimball Union Academy of Meriden, N. H. He then en tered upon a course of study at PhilUps Academy, Andover, Mass., graduating in 1870. Two years afterwards he was setfled in Montpelier and began the study of law in the office of Hon. B. F. Fifield. He was ad mitted to the bar in 1874, at which time he forraed a partnership with C. H.Pitkin, Esq., and his forraer instructor, under the firm name of Fifield, Pitkin & Porter, and later a new firm was organized under the titie of Pitkin and Porter, which arrangement re mained unchanged until 1880, when Mr. Porter withdrew from the concern and con tinued to practice his profession without a partner until the tirae of his death, August i, 1891. He was always a Repubhcan, and in 1872 he received the appointraent of deputy sec retary of state and held that position for twelve years. He also was made deputy in surance commissioner. In 1884 he was elected secretary of state and by successive re-elections was continued in that ofifice for six years. Mr. Porter was president of the POWERS. POWERS. 323 Berlin Granite Co. frora its organization in 1887 to the tirae of his death. He was married July 16, 1885, at Mont pelier, to Florence, only daughter of Charles W. and Olive (Eaton) Bailey. POWERS, Heman A., of Braintree, son of Heman and Isabel (Nash) Powers, was born in East Montpeher, June 22, 1827. Mr. Powers obtained his education in the schools and academy of Montpelier. At the age of seventeen he went to Milford, Mass., entered a shoe manufactory, and soon be carae an expert in bottoming boots, which occupation he pursued in thirteen different states, traveling for his employer, Mr. Whit ney, who challenged the country to produce his equal in skill or rapidity. At the age of twenty-five he returned to Verraont and coramenced farming in the town of Plain- field, but sorae quarter of a century since he purchased the "Judge Waite" estate in Brain tree and has made it his residence frora that period. Mr. Powers believes that Vermont is the best state in the Union for farraers and proves his faith by his works, for he raost HEMAN A. POWERS. successfully cultivates one of the best farms in the state. He has a large herd of cows, mostly graded, but generally selected for in dividual merit, and has sent about ^4,000 worth of butter to the Narragansett Hotel of R. I. annually for the last fifteen years, dur ing which time he has not failed in making his regular four shipments a week. For merly his farra was considered the raost pro ductive one in Orange county, but Mr. Pow ers has doubled its capacity, obtaining enor mous crops of hay, oats, corn, and potatoes. Although a Democrat in a strongly Re publican coraraunity, he has been entrusted with many local puJDlic offices of importance, and represented Braintree in 1884. He is a man of jovial disposition, keen insight, and remarkably sound judgment, who is highly respected and very popular in the commun ity. He was formerly much interested in checkers, of which game he was a champion player. He was united in marriage in 1850 to Sarah J., daughter of Shubeal P. and Betsy (Sanborn) Short, of East Montpelier. Eight children have been issue of this marriage, five of whom survive : Bettie M. (Mrs. C. B. Ford of Idaho), Laura (deceased), Sadie (Mrs. M. Bruce), Ahce, Elsie, and Herman Earl. POWERS, Horace Henry, of Morris ville, son of Horace and Love E. (Gilman) Powers, was born on the 29th of May, 1835, in Morristown, a descendant of Walter Powers, who emigrated to this country in the early part of the 17 th century. He prepared for his coUege course by study in the People's Acaderay at Morris town, entered the University of Verraont, and graduated therefrora in 1855. The two years iraraediately following his graduation were passed in teaching school at Hunting don, Canada East, and in Hyde Park. During this period he began the study of law under the direction of Thoraas Gleed of Morristown, and subsequently continued it under that of Child & Ferrin of Hyde Park. Adraitted to the bar of Lamoille county in May, 1858, he settled in Hyde Park, and there practiced his profession until March, 1862. He then formed a law partnership with P. K. Gleed at MorrisvUle, and con tinued with hira until December, 1874, when he was elevated to the bench of the Supreme Court. Throughout the whole of these years his firm enjoyed a large and coraparatively lucrative practice in the counties of LamoiUe, Orleans, Caledonia, and FrankUn. His pro fessional standing was fully equal to that of the best in northern Vermont. Independently of his high judicial posi tion. Judge Powers has worthily and satis factorily filled many other public ofifices. He represented Hyde Park in the Verraont Leg islature of 1858, and had the distinction of being the youngest raember of the House. In the session of 1872 he represented La moiUe county in the Senate, served on the judiciary committee, and officiated as chair raan of the coraraittee on railroads. In the years 1861 and 1862 he was state's attorney H. HENRY POWERS. PRATT. 325 for LamoiUe county. In 1869 he was raera ber of the last CouncU of Censors, and in 1870 raade his personal influence powerfully felt in the state Constitutional Convention which effected the change frora annual to biennial sessions of the Legislature. He acted as chairraan in committee of the whole. His sole connection with financial institutions is that of director of the Lamoille County National Bank, an office he has held since 1865. In 1874 he represented Morristown, was chosen speaker of the House and received his first election to the bench. In 1890 Judge Powers was elected to the Fifty-second Congress from the first Verraont district, and in 1892 was chairraan of the Verraont dele gation to the Republican national conven tion at Minneapolis, and was elected to the Fifty-third Congress. As lawyer, legislator, or jurist. Judge Powers has always coraraanded the adraira tion of his fellow-citizens. Judge Horace H. Powers was raarried Oct. II, 1858, to Caroline E., daughter of V. W. and Adeline Waterman of Morristown. Two children are the issue : Carrie L., and George M. PRATT, Daniel Stewart, of Brattie boro, son of Rufus and Maria (Estabrook) Pratt, was born in Brattieboro, August 3, 1826. He is of Scotch and EngUsh de scent. His namesake and maternal great grandfather. Col. Daniel Stewart, was a soldier in the Revolutionary army in which he served as captain, and after his retire ment to private life held raany important positions. His grandfather, Maj. Jaraes Estabrook, was born at W'arren, R. I., in 1775, carae to Bratdeboro with his parents when he was four years of age, and was both conspicuous and popular in the local mihtia, in which he obtained the rank of major. The early boyhood of Daniel Stewart Pratt was spent upon a farm, and his educa tion was received in the pubhc schools of Brattleboro. Frora the age of fifteen to the tirae he attained his majority, he was era ployed in the raarket estabUshed by his father in the town. He then entered as a clerk the store of Wheeler & Pratt, who did a general dry goods and grocery business, and continued in their service tiU the firm was dissolved in 1850. He then became a member of the firra of Pratt, Wheeler & Go., of which his brother, Lucius G., was the senior partner. This concern continued to do business most successfully for four years, doing a general dry goods, milUnery and grocery trade, their sales the last year amounting to $100,000. At the expiration of the time of partnership, it becarae evi dent that a radical change must ensue in the raanner of conducting their business, as the trade deraanded that the different lines of goods should be carried in greater variety and in separate stocks. His brother, O. J. Pratt, assuraed the dry goods and raiUinery department, which he has carried on for nearly thirty-five years, while the firra of D. S. Pratt & Co. conducted a custora and ready made clothing business. In i860 this partnership was dissolved, and that of Pratt, Wright & Co. was formed, which con tinued in the general clothing trade till 1873. Iu addition to the above hnes of business Mr. Pratt has been extensively en gaged in farraing and the breeding of horses. Shorthorn cattie and Southdown sheep, and it is very doubtful if there is a man in the state who has received higher prices for his thoroughbred stock. The adjoining country has been much benefited by the large num ber of fine animals which he has bred, and while his Shorthorn cattle have been largely DANIEL STEWART PRATT. sold to go South and \\'est, he has even exported a few head to the mother country. He has the credit of selling to Robert Hal- loway of IlUnois, the finest cow that ever stood in that state, while for one bull, which he owned in connection with the Messrs.Wins- low, he obtained the sum of S9000. Mr. Pratt was made chairman of the board of select men in 1879, which was the year of the great freshet, when the bridges and roads in . the town were nearly aU destroyed, but under 326 PRAY. his energetic and skillful management they were repaired and rebuilt in the most sub stantial and satisfactory manner. He has been a director for the last thirty years in some bank in town, and at present is serv ing as one of the board of investment of the Vermont Savings Bank, where his counsel and advice are influential from his knowledge of the value of property in the West, where he has had a wide experience in the hand ling of real estate, both for himself and other people. He becarae interested with others in the Vermont Live Stock Co. in 1884, and has filled the office of vice-president and president of this organization. During the war Mr. Pratt rendered valua ble service in recruiting Co. B, i6th Regt. Vt. Vols, several of the enhsted raen receiv ing substantial aid from hira in obtaining their outfit, while he liberaUy contributed to the support of their famihes during their absence. He sent a paid substitute to the front, and after the close of the struggle was made quarterraaster of the ist Vt. Regt. of the National Guard, in which capacity he creditably served until honorably discharged. He has always been a staunch Republican, though dechning aU offers of political pre ferment, as his tastes do not run in this direction. Mr.' Pratt was united in marriage Feb. 14, 1850, to Caroline Paraelia, daughter of Ed- raund and Betsey (Wright) Hoar of Bedford, Mass. Six children have been born to thera : Charles Stewart (deceased), Edraund Rufus, Mary Alice, Carrie Maria (deceased), Jennie S. (deceased), and Walter Stewart. PRAY, Rufus M., of South Woodbury, son of Thoraas and Polly (King) Pray, was born in Calais, AprU 8, 1844. His father's calling was that of a carpen ter and joiner, who was a long time resident of the town, in the schools of which Rufus received his education. The latter, a mere lad of seventeen, did not resist the patriotic impulse that moved him to enter the ranks of the Union army, and enlisted in the 2d N. H. Regiment, which for three raonths garrisoned at old Fort Constitution on the seacoast of that state. On his journey home wards, he stopped at St. Johnsbury, where Co. K, of Calais, 3d Regt. Vt. Vols, were engaged in their daily drill, and such was the enthusiasm of the young volunteer, that he at once re-enlisted without even bidding farewell to the loved ones at home or cross ing the paternal threshold. Mr. Pray shared the fortunes of the gallant third in all its numerous engagements from LewinsviUe and Lee's MUls, to the bloody battles of the WUderness, where he was wounded in foot and forehead, and was sent to the S. A. Douglas hospital at Washington, frora thence transferred to the U. S. General Hospital at Montpelier, from which he boldly returned to active duty before his wounds were wholly healed. He then experienced the vicissi tudes of Sheridan's Shenandoah campaign, and at Cedar Creek, while on the skirmish line, received a dangerous wound in his hip, which was traversed by a minie-baU. He was carried twelve railes in an army wagon to Sheridan Hospital, then sent to Frederick, Md., and later to Montpelier, where he re ceived an honorable discharge after a gab lant service of four years, one month and twenty-six days, during which tirae he was not excused frora duty a single hour, except when wounded. Since his return frora the army, though for more than a year a cripple, he has been able to labor a little at his trade of carpen ter and joiner, and to cultivate with effort a small farm. Mr. Pray was raarried August 8, 1864, to NeUie A., daughter of David and Sabrina (Chase) Whithara of Woodbury. One chUd has been the fruit of this wedlock : LiUian M. (Mrs. Robert B. Tassie of Montpelier). Mr. Pray is still a raeraber of that party for whose political principles he fought and bled. He was appointed postmaster at South Woodbury, July 12, 1889, under President Harrison, and held that position till his resignation on being elected to the Legislature of 1892 by an unusual majority. He was town treasurer in i89i-'92. PRIME, Merrill Foster, of Barton„ son of Dr. Thoraas M. and Amity (Paige) Prime, was born in Brorae, P. Q., Sept 26, 1859. His earlier education was received in the schools and academy of Knowlton, Canada. After matriculating at the College of Physi cians and Surgeons in Toronto, he entered McGiU Medical School, where he remained two years, tiU the spring of 1878. The fol lowing faU he entered the University of the City of New York. From this institution he graduated in the spring of 1879. Returning to McGiU he took his fourth year in special work, and the year following passed before the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons of Montreal, receiving the degree of L. C. P. S. Dr. Prime, while in New York, took private lessons in diseases of women and physical diagnosis. He began practice with his father in Knowlton, P. Q. Early in 1882 he settied in Barton, where he has since re mained and built up a large and profitable practice. He is a Deraocrat in his pohtical faith, a member of the Episcopal church and also of the State Medical Society. Has been health officer for the town of Barton for three years. In August, 1893, he was ap- PRICHARD. PROCTOR. 327 pointed pension examining surgeon for the Bureau at Newport. He raarried. May 25, 1882, Cora A., daughter of Elbridge G. and Amanda (Ball) Shaw, of Waterloo, P. Q. Their two chil dren are : Lucile, and Hazel Winifred. PRICHARD, JOHN B. W., of Bradford, was the son of George W. and Elizabeth (Pearson) Prichard, and was born in Brad ford, Sept. 26, 1839. His educational acquirements were limited to the town schools and a course of study at Bradford Academy. He comraenced his active life as clerk for his father, who was a raerchant, and also served his brothers in a sirailar capacity. When the slave-holding aristocracy at terapted to secede from the Union, Mr. Prichard was a meraber of the noted Brad ford Guards, a company of the ist Vt. Regt., and accompanied thera when they left the state at the outset of the struggle. He was present at the battle of Big Bethel, and was mustered out with the regiment upon their return from the field in August, 1861. He was married, Jan. 21, 1862, to Orissa J., daughter of Sargent and Melissa (Green- lief) George. ' Two children have been the fruit of this union : Fred E., and Warren H. When discharged from the service Mr. Prichard returned to Bradford and bought out his brother's stock and store, which he continued to carry on for three years. Then he went to Massachusetts and was engaged in trade until 1869, when he again returned to his birthplace and formed a partnership with Barron Hay to engaged in a general mercantile business, and this arrangement has lasted tiU the present time. The esteem in which he is held as a busi ness man may be inferred frora the fact that he was elected town clerk in 1870, and with the exception of a single year he has been the incumbent of that ofifice ever since. He has thrice been honored by the position of selectman and was elected as a Repubhcan to represent Bradford in the state Legisla ture in 1882. Mr. Prichard has fiUed aU the chairs of Charity Lodge, No. 43, and two terras has presided in the east. He was a charter raeraber and has been adjutant and cora mander of Washburn Post, No. 17, G. A. R. PROCTOR, REDFIELD, of Proctor, son of Jabez and Betsy (Parker) Proctor, was born in ProctorsviUe, June i, 1831. The American branch of the Proctor faraily springs frora an excellent Enghsh stock. The first ancestor in this country was Robert Proctor, who as early as 1645 was living at Concord, Mass. Redfield Proctor received an excellent preparatory education, and was graduated frora Dartraouth College in 1851. Three years later he received the degree of A. M. frora the same venerable institution. Select ing law as his profession, he pursued the pre liminary studies at the Albany Law School in New York. After graduation in 1859 hewas adraitted to the New York bar at Albany, and also at Woodstock, Vermont. During a portion of the years i860 and 1861 he practiced his profession in the ofifice of his cousin. Judge Isaac F. Redfield, the erainent jurist, at Boston, Mass. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion in 1 86 1 he immediately returned to Verraont and enlisted in the 3d Vt. Regt., was com missioned as lieutenant and quartermaster, and repaired to the front. In July of the same year he was appointed on the staff" of Gen. Williara F. ("Baldy") Sraith, and in Oc tober was proraoted and transferred to the 5th Vt. Vols., of which he was commissioned major. With this regiment he served nearly a year in the neighborhood of Washington and on the Peninsula. In October, 1862, Major Proctor was proraoted to the colonelcy of the 15th Vt. Vols., and in the raeraor able and decisive engageraent at Gettysburg this command was stationed on the famous Ceraetery Ridge during a part of the second day's struggle. Redfield Proctor was raarried May 26, 1858, to Emily J., daughter of Hon. Salraon F. and Sarah J. Dutton of Cavendish. Five children, four of whora are living, are the issue of their union . Arabella G., Fletcher D., Eraily D., and Redfield, Jr. After his return to Verraont, Colonel Proc tor established hiraself in Rutland, entering into law partnership with Wheelock G. Veazey, afterwards a judge of the Verraont Suprerae Court, and now a meraber of the U. S. Interstate Commerce Comraission. Thrown into the conduct of business matters in settling the affairs of a concern cf which he had been appointed receiver. Colonel Proctor found that it was more to his taste to do things than to talk about them. The attraction that business life has for a raan of pronounced executive ability soon withdrew hira frora active practice of law, and in 1869 he becarae raanager for the Sutherland Falls Marble Co. In 1880 the Sutherland Falls and Rutiand Marble companies were consolidated under the name of The Ver mont Marble Co., with Governor Proctor as its president. Under his management this company enlarged and so increased its busi ness as to becorae the largest concern of the kind in the world. The public ofificial career of Redfield Proctor began in 1866 as a selectraan of the town of Rutland. In 1867 he represented PROCTOR. PROCTOR. 329 his town in the state Legislature, serving as chairraan of the coramittee on elections of the lower House. Again a member of the House in 1868, he served as a meraber of the coramittee on ways and means. Elected to the state Senate in 1874, he was chosen ¦president pro tempore oi that body. In 1876 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the state, and in 1878 was norainated by the Republicans and elected Governor of Ver mont. He was delegate-at-large to the Re publican national convention in 1884, and also in 1888, and in the latter year was chairman of the Verraont delegation. In 1888 the Legislature of Verraont unanimously recommended hira for a cabinet position, and in March, 1889, President Harrison appointed hira Secretary of War. Senator Proctor won national reputation by his con duct of the war portfolio, and his adrainis tration is considered one of the ablest in the history of the departraent. On the retireraent of Senator George F. Edmunds from the United States Senate, Governor Page appointed Secretary Proctor to fill the unexpired term, and Oct. 18, 1892, he was elected by the Vermont Legis lature to fiU both the unexpired and full terms, the latter ending March 4, 1899. Senator Proctor speaks well and always to the point, but is best known as a strong man who does things — a man of action, guided by wisdora. He has long had the full confidence of the people of Vermont, and his abihty and experience will enable hira to dignify the high ofifice to which they have caUed him. PROCTOR, FLETCHER Dutton, of Proctor, son of Hon. Redfield and Emily J. (Dutton) Proctor, was born in Cavendish, Nov. 7, i860. His early education was foUowed by in struction at the Rutland Military Institute and the Middlebury high school. He then entered Middlebury College, but soon after matriculated at Amherst College, from which institution he graduated in 1882. After the completion of his educational course he entered the eraployraent of the Y^erraonf Marble Co., and coraraenced his business career by learning the trade of a machinist, and after this occupied various positions, until in 1885 he became the superin tendent of the corapany. Frora that time he has been active in its manageraent, and in 1889 he was elected president, which po sition he now holds. In Septeraber of the sarae year he was chosen to fiU a similar ofifice in the Clarendon & Pittsford R. R., which corporation operates some fifteen or twenty railes between the towns of Pittsford, Proctor, Rutland, and West Rutland. Upon the organization of the Proctor Trust Co., in 1 89 1, he was raade director and president. Since he has had charge of the affairs of the Verraont Marble Co. that corporation has purchased the raarble business of Gilson & Woodfin, Ripley & Sons, and raade a thirty-year lease of the property of the Sheldon Marble Co., so that now the Ver mont Marble Co. has in its eraploy over eighteen hundred raen, and is by far the largest producer of raarble in the world. Mr. Proctor was a raember of the Verraont National Guard, enlisting in Co. A in 1884, and was promoted to the grades of 2d and ist Lieut. He resigned in 1886, and was appointed inspector of rifle practice on the staff of Colonel Greenleaf, which position he resigned in 1887. In 1883 he was elected the first perraanent colonel of the Verraont divi sion of Sons of Veterans and during his adrainistration the division increased frora three to twenty-seven camps. FLETCHER DUTTON PROCTOR. He was united in marriage May 26, 1886, to Minnie E., daughter of Hon. Asher C. and Erminnie Robinson of 'Westford. Two children have been born to them : Eraily, and Mortimer Robinson. Mr. Proctor has served nuraerous terras as selectraan, both in Rutland and Proctor, and has been a meraber of the school board for the latter village since 1883. He was sec retary of civil and railitary affairs under Gov. Orrasbee, was elected to the Legislature from the town of Proctor in 1890, and was chosen a senator frora Rutland county in 1892. 33° PUTNAM. PUTNEY. PUTNAM, Christopher C, Jr., of PutnarasviUe, is the son of Christopher C. and EUza (Stone) Putnara, and was born in Mid dlesex, August 26, 1839. His grandfather emi grated to Middlesex in 1784, and here his father was born in 1810, and for fifty years has been an extensive lumber dealer and manufacturer. CHRISTOPHER C. PUTNAM. JR. C. C. Putnam, Jr., obtained his education in the district schools of the town, at the ^\''ashington county grammar school and at Newbury Seminary. For several years he divided his time between teaching and assist ing his father in the management of his affairs. The latter has invested very largely in the timber lands of Middlesex, Worcester, Calais and Elraore, and frora these a vast quantity of boards and other finished products are distributed through New Y'ork and the New England states. The father and son are prob ably the raost extensive dealers in luraber in central Vermont, having formed a partner ship after the latter's return from the army. In 1862, Mr. Putnam, Jr., joined Co. I, 13th Regt. Vt. Vols., as a private, was prorao ted to sergeant, was present at the memorable charge of Gettysburg, and was discharged when the regiment was mustered out of the U. S. service. In connection with their business the Put- naras operate three saw mills, a planing mill, a store, and a farra. Mr. Putnara was united in raarriage, Octo ber, 1868, to Mary E., daughter of Abel and Mary Whitney, of Middlesex, who died four years after their union. For his second wife he wedded, Sept. 22, 1874, Jennie, daughter of Medad and Mary Jane (Mclntyre) Wright, of Montpeher. Two children have been born to them : Ralph W., and Eula W. He is a man of industry, energy, and good judgment and has often been called upon to act as referee and coraraissioner of important and weighty raatters. Mr. Putnara has held many town ofifices. He has always been a Republican, andin 1886 represented Middle sex in the Legislature. PUTNEY, Charles Edward, of St Johnsbury, son of David and Mary (Brown) Putney, was born in Bow, N. H., Feb. 26, 1840. F'-'^ He received his primary instruction [in the public schools of Bow, fitted for college at New London, N. H., and was graduated frora the classical department of Dartmouth in 1870, having attained high rank in his class. 4: n CHARLES EDWARD PUTNEY. With the exception of three years service in the army, Mr. Putney's hfe has been that of an educator of the highest type. He com menced the practice of his profession while yet an undergraduate, teaching in various schools in the neighborhood of the college and also in Massachusetts. F'or three years after the completion of his college course he was the principal of the Boys' Boarding RAMSAY. RAMSAY. 331 School of Norwich, then carae to St. Johns bury as assistant in the acaderay at that place, and was finally chosen principal of the institution, which position he stiU oc cupies. He has been state examiner of the Randolph and Johnson Normal Schools and has served as president of the Caledonia county board of education. Mr. Putney was united in marriage, July 26, 1876, to Abbie, daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Phebe Foxcroft (PhiUips) Clement of Norwich. They have two daughters : Mary Phillips (Wood), and EUen Cleraent. Frora purely patriotic raotives and at great personal sacrifice he enlisted in Co. C, 13th Regt. N. H. Vols., in which he rose to the rank of sergeant. His regiraent served with the arraies of the Potoraae and Jaraes, and he participated in eight regular engageraents, having the good fortune never to be wounded or taken prisoner. He is a raember of Charaberhn Post, No. I, G. A. R. of St. Johnsbury; has always taken much interest in the St. Johnsbury Y. M. C. A. ; is affiliated with the Congrega tional church, and has always a class of students in the Sunday school. Probably no man in Vermont has exerted a greater or more beneficial influence upon young people, for his aim has ever been not only to train their inteUects, but to broaden their whole lives. RAMSAY, George Lafayette, late of Leraington, was the second son of Robert and Jane (Morgan) Ramsay, being born in the town of Wheelock, Oct. 3, 1829. His GEORGE LAFAYETTE RAMSAY. father, who was at that time one of the largest sheep owners in the state, carae to the green hills of the new state frora his native town of Londonderry, N. H., and setded in Wheel ock, in the immediate vicinity of the place StiU known as "Ramsay Corners" about the beginning of the present century. George was educated in the district schools of Wheelock and Brownington, and at the old stone acaderay of the latter town, under the discipline of Professor IVilight, received what was at that time a far better education than the average farmer thought necessary to bestow upon his son. About the year 1850, when the gold fields of Cahfornia had become known, the young Vermonter had reached his majority and the next two years were spent amid the rocky hiUs of the "Golden State ;" returning east he began work in the "Old Faneuil HaU Market" at Boston, afterwards entering the employraent of Briggs, Guild & Co. With the exception of a short tirae spent on the road as travehng salesraanfor the firra, he reraained till i860 with these sarae employers, during the last few years as confidential business clerk. About a year previous to the war of the rebelUon, Mr. Ramsay's health, which had been gradually failing, gave way from overwork and confinement and he was com pelled to leave the city and return to his native state, purchasing in the town of Lem ington, five miles south of Colebrook, N. H., one of the finest meadow farras in Verraont. Here he settled and lived contentedly in the possession of a typical Verraont horae, dis pensing hospitahty with a liberal hand to aU who caUed upon hira, until the date of his death in 1892. He was raarried Feb. 20, 1862, to An nette Eugenia, daughter of Col. George C. and Jane (Royce) Dyer, of Sutton, P. Q., and rarely has a raan been raore blessed in the choice of a hfe companion. His married life was blessed with six children : Eugene D., Jane M., Jeanette R., Gertrude, George R., and Mary M., who with his widow survive hira. During the latter years of his life he entered more extensively into the lumber business and for the five years preceding his death manufactured annually about $3,000 worth of last blocks from the hard wood of his forest. In politics Judge Rarasay was a Repub lican. Casting the only vote for Abraham 332 RANDALL. RANDALL. Lincoln in his town in the faU of i860 he was subjected to many disparaging reraarks, and in reply to the taunt of a neighbor re phed proudly, "My ¦\'ote wiU shine hke a golden eagle amid a lot of rusty coppers." He was a prominent figure at county conven tions, and in 1883 and 1884 held the office of assistant judge of Essex county court. Through life he was a raan of the finest principle, a strong teraperance advocate, ever practicing what he preached. During his stay in Boston he joined St. Johns Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, the oldest lodge in the Bay state, and was during his life a working raeraber and a regular attend ant at the meetings of the order. In personal appearance Judge Ramsay was a raan who would attract attention araong a gathering of raen ; fully six feet in height, erect and weU proportioned, of fine personal appearance and great courtesy. Men whora he had antagonized by his outspoken adher ence to what he beheved was right, were forced to adraire him and recognize at once his abUity, and the superior manhood which characterized his life. His death, which occurred on Dec. 29, 1892, after only an hour's illness from valvu lar disease of the heart, was a great loss both to his family, town and county. RANDALL, ELIAS ORLANDO, of Greensboro, son of Erastus and CaroUne M. (Smith) Randall, was born in Greensboro, Sept. 16, 1833. After an attendance at the public schools of Greensboro and Craftsbury Academy, and sorae experience in teaching in Craftsbury and Glover, frora 1850 to 1852 he labored on his father's farm, and at the expiration of the latter year purchased a saw mill in Glover. He continued in the lumber busi ness in connection with carpentering and the construction of buUdings tiU 1866, and then purchased a general merchandise store in West Glover, which he carried on in con nection with an extensive produce business for twenty-three years. During this time he was also engaged in agricultural pursuits, owning and operating farms in Glover and Greensboro to the amount of three hundred and fifty acres. In 1890 he removed to Greensboro where he now remains, having entered into partnership with J. A. Crane to engage in general trade, and at the sarae tirae continuing his farraing business. Mr. Randall raarried, Sept. 13, i860, Eleanor R., daughter of John and Eliza A. (Lyman) Clark of Glover. They have one adopted daughter : LUa A. Tucker. For over a score of years he fiUed the offices of postraaster and justice of the peace in Glover, and was the incumbent of many other positions of trust and responsibility. For two successive terras, 1884 and 1886, he represented that town in the Legislature, giving his services to the committees of ag riculture, state prison, Bennington battle monuraent, and joint rules. Mr. RandaU is a strong Republican, and has always labored for the interests of that party. During the war he acted as recruiting officer and filled out the quota required frora the town. For raany years he served on the executive cora raittee of the Congregational church in Glover, of which church he was an active member and a liberal supporter. RANDALL, GEORGE W., of Waterbury, son of Oliver C. and Electa (Coffin) Ran dall, was born in Waterbury, Sept. 18, 1825. GEORGE W. RANDALL. He was bereft of paternal guidance when five years of age and by this sad loss was thrown on his own resources. Having re ceived such instruction as was afforded by the comraon schools of Waterbury, at the age of sixteen he was apprenticed for three years to learn the blacksmith's trade, during which engageraent in the intervals of labor he still continued his educational course and later at Stowe and Bakersfield academies, paying his expenses as he advanced. After teaching successfully for a short period, he entered the law ofifice of Hon. Paul DilUng hara of Waterbury, but, attracted by the newly discovered golden wealth of California, he departed in August, 1849, to seek his for tune in that remote quarter of the Union, and RANGER. RAYMOND. 333 after running the gauntlet of yeUow fever in his passage across the Isthraus of Panaraa and raeeting with lively adventures at Aca- pulco, he finally reached San Francisco, paid 50 cents for sleeping on a pile of shavings, and next day received $5 for striking five hours at a blacksraith's forge. He then went to the mines and seventeen months after returned to Waterbury with |6,ooo worth of gold-dust. Two years later he again returned to California, contracted yellow fever and was the only survivor of a company of thirty. Mr. RandaU's health did not perrait hira to remain, and again returning to his native state he has since been engaged in farming and dealing in real estate and lum ber. Besides being possessed of large tracts of timber land, he owns and operates saw mills both in Bolton and Waterbury. Mr. RandaU is a Repubhcan and has been repeatedly caUed upon to serve the town in almost every ofificial capacity. As a raera ber of the Legislature in 1872 he was influ ential in securing appropriations for the re form school, and in 1882, while again serv ing in the House, he was a member of the coraraittee on railroads. Washington county elected him in 1890 to the Senate and he did good service as a raember of the cora mittee on claims and chairman of that of the insane. Mr. RandaU was raarried June 21, 1854, to Leefie, daughter of John White, who died in 1874. He then was united to BeU, daugh ter of Henry and Betsey (Woodward) Glea son, of which union there are two children : Pearl, and George W., Jr. RANGER, Walter Eugene, of Lyndon Centre, son of Peter and Eliza M. (Smith) Ranger, was born in WUton, Me., Nov. 22, 1855. He received his early instruction in the pubhc schools and WUton Academy, was graduated frora Bates College in 1879, and four years after received the degree of A. M. frora his alma mater. During his collegiate course he comraenced the practice of the profession to which he has since devoted hiraself. Comraencing his career by serving as principal of the Nichols Latin School at Lewiston and of the Lenox high school at Lenox, Mass., in 1883 he was appointed principal of the Lyndon Institute, which position he still retains. During his adrain istration the number of students has been trebled, the standard has been raised, and extensive additions have been made to the buUdings of the institute. Mr. Ranger has devoted some attention to newspaper writ ing, done a great deal of literary work, both in verse and in prose, chiefly in connection with educational matters, and has also de livered many addresses before social, religious and political organizations. He has been president of the associations of the Berkshire County (Mass.) Teachers, of the Alurani of Bates College, and of other bodies. He has always taken great interest and an active part in the educational meetings held in Verraont under the state superintendent and other ofificials, and in 1891 was president of the Verraont State Teachers' Association. Mr. Ranger was united in raarriage, Nov. 25, 1879, to Mary, daughter of Capt. WiUiara Snowman, of Portland, Me., of whom he was bereft in August, 1885. She left two chUdren, neither of whora survive. July 30, 1889, he raarried Mabel, daughter of Ira W. and Laura (Day) Bemis, of LyndonvUle. By her he has one son. WALTER EUGENE RANGER. Mr. Ranger is a strong Republican, and has been delegate to both district and state conventions of that party. He fiUs the chair of junior warden, Cres cent Lodge, No. 66, F. & A. M., and is affiliated with Haswell Chapter and Palestine Comraandery. He is the senior past sachera of Wannalancet Tribe, No. 11, I. O. of R. M., and is D. G. S. at present for the same. He is an active meraber of a nuniber of other social, fraternal, scientific and educa tional organizations, both state and national. He is a member of the Free Baptist Church, and has often preached in the churches of Lyndon and of many other towns. RAYMOND, Albert C, of stowe, son of Asa and Jane (Lovejoy) Rayraond, was born in Stowe, Feb. 10, 1842. His father is 334 RAYMOND. READ. a prominent and lifelong resident of Stowe and has arrived at four-score years after a busy and successful career. Albert C. studied in the pubhc schools and in Barre Acaderay, then under the charge of Professor Spaulding. Immediately after the completion of his educational career in 1862 Mr. Rayraond enUsted in Corapany E, 13th Regt. Vt. Vols., and July 3, 1863, helped to stem the tide of Pickett's charge at Gettys burg. Never absent frora duty a single day, at his discharge he re-enhsted in the 17 th Regt. and was in every general engagement frora the Wilderness to Apporaatox. On July 26, 1864, Lieutenant Raymond was wounded in the face and temporarily lost the use of his eyes, but he rejoined his com mand in October. His company in the bat tle of Petersburg Mine was reduced to a cor poral and eight men, and it was as captain of this gallant little band that the subject of this sketch was mustered out at the expira tion of his terra of service. On his return frora these exciting scenes he determined to push his fortune in the West, and for eight years made his residence in the state of Iowa, where he engaged in farraing. Here his children were born and here he had the raisfortune to lose their ex cellent raother. Soon after this sad event he returned to his native town and engaged in various occupations including the care and labor involved in a sraall farm, while in addi tion he has given his attention to the settle ment of estates and has acted as guardian and trustee. He raarried, June 11, 1865, Priscilla, daughter of John and Louisa (Town) Moody of Stowe. Their union was blessed with three children : Louis H., Louise (Mrs. Fred Fogg of Enfield, N. H.), and Maud B. Mrs. Ray mond died in 1872, and Mr. Raymond later espoused Martha, daughter of Hirara Smalley of Greensboro, who departed this life in April, 1882. Mr. Raymond's third alUance was contracted in 1883 with Alice, daughter of Medad and Patty (Miller) Hitchcock. Of this union three sons were issue, one of whom, Paul, alone survives. Mr. Raymond for many years has dis charged the duties of selectraan and town clerk, was raade postraaster in 1889 and still holds that position. He was also a meinber of the General Asserably in 1886 and served on the special committee on the division of the town of Rutland. He belongs to the order of the Loyal Le gion and is past commander of H. H. Sraith Post, G. A. R., of Stowe. Thirty years since, he becarae a Free Mason, and has repeat edly fiUed the raaster's chair in Mystic Lodge, No. 56, which holds its communica tions in his native town. READ, Levant Murray, of Bellows FaUs, son of Charles and Olive C. (WUlard) Read, was born in Wardsboro, Dec. 26, 1842. He was educated in the coramon schools of his native town and in Leland and Gray Serainary, Townshend. He then studied law with Hon. H. H. Wheeler, then of Jamaica, and was admitted to the bar in 1869, at the April terra of Windhara county court. He began practice at Jamaica, entering in part nership with Hon. Hoyt H. Wheeler. In 1872 Mr. Read removed to Bellows Falls, continuing to practice his profession, and was elected judge of probate for Westmin ster district in 1876, which ofifice he has con tinuously held to the present time. Mr. Read was state's attorney of Windham county in 1880 and 1882. In politics Judge Read is a staunch Re publican, and while closely identified with the interests of his party, has been too busily engaged in the practice of his profes sion to admit his acceptance of poUtical honors at the hands of his fellow-citizens. He was elected to the Legislature from the town of Rockingham in September, 1892. He enhsted in Co. H, 2d "Vt. 'Vols., in 1863, was in the battles of Rappahanock Station and Mine Run, and the bloody struggle of the WUderness, in which contest he was wounded, and was discharged August 20, 1865. He was the first coraraander of E. H. Stoughton Post, No. 34, G. A., R., and was afterwards twice re-elected. Also a member of the Mount Lebanon Lodge, F. & A. M., of Jamaica, of which he was master for four successive terms. He was elected to the chair of grand raaster of the Grand Lodge in 1878, and held that erainent position tiU 1 88 1. He was first dictator of the subordi nate lodge of K. of H., and also grand dic tator of the Grand Lodge. He married, Dec. 13, 1876, Sarah A., daughter of Jared R. and Sarah A. Perkins of Bellows Falls. They have one daughter : Mary Ahce. Judge Read has served upon the commit tee appointed by the Suprerae Court upon admissions to the bar, and was, in 1892, elected president of the Verraont Bar Asso ciation. READ, Carleton W., son of Orrin and Juha (Powell) Read, was born in Charlotte, Oct. 21, 1834. He is of English lineage and his earUest ancestors in. this country date back to John Read, 1598, who settied in Rehoboth, near Boston. His family was afterwards scattered, emigrating to different parts of the country. John Read, ancestor of the subject of this sketch, was related by marriage to Governor John Winthrop. He possessed a large estate, and acted as referee REED. and commissioner, and was high sheriff of his county for several years. Carleton W. Read received a comraon school education at Charlotte, and supple mented this by a course of study at Bakers field Academy, Bakersfield, under the tutor ship of J. S. Spaulding, principal. Mr. Read was inarried at Charlotte, Oct. 31, 1855, to Vienna M., daughter of Deacon Homer and Alvirah Clark. Of this union there were two daughters: Edna J. (deceas ed), and Carlotta C. Mr. Read is a Repubhcan and has been unusually honored by his town and county, and yet he is of a retiring disposition. He has always taken an active part in all matters pertaining to the best interest of the town, county, and state in which he resides. In 1882, he had the honor of a seat in the state Senate and acted on the committees of rail roads and agriculture. He was also a dele gate to the Republican national convention, held in Chicago, in June, 1888, and cast his vote for Benjamin Harrison. He has been town treasurer since 1884. His social and business connection with prorainent raen, throughout the state, as well as his extensive dealings in wool, stock, etc., make him favor ably and widely known. He was one of the first interested in the Farmers' National Bank at Vergennes, having been a director for ten years, and is at this tirae its president Mr. Read is quite liberal in all his views, both reUgious and poUtical, believing Araeri can people should have free thought and a free ballot, thus enabling them to act upon their own convictions of right and wrong. His father's advice to him when a boy was to be a farraer. Therefore, he moved to Addi son in 1858, and shouldered a debt of §7,000, on two hundred acres of land, which has been paid, and raore property added to the orig inal purchase. Mr. Read believes that farra ing will pay. REED, Marcus L., of West Concord, son of Sarauel S. and Louisa (JosUn) Reed, was born in Kirby, Feb. 5, 1839. Mr. Reed received an excellent coraraon school education in Kirby and Concord, to which town his father removed when Marcus was seventeen years old. As soon as he arrived at his majority he went to Burlington, where his brother was extensively engaged in business pursuits. Here he remained a short period and then returned to engage in the shoe trade. Thinking that his country had need of all her sons, he enhsted, Feb. 24, 1864, in Co. G, 17th Regt. Vt. Vols., which suffered heavier losses for its time of service than any other organization that left the Green Mountain state, and in its ranks fought in the REED. 335 fierce struggle of the Wilderness, and at Spottsylvania, where he was wounded. Sent to Washington, he soon returned to the front, only to be stricken down by sickness while in camp at the Weldon R. R. Again he was transferred to Washington and de tailed to take charge of the ordnance and knapsack room of Harwood Hospital, AVash ington, D. C, which duty he performed tiU his discharge as acting orderly in July, 1865. Mr. Reed was married at Concord, Sept. 13, 1866, to Eraily C, daughter of Theophilus and Hannah Chick Grout. They have two children : WiUiara Livingston, and George W. MARCUS L. REED. When he returned frora the South he raoved to Granby, where he occupied hiraself in farraing tiU 1878, when he reraoved to West Concord and frora thence in 1886 to the exceUent farra he now occupies. While residing in Granby Mr. Reed was elected to aU local offices, and represented that town in 1869 and 1870. In 1892 he was a raember of the Legislature from Con cord. He is an excellent presiding ofificer, a raan of dignified yet genial manners and of exceUent judgment. For thirty years he has belonged to the Masonic brotherhood. Four terms he has served as worshipful master of Moose River Lodge of West Concord and he is a Sir Knight of Palestine Coramandery. After his return from the war he also became a raeraber of Woodbury Post, G. A. R. 336 ROBERTS. ROBERTS. ROBERTS, Daniel, of Burlington, the son of Daniel and Almira Roberts, was born at Wallingford, May 25, 181 1. Daniel Rob erts, senior, was the son of a Revolutionary soldier, and after serving a seven years' apprenticeship to the cloth dresser's trade, becarae a wandering schoolraaster, and with his young wife carae to Wallingford, where be pursued his regular vocation for thirty years or raore and then reraoved to Man chester. Here he purchased and cultivated a farra. Both parents of the subject of this sketch were raore than usually intelligent and noted for their musical ability, a talent which their son naturally inherits. He entered Middle bury College at the age of fourteen, gradu ating in the class of 1829. He then studied law with Hon. Harvey Button, of Walling ford, and was admitted to the bar of the Rutland county court at the September terra, 1832. DANIEL ROBERTS. In the following Noveraber he started out to seek his fortune, with ninety dollars in his pocket, and after various adventures in New York and Ohio finally reached Grand Gulf and Natchez, Miss., in which latter place he was adraitted to the bar on public examina tion in court. After a short sojourn in New Orleans the young traveler took passage up the Mississippi on the steamer Yellowstone, which raade an annual trip in the Indian fur trade. He endeavored to secure a chance of eraployraent in that trade during the spring voyage, but was unsuccessful. His disappointraent was his good fortune, as was probably his departure frora New Orleans for the cholera prevailed there during the season of 1833 and raade sad havoc on the steamer. He then sought out and visited his kinsfolk in Winchester, 111., where he spent the suraraer of 1833 in the woods shooting squirrels and wild turkeys and con tracting the ague as corapensation. He then went to Jacksonville, IU., and formed a busi ness connection with Murray McConnell. In the suraraer of 1835 Mr. Roberts returned to his native state, in which he has resided ever since. He took the oflfice and suc ceeded to the business of Milo L. Bennett, of Manchester, afterwards a judge of the Suprerae Court, and reraained in practice there for twenty years, when he removed to Burlington, where he forraed a partnership with Lucius E. Chittenden, afterwards regis ter of the treasury. It is now more than sixty-one years since Mr. Roberts was ad mitted to the bar, fifty-eight years of which period he has been in active practice in this state. His name first appears in the state reports in the case of Kimpton vs. Walker, 9th Vt. Reports, 191, February Term, 1837, and can be found in every volume from the ninth up to the present time. His earhest pohtics were strongly anti- slavery, and as a Liberty-party raan, free soiler and the like, in the then prevaihng state of public opinion, ofifices did not seek him ; for two years, however, he was bank commis sioner, and from the spring of 1865 to that of 1866 he was a special agent of the United States Treasury Department. In 1868 he was elected state's attorney for Chittenden county, and during the first term of Presi dent Grant's administration he was offered the position of solicitor of the United States Treasury Departraent, but dechned the honor. He has served the city of Burlington as city attorney for three terras. Although never in the Legislature, Mr. Roberts has had marked influence in guiding the legislation of the state. His hand is clearly seen throughout the general statutes by those famihar wifli their history and development. In particu lar he has been instrumental in securing by the statute, simplification of the ancient rules of criminal pleading, and enlarging the prop erty rights of married women. His views upon law reform he developed at length in an address before the Vermont Bar Associa- . tion as president thereof in 1880. Two years previous, under a contract made with the judges of the Supreme Court by authority of the Legislature, he completed a digest of the decisions of that court down to, and includ ing, volume 48 of the Vermont Reports, en titied "Roberts' Vermont Digest" This work is accepted among the profession in Verraont as a model digest for its terseness ROBERTS. ROBERTS. 337 accuracy of statement and for bringing out the very point of the decision. In 1889 he published a supplement to this digest, em- 'bracing volumes 49 to 60 inclusive. At the Verraont centennial celebration at Bennington, August 16, 1877, he was the ap pointed orator of the occasion. His dis course is inserted among the published pro ceedings of the day, is a valuable historical document and a good specimen of Mr. Rob erts' impressive and scholarly style. In 1879 at the semi-centennial gathering of his college class he received the degree of L. L. D. frora his alraa raater. Mr. Roberts was united in raarriage, July, 1837, to Carohne, daughter of Rev. Stephen Martindale, of WaUingford. She died on the 14th of June, 1886. Four children are the issue of this union : Mary, Carohne M., Stephen M., and Robert. Besides his engageraents in the U. S. Cir cuit Court, the practice of Mr. Roberts has been raainly in the counties of Chittenden, Rutland, Addison and Bennington. Araong the crirainal cases in which he has appeared which possess some dramatic interest or involve some intricate principle of the law, may be named that of the State \'s. Archi bald Bates, Bennington county. Mr. Rob erts and Harmon Canfield were assigned by Chief Justice WilUams to defend Bates for the crime of murdering his brother's wife. In spite of their strenuous efforts the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and Bates was hung on Bennington HiU on the 8th of Feb ruary, 1839. This was the last pubhc execu tion in Verraont. Since that time all executions have been within the waUs of the state prison. Mr. Roberts has said of this trial that, although he defended the pris oner with aU the earnestness possible, he never spoke to him before, during, or after the proceedings, nor even went to see him hung. State vs. McDonald, 32d Vt. Reports, 491, is a leading case involving the law of homicide. Mr. Roberts' brief in the case is particularly pointed and, as well as the opin ion of Chief Justice Redfield, is worth study. On a second trial McDonald was very prop erly convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to state's prison for hfe, where during his confinement he died of consumption. Such of the civil causes in which Mr. Roberts has been engaged as have been sent to the Suprerae Court are to be found scattered through nearly sixty volumes of the state reports. He stiU continues busily engaged in his professional labors. ROBERTS, Ellis G., of Fair Haven, son of Robert and Janette (Griffith) Roberts, was born in Bontnewydd near Carnarvon, North Wales, August 25, 1850. Educated in National and British schools of that country he carae to Araerica in 1873, settled in Scranton, Pa., being associated with a prominent physician in a drug store. Returning to Wales in 1878, he entered the Royal University, Belfast, Ireland, as an undergraduate, studying medicine and sur gery during the years i878,-'79-'8o. Return ing to Araerica in 1883, he entered the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, graduating in the course of raedicine and surgery, in May, 1884. Engaging in the practice of his profession ELLIS G. ROBERTS. in Fair Haven, iraraediately after, he has ac quired a large and successful practice and is well known as a genial associate and a phy sician of sterling ability and character. He was appointed health officer in 1891, which position he now hplds, and is the accredited raedical exarainer of aU the leading life insurance associations. He has traveled extensively in this and foreign countries. In politics a staunch RepubUcan, he is active in aU that pertains to the welfare of the state and nation. He is a raeraber of the Presbyterian church ; Eureka Lodge No. 75, F. & A. M. ; of Poultney Chapter, No. 10, R. A. M. ; KiUing ton Commandry, No. 6, Rutland ; Noble of Mt Sinai Teraple A. A. O. N. S., MontpeUer, and various other organizations. He was raarried to Jennie, daughter of Evan D. and Winifred Huraphrey, at Fair Haven, AprU 18, 1889. 338 ROBERTSON. ROBERTSON. ROBERTS, Elbert James, of Jackson- sonvUle, son of Benjarain Franklin and Cor- sanda (Brown) Roberts, was born in Whit inghara, May 9, 1866. He belongs to a family of purest New England stock, and one long and honorably connected with the town, being a great-grandson of the Hon. James Roberts, who was one of its original settlers. His education was acquired in the schools of JacksonvUle, and from three years attendance at Arms Academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass. For a while after leaving this institution he taught school, but soon entered the employ ment of W. A. Brown as a clerk in his store at JacksonviUe. In the faU of 1889 Mr. Roberts started for himself purchasing the Porter grist and saw mUl, where he has done a prosperous and flourishing trade. To this occupation he has added a widely spread traffic in fertilizers, all kinds of farming im pleraents and machinery, and also conducts a large business in vehicles and a livery stable. He is, besides, a speculator to a considerable extent in wool and all kinds of live stock. He was united in raarriage, March 11, 1891, to Clara, daughter of J. W. Sawyer of Sadawga. Mr. Roberts is an active Demo crat and raost loyal to his party. He takes a very active interest in all village, town and county affairs. For three years he has been the first constable of his town, and has acted as the treasurer of the North River Manu facturing Co. He belongs to the Universalist church, and has also joined the Masonic fraternity, being an active raeraber of Unity Lodge, No. 89, of Jacksonville. ROBERTSON, JOHN, of Bellows Falls, son of WilUara and Christian (Ross) Rob ertson, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Oct. 4, 1824. The parents of Mr. Robert son carae frora Scotland and settled and for a tirae hved in Putney, but afterward re moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they remained about three years. When he was about a year old his parents returned to Put ney, where his father enga,ged in the manu facture of paper. He was educated in the common schools of Putney and in the larger school of life, which so eminently quahfies raen for its duties and responsibihties. He entered upon the paper raaker's trade with his father at an early age, and by hard work and diligent study acquired a thorough knowledge of the raethods and management of the business and was fully qualified for his after life. At the age of eighteen he was given his time, and, in connection with a brother, began the manufacture of paper on his own account in Putney. In 1872 he began business in Bel lows Falls, under the firm name of Rob ertson, Moore & Co. In 1882 this co partnership was dissolved and the firm of John Robertson & Son was forraed and con tinues to the present time. In 1882 their spacious factory which they now occupy was built. The same year he raoved to BeUows Falls, still continuing to hold a large interest in the Putney mills in addition to the Bel lows FaUs concern. Mr. Robertson is a consistent advocate of RepubUcan principles, and was elected rep resentative to the General Court from Putney in 1867 and 1868, serving on the committee of raanufacturing and corporations. Upon his becoraing ehgible in 1884, he was chosen by his fellow-citizens of Rockingham to rep resent them in the Legislature. ^^^m¥" ¦f^ ... JOHN ROBERTSON. Mr. Robertson is a member of the Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., and has filled the ofifices of J. W., S. W. and Master, and is a firm believer in the principles of the order. He was raarried, Oct. 5, 1846, to Nancy J., daughter of Jaraes and Mary (Smith) Black. Of this union were : Mary C, Charles E., Helen C. (deceased), Jennie M., and Jennie C. (deceased). Mrs. Robertson died August 15, 1886. On Oct 10, 1888, he was again married, to Stella M., daughter of Thomas and Mary (Chilson) Dana. One child, Marion D., was born to them. Mrs. Robertson died June 11, 1892. ROBERTSON, William, of Putney, son of George and Margaret (Benson) Robertson, was born in Hartford, Conn., June 15, 1822. ROBERTSON. ROBINSON. 339 His parents moved to Putney in 1823, ¦where he received his early education. After locating in Putney his father formed a partnership with his brother for the raanu facture of writing paper, which continued until 1828, when he put up a raiU in the vil lage for the manufacture of the sarae by hand. No sooner was this completed than a freshet carried it away but he soon erected .a new miU and operated it until 1837, when he comraenced the manufacture of straw WILLIAM ROBERTSON. paper, young Robertson working with him ¦untU 1840 when on account of serious re verses his father and he failed. Young Robert son without a doUar bought the raill and fol lowed the business untU 1865, when he began the manufacture of tissue paper with fresh machinery and a new raill and is now carry- ,ing on the business. At the time of the St. Albans raid the state mihtia was organized and Mr. Robertson was made captain of Co. B. This force was maintained for several years, but was never called on for service. Captain Robertson is a Republican and has represented his town in the Legislature, doing creditable service in that body. Captain Robertson was married in Mont peher, Oct. 2, 1834, to Abbie A., daughter of Dr. Amore and Abigail (Drown) Benson, of Landgrove. Of this union are three chil dren : Frederick E., Frank M., and Helen. He is a prominent Mason, belonging to the Golden Rule Lodge, of Putney, and the Brattleboro Coramandery and Chapter. ROBINSON, George Wardsworth, late of Bennington, son of Capt. Heman and Betsey (Wardsworth) Robinson, was born in Bennington Centre, Jan. 14, 1819. Grandson of Gen. David Robinson, who took part in the battle of Bennington. He was educated in the public schools and academy of Bennington, and when he arrived at raan's estate he took his departure for New York City, where he was employed as a clerk in a carpet store, but at the soUcitation of his grandfather returned to Bennington in 1843, taking charge of the general's estate. Later he became proprietor of the WaUoomsac House, and was also eraployed as an auctioneer. PoUtically Mr. Robinson was a Deraocrat and was forraerly postraaster at Bennington Centre. ' He was a charter raember and the first president of the Bennington Historical Society, to which he devoted much tirae and GEORGE WARDSWORTH ROBINSON. labor. He was also much interested in the erection of the Bennington battle monument, and he is the fortunate possessor of a very fine coUection of relics relating to the battle which are of much historical interest. Mr. Robinson was united in raarriage, April 8, 1840, to Jane E., daughter of Joseph N. Hinsdill, of Hinsdillville. To them nine children were born : David, Mrs. Fannie 340 ROBINSON. ROGERS. Harrison of San Francisco, Chester H., Heman, Agnes J., Sarah Fay (Mrs. Samuel B. HaU), Carrie H., Jennie E., and George A. ROBINSON, John C, of Jamaica, son of John P. and Mary R. (Cheney) Robin son, was born in Jamaica, Sept. 12, 1840. He pursued the usual educational course in the comraon schools of his native town, and supplemented this by study at the Le land and Gray Seminary at Townshend and the Methodist Seminary of Springfield. After leaving school, at the age of twenty, he opened a photographer's estabhshraent, in which he was employed for five years ; he then closed out his business and gave his services to the West River National Bank of Jamaica as teUer, reraaining there until 1875. He was elected treasurer of the Jamaica Sav ings Bank in 1873 and has since held that ¦^N Jtr- JOHN C. ROBINSON. position. When the charter of the national laank expired in 1885 the savings bank bought its building and has since carried on a business which has greatly prospered under the able management of Mr. Robinson. Mr. Robinson was wedded June 10, 1878, to Ella J., daughter of John and Maria (StoweU) Cheney. Four children have been born to them : John S., Carroll C. (who was a messenger in the Legislature of 1892), Roe E., and Mary, aU of whora are living. He has been the incumbent of several ofificial positions, was made coUector of taxes in 1882, and was superintendent of schools for several years ; also justice 'of the peace town agent and town grand juror. Mr. Robinson is a Repubhcan and was postmaster from 1877 to 1885, and in 1892 he was elected to represent Jamaica in the General Assembly. ROGERS, Nathaniel Sewall, of New port, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Smith) Rogers, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., June 7, 1840. When he was five years of age his father moved to Newport Centre, where he commenced to clear and cultivate a farm, in the labor of which his son assisted, whUe pursuing his studies at the pubUc schools. The father, at the age of fifty- seven, entered the array Oct. i, 1862, in Co. H, 15th Regt. Vt. Vols., fighting in defence of the Union. On March 9, 1863, was taken prisoner by Mosby, at the tirae General Stoughton was taken, and confined in Libby Prison and finally exchanged, when he re turned to his horae completely broken in health. During this period the subject of this sketch took his father's place, supporting the faraily during his absence. After his father's return, prompted by a conscientious desire to serve his country (having been prevented up to this time by iUness), he enlisted Sept. 15, 1863, as a private in Battery M, ist Vt Heavy ArtUlery. Having been mustered into service in Brattleboro, Mr. Rogers first served in the defences of Washington, and subsequently, in the battle of Spottsylvania, was the first man wounded in his regiment, in consequence of which disaster he lost his right leg, and was discharged from the Mont pelier Hospital Sept. 14, 1865. At the conclusion of the war he returned to Newport Centre, and, having previously purchased his father's farm, continued to carry it on tUl the death of his parents. In 1880 he moved to his present village resi dence. He was naturally a Republican, and as such has held many positions of trust. Was justice of the peace for fourteen years ; and in September, 1892, was elected assistant judge of Orleans county. Judge Rogers was united in marriage Sept. 25, 1866, to Mary E., daughter of Rufus and Philinda (Oaks) Whipple of Newport Centre. Three chUdren were the issue of this marriage : Elraer C, Ernest S., and Jennie G. Judge Rogers has been adjutant, chaplain, and coraraander of T. B. Alexander Post, No. 26, G. A. R., and for the past year held the office of assistant inspector department Vt. G. A. R. He has been connected with the executive committee, and teacher and member in the Sunday school of the Free ROONEY. ROOT. 341 Will Baptist Church, -with which he united at the age of nineteen years. ROONEY, MICHAEL F., of Mendon, son of Thomas and Ellen (McLaughlin) Rooney, was born in West Rutland, Dec. 27, 1863. y 1- payment bill, which measure becarae a law of the state. He was largely influential on the coraraittees on highways and bridges. Two years afterward he again received the same compliment, though opposed by one of the strongest and ablest RepubUcans of the town. In this Legislature he also dis played the same vigor as at first, doing duty again on the same committees as before. In his religious preferences Mr. Rooney is a Catholic, but he has always been a hearty and liberal supporter of all Christian institutions. ROOT, Henry Green, of Bennington, son of Ehsha and Betsey (Moseley) Root, was born in Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 18, 1818. His early education was received in the pubhc schools of Greenfield, and this was supplemented by a course of study at FeUen- burg and Deerfield academies. At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of Boynton & Whitcomb, at Temple ton, Mass., to learn the manufacture of tin ware. Four years later he formed a partner ship with Luther R. Graves and soon after MICHAEL F. ROONEY. Receiving his early education in the pub lic and private schools of West Rutland and Clarendon, he has later devoted rauch at tention to study and reading, especially in matters relating to state legislation. In 1888 he setded in the town of Mendon, where he engaged in farraing and lumber ing. His business has steadUy increased in magnitude and prosperity, and he is now running a steam saw mUl, which employs a large force of hands. Though yet a young man arid living in a rural comraunity, he has met with unusual success financially and po litically. A Deraocrat in political faith, and a resi dent of a strongly Repubhcan town, he has been the recipient of many responsible posi tions at the hands of his feUow- citizens, and has always discharged these trusts with credit to himself and satisfaction to his con stituents. In 1890 he was elected the rep resentative from Mendon, an ample proof of his popularity and the high esteem in which he is held by aU his friends and neighbors. In his first legislative experience he showed hiraself an active and conservative raeraber ¦of the House, securing an appropriation for his town, also introducing the fortnightiy HENRY GREEN ROOT. they estabhshed themselves in Bennington, under the firm name of Graves Sz: Root, which firra existed raore than fifty years, and for raany years they were the largest producers of tinware in Verraont. They estabUshed the second National bank in Verraont, of which Mr. Graves was president, and Mr. 342 ROPES. ROSS. Root vice-president, which ofifices they hold at the present tirae. He was a director of the board of the Ben nington Battle Monuraent Association, and chairraan of the executive coramittee at the centennial celebration at that place. He has been for raore than thirty years a director of the Verraont State Agricultural Society, serving three years as its president. Forraerly a whig he is now a staunch ad herent of the Republican party, was for sev eral years raember and chairman of the state committee and represented Bennington in the Legislature in 1850 and 1857. In i860, as elector at large, he voted for Abraham Lincoln, and six years later he served two successive terras as senator frora Bennington county. Since 1857 he has been a raeraber of the Congregational church, of which for several years he has been a trustee. Mr. Root raarried, Dec. 23, 1846, Cath erine L., daughter of Sarauel H. and Sylvia (Squires) Blackraer, of Bennington, who died in Septeraber, 1887. Two children were the fruit of the union : Sarauel H., and Catherine E. (Mrs. WilUara A. Root). On Jan. 23, 1889, Mr. Root raarried Mary A., daughter of Dr. Nathan and Esther (Conkey) Gale, of Orwell. ROPES, Arthur, of MontpeUer, son of George and Miriam (Johnson) Ropes, was born in Newbury May 5, 1837. He obtained. his early educational train ing in the coraraon schools and St. Johns bury Acaderay, and was for a time a raeraber of the class of 1864 in Dartmouth CoUege. He became a teacher in the comraon schools of Verraont, then was assistant in St. Johns bury Acaderay and afterwards promoted to be the principal of the high school of that viUage. Impaired health induced him to spend a year in outdoor hfe in the Lake Su perior region. He then gave his attention to business affairs and was eraployed as tel ler in the Passurapsic National Bank, which he quitted to become the cashier of the Northfield National Bank of Northfield. He next engaged in manufacturing at Waterbury and Montpelier and in 1880 he entered the business ofifice of, and soon becarae a writer upon the editorial staff of the Verraont Watchman. During Mr. Prescott's owner ship of the Watchman Mr. Ropes was its ac tive editor. In 1886 he began the publica tion of the Rural Vermonter at Montpelier, and in 1888 his enterprise and energy dis played itseU in the formation of an associa tion of business men in Montpeher and Washington county, entitied the Watchman Pubhshing Co., for the purpose of purchas ing the Watchman and uniting with it the Vermonter. This was accomplished and Mr. Ropes has since filled the editorial chair of the Watchman and is the business mana ger of the company, of which he is a direc tor and the clerk. Though a Republican he holds no politi cal ofifice and his arabition does not run in that direction, but in that of conducting~a newspaper influential in advancing the ma terial and moral welfare of the people of the state. ARTHUR ROPES. Mr. Ropes was married June 28, 1864, to Mary J., daughter of George W. and Char lotte (McNider) Hutchins. They haveUwo daughters : Charlotte, and Laura L. ROSS, Jonathan, son of Royal and Ehza (Mason) Ross, was born AprU 30, 1826, at Waterford. Jonathan Ross, the grandfather of the judge, moved from Massa chusetts to \\'aterford in or about the year 1795. There he cleared away the forest and cultivated a farra on which he supported himself, wife and family of six children, of whom Royal, the father of the subject of this sketch, was the second son. Jonathan Ross received the excellent ed ucation ordinarily imparted in the common schools of Verraont, and fitted for college in the academy at St. Johnsbury. Matriculating at Dartraouth CoUege in 1847, he graduated frora that institution in 185 1. Up to the close of his twenty-first year Mr. Ross had a practical acquaintance wit:h agricultural labor on his father's farm. His summers were occupied in the cultivation ROWELL. ROWELL. 343 of its acres, and his winters, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, in teaching 'n the pubhc schools of Verraont, New Harapshire, and Massachusetts. In this pursuit he achieved unusual and decided success. After graduating frora college he taught in Craftsbury, and was principal of the acaderay at Chelsea. While residing in the latter town he studied law in the ofifice of Judge WilUara Hebard, and was adraitted to the bar of Orange county Jan. i8, 1856. In 1856 Mr. Ross contracted a legal co partnership with A. J. Willard, Esq., of St. Johnsbury, which continued for nearly two years. After that he practiced by hiraself until 1865, when he was associated with G. A. Burbank, Esq. This connection lasted for twelve raonths, and was succeeded in 1869 by partnership with Mr. W. P. Smith. The latter relation existed until the follow ing year, in which Mr. Ross was elected a judge of the Supreme Court. Judge Ross has taken an active and influ ential part in the public affairs of Vermont. From 1858 to 1868 he was treasurer of the Passumpsic Savings Bank. Under his fiduciary management the corporation never lost a doUar. In i862-'63 he was state's attorney for Caledonia county. In 1865, 1866, and 1867 he was sent to the Legisla ture as the representative of St. Johnsbury, and served effectively on the judiciary and other committees. lie was for sorae years before 1870 an active and influential mem ber of the state board of education. In 1869 he was a member of the last Council of Censors held in the state. In 1870 he was returned by Caledonia county to the state Senate, and in the sarae year was elected sixth assistant judge of the Suprerae Court. In 1890 he was elected chief judge of the Supreme Court, which position he now worthily fills. Mr. Ross was married on the 2 2d of No vember, 1852, to Ehza Ann, daughter of Isaiah and Carohne (Bugbee) Carpenter. Eight children were born to them ; Caroline C, Elizabeth, Helen (deceased), JuUa (Mrs. Dr. Aldrich, of Somerville, Mass.), Martha, Edith, Edward Harlan, and John. Mrs. Ross, who was a sister of Judge Alonzo P. Carpenter of the New Harapshire Supreme Court, died some years since, and Judge Ross married for his second wife. Miss Helen Daggett. ROWELL, George Barker, of Bar ton Landing, son of Adonirara Judson and Lucy A. (Richardson) RoweU, was born in North Troy, March 30, 1846. After the usual course of instruction in the common schools, his educational training was pursued in the Missisquoi Valley and St. Johnsbury Acaderaies, and subsequently he graduated frora the Burlington Medical Col lege, June, 1872, as a practitioner of the homoeopathic school. For some time he was employed as a teacher in the Richford graded and public schools, but soon after his graduation commenced the practice of his profession in his native town. He reraoved to Irasburg in 1873, where he continued in the sarae occupation till 1891, when he carae to Barton's Landing. Here he be came a general dealer in horses, cattle, wag ons and other articles. In connection with a partner he purchased a large farra at Iras burg. During the war Mr. RoweU served as a clerk in the quarterraaster's department un der Captain Dunton, at City Point, Va., in 1864. For four years he discharged the duties of town superintendent of Irasburg. In his political creed he inclines to the principles of the Republican party and is a Congregationahst with respect to his rehg ious preferences. He is a master Mason in good standing and unites with Missisquoi Lodge, No. 9, at Richford. He was united in wedlock Jan. i, 1873, to Isadore, daughter of Daniel and Susan (Per kins) Darhng of MasonviUe, P. Q., who died August 20, 1876. Mr. RoweU contracted a second aUiance Sept. i, 1891, with Etta, daughter of Hugh and Jennie (Rowan) Grant of Pembroke, Ont., the fruit of whicli union is one son : Hugh Grant. ROWELL, JOHN W., of Randolph, was born in Lebanon, N. H., June g, 1835.! The early education of Judge Rowell was received in the common schools and at the West Randolph Academy. There he was thoroughly prepared for admission to college a year in advance. Circumstances, however, conspired to prevent his graduation. Choos ing the profession of law, he entered in 1856 upon its study in the ofifice of Jefiferson P. Kidder, ex-Lieutenant Governor of Ver raont, afterwards one of the judges of the Suprerae Court of Dakota, and a delegate to Congress frora that territory. From 1857 to the winter of 1858 he studied in the ofifice of Judge Edmund Weston, and also attended a course of lectures in the law coUege es tablished by Judge Hayden and other gen tieraen at Poland, Ohio. At the June terra in 1858 he was adraitted to the bar of Orange county. Mr. Rowell at once asso ciated himself in partnership with Judge John B. Hutchinson. This connection con tinued untU the latter part of 1859, when Judge Hutchinson accepted the position of cashier of the Northfield Bank, which he held untU 186 1. He then returned to Ran dolph and again entered into partnership with his old business associate. This new 344 ROYCE. ROYCE. relation lasted until 1866, when it was dis solved by reason of the Ul-health of Judge Hutchinson. Mr. RoweU removed to Chi cago in February, 1870, and entered into business connection with John Hutchinson, formerly U. S. Consul at Nice. In Septem ber, 1871, he returned to Randolph, re sumed legal practice in his old horae, and has since made it his perraanent residence. During the legislative sessions of 1861 and 1862, Mr. Rowell represented Randolph in the General Asserably, and was distinguished as the youngest raember, except one, of the House. He served both sessions upon the judiciary committee. He also rendered ex cellent service on other committees. In 1862 and 1863 he efificiently filled the ofifice of state's attorney for Orange county. In 1874 he was elected a state senator from Orange county and served as chairraan of the committee on the asylum for the insane and also on the committee on the judiciary. From 1872 he was for eightyears reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court. Mr. RoweU had by his learning in the law and his great skill in active practice become one of the leaders of the Vermont bar when Gov ernor Farnham, Jan. 11, 1882, appointed hira sixth assistant judge of the Supreme Court. The appointraent was to fiU a vacancy on the bench occasioned by the promotions conse quent on the death of Chief Judge Pierpoint. Judge RoweU now holds the position of second assistant judge of the Suprerae Court. Judge Rowell was forraerly a director of the Northfield Bank, and has been a director and vice-president of the Randolph National Bank since itsprganization. He was raarried on the ist of August, 1858, to Mary L., daughter of Rev. Leonard and Hannah (Gilraan) Wheeler, of Randolph. ROYCE, George Edmund, of Rut land, son of Alpheus and Harriet (Moore) Royce, was born in Orwell, Jan. i, 1829. He is the seventh in lineal descent frora Deacon Edmund Rice, who emigrated to America from Birkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England, in 1638, and settled in Sudbury, Mass. His great-grandfather, Adonijah Rice, was the first white child born in Worcester, Mass., and here resided until the latter part of his life when he raoved to Bridport. He served in several campaigns in the old French and Indian war, and was one of the celebrated band of scouts known as Rogers' Rangers. His grandfather, Jonas Pice, held a comrais sion as first lieutenant in the regular array under General Washington, was present at the crossing of the Delaware, the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and shared in the raisery and privations of Valley Forge. At the close of the war he settled in Orwell and was united in marriage to Elizabeth Carver, a direct descendant of John Carver, first Governor of Plymouth Colony. His father, Alpheus Royce, bore the name of his ances tors until middle life, when he changed the orthography of the appellative to Royce, al leging as his reason for the alteration that the faraily of Rice was becoraing too numer ous and would soon be likely to outnumber the Smiths. George Edmund Royce received his edu cation in the public schools, followed by two terms at the Troy Conference Academy. As sisting his father in the labor of the farm untU the age of nineteen, he was then em ployed in the store of John Siraonds as clerk at Watch Point, Shorehara, where he re raained two years. PYora there he removed to New York in 1850 and labored for one year as salesman for Dibble, Frink & Co., wholesale dry goods dealers, then gave his GEORGE EDMUND ROYCE. services to Lathrop, Ludington & Co., who were in the sarae line of business, and with whora he reraained about seven years. In 1859 he, with others, organized the firm of Robbins, Royce & Hard, wholesale dry goods dealers, and two years after the con cern was changed to Robbins, Royce & Acker, which arrangement continued until Jan. I, 1864, when, aUhpugh the business was very successful and satisfactory, the partnership was dissolved on account of the faUing health of Mr. Royce and he removed to Rutland, where he still resides. In 1865 he became interested in the Wardwell stone RUGG. RUSSELL. 345 channelling machine, which resulted in the forraation of the Steam Stone Cutter Co., of which corporation he became and has con tinued one of the trustees and treasurer, also being its general manager. Mr. Royce was first married to Meriara E., daughter of Samuel and Eliza M. (Bot tora) Brewer, of Orwell, Feb. 5, 1857 ; she died March 2, 1866 ; he then wedded Mar tha A. Brewer, sister of his first wife, Sept. 6, 1866 ; he contracted a third alliance with Ellen C. White, of OrweU, Nov. 4, 1875. His children by his first wife were : Fannie E. (Mrs. Charles N. Drowne), George B., Julia M. (died in infancy), Kate M. (Mrs. C. H. Hyde, of Rutland) . By his second wife he had : Jane M., Robert S. (died, in Naples, Italy, Jan. 27, 1890), Julia E. (Mrs. Freder ick Forest Dowlin, of North Adaras, Mass. ; died Oct. 13, 1893). Frora his last raar riage there are issue : Edmund W., Thomas J., Pauline M., Albert A., Henry M., Richard H., and John C. Mr. Royce was one of the original incor porators and directors of the True Blue Marble Co., and since 1887 has been its treasurer and raanager. Since the organiza tion of the Baxter National Bank he has also been a director of that institution. He is a Deraocrat in his political prefer ences and a bi-metalist, and has five tiraes been elected to the position of selectman in the town of Rutland, besides holding many other local offices. He has large real estate interests in Rutland and the West. He is a Universalist in his religious creed, and one of the trustees of St. Paul's church, Rut land, and a sustaining meraber of the Y'. M. CA. RUGG, David Fletcher, of Hartland, son of William W. and Rachel (Dodge) Rugg, was born in Londonderry, Dec. 15, 1852. He received his education at the West River, Chester and Black River Academies, and from the early age of fifteen was a teacher during the winter terms in the schools of Winhall, Shaftsbury, Ludlow and Weathersfield. While thus engaged he stUl found time to pursue the study of medicine, to which profession he had resolved to de vote the labors of his life. Commencing his researches in the ofifice of Dr. W. F. Eddy, of Londonderry, he became a student in the medical department 'of U. V. M., and after wards entered the same department of Dart mouth College, and finally graduated frora the U. V. M., 1876, as valedictorian. He received the facuUy prize for best thesis. In the same year he took up his abode in Hartland, and, occupied in practicing his profession, has continued to make this town his residence. Dr. Rugg was united in raarriage, Dec. 28, 1881, to Julia A., daughter of Albert D. and Sarah (Goddard) Hagar. One child has been born to thera : Harold Goddard. An active Republican, Dr. Rugg has been for years a member of the town committee. He has been chairman of the State Board of Censors, town superintendent of schools, and also served on the County School Board. For raany years he has been a raeraber of DAVID FLETCHER RUGG. the I. O. O. F., and he is enrolled in the Verraont Medical Society, of which he was vice-president in 1883, and in the Araerican Medical Association, White River VaUey and Connecticut River Valley Societies. He was also a raember of the Ninth International Congress of Physicians, held at Washington, D. C, in 1887. RUSSELL, Chandler Miller, of Wil mington, son of Jordan H. and Harriet L. (Partridge) RusseU, was born in Wilming ton, Dec. 7, 1842. His early education was received in the pubhc schools and he fitted for coUege at Wesleyan Academy, graduating in 1865. In 1862, while pursuing his academic course, he returned to his native state and enUsted in Co. F, i6th Vt. Vols., and partici pated with this regiment in the battle of Gettysburg, being raustered out of service August 10, 1863. Subsequently he creditably filled the posi tion of principal of the 'Wilmington high school, and in 1867 engaged in mercantile 346 RUSSELL. RUSSELL. business in that town, which pursuit he fol lowed until 1878. Three years later Mr. RusseU again resuraed the profession of teaching, and in 1882 entered the National College of Elocution and Oratory at Phila delphia, graduating in 1884. In connectio'n with Mrs. RusseU he then traveled through New England and New Y'ork, giving pubhc readings, which were received with raarked favor. For the last six years Mr. RusseU has traveled extensively, lecturing upon pop ular subjects, in which enterprise he has been unusually successful. CHANDLER MILLER RUSSELL. He was united in raarriage in June, 1877, to Gertrude E., daughter of Lorenzo and Beulah (Blanchard) Bowen of Readsboro. Of this union one child was born : Blanche Leone. Mr. Russell was one of the incorporators of the Mount Vernon Institute of Elocution and Languages of Philadelphia, and at pres ent holds the position of director. He has held raany iraportant local offices, always discharging faithfully and conscientiously the trusts reposed in hira. In 1891 he was elected a counciUor of the Araerican Insti tute of Civics, New Y'ork City. He is a frequent contributor to the colurans of vari ous newspapers and periodicals, and is now coUecting raaterial for a history of the i6th Vermont Regiment, and, with the aid of an excellent private library and his own per sonal endeavor, keeps weU informed with regard to all matters of current interest. For nearly thirty years Mr. RusseU has been a Free Mason, holding various honora ble positions in the order, and he is promi nent in the G. A. R. He is the raanager of an extensive insur ance business, but stiU devotes sorae time to filling engagements on the platform. RUSSELL, George Kendal, of Bel lows Falls, son of Willard and Abigail E. (Ward) Russell, was born in Cabot, AprU 11, 1841. Having received his early education at the common schools and the Frankhn (N. H.) Academy, he raoved with his parents to Law rence, Mass., and frora thence to Exeter, N. H., where he engaged in the raanufacture of paper with his father, coraraencing his busi ness career at the early age of seventeen. Like so raany of our youth, he felt the raartial ardor of the time and in 1862 enUsted in Co. E, ISth N. H. Regt., and served till that organization was mustered out of service. In 1870, he purchased the interest of his father in the Exeter mill and continued by himself tiU 1873, when he disposed of the prop erty and removed to Bellows FaUs, where he again entered into a business connection with his father, buying a paper mill which the firm operated tiU 1879, when, the father seUing his interest to the son, the latter erected a pulp mill. Twelve years afterwards he sold this to the Fall Mountain Paper Co., and, after disposing of his other manufacturing property to the Robertson & Coy Paper Co., retired frora active business life. Always a. Repubhcan he held raany ofificial positions in the towns of Brentwood, N. H., and Exeter, and has also devoted rauch time to Free Masonry, being a raeraber of King Solomon's Lodge, No. 45, of Bellows FaUs, Abenaqui Chapter, and Beauseant Com raandery, of Brattleboro, while his name is on the roU of Mt. Kilborn Lodge, K. of H., and E. H. Stoughton Post, No. 34, G. A. R. Mr. Russell, Nov. 9, 1863, espoused Annie A., daughter of Mark and Elizabeth (Flagg) Colbath. Of this union there are three hving children : Willard T., Lizzie W., and Grace L. RUSSELL, JULIUS W., of Burlington, son of William P. and Lydia (Miner) Rus seU, was born in Moira, N. Y., Sept. i, 1846- Receiving his early instruction at the academies of WiUiston and Shelburne, he entered W^esleyan University, Middletown, Conn., September 1864, where he remained two years, then changed to Yale CoUege, where he graduated in 1868. He was then principal of Hinesburg Academy until De cember, 1 869, when he entered the law ofifice of Judge WilUam G. Shaw of Burlington, continuing with him tiU 1870, when he went to New York City, where he attended the RUTHERFORD. RUTHERFORD. 347 Colurabia Law School. During the summer of 187 1 he was in the ofifice of L. B. Engles- by, Esq., of Burhngton, and was admitted to the bar of Chittenden county at the Sep tember term of the sarae year. He has made Burhngton his home since that time, and has made a specialty of commercial law. Mr. RusseU married, Dec. 31, 1872, Kate, daughter of Dr. Elraer and Emeline (Dud ley) Beecher of Hinesburg. Their children are : Flora E., WilUam J., and Elmer B. For two years he was state's attorney and was city attorney of Burhngton from 1889 to 1891. He has served as grand juror and also school commissioner, and for tvvelve years has been a justice of the peace. He is a member of Washington Lodge, F. & A. M., of BurUngton. His reUgious 'pro fession is Congregational, and he is a member of the Y. M. C. A. RUTHERFORD, JOSEPH C, of New port, son of Alexander and Sally (Clifford) Rutherford, was born at Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. I, 1 818. His parents came to Vermont in 1826, and settled at Burhngton in 1830. It was in the high schools at Burlington he received the principal share of his education. At the age of twenty years he started out in the world for himself. He early expressed the desire to study raedicine, but his cir cumstances were such that he was unable to do so until 1842, when he entered the office of Dr. Newell, then of Lyndon and after wards of St. Johnsbury. In May, 1843, he located at Derby, and in December of that year was married to Hannah W., daughter of Hon. Jacob Chase. Of this union were five children, three of whom are still living : Dr. Jacob C. of Providence, R. I., Mrs. John S. Colby of Chicago, and Mrs. George S. Woodward of Chicago. In 1844 he resuraed the study of medi cine in the oflfice of Dr. Moses F. Colby, Stanstead, P. Q., and graduated at Woodstock in 1849. 1° T851 he went to Blackstone, Mass. In 1857 he returned to Derby, frora where he reraoved to Newport in i860, which place has been his horae since that tirae. At the breaking out of the war of the re bellion in 1861, he was coraraissioned sur geon by Governor Fairbanks, and exarained recruits for enlistment. He held this posi tion until coraraissioned by Governor Hol brook as assistant surgeon of the loth Vt. Vols. Mustered into the U. S. service, he iraraediately started for the front, where the regiraent was assigned to duty in the defences of Washington, D. C, and was stationed near Edwards Ferry, Md. The regiment remained here and in this vicinity about nine months. When the army of the Potomac was ordered to Gettysburg, Pa., the loth Vt. was sent to Monocacy Station, Md., to guard the rear of the array and the supplies. After the battle of Gettysburg, the loth Vt., joined the army of the Potomac, and was enrolled in the 3d division 3d army corps. His first experience on the battlefield was Nov. 26, 1863, at Locust Grove, Va., where he received an injury that nearly cost hira his life, and which resulted in a broken con stitution and a crippled frarae. Notwith standing its serious character, he reraained at the post of duty, and was in every battle in which his regiment participated, until near the close of the war. In March, 1865, he was promoted to be surgeon of the 17th Vt. Vols., which regiment had but one battle after he joined it, that of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. He was raustered out of the U. S. service with the 17th Vt. Vols, in July, 1865, after having served within a few days of three years. His relations with the two regiraents were, and with their survivors have been to the present tirae, of a very pleasant character. He won the respect and esteera of both ofificers and raen, and the ties of friendship that were there ce mented with blood and hardship, have be come stronger and stronger as time has sil vered the locks of the surviving comrades. And today, nearly thirty years after the war, his comrades speak of Surgeon Rutherford with deep feelings of gratitude and respect. Directly after being raustered out of the service he returned to his home in New port, where he has since resided, and re suraed the practice of medicine in civil life. In 1866 he was coraraissioned examining surgeon for pensions, which place he has held to the present tirae, 1893. He joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1844, was made a Free Mason in 1866, and has taken all the degrees up to and including that of the Knight Templar. At an eariy day the doctor took a deep interest in the anti-slavery cause, and was a delegate to the first convention held by that faction in Vermont. His first vote for pres ident was cast for William Henry Harrison, and when the Republican party was organ ized he joined it, and has voted with it ever since. In 1880 he was chosen by the Legis lature a supervisor of the insane, which ofifice he held for two years. After a busy hfe of hardship and toU for the relief of the sufferings of others, he has retired frora the active practice of his pro fession, and is now living in his quiet and pleasant home in the peaceful enjoyment of the fruits of his labors. His kindness to the poor and destitute is limited only by his means, and he is ever ready by kindly words and deeds to cheer and solace the woes he cannot altogether heal. .348 SANBORN. RYTHER, FRED E., of Dover, son of Eaton and Mary A. (Morse) Ryther, was born in Dover, August 26, i860. He was educated in the schools of Dover and has followed the vocation of farraing since early raanhood, with the exception of sorae tirae spent in teaching. An ardent Deraocrat in poUtical faith, he has been honored by his townsmen with many positions of honor and represented Dover in the General Asserably of 1890. He enjoys the distinction of being the first Deraocrat to represent the town since the organization of the Republican party. He has also served the town as selectman for two terms and as superintendent of schools. Mr. Ryther is an energetic and popular young man, who has a life of much useful ness before him, and that he is meeting the expectations of his friends is evidenced by his career. SANBORN, ISAAC Wheeler, of Lyn donviUe, son of Deacon Benjarain and Abi gaU B. (Stanton) Sanborn, was born in Lyn don, Feb. 16, 1833. His grandfather came / ISAAC WHEELER SANBORN. to Wheelock from Sanbornton, N. H., which was named in honor of the Sanborn faraily. Isaac W. Sanborn received his education in the schools of Lyndon, the Lyndon and St. Johnsbury acaderaies and Newbury Sera inary, finishing his school studies in 1855. He has always been an extensive farraer, owning originally, with his father, the land •on which the village of LyndonviUe stands, and has large interests in real estate and banks. He is president of the Lyndon Sav ings Bank, of the Caledonia County Publish ing Co., and of the board of school direc tors of the town of Lyndon. He has been a justice of the peace for twenty years. Pohtically, Mr. Sanborn is a RepubUcan and cast his first presidential vote for John C. Freraont in 1856. For thirty-five years he has discharged the duties of the town clerk and treasurer. For a quarter of a cen tury he acted as secretary of the Caledonia County Agricultural Society and served the Y^oung Men's Teraperance Society of that county in the sarae capacity. He has always been identified with the cause of education ; was one of the incorpor ators and is at present secretary and treas urer of the Lyndon Institute and Commer cial College, to which he has been a liberal contributor, so much so that the Sanborn Student's Home, a fine boarding house erected in 1891, was named in his honor. To his financial abiUty have been entrusted the funds of the \'illage of LyndonviUe since its organization, and for several years he acted as town superintendent of schools. In 1870 and 1872 he represented Lyndon in the Legislature, serving on the committees on education, the standing joint committee and on the House coraraittee on rules. He was assistant clerk of the House for two sessions, and in 1870 delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Mr. Sanborn has decided hterary tastes, is a regular correspondent of the St. Johnsbury RepubUcan, and in his earher days was a frequent contributor to several leading New York and Boston periodicals. At the cen tennial celebration of the organization of the town of Lyndon, July 4, 1891, Mr. Sanborn was chairman of the executive committee. In his religious behef he adheres to the Bap tist denomination, and is a liberal contrib utor to aU benevolent enterprises. SARGENT, Caleb Cushing, of Cor inth, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Marston) Sargent, was born in Candia, N. H., Dec. 24, 1835. His ancestors in each family branch were of English extraction. His pa ternal ancestor, ^^^lliam Sargent, son of Rich ard Sargent of the Royal Navy, was born in England, in 1602, and came to Araerica, it is said, on the Mayflower and landed at Ipswich, SARGENT. SARGENT. 349- Mass., about 1630. He was one of the twelve men who coraraenced the settleraent of Ipswich, in 1633, and afterwards helped to form settlements in Newbury and Hampton, and in 1 640 was one of the eighteen original proprietors, or commoners, who settled New Salisbury, now known as Amesbury, Mass. His great-grandfather, Moses Sargent, of ¦Candia, N. H., was a soldier of the Revolu tion and one of the original proprietors and leading raen of the early days of that town. The early life of the subject of this sketch was spent on his father's farm until he was about eighteen years of age, when, under the inspiration of his raother's counsels, he re solved upon the attainment of a liberal edu cation ; but the accomphshment of his pur pose lay along the way of hardships and araid difificulties whose solution seeraed at tiraes uncertain and disappointing to his youthful aspirations. However, by the dint of unmit igated industry and perseverance, and by resources derived from his individual effort, mainly directed in the line of school teaching, he was enabled to attain the purpose of his early arabition. He pursued his preparatory studies at Blanchard Acaderay, Pembroke, N. H., and entered Dartraouth CoUege in 1856, frora which he graduated in class of i860. Iraraediately after corapleting his college course he coraraenced the study of law in the ofifice of Clark & Sraith, of Manchester, N. H., and in 1861 carae to Corinth, and for the corapletion of his legal studies entered his name in the law ofifice of Robert Ormsby, of Bradford. In 1857, Mr. Sargent was as sistant at Blanchard Academy, and for four years next previous to 1864, was principal of the Corinth Academy, at Corinth ; and a trustee and prudential officer of that institu tion until its union with the CookviUe graded school in 1876. In 1863, being corapelled by inauspicious circurastances to defer for a tirae his life purpose of the legal profession, he devoted himseU to trade, and since then has been engaged chiefly in mercantile and general business pursuits, with agriculture as a col lateral avocation, and under different business associations, but mainly in Corinth. In i878-'79 Mr. Sargent discharged the duties of assignee of the Union Mining Co. of Corinth, and later was paymaster, clerk and treasurer of the Vermont Copper Mining Co.; also of the Y'erraont Copper Co., in their several business operations at Pike HiU and Vershire, until their suspension in 1883. The noted Ely riot of July 2, 1883, which necessitated the caUing out the state militia to accompUsh its suppression, was conse quent upon this suspension. At its early inception it appeared to involve the destruc tion of aU the company's valuable works, if not the life of sorae of its officers, so intense and uncontroUable was the maddened furor of the men on the raorning of its first out break. While rauch of truth and considera ble of conjecture has been written relative to the causes, scenes, and affairs of that disastrous occasion, yet one fact reraains — on the afternoon of that ominous Monday, when the infuriated mob had taken the control of affairs into their own hands, and had surrounded the residence of the sick president, left unprotected by police or sheriff, and were howhng threats of violence and devastation in every window and door way, and the lives of the inmates seemed to hang on the doubtful mercy of the frantic assailants, that it was very largely due to the heroically cool, frank, and conservative action of the treasurer, in his conciliatory efforts with the men on that occasion, and unaided, that peace and order were terapo- rarily restored and the backbone of the riot partially broken, which doubtless saved the great property frora destruction that in the councils of the frenzied rioters was to have been destroyed in early raorning. For five years subsequent to 1863 Mr. Sargent held the position of captain in the state militia and becarae early in life a mera ber of the Masonic order, officiating as raas ter of Minerva Lodge for twelve years. In the cause of teraperance reforra he has taken an active interest, both in town and state, having fiUed the ofifices of counselor and treasurer in the Grand Lodge of Good Teraplars and represented that grand body in the Right Grand Lodge at Madison, ^^'is., in 1872, and has since been a grand ofificer in the order of the Sons of Teraperance. Judge Sargent is a Republican in his po Utical proclivities and was a raeraber of the first state Repubhcan convention, at Con cord, N. H., in 1855, and has served as member and chairman of the Orange county republican coraraittee for several years. In raatters of town he has occupied responsible and conspicuous positions ; was superin tendent of schools, justice of the peace, town agent and selectraan for several years in suc cession. For nineteen years he discharged the duties of postmaster, was delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1870, and was representative from Corinth in the Legis lature of 1878, where he was an influential raeraber of the House, serving as chairman of one of its larger coraraittees. In 1886 he was elected assistant judge at ttie county court and re-elected in 1888, and in 1890 and 189 1 discharged the duties of county auditor. In his rehgious preferences Judge Sargent is a Congregationalist and has been an ac tive raeraber and ofificer of that society in Corinth for more than a quarter of a century. 35° SA'WYER. He married. May 28, 186 1, Cordelia Viva, daughter of Theodore and Ruth Allen (Tenny) Cooke of Corinth. Four children were born of this union : Carl Theodore, Edward Houghton, Carrie Delia, and Jennie BeU. SAWYER, Edward Bertrand, of Hyde Park, son of Joshua and Mary (Keeler) Sawyer, was born in Hyde Park, AprU 16, 'W 1839. ..,..• He coraraenced his education m the dis trict schools, and finished by pursuing ^ a course of study at the grammar school in Middlebury and at Fort Edward Institute. In early life he coramenced the study of the law, but forsaking this, became interested in breeding and selling sheep in the West. For five years he was engaged in trade in West Cornwall, but is now a farmer and sheep breeder. He has devoted hiraself particu larly to the RambouUett strain, having im ported frora the flock of Victor GUbert, of France, in 1884. Mr. Taylor has a large trade throughout the country. He was united in marriage, at Troy, N. Y., Sept. I, 1864, to Kathleen Liola, eldest daughter of WUliam and Martha (Murray) Hanks, of Addison. He is an adherent of the Republican party and received the comphment of an election to represent CornwaU in the Legislature of 1890. He served with credit on the com mUtee on claims, and introduced the bUl to abolish the commissioner of emigration, in which attempt he was successful. He urged this raeasure because he was firmly con vinced that it was poor state policy to pay salaries to agents to decry the agricultural advantages of Verraont. Mr. Taylor has ever led an active and useful life, in the firm behef that it is better to wear out than to rust out. He has never become a meraber of any secret society or organization, since he sees no benefit resulting from such con nection. TEMPLE, George G., of Lunenburg, son of Frank G. and Lucy (StockweU) Tera ple, was born in Concord, April 14, 185 1. His educational advantages were restricted to the public schools of Concord and when he was twenty-two years of age he removed to Lunenburg, where he purchased the prop erty known as the John W. Hartshorn farm and since that time he has been successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits, to which he has added stock raising. He has also been busily occupied in buying and seUing cattle. Mr. Temple is a raan of strong physique and tireless energy. He has always been successfiU in his va rious enterprises, is strongly Republican in his political preferences and has served several terms as selectman and road com missioner. So strong is the confidence re posed in hira by his fellow-townsraen that he was sent to represent them in the lower branch of the General Assembly of 1886. TEMPLETON, HORATIO, of Worcester, son of Joel H. and Abigail (Austin) Temple ton, was born in Montpeher, May 29, 1819. HORATIO TEMPLETON. He is one of a family of nine children and carae to ^^'orcester with his parents when he was six years old, and received his education in the comraon schools of the town. His 394 TENNEV. father was not in affluent circurastances and, after his schoohng was completed, Horatio worked under his father's supervision at the trade of a carpenter and joiner. As soon as his resources enabled him to do so, he rented a saw-miU, which he carried on for several years with such success that in 1849 he was able to buUd one for himseU and soon after to purchase an adjacent farra which he stiU possesses. Until i860 he was busily engaged in the raanufacture of staves, barrel heads and luraber, but just before the war he rented his property, purchased the hotel in ^Yorcester and as proprietor conducted it for about eight years. During the war he was actively engaged as a recruiting officer under state authority. For a considerable period subse quently he was occupied in trade with his son-in-law at Worcester, the firm being Tem pleton & Vail, but sold his interest, and since that time has been principally eraployed in the affairs of the town, in setthng estates and as agent for the Verraont Mutual Fire Insur ance Co. He was raarried, Sept. i, 1839, to Rhoda S., daughter of Mathias and Elizabeth (Stev ens) Fulsora. Seven children are the issue of the union ; Horatio M., Amanda R. (Mrs. E. L. Wright, deceased), John S., Abbie Ann (Mrs. H. D. Vail, of ^^'orcester), Emma J. (Mrs. H. W. Lilly), Charies F., and LilUan M. (Mrs. J. L. Stone). Mr. Templeton was forraerly attached to the Repubhcan party, but since 1872 has afifihated with the Deraocrats. For nearly thirty years he has discharged the duties of justice of the peace, and has also served as treasurer and constable. He represented the town with credit and fidehty in 1858 and 1859 and, in spite of his political views, was again representative from Worcester in 1882 and 1890. He has long been a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 32, F. & A. M. TENNEY, John Allen, late of Corinth, son of Dr. Joshua and Susanna (AUen) Ten ney, was born, Feb. 21, 1815, in Corinth. He received his education in the schools of Corinth and at Bradford Acaderay. Mr. Tenney embarked on his business career as a salesman of paper for Mr. Low of Bradford, and afterward forraed a partnership for the sale of general merchandise with Theodore Cooke of Corinth. At the sarae tirae he also engaged in farraing. In 1859 he re moved to Indian Village, Tama Co., Iowa, and while there engaged in trade and also dealt largely in real estate. After four years experience of western life, he returned to Corinth and again pursued the business of a raerchant combined with that of a farmer. Here he raade his abode until the tirae of his death. He was a Repubhcan, and represented Corinth in the Legislature in 1848 and 1849. He was town clerk and register of probate for many years. For nine years he dis charged the duties of judge of the probate for Bradford district, and held the position of assistant judge of Orange county court for two years by election, and one year by ap pointraent to fiU the place of a former incumbent who had resigned. While in Iowa he was raade county supervisor. Judge Tenney belonged to the Masonic fraternity, and occupied a high position in the brotherhood. He was raarried at Corinth, Jan. i, 1844, to Mary, daughter of Henry and Jennie (McKeen) Doe of Corinth, who died May 7, 1847. His second wife was Lydia Doe, who died Jan. 29, 1889, by whom he had one child : Mary I. He contracted a third alUance with Mary Raymond, June 23, 1892. Judge Tenney died, regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, Oct i. TERRILL, George EdRICK, of Under bill, son of Londus F. and Susan (Fernald) TerriU, was born in Underbill, July 30, 1861. GEORGE EDRICK TERRILL. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and the Green Mountain Academy at UnderhiU Centre. After leav ing school in 1876 he was engaged as a clerk in the mercantile establishraent of his father where he continued untU 1884, when he pur chased a hah interest and reraained a part- TEWKSBURY. THAYER. 395 ner untU 1889. He then bought out his father and has since successfully continued the business. He was raarried in Plattsburg, N. Y., June II, 1878, to Ida J., daughter of Cyrus and Lucy (Mead) Prior. Of this union are two children : Efifie A., and Scott E. He is a meraber of McDonough Lodge, No. 26, F. & A. M., and has been its secre tary for six years and also its junior warden. He joined Burhngton Chapter in 1882 and also Burhngton Council and later the Cora mandery of which he was standard bearer. He joined Burhngton Chapter, No. 3, R. A. M., and Burhngton Council, No. 5, R. & S. M., in 1883 j Burlington Commandery, No. 2, K. T., in 1884; Mount Sinai Temple, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Nov. 16, 1892 ; Vermont Consistory, A. A. S. R., 32d, March 31, 1893. He also belongs to Green Mountain Lodge (Odd Fellows), No. 4. He is a member of Gen. George A. Custer Camp, No. 7, S. of V., was its first captain in 1884. He was success ively promoted in this organization to the rank of raajor, lieutenant-colonel and colonel of the Division of Vermont, and was a dele gate to the national encampraents at Min neapolis, Minn., Helena, Mont., and Cincin nati, Ohio. As a Republican he represented his town inthe General Asserably of 1892, was a mem ber of the committee on railroads, and has been town treasurer since 1885, and for six years past has been chairman of the Repub lican town coraraittee. TEWKSBURY, AMOS BRADFORD, of West Randolph, son of Araos W., and Annis (CarapbeU) Tewksbury, was born in New Boston, N. H., April u, 1832. His father reraoved to West Randolph frora New Bos ton in 1854. He was widely known as a re liable business raan and acted in the official capacity of town clerk and treasurer. He engaged in general trade and soon possessed the deserved confidence and patronage of a wide circle in his neighborhood. During the twenty-eight years which he passed in West Randolph as a merchant and manu facturer the town progressed in development with great rapidity, and Mr. Tewksbury con tributed his fuU share to its welfare. He died at West Randolph, August 16, 1883, with a high reputation for liberahty and strict in tegrity. The son inherited his father's practical and sterhng qualities, and after receiving his education in the common schools of New Boston and the Merrimac Normal School he entered the firra with which his father had been connected, and his business experience has developed a keen insight, a judgraent both ready and reliable, and an ability to at tend to all petty and various details in his transactions which is rarely equalled araong business raen. The trade of A. W. Tewksbury & Sons is one of the raost extensive in the state. They have extensive sawraills and manufacture large quantities of lumber. In addition they have a door, sash and blind factory, besides an estabhshment for raaking adjustable win dow screens. Mr. Tewksbury has deservedly been in trusted with raany ofificial positions, and in 1882 he was chosen representative of the town of Randolph ; but he has best served the interests of the place by therein con ducting a large and profitable business on liberal principles. He was united in raarriage, July 19, 1864, to Anna M., daughter of Abner and Hannah Dodge. Of this marriage there are two chil dren : George D. (deceased) , and Edward W. THAYER, Lewis Paige, of West Randolph, son of W. H. H. and Sarah A. (Lewis) Thayer, was born in Barnard, Oct. 23, 1851. In his earlier years he pursued his studies at the academy at West Randolph, and the Randolph Norraal School. Resolving to devote his life to journalisra, he commenced to study the practical part of his profession in the ofifice of the Green Mountain Herald, then owned by the Rev. E. Gerry. Having mastered the printer's trade and obtained some knowledge of editorial duties, he purchased the paper, and from a list of 275 subscribers worked up a circulation of 4000. In 1879 he raoved to Montpeher where he coramenced the pubUcation of the Verraont Farraer, and after about two years sold the journal to Mr. George H. Richraond, having raade the paper a success. He then returned to the Herald, but has not confined his at tention to this sheet alone, having been associated with the Northfield News, Bur lington Clipper, and other papers. Mr. Thayer is at present the chairman of the executive committee of Vt. Press Associa tion. He has never desired, sought for, or held political ofifice. He was united in raarriage, August 29, 1879, at Yankton, Dakota, to Ahce M., daughter of A. A. and Betsey A. Smith. Two children have been born to thera : Maurine, and Harrison Smith. THOMAS, HORACE, of Salisbury, son of Isaac and MatUda (Hubbard) Thomas, was born in Salisbury, August 15, 1809. Mr. Thoraas is a raember of a faraily of old New England stock, which was one of the first to find its way into Verraont. He took advantage of the scanty course of instruction afforded by the neighboring 396 THOMAS. THOMAS. schools, and when he came of age, acceded to his father's wish that he remain at horae and assist hira in the labors of the farm. At his father's death, he purchased the interest of the other heirs, and stUl remains on the old Thomas horaestead. He married, Dec. 3, 1835, Anna B., daughter of William and Eunice Wainwright, of Salisbury. Of this union there were five sons and one daughter : William W. (who died at Middlebury in 1879), Willard H. (who died at Salisbury in 1887), Walter J. (a veteran of the war), Robert B., Delia A. (Mrs. Frederick Eraerson, of AdamsviUe, Mich.), and Edson H. Mr. Thomas has always been identified with the Republican party, and is an active promoter of the interests of his native town, where he is universally honored and respect ed. For thirty-four years he has been town treasurer, and has enjoyed many successive terms as selectman. He was chosen as rep resentative to the Legislature at its first biennial session in 1870. He has been for raany years an active and influential mem ber of the Congregational church at Salis bury village, and has long served as a trus tee of that society. THOMAS, Stephen, of Montpeher, son of John and Rebecca (Batchellor) Thoraas, and grandson of Joseph and Hannah (Vick ery) Thoraas, was born in Bethel, Dec. 6, 1809. His grandfather Joseph served in the Revolutionary war, and was a lieutenant in a New Harapshire regiraent in the Saratoga carapaign, and his father John was a soldier in the 31st Regt., U. S. Inft., in the war of 1 81 2, and died frora exposure in service at Plattsburgh. Stephen was but four when hisfather died, and his widowed mother's circumstances were such that he had to go to work when a mere boy. He went to district school in Thetford, and at eighteen was apprenticed to a woolen manufacturer, and followed his trade in Thetford, Strafford and West Fair lee. He started manufacturing for hiraseU at Hartland, but was burned out and went to work in Thetford, and finally settied in West Fairlee. Here he did a good deal of sheriff business, and also pension business, and was soon the leading raan of affairs in town. He represented West Fairlee in the House in 1838, 1839, i845> 1846, i860 and 1861, and was a state senator frora Orange, county in 1848 and 1849. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Conventions of 1843 and 1850; register of probate for the district of Bradford from 1842 to 1846, and judge of probate for that district from 1847 to 1849. Judge Thoraas was active in politics, and an earnest Democrat tiU the rebellion began. He was an alternate to the Democratic na tional convention of 1848, and a delegate to the next three conventions, those of 1852 1856, and i860. At the sessions of the convention of i860, at Charleston, S. C, and Baltimore, he became convinced of the set design of southern Deraocrats to break the Union if they could not control it. He was the Deraocratic candidate for Lieutenant- Governor in i860, and earnestly advocated the election of Douglas. At the special session called by Governor Fairbanks at the outbreak of the rebelUon in April, 1861, the greatest sura proposed to be raised for war purposes was haU a milKon dollars, but Judge Thomas urged with energy that it be a miUion — and his fiery zeal carried the appropriation which he well knew would be needed. STEPHEN THOMAS. November 12, 1861, he was made colonel of the Sth Vermont, which regiraent he raised and led to the South, reraaining its colonel till Jan. 12, 1865. Feb. i, 1865, hewas com missioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and served as such till August 24, 1865. He was elected Lieutenant-Governor in 1867 and 1868, and under commission from Pres ident Grant was pension agent for Vermont, with headquarters at Montpeher, from 187010 1877. He is now president of the U. S. Clothes Pin Co. of Montpeher, which does a large jobbing business in lumber and house find ings, and not only extends its clothes-pin trade over the whole country, but does a large export business. The corporation now THOMPSON. THOMPSON. 397 employs fifteen hands. He is also president of the North HaverhiU Granite Co. General Thomas served with distinction in the departraent of the Gulf till 1864, when his regiraent was ordered North, and in the suraraer of that year put under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. His services at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's HiU, and Cedar Creek were of the highest order. He was comraended in general orders for ser vices at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864, when he charged with the Sth Verraont and 12th Connecticut, under his coraraand on his own responsibihty. It is not unjust to other brave ofificers to tell the truth, that at all soldiers' reunions the applause always gets to its highest when General Thoraas appears. He was the idol of the common soldier, and the veterans seem to add year by year to their enthusiasm for the bluff — sometimes gruff and always brave — old general. General Thoraas married Ann Peabody of Reading, who died at West Fairlee, Jan. 8, 1877. They had two children: Hartopp of Junction City, Wis., and Amanda T., ¦widow of Luther Newcomb, who was raany years county clerk at Montpelier. General Thoraas has, since the death of his wife, raade his horae at Montpeher with his daughter, Mrs. Newcorab. He has held the highest places of honor in the gift of the various veteran associations in the state, the camp of the Sons of Veterans at the capital is "Stephen Thomas Camp," and so the sons, Uke the fathers, regard hira as the type of the American citizen soldier — exemplar by descent of those who in battle founded and defended, and in person of those who in battie preserved, the great Republic. THOMPSON, Laforrest Holman, of Irasburgh, son of Levi S. and Irene (Hodg kins) Thompson, was born in Bakersfield, Jan. 6, 1848. His father moved from Bakersfield to Cambridge about 1855, reraained there one year and then moved to Potton, Canada, where Laforrest's raother died. The boy worked on the farm until 1865, having scant schooling but reading and studying much for himself. From 1865 he studied at the graramar school (now the Norraal school) at Johnson, and at KirabaU Union Academy at Meriden, N. H., and taught school himseU. In 1869, he was fitted for coUege but his health was not such as to permit hira to enter. He taught instead at Craftsbury and Irasburgh, and studied law raostly by him self. In March, 1871, he was admitted to the Orieans county bar and at once began prac tice at Irasburgh. He has always been an indefatigable worker and he soon fought his way to the front rank of his profession. In 1874, he was elected state's attorney and from 1876 to 1881, when his law practice deraanded his whole time and caused him to resign, he was judge of probate. In 1880 and 1882, Judge Thorapson rep resented Irasburgh and was, the latter year, chairraan of the judiciary coraraittee of the House. In 1884 he was a senator from Orleans county and president pro tempore of the Senate. In 1890 Judge Thompson again repre sented Irasburgh in the House, and was again chairman of its judiciary coraraittee. Atthe session of 1890 he was elected sixth assistant judge of the Suprerae Court, which ofifice he now fiUs. His election brought to judicial service at once the ardent student, and the man of affairs giving the right reason for the right decision. Mr. Thompson married, August 24, 1869, Mary EUza, daughter of Hon. A. P. Dutton of Craftsbury, who bore hira four children. Mrs. Thompson died March 29, 1881, and Judge Thompson afterwards married Harriet C. Kinney, by whom he also has children. THOMPSON, Sumner Shaw, late of LyndonviUe, son of Jacob and Esther (Shaw) Thompson, was born in Halifax, Mass., April 12, 1823. He was a descendant of Lieut. John Thorapson, who raarried a daughter of Francis Cooke, one of the Mayflower pil grims. His education was obtained in the public schools at Plympton, Mass., and at the age of nineteen he received a contract from his brother to build a part of the New Bedford & Taunton railway, and for forty-seven years until his death he devoted himself to rail road construction. He was concerned in building the Verraont & Canada, Central Verraont, New Harapshire Northern, Atlantic & St. Lawrence, New London Northern, Boston, Concord & Montreal, Newport & Southeastern, Passurapsic, Frankfort (Mich.) & Southeastern, Montreal, Portland & Bos ton, Woodstock, Soraerset, Saratoga & Sack ett's Harbor, and several railways now incor porated with the Old Colony & Southeastern system. At the time of his death he was president of the Frankfort & Southeastern R. R. in Michigan, a director of the Connecticut & Passumpsic, and vice-president of the Mont peher & WeUs River R. R., of which latter he was appointed receiver, managing the property so ably that it increased in value while in his hands. He was also a director in the Lyndonville Savings Bank, and the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, of which latter corporation he was also vice- president He was director of the Verraont Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and one of the 398 THOMPSON. founders of the St. Johnsbury Republican. He also presided over the board of trustees of the Lyndon Classical Institute, to which he was a most generous contributor. He was staunchly RepubUcan in his poUt ical views, representing Lyndon in 1866 and 1867 in the House, in which he did efificient service on several important coraraittees. In 1876, and again in 1878, he was chosen a senator frora Caledonia county, and in 1880 was raade a presidential elector. While residing in Massachusetts he became a member of the Mayflower Lodge, I. O. O. F., and was afifihated with the Christian Bap tist church. Mr. Thorapson was united in marriage, April 10, 1847, to Harriet Stark, daughter of America and Mary (Chandler) Wiley of Fryeburg, Me. Two children were born to SUMNER SHAW THOMPSON. thera : Ella E. (wife of Hon. Sarauel W. McCaU of Winchester, Mass.), and Hattie W. (Mrs. Charles S. LeBourveau, Jr., of Lyndonville). Mr. Thompson died at Frankfort, Mich., Oct. 24, 1889. He was an exceUent example of a self- made man, and though deprived of a colleg iate education, he early learned its value and took great pleasure in aiding young men without raeans in the pursuit of their studies, and also in donating large sums of money to institutions of learning. Unlike many raen who have been forced to make their own way in the world, he was very generous and char itable, never neglecting any appeal for assistance which came frora a worthy per son. His benefactions were ever unobtrus ively offered and quietly bestowed without ostentatious display. TIFFANY, Eli, of Bennington, son of John and Ehzabeth (Marsden) Tiffany, was born in Horbury, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, Nov. 9, 1830. He attended such schools as were provided at that tirae for factory operatives till he was fourteen years old. He then worked in woolen raiUs tiU the spring of 1851, when he eraigrated to this country, making his abode at Waterbury, Conn., to operate new machin ery for the Waterbury Knitting Co. In 1856 he removed to Meriden, Conn., where he reraained two years eraployed in a similar capacity by the firra of PoweU & Parker. He next visited Glastonbury, Conn., where he invented an automatic rib knitting machine for which he received a patent May i, i860. In 1858, previous to the issuing of the above patents, he moved to Thompsonville, Conn., and there connected hiraseU with George Cooper in the raanufacturing of the above raentioned raachinery, then in 1866 he re moved to Cohoes, N. Y'., and formed a co partnership under the titie of ^^^iUiam Wood & Co., for the purpose of producing knit cuff and drawer bottoms for the knitting mUls in general. Finally in 1870 he removed to Bennington, where the firra of Tiffany & Cooper was forraed for the purpose of building rib knitting machinery, and an ex tensive business in this Une was bulk up. In 1874 his original patents were extended and in 1880 he started a new indushy with his brothers, which was independent from the firra of Tiffany & Cooper, the arti cles produced by the concern of Tiffany Bros, being knit underwear, the quaUty^ of which has built thera up a very fiourishing and prosperous business. During the eariy part of 1886 the firm of Tiffany & Cooper was dissolved. Mr. Tiffany purchasing the interest of his partner for whom he substi tuted his son Frank M., and continued the bus iness under the firm of E. Tiffany & Son until 1890, when Louis L. was admitted to the firm making it E. Tiffany & Sons, which are now conducting a very large and pros perous business in the line of rib knitting raachinery, and have not only thoroughly in troduced these machines in the United States and Canada, but have also sent several to South America within the past few months. Mr. Tiffany possesses a special talent for the invention of knitting machines, no less than fifteen different patents having been issued to him for different devices in this article. During the last year he has made some of the most valuable and important im- TIFFANY. 