BIOGRAPHICAL . SKETCHES OF LOYALISTS AMERICAN REVOLUTION, WITH AN HISTORICAL ESSAY. BT LORENZO SABINE. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME I. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. 1864. Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1864, by Lorenzo Sabine, in the Cleric's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. E;^77 1 RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. PREFACE. Op the rea.sons -\vhich influenced, of the hopes and fears which agitated, and of the miseries and rewards -which awaited the Loyalists — or, as they were called in the politics of the time, the " Tories " — of the American Revolution, but little is kno-wn. The most intelligent, the best informed among vis, contii'ss the deficiency of their knowledge. The reason is obvi ous. Men who, like the Loyalists, separate them selves from tlieir friends and kindred, who are driven from their homes, who surrender the hopes and exjiectations of life, and who become outlaws. wanderers, and exiles, — such men leave few me morials behind them. Their jjapers are scattered and lost, and their very names pass from human recollection. Hence the most thorough and painstaking inquirers into tluir history have hardly been rewarded for the time and attention which they have Ijestowed. My own pretensions are extremely limited. Yet, as my home, for twenty-eight years, was on the eastern fron tier of the Union, where the gra^¦es and the children of the Ijovalists were around me in every direction ; as 1 enjoyed free aud continual intercourse with per- IV PREFACE. sons of Loyalist descent ; as I have had the use of family papers, and of rare documents ; as I have made journeys to confer with the living, and pilgrimages to graveyards, in order to complete the records of the dead ; — I may venture to say, that the Biographical Notices which are contained in these volumes, will add something to the stock of knowledge obtained by previous gleaners in this interesting branch of ovir Revolutionary Annals, StiU, I have to remark, that I have repeatedly been ready to abandon the pursuit iu despair. For, to weave into correct and continuous narratives the occasional allusions of books and State Papers ; to join together fragmentary events and incidents ; to distinguish persons of the same surname or family name, when only that name is mentioned ; and to reconcile the disagreements of various epistolary and verbal communications ; has seemed, at times, utterly impossible. There are some who can fully appreciate these, and other difficulties, which beset the task, and who will readily understand why many of the Notices are meagre ; and why, too, it is possible for others to be, in one or more particulars, inaccurate. Indeed, I may appeal to the closest students of our history, as my best witnesses, to prove that entire correctness and fulness of detail, in tracing the course, and in ascer taining the fate, of the adherents of the Crown, are not now within the power of the most careful and industrious. Of several of the Loyalists who were high in office of others who were men of talents and acquirements and of still others who were of less consideration I have been able, after long and extensive researches PREFACE. V to learn scarcely more than their names, or the single fact, that, for their political opinions or offences, they were proscribed and banished. But I have deemed it best to exclude no one, whether of exalted or hum ble station, of whose attachment to the cause of the mother country I have found satisfactory, or even reasonable, evidence. In following out this plan, rep etition of the same facts, as applicable to different person.s, has been unavoidable. That 1 have some times erred, by including among the '' Tories " a few who finally became Whigs, is very probable. To change from one side to the other, both during the controversy which preceded the shedding of blood, and at various periods of the war, was not uncom mon ; and I have been struck, in the covirse of my investigations, with the aljsence of fixed principles, not only among peoigle in tlie_ common walks of life, but in many of the prominent personages of the dav._ The number of books from which information is to be obtained is limited. A few, however, have afforded me essential aid : among these, I gladly notice Force's American Archives ; Onderdonk's Revolutionary Inci dents of the counties of Queen's, Suffolk, and King's, New York ; Brewster's Rambles about Portsmouth ; Hall's History of Eastern Vermont; Holland's His tory of Western Massachusetts ; McRee's Life and Correspondence of Iredell ; O'Callaghan's Document ary History of New York ; Penn.sylvania Archives ; Gentleman's Magtizine; Sprague's Annals of the Amer ican Pulpit ; Updike's Rhode Island Bar, and Narra gansett Church ; Wheeler's Historical Sketches of North Carolma ; White's Historical Collections ol vi PREFACE. Georgia ; Van Schaack's Life of Peter Van Schaack ; Almon's Remembrancer ; Shippen Papers ; Journals of the Provincial Congress of the Thirteen States ; Meade's Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia ; Army and Navy Lists ; Miss Caulkins's His tory of Norwich ; Lee's War in the South ; Burke's British Peerage ; Sparks's Washington ; McCall's His tory of Georgia ; Curwen's Journal ; Simcoe's Jour nal ; Stone's Life of Brant ; Simms's Life of Greene and of Marion ; State Papers of the United States ; American Quarterly Register ; and Pamphlets and Tracts of the Revolutionary era, both British and American. So, too, I gladly acknowledge my obligations to Winthrop Sargent, Henry Onderdonk, Jr., George Chandler, E. W. B, Moody, Porter C. Bliss, Edward D. Ingraham, Henry Pennington, William S. Leland, Robert H. Gardiner, J. B. Bright, John Watts De Peyster, and Edward D. Harris, for contributions of materials, or for personal researches in my behalf, or for the use of rare papers. In conclusion, a word of grateful mention of Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., the publishers. Seven teen years ago, when the " Tories " had seemingly passed into utter and deserved oblivion, these gen tlemen published the "American Loyalists," without the hope of gain, and with the probability, indeed, of actual loss ; and they voluntarily take the risk of the present Work under circumstances adverse to adequate pecuniary profit. For them and for myself I may venture to add, that the principal re ward is found in the belief that we have done some thing for the cause of human brotherhood, by les- PREFACE. vu sening the rancor — even the hate — which long existed between the children of the winners, and the children of the expatriated losers, in the civil war which dismembered the Empire. RoxBURY, Massachusetts, April, 1864. CONTENTS HISTORICAL ESSAY CHAPTER I. Taxation did but accelerate the Dismemberment of the British Empire. Several Causes of Disaffection on the part of the Colonists briefly stated. Acts of Parliament which inhibited Labor in the Colonic-s, Opposition to the Navigation Act and the Laws of Trade in the Time of the Stuarts. Kcncwed after the lapse of nearly a Century. Mobs and Collisions, Seizures and Rescues, in consequence. The Question of "Time- Pence" the Pound on Tea discussed. The Bar barous Commercial Code of England. The Contraband Trade in Tea, Wine, Fruit, Sugar, and Molasses. The Measures of the Ministry to suppress it. One fourth part of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence Merchants or Shipmasters. Hancock prosecuted in the Admiralty Courts to recover nearly Half a Million of Dol lars. The Loyalists great Smugglers after removing from the United Slates ..... 1-14 CHAPTER II. Siair of Political Parties in the New England Colonies . 15-27 CHAlTKlt 111. Slate of Political I'arties in the Middle Ciili>iiies '.'8-33 CIIAPTEK IV Sljitc of Political Parties in ihc Southern Culoiilc^ 34— t^ CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Newspapers in the Thirteen Colonies. Political Writers, Whig and Loy alist, North and South. Seminaries of Learning. Condition of the Press, &c., at the Revolutionary Era. Means for diffusing Knowledge limited 49-54 CHAPTER VL Political Divisions in Colonial Society. Most of those in Office adhered to the Crown. Charge of the Loyalists that the Whigs were mere needy Place-Hunters, answered. Loyalist Clergymen, Lawyers, and Physicians 55-61 CHAPTER vn. The Reasons given for Adherence to the Crown. The Published Declar ations of the Whigs that they wished for a Redress of Wrongs and the Restoration of Ancient Privileges, as found in " Novanglus." Rapid Statement of Colonial Disabilities, which the Whig Leaders hardly mentioned in the Controversy, and which appear embodied for the first time in the Declaration of Independence. Denials of Whig Leaders, North and South, that they designed at the Beginning of the Controversy to separate from England. Reasons of the Loyalists for the Course adopted by them, concluded ..... 62-68 CHAPTER viii. Loyalists who entered the Military Service of the Crown . . 69-74 CHAPTER IX. Whig Mobs before the Appeal to Arms, and tarring and feathering. Punishments of Loyalists during the ^Var for overt Acts in favor of the Crown, and for speaking, writing, or acting against the Whigs. Proscription, Banishment, and Confiscation Acts of the State Gov- ernmerts. The Laws which divested the Loyalists of their Estates examined .......... 75-87 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER X. The Course of the " Violent Whigs " towards the Loyalists, at the Peace, discussed and condemned 88-93 CHAPTER XL Discussions at Paris between the Commissioners for concluding Terms of Peace, on the Question of Compensation to the Loyalists for their Losses during the War, by Confiscation and otherwise. Rejisons why Congress refused to make Recompense, stated and defended. The Provisions of the Treaty unsatisfactory in this particular. The Parties interested appeal to Parliament. Debates in the Lords and Commons. The Recommendation of Congress to the States to afford Relief in certain Cases, disregarded 94-103 CHAPTER XIL The Loyalists apply to Parliament for Relief The King, in his Speech, recommends Attention to their Claims. Commissioners appointed. Complaints of the Loyalists on various Grounds. Number of Claim ants, and Schedules of their Losses. Delay of the Commissioners in adjusting Claims, and Distresses in consequence. Discussion in Par liament. Final Number of Claimants, Final Amount of Schedules, and Final Award. In the Appeals to their respective Governments, the Loyalists fared better than the Whigs .... 104-113 CHAPTER XIII. The Banished Loyalists and their Descendants. Progress of Whig Prin ciples in tho Canadas, in New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The whole System of Monopoly, on which the Colonial System was founded and maintained, surrendered. The Colonists now manufacture what they will, buy where they please, and sell where they can. England herself has pronounced the Vindication of the Whig,s. The Heir to the British Throne at Mount Vernon and Bunker Hill. The Colo nists claim to hold the highest Places in the Government, in the .\rmy, and in the Navy. Effects of the Change of Policy. The Children of the Whigs and of the Loyalists, reconciled . . . 114-137 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. Introductory Remarks. Principles of Unbelief prevalent. The Whigs lose sight of their Original Purposes, and propose Conquests. Decline of Public Spirit. Avarice, Rapacity, Traffic with the Enemy. Gam bling, Speculation, Idleness, Dissipation, and Extravagance. Want of Patriotism. Excessive Issue of Paper might have been avoided. Recruits for the Army demand Enormous Bounty. Shameless De sertions and Immoralities. Commissions in the Army to men desti tute of Principle. Court-martials frequent, and many Officers Cash iered. Resignations upon Discreditable Pretexts, and alarmingly prevalent. The Public Mind fickle, and Disastrous Changes in Congress 138-152 PRELIMINARY HISTORICAL ESSAY. [In this Essay, 1 avail myself of such parts of my own contributions to the " North American Review " as are pertinent to my purpose.] CHAPTER I. Taxation did but accelerate the Dismemberment of the British Empire. Several Causes of Disaffection on the part of the Colonists briefly stated. Acts of Parliament which inhibited Labor in the Colonies. Opposition to the Navigation Act and the Laws of Trade in the Time of the Stuarts. Renewed after the lapse of nearly a Century. Mobs and Collisions, Seizures and Rescues, in consequence. The Question of " Three Pence " the Pouud on Tea discussed. The Barbarous Com mercial Code of England. The Contraband Trade in Tea, Wine, Fruit, Sugar, and Molasses. The Measures of the Ministry to sup press it. One fourth part of the Signers of the Declaration of In dependence Merchants or Shipmasters, Hancock prosecuted in the Admiralty Courts to recover nearly Half a Million of Dollars. The Loyalists great Smugglers after removing from the United States. The thoughts and deductions which I shall pre sent are essentially my own, and I shall address the reader directly and without reserve. Many things which are necessary to a right understanding of the revolutionary controversy have been, as I conceive, wholly omitted, or only partially and obscurely stated. To me, the lives of the instruments of human prog ress run into one another, and become so interwoven as to appear but the continuation of a single life. It VOL I. I ^ HISTORICAL ESSAY. is SO in the history of a country ; and I am weary of reading that the stamp duty and the tea duty were the " causes " of the American Revolution. Colonies become nations as certainly as boys become men, and by a similar law. The " Declaration " of the fifty-six, at Philadelphia, was but the " Contract " signed by the forty-one sad and stricken ones in the waters of Provincetown, with the growth of one hundred and fifty-six years. The intermediate oc currences were sources of discipline, of development, and of preparation. At most, taxation and the kin- 'dred questions did but accelerate the dismemberment of the British Empire, just as a man whose lungs are half consumed hastens the crisis by suicide. The writers who insist that the Whigs "went to war for a preamble," and who confine their views to the question of " taxation without representation," seem to forget that the conquest of Canada relieved the Colonies of all apprehension as related to the French, and was the beginning of a series of events, which, as we reason of cause and effect, led naturally and certainly to freedom. They forget, too, the dis cussions on the subject of introducing Episcopal bish ops, and giving precedence to the Established Church ; the misrepresentations in Parliament and elsewhere of the principal officers who served in the French war ; the plan to consolidate British America, to take away the charters of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut; to reduce the whole Thirteen to a common system of government, with new boundaries to some, and with restrictions to all ; the suo-gestion to create a colonial peerage ; the practice of confer ring legislative, executive, and judicial offices on the HISTORICAL ESSAY. 3 same person ; the neglect of native talents in civil life, except when connected with officials of English birth, or with the "old colonial families;" and the denial of promotion to officers of distinguished mili tary ability, as well as the studied insult of allowing a captain in the " regulars " to rank and to command a colonel in the " provincials." And let us examine the political questions which formed elements in the momentous struggle as they really were, and as we speak of passing events in which we ourselves participate. To me, the docu mentary history, the state-papers of the revolution ary era, teach nothing more clearly than this, namely, that almost every matter brought into discussion was practical, and in some form or other related to labor, — to some branch of common industry. Our fathers did indeed, in their appeals to the people, embody their opposition to the measures of the mother country, in one expressive term — "Taxation" — "Taxation without Representation," But whoever has exam ined the acts of Parliament which were resisted, has found that nearly all of them inhibited Labor. There were no less than twenty-nine laws, which re stricted and bound down Colonial industry. Neither of these laws touched so much as the " southwest side of a hair" of an "abstraction," and hardly one of them, until the passage of the " Stamp Act," imposed a direct " Tax." They were aimed at the North, and England lost the affection of the mercantile and mar itime classes of the northern Colonies full a genera tion before she alienated the South, They forbade the use of waterfalls, the erecting of machinery, of looms and spindles, and the working of wood and 4 HISTORICAL ESSAY. iron ; they set the king's arrow upon trees that I'otted in the forest ; they shut out markets for boards and fish, and seized sugar and molasses, and the vessels m which these articles were carried; and they defined the limitless ocean as but a narrow pathway to such of the lands that it embosoms as wore the British flag. To me, then, the great object of the Revolution was to release labor from these restrictions, Free- laborers — inexcusable in this — began with sacking houses, overturning public offices, and emptying tar- barrels and pillow-cases upon the heads of those who were employed to enforce these oppressive acts of Parliament; and when the skill and high intellect which were enlisted in their cause, and which vainly strove to moderate their excess, failed to obtain a peaceable redress of the wrongs of which they com plained, and were driven either to abandon the end in view, or to combine and wield their strength, men of all avocations rallied upon the field and embarked upon the sea, to retire from neither until the very framework of the Colonial system was torn away, and every branch of industry could be pursued with out fines or imprisonment. Such are the opinions, at least, that I have formed on the questions upon which, among the mass of the people, the contest hinged ; which finally united per sons of every employment in hfe in an endeavor to get rid of prohibitions that remonstrance could not repeal, or even humanize. For a higher or holier purpose than this, men have never expended their money, or poured out their lifeblood in battle! The claims of the merchants and .ship-owners have never, as it seems to me, been fully or fairl\- stated. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 5 They were undoubtedly the first persons in America who set themselves in array against the measures of the ministry. The causes of their opposition have already incidentally appeared, but some farther no tice should now be taken of their efforts to obtain the right of free navigation of the ocean. The Stamp Act, and other statutes of a kindred nature, have been made, I think, to occupy too prominent a place among the causes assigned for that event. The irritation which the duties on stamps excited in the planting Colonies subsided as soon as the law which imposed them was repealed ; and I submit, that, but for the policy which oppressed the commerce aud in hibited the use of the waterfalls of New England, the " dispute " between the mother and her children would have been "left," as Wa.shington breathed a wish that it might be, " to posterity to determine." While Cromwell lived. Colonial trade was free ; but after his death, the maritime interests of America soon felt the difference between a Puritan and a Stuart. Measures were taken by Charles, with all possible speed, to restrain and regulate the inter course of the Colonies with countries not in subjec tion to him, and even that with England herself At the period when his designs were to be executed, Massachusetts, foremost in all marine enterprises, not only traversed the sea at will, but had her own plan of revenue, and a collector of her customs, and ex acted fees of vessels arriving at her ports. The mer chants of Boston had dealings with Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, the Canaries, and even with Guinea and Madagascar, and had accumulated considerable wealth. The trade of Connecticut, of Rhode Island, 1* 6 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and of the other Colonies, was small and limited. But as a commercial spirit existed everywhere, and as every Colony had some share in the traffic which was to be checked, or, if possible, to be entirely broken up, none were disposed to sulimit quietly to the measures which were meant to effect either of these purposes. When, then, the royal collectors of the customs came over from England to carry out the will of their sovereign, they were met with re sistance from one end of the continent to the other. In truth, the difficulties with Randolph, in Massachu setts, and with Bacon, in Virginia ; the strenuous op position to the establishment of a custom-house in Maryland, and the killing of Rousby ; the insurrec tion in North Carolina, and the imprisonment of Mil ler ; the quarrels with Muschamp in South Carolina ; the indictment of the Duke of York's collector in New York, and the conduct of juries in New Jer sey, in prosecutions against smugglers, serve to show that the Colonists, when few, scattered, and weak, asserted their right to manage their affairs upon the ocean according to their own pleasure. In a word, the first effort to fasten upon American merchants and ship-owners the Navigation Act and Laws of Trade was a signal failure ; and all serious endeav ors to arrest the course or restrain the limits of their maritime enterprises were discontinued for nearly a century. Collectors of the customs were, however, continued at all the principal ports ; but they seldom interfered to trouble those who embarked in unlaw ful adventures, and such adventures were finally un dertaken without fear, and almost without hazard. In truth, the commerce of America was practically HISTORICAL ESSAY. 7 free. Some merchants " smuggled " whole cargoes outright ; others paid the king's duty on a part, gave " hush-money " to the under-officers of the customs, and " run " the balance. Suddenly, and without warning, there came a change. The year 1761 was filled with events of momentous consequence. We find the merchants of the ports of New England, and especiallj^ those of Boston and Salem, deeply exasperated by the at tempts of the revenue officers, under fresh and per emptory orders, to exact strict observance of the laws of navigation and trade ; and, by a pretension set up under these instructions, to enter and search places I suspected of containing smuggled goods. To submit to this pretension, was to surrender the quiet of their homes and the order of their warehouses to the un derlings of the government, and the property which they held to the rapacity of informers, whose gains would be in proportion to their wickedness. Those, therefore, of the two principal towns of Mas.^achu- setts, who were interested in continuing the business which they had long pursued without molestation, and under a sort of prescriptive right, and in pre serving their property from the grasp of pimps and spies, determined to withstand the crown-officers, and to ajjpeal to the tribunals for protection against their claims. James Otis threw up an honorable and prof itable station to become their advocate, and, by his plea in their behalf, became also the first champion of the Revolution. From this period until the commencement of hos tilities, there was no season of quiet in either of the Colonies which depended upon maritime pursuits ; 8 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and in Massachusetts, the scenes of tumult and wild commotion which occurred, were the prelude of open war. The nine years which preceded the affray — • absurdly called the "Boston Massacre" — were crowd ed with acts, which show to what extent the quarrels had spread, and what strength the popular wrath had attained. The revision of the " Sugar Act," and the exertions to carry out its new provisions, aided, as the revenue officers now were, hy ships of war and an increase of their own corps, carried consternation to every fireside in the North. Another step in the controversy, and we stand beside the " tea-.ships." I have no space to discuss the question of the " three-pence the pound duty on tea," but I must enter my dissent from the common view of it. To me, it was not, as it has been re garded, a question of " ta.vation" but essentially, like all the others between the merchants and the crown, one of commerce. The statements of Hutchinson, the debates in Parliament, and the state-papers and the documents which I have examined, all go to prove that the object of the mother country was mainly to break up the contraband trade of the Colonial mer chants with Holland and her possessions, and to give | to her own East India Company the supply oif the/ Colonial markets. The value of the tea consumed in America was estimated at £300,000 annually. Nearly the whole quantity was " smuggled." Penn sylvania, New York, and Massachusetts, were, the great marts. The risk of seizure for many years Avas small ; and it is said, that, at one period, not one chest in five hundred of that which was landed in Boston fell into the hands of the officers of the cus- HISTORICAL ESSAY, 9 toms. Some of the merchants of that town had become rich in the traffic, and a considerable part of the large fortune which Hancock inherited from his uncle ^ was thus acquired. In this condition of things the Company could not sell the qualities of tea which, year after jear, they provided for the American market, and which were not wanted anywhere else ; and the result finally was, the loss of millions of dollars, the suspension of dividends to shareholders, and inability to meet their large pecuniary engagements to the government. The embarrassments of the Company, in fine, gave a shock to commercial credit generally ; bankruptcy was frequent ; manufacturers stopped work ; thou sands of weavers roamed the streets in utter distres.s, and thousands more subsisted on charity. Under these circumstances, to break up the contraband trade was of vast moment; and the ministry were forced, as they reasoned, to assist the Company on grounds of inter est and policy. The Dutch tea was inferior to the English, as was universally admitted, and the latter, if afforded to the consumer at as low a price, would, it was thought, expel the poorer, or the smuggled ar ticle at once. Opposition to the measure on the part of the Colonists, does not seem to have been appre hended for a moment. To reduce the duty from a shil Ung the pound, payable in England, to "three-pence," payable in the ports to which it should be exported from the Company's warehouses, allowed the article to be sold in America nine-pence the pound cheaper than it had been afforded under the old rate of duty ; 1 Thomas Hancock's plan of smuggling was to put his tea in molasses- hogheads, and thus " run " it, or import it without payment of duties. 10 HISTORICAL ESSAY. 'while, by securing the market, it at the same time se- ' cured a revenue on whatever quantity might actually be entered at the Colonial custom-houses. Such is my understanding of the plan, its reasons, and its ob jects ; aud it is pertinent to remark, that, if the " tax " had really been its objectionable feature, it is singular that no clamor was raised while the duty was four times " three-pence " the pound. At ihd rate. Whig merchants, as well as others, had made small importations from England, in order " to cover" the larger and illicit importations from Holland and her dependencies. It is equally pertinent to observe, that the English merchants, who sent tea to parts of America where the contraband trade was less exten sively pursued, were as hostile to a measure which threatened them with the loss of their customers, as were their commercial brethren in the Colonies, who were to be sufferers from the same cause. The " tea" which came charged with "three-pence" duty, payable on being landed, was disposed of in various ways. As a punishment for the destruction of that sent to Boston, that port was shut up, and its commerce thus- struck down at a blow. The cutting off the fisheries, which were then the very lifeblood of New England, soon followed the passage of the " Boston Port Bill," and was the crowning act of the policy which produced an appeal to arms. When the tidings that no vessels could now enter or leave the harbor of the capital of the North spread through the land, the cry that " Boston is suffering in the cause which henceforth interests all America," rose spontaneously. Public meetings were held in all parts of the country. People met in the open air. HISTORICAL ESSAY, 11 in churches, and court-houses, to express their horror of the oppressors, and their sympathy with the op pressed. I have examined the proceedings of no less than sixty-seven of these meetings, of which twenty- seven were held in Virginia, and all but one in jilaces south of New England. The day that the Port Bill went into operation was one of gloom and sadness everywhere ; and the predictions, on both sides of the Atlantic, that it would produce a general confed eration, and end in a general revolt, were of rapid fulfilment. In their opposition to the Navigation Act and , Laws of Trade, the merchants and ship-owners were entirely right. Obedience to humane laws is due from every member of the community. But the barbar-, ous code of commercial law, which disgraced the statute book of England for the exact century which intervened between the introduction and expulsion of her Colonial collectors and other officers of the customs, was entitled to no respect whatever. The commercial code was so stern and cruel, that an American merchant was compelled to evade a law of the realm, in order to give a sick neighbor an orange or cordial of European origin, or else obtain them legally, loaded with the time, risk, and expense of a voyage from the place of growth or manufacture to England, and thence to his own warehouse. An American ship-owner or ship-master, when wrecked on the coast of Ireland, was not allowed to unlade his cargo on the shore where his vessel was stranded, but was required to send his merchandise to -Eng land, when, if originally destined for, or wanted in, the Irish market, an English vessel might carry it 12 HISTORICAL ESSAY. thither. At the North, a market for all the dried fish which were caught was indispensable to the prosecu tion of the fisheries. But the policy of the mother country provided penalties, and the confiscation of vessel and cargo, for a sale of such proportion of the annual " catch " as was unfit for her own ports, or was not wanted in her own possessions in the Caribean Sea, if carried to the islands which owned subjection to France or Spain. These were some of the features of the odious system which prevailed, and which was never abolished, until American vessels went out upon the ocean under a new flag. Nine tenths, probably, of all the tea, wine, fruit, sugar, and molasses, consumed in the Colonies, were smuggled. To put an end to this illicit traffic was the determined purpose of the ministry. The com manders of the ships of war on the American sta tion were accordingly commissioned as officers of the customs; and, to quicken their zeal, they were to share in the proceeds of confiscations ; the courts to decide upon the lawfulness of seizures, were to be composed of a single judge, without a jury, whose emoluments were to be derived from his own con demnations ; the governors of the Colonies and the mihtaiy officers were to be rewarded for their ac tivity by sharing, also, either in the property con demned, or in the penalties annexed to the inter dicted trade. Boston was the great offijnder; and soon twelve .ships of war, mounting no less than two hundred and sixty gun.s, were assembled in the har bor of that port, for revenue service on the Atlantic coast. The merchants of the sea-ports were roused to preserve their business ; and when the controversy HISTORICAL ESSAY. 13 came to blows, lawyers who had espoused their cause in the mere course of professional duty, were among the efficient advocates for liberty. One quarter part of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were bred to trade, or to the command of ship.s,' and more than one of them was branded with the epithet of " smuggler." It was fit, then, that Hancock, who, at the .shedding of blood at Lexington, was respond ent in the Admiralty Court, in suits of the Crown, to recover nearly half a million of dollars as penalties alleged to have been incurred for violations of the statute-book: it was fit that he should be the first to affix his name to an instrument which, if made good, would save him from ruin, and give his countrymen free commerce with all the world. In conclusion, a single word more. The Loyalists who, at the peace, removed to the present British Colonies, and their children after them, smuggled almost every article of foreign origin from the fron tier ports of the United States, for more than half a century, and until England relaxed her odious com mercial policy. The merchant in whose counting- house I myself was bred, sold the "old Tories" and their descendants large quantities of tea, wine, .spices, silks, crapes, and other articles, as a part of his regu lar business. I have not room to relate the plans devised by sellers and buyers to elude the officers of the Crown, or the perils incurred by the latter, at times, while crossing the Bay of Fundy on their pas- ' John Hancock, John Langdon, Samuel Adams, W^illiani Whipple, George C'lymer, Stephen Hopkins, Francis Lewis, Philip Livingston, El- bridgc Gcriy, Joseph Ilewes, George Taylor, Roger Sherman, Button Gwinnett, and Robert Morris. VOL. I. 2 14 HISTORICAL ESSAY. sage homeward. But I cannot foi'bear the remark, that, as the finding of a single box of contraband tea caused the confiscation of vessel and cargo, the smugglers kept vigilant watch with glasses, and com mitted the fatal herb to the sea, the instant a rev enue cutter or ship of war hove in sight in a quarter to render capture probable. When a spectator of the scene, as I often was, how could I but say to my self, — " The destruction of tea in Boston, December, 1773, in principle, how like ! " CHAPTER II. State of Political Parties in the New England Colonies. Leaving here this course of general remark, I pro pose to take a view of the revolutionary controversy, and of the state of parties, in each Colony separately and in course. And first in Massachusetts' Colony of Maine, Of the immense domain,?, embracing almost the half of our continent, which, in 1620, King James conferred upon those gentlemen of his court who, in popular language, are known as the " Council of Plymouth," Maine formed a part. Among the most distinguished members of this Council was Sir Fer- dinando Gorges ; to whom, and to John Mason, the Council, two years after the date of their own pat ent, conveyed all the lands and " fishings " between the rivers Merrimack and Sagadahoc. Subsequently, and rapidly, other grants covered the same soil, and angry and endless contentions followed. But Gorges, bent on leaving his name in our annals, obtained of Charles the First a grant for himself, individually, of the territory between the Piscataqua and b'agada- hoc, and thence from the sea one hundred and twenty miles northward. These were the ancient limits of the " Province of Maine." Having now a sort of double title. Gorges might reasonably hope that his rights were perfect, and that he might pur sue his plans without interruption. But Massachu- 16 HISTORICAL ESSAY. setts, on the one hand, insisted that her boundaries were narrowed by the grants to Mason and himself; while the Council, on the other, with inexcusable care lessness or dishonesty, continued to alienate the very soil which he held, both from themselves and their common master. Thus he was harassed his life long, and went to his grave old and worn out with per plexities and the political sufferings and losses of a most troubled period. He was a soldier, and a tried friend of the Stuarts in their times of need, of which their reigns were full, and was plundered and impris oned in their wars. Thus, then, Maine was not founded by a Puritan, But after the death of Gorges, his son deemed his possessions in America of little or no worth, and took no pains to retain them, or to carry out his designs ; and his grandson, to whom his rights descended, gave to Massachusetts a full assignment and release for the insignificant consideration of twelve hundred and fifty pounds sterling ; a sum less than one sixteenth of the amount which had been actually expended. By this purchase, however, Massachusetts acquired only a part of Maine as now constituted. France made preten sions to all that part lying east of the Penobscot, and the Duke of York to the part between the Penobscot and the Kennebec ; nor was it until the reign of Wil liam and Mary, that disputes about boundaries were merged, and the St. Croix and Piscataqua became the acknowledged charter frontiers. Soon after the bargain was made with Gorges's heir, Massachusetts lost her own charter ; and it was not among the least of the causes of Charles's anger against her, that she had thwarted his design of pro- HISTORICAL ESSAY, 17 curing Maine for his natural son, the Duke of Mon mouth. The newly acquired province was thought valuable only for its forests of pine, and for the fish eries of its coasts. But Massachusetts had objects beyond cutting down trees and casting fishing-lines. Her " presumption " in crossing the path of royalty has often been condemned. But the citizens of Maine cannot too often commend the indomitable spirit which she evinced in her struggle to root out Gorges and the Cavaliers orMonarchists of his plant ing, and to put in their place the humbler but purer Roundheads or Puritans of her own kindred. Had .she faltered, when dukes and lords signed parchments that conveyed away soil which she claimed; had she not sought to push her sovereignty over men and terri tories not originally her own ; had she not broken down French seigniories and English feoffdoms, Maine, east of Gorges's eastern boundary, might have continued a part of the British empire to this hour. This opinion is given considerately, and not to round out a period. And whoever will consult the diplomacy of 1783, will learn that, even as it was, the British Commissioners contended that the Ken nebec should divide the thirteen States from the Col onies which had remained true to the crown. Yet fishing and lumbering continued to be the two great branches of industry in Maine, until the Revo lution. The new charter, procured of William and Mary, confirmed Massachusetts in her acquisitions east of the Piscataqua ; but it contained several re strictions which bore hard upon both of these inter ests. The most prominent I shall briefly notice, be cause they had a direct influence in the formation 2* 18 HISTORICAL ESSAY. of political parties. And, first, that instrument pro vided, that all pine-trees, of the diameter of twenty- four inches at more than a foot from the ground, on lands not granted to private persons, should be re served for masts for the royal navy; and that, for cutting down any such tree without special leave, the offender should forfeit one hundred pounds ster ling. This stipulation was the source of ceaseless disquiet, and it introduced, to guard the forests from depredation, an officer called the " Surveyor-General of the King's Woods." Between this functionary, who enjoyed a high salary, considerable perquisites, and great power, and the lumberers, there was no love. The officials of the day, who were now of royal appointment, and not, as under the first char ter, elected by the people, generally ranged them selves on the side of the surveyors, their deputies and menials ; while the House of Representatives, as commonly, opposed their doings, and countenanced the popular clamors against them. Nor were the controversies, caused by the efforts of the surveyors to preserve .spars for the royal navy, confined to the halls of legislation in Massachusetts. For, beside these, and the frequent quarrels in the woods and at the saw-mills, the disputes between the parties were carried to the Board of Trade in England. There seemed, indeed, in the judgment of several of the colonial governors, no way for them to please their royal master more, than by discoursing about the care which should be exercised over the "mast-trees," and about the severity with which the statute-book should provide against " trespassers." In a word, prerogative and the popular sentiment never agreed. HISTORICAL ESSAY, 19 Discussions about the forests of Maine again and again ended in wrangles. Friendships were broken up, and enmities created for life. This is emphatically true of Shute's administration, when Cooke, the Counsel lor of Sagadahoc, and the champion of the " fierce democracy " — as his father had been before him — involved the whole government of Massachusetts in "disputes, which, in the end, drove the Governor home to England. And so, subsequently, a forged letter, probably written by " trespassers " or their friends to Sir Charles Wager, first lord of the Admiralty, charg ing Governor Belcher with conniving with depreda tors, though seemingly aiding the king's surveyor, — that "Irish dog of a Dunbar," — did its intended work. Shirley, Belcher's successor, when he pressed upon the House the necessity of further enactments to protect the masts and spars for the royal navy, and to punish those who obstructed or annoyed the royal agents, was tartly told in substance, by that body : " Ovir laws are sufficient ; we have done our duty in passing them ; let the croAvn officers do their duty in enforcing them." Hutchinson, for a like call upon the House, was in like manner reminded, in terms hardly more civil, that there were already charter and statute penalties for " trespassers," a sur veyor-general and deputies, and courts of law ; and that, provided with these, he must look to the pines " twenty-four inches in diameter, upwards of twelve inches from the ground," for himself The means for dealing with offenders, it must be confessed, were am ple : the crown could try them in the Court of Ad miralty, where there was no jury ; upon conviction for a common trespass, a fine of £100 could be im- 20 HISTORICAL ESSAY. posed ; and for the additional misdeed of plunder ing the interdicted trees under a painted or disguised face, twenty lashes could be laid on the culprit's back ; while, more than all, convictions could be had on probable guilt, unless the accused would, on oath, de clare his innocence. But there was no such thing as executing these laws, when it was the popular impression that the woods were " the gifts as well as the growth of na ture ; " and that the king's right to them was merely " nominal," at the most. The provision of the charter was both unwise and unjust. To reserve to the crown a thousand times as many trees as it could ever re quire, and to allow all to decay that were not actually used, was absurd. Men of the most limited capacity saw and felt this ; and to wean them froni a power which insisted, in spite of all remonstrance, in enforc ing the absurdity, was an easy task. And we can readily imagine, what indeed is true, that the wood men of Maine, when rid, by the Revolution, of the presence of surveyor-generals and their deputies, ex ulted as heartily as did the peasants of France, when the outbreak there abolished forest laws somewhat dissimilar, but equally obnoxious. Again. The action of Parliament with regard to taxing lumber, admitting it free, or even encourag ing its exportation, by bounties, was eagerly watched. The mother country pursued all of these courses at different times, and gave dissatisfaction, or created discontent, among the getters and dealers in the ar ticle, as changes occurred in her policy ; just as she does now, with those Colonial possessions which yet remain to her. The "mast^ships" at the North, like HISTORICAL ESSAY. 21 the " tobacco-ships " at the South, were the common, and oftentimes the only, means for crossing the ocean ; and royal governors and other high personages were occasionally compelled to embark in them. In these clumsy, ill-shapen vessels, also went ladies and lovers to visit friends in that distant land, which some Amer icans yet call " home," Merchandise, fashions, and the last novel had a slow voyage back ; but men and maidens were models of patience, and the ar^jyal of the eleven weeks " mast-er " gave as much j^^when all was safe, as does the eleven days steamer now. In port, while loading, the " mast-ships " were objects of interest, and their decks and cabins the scenes of hilarity and mirth. We read of illuminations and firings of cannon, of frolics and feasts. The mast-trade was confined to England ; and the transportation of spars thither, and of the sawed and shaved woods required by the planter, to islands in the West Indies possessed by the British crown, was about the only lawfid modes of exporting lumber for a long period. By the statute-book, the "king's mark" was as much to be dreaded by the mariner and the owner of the vessel, as by the " logger " and the "mill- man." But the revenue officers caused less fear than the surveyors of the woods, until fleets and armies were employed to aid them ; when the interdicted trade with the French and Spanish islands, which had been carried on by a sort of prescriptive right, was nearly, if not entirely, broken up. No enactments of the mother country operated to keep down Northern industry so eflfectually, poorly as they were obeyed, as the navigation and trade laws ; and on none did they bear more severely than on that portion of the 22 HISTORICAL ESSAY. people, whose position or necessities left them no choice of employments. There were some, nor were they few, who were obliged to plunder the forests, and to work up trees into marketable shapes, or starve. Included with these inhabitants of Maine, were those who lived upon the coasts — the mari ners and the fishermen. The interests of all these classes were identical; and to them the maritime pol icy of the government of England was cruel in the extreme; since it robbed unremitting toil of half its reward. Lumber and fish wei'e inseparable com panions in every adventure to the islands in the Car ibbean sea. Enterprises to get either were hazard-' ous, at the best ; and, as practical men can readily perceive, all who engaged in obtaining them, were obliged then, as they are now, to seek different mar kets ; so that to shut some marts, when access to all would barely remunerate the adventurers, was, in effect, to close the whole. These employments were, as they still are, among the most difficult and severe in the whole round of human pursuits ; and attempts to alleviate the burdens of parliamentary legislation upon both were made in Massachusetts, long before a whisper of discontent was elsewhere uttered in Amer ica, The discussions in that Colony, in behalf of her citizens at home and of those in Maine who were en gaged in getting and transporting the products of the forest and of the sea, though commenced without ref erence to separation from the mother country, took fast hold of the pubhc mind. When, then, Otis at length spoke out, thousands who never heard or read his reasonings, and might not have felt their force if they had, were ready, at the first call, to clear the HISTORICAL ESSAY. 23 woods, and docks, and warehouses, and decks of ves sels of the "swarms of officers" who "harassed" them, and " eat out their substance." The troubles which I have now enumerated, the disputes which grew out of the question, Avhether, as the territories purchased of Gorges had never reverts ed to the crown, the surveyor-general's duty did, in fact, require him to mark and protect the mast-trees within their limits, and especially the charter inhibi tion of grants east of the Kennebec without the king's consent, kept out settlers, held titles in suspense, and were sufficient not only to alienate the affections of the people from the British crown, but to confine them to a narrow belt of country. As may be supposed, the body of the people were Whigs, Still, Maine had a considerable number of Loyalists or Tories, To afford them a place of refuge i and protection was the principal object, as I have been! led to conclude, of establishing a military post at the mouth of the Penobscot, The descendants of LoyOjl- ists Avho found shelter in the garrison at Castine, rep resent that it was thronged with adherents of the crown and their families ; and, after the discomfiture of Saltonstall and Lovell, they were left in undis turbed quiet during the remainder of the war. The names of all the Tories of Maine who were proscribed and banished under the act of Massachusetts, as well as many others, will be found in their proper connec tions. In passing from Maine to New Hampshire, we shall find the general state of things very similar. The occupations of the people of the two Colonies were much alike. New Hampshire, though not an 24 HISTORICAL ESSAY. appendage of Massachusetts in 1775," had been twice annexed to the mother of New England, and had thus acquired much of her spirit. Collisions between the revenue officers and the mariners and ship-owners of Portsmouth, and between the guardians of the "king's woods " and the lumberers of the interior, had been frequent. Indeed the " loggers " and " sawyers " had whipped the deputies of the surveyor-general so often and so severely, that the term. " swamp-leiw " was quite as significant a phrase as that of " lynch-law " in our own time. Yet, as will appear, the Whigs had many and powerful opponents in the Colony planted by Mason, the associate patentee of Gorges. With regard to Massachusetts, it seems to have been taken as granted, that, because here the Revo lution had its origin ; because the old Bay State fur nished a large part of the men and the means to carry it forward to a successful issue; and because, in a word, she fairly exhausted herself in the struggle, the people embraced the popular side, almost in a mass. A more mistaken opinion than this has seldom prevailed. The second charter, or that granted by William and Mary, had several obnoxious provisions besides those which had peculiar reference to Maine, and its acceptance was violently opposed. And Phips, the Earl of Bellamont, Shute, Burnet, Belcher, Shirley, and Pownall, the several governors who were ap pointed by the crown under one of these provisions, encountered embarrassments and difficulties, and some of them were actually driven from the executive chair by the force of party heats. In fact, the "old-charter," or "liberty-men," arrayed on the one side, and the "new-charter," or "prerogative-men," on the other. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 2.5 kept up a continual warfare. When, then, in the quarrel, which was commenced with Bernard, which was continued with Hutchinson and Gage, his suc cessors, and which finally spread over the continent and severed the British empire, the terms "Whig" and " Tory " were employed, they were not used to distinguish new parties, but were shnply epithets bor rowed from the politics of the mother country, and did but take the place of the party names which had previously existed, and under which political leaders had long moved and trained their followers. As the Revolutionary controversy darkened, individuals of note did indeed change sides ; but, though some of our writers have hardly mentioned that such a state of things preceded the momentous conflict, the general truth was as I have stated. As some further details of the state of parties in Massachusetts will be given in another connection, a brief notice of the Loyalists who abandoned their homes and the country will serve my present pur pose. Of this description, vipwards of eleven hun dred retired in a body with the royal army at the evacuation of Boston, This number includes, of course, women and children. Among the men, how ever, were many persons of distinguished rank and consideration. Of members of the council, commis sioners, officers of the customs and other officials, there were one hundred and two ; of clergymen, eighteen ; of inhabitants of country towns, one hun. dred and five ; of merchants and other persons who resided in Boston, two hundred and thirteen; of farmers, mechanics, and traders, three hundred and eighty-two, VOL, I, 3 26 HISTORICAL ESSAY. Other emigrations preceded and succeeded this; but they consisted principally of individuals, or small parties of intimate friends, or families and their im mediate connections. But the whole number who embarked at different ports of Massachusetts, pend ing the controversy and during the war, were, as I am inclined to believe, two thousand, at the lowest computation. The names and the fate of a consider able proportion of them will be found in these pages. Most of them took passage for Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they endured great privations. Many, how ever, subsequently went to England, and there passed the remainder of their lives. Rhode Island and Connecticut may be consideretl together. There is but little to detain us in either. Both were governed by charters like Massachusetts, and both were " pure democracies," since, says Chal mers, " the freemen exercised without restraint every power, deliberate and executive. Like Ragusa and San Marino, in the Old World, they offered an exam ple to the New", of two little republics embosomed within a great empire," In 1704, Montpesson, the Chief Justice of New York, wrote to Lord Notting ham, that when he "was at Rhode Island, they did in all things as if they were out of the dominions of the crown." Of Connecticut, at the same period, Chal mers remarks, that, " being inhabited by a people of the same principles though of a different religion, they acted the same political part as those of Rhode Island;" and he quotes from a dispatch of Lord Corn- bury to the Board of Trade, the pithy saying, that the inhabitants of these Colonies " hate everybody that owns any subjection to the Queen " [Anne]. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 27 The Revolution, which so essentially affected the governments of most of the Colonies, produced no very perceptible alteration in those of either Rhode Island or Connecticut, x^fter Wanton, the governor of the first, was deposed, the Whigs succeeded to power without turmoil, and in the ordinary course of legislative action. Trumbull, the governor of the latter, was a sound Whig, and occupied the executive chair from 1769 to 1783. The charters of both Col onies were admirably adapted to their wants and con dition, Avhether regarded as dependencies or as free States ; and while Connecticut continued without any other fundamental law until the year 1818, Rhode Island has but lately recovered from the disquiets and animosities occasioned by the adoption of a Con stitution. Yet, though less restrained by charter provisions than Massachusetts, and though in theory "pure democracies," and bearing " hate " towards all who, in Queen Anne's time, acknowledged her authority, there was no greater unanimity of sentiment on the questions which agitated the country in 1775, than elsewhere in New England. Indeed, I feel assured that, in Connecticut, the number of adherents of the crown was greater, in proportion to the population, than in Maine, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire, This impression is warranted by documentary evi dence, and is fully sustained by facts, which have been communicated to me by descendants of Loyal ists of that Colony, CHAPTER III. State of Political Parties in the Middle Colonies. In passing from New England, we are to speak of American Colonists of different origin, and who lived under different forms of government. Thus, New York had no charter, but was governed by royal in structions, orders in council, and similar authority, communicated to the governors by the ministers " at home." The governor and council were appointed by the king, but vacancies at the council board were filled by the governor. The people elected the popu lar branch, which consisted of twenty-seven members. To say that the political institutions of New York formed a feudal aristocracg, is to define them with tol erable accuracy. The soil was held by a few. The masses were mere retainers or tenants, as in the mon archies of Europe. Nor has this condition of society been entirely changed, since the " anti-rent " dissen sions of our own time arose from the vestige which remains. Such a state of things was calculated to give the king many adherents. The fact agreed with the theory. Details may be spared. One circumstance will prove the preponderance of the royal party be yond all doul:)t ; namely, that soon after the close of the Revolution, a bill passed the House of Assembly, which prohibited persons who had been in opposition HISTORICAL ESSAY. 29 from holding any office under the State. This bill. on being sent to the other branch of the legislature, was rejected, and on the ground principally, that if allowed to become a law, no elections could be held in some parts of the State, inasmuch as there were not a sufficient number of Whigs, in certain sections, to preside at or conduct the election meet ings. While so large a proportion of the people of New York preferred to continue their connection with the mother country, very many of them entered the mili tary service of the crown, and fought in defence of their principles. Whole battalions, and even regi ments, were raised by the great landholders, and continued organized and in pay throughout the struggle. In fine, New York was undeniably the Loyalists' stronghold, and contained more of them than any other colony in all America, I will not say that she devoted her resources of men and of money to the cause of the enemy; but I do say, that she withheld many of the one, and much of the other, from the cause of the right. Massachusetts furnished 67,907 Whig soldiers between the years 1775 and 1783 ; while New York supplied but 17,781. In ad justing the war balances, after the peace, Massachu setts, as was then ascertained, had overpaid her share in the sum of 1,248,801 dollars of silver money ; but New York was deficient in the large amount of 2,074,846 dollars. New Hampshire, though almost a wilderness, furnished 12,496 troops for the continental ranks, or quite three quarters of the number enhsted in the " Empire State." These facts show the state of parties in this Colony 3* 30 HISTORICAL ESSAY. in a strong light. One other incident, which presents the wavering, time-serving course that prevailed, even after Washington had been appointed to the com mand of the army, and when, of course, the whole country was committed to sustain him, will suffice. On the 25th of June, 1775, a letter was received by the New York Provincial Congress, which communi cated intelligence that the Commander-in-chief was on his way to headquarters at Cambridge, and would cross the Hudson and visit the city. " News came at the same time," says Mr. Sparks, " that Governor Tryon was in the harbor, just arrived from England, and would land that day. The Congress were a good deal embarrassed to determine how to act on this occasion ; for though they had thrown off all allegiance to the authority of their governor, they yet professed to maintain loyalty to his person. They finally or dered a colonel so to dispose of his militia companies, that they might be in a condition to receive ' either the General, or Governor Tryon, wlncliever should first arrive, and wait on both as veil as circumstemces tvoidd allow' Events proved less perplexing than had been apprehended, as General Washington arrived several hours previous to the landing of Governor Tryon." That a Congress of Whigs should have been so irreso lute and timid, after the blood of their brethren had been poured out at Lexington and on Breed's Hill, is unaccountable. If such was their conduct, what must have been the state of feeling among the Tories, what the courage and confidence which animated them? New Jersey, says Chalmers, was " a scion from New York, and either prospered or withered, during every HISTORICAL ESSAY. 