399 provements, especially in circular raachines, for which applications for patents are now pending. In 1888 he purchased an interest in the Colurabian Navigation and Coramercial Co., of which he is vice-president, and which is conducting a very successful business in trading, carrying freight and passengers along the coast and up the rivers of the United States of Colombia, S. A. He is a public-spirited man, always giv ing liberally to any cause which he con siders worthy, and which will tend to help his fellowmen ; this has secured for hira the respect of the coraraunity in which he lives. ELI TIFFANY. Sorae twenty years ago Mr. Tittan) /isited his old horae in England, spending several months roaming about the country in which he spent his boyhood days, visiting his old friends and enjoying himseh in general. Then during the suramer of 1893 he made quite an extended trip, visiting his old home once raore, then saihng via the West India Islands, visiting Carthagena of the United States of Colombia, where his busi ness called hira, and returning once raore to his adopted and beloved home in America. He was united in raarriage, August, 1863, to Phoebe E., daughter of Jaraes and Ann (Glover) Cooper, of ThorapsonviUe, Conn., who died April 29, 1893, leaving three chib dren : Frank M., Louis L., and WiUiara J. Though holding to the principles of the Repubhcan party, Mr. Tiffany has never sought political preferraent. For the past ten years he has been a trustee of the Ben nington graded school. TINKER, Charles Francis Orsamus, of St. Johnsbury, son of Francis and R. EUzabeth (Hutchinson) Tinker, was born in Ashby, Mass., June 23, 1849. The days of his schoohng were spent in Leorainister, Mass., and at the age of seven teen he reraoved with his parents to South Dedham, now Norwood, in that state. He entered the drug store of his father where he reraained until 1870 when he becarae a stu dent in the raedical department of Harvard University, completing the course in 1873. Intending to engage in the practice of dent istry, he was employed in the office of E. D. Gaylord, Boston, for two years, then after a short interval in Norwood, he took up his residence in Johnstown, N. Y., where he practiced his profession for four years. While in that place he becarae a raeraber of the Fourth District Dental Society of New York. Returning to his native state he still pursued CHARLES FRANCIS ORSAMUS TINKER. the practice of his profession in Boston and Norwood, but in 1885 came to Verraont and settled in St. Johnsbury where he stiU re raains. During his residence in this state he has been raade a meraber of the Vermont State Dental Society. In pohtical faith he is a Repubhcan. He joined Apollo Lodge, No. 2, Knights of Pythias, as a charter member. In this or ganization he has been actively interested 400 TlTUS. TOLMAN. and exceedingly prominent, having been elected to the positions of Prelate, Chancel lor, Commander, and Sir Knight Captain. This last ofifice he resigned in order to accept the position of colonel and aid-de-camp on the personal staff of Gen. James R. Caran- hara, who commands the uniformed ranks of the Knights of Pythias of the world. When the Grand Lodge of K. of P. was embodied, in i88g, he served two successive terms as Grand Chancellor of the state, at the expir ation of which he was chosen Supreme Rep resentative to the Suprerae Lodge for four years. Mr. Tinker is afifiliated with the North Congregational Church of St. Johnsbury, and a raember of the Mystic Club of that place. He was united in marriage, July 14, 1870, to Ann Ehza, daughter of Albert and Martha W. (Swain) Wellington, of Ashby, Mass. This union has been blessed with three chil dren : Orra Gertrude (deceased at the age of seven), WelUngton Hutchinson, and Earnest Francis. TITUS, Edward, of WUraington, son of Alonzo and Mary (MiUer) Titus, was born in WUraington, Oct. 25, 1833, and he has always resided in his native town. EDWARD TITUS. He received his early education in the public schools and completed a regular course of study at the Wilmington high school. He taught a number of terras with raarked success. Mr. Titus married Carrie Bills, adopted daughter of David and Harriet (Palmeter) BiUs, May i, 1859. Of this union therewas one child : Frank Edward, born Sept. 4, 1864, who for a nuraber of years has carried on a successful business in Brooklyn, N. Y. Soon after raarriage Mr. Titus engaged in the manufacture of various articles of wooden ware, which occupation he successfully fol lowed for over twenty-five years. Since 1869 he has been justice of the peace and for the greater part of this tirae the principal trial justice. Many iraportant and difficult cases have been heard before hira, but his decis ions have invariably been fair and correct, being rendered in strict accord with the law as understood and with the facts of the case. In addition he has held nearly every town ofifice in the gift of his townsmen, discharg ing the duties thereof with scrupulous fidel ity. In December, 1891, he was elected meraber of the board of trustees of the WU raington Savings Bank and constitutes a raeraber of the finance coraraittee. Recog nizing his competency and superior abiHty in the consideration of legal questions and his integrity of character as a man, he was elected assistant judge of the Windham county court in 1892, the duties of which honorable position he discharges with credit to hiraself and to the perfect satisfaction of the pubhc. Mr. Titus is a true and loyal Vermonter, a self-raade raan, an upright, active and en terprising citizen. He has ever been iden tified with public iraproveraents and enter prises and deservedly enjoys the respect and esteera of all who know hira. TOLMAN, Henry Stanley, of Greens boro, son of Enoch and AbigaU (Cook) Tolraan, was born at Greensboro, Sept. i, 1825. His grandfather (Thoraas Tolman), an ofificer in the Revolutionary army, was one of the early settlers of that town, and was appointed first town clerk and assistant secretary of state. Mr. Henry Tolraan was a pupU of the public schools of Greensboro and Peacham Acaderay. At his father's death, which oc curred just before the son arrived at major ity, he took charge of the homestead, to the care of which in addition to several other farms he has devoted the efforts of his hfe, making a specialty of dairy products and raising horses and sheep. He has ahalf in terest in the luraber firra of Tolman, Simp son & Co., has been a director and stock holder in the St. Johnsbury & Lake Cham plain R. R., and president of the Caledonia National Bank at Danville. He has served on the town and county Republican coraraittee, was for twenty years selectraan, and held nuraerous other ofificial TOWLE. TRUAX. 401 position in the town which he represented for three terms in the state Legislature in 1866, 1867 and 1888 ; he was elected senator from Orleans county in 1874, and during the war discharged the duties of recruiting ofifi cer, also drawing the money due to soldiers' wives. For forty years he has been a consistent meraber of the Congregational church, serv ing on the executive coramittee. Mr. Tolraan married Martha A., daughter of J. C. and Clara (Livermore) Jackson of Greensboro, who died May 11, 1862, leav ing one son : Alpha E. He was married a second tirae to Fannie P. Waterman Eaton, daughter of Arunah and Mehittible (Dodge) Waterman, who departed this life March 5, 1890. By his second wife Mr. Tolman had one daughter : Martha A. TOWLE, Edwin RUTHVEN, of Franklin, son of Jonathan and Lorena (Daines) Towle, was born in Franklin, August i, 1833. His grandfather, Reuben, after honorable service in the war of the Revolution, came to this part of the state, accompanied by his son, frora New Hampshire, when Franklin county was as yet comparatively a wilderness, and here engaged in the occupation of a farraer. EDWIN RUTHVEN TOWLE. The education of Edwin R. was obtained in the district schools, and he was a student at the Franklin Acaderay when that institu tion was under the charge of Hon. RosweU Farnham, afterwards Governor of the state. Although anxious for greater educational advantages, as an only son Mr. Towle felt it his duty to reraain at home and follow the occupation of his father. He did not, never theless, neglect any opportunity for self- iraproveraent, but devoted all his leisure time to profitable reading and also gave much attention to the art of composition. This probably caused him in early life to resolve to becorae a journalist. In 1870 he found opportunity to exercise his talents as the agricultural editor of the St. Albans Messenger. This he stUl reraains, laboring to the best of his ability to render his efforts successful in the occupation to which he has devoted so large a portion of his life. February 14, 1856, he was wedded to Caroline E., daughter of Jacob and Mary (Kirby) Truax. Frora this union have been born two sons : Herraan E., and Edwin J. In 1 88 1 he received the honor of an ap pointment to the State Board of Agriculture at the hands of Governor Farnham, the duties of which position he discharged raost satisfactorily for a period of five years. In addition to the usual work of a member of this body he prepared reports of the meet ings for the use of the press and of the board. Many years ago he wrote a histori cal sketch of the town of Franklin for Miss Hemenway's Gazetteer of Vermont, and a similar paper for the History of Franklin County, pubUshed in 189 1. In 1892 hewas the editor of a genealogy of his faraily, a work which required rauch tirae and labor. While in no sense a politician, he has always been a thorough believer in the principles of the Republican party. He has held several positions of trust in the town and also in the Methodist church, of which he has been a faithful and active member for nearly half a century. TRUAX, Albert B., of Montpelier, son of George and Elizabeth (Briggs) Truax, was born in Swanton, Feb. 28, 1835. His education was hmited to the district school, followed by a course of study at Swanton Acaderay, but by industrious appli cation he has taken araple advantage of his opportunities and has arrived at a high degree of scholarship. His father was a blacksraith and he was early initiated into this trade. Albert B., at seventeen, becarae a member of the M. E. Church under the ministrations of the Rev. Orrin Gregg, of the Troy Conference. For a year he labored as the leader of a young people's class, and soon after was caUed to preach. He was first licensed to exhort and then perraitted to act as a local preacher, which privUege was granted untU he entered the traveUing connection. He served under Presiding Elder Morris as junior preacher in the Carabridge circuit. He joined the 402 TRUAX. Troy Conference in the spring of 1858, and two years later was ordained deacon by Bishop Osraon C. Baker, when by a change of boundaries he becarae a member of the Verraont Conference, in which he was or dained elder by Bishop Baker in 1862. He looks back with grateful reraembrance upon thirty-five years of effective service in the church, having never enjoyed a vacation of raore than two weeks at any tirae, and losing only five Sabbaths frora illness. Serving his fifth year as presiding elder, he has not failed thus far to raeet every appointraent. The following charges have been entrusted to his care : those of Winooski, Johnson, Under hiU, Bakersfield, Alburgh, West Berkshire, A., Ada E. (deceased), Josephine E., Car lotta May, and Albert W. TRULL, Daniel N.,late of Lyndon, son of Joel and Cynthia N. Trull, was born in Burke, June 12, 1835. In 1847 the faraily reraoved to Lyndon, where he was educated at the academy of that place till 1852, when he coraraenced the study of medicine with Dr. Selira NeweU. After the usual course of lectures in Wood stock and Hanover, he graduated at the Dartraouth Medical College in 1855. He then commenced the practice of medicine in company with Doctor Newell in St. Johns bury, but owing to too close application to business his health failed, and he was com pelled to discontinue his chosen profession after two years. On the 1 6th of Deceraber, i860, he was married to Cornelia C, daughter of Hon. S. B. Mattocks, and they spent the winter in Virginia for the benefit of the doctor's health. In the spring of 186 1 they returned to Lyndon, where the doctor accepted the position of recruiting ofificer, in raising men for the army. ALBERT B. TRUAX. Waterbury, Northfield, Bradford, Brattleboro and BeUows Falls. Having completed a successful six years' term as presiding elder of Montpelier district, he was, in the spring of 1893, appointed pastor at Enosburg FaUs. While stationed at Bradford he served as town superintendent of schools. He has lectured in the state for the past twenty years, particularly on the subject of temper ance, and has delivered many meraorial addresses on Decoration Day. Mr. Truax was formerly a raeraber of the Grand Lodge of Good Teraplars of the state, in which body he served two years as grand chaplain. He was married, Feb. 6, 1 860, at Winooski, to Sarah D., daughter of Theron and Joseph ine R. (Kingsbury) Winslow. Their union has been blessed with five children : Wilbur DANIEL N. TRULL. From 1864 to 1869 he was engaged in the carriage business. Upon leaving this busi ness he made several changes of residence, spending another winter in the South hoping to regain his health. Becoraing interested in banking, he was a director of the Lyndon Bank for eight years, TRUSSELL. TUCKER. 403 and served several terras as its president. In 1890 he removed to St. Johnsbury, where he resided tiU a few raonths before his death, which occured Dec. 31, 1892. Doctor Trull was a well-read physician, and had health permitted, would have be come eminent in his profession. As a busi ness man he was sagacious, far-seeing, cau tious, and prudent ; as a counselor, no man was raore frequently consulted by neighbors, to whora he ever gave intelligent considera tion, helpful suggestions, and useful advice. He was quick to respond to appeals for charity, and always ready to assist the de serving poor. TRUSSELL, Jacob, of East Peachara, son of Joshua and Electa (Curtis) Trussell, was born in Sutton, Sept. 20, 1833. His education was obtained in the schools of Danville, supplemented by instruction at Phillips and Caledonia County acaderaies. After sorae experience in the profession of teaching, he studied law with Mordecai Hale and Edward Harvey of Mclndoes, and for a short tirae was under the care of Judge Jonathan Ross. In i860 he was adraitted to the Verraont bar and iraraediately began to practice at Peachara. 'When the civil war commenced Mr. Trus- seU patriotically enUsted in Co. D, ist Vt. Cavalry and served mostly with the Array of the Potoraae, participating in raany batties, raids and skirmishes. He was severly wounded in Wilson's raids, June 23, 1864, and was soon .after discharged as ist lieutenant. When the ist Regt. was completely routed at Broad Run, Mosby, the guerrilla, pursued Trussell eight miles to the picket lines and nearly succeeded in capturing him, being very de sirous to obtain possession of the particularly fine horse which Mr. TrusseU bestrode. After the close of the war he raade an expedition to Virginia City, Mont., driving fifteen hun dred railes across the plains. He then turned his steps to Sioux City, Iowa, taking charge •of a gang of men who were completing the raihoad to Omaha ; he then engaged as con tractor on the Union Pacific R. R. till it was completed to Ogden, Utah, when he returned to Peachara and bought a large farra on which he remained fourteen years. In 1882 he returned to the practice of law at Dan viUe and ten years later became engaged in trade at South Peacham. A Democrat untU the breaking out of the war he is now a strong Republican. Repre sented his town in the Legislature of 1884 where he served on the military committee. He attends and supports the Congrega tional church, and is a meraber of Passurap sic Lodge, F. & A. M., of St. Johnsbury, and Stevens Post, G. A. R. Mr. TrusseU was united in wedlock Oct. 4, 1 87 1, to Flora M. Blanchard of Peacham, who died August 16, 1886, leaving two sons : Nathaniel B., and WilUam. He married for his second wife, Nov. 9, 1888, Mrs. Marietta C. Walbridge, widow of Augustus J. Walbridge. TUCKER, Melvin Ellis, of Hardwick, son of Amasa and Diancy (Ellis) Tucker, was born in Calais, AprU 27, 1849. He availed hiraself of the educational ad vantages offered by the schools of Calais and Hardwick, followed by one term at the Ver raont Methodist Seminary at Montpelier. As his mother died when he was a mere lad, he was entrusted to the care of Stephen M. Richardson of Hardwick, with whom he re mained till he was eighteen and after this period he was wholly dependent on his own MELVIN ELLIS TUCKER. resources. He first served an apprentice ship at the trade of a carpenter and raiU wright, but in 1873 comraenced as a dealer in luraber at Eden Mills. Two years later he reraoved to Hardwick, where he operated a saw mill in connection with a farm. Mr. Tucker has been interested in seven miUs devoted to the manufacture of luraber and has a financial interest in several others. He is now busily engaged in the manufact ure of lumber frora lands he owns in Eden and Lowell. His remarkable success is due to his untiring industry and energetic spirit, for he has had to rely on his own unaided 404 TUTTLE. efforts without the assistance of friends or capital. He was married, Nov. 12, 1870, to Lizzie L., daughter of Marvin and Sally Smith of Calais. They have had six children : Mary D. (Mrs. W. S. Bunker of Hardwick), Alice B., lona R., Vena E., Florence S. (died in infancy), and Earl Bartlett. Mr. Tucker has been too busy a raan to take rauch active interest in political move raents, but has been called to the ofifices of selectraan and assistant judge of Caledonia county, the duties of which he carefully and conscientiously discharged. In i8go he represented the town of Hardwick in the Legislature, where the course he pursued was satisfactory to his Republican constit uents. Judge Tucker has taken the obligations both of Odd FeUowship and Free Masonry, is treasurer of Caspian Lake Lodge, No. 87, of the latter body, and a raeraber of LaraoUle Lodge, No. 21, I. O. O. F. He is a Methodist in his rehgious preferences. TURNER, Edwin R., of North Con cord, son of Henry and Charity (Washburn) Turner, was born in Concord, July 22, 1826. His father carae to Concord in 1810 and settled on the farra where his son was born. Here he remained for sixty years, dying at the age of eighty-nine. Edwin received his education in the pub hc schools of his native place and then set tled on the homestead, where he remained till he was forty-two, caring for his aged parents tiU their death. He then removed to Waterford, where he resided for two years, but at the end of that tirae returned to North Concord, where he purchased a fine raeadow farra, which he has operated with great success, carrying an exceUent stock of cattie, and enjoying the reputation of being one of the best farra raanagers in his county. By his inteUigent assiduity he has araassed a handsorae corapetence, and is a fine speci- raen of the sturdy New England yeoman. A Repubhcan in his pohtical creed, he has held many important town ofifices, and has served two terms, frora 1884 to 1888, as assistant judge of Essex county court, and has been county road coraraissioner four years, frora 1888 to 1892. Judge Turner is regarded as a prudent, careful and judicious adviser in all raatters relating to finance and the affairs of the town. E. R. Turner was united in raarriage at Concord, Dec. 3, 1852, to Jane, daughter of FareweU and Mary (Nichols) Hutchinson of Waterford. Three children have blessed their union : Frank H., Irvin, and Ina D. TUTTLE, Albert Henry, of Rutland, son of George A. and Susan J. (Cutter) Tuttle, was born in Granville, N. Y., May 25, 1838. He is a direct descendant of WilUam Tuttle, who carae from England to Boston in 1635, soon after becoming a prominent settler of New Haven, Conn. The education of Mr. Tuttle was received in the public and high schools of Rutland, and in 1854 he began the business of life as a clerk in the service of his father, who was the owner and proprietor of the Rutiand Herald. Here he reraained till he received ALBERT HENRY TUTTLE. an appointraent from President Abraham Lincoln in the New York naval office' in 1 86 1, where he fiUed various responsible positions untU he resigned in 1864 on ac count of his father's ill-health. On his return to Rutland he became one of the proprietors of the Herald, taking active control of the paper, in connection with which were operated a book store, and a book-publishing, binding and job printing estabhshment for the next ten years. In 1873 he abandoned these employments and took sole charge of the daily and weekly Herald. He was appointed postmaster by Presi dent Grant in 1874, and reappointed 1878, and was continued in ofifice by President /Arthur, but was suspended in 1885, one year before his coraraission expired, by Presi dent Cleveland to raake way for a Demo- TYLER. erat, having been the longest incumbent of any postmaster in Rutiand. Mr. Tuttle possesses an unusual degree of executive ability, and always familiarizes hiraself thoroughly with every detail of any business which he undertakes. In 1887 he sold the Herald to Mr. P. W. Cleraent, but for several years reraained its business raan ager. Subsequently, in company with his son, he purchased the Bates House, a prom inent hotel in the city, which he stiU retains. He was largely infiuential in the construc tion of the Rutland Street Railway, and for several years was its treasurer. He has been president of the village of Rutiand, was a member of the board of village trustees at the tirae of his appointraent as post master, compelUng his resignation as trustee ; has been a director of the Clement Bank, and a member and clerk of the village school board. He was married in October, 1858, to Emma M., daughter of David G. and Eme hne S. (Cluff) McClure, of Rutland. Two children have blessed their union : Cora A. (Mrs. Frank A. Barnaby of Brooklyn, de ceased Feb. I, 1889), and George D. (de ceased) . Mr. Tuttle belongs to aU the Masonic orders, having taken every degree from entered-apprentice to the thirty-second inclu sive ; is treasurer of the Rutiand Royal Arcanum Council ; treasurer of Protection Lodge, Knights of Honor ; treasurer of the Royal Society of Good Fellows, and a mem ber of the Mystic Shrine. He belongs to the Rutland Congregational Church. He has been much interested in the Vermont Press Association, having served as president and chairman of the executive coraraittee. He has ever been an enthusiastic worker in the Republican party, giving his services to the town or county coraraittee ever since his re turn frora New York to the present tirae. For fifteen years he has been a raember of the First district Repubhcan coramittee in which he has fiUed the ofifice of secretary, treasurer and chairman. TYLER, ERASTUS, of Vernon, son of Erastus and Harriet (Johnson) Tyler, was born in Windham, July 4, 1832. Mr. Tyler's educational advantages were hmited to the pubhc schools, and he has always followed the occupation of a farraer in his native town. He is a strong Repubhcan in his political preference and has held several iraportant ofificial positions, having been elected chair man of the board of selectmen for the years 1880, 1881, and 1882. In 1886 he was called upon to represent the town in the Legislature, and for the last four years has TYLER. 405 discharged the duties of a raember of the board of hsters. He was united in raarriage at Brattleboro, Nov. 10, 1858, to Martha A., daughter of Edward A. and Juha (Butterfield) Graves. Their union has been blessed with nine children : Anna R., George E., Charies H., Juha H., Edward A. (now proprietor of the Brooks House at Brattieboro), Bert L., WiU iam J., F. LesUe, and John C. TYLER, James M., of Brattleboro, son of Ephraira and Mary (BisseU) Tyler, was born in Wilmington, April 27, 1835. He received his education in the district schools of Guilford, to which town his parents moved in 1840, and at Brattleboro Acaderay ; studied law, and was admitted to the Windham county bar at the September term, i860. He then returned to 'VVilming- ton and began the practice of his profession in partnership with Gen. S. P. Flagg, which connection continued until Deceraber, 1864, when he reraoved to Brattleboro, forraing a partnership with the late Hon. C. K. Field, which terrainated with the latter's death in 1880. In i863-'64 and at the special session of 1865 Mr. Tyler represented the town of Wilmington in the General Assembly and in i867-'68 was state's attorney for Windham county. He represented the Second District of Vermont in the sessions of the Forty- sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses, where he served on several iraportant committees. His most notable speeches were delivered upon bills relative to the apportionraent of representatives in Congress, internal reve nue, the tariff, education in the South, and Chinese immigration. In 1887 he was chosen chairman of the board of coraraissioners to revise the school laws of the state, but resigned to accept frora Governor Orrasbee the appointment of judge of the Supreme Court, which position he still holds by successive elections by the Legislature. Judge Tyler has been proraoted frora time to tirae until he is now third assistant judge. His work upon the bench has fully demon strated his exceUent quaUfications for this high and honorable position. He was married Dec. 11, 1861, to EUen E., daughter of WilUam F. and Sophia (Plummer) Richardson, who died Jan. i, 1871. He was again married, Sept. i, 1875, to Jane P., daughter of Soloraon P. and Sarah E. (Appleton) Miles, of which union there was one son : Appleton, who died in infancy. Judge Tyler was for raany years vice-presi dent and trustee of the Verraont Savings Bank of Brattleboro, but resigned when he received his appointraent to the bench. He 4o6 TYLER. has been a trustee of the Vermont Retreat for the Insane since 1875, and for several years a member of the board of trustees of the Brooks Library. In pohtics he has always been a Repubh can ; in religion he is a Congregationahst. TYLER, ROYALL, of Brattieboro, son of Chief-Justice Royall and Mary (Palmer) Tyler, was born in Brattieboro, April 19, 1812. '§«!-, / ROYALL TYLER. He was fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Exeter, and entered Harvard as a sophomore in 1831. He graduated in VALENTINE. 1834, and immediately begaii the study of law in the office of Charles C. Loring, a very prominent lawyer on Court street, Boston. Mr. Tyler was admitted to the bar in 1837,. and in the foUowing spring returned to Brat tleboro. He was admitted to the bar of Windham county on a certificate from the Massachusetts courts in 1840. Within a year afterwards he entered the ofifice of Asa. Keyes, the firm being known as Keyes & Tyler. Shortly after this, Mr. Tyler went to Newfane to attend to the business of Charles K. Field during his absence in the West. On the latter's return a year later, Mr. Tyler resumed his practice in Brattleboro. In the meantime he had been elected state's attor ney, a position which he ably fiUed for two years, though he stUl devoted himself to his private practice. In 1846, having then served as register for the two previous years, he was appointed judge of the probate court for the district of Marlboro. He was elected county clerk in 185 1, when he dis continued his practice of the law. The oflfice of county clerk since 185 1, and that of judge of probate since 1846, Judge Tyler has conscientiously and ably fiUed to the present time. He has also represented his town in the Legislature. He has, whUe clerk, regularly attended every session of the county and supreme courts in Windham county since 1851. In 1 84 1 he married Laura B., daughter of Asa and Sarah B. Keyes, and they have had three children, one of whom died in infancy. The elder daughter (Mrs. Allan D. Brown) died 1877, while the younger is Mrs. G. W. Piatt, of Great Barrington, Mass. Judge Tyler is a gentleraan of the old school, and if there are any gentiemen of a school better than the old school, he is one of them. Judge Tyler is a prorainent raember of St. Michael's Episcopal Church. VALENTINE, A. B., of Bennington, son of Joel and Judith (WeUs) Valentine, was born in Bennington, April i, 1830. He is descended frora Richard Valentine, who was one of the original proprietors of Herap- stead, L. I., where he settled in 1647. The educational training of Mr. 'Valentine was received in the Bennington coraraon schools. Union Acaderay and at Suffield, Conn. When he had arrived at raan's estate he coraraenced business' with his father under the firra narae of Joel Valentine & Son, but later attracted by the gold fields of California, he eraigrated, in 1852, to the Pacific coast where for two years he was engaged in mining and trade. Then he re turned to Bennington where he established a grist-mill in the buUding formeriy occupied by his father. In 1856 he was united to Alma L., daugh ter of Luther W. and Cynthia (Pratt) Park. Five children are issue of this marriage: May (Mrs. A. B. Perkins of Bennington,. deceased). Park (deceased), Jennie A.,. Wells v., and Lilian. July 31, 1862, Mr. Valentine received a. comraission as lieutenant and quartermas ter of the loth Regt. Vt. Vols., and two years later he was proraoted to the rank of captain and commissary of subsistence and was assigned to duty in the old ist Vermont Brigade. He also received a commission. 4o8 VALENTINE. VEAZEY. as brevet-major given for meritorious ser vices. On leaving the service of his country Major Valentine returned to his native town where he purchased his father's property and converted it into a knitting raill. This enterprise raet with success and though the raill was destroyed by fire, it was soon re built, and the business reorganized and in corporated under the narae of the Valentine Knitting Co. He was actively engaged in the establish raent of the graded schools in Bennington viUage and in the erection of the fine school buUding of which Bennington is so justly proud. He took a prorainent part in the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the battle of Bennington, being chief raar shal on that occasion, and was actively in terested in the Bennington Battle Monu raent Association and in the construction of the raonuraent itselt It was largely through his efforts that the Soldiers' Horae was established in Bennington, and in G. A. R. circles he is well known, having been depart ment commander of that organization for two years (in 1882 and 1883). Though pohtics as such possessed no great teraptation for Major Valentine, in 1886 he was prevailed upon to represent his county as one its state senators. In the session of that year he was identified with many im portant raeasures in connection with the Soldiers' Home and the amendment of the laws relating to the National Guard of Ver raont, which latter legislation resulted in great benefit to that body. As he had been especially active in educational legislation, he was appointed by Governor Orrasbee one of the committee of three to select text books to be used in the schools of the state and to contract for the purchase of the same. Subsequently he was selected by Governor DUlinghara to fill the position of commis sioner of agriculture and manufacturing in terests of the state. Major Valentine was a member of the Repubhcan national conven tion in 1884, was one of the original incor porators and directors of the Bennington County Savings Bank and is now president of that institution. He was for many years president of the board of trustees of the Bennington graded schools, and was a char ter member of the Verraont Commandery of the Loyal Legion. He is now (1894) presi dent of the Verraont Ofificers Reunion So ciety. His knit goods manufactory is the largest in the state, and its reputation is second to none in the country. In his reUgious belief he is an agnostic, though he attends and supports the Congre gational church, contributing liberally to religious and charitable enterprises. Major Valentine has traveled much, is Uberal in his ideas, proud of his village, and above all things desirous of its prosperity, being ever ready to unite with his neighbors in adding his influence to any scheme which tends to the iraproveraent of his native town. VEAZEY, WHEELOCK Graves, of Rut land, son of Jonathan and Annie (Stevens) Veazey, was born in Brentwood, N. H., Dec. 5, 1835. Brentwood was the horae of his ancestors back through raany generations. He received his early scholastic education at PhiUips (Exeter) Acaderay, matriculated at Dartmouth College and graduated there from in the class of 1859. Having selected the practice of law for the future labor of his life he studied in law ofifices and in the law school at Albany, N. Y., and graduated there in i860. He began practice in Spring field in November, i860, and was admitted to the Vermont bar at the next December term of the Windsor county court. Mr. Veazey was actuated by clear convic tion of duty and animated by patriotic en thusiasm when he enhsted as a private in Co. A of the 3d Regt. Vt. Vols. When the company was organized in the month of May, 1 86 1, he was elected to the captaincy, and in the following August received promo tion to the ranks of major and Ueutenant- colonel, and continued to hold the latter rank until sent horae to bring out a new regiraent in the fall of 1862. On the 27th of Septeraber, 1862, he was elected colonel of the 1 6th Regt Vt Vols. With this gab lant body of raen he continued to serve untU August 10, 1863, when, with his regiment at the expiration of its terra, he was mustered out of the service of the United States. General Hancock then assured him a briga- diership if he returned to the service, but his health would not permit. During his mili tary experience Colonel Veazey took part in raany of the battles of the Army of the Potomac. For some time he was a member of the staff of Gen. W. F. (Baldy) Smith, and on several occasions was placed in command of other regiments besides his own. In the seven days' batties before Richmond, in 1862, he was a participant, commanding either his own regiraent or some other to which he was temporarily detailed. At Get tysburg the 1 6th Vt. formed a part of the third division of the First Army Corps under General Doubleday, and actively shared in the sanguinary encounters of the three days of the greatest battle of the war. In the battie of the second day, near its close, his regiraent was in the fight between the corps of General Sickles and the rebel forces un der General Longstreet. That evening Colonel Veazey was ordered to take his regiraent and others and estabHsh a picket hne along that portion of the field 410 where the battle of the second day had been fought. The position of the Sixteenth in that Une was along that part where Long- street's corps raade the faraous charge of the third day. This is popularly known as Pick ett's charge. Veazey's regiraent was, there fore, in the pathway of Pickett's division, and not having been relieved on the morn ing of the third, on account of the difificulty of doing it, owing to the severity of the skir mishing on the picket line during the morn ing, was the first to be struck by the charg ing column. Under Veazey's order tbe men resisted the rebel skirmishers, but when their raain hnes approached, Veazey, instead of faUing back through the Union Unes, moved his men to the left just far enough to uncover the rebel front, and thereby had them in position to attack their flank as the column passed hira. About that tirae General Han cock, then coramanding aU that portion of the Union lines, dashed down to the danger point where Pickett's charge was aimed, and was there wounded and bleeding on the field as Veazey moved his regiment back and to right to take position on the left of the Thirteenth Vermont in the deadly as sault made by these regiraents, which crushed Pickett's right flank. In this raovement Veazey passed where Hancock was bleeding and refusing to be taken from the field. The latter watching and appreciating the raove ment, said to Veazey : "That's right. Colo nel, go in and give 'era heU on the flank." Veazey's next move was to get his men into line, as they were scattered over the field gathering in prisoners, and again change front to the left and charge the flank of Perry's and Wilcox's approaching brigades, which he crushed, capturing many hundred prisoners and two stands of colors. This was the substantial close of the battle of Gettysburg. This young officer's feats in the battle gave hira a national reputation, and secured hira a medal of honor, under a resolution of Congress, having upon it an inscription as follows : "The Congress to Col. Wheelock G. Veazey, i6th Vt. Vols. For Distinguished GaUantry at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863." Colonel Veazey returned to Verraont in 1863, and, as soon as health badly shattered in the service would permit, resumed the practice of his profession at Rutiand, and continued in practice until October, 1879. From 1864 to 1873, by virtue of eight con secutive elections, he served as reporter of the Suprerae Court, and in this capacity pre pared nine voluraes of the Vermont Reports. In 1872 and 1873, he represented the citi zens of Rutiand county in the state Senate, and officiated in that body as chairraan of the coraraitee on raihtary affairs and also in the coraraittee on the judiciary. In 1874 he received the appointraent of register in bank ruptcy, and retained it untU the repeal of the bankrupt law. In 1878, he and Hon. C. W. WiUard were appointed commission ers by Governor Proctor to revise the laws of the state. The revision was duly made, re ported, adopted by the Legislature in 1880, and is now in force as the revised laws of Verraont. In the same connection Judge Veazey also made a searching investigation and report to the Legislature upon the sub ject of court expenses, which resulted in a reduction of the sarae to a very large amount. The elevation of a lawyer so competent and judicious to the bench was simply a question of time. It carae in 1879 by his appointraent as judge of the Supreme Court to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Dunton. Beginning with 1880, and including 1888, Judge "Veazey was at each biennial session elected a judge of the Supreme Court. This position he resigned in 1889 to accept an appointment as a meraber of the interstate comraerce commis sion, the duties of which iraportant place he continues to perforra. In the educational, financial and cor porate institutions of the state. Judge Veazey was naturally deeply interested. He was one of the trustees of Dartraouth college frora 1879 and until his resignation in 1891 ; he has also been trustee or director of other educational as well as industrial institutions in and out of the state. Before going upon the bench. Colonel Veazey was active in public and political affairs. He was a delegate-at-large to the national Republican convention at Cincinnati, which nominated Rutherford B. Hayes for President. He has always taken the greatest interest in his comrades of the war, and been connected with thera in their organizations, state and national. Colonel Veazey was one of the early department comraanders of the Grand Army of the Republic in Vermont, and has been president of the Reunion Society of Vermont Officers. In 1890 he was elected commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, a position than which there is none more honorable in the Union. In all the high places held by him — in mihtary and civil hfe — he has kept the respect, won the admiration and had the affection of his old comrades, and of his fellow-citizens. He received the honorable degree of LL. D. from Dartmouth college in 1887. He was married on the 22d of June, 1861, to Julia A., daughter of Hon. Albin and JuUa A. Beard, at Nashua, N. H. They have had four children, two of whom are living. VAIL, HOMER W., of North Pomfret, son of Joshua and Harriet (Warren) Vail, VAIL. 411 was born in Pomfret, August 5, 1843. -"^ direct descendant of Lieut. Thomas Vail, who was an ofificer in the old French and Indian war, and fought through the bloody struggles at the capture of Fort Niagara and in the Montreal campaign. Homer W. received his education in the public schools of Pomfret and the select school. For five years after his majority he was eraployed in a publishing house in Bos ton, but was suraraoned horae by the faUing health of his father, who shortly afterwards died and left to his care his mother and her younger chUdren. HOMER W. VAIL. of H. and is also aUied with the Masonic fra ternity as a member of Woodstock Lodge, No. 31, of Ottaquechee Chapter and a Knight Teraplar of Vermont Commandery.'' I He married, March 9, 1880, Sarah A., daughter of Jackson and Sarah (Angler) Vail of Montpelier. Four sons have blessed their union: Ralph (deceased), Solon J., Henry G., and Horaer J. VIALL, George Marcius, of East Dorset, son of I. G. and Helen A. (Roberts) ViaU, was born in Dorset, May 5, 1849. Of mixed English and Scotch descent. His early educational advantages were the customary ones given in the public schools, and he afterward fitted for college at Elrawood Institute, Lanesborough, Mass. Entering the classical department of Union Univer sity, Schenectady, N. Y'., he graduated at the head ofhis class, in 1874, with the degree of A. B., receiving the additional honor of A. M., Mr. VaU was one of the earliest stock raisers in the state to give great attention to the breeding of Jersey cattle. He has made a specialty of dairy products, and at the Na tional Food Exposition held in New York in 1892, he obtained the gold medal sweep stakes for the best butter on exhibition. After holding most of the minor ofifices in his native town, he was elected by the Repub Ucans to represent Pomfret in the Legisla ture of 1874 and was chosen a senator frora Windsor county in 1892. He is president of the Windsor County Agricultural Society and was appointed a raember of the board of agriculture by Governor Ormsbee in 1886 and has served continuously in this capacity ever since. He has held for three years the position of New England director of the American Jersey Cattie Club. He has been associated with the Banner Grange of the P. GEORGE MARCIUS VIALL. in 1877. Resolving to devote his life to the medical profession, he comraenced his stud ies in the medical department of the same institution, receiving his diploraa in 1876. For a short tirae he practiced in Dorset, but was corapelled by the death of his father and grandfather to devote hiraself to faraily in terests. Accordingly, he took the raanage raent of a large farra on which he has since resided. In addition he has acted as admin istrator and assignee in the settleraent of raany iraportant estates, and has held the 412 VIALL. VINCENT. offices of town clerk, treasurer, lister, and trustee of public money. Politically, Mr. ViaU is an adherent of the Democratic party, was elected to the state Senate from Bennington county in 1882, and to the House of Representatives frora Dor set in 1886, serving on several iraportant coraraittees. He was united in raarriage in February, 1876, to Lucy E., daughter of David E. and Hannah E. (Curtis) Deming, of Lanesbor ough, Mass. Of this marriage there are two children : Lucy Deraing, and Helen Eliza. Mr. ViaU is a raeraber of the Episcopal church, but believes that all wiU be rewarded or punished according to the deeds done in this life without respect to creed or doctrine. VIALL, William B., of West Randolph, son of A. Boynton and Lucy (NewhaU) A'iall, was born in Dorset, Oct. 19, 1842. .^' ,,.y' WILLIAM B. VIALL. Receiving the custoraary education of the public schools in 1862 he entered the em ployraent of the Vermont Central R. R. Comraencing at the foot of the ladder with the position of brakeman, he soon displayed qualities suitable to a higher class of work. He has served the corporation in various capacities and is now holding the respon sible position of adjuster of claims. Though not a lawyer, he is constantly called upon to act for the company in cases involving both business and legal difficulties, and is univer sally recognized as a man of quick percep tions, acute judgraent and wide general in formation, while from his pleasing address he is deservedly popular. For some years he held government contracts for the greater part of the Star route hnes of the Western states, besides some in New England. In 1878 he took up his residence in West Randolph where he served as postmaster during President Cleveland's first adminis tration, and in 1892 was the nominee of the Democratic party forthe office of Lieutenant- Governor. He was united in wedlock, Jan. 29, 1868, to Eunice L., daughter of Alden and Clarissa (Rice) Lamb of GranviUe, and they have one daughter : Lucy Clarissa. VINCENT, Walter H., of Orwell, son\ of Horace and CyUnda (Wing) Vincent, was born in East Montpelier, March 31, 1858. His great-grandfather, a physician, came from New Bedford, Mass., when his grandfather Captain Isaac Vincent was thirteen years old, to Montpelier, at a time when there was only one frarae house in what is now MontpeUer viUage, having an ox team for conveyance. Coraing to the end of the road it then being a dense forest, he cleared the timber off and located his future home and Uved there untU his death. The farmhouse, over one hundred years old, is now occupied by Horace Vin cent. The farm proving to be the best in that part of the state, where four genera tions have thus far spent their Uves. It being the old muster grounds for June trainings made so much of years ago. There has been a physician in each generation of the family of which Walter H. is the present Mr. W^alter Vincent received a good early education, graduated frora Goddard Semin ary in the coUege preparatory course, June, 1880, afterwards entered the raedical depart raent of the Uni-sersity of Y^erraont. Took three regular courses of lectures in the Uni versity Medical CoUege of A^ermont In the faU of 1883 he removed to New York City, where he becarae a student at the University of New York, graduating in 1884. He had also profited by the instruction of Dr. Charles M. Chandler, of MontpeUer. For three raonths he was employed in the nursery and hospital of New York as assistant house physician, and then settled in the town of Orwell, July 28, 1884, where he has estab lished a profitable practice. He is an enthusiastic Repubhcan and true to his party afifihations. Recently appointed for three years as health ofificer for Orwell, Whiting and Leicester, he is also one of the board of school directors of his town. In 1889 he was appointed delegate from the Verraont State Medical Society to that of the state of Rhode Island, and has been the Ad dison county councilor of the former associa tion. In 1802 he was honored with the ofifice of WADLEIGH. WAITE. 413 vice-president of the State Medical Society, and was one of two delegates chosen to be pres ent at the exaraination of the medical students of the University of Vermont. He is a mem ber of the Rutland County Medical Society ; in 1893 he was appointed as a delegate from the Vermont State Medical Society to the American Medical Association at Milwaukee. Dr. Vincent is a prorainent member of the Masonic order, and is at present worshipful master of Independence Lodge, No. 10, of Orwell, and afifiliated with Farmers' Chapter of Brandon, and is also a Sir Knight of the Mt. Calvary Commandery of Middlebury. He is a thoughtful and considerate man and those who have known hira longest speak of him most highly as a gentleman and phy sician, a kind friend and generous neighbor. He was married at Rutland, Oct. 8, 1890, to Kate, daughter of A. M. and Harriet Winchester. One son, Paul Winchester, was born August 23, 1892. WAD Concord,Wadleigh 23, 1829. LEIGH, Benjamin F., late of son of Eliphalet and Ruth (Pressey) , was born in Sutton, N. H., Dec. BENJAMIN F. WADLEIGH. He was principally educated in the public schools of Kirby, to which place his father had reraoved when the son was a small boy, and the latter found a good home with Hon. E. W. Church, of Kirby, upon whose farra he was employed until he attained the age of twenty-three years. Forty years ago he settled in Concord, where he gave his atten tion to trade and was also the proprietor of a hotel. He then raade West Concord his place of residence, where he reraained untd his death in September, 1891. For a time he foUowed various occupations, but later engaged in insurance business, acting as agent for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insur ance Co., at the sarae tirae cultivating a sraall farra near the village. He was well known and universally popular in the cora raunity, deservedly possessing the esteem and confidence of all his acquaintances. He was raarried at West Concord, Feb. 6, 1859, to Caroline Elvira, daughter of Elmore and Nancy (Taggard) Chase. Six chUdren were issue of the raarriage, only three of whora survive : F. Eugene, Elmore E., and Marion I. Mr. Wadleigh was affiliated with Moose River Lodge, No. 82, F. & A. M., and in his political creed was a Republican with independent tendencies. He had been jus tice of the peace for several years ; and in 1872 was elected town clerk and treasurer, which position he ably filled until his death. In 1882 he was elected to the Legislature as representative from Concord. WAITE, HORACE, of Hyde Park, son of Smith H. and Lucinda (Goodenough) Waite, was born in Fairfield, May i6, 1826. His education was obtained in the com raon schools of Sheldon and at Bakersfield Academy. Left an orphan at the age of five he found a home with Asa Grant with whom he remained tUl he arrived at man's estate and for whora he worked seven years after attaining his raajority. In 1854 he invested his carefully saved earnings in the purchase of a large farra in Eden, where he resided until 1877 when he reraoved to Morrisville to secure better edu cational advantages for his faraily. He has continued to give rauch attention to his farra, raaking the dairy its principal feature. Hewas united in raarriage, Feb. 16, 1853, to Lovisa J., daughter of Benjamin H. and Lydia (McAUister) Leach. Four children are the issue : Sraith B., Abbie L. (deceased), Eva B. (Mrs. Solon Abbott of Biddeford, Me.), and Martin P. Mr. Waite has always been a meraber of the Republican party, has often been called to office and when the town of Eden adopted the town systera of schools under the optional law, Mr. Waite was elected chairman of the 414 WAKEFIELD. WALBRIDGE. board. In 1865 hewas elected to represent Eden in the General Asserably and served on the grand list coramittee. He has also served as county commissioner and was assistant judge of LamoiUe county frora 1882 to 1886. Since the death of his wife Judge Waite has resided with his son, Smith B. Waite, at Hyde Park. The judge possesses in a rare degree the confidence of his townsmen and has been often called upon to act as audi tor, referee and guardian in the settleraent of nuraerous estates in his vicinity. Mr. Waite is an ardent votary of teraper ance, signing the pledge at eight years of age and keeping it inviolate. WAKEFIELD, WILLIAM WALLACE, of Westfield, son of Alvah and Hannah (Kimp ton) Wakefield, was born in Orleans county, June 27, 1844. WILLIAM WALLACE WAKEFIELD. He received his early education in the Lowell public schools, and during his third terra at Johnson Academy was one of several students who went to Morrisville and enlisted in Co. M, nth Vt. Vols., in September, 1863. He remained with his command to the close of the war, receiving his discharge in Oc tober, 1865, was engaged in all the batties from the Wilderness to Petersburg, includ ing Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and, with four hundred of his regi raent, was captured in the engageraent near the Welden R. R., but with forty of his com rades he had the good luck to make his escape the very first night after he was taken prisoner. After his return to Lowell he engaged in farming tiU 1875, when he became inter ested in the luraber business at Eden, where he reraained two years and then formed a partnership under the firra narae of Hoyt & Wakefield, to engage in the same line of trade at AVestfield. His sterling qualities, both as a citizen and a business man, have called him to many official positions, among which may be enumerated those of select man, auditor, lister, first constable, and deputy sheriff, which latter position he holds to the present time. In 1892 he was elected high bailiff of Orleans county, and the same year was sent as town representative from Westfield to MontpeUer, where he served creditably on several general and special coraraittees. Mr. ^Vakefield has for a long tirae been a meraber of Masonic Union Lodge No. 16, of Troy, and twelve years since passed through the Royal Arch. He is connected with the Baptist church in Lowell, and has taken a prorainent part in Hazen Post, G. A. R. He has always been a strong Re publican, and an active worker in the party. February 11, 1866, he married Ruth E., daughter of Daniel and Amanda Newton of Lowell. Of their five children four survive : Erama, Florence, Helen, and Maude. WALBRIDGE, JOHN HiLL, of West Concord, son of Henry and Almira (Hill) Walbridge, was born in Plainfield, June 30, 1847. His mother dying in his earUest infancy, he was put under the charge of his maternal grand uncle, Chauncey Hill, an extensive farmer and highly respected citizen of Con cord. Henry moved to St. Johns, Mich., soon after the death of his wife, estabUshed hiraself there as a successful lawyer, and during the civil war served as captain in the 33d Mich. Vol. Infantry. After having received his early education at the public schools of Concord and St. Johnsbury Acaderay, Mr. J. H. Walbridge graduated frora Lombard University, Gales burg, 111., in the class of 1870, in which year he returned to West Concord, and at the earnest solicitation of his foster parents de cided to remain with them during the remain der of their lives. Soon after this time he raet with severe reverses in business, from the loss by fire of the Essex woolen mills at West Concord, and subsequentiy through his liability as bondsman and by the failure of debtors. Since these losses he has been principally engaged in agricultural pursuits, and is locally weU known as a successful breeder of sheep, dairy stock and colts. WALBRIDGE. WALES. 4^5 He was wedded, April 19, 1872, at West Concord, to Cynthia H., daughter of Elmore and Cynthia (HiU) Chase. They have three children : Henry Chase, Blanche May, and Winifred. For nearly a quarter of a century Mr. Wal bridge has been affiliated with Moose River Lodge, No. 82, F. & A. M., and for three terms has presided in the East. JOHN HILL WALBRIDGE. He has conscientiously and honorably dis charged the duties of raany ofificial positions, among which may be numbered supervisor of schools for Essex county, to which post he was almost unanimously elected. He has been appointed county examiner, justice of the peace, grand juror, and superintendent of schools. In 1888 he was elected, by the largest Repubhcan majority ever given in Concord, a member of the state Legislature, where he labored actively on the committee of education, and was recognized as an in dependent and forcible debater. He drew and presented a bill reducing the limit of ex emption from taxation in savings banks, and also reducing the percentage that those in stitutions and trust companies could invest in Western securities, this last measure be coming a law. He also drafted and pre sented the bill which became the present law for the protection of horse owners. Mr. Walbridge is one of the trustees of the John son Normal School. He is an interested student of history and of current political and economic questions. His hearty good will to aU, and genial manners, have gained him a wide circle of friends. WALES, Torrey ENGLESBY, of Bur lington, son of Danforth and Lovisa S. Wales, was born in Westford, June 20, 1820. He graduated from the U. V. M. in the class of 1 84 1 ; studied law with Hon. Asahel Peck of Burhngton, and was admitted to the bar of Chittenden county in 1846, and soon after comraenced the practice of law in Bur lington. In 1857, he formed a law partner ship with Judge RusseU S. Taft, under the name of \Vales & Taft, which continued twenty-one years. In 1882, he and his son, George W. "Wales, becarae law partners under the narae of A\'ales & Wales ; this firra was dissolved by the death of George W. Wales, TORREY ENGLESBY WALES. Judge Wales was state's attorney for Chit tenden county, in i854-'55-'56 ; mayor of the city of Burlington in i866-'67 ; acting mayor in 1870, and for several years he was one of the aldermen of the city. He was a raeraber of the House of Representatives frora Burlington, in i868-'69, — iSje-'Tj. In 1862 he was elected judge of probate for the dis trict of Chittenden and has ever since held the ofifice by continuous re-elections. He is one of the original nine incorpora tors of the Mary Fletcher Hospital, chartered in 1876, and has been its treasurer frora the beginning, He is a raeraber of the board of trustees of the University of Verraont. He is president of the Burlington Law Library 4i6 WALKER. Association ; of the Burlington Manufactur ing Co. ; of the Home for Aged Women, at Burlington ; of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Institution and Trust Co., and vice- president of the Merchants' National Bank. He has been twice married. His first wife was EUzabeth C., daughter of Silas 4nd Prudence N. Mason ; she died in 1868. For his second wife he married Mrs. Helen M. White, of Boston. He is a member of the Congregational church. WALKER, Daniel C, of North Cara bridge, son of Lyraan and Adeline (Chase) Walker, was born in Carabridge, Dec. 11, 1 84 1. W'iUiara W^alker, his grandfather, carae here frora Brookfield, Mass., in 1800, and located in the north part of the town, on the farm where Lyman was born, and resided there to the tirae of his death in 1879, and where Daniel stiU resides. Receiving the custoraary education of the public schools, and afterwards pursuing his studies at Bakersfield Acaderay, Mr. Walker, at the age of twenty, enlisted as a private in Co. D, ist Vt. Cavalry, sharing in aU the nuraerous engageraents in which his regi raent took part. Constantly on duty, except six weeks when he was confined by sickness in the hospital, he was thrice wounded, but not severely, received a proraotion to the grade of sergeant, and was honorably dis charged frora the service June 21, 1865. After his return frora the war, being gifted with considerable raechanical ingenuity, Mr. Walker was eraployed for several years as a carpenter and joiner, but his principal occu pation has been that of an agriculturist, his chief attention having been given to the dairy and the raaple orchard. He has held raany of the ofifices of the town, was lister, selectraan, justice and school director and was appointed postraaster under President Grant, which ofifice he held until his resig nation in 1892. The sarae year he received the honor of an election to the Legislature as a Republican, serving on the coraraittee on agriculture. He joined and has been the commander of Post 10, G. A. R., of Carabridge. Mr. Walker is a raodest raan of solid worth, who possesses the respect and confidence of his neighbors. His sterling qualities of char acter have often called him to act as admin istrator and agent in the settleraent of estates. He was united in marriage, April 16, 1867, to Kate M., daughter of Josiah and Mary (Stone) Converse, of Bakersfield. WALKER, Franklin William, of Ben son, son of Rufus and Susannah (Raymond) Walker, was born in Sudbury, June 23, 1812. In 181 7 his parents reraoved to Benson where raost of his Ufe has been spent. His early educational advantages were limited to the district school, but being possessed with a love for study and a strong resolution to have all there was for him, he devoted him self to the improvement of his mind by study and reading in his leisure moments while employed as a clerk in his brother's store, in Benson, between the years of fourteen and twenty-one. When he arrived at his majority his enterprising spirit led him to try the perils and adventures of an unbroken wilder ness in the then territory of Michigan. He bought land of the government in Lenawee county in the present town of Morenci, built a log hut and cleared away the surrounding forest, and took long journeys through the thickly-wooded country in corapany with other young men of like adventurous spirit, undaunted by cold or fatigue, the experiences FRANKLIN WILLIAM WALKER. of which tended to make him a man of nerve and courage. Mr. Walker returned East in 1836, and feehng the need of a better educa tion before entering upon business for life determined to spend some tirae at school in Castieton. After this he formed a partner ship with his brother, a raerchant in Benson, which was dissolved in 1846, after which he continued as sole proprietor tiU 1871. He is one of the oldest residents of the town, esteeraed and respected by aU. He enjoyed to such an extent the confidence of the community that he was sent to the 417 House of Representatives in 1857 and 1858. He was a staunch Democrat until the ques tion of slavery was agitated when he joined the RepubUcan ranks, and has since reraained a loyal supporter of their principles. In 1843 he was appointed trustee of the U. S. deposit raoney and since tbat tirae has been honored with raany official positions of re sponsibility, and is the present town treasurer (1894) and has been justice of the peace over forty years. He is one of the seven raerabers who es tabhshed the M. E. Church in Benson in 1838, and is still a loyal raeraber of the same. At St Louis, Mo., June 3, 1861, Mr. Walker was married to Elvira A., daughter of Albert G.and Margaret (Honsinger) Sherman of Benson, then a teacher in Lindenwood Fe male CoUege, St. Charles, Mo. Three chil dren have been born to them : William Franklin (now cashier of the First National Bank of Fair Haven), Susie Sherman (wife of Dr. C. A. Belden of Torrington, Conn.), and Rufus Rayraon (merchant in Benson). WALKER, WILLIAM Harris, of Lud low, son of Ephraim and Lydia (Harris) Walker, was born in Windham, Feb. 2, 1832. His parents removed to Londonderry in 1838, where he received his primary educa tion in the district schools of the town. He fitted for coUege at Leland aud Gray Semi nary and Black River Acaderay, and in 1858 graduated frora Middlebury CoUege. While pursuing his studies he was elected as sistant secretary of the Vermont Senate in the year 1857. In order to secure the necessary funds to complete his coUegiate course he was allowed by the faculty of the college to teach in a graramar school in Orleans, Mass., and served one term as principal of the West River Seminary at South Londonderry. Soon after his graduation he was appointed principal of the acaderay at Little FaUs, N. Y., where he reraained for two years, during which time he entered his name as a student at law in the ofifice of the Hon. Arphaxed Loomis. In i860, resigning his position as instructor and removing to Ludlow, he finished his studies with Hon. F. C. Robbins, was admit ted to the bar of Windsor county at the Deceraber terra, 1861, and immediately opened an ofifice at Ludlow, where he re mained in practice untU he was chosen an assistant judge of the Supreme Court by the Legislature in 1884. Judge Walker represented the town of Ludlow in the Legislatures of 1865 and 1866, and 1884, serving on several iraportant com mittees, and as chairman of the judiciary com mittee in 1884. In 1867 and 1868 he was elected a senator from Windsor county, serving on the judiciary and other commit tees. He ably fiUed the position of state's attorney for Windsor county for two suc cessive terms. In 1878 he was appointed by Governor Fairbanks a coraraissioner to make examination of the insane asylum, being associated with Dr. Goldsmith of Rut land, and Dr. Fassett of St. Albans, and was a supervisor of the insane for two years end ing December, 1880. WILLIAM HARRIS WALKER. The integrity, ability, and judicial fairness of Judge Walker have often caused his ap pointment as referee in cases pending in the courts of several counties in the state. In 1878 he was elected judge of probate, dis charging the duties of that ofifice to the sat isfaction of the people. He was a judge of the Suprerae Court frora 1884 until Septera ber, 1887, when he was obliged to resign on account of irapaired health. He has always been a strong Republican in his political views, and cast his first presidential baUot for General Freraont. He is one of the trustees of Middlebury CoUege, and president of Black River Acad emy. In this last he has taken an active interest, and was largely influential in the construction of a new buUding in 1888, at a cost of nearly Si 6,000. In 1862 Judge Walker entered the patriot army and was elected captain in the i6th Regt. of the Vt. Vols., but was obliged to resign this honorable position on account of a severe attack of typhoid fever. For a quarter of a century he has belonged to the Masonic order. 4i8 WALLACE. WARD. In 1859 Judge Walker was united to Miss Ann Eliza, daughter of Dr. Ardain G. and Ruth (Pettigrew) Taylor, of Ludlow. One son has been born to them : Frank Ardain. WALLACE, James B., of Concord, son of Hiram and Lavinia (Pike) Wallace, was born in Concord, Dec. 12, 1838. He remained on the old homestead with his father, who was a respected farmer, until he arrived at his majority, and received such education as the schools of Concord and the Essex county grammar school could afford. JAMES B, WALLACE. At the age of twenty-four he was united in marriage to Mary, daughter of James and Jane D. (Hudson) Kenyon, by whom he had the following children : Jennie (Mrs. Free man Hutchinson), Hiram J., and WiUie. After his marriage he was extensively en gaged in agricultural pursuits, purchasing a large estate in 1864. Soon afterwards exten sive copper mining operations were cora raenced on a farra in the neighborhood and Mr. Wallace was engaged as manager of the property and the boarding house thereon. In this business he reraained for flfteen years, and was then engaged by R. B. Graves to superintend his large farra in the town. When this property was sold to Mr. L. D. Hazen, and in connection an extensive lum ber business was started, Mr. Wallace was StiU retained as superintendent of the estab lishment. In 1880 Mr. W^allace was elected trial jus tice of peace, a position which he filled cred itably until his election to the judgeship. In 1888 he was elected an assistant judge of Essex county court and two years later re ceived a similar coraphraent. His genial face and rotund figure were familiar in the Essex county Republican con ventions of which he was a constant and prominent member for twenty years. Judge Wallace has held the usual town ofifices, was for ten years chairman of the board of trustees of the Essex county gram mar school and has always raanifested a raarked interest in all educational affairs. He is now county auditor and has often been called upon to act as guardian and to assist in the settlement of various estates. He is - well and favorably known in the county, where he enjoys the reputation of a cordial and hospitable host, extending a hearty web come to all who visit him. For about twenty years he has been an active meraber of Moose River Lodge, F. & A. M. WARD, Hiram Owen, of Moretown, son of Earl W. and Elizabeth (Munson) Ward, was born in South Duxbury, Jan. 10, 1842. \ HIRAM OWEN WARD. His education was obtained first in the common schools of Duxbury and Barre Acaderay, whUe later he took a course at Eastman's Business CoUege, at Poughkeep sie, N. Y. WARDWELL. WARDWELL. 419 His early labor on his father's farm proved -a severe but wholesorae training, and fitted him well for the duties of his after life. In 1878 he sold the farm which he had inher ited, and raoved nearer Waterbury, where he purchased a sawraill and box factory. Sell ing his boxes at cash prices, he took his pay in rausical instruraents, deriving a large profit in these transactions. In 1889 he ¦came to Moretown, where his business has constantly expanded tUl he is now a large proprietor of plants for the manufacture of ¦clapboards, boxes and shingles, as well as a grist mill and a grocery store. Mr. Ward married, June, 1866, May A., daughter of Harrison and Caroline (Canar- dy) Sraith. Three children have been issue of the union : Clinton H., Burton S., and Clair W. Mr. Ward has held many ofifices both in Duxbury and Moretown, and has represented each place in the state Legislature, in which he served on the committee on claims. In business matters he is esteemed both shrewd and prudent, is a genial companion and a public-spirited and intelligent citizen. WARDWELL, GEORGE JEFFORDS, ¦of Rutland, son of Joseph H. and Lydia (Howard) Wardwell, was born in Rumford, Me., Sept. 24, 1827. Mr. WardweU traces his descent from a faraily that settled in Salera in the old colonial days. One of the family was executed during the witchcraft delusion in that place, and another was an ¦officer in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary war. Mr. \Yardwell's somewhat limited educa tion was received frora the pubhc and private schools of Ruraford, Me., and a short course of study at Bridgeton acaderay. x-\t the age of thirteen he was apprenticed to his cousin, who was a general raechanic, and he cora menced his career by the manufacture of sleighs in Rumford and vicinity. Later he moved to Lowell, Mass., where he was engaged in constructing looms. He then, in partnership with his brother, took a contract to build forty of these articles, but the broth ers had the raisfortue to lose their shop and its contents by fire. Still they fulfilled their agreeraent, and after fitting up a sraaU shop in Hanover, Me., they were eraployed in the raanufacture of sleighs, and sashes and doors for the California raarket. Here they met with more than one disaster, and in 1852 the partnership was dissolved. After carrying on the business for sorae time alone, Mr. Wardwell raoved to Andover, Me., where he occupied hiraseh in the various vocations of inn-keeper, postraaster, and manufacturer of furniture. Always posses sing great mechanical skill, in 1854 he invented and received a patent for the first pegging raachine for raaking boots and shoes, but unfortunately he did not reap the results of his skill, owing to the dishonesty of his partner. After a short sojourn in Hatiey, Can., he reraoved to Moe's River, again forraing a partnership for the manufacture of furniture and sleighs, then changed the scene of his labors to Coaticook, P. Q., where he worked at his trade and gave rauch attention to his various inventions, the principal one of which was a stone channelling raachine, for which he secured a patent in 1859. The first one was placed in Sutherland Falls quarry in 1 86 1, where it worked successfully, but owing to the depressed financial condition at that tirae, he was corapeUed to give up the developraent of the machine and continued working at his trade in Canada until 1863, when he obtained a new patent on an im proved machine which accomplished the work of fifteen laborers, cut a channel from three to four feet deep, and was employed in the Sutherland Falls quarry for seventeen years. As he was still unable to reap any practical result from his discovery, he con tinued for some time with the company con structing stone-boats. Soon after he received a contract on somewhat unreasonable terms to build several of these machines for various parties, and subsequently was enabled to dis pose of his patent to the Steam Stone Cutter Co., receiving $1,500 in cash and $33,520 in the stock of the corporation, of which he was raade superintendent. One of the raachines was exhibited at the Paris exposition in 1867 and was sold in France. The sarae year he parted with his patents to the Steam Stone Cutter Co., for over $17,000 in stock. At this tirae several parties con structed raachines in direct violation of his patent, the validity of which after a tedious litigation was established, and injunctions were issued against the sale and use of the ilUcit raachines. The invention has proved itself of iraraense practical value, and from calculations raade up to 1886, it has been proved that over $7,000,000 have been saved to the stone producers in the working of their quarries. As a testiraonial of its worth Mr. Wardwell received a gold medal from the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Associa tion in 1865 ; and its value was recognized by the presentation of a silver raedal frora the Paris exposition, in 1867 ; he afterwards received a sirailar recognition frora the Cen tennial exhibition at Philadelphia. In 1874 he invented and patented two different forras of valveless steara engines, which also received medals at Philadelphia. At present he is the largest stockholder in the Steam Stone Cutter Co., at Rutiand, having taken out ^^. ^. f^e^^ir-c-U^yLX^ WATERMAN. 421 twenty-five patents for the channelling and other machines in this country and Europe. October 4, 1850, Mr. WardweU was united in marriage to Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Dickey) Moore of Hatley, ¦Canada, who departed this life Nov. 10, 1883. She left issue four children, two of whora alone survive : Lizzie Olina (Mrs. Thoraas Mound of Rutland), and George Alvin. August 22, 1888, Mr. Wardwell es poused his second wife, Kittle C. E., daugh ter of Hirara W. and Mary M. (Huntoon) Lincoln of Danby. To them one child has been born : Charles Howard. For nearly thirty years Mr. Wardwell has been a hard and laborious student, a fact to which his large library araply testifies, mak ing a specialty of chemistry and geology. He possesses a very large coUection of spec imens relating to the latter science, and a weU fitted, practical laboratory. He has made several visits to Europe for the pur pose of studying the geological forraation of the country, especially with reference to -quarries. He is a meraber of the Masonic fraternity, being a past erainent commander ¦of Knights Teraplar, and belonging to the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. For raore than twenty years he has been afifihated with the Araerican and British Association for the Advanceraent of Science. He is an adherent of the Demo cratic party ; has fiUed various ofificial posi tions of trust in Rutland ; is the vice-presi dent of the board of trade in that city, and one of the coraraittee of fifteen who framed its charter. He is also a director of the Merchants' National Bank of Rutland, and at the present time president of the board of school commissioners of the city of Rutland. Mr. WardweU is liberal in his religious views, and has been a generous supporter of the Universahst church. He is eminently a ¦self-made raan and possesses great inventive ¦genius, having fully overcome the defects of his early education by a long course of ardu ous study and able and successful efforts for self-iraproveraent. WARREN, Charles Carleton, of Waterbury, son of Charles W'. and Juha (Perry) Warren, was born in Hartland, Feb. II, 1843. He was educated in the schools of the place of his nativity and at KirabaU Union Acaderay, Meriden, N. H. In 1862, at the age of nineteen, he joined the band attached to the ist Brigade Vt. Vols., with which he reraained till they were discharged from ser vice. After his return from the war he was for some time employed in a tannery be longing to his father, but in 1868 he leased ¦ a large estabhshment in Waterbury which he ¦subsequently purchased and where he has since conducted an extensive and constantly increasing business, raaking a specialty of raanufacturing harness leather. In 1887 Mr. Warren extended his operations by the pur chase of a large farra, which he successfully devoted in great measure to dairy products. This he afterwards sold to the state as a site for the new asylum for the insane at Water bury viUage. He holds strong Republican views, and in 1890 was appointed a member of the board of fish commissions that estab lished the first fish hatchery in the state. Though hampered at first by insufficient appropriations and other obstacles, the board, owing largely to the persevering efforts of Mr. Warren, has finaUy met with great success. CHARLES CARLETON WARREN. He was united in raarriage Dec. 15, 1873, to EUa F., daughter of Jerry and FloreUa (Broadwick) McElmore of Middlesex. Two children have been born to thera : Kate Grace, and Charles Carleton, Jr. Mr. Warren is a meraber of Edwin DiUingham Post, G. A. R., of Waterbury, and has also taken the obligations of the Masonic order, uniting with Vermont Lodge, No. 18, of Windsor. WATERMAN, ELEAZER L., of Brattle boro, son of Chandler and Polly J. Water man, was born in Jamaica, July 25, 1839. He was educated in the coramon schools, and at Leland Seminary, and, adopting the legal profession, studied law with Butler & Wheeler, and was admitted to the bar of 422 WATERMAN. WATSON. Windham county at the September terra, 1863. He comraenced practice in ^^'il- mington, from which town he was sent as representative to the General Assembly in 1867 and 1868. Four years later he was made state's attorney for Windham county, and in 1876 was elected a state senator from Windhara county, and was chairraan of the Senate judiciary coraraittee. In 1870 he moved to Jamaica, and afterwards to Brattie boro, stiU continuing his professional labors, and is now the senior partner of the law firm of Waterman, Martin & Hitt. In 1891 he was appointed special U. S. attorney to ap pear for the government in claims originat ing from the late war of the rebeUion. Mr. Waterman was united in marriage. May 15, 1864, to Jennie E., daughter of Aaron and Juha D. Bemis of Windham. By her he had issue three sons and three daughters : Mabel J. (now the wife of Dr. D. P. Webster of Brattleboro), Halbert L. (now a practicing physician at FitzwilUam, N. H.), Hugh A. (now of New York), Ernest J., Ethel L., and Alice M. WATERMAN, HEMAN A., of Johnson, son of Thomas and Eleanor (Dodge) Water man, was born in Johnson, Nov. 3, 1830. His family is of mixed Welsh and Scotch descent. Araunah Waterman (grandfather) came to Johnson in the first year of the cen tury, purchasing 1,200 acres of land where the village now stands, paying 4,000 Spanish silver dollars for the property. About two hun dred acres of that purchase is now owned by Heman A. He served in the Revolutionary war, was an intimate associate of the Chitten dens, and for many years represented John son in the General Asserably. Thoraas, who was a captain in the railitia that served at the battle of Plattsburg, erected the first hotel in the village and was its genial host for forty years. Politically a Henry Clay whig, he was also a raeraber of the Legislature several years and a judge in Franklin county court before LamoiUe county was organized. His youngest son, Heman A., received the customary education of the common schools of Johnson and afterwards attended the La moiUe county grammar school. For forty years he has been a prominent farmer and real estate operator. He has also been a practical surveyor, has acted as trustee and referee, and has been largely identified with the business interests of the place. A stalwart Repubhcan, he has repeatedly held every ofifice in the gift of his townsraen. He was a raeraber of the Legislature from Johnson in 1878 where he served as chair raan of the general coramittee. For several years he performed the duties of United States assistant assessor and deputy collec tor. From his various ofificial positions he has acquired and raaintained a large acquaint ance with the public raen of the state. For nearly forty years he has been a Free Mason, was a charter raeraber and for several HEMAN A. WATERMAN. years was the first Worshipful Master of Waterman Lodge, named in honor of his father. He also affiliates with Tucker Chap ter, R. A. M. Mr. Waterman was raarried Oct 9, 1855^ to Augusta L., daughter of Stephen and Tir- zah (Lampson) Hoxsie, who were early set tlers of Milton. Their three children are : Elizabeth (Mrs. W. D. Welch of Johnson), Frank H., and Thomas A. WATSON, JOHN HENRY, of Bradford,, son of Asahel and Adelpha (Jackson) Wat son, was born in Jamaica, May 12, 1851. His parents were of hmited means and the education which he received in the com mon schools and academy was freely inter spersed with active labor on the farm. He coraraenced his life career by the study of law in the ofifice of Orin GarabeU, Esq., of Bradford, where he continued tUl he was ad raitted to the Orange county bar in Decem ber, 1877. He iraraediately formed a part nership with his instructor, and after six months' experience, at the dissolution ofthe firm, Mr. Watson assumed the full control of their varied and iraportant business, which he has ably conducted since that time. He has the control of one of the largest and most lucrative practices in Orange county. WEBB. WEBSTER. 423 He was elected state's attorney of Orange county in 1886, and in 1892 was elected from the county to the state Senate, where he gave his services to the judiciary and general committees, and was chairman of that on railitary affairs. He is one of the trustees of the Bradford Savings Bank and Trust Co., and also of Bradford Acaderay. In 1882 he was elected captain of the Brad ford Guards, and was afterwards proraoted to the post of major ofthe ist Regt., V. N. G. During the riot at the Ely Copper Mine in 1883, he rendered efificient service in quelling the mob by capturing the powder magazine which was in their possession, re ceiving rauch credit for the gallant raanner in which he performed this difficult and arduous duty. homestead, a beautiful place, where he has resided for more than half a century. Here in the neighborhood of the pleasant and historic village of Guildhall he has followed the peaceful but prosperous pursuit of agri culture, respected and honored by aU who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was inarried, Jan. 17, 1850, to Lucre tia Gates, daughter of Thoraas F. and Sally (Duncan) Webb. Five chUdren have been born to thera : Charles F., Isabel L. (Mrs. Richard Beattie), George W., Sarah E., and Mary B. For nearly half a century Mr. ^Vebb has filled the office of town clerk ; is Democratic in his pohtical principles, and represented Maidstone in the Legislature in the years i86o-'6i-'7o, and at the special session of 1 86 1. He carries his years weU and is a most interesting and agreeable gentleman of the old school. His home circle is cheered by the presence of his three younger children, who are the prop and stay of the dechning years of their parents. WEBSTER, Dan PEASLEE, of Brattle boro, son of Rev. Alonzo and Laura (Peaslee) M'ebster, was born in Northfield, Dec. 7, 1 846. JOHN HENRY WATSON. Mr. Watson married, March 25, 1879, Clara L., daughter of Darwin A. and Laurette L. (Fitts) Hammond, of West Wardsboro; of this union are two chUdren : John Henry, and Hugh. WEBB, JOHN W., of Maidstone, son of Azariah and Elizabeth (Weeks) Webb, was born in Lunenburg, Nov. 8, 18 14. He received his education in the schools of Lunenburg, Concord Normal, Lyndon and Lancaster Academies. Employed upon his father's farm until 1840, he made a tour of the West as far as Iowa, participating in the stirring scenes of the log cabin carapaign. When he returned he settied on the old DAN PEASLEE WEBSTER. His prehminary education was receved in the conimon schools and the Newbury Acad emy. After graduating from the medical departraent of the University of Vt., in 1867, he successfully practiced his profession in Putney, for sixteen years, when he raoved to Brattleboro where he has continued till the 424 WEEKS. WELLMAN. present time, having by his energy and skiU secured a large and remunerative business. In 1872, and again in 1874, Dr. Webster was elected to the Legislature to represent the town of Putney, and in 1878 he was chosen a state senator from Windham county. During the faU of that year he was made railroad coraraissioner, discharging the duties of this ofifice tiU 1880. He was surgeon- general on the staff of Governor Asahel Peck and again holds that position on the staff of Governor Levi K. Fuller, and for a long tirae served as surgeon of the FuUer Light Battery. During the civil war he accompanied his father, who was chaplain of the i6th Vt. Regt., and was present at the battie of Gettysburg. Dr. Webster has been an active and en thusiastic Free Mason, having served as deputy grand raaster of the Grand Lodge of Vt. from 1876 to 1881, and he is at present the eminent commander of Beauseant Com mandery, K. T., of Brattleboro. He is a meraber of the Connecticut River and Ver raont State Medical Associations. He was wedded, Jan. 9, 1868, to Ada, daughter of Charles H. and Maria White, of Putney, Vt. Mrs. Webster departed this life in South Carolina, March 14, 1887, leaving three surviving children : Hattie A., Harry A., and Dan C. Noveraber i, 1889, he contracted a second aUiance with Mabel Julia, daughter of Hon. E. L. and Jennie E. Waterman, of Brattleboro. WEEKS, John E., of Sahsbury, son of Ebenezer and Ehzabeth (Dyer) Weeks, was born in Sahsbury, June 14, 1853. He is descended frora early New England stock, and among his maternal ancestors was John Alden of Mayflower fame. His grandfather carae to Salisbury when it was yet a wilder ness, and his father was prominent in both town and county affairs. After receiving his education in the schools of Sahsbury, and the Middlebury high school, Mr. J. E. Weeks early engaged in stock and wool buying in the vicinity, in which business he is stiU interested. He soon settied upon the farm of his father, of whom he has been the successor in the in surance business, acting especially for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which he was for a time a director. In 1892 he becarae the junior member of the firm of Thomas & Weeks, hay and grain dealers, at Middlebury. Mr. Weeks was united in raarriage, Oct. 17, 1879, to Hattie J., daughter of Frank L. and Lucretia (Graves) Dyer of Salisbury. He has been quite prorainent in political and social affairs. He was appointed as sistant census taker in 1880, and four years later was elected as assistant door-keeper of the Senate. In 1888 he was sent to Mont pelier to represent Sahsbury, and served on the coraraittee on manufactures, and on special committee in the matter of a bridge between North and South Hero, Grand Isle county. In 1892 he was elected an assistant JOHN E. WEEKS. judge of Addison county court Judge Weeks has long been a member of and clerk and treasurer for the Congregational church of Salisbury. WELLMAN, LEIGH RICHMOND, of LoweU, son of Rev. JubUee and Theda (Grout) WeUraan, was born in Warner, N. H., Jan. 4, 1835, and obtained his edu cation in the public schools of Warner, Westrainster, Cavendish and ProctorsviUe. In the latter he was a classmate of Senator Redfield Proctor. He pursued a further course of study at Craftsbury and Bakersfield academies. His family reraoved to LoweU in 185 1, where his father was the first settled Congregational rainister in that town, and with the exception of a few years has re sided there ever since. In 1858 he was em ployed as a clerk in a store in Greenville, Ala., returning North AprU 11, 186 1, the day of the beginning of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. The boat ran in close enough so that the ruins of the fort and the steamer that took off the garrison after the surrender could be seen with a glass. In 1861 he commenced a mercantile trade in Lowell, which continued for eight years, when he began the manufacture of lumber. In 1872 WELLS. WESTON. 425 he was obliged to visit the West on account of his health, where he spent nearly two years as a clerk in a store in River Falls, Wis. When he returned to LoweU, in 1874, he purchased his present commodious store, where he carries a large stock of general merchandise. Mr. WeUraan assisted in organizing and is a raember of Mount Morris Lodge, No. 69, F. & A. M., and did not miss a single meet ing during the seven years he occupied the master's chair. He also belongs to Tucker Chapter, MorrisvUle. In 1867 he was married to Bertie L. Cheney, who died in December, 1873, leav ing one son : Leigh B. In 1878 he married Mrs. Emily B. Mustard, by whora he had two children : Harry R., and Theda G. Mr. A\'ellraan although a strong Deraocrat of the conservative order has held raany town ofifices, was for fifteen years justice of the peace, from 1868 to 1872 selectman, and for many successive terms town treasurer. WELLS, Edward, of Burlington, son of Williara Wellington and Eliza (Carpenter) Wells, was born in Waterbury, Oct. 30, 1835. He was educated in tbe comraon schools of Waterbury and at the Bakfrsfield Academy. EDWARD WELLS. At the age of seventeen years he entered a dry goods store at Montpelier as clerk, where he reraained one year. From 1856 to 1 86 1 he was employed in his father's stores at Waterbury and Waterbury Center. He enhsted in the band of the 5th Regt. Vt. Vols., Sept. 26, 1861, and served about six months. Mr. Wells held the position of transportation clerk in the Array of the Potomac, under Gen. P. P. PUkin, for about three years. On his return home, in 1864, he received the appointment of clerk in the ofifice of the quartermaster-general of the state of Verraont, which ofifice he held until 1866. He then entered the ofifice of Hon. John A. Page, state treasurer, where he re mained untU 1868. In March, 1868, he became a partner in the firm of Henry & Co., wholesale druggists, at Waterbury, who had just transferred their business to Burlington. In 1872 the firra name was changed from Henry & Co. to Wells, Richardson & Co., and in 1883 was incorporated under the narae of Wells & Richardson Co. He is president of the WeUs & Richardson Co. and the Burlington Trust Co., and a director in the Burlington Cotton MiUs. He was elected to the Legis lature in 1890, and served as chairraan of the committee on banking, and also on the committee on ways and raeans. Mr. 'WeUs raarried, April 26, 1858, Martha Frances, daughter of Lucius Parraelee, of Waterbury. One daughter was the issue of this union. Mrs. Wells died Nov. 25, 1876. Mr. Wells raarried as his second wife, Oct. 14, 1879, Effie E. Parraelee, sister of his first wife. WESTON, EUGENE Sydney, of New fane, son of Freeraan F. and Sarah J. (Evans) Weston, was born in Cavendish, August 14, 1847. His early education was obtained in the district schools and Chester Acaderay. Hav ing decided upon the raedical profession he entered the ofifice of Dr. Z. G. Harrington of Chester as a student and attended lectures in the raedical departments of Dartmouth CoUege and the University of Vermont, re ceiving his diploraa from the latter in 187 1. After graduation he first located in Heath, Mass., but soon removed to Coleraine, where he had a large practice for three years. In 1874 he moved to Pittsfield, Mass., and re mained there two years being town physician and also physician at the house of cor rection. In 1879 he located in Newfane where he has since resided. He has been a meraber of both the Massachusetts and Ver raont Medical Societies. Fie is a prorainent Free Mason and for nearly a quarter of a century he has been an active worker and has taken a deep interest in the welfare and prosperity of the order. He has served three terras as W. M. of Blazing Star Lodge, No. 23, of Townshend ; has been high priest of Fort Duraraer Royal Arch Chapter in Brattleboro ; is grand 426 WHEELER. WHEELER. lecturer in the Grand Lodge and grand scribe in the Grand Chapter of Verraont. For two years he was district deputy grand raaster of the Sth Masonic District, and has held appointraents on sorae of the standing committees in Grand Lodge and Chapter for several years. Republican in politics he was elected in 1892 to represent Newfane in the General Assembly. ^Pfc»i^ 1^- EUGENE SYDNEY WESTON. Dr. Weston enlisted during the civil war, at the age of seventeen, as private in Co. C, 7th Vt. Vols., and served till the close of the struggle, when he received an honorable dis charge. His only battle was at the siege of Spanish Fort near Mobile, Alabama. He has always taken an active part in matters pertaining to the G. A. R., and is a raeraber of Birchard Post, No. 65, of which he is a past coraraander. Dr. Weston was raarried, June 6, 187 1, to Eva S., daughter of Richard H. and Mary E. (Crowley) Hall of Athens, and has four children: Lena M., Alfred F., Bertha E., and Grace F. WHEELER, Charles Frederick, of BurUngton, son of Dr. Frederick P. and Mary A. (Doude) Wheeler, was born in Bristol, Sept 8, 1843. His attendance at school (in the district schools and academy in Bristol), terminated in 1859, and for five years he was employed as a clerk in a country store. He then moved to the city of Burlington and entered the estabhshment of Peck Bros., where he re mained for eleven years, when he received the appointment of assistant postmaster and served in this capacity till his term of ofifice expired in 1887. He then engaged in the retail clothing trade, in which he is still oc cupied. In 189 1 under a RepubUcan admin istration he was appointed postraaster of Burlington. This is the only first-class ofifice in the state, doing a business of $80,000. Mr. Wheeler has never held any other ofifi cial position. He is an Odd Fellow, is a sustaining mem ber of the College Street Congregational Church, and is an active member of the Burb ington Y. M. C. A. CHARLES FREDERICK WHEELER. He was married, June 30, 1884, to Louise M., daughter of Rev. F. W. and Mary (McCotter) Olrastead. Their three children are : Mary Louise, Frank Olmstead, and Cora Marguerite. WHEELER, Charles Willard, of Irasburgh, son of AVillard and Maria (Page) Wheeler, was born in Enosburgh, AprU 13, 1839. Obtaining his education in the common schools and academy at Enosburgh, he first engaged in mercantile pursuits in St. Albans, and later in Burhngton. In obedience to his patriotic impulses, he enhsted in Co. I, loth Regt. Vt. Vols., went at once to the field in the summer of 1862, being actively identified with its movements WHEELER. inthe campaigns of 1862 to 1S65. Inthe midst of the most exacting duties of field service, which had becorae to be attended with great privation and peril, he declined to accept the proffer of a year's service at horae as a recruiting ofificer, choosing to remain at the front. After five months' service in the adjutant- general's office, and nine months in the division commissary department, with offers for a discharge from the service and employ ment as a civilian with lucrative pay, he obtained his release frora these positions and WHEELER. 427 CHARLES WILLARD WHEELER. joined his regiraent when General Grant took command of the Array of the Potomac, and from the commencement of that officer's campaign he participated in every battle to the close of the war ; was promoted through the grades of corporal, sergeant, orderly ser geant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, to regiraental quartermaster. He was wounded at Cedar Creek, and on account of his injur ies was absent forty days from railitary duty. He received an honorable discharge at the close of the war, and carae to Irasburgh, where he opened a general store, in which he has since continued, and at the sarae time operated in real estate. He has been a Republican since the for mation of the party, and has been honored with many ofificial positions in Irasburgh. Mr. Wheeler represented Irasburgh in the Legislature in 1886, and in 1890 was elected frora Orleans county to the Senate, in which body he introduced the secret ballot act, and labored hard for its enactment. He is a successful man, and always rehed on his own resources, never receiving help from others. He is a CongregationaUst in creed, and a member of George G. Post, No. 99, G. A. R. He was united in marriage, June 7, 1871, to Louise E. Nichols, daughter of Levi N. and Elizabeth Dow of Enosburgh. The issue of this union were : George E. (de ceased). May L., and Lucy H. WHEELER, HOYT HENRY, son of John and Roxanna (HaU) Wheeler, was born in Chesterfield, N. H., on the 30th of August, 1833. His great-grandfather, Peter Wheeler, eraigrated frora Littieton, Mass., in 1762, and was a capenter by trade, while the raother of Judge 'Wheeler was a granddaughter of Joseph Titus, one of the first settlers of Chesterfield. His father, John Wheeler, re sided in Chesterfield until 1849, when he raoved to his present residence at Newfane. Hoyt H. Wheeler first saw the light on the farra where two generations of his ancestors had lived and died. His early education be gan in the coraraon schools of the neighbor hood and was corapleted at the Chesterfield Academy, in 1853. Graduating from this institution he taught school for sorae tirae, and also studied law as opportunity afforded in the ofifice of Charles K. Field, of Newfane. Subsequently he studied the sarae subject under the direction of Jonathan D. Bradley and George B. KeUogg, and was adraitted to the bar in September, 1859. He then entered into partnership with John E. Butler, Esq., under the title of Butler & Wheeler. The new firm began professional practice in Ja maica. Mr. Butler died in 1867, and after that Mr. Wheeler practiced law by himself. Early in his career he obtained a very large practice in Southern Verraont, and in the county and Supreme Courts acquired the reputation of a thorough lawyer and a safe counselor. In 1867, he represented Jamaica in the House, and served on the judiciary commit tee. In 1868 and 1869, he was returned to the state Senate from Windham county, and served during each session on the judiciary coraraittee. While a raeraber of the House he secured the charter of the West River R. R., which is now known as the Brattle boro & WhitehaU R. R. In the following year what was designated the "enabling act" was adopted, under his raanageraent, iDy the Legislature. By virtue of this statute the towns along the route were perraitted to in vest raunicipal funds in the bonds of the cor poration, the success of whose undertaking was thus assured. 428 WHEELOCK. WHEELOCK. In 1869, Mr. AVheeler was elected an as sistant judge of the Supreme Court, was re elected in 1870, and again at each biennial election until and including 1876. Of judicial temperaraent, wise, and learned in the law, he made a model judge. Without sohcitation on his part or that of his friends. Judge A\'heeler was, in March, 1877, ap pointed by President Hayes district judge of the United States for the district of Ver raont in place of Judge David A. SraaUey, deceased. Resigning his seat on the Supreme bench of Verraont, Judge Wheeler at once entered upon his new duties. They do not wholly caU him to work in Vermont, and a large share of his judicial labors are per formed in New York City, where he has among the merabers of the New York bar the sarae reputation as a just judge of pro found learning that he has araong their brethren in Verraont. With corporate institutions of financial or other character, Judge Wheeler has held but shght connection. For se\'eral years he has been a director of the West River National Bank of Jamaica, but beyond that has not accepted any ofificial position. Judge \\'heeler was married on the 24th of October, 1861, to Minnie L., daughter of John Maclay of Lockport, N. Y. WHEELOCK, Edwin, of Cambridge, son of Samuel and Patty (Adams) Wheelock, was born in Cambridge, Nov. 17, 1822. His maternal grandfather was a near rela tive of President John Adams, and he coraes of good New England parentage on both sides of the house. After an attendance at the district school he fitted for coUege at the old Burlington Acaderay, entered the U. V. M. and graduated frora tbat institution in 1849. For four years he was employed as a teacher in the Mountain Academy in West Tennessee, then returned to Cambridge, where he coramenced and has continued his ministerial labors in the Congregational church of that community. For forty years he has continued his pastorate in that town, during which tirae he has conducted more than 1,200 funeral services and officiated at 800 marriages. He was an original member of the Lamoille Association of Congregational Ministers, and is stiU an influential factor in this organization. For fourteen consecutive years Mr. Whee lock has been superintendent of schools in Cambridge, was a raember of the House in i866-'67, and was chosen senator frora LaraoiUe county in 1876. Four years later he was raade chaplain of the Senate. He has been an honored member of the Masonic order and has served as chaplain of the Grand Lodge since 1886 until now (1894), rarely, if ever, having raissed a raeeting of the Grand Lodge since he has belonged to the order. He was raarried July 30, 185 1, to Laura, daughter of Daniel and Lucy AVheelock Pierce, who bore him six children, four of EDWIN WHEELOCK. whom survive : Mary Ella (Mrs. B. R. Holmes of Cambridge), Lucy (of Boston, Mass.), Ab bie Laura(Mrs. C. F. Hulburd of Cambridge), and George L. of New York., WHEELOCK, Martin W., of Berlin, son of Joseph W. and Laura E. (Phillips) Wheelock, was born in Montpelier, March 18, 1853. In 1854 his parents moved to Berhn, and he has since resided there, re ceiving his education in the schools of Montpelier. Eraployed from his earhest years in his father's bindery, it was but natural that he should follow that vocation, and upon the death of his father, in 1876, Mr. Wheelock succeeded him in the business of the Mont peher Bookbindery, which he has since suc cessfuUy conducted, adding to his force from tirae to time, untU he now employs fifteen to twenty people. After Montpelier estab lished its present systera of water supply, he introduced and placed in operation the first water motor in town, and procured the first exhibit of electric lighting in Montpeher from power derived from water motors, and caused to be put up the " police signal light, so called. WHIPPLE. WHITCOMB. 429 At the age of twenty-one he was elected town superintendent of schools and repre sented Berlin in the Legislature of 1880, and has held rainor offices of responsibUity and trust, and for the last eighteen years has been town clerk, treasurer and justice of the peace in Beriin. He is at present one of the directors of the Montpelier Board of Trade, was, in 1893, president of Volun teer Hose, No. I, and is stUl a raeraber of the fire departraent, and is a member of the New England Order of Protection and of Vermont Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F. He raarried Julia A. MUes, of Montpelier, daughter of Otis G. and Mary A. (SmUh) MUes, March 16, 1878, and they have three daughters : Mabel E., Florence M., and Winona. Mr. Wheelock is deeply interested in the prosperity of his native place, and is an earnest believer in the investment of capital in horae enterprises — a course that experi ence proves is not only for the good of the coraraunity, but as safe — to say the least — for the individual invester. WHIPPLE, EDWARD O., of Danby, son of John and Clarica (Oakes) Whipple, was born in Athens, June 20, 1821. also for a tirae in attendance at the Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Dr. Whipple took up his residence in Danby in 1848 and has buUt up an extensive practice in that and the adjoining towns. A strong Republican, he has never consented to accept any political ofifice, choosing rather to devote hiraself entirely to his pro fessional duties, but his sterling worth and abUity have gained him the highest esteem of the comraunity in which he resides. Dr. Whipple has received the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, afifiliating with Marble Lodge, No. 46, of Danby. He has also taken all those conferred in the I. O. O. F. He is an active meraber of the Rutiand County Medical and Surgical Society and also of that of the state. , He was raarried in West Townshend, Sept. 25, 1848, to Augusta, daughter of Zadock and Sarah Sawyer. They have one son : Frank E., a physician of Danby. WHITCOMB, Ervin Jackson, of Ludlow, was born in Ludlow, Feb. 24, 1822. EDWARD O. WHIPPLE. He received his schooling in Albany and afterwards studied medicine with Doctors P. D. Bradford and Samuel W. Thayer, subse quently graduating from the Castleton Medi cal School in the class of 1847. He was ERVIN JACKSON WHITCOMB. He lived on a farm raost of the tirae dur ing his rainority, was educated at the cora mon schools, and Black River Acaderay, and occasionaUy was occupied in teaching. In 1844 he engaged in trade, dealing in general country merchandise, in which oc cupation he remained five years. After a sojourn of three years in Ontario, where he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, he re- 430 WHITE. WHITE. turned to Ludlow, where he dealt in horses, farm produce and agricultural implements until 1862. He then forraed the partner ship of Whitcorab & Atherton, conducting a wholesale and retail feed, flour and grain business in connection with a grist miU. In 187 1 the firm erected Whitcorab & Atherton block, and added a bakery to their business. In 1887 he retired frora active business. He wedded, Sept. 29, 1846, Ehzabeth Goddard, daughter of Hon. SewaU and Eunice Howe (Goddard) FuUara of Ludlow. The fruit of their union is one child : BeUe E. Mr. Whitcorab is the only surviving grand son of Jonathan Whitcomb, a Revolutionary soldier. He has been for many years a raember of Black River Lodge, No 85, F. & A. M. In religious belief he is a Univer sahst, has taken deep interest in and been a liberal donor to the church. He is a trustee of the state convention, and also of Goddard Seminary. He was formerly a whig, but is now a Republican, and, after having discharged the duties of several tovvn ofifices, was chosen representative frora Ludlow for the two suc- ¦ cessive biennial terms of 1870 and 1872, and four years later was elected a senator from Windsor county. WHITE, Elliot G., of Cavendish, son of George W. and Clara M. (Swift) White, was born in Cavendish, June 8, 1856. His education was received in the cora raon schools of Cavendish, and after its corapletion he entered the service of his uncle, Hon. F. E. Swift. Later he moved to Boston, where he entered the eraployraent of a horse car company and next vvas en gaged as a clerk in a hotel near Bar Harbor, Me., but soon after returned to Cavendish, where he married and engaged in trade. Comraencing business during a period of general depression caused by the loss by fire of the woolen miUs in that place, by his un tiring energy and good manageraent he has built up a profitable and remunerative busi ness in a general country store, dealing, in addition to his ordinary trade, in feed, grain, and luraber. He is also interested in real estate. Noveraber 10, 1880, he was raarried to Nella C, daughter of Peter P. and Chloe (Adams) Wheeler of Cavendish. For fourteen years Mr. White has held the positions of town clerk and postmaster ; for several terms he has served as selectman and is now the chairraan of the board. He is one of the trustees of the Chester Sav ings Bank, a director in the Chester National Bank, and also librarian of the Fletcher Library of Cavendish. He has always voted with the Republican party, and for four years discharged the duties of deputy sheriff.. He is a raeraber and past master of La Fayette Lodge, No. 53, F. &. A. M., of Cav endish, and is afifiliated with Skitchewang Chapter of that order. WHITE, HEMAN ALLEN, of Washington, son of Thaddeus and Rebecca (Gleason) White, vvas born in Washington, Sept. 21, 1817. His father, Thaddeus, joined the pa triot army at sixteen years of age, served under the gallant Lafayette, and after the close of the struggle was one of the earUest settlers who came to Washington, threading his way on horseback through the dense for ests by a line of blazed trees. He posted the notice of the earliest Freemen's meeting, Sept. 2, and in 1794 was elected the first representative to the Legislature. He died in 185 I, at the advanced age of ninety-two. HEMAN ALLEN WHITE. Heman was the youngest son, and enjoyed only the advantages of the coramon school until he arrived at his raajority, when he at tended Newbury Acaderay, supporting him self whUe pursuing his course there. In 1840 he coraraenced studying law with Hon. John Colby at Washington, was admitted to the Orange county bar at the December term, 1843, and is today the senior practic ing member of his profession in that county. Since 1848 Mr. White has been town clerk; he represented Washington in the General Asserably in 1857, '58, '63, '64, '65, and '76, and was chosen a senator from Or ange county in 1870. In 1866 and '67 he WILCOX. 431 was state's attorney for Orange county. He cast his first and last presidential vote for a Harrison and in 185 6 was elected judge of probate for the district of Randolph, having previously served two years as register. Judge White possesses the entire confidence and respect of all who know him. He was united in marriage, Nov. 23, 185 1, to Mary, daughter of Ziba and F. A. Spen cer, by whora he had one child : Dora M. (Mrs. R. G. Spafford, deceased). In AprU, 1861, he contracted a second alliance with Mariette A., daughter of Cutting S. and Mar tha H. (Paine) Calef. WHITE, H. C, of North Bennington, son of John and Clarissa (Castle) White, was born in North Bennington, Dec. 25, 1847. plant of twice the capacity of the one burned, and since then has enjoyed an uninterrupted career of prosperity. Mr. White has inven ted several iraproveraents in stereoscopes, which he has patented, giving hira alraost a monopoly of the stereoscope business. Mr. White married Margie L., daughter of WiUiam Watson of Brooklyn, N. Y., by whora he has issue four children. WILCOX, Henry Clay, of Granby, son of Edraund W. and Matilda (Farnsworth) WUcox, was born in Carabridge, August 20, 1842. After receiving the educational advan tages of the Carabridge and Johnson public schools, at the age of nineteen he found employment in the U. S. Armory, at Spring field, Mass., where he remained tiU the close of the civU war, when he returned to Johnson and for three years labored on his father's farm. For the next seven years he was variously employed as a manufacturer of butter tubs, clerk of a hotel in Hyde Park, H. C. WHITE. After receiving his education at the public schools of North Bennington, at the age of twenty-one he removed to the city of New York, where he entered into partnership with B. G. Surdam, and engaged in the manufact ure of stereoscopes and lenses. There he remained four years and after attaining the necessary skiU he returned to his native town, where he started in the same hne of business for himself. In 1877, he removed to his present site and erected a large plant, and successfully carried on the business of manufacturing lenses, writing desks, and stereoscopes. In 1886, his entire estabhshment was consumed by fire, but he immediately erected a larger HENRY CLAY WILCOX. and foreraan in different establishraents en gaged m the luraber trade. In 1882 he assuraed the general superintendence of the Buck & WUcox Luraber Co., a very impor tant and responsible position, the duties of which he satisfactorily discharged up to 1885, when they sold to C. H. Stevens & Co., since which time he has been in the employ of C. H. Stevens & Co. and the Northern Lumber Co. Mr. Wilcox was forraerly deputy-sheriff at 432 WILKINS. WILLARD. Johnson, and since his removal to Granby has been the incumbent of several important ofifices, serving as justice and selectraan ; he was the Republican representative of Granby in 1886 to 1890, and a prorainent candidate for senator frora his county in the convention of that party in 1892. Mr. Wil cox is regarded as a raan of sound business capacity and great general intelligence. For raore than a quarter of a century he has belonged to the Masonic fraternity, has held the office of W. M. in Eden Lodge, No. 69, H. P. of Tucker Chapter, and Dis trict Deputy G. M. WILKINS, George, of Stowe, son of Uriah and Nancy (Kittredge) W'ilkins, was born in Stowe, Dec. 6, 18 17. GEORGE WILKINS. After enjoying the educational privUeges of the coramon schools and the academies of Johnson and Montpelier, Mr. Wilkins studied law with Messrs. Butler and Bingham, and vvas admitted to the LamoiUe county bar at the December term of 184 1. He then forraed a partnership with O. W. But ler, Esq., which was continued tiU 1845, when he purchased that genderaan's library and alone has conducted the practice of the firm since that tirae. He espoused, July 12, 1846, Maria N., daughter of Sarauel and Sarah (Blanchard) Wilson of Hopkinton, N. Y. They have adopted Charies B., son of Capt. J. H. Swift of VVashington. In 1852 he was elected state's attorney, and in 1856 a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. He vvas chosen senator from LaraoUle county in 1859 and was subse quently delegate to the union convention at Philadelphia ; a presidential elector from the Third District and a raember of the national Republican convention that nomi nated General Grant. Mr. Wilkins is everywhere recognized as an astute and able trial lawyer, a graphic and interesting writer and an earnest, thorough, and resolute advocate. Always interested in educational afifairs he has been a liberal donor of books and apparatus to the schools in his vicinity. The manage raent of several large farras purchased by him in the town and its neighborhood has recently engrossed the chief share of his time and attention. WILLARD, Andrew Jackson, of Bur lington, son of Neheraiah Batchelder and Hannah (Eraerson) Willard, was born in Harvard, Mass., March 19, 1832. Among his progenitors, the lineage being the same ANDREW JACKSON WILLARD. as Miss Frances Willard's, he numbers Major WiUard of colonial fame, and President W^illard of Harvard College, while on the mother's side he is a scion of the weU- known Emerson faraily, which has given the country so raany erainent teachers of re ligion and philosophy, including the " Sage of Concord," Ralph Waldo. The Willards and the Eraersons seera to be happUf blended in the subject of our sketch. WILLARD. WILLARD. 433 Having lost his father in early youth, Mr. WiUard was placed by his widowed mother in the academy at Lancaster, Mass., but he finished his preparation for coUege at the -Walnut Street high school of Worcester, Mass. At the age of seventeen he was ad mitted to Yale college, where his career was in every way creditable. Though his studies were to sorae degree impeded by impaired health and eyesight, he took raany prizes for excellence in debate and EngUsh coraposi- tion, and he graduated with high honors in the "faraous class" of 1853. He then spent three years in the study of theology at the Yale Theological Seminary. He was licensed to preach by the New Haven Association of Congregational Ministers. After a brief residence as licentiate at Andover, Mass., he was called in January, 1857, to the pastorate of the Congregational church at Upton, Mass., one of the oldest and largest in Worcester county. Here he spent nearly nine years of honorable service, when he was o'bhged by failing health to resign his charge, and later stiU to give up entirely the ministerial profession. Rev. Mr. WiUard removed to Burlington in 1865, and for about five years he supphed the pulpits at Essex Centre and Essex Junction. In 1870 and 1871 he was the superintendent of the pubhc schools in Bur hngton. While trying to regain his shattered health he, as it were, accidentally attended a medical lecture at the University of Ver raont, and was thereby led to the study of medicine, and graduated from the medical department of the university in 1877. At this time he was appointed valedictorian, but dechned the honor. He was awarded the prize for the best thesis, the subject of which was "Medical Cheraistry," which received the unusual coraphraent from the raedical faculty of a recoraraendation to pubUsh. Having spent several raonths in special study in New York City, he had just coraraenced to practice raedicine in Burhngton, when he was appointed instructor in chemistry and assistant professor in that science in the U. V. M. Later he was appointed special pro fessor of hygiene and sanitary science. These positions he held tiU 1890, when increasing professional duties connected with his specialty obliged him to resign his active connection with the university, but he has continued to retain, up to the present tirae, the honorary position of adjunct professor of chemistry in that institution. Soon after graduation in medicine Dr. WiUard was made superintendent and resi dent physician of the Mary Fletcher Hospi tal in Burhngton. In December, 1886, he retired from this position after nearly six years of unremitting devotion to the interests of the hospital. There can be no question that he did a good work whUe there, to which many grateful patients bear wilUng witness. One of his first achievements was the foun dation of the Mary Fletcher Hospital Train ing School, for nurses, which is still in suc cessful operation. He early saw, when at the hospital, the need of special treatment for diseases of the nervous system, and therefore, for this purpose, he founded an institution in Burhngton, known as " Dr. WiUard's Rest Cure and Nervine EstabUshment." Its present name, however, is the " Willard Nervine Horae." In raany respects the success of this institution has been phenorae- nal. In addition to the main building on North Prospect street, a summer retreat has been estabhshed on the shores of Lake Champlain, called "The White Birches," to which Dr. WiUard frequently takes his con valescing patients. Dr. Willard was married May 19, 1857, in Burlington, to Harriet Buell, daughter of Henry Pearl and Maria (BueU) Hickok. Five children have blessed their union :' Henry Hickok, Albert Eraerson, Helen Eliza beth, Julia Maria, and Frederick Buell. In politics Dr. Willard has always been a staunch Republican. In religion he has been a Congregationalist, until quite recently, when he joined the Episcopal church. WILLARD, George F. B., of Ver gennes, son of George and Delana D. (Lake) WUlard, was born in Boston, Mass., on the 26th of July, 1853. He received a liberal education for his chosen profession, graduating frora the high school at Middlebury in 1872, and frora Middlebury CoUege in the class of 1876. He later pursued a course of study at the St. Louis Medical College, frora which he re ceived his diploma of M.D. , in 1883. The sarae year Doctor Willard settled at Ver gennes, where he has deservedly won a lead ing position araong the physicians of the city and surrounding country. He was raarried at Washington, D. C, Dec. 26, 1883, to H. Ada, daughter ofl. D. and S. E. Vedder, of WhitehaU, IU., and frora this union there are issue five children : Delana E., Ada Hopkins, George Vedder, Lucy Araelia, and Sarah Lake. Doctor Willard has always strictly devoted himself to his professional duties, never seek ing publicity or political ofifice, but at present fiUs the ofifice of alderman and is a member of the school board of Vergennes. He be longs to the Verraont Medical Society, and whUe in college afifiliated with the D. U. Friendly and open-hearted, he is very popular with all classes in his own city, being esteemed by aU who come in contact with him. On account of the illness of Mrs. 'Willard, the doctor gave up his practice in Vergennes in 1893, and reraoved to Roodhouse, lUs., 434 WILLIAMS. WILLIAMS. where he is at present buUding up a good practice. WILLIAMS, FRANK Clifton, of Cov entry, son of Clifton and Mariette (Loomis) Williams, was born in Glover, May 12, 1853. His education was obtained in the public schools of Glover, in the Orleans Liberal Institute and Goddard Seminary. Shortly before he arrived at man's estate he was employed as clerk in several raercantUe es tablishments in Glover and Coventry, and in FRANK CLIFTON WILLIAMS. 1877 entered into a partnership with Homer Thrasher at Coventry. Four years subse quently he bought out his partner's interest and for sorae tirae continued alone, when Mr. Salraon Nye entered the concern which continued its operations till 1892, building a fine block for business purposes on the main street and besides his regular occupation Mr.Williams has engaged in lurabering, farra ing and horse breeding. In this latter branch he has been very successful, having turned out a large number of fast trotters, though he makes a specialty of roadsters of the Morgan family. He is liberal in his religious opinions, but attends and supports the Congregational church. For raany years he has filled the ofifices of justice of the peace and town clerk and treasurer of Coventry, which town he represented in the Legislature in 1884 where he was a raember of the committee on clairas. Mr. Williaras was wedded. May 30, 1877, to Helen Louise Burbank, daughter of Samuel and Jane (Coburn) Bowles Bur bank of Coventry. Five chUdren have blessed their union : Grace Helen, Florence Eliza, Sam Clifton, Kate MUdred, and Harold Frank (deceased). WILLIAMS, George Abner, of Sax tons River, son of Russel H. and Mercy (Waters) Williaras, was born in Westmore land, N. Y'., July 10, 1853. His earlier education was obtained in Whitestown Seminary, Whitesboro, N. Y. He was graduated from Colgate University in 1880, and afterwards received the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. from the same institu tion. While in college he specially devoted himself to languages and mathematics, and GEORGE ABNER WILLIAMS. was honored with the valedictory address upon his graduation. In 1879 he repre sented his alma raater in the intercollegiate contest in New York City, winning the highest honors in the Latin language. Mr. WiUiams has foUowed the profession of teaching since 1873. Iraraediately after his graduation he becarae the instructor in mathematics and the sciences in Whitestown Seminary, and subsequently has occupied positions in the HaraUton (N. Y.) Union School and Cook Acaderay, at Havana, N. Y. Since 1889 he has been principal ofthe Verraont Acaderay, at Saxtons River, which position he occupies at the present time. WILLIAMS. WILSON. 