31 season, as the stock flourished or declined." Again he sav's, that "planted by Independents from New England, by Covenanters from Scotland, by conspir ators from England, such scenes of turbulence were exhibited, .... age after age, as acquired the characteristic appellation of ' The Revolutions.' " Chalmers was fond of strong and pointed expressions, and some of his statements are to be received, there fore, with allowance. He saw — as the students of our history well know — designs to throw off alle giance, to " set up for independency," and to effect " Revolutions," in the common quarrels between the Colonial Assemblies and the Governors, and in the ordinary petitions to the mother country, for redress of real or supposed wrongs. New Jersey was indeed politically annexed to New York, and the connection was dissolved and renewed several times prior to 1738. So, too, that part of it which was originally known as " East Jersey," at one period was assigned to William Penn ; while both " East and West Jersey " were subsequently added to the jurisdiction of New England. In 1702, the "Jersies" were united under one government, and received the present name ; and from 1738 to the Revolution, New Jersey had a separate Colonial government. The losses of New Jersey, in propor tion to her population and wealth, were greater, probably, than those of any other member of the Confederacy. Her soldiers, who entered the service of Congress, gained enviable renown ; and within her borders are some of the most memorable battle grounds of the Revolution. It was in New Jersey, that Washington made his best military movements, 32 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and displayed his highest qualities of character; it was there that he encountered his greatest distresses and difficulties, and earned his most enduring laurels. We come now to the "proprietary government" of Pennsylvania ; and a proprietary government in America was a monarchy in miniature. The proprietary governors were not, generally, bad men, but the rapacity of some of them was un bounded. Chalmers quotes the remark as a shrewd saying, that " a dignitary of this description had two masters : one who gave him his commission, and one who gave him his pay ; and that he was, therefore, on his good behavior to both." -^ Several, I suspect, cared very little for either of their two masters ; and he who said, that they had three things to attend to, " First, to fleece the people for the king, then for them selves, and lastly, for the proprietaries, their employ ers," told more truth, and had more wit, than the person cited by our well-informed but much preju diced annalist. It is perhaps true, that as a body, the party of wliich Franklin was a member in these dissensions, was the Whig party of the Revolution, Yet, there were exceptions ; and some of his warmest personal and political friends were found among the adherents of the crown ; while old opponents ranged themselves by his side, and did good service during the trying scenes which preceded deeds of hostility. For a time, the course of Pennsylvania was extremely doubtful. Besides the differences which existed else- 1 The reader will find some further particulars of the nature of the political institutions of Pennsylvania, in the biographical notice of John Penn. HISTORICAL ESSAY, 33 where, the religious faith of the people was opposed to the adoption of forcible means to dissolve their connection with the mother country. Hence, as in New York, timidity and indecision were evinced among the most prominent Whigs. To me, the line of conduct pursued by John Dickinson is a perfect riddle. His various, eloquent, and able tracts and essays, and the important papers and addresses which came from his pen, between the " Stamp-act Congress" in 1765 and the close of the first Con tinental Congress in 1774, gave him a wide and just fame. But in the Congress of 1776, he opposed the passage of the Declaration of Independence with great zeal ; and, as John Adams was its " great pillar and support," and "its ablest advocate and cham pion," so he, of all others, was the uncompromising antagonist of the lion-hearted patriot of the North. Unless Galloway — a name often to appear in this work — was mistaken, the Loyalists of the Middle Colonies were ready to enter the military service of the crown in large numbers. His statement is, that, had Sir William Howe issued a Proclamation when in Philadelphia, 3,500 men would have repaired to his standard; that, in that city, in New Jersey, and in New York, he could have embodied quite 5,000; that upwards of fifty gentlemen went to his camp to offer their services in disarming the disaffected, but, fail ing to obtain even an interview, retired in disgust ; and that, under Sir William's successor, 5,000 actually appeared in arms for the defence of the city of New York, CHAPTER IV. State of Political Parties in the Southern Colonies. I HAVE been able to ascertain so little of a definite character of the political condition of Delaware and Maryland, at the period to which these remarks re late, that I shall detain the reader in neither; and pass to the "Old Dominion," Virginia, like New York, was a feudal aristocracy. But there a large proportion of the landholders, unlike those of New York, were Whigs, and, of course, favored the revo lutionary movement. Yet, it does not appear, that, upon the questiom of dissolving her relation with the mother country, she was as ready as, from her early and firm opposition to the Stamp Act, might be expected. In deed, there is the highest possible evidence for be lieving that Virginia broke her Colonial bonds with hesitation. Early in March, 1776, Colonel Joseph Reed, of Pennsylvania, in a letter to Washington, observed, that there was " a strange reluctance in the minds of many to cut the knot which ties us to Great Britain, particularly in this Colony and to the srnithward." In writing again on the 15th of the same month, he was more expUcit, "It is said," — are his words, — " the Virginians are so alarmed with the idea of independence, thai they have sent Mr. Braxton on purpose to turn the vote of that Colony, if any question on that sub ject should come before Congress." Washington, in his HISTORICAL ESSAY. 35 reply to the letter of the 15th, admits that the people of Virginia, '"from tlieir for )n of government, and steady attachment heretofore to royalty, will come reluctantly into the idea of independence ; " but says, that " time and per secution bring many wonderful things to pass," and that, by private letters which he had lately received, he found Paine's celebrated essay, called " Common Sense," (which recommended separation,) was "work ing a powerful change in the minds of many men." This correspondence, as will be seen, occurred but a little more than three months previous to the time when Congress actually declared the Thirteen Colo nies to be free and independent States ; and the opinions of persons so well informed, so intimate in friendship, and occupying so responsible public sta tions, are to be regarded as decisive. Yet Washington, Henry, the Lees, Jefferson, and Bland, were, undoubtedly, the true exponents of her principles. The institutions of North Carolina were decidedly monarchical from the first. Political or social disorder seems to have prevailed, to some extent, throughout her colonial existence. Martin, the last royal govern or, stated, in 1775, that literature was hardly known, and that there were but two schools in the whole Colony. After the final overthrow of the Stuarts, many of the adherents of the last of that name who sought the British throne, fled for refuge to America, and settled within her borders. And it was singular that most of them were Loyalists ; that men who had become exiles for the part which they had taken against the House of Brunswick should here, and in another civil war, espouse its cause, and, a second 36 HISTORICAL ESSAY. time the losers, go a second time into banishment. Equally remarkable in the politics of this Colony was the course of those who, in 1771, rose in insurrection, and were known as " Regulators." These men com plained of various oppressions, but especially of those which attended the practice of law ; they appeared in arms, and were determined to prostrate the gov ernment. Governor Tryon totally defeated them, and left three hundred of their number dead on the field. They were the earliest revolutionists in Amer ica — as far as hostile deeds were concerned — and, it might be reasonably concluded, became Whigs. But disappointing expectation, like the followers of the Pretender above mentioned, a large majority joined the royal party, and enlisted under the king's banner. North Carolina, then, originally monarchical, and adding to her native Loyalists the survivors of the large emigration from Scotland, was nearly divided. Some of her leading Whigs, as well as their descend ants, have endeavored to prove that the popular party was much in tlie majority. Facts, as it seems to me, hardly sustain them. How was it with a portion of the Whigs ? There is proof that many were as unstable as the wind. If the sky was bright, and a Whig victory had been ob tained somewhere, and if, above all, no king's troops were near, why, then these changing men were stead fast for the right ; but if news of reverses reached them, or the royal army came among or near them, then they " supported," and, by their own account, "always had supported, their lawful sovereign, his most gracious Majesty." HISTORICAL ESSAY. 37 I would willingly do the Whigs of North Carolina no injustice ; on the other hand, I would relieve them from all imputations which cannot be sustained by ample and the most unobjectionable testimony. It is in this spirit that I dissent from some of the declara tions of Mr, Jefferson, That distinguished man, in a written statement made a few years before his de cease, distinctly alleges, that William Hooper, one of the delegates in Congress from that State in 1776, was a rank and out and out Tory. Mr. Hooper was bom in Massachusetts, and was educated at Harvard University. His father, and nearly all of his rela tives, were, indeed. Loyalists : but he was a student of James Otis, and imbibed his political sentiments ; nor did he leave New England until after parties were formed and the " Stamp- Act " difficulties had passed away, I have read several of his confidential letters to his friends, while he was in Congress ; letters in which, if he possessed the political sympathies attrib uted to him by Mr. Jefferson, the inclinations of his mind would have been shown. That he was a timid man, like Morton of Pennsylvania, is very probable. Yet, I submit that no defence is necessary. Hooper signed the Declaration of Independence ; and of all documents to which a " Tory " would have affixed his name, that, certainly, was among the very last. It is grateful, now, to turn to the brighter side, and to bestow words of praise. The original Whig party of North Carolina embraced a large proportion of the wealth, virtue, and intelligence of the State. In the county of Bute, especially, the king had no friends, except a few Scotch merchants and vagrant pedlers ; while the number of wavering Whigs was so small, VOL. I. 4 38 HISTORICAL ESSAY. that the county was nearly unanimous in favor of the change which the leaders advocated, and put their fortunes and lives at hazard to obtain. Nor should it be forgotten that, in the county of Meck- lenburgh, a Declaration of Independence was passed more than a year before the more celebrated instru ment of the same name was adopted by the Conti nental Congress at Phdadelphia. As late as the year 1819, Mr. Jefferson made a labored argument to prove that no such document exists. But that such a paper was written, considered, signed, aud promulgated, is now as well established as is any event in our history. It is known, moreover, that Colonel Thomas Polk originated the measure, and that the Declaration it self was from the pen of Dr. Ephraim Brevard. I pass to speak of the political condition of South Carolina. The statements in the first edition of this work exposed me to much reproach as a gentleman, and to sharp criticisms as a student of history. On the discovery of a single but grave error,-* — which I took pains in my correspondence North and South to 1 I said . . " it is hardly an exaggeration to add, that more Whigs of New England were sent to her aid, and now lie buried in her soil, than she sent from it to every scene of strife from Lexington to York- town." The fact, however, is, that no troops belonging to New England went to South Carolina, nor, as far as I know, south of the country about the James River, in Virginia. The common opinion is otherwise. Even Mr. Webster, in his reception-speech at Charleston, remarked that, " New England blood has moistened the soil where we now stand, shed as read ily as at Lexington, or Concord, or Bunker Hill." Again, at Saoanndh, " The blood of New England, in her turn, was freely poured out upon Southern soil, and her sons stood shoulder to shoulder with those of Geor gia in the common cause." Still again, the Hon. B. F. Hunt, in address ing Mr. Webster, at Charleston, said, " Every battle-field of our State contains beneath its sod the hones of New England men, who fell in defence of the South." Webster's Works, vol. 2, pp. 377, 380, 403. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 39 correct, — and in 1848, soon after the attack of the " Southern Quarterly Review," I examined my princi pal authorities anew; and I performed the same duty in 1856, immediately after reading the speech of Mr. Keitt in the House of Representatives, and the speeches of Messrs. Evans and Butler in the Senate of the United States.^ I did not try to make out a case against South Carolina ; nor do I believe that candid readers have ever pronounced my strictures upon her delinquencies more severe than those which I uttered against the several — though quite differ ent — faults and crimes of Massachusetts herself. I did, indeed, detest the heresy of " Nullification " with all my heart, and as I now abhor the damnable doc trine of " Secession ; " but still felt to do as exact justice to the State of Laurens, — father and son, — of Gadsen, of Sumter, of Moultrie, and Pickens and Marion, and other noble Whigs, — as exact jus tice to South Carolina as to my own native New Hampshire. And besides, I remembered in 1847, as I shall still endeavor to bear in mind, that the com mand, " Thou shalt not bear flilse witness against thy neighbor," is obligatory at all times and under all circumstances. All honor to South Carolina, for the band of Whigs who favored the dismemberment of the British em pire at an early day ; all honor, for being the first of the Thirteen States to frame an independent constitu tion ; all honor, for the payment of $1,205,978 more than her proportion of the expenses of the war; ' See Southern Quarterly Review, July and October numbers, 1848 ; and the Speeches, Congressional Globe, 1st Session, 34th Congress, pp. 625, 702, 833. 40 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and all honor, for her mercy, at the close of the struggle, to the unhappy, the ruined adherents to the crown. And now I reaffirm, that South Carohna, at first, and for about half a century, was a proprietary gov ernment, and, like Pennsylvania, was a sort of mon archy in miniature ; that, in 1719, the people abol ished this form, took from the proprietors the power of appointing the governor, and erected a temporary republic ; that, two years after, a regal government was established which continued until the Revolution. I again say, that, in all the essential features, the British constitution was the model, and that, of con sequence, the institutions of South Carolina were thoroughly monarchical. The public men of that State, of the present gen eration, claim that her patriotic devotion in the Rev olution was inferior to none, and superior to most, of the States of the confederacy ; and I again aver that, as I have examined the evidence, it was not so. The great body of the people were emigrants from Switr zerland, Germany, France, Great Britain, and the Northern Colonies of America, and their descend ants ; and were opposed to a separation from the mother country. I renew the accusation, that she failed to meet the requisitions of Congress for troops to the extent of her ability ; and repeat, that her remissness compares sadly, sadly enough, with the enlistments elsewhere, especially in New England, Charleston was the great mart of the South, and, as Boston still is, the centre of the export and import trade of a large population. In grandeur, in splendor of buildings, in decorations, in equipages, in shipping, HISTORICAL ESSAY. 41 and in commerce, that city was equal to any in Amer ica. I reaffirm, that, with troops from other States to aid her. South Carolina could not, or would not, save her own capital ; that, so general was the defection after the capitulation by Lincoln, persons who had refused to enlist under the Whig banner, flocked to the royal standard by hundreds ; that those who had enjoyed Lincoln's confidence and participated in his councils, bowed their necks anew to the yoke of colonial vassalage ; that Sir Henry Clinton considered the triumph complete, and informed the ministry that the whole State had submitted to the royal arms, and had become again a part of the empire ; that, to the women of South Carolina, and to Marion, Sumter, and Pickens, — who kept the field without the promise of men, money, or supplies, — it was owing that Sir Henry's declaration proved untrue, and that the spirit and name of liberty did not become utterly extinct. I reaffirm, that the Whigs and their opponents did not always meet in open and fair fight, nor give and take the courtesies, and observe the rules, of civilized warfixre ; but that, on the contrary, they murdered one another ! General Greene and Chief- Justice Marshall are my authorities. " The animosities be tween the Whigs and Tories," wrote the first, " ren der their situation truly deplorable. The Whigs seem determined to extirpate the Tories, and the Tories the Whigs, Some thousands have fallen in this way in this quarter, and the evil rages with more violence than ever. If a stop cannot be put to these massacres, the country will be depopulated in a few months, as neither Whig nor Tory can live." " The people of the South," remarks the eminent jurist, 4 * 42 HISTORICAL ESSAY. in his Life of Washington, "felt all the miseries which are inflicted by war in its most savage form. Being almost equally divided between the two con tending parties, reciprocal injuries had gradually sharpened their resentments against each other, and had armed neighbor against neighbor, until it had become a war of extermination. As the parties al ternately triumphed, opportunities were alternately given for the exercise of their vindictive passions," And I state here, as in the first edition, that it were a hard task to determine, by an examination of the accounts of the time, which party perpetrated the greatest barbarities ; and that, whatever the guilt of the Tories, the Whigs disgraced the cause and the American name. And while I thus retain the substance of the origi nal averments against South Carolina, — the grave error once mentioned excepted, — and while, too, I insert the obnoxious Table ' of the " Continentals " furnished by the several States, in a new form but without alteration as relates to results, I add, that though the battles of Fort Moultrie, of Stono, of the Siege of Charleston, of Camden, of Hanging Rock, of Musgrove's Mill, of Blackstock's, of Georgetown, of Black Wings, of Cowpens, of Fish-Dam Ford, of Nine ty-Six, of Fort Galpin, of Fort Watson, of Fort Mott, of Hobkirk's Hill, of Granby, of Cedar Spring, of Hammond's Store, of Quimby, of Eutaw, of Rocky 1 CONTINENTAL ARMY. In 1790, General Henry Knox, Secretary of War, communicated to Congress a Report of " Troops, including Militia, furnished by the several States, during the War of the Revolution," from which I have compiled the following Table. As relates to the " Regulars," he remarks, that the numbers are " stated from the official returns deposited in the War Office, HISTORICAL ESSAY. 43 Mount, of Port Royal, of Tulafinny, of Coosahatchie, of Waxhaw, of Cloud's Creek, of Hay's Station, of and " may be depended upon." The army of the Northern Department was discharged November 5th, 1783, and of the Southern States, just ten days later. State. New Hampshire. Massachusetts . . . Rhode Island . . . Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania.. . Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina.. . South Carolina. . Georgia Number of Troops Furnished. Year 1775. Year 1776. 2,824 3,019 16,444 13,372 1,193 798 4,507 6,390 2,075 3,629 3,193 400 5,519 609 637 6,181 1,134 2,069 351 27,443 46,901 In September, 1776, quotas were fixed by Congress for three years, or durinjr the war. Strength of the Regular Quota Required. Troops Furnished. or Continental Army. Year. Troops. New Hampshire • • 10,194 6,653 1775 27,443 Massachusetts - • • • 62,728 38,091 1776 46,901 Rhode Island 5,694 3,917 1777 34,820 Connecticut 28,336 21,142 1778 32,899 New York 15,734 12,077 1779 27,694 New Jersey 11,396 7,534 1780 21,015 Penpsylvania 40,416 19,689 1781 13,292 Delaware 3,974 1,778 1782 14,256 Maryland 26,608 48,522 23,994 13,275 20,491 1783 13,476 North Carolina ¦ • • 6,129 South Carolina • • • 16,932 4,348 3,974 2,328 288,502 157,452 Add Continental T roops for yeai 1 TV'S 27,443 Add Continental T roops for yeai 1 77fl 46,901 231,796 231,796 It thus appears that the number of Continental troops from New Eng land, was 118,350; from the Middle States, 54,116, and from the South- 44 HISTORICAL ESSAY. Kettle Creek, and of Huck's Defeat, — I add, that though these battles, thirty in all, were fought within the limits of South Carolina, the Tories were not subjugated ; Imt, on the other hand, after the fall of Charleston and untd the peace were in the ascend ant. A word, finally, respecting the alleged attempt of South Carolina " to secede " when Charleston was in vested by the British general, Prevost. The explana tion of late years is, that the proposition was a mere artifice to gain time. If the fact is so, how strange that Henry Lee, a Virginian, an officer in service, and an intelligent observer and chronicler of mili tary events, — how strange that he did not know it ? He records, in his " History of the War in the South," that, after a day's negotiation to adjust terms of sur render, " the correspondence closed with the pro posal, on our part, of neutrality to the town and State during the war, — the peace to fix its ultimate condition." Again, in commenting upon Prevost's rejection of this cliivalrous overture to desert the Con federacy : " No British force would have been retained ern States, 59,330. So, too, it appears that Massachusetts furnished 67,907, and 13,791 more than the aggregate from New York, New Jer- ' sey, and Pennsylvania, and 8,577 more than the aggregate from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. The accu racy of this Table has been disputed. Some inquirers suppose that 231,796 different individuals enlisted, forgetting that the army, when the strongest, consisted of only 46,901 men, and that, as is well known, the same soldier reenlisted once, twice, and in some cases, thrice, and in the aggregate of 231,796, is counted accordingly. Again, other persons are sceptical as to the existence of General Knox's Report ; «uch are referred to the History of Congress, where it is recorded that it was submitted to that body. May 11, 1790, and to the 12th vol. p. 14, of the American Stale Papers, folio edition, where it is inserted entire. I respectfully re quest those who have questioned my figures, to examine for themselves. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 45 from the field to preserve the neutral State ; and the sweets of peace, with the allurements of British com merce, would probably have woven a connection with Great Britain, fatal in its consequences to the inde pendence of the Southern States." Thus early, if we may believe Lee, was the germ of " Secession," — thus early the germ of the war which is now waged against a government so gentle, so motherly even, as never to have- roughly, unjustly touched the hair of a cotton-planter's head. Georgia, the remaining Colony, was in its infancy, and Oglethorpe, its founder, lived until after it became an independent State. The designs of himself and his associates in its settlement, were highly benevo lent and generous ; and the public purse contributed a considerable sum to aid their undertaking. By their charter, the king was to model the government at the end of twenty-one years ; and accordingly, in 1752, at the expiration of this period, a royal gov ernment was established similar to that in the Caro- linas, which existed until the Revolution. Georgia sent no delegates to the first Continental Congress ; and that she was represented in the second, was owing, I am led to conclude, principally to the zeal and exertions of Lyman Hall, a native of Connecti cut, who, having graduated at Yale College and fitted himself for the practice of medicine, removed to Sun- bury. His ardor in the Whig cause exposed him to the indignation of his opponents, and after the royal army penetrated Georgia, his property was seized and confiscated. The Rev. Dr. Zubly, another of the delegates, proved himself unworthy of confidence, and lost his estate at the hands of his former friends 46 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and associates. To form a party of " liberty-men " within the borders of Georgia, to organize this party and commit it in favor of the " rebellion," which was fast hastening to " treason " and Revolution in other parts of the continent, was attended with difficulty, and required time and labor. But such a party finally existed and acted ; and the American Confederacy was thus completed. Though overrun by the king's troop.s, and governed b}' military law during a considerable jDart of the war, Georgia overpaid her quota of money in a small sum, and furnished 2,679 men for the Continental service. If, then, it be considered, that her popula tion was small, her resources limited ; that Sir James Wright, the last royal governor, was an able and popular man, and rallied a considerable body of Loy alists ; and that, in the course of events, the Whigs were compelled to flee into the neighboring States for safet}', — her efforts and sacrifices are entitled to commendation.' From this rapid survey of the Thirteen Colonies, it has appeared that the adherents of the crown were 1 Georgia was, however, regarded as highly loyal. One of the ablest and best informed of the Loyalists, thus speaks : " Georgia had not only been recovered out of the hands of the insurgents, in 1779, but the prov ince was put at the peace of the king by his Majesty's Commissioners, and the king's civil government restored, and all the loyal inhabitants required by proclamation to return to their settlements, and an Assembly called, and actually subsisting, and all the civil officers in the e.xercise of their functions, when orders came in 1782, to evacuate the country, and deliver it up to the rebels, wliich was done accordingly, without any stipulation in favor of the attainted Loyalists, or their confiscated properties, although the rebel force in that country was so inconsiderable, that the Loyalists offered lo the king's general to preserve the province for his Majeshj. if he would lence them a single regiment of foot, and the ' Georgia Rangers,' to asslrt them." HISTORICAL ESSAY. 47 more numerous at the South, and in Pennsylvania and New York, than in New England. Neither in the regulations of the crown, nor in the enactments of parliament, had there been much either to offend the feelings or check the industry of the planters and agriculturists. Towards the Colonies that sold raw produce, the policy of the mother country had been mild, perhaps liberal. They were the Round-heads, and not the Cavalier.s, who met her upon the ocean and in the workshop; hence, it was to them that she showed the most odious features of the Colonial sj^s- tem. But taunted, for a century and a half, with the heresy of their faith, and impeded in all their enter prises ever after the death of Cromwell, the people of the North were driven to invoke the sympathy of their Colonial brethren whose religion and pursuits had been the more favored objects of her regard ; and when their joint appeals to her justice and magnan imity fixiled to shake her purposes, then, by the union of counsel, arms, and effort, all the Colonies together broke from her dominion. If, therefore, the war of the Revolution had its origin in a long course of ag gression upon the rights of the North, its successful issue was due in some measure to the more meri torious, because more disinterested, exertions of the South. If, too, this course of aggression gradually diffiised a spirit of resistance throughout the country, so that Episcopal and monarchical Virginia at last fur nished a commander for the Puritan and Republican soldiers of Massachusetts, the conclusion becomes irresi^tible, that the wrongs which united men of so different characters and pursuits, were far too deep and grave to be excused or extenuated. 48 HISTORICAL ESSAY. The examination, now completed, of the political condition of the Colonies, and of the state of parties, leads to the conclusion that the number of our coun trymen who wished to continue their connection with the mother country was very large. In nearly every Loyalist letter or other paper which I have examined, and in which the subject is mentioned, it is either assumed or stated in terms, that the hyal ivere the ma jority ; and this opinion, I am satisfied, was very gen erally entertained by those who professed to have a knowledge of public sentiment. That the adherents of the crown were mistaken, in this particular, is cer tain. CHAPTER V. Newspapers in the Thirteen Colonies. Political Writers, Whig and Loy alist, North and South. Seminaries of Li^arning. Condition of the Press, &c., at the Revolutionary Era. Means for diffusing Knowledge limited. Of the thirty-seven newspapers which were pub lished in the Colonies, in April, 1775, if the result of my inquiries be correct, seven or eight were in the interest of the crown, and twenty-three were devoted to the service of the Whigs. Of these thirty-seven, however, one on each side had little or no part in dis cussing the great questions at issue, as they were es tablished only in the preceding month of January ; and of those which did participate in these discus sions and maintain the right, no less than five went over to the Loyalists in the course of the war. Of the number first named, two were printed in German, and one in German and English ; and, as another of the thirty-seven was commenced in April, there were, in fact, but thirty-one newspapers in the vernacular tongue at the close of 1774. Up to the beginning of the strife, printing had been confined to the capitals or principal towns ; but hostile deed.s, interfering with all employments, caused the removal of some of the public journals to places more remote, and were the means of interrupting or wholly discontinuing the publication of others. Those that existed at the pe- 50 HISTORICAL ESSAY. riod of which we are speaking, were very unequally distributed ; thus Maryland, Virginia, the two Caro- linas, and Georgia, taken together, had but one more than Pennsylvania, and but three more than Massa chusetts, In New Hampshire, the " Gazette " was alone ; while Rhode Island had both a " Gazette " and a " Mercury." Of the editors and proprietors who originally opposed the right, or became converts to the wrong, several sought refuge in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where they established newspapers, which were the first published in these Colonies, From what has now been said, it is evident that a very considerable proportion of the professional and editorial intelligence and talents of the Thirteen Col onies was arrayed against the popular movement. This volume contains notices of more than two hun dred persons who were educated at Harvard College, or .some other American or foreign institution of learn ing; and could the whole number of Loyalists who received college honors be ascertained, it would be found, probably, that the list is far from being com plete. It was alleged, however, by a distinguished adherent of the crown in New Jersey, that " most of the colleges had been the grand nurseries of the re bellion;" and, in a plan which he submitted for the government of the Colonies after the suppression of the revolt, he proposed to check their pernicious in fluence by introducing several reforms. But if, in connection with the facts above named, it be con sidered that, in 1761, there were but six colleges in America, and only nine at the commencement of hos tilities, we shall hardly find reason to believe that the loyal had cause to complain of them. It is said, on HISTORICAL ESSAY. 61 what appears to be good authority, that, as late as 1746, there were but fifteen liberally educated per sons in the whole Colony of New York. The in crease between that period and the Revolution could not have been very considerable ; and, of the number named, several were alive in 1776, and belonged to the ministerial party. But whatever was the relative strength of the two parties in the single particular of graduates of colleges, the Whigs far exceeded their opponents in effective writers. Among the newspa per essayists in Massachusetts, on the royal side, were Joseph Green, a wag and a wit ; Samuel Waterhouse, an officer of the customs, who was stigmatized as the " most notorious scribbler and libeller " of the time ; LieutenantrGovernor Oliver ; Jonathan Sewall ; and Daniel Leonard. The last wrote a series of papers entitled " Massachusettensis," and had John Adams for his antagonist, over the signature of " NovAng- lus," Mr, Adams attributed these papers to his friend Sewall, but the fact that Leonard was the author is now well established. None of these "government> men " were so effective, as popular writers, as Samuel Adams, and his single pen was probably a match for them all. Hutchinson was so annoyed by his pecul iar tact, and his power to agitate and move the public mind, as to declare that, of all persons known to him, he was the most successful " in robbing men of their characters," But, besides the two Adamses, James Otis was the author of four political tracts, and Oxenbridge Thacher, Chauncy, and Cooper were continually transmitting their thoughts in popular forms ; while Josiah Quincy, junior, often gave his countrymen the effusions of his rich, pure, and clas- 52 HISTORICAL ESSAY. sical mind, and his " Observations on the Boston Port Bill " is to be regarded not only as a clear and cogent pohtical essay, but as a finished specimen of the lit erature of the period. Among the Loyalists of New York who contrib uted to the press, were the Rev, Samuel Chandler, the Rev. John Vardill, and Isaac Wilkins. The oppo nent of the latter was the youthful Hamilton.' In the South, I am disposed to conclude that the crown commanded no writer of ability except Daniel Du- lany, the attorney-general of Maryland, who was in the field against Charles Carroll. I know of no min isterial writer in Virginia. Those on the Whig side were, it is believed, limited to three ; namely, Jeffer son, Richard Bland, and Arthur Lee. Some of the l^opular leaders in the planting Colonies conducted an extensive correspondence, but others seem to have been almost silent. It is somewhat remarkable, that the only editor and best biographer of Washington found, or has preserved, but three letters in which the disputes that agitated the country are incidentally mentioned; and but three others in which the subjects in controversy are fully and explicitly discussed. At the North it was essentially different, and the letters of Massachusetts Whigs contain full and valuable ma terials for history. In concluding the topic, it may be remarked ; that, while the number of the highest seminaries of learn ing was small, the other means of disseminating 1 Hamilton's own sympathies were at first on the royal side, as he him self admtts in his reply to Wilkins ; and his biographer relates that a visit to Boston changed the current of bis thoughts; I may add, — the whole course of his life. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 53 knowledge were extremely limited. It suited the views of the mother country to keep the Colonial press shackled ; and it seems hardly credible that the accomplished Addison, when a minister of state, should have directed the governors in America to allow of no publications and of no printing, without license. For a considerable period the most rigid censorship prevailed in the Colonies, and even alma nacs were subject to examination.^ The result of this state of things was, that, prior to the Revolution, most of the books were imported from England. As in 1 In 1719 it was deemed necessary to obtain a license from Governor Shute, to publish a pamphlet upon the very harmless subject of providing Boston with market-houses, of which the town was then destitute. The pulpit was, however, free, and Dr. Colman preached a sermon the same year on " the reasons for a market in Boston.'' Censorship of the news papers, at this period, continued to be enforced so rigidly that, four years after, matter intended for publication in them was required to be examin ed by the Colonial Secretary. Though no particular officer may have been charged with the duty of supervision later than the year 1730, a publisher was sent to prison in 1754, upon suspicion of having printed re marks derogatory to some members of the Colonial government. It may not be without interest to show what was thought of the freedom of the newspaper press fifty years ago. In February, 1812, the attorney- general and solicitor-general of Massachusetts state, in an official report to Governor Gerrj', that, in their judgment, there had appeared in the Boston papers, since the preceding first of June, no less than two hundred and, fifty-three libellous articles, to wit : in The Scourge, ninety-nine ; The Centinel, fifty-one ; The Repertory, thirty-four ; The Gazette, thirt}'-eight ; The Palladium, eighteen ; The Messenger, one ; The Chronicle, eight ; and The Patriot, nine ; while in The Yankee there had been none. The re port gives the dates of the papers, and divides the libellous matter into two kinds: that in which the truth couM be, and that in which it could not be, given in evidence to justify the party accused. These law-officers state, moreover, that their examinations had not embraced complete files of all these prints ; and that they had not included in their list calumnious pub lications against foreign governments or distinguished foreigners, nor libels of the editorial brethren against each other. It appears that the inquiry was instituted at his Excellency's request. 5* 54 HISTORICAL ESSAY. other respects, however, the statute-book was some times disobeyed while this system was in force, and works were published which bore the English imprint, and which closely resembled the English copies used in the publication. Besides, provision for educating the people was seldom made, and reading and writing in some sections of the country were " rare accom plishments." The system of free-schools in New Eng land, of schools to be ordained and continually main tained by law, was established at an early period; but in Virginia, it is believed education was never a sub ject of legislation, during the whole course of her Colonial existence. CHAPTER VI, Political Divisions in Colonial Society. Most of those in Office adhered to the Crown. Charge of the Loyalists that the Whigs were mere needy Place-Hunters, answered. Loyalist Clergymen, Lawyers, and Physicians. We enter now upon a brief inquiry to show the divisions in the different classes and avocations of Colonial society. And first, those who held office. Nearly all the officials of all grades adhered to the crown. This was to have been expected. Men who lived in ease, who enjoyed all the consideration and deference which rank and station invariably confer, especially in monarchies, and who, therefore, had noth ing to gain, but much to lose, by a change, viewed the dissensions that arose between themselves and the people, in a light which allowed their self-love and their self-interest to have full play. "They were ap pointed and sworn to execute the laws, and, in obeying the instructions of the ministry at home to enforce the statutes of the realm, they did but perform com mon acts of duty." These were the arguments, and they were neither the first nor the last persons in of fice who have reasoned in the same manner, and who have kept their places at the expense of their patriot ism. Besides, they affected to believe that the Whig leaders were mere needy office-hunters, and that the contests between them were in some measure per sonal. The descendants of Loyalists, whose homes 56 HISTORICAL ESSAY. are across our northeastern border, in conversations with citizens of the republic continue to repeat the tale. They have been answered, that, were the charge true, ovr fathers Avere still the more patriotic of the two ; since, upon this issue, it would seem that theirs, who were the fat and sleek possessors, would not give np the much-coveted stations to the lean and hungry expectants and claimants, even to preserve the Brit ish empire from dismemberment. It has been said, too, that if it be admitted that the younger Otis ac tually did vow he would set Massachusetts in flames, though he should perish in the fire, because his father was not appointed to a vacant and promised judge ship ; that, as has been alleged, John Adams was at a loss which side to take, and became a " rebel " because he was refused a commission in the peace ; that Samuel Adams was a defaulting collector of taxes, and paid up his arrears of money in abuse of honest men ; that, as his enemies say, Hancock possessed neither stabihty nor principle, and that wounded van ity caused his opposition to the king's servants ; that Joseph Warren w^as a broken man, and sought, amid the turmoils of civic strife, to better his condition ; that Washington was soured because he was not re tained in the British army, in reward for his services in the French war ; that tlie Lees were all unsound men, and that Richard Henry was disappointed in not receiving the office of stamp distributor, which he solicited ; that Franklin was vexed at the opposition to his great land-projects and plans for settlements on the Ohio; and that a large majority of the prominent Whigs of every Colony were young men who had their fortunes to make, and distinction to win,— that, HISTORICAL ESSAY. 57 if all this be admitted, what then ? The argument is as two-edged as the first, and, though it be granted that one side of the blade wounds the Whigs, the other still cuts deep the Tories. For, upon this ground it may be asked, what claim to perpetuity had the institutions which denied to a man like John Adams the humble place of a justice of the peace ; and to George Washington, an opportunity to display his qualities of character on the great field which the Being who made him intended for him ? And if the thought ever obtruded itself upon John Marshall, that, by living and dying a Colonist, he should live and die undistinguished and without leaving his name in his country's annals, I know not that the emotion was blamable. The destiny marked out for Iiim, was to found the jurisprudence of a nation; and has the world been the loser because he fulfilled it ? The children of the Loyalists, though thus met, complain because the offices, at the close of the con flict, passed from the " old families " into the hands of " upstarts." It has been replied to this, that, revolu tion or no revolution, it was high time the persons stigmatized as " upstarts " had a share of the royal patronage : first, to break up the practice of bestow ing upon the son, however unworthy or incompetent, the place held by the father ; and, secondly, to intro duce faithfulness and responsibility, and to dismiss arrogant and disobliging incumbents. The allegations thus noticed are proved, as those who make them sagely imagine, by the fact that the Whigs, at the peace, received the executive chairs of the several States, the judgeships, the coUectorships, the great law-offices, and other public situations, pre- 58 HISTORICAL ESSAY, viously held by their opponents. This argument is sufficient to disturb the gravity of a man who never smiled in his life; and yet it is sometimes soberly urged by the intelligent and well informed, and en forced in strong and impassioned tones. But, it is time to inquire, what became of the office-holders whom the Revolution expelled ? Did they, did the adherents of the crown, generally, evince an unconquerable aversion to public employ ment, after their retirement or banishment from the United States ? The answer to these questions will be found in these pages. It will be seen, that they not only filled all the principal offices in the present British Colonies, but that their places descended to their sons, connections, and relatives. In no point of view, then, are the Loyalists entitled to become the accusers of the Whigs ; since it is the innocent only who can properly cast stones at the offending or the faulty. Nor is it to be overlooked, that offices under the British crown are, in many respects, of the nature of life-estates or life-annuities; since the practice which prevailed in the " old thirteen," of perpetuating offi cial distinctions in families, still continues to a very great extent, and since, too, while places are not thus lost and won at every turn of the political wheel as with us, the salaries, fees, and emoluments are much greater than are paid either under our state or national governments. Instead, therefore, of our being compelled to defend the Whigs against the charge of undue or of improper love of office, the Loyahsts, and those of their descendants who repeat their fathers' accusations, are to be turned upon in quiet good nature, and to be put upon their otm defence. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 59 Our attention, now, will be directed to the profes sional classes. ^Itjia_s often been_assert^d_thai jiearly alltlie_clergy were Whigs. The truth of this may admit of a doubt ; since mostuof those of the Episco- 2al_feith not only. espoiis£d_.thLe_ adverse side,_bjat., jihflTujoppfl t.bpir and fliejcountry. I need noti say, that, at the period of the Revolution, the clergy possessed vast influence. In the early settlement of the country, as is well known, the duty of the minis ters was not confined to instructions in things .spirit ual, but embraced matters of temporal concern ; and, on questions of pressing public exigency, their coun sel and advice were eagerly sought and implicitly followed. This deference to their office and to their real or supposed wisdom, though less general than at former periods, had not ceased ; and clergymen, both Whigs and Tories, often made a recruiting house of the sanctuary. Some of those of both parties disre garded the obligations of Christian charity, and sacri ficed their kindly affections as men, in their earnest appeals from the pulpit. Generally, the minister and his people were of the same party ; but there were still some memorable divisions and quarrels, separa tions, and dismissions. We pass to members of the bar. I incline to be lieve that a majority of the lawyers were Whigs, and for several reasons. First, because in the course of my researches I have found but comparatively few who adhered to the crown; secondly, because of the well-known fact, that a large part of the speakers and advocates on the popular side were educated to the law ; and, thirdly, because one of the objects of the " Stamp Act " was to drive from the profession 60 HISTORICAL ESSAY. those members of it who annoyed the royal govern ors and other officials, and who, as a member of the House of Commons said, were mere " pettifoggers." Besides, many gentlemen of the bar, on being retained by the merchants, became impressed with the enor mities of the commercial code, and, in advocating the cause of clients who claimed to continue their con traband trade on the ground of usage and prescrip tion, they were impelled to follow the example of Otis, and to take the lofty stand that commerce should be, and, on principles of justice, really was, as open and as free to British subjects in the New World, as it was to those in the Old, Still, the ministry had their partisans among the barristers-at-law, and some of them were persons of great professional eminence. In fact, the " giants of the law " in the Colonies were nearly all Loyalists, As in the case of the clergy, many of them were driven into exile. Several entered the military ser vice of the crown, and raised and commanded com panies, battalions, and even regiments. At the peace, a few returned to their former abodes and pursuits ; but the greater number passed the re mainder of their lives either in England, or in her present possessions in America, The anti-revolu tionary bar of Massachusetts and New York fur nished the admiralty and common-law courts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canada, and the Bermudas, with many of their most distinguished judges. The physicians who adhered to the crown were numerous, and the proportion of Whigs in the pro fession of medicine was less, probably, than in either that of law or theology. But, unlike persons of the HISTORICAL ESSAY. 61 latter callings, most of the physicians remained in the country, and quietly pursued their business. There seems to have been an understanding that, though pulpits should be closed, and litigation be suspended, the sick should not be deprived of their regular and freely chosen medical attendants. I have been surprised to find, from verbal communications and from various other sources, that, while the " Tory doctors " were as zealous and as fearless in the ex pression of their sentiments as " Tory ministers " and " Tory barristers," their persons and property were generally respected in the towns and villages, where little or no regard was paid to the bodies and estates of gentlemen of the robe and the surplice.^ Some, however, were less fortunate, and the dealings of the " sons of liberty " were occasionally harsh and ex ceedingly vexatious. A few of the Loyalist physi cians were banished ; others, and those chiefly who became surgeons in the army or provincial corps, set-. tied in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, where they resumed practice. 1 Since writing this passage, I have met more than once with the sug gestion, that the physicians owed their safety to " the exigencies of the ladies." VOL. I, CHAPTER VII. The Reasons given for Adherence to the Crown. The Published Declar ations of the Whigs that they wished for a Redress of Wrongs and the Restoration of Ancient Privileges, as found in " Novanglus." Rapid Statement of Colonial Disabilities, which the Whig Leaders hardly men tioned in the Controversy, and which appear embodied for the first time in the Declaration of Independence. Denials of Whig Leaders, North and South, that they designed at the Beginning of the Controversy to separate from England. Reasons of the Loyalists for the Course adopted by them. Concluded. The concluding number of " Novanglus," by John Adams, was sent to press only two days before the shedding of blood at Lexington, and we are to con sider it as an authorized exposition of the avowed sentiments of the Whig leaders. But yet, its aim is limited to a degree that has often caused me to muse, and to ask, — Why were discussions on the subject of Colonial inabilities so carefully avoided ? The private and the professional life of Mr. Adams afford us a fair illustration of these disabilities; and why did he not once mention them ? If his horse flung a shoe, the stinging, insulting declaration of Pitt, that an American could not, of right, make so much as the nails required to set it, rung in his ears. If he entered the Court of Admi ralty to defend the "smugglers," or illicit traders, who were prosecuted by the Crown officers, he was reminded that his countrymen were forbidden by HISTORICAL ESSAY. 63 statute to make a voyage to Asia or Africa, to South America, to all the foreign islands in the Caribbean Sea, to nearly all continental Europe, or even to Ire land, on pain of confiscation of ship and cargo. If he bought a hat, the legislation against Colonial, and in favor of British, hatters, occurred to him. If, in journeying to the courts of Massachusetts and Maine, he passed waterfalls running to waste, he mused upon the acts of Parliament which secured the Colonial market in monopoly to the manufacturers of Man chester. If he entered a public office, he met the pampered functionaries who, " English born," or mem bers of the "old families," held their places by life tenures, and by descent from father to son. If he walked the streets, the chariots of the high officers of the customs, sent over to revive obsolete, and to enforce new, laws of trade, rolled in grandeur by him. If he had traffic with his neighbor, he was compelled to remember that, while the mother-country drained all America of coin, the Board of Trade — a curse to the New England Colonies from beginning to end — - had suggested, and Parliament had enacted, not amendments in the manner of emitting and redeem ing a paper currency, as bound to do, but its sup pression. Nor, if he read the speeches of British Whigs, did his keen eye see more in behalf of his country than an opposition to particular measures, and to the party in power ; for there stood out in characters of fire, the bold, unqualified statement of Burke, that the sole purpose of Colonies was to be " serviceable " to the parent State, In a word, with him, and everywhere around him, were the humil iating evidences that an American was, politically, 64 HISTORICAL ESSAY. socially, and commercially, the inferior of an English- inan. If neither the author of "Novanglus" nor any other Whig addressed the American people on these mo-/ men tous wrongs and denials, which, for generations had palsied the arm of New England and had rankled in the universal American heart, and which, in less than fifteen months, Avere embodied — in stirring array — in the Declaration of Separation, the Loy alists are to be excused for acting in conformity with the grievances stated by their opponents. The denial that independence was the final object, was constant and general To obtain concessions and to preserve the connection with England, was affirmed everywhere ; and John Adams, 3'ears after the peace, went farther than this, for he said : — " There was not a moment dining the Revolution, tvhen I loould not have given everything f possessed for a restoration to the state of things hefore the contest began, provided we could have had a svffr cient security for its continuance." If Mr. Adams be regarded as expressing the sentiments of the Whigs, they Avere willing to remain Colonists, provided they could have had their rights secured to them ; while the Tories Avere contented thus to continue, without such security. Such, as it appears to me, was the only difference betAveen the two parties prior to hos tilities ; and many Whigs, like Mr. Adams, Avould have been willing to rescind the Declaration of Indepen dence, and to forget the past, upon proper guarantees for the future. This mode of stating the question, and of defining the difference between the tAvo parties — down to a certain period, at least — cannot be ob jected to, unless the sincerity and truthfulness of some HISTORICAL ESSAY. 65 of the most eminent men in our history are directly impeached ; and, if any are prepared to dispute their veracity, it may still be asked, whether ttic Tories ought not to be excused for believing them. Franklin's testi mony, a few days before the affair at Lexington, was, that he had " more than once travelled almost from one end of the continent to the other, and kept a variety of company, eating, drinking, and conversing with them freely, [and] never hud heard iu any conver sation from any person, drwiJc or sober, the lea4 expression of a tvishfor a separation, or a hint that such a thing would be advantageous to America." Mr. Jay is quite as ex plicit. " During the course of my life," said he, " and until the second petition of Congress in 1775, I never did hear au Americetn of any class, or of any description, express a wish for the independence of the Colonies." " It has always been, and still is, my opinion and belief, that our country Avas prompted and impelled to inde pendence by necessity, and not by choice." Mr. Jeffer son affirmed, "What, eastward of New York, might have been the dispositions toAvards England before the commencement of hostilities, I know not ; but before that I never heard a whisper of a disposition to separate from Great Britain ; and after that, its pos sibility was contemplated with affliction by all." Washing ton, in 1774, fully sustains these declarations, and, in the "Fairfax County Resolves," it was complained, that " malevolent falsehoods " were propagated by the ministry to prejudice the mind of the king : "partic ularly that there is an intention in the American Colonies to set up for independent States." Mr. Madison was not in public life until May, 1776, but he says, " It has always been my impression, that a reestablishment of 6* 66 HISTORICAL ESSAY. the Colonial relations to the parent country, as they tvere previous to tJie cemtroversy, was the real object of every class of the people, till the despair of obtaining it," ke} I have to repeat, that the only way to dispose of testimony like this, is to impeach the persons Avho have given it. I am of Whig descent, and am proud of my lineage. With the principles of men who, when it was ascertained that a redress of grievances could not be obtained, preferred to remain British sub jects, I have neither communion nor sympathy ; and I may be pardoned for adding that I have Avatched the operations and tendencies of the Colonial system of government too long and too narrowly, modified as it now is, not to entertain for it the heartiest dis like. Yet I would do the men Avho were born under it, and were reconciled to it, justice — simple justice ; and if, as Mr. Jefferson says, a "possibility " of the necessity of a separation of the tAvo countries, " Avas contemplated Avith affliction by all" and if the state ments made by Franklin, Adams, Jay, Madison, and Washington, ore to be considered as true and as deci sive, I renewedly ask, Avhat other line of difference existed between the Whigs and Tories, than the terms on which the connection of the Colonies ivith England should be continued. My object in the attention bestowed on this point has been to remove the erroneous impression which seems to prevail, that the Whigs proposed, and the Tories opposed independence, at the very beginning of the controversy. Instead of this, we have seen, 1 See Sparks' Washington, Vol. H. pp. 498, 500, 501. The italics are my own, except in the extract from the "Fairfax County Resolves." HISTORICAL ESSAY. 