435 He has always displayed great ability as an instructor, successfully laboring for the in tellectual and moral improvement of all pupils who have been entrusted to his charge. His services have always been sought for, and he has never been obliged to make an application for any post which he has filled. He is a raeraber of the American Institute of Instruction and of the American PhUological Association. While in coUege he was a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity, and acted both as president and vice-president of the Colgate Chapter. He was a delegate to the conven tion of the fraternity at Schenectady in 1879. At graduation he was chosen a meraber of Phi Beta Kappa. He was united in raarriage, June 30, 1880, to Florence Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Eliphalet and Martha (Spaulding) Owen. Four children have blessed their union : two daughters, Elbertine and Roberta, and two sons, Maynard Owen and Russel Hill. Mr. Williams is a descendant on both sides of the house, from Revolutionary sol diers, and is a Baptist by inheritance and conviction. He is the author of a book on "Topics and References in Araerican His tory," widely used in schools, and is actively interested in educational problems in Ver mont. He was a meraber of the legislative •committee of the Vermont State Teachers' Association, which appeared before the ed ucational committee of that body in 1892, urging the adoption of the town system of schools, which measure was finaUy adopted. Since 1889 he has served upon the state ex ecutive committee of the Y. M. C. A. Though always taking an active interest in ¦public affairs, he has never sought or ac cepted pohtical ofifice. Hitherto a Repubh- -can in his preferences, he is now strongly inchned to independent views with regard to national and state affairs. WILLIAMS, James Peter, of Sunder land, son of Peter and Emeline (Jordan) WiUiams, was born in Auburn, Me., April 5, 1836. His education was obtained in the schools ¦of Auburn, and FitzwilUam, N. H. For sorae tirae after he arrived at his raajority he was eraployed in a factory for the raanu facture of wooden ware, and afterwards re moved to Sunderiand, in which place, in 1858, he purchased an estabhshment for the manufacture of clothes-pins, which he after- Tvards changed to a turning shop. Mr. Williaras then changed the scene of his labors to Manchester, where in connection with Dexter Pierce he manufactured spoons, and in 1878 dissolving his partnership he rettirned to Sunderiand, where he continued in a sirailar occupation, cultivating in ad dition a farra of about one hundred acres. August 29, 1866, he espoused Deha, daughter of George Newbury and Sarah M. (PhiUips) Olmsted of FitzwiUiam. Four children were born to thera : Grace Araanda (deceased), Waldo Frank, Anson Streeter, and Shirley Olrasted. A Repubhcan in his poUtical faith Mr. AVilliaras has never assuraed any ofificial position, and in regard to his rehgious views he is an agnostic. WILSON, James Dunlap, of Greens boro, son of John and Margaret (Young) Wilson, was born in Greensboro, Sept. 13, 1848. He was educated in the schools of Greens boro and in Morrisville Acaderay, and for some tirae taught in the public schools of Greensboro. He then, for five years, fol lowed the occupations of farraer and carpen ter and subsequently was eraployed in the Fairbanks scale works of St. Johnsbury. Since his return to Greensboro in 1880 he has devoted hiraself to dairy farming and the manufacture of maple sugar from a large orchard of 1,200 trees. Noveraber 22, 1877, he wedded Mariette T., daughter of James J. and Lilias (MiUer) Lumsden of Greensboro. Three children have been born to them : Florence Edith, John Erwin, and James Harrison. Mr. Wilson has been selectman and jus tice of the peace for several years ; has dis charged the duties of town auditor, was dele gate to the state convention in 1892 at Montpelier and represented Greensboro in the Legislature of 1892, serving on the cora raittee on land taxes and the canvassing coraraittee. For four years he was a mem ber of the RepubUcan town coraraittee. He belongs to the Presbyterian church, of which he has been for a long tirae elder and Sunday school superintendent. WILLSON, Melvin A., son of Sydney and Lucy (BoutweU) WiUson, was born iri LoweU, Mass., July 31, 1847. He was one of a faraily of four children and in his early boyhood was thrown upon his own resources, by the death of his father. Reraoving to Victory at the age of eight, he gleaned a scanty education frora the schools of Lunenburg and Lyndon, meanwhile con tributing from his earnings to the support of the family. He enlisted Sept. 13, 1864, in Co. K, Sth Vt. Vols, under the command of Col. Stephen Thoraas, saw service in the Shenandoah cara paign and was honorably discharged May 13, 1865. After his return frora military service Mr. WiUson settled in Granby, where he purchased 436 WING. WINSLOW. the property on which he now resides. He has been extensively engaged in general farraing, raising, buying and seUing stock and his plain, blunt coraraon sense and shrewd ness have rendered hira financiaUy success ful in all these enterprises, making hira an iraportant factor in the business affairs of the town. For the last two years he has added to his other occupations a trade in feed, fiour and grain. Mr. 'WiUson is a Republican, but is inde pendent in his views, and has been elected to nearly aU the responsible ofifices in the town of Granby, which he represented in the Legislature of 1884. He was united inraarriage March 6, 1872, to Jean, daughter of Loorais and Adehne (Farr) WeUs, of which raarriage seven chil dren have been born : Addie L., Sidney L., Leonard H., Sarauel G., Oscar M., John H., and Dora M. WING, George Washington, of Montpelier, son of Joseph A. and Samantha Elizabeth CWebster) 'Wing, was born in Plainfield, Oct. 22, 1843. He was educated in the district schools, at Barre Academy, at the Washington county grammar school, and at Dartmouth College, from which institution he was graduated in 1866. He has been a resident of Mont pelier since 1858. He studied law in the ofifice of his father, Joseph A. Wing, Esq., and was adraitted to Washington county bar, March terra, 1868. He was assistant state librarian in 1864, 1865 and 1866, and a deputy secretary of state frora 1867 to 1873. During part of this latter period he was a clerk in the ofifice of the state treasurer, Hon. John A. Page of Montpelier. Concluding this service, he began the practice of his profession, in which he has becorae distinguished, both for soundness of judgment and ability as an advocate. He was elected to the House of Representatives from Montpelier in 1882, and rendered iraportant service to the state on the ways and raeans and the grand list coraraittees. He had an iraportant part in fraraing, and to hira belongs the honor of forraulating, the corporation tax law enacted at that session of the Legislature — a law that was distinguished by the clearness and pre cision of its phraseology and by the benefits its well considered provisions conferred upon the state at large. As a raeraber of the grand list committee his counsel, practical judgment and peculiar gift in so formulating an enactment that it could bear but one, and the right, interpretation, were brought into requisition in the act revising and consolida ting the tax and grand list laws. In advo cating, explaining and defending these measures in the debates in the House, and in his legislative duties generally, he dis closed the qualities of a wise and capable law-maker. From 1884 to 1888, during the administration of President Cleveland, ab though a staunch Republican, he held the ofifice of postmaster at Montpelier, to which he had 'been elected toward the close of President Arthur's administration. He was a capable and popular adrainistrator of the afifairs of the post-office, judicious and efificient. In 1890 he was elected a trustee of the ViUage of Montpelier, and in 1892 was chosen president of the corporation. He is treasurer of the Farraer's Trust Co. incorporated under the laws of Iowa, and which has its Eastern ofifice at Montpelier. Mr. Wing is a raeraber of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M., and has taken the 32d degree in Scottish Rite Masonry. Deceraber i, 1869, he married Miss Sarah E., daughter of Dr. Orlando P. and MiUie (Hendee) Forbush, who died in AprU, 1871, leaving one chUd : Sarah F. October i, 1882, he married Miss Ida I., daughter of Stephen F. and Caroline C. (Stone) Jones. Of Mr. Wing, a brother attorney says : "He entertains and instructs, whether be-^ fore the jury or court, or on the stump. He is at once scholarly and practical, and has an enviable power of illustration peculiar to himself." WINSLOW, DON AVERY, of Westfield, son of Orlando and Salorae (Hitchcock) Winslow, was born in Westfield, Oct. 25, 1824. He is the seventh in lineal descent frora Kenelm Winslow, one of the earliest settiers of Plymouth county, and also through his grandmother Winslow, a descendant of the Adams family of Quincy, Mass. The estate formerly belonging to Daniel Webster in Marshfield, Mass., was the original Kenelm Winslow horaestead, and had been preserved in that family tiU its purchase by the great orator and statesraan. The subject of this sketch, after attending the public schools of Westfield and Derby Acaderay, did not care to follow the foot steps of his father, who was a farmer and general merchant in the village, and in 1846 found his way to Boston, where he studied rausic under the instruction of the weU- known LoweU Mason. Mr. Winslow com menced his musical career as tenor in an English opera in the Boston Theater, and also in a quartette in the Unitarian church of Bulfinch street in the city. Subsequently, after instruction in musical composition and in piano and church organ playing, he settled in St. Albans, where he was employed as organist in the Congregational church, and as professor of music in Swanton Ac aderay. During this period he composed WINSLOW. WINSLOW. 437 both secular and sacred music, and raany of his efforts have been published in Emerson's, Perkins', MarshaU's, and other musical works. For over flfty years he has been continu ously connected with churches, either as leader of the choir or organist. After giving up his profession he was employed for ten years at Johnson as station agent and tele graph operator. In 1889 he removed to Westfield, where he now resides on the old homestead. His parents moved to Townshend ten years later, and he there received the usual educa tion of the comraon schools, completing his studies at the establishraent which is now styled the Leland and Gray Serainary, of which he was a trustee for twenty-five years. During his vacations, as was then custoraary for all farra-bred boys, he assisted his father in the raanageraent of his property, and in the winter of 1851 taught school in Athens. The following spring he went to Boston, Mass., where he was eraployed as a clerk in a raercantUe establishraent for raore than three years. He next turned his steps to Califor nia, where he was an instructor in the public schools, but in the faU of 1858 he returned to Townshend and engaged in general trade, in which he continued for thirty-one years. His health failing hira, he sold out his busi ness in 1 89 1, reraoving with his faraUy to Araherst, Mass., where he died, Feb. 20, DON AVERY WINSLOW. March 27, 1848, he married Mary S., daughter of Curtis and Mary (DeWoh) Newton of Greenfield, Mass. She died Jan. 12, 1882. Five children were born to them : Edward W^ (drowned in eariy youth), Helen M. (now p.resident of the Women's Press Association, Boston), Mary A., Isabel N. (Mrs. Alexander Conrad of Cooledge, N. . M.) , and Harriet P. Mr. Winslow contracted a second marriage. May 5, 1886, with Araanda M., daughter of Bela and Ann M. Johnson, of Whitfield, N. H. He has been a consistent raember of the Congregational church in Westfield, was formerly a meraber of the Handel and Haydn Society of Boston, and was one of the organizers and early presidents of the Or leans County Musical Association. WINSLOW, Samuel Dutton, late of Amherst, Mass., son of Peleg and Nancy (Bowles) Winslow, was born in Dummers ton, April 17, 1832. SAMUEL DUTTON WINSLOW. He married, Dec. 6, 1859, Mary E., daughter of David and Betsey (Wood) WU- lis, of East Alstead, N. H. There were four chUdren born to them, of whora the young est, Lotie May, alone survives. Mr. Winslow was quite influential in town and county affairs, but generally avoided oflfi cial positions. He was for nearly twenty- one years president of the Windham County Savings Bank, and was very active in pro moting its interests. He contributed most liberally both time and money to promote the welfare of the 438 WITHERELL. WOODBURY. Congregational church, of which he was a raember for thirty years, and in which he served frora 1863 to 1891 as deacon, Sunday school superintendent and teacher, doing all in his power to advance its interests and efficiency. He was a typical New England raan of active and energetic character, self-depend ent, and relying solely upon his efforts. He possessed superior financial ability, was very successful in his business enterprises, and honorably and, deservedly amassed consider able wealth. WITHERELL, JOHN H., of Bridport> son of James and Susan (Willis) WithereU, was born in Bridport, July 31, 1841. JOHN H. WITHERELL. He received his early education in the ochools of Bridport, but supplemented this instruction by an extended course of reading and practical and advantageous study. He has always been engaged in agricultural pur suits, forraerly on the shores of Lake Chara plain, but later in the village of Bridport, where he has since resided. He has been successful in his efforts and for three years has acted as manager of the Black Hawk stock farm. He makes horses a specialty and has bred already some fine specimens of the Wilkes and Morgan strain. Though not one who seeks preferment Mr. WithereU has held raany town ofifices, araong them those of selectman and justice of the peace. He has always been a constant Re publican and is held in high repute by his townsmen for his good judgment and hon esty. In 1880 hewas caUed upon to sferve in the Legislature, serving on the standing coraraittee as also on special coraraittees. He was united in raarriage at Bridport Sept. 4, 1875, to Anna D., daughter of Judge Henry and Eliza Sollace. Five children were born to them, four of whom survive : Gertrude S.^ Kittle E., Herman S., and Georgiana. For four years Mr. WithereU was Master- of the Morning Sun Lodge, No. 5, F. & A. M. of Bridport, and he is a Sir Knight of Mount Calvary Comraandery of Middlebury. WOODBURY, Urban Andrain, of Burlington, son of Albert M. and Lucy L. (W'adleigh) Woodbury, was born in Acworth,. N. H., July II, 1838. His father was a native of Cavendish, and returned to Ver raont, after a temporary residence in New Hampshire, wheti Urban was two years old^ The latter was educated in the common schools of Morristown and the People's Acaderay in MorrisviUe, ahd was graduated frora the raedical departraent of the Univer sity of Vermont in 1859. -mi^' URBAN ANDRAIN WOODBURY. The subject of this sketch was one of the first to enlist in the service of his country at the breaking out of the civil war. He be came a member of Co. H, 2d Regt. Vt.. Vols., May 25, 1861 ; was iraraediately ad vanced to the grade of sergeant, taken pris oner tvvo months after his enlistment, at the- WOODWORTH. WOOLSON. 439 battle of BuU Run, in which engageraent he had the misfortune to lose his right arm ; was paroled Oct. 5, 1861, and discharged frora service on account of wounds Oct. 18, 1861. Undaunted by his trying experience, he again sought to defend his country's flag, and Nov. 17, 1862, he was coraraissioned captain of Co. D, nth Regt Vt. Vols. He was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps June 17, 1863. In March, 1865, after faith fully discharging the duties of his position, he resigned. Captain Woodbury was married, Feb. 12, i860, to Paulina L., second daughter of Ira and Sarah Darling of Elmore. By her he has six children : Charles Lincoln, Minnie Stannard, Gertrude Frances, Edward Philo, LUa Darling, and Mildred Dorothy. After his return from the war he settled in Burlington, and became general manager of the lumber business of J. R. Booth. His skiU as a financier and his power of apphca- tion have raade this concern a great success. He has also engaged in real estate opera tions, and for twelve years has been the owner of the Van Ness House property. Mr. Woodbury is a Repubhcan in his poUtical views. He was elected alderman from the second ward in Burhngton in 188 1 and '82, and the latter year was raade presi dent of the board. In 1885 and '86 he was chosen raayor of the city, and in 1888 he was raade Lieutenant-Governor of the state, serving under the administration of Gover nor Williara P. DUlingham. In every posi tion, both pubhc and private, he has made a most honorable record, and one that justly entitles him to the confidence and respect of aU his fellow-citizens to whom he has proved by his past career that he is worthy of all honors they can bestow. Lieutenant-Governor Woodbury is a mem ber of the Masonic fraternity in which he has taken the obligations of the 3 2d de gree and of the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R., the United States Mihtary Order of the Loyal Legion, the Sons of the American Revolution, and the Knights of Pythias. WOODWORTH, ARTHUR WELLING TON, of Enosburg FaUs, son of WiUiara S. and Patience S. (Stevens) Woodworth, was born in Berkshire, May 7, 1823. After receiving his education at the cora mon schools of Enosburg he was instructed by his father in the trade of a carpehter and joiner, at which he worked tUl he arrived at his raajority. Soon after he was employed as an agricultural laborer by Judge Aldis and Lawrence Brainerd of St. Albans. As he was prudent and industrious, on his return to Enosburg he was enabled to invest his well-earned savings in a farra, to which he has given most of his attention up to the present time, raaking a specialty of dairy ing. When the raUroad reached Enosburg he was elected a director, and purchasing sorae tiraber land became heavily interested in the sale of wood and ties to the corpor ation. He is a joint owner and manager of the Lumber Manufacturing Co., at Sarapson- ville. Mr. Woodworth was married, Nov. 15, 1848, to Adaline T., daughter of Alpheus and Jane (French) Ladd of Enosburg. One daughter has been born to them : Lin nie R. (Mrs. Walter P. Phelps). ARTHUR WELLINGTON WOODWORTH. He cast his first presidential vote for Henry Clay, is an ardent Republican and has fiUed many responsible positions. Al ways active in the public affairs of his town and county, he was elected to the Legisla ture from Enosburg in 1858 and 1859 and in 1880 was chosen a senator frora Frank lin county, serving on many important com mittees. He was a director of the St. Albans Sav ings Bank and Trust Co., and is regarded by aU as a man of sound judgraent and un doubted integrity, and as one who by his own unaided efforts has been financially suc cessful and has lent a helping hand to raany a fellow-raan in need. WOOLSON, Amasa, late of Springfield, son of Asa and Ann Woolson, was born in Grafton, August 6, 181 1. 440 WOOLSON WOOSTER. Receiving a common school education, Mr. Woolson early displayed remarkable mechanical ability, and frora the age of fourteen to thirty-five was engaged at Man chester and Chester in raanufacturing and finishing woolen cloths and inventing and making raachinery suitable for this purpose. In 1846 he reraoved to Springfield, and here becarae a raember of the firm of Davidson & Parks, engaging in the raanufacture of cloth finishing raachinery. Four years later, upon the death of Mr. Davidson, the con cern became Parks & Woolson. thus con tinuing until 1878, when it was raade a stock corapany. Mr. Woolson invented and patented the raost effective shearing raachine now in use, with a set of twenty-two revolving AMASA WOOLSON blades. In 1888 Mr. Woolson, in connec tion with others, purchased the stock of the Jones & Lamson Machine Co., of Windsor, raoved it to Springfield and coraraenced the raanufacture of raachinists' tools of every description, but soon devoted their ' efforts to turret raachinery exclusively, using for this purpose and patenting several valuable appliances invented by Jaraes Hartness, superintendent of the works. The company is now erecting factories which, when cora pleted, will double the capacity of the business. Mr. Woolson never aspired to political pre ferraent, but for nearly forty years was iden tified with the business and religious life of Springfield. At the time of his death he was deacon of the Congregational church, presi dent of the Jones & Lamson Machine Co. and ' of the First National Bank of Sprine- field. ^ As an inventor he held a high rank, and was awarded seven preraiuras, consisting of gold, silver and bronze raedals, at different fairs in Boston and New York, as well as at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. He raarried, Jan. 15, 1838, Mary L., daughter of John Davidson. Their only chUd, Helen M., died in infancy, and her mother departed this life a few months later. He was again united to Mary E., daughter of Aaron and Lettice Baker, July i, 1863. Four chUdren were born to them, two of whom survive : Williara D., and Charles A. WOOSTER, Jay, of Whiting, son of Benjamin P. and Hannah (Warner) Woos ter, was born in Whiting, Oct. 23, 1847. His educational advantages were confined to the schools of the town and he resolved to devote himself to the honorable occupation of a farraer. He has also speculated largely in live stock, and for several years has been extensively engaged in purchasing beef cat tle for the general market. Mr. Wooster is a very strong Republican and an enthusiastic upholder of the national policy of that party. While never seeking ofifice he has had all the public positions thrust upon him, which he cared to accept. For seventeen years he has discharged the duties of constable. He was raarried in Whiting, March 31, 1875, to Mary Pond, daughter of Nelson and Jane Remeley. Frora this union two chil dren were born : Robert N., and Egbert R. Mr. Wooster is a typical Vermonter ofhis class, of powerful frame and of more than average intelligence. His acquaintance is extensive and his friends numerous in the county in which he resides. He is a Free Mason, afifiliating with Siraond Lodge, No. 59. WYMAN, Andrew A., of Athens, son of Thoraas and Huldah (Gilbert) Wyman, was born in Rockingham, March 12, 1830. After receiving his early education in the comraon schools of Rockingham, followed by several terms at the Townshend and Thetford Acaderaies, he taught school in the surrounding towns during the winter and was employed on the homestead in sum mer. For sorae time he acted as salesman in the grocery store of his brother at Oam bridgeport, and afterwards purchased a farm in Athens, removing in 1871 to the old homestead. Mr. Wyman, at Chester, Oct. 27, 1857, was united to Martha, daughter of John and Martha (Davis) Eastman. One chUd, Stella S., was the issue of this alliance. Mrs. Wyman died in October, 1881, and he was .again raarried Nov. 16, 1882, to Abbie A., daughter of Everett P. and Electa WeUraan. He has been prorainently identified in the affairs of his town, for a long time served as justice of the peace and selectman, and was elected assistant judge of the county in 1878 and held the ofifice six years. For four sessions (1864, 1865, 1867 and 1872) he represented his town in the Legislature, and in 1874 was elected a state senator from Windham county. All these positions he has fiUed with credit to hiraself and universal satisfaction to his constituency. In 1890 Mr. Wyman was appointed upon the board of cattle coraraissioners by Governor Page, and in 1892 he was elected county cora raissioner. He is a public-spirited man, always raani festing liberal ideas. WYMAN, Cyrus Warren, of Brattle boro, son of Thoraas and Huldah (Gilbert) Wyraan, was born in Rockinghara, Dec. 18, 1823. WYMAN. 44 1 corapelled hira to withdraw frora active busi ness. For sixteen years subsequently he gave his services to the Brattleboro Savings Bank, and for half that tirae he ably acted as treasurer of that institution. As religious and teraperance principles were strongly inculcated in his early youth, he has always been a strong advocate of total abstinence and prohibition. He was united in raarriage, Jan. i, 1848, to Charlotte Maria, daughter of James and Elenor Bruce. Of this union there are three children : Emma F. (wife of E. C. Crosby), Helen M. (wife of N. D. Allen), and Annie L. WYMAN, Martin L., of Gaysville, son of Anson and Lydia (Hannaford) Wyman, was born in Poultney, May 3, 1836. CYRUS WARREN WYMAN. In the intervals of his labor upon a farra he received his early education in the cora mon schools, and afterwards enjoyed the advantages of instruction in a seminary. In early life he followed the occupation of a merchant in his native town, where he held for six years the position of postmaster. He then moved to Bratdeboro, and for a long period continued in trade, untU failing health MARTIN L. WYMAN. His education was obtained in the district schools of Stockbridge and in the public and evening schools of Boston, Mass. At the age of fourteen he comraenced to learn the trade of a machinist at Boston, and was for a tirae in the eraployment of the Vermont and Massachusetts R. R. He spent five years at Fitchburg working at his trade, and after ward returned to Boston, where he contin ued till 1 86 1, when, with Charles E. Moore, he forraed a copartnership to engage in the raanufacture of aU kinds of experimental machinery. He was one of the first to en gage in the construction of passenger ele vators for hotels and ofifice buUdings, under the patent of the late Otis Tufts. The name 442 ^'OUNG. YOUNG. of Mr. Wyman often appears as the patentee of many useful inventions, raore especiaUy those appertaining to elevators. He retired from active participation in business recent ly, leaving his son, Charles E., to occupy his place as treasurer and manager of the Moore & Wyman Elevator and Machine Works. An adherent of the Republican party, he has been selectman, auditor, grand juror, justice of the peace, and trustee of the pub lic raoney of the town of Stockbridge, from which he was elected to the Legislature in 1892, being a member ofthe coramittee on raanufactures. He raarried, Feb. 12, 1856, Lydia B., daughter of Eraerson and Ehza (Barrett) Hardy, of Harvard, Mass. Five children have been born to thera : AValter E., Charles E., George R., Martin L., and Ahce M. Mr. Wyraan is a raeraber of the Massa chusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, and has been alUed with the Masonic frater nity for raore than thirty years. He is now W. M. of White River Lodge, No. 90, of Bethel, and belongs to Whitney Chapter, R. A. M., Haswell Council, and Mt. Sinai Shrine. He is also a Knight Teraplar of Mt. Zion Coramandery. YOUNG, JOHN StILLMAN, of Troy, son of John and Sophia (Pike) Young, was born in Jay, March 6, 1845. His education was received in the public and grararaar schools of Jay, AVestfield, and Troy, after which he taught several terms of school ; he then entered Bryant & Stratton's Business College, at Burlington, from which he graduated in a shorter time than any pre ceding pupil. He studied law with his brother-in-law at Derby Line for awhile, but concluding the raercantUe business would be raore congenial, he went to Boston, and en gaged in book-keeping for about two years and in 1 8 7 1 entered into partnership with L.P. Jaraes in a general store in Troy. After being in business one year he sold out to his part ner and again returned to Boston, where he remained for two years, but on account of ill- health returned to Verraont. After a short connection with the Reed Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Co. in Westfield he purchased, in the faU of 1875, a general mercantile es tablishment in Troy, which he has operated to the present tirae. In 1891 his store was consumed by fire, but the foUowing season he erected one of the finest buildings for the purpose of trade in Orleans county. He deals in agricultural implements, furniture and undertakers' suppUes, besides carrying a large stock of general merchandise. He has large real estate interests, and owns the old homestead in Jay, upon which he was born and reared. Mr. Young married, Jan. 25, 1883, Ludelle, daughter of Albert and Dorcas (Angler) Hodsden. Till 1886 Mr. Young was a Democrat, but since then has been a RepubUcan. He has served the town of Troy in the capacity of selectman, treasurer, clerk, and auditor for many years, and frora 1889 to 1893 was the postraaster of Troy, and in 1893 was elected chairraan of the board of school directors. He enlisted at the outbreak of the civil war, but as he was under age and could not obtain his father's consent he remained at horae. He is a raeraber of Masonic Union Lodge, No. 16, of Troy, and in his rehgious prefer ences affiliates with the Methodist church. He possesses rare executive ability, and is one of the most successful business men in Orleans county. PART III. BIOGRAPHIES OF SONS OF VERMONT. ALDRICH, Henry O., of Boston, son of Lyman and Dorothy (Baker) Aldrich, was born in Hahfax, May 3, 1832. When he was five years old his parents moved to Guilford, where they had formerly lived, his grand- HENRY O. ALDRICH. father, Otis Aldrich, being one of the early settiers of that town. About a year later his father died leaving his mother with a family of young chUdren, the farm, and other prop erty, to look after. But with that independ ent spirit so characteristic of him he resolved that he would take care of himself and to that extent relieve his raother's burdens. He vvas a diligent student in the local schools in which he gained his education and when about twenty years of age left the high school where he was then studying and went to Boston and entered the eraploy of C. D. Cobb & Bro. There he remained for about five years, when he returned to Vermont to engage in business for hiraseU. Eight or nine years after, in 1868, he sold out, and returning to Boston entered into an equal partnership with his forraer employers. He has remained with the house ever since and is now its head, both of the original merabers of the firm being deceased. Their narae, however, is retained, the firra name which is now Cobb, Aldrich & Co. Mr. Aldrich has been a raost iraportant factor in bringing its business to its present proportions — the largest grocery house in the world. He is a man of tremendous energy and activity, pos sessing great power as an executive. Systera has been carried by him to as near perfec tion as seems attainable and as the buyer for the house he exhibits shrewdness, judgment and farsightedness, especially in forecasting fluctuations in the markets. In 1855 he was raarried to Bessie A. Phelps, of Halifax, now deceased, and there were born to thera four sons — two of whom are now living, one being associated with his father in business, the other occupying a responsible position with the Conveyancer's Title Insurance Co., of Boston. Mr. Aldrich is a valued raeraber of the Algonquin Club, the Bunting Club, the Boston Chamber of Comraerce and the Y'erraont Association of Boston. He is also connected with the Masonic order, the Knights of Honor and other societies. BARRETT, JOHN, U. S. Minister and Consul General to Siara, youngest son of Hon. Charies and Caroline (Sanford) Bar rett, was born in Grafton Nov. 28, 1866. His grandfather, Capt. John Barrett, was one of the conspicuous men of Grafton for many years, and his father, Hon. Charies Barrett, who died in 1892, had served both Grafton, as its representative in the Legislature, and the county, as State Senator, with honor and distinction. From his father, Mr. Barrett inherited the gift of ready speech and argu mentative ability, and at an unusually early age he had given evidence of great facihty BENTON. BENTON. in pubhc debate. Leaving the pubUc schools at Grafton, young Barrett attended Verraont Acaderay several terras and then went to the Worcester (Mass.) Acaderay, fitted for Dart raouth, and graduated from that college in 1889. Then he went to California and taught for a short period in Hopkins Acad emy, at Oakland. His next position was that of associate editor of the Daily Asto- rian, at Astoria, Ore., for a few raonths. He finally located at Portland, Ore., where he was city editor of the Evening Telegrara up to the tirae of his appointment as Minister to Siara. Mr. Barrett is looked upon as the leading young Deraocrat of Oregon. He was one of the organizers of the Young Men's Democratic League, of Oregon, was its secretary for two years, and afterward its vice-president. He has been president of the Democratic League of Portland, and was a delegate to two Democratic State con ventions, once serving as secretary of that body. He was one of the alternate dele gates frora Oregon to the Deraocratic Na tional convention that norainated Cleveland, and during this carapaign vvas very active in behalf of the Deraocracy and raade many stump -speeches for the party. For his polit ical work he was honored by Pres. Cleve land with the appointment of U. S. Minister to Siara, for which country he sailed in April, 1894, receiving just before his depart ure a coraplimentary banquet by the Dem ocratic League of Portland. While in Port land Mr. Barrett was a member of several social and fraternal organizations, among thera the Asserably Club, the Royal Arca num and the Knights of Pythias. He was extreraely popular in Portland and is es teeraed very highly by everybody there, irre spective of party afifihations. He bears the distinction of being the youngest man appointed by President Cleveland to an iraportant foreign post. His mother and an elder brother are now residents of Free- port, IU. BENTON, EVERETT C, of Belmont, Mass., son of Judge Charles E. and Adda C. Benton, was born in Guildhall, Sept. 25, 1862. His father was one of the promi nent raen of Essex county and for raany years held the ofifice of county clerk, being also at the tirae of his death judge of probate. The Bentons carae from good old revolu tionary stock, Mr. Benton's paternal great grandfather having been a captain in the Continental Array under Gen. Washington, at Valley Forge, and his maternal great grandfather was a meraber of Capt. Johnson's Minute Men and present at the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. His Vermont ancestors were a sturdy family and prominent in the early history of the state. In early youth Mr. Benton attended the public schools of his native town and the Colbrook and Lancaster Academies in New Hampshire. At the age of fourteen he was appointed a page in the Vermont senate and his political career may be said to have begun at that time. He was next clerk to the secretary of state for two years and then deputy county clerk of Essex county for four years. Going to Boston in 1882 he entered the insurance business, in which he is stiU engaged, being connected with the establish- EVERETT C. BENTON. ment of John C. Paige. During his residence in Massachusetts he has taken an active interest in politics, and has held various political offices. For a nuraber of years he has been a member of tbe town RepubUcan committee of Belmont; in 1890 he was elected a raeraber of the Repubhcan con gressional district committee, in 189 1 a mem ber of the Republican state committee, in 1892 chairman of committee on towns in the state committee, and in 1893-4 he vvas chairraan of the executive committee of the Republican state committee, and has just been re-elected to that ofifice for 1895. Dur ing the state campaign of 1893 Mr. Benton distinguished hiraself as one of the hardest workers on the Republican state committee and when Governor Greenhalge selected his mihtary faraily he made fitting recognition of Mr. Benton's exceUent work for his party by appointing him an aid-de-camp on his staff with the title of colonel. BENTON. BENTON. Col. Benton is a member of the Republican Club of Massachusetts and of the Norfolk Club. He is also a Mason. In Charlestown January 24, 1885, hewas married to WiUena Rogers, and of five children born to them four are living : Jay R., Charles E., Blanche A. and Dorothy D. BENTON, Jay B., of Winchester, Mass., youngest son of Judge Charles E. and Adda C. Benton, of GuildhaU, was born in GuUd haU April 10, 1870. He was educated at moted to the ofifice of assistant city editor, in which he distinguished himself as an untir ing worker and a man of ideas and origi nality. He reraained with the Transcript until June, 1894, when he accepted the posi tion he now fills, that of assistant raanaging editor of the Boston Journal. In this capac ity he is largely responsible for the Sunday edition, in which are to be found many evi dences of his energy and abihty. He is the Boston correspondent of the New York Dramatic Mirror, a popular raember of the Press Club, the Newspaper Club, and the Papyrus Club, an organization of literary men. Mr. Benton is unmarried and resides at his raother's bome in Winchester. BENTON, JOSIAH Henry, Jr., of Bos ton, son of Rev. Josiah Henry and Martha Ellen (Danforth) Benton, was born in Addi son, August 4, 1843. His ancestors were of JAY B. BENTON. Lancaster, N. H., and at the St. Johnsbury Acaderay, from which he graduated with high honors in 1885, being the youngest member of the class. After leaving St Johnsbury, young Benton taught school for a terra or two at Maidstone and then went to New York city, where, for a year, he fiUed the ofifice of librarian in the Young Men's Institute. In 1886, he entered Dartmouth CoUege, graduating with honors four years later. While in coUege, Mr. Benton was editor of The Dartraouth for two years, president of the Handel society, chorister in his senior year and assistant librarian of the coUege for three years. He also became a member of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity and of the Phi Beta Kappa society. From Dartmouth he went to Boston and in the faU of 1890 joined the staff of the Evening Transcript, which paper he had represented as Dartmouth correspondent. For a whUe he did reportorial work and was then pro- JOSIAH HENRY BENTON, JR. Enghsh stock and were among the first set ders of Connecticut. They were enterpris ing and patriotic, and more than thirty of thera served with credit in the Colonial array during the war of independence. Mr. Ben ton's grandfather, Sarauel Slade Benton, set- tied in Vermont about 1800, locating at Waterford. He married Esther Prouty of Charlestown, N. H., and they had eleven chUdren, five daughters and six sons. Of the sons one became a physician, two cler gymen, one being Josiah H. Benton, Sr., BENTON. BROWN. three lawyers, and aU became eminent in their professions. J. H. Benton, Jr., studied at the Bradford (Vt.) Acaderay, and at the New London Institute, New London, N. H. He served in the Twelfth Vermont Regiment of Volun teers in the war for the Union. After the war he entered the Albany Law School, where he was graduated, and in 1866 he was admit ted to the bar. He began his practice in Bradford, Vt. Later he went to Lancaster, N. H., where he stayed untU 1873. In 1869 and 1870, he was secretary to the Governor of New Hampshire; in 1870 and 1872, he served as clerk of the New Harapshire House of Representatives. In 1873, he went to Boston, where he has since lived, and where he has practiced his profession with briUiant success. Mr. Benton was general counsel for the Old Colony Railroad and Steamboat Com panies frora 1878 up to the tirae of the lease of the Old Colony property to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Co , in 1893, when he became counsel for that corporation in its Massachusetts interests. Since 1879 he has been a director and counsel for the Northern raUroad of New Hampshire, and has been engaged in raost of tbe iraportant railroad litigation in New Harapshire since that tirae. His general practice is extensive and varied, and he is, among his other important trusts, counsel for the estate of Frederick L. Ames and also for the Western Union Telegraph Co. He has for nine years lectured to the Law School of the Boston University on the subject of Corporations and Railroads. In 1894 he was appointed a trustee for the Boston Public Library In politics he is a Republican, and is, always and ever, a wise and public-spirited citizen. Mr. Benton has varied his busy life by the preparation of sorae public papers and addresses of great raerit, araong which raay be raentioned : "The Veto Power in the United States, — What Is It?" "Inequality of Tax Valuations in Massachusetts," "'The Brit ish Post-Ofifice," "Facts and Figures with Reference to United States Railroads," "What It Is to Flee from Justice," "Influ ence of the Bar in Our State and Federal Governraent," "Points in Verraont History," and "What Woraen Did for the War, and What the War Did for Woraen." Mr. Benton is a member of the Vermont Association. In his study and in his practice Mr. Ben ton eraploys the best means for the wisest ends. Me is a raaster of a pure Enghsh style, and he has acted, studied, read, and travelled to great advantage. His life has been, and is, one of great unselfishness and of constant progress. His chents find in hira a wise and courageous counseUor, and his personal friends rate him as an honest, fear less, upright gentieman. BROWN, GEORGE Addison, of Ever ett, Mass., son of James Smith and Polly M. (Taylor) Brown, was born in Plymouth Nov. 24, 1854, being the fourth of a family of eight children, seven of whom are still living. Mr. Brown's father has been conspicuous in town affairs for raany years, having been town clerk, selectraan, justice of the peace, and he has also represented the town of Ply raouth in the Legislature. His two brothers are weU-known merchants in Ludlow and a GEORGE ADDISON BROWN. sister, Mrs. Albert J. Holley, of Bellows FaUs, has achieved quite a local reputation as an artist. Mr. Brown was educated in the common schools of Plymouth, the State Normal School at Randolph, Black River Academy at Lud low, corapleting preparations for coUege at KirabaU Union Acaderay, Meriden, N. H., graduating in 1873. He then entered Dart mouth College and graduated with the class of 1877, ranking the last year second m scholarship in a class of fifty-two. He re ceived the general iraproveraent prize of $60, which is awarded to that member of the graduating class raaking the raost improve ment during the college course, and was twice the first choice of his class for prize speaking. He was at Harvard Law Schoo in '77 and '78 and in 1878 became principal CARPENTER. CARPENTER. of the high school at Bellows Falls, which he taught three years, at the same time contin uing his legal studies. In 1881 he was admitted to the Windham County bar, and opened a law ofifice at BeUows FaUs, con tinuing in the practice there untU 1891 when he removed to Everett, Mass., opening an office in the Ames BuUding, Boston. While a resident of Bellows FaUs he was three years chairman of the board of village trustees, two years chairman of the school board and was Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of Vermont and a delegate of that state in 1885 to the Republican anti- saloon convention at Chicago. Mr. Brown early exhibited raarked ability as a public speaker and at the age of sixteen delivered the Fourth of July oration in his native town, which attracted considerable attention and was printed in the local papers. He has been in great demand as a public speaker, having given addresses before the Vermont State Teachers' Association ; a raemorial on General Grant and President Garfield ; also Memorial Day addresses at Brattieboro, Bellows Falls, and many other places. Since reraoving to Massachusetts he has built up a large and lucrative law busi ness, with ofifices in Boston and Everett, and has becorae well known as a success ful lawyer and carapaign speaker. When Everett becarae a city, although having then been a resident of Massachusetts but one year, he was appointed city solicitor by the Mayor, but owing to political consider ations, failed of confirraation by the board of alderraen. Although often urged to become a candi date for important public ofifices, he has uni formly declined, preferring to devote his time to his profession. He married July, 1877, Flora E. Pierce, daughter of Edson Pierce and Mary (Barrett) Pierce, of Springfield, Verraont. He has three chUdren : Nelson P. Brown, Ruth Brown and Jaraes B. Brown. CARPENTER, GEORGE N., of Brook line, Mass., was born in Northfield, Jan. 26, 1840, his father being Judge Carpenter, one of the prorainent men of Washington County in his time and for several years judge of pro bate. Col Carpenter was educated at the Northfield and PhiUips Andover Academies and at the University of Vermont, frora which he graduated in 1861. At college he was class president in his senior year, sec retary and vice president of the Phi Sigma Nu society and a member of the Delta Psi fraternity. At the breaking out of the war he enhsted in the Sth Vermont reg ment, rising to the rank of captain, receiving later a com mission as captain of U. S. Volunteers from President Lincoln. His title of colonel carae through the appointraent of aid-de-carap on the staff of Governor DilUnghara of Verraont. In 1866 Col. Carpenter left Vermont and be carae a resident of Milwaukee where for a year he fiUed an editorial position on the Daily Wisconsin, at the same time serving the New York Tribune as its Western corre spondent. Giving up journahsm in '67 he entered the insurance business, remaining in the West tiU '74 when he returned East, locat ing in New York. Three years later he went to Boston and has since been conspic uously identified with the insurance interests of Boston and Massachusetts. He is widely known as the manager of the Massachusetts Mu ual Life Insurance Company and also as an entertaining and thoroughly posted speaker on insurance topics. He has held many positions of honor and trust, has been, in turn, secretary, vice president and presi- (Jeqt of the Boston Life Underwriters' Assoc iation, first president of the National Assoc iation of Life Underwriters and of which he was one of the founders and now is a life member of the executive committee. He was interested in the formation of the Ver raont Association of Boston and was a raera ber of the executive coraraittee and its treas urer for six years. He has been vice presi dent and president of the Verraont Veteran Association of Boston and is a member of the railitary order of the Loyal Legion and Grand Array of the Republic. In politics he is Republican. He has been chairman of the Brookline Repubhcan town committee and president of the Republican club of Brook line and is now a raeraber of the election coramittee of the Republican Club of Massa chusetts. He has been member of the Republican state committee, serving as treas urer of the committee in 1893 and 1894. He represented Brookline in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1887, '88, '89, '90 and '91 and was on the coraraittees on insurance (chair raan) and federal relations. He is interested in civil service and is president of Brookline CivU Service Association. He was for many years a trustee of Norwich University at Northfield and is now a member of the school coraraittee of Brookhne. Col. Car penter was raarried to Agnes Williaras at Araherst, Mass., April 27, 1866, and three children, Edward H., a graduate of Harvard in '93, and two daughters, are the result of the union. CARPENTER, Orrin H., of Maiden, Mass., son of Henry Bradford and Lucy Ann (Reed) Carpenter, was born in Grafton, Jan. DARLING. DARLING. 17, 1861. He was named after his grand father, who was a well known and conspicu ous resident of Kirby, Vt. The family is descended from Williara Carpenter, who came to this country in 1638 frora Wherwell, Eng. During his early youth young Car penter worked on a farra and attended the viUage school untU old enough to enter the high school at Bellows Falls, from which he graduated, finishing his education at PhiUips Exeter Academy. Then he read law with Hon. C. B. Eddy, at Bellows Falls, and was adraitted to the Vermont bar when just past S#i ^ ORRIN H. CARPENTER. his 2 ist year. During his law studies at Bel lows FaUs he became engaged in newspaper work as correspondent for the Boston Globe and as local reporter for several weekly papers. Through his newspaper work he became acquainted with the late E. C. Car- rigan, who induced hira to go to Boston for the purpose of greater opportunity for study, and during a course at the Boston University Law School, he taught in the evening high school for three years. After a year in the ofifice of Ex-Gov. Gaston, he was admitted, in 1884, to practice in the Supreme Judicial court of Massachusetts, and in '93, in the United States Circuit Court. Since his ad mission to the bar, he has been in constant practice and is associated with William War ren Towle, vvith ofifices at 10 Tremont street, Boston. His practice has been mostly de voted to corporation law and insolvency cases. Since March, '92, he has been city solicitor for Maiden, the place of his resi dence. As corporation counsel he has had to defend a great raany accident cases and he has been remarkably successful in the de fense of these. In two years he lost but cne accident suit where he has defended the city. He was elected chairman of the board of assessors of Maiden in 1885, and held the position until he resigned to take the more iraportant office of city sohcitor. He was one of the organizers of the Massachusetts Assessors' Association, and held the ofifice of chairraan of its executive committee. Mr. Carpenter is popular personally, profession ally and socially and has a host of friends. He is a member of the local clubs in Maiden, and a meraber of Converse Lodge and the Royal Arch Chapter of Masons, Melrose CouncU Royal and Select Masters, Beau seant Coraraandery Knights Templar, Lodge of the Eastern Star of Maiden, Aleppo Temple and Massachusetts Consistory of Boston. He was raade a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 32d degree at Boston, April 22d, 1894. He is also a member of the Vermont Association of Boston. He was married in 1883 to Mary L., daughter of Alfred and Lydia Dow of Bellows Falls, and they have three children. Mr. Carpen ter has a beautiful horae on one of the finest streets in the city of Maiden. He has ab ways been a Democrat, though anon-partisan in raunicipal affairs. He has been a mem ber of the Deraocratic city committee of Maiden, and also a meraber and secretary of the citizens' committee for the city. In 1887 he was the Deraocratic candidate for repre sentative to the general court and received a very flattering vote running ahead of his ticket in every ward in the city. DARLING, Charles Kimball, of Bos ton, son of Hon. Joseph K. and Mary AUce (Knight) DarUng, was born in Corinth, June 28, 1864. He received his coUege preparatory course at the Barre, Vt., Acad emy and in 1881 entered Dartraouth College, graduating with the class of '85, He was also a cadet at the U. S. Military Acaderay at West Point for nearly two years. After finishing his education in 1887 he went to Massachusetts and frora that time tiU 1 80 1 was engaged in railroad work for the Cheshire Old Colony and Fitchburg railroads at Fitch burg, Mass. He then became a member of the stafif of the Fitchburg Sentinel and con tinued in the newspaper business for nearly three years In August, 1893, Mr. Darling was chosen adjutant general of the Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., on the staff of Com mander in Chief J. B. Maccabe and removed to Boston, entering at the same time the Boston University Law School with a view of DOWNS. DUSTIN. entering the legal profession. On the ex piration of his term of ofifice as adjutant general he vvas appointed editor of "The early laws of Massachusetts," in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth and is now engaged in this work. Mr. Darling has had an interesting military career. Soon after he went from Vermont, he joined the 6th Regt., M. V. M. Promotions followed rapidly and in Sept., 1887, he was made sergeant raajor, two years later adjutant and in 1893, vvas advanced to the rank of raajor, and now holds that position. He is a prom inent member of several other organizations, being secretary ofthe council in chief of the Sons of Veterans, LI. S. .\., a member of the Sons of the Araerican Revolutions and of the Fitchburg Athletic Association. He is also an Odd Fellow. In politics he is Republican and has served the city of Fitchburg as a member of its school board and as clerk of its comraon council and coraraittees. DOWNS, HENRY W., of Newton, Mass., son of Calvin and Elizabeth Downs, was born in Jamaica Aug. 29, 1844. He vvas HENRY W. DOWNS. educated in the pubhc schools of his native town, and, up to the breaking out of war, was employed on his father's farra. He enlisted at the age of 17 in Company I, Sth Vermont Volunteers, and immediately went to the front, serving four years, being mus tered out as second heutenant. Under But ler and Banks, in the army of the guU, he participated in a dozen memorable engage raents, — Port Jackson, Morganzia Bend and the taking of New Orleans, — as weU as in the Red River campaign and the forty-four days' siege of Port Hudson. Afterward his regiment was transferred to the army of the Potomac, and under Sheridan, he took part in the Shenandoah VaUey carapaign, fought at Winchester, at Cedar Creek and in several other less iraportant engagements, being promoted several tiraes for bravery on the field. In 1 89 1, Mr. Downs received the Congressional raedal of honor awarded for conspicuous gallantry in the battle of Win chester, where he volunteered and bravely crossed the field, although exposed to a rak ing fire, to secure aramunition for the regi ment, its supply being exhausted. At the close of the war Mr. Downs went to Massa chusetts and engaged in business as a silk raanufacturer, in which he continued tUl 1 89 1, when he entered the dry goods and importing business on Tremont street, Bos ton, where he is still located. Mr. Downs is a conspicuous member of several railitary organizations, being a member and an ex- president of the Vermont Veterans' Associa tion, of Boston, and is now its treasurer ; he is a past commander of Post 62, G. .\. R , of Newton, a member of the Loyal Legion and of the .-^ ncient and Honorable ArtiUery Co., of Boston, and is assistant quartermaster general of the Massachusetts department, G. A. R. In the Massachusetts Volunteer mili tia, he has also served with honor in time of peace, as captain of Company C, 5 th Infan try. In politics be is an ardent Republican, has served on the ward and city committees of Newton, and has been a delegate for many years to tbe Massachusetts State Re publican conventions. He was married at Worcester, Mass., in 1867, to Lovisa B. Raw- son, and their only child, Arthur W. Downs, is engaged in business with his father, under the firm name of the H. W. Downs Co. DUSTIN, JOHN K., Jr., of Gloucester Mass., son of John K. and Angeline (Heath) Dustin, was born in West Topsham Jan. i, 1843. He is a descendant in the sixth gene ration of Thomas and Hannah (Emerson) Dustin, noted in the early colonial history for their exploits with the Indians at the tirae of the Haverhill massacre in 1697. Mr. Dustin's father, who was a native of Tops ham, went to Quincy, Mass., at the age of 21 and learned the trade of stone cutter. His mother, who was a Topsham girl, also resided in Quincy awhile and when Mr. Dustin had laid by enough raoney to buy a farra he married, returned to West Topsham and there reraained a number of years, but he finally gave up farming and returned to Massachusetts. FOSTER-EDDY. FOSTER-EDDY. At the age of 13, shortly after his raother's death, John K. Dustin, Jr., had an oppor tunity to go to Wisconsin where he lived for a year with an uncle who was engaged in business The business depression of 1857 brought failure to the uncle, and young Dus tin returned to Massachusetts and entered school. About this time his father located in Gloucester, engaging in the stone cutting bus iness, and there the family has since resided. When the war of the rebellion broke out, Mr. Dustin, Jr , was 18 years old, and, stir red by the general patriotic impulse, he enlisted in Company C, 23d Mass Volun teers, one of the regiraents raised by Senator Henry WUson, and went to the front in Noveraber, i86r. At Annapolis the cora raand was raustered into the United States service and frora there joined the Burnside expedition, being engaged in tbe hottest of the battle at Roanoke Island Feb. 8, 1862, and also taking an iraportant part in the bat tle of New Berne. Mr. Dustin was with the regiraent during its stay in North Carolina and when it joined the expedition sent for the first attack on Charleston. The fleet rendezvoused at St. Helena Island and was in the North Edisto river at the tirae of the attack on the forts in Charleston harbor by the iron clads. A rebel raid on Beaufort caUed the transports back to Port Royal frora which place the regiraent was hurriedly sent back to New Berne and Little Washing ton to relieve General Foster. In the fall of 1863, Mr. Dustin was taken ill and sent to the hospital, and when partially recovered vvas detailed as chief clerk of the hospital, where he reraained until the expiration of his terra of service, Oct. 4, 1864. Returning to Gloucester in broken health, and seeing the necessity for indoor work, Mr. Dustin secured a position in the ofifice of John Pew & Son, producers and wholesale dealers in fish and salt, the leading firm in the business. Here he has continued as employe and partner until the present time. The business of this firm was founded by the late John Pew in 1849, and has been uniformly prosperous. Mr. John Pew died in 1 89 1, and the firm is now composed of the sons, Charles H. and John J. Pew, and John K. Dustin, Jr. Mr. Dustin has always been recognized as a temperance raan in principle and practice, though not of the Prohibitionist party. A Republican in poUtics, he cast his first vote for Abrahara Lincoln in his second term. The only public ofifice held by him was that of clerk of comraon councU in 1874 and 1875. He has been frequently men tioned, however, and at various times urged to accept other ofifices from the Mayoralty down but the absorbing nature of the large business of his firm has caused him to uni forraly decline any public position. Mr. Dustin has been a meraber of the Trinity Congregational church since 1872 and active in all its work ; has been mem ber of the parish coramittee, treasurer of the church and member of the standing com mittee. He is also a trustee of the Addison Gilbert Hospital Corporation, and of the Gilbert Horae for aged and indigent persons, treasurer of the Gloucester Fish Drying Co., and of the Atlantic Wharf Co., director of the Gloucester Net and Twine Co., the Glou cester Safe Deposit and Trust Co., and the Fisherman's Institute, and vice-president of the Gloucester Board of Trade. December 17, 1868, he was married to Lucy Low Davis of Gloucester. They have- had nine children, five of whom are living, four girls and one boy. The oldest was graduated at Sraith College the present year. One is now in his junior year at Amherst, and one at Sraith in her sophomore year. FOSTER-EDDY, E. J., of Boston, son of Leonard R. and Jane B. Foster, was born in Moretown, his father being one of the conspicuous citizens of that place. As a boy he attended the public schools up to the age of 15, when he enlisted as a drum mer in Co. B of the loth Vermont Regt., being one of the youngest to go to the front from Vermont. Shght and fair and much ¦resembhng a girl, he was given the sou briquet of "Littie NelUe, or Daughter of the Regiraent," and vvas a great pet araong the men of the regiraent. At Conrad's ferry in '63 the surgeon thought best to send the boy to the hospital for sorae slight indisposition but his comrades gave him such a frightful picture of hospital Ufe that he declined to go and he reraained with the regiment until it was raustered out of service. On the or ganization of the regimental band he joined it and became proficient as a performer. He won quite a name for hiraself as a soloist and stiU has in his possession the alto horn given him by the regiraent Returning from war he resuraed his studies with a vievv of entering the medical profession, was driUed to some extent in allopathy but afterward at tended the Hahnemann Homeopathic Med ical College in Philadelphia, from which he was graduated, receiving the title of M. D. Afterward he graduated from the Massachu setts Metaphysical College, receiving a de gree of C. S. D., and then began the practice of his profession in Vermont. He came to FRYE. FRYE. Boston in 1889. The year previous he was legally adopted, under Massachusetts laws, by Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy of Boston and Eddy was added to his former name. He is known in Boston as Dr. Foster-Eddy. He is a private student in the Emerson College of Oratory of Boston, is president of the National Christian Science Association, a E. J. FOSTER-EDDY. member of Stetson post, G. A. R., of Water bury, in which he has held nearly all the ofifices, was on the staff of Departraent Cora mander P. T. Blodgett of the Vermont de partment, G. A. R., and is a member of the Vermont Veterans' Association of Boston, of which he is now president. Dr. Eddy Uves on Coraraonwealth avenue in one of the most beautiful homes in Boston. FRYE, James Nichols, of Brookline, Mass., son of Capt. David and Betsy (Joslin) Frye, was born in Concord Oct. 3, 1828. In him raay be found a type of the sons of Ver mont, whose ambition has led thera to leave their native homesteads in search of broader opportunities of endeavor. The family is of rugged New England stock. Tracing back its ancestry, it appears that the first of the name to come to this country left Basing, County Hants, England, in 1633, and Mr. Frye's generation is the tenth of the name in America. His great-grandfather served from 1755 to 1761 as captain in the colonial ser vice, and was deacon of the church at Sut ton, Mass. His grandfather moved from Royalston, Mass., to Verraont, in 1795, and his torabstone in the quiet burying-ground at Concord still bears the inscription : " He was one of the first settlers in the town of Concord. He lived respected and died lamented." Through his raother's Une, Mr. Frye is connected with the old colonial faraily of Joslin, araong whose ancestors was Sir Ralph Joshn, Lord Mayor of London in 1464. Mr Frye passed his boyhood days upon the farra whose acres had been wrested frora the wilderness by his grandfather. His first education, like that of all New England boys of the tirae, was in the district school. This was suppleraented by careful home-training received at the hands of his father, whose influence and example did much to ensure his success in later life. After the death of his father, in 1843, he remained for a few years upon the farra, and then, feehng that the opportunities for edu cation afforded by his native town were not all that he would wish, he entered the Acad eray at St. Johnsbury, and his narae is borne on the roll of alurani of that institu tion as of the class of 1849. While studying there he held a position in the local post ofifice, and through acquaintances forraed in this connection, he was tendered a situation in the wholesale hardware house of Mont gomery NeweU, then at 83 State street, and went to Boston in April, 1849 It was char acteristic of his energy of purpose that he entered upon his duties on the afternoon of the day on which he reached the city. From the very outset, he made the interests of his employer his own, and in five years he was adraitted to partnership in the concern, which dated its begining frora 181 6. The subse quent changes in the style of the firm were, 1853, WeUs, Coverly & Co. ; 1855, Coverly, Frye & Co. ; 1858, Coverly, Frye & Knapp ; from i860 to 1864, during the latter three years of which period Mr. Frye was sole partner, Coverly, PYye & Co. ; during the thirty-one years from 1864 until the present time, Frye, Phipps & Co. It is worthy of comment, in these days of frequent changes and reverses in the com raercial world, that this concern has raain tained an uninterrupted and honorable exist ence for four-score years. It has raet and surraounted crises during that period, as in 1872, when its estabhshment on Federal street was obhterated by the "great fire," yet within twenty-four hours after its store went down in smoking ruins, the firm had re-established itself in new quarters, and had resuraed its business with undaunted deter mination. To-day it stands high in its line of trade, and Mr. Frye has been honoied with the position of vice-president and raem ber of the executive council of the Massa- FRYE. chusetts State Board of Trade, besides being the representative in]'that body, of the New England Iron and Hardware Association, of which he is an active member. JAMES NICHOLS FRYE. From his earUest boyhood, Mr. Frye has been devoted to open-air sport. He is a finished woodsman. The Adirondacks, the Rangeley region, and Moosehead Lake were familiar ground to him long before they became the beaten path of the tourist, and with the late Rev. A. J. Gordon, D. D., Rev. Dr. Jacob M. Manning, and W. H. H. Murray, he has caraped, fished, and hunted in every nook of the Adirondack wilderness. He was an early raeraber of the Megantic Club, and upon his withdrawal frora this organization joined the Winchester Club, whose garae preserves lie near Caxton, Canada. He was a raember of the old Tremont Sportsman's Club, of Bos ton, one of the pioneer trap-shooting asso ciations of the country, and was one of the founders of the widely-known Massachusetts Rifle Association forraed in 1875. Later he becarae its president, and on his retireraent was elected honorary life director. When Creedraoor vvas the Mecca of American rifle men he was a yearly attendant at the meet ings of the National Rifle Association and in 188 1 won the coveted gold medal of the association by twice scoring, at 200 yards off-hand, strings of five consecutive bulls- eyes. At that period this performance was noteworthy, and its achievement practically carried with it the Araerican rifle champion ship for the year. Mr. Frye holds many trophies that have come through his skill with rifle and shot-gun, but raore highly than aU he prizes the unbroken health and the strength of lirab resulting frora his days spent in field and forest. Beyond taking a healthy and active inter est in national and local affairs, Mr. Frye has refrained frora entering into political life. A Vermonter by birth, it hardly need be said that he has been an unswerving adherent of the RepubUcan party since its inception. As early as 1850 he became a meraber of the Mercantile Library Associa tion, and he always has given his support to institutions designed like this to promote good citizenship. At the outbreak of the war, finding himself alone in the management of his business and surrounded by a family of young children, he was unable to take an active part in the contest, yet he was an earnest supporter of the Union cause, and was one of the organizers of a Home Guard battalion, in which he served until its dis bandment. Though for so raany years a resident of another State, he has never lost his affection for Vermont. The title of his old homestead in Concord stands in his name, and while intensely loyal to Massachusetts he yet claims that he is still a Vermonter. When the Ver raont Association of Boston was founded in 1886, he was one of the leading spirits in the undertaking, and at the present time he is serving as its vice-president. Mr. Frye was married at Boston, on Jan. I, 1854, to Sabina Bacheler, daughter of the late Origen and Charlotte (Thompson) Bacheler. His wife is a lineal descendant of John Alden of Plymouth and " Mayflower " farae. He has had three children, Charlotte Maria, Ahce Mary, and James Albert. Of these, the first is deceased, the second daughter is the wife of Jaraes E. Leach, Esq., of the Suffolk bar, and the son, who is married to the daughter of Hon. Horatio Colony, of Keene, N. H., is engaged in literary work. GREENE. GREENE. GREENE, Reuben, of Boston, son of Alfred and Clarissa (Sraith) Greene, was born in Whitingham, February i8, 1817, and came frora a long hne of sound New Eng land stock, and of the fourth generation from Robert Greene, who settled in Wales, Mass., in 1743. The family is believed to be of Devonshire origin in England, though it cannot be traced with certainty back of Robert Greene. Nathan Greene, son of Robert Greene and the grandfather of Reu ben Greene, was one of the earliest settlers of Whitingham, to which he came in 1 780, soon after his raarriage to Sarah Shields of Monson, Mass. Nathan Greene was a prominent man in the early history of the town. He had great energy, arabition and decision of character, which appears in many of his descendents. He reared a faraily of eleven children, of whom the sec ond, Alfred, the father of Reuben Greene, born in Whitingham Nov. 21, 1783, was the first male child born in the town. Reuben Greene received the best educa tion afforded by the pubhc schools and the academy of his native town. His raother was frora a literary faraUy, four of her brothers being clergymen. His parents and friends were all anxious that Reuben should study for the ministry, but the boy's natural inclinations were toward medical practice, and, finding that he was determined to be come a physician, they did not oppose him. He entered upon the study of medicine and attended lectures at the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons in New York city. In pursuing his studies and becoming more ac quainted with physicians and their dififerent modes of practice, and believing there was in progress a great reform, or advance in medi cal science, he decided to take his degree at the Worcester Eclectic Medical College. After graduating he spent three years in travel and study, and in 1845 settled in practice at West Acton, Mass. In this new field of practice he soon won the respect and confidence of the people, and by their special request he was ap pointed postmaster and justice of the peace. The young doctor served the people accept ably in these different capacities, but he soon recognized the fact that to satisfy his professional ambition his undivided atten tion would be required. He tberefore re signed these ofifices, and ever since has refused political preferment. Being ambitious and realizing the fact that the field of medicine was too vast to be thoroughly comprehended and developed by any one raind. Dr. Greene decided, so far as he was concerned, to divide the practice of medicine into specialties and confine him self to the study and treatment of nervous and chronic diseases. The success which followed such concen trated efforts in special practice was won derful and soon attracted to his ofifice diffi cult cases frora various parts of the country. This extraordinary success deraanded a broader field for his investigations, so he re moved to Boston in 1850, and established medical ofifice and laboratories in the heart of the city, where for nearly forty years he raaintained a reputation as an erainent phy sician and a skillful surgeon, with a wide spread practice throughout New England, and whose monument is now the enormous medical practice of his sons at 34 Temple Place, Boston. It wiU thus be seen that Dr. Greene was one of the first to recognize the fact that the practice of medicine was too large and too coraprehensive to be erabraeed in the study and practice of one man. In other words, he was one of the founders in establishing specialties in medical practice. Dr. Greene has manifested some literary talent and has written much on topics con nected with his profession. His style is simple and straightforward with a faculty of forceful illustration and weight of sincerity and earnestness that raake his writing espe cially efifective. His best known work is "The Problera of Health," published in 1876, but besides he is the author of raany rainor articles that have appeared in para- phlet forra and in medical journals on dif ferent diseases and their treatment. In 1885 he published a genealogical sketch of the Greene family. Dr. Greene is a member of the United States Medical Society and of the New England Medical Society of Specialists. He is a meraber of the Verraont Association, but he has never joined any of the secret societies, although he has always been an active worker in the various benevolent en terprises of the day. He was present at Whitinghara's centennial celebration in Au gust, 1880, and, as a native of the town, was called upon and raade one of the happiest speeches of the day. He has always been a strong teraperance raan, having never used tobacco or alcoholic hquors, and his thought ful and earnest articles on teraperance and against the use of alcohohc stiraulants as raedicines have been producti-^-e of much good. He claims that alcohol is neither food nor medicine. " It cannot add one molecule to the plasm out of which our bodies are daily built up," he says. "Alcohol stiraulants raay serve a purpose in bridging over attacks of sinking and prostration, and physicians may, and often do, interpret such momentary ex altation as favorable to hfe and health, and so continue their use. Alcohol may keep up an excitement of the system for a time, but it cannot nourish or sustain the vital '^''^^m '•% REUBEN GREENE. HALBERT. HANLEY. force. Alcohol may spur a weary brain or nerve a feeble arm to undue exertion for a time, but its work is destructive and not constructive." Dr. Greene is a weU preserved old gentle man, as wiU be seen by the accompanying likeness, and although 78 years old, retains much of the vigor and sound comraon-sense which have won for him the remarkable success of his life. He retired from active practice Jan. i, 1884, leaving his extensive business to his sons, and now he is enjoying a weU-earned leisure in the serene sunset days of a life so largely devoted to the welfare of his fellow men. Dr. Greene has been twice raarried, first, Oct. 30, 1842, to Lydia Waste of Whiting ham, who died June 14, 1868, and second, July 6, 1S69, to Rebecca L. Tilton, who died Aug. 17, 1893. His first wife bore him eight children, of whom six survive. Three of his sons are engaged in the prac tice of raedicine in Boston, and another is a dentist in Worcester, Mass. His daughter, Ella, raarried Dr. Albert J. Marston, of Phil adelphia, Pa. Flora, the younger, raarried Geo. W. Armstrong, of Boston. HALBERT, VERNON W., of Boston, son of John RusseU and Eunice S. Halbert, was born on March 3, 1843, at Fairfax, Frankhn county. Mr. Halbert, Sr., was one of the prominent raen in that section and for 16 years fiUed the office of postraaster at Fair fax, where the son received his early educa tion in the district school, finishing in the New Hampton Institute, in the sarae town, then a Baptist school of prorainence. Mr. Halbert left home at the age of 1 7 and went to Galesburg, III. At the breaking out of the civil war the young Vermonter enlisted in the 17th Illinois regiment and served with this command during the first 14 months of the rebeUion. His regiraent joined the first expedition down the Mississippi river, under command of Gen John C. Fremont, partic- cipated in the battles of Forts Henry and Donaldson, Shiloh, and was with the victors at the evacu ition of Corinth. At the end of 14 months' service he was mustered out and returned east. In 1863 Mr. Halbert again responded to the caU of his country, re- enhsting in the gallant 6th Verraont regi ment and was detailed into the old Vermont Brigade band. In this regiraent he served throughout the war, his entire war record covering a period of three years and two months. At the close of the war Mr. Halbert re turned to Vermont and entered the era ploy of the Central Verraont railroad. Be ginning as brakeman, he worked up through the various departments of railroading to the position of conductor, and in the seven years that he served in this capacity he ran trains upon every division of the Central Vermont and consequently becarae well known to thousands of Verraont people. Frora con ductor Mr. Halbert was proraoted to the ofifice of eastern passenger agent of the Northern Transit corapany, which operated steamers on the great lakes between Ogdens burg, N. Y., and Chicago, IU., and later be carae general passenger agent, altogether serving five years with this corapany. In 1 88 1 Mr Halbert went to Boston and has since been connected with the Fitchburg railroad as eastern passenger agent of the Hoosac Tunnel route, a position of rank and responsibihty. Mr. Halbert still retains a warm interest in Vermont and its afifairs. He has long been a meraber of the Vermont Association of Boston, and Mrs. Halbert (Olive A Randall), fourth daughter of Sara uel and OUve RandaU, of Richmond, Vt., to whora he was raarried on Noveraber 4, 1867, is a raember of the Daughters of Vermont Association. Mr. Halbert is eligible to raera- bership in the Sons of the Revolution, his great grandfather, James Halbert of Pelham, Mass., having fought for independence in the revolutionary war. HANLEY, Thomas H., of Boston, son of Lawrence and Ellen Hanley, was born in St. Albans Dec. 14, 1862. Being ambitious to earn his own living, young Hanley lef . his studies at the age of 10 and started out as a bread winner and with a strong deter mination to make his raark in the world. He first secured a position as bell-boy in the Welden House in St. Albans, and in tbis capacity, won the good will and friendship of some of the Central Vermont railroad ofificials who resided in the house, and who had been attracted to the boy by his bright ness and natural business instinct. They kept their eyes on hira and a year or two later in Septeraber, 1879, when there was a vacancy in one of the railroad ofifices he became an employe of the raUroad company. The opening in the Central Verraont ofifices was his opportunity and he seized it. His career since as a railroad man has been one of rapid advancement, for, in less than a dozen years, he had risen frora ofifice boy to his present responsible position of New Eng land passenger agent of the Central Verraont systera. Frora boy in the general auditing departraent, he was, in 1880, proraoted to LAKE. LAKE. the position of entry clerk in the ofifice of the general passenger agent and later was successively distributing clerk, chief clerk in the ticket department and rate and division clerk of the general passenger department. Having won a high place in the estimation of the ofificials of the road, he was, in June, 1887, sent to Boston as assistant ticket agent, and later was placed in full charge of the Boston ofifice. In April, 1890, further ad vancement carae in the appointraent as New England passenger agent with control of all the agencies in New England. In this posi tion Mr. Hanley has shown raarked ability, he has inspired the confidence and respect of the public and has also done rauch to advance the raaterial interests of the road he represents. Outside of business he is a man of wide popularity, being the possessor of raany fine social qualities, and he is a musi cian of more than local renown. He has a tenor voice of remarkable range and quality which has been heard at the rausical con ventions in Verraont as weU as at many pub lic gatherings at Boston. In 1884, at Rut land, Mary Howe, the Brattleboro songstress, and Mr. Hanley sang together at a compli mentary concert given in their honor "as representative singers of the State of Ver raont." He is a raeraber of the Vermont Association, the ApoUo Club, a musical organization, of the Clover Club, of Boston, and since January of the present year has held the ofifice of president of the RaUroad and Steamboat Agents' Association, of Boston. He was married Oct. 20, 1886, to Caroline Foster, of St. Albans, a granddaughter of Hon. Bradley Barlow, and of three chUdren born to the couple, one is now living. Mr. Hanley resides at Boston Highlands. LAKE, Henry E., of Keene, N. H., son of Clark S. and Mary (Campbell) Lake, was born in Rockingham, Dec. 11, 1852, on the old Lake homstead farm two miles west of HENRY E. LAKE. Saxtons River village. He is descended frora English and Scotch ancestors, Daniel Lake, his paternal ancestor in this country, who settled in Saxtons River five generations ago, being an Englishman, while through his mother he traces relationship with the noted family of Campbells of Scotland. Mr. Lake was educated in the town schools, and at the Black River and Kimball Union Academies. After leaving school, he taught day schools for several terms, and then went to Boston and studied vocal music at the New England Conservatory and with prominent private teachers. Returning to Vermont, he becarae a teacher of music and had classes in a large number of Vermont and New Hampshire towns and also gave instruction in several public schools and academies. His vocal attainments secured for him, in 1883, the position of tenor and chorister in the Second Congregational Church in Keene, and the following year he located perraanentiy in that city, opening a rausic store, which, on account of increasing business, has several tiraes been enlarged, and is now one of the raost complete estab lishments of the kind in New Hamp shire, with patrons scattered throughout New England. A man of sterUng in tegrity, Mr. Lake has won an enviable reputation for fair and honorable deaUng and that he is highly esteeraed by his feb low citizens is attested by the numerous honors that have been bestowed upon him. Before Keene became a city he held the office of selectman for three years, while under a city government he has twice been elected a councilman, serving with honor in this capacity in 1893-94. As a musician Mr. Lake has attained a conspicuous place and a noted rausical critic has said of him that bis singing is not excelled even in the larger cities. As a chorus driU master and conductor he has been very successful, and from Carl Z errahn, the erainent dhector and MERRIFIELD. MERRIFIELD. musician, has received several pleasant and deserved compliraents, Z errahn once say ing of an oratorio produced under Mr. Lake's direction that he should not be asharaed to give it in Boston Music Hall without furth'ir rehearsal. Since 1890 Mr. Lake has been vice-president for Cheshire County of the New Hampshire State Music Teachers' Association, is president and one of the rausical directors of the Keene Choral Union, is chairman of the executive cora mittee of the Cheshire County Musical Asso ciation, and, as remarked by a gentleman when introducing hira to a stranger, " the indefatigable worker in all musical events." He continues to be director of the Second Church choir in Keene and is a meraber of the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Red Men and Golden Cross orders and of the Y. M. C. A., of which he was director at the tirae of the erection of the handsome new Y. M. C. A. building in Keene. Mr. Lake was raarried to Virginia I. Wilkins, of Londonderry, Sept. 14, 1876, and of three children born to thera two boys, Henry C. nnd Clarence R., are living. MERRIFIELD, EDWARD L., of New York City, son of Lyraan and Hannah Mer rifield, was born in Jamaica, March 17, 1835. He received his education in the town EDWARD L. MERRIFIELD. schools of Jamaica and at Leland's Serai nary at Townshend. In 185 1, when only 16 years of age, he left horae to go to New York to seek his fortune. He had not a dollar when he arrived there, but he had what was better than raoney — a stout heart, a saving disposition, and a determination to succeed. He took hold of the first thing that presented itself, and in four years he was running a cordage business of his own. He prospered and within a short time had the largest business in this line in New York. In 1868, in order to protect a loan he had made, he had to take upon hiraself the raan ageraent of the Continental Hotel. Though totally inexperienced in hotel raatters, his business instinct soon told hira how the hotel should be conducted to be made a suc cess. The different departments were organ ized on a business basis, and frora a poorly conducted hotel it became one of the best in the city. He retained the manageraent of this hotel until 1876, when it was burned to the ground By this tirae Mr. JMerrifield had becorae a thorough hotel-keeper, and his next venture was in a hotel at Twentieth street and Broadway, which he rechristened "The Continental." Though this hotel had brought financial disaster upon all his pre decessors, yet he soon had it on a paying basis, and made it a great source of profit to himself. When this lease expired, in 1890, he secured its renewal and furthermore increased the hotel's capacity. As the Continental now stands, it covers ten city lots, and con tains 300 rooms. Besides his hotel connection, Mr. Merri field is a director in one of the largest national banks of New York, vice-president of a savings bank, and financially interested in other enterprises in New York and else where. He has done much to help bring the Hotel Men's Association of New York City to its present degree of prosperity and he has been its president for the past six or seven years. He is a conspicuous member of the New York State Hotel Association and of the Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Associa tion of the United States. Mr. Merrifield was raarried in 1863 to EUen L. Farrar, of Townshend, Vt., and two children have blessed the union, Carrie H. and Mark E., and the latter is growing up in the footsteps of his father as a hotel NILES. NILES. NILES, EDWARD S., of Boston, Mass., son of Nathaniel and Mary (Fish) NUes, was born in Halifax, in 1853. The Niles faraily is of Welsh origin and Dr. Niles is a descendant in the seventh generation of John Niles, the comraon ancestor of the Nileses in America, who settled in Dorchester, Mass., in 1634. Branches of the family located in Braintree, Mass., and in Rhode Island, Con necticut and Verraont. In 1789, Oliver Niles, grandfather of Dr. Niles, settied in what is now West Halifax. Nathaniel, his son, who was a farraer and conspicuous in church affairs, married in Halifax, and was a resident of the town aU his life. His wife was a descendant of Samuel Fish, who came EDWARD a. NILES. to this country frora Saxony about the sarae tirae as the Nileses, and settled in Salera, Mass. His family, like that of John Niles, branched out into Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont. Nathaniel Niles was the father of a faraily of seven children, four sons and three daughters, of whora four are living, Jaraes P., a dentist in Watertown, Mass. ; Adora, who is the wife of Will Carle ton, the poet and author ; Survier Clark, wife of Dr. J. M. Clark, of North Adaras, Mass. ; and Edward S. Dr. Niles was educated at Brattleboro, and from there went to Philadelphia where he attended a business college, finally becoming a clerk in the ofifice of the German consul. Next he was a travelling salesman for two years and at the age of 23, he took up the study of medicine with a brother-in-law in North Adaras, Mass., going from there to Northarapton, where he began the study of dentistry in the ofifice of Dr. W. H. Jones, and for a tirae had charge of his ofifice. In the faU of 1878, he went to Boston, entered the Harvard Medical School, and two years later graduated frora the dental department with the degree of D.M.D. The same year he established an ofifice on Boylston street, Boston, where he is stiU located in that por tion known as Copley square. Dr. Niles has been remarkably successful in a profes sional way, has a select clientage and has prospered financiaUy. He has made a spe cial study of what is known in dentistry as the chemistry of decay, was the first to demonstrate the presence of the phosporic acid in dental cavities, and explain the uses and manufacture of phosphate fillings. His experiments in this Une have been of great value to the profession. He has written besides a great deal for medical and dental publications, and has read papers before all of the following organizations, of which he is a meraber : Araerican Acaderay of Dental Science, New York Odontological Society, American Dental Association, Mass. Dental Association, Connecticut VaUey Dental Soci ety, Harvard Odontological Society, and the International Medical Congress. At the ses sion of the International Congress, held in Berlin, Germany, in 1891, to which Dr. Niles was a delegate, he was one of the four den tists who were invited to Potsdam as guests of the Emperor. Outside of his profession. Dr. Niles is greatly interested in the work of the Hebrew Messianic CouncU, an organiza tion for the proraotion of Christianity among Jews, of which he is the originator and founder, as well as director. Associated with hira in this work, which has been the means of bringing raany of the Hebrew faith into the acceptance of Christian truth, are such men as D. L. Moody, Rev. A. J. Gordon, Rev. Alex McKenzie, and RusseU Sturgis. Dr. NUes has written a book entitied " Ex perience of Christian Teaching Among the Jews of New England frora 1889 to 1894," which has reached its second edition, and has in print a book entitled "Times and Seasons of the Messiah." Dr. NUes is an active meraber of the Clarendon Street Baptist Church, is a life raember of the Boston Y. M. C. A., and also clairas raembership in the Vermont Associa tion of Boston, and the Congregational and .Art Clubs. He was raarried AprU 15, 1881, to Elizabeth P. Wright, of Northampton, Mass., daughter of William H. Wright, a descendant of one of the founders of that city, and has an interesting family of five children, Eliot W., Helen Adora, Nathaniel W., David Sands, and Ruth Elizabeth. POWERS. POWERS, James L., of Maiden, Mass., son of Loren and Jane (Oakes) Powers, was born in Athens Feb. 19, 1852. His ances tors on both sides were descended from the early Enghsh settlers of Massachusetts. A great grandfather, Abrahara Farrington, was a private in the Suffolk regiment in the JAMES L. POWERS. Rhode Island expedition of 1780 and an other great grandfather, Nathaniel Oakes, of Bolton, Mass. was at the battle of Lexing ton. Seth Oakes, grandfather of Mr. Powers, was one of the first settlers in Athens, locat ing there in 1 780. After going through the common schools REYNOLDS. of his native to-\vn, Mr. Powers attended the academy at Chester and read law with Winslow S. Myers and the late C. B. Eddy at BeUows Falls. He was a soUtary student at the coraraon school, the academy and in the study of the law No classes seeraed to fit his case. But with the indoraitable per severance that has marked his whole course he kept at it, conquered all difficulties and shaped hiraself into the weU-read and well- trained lawyer of today. WhUe at school he had to pay his own way, earning the raoney in the suraraer for educational use in the winter. The driest law books were studied in his last winter in Vermont whUe he was chopping cord wood in the deep snow in the woods in his native town. He would chop until he was warm and then read untU he was cold Going to Boston, he exarained the workings of the law schools and con cluded to keep out of thera and study alone. He was the last raan who was exarained alone and orally in the old-fashioned way for adraission to the Boston bar. He went to the city an entire stranger and searched the town over for a chance to read law, and finally entered the ofifice of Burbank & Lund, where he continued his law studies. He was adraitted to the Suffolk bar March 13, 1874, opened an ofifice at once, and ever since his rise has been steady and gratify ing. SociaUy his connections are raany and pleasant. As a business man he has ac quired a handsome competence, which he has largely invested in real estate. He is an Odd Fellow, an enthusiastic canoist, being a meraber of the Araerican Canoe Associa tion, the Vesper Boat Club of Lowell, the Dedham Boat Club, the Social Law Library of Boston, the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Verraont As sociation of Boston. He wedded Mary E. Davis of Conway, N. H., and two children bless their lives, Blanche and Dwight, both in their teens. REYNOLDS, JOHN F., of Boston, son of George A. and Mary Reynolds, was born in Berkshire, Oct. 15 1863, and was one of seven brothers, aU of whom located in Bos ton. His father was a farmer and the duties that usually faU to the lot of a Ver mont farraer's son were his during his boy hood. He had the advantages of the town schools up to the age of 12, when he left home and gravitated toward Boston. His first work on Massachusetts soil was in Lex ington, where he engaged to a farmer, but reraained only a short time. He then went to Boston and turned his hand to the first thing that presented itself in the form of em ployraent and did various kinds of work until he had an opportunity to go into Brigham's restaurant. There he reraained five years, working up frora one of the least responsible positions in the restaurant to the head of the steward's departraent, in which, because of his conspicuous abihty, he at tracted the attention of Messrs. HaU and Whipple, then proprietors of the Adaras House and Young's Hotel. They finally offered hira the position — which he accept;ed — of assistant steward at Young's, and after ward he fiUed the sarae position at the Adaras House. Later he was proraoted to steward at the Adaras, continuing there until SANDERSON. ROBINSON. 1889, when he had an opportunity to branch out as the proprietor of a hotel of his own. That year he began to remodel the old In ternational Hotel, adjoining the Park Thea tre, which was reopened under the new name of Hotel Reynolds. He was success- JOHN F. REYNOLDS, ful in this venture, and in 1892 a large addi tion was made, giving it a large frontage and an entrance on Boylston street. The Reynolds now has 250 rooms and still another addition is contemplated, which wiU make it one of the very largest houses in ihe city. Mr. Reynolds has never afifiUated himself with clubs or organizations of any kind. He has devoted hiraself to his business most assidu ously and has indeed had a remarkably suc cessful career for so young a raan. ROBINSON, Wallace F., of Boston, president of the Boston Charaber of Com raerce, was born in Reading, Dec 22, 1834. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of 22 went to Boston. He first worked for John P. Squire lV Co., in Faneuil Hall Market, and Sept. i, 1855, started in business on his own account at 77 South Market street. There he re raained for thirty-nine years up to the time of his retirement, the present year. For the greater portion of the time his brother, Charles H. Robinson, was also a raember of the firra. Mr. Robinson served in the Boston com raon councU in 1871-72, and was a member of the House of Representatives from Ward II (now Ward 18) for 1874-75. He was a charter raember of the Produce Exchange, and its president in 1885-86, at the time of its consolidation with the Com mercial (old Corn) Exchange, and the estab lishment of the Boston Chamber of Com raerce. He is one of the best known and most esteemed members of the chamber. Few business men in the community have so large a circle of acquaintance, particulariy araong business raen. Modesty and sociabiUty are two of his shining characteristics, and they have en deared hira to all his associates. He is a meraber of the Algonquin Club and the Merchants' Club, and president of the Consolidated Hand Method Lasting Ma chine Co. Mr. Robinson is raarried, his wife being a Reading girl, and lives on CommonweaUh avenue. SANDERSON, CHARLES WESLEY, of Boston, son of David and Lucy (Elwell) Sanderson, was born in Brandon, in 1835. Mr. Sanderson, Sr., was a raan of affairs at Brandon and took a prorainent part in local politics and in the town governraent. Mrs. Sanderson was descended frora an old and distinguished Massachusetts family— the El- wells of Dudley — and from her the son in herited unusual talents for the arts of music and painting. In his teens he left home, with a few dollars in his pocket, for Frank lin, Vt., where he had been engaged by Gov. Farnham, who was the principal of the then flourishing institution of that town, to take charge of the musical and art department. He becarae very popular as an instructor and was thus eraployed two years. During this time young Sanderson had saved enough from his earnings to go to Boston and put himself under the best raasters of the piano forte, in 1855. He becarae known as one of the foremost instructors of that instru ment at Boston, which profession he fol lowed successfully for upwards of twenty years. With a disabled wrist from over practice, which difificulty became serious, he felt the time had come to reUnquish the pianoforte and take up what was his first love — painting In 187 1 he went abroad for travel and study; worked for a tirae in the English Water Color School at London; afterwards visited Paris and en tered the atelier of JulUen, under the direct SANDERSON. SPEARE. instructions of Boulanger and Lefebre, for the season of 1872. He worked assiduously and for his proficiency in drawing from the nude was admitted to the Ecole des Beaux Arts, with a scholarship for three years. Death in his family hastened his return to America. Years after he went abroad again, and placed hiraself under the instructions of frora Europe and America. Mr. Sanderson is a meraber of the Art and the Twentieth Century Clubs and of the Verraont Associa tion. He has been professor of art at Wel- lesley CoUege, has lectured on art topics at Carabridge and at different schools in Bos ton and has written raore or less for years on music and art for the Boston papers. He has illustrated an edition of selections from LongfeUow's poems, besides doing oc casional illustrations for various magazines. He is the owner of Camp Liana, at Lake Dunraore, where he has passed raany sum mers. For two years past he has sumraered at his villa in Northern Michigan, " Casa del Mare," at Cedar Falls, in the town of Harbor Springs, where, with his sisters, Rachel Sanderson Cuttiso and EUza San derson Leavitt, he intends passing the sura- raers hereafter. SPEARE, AldeN, of Newton, Mass., son of Sceva and Jane (Merrill) Speare, was born in Chelsea, Oct 26, 1825. He attended the public schools in Chelsea in early youth and CHARLES WESLEY SANDERSON. Van Borselen and Mesdag at the Hague for a s'hort season, thus raodifying his style to a certain extent. His style is said to partake of the different schools, therefore, versatile, but nevertheless individual. A distinguished critic has said of him that " his work is ab ways sincere and truthful to nature in her different moods, and reverential," and from the different countries he visits, that "he is sure to bring back to his studio unmis takable evidences of the distinctive charac teristics of the locality, and yet not photo graphic, but always artistic and with in stinctive feeling." His work has won for him a high place among the water colorists jf America, examples of which are often seen at the exhibitions at Boston and New York. He has also been represented in London, the Hague and at Munich, where he had several works in the exhibit of Munich painters, the present season His studio, at 20 Beacon street, overlooking the State House grounds and Back Bay, is one of the most attractive in Boston, and has been visited by raany distinguished persons ALDEN SPEARE. fitted for college at Newbury Serainary, but was obhged to relinquish his cherished pur pose of obtaining a college education because of the death of his father. He then turned his attention into the channels of a commer cial career, went to Boston and entered a dry goods store as clerk. He worked as salesman for different houses untU 1851, THAYER. SAWYER. when he went into business with other gen tieraen under the firra narae of Speare, Burke L^ Co., oUs and starch. Mr. Speare has since continued in the same business and is now special partner in the firm of Alden Speare's Sons & Co. He is considered one of Bos ton's most solid men and occupies a high place in the business world. He has been president of the Boston Charaber of Com merce and of the Boston Executive Business Men's Association, and is now president of the Boston Board of Trade. He has also been president of an Arkansas land company, and among other offices he now holds or has held, are those of director of the Connecti cut & Passumpsic River Railroad Co., the Mexican Central railroad, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and twenty-two other roads that are connected with or operated by the Atchison system. Mr. Speare was mayor of Newton in 1876 and 1877, and for a term of nine years served on the Boston school board. He was for several years director, and, in 1857, president of the Boston Y. M. C. A. Since 1872, he has been a raeraber of the board of raanagers of the foreign and home missionary societies of the Methodist Epis copal Church, and has also held the ofifices of trustee and vice-president of Boston Uni versity. In 1875, '82, '86, '87 and '88 he was president of the Boston Wesleyan Asso ciation, owners of the Wesleyan building and publishers of Zion's Herald. The life of Mr. Speare has been one of great activity and of hard, untiring labor, as the history of his successes wiU bear witness. He has always retained an interest in Vermont, and that he has a particularly warm spot in his heart for the town of his birth, is shown by the recent gift to Chelsea, Vt., of a site for the new tovvn haU and site and funds for the erection ofthe Alden Speare Library, which was dedi cated with appropriate exercises on Oct. 25, 1894. Mr. Speare was raarried March i, 1849, to Caroline M. Robinson. Six chil dren were the result of the union and of the nuraber, Ella M., Lewis R., and Edwin R. survive. Mr. Speare has a beautiful home in Newton, where he takes a prominent part in every raovement looking toward the web fare of the garden city and its residents. SAWYER, T. H., of Medford, Mass., was born in Reading, Jan. 9, 1S04. He fitted for college in the district schools, and then went to Middlebury ; on graduation he went to Westminster and read theology for a short time with the late Rev. Dr. W. S. Balch. Sorae time after Dr. Balch went to New York City, and while there made ap pointraents for his friend to preach in a New Y'ork church. Mr. Sawyer went and preached so weU that he received a formal caU at a salary of ^500, with 1 100 more the next year if he should continue to satisfy the congregation. He accepted, beginning a pastorate of twenty-five years. He soon married a Miss Fisher, a Newton girl, finely educated and of one of the best famihes. She died less than a year ago. Dr. Sawyer went to Tufts' College in 1869, on the estabhshment of the department of divinity, of which he is dean emeritus. From the beginning of his rainistry he has been a raan with pen in hand. The voluraes of the Universahst Quarterly con tain many of his articles. During the Civil \Var he was editor of the Christian Ambas sador, in New York City. He was a strong and ready editor. From year to year he has had a hand in religious discussions in aU their variety, but the bUter opponents he has had in religious controversy are cher ished as friends. Dr. Sawyer is not the oldest preacher in the Universalist Church. He is, however, one of the three seniors of the denomina tion. His horae at Tufts College is at 1 14 Professors' Row, in a house he buiU above twenty years ago. He resides with his son- in-law, Rev. Dr. George T. Knight, one of the professors at the college, Mrs. Knight being his only surviving child. Profi and Mrs. Knight have four children — two giris and two boys — in whose corapany, with games and happy converse. Dr. Sawyer spends many of the happy hours of his old age. THAYER, Charles Paine, of Boston, son of Dr. Sarauel White and Sarah Louisa (Pratt) Thayer, was born in Woodstock, Jan. 22, 1843. He resided in Northfield during his early youth, raoving to Buriington when about 12 years of age. His father was interested in the founding of the present medical department of the University of Ver mont and did much to help make it a suc cess in later years. Dr. Thayer was educated in the public schools of BurUngton and at the University of Verraont. The war broke out when he was in the academical department of the university, which he left to enUst in Company H, 13th Verraont Volunteers, serv ing nine raonths and participating in the battie of Gettysburg. Returning to Vermont he began the study of raedicine, entered the THAYER. WARDEN. University Medical School, graduating in June, 1865, Afterward he went to New York City and took a course in the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons. Then, for three years, he was employed as surgeon by the Northern Pacific railroad, and returning in 1873 to Burlington, he practiced medicine untU he went to Boston, in 1878. During his residence in that city. Dr. Thayer has built up an extensive practice and stands high in the profession. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the Suf folk District Medical Society, and is busi ness manager of the Tufts College Medical School, in which he is also professor of anatomy. Among other organizations with which he claims membership are the Ver mont Association, the Vermont Veterans' Association of Boston, the Loyal Legion, Gettysburg Post, G. A. R., and the White Mountain Travellers' Association, of which he was the second president. He is surgeon for the American Commercial Travellers' Mutual Accident Association, and both a Mason and an Elk. He is a Repubhcan, but has never entered into pohtics. He was married in 1872, in Boston, to Mary Ahce Bemis, and his home and ofifice is in Hotel Pelham. THAYER, LEWIS CARLOS, of Cam bridge, Mass., son of Silas H. and Harriet K. (Spear) Thayer, was born in Braintree, March i, 1848. At the age of three, with five other children, he was left fatherless and his raother was obUged to sell the farm upon which he was born in order to care for the faraily. Up to the age of fourteen the boy lived with a farraer, working long hours nine raonths of the year, and attend ing school only during the winter raonths. Then he becarae his own raaster, but for three years raore he continued to work at farming, and when he had accuraulated ^35 he went to Boston, secured a place in a re tail provision store, and five years later started in business for hiraself on Carabridge street. There he continued seventeen years, during which tirae he prospered, and in 1888 was able to buy out a stall in Faneuil Hall Market, where he is stiU located in the jobbing beef business. An instance of Mr. Thayer's business abihty raay be cited in the fact that when he went to Faneuil Hall the concern he bought out was doing a business of ^50,000 a year, but a year later it had increased to about ^100,000. Suc cess has followed Mr. Thayer since and he has wisely invested his raoney outside of tbe raarket, being interested in a paying manufacturing business. Though an ardent Republican and several tiraes pressed to ac cept an ofifice, he has never felt that he had time to devote to politics. He has been a raeraber of the Verraont Association since its organization and is also a member of Amicable Lodge of Masons, Carabridge Royal Arch Chapter and Boston Com raandery Knights Teraplar. Mr. Thayer was raarried Nov. 12, 1874, to Ellen A. Hersey, of Quincy, Mass., and his beautiful home in Carabridge is graced by a family of three children— a daughter and two boys. The latter inherit a love of music from their father and are raerabers of the faraous boys' choir in the Church of the Advent, Boston. WARDEN, ERSKINE, of Waltham, Mass., was born in Barnet, Feb. 20, 1839. He was educated at the public schools and at Mc lndoes Academy. Mr. Warden's youth was passed on a farm and in teaching school. In 1866 he became connected with the Perkins Institute for the Bhnd, in Boston, remaining there untU 1868, when he entered the grocery business in Waltham He was elected to the State Legislature in 1885 and served four terms. He was especially prominent in securing the appropriation of $200,000 for a school for the feeble-minded. He opposed each year the salary grab, and when in his fourth term it was passed he re fused to take his share of the increase. He is a member of Monitor Lodge of Masons, a trustee of the Waltham Savings Bank and director in the National Bank. In 1892 he was elected Mayor of ^Valtham and served the city most acceptably in that capacity two terms. WARDEN, JOHN J., of Boston, son of Alexander and Ann Warden, was born in Burlington in 1845. He is of Scotch-English descent. He received his schoohng in Bur lington, where he lived till the outbreak of the war, when, at the age of sixteen, he en listed in the 5 th Vermont Infantry, which formed a part of the famous Verraont brigade in the Array of the Potomac. Three broth ers were in the sarae coraraand and another was in a New York regiment, making five brothers in this faraily serving in the war for the Union. John J. Warden's war record is a proud one. He was engaged in eleven WARDEN. ^VARDEN. battles, coraraencing with the " Overland Campaign" in the Wilderness, and received wounds in one of these engagements. When the 6th Array Corps was detached frora the Array of the Potoraae and sent to the Shen andoah Valley under Gen. Phil Sheridan, Gen. Wright, who coramanded the 6th Corps, being aware of Warden's gallantry in action, detailed hira as bearer of dis patches for corps headquarters, where he faithfully perforraed service which was equiv alent to that of a staff ofificer until the close of the war. Shortly after his discharge frora "the service, "Warden entered the ofifice of the Parker House in Boston, where he filled the position of clerk for nine years and made thousands of friends. Upon the opening of the Adams House he was persuaded to leave Parker's and went to the Adams as chief clerk, a position he continues to hold. Be sides being perhaps the most widely known hotel clerk in Boston, he is also one of the most popular. He has been conspicuous in railitary and Grand Array circles for many years ; is a raeraber of Gettysburg Post, G. A. R. ; is past president of the Vermont Veterans' Association of Boston, and is at present chairraan of its executive committee He has also held several prominent ofifices in the national department of the G. A. R., having been a member of the staff" of Com manders-in-chief Alger and Veazey. Ever since the close of the war Mr. Warden and Col. U. A. Woodbury, the present Governor of Vermont, have been warra friends, and when, soon after his election. Governor Woodbury decided to appoint upon his stafif a special aide-de-carap in Boston to attend to the various duties of a staff ofificer in that city, he naturally selected Mr. War den, not alone because of his personal friendship for him, but because of his gab lant service during the war and his wide popularity as a veteran. ALFORD. ALFORD. Lott. At the general election in November of the sarae year he was elected surrogate for a fuU term of six years, beginning on Jan. i, 1890, when his terra by appointraent expired. The araount of business done annually in the Kings county surrogate's court and the value of the property administered under its direction make that tribunal the most ira portant probate court in the land, with the single exception of the surrogate's court in New York City. Speaking of Judge Abbott's character as a judicial ofificer, " The Surro gate," a raonthly journal devoted to subjects connected with the probate law, said, last year : " Even the limited time which has elapsed since Mr. Abbott's promotion to the bench has been sufficient to demonstrate his exceptional fitness for the high post he occupies. We have already spoken of his mastery of the peculiar practice and pro- ceedure of courts of probate. This gives hira an ease and facihty in disposing of routine business not easily acquired except by years of experience on the bench. In the higher qualities of the judicial ofifice he has manifested a vigorous industry, a degree of painstaking care, a perfect fairness and a knowledge of legal principles and how to apply them which has already won for hira the confidence and approbation of lawyers, litigants and the public, and assure him a career of the most honorable distinction among the surrogates of this state."" Judge Abbott, in addition to his city resi dence, is the owner of a fine cottage at Shelter Island, where he spends his summer vacation ; and he is a prominent figure in the social life of Brooklyn, being a raeraber of the Brooklyn, HaraUton, Excelsior and Gerraania Clubs there and of the University Club in New York. On Nov. 20, 1878, he married Miss Eva T. Reene of Brooklyn, and has two charm ing children : a girl eleven years old and a boy six, to whom he is devoted. ALFORD, ALONZO, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,son of Amrai and Clarissa (White) Alford, was born in St. Albans, Jan. 28, 1837. He received the educational advantages of the schools of St. Albans, and at the age of twenty took a position with A. G. Strong, hardware merchant of Burlington, and after four years removed to New Haven, Conn., and engaged in the flour and grain business with Wadhams & Merwin. In 1863 he located in New York, was a salesman for Mer win & Bray, predecessors of Merwin, Hulbert & Co., and a few years later having become interested in the BaUard Rifle Manufactur ing Co., was chosen treasurer and manager of that concern, and subsequently organized the house of Alford, Berkele & Clapp, which firm, besides carrying on its own business as jobbers of fire-arms, was the New York distributing agents of E. Remington & Sons, predecessors of the Remington Arms Co. In 187 1, when the Remingtons opened their New York warerooms, Mr. Alford was placed in charge of thera as general raanager, oc cupying that position for eight years, and then purchased the business frora the then erabarrassed company, and conducted it successfully for two years, when he sold it back to the Remingtons and resumed his old position as raanager. 1881 he resigned this position, purchased the controUing in terest in a tool and cutiery raanufactory in Massachusetts, and established warerooras in New Y'ork for the sale of these wares. The success of this concern began frora the ALONZO ALFORD. first, and in 1883 it was incorporated under the titie of the Alford & Berkele Co., with Mr. Alford as president, a position which he StiU occupies. In 1887 the Alford & Berkele Co. bought out the Avery Sewing Machine Co., and organized the Avery Sewing Ma chine Agency, Mr. Alford being elected president and holding the position at the present time, June 30, 1893. Mr Alford is a Republican, and since his residence in Brooklyn has been chairraan of the Ward Association, raeraber of the gen eral committee, and a liberal supporter of his party. He is a meraber and one of the deacons of the Central Congregational Church of Brooklyn ; a raeraber of the Congregational ALFORD. ALFORD. Club, the Sons of Teraperance ; for twenty years a raeraber of the directory of the Y. M. C. A. ; a director of the Congregational Church Building Society, and of the City Mission and Tract Society, and president of the MercantUe Benefit Association. He is a prorainent Mason and Odd Fellow ; was treasurer of the Amateur Rifle Club during its existence, and a life member of the National Rifle Association, out of which was organized the American Rifle Team, which distinguished itself at DoUymount, Wimble don and Creedraoor. Mr. Alford was united in raarriage at Ber nardston, Mass., Feb. i, i860, to Chloe Cor nelia, daughter of Henry and Sylvina A. (Hale) Slate. Mrs. Alford is an active Christian worker, and is treasurer of the National N. P. W. C. T. U., and for many years was the publisher of the ofificial organ of the W. C. T. U., Our Union, now the Union Signal, and at present publisher of the Temperance Tribune. Since the foregoing was written Mr. Alford has retired frora business, and has taken up his residence at Bernardston, Mass., where he has a corafortable country horae. ALFORD, Albert Gallatin, of Balti raore, Md., son of Ararai and Clarissa G. (White) Alford, was born at St. Albans, Oct. 14, 1847, and afterwards reraoved to Water ville. Death breaking up his parents' horae while he was yet a boy, Mr. Alford was thrown upon his own resources, having had only the advantages of the village schools. After a short tirae spent in the American Hotel at Burlington he went to New Haven, Conn., to learn a trade. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in the U. S. Engineer Corps at New Haven, Feb. 21, 1865, and served three years, having been promoted an artificer. A taste for mUitary life has always been fostered ; and while living in Chicago in 1874, he enlisted in ist Regt. IU. N. G., and was rapidly proraoted, holding a heutenant's coraraission at the tirae of his resignation when he raoved to Baltiraore; and from 1886 to 1893 held the ofifice of captain, ordnance officer and inspector of rifle practice in ist Regt., Md. N. G. In business life he early became connected whh the great flrra of gun raanufacturers, E. Reraington & Sons, and from 1874 to 1883 was their manager of the arms departraent in Chicago and later general manager of their entire business in Baltiraore, when in 1883 he established the great sporting goods house now known as the A. G. Alford Sporting Goods Co. Mr. Alford has occupied a leading part in social organizations and societies. Frora the George H. Thoraas Post, G. A. R., of Chica go, he was transferred to Custer Post, No. 6 of Maryland, in 1879, i^^ which post he served as coraraander ; also as assistant inspector general ; two terras on coraraander-in-chief s stafif; junior vice-departraent coramander of Maryland in 1882 ; and has served continu ously as department and national ofificer from' 1880 to 1 89 1 in positions mentioned, andi also as chief mustering ofificer and A. D. C. He is also a raember of the A. 0. U. W. and U. S. Benevolent Fraternity ; of the latter he is one of the supreme ofificers. ALBERT GALLATIN ALFORD. Mr. Alford has never sought pohtical pre ferment, but has always been a RepubUcan, and in 1893 was the unanimous choice of the Republicans of his ward for first branch city council, and although this ward was over five hundred Deraocratic the year previous, was defeated by only thirty-three votes. In 1886 he married Clara Augusta, daugh ter of William T. and Margaret Robinson, of Baltimore, and has two daughters : Delia R. and Bessie P. Mrs. Alford is the depart ment treasurer of the Woraen's ReUef Corps, and one of the organizers of the department. ALLEN, JOHN Clayton, of Lincoln, Neb., son of John H. Allen, was born in Hinesburg, Feb. 14, i860. He received his early education at Hines burg Academy and graduated from the New Haven Acaderay, when he associated himself with his father in the lumber and harness busi ness in his native town and there continued ALLEN. ALLEN. until 1881. Removing to Lincoln, Neb., in March, 1 88 1 , he entered the wholesale grocery house of Raymond Bros. & Co., representing that firm in southwestern Nebraska and east ern Colorado, where he remained until 1886. In that year, Mr. AUen entered into business on his own account at McCook, Red Willow county. Neb., and buUt up one of the largest wholesale and retail general raerchandise houses in southwestern Nebraska, which he continued until 1892. JOHN CLAYTON ALLEN. Politically, Mr. Allen has held true to his early training and is a meraber of the Repub lican party. He was elected a councilraan in the city of McCook in the faU of 1886, and served two terms of two years each, being president of the council during the en tire term of his incumbency and acting raayor for six months, resigning that ofifice at the time of his election as secretary of state. In 1890, he was nominated by the Republican state convention for the ofifice of secretary of state, and was elected over four other con testants with a plurality of 3,800. In 1892 he was renominated by acclama tion by the Republican state convention for a second term, and was elected by 21,209 plurality votes over four others. Mr. AUen has always been regarded as one of the stanchest Repubhcans and one of the best informed politicians of Nebraska, and natur ally has a large foUowing. He is looked upon as a representative of the business in terests of Nebraska, and he has always enjoyed the confidence and support of the business men irrespective of poUtical opinion. He is a member of WUlow Grove Lodge, No. 42, K. of P., McCook, Neb., and a member of the Coraraercial Pilgrims of America. Mr. AUen was united in raarriage, in August, 1 88 1, to Abbie Stapleford of Ver mont, IU., a niece of ex-Attorney General C. J. Dilworth of Nebraska. The issue of this raarriage is : Ralph C, born Sept. i, 1883. ALLEN, JOHN Clarence, of Brooklyn, N. Y., son of Rufus C. and Sabrina (York) AUen, was born July 28, 1848, at WaUingford. Mr. Allen is frora an ancestry distinguished in religious constancy. His mother and her JOHN CLARENCE ALLEN. ancestors for generations were Baptists ; while his father and mother were active Christians from their youth, and sang to gether in church for thirty-five years. Love of music and skill in it are family charac teristics, no less than church work. Mr. AUen's sister Fanny is the wife of T. J. Whitaker of Brooklyn. He was educated at the Wallingford high school and Black River Academy at Ludlow, and was graduated with highest oratorical and other honors at Madison (now Colgate) University at HaraUton, N. Y., in 1874. Mr. Allen entered upon his first pastorate in Newark, N. J., in 1875. Success crowned his efforts. Following this work he served ANNIS. ARTHUR. the First Church (Baptists) of Elizabeth, N. J., for five and a half years, performing loyal work, baptizing raany and raising the church. The earnest call of the Hanson Place Baptist Church drew Mr. Allen to Brooklyn. Here his tireless devotion and energy found wide scope. During the sura raer and faU of 1885 he reraodelled the main audience room and erected lecture and Sunday school rooms, fitting them with es sential modern appliances for church work. In the first year of the pastorate the entire church debt was pledged and paid off, araounting to ^40,000. During Mr. Allen's rainistry thus far he has baptized over five hundred souls, and has been the raeans of securing over ^125,000 forthe use ofthe Baptist denoraination, and has borne an honorable part in the formation and work of the Brooklyn Baptist Extension Society. His activity in teraperance and other re forra work has been highly commendable. At the national Prohibition convention, at Cincinnati, in 1892, he was a delegate. To many social organizations he has lent his earnest support and membership. Among thera are the Phi Beta Kappa Society of New York ; the Araerican Institute of Civ ics ; Metropolitan Museura of Art ; Brook lyn Baptist Social Union ; Brooklyn Society of Vermonters ; and the New York Alumni Association of Colgate University, of which he is president. Mr. Allen was married in 1874 to Julia I., daughter of Rev. Charles T. and Irene (Buell) Johnson. ANNIS, Jere Wright, of Osage, Iowa, son of A. W^ and Laura (Hodgkin) Annis, was born in Westfield, Jan. 22, 1844. He received his education at the district schools of his native town and the ^Vestfield Acaderay. Upon attaining his raajority he reraoved to Osage, Iowa, and there forraed a partner ship with E. O. Hitchcock in the mercantile business, which was successfully conducted until 1868, when he formed a partnership with Judge Hitchcock and J. H. Johnson, and conducted a large hardware business under the firra narae of Johnson & Annis, which was continued until 1885, when he re ceived the appointraent of assistant cashier of the Osage National Bank, which was fol lowed in 1 89 1 by his promotion to the posi tion of cashier, a position he stiU holds, as weU as a directorship in the same institution. Pohtically Mr. Annis has afifiliated with tbe Repubhcan party, and at the hands of his party was honored by an election to the mayoralty of Osage in 1881, and again in 1893, being the present mayor. He is pre sident of the Osage Board of Trade, presi dent of the MitcheU County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Agricultural Society. He is a member of Osage Lodge, No. 102 F. & A. M., and Osage Chapter, No. 36, and is Eminent Coraraander of Coeur de Leon Coraraandery, No. 19. JERE WRIGHT ANNIS. Mr. Annis was united in raarriage Nov. 24, 1864, at Westfield, to Lucia S., daughter of Hirara and Harriet Hitchcock. Four child ren have blessed this union : Frankhn W., Fanny, Laura L., and Homer B. ARTHUR, Chester A., late President of the United States, was born in Fairfield, Oct. 5, 1830, the son of Rev. Dr. William Arthur. The educational an tecedents and scholarly tastes of Dr. Arthur induced h i m to give his elder son, Chester A., a thorough . J course of in struction in the best schools of Union Village and Schenec tady, N. Y. Classical preparation for coUege he made his own especial care, and with such success that the future President was fitted for ARTHUR. ARTHUR. matriculation at Union CoUege when only fif teen years old. Honorably graduating with the class of 1848, young Arthur selected the profession of law for his future activities, and began the requisite studies in Fowler's Law .School at Ballston Spa. In 1853 he re paired to the city of New Y''ork, entered the law ofifice of ex-Judge E. D. Culver, was ad mitted to the bar in the same year, and com menced professional practice. Mr. Arthur's earhest opportunity of legal and member of the Legislature, i879-'8i. At the hands of the Republican Governor Hubbard, he received the appoint ment of judge of the 7th judicial district, in March, 1885, to fiU an unexpired term, arid was elected to the same position for a term of six years at the elections of 1886, notwith standing the fact that the district cast a Re pubhcan raajority of 3,500 ; re-elected atthe last election without opposition, he stiU holds the position. BEAMAN. BELCHER. 13 He has been a Master Mason for thirty- eight years and is now a meraber of the Scottish Rites ; afifiliated with the Loyal Legion and is prominent with the local G. A. R., being a trustee of the Soldiers' Home. Judge Baxter was first united in marriage to Eraraa Ward. She died in June, 1870. He forraed a second alUance with Barbara Deuhs, who died in March, 1881. He again raarried in November, 1883, Hilda Eraraa, daughter of Lewis and Emma M. Child. He has only two children : Chauncey Luther, and Bertha. BEAMAN, Fernando C, was born in Chester, June 28, 1814; removed to New York when a boy, and left an orphan at the age of fifteen ; received a good Enghsh edu cation at the Franklin County Academy, studied law in Rochester ; reraoved to Mich igan in 1838, and coramenced the practice of his profession ; was for six years prose cuting attorney for Lenawee county ; was judge of probate for four years ; was a presi dential elector in 1856 ; in i860 was elected a representative from Michigan to the Thirty- seventh Congress. BELCHER, ISAAC SAWYER, of San Fran cisco, Cab, the son of Samuel and Anna G. (CaldweU) Belcher, was born in Stockbridge, Feb. 27, 1825. ISAAC SAWYER BELCHER. His father was a farraer and young Belcher worked upon the farm and attended the dis trict schools until he was fifteen years of age. He fitted for coUege in the academy at Royalton and entered the University of "Ver mont in 1842, graduating with the class of '46. Having chosen the law as a profession he entered the ofifice of J. W. D. Parker at Bradford ancl after a thorough course of legal study was admitted to practice in the county courts in 1849 and to the Supreme Court of the state three years later. He continued the practice ol his profession in Windsor county until 1853, when he started for California, arriving in San Francisco on the 1 6th of June. He went at once to the mines in Y''uba county and there practiced his profession until March, 1855, when he settled in Marysville in that county and soon acquired a lucrative practice. Mr. Justice Field of tbe Supreme Court of the United States and other distinguished lawyers, were then practicing at the sarae bars. His brother, WiUiara C. Belcher, now a leading member of the San Francisco bar, was asso ciated with him. He was elected to the position of district attorney of Yuba county in 1855, and held the ofifice untU 1858. He was elected judge of the tenth judicial district in 1863, and held that ofifice until 1870. In 1872 he was appointed by the Governor to fiU a vacancy in the Supreme Court of the state, and at the expiration of his terra dechned a nora ination to succeed hiraself and resumed his practice at Marysville. In June, 1878, he was elected a member and served as vice- president of the Constitutional Convention which raet that year. In 1 880 he was elected by the Legislature a trustee of the State Library, which position he held for eight years. In 1885 he was appointed a cora raissioner of the Supreme Court of the state, and this position he stiU holds. At the founding of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University he was appointed one of its trus tees and since that tirae has acted as such. In this connection a local paper says of hira : "Judge Belcher is a raan of reraarkable strength of raind and soundness of judgment, and his fellow trustees wiU find in him a val uable coadjutor in administering the noble trust confided to their keeping." Mr. Belcher vvas united in wedlock, August 12, 1861, to Adehne M., daughter of WilUam T. and Martha (Tappan) Johnson, of Augusta, Maine. The fruit of this union are : Martha A., Richard, WiUiara J., and Robert. He now resides in San PYancisco, in the fuU en joyraent of the fruits of an upright, honorable hfe. BELCHER, William C, of San Fran cisco, Cal., son of Samuel and Anna G. (Caldwell) Belcher, was born at Stockbridge, Dec. 12, 1820. 14 BEARD. BEARD. He graduated at the University of Ver raont in 1843 ; and subsequently taught several years in the Academy of Bradford. He was admitted to the bar in that county in 1855. In 1856 young Belcher went to California and has ever since been engaged in the practice of his profession, and in sorae of the most important law suits on the Pacific coast. WhUe in MarysvUle he was a part ner of his brother Isaac S. Belcher who is now on the supreme bench, but since mov ing to San Francisco he has becorae one of the firm of Mastie, Belcher, Van Vleet & Mastie. WILLIAM C. BELCHER. He has never held any political or judic ial ofifice, or been associated with any secret society except the Masons. Mr. Belcher is a life member of Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont, and is highly es teemed by bis associates, and by the citizens of the coraraonwealth in which he resides. BEARD, Alanson Wilder, of Boston, Mass., collector of the port of Boston, was born in Ludlow, August 20, 1825. Leaving his native town at the age of seven he spent the years preceding his ma jority at Stockbridge, working on his father's farra during his boyhood, receiving a com raon school education, and in addition private instruction frora the pastor of the Congregational church, Thoraas S. Hubbard, who was a man of hberal culture. Early inured to the hardships of farra life among the rugged hiUs of Verraont, we find young Beard at seventeen, strong, hardy, of wonderful vitality, with a thorough English education, well equipped for a life work, that raay now be said to have begun when he entered the school room as a teacher, in which occupation he continued with but little intermission until his twenty-first year. In the spring of 1847 Mr. Beard began a mercantile career, opening at Pittsfield in his native state a country store, which he kept for six years ; during the tirae he was postmaster of the town, the first position under the national government he ever held, and the only one until he was first appointed collector of the port of Boston. Both the postmastership and the storekeeper's life he gave up to corae to Boston in September, 1853, entering the clothing house of Whiting, Kehoe & Galloupe, as salesman. Less than three years after he was in the wholesale clothing business on his own account ; later under the firra narae of Beecher, Beard & Co. His Boston business was continued until 1879 under the successive firm names of C. W. Freeland, Beard & Co., Beard, Mod- ton & Co., Beard, Moulton & Bouve. Dur ing this tirae he had the raanageraent of frora two hundred to six hundred employes, the manufacturing being under his personal supervision. On the formation of the Repubhcan party, Mr. Beard, whose early associations had been with the Whigs, gave his infiuence to the new political creed and has held that aUegiance ever since. The year 1864 brought him into the Republican state coraraittee, there to re main three years. Subsequently he was chairman of this coraraittee in 1875 ^^'^ '7^ and again in 1885. In 1868 he was delegate to the national Republican convention and again in 1888 he was delegate-at-large to the national Repubhcan convention. Mr. Beard was also a meraber of the House of Rep resentatives for Massachusetts in 1870 and '71, and again in 1884 and '85. Mr. Beard served as coUector of the port of Boston, under appointment of President Hayes, for the full term beginning March, 1878, leaving the ofifice in May, 1882. In January, 1886, he became treasurer ofthe commonwealth of Massachusetts and that office he held for three years. In i8go he was again made collector of the port of Boston, which posi tion he held untU March, 1894. In every capacity he has served his party, his state ahd country faithfuUy and well. Mr. Beard was married at Wayland, Mass., Nov. 27, 1848, to Mary Calista Morgan, daughter of Harvey and Sophia Morgan, then of Rochester, Vt. To thera have been born three sons : Jaraes Wallace, Araherst Wilder, and Charles Freeland, of whora only Charies Freeland is living. Tf>%. r \ i6 BELL. Although in his sixty-eighth year, he is strong and rugged ; a fine speciraan of phy sical raanhood, six feet and two inches in height and weighing upward of 200 pounds ; although of a mihtary appearance and bear ing, he is a most genial and companionable man. BELL, Hiram, was born in Vermont, and was a representive in Congress from Ohio, from 1852 to 1853. BENEDICT, ROBERT D., of the New York bar, was born at Burlington, Oct. 3, 1828. His father was for many years a pro fessor in the University of Vermont, where R. D. Benedict was educated 'and where he was graduated in 1848. After his graduation he removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., and taught school for two years in what is now the Twenty-second ward, after which he entered the office of his uncle, Erastus C. Benedict, (afterwards chanceUor of the University of the State) in New York City. He was ad raitted to the bar in 185 1, and has practiced law ever since. In 1864 he raarried Miss Frances A. Weaver, of Colchester, and settled in Brook lyn, which he had left for a few years after concluding his school teaching. His chil dren are two sons : Wyllys (also a lawyer in New York City), Edward G. (who is asso ciated with his father in business), and a daughter, EUzabeth Evelyn. Mr. Benedict is weU known to the legal profession as the editor of Benedict's Re ports, in ten voluraes, presenting the decis ions of the LTnited States district courts. He has recently prepared a new edition of Benedict's Adrairalty, which was pubhshed raany years ago by his uncle, and has been the recognized eleraentary authority on this subject. His law practice is largely in the Admiralty courts. Frora the foundation of the New York Tiraes till the death of Henry J. Raymond, its founder, Mr. Benedict was connected with that newspaper as a reporter in the United States courts and as a writer of edi torials. An address dehvered by him in 1891 on the centennial anniversary of the granting of the charter of the University of Vermont, was published by the University, and a lec ture on "The Hereford Map of the World and the Legend of St. Brandon," vvas pub lished in the proceedings of the Araerican Geographical Society for 1892. He was for twenty years a raeraber of Ply raouth Church. For the last eighteen years he has been a raember, and is a trustee of the Central Congregational Church. He was president of the board of elections in Brook lyn for several years after its creation, and BENJAMIN. was the last president of the Republican League of that city. For many years he has been a trustee of the Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn; is a director of the Lawyer's Surety Company of New York ; is president of the New England Society of Brooklyn, and has been president of the Brooklyn Society of Verraonters, and of the Congre gational Club of Brooklyn. He was also a raeraber of the Kings County Club, and is now connected with the HaraUton and the Union League clubs. BENJAMIN, CHAUNCEY E., late of Maiden, Mass., son of Josiah and Rebecca (Eraerson) Benjarain, was born in BerUn, Feb. I, 1829. He was educated in the schools of his native town, and assisted his father on the home farra untU his majority when he re moved to Wakefield, Mass. ; remaining there about a year, he located at Maiden in the same state and made that place his home untU his death which took place AprU 15, 1892. During the first year of his residence in Maiden Mr. Benjarain worked in the rubber factory, afterwards he joined his brother-in- law, E. E. Andrews, in the hardware busi ness, in which he continued with success for several years. He then established an ex press line between Maiden and Boston which he continued for a year when it had assuraed such proportions as to require additional assistance and he took in as a partner George W. Vaughn, with whom he continued the business until his death. He took a deep interest in Masonic matters and was a prominent member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows. Mr. Benjarain was raarried in January, 1856, to Lucy J. Stanwood of Maiden. Three chUdren have been born to them : Carrie S. (deceased), Georgiana, and Philip C. BENTON, Jacob, was born at Water ford, August 14, 181 9 ; received an academic education ; engaged in teaching for several years, studied law, and was adraitted to the bar in 1843 and commenced practice at Lancas ter, N. H. ; vvas a raember of the state Legis lature in 1854, 1855, 1856; was a delegate to the national Republican convention in i860; was brigadier-general commanding the state volunteers ; was elected to the For tieth Congress, as a Repubhcan, and was re elected to the Forty-first Congress. BENTON, Reuben Clark, of Minne apolis, Minn., son of Reuben C. and Almira (Fletcher) Benton, was born in Waterford, May 13, 1830. ^-/L.^.^.^^^^ i8 BENTON. BISBEE. In 1 84 1 he reraoved with his father's faraily to Lunenburg, where he resided until twenty-one years of age. During that tirae by study at home and at such schools as were in Lunenburg, and two terms at the St. Johns bury Academy, he was fitted for college. He entered the University of Verraont in May, 1851, and was graduated in 1854. After graduation he went to Johnson, where he took charge of the academy. Pre vious to entering college he had read law with the late Jacob Benton of Lancaster, and with WiUiam Heywood, then of Guild haU. WhUe in Johnson he read law with Whitman G. Ferrin now of Montpeher, and was adraitted to practice in June, 1855. He coramenced practice in 1856, remaining in Johnson until 1858, then removing to Hyde Park, where he continued until 1867. REUBEN CLARK BENTON. March 18, 1856, he was married to Sara M. Leland. They have had four children, all of whora are deceased. At the breaking out of the war of the re bellion he entered the service as captain of Co. D, 5th Regt. Vt. Vols., at the organiza tion of that regiraent in September, 1861, was present with his regiment until July, 1862, and was wounded at Savage Station in June of the sarae year. Upon the organiza tion of the nth Regt. in August, 1862, he was made heutenant-colonel of that regi ment, in which position he continued until the last of June, 1864, when he resigned for disability. In March, 1867, he reraoved to St. Albans where he continued in the practice of his profession until June, 1875, when he re raoved to MinneapoUs, Minn., where he StiU resides. He was in the years 1879, 1880 and 1881 elected city attorney of the city of Minne apoUs, which ofifice he resigned December, 1 88 1, to enter the eraploy of the St Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Co., as its attorney at MinneapoUs. For its successor, the Great Northern Railway Co., Mr. Benton and his firra still continue as attorneys, having, besides, a general practice. During his practice in MinneapoUs, he was at first in partnership with his brother, C. H. Benton, also a Verraonter, under the firra narae of Benton & Benton ; after the dissolution of that firra, with WilUam P. Rob erts, as Benton & Roberts ; and for the past two years with Mr. Roberts and Rome G. Brown, the latter a Vermonter, as Benton, Roberts & Brown, which is the present style of his firm. Mr. Benton has devoted himself alraost exclusively to the practice of law since his residence in Minneapolis, and has won the position of one of the leaders of the bar of Hennepin county, and of the state. In politics he is a Republican, but has no re ligious affiliations. BISBEE, Lewis H., of Chicago, IU., son of David and Sarah Bisbee, was born March 28, 1839, at Derby. The subject of this sketch (one of the raost prominent and gifted merabers of the Chicago bar) was born and reared through boyhood on a farra. It is not true that the broad, stimulating and intense conditions of wealth and city hfe are necessarily suppress ive of marked individual force and character. It is true, however, that much of the brawn and muscle, the hfe and brain, the refine ment and energy which lead and govern the real forces of society are developed under the more quiet and rugged conditions of .country hfe. It is a raost happy and valu able fact that the real strength and virtue of society are being constantly replenished from the rural and agricultural forces of the coun try. And there is probably no source from which is derived a stronger and better rein forcement of manners and social refinement. The horae of Hon. Lewis H. Bisbee is in Hyde Park. It is one of the raost refined and elegant in the country, and is a promi nent center of healthful and refining social influence on a moral and intellectual plane as high as social developraent has anywhere attained. Mr. Bisbee's advantages in the common schools while a lad were good. But he early conceived the idea of obtaining the higher and broader education afforded in the acade- BISBEE. BISBEE. mies of Verraont. In suramers he worked on the farra, attending school in the winters until the age of sixteen. At this age he fell back on his own resources and proved himself pos sessed of the energy and tenacity of purpose requisite to overcome the obstacles naturally in his way. He attended the academies at Glover, Derby, and MorrisviUe in Northern Verraont and took a course at St. Hyacinth College, near Montreal, Can., when nineteen years of age. The course of instruction there being conducted in the French language, he becarae a thorough French scholar. Subse quently he read law with J. L. Edwards, Esq., a prominent practitioner at Derby, paying his way raainly by teaching French, and was adraitted to practice in June, 1862. The sarae raonth he was adraitted to the bar he enhsted as a private in Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf., and was afterward promoted to the captaincy of Co. H, of the same regiraent. During his raihtary service his conduct was raarked by gaUantry and faithfulness. Through all the hardships of war he was found reso lute and cheerful, and in battle always at the front. In 1863 he resigned on account of sickness and returned to Newport and en gaged in the practice of law, soon building up an extensive and lucrative business. In 1866, Mr. Bisbee was elected state's attorney of Orleans county, where he then lived, and was re-elected in 1867, but soon after resigned to accept the position of deputy collector of custoras, which ofifice he filled till 1869, when he was elected to the Legis lature of the state. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1870. He proved a most valuable and efificient raember of that body, was one of the leaders of his party in the legislative debates, and a raember of impor tant coraraittees. In extempore debate, when the occasion vvas important, he was con sidered one of the raost vigorous and effect ive speakers on the floor. It was in April, 187 1, that Mr. Bisbee raoved to Chicago, but scarcely had he be corae weU started in business when the great fire occurred. In the rebuilding of the city, the reorganization and re-estabhshment of order and business, Mr. Bisbee came natur ally and directly to the front of affairs. He had an unwavering faith in the future of Chicago, and the abihty to seize and hold the front position which he has ever since occupied. Mr. Bisbee is one of the raost successful jury and chancery lawyers in the Northwest. His practice is of the highest and raost lu crative order. His raanageraent of the case known as the " B. F. Allen blanket-mortgage case," for Hoyt Sherraan, especially, was con ducted with extraordinary ability, and was highly coraphraented by courts and bar; also the noted Sturges case, with many others, might be adduced as confirming his high reputation as a lawyer. In 1887 the IlUnois Legislature passed a law permitting the annexation of the town of Hyde Park to Chicago. Through the in strumentality of Mr. Bisbee the annexation becarae a fact. ¦ Mr. Bisbee was elected to the coramon council, representing the town of Hyde Park, but the Supreme Court of the state declared this law unconstitutional. Thereupon in 1888-89 Mr. Bisbee secured the passage of a new law, which resulted in the annexation to Chicago of the town of Hyke Park, Lake Jefferson, and a part of Cicero, containing an aggregate population of about 220,000 people. This great work made Chicago the second city in population of the United States, and araong other ad vantages enabled it to hold the World's Columbian Exposition within its corporate liraits. Mr. Bisbee is the author of the well-known work entitled "The Law of the Produce Ex change," which is a standard text book on coraraercial exchanges in England and Araerica. In 1878 he was elected to the Legislature of Illinois, receiving nearly the unanimous vote of the district, one of the most popu lous and intelligent in the state. In that body he was one of the most prominent leaders as a ready and able debater and an influential and judicious legislator. He is a graceful and impressive orator, an incisive and logical thinker ; and being possessed of a fine and comraanding presence few men are his equal in the legal or legislative de bating arena. In politics he is an ardent Republican, and in campaigns, when the principles of the party are at stake, his voice and eloquence are always conspicuous. Mr. Bisbee is a member of the Oakland and Hyde Park Clubs, and one of the foun ders of the Society of Sons of Vermont in IlUnois, of which he has been president He is also a Knight Teraplar, a member of the St. Bernard Coraraandery. Personally Mr. Bisbee is a genial and af fable gentieraen of broad and generous nature, dignified, courteous and obliging. In bis profession he is honorable, conscien tious, painstaking and laborious. Of robust and hardy nature, refined, cultivated and learned, he is in the true sense of the term a seh-raade raan. And the raost of his life, as the hves of strong raen generally run, is still before hira. He was raarried in 1864 to Jane E. Hin raan, of Derby, Vt., a raeraber of a proniinent faraily of Orleans county. Their two children are : Hattie Hinraan, born at Newport in 1867, and a graduate of CorneU University; and Benjarain Hinraan, born in 1877 in. Chicago. BLANCHARD. BLANCHARD. BLANCHARD, CHARLES, of Ottawa, IU., son of Ralph and Maria (Kellogg) Blanchard, was born in Peacham, August 31, 1829. He was reared on a farm in his native county, his education being principally ob tained at the district schools. For three successive falls he walked frora his father's farra to the neighboring village, a distance of two miles, to attend a school which in those days was called an academy. He at tended this school six weeks each winter, part of the tirae tending the fires and ringing the beU to pay his tuition. CHARLES BLANCHARD. After working on his father's farm he worked for the neighbors until he had earned forty dollars and in the faU of 1850 started West with this araount in his pocket, arriv ing at Peru, III., with but five dollars cash ; frora there he went to Granville, III., and en gaged to teach school for the winter at a dol lar per day and board himseU. The follow ing spring he went to Hennepin, where he taught school three years, and during vaca tions and other leisure tirae he studied law. At Springfield, IU., he was examined by Judge Treat and admitted to the bar. Hav ing taught school to earn enough to pur chase necessary law books, he opened a law ofifice at Hennepin, but soon removed to Peru, where he practiced his profession, and in December, 186 1, he reraoved to Ottawa. In November, 1864, he was elected state's attorney of the district, composed of La SaUe, Bureau and KendaU counties, and re-elected in 1868 ; his terra expired Dec. i, 1872. Upon the resignation of Judge Good- speed of the ninth district, August 1, 1884, he was appointed by Governor HaraUton to finish the unexpired terra, and in the June election of 1885 he was elected for the terra of six years, and re-elected in 1891. He was raarried in Hennepin, Putnam county, in 1852, to Sarah H., daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Horrael) Cudgel. They had four children : Sydney, who becarae an attorney at law ; Mae, Herraan S., and Charles, who died in infancy. The wife of Judge Blanchard was a raeraber of the Con gregational church. She died April 16, 1880, and Judge Blanchard again married, Dec. 31, 1884, Mrs. Sylvia A. BushneU, daughter of Jay and Jeannett Garner (now deceased) forraerly of Athens, Pa. Judge Blanchard is a raeraber of Occiden tal Lodge, No. 40, F. Sz: A. M. ; Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., and Ottawa Coraraandery, No. 10, and of the IlUnois Association of the Sons of Verraont. BLANCHARD, JOHN, was born in Cale donia county, Sept. 30, 1787. He spent his boyhood on a farra ; pre pared hiraself for college, and graduated at Dartraouth in 181 2; reraoved to Pennsyl vania and taught school ; read law and was admitted to practice ; was a representative in Congress, frora Pennsylvania, frora 1845 to 1849. He died in Columbia, Pa., March 8, 1849. BLINN, Charles Henry, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Chauncy and Edatha (Harrington) Blinn, was born in Burlington, Jan. 27, 1843. Educated in tbe schools of his native place, he was prepared for the University of Ver mont, when he entered the army. He enlisted, August 21, 1 86 1 , in the faraous ist Vt. Cavalry, serving three years and four raonths. He was attached to Sheridan's Cavalry Corps ; participated in the battles of Gettysburg, ChanceUorsville, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Wilderness, Winchester, Cedar Creek, and twenty-six skirraishes. He was wounded and taken prisoner at Middletown, Va., May 25, 1862, in a cavalry charge led by General Banks ; his horse was killed by a cannon ball frora a battery stationed within three hundred yards, feU with sixteen others and was ridden over by a corapany of the ist Maine Cavalry; was in prison at Lynch burg and Belle Island, Va., frora May 25 to Sept. 17. His regiraent has the honor of having captured at Cedar Creek forty-two cannon, the largest nuraber taken by any regiraent during the war. He was honora bly discharged at Burlington, Nov. 19, 1864. BLISS. BLISS. After the war he was two years chief clerk at the Welden House, St. Albans. He went to Cahfornia in 1868, and for six years was with the Wells-Fargo Express Co. In 1875 he becarae an editorial writer of the " Alta California." In 1878 he was appointed chief perrait clerk in the San Francisco Custom House, which position he stiU fills. The positions he has occupied in the Grand Army of the RepubUc are too raany for our space ; suffice it to say, he is now quarterraaster and secretary of Veteran Guard, G. A. R., George H. Thomas Post, etc. For five years he has been secretary of the Pacific Coast Association, "Native Sons of Verraont." He is a regular attendant and contributor to Simpson Memorial Methodist Church. He was raarried, Dec. 15, 1870, to NelUe, daughter of Albert and Lucy Holbrook, of Salera, N. H. She is (1894) the leading elocutionist of the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Bhnn is a powerful pohtical speaker, and took the sturap for Hayes, Garfield, Blaine, and Har rison. Their union was blessed with a son : Holbrook, born in 1872, graduated at Boy's high school, spent two years in college, and is now a rising young actor. BLISS, Neziah W., of Chicago, III., son of ElUson and Mary B. (Worthen) Bhss, was born in Bradford, Jan. 31, 1826. His grandfather, ElUs BUss, was a lieuten ant in the Revolutionary war. His great grandfather, Ellis Bliss, was the father of seventeen children. His great-great-grand father, Rev. John Bliss, graduated frora Y^ale, then located at Saybrook, Conn., in 1 7 10, and was ordained first pastor of the Congregational church of Hebron, Conn., in 17 17, was dismissed in 1734, and was a lay reader in the Episcopal church untU his death. Dr. Neziah Bhss, our subject's name sake, served fourteen terras in the Colonial Legislature of Connecticut, and was the father of our"pubUc coraraon school systera," and was also a son of the Rev. John BUss. The subject of our sketch prepared for college at Bradford Academy, and graduated from the University of Vermont with high rank, class of 1846, having as classmates ex-Chief Justice Jameson, and H. R. Steb bins of Chicago, Judge Belcher, Supreme Court of California, Judge Nelson, U. S. circuit court of Massacbusetis, Judge J. W. May, and Hon. H. 0. Houghton (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.), Boston. He taught schools in Vermont and New Hampshire, after which he studied law with R. McK. Orrasby in Bradford. He went West in 1847, located in Ohio, and there taught school until 1850, then went to Warsaw, III, continued his law studies, and was adraitted to the bar in 1854. He forraed a law partnership with Judge J. W. Marsh in 1856, and becarae attorney for Doan, King & Co. of St. Louis. In 1867 he was general superintendent of St. Louis Lead and Min ing Co., and conducted a large business in mining, smelting, merchandising and farm ing. In 1882 he located at Chicago, and became attorney and counsel for Marshall Field & Co. ; among the raany iraportant cases he has raanaged for that firm was one in which he recovered ^40,000, duties illeg ally exacted on cartons and coverings, under tbe tariff act of 1883, the Utigation as to the constitutionaUty of the McKinley biU, etc. NEZIAH W. BLISS. He married Jessie, daughter of General and Sarissa (Wells) Andrews, at Warsaw, IU., Dec. I, 1852. They had eleven children: Mary and Stella (twins), Ellis Wright, Abby, Neziah Wright, Jr., Malcolm A., Wyslys K., George W., Walter E., Charies K., Harry Staples, Ralph, Eugene B., and Margaret L. Mr. Bliss married for a second wife, Louise, daughter of Jaraes W^ and Catherine (TroxeU) Baugher, and by her had three chUdren. Mr. BUss is a raan of fine personal ap pearance, and strong constitution which his excellent habits have fostered He is a man decided in his convictions of right, of per fect integrity and truthfulness ; his character is above reproach. Possessed of a pleasing address, good conversational powers and genial temperaraent, he has raade hosts of friends. BOARDMAN. He is an Episcopahan, was senior warden •of St. Bartholomew Church at Englewood, ¦where he resided with his faraily for several years, and now resides at Longwood, a suburb of Chicago, located on the highlands •of the Blue Island ridge. BOARDMAN, HENRY Elderkin Jew ett, of Marshalltown, Iowa, son of Rev. Elderkin J. and Ann (Gookin) Boardman, was born in Danville, June 21, 1828. He is a lineal descendant through eight genera tions of the ancestor Samuel Boardman, who emigrated frora England about 1635. He reraoved to Weathersfield, Conn., in 1641. The narae is first found in the records of Ipswich, Mass., 1637-1639. The father of Henry E. J., Rev. E. J. Boardman, was one •of the first abohtionists of Verraont, publish ing in 1838 a work entitled "Iraraediate Abohtion of Slavery Vindicated." HENRY ELDERKIN JEWETT BOARDMAN. The subject of our sketch was educated at Randolph and St. Johnsbury, and Meriden, N. H., academies. Graduated at Dartmouth CoUege, class of 1850. He spent six years in Tennessee, Alabaraa and Maryland as principal of academies, becoming professor of languages in the University of East Ten nessee at Knoxville, and was admitted to the practice of law in Tennessee. In 1856 he removed to Marshalltown, Iowa, and has since been a practicing law yer in that place and one of the largest land owners in Iowa. In i869-'79-'88 he traveled •extensively in the Old World. He has been BOARDMAN. 23 president of the District Bar Association, president of the Farmers' National Bank, director of the First National Bank, of the City Bank, also of the Central Iowa Railway Co., of which he was general attorney for many years, and has been a trustee of the Iowa College at Grinnell. Was nominated for supreme judge by the Deraocratic party in 1877, as district judge in 1870 and again in 1879, was nominated for congressman, July, 1879. He was a delegate from the sixth congressional district, Iowa, to the Na tional Union Convention at Philadelphia, August 14, 1866; also a delegate to the Na tional Deraocratic Convention held in New York, July 4, 1868. July 6, 1893, at Des Moines, he was elected president of the Sons of the American Revo lution for the state of Iowa. The " Historian of Iowa" says of him : "His success in pub lic and private undertakings and his final recoveries in litigated cases, involving ab stract legal principles, are marvelous. This is due to extraordinary powers of generaliza tion and analysis, and an industry that never tires. He is solicitous that his acts of benev olence shaU be known only to hiraself, and is one of the raost raodest and retiring of raen." He raarried Miss M. E. WiUiaras (now deceased) Dec. 7, 1858. Of this union were three children : Della Louisa, Annette Gookin, and Clarence Elderkin Carver (de ceased). BOARDMAN, Halsey J., of Boston, Mass., son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hunt) Boardman, was born in Norwich, May 19, 1834. He is of Puritan ancestry, a descend ant of Samuel Boardman who settled in Con necticut in 1 63 1. He was educated in the pubhc schools of his native town and at Thetford Academy, graduating from that institution in 1854 as the valedictorian of his class. Entering Dartmouth CoUege in the same year he was graduated in 1858 with high honors. After teaching the high school at Leo minster one year he entered as a student the law ofifice of Norcross & Snow, Fitchburg, Mass., and later the law ofifice of PhiUip H. Sears of Boston. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in i860 and iraraediately began the practice of his profession as senior part ner of the law firra of Boardman & Blodgett, this partnership continuing until the junior partner, Caleb Blodgett, was raade a judge of the Superior Court ; later partners have been Stephen H. Tyng and Frank Paul. During the past few years Mr. Boardman has been engaged in various manufacturing and railroad interests which have necessi tated frequent and prolonged absences from the state. He is president of the Duluth & 24 BOARDMAN. BOUTIN. Winnipeg Railroad Co., and a director of several other corporations. He is also presi dent of the Evans Coal Co., a large producer of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania, president of the Coraraercial Mining Co. of Colorado, and a director of the Boston Ma rine Insurance Co. HALSEY J BOARDMAN Mr. Boardraan is a stalwart Republican. From 1862 to 1864 he was commissioner of the board of enrolment, under President Lincoln, for the fourth congressional dis trict. In 1874 he was chairraan of the Re publican ward and city coraraittee of the city of Boston, also a raeraber of the cora raon councU and in 1875 its president, and the RepubUcan candidate for raayor the sarae year. Frora 1883 to 1885 inclusive Mr. Boardraan was a raember of the Massa chusetts House of Representatives. He was a raeraber of the railroad committee during his entire term and its chairman during the last two years. In this capacity he was in strumental in securing a large amount of legislation calculated to iraprove the railroad service in this state, including provisions for the change of railroad grade crossings, safety couplings on freight cars, regulations against discrimination in freight rates and for im proveraent in signals and precautions to be enforced against color bhndness — all matters involving exhaustive examination and sound judgment. Mr. Boardman was elected to the state Senate in 1887 and 1888 and was president of that body both years. He was married in 1862 to Miss Georgie Hinman of Boston. They have two daugh ters. BOUTIN, Charles W., of Hampton, Iowa, son of Joachim and Martha (Warner) Boutin, was born in Chester, Nov. 8, 1839. Removing at an early age to Windham he received such an education as the district schools of the town afforded and foUowed the occupation of a farmer until 1858. He then followed carpentering in Andover and Ches ter until 1865, when he engaged in the dry goods business in Chicago. This venture was of short duration, for in December of the CHARLES W. BOUTIN. same year the entire building and stock were destroyed by fire and he was left without a dollar. Not daunted, however, he started out and accepted such employment as he could find, locating at Webster City, Iowa, in 1867, where he engaged in the nursery business, but this proving uncongenial he sold his interest and removed to Hampton, where began his life's business — that of an architect and builder, in which profession he stands high. In 1 86 1 he enhsted as corporal of Co. E, ist. Vt. Regt., and in the foUowing May went out with the regiraent ; again enhsting August 20, in the 4th Vt. Regt., he was success ively proraoted ist heutenant, captain and major. Major Boutin was on duty with his regiment and participated in aU its batties until June 28, 1864, when with others of his BRADFORD. 25 regiment he was captured by the rebels and held as a prisoner of war until March, 1865, being confined at Libby, Macon, Savannah, Charleston and Columbia. After being ex changed he rejoined his regiment and was mustered out of service with it in 1865. He took a prominent part in the organization of the Iowa National Guards and for sixteen years has served as captain, raajor, heuten ant-colonel and colonel of one of the crack regiraents of the state. Mr. Boutin raarried at Londonderry, August 25, 1861, Marinda A., daughter of Theodore and Sarah French. She died in 1864, while he was a prisoner of war. He married again, in March, 1869, Julina A. French, a sister of his first wife. She died in April, 1886. In November, 1888, Mr. Boutin married at Ripley, Tenn., Erama S. Kennedy. Of this union is one son : Charles K. A staunch Republican, he has never evinced a desire for pubhc oflfice. He has, however, been a meraber of the city council, and county auditor of Franklin county, Iowa, for two terras ; and twice refused the noraination for the raayoralty of Hampton. He has taken a deep interest in matters Masonic and has held nearly every ofifice in the gift of the lodge and chapter ; as a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Tempbir he has knelt at the altar of the Mystic Shrine. Assisting in the organization of the local post G. A. R., he has been adjutant, past coraraander, delegate to departraent encampment many limes and a national delegate twice. Becarae a raera ber of Wisconsin Coraraandery, Loyal Legion, and assisted in organizing the Iowa Com mandery of which he is now a member. BRADFORD, JAMES HENRY, of Wash ington, D. C, traces his ancestry not only to Gov. William Bradford of Plymouth Colony, but three or four generations further back to Rev. John Bradford vvho after having been chaplain to the Queen was burnt at the stake at SmUhfield by Bloody Mary with John Rogers, Latimer and others. His mother, who died when he was but four years old, was the daughter of Thoraas Dickraan, the first postraaster, printer and editor of Greenfield, Mass. She was a woraan of noble character, beloved by all. Henry attended the district school and at sixteen mowed his turn with the men in the hay field for the last tirae, for that autumn he went to Charleston, S. C, into the dry goods store of his brother-in-law. Three years at WiUiston Seminary pre pared him for Yale with one hundred and sixty-two others to make the class of '63. He had jumped from coUege to the Theo logical Seminary, and the next step was into the army as chaplain, having received the unanimous vote ofthe officers ofthe 12th C. v., for that position. From Hartford to Ship Island, then up the Mississippi, the first troops to land at New Orleans, where they guarded the upper defenses while General Butler reigned supreme. Up the far famed Teche to the Red River, thence to Port Hudson for a forty-two days siege, then down the river to the old camp ground at Brasier City ; the regiment re-enlisting re ceived a veteran furlough. Back to New Orleans and around to Bermuda Hundred and Washington and up the Shenandoah " whirling up the valley " with Sheridan. In bloody work at ^Vincbester, Fisher's HUl, Cedar Creek and on up to Staunton and return. Mustered out of service with the regiraent, corapleted a war experience of singular freedora frora sickness or wounds. He then went as a horae missionary to Hud son, Wis., on the St. Croix, for two years. Coming East for reformatory work his ser vice in Westboro (Mass.) State Reform School three years ; Connecticut Industrial School four years, and Masssachusetts Pri mary School three years gave him a broad experience and enabled hira to leave his impress upon hundreds of young lives, that have none too rauch syrapathy and care. A few raonths at Howard Mission, New Y'ork, then to Washington where he has been for twelve years a part of what is called The United States Governraent. Preaching alraost every Sabbath, chaplain in Post and Departraent of the Grand Array and the Loyal Legion, active in church, temperance and charitable work, he has lived a busy life and not less so has Mrs. Bradford, carrying all over the country the farae of the " Ben Hur Tableaux," her own creation ; and train ing her two girls and two boys into a raodel family. Chaplain Bradford is never so happy as vvhen breathing the pure air of Vermont, which state he visits with delight and leaves with regret, for her hUls and vaUeys and people are very dear to hira. Chaplain Bradford was raarried August 19, 1865, to Ellen J., daughter of Sylvester and J. Sophia Knight of Easthampton, Mass. Their chUdren living are : Mary Knight, Harry BonneU, Horatio Knight, and Faith. BRIGHAM, HOSEA WHEELER, of Win chester, N. H., was born at Whitinghara, May 30, 1837, the son of John and Huldah (Wheeler) Brighara. Educated in the schools of his native town and at Barre Academy he followed farraing until 1862 when he reraoved, to Boston, Mass., where he raade his home untU 187 1. Resolving to follow the legal profession he entered the ofifice of Judge Asa French, of Boston, in 1869, and com pleted his studies under H. N. Hix, of Sad- 26 BROWN. BROWN. awga. Adraitted to the Windham county bar in 1872 he practiced his profession at Sadawga untU 1881, being admitted, in the meantime, to practice in the Supreme ancl United States circuit and district courts. Reraoving to Winchester, N. H., in 1881, he was adraitted to the New Hampshire courts, and has since lived at that place, en joying a lucrative practice. Mr. Brigham is a staunch Republican, was a raeraber of the New Harapshire con stitutional convention in 1889, member of the House of Representatives i893-'94, postmaster at Sadawga i872-'78, justice of the peace, chancellor, and four years a member of the Winchester board of educa tion. He is also town clerk. Prominent in Masonry, he is a raeraber of PhUesian Lodge, No. 411, and of the Royal Arch, Council and Knight Teraplar. Mr. Brighara married at Whitingham, Sept. 14, 1858, Florilla R., daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Farnura. Of this union are three children : Eva C, Ulric U., and Maud F. BROWN, ORLANDO J., of North Adaras, Mass., son of Harvey and Lucina (Fuller) Brown, was born in Whitingham, Feb. 2, 1848. His early education was received from his parents, people of sturdy, representative New England stock, and at the public schools of his native town, later suppleraented by several terras at Powers Institute, Ber nardston, Mass. He began teaching in the public schools at the early age of sixteen. Successful in this pursuit, he not only ac quired an education, but earned the raeans for fitting hiraself for his early chosen pro fession, that of medicine. He graduated from the University of Ver mont with the degree of M. D. in 1S70. After studying in the hospitals of New York for the remainder of that year. Dr. Brown began his practice of raedicine and surgery in Adams, Mass., Jan. i, 1871. In 1872 he moved to North Adams, where he has been an honored and successful practitioner to the present time. Determined to keep apace with the improved methods of practice, he has taken several special courses of study at the hospitals and raedical schools of New York and Chicago. He excels particularly in the treatraent of diseases of women and children. Dr. Brown is prominent in the political and social afifairs of North Adams, and has a wide reputation throughout the state. He was appointed one of the state raedical ex- arainers for Berkshire county in 1882, which position he stUl holds. In 1889 he was one of the Republican norainees for representa tive in the First Berkshire District and was elected. In the House he was vigilant and' active, raeriting special credit for his work with the coraraittee on public health. Dr.. Brown is a raeraber and ofificer of the Massa chusetts State Medical Society, Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, Medical Association of Northern Berkshire, and Berkshire Dis trict Medical Society. He has been a health ofificer of the town raost of the tirae since 1880, and has served the state continuously since 1878 as a medical officer of the Massa chusetts Volunteer Mihtia. He belongs to the order F. & A. M. and other fraternal and beneficiary organizations, and is a mem- ORLANDO J'. BROWN. ber of the First Universahst Church, of which he has been deacon since 1885, and superintendent of Sunday school since 1872, was raember of the building commUtee for new church in 1892, besides holding other important ofifices. Dr. Brown was married, Nov. 22, 1871, to Eva M., daughter of WiUiam and Amelia (Blakeslee) Hodskins, who died Oct 14, 1873. Of this union therewas one chUd : WiUiam O. (deceased) . Of his second mar riage with Ida M., daughter of Homer and Martha (Phelps) Haskins, which occurred Sept. 13, 1876, is one daughter: Agnes 0., his only chUd surviving. The mother died at the birth of a second child, Ida M., in 1 88 1. Dr. Brown's present wife is AUce, daughter of Edward and Celestia (Stevens) StoweU, to whom he was raarried Dec. 16, 1884. BRUCE. BUTTERFIELD. 27 BRUCE, Eli Mansfield, of Phiiadeb phia, son of Rev. Mansfield and Grace 'Goddard) Bruce, was born in Wilmington, AprU 25, 1825. He was educated in the pubhc schools of his native town and by hard appUcation dur ing his leisure time. Fifteen years of age found hira teaching and his aptitude and abiUty to gain the good will and esteera of those under his charge soon placed hira in ihe front ranks of the instructors of Wind hara county, and in after years when he was in Ohio and Ilhnois he had no difificulty in maintaining^ the reputation of the "Yankee ELI MANSFIELD BRUCE. School Master." In 1857 he comraenced a business Ufe by engaging with the late Dea con Estey — famous the world over as the manufacturer of the Estey organs— and he StUl carries a gold watch taken in exchange for one of the melodeons. In the winter of i858-'59 he visited in the East and was in duced by Deacon Estey to go to Philadel phia and open a market for the Estey or gans, and the trip proved so successful that his teaching was given up and be reraoved to Philadelphia, where a store for Estey or gans was opened, in which he is stiU success fully engaged. Mr. Bruce enhsted raonths in the 44th, or raent" emergency men, the battie of Gettysburg. Republican but has never taken raore than a voting interest. Uniting with the Baptist church in 1840, Mr. Bruce has led an up- and served three 'Merchants' Regi- about the tirae of In pohtics he is a right Christian hfe since, and for the past twenty-eight years has been thoroughly in earnest in his efforts to pursuade his fellow men to turn from their evil ways and in his belief that nothing less than entire and un reserved consecration is required of every one who professes Christianity, his energy and money have been freely given for that purpose. Mr. Bruce united in marriage Sept. 27, 1843, to Harriet, daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Moore) Snow, of ^\'ilraington. Of this union are two daughters : Kate, and EUenH. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce was celebrated Sept. 27, 1893. BUTTERFIELD, L. ALONZO, of Akron, Ohio, son of Ezra T. and Mary (Leonard) Butterfield, was born in WUraington, July 24, 1846. L. ALONZO BUTTERFIELD. He was educated at the district schools of WUraington, Wesleyan Acaderay and the Bos ton University. Since his graduation he has devoted his entire tirae to teaching, having followed that profession for twenty years ; one year in Wesleyan Academy and several terms in the Vermont Methodist Seminary, state normal school and the New Harapton (N. H.) Literary Institution. He taught for three years in the Boston University ; was instruc tor in the Newton (Mass.) Theological In stitution, and for several years at Dartraouth College ; was for several years associate prin- cipalof the Boston School of Vocal Physi ology, with Prof. Alexander Grabara BeU. 28 CARPENTER. BUEL. From 1878 to 1883 Prof. Butterfield developed an original system of voice culture, and has become widely known as a specialist in voice culture for speakers and singers and in the treatment of all forms of defective speech. For several years he was a professor in the Emerson CoUege of Oratory, Boston, Mass., resigning in June, 1891, to accept a caU to the chair of rhetoric and oratory at Buchtel CoUege, Akron, O., which position he stiU holds. Dr. Butterfield bas been prominently connected with summer schools and institute work, having had charge of the department of voice culture and oratory at the National Summer School at Saratoga and Glens Falls, N. Y^., for five summers, beginning in 1887. In 1883 he was elected to a fellowship in the Society of Science, Letters and Art, of Lon don. He received the degree of Ph. D. from the Emerson CoUege of Oratory in 1888. Dr. Butterfield united in marriage, July 3, 1877, to Ruhamah, daughter of Hliram and Betsey D. (Canney) Felker, of Barrington, N. H. Of this union is one daughter : AUce. BUEL, Alexander W., was born in Rutland county, in 18 13, graduated from the Vermont University in 1831, taught school for many years in Verraont and New '\'ork, during which tirae he prepared him self for the practice of law. In 1834 he took up his residence in Michigan; in 1836 was attorney for the city of Detroit ; in 1837 was elected tothe state Legislature; in 1843 and 1844 was prosecuting attorney for Wayne county ; in 1847 was again elec ted tothe Legislature; and frora 1849 to 185 1 was a representative in Congress from Michigan. BURKE, Edmund, was born in West rainster, Jan. 23, 1809; was educated by private tutors, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1829 ; reraoved to New Hamp shire in 1833, where he estabhshed in Sulli van county the New Hampshire Argus. He was a representative in Congress from New Harapshire frora 1839 to 1845, and by Pres ident Polk was appointed coraraissioner of patents in Washington. CARPENTER, MATTHEW HALE, son of Ira and Esther Ann (Luce) Carpenter, was born in More- town, Dec. 22, 1824. When he was six years old, Paul Dillingham told him to be a good boy at . home, and the best pupil in school, and when he was fourteen to come to his house and he would make a lawyer of him. The boy then bore the narae of Decatur Merritt Haramond Carpenter, and changed it to Matthew Hale Carpenter when residing in Beloit. The lawyer forgot the promise, but the boy did not, and when he was fourteen Merritt raade his appearance as requested, charmed Mrs. DiUingham, as he had her husband, and the promise was kept. In 1843 Merritt was appointed a cadet at West Point, remained there two years, re signed in August, 1845, returned to Water bury, resumed the study of law, and was ad mitted to the W^ashington county bar at Montpelier in Noveraber, 1847. His mother died before he left Moretown, and while at Waterbury he had a home in Mr. DiUing ham's family, as weU as a student's place in his ofifice. Upon admission to the bar he went to Boston to continue his studies in the ofifice of Rufus Choate, who came to adraire and love hira. In 1848 he went to Beloit, Wis., opened an ofifice, got a sign painted and didn't have the fifty cents to pay for it, but he did have a good library which Mr. Choate had enabled him to buy by becoming re sponsible to a Boston firra for payraent. In 1849 Carpenter was stricken by what threatened to be permanent bUndness, found his way to New York, where he remained sixteen months for treatment. Choate loaned him raoney to pay his expenses. After his New York sojourn, and a few weeks spent at Waterbury, he returned to Beloit There Matt Carpenter, as he was caUed by every body in Wisconsin, soon won distinction in his profession, and in 1858 he moved to Milwaukee, which was thenceforward his home. During the rebelUon he was one of those patriots who were known as War Democrats. His services as a soldier were not permitted because of physical disabihty, but he was a tower of strength to the Union cause through out the Northwest. In January, i8(3g, he was elected by the Republicans of Wisconsin to the United States Senate. In January, 1875, he was de feated for re-election, but in January, 1879, the state again returned her first citizen to CAMP. 29 the Senate chamber, but he was then in de chning health and, Feb. 25 1881, he died. He raarried, Nov. 27, 1855, Carohne DiU ingham, daughter of Paul Dillingham. Mrs. Carpenter survives hira. Of their four chil dren two died in infancy, and two, Lilian, and Paul D., are living. No attempt is here raade to even outiine the work of the raost brilliant personaUty of aU the Sons of Verraont. His genius was not only the capacity of taking infinite pains, but in person, in voice, in grace and charra of Speech he had no rival. The light of the inward fire glowed for those who heard and saw hira. He was a student, as the raidnight larap bore witness ; profound lawyer, as the highest courts of the land recognized ; a statesraan, who gave the logical ground for his party to stand on in its work of recon struction, and an orator who raoved not only juries and courts, but was the idol of the peo ple, and whose winged words raade true for hira what he once said when asked to make a pohtical speech, that the only ceiling under which to do that was "God's blue sky." CAMP, ISAAC N., of Chicago, IU., son of Abel and Charlotte (Taplin) Camp, was born in Elraore, Dec. 18, 1831. Both parents were natives of Verraont. His father, a farmer, was the postmaster and a leading raan in town, and had charge of a large tract of land left to the University of Verraont by Guy Catlin, who gave hira the disposal of a scholarship in the University ; the father died Dec. 22, 1890, aged ninety years. Our subject prepared for coUege at Bak ersfield Acaderay, paying his board by teaching rausic. At the age of twenty he entered the University of Verraont, earning the raoney necessary to meet his expenses, graduating in 1856. He immediately became assistant princi pal of Barre Academy, where he remained teaching mathematics and rausic untU i860 when he becarae principal of the high school at Burlington, a position which he filled untU his removal to Chicago in 1868, forraing a partnership with H. L. Story, firra narae Story & Carap. In 1884 the Estey Organ Co. bought Mr. Story's interest and the firm became Estey & Camp, and has continued such. Mr. Story received ^250,000 for his interest; the capital of the firra today is close to ^1,000,000, and U is one of the raost substantial and reputable in Chicago. ^ In religion, Mr. Camp is a Congregation alist, a director in the Chicago Theological Seminary, a member of Union Park Congre gational Church and president of its board of trustees. In pohtics, he is a thorough-going Repub lican. He is a meraber of the Illinois and Union League clubs, a director of the Chi cago Guaranty Life Society and the Royal Safety Deposit Co. In April, 1891, he was elected a director of the \Vorld's Colurabian Exposition, and was a raember of its com mittee on agriculture and liberal arts. -1^ / ISAAC N. CAMP. Mr. Carap is a man of fine physique, pleasing address and genial in manner ; gen erous to church and charitable enterprises ; the architect of his own fortune ; he is highly esteemed in the city of his adoption. He was united in raarriage, Jan. i, 1862, to Flora M., daughter of the Hon. Carlos Carpenter, of Barre. The fruit of this union was four children, three of whora are now living : The daughter is Mrs. M. A. Farr; the oldest son, Edwin M., is in business with his father ; the youngest, WiUiam C., is fit ting for college. Mr. Camp, with his famUy, has travelled extensively in Europe and in the United States. CARTER, Edmund H., of Wahpeton, N. D., son of Rev. Ira and Ehzabeth B. (Shedd) Carter, was born in Springfield, August 9, 1848. He is a descendant of Thomas Carter, who carae over in the ship Planter in 1630 and settled at Sahsbury, Mass. His maternal great-grandfather was Col. Jonathan Martin, an ofificer in the Revolutionary army and a meraber of the first constitutional convention of New Harap shire. 30 CASWELL. CATE. Edmund's education was begun in the district schools of Springfield and cora pleted at the M. E. Conference seminaries of Springfield and Newbury. He learned mercantile business of Robbins & White of Cavendish and Tuxbury & Stone of Windsor, and for five years frora 1874 was in the dry goods business at FelchviUe. In 1880 took up a governraent homestead in the Red River VaUey, Richland county, Dakota Ter ritory, where he has since been extensively EDMUND H. CARTER. engaged in farming. He owns the Cherry HiU ranch at Mantodore, N. D., where he raises Clydesdale horses and Exraoor ponies. In 1884 forraed, with Hon. R. N. Ink, the Farm Loan Co. of Ink &: Carter; in 1890 Mr. Ink withdrew, leaving Mr. Carter sole manager of an extensive loaning business. It is his proud boast that no investor has ever lost a dollar through hira. "-I.T.;- Mr. Carter is a Repubhcan in politics ; in religion a Methodist. CASWELL, LUCIEN B., of Fort Atkin son, Wis., was born in Swanton, Nov. 27, 1827. At three years of age he reraoved to Fort Atkinson, Wis., vvith his raother, gradu ated from Beloit College, studied law with the late Matt. Carpenter, was admitted in 185 1, and began the practice of his profes sion. Was district attorney, i855-'56 ; mem ber of the Legislature in 1863, i873-'74 ; was commissioner of the Second District Enrol ment Board ofthe state, i863-'65 ; delegate to national Republican convention, 1880 ¦ elected to the Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses. CATE, George W., was born in Montpelier, Sept. 17, 1825; received a com mon school education, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1845 at MontpeUer; removed the sarae year to Wisconsin and located at Plover ; was elected a member of the state Legislature in i852-'53 ; was elected judge of the circuit court in AprU, 1854, and held that position continuously until March 4, 1875, when he resigned upon being elected a representative from Wisconsin in the Forty-fourth Congress as an Independ ent Reformer CHAMBERLIN, EdSON J., of Ottawa, Ont., son of Joseph M. and Roeann (Abbott) Charaberhn, was born in Lancaster, N. H., August 25, 1852. His early education was accomphshed at the high school of Bethel and supplemented by a course of study at the Montpeher Metho dist Seminary. Deceraber 6, 1871, Mr. Charaberhn entered the eraployraent of the Central Verraont R. R. and held success ively the positions of time keeper in the car shops at St. Albans, clerk in the paymaster's departraent and in the ofifice of superintend ent of transportation. In 1875, he became corresponding secretary of the general super intendent, and in 1877 the private secretary to the general raanager. April, 1884, to Sep teraber, 1886, he acted as general manager of the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain R. R. and the Central Y'ermont hne of steamers running between Chicago and Ogdensburg. September i, 1886, he assumed the position of general manager of the Canada & Atiantic R. R. Mr. Chamberlin has never entered politi cal life nor has he held town or county ofifices. He is a prominent meraber of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Engelsby Lodge of Burlington, a past high priest of Charaplain Chapter, No. i, and a Sir Knight of Lafayette Coramandery and of the su preme council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He was united in raarriage to Sarah G., daughter of Jaraes and Clarissa Place, of Highgate, Sept 18, 1876. CHANDLER, ALBERT BROWN, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was born in West Randolph, August 20, 1840, and is the youngest son of Williara Brown Chandler, a raan whose life, covering alraost ninety years, was marked by an eminently Christian spirit that em bodied in its law both of these great princi ples that were declared as embodying all the law and the prophets ; and whose CHANDLER. CHANDLER. wife, Electa Owen, was a woraan of rare merit, possessing uncomraon intellectual endowments as well as high character ; she lived to seventy years old, and both, through out their long lives, were sincerely respected and loved. Albert Chandler's first ancestor in America was William Chandler, who settled in Roxbury, Mass., in 1637. From the three sons of this raan came the New England branches of the famUy, araong the merabers of which were several raen who distinguished theraselves in civil or. railitary life in colonial tiraes. The Hon. Zachariah Chandler of Michigan, United States Senator frora that state and Secretary of the Interior under President Grant, was a descendant of WUliam, the eldest of the three ; the Hon. William E. Chandler, senator frora New Hampshire, who was Secretary of the Navy under President Hayes, and Commander Benjamin F. Chandler, an ofificer in the navy, are descendants of Thoraas another of the three. Albert B. Chandler is a de scendant of the third brother, John, and he nurabers also araong his ancestors, in a direct line, Mary Winthrop, daughter of John Winthrop, the first Governor of Massa chusetts, and sister of John Winthrop, founder of New London and the first Gover nor of Connecticut. Of studious tastes, Mr. Albert B. Chandler raade effective use of the opportunities af forded him for securing an academic educa tion, and in the intervals between school proved his native industry by working as a compositor in a printing ofifice in his native town and in Montpeher. There was a tele graph ofifice located in a bookstore at West Randolph in connection with the printing ofifice in which he worked, and this enabled him to acquire the art of telegraphy. For a time he was telegraph messenger and oper ator. In October, 1858, through the influ ence of his brother, WilUara Wallace Chan dler, he was appointed manager of the AVestern Union telegraph office at Bellaire, O. In February, 1859, he was promoted toaposi- tion in the ofifice of the superintendent of that Railway Co., at Pittsburg, and on May i of the same year he was appointed agent of that com pany at Manchester, opposite Pittsburg. He occupied this position with much credit untU the end of May, 1863, and there became famiUar with the various branches of railway service. On the istof June, 1863, he entered the U. S. railitary telegraph service as cipher operator in the AA'ar Departraent at Washing ton, D. C. In October of the sarae year he was raade disbursing clerk for Gen. Thoraas T. Eckert, superintendent of the Departraent of the Potomac, in addition to his duties as cipher operator. Here he became personally acquainted with many officers of the govern ment, and particularly with President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton. Early in August, 1866, before the general consolidation ofthe several telegraph inter ests into one corapany had becorae fully organized, he reraoved to New York City and became chief clerk of the general super intendent of the Eastern division, and was also placed in charge of the trans-Atlantic cable traffic, which had then just com menced. In addition to these duties Mr. Chandler was appointed, on the first of June, 1869, superintendent of the sixth district of the Eastern division. He continued in this service until January, 1875, when, soon after the election of General Eckert as pres ident and general manager of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph' Co., Mr. Chand ler was made assistant general manager of that corapany. In June of the same year he was appointed secretary, and the foUowing year he vvas raade a meraber of the board of trustees, and subsequently treasurer and vice president. In Deceraber, 1879, after the resignation of General Eckert, Mr. Chandler was elected president, continuing in that position until the coraplete absorp tion of the Atlantic and Pacific company by the Western Union in 1882. The property was corabined with that of the Western Union, as to its operation, in the spring of 1 88 1, and his duties in connection there with, after that tirae, were only such as were made legally necessary by its separate cor porate existence. In the suraraer of 1881 he acted as treasurer of the Western Union corapany during the absence of that ofificer. In October, 1881, he accepted the presi dency of the FuUer Electrical Co., which was one of the first to undertake the developraent of the arc systera of electric lighting. He reraained actively in that position untU May, 1884. During the sum mer and faU of that year, having had more than twenty-five years incessant service, he spent three months in Verraont, but per formed during this period of relaxation, a \ariety of services for the Electrical com^ pany, and also for the Coraraercial Cable Co., whose system was then in course of construction. Early in Deceraber, 1884, he was em ployed as counsel by the Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., at the instance of Mr. John W. Mackay, and acted in that capacity untU June i, 1885, when he was appointed receiver of the property of tbat corapany by the Supreme Court of New York, and had charge of the operation of its lines and the management of its business while the fore closure suits, which resulted in the sale of the property in January, 1886, were pend ing. Upon its reorganization he was elected president of the corapany. In connection CHANDLER. CHANDLER. 33 with his care of the property of the Postal Telegraph Co., the general management of the newly organized United Lines Telegraph Co., was assigned to him, that company having purchased the lines formerly known as the Bankers and Merchants. This property sub sequently became a part of the Postal. In the meantime he had been made a director, a meraber of the executive committee and a vice-president of the Comraercial Cable Co., and of the Pacific Postal Telegraph Co., and a director, and subsequently president of the Coraraercial Telegram Co. Mainly through his efforts the control of the plant of the latter company was sold to the New York Stock Exchange for the purpose of enabling that institution to make simulta neous distribution of its quotations to its members, and Mr. Chandler became vice president and general manager of the New York Quotation Co., which assumed con trol of the business in the interest of the stock exchange. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Brooklyn Dis trict Telegraph Co., of which he was presi dent during the first three years of its existence. Immediately after the Western Union Co. acquired possession in October, 1887, of the telegraph system which had been built up by the Baltimore & Ohio Railway Co., Mr. Chandler was invited by reason of his weU-known views on the subject of tele graphic competition, and the necessity for it, to confer with certain of the principal owners and ofificers of the Western Union Co., the conference resulting in an arrange ment for the discontinuance of rate cutting, rebating and other destructive methods of competition which had previously prevailed whenever any telegraph interest attained considerable extent. This condition has ever since continued, with great benefit to the telegraph companies, and to the public. Under it, non-paying rates were of course discontinued; but a stiU larger number of rates were reduced, the aira being to equal ize the charges and place the pubhc on a uniforra basis as to telegraph rates, discrira- inating neither for nor against any one, and making excellence of service, in speed and accuracy, the means of influencing patron age. This has produced a telegraph service which is far superior to any that has ever before been performed, and to Mr. Chandler, more than to any other one person, the credit of estabhshing such conditions, both in connection with land hnes and trans- Atlantic service, unquestionably belongs — negotiations respecting the latter having been intrusted to hira, after the raerit of the principles involved had become well assured by experience on the land hnes. An authority on the history of the telegraph in this country fittingly alludes to Mr. Chandler as "a raan of much prudence and conservative judgment, having an engaging courtesy and refinement." To Albert B. Chandler the Araerican public is very largely indebted for the comparative inexpensiveness of telegraphic communica tion in these days, when the raost sanguine ideas that Sarauel F. B. Morse could have indulged in have been more than realized. From boyhood Mr. Chandler has been con nected with the telegraph business, and for many years he has been prorainently identi fied with enterprises and raovements that have been fruitful in bringing this iraraense interest into its present profitable and useful condition. During the last five years that Professor Morse lived, Mr. Chandler was well acquainted with him, and he has had the personal friendship of almost every one of the prorainent promoters, inventors, own ers, managers, etc., of telegraphic interests and of electrical enterprises generally, which have revolutionized the modern world. He is at the present time president and general manager of the Postal Telegraph Cable Co., vice-president of the Comraercial Cable Co., and president of several local companies in different cities that are allied to those inter ests. The raagnificent new Postal Telegraph building erected during the past two years, on the corner of Broadway and Murray streets, opposite the New York City Hall, is the raost recent of Mr. Chandler's important enterprises. He selected the site, conducted the negotiations which secured it, was chair man of the coraraittee which had charge of its construction and which now controls it. The buUding is of liraestone, gray brick and terra cotta, fourteen stories in height over baseraent and cellar, and is recognized as one of the handsomest, as well as most cora- raodious, well-appointed and weU-lighted office buUdings in the world. The steam and electrical machinery are of most recent design, of the highest order of raerit, and are so extensive and coraplete as to coraraand the adrairation of experts and scientists as well as less skUlful critics. The value of land and buUding is about two and a half millions of dollars. In addition to these important trusts, Mr. Chandler has been caUed upon to give rauch tirae and careful attention to the raanage raent of a large estate in Brooklyn of which he is the executor. Mr. Chandler raarried Miss Marilla Eunice Stedman, of West Randolph, Oct. 11, 1864, and three children have been Ijorn of the mar riage. The first, a daughter naraed Florence, died in early childhood ; the others are two sons, Albert Eckert and WiUis Derwin. Mr. Chandler owns a handsorae residence on Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, and has a com- 34 CHANDLER. CHANDLER. modius country horae in his native tovvn where his family passes the suraraer. He is a man of extremely pleasant manner, very approachable, and araid his raany cares and responsibihties finds tirae to cultivate the graces of social life. His doraestic attach ments are strong and he is a lover of music and hterature, cultivating his tastes quite freely in both these directions. He wields a ready pen in literary and historical work, and among his diversions has been the prepara tion of a genealogical record of his family that would do credit to a professional searcher. One of his pecuUar faculties is a remarkable raemory for names, faces and dates, and this, with his ease in conversation, his wide range of information and his companionable ways, makes hira a very interesting man to raeet and to know. CHANDLER, WILLIAM WALLACE, of Chicago, was born at West Randolph, Jan. 7, 1 82 1. He was the eldest of a faraily of eight boys, there having been two girls older and three younger than hiraself. Twelve of these thirteen chUdren lived to becorae parents, one girl having died in infancy. His parents, WiUiara Brown and Electa Owen Chandler, were raarried at Hanover, N. H., in 1816, and reraoved iraraediately to West Randolph, where they resided to gether for fifty years, lacking four raonths, when his raother passed to a higher life, — his father surviving until he was eighty-nine and one-half years old when he died at the residence of his son Frank in Brooklyn, N.Y. His paternal ancestor, WUliara Chandler, carae frora England to Roxbury, Mass., in 1637, only seventeen years after the landing of the Pilgriras. WiUiara Brown Chandler, whose birth dates back to primitive times, learned the manufacture of farraing and carpenters' tools and other branches of handiwork in iron and steel, frora a horseshoe to articles and irapleraents requiring far more skUl. He also owned a farm (less than thirty acres), where this large faraily were reared, — the sraaU farra contributing largely to their support. As was the case in most Vermont farailies in those days, industry and econoray were necessary, and as soon as the Chandler chUdren were able to work their services were utUized, and they were never idle, although never overtaxed. When there was no work, their mother, who was a natural and competent teacher, managed to keep them studying, which was a great ben efit, as the school terras were liraited to three raonths in suramer and winter. The subject of this sketch was a robust, hearty boy, and his services on the httie farm and araong the neighbors were too val uable, after he was nine years old, to allow him to attend school except the three winter months. From early childhood, he manifested an inchnation to write in aU sorts of places where letters could be formed, with a stick on the sand, or in the smooth snow, and a new shingle was a deUght to hira. At the age of fifteen, with very little instruction, and without the aid of copies of any raerit, he had succeeded in formulating a system of penmanship which attracted rauch atten tion in his native town and throughout the county. Soon after passing his fifteenth birthday, he was induced to teach an evening class of thirty-eight persons in the viUage near his horae. Not only boys and girls were his pupils, but their parents also. He possessed the rare faculty of being able to impart to others whatever he knew himself. His suc cess in this, his first school, was regarded as alraost marvelous. This was before the days of steel and gold pens, and he provided each pupil with three quill pens, uniform as to quality, which they used alternately for each lesson. The next day the pens were "mended" for the following lesson. To make a good quill pen, and hundreds of thera alike, was "high art" — not one man in a hundred could do it, but he could, and afterwards taught thousands to foUow very closely his raethod. In the autumn of 1843, at Montpeher, he taught nearly every mem ber of the Legislature to make a quiU pen, no one paying hira less than one dollar, and sorae voluntarily paid him five dollars, and one senator frora Vergennes handed him a ten dollar note, remarking as he did so, "I never paid any money for anything more cheerfully." The spring after his first school, he at tended a term at Randolph Acaderay, or as it was called, " The Orange County Gram mar School." Soon after he commenced his studies here, the preceptor asked him to caU at his room that evening, which he did. He said : " I have learned of your wonderful success as a teacher of penmanship last win ter at the West village. Here are between one and two hundred students at this acad emy, very few of whom are able to write even tolerable. They have no systera what ever, yet many of them are teachers. Now I am aware that if you should have classes in writing, you would be able to do very little with your own studies, but I am anxious to have these students instructed and wiU pay whatever we can agree upon for each pupil, relying upon rayself to coUect from thera sufificient to reimburse me. You pro cure suitable stationery, keep an account of what you pay therefor, which shall be re funded. Make three classes — I will arrange /^5^?^^^^^^^^^^ 36 CHANDLER. CHASE. for the time of each, — one in the forenoon, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, using the acaderay hall. If you find you have not tirae to set the copies in each book, lirait your work to blackboard illustrations." Suffice it to say, most of those students were his pupUs, and he was well paid for his services, albeit he was obliged to give up his studies. When that school term closed an extensive farraer, who also ran a brickyard, said : " I want you for three raonths to work as I raay direct, and will pay you 1 15,00 per month.'' When the time was up the farmer said, " Here are ^45, that fulfils the contract, but I ara paying some of the others I20 per raonth, and your services have been more valuable than theirs, and no grumbling, therefore I gladly make you a present of ^15." Farraers of that class are now nearly extinct. That autumn he attended another academy for three months, where he also had a class in penmanship, — not so large, however, but that he was able to devote more than half his time towards perfecting his education. The following winter he taught a district school in a village, and had a large evening class in writing. Thus he continued to work and to study as best he raight be able until he was nineteen years of age, when he entered Norwich Military Acaderay, an ex ceUent school, especially for the study of raatheraatics, of whichhe was especially fond. This school he attended nearly five terras, in the aggregate, teaching raore or less between tiraes, and this was by far the best opportu nity he ever had for instruction. Frora that tirae until he was twenty-four years of age, he taught penmanship in most of the large towns of Vermont and some in the state of New York, in acaderaies, seminaries, col leges, and rooms which he rented outside of schools. In June, 1845, he was persuaded to take a position as advance agent for a concert troupe, affording him an exceUent opportu nity to learn men and things, especially to study geography practically. In Septeraber following, he returned to his teaching for nine raonths at Bakersfield Acaderay, at St. Albans, and other towns in Northern Verraont. Having had experience as an advertising agent, the Cheney faraily (the famous Ver mont singing raasters), who had organized as a concert troupe, sought his services in a similar capacity, making him a very terapt ing offer, which he accepted, and reraained with them nearly eight raonths, when they disbanded at Albion, N. Y. Not long there after he engaged with another concert troupe, where he continued until February, 1853, during which experience he visited twenty states of the Union, traversing some of them several tiraes over, travehng a great part of the time with a pair of horses and buggy— a good way to see the country thoroughly. March 5, 1853, he entered the employ at Cleveland, Ohio, of the Cleveland, Pittsburg & Wheeling R. R., as fourth clerk in a freight ofifice. In about three raonths he was proraoted to first clerk, and before the end of three years he was advanced to the position of general freight agent of the road, where he remained nearly nine years, when he was sent to Chicago upon the organiza tion of the "Star Union Line," the pioneer of the through freight lines of this country. From that tirae untU the present date. May 10, 1893, he has been the general agent of that corapany at Chicago. For more than forty years he has been so constantly em ployed by the Penna. Co. in different capac ities as to have received his pay for each and every day. AprU I, 1893, his health being somewhat impaired, he was retired on full pay, retain ing his rank and title, whether or not he ever performs any further service. Mr. Chandler enjoys the distinction of having invented and put in operation the first refrigerator cars ever built in this or any other country. He neglected to procure a patent, not realizing at the time the raagnitude of the business which such cars would attain in a little more than a quarter of a century. Many thousands of such cars are in daily use aU over this broad land. Mr. Chandler has been married three tiraes, his first wife bearing him two sons, both of whora died in infancy. The two sons of his second wife are raarried and liv ing in New York City : WilUara W. Jr., born Thanksgiving Day, 1856, and Fred Brown Chandler, born Thanksgiving Day, 1859, at Cleveland, Ohio. He married his third wife, Miss Lavinia B. Pendleton, August 18, 1 881, in Boston, her native city, where for several years she had ranked among the first of that city's fa raous teachers. She is a lady of thorough education and refineraent, and besides being her husband's constant companion is his araanuensis. CHASE, LUCIEN B., was born in Ver mont, and was representative in Congress frora Tennessee, frora 1845 to 1847, and for a second term, ending 1849. He was the author of a work entitled "History of Presi dent Polk's Adrainistration." CHEEVER, DUSTIN GROW, of Clinton, Wis., son of Josiah Rider and Candace Grow (Bronson) Cheever, grandson of Nathaniel Cheever, and great-grandson of WiUiam CHEEVER. CHEEVER. 37 Cheever, who were pioneers of Hardwick, was born in Hardwick, Jan. 30, 1830. He received his education in the public schools of his native town, and at Derby Acaderay, where he was a schoolraate of Hon. Redfield Proctor. Mr. Cheever was reared on a farm, but spent the winters either in attending school or teaching. In the spring of 185 1 he emigrated to Wisconsin, and settled in Chnton, where he stiU resides. He at once engaged in agricultural pursuits with marked success, and has made that his chief occupation. Mr. Cheever has ever been an ardent Re pubUcan, and many times has been honored by holding positions of trust and responsi bihty. During the years 1856 and 1858 he was town superintendent of schools ; in 1857 hewas elected town clerk; 1865 and 1875 he was chairman of the town board of sup ervisors, and from 1865 to 1873 inclusive was justice of the peace. During the war of the rebeUion, frora 1861 to 1865, he was enroll ing ofificer for the town, was chairraan and treasurer of the recruiting coramittee to keep filled the town quota of volunteers. He was deputy postraaster from 1871 to 1877 and managed the Clinton postoffice mainly dur ing those years. In 1872 he was elected a raeraber of the Wisconsin Legislature, and re-elected in 1873 ; in 1873 was appointed by Gov. C. C. Washburn a member of the committee to visit the charitable institutions of the state and make reports to the Legislature, was chairraan of the coraraittee, a meraber of the coraraittee on claims, and was frequently speaker pro tem of the Assembly. From 1876 to 1883 was trustee of the Wisconsin Deaf and Dumb Institute, located at Dela- van, Wis., and during the entire time was a meraber of the executive committee ; was also a raember of the budding coraraittee, having in charge the construction of its pres ent fine buildings, erected since the old ones were destroyed by fire, Sept. 16, 1879. Early, in life he became connected with the Baptist denomination and has ever had an active interest in its welfare. He was a meraber of the building coraraittee to erect their present fine church edifice in the vil lage of Clinton and contributed liberally of his rirae and means to its corapletion ; has been superintendent of Sunday school and for raany years teacher of a Bible class. He is a raember of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A. F. &A. M., and was the first man made a Mason in Chnton. For many years he served the order either as senior deacon, junior or senior warden and has been dele gate to the Grand Lodge ; is a meraber of Beloit Chapter No. 9, Royal Arch Masons. He is also a meraber of Hope Temple of Honor and Teraperance, No. 33, and takes a deep interest in aU teraperance reforra work. In years past when business cares were less pressing he was an active raember of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Cheever was married Jan 4, 1853, to Christiana, daughter of Dustin and Sarah ( Lamson) Grow. Of this union are two sons : Ralph Wright Cheever, editor and proprietor of the Clinton Herald, a Republican weekly ; he is also viUage postmaster, appointed by President Harrison. The other son, Arthur Josiah, is a farmer. Mrs. Cheever died Jan. I, 1873. October 17, 1878, he raarried Mrs. Dell Louisa (Shuraway) Bailey, who has a daughter by her first husband, Phebe L. BaUey, also a resident of Clinton. CHEEVER, Silas Grow, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Capt. Josiah Rider and Candace Grow (Bronson) Cheever, was born in Hardwick, June 23, 1838. His pa ternal and raaternal ancestors were frora England. His great-grandfather, WiUiara Cheever, who was born in Chatham, Mass., in 1745, was one of the early settlers of Verraont. The subject of this sketch received his education at the schools of his native state and frora private lessons frora professional instructors in the West after leaving horae. During the years of his rainority he worked on his father's farra until 1856, when he went to Wisconsin, where his eldest brother, Hon. D. G. Cheever, resides. He was there engaged in farming, teaching school and bagging grain for Chicago, Milwaukee and Racine markets. In the spring of 1859 he raoved to Iowa and engaged in farming and buUding. From there he crossed the plains to Nevada, where he was interested in rain ing, and as contractor and builder, until De ceraber, 1867, when he went to California, arriving in San Francisco in January, 1868, where he stiU resides. He then purchased a half interest in the Evangel, the organ of the Baptist denomination, and was for several years associated with Rev. Stephen Hilton as assistant editor and business man ager ; and it was during his connection with that journal that it saw its most prosperous days. Subsequently he disposed of his in terest in that paper and engaged in general advertising, including in his list of papers the Daily and Weekly Call, also Bulle tin and several of the leading weekhes of the Pacific coast. He has always voted the Republican ticket, and soraetiraes raade political speeches at club meetings, but always de clined to run for ofifice. He was captain of Co. Q, of the Nevada state mihtia, and was afterwards appointed assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of major and served on Gen. John B. Winter's 38 CHIPMAN. CRISTY. staff in 1867. When on the plains, he, at the head of a company of deterrained men, ar rested and disarmed a band of rebels and half-breed Indians who were disturbing and robbing emigrants, and turned thera over to the coraraander at Fort Independence on the Sweetwater river. He has been an Odd Fellow for raore than twenty years and is a past grand of Unity Lodge of San Francisco and was its representative fo the Grand Lodge in 1877, and its perraanent secretary and organist since 1882. He has been a raeraber of the Handel and Haydn Society and held the ofifice of financial secretary and trustee. Having a fine and well cultivated tenor voice he was in deraand for church choirs and he has been tenor soloist and director of several and also superintendent and rausical director of their Sunday schools. He is a raeraber of the First Baptist Church of San Francisco, and also the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont and held the ofifice of secre tary in 189 1 and 1892, and vice-president. He is editor and proprietor of the Maple Leaf, which he publishes in the interest of the Verraont Association. He was raarried in 1858 to Miss Anna WeUs, of Wisconsin, and they had one son : Edwin Freeraont Cheever, who died in 1863, and his wife died in 1885. In AprU, 1887, Mr. Cheever was raarried to Miss Phoebe H. Carr, and of this union is one son : Earl Howard Cheever, born Feb. 15, 1890. Mr. Cheever has two brothers, D. G. and E. W. B. Cheever, and one sister, Mrs. Adaline L. Mason. CHIPMAN, John S., was born in Ver raont, and was a representative in Congress from Michigan from 1845 to 1847. CHITTENDEN, L. E., of NewYork City, was the son of Giles, who was the fifth in descent frora Thomas Chittenden, the first Governor of Vermont. He was born at WiUiston, May 24, 1824. Educated at the WiUiston and Hines burgh academies, he studied law with Nor man L. Whittemore, of Swanton, and was adraitted to the bar in Frankhn county, with John G. Saxe and Croydon Beckwith in Septeraber, 1844. Commencing practice in Burlington in the spring of 1845, his part ners in succession were Wyelys Lyman, Ed ward J. Phelps and Daniel Roberts. In 1 86 1 Mr. Chittenden was appointed by Governor Fairbanks a meraber of the Peace Confer ence, which raet at Washington on the invi tation of the Governor of Virginia, on the third of February in that year. As he kept the records of the conference he afterwards published them in 1864. At the request of Salmon P. Chase he accepted the position of Register of the Treasury, which position he held untU 1864. In 1867 he coramenced the practice of his profession in New York City, where he still resides. Mr. Chitten den has collected, and stiU owns, probably the largest collection of books printed in and relating to Vermont. He has pubUshed the following books and pamphlets : "Ad dress on the Centennial Celebration at Ticonderoga," "Address on the Dedication of the Monument to Ethan Allen at Bur lington," "RecoUections of Abraham Lin coln and his Administration," "Reminis cences from 1840 to 1890," and several other pamphlets and raagazine articles. He has been a RepubUcan since the for mation of the party, and was an organizer of the Free Soil party in 1848. He is also a life member of the N. E. Society, of the Repub lican and Grolier clubs, and the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. CRISTY, Austin Phelps, of Worces ter, Mass., son of John B. and Louisa L. (Cooke) Cristy, was born in Morristown, May 8, 1850. Beginning in the district schools of his native town, his education was continued in the high school at Reading, Mass., and the academy at Monson, Mass., graduating from Dartraouth coUege in the class of '73. In 1874 he was adraitted to Hampden county bar, having studied law with Judge Chester I. Reed, of Boston, and with Leon ard and WeUs, of Springfield, Mass. He practiced his profession in Marblehead and Worcester, Mass. In 1884, Mr. Cristy started the Worces ter Sunday Telegrara, and in 1886, the Wor cester Daily Telegrara. He is the editor and chief owner of both ; they have a larger circulation and advertising patronage than any other newspapers in New England, outside of Boston and Providence. In politics Mr. Cristy is a RepubUcan. He was raarried in 1876 at Ware, Mass., to Mary E., daughter of Henry and Mary Bassett. Their children are : Horace W., Austin P., Jr., Mary L., Rodger H., and Edna V. CLARK, Chester Ward, of Boston, Mass., son of Araasa F. and Belinda (Ward) Clark, was born in Glover, August 9, 185 1. Educated at Orleans Liberal Institute and PhiUips Exeter Acaderay, he began the study of law in May, 1874, with B. C. Moulton, of Boston. Adraitted to the bar March 12, 1878, he iraraediately began practice in Bos ton, and has since assiduously applied him self to his chosen profession, in that city. He has attained a great degree of success, having established a lucrative practice. CLARK. 39 His residence is at Wilmington Mass., -where he is prominent in local affairs, having served as chairman of various organizations. He has originated and forwarded numerous pubhc improvements. The high standard of WUraington' s public schools is greatly owing to what he has done for them. CHESTER WARD CLARK. Mr. Clark is a member of the following organizations in Boston : The Congregational Club ; the Middlesex Club ; the PhiUips Exe ter Alurani Association and the Verraont As sociation. CLARK, EZRA, Jr., was born in Ver mont, and, having removed to Connecticut, was elected a representative to the Thirty- fourth Congress, and re-elected to the Thirty- fifth Congress, serving as a member of the ¦committee on elections. CLARK, FRANK G., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, son of Theo. F. and Mary A. (Taylor) •Clark, was born in Roxbury, April 17, 1838. Fitted for college at South Woodstock and Barre acaderaies, he graduated at Middle bury CoUege, class of 1864 ; began the study of law in the office of General Hopkins, county clerk of Rutland ; completed his legal course with Washburne and Marsh of Wood stock, where, Deceraber, 1866, he was ad raitted to the bar. In June, 1867, he opened a law ofifice at BeUe Plaine, Benton county, Iowa, continu ing in practice untU November, 1876, whenbe reraoved to Cedar Rapids, where he is now engaged in a lucrative practice. In early life Mr. Clark taught schools in Bridgewater, Porafret, ProctorsvUle, WUl- iarastown, and as principal of an acaderay at Chester. At BeUe Plaine, Iowa, he or ganized and taught the first graded school, and was chairraan of the school board for several years. He has also represented his county in the state Legislature. Lawyer Clark has an enviable war record. He enlisted as a private August, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant Co. G, six teenth Verraont Volunteers, W. G. Veazey, colonel. April i, 1863, he was promoted first heutenant Co. I. He took part in the Gettysburg campaign, and actively partici pated in the raovement that resulted in the repulse of Pickett's faraous charge on the afternoon of July 3. Mustered out soon after and returned to college, graduating the foUowing summer ; called to take charge of Chester Academy, fall of '64, he contiuned there tUl Jan. 4, '65, when he again enlisted, serving on the Northern frontier until the close of the war, being mustered out in June, 1865. He was united in wedlock at Rochester, Sept. 5, 1865, to Harriet N., daughter of David and Sarah Newton, who died Sept. 28, 1892, leaving six children, one of whora, Charles Newton, had died. The living chil dren are : Charles F., Paul N., David F., Robert L., and Maud. Previous to her raarriage Harriet N. Newton was widely known as a very successful teacher, having taught in Rochester, Granville, Randolph Williarastown, Barre, Berlin, and the acade raies at Barre and Chester. CLARK, Jefferson, of NewYork City, son of Amasa F. and Behnda (Ward) Clark, was born in Glover, Oct. 3, 1846. He fitted for college at Orleans Liberal Institute, and Newbury Serainary, graduated frora Araherst in 1867, took his legal course at Colurabia College Law School. He was principal of high school at Needham, Mass. two years, was admitted to the bar in New York in 1872. In 1875 he forraed a law partnership with Sanford H. Steele (brother of the late Judge Steele), under the firm name of Steele & Clark. In 1884 his pres ent partnership with Edwin W. Sanborn (son of the late Professor Sanborn of Dart mouth CoUege) was forraed under the narae of Clark & Sanborn, with offices in Mutual Life building. Lawyer Clark is especially effective as an advocate before a jury, and has been engaged in raany important cases, both in state and in United States courts. Mr. Clark was a charter raeraber of the Repubhcan Club of New York, in which city he says "It takes a genuine Y'ermonter 40 CLARK. CLARKE. to be a Republican." He has never held or sought ofifice. He is a member of the following organiza tions : Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York State Bar Association, New York Law Institute, University Club, Union League Club, of which he has been a member of the coramittee on political re form ; American Geographical Society, life raember of New England Society, Alpha Delta Phi Club, Phi Beta Kappa Alurani in New York, National Sculpture Society, Mun icipal Art Society. JEFFERSON CLARK. Noveraber 17, 1885, Mr. Clark married Cynthia Hawley, daughter of the late Hiram C. Bennett of New Y'ork. CLARK, William bullock, of Balti more, Md., was born in Brattleboro, Dec. 15, i860. He is the son of Barna A. and Helen C. (Bullock) Clark. His paternal and ma ternal ancestry came, the forraer to Plyraouth, the latter to Salera, Mass., during the first decade of the colony's settleraent. The rec ords show them to have been prominent in the affairs of those towns. A few generations later his paternal ancestors were among the pioneer settlers of Westminster, his maternal, of Guilford. He graduated from Brattleboro high school, class of 1879 ; Amherst CoUege, class of 1884, degree of A. B. ; Royal University, Munich, Germany, in 1887, degree of Ph.D.; after wards studied in Berlin and London, being absent altogether nearly four years in Eu rope. Mr. Clark was especially fortunate in receiving instruction at Munich from the world renowned Professor von Zittel. In 1887 hewas caUed to the Johns Hopkins University to organize a course of instruction in stratigraphical geology and palaeontology. He has continued a professor in that university, making Baltiraore his residence, and holding the chair of organic geology. In 1888 he was appointed a raeraber ofthe U. S. geological survey and requested to pre pare one of a series of reports on the exist ing knowledge of Araerican geology. The volume was pubhshed in 1891. In. 1889, under the auspices of the U. S. geological survey, he made investigations in the Caro linas, Georgia, and the Rocky Mountains and since 1890 has conducted work for the state and national surveys, in Maryland and New Jersey, publishing a work on American fossils. In 1891 Professor Clark became interested in establishing a state weather service for Maryland, which was forraed under the aus pices of the Johns Hopkins University, Mary land Agricultural College, and U. S. weather bureau ; the organization was recognized by the Legislature of the state in 1892, and he was, by the Governor, appointed the di rector. Professor Clark was instrumental in form ing, in 1888, the Brattleboro Society of Nat ural History, one of the objects of which was to form a natural history museum to be placed in the Brooks Library building; of this society he is secretary. Professor Clark is a raeraber of many scientific societies in this country and in Europe. He was united in raarriage at Boston, Oct. 12, 1892, to Ellen Clarke, daughter of Edward A. Strong. CLARKE, ALBERT, of Boston, Mass., son of Jedediah and Mary (Woodbury) Clarke, was born in GranviUe, Oct 13, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of Rochester and at West Randolph and Barre acaderaies. He studied law at Montpelier and began practice there in part nership with Hon. W. G. Ferrin. After practicing there and in Rochester about six years (with the exception of a year in the army) he removed to St. Albans and en gaged in editorial work upon the Daily and Weekly Messenger. He bought that paper and also the Transcript in 1870, consoli dated thera and pubhshed until 1880, when he sold out to S. B. Pettengill. After spend ing a winter in Washington in charge of some of the congressional work of Hon. Bradley Barlow, he reraoved in 1881 to Bos ton, where he engaged in journalisra, attend- CLARKE. CLEMENT. 41 ing somewhat at the sarae tirae to raUroad interests. He was president of the Verraont & Canada Railroad Co. and assisted in con soUdating it with the Central Verraont. Pre vious to this, while at St. Albans, he con ducted a raeraorable controversy on " rail road politics." He was on the staff of the Boston Daily Advertiser when that paper bolted Blaine's nomination in 1884, but, not bolting himself, he resigned and becarae assistant to the president of the B. & L. R. R., but he re signed this position to accept a call to Rut land as editor and manager of the Herald, ALBERT CLARKE. where he remained about three years. He returned to Boston and was elected secretary and executive ofificer of Horae Market Club and has been annually re-elected since. In 1874 he was state senator frora Frank lin county. In 1892 was delegate from Massachusetts to Republican national con vention in Minneapolis, and an active sup porter of Harrison. Enhsted as a private in Co. I, 13th Vt. Vols., at Montpelier, August, 1862, promoted to first sergeant of that company, and later to first lieutenant Co. G, which he commanded at the batde •of Gettysburg. He was mustered out wUh the regiraent a raonth later ; was colonel on the stafif of Gov. Paul DilUnghara. In 1887, '88 and '89 he was secretary and executive ¦ofificer of the Verraont Commission to build raonuraents at Gettysburg. Colonel Clarke has given the Home Market BuUetin reputation, influence and circulation second to no other economic journal in the world. He has delivered raany public ad dresses and spoken in campaigns in several states ; has held public discussions upon the tariff with Edward Atkinson, Josiah Quincy, W. L. Garrison and others of note, and has written upon it for leading magazines. He was coraraander of Post Baldy Smith, G. A. R., at St. Albans ; junior vice-com mander, Departraent of Verraont ; belongs to Massachusetts Coraraandery, Loyal Legion of U. S. In i8go was president of Verraont Veteran Association of Boston, and has been four tiraes elected president of the WeUesley Club. He raarried, Jan. 21, 1864, Josephine, daughter of Hon. E. D. and Eliza (Hodg kins) Briggs, of Rochester. They had three children: Albert Briggs (deceased), Josie Caroline (deceased), and Mary Elizabeth. His twin brother, Alraon, was assistant sur geon loth Vt. Vols., and surgeon ist Vt. Cavalry. He lives in Sheboygan, Wis. CLEMENT, Austin, of Chicago, lib, son of Ebenezer and AdoUne (Lamb) Cle ment, was born at Bridgewater, Sept. 19, 1842. He received his education in the district schools of his native town and Hydeville, with one year at Black River Academy, Lud low. From fifteen until nineteen he was clerk in a country store at Hydeville, when, in 1 86 1, he becarae clerk in a flour raiU in lUinois. Through the iUness of the owner the entire responsibihty of the business, for several raonths, feU upon this boy of nine teen and so well did he discharge the varied duties of his position (buying, raanufactur ing and seUing) that he was offered a better situation by several business raen. He ac cepted a clerkship in the leading dry goods store of the town, taking "fourth place" and within a year was proraoted to "first place," having the raanageraent of the business dur ing his partner's absence ; who, upon his re turn, raade hira junior partner. So weU did he apply hiraself to business that within two years he was the sole owner. He was for a while cashier of a bank, which position he resigned to go to Chicago, where, with an elder brother and others, he founded the clothing firra of Cleraent, Ottraan & Co., which has continued, with a change or two in narae (Cleraent, Bane & Co. for the past fifteen years) for a quarter of a century and is today one of the leading firras in the United States. In 1885 the business was in corporated and Mr. Clement was elected president. In 1867 Mr. Clement raarried, at Adrian, Mich., Sarah Montgoraery. They have two sons : Allan, and Arthur. Allan graduated at the Chicago Manual Training School, 42 COLTON. CRAGIN. learning the trade of a cutter in his father's factory, and now occupies a responsible po sition, being a director and assistant mana ger. Arthur has nearly completed* the Native Sons of Verraont. When he took the- ofifice, in 1887, the association was in a crip pled condition and its dissolution expected, but upon his retirement it was, and stUl is, a raost flourishing and prosperous organization. Mr. Colton is a Mason, a raember of the A. O. U. W., I. O. R. M., and A. O. F. of America. AUSTIN CLEMENT. chemical engineering course at the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology. Father and sons are raembers of the Sons of Ver mont of Chicago, and often visit the Green Mountain state to enjoy its beautiful scenery. COLTON, ALRIC OSWY, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Franklin D. and S. (Has kins) Colton, was born at West Bolton, Jan. 23, 1852. His father, who studied law with Hon. George F. Edraunds at Burhngton, was for several years a prorainent lawyer of Chit tenden county, and at one tirae a member of the Assembly. He went to California in 1859, and was for several years one of the raost prominent attorneys of Sonoma county. The subject of our sketch was taken to Petaluma, Cab, at the age of eleven, and there educated in the public schools and at the Baptist College of California. In 1874 he went to San Francisco, where he was ad mitted to the bar the following year, and has since been engaged in an extensive law practice, with ofifice in the Mills building. In politics he has always been an ardent and active Republican. He has held sev eral important ofificial positions, and during 1 89 1 -'9 2 served as prosecuting attorney for the city and county of San Francisco. Mr. Colton was for four consecutive years president of the Pacific Coast Association 1 1 & ^ 1 4 i K ALRIC OSWY COLTON. He was raarried at San Francisco, June 11, 1879, to Frances, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Henry. CRAGIN, Aaron H., was bom in Weston, Feb. 3, 182 1; adverse circum stances prevented hira frora obtaining a col legiate education ; but having studied law, came to the bar in Albany, N. Y., in 1847, and the same year reraoved to Lebanon, N. H. He was a raember of the New Hampshire Legislature frora 1852 to 1855;. was elected a representative from that state to the Thirty-fifth Congress, and re-elected to the Thirty-sixth Congress. In 1859 he was again elected a member of the state Legislature. In 1864 he was elected a sena tor in Congress, frora New Hampshire, foir the term of six years frora 1865. CROSBY, HENRY B., of Paterson, N. J.,. son ofthe late Watson Crosby of West Brat tleboro, was born in Brattleboro, AprU 13, 1 81 5. His father was frora Cape Cod, moved into the country a young raan, mar ried the daughter of Deacon Joseph Bangs CROSBY. CULVER. 43 of Hawley, Mass., and lived on so called "Tater Lane" West Brattleboro, where they raised a family of ten chUdren of which Henry was the sixth. He was early thrown upon his own re sources. At the age of twelve he evinced a taste for mechanics and followed that busi ness until he becarae a raaster of raechanics and in the year of 1837 went to Paterson and took charge of Mr. Colt's factory for the manufacture of Colt's patent firearms, and was the first to exhibit them before Con gress. After the failure of Mr. Colt Mr. Crosby entered into the grocery business in Paterson with a small capital which proved HENRY B. CROSBY. to be the beginning of his success, and which was enlarged from time to time, untU k became the largest wholesale and retaU store in that line in the county of Passaic, and he was called the " King Grocer of New Jersey." In 1876 he took his son in busi ness with him, and they continued together untU 1886, when he retired and left the business to his son. He was a staunch Republican and cast his first vote for WUliam H. Harrison ; he never aspired to political promotion, and could not be called a politician. He devoted much time and money to the growth of the city of Paterson, and he has the credU of doing raost of any raan by way of every iraproveraent, giving his influence also to good government, good morals and the general welfare of the city. He is one of the first stockholders and directors of the First National Bank of Paterson, also is vice-president of the Savings Bank. He is the president of the Cedar Lawn Cemetery, also a member of the Paterson Board of Trade. He was the in stigator of the public parks, and succeeded in the city purchasing two large tracts of land, each side of the city for public parks, and is now called the "Father of Parks." His business relations with firms in New York brought him into prominence there. He is a raember of the New York Produce Exchange. Since his retirement from business he has spent rauch tirae in travels in this and for eign countries, and has visited nearly all of the iraportant cities of the Old World. Mr. Crosby was raarried, Feb. 22, 1840, to PauUne S. Hathorn, by whora he had five children, of whom Josephine, Annie and John Henry are stUl living. Mrs. Crosby died in July, 1872. He married a second tirae, in Deceraber, 1875, Harriet Rogers of Stockbridge, Mass., and by her had two children : Henry Barry,-and Florence. He now enjoys the pleasure of talking over the past with sorae choice friends, and is proud to say that he has been in business over forty years and never had a note pro tested or dishonored, and never paid less than one hundred cents on a dollar. He lives in one of the finest establish ments in the city and gives himself to the enjoyraent of all he can find in .life, spend ing his winters in the South. CULVER, Marshall Lyman, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Isaac H. and Mary E. (Hatch) Culver, was born in Montpelier, Dec. 4, 1844. He was educated in the public schools of Lake ViUage, N. H., where his parents raoved when he was a mere lad. He worked, at intervals, in the daguerreotype business until he was eighteen years of age, when he enlisted in the army. After his discharge he engaged in raanufacturing hosiery until 1868, when he moved to Oregon, and under the auspices of Governor (afterwards U. S. Sen ator) Grover buUt a hosiery mill, which he superintended for the next five years. In 1868 he raoved to San Francisco and con nected hiraself with the Mission Woolen MiUs as raanager of the hosiery department, remaining there until 1882, whenbe accepted a position in the San Francisco postoffice, where he remained about two years. When Postoffice Station D (which is the raost ira portant station in the city) was built Mr. Culver, on account of efficient service, was appointed assistant superintendent of that station, which position he now holds. In 44 CURTIS. CUTTS. 1889 the Inter Nos Building and Loan Asso ciation was incorporated with Mr. Culver as its secretary. Much of the success it has acquired is due to his management. He enlisted in the Sth N. H. Vols, in 1862, and was wounded in the battle of Georgia's Landing, La. A portion of the tirae he was under the coramand of Gen. B. F. Butler. He is a 3 2d degree Mason, and a raeraber of the G. A. R. the baking business with his two sons, Wil bur E. and John E., at 817 Sixth avenue and 806 Third avenue; two years after, two other sons, Arthur and Nathan, were taken into the firm which then had two more stores, one at Fifty-eighth street and Ninth avenue, the other at Eightieth street and Amsterdam avenue. In 1893 another estabUshment was added at 903 Eighth avenue, where Mr. Cushman now resides. They are doing a prosperous business. He was married to Emily Scott at WU raington, and by her had three children, one of whom, WeUs S., is Uving. His second wife was Clarina A., daughter of Lewis and -;-J!r-./." MARSHALL LYMAN CULVER. May 10, 1865, he was united in wedlock to Henrietta C. Jackins, of Gardiner, Me. Of this union are : Charles Marshall, and Nancy BeU, both of whom live in Alameda, Cal. CURTIS, EDWARD, was born in Ver mont, graduated at Union CoUege, New Y'ork, and practiced law in New York City. He took a prorainent part in the councils of that city, and was a representative in Con gress, frora New York, from 1837 to 1841. He was appointed CoUector of New York by President Harrison and removed by President Polk. CUSHMAN, Sylvester, of New York City, was born in 'Wilmington, April 14, 1824, the son of Levi and Polly Cushman. He was educated in the public schools of Wilming ton. He began business in his native town as a tanner. In January, i866, he removed to Genesee, IU., where he engaged in farming and stock raising. In February, 1887, he moved to New York City and engaged in J i SYLVESTER CUSHMAN. Sally (Sage) Bills. Of this union there were eleven children, ten of whora are now Uving. They are : Wilbur E., Katie A., C. Idell, John E., L. Arthur, Nathan A., Cilista, Larimer A., and the twins, Merton L. and MiUie L. CUTTS, MarSENA E., of Oskaloosa, la., was born at Orwell, May 22, 1833 ; received an academic education ; reraoved to Iowa in June, 1855, and has since resided there. Was prosecuting attorney of Poweshiek county ; was a raeraber of the state House of Representatives at the extra session in May, 1861 ; was a state senator frora Janu ary, 1864, untU he resigned in August, 1866 ; was a raeraber of the state House of Repre sentatives 1 8 70-' 7 1 ; was attorney-general of the state of Iowa frora February, 1872, untU January, 1877, and was elected to the Forty- seventh Congress as a Republican. DAVIS. DAVIS. 45 DAVIS, George Warden, of Kansas City, Mo., son of S. J. and Rosanna (Bray ton) Davis, was born in Alburgh, Dec. 7, 1851. After attending the pubhc schools of his native town, and schools in other parts of the state, his education was corapleted at the Fort Edward (N. Y.) Classical Institute. Coraraencing the study of raedicine in 1873 with Dr. M. J. Hyde of Isle La Mott, the next year he entered the raedical depart ment of the University of Vermont, attend ing a two-years' course of lectures, besides private lectures and dissections given by various raembers of the college faculty. The faU of 1875 found him a matriculant at the University Medical CoUege, New Y^ork City, graduating in 1876. The didactic work of college instruction was iraraediately supple raented by chnical experience in the out door poor departraent of Bellevue Hospital, and in the New York Dispensary. Nearly a year was then passed in preparing for a corapetitive examination for a position on the house staff of the New York Hospital, and on the first day of April, 1878, being successful, a year and a half was passed in that institution. Thus was passed nearly six years in actual medical experience and study. Iraraediately on leaving the hospital, the position of assistant to the chair of chnical surgery at the University Medical College, New York City, was tendered hira by Dr. Jaraes L. Littie, then professor of clinical surgery in that college. Flattering offers were also made to take charge of St. Vincent's Hospital, New York City, and of the Mary Fletcher Hospital, Burhngton, "\'t. But tiring of the big city, and having no further desire for hospital life, none of these positions were accepted, and never having seen the great West, his footsteps were turned in that direction. After a winter of pleasure travel, and be coming impressed with the unhraited possi bility of that section of country, he concluded to locate in Kansas City, Mo., which he did in the spring of 1880. Being interested in medical education, soon he associated him self with others in organizing the medical departraent. University of Kansas City, Mo., now the University Medical CoUege, and was also one of the founders of All Saints Hospi tal. His connection with these institutions has continued ever since and he is now pro fessor genito-urinary, venereal and skin dis eases in the college and treasurer for the board of trustees. Much time has been given to clinical work and experimental research, especially in the coUege dispensary and city hospital, so much so that little atterapt has been raade to con tribute to medical literature. Interest in other things aside frora raedi cine has engrossed his attention. He has found time to devote a littie leisure to horti culture and has kept up a hking for fancy poultry. At the present tirae he is president of the Mid-continental Poultry Association, an organization that not only includes breed ers in the state of Missouri, but of the four adjacent states. Dr. Davis was raarried Sept. 17, 1886, to Ahce M., daughter of John K. Kiebler. They have two children : a son and a daughter. DAVIS, Park, of Sioux Falls, S. D., son of EUjah and Miriam (Park) Davis, was born in Athens, Sept. 24, 1837. He spent his boyhood days on the farm and attending the district school. He fitted for college at Leland Seminary, Townshend, entering Middlebury in 1858, graduating in due course in 1862. He studied law with Butler and Wheeler at Jamaica, and was ad raitted to the bar of ^Vindham county at the September term in 1864. He comraenced the practice of his profession Feb. 3, 1865, at St. Albans, with Dana R. Bailey under the firra narae of Bailey & Davis. In the faU of 1879, with Hiram F. Stevens (who was then his law partner) he went to St. Paul, Minn., where, under the firra narae of Davis & Stevens, he continued to practice his pro fession until Sept. i, 1881, vvhen he reraoved to Albany, N. Y., where he engaged in the wholesale provision business with his broth er-in-law, A. E. Gray (firm name Gray & Davis) where he remained five years. Pre ferring to pursue his profession, he went to Sioux Falls, S. D., and resumed the practice of law with his first partner, Dana R. Bailey, where he is engaged in a large and success ful practice. He cast his first vote at a presidential election for Stephen A. Douglas. Has since, without exception, voted the Republi can ticket. He represented St. Albans in the Verraont Legislature in 1874. In college Mr. Davis was a member of the Chi Psi fraternity. He was raade a Mason in Blazing Star Lodge, No. 23, Townshend, Feb. 17, 1859; took chapter degrees in Fort Duraraer Royal Arch Chapter, No. 12, Brattleboro, March 5, 1863 ; council degrees in Columbus Council, No. 3, St. Albans, 1865 ; coramandery degrees in LaFayette Coramandery, No. 3, in 1868. He changed his affiUation from the Chapter and Cora raandery at St Albans, to those bodies in Sioux Falls, still retaining his lodge mera- bership in Vermont. He held many official positions in the Masonic fraternity, the raost iraportant of which was that of grand raaster of the Masons of Verraont for the years 1872, '73 46 DAVIS. and '74, and grand high priest of the Royal Arch Masons of South Dakota in the years i890-'9i. He was raarried at Townshend, Oct. 27, 1863, to Deha S., daughter of Alanson and Sabrina (Pool) Gray. Their children are : Henry Park, and May Louise. DAVIS Thomas T.,was born in Mid dlebury, August 22, 1810 ; graduated at HaraUton College, New Y'ork, in 1831 ; stud ied law at Syracuse, and was adraitted to the bar in 1833 ; in 1862 he was elected a representative frora New York to the Thirty- eighth Congress, and re-elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress. DELANO, Columbus, was born in Shoreham in 1809 ; removed to Mount Ver non, Ohio, in 181 7; was admitted to the bar in 1831. In 1844 he was elected a representative from Ohio to the Twenty- ninth Congress. In 1847 he was a candidate for Governor, but lacked two votes of a nomination. In i860 he was a delegate to the Chicago convention. In 1861 was ap pointed comraissary general of Ohio, and fiUed the office untU the General Govern raent assuraed the subsistence of all troops. In 1862 he was candidate for United States senator, but again lacked two votes of noraination. In 1863 he was elected to the House of Representatives of Ohio, and was a prominent raember of that body. In 1864 he was a raeraber of the Baltiraore conven tion, and chairraan of the Ohio delegation, zealously supporting President Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. He was re-elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress. DERBY, Philander, of Gardner, Mass., son of Levi and Sally (Stratton) Derby, was born June 18, 1816, in Soraerset. His career is one which should encourage all. It is a lesson of industry, sobriety and perseverance. Remaining on the horae farra untU his majority, several years were spent in Massachusetts and at Jamaica, dur ing which tirae he learned the business of chair raaking, when opportunity offered to engage in the business for himself which he quickly embraced. The trying period frora 1857 to 1861 found him a young manufact urer in the town of Gardner, Mass., with the burden of heavy responsibilities resting upon hira. Nerving himself to raeet the crisis in a raanly way, he succeeded in going through the ordeal without serious harm, raeeting his obhgations, raaintaining his credit and his honor unirapeached and firm ly established before the world. Frora that tirae to the present he has gone on in a career of exceptional prosperity, due chiefly to hiraself rather than to fortunate circura stances, his untiring energy and persever ance. Mr. Derby though closely confined to the building up and developraent of his business interests has not been disposed t'O ignore his relations to the public nor the welfare of the coraraunity. He has been ready and happy to do his full share in supporting the institu tions of society, to contribute to benevolent and charitable objects, and to help in enter prises which he deeraed conducive to the good order and enduring welfare of the coraraunity. PHILANDER DERBY. Declining invitations to public office, he has however consented to act as director of the national bank and is trustee of the sav ings bank in his own town. A man of prin ciple, he shares the confidence and regard of his feUow-cidzens ; a friend of temper ance, he coraraends the cause by precept and example. A Republican in politics, he is true to his convictions. An orthodox Congregationab ist in religion, he is tolerant of aU faiths and seeks to honor his Christian profession by a Christian life. Mr. Derby was married, Feb. 27, 1839, at Petersham, to Viola Dunn, daughter of John and Abigail Dunn. Of this union were three chUdren : Mary Augusta, John Baxter (deceased, July 11, 1842), Ella Viola, and Arthur Philander. DEXTER, DANIEL Gilbert, of San Francisco, Cab, son of David and 'Chloe DEXTER. 47 (Hazeltine) Dexter, was born in Dover, March 29, 1833. He was educated in the common schools of his native town, the Dover high school, and Brattleboro Academy. When nearly fitted to enter coUege business pursuits at tracted his attention. He was always a student, and every leisure hour from business was eraployed araong books, and leading periodicals of the day. At an early age he becarae a contributor to various leading newspapers and magazines, which has era ployed many happy hours through life. 