67 that quite fourteen years elapsed before the question was made a party issue, and that, even then, " neces sity," and not " choice," caused a dismemberment of the empire. Since it has appeared, therefore, from the highest sources, that the Whigs resolved finally upon revolution because they were denied the rights of Englishmen, and not because they disliked mon archical institutions, the Tories may be relieved from the imputation of being the only " monarchy-men " of the time. Again, and to conclude : Intelligent loyalists, Avhen asked why they adhered to the Crown, have said, that those who received the name of " Tories " Avere at first, indeed for some years, striving to preserve order and an observance of the rights of persons and property ; that man\', Avho took sides at the outset as mere conservators of the peace, Avere denounced by those Avhose purposes they thwarted, and Avere finally compelled, in pure self-defence, to accept of royal protection, and thus to become identified with the royal party ever after. Again, it has been stated, that, had the naked question of independence been discussed before minor, and in many cases, local, events had shaped their course, many, Avho Avere driven forth to live and die as aliens and outcasts, would have terminated their career far differently ; tliat many were opposed to Avar on grounds purely religious ; that some thought the people enjoyed privileges enough ; that others Avere influenced by their official connections or aspirations ; that another class, Avho seldom mingled in the affairs of active life, loved retirement, and would, had the Whigs allowed them, have remained neutrals ; that some Avere timid 68 HISTORICAL ESSAY. men, .some Avere old men ; and that tenants and de pendents went with the landholders Avithout inquiry, and as a thing of course. All of these reasons, and numerous others, have been assigned at different times,. and by different persons. But another cause, quite as potent as any of these, operated, it would seem, upon thousands ; namely, a dread of the strength and resources of England, and the belief that successful resistance to her power was impossible ; that the Colonies had neither the men nor the means to carry on war, and Avould be humbled and reduced to sub mission with hardly an effort. That motives and considerations, hopes and fears, like these, had an influence in the formation of the last Colonial parties, cannot be disputed, and the un prejudiced minds of this generation should be frank enough to admit it. CHAPTER VHI. Loyalists who entered the Military Service of the Crown. As I have preferred connection of subject to mere chronological order, some of the details belonging to this branch of our inquiry have been given, in order to complete the questions already discussed. We are now to speak of the Loyalists who opposed the Whigs in the field. Upon this topic, our Avriters of history have been almost silent ; and it is not im possible that some persons have read books devoted exclusively to an account of the Revolution, Avithout so much as imagining that a part, and a considerable part, of the force employed to suppress the " rebel lion " Avas composed of our own countrymen. The two wars betAveen England and France, Avhich imme diately preceded the revolt of the Colonies, Avere caused princijDally by disputes about rights of fishing, and by unsettled questions of maritime and territo rial jurisdiction in America ; and in these Avars the American people had taken a distinguished part. In fact, in aiding to put down French pretension.s, our fathers acquired the skill necessary to the successful assertion of their own. The age was decidedly military. Office in the militia Avas even a qualification for civil employments. The number of colonels, majors, and captains that 70 HISTORICAL ESSAY. appear as members of the colonial assemblies, and^ subsequently, of provincial congresses, startles us. The quarrels about rank in the Congress of the con tinent disgust us. And of what account the newspaper essays and letters of Samuel Adams and others ? the eloquent appeals in Fanueil Hall, and in the House of Bur gesses of Virginia? What of the success of the revolutionary movement everywhere, but for the military skill and experience acquired in the seven- years' war Avith France ? The Colonies furnished in that war quite tAventy-eight thousand men in more than one of the campaigns, and every year to the extent of their ability. In fine, it is literally true that, for years together, more troops, in proportion to population, were raised in America than in England; Avhile, on the ocean, full twelve thousand seamen Avere enlisted in the royal navy and in the Colonial privateers. Without the aid of the survivors of these, resistance, or the thought of it, would have been downright madness. And the unanimity and alacrity with Avhich those who had fought at Ticonderoga, Crown Point, du Quesne, Niagara, and Quebec, espoused the popular cause at first, and rallied under the Whig banner in the last resort, was one of the most honorable inci dents of the era. But, on the other hand, several officers of merit, and some of very considerable military talents, ad hered to the royal side. It may not be possible to ascertain the number of the Loyalists who took up arms, but, from the best evidence Avhich I have been able to obtain, I con- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 71 elude there were tAventy-five thousand at the lowest computation ; and, unless their killed and Avounded in the different battles and affrays in Avhich they were engaged were unusually large, I have put their aggregate force far too low. Thus, in the fight at Bennington, or, more properly, Hoosick ; in the enter prise of Sullivan at Staten Island ; in the adventure of Nelson at New Jersey ; in the affray of Pickens with a band of Tories Avho were on their way to the British camp in Georgia; in the battle of King's Mountain ; in four actions of Colonel Washington, Marion, Lee, and Sumter, the aggregate of slain, wounded, and prisoners, was upwards of twenty- three hundred, or nearly a tenth part of my estimate. That, in the various conflicts of the illustrious com mander-in-chief; in those of Greene, Lincoln, and Gates, in the South ; in the rencounters of Marion, Lee, and Sumter, not mentioned above; in the losses of Tryon, Simcoe, De Lancey, Johnson, and Arnold ; in their various actions Avith the Whig forces or hast ily assembled neighborhoods ; in the strifes between Whigs and Tories, hand to hand, and in cases where neither had authorized or commissioned leaders, another tenth part of twenty-five thousand met with a similar fate is nearly certain. At the time of Corn- wallis's surrender, a portion of his army Avas com posed of native Americans, and his Lordship evinced great anxiety for their protection. Failing to obtain special terms for them in the articles of capitulation, he availed himself of the conceded privilege of send ing an armed ship northerly, Avithout molestation, to convey away the most obnoxious among them. Bur- goyne had been spared this trouble ; for, as feis diffi- 72 HISTORICAL ESSAY. culties had increased and his dangers thickened, the Loyalists had abandoned him to his fate. And yet again : In an address of the Loyalists who were in London in 1779, presented to the king, it is said that their countrymen, then in his Majesty's army, " exceeded in number the troops enlisted [by Congress] to oppose tliem" exclusive of those who were " in service in private ships of Avar," In a similar document, dated in 1782, and which was addressed to the king and both houses of Parliament, the same declaration is repeated, though in stronger terms, since the lan guage is, that " there are memy more men in his Maj esty's provincial regiments than there are in the continental service," These last addresses declare, moreover, that " the zeal " of the Loyalists must be greater than that of the "rebels;" for "the desultory manner in Avhich the war has been carried on by first taking possession of Boston, Rhode Island, Philadel phia, Portsmouth, and Norfolk in Virginia, and Wil mington in North Carolina, and then evacuating them," had ruined thousands, and involved others in the greatest wretchedness, and had rendered enlistments tardy under " such " discouragements and " very une qual circumstances." The descendants of Loyalist officers who entered the military service early in the struggle, and continued in commission until its close, entertain the general vicAvs expressed in these extracts ; and the opinion that Americans in the pay ot the croAvn were quite as numerous as those who entered the army of Congress, is very commonly held by persons with Avhom I have conversed. Still, I doubt Avhether either the written or verbal state ments are to be relied on implicitly, and for the rea- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 73 son, that, in the former, I am sure there are exaggera tions on other subjects, and the latter rest on the assertions of men who were equally ready to attribute the success of the Whigs and their own ruin to the inefficiency and bad management of Sir William HoAve and other royal generals. The names of these various corps,^ and the names of hundreds of officers who were attached to them, will be found in these volumes. The impression that the revolutionary con- 1 The King's Rangers ; the Royal Fencible Americans ; the Queen's Rangers; the New York Volunteers ; the King's American Regiment; the Prince of Wales's American Volunteers; the Maryland Loyalists; De Lancey's Battalions ; the Second American Regiment ; the King's Rangers Carolina ; the South Carolina Royalists ; the North Carolina Highland Regiment ; the King's American Dragoons ; the Loyal Ameri can Regiment ; the American Legion ; the New Jersey Volunteers ; the British Legion ; the Loyal Foresters ; the Orange Rangers ; the Pennsyl vania Loyalists ; the Guides and Pioneers ; the North Carolina Volun teers ; the Georgia Loyalists ; the West Chester Volunteers. These corps were all commanded by colonels or lieutenant-colonels ; and, as De Lan cey's Battalions and the New Jersey Volunteers consisted each of three battalions, here were twenty-eight. To these, the Loyal New Englanders, the Associated Loyalists, and Wentworth's Volunteers, remain to be added. Still further. Col. Archibald Hamilton, of New York, commanded at one period seventeen companies of loyal militia. Again, at different periods, several battalions were in the field at the South. The officers of twenty-one corps were considered entitled to half- pay, as will be seen by the proceedings in the House of Commons, June 27, 1783. " The order of the day for going into a Committee of Supply being moved and carried, — " Lord North rose to move that it be an instruction to the said Commit tee to receive and take into their consideration a proportion of half-pay to the officers of certain American corps, raised to serve in America dur ing the late war. His Lordship said, that the half-pay for the whole of the officers of the twenty-one corps would amount to £31,783. 5s. lOd. ; but that he would, in the Committee, move only for £15,000 towards, and on account of, half-pay to these corps. " The question was carried without a division. The House then went into the Committee of Supply, and voted the half-pay without any debate." VOL. I. 7 74 HISTORICAL ESSAY. test should have terminated differently was very common, and in many it was very strong. That they — " the loyal, the true " — should have been the losers in the strife, and " the false and the rebellious " the winners ; and that the former should have been driven from the country in which they were born, to commence life anew in unbroken forests, were circum stances over -which they continually brooded, and to which they were never reconciled. They insisted, and those who ha\^e inherited their names and pos sessions, and many of their prejudices and opinions, still insist, that either Sir William Howe, or Sir Henry Clinton, his successor, could and should have quelled "the rebellion," and that the former, especially, is wholly inexcusable. If, by their course of reason ing, Sir William had occupied Dorchester Heights and the highlands of Charlestown, as a sagacious general would have done, and as his force and park of artil lery allowed him to do, all the disasters to the royal arms which followed would have been prevented. CHAPTER IX. Whig Mobs before the Appeal to Arms, and tarring and feathering. Punishments of Loyalists during the War for overt Acts in favor of the Crown, and for speaking, writing, or acting against the Whigs. Pro scription, Banishment, and Confiscation Acts of the State Governments. The Laws which divested the Loyalists of their Estates examined. We pass to take a rapid view of the measures which were adopted by the Whigs to awe and to punish their adversaries. I find some things to con demn. And first, the " mobs," a large part of which were in Massachusetts. That a cause as righteous as men were ever engaged in lost many friends by the fearful outbreaks of popular indignation, is not to be doubted. The wise man of Israel said, " A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city." Those who took upon themselves the sacred name of " Sons of Liberty," needlessly, and sometimes in their very wantonness, " offended," beyond all hope of recall, persons who hesitated and doubted, and who, for the moment, claimed to occupy the position of " neutrals," The practice of " tarring and feath ering," however reprehensible, had, perhaps, but little influence in determining the final choice of parties. This form of punishment, though so frequent as to qualify the saying of the ancient, that man is a two- legged animal without feathers, was borrowed from the Old World, where it has existed since the Crusades ; 76 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and was confined principally to the obnoxious custom house officers, pimps, and informers against smuggled goods, who adhered to the Crown. But what " brother," upon whose vision the break ing up of the Colonial system and the sovereignty of America had not dawned, and who saw — as even the Whigs themselves saw — with the eyes only of a British subject, was won over to the right by the arguments of mobbing, burning, and smoking ? Did the cause of America and of human freedom gain strength by the deeds of the five hundred who mobbed Sheriff Tyng, or by the speed of the one hundred and sixty on horseback who pursued Com missioner Hallowell ? Were the shouts of an excited multitude, and the crash of broken glass and demol ished furniture, fit requiems for the dying Ropes ? Were Whig interests promoted because one thousand men shut up the Courts of Law in Berkshire, and five thousand did the same in Worcester, and mobs drove away the judges at Springfield, Taunton, and Plymouth ? — because, in one place, a judge was stopped, insulted, and threatened ; in another, the whole bench were hissed and hooted ; and, in a third, were required to do penance, hat in hand, in a pro cession of attorneys and sheriffs ? Did the driving of Ingersoll from his estate, of Edson from his house, and the assault upon the home of Gilbert, and the shivering of Sewall's windows, serve to wean them, or their friends and connections, from their royal master? Did Ruggles, when subsequent events threw his countrymen into his poAver, forget that the creatures which grazed his pastures had been painted, shorn, maimed, and poisoned ; that he had been HISTORICAL ESSAY. 77 pursued on the highway by day and night ; that his dwelling had been broken open, and he and his family driven from it? What Tory turned Whig because Saltonstall was mobbed, and Oliver plundered, and Leonard shot at in his own house ?^ Was the kingly arm actually weakened or strengthened for harm, because thousands surrounded the mansions of high functionaries, and forced them into resigna tion ; or because sheriffs were told that they would perform their duties at the hazard of their lives ? Which party gained by waylaying and insulting, at every corner, the " Rescinders," the " Protesters," and the "Addressers?" — which, by the burning of the mills of Putnam ? Had widows and orphans no addi tional griefs, because the Probate Courts were closed by the multitude, and their officers were driven under cover of British guns ? Did it serve a good end to endeavor to hinder Tories from getting tenants, or to prevent persons who owed them from paying honest debts ? On whose cheek should have been the blush of shame, when the habitation of the aged and feeble Foster was sacked, and he had no shelter but the woods ? — when Williams, as infirm as he, was seized at night, dragged away for miles, and smoked in a room with fastened doors and a closed chimney-top ? What father, who doubted, wavered, and doubted still,, whether to join or fly, determined to abide the issue in the land of his birth, because foul words were 1 Many Loyalists were confined in private houses, some were sent to jails, and others to " Simsbury Mines." iBut the prisons were hardly proper places for the confinement of such people ; and it is believed that a large proportion of the persons whom it was deemed proper to arrest preferred banishment to the loss of liberty, even though they were sure to be comfortably quartered in the families or houses of Whigs. 7* 78 HISTORICAL ESSAY. spoken to his daughters, or because they were pelte d when riding, or moving in the innocent dance ? Is there cause for wonder that some who still live should say, of their own or of their fathers' treatment, that " persecution made half of the king's friends ? " The good men of the period mourned these and sim ilar proceedings, and they may be lamented now. The warfare waged against persons at their own homes and about their lawful avocations is not to be justified ; and the " mobs " of the Revolution are to be as severely and as unconditionally condemned as the " mobs " of the present day. The acts of legislative bodies for the punishment of the adherents of the Crown were numerous. In Rhode Island, death and confiscation of estate were the penalties provided by law for any person who communicated with the ministry or their agents, or who afforded supplies to the forces, or piloted the armed ships of the king. In Connecticut, the offences of supplying the royal army or navy, of giving them information, of enlistr ing or procuring others to enlist in them, and of pilot ing or assisting naval vessels, were punished more mildly, and involved only the loss of estate, and of personal liberty for a term not exceeding three years. To speak or write or act against the doings of Con gress, or the Assembly of Connecticut, was punishar ble by disqualification for office, imprisonment, and the disarming of the offender. In Massachusetts, a person suspected of enmity to the Whig cause could be arrested under a magistrate's warrant, and banished, unless he would swear fealty to the friends of liberty ; and the selectmen of towns HISTORICAL ESSAY. 79 could prefer charges of political treachery in town- meeting, and the individual thus accused, if convicted by a jury, could be sent into the enemy's jurisdiction. Massachusetts also designated by name, and generally by occupation and residence, three hundred and eight of her people, of whom seventeen had been inhab itants of Maine, who had fled fi^om their homes, and denounced against any one of them who should re turn, apprehension, imprisonment, and transportation to a place possessed by the British ; and, for a second voluntary return, without leave, death, without bene fit of clergy. New Hampshire passed acts similar to these, under which seventy-six of her former citizens were prohib ited from coming within her borders, and the estates of the most obnoxious were declared to be for feited. Virginia passed a resolution to the effect that per sons of a given description should be deemed and treated as aliens, and that their property should be sold, and the proceeds go into the public treasury for future disposal ; and also a law prohibiting the migra tion of certain persons to that Commonwealth, and providing penalties for the violation of its provis ions. In New York, the county committees were author ized to apprehend, and decide upon the guilt of such inhabitants as were supposed to hold correspondence with the enemy, or had committed some other speci fied act ; and they might punish those whom they adjudged to be guilty with imprisonment for three months, or banishment. There, too, persons opposed to liberty and independence were prohibited from 80 HISTORICAL ESSAY, practising law in the courts ; and the effects of fifty- nine persons, of whom three were women, and their rights of remainder and reversion, were to pass, by confiscation, from them to the " people." In New Jersey, one act was passed to punish trai tors and disaffected persons ; another, for taking charge of and leasing the real estates, and for forfeiting the personal estates, of certain fugitives and offenders ; a third, for forfeiting to and vesting in the State the real pToperty of the persons designated in the second statute ; and a fourth, supplemental to the act first mentioned. In Pennsylvania, the number of persons who were attainted of treason to the State by special acts, or by proclamations of the President and Council, was nearly five hundred. The act of Delaware provided that the property, both real and personal, of certain persons who were named, and who were forty-six in number, should be forfeited to the State, " subject nevertheless to the payment of the said offenders' just debts," unless, as in Pennsylvania, they gave themselves up to trial for the crime of treason in adhering to the royal cause. Maryland seized, confiscated, and appropriated all property of persons in allegiance to the British crown, and appointed commissioners to carry out the terms of three statutes which were passed to effect these purposes. In North Carolina, the confiscation act embraced sixty-five specified individuals and four mercantile firms; and, by its terms, not only included the •• lands " of these persons and commercial houses, but their " negroes and other personal property." HISTORICAL ESSAY. »i The law of Georgia, which was enacted very near the close of the struggle, declared certain persons to have been guilty of treason against that State, and their estates to be forfeited for their offences. South Carolina surpassed all other members of the Confederacy, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts ex cepted. The Loyalists, whose rights, persons, and property were affected by legislation, were divided into four classes. The persons who had offended the least, — who were forty-five in number, — were al lowed to retain their estates, but were amerced tAvelve per cent, of their value. Soon after the fall of Charleston, and when disaffection to the Whig cause was so general, two hundred and ten persons, Avho styled themselves the " principal inhabitants " of the city, signed an address to Sir Henry Clinton, in which they state that they have every inducement to return to their allegiance, and ardently hope to be readmitted to the character and condition of British subjects. These " Addressers " formed another class. Of these two hundred and ten, sixty-three were ban ished, and lost their property by forfeiture, either for this offence or the graver one of affixing their names to a petition to the royal general, to be armed on the royal side. Eighty persons, composing another class, were also banished and divested of their estates, for the crime of holding civil or military commissions under the Crown, after the conquest of South Caro hna. And the same penalties were inflicted upon thirteen others, who, on the success of Lord Corn- wallis at Camden, presented his Lordship with their congratulations ; and still fourteen others were ban- 82 HISTORICAL ESSAY. ished, and deprived of their estates, because they were obnoxious. In discussing the expediency and justice of the laws which drove or kept the Loyalists in exile, as well as those which alienated their estates, two points present themselves ; namely, whether the Whigs were right in opposing the pretensions of England, and whether they did more than others have done in civil war,s, — wars which are always the most bitter and unrelenting, — always the most obstinate and difficult to terminate. The question suggested by the first query is no longer open to dispute ; for the mother-country has herself adniitted that she was wrong in her treatment of the thirteen Colonies. If, now, the Whigs were in the right, they might do everything necessary to insure success ; and we are thus brought to the second point of inquiry. The ques tion of the banishment of the Loyalists addresses itself to me in two forms: that of the temporary and that of the permanent exile of the men who suffered it. Among these men were many persons of great private worth, who, in adhering to the Crown, were governed by conscience and a stern regard to duty ; and the offences of others consisted merely in a nominal attachment to the mother-country, or in a disinclination to witness or participate in the horrors of a civil war. Yet they were Loyalists ; and it so happened that the best men of that party were, of all others, those who could do the Whigs the greatest mischief; since, if they remained at liberty, their character and moderation rendered their counsel and advice of vast serAdce to their own, and of vast harm to the opposite party, amidst the doubts and fears HISTORICAL ESSAY. 83 which prevailed, and had a direct tendency to pro long and embitter the contest. It became necessary, therefore, to secure them either by imprisonment or by exile. The first course, while requiring a consid erable force to guard them, which the Whigs could not spare, would have been far less merciful than the other, and banishment, consequently, was best for both parties. Again, a considerable proportion of those who were proscribed, voluntarily abandoned the country, and were absent from it at the passage of the banishment acts ; and this was especially the case in Massachusetts. To prevent the return of these persons was as necessary to accomplish the objects of the struggle, as it was to secure those who remained at or in the neighborhood of their homes. Still it may be wished that greater discrimination had been exercised in selecting those who were deemed fit objects of severity. Persons whose crimes against the country and against humanity deserved death, escaped the banishment acts of the States to which they belonged ; while, on the other hand, these acts embraced persons who, from the circumstances of their condition, were utterly powerless, who had done, and could do, no evil. It may be wished, also, that those who were deemed fit objects of severity had been allowed the forms of trial. Courts of Admiralty were established for condemning prizes, and men might reasonably claim that, while their property was dealt with according to the established rules of society, their persons should not be more summarily disposed of Means for the trial of Loyalists were abundant. It is our boast, indeed, that, unlike the usual course of things in civil war, ciA^il government 84 HISTORICAL ESSAY. was maintained throughout the whole period of our Revolution, Avith hardly an interruption anywhere. This is a fact as honorable as it is remarkable, " I will maintain as long as I live," said Dupin, the great French advocate, " that the condemnation of Marshal Ney Avas not just, for his defence was not free." Per haps posterity will entertain something of the same sentiment Avith regard to the course pursued by our fathers in not allowing their opponents an opportu nity to appeal to the tril^unals. In this particular, Pennsylvania and Delaware, as it will be remembered, adopted a mode less objectionable than that of some other States, inasmuch as they " summoned " the per sons against whom they proceeded, to appear and " surrender themselves for trial" Besides, it was common, during the war, for the military commanders to order courts-martial to take cognizance of the of- . fences, and to fix the punishment of Tories ; and a future generation may possibly ask, Avhy, when the sword was suspended amid the turmoils of the camp, to hear the defence of the accused, that weapon was so wielded in the hands of civilians as to " transform them into persecutors, and into martyrs those whom it smote." The laws which divested the Loyalists of their es tates demand a moment's examination. Keeping in view that the Whigs were right in resisting the pre tensions of the mother-country, and that, there fore, they might very properly use every iiecessary means to insure success, we shall find no difficulty in admitting that the property of their opponents could be rightfully appropriated to aid in the prosecution of the war. They devoted their own fortunes, they HISTORICAL ESSAY. 85 importuned several of the powers of Europe for loans, and they entailed upon their posterity a large debt ; and it Avould indeed be strange, if they could not have made forced levies upon the estates of those who not only refused to help them, but were actually in arms, or otherwise employed against them. To eman cipate the American continent was a great work: the Whigs felt and knew, what is now everywhere conceded, that the work was both necessary and right eous ; and requiring, as its speedy accomplishment did, the labor of every hand and contributions from every purse, the throwing into the treasury the jewels of women and the holiday allowances of children, they are to stand justified for a resort to the seques tration of the possessions of those who assisted in the vain endeavor to subdue them, and to renew the bonds which had bound them. The property of those who held commissions in the king's army and in the Loyalist corps was the property of enemies, and, as such, could be converted to pubhc uses ; while that of others, who made their election to accept of ser vice in civil capacities, is to be regarded in the same lisrht. The "Absentees," or those who retired from the country and lived abroad in privacy, were a differ ent class ; and it may be doubted whether the same rule was applicable to them, and whether fines or amercements were not the more proper modes of procedure against the estates which they abandoned in quitting the country. The Whigs assumed, how ever, that " every government hath a right to com mand the personal services of its own members, when ever the exigencies of the State shall require, espe cially in times of impending or actual invasion;" VOL, I. 8 86 HISTORICAL ESSAY. and that " no member thereof can then withdraw himself from the jurisdiction of the government, without justly incurring the forfeiture of his prop erty, rights, and liberties, holden under and derived from that constitution of government, to the sup port of which he hath refused his aid and assists ance." It is to be further urged in defence of the principle of confiscation, that in civil conflicts the right of one party to levy upon the other has been generally ad mitted ; that the practice has frequently accorded with the theory ; and, what is still more to the pur pose, that the royal party and king's generals exer cised that right during the struggle. Thus, then, the seizure and confiscation of property in the Rev olution was not the act of one side merely, but of both. But, as has been remarked, there was not with us, as there commonly has been in similar outbreaks, a transition period between the throwing off of one gov ernment and the establishment of another ; and the regret that was expressed with regard to the indis criminate banishment of persons, is equally applica ble to the disposal of their estates ; and I cannot but feel, that, inasmuch as the Whigs when compared Avith other revolutionists, " were without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing," so they will be held to a stricter accountability by those who shall here after speak of them ; and that we shall be asked to show for them, why, with tribunals established and open for the trial of prizes made upon the sea, the fundamental rule of civilized society, that no person shall be deprived of "property but by the HISTORICAL ESSAY, 87 judgment of his peers," was violated ; and why, without being " confronted by witnesses," and with out the verdict of a " jury " and decrees of a court, any man in America was divested of his lands. CHAPTER X. The Course of the " Violent Whigs " towards the Loyalists, at the Peace, discussed and condemned. At the peace, a mafonty of the Whigs of several of the States committed a great crime. Instead, of repeahng the proscription and banishment acts, as justice and good policy required, they manifested a spirit to place the humbled and unhappy Loyalists beyond the pale of human sympathy. Discrimination between the conscientious and pure, and the unprin cipled and corrupt, was not perhaps possible during the struggle ; but, hostilities at an end, mere loyalty should have been forgiven. When, in the civil war be tween the Puritans and the Stuarts, the former gained the ascendency, and Avhen, at a later period, the Commonwealth was established, Cromwell and his party wisely determined not to banish nor inflict disabilities on their opponents ; and so, too, at the restoration of the monarchy, so general was the am nesty act in its provisions, that it was termed an act of oblivion to the friends of Charles, and of grateful remembrance to his foes.^ The happy consequences which resulted from the conduct of both parties and in both cases, were before the men of their own 1 At the restoration of Charles the Second, so general was the adhe sion to that monarch, that historians pause fo express wonder, and to inquire what had become of the Cromwell or Commonwealth men who had overturned the monarchy. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 89 political and religious sympathies, the Puritans of the North, and the Cavaliers of the South, in America. All honor to Theodore Sedgwick for staking his popularity in behalf of his countrymen who adhered to the Crown; to Nathaniel Greene, for the senti ment " that it would be the excess of intolerance to persecute men for opinions which, but twenty years before, had been the universal belief of every class of society ; " to Alexander Hamilton, for his earnest and continued efforts to induce the Whigs to forget and forgive ; to John Jay, for the letter in which he said that he " had no desire to conceal the opinion, that, to involve the Tories in indiscriminate punish ment and ruin, would be an instance of unnecessary rigor and unmanly revenge without a parallel, except in the annals of religious rage in times of bigotry and blindness ; " to James Iredell, for the " hearty wish that the termination of the war could have been foUoAved with an oblivion of its offences ; " to Chris topher Gadsen and Francis Marion, who, Avith every personal reasorj to be inexorable, bravely contended for the restoration of the rights of their fallen, expa triated countrymen. In North and South Carolina, the Whigs and Tories waged a war of extermination. Seldom enough did either party meet in open and fair fight, and give and take the courtesies and observe the rules of civilized warfare. But these States, at the peace, exceeded all the rept in moderation and mercy. On the other hand, Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York adopted measures of inexcusable severity. In the latter State, such was the violence manifested, that, in August, 1783, Sir Guy Carleton wrote to the 8* 90 HISTORICAL ESSAY. , President of Congress that the Loyalists "conceive the safety of their lives depends on my removing them ; " that, " as the daily gazettes and publications furnish repeated proofs, not only of a disregard to the articles of peace, but barbarous menaces from committees formed in various towns, cities, and dis tricts, and even at Philadelphia, — the very place which the Congress had chosen for their residence, — I should show an indifference to the feelings of hu manity, as well as to the honor and interest of the nation whom I serve, to leave any that are desirous to quit the country, a prey to the violence they conceive they haA^e so much cause to apprehend." From another source, it appears that, when the news of peace was known, the city of New York presented a scene of distress not easily described; that adherents to the Crown, who were in the army, tore the lappels from their coats and stamped them under their feet, and exclaimed that they were ruined ; that others cried out they had sacrificed everything to jDrove their loyalty, ,and were now left to shift for themselves, without the friendship of their king or their country. Previous to the evacua tion, and in September, upwards of twelve thousand men, women, and children embarked at the city, at Long and Staten Islands, for Nova Scotia and the Bahamas. Some of these victims to civU war tried to make merry at their doom, by saying that they were " bound to a lovely country, where there are nine months winter and three months cold weather ¦every year ; " while others, in their desperation, tore down their houses, and, had they not been prevented, would have carried off the bricks of which they were built. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 91 Those who came North landed at Port Roseway (now Shelburne) and St. John, where many, utterly destitute, were supplied Avith food at the public charge, and were obliged to live in huts built of bark and rough boards. These volumes contain the names of most who embarked in the " September fleet " for Nova Scotia, and of many who Avent to that province and to Can ada subsequently. Among the banished ones thus doomed to misery were persons whose hearts and hopes had been as true as Washington's own ; for, in the divisions of families Avhich everywhere occurred, and which formed one of the most distressing circumstances of the conflict, there Avere wives and daughters, who, although bound to Loyahsts by the holiest ties, had given their sympathies to the right from the begin ning; and who now, in the triumph of the cavise which had had their prayers, Avent meekly — as woman ever meets a sorroAvful lot — into hopeless, interminable exile, I have stood at the graves of some of these wives and daughters, and have listened to the accounts of the living, in shame and anger. If, as Jefferson said, separation from England was " contemplated with affliction by all ; " if, as John Adams testified, Whigs like himself " would have given everything they possessed for a restoration to the state of things before the contest began, provided they could have had a sufficient security for its continuance ; " and on the ground of policy alone, — how ill-judged the mea sures that caused the settlement of the hitherto neg lected possessions of England in this hemisphere, — 92 HISTORICAL ESSAY, Nova Scotia, By causing the expatriation of many thousands of our countrymen, among whom were the well-educated, the ambitious, and the versed in poli tics, Ave became the founders of two agricultural and commercial Colonies ; for it is to be remembered, that New Brunswick formed a part of Nova Scotia until 1784, and that the necessity of the division then made was of our own creation. In like manner we became the founders of Upper Canada. The Loyal ists were the first settlers of the territory thus de nominated by the act of 1791 ; * and the principal object of the line of division of Canada, as estab lished by Mr. Pitt, was to place them as a body by themselves, and to allow them to be governed by laws more congenial than those which were deemed requisite for the government of the French on the St. LaAvrence. For twenty years the country border ing on the great lakes was decidedly American. Dearly enough have the people of the United States paid for the crime of the " violent Whigs " of the Revolution ; for, to the Loyalists who were driven away and to their descendants, we owe almost en tirely the long and bitter controversy relative to our northeastern boundary, and the dispute about our right to the fisheries in the Colonial seas. The mischief all done, — thousands ruined and ban ished, new British colonies founded, animosities to continue for generations made certain, — the "violent 1 It was in a debate on this bill that Fox aud Burke severed the ties of friendship which had existed between them for a long period. The seene was one of the most interesting that had ever occurred in the House of Commons. Fox, overcome by his emotions, wept aloud. Burke's pre vious course with regard to the French Revolution had rendered a rupture at some time probable, perhaps certain. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 93 Whigs " of Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia, were satisfied ; all this accomplished, and the statute- book was divested of its most objectionable enact ments, and a few of the Loyalists returned to their old homes: but by far the greater part died in ban ishment. CHAPTER XI. ] )iscussions at Paris between the Commissioners for concluding Terms of Peace, on the Question of Compensation to the Loyalists for their Losses during the War, by Confiscation and otherwise. Reasons why Congress refused to make Recompense, stated and defended. The Provisions of the Treaty unsatisfactory in this Particular. The Parties interested appeal to Parliament. Debates in the Lords and Commons. The Recommendation of Congress to the States to afford Relief in certain Cases, disregarded. The subject of restitution, and compensation to the Loyalists, was a source of great difficulty during the negotiations for peace. The course of the matter may be learned better from the negotiators them selves, than from any words of mine ; and I there fore make some extracts from the Journal of Mr. Adams,^ who was one of them : — 1 The full conversations occupy several pages of Mr. Adams's Journal. In making these Extracts, I have always given the substance of what was said ; but I have sometimes compressed a passage, or changed a word. The Articles of the Treaty which relate to the Loyalists are the fourth, fifth, and sixth : — Art. 4. " It is agreed. That Creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted." Art. 5. " It is agreed. That the Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the Legislatures of the respective States, to provide for the Res titution of all Estates, Rights, and Properties which have been confis cated, belonging to real British subjects ; and also of the Estates, Rights and Properties of those Persons, residents in Districts in Possession of his Majesty's Arms, and who have not borne arms against the said United States ; and that Persons of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the Thirteen United States, and HISTORICAL ESSAY, 95 November 3d, 1782. " Dr. Franklin, on Tuesday last, told me of Mr. Oswald's demand of payment of debts, and com pensation to the Tories ; he said his ansAver had been, we had not the power, nor had Congress. I told him I had no notion of cheating anybody. The question of paying debts, and compensating, were two. I had made the same observation that forenoon to Mr. Oswald and Mr, Strachey." November 10. [Mr. A.danLs waited on Count Vergennes.] " The Count asked me how we went on with the English. I told him we divided on the Tories and the Penobscot, The Count remarked that the English wanted the country there ' for masts,' I told him I thought there were few masts there ; but that I fancied it -was not masts, but Tories, that ao-ain made the difficulty. Some of them claimed lands in tlie terri tory, and others hoped for grants there," November 11. " Mr. Whiteford, the secretary of Mr. therein to remain Twelve Months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the Restitution of such of their Estates, Rights, and Properties, as may have been confiscated ; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several States, a Reconsideration and Revision of all Acts or Laws regarding the Premises, so as to render the said Laws or Acts perfectly consistent, not only with Justice and Equity, but with that spirit of Con ciliation, which, on the return of the blessings of Peace, should univer sally prevail. And that the Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several States, that the Estates, Rights, and Properties of such last- mentioned Persons shall be restored to them, they refundinn- to any Per sons who may be now in possession, the bond fide price (where any has been given) which such Persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said Lands, Rights, or Properties, since the Confiscation. And it is agreed, That all Persons who have any Interests in Confiscated Lands, either by Debts, Marriage Settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in prosecution of their just Rights." Art. 6. " That there shall be no future Confiscations made, nor any Prosecutions commenced against any Person or Persons for or by reason of the Part which he or they may have taken in the present War • and that no Person shall on that account suffer any future Loss or Dam age, either in his Person, Liberty, or Property ; and that those who may be in confinement on such charges at the Time of the Ratification of the Treaty in America, shall be immediately set at liberty, and the Prosecu tions so commenced be discontinued." 96 HISTORICAL ESS.\Y. Oswald, came. We soon fell into politics. [Mr. Adams said] Suppose a French minister foresees that the presence of the Tories in America will keep up perpetually two parties, — a French party and an English party." " The French minister at Philadelphia has made some representations to Congress in favor of compensation to tlie Royalists. We are instructed against it, or rather have no authority to do it ; and if Con gress shoidd refer the matter to the several States, every one of them, after a delay, probably of eighteen months, will determine against it," NoA'ember 15, " Mr. Oswald came to visit me. He said, if he were a member of Congress, he would say to the refu gees. Take your property ; we scorn to make any use of it in building up our system. I replied, that we had no power, and Congress no power ; that if we sent the proposition of compensation to Congress, they would refer it to the States ; and that, meantime, you must carry on the war six or nine months, certainly, for this compensation, and consequently spend, in the prosecution of it, six or nine times the sum necessary to make the compensation ; for I presume this war costs, every month, to Great Britain, a larger sum than would be necessary to pay for the forfeited estates." November 17. " Mr. Vaughan came to me ; he said Mr, Fitzherbert had received a letter from Mr. Townshend, that the compensation would be insisted on." November 18. " Returned Mr. Oswald's visit. We went over the old ground concerning the Tories, He began to use arguments with me to relax, I told him he must not think of that, but must bend all his thoughts to couA'ince and per suade his court to give it up ; that if the terms now before his court were not accepted, the whole negotiation would be broken off." November 25. " Dr. Franklin, Mr. Jay, and myself, met at Mr. Oswald's lodgings. ,Mr. Strachey told us he had been to London, and Avaited personally on every one of the king's cabinet council, and had communicated the last propo sitions to them. They, every one of them, unanimously con- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 97 demned that respecting the Tories ; so that that unhappy affair stuck, as he foresaw and foretold it woidd." November 26. [Dr. Franklin, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Adams] " in consultation upon the propositions made us yesterday by Mr. Oswald. We agreed unanimously to answer him, that we could not consent to the article respecting the refugees, as it now stands. The rest of the day Avas spent in endless dis cussions about the Tories. Dr. Franklin is very staunch against them ; more decided, a great deal, on this point, than Mr. Jay or myself," November 27, " Mr. Benjamin Vaughan came in, returned from London, where he had seen Lord Shelburne. He says, he finds the ministry much embarrassed with the Tories, and exceedingly desirous of saving their honor and reputation in this point ; that it is reputation, more than money," &c. November 29. " Met Mr, Fitzherbert, Mr, Oswald, Dr. Franklin, Mr. -lay, Mr. Laui'ens, and Mr. Strachey, and spent the whole day in discussions about the fishery and the Tories. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr, Oswald, and Mr. Strachey retired for some time ; and, returning, Mr. Fitzherbert said, that Mr. Strachey and himself had determined to advise Mr. Oswald to strike with us according to the terms proposed as our ulti matum, respecting the fishery and the Loyalists. We agreed to meet to-morrow, to sign and seal the treaties." Besides the want of poAver in Congress to make the demanded recompense to the Loyalists, as stated in these extracts, there Avere other objections, and some quite as serious. First, many of them, by their falsehoods, misrepresentations, and bad counsels to the ministry, had undoubtedly done much to bring on and protract the war ; so that, in a good measure at least, it was just to charge them Avith being the authors of their OAvn sufferings. In the second place, those of them who had borne arms, and assisted to ravage and burn the towns on different parts of the VOL. I. 9 98 HISTORICAL ESSAY. coast, or had plundered the defenceless families of the interior settlements, should have made, rather than received, compensation. Thirdly, to restore the identical property of any had become nearly impos sible, as it had been sold, and, in many cases, divided among purchasers, and could only be wrested by ple nary means from the present possessors. Fourthly, the country was in no condition to pay those who had toiled and bled for its emancipation, or even to make good a tithe of the losses which they had suf fered in consequence of the war ; much less was there the ability to adjust the accounts of enemies, whether domestic or foreign. The Loyalists, as a body, looked upon the subjugation of, the Whigs as almost certain, to the last; and their delegates in New York even Avent so far as to entertain a plan for the government of the Colonies, whenever their day of triumph should come. If that day had arrived, how would the Whigs have fared at their hands ? Would the claims of thou sands who expended their estates in the cause of liberty, and who had no shelter for their heads, have been allowed ? Grounds somewhat similar to those which I have assumed, induced Congress, very probably, to instruct their commissioners to enter into no engagements respecting the Americans AA'ho adhered to the Crown, unless Great Britain would stipulate, on her part, to make compensation for the property which had been destroyed by persons in her service. With this in junction the commissioners found it impracticable to comply, inasmuch as they ¦ deemed it necessary to admit into the treaty a provision to the effect, that Congress should recommend to the several States to HISTORICAL ESSAY. 99 provide for the restitution of certain of the confis cated estates ; that certain persons should be allowed a year to endeavor to recover their estates ; that per sons having rights in confiscated lands should have the privilege of pursuing all laAvful means to regain them ; and that Congress should use its recommenda tory power to cause the States to revoke or recon sider their confiscation laws. Congress unanimously assented to this arrangement, and unanimously issued the recommendation to the States, Avhich the treaty contemplated. These terms Avere very unsatisfactory, and loud clamors arose in Parliament and elsewhere. In the House of Commons, Mr. Wilberforce said, that "AA^hen he considered the case of the Loyalists, he confessed he there felt himself conquered ; there he saAv his country humiliated ; he saAV her at the feet of Amer ica : still he was induced to believe, that Congress Avould religiously comply with the article, and that the Loyalists Avould obtain redress from America." Lord North said, that "never were the honor, the principles, the policy of a nation, so grossly abused as in the desertion of those men, who are now exposed to every punishment that desertion and poverty can inflict, because they Avere not rebels." Lord Mul- grave declared, that " the article respecting the Loy alists he could never regard but as a lasting mon ument of national disgrace." Mr. Burke said, that "a vast number of the Loyalists had been deluded by England, and had risked everything, and that, to such men, the nation OAved protection, and its honor was pledged for their security at all hazards." Mr. Sheridan " execrated the treatment of those unfortu- 100 HISTORICAL ESSAY. nate men, who, without the least notice taken of their civil and religious rights, were handed over as sub jects to a power that would not fail to take vengeance on them for their zeal and attachment to the religion and goA'ernment of the mother-country ; " and he denounced as a " crime," the cession of the Amer icans who had adhered to the Crown, "into the hands of their enemies, and delivering them OA^er to confis cation, tyranny, resentment, and oppression." Mr. Norton said, that " he could not give his assent to the treaty on account of the article which related to the Loyalists." Sir Peter Burrell considered, that "the fate of these unhappy subjects claimed the com passion of every human breast; for they had been abandoned by the ministers, and were left at the mercy of a Congress highly irritated against them." Sir Wilbraham Bootle's " heart bled for the Loyalists ; they had fought and had run every hazard for Eng land, andj at a moment when they had a claim to the greatest protection, they had been deserted." Mr. Macdonald " forbore to dwell upon the case of these men, as an assembly of human beings could scarcely trust their judgments, when so powerful an attack was made upon their feelings." In the House of Lords, the opposition was quite as violent. Lord Walsingham said, that "he could neither think nor speak of the dishonor of leaving these deserving people to their fiite, with patience." Lord Viscount Townshend considered, that, " to desert men who had constantly adhered to loyalty and at> tachment, was a circumstance of such cruelty as had never before been heard of" Lord Stormont said, that " Britain was bound in justice and honor, grat- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 101 itude and affection, and every tie, to provide for and protect them." Lord Sackville regarded " the aban donment of the Loyalists as a thing of so atrocious a kind, that, if it had not been already painted in all its horrid colors, he should have attempted the ungra cious task, but never should have been able to describe the cruelty in language as strong and expressive as were his feelings ; " and again, that " a peace founded on the sacrifice of these unhappy subjects, must be accursed in the sight of God and man." Lord Lough borough said, " that the fifth article of the treaty had excited a general and just indignation;" and that neither "in ancient nor modern history had there been so shameful a desertion of men who had sacri ficed all to their duty, and to their reliance upon British faith." Such attacks as these did not, of course, pass with out replies in both Houses. The nature of the de fence of the friends of the ministry will sufficiently appear, by the remarks of the minister himself. Lord Shelburne frankly admitted, that the Loyalists Avere left Avithout better provision being made for them, "from the unhappy necessity of public affairs, Avhich induced the extremity of submitting the fate of their property to the discretion of their enemies." And he continued, "I have but one answer to give the House ; it is the ansAver I gave my own bleeding heart. A part must be wounded, that the tvhole of the empire may not perish. If better terms could be had, think you, my Lord, that I would not have embraced them ? fhad but the alternative either to accept the terms proposed, or continue the war." The Lord Chancellor parried the assaults of the opposition with other 102 HISTORICAL ESSAY. weapons. He declared, that the stipulations of the treaty are " specific," and, said he, " my own conscious honor will not alloAV me to doubt the good faith of others, and my good wishes to the Loyalists will not let me indiscreetly doubt the dispositions of Con gress," since the understanding is, that " all these unhappy men shall be provided for ; " yet, if it were not so, " Parliament could take cognizance of their case, and impart to each suffering individual that relief which reason, perhaps policy, certainly virtue and religion, required." It Avas not expected, probably, by the British gov ernment, that the " recommendation " of Congress to the States would produce any effect. In 1778, and after the evacuation of Philadelphia, the urgent request of Congress to repeal the severe enacts ments against the adherents of the Crown and to restore their confiscated property, had been disre garded ; and a similar desire at the conclusion of hos tilities, though made for different reasons, it could not have been supposed would be more successful. Indeed, the idea that the States would refuse compli ance, and that Parliament Avould be required to make the Loyalists some compensation for their losses, seems to have been entertained from the first. Lord Shel burne, in the speech from Avhich I have just quoted, remarked, that, "ivithout one drop of blood spilt, and with out one fifth of the expense of one year's campaign, happi ness and ease can be given to them in as ample a manner as these blessings were ever in their enjejymcnt." He could have meant nothing less by this language than that, by putting an end to the war, the empire saved both life and treasure, even though the amount of money HISTORICAL ESSAY. 