'While in his teens he was a clerk in a store in his native town, and before reaching his majority was a partner in the firra under the name of Perry & Dexter. A few years later he removed to Wilmington, and was con DANIEL GILBERT DEXTER. nected with the mercantile house of E. & O. J. Gorham, and afterwards becarae sole owner of the establishment. For a rime he con ducted a raercantUe house in Jaraaica, but returning to Wilmington he continued busi ness under the firra name of Walker & Dex ter. In 1866 he closed a most successful business career in his native state and re moved to Boston, Mass., where he engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe business. He was the financial manager of MeUendy, Dex ter & Co. He retired from raercantile pur suits in 187 1 with large property interests, .having accumulated a fair fortune. The great Boston fire fell heavily upon him. The panic of 1873 followed, and seriously im paired his fortune, leaving hira almost penniless. In leisure hours he has devoted much time to literary pursuits, his raind and pen being always busy. He appears in Miss Heramenway's " Poets and Poetry of Ver mont " and has been a contributor to the leading magazines and periodicals ofthe day. In 1878 through the urgent solicitations of leading literary and business friends he founded the Cambridge Tribune, Carabridge, Mass., a successful journal frora its initial number. The list of contributors was un surpassed. This enterprise stamped the editor and publisher with ability of the first order. In 1885 Mr. Dexter sold the Tribune on account of faUing health and a few months after went to California. The genial cliraate of the Golden State restored hira to health and two years later (1887) he re moved his famUy to Los Angeles with the intention of raaking California his horae. He has been connected with raany lead ing enterprises in the state and won the esteem of those with whora he has been associated. He has written rauch for the press since his residence in California. In 1 89 1 he reraoved frora Los Angeles to San Francisco, taking charge of the business of the Massachusetts Benefit (Life) Associa tion, Boston, Mass., as general agent for the state. He is connected with the leading societies and clubs, secret and otherwise ; is a raera ber of the First Congregational Church, San Francisco, and a member of tbe board of deacons ; a mason and a K. of P. In pohtics he is a Repubhcan, having cast his vote for John C. Freraont, in 1856. He has never been an aspirant for pubhc office although an active participant in political affairs. He was a raember of the aldermanic board in Carabridge, Mass., for two years, dating from 1869. He was a poUce com missioner of Los Angeles for several years, which office he held until his reraoval to San Francisco. At the tirae of the civil war Mr. Dexter was engaged in active raercantile business. He was a generous contributor in many ways to help put down the great rebellion. He largely aided in raising two companies of Vermonters for the array. Mr. Dexter was married Feb. 6, 1856, to Ellen, daughter of Asa and Sophia (Lyon) Siraonds, of Peru, Vt. From this raarriage two children have been born : Florence BeU (wife of Prof. Charles H. WisweU, of Boston, Mass.), and David Hazeltine. •4-' He is a raan of untiring energy — a genial and warra-hearted friend and corapanion. Has a warm hand of welcome to every worthy person and his charity is unbounded. His home is always open to friends of yOre and DEXTER. DICKSON. New Englanders enjoy his hospitality with out stint. DEXTER, Solomon King, of LoweU, Mass., son of Parker and Betsey (King) Dexter, was born in Topshara, May 23, 1839, on the old homestead which, with the then adjoining farras, now forras the suramer residence of his family. His education was obtained in the district schools of West Topshara. For the past quarter century business raen of Lowell, Mass., have numbered Mr. Dexter among their shrewdest and raost upright produce merchants, where, at 360 Middlesex street, SOLOMON KING DEXTER. Mr. Dexter was married at MontpeUer Feb. 24, 1863, to Mary Sophia McCrillis, of Waits River. There are four children in the faraily : NeUie May (now the wife of Fred L. Batchelder), born at Waits River and three others born at Lowell, viz., Jennie \'., now deceased, Daisy B., and Royal K. Mr. Dexter has a fine residence at 343 Wilder street, Lowell, where a welcome hand is always extended to his friends. DICKSON, James Milligan, of Provi dence, R. I., was born at Ryegate, Feb. 6, 1 83 1 . His parents were from Scotland. His father, Robert Dickson, son of an early settier, was a successful farmer and a public-spirited citizen, for years town trustee, and also for many years an elder in the Reformed Pres byterian Church of Ryegate. His mother, who carae frora a suburb of the city of Glas gow, was a woraan of great refinement and unusually versed in the Scriptures. Jaraes was the sixth of a family of ten children, who have all, we believe, proved worthy of their parentage. His rudimentary education was in the public school, but at fourteen he was sent to Peacham Academy. Here he was prepared for Dartmouth Cob he early developed a large and successful Dusiness of wide extent. A spendid monu ment to Mr. Dexter's success is the large •ind elegant buUding erected by him, for the ise of his business, in 1885. It is a four- story brick building, trimmed with granite stone and terra cotta, measuring forty by one hundred feet, and equipped with every facility for handling his great comraission business. Political honors have corae unsought to Mr. Dexter, as a raeraber of the LoweU city councU for two terms, and tvvo years repre sentative in the Massachusetts Legislature, which office he filled whh honor to himself, reflecting the worthy confidence reposed by his feUow-citizens. He is also a director of the Traders' National Bank and of the Brad bury & Stone Electric Storage Battery Co., both of Lowell. JAMES MILLIGAN DICKSON lege, but instead of at once entering he went West, where he spent some time in study and travel, and taught one term in a private school at Cincinnati. Returning to Dart mouth he entered an advanced class on ex araination, and was graduated in 1853. DICKSON. After his graduation at Dartraouth he was offered a Greek professorship in a Western college, but choosing another course he went to New York City, where after teaching one year he entered Union Theological Seminary, from which he was graduated in 1857. He was ordained to the gospel rainistry that sarae year, and has since been constantly engaged in active service, resigning one position only when he felt he was caUed to another. He has been pastor of churches in Brooklyn, N. Y., Newark, N. J., Montgoraery, N. Y., and New York City, and is now pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Provi dence, R. I. Shortly after going to New York, in 1883, he was honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. From an editorial sketch of Dr. Dickson in the Treasury (New York) of May, 1889, we quote the following : " To his church here — the Thirty-fourth Street Reformed Church, New York City — he was caUed on the ground of his abiUty as a preacher and his previous success in the ministry, and for nearly six years he held the church in its down-town west side location, and left it stronger than he found it, notwithstanding the up-town tendency of population and the lack of any local constituency for a reformed church. To his credit be it said that his most devoted friends are among the people to whom he has ministered. When he came to New York our attention was called to him as a remarkable preacher, and as we have once and again listened to him we have ap proved the judgraent expressed." The fol lowing is taken from a paper read before the council which instaUed him at Providence in 1889, which was afterward printed : "I entered the ministry because I could not do otherwise. I was consecrated to the work before I was born by a pious raother who kept her hand on my early life in view of re sults. I planned lots of other courses, and yet, years after she had gone to her reward, which occurred while I was yet in college, I marched as straight into the service as though there had been no possible alter native, and I have been happy in it." Dr. Dickson has written considerably for the press. Some sermons have appeared in pamphlet forra, and in 1880 he prepared the GoodwiU Meraorial, a history of the original Presbyterian church, at Montgom ery, N. Y., which was substantially the early history of the town. Dr. Dickson has been twice raarried, first to Miss Agnes Annot Morrison, daughter of John and Mary Nelson of Ryegate, to whora one son was born, Nelson James ; and second to Miss Helen Alzina, daughter of William and Alzina (Holley) West of Dorset,^ to whora three children were born : WilUara DILLINGHAM. 49 West (deceased), MargareUa May. Clarence Haines and DILLINGHAM, FRANK, of San Fran cisco, Cab, youngest son of Paul DiUingham, late Governor of Verraont, and Julia (Car penter) DiUingham, was born in Waterbury, Dec. 9, 1849. He was educated in the Waterbury gram mar school, Montpeher high school and Milwaukee College. Young DUUnghara after ward lived in the family of and studied law with his brother-in-law, Hon. Matthew Hale Carpenter, U. S. Senator from Wisconsin. At the age of twenty-five years, the subject of this sketch was elected justice of the peace in the First and Seventh districts of MU waukee, on the Repubhcan ticket, receiving a majority of two hundred and thirty-eight FRANK DILLINGHAM. votes over his Democratic opponent, in dis tricts which usually gave the Democrats a raajority of about fifteen hundred, and was also elected chairraan of the Repubhcan county coraraittee, which office he held for sorae tirae. He was afterward appointed deputy coUector of internal revenue for the first district of Wisconsin, which office he held until appointed U. S. Counsel to Italy by President Grant. In 1882 he left Wis consin for Cahfornia, and has made San Francisco his home a greater part of the tirae since. He organized the Consuraers' Ice Co. of San Francisco, and was elected sec- 50 DODGE. DODGE. retary and general manager of the same, in which he is stiU interested. His associates in this enterprise were ex-United States Senator A. P. 'Williams, E. J. Baldwin, one of the bonanza kings and owner of the cele brated Baldwin Hotel, Hon. R. G. Sneath, ex-president of the Anglo California Bank, and others. Mr. Dillingham is now vice-president of the Horae Benefit Life Association of San Francisco. He has been four tiraes unani- raously elected president of the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont, the largest social organization on the Pacific coast, and still holds that office. He is a friend of his native state and encourages sociabUity araong Verraonters. Governor FuUer appointed Mr. DUlinghara one of the honorary coraraissioners frora Verraont to the Mid-Winter International Exposition at San P'rancisco, in 1894, where through Mr. DUhngham's energy and push, Vermont Day was celebrated in a manner raost befitting to that state and which re flected great credit upon its proraoter, Mr. Dillingham, to whose efforts may be ascribed the success of the affair. Vermonters from all sections of the country to the nuraber of over three thousand were present on the occasion. He belongs to the Episcopal denomina tion, and in church work holds the foUow ing offices : Junior warden of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin ; director in t'ne Church Club of San Francisco ; delegate to the Episcopal convention of California in 1892 and again in 1893, and was a raeraber of the general raissionary council, composed of the clergy and laity of the Episcopal church of America which met in Chicago in Octo ber, 1893. Mr. I3illingham was married June 3, 1883, to Miss Minnie Louise, only daughter of Hon. Richard G. and Anne Kathryn (Myers) Sneath of San Francisco. Two children, Matthew Carpenter, and Julia Louise, bless their union. Mr. Dillingham had three brothers, two of whom are living : Col. Charles Dilling ham, president of the Houston & Texas Central Railway Co., and William Paul Dillingham, ex-Governor of Vermont, and Edwin Dillingham, major loth Vt. Infantry, who was kUled at the battle of the Opequan near Winchester, Va., on the 19th of Sep teraber, 1864. DODGE, Henry Lee, of San Francisco, Cab, was born in Montpeher, Jan. 31, 1825. He traces his paternal ancestry back to the earliest settleraent of New England. He was a son of Nathan Dodge and Hannah Phin ney, who were also natives of New England. Both parents nurabered araong the early settlers of Montpelier. Mr. Dodge received his early education in the schools and in the acaderay of his native tovvn. For his higher education, he entered the University of Verraont, in 1842, when seventeen years old. In 1847 he entered the law office of Piatt & Peck in Buriington, where he continued his studies until the out break of the California gold fever in 1849. Led by its spell, Mr. Dodge determined to try his fortunes in the mines. He quickly gathered around him a chosen band of twelve associates frora araong his friends, and they entered at once with zeal on their prepara tion for leaving horae. They decided to try the unusual and hazardous journey across the HENRY LEE DODGE. Repubhc of Mexico. On the first day of June, 1849, Mr- Dodge and his companions arrived in San Francisco, having been three raonths and a bah on the way. After land ing they pushed off for the mines, where they soon separated, each following his own incUnations. Mr. Dodge soon left the mines and returned to San Francisco, seeking em ployraent that would deraand soraething else than raere aniraal strength. In August, 1849, the Alcade of San Fran cisco, John W. Geary, appointed him clerk of his court, and in the following December he received the additional appointment of clerk of the Ayuntaraiento, or town councU. Mr. Dodge fiUed both of these positions until the Mexican forras of government were DODGE. DODGE. SI dissolved by the organization of California's state government and her admission to the Union. The duties of these positions were large and responsible. It was the time of San Francisco's first growth, when the sale of town lots and of beach and water lots aggre gated raore than a miUion dollars. To Mr. Dodge fell the task of making and delivering the deeds, of receiving the payments, and of turning tbe money over to the treasury. Difficult as the deraands were, he discharged thera all creditably and to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. After California was admitted to the Union, in September, 1850, the government of San Francisco was re organized on the American system. Colonel Geary was elected mayor and retained Mr. Dodge as his clerk, under the new order of administration. Mr. Dodge retained the position about a year and then abandoned it to take up his profession. About this time Mr. Dodge returned to his native state, and, in OrweU, was married on Dec. 2, 185 1, to Oraira, daughter of Hon. Roswell Bottura of the same town. In May, 1852, Mr. Dodge was admitted at San Francisco to practice in tbe Supreme Court of California, and in the Federal Courts of the United States. Throwing him self into his professional work, he soon built up a large and profitable cUentage, showing, too, that he had mettle to make a lawyer of no mean ability. But raercantile pursuits seemed to promise more lucrative results than his professional work. Mr. Dodge therefore closed his lavv office, and joining his brother, L. C. Dodge, established a wholesale provision house.- The business has grown for thirty-five years, with some shght changes in the firra, being now Dodge, Sweeney & Co., and has estabhshed a reputation for stability and honor, second to none in San Francisco. In 1 86 1 Mayor Tescheraacher appointed Mr. Dodge on the board of supervisors of San Francisco, to fiU the unexpired terra of a member, representing the sixth ward ; on the election following he was elected to a fuU term. He was subsequently elected on the Union ticket to the Lower House of the Legislature, and accordingly resigned his position in the board of supervisors in January, 1862, and took his seat among the lawmakers of the capitol. Having served his term in the Assembly, he was elected two years later to the state Senate for four years. He was appointed in June, 1877, on a Treasury commission, with F. F. Low and H. R. Linderman, director of the mint, as associates, to investigate the condition of the San Francisco Mint and the Custora House. They performed the delicate duty with rare skUl and wisdom. Indeed, Mr. Dodge's work was so weU done that, in the following Deceraber, he was appointed superintendent of the U. S. Mint at San Francisco. For four years and a half he held this posUion, and when he relinquished it delivered to his successor upwards of thirty-one raUlion dol lars, and received frora the accounting offi cers, not only a certificate of the accuracy of his accounts, but also the unusual cora pliraent : "The superintendent of the Mint at San Francisco has been and is distin guished alike for abUity, fidelity and accuracy (having returned to the Treasury about ^100,000 ofthe appropriation unexpended). This is an exaraple worthy of coraraendation and iraitation." He was invited by Presi dent Cleveland, in January, 1886, to serve on the United States Mint Assay Coraraission, which was to raeet at Philadelphia in the following February. He accepted the ap pointment and served on the comraission. In January, 1885, he was caUed to the presidency of the San Francisco Chamber of Comraerce, and on the following January he was re-elected to the sarae position. Mr. Dodge has long been connected with the Society of California Pioneers, being president of the society inT879-'8o. He is also a life raeraber of the San Francisco Art Union, and other kindred associations. Lastly, we raay state that Mr. Dodge was selected as one of the trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. University. This raag nificent endowment, involving property to the value of several raUlion dollars, is one of the raost splendid gifts ever bestowed on a people, and its adrainistration wUl require not only great earnestness and ripe judg ment, but also eminent executive ability and raore than ordinary farailiarity with the varied deraands of an educational institution of such extraordinary character. Since the organization of that party, Mr. Dodge has ever been a staunch Repubhcan. With a raoderate taste for art and litera ture he has accuraulated sorae treasures in each. Of a quiet and unassuraing deraean- or, he foUows the light of his own conscience with an inflexibiUty that no influence can swerve. His spotless integrity has gained a reputation for hira in the coraraunity, of wich liny raan might weU be proud, but which few can rival. DODGE, LUTHER C, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Nathan and Hannah (Phinney) Dodge, was born in Montpeher Sept. 7, 1821. He was educated in the comraon and private schools of his native town, and fol lowed farraing until July, 1841, when he entered the employ of J. & J. H. Peck & Co. of Burhngton, as a clerk. In 1847 he was eraployed by the Troy & Canada Junc tion Telegraph Co. at Burhngton as operator. 52 DODGE. DORSEY. A year later he was elected superintendent of the company, remaining in this position tiU 1853. In September, 1855, he went to Cahfornia, where he was engaged in trade (wholesale provisions) in connection with his brother, Henry L. Dodge, tiU 1868, when he returned to Burlington, remaining there tiU April, 1877, serving three terms as mayor of that city in the meantime. He then re turned to California, engaging in business with E. W. Forsaith under the firra name of Forsaith & Dodge. In 1882 he disposed of his interests in San Francisco and engaged in the raanufacture of lumber, sash, doors, etc., in northern Idaho with his two brothers, O. A. and N. P. Dodge. In the winter of i883-'84 the miU and factory, together with a large stock of luraber, sash, doors, glass, etc., were destroyed by fire. The following November he, with his wife, returned to San Francisco, where they stiU reside. Mr. Dodge has held the office of cashier in the U. S. internal revenue office at San Francisco since March, i8go. He is a hfe meraber of the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont, and was a raember of the first lodge of Odd Fellows organized in Vermont. October 4, 1849, he raarried Lucia Porae- roy, a native of Burlington, and daughter of George and Oliva (Sanger) Moore. One son, George Moore, now a resident of San Rafad, Cal., is the result of this raarriage. DODGE, Willis Edward, of Minne apohs, Minn., son of WilUara B. and Harriet N. (Baldwin) Dodge, was born in LoweU, May II, 1857. The education of the district schools of LoweU was suppleraented by acaderaical training at St. Johnsbury Acaderay, where he graduated frora the college preparatory course, class of 1879. Entering the law of fice of his uncle, Hon. F. 'V\^ Baldwin, of Barton, he was adraitted to the bar in Iras burg, in Septeraber, 1880. He immediately went to Fargo, Dak., and was employed in the law office of Roberts & Spaulding until January i, when he entered upon the prac tice of his profession at Jamestown, law firm of AUen & Dodge, afterward Dodge & Camp, where he remained until July i, 1887. During this tirae he was attorney for the Northern Pacific R. R. Co. and secretary and attorney for Northern Dakota Elevator Co. July I, 1887, he became attorney for St Paul, M. & M. R. R. Co. for Dakota, and moved to Fargo. Septeraber i, 1892, he moved to Minneapohs, Minn., as attorney for the Great Northern R. R. Co., which po sition he now holds, doing exclusively a cor poration business. Mr. Dodge is a stalwart Republican. In 1886 he was elected to the Dakota Senate from the Jamestown district with a plurality of 1,270, out of a total of 4,800 votes, over both the Democratic and Farmers' AlUance candidates. He was also district attorney for Stulsraan county in 1882 and city attor ney for Jaraestown in 1884, '85 and '86. WILLIS EDWARD DODGE. Mr. Dodge was a raeraber of the Knights of the Red Cross in Jamestown, Dakota, and is now a raeraber of the Minneapohs Club, a, social organization of a high order. He was raarried March 27, 1882, to Hat tie M., daughter of Daniel and Mary Crist, of Vinton, Iowa. They have two children : Dora May, and WiUiara Edward. DORSEY, Stephen W., was born at Benson, Feb. 28, 1842 ; received an academ ical education ; reraoved, when a boy, to Oberlin, Ohio, was one of the first volun teers in the Union array, in which he served at Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Chat tanooga, and Mission Ridge in 1864, and was transferred to the Army of the Potomac and took part in the batties of the Wilder ness and of Cold Harbor, serving until the close of the war ; returning to Ohio he re suraed business with the Sandusky Tool' Co., was soon chosen its president, and on the sarae day he was elected without his knowledge, president of the Arkansas Central Railway Co. Reraoving to Ar kansas he was chosen chairraan of the Re pubhcan county and state coramittee, was offered a seat in Congress by the Republi- DOUGLASS. DREW. 53 cans of the first district, but dechned and was elected alraost unanimously United States senator from Arkansas, as a Republican, and took his seat March 4, 1873. DOUGLASS, Stephen A., was born at Brandon, April 23, 181 3. He lost his father while in infancy, and his mother be ing left in destitute circumstances, he en tered a cabinet shop at Middlebury for the purpose of learning the trade. After re maining there several months he returned to Brandon, where he continued for a year at the same calling, but his health obliged him to abandon it, and he became a student in the academy. His mother having raarried a second time, he followed her to Canan daigua, N. Y. Here he pursued the study ofthe law, untU his removal to Ohio in 1831. Frora Cleveland he went still further west, and finally settled in Jacksonville, 111. He was first eraployed as a clerk to an auction eer, and afterwards kept school, devoting all the time he could spare to the study of law. In 1834 he was admitted to the bar, soon obtained a lucrative practice, and was elected attorney-general of the state. In 1837 he was appointed by President Van Buren register of the land office at Spring field, IU. He afterwards practiced his pro fession, and in 1 840 was elected secretary of state, and the following year judge of the Suprerae Court. This office he resigned, after sitting upon the bench for two years, in consequence of iU-health. In 1843 he was elected to Congress, and continued a raem ber of the lower House for four years. In December, 1847, he was elected to the United States Senate for the term ending in 1853, was re-elected for the terra ending 1859, and re-elected for another term, but died in Chicago, June 3, 1861. In i860 he was the candidate of his party for President but was defeated. DREW, Charles Aaron, of ciarinda, Iowa, was born in Kinsea FaUs, Canada, Jan. 13, 1859, son of Joseph and Eraeline (Ken nedy) Drew. His education was begun at Troy, con tinued in Westfield grararaar school, and completed at Derby Academy. In the win ter of i877-'78 he taught his first school at Morgan Center ; later he taught in Westfield, Coventry and Troy. An acquaintance was formed with Rev. Jacob Evans, pastor of the M. E. church of Troy, into which church later young Drew was received and of its Sunday school was superintendent. This acquaintance was especiaUy helpful to Mr. Drew ¦ it helped to inspire him with a de sire for a broader and more useful life. When not engaged in teaching he worked for the luraber firm of C. P. Stevens & Co. In the spring of 1880 he entered Eastman's Busi ness CoUege at Poughkeepsie, N. Y'., gradu ating in June of that year. After a short experience as bookkeeper and salesman at Springfield he returned to the firra of C. P. Stevens & Co. In the winter of i88i-'82 he taught in Coventry and becarae ac quainted with Dr. C. F. Branch of Newport, superintendent of schools. He began the study of raedicine with Dr. Branch and graduated from the medical departraent of the University of Verraont in June, 1884. He immediately went as apothecary to the state hospital for the insane at Taunton, Mass. ; here he was made third assistant physician, and, excepting a six weeks' ab sence to attend the Berlitz summer school of languages, remained in continuous service untU the faU of 1887. CHARLES AARON DREW. In Septeraber of 1887 he went to New Y'ork to pursue a six raonths course of spec ial study in the post graduate raedical schools and hospitals. There he gave special atten tion to the eye and ear. In 1888 he returned to the Taunton hospital, resigning in 1890 to accept the position of assistant physician in the governraent hospital for the insane at Washington, D. C. Since 1888, besides gen eral hospital work, he has done rauch ophthal mic work for the patients, who, gratuitously, have had the benefit of his skiU. In the American Journal of Insanity for October, 1892, was published his article, "A Plea for Ophthalmic Work in Institutions for the In sane," which met the approbation of judges. 54 DUNN. DUNN. In February, 1893, he became first assistant physician of the Iowa hospital for the insane at Ciarinda, Iowa. In May, 1890, he married Carrie, daugh ter of Claudius B. and Agnes Soraers. DUNN, Charles C, of Minneapolis, Minn., was born at Ryegate, Feb. 20, 1 84 1. He is of direct Scotish descent on his father's side, his grandfather having been born across the water. His father, John Dunn, was a Vermont farmer, one of the sturdy class who clung to the old state through all the excitement and teraptafions of Western emigration, and lived and died in the same house which he built when a young man. The life of the father was in striking contrast to that of the son. Charles was the youngest of five sons (there were also two daughters) and was brought up on the farm with limited opportunities for schoolinaf. CHARLES u. DUNN. When the war broke out he was twenty years old. He wished to enter the army and enlisted promptly, but was rejected on ac count of his health. Trying another locahty Mr. Dunn enlisted again, but was again re jected by the raedical exarainer, and after a third failure gave it up and engaged with the firra Craraton & Dunn of Rudand. For four years he drove a tin cart, selling tin and japan ware frora house to house, taking barter in exchange. In 1865 he went into the wholesale and retail stationery business under the firra name of Sawyer & Dunn, his part of the enterprise being to drive a whole sale cart through northern New York and Vermont, supplying the trade. After tivo years the business had greatiy increased, and sales were raade only by saraples, after the raore modern style. A httie later the firm was consohdated with Cramton & Dunn, dealers in stoves and hardware, the concern becoming Dunn, Sawyer & Co. Mr. Dunn maintained a very prosperous business connection in the new firm until 187 1, when, his health having failed, he went W^est and invested in timber lands in Wis- consin. This was the beginning of his suc- ' cess as a manager of Western investment properties. He organized the Jackson County Bank of Black River Falls, Wis., and became one of the directors. Ex-Senator W. T. Price was president. In 1878 Mr. Dunn went to St. Paul, founded a corapany under the name of Dunn, Thorapson & Co., and buiU the first refrigerator and cold storage house in that city. Within a year it was burned out with heavy loss. Mr. Dunn returned to Rutland and engaged in farraing and the merchant tailoring business, but the attraction of the West and its broader field for his abilities led bim to dispose of his interests, and in 1885 he became a citizen of Minneapolis. Entering the real estate business, Mr. Dunn at once became an enthusiastic "bustier'' and proraoter of the interests of the city. He has always been loyal and hopeful. One of his raanifest abilities is a talent for organ ization. In 1885 and 1886 he engaged in the mining business at Neguanee, Mich., and was one of the organizers of the Buffalo Mining Co., of which concern he was a director and vice-president ; the mine was sold in 1888. Mr. Dunn then organized the Midland Lumber and Manufacturing Co. of Wisconsin, of which he is still vice-president, and in 1892 forraed the Minneapolis Disin fecting Co., and the Northwestern Fuel and Kindling Mfg. Co., of both of which com panies he is general raanager. During his business career he has organized some twenty dififerent corapanies. On account of iU-health and in the course of bis business ventures, Mr. Dunn has been an extensive traveler. Soon after the war he spent some time traveUng through the South, penetrating on horse-back as far as the ever glades of Florida, and having numerous ad ventures incident to the unsettied political conditions during the Ku Klux times. A few years later he joined a party of explor ers in the Black HiUs, and saw some exciting Indian campaigning. In 1869, Mr. Dunn was married at Bran don, to Miss Anna E. Jones. They have one daughter : Oce J. DURKEE. ELLIS. 55 Mr. Dunn was one of the organizers of the Verraont Association of Minneapolis. At the time of the census troubles with St. Paul he proposed the faraous indignation raeet ing, and was largely responsible for the successful arrangements for the occasion. DURKEE, Charles, was born in Royalton, Dec. 5, 1807. Was a merchant; removed to Wisconsin, vvas elected to the Legislature of that state in 1837 and 1838 ; a Representative in Congress in i848-'5o frora Indiana, and a United States senator for six years, coraraencing March, 1855. He was a delegate also to the peace con gress of 1861, and in 1865 was appointed, by President Johnson, Governor of Utah. EDGERTON, JOSEPH KetchuM, was born in Vergennes, Feb. 16, 1818; spent his youth in Chnton county, N. Y'., and re- ¦ceived a coraraon school education, chiefly at Plattsburg. Read law, settled in New York City in 1835 and came to 'the bar in 1839, .and removed to Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1844. In 1855 he was president of the Fort Wayne .& Chicago Railroad Co., and subsequently .financial agent of the same when consoli dated with the Pittsburg road, and in 1862 he was elected a representative from Indiana to the Thirty-eighth Congress. ELDRIDGE, CHARLES A., was born in .Bridport, Feb. 27, 182 1. When a child he removed with his parents to New York ; studied law in that state and carae to the bar in 1846. In 1848, he reraoved to Fon du Lac, Wis.; in 1854 and 1855 he was a member of the state Senate; and in 1862 hewas elected a representative from Wisconsin to the Thirty-eighth Congress ; re-elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress. ELLIS, GEORGE WILLIAMS, of New York City, son of Zenas C. and Sarah B. (Dyer) ElUs, was born in Fair Haven, Nov. 2 7, 1848. His education was acquired at the Rut land high school and Middlebury College, where he was graduated in 1868, and Col umbia CoUege (N. Y.) Law School, which he attended from 1868 to 1870, when he was admitted to the bar. The early years of his professional life were passed as a student and clerk in the office of ex-Judge Theron R. Strong, and ex- Judge John W. Edraunds, and whh Tracy, Olrastead & Tracy in New York City, era- bracing a period from 1868 to 1874. He then began practice of the law at 119 Broad way, and later at 155 with JohnS. Lawrence. This association continued until the death of Mr. Lawrence in 1880, since which time Mr. Ellis has maintained the business, which is •one of the oldest in the city, numbering •among its chents representatives of aU classes of business. WhUe pohtics have never actively inter ested Mr. Ellis, his membership in social •organizations indicate his taste and varied acquirements. Araong the societies who claim his raembership are the New York state and city bar associations, the Univer sity Club, the D. K. E. Society and Club, the Washington Heights Century Club, the New York Athletic Club, the Metropohtan Museura of Art, the Araerican Geographical Society, and the Araerican Academy of Polit ical and Social Science. ELLIS, WILLIAM H., late of Greenfield, IU., son of Barnabas and Belinda (Kidder) EUis, was born in Fair Haven, June 6, 181 8. WILLIAM H. ELLIS. Educated in the district schools and the Castleton Serainary, he went at the age of eighteen to WhitehaU, 111., raaking the trip by the usual conveyances of that time, by canal frora Whitehall to Bufifalo and by lake to Cleveland, thence by canal to Portsraouth on the Ohio river, thence stearaboat to St. Louis and frora there by stage to his desti nation, taking six weeks to raake the trip. 56 ELLSWORTH. EMERSON. For several seasons Captain Ellis taught school in the neighboring towns, and drove cattle to Chicago and horses to St. Louis and New Orleans, and later raade entry of sorae governraent land in Greene county, 111., and since 1844 has lived on his farm now comprising over one thousand acres. His sterling business qualities met with public recognition in the election for two successive terms to the office of county sur veyor in 1849, and the appointraent by the county to survey and classify lands acquired from the government by the state, and 25,- 000 acres were surveyed by him. Governor French coraraissioned hira captain of the i8th Regt. Ills. Vols. Captain Ellis did active work in obtaining a large subscription to the stock of the Rock Island, Alton & St. Louis Railroad Co., and in securing the right of way for the line, and was afterwards elected a director, and was chairraan of the committee to make arrangeraents for the transfer of the road with Judge Green, pres ident of the Rock Island, Rockford & St. Louis Railroad Co. In acquiring the right of way, and building the Litchfield, CarroU- ton & \\'estern R. R., of which he was a director, vice-president, and raeraber of the finance coraraittee. Captain ElUs was promi nently engaged. He was also trustee of the Central Hospital at Jacksonville, receiving his appointraent from Governor Beveridge. He was a member of Greenfield Lodge, No. 129, F. & A. M. Captain EUis was married Nov. 6, 1844, to Maria, daughter of David and Laura Wooley. His faraily consists of four chil dren : Julia, Arthur, Aray M., and Flora L., all of whora are raarried. Captain Ellis died May 27, 1893, at his home at Greenfield, III. Through a long Ufe he had won and held the respect and love of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. ELLSWORTH, CHARLES C, was born at Berkshire, Jan. 29, 1824 ; received a common school and academic education ; is a lawyer by profession and practice ; was appointed by Governor Barry prosecuting attorney of Livingston county, Mich., in 1850; removed to Montcalra county, Mich., in 185 1 ; was a raember of the state House of Representatives in 1852 and '54 ; was elected prosecuting attorney of Montcalm county at two successive elections ; was appointed by the President of the United States a pay master in the Union army in 1862 and served until the close of the war and was elected to the Forty-fifth Congress as a Re publican. ELLSWORTH, SAMUEL S., was born in Verraont ; was a member of the NewYork Assembly in 1840, and a representative in Congress from that state from 1845 to 1847. EMERSON, CHARLES Wesley, of Bos ton, Mass., was born on Nov. 30, 1837, in Pittsfield. His parents were Thomas and Mary F. (Hewitt) Emerson. His boyhood was passed amid the picturesque scenery of his native place, and his education was much better than boys of his day commonly received. He enjoyed the raost excellent instruction of a father whose taste, culture and strong intellectual powers developed in the youth that habit of independent thinking and original research which have so marked CHARLES WESLEY EMERSON his life, and so contributed to his success. His paternal grandfather was a man of un usual attainments in history and mighty in the Scriptures. His maternal grandfather was a Methodist minister. It is of interest to know that he came from the same stock as Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Sage of Con cord. Their comraon ancestry goes back to one Thomas Emerson, who was of a family knighted by King Henry VIII, and who emigrated frora England to settle in Ipswich, Mass., in 1638, to becorae the progenitor of a famous race. After leaving the tutelage of his sturdy father, Wesley took courses in medicine, law, oratory and theology and was ordained to the rainistry in the Orthodox Congregational church. He had a treraendous power as a preacher, and his churches were crowded EMERSON. whh eager listeners. He raade hundreds of converts, raised church societies from a con dition of decay to one of flourishing life. But the stock of vitality which he had in herited from his sturdy ancestors was ex hausted under the strain which was put upon him, he was corapeUed to resign for rest and recuperation, and he spent the tirae in travel on the continent. Upon his return, with health rauch restored, he was elected lecturer on physiology and hygiene of the voice in Boston University School of Oratory. Upon the death of Professor Monroe, Mr. Eraerson opened an independent school of oratory. This was the beginning of what proved a most remarkable career in educa tional work. Under the genius of its presi dent the school has grown, until today it is the largest of its kind in the world. It is a chartered coUege incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts. Among its lecturers are naraes weU known in the highest literary and educational circles. Its course erabraces a thorough systera of physical culture devel oped by President Emerson, the resuUs of which have been almost miraculous in re storing the heahh of many students ; a sys tera. of voice culture, largely the result of his personal study and investigations in the field of vocal physiology ; literary and scientific studies, training in expression, studies in classical art, etc., raaking the course a com plete education, physical, mental and aesthe tic. President Emerson's work has become of the greatest interest to leading educators •here and in England. He is a broad scholar, acquainted with the best of ancient and modern learning. He is an advanced thinker, bold and independent and yet withal conservative to a reraarkable degree, testing every theory by actual work before announcing it. His success is the result of a mind thoroughly imbued with the profoundest principles of philosophy, reaching frora old Plato to the raodern Sage of Concord ; acquainted with the largest at tainraents of raodern science ; saturated with the spirit of the world's best art and hterature ; illumined with a lofty faith and throbbing with a great love for mankind ; and pulsing with a tireless energy, which knows no obsta cle to success. His power is that of a great personality, from which all elements of mere individuaUsm have vanished in the light of universal truth. He is beloved by all his pupils, in every one of whora he takes the deepest personal interest. His aim is to de velop not merely readers, but men and women, who shall give to the public not simply their acquirements, but theraselves, enriched by all the culture and consecration which they achieve. EWER. 57 In his college work President Emerson is most ably assisted by his wife, forraerly Miss Susie Rogers, of Danvers, Mass. She is hardly second to himseU in zeal and energy, and stands by his side in the affections of the pupils. EWER, Warren Baxter, son of Rev. Seth and Eliza (Bourne) Ewer, was born April 22, 1814, in Windsor. His father was a Baptist rainister and a native of Barn stable, Mass. His mother was a native of Falraouth, Mass. The Ewer faraily is of Norman descent, and originated on the Ure river in the north of France, where the ruins of the "Eure Castie" are stiU to be seen. The head of the family was a par ticipant in the Norman invasion of England, and after the conquest settled there. Dur ing the CromweUian war, the faraily became divided, one portion following CroraweU, WARREN BAXTER EWER. the other the King. So bitter was this poUt ical estrangement that the former changed the spelUng of the family narae, -adopting the Scotch name "Ewer." Fourteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, two brothers, "Ewer," landed with a colony on the north shore of Cape Cod, and founded the town of Barnstable. From those two brothers all the Ewers of the United States have descended. Of six children born to the father of the subject of this sketch, four were born in Vermont. Warren, the eldest, attended the 5^ coramon schools until ten years of age, after which he was sent to the high schools, and finaUy finished his preparatory studies for coUege at South Reading, Mass. He entered Brown University at Providence, in the summer of 1835. At the close of his first year his health compeUed hira to leave his studies, and chance led him to Dedham, Mass., where he connected himself with the Dedham Patriot newpaper. The opening of the Harrison pohtical campaign in 1840 found him sole proprietor of that journal, and under the advice and patronage of Samuel G. Goodrich, better known as "Peter Parley,'' he removed his paper to Roxbury, changed its narae and entered the campaign as a supporter of Harrison. He also started a carapaign paper which he called "The Harrison Deraocrat," taking for his raotto, "Things by their right names," claiming that Harrison, rather than his opponent. Van Buren, represented the true Democratic principles. The first pohtical song of that famous carapaign was introduced at the suggestion of Mr. Ewer and Mr. Goodrich at a political raeeting in the Roxbury town hall, and raade such a decided hit that song singing in pol itical raeetings soon becarae general, and to meet the want thus created Mr. Ewer com piled and published the first poUtical song book, which was soon after republished and enlarged by the publishers of the New York Tribune. Mr. Ewer appears to have been a very good judge of character. The writer will give two instances which have an historical as weU as personal interest.: At the opening of the Harrison campaign, it was suggested that sorae good and well-known speaker should be secured to canvass the towns throughout the district. Mr. Ewer, on the contrary, thought it best to secure sorae promising young man direct from the peo ple, frora the shop, as better calculated to arouse enthusiasra, and suggested his friend, Henry ^^'ilson, a shoemaker of Natick, as a raan possessing the requisite quahties, al though he was then unknown out of his own iraraediate neighborhood. After raany ex cuses and protestations of unfitness for suCh services Mr. Wilson consented, and was in troduced through the papers and to his audiences by Mr. Ewer as "Henry Wilson, the Natick cobbler," a sobriquet which fol lowed hira through life. This engageraent was Mr. Wilson's first special effort as a pub Uc speaker and it led him finally to national fame, to the Vice-Presidency of the United States, and would probably have given hira the presidential chair had his life been spared two years longer. Another instance of Mr. Ewer's correct judgraent of character is of equal historic interest, and occurred in the life history of the late John B. Gough : Mr. Ewer, while publishing a "Washingtonian" temperance paper in Dedham, was anxious to secure the services of a good speaker, who could in terest that class of people for whose good the "Washingtonian" movement was initiated.. He had heard of a reformed man near Wor cester who was creating sorae interest in that vicinity. He took his carriage and drove to one of his meetings in a httle schoolhouse — listened to his talk, was profoundly im pressed with its raanner and raatter, and after it was over introduced himself to the speaker and finally took him horae with him.. In the quiet of that horae he subsequently persuaded Mr. Gough that he could do a great work if he would make the effort. Mr. Gough at first doubted his fitness or abUity,. but was finally persuaded, and Mr. Ewer traveled with hira for sorae tirae, raaking his. appointraents and looking after his private wants. Mr. Gough's personal efforts and the notoriety given thera through Mr. Ewer's paper, finally attracted the attentioa of Deacon Moses Grant, at that time one of Boston's most wealthy and earnest philan thropists. Through Mr. Ewer the Deacon sought an interview, which finally resulted in a year's engageraent for free temperance lectures. Deacon Grant to pay him a thous and dollars and his expenses, with an agent to travel with him. At the expiration of that engagement Mr. Gough found himself fairly launched upon that wonderful career of use fulness which eUcited frora Daniel Webster the reraark that "John B. Gough had proven himself the greatest natural orator the world has ever produced." } We next find Mr. Ewer in Boston printing a paper devoted to the interests of the Lake Superior copper mines, and edited by a brother of EUas Howe, the inventor of the sewing raachine. While thus engaged the wonderful discovery of gold in CaUforniai was announced to the world. As soon as that discovery was fully verified Mr. Ewer made arrangements for the journey, and the spring of 1849 found hira on his way across the plains in the first great corapany of gold seekers. He reached the mines in October,. mined for gold awhile, but soon dropped the pick and shovel to teach others, frora his editorial chair, how to mine for the precious metal. He first established a paper at Ne vada City, which he soon sold, and went to- Grass Valley, where he purchased the Grass VaUey Telegraph, and also started the Cali fornia Mining Journal, the first mining paper in California. To secure a larger field for his work, he subsequentiy went to San Francisco,. purchased the Mining and Scientific Press,. and brought out the first nuraber in his own narae Nov. 8, 1862. Mr. A. T. Dewey sub- FAIRCHILD. sequently becarae interested in that pubhca- ticm, and continued with him about thirty years, when the business was incorporated. In 1870, when agriculture began to assurae considerable interest in Cahfornia, Mr. Ewer added an agricultural department to the M. & S. Press, which attracted so much attention that the State Agricultural Board of that year invited him to go to Sacramento and take the editorial charge of an agricul tural paper which it was proposed to start in that city. He dechned the offer, but the raatter finally resulted in the estabhshment by Dewey and Ewer of the Pacific Rural Press in San Francisco, Jan 7, 1871. Both the Mining and Scientific Press and the Pacific Rural Press have been acknowledged from their start as the two leading papers in the United States in their respective fields of labor. Near the comraenceraent of 1893, Mr. Ewer retired frora active editorial labor, having been thus engaged fifty-six years, with only about four years of intermission. It is doubtful h there is any other person living who has been so long and so steadily engaged in active editorial work. Though now in the eightieth year of his. age, he is weU and hearty and has never experienced sickness. He has left editorial work simply to get more time to attend to his private business, and to give younger men a chance. Except during the Harrison campaign of 1840, Mr. Ewer has never taken any active FAIRCHILD. 59 interest in politics. He has no taste in that direction except as a citizen. In the early fifties he was appointed county school super intendent for Nevada county, unsolicited. He was also once, without seeking the office, nominated and elected school director for San Francisco. Hewas appointed by the Legislature of 1867 coraraissioner to repre sent California at the Paris International Exposition, but knew nothing of it until he saw the announcement in the papers. Busi ness compeUed hira to decUne. He was ap pointed by Governor, now Senator Perkins, to represent the state of California at the first Denver mining exposition. Mr. Ewer has ever been social in his tastes and belongs to several social and char itable organizations. He is a raeraber of the CaUfornia Pioneer Association, a charter member of the Bohemian Club and a mera ber of the Native Sons of Vermont. The only fraternal association vvith which he is connected is the Masonic, in which he has taken the Templar degrees. He has been three times raarried. His first wife was Miss Hosapher N. Brush, of Vineyard Haven, Mass. His second wife was Martha D. Luce of the same place. He is now living with his third wife, Martha, the widow of Donald McLennan, the projector and for raany years superintendent of the Mission and Golden Gate woolen raills of San Francisco. FAIRCHILD, David S., of Araes, lovva, son of EU and Grace D. Fairchild, was born Sept. 16, 1847, at Fairfield. He was educated at the academies of Franklin and Barre, and during the years 1866 to 1868, attended medical lectures at Ann Arbor, Mich., and graduated frora the Albany Medical CoUege in Deceraber, 1868. He read medicine in the office of Dr. J. O. Cramton, of Fairfield. Dr. Fairchild located first in High For rest, Minn., in May, 1869, but in July, 1872, removed to Ames, Iowa, where he has since been continuously engaged in his practice. In 1873 he was prorainent in the organizing of the Story County Medical Society and was its first president. In 1874 he assisted in organizing the Central District Medical Society, which includes the central counties of his state, and was twice elected its presi dent. He is also a raeraber of the Iowa State Medical Society, the Araerican Medical Association, the 'Western Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the National Association of Surgeons. In 1876 he was a delegate to the International Medi cal Congress held in Philadelphia. He assisted in organizing the Iowa Acaderay of Sciences, and was chairman of a committee appointed by the State Medical Society to prepare a history of raedicine in Iowa, which was corapleted. In 1877 he was appointed physician to the Iowa Agricultural College, and in 1879 was elected professor of physi ology, coraparative anatoray, and pathology, ofthe sarae coUege. In 1882 he was elected professor of history and pathology, in the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons of Des Moines, and was transferred in 1885 to the chair of pathology and diseases of the ner vous systera, and in 1887 to the chair of theory and practice of raedicine and pathol ogy. In 1884 he became local surgeon for the Chicago & Northwestern R. R., and tvvo years later was appointed district sur geon, and in 1892 consulting surgeon for its Iowa interests extending over 1,300 railes. For sixteen years Dr. Fairchild was en gaged in general practice, but for the past eight years his practice has been alraost ex clusively one of consultation, particularly in surgery. Has contributed raany articles to 6o FAULKNER. FIELD. the medical journals, and to the transactions of various medical societies. Outside of his profession he has had no time for politics or other raatters except in educational matters and he is at present president of the board of education of his citv. DAVID S. FAIRCHILD. He is a meraber of the Arcadia Lodge, three tiraes three (3x3) chapter, and of Excaliber Coraraandery ; also of the order of Elks. May I, 1870, he raarried Welhelmina C, daughter of Hon. W^ K. TattersaU of High Forest, Minn., and has three children : David S., Gertrude M., and Margaret T. FAULKNER, William A., of Boston, Mass., son of Shepherd D. and Miranda (Greene) Faulkner, was born in Whitinghara, Sept. 14, 1848. Educated at the district schools of his na tive town and Powers Institute, Bernardston, Mass., he prepared himself further for a business career by a course at Eastman Busi ness CoUege, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mr. Faulkner's early life was spent upon the farm ; but not finding that congenial to his taste he decided to enter upon a business career in which he has enjoyed a succession of proraotions. Beginning in April, 1872, with a clerkship in a dry goods estabhshment in Shelburne Falls, Mass.; in April, 1873, he became bookkeeper in the Shelburne Falls National Bank ; in October of the next year he ac cepted the position of teller in the First National Bank of Chicopee, Mass. Upon the organization of the Peoples National Bank of Brattieboro, in October, 1875, he vvas chosen cashier of that institution, which he successfully conducted until October, 1886, when he was offered and accepted the cash iership of the National Hide and Leather Bank of Boston ; in this larger field he was always found ready to serve his customers promptly and faithfully, thus making for him self raany warra friends. Becoraing deeply interested, and a large stockholder, in the Traders National Bank of Boston, hewas elected its president, in 1890. By his energy and careful, conservative meth ods the business of the bank was largely in creased. WILLIAM A. FAULKNER. IU-health corapeUed hira to relinquish the arduous duties of this position in January, 1893. Since which, his tirae has been spent in travel and in caring for his personal mat ters and those intrusted to hira by others. Mr. Faulkner was raarried at Brattieboro, Sept 21, 1876, to Ahce H., daughter of Par ley and Clara (Blanchard) Starr. Mrs. Faulk ner died in March, 1891. FIELD, ROSWELL Martin, late of st Louis, was born in Newfane, Feb. 22, 1807, and was the son of Gen. Martin Field and Esther S. Kellogg, his wife. He fitted for college with Rev. Luke Whitcomb of Townshend, and entered Mid- FIELD. FIELD. 6l dlebury CoUege with his brother, Charies K. Field, late of Brattleboro, graduating at the age of fifteen years in 1822. He studied law with Hon. Daniel Kellogg of Rocking hara, and was adraitted to the bar in 1825, at the age of eighteen years, and practiced in Windham county tiU 1839. He was ' elected state's attorney for said county for four years in succession, frora 1832 to 1835. He represented the town of Newfane in the Legislature of Verraont for the years 1835 and 1836. The special pleas drawn by him in the libel suit of Torrey vs. Field, reported in Tenth Vermont Reports were declared by Justice Story to be masterpieces of spe cial pleading. In 1839 Mr. Field removed to St. Louis, Mo., and continued the practice of his pro fession ; at first as partner of Miron Leslie, also frora Verraont, and a man of splendid talents and great legal attainments. Mr. Field at once took high rank with the oldest merabers of the St. Louis bar, araong whora were Henry S. Geyer, successor of Thoraas H. Benton in the U. S. Senate, Edward Bates, attorney-general in the cabinet of President Lincoln during his first terra, and Hamilton R. Gamble, provisional Governor of Missouri during the war of the rebellion. After a few years the partnership of Les Ue & Field was dissolved, and for the re mainder of his life Mr. Field practiced his profession alone. His practice was large and remunerative. He was engaged es peciaUy in numerous and iraportant land suits, growing out of conflicting Spanish and French titles, existing before the United States acquired the territory of Louisiana. Not only was Mr. Field a great lawyer, but he was a flne classical scholar and exten sively informed in, and famihar with, the best of English literature and general sci ence. In addition to Greek and Latin, he was weU versed in the Spanish, French, and German, and spoke the two latter languages with great facihty. He brought and tried in the United States Circuit Court, Missouri, the celebrated case of Dred Scott, which gave him a national reputation. In the war of the rebeUion he was a staunch and promi nent defender of the government and the Union, and co-operated with Generals Lyon and Blair and others in defeating the schemes of the secessionists to attach Missouri to the fortunes of the confederacy, and was largely instrumental in preventing the state from committing the folly and crirae of secession. A coramission as judge of the state Supreme Court was sent to hira by the Governor of the state in 1865, but he declined the position, which he would have adorned and dignified, preferring the quiet of private Ufe. He was a splendid specimen of physical manhood, being over six feet in height, well proportioned and of dignified and imposing presence. In his social relations he was genial and entertaining, unsurpassed in con versational powers, delighting in witty and epigrammatic sentences, was elegant in his manners, affable and refined in his deport ment, and to his other accoraphshraents he added that of the skiUful rausician. In 1848 he raarried Miss Frances Reed, a beautiful, cultured and lovely young lady from Verraont, richly endowed with all the doraestic virtues and graces of womanhood. Their married life was relatively short, as Mrs. Field died in 1856, and he himself died in 1869 at the comparatively early age of sixty-two years. At the tirae of his death, and for raany years before, he was regarded as standing at the head of the bar in the state. He left two sons, both of whora have exhibited in later years erainent abUity, though in dififer ent lines from their father, they having selec ted the field of journalism and authorship. The eldest, Eugene Field, of the Chicago News and Record, has earned and deserves a high reputation, as a wit and huraorist, being the author of a prose work entitled "Profitable Tales," and of poeras entitled a "Little Book of Western Verse," "A Second Book of Verse," and "Tin Trurapet and Drura," and with his brother, Roswell M. Field, a translation of certain Odes of Hor ace entitled "Echoes frora the Sabine Farra." The younger son is Roswell M. Field, for a nuraber of years employed on the Kansas City Times and Evening Star, of Kansas City, Mo., and latterly on the New York World. As a journalist he has won a favor able narae and has published a volurae of sketches entitled "In the Sun Flower Land" which show marked ability and give prom ise of still better literary work in the future. This brief notice of the life and charac ter of Roswell M. Field, deceased, cannot be better closed than by quoting the re marks of Judge Wagner, chief justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Missouri, in response to the resolutions of the St. Louis bar, presented to said court. Judge Wag ner in behalf of the court responded as follows : " The members of this court have heard with the deepest regret of the death of R. M. Field, and the warm and deserved tribute which has just been paid to his raemory receives an assenting response frora the hearts of aU who knew hira. In the decease of our laraented friend and brother, the bar of Missouri has lost one of its brightest orna raents. To a naturally keen, vigorous and an alytical mind he added a thorough mastery of legal principles, combined with high scholar ly attainraents. Perhaps no raan atthe bar of this state ever brought to the consideration 62 FIELD. FINNEY. of any question a greater amount of exact legal learning, or clothed it with a raore ira- pressive and attractive logic. When he gave the great energies and powers of his mind to a cause, he exhausted all the learning to be had on the subject. He studied law as a science, and delighted to examine its har monious structure and explore its philosophic principles. So deeply was he imbued with its true spirit, and so great was his reverence for its excellence, that he maintained them with the most jealous regard, and would sooner have failed in success than have won a case by trenching upon a sound legal rule. He made no parade of learning, and in his social intercourse he had a chUdlike sim plicity. With his professional brethren he was fuU of courtesy and kindness, and his whole conduct was raarked by entire integ rity and perfect truth. He adorned every circle in which he moved, and so beautiful was his life, in all its relations, that he won and enjoyed the esteem and regard of all who. knew him. It is fit and proper that the death of such a man should be raarked by all the honors that we can pay to his raera ory. It is just that we should pay this last tribute as an evidence of our appreciation of his great abilities and exalted virtues. It is therefore ordered, that the report of the proceedings of the bar which have been presented, be entered of record on the rainutes of this court, and out of respect for his meraory, it wiU be further ordered that this court do now adjourn." FIELD, Walbridge Abner, of Bos ton, Mass., son of Abner and Louisa (Gris wold) Field, was born in Springfield, April 26, 1833. His father was a descendant of the Fields of Rhode Island, and his raother's ancestors were from Connecticut. Mr. Field was educated at private schools and academies until fitted for college, when he entered Dartraouth and graduated in the class of 1855. He was tutor in the college in 1856 and 1857 and again in 1859. He studied law in Boston with Harvey Jewell and at the Harvard Law School ; was ad raitted to the bar in Boston in i860, and began practice with Mr. Jewell. In 1865 he was appointed assistant United States attor ney for Massachusetts under Richard H. Dana, and reraained with him and with George S. Hillard untU 1869, when he was appointed by President Grant assistant at torney-general of the United States. This office he resigned in August, 1870, and be came a partner whh Mr. Jewell and WiUiara Gaston, under the firm name of Jewell, Gas ton & Field, and after Mr. Gaston becarae Governor of Massachusetts, Edward O. Shep hard was taken into the partnership, and the firra narae becarae Jewell, Field & Shephard and so reraained untU Mr. Field becarae asso ciate justice of the Supreme Judical Court in 1881. Judge Field was a meraber of the Boston school board in 1863 and 1864 and of the coramon council in 1865, 1866 and 1867. In 1876 he was declared elected to the House of Representatives of the Forty-fifth Congress of the United States from the Third District of Massachusetts, but his seat was contested, and after about a year's service he was unseated. He was again a candidate for the House of Representatives, was re elected, and, taking his seat in the Forty- sixth Congress, served without contest. Judge Field was raarried in 1869, to Eliza E. McLoon, who died in March, 1877, and by whom he has two daughters : Eleanor Louise, and Elizabeth Lenthal. In October, 1882, Judge Field was married to Frances E., daughter of the Hon. Nathan A. FarweU of Rockland, Me. FINNEY, Darwin A., was born at Shrewsbury, August 11, 18 14; reraoved with his faraily to JVleadvUle, Pa., when a lad; received a classical education ; graduated at the Meadville College ; studied law, was ad mitted to the bar, and practiced at Mead- \'ille ; was twice elected to the state House of Representatives, and once to the state Senate ; was elected a representative from Pennsylvania in the Fortieth Congress as a Republican, and served from March 4, 1867, until his death while traveUng in Europe, August 25, 1868. FISHER, Alonzo G., of Chicago, III., son of Samuel G. and Catherine (Parker) Fisher, was born in West Fairlee, Oct 10, 1839. Educated in the district schools of his native town and Barre Acaderay, he found his first eraployraent, in 1861, with Denison Derby, driving a peddUng wagon, and seven years later he engaged with N. K. Brown & Co., of BurUngton, as a traveUng salesman for their raanufacture of patent raedicines, traveling by team and reaching the wholesale trade of New England and some of the mid dle states. Mr. Fisher located in Chicago in 1876 and established himself in the wholesale patent raedicine business, being the Western dis tributing agent for raany of the largest con cerns in the country, and his business has grown to be the largest of its kind in the West. He is stiU a partner with N. K. Brown & Co., of Burlington, and spends a portion of his tirae in the East in the inter est of this connection and at his elegant suraraer horae at Foster's Point, Me. Besides his regular avocation Mr. Fisher has been a large and successful operator in Chicago real estate. FLAGG. FLAGG. 63 Socially he is very prominent in Chicago, being a meraber of the Citizens' Committee ; a weU known meraber of the IlUnois Club, and an enthusiastic attendant in the Union Park Church. A member of the lUinois Society Sons of Verraont says of him : "For honesty and integrity in business matters, he has few equals ; for his kind and generous irapulses he is well known and rauch adraired." Mr. Fisher has been twice married. He married first, August i, 1861, Lois, daughter of Horatio Nye, of Barton. Of this union were three children, only one of whom, Arthur N. (in business with his father), is Uving. He was raarried a second time, in 1878, to Fannie D., daughter of Moses O. Crafts, of Bath, Me. They have two sons : Theo M., and Alonzo G., Jr. FLAGG, Fred Alvin, of Troy, N. v., youngest surviving son of Gen. Stephen P. and Lucinda (Brown) Flagg, was born in Wilmington, June 19, 1857. FRED ALVIN FLAGG. He received a classical education at WU hston Serainary, Easthampton, and at WiU iams College, Mass. In 1877 he was appointed deputy coUector of internal revenue for the Tenth Massachu setts District, with a residence in Greenfield, Mass., and three years subsequently was ap pointed cashier and home office deputy cob lector of the sarae district, with residence at North Adams. In 1882 Mr. Flagg resigned his position, and for several years thereafter was successfully engaged in the coal trade at North Adaras under the firra name of Rich ardson & Flagg. During his business resi dence in Massachusetts he was repeatedly urged to become a candidate for political honors, but he uniformly declined such dis tinction. Retiring from the coal business in 1888, Mr. Flagg, who inherited a fine bass voice, for a tirae placed hiraself under the training of his lamented brother, Lyraan, whose rausical career in Europe is farailiar to most Vermonters, and his advancement was such that his raerits found ready recog nition in oratorio and concert rausic, which raade him at once prominent in the rausical circles of New England. Mr. Flagg becarae connected with the Fidelity and Casualty Co., of New York, in 1890, and was subsequently proraoted to the position of superintendent of agencies, and is now manager of all departments of the corapany for a large territory, including the state of Verraont, with his headquarters and general office at Troy, N. Y'. FLAGG, JOHN HENRY, of New York City, son of Gen. Stephen P. and Lucinda (Brown) Flagg, was born in WUraington, July II, 1843. He was educated in tbe pubUc schools of - his native town, and at Wesleyan Acaderay, Wilbrahara, Mass. His law studies were pursued at the Albany Law School, and with the firm of Flagg & Tyler, ^^'ilmington. The raerabers coraposing this firm were his father. Gen. Stephen P. Flagg, and the Hon. James M. Tyler, now one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Vermont. Mr. Flagg was admitted to the bar in Windham county at the September terra in 1864, practicing for the first year at WUraington, and subse quently at Bennington, for a period of four years. At the October session of the Verraont Leg islature in 1864, he was elected clerk of the House of Representatives, and was unani mously re-elected to the same office for the succeeding four years. At the first session of the Forty-first Congress, beginning in Deceraber, 1869, he was appointed principal clerk of the United States Senate, which office he continued to hold through succeed ing Congresses until the spring of 1878, when he resigned. He was adraitted to the bar of the Suprerae Court of the United States in 1870, and on terrainating his connection with the United States Senate resuraed his law prae ¦ tice, both in Washington and New York, giv ing special attention to international questions arising under treaties between the United States and foreign powers, as well as kindred subjects. He was prorainent in the pro longed discussion involved in the earlier 64 FLAGG. FLETCHER. legislation of Congress, defining the relation of our government to the "Geneva Award Fund," and tbe method of its distribution, and subsequently prosecuted to a successful termination a large number of claims arising under said treaty. Reraoving to New York City in the year 1880, he has not only continued his practice before the Federal courts and departments at Washington, but has given much attention to corporation law, receiving a lucrative in come therefrom, being steadily employed by various corporations prominent throughout the country. He is an accepted authority on the law of parliamentary procedure as weU as of international law, and has had for chents several foreign governments in this •¦nw JOHN HENRY FLAGG. latter branch of practice, to which so few lawyers seera to have given special attention. For many years he has been counsel to va rious foreign steamship lines, the large pe troleum corporations of the United States, railroad corporations and many others. He is a member of Union League Club, the chief Republican organization of New York City, the Metropohtan Club of Wash ington, a life meraber of the New England Society of New York, and was one of the promoters of the Brooklyn Society of Y^er- raonters, of which he is a raember and one of the executive coraraittee. Mr. Flagg was married in June, 1889, to Peachy J., daughter of Frank F. and Marion Jones of Brooklyn, N. Y. FLETCHER, RICHARD, was born in Cavendish, Jan. 8, 1788 ; graduated at Dart mouth College in 1806 ; served in the Legis lature of Massachusetts ; was a judge of the Supreme Court frora 1848 to 1853; and a representative in Congress frora Massachu setts, frora 1837 to 1839. FOLLETT, JOHN FASSETT, of Cincin nati, Ohio, was born in Franklin county, his father reraoved to Ohio in 1837, and settled in Licking county ; he procured for himself a classical education, entering Marietta Cob lege in 185 1, and graduating in 1855 ^^ the valedictorian of his class ; he taught school two years ; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1858 ; was elected to the Ohio Legislature from Licking county, in 1865, and re-elected in 1867 ; was elected in Janu ary, 1868, speaker of the House of Repre sentatives; in September, 1868, removed to Cincinnati to engage in the practice of the law, and on the asserabhng of the Legislature resigned the speakership and his commission as representative from Licking county ; in 1880 was nominated at the Democratic state convention as one of the electors at large for Ohio on the Hancock and Enghsh presiden tial ticket; in 1879 received the degree of LL. D., from Marietta CoUege ; and was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress as a Deraocrat. FONDA, Edmund S., of Osage, Iowa, son of Stephen H. and Julia (Harwood) Fonda, was born June 3, 1839, at Rupert. Mr. Fonda was educated in the common schools and at Fort Edward (N. Y.) Insti tute. The usual experience of a farmer's son was that of Mr. Fonda untU, in 1862, he becarae a book-keeper and salesman in the general store of F. Wells, Constantine, Mich., which position he resigned after two years, and entered into partnership with G. W. Waterson, of the same place, seUing dry goods and groceries. He continued in the sarae business untU 1868, when he removed to his present horae. In the fall of 1869 he sold out and engaged in real estate, and in 1875 became further engaged in the sale of farra raachinery, a business he continues in at the present day. Mr. Fonda served as chairraan of the raib way coraraittee ofthe Osage Board of Trade for five years, during the projecting and building of the Winona & Southwestern R. R., aud was largely instruraental in get ting the company to build to Osage. Educational matters have had a strong interest for hira. He was engaged, previous to erabarking in the raercantile business, in teaching district winter schools in Vermont, New York and Michigan. He has served raany years on the city school board, and FOOTE. FOOTE. 65 as a trustee of the Cedar Valley Serainary has served several years, and is now presi dent of the board. He is also president of the Mitchell County Agricultural Society, holding that honor for thirteen years. In pohtics he is Republican ; has served for two years as raeraber of state central coraraittee. Has never sought office. W^as elected mayor ofthe city of Osage, in 1889, receiving, without distinction of party, every vote cast but one. Was re-elected mayor in 189T, and declined a re-election in 1893. He had previously served as city councU- man. .His early education was received at Bee man Academy, class of '79, when he entered Middlebury CoUege. The following year he entered the United States MUitary Academy at West Point, graduating in the class of '84. He afterwards graduated at the United States Artillery School at Fortress Monroe, Ya., in the class of '88. Junei2, 1884, he was appointed 2d Lieut. 4th Artillery U. S. A., and ist Lieut. June 17, 1889. Frora September, 1884, to Septem ber, 1885, he served at Fort Adaras, New port, R. I., from 1885 to 1886 at Fort Trura buU, New London, Conn., and frora 1886 to 1888 in the artiUery school at Fort Monroe. From September, 1888, to January, 1889, he passed traveling in Europe, on leave of absence, and in January, 1889, becarae as sistant instructor of engineering, and in charge of non-coraraissioned officers' school at the artillery school. Fort Monroe. Frora March, 1891, till July, 1892, he was on duty with the Intercontinental Railway Corarais sion in Washington, D. C, and in Central EDMUND S. FONDA. In 1893 Mr. Fonda obtained a charter for hiraself and associates to organize the Farraers' National Bank of Osage, of which he is a director. He is now corafortably situated with a farm of nine hundred and ten acres, every acre of which is riUable, and which is situated but two and a half mUes from Osage, valued at ^45>ooo- ^as a large irapleraent trade and other interests. He married, August 18, 1864, in Constan tine, Mich., Loretta E., daughter of Rulef and Charlotte A. Crego. They have three children : Lottie J., Fannie L., and Kate B. FOOTE, STEPHEN MILLER, United States Army, son of Henry William and Rebecca (Dunlap) Foote, was born Feb. 19, 1859, at La SaUe, Mich., and came to Ver mont, his father's native state, at fourteen years of age. STEPHEN MILLER FOOTE. America. From July, 1892, to February, 1893, he vvas on duty at Fort Barrancas, Pensacola, Fla. His last service at present date is with World's Columbian Exposition. Lieutenant Foote is a meraber of the Chi Psi Society of Middlebury College. He was raarried at Fort Monroe, Va., April 24, 1889, to Sara, daughter of Maj. John Brooke of the Medical Departraent U. S. A., and Esther WiUing Brooke. 66 FREEMAN. FRINK. FREEMAN, NELSON ORLANDO, -of Freeport, IU., was born in Wolcott, Jan. i, 1836. Mr. Freeman acquired his early education in the village school and the academy at Johnson, and prepared for coUege at Fort Edward Institute. Entering Union CoUege at Schenectady, N. Y., in the class of 1863, he later was transferred to the University of Vermont, where he corapleted the course and graduated in 1869, receiving the degree of A. M. In further pursuance of a thorough preparation for the university he coraraenced a course at the Boston Theological Seminary in 1869. Mr. Freeraan began his life work by enter ing the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the conference held at St. Albans. While attending coUege he was pastor at Winooski. In 1870 he went westward and transferred to the Rock River Conference, and for the past twenty-five years has served at various places, including the following churches : St. Charles and Wheaton, and at Batavia a second terra, four years at Ottawa. He is now pastor of First M. E. Church, Freeport, III. While ever assiduously applying hiraself^to his chosen profession and raaking no effort for distinction in social organizations, he is a raeraber of the Masonic fraternity and of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Freeraan's first wife was Francis E. Richraond, of Woodstock, Vt., daughter of Baezillar Richmond and Lodoisski Brown. She died in 1867, leaving one daughter since deceased. Mr. Freeman again married in 1872, Hattie, daughter of Ezra and Catherine Sarason, of Waterman, 111. The result of this union is three children : Charles S., Dwight, and Anna Louise. "FROST, Timothy Prescott, of Balti more, Md., son of Timothy M. and Mary G. (Prescott) Frost, was born at Mount Holly, June 26, 1850. His education was received in the district schools of Weston, the Methodist Seminary of Montpelier, and the Wesleyan University at Middletown, Conn. Mr. Frost entered the itinerant ministery ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church in 1876 and served full terms at Thetford Centre, Woodstock, Bradford and Montpelier. He was chaplain of the Verraont Senate in 1886. He also served two years at St. Johnsbury, frora which place he went to the Summer- field Church, of Brooklyn, N. Y., in May, 1889. In April, 1893, he was appointed pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltiraore, Md., where he is located at present. In 1888 Mr. Frost was chosen one of two ministerial delegates from the Vermont con ference to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held in New York City, which is the legislative body of the church and meets quadrennially. TIMOTHY PRESCOTT FROST. Mr. Frost is a raember of the Society of the War of 1812, and of the Brooklyn Society of the Sons of Vermont. He married, Jan. 23,, 1876, Carrie M., daughter of Nathan and Lavona (Webster) Holt, and has two children : Philip Pres cott, and Florence Virtine. FRINK, Alden, of Boston, Mass., son of Luther and Alvatina (ChUds) Frink, was born in Woodstock, AprU 18, 1833. Receiving a limited education in the dis trict schools, he has earned his own living since he was nine years of age, working on a farm until the age of fifteen. He then learned the carpenter's trade and this occu pation he foUowed for six years in Windsor and Worcester, Mass., during which time he learned the draughting" of plans and when twenty-one years of age he began the study of architecture in the office of Elbridge Boyden, Worcester, Mass. After remaining there three years, in the spring of 1857 he reraoved to Boston and was employed by the United States Government as a draughts man on the new Minot Ledge Lighthouse. In 1859 he visUed Europe, traveUing through England, Ireland and Scotland as well as on the Continent. In i860 he returned to this country and opened an office at 28 State GARFIELDE. GLAZIER. 67 street, Boston, where he has been located ever since. Mr. Frink has built over fifty stores ; over one hundred dwellings ranging from $5,000 to $150,000, and a number of schoolhouses, engine-houses and police sta tions for tbe city of Boston. He also built the New England Manufacturers and Mer chants Institute building in Boston, which , was destroyed by fire in 1886. Within the past eight or ten years, he has built quite a nuraber of railroad stations for the Boston & Maine, Fitchburg, and Old Colony Railroad Corapanies, at Woburn, Somerville Highlands, Winter Hill, Prospect Hill, Wakefield, Marblehead, Lynn Com mon, Waverly, Marlboro, Athol, Concord Junction, Stoneham, Wilton and other places. He has also made extensive ad ditions to the Lowell station in Boston. He affiliates with St. Andrew's Lodge of Masons, and is a prominent meraber of Tremont Lodge, No. 15, I. O. O. F. Mr. Frink was united in raarriage at Bos ton, Jan. 29, 1859, to Roxana, daughter of Benjarain and Charlotte Folsom of Vienne, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Frink have two children : Leonard Alden Frink, born Sept. 22, 1870, entering Harvard College in 1889 in class of 1893, and is now a student in Harvard Law School ; and Carrie Roxana Frink, born AprU 16, 1876. GARFIELDE, SeluCIUS, was born in Shoreham, Dec. 8, 1822 ; reraoved to Ken tucky in early life ; finished his coUegiate course at Augusta College ; read law and was adraitted to the Isar in 1849; was elected a meraber of the convention to revise the state constitution ; spent the following year in South American travel ; eraigrated to California in 185 i; was elected a raeraber of the Legislature of that state in 1852 and in 1853, was selected by that body to codify the laws of the state ; returned to Kentucky in 1854, was a raeraber of the Cincinnati national convention in 1856 and an elector during that canvass ; reraoved to Washington Territory in 1857, where he fiUed the posi tion of receiver of public moneys to i860; in 1 86 1 he was nominated for Congress, but was beaten by the secession wing of the Democratic party ; was surveyor general from 1866 to 1869, when he was elected a delegate from Washington Territory in the Forty-first Congress as a Repubhcan; was re-elected to the Forty-second Congress. GILFILLAN, JOHN B., of Minneapolis, Minn., was born at Barnet, Feb. 11, 1835, graduated at the Caledonia County Academy in 1855, then removed to Minneapohs, where he has since resided, studied law, was admitted to the bar in July, i860, and has practiced since ; was a member of the board of education, i86o-'68, was an alderraan of the city of Minneapohs, i865-'69, was pros ecuting attorney of Hennepin county, 1863- '67, and i869-'73; was city attorney, 1861- 64, was a raeraber of the state Senate of Minnesota, i875'-85, was regent ofthe State University of Minnesota in 1880, and stiU holds that office, and was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress as a Republican. GLAZIER, NELSON NEWTON, of Green field, Mass., son of John Newton and Phebe Cass (Bourn) Glazier, was born Dec. 12, 1838, at Stratton. His education was acquired in the cora raon schools, Leland Serainary, Amherst Col lege, i859-'6i, and at Brown University, 1864, where he graduated in 1866, receiving the degree of A.B., and from there in 1869 the degree of A. M. Also three years, i866-'69, were spent at the Newton Theological Insti tution (Baptist). In 1865 while a senior at Brown University he was elected representa tive frora his native town, and served on the coraraittee on education. This honor was again conferred on hira in 1867 and he was made a member of the coraraittee on elec tions. Mr. Glazier, August 11, 1862, enlisted in Co. G, nth Regt., afterwards ist Vt. Heavy ArtiUery, and served as private, corporal, and for a tirae acting ordnance sergeant at Fort Slocura, and in recruiting service in Verraont. He was raade 2d Ueutenant of Co. A, Nov. 2, 1863, and became ist lieutenant, Jan. 21, 1864. He lost his left arra at Spottsylvania, May 18, 1864, and was honorably discharged Sept. 3, 1864, on account of wounds received in action. He is a raeraber of Edwin E. Day Post, No. 174, G. A. R., of Greenfield, Mass. October 21, 1869, he was ordained to the work of the gospel rainistry (Baptist). He was pastor at Central FaUs, R. I., 1 869-' 70, MontpeUer, i872-'78. South Abington, Mass., i88o-'84, "Westboro, Mass. (acting pastor), i884-'86, and in 1887 he becarae pastor of the First Baptist Church at Greenfield, Mass., which place he now occupies. From 1872 to 1875 hewas superintendent of schools at Montpeher. P'rora 1872 to 1878 he was for three consecutive terras chaplain of the Verraont Senate. His in terest in religious matters generally has always been great, and he is closely identi fied with the rehgious and benevolent work 68 GLEASON. GOODNOUGH. of the Baptist denomination, especially in Massachusetts, and is deeply interested also in educational matters. GLEASON, James Mellen, of Boston, Mass., was born in Wardsboro, Oct. 6, 1833. His parents were Josiah and Susan Read (Morse) Gleason, exceUent representatives. of the Green Mountain state — of a thrifty and hardy race of people. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at Springfield Wesleyan Serainary ; for three years he was an effi cient teacher in the public schools of his native state. JAMES MELLEN GLEASON. The 1 6th of January, 1856, he went to Boston to coraplete his education, entering French's Coraraercial College frora which he graduated in due course. After several years service as a book-keeper he became cashier of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., March i, 1870. That he has carefully and conscientiously discharged, in an efficient raanner, the duties of his re sponsible position, no stronger testimony could be possible than twenty- three years of continuous service therein. The politics of Mr. Gleason, like so raany "Men of Verraont," has been a stalwart Republican. He has never sought official position, yet he has not escaped being sought after by the office, but has as often declined, having no desire or taste therefor. Masonry has the allurements for Mr. Gleason that politics has for so many others. He was made a Master Mason in Joseph Warren Lodge of Boston, Feb. 25, 1868; a Royal Arch Mason in St. Andrews Chapter, Boston, Jan. 20, 1871 ; a Knight Templar in Bos ton Coramandery, Nov. 20, 1872. He has also received the degrees in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite including the 32d degree. In no way perhaps has Mr. Gleason become so well known to the Ma sonic fraternity as in the capacity of Grand Lecturer, and never was the office more effectively filled than by him, in the years '82 to '87. Few men have more kindly en deared theraselves to their fellow-men than Mr. Gleason, and among none is he more highly esteemed than by his brethren of the craft. Masonry has given his life abundant social privUeges, which his kindly and gen ial manner has enabled hira to improve. He is a raeraber of the Ancient and Honor able Artillery Co., of Boston, in reality, to day, Boston's highest social organization, by no raeans a savage war-waging body of men. Mr. Gleason is intensely patriotic ; he re lates as one of the most pleasing experiences of his life "that he attended the dedication of the Bennington monuraent with the Ver raont Veteran Association, of Boston, and upon their return they elected hira an honor ary raember." Such is a brief sketch of a son of Vermont who in a quiet modest way has done credit to his native state. GOODNOUGH, ALGERNON MOR DANT, of Redding, Cal., was born in Des Plaines, Ills., on the i6th of March, 1838. His parents were both from Verraont, and his raother dying soon after his birth the discouraged father returned to his old Green Mountain haunts, where the subject of our sketch was reared and educated in a state he has ever been proud to caU his horae and native land. He was the son of Daniel Goodnough, a hard working-farraer of Eng lish descent, and Harriet M. Conant, a woraan of rare intelligence and gentie Chris tian spirit, whose faraily were direct des cendants of the world faraous Huguenots ;. they and their ancestors through successive generations gave evidence of the source- frora which they sprung, not only in their marked intelUgence and enterprise, but in> the fact that they were men, "Who wore the white lily of a blameless life." Mr. Goodnough graduated at Middlebury College in the class of '61, and the foUowing^ year was married to Lucy H., daughter of Myron Langworthy of Middlebury, who up to the time of her death in 1890, proved a true helpmeet and affectionate wife. For many years an invahd with rheumatism, her GOODNOUGH. GOSS. 69 patient, uncomplaining. Christian spirit won all hearts. Always devoted to her husband's welfare it is not strange he speaks of her as " the noblest woman he ever knew, and the truest friend he ever had." Shortly after marriage Mr. Goodnough en gaged in teaching, his last school being in Barnstable, Mass., after which he pursued a course of studies in Yale Theological Semi nary, and subseqently was installed pastor of the Congregational church in Mystic Bridge, Conn. Faihng health induced hira to resign his charge in 1867, when he went to the Pacific coast with his wife, across the isthmus, under the auspices of the Araerican Horae Missionary Society, and was for sev eral years settled in San Mateo, Cal., where a coramodious church was built during his pastorate ; after which he moved to Vallejo, Cal., and after some years of ministerial ALGERNON MORDANT GOODNOUGH. labor there, his health being- stiU deUcate, he engaged in merchandising, building up a large trade, by strict attention to business and honorable deaUng with aU, in musical instruments. In the character of a rausic dealer he is now weU and favorably known on the Pacific coast. As a singer of home songs he is known to multitudes in Califor nia, and wherever known is always welcome. He sings over four hundred songs from memory, without the sight of words or music, and there is, perhaps, not another raan in America who can sing as many from recol lection only. For many years he has been an occasional contributor to various magazines and news papers, both secular and religious, and his articles whether in prose or verse, have always been recognized as possessing a high order of hterary raerit. Among the most notable and widely circulated of his writings we raay mention a reUgious tract entitled "My Dead Mother," pubhshed several years ago under the auspices of the M. E. Tract Society, by Nelson & PhilUps ; speaking of this tract Bishop J. R. Vincent said : "It wiU live a thousand years" — a high coraph raent indeed, coraing frora such a source. In 1872 he carae East on a lecturing tour, delivering in Representatives Hall in Mont pelier, and in raany other iraportant towns, a lecture entitled : "Five Years in the Sunset Land." This lecture was spoken of by the press in raost flattering terras, and received by large audiences with raarked interest and pleasure, winning for the lecturer an envi able reputation as a platforra orator of un usual abiUty, as well as an enthusiastic Cali- fornian. In addition to his rausic trade Mr. Good nough has quite large real estate interests, consisting of iraproved and uniraproved properties in the cities of Redding and Vallejo, Cab, and a large acreage property in Shasta county, Cal., where he now re sides. Of unusually, and we raight say unreason ably, retiring disposition, the subject of our sketch, desiring no preferraent political or social, has steadfastly refused to accept any of the offices which have frequently been offered hira in the various political, fra ternal, social and religious bodies to which he has belonged, being deeply irapressed with the emptiness of aU earthly fame, since "The paths of glory lead but to the grave." In 1 89 1, a year subsequent to the death of his forraer beloved wife, he married Miss Ida May Bloyd, a native of California, an amiable young lady, with a large circle of friends, and who had been for many years an inti mate friend of the faraily. This union has been blessed with one infant daughter : Elsie Alzette, born August 21, 1893. As the position in life, financial and social, which Mr. Goodnough has acquired is due solely to his unswerving integrity and unaided efforts, he may justly take pride in the result of his labors while looking cheerfully toward the sunset of life, as well expressed in an original stanza from his pen with which we close : I trust when this fast fleeting Ufe reaches sunset And o'er past are its labors, its troubles and ills, Beyond the dark night I shall greet the bright morning, of an unending day on the heavenly hills. GOSS, Ezra C., was bom in Windsor county, graduated at the University of Ver raont in 1806 ; was a representative in Con gress frora New York, from 1819 to 1821; 70 GOULD. GOULD. and was elected to the Asserably of that state in 1828 and '29, but died before the close of his second terra. GOULD, Charles Gilbert, of Wash ington, D. C, son of Jaraes and Judith White (Tenney) Gould, was born in Wind hara, May 5, 1844. He attended the coraraon schools in his native town until eighteen years of age, when he entered the volunteer array of the United States in the war for the suppression of the rebellion, his subsequent education having been received from private tutors and in the Columbian University at AVash ington, D. C. ^j^9m' *^ CHARLES GILBERT GOULD. He enlisted as a private in Company G, nth Vt. Vols., August 13, 1862, was pro raoted corporal Dec. 27, 1863, sergeant- major Feb. 12, 1864, second lieutenant Co. E, nth Vt. Vols. June 30, 1864, captain Co. H, 5th Vet. Vols. Nov. 10, 1864, and major by brevet April 2, 1865. Was honorably discharged June 19, 1865. During his mil itary service he participated in the battles of Spottsylvania, Va., May 15 to 18, 1864; Cold Harbor, June i to 12, 1864; Peters burg (four), June 18, 1864; Weldon Raib road, June 23, 1864; Fort Stevens, D. C, July 12, 1864; Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; Fisher's Hill, Sept. 21, and 22, 1864; Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. He was severely wounded in the battie of Peters burg, Va., April 2, 1865, receiving, after en tering the enemy's works, a dangerous saber cut in the head, a bayonet wound in the face and a second bayonet wound in the back, besides being severely beaten with clubbed muskets. Was officially reported as the first one in the assaulting column to enter the enemy's works, and for distinguished gab lantry in this battie was breveted major and also received a raedal of honor from Congress. Being disabled frora pursuing the more active avocations of life when discharged from the array, he accepted a clerkship in the United States Pension Office at Washing ton, D. C, in January, 1866, and after serv ing in various grades and capacities in that office until October, 187 1, he resigned there frora to accept the position of chief clerk in the office of the Water Registrar for the Dis trict of Colurabia, from which he resigned on account of iU-health in 1874. In 1875 he was offered, but declined, the appointraent as U. S. Consul at Odessa, Russia. In 1876 he accepted an appoint raent in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, which he resigned during the same year to accept an appointraent in the office of the Secretary of War. This appointment he resigned in February, 1877, to accept an appointment in the United States Patent Office, in which, after promotion through the various intermediate grades, he was ap pointed a principal exarainer July i, 1884, which position he now occupies. In politics he has always been a Repubh can, but has never been a candidate for any political office. He is a meraber of West River Lodge, No. 57, F. & A. M., of Londonderry, and of Colurabia R. A. Chapter, No. 3, and Washington Coraraandery, No. i, K. T., of Washington, D. C, and of the Commandery of the District of Columbia, in the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, but has always declined office in any of these organizations. He was a member of the G. A. R. from October, 1866, until 1872, in which organization he held the offices of post adjutant, assistant adjutant general of the Department of the Potomac and aid-de-carap on the staff of the com raander-in-chief. He was raarried Oct. i, 1871, to Ella Cobb, daughter of Hon. Williara and Mary D. (Cobb) Harris, of Windhara. Two daughters, Myra Harris, and EUa, were born of tbis union, but neither wife nor daughters survive. He was again united in marriage Sept. 12, 1893, to Frances Lucy, daughter of Gen. George F. and Ada R. (Cobb) Davis, of Cavendish. GOULD, 'Will D., of Los Angeles, Cab, son of Daniel and Betsa (Smith) Gould, was born Sept. 17, 1845, at Cabot. GOULD. GRAY. 71 Mr. Gould was educated at high schools and academies at St. Johnsbury and Barre, -¦and tbe University of Michigan, where he graduated in 187 1, and was principal of the graded schools at Passumpsic Village, Marsh field, and Plainfield. At the March raeeting next, after becoraing of age, he was chosen superintendent of schools of his native town. He studied law in the office of Hon. Charles H. Heath, and was adraitted to the bar at Montpeher. Removing to his present home in 1872, he has been actively engaged in a large practice, having the oldest law office in the county. He is a close student, proud of GRAY, ANDREW Jackson, of Hamp ton, Iowa, son of Dr. Henry and Margaret (Carpenter) Gray, was born in Weston, Feb. 23, 1820. Descended frora the Scotch on the paternal, and Enghsh on the mater nal side, young Gray was well- equipped from his birth to cope with the world. He was educated at the district schools and at Bennington and Chester acaderaies, and settled on a farra in Weston at the age of twenty-one, where he followed the life of a farraer for twenty years, removing to Manchester in i860, in order to better edu cate his three sons. He was chosen a di rector of the BattenkiU Bank, of Manchester, in 1861, and elected vice-president in 1870, and president in 1880, and continued in this position until the close of the institu tion in 1885, when he was appointed agent to close its affairs, which he successfully acoorapUshed and paid one hundred and WILL u. GOULD. his profession and scrupulously faithful in the discharge of duty. Having been born and raised on a farra, agricultural and horticul- -tural pursuits have always attracted his at tention, and his thousand-acre farm in the -valley and foot-hiUs of La Canada and Pasa dena bears witness of his foresight and energy. . In public affairs, local, state, and national, he I has taken an active interest. He is a Prohibitionist, and has been the party's can didate for superior judge, attorney general, -and member of Congress. He is a meraber of several social, frater nal, and commercial organizations, including ¦temperance and Masonic, and Chamber of Comraerce. , t a 1 Mr Gould was raarried at Los Angeles, Tune 26, 1875, to Mary L., daughter of Dan iel and Harriet T. Halt of Katonah, N. Y. ANDREW JACKSON GRAY. fifty cents on the doUar to the stockholders. Mr. Gray reraoved to Harapton, Iowa, in 1885, where he has since resided and carries on a successful real estate and loan business, besides being interested in raany other enterprises. Mr. Gray was united in marriage Nov. 25, 1845, to Mary, daughter of Aaron and Susan Burton of Chester. Their children are : L. B., J. B., and Henry. When Mr. Gray was twenty-one years of age he was called to Woodstock to act as a juror in a land case. On repairing to the 72 GRAY. GRAY. jury roora he found that the eleven other jurors had opinions adverse to his, and after a thorough canvass of the case in his own raind to find wherein he was wrong, he was unable to change his opinion, and after being out twenty-four hours the jury return ed a verdict in accordance with his opinion. Always a Deraocrat, Mr. Gray has been the recipient of many public positions. He was a grand juror, assessor and justice of the peace in Weston ; and a grand juror, assessor and justice of the peace in Manchester. He has been prorainent in Masonic cir cles, and has been treasurer of Adoniram Lodge, No. 42. A man of sterling integrity, he has always had the love and respect of all whose good fortune it was to be numbered araong his circle of friends. GRAY, Edgar H., of Oakland, Cab, was born in Bridport, November, 181 3. Of Scotch-Irish parentage on the paternal side, his father being Daniel Gray, a graduate of Middlebury CoUege in •1805, and his mother being Aray Bosworth. -'-Sj. <^'- EDGAR H. GRAY. While quite young he learned the printer's trade, and thereafter fitted for college, partly at select schools in Bridport, and partly in Brandon, and graduated from Waterville College (Maine) in 1838; studied for the ministry and was for a few years pastor of a Baptist church in Freeport, Me., having previously raarried Mary J. Rice of said state. Sometime between 1845 and 1850, he was settled in Shelburne Falls, Mass. and labored there tiU i860, when he became pastor of the E Street Baptist Church, Wash ington, D. C. His pastorate at Shelburne Falls was a very successful one, and he was much loved and popular araong his people. In 1852 he was called to the leading Baptist church in St. Louis, Mo., but his people so strongly opposed his leaving that he de chned the caU. In i860, however, he ac cepted a caU to Washington, where he officiated tiU about 1878. He was chosen chaplain of the U. S. Senate, and held that position at the death of President Lincoln, and officiated at his funeral. He had two sons and three daughters by his first wife, who died during his residence in Washington, and he subsequently married a Mrs. Carter, who had interests in Califor nia, and he reraoved to San Francisco, and became first pastor of a Baptist church in that city ; afterwards he was eraployed to look after and superintend the Baptist churches in that state. He officiated also as pastor of a church in Oakland, where he now resides, and is acting as dean of a the ological seminary in that city. In 1889 was the anniversary of his fifty years in the min istry, and his church in Oakland celebrated the event as a jubilee occasion, in which other denominations joined. Many expres sions frora persons present and absent in coraraendation of his long, faithful, and use ful services were presented. These services and labors had secured for him a large circle of admiring and affectionate friends. He had been honored with the degree of D. D., and was well equipped for the training of young raen for the rainistry, in which work (1893) he is now engaged at nearly eighty years of age. Few raen have had the good fortune to work in the Lord's vineyard as long and continuously as he, and yet his eye is not dim nor is his natural force abated. GRAY, Melvin L., of St. Louis, was born in Bridport, July, 1815, the son of Daniel Gray, of Scotch-Irish descent, and Amy Bosworth. He was reared on a farra in his native town, and in the family of the Rev. Increase Graves, the first settled minister (Congrega tional) of said town. He attended district and select schools in the winters and labored on the farra during the suramers, and in that way fitted for coHege and mastered the studies of the freshman year at horae, with out a teacher, in the winter preceding his entry of the sophomore class in August, 1836, of Middlebury College, frora which his father had graduated in 1805. He defrayed the expenses of his college course by teach ing winters and graduated in August, 1839, GRAY. in a class of thirty-eight, araong whora were John G. Saxe, the poet, and the Hon. WiU iara A. Howard, at one time raember of Con gress from Michigan, and afterwards Gover nor of Washington Territory. ™He taught in Autauga county, Ala., two years and in Montgoraery county of said state six raonths, and then located in St. Louis in September, 1842, and was admitted to the bar in that city in May, 1 843, after a study of law for only seven months, supple menting that short course by continued study, after admission. In February, 1844, GR.AY. 13 MELVIN L. GRAY. he forraed a partnership with Charles B. Lawrence, a native of Vermont, afterwards for raany years on the Supreme Bench of the state of Ilhnois. As business carae slowly, Mr. Lawrence removed to IlUnois, and in 1848 Mr. Gray forraed a partnership with Frankhn Fisher, a native of Massa chusetts, who came to St. Louis from Ala baraa where he had been in practice, and on his death, in 1849, Mr. Gray ever after practiced his profession alone. He married in 185 1 Miss Rith C. Bacon, of Warren, Mass., daughter of Rufus F. and Emehne (Cutler) Bacon, but no children were born to thera, and his wife departed this hfe in July, 1893. For several years prior to 1854 Mr. Gray had a large practice in stearaboat cases, under the Missouri statute regulating steam boats, but in that year Judge Robert W. Wells of the United States District Court for Missouri decided that the United States courts had exclusive jurisdiction of ad miralty causes, as well on the navigable rivers as on the sea, and, the United States Suprerae Court sustaining this view, the state statute becarae inoperative. The practice of the subject of this sketch was wholly in civil cases, and embraced the whole range of legal and equitable causes. It is beUeved that the first trade raark suits brought and tried in the state, were brought by him in the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern district of Missouri and of which cases he had a large number, one of which, McLean vs. Fleraing, 96 UnUed States Suprerae Court reports, is a leading case in that branch of the law. He has also acted as executor, adrainistrator and curator of num erous estates, many of thera quite large, and having labored over fifty years in the con tinuous work of his profession, he has now withdrawn frora the sarae, though yet vigor ous, and devotes his tirae to his personal afifairs and various financial enterprises. He has never sought or held office, unless acting as trustee of Drury CoUege of Spring field, Mo., and other educational institutions may be considered such. He was originally a Whig, then a RepubUcan, and during the civil war, was for the Union and his country, and was a member of the Horae Guards, an organization of the elder citizens of St. Louis for its protection and defense. GRAY, Henry William, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Benjarain and Nancy Jane (Vance) Gray, was born in Hardwick, Jan. 18, 1837. He received his education in the public schools of his native town, and the acaderay at Glover. When not attending school he worked on his father's farra until he had passed the years of his minority. In i860 he went to California, and soon after his arrival in San Francisco he pro ceeded to the mines, where he was engaged in raining and raiUing until 1876, when he located at San Francisco, and engaged in the hvery and boarding stable business, which he has followed ever since, being at present proprietor of the Santa Clara Stables. Mr. Gray was always very fond of horses, and on pleasant afternoons is frequently seen driv ing a handsorae teara through Golden Gate Park. He is president of the Gray Eagle Gravel Gold Mining Co., located at Forest Hill, Cab, and one of the proprietors of a large timber tract in Mendocino county; also a large shareholder in two irrigation com panies in San Joaquin county. He is a Repubhcan ; a meraber of the Red Men; A. O. U. W^ and the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Vermont. 74 GREENE. GREENE. Mr. Gray was married in San Francisco thirty years ago to Miss Catherine Sophia Gerry. Of this union is one son : Frank John Gray, aged twenty-nine, who is justice of the peace in San Francisco, having been elected for the second terra. Mrs. H. W. Gray died in February, 1892. GREENE, ROGER S., of Seattle, Wash., son of David and Mary Evarts Greene, was born at Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 14, 1840. He is a descendant of many of the distinguished farailies of the Atlantic states, and in his character can be detected sorae of the strongest virtues of his ancestry. On the raaternal side he is the great-grandson of Roger Sherraan, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and tbe United States Con stitution. His raother, Mary Evarts, was a daughter of Jereraiah Evarts, and a sister of ROGER S. GREENE. Williara M. Evarts, recently United States Senator frora New York. His father, David Greene, was for twenty years corresponding secretary of the Araerican Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions. In his eighth year the family removed to Westbor- ough, Mass., and two years later to \\'indsor, Vt. He received a raost careful education, and after corapleting an academic course entered Dartraouth CoUege, frora which he was grad uated in 1.859. During his coUege life, being largely dependent upon his own exer tions for support, he taught school in vaca tions at Windsor in the winter of i857-'58,, and at F'alraouth, Mass., in the winter o£ i858-'59. Soon after his graduation he be gan the study of law in the office of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, in New York City, a firra coraposed of as briUiant raen as ever adorned the bar ofthe raetropohs of America, each of whora had at that tirae gained national renown. In this office as student, and after ward as raanaging clerk, he had an excellent opportunity of gaining a valuable preliminary legal training. In May, 1862, in NewYork City, he was admitted to practice, but his loyalty to his country induced him to aban don his professional career and to enter the- Union array. InSepteraber,i862, he enlisted under com raission as 2d Lieut, of Co. I, 3d Missouri Inft. ; in March following he was promoted: to ist Lieut, of the sarae corapany, and stUI later, in 1863, was raade captain of Co. C,, 51st U. S. Colored Inft., serving as such until honorably discharged by acceptance of his resignation in Noveraber, 1865. He also served during this period as judge advo cate of the District of '\Ycksburg at the close- of 1864 and beginning of 1865, and judge- advocate of the Western Division of Louis iana frora June, 1865, untU retirement from service. He received a gun-shot wound through the right arra in the general assault: on Vicksburg while in coraraand of his com pany. May 22, 1863. Just before his miU tary service. Judge Greene was offered the- position of Assistant United States District Attorney for the southern district of New- York, but declined the office. In January, 1866, he began the practice of his profession in Chicago, occupying the sarae office with Perkin Bass, then United States attorney, with whom he was associated in practice. He reraained in Chicago until his appoint ment by President Grant, in July, 1870, as associate justice of the Supreme Court of Washington Territory, when he settled at Olyrapia. He was twice re-appointed, hold ing the office until January, 1879, when he was commissioned chief justice, at which rime he removed to Seattie, where he has since continued to reside. In 1883 he was re-appointed chief justice and served untiP the close of his terra in March, 1887. Since that tirae he has been for the most part en gaged in the practice of his profession. In March, 1887, he formed a professional co partnership with Hon. Cornelius H . Hanford,. now United States District Judge of the District of Washington, and Hon. John H. McGraw, now Governor of the state of Wash ington, under the firra narae of Greene, Hanford & McGraw ; afterward, in August,. the firm was enlarged by the addition of another raember, Joseph F. McNaught, Esq.,. GREENLEAF. GREENLEAF. 75 under the firm name of Greene, McNaught, Hanford & McGraw. In July, 1888, the partnership was dissolved by mutual con sent, aU the partners retiring from practice, the senior partner on account of temporary iU-heaUh, Messrs. McNaught and McGraw to enter other pursuits and Judge Hanford to become chief justice of the Supreme Court of Washington Territory. In 1889 Judge Greene resuraed the practice of l§,w, and in 1890 formed a partnership with L. Theodore Turner of Seattle, with whora, un der the firm name of Greene & Turner, he has been in fuU practice ever since, hand Ung in course of his practice many of the raost iraportant interests in the state. In 1889 he was trustee and secretary of the Seattle Investraent Co. Frora 1890 to the present time, he has been trustee and secre tary of the Seattle Trust Co., I5 00,000 capi tal. From 1890 to 1893 he was trustee and vice-president of the Rainier Power and Railway Co., capital §500,000. He has been successful in business. Judge Greene is a member of the Seattle Stevens Post G. A. R., and has repeatedly been the selection of the Posts of Seattle to address them on Memorial Day. Pohtically, he has always been identified with the Repubhcan party until the year 1888, when he joined the Prohibition move raent, to which he has ever since adhered. He was, in 1888, the candidate of the Pro hibition party for delegate to Congress from Washington, and in 1892 was the Prohibi tion candidate for Governor of the state. Religiously, his parents being Congrega- tionahsts, his first church connection was with the church of that denomination in Windsor, where his membership remained until after the war. Then he united with the New England Congregational Church of Chicago. Afterward he was a constituent and prominent raember of the Lincoln Park Church. On removal to Olyrapia he joined the Baptist church, with which denoraina tion he has ever since been conspicuously and influentiaUy identified. Judge Greene was married August 17, 1866, at Whitewater, W'is., to Grace, daughter of Jesse and Rhoda (Brockett) Wooster of Naugatuek, Conn. They have four children : Agnes Margaret, born Oct 18, 1868; Roger Sherman, born Sept. 29, 1870; Grace Evarts, born Jan. 15, 1875, and Mary Rhoda, born July 27, 1876. GREENLEAF, HALBERT STEVENS, of Rochester, was born in Guilford, April 12, 1827. The descent of the Greenleaf family of New England is "undoubtedly to be traced," says the compiler of the Greenleaf genealogy, "from the Huguenots, who, when persecuted for their religion, fied from France about the middle of the sixteenth century." The narae was originally FuiUe- vert, anglicized Greenleaf, in which forra it occurs in England toward the close of the sixteenth century. The comraon ancestor of the Greenleaf faraily of America was Ed ward Greenleaf, a silk dyer by trade, who was born in the parish of Brixham, in the county of Devonshire, England, about the year 1600. He raarried Sarah Dole, by whora he had several chUdren in England, and with his wife and faraily came to this country, settling first in Newbury and after ward in Boston, Mass., where he died in 167 1. A nuraber of the family have distin guished theraselves in New England by their intellectual attainraents, which have been of / HALBERT STEVENS GREENLEAF. a high order. One of these, Jeremiah Green leaf, the father of the subject of this sketch, was the author of what was known as Green- leaf's Grammar, and devoted a large part of his hfe to study, authorship, and instruction in this special branch of education. He was also the author of Greenleaf's Gazeteer, and Greenleaf's Atlas, both exceUent works of their kind, and highly esteemed at the tirae they appeared. True to his instincts and patriotism as a "Green Mountain Boy," Jeremiah Greenleaf took an active part in the war of 181 2, enhsting as a private and winning his commission as an officer. He married Miss Elvira E. Stevens, the daugh ter of Siraon Stevens, M. D., of Guilford, "a true and noble woraan, of no sraaU degree of culture." 76 GREENLEAF. GRINNELL. Thus the subject of this sketch combines in his nature, as in his name, the elements of two characteristic New England famUies of the old school. His career has been in many respects a most varied and reraarkable one. The son of educated parents, it was quite natural that he should receive a good education, which was received in part, of course, at home, and in part at the common schools and acaderay of his native New England. His boyhood and youth were spent in farm hfe, but, from his nineteenth to his twenty-third year, he taught district and gram mar schools in the winter raonths, and during one season — so as to add as rauch as possible to his funds, worked in a brickyard. At the age of twenty-three he raade a six raonth's sea- voyage in the whaling vessel, Lewis Bruce, serving before the raast as a coraraon sailor. On the 24th of June, 1852, shortly after his return frora sea, he raarried Miss Jeannie F. Brooks, the youngest daughter of John Brooks, M. D., of Bernardston, Mass., and, in the raonth of Septeraber following, removed to Shelburne Falls, Mass., where he obtained eraployraent as a day laborer at the bench, in a large cutlery establishraent. A few raonths later he found a position in the office of a neighboring manufactory, and in a short tirae becarae a raeraber of the firm of MiUer & Greenleaf. On the nth of March, 1856, he - was commissioned by the Governor of Massa chusetts a justice of the peace. In 1857, a railitary corapany having been forraed in Shelburne Falls, the young raen coraposing it selected Mr. Greenleaf as their captain, and he continued in coraraand frora the 29th of August in that year, until the 3d of March, 1859, when he resigned his captain's cora mission. The same year he became a raera ber of the firm of Linus Yale, Jr., & Co., in Philadelphia, and went to that city to live, reraaining in business there until 1861, when he returned to Shelburne FaUs, and organized the Yale & Greenleaf Lock Co., of which he becarae business manager. Making the best disposition he could of his business, he enlisted as a private soldier in the Union array in August, 1862, enter ing the fifty-second Massachusetts regiraent, to the organizing and recruiting of which he devoted both his money and energy. He was coraraissioned captain of Company E, Sept. 12, 1862, and on the 13th of October was unanimously elected colonel of the reg iraent, which was soon afterwards ordered into service under General Banks in the de partraent of the Gulf. During Banks' first Red River expedUion Colonel Greenleaf was commandant of the post at Barre's Landing, Louisiana, and for a brief period in cora raand of the second brigade of Grover's division. At the head of his regiraent he participated in the battles of Indian Ridge, and performed gallant service at Jackson Cross Roads, and in the grand assault on Port Hudson, June 14, 1863, and in the subsequent siege operations resulting in the surrender of that important confederate stronghold, he bore a conspicuous part and distinguished hiraself by his coolness, judg ment and bravery. At the expiration of his terra of raUitary service. Colonel Greenleaf was offered and accepted the coramand of the government steamer. Colonel Benedict, on the lower Mississippi. Soon after the close of the war he took charge of the extensive salt works of Petite Anse Island, St. Mary's Parish, Louisiana. In June, 1867, he removed to Rochester, N. Y., and on the ist of July following, the firra of Sargent & Greenleaf, of which he is the junior raeraber, was organized. The firra of Sargent & Greenleaf raanufacture, under patents held by thera, raagnetic, auto- raatic, chronometer and other burglar locks ; combination safe locks, padlocks, drawer, trunk, house, chest, store, door and other locks, night latches, etc., and so successful has the firm been, that to-day their locks of every description have raade their way to every part of the civilized world. In the presidential campaign of 1880 Colonel Greenleaf devoted himself with energy to the support of General Hancock, the Democratic candidate, and organized and comraanded the "Hancock brigade" a political-military organization opposed to the Republican organization of similar char acter, known as the " Boys in Blue." In the early part of February, 1882, he was elected coraraander of the First New York veteran brigade, with the rank of brigadier- general, and unaniraously re-elected to that position in January, 1883. Although he did not seek the honor, in the fall of 1882 the Deraocratic congressional convention, for the Thirtieth District, at Rochester, nomi nated General Greenleaf for Congress as a Democrat, and he was elected, receiving 18,042 votes, against 12,038 for John Van Voorhis, Republican, and 1,419 for Gordon, Prohibitionist. He was also elected to the Fifty-second Congress from the same Repub lican district, and is at present a raeraber of the board of trustees of the Rochester Sav ings Bank ; of the Rochester park commis sion ; of the St. Lawrence University at Can ton, N. v., and of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Bath, N. Y. GRINNELL, JOSIAH B., was born in New Haven, Dec. 22, 1821 ; received a cob legiate and theological education; went to Iowa in 1855, and turned his attention to farming ; was a member of the state Senate for four years ; a special agent for the gen eral post office for two years, and was elected GRISWOLD. a representative frora Iowa to the Thirty- eighth Congress. GRISWOLD, William D., of St Louis, was born Nov. 6, 1815, in Benson. His father and mother were Isaac and Huldah Griswold. The son William received his early educa tion in the common schools and afterwards took a course in Middlebury CoUege. In his preparatory studies he was tutored by the late Rev. Dr. Post, of St. Louis. Soon after leaving coUege, at the age of twenty years, Mr. Griswold went to the West and began the study of law at Indianapohs. After his -admission to the bar he located in the town of Terre Haute and began the practice of law in partnership with John P. Usher, who in after years was made Secretary of the Inte rior in President Lincoln's cabinet. The law firm of Griswold & Usher became weU GRISWOLD. 77 WILLIAM D. GRISWOLD. and widely known in the states of Indiana and Ilhnois, and raany important cases were committed to its charge. In the practice in IlUnois Mr. Griswold became intimate with Abraham Lincoln and Judge David Davis, and a very sincere regard marked the friend ship as long as their lives lasted. Having located at Terre Haute in 1838 Mr. Gris wold continued his residence there for thirty- five years. In the year 1842 he married Miss Maria Lancaster, of Kentucky, who is still living. They had two children : A son, who is the well known hotel raan, owner and proprietor of the Laclede, of St. Louis ; and a daughter, wife of Mr. Huntington Smith of St. Louis. After the expiration of the partnership with Mr. Usher, Mr. Griswold gradually re tired from the practice of law. In 1858 he was placed by a state convention on the Repubhcan ticket with three others, consti tuting the bench, for judge of the Supreme Court. The ticket was defeated at the polls, whereupon Mr. Griswold took a great inter est in the railroad developraent of his section of the country. He built the original Evans- viUe & Crawfordsville R. R., and operated it for a period of three years, and was then caUed to take charge of the Terre Haute, AUon & St. Louis line, which at that tirae was rauch involved, badly raanaged, and fast approaching a state of total wreck. As pres ident and raanager of this road he deraon- strated his superior organizing and adrainis trative ability. Later, in the year 1864, Mr. Griswold took hold of the Ohio & Mississippi R. R., and as president and raanager brought order out of chaos, and put that important hne into the prorainent place which it has ever since occupied. It was during Mr. Griswold's adrainistration of seven years that the change of the gauge of the road was reduced from the six foot to the standard width. The work was all accomplished in one day, and without any injury to the trans portation of the line, and at that date was considered one of the marvels of railroad building. Mr. Griswold removed to St. Louis in the year 1872, and has proceeded to invest within it and near the borders. He was an exceUent judge of real estate values, and has unbounded confidence in the growth and extension of the city. It was this good judgment which directed him to the pur chase of a large body of land lying on the north side of Forest Park between Kings Highway and Union avenue. The tract was purchased atthe price of ^1,000 per acre, and lay for years idle, and in the judgment of many business men, a dead piece of prop erty. Time worked wonders with it, how ever, and justified aU of Mr. Griswold's most sanguine expectations. Three years ago it was purchased by a syndicate of weU-known citizens at the handsome figure of ^5,000 per acre. It is to-day one of the most attractive residence portions of the city, where all the improvements are made upon a scale of costly elegance. A horae in Westraoreland Place or Portland Place iraphes wealth and taste, fulfiUing Mr. Griswold's early concep tion of the ultimate value of that portion of the city. Mr. Griswold is at present con siderably interested in property across the river in East St. Louis. He is owner of the gas works of that city. Quite recently he 78 HALL. HALL. bought a thousand-acre tract of land in the American Bottora, lying on both sides of the Vandalia Railroad, about six railes east of East St. Louis. He has divided this body of rich arable land into four farras of 250 acres each, upon which he has put raany im portant improvements. In this particular enterprise he has indulged the desire of his heart to provide for each one of his young grandchildren a comfortable and coraplete farra home, which is to pass absolutely to each one when the youngest reaches his ma jority. The deed of trust conveying these lands is to their father, Mr. Huntington Smith, who at present manages the property. Mr. Griswold passes his winters and the cool seasons in St. Louis. In the summer tirae he takes his family and repairs to his native state, Verraont, where at the hand sorae town of Castleton he has provided another home, which lies one and one-half hours railroad distance north and east of Saratoga, near Lake Champlain, where the winds are cool and refreshing under the raorning shadows of the beautiful Green Mountains. Here he finds recreation and pleasure among family and friends and in the atmosphere of a life nearly spent. HALL, ALFRED Stevens, of Boston, Mass., son of Edward and Frances A. (Tut tle) Hall, was born in West W^estrainster, April 14, 1850. ALFRED STEVENS HALL. The people of his native parish, in his boyhood years, were generally of an intel lectual cast, and highly appreciated educa tional advantages and attainraents. It is not strange that a naturally good scholar, growing up in such surroundings, should have early possessed good ambitions. After sorae preparation for coUege in the home schools, in West Westminster, and at the WiUiston Seminary and Kirabail Union Acaderay, Mr. Hall entered Dartraouth Col lege in 1869 and was there graduated in 1873. It was necessary for hira to earn the pe cuniary raeans of his education in the main, and to do this he taught school some por tion of each year for several years. He also taught an entire year, after his graduation at Dartraouth, in Manchester, N. H., where also he began the study of law in the office of Cross & Burnbara. In the fall of 1874 he went to Boston to enjoy the advantages of a law school. In 1875 he received the degree of LL. B. from Boston University, graduating from its law school. A few raonths afterwards he was adraitted to the Suffolk bar, and the first of January, 1876, he began the practice of law in Boston. He has an excellent clientage and practice, and has steadfastly continued at Boston in the pursuit and exercise of his profession, with the exception of about one year, since be there began his life work. Upon hira are also devolved raany corpor ate and personal trusts in the line of his professional work and practice. Mr. Hall was raarried, Oct. 18, 1876, to Miss Annette M., daughter of Josiah H. and Martha A. (Charaberlain) Hitchcock, of Putney, a lady of exceptional graces and personal worth. She died Sept. 26, 1887, but is survived by a son, Francis C, and a daughter, Helen A. Ever since his marriage, Mr. Hall has had his home in Winchester, a suburb eight miles out from Boston, and he is identified with the public measures and responsibili ties of his town and coraraunity. HALL, Christopher W., ofMinne- eapohs, Minn., son of Lewis and Louisa (Wilder) Hall, was born Feb. 28, 1845, at Wardsboro. The Leland and Gray Serainary at Towns hend, Chester Acaderay and Middlebury College were the sources of Dean HaU's earlier educational acquirements, and occu pied the years from 1864 to 187 1. He was HATCH. 