103 required to place the Loyalists in "happiness and ease," should amount to some millions ; and the Lord Chancellor, it may be observed, hinted at compensa tion as the remedy, provided the " recommendation " of Congress should not result favorably. Besides, during the negotiation of the treaty, it appears to have been considered by the commissioners on both sides, that each party to the contest must bear its own losses and provide for its own sufferers. But, whatever were the expectations at Paris or in Lon don, all uncertainty was soon at an end, A number of Loyalists Avho Avere in England, came to the United States to claim restitution of their estates, but their applications Avere unheeded, and some of them were imprisoned, and afterwards banished. CHAPTER XIL The Loyalists apply to Parliament for Rehef, The King in his Speech recommends Attention to their Claims. Commissioners appointed. Complaints of the Loyalists on various Grounds. Number of Claim ants, and Schedules of their Losses. Delay of the Commissioners in adjusting Claims, and Distresses in Consequence. Discussion in Parlia ment. Final Number of Claimants, Final Amount of Schedules, and Final Award. In the Appeals to their Respective Governments, the Loyalists fared better than the Whigs. The claimants now applied to the government Avhich they had ruined themselves to serve ; and many of them, who had hitherto been " Refugees " in different parts of America," went to England to state, and to recover payment for, their losses. They or ganized an agency, and appointed a committee, com posed of one delegate or agent from each of the thirteen States, to enlighten the British public, and adopt measures of procedure in securing the atten tion and action of the ministry in their behalf In a tract,^ printed by order of these agents, it is main tained, that " it is an established rule, that all sacrifices made by individuals for the benefit or accommodation of others, shall be equally sustained by all those who partake of it ; " and numerous cases are cited from Puffendorf, Burlamaqui, and Vattel, to show that the " sacrifices " of the Loyalists were embraced in this principle. As a further ground of claim, it is stated, 1 " The Case and Claim of the American Loyalists, impartially stated and considered," published in 1 783. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 105 that, in the case of territory alienated or ceded aAvay by one sovereign poAver to another, the rule is still applicable ; for that, in treatises of international law, it is held, " the State ought to indemnify the subject for the loss he has sustained beyond his OAvn propor tion," The conclusion arrived at from the precedents found in history and diplomacy, and in the statute- book of the realm, is, that, as the Loyalists Avere as " perfectly subjects of the British State as any man in London or Middlesex," they Avere entitled to the same protection and relief The claimants, said the writers of the tract, had been " called on by their sovereign, Avhen surrounded by tumult and rebellion, to defend the supreme rights of the nation, and to assist in suppressing a rebellion which aimed at their destruction. They haA^e received from the highest authority the most solemn assurances of protection, and even reward for their meritorious services ; " and that "' his Majesty and the tAVO Houses of Parliament having thought it necessary, as the price of peace, or to the interest and safety of the empire, or from some other motive of public couA'enience, to ratify the independence of America, without securing any restitution tvhatever to the Loyalists, they conceive that the nation is bound, as Avell by the fundament al laws of society as by the invariable and eternal principles of natural justice, to make them a compen sation." At the opening of Parliament, the king, in his speech from the throne, alluded to the "American sufferers " Avho, from " motives of loyalty to him, or attachment to the mother-country, had relinquished their properties or professiori,s," and trusted, he said, 106 HISTORICAL ESSAY. that "generous attention would be shoAAU to them." Both parties assented to the suggestion ; and a mo tion was made early in the session for leave to bring in a bill, "For appointing Commissioners to inquire into the Circumstances and former Fortunes of such Persons as are reduced to Distress by the late un happy Dissensions in America." Leave Avas given ; but in fixing the details of the bill, there was some difficulty and considerable debate. The measure Avas finally made agreeable to all, and was adopted Avith out opposition. The act, as passed, created a Board of Commissioners, who were empowered to examine all persons presenting claims under oath, to send for book.s, papers, and records ; and Avho were directed to report all such as fraudulently claimed a greater amount than they had lost, in order that they should be deprived of all compensation Avhatever, The first thing to be ascertained by the commis sioners was the "loyalty and conduct of the claim ants," In their first report, they divided them into six classes,^ and very properly placed the apostates from the Whigs in the last ; but no difference Avas finally made on account of the time or circumstances of adhering to the cause of the Crown, and all, Avith out reference to differences in merit, who were able to establish losses, shared alike. 1 First Class. Those who had rendered services to Great Britain. Second Class. Those who had borne arms for Great Britain. Third Class. Uniform Loyalists. Fourth Class. Loyal British subjects resident in Great Britain. Fifth Class. Loyalists who had taken oaths to the American States, but afterwards joined the British. .Sixth Class. Loyalists who had borne arms for the American States, but afterwards joined the British navy or army. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 107 The claimants Avere required to state in proper form every species of loss Avhich they had suffered, and for Avhich they thought they had a right to receive compensation. In making up their schedules agree ably to this rule, some sufferers claimed for losses which others did not ; and, in adjusting the claims, the disproportion between the sum asked and the sum alloAved Avas often very large. A fcAV received their Avhole demands, without the deduction of a shil ling, Avhile others received pounds only Avhere they had demanded hundreds ; and a third class obtained nothing, having been excluded by inability to prove their losses, or deprived of the sum which they could prove, by attempts to obtain allowance for claims Avhich the commissioners reported upon as fraudu lent, in accordance Avith the provisions of the act. The rigid rules enforced, which it would seem applied to all claimants, created much murmuring. The mode pursued of examining the claimant and the wit nesses in his behalf, separately and apart, was branded with severe epithets, and the commission was called an " Inquisition," With all the caution which it was possible for the commissioners to exercise, men who did not really lose a single penny, who were entirely destitute of property Avhen the war began, and to whom hostilities Avere actually beneficial by affording pay and employment, were placed in comfortable cir cumstances; and stories Avhich show the plans and schemes that were devised to baffle the rigid scrutiny of the board are still repeated. The 26th of March, 1784, was the latest period for presenting claims which was allowed ; and on or be fore that day, the number of claimants was two thou- 108 HISTORICAL ESSAY. sand and sixty-three, and the property alleged to have been lost was, according to their schedules, the alarming sum of £7,046,278, besides debts to the amount of £2,354,135. The second report, which was made in December of the same year, shows that one hundred and twenty-eight additional cases had been disposed of, and that for £693,257 claimed, the total allowance was only £150,935. Much the same difference is to be seen in the succeeding one hun dred and twenty-tAvo cases, which Avere disposed of in May and July of 1785, and in which £253,613 were allowed for £898,196 claimed. In April, 1786, the fifth report announced that one hundred and forty- two other claims, to the amount of £733,311, had been liquidated at £250,506. The commissioners proceeded with their investigations during the years 1786 and 1787. Meantime, South Carolina had re stored the estates of several of her Loyalists, and caused the Avithdrawal of the claims of their OAvners, except that, in instances of alleged strip and Avaste, amercement, and similar losses, inquiries were insti tuted to ascertain the value of what was taken, com pared with that Avhich was returned. On the 5th of April, 1788, the commissioners in England had heard and determined one thousand six hundred and eighty claims (besides those withdrawn), and had liquidated the same at £1,887,548. Perhaps no greater despatch was possible, but the delay caused great complaint. The king, his ministers, and Par liament were addressed and petitioned, either on the general course pursued by the commissioners, or on some subject connected Avith the Loyalist claims. Letters and communications appeared in the news- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 109 papers, and the public attention Avas again aAvakened by the publication of essays and tracts Avhich renewed the statements made in 1783 of the losses, services, and sacrifices of the claimants. Two years prcAdously (1786), the agents of the Loyahsts had invoked Par liament to hasten the final action upon the claims of their constituents in a petition draAvn up Avith care and abihty, " It is impossible to describe," are words which occur in this document, " the poignant distress under Avhich many of these persons noAV labor, and Avhich must daily increase, should the justice of Par liament be delayed until all the claims are liquidated and reported ; . . . . ten j-ears have elapsed since many of them have been deprived of their fortunes, and, Avith their helpless families, reduced from inde pendent affluence to poA'erty and want ; some of them noAv languishing in British jails, others indebted to their creditors, who have lent them money barely to support their existence, and who, unless speedily re lieved, must sink more than the value of their claims when received, and be in a worse condition than if they had never made them ; others have already sunk under the pressure and severity of their misfor tunes ; and others must, in all probability, soon meet the same melancholy fate, should the justice due to them be longer postponed. But that, on the contra ry, should provision be now made for payment of those whose claims have been settled and reported, it win not only relieve them from their distress, but give a credit to the others whose claims remain to be considered, and enable all of them to provide for their wretched families, and become again useful members of society." This vivid picture of the con- VOL. 1. 10 110 HISTORICAL ESSAY. dition of those who waited the tardy progress made in the final adjustment of their losses is possibly highly colored. Mr. Pitt had introtiuced and carried through, in 1785, a bill for the distribution of £150,- 000 among the claimants ; but as that sum, it was held, was to be applied to a distinct class, — namely, to those who had lost " property," and to neither those who had lost " life-estate " in property, nor to those who had lost " income," — it is not improbable that many of these classes were at this time greatly in want of the relief which their agents so earnestly implored the government to afford. A tract-' printed in 1788, which was attributed to Galloway, a Loyalist of Pennsylvania, presses the claims and merits of the sufferers with much point and vigor, and rebukes the injustice of neglecting and deferring payment of the compensation con ceded on all hands to be due them, with singular spirit and boldness, and states their situation in the following forcible language : " It is well known," says the writer, " that this delay of justice has pro duced the most melancholy and shocking events. A number of the sufferers have been driven by it into insanity, and become their own destroyers, leaving behind them their helpless widows and orphans to subsist upon the cold charity of strangers. Others have been sent to cultivate a wilderness for their subsistence, without having the means, and compelled through want to throw themselves on the mercy of the American States and the charity of their former friends, to support the life which might have been 1 " The Claim of the American Loyalist reviewed and maintained upon incontrovertible Principles of Law and Justice." HISTORICAL ESSAY. Ill made comfortable by the money long since due from the British Government ; and many others, Avith their families, are barely subsisting upon a temporary allowance from government, — a mere pittance when compared with the sum due to them." The commissioners submitted tlieir eleventh Report in April of the year in which this statement was made ; and Mr. Pitt, in the month following, gave way to the pressing importunities of the claimants, to allow their grievances to be discussed in Parlia ment. Twelve years had elapsed since the property of most of them had been alienated under the con fiscation acts, and five, since their title to recompense had been recognized by the law under which their claims had been presented. The minister, meantime, by frequent conferences with the commissioners, had made himself familiar with all the points involved and requiring considera tion, and, in expressing his views, raised three ques tions : first, Avhether there should be any deduction made from the value put upon the estates to be paid for ; secondly, if any, what the deduction should be ; and, thirdly, what compensation should be made to the Loyalists who had lost their incomes by losing their offices and professions. In his speech, Mr. Pitt laid down as the basis of his plan, that, however strong might be the claims of either class, neither should regard the relief to be extended as due on principles " of right and strict justice." In proceed ing with his remarks, he proposed to pay all of six designated classes, who consisted of thirteen hundred and sixty-four persons, whose liquidated losses did not exceed ten thousand pounds each, the full amount 112 HISTORICAL ESSAY. reported by the commissioners ; Avhile, increasing the rate of discount Avith the increase of losses, he pro posed a deduction of ten per cent, on the losses (of persons of these six classes) between ten and thirty- five thousand pounds, and of fifteen per cent, on those betAveen thirty-five and fifty thousand, and of twenty per cent, on those exceeding fifty thousand ; casting, hoAvever, these several rates of deduction only on the differences between ten thousand pounds and the amounts lost as reported by the commission ers.' With regard to persons of another descrijjtion, whose losses had been caused princi2Dally, if not entirely, by deprivation of official or professional in come, he submitted a plan of pensions? After this adjustment, several additional claims were presented, examined, and alloAved ; and, upon the settlement of the Avhole matter, it appeared that the number of claimants in England, Nova Scotia, New BrunsAvick, and Canada, was five thousand and seventy-two, of whom nine hundred and fifty-four withdreAV or failed to prosecute their claims ; that the amount of losses, according to the schedules rendered, was £8,026,045, of Avhich the sum of £3,292,452 was allowed.^ The Loyalists, then, were well cared for, 1 This plan was objected to by the Loyalists, and their reasons were transmitted to Mr, Pitt, in a document of some length. 2 The number of these persons was two hundred and four ; amount of income lost, £80,000 ; pensions granted, £25,78,5. 3 The principal facts with regard to the compensation of the Loyalists are derived from a " Historical A^iew of the Commission," &c., by John Eardley Wilmot, Esq., one of the commissioners. In the aggregate amount claimed, there seems some discrepancy. According to the summary of Mr. Wilmot, made in March, 1790, " the claims preferred " were £10,358,413 ; whereas, in a table from which I take the statistics above, the amount is stated at £8,026,045. Again, in March, 1790, it is said by Mr. Wilmot, HISTORICAL ESSAY. 113 Whatever were the miseries to individuals occasioned by delay ; whatever the injury sustained by those who were unable to procure sufficient evidence of their losses ; and whatever were the wrongs inflicted upon others by the errors in judgment on the part of the commissioners, the Americans Avho took the royal side, as a body, fared infinitely better than the great body of the Whigs, whose services and sacrifices Avere quite as great; for, besides the alloAvance of fifteen and a half millions of dollars in money, num bers received considerable annuities, half-pay as mili tary officers, large grants of land, and shared with other subjects in the patronage of the Crown. that the number of " claims preferred in England and Nova Scotia was three thousand two hundred and twenty-five, of which were examined two thousand two hundred and ninety-one, disallowed three hundred and forty- two, withdrawn thirty-eight, not prosecuted five hundred and fifty-three; " that the amount of claims allowed was £3,033,091 ; whereas, in the table which I have followed as giving a later and final view, the claims examined are stated at four thousand one hundred and eighteen, and the amount allowed at the sum iu the text ; from which it follows, that one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven persons recovered only the difference between £3,292,455 and £3,033,91, or the small sum of £259,364. 10* CHAPTER XIH. The Banished Loyalists and their Descendants. Progress of Whig Princi ples in the Canadas, in New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The whole System of Monopoly on which the Colonial System was founded and maintained, surrendered. The Colonists now manufacture i«hat they will, buy where they please, and sell where they can. England her self has pronounced the Vindication of the AVhigs. The Heir to the British Throne at Mount Vernon and Bunker Hill. The Colonists claim to hold the highest Places in the Government, in the Army, and in the Navy. Effects of the Change of Policy. The Children of the AVhigs and of the Loyalists, reconciled. We are uoav to discuss the political changes in the Colonies to Avhich the banishment and confiscation acts during the war, and the hostile feeling at the peace, compelled large bodies of Loyalists to retire. When, in 1821, in ignorance and poverty, I went to the eastern frontier, I saw in wonder that, across the border, natives of Massachusetts and graduates of her ancient university, Avith exiles from other States, had reestablished the Colonial system of government AAdth hardly a modification ; and, young as I was, well did I mark the administration of affairs. Indeed, as I read and inquired, I almost imagined that I was actually living in ante-revolutionary times. For some years, no political changes of moment occurred : but, in the course of events, important concessions were demanded ; and, finally, the whole system of monop oly on which the system is founded, was abandoned, as I purpose to relate so fully as my limits will allow. HISTORICAL ESSAY, 115 In 1783, the French at Quebec and Montreal, and the English at Halifax, were few in numbers, and generally poor and ignorant; while the countries noAv called Canada West and New BrunsAvick, were almost unbroken forests, Canada claims our first attention. As Avas predicted by wise statesmen in 1763, the French possessions then acquired have caused England great disqu.iet and immense expenditures. After the conquest, and before the cession by treaty, an exciting discussion arose, Avhether, as the ministry had the option be tween Canada and Guadaloupe, they should not restore to France the former, and retain the latter. The fear was, that, if Canada were kept, the thirteen Colonies, rid of all apprehensions from the French, would in crease too rapidly, and, in the end, throw off their dependence on the mother country. This view Avas supported in a tract supposed to be from the pen of one of the Burkes ; and Avas answered by Franklin, in his happiest and ablest manner. The ministry, having resolved to keep Canada, organized a military government ; and the king, by proclamation, an nounced his intention of granting, as soon as circum stances would permit, a legislative assembly. That this promise was not redeemed for twenty-eight years was an error in policy, and a breach of royal faith. For a time, officers of the army were both governors and judges. Abuses, at last, became so serious as to attract the notice of the Crown. The change Avhich followed gave much offence to the Whigs of the thirteen Colonies, and is mentioned in the Declara tion of Independence. , In 1791, Mr. Pitt, in opposition to Fox and other 116 HISTORICAL ESSAY. British Whigs, carried through Parliament a bill which divided Canada into two provinces, and which pro vided for a better administration of affairs than had ever existed. It Avas in the debate on this measure, that Burke and Fox severed the ties which had bound them together for a long period. Tolerable harmony prevailed in Canada for a num ber of years. The first dispute of consequence im mediately preceded the war of 1812 ; when the Assembly demanded that the judges should vacate their seats as legislators, and confine themselves to their judicial duties. A sharp contest followed. The Governor dissolved the Assembly; but his- conduct was not approved in England, and he was removed. The appointment of the popular Sir George Prevost, and the war with the United States, hushed for awhile the clamors of the discontented. At the peace, how ever, Avhen Prevost relinquished the executive chair to Sir George Gordon Drummond, a second quarrel arose betAveen the judges and a new House of Assem bly ; and two occupants of the bench were impeached. Drummond was succeeded by the excellent Sir John C, Sherbroke, under whose rule there Avas a period of quiet. On his retirement, his successor, the Duke of Richmond, abandoned the practice of submitting to the Assembly an estimate in detail of the sums of money required for each branch of the public service ; and thus added another element of discord. The As sembly refused to comply with the Duke's wishes, and a long and angry controversy followed. His Grace died of hydrophobia ; and the dispute was re newed by the Earl of Dalhousie, who was appointed governor-general in his place. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 117 This rapid narrative brings us to the year 1820, and to the first organized party in opposition to the established order of things. The Assembly, moderate in their earliest demands, — and for three or four years, — merely contested the right of the servants of the Crown to designate the manner of expending certain of the Colonial reveniies ; and, in justification, complained of previous misapplication of the public money. In 1825, during the temporary absence of Lord Dalhousie, Sir Francis Burton, Avho administered the government in the exigency, made such large concessions as to induce the Assembly to assume a bolder position, and to claim the control of the whole of the Colonial revenues, as Avell as to designate the objects to Avhich they should be ajiplied. This mas terly movement for the entire fiscal poAver excited an interest in Canadian politics never before man ifested, and afforded cause of serious alarm in Eng land. The Assembly persisted ; and, after a discu.s- sion of two years, the ministry proposed to surrender the management of the revenues on the condition, that what is termed the " Civil List " should be paid out of them. And the matter Avould have been adjusted on this basis, probably, but for the act of Lord Dalhousie, in disapproving and setting aside the election of Mr. Papineau to the Speaker's chair of the Assembly. The popularity of that gentleman in his own party was almost ;anbounded. The " Liber als," as his friends were called — the Liberals, enraged beyond what such a circumstance warranted, gave vent to their feehngs in the most exciting appeals to the people ; and Dalhousie's administration closed amid denunciations and imprecations. 118 HISTORICAL ESSAY. Sir James Kempt undertook the difficult duty of hu.shing the storm in 1828 ; and, to this end, he in vited Papineau and another leader of the Liberals to take seats in his cabinet ; and he gave assurances that the graver differences should be disposed of at the meeting of Parliament. This promise, in consequence of the death of George the Fourth, was not fulfilled. But Lord Aylmar, on succeeding to Sir James's place, renewed the pledge ; and, as the Liberals affirmed, without condition.s. However this may be, when he came to make known the precise concessions of the ministry, the quarrel Avhich apparently had come to a termination, Avas opened ancAV and Avith increased violence. The Assembly, strong now in popular favor, assumed the most determined attitude and refused every overture. At last, in 1831, the min istry yielded the essential points in dispute, and the considerate among the Colonists hoped for a cessa tion of strife. But, though the home government conceded much. Lord Aylmar Avas still instructed to ask for spccied appropriations of money. This pro duced new difficulties. The result was, that the breach between the Assembly and the servants of the Crown became as wide as ever before. Encour aged by the advantages they had obtained in this long and wearisome dispute about the revenues, the Liberals now commenced an attack upon the Legis lative Council. This body, in its powers, is much like the senate with us ; but its members held their places at the royal pleasure, and for life. Several of the incumbents, for reasons Avhich I have not time to state, had become extremely obnoxious. The Assembly demanded, not the removal of the offen- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 119 sive members, but the abolition of the Council itself, and its reconstruction on an elective basis. To this demand, the ministry gave a flat refusal. As mon archists reason, well they might refuse ; since, to have surrendered the Council to the popular party, was to lose all check upon it, and to reduce the power and authority of the CroAvn to a mere shadow. The Assembly, on this rebuff, seemed to lose all sense of official propriety. In hot haste, the Liberals prepared a long list of new and enormous wrongs ; they declared many old ones to be insufferable ; they rejected the bill granting money to support the gov ernment ; they severely censured Lord Aylmar, and insisted upon his removal; and, in the most deter mined tone, renewed the demand for an elective Council. Among the people the excitement was in tense. Affairs, indeed, had come to a crisis. In nine sessions of the Canadian Parliament, immediately preceding, the deeply-hated Legislative Council had rejected no less than one hundred and twenty-two of the bills passed by the Assembly, and had so amended forty-seven others, that the latter body had refused concurrence. In a word, legislation was at an end. The reconstruction of the Council was the fixed pur pose on one side ; the Council, Avithout change, was the determined resolution on the other. Such was the general condition of things in Canada, when,-on a change of administration in England, Sir Robert Peel became Prime Minister in place of Lord Melbourne. To redress every real wrong, to send over a commissioner with ample powers to examine and decide upon the complaints which had been so pertinaciously urged, year after year, Avas the prompt 120 HISTORICAL ESSAY, resolve of Sir Robert ; but, before he could execute his plan, another change occurred which restored Lord Melbourne to power. And yet. Lord Aylmar was recalled, and Lord Gosford was appointed both governor and commissioner. This mission was an utter failure. The year 1836 is memorable in Cana dian politics. Lord Gosford Avas disgraced. The As sembly manifested desire for an appeal to arms, as the only remaining means to accomplish their long- cherished schemes. For the first time, the two great parties in England were brought to consider that the interposition of the Imperial Parliament was indis pensable to the peace and integrity of the British empire ; for, at this time, disaffection had spread, as we shall see, to other Colonies. It is to be borne in mind, that Lower and Upper Canada were not, as now, united, and that my re marks, thus far, relate entirely to the former. We pass to speak of the course of events in the latter, Avhich, since the union, is knoAvn as Canada West. On the election of a ncAv Assembly in 1834, the Lib erals achieved a triumph over the Conservatives, and, elated with their success, they assumed, as it were in a moment, the extreme pretensions which had been slowly matured, in the dissensions of fifteen years, in the sister Colony. There was no department of the government which they did not assail; no public servant whom they did not accuse. Their wish to secede from England was hardly denied or concealed under a decent veil. In fine, to pass from a state of ordinary quiet to loud murmurs and open rebellion, was scarcely the work of a single year. In the hope of allaying the excite- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 121 ment, the ministry recalled Sir John Colburn, and appointed Sir Francis Bond Head governor in his stead. Never, in politics, Avas there a greater blun der. Sir Francis, whatever his merits as a writer or a soldier, was a mere child among politicians. He himself thought so ; and others said that his appoint ment was a ministerial joke. The juncture required the wisdom of the ivisest of England's many wise statesmen ; and her ministers were inexcusably remiss in refusing to see that it was so. Indications that the royal authority would soon be disputed in the field, were too manifest to be mistaken. Yet the mil itary force of the Crown was tardily increased. At last, but too late, the ministry appealed to Parliament, irrespective of party distinctions, for the calm judg ment and the united ability of that body. The death of King William quickly followed. To involve the Illustrious Lady Avho now occupies the throne, in a conflict with her subjects, at the beginning of her reign, was a measure which ministers and nobles and commoners might well wish to avoid ; and, in the ir resolution of the moment, the Canadas defied her, and met her troops in deadly combat. The last months of 1837, and the opening of 1838, were crowded with deeds of violence and blood. I recall, in sadness, the attempt to seize upon Toronto, the capital of Upper Canada, the battles of St. Denis, of St. Charles, and of Bois Blanc. These, and other hostile affairs, exposed the weakness of the Liberals as a revolution ary party; disclosed that they had no hold on the hearts of the masses ; disclosed that they had ven tured into open war with a mighty empire without resources; disclosed how miserably deficient they VOL. 1. 11 122 HISTORICAL ESSAY, were in military talents, and how slight was the con fidence of their leaders in one another. And so, too, I recall in horror the butcheries at St. Eustache, as affording melancholy proof of what, indeed, human history is full of — that, when brother fights brother, no outrage, no wickedness, is too great ; since there, men were needlessly maimed and slain ; weeping, famishing women were driven out to perish, and were plundered and murdered ; since there, the dead were mangled, and suffered to lie unburied, and to be eaten by dogs. These, and other deeds as awful as these, but of which I shall make no mention, shocked the civilization of the age. The subsequent efforts of the leaders of the Liber als to form a provisional government at Navy Island, where they concentrated their scattered followers, drew down upon them universal contempt. They strove to inspire the deceived, shivering, and starving creatures around them with the belief that citizens of the United States would flock to their standard, and enable them to retrieve their fortunes. But, deluded from first to last ; incessantly quarrelling among themselves ; and showing to the world, in the columns of the newspapers, the meanness of their personal disputes ; the movement, which, in their in fatuation they designed for a revolution, and for an imposing page in American annals, terminated in a disgraceful insurrection. In their appeals to the pop ular ear, previous to the outbreak, they had likened their situation, and the objects for which they con tended, to those of our fathers, — the Whigs of 1776 ; but they were answered, and truly, that several of the graver disabilities which restrained and oppressed HISTORICAL ESSAY. 123 the thirteen Colonies, had been removed. ^ So, too, they had adopted the general sentiments of our Dec laration of Independence, and incorporated a large portion of it into their Manifesto of Wrongs. For reasons which Avill appear anon, I was a calm and interested observer ; and the opinion which I then formed, I repeat after the lapse of twenty years. I need not to be told, that of the fallen, we should always speak in pity, and of the guilty, in mercy. But, we are not to repress our indignation, when, as in the case before us, men of talents and education, of political knowledge and experience, skulk away, and leave their dupes to die on the scaffold, or to pine and perish in prison. Such men, — the men who slip the halter for themselves, but fasten it round the necks of the ignorant and the lowly, — should stand accursed. At the suppression of the insurrection, Canada was in a deplorable condition, as the imagination can well picture. It often happens in human affairs, that the mischief all done, and the mischief all exposed, a remedy is thought of and applied. It Avas so then. Civil war produced, with all its miseries, needy or second and third rate knights, and baronets and barons were no longer sent to govern, or rather to mis-govern, the people of Canada. Lord Durham, a statesman of acknowledged wisdom, moderation, and ability, was solicited to undertake the task of healing the disorders which other persons of rank had helped to increase, and which, had he been employed at the outset, could, and would have been prevented. His powers as ambassador were as great as were ever conferred on a British subject. The Colonial gentle- 124 HISTORICAL ESSAY. men with whom I constantly mingled, hailed his com ing, much as they would have done the advent of an angel. His keen vision surveyed all Canada at a glance. Plans for bold and comprehensive reforms, were formed with the rapidity of intuition. His heart was in the work, and he labored incessantly. As Washington had been the saviour of the thirteen Col onies, so he proudly thought to become the saviour of the domains which England conquered from France, and which, strangely enough, are all the continental possessions that remain to her in this hemisphere, Alas, that Lord Durham should have been arrested in his glorious career. But in politics, the idol of to day is the martyr of the morrow, if he recognize the doctrines of human brotherhood rather than the dic tations of his party. His Lordship found the prisons full of persons charged with participation in the insurrection, and with crimes against persons and property. The clam ors for the life of the leaders were awful. But there had been enough of death, — he nobly said, — enough of widowhood and orphanage ; and so, true to his na ture, he resolved to save and to spare. In the intense excitement which prevailed, he feared that justice would not be done by juries, and, in pure mercy to the ruined and the fallen, he banished to the Ber mudas several of the insurgents who made written confession of guilt, as the best means of allaying animosities, and of preventing further communication between the leading spirits who had been arrested, and those who were still at large. Unfortunately for himself, his course was technically wrong, for the Bermudas were not within his jurisdiction ; and, ac- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 125 cording to the letter of criminal law, a British sub ject cannot be deprived of his liberty, Avithout the finding of a jury and the sentence of a judge. The decree of banishment was accordingly disapproved ; and Lord Durham abandoned his mission at once, and returned to England without leave of the queen or her ministers. He was proud and sensitive ; and the proud and sensitive Avill not brook dishonorable imputation. That he erred, may be admitted. With some of his peers, his high character, his motives in this partic ular case, were of no avail. In a Avord, his foes pur sued him much as the famished wolf follows a lone, lost child in the forest — to lap blood, drop by drop. The vulgar of our race murder with the knife and with the club ; the gentlemen, to gain in politics, de stroy with the tongue, Avith the pen, and Avith the press. Lord Durham did not long survive his disgrace. He lived long enough, however, to complete for pos terity an elaborate report of what he did, of Avhat he intended to do, and of what should be done, in Brit ish America. This document, in the passion of the hour, was reviewed in Parliament and elsewhere with merciless severity. I quote a single instance. In 1839, the "London Quarterly," in a notice of it, said, in concluding some very pungent remarks : " We can venture to answer, that every uncontradicted assertion of that volume will be made the excuse of future rebellions, — every unquestioned principle ivill be hereafter perverted into a gospel of treason ; and that, if that rank and infectious Report does not receive the high, marked, and energetic dis countenance and indignation of the imperial crown and par liament, British America is lost." 11 » 126 HISTORICAL ESSAY. But this Report, so filled with treasons, so sure to dismember the British empire a second time, in the apprehension of those who denounced it, is already considered a masterly State paper; and, curious to add, its recommendedions have been adopted in almost every essenticd jHirticiilar. The insurrection in Canada involved the United States. That some of our citizens were concerned in it, is beyond question ; the burning of the American steamer Caroline by officers of the Crown ; the seiz ure and trial of McLeod, the principal actor in the affair ; the avowal of the British ministry that they justified him, with their demand on the Federal gov ernment for his release ; these, and other circum stances, formed a complication of difficulties, which caused the wisest to ponder. At this juncture, the peace of the country depended on the grand and massive man who now rests at Marshfield. It was easy for party men who were secure in their homes to call upon him, for party purposes, to quit the De partment of State ; but we,^ who hved upon the bor der, who daily saw the elements of strife gaining strength, and who were exposed to the marauder's bludgeon and the marauder's torch ; we watched his movements Avith intense interest, and when we found that he would not be driven from his post, we blessed him. It is not necessary to trace the course of events in Canada further. Lord Durham's mission, in its re sults, terminated the strifes. We pass to New Brunswick. The original popu- 1 My home was still at Eastport, Maine. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 127 lation of this Colony was composed almost entirely of the Loyalists of the Revolution. It was set off from Nova Scotia in 1784, Avithout pressing necessity, except to provide for these unhapjiy victims to civil war. The judges of the Supreme Court first ap pointed were natives of Massachusetts, and graduates of Harvard University. The secretary of the prov ince Avas an Episcopal minister of New Jersey, Avho was in communication with Arnold while he Avas plotting treason. The judges of the inferior courts, the sheriffs, collectors of the customs, and other func tionaries, were also our banished countrymen ; and mo,st of them were born in Ncav England and the Middle States. Thus the offices Avere given to Loy alist families, and descended from father to son. The first political agitation of moment in New Brunswick was, I think, in 1837, when Sir Archibald Campbell, — who had served his king as a soldier in almost every part of the world, — was compelled to retire, lipon address of the House of Assembly for his removal from the executive chair. Sir John Harvey was his successor. He, too, was a military officer of much merit. He had Avarm friends and bitter foes. His career was even more stormy than that of his predecessor ; but he cared little for angry newspapers and angry politicians. The American people on the eastern frontier have reason to re member his course when the controversy relative to the North-Eastern Boundary had reached a point to threaten hostilities. Congress had conditionally placed millions of money and a large army at the disposal of the President ; and Maine, to defend the territory in dispute, had authorized a loan, raised 128 HISTORICAL ESSAY, troops and established garrisons. The roads in one section of the State were filled miles together with ,sleds loaded with soldiers and the munitions of Avar. British regulars were moving in every direction, and a British frigate, with a regiment detached from Bermuda, lay anchored within a mile of my own home. All was dread, confusion, alarm. Worship was disturbed on the Sabbath, and business was neglected on week-days. In this condition of things, General Scott was ordered to Maine, to consult with the governor and the members of the legislature, to negotiate with Sir John Harvey, and, if possible, to prevent extremities. The two warriors, to the dis pleasure of demagogues, but to the satisfaction of the country generally, agreed upon terms which pre vented bloodshed at the lone military posts on the upper waters of the St. John ; and thus saved, prob ably, England and the United States from the calam ities of war. Sir William Colebrooke, another officer in the British army, followed Sir John Harvey, and, for a time, Avas very popular. The appointment, however, of his son-in-law to an office next in rank to his own, gave much offence, and caused an organized opposition to his administration. In the end, the dispute broke up Sir William's cabinet, and produced a memorial from the Assembly to the queen. Lord Stanley, (who now is the Earl of Derby, and lately Prime Minister of England,) Avho was then Secretary for the Colonies, so far approved of the course of the opposition, as to disallow the appoint ment, and to direct the return of the members of the Council who had retired. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 129 The Liberals claimed to have gained a point never before conceded, namely, that, in filling Cedonied offices, persons born in England were to be excluded. In fact, it was so ; for when a similar question arose in Canada, subsequently, the governor-general affirmed that view of Lord Stanley's despatch. Let the reader mark the change : the Whigs of the Revolution made no demand like this ; they asked merely for a recogni tion of Colonial talents and a share of the patronage of the Crown; — it remained for the children of Loy alists to ask for and obtain the monopoly of public office. The principal leader of the Liberals at this time, Avas the Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, who, of Loyalist descent, is a grandson of Daniel Bliss, a native of Concord, Massachusetts, and a graduate of Harvard University. Mr. Wilmot possesses brilliant poAvers, and is an eloquent and effective speaker. It hap pened that I made his acquaintance Avhen his for tunes were considered desperate ; when some of his most ardent personal friends said he was a madman ; and when his adversaries told him to his face that he was a traitor. He accepted, finally, the office of attorney-general, and at the present moment is a judge of the Supreme Court. Sir William Colebrooke was transferred to the government of British Guiana in 1848, and was suc ceeded by Sir Edmund Head, late governor-general of British America. Unlike most who have administered Colonial affairs. Sir Edmund is a civilian. His life in New Brunswick was not without vexations ; but he kept opposing politicians in tolerable humor, and departed for 130 HISTORICAL ESSAY. Canada, with the hearty good wishes of most of the people. Nothing Avhich need detain us has occurred within ten or twelve years, and we hasten to Nova Scotia. In that Colony, the first difficulty of consequence with the servants of the Crown was in 1836, when the government was administered by Sir Cohn Campbell, an old soldier, with ' many scars. Un skilled in wordy strife, and used only to move men by the tap of the drum and the sound of the bugle, he made sad work of it among politicians and news paper editors, and Avas soon involved with both. At this time there Avas not an incorporated city in Nova Scotia. The magistrates who held commissions from the CroAvn, and who were entirely independent of the people, controlled everything in (heir respective parishes and counties. "Neglect, mismanagement, and corruption, were perceptible everywhere." In the government of the Province, the legislative, ex ecutive, and judicial powers were strangely blended ; for the same individual — such was the exact fact — was called upon in one capacity to make laws; in another, to advise the governor as to their execu tion ; and, in a third, to administer them as a judge ' on the bench. Nay, more ; the Episcopal bishop of the Province was a member of the Council; five other members of that body were of two family connec tions, and five more were copartners in one mercan tile firm; while the sessions were with closed doors, and the incumbents held office for life. To add that the Council was composed of only twelve members, ' Even the chief justice of the Province performed these threefold and incompatible duties. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 131 and was not responsible, because it could not be reached ; to add this, and the reader has the outlines of the political institutions of Nova Scotia, and in several important particulars, of all British America, hardly more than thirty years ago. In this condition of affairs, the Hon. Joseph Howe, who is now known as a statesman, was elected to the House of Assembly. Like other leaders of the Liberals of whom I have spoken, he is of Loyalist descent. His father was John Howe, of Boston, who embarked for Halifax with the British army at the evacuation, and became postmaster-general of the Province. Mr. Howe himself was bred a printer. Prosecuted for an article which appeared in his paper, arraigning the magistrates of Halifax for gross corruption and neglect of duty, and acquitted by the jury, to the great joy of those Avho Avished for reform, he was adopted at once as their champion. With a temerity that amazed his own friend.s, he assailed the Council and the abuses of the existing system of government generally, in twelve carefully drawn resolutions. In the Canadas, as we have seen, the Reformers, or Liberals, were fast hurrying mat> ters to a bloody issue ; and these resolutions, em bracing as they did radical changes in every depart ment, were opposed in a temper that would have silenced forever any common man. But they passed the Assembly finally, and were transmitted to Eng land. Such was the beginning. Sir Cohn Campbell resisted Mr. Howe, and the party of which he was the recognized head, for about three years, when the ministry wisely trans ferred him to another Colony. 132 HISTORICAL ESSAY. Lord Falkland, who succeeded, married a daughter of King William the Fourth, His Lordship endeav ored to put an end to the animosities which Sir Colin had bequeathed him; and his first important measure was, the formation of a coalition cabinet, in which Mr. Howe accepted a place. So diverse, however, were its members in opinion and in social rank, that the " Coalition " — as sure to fail there as everywhere else — lasted hardly a year and a half He next dissolved the Assembly, and met a new one, only to encounter increased difficulties. In truth, the Liberals were determined upon extensive re forms, and would not listen to overtures of compro mise. In 1844, such had become the tone of the press and the people that faA'ored and insisted upon change, that political discussions took the place of all others. In the Assembly there was a debate on fourteen successive days, in a temper that was not even decent. The relations between Lord Falkland and Mr. Howe had become personally hostile, and remarks were made by the latter which are not to be approved. It had ordinarily happened, that on the adjourn ment of the Assembly, the people gradually became quiet and pursued their avocations, in forgetfulness of politics. It was not so then. To hear the fishermen and the wood-choppers speculate upon the wonders to be accomplished by " Reform," one would have thought that " Jo Howe," as they called him, once in power, fish and fuel would advance in price in Boston market full one quarter part. In 1845, Mr. Howe traversed Nova Scotia, and increased the popular excitement. He HISTORICAL ESSAY. 133 addressed throngs in all the principal places, and often spoke three, and even four hours at a time. It Avas "Jo Howe," by day and by night. The Yankee pedler who is immortalized in Sam Slick, drove good bargains in " Jo Howe " clocks. In the coal mine, in the plaster quarry, in the ship-yard, and in the forest, and on board the fishing-pogy, the jigger, and the pinkey, it was still "Jo Howe." Ships and babies were named "Jo Howe." The topers of the shops and taverns swore great oaths about "Jo Howe." The young men and maidens flirted and courted in "Jo Howe " badges, and played and sang " Jo HoAve " glees. It was " Jo Howe " everywhere. In the Assembly, the same year, Mr. Howe's speeches were frequent and personal. His invec tives against Lord Falkland Avere bitter beyond ex ample, and he declared, on one occasion, that it might become necessary "to hire a black fellow to horsewhip his Lordship through the streets of Hali fax." Meantime the Liberals made steady progress, and effected changes which, at the outset, they them selves did not deem possible. Sir John Harvey, already mentioned as governor of New Brunswick, was ordered to assume the direc tion of affairs in 1846, and specially instructed to adopt conciliatory measures, and to calm the public mind. He attempted to form a cabinet, as Lord Falkland had done, of Liberals and Conservatives, but giving the latter party a majority of one. He failed, because the Liberals claimed to be in the ascendant, and because some of that party were vol.. I. 12 134 HISTORICAL ESSAY. averse to a second " Coahtion." Sir John promptly referred the contest to the people, by dissolving the Assembly and ordering a general election. The Conservatives were defeated. The new Assembly met early in 1848, when the existing Council retired. The Liberals filled the va cant seats with their own leaders, and disposed of the great law-offices of the Crown at pleasure. Mr. Howe became a member of the cabinet, and received, besides, the lucrative post of provincial secretary, which, as Colonists fix rank, is inferior only to the office of governor. Thus, in twelve years, the politi cal millennium was ushered in ; but sooth to say, the Boston price-current continued to quote fish and Avood and grindstones, according to the old commer cial law of supply and demand, to the utter astonish ment of many a simple " Bluenose " who had neg lected his business, year after year, to make "Jo Howe " a great man. Men's motives are generally mingled, and it may be admitted that Mr. Howe desired, in this long struggle, to win personal distinction; but it is due to him to say that he declined office more than once, and that by his labors and sacrifices he achieved great and permanent good for his native Colony, His speeches and political papers have been pub lished in Boston in two octavo volumes, and show that he well deserves the name of statesman,^ Such are the outlines of the political agitations in the British possessions, north and east of us. It remains to consider the results of these agita tions, — to speak of the concessions of the mother- 1 See the notice of John Howe. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 135 country. Upon this subject, details are unneces sary. The whole system of monopoly, on which the Colonial form of government was founded, has been swept away. The disabilities, as relates to com merce and manufactures, which existed in our fath ers' time, have disappeared. There is not an im perial custom-house, or an imperial revenue-officer, in all British America. Colonial ships voyage to all parts of the world. The substance of a long des patch from Earl Grey to Lord Elgin, in 1846, was, that the Colonists may make whut they ivill; may buy tvhere they please ; may sell ivhere they can. Had this State paper been framed seventy years earlier, and in 1776, the public debt of England would have been five hundred millions of dollars less than it is, and one hundred thousand Anglo-Saxon men and women would not have perished in battle, in storm, and in prison. Mark the progress in civilization and in political freedom. " Make what you will ; buy where you please ; sell where you can ! " In the annunciation of these Avords, England herself pronounced the vin dication of the " upstart barristers," — John Adams, John Jay, and John Marshall, — the vindication of the " upstart tobacco planter " of Mount Vernon, and of their associates; and in the face of the civilized world she abandoned the accusation that the Whigs of the Revolution "Avere but successful rebels and traitors." In the old thirteen Colonies, she endeav ored to maintain, by arms, the monopoly of ships and workshops and places of honor, for natives of the British Isles ; and humanity weeps over smoul- 136 HISTORICAL ESSAY. dering ruins and divided and expatriated families, to save the Colonial system of government, which, with out an element of human brotherhood, was trans mitted by heathen Carthage and Rome, and which, all now agree, should never have been fastened upon the Colonists of any Christian nation. Mark the change! Fourteen years after the promulgation of Earl Gray's despatch, the heir to the British throne, and his suite of nobles, mused at the spot where Washington is buried, and on the battle-ground where Warren died ! ^ Again, England no longer excludes Colonial tal ents from places of honor or emolument. The governor-general and the governors of the separ ate Colonies are still appointed by the Crown, but the subordinate posts are open to Colonists, in ac cordance with the popular Avill. Nay, more. Mr. Howe, in several elaborate letters to Lord John Russell, claims that natives of the Colonies shall be eligible to the highest places in the church, in the army and navy ; shall be allowed to represent Eng land at foreign courts, and to occupy the position of cabinet ministers at home. In view of these pretensions, recall that a governor ¦ of Massachusetts once refused to appoint John Ad ams a justice of the peace; that Washington was denied the commission of colonel in the army, and that John Marshall, who lived to found the juris prudence of a nation, was doomed, as a Colonist, 1 The Prince of Wales visited Mount Vernon, October 5, and Bunker Hill, October 19, 1860. Among the distinguished personages who ac companied him on his visit to the Colonies and to the United States, were the Duke of Newcastle, the Earl of St. Germans, Viscount Hincherbroke, and Honorable Major-General Robert Bruce. HISTORICAL ESSAY. 137 to plead before English-born judges, in the county courts of Virginia. A single word more. A few years ago the most intense hate was cher ished by Colonists toAvards people of the United States. Their fathers Avere the losers, ows were the winners, in the Avar of the Revolution. Nor was kind feeling entertained among us. It was thought disloyal in a Colonist, and to evince a want of pa,- triotism in a citizen of the republic, to seek to pro mote sentiments of love on either side, and to unite kinsmen Avho, two generations ago, Avere severed in the dismemberment of the British empire. But the change is wonderful; and some persons who com menced the work of reconciliation live to witness the consummation of their highest hopes. The chil dren of the Whigs and the children of the Tories have become reconciled.' God be praised that it is so ! The controversy relative to our rights in the fisheries in the British colonial seas, Avhich for awhile, on the American side of the frontier, was conducted by my single pen, opened, as I venture to record, the way for the adjustment of all the questions of difference. The Treaty of Reciprocity, concluded in 1854, Avas the crowning measure of peace and good-will ; since, if revised — as it should be — it will be lasting. 1 This chapter was written before the breaking out of the present unhallowed rebellion, but I make no change in the text, in consequence of the feeling towards the North by a part of the politicians and of the newspapers In British America; for what is said and written is not worthy of thought, much less does it represent the great Colonial heart. 12* CHAPTER XIV. Introductory Remarks. Principles of Unbelief prevalent. The Whigs lose sight of their Original Purposes, and propose Conquests. Decline of Public Spirit. Avarice, Rapacity, Traffic with the Enemy. Gam bling, Speculation, Idleness, Dissipation, and Extravagance. Want of Patriotism. Excessive Issue of Paper might have been avoided. Recruits for the Army demand Enormous Bounty. Shameless Deser tions and Immoralities. Commissions in the Army to men destitute of Principle. Court-martials frequent, and many Officers Cashiered. Resignations upon Discreditable Pretexts, and alarmingly prevalent. The Public Mind fickle, and Disastrous Changes in Congress. Tbe Whigs of England. It has been my constant endeavor to speak of those who opposed the Whigs, in the momentous conflict which made us an independent people, calmly and mildly. For — " Mercy to him that shows it is the rule And righteous limitation of its act. By which Heaven moves in pardoning guilty man ; And he that shows none, being ripe in years, And conscious of the outrage he commits, Shall seek it, and not find it, in his turn." Virtuous men, whatever their errors and mistakes, are to be respected ; and with regard to others, it is well to remember the beautiful sentiment of Gold smith, that " we should never strike an unnecessary blow at a victim over whom Providence holds the scourge of its resentment." HISTORICAL ESSAY. 139 While intending to be just, I have felt that I might also be generous. " Can he be strenuous in his country's cause Who slights the charities for whose dear sake That country, if at all, must be beloved ? " A word now of the winners in the strife, I pre mise that I am of Whig descent. My father's father received his death-wound under Washington, at Tren ton ; my mother's father fought under Stark, at Ben nington. There are those who are still ready to do battle for every "Whig," and to denounce every " Tory ; " Avho still believe that all who were known by the former name Avere disinterested ahd virtuous, and that all to Avhom the latter epithet was applied, Avere selfish and vicious, and deserving of reproach. To these, I address the concluding chapter of this Essay. I do not care, of all things, to be thought to Avant appreciation of those of my countrymen who broke the yoke of Colonial vassalage ; nor, on the other hand, do I care to imitate the writers of a late school, and treat the great and the successful actors in the world's affairs as little short of divinities, and as exempt from criticism. In speaking of men who have left their impress upon their age, something, I own, is due to the dignity of history ; but something, too, is due to the dignity of truth. The bandaged eyes and the even scales, I apprehend, are as fit em blems for the student as for the judge ; and so, upon the evidence, and upon the law of progress, I say that we are not to look for as great intellectual de velopment, or for as high civilization, among bound or even emancipated British Colonists, as, after the 140 HISTORICAL ESSAY. lapse of two generations, exist around us, and in Anglo-Saxon countries everywhere. We have now the off-hand limnings of John Ad ams and of others, of the men and manners of the second half of the last century; and those who are well informed as to the leading personages and events of that period will not doubt the general accuracy of the pictures. These sketches of the principal char acters in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and in Con gress, as well as the mention of the sectional jeal ousies that prevailed, — of the personal quarrels and alienations that existed among the Whigs of high position in the civil and military line at home, and among those Avho were employed abroad on embas sies of the last importance to the Whig cause, — show clearly that the prominent men of the Revolutionary era Avere great and good, little and bad, mingled ; just as elsewhere in the annals of our race. The Whigs of lofty virtue, like William III. of England, were compelled by the necessities of their condition to employ as instruments persons Avhom they knew or beheved to be mere mercenaries, who would fall off and join the royal side the moment that interest or a case for individual safety should appear to re quire ; and, like William, they seemed oblivious of this fact, simply because, under the circumstances, it was sound policy to be blind, forgetful, and igno rant. Nay, this general statement Avill not serve my pur pose. Justice demands as severe a judgment of the Whigs as of their opponents ; and I shall here record the result of long and patient study. At the Revolu tionary period, the principles of unbehef were diffused HISTORICAL ESSAY. 141 to a considerable extent throughout the Colonies. It is certain that several of the most conspicuous per sonages of those days were either avowed disbelievers in Christianity, or cared so little about it, that they were commonly regarded as disciples of the English or French schools of sceptical philosophy. Again, the Whigs Avere by no means exempt from the lust of dominion. Several of them were among the most noted land speculators of their time. As I have else where said, in the progress of the Avar, and in a man ner hardly to be defended, we find them sequestering and appropriating to themselves the vast estates of those Avho opposed them. So we find that while the issue of the contest was yet doubtful, they lost sight of its original purposes, and in their endeavors to procure the alliance of France, they proposed that she should join them in an enterprise to conquer her own former Colonial possessions in America ; and the Saxon thirst for boundless SAvay may be seen in their calm and thoughtful proposition, to keep nearly all the soil and fishing-grounds to be acquired for their own use and aggrandizement. Still again, avarice and rapacity were seemingly as common then as now. Indeed, the stock-jobbing, the extortion, the forestall ing, the loAV arts and devices to amass wealth, that were practised during the struggle, are almost incred ible. Washington mourned the want of virtue as early as 1775, and averred that he " trembled at the prospect." Soldiers were stripped of their miserable pittance, that contractors for the army might become rich in a single campaign. Many of the sellers of merchandise monopolized articles of the first neces sity, and would not part with them to their suffering 142 HISTORICAL ESSAY, countrymen, and to the wives and children of those who were absent in the field, unless at enormous profits. The traffic carried on with the royal troops was immense. Men of all descriptions finally en gaged in it, and those who at the beginning of the war would have shuddei'ed at the idea of any connec tion with the enemy, pursued it with avidity. The public securities were often counterfeited ; official signatures Avere forged ; and plunder and robbery openly ¦ indulged. Appeals to the guilty from the pulpit, the press, and the halls of legislation, were alike unheeded. The decline of public spirit ; the love of gain of those in office ; the plotting of dis affected persons ; and the malevolence of faction became Avidely spread, and in parts of the country were uncontrollable. The useful occupations of life, and the legitimate pursuits of commerce, were aban doned by thousands. The basest of men enriched themselves ; and many of the most estimable sunk into obscurity and indigence. There Avere those who would neither paj'^ their debts nor their taxes. The finances of the State, and the fortunes of individuals were to an alarming extent at the mercy of gamblers and speculators. The indignation of Washington was freely expressed. "It gives me very sincere pleas ure," he said, in a letter to Joseph Reed, " to find the Assembly [of Pennsylvania] is so well disposed to second your endeavors in bringing those murderers of our cause, the monopolizers, forestallers, and en grossers, to condign punishment. It is much to be lamented, that each State long ere this has not hunted them down as pests to society, and the greatest ene mies we have to the happiness of America. No pun- HISTORICAL ESSAY. 143 ishment, in my opinion, is too great for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin." In a letter to another, he drcAv this picture, Avhich he solemnly declared to be a true one : " From Avliat I have seen, heard, and in part knoAv," said he, " I should in one word say, that idleness, dissipation, and extrav agance, seem to have laid fast hold of most ; that speculation, peculation, and an insatiable thirst for riches, seem to have got the better of every other consideration and almost every order of men ; and that party disputes and personal quarrels are the great business of the day." In other letters he la ments the laxity of public morals, the "distressed, ruinous, and deplorable condition of affairs ; " the " many melancholy proofs of the decay of private virtue ; " and asks if " the paltry consideration of a little pelf to individuals is to be placed in competition with the essential rights and liberties of the present generation, and of millions yet unborn." And scat tered through his correspondence are passages which show " the increasing rapacity of the times ; " the " declining zeal of the people ; " and in which he re joices over the " virtuous few," Avho Avere struggling against the corruptions and "stock-jobbing of the multitude." I pass next to discuss the question of patriotism. In the first place, then, it should be remembered that the war was undertaken for the hohest cause which ever arrayed men in battle ; that the Whigs were a minority in some of the States, barely equalled their opponents in others, and in the whole country com posed but an inconsiderable majority; and that of consequence, there was every incentive to exertion. 144 HISTORICAL ESSAY. to action, to union, and to sacrifice for the common good. But what is the truth ? To say nothing of the Whigs of Vermont, who at one period were de clared by Washington to be "a dead weight upon the cause;" some examination of the resources of the thirteen Federal States has served to convince me, that, had the advice and plans of the illustrious Commander-in-Chief, of Franklin, and other judicious and patriotic persons been adopted ; and had there been system and common prudence and integrity in the management of affairs, the army might have been well fed, clothed, and paid throughout the struggle. The prevalent impression is that America was poor. In my judgment it was not so. The people who, before the Revolution, bought tea to the amount of two and a half millions of dollars annually, and who, in the most distressing periods of the contest, im ported useless articles of luxury, were not poor, but able to maintain those who served in the field. Par ticular States, and thousands of individuals, exhausted their means to aid in achieving the independence of their country; but I am satisfied that the want of patriotism in other States, and in other individual Whigs, produced the appalling calamities of the war, and compelled the resort to the seizure of private property, and other objectionable expedients. The issuing of bills of credit was, perhaps, unavoidable ; but their excessive depreciation might and should have been prevented. The exports of the Colonies prior to 1775 were large; and wdth a liberal allow ance for diminished production during hostilities, there were still provisions at all times to feed the people, and both the Whig and the Royal forces. In HISTORICAL ESSAY. 145 fact, the prizes taken by the numerous privateers were very valuable, and increased the ability of the country, probably, nearly as much as it Avas lessened by the partial interruption of agriculture. The King's troops Avere Avell supplied ; for his generals paid " hard money," and not the " continental stuff" " I am amazed," said \y"ashington to Colonel Stewart, " at the report you make of the quantity of provision that goes daily into Philadelphia ' from the County of Bucks ; " — and mark that this was Avritten in Jan uary of that memorable winter which the American army passed in nakedness and starvation at Valley Forge. So, too, there were men enough Avho in name were Whigs, to meet the strongest force that was ever employed to suppress the popular movement. There Avas always an army — on paper; but the votes of Congress Avere seldom executed by the States. At the close of one campaign there was not a sufficient number of troops in camp to man the lines ; and at the opening of another, when the Commander-in-Chief was expected to take the field " scarce any State in the Union," as he himself said, had " an eighth part of its quota " in service. The bounty finally paid to soldiers Avas enormous. Omit ting details, the general fact will be indicated hy stat ing that the price for a single recruit Avas as high sometimes as seven hundred and fifty, and one thou sand dollars, on enlistment for the war, besides the bounty and emoluments given by Congress ; and that one hundred and fifty dollars " in specie " was exacted and paid for a term of duty of only five months. Such were the extraordinary inducements 1 Then occupied by the British Army. vol.. I. 13 146 HISTORICAL ESSAY. necessary to tempt some- men to serve their country, when their dearest interests were at issue. Still, large numbers of Whigs demanded that Washington should face and fight their enemies, without troops, without stores, and at times, without even their own confidence and sympathy. If we allow that much of the reluctance to enter the army arose from the knowledge of the privations and sufferings to be en dured in camp, and from aversion to receive payment for service in a depreciated currency, we shall palliate the conduct of the class expected to be soldiers only to censure by implication another class, who pos sessed, but kept back, the means of supporting those who fought their battles. Making every allowance for the effects of hunger and want, for the claims of families at home, and for other circumstances equally imperative ; desertion, mutiny, robbery, and murder, are still high crimes. There were soldiers of the Revolution who deserted in parties of twenty and thirty at a time, and several hundred of those who thus abandoned the cause, fled to Vermont, and were among the early settlers of that State. A thousand men, the date of whose enlistment had been misplaced, perjured themselves in a body, as fast as they could be sworn, in order to quit the ranks which they had voluntarily entered. In smaller parties, hundreds of others demanded dis mission from camp under false pretexts, and with lies upon their lips. Some, also added treason to deser tion, and joined the various corps of Loyalists in the capacity of spies upon their former friends, or of guides and pioneers. Many more enlisted, deserted, and reenlisted under new recruiting officers, for the HISTORICAL ESSAY. 147 purpose of receiving double bounty; while others, who placed their names upon the rolls, were paid the money to which they were entitled, but refused to join the army ; and others still, Avho were sent to the hospitals, returned home without leave after their recovery, and were sheltered and secreted by friends and neighbors, whose sense of right Avas as Aveak as their own. Another class sold their clothing, provis ions, and arms, to obtain means for revelling, and to indulge their propensity for drunkenness ; Avhile some proAvled about the country, to rob and kill the unof fending and defenceless. A guard was placed over the grave of a foreigner of rank, who died in Wash ington's own quarters, and who AA'as buried in full dress, with diamond rings and buckles ; " lest the soldiers should be tempted to dig for hidden treas ures." In a word, I fear that whippings, drummings from the service, and even military executions, were more frequent in the Revolution than at any subse quent period of our history. If we turn our attention to the officers, we shall find that many had but doubtful claims to respect for purity of private character ; and that some were ad dicted to grave .vices. It is certain that appointments were conferred upon unworthy persons throughout the war. Knox wrote to Gerry, that there were men in commission " who wished to have their power per petuated at the expense of the liberties of the peo ple ; " and who " had been rewarded with rank with out having the least pretensions to it, except cabal and intrigue." There were officers Avho were desti tute alike of honor and patriotism, who unjustly clamored for their pay, while they drew large sums 148 HISTORICAL ESSAY. of public money under pretext of paying their men, but applied them to the support of their OAvn extrav agance ; who went home on furlough, and never returned ; and who, regardless of their Avord as gen tlemen, violated their paroles, and were threatened by Washington with exposure in every noAvspaper in the land, as men Avho had disgraced themselves and Avere heedless of their associates in captivity, Avhose restraints were increased by their misconduct. At times, courts-martial Avere continually sitting ; and so numerous were the convictions that the names of those who were cashiered were sent to Congress in lists. " Many of the surgeons," — are the words of Washington — " are very great rascals, countenancing the men to sham complaints to exempt them from duty, and often receiving bribes to certify indispo sitions, Avith a view to procure discharges or fur loughs ; " and still further, they drcAV for the public " medicines and stores in the most profuse and extrav agant manner, for private purposes." In a letter to the governor of a State, he affirmed that the officers who had been sent him therefrom were " generally of the lowest class of the people ; " that they " led their soldiers to plunder the inhabitants, and into every kind of mischief" To his brother, John Augustine Washington, he declared that the different States were nominating such officers as were " not fit to be shoeblacks." Resignations occurred upon discred itable pretexts, and became alarmingly prevalent. Some resigned at critical moments, and others com bined together in considerable numbers for purposes of intimidation, and threatened to retire from the service at a specified time, unless certain terms were HISTORICAL ESSAY 149 complied with. For a single instance, to show the extent of the evil, I again quote from the Command er-in-Chief, who wrote to a member of Congress, in 1778, that " the spirit of resigning commissions has been long at an alarming height, and increases daily. The Virginia line has sustained a violent shock. Not less than ninety have already resigned to me. The same conduct has prevailed among the officers from other States, though not yet in so considerable de gree ; and there are but too just grounds to fear that it will shake the very existence of the army, unless a remedy is soon, very soon, applied," The spirit did not abate ; since, two years after, he informed the President of Congress, that he had " scarcely a sufficient number [of officers] left to take care even of the fragments of corps which remained." I would not be understood to assert that there were not proper and imperative causes to justify the retire ment of many ; but the illustrious man whose Avords I have so often quoted, and Avho was obliged to bear the disheartening consequences of these frequent resignations, was a competent judge of the motives and reasons which influenced those with whom he was associated ; and as we have his assertion that he was often deserted, I have not hesitated to class the numerous throwing up of commissions with other evidences of a want of principle. The complaints of wives and children at home ; the inattention of Congress and of the State legislar tures, 'to whom the officers had a right, both legal and moral, to look for sympathy and support in the poverty to which some were reduced, are to be taken into the account in forming, and should do much to 13* 150 HISTORICAL ESSAY. soften, our judgment ; but Avith the proofs before me, obtained entirely from the writings of distinguished Whigs, I am compelled to believe that many of those who abandoned Washington were guilty of a crime, Avhich, when committed by private soldiers, is called desertion, and punished Avith death. Eighteen of the generals retired during the struggle : one for drunk enness ; one to avoid disgrace for receiving double pay ; some from declining health ; others from the weight of advanced years ; others to accept civil em ployments ; but several from private resentments, and real or imaginary wrongs inflicted by Congress or associates in the service. The example of the latter class was pernicious ; since, when heads of di visions or brigades quit their commands for reasons chiefly or entirely personal, it was to be expected that regiments, battalions, and companies Avould be left in like manner, without officers. Abundant tes timony can be adduced to show that individuals of all ranks entered the army from iriterested motives, and abandoned it from similar reasons. John Adams wrote, in 1777: — "I am wearied to death Avith the wrangles betAveen military officers, high and low. They quarrel like cats and dogs. They Avorry one another like mastiffs, scrambling for rank and pay like apes for nuts." Washington, more guarded to Congress, uses language almost as pointed in his letters to private friends. Again, the pubhc mind Avas as fickle in the Revo lution as at present. McKean, of DelaAvare, was the only member of Congress who served eight succes sive years ; and Jefferson, Gerry, and Ellery were the only signers of the Declaration of Independence who HISTORICAL ESSAY, 151 Avere in service Avhen the definitive treaty of peace Avas ratified. The attendance of member.s, too, was at times irregular, and public affixirs often suffered by their absence. There Avere periods Avhen several of the States were Avithout representation ; and oth ers, Avlien the requisite number for the transaction of busines.s, were not in their places. The entire control of matters, executive and legislative, of meas ures to be taken to procure loans in Europe, and to raise money at home to provide for the army, and for every other branch of the public service, devolved frequently upon as fcAV as thirty delegates ; and some of the most momentous questions were determined by twenty. Those Avho steaddy attended to their duties Avere Avorn doAvn Avith care and excessive la bor. John Adams, one of them, was in Congress three years and three months, during which time he Avas a member of ninety committees, and chairman of tAventy-five, In the course of the Avar, persons of small claims to notice or regard obtained seats in Congress, and by their Avant of capacity and principle, prolonged the contest, and needlessly increased its burdens and expenses. By the force of party disci pline, as was bitterly remarked by a leading Whig, men were brought into the management of affairs " who might have lived till the millennium in silent obscurity, had they depended on their mental qual ifications." Such, rapidly told, is the dark side of the story of the Revolution, as concerns the winners. I relate it here for several reasons. First, because it is due to the losers in the strife. Second, to shoAv, Avhat many persons are slow to believe, that there Avere wicked 152 HISTORICAL ESSAY. " Whigs " as well as wicked " Tories." Third, to do something to correct the exaggerated and gloomy views which are often taken of the degenerate spirit of the present times, founded on erroneous, because on a partial, estimate of the virtues of a by-gone age. AMERICAN LOYALISTS. Abbott, Benjamin. Minister of the Methodist Episco pal Church. He was born on Long Island, N, Y., in 1732. His youtli was passed in dissipation. Before the Revolution he became religiously inclined, and after due spiritual prep aration, entered the ministry. The prevalent impression was, that few preachers of his denomination favored the popular movement, and in common with most of tliem, " he Avas sus pected of Toryism," But he persisted in addressing the people, as he had opportunity, though sometimes " at the peril of his life." Once, while preaching- " in a private house, a mob of soldiers came rushing in with guns and fixed bayonets, one of whom approached him, and presented his gun as though he would run him through, Avhile his asso ciates in the adventure Avere standino; around the door." Mr. Abbott, heedless of the interruption, finished his dis course ; and his assailants, awed by his intrepidity, retired without injuring him. On another occasion, a hundred armed men assembled at the place of meeting, but, instead of violence, they listened as orderly as others. Thus far, and indeed until 1789, he labored according to his own pleasure. After he placed himself under the direction of the Conference, he was stationed on several circuits in the State of New York, on one in New Jersey, and on one in ]\Iary- land. He died at Salem, N. J., in 1798, aged sixty-four, and in the twenty-third year of his ministry. Ackerly, Obadiah, Of New York. In 1783 he aban doned his home and property, and settled in New Brunswick. He died at St. John in 1843, aged eighty-seven, Catharine, 154 ADAMS. — AGNEW. his wife, died at the same city in 1830, at the age of seventy- two. Adams, Doctor . Of the State of New York. In 1774, or early in 1775, he was hoisted up and exposed upon " Landlord Fay's sign-post, where Avas fixed a dead cata mount." The party who inflicted this punishment regretted that they had not tied him and given him instead five hun dred lashes. His residence was at Arlington. Addison, Rev. H. Of Maryland. Episcopal minister. He Avas attainted and lost his estate. In 1783, he was at New York, a petitioner for lands in No\-a Scotia. In a Loyalist tract published at London in 1784, I find it said, that he Avas a gentleman of large property, and that on his arrival in England, Lord North allowed him a pension of £150 per annum, to support himself and son, which was less than he had formerly given his coachman and footman. And, adds the writer, Mr. Addison, disgusted at so small a consideration, resigned his pension and returned to New York, where he endeavored to make terms with the Whigs, and to effect the restoration of his estate which he valued at £30,000, but that he failed to obtain leave even to reside in Maryland. Addison, Daniel Delany. Of Maryland. He entered the Maryland Loyalists in 1776 ; was a captain in 1782, and a major at the peace. He went to England, and received half-pay. He died suddenly at the age of fifty, in Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, 1808. Agnew, John. He was rector of the Established Church, parish of Suffolk, Virginia, On the 24th of March, 1775, the Whig Committee of Nansemond County called him to an account for the loyalty of his pulpit performances. I have before me a copy of Lord Dunmore's Proclamation, dated November 7, 1776, on board the ship William, of Nor folk, which Mr. Agnew was ordered to read in church, and the indorsement on the back is, " which was done accord ingly'" He soon after quitted that part of the country, and became chaplain of the Queen's Rangers. He finally setded AGNEW. — AIRMAN. 155 in New Brunswick, and died near Fredericton, in 1812, aged eighty-five. He was taken prisoner with Stair Agnew and others, during the Revolution, and carried to France. On the passage out, the ship encountered a severe gale, and lay a wreck for twenty-four hours. Agnew, Stair. Believed to have been a son of the Rev. John Agnew. He was certainly from Virginia, and a cap tain in the Queen's Rangers, and settled at Fredericton, where he resided until his death, in 1821, at the age of sixty-three. He enjoyed half-pay. While attached to the Rangers he was taken prisoner and carried to France, and was not exchanged until near the close of the war. It seems that at the battle of the Brandy wine he was severely wounded, and while on his passage to Virginia, for recovery, was cap tured by the French squadron. Franklin, Minister to France, was appealed to, to effect his release and that of others made prisoners at the same time. Captain Agnew's letter from the Castle of St, Maloes, February 26, 1782, details the cir cumstances of his captivity, and contains some feeling allu sions to his " aged and beloved mother." He closes : " 0, God ! who knows, perhaps she at this moment, from an inde pendent affluence, is reduced by the vicissitudes of the times to penury. My heart, afflicted with the misfortunes of our family, can no more ." He was a member of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick for thirty years, and a magistrate of York County for a considerable period. His Avife, Sophia Winifred, died in that county in 1820, at the age of fifty-two. AiKMAN, Alexander. Of South Carolina, He was born in Scodand in 1755, and at the age of sixteen he emigrated to Charleston, and became the apprentice of Robert Wells, a book seller and printer of that city. He left the country in conse quence of the Revolution, and after some Avanderings, fixed his residence in Jamaica, where, in 1778,, he established a newspaper called the "Jamaica Mercury," which title was changed to that of the " Royal Gazette," on his obtaining the patronage of the government of the Colony. For many years 156 AKERLY, — ALLAIRE. he was a member of the House of Assembly, and printer to that body and to the King. In 1795 he visited Great Britain, but was captured on the passage, and compelled to ransom his property. He visited his native land three times subse quently, but remained at home after the year 1814. He bore the character of an honorable, Avorthy, and charitable man. His estates in the parish of St. George's were known as Birnam Wood and Wallenford. He died at Prospect Pen, vSt. Andrew's, July, 1838, at the age of eighty-three. His wife was Louisa Susanna, second daughter of Robert Wells, his former master. This lady Avas four years his feWow-clerk in her father's office at Charleston, and joined him from Eng land after no little peril, since she was taken once by the French, and kept in France three months, and was detained a second time by a British cruiser, because she took passage in a slave ship. She died at West Cowes in 1831, aged sev enty-six. Her mother was a Ruthven, and of the lineage of the Earls of Gowrie. Mr. Aikman's children were ten, of whom there Avere two survivors at the time of his decease, namely, Mary, the wife of James Smith, of Jamaica ; and Ann Hunter, the widoAv of John Enriglit, surgeon in the Royal Navy, Of his sons, Alexander, who succeeded to his business, died in 1831, leaving a large family. Akerly, . In 1782, in command of a small party of Loyalists in New York. Among his prisoners was one Strong, who Avas huno-, Alden, Abiather, Of Maine, Physician. One of the two Loyalists of Saco and Biddeford, An armed party took him, placed him on his knees upon a large cask, and with their guns presented to his body, told him to recant his opinions, or suffer instant death. He signed the required confession,. and was released. Subsequently he removed to Scarborough, HI the same State. He was distinguished in metaphysics. Allaire, Anthony, In 1782 he was a lieutenant in the Loyal American Regiment, and at the peace a captain in the same corps. He settled in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He was one of the grantees of the city of St. John, ALLEN, 157 but, removing to the country, died in the parish of Douglas, in 1838, at the age of eighty -four. Allen, William. Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, He accepted and held that office at the request of distinguished men in the Province ; its emoluments were appropriated to charities. On the approach of the Revolution he went to England, and died September, 1780. He was di.stinguished for his love of literature and the arts ; was a friend to Ben jamin West Avhen he needed a patron, and assisted Franklin to establish a college at Philadelphia. His father was an eminent merchant, and died in 1725. No person in Penn sylvania, probably, was richer than Judge Allen, or possessed greater influence. A wag of the time said, he joined the royal side " because the Continental Congress f)resumed to declare the American States free and independent without first asking the consent, and obtaining the approbation, of himself and wise family'." It is stated, that in 1761, he was one of the three persons in Philadelphia who kept a coach. His own VA'as drawn by four horses, and his coachman, who was imported from England, was " a great whip." Allen, William. Of Pennsylvania, and son of Chief .Justice Allen. He was a Whig, and accepted the commission of lieutenant-colonel in the Continental service, and served under St. Clair. But in 1776 he abandoned the cause of his country, and joined General Howe, with his brothers. In Continental Congress, when he asked to resign his commis sion — " Resolved that leave ' be granted." In 1778 he raised a corps called the Peimsylvania Loyalists, and, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Avas the commanding officer. From the influence of his family, and from his own personal standing, he expected to make I'apid enlistments, but was disappointed. At the siege of Pensacola, one of this corps attempted to desert, Avas seized, wdiipped to the extent of five hundred lashes, drummed out of camp, with his hands tied behind, Avith a large label pinned to his breast stating his crime, escorted close to the enemy's line, and left to his fate. The day following, a sheU Avas thrown into the door of the VOL. I. 14 158 ALLEN. magazine, as the men Avere receiving powder, and forty-five of this regiment were killed, and a number wounded. ¦ In 1782, and near the close of the contest, though still in ser vice, the Penn.syh'ania Loyalists were of but little conse quence in point of numbers. Colonel Allen was noted for wit, for good-humor, and for affable and gentlemanly man ners. The names of all the officers under his command at the period last mentioned will be found in this work. He Avas attainted of treason and lost his estate under the con fiscation acts. I find his name last, in 1783, as a grantee of St. John, New Brunswick. Allen, Andrew. Of Pennsyh-ania, son of Chief Jusfice Allen, and himself the successor of Judge Chew, who suc ceeded his father. He, at first, was found among the leading Whigs, and was a member of Congress, and of the Committee of Safety. In 1776 he put himself under protection of Gen eral Howe, at Ti'enton, and during the war went to England. He was attainted, and lost his estate under the confiscation acts. In 1779 he Avas directed to testify before Parliament on the inquiry into the conduct of Sir William Ho\^'e and General Burgoyne, Avhile in America, but was not examined. He died in London in 1825, at the age of eighty-five. His son AndreAv, a very accomplished gentleman, Avas many years, prior to the Avar of 1812, British Consul at Boston. Allen, John. Of Pennsylvania, a son of Chief Justice Allen. In 1776 he joined the British under General Howe, at Trenton. Unlike his brother, he was an avowed Loyalist from the first. He was attainted of treason, but died at Phil adelphia, February, 1778, in his thirty-ninth year, before the day on which he was ordered to surrender himself for trial. Allen, James. Of Philadelphia ; the remaining son of Chief Justice Allen, and the only one of them who did not join the Royal Army. He remained at home wholly inactive, though his sympathies were supposed to be loyal. He was in declining health in 1776, and died before the close of the following year. His children Avere Jaines; Anne Penn, who married James Greenleaf; Margaret, who married Chief ALLEN. 159 Justice Tilghman ; and Mary, Avho married Harry Walter Livingston, of Livingston's Manor, New York. The last- named daughter was living in 1855. Mrs, Allen, who died in the year 1800, Avas the only daughter of John Lawrence, and cousin of Margaret Shippen, second wife of Benedict Arnold. Allen, Isaac. A lawyer of Trenton, New Jersey. He entered the military service of the Crown, and in 1782 was lieutenant-colonel of the second battalion of New .Jersey Vol unteers. He had property in Pennsylvania, and the executive council of that State ordered, that, unless he should surrender himself and take his trial for treason within a specified time, he shoidd stand attainted. He Avent to St. Jolm, New Bruns wick, at the peace, and was one of the grantees of that city. He rose to distinction in that Province, and among other offices held a seat in the Council, and .was a judge of the Supreme Court, His residence was at Fredericton, and he died there in 1806, aged sixty-five. His sister Sarah died at the same place in 1835, aged ninety-one. Allen, Adam, He was an officer in the Queen's Rangers, and, it is believed, a lieutenant. He went to St. John, New- Brunswick, at the peace, and was one of the grantees of that city. He received half-pay. In 1798 he was in command of a post at Grand Falls, on the River St, John, and wrote a piece in verse descriptive of these Falls, which his son, Jacob Allen, of Pordand, New Brunswick, sent to the press in 1845. He died in York County, New Brunswick, in 1823, aged sixty-six. / Allen, Jolley. Of Boston. In an account of his suffer ings and losses, he relates that, " sometime, I think in the month of October, 1772, I bought two chests of tea of Gov ernor Hutchinson's two sons, Thomas and Elisha, about eleven o'clock in the forenoon." This purchase was the prime cause of all his subsequent misfortunes. He sold goods " cheap for cash ; " he boarded many of the BrTtisli ofiicers ; anThe kept " horses~and chaises to let." In a word, Jolley A^-as a shrewd, dashing, thriving man. A Loyalist, body and 160 ALLISON. — AMBROSE. soul, he left Boston with the Royal Army, at the evacuation in March, 1776. The man who engaged to convey his family and property to Halifax, was a knave, and unskilful in the management of a vessel. Soon parting Avith the fleet, they arrived, not in NoA'a Scotia, but at Cape Cod ; where his goods were seized and confiscated, and Avhere all on board were imprisoned. His brother Lewis petitioned for leave to take his seven children ; and the Assembly, in granting the request, stipulated that Lewis should receive £36.8 from Jofley's efl'ects ; that he should give bonds to support the chil dren, and should maintain Jolley himself; while a committee A^'ere to take possession of all the property, to deliver to Lewis " the children's four feather beds and bedding, and the Avear- ing apparel of the children and of the late wife of Jolley," and his own clothing. In September, 1776, our unhappy Loyalist was allowed to make sale of a part of his goods at Cape Cod, in order to pay the debts contracted there by him- .self and family ; while the selectmen of Pi'ovincetoAvn were directed to deliver the remainder to a committee of the Court, to be disposed of on public account. I find him next in 1779, when he Avas in London, and one of the Loyalists who ad dressed the king. He died in England in 1782. Sir William Pepperell and George Erving were his executors ; and he directed that, after the troubles were over, his remains should be removed to the family vault under King's Chapel, Boston. Allison, Edavard. Of Long Island, New York. He acknowledged allegiance in 1776, and Avas subsequently a captain in De Lancey's Third Battalion, At the peace he settled in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He died in that Province, Althouse, John. Of New York. In 1782 he was a captain in the New York Volunteers. At the peace he went to St. John, Ncav Brunswick, and was one of the grantees of the city. He died in that Province. Ambrose, Michael. In 1782 he was a lieutenant in the Prince of Wales' American Volunteers, He went to New AMORY. 161 Brunswick at the peace, and received half-pay. He died in the parish of St. Martin in that Province. Amory, Thomas. Of Boston. He Avas born in Boston in 1722, and graduated at Harvard Uni\'ersity in 1741. He studied divinity, but never took orders. In 17G5 he married Elizabeth, daughter of William Coffin, and purchased the house built by Governor Belcher, at the corner of Harvard and Washington Streets, which was his principal residence for the rest of his life. He took very little part in the contro versies which preceded the Revolution, except that he was one of the Addressers of Gage. He was, however, on terms of friendship Avith many of the British officers stationed in Boston ; and, it is related that, while se\eral were dining with him, a mob attacked his house, and broke some of the Avindows. Mr. Amory spoke to them from the porch, and commanded them to disperse ; meanwhile, the officers made their escape through the garden. He remained in Boston during the siege, and at the evacuation in March, 1776, accompanied by his younger brother Jonathan, he went to Washington, at the instance of the selectmen, to request that the British might be permitted to retire without molestation, on condition that they embarked without injury to the town. This proposition had the sanction of Sir William Howe ; and, though no positive arrangement was concluded, an un derstanding to this effect was respected on both sides. His wife's family — the Coffins — were mosdy refugee Loyalists. Of her nephews, two were distinguished : namely, Isaac, who became an Admiral in the Royal Navy ; and John, who rose to the rank of Lieutenant-General in the British Army. Suspected of sympathy \\'ith the enemy, Mr. Amory removed to Watertown, where he lived some years. He died in 1784 ; his widow survived until 1823. He left nine children, seven of whom were married, and resided in Boston. The mingling of the blood of the loyal and of the disloyal, at the present time, causes one to muse on the political asper ities of the past. On the memorable 17th of June, 1775, Linzee, of the King's ship-of-war Falcon, cannonaded the 14* 162 AMORY. works which Prescott, the " rebel," defended ; but the granddaughter of the first was the wife of Prescott the his torian, who Avas a grandson of the last ; and this lady is a daughter of Thomas C, the eldest son of the subject of this notice, Jonathan, the second son of our Loyalist, married Hettie, daughter of James Sullivan, Governor of Massachu setts ; while the wife of John Amory, another son, Avas near of kin to Henry Gardner, the " rebel," Avho succeeded Harri son Gray, the last royal treasurer of the same State. Again, Nathaniel, still another son, married a niece of our Commo dore Preble, and her sister was the Avife of Admiral Wormley of the Royal Navy, Once more : William, a fifth son of the Loyalist, was an officer in the navy of both countries, and under our own flag; distinguished himself in several ene-ase- ments. But " loyalty," as understood in olden time, is still represented in the family, by the union of Mr. Amory's grandson Charles, with Martha Greene ; and of his grandson James Sullivan, with Mary Greene, nieces of the late Lord Lyndhurst. We leaA'e this pleasant record of oblivion of the differences of another age, to add that Mr. Amory's grand son, Thomas C, married Esther Sargent ; and that William, of the same degree of consanguinity, is the husband of Anna, daughter of David Sears, of Boston. Of the sons here men tioned, Thomas C. Avas a successful merchant, and died in 1812 ; Jonathan, also a merchant, died in 1828. Thomas C. Amory, Jr., also a descendant, is the author of the " Life of Governor Sullivan," (his grandfather on his mother's side,) in two vols., Svo. Amory, John, Of Boston, Brother of the preceding. He was born in Boston in 1728, and married Catherine, daughter of Rufus Greene, by whom he was the father of nine children, who grew up and settled in his native town. He built the house opposite the Stone Chapel, corner of Tre- mont and Bowdoin Streets, and lived there, and in Washing ton Street on the site of Amory Hall. He eno-ao-ed exten sively in coinmerce^^with his younger brother. The letters of his business house from 1760, during the Stamp Act excite- ANDERSON. 163 ment and the Tea Avar, give many interesting particulars of that stirring period. These letters moreover, predicted, long befoie the Avar broke out, a sanguinary contest, and the actual separation of the Colonies from the mother-country, if the government persisted in its measures of coercion. Parts of this correspondence were published in the English papers, and to one letter a member of Parliament ascribed influence in the repeal of the Stamp Act. At die beginning of hostil ities, his house owed their English creditors £23,000 sterling; and while those who owed thetn, from inability, or taking advantage of the times, paid, if at all, in a depreciated cur rency, they remitted their Avhole debt Avithout delay. In 1774 it became important that one of the partners should go to England. The subject of this notice went, taking his wife. Her protracted illness, which terminated in her death in 1778, prevented his return ; and, considered a " refugee," his property was put in sequestration. His brother wrote that, should the result be confiscation, he v\'Ould share Avhat he had with him. His sympathies, it is said, were Avith his countrymen in the struggle in Avhicli they Avere engaged for their liberties ; and he left England and lived on the Conti nent. He embarked for America shortly before the j)eace ; but landing at New York, then held by the British, Avas forced to take the oath of allegiance to the Crown, not being per mitted to Ha'c in Boston in consequence of the " Banishment Act." He went, however, to Providence, where he remained until 1784, when, on his petition to the Legislature of Mas sachusetts, he Avas restored to the rights of citizenship). He died in 1805, leaving a large estate. One of his daughters married John Lowell, widely known as a political Avriter ; and another was the wife of John McLean, Avho liberally endowed the Massachusetts General Hosj^ital. Anderson, Samuel. Of New York. At the beginning of the Revolution he went to Canada. He soon entered the service of the Crown, and was a captain under Sir John John son. In 1783 he settled near Cornwall, Upper Canada, and received half-pay. He held several civil offices : those of 164 ANDERSON. magistrate, judge of a district court, and associate justice of the Court of King's Bench, were among them. He continued to reside upon his estate near Cornwall, until his decease in 1836, at the age of one hundred and one. His property in New York was abandoned and lost. Anderson, William, Of West Chester County, New York. Was a Protester against the Whigs at White Plains in 1775. At the peace, accompanied by his family of four persons, and by one servant, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Avhere the Crown granted him fifty acres of land, one town and one water-lot. His losses in con sequence of his loyalty were estimated at £300. He re moved from Shelburne to St. John, New Brunswick, and was a grantee of that city. Anderson, Peter. In 1782 a Loyalist Associator at New York, to settle at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, the following year. He went to St. John, New Brunswick, and was a grantee of that city. He died at Fredericton, in that Province, in 1828, at the age of ninety-five. Anderson, Joseph. Lieutenant in the King's Regiment, New York. At the peace he retired to Canada, tie died near Cornwall, Canada West, in 1853, aged ninety. He drew half-pay for a period of about seventy years. " One of the last survivors of the United Empire Loyalists." Anderson, James. Of Boston, Massachusetts. Was an Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and of Gage in 1775. December, 1775 : — " I am credibly informed," wrote Wash ington to the president of Congress, " that James Anderson, the^ponsignee and part-owner of the ship Concord and cargo, is not only~urrfiieiidly' tw-A«i«wean-dTberfy',nbut actually in arms against us, being captain of the Scotch company at Bos ton." In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He Avas at New York in July, 1783, and one of the fifty-five who peti tioned for lands in Nova Scotia. Anderson, Culbert. Of South Carolina. Died prior to 1785. Estate confiscated ; but two plantations in the neighborhood of Ninety-Six, restored to Mary his widow and her children, by act of the General Assembly. ANDREWS. 165 Andrews, John, D. D. Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. He was born in Maryland in 1746, and educated at Philadelphia. In 1767 he was ordained in Lon don as an Episcopal clergyman, and became a missionary ; and subsequendy a rector of Queen Ann's County, Mary land. " Not partaking of the patriotic spirit of the times," he removed from Maryland, and Avas absent several years. In 1785 he was appointed to the charge of an Episcopal academy at Philadelphia, and four years after received the professorship of moral philosophy in the college of that city. In 1810 he succeeded Doctor McDowell as provost. He died in 1813, aged sixty-seven. " In stature he was tall and pordy, and his personal appearance and carriage commanded respect He was a fine specimen of the old school gentleman of a former generation." His wife deceased in 1798. Pie A^'as the father of ten children, the eldest of whom, Robert, graduated at Philadelphia in 1790. [/^Andrews, Samuel. AQ_E_piscopal clergyman of Connec ticut. His principles separated him from his flock, and he became the first rector of the church of his communion at St. Andrew, New BrunsAvick. After a ministry of fifty- eight years, he died at that place, September 26, 1818, aged eighty-two. His Avife Hannah died at St. Andrew, January 1, 1816, at the age of seventy-five. Andreavs, Samuel. Of North Carolina. Major in the Loyal Militia. At the beginning of the Revolution he left his seat at Newbern, and took refuge on board a ship-of-war at Wilmington, Early in 1776 he received a commission as lieutenant, served under General McDonald, and was taken prisoner. In 1781 he raised a company, and joined Lord Cornwallis. He was engaged in the capture of Governor Burke, and when Fanning Avas wounded, he assumed com mand, and conducted the prisoners to the British lines. Pro motion followed. At the evacuation of Charleston, he retired Avith his family to Florida. Obnoxious to the Whigs by his course during the Avar, he was one of the three Avhom they refused to pardon, in the act of oblivion. I have a copy of 166 ANSLEY. — ARMSTRONG. his memorial claiming compensation for his services and losses, in his own handwriting, by which it appears that he lost by confiscation, a farm, dwelling-house, tAvo stores, a grist-mill, Avith a stone house, two negroes, fifty head of cattle, several horses and sheep, furniture, &c. He AA^as at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, in July, 1785, for the purpose of pressing his claim upon the commissioners, " under very disagreeable circum stances," Unsuccessful, he subsequently employed David McPherson, London. Ansley, Ozias. In 1782 he was an ensign in the first battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, and adjutant of the corps. At the peace he settled in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He Avas a magistrate and a judge of the Common Pleas for several years. He died at Staten Island, New York, in 1828, aged eighty-five. His son, the Rev. Thomas Ansley, an Episcopalian clergj-man of Nova Scotia, died at St. Andrew, New Brunswick, in 1831, aged about sixty-five. His grandson, Daniel Ansley, Esq., (1847,) re sides at St, John. His daughter Charity, wife of Nathaniel Brittain, died in 1848, in her seventieth year. Arden, Doctor Charles. Of Jamaica, New York. In 1775 he was a signer of a declaration against the Whigs. In 1776 he was accused of further defection ; and one of his offences consisted in persuading other adherents of the Crown to have no concern with a congress or with committees. Sev eral witnesses Avere examined. He went to England before the peace. Armstrong, William. He Avas a captain in a Loyalist corps. At the peace he retired on iJalf-pay, and, as is believed, setded in New York, In 1806 he joined the celebrated Mi randa in his expedition to effect the independence of the proA'- ince of Caraccas, and, in due time, of all Spanish America. Captain Armstrong was known to possess considerable military knowledge, method, industry, and vigilance, and received a commission as colonel, and the command of the First Regi ment of Riflemen in the Columbian Army ; and, as he had become familiar with the duties of the quartermaster's ARMSTRONG. 167 department, in the Revolution, he was created, also, quarter master-general, with two assistants. Under JNIiranda, Colonel Armstrong was extremely unpopular, and Avas accused of " obsequiousness to his superiors, and of superciliousness and tyranny in his treatment of those in his power." He seems to have been involved in many quarrels. While the Leander was in the harbor of Jacquemel, (February, 1806,) he and Captain Lewis, the ship's commander, had a warm contro versy regarding their rank and rights Avhile associated on ship board. The steward's slovenly habits displeased the former, and he gave the delinquent a " hearty rope's ending," which enraged LeAvis, and drew from him the declaration, that every person in his vessel was subject to his authority, and should be punished by no other, Armstrong insisted, on the other hand, that he would chastise whomsoever he pleased. Both resorted to great bitterness of speech in the Avar of words which ensued. Miranda took the side of the Colonel, and behaved worse than eA'en Lewis or Armstrong, and, " before the storm Avas OA'er, appeared to be more fit for bedlam than for the command of an army," Not long after this occur rence, the Bee, another of the vessels attached to the expe dition, ran foul of the flag-ship, and caused considerable dam age ; when Armstrong, seizing a trumpet, called to the master of that vessel, and bade him never to approach so near the Learuler in future. Lewis, angry at the interference of the quarermaster-general, rebuked him severely for the act, and the quarrel between them was renewed. In this instance, Miranda decided in favor of Lewis. The dislike between the two officers, who took so opposite views of their right to supremacy, became settled and irreconcilable, and a third quarrel soon occurred, in Avhich the chief sustained Arm strong ; and Lewis, in the violence of his passion, resolved to resign, and ordered his servant to collect his baggage and prepare to leave the ship. A mediator was, however, found, and the dispute apparently settled. At a subsequent time, Miranda and the Captain became involved in a controversy, and Armstrong endeavored to produce a reconciliation be- 168 ARMSTRONG. tween them ; but he not only failed in this, but drew upon himself the resentment of both. Lewis renewed his threat to resign, and now actually threw up his commission. Besides these quarrels, the Colonel had several others. The moment the Leander cast anchor at Grenada, Lieutenant Dwyer quit ted the ship. During the passage, he had been in continual collision with Armstrong, either on his OAvn account, or in defence of his officers and men, Avhom the lordly personage assailed with words or violence. The notions of the Quarter master-General of the Columbian Army appear to have been not a little tyrannical and arbitrary. It is related, that he kept three officers (on very slight provocation), confined to the ship's forecastle upwards of two weeks, and during this time refused them the liberty of Avalking on the quarter-deck and of entering the cabin. Miranda required of his officers subscription to the following oath : " I sAvear to be true and faithful to the free people of South America, independent of Spain, and to serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and to obserA'e and obey the orders of the supreme government of that country legally appointed ; and the orders of the general and officers set over me by them." Some objec tion was made to the form of this oath, Avhich the General obviated by assurances to the gentlemen wdio were citizens of the United States, that they might annex to their signatures the condition that they did not intend to cancel their allegi ance to their own country. After this difficulty was settled, Armstrong read and explained the Articles of War of the United States, and the alterations in form, not in substance or spirit, which had been made to adapt them to the service in which they were engaged, " Notice, gentlemen," said the Colonel, " the object of the change is to suit the wording of the Articles to the local names and situations of the country where they are to take effect. Thus, for the Army of the United States, will be substituted the Army of South Amer ica ; and for the President, or Congress of the United States, will be used, the Supreme Authority of the free people of South America, or something of this kind." ARMSTRONG. 169 The Americans who had connected themselves with this enterprise were generally persons of some ability, but it is understood that most, if not all of them, were in straitened circumstances, and that some were extremely needy. Arm strong's half-pay as a Loyalist officer might have prevented him from being in a situation of destitution. His pay under Miranda was fixed at ten dollars per day, to commence Jan. 1, 1806, Avhich was the date of his commission of colonel. The common men, sailors and soldiers Avere an ignorant and undisciplined mob, and the quartermaster-general had enough to do to keep them quiet. As in his intercourse with the officers, his disputes with them were continual, hardly a day passed without some one or more of them being taken to task for misconduct, or placed in arrest and confinement. The failure of Miranda to pay his officers was a new source of difficulty and contention, and was a principal cause of bringing matters to a crisis. John Orford, a lieutenant of engineers, was especially importunate, and in answer to his second communication on the subject of arrearages due to him, received the following letter : — " Poet of Spain, December 2(1, 1806. " Sir, — By order of General Miranda, I have to inform you, that he received yours of the twenty-ninth ult,, the pur port of which he conceives to be highly improper, and con trary to every military principle ; that in duty to himself, and for the good of the service, he thinks it proper that you should be dismissed from it, and you are hereby dismissed from it, and no longer to be considered as an officer under his com mand." Other officers connected Avith this ill-starred attempt to revolutionize South America, applied for dismissals, and the defection became general. Armstrong, however, retired with out notice or leave, and his chief accused him of desertion. Departing in the sloop-of-war Hawk, for Dominica, the quar termaster-general of the Columbian army took passage at that VOL, I. 15 170 ARMSTRONG. — APTHORP. island for London. Inferior ofiicers, induced to believe that the desertion of one so near Miranda's person gave them full liberty to abandon him in the same informal manner, retired from his service without writing letters of resignation, though some of them did observe that form in taking their leave of , him and his fortunes. Of Armstrong's career after his arrival in England I have obtained no information. Armstrong, Richard. Major in the Queen's Rangers. Entered the corps as a captain. He was one of the most effi cient partisan officers in service on the side of the Crown, In 1783, he and Captain Saunders were deputed to write Colonel Simcoe a parting address. Apthorp, East, An Ei^scopal clergyinan of^assachu-^ setts. He Avas born intTHsTand was elil^d in England. In 1761 he was appointed a missionary at Cambridge, by die Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; and during his labors there, was engaged in a warm theologi cal controversy with Doctor Mayhew. Retiring to England, he died there in 1816, aged eighty-three years. His wife was a niece of Governor Hutchinson, and a daughter of Judge Foster Hutchinson. His only son Avas a clergyman. One daughter married Doctor Cary ; one. Doctor Butler ; and a third, a son of Doctor Foley ; — the husbands of the two first were heads of colleges. Mr. Apthorp was a distinguished writer. In 1790 he lost his sight. Apthorp, Thomas and William. Of Boston, Massa chusetts, Roth merchants ; were proscribed and banished in 1778. The year after, W i iTi am came from New York to Boston to solicit the mercy of his countrymen, and occupied for awhile a private room in the deputy jader's house ; but letters were received to his disadvantage, and he was commit ted to close prison by order of the Council. Apthorp, Charles Ward, Of New York. He was appointed a member of the Council of that Colony in 1763, and served until 1783. He had lands in Maine, and property in Brookline and Roxbury, Massachusetts, Avhich were con fiscated. He died at his seat, Bloomingdale, in 1797. ARNOLD. 