79 principal of the Glens FaUs, N. Y., Academy in i87i-'72, and the Mankato, Minn., high school the two following years and superin tendent of city schools at Owatonna, Minn., from 1873 to '75. From 1875 to 1877 be at tended the famous University of Leipzig, Germany, and in 1878 he was called to the chair of geology and mineralogy in the University of Minnesota, and has recently received further distinction frora tbat institu tion, in becoming the dean of the CoUege of Engineering, Metallurgy and the Mechanic Arts. Dean Hall has long occupied a prominent and active position in his chosen field and is the author of many valuable papers on geological and educational subjects. During the winter term of 1878 he lectured on zoology at Middlebury College and was later, that year, and up to 1879, an instructor in the University of Minnesota. Frora 1879 to 1 89 1 he was a professor of geology, mineral ogy and biology, and in 1891 became the professor of geology and mineralogy. Frora 1878 to 1 88 1 he was assistant geologist of the geological survey of Minnesota and be came assistant geologist of the United States geological survey in 1883. The Minnesota Acaderay of Natural Sciences at Minneapolis raade him its secretary in 1882 and in 1883 the editor of its bulletins, which positions he held uninterruptedly to the present time. Such a busy life has left no time for polit ical work. While at coUege he was active in fraternity life, and was elected on graduation to the Phi Beta Kappa. He is a member of the Araerican Association for Advanceraent of Science, and was raade a fellow of that association in 1883, and also of the Geological Society of Araerica, of which he is one of the charter raerabers. Dean HaU's first wife was Ellen A., daugh ter of Hon. Mark H. and Sarah B. DunneU of Owatonna, Minn., whom he married July 27, 1875, and lost while in Leipzig, Gerraany, on the 2ist of February, 1876. He married again, Dec. 26, 1883, Mrs. Sophia L. Haight, daughter of Eli and Sophia Seely of Osh- kosh, Wis. Mrs. HaU died July 12, 1891, leaving an infant daughter : Sophia. HATCH, EGBERT Benson, of Salinas City, Cab, son of Charles P. and Lydia M. (Taylor) Hatch, was born in East Hard wick, Feb. 8, 1 83 1. The Hatch faraily is one of the oldest in the state of Verraont. The great-grand father of the subject of this subject married Sarah Richards and moved from Preston, Ct., to Norwich, in 1768; being a surveyor he made the first survey of that town. He raised a large faraily. The youngest son, John, Jr., was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, and with his wife, Waity Ens- worth, raoved to Hardwick in 1809. Feb ruary, 20, 1815 he was commissioned ist Lieut, in the 31st Regt. of the Inft., and the commission is in the possession of the sub ject of this sketch and bears the signatures of President James Madison and Secretary of War James Monroe. Mr. Hatch prepared himself for the minis try, and his early education was received at the academies of WiUiston and Johnson, and in the Acaderaical and Theological Institu tion at Fairfax, Vt., while dependent upon his own resources, teaching school winters and working suramers in the hayfield, to provide raeans which the raoderate circura stances of his parents compeUed them to deny him. EGBERT BENSON HATCH. Mr. Hatch was ordained to the ministry, in the Baptist denomination, Jan. 3, 1856, at Lowell, and his whole life has been devoted to his chosen profession. During these years of faithful work he has had pastorates in Clinton, Wis,, Marcellus, N. Y., Reno, Nev., Y'allejo and Salinas City, Cab, having been pastor at the latter place for nine years. His raanner of preaching with the greatest fiuency without the use of raanuscript has always been very attractive to his hearers. He left Vermont in 1857 going thence to Wisconsin and from there to New York state in 1865, taking up his present residence in Cahfornia in 1870. Mr. Hatch has always been honored by his denomination. In 1892 8o HAWLEY. HAYWARD. he preached the anniversary sermon before the California Baptist State Convention at Santa Cruz. Among the social organizations, the Good Teraplars have no raore active faithful worker than Mr. Hatch. The Ancient Order of United Workraen is another body in which he has done much good work. Mr. Hatch was raarried in Johnson, to Laura W. Butterfield, whose parents were old settlers of the town of Lowell, having raoved there when there were only seven faraUies in the township. Mrs. Hatch died in Septera ber, 1884, at San Francisco, leaving two daughters : Mrs. L. H. Cooke of San Fran cisco, and Mrs. A. F. Bellene of Salinas. HAWLEY, David, of Yonkers, N. Y., son of David and Bethiah (Buck) Hawley, was born at Ariington, April 14, 1820. '¦^- DAVID HAWLEY. He reraained on his father's farra attend ing the district school, until nearly twenty years of age. He then commenced his prepa ration for coUege at Burr Seminary, Man chester, and after about eighteen raonths study, entered Yale College in 1841. Atthe end of the freshraan year, sickness corapelled hira to leave coUege, and he spent a year reading law with Harraon Canfield, Esq., in his native town. He returned to New Haven again the following suramer, joining the sophomore class of 1846, and graduated with that class. He was an editor of the Yale Literary Magazine, and a meraber of the Psi Upsilon and the Skull and Bones societies. In the spring before his graduation he com raenced the study of law in the office of Orsaraus Bushnell, Esq., in New York City, and was adraitted to the bar in 1848. In May, 1850, he forraed a partnership in New York with John H. Glover, a classmate at Yale. This partnership continued about twelve years, the firra doing a successful busi ness and having charge of some important trust estates. After the dissolution of the firm of Hawley & Glover, Mr. Hawley con tinued the practice of law, and having become counsel for Isaac M. Singer, the sewing ma chine inventor, went to Paris, in 1870, at his request, to draw his wiU. In 1873 he relin quished the general practice of law to take ¦ charge of Mr. Singer's large business inter ests in this country, representing him as a director in the Singer Manufacturing Co. After Mr. Singer's death in 1875, Mr. Hawley as sole surviving executor of his wiU in this country, administered on his estate, and though raany complications arose therein, he successfully arranged them all, and had the estate settied and ready for distribution in the shortest time allowed by law for that pur pose. He was testamentary guardian and trustee of the rainor children and devoted a large share of his tirae to the management of their estates, and when released from that trust as they attained their majority he retired from active business. In politics he is a Democrat, but has always decUned pubUc office, except the positions of water" coraraissioner and school trustee in the city where he resides. In August, 185 1, Mr. Hawley raarried Miss Maria Louisa Whiteside of Cambridge, N. Y., who died in i860. In October, 1861, he married Miss Catharine Ann, daughter of Sarauel and Maria Crosby Brown of New York. He has two children living : Cath erine S., and Samuel Brown. He has raade his horae at Yonkers on the Hudson siqce 1863. HAYWARD, LEWIS A., of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Lewis and Margaret (Sraith) Hayward, was born in Dalton, N. H., Sept. 22, 1847, but claims to be a son of Vermont, because his parents raoved with him to St. Johnsbury before he was a month old, and aU his love centers in the Green Mountain state. He received his education in the common schools of Verraont, having attended school in St. Johnsbury, St. Albans and Bristol and at intervals worked on his father's farra dur ing the years of his minority, and continued farming in partnership with his father in Kirby until he was thirty years of age. Mr. Hayward removed to San Francisco in March, 1877, where he engaged in the HAZELTINE. milk business, which he has followed to the present tirae. He became the junior partner of the firm of J. A. Roy & Co. in 1884. He is now one of the merabers and directors of the firra known as the Guadaloupe Dairy Co., a stock corapany forraed and incorpor ated in 1889, and holds the office of treasurer and is also manager of the city department of their extensive business. LEWIS A. HAYWARD. He became a Free Mason in 1876, having joined Moose River Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 82, in West Concord, and is stiU a member of the sarae lodge in good standing. He is also a raeraber of the Pacific Coast Associa tion Native Sons of Verraont. Mr. Hayward was raarried in San Fran cisco July 19, 1882, to Margaret S. Hender son, daughter of John and Jean (Knowles) Henderson. HAZELTINE, iRA S., was born in An dover July 13, 182 I ; reraoved to Wisconsin at an early age; studied law and lectured for ten years upon scientific and reformatory subjects ; in 185 1 laid out the town of Rich mond Centre, now county seat of Richland county ; received a colonel's commission in 1852 at the hands of Governor FarweU; was a delegate to the first Repubhcan state convention in 1854 ; meraber of the Wiscon sin Legislature in 1867, and estabhshed a newspaper called the Live Repubhcan at Richraond Centre; in 1868 reraoved to Springfield, Mo., and engaged in farraing; was district lecturer of the grange several years ; was raember of state grange execu tive coraraittee ; was delegate to the first Greenback state convention in 1876 ; was elected to the Forty-seventh Congress as a National Greenback Labor candidate. He still resides at Springfield. HAZEN, Arthur Herbert, of Sioux City, Iowa, son of Addison and Jane (Hyde) Hazen, was born at North Hero, March 9, 1855- Mr. Hazen was educated at the Vermont Methodist Serainary at Montpelier, and the Barre Acaderay, entering the University of Vermont in 1876, and prepared himself for the practice of the law at Montpelier. At Fargo, North Dakota, he organized the law firra of Hazen & Cleraent and was its senior raeraber frora 1881 to 1885. Mr. Hazen's business has been largely in banking as well ARTHUR HERBERT HAZEN. as in the law, and he has held high positions of trust in successful Western institutions. Frora 1883 to 1885 he was the treasurer of the Northwestern Trust Co., of Fargo, and from the time of the original organization of the Farmers Trust Co., of Sioux City, Iowa, he was its vice-president and Western raanager which position he now holds. He is also president of the Red River Valley Banking Co., which has its office at Fargo, and a director of the Moorhead National Bank, of Moorhead, Minn. Mr. Hazen re sided in Fargo from 1879 to 1889, and whUe there received pohtical honors as a 82 HIBBARD. member of the board of aldermen for three years. In 1889 he reraoved to Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Hazen was raarried at Fargo, October, 1880, to Ida A., daughter of WUlard and Sophronia S. Marsh, of Plainfield, and has one child ; Ray M. HIBBARD, GEORGE LOVICTOR, of Portland, Ore., son of Joel Tyler and Lucy Elnette (Cleveland) Hibbard, was born in Troy, July 18, 1835. He received his early education in the dis trict schools of his native village until the age of sixteen years. In 1851 or 1852 he went to Boston, Mass., where he learned the GEORGE LOVICTOR HIBBARD. trade of carpenter, joiner, and ship-builder. This accomphshed, he became a contractor in the city of Boston for about a year. When the vast western country, with her great pos sibilities, was opened to the world the spirit of research possessed him, and in June, 1857, he turned westward, spending about three months in prospecting. Satisfied that he did not like weU enough to make this new country his home, he returned to Wellsville, N. v., and became interested in building until the spring of 1859. The Pacific coast at this tirae allured hira to her shores, so erabarking in an AspinwaU stearaer, he sailed for San Francisco via the Isthraus of Panaraa, and after a long and terapestuous voyage, cast anchor in San Francisco Bay. Mr. Hibbard spent a raonth or more among friends in San Francisco, and set sail for Portland, Ore. The upper Cob umbia proraised good results in the building business, consequently he engaged in the lumber trade, with sash and door manufact ory at The Dalles, Ore., during the years i860 and 1861. In January, 1862, he sold out, and taking a stock of raerchandise went to the Florence gold raines in Idaho, sold out, prospected awhile then returned to The Dalles in the auturan of the sarae year ; bought out the hotel "What Cheer House," ran it four raonths and sold out. He becarae again in terested in building enterprises untU the spring of 1863, when, with Mr. Lurchin, he founded and built up the town of UraatiUa on the Columbia River in UraatiUa county, Oregon. He sold out in 1863, took a stock of goods to Bannock City, Idaho, engaged in raerchandise a year, sold out and in Jan uary, 1865, settled permanently in Portland, Ore. In 1866 he went into the produce, gro ceries, and general comraission business until 1872, when in the great fire of that year he lost everything, and was in debt to the extent of §15,000, which he afterwards paid in full with interest. In 1873 he started in the wholesale produce commission business, also consignments of boots and shoes frora his brother, C. A. Hibbard of Burlington, and C. M. Hibbard of Newport, now deceased. In 1877 J. W. Brazee be carae his partner as raanufacturers, import ers, and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, the firm name being G. L. Hibbard & Co., untU Feb. 14, 1885, when he sold out to Mr. Brazee. The following month he went to Boston, bought a stock of goods in conjunction with his brother, C. J. of New port Vt., returned in eight weeks and en tered into the importing of boots and shoes, the firra name being Hibbard Brothers. After a run of two or three years, he as sumed the entire business and still continues in the importing, wholesale and retail, of boots and shoes. Mr. Hibbard is a "pioneer" in its strict est sense, having seen Portland grow from an infant village to the full grown, prosperous city of to-day ; and by his untiring zeal in every honorable enterprise has contributed in no smaU degree to the upbuilding of the raetropolis of Oregon. Mr. Hibbard, in 1874, was one of the original charter merabers of the Portland Board of Trade which was subsequently sub- raerged into the chamber of corameree, in which he has continuously been a member and stockholder, being at present (1894) a meraber of the raanufacturers coramittee. Mr. Hibbard has been raany times called upon to accept public positions, but being of rather a retiring disposition he has as often declined overtures. HOARD. 83 In 1892 he built the Treraont House, one of the most elegant, complete, and commo dious hotel properties on the coast. Mr. Hibbard was raarried, Sept. 17, 1867, to Josephine, daughter of Hon. Joseph and Sarah (Hurford) Jeffers. She died May 30, 1878, and he raarried Carrie Jeffers Harned, sister of his first wife. Of the first union there were three sons and one daughter, two of whora are living ; and of the latter union four sons, all living. HIBBARD, Harry, was born in Verraont; graduated at Dartraouth College in 1835 ; was assistant clerk of the House of Repre sentatives for New Harapshire in 1839 ; clerk of the sarae from 1840 to 1843 '> speaker of the House in 1844 and 1845 ; in the state Senate from 1846 to 1849; officiating two years as president ; and was a representative in Congress frora New Harapshire frora 1849 to 1855. HIGLEY, Edwin Hall, of Groton, Mass., son of Rev. Harvey O. and Sarah (Little) Higley, was born in Castleton, Feb. 15, 1843. He received his preparatory education at Castleton Seminary, and then entered Mid dlebury College, where he graduated in the class of 1868. For the next four years he studied music and philology in Boston and Cambridge, and from 1882 to 1884 at the Royal Conservatory of Leipsic, in Germany. Though scarcely emerged from boyhood, he was inspired with the enthusiasm attend ing the early outbreak of the war for the Union, and in 1861 he enlisted in Co. K, ist Vt. Cavalry. During his service he was detailed as adjutant and as regimental com missary and in the latter part of 1863 acted as brigade ordnance officer on the staff of Gen. G. A. Custer. During Kilpatrick's raid he commanded a section of Battery C, 3d U. S. Artillery and had the satisfaction of shelhng the- rebel capitol. He was wounded and taken prisoner June 29, 1864, after hav ing participated in most of the cavalry en gagements of the Army of the Potomac in the campaigns of Pope, second Bull Run, Gettysburg and the Wilderness. Exchanged March i, 1865, he was coraraissioned captain of Co. K, and soon after brevet major for gaUant and meritorious service during the war. From 1868 to 1872 Major Higley taught music in Boston, Mass., and then accepted a professorship of German and Greek in Mid dlebury CoUege, where he remained ten years. After his return from Europe, he was teacher of music and organist in Worcester, Mass. In 1886 he came tp Groton School as Greek and German instructor and as choir master and organist, which position he holds up to the present tirae. He raarried, June 2, 1870, in Middlebury, Jane S., daughter of Oliver and Jane (Shep ard) Turner. They have one daughter : Margaret E. HOARD, Charles B., was born in Springfield June 28, 1805 ; he was a raechanic and for several years in early hfe a clerk in a private land office at Antwerp, N. Y. He was postraaster under Presidents Jackson and "Van Buren ; justice of the peace for sev eral years ; a meraber of the Legislature of New York in 1838, and county clerk of Jef ferson county, N. Y., in 1844, '45 and '46 ; was elected a representative to the Thirty- fifth Congress and was re-elected to the Thirty-sixth Congress. HOLABIRD, William Hyman, of Oak land, Cal, son of Oscar F. and Adeha A. (Pierson) Holabird, was born in Shelburne, Sept. 29, 1845. Mr. Holabird availed hiraself of the educa tional advantages afforded by the schools of Shelburne and the acaderay at WiUiston, and at the age of fifteen went to Missouri. His first occupation was as a newsboy on the Han nibal & St. Jo R. R. At the breaking out of the war he returned to Verraont and enlisted in Co. C, 12th Vt. Vols, and served out his terra. He entered the navy as first-class fireraan on the U. S. S. Monadnock in Septeraber, 1864. In Decera ber of that year he was proraoted to acting assistant payraaster. He was in the great naval engageraent at Fort Fisher and resigned frora the service in 1865 and went to Indiana. Later he went to Chicago, and was for a tirae in the eraploy of MarshaU Field & Co., and J. V. FarweU. Mr. Holabird began his railroad work in 1876, with the Penn. & Grand Rapids & Indiana Co., as general traveUing agent. In 1880 he went with the Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe R. R., as special agent and for the past three years has been confidential agent of President Manvel of that systera. During his connection with the Atchison systera he has perforraed rauch important work in rela tion to the company's lands and the location of new railroad lines. In poUtics Mr. Holabird has been an act ive Repubhcan and while not aspiring to pre ferraent has generally represented his party as delegate to local conventions. He has also been prorainent in various temperance organizations and Masonic bodies, including aU orders of the Teraple. He married, June 9, 1870, Phebe J., daugh ter of RusseU and Emeline (James) Dorr, of Middlebury, whose father is a descendant of the Puritans. They have three children : RusseU D., Erama A., and Harrison G. HOLMES. HOPKINS. HOLMES, ELIAS B., was born in Fletch er, May 27, 1807. He coraraenced life as a teacher, and at the age of twenty emigrated to Munroe county, N. Y., where he studied law and was adraitted to practice ; in Con gress frora New York, frora 1845 to 1849. HOPKINS, Caspar Thomas, late of San Francisco, Cab, was the third son of the Right Reverend John H. Hopkins, first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Vermont, and of Melusina MuUer, his wife, was born at Allegany Town, Penn., May 18, 1826. His father was a native of Dubhn, Ireland, and arrived in the United States at the age of eight years. His mother was born in Gerraany. Her father, once a wealthy shipping raerchant, having been im poverished by the Napoleonic wars, erai grated to the United States in 181 2, when his daughter was thirteen years old, and settled at Zelienople, Penn. In 1832 the father of the subject of this sketch, having been elected Bishop of Verraont, took up his residence in the beautiful town of Burling ton, and there his faraily of thirteen children were educated. Bishop Hopkins wiU long be remembered in Vermont for his indoraitable energy and industry, his varied talents, his peerless ex pression of his often peculiar opinions, his unselfish and selfisacrificing devotion to duty, and his powerful will. In no respect were his opinions more peculiar than on the subject of education, and aU his children were necessarily deeply irapressed by those peculiarities. They were never sent to any public school until the boys were old enough to enter college, but the good bishop opened a school of his own, erabarking his entire property and all he could borrow in the erection of the old Verraont Episcopal Insti tute, which was located just south of the then village of Burlington, and a part only of whose buildings now reraain. In this school there were no vacations, no plays, no relax ation frora alternate study, work, and church attendance, except on Saturday afternoon. Severe discipline, and frequent punishraent with the rod or black strap were the only induceraents to effort — eraulation, rewards, and even raarks being strictly excluded. The teachers were nearly all theological students, the great object of the school being to train up clergymen for the church. For several years it was weU attended, but the hard times of i838-'39 caused the with drawal of so many of the pupils that the school closed its doors, and bankruptcy resulted. Caspar was then fourteen years old and had been fitted to enter college two years previously, besides receiving a good ele raentary training in rausic and French. But it was now necessary for the boys to go to- work. A farm of one hundred acres of rocky land, now known as Rock Point, and the site of the present Verraont Episcopal In stitute and Bishop Hopkins HaU was bought for the bishop by an old Pennsylvania friend. Here the boys went to work, learning by daily practice, under the constant lash of the severest poverty, aU those varied prac tical lessons which have proved New Eng land farra life the best of preparations for success in after years. Four years of farm ing, wood chopping, raechanical work, quar rying, building, and boating, while the even ings were devoted to soUd reading (no novels being allowed in the house) and Sun days to church and sacred rausic, laid broad and deep the foundations of a hard-working, industrious and energetic character. The education thus begun was corapleted by the full four years' course in the University of Ver mont, during which Caspar supported himself by playing a church organ Sundays, tuning pianos, and lecturing. He was graduated second in the class of 1847, without having cost his father a doUar, and entirely free from debt ; the ;?50o he expended for board, clothing and college biUs during the four years having been earned by himself. In the month of Deceraber, 1848, the California fever broke out, and he was one of the first Vermont boys to catch the in fection. On New Year's raorning, 1849, he left horae for New York with $5 in- his pocket, and found hiraself June 10, 1849, in San Francisco without a dollar, ragged, badly afflicted with land scurvy, and ^600 in debt. He carae by the Mexican route as a member of the United Pacific Gold Co., of which he was elected captain while at the City of Mexico. His first three years in California were marked by the sarae risks, adventures, sudden changes of fortune, hardships, and romantic but unprofitable experience com raon to the great raajority of the "Argonauts."' In 1850, in connection with Herraan Win chester and H. J. Paine, he organized the faraous "Samuel Roberts Expedition," which first explored the Rogue and Umpqua rivers in Southern Oregon. Hopkins' widely pub lished description of that region caused its first settleraent by Americans. In December, 185 1, he secured a position in the custora house which he held three years. Through favorable influences and thrifty habits he was enabled at the end of this tirae to return to New York, with the view of raising capital there to undertake fire and marine insurance in San Francisco. Finding it impossible however to get the necessary money he attempted to secure agencies of American companies to compete with the few Enghsh concerns, then doing business in California, which had formed a '•"'"/iitiitii m W CC(J . HOPKINS. HOPKINS. close monopoly. New York companies had not then learned the principles of scattering their business through distant agencies, how ever, and he returned to accept employraent at Sacramento, with a sub-agent of an Eng lish company. After two years of remarkable success he returned to San Francisco and ac quired a third interest in the insurance firra of McLean & Fowler, who had represented some old Hartford corapanies with indifferent success. Mr. Hopkins developed their busi ness at once to large proportions. Finding a great opportunity to establish a raarine in surance business he withdrew frora the firra, and consuraraated his favorite plan by organ izing the California Mutual Marine Insurance Co., in February, 1861, with a capital of $200,000, of which he was secretary. Suc cess carae frora the start, and in 1864 the re incorporation as the California Insurance Co., adding fire business to its risks, took place. In 1866 Mr. Hopkins became the president of the company, retaining this business until his retireraent from active business life in 1885. He was now in a position where his natural energies and varied education were directly brought to bear not only upon the interests of his company, but on those of Pacific coast underwriting generally. His good judgment brought large profits to his stockholders, and his persistent refusal of Eastern business doubtless saved an im mense loss in the confiagrations of Chicago and Boston in 1 871, which ruined so many companies. Mr. Hopkins was a moving spirit in the organization, in 1864, of the Board of Marine Underwriters, and wrote the "iron-clad" constitution of the Board of Fire Underwriters. In 1868 and 1869 he was secretary of the charaber of coraraerce and worked out its reorganization on the present basis. His efforts were instrumental in securing light houses and signals on the Pacific coast. He advocated and drafted the law creating the office of insurance commissioner in 1866, and for many years he worked unceasingly to establish the insurance business of the Pacific coast on a firm basis. He promoted the Merchants and Ship Owners Steara Tug Co., which destroyed the towage raonopoly. He wrote the pamphlet entitied "Sugges tions to Masters of Vessels in Distress " which was reprinted by the Australian un derwriters, and by Lloyds coraraittee in Lon don. Mr. Hopkins found time for numer ous tasks in the broader field of general good, and wrote in 1871 a "Manual of American Ideas." He was also the presi dent of the California Immigrant Union in 1870 and 1871, the precursor of the efficient Imraigration Society. He proraoted and was president of the Pacific Social Science Association. He was a prorainent member of the famous coraraittee of one hundred which undertook to curb the power of the Southern Pacific R. R. He was a valued contributor to local periodicals on serious subjects. Throughout his life in California he was an ardent raember and worker for the Unitarian Church, and helped to organ ize and establish the now flourishing church of that denomination in Oakland. He raised §20,000 for this church, and his personal influence secured also a fine organ for it, which he played gratuitously for five years. The above is but a faint outline of Mr. Hopkins' labors for pubhc good and far from coraplete. His disposition was to be useful without other raotive than to be a power for good in the coraraunity where he lived. He never pointed out evU except for the sake of abating it. On his retirement from business and from San Francisco to Pasadena in July, 1885, both branches of the insurance pro fession tendered him a handsome acknowb edgement of his great services, at a com plimentary luncheon, and presented him with an elegant service of plate. At Pasa dena he soon recuperated his waning strength and became actively engaged in building operations and the culture of fruits and in town matters. He contributed large numbers of volumes to the Library Asso ciation, as well as a large amount of money for its building. Mr. Hopkins married, in 1853, Almira Burnett, daughter of Daniel Burnett, a New York capitalist. Mrs. Hopkins died in 1875, leaving six children. In 1877 Mr. Hopkins married Mrs. Jane E. Taylor, of Glaston bury, Conn. He was indebted for his success to his own native abilities, assiduous self culture, indomitable persistence and commendable self-reliance. He knew how and when to say "No." In early life he made his choice between popularity and usefulness, and armed and equipped with innate honesty and integrity he fought for his principles with good courage. It was this characteristic above all others which made him a marked man in a com munity where wealth was God — and where the pubihc did not question methods, so long as wealth was attained. Mr. Hopkins died at Pasadena, Cab, Oct. 4, 1893. Mrs. Hopkins, three daughters and a son survive him. HOPKINS, GEORGE Wesley, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Enos Daniel and Sally Knight (Titus) Hopkins, was born in Bethel, Oct 18, 1852. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and the St. Johnsbury Acaderay. At the age of eighteen he be carae bookkeeper for E. & T. Fairbanks & HOPKINS. HORR. 87 Co., which position he held four years. He then engaged as bookkeeper in the Frst National Bank at St. Johnsbury, remaining there one year. In 1875 he raoved to Cali fornia and for two years was an accountant in the general office of the Southern Pacific R. R. Co. Subsequently mercantile and fire insurance business occupied his attention untU 1883, when his health faUed and he was compeUed to leave San Francisco. Mov ing to Los Gatos, he engaged in fruit grow ing, and after two years regained his health. He then returned to San Francisco to take charge of the wholesale produce and cora- GEORGE WESLEY HOPKINS. mission business of Getz Brothers & Co., occupying this position for two years. He next forraed a partnership with Nathan C. Carnall in the real estate business, known as the CarnaU-Hopkins Company, a corpora tion of which Mr. Hopkins was vice-presi dent He has been instruraental in eff'ecting ¦sorae of the most important transfers in both city and country real estate known in the history of California. Early in 1894 Mr. Hopkins withdrew from this firm and has since engaged in the same line of business without partners. In December, 1878, he conceived the idea ¦of forming a society of the sons of his native state, and with that end in view, inserted notices in the daUy papers inviting native Vermonters to raeet at the Palace Hotel. This movement resulted in tbe organization, Jan 6 1879, of the "Pacific Coast Associa tion, Native Sons of Vermont," which is to-day one of the most flourishing social societies on the Pacific coast. Mr. Hopkins was the first secretary of this association, and held that office until he left the city, on account of illness, in 1883. He is now one of its vice-presidents. Much of the success of this association during its early history was due to the indefatigable exertions and good manageraent of Mr. Hopkins. October 18, 1877, Mr. Hopkins was mar ried to Miss Francisea Amelia Schafer, daughter of John F. and Annie M. Schafer. They have had four children : Lillian Vida, Florence Pearl, George Wesley, Jr., and Annie Francisea (deceased). HORR, Roswell G., of East Saginaw, Mich., was born at Waitsfield, Nov. 26, 1830 ; reraoved with his parents, when four years of age, to Lorain county, O., where he passed his early years ; graduated at Antioch College, the fall after his graduation was elected clerk of the court of coraraon pleas of Lorain county, and was re-elected in i860 ; at the close of his six years' clerkship he was adraitted to the bar, and practiced law two years at Elyria, O. ; in the spring of 1866 reraoved to Southeastern Missouri, where he was engaged in raining for six years; reraoved in the spring of 1872 to East Saginavf, Mich., where he now resides ; is at present a lumberraan and has been engaged in that business a large portion of his tirae since his residence in Michigan ; was elected to the P'orty-sixth Congress as a Republican and received other elections to Congress. HORTON, Valentine B., was born at Windsor, Jan. 29, 1802 ; was educated at Partridge's Military Acaderay, and after that institution was reraoved to Middletown, Conn., he became a teacher therein. He studied law at Middletown, and was adraitted to the bar in 1830, after which he rerpoved to and practiced his profession in Pittsburg. He removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1833, where he followed his profession for two years, and in 1835 removed to Pomeroy, Ohio. He was a raember of the Ohio Con stitutional Convention of 1850, and in 1854 he was elected a representative to the Thirty- fourth Congress, and was re-elected to the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-seventh Congresses. In 1 86 1 he was a raember of the peace con gress held in Washington. HOSFORD, Jedediah, was born in Vermont, and having reraoved to New York, was elected a Representative in Congress frora tbat state frora 185 1 to 1853. HOUGHTON, Henry Oscar, of Cam bridge, Mass., son of WUliam and Marilla HOUGHTON. HOWARD. (Clay) Houghton, was born at Sutton, April 30, 1823. At the age of thirteen he became an ap prentice in the office of the Burhngton Free Press, and laid the foundation of his future career as the head of Araerica's greatest publishing house, the Riverside Press, of Houghton, Mifflin & Co. His brother at this tirae (1836) was in coUege at Burling ton, and, listening to his advice, he deter rained to acquire a thorough education. At the age of nineteen he entered the Univer sity of Vermont, possessed only of a sub stantial preparation and dauntless resolu tion. Graduating after four years, he spent some time in proof-reading and reporting on the Evening Traveler of Boston, before he discovered his life work as a master printer. In 1849 he joined Mr. BoUes in establishing a printing office in Carabridge, Mass. The business was soon removed to the present site of the Riverside Press, on the banks of the Charles river, and from HENRY OSCAR HOUGHTON. the first Mr. Houghton was its controUing spirit. The business continued an uninter rupted career of success, characterized by the publication of works that satisfied artis tic feeling as well as literary sense, and be carae by various alliances possessed of valu able plates and the literary accumulations and franchises of a half a century, collected by leading firras. .Among these treasures were privileges covering the works of an un equalled galaxy of the "fixed stars" of American literature. A record of the publications of the River side Press will show a greater proportion of the works which raake up the best literature of America, than can be found in the publi cations of other publishers. " Do it well or not at all," has long been the motto of Mr. Houghton, and that sentb raent is built into the very corner stone of the Riverside Press. It is hard to exaggerate the influence for good which this establish ment has exerted upon the world of letters and consequently upon tbe world of men. A high purpose, foUowed through a series of years, does not fail to accoraplish high re sults. Mr. Houghton's social life, frora the fact that by necessity he is thrown into con fidential relations with raany of the bright est raen and woraen of the era, is most charming. He was president of the Boston Vermont Association for eight years. Mr. Houghton was married, Sept. 12, 1854. His children are : Henry Oscar, Jr., Elizabeth Honis, Alberta Manning, and Justine Frances. HOWARD, Charles Webb, was born in Cabot, Jan. 23, 1831. His father, The ron Howard, was a lawyer of good repute and for some time district attorney. His raother was Calista Webster. Mr. Howard had the usual experience of a New England boy of that period, who be longed to an inteUigent, weU-to-do family, good opportunities at school, high school and acaderay, with genial care and sym pathy at horae. His early inclination to af fairs and business was manUest. Before he was of age he had a more than coramon ex perience of clerkship, partnership and man agement, and in 1852 he was in Galveston, Texas, for the repair of broken health, hav ing given up business. Health restored, the spirit of enterprise awakened, CaUfornia offered a brilUant field. On the 2 2d of January, 1853, he sailed frora New Orleans for San Francisco via Grey-Town, the San Juan River and San Juan, Nicaragua. On the western coast he was washed ashore from a burning ship, in which catastrophe more than two hundred lives were lost. After tedious delays and hardships he ar rived in San Francisco on the ist of April, 1853. Circumstances brought hira into intimate relations with the late Oscar L. Shafter, a native of Verraont, and judge of the Supreme Court of California. He married Judge Shaffer's eldest daughter, Emma, in 1862. The Shaffers (the Judge and his brother, James McM. Shafter) owned the Point Reyes ranch, a doraain of about 70,000 acres, in Marin county, Cal. Mr. Howard's rela- 90 HOWARD HOWE. tions with Judge Shafter quickened his raind and kindled his arabition, and in 1865 he re tired frora trade and becarae part owner and raanager of the ranch. His administration of that property involved many interests public and private, frora leasing lands to the building of railroads. It was a field for or ganizing and executive ability. During this period Mr. Howard traveled in Europe/ On his return in 1874, he was associated with the purchase and management of the Spring VaUey water works, which supplies the city of San Francisco. Upon the transfer of this property tothe new owners in January, 1874, he was elected president of the corporation and has held that office continuously since. The adrainistration of its affairs and property, valued at ^25, 000,000, requires accurate knowledge, a faculty for general oversight, careful deliberation, quick decision, patience, firmness and courtesy. Mr. Howard, by natural endowment and experience, unites these quahties in an unusual degree. More than is coraraon araong men of busi ness, he retains that flexibihty and teachable ness, that can receive suggestions, modify opinions and carry acquired knowledge and experience into new circurastances without that rigidity of raind that in so raany men becomes a conceit of knowing and cannot be taught. The public and private relations of the corporation of which he is president are con tinuously increasing, affording a school of wisdora, discretion and honor, and a theatre for their display. In the first Mr. Howard has been an apt learner, and upon the last a successful actor. Mr. Howard was united in raarriage, Jan uary, 1862, to Emma, daughter of Judge Oscar L. and Sarah R. Shafter. Their chUdren are : Oscar Shafter, Theron, Maud, Charles Webb, Jr., Frederick Paxson, and Harold Shafter. HOWARD, Jacob M., was born in Shaftsbury, July 10, 1805 ; was educated at the academies at Bennington and Brattle boro, and at Williams CoUege where he graduated in 1830 ; studied law, and taught in an academy in Massachusetts for a time ; removed to Michigan in 1832, and carae to the bar of that territory in 1833; in 1838 he was a meraber of the Legislature of that state ; frora 1841 to 1843 he wasa represen tative in Congress frora Michigan; in 1854 he was elected attorney-general of the state, twice re-elected and serving in all six years ; and in 1862 he was elected a senator in Congress ; was re-elected a senator in Con gress for the terra coraraencing in 1865. HOWARD, William A., was born in Verraont, and having taken up his residence in Michigan, was elected a representative frora that state, to the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Congresses. Having contested the seat of G. B. Cooper in i860, he became a meraber of the Thirty-sixth Congress. In 1 86 1 he was appointed by President Lincoln postmaster at Detroit. HOWE, Charles M., of Mellette, So. Dak., son of Benjamin C. and Sabra (Wash burn) Howe, was born August 4, 1828, at Woodstock. His education was received in the common schools. His parents died when he was about sixteen, and he was thrown upon his own resources. In 1846 he left Verraont and passed two years in Massachusetts. In 1 848 he went to sea, and for five years raade several voyages in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and in the Arctic upon whaling ships. He left the sea in 1855 and went west, locating in Rock county, Wis., where he en gaged in farraing for a few years. He then engaged in trade at Fulton, Wis., and from there went to Stoughton in 1863. He again sold out in 1876, and went into business at Mazo Manie, Wis., as a general trader. In 1881 he went to Dakota, then a territory, becoraing one of the first settlers in what was afterward the town of Mellette. Here he opened up a general store and lumber yard, and has accumulated a large property, including a farm of four thousand acres, upon which last year's wheat crop amounted to thirty-five thousand bushels. At the present tirae his business is that of a farraer and grain dealer. He also owns an elevator of large capacity and a coal yard. Mr. Howe has become a leading citizen, though not a politician. He is a Deraocrat, and has held the office of chairman of the board of sup ervisors since the organization of the town in 1884. In social organizations Mr. Howe is prom inent. He was the treasurer of the I. 0. 0. F. until elected N. G., and is a Past Grand. He is also a meraber of the A. O. U. W., and is a Past Master of Unity Lodge No. 2 2 of Wisconsin jurisdiction. He is also a raember of the Daughters of Rebecca. In charitable work Mr. Howe is a leading worker, and was appointed a raeraber of the Board of Charities and Correction upon its organization, and in 189 1 was elected its president. This raost iraportant position he stiU holds, the board having charge of the hospital for insane at Yankton, the penUen- tiary at Sioux FaUs, the reforra school at Plankinton, and the school for deaf mutes at Sioux Falls. Mr. Howe was married in Cabot, Feb. 5, 1855, to Mary J. Bickford, and has bad two chUdren, but one of whom is now living. HOWE. HOWE, Thomas M., was born in Ver mont, and, having settied in Pennsylvania, was elected a representative in Congress from 1851 to 1855. HUNT, Richard Morris, of New York City, was born in Brattieboro in 1828, the son of Hon. Jonathan Hunt, M. C, and Jane Maria Leavitt. After his father's death his mother moved to New Haven and his education was commenced at French's School and was continued at the Boston high school and latin school. In 1843 he HUNT. 91 RICHARD MORRIS HUNT. went to Europe with his faraily and en tered a school at Geneva, comraencing the study of architecture with Alphonse Darier. Frora there he went to Paris and studied under Hector Lefuel, entering the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1845 and remaining until 1855, with intervals of travel over Europe, Egypt and Asia Minor. In 1854 and 1855 he had an appointment frora the French governraent as Inspecteur aux Travaux de la Reunion des Tuileries au Louvre. He returned to Araerica in 1855, and coraraenced the practice of his profession by spending six raonths with the late Thoraas U. Walter on the capitol at W^ashington. He then opened an office in New York with an architectural course for students on the prin ciple of the Paris Atehers. Messrs. George B. Post, Professor WiUiara R. Ware, Frank Furniss, Henry Van Brunt, Charles Gam- briU and others were members of his studio at this time. In 1867 he served as a meraber of the art jury at the Paris Exposition and in 1876 he held the sarae office at the Centennial Ex hibition in Philadelphia. Received the decoration of the Legion of Honor frora the French Government in 1882 and was made corresponding raeraber of the Institute of France the following year. In New York and through the country generally Mr. Hunt ranks among the first architects. He is a prorainent raember of the ArchUectural League of New York, the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and other similar American associations. He is one of the three foreign architects belonging to the Society of St. Luke, an Itahan body of artists which has the distinction of being the oldest society of its kind in the world. He is a raeraber of the Institute of British Architects, the Cen tral Society of French Architects, and the Architects and Engineers' Society of Vienna. He recently received the gold raedal of the InstUute of British Architects, conferred by Queen Victoria, being one of seventeen foreigners to be so honored. He was several years president of the New York Chapter of the Araerican Institute of ArchUects, and was elected to the presidency of the Insti tute on the death of the late Thoraas U. Walter in 1887. Among Mr. Hunt's principal works are : Lenox Library buUding, New York City ; Presbyterian Hospital, New York City; Delaware & Hudson Canal building. New York City ; Tribune building. New York City ; residences for William K. VanderbUt, Esq., New York City and Newport, R. I. ; residence for Ogden Goelet, Esq., Newport, R. I. ; residence for C. O. D. Iselin, Esq., New York City ; residence for Henry G. Marquand, Esq., New York City ; chateau at Baltimore, N. C, for George W. Vander bilt ; U. S. Acaderaie buUding, West Point, N. Y. ; U. S. Gyranasiura building, West Point, N. Y. ; U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. ; Yorktown raonuraent, Yorktown, Va. ; Liberty raonument, New York harbor and Soldiers and Sailors monu raent, Portland, Me. He received the degree of LL. D. from Harvard University in 1892. The New York Sun, in a recent editorial, says of hira : "We congratulate our dis tinguished fellow-citizen, Richard Morris Hunt, the architect, upon his election as a foreign associate member of the raost illus trious body of artists, the Acaderaie des Beaux-Arts, of the Institute of France. It is a raerited honor. He is a worthy raeraber. Mr, Hunt is a raan of genius, and his works bear the seal of it He has devoted his life to the noblest of aU the fine arts, that art which, sufficient unto itself, takes both 92 HUNTINGTON. HUNTINGTON. sculpture and painting as its adjuvants. For forty years he has stood foreraost among .American architects. He has rendered matchless service to the art of architecture in our country, an art, which, at the time he, when but fifteen years old, began to study it, had hardly an existence among us. We need not sound the praises of the artist who left the Green Mountain state in his boyhood, and within the past half century has won a narae of pre-eminent rank among the archi tects of the world, and now modestly wears the honors that belong to a member of the Institute of PYance, as well as those that ap pertain to the merabership of British, Aus trian and Italian associations of artists. Long live our accomplished and amiable friend, and may yet other honors be his." HUNTINGTON, De Witt Clinton, of Lincoln, Neb., son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Peck) Huntington, was born in Townshend, April 27, 1830. His parents were from Connecticut. His father was a raeraber of the Windhara county bar, but DE WITT CLINTON HUNTINGTON. owned a farra, and gave each of his sons a practical education in that useful industry. Dr. Huntington was educated in the schools of his native town, and afterward in a course in ancient and raodern languages at Roches ter, N. Y. In early life he connected hiraseU with the Methodist Episcopal church, and in 1853 was received into its rainistry. During his residence in Vermont he served churches of that denomination in Thetford, ProctorsviUe, and Brattleboro. At the close of his pastor ate at Brattieboro he was transferred to the conference which included the western part of New York and a portion of Pennsylvania. Within this territory he has spent three years in Syracuse, N. Y., five in Bradford, Pa., four in Buffalo, N. Y., and thirteen in Rochester. In 1868 the Genesee College conferred upon hira the degree of D. D. He has twice filled the office of presiding elder, and has represented his annual conference in the legislative body of the church at six success ive quadrennial sessions. In 1881 he was appointed a delegate to the Ecumenical Methodist Conference held in London, dur ing which year he raade a soraewhat ex tended tour through the different countries of Europe. In 189 1 he accepted the invi tation of Trinity Church, in Lincoln, Neb., to becorae its pastor, which, church is his field of labor at the present tirae. Dr. Huntington has written largely for the religious journals of his denomination and frequently for the secular press. Quite a number of his serraons have been published in pamphlet forra, chiefly upon questions of the day. Those upon "The Death of Presi dent Lincoln," "The Wrongs of the Liquor Traffic," "The Cotton King and the Rum King," "HeU Not Reformatory," and "Selfish ReUgion," have been widely circulated and extensively quoted. He has practiced the theory which he avows : that the pulpit is an educating force, and that aU subjects which concern vitally the well-being of man belong to its discussions. This view has led him not only to a wide range of topics in his own pulpit, but frequently to address raeetings upon political and other pubUc questions. He began his citizen life by voting for a Free Soil candidate for President, and from its organization to 1876 was a firm adherent of the Repubhcan party. At that time he severed his connection with the Repubhcan and gave his influence to the Prohibition party believing, as he said, that the RepubU can party would never take up the temper ance reforra. For tbe success of the Pro hibition party he has since labored with pen and voice. In 1886 he was placed in nom ination for Congress by the Prohibitionists of the Thirty-fourth Congressional district of New York, and received the unprecedented support of soraething raore than 5,500 votes. In the foUowing year his name was placed at the head of the Prohibition state ticket as secretary of state and received nearly 42,000 votes. Both these nominations were, how ever, against his advice, and the latter in the face of his positive declinature. Mr. Huntington has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Mary E. Moore, daugh- HUTCHINSON. HUTCHINSON. 93 ter of Salmon J. and Elisabeth Moore, of Chelsea, by whom he has two living children : Thomas M., cashier of the Maverick Bank, Gordon, Neb., and Horace D., a raerchant in the sarae town. His second wife was Miss Frances H. Davis, daughter of Hirara and Harriet F. Davis, of Rochester, N. Y., by whom he has one daughter : Mary Frances. HUTCHINSON, Henry E., of Brooklyn, N. Y., was born at Windsor in 1837. He is the son of Rev. Elijah Hutchinson and Laura Manning Skinner. The Rev. Elijah Hutchinson was pastor of the Baptist church at Windsor for many years, and held the offices of president of the Vermont Baptist Convention, chaplain of the state prison, trustee of the public schools, and was widely known in the state. Rev. Ehsha Hutchin son, the grandfather of H. E. Hutchinson, was a member of the first class which took the fuU course at Dartmouth CoUege, grad uated in 1775, was a chaplain in the war of HENRY E. HUTCHINSON. 181 2, and preached through an active minis terial life in the states of New Harapshire, Connecticut and New York. Mr. Hutchin son's grandfather on his maternal side, John Payson Skinner, was one of the prominent citizens of Windsor in the first half of the century, owning stage lines before the days of railroads. Henry E. Hutchinson, the subject of this sketch, fitted for college at the Windsor high school, entered Dartmouth where he reraained two years, and was transferred to Araherst where he graduated with honor in 1858. He went to Alabama and taught for a time in the Franklin Academy at Mont goraery, read law and was adraitted to the bar. Returning to the North he entered the law office of Rufus F. Andrews, in New Y'ork, and was admitted to the New York bar on examination, in 1862. MeanwhUe he had been made assistant to the notary of the Broadway Bank, and was soon after ap pointed assistant assessor of United States Internal Revenue for the fourth district of the state of New York. Mr. Hutchinson's residence has been in Brooklyn since he carae from Alabaraa, and a few years after he went to that city he becarae secretary of the Mechanics' Savings Bank, a position which he filled untU 1877, when the bank closed its business, going into voluntary liq uidation and paying all clairas in fuU. On Good Friday, 1877, Mr. Hutchinson was ap pointed cashier of the Brooklyn Bank and reraaining in this position untU elected president in 1890, upon the retirement of Elias Lewis, Jr. During his connection with the bank it has greatly prospered. He is also a trustee of the Hamilton Trust Co., and of the Long Island Safe DeposU Co. Mr. Hutchinson has long been prominent in the social and rausical life of Brooklyn. In 1863 he was raarried to Miss Ella Staf ford, a daughter of J. R. Stafford of Brook lyn. Of this marriage two sons and two daughters are living and four children have died. Mrs. Hutchinson is a trustee ofthe Brook lyn nursery and is active in the charitable work ofthe city. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson are comraunicants in the Protestant Episco pal church and for thirteen years Mr. Hutch inson was organist and choir-master of St. Peter's Church. He was also one of the or ganizers and first musical director of the Brooklyn Amateur Opera Society, organized in 1875, whose performances have achieved a metropolitan reputation. Mr. Hutchinson has been treasurer and president of the Brooklyn Choral Society, one of the largest musical societies in the country, and owing its honorable position largely to bis efforts. He is a raeraber of the Union League Club of Brooklyn ; joined the Alpha Delta Phi secret society in college and is a member of the Alpha Deha Phi Club in New York ; is a member of the New England Society of Brooklyn ; of the Brooklyn Society of Ver raonters ; a trustee of the Brooklyn Dispen sary, and is a trustee of the Union Church at Arveme-by-the-Sea, Long Island, his suraraer home. 94 IDE. INGALLS. IDE, George Henry, of Milwaukee, Wis., son of Joseph A. and Lucretia Ann (Fairbanks) Ide, was born Jan. 21, 1839, at St. Johnsbury. Mr. Ide was a farraer's boy and lived at his birthplace until eleven years of age when the, faraily raoved to Newport, where they lived eight years. In the meantime he at tended the district school and Derby Acad emy. The faraily again returned to St. Johnsbury, and he was fitted for Dartraouth College, where he was graduated, and in 1869 graduated frora the Andover Theological Serainary. GEORGE HENRY IDE. His first pastorate was in Hopkinton, Mass., where he remained seven years. At the close of this period he was called to the Central Church in Lawrence, Mass., and labored there four years, when he was called to the Grand Avenue Congregational Church of Milwaukee, Wis., his present pastorate, and where he has won more than local fame. Mr. Ide enUsted in 1862 and was orderly sergeant of Company K, 15th Vt. Regt., Col. Proctor coramanding. The service of this regiment was mostiy confined to Vir ginia. He is a raember of Wolcott Post, G. A. R., of Milwaukee. He is a trustee of Beloit CoUege and a corporate member of the American board. Mr. Ide was married March 16, 1871, to Mary J., daughter of Dr. Thoraas and Har riet Sanborn, at Newport, N. H. Two chil dren were born to thera . Carrie Sanborn and Charles Edward. In 1876 Mr. Ide was again raarried to Kate Emma, daughter of Chandler C. and Hannah (CogsweU) Bowles of Newport The following frora the Chicago Inter- Ocean gives an insight into the character and personahty of Mr. Ide : " Rev. Dr. Ide, the pastor, is extreraely popular out of his church as weU as in it. He is a scholar, an orator, an aU-round athlete, a conscientious, hard-working pastor, and a genial gentleman — a fortunate and unusual combination. He is reasonably proud of his church and people, as his people are of him. Mr. Ide may be described as a tolerant theologian rather than a hberal theologian. He is considered to be rather conservative in a doctrinal way, but there is none of the intolerance about him which distinguishes many who are raore lib eral as to doctrine." INGALLS, Daniel Bowman, of Clin ton, Mass., son of Jaraes and Mary (Cass) Ingalls, was born in Sutton, May 25, 1829. DANIEL BOWMAN INGALLS. He received his education in the common schools, and upon his father's removal to Connecticut, when he was sixteen years of age, he was apprenticed to learn the trade of machinist, but at the end of, two years his employers failed and he reraoved to Clinton, Mass., where Horatio and E. B. Bigelow were starting the raanufacture of gingharas and INGALLS. INGRAHAM. 95 carpets, and in these mills Mr. IngaUs worked on machinery until 1849, when he again changed his locality to 'Windsor, Vt., where he found similar employraent in the gun factory of Messrs. Robbins & Lawrence. WhUe here he was impressed with the won derful stories of the California gold dis coveries and went to the Pacific coast and for two years he labored in that region, partly in the raines and partly at his trade in Sacraraento. On his return to Clinton, he commenced the study of dentistry and later graduated at the Boston Dental College. His profession has engaged his attention since 1859, and as a proof of his success may be raentioned the fact that he has been president of the Massa chusetts Dental Society and also of the Mer rimac Valley Dental Association. He had the honor of being a meraber of the state World's Fair committee, which prepared for the great dental congress held in Chicago Sept. 10, 1893. Mr. Ingalls was raarried in Newbury, Oct. 22, 1850, to Rebecca Nelson, daughter of Mason and Mary (Nelson) Randall. They have had six children, all of whora have passed into the silent land. A staunch Republican, Mr. Ingalls was a meraber of his town committee when Abra ham Lincoln was first elected. He was sent to the Massachusetts House of Representa tives in 1880 and to the Senate in i88i-'82, serving upon the public health coraraittee and was chairraan of the coramittee on clairas. For a nuraber of years he was a raember of the investment committee of the Clinton Savings Bank, and was a director in the Lancaster National Bank, Chnton, to within one year of the time that bank was wrecked by its president, and at the time of his re tirement frora office he raade a written state raent to the stockholders in relation to the irregularities of that officer, who at the time held the office of cashier. Mr. Ingalls is now president of the Chnton Co-operative Bank. For thirty years Mr. Ingalls has been a member of the Baptist church in Chnton, and for more than that period a Free and Accepted Mason, having served as Master of Trinity Lodge of that town and twice ap pointed D. D. G. M. under the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Though an adopted citizen of the old Bay state, Mr. Ingalls stiU retains an ardent affec tion for bis native hiUs and this raotive led hira raore than a decade ago to take an ac tive part in the organization of a Verraont society, of which for many years he was the honored president. INGRAHAM, WILLIAM H., of Water- town, Mass., was born in Peacham in 18 18, the son of Paul and Thankful (Sears) Ingra- hara. His father carae frora New Bedford, where the Ingrahams are well-known settlers. He received his education at the Cale donia county graramar school, where he was fitted for coUege. Instead of continuing a coUegiate course he went to Framinghara, Mass., to work for his older brother, who owned a store. Here he remained untU he was twenty-one years of age. Six months later, in company with his second brother, he bought out the store, and they carried on the business for several years. Later they branched out in the manufacture of shoes, and at one time employed fifty raen. The firra prospered until the well-reraerabered financial difficulties in 1848, when, with nuraerous other sraall houses, they were crippled and obliged to seU out. Mr. In graham then went to Watertown, where he has since lived, and was engaged in various pursuits untU 1879, when he opened an insurance office in 'Watertown, which he stiU conducts. Mr. Ingraham is a highly respected citizen of Watertown, and as such has been honored by nearly every office in the gift of the people. In i848-'i852 and i88o-'93 he served as one of the assessors ; 1874, 1875 and 1879 as selectraan; town clerk, 1848- '62 and i88o-'90 ; he was a representative from his town for two terms, 1879 and 1880, in the General Asserably ; a justice of the peace for a quarter of a century and a trus tee of the Watertown Savings Bank, being at tbe present tirae a raember of its board of investraent. Mr. Ingrahara was raarried at Wayland, Mass., in 1843, to Caroline C, daughter of Ephraim and Caroline (Hubbard) Brigham. Their children are : Ralph Waldo, Francis, and Alice Choate. Socially Mr. Ingraham has been very prorainent. He is a raeraber of the Water- town Unitarian Club connected with the First Parish Church, was its treasurer in 1 88 1 and is at present a trustee of the ministerial fund ; is a meraber of the Water- town Historical Society and has been a prorainent meraber of the I. O. O. F. for forty years. A recent article in the Boston Herald says of hira : " He is kind and generous and never faUs to act when charity so deraands. He is one of the most re spected and honored men in the vicinity." 96 JOHNSON. KASSON. JOHNSON, Harvey A., was born in Vermont, and having reraoved to Ohio was elected a representative in Congress frora that state frora 1853 to 1855. JONES, Gamaliel Leonard, of Audu bon, Minn., son of Norraan and Ehzabeth (Gibbs) Jones, was born April n, 1843, in Hubbardton. r J / GAMALIEL LEONARD JONES. Mr. Jones was educated in the common schools, Castleton Serainary, and Middlebury CoUege, graduating from coUege in 1868, at the age of twenty-five. Since that time he bas almost constantly been occupied in teaching, passing raany years in the vicin ity of Dayton, Ohio, and becoraing principal of Winchester (Ohio) Union School in 1873. Upon the death of his father in 1874 he went to Lake Eunice, Minn., purchasing a large tract of land, which he carried on while attending to his great work as a teacher in the vicinity. For four years he was princi pal of Lake Park graded school, and was afterwards principal of the Audubon graded school, at the sarae tirae doing rauch work of a public nature as town clerk and justice of the peace, county superintendent of schools, member of a committee for selecting text books for the schools of his county, and as president of the teraperance association, and secretary of his church for the Northern Minnesota district. Social and political organizations have also taken his attention to sorae extent and his work for the grange in its early days was prorainent. In 1882 he was raade an honor ary raeraber of Lake Park Literary Society, and has contributed many articles to the press, and often by request has delivered public addresses of a political, religious, educational or scientific nature. It has ever been the aim of his life to aid in giving liberty and re lief to the oppressed, establishing equal rights and impartial justice for aU ; promoting every raeasure which tends to the prosperity of his country as a whole, and elevating the masses, morally and intellectually. Mr. Jones was married August 19, 1868, to Althea Maria Pike, in Weston, daughter of Josiah Wooster and Nancy Maria (Har mon) Pike. They have five children : Joseph Charles, Mary CaroUne, Edward Harrison (deceased in infancy). Earl Grant, and Lulu Althea Julia. KASSON, JOHN Adam, of Des Moines, Iowa, was born at Charlotte, Jan. 11, 1822 ; graduated at the University of Verraont; studied law in Massachusetts, and practiced the profession in St. Louis, Mo., untU 1857, when he reraoved to Iowa. In 1858 he was appointed a coraraissioner to report upon thejcondition of the executive departraents of Iowa; assisted in 1859 in organizing the State Bank of Iowa, and becarae director for that state. In 1861 he was appointed As sistant Postraaster-General, which office he resigned in 1862, when he was selected a representative frora Iowa to the Thirty- eighth Congress, serving on the coraraittee of ways and means. During the summer of 1863 he was appointed by President Lincoln a commissioner to the International Postal Congress at Paris, returning in August. Re elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress; in 1867 again a U. S. postal coraraissioner to Europe, where he raade postal treaties with seven European governments ; six times a raeraber of the Iowa Legislature ; again elected to Congress in 1872 and re-elected in 1874 ; he dechned a renomination and in 1877 was appointed envoy to negotiate treat ies with Servia and Roumania; was again elected to Congress in 1880 and 1882 ; re signed in 1884 to accept the appointment of Minister Plenipotentiary to Germany ; rep resented the United States at the Congo KELLOGG. KELLOGG. 97 Conference in Berhn ; was chief of the Sa- moan Commission at Berlin. He now de votes his time to hterary pursuits. KELLOGG, William Pitt, of New Orleans, La., was born at OrweU, Dec. 8, 1831. His grandfather, Saxton Kellogg, married SaUie Fuller, a descendant of Ben jamin Franklin, and when a coraparatively young raan removed from Connecticut to Vermont. His father was the Rev. Sherraan KeUogg, a weU-known Congregational cler gyman, located for many years at Montpelier. Many of his relatives now reside in Verraont and have since an early day been identified with this state. WILLIAM PITT KELLOGG. He was educated at the Norwich Mihtary University. In 1850 he reraoved to Peoria, IU., where he read law with E. G. Johnson, a prominent lawyer formeriy of Vermont; was admitted to the bar in 1853 and prac ticed lawuntU March, 1861, when President Lincoln appointed him chief justice of Ne braska. On the breaking out of the war, at the request of Governor Yates, he returned to lUinois and raised the 7th Regt. of IU. Cav alry, President Lincoln, at the request of Governor Yates, having given hira six months' leave of absence for this purpose. In July, 1 86 1, Governor Yates having com missioned him colonel, his regiraent was mustered into service and ordered to report to General Grant at Cairo. Mr. Kellogg was soon after ordered by General Grant to take coramand of Cape Girardeau, Mo. He was in command of that post until General Pope moved on Fort Thompson, when Mr. Kellogg with his regiraent joined him, tak ing part in the operations resulting in the capture of Fort Thompson and New Mad rid until ordered to Pittsburg Landing im mediately after the battle of Shiloh. He cora raanded a cavalry brigade under General Granger, coraposed in part of his own regi raent, in the operations about Farraington, Corinth, and Grand Junction. In the sura raer of 1862, his health having corapletely failed, he becarae so rauch of an invahd that he was corapelled to resign. President Lincoln having allowed the position of chief justice to reraain open Mr. Kellogg returned to Nebraska and reraained until January, 1863, discharging the duties of chief justice, when he was requested by Governor Yates to return to Illinois and accorapany the Governor on a tour of inspec tion of the Illinois soldiers in the field. They visited General Grant's headquarters, and on Feb. 15, 1863, Mr. Kellogg was re quested by General Grant to proceed ira raediately to Washington with iraportant papers, frora General Grant to President Lincoln. He accepted the mission, and armed with the following pass, written by General Grant, which Mr. Kellogg still re tains, he went to Washington and delivered the papers : Headquarters Department of Tennessee before Vicksburg, Feb. 15, 1863. The bearer hereof. Colonel Kellogg, is perraitted to pass through all parts of this departraent, stopping at such railitary posts as he raay desire, and traveUing free on chartered steamers and railitary railroads. Good until counterraanded. [Signed] U. S. Grant, Major-General Coraraanding. Mr. Kellogg held the office of chief justice of Nebraska untU April, 1865, when Presi dent Lincoln tendered hira the appointment of coUector of New Orleans. Mr. Kellogg continued to serve as coUector until July, 1868, when a Republican State Legislature having been chosen, he was elected U. S. Senator from Louisiana, taking his seat July 17, 1868. He served on the committee on comraerce and Pacific railroads, was chair raan of the coraraittee on levees of the Mis sissippi river, the first coraraittee on the sub ject appointed by the Senate under a reso lution introduced by Mr. Kellogg. He was the author of the Texas Pacific railroad act, having introduced that biU and was foreraost in securing its passage. He reraained in the U. S. Senate untU the faU of 1872, when having been norainated for Governor by the 98 KIDDER. KNAPP. Republican party, he resigned. The long and notable struggle that followed as a con sequence of that gubernatorial contest, re sulting in Mr. KeUogg's recognition as Gov ernor of Louisiana by both houses of Con gress, is a raatter of general history. Mr. Kellogg served as Governor of Louis iana until June, 1877, when he was again elected to the U. S. Senate, and served as senator until 1883. He served on the com mittees on comraerce and territories, and was chairman of the committee on Pacific railroads. At the end of his second term as U. S. Senator he was elected to the House of Representatives from the great sugar district of Louisiana, receiving nearly the entire vote of the planting interests of that district. In 1884, at the expiration of his term in the House, Mr. Blaine having been defeated for President, Mr. Kellogg retired frora active politics. Mr. Kellogg was a delegate in the conven tion that organized the Republican party in IlUnois in 185 1. Hewas a delegate at the convention in Bloomington which norainated Governor Bissell, the first Republican Gov ernor elected in IlUnois. He also led the delegation frora Fulton county in the Repub lican state convention in i860, which nomi nated Governor Yates, the war Governor, and he was himself chosen by the same conven tion as one of Mr. Lincoln's presidential electors. He was a delegate-at-large to the Chicago national convention in 1868, which nominated General Grant the first time. He has since been a delegate and chairraan of the Louisiana delegation at every Republican national convention, including the last con vention of June, 1892, at Minneapohs. He was one of the 306 delegates who voted for General Grant to the last in the national convention of 1880. He was raarried, June 6, 1865, to Mary E., daughter of Andrew WUls, who eraigrated at an early age to IlUnois from Pennsylvania, and who was a member of the faraous Wills family connected with the history of Gettys burg, Pa. They have no children. Mr. KeUogg has four sisters residing in Iowa and one sister and a brother residing in Kansas — they all have children. Mr. Kellogg now resides a portion of the year in Louisiana, where he is connected with sugar planting, and the reraainder of the year in Washington, D. C, where he has large real estate interests. KIDDER, Jefferson P., was born at Braintree, was trained to agricultural pursuits, taught school, received a classical education, graduating at the Norwich University, and was a tutor therein ; received in 1848 the de gree of M. A. frora the University of Ver raont; studied and practiced law; was a raember of the state Constitutional Conven tion in 1847; was a meraber of the state Senate of "Verraont in 1847 to 1848; was Lieutenant-Governor of Verraont in 1853- 1854 ; reraoved to St. Paul, Minn., in 1857; was elected a provisional delegate from Da kota Territory while visiting there in 1859; was a raeraber of the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1861, 1863,-1864 ; was appointed in 1865 an associate justice of the Suprerae Court for Dakota Territory, and re raoved there, and was re-appointed in 1869 and again in 1873, and resigned after having discharged the duties of that office for ten years ; and was elected a delegate from Da kota in the Forty-fourth Congress as a Repub lican ; was re-elected to the Forty-fifth Con gress. KNAPP, Chauncy L., was born in Ber lin, Feb. 26, 1809. He coraraenced hfe by serving an apprenticeship in a printing office in Montpelier ; was elected reporter for the Legislature in 1833 ; was co-proprietor and editor for sorae years of the State Journal ; was elected secretary of the state in 1836, in which capacity he served four years ; and reraoving to Massachusetts, he was elected secretary of the Massachusetts Sena'.e in 1851 ; and was elected to the Thirty- fourth and re-elected to the Thirty-fifth Congress. To hira was awarded the credit, while edit ing the Journal, of first norainating General Harrison for the presidency, which resulted in his obtaining the electoral votes of Ver raont four years before he was reaUy elected. KNAPP, Dexter J., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, son of Gardner and Fanny (Alton) Knapp, was born in Duramerston, Nov. 30, 1844. Availing himself of the ordinary school advantages of his native place, and with an inherent high sense of honor and integrity such as has placed many Green Mountain boys in eminent positions in life, Mr. Knapp began his business career as a dealer in silks at New Haven, Conn., in i860. Prospering in this he went westward in 1867 and locat ed at Minneapohs, Minn., and engaged in the loan and luraber business. Profiting by his experience in the past and his connec tion with large business transactions, he reraained here untU 1877 when he went to Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory, and began ac tive operations in real estate. This town, at the tirae but a raere haralet, afiforded a fine field for his business sagacity and he began buying large tracts of lands adjacent to Sioux Falls, also buUding dweUings on the plateaux overlooking the Big Sioux river, which a rapidly increasing population raade necessary. January i, 1894, Sioux Falls had a population of 15,000, and is located in one KNAPP. KNAPP. 99 of the finest wheat and corn belts in the world. Mr. Knapp was married, Dec. 24, 1877, DEXTER J KNAPP. to Fanny M. Harraon, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and has two daughters : Bessy, and Helen. KNAPP, Lyman E., of Sitka, Alaska, son of Hirara and Elvira (Stearns) Knapp, was born in Somerset, Nov. 5, 1837. He was the fourth in direct line of descent from Capt. Joseph Knapp, of Taunton, Mass., who coraraanded a corapany in Colonel Tit- comb's regiment, war of the Revolution. His grandfather, Cyrus Knapp, reraoved to Dover about the beginning of the nineteenth century. His first ancestor in this country carae frora Yorkshire, England, and settled at Brighton, Mass., in 1640. The subject of this sketch prepared for college at Burr Serainary, Manchester, and graduated with honors frora Middlebury College in 1862. Directly after graduation he enlisted as a private in Co. I, i6th Regt. Vt. Vols., for nine raonths, but was elected and commissioned captain of the company before mustered into the United States ser vice. He received his baptism of fire in the battle of Gettysburg and was wounded in his right shoulder by a bullet from a spherical case shot during the famous bayonet charge of the T6th Vt. Regt, to raeet the rebel charge under Pickett. The wound proved not to be serious, and after discharge from his first service he re-enlisted, raised a company of volunteers at Townshend, which was assigned as Co. F, to the 17th Regt. Vt Vols., and in command of that company he served in Grant's faraous Wilderness cara paign of 1864. The 17th saw very severe service, was engaged in fourteen of the historic battles of the war and suff"ered greater losses in killed and wounded, during its sixteen months service, than most of the regiments which put in their fuU terms of three and four years. Captain Knapp was engaged whh his regiraent in aU these bat ties and was wounded in two of thera, Spottsylvania and the capture of Petersburg,' though not severely. He was proraoted major, Oct 25, 1864, and lieutenant-colonel a few days later. He also received a brevet coraraission frora the President "for gallant and raeritorious action " in the battle of Petersburg, AprU 2, 1865. At the close of the war he engaged for a short time in teaching at Burr & Burton seminary, Manchester, then assuraed the control and management of the Middlebury Register, and he was editor of that journal for thirteen years. During his work in con nection with that paper, he read law, was adraitted to practice in the Verraont courts in 1876, which practice he continued, resid ing in Middlebury, until his reraoval to Alaska to assurae the duties of Governor of that territory, to which he was appointed on the 12th day of April, 1889. In i872-'73 he was one of the clerks of the Vermont House of Representatives. In i886-'87 he was an influential member of the sarae body. For twenty years, frora 1869 to 1889, he was the trial justice of the peace of his county, before whora the raore iraportant and difficuh cases were brought for adjudication. He was register of pro bate for two years and becarae judge of the same court in 1879, which office he held by successive elections until he resigned in 1889, to accept the office of Governor of Alaska. He was chairman of the Republican cora raittee of his county eight years, and has served as member of the school board for his district ; chairman of the county temperance society ; vice-president of the 'W'estern Ver raont Congregational Club ; town clerk for a nuraber of years ; treasurer of the Addison county graramar school; chairman of the business coraraittee of the Middlebury Con gregational Religious Society ; town assessor of taxes ; chairman of the county evangehza- tion coramittee, and connected with every movement for the promotion of morals and philanthropy which carae within his reach. Soraetiraes he raade addresses on occasions hke the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, relig ious conventions, temperance raeetings and 100 KNOWLTON. KNOWLTON. society anniversaries, and wrote editorial articles and coramunications for periodicals and newspapers other than his own. These articles were highly appreciated and rauch sought after. In college he was a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity and belonged to the hon orary Alurani society. Phi Beta Kappa, after graduation, and has held the office of presi dent of the local chapter. Soon after the war he became a member of the G. A. R. and served several terras as commandet of his post. His interest in the work of the learned societies never flagged. He is still a member of four historical societies, includ ing the Alaska Historical Society of which he is president, of the National Geographic Society, of one ethnological society, of the Araerican Institute of Civics of New York, whose object is to proraote a higher and purer citizenship ; and has raade geology and mineralogy the special study of many of his summer vacations. In addition to his professional and official work he had an extensive loan business of which he conducted the eastern and western agencies in Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Da kota, and Washington, and he had the man agement of several trust estates. AU these business connections he laid aside in 1889 on leaving for Alaska. He became Governor of Alaska on taking the oath of office, AprU 20, 1889, since which time he has conducted the business of the executive of that territory. The duties of that office have been exceedingly onerous, and the responsibilities heavy and wearing. He has made four extended annual reports, which have been published and have becorae the authority on matters embraced therein. Politically his sympathies were ever with the Republican party. His first vote for President was cast for Abraham Lincoln in i860. He became a member of the Congrega tional church at the age of fifteen, and he ever remained devotedly attached to the principles of that faith. He was united in marriage, Jan. 23, 1865, at Washington, D. C, with Martha A., daughter of Ebenezer and Corcina (Jones) Severance. As the fruit of this marriage they have : George E., Frances A., Lyman Edwin, and May A. KNOWLTON, Frank Hall, of Wash ington, D. C, son of JuUus A. and Mary EUen (Blackraer) Knowlton, was born Sept. 2, i860, at Brandon. He was educated in the public schools of Brandon and Middlebury CoUege, graduating frora the latter institution in July, 1884, with the degree of B. S., the first conferred by this college, and in 1887 received the de gree of M. S. frora the sarae college. In 1894 he obtained the degree of Ph. D. from the Colurabian University in Washington D. C. This degree was the first one of the kind granted by the university as represent ing a course of study accoraphshed. Iraraediately after graduation in August, 1884, he went to Washington, D. C, to be corae an assistant in the departraent of bot any in the U. S. National Museura, a posi tion which he held until July, 1887, when he was made assistant curator of the depart ment. He continued in this position untU April, 1889, when he resigned to assume charge of the botany of the Century Diction ary, but his health failed and the following six months from July, 1889, were spent in active field work in New Mexico, Arizona and California as assistant paleontologist of the U. S. geological survey. In 1887 he was elected professor of botany in Columbian University, Washington, D. C, which posi tion he now holds. He was also engaged in preparing the botanical definitions for the Standard Dictionary, a work now approach ing completion, and has written over 20,000 definitions for it. He is one of the editors of the American Geologist, and has written many valuable scientific papers, notably, " FossU AVood and Lignite of the Potomac Forma tion," "Fossil Wood of Arkansas," "Addi tions to the Flora of Washington," "Birds of Brandon, Vt.," " Flora of Nushagak, Alaska" ; a complete bibliography of his works would number 125 articles, including papers and reviews. His contributions to leading scien tific journals have been extensive and include the Araerican Journal of Science ; Araerican Geologist, geological survey bulletin ; Journal of Geology ; The Auk ; Proceedings U. S. National Museum ; Smithsonian Reports ; The Botanical Gazette ; Forest and Stream ; Garden and Forest, etc. At college he was a D. K. E. and has since been elected to raembership in the foUowing named societies : American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geological Society, American Ornithologists' Union, Society of Naturalists of Eastern United States, Sons of the American Revolu tion, Philosophical, Biological, Geological, Botanical and Ornithological societies of Washington, D. C. Prof. Knowlton was married at Kingman, Kan., Sept. 27, 1887, to Annie Sterling, daughter of William A. and Lydia Moorhead. She died Jan. 26, 1890, leaving one child; Margaret. He was raarried a second time at Laurel, Md., Oct. 3, 1893, to Rena Geni- veve, daughter of Isaac B. and Lizzie W. Ruff. LANGDON. LADD, Charles Douglass, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Seneca and Mary S. (Varnum) Ladd, was born in DanviUe, Sept. 3, 1849. He was educated at the publfc schools of DanviUe during the years of his rainority, and learned the blacksraith's and gunsmith's trades. In 1869 he went to California, and for several years worked as gunsmith and blacksraith, until in 1877 he estabhshed hira self in business at San Francisco as a dealer in firearms and sporting goods. In 1881 he reraoved to his present large establishraent at 529 Kearney street, where he still con ducts the sarae business in connection with the fur business, which he has added during the last few years. Mr. Ladd is the owner of several schooners which are engaged prin cipally in the fur trade. He is independent and liberal in regard to pohtics, and votes with the party having the best candidate for office ; hence, he says, "I ara both Deraocrat and RepubUcan." Mr. Ladd raarried Mary S. Lyon of Wood stock, Conn. LANGDON, William Chauncy, grandson of the late Hon. Chauncy Langdon of Castleton, and son of John Jay and Har riette Curtis (Woodward) Langdon, being descended on the mother's side frora the Wheelocks and Woodwards of Dartraouth CoUege, N. H., was born in BurUngton, August 19, 1831. His childhood and youth were almost wholly passed at the South, chiefly in New Orleans, where he was educated by his moth er. He fitted for coUege at Castieton (Vt.) Serainary and in 1850 graduated at Transyl vania University, Lexington, Ky. Giving his early manhood to scientific pur suits, he was for a few months instructor in astronomy and chemistry at Shelby College, Ky., from which post he was appointed in 185 1, asaistant examiner, and, afterwards, chief examiner, in the U. S. Patent Office. He resigned this office in 1856 ; practiced as a councilor in patent law for two years ; and, in 1858, was ordained to the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. During bis residence in Washington, Mr. Langdon was actively interested in the Young Men's Christian Associations, of which he was one of the earhest American pioneers and the leader in the organization of these societies in a national confederation, as weU as in securing international relations between ¦ them and European bodies. In the ministry, after a year as an assis tant in a Philadelphia church, Mr. Lang don went in 1859 to Rome, Italy, and as chaplain of the U. S. Legation near the Holy See founded and was first rector of the American Episcopal Church in that city ; also about the same tirae starting a simUar church in Florence. Returning to the United States at the outbreak of the civil war, he accepted in 1862 the rectorship of St. John's Church, Havre de Grace, Md. At the close of the war he was sent back to Italy as secretary of a joint coraraittee of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, charged to inquire into the religious and ecclesiastical aspects and results of the Italian Revolution then in progress. In this charge, h« raade his residence in Florence, coming into intimate personal relations with the principal leaders of the Liberal Catholic WILLIAM CHAUNCY LANGDON. party in the Italian church, before and dur ing the period of the Vatican Council, as well as with some of the early leaders of liberal Catholicism in Germany. In 1873 Mr. Lang don was transferred to Geneva, Switzerland, where he founded Eraraanuel Episcopal Church, and co-operated in German, French and Swiss religious moveraents. He was present at the Old Catholic Congress of religious movements, of Cologne, 1872; of Constance, 1873 ; of Friburg, 1874; and he was a participant meraber of the re-union conferences of Bonn in 1874 and 1875. He received the degree of Doctor in Divinity frora Kenyon College, Garabier, O., in 1874, "in recognition of his distinguished services in Italy." LAWRENCE. LAWRENCE. Towards the close of 1875, Dr. Langdon returned again to the United States ; was rector of Christ Church, Carabridge, Mass., in i876-'78 ; and of St. James' Church, Bed ford, Pa., from 1883 to 1890; since which year, in consequence of irapaired health, he has withdrawn from parish duty and has been living with his eldest son, Pfof. Court ney Langdon, of Brown University, Provi dence, R. I. Mr. Langdon married, in 1858, Hannah Agnes, daughter of E. S. Courtney of BaUi more, Md., and has had five children, aU StiU living : Prof. Courtney Langdon, George W. Langdon of Newburyport, Mass., Williara C. Langdon, Jr., an instructor in Brown University, and two daughters. Dr. Langdon has so far pubhshed but two sraall volumes " Some Account of the Catho lic Reforra Movement in the Italian Church," London 1868; and "Seven Letters to the Baron Ricasoli," in Italian, Florence, 1874. He has, however, for some years been engaged upon a work of sorae raagnitude — "The Modern Crisis of Latin Christianity." But he has published a succession of reports during his residence in Europe, a nuraber of pamphlets on religious and ecclesiastical subjects, and a few sermons ; and he has also been, of later years, a frequent contrib utor to the Church Quarterly and the Politi cal Science Quarterly, to the International and Andover Reviews, to tbe Church, At lantic, Century and University Magazines, and to other periodicals. LAWRENCE, ChaRLES B., late of Chi cago, was tbe son of Villa Lawrence, a raer chant of Vergennes, and was born in that city about 1819 to 1820. After the proper preparation he entered Middlebury CoUege, where he continued till the end of the junior year, when he entered the senior class in Union CoUege, Schenec tady, N. Y., frora which he graduated in 1840, and in the winter following he cora raenced teaching an academy in either Dal las or Lowndes county, Ala., and remained so eraployed until 1842, when he entered the law office of Hon. Alphonso Taft, an erainent lawyer of Cincinnati, Ohio, after ward attorney-general of the United States under President Grant. In the faU of 1843 he went to St. Louis, Mo., and studied in the law office of Geyer & Dayton, tiU his adraission to the bar in St. Louis in the beginning of the year 1844. Henry S. Geyer of the firra of Geyer & Day ton, stood at the front of the St. Louis and Missouri bar, and succeeded Thoraas H. Benton in the United States Senate. In February, 1844, Mr. Lawrence forraed a part nership with Melvin L. Gray, from Vermont, just then beginning practice. As both mera bers of this firra were yqung and inexper ienced and had few acquaintances and their practice was mostly waiting and seeking em ployraent, Mr. Lawrence was induced to go to Quincy, IU., and form a partnership with David L. Hough, son of Prof. John Hough, for many years of the faculty of Middlebury CoUege. This partnership was soon termin ated by the appointment of Mr. Hough to the land agency of tbe Michigan and lUinois canal. Then Mr. Lawrence became the part ner of the Hon. Archie WiUiaras, one of the leading attorneys of northwestern IlUnois, with whora he continued until 1856. Dur- CHARLES B. LAWRENCE. ing this period the firra did a large and profitable business and Mr. Lawrence at tained a high rank for learning, professional skill and ability, and for integrity and up rightness of character. ^ Iin the raeantirae he had raarried Miss Margaret Marston, a young English lady, whose parents had become residents of Quincy. Being in poor health — a hfe-long sufferer with asthma— in 1856 he closed his business, and after attending as a delegate to the national convention that nominated John C. Fremont for thfe presidency, he spent a winter in Cuba and the two years following in Europe, and on his return to this country settled on a farm in Warren county, IU., but was soon elected circuit judge of his circuit, in which position he showed such marked judicial qualities that he was soon elected one of the supreme judges of the LEE. 103 -state and served in that capacity for many years. As a judge his standing was one of the highest, for great powers of analysis, in tegrity, uprightness and legal attainments. His opinions are characterized by clearness, •close logic, perspicuity and force, and are models of their kind. He was regarded, both in and out of the state, as one of the strong est and ablest jurists that ever sat on the Suprerae Court bench of Illinois. On the closing of his judicial career, he resumed practice in Chicago, where it became large and profitable. In the controversy for the presidency be tween Tilden and Hayes, he was sent as one of the commissioners to Louisiana to investi gate the results of the election in that state, and subsequently was much talked of as U. S. Senator frora Illinois. He was originally a Democrat, but his residence in the South had convinced hira of the evils and dangers of slavery, and he becarae thereafter a Republican. In February, 1885, to avoid the inclem ency of the weather on the lake, he started on a trip to reach the raore genial climate of the South, but was overtaken by death at Decatur, Ala. He had three children, two sons and a daughter. The eldest son and daughter died on reaching adult years, and in his hfe- tirae. The youngest son survived him, but died soon after his father's death, whUe a student in Yale College. His wife alone sur- Tives, and is now residing in England. LEE, John Stebbins, of Canton, N. v., son of Eli and Rebekah (Stebbins) Lee, was born Sept. 23, 1820, at Vernon. He was educated in the common schools ¦and fitted for college in Deerfield, Shelburne Falls and Bratdeboro ; entering Amherst Col lege in 1 84 1, he graduated with honors in 1845. He taught his first school when eighteen years of age at Guilford. Frora 1845 to 1847 he was principal of Mount Csesar Seminary at Swanzey, N. H., and for two years principal of Melrose Seminary at West Brattleboro, and at the latter place was -ordained to the Universahst ministry June 23, 1847. He held brief pastorates in West Brattieboro, Lebanon, N. H., and Mont pelier, where be became assistant editor of the Christian Repository, associated with Dr. Eh Ballou. ^ , In March, 1852, he took charge of the -Green Mountain Institute at South Wood stock and labored there twenty-one terras m succession untU 1857, when wearied with constant work he removed to Woodstock •viUage He served as pastor of South Wood stock, Bridgewater and Woodstock parishes for seven years, and in April, 1859, he was called to take charge of the St. Lawrence University at Canton, N. Y., where he has since resided. For nine years he was act ing president of the collegiate department and college and in AprU, 1869, he was trans ferred to the theological departraent and appointed professor of ecclesiastical history and biblical archaeology which position he now holds (1894). For nearly fifty-five years he has been an able and successful teacher, passing through all grades frora coraraon schools to college. JOHN STEBBINS LEE. In July, 1868, seeking rest frora his' ardu ous labors he obtained leave of absence and travelled extensively in England and on the Continent, Egypt and the Holy Land. His work and varied historical reading had pre pared hira to study intelligently classical scenes and Bible lands, historic and anti quarian relics, and the results of his obser vations were written out for several publi cations whUe abroad. Upon his return, iraproved in health and mind, stored with valuable knowledge, he lectured upon his travels to large audiences in many states. In 1871 he pubhshed a work entitled, "Nature and Art in the Old World," and in 1877 another volurae entitled, "Sacred Cities," devoted to biblical scenes. In ad dition to these he has written raany articles for the Ladies' Repository, the Universahst Quarterly and other journals. In 1848 the degree of A. M. was conferred upon hira by Araherst College, and in 1875 104 MARTIN. LYON. the honorary degree of D. D., by Buchtel College, Akron, O. Mr. Lee was raarried, Feb. 22, 1848, to Elraina Bennett, of Westraoreland, N. H. Six chUdren have been born to thera : the eldest, Ida Limine, died in infancy ; the other five, Leslie Alexander, John Clarence, Frederic SchUler, Florence Josephine and Lulu Gertrude Lottie are living and aU have taken up the profession of their father and occupy prorainent positions. LYON, Lucius, was born in Vermont, but emigrated to Michigan when quite a young raan ; devoted hiraself for several years to the business of surveying the wild lands of the territory ; was a delegate in Congress from that territory during the years i833,-'34)-'35, and a senator in Congress from Michigan from 1836 to 1840, and a representative in Congress from 1843 to 1845. His last pubUc position was that of surveyor-general in the Northwest. Died at Detroit, September 25, 1851. MARTIN, Moses Mellen, of Allegan, Mich., son of Deacon Moses and Almira (Dana) Martin, was born in Peacham, April 8, 1834. He inherits sterhng qualities and sound judgment from a good stock of ances tors, counting araong thera the Chamber lains and Mellens of Hopkinton, Mass., his MOSES MELLEN MARTIN. great-grandfather, Samuel Chamberlain, hav ing married Martha MeUen, daughter of Deacon Henry Mellen of that town. His grandparents, Ashbel and Lydia (Charaber lain) Martin, were araong the first settiers of Peachara, having built one of the first frame farra houses in the town. Mr. Martin received the rudiraents of his education in the country district where his father hved ; he fitted for coUege at Peachara Acaderay and graduated frora Mid dlebury CoUege in 1861, and frora the Prince ton Theological Seminary in 1864. He was licensed to preach at Peacham by the Minis terial Association of Caledonia county in May, 1864, and was ordained at Middletown where was his first pastorate in 1865. He entered upon horae raissionary work in Wis consin the following year and has held pas torates over Congregational churches in Prescott, and Mazoraanie, Wis., and in Three Oaks, and Allegan, Mich., where now he is pastor of the First Congregational Church. He has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, serving for many years as school inspector and in this capacity visit ing schools, advising teachers and stiraulat- ing pupils to raake the raost of themselves, to desire above everything good character. Through his infiuence the town library of Three Oaks grew to be one 'of the best in southwestern Michigan. In coUege he was from the first opposed to secret societies and aUied hiraself with the Delta Upsilon frater- nitity the highest offices of which he held. He is an honorary raeraber of the A. B. C. F. M. His Princeton classmates made him a life raeraber of the Bible Society ; he received the title of Doctor of Divinity from Olivet CoUege, Mich. In the rainistry his labors have been marked by great earnestness and exceUent judgment so that although in every instance his charges, though at the outset unpromising, became, under his wise and able leadership, strong and flourishing churches ; and as an instance of the regard of his people, one of his churches, in rebuilding fifteen years after he left it, called hira back to preach the dedica tory sermon and surprised hira with their beautiful " Martin raeraorial window." One of his raost striking characteristics is extreme modesty, and every pastorate and every honor have been unsought. An honor which he greatly prizes was his election by ballot by the state association composed of between three and four hundred churches, to preach in Ann Arbor the opening serraon at one of the raost important conventions during the MASON. MASON. 105 fifty years of Congregationalism in Michigan when the subject of state self-support was to be introduced and acted upon. One Of the members of the body said the sermon, the subject of which was " Opportunity," presented the initial of aU the intense and able discussions which followed. He was also appointed by the church at Peacham to deliver the historical address at its centen nial celebration. His great kindliness, geniality and ready wit raake him a favorite in all social circles. His popularity, Uke that of Lord Mansfield, is "that which follows, not that which is run after." Mr. Martin was married Jan. 19, 1865, to Miss Laura A. Kellogg, who died in August, 1870. Mary Louise, the only child of this union, died in infancy. He was again mar ried in October, 187 1, to Margaret Johnston, daughter of Joseph Johnston, one of the pio neers of Chicago, who died in 1878'. He was raarried to his present wife, Mary, daughter of Alva W. and Lydia (Atwood) Pierce, of Londonderry, in June, 1880. Of this union are four children : Pauline, Persis Lydia, Mellen Charaberlain, and Blanche Elizabeth. MASON, George, of Washington, D. C, son ,of Ephraim Hubbard and Pru dence (Hills) Mason, was born in Putney, Dec. 31, 1 83 1. His parents removed to Brookline in 1832, where they resided for more than thirty years, and where his father died, having been a prominent raan in the town which he represented in the Legisla tures of 183s and 1836. His grandfather, Anthony Mason, moved to Brookhne from Warren, R. I., in 1796. He raarried Elizabeth Temple, of Dummerston, and raised a large family, of whora Ephraira Hubbard was the eldest. The maternal grandfather of George Mason, Sarauel Hills, was a soldier in the Continental army in the war of the Revolu tion. He was taken prisoner at Quebec and paroled, but never exchanged. His two brothers, Nathaniel and WilUam, were also sodiers during the Revolution. Their father, Nathaniel, lived in Swanzey, N. H., where he and his wife were rauch esteeraed. The Mason faraily were of English descent. George Mason grew up very rauch like other Verraont boys of fifty years ago, at tending school a few months in summer and in winter, and working on his father's farra in spring and auturan. He thus, in boy hood, acquired sorae knowledge of the ele ments of an English education and of farming. As he grew older he became ambitious of obtaining a more liberal education, and he succeeded without assistance in raastering the principles of algebra and surveying, while with assistance of Prof. L. E. Ward, at Saxton's River and at \Vestrainster, he ac quired such knowledge of other branches as was necessary for adraission to Verraont University. He graduated frora the univer sity in the class of 1858, and has since received the honorary degree of A. M. frora his alraa mater. During his four years at the university and even before that time he earned a great part of the means to pay his biUs by teaching for a part of each year, and after graduation he continued to teach for several years, principaUy in Worcester county, Mass. GEORGE MASON In 1862, June n, he married Josephine Augusta, daughter of Col. Moses and Louisa (Pitts) Buffum of Oxford, Mass. Of this marriage he has two sons : H. Harry Buffum, and George Ernest. In 1859 he was raade a Master Mason, in Putney. In i860 he becarae a charter raera ber of the Oxford Lodge in Massachusetts, and its first worshipful master. He was sub sequently re-elected and installed by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. In 1863 he removed to Washington, D. C, where he received an appointment in the office of the paymaster general of the array, and served for five years, reading law raeanwhile, and graduating frora the law department of Col umbia College with the degree of LL. B. He was admitted, on graduation, to the bar of the District Supreme Court, and practiced his profession for sorae years, making a specialty of bankruptcy law. He subse- io6 MEIGS. MEIGS. quently withdrew from practice and engaged in the real estate business. In 1869 he was elected a meraber of the school board of Washington, D. C, serving one year. In 1889 he visited Europe with his faraily, and spent the summer of that year in Paris at the Exposition. He afterwards traveled in Great Britain and on the Continent, visit ing several European countries, witnessing the celebrated passion play at Ober Ammer- gau, and spending sorae time in Munich, Vienna and other capital cities, viewing their treasures of art and relics of antiquity, and studying the social and industrial con ditions of the people as developed under their various political institutions. In the winter of 1890 he returned to his native land, a raore appreciative and ardent lover of its free institutions. Republican in politics, his syrapathies are with and for the race which owes its en franchisement to that party, and with the struggling masses rather than with the fa vored few. MEIGS, Henry B., of Baltimore, Md., son of Captain Luther, and grandson of Benjarain (pioneers of that town), was born in Highgate, Nov. 23, 1844. Reraote frora the district schools of the locality, his education was very liraited, but upon attaining the years of raanhood he became a great reader of current literature and substantial standard wo'rks almost ex clusively of history, biography and travel, and has pursued all through life a self- directed course of study and reading of standard and classical authors. Thus stor ing his raeraory with facts that have uncon sciously but adrairably fitted hira for a life of usefulness. In 1862 he enlisted as a private soldier in Co. K, 13th Vt. Vols., Col. F. V. Randall coraraanding, and was with his coraraand and in the ranks until the raustering out of the regiraent, and participated in aU of the varying experiences of his regiraent during its service, including the raarch to and the battie of Gettysburg. Upon the conclusion of the war, Captain Meigs emigrated to the wUds of the far West and for six years was engaged in ranching, merchandising, gold-raining and freighting across the plains in the days when Indians were nuraerous and raUroads were unknown in that country. In 1 871 he returned east and engaged in the raanufacture of lirae, and merchandising until 1874 in northern New York. In pohtics Captain Meigs has never been interested as an active partisan, with the single exception of having been a member of the city council of Julesburg, Cob, in 1867. While residing in northern New York, Captain Meigs organized the first G. A. R. Post (WiUiara D. Brennan) at Malone, in FrankUn county, and was its commander five successive terms, during which time the post grew to be the largest in aU northern New York. While in command of his own post, he was continuously serving in some capacity upon the staff of the department coramander, or of the coraraander-in-chief, and during those years organized nine posts and personally mustered into the Grand Army more than one thousand members. When a young man he became identified with the Baptist denoraination and has always been actively interested in the church of his choice. HENRY B. MEIGS. Special work in life requires special pre paration, and soraetiraes the training begins very early. It would seera so in the case of Captain Meigs, whose early life and sur roundings admirably fitted hira for the work he was to accomphsh in the general field of life insurance. In 1876 Captain Meigs adopted life insurance as his life's work, and has since followed it with increasing success, first in New York and later in Baltimore until the present tirae. He went to Baltiraore to take charge of the Southeastern departraent of the yEtna LUe Insurance Co., in 1888, and the success of this departraent has been phenoraenal. Frora a sraaU beginning he has built up one of the largest general agencies on the con tinent, the territory coraprising the states of MERRIFIELD. MILLARD. 107 Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and District of Colurabia. By his own endeavors he has steadily pushed to the front and now stands among the foremost in his chosen profession. Is a member of the executive coramittee, Baltiraore Life Under writers Association, and is vice-president of the National Association of Life Under writers. It is a treat to be in corapany with Cap tain Meigs when he is in a reminiscent mood ; from his memory flows a streara of huraorous stories and interesting personal history which entertain, instruct and benefit. In 1872 Captain Meigs was raarried to Alvira, daughter of Abijah Stanley of Ban gor, N. Y. MERRIFIELD, WEBSTER, of Grand Forks, N. D., son of John A. and Louisa W.- Merrifield, was born at Newfane, July 27, 1852. He attended the coramon schools at WiU iarasville, the Powers Institute at Bernards- ton, Mass., the Wilbrahara (Mass.) Aca deray and graduated with the degree of B. A. at "Yale College in class of 1877. Frora 1877 to 1879 he was a teacher in a private school at Newburgh, N. Y. In 1879 he went to North Dakota with expectation of remain ing there permanently and opened up a farm, while reading law in the office of a local attorney, but in the faU returned to New Haven and accepted a position on the faculty of Yale CoUege. In the early days of the territory he served as postraaster and justice of the peace. The State University of North Dakota, at Grand Forks, has been the scene of his great work. There he was professor of Greek and Latin from 1884 to 1 89 1, and subsequently, pro fessor of pohtical and social science. In 1 89 1 he became president of the University. By nature, by his literary attainments and by practical business experience. President Mer rifield is eminently qualified for the duties of this responsible position. He is naturally keen, active and earnest and broadened by coUegiate training and years of study and foreign travel. He has been connected with the University from its start and has always been an influential meraber of the faculty. The uniform success of the pupils in his classes long since demonstrated bis posses sion of rare faculties as an instructor, while his active engagement in business pursuits in sures him the possession of practical ideas, weU adapted to the needs of the University. President Merrifield is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society; the Araerican Oriental Society, as weU as various other learned societies. Yale CoUege conferred the honorary degree of M. A. upon hira in MILLARD, Stephen C, of Bingham ton, N. Y., was born at Stamford, Jan. 14, 1841 ; was educated at WUliams College, graduating in the class of 1865 ; read law at Harvard Law School, and in the office of Pingree & Baker, Pittsfield, Mass., and was admitted to the bar of the state of New York in May, 1867, at Binghamton; has been in constant practice of the law at Bing hamton from date of his adraission to the bar to tbe present tirae ; was chairraan of the Republican county coraraission 1872- '79, and was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress as a Republican ; was re-elected to the Forty-ninth Congress. MOORE, Heman Allen, was born in Plainfield in 1810 ; studied law in Rochester, N. Y. ; removed to Columbus, O. ; obtained distinction as a lawyer ; was appointed ad jutant-general of the state militia, and was a representative in Congress from that state frora 1843 to the time of his death, which occurred in Columbus, April 3, 1844. MORTON, LEVI Parsons, ll. d., ex-Vice President of the United States, the youngest son of the late Rev. Daniel Oliver Morton, was born at Shorehara, May 16, 1824. He is a direct descendant of George Morton, of Bawtry, Yorkshire, Eng., one of the Pilgrira Fathers who landed at Plyraouth, Mass., from the ship Ann, in 1623. The Rev. Mr. Morton, his father, was one of those noble, old-fashioned, deep-thinking New England clergymen, who did God's work as it carae to his hand in pious earnest ness ; and, although he had a salary of only six hundred a year, he raanaged to give aU his children, six in nuraber, a good education. The subject of this sketch was named after his raother's brother, the Rev. Levi Parsons, a man of strong intellectual ability, who was the first Araerican missionary that went to Palestine, where he served with great zeal. Mr. Morton's early life differed httle frora that of raost Araerican boys who have risen to farae and fortune. Having finished his education at the academy in his native place, he decided on adopting a mercantile career, and at the age of twenty he engaged in busi ness at Hanover, N. H., where he remained about five years. In 1849 he reraoved to Boston and entered the bouse of Jaraes M. Beebe & Co., as a clerk. He was ad raitted to partnership at the same time that Mr. Morgan, the successor of George Pea body & Co. of London, joined the firra. In 1854 he reraoved to NewYork and established the dry goods comraission house of Morton & Grinnell. In 1863 he engaged in the banking business, founding the now weU- known house of Morton, Bhss & Co., of New York, and in company with Sir John Rose, ^^x^^i^^v-^:^ MORTON. formerly finance minister of Canada, that of Morton, Rose & Co., of London, England. After engaging in the business of banking, Mr. Morton carefully studied the financial transactions of the government, and his firm was one of the several syndicates which so successfully funded the national debt and made resumption of specie payment possible at the date fixed by law. Morton, Rose & Co., of London, were the first fiscal agents of the United States government from 1873 un til 1884, and reappointed in 1889. Mr. Morton's firms were also active in the syndi cates that negotiated the United States bonds, and in the payraent of the Geneva award of ^15,500,000 and the Halifax fishery award of §5,500,000. Mr. Morton was appointed by President Hayes, honorary commissioner of the United States to the Paris Exhibition in 1878, and in the same year was elected to the Forty-sixth Congress from "Murray HiU" (eleventh) District, in New York, as a Re publican, receiving 14,078 votes against 7,060 votes for his opponent, a Tammany Deraocrat. He was again returned in 1880, frora the sarae district, by a largely increased vote. Mr. Morton entered Congress, it is said, as a diversion, but he found the office to be one of dignity and responsibility if conscientiously adrainistered. He was elected from the wealthiest district in the United States, and devoted himself with scrupulous attention to the interests of his constituents and to the affairs of the nation at large. No raan in Congress led a busier life. His special aptitude for finance natur ally led him to pay particular attention to this department of legislation, and his speeches in the House on this subject were notable for their straightforward, plain, busi nesslike presentation of facts and for the speaker's logical inferences based thereon. PersonaUy he was one of the raost popular raen in Congress. Among its members, comprising men of aU parties and profes sions and from every walk in life, he had no personal enemies. No suspicion of jobbery ever attached to his name. Possessed of ample raeans and culture, he stood in our halls of legislation a typical Araerican, the blending of the patriot, the gentleraan, and the business man. Fond of society and the good things and pleasures of life, he yet faithfully devoted hiraself to his duties first, attaching no less iraportance to his public demands than to his private business. Indeed, he labored as dihgently in Congress as if his support de pended upon it. At the tirae of the present ation of the so-called " Warner Silver BiU " in Congress, when the buUion value of the silver dollar was about eighty-five cents, he took strong grounds against its unhraited MORTON. 109 coinage and the unhraited issue of silver cer tificates against silver bulUon, and in a speech delivered on May 15, 1879, declared that he regarded the raeasure as a \-irtual repudiation of one-sixth part of all indebted ness, public and private, and could only designate it as a " bill for the relief of the owners of silver mines and silver bullion of the United States and Europe." He advo cated in a subsequent speech a suspension of the coinage of silver until sorae action could be taken jointly with European governraents, which, in his opinion, would alone enable the United States to raaintain a double, or gold and silver standard. Notable among his other Congressional speeches was one on " Fish and Fish Culture, Its Importance to the Industries and Wealth of the Nation," and also on " Immigration, Its National Char acter and Importance to the Industries and Development of the Country." In the latter he took strong ground in favor of the en couragement of imraigration, and advocated the passage of a uniforra national law for the protection of iraraigrants coming to our shores. He took a deep interest in international politics and in the relations of the United States with foreign countries, which fact doubtless led to his appointment as a mem ber of the committee of foreign affairs in the Forty-sixth Congress. At the Chicago convention in 1880, after the noraination of General Garfield, Mr. Morton was tendered the noraination for Vice-President by dele gations frora Ohio and other states but declined to accept on the ground that he preferred the more active duties of a mem ber of Congress. Shortly after the election of General Garfield to the presidency, a large number of the newspapers of the country favored his selection as Secretary of the Treasury. When the cabinet was being made up, Mr. Morton was offered his choice of a seat in it as Secretary of the Navy or the French mission. He chose the latter, and his name being sent to the Senate by the President, his appointment as envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to France was unanimous ly confirraed on March 17, 1881. Resign ing his seat in the Forty-seventh Congress he proceeded to France and presented his cre dentials to President Grevy, on August i, 1881. To the duties of that iraportant mis sion Mr. Morton brought conceded abilities and qualifies which peculiarly fitted hira for the position. These, together with his wealth and hospitatity, speedUy endeared hira to the French people and governraent, to whora he proved acceptable in every par ticular. Through his intercessions the re strictions upon the iraportation of American pork were reraoved by the French govern- NASH. NASH. raent in an official decree published Nov. 27, 1883, but the prohibitory decree was subsequently renewed by the legislative body. He secured also the recognition of Araerican corporations in France. Mr. Morton drove the first rivet in the Bartholdi statue "Liberty Enlightening the World," and accepted the corapleted statue for his government on July 4, 1884. He was Amer ican coraraissioner general to the Paris Electrical Exposition, and the representa tive of the United States at the Sub-Marine Cable Convention. Mr. Morton resigned the raission to France after the inaugura tion of President Cleveland, in 1885, and returned to the United States in July of that year. He was nominated for the vice-presidency by the Republican convention at Chicago in 1888, receiving 581 votes against 234 votes for other candidates. He was elected in November, 1888, and inaugurated as Vice- President on March 4, 1889. He proved a raodel presiding officer, discharging the du ties of the exalted position with an ability, impartiality, and dignity which gained the praises of aU without regard to party dis tinctions, even at a time when party spirit ran high over most iraportant raeasures cora ing before the United States Senate. At the great encarapment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Washington in September, 1882, in the name of the United States ; hke- wise at the dedicatory service of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, Oct. 21, 1892, he made the address of welcorae, ac cepting the buildings "in the narae of the governraent of the United States" and dedi cating thera to "humanity." Mr. Morton is noted for his hospitahty, and his historic resi dence in Washington and his horae, EUersUe, at Rbinecliff on the Hudson, are aU appointed and conducted with taste and elegance. He has been likewise prorainent in works of charity. When Congress placed the United States ship Constellation at the disposal of those de siring to send stores for the relief of starving Ireland during the great faraine there, and when the project of forwarding the bread- stuffs and provisions seemed likely to fail, Mr. Morton came forward and offered to pay for one-fourth of the cargo, although his inti mate friends knew itwas his intention to pay tbe entire cost rather than have the project miscarry. Another well remembered case in which Mr. Morton's bounty was timely and of great service to a large nuraber of work- ingmen was that of the Rockaway Beach Improveraent Co. The originators of that organization becarae involved in financial ruin. At least five hundred workingmen were unable to obtain their wages and were experiencing aU the sad consequences of such deprivation. Certificates of indebt edness were issued instead of money, but these were of no value to the men who needed food for the suffering families. At this critical juncture Mr. Morton's banking house joined tbat of Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., and the two houses contributed Si 00,000 for the immediate relief of the workingmen. The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Mr. Morton by Dartmouth College July 14, 1881, and by Middlebury CoUege in 1882. Mr. Morton was raarried in 1873 to Anna L. Street, and bas five children, viz : Edith, Lina K., Helen, AUce, and Mary. NASH, Henry H., was born at Benson, August 19, 1821, tbe son of Levi and Abigail (Howard) Nash. His boyhood was passed on his father's farra, and his education was received in the public schools. At the age of eighteen he began life for hiraself as clerk in a dry goods store at Whitehall, N. Y., afterwards serving as teUer in the Whitehall Bank. Having accuraulated a small capital, he became interested in the operation of a line of boats on the Hudson River Canal and Lake Charaplain, under the firra narae of Stark, Nash & Tisdale. Great prosperity for a tirae followed this enterprise, but disaster overtook it, and Mr. Nash found the accuraulation of years sud denly swept away and was obliged to begin life anew. After an experience of two years in the raanufacturing business at Owego, N. Y^, he deterrained to move West, aud in 1857 located in Chicago, his judgment convinc ing him that'it was destined to becorae the raetropolis of the West. His first employ ment was in the land departraent of the Ilhnois Central RaUroad Co. He made good use of his opportunities, and by close attention soon established a reputation as a careful and rehable man, and held a high place in the confidence and esteem of his employers. In 1864 he severed his connec tion with the railroad corapany to accept the position of cashier at the United States sub-treasury, which had been recently estab lished at Chicago. This office, with the sub-treasuries at Cincinnati and St. Louis, were the principal offices for the disburse ment of Government funds in the West and Northwest. After the commencement of the war, the city of Chicago was made a NASH. NEWELL. point for the purchase and distribution of suppUes for the army, and the office becarae one of rauch importance, the receipts and disburseraents during the terra of Mr. Nash's service araounting to upward of forty raiUion dollars. He resigned his position in the sub-treasury to accept the cashiership of the National Bank of Ilhnois, a position which he held for eight years. Association of the Sons of Verraont, in the growth and success of which he took a deep interest. Mr. Nash was weU versed in literary mat ters ; kept himself in touch with the trend of current thought, and this, combined vvith his clear knowledge of men and things, gained frora travel and observation, raade hira a most engaging and instructive conversation alist. He made friends easily, and in aU his varied relations sustained the character of a high-minded, genial gentleraan. He was reared under Congregational influences, but his religious views were untrammeled by nar rowness. He regularly attended the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago. In politics he was an ardent Repubhcan. On Sept. 6, 1848, he married Miss Lydia, a daughter of Mr. Florus D. Meacham, of Whitehall, N. Y"., who survives him. Henry H. Nash attained to an honorable place among Chicago's successful business raen, by energy, enterprise and a strict adherence to correct business principles. In his decease, which occured in Novera ber, 1892, Chicago lost an honored citizen, and those in close relation with him, a trusted friend. NEWELL, Henry Albert, of New York City, son of Oliver Porter and Orilla M. (Perkins) NeweU, was born April 26, 1 84 1, at Londonderrv, HENRY H. NASH. He was one of the founders of the Chicago National Bank, which began business in 1882. He served as cashier of this institution for five years, wben be was chosen vice-presi dent and held that office at tbe time of his decease. During his connection with the bank he was president of the Chicago Clear ing House for two terras. Mr. Nash was always a busy man and in terested hiraseU in all raatters of pubUc ira portance. In coraraercial circles he was re garded as one of the shrewdest and safest of financiers. His word was as good as gold. He was a raan of retiring disposition, but genial, kind-hearted and charitable almost to a fauh. He took the keenest interest in all that related to Chicago, its history, growth and development, and was for raany years an active raember of the Chicago Historical So ciety, of which he was treasurer up to the time of his death. He was a meraber of the Sons of the Revolution, and Union League and Illinois Clubs. In early life he belonged to the Masonic and Odd Fellows orders. He was a devoted son of the Green Mountain state was one of the founders of the Illinois ;<^^^^ HENRY ALBERT NEWELL Mr. Newell was brought up on a farm until fifteen years of age, and received the NEWTON. NEWTON. advantages of the district schools and acad eraies, when he went to Boston to enter the employ of an uncle in the railk business. After three years' service, he was employed by the Metropohtan Railroad Co. of that city, and reraained two years. He then, in 1861, joined the R. Sands Great Araerican Circus, and eight years later became super intendent of the Broadway and Seventh Ave nue R. R. of New York, which position he held until the acquisition of that property by the Metropolitan Street Railroad Co., wiiich operates the Broadway cable road, as weU as the Seventh Avenue, University Place, Twen ty-third Street, Thirty-fourth Street, Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge, Bleecker Street, Sixth Avenue, Vesey Street, Desbrosses Street Ferry, Amsterdara Avenue, and South Ferry, and of which roads he has been the superin tendent since they carae under this cora- pany's control. He is also a director in the South Ferry R. R. Mr. Newell is a prorainent Mason, and raeraber of the Hope Lodge, 244, of which he has for raany years been treasurer and a trustee. He is also an Odd Fellow and meraber of Lodge No. 119. In reUgious preference he is a Presbyterian. He was raarried in GranviUe, N. Y., June 23, 1870, to Mattie R. Manley, daughter of R. F. and Nancy J. Manley. They have five children. NEWTON, Charles Marshall, of Middletown, Conn., son of Marshall and Nancy (Tufts) Newton, was born Oct. 31, 1846, at Newfane. Mr. Newton's father, grandfather, and his uncle. Rev. E. H. Newton, D.D., are promi nently mentioned in the history of Newfane. The Rev. James Tufts, his grandfather, for forty years the pastor of the Congregational church at Wardsboro, was "a strong man of wise influence" says the History of Wards boro. The patriotisra of the faraily'is shown by the service of Marshall Newton, Sr., his great-grandfather, an officer in the French and Indian war ; the seven years service of his grandfather, MarshaU Newton, Jr., in the war of the Revolution; the service of his brothers, John — four years in the i8th U. S. Inft., and Jaraes HoUand — two enlistraents, at eighteen and twenty, in the 9th and 17th Vt. Vols., who was killed while leading his corapany in the last grand charge at Spott sylvania, May 12,1864. The subject of this sketch attended the district and select schools until the age of sixteen, when (July i, 1863) he enhsted in Co. L, ist Vt. Heavy ArtiUery. Mr. Newton's corapany was ordered to Rutiand to enforce the draft, thence to Ft. Slocura, Md., and in the spring of 1864 his regiinent was assigned to tbe ist Vt. Brigade, Sixth Corps, Array of the Potomac, in whose battles and hardships he participated to the close of the war. He was raustered out as sergeant August 23, 1865. June 23,. 