171 Arnold, Margaret, Daughter of Edward Shippen, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, and second wife of General Benedict Arnold, Born in 1760, or in the year following ; — died in London in 1804, in her forty-fourth year. She was very beautiful, and, it would seem, very ambitious, Jiy her father, her relatives, and her circle of friends, she \a as dearly loved. She appeared with her knight at the gorgeous fete, or mischiaiiza,^ in honor of Sir William Howe, on his return to England. British and American officers admired her. The ill-fated Andr^ A'isited her often while he was stationed in Philadelphia, and was a correspondent after the Royal Army retired to New York. By some she was thought frivolous, vain, and artful ; but I have no means of ascertaining the truth. To the additional fault charged — " extraA^agance " — she may be held amenable, since her father wrote in Decem ber, 1778, that, " the style of life his fashionable daughters had introduced into his family," and " their dress," Avere obstacles to his remaining in Philadelphia. Margaret was the youngest. Though her marriage followed in less than four months, her hand, I conclude, Avas not promised ; for it said in the same letter that, Avhile she was " much solicited by a certain gen eral," the consummation of the proposed union " depended upon circumstances." As a maiden, she was happy. As a Avife, she bore great trials and many sorrows. Her name appears here, because the third Vice-President of the United 1 Much has been inferred against Mrs. Arnold because of her acquaint ance with Andr6 before her marriage, and because he — honoring her above all others — was her knight at this the great fete of the Royal Army of the Revolution. Fortunately, there is conclusive evidence that on this occasion he gave his attentions to another lady. I have a copy of a long and minute account of the " mischianza,'' written by Andr^ himself. Lord Cathcart appeared in honor of Miss Auchmuty. The knights were of two Orders : the " Blended Rose," and the " Burning Mountain.'' An dre was the third of the former. These are his own words, — " Captain Andre, in honor of Mi.i. Hoare tj- Co., Banlcers, Fleet Street ; a title Avhich he claimed, because, as he said, his grandfather, Thomas Aspden, married Elizabeth Scroop, " a descendant of the ancient and noble family of that name," He died at London, August 9, 1824. His will gaA'e rise to the most extraordinary suit that ever occurred under the confiscation acts of the Revolution. The documents which pertain to the case were printed in 1837, and make upwards of three hundred pages : the eye seldom rests on so curious a medley of tran.sactions in business, of every-day gossip, of personal complaints, and general mention of human vicissitudes — joy, sorroAv, affliction, death. Some of his own letters and other papers are strange enough. Travelling in Italy, in 1804, he seems to have been con vinced that now and then he met relatives of persons (par ticularly servants of foreign extraction), whom he had once known. " At this place (Avignon) saw a good many Phil adelphia-looking faces, and relations, I am sure, of Anna, that many years ago lived with my Aunt Bailey ; . . . . am inclined to think I also met in Italy old Conrad, that lived with her about the same time, and used to carry me to school on a pdlow before him, — or a cousin of his — at Naples; 188 ASPDEN. .... and at this place, relations of my neighbor, the razor- grinder's wife, who passed for Germans." But perhaps the queerest of these is a letter from London, on business, to the president, for the time being, of the United States Bank, in 1808 ; in which he complains bitterly of being annoyed by spirits, and calls for the application of the laws against sor cery : " For my own part, I had no idea of anything of this kind untill the winter of 1798, in Ormond Street, when for the first time in my life I slept Avitli a light in my chamber, and forced to the resource of it all the winter thro'. Going to Richmond in the summer, I had there frequent and repeated proofs of there being spirits and dfemons, from hearing and seeing, if the latter are not also spirits. And now, and for several years past, nothing more clear, notorious, and com mon ; for I seldom go out to a coffee-house that I am not dog'd or bitched all the way ; and while there, to my great annoyance and others present, and back, by voices out of the air that I mostly know, and to the great reproach and scandal of the police of this city, or the bench of bishops, at which ever door the laying of evil spirits may lay. As early as the age of four or five, I was taught to believe there was no such things as spirits, and was not afraid to go anywhere alone, or to sleep in a strange house in a chamber alone, with a window looking into a churchyard ; and which the commands of the Lord in the Bible to the Jews, to destroy the witches and Avizards out of the land, had tended to strengthen and confirm. And this by one that was a spirit or dtemon herself or itself, if I am not much mistaken, and wdiich accident led me to dis cover, in looking for lodgings a few years agoe, at a lodging- house in my present neighborhood, where I met the original, and was struck Avitli it ; who, very soon after I came into the room, went out with a person like a clergyman with her ; she Avas something bigger than the counterfeit ; when she returned home in the year 1762, sent the counterfeit abroad ; excellent hands for a motherless babe to fall into. But as I am alive and tolerably well, except some remains of the gout in my feet, I may say from this, and many other things, th^t I am truly sensible that there is a Providence over all." ASPDEN, 189 To return to Mr. Aspden's will. The suit to determine the rightful heirs to his property was brought in 1824, in the United States Circuit Court, and decided, finally, in 1848. He devised his estate, real and personal, " to the per son who should be his heir-at-law," and in another part of the instrument, " to the person Avho .should be his lawful heir." The claimants were upwards of two .hundred, aud were divi ded into three classes : 1. The heirs of Mary Harrison, sister of the half-blood on the father's side, and the heirs of Roger Hartley, half brother on the mother's side. 2. The Packers — cousins of the whole blood, a very large and constantly increasing class of claimants, one of whom originallv instituted the proceedings, the suit standing — Packer vs. Nixon, Execu tor of Matthias Aspden. 3. The English Aspdens — rela tions of the whole blood of the father, and who Avould have been heirs at common law. The opinion of Judge Grier was in substance as follows : The testator left neither wife nor lineal descendant ; but there were the issue of the half-blood descendants of Mary Harrison and Roger Hartley. The issue on the father's side, the first cousins, (the Packers,) are dismissed ; they have no claim on any possible construction of this will. The only question is between the heir at common law and the half-blood. The 11th section of the act of 1794, gives the estate of an intestate who dies, leaving no child or issue of such child, to the brother or sister of the half-blood, unless where the estate is acquired by descent, gift of devise from the parents, in which case, all who are not of the blood of the parent from whom the estate was derived, shall be excluded. It is evident, therefore, that the issue of the half-blood is in this case sub stituted to the heir at common law. " The Court are, therefore, of opinion that the issue of the brother and sister of the half-blood are the laiwful heirs, and the persons entitled." The decision was therefore in favor of the American heirs, of die issue of Mary Harrison and Roger Hardey ; to whom the decree gave property valued at more than $500,000. 190 ATHERTON, The English claimants appealed. The Supreme Court affirmed tlie opinion of Judge .Grier, and the estate was divided accordingly. I conclude this singular story with a paragraph which appeared in a Philadelphia paper, March, 1853 : — " Romance in Real Life. — John Aspden, whose sud den death an Monday was noticed in our columns, is to be buried this afternoon. Mr, Aspden was one of the Eng lish claimants of the immense estate left by Matthias Aspden, Before the case Avas decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the American heirs, the latter proposed to the deceased to compromise the matter, and offered to pay him the sum of $200,000 to relinquish his claim ; this he refused to do, and the decision of the Court cut him off Avithout a farthing. On Monday morning the estate was divided bet\Veen the heirs-at- law, and almost at the same moment John Aspden fell dead, at a tavern in Carter's Alley, of disease of the heart, supposed to have been induced by disappointment and mortification. At the time of his death his pocket contained a solitary cent — his entire fortune ! To day the man Avho might have been the possessor of a quarter of a million of dollars, will be borne to his grave from an obscure , part of the District of South- Avark. ' /Atherton, Joshua. Of Amherst, New Hampshire, He ^was born at HarA'ard, Massachusetts, in 1737, and graduated at Harvard University in 1762, He was theUaw^tudent of Abel Willard, of Lancaster, and of James Putnam, of Wor cester, and opened an office at Petersham. He removed to Litchfield, and, in 17T3, — when he was appointed Rggister of Probate of the County of Hillsborough — to Amherst, where be soonacquired propei-tyTnd reputation in his profession. An open and firm Loyalist, in the events that followed, he was a sufferer in person and estate. He was entreated by his Whig friends to change his course, while other friends who adhered to the Crown, urged him to fly to England or Nova Scotia ; but he refused to adopt the counsels of either. His house Avas often surrounded by his political foes, who marched ATHERTON, 191 him off to a tavern and drank freely of fiip, punch, and toddy at his expense. He bore the indignities to which he was exposed so meekly, and " treated " so generously, as to win the good nature of his tormentors, and to cause them to toss their hats, to hurrah for the Tory, and to express their regrets that he " was not one of the sons of liberty," Minor annoy ances I must pass without mention. In 1777 he was sent prisoner to Exeter by order of the Committee of Safety, Avhere he remained nearly or quite a year. Though released on entering into recognizance with sureties in a large sum, he was still confined to the limits of the county until late in 1778, when, upon his petition, and his acknowledgment of the authority of the Whigs, his liberty vA'as restored by proclama tion. He took the oath of allegiance to the United States, and the oath of an attorney, in 1779, and was admitted to j)rac- tice in the Superior Court. His pecuniary affairs at this time were in a deplorable condition. " He lay like some thrifty tree uprooted by the late gale, prostrate, divested of its foliage, its limbs broken and scattered. His family Avas much in creased, and increasing. His and their sufferings will hardly bear relation." In a few years, however, his business became extensive, and he was often the leading counsel in the trial of important cases. So, too, his loyalty was forgotten, and marks of respect and confidence were frequent, and grateful to his feelings. He Avas a member of the Convention for die adop tion of the Federal Constitution, and led the party that opposed it. His principal objections to that instrument, per sonally, were the provisions relative to slaves and slavery. Subsequently, he was elected to the House and Senate of New Hampshire, and, in 1793, was appointed Attorney-Gen eral of that State. Taking part with the Federalists in the di.scords here occasioned by the French Revolution, he lost his popularity ; and when, in 1798, he accepted the office of Commissioner under the Act to levy a Direct Tax in the United States, " he had the honor to be hung in effigy in the town of Deering." Two years later, shattered mentally and physically, he retired to private life. His disease — an or- 192 ATKINS. ganic affection of the heart — terminated in death, April, 1809, in his seventy-third year. " He was remarkable for his social qualities. His courtesy and urbanity will eA'er be remembered by those who were familiar Avith him. His hos pitality was unbounded. The clergy, the gentlemen of the bar, the judges, officers of the RevoluUon, and every stranger of disdnction within the reach of his invitations, Avere his wel come guests." He was a good scholar, and possessed one of the best libraries in the State. Abigail, daughter of the Rev, Thomas Goss, of Bolton, Massachusetts, became his Avife in 1765, and died in 1801. At the time of her marriage she was hardly more than sixteen years of age ; — "in the joyous day of her nupdals, litde did this young girl know or think of the trials, hardships, and mortifications of her future life." She proved an " angel wife and mother." Charles Hum phrey Atherton, Avho graduated at Harvard University in 1794, Avlio was at the head of the Hillsborough County bar for several years ; who was a representative in Congress, and who died at Amherst in 1853, AA'as his son. He Avas the father of six daughters : namely, Frances, Abigail, Rebecca Wentworth, Nancy Holland, Catharine, and Elizabeth Wil lard ; some of whom (1852), survive, and all of Avhoin, the fourth excepted, married. The late Hon. Charles G, Atherton, RepresentatiA'e and Senator in Congress from New Hampshire, Avho died in 1853, was a grandson of our Loyalist, Atkins, Gibes, Of Boston. He went to Halifax in 1776, and was proscribed and banished in 1778. He returned to the United States, and died in Boston in 1806, aged sixty-six. Atkins, Charles, Of Charleston, South Carolina. In 1774 he was appointed a member of the Committee of Corre spondence of that city. In 1780 he Avas an Addresser of Sir Henry Clinton, and a Petitioner to be armed on the side of die Crown. He received a military commission, and in 1782 was an officer in the Volunteers. He Avas banished, and his property was confiscated. He went to England. In 1794, in a memorial dated at London, he stated to die Bridsh Gov- ATKINSON, 193 ernment, that large debts due to him in America at the time of his banishment remained unpaid, and he desired relief. Atkinson, Theodore, Of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He graduated at Harvard University in 1718, and in after life rose to much distinction. He held, at various times, the offices of Representative in the Assembly, Naval Officer,^ Sheriff, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Colonel of th^ Militia, Collector of the Customs, Secretary of the Colony, and Chief Judge of the Superior Court ; and had a seat in the Council, In 1775 a committee of the Provincial Con gress requested him to deliver up all the records and papers in the Secretary's office, Avhich he refused, as " against his oath and honor." On a second visit the committee, Avithout heeding his objections, took possession of the documents of his office, except the volumes which contained the charter grants of lands, which were then in the hands of Governor Went worth. The missing books. Congress, by resolution of July 7, 1775, voted that Mr. Atkinson should be held accountable for to the people. He died in 1779, at the advanced age of eighty-two. He bequeathed £200 sterling to the Episcopal Church of Portsmouth, the interest of which he directed to be expended in bread, and distributed on Sundays to the poor of the parish, which, as I understand, has been dealt out under the provision of his will, until the present time, (1859,) a period of eighty years, " His coach was the coach of the town." He was a man of wealth, and owned more silver plate, probably, than any other person in New Hampshire, The town of Atkinson perpetuates his name. Atkinson, Theodore, Jr. Of New Hampshire, and son of the preceding. He graduated at Harvard University in 1757. Entering upon political fife, he became a member of the Council and Secretary of the Colony. He died at Portsmouth, on Saturday, October 28, 1769, at the early age of thirty-three, and his remains were deposited in the family tomb. Queen's Chapel, with great pomp and circum stance. On Saturday, November 11th — just two weeks af ter — his widow, whose maiden name was Frances Deering VOL, I. 17 194 AUCHMUTY. Wentworth, was married in the same chapel by the Rca'. Arthur Browne, to Governor John, afterwards Sir John Wentworth. She Avas a Boston lady, very accomplished and gay ; and, as Lady Wentworth, had a diversified career. She was a cousin of both husbands, and her earliest attachment was for Wentworth ; but Avhile he was absent in England she married Atkinson. There was much gossip at Portsmouth about the three cousins at the Revolutionary era, founded on the facts here stated. And within a few years, a story relat ing to the parties appeared in one of the magazines, which, extracted by the newspaper press, Avent the rounds. The leading incidents of the tale Avere both ridiculous and untrue. The towns of Francestown, Deering, and Wentworth, in New Hampshire, perpetuate the wife's name. Auchmuty, Rev. Samuel, D. D. Of New York. Rector of Trinity Church. Son of Robert, Judge of Vice-Admi ralty. Graduated at Harvard University in 1742. I lose sight of him until 1754, when he was employed by the So ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as Catechist to the negroes in NeAv York, at a salary of £50 ; and where, he Avrote the Society, that in six months he had baptized twenty-three children and two adults, and was preparing three others. He succeeded the Rev. Dr. Barclay as Rector, in 1764, .with the Rev. Mr. Inglis and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie, as assistants. Oxford, England, con ferred the degree of S. T. D, in 1766, and King's College, 'New York, the year following. In 1771, I find his name first on an Address to the Episcopalians of Virginia, urging the necessity of an " American Episcopate," or, the resi dence of bishops in the Colonies. Trumbull calls him a " high-church clergyman," and makes him the subject of remark in McFingal. In April, 1775, Dr. Auchmuty wrote from New York to Captain Montresor, chief engineer of General Gage's army at Boston, that " we have lately been plagued with a rascally Whig mob here, but they have effected nothing, only Sears, the king, was rescued at the jail-door." . . . . " Our magistrates have not the spirit of a louse," &c. AUCHMUTY. 195 In September, 1776, nearly one thousand buildings were burned in the western part of the city, and among them Trinity Church, the Rector's house, and the Charity School ; St. Paul's Chapel and King's College barely escaped. The Vestry of Trinity reported the loss by this fire to the Church to be — Trinity Church and organ, £17,500; two Charity School-houses and fences, £2000 ; Library, £200 ; Rector's house, £2500 ; total, £22,200 ; besides the annual rent of two hundred and forty-six lots of ground, — the tenant buildings being all consumed. After the fire, Dr. Auchmuty searched the ruins of his church and of his large and elegant man sion, but found no articles of value, except the church plate and his own. His personal losses by the conflagration, he estimated at upwards of $12,000, He died in 1777. His wife was a daughter of Richard Nichols, Governor of New York. Notices of his two sons follow. His daughter Jane was the second wife of Richard Tylden, of the family of Tylden, Milsted, County of Kent, England ; one of her sons is the present Sir John Maxwell Tylden, who was in the army twenty years ; and another, William Burton Tylden, is a major in the Royal Engineers. Of Dr. Auchmuty 's two other daughters, I have no account, save that they were married. Auchmuty, Sir Samuel. Of New York. Lieutenant- General in the British Army. Eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Auchmuty. At the beginning of the Revolution he was a student at King's College, and was intended by his father for the ministry. But his own inclinations were military from his boyhood. Soon after he graduated, and in 1776, he joined the Royal Army under Sir William Howe, as an ensign in the 45th Regiment, and was present in most of the actions in that and the following year. In 1783 he commanded a company in the 75th Regiment, in the East Indies, and was with Lord Cornwallis in the first siege of Seringapatam. In 1801 he joined the expedition to Egypt, and held the post of adjutant- general. He returned to England in 1803, and three years u 196 AUCHMUTY. after was ordered to South America, where, as brigadier- general, he assumed command of the troops ; and, in 1807, assaulted and reduced — after a most determined resistance — the city and fortress of Monte Video. In 1809 he was transferred to India. Subsequently, he succeeded Sir D. Baird, as chief of the staff in Ireland. He was knighted in 1812 ; his nephew. Sir John Maxwell Tylden, lieutenant- colonel of the 52d Regiment, being his proxy. He twice received the thanks of Parliament, and was presented with a service of plate by that body, and by the East India Com pany. His seat, — Syndale House, — was in Kent, near Feversham. He died in Ireland, suddenly, in 1822, at the age of sixty-four. Auchmuty, Robert Nichols. Of New York. Son of Rev. Dr. Samuel Auchmuty. He was a graduate of King's College, New York ; and, in the Revolution, served as a vol unteer in the British Army. He died at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1813, His Avife was Henrietta, daughter of Henry John Overing. His daughter Maria M., widow of Colonel E, D. Wainwright, of the United States Marines, died at Wash ington, D. C, January, 1861, aged seventy -one. Auchmuty, Richard Harrison. Of New York. Sur geon in the British Army, Taken prisoner in the storming of Stoney Point. With Cornwallis at Yorktown ; — and died soon after the surrender, while on parole. Auchmuty, Robert, Of Boston. In 1767 he was ap pointed Judge of Vice-Admiralty of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, in place of Chambers Russell, deceased. John Adams, with whom he was associated in the defence of Cap tain Preston, for the affair in King Street, March 5, 1770, called the " Boston Massacre," describes his arguments at the bar thus : — " Volubility, voluble repetitions and repeated volubility; fluent reiterations and reiterating fluency; such nauseous eloquence always puts my patience to the torture." His letters to persons in England were sent to America, with those of Governor Hutchinson, by Franklin, in 1773, and created much commotion. He went to England in 1776, AUCHMUTY. — AVERY. 197 and at one period was in verj' distressed circumstances. He never returned to the United States. His estate was confis cated. His mansion in Roxbury became the property of Governor Increase Sumner, and was occupied by him at the time of his decease. Mr, Auchmuty died in 1788. Walker & Son, booksellers, London, have on their Catalogue of 1856, among their rare American tracts, the following : — " Auchmuty (Robert, an Absentee,) Cerdficate of the Com monwealth of Massachusetts of the Sale of R, Auchmuty's Library, at Public Auction, according to Law, Signed and Sealed 12th Feb. 1784, with Autograph Certificate of John Browne, Chairman of the Committee of Sequestration, Signed and Dated 10th Feb. 1784, Boston; Statement of the Manner in which Mrs. -Brinley and Mrs. Breynton Executed the Directions of the Will of R. Auchmuty, Esq., with his Will annexed, &c., showing every thing that was done for those purposes, 20 pages, 4to." Auchmuty, James. Of New York. Son of Robert. " I send you," wrote General Scott to the Provincial Congress, July 5, 1776, " James Auchmuty, storekeeper in the Engi neer Department, and brother to Dr. Auchmuty, with his wife and child." He himself wrote Mr. Jay, in October of the same year, that, while others held as prisoners of war were paid the regular allowance, not a shdling had been given him. Soon after, he gave his parole to depart to Danbury, Connecticut, and to remain neutral until exchanged or dis charged. At the peace he removed to Nova Scotia, where he became eminent as a lawyer, and was appointed judge. He had a son in the British Army, who was killed in battle in the West Indies. Avery, Ephraim. Of Pomfret, Connecticut. Episcopal minister. He received the degree of A. B. firom Yale College, MirMika^ of A. M. from King's College, New York. In 1765 he succeeded Mr. Punderson as minister of Rye, and con tinued his pastoral relations untd the Revolution, " when he became so obnoxious to the Whigs," that his farm animals were driven off and his other property plundered. He died 17* 198 AXTELL.— AYMAR. November, 1776. General Israel Putnam was one of the husbands of his mother. She died in the Highlands in 1777, and was deposited in Beverly Robinson's tomb. Axtell, William. Of New York. Member of the Coun cil of that Colony. He was descended from David Axtell, a colonel in Cromwell's army, who Avas beheaded at the restor ation of the Stuarts. When examined by the Whig Com mittee, in 1776, he stated that the bulk of his property was in Great Britain and the West Indies. In reporting his case to the Provincial Congress, the Committee remarked that they believed him to be " a gentleman of high honor and integrity." He had a country-seat at Flatbush, was the first man in wealth and importance there, and invited Whig pris oners to sup with him. Miss Shipton, a relative and an in mate of his house, married Colonel Giles, of the Continental Army. In 1778 Mr. Axtell was commissioned by Sir Wil liam Howe, colonel of a corps of Loyalists. In 1783 the colors of the regiment of Waldeck were consecrated in front of his mansion at Flatbush. The troops formed in a circle, and officers and men took a solemn oath to support the new standards ; a splendid dinner and a ball followed ; and the ladies presented the officers who bore the colors, with a knot of blue and yellow ribbons. In November of the last men tioned year, Colonel Axtell's furniture Avas sold by auction at his town-house, Broadway, New York. His estate was confiscated. He went to England, received a considerable sum for his losses, and was allowed the half-pay of a colonel. He died at Beaumont Cottage, Surrey, in 1795, aged seventy- five. His wife died before his departure from America. He left no issue. Aymar, Francis. Descended from a family that fled to the United States during the religious persecutions in France. Was born in the city of New York in 1759, and died at St. Andrew, New Brunswick, October, 1843, aged eighty-four years. He was one of the grantees of, and settled at St, John, New Brunswick, in the autumn of 1783, and continued his residence there until 1807, when he returned to the United BABBIT, — BACHE. 199 States, and lived alternately at Eastport, Maine ; New York ; and St. Andrew, up to the time of his decease. He Avas the father of fifteen children, of Avhom the following survived him : Daniel, William, John, Francis, Nancy, Mary, Betsey, Eleanor, Sarah, and Phebe. Babbit, Daniel, He died at Gagetown, New Brunswick, 1830, at the age of eighty-scA-en. ^/ Babcock, Rev. Luke. An Episcopal minister. He was the youngest son of Chief JusticFBabcock, of "Rhode Island, was born in 1738, and gradij"ated-at Yale College in 1755. Having been ordained by the Bishop~of"London, he was ap pointed to the mission of Pliilipsburgh, New York. In 1774, King's College conferred the degree of A. M, Soon after the breaking out of the Revolution his papers were examined, and he Avas personally interrogated touching his allegiance to the Crown. The result Avas, that in October, 1776, he was ordered to Hartford, where he remained until the folloAving February, Avhen his health failed, and he Avas directed to re move within the lines of the Royal Army. " He got home in a raging fever, and delirious," and died, February 18, 1777, Mr, Seabury said, — "I knoAv not a more excellent man, and I fear his loss, especially in that mission, Avill scarcely be made up." His remains Avere deposited in the family Aault of the Van Cortlands. In 1780 the parsonage Avas broken into by a band of " cow boys," Avith disguised persons and blackened faces, and the ladies robbed of their valuables. The leader, in parting, made a profound bow, and thus addressed Mrs. Babcock : — " Fare you well, and fare you better. And when I die, 1 '11 send you a letter." Mr. Babcock's brother Henry, a graduate of Yale College, was a lawyer, a colonel in the Whig service, in command at Newport, Rhode Island, and " a man of fine person, accom phshed manners, and winning eloquence." Bache, Theophylact. Of New York. He came to America, probably, in 1755. He was a merchant, and his 200 BACHE. — BACON. business Avas principally with the West Indies and Newfound land. He was also agent of the packets which plied between Falmouth, England, and New York. In 1773 he was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce. He Avas a deter mined Loyalist. His brother Richard married Sarah, daugh ter of Doctor Franklin, and was a Whig. The political sym pathies of Theophylact were, possibly, the same as Richard's at the outset, since he was associated with Jay and Lewis on the Committee of Correspondence. July 1, 1776, in a letter to Philip Livingston, he denied that he was inimical to American rights, and said, that the distressed state of his Avife and numerous family, required all his attention, and would, he hoped, be a sufficient apology for not appearing before Congress, as required to do by that body. At one period of the war his place of residence was at Flat bush, Long Island. Obnoxious to some of the Whigs, in the course of events, a daring attempt to carry him off was made in 1778, by a Captain Marriner, an eccentric, witty, and inge nious partisan, which resulted successfully. Marriner's plan embraced three other Loyalists of rank and consequence ; but Bache and Major Moncrieffe, Avith four slaves, were those whom he actually captured, and they were placed in a boat and conveyed to New Jersey. The marauders struck Mrs. Bache several times for entreating them not to deal harshly with her husband, and they plundered the house of plate, wounded a female servant, and dragged off Mr, Bache him self without giving him time to put on his clothes. Such is the account. Mr. Bache was kind to Colonel Graydon, a Whig ; gave him frequent invitations to tea, and to partake of his Ma deira, and offered his purse to relieve his supposed necessities. " He is remembered as a fine specimen of a gentleman, — courteous, hospitable, with a touch of the sportsman, loving his gun and his dog, and everywhere acceptable as a poHshed and agreeable companion." He died in New York, in 1807, aged seventy-eight. His wife was a Miss Barclay. Bacon, John. Of New Jersey. Leader of a band of BACON, - BAILEY. 201 marauders in the counties of Burlington and Monmouth. In the fight at Cedar Bridge, he was accused of killing one Cook, and the State offered a reward for his capture, dead or alive. In April, 1782, a brother of Cook, John Stewart, and four others, all heavily armed, surprised him on a very dark night, in a tavern, Avhen he surrendered and was dis armed. But Cook thrust his bayonet into his body, and, on his attempt to escape, StOAvart shot him dead. Badgely, . June 20, 1782, he was condemned to death for treason in New Jersey, and the day of execution appointed. His case caused a spirited letter from Sir Guy Carleton to Washington. The papers show that Badgely "joined the enemy long after the passing of the treason act." >^adger, Moses. An Episcopal minister. He graduated at HarA'ard University in 17617'~lTi3~ wtfc "WTK^" daughter of Judge Saltonstall of Massachusetts, and sister of Colonel Richard and Leverett, the two Loyalist sons of that gentle man. Mr. Badger went to Halifax in 1776, but was at New York at or about the time of the death of Leverett, and wrote to the family on the subject. At one period he was chaplain to De Lancey's second battalion. After the Revolution, Mr. Badger was Rector of King's Chapel, Providence, and died in that city in 1792, It appears, that some years prior to the war he was an Episcopal missionary in Ncav Hampshire, authorized to labor throughout that Colony. /Bailey, Jacob. He graduated at Harvard University in '1755. Principally through the instrtTmentality of the Ply mouth proprietors in Maine, an Episcopal Church was erected at PoAvnalborough, now Dresden, in that State, and for several years Mr. Bailey was the officiating clergyman, as a missionary of the Society for the Propagadon of the Gospel. Few around him agreed Avith him in political sentiment. For the single offence of continuing divine service, he relates, he was threatened, insulted, condemned, laid under heaA'y bonds, and doomed to transportation. His family con sisted of a wife, a young infant, and two girls of about eleven 202 BAILEY. years. Informed of a design against his life, he resolved to leave them, destitute of money, and of provisions except a few garden roots ; and escape, as he best could do. He accom plished his purpose, but returned. Again molested, and told that if he attempted to officiate in public or in private, imme diate confinement in prison would follow, he determined to abandon the countrj', and in the summer of 1779 he went to Halifax, N. S. I give an account of his appearance when he landed in that city, in nearly his own words. His feet were adorned with shoes which sustained the marks of rebel lion and independence. His legs were covered with a thick pair of blue woollen stockings, which had been so often mended and darned by the fingers of frugality, that scarce an atom of the original remained. His breeches, Avhich just concealed the shame of his nakedness, had been formerly black, but the color being worn out by age, nothing remained but a rusty gray, bespattered with lint, and bedaubed with pitch. Over a coarse tow and linen shirt, manufactured in the looms of sedition, he wore a coat and waistcoat of the same dandy gray russet ; and, to secrete from public inspection the innumerable rents, holes, and deformities, which time and misfortunes had wrought in these ragged and weather-beaten garments, he was furnished with a blue surtout, fritted at the elbows, worn at the button-holes, and stained with a variety of tints. To complete the whole, a jaundice-colored wig, devoid of curls, was shaded with the remnants of a rusty beaver, its monstrous brim replete with notches and furrows, and grown limpsy by the alternate inflictions of storm and sunshine, lopped over his shoulders, and obscured a face meagre with famine and wrinkled with solicitude. His wife's dress was no better. She was arrayed in a ragged baize night-gown, tied round the middle with a woollen string ; her petticoats were jagged at the bottom, were ragged above, and drabbled in mud. He became Rector of St. Luke's Church, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, and died in that relation in 1808, at the age of sixty-seven. During the last twenty-six years of his life he was absent from his church only one Sunday. BAILEY, — BAINBRIDGE. 203 His wife, Sally, daughter of Dr. John Weeks, of Hamp ton, N. H. ; three sons and three daughters, survived him. Charles Percey, the oldest son, who was remarkable for per sonal beauty, was a captain in the British Army, and was killed at the battle of Chippewa, in the Avar of 1812. Re becca Lavinia died at Annapolis. Charlotte Maria is (1853) still living. Thonias Henry was an officer in the militia, and died young, leaving a wife and three children. Wdliam GU bert was a lawyer of extensive practice, died young, also, and left a family. Elizabeth Anna married Mr. James Whit man. Mrs. Bailey died at Annapolis in 1818, at the age of seventy. Mr. Bailey was poor throughout his life. " Though 0])pressed himself by want and debt, his hospitality never ceased to flow, and by the kindness of his nature he always retained the personal regard of all who knew him." The Life of Mr. Bailey, by the Rev. William S. Bartlet, late Rector of St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, Mass., is instruc tive and interesting, and has afforded materials for .several notices in these pages. Bailey, William. In 1782 was captain-lieutenant of the Loyal American Regiment ; he settled after the war in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He died on the River St. John, near Fredericton, in 1832, at the advanced age of ninety-seven. Bailey, Zachariah. Died at Fredericton, NeAV Bruns wick, in 1823, aged seventy-two. Bailie, George. Of Georgia. In 1777 the Committee of Safety for the parish of St. John, gave him and two others permission to ship rice to Surinam, under bond and security that it should not be landed in a British port. He had pur chased goods to a considerable amount of William Parton, (a Loyalist mentioned in these volumes,) and that genUeman, by an arrangement with the Governor of Florida, changed the destination of the vessels, and the bond was forfeited. The result was that Badie Avas included in the Banishment and Confiscation Act. Bainbridge, Absalom. Of Princeton, New Jersey. Phy- 204 BAINBRIDGE. - BALDWIN. sician. He was descended from Sir Arthur Bainbridge, of Durham County, England, and his American ancestor was one of the founders of NeAv Jersey. At the Revolutionary era the family was of great respectability. Soon after the beginning of the war, he retired to New York. In 1778 he was a surgeon in the New Jersey Volunteers ; and at Flat bush that year, offered two guineas reward for a runaway negro boy, Priam, — " hair light-colored and of the woolly kind." His wife Avas a daughter of John Taylor, of Mon mouth County, N. J. He died at New York in 1807, aged sixty. His son William, born at Princeton, N. J., in 1774, entered the United States Navy during the aggressions of France, as a lieutenant ; was commissioned post-captain in 1800, before he was twentj^-six ; and, December 29, 1812, in command of the frigate Constitution, he captured the British frigate Java. He died in 1833, in his sixtieth year. Another son, Joseph, Avas also a captain in the United States Navy. Baird, William and Archibald. The first went to St. John, New BrunsAvick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. Archibald was collector of the customs at Georgetown, S. C. ; and, expelled for refusing to swear allegiance to the Whigs, he went to Europe, and died previous to August, 1777. Baldwin, John. Of Phdadelphia. Accused, in 1776, of refusing to receive " Continental money," he was sum moned before the Council of Safety, and Avhen informed of the complaint against him, acknowledged its truth. The Council urged the pernicious influence of his conduct, and gave him several days for reflection, in the hope that he would change his purpose. Persisting, at a second hearing, he was proclaimed " an enemy to his country, and precluded from all trade and intercourse with the inhabitants of these States ; " and he was ordered to jail, there to remain without Ijail or mainprise until he shall be released by order of the Council, or some other power lawfully authorized so to do." There died at St. George, N. B., in 1840, at the age of ninety-one years, a Loyalist of the name of John Baldween, BALL. — BANNISTER. 205 who served the Crown nearly the whole of the Revolution, who was distinguished for bravery, and who, I suppose, was the subject of this notice. Ball, . Captain of a militia company in the town of Berne, New York. His command consisted of eighty-fiA'e men ; of Avhom sixty-three joined him in going over to the king at the commencement of hostilities. His ensign, Peter Deitz, and the remainder of his men, were Whigs. Deitz was commissioned captain, and his brother, William Deitz, lieutenant. Peter was killed in 1777, and William succeeded him in command, and by his activity incurred the hate of the Tories, when with his family they made him their prisoner, and tied him to his gate-post to witness the death of his father and mother, his wife and children, who were successively brought out and murdered before his eyes. The unhappy Deitz himself Avas carried to Niagara, where he ultimately became a victim of Tory cruelty. Ballingall, Robert. Of South Carolina. He was in commission under the Crown after the surrender of Charles ton in 1780, and his estate Avas confiscated. When Sir Henry Clinton issued his proclamation ordering all prisoners taken at the capitulation to return to that city, Ballingall waited upon the ill-fated Colonel Isaac Hayne, and communicated the orders he had received on the subject. Hayne asserted that he was not bound to obey, and plead that his children were all ill with the small-pox, that one child had died, and that his wife was on the eve of dissolution ; and finallv declared, that no human force should remove him from the side of his dying wife. A discussion followed, and, at last, Hayne consented to give Ballingall a written stipulation to " demean himself as a British subject, so long as that coun try should be covered by the British Army." Balmaine, William. He settled at Grand Lake, New Brunswick. While at St. John, in 1809, he fell from a win dow and was killed. His age was seventy-two. Bannister, John. A " young man of family, property, and convivial habits," who went to England during the war, VOL. I. 18 206 BANYAR. — BARBARIE, and was on intimate terms with Count Rumford. He died preA'ious to 1813. Banyar, Goldsbroav. Of New York. He Avas born in London in 1724, and came to America at the age of fourteen. In 1746 he was sworn in as Deputy Secretary of the Colony, Deputy Clerk of the Council, and Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court ; and, six years later, was appointed Register of the Court of Chancery ; and in 1753, Judge of Probate. His public employments ceased with the termination of the Royal Government. When the Whigs assumed the direction of affairs, he retired to Rhinebeck, New York. At the peace he removed to Albany, " where he always took a great inter est in the internal improvements of the State, and contributed to all a liberal support," His wife was the widow of John Appy, Judge- Advocate of the forces in America. Blind in the last years of his life, he was led about the streets by a colored servant. He died at Albany in 1815, at the age of ninety-one ; " leaving to his descendants a large fortune, and a more enduring inheritance, — the recollection of his many virtues and the example of a life devoted to duty." His son GoldsbroAv died in NeAv York in 1806. Barbarie, John. Captain in the New Jersey Volunteers. Taken prisoner at Staten Island in 1777, and sent to Trenton. In garrison during the siege of Ninety-Six, South Carolina, and wounded. In the battle of Eutaw Springs, again wounded. He Avent to St, John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. He received half-pay. He Avas a colonel of the militia, and a magistrate of the County of York. He died at Sussex Vale in 1818, at the age of sixty-seven. His son, Andrew Barbarie, Esq., was a member of the House of Assembly. Barbarie, Oliver. In 1782 he was a lieutenant in the Loyal American Regiment. He setded at St. John in 1783, and was the grantee of a city lot. He died at Sussex Vale, New Brunswick. " Euphemia, relict of Oliver Barbarie, late of the Barrack Department," died at Holyhead, England, at the house of her brodier. Captain Skinner, in 1830, aged sixty-four. BARCLAY. 207 Barclay, Thomas. Was the son of Henry Barclay, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York, and Avas born in that city, October 12, 1753. He was a graduate of Colum bia College, and a student of laAv of John Jay. At the be ginning of the Revolution he entered the British Army under Sir William HoAve, as a captain in the Loyal American Regi ment, and was promoted to a major by Sir Henry Clinton in 1777. He continued in active service until the peace. His estate in New York was confiscated, and at the close of the contest he fled with his family to Nova Scotia. Of the House of Assembly of that Province he was for some time Speaker ; and of the militia, Adjutant-General. From 1790 till 1828 he was employed in civil stations, under the British crown, of great trust and honor. He was successively a commis sioner under Jay's Treaty, the Consul-General for the North ern and Eastern States, and Commissary for the care and exchange of prisoners. At the conclusion of the war of 1812, between the United States and Great Britain, he was ap pointed Commissioner under the fourth and fifth Articles of the Treaty of Ghent, which post he continued to hold until within tAVO years of his decease. In an autograph letter in my possession, dated at Annapolis in 1799, he said to a fellow-exile : — "I find that those who were termed Royalists or Loyalists, in addition to their attach ment to their king and country, preserve their principles of honor and integrity, of openness and sincerity, Avhich marked the Americans previous to the year 1773 ; Avhile those who have sold their king for a Republican Government, have adopted all the frivolity, intrigue, and insincerity of the French, and in relinquishing their allegiance, resigned at the same time, almost universally, religion and morality." In private life he Avas estimable. He was a sincere and devout Chrisdan of die communion of the Church of Eng land. A prominent trait in his character Avas kindness and charity to the poor. His official conduct was the subject of frequent and marked approbation of the sovereigns Avliom he served, and at the close of his services he was rewarded with 208 BARD. — BARDAN, a pension of £1200 per annum. His habits of industry and application were extraordinary ; and he was never in bed at sunrise for forty years. He died at New York in April, 1830, aged seventy-seven years. His son. Colonel Delancey Barclay, an aide-de-camp to George the Fourth, died in 1826 ; he had repeatedly distinguished himself, particularly at Waterloo, Bard, Samuel, Of New York. Physician, L,L. D, He was born in Philadelphia in 1742, and graduated at King's College, N. Y. In 1762 he went to Edinburgh to complete his medical education, and Avas absent five years. Soon after his return, he helped to organize a medical school, of which he became a professor. In 1772 his father. Dr. John Bard, retired to the country, when he succeeded him in practice, and became eminent. Averse to war, unwilling to break off connection with England, and to mingle in the turmoils of the time, he joined his father at Hyde Park, in 1775. Other removals followed ; but he finally settled in New Jersey. He returned to New York after the Royal Army took possession, and found himself an object of suspic ion, and of utter neglect. Reduced to his last guinea, he accidentally met the mayor, (Matthews) who treated him kindly, and who, by his good offices subsequently, was the means of restoring him to the confidence of his former friends. The leaders of the Royal party became at last his frequent guests. At the peace he Avas urged to leave the country on account of his known associations and political sentiments ; but he declined. After the Federal Government was organ- ized, he Avas Washington's family physician. He died in 1821, in his eighdeth year ; his Avife departed just one day before him, and a common grave received their remains. The universal tesdmony is, that he possessed almost every virtue which adorns manhood. Bardan, John. Arrested by Lieutenant Nowell, he was asked what he intended to do Avith the Rebels, and answered : — "Kill them, as fast as I can." Nowell released him on payment of seven dollars in paper currency, and was tried BARFIELD. — BARNES. 209 by a court-martial, and " dismissed from the army with infamy." Bareield, . Captain of a company of Tories. In an affair Avitli die Whig partisan Melton, he Avas successful. Gabriel Marion, a nephew of the General, fell into his hands, and as soon as recognized, was put to death. " His name was fatal to him." Barker, William. Of Maine. Born in England in 1734 ; emigrated to Massachusetts about the year 1774 ; removed to the Kennebec River in 1775. " Opposed to the Revolution at heart," but did not often publicly avow his opinions. In the course of the Avar he lived a year or tAvo in Dresden. The Whigs annoyed him in various ways, but he did not leave the country. He died at Gardiner, in 1822. Dorothy, his Avife, died in 1814. One daughter, Nancy, married Peter Grant ; another, Elizabeth, was the wife of Joshua Lord. Barker, Joshua, He entered the British Army during the French war, and served with distinction in the West Indies, After he attained the rank of captain, he retired on half-pay. In the Revolution, he " was as little obnoxious as perhaps any man in his situation could be ; always wishing for the blessings of peace, and the good of his country." In his address he Avas courteous and graceful ; in his temper, calm ; in his counsels, clear and determined. He bore a long indisposition Avith fortitude and resignation. He died at Hing- ham, Massachusetts, in 1785, aged seventy-three, Barnard, John. Of Massachusetts. He was born in 1745, and graduated at Harvard University in 1762. He went to St, John, New Brunsvvick, and was a^merchajiL He died in 1785, aged forty. Barnard, Thomas. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Settled in Nova Scotia, and died at Yarmouth, about the year 1833. Barnes, Henry. Mcreharrtr-ef Marlborough, Massachu setts. He was a magistrate and. a man of some note. The records of the town, however, as examined by a friend, show hardly more than that he distilled a liquor from cider, Avliich 18* 210 BARNES. he exported, and which he petitioned the selectmen for leave to sell there at retail. Towards the close of February, 1775, General Gage ordered Captain Brown and Ensign D'Bernicre, to go through the Counties of Suffolk and Worcester, and to sketch the roads as they went, for his information, " as he expected to have occa sion to march troops through that country the ensuing spring." The two officers set out from Boston, disguised like countrymen in brown clothes and reddish handkerchiefs round their necks. Their adventures until their arrival at Marlborough, do not be long to this sketch. Recommended to Mr. Barnes " as a friend to government," they found his house in a snoAV-storm, discov ered themselves, and were told by him, that they need not be at " the pains of telling him, he knew their situation." That " the town was very violent," that " they could be safe no where but in his house," and that "theydiad been expected the night before," &c., &c. The people were suspicious, and began to assemble in groups in all parts of the village. Mes sages were sent to Barnes, and other circumstances occurred, which, after the lapse of twenty minutes, compelled him to declare to his guests that they would be attacked, and that he could not protect them. He accordingly took them out of his house by the stables, and directed them to a by-road. They made their escape to the tavern of Jones, the Tory landlord of Weston; "it snowed and blew," relates one of them, " as much as I ever see it in my life." In the of Representatives, November, 1775, the " Petition of Henry Knox ^ humbly showeth : That your pedtioner having been obliged to leave all his goods and house furniture in Boston, Avhich he has no prospect of ever getting possession of again, nor any equivalent for the same, therefore begs the Honorable Court, if they in their wisdom see fit, to permit him to exchange house furniture Avith Henry Barnes, late of Marlborough, which he now has it in his power to do." The prayer was refused ; but the Whig was allowed 1 Subsequently, Chief of Artillery in the Continental Army, and Secre tary at War under Washington. BARNES. — BARRELL. 211 to use the Loyalist's household goods, on giving receipt to ac count for them to the proper authorities. In December, 1775, Catharine Goldthwait prayed the in terposition of the General Court, stating in a petition that she was the niece and adopted heir of Barnes ; that she had resided A\'ith him about seventeen years ; that at his depart ure from town, she was left Avith a part of his family in pos session, and that the committee of Marlborough had entered upon his estate, sold a part, and proposed to dispossess her entirely. Barnes went to England. In 1777 he Avas at Bristol with his wife and niece, and in September, thirteen of his fellow Loyalists were his guests ; and, later still the same year, he dined with several of the Massachusetts exiles at Mr, Lechmere's, when the conversation Avas much about the political condition of their native land. In 1778, Mr. Barnes Avas proscribed and banished. In 1781 he supped Avith one of his countrymen, who told him that the people of the Old Bay State complained of Congress and of their French allies, without restraint. He died at Lon don in 1808, at the age of eighty-four. Barnes, Joshua. A captain in DeLancey's corps. In 1778, the Whig Major Leavenworth, of Massachusetts, hear ing that Barnes Avas out on a plundering expedition, formed the plan of capturing him ; and, leading him into an ambus cade, took him Avidi his full company of sixty-four, prisoners. Barnes, John. Of New Jersey. Sheriff' of the County of Hunterdon. After the Declaration of Independence, he refused to act under the Whigs ; and, when summoned before the State Convention, said he was wiUing to be superseded. Ii),-1778, he was a major in the New Jersey Volunteers. Barrell, Walter. Of Boston. Inspector- General^ of the Customs. In his religious sentimeiTts~he AV^T^ith his lamiIy~orfive persons, a follower of Rojifixt^^emanj he embarked at Boston with the British Army in 1776, for Hal ifax, and arrived in England in the summer of the same year. In 1779 he was a member of the Loyalist Association formed in London ; his second daughter, Polly, died in London in 1810. 212 BARRELL. — BARRY. /J3arrell, Colburn. Of Boston. At the Boston Latin '^School in 1744. With his Avife and daughter, the guest of John Adams in 1771. An Addresser of Hutchinson^nd a Protestor against the Whigs in 1774. fie was aT'NeAv York in 1783, and one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia. [See Abijah Willard.'\ He was a Sandernanian. Barrett, Charles. Of Ipswich, New Hampshire. He was born in Concord. At the beginning of the war, he was a man of property .ami.mfluence, and in command of a company of militia. He was fearlesrirrhis utterance against the meas ures of the Whigs ; was often involved in difficulty, and suf fered many indignities. At one time, by vote of the town, he was confined to the limits of his own farm. He gave his adhesion to the ncAv State government at the peace, and was a delegate to the Convention to consider the Federal Consti tution, Avdien, it would seem, he was an ultra Democrat. He opposed the adoption of the Constitution with Avarmth ; and, as relates to the Executive, said that " The Presidents will be four-year old Kings, and soon Kings for life." He died in 1808. Barron, William. Of Petersham, Massachusetts. Prior to the Revolution, he held a commission in the British Army. In the struggle, his sympathies were entirely Avith the Crown ; but he was not active. He was a gentleman of refined man ners, and a brave soldier. He died at Petersham in 1784, greaUy lamented. Tavo of his sons graduated at Harvard University ; Wdliam Amherst, who was a tutor there in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and Avho died unmar ried, in 1825 ; and Thomas, who studied law, A\-as some dme in England, and died, probably, in Ohio, in 1830, or the next year. John Quincy Adams was a classmate of William Amherst. Barry, Robert. At the close of the Revolution he em barked at New York for Shelburne, Nova Scoda. He became an eminent merchant, established branch-houses in various parts of the Province, and his name is connected Avitli the largest of the early commercial enterprises of Nova Scotia. BARRY, — BARTON, 213 He Avas distinguished for qualities Avhich adorn the Christian character, and throughout life Avas highly esteemed. His death occurred at Liverpool, Nova Scotia, September, 1843, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Barry, W. Lieutenant in the Royal Foresters. He died of a fever in October, 1781, near Hellgate, New York, and was buried at Hallet's Cove, with the honors of war. Barton, Thomas. An Episcopal minister. He gradu ated at Trinity College, Dublin, and in 1754, Avas sent by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to the new Mission in the Counties of York and Cumberland, Penn sylvania. His post was on the frontier, and his duties par ticularly onerous. " He had to ride one hundred and forty- eight miles every six weeks, to attend his three congregations, and, often at the head of his people, Avent to oppose the sav ages." In 1758, he was chaplain to the expedition against Fort Duquesne, and formed the acquaintance of several dis tinguished persons. In 1770 he received the degree of A. M. from King's College, New York. Adhering to the Royal cause, subsequently, he Avas first confined to the limits of his coun ty, and finally to his house. In November, 1776, he wrote : " I have been obliged to shut up my churches, to avoid the fury of the populace, avIio Avould not suffer the Liturgy to be used, unless the Collects and Prayers for the King and Royal Family were omitted, which neither my conscience nor the declaration I made and subscribed when ordained, would allow me to comply Avith ; and, although I used every pru dent step to give no offehce even to those who usurped author ity and rule .... yet, my life and property have been threatened, upon mere suspicion of being unfriendly to what is called the American cause." After a restraint of two years, and in November, 1778, he withdrew to New York. His loss of liberty occasioned a dis ease, of which he died May 25, 1780. The Memoirs of Rit- tenhouse Avere Avritten by his son William Barton. Another son, Benjamin Smith Barton, doctor of medicine, Avas a distin- 214 BARTON. — BASS. guished professor in the University of PennsyU-ania, and suc ceeded the celebrated Rush. Professor Barton Avas the first American who published an elementary work on botany. Barton, Thomas. Colonel, and in command of a body of Loyalists. Three incidents occur in 1777 : First, that he at tempted to cut off a party of Whig militia, and was defeated. Second, that he Avas successful against a detachment of Whigs at Paramus. Third, that he Avas captured on Staten Island, with about forty of his men, and sent to New Jersey. At the peace he retired to Nova Scotia, and received a large grant of land at Digby. He died about the year 1790. His family returned to the United States, Bartram, John. Of Pennsylvania, An eminent botanist. He was born in Chester County, Pennsyh'ania, in 1701. His taste was for botany, from his youth, and in this department he became so eminent as to be appointed American botanist to George the Third. The first botanic garden in this country was founded by him on the Schuylkill, about four miles below Philadelphia. Pie was so earnest in pursuit of knoAvledge that he hardly alloAved himself time to eat, Jle Avas a proficient in the learned languages, in medicine and surgery, and in natural history. Linnaeus pronounced that he was " the greatest natural botanist in the Avorld." Besides these ac complishments, he was an ingenious mechanic ; built his own stone house, and made most of his own farming tools and other articles required on his estate. He Avas gentle in manners, amiable in disposidon, modest, and charitable. He died in 1777, aged seventy-five. His son, William, who was elected 'Professor of Botany in the University of Pennsylvania, in 1782, but declined on ac count of ill health, deceased in 1823, at the age of eighty-four. His youngest son, John, who succeeded him in the botanic /garden aboA'e mendoned, died in 1812. Bass, Rev. Edavard, D. D. First Bishop of Massachu setts. He Avas born in Dorchester in 1726, and graduated at Harvard University in 1744. He fitted for die ministry as a Congregadonalist, Ordained in England in 1752; he was BATES. - BAUM. 215 Rector of St. Paul's Church, Newburyport, fifty-one years. Elected Bishop of Massachusetts in 1797, his jurisdicdon was subsequently extended over the Episcopalian churches in Rhode Island and Ncav Hampshire. His course in the Revolution is in dispute ; but of his loyalty I entertain no doubt. He died at Newburyport in 1803, after two days illness, aged seventy-seven. A marble monument has been erected to his memory. "He was a sound divine, a critical scholar, an accomplished gentleman, and an exemplary Chris tian." Bates, Walter. Of Stamford, Connecticut. In the spring of 1783 he arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, in the ship Union. He settled in King's County, and for many years was its sheriff". He died at Kingston in that county in 1842, aged eighty-two. Batavell, Rev. Daniel. Of Pennsylvania, Episcopal minister in York and Cumberland Counties. He receiA'ed a grant of land from the Proprietaries of the Colony near Car lisle. Soon after the Declaration of Independence he became an actiA'e Loyalist, was apprehended and committed to York jail. Congress gave him leave to dispose of his personal es tate, and to remove Avith his family to the city of New York. In 1782 he was chaplain of the third battalion of the New Jersey Volunteers. He went to England, and died there. ^'-Baum, Jeremiah. Of Maine. He Avas tried by a court- martial, and executed in Maine in 1780, by General Wads worth, who commanded the Eastern department between die Piscataqua and the St. Croix. This act of severity gave the General himself great pain, and was condemned by many Whigs ; but it appears to have been necessary, and to have checked the treacherous intercourse of the eastern Tories with their Bridsh friends Avho held Castine. Eaton, in his history of Warren, thus relates the transac tion : — " General Wadsworth ' is.sued a proclamation denouncing death upon any one convicted of aiding or secreting the enemy. Subsequent to the proclamation, a man by the name 216 BAXTER. of Jeremiah Baum, residing back of Damariscotta, was taken up, charged with piloting a party of the British through the back country for the purpose of pillaging. He was tried on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth of August, by a court- martial at Wadsworth's head-quarters, condemned and sen tenced to be hung." Many efforts were made to procure his pardon, but Gen. W. remained inflexible. " On the day after the sentence, a gallows was erected on Limestone Hill, and the miserable man was conducted to it in a cart, fainting at the sight, and rendered insensible from fear. Mr. Coombs, Avho was standing near, was asked to lend his handkerchief to tie over the prisoner's eyes. Supposing it a farce, he complied ; and the prisoner, to appearance already dead, was swung off, to the astonishment of the spectators. The General was greatly moved, and was observed walking his room in apparent agitation the most of the following day. Many friends of the Revolution regretted that such an ex ample of severity, however necessary, should fall on such a Adctim." / Baxter, Simon. Of New Hampshire. Was proscribed and banished, and lost his estate under the Confiscation Act. He fell into the hands of a party of Whigs during the Avar, and was condemned to die. When brought out for execution, he broke and fled with the rope about his neck, and succeeded in reaching Burgoyne's army. He went to New Brunswick at the peace, and died at Norton, King's County, in 1804, aged seventy-four. His Avidow, Prudence, died the same year, at the age of seventy-three. Baxter, Stephen. Of Bedford, New York. He made humble confession at Stamford, Connecticut, December 1775, that he " had opposed the liberties of America by horrid curs ing and profane swearing," and he asked the forgiveness of those whom he had abused personally, and of the Whigs gen erally. But a "Recanter" was still a Tory; and in 1783 he went to Nova Scotia. Baxter, Joseph. Settled in New Brunswick and died there. Joanna, his widow, died in that Province in 1842, aged eighty-six. BAXTER. - BAYARD. 