1864, while before Petersburg, Sergeant Newton, though disabled and on hospital roU, insisted on going into action with his company. During the action Major Fleming, noticing his condition, or dered hira to the rear with his horse, to which circurastance he owes his escape from capture and iraprisonraent in Andersonville, being the only raan of his company who went into the action who was not taken prisoner. In August following, being dis abled, he narrowly escaped capture by Mos- by's men in the Shenandoah VaUey. He was picked up by an ambulance and con veyed to Harwood Hospital, Washington, and on the i st of January following, with his CHARLES MARSHALL NEWTON. wound unhealed, he voluntarily joined his company before Petersburg, to share its hardships and participate in the closing scenes and final victory at Appomattox. These incidents are referred to and highly commended by bis commanding officer, LieutenantColonel D. J. Safford, in his en dorsement of Mr. Newton's army record, filed at Washington, but now in Mr. New ton's possession. A pension, to date from his discharge, was issued to Mr. Newton AprU 24, 1885. Since 1872 Mr. Newton has conducted a clothing business in Middletown, Conn., and enjoys the confidence of his townsmen as NEWTON. NEWTON. 113 shown by his service for several terras in the court of common council. In 1890 he re ceived a strong endorsement for postmaster, but accepted the appointraent of United States postal card agent, which office he held from Feb. 10, 1890, to June 15, 1893. In 1870 and 1871 he was appointed assistant inspector G. A. R., Departraent of Massachusetts. He was a charter raeraber of Dexter Post, No. 38, Brookfield, Mass., and is now a charter raember of Mansfield Post, No. 53, Middletown, Conn. He is also a member of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, the Army and Navy Club of Connecticut, Vermont Officers' Society, and First Vermont Heavy Artillery. Mr. New ton is a prominent member of the Republi can Club and is also a member of McDon ough Lodge Knights of Honor. He was married, March 26, 1874, to Mary C, daughter of Timothy and Julia (Stratton) Boardraan, and has one son, Jaraes HoUand Newton. NEWTON, William Henry, of WaU ingford, Conn., son of MarshaU and Nancy (Tufts) Newton, was born June 25, 1850, at Newfane and received his education there and at Rev. Jaraes Tufts's school at Monson, Mass. In 1869 Mr. Newton began his business hfe with Winslow & Park and remained there and with their successors, J. D. Holbrook & Co.,untU 1872. He then raoved to Middle- town, Conn., and becarae a clerk for his brother, C. M. Newton, untd 1875, when he was appointed to a clerkship in the First National Bank, a position he had desired since boyhood. His sterhng quahties were rewarded in the faU of 1881 by his present position of cashier of the First National Bank of WaUingford, which institution began busi ness Jan. I, 1882. Mr. Newton is an ardent Repubhcan and takes an active part in local, state and national carapaigns. He was elected town treasurer in 1885, receiving a fiattering raajority, al though the normal vote is usually strongly Democratic. He also served as treasurer of the Borough in 1889, was elected to the court of Burgesses, and the following year was made warden of the Borough of WaUingford. To this office he was re-elected in 1891 and again in 1892. In the 1894 elections Mr. Newton was again elected to this iraportant position, and the following is frora the Meriden Repub lican : "The result of Saturday's election is a hne tribute to the high regard the people of the borough have for its warden. Mr. Newton has now held the office three terms success ively, and, although his personal wishes are and have been to drop the responsibihties of the chief office of the borough, his fellow citi zens have been unwUling to perrait him to do so. His administration of the office has been characterized by the utmost fairness and respect for everybody's rights. Possessed of rare business qualifications they have been exercised for the welfare of the borough, the result being seen in the showing made in the annual reports. The fact that his adrainis tration of the raunicipal governraent is so overwhelmingly endorsed by so large a raa jority of the residents of the borough, not withstanding an organized effort to defeat him, is certainly a cause for congratulation, in which the Repubhcan heartily joins. Mr. Newton is a staunch Republican in politics, and the borough is overwhelmingly Derao cratic. But in bis administration of affairs WILLIAM HENRY NEWTON. he has known neither RepubUcan nor Demo crat, and this with his personal popularity gave him a majority never before exceeded." Mr. Newton has also taken an active part in the mUitary service of his state. In 1887 he was appointed paymaster of the 2d Regt. C. N. G., by Colonel Leavenworth, and served on the latter's staff" with rank of second lieutenant for two years and received a re-appointment by Colonel Leavenworth's successor. Col. John B. Doherty, and re signed his coraraission in 1892. Mr. Newton is a raeraber of tbe First Congregational Church, and in social organ izations he is prorainent, being a Past Mas ter of Compass Lodge, F. & A. M., and meraber of Keystone Chapter, of Meriden, 114 NEWTON. NEWTON. and of the Republican League Club, of New Haven, and Arcanura Club, of WaUingford. Mr. Newton was married, Oct. 13, 1881, to Alice E. Dickenson, daughter of Dana D. and Eliza A. Dickenson, of WUliamsville. They had two children : Elsie M., and Mabel S. (deceased). NEWTON, Daniel H., of Holyoke, Mass., son of Jaraes and Esther (Hale) Newton, was born in Hubbardston, Mass., June 22, 1827. tive in 1869 to the Great and General Court at Boston, and was chairraan of Holyoke Board of Health frora 1880 to 1883. Mr. Newton is president of the Hoosac Tunnel & WUraington R. R., director in the Massachusetts Screw Co., the Chemical Paper Co., and the Home National Bank of Hol yoke. Mr. Newton is also a director of the Holyoke Board of Trade, and a fellow of the American Geographical Society. NEWTON, JOHN C, of Holyoke, Mass., son of James and Esther (Hale) Newton, is, by adoption at least, a Vermon ter. His identification with the interests of our state and the great work of development which the Newton brothers have pursued in the southern part of the state entitles them to recognition in this work. Mr. Newton was educated at Westminster, Vt., and the State Norraal School at Westfield, Mass. The great building and luraber operations of the firra of Jaraes Newton & Sons in Hob yoke, Mass., resulted in the construction of the Harapden Paper MiUs, araong other ex tensive works, of which Mr. J. C. Newton DANIEL H. NEWTON. He removed to Greenfield, Mass., in 1835, and to Holyoke in December, 1873. Mr. Newton was educated at Goodale Academy and WiUiston Serainary, and is one of the successful firra of Newton Bros., who have done so rauch toward the developraent of the Deerfield Valley. Mr. Newton was first engaged in the luraber business with his father from 1848 to 187 1, and then for ten years was a member of the firm of D. H. & J. C. Newton, raill engineers, builders, and contractors at Holyoke, and in this connec tion did rauch toward the upbuilding of that city. But the greatest work of Mr. Newton was perforraed in connection with his two brothers, John C. and Moses Newton, in the developraent of the Deerfield VaUey, in the business enterprises of which he has been a leading proprietor and owner. Mr. Newton was a meraber of the Green field school coraraittee in 1855, and the treasurer of Franklin county, Mass., frora 1 86 1 to 1864. He was elected representa- JOHN C. NEWTON. was the projector. Of this corporation he was the treasurer until the miU was sold in 1871. In 1873, in order to supply the great needs of the firm for spruce lumber, the ex tensive steara saw miU at Newport, Vt., was purchased. Mr. Newton's activity and busi ness sagacity have been leading factors in the great enterprises carried on in this state. NEWTON. 115 The scene of their principal operations in the state to-day is on the Deerfield River, where just below the junction of East Branch and two railes west of the village of Wil mington, a large dam is being erected to furnish power for a wood pulp and saw miU which the Newtons are about to build. Mr. Newton is president of the Massachu setts Screw Co. ; president of the Chemical Paper Co. ; director in the Norman Paper Co. ; director of the Horae National Bank of Holyoke ; director in the Hoosac Tunnel & WUraington R. R. Co. ; director in the Deer field River Co. ; the National Metal Edge Box Co., of Readsboro, Vt. ; president of the WUraington Grain and Lumber Co., and is vice-president and general raanager of the Des Moines & Kansas City R. R. Co., of Iowa. NEWTON, MOSES, of Holyoke, Mass., son of Jaraes and Esther (Hale) Newton, was born in Hubbardston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1833. MOSES NEWTON. Mr. Newton was educated at Deerfield, Mass.', and at Westminster, and was asso ciated .with his father and brothers m the manufacture of lumber frora 1848 to 1867, and in 1868 first engaged in raaking paper in Holyoke, Mass. Mr. Newton became interested m the en terprises of his brothers in the Deerfield VaUey in 1882 and the great dam at Reads boro, having a faU of eighty feet, and the pulp mill at this point were buUt the sarae year. The narrow gauge railroad frora Readsboro to Hoosac Tunnel Station on the Fitchburg railroad was opened in 1885 and the steara saw miU at Readsboro buUt. In 1S87 the Readsboro Chair Corapany was organized. In connection with the state of Vermont and the town of Readsboro the railroad constructed the high iron bridge, 375 feet long, and the railroad extended though the village of Readsboro in 1890. In 1888 finding a storage of water necessary for the use of the mills upon the stream, the overflow of the Sadawga Pond was raised six feet, at a large expense. In 1888 the Wilmington Grain and Lumber Co. was or ganized. In 1889 the Hotel Raponda was built. This was enlarged in 1892 to accommodate one hundred guests, and Hosea Mann, Jr., was the principal owner and raanager. The rail road was extended to Wilmington in 1891. Mr. Newton was a meraber of the Board of Holyoke Water Commissioners from 1886 to 1892, and is at the present time president of the Newton Paper Co., of the George C. GiU Paper Co., treasurer of the Cheraical Paper Co., and director of the Home Na tional Bank, of Holyoke, and president of the Deerfield River Co., the National Metal Edge Box Co., and the Readsboro Chair Co., director in the Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington R. R., and the Wilmington Grain and Lura ber Co. NOBLE Henry Smith, of Middletown, Conn., son of A. Sraith and Susan (Patrick) Noble, was born Oct. 8, 1845, at Hinesburgh. Dr. Noble made fuU use of the common schools and the academy of his native town in beginning his education and also the Green Mountain Institute at South Woodstock, where he was a teacher, at the sarae time fit ting hiraself for raatriculation at Tufts Col lege. At this college he received the degree of A. B., graduating second in the class of 1869. He then began the study of raedicine with Dr. D. W. Plazleton of Cavendish, and took the 'first course of lectures at Verraont University, Burhngton, and the second course and degree of M. D. at the College of Physi cians and Surgeons in New York City in 1871. Following graduation he passed a year at the Hartford, Conn., City Hospital and began the practice of his profession at Chester in 1872, where he reraained until the fall of 1879. In 1880 hewas appointed second as sistant physician at Hartford retreat and in 1880 became assistant at the Connecticut Hospital for Insane and occupied the same position in the Michigan Asylura for Insane in 1882, returning to the Connecticut Hos pital in 1884. ii6 OLDS. PAGE. Dr. Noble passed the suraraer of 1886 in study and recreation in Europe and while abroad received his present appointraent of first assistant physician of the Connecticut Hospital for the Insane. He is a raember of Ohve Branch Lodge, F. & A. M., Chester, and of the Middlesex County Medical Society, and Connecticut State Medical Society, the American Acad emy of Medicine, and of the American Medico-Psychological Association. Dr. Noble was married March 14, 187 1, at Rochester, to Edna J. Chaffee, daughter of John and Rose LoweU Chaffee. NORTON, JESSE O., was born in Vermont; graduated at Williams College; emigrated to Illinois in 1839 '> studied law and carae to the bar in 1840; was a mem ber, in 1847, of the state constitutional con vention ; was a raeraber of the state Legis lature in 185 1 and 1852; was elected a representative frora Illinois to the Thirty- third and Thirty-fourth Congresses; in 1857 was elected judge of the eleventh judicial district of Ilhnois, holding the office untU 1862; and in 1863 was re-elected a repre sentative to Congress. OLDS, Edson B., was born in Verraont, and a representative in Congress from Ohio, from 1849 to 1855. In 1862 he was for a short time imprisoned in Fort Lafayette for supposed disloyalty, and while there con fined, he was elected a raember of the Asserably of Ohio, having previously served six years in the state Legislature, and has been speaker of the Senate. OTIS, JOHN Grant, of Topeka, Kan., was born in Danby, Feb. 10, 1838, took an acaderaie course at Burr Serainary, attended one year at WiUiaras CoUege, and one year at Harvard Law School ; was adraitted to the bar of Rutland county in the spring of 1859 ; reraoved to Kansas in May, sarae year, and located at Topeka, where he has since re sided ; took an active part in recruiting the first colored regiment of Kansas in 1862 ; was a member of infantry company in 2d Regt. of Vols, at the tirae of Price raid ; was an ardent supporter of Abraham Lincoln; since the war closed has been a raost un compromising Greenbacker and advocate of a new American monetary system in the inter est of the industrial classes ; for over twenty years has been engaged in dairy business near Topeka ; has been a meraber of the Grange for eighteen years ; is also a raember of the P'armer's Alliance and Industrial Union ; was state agent for the Grange from 1873 to 1875, and the state lecturer from 1889 to 1891 ; has always supported prohi bition and equal suffrage ; was elected to the Fifty-second Congress as a People's Party candidate. OLIN, Abraham B., was born in Shafts bury in 1812 ; graduated at WUliams College in 1835 ; commenced the practice of law at Troy, N. Y., in 1838; was for three years recorder of the city of Troy, and was elected a representative to the Thirty-fifth Congress frora New York ; re-elected to the Thirty- seventh Congress also. In 1863 he was ap pointed by President Lincoln a judge of the Suprerae Court of the District of Columbia. His father, Gideon Ohn, was in Congress frora Vermont during the administration of President Jefferson. [See Part I for a sketch of Gideon Olin.] PAGE, Frank Wilfred, of Boston, Mass., son of Lemuel W. and Susan G. (Saunders) Page, was born in East Wilton, N. H., August 24, 1843. His father being a native of Burlington, he returned with his parents to Burlington when two years of age, after having also lived with thera a short tirae in Boston, Mass. He was educated in the private schools of Burling ton and at the Union high school or Bur lington Academy, entering the University of Vermont in i860, and graduated therefrom in the class of 1864, receiving the degree of A. B. and that of A. M. in 1869. He began the study of raedicine during his junior year in college, and after graduation continued the study of raedicine in the office and under the tutelage of the late Dr. Samuel White Thayer. He attended lectures in the medi cal department of the University, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, graduating frora the former in June, 1866. He began the practice of his profession in St. Peter, Minn., where he remained one year. Returning in the fall of 1867 he associated hiraself in partnership with Dr. Olin G. Dyer, of Brandon. For nearly eleven years he continued in the active duties of his profession in Brandon. While a resident of Brandon he becarae interested in educational and kindred raatters, and for several years was chairraan of the town school board. Becoraing interested in ner vous and mental diseases, on May i, 1878, he gave up private practice to accept the PARKER. 117 position of first assistant physician on the medical staff of McLean Asylum for the Insane, at Somerville, Mass. On retirement of the raedical officer in charge, June i, 1879, he became superintendent, a position he relinquished in December to open for the managers, P'eb. i, 1880, the new Adams Nervine Asylura, an institution situated at Jamaica Plains, Mass., and founded by the late Seth Adams, a wealthy sugar refiner, for the benefit of nervous people not insane. He remained in charge as superintendent and resident physician until May 13, 1885, when, after making the institution a great FRANK WILFRED PAGE. success, he declined a re-election. The raanagers in their report for 1855 said of hira : "He has had charge of the asylum during the whole period of Us active exis tence, raore than five years, and Us useful ness and great success are largely due to his professional skiU and his faithfulness, energy and administrative capacity. The managers desire to acknowledge the indebtedness of the instUution to him for his valuable ser vices, and to wish hira a prosperous and successful future." On his retirement from the superintend ency of the Adams Asylum he was elected one of the board of consulting physicians, a position he stiU holds. Since May, 1885, he has been engaged in the practice of his specialty, that of nervous and raental dis eases, in the city of Boston. In 1889 he was e'lected by the trustees of Danvers Hos pital for the Insane a meraber of the board of consulting physicians. Dr. Page was married, in August, 1870, to Annah Amelia, daughter of Dr. Olin G. Dyer, of Brandon. She died in Boston, Sept. II, 1892. He is a member of various medical socie ties, and in politcs is naturally a staunch Republican. PARKER, A. X., of Potsdam, N. Y., was born in Addison county in 1831 ; reraoved to Potsdara, N. Y'., at an early age; gradu ated frora St. Lawrence Academy ; read law and comraenced practice at Potsdara in 1856 ; was a raeraber of the New York Assembly in 1863 ; was postmaster under President Lin coln ; was state senator in 186 7, -'69, and the first elector- at-large upon the Republican ticket in 1876; was a raeraber of Congress in 1883. He stiU practices his profession at Potsdam. PARKER, George H., of Watertown, South Dakota, son of Orrin C. and Julia (Dickinson) Parker, was born at Montgom ery, April 5, 1 84 1. GEORGE H. PARKER. He was educated in the comraon schools and at Black River Acaderay at Ludlow, and the New Harapton Institute at Fairfax where he studied for the rainistry. Mr. Parker was ordained to the Baptist ministry at Montgoraery Center, Jan. 31, 1866. He served as pastor for varying pe- n8 PARKER. riods of one to five years at Berkshire Center, Pamton, FelchviUe, Grafton, and North Troy, at the latter place serving two pastorates cov ering a period of seven years. During these long terras he did much active and valuable work organizing churches and securing need ed accommodations and members. At East Frankhn and South Jay he organized churches and at the latter place assisted in the erec tion of a church edifice. In 1886 he settled in Watertown, South Dakota, and served with marked success for three years. In 1876-7 he was a meraber of the Legis lature frora the town of Reading, Vt., and served on the coraraittee on state prison. Again frora the town of Troy he was elected in 1884, serving on the committee on educa tion and took an active part in all work. In 1890 he was elected county superintendent of schools, for Codington county, South Da kota. He was again elected on the Repub lican ticket in 1892, receiving the largest vote ever cast. Mr. Parker enlisted at Bakersfield, August 26, 1861, as corporal of Company A, 5th Regt. Vt. Vols., and was with the charge at Lees Mills, in the battle of WiUiamsburg and the Peninsula carapaign ; was severely wound ed in the Seven Days fight before Richmond at Goldens Farra. He was a prisoner at Belle Isle and released August 3 and dis charged by reason of his wounds in 1863. Mr. Parker was twice coraraander of Bailey Post, G. A. R., North Troy, and of Freeraan Thayer Post, Watertown, S. D. He was married at East Enosburg, Au gust 14, 1864, to Arvilla E. Davis, daughter of Talraon K. and Eraraa J. Davis, who died April 23, 1873, leaving three children. He was again married Nov. 14, 1874, at Wethers field to Minerva E. Mitchell, daughter of James and Dolly MitcheU. PARKER, ISAAC AUGUSTUS, of Gales burg, IU., son of Isaac and Lucia (Wood) Parker, was born in South Woodstock, Dec. 31, 1825. His early life was spent upon the farra and in acquiring such an education as the dis trict schools of the tirae afforded, and at sev enteen he was a teacher in the common schools in the vicinity of his native place. Fitting for college at the Black River Acad eray, Hancock (N. H.) Scientific and Literary Institute (in which he taught mathematics at the sarae tirae), and the Green Mountain Liberal Institute, he entered Dartraouth CoUege in 1849 and graduated with the class of 1853. Mr. Parker while in coUege was a raeraber of the Alpha Delta Phi Society and at graduation was elected a raeraber of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Soon after his graduation he accepted the principalship of the Orleans Liberal Institute at Glover, which he successfully filled for five years. Hon. W. W. Grout, S. C. Shurtleff, 0. L. French, and others, who have attained posi tions of influence, were students in the institute under his instruction. In 1 85 8 Mr. Parker re signed his position to accept a larger field of activity and became professor of ancient lan guages in Lombard University and held this position for ten years, when he was elected WiUiamson professor of Greek in the same in stitution and StiU holds this position. Profes sor Parker has been for raore than thirty-five years connected with Lorabard University and is recognized on aU sides as one of the leading instructors of the country, always striving to inculcate habits of industry and teaching young people to depend upon their own resources for that success in life which is the aira of every young raan. ISAAC AUGUSTUS PARKER. Dr. Parker is a raeraber of the board of trustees of the Galesburgh Public Library and was honored with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy frora Buchtel CoUege, Akron, O., in 1892. February 18, 1856, Mr. Parker was raarried to Sarah A., daughter of WiUiara and Par- thena (Whitmore) Labareeof Hartland. Of this union were two children : Izah T., de ceased, and WilUam A., a civU engineer in Chicago. Mrs. Parker deceased in June, 1889. PARKER, Myron M., of Washington, D. C, was born in Fairfax, in 1843, son of PARKER. 119 TVIelvin V. and EmeUne (Story) Parker; Tgrandson of Robert and Sophia Cross Parker ; great-grandson of Robert Parker, a private in the Revolutionary army ; grandson -of Elija and Cressy Story ; great-grandson of Elija Story of Fairfax, a soldier of the Revolution ; great-grandson of Joseph and Persis Wheeler Cross (Joseph Cross who died in 1850, at the age of 103, served at Lexington and Bunker HUl) ; great-grand son of John Cressy, a native of Connecticut, who served with the Continental army at Brooklyn, White Plains, Brandywine, Ger mantown, and Yorktown. MYRON M. PARKER. Young Parker was preparing for coUege at the breaking out of the war, when he left school and enhsted in the ist Vt. Cavalry, with which command he served until the -close of the war, and his record as a soldier is one of the most brilhant. He located m Washington, and in 1865 he received an ap pointment in the War Departraent, where he served several years. In 1876 he graduated frora the law depart raent of the Columbian University, and has ever since taken a lively interest in that in stitution, donating annuaUy to the post graduate class the ¦' Myron M. Parker ' prize. In 1879 he was appointed assistant postmaster of the city of Washington. He -was secretary of the Washington coraraittee ¦o'n the cereraonies incident to the laying of the corner stone of the Yorktown monument. He was grand raaster of Masons in i884-'85 and officiated as such at the dedication of the Washington raonument. He was chair man of the triennial coraraittee to receive and entertain the Grand Encarapment Knights Teraplar of the United States at its twenty-fourth conclave held in Washington. He is the grand representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Delaware. He was a raeraber of the executive coraraittee having in charge the inauguration of Presi dent Garfield, and was vice chairraan of the inaugural coraraittee for President Harrison ; he was also chairman of the coraraittee on civic organizations, and was raarshal of the fifth division in the inaugural parade. At the second inauguration of President Cleve land he was a raeraber of the citizens' cora raittee, and was a special aid on the staff of General McMahon, the chief marshal. Like nearly all Verraonters Mr. Parker is a Repubhcan, and during the second cara paign of President Harrison was appointed on the advisory committee of the national coraraittee. He has always been interested in the ad- ^'anceraent of Washington and has taken a leading part in all public enterprises, con tributing largely of his time and means. He was one of the promoters of the proposed constitutional convention in 1 889, the World's Columbian Exposition in 1892, and was one of the three selected to present the claims of Washington before the coraraittee of Con gress. He is secretary of the Washington Meraorial Association. Mr. Parker has been an enthusiastic ex ponent and behever in the future greatness of Washington, and has been closely identi fied with her growth. In 1880 he actively engaged in the real estate business, meeting with great success, his annual transactions running into the miUions, and in which he has massed a fortune. He has been identi fied with raany of the financial institutions. He is also a director in the Colurabia Na tional Bank, the Araerican Security and Trust Co., the, Colurabia Fire Insurance Co., the Colurabia Title Insurance Co., the Eck- ington and Soldiers Horae R. R., the Atlantic Building Co. and the United States Electric Light Co. He was vice-president of the Brightwood R. R., and in charitable insti tutions is a director in the Washington Hospital for Foundlings, the Training School for Nurses, and the Emergency Hospital. He was one of the organizers of the 'Wash ington Board of Trade, and for several years ¦ was its president. In 1876 he married Miss Nellie L. Gris wold. They have four children, three girls and one boy, and reside on Verraont avenue. Mr. Parker retains all his old tirae affec tion and loyalty to his native state, has PARMELEE. PARTRIDGE. always retained interests there, and pays annual visits to his home in Cambridge, where his mother and only brother and sister reside. Mr. Parker was appointed by Governor Fuller a delegate at large to tbe National Ship Canal Convention in 1893. Mr. Parker was appointed by President Harrison commissioner of the District of Columbia on Feb. 14, 1893, and is at present serving his terra of office. PARMELEE, EDWARD CARROLL, of Denver, Colo., son of Lucius and Ann Wal lace Parraelee, was born at Waterbury, May 16, 1835. Mr. Parraelee was educated at the pubhc schools of his native town and at Johnson Academy and during his younger days was a clerk in the village store. Seeking to widen the field of his operations he went W'est in the spring of 1853 and for the past thirty years has been extensively engaged in raining and in abstract business. The esteera in which Mr. Parraelee is held by his feUow-citizens is shown by the iraport ant positions given him at various times. In 1872 he was a raeraber of the Territorial Legislature frora Clear Creek county ; and from 1878 to 1882 he held the office of post raaster at Georgetown. Mr. Parraelee is prorainent in Masonic circles, holding the title of Grand Secretary, F. & A. M., frora 1866 up to the present, and also of the Royal Arch Masons since 1875. He is also Grand Recorder of the Knights Teraplar, holding the office since 1876, and has received the 33d degree, Scottish Rite. PARTRIDGE, GEORGE, of San Fran cisco, son of Oramel and Lucy (Capron) Partridge, was born in Randolph Centre, August 22, 1829. His father was a native of Norwich, and a relative of Capt. Alden Part ridge, first superintendent of West Point, and founder of Norwich University. His mother was born in WiUiamstown. In his boyhood he learned the trade of his father, a leading manufacturer of furniture and sleighs. His mechanical tastes led him into an adventure, when seventeen years old, which proved a serious episode in his hfe, and changed his future plans. For diversion he made a printing press, though he had never seen one, and printed a paper called the Autumn Leat After three issues he made a larger press, got more type, and launched the Enterprise, with the help of a few boys. The editors were the late Rev. G. V. Max hara and Prof. Truman H. Safford, then in their teens, the latter then a prodigy in raatheraatics. This was printed one year, about one thousand circulation. It was suc ceeded by The Nonpareil, but unable alone to carry the undertaking, he arranged its printing in Hartford, Conn., with an edition at both places. It was edited by D. W. Bartlett, since noted in journalisra, and W. H. Burleigh., It was a beautiful monthly quarto, its writers eminent in Uterature, and had a large circulation, but lived only one year, ending 1850. This interesting period of his life is narrated to raake a record of the press of Randolph. GEORGE PARTRIDGE. During this play with type and papers, which proved very serious work, Mr. Part ridge fitted for coUege at the viUage academy, improving vacations with the profound law yer and scholar, WiUiam Nutting, and in 1850 entered Araherst CoUege, graduating in 1854. He went at once to Alabaraa as a private tutor. The next year he was professor in Tuskegea Female CoUege, and then principal of Hous ton (Tex.) Acaderay, the first graded high school of that city. In 1859 he settied in St. Louis as a lawyer, having qualified mean tirae and been adrahted to the bar. When tbe war began, it was his fortune to be ap pointed by General Freraont as attorney of the first railitary commissions organized by him for the trial of sorae two hundred rebel pris oners. This done he was appointed to sim ilar duty in the department of the provost marshal general for Missouri, being promoted to assistant. He had special charge of the cases of the prisoners in the faraous Gratiot prison. This position he held under Fre- PEARSONS. PEARSONS. mont, HaUeck, Schofield, Curtis and Ketch- um, retiring in 1863. During his residence in the South he wrote letters for the Springfield Republican on Southern life and pohtics, and also in St. Louis a current history of the war in Mis souri, in aU eight years connected with that paper as correspondent. In 1872 he was nominated by the Republicans of St. Louis for the Legislature. In 1865 he became interested in the petroleum industry, desiring a more active life, and put down nine wells in Kentucky and Ohio, only one yielding oil and that the heavy grade practically worthless for want of market. At this juncture he visited Ran dolph, in 1866, and placed a few barrels with miUs and notably induced the incredu lous Vermont Central R. R. to risk ten gal lons. This was the first petroleum lubricat ing oil ever used in Vermont. In a few months it becarae universal. He returned to St. Louis, introduced it there, and also the first high test burning oU, erecting the third refinery west of Cleveland, and built up a large wholesale trade. When, in 1877, the Standard Oil Co. secured nearly aU the refineries in the United States he sold his refinery to that corapany, and soon after retired frora the oU business. He then en gaged in silver mining in LeadviUe, CoL, erected a smelter and became as proficient in mining as he had been in oU. He is now engaged in oil and raining business in San Francisco. He is vice-president of the Pacific Coast Vermont Association. In i860 he was raarried to A. Augusta Thompson, of West Avon, Conn., who became widely known for her Sunday school writings and work. They have four daugh ters : Jennie, Alice and Grace (twins), the latter now Mrs. Ira C. Hays, and NeUie, all residing in San Francisco. PEARSONS, Daniel Kimball, of Chicago, IU., was born in Bradford in 1820. His mother was a descendant of Israel Put nara. He was educated in the coraraon schools and at sixteen years of age began his career as a school teacher, which he continued five years. With the funds saved he took a raedical course at Woodstock, Vt., and he practiced medicine in Chicopee, Mass., untU 1853. In 1857 he went to Illinois and engaged in farraing, but removed to Chicago and engaged in real estate business and soon acquired a reputation as a financier. He was elected alderman of the first ward in Chicago. WhUe in this capacity through pledges on behalf of the city and himself he secured a large loan at the East, rauch needed by tbe city, wbich was in a deplor able financial condition, and thus restored the credit of Chicago. Dr. Pearsons is one of the shrewdest busi ness men in that city and a man of great benevolence as well, devoting the same at tention to his benevolence as to his business ; in all he has given over Si, 000,000. His first great gifts to educational institutions were in recognition of the Christian ministry of the priraitive New England starap, the founders of acaderaies and colleges, and the leaders of elevated public opinion. His career of giving began in 1887 when he gave the McCorraick Theological Serainary ^50,000 to establish a permanent fund in aid of DANIEL KIMBALL PEARSONS. young men studying for the rainistry. To the Presbyterian Hospital be donated ^60,- 000, besides superintending the construction of the buUding. He gave g 100,000 to Lake Forest and §100,000 to Beloit College, and at an expense of §25,000, buUt Chapin Hall, afterwards giving the college §100,000 as a single gift. He has since erected Pearsons' Science Hall for the sarae institution at a cost of over §60,000. Taking into account the rise in value of real estate donated by him to Beloit, his benefactions raay be esti mated at $200,000. Dr. Pearsons gave Knox CoUege §50,000, and at last com mencement ofifered a like araount on con dition that the directors Should raise §200,- 000 in two years. In the spring of 1892 Dr. Pearsons becarae interested in the life and labors of the late Dr. Ward of Yankton Col- PERRY. PERRY. lege. South Dakota, and ofifered the trustees of that college §50,000 with which to con struct a hall to bear tbe narae of Dr. Ward, on a condition which they easily fulfiUed ; a similar offer of §50,000 was made to Colo rado College, and still another of §50,000 to Drury College. Dr. Pearsons has been an extensive trav eler within his own and in foreign lands. He has visited Europe three tiraes and but recently returned from Egypt. Dr. Pearsons is a director of the Chicago City Railway Co., the American Exchange National Bank and other financial institu tions of Chicago. His favorite investments have been in real property. He purchased large tracts of tiraber lands in Michigan which yielded iraraense profits. Dr. Pear sons is the original founder of the society Sons of Verraont in Chicago. He was the fourth president of the society, always a prom inent advocate and influential adviser in mat ters of interest to Verraonters and the Vermont society. A quotation or two from Dr. Pear sons' speech, at the fourteenth annual ban quet of the society, raight serve as an illustra tion of what his experience has been : "The successful raen of the country are not those whose cradles were rocked by hired nurses, and who never knew an ungratified wish as children ; they are those who as boys did chores for their keep, and were glad to get the job ; laid stone wall, ploughed rough fields and fought their way through school and coUege poorly clad, fed and housed." Speaking of some of the successful men of Verraont, Dr. Pearsons said : "They went from the hiUs and frora the meadows of Ver mont with muscles toughened, not by the use of the oar, but that of axe and plow, and with wits sharpened by the privations of their boyhood." In closing. Dr. Pearsons made the following characteristic remarks : "Grit raakes the raan, the want of it the churap ; the men who win lay hold, hang on and hump." Dr. Pearsons was married in 1847 to Miss Marietta Chapin, of Massachusetts, a woraan ofthe true New England type, who enters heartily into her husband's raethod of benev olent work. She presides with womanly grace over his elegant and happy home in Hinsdale, one of Chicago's beautiful suburbs. PERRY, Aaron F., was born at Leicester, Jan. I, 1815 ; received a comraon school and academic education ; studied law at the Yale Law School ; practiced at Columbus, and af terwards at Cincinnati ; was a member of the state House of Representatives of Ohio in 1847 and 1848 ; and was elected a represen tative from Ohio in the Forty-second Con gress as a Republican. PERRY, Daniel, of MaysvUle, Mo., was. born in Wardsboro, Nov. 8, 1839, the son of Jaraes T. and Amy (WiUis) Perry. Daniel was reared on the farm of his par ents, and attended the district schools, se curing a good education when a boy. He afterward attended the Westrainster Acad emy and Powers Institute at Bernardston,. INIass., and later the Albany Law School at Albany N. Y., graduating in 1868. In September, 1861, he enhsted in the Federal army, joining Co. F, Vt. company of Berdan's Sharpshooters of the Army of the Potomac, and served in raany of the principal battles in which his regiraent par ticipated. He becarae a favorite of Colonel DANIEL PERRY. Berdan and other officers of his regiraent, and was well known as the "TaU Corporal on the Right." He is six feet four inches tall and is said to have been one of the best marksmen in the army. He returned to Verraont in the winter of 1863, and taught as the principal of the high school at Jack sonviUe and North Bennington. He went West in 1872 and was connected with school work in the higher graded schools until about 1880, then entered the law, abstracting, real estate and loan business in Maysville. He has been very successful in business, being recognized as one of the best real estate lawyers in the ^^'est, and a very successful dealer in real estate. His business has araounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it is his pride, that he has never PETTEE. lost a dollar to a client in investments, dur ing his business experience. At present he is eraployed extensively in exaraining securi ties and titles for capitahsts residing in the East, and in loaning money. In October, 1885, he was united in mar riage, with a daughter of Mr. J. L. Darden, of Southern Georgia. She is a grand-niece of Commodore Nicholson, the first com mander of the old " Constitution." One daughter has blessed this union. Mr. Perry has held many important offices, araong thera, county superintendent of schools, public administrator and mayor of Maysville, Mo., his home, where he is attend ing to his business interests, enjoying the fruits of long and faithful service in civil hfe. PETTEE, Lyman F., son of Anson L. and Lucy (Bartlett) Pettee, was born in Wil mington August 14, 1849. Both his grand fathers were for many years active officers in the old state militia, and his father. Dr. A. L. Pettee, was one of the most prominent phy sicians in Windhara county. Young Pettee received his early education in the public schools of WUraington and later on attended the Burnside Military School at Brattleboro. He, early in life, came to the conclusion that he preferred to finish his edu cation in the raore practical channels of busi ness experience and accordingly becarae engaged in several rainor enterprises long before he had arrived at his raajority. At the age of twenty-three he left Vermont to accept a position with the New York Pie Co., of New 'York City, and remained with thera one year, after which he erabarked in the baking business on his own account in the city of Brooklyn. This venture was for a time successful, but a universal panic in bus iness so discouraged hira that he finally, in 1880, sold out. Mr. Pettee entered the em ploy of CrandaU & Godley, New Y'ork, in 1 881, the firm enjoyining the distinction of being the largest dealers in bakers' and con fectioners' supplies in the world. From this time his strides along the pathway of success were rapid. He soon became superinten dent of the. business, and within two years was adraitted as a partner with a modest in terest. He accepted every opportunity to prove his value to the firm, so that when the senior meraber, Mr. A. B. CrandaU, died, Mr. Pettee found his opportunity. Since then, 1887, the firra has more than doubled its business. In 1892 they were succeeded by the CrandaU & Godley Co., and Mr. Pettee was at once elected vice-president and treasurer, which position he now holds. Mr. Pettee has engaged in raany other large and iraportant enterprises, being presi dent of the Geysers Natural Carbonate Acid Gas Co., operating at Saratoga Springs, PHELPS. 123 N. v., and New York City, which ships its product to aU parts of the world. He is also president of the Supply World Publish ing Co., which issues the recognized leading trade paper in the interests of bakers and confectioners. Mr. Pettee is proprietor of the Deerfield stock farm at West Brattieboro, now one of the recognized institutions of Windham county, on which are sorae of the most highly bred horses in this country, and where he spends the time he has at his coraraand for recreation. He is also the inventor and patentee of several useful articles of recog nized raerit. He is a Mason and in politics is a staunch Deraocrat but has never permitted partisan principle to bhnd his eyes to the mistakes of his own party. Mr. Pettee was united in raarriage in 1871 to Imogene S., daughter of Frank and Sophia Prouty, who died, 1880. She bore hira two children : Harry E , and L. Grace. The latter raet an accidental death, being drowned while on a visit to Wilmington. In 1883 he was again united to Mary E., daughter of William and Ehzabeth Thresher. Four children have blessed this raarriage : WilUe C, Lyman E., Elmo C, and George Mortimer. PETTIGREW, RICHARD FRANKLIN, of Sioux Falls, S. D., was born at Ludlow, July, 1848; reraoved with his parents to Evans ville, Wis., in 1854 ; was prepared for coUege at the EvansviUe Acaderay, and entered Be loit College in 1866, where he remained two years ; was a member of the law class of 1869, University of Wisconsin; went to Dakota in July, 1869, in the eraploy of a United States deputy surveyor as a laborer ; located in Sioux FaUs, where he engaged in the surveying and real estate business ; opened a law office in 1875, and has been in the practice of his profession since ; was elected to the Dakota Legislature as a mem ber of the Council in 1877, and re-elected in 1879 ; was elected to the Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth Congresses as delegate from Dakota Territory ; was elected to the Terri torial Council in i884-'85 ; was elected United States Senator Oct. 16, 1889, under the provisions of the act of Congress admit ting South Dakota into the Union ; took his seat Dec. 2, 1889. His terra of service wiU expire March 3, 1895. He is president of the Sioux Falls Terminal Railroad Co. ; the Sioux FaUs Street Railway Co., and of the Sioux Falls, Yankton & Southwestern Rail way Co. PHELPS, Charles E., was born in Guilford, May i, 1833; reraoved with his parents to Pennsylvania in 1838, and to 124 PHELPS. PHELPS. Maryland in 1841 ; graduated at Princeton CoUege in 1853 ; studied law, and came to the Maryland bar in 1855 ; admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court in 1859. In i860 he was a raember of the city council of Baltiraore. In 1861 he was coraraissioned a raajor of the Maryland Guard, which post he resigned. In 1862 he was made Lieut. -Col. of the 7th Md. Vols., and honorably discharged on account of wounds in 1864, and was soon afterwards elected a representative from Maryland to the Thirty-ninth Congress. He was subse quently coraraissioned brevet brigadier-gen eral for gallant conduct at the battle of Spottsylvania. PHELPS, GEORGE HOVEY, of Fargo, N. D., son of Siraonds Fowler Phelps and Susan Critchett Phelps, was born July 17, 1862, at Lowell. His education was received in the district schools of his native town, Albany Academy, Johnson State Normal School, and St Johnsbury Acaderay. GEORGE HOVEY PHELPS. The years frora 1883 to 1885 were spent in teaching in New Harapshire and Vermont, and in the faU of 1885 he entered the law office of Hon. L. H. Thorapson at Irasburg, and commenced the study of law. In 1887 he became deputy clerk of court at St. Johns bury and remained in that position until he removed to Fargo, North Dakota, in 1888, where he took charge of the loan and coUec tion department in the office of Burleigh F. Spalding. During the year 1890 he held the position of deputy clerk of the dis trict court of Cass county and, in 1891, formed a law partnership with Burleigh F. Spalding, which firm was succeeded in June, 1893, by the present firm of Newman, Spald ing & Phelps. Mr. Phelps has confined him self strictly to business, paying particular at tention to commercial and real estate law, and through his energy and fidelity to his partic ular line has earned for hiraself a foremost rank, and holds for his firm a large chentage araong the leading wholesale houses through out the country. He is a meraber of Shiloh Lodge, No. i, F. & A. M. ; Keystone Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. ; Casselton Council, No. i, R. S. M.; Auvergne Coraraandery, No. 2, K. T. ; El Zagal Teraple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Mecca Chapter, No. 5, O. E. S., and Fargo Consis tory, 3 2d degree A. A., Scottish Rite. He is past high priest of Keystone Chapter, has served three years as deputy grand secretary of the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., and Grand Chapter of R. A. M. of North Dakota and is the grand representative of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Verraont, near the hke Grand bodies of North Dakota. Mr. Phelps was raarried at Irasburg, Oct. 12, 1887, to Julia Lucy, daughter of Ethan AUen and Abigail Jane Leach. They have one child : Kenneth Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps keep open house for all natives of Verraont and retain at aU tiraes their loyalty to the state of their birth. PHELPS, James T., of Boston, Mass., son of James T. and Lucy J. (MitcheU) Phelps, was born May 24, 1845, ^* Chittenden. He was educated in the pubhc schools of Burlington, and of Chelsea, Mass. In 1857 Mr. Phelps entered the Boston office of the National Life Insurance Co. of MontpeUer, which was then conducted by his father, and pursued his studies under paternal direction. During the years of 1861 to 1863 he was a clerk in a country store at Fair Haven, then returned to Boston, and, with the exception of a year or two in the West, has been in the service of the National Life Insurance Co. contiuously since. Under the firm name of James T. Phelps & Son, he forraed a partner ship witb his father in 1869, and in 1870, at the death of his father, assuraed and has since had entire control of the Massachusetts bus iness of the corapany, with great success. In 1870 he was made a director of the com pany, and is now on the board. Mr. Phelps has been in the insurance busi ness practically during the entire period of its history in America and has acquired a considerable distinction as a writer on the subject and is an acknowledged authority on life insurance raatters. PIERCE. PIERCE. 125 Mr. Phelps has served in the city council of Chelsea, Mass., two years in each branch, as councilman and alderman, with honor to himseh and his constituents. JAMES T. PHELPS. He was married Oct. 19, 1879, at Fair Haven, to Juliza A., daughter of the late Otis Hamilton, and has two hving children, both daughters. PIERCE, Leroy Matthew, of Black stone, Mass., son of Alvah Warren and Lydia (Atwood) Pierce, was born at Olney, 111., Jan. 14, 1842, and becarae a Verraonter by adoption. The reraoval of his parents from Londonderry to lUinois and their subsequent return a few years later when their son was three or four years of age, explains the situ ation. His education began at the old time acad eraies in Londonderry and Springfield and he entered Middlebury College in 1861 but did not graduate until 1866, for whUe a student he passed sorae tirae away as a dele gate of the Christian coraraission in the hospitals of Washington, D. C, City Point, Va., and in the Army of the Potomac. Re turning to Middlebury he resumed his studies in a succeeding class. At college he was prominent in society work and was president of the fraternity of the various chapters in the dififerent colleges of Delta Upsilon and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa. He was the salutatorian of his class and also received the Waldo prize for scholarship and good behavior. Shortly after graduation at Andover Theo logical Seminary of Massacusetts, where he had passed the years frora 1866 to 1869, he went to Glenwood, Mo., where he was ordain ed Feb. 4, 1870, and labored as a home rais sionary for about two years. In 1871 he re turned East and received a call to preach in the Congregational church at Provincetown, Mass., which he accepted and served there until faihng health caused an interruption of his rainistry after about a year's occupancy of the pastorate. He resumed the work of the ministry at Bernardston, Mass., becom ing pastor of the Congregational church, and reraained there for ten years, frora 1873 to 1883. In the suraraer and auturan of 1883 he visited Europe in company with Mrs. Pierce. In the spring of 1884 he be gan his present connection as the pastor of the Congresational church in Blackstone, /«?^ LEROY MATTHEW PIERCE. Mass. While a busy rainister, Mr. Pierce has devoted considerable tirae to private study, especially botany, and the Hebrew Bible, in both of which he has attained pro ficiency for one who is not a teacher of those branches. Mr. Pierce was raarried. May 24, 1876, to Catherine, daughter of the late Hon. WilUara and Abbie Hard BiUings of Arhngton. PIERCE, Willard Henry, of Green field, Mass., son of Nathan G. and Roxana (Reach) Pierce, was born in Westminster, Nov. 21, 1864. 126 PIERCE. PROCTOR. The early educational advantages of Mr. Pierce were received at the district schools of his native town and frora private instruc tion, as well as a course at Saxtons River (Vt.) Acaderay. He entered the University of Vermont, raedical departraent, with the class of 1883, and graduated M. D. in 1885. Dr. Pierce coraraenced the active practice of his profession at the age of twenty-one, at Bernardston, Mass., and on Jan. i, 1893, he removed to Greenfield, Mass., where he has since resided and built up an excellent practice. Although a general practitioner. Dr. Pierce has a special aptitude for surgical work, and receives many calls frora the pro fession in Verraont, New Harapshire and Massachusetts. When twenty-five years of WILLARD HENRY PIERCE. age he had perforraed a large number of the raost difficult operations, including the suc cessful removal of one kidney. Dr. Pierce enjoys the distinction of having perforraed the first operation known as laparotomy, done by a resident of Franklin county. Although a staunch Republican, he has been too busily engaged witb his profes sional duties to devote much time to politics. While in Bernardston he was a raeraber of the town coraraittee, and was frequently sent as delegate to state and other conventions. He becarae a Free Mason in 1886, and is now a raeraber of all the bodies of that order. Was president of the Library Asso ciation and trustee of Powers Institute while in Bernardston. He is a raeraber of the Connecticut Valley Medical Association, of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and for two years president of the Franklin county district of the latter. During the time of his merabership he has contributed a large nuraber of essays to these societies. Dr. Pierce was raarried at Bernardston, Mass., Sept. 5, 1888, to Nellie May, daughter of OrraandoW.and Roxcena (Arnold) Gray. They have one daughter : Roxy. POLLARD, Henry M., was born at Plymouth, June 14, 1836 ; received a com mon school and academic education, gradu ating in 1857 at the scientific department of Dartraouth CoUege ; served in Union army during the war as major of the Sth Regt. Vt. Vols. ; located in ChiUicothe, Mo., in the faU of 1865, and has since resided there, prac ticing law ; was elected a representative from Missouri in the Forty-fifth Congress as a Repubhcan. PROCTOR, William Henry, son of Asa and Lorena (Proctor) Proctor, was born in Cavendish, Oct. 19, 1827. Both the paternal and "maternal grandfathers of Mr. Proctor served in the Revolutionary war, and the latter was present at the skirmish on the village green at Lexington, and later partici pated in the battle of Bunker HiU. Wben he was eight years of age, the parents of Mr. Proctor reraoved to Kalaraa- zoo county, Mich., and eight years later to Colurabia county. Wis. He attended the schools of his native town, and afterwards studied in Schoolcraft, Mich., and Azatlan, Wis. Mr. Proctor has always followed the voca tion of a general farraer, and to this has given the greater part of his time and atten tion. He has settied in the town of Foun tain Prairie, a locality which is much admired by aU who visit tbis charming spot. .t!He was married Nov. 8, 1857, to Angeline E.', daughter of the late Sarauel and Mary S. (Durfee) Lashier. Nine children are the issue of this raarriage : Nettie A. (deceased), Ellen Lorena, John S., WiUiara R., Mary E., Walter A., Clara M., Alfred H., and Ade laide L. For several years Mr. Proctor held the office of town supervisor and was also chair man of the town board and for eight years a member of the county board of supervisors. In 1882 be was elected to the state Legisla ture of Wisconsin, representing the second assembly district of Columbia county. RAMSDEI.L. RANNEY. T27 RAMSDELL, WILLIAM MARTIN, of Brooklyn, N. Y., son of Horace D. and Lucretia (Holt) Rarasdell, was born Nov. 14, 1851, at Montpelier. He received his early education at the public schools of his native town, and began early in life to exhibit a strong liking for mechanics. At the age of eighteen he en tered the establishment of Fisher & Colton, manufacturers of saddlery hardware, at Mont peher, and served an apprenticeship in tbe WILLIAM MARTIN RAMSDELL. silver plating department. Immediately afterward he went to Portland, Me., and entered the employ of A. FI. Atwood, raanu facturing dealer in silver plated ware, and reraained three years, sjbending such time as could be spared in preparing himself for a professional career which he had decided upon entering. In 1875 he returned to Montpeher and began the systematic study of dentistry under the tuition of the late Dr. O. P. Forbush. After two years Dr. Rarasdell located in West Randolph and remained three years in successful practice, when, desiring a larger field, he formed, in 1880, a partnership with Dr. Charles D. Cook, a prominent dentist of Brooklyn, N. Y'., with whom he reraained in pleasant business relations two years, a part of which time was spent in pursuing a course of study in the Indiana Dental CoUege at Indianapolis frora which he graduated with honors. Dr. RamsdeU at this time entered busi ness upon his own account in Brooklyn, where he has developed a successful practice. He is a member of the Brooklyn Dental Society, the First District Dental Society of the state of New Y'ork ; the Brooklyn Ethical Association ; and of the Brooklyn Society of "N^ermonters. Dr. Rarasdell was married at Montpelier, Sept 2, 1879, to Ida, daughter of Lorenzo D. and Nancy Frost HiU. RANNEY, Ambrose A., son of Walt- stiU R. and Phoebe (Atwood) Ranney, was born in Townshend, AprU 16, 1821. He fitted for coUege at Townshend Acad eray and was graduated frora Dartmouth Col lege in the class of 1844. His early life was spent on the home farm until he was nineteen years of age. His father was the leading physician of his native place, and was for two years Lieutenant-Governor of the state of Vermont. After graduation he studied law with Hon. Andrew Tracy in Woodstock, and was adrait ted to the bar of Verraont in Deceraber, 1S47. He iraraediately reraoved to Boston and was adraitted to the Suffolk bar in June, 1848. Mr. Ranney was raarried in Cavendish, Dec. 4, 1850, to Maria D., daughter of Addi son and Maria (Ingalls) Fletcher. Of this union were four children : Fletcher Ranney, now a partner in his father's law firra ; Maria F., Helen M., and Alice Ranney, now Mrs. Thomas AUen. He was city solicitor for Boston, 1855 and '56; meraber of the House of Representa tives 1857, '63 and '64; elected to Congress in 1880, as a Republican, frora the third congressional district, and twice re-elected, serving through the Forty-seventh, Forty- eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses. He joined the, Repubhcan party at its organiza tion, and has since remained a staunch and active worker in its ranks. While in Con gress he served two terms on the coramittee on elections, investigating frauds and render ing most valuable service in the interests of fair elections and the integrity of the ballot- box. During the last term he was a raem ber of the judiciary coramittee, and the head of a special coramittee on the Repubhcan side of the house to investigate the famous pan-electric scheme, involving the reputation and conduct of high government officials and exciting great public interest. His ser vices on this coraraittee are a raatter of hon orable record. His absorbing aira and arabition was, however, in the profession of the law, where in, previous to his congressional career he had achieved erainent success. He had been only a few years at the bar when the office of city sohcitor was conferred upon him, and his duties therein were raost creditably dis- RAY. REDINGTON. charged. He bad httle taste for pohtics, and pohtical honors have at aU tiraes been thrust upon hira, rather than sought for. But during his legislative service, both state and national, he won the respect and esteera of aU parties, and irapressed the pubUc generally by his raanly bearing, his fidehty to duty, as he un derstood it, and his great ability as a profound lawyer, and a successful legislator. He may be said to have achieved a national reputa tion. Mobile his return to private life, and his chosen profession, may have been more congenial to hira, the loss to the public ser vice was the cause of deep regret araong aU who knew his virtues. RAY, OSSIAN, of Lancaster, N. H., was born at Hinesburgh, Dec. 13, 1835. Here- moved to Irasburgh in early childhood, and there and at Derby received an academic education. He studied law, was adraitted to the bar in 1857, and has since practiced at Lancaster, N. H., where be reraoved soon after his adraission to the bar. In 1868 he was a raeraber of the state Legislature, and also in 1869. From 1862 to 1872 he was solicitor for Coos county, and was United States attorney for the district of New Hampshire from Feb. 22, 1879, to the fol lowing December, wben he resigned, upon his noraination to fiU vacancy on tbe Forty- sixth Congress consequent upon the death of Hon. Evarts W. Farr. He was elected to that Congress, and was re-elected to the Forty-seventh Congress as a Republican. READ, ALMON H., was born in Sheb burne, June 12, 1790; graduated at WiUiams CoUege ; studied law and removed to Penn sylvania ; was frequently elected to the state Legislature ; also to the Senate ; in 1 840 was appointed treasurer of the state, and in 1 84 1 was elected to fill a vacancy in the National House of Representatives, and re elected to the succeeding Congress. He died at Montrose, Penn., June 3, 1844. REDINGTON, EDWARD DANA, of Evanston, 111., son of Edward C. and Caro line D. (Stearns) Redington, was born Nov. 12, 1839, at Chelsea. Mr. Redington was educated in the schools of Chelsea, and at the St. Johnsbury Acad eray, and graduated with the class of 1861 at IDartraouth CoUege. After graduating, he becarae a teacher in St. Johnsbury Academy for a year. In the winter of i863-'64 he served as assistant cashier of the Passurapsic Bank. From 1862 to the close of 1865 Mr. Red ington was actively engaged in the defense of the Union. He enlisted in the 12 th Vt. Vols., August 23, 1862, and was sergeant- major to Feb. 23, 1863, and afterwards 2d Lieut, of Co. I until mustered out, July 14, 1863. President Lincoln appointed him additional paymaster U. S. Vols, with the rank of major, Feb. 24, 1864, and he re mained on duty with the Army of the Poto mac until June 24, 1865, when he was ordered to Springfield, IU., to pay raustered- out troops. He served there until Nov. 30, 1865, and was raustered out at the close of the war. Frora 1866 to 1871 he was em ployed by tbe Kansas Pacific Railway Co. as EDWARD DANA REDINGTON. cashier and paymaster, residing at Wyan dotte, Leavenworth, and Lawrence, Kan. From 187 1 to 1875 he was engaged in the luraber business in Lawrence, Kan., and from 1875 to 1887 in Chicago, IU. Since 1888 he has been connected with the Provi dent Life and Trust Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., in tbeir Chicago agency. Mr. Redington is a RepubUcan in poUtics, though while in Kansas he was the Pro hibition candidate for raayor of Lawrence in 1873. In the same city he was a member of the school board from 1872 to 1875. In the G. A. R. Mr. Redington has been prominent, serving as aid on Coraraander Veazey's staff in 189 1. He is a raember of the IlUnois Coramandery, Loyal Legion, of the Western Society of the Army of the Po tomac, and of the Sons of the American Revolution. He has been president of the Chicago Alumni Association of Dartmouth College ; is president of the Chicago Associ ation Sons of Vermont for 1894, and Jan. RICE. 22, 1894, he was elected president of the Chicago Congregational Club for the ensu ing year. Mr. Redington was married twice, his first wife being Mary Ann, daughter of Eph raim and Mary Ann Chamberlain of St. Johnsbury, whom he married Nov. 15, 1864. From this union there are three chUdren Uving : Lizzie Stearns, John Chase and Paul Goodwin (twins). Mrs. Redington died in April, 1880. May 18, 1882, he mar ried Mary JuUa, daughter of Ezra and Julia R. Towne of Topsfield, Mass., by whom he has one child : Theodore Towne. RICE, Edmund, of St Paul, Minn., was born in Waitsfield, Feb. 14, 1819; received a comraon school education ; went to Kala mazoo, Mich., November, 1838; read law; was appointed register of the court of chan cery in 184 1 for the third circuit; was appointed master in chancery ; was appoint ed clerk of the Supreme Court, third circuit ; served as register and master until 1845, when the court was abolished, and clerk untU 1849; in 1847 enlisted to serve in the Mexican war; was commissioned ist Lieut. Co. A, ist Regt. Mich. Vols. ; was detailed as acting assistant comraissary subsistence, and acting assistant quarterraaster ; was mustered out in August, 1848; removed to St Paul, in July, 1849, and practiced law until 1856; was president of the Minnesota & Pacific Railroad Co., from 1857 to 1863, St. Paul & Pacific R. R., 1863 till 1872, and trustee tiU 1879 ; president St. Paul & Chi cago, 1863 till 1877 ; was a meraber of the territorial Legislature 185 1 ; was state sena tor 1864-66, 1874-76 ; was a meraber ofthe state House of Representatives 1867, 1872, 1877 and 1878; was mayor of St. Paul 1881-83, re-elected in 1885 and resigned in February, 1887 ; and was elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a Democrat. RICE, Henry M., was bom in Vermont; emigrated to Pennsylvania when it was a ter ritory, and after that time lived in three other territories, viz., Iowa, Wisconsin and Minne sota, rauch of his life having been spent among the Indian tribes of the Northwest ; in 1840 he was appointed a sutler in the array ; has been employed as coraraissioner in raaking many Indian treaties of great ira portance ; in 1853 he was elected a delegate to Congress from Minnesota ; re-elected in 1855, having secured the passage of the act authorizing the people of Minnesota to form a state constitution; and in 1857 hewas elected a senator in Congress from Minne sota for the term of six years. REDINGTON, LYMAN W., of NewYork City son of George and Loraine W. (Shel- REDINGTON. 129 don) Redington, was born at Waddington, N. Y., March 14, 1849, and is a direct descendant on his father's side of John Redington, who came frora the vicinity of Herael-Hempstead, near Windsor, England, prior to 1640, and located in Topsfield, Mass. He died there in 1690, and his descendants lived there and in the adjoining town of Boxford, and in Windsor and Rich raond, Mass., for many years. Lyraan W. Redington' s grandfather, Jacob Redington, was a Revolutionary soldier. He lived for some years in Vergennes, and held a number of local offices in the early history of that city, being a meraber of the first coramon council of the first city government of Ver gennes in 1 794. He eraigrated from Ver gennes in 1800 to Waddington, N. Y., where with his faraily he lived and died. Mr. Redington, on his raother's side, was a great-great-grandson of Capt. Araasa Shel don, of the Revolutionary war, and a direct descendant of Sarauel Bass, of Plyraouth, Mass., whose wife was a daughter of the historical John Alden. The father of the subject of this sketch was an able lawyer and judge of the Court of Common Pleas of St. Lawrence county, and for several terms a raeraber of the New York Legislature, where he wielded considerable influence. He aided very materially in the construction of the Northern R. R., frora Ogdensburg to Rouse's Point, and was one of its directors. He was an energetic business raan of large capacity, and highly respected for his sound judgraent and upright, straightforward deal ing. He was a staunch Deraocrat. Lyman W. Reddington's raother was a daughter of Medad Sheldon, of Rutland, and a sister of Charles Sheldon, deceased, of Rutland, head of the firm of Sheldon & Sons, raarble dealers. L. W. Redington prepared for coUege at WiUiston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and entered Yale CoUege in 1866, but iU- health prevented him from corapleting the coUegiate course. He attended law school at Colurabia CoUege, New York City, and concluded his professional studies in the office of the late United States Senator Matthew H. Carpenter, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was adraitted to the Milwaukee bar in 1 87 1, and for some tirae afterward raade an extensive tour of Europe, to regain his health and round out his education, reraain- a year abroad. In 1875 he located in Rutland. In 1876 he was elected to the office of grand juror, which position he held for five years, and then refused to stand longer. He was the norainee ofthe Demo cracy for representative at Rutland in 1876, '78, '80 and '82. In 1878 he was elected to the Legislature, and was the Deraocratic nominee of the House for speaker. He was RICHARDSON. RICHARDSON. 131 a delegate-at-large for Vermont to the Dem ocratic national convention in 1 880, and was the nominee of the Deraocracy in Congress in 1882. He was chairraan of the Derao cratic state convention in 1882, and on the 17th of March, 1884, was appointed municipal judge for Rutland, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Martin G. Everts, and re-elected in 1885. He was corporation attorney for Rutland for the year i883-'84, and was president of the New England Fire Insurance Co., of Rutland, which was organized under a Verraont char ter in 1881. In 1884 he was the Derao cratic candidate for Governor, and made a spirited canvass, cutting down by several thousand the norraal Republican majority in the state. He was appointed postmaster of Rutland July 17, 1885, by President Cleve land. Mr. Redington was raarried Oct. 6, 1875, to Catherine RusseU Merrill, daughter of Col. George A. Merrill, of Rutland, and has three children : Mary Patterson, Thomas Gregory, and Paul Merrill. He is a man of many scholarly attainraents, with a broad and healthy sympathy, with democratic ideas, a powerful speaker, an in dependent and progressive thinker. . In the Legislature of 1878 he was the author of the " Redington BUl," so called, for a local op tion law to apply to the liquor traffic ; of course the biU was defeated, but his speech in its advocacy was most masterly. In 1889 he resigned the office of post master, and moved to New York City to prac tice his profession. He is a meraber of the Tararaany Hall general coraraittee ; of the N. Y. Society of the Sons of the Revolution ; of Kane Lodge and Coeur de Lion Coraraand ery, Knights Teraplar, and is president of the Powhatan Club. RICHARDSON, David Nelson, of Davenport, Iowa, son of Christopher and Achsah Richardson, was born March 19, 1832, at East Orange. The common schools and three terras at the Frankhn Academy, Malone, N. Y., were his early educational advantages, while farm life, teaching, and a printing office filled his life until the age of twenty-three, when he became editor and co-proprietor of the paper which he still continues to edit and own. Iowa people say of him : " Nowadays in Iowa when it becomes necessary to give con sideration of matters of literature and art, whenever the opinion is needed of an expert of good judgment, who has knowledge and practical comraon sense, the thought of aU instinctively turn towards Mr. D. N. Rich ardson. In the broad range of acquaintance with books, with architecture, with art, with traveled knowledge and with the raany things that go to raake up the culture of life, he is easily the first citizen of the state. Ever ready to interest himself in these mat ters where the good of tbe state is concerned and in his charraing, raodest raanner, to give the pubhc the benefit of his learning acquired by travel aU over the world, with its accompanying personal investigation, be sides by the raore ordinary raethod of study, no undertaking of statewide scope is deeraed to be on its best footing unless his co-opera tion is secured. He has interested himself in the State University for the past eighteen years, and had done as rauch as raany others together to put that splendid institution on a firra basis, and to bring it out of difficulties. W'ben it was decided to erect a raonuraent to the soldiers of Iowa that would be a credit to the state as a work of art, Mr. Richardson DAVID NELSON RICHARDSON. was naturally selected as a member of the coraraission to have charge. More than any other raeraber has he interested hiraself, and given the project the benefit of his learning and investigation of raemorial structures the world over. So, too, when an association was forraed to further the progress of art in Iowa, he was raade its president. We have writers in Iowa who, perhaps, have raade more of a name among the reading public of the nation ; artists who in their specialties have acquired raore renown ; but, taken aU together, in literature, university extension, monumental architecture, art and other forms of culture, no raan in Iowa surpasses Mr. 132 ROBINSON. ROLFE. Richardson. He is a citizen of whom the state is proud." Mr. Richardson has been a busy man. He is editor and co-proprietor of the Daven port Daily Democrat, and president of the Northwestern Associated Press ; also of the Richardson Land and Timber Co. ; of the Iowa Art Association. For twenty-five years he bas been a director of the Citizens Na tional Bank ; also of the Lindsay Land and Lumber Co.; the Davenport Water Co., and of the Davenport & Rock Island Ferry Co., and is interested in five banks, and raany other commercial institutions. For eighteen years he has been regent of the State Uni versity of Iowa. In Masonic circles he has reached high honors, was raaster of Trinity lodge No. 208, and in Scottish Rite Masonry has reached the 3 2d degree. Mr. Richardson was raarried April 15, 1 85 8, in Groton, to Jennette, daughter of John and Janet Darhng, and is blessed with a faraily of four children, both of his sons be ing engaged with hira in business. ROBBIE, Reuben, was born in Ver raont, and, having settled in New York, was elected a representative in Congress frora that state frora 185 1 to 1853. ROBINSON, George Stewart, of Sycaraore, IU., son of George and Harriet (Stewart) Robinson, was born at Derby, June 24, 1824. Judge Robinson received his early train ing in the schools and acaderay of Derby, and worked on a farra until about twenty years of age except when teaching. He studied law with Hon. S. B. Colby and Hon. Lucius B. Peck, and was admitted to the bar at Montpelier, in 1846. Failing health compeUed hira to go south in 1847, where he became a teacher in Hamilton, Ga. He was adraitted to the bar in Cuthbert, Ga., in 1852 and practiced until 1866. During the civil war he raaintained his pronounced Union principles and openly opposed seces sion, and at a great pecuniary sacrifice kept out of the Confederate service. In July, 1866, he took up his residence in Sycamore and engaged in the practice of his profession, occupying a leading position and iDecoming city attorney and drafting raany iraportant ordinances. In 1873 he was ap pointed to tbe office of raaster in chancery, which he held until he was elected judge of the county court in 1877. In 1869 he be carae a raeraber of the board of state cora raissioners of pubhc charities and served nearly fifteen years, and was for eight years president of the board, spending two to three raonths annually in its service without compensation. Judge Robinson has taken the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Knights Teraplar degrees in Masonry and has been raaster, high priest of the chapter and is now prelate |in the Knights Templar Lodge. GEORGE STEWART ROBINSON. He was married Oct. 13, 1853, at Derby to Olive A. Colby, daughter of Nehemiah and Malinda L. Colby. None of their three children survive. ROLFE, HERBERT PERCY, of Great FaUs, Mont., son of Gustavus and E. L. (Martston) Rohe, was born at Tunbridge, August 30, 1849. Judge Rolfe as a youth worked his way through the best institutions of learning that his means could reach. He attended Essex Acaderay, and graduated frora the State Nor raal School at Randolph in 1868, and from Kirabail Union Academy (N. H.) in 1870. At Dartmouth CoUege he was graduated from the classical department in 1874, and in 1877 received the degree of A. M. He then began bis legal education in the office of Henry Noble, Esq., at Colurabus, Ohio. He afterwards studied with ex-Governor Edger ton of Akron, Ohio, in 1875 and 1876, and with Senator Sanders of Helena, Mont., in 1877, and was admitted to practice at Helena in 1878. As a teacher Judge Rohe passed much time while working his way along, and at tained much proficiency both in the East and West. He was principal of Lancaster ROLFE. ROY. 133 (N. H.) Acaderay in 1873, and senior teacher of the Institute for the Blind at Col urabus, Ohio, frora 1874 to 1876. He served as superintendent of tbe city schools of Helena, Mont., from 1876 to 1879. As a journalist he edited the Butte (Mont.) Daily Miner in 1879. From 1880 to 1884 he practiced law at Fort Benton, Mont., and was first judge of Cascade county from 1887 to 1888. In 1888 he became interested in journalism again and has since been editor and proprietor of the Great Falls (Mont.) Daily and Weekly Leader. He is also a director of a national bank. Sidney Edgerton and Mary (WYight) Edger ton, and has seven children. ROY, JOHN Alexander, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of Nathaniel and Margaret (GilfiUraan) Roy, was born in Barnet, July I, 1832. He received his education in the public schools of his native town, and at intervals worked on his father's farm during the years of his rainority. On Jan. 2, 1854, he left the horae of bis boyhood to seek his fortune in the gold fields of California, going there via the isthraus. Having reached his destination he at once engaged in raining in Tuolumne and Calaveras counties, untU June, 1858, when he went to Eraser's River, where he followed the same occupation untU July, 1859, when he returned to San Francisco and purchased a "water route." This was at a time in the history of the city when the greater part of it was supplied by ¦'^¦., itf'.. HERBERT PERCY ROLFE. Judge Rohe has always been active in politics and was first to organize the Repub hcans of Choteau county, Mont., in 1880. He was the secretary of the first county com mittee and is frequently a delegate to county and state conventions, and has been many times chairman of the conventions. In social organizations he is a leader. He was W. M. of Cascade Lodge, F. & A. M. during the years 1887 and 1888, and H. P. of Great FaUs Chapter No. 9 R. A. M. m 1892 ; erai nent commander of Black Eagle Command ery No. 8, K. T., in 1894. In 1888 he was M. W. of Great FaUs Lodge, A. O. U. ^V. He built the first house at Great Falls in 1884, which now has 12,000 population, and is the owner of the Black Eagle Falls addition. Judge Rolfe was married at Akron, O., August 8, 1876, to the daughter of ex-Gov. ^7 JOHN ALEXANDER ROY. watermen who conveyed the aqueous fluid frora house to house in barrels. Mr. Roy found this to be a lucrative business and fol lowed it until 1863, when on account of iU ness, he returned to Verraont. In 1865 he returned to San Francisco and estabhshed a milk dairy in the southern part of the city, and after several years formed a partnership with C. W. Taber, L. A. Hayward, Frank H. Johnson and OUver Crook. This corapany was incorporated and is known as the Guadaloupe Dairy Co. J. A. Roy was 134 RUSSELL. RUSSELL. elected its first president, which office he has since held. Mr. Roy owns besides his interest in the Guadaloupe VaUey, property in San Mateo county, and a dairy ranch of 985 acres in Marin county. He has always been a raeraber of the Re pubhcan party, but has never held any office, except to serve as one of the county coramittee. For raany years he has been a raeraber of the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont ; also an Odd FeUow, a Mason and he belongs to the A. O. U. W. Mr. Roy has been married twice. His first wife was Rebekah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lackey, a native of Verraont, who died in San Francisco many years ago ; and in 1878 he was united to Barbara, daughter of John Walker and Barbara Hun ter, of Rothesay Island, of Bute, Scotland. Of this latter union is one son : Allan J. RUSSELL, William Augustus, of Lawrence, Mass., son of William and Almira (Heath) Russell, was born in Wells River, April 22, 1 83 1. The Russell family is of pure English blood, and allied to a faraily honored in Anglo-Saxon history. Mr. Russell, while at bis horae in Frank lin, N. H., to which town his father had reraoved, attended the public schools and the Franklin Acaderay, occupying his vaca tions at work in the paper mills of Peabody & Daniels untU the age of sixteen. He subsequently attended a private school in Lowell, which completed his early educa tional training. In 1848 he coraraenced work in his father's paper mill, where he remained until 185 1. Two years later the father and son forraed a copartnership and moved their works to Lawrence. The senior Mr. Russell's health failing, he was corapeUed to retire frora active business, leaving the entire interests in the hands of his son, who proved equal to the task, and began to raeet the growing demands of the business by leasing, in 1856, two miUs in Belfast, Maine. In 186 1 he purchased a raill in Lawrence of a firra that had failed in business, and later on two raills feU into his hands, having pre viously been overtaken by raisfortune. Having found by costly experiments that wood-pulp was the fibre needed for improv ed raachinery and rapid work, he established a wood-pulp raill in Franklin, N. H., in 1869, for the production of this new fibre. He succeeded in this where raany had faded, and instituted an entirely new departraent of industrial art in this country. He began to convert the product of his pulp raills into paper by the purchase, in 1879, of the Fisher & Aiken raills in Franklin. He also erected one the sarae year at Bellows FaUs. To carry out his scherae successfully, he was obliged to purchase the entire water power here, buUd a new dam and enlarge the canal. Through his enterprise, this small town grew into one of the thrifty towns of the state, ranking third in valua tion. Mr. Russell's principal works are at Bellows Falls and Lawrence. He has also large interests in other mills at several points in Maine. / 'U WILLIAM AUGUSTUS RUSSELL. Politically, Mr. RusseU began Ufe as a Whig. At the dissolution of that party he allied himself with the Repubhcan party and has unwaveringly supported it since. He uniformly declined to accept any public office until 1867, when he was elected alder man in the city of Lawrence. The follow ing year he was chosen a raeraber of the state Legislature. In 1868 he was also chosen a delegate to the national Repubh can convention in Cincinnati. He was elected to the Forty- sixth Congress from the seventh Massachusetts district; served on the committee on commerce, and was a raember of a sub-committee to investi gate the cause for the decline of American coraraerce. His report showed a thorough knowledge of the subject, and resulted in Massachusetts leading off in a change of the laws in relation to the taxation of property in ships. He was re-elected to the Forty- seventh Congress, serving on the coraraittee of ways and means, a position he was amply SANBORN. 135 ¦qualified to fiU. Here he achieved distinc tion during the discussion of the tariff issues .from the protection standpoint. Yielding to the deraands of his constituents, he was again nominated by acclamation and elected to the Forty-eighth Congress. In his church connections Mr. Russell is a Congrega tionahst. He was married in Bradford Feb. i, 1859, to Elizabeth Haven, daughter of 'William Hall. Of this union were three children : Mary Frances, Annie Elizabeth, and Grace Dunton Russell, deceased. Mrs. RusseU died at St Paul, Minn., Dec. 18, 1866. June 25, 1872, Mr. Russell raarried Frances Spafford, sister of his first wife. Their chil dren are : Williara Augustus, Jr., EUzabeth Haven, and Richard Spafford. SANBORN, Benjamin Hyde, of Bos ton, Mass., son of Seth C. and Sarah C. San born, was born at Morristown, May 11, 185 i. Mr. Sanborn graduated at the acaderay of his native town, began preparation for the law, and had passed sorae time in its study when he entered Dartraouth College. two hundred standard works, devoted to nearly all departraents of education, frora the primary school to the university, and edited or written by educators connected with raany of the leading educational institutions of the United States and Europe. Mr. Sanborn has always closely devoted hiraself to business, and while he has served for several years upon the school coraraittee of his town and upon the visiting board of a leading educational institution, he sought no political or public honors. He is a Mason, and a member of the WeUesley and Congregational Clubs ; the Aldine Club, New Y'ork ; of the American Philological Association ; the Araerican Educational Association ; and the National Institute of Instruction. Mr. Sanborn married, Nov. 24, 1875, Ida A., daughter of Hirara and Hannah A. Doty, of Elmore. They have one child : Alice D. '^«*^ BENJAMIN HYDE SANBORN. In 1872 he becarae connected, as he sup posed teraporarUy, with the publishing house •of Robert S. Davis & Co., Boston. Meeting with a business life raost congenial to his tastes and making therein rapid and success ful promotion, he decided to abandon his plan of a coUege course and the uncertain ties of a profession and continued with this pubhshing house for eleven years. In 1883 he became a raember of the firm of Leach, SheweU & Sanborn, publishers of school and coUege text books. The firra have houses in Boston, New York, and Chi- ^cago, and control an extensive list of nearly SARGENT, James, of Rochester, N.Y., son of William and Hannah Sargent, was born Dec. 5, 1824, in Chester. He remained upon the farm, having the usual district educational facilities, until eighteen years of age. His mind was of a raechanical turn and he went into a woolen factory in Ashuelot, N. H., where he was placed in charge of a weaving roora and re raained until 1848. He then became a traveling daguerreotypist with raarked suc cess, which occupation he followed four years and then engaged in manufacturing at Shelburne FaUs, Mass., in the firm of Sar gent & Foster, raaking apple parers. His mechanical skiU and business sagacity re sulted in a highly successful prosperity until 1857, when he became associated with the Yale & Greenleaf Lock Co., seUing Y'ale locks. His peculiar genius had found a congenial field. He soon becarae the mas ter of the raost intricate devices and saw his golden opportunity to invent a lock which should be proof against his own skill, as weU as that of others. After years of work he de veloped the Sargent automatic bank lock, the prevaihng lock in use today. In 1873 he perfected his first time lock, famous the 136 SATTLEY. SATIXEY. world over and universally used in financial institutions. The factories of his firm are located at Rochester, N. Y. Other intricate and valuable devices have been invented by Mr. Sargent, among thera a smoke preventer. The practical side of Mr. Sargent's Ufe shows what strict integrity, inflexible deter mination, persistent industry and high pur pose wiU accoraplish. His personal charac teristics show an irrepressible individuahty, aggressive, practical, versatUe and generous. Burlington, there attending the public schools until 1878. At this period he was engaged as clerk in a general store at North Ferrisburgh and lived with his grandfather NeweU, attending school in winter at Charlotte Serainary. In 1880 he entered the eraploy of the Sutherland Falls Marble Co., which is largely owned by Hon. Redfield Proctor, at Suther land Falls (now Proctor) . After two years in Governor Proctor's eraploy at this point and at Rutland he left to pursue his further education, this time at the well-known Phillips Exeter Acaderay, at Exeter, N. H. He remained here two years, and in 1884 removed to Chicago, 111., and entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Co., in the freight auditor's office. In 1885 he removed to Cawker City, Kan., and entered the eraploy of H. P. ChurchUl & Co., JAMES SARGENT. Mr. Sargent has never been in politics. While living in Shelburne Falls, Mass., he becarae an Odd F'ellow ; though maintaining high respect for the order he withdrew therefrom, upon removing to Rochester. He is a raeraber of the F. & A. M., joining a lodge in Greenfield, Mass., in Rochester identifying himself with the Monroe Com raandery ; receiving his 32d degree as a Knight Teraplar. Mr. Sargent was raarried at Ashuelot, N. H., April 29, 1847, to Angelina M., daugh ter of Job and Hannah Foster. They have one adopted daughter : Josephine. SATTLEY, Elmer C, of Kansas City, Mo., son of Robert P. and Harriet Foot (NeweU) Sattley, was born Feb. 3, 1863, at Ferrisburgh. His parents were Verraonters and of New England lineage and reraote English ances try. He attended the district schools until 1873 when he removed with his parents to ELMER C. SATTLEY. negotiators of farra loans, as private secre tary to the raanager, but after a few raonths was himself made raanager. In 1886 he reraoved to Kansas City to take the raanage raent of the safe deposit departraent of the Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings Bank. The foUowing suraraer he was promoted to the position of assistant cashier of the bank in addition to his position as safe deposit manager. At this tirae the bank had a cap ital of §50,000 and deposits aggregating §400,000. In the fall of the sarae year he was made cashier, having in the meantime resigned the position of safe deposit man- SAITLEY. ager, because of the rapidly increasing busi ness of the savings departraent requiring his full time and services. The Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings Bank grew to be one of the best known and most popular in stitutions in Kansas City. Its business in creased steadily until it enjoyed the distinc tion of being the largest savings bank in Missouri, having a capital of §300,000, de posits aggregating §2,000,000 and depositors numbering over eight thousand. The bank, however, was forced to close its doors during the panic of 1893 and Mr. Sattiey is stiU in Kansas City engaged in straightening out the affairs of the bank. The subject of this sketch is well-known for his gentiemanly bearing, his high manly qualities, his accur ate raethods of business and his strict atten tion to its detaUs, and to him in great part rauch of the success of the bank was due. There can be no doubt, moreover, that his future wiU be one of prominence and distinction and real usefulness. In social organizations Mr. Sattley is prora inent. In Masonic orders he takes great interest, and is a meraber of the Oriental Coramandery, No. 35, the Ararat Temple, as weU as of the lower orders. He also belongs to the B. P. O. Elks, No. 26, and has held various offices in these orders. He is a member of the Comraercial Club and the Kansas City Club. With his three brothers he operates the large farm known as Sattley Brothers' Stock Farm at Ferris burgh, Vt., under the charge of his father. Mr. Sattley was married, Nov. 23, 1892, at Sedalia, Mo., to Ida Belle Newkirk, daughter of Hon. Cyrus and Rebecca Newkirk of that place. SATTLEY, Winfield Newell, of Chi cago, IU., son of Robert Preston and Harriet Foot Sattley, was born June 19, 1859, at Ferrisburgh. Mr. Sattley began his education in the old red schoolhouse in Ferrisburgh which stood near the old homestead, that for raore than a century has been the ancestral home. Later he attended the graded school at Bur hngton and graduated from the business col lege in that city in 1877. He then began to read law in Julius 'VV. Russel's office, and in Deceraber, 1878, entered the office of the Vermont Life Insurance Co. and becarae its chief clerk. In 1881 he becarae the super intendent of the corapany's western depart ment, with offices in Chicago; this position he held until February, 1884, when he ac cepted the appointment of general agent of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. In April, 1887, he became the IlUnois superintendent of agents for the New York Life Insurance Co. of New York. In 1889 he became manager of the western depart- SAWYER. 137 ment of the Manhattan Life Insurance Co. of New York, which position he still holds. During this wide experience in business life Mr. Sattiey has acquired the reputation of a skiUful financier and successful raan, and has large real estate interests in Chicago, Kansas City and Thousand Islands. .? ¦«¦ ^f^Wlf^., WINFIELD NEWELL SATTLEY. He is a Republican in politics and is prominent in social organizations being first vice-president of the Hamilton Club. He is also a raeraber of the Washington Park Club, tbe Chicago Athletic Association and Mil- tona Club, the Oriental Lodge, Palestine Council, the Lafayette Chapter, the Apollo Coraraandery, the Oriental Consistory, and Medina Temple, and also Chicago Lodge and Club of Elks. Mr. Sattley was married to May Eva Kelly in June, 1884, and has two young children : Ethelwyn May, and Winfield New ell, Jr. r^SAWYER, JOHN GILBERT, of Albion, N. Y'., was born at Brandon, June 5, 1825 ; was educated at tbe comraon schools and at MUlviUe Acaderay ; studied law, was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced ; was a justice of the peace from Jan. i, 1852, to April, 1858 ; was district attorney of Orleans county frora Jan. i, 1863, to Jan. i, 1866 ; was judge and surrogate of Orleans county from Jan. i, 1868, to Jan. i, 1884, and was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress as a Republican ; was re-elected. 138 SAWYER. SCOTT. SAWYER, PhileTUS, of Oshkosh, Wis., was born Sept. 22, 1816. His father was a farraer and blacksraith, a man of scanty raeans and hurable ambition. Prominent among the class of men who have worked their way from lowly and hum ble beginnings to places of leadership in the commerce, the great industries, and manage ment of tbe traffic and exchanges of the country and who are found araong the trusted leaders and representatives in the councils of the state and nation, is Philetus Sawyer. " Choring " around the farra, lurabering in a primitive way in the Adirondacks, until at the age of seventeen he purchased his time of his father, and a few terms at the district school, were the early experience of the raan. Soon in business for hiraself running a saw mill, and fourteen years after purchasing his majority, and thirty-one years of age, he joined the tide of emigration flowing westward, having a capital of about two thousand doUars, and an education ob tained by observation and experience, be located on a farra in Fond du Lac county, Wis. Two years here satisfied hira, and he reraoved to Algonea, now in Oshkosh, and began operating a saw raiU. In 1853 he forraed the partnership of Brand & Olcott, in Fond du Lac, for the raanufacture of lum ber, with marked success, becoraing sole owner of the business in 1862, and a year later taking his only surviving son into the business. He had developed a character of far-reach ing sagacity, and was caUed into public service, and repeatedly served on the city council, acting with the Republican party. In 1857 he became a representative in the Legislature, where the same sound judgment which made his private business so success ful was applied to affairs of state, and in 186 1 he became again the choice of his party, rendering great service in electing Judge Howe to the Senate. In 1863 and 1864 he served as mayor of Oshkosh, during the try ing period of the civil war. In 1864 he was elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress, and sat in the House of Representatives the ten following years, with constantly increasing influence ; as the late James G. Blaine said of him, "honest, industrious, generous, true to every tie, and every obbgation of hfe." In the House he served on important committees, notably that of commerce, and of Pacific railroads, and voluntarily retired frora Congress in 1875. In 1876 he becarae interested in the West Wisconsin R. R., which, acquiring four other lines, was con sohdated into the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Oraaha Railroad Co., of which Mr. Sawyer was vice-president and director until 1880. In 1881 his friends and leading Re pubhcans in the Legislature elected him to. the United States Senate, succeeding Hon. Angus Cameron. In 1887 he was re-elected. He was chairraan of the Senate coramittee on railroads in the Forty-seventh and Forty- eighth Congresses. In the Forty-ninth Con gress he was chairraan of the coraraittee on pensions, and has been an active meraber since 1886, reporting over a thousand special bills and claims, and in the Fiftieth, Fifty- first, and Fifty-second Congresses was chair man of the coraraittee on postoffices and post roads. Mr. Sawyer's liberality as a citizen has been conspicuous in raany ways. His contribu tions to churches and educational institutions and deserving objects have marked his ca reer. His private life was a singularly happy one, marred only by the loss of his wife in 1888, forty-seven years after marriage. Mrs. Saw yer was a woman whose raeraory will live long in the hearts of the poor ; of a kind and benevolent nature ; a good woman — a lady in every sense, by every impulse of her na ture. Mr. Sawyer was raarried before he was twenty-five years of age, in 1841, to Melvina M. Hadley. Their faraily consisted of one son, Edgar P., the senator's partner ; and two daughters : Mrs. Howard G. White, of Syracuse, N. Y., and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, of Chicago, 111. SCOTT, OSCAR D.,of Texarkana, Ark., son of Walter and Aurilla (White) Scott was born August 30, 1843, at Townshend. Mr. Scott was educated at Leland Semi nary of Townshend and entered Middlebury CoUege in 1858 and remained through the freshman year. In 1865 he returned and graduated with honor in the class of 1868. After graduation be read law in the office of Hill & Safford of St. Albans and was ad mitted to the bar in October, 1868. Dur ing these years of study he taught school in Londonderry, Townshend, Middlebury, Bris tol, Wallingford and St. Albans. In 1868 he entered the law office of Hon. C. Mutzner of Aurora, Ills., and after a short tirae went to Magnolia, Ark., where he re raained untU the faU of 1873. He then re raoved to LewisviUe, Ark., and practiced law until May, 1875, when a new county being forraed, Texarkana was selected the county seat, and to this place he raoved and has since been engaged in practice. In 1 87 1 and 1872 he was the attorney for Colurabia county, and has often been special judge of the circuit court. In 1886 he was RepubUcan norainee for justice of the Supreme Court and in 1888 was on the joint ticket of the Republican and Union Labor party as the norainee for chief justice of the SEVERANCE. '39 Supreme Court, but in both cases was " snowed under." In 1863 he enlisted in Co. F, 17th Regt. Vt. Vols., and raustered in as corporal, April 12, 1864. He was with his regiment at the Wilderness when 23 per cent, of its men were kiUed and wounded ; again at Spott sylvania when the loss was 25 per cent. He was severely injured at Cold Harbor, losing his right foot, and remained in the hospital untU May, 1865. In social matters Mr. Scott is a meraber of the Chi Psi college fraternity. He has been W. M. of Texarkana Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and H. P. in Texarkana CouncU, R. A. M., and E. C. of Coeur de Leon Com mandery, No. 6, at Texarkana. He has also been N. G. of Gate City Lodge, I. O. 0. F., and is a meraber of the Elks. He has also been post commander of Dick Yates Post, G. A. R. He was raarried at Wallingford, Jan. 27, 1875, to Cornelia F., daughter of Dr. E. G. Hulett, and has four chUdren living ; Grace A., Hulett, Carrie A., and Walter E. SESSIONS, Walter L., was born in Brandon; received a coraraon school and acaderaie education; studied law and has practiced the profession ; was coraraissioner of schools for several years ; was a member of the Asserably of the state of New York in 1853 and 1854; was a member of the state Senate of New York in 1859, and in 1865 ; was elected a representative frora New York in the Forty-second Congress as a Repubh can ; was re-elected to the Forty-third Con gress. SEVERANCE, Claudius Milton, of Keyoto, Japan, son of MUton Leonard and Eraily Augusta (Spencer) Severance, was born in West SaUsbury, Nov. 3, 1861. Born of good old New England stock, and the son of a clergyman and an accomplished raother, it was natural that his education should be gin at home. At the age of nine he began the study of Latin with his raother and when thirteen was nearly fitted for coUege in that language. As the opportunity of taking ad vantage of a teacher of special abiUty in the select school at OrweU occurred, Claude was sent hither. With work on the farra, a terra as a page in the House of Representatives at Montpeher, and a short period as clerk m a store, were the early years of approaching raanhood passed. In June, 1879, he gradu ated from Berman Academy and entered Middlebury CoUege in the faU. Obtaining a scholarship from general proficiency, and leading the class in Greek and Latin, were the features of his university life up to graduation, in 1883. Mr. Severance now began the earnest work of life and found his special ability in Greek and modern languages, recognized by a posi tion as professor thereof at Burr & Burton Seminary at Manchester. After two years here, during which he completely reviewed his previous course of education, a trip to Europe was arranged. Matriculating at the University of Goettingen, and visiting Ber- CLAUDIUS MILTON SEVERANCE. Iin, Dresden and Leipzig, six weeks were spent at Bonne. After further sight-seeing, and passing some time in Paris, the return home via London and Liverpool was accom phshed. In 1886 Professor Severance received a caU frora Oahu College, Honolulu, taking the chair of French, ancient history and elocu tion. The influences which since childhood to lead hira into the ministry, here seemed to culminate, and at the end of a delightful year of teaching his resignation was handed in and he entered the Y^ale Divinity School as a student in 1887. After a year's study, and during vacation, he preached at various places in Nebraska, and April 9, 1889, the Central Association of Congregational Pas tors of New Haven, Conn., granted Mr. Severance a license to preach upon a full examination of his theological beliefs. In tbe early part of 1890 he was commissioned a missionary of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions, to Japan. In May of this year his graduation took place at the Divinity School, and he was or- I40 SHAW. SHERMAN. dained in September at Ehot Church, New ton, Mass., and sailed .for Japan. While in Japan bis marriage to Almona GiU, daughter of Edward and Esther Gill, of North Monroeville, Ohio, took place July 12, 1892. Mrs. Severance is an accomphshed and charming woraan, a graduate of Ober lin (Ohio) College, and herself a missionary at this time. The sturdy and aggressive character of the Verraonter stiU raanifests itself in his character and his work in Japan, where his rapid acquirement of the language and his earnest work have earned for hira a reraarkable reputation, and be is greatly endeared. SHAW Henry, was born in Windhara county ; studied law with Judge Foote, in Albany, N. Y., and settled in practice in Lanesborough, Mass., at the age of twenty- two ; he was nominated for Congress before he was eligible, and was subsequently elected, in 1 8 16, to the Sixteenth Congress, and voted for the Missouri coraproraise, wbich pre vented his re-election. Hewas a raember of the Massachusetts Legislature for eighteen years, also a meraber of the Governor's coun cil, and was the pioneer in the manufacturing prosperity of Western Massachusetts. In 1833 he was also a presidential elector. In 1848 he removed to New York, and resided at Fort Washington, on the Hudson ; was a raember of the board of education in New York City, and two years in the comraon council, and in 1853 was a raember of the Assembly. He removed to Newburg in 1854, where he resided until within a few months of his death which occurred at Peekskill, Oct. 17, 1857, aged seventy-nine years. SHERMAN, Elijah B., of Chicago, was born in Fairfield, June 18, 1832. His father, Elias H. Sherman, was of English descent and his mother, Clarissa CWilraarth) Sher man, of Anglo- Welsh ancestry. Until twenty-one years of age he had the usual experience of a farmer's boy in Ver raont, hard work and plenty of it, terapered by the luxury of attending the district schools in the winter. In 1854 Mr. Sher raan became a clerk in a drug store in Bran don, and in 1855 began fitting for coUege in Brandon Serainary, afterwards continued his studies at Burr Serainary, Manchester. He entered Middlebury College in 1856, and was graduated with honors in i860. After teaching in South Woodstock and Brandon Serainary, he enlisted, in May, 1862, a private in Co. C, 9th Vt. Infantry, was soon after elected lieutenant, and served with his regiraent until January, 1863, when he resigned, the regiment having been cap tured at Harper's Ferry, being then in en forced idleness at Camp Douglass, Chicago. Entering immediately upon the study of law, he graduated from the law department of the University of Chicago in 1864 and entered upon the successful practice of his profession. In 1876 hewas elected repre sentative to the lUinois Legislature and re elected in 1878. His thorough training and ripe scholarship, coupled with his experience at the bar and profound knowledge of the law, gave hira a high rank as a legislator. In 1877 he was coraraissioned by Governor CuUora as judge advocate ofthe first brigade of the Illinois National Guards, with rank of heutenant-colonel and performed the duties of that office for several years. In 1879 Mr. Sherman was appointed one of the masters in chancery of the circuit court of the United ELIJAH B. SHERMAN. States for the northern district of IlUnois, a position he stiU holds. His thorough famib iarity with the principles and procedure of chancery courts, coupled with unusual habits of industry, apphcation and accuracy, enabled hira to achieve erainence in this im portant branch of judicial labor. In 1882 he becarae president of the Illinois State Bar Association, and delivered the annual ad dresses before that body. For several years Mr. Sherraan has been a member and an officer of the American Bar Association, and has taken an active part in the deliberations of that national body. In 1885 he received from Middlebury Cob lege the honorary degree of LL. D., a recog nition prized the more highly because that SHERMAN. SHERMAN. 141 conservative institution confers the degree upon very few of its raany distinguished sons. Mr. Sherraan, not content with being a lawyer and jurist, has taken dehght in scientific research and Belles Lettres. Pos sessed of a fine literary taste and being mas ter of a style at once incisive, perspicuous and pleasing, his literary productions and pubhc addresses have given hira high rank as a hterateur, orator and critic. In 1874 Mr. Sherraan was elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of IlUnois, and in 1875 a representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. He is a mera ber of the Union League Club, a 3 2d degree Mason, a raeraber of the Mihtary Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the Grand Army. He has been president of the lUinois Asso ciation of the Sons of Vermont, and has de livered several addresses at their banquets, fuU of tender pathos and genial huraor. In 1866 he raarried Miss Hattie G. Lov- ering of Iowa Falls, Iowa. His only son, Bernis W. Sherman, following his father's exaraple, gfaduated at Middlebury College in 1890, from the Union CoUege of Law, Chicago, in 1892, was iraraediately adraitted to the bar, and entered upon the practice of the law. SHERMAN, Edgar Jay, of Lawrence, Mass., son of David and Fanny (KendaU) Sherman, was born in Weathersfield, Nov. 28, 1834. About 1632 Edjnund Sherman and wife eraigrated to America frora Dedhara, England, and settled in Watertown ; removed to Weathersfield, Conn., and finally fixed their abode in New Haven, where they died. There are two distinct branches of the Sher man family in this country. From the branch whose ancestor is recorded above sprang the paternal ancestry of Gen. WiUiam T. Sher raan and United States Senator John Sherraan of Ohio, as weU as that of the subject of this sketch. Mr. Sherman attended the district schools of Weathersfield until he had attained his six teenth year, and was then sent to study in the Wesleyan Seminary in Springfield. Here he reraained until his parents reraoved to Law rence, Mass. There he entered upon a course of private study under the tuition of Professor Pike, which he prosecuted for several years, teaching school during the winter raonths in Barnstable county, Mass. He began the study of law in 1855, and in March, 1858, was admitted to the bar. He immediately began legal practice and forraed a copartnership with Hon. Daniel Saun ders. These relations lasted until 1864. He was subsequently associated with John K. Tarbox (raember of Congress and in surance commissioner of Massachusetts), untU 1870, after which he was in practice alone until 1878, when he formed a partner ship with Charles U. Bell, which terrainated in 1887. Mr. Sherraan was clerk of the Lawrence police court from 1859 to 1861, when he resigned. I- tin 1862 he enUsted as a private inthe 48th Regt. Mass. Vols., and was soon elected and commissioned captain of Co. F. He was sent to the department of the Gulf, do ing exceUent service, notably at the second assault on Port Hudson, for which he was breveted raajor for gallant and raeritorious conduct. At the expiration of his terra of service, he returned horae, and when the eneray atterapted a raid on Washington, he organized a railitary corapany at two days EDGAR JAY SHERMAN. . notice, and again went to the front as cap tain in the faraous 6th Mass. Regt. With it he corapleted the required terra of service and then returned once raore to civU life. In 1865 Mr. Sherraan received his first election to the House of Representatives. In 1866 he was re-elected; and was ap pointed judge advocate the same year upon the division staff, state militia, with the rank of major. In 1867 hewas promoted to the position of assistant adjutant-general and chief of Major General B. F. Butler's staff, with the rank of colonel. This office he held until 1876. In 1868 Colonel Sherman was elected dis trict attorney for the eastern district of Massachusetts, and received the honor of five consecutive re-elections. He resigned 142 SHERMAN. SHERMAN. this office to accept that of attorney-general of the commonwealth, to which office he had been nominated and elected in 1882 on the Repubhcan state ticket, and was re-elected to this office five consecutive times. This office he resigned Oct. i, 1887, to accept the appoinment of associate justice of the superior court, which position he now holds. In 1884 he received frora Dartmouth Col lege the honorary degree of A. M. He was appointed by Chief Justice Chase a register in bankruptcy under the U- S. bankrupt law, and held that office from 1867 to 1876. P'or many years he was a meraber of the standing coraraittee of the Essex Bar Asso ciation. He was a director in the Lawrence National Bank frora 1872 to 1888; and a trustee of the Broadway Savings Bank sev eral years. Judge Sherman is indebted for his briUiant success to his own native abilities, assiduous self-culture, indomitable persistence and com raendable self-reliance. Mr. Sherman was married, Nov. 24, 1868, to .Ybbie Louise, daughter of Stephen P. and Fanny B. Simmons of Lawrence. Of this union were six children : Fred Francis (now chaplain in the navy), Fannie May, Ehzabeth (now Mrs. Henry Souther), Mal vina (now Mrs. Frank D. Carney), Roland Henry, and Abbie Maude. SHERMAN, LINUS E., of Colorado Springs, Cob, son of Elias H. and Clarissa (Wilmarth) Sherman, was born in Fairfield, June 30, 1835. His early education was acquired by at tending the district schools and at twenty he prepared for college at Bakersfield Acad emy and Burr & Burton Seminary ; entered Middlebury College and graduated with the class of '61, taking the degree of A. M. in course. Mr. Sherraan was principal of Black River Acaderay in 1866, and in 1867 engaged in the drug business in which he successfully continued until 1876, when he removed to Colorado where he foUowed raercantile pur suits for several years, and afterward en gaged in legal practice before the United States Land Office at Denver, and was ad mitted as an attorney before the interior de partment, and now enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice as a mineral land attorney and pension lawyer. Mr. Sherraan has always been too fully occupied with business affairs to devote rauch time to pohtics, although he has al ways perforraed his duties as a citizen. He was a raeraber of the Vermont constitutional convention in 1869, and was a member of the city council at Colorado Springs, Cob, in 1879. Mr. Sherman raarried, May 16, 1866, at Dunhara, P. Q., Jennie C, daughter of R. L. and Paraelia Galer. Of this union were three children : Clarence G., Agnes M., and Gertrude C. Mrs. Sherraan died Nov. 17, 1877. He was again raarried, Jan. 20, 1881, to Louise B., daughter of Charles P. and Naorai P. Gould of Salera, Mass. Of this union is one daughter : Marian H. LINUS E. SHERMAN. Mr. Sherraan was the first raan in Frankhn county to respond when the caU of May, 1862, was raade for troops. He enUsted in Co. A, 9th Vt. Vols., was elected lieutentant and subsequently promoted to captain, [in which capacity he served untU the surrender of Lee. He was in aU tbe batties in which his regiment engaged except that of Harper's Ferry, when he was sick and a prisoner at Winchester, Va. ; was detailed upon staff duty and was provost raarshal at Newport Barracks, N. C. A meraber of the G. A. R. since 1868, he has been a raeraber of the departraent councU of adrainistration and is at present past post commander of the Colo rado Springs Post. He is a meraber of the First Baptist Church of Colorado Springs and has served as deacon for twelve years. SHERMAN, SOCRATES N., was born in Vermont, and elected a representative from New York to the Thirty-seventh Congress, serving on the committee on expenditures in the Interior Department. SMITH. SMITH, Emerson Hall, of Fargo, North Dakota, son of Major Richard and Frances (Hall) Sraith, was born in Tun bridge, April 8, 1854. His grandfather, Eben Smith, Esq., was English, an extensive land holder and one of the early settiers in Cabot. His grandmother, Abigail (Steele) Smith, was a niece of Dr. Shurtieff who was for so raany years connected with Dart mouth CoUege, and was aunt to the late Judge Benjamin H. Steele. She was of Scotch and English descent. Her ancestors located the present city of Hartford, Conn. His mother was a sister of the Hon. Emerson Hall of St. Johnsbury, whose parents were English and Scotch. SMITH. 143 EMERSON HALL SMITH. During Mr. Smith's boyhood he worked on his father's farm and attended the public schools. Later he attended the Randolph Norraal School, St. Johnsbury Academy, and graduated from the Meriden (N. H.) Acad eray. In 1882 he graduated frora Dartmouth CoUege. He was principal of tbe Newmarket (N. H.) high school from 1882 to 1884; from 1884 to 1 89 1 he was superintendent of the public schools of the city of Fargo, North Dakota. With characteristic energy and abihty he raised these schools to a standard unsurpassed by the best New England schools. In 1890 he was offered the state superintendency of public instruction for North Dakota, but declined the appointment. In 1892 he was elected a trustee and a mera ber of the executive coraraittee of Fargo College. During the sarae year he was elected raayor of the city of Fargo, in which election he carried every ward in the city. This office he stiU holds. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. Smith was raarried, August 16, 1882, to EUa, daughter of Aldice E. and Ehzabeth ( Drew) Knight of Irasburgh. Of this union there is one daughter : Helen Eliza. SMITH, H. Boardman, was born at Whitinghara, August 18, 1826 ; graduated at WiUiaras College in 1847 ; studied law, and practiced ; was appointed by the Governor of New York judge of the Cheraung county courts, September, 1859, and in the foUowing Noveraber was elected to the same office ; was elected a representative frora New York in the Forty-second Congress as a Repub hcan ; was re-elected to the Forty-third Congress ; Liberal and Democrat. SMITH, Hezekiah B., of Smithville, N. J., was born at Bridgewater July 26, 1816 ; received a common school education ; learned the trade of a cabinet maker ; for raany years has been engaged in perfecting .wood working raachinery; is the inventor of a nuraber of wood-working raachines ; since 1865 has been largely engaged in the raanu facture of wood raachinery at Smithville, N. J. ; never has held any public position pre vious to his election to the Forty-sixth Con gress as a Deraocrat and Greenbacker. SMITH, JOHN Butler, of HiUsborough, N. H., was born in Rockingham, AprU 12, 1838, and was the son of Ararai and Lydia (Butler) Sraith. His paternal ancestor was Lieut. Thoraas Sraith, a sturdy representa tive of the race known as Scotch-Irish. His parents reraoving to HiUsborough, N. H., when he was nine years of age, he received his educational training at the pub lic schools of that town, and subsequently entered Francestown Acaderay, where he graduated in 1854. He first obtained era ployraent at Henniker, then at Manchester, and later at New Boston. In 1863 he began his business career by the purchase of a drug store in Manchester, which he success fully conducted for a year, when he estab lished in the town of Washington a factory for the production of knit goods. A year later he leased the Sawyer woolen raill at North Weare, and in 1866 he buUt at HUls- borough Bridge a sraall raill, which was the beginning of the extensive knit goods factory now owned and operated by the Contoocook Mills Co., of which he is the president and principal owner. For seventeen years, frora 1863, Mr. Smith resided in Manchester, although his business was elsewhere, and he is now largely interested in the real estate 144 SMITH. SMITH. of that city and otherwise identified with its people. Since 1880 he has been a resident of HiUsborough, and has also been engaged in the coraraission business (knit goods) in Boston and New Y^ork since 1884. Mr Smith was united in marriage, Nov. i, 1883, to Eraraa E., daughter of Stephen Lavender, of Boston, Mass. Of this union were three children : Butler Lavender (deceased), Archibald Lavender, and Nor raan. -.r^ JOHN BUTLER SMITH. In politics Mr. Smith is a Republican, earnest, uncoraiiromising, ready and willing. He was one of the Republican electors of the state in 1884; a member of Governor Sawyer's council in i887-'89 ; and chair raan of the Republican state coraraittee in the early part of the carapaign of 1890. September 6, 1892, he was nominated by acclamation in full convention the candidate of his party for the gubernatorial seat of the state of New Hampshire, and was elect ed in the following November by a majority of the votes of the people, without recourse to the Legislature, as had been the case for ten years past. Governor Smith has now held the exalted position for over a year and has served to popular acceptance, con ducting the affairs of state in a manner in which all Vermonters may take a just pride. A meraber of the Congregational church. Governor Smith takes a deep interest in matters religious and gives liberally of his means for the upholding and upbuilding of mankind. He is affiliated with the Masonic body of his town. Of a bright and genial personahty. Gov ernor Sraith not only commands the respect, but wins the love of all who come in con tact with him. SMITH, JOHN Sabine, of New York, son of John S. and Caroline (Sabine) Smith, was born April 24, 1843, at Randolph. His father was a practicing physician in that town for over fifty years. His early education was received at the Orange county school and he was graduated at Trinity College in 1863, at the head of his class. After graduation he taught school at Troy, N. Y., and studied law with Hon. George Gould, ex-judge of the Supreme Court, and was adraitted to the bar at Poughkeepsie in 1868. He located in the practice of law in JOHN SABINE SMITH. New York City in 1869, at first as associate with Hon. Williara E. Curtis, who afterward becarae chief justice of the Superior Court. He has since been engaged in general im portant cases and representing large financial interests. Mr. Smith has always been a Repubhcan. He had charge as chairraan of the Repub hcan League of the state of New Y'ork in the campaign of 1888. He was chairman of the campaign committee of the Repubhcan Club of tbe city of New York in 1892 and was a candidate for the office of surrogate of SOMERS. SOUTHWORTH. 145 the city and county of New York the same year, receiving the highest vote of any can didate, national, state or local, on the ticket. He is now (1893) president of tbe Repub lican Club of the city of New York and of the Republican county coraraittee of the city and county of New York. In tbe Repub lican state convention of 1893, he received the almost unanimous vote of the great dele gation of New York county for candidate for judge of the Court of Appeals of the state of New York. Mr. Smith is a meraber of the University Club, the Lawyers' Club, the Church Club and several other social institutions. He is president of the Association of the Alurani of Trinity College and a raeraber of the Phi Betta Kappa Alumni Society of New York City. He is also president of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. SOMERS, Harvey C, of San Fran cisco, Cal., son of Jaraes and Elizabeth (HaU) Soraers, was born in Danville, Jan. 24, 1841. He was educated in the district schools and at Phillips Acaderay. In 1858, when but seventeen years old, he went to Califor nia, and was engaged in the water business for two years, and was in the eraploy of the United States for one year. Subsequently he went to Arizona on a mining expedition. He returned to San Francisco, and in March, 1864, estabhshed the hay and grain business under the firra name of Rider, Somers & Co., which firra continued for twenty-two years. He is now engaged in the same business under the firm name of Somers & Co. The firra are raembers of the San Francisco Pro duce Exchange Board and do an extensive business in theh line, having large ware houses at 534 and 536 Sixth street and Pier 22, Stewart street. Mr. Somers was married to Miss Ehza F. Waterman, of Thomaston, Me., in 1866, and they have three children— a daughter and two sons. SOMERS, WILLIAM James, of San Francisco, Cab, son of James and Elizabeth (HaU) Somers, was born Dec. 21, 1830, at Danville. He received his education in his native town, and on the day he attained his raajority started for California by way of Panaraa. On arriving in San Francisco he iraraediately raade arrangements to go to the raines m Sonora county, where he spent one season m mining, and then returned to San Fancisco. Here be acquired an interest in the water business, the supply at that time being con fined to a few weUs, frora which consumers were supplied by carts. Subsequently he received tbe appointraent of assistant melter and refiner in the United States Mint, which position he held for about fifteen years, through various changes of ad ministration. His health corapelled hira to retire, however, and he spent nearly two years in the corapany of his faraily, traveling in various parts of the United States. Upon his return to San Francisco he was solicited to assurae his old position for the purpose of WILLIAM JAMES SOMERS. organizing the melting and refining depart ment in the new mint. He accepted the position, stipulating that he might employ his old associates. When the department was thoroughly organized he retired from that position, and has since devoted himself to real estate interests. SOUTHWORTH, HiLAND, of Abilene, Kan., son of Seyraour W. and Rachael (Sher raan) South worth, was born Sept. 26, 1849, at Clarendon. Mr. Southworth's parents reraoved to Mid dletown when he was quite young, and in the district schools of tbe town and the Fort Ed ward (N. Y.) Collegiate Institute, he prepared to enter Middlebury College, and graduated frora the latter institution with the class of 1875- Shortly after graduation he reraoved to Rosendale, Wis., and taught school, and in 1876 he went to Kansas. Taking up the law, he successfully pursued its study and was ad mitted to practice in the spring of 1878, and continued in active business until 1885. He 146 SPARROW. SPALDING. then became financial correspondent for East ern capitahsts and is now engaged in that business. Mr. Southworth is prominent in social or ganizations and a meraber of the Presby terian church. HILAND SOUTHWORTH. He was raarried to Ella E. Walker, the eldest daughter of Noah S. and Sarah A. Walk er, of Chippenhook, Vt., June 14, 1882. SPARROW, Bradford P., of Hart- wood, son of Abner Doty and Alraira M. (Shepard) Sparrow, was born April 8, 1843, at Calais. Mr. Sparrow received his education in the common schools until twenty years of age. At twenty-three he continued study at the Washington county grammar school, under Prof. D. D. Gorham, at the same time teach ing in the vicinity and acting as messenger at the state library during two sessions of the Legislature, to obtain the means. Hav ing been drafted frora the town of Elraore, July 17, 1863, military service postponed a continuance of his studies during the inter vening period. At Middlebury CoUege he obtained a scholarship and graduated with the class of 1874. In the same year he en tered Columbian Law School, graduating in 1876. Mr. Sparrow's experience in the army and southern prisons greatly injured his health and interfered with his life's plan. Joining Co. K, 4th Vt. Vols., at the age of twenty years, he passed two years in the field and was discharged from McDougaU Hospital in New York harbor June 17, 1865, as unfit for service. He participated in all the engage raents of his regiment while a member of it including the batties of the Wilderness ; and on the 23d of June, 1864, with 2,000 of his comrades was captured near Petersburg, Va. and hurried through Richmond and BeUe Isle to AndersonviUe prison in Georgia. Here he remained until April i 8, 1865, when he was exchanged and delivered to Union officers near JacksonviUe, Fla., so emaciated and weak as to be unable to march, barely escaping with his life after a captivity of over ten raonths. In July, 1876, he became the assistant clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, performing the duties of clerk for the criminal departraent of the court until 1880, when considerations of health made it advisa'ole to exchange city for country life. In 1882 he purchased a tract of land in Caroline county, Virginia, and engaged in lumbering and farming operations. He is now an enthusiastic Vir ginian, in love with its cliraate and re sources. SPALDING, Burleigh F., of Fargo, North Dakota, was born to Rev. Benjamin P. and Ann (Folsom) Spalding, in Crafts bury, Dec. 3, 1853. His ancestors, both paternal and maternal, came to America from England about the year 1630, settling in the Massachusetts colony. His mother died when he was but eight years of age, but so tender, yet potential, had been her home training during those brief years that the early sorrow served but to intensify in the raind of the lad the earnest longing to sometirae accoraplish the fulfiUraent of the lofty ideal of which her life had been to him the living exaraple. Arabitious of acquiring soraething more than a comraon school education — all that the faraily circumstances afforded — he reso lutely set himself to the task of procuring, by his own efforts, not only the means but the preparatory fitting to enable hira to enter upon a collegiate course, and he grad uated frora Norwich University in 1877. In the sarae year he became principal of Albany Academy, resigning his position in i8"78 to enter the law office of Gleason & Field, Montpelier. Admitted to the Washington county bar in 1880, and much irapressed witb the rapid developraent of the far West, he at once removed to Fargo, a small but growing town on the Red River of the North, in the then territory of Dakota. In November, 1880, he was united in raarriage to Alida Baker, daughter of David SPALDING. SPRING. 147 and Emily (Cuder) Baker, of Glover. Of this union are four children : Deane Baker, Frances Folsom, Roscoe Conkling and Bur leigh Mason. In 1 881 he formed a law partnership with Charles F. Templeton, a young Verraonter, and this relationship continued untU the latter's appointraent to the Supreme Bench of the territory by President Cleveland. Then followed a partnership with George H. Phelps, also from Vermont, and later on association with Hon. Seth Newman in the present legal firm of Newman, Spalding & Phelps, recognized as one of the leading law firms in tbe Northwest. BURLEIGH F. SPALDING. In 1890 he organized the Merchants State Bank of Fargo and becarae its president and attorney. In politics Mr. Spalding has always been a Republican and is araong the leaders of that party in the Northwest. He has never sought office, but has been elected to several of iraportance. He was superintendent of public instruction of Cass county m 1882- '83 • a raember of the commission to re locate the capUal of the territory and con struct capitol buildings in 1883, to which office he was elected by tbe Legislature with out his knowledge ; a meraber of the Con stitutional Convention in 1889, where he was comraended for his opposition to many of the extreme measures proposed, and was one of the originators of the moveraent to locate the public institutions by constitution, doing much to secure the adoption of this measure ; served as a member and chairman of raany important committees, the judicial depart ment, school and public lands and the joint commission provided by Congress to divide the archives and property of the Territory between the new states. He is now chair man of the Republican state central cora mittee and is credited with being one of the most skUlful organizers in the state. Mr. Spalding is a clear, concise and convincing speaker, both at the bar and in debate, and is a raan of strong individuahty exerting a raarked influence in all proceedings, in which he participates. He is a genuine Yankee and has never been asharaed of the place of his nativity. SPRING, Leverett Wilson, of Wiu- iarastown, Mass., son of Edward and Martha (Atwood) Spring, was born in Grafton, Jan. 5, 1840. Doctor Spring received his theological education at Hartford Theological Serainary. His early education was received at Burr & Burton Seminary at Manchester, where he fitted for WiUiaras CoUege, receiving his de gree at the latter institution with the class of 1863. Hewas a graduate student at Andover Theological Serainary during raost of the year i866-'67, at the sarae tirae. supplying for a period the pulpit of the Congregational church in Castleton. In the winter of 1868 he sup phed the church in Middlebury when a call was accepted to a projected church in Fitch burg, Mass. A church was soon organized and a fine house of worship erected and a large congregation gathered under the narae of the Rollstone Church. Dr. Spring, in consequence of iU-health, resigned in 1875, and in the suraraer of 1876 removed to Lawrence, Kan., and became pastor of Plyraouth Church, the oldest, and for raany years the largest church in the state. He resigned this pastorate in 1881 to accept the chair of English hterature in the University of Kansas. In 1885 he pub lished a history of Kansas, a book in which the writer endeavored to set down the truth, although aware that it raight not be accept able to various excitable factions of the pop ulation. On resigning, in 1886, to accept the chair of English literature in Williams CoUege, he received frora the University the degree of D. D. Dr. Spring's hterary work is quite exten sive. In 1888 he published a raonograph entitled "Mark Hopkins' Teacher," and has contributed various raagazine articles. Septeraber 25, 1867, Dr. Spring married Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Prof. Will iara Thorapson of Hartford Theological Serainary. 148 SQUIRE. SQUIRE. SQUIRE, John Peter, late of Boston, Mass., was the son of Peter and Esther Squire and was bcrrn in the town of Weath ersfield, May 8, 1819. The years of his boyhood were spent at his home, attending the public schools and working on the farm. May i, 1835, he went to work for Mr. Orvis, who kept the village store at West Windsor. He left this posi tion in the faU of 1837 and attended the acaderay at Unity, N. H. He taught school at Cavendish during a part of the winter of i837-'38. JOHN PETER SQUIRE. March 19, 1838, he went to Boston and entered the eraployraent of Nathan Robbins in Faneuil Hall raarket. He left Mr. Rob bins April 30, 1842, and formed a copart nership with Francis RusseU and carried on the provision business under the style of Russell & Squire untU 1847, when the firm was dissolved, and Mr. Squire continued alone at the same place until the year 1855, when he forraed a copartnership with Hiland Lockwood and Edward D. Kimball under the name of John P. Squire & Co. At this time Mr. Squire bought a tract of land situated oh Miller's river in East Cambridge, and built a slaughter house where the hogs were slaughtered for the firra of John P. Squire & Co. Additional pieces of land were bought frora tirae to time adjoining this first parcel and situated in SomerviUe on the other side of MiUer's river, which are now included In the tract of land covered by the large refrigerator, packing house and other buildings used in connection with the business of John P. Squire & Co. Several raen were associated with Mr. Squire in the pork packing business as his partners up to the 30th of AprU, 1892, when the business was transferred to John P. Squire & Co. Corporation ; the other raembers of the cor poration at the time of his death were two of Mr. Squire's sons, Frank 0. and Fred F. Squire. Mr. Squire was always a man abreast ofthe tiraes and frora a smaU and modest begin ning buUt up a pork-packing business, which now ranks the third in the United States. If it is 'any credit to have brought things to pass, surely to have developed the business from its sraall beginning to its present pro portion reflects lasting credit on Mr. Squire, the founder and late senior raember. The same energy and ability which Mr. Squire showed in his business would have been Ukely to bring him success in nearly any other walk in life, but Mr. Squire seemed to have been born for a business life, for, when he returned to his native state early in life to resume his studies, the allurements of a busb ness Ufe, of which he had had a shght taste in his sojourn at Boston, seriously interfered with his ability to apply his mind to his studies again and resulted finally in calUng him away therefrora to the raetropolis of New England again to take up that occupa tion, which finally resulted in placing him in the position which he occupied in financial and comraercial circles at the tirae of his death. He was always a firra believer in real es tate and had large interests in Revere, Som erviUe, Cambridge, Boston, Arhngton and Belmont. He was a man of strong will and great tenacity of purpose and of very modest and unassuming demeanor. He joined the Mercantile Library Association when he first went to Boston and spent a good deal of his spare tirae in reading, of which he was always very fond. In 1843 he married Kate Green Orvis, the daughter of his old employer. Eleven children were born of this raarriage, nine of whora are living : George W., Jennie C, Frank O., Minnie E., John A., Kate I., Fred F., and Bessie E. Charles G. died in in fancy and NelUe G. died Oct. 13, 1891. Mr. Squire in 1848 raoved to West Cam bridge (now caUed ArUngton), and built one of the most beautiful homes in the town, where he lived surrounded by his charming faraily up to the tirae of his death which occurred Jan. 7, 1893. A raan of great inteUect, unassuraing, raodest and courteous to aU, he won the re spect and friendship of aU with whom he came in contact. STANDISH. STETSON. 149 STANDISH, John Van Ness, of Galesburg, IU., son of John W. and Caroline W. (Myrick) Standish, was born at Wood stock, Feb. 26, 1825. Mr. Standish attended the Liberal Insti tute of Lebanon, N. H., and was for several years under the instruction of Prof. J. C. C. Hoskins, and graduated from Norwich Uni versity, then under the management of Gen. T. B. Ransom, in July, 1847. During his college course, he obtained the means there for by teaching in the winter raonths. JOHN VAN NESS STANDISH. The profession of a teacher Mr. Standish has followed whh success and enthusiasra for more than hah a century. In 1854 he coramenced his work at Lombard as pro fessor of mathematics and astronomy, a po sition he filled with credit and usefulness for nearly forty years. Since 1892 he has been president of Lombard University. President Standish has thrice visited Eu rope, in 1879, 1883, and 1892, and during his second visit he traveled over forty thous and miles, visiting interesting and historic points in nearly every European country, Northern Africa, Egypt and Palestine. President Standish is a Repubhcan. He has a very fine and extensive library and has given much thought to political subjects, but has never sought or accepted office, devot ing aU his energies to a coraprehensive prep aration for the duties of his profession which he has made a life work. In June, ng the degree of Ph. D. was conferred upon him by Knox College, and in June, 1893, the degree of LL. D. by St. Lawrence University. President Standish was married March 24, 1859, to Harriet Augusta, daughter of Francis and Rebecca (Stowe) KendaU. STETSON, Emrie Benjamin, of Charlestown, Mass., son of Ezra and Clarissa (Adams) Stetson, was born Jan. 2, 1825, at W^ilmington. Mr. Stetson's career is in many ways typi cal ; possessed of the training of the coramon schools of his horae, a long career, character ized by integrity and energy has brought hira to the honored consideration of his fellows. Reraaining on the farm until of age, he sought for advancement in Boston. His first eraployraent was in driving a bread-cart for Orin Gilraore, of Charlestown. He passed two years at this occupation and then worked a few raonths in various capacities at the Perkins Institution for the Blind and at the EMRIE BENJAMIN STETSON. hotels of Boston, finally returning home, to the town of Dover, and engaged in black- smithing. After four years he sold out and returned to Boston and became a partner with his first eraployer in the baking business. Success attended hira in this and after ten years he went into business upon his own ac count and has carried it on for thirty years, acquiring fortune and the esteem of his asso ciates. For many years he has been a director and one of the coraraittee of in vestment of the Charlestown Five Cent Sav- ISO STEVENS. STONE. ings Bank. He is also a director of the Charlestown Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and was president of the Odd Fellows Mutual Benefit Society in i89i,-'92, and '93. In politics he was a Whig during the life of the party, and then a Republican ; to-day he votes for the best raan, regardless of his affiliation. In social organizations he has long been prominent, having occupied the chairs in the Bunker HUl Lodge, I. O. O. F., and Bunker HiU Encampment ; in the Knights of Honor, Daughters of Rebeckah and other organizations. Mr. Stetson was married, Feb. 3, 1852, at West Dover, to Mirriara Owen, and has four chUdren : Florence Adelaide Bickford, Clara Adelia Howard, Eva Angelea (deceased), Walter Erarie, and Gertrude Miriam Fitch. STEVENS, Hiram S., was born at Weston in 1832 ; received a common school education there ; removed to New Mexico in 185 1 and in 1856 located in tbat part of Mexico now known as Arizona ; was a mera ber of the territorial Legislature from Arizona 1868-1873; was elected a delegate from Arizona in the Forty-fourth Congress as an independent candidate ; was re-elected to the Forty-fifth Congress. STEVENS, Thaddeus, was born in Caledonia county, April 4, 1793 ; graduated at Dartraouth College in 1814; during tbat year he reraoved to Pennsylvania, stud ied law and taught in an academy at the same tirae; in 1816 was adraitted to the bar in Adaras county; in 1833 was elected to the state Legislature, and also in 1834, 1835, 1837 and 1841 ; in 1836 was elected a raeraber of the convention to revise the state constitution; in 1838 was appointed a canal coraraissioner; in 1842 he reraoved to Lancaster ; and in 1848 was elected a representative frora Pennsylvania to the Thirty-first Congress, also to the Thirty- second ; andin 1858 was re-elected tothe Thirty-sixth Congress, and also to the Thirty-seventh; in 1862 hewas re-elected to the Thirty-eighth Congress ; he was also a delegate to the Baltiraore convention of 1864; and re-elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress. Many a joke, good and bad, is credited to Thaddeus Stevens. One of the very keenest of his jests, which is undoubtedly authentic, is so coraraonplace in sound that one might easily be forgiven for failing to take in its raeaning. In his last days David Reese and John Chauncey, two eraployes of the House of Representatives, used to carry hira in a large arra chair, from his lodging across the public grounds, up the broad steps of the capitol. "Who," he said to them one day, " will be so good to me, and bear rae in their strong arras, when you two mighty men are gone ? " Such a question implied nothing short of a sense of intellectual immortality. When he had taken to his bed for the last time, a visitor told hira he was looking weU. " Oh, John," was the quick reply, " It's not my appearance, but ray disappearance that troubles rae ! " One day a meraber of the House of Rep resentatives, who was noted for his uncertain course on all questions, and who confessed that he never investigated a point under discussion without finding hiraself a neutral, asked for leave of absence. " Mr. Speaker," said Stevens, " I do not rise to object, but to suggest that the honorable raeraber need not ask this favor, for he can easily pair off with himself!" STONE, Ashley, late of Hinsdale, N. H., son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Streeter) Stone, was born in Hinsdale, July 7, 1816. ASHLEY STONE. He attended the district schools of his native town until fifteen years of age. Leav ing horae in August, 1 831, he walked to Mil ford, Mass., where he learned the painter's trade. By working at his trade he earned means to study at the Milford Academy, but was not able to take a coUege course. Mr. Stone was endowed with a keen, logical raind, a good memory, and a desire for knowledge. Throughout his busy life he made study his recreation and so supple- STONE. STONE. 151 ¦mented his scanty early advantages that few coUege graduates were so thoroughly weU read as he. For several years he worked at his trade in Milford and Dorchester, Mass. ; the win ter of 1836-37 was spent in Virgina and the city of Washington for a pubhshing house in placing "A Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge." In the spring ¦of 1837 he went to Searsburg to care for his father's family and he carried on his trade in that and neighboring towns until the fall of 1843. He then went to Boston to assist J. M. Dexter in taking account of a stock of raerchandise and subsequently closed out a bankrupt stock of goods at Cambridge, N. Y., as agent for Boston creditors. In the spring of 1844 Mr. Stone bought •out the general store of Flavins T. and Vol- ney Forbes in Wilmington, and he continued an interest in mercantile business in Wil mington for over thirty years. In 1850 he went to California for a corapany who shipped spruce luraber around Cape Horn. While there he engaged successfully in raining and general trade. Returning to Wilmington in May, 185 1, he becarae ex tensively interested in real estate operations. He erected many of Wilmington's best build ings, improved a number of surrounding farms, and for raany years was a buyer or seUer in a large majority of the real estate transactions of that town. In 1864 and 1865 he carried on an extensive and pros perous baking business in Baltiraore, Md. He was guardian and adrainistrator of many large and intricate estates, and frequently held positions of trust. In 1877 he left Wilmington and returned to his native town ¦of Hinsdale, where he bought land and erected houses to rent. Mr. Stone was always an exceedingly active raan, and he also read extensively. Although he had remarkable physical endurance, his health at last failed from the great strain, and his eyes began to trouble hira. He consulted the best medical authority in this country, submitted to three difficult surgical opera tions, but became totally blind in 1884. This forced him to abandon active business hfe. He kept his home in Hinsdale, N. H., but spent the last few winters in Washington, Philadelphia, Mohawk, N. Y., and New York City. Mr. Stone was stricken with paralysis July 28, 1893, from which he never recovered, and died at Hinsdale Dec. 15, 1893.. Mr. Stone had been a Free Soiler, a Whig and a Republican. He cast his first presi dential vote for William Henry Harrison in 1840 and voted for every Whig and Repub lican presidential candidate, including Ben jamin Harrison in 1892, except voting for Horace Greeley in 1872. He represented the town of Searsburg as a Whig in the Legislature of 1840 and was re-elected in 1 84 1, being tbe youngest member of each House when serving, and was probably the only surviving raeraber of the Legislature at the tirae of his death. He was elected by the Whigs state senator frora Windhara county in 1852, and re-elected in 1853, serving on the coramittee of education in both sessions and being chairraan of this coraraittee in 1853. Atthe time of his death there were only six ex-menibers of the Ver raont Senate who had served earlier than Mr. Stone and only two who served with hira in i852-'53. Hewas for several years deputy sheriff for Windhara county and for raany years town superintendent of schools and held other town offices in Searsburg and WUraington. Mr. Stone united with the Baptist church of WUraington in 1850, just before leaving for CaUfornia, having been baptized in the Deerfield river by Rev. Mr. Chase. He was for many years clerk of the church and super intendent of its Sunday school, and one of its oldest raerabers when he died. He was philanthropic and self-sacrificing, and had always been an active supporter of education, raorality, and temperance. His funeral was held in his horae church at WU raington, and very fully attended by his old neighbors and friends, the serraon being preached by his old pastor. Rev. A. W. Goodnow, the text being frora Job 23-10 : "When he hath tried rae, I shaU corae forth as gold." Mr. Stone was married in Wilmington, June 6, 1844, to Harriet Ann, daughter of Lewis and Eleanor (Dexter) Larab. They had six children : Lewis Porter, Byron Ash ley, and Dexter Lyraan (who are now active business raen), Harriet Louisa, Albert Eben, and Lydia Eleanor, aU three of whora died young. Mr. Stone afforded his three oldest sons the raeans for a liberal education. STONE, Byron Ashley, of Mohawk, N. v., son of Ashley and Harriet A. (Larab) Stone, was born June 15, 1848, at Wil mington. He attended the schools of his native town and later the Wesleyan University at Wilbraham, Mass., and Eastman's Business CoUege at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he graduated with highest honors in 1868. Mr. Stone's business Ufe began in the store of W. M. Harris at South Deerfield, Mass., Sept. 22, 1868, but possessing an active dis position he sought more stirring eraployraent, and on March 22, 1869, entered the employ of Pease & Ruddock of the sarae town, man ufacturers of pocket books, and began trav eling to seU their products. In 187 1 Mr. Ruddock died and the business was con- is: STONE. STRATTON. ducted under the firm narae of Pease & Stone until bought out, with the services of the partners, by the Charles Arras Manufact uring Co. Mr. Stone was steadily progress ing and in December, 1880, a wider oppor tunity offering in the same business, he ac cepted an offer frora Langfeld Bros. & Co., of Philadelphia, where he is stiU connected. During twenty-five years of constant travel Mr. Stone has visited nearly all the cities of this country, and has occupied a lucrative position of responsibUity. In March, 1887, a corporation known as the Mohawk VaUey Knitting MiUs (Uraited), was organized by himself and associates, and he became vice- president of the company. Great success following this business, it led to the organi- / BYRON ASHLEY STONE. zation of a second company caUed the Knit ting Company of Mohawk (liraited), and Mr. Stone was elected president of this corapany. Both raills have been prosperous, their business being exclusively knitting chUdren's underwear. Mr. Stone is also a director of tbe N ational Mohawk VaUey Bank. In church work Mr. Stone is an active raeraber of the Reforraed church, and has been an elder in the sarae for twelve years. He was also a member of the board of edu cation for three years and a trustee of the graded school, and did much toward secur ing the present elegant school building. He married, at Mohawk, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1872, Ella E., daughter of Justus S. F. and H arriet A. (Talcott) Crim. He then selected M ohawk as his permanent home, and has since buih his residence there. He has had four children : Ross Byron, Louis Talcott, Marjorie Dexter, Bertha Douglas, all living except the oldest, Ross B., who died August 21,1886. Mr. Stone has had a busy, happy, and successful Ufe. STOWELL, William H. H.,was bom at Windsor, July 26, 1840; was educated at the grararaar and high schools of Boston ; engaged in mercantile business ; setded in Virginia in May, 1865, and was appointed collector of internal revenue for the fourth district in May, 1869; was elected a repre sentative from Virginia in the Forty-second Congress as a Repubhcan ; was re-elected to the Forty-third and Forty-fourth Congresses. STOWELL Walter Lester, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Palmer Franklin and Clara (GoodeU) Stowell, was born in North Tunbridge, July 10, 1852. His education was comraenced in the public schools of his native place and com pleted in the Oakland Mihtary Academy of California, having moved to that state in February, i860. Soon after finishing his studies at school young Stowell received an appointment in the Custora House at San Francisco, which position he held for two years, until a change of the adrainistration, when he eagaged in buying, storing, selling and shipping grain, also farraing, until 1883, when he received an appointment in the postoffice at San Francisco, which place he has held, with the exception of brief inter vals, to the present time and still holds. Mr. Stowell has taken rauch interest in agricultural and horticultural pursuits and owns a fruit and grain farra of four hundred and eighty acres in the Sacraraento valley. He has been a raeraber of the Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Verraont for several years. STRATTON, Charles C, of Fitch burg, Mass., was born in Fairlee, August 22, 1829, the son of Thoraas and Elizabeth (Stur tevant) Stratton. His father was a leading citizen of the town, which he represented in the Legislature. The early education of Charles C. was obtained in the district schools, supple raented by a course at Thetford Academy. In the fall of 1846 he started out in life, and secured his first employraent in the office of the Deraocratic-Republican of HaverhiU, N. H., where he acquired a thorough knowledge of the art preservative. Later he was em ployed as a printer in Newbury, Boston, and New York until 1854, when he connected himself with the Fitchburg (Mass.) Sentinel, and has since been connected with that estab lishraent, witb the exception of three raonths, TABOR. when he was with the 2d Mass. Cavalry, and in the Christian Commission at City Point, Va. In March, 1867, he purchased a half inter est in the office, and a few years later he rec ognized and urged the iraportance of pubhsh ing a daily paper in F'itchburg. With this object in view the partnership with John E. Kellogg was formed in the spring of 1873, SWEET. IS3 CHARLES C. STRATTON. and the first number of the Daily Sentinel was issued on the 6th of the following May. Results proved that the time had come for such a venture. The Daily Sentinel was started May 6, 1873, as a four page paper, and was several times enlarged until in De cember, 1892, it had becorae an eight page seven-column sheet with all the accessories of the regular metropolitan journal. The Senti nel has proved an iraportant factor in the de velopraent of Fitchburg, and was never raore prosperous than at the present time. The office is in one of the finest buildings in the city. He is prominently identified with the re ligious and social elements of his adopted city, and is a raeraber of the local Independ ent Order of Odd FeUows and the Knights of Honor. Mr. Stratton raarried at Fitchburg, Mass., June II, 1873, Maria S., daughter of John and Sophronia C. Putnam. Of this union is one daughter : Louise S. A raan of sterling qualities, Mr. Stratton is one of the leading citizens of Fitchburg, and enjoys the confidence and respect of a large acquaintance. SWEET, Willis, of Moscow, Idaho, was born at Alburgh Springs, Jan. i, 1856 ; was educated in the coraraon schools, and attended the Nebraska State University three years ; learned the printer's trade at Lincoln, Neb. ; located at Moscow, Idaho, in Septeraber, 1881, where he engaged in the practice of law ; was appointed United States attorney for Idaho, in May, 1888; was appointed associate justice of the Su prerae Court of Idaho, Nov. 25, 1889, which position he held until the admission of Idaho into the Union ; was elected to an un-expired terra ofthe Fifty-first Congress as. a Republican. TABOR, H. A. W., of Denver, Cob, son of Cornehus D. and Sarah (Terrin) Tabor, ¦was born in Orleans county, Nov. 26, 1830. Educated only at the public schools he re moved to Quincy, Mass., and learned the trade of a stone cutter, and after acquiring sufficient means, took up the study of the law and reraoved to Kansas, taking active part in the stirring events of the times when Kansas was agitated over the anti-slavery •question. Here he became a raember of the state Legislature, and in 1859 removed to Colorado, where he has since resided. He was tbe first mayor of LeadviUe, and has been the treasurer of Lake county ; was the -first Lieutenant-Governor of the state in 1878, and in 1883 was chosen by the Cob orado Legislature as a United States senator. TAYLOR, HENRY W., of Washington, D. C, son of Daniel W. and Alrayra (Tyr rell) Taylor, was born in Sherburne, May 20, 1855. He was educated in the schools of his native town and at Black River Acaderay ; taught school two years in Windsor county. Selecting the trade of machinist, he com pleted the apprenticeship, and in 1878 took charge of the raachine shop of the Suther land FaUs Marble Co., which place he re tained when that corapany was merged into the Verraont Marble Co. In 188 1 he re signed to accept an appointraent in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where he reraained untU the following year, when he was appointed by Speaker Keifer, assist ant engineer of the House of Representa tives, and has since held this position. 154 TE.MPLE. THOMAS. Mr. Taylor's services are in deraand as an expert machinist. He was eraployed to conduct secret tests of plate printing of bank notes before a committee of the Treasury Department, and also by the engineer, James B. Eads, to operate and repair the costly model of the Tehuantepec Ship Railway, while on exhibition at the U. S. Capitol. He superintended the construction of tbe exten sive terraces on the west front of the capitol, for the Vermont Marble Co., during which his gallant rescue of a workman's life ex cited much comment. HENRY W. TAYLOR. Mr. Taylor was married at Pittsford, in 1884, to Mary E., daughter of Joseph B. and Caroline (Hall) Tottingham. Their chib dren are : Caroline E., and Florence M. TEMPLE, EdalbERT j., of Hinsdale, N. H., son of Willis Haynes Teraple and Dolly Ann (Merchant) Temple, was born June 3, 1856, at WUraington. Mr. Teraple received his early education in the coraraon schools of his native town and at Brattleboro Academy, where he was graduated in 1877. He then entered Will iams College, but soon left to engage in teaching. He began the reading of law with Hosea W. Brighara, Esq., then of Whiting hara, and afterward entered the office of Hon. Oscar E. Butterfield of WUraington, and there pursued his labors until he becarae a member of the bar, in March, 1881. In the following year he opened a law and insur ance office at Hinsdale, N. H., and has since reraained there, actively and successfully en gaged in his business. As a citizen of Wilmington he was enter prising and public-spirUed, and in educa tional matters took great interest and became superintendent of schools in 1880. In his adopted horae Mr. Teraple has been active in public raatters and the evidence of the esteera of his fellow townsraen is to be noted in the various offices bestowed upon him. In 1 89 1 he was elected moderator and again in 1892, the first moderator elected in Hins dale under the Australian systera of ballot ing, and still holds that office. In 1893 he was raade a member of the board of educa tion for three years and is chairman of the board. He is also one of the auditors of Cheshire county and is a strong Repub lican and president of the Republican club of Hinsdale. In religious preference he is a Universal ist, and is treasurer of that society. Mr. Teraple is a prorainent member of Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 77, and was its representative to the Grand Lodge of the state in 1889. Mr. Temple was raarried, at Whitinghara,. March 22, 1881, to Eva C, daughter of Hon. Hosea W. and Flora R. (Farnham) Brigham. Tbe faraUy consists of three chUdren : Charles Hosea, Mabel Eva, and Madelion Merchant. THOMAS, Ormsby B., of Prairie dtt Chien, Wis., was born in Sandgate, August 21, 1832; went to Wisconsin in 1836; re ceived a coramon-school education ; studied law, and graduated at the National Law School of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; was adrait ted to the bar at Albany, N. Y., in 1856;. has been district attorney of Crawford county. Wis., several tiraes ; was a raeraber of the Wisconsin Assembly in 1862, 1865, and 1867,. and of the Wisconsin state Senate in 1880 and 1881 ; was presidential elector in 1872 ; was in the Union army, and served as cap tain of Co. D, 3] st Regt. Wis. Vol. Inft. ; was elected to the F'orty-ninth, and re-elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a RepubUcan. THURSTON, JOHN MELLEN, of Oraaha, Neb., son of Daniel Sylvester and Ruth (MeUen) Thurston, was born in Mont peUer, August 21, 1847. His father's fam ily removed frora Montpelier to Wisconsin in 1854. In 1861 bis father volunteered in the 17th Wisconsin Infantry, and died in the service of his country in the spring of 1863. At this time young Thurston was corapeUed to undertake almost any kind of employraent in order to assist in the sup port of his faraily and to secure an educa tion for himself. In 1865 he went to Chi- THURSTON. THURSTON. ISS cago and spent a year as driver of a grocery wagon. At the end of this period he re turned to his mother at Beaver Dam, W^is., and engaged in fishing and trapping, era ploying a number of boys to help him, and shipping his wares to Chicago for sale. This venture proved successful and resulted in the accumulation of enough money to en able him to attend school. JOHN MELLEN THURSTON. In 1866 he entered Wayland University at Beaver Dam, and remained until the institution closed in 1868. He now deter mined to study law, and entered the office of E. P. Smith, an eminent attorney of Wis consin, then a raember of tbe bar at Beaver Dara. On the 21st of May, 1869, after an examination by the Hon. Alva Stuart, circuit judge at Portage, Wis., Mr. Thurston was ad mitted to the bar. His necessities compelled hira, however, to again engage in farraing and manual labor until tbe end of the season when, in company with another young attor ney, he determined to locate at Oraaha, Neb., where he arrived Oct. 5, 1869, and began bus iness in the office of WilUara H. Morris, then a lawyer and trial justice. The new firm found insufficient business for their support, and Mr. Luthe, who was married, went to Denver. Mr. Thurston, true to his charac teristics, stuck to his office, and during bis novitiate was reduced to the necessity of sleeping upon a buffalo robe in bis office and eked out a bare subsistence. Varying suc cess attended his struggles. In 1871, upon the resignation of Judge Morris, Mr. Thurs ton was appointed to fill the vacancy, and removed to larger offices. He then con tinued his efforts until the spring of 1873 when he resigned his office of justice to form a law partnership with Hon. Charles H. Brown. The previous spring Mr. Thurston had been elected a meraber of the city coun cil in Oraaha, which office he filled two con secutive years, acting as president of that body and chirman ofthe judiciary coramittee. In the spring of 1874, upon the expiration of his term as alderraan, he was appointed city attorney by Mayor C. S. Chase, which posi tion he fiUed three years, resigning finally to accept the assistant attorneyship of the Union Pacific R. R. under the Hon. A. J. Popple- ton, general sohcitor of the corporation. Mr. Thurston was also elected a raeraber of the Nebraska Legislature of 1875, and served in that body as chairman of the judicial com mittee and acting speaker. In the faU of 1885 he was the Republican candidate for judge of the Third Judicial District of the state of Nebraska and was defeated. For fifteen years Mr. Thurston has been identified with a majority of leading cases in the courts of Nebraska. WhUe Mr. Thurston bas not devoted hiraself to crirai nal practice, but has rather avoided than sought employraent in crirainal cases, yet he has been called upon to defend fourteen persons charged with raurder and has the alraost unprecedented record of final ac quittal in every case. When he becarae general solicitor of the Union Pacific R. R., he had perhaps the largest general practice of any lawyer in this section. Since accepting this position, the responsible duties of which office he assura ed on the first of February, 1888, he has retired from general practice, as the business of the railway system which is now all under his supervision occupies his entire time and attention. In 1880 Mr. Thurston was one of the presidential electors for Nebraska and electoral messenger. In 1884 he was dele gate-at-large to the Republican national convention at Chicago, and chairman of his state delegation. In 1888 hewas also tem porary chairman of the national Republi can convention which nominated General Harrison for President. His speech in opening the convention was pronounced a masterpiece by tbe press of the country, and at its conclusion he received such an ovation as few raen have ever been accorded, and in a single hour he acquired a great national reputation as an orator. Mr. Thurston has delivered raany raeraor able addresses in different parts of the coun try. His oration on the Centennial Anni versary of Constitutional Independence at 156 TINKER. TINKER. Chicago in 1889, his eulogy on General Grant before the Union League Club, his address on Abrahara Lincoln, in 1890, and his tribute to the " man who wears the button," are araong the most remarkable. The press of the whole country has seemed to unite in commendation of his abihties as a powerful and eloquent public speaker. He was urged by the greater portion of the entire West for appointment as Secretary of the Interior in the cabinet of President Harri son, and, although he raade no effort to se cure the position, it was at one tirae believed that his selection was certain. He has twice been a leading candidate for United States Senator from Nebraska. On one occasion he almost secured the Republican nomina tion, which would have been equivalent to an election, and again, in 1893, he received the nomination of the Repubhcan caucus and came within one vote of an election. It is believed that as soon as another oppor tunity presents itself the people of Nebraska wiU insist upon his going to the United States Senate, and he has been urged by many for a still higher place. The record Mr. Thurston has made thus early in life is one not often met. He has at tained his legal eminence as the result only of natural ability and close apphcation to his profession. Manly, loyal and affection ate, he enjoys in a reraarkable degree the de voted love of his friends. There are many who are wiUing to administer to his fortunes. Besides these raultitudes there are some who are nearer to him, whora circurastances or personal relations have brought into the in ner circle of his affections, whose devotion is never weary or relaxed. On Christmas, 1872, Mr. Thurston was married to Miss Martha Poland, daughter of Col. Luther Poland, of Omaha, a most estimable lady whose family were, hke her husband's, originally from Verraont. Her uncle was the honorable and venerable Luke P. Poland, for raany years chief justice of the Green Mountain state, a representative in Congress for several terms and United States Senator. Of six children born of this mar riage, four were sons and two daughters. Two of the sons died of diphtheria, leaving two sons and two daughters, who now, with his estimable wife, comprise Mr. Thurston's family. TINKER, Charles ALMERIN, of Brook lyn, N. Y., descended from John Tinker, one of the early settlers of Windsor, Conn. His grandfather removed to Vermont previous to the Revolution and was one of the volun- teers'who went to the defense of Bennington. His father and mother, Almerin Tinker and Sophronia B. GUchrist, lived for raany years at Chelsea, where Charles A. Tinker, their oldest son, was born Jan. 8, 1838. Mr. Tinker was taken by his parents, in infancy, to Michigan, where he had only the advantage of a coraraon school education, but returning to his native state in 185 1, established their residence in Northfield. He subsequently attended school at New bury Serainary, but owing to sickness did not complete his course. In 1852 he ob tained a position as clerk in the postoffice at Northfield, and was there taught the Bain system of telegraphy. In 1855 he obtained a position as operator with the Vermont & Boston Telegraph Co. at Boston, and soon after with the Cape Cod Telegraph Co. in the Merchants' Exchange, having in the mean tirae acquired a knowledge of the Morse systera. In January, 1857, he went to Chi cago, accepting a position there in the office of the Caton lines, and soon after became raanager of the Illinois & Mississippi Tele graph Co.'s office at Pekin, 111. During this period he raade the acquain tance of Abraham Lincoln. At Mr. Lin coln's request, Mr. Tinker explained to him the methods of the telegraph systera, and an intiraacy thus begun was renewed later when Mr. Lincoln was President, and Mr. Tinker was eraployed as telegraph operator in the War Departraent at Washington. Mr. Lincoln was a frequent visitor at Mr. Tin ker's office during the war, and received from hira the first news of his re-nomination as President and that of Andrew Johnson as Vice-President. A word uttered by Mr. Lincoln on this occasion, intimating his preference for Mr. Hamlin was recaUed in later years by Mr. Tinker, and was the means of settling the important controversy that arose after Mr. Haralin's death. In the suraraer of 1857 Mr. Tinker re turned to Chicago frora Pekin, IU., and en tered the service of the Chicago & Rock Island R. R. Co., and two years later that of the Ga lena & Chicago Union R. R. Co., as book keeper and telegraph operator. During this period he joined the Chicago Light Guard, and served with his company as escort to Stephen A. Douglas to the Wigwam where he made his last great speech for the Union, and two weeks later as guard of honor in the procession which laid his remains away to rest on the banks of Lake Michigan. At the breaking out of the war he was offered the lieutenant-colonelcy of a regi ment, but declined the proffered honor. He soon after entered the United States military service in the War Department at Washing ton, and was almost iraraediately ordered to service in the field under General Banks, and opened the raihtary telegraph office at PoolesviUe, Md. He performed similar ser vices under General Wardsworth at Upton 158 TINKER. TOWLE. HiU, where be was selected as one of the eight operators to serve under General Mc Clellan on the stearaer Coramodore, and afterwards in tbe array headquarters in front of Yorktown, and before Richmond. He was present at the evacuation of Yorktown, and at the battle of Williarasburg, and finally at General Heintzelraan's headquarters at Savage Station after the battie of Fair Oaks. During his services at tbe front be lost bis health, and returned to Verraont for one raonth, when he had regained health, and was then appointed by Major Eckert to the responsible position of cipher operator in the War Departraent at Washington, having for one of his associates A. B. Chandler of West Randolph. Here he reraained until the close of the war, when he was appointed raanager of the U. S. MiUtary Telegraph, continuing until it was closed up and its lines turned over to the telegraph corapanies. He was then appointed raanager of the Western Union Washington office, serving therein until January, 1872, when be becarae superintendent of telegraph and general train dispatcher of the Verraont Central R. R., at St. Albans, with jurisdiction over the lines of the AVestern Union and Montreal Telegraph Cos. on that railway system. In 1875 hewas appointed general superintendent of the Pacific Division of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., with headquarters at Chicago. In 1879 this company having fallen under the control of the Western Union company, he resigned and accepted the management ofthe telegraph lines of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. While holding this position he became one of the incorporators with Jay Gould, of the Araerican Union Telegraph Co., and received from Mr. Gould a check for two and a half miUions of doUars to pay for his subscription to its capital stock. He was also superintendent of a division of that company. In 1881, after the consolidation of the Western Union and Araerican Union Telegraph Cos., he was recalled to the service of the Western Union Telegraph Co., and on Feb. I, 1882, he was raade .general superin tendent of the Eastern division, coraprising aU the territory frora Washington, D. C, north to the Canada line, west to the Ohio river and east to Cape Breton. This posi tion he StiU holds. He is vice-president of the Araerican Dis trict Telegraph Co., of New York City, and a director and vice-president of the Ver raont and Boston Telegraph Co., and an officer of nuraerous other telegraph and telephone corapanies. He has for sorae years been prorainent in the religious and social circles of Brooklyn. He was one of the organizers and is now vice-president of the Brooklyn Society of Verraonters ; he is a raember of the Illinois Society of the Sons of Verraont, and has been for several years an officer and trustee of the Washington Avenue Baptist Church and of the Lincoln Club of Brooklyn. He was married, in 1863, to Miss Lizzie A. Simkins, of Ohio, who deceased in April, 1890, leaving three grown children, two others having died in infancy. He is a raan of fine physique, stiU in the prirae of raanhood, capable of great endur ance, and fully equal to the arduous and re sponsible duties connected with his position. TOWLE, ALLEN, of Towle, Cab, eldest son of Ira and Annis (Doe) Towle, was born in Corinth, July 26, 1833. ALLEN TOWLE. He was educated in the district schools, and in Corinth Acaderay. At the age of nineteen he went to New York where rela tives of his mother were engaged in the ice business and with whora he reraained some two years. In the meantime his father had raade the discovery of copper in Corinth, and in 1853 a start was raade with outside capital to devolop the mine, and he was sent to Vermont by a New York corapany to look after their interests in tbat locality. He took kindly to the pursuit of raining but the scope was hardly broad enough, when com pared witb the Munchausen-like tales which were at that time being sent home by his fellow townsraen, raany of whora were araong the first to seek gold in California, and in Deceraber, 1855, he sailed frora New York, via Panaraa, arriving in San Fancisco TOWLE. TOWNSEND. 159 in January, 1856. Here he lost no time but proceeded at once to the mines and com menced operations at Steep HoUow, Placer county, where he cleaned up a few hundred dollars which he used to run a tunnel into a gravel claira at Thompsons Hill near Dutch Flat. For this business he seeraed to have a natural bent, and although in those early days it was rather rough sailing he was prosperous. In the raean time a wagon road was built from Dutch Flat to Don ner Lake, by which to reach the Comstock mines, which were then in the height of their success — and he built another raill near Blue Canyon. This wagon road was but the forerunner of the trans-continental railroad, the Central Pacific line passing through Dutch Flat, Blue Canyon, and on to the suramit, and the Towle saw-mills became veritable mints. They supplied luraber to the railroad for ties, snow sheds, culverts and caraps, and literally turned their luraber into gold. Their- receipts from the raUroad amounting at tiraes to twenty-five thousand dollars per raonth. Mr. Towle was followed to Cahfornia at dif ferent dates by his two brothers, who becarae his partners, but he has retained the raan ageraent. He has buUt at different tiraes fifteen saw mUls ; he has also built thirty mUes of narrow gauge railroad, supplied with five locomotives and eighty-five cars with which to handle luraber from the raUls ofif the line of the Central Pacific. He has five lumber yards in dififerent localities in Cali fornia and another in Tucson, Arizona ; also a box factory in Sacramento, which is chiefiy employed in making orange boxes. At Towle are situated a planing raill, sash, door, blind and box factory, and a pulp raid. This raUl runs day and night and is lighted by electricity, tbe dynarao for which also furnishes lights for the town. The Towles own 24,000 acres of land in Cali fornia, including the town, which has a town haU, hotel, boarding houses, one store, shops for car buUding and blacksraithing, and nuraerous dwelling houses. Has one hun dred and eighty voters, with a school of seventy-five pupUs. They decline to sell a foot of land lest a saloon should be located ; no liquor can be bought or sold on land owned by thera. They employ in tbe busy season four hundred men, some of whom have been in their eraploy for over a quarter of a century, and who are independent as far as money is concerned. For raany years Towle has been a sure place of employraent for any young raan from Verm.ont, and scores of welbto-do men on the Pacific coast date their prosperity frora the start they got here. Mr. Towle is a raeraber ofthe Olive Lodge, I O O. F., No. 81, of Dutch Flat, and of Auburn Encarapraent. He is a Republican and has been delegate to both county and state conventions raany tiraes, but has never aspired to any office. He was appointed by the Governor a delegate to the Irrigation Congress which raet in Salt Lake City in Septeraber, 1891 ; he was also appointed by the Governor a member of the Viticultural Comraission for El Dorado dis trict, and elected by the coraraissioners as their treasurer. He is also president of the Gold Run Ditch and Mining Co. and of the Feather River Canal Co., incorporated for furnishing water for irrigation in Butte county. Mr. Towle was married at Dutch Flat, Cal., March 3, 1869, to Ella W., daughter of Stephen Young and Lydia K. (Richey) Halsey, and has four cliildren : George G. (who was ma.rried in 1892 to Miss Kate Meister, of Sacramento) and is bookkeeper for his father, Orra H., AUeen L., and Sadie The family have a beautiful horae in Sac raraento where they spend raost of the year on account of schools, but retain their resi dence at Towle where they go for the sura mer and where they entertain troops of friends. It has been a marvel to many how Mr. Towle has stood the care of such large and varied enterprises. The secret seeras to his biographer (who has known him from child hood), to lie in his ability to lay aside care. When he goes to his horae he leaves his business in the office. The Towle faraily (a brother and two sisters) are all settled in California, but the old farm in Corinth where he and his father before him, first saw light (although it has like many another in Ver raont, ceased to be a source of incorae) is still one of the cherished possessions of the Towle faraily. Great executive ability and integrity, coupled with a kindly and charit able nature, have placed hira in the foreraost rank of California's adopted sons. TOWNSEND, John, of San Francisco, Cab, son of Moses and Azubah W. (Hatha way) Townsend, was born Nov. 17, 1857, at Pittsfield. His education was begun in the coramon and high schools of his native town, and his technical training acquired in the Massachu setts College of Pharmacy, the Cahfornia Medical College, the Hahnemann Medical CoUege of San Francisco, and the Post Graduate Medical CoUege of Chicago. Until seventeen years of age he worked upon his father's farm and attended school, and then engaged as attendant at the Mc Lean Asylura for Insane at Somerville, Mass., where he reraained a year. He then entered the eraploy of Dr. J. D. Mansfield, of Wake field, Mass., and by close devotion to his duties he becarae a druggist, and was soon head clerk and general raanager of the store. i6o TWITCHELL. TWITCHELL. While here he attended lectures at the Massa chusetts College of Pharmacy. After three years' service in W^akefield, he practiced his profession in leading estabhshments of Bos ton, and continued his course, of instruction at the coUege. In 1876 Mr. Townsend established a phar macy at Weyraouth, Mass., and in a short tirae built up a large and successful business. In 1877 he graduated at the head of the class from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. In 1881 he removed to San Francisco, and visited Oregon and Washing ton, and the following spring again took up the study of medicine and in October, 1884, graduated frora the Hahnemann Medical College, and received the first diploraa granted frora a horacepathic college on the Pacific coast. He was then appointed resi dent physician and surgeon of the San Francisco Homeopathic Hospital, and the next year received the sarae appointraent at the St. Luke Hospital, and the further dis tinction of professor of cheraistry and deraonstrator of anatomy at the Hahne mann Medical College. After two years of hospital service he engaged in private prac tice and now has a large and increasing business araong the best people of San Francisco. Dr. Townsend has always taken an active part in fraternal and social orders ; is an Odd FeUow and Knight of Honor, and a raember of various other organizations, and is vice-president of the Pacific Coast Asso ciation of Sons of Vermont. In his professional labors he has invented several valuable instruraents for use in treat ment of diseases of the throat and lungs, and the application of electricity both in therapeutics and surgery. TWITCHELL, Marshall Harvey, of Newfane, resident of Kingston, Canada, son of Harvey and Ehzabeth (Scott) Twitchell, was born in Townshend, Feb. 28, 1840. He was educated in the common schools and Leland Seminary. Like raany young men of Vermont he taught school winters, worked on the farm and attended the serai nary the other portions of the year. In 1 86 1 he enUsted with Co. I, 4th Regt. Vt. Y'^ols. He was in fourteen battles with the old Vermont Brigade and was severely wounded at the battie of the Wilderness, be ing at the tirae in command of the com pany. In the winter of 1S63-64 he made apphcation and was appointed captain in tbe 109 U. S. C. T. and was in the column which broke Lee's hne at Petersburg and finally surrounded his army at Appomattox court house. In October, 1865, he was ap pointed provost raarshal and agent of Freed- raan's Bureau with headquarters at Sparta, North Louisiana. Here, twenty-five miles frora the nearest post, with no experience in civil governraent, he was legislator, judge, jury and sheriff. His governraent was so satisfactory that he was elected alraost with out opposition to represent the parish (county) of BienviUe in the constitutional convention of 1868. He was appointed judge of the parish of BienviUe in 1868. Elected to the state Senate for a term of four years in 1870 and re-elected for a second term in 1874. During his eight years inthe Senate he was the principal agent in the creation of the parish (county) of Red River, building of the town of Couchatta and the organization of the public schools in the parishes of Bienville, Red River and De Sota. MARSHALL HARVEY TWITCHELL, He protected colored schools by the threat tbat as president of the school board he should refuse to sign the warrant for the pay of the teachers. The 2d of May, 1876, an attempt was made to assassinate him, from which he received six buUets, necessi tating the amputation of both arras just above the elbow; his brother-in-law, George A. King, was killed at that time. His only brother, Homer, and his other two brothers- in-law, Willis .and HoUand, had been pre viously murdered in what is known as the Couchatta Massacre of 1874. Had the as sassination been successful the resuh would have been to change tbe majority in the state Senate, which would have recognized TYLER. l6l a different House of Representatives, de clared a different Governor and elected a different United States Senator. AprU, 1878, he was appointed Consul of the United States at Kingston, Canada. In 1868 he purchased a cotton plantation on Lake Bisteneau. In 1869 took the direction of two plantations belonging to his father-in-law. In 1870 he purchased "Star light " plantation on Red river, every year adding to his business, either by lease or purchase. He directed as principal owner two stores, two sets of raills, the hotel and the only newspaper established in the parish. His large property interests were partially abandoned after his attempted assassination in 1876, and entirely abandoned after the murder of John W. Harrison, his last agent, at " Starlight," in the faU of 1875. In 1864 he joined Blazing Star Lodge, F. & A. M., at Townshend. After the war he was J. W. of Silent Brotherhood Lodge, scribe of Chapter No. 35, and member of Jacques De Molay Comraandery, all of Louisiana ; he is also a member of Burchard Post, G. A. R., and Loyal Legion of Ver mont. In 1866 he married Adele, daughter of Colonel Coleman, one of the large cotton planters of North Louisiana. By this wife he has one son : Marshall Coleman. In 1876 he married Henrietta Day of Hamp den, Mass., by whora he has one son : Eraraus G. TYLER, George Washington, of Alaraeda, Cab, son of WiUiam B. and Mary (Hall) Tyler, was born in Warren, Jan. 16, 1827. He attended the public schools of his na tive- town untU he went to Kalamazoo, Mich., in the faU of 1844, and prepared for coUege at a branch of the University of Michigan, under the auspices and at the expense of the Baptist Association of that state. In 1847, when prepared to enter the sophomore class, finding that he could not consistently preach the doctrines of that church, be re paid the Association and returned to Ver raont. He taught school in Warren during the winter that followed and in tbe spring of 1848 coraraenced the study of law in the office of O. H. Smith of Montpeher. He went to California in 1849, saihng from Boston on tbe ship Leonore, in the spring of that year, and arriving in the Gold en state on the sth day of July, his course having been around Cape Horn. In AprU, 1850, upon the organization of the state of California, he was elected sheriff of Yolo county, but in the fall of that year re signed that office and went to Yreka, Syski- you county, where he held tbe office of dis trict attorney for one and one-half years, after which he practiced criminal law as a spe cialty until May, 1856, when he returned to Vermont, and in Septeraber of that year he entered the law school of Carabridge, Mass., and graduated in July, 1858, returning shortly after to Yreka. He was county judge of San Joaquin county, frora 1861 to '63, and was a raeraber of the Asserably frora Alameda county in 1880. GEORGE WASHINGTON TYLER. He was mustered into the service of the United States by Captain Alden (formerly in charge of Mihtary Academy at West Point) , in Rogue River Valley, Oregon, as one of the staff of Gen. Joseph Lane, with the rank of heutenant; fought during the Rogue River Indian war of 1853, having gone there frora \''reka. Cab, at the first outbreak. He was in coramand of a company that fought the battle of " Bloody Point " at which one-half of his coramand were killed or wounded, he re ceiving two shght wounds. Judge Tyler is a Master Mason in good standing, and ranks high as a lawyer in his adopted state. In August, 1 85 1, Mr. Tyler married Miss Alia Jane, daughter of 'Williara and Anna (Lovett) Frazier, in Carabridge, Mass. Of this union there are four living children : Williara B., George Norton, Alia Frazier, and Maud G. l62 VAN VLIET. VILAS. VAN VLIET, STEWART, of Washington, D. C, son of Christian and Rachael Van Vhet, was born July 21, 1815, at Ferrisburg. General Van Vliet, as he is everywhere known, received the educational advantages of tbe horae of his youth, Fishkill, N. Y., and entered the United States Military Acaderay at West Point in 1836, graduating in 1840, in the class in which was General Sherman and other famous men whose names have become prominent in history. He was ap- i:'',. "¦ *¦*<%( STEWART VAN VLIET. pointed second lieutenant in the third artil lery, then in Florida, and served there two years during the Serainole war. He was in several engageraents, in one of which he killed an Indian chief in a band to hand fight. Subsequently he was engaged in the Mexican war and was with General Taylor at Monterey, where he led the final charge and received the flag of surrender. At Vera Cruz he coramanded a battery under Gen eral Scott. Frora Mexico he was ordered to Fort Leavenworth and built forts Kearney and Laramie on the Platte river. He was in the Sioux expedition and in the battle of the Blue Water. Under Sydney Johnson he organized the expedition to Utah, and went to Salt Lake. Gen. Stewart Van Vliet served with distinction in the civil war. He was chief quartermaster of the Army of the Poto mac, and was with McClellan in all the bat tles of the Peninsula ; and was afterwards stationed in several of the large cities of the country. He was retired at the age of sixty- fotir, and received the brevets of brigadier- general and major-general in the regular army and in the volunteers. He now hves with his family in Washington, D. C, and during the summer months at Shrewsbury, N.J. General Van Vhet is fond of society. His genial and hearty raanner makes companion ship witb him most enjoyable. He is a raember of many clubs and organizations, among thera the Aztec Club, of which he is president ; the Holland Society, of which he is vice-president ; the St. Nicholas Society ; the Loyal Legion ; and the G. A. R. General Van Vliet was raarried at Fort Lararaie, March 6, 1851, to Sarah Jane Brown, the daughter of Maj. Jacob Brown (who was kUled by the Mexicans while de fending a fort opposite Matamoras. The fort and city. Fort Brown and Brownsville, were naraed after hira). He has two sons: Dr. Frederick C, and Lieut Robert C. of the loth U. S. Infantry. VILAS, William F., of Madison, wis., was born at Chelsea July 9, 1840 ; removed -n^ith his father's faraily to Wisconsin and settled at Madison June 4, 1851 ; was grad uated at the State University in 1858, and from the law department of the University of Albany, N. Y., in i860; was adraitted to the bar by the Suprerae Court of New York and by the Suprerae Court of Wisconsin in the sarae year, and began the practice of law July 9, i860 ; was captain of Co. A, 23d Regt. Wis. Inf. Vols., and afterwards raajor and lieutenant-colonel of the regiraent ; has been one of tbe professors of law of the law de partraent of the State University since 1868, omitting four years, 1885 to 1889; was one of the regents of the university frora 1880 to 1885 ; was one of the three revisers ap pointed by the Suprerae Court of Wisconsin in 1875 who prepared the existing revised body of the statute law adopted in 1878; was a meraber of Asserably in the Wisconsin Legislature in 1885 ; was a delegate to the Deraocratic national conventions of 1876- '8o-'84, and perraanent chairraan of the latter ; was postraaster-general frora March 7, 1885, to Jan. 16, 1888, and Secretary of the Interior from the latter date to March 6, 1889; received the unaniraous noraination of the Deraocratic legislative caucus and was elected Jan. 28,1891, United States Senator to succeed John C. Spooner, Republican. WAKEMAN. 163 WAKEMAN, Seth, was born at Frank lin, Jan. 5, 181 1 ; studied law, and practiced at Batavia, N. Y. ; was district attorney of Genesee county, N. Y., from 185 1 to 1857 ; was a member of the Assembly of the state of New York, 1856-57 ; was a meraber of the state constitutional convention of New York in 1867—68, and was elected a repre sentative from New Y^ork in the Forty-sec ond Congress as a Republican. WALBRIDGE, DAVID S., was born in Bennington, July 30, 1802 ; received his education from the coramon schools of the vicinity ; has devoted himself to the various employments of the farmer, the raerchant, and the miller ; he reraoved to Michigan in * 1842, and was elected a representative in Congress frora that state in 1854 and served untU 1859. WALDEN, Hiram, was born in Rutland Co., Aug. 29, 1800 ; received a liraited educa tion, and having removed with his father to New York, devoted hiraseh to the business of cloth dressing and wool carding ; he took an interest in raihtary affairs, and attained the office of raajor-general of railitia; in 1836 he was elected to the state Legislature ; in 1842 he was elected a supervisor in the county of Schoharie ; and was a representa tive in Congress frora New York frora 1849 to 185 I. WALKER, GEORGE H., of Boston, Mass., son of Ralph S. and Jane (Long) Walker, was born at Springfield, Jan. 24, 1852. Mr. Walker received his early training in the district schools of Verraont and also at tended the Stevens high school of Clare- raont, N. H. He began his business hfe in a dry goods estabUshment in Brooklyn, N. Y., but in the fall of 1873 he becarae interested in the pubhshing business, contracted with a New York firm and was engaged with thera in various works untU 1878, when he went into business for hiraseh in Boston. The firra of George H. Walker & Co. was established at 61 Hanover street, for the publication of real estate atlases. In 1880 he extended his business by estabhshing a hthographic branch at 81 Milk street, but soon outgrowing their quarters, they reraoved to 160 Tremont street, where they have since remained, adding new floors and presses, until 1888, when the budd ing was enlarged for their benefit. The es tabhshment is one of the finest of its sort in New England, eraploying only the best artists. In addition to their other works the State Atlas of Massachusetts is pronounced as fine a work of its class as was ever published. In 1 89 1 Mr Walker estabhshed, with head quarters in Boston, opposite Trinity Church, the Walker-Gordon Milk Laboratory for the scientific feeding of infants, which has proved a reraarkable success and raany thousand in fants have been fed. The railk is .supphed only upon physicians' prescriptions. Asirailar laboratory has been estabhshed at 626 Madi son avenue. New York, and others are to be established in all large cities. Mr. Walker was raarried in 1885, to Irene L., daughter of Robert E. and Irene (White) Loud, of Weyraouth, Mass. WALKER, ALDACE F., of Chicago, IU., son of Aldace Walker, D. D., and Mary A. (Baker) Walker, was born May 11, 1842, in West Rutland. He was educated at Kimball Union Acad emy, Meriden, N. H., and at Middlebury College, graduating in 1862. His legal training was acquired after the war, at Columbia Law School in New York City. In July, 1862, the year of his graduation from Middlebury College, Mr. Walker en listed in Co. B, ist Artillery, nth Vt. Vols., and was elected first lieutenant. He after wards became captain of Co. C and Co. D ; and subsequently was major and lieutenant- colonel of the regiraent. In 1864 he was breveted lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at the battles of the Opiquan, Fisher's HiU and Cedar Creek, and was mustered out in June, 1864, with his regiraent upon its return to Burlington after the conclusion of the war. In 1869 he published a book of war rerai niscences entitled " The Verraont Brigade in tbe Shenandoah Valley." He is a meinber of the Illinois Com mandery of the Loyal Legion, and has been president of the Verraont Officers Associa tion. Mr. Walker's legal career has raade him a national reputation. He was admitted to practice in 1867, in the city of New York and at first was managing clerk for the law firm of Strong & Shepard, having their office at go Broadway. He was afterwards ad mitted to partnership and became a member of the firm in 1870. They were engaged in a general practice and did a considerable business, largely connected with railways. Iraportant work was done by Mr. Walker in obtaining land titles for the Spuyten Duyvil & Port Morris raUway, connecting the Hudson River R. R. with the Harlem R. R., from Spuyten DuyvU to Mott Haven. In 1873 the firra was broken up by the death of the senior partner, Hon. Theron R. Strong ; and Mr. Walker removed to Rutland, becoraing a meraber of the law firm of Prout, Simons & Walker. They transacted a general busi ness and were the counsel of some irapor tant corporations, including raany banks and insurance corapanies and the Rutland R. R., ^aiitse. tT^^. WASHBURN. i6S the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., the Ver mont & Canada R. R., the bondholders of the Verraont Central R. R., etc. In 1884 Mr. N. P. Simons withdrew from the firm and the narae was changed to Prout & Walker and so remained until Mr. Walker removed to Washington in April, 1887. In politics Mr. Walker is a Republican, and he was a raember of the state Senate from Rutland county in 1882-3, being chair raan of the judiciary coraraittee. In 1887 Mr. Walker was appointed by President Cleveland a meraber of the Interstate Cora raerce Coramission on the organization of tbat body, being one of the two Republican merabers. His associates upon the commis sion were Hons. T. M. Cooley, WiUiam R. Morrison, Augustus Schoonmaker and W. L. Bragg. Mr. Walker resigned in 1889, and became chairman of the Interstate Coraraerce Railway Association composed of various railroad lines west of Chicago, with headquarters in tbat city. Subsequently he became chairman of the Western Traffic Association, a sirailar organization. He was afterward chairraan of the joint coraraittee coraposed of all roads north of the Ohio and between the Mississippi river and the seaboard. He resigned the latter office in December, 1893, and is now practicing law in Chicago. In addition to his opinions report ed in the first two volumes of the Interstate Commerce Commission Reports he has writ ten largely for publication in the Forum and other periodicals, chiefly on railway legisla tion and other kindred topics. Mr. Walker was married at Wallingford, Sept 6, 187 1, to Katherine, daughter of Hudson and Diantha Roberts Shaw. They have had four chUdren : Richard (deceased), Roberts, Harold, and Ruth. WALKER, Lucius W., of Chicago, lib, son of Whitfield and Martha (HaU) Walker, was born at Whiting, Sept. 4, 1823. For many years and up to 1852 Mr. Walker was a builder, when he reraoved to Chicago. His early training having been that of a civil engineer, he was engaged by the Illinois Raihoad Co., and was located at Champaign, IU., until 1863, in the com pany's eraploy. He then becarae a manu facturer of furniture and continued m the business untU 1880, which he then closed out and becarae connected with the PuUraan company at PuUraan, IU., where be reraained two years as foreraan of the wood working raachine shop. Frora February, 1883, to 1 89 1 be has been engaged in superintending the construction of fine residences in Chicago. Mr. Walker becarae an inspector of pub hc buildings for the United States govern ment in 1891. Mr. Walker was married at OrweU, July 16, 185 1, to Miss EUen G., daughter of Reuben and Zylpha Herbert. WASHBURN, Henry D., was born in Windsor, March 28, 1832, and during that year was removed by his father to Ohio, was early apprenticed to the trade of a tanner, but not hking the business, becarae a school teacher, which occupation he followed until his twentieth year, studied law, and gradu ated at the New York State and National Law School in 1853. He subsequently settled in Indiana, and in 1854 he was appointed auditor of Verraillion county ; elected to the same position in 1856, serving as such until 1 86 1. In July of that year he raised a com pany for service in the war ; was promoted to the coramand as colonel of the i8th Ind. Vols, in 1862 ; and in 1864 was brevetted to a brigadier-general, and was raustered out of the service in 1865 ; and was elected a rep resentative frora Indiana to the Thirty-ninth Congress. WATERMAN, ARBA N., of Chicago, III., son of Loring F. and Mary (Stevens) Water man, was born Feb. 5, 1836, at Greensboro. ARBA N. WATERMAN. At the academies and schools in Peacham, Johnson, Montpeher and Georgia, Judge Waterman began bis education and gradu ated in the class of 1853 from Norwich Uni versity. Determining upon a legal career he selected the Albany school and after pursu- i66 WATSON. WATSON. ing his studies there was adraitted to the bar in Albany, N. Y., in 1861. He soon went west and the year of his admission to practice located at Johet, Ills. LTpon the breaking out of the war he en tered tbe army, enlisting in Co. G, looth 111. Vols, as a private, in 1862. He was en gaged in the campaign against Bragg in the fall of 1862 and was in the battles of Chica- raauga, Dalton, Altoona and Houston. At Chicamauga he was severely wounded and had his horse kiUed under him. Judge Waterraan's military career was fuU of honor and his services received recognition by pro motion to captain of his company and later as heutenant-colonel of the regiraent. Returning west at the close of the war, in 1865 he began the practice of his profession in Chicago, which he continued with success and distinction. In 1886 he was elected judge of the circuit court, and in 1890 re ceived the appointment of judge of the apellate court. In politics he is a Republican. In social life his varied tastes and broad acquirement are indicated by his merabership in various societies. Hewas in the PhUosophical, Law, and Social Science congresses of the World's Columbian Exposition. He is a raember of the Psychical Research, and the Philosophical societies, and of the Union League, Liter ary, AUiance, and Irving clubs. He is a corarade in U. S. Grant Post, G. A. R., in the Loyal Legion, and the Veteran Associa tion. Judge Waterman was married, in Chicago, in December, 1862, to Ella Hall, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Hall. WATSON, Austin H., of Stamford, Conn., son of Patrick J. and Caroline La throp Watson, was born AprU 24, 1842, at Wilmington. After attending the public schools he passed his early hfe about his father's raiUs, and one year in the army. In 1864 he secured a junior clerkship whh the Western Union Telegraph Co., at Rochester, N. Y"., and in 1866 was appointed storekeeper in charge of main supply depots of -the cora pany at New York. Continued advance in his salary made this an agreeable position, which he retained until he resigned in 1879, to become junior meraber of the firm of James E. VaU, Jr., & Co., dry goods coramis sion merchants and manufacturers' agents, Worth street. New York. Six years later he purchased Mr. Vail's interest and becarae senior raember of the present firm of Wat son, Bull & Co., who have largely extended the business dealings with leading wholesale houses throughout the country. He is also president of the Connecticut WUch Hazel Co., whose production will equal three thousand barrels yearly. In August, 1862, he enhsted as private in Co. F, I Sth Regt. Vt. Vols. Upon the pro motion of one of his comrades he became the clerk of the regiraent, and was thereby relieved of all equipraent and corapany duty. At Gettysburg he selected one of the many abandoned muskets on the field, and with a handful of cartridges sought out his company at the front, where he remained throughout the battle. His conspicuous bravery was known to all the officers of the regiment, and Colonel Veazey, recognizing that this youth was the only detailed raan who volun tarily exposed hiraself on this sanguinary field, appointed hira quartermaster-sergeant of the regiment, the highest honor at his coramand. ^ <¦- .vi d^ 1 ¦^w^'"^ . fl -/^ ^"^ n .^j '^^ 1 AUSTIN H. WATSON. Mr. Watson enjoys the genial, social side of life, and in this way has had many duties to perform connected with various associations. He was the first treasurer of the weU known Apollo Glee Club, of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; secretary of the Oxford Club of Brooklyn, 1883 to '85, and ofthe Telegraphers Mutual Benefit Association, 1876 to '79; a director of Stamford Social Club, 1889 to 1892, and is now its president (1893). He is vice- president of the Forest and Stream Club, of Wilmington, and also a director of the Stam ford Yacht Club ; he is also president of the Clover Club in New York City. He was singularly fortunate in his marriage, Oct. 28, 1879, to Julia Brainerd VaU, a very WATSON. WEBBER. 167 .attractive and noble woman, daughter of Jaraes Everett and Ridelia Kenyon Vail, of Brooklyn, N. Y., where tbey resided tiU 1886, removing thence to Stamford, Conn. Their home, "Oakdale," on the banks of Rippa- wanna river, while unpretentious, is noted for the cordial, hearty welcorae and kindly good cheer extended to all. WATSON, Benjamin Franklin, of Carabridge, Mass., son of David and Mary (Wilder) Watson, was born at Woodstock, AprU 8, 1823. He attended the Woodstock village school, and for three winters an evening school for apprentices, estabhshed by the Massachu setts Charitable Mechanic Association at Boston. David Watson, the father of Ben jarain, was born at Kennebunk, Me., was educated in the public schools of Boston, where he obtained a Franklin medal in 1 80 1 . After serving an apprenticeship at the printer's trade, he established an office at Hanover, N. H., in 18 15, but removed three years later to Woodstock, where he started the Weekly Observer, which he pubhshed for several years. He returned to Boston in 1834, and in 1840 removed to Concord, N. H., where he was city clerk for many years, and died there March 25, 1867, at the age ¦of seventy-eight. He married, in 1820, Mary, the daughter of Capt. Jacob Wilder, a Revolutionary soldier, a native of Lancas ter, Mass., who settled in Woodstock in 1790 and died there July 19, 1848, aged ninety-one years. Benjamin Franklin Watson went to Boston in 1836, and learned the printer's trade in the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, where his father was proof-reader. In 1840 the faraily raoved to Concord, N. H. Ben jamin worked in the New Hampshire Patriot office fifteen years, and then in 1855 re turned to Boston and entered the office of the Boston Journal, where he has been em ployed as proof-reader for thirty-nine years. He was at one time captain of the ist Co., I Ith Regt. N. H. Mihtia. Mr. Watson was married, Nov. 16, 1848, to Mary A. Whipple of Hebron, N. H., who died Nov. 24, 1872, leaving three chUdren : Frank L., Alice F., and Edward P. WEAVER, George Sumner, of Can ton, N. Y., son of John and Asenath (Wiley) Weaver, was born Dec. 24, 1818, at Rock- :ingham. -if Mr. Weaver passed through the schools ot his vicinity and studied law, yet after seven years of study and teaching he took up the ministry. He was early interested in science and joined the Araerican Geological Associa tion in Albany, N. Y., and has ever since •continued bis scientific studies. At tbe age of twenty-seven he entered the rainistry of the Universalist church at Spring field, Ohio. Two years later he settled in Marietta, Ohio, and built an acaderay, out of which grew Lombard University at Gales burg, IU., and Buchtel CoUege at Akron, O., at both of which places he was for a tirae settled as pastor. While at Marietta, Mr. Weaver began pubUshing. His first two books were first given as lectures to his students. The first work was entitled " Lec tures on Mental Science," the second was " Hopes and Helps for the Young." These were followed in after years by " Ways of Life," " Christian Household," " Moses and Modern Science," "Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women," " The Open Way," "The Heart of the World," "The Lives and Graves of the Presidents," "Looking For ward," "Heaven," "The Life of J. H. Chapin," besides a number of paraphlets. Mr. Weaver has had pastoral settleraents in St. Louis, Mo., Lawrence, Mass., Canton, N. Y., East Providence, R. I., in addition to the places already mentioned. He has labored earnestly for temperance, education, woman's suffrage, legal and prison reform in which he has stood in advanced move raents for huraanity. In politics, Mr. Weaver was raised a Dera ocrat, was borne ihto Republicanism by con versation, and into prohibition by necessity. A life-long peace-man he gave himself to the support and prosecution of tbe war for the Union. Three times was his congrega tion thinned out by enlistments, and from it was lost the first raan kUled in the war — Suraner H. Needhara — and Mr. Weaver preached the first serraon over the body of a rebel-slaughtered soldier. Mr. Weaver is an Odd Fellow, and a Mason, and a meraber of the Sons of Tera perance. He was raarried, in 1848, to Susan Stay- man, of Ohio, who lived but a few months. Three years after his loss he married Sarah Jane KendaU, of Massachusetts. They had two children : Clara, and Earnest K. The latter, a young lawyer in Buffalo, died by accident-, Feb. 5, 1894. WEBBER, George W., of lonia, Mich., was born in Newbury, Nov. 25, 1825 ; removed at an early age to New York state, and in 1852 to Michigan, and located in Ionia county in 1858, and identified him self to the development of the Grand River Valley ; has large interests in manufacturing, banking, and lumbering concerns ; has twice been raayor of Ionia, and a meraber of the Forty-seventh Congress. WHITCOMB, James ARTHUR, of Bab tiraore, Md., son of Robert McKay and Dor- i68 WHITCOMB. WHITCOMB. cas Ann (McDole) Whitcorab, was born March 26, 1854, at LTnderhiU. His early education was received in the coramon school in JeffersonviUe, the semin ary at UnderhiU, but with indoraitable per severance and application he passed through the Spencerian Business CoUege and tbe Law Department of the National University at Washington, D. C, where he graduated. He also graduated from the Department of Min eralogy of the Smithsonian Institute, and, learning shorthand, became the principal and proprietor of the School of Phonography and Typewriting at Washington. Mr. Whit- corab's tastes have ever been studious as is evinced by his knowledge of the French and Spanish languages and of the study of medi cine, to which he has devoted much of his leisure time. JAMES ARTHUR WHITCOMB. As a boy he deserted the parental roof and worked at farraing, then as a weaver and then learned a trade. In 1874 he entered the city post office at Washington, D. C, and rose gradually to a clerkship, which, through the courtesy of Chief Clerk BeU of the Inte rior Departraent, he exchanged for that of night watchman in order that he raight have tirae to pursue his law studies. He was shortly transferred to the Pension Bureau to perforra clerical duties and rated as mes senger. In this bureau he faithfully served the government for nine and one-half years, retiring by resignation from the position of acting chief clerk of Board of Pension Ap peals under Secretary Lamar, to enter into business. This change was forced upon him frora disease of eyes brought on by work at night. Mr. Whitcomb's honorable progress in the department, aside frora his first appointment, was entirely without political influence though his faithful abilities were known and recog nized by Senators Edmunds, MorriU, Blair, Logan, and many others. He has served in the railitia of the District of Colurabia, Maryland and elsewhere, about eighteen years. Is a veteran of the 5 th Regt Md. National Guards, and is at present a member of the Fifth Maryland Veteran Corps, and attached to the Gattling Gun as an active. In social organizations he is an I. O. 0. F. of Lodge No. i, D. C, and a member of Harraony Lodge, F. & A. M. Mr. Whitcomb was raarried at Washington, April 23, 1882, to Virginia Flunter, daughter of John J. Commack, of Washington, and Margaret Hunter, of Fairfax, Va. They have three young children. WHITCOMB, Jonadab Baker, of Berkeley, Cab, son of Col. Carter and Lucy (Baker) Whitcorab, was born Oct. 2, 1823, at Saxtons River. Mr. Whitcorab received his early educa tion tUl twelve years of age in his native village ; later at Swanzey, N. H. ; later, up to age of seventeen, at the Keene Academy. In 1840 he was a hotel clerk at Fitchburg ; in 1842 he was in the sarae vocation at Carabridgeport, Mass.; in 1843 at Provi dence, R. I., and in 1844 he was in the caUing in New York City, raaking headway all the tirae. He was head clerk at the famous New York Hotel in 1848 when he heard of the discoveries of California and resolved to go. In company with others, he organized the New York Mining Co., with one hundred members, and bought and equipped the barque Strafferd, which saUed from New York Feb. 4, 1849, ^i San Fran cisco, Cal. Mr. Whitcomb, however, trans ferred his share to his brother Byron, and secured for himself passage on the Portland brig Columbus, and saUed Feb. 3, 1849, for Vera Cruz, Mexico. He becarae one of a party and arrived at San Diego August 4, after a terrible trip by sea. He secured passage for himself and others on the steamer Panama, and arrived at San Fran cisco August 18. (FuU account of the voy age was published in a volurae by Dr. J. B. StUlraan, pubUshed by A. Raraan & Co., 1877, entitled "Seeking the Golden Fleece and Voyage of the Schooner Dolphin.") In corapany with C. W. Dannals he left for the Yuba River, via Sacraraento City and arrived at Rases Bar Septeraber i, secured a location and rained for six weeks clearing WHITE. 169 ^2,000, returned to Sacraraento in Novera ber, aU mining on the river being stopped by reason of freshets and rainy season. Here he found his New York Mining Co., and brother, Byron, who, whh Mr. Dannals and hiraself concluded to purchase the lot, corner of K and 2d streets and go into trade ; but again high water flooding the city Jan. 2, 1850, he decided then to go back again to the raountains and raines, arriving at Fosters Bar, Yuba River, in February, 1850, where they engaged in mining and trading. late that fall he bad put in a wing dam in the canyon, one mile up stream, which promised well, and in the spring of 185 1, after many months of hard labor by whip sawing made sufficient lumber to flume tbe river five hundred feet and turned it from its bed in August and after eight weeks of prodigious work, secured for himself and others $90,000, in gold dust ; his brother returned to the states, he alone remaining. Much money was lost and won that season. In 1853 he was irapressed by a blind raan in Marysville with an idea how to bring water to the high bar at Fosters, which was to go down the river a few miles to tbe mouth of Oregon Creek and by a ditch take the water up the river ; he did this work by assistance of miners who proraised, and did take tbeir pay in water ; this project was unique at the time and profitable for a num ber of years. In i860 we find hira in Marys vUle with his faraily comfortably situated in his horae, yet in 1862 he joined the throng going to Oregon and Idaho on a raining expedition. In 1864 he removed to San Francisco and engaged in the business of real estate, residing in Berkeley with his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Wattes. He married Cynthia A. Cutter of Grafton, April 5, 1855. She was the daughter of Capt. James and Harriet (Goodridge) Cut ter. Their children are : Ahce Harriet, Frank Randolph, CaroUne Goodridge, Hat tie Demming, and Ralston. WHITE, Milo, of Chatfield, Minn., was born in Fletcher, August 17, 1830; was ed ucated at common schools ; is a raerchant ; was elected to the state Senate of Minnesota, 1872, 1876, and i88i-'82, and was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress as a Repubh can ; was re-elected to the Forty-ninth Congress. WHITE, Nehemiah, of Galesburg, lib, son of Justin Morgan and Lydia (Eddy) White, was born Jan. 25, 1835, at WaUing ford. Professor White's career as an instructor, remarkable as it is, was raade possible by the most thorough and extended preparation in the schools of the state. In 1857 he gradu ated at Middlebury CoUege with the degree of A. B., and immediately began his work as associate principal of the Green Mountain Perkins Academy, and continued there dur ing i857-'58. The year i859-'6o was passed as principal of the Clinton (N. Y.) Liberal Institute, and from 1864 to 1865 as principal of the Pulaski (N. Y.) Academy. The St. Lawrence University at Canton, N. Y., ob tained his services from 1865 to 187 1, as professor of raatheraatics and natural science and frora 1873 to 1875 he served the Buchtel College at Akron, Ohio, as professor of ancient languages. In 1876 he received the degree of Ph. D. frora St. Lawrence Univer sity. As president of the Lorabard Univer sity at Galesburg, IU., he passed the years from 1875 to 1892 and resigned his office only at the last commencement to take charge of another department of the Univer sity, the Ryder Divinity School. Professor White has given special attention to coraparative philology, and in addition to a knowledge of the classic tongues, has made acquaintance with the Sanscrit, He brew and Anglo-Saxon, as well as raost of the cultivated languages of raodern Europe. Besides serraons and lectures Professor White has written very little for the press. The most that has been pubhshed in a raore permanent form consists of articles in the interests of denominational literature. Among thera raay be cited ; " Greek Synonyras of the New Testaraent" (Universalist Quarterly, AprU, 1882), and " Love tbe Basis of Educa tion," one of a series of addresses published in a volurae entitled, " The Colurabian Con gress of the Universalist Church." Mr. White was ordained to the ministry of the Universalist church in 1875. In 1889 there was conferred upon him by Tufts Col lege the degree of D. D. This is the outiine of a busy, earnest life, reflecting at all tiraes honor and credit, and affording an example for emulation. Mr. White was raarried. May 11, 1858, at South Woodstock, to Frances M., the daugh ter of Orsamus and Eluthera (Sumner) White, of Huntington. She died April 29, 1864, leaving one daughter, who died Jan. I, 1882. Mr. 'White was again raarried, in 187 1, to Inez Ling, daughter of Lorenzo Ling, of Pulaski, N. Y. They have two children : Willard Justin (a graduate of Lorabard University of the class of 1891), and Frances Cora. WHITE, Welcome, of Baltiraore, Md., was born in Wardsboro, Dec. 22, 1826, the son of Daniel and Mary (Durant) White. Mr. White spent the years of his rainority on the farm of his father, and in acquiring such an education as the district schools afforded. Being of a mechanical turn of 170 WHITNEY. WHITNEY. mind he became a carpenter and followed this vocation for five years, and then, in 1852, reraoved to Baltiraore where he engaged in the baking business. This business was successfully continued for six years, when Mr. White returned to his native place where he resided for four years. Returning to Baltimore in 1862 he once more embarked in business at his old stand, where he re raained until 1865. The growth of the business then necessitated a change which resulted in reraoval to the large and coramo dious establishment he still occupies. Con tinued additions and improvements have rendered it a most convenient and well equipped plant. A Baltimore paper sums up his business career there as follows : "Thirty-four years of unbroken prosperity raarks the history of the well-known and popular baking establishraent of Welcorae WhUe." A Republican in belief, he has never sought office or devoted much time to poli tics. He has, however, been twice a candi date for a seat in the city council. Mr. White raarried, at Baltimore, Oct. 20, 1857, Marietta F., daughter of Davis and Lucinda (Davis) Read of Wardsboro. Their children were : Clara M., Flora E., Jennie I., Wilbur H. (deceased), Minnie M., WaUace D., and LeUa M. A Universalist by faith, Mr. White was for several years an active worker in the Third Church, being a trustee and its treasurer. WHITNEY, HENRY DOUGLAS, of Bridgeport, Conn., son of Henry and Almira J. (Bowker) Whitney, was born in Wilming ton, Sept. 13, 1866. His education was obtained in the com raon schools, at Glenwood Seminary, West Brattleboro, and at the St. Johnsbury Acad eray, graduating frora the latter institution in 1886. His preparation was for Harvard CoUege, but the course was abandoned in order that he raight earher engage himself in the study of his profession. He taught school for three years successfully, being principal of the high school at W'eUs River, and later principal of the graramar school at East Dennis, Mass. Mr. Whitney began the study of law in 1888 in the office of Bates & May of St. Johnsbury and went to Chattanooga, Tenn., in the faU of 1889, there entering the office of Russell & Daniels, a leading law firra of that city. The foUowing year he was adraitted to the bar, and has since pursued an active and successful career. Mr. Whitney's liter ary abihties and tastes have found expres sion in a legal work, "Whitney's Land Laws of Tennesee." This work has received the highest endorsement of both bench and bar and has become a standard on the subject of Tennessee land laws. In the fall of 1893 Mr. Whitney accepted the position of general agent for Connectb cut for placing the investments of the Cum berland BuUding Loan Association of Chat tanooga, making Bridgeport his home. HENRY DOUGLAS WHITNEY. In politics Mr. Whitney is an independent Democrat, and in religion a free thinker. He was married in Wilmington, June 6, 1890, to Kate J., daughter of Judge George C. and Rebecca Todd Harrison of West Cornwall, Conn. To her large helpfulness and encouragement he owes much of his success. One son, Burke Eraerson, born Feb. I, 1894, has corae to their horae. WHITNEY, Samuel Brenton, of Bos ton, Mass., son of Sarauel and Araelia (Hyde) Whitney, was born in Woodstock, June 4, 1842. His early education was obtained in the pubhc schools. He afterwards attended the Vermont Episcopal Institute, studied music first with local teachers, afterwards with Carl ^Vels and later still with John K. Paine, tak ing lessons on the organ, pianoforte, com position and instrumentation. Mr. Whitney has been organist and director of rausic of Christ Church, Montpelier ; St. Peter's, Albany, N. Y., and St. Paul's Church, Burhngton ; is at present and has been for the past twenty-two years, organist of the Church of the Advent, Boston, the choir of which church has become quite celebrated under WHITNEY. WINSLOW. 171 his direction. He has frequently been en gaged as conductor of choir festival asso ciations in Massachusetts and Vermont ; is first vice-president and one of the organ ex aminers of the American College of Musi cians ; has written church music quite exten sively, also piano and misceUaneous rausic. He has been conductor of many choral societies in and around Boston, and has the reputation of being very successful in train ing and developing boys' voices. In this position he has heen identified witb liturgi cal music, vested choirs, and a reverent per formance of church music. SAMUEL BRENTON WHITNEY. The late Dr. J. H. Wilcox once said in this connection, after hearing Mr. Whitney play a very small organ : "It takes a much more gifted organist to play a sraall organ than it does to play a large one, where every resource is at band." Another rausical au thority in Boston bas said : "Mr. Whitney, by his wonderful mastery of the preludes, fugues and toccatas of Bach, most of which are so impressed upon his reraarkable raeraory that he rarely uses notes; by his style so briUiant and pleasing, and his improvisations so sohd and rich, has won much credit m and beyond professional circles. Mr. Whitney was for a time teacher of the organ in tbe New England Conservatory of Music. He also estabhshed in this institution for the first time, a church music class, m which not only were the vocal pupils taught how to properly interpret sacred music, but the or gan pupils as well were instructed as to the management of the organ in church. Araong Mr. Whitney's corapositions are a trio for piano and string, raany solos and arrangeraents for both piano and organ, as well as several church services, Te Deuras and misceUaneous anthems and songs, both sacred and secular. Some of Mr. Whitney's organ compositions have been reprinted in England, by London publishers. WILLARD, George, was born at Bob ton, March 20, 1824 ; received a liberal edu cation and was a professor for two years in Kalamazoo CoUege ; was editor and pub lisher of the Battie Creek Journal; was a meraber of the Michigan State Board of Education frora 1857 to 1863; was elected regent of the University of Michigan in 1863, and re-electedfor eightyears in 1865 ; was elected to the state Legislature in 1866 and the foUowing year a member of the state constitutional convention, serving in both bodies as chairman of the coramittee on education; was a delegate at large frora Michigan to the national Republican con vention in 1872 ; was elected a representa tive frora Michigan for the Forty-third Con gress as a Republican ; was re-elected to the Forty-fourth Congress. WINSLOW, HORACE SPENCER, of Newton, Iowa, son of Elhanan S. and Elraina (Kingsley) Winslow, was born July 18, 1837, at Pittsford. Judge Winslow received such advantages as were offered at the coraraon schools and seminaries in Rutland county, and began his legal education at the Poughkeepsie Law School, and graduated July, 1856, from the Polan (Ohio) Law School. Iraraediately upon graduation, he went to Newton, Iowa, wliere he opened a law office, Sept, I, 1856, having just passed his nine teenth birthday. Since that time, for thirty- seven years, he bas enjoyed a successful and lucrative practice, owning, probably, the lar gest private law library in the state. During the exciting years of the civil war, he was district attorney of the sixth judicial dis trict of Iowa, then comprised of the counties of Jasper, Poweshiek, Marion, Washington, Mahaska, and Jefferson, having been elected to that office in the faU of 1862. In 1868 he received further distinction by election as judge of the second circuit of the sixth judi cial district of Iowa, which was then com posed of the counties of Jasper, Marion, and Mahaska. At the end of one year's service he resigned and resumed his practice. In 1874 he was elected judge of tbe sixth dis trict and reraained in the service four years. Judge 'W'inslow becarae a Mason, and a raeraber of Newton Lodge, No. 59, A. F. & 172 WOOD. WOODRUFF. A. M., in 1858; later he becarae a Royal Arch Mason, Knight Teraplar, and has re ceived the Scottish Rite degrees. In 1876 he was elected M. E. Grand Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Iowa, and was elected grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Iowa in 1880. HORACE SPENCER WINSLOW. Judge ^\'inslow was married, Nov. 7, 1858, to Sarah E. Dunklee of Pittsford. They have two children ; Kate E., and Jessie L. He is a member of the First Congrega tional Church, one of its trustees, and at present writing superintendent of its Sunday school. WOOD, Thomas Waterman, of New York, son of John and Mary (Waterman) Wood, was born Nov. 12, 1823, at Mont pelier. His early education was obtained in the schools of Washington county, while his art training was acquired in the great cities of Boston, London, Paris, Florence and Rorae. Mr. Wood's farae as an artist and a por trait painter has been exercised in many of the principal cities of America, notably in Quebec and Toronto in 1855 ; in Washing ton in 1856; in Baltimore in 1857 and 1858; andin NashviUe and Louisville sev eral years, up to 1865 ; two years, from 1858 to i860, being spent in study abroad. In 1866 he located in New York City, and in 1869 was elected an associate of the National .Academy of Design, and academi cian in 187 1. From 1879 to 1890 hewas vice-president of the acaderay, and is now president of that institution. Frora 1878 to 1887 he was president of the Araerican Water Color Society. Mr. Wood is a meraber of raany of New York's social institutions ; araong them the Aldine Club, of which he is an ex-president ; the Salamagundi and Country Clubs ; he is also an honorary raeraber of the Apollo Club, of Montpelier. He was raarried in Burlington, Sept. 24, 1850, to Minerva Robinson, of Waterbury, daughter of Rev. Sylvanus Robinson, of Northfield. Mrs. Wood died in New York, May 15, 1859. WOODRUFF, Charles Albert, of United States Array, son of Erastus (de scendant in seventh degree, frora Matthew Woodruff, one of the original proprietors of the town of Farraington, Conn., where he settled in 1640), was born in Burke, April 26, 1845. CHARLES ALBERT WOODRUFF. He was educated in the district schools of Burke, the acaderaies at Lyndon and St. Johnsbury and graduated at Bryant & Strat ton's Business College, Burhngton, and at the United States MUitary Academy, West Point, N. Y. He first enUsted, June 5, 1862, in Co. A, loth Vt Vols., and became corporal June 3, 1863, and was promoted second Ueutenant 117th U. S. C. T., but was not raustered on account of wounds received WOODRUFF. WOODWARD. 173 while serving in the 3d and 6th corps of the Army of the Potomac ; was slightly wounded three times at Cold Harbor, Va., June i, 1864; he was .captured and escaped same night. He was severely wounded June 3, 1864, and never rejoined his company, but was discharged for disability caused by wounds, August 18, 1865. Passed a corapetitive exaraination and entered U. S. Acaderay, West Point, July i, 1867; graduated number eleven, June 12, 1871 ; promoted sarae date 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inft. ; served on frontier duty in Montana ; in coramand of mounted detachment frora May, 1872, to August, 1873; in command of reconnoissance to Washington Territory August to October, 1873; acting assistant adjutant-general District of Montana, and acting regiraental adjutant July, August, and Septeraber, 1874 ; in command of company, Judith Basin, Mont., June to October, 1875 ; adjutant of battalion in Indian campaigns of 1876 and 1877 ; with General Gibbon's command that rescued survivors of Custer's coramand ; severely wounded three tiraes at Big Hale, Mont., August 9, 1877 ; on sick leave ; proraoted first Ueutenant August 9, 1877 ; appointed captain and coramissary of subsistence March 28, 1878; in office of comraissary general to August, 1878; depot commissary. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to October, 1879, and acting chief coramissary, and acting assistant adjutant-general Depart ment of Missouri summer 1879 ; chief com missary District New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. M., to November, 1884, and acting assistant adjutant-general and acting engineer officer at different tiraes ; chief coramissary depart ment of Columbia and depot and purchasing commissary Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to August, 1889, and acting assistant adjutant- general, acting judge advocate of department, acting ordnance officer, and acting signal officer for several months ; in tbe field with General Gibbon, suppressing riots against Chinese ; purchasing and depot coramissary, San Francisco, Cab, to March, 1894 ; pro moted major and comraissary of subsistence Dec. 27, 1892 ; assistant to commissary gen eral, Washington, D. C, since March, 1894. Major Woodruff", as the foregoing record shows, is a valiant soldier, is no less an orator and accomplished gentleraan. His orations, delivered upon Meraorial days and other occasions, have drawn the highest encomiums from the press. By unanimous resolution of George H. Thoraas Post, No. 2, Dept. of California, G. A. R., ten thousand copies of Captain Woodruff's address, on "American Patriotism," were ordered printed for general distribution, " as an incentive to patriotism, and as inculcating a spirit of reverence for our country's flag, and respect for our country's laws." Coraraander of the Coramandery of the State of California, MUitary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. WOODWARD, TYLER, of Portland, Oregon, son of Erastus and Sarah (Gilson) Woodward, was born Jan. 19, 1835, at Hart land. He attended school at KimbaU Union Academy at Meriden N. H., and at Chelsea and Newbury. Mr. Woodward's family is of Puritan origin and his grandfather, Gideon Woodward, served in the Revolutionary war. Mr. Woodward was born and raised on a farra and when twenty-one years of age taught school at Hartiand Three Corners, near his home. He reraained on the farra until the spring of i860, when he sold out ••""*'«.«, TYLER WOODWARD. his stock and set sail for California, from New York, with his youngest sister and together they went to Marysville, Cab, to the home of their brother, keeping the Western Hotel at that place. For a few months Mr. Woodward remained with his brother, acting as clerk in the hotel, when the latter removed to San Francisco, and Mr. W^oodward was employed in the ice business, superintending the harvest in the mountains near the town of Laporte, where snows often fell to the depth of twenty feet. Thus Mr. Woodward began one of the most interesting, exciting and fairly successful careers in the far west and northwestern country, trading. His ad ventures and hairbreadth escapes from 174 WRIGHT. WRIGHT. whites during a long residence in the moun tains would fill a book. Success attended his efforts everywhere and after nearly ten years of this life he sold out his mercantile business near Missoula, Mont., and went to Portland, Ore., in 1869, and engaged in the real estate business, where he already had considerable interests. He purchased an in terest in the firra of Parrish & Atkinson, the firm becoraing Parrish, Atkinson & Wood ward. In this firm he reraained three years. In 1872 he married Mary, the daughter of Sherry Ross, a pioneer who crossed the plains and settled in Oregon in 1845. He has now one daughter fifteen years of age. In the spring of 1873 Mr. Woodward went to Walla Walla, and became interested with Dr. D. S. Baker, in a railroad from that point to 'Wallaula, which afterwards becarae a por tion of the Union Pacific system. Again re turning to Portland he speculated in real estate and became interested in the passen ger transfer business,operating alarge nuraber of carriages, the firra narae being Woodward & Magoon. Later, in connection with others, he organized a company and constructed and operated the street railways known as the Third Street line. Mr. Woodward was presi dent of the company and its raanager for several years. About 1890 he with his asso ciates organized the City & Suburban Railway Co., of which he is a director and vice-presi dent and purchased the East and West side lines which were converted into electric lines and constitute a systera of fifty railes of elec tric and steam roads. In the spring of 189 1, upon the organiza tion of the United States National Bank, Mr. Woodward became a director thereof and was elected vice-president with an active position, to which he is now devoting his attention. During his residence in Portland, Mr. Wood ward has served as county coraraissioner and two terms in the city council of which he was elected president. WRIGHT, Cyrus Smith, of San Fran cisco, Cab, son of John and Irene (Smith) Wright, was born in Norwich, Oct. 3, 1836. He was educated in the scientific depart raent of Dartmouth College, graduating in 1857 as a surveyor and civil engineer. In the fall of 1859 he went to Boliver county. Miss., as assistant engineer on the Mississippi levees. In 1862 he was forced to join the 28th Miss. Cavalry. He was injured in 1864 and driven to the U. S. gunboat for medical treatment, and was taken to Memphis, Tenn., and then sent North. In 1865 he went to California, and finding no other eraployment engaged with his old friend and classmate, Henry M. Gray, in the undertaking business, wbich he has fol lowed ever since, becoraing a partner in the firra in 1876, and sole proprietor in 1886, and StUl conducts the business under the old firm narae of N. Gray & Co. Mr. Wright belongs to the Republican party; is a past grand of Cosmopohtan Lodge, No. 194, I. O. O. F. ; a hfe member of California Lodge, No. i, F. & A. M. ; a raember of California Chapter, No. 5 ; Golden Gate Comraandery, No. 16 ; Knights Teraplar, Mystic Shrine (Islara Temple), Pacific Coast Association Native Sons of Vermont, First Presbyterian Church, San Francisco Theological Serainary, Y. M. C. A., and the CaUfornia Bible Society. He holds the office of trustee in the last four organizations, and is highly esteeraed by aU. In business he is energetic, prorapt, and reliable. Mr. Wright was married, in San Francisco, on Thanksgiving Day, 1874, to Eraraa A., daughter of Nathaniel and Eraehne A. Gray. They have two children : Helen Edith, and Harold Lincoln. WRIGHT, Riley E., of Baltimore, Md., son of Erastus and Mary A. (Fairbrother) WYight, was born July 24, 1839, in Westmin ster. RILEY E. WRIGHT. Mr. Wright was educated in the comraon schools and acaderay of Derby, and at Glover and Coventry. He fitted for college at Pow ers' Institute, Bernardston, Mass., where he was both student and French instructor. YOUNG. I7S having perfected himself in that language by residence and study at St. Hyacinth and St. Rosalie, Canada, in 1859. He was admitted to Dartmouth College, expecting to pursue a course there, but afterwards decided to go to Middlebury CoUege, where he remained until the fall of 1862, and during his sophomore year he felt it to be his duty to enlist in the army, and left college for that purpose. During the years he was attending the acade ray and college, at the age of seventeen and after, he taught school in winter. Upon his return horae frora the array he entered upon the study of the law in the of fice of the late Judge Benjamin H. Steele, at Derby Line, and was adraitted to Orleans county bar Dec. 31, 1864. He soon re moved to Baltimore, and entered upon the practice of law, -wbich he bas continued to the present day with success. He is con nected with several corporations as counsel, and defended Gen. E. B. Tyler in the investi gation of charges against him while post master at Baltimore, during President Hayes' adrainistration, which lasted many weeks and attracted general attention throughout the country. Tbe President personally re viewed the testimony, and General Tyler was completely exonerated. In politics he is a Republican, and takes a lively interest in the political questions of the day, occasionally going on the stump. He was in 1893 tbe candidate of his party for judge of the supreme bench of Baltimore city. He left college in 1862 and returning to his horae at Coventry, in a week's time he recruited a company of volunteers known as Co. H, 15th Vt. Vols., of which he was unan imously elected a captain and served until raustered out June 16, 1863. After the St. Albans raid, under order frora the Governor of Verraont, he enlisted and coramanded a company of railitia to protect the banks and other property from apprehended danger. Mr. Wright is a Mason. He is also Past Coraraander Custer Post, G. A. R., and was at one tirae judge advocate general of the departraent. F'or many years he has been a member of the board of managers of the Society for Protection of Children ; likewise the Society for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He was married at Newport, Sept. 11, 1866, to Mary E., daughter of Isaac and Abi gaU (Stevens) CoUier. Their only child died in infancy. YOUNG, John, was born in Chelsea in 1802 ; when quite a boy he removed with his father to New York state and received a common school education at Conesus ; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1829; was in tbe state Legislature in 1831, 1844 and 1845 ; was a representative in Congress, from New York, frora 1841 to 1843 ; Governor of the state from 1847 to 1849, and assistant treasurer of the United States in New York City, at the time of his death, which occurred AprU 23, 1852. INDEX TO BIOGRAPHIES. PART I. THE FATHERS. PAGE Allen , Ethan 20 Allen, Ebenezer 53 Allen, Ira 43 Allen, Heraan 53 A Q-roup of Tories , 69 Breakenridge, Jaraes 50 Baker, Remember 51 Bowker, Joseph 61 Bayley, Gen, Jacob 61 Chittenden, Thomas 39 Cochran , Robert 52 Clark, Nathan 61 Carpenter, Benjamin 63 PAGE Chandler, Thoraas 65 Dewey, Rev. Jedediah 58 Edos G-en. Roger 69 Fay, Dr. Jonas 50 Fay, Col. Joseph 51 Fassett, Capt. John 59 Fletcher, Gen, Samuel 66 Herrick, Col. Sarauel 49 Haswell, Anthony 64 Hazeltine, John 66 Jonoe, Dr. Reuben 67 Knowlton, Luke 59 Marsh, Joseph. 62 PAGE Payne, Elisha 64 Phelps, Charles 68 Robinson, Sarauel 54 Robinson, Gov. Moses 55 Robinson, Jonathan 57 Robinson, John S 57 Rowley , Thomas 58 Safford, Gen. Samuel 66 Spaulding, Lieut, Leonard 68 Townshend, Micah 67 Warner , Seth 35 Walbridge, Ebenezer 52 THE GOVERNORS. Brigham, Paul Tl Butler, Ezra 80 Chittenden, Martin 76 Crafts, Samuel C 81 Converse, Julius 100 Coolidge, Carlos 88 Dillingham, Paul 96 Eaton, Horace 87 Fairbanks, Erastus 89 Fletcher, Ryland 92 Fairbanks, Horace 101 Galusha, Jonas 74 Hall, Hiland 93 Jennison, Silas H 84 Mattocks, John 85 Palmer, Williara A. 82 Paine, Charles 85 Page, John B 98 Peck, Asahel 100 Royce, Stephen 91 Slade, WiUiam 86 Smith, John Gregory 96 Smith, Israel 73 Skinner, Richard 77 Tichenor, Isaac 72 Van Ness, Cornelius P 78 Williams, Charles Kilborn 88 Washburn , Peter T 99 SENATORS IN CONGRESS. Bradley, Stephen R IM Braiuerd.LawreDCe i-iu Chipman, Nathaniel lUS Chase, Dudley Ill Collamer, Jacob "i Fisk, Jaraes Ill Foot, Solomon 118 Paine, Elijah 107 Prentiss, Samuel 114 Phelps, Samuels 116 Poland, Luke P 124 Seymour, Horatio 113 Swift, Benjamin 115 Upham, William 117 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. Alien Heman 1*^ Allen, Heman, of Milton 147 Buck, Daniel 1^9 Buck, D. Azro..... 1^9 Bradley, William C 136 Bartlett, Thomas, Jr 153 Baxter, Portus 1&^ Barlow, Bradley lo8 Cahoon, William 148 Chamberlain, William 133 Chipman, Daniel l*^ Deming, Benjamin F 149 Denison. Dudley C 158 Everett. Horace 14S Elliot, James j^d Fletcher, Gen. Isaac 149 Hunt, Jonathan 14S Henry, Wli^ni 151 Hebard, William 152 Hubbard, Jonathan H 135 Hunter, William 144 Hodges, George T 154 Janes, Henry F 149 Jewett, Luther 141 Keyes, Elias 146 Lyon, Matthew 130 Langdon, Chauncy 141 Lyon, Asa 142 Morris, Lewis R 132 Meech, Ezra 145 Mallory, Rollin Carlos 145 Marsh , Charles 143 Merrill, Orsamus C 144 Marsh, George Perkins 150 Meecham, James 152 Miner, Ahiman L 152 Niles, Nathaniel 127 Noyes, John 143 Olin, Gideon 134 Olin, Henry 139 Peck, Lucius B 151 Rich, Charles 139 Richards, Mark 144 Royce, Homer E 155 Shaw, Sarauel 135 Strong, William 135 Smith, John 149 Sabiu, Alvah 154 Smith, "Worthington C 157 Tracy, Andrew 153 WithereU, James 134 White, Phineas 146 Wales, George E 146 Walton, Eliakim P 154 Woodbridge, Frederick E 156 WiUard, Charles W 157 Young, Augustus 150 178 INDEX TO BIOGRAPHIES. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. I'AGK xildis, Asa 17'.' Aikens, Asa 180 Aldis, Asa Owen 183 Brayton, William 179 Baylies, Nicholas 181 Bennett, Milo L 182 Barrett, James 1S4 Beardsley, Herman R 184 Doolittle, Joel 179 Pavis, Charles 182 Dunton, Walter C 188 Fay, David 178 Farrand, Daniel 178 HaU, Lot 176 Herrinton, Theophilus 178 PA6K Hutchinson, Titus 180 Isham, Pierpoiiir 183 Jacob, Stephen 178 Knight, Samuel 176 Kellogg, Daniel 182 Kittredge, William C 183 Kellogg, Loyal Case 186 Moseley, Increase 173 Olcott, Simeon '. 173 Olcott, Peter 174 Porter, Thomas 174 Paddock, Ephraira ISO Pierpoint, Kobert 183 Pierpoint, John 183 PAGE Prout, John 187 Kedlield, Isaac Fletcher 181 Redfield, Timothy Parker 187 Spooner, Paul 172 Smith, Noah 175 Steele, Benjamin Hinraan 186 Shepardson, John 169 Throop, John 172 Tyler, Royall 176 Turner, Bates 180 Thompson, John C 181 Underwood, Abel 183 Woodbridge, Enoch 176 Wilson, William C 185 PART II. BIOGRAPHIES OF VERMONTERS, A. D. i892-'94. Adaras, Bailey F 1 Adaras, Edward Payson 1 Adams, Joseph 2 Adams, Andrew N 3 Albee, John Mead 4 Alexander, John F 4 AUen, Chai-Iee Edwin 5 Allen, Ira R 5 Amsden, Charles 6 Atwood, Johu Andrews 7 Andrews, Sumner A 7 Andross, Dudley Kimball 7 Archibald, Henry S 8 Arnold, Feoelon 8 Arnold, Fred 9 Atkins, Hiram 9 Atwood, Frank C 10 Austin, Orlo Henry 10 Bailey, Alden Lee 11 Bailey , Horace Ward 11 Bailey, John 12 BaUey, Myron W 12 Baker, Austin B.. 13 Baker, Joel Clarke 13 Balch, WiUiara Everard 14 Baldwin, Charles 14 Baldwin, A. T 16 Baldwin, Frederick W 17 Ball, FankUn P 17 Ballard, Henry. 18 Ballou, Hosea Berthler 19 Barney, Herbert 11 19 Barrett, Byron Simeon 19 Barstow, John L 20 Barron, Lyman P 22 Bates, Edward L 23 Baxter, Edward K 23 Bean, Cromwell Phelps 24 Beckett, George 24 Bedell, Henry Kdson 25 Benedict, George GranviUe 25 Benton, Josiah H 26 Bennett, Edward Dewey 26 Billings, Frederick 27 Bisbee, Edward W 28 Bingham, WiUiam H. H 28 Bixby, Armentus Boyden 30 Bishop, WiUiam H 32 Bissell, Edgar N 32 Bissell, WiUiara H. A 32 Bisby, Hira b 33 Blaisdell, Edson G. 33 Bliss, Joshua Ishara 33 Black, Henry Fayette 34 Bogue, Homer A 34 Bond, George Herbert 34 Bolton, Plynn 35 Booth, Isaac Phillips 35 Booth, WilUam W 36 Bosworth, David 36 Boyce, Osmore Baker 37 Boyce, WilUam A 37 Boyden, Nelson L 38 Boynton, Thomas Jefferson 38 Boynton, WiUiam Seward 39 Brady, Charles N 39 Bradford, Philander D 39 Bragg, Azro D 40 Branch, Charles F 40 Brewster, George Benjarain 41 Bridgman, Dorman, Jr 42 Brighara, Charles Orson 42 Brighara, Frederick Lucian 43 Brock, WiUiara Wallace 44 Brookins, Harvey S 44 Brown, Adna 44 Brown, Albert L 45 Brown, Curtis 46 Brown, WiUiara A 46 BrowneU, Chauncey Wells 46 Brownell, Chauncey AVells 47 Bruce, George Asa 4S Bugbee, Herraan 48 Buckhara, Matthew Henry 49 Bulkley, George 49 Bullock, Elmer J 49 Bunker, Charles Albert 50 Burdett, Jesse 51 BurneU, Milo S 51 Butler, Fred Mason 51 Butterfield, Alfred Harvey 52 Butterfield, Ezra Turner 52 Butterfield, A. Augustine 53 Butterfield, Frederick David 54 Butterfield, Franklin George 54 Camp, Erastus C 57 Carap, LymaQ L 57 Campbell, Alfred H. 57 Campbell, WaUace H 53 Canfield, Thomas Hawley 58 Carleton, Hiram 63 Carney, John Vose 64 Cannon, M. W 64 Carpenter, Amos Bugbee 65 Caverly, Charles Solomon 66 Cassie, George 66 Celley, William E. S 66 Chafey, Martin Beard 67 Chamberlin, Preston S 67 Chandler , Frank 67 Chapin, William 68 Chase, Charles SumncL- 68 Chase, Charles M 69 Chase, Edgar Merritt 69 Chase, WiUiard 70 Chaye, Zina Goldthwait 70 Child, George Edward 71 Clark, Ezra Warren 71 Clark, John Galvin 72 Clement, Percival W 72 Clarke, Kanslure Weld 74 Cleveland, Jaraes P., Jr 74 Clifford, NeweU E 75 Cobb, Nathan Bryant 75 Cobiiru, Jaraes Allen 76 Coffee, Robert Johu. 76 Colburn, Kobert M 77 Colton, Eben Pomeroy 78 Conant, Edward 78 Conway, John 79 Cook, John Bray 79 CooUdge, John 0 80 Cooper, Alanson Lawrence 80 Cotton, Joshua Franklin 81 Cowles, Asahel Read 81 Cowles, Elmer Eugene 82 Cramton, John Willey 82 Coyne, Peter M 84 Crane, Joseph Adolphus 84 Croft, Leonard V 84 Crossett, Janus 85 Cudworth, Addison Edward 85 Cummings, Harlan P 85 Currier, John Winnick 86 Curtis, John 87 Cushing, Daniel L 87 Cushing, Hayes Porter 88 Cushman, Henry T., 2d 89 Cutler, Henry Ralph 89 Cutting, Hirara Adolphus 90 Cutting, Oliver B 91 Cutting, Williara B 91 Dale, George N 92 Daraon, Charles 92 Dana, Charles S 93 Dana, Marvin HiU 93 DarUng, Joseph KirabaU 94 Darling, J. H 94 Daveni^ort, Charles Newton 96 Davison, Amory 96 Davidson, Milton 96 Davis, Dennison 97 Davis, Frank E 97 Davis, Frank WUliam 98 Davis, George 98 Davis, GUbert A 99 Davis, Samuel Ray 99 Deavitt, John Jaraes ¦ 100 Deraing, Franklin 101 Dewey, Charles 101 Dewey, Charles Edward 102 Dewey, Hiram Kinne 103 Dexter, Avery J 103 Dexter, Charles D. 104 Dexter, Eleazer 104 Dickey, Asa M 105 Dickenson, Albert Joyce 106 Dillingham, WiUiara Paul 106 Dillon, John W 106 Diraick, George Washington 107 Dix, Samuel Nevins 107 Dodge, Andrew Jackson 108 Dodge Harvey 108 Dodge, John Locke 109 Dodge, Prentiss Cutler 109 Donnelly, John H 110 Doty, George W HO Dowley, George S HI Draper, Joseph HI Drew, Luman Augustus 112 DuBois, William Henry 112 Dunlap, Thomas Hiram 113 Dunnett, Alexander 114 Dunton, Charles H 114 DwineU, Frank A 115 Dwinell, Joseph Elmer 116 Eaton, Fred Laurine 117 Eayres, George Nelson 117 Edson, Ezra 118 Edmunds, George Franklin 118 Eldredge, Loyal D 120 INDEX TO BIOGRAPHIES. 179 PAGE Eldridge, Lovell Jackson 120 EUiot, Lester HaU 121 ElUs, Edward Dyer 121 EUsworth, John Clark 122 Emery, Curtis Stanton 123 Enright, Joseph Cornelius 123 Enright, John J 124 Estey, Jacob 124 Estey, Julius J 126 Fairbanks , Franklin 1S7 Fairbanks, Henry 128 Fairbanks, Thaddeus 129 Farman, Marcellus Winslow 133 Faulkner, Shepherd D 134 Farnham , Ros w ell 134 FarreU, Patrick Joseph 136 Field, Frederick Griswold 137 Field, Henry Francis 137 Fish, Frank Leslie 138 Fisk, Perrin Batchelder 138 Flagg, George W 139 Flanders, William Dana 140 Fletcher, Henry Addison, 140 Foote, Rollin Abrara 141 Forbes, Charles Spooner 141 Ford, Samuel W 142 Fobs, James M 142 Foster, Alonzo M 143 Foster, Austin Theophilus 143 Foster, WeUs A 144 Francisco, M. Judson 144 Frary, Solon Franklin 146 French, Warren Convei se 147 Fuller. Henry 147 Fuller, Levi K 148 FuUer, Jonathan Kingsley 150 FuUington, Frederick H 151 Fulton, Robert Reed 151 Furman, Daniel G 152 Gallup, O.M 152 Gage, Sydney 153 Gardner, Abraham Brooks 153 Gates, Amasa 0 154 Giddings, WilUam H 155 Gill, Daniel Oscar 155 Gleason, Carlisle Joyslin 155 Gleason, Henry Clay 156 Gleason, Joseph Thoraas 156 Gleason, Richardson J 157 Gleason, Sarauel Mills 158 GoodeU, Jerorac Winthrop 159 GoodeU, Tyler D 159 Goodhue, Homer 160 Goodenough, Jonas Eli 160 Goodwin, Klam Marsh 161 Goss, Story N 161 Gove, Moses B 162 Granger, Pliny Nye 162 Greene, Olin D 163 Grout, Don D 163 Griffin, Benoni 164 Grout, Josiah 165 Grout, Sehm E 165 Grout, WUliam W 166 Grout, Theophilus 168 Haile, Benjamin Harrison 169 Hale, Harry 169 Hale, Mark 171 Hale, Thomas 171 Hale, Henry 171 Hale, Safford Eddy 171 Hale, Robert SafEord 172 Hale, Rev. John Gardner 172 Hale, William Bainbridge 172 Hale, Matthew 173 Hale, FrankUn D 173 Hale, Jaraes Buchanan 174 HaU, Alfred Allen 174 Hall, Charles Taylor 174 Hall, Emerson 175 HaU, Isaac N 175 HaU, Samuel Baker 176 Hamilton, Joseph 177 Hamilton, MerriU Thomas 177 Hammond, Fred Burton 178 Harahan, John David 178 Hammond, LoweU G. 180 Harman, George Washington ISO Hardie, Robert Gordon 181 Harris, Broughton Davis 181 Harris, Charles A.... 183 Harris, John Edward 183 Hartshorn, John Willard 184 Harvey, Roney M 184 Haselton, Seneca l«5 Haskins, Kittredge.. • • 186 Hastings, Jonathan Hamraond 186 Hastings; Stephen J 187 Hatch, Royal A 1«7 Hay, Barron io» Hayward, Henry R 188 Hazen Lucius Downer 189 PAGE Heath, Charles Henry 189 Heaton, Homer Wallace 190 Hendee, George Whitman 190 Hebard, Salmon B 192 Henry, WiUiam Wirt 192 Hewitt, Alexis B 193 HiU, George W 194 Hill, Harlau Henry 194 Hitchcock, Aaron Charles 194 Hobart, John White 196 Hobson, Samuel Decatur 196 Holbrook, Arthur T 197 Holbrook, John 197 Holbrook, Frederick 198 Holbrook, WiUiam C 200 Holden, Charles Reed 200 Holden, Jaraes Henry 201 Holden, Sylvanus Mar.--h 201 Holden, Orsemor S. 202 Holden, John Stedman 20:^ Holland, Eraerson 202 Holton, Charles 0 204 Holton, Henry Dwight 204 Holton, Joel Huntington 206 Hooker , George White 207 Hooper, Marco B 207 Horton, Edwin 208 Howard, Charles W 208 Howard, Seymour 209 Howard, Roger S 210 Howard Walter E 210 Howard, William Sumner 210 Howe, Elhanan Winchester 210 Howe, Luther Proctor 211 Howe, MarshaU Otis 211 Howland, Frank George 212 Hubbard, George A 213 Hubbard, Lorenzo W 213 HubbeU, Myron R 213 Hudson, Solomon S 214 Humphrey, Charles Timothy Allen 214 Humphrey, Julius Augustus 215 Hunter, EUsworth M 215 Huntley, Eber W 216 Huse, Hiram Augustus 216 Hutchinson, James 217 Ide, Henry Clay 218 Jackman, A.M 218 Jackman, Henry A 219 James, John A 220 Janes, Arthur Lee 220 Jenne, James Nathaniel 220 Jennings, Cyrus 221 Jennings, Rev. Isaac 221 Jennings, Frederic B 223 Johnson, Leonard 223 Johnson, Russell Thayer 224 Johnson, WUUam Edward 224 Jones, Edwin Kent 225 Jones, Henry R , 225 Jones, RoUinJ 226 Jones, Walter Alonzo 227 Jones, Walter Frank 227 Joyce, Charles U 228 Judevine, H»rvey 229 Kelton, Francis P 230 Kelton, Truman Chittenden 231 Kemp, Dean Gustavus 231 Kenfield, Frank 232 Keniston, Nathan 232 Keyes, 'I'horaas 0 233 KimbaU, Robert J acksun 233 King, Aaron N 234 King, Charles W 235 King, Charles M 2-i5 King, Royal Daniel 236 Kingsley, Jerome Orlando 236 Ladd, Chester M.. 237 Landon, MUes J.. 237 Landon, O. B 237 Lane, Edwin 238 Lane, Henry Clark 238 Lane, Henry Jaraes 239 Lathrop, Cyrus U 239 Lavigne, Joseph 240 Lawton Shailer Emery 241 Leach, Chester K 242 Leach Moses J .* 242 Leavenworth, Abel Edgar 243 LeBaron, Isaac Newton 244 Leland, George Farnham 244 Lewis, Frank W 245 Lewis, L. Halsey 245 Lewis, Rodney M 246 Lincoln , Benjamin Franklin 246 Livingston, Fred B 247 Lockwood, Albert H 247 Lyford, Horace W 248 Lyman, Charles A 248 Lynde, George W 249 Lynde, John 249 Lyon, John Stanley 250 I'AGE Lund, Henry W 251 McFarland, Henry Mose.- 251 Mackie, George 0 252 Macoy, Byron