217 Baxter, Elijah. Died at Norton, King's County, New Brunswick, in 1852. Bayard, Samuel Vetch. Of New York. In 1777 Gov ernor Tryon appointed him to succeed Colden as Surveyor and Searcher of the Customs, and said to Lord George Ger main : " From the steady loyalty of his father, and the depre dations made on his estate, and in consideration that his two sons are now in the Provincial service, I rest in absolute con fidence that his Majesty wid confirm my appointment in oppo sition to all solicitations wdiatever." I find the death of a Samuel Vetch Bayard, at Wilmot, Nova Scotia, in 1832, aged seventy-five. Possibly, one of the " sons " mentioned by Tryon, as it is said " he served under the Crown, and was a military officer." Bayard, Samuel. Of New York. In 1774 he was en gaged in a controversy with other proprietors of lands in New York, and in behalf of himself and associates, submitted a memorial to the British Government, praying to be put in quiet possession of a part of the tract called the Westenhook Patent. After General Lee took command in the city in 1776, Mr. Bayard was made prisoner, and placed under guard at the house of Nicholas Bayard. He entered the service of the Crown, and in 1782 was major of the King's Orange Rangers. Bayard, William. Of New York. Head of the mer cantile house of William Bayard & Co. He Avas associated with Jay, Lewis, and others, as a member of the Committee of Fifty, and he appears to have been of Whig sympathies at the beginning of the controversy. In 1773, Mr, Quincy, of Mas sachusetts, on his return from the South, passed through New York, and recorded in his journal, under the date of May 12th, — " Spent the morning in writing and roving, and dined with Colonel William Bayard at his seat on the North River." In 1775 the Massachusetts delegates to the Continental Con gress Avere his guests also. In 1776 he was an Addresser of Lord and Sir William Howe, He went to England, and his property was confiscated. Governor Franklin recommended VOL. I. 19 218 BAYLEY. — BEACH. him to Lord George Germain, for relief He died \'ery aged, in 1804, at his seat, GreenAvich House, Southampton, Eng land. B.vyley, Richard. Of New York. An eminent physician. He was born in Connecticut in 1745, and in 1769 and 1770 attended lectures and hospitals in London. In 1772 he began practice in New York, and his attention Avas early attracted to the croup, wdiich professional men had treated as putrid sore throat. His experiments resulted in the adoption of active treatment, and in an entire change of remedies for that for midable disease. In 1776 he Avas in the British Army under Howe, as a surgeon, but incapable of enduring separation from his Avife, he resigned just before her decease in 1777. For the remainder of his life he was engaged in duties of a profes sional kind. He occupied the chairs of anatomy and surgery in Columbia College, and published letters and essays on med ical subjects. He died in 1801, aged fifty-six. He is repre sented as a man of high temper, strong in his attachments, in vincible in his dislikes, and of honorable, chivalrous character. Bayley, Philip. Of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. In 1775 he signed and published a Submission, or Recantation, in which he asked forgiveness for the past, and promised that his future conduct should convince the public that he would risk his life and interest in defence of the liberties of the coun try. In his case, as in several others, the written recantation was probably extorted from an unAvilliiig mind to avert some impending blow. " Many recanters \^•ent into exile. Bayley, in 1778, was proscribed and banished. The captain-lieutenant of the Royal Fencible Americans in 1782 was Philip Bailey, and, possibly, the subject of this notice. / Beach, Rev. Abraham, D, D. Episcopal minister. He Avas born in Cheshire, Connecticut, in 1740, and graduated at Yajs. College in 1757. He went to England for ordination in 1767, and was appointed missionary at New Brunswick, and Piscataqua, New Jersey. In July, 1776, he Avas told that un less he omitted prayers for the King and Royal Family, he must discondnue service on the Sabbath. As he would not BEACH. • 219 consent to this condition, he shut the churches in which he oflficiated. In a few months, however, worship Avas resumed in one of them. Early in 1777 he said: "My present con dition is truly distressing, being situated about a quarter of a mile bej'ond the picket-guard of the King's troops. Parties of Washington's army are every day skulking about me, A few days ago, they drove oft" my cattle, horses and sheep ; and since I sat down to write this letter, about fifty of them sur rounded my house, and fired from thence on the out-sentry of the Hessians," &c. Until the peace, he continued in his perilous position, but, " dispensing spiritual consolation alike to Whigs and Tories," In 1783 he was appointed temporary missionary at Amboy ; and in 1784, assistant minister of Trinity Church, New York, After twenty -nine years' duty, and in 1813, he resigned ; when the Vestry, " in consideration of his very long and faithful services in the church, as one of its most faithful pastors, granted him an annuity of £1500 for life, secured by bond, under seal of the Corporation." He retired to his farm on the Raritan River, where he passed the remainder of his life. He died in 1828, at the age of eighty- eight. His Avife Ann, daughter and sole heiress of Evart Van Winkle, one of the original Dutch settlers of Ncav Jersey, died in 1808, " In his intercourse Avith society, no man could be more frank or more free from all guile While his dignified person, expressive countenance, and lively feel ings, commanded the respect and affection of all who knew him." Beach, Rev, Johx, He graduated at Yale College in 1721, and for several years Avas a Congregational minister in Connecticut ; but finally became an Episcopalian. In 1732 he went to England for ordination, and 'on his return, was employed as an Episcopalian missionary in Reading and New town, Connecticut. After the Declaration of Independence, he continued to pray for the King, and to give other evidence of his loyalty. His course gave great displeasure to the Whigs, and he suffered at dieir hands. He died in March, 1782. During his life, he was engaged in one or more rehgious 220 BEACH. controA'ersies. Several of his compositions of this description, and a number of sermons, were published. The following extracts from two of his letters to the Society for the Propa gation of the Gospel, Avhose missionary he was, contain inter esting information. The last, as will be seen, was dated only a few months before his death. " Newtown, May 6, 1772. " As it is now forty years since I have had the advantage of being the venerable Society's missionary in this place, I suppose it will not be improper to give a brief account how I have spent my time, and improved their charity. Every Sun day I have performed divine service, and preached twice, at Newtown and Reading alternately. And in these forty years I have lost only tAvo Sundays through sickness ; although in all that time I liaA-e been afflicted with a constant colic, which has not allowed me one day's ease or freedom from pain. The distance between the churches at Newtown and Reading is betAveen eight and nine miles, and no very good road, yet have I never failed one time to attend each place according to custom, through the badness of the weather, but have rode it in the severest rains and snow-storms, even AA'hen there has been no track, and my horse near miring down in the snoAv- banks, Avhich has had this good effect on my parishioners, that they are ashamed to stay from church on account of bad weather, so that they are remarkably forward to attend the public Avorship. As to my labors without my parish, I have formerly performed divine service in many towns where the Common-prayer had never been heard, nor the Scriptures read in public ; and where now are flourishing congregations of the Church of England, and in some places where there never had been any public worship at all, or any sermon preached by any preacher of any denomination. " In my travelling to preach the Gospel, once was my life remarkably preserved in passing a deep and rapid river. The retro.spect on my fatigues, as lying on straw, &c., gives me pleasure, while I flatter myself that mv labor has not been BEACH. 221 quite in vain, for the Church of England people are increased much more than twenty to one ; and what is infinitely more pleasing, many of them are remarkable for piety and virtue ; and the Independents here are more knoAving in matters of religion than they who Yiye at a great distance from our church. AVe live in harmony and peace with each other, and the rising generation of the Independents seem to be entirely free from every pique and prejudice against the church, &c., &c. "John Beach." "Newtown, October 31, 1781. " It is a long time since I have done my duty in writing to the venerable Society, not owing to my carelessness, but to the impossibility of conveyance from here, and now do it sparingly. A narrative of my troubles I dare not now give. My two congregations are groAving ; that of Reading being commonly about three hundred, and at Newtown about six hundred. I baptize about one hundred and thirty chddren in one year, and lately two adults. NeAvtown, and the Church of England part of Reading are, (I believe,) the only parts of New England that have refused to comply with the doings of the Congress, and for that reason have been the butt of general hatred ; but God has delivered us from entire destruction. I am now in the eighty-second year of my age, yet do constantly alter nately perform and preach at NewtoAvn and Reading. I have been sixty years a public preacher, and, after conviction, in the Church of England fifty years ; but had I been sensible of my insufficiency, I should not have undertaken it. But now I rejoice in that I think I haA'e done more good toAvards men's eternal happiness than I should have done in any other calling. I do most heartily thank the venerable Society for their liberal support, and beg that they will accept of this, which is, I believe, my last bill, £325, which, according to former custom, is due. " At this age I cannot Avell hope for it, but I pray God I may have an opportunity to explain myself with safety ; but 19 * 222 BEAMAN. — BEARDSLEY. must conclude now with Job's expression — '• Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends.' " Beaman, Thomas. Of Petersham, Massachusetts. Cap tain. In 1770, he claimed that a school-house in town was on his land, and to prevent the obnoxious Whig school-master from entering it, [see Ensign Man,] he locked it. How and Man broke in, and Beaman commenced a suit for trespass ; the case Avas in the courts for some time ; the costs Avere con siderable, and finally paid by die defendants. April, 1775, Beaman acted as a guide to the British troops on their march to Lexington and Concord. He fied to Nova Scoda. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. Bean, Thomas. He went from New York to St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783, and of the latter city was a grantee. He and Dowhng were contractors for the budding of Trinity Church, St. John. He died at Portland, New Brunswick, in 1823, aged seventy-nine. Beard, . Of North Carolina. Captain of Tories, After a bloody affray in the house of a Whig, whose daughter had refused his hand, he was captured, tried by a court-mar tial, and hung. Beardsley, Rev, John. Of Poughkeepsie, New York. Episcopal minister. He was born in Stratford, Connecticut, inT732r" He entered Yale College, but did not graduate ; King's (now Columbia) CdITege7~NeAv York, however, con-, ferred the degrees of A, B, and A, M. He Avent to Eng- land for ordination, and returned early in 1762, In addition to the performance of his parochial duties at Poughkeepsie, he officiated a part of the time at Fishkill. At the beginning of the war he refused to take the oath of allegiance to Congress, and suffered indignities in consequence. In the end, his prop erty Avas seized, and poor and even destitute, he and his family took refuge in New York, In 1778, he was appointed chap lain in the Loyal American Regiment, commanded by Bever ley Robinson, who had been a chief supporter of the Episcopal Church at Fishkill. At the peace, Mr. Beardsley accompan ied his regiment to New BrunsAvick. After many depriva- BEARMORE. - BEDLE. 223 dons and sufferings, he Avas setded over the parish in Mau- gerville, on the river St. John, and remained there more than seventeen years. His pastoral relations Avere dissolved in con sequence of his infirmities. He redred to Kingston in that Province, on the half-pay of a chaplain, and died there in 1810. He had four daughters. The eldest married a Ger man officer Avho, some years after the peace of 1783, returned Avith his wife and children to his native land. His son John died at Woodstock, New BrunsAvick, in 1852. His youngest son, Hon. Bartholomew Crannel Beardsley, who died in Can ada West, in 1855, was Chief Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and a member of the House of Assembly of New Bruns wick. His grandson, H, H, Beardsley, of Woodstock, is (1852) a counsellor at law, and a member of the Assembly. Beaemore, . Major in a Loyalist corps. New York. In 1778, he attacked a Whig force of about forty, quartered in a dwelling-house and barns. He was taken jjrisoner the next year, much to the joy of the people who called him " a troublesome officer." Beckavith, Nehemiah, He settled at St. John, New Brunswick, but removed to Fredericton, where he died in 1815. Becraft, . A Tory leader, cruel, and noted for deeds of blood. He boasted to his associates of having assisted to massacre the family of a Mr. Vrooman, in Schoharie, New York. The family, he said, were soon despatched, except a boy of fourteen, who ran from the house, when he started in pursuit, overtook him, and cut his throat, took his scalp, and hung his body across the fence. After the peace, he had the hardihood to return to Schoharie. He Avas seized, stripped naked and bound to a tree, and whipped nearly to death by ten men, some of whom had been his prisoners, and had heard him recount this exploit. Thus beaten, he was dismissed Avith a charge never to show himself in that country again ; an in junction which he carefully kept. Bedle, John. Of Staten Island, New York. Born in 1757. In the Revolution, private secretary to Colonel Bil- 224 BELL. — BENEDICT. lop. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was employed a year or tAVO in surveying that city. Removed to Woodstock about the year 1794, Avhere he was a magistrate for forty years ; and after the division of York County, wsls a magistrate, a Judge of Common Pleas, and Register of Wills and Deeds for die County of Carlton ; he died in 1838, aged eighty-three. He married Margaret Dibble, now (1852) liv- ino' at the age of eighty-six. His children were ten : Wil liam Jarvis and Paul M., magistrates ; John, a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas ; George A., Register of Deeds ; Joseph, Tyler, Walter Dibble, and three daughters. Bell, Andrew. Of New Jersey. Secretary to Sir Henry Clinton. A diary kept by him during the march of the Brit ish Army, prior to the battle of Monmouth, is preserved in the Proceedings of the Ncav Jersey Historical Society, In 1783 he Avas a petitioner for lands in Nova Scotia. [See Abijah WiUard.'] A correspondent Avho knew him wed, says, he " esteemed him highly for his probity, intelligence, and urbanity," His wife Avas Susannah, daughter of Daniel O'Brien, of Perth Amboy. Governor Paterson, of New Jer sey, married his sister. He died without children in 1843. Bell, Joseph. Of New York. He was born in Eng land, and emigrated to America just before the Revolution. He settled on a farm near Troy, but removed to the city of New York. At the peace, having suffered much for his loy alty, he went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, in command of a company of exiled Loj'alists, accompanied by his family of three and a servant. In 1792 he removed to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, where he died in 1829, aged eighty-nine. His wife died in 1809 ; but two children survived him. One, a daughter, married Joseph Bond, M. D., who arrived at New York in a privateer, who A'olunteered to serve in the army, Mas present at the capture of Cornwallis, was an officer of the customs and sheriff in Nova Scoda after the war, and \\'ho died in 1830, aged seventy-two, leaving ten children. / Benedict, Eli. Of Danbury, Connecticut. Guide to the Bridsh troops to his nadve town. In 1782 an ensign in BENNERMAN. — BERNARD. 225 the Guides and Pioneers. At the peace he returned to Dan bury with the intention of living there. Threatened Avith a ride on the wooden-horse, he fied. In 1799, administration on the estate of a person of diis name, in die Province of New Brunswick. Bennerman, John, Of Portsmouth, Virginia, A cap tain. He Avent to England, and Avas one of " his Mnjesty's Band of Gendeman Pensioners," In 1781 he married a Aliss Rolt of Lincolnshire. He died in England in 1785. Bernard, Sir Thomas, Baronet. He av;is the third son of Sir Francis Bernard, Baronet, Governor of Massa chusetts, and graduated at Harvard University in 1767. He went to England, where he married a lady of fortune. On the death of his brother. Sir John Bernard — who was a Whig — he succeeded to the title. His time was much de voted to institutions of benevolence in London ; and he wrote several essays with a design to mitigate the sorrows, and im- proA'e the condition of the humbler classes of English society. The University of Edinburgh conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. He died in England in 1818. Lady Bernard died in 1813, while preparing to go to church. Bernard, Sir John, Baronet, The brother of Sir Thomas — above mentioned — remained in America ; and, as remarked, was a Whig. To preserve the following inci dents, then, is the reason for this notice. Soon after the Revolution he Avas in abject poverty, and the misfortunes of himself and his family seem to have unsettled his mind. When, in 1769, Sir Francis was recalled from the govern ment of Massachusetts, he possessed a considerable landed estate in Maine, of Avhich the large island of Mount Desert, Moose Island, (now Eastport,) and some territory on the main, formed a part. .John, at or about the time of his father's departure, had an agency for the settlement of these and other lands ; and, probably, until the confiscation of the property of Sir Francis, in 1778, Avas in comfortable circum stances. His place of residence during the war appears to have been at Bath, though he Avas sometimes at Machias. 226 BERNARD. — BERGUYN. Not long after the peace, he lived at Pleasant Point, a few miles from Eastport, in a small hut built by himself, and with no companion but a dog. An unbroken wilderness was around him. The only inhabitants at the head of the tide waters of the St. Croix were a few workmen, preparing to erect a saw-mill. Robbinston and Perry were uninhabited. Eastport contained a single family. Yet, at the spot now occupied by the remnant of the tribe of the Passamaquoddy 's, he attempted to make a fiirm. He had been bred in ease, had hardly done a day's work in his life ; and yet he believed that he could earn a competence by labor. He told those Avho saw him, that " other young men went into the woods, and made themselves farms, and got a good living, and he saAv no reason why he could not." But he cut down a few trees, became discouraged, and departed. His abject condi tion in mind and estate rendered him an object of deep com miseration ; and his conduct during hostilities having entitled him to consideration, the Legislature of Massachusetts restored to him one half of the island of Mount Desert. Of his sub sequent history, Avhile he continued in the United States, but little is known to me. He came to Maine occasionally, and was much about Boston. Later in life he held offices under the British crown at Barbadoes and St. Vincent ; and was known as Sir John Bernard, Baronet. He died in the West Indies in 1809, in his sixty-fifth year, Avithout issue, and was succeeded by his brother Thomas. Berguyn, . Of North Carolina. Was in Eng land, June, 1778, and about to return to America, on news that the Assembly of that State had A'oted to admit all Loy alists Avho might apply. In 1786 the Commissioner for the district of Wilmington, instead of selling his whole property as allowed by laAv, consented to the sale of a part of it, in a manner to test the legality of the Confiscadon Act itself The next year he was party to a suit, in which the quesdon of his right to sue was decided in his favor, and a lawyer wrote — " We may be sure " that the attempt to forfeit his estate " will end in smoke," BERTON. — BETTYS. 227 Berton, Peter. Of Long Island, New York. He Avent to New Brunswick in 1783, and was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.. His youngest son, James D,, a native of Long Island, died at Fredericton in 1848, aged .seventy. Bethune, John. Of North Carolina. Chaplain in die Loyal Militia, Taken prisoner in the battle at Cross Greek, 1776, confined in Halifax jail, but ordered, finally, to Phil adelphia. After his release, his continued loyalty reduced him to great distress. He Avas appointed chaplain to the 84th Regiment, and restored to comfort. At the peace he settled in Upper Canada, and died at Williamstown in that Colony in 1815, in his sixty-fifth year. Bethune, George. Of Boston. He graduated at Har vard Unixersity in 1740. In 1774 he was an Addr^ser of Hutclrinson in May, and one of the Protesters against the proceedings of the town meeting in June of that year. The next year he had retired to Jamaica, New York, Avhere he was suspected of carrying on a correspondence with the Brit ish forces, and was summoned to appear before the Committee with his papers. He died in 1785, at Cambridge, aged sixty- four. Mary, his widoAv, daughter of Benjamin Faneuil, died at the same place in 1797, aged sixty-three. Betts, Azor. Of New York. Physician. In January, 1776, he Avas arraigned before the Committee of Safety, for denouncing Congresses and Committees, both Continental and Provincial, and for uttering that they Avere " a set of damned rascals, and acted only to feather their own nests, and not to serve their country," &c. Ordered to close confinement in Ulster County jail. In April the Committee of Safety voted his discharge, on condition of acknoAvledging penitence, pay ing expenses of confinement, and taking an oath to be of good behavior ; or, dispensing with the oath, executing a bond with sureties in £200. He settled in Nova Scotia, and died at Digby in that ProAdnce in 1809. His AvidoAv, Glori- annah, died at St. John, New Brunswick, soon after, aged sixty-nine. Bettys, Joseph. A noted Tory. " Joe Bettys " was 228 BETTYS, — BIDDLE, known as a shrewd, intelligent, daring, and bad man. It is said, that pity and mercy were emotions which he never felt, and that to all the gentler impulses he was thoroughly insen sible. At die breaking out of the Revolution he lived at Ballston, New York, and was a Whig. Entering the Whig service he performed feats of extraordinary valor in Arnold's battle with Carleton on Lake Champlain, where he Avas taken prisoner and carried to Canada. While a captive, he was un fortunately seduced to attach himself to the interests of the Crown, and to accept the commis.sion of ensign. Admirably fitted to act as a messenger and spy, he undertook to perform the duties of one or both as occasion should require, but was captured bv his former friends, tried, and condemned to the gallows, Washington, however, spared his life on his promise of reformation, on the entreaties of his aged parents and the solicitations of inffuendal Whigs. But Bettys returned di rectly to the ranks of the enemy, and his subsequent career was marked by almost every enormity that can disgrace a human being. His very name struck terror, and a record of his enterjnises and crimes would fill a book. He burned the dwellings of persons whom he hated, or took them off by murder. Fatigue, distance, or danger, were no obstacles in the accomplishment of his designs. He knew that he carried his life in his hand. He scorned disguise or concealment. He fell upon his victims at noon as well as at midnight. Many plans were laid, many efforts made to seize him. At last, in 1782, the Whigs were successful, and detected him with a despatch to the commander of the British forces in New York. He was taken to Albany and executed as a spy and traitor. His death was deemed an event of no small consequence, both because it put an end to his own misdeeds, and because his fate was calculated to awe others who were engaged in the same perilous employments. Biddle, John. Of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Was collector of excise, and a deputy-quartermaster of the Whig Army. He changed sides, and in 1779 his estate was confis cated. His office of collector of excise was worth, in 1775, BIGG, — BILL OPP. 229 but £15. In a Loyalist tract published at London in 1784, he is called " a creature of John Potts, and once a rebel com missary." Bigg, John. He died in New Brunswick in 1836, aged seventy-eight. BiLLOPP, Christopher. Of Staten Island, New York. Prior to the Revolution, " the eldest son of Thomas Farmar married the daughter of Captain Christopher Billopp, an officer in the British Navy, who had succeeded in obtaining a patent for a large tract of land on Staten Island, containing one or two thousand acres. Young Farmar, upon his wife's inher iting this estate, adopted her father's name, and became a very noted character." He commanded a corps of Loyalists, or of loyal militia, raised in the vicinity of Ncav York city, and Avas actively employed in military duty. He was taken pris oner by the Whigs, and confined in the jail at Burlington, New Jersey. Mr. Boudinot, the commissary of prisoners, in the warrant of commitment, directed that irons should be put on his hands and feet, that he should be chained to the floor of a close room, and that he should be fed on bread and water, in retaliation for the cruel treatment of Leshier and Randal, two Whig officers who had fallen into the hands of the Royal troops. In 1782 Colonel Billopp was Superintend ent of Police of Staten Island. His property, which was large, was confiscated under the Act of New York. At the old Billopp House, Avhich he erected. Lord Howe, as a commis sioner of the mother-country, met Franklin, John Adams, and Edward Rutledge, a Committee of Congress, in the hope of adjusting difficulties, and of inducing the Colonies to return to their allegiance. During the war. Lord Howe, General Kniphausen, Colonel Simcoe, and other officers of rank in the Royal service, Avere frequent guests of Colonel Billopp, at this house. In 1783 he Avas one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in NoA'a Scotia. [See Abijah Willard.] He went to New Brunswick soon after, and for many years bore a prom inent part in the administration of its affairs. He was a member of the House of Assembly, and of the Council, and VOL. I. 20 230 BIRDSILL. — BISSETT. on the death of Governor Smythe, in 1823, he claimed the Presidency of the Government, and issued his proclamation accordingly ; but the Honorable Ward Chipman was a com petitor for the station, and Avas sworn into office. Colonel Billopp died at St, .John in 1827, aged ninety. His wife Jane died at that city in 1802, aged forty-eight. His daughter Louisa mai^ried John Wallace, Esq., Surveyor of the Cus toms. His daughter Mary, the wife of the Reverend Arch deacon Willis, of Nova Scoda, died at Halifax in 1834, at the age of forty-three. His daughter Jane, Avife of the Hon orable Wdliam Black, of St. John, died in 1836. His two sons settled in the city of NeAV York, and Avere merchants. They were partners, and in business at the time of the yel low fever ; — the one married, the other single. The unmar ried brother said to 'the other, "It is unnecessary that both should stay here. You have a family, and your life is of more consequence than mine ; go into the country until the sickness subsides." The married brother retired from the city accordingly, while the other remained and was a victim of the fever. The survivor, Avhose name was Thomas, failed in business some time after ; joined the expedition of the cel ebrated Miranda, and Avas appointed a captain ; was taken prisoner by the Spaniards and executed. BiRDSiLL, Benjamin. Of New York. Went to New Brunswick in 1783, and settled in Queen's County. He died at Gagetown in that county in 1834, at the age of ninety-one. Descendants to the number of two hundred and two survived him, Rachel, his widow, died at Gage town in 1843, aged ninety-seven, / BissETT, Rev. George, Of Newport, Rhode Island, Episcopal minister. Employed as assistant and school-mas ter in 1767 ; he succeeded Mr. Browne, as Rector of Trinity Church, four years later, and continued in office undl the evacuadon of the toAvn by the Royal Army, in 1779. Leav ing his wife and child " in the most desdtute circumstances," he folloAved the Bridsh troops to New York. His furniture was seized ; but, on pedtion of Mrs. Bissett, the General BLAIR. — BLANCHARD. 231 Assembly restored it, and gave her permission to join her husband. Soon after his departure, the church Avas entered, and the altar-piece — ornamented with emblems of royalty — Avas torn down and spoiled, I lose sight of him until 1786, when he was in England, about to embark for America. He resumed his professional duties in St. John, New Bruns wick, and died there in 1788. His wife was Penelope, daugh ter of James Honyman, Judge of the Court of Vice-Admi ralty, Rhode Island. The Rev. Dr. Peters said of Mr. Bissett, — " He is a very sensible man, a good scholar and compiler of sermons, although too bashful to appear in company, or in the pulpit." Blair, James. Died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he was Barrack-master, in 1833, aged seventy-five. Blair, John. Was tried as a spy in 1778, and executed at Hartford, Connecticut. A large amount of counterfeit money was found in his possession. Blair, Captain . Of Virginia, Joined Lord Dunmore. Taken prisoner and perished, as supposed, on the passage to France. Blake, William. Of South Carolina. In 1782 his estate Avas amerced twelve per cent. In an English work, I find that there " died in Great Cumberla!nd Place, in 1803, in his sixty-fifth year, William Blake, Esq., of South Car olina,"' His remains were interred at Hanway Avith great funeral pomp : twelve outriders, four mourning-coaches, and nearly fifty other coaches, forming the procession. He left property valued at half a million of dollars. Blakslee, Abraham. Of Connecticut, Commanded a company in the second regiment of the militia, and the House or Assembly appointed a Committee, in 1775, to inquire into charges against him of disaffection and contemptuous speaking, Blakslee, Asa. Removed to St. John, New Brunswick, 71783, and died in that city in 1843, aged eighty-seven. Blanchard, Jotham, Of Dunstable, New Hampshire. Served in a Loyalist corps. At the peace he settled in Nova 232 BLANVELT. — BLISS, Scotia : received a grant of lands ; carried on an extensive business in lumber ; was active in exploring the country and in obtaining grants for felloAA'-exiles, and was a colonel in the militia. He died about the year 1800. Blanvelt, Tunis. Of Nbav Jersey. In the war an active " bush-ranger." Lost/ constd«^le property in consequence of his loyalty. At the peace, went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, AA'ith a family of six and three serA'ants. Settled finally in Tusket, Nova Scotia, where he kept a boarding-house. Died in 1830, leaving several sons, of whom two are now (1861) shipmasters. His second wife was Hannah, daughter of Gabriel Van Nordan. Bleau, Waldron. Of New York. In 1776 an Ad dresser of Lord and Sir William HoAve ; in 1782 a Captain in the third battalion New Jersey Volunteers. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783, and died five days after landing there. His house and land in the city of New York confiscated, but restored to his widow and daughter. Bleau, Uriah. Was an Ensign in the third battalion of New Jersey Volunteers in 1782. Taken prisoner in the battle of Eutaw Springs. Bliss, Daniel. Of Concord, Massachusetts. Was a son of Rev. Samuel Bliss, of that town. He Avas born in 1740, graduated at HarA'ard University in 1760, and died at Lin coln, near Fredericton, in the Province of New Brunswick, in 1806, aged sixty-six years. He was one of the barristers and attorneys who were Addressers^ of Hutchinson in 1774 ; and was proscribed under the Act of 1778 ; and joining the British Army, was appointed Commissary. After the Revo lution, he settled in Ncav Brunswick, and became a member of the Councd, and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. His widow died in 1807, at the age of sixty. •y Bliss, John Murray, Son of Daniel Bliss. He was a naUve of Massachusetts, whence he removed at the begin ning of hostilides. He did not settle in New Brunswick undl 1786, Having practised Jaw^or several years, and filled several offices connected widi his profession, and having BLISS. — BLOWERS. 233 represented the County of York in the House of Assembly, he was, in 1816, elevated to the bench and to a seat in his Majesty's Council. In 1824, on the decease of the Honorable Ward Chipman, who was President and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony, Judge Bliss succeeded to the administration of the government, and continued in office until the arrival of Sir Howard Douglas, — a period of nearly a year. At his death, he was senior Justice of the Supreme Court, He commanded universal confidence and esteem. His manners Avere dignified, and his conduct open, frank, and independent. He died at St. John, August, 1834, aged sixty-three years. His daughter Jane died at Halifax in 1826, and his daughter Sophia Isabella died at St. John the same year. Bliss, Jonathan. Of Springfield, Massachusetts. Gradu ated at Harvard University in 1763, and died at Fredericton, New BriuTsAvick, -in" 1822, at the age of eighty years. His wife and the wife of Fisher Ames 'Avere sisters. He was a member of the General Court of Massachusetts in 1768, and one of the seventeen Rescinders ; and was proscribed under the Act of 1778, In New Brunswick, he was a personage of distinguished consideration, and attained, finally, to the rank of Chief Justice, and to the Presidency of the Council, Bliss, Saaiuel. Of jMassachusetts. Was a brother of the Honorable Daniel Bliss. He died at St. George, New Brunswick, in 1803. Bloomer, Joshua, Episcopal clergyman of Jamaica, New York. He graduated at King's College, New York, in 1761, and went to England for ordination in 1765, In 1769 he settled at Jamaica, where he continued until his death, in 1790. Before taking orders, he Avas an officer in the Pro vincial service, and a merchant in New York. While at Jamaica, he officiated, occasionally, at NewtoAvn and Flush ing, and Domine Rubell, an itinerant Dutch minister, whose loyalty induced him to pray heartily for the royal family, occupied his pulpit. Blowers, Sampson Salter. Of Boston. Proscribed and banished. He graduated at Harvard. Umversity in 1763. 20 * 234 BLOWERS. The class of that year is celebrated for the numbers of Loy alists and Judges of Courts. Mr. Blowers entered upon the study of law Avith Hutchinson, then Judge of Probate and Lieutenant-Governor. In 1770 he was associated with Messrs. Adams and Quincy in behalf of the British soldiers who were tried for their agency in the Boston Massacre, so termed, in that year. In 1774 he went to England, and returning, in 1778, found his name in the Proscription Act. He was imprisoned, but being soon released, went to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and in that Colony was 4ong a distinguished character. I find the following in a Halifax newspaper of January 26, 1784 : — " Extract from General Orders, Head-quarters. " That the outstanding Accounts against Government, for contingent Expenses incurred within this District, may be properly considered and liquidated ; all Applications for Mo nies due on such Accounts are to be presented before the 1st May next ; after which no Memorial for Payment will be received. '¦'¦ Fublished by Order of Major-General Campbell. " S. S. Blowers, Secretary." In 1785 he was appointed Attorney-General, and Speaker of the House of Assembly, and in 1797 was created Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ; having had for some years previous to his judicial elevation a seat in his Majesty's Council. He retired from public life in 1833. When ex- President Adams was in Nova Scotia, in 1840, he paid Judge Blowers a visit. The Judge himself, it is believed, never set foot on the land of his nativity, after he was driven from it. Sarah, his widow, died at Halifax, July, 1845, in the eighty-eighth year of her age. She, I think, Avas a daughter of Benjamin Kent, of Massachusetts, who, at first a Whig, became a Loyalist and a refugee. Judge Blowers died in 1842. He " never wore an overcoat in his life," says the Hon. Joseph Howe, in a speech which is pubhshed. BOARDMAN. - BOND. 235 Boardman, Rev. Richard. Minister of the Mediodist Episcopal Church. He was born in England in 1738, and in 1763 was received by Wesley as an itinerant preacher. In 1769, he arrived at Philadelphia and began his labors as a missionary, confining his services principally to that city, to NeAV York, and the adjacent country. In the spring of 1772, however, he made a visit to the North, and preached at va rious places on his way. At Boston he formed a society. Thus, as it appears, he introduced " Methodism in New Eng land one year before the first Conference was held in Amer ica, and eleven years before Jesse Lee, who has been styled ' the Apostle of Methodism in New England,' entered the travelling connection." At the approach of the Revolution, Mr. Boardman, unwilling to renounce his allegiance to the Crown, returned to his native land. He died at Cork, Ire land, in 1783. Boggs, James. Of Pennsj-lvania. He entered the service of the Crown, and was attached to the medical staff of the Royal Army. In 1783 he went to NoA'a Scotia, and for many years Avas surgeon of the forces at Halifax. He died in that city in 1832, at the age of ninety-one. His daughter Eliza beth, widoAV of John Stuart, died at Halifax in 1852, in her eighty-fifth year. Bond, Phineas. Of Philadelphia. Physician. He re ceived the principal part of his medical education in Europe, and enjoyed a high professional reputation. He was one of the founders of the University of Pennsylvania, and a profes sor in that institution. In 1777 he signed a parole, but noti fied the Council that he did not consider himself bound by it, because his liberty was restrained contrary to the promise made to him when the paper was presented. In 1786 he was appointed British Consul for the Middle States, and the question of recognizing him as such, was discussed in Con gress the following year. Mr. Jay reported in favor. Mr. Madison was opposed on public grounds. Mr. Varnum ob jected because of Mr. Bond's " obnoxious character." Mr. Bond was also Commissary for Commercial Affairs, which 236 BOND. - BONNETT. Mr. Jay thought was designed to confer some of the powers of a ]Minister to the United States, and recommended that in that capacity he should not be recognized. He was finally received as Consul, and continued in office many years. A correspondent remarks, that when a little boy he heard the " Rogue's March " played before Dr. Bond's door, on the oc casion of the attack on the Chesapeake. He died in England in 1816, Bond, Thomas, Physician. Of Philadelphia. About 1754, he published medical memoirs on professional topics, which were reprinted in London. He aKvays rode in a small phjeton. Chief Justice Shij)pen wrote to his father, at Lancaster, from Philadelphia, January 8, 1758 : — " Our Assembly have taken up William Moore and the Provost, and put them into custody for Avriting a libel against the former Assembly. Thomas Bond and Phineas (Bond), were on the point of being committed on the same account. The latter was actually in the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms, but afterwards discharged. How the matter will end is yet uncertain." Dr, Bond died in 1784. BoNNELL, Isaac. Of New Jersey. Sheriff of Middlesex County under Governor William Franklin, of whom he was an intimate friend and correspondent. In 1776 he was ^- prehended by order of Washington, and directed by the Pro vincial Congress to remain at Trenton on parole ; but leave Avas given, finally, to live elsewhere. Subsequently, he re tired to die British lines, and became Barrack-master on Staten Island. At the peace, he went to Digby, Nova Scoda, where, for fifty guineas, he bought a log-hut, with windows of greased paper, and a lot of land. His property in New- Jersey Avas confiscated. In Nova Scoda he was a merchant, and a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in 1806, aged sixty-nine. His only son bore die name of Wil liam Franklin, as does a grandson, who is now (1861) Post master of Gagetown, New Brunswick. BoNNETT, Isaac. He was born in New Rochelle, New BONSALL, —BORLAND. 237 York. He abandoned his property at the close of the war, and removed to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, where he passed the remainder of his life. He died in 1838, aged eighty-six, leaving a AvidoAv and five children. BoNSALL, Richard. He Avas a native of Wales, and a brother of Sir Thomas Bonsall. He commenced the study of medicine, but abandoned it. In consequence of a dis agreement with Sir Thomas, he emigrated to New York some years prior to the Revolution, Avhere he remained until the close of hostilities. In 1783 he went to St. John, and Avas a grantee of that city. He died at that city in 1814, aged seventy-two. His wife was a lady of the name of Smith, of Long Island, New York. Six children survived him ; onlj' one is now (1846) living. Borland, John. Of Boston, Son of Francis and Jane Borland. He owned and occupied the mansion in Cambridge built by Rev. Dr. Apthorp, first Rector of Christ Church in that town. In 1774 he was an Addresser of Hutchinson. He died in 1775, aged forty-six, in consequence of " injuries received by a misstep in descending stairs, after his removal to Boston," and his remains were deposited in the family tomb, in Granary burying-ground. His widow, Anna Vassall, mar ried William Knight of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and died a widow at Boston, in 1823. Mr. Borland was the father of twelve children, namely : Phebe, Avho married George Spooner, of Boston ; John Lindall, of whom presently ; Francis, Avho graduated at Harvard University in 1774, became a physician, and died in 1826 ; Jane, who Avas the wife of Jonathan Simp son ; Leonard Vassall, who died on shipboard on a voyage from Batavia, in 1801 ; James, avIio entered the University just mentioned, but did not graduate, and wdio deceased soon after the year 1783 ; Samuel, Avho graduated at Harvard Uni versity in 1786, and died at Hudson, New York ; and five others, who did not survive childhood. Borland, John Lindall. Of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Son of John Borland. Graduated at Harvard Universityin 1772, entered the British Army aTldlBecame heutenant-colonel. He died in England, November, 1825. 238 BOSTWICK. — BOTSFORD. BoSTWiCK, Re\'. Gideon. Of Massachusetts. Episcopal minister. He was born at New Milford in 1742, and Avas bred a Congregadonalist. He graduated at Yale Cojlege in 1762, Went to England for ordination ; and in 1770 be- caine Rector of St, James' Church, Great Barrington, He had charge also of St. Luke's Church, Lanesborough ; and late in life officiated a part of the time at Hudson, New York, He died in his native town in 1793, while on a visit, aged fifty. His remains, after a temporary burial, were removed to Great Barrington, " which had so long been the place of his residence and the scene of his labors." His wife, Avho died in 1787, was Gessie, daughter of John Burghardt. One of his daughters married Dr. Benajah Tuuljer, surgeon in the United States NaA'y. Two sons, John and Henry, settled in Canada, and, in the Avar of 1812, were colonels in the militia. , BoTSFORD, Amos. Of Newtown, Connecticut. He grad- "^ated at Yala. College in 1763. In 1775, in a document re- markable for its guarded form of expression, though drawn up in opposition to a paper which disapproved of the proceedings of the Continental Congress, he made knoAvn his determina tion to be compliant with the measures of that body. But, subsequently, adhering to the side of the Crown, he remoA-ed to New Brunswick after the conclusion of hostilities, and de voted himself to the profession of the law. In 1784 he was elected a member of the House of Assembly, and was uniform ly returned from the County of Westmoreland at every elec tion during his life. He Avas Speaker of the House of Assem bly as early as 1792. He died at St. John in 1812, at the age of sixty-nine ; and was the senior barrister at law in the Col ony. His wife was Sarah, daughter of Joshua Chandler. His two daughters married broUiers : Sarah, Stephen Milledge, Sheriff of Westmoreland County ; and Ann, the Rev. Jolm Milledge of the Episcopal Church. His son, die Honorable William Botsford, was appointed Judge of Vice-Admiralty of New Brunswick in 1803, and for a long period subsequently was a member of the Council, and .a Judge of the Supreme Court. I record the following despatch to show the liberal BOTSFORD. 239 course of the British Government to aged functionaries on retiring from office : — " Downing Street, 19tb January, 1847. " Sir, — I have read Avith very lively concern the letter to myself from Mr. Botsford, of the 11th December, 1846, ac companying your despatch of the 23d of that month, (No. 117.) Lord Stanley obviously accepted Mr. Botsford's resig nation under the conviction that the claims of that gentleman to a retired allowance, at his advanced period of life, and after so long a course of honorable public service in so high and eminent a station, Avould be favorably received by the Legisla ture of New Brunswick ; nor do I doubt that if his Lordship had regarded their concurrence in such a grant as question able, he would have directed that the resignation should not be actually made until that question had been set at rest. To have taken such a precaution might indeed have appeared to imply some unbecoming distrust of the justice and liberality of the Assembly ; and for that reason, as I presume. Lord Stan ley omitted to take it. The omission is how irreparable, ex cept by a reconsideration on the part of the Local Legislature, of their reftisal of the proposed grant. Her Majesty has, by the Civil List arrangement, been entirely divested of all re sources for satisfying any such demands on the justice or liberality of the CroAvn. To the Assembly, therefore, the case must be again referred, Avith as strong a recommenda tion of the claim to their favorable notice, as it may be possi ble to address to them. I am convinced that if the case had been understood by that House, as it is now represented by Mr. Botsford and by yourself, they would not have declined to accede to his request. A repetition of their refusal, Avould, in any future case, render impossible the voluntary resignation of any Judge, however much age or infirmity might have disqualified him for his judicial duties. The saving of a charge of £300 per annum to the Local Treasury, or even the habitual saving of any such charges, would be a very in adequate compensadon for the injury which the pubhc at large would sustain from the continuance on the Bench of 240 BOUCHER. men Avho had survived the power of discharging aright that most important and arduous trust. " I have, &c., " (Signed,) Grey. " Lieut.-Governor Sir William Colebrooke." Boucher, Jonathan. Episcopal clergyman of Virginia. He was Rector, first of Hanover, and then of St. Mary. Gov ernor Eden gave him also the rectory of St. Anne, Annapolis, and of Queen Anne. His home was in Maryland, several years, and he owned an estate there which was confiscated. He was an unshaken and uncompromising Loyalist. In 1775, resolving to quit the country, he preached a farewell sermon, in which he declared that as long as he lived, he Avould say with Zadok, the priest, and Nathan, the prophet, " God save the king." Arriving in England, he was ap pointed Vicar of Epsom, and there he spent the remainder of his life. He died in 1804, aged sixty-seven. He was re garded as one of the best preachers of his time. While in Virginia, the son of Mrs. Washington, by her first marriage, was his pupil. During the last fourteen years of his life, Boucher was employed in making a glossary of provincial and archieological words, and in 1831 his manuscripts were purchased of his family by the proprietors of " Webster's Dic tionary." In 1799 were pubhshed fifteen discourses preached in America, between the years 1763 and 1775, on the causes and consequences of the American Revolution, which were dedicated to his old friend, Washington. His wife, Eleanor, of the name and family of Addison, died at Paddington, in 1784. She bore without a murmur, the loss of country, friends, fortune, and preferment, consequent upon her husband's loyalty ; and " was a woman of great merit, possessing the esteem and friendship of all who knew her." His third daughter, Jane, died in London, in 1810, of inflammadon of the lungs, after a few days' illness, in the sixteenth year of her age. In the " Gentlernan's Magazine " it is said : " An elegant form, and a countenance of engaging BOURA. — BOUTINEAU. 241 sweetness, were among the least attractions of this amiable girl, whose mild and placid temper, whose affectionate dis position, whose solid understanding beyond her years, whose compassionate feeling for the distresses of others, had justly endeared her to her family, and rendered her a child of un common promise." BouRA, Peter. An early settler at St. John, Ncav Bruns wick. In 1795 he Avas a member of the Loyal Artillery of that city. Pie died in 1804, while on a homcAvard passage from Jamaica, at the age of forty-nine. He was a ship master. BouRK, William. Of North Carolina. In March, 1776, he was charged with being inimical to the liberties of Amer ica ; and on a hearing before the Council, John Strange, a witness against him, swore, in the course of his testimony, that Bourk said " General Gage deserved to be d d, be cause he had not let the guards out at Bunker Hill ; and it would have settled the dispute at that time." This, and other particulars, Bourk acknowledged ; when it was resolved to commit him to close jail until further orders. Bourn, Edward, Elisha, Lemuel, and William, Of Sandwich, Massachusetts. Were proscribed and banished. Lemuel joined the Royal forces at Rhode Island. Citizen ship restored to Edward and Elisha, by Act of the Legisla ture, 1788. ^_^.,^ouRNE, Shearjashub. Of Scituate, Massachusetts. He graduated at Harvard University in 1743. In 1774 he was among the barristers and attornies-at-law who were Address ers of Governor Hutchinson on his departure. He died at Bristol, Rhode^ Island, in 1781. ^ BouTiNEAU, James. Of Boston. Attorney-at-law. Was appointed Mandamus Counsellor in 1774, and Avas one of the ten~"wE6" took the , oath of office. He was included in the Conspiracy Act of 1779, and his estate was confiscated under its provisions. In 1772 his son-in-laAv, John Robinson, a commissioner of the customs, Avas found guilty of a most violent assault on James Otis, for which the jury assessed VOL, I. 21 242 BOUTINEAU, tAVO thousand pounds sterling damages. Boutineau appeared as attorney for Robinson, and in his name signed a submis sion, asking the pardon of Otis, who, thereupon, executed a free release for the two thousand pounds. Otis never recov ered from the effect of this assault, and, shattered in health and reason, soon retired from public life. Mr. Boutineau went to England, and died there. I have been allowed to copy three letters, from which I make such extracts as serve to show the course of affairs among the Loy alists in exile. The first is dated at Bristol, England, April 6, 1778, and is addressed to Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Edward Jones, merchant, Boston, and sister of Mrs. Boutineau. Both ladies, it may be remarked, were sisters of Peter Faneuil ; and Mrs. Jones was then at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mr. Boutineau speaks of an attack of the gout which had compelled him to keep house for some time, and then discourses upon matters which are not without interest at the present time. Thus, he says, that " Mr. and Mrs. Faneud, who lodge in the same house with us, make it agreeable ; " and that " there are one or two other genteel gentlemen and ladies, so that during the winter we drank tea Avith each other four days in the week." Of other fellow-Loyalists, he Avrites, that " Lodgings have been taken for Mr. ScAvell, of Cambridge, and family, — they are expected here this day. Colonel Murray's family are gone to Wales, as well as Judge Brown and Apthorp's. All the New England people here, are Barnes and family. Captain Fenton and daughter, besides those in the house." In a postcript, he adds : " I desire you to inform me (if you can) who lives in my house in Boston." The first letter of Mrs. Boutineau is addressed to her nephew, EdAvard Jones, merchant, Boston, and is dated at Bristol, February 20, 1784. It relates principally to affairs of business. " I had determined," she says, " to send a power-of-attorney to you and another gentleman to setde with [Mr. Bethune] and likewise to dispose of all my prop erty in America ; but upon reflection I have deferred it, un til the acts of your Assembly's that are inimical to persons BOUTINEAU. -.BOWDEN, 243 of my description are repealed, for which reason I have asked the favor of Judge Lee to let my brother Faneuil's bond re main in his hands. This, I say, is my present idea ; perhaps some occurrence may take place which may alter it ; in the meantime, I beg the favor of you to send me a blank power- of-attorney drawn in as full and ample a manner as possible, to sell real estates, &c. My addition must be, Susanna Bou tineau, widow, and sole executor of James Boutineau, Esq. If you have no objection, I should be glad it might be got fi'om Mr. James Hughes, to whom you will please to present my compliments, and thank him in my name for the letter I received from him. I should be glad to be informed at the same time, if it is necessary to send an authenticated copy of my late husband's will from Doctor's Commons, which will be expensive, but if necessary, it must be done. About two years since, Mr. Bethune made me (through Mr. Prince) an ofl^r of £500 sterling for my third of sister Phillips's estate, which you may be sure I refused. Mr. Prince is to pay me in a few days, by Mr. Bethune's order, £100 sterling, I sup pose on account of rents," &c, &c. The second letter of Mrs. Boutineau is also addressed to her sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Jones, who, at its date, April 1, 1785, had returned to Boston. Like the first, it is deA'oted to matters of unsettled business, and especially to her share of her sister Phillips's estate. It Avould seem that this letter was delivered by Mr. James Hughes, to whom, with Mr. Na thaniel Bethune, she had sent a power-of-attorney to effect a final adjustment of her interest in the estate just mentioned. She concludes with the remark, that her health is " very in different," that " Mr. Fanueil had a letter lately from Mr. Jones, who is going soon to be very well married," &c. &c. Bowden, Thomas. Of New York. Entered the military'^ service, and in 1782 was Major in De Lancey's Second Bat- tahon. At the peace he went to England. BowDEN, Rev. John, D. D. Of New York. Was born in Ireland in 1751. Graduated at King's (Columbia) Col lege in 1772. Was ordained in 1774, and the same year was 244 BOWES. — BOWIE. settled as Assistant Rector of Trinity Church, New York. Soon after the beginning of hostilities he retired to Norwalk, Connecticut, but returned to New York when the British obtained possession of the city. Informed that harm was intended him, he fled to Long Island at night, where he occasionally assisted the Rector of the Episcopal Church of Jamaica. In 1784 he accepted the Rectorship of the Cliurch at Norwalk. In 1789 he took charge of a small parish in the West Indies. In 1801 he was elected Professor of Moral Philosophy, Belles-lettres and Logic in Columbia College. He died at Ballston Spa in 1817, aged sixty-five. His wife — whose maiden name was Mary Jervis — bore him three sons, one of whom, James J., graduated at Columbia College in 1813, was Rector of St. Mary's Parish, St. Mary's County, Maryland, and died at the age of twenty-six. Bowes, William. J^Ierchant of Boston. An Addresser r%of Hutchinson in 1774, ancrof-GagSTnl775. He"went to Halifax in 1776, -aeeempaflied' by his family of four persons. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He died in Eng land in 1805. ^ BoAVERS, Jerathmiel. Of Swansey, Massachusetts. In 1777, by a resolve of the General Court, he was disqualified from holding any post of honor or profit in Massachusetts. In 1783 he Avas elected a member of that body, and pedtions for his exclusion therefrom, setting out that " he had not shown himself friendly in the late struggle with Great Brit ain," were sent by the Selectmen of Rehoboth, and sundry inhabitants of his own tOAvn. The House held that the re solve above mentioned, was still in force, and that therefore Mr. Bowers was not entitled to membership. He vacated his seat accordingly. Bowie, Rev, John, D, D, Of Maryland. Episcopal minister. He was a native of Prince George's County, Maryland, and was admitted to Holy Orders in England. About the year 1771 he became a Curate in Montgomery County. In 1774 he was Rector of a parish in Worcester County. He Avas a violent Loyalist, and, in consequence, BOWLES, 245 was imprisoned at Annapolis two years. On being released he settled in Talbot County, where he taught school, and was Rector of the parish in which he lived. In 1785 he was in charge of another parish ; and in 1790 of still another. He died in 1801, leaving three sons and a daughter. He was a man of great talents, " a complete classical scholar, and of unblemished morals." Bowles, William Agustus. Of Maryland. In 1791 he was among the Creeks, with whom he possessed great influ ence, and styled himself General William Augustus Bowles. On the 18th of May, 1792, James Seagrove, Esquire, our Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in " a talk " with the kings, chiefs, headmen and Avarriors of the Creek nation, said of him : " This Bowles is an American of low, mean extraction, born in Maryland ; he was obliged, on account of his villany, to fly from home and follow the British Army, where he was despised and treated as a bad man and a coward. Finding he could not live there, he returned to America ; but being too lazy to work at his trade for a living, he renewed his bad acts, for which he Avas compelled to fly fi*om his native coun try, or be hanged." Bowles had assumed to act among the Indians under authority of the British Government ; but on inquiry by the President, the ministry promptly and explicitly denied that they had afforded him countenance, assistance, or protection. At the time of Seagrove's " talk," it would ap pear that Bowles had absented himself from the Creek coun try ; but in 1801 he was again in mischief there, or in its vicinity, and means were taken by our Government to coun teract his plans and plots. A gentleman connected with Indian Affairs, saw a portrait of this creature suspended in the house of a chief, under which was written, " General Bowles, Commander-in-Chief of the Creek and Cherokee na tions." He saw also a number of engraved dinner-cards, which Bowles had received while in England, styhng him " Commander-in-Chief of the Creek nation." He was undoubtedly a bold and wicked man. At one time the Spanish Government offered a reward of six thou- 21* 246 BOWLES. — BOYD, sand dollars for his apprehension, on account of his pernicious influence OA'er the Florida Indians. He Avas accordingly seized, and sent prisoner to Madrid, and thence to Mandla. Obtaining leave to go to Europe, he repaired to the Creek country, where he commenced his mischievous course anew. In 1804 he fell into Spanish hands a second time, and was sent to the Moro Castle, Havana. Deprived of light and air, fed on bread and water, and losing, finally, all hope of release, he refused sustenance, and died in December, 1805, of star vation. His wife was a Creek woman. Boyd, . Of Carolina. Colonel, and in command of a corps of Tories, who were robbers rather than soldiers. What they could not consume or carry off, they burned. Boyd himself was bold, enterprising, and famed for his dis honesty. He had a conference with Sir Henry Clinton at New York, and planned an insurrection in the back part of South Carolina, to be executed as soon as the Royal Army should obtain possession of Savannah. In 1779, at the head of eight hundred men, he passed through the district of Ninety-Six on his way to Georgia, and destroyed life and property by sword and fire, along his whole route. In a skirmish with a party of Whigs, under Anderson, of Pickens's corps, he acknowledged a loss of one eighth of his command in killed, wounded, and missing. He endeavored to avoid Pickens himself, but, overtaken by that officer, when unapprehensive of danger, Avas surprised and defeated. He received three wounds, which proved mortal. After the battle he was visited by Pickens, who recommended preparation for death, and tendered services suited to the oc casion. Boyd expressed thanks ; said the Whigs owed their success to his fall ; desired that two men might remain Avith him to give him water, and to bury his body after he died ; and asked that his Avife should be informed of his fate by letter, and that some articles about his person should be sent to her. Neighbor had fought against neighbor ; and in the exasperation of the moment, the Whigs doomed seventy of their prisoners to death ; but they executed only five. About BOYD. — BOYLSTON. 247 diree hundred escaped, and formed the intended junction with the British troops in Georgia. , Boyd, George. Of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A member of the Council under the Royal Government of that Province. On approach of the troubles of the Revolution, he abandoned the eountry, and was included in the Proscrip tion Act of New Hampshire of 1778. Whde abroad he acquired wealth. In 1787, he adjusted his affairs, and em barked for his native land, full of hope. Riding was among his enjoyments ; and he procured a handsome coach and an English coachman. He died at sea, two days before the ship arrived at Portsmouth, and his remains were interred from his elegant mansion. His Avife Avas Jane, daughter of Joseph BrcAvster. She bore him five sons and five daughters. Submit, the youngest of the latter, born in 1774, Avas thus named, as is said, to indicate his opinion of the duty of the Colonies in the exist ing controversy with the mother country. Boyle, Robert. Went to Ncav Brunswick in 1783, and died at Portland, in that Province, in 1848. / Boylston, Ward Nicholas. Of Boston. He was born in that town in 1749. His father was Benjamin Hallowell, one oLike-Ciiimnissioners .Qf_tlifi_Customs. I have""before me the original license, bearing the signature of George the Third, by which he was authorized to change his name ; it recites — that " Nicholas Boylston, his uncle by his mother's side, has conceived a very great affection for him, the peti tioner, and has promised to leave him, at his death, certain estates, which are A'ery considerable," &c., &c. In 1773 Mr. Boylston went to Newfoundland, thence to Italy, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and along the coast of Barbary ; and arrived in England in 1775, through France and Flanders. He dined at Governor Hutchinson's, London, with some fellow-Loyalists, July 29, 1775, and entertained the company with an account of his travels ; and, at subsequent periods, he exhibited the curiosities which he brought from the Holy Land, Egypt, and other countries, to the unhappy exiles from 248 BOYLSTON. his native State. In the autumn of the next year, he was in lodgings at Shepton Mallet. He was a member of the Loyalist Association, formed in London in 1779. He returned to Boston in the year 1800. In 1810 he presented Harvard University with a valuable collection of medical and ana tomical works and engravings. He died at his seat, Roxbury, in 1828, aged seventy-eight. His son, John Lane Boylston, died at Princeton in 1847, aged fifty-eight. Boylston, Thomas. Of Boston. John Adams said of him in 1766, — " Tom is a firebrand. Tom is a perfect viper, a Jew, a devil, but is orthodox in politics, however." He Avas among the citizens of Boston who were detained by General Gage, in consequence of the imprisonment of Jones and Hicks in the jail at Concord ; and was released by ex change, August, 1775. He fell off". In 1777 he was — as is said — the hero of the following incident, which is related by Mrs. Adams : — " It Avas rumored," she wrote her husband, " that an em inent, wealthy, stingy merchant, (who is a bachelor,) had a a hogshead of coffee in his store, which he refused to sell to the Committee under six shillings per pound. A number of females, some say a hundred, some say more, assembled with a cart and trucks, marched down to the warehouse, and demanded the keys, which he refused to deliver. Upon which one of them seized him by the neck and tossed him into the cart. Upon his finding no quarter he delivered the keys, vi'hen they tipped up the cart and discharged him ; then opened the warehouse, hoisted out the coffee themselves, put it into the truck, and drove off. ... A large concourse of men stood amazed, silent spectators of the whole transaction." He went to England, invested his fortune in commerce, and A^'as utterly ruined. Said Aspden, a fellow-Loyalist, in 1793, " I called to see, in Newgate, Mr. Thomas Boylston, of Boston, Avhom they Avant to bring in as a sleeping partner in the house of Lane, Son & Frazer, lately failed ; or, if this won't do, to milk him for lending them money at usurious interest. So much for being a stranger and friendless." He BOYLSTON.— BRATEN. 249 died in London in 1798, of a broken heart. The simple record is — " Aged 77, Thomas Boylston, late a very eminent merchant of Boston, and relative of the President of the United States," I JJoYLSTON, John. Of Boston. Merchant. Went to England in 1776, and was^aT Bristol fn August of that year. Remained abroad, and died at Bath, England, in 1795, aged eighty-six, Bradford, William. Of Massachusetts. Graduated at "' ... Harvard University in 1760. He removed from the country, and held an office under the CroAvn at the Bahamas. He died in 1801. , Bradish, Ebenezer. A laAvyer of Worcester, Massachu setts. He graduated at Harvard University in 1769. In 1774 he was one of the barristers and attorneys Avho were Addressers of Hutchinson. He died in 1818. '^ Bradshaw, Eleazer. Of Waltham, Massachusetts. Said he would sell " tea," and do as he thought fit, in spite of Whig committees, and that he would be the death of any person who should molest him. The committees of Waltham, New ton, Watertown, Weston, and Sudbury, examined the case, and resolved that he had proved himself inimical to his coun try, and cautioned all persons against dealing Avith him until he should repent. Brannan, Charles. He was in the King's service during the war, and at its close Avent to St. John, New Brunswick. He removed from that city to Fredericton in 1785, and con tinued there until his decease in 1828, at the age of eighty-one. Brantley, . Of Georgia. Captain of a Tory band. The captor of three Whigs, who, doomed to die, were stripped to the shirt, and placed in a position to be shot. Two were killed, the other escaped. The survivor, David Emanuel, lived to become President of the Senate, and to fill the Executive-chair of Georgia. Braten, Thomas. Of Charlotte County, New York, He was a constable ; and in 1775 some Whigs declared that " the}' would have him, if he could be found above ground." 250 BRATTLE. Brattle, Thomas. Of Massachusetts. He was born at Cambridge in 1742, and graduated at Harvard University in 1760, and received the degree of A, MT^aTTale and at Nas sau. His family connections were among the most respect able of New England. In 1775 he went to England, and was included in the Proscription and Banishment Act of 1778. While abroad, he travelled over various parts of Great Britain, and made a tour through Holland and France ; and was no ticed by personages of distinction. Returning to London, he zealously and successfully labored to ameliorate the condition of his countrymen, who had been captured, and were in prison. In 1779 he came to America, and landed at Rhode Island, In 1784 the enactments against him in Massachusetts were repealed, and he took possession of his patrimony. He was a gentleman of liberality, humanity, and science ; of pub lic spirit, and of large and noble views of men and things. He died in February, 1801. The late Governor James Sullivan, who knew him well, thus wrote : " Major Brattle exercised a deep reverence to the principles of Government, and Avas a cheerful subject of the laws. He respected men of science as the richest orna ment of their country. If he had ambition, it was to excel in acts of hospitality, benevolence, and charity. The dazzling splendor of heroes, and the achievements of political intrigues, passed unnoticed before him ; but the character of the man of benevolence filled his heart with emotions of sympathy," . ..." In his death, the sick, the poor, and the distressed, have lost a liberal benefactor ; politeness an ornament ; and phdanthropy one of its most discreet and generous supporters.' Brattle, William. Of Massachusetts. A man of more eminent talents and of greater eccentricities has seldom lived. He graduated at Harvard University in 1722 ; and, subse quently, was represeiTtatTve trom" Cambridge, and for many years a member of the Council. He seems to have been of every profession, and to have been eminent in all. As a clergyman, his preaching was acceptable ; as a physician, he was celebrated, and had an extensive practice ; as a lawyer, BRATTLE, -BREN TON, 251 he had an abundance of clients ; while his military aptitudes secured the rank of major-general of the militia, an office in his time of very considerable importance and high honor. He loved good living. He possessed the happy faculty of pleasing the officers of Government and the people. An Ad dresser of Gage, and approving of his plans, he at length forfeited the good will of the Whigs, and Avent into exile. Accompanying the British troops at the evacuation of Bos ton, he went to Halifax, and died there in 1776, a few months after his arrival. His father was Reverend William Brattle of Cambridge. His first wife was a daughter of Governor Saltonstall. His son, Thomas Brattle of Cambridge, died in 1801. Brattle, James. Servant to Governor Tryon, and sub sequently to James Duane, a member of Congress. He was in the habit of stealing the papers of the latter, and of trans mitting them, with other information, to the former. He was detected, and sent to England by Tryon. Bremner, John. Of Queen's County, New York. In 1776 he signed a profession of loyalty and allegiance. A person of this name died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1807, aged fifty-four. Brenton, Jahleel. Of Rhode Island. Rear- Admiral in the Royal Navy. The Brentons emigrated to Massachu setts in the reign of Charles the First. The first Jahleel was a civil officer of some note in Boston, and, removing to Rhode Island, died Governor of that Colony near the end of the reign of Charles the Second. The second Jahleel, who was son of the first, was Collector of the Customs in New Eng land, in the reign of Williani and Mary'f'^rhe thTfJJahleel was a large land-OAvner, and married a daughter of Samuel Cranston, Governor of Rhode Island ; this Jahleel was the father of five sons, of whom notices follow ; of three other sons, and of seven daughters. The fourth Jahleel is the subject of this notice. He Avas born in 1729, entered the navy in his youth ; and, a lieutenant at the beginning of the Revolution, was living quietly on his 252 BRENTON. patrimonial estate. It is stated that he was a gentleman of high character and respectable talents, that he had many warm friends among the Whig leaders who endeavored to enlist his sympathies on the popular side, and who offered him the highest rank in the naval service of Congress. Unyield ing in his loyalty, a system of annoyance and persecution was commenced against him, which compelled him to leave his wife and younger children, and to seek shelter on board of an armed ship of the Crown on the coast. Two of his elder sons accompanied him. He went to England, and was put on active duty. Before the peace he was a post-captain. His estate in Rhode Island Avas confiscated. During the latter years of his life, he receiA'ed " the comfortable appointment of Regulating Captain at Edinburgh," which situation he held until his death in 1802. His wife was Henrietta Crowley, and was the mother of a large family. She joined him in England in 1780, with the children, who remained with her at his flight. Of Jahleel, the oldest, presently. Edward Pelham, the second son, who died a post-captain, in London, in 1839, and whose widow, Margaretta Diana, died in the same city in 1843, wrote the " Naval History of Great Brit ain from 1783 to 1822," and a Biography of Admiral Earl St. Vincent, and was the founder of the Chddren's Friend Society. James, the third son, lost his life in 1799, while performing a daring exploit in the Mediterranean, under Nel son. His widow, Henrietta, died in 1820, in her seventy- seventh year. Mary, his second daughter, died at Bath, England, in 1845, aged seventy-six. Brenton, Sir Jahleel, Baronet. Of Rhode Island. ' Rear-Admiral of the Blue, K. C. B. and K. S. F. The fifth Jahleel, and son of the fourth. He was born in Rhode Island in 1770 ; entered the navy as a midshipman in 1781, and served first in the Queen, commanded by his father. At the peace he was placed in the Naval School, Chelsea, where he remained two years. From 1787 to 1789, he was an officer of the Lido, Captain Sandys, employed in surveying the coast of Nova Scotia. UntU the peace of Ameins, in 1802, he was BRENTON, 253 constantly afloat, and performed much hard duty. The cap tains under whom he served during this period, uniformly commended his conduct. Among the distinguished naval officers who were his Avarm friends in after life, were Sauma- rez, St. Vincent, Collingwood, and Nelson. After several years' service in the renewed Avarfare against Napoleon, and in 1812, he was appointed to the command of the Stirling Oastle 74, but resigned that ship the same year ; was created a Baronet, and commissioned Resident-Commissioner of the Balearic Islands. In 1815 he Avas transferred to the Cape of Good Hope, as Commissioner of the Dock-yard, and re mained in office until 1821. He returned to England in 1822, and the year after was appointed a Colonel of Marines. In 1829 he was in command of the ship Lonegal, at Sheer- ness. Subsequently, he was created Vice- Admiral and Lieu tenant-Governor of GreenAvich Hospital. He retired from duty in 1840, and received the pension " dropped " by the decease of his old companion. Sir Sidney Smith. He estab lished his residence in Westmoreland, thence removed to a cottage in Staffordshire. He died at Elford, April, 1844, in his seventy-fourth year. His first wife, who died at the Cape of Good Hope in 1817, was Isabella, daughter of Anthony Stewart, a Loyalist of Maryland. Sir Jahleel met her at Halifax, (to which place her father had fled during the Revolution) in 1787, when a midshipman on the Nova Scotia station ; and though a mutual attachment arose, they were separated eleven years without seeing each other once. They met in England, and were married in the year 1802. His second wife (whom he mar ried in 1822) was his cousin Harriet, daughter of James Brenton, of Halifax. Brenton, Benjamin. Of Rhode Island. Brother of the fourth Jahleel. In the Revolution, a " contractor " for the Royal forces. Estate confiscated. Died in 1830. His wife was Rachel, daughter of Silas Cooke. Brenton, Samuel. Of Rhode Island. Brother of the fourth Jahleel. I glean simply, that he died In 1797 ; and VOL. 1. 22 254 BRENTON. — BREWERTON. that his wife was Susan Cooke, sister of the wife of his brother Benjamin. Brenton, James. Of Rhode Island. Brother of the fourth Jahleel. He went to Nova Scotia, and was a notary- public as early as September, 1775, at Halifax. He was afterward a Judge of the Supreme Court, and a member of the Council. In the year 1800 he was appointed Judge of Vice-Admiralty. He died at Halifax in 1806, or early the year following. His first wife was Rebecca Scott ; his second, a Miss Rus sell, of Halifax. Edward, the only son of the first ' marriage, was bred to the law, and in 1835 was a Judge in Newfound land. Another son, John, was secretary to Admiral Provost on the East India station, and a captain in the British Navy. Harriet, a daughter, married her cousin, (the fifth Jahleel), Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton. Brenton, William. Of Rhode Island. Brother of the fourth Jahleel. Born in 1749. In exile during the Revolu tion, he was allowed, by a law of 1783, to visit and remain with his friends one week ; then required to depart and not to return. His wife was Frances Wickham, In 1835 two of his sons were in the British Navy. Breaverton, George. Of New York. In the French war he Avas in command of a regiment of that Colony. Un June, 1776, he was charged Avith dangerous designs and trea sonable conspiracies against the Whig causej and, at the in stance of Livingston, Morris, and Jay, a warrant was issued by General Greene for his apprehension and the seizure of his papers. Brewerton surrendered himself to the General, who sent him to his accusers. In his examination he stated that " instead of aiding the Ministerial armies, he had advised and persuaded men to enlist in the Continental service." But he was held to good behavior to the Whigs in a bond for £500, with Jacob Brewerton as surety. Subsequently, he entered the service of the Crown, and commanded the second battalion of De Lancey's brigade. He died in 1779, His Avidow, three sons, and two daughters, arrived at New York, from London, September, 1786. BRICE. — 3RINLEY. 255 Brice, Rigden, Of Georgia. In the eflPort to reestablish the Royal Government, in 1779, he Avas appointed Marshal of the Court of Admiralty, In 1782 he was Muster-master- General of the Loyalist forces in the South, He went to England and died there in 1796. Brigden, Edward. Of North Carolina, An estate, con fiscated during the war, \^'as restored to him by Act of Novem ber, 1785 ; I find it said, at tlie express recommendation of Dr. Franklin. Brigg, Stephen. In December, 1783, Avarrant issued on petition of the Selectmen of Stanford, Connecticut, ordering him to depart that town forthwith, and never return. Bridgham, Ebenezer. Merchant of Boston, Was pro scribed and banished in 1778, He went to Halifax in 1776, with his family of four persons. In 1782 he Avas Deputy Inspector-General of the Loyalist forces. In 1783 he went to St. John, New Brunswick, and Avas a grantee of that city. Bridgman, . An "American Loyalist," whose daughter married Sir John Hatten, Baronet, of Long Stan ton, Cambridgeshire, in 1798. Sir John died in 1811, and Avas succeeded by his brother, Thomas Dingley Hatten, the present Baronet. Bridgeavater, John. In 1782 he was a captain in the Prince of Wales American Volunteers. He Avent to Eng land, and died there in 1803, in his seventieth year. Brill, Daa'id. Went to New Brunswick in 1783, Died in Queen's County in 1848, aged eighty-seven, Brinley, Thomas. Merchant of Boston, Graduated at Harvard University in JLJ44,. His name appears among the onehundred" an J twenty-four merchants and others, who ad- dressecTHutchinson at Boston, in 1774 ; and among the ninety- seven gentletnen and principal inhabitants of that town, who addressed- Gage in October of the following year. He went to Halifax in 1776, and to England the same year. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He died in 1784. Eliza beth, his widow, died in England in 1793, Brinley, George. Merchant of Boston. An Addresser 256 BRINLEY. of Hutchinson in 1774, and of-Gage in 1775 ; was proscribed and banished in 1778. He was in England in 1783, at which time he was Deputy Commissary-General. In 1799 he was appointed Commissary-General of his Majesty's forces in Brit ish America. He died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1809 ; and Mary, his Avidow, died at the same place in 1819. His son Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel in the army, and Quartermaster- General of the British troops in the West Indies, died in 1805 on one of the islands of his station. I find the death of Wil liam Birch Brinley, at Hahfax, 1812, aged forty. .,^ Brinley, Nathaniel. Of Framingham, Massachusetts, and son of Colonel Francis Brinley. About the year 1760, he leased the " Brinley Farm " of Oliver DeLancey, agent of the owner. Admiral Sir Peter Warren of the Royal Navy, and, as is said, employed fifteen or twenty-negroes, (slaves, probably,) in its cultivation. It is related, too, that Daniel Shays, the leader of the insurrection in 1786, was in the ser vice of Mr. Brinley on this farm. In 1775, our Loyalist was an Addresser of Gage, and was ordered, in consequence, to confine himself to his own leasehold. He soon fled to the Royal Army in Boston. After the evacuation of that town, he was sent to Framingham by sentence of a Court of Inquiry, ordered to give bond in £600, with two sureties, to remain there four months and to be of good behavior. In September, 1776, Ebenezer Marshall, in behalf of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, represented that the " people take him for a very vidian, " as he had declared that " Parliament had an undoubted right to make void the char ter in part or in whole ; " that " ten thousand troops, Avith an artillery, would go through the Continent, and subdue it at pleasure ; " that he had conveyed " his best furniture to Roxbury, and moved his family and goods into Boston," and had himself remained there " as long as he could haA'e the protection of the British troops ; " that " he approved of General Gage's conduct in the highest terms ; " that " his most intimate connections Avere some of our worst enemies and traitors ; " and that, while he had been under their in- BL^INLEY. — BRITTAIN. 257 spection, they had seen nothing " either in his conduct or dis position, that discovers the least contrition, but otherwise." To some of these allegations, Mrs. Brinley replied in two memorials to the General C!ourt. She averred that, by the conditions of the recognizance, her husband was entitled to the freedom of the whole of the toAvn of Framingham ; that he was in custody on the sole charge of addressing Gage ; and that, instead of being a refugee in Boston, he was shut up in that town while accidentally there, &c. She complained that at one time, he had been compelled to work on John Fisk's farm, without liberty to go more than twenty rods from the house, unless in Fisk's presence ; and that he Avas denied the free use of pen, ink and paper. Again, she said that Mr. Brinley, after his transfer to the care of Benjamin Eaton, was restricted to the house, and was fearful that his departure from it would occasion the loss of his life ; and that no person, even herself, Avas allowed to converse with him, unless in the hear ing of some member of Eaton's family. And she prayed that he might be removed to some other inland town, and be treated in accordance with his sentence. Mr. Brinley's defence of him self seems to have been the simple remark:"! am a gentle man, and have done nothing to forfeit that character." I am able to trace this unhappy " Government-man " only a step farther. On the 17th September, 1776, the General Court, by resolve, committed him to the care of his father, on security in £600 for his appearance ; and, in October of the same year, the Committee of Framingham reported to the Council that they had disposed of his farm-stock, farm-uten sils, and household furniture. Possibly, Nathaniel Brinley, who died at Tyngsborough in 1814, aged eighty-one, was the subject of this notice. Brittain, James. Of New Jersey. He wished to take no part in the Revolutionary controversy, but having become obnoxious, his house was surrounded by a party of about thir ty, wdio robbed and plundered him at pleasure. He escaped to the woods, where his wife fed him for nearly a month. Emerging from his hiding place, he joined Skinner with *22 258 BRITTAIN. - BROKENBOROUGH. seventy men, whom he had engaged to bear arms against the rebels. He was in a number of battles. In one, he was taken prisoner, and doomed to suffer death. The day before that appointed for his execution, he broke from prison, swam the Delaware, and joined his corps. In 1782 he was an ensign in the first battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, and at the peace, a lieutenant. In 1783 he went to St. John, New Brunswick, in the ship Luke of Richmond, and was the gran tee of a city lot. He received half-pay. He was a colonel of New Brunswick militia, and, at his decease, the oldest magis trate in King's County. He died at Greenwich in that county in 1838, at the age of eighty-seven. Ten children survived him. His widow, Eleanor, died at Greenwich in 1846, aged ninety-four. His daughter Eleanor married Walker Tisdale, Esquire, of St. John. Brittain, Joseph. Of New Jersey. Brother of James, He was an ensign in the New Jersey Volunteers, and was taken prisoner with James, doomed to the same fate, and made his escape at the same time. He went to St. John in the ship Luke of Richmond in 1780, and died in 1830, at the age of seventy-two, in King's County. He received half-pay. Brittain, William. Of New Jersey. Brother of James and Joseph. He was in the King's service, but not in com mission. He shared in the captiAuty, and in the escape of James and Joseph. He went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. He died in New Brunswick about the year 1811. Brittenny, John. In 1783 he removed to New Bruns wick, and settled in King's County, where he continued to reside until his decease, a period of upwards of sixty-three years. He died at GreenAvich in 1846,' in the ninety-fifth year of his age. Brokenborough, Austin. Of Virginia. He was son of Colonel William Brokenborough, and served A\'ith Washing ton under Braddock. " Like some of the old clergy, he thought he was perpetually bound by his oath of allegiance to the king." He wished to remain here, however, on ac- BROKENBOROUGH, — BROOKS, 259 count of his family, friends, and property ; and petitioned the Assembly to be alloAved the position of a neutral — to obey the laws, but to keep clear of the " rebellion." His request Avas not only refused, but five companies of men proceeded to his house to inflict signal punishment for his contumacy. He escaped and Avent to England. Whde abroad, he lived prin cipally in London, with several other Loyalists of the South, who, by his account, " had a merry time of it, dining and supping at various inns," visiting theatres and other places of amusement. He " speaks of taking tAvo dinners at different taverns . . . the same day, and of two suppers the same night, and of being quite drunk, Avith all the rest of the com pany," on another occasion. Again, he mentions an evening at Vauxhall with ladies, and says that all, except the young ones, " drank too freely, and were vociferous." But he Avent to church, and was a frequent listener to the debates in Par liament. It was his fortune to hear Chatham's last speech, when, as all recollect, his Lordship fainted and was carried home. Mr. Brokenborough was absent seven years. Time, finally, passed heavily. His father and youngest son were dead ; his estate was mismanaged, wasting away, and liable to confisca tion. He resolved to return, and arrived in Virginia in 1782, but, by advice of his brother, did not venture home. For awhile, he was in Charleston, S, C. ; but, at last, resumed his abode in the Old Dominion. Brooks, James. It Avas reported that letters written by him, by Dr. Kearsley, and others, were in possession of a woman who concealed them in a pocket sewed to the lower part of her inner garment, and who was on ship-board, bound to London ; and the letters having been secured, and found abusive of the Whigs and of their cause, he Avas committed to prison in Philadelphia, thence transferred to the jail of Lan caster. The Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania resolved that he was an enemy to the liberties of America. He was kept in confinement two years, lacking a single day. His own account is, that the windows next to the street 260 BROOKS. — BROWNE. Avere blocked up ; that thirty-five barrels of gunpowder Avere stored on the floor above his head, — and tons more in the next room, defended from the common misfortune of fire by a shingled roof merely ; that a guard of fourteen men beat their drums for the sake of persecution ; that he was denied the sight and speech of mankind, and the use of pen, ink and paper ; and that he " had the use of his legs taken from him by day, and was brought to by warm water at night," Brooks, Captain . Commanded a party of plun derers. On one occasion, early in 1783, Avliile on an expedi tion in the DelaAvare, a Methodist preacher fell into his hands, and was required to preach or to be whipped to death. The minister declining to give a sermon to such hearers, was tied up and received nearly one hundred lashes. On his promise never to serve the rebels more, he was allowed to depart, much exhausted and lacerated. Browne, Thomas. Of Augusta, Georgia. Was an early victim of a mob, and was tarred and feathered, soon after the division and array of parties in the Southern Colonies. He entered the Royal service, and commanded, as lieutenant- colonel, a corps called the King's Rangers, Carolina. At the peace, he retired, it is believed, to Florida, and thence to the Bahamas. He was knoAvn during hostilities as a sanguinary and active officer, and his conduct is open to severe censure. Such the text, such the meagre account of this partisan leader, in the first edition. The notice of him now is as full as the reader can desire, and is the result of more labor than I care to state. Mr. Simms, in the Advertisement to " Mellichampe," saj'S that Barsfield's story, as related in the thirty-seventh chapter of that Avork, " bears a close resemblance to the recorded history of the notorious Colonel Browne, of Augusta, one of the most malignant and vindictive among the Southern Loyal ists, and one who is said to have become so solely from the illegal and unjustifiable means employed by the Patriots to make him otherwise." And, adds Mr. Simms, Avith truth, " The Avhole history is one of curious interest, and, if studied. BROWNE. 261 of great public value. It shows strikingly the evils to a wliole nation, and through successive years, of a single act of pop ular injustice." Whoever would know the nature of the warfare between the Whigs and Tories at the South, should carefully read " Mellichampe," and the other tales of the distinguished au thor, of the same era. He vouches for their general historical accuracy, and no well-informed person will question the faith fulness of his pen. The perusal of the tale in question, exci ted my own curiosity, I confess, and led me to examine every book and document within reach, which seemed likely to afford me information of the original of " Barsfield." I find Browne at Augusta in 1775, expressing his enmity to the Whigs, and ridiculing them in toasts at dinner. Warned of danger, he fled. By order of the " Committee," he was pursued to New Richmond, South Carolina, brought back, tried, and sentenced to be tarred and feathered ; to be publicly exposed in a cart ; to be drawn three miles, or until he should confess his error, and swear fealty to the popular cause. He refused to make any concession, Avas punished as doomed, and published as " no gentleman." To conceal his disgrace as well as he could, he kept his hair short, and wore a handkerchief around his head. He soon retreated to Florida. In 1776 he Avas in command of a corps, and made fearful incursions on the banks of the Savannah ; but his force Avas small. In 1778, when he was joined by about three hun dred Tories from the interior of Georgia and South Carolina, his regiment was completed, and put in uniform. A year later, at the head of four hundred mounted men, he made a forced march to Augusta ; and, after being wounded, and twice defeated by Whigs under TAviggs and Few, he reached that place, and established a military post. Reinforced by detachments from other corps, of undoubted skill and bravery, exact in discipline, among the very people who had treated him with the greatest indignity, and relentless in his mode of Avarfare, the " Rebels " had everything to fear from his disposition and his operations. As soon as the condition of 262 BROWNE, the Whigs Avould allow, and in 1780, Colonel Clarke appeared with a force, sufficient, as Avas thought, to compel him to submit to terms of capitulation. Browne's conduct during the siege illustrates the best and the worst qualities of his character. The accounts are conflicting. But it seems certain that, as the toAvn did not afford an eligible position for defence, Browne marched out Avith his troops and some Indians, assailed Clarke on an eminence, and dislodged him, after a sanguinary fight. It appears, also, that the Loyalist leader was subsequently driven, with the men under his personal command, into a sort of garrison house, from which he main tained a desperate resistance ; that he himself Avas shot through both thighs ; that while tortured with the pain of dangerotis Avounds and swollen legs, he still directed every movement ; that the besiegers cut off" the supply of water, for which, in the fertility of his resources, he found a remedy, in saving and dealing out urine, of Avhich he Avas the first to drink ; that his wounded died for the want of surgical aid and hospital stores ; that he Avas repeatedly summoned to surrender ; and that he held out four days, and until relieved by Cruger. All this, in a military man, is admirable; what followed is unconditionally infamous. Clarke, in his retreat, left a part of his wounded, of whom thirteen Avere hung in the stair-waj', and four in other parts of the garrison-house, and several others were turned over to the Indians and burned alive. The thirteen, it is said, were executed in Browne's presence, " that he might have the satisfaction of seeing the victims of his vengeance expire," So, too, in 1780, he ordered five persons to be hung, and when nearly dead, they were cut down and delivered to the Indians, who scalped and and otherwise mutilated one of them. One of these Avas a youth of seventeen, and the son of a Avidow. He kept Augusta undl June, 1781, Avhen, after a siege of nearly three months, in which he displayed his usual courage, activity, and patience under sufferings, he surrendered the post to Pickens and Lee, The accusation against him at this time is, that he placed an aged prisoner in a bastion, Avhere BROWNE. 263 he was exposed to death from the hands of his own son, who commanded a Whig battery. By the terms of capitulation. Colonel Browne was allowed to go to Savannah ; and he was so generally hated that, had he not been specially and strongly guarded, while on the way thither, it is probable he Avould have been torn limb from limb. He passed among the inhab itants whose houses he had burned and Avhose relatives and friends he had executed. The mother of one whom he had put to death said to him : " In the late day of your prosperity, I visited your camp, and on my knees supplicated for the life of my son, but you were deaf to my entreaties. You hanged him, though a beardless youth, before my face. These eyes saw him scalped by the savages under your immediate command. , . . When you resume the sword, I will go five hundred miles to demand satisfaction at the point of it." This woman met Browne and his escort, as is said, armed with a knife, for the purpose of killing him, but was not alloAved to speak to him until she promised to forbear ; and she was ac companied by a son Avho Avent with the same intention. Though he escaped assassination, the adherents of the Crown seem to have expected that he would be publicly executed. After the fall of Charleston, the firm Whigs who refused to SAvear ade- giance Avere sent to Florida, and the officer in command at St. Augustine threatened to hang six of them if Browne was not treated as a prisoner of war. After he was exchanged, he served at Savannah. In May, 1782, he marched out of the garrison at the head of a considerable force, with the apparent intention of attacking the Whigs ; but Wayne, by a bold movement, got between him and the town, assailed him at midnight, and routed his whole command. In October, 1782, the Rangers were sent from Charleston to relieve the troops at St. Augustine. At the peace, when they were disbanded, a part remained in Florida, and a part attempted to settle at a place in Nova Scotia, called St. Mary's. Colonel Browne had estates in Georgia and South Carolina, which were confiscated ; and, attainted of treason in both States, he retreated to the Bahamas. From these islands, and 264 BROWNE. in 1786, he wrote an elaborate reply to Ramsay's comments on his conduct during the war, addressed tb the historian himself. The paper is not without ability. He relates the unjustifiable course of the Whigs, and dwells AA'ith emphasis on special cases ; he insists that in the instances which are cited to show his own barbarity, he did but execute retributive justice on offenders who Avere identified, and who confessed their crimes. He refers to the tarring and feathering twelve years previously, in these words : " Could A'iolations of humanity be justified by example, the cruelties exercised on my person by a lawless committee .... might have jus tified the severest vengeance ; but, esteeming it more honor able to forgive than to revenge an injury to those men Avho had treated me with the most merciless cruelty, I granted protection and safeguards to such as desired them." He avers that all the allegations against him which touch his reputation as an officer and as a man, are false; and thus, — " In the discharge of the duties of my profession, I can say with truth, I never deviated from the line of conduct the laws of Avar and humanity prescribed." And again : " The criminal excesses of individuals were never warranted by au thority, nor ever obtained the sanction of my approbation." He speaks of Lee, as a gentleman of the most honorable and liberal sentiments ; but of Pickens, as permitting murder of prisoners under his own eye. In 1809, Colonel Browne was in England, and petitioned for a grant of Crown lands in the West Indies. The govern ment gave him six thousand acres in the island of St. Vin cent. I find it stated that, by some mistake, a part of the tract had been previously granted to persons who could not be dispossessed without great injury ; and that the munificent sum of £30,000 was allowed him in money as an equivalent. It is said, too, that the Colonel was subsequently implicated in matters connected with this very domain ; and that, in 1812, he was convicted in London of forgery. The story seems to me improbable. There was hardly a Loyalist in the thirteen Colonies who, for his individual losses, received so BROWNE. 265 large a sum as — in whole numbers — one hundred and fifty thousand, dollars ; and, at the period in question, a man adjudged guilty of forgery, in England, would have been executed, especially if the crime, — as alleged in this case, — was a fabrication of the signatures of high officers of the Government. Colonel Browne died in St, Vincent in 1825, His Avife died there in 1807. Of his own decease there appeared the fol lowing notice : — "At an adA'anced age. Colonel Thomas Browne. During the American Avar he distinguished himself as a gallant and enterprising officer, and among other re peated marks of his Sovereign's approbation, Avas promoted to the rank of Colonel-Commandant of his Majesty's late regiment of South Carolina, or Queen's Rangers, and made also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, in the South ern districts of North America," .' Browne, William. Of Salem, Massachusetts, Was a grandson of Governor Burnet, a great-grandson of Bishop Burnet, and a connection of Winthrop, the first resident Governor of Massachusetts ; and graduated at Harvard Uni versity in 1755. A member of the General Court in 1768, he was one of the seventeen Rescinders. He was a Colonel of the Essex County militia ; one of the ten Mandamus Counsellors who Avere sworn in, and a Judge of the Supreme Court, In 1774, John Adams i' said: "I had a real respect for the Judges. Trowbridge, Gushing, and Browne, I could call my friends." That very year, the Essex County Convention voted, " That a Committee be raised to wait on the Honor able Wdliam BroAvne, Esquire, of Salem, and acquaint him, that Avidi grief this County has vicAved his exertions for car rying into execution the Acts of Parliament, calculated to enslave and ruin his native land," &c., &c. This Committee consisted of Jeremiah Lee, Samuel Hel ton, and Elbridge Gerry. They Avaited upon Mr. Browne in Boston, on the 19th of September, Avho returned a written 1 A classmate of Judge Browne, at Harvard. VOL. I. 23 266 BROWNE. answer, in which he says that he " cannot consent to defeat his Majesty's intentions and disappoint his expectations, by abandoning a post to which he has been graciously pleased to appoint him," &c., and that, " as a Judge, and in every other capacity," he " intended to act with honor and integrity," &c., &c. He was an Addresser of Gage, was included in the Ban ishment Act of"1778, and in the Conspiracy Act of the year following. He was the oAvner of immense landed estates, which were confiscated. Prior to the Revolutionary troubles, he enjoyed great popularity, and strong inducements were held out to him to join the Whigs. He was in London as early as May 4, 1776, and gave his fellow-exiles some par ticulars relative to the evacuation of Boston. His Avife, who complained of her treatment at Salem and Boston, after his departure, does not appear to haA'e joined him in England, until the spring of 1778. In 1781, he was ap pointed Governor of the Bermudas, and administered the affairs of these islands in a manner to secure the confidence and respect of the people. He died in England, February, 1802, aged sixty-five. Browne, Arthur, Of Portsmouth, New Hamp.shire. An EpiscopaL clergyman. Was educated at Trinity Col lege;' Dublin, He Avas ordained by the Bishop of London, and assumed the charge of a society at Providence, Rhode Island. In 1736 he removed to Portsmouth, and became the first minister of the Episcopal Church of that town, and continued his connection until his decease. He died at Cam bridge, Massachusetts, in 1773, aged seventy-three. His re mains were carried to Portsmouth and deposited in the Went worth tomb. In the Episcopal Church, he Avas considered a man of most noble and benevolent disposition, of sound doctrines, and a good preacher. He married Governor Benning Wentworth to his servant girl. The story, as told by Brewster is, that " the Governor invited a dinner party, and with many other guests, in his cocked hat, comes the beloved Rev. Ar- BROWNE, 267 thur Browne. The dinner is served up in a style becom ing the Governor's table, the wine is of good quality, &c. In due time, as previously arranged, Martha Hilton, the Governor's maid-servant, ' a damsel of twenty summers,' appears before the company. The Governor, bleached by the frosts of sixty winters, rises : ' Mr. Browne, I wish you to marry me.' ' To whom,' asked the Rector, in wondering surprise. ' To this lady,' was the reply. The Rector stood confounded. The Governor became imperatiA'e. ' As the Governor of New Hampshire I command you to marry me.'' The ceremony Avas performed, and Martha Hilton became Lady Wentworth." On the day Mr. Browne married Governor John Went- Avorth to Atkinson's AvidoAv, and soon after he had performed the ceremony, he fell over a number of stone steps and broke his arm. He was missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the GTospel in Foreign Parts. His salary in 1754 was £60, and £15 additional for officiating at Kittery, Until the ap pointment of his son as assistant missionary, he was the only Episcopal clergyman in New Hampshire. In honor of the consort of George the Second, his church was called " Queen's Chapel." Dr. Franklin was one of the benefactors and a proprietor. There was a pew which, prior to the Revolution, was fitted up in state, and known as the " Governor's," It contained two chairs, Avhich were the gift of the Queen, for the use of the Governor and his secretary. The decorations were taken down after the war ; but the pew and the chairs remained, and were occupied by Washington and his secretary in 1789, Avhen they attended service in Ports mouth, Mr. Browne's children Avere four sons and five daughters, namely : Thomas, who died young ; Marmaduke, of whom presentlj' ; Arthur, who, after a long service in the British Army, sold his commission and was Governor of Kinsale ; and Peter, who entered the army at the age of fourteen, and rose to the rank of major. The daughters were all married : 268 BROWNE. - BROWN. Lucy, to Colonel Smith, of the British Army ; Jane, to Samuel Livermore, Chief Justice of New Hampshire and Senator in Congress from that State ; Mary, to the Rev. Winwood Ser jeant ; Anne, to Captain George St. Loe, of the British Navy, from whom she was divorced, and, the Avidow of a second hus band, a third time to one Kelly, Avho, " of reckless character, treated her with the utmost neglect ; " and, last, Ehzabeth, who was the wife of the noted Major Robert Rogers, and, after his decease, of Captain John Roche, of Concord, New Hampshire. Browne, Rev. Maraliduke. Son of Arthur. He Avas born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1731, and graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1754. On tahing orders, he was first employed as an itinerant missionary in New Hampshire. In 1760, he became Rector of Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., and died there in IrfTT. His Avife deceased in 1767, and his own death was " doubtless hastened by the severity of that affliction." His son Arthur, who Avas Doctor of Laws, and King's Professor of Greek in Trinity College, Dublin, who erected a marble tablet to his memory on the wall of Trinity Church, Newport, in 1795, and who was a very eminent man, died in 1805, Browne, William. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Son of Judge William Browne. An officer in the British Army, and at the siege of Gibraltar. He was in England in 1784. Brown, Thomas. Of Boston, Embarked with his family of five persons for Halifax, in 1776. Went into business, and faded soon after the year 1779, and established a school. Rev, Jacob Bailey Avrote in 1781 : " This poor gendeman is still detained under complaint of his unmerciful creditors," Mr. Brown Avas in Halifax as late as 1792. I find the death of a Thomas BroAvn, at Salem, Massachusetts, in 1809, at the age of eighty-si.x. Broavn, Rea'. Thomas. E]^)is£flpaLBairrister. He came to America in the French war, as supposed, with the 27th Regi ment, of Avhich he was chaplain, and which he accompanied BROWN. — BRUCE. 269 on the expedition to Martinico, in 1762. He returned to England ; and, in 1764, was appointed a missionary to Amer ica. He was in charge of St. Peter's Church, Albany, for three or four years ; and in 1772, was appointed Rector of Dorchester, Maryland. He died in 1784, aged forty-nine. His Avife, whose maiden name was Martina Hogan, and who belonged to Albany, and seven children, survived him. Brown, Elisha. Of Northampton, New York, " Cow boy." Killed by a fellow " cow-boy " named Norton, in an aff'ray, in 1783. ^ Brown, Daniel. Of Maine. Emigrated in early youth from Scodand to Castine, and in the Revolution took an active part in the Royal cause. At the peace he removed to New BrunsAvick, where he passed the remainder of his days. He died at St. Stephen, March, 1835, aged ninety-one, and left upwards of two hundred descendants. His memory was good, and the events of his life were impressed upon its tablets to the last. His daughter Catharine died a few days after him, aged fifty-five. Brown, Zachariah. Residence unknown. A lieutenant in De Lancey's Third Battalion, retired to New Brunswick, received half-pay, and died in the county of Sunbury, in 1817, aged seventy-eight. Brown, Henry B. Settled in New Brunswick. Was Registrar of Deeds and Wills for the county of Charlotte, and died there. Brownell, Joshua, and Jeremiah. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace. The first was a grantee of that city ; the other died in Westmoreland County, in that Province, in 1835, aged eighty-eight. Brothers, Joseph. He died at Carleton, New Bruns wick, in 1836, aged seventv-two. X Bruce, James. Of Boston. Was proscribed and banished. This gentleman, I conclude, commanded the ship Eleanor; and if so, he, like Hall, of the Lartmouth, and Coffin, of the Beaver, is connected with the celebrated tea controversy. The Eleanor, Captain James Bruce, arrived in Boston, December 23* 270 BRUNSKILL, — BRUSH, 1, 1773, Avith a part of the tea sent over by the East India Company, which, after several days of fruitless negotiation, was thrown into the harbor, at Griffin's Wharf. There was a Loyalist of this name at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, about the year 1805. Brunskill, Rev, John. Of Virginia. Episcopal minis ter. About the beginning of the Revolution, on an occasion when his church was full, two or three Whigs entered in regi mentals. He rose and rebuked them, said they were rebels, and that he should immediately inform the King of their mis deeds. Nearly every person left the house ; some, as they departed, Avarning him that on a repetition of such language, he Avould be insulted and treated harshly. He never preached again ; but lived uncomfortable and secluded at the glebe un til his death. He never married ; and for years, " it is be lieved, he was a dead weight upon the church," Brush, Crean. Of Cumberland County, " New Hamp shire Grants." Born in Dublin, Ireland, about the year 1725, and bred to the law ; he emigrated to America, probably in 17G2. In New York, he was admitted to practice, and had employment in the office of the Provincial Secretary. In 1771, he removed to the '¦'•Grants," and was soon appointed Clerk and Surrogate of Cumberland County. In the troubles which existed on the " Grants," as Vermont Avas then called, he took the side of New York ; and, elected to the Assembly of that Colony, he became a man of considerable note and in fluence. In 1775, he delivered a set-speech against electing delegates to the second Continental Congress, Avhich the Whig leaders, Clinton, Schuyler, and Woodhull, answered. Trum bull, in McFingal, refers to him thus : — " Had I the poet's brazen lungs. As sound-board to his hundred tongues, I could not half the scribblers muster That swarmed round Rivington in cluster ; Assemblies, councilmen, forsooth : Brush, Cooper, Wilkins, Chandler, Booth : Yet all their arguments and sap'ence You did not value at three half-pence," BRUSH. 271 At Boston, January, 1776, he proposed to Sir William Howe to raise a body of volunteers, not less than three hun dred, on the same terms, as to pay and gratuity, as the Royal Fencible Americans, a corps just organized. The result is to be inferred from the fact, that on the 10th of IMarch, he was ordered by Sir William to take possession of the goods of cer tain described persons, and put them on board of the ship Mi nerva, or the brigantine Elaaheth. Under this commission. Brush, at the head of parties of Tories, broke open stores and dwelling-houses, stripped them, and conveyed his plun der to the ships. Lawless bands of men from the fleet and army, followed his example ; and Boston, for the last few days of the siege, was given to violence and pillage. As for Brush, he Avas captured after the evacuation, on board of the brigan tine above mentioned. The property on board the Elizuhctli was Avortli quite one hundred thousand dollars ; difficulties arose between the claim ants and the captors, Avliich Avere expensive and vexatious, but which I have no room to relate. The robber. Brush, was rightly enough put in close jail in Boston, and denied privi leges, which, to an educated man, are invaluable ; but he endeavored to lesson his woes by intemperance. Early in 1777 he was joined by his wife. The term of his imprison ment Avas more than nineteen months. Later in the autumn of the year last mentioned, Mrs, Brush provided him with money and a horse, preparatory to his escape ; and on the night of the 5th of November, he passed the turnkey, dis guised in her garments, and fled to New York. We hear of the miscreant next in Vermont, where he went to look after his lands. But his career Avas nearly at an end. The Whigs sequestered his estate ; and the British Commander- in-Chief, to Avhom he applied to redress his personal Avrongs and compensate his losses, not only refused, but told him that his " conduct merited them, and more." His cup was full. " Goaded by the scorpion Avhip of remorse, too proud to strive to redeem the errors of his past life by an honorable future," in May, 1778, he put a pistol to his head, and was 272 BRYAN, found dead, " his brains besmearing the Avails of the apart ment." Such, rapidly traced, Avas the life of Crean Brush. He Avas ambitious to be a man of consideration, to be pro prietor of a vast domain. He became an outcast ; and, of nearly fifty thousand acres of the soil of New York, and the " New Hampshire Grants," Avhich he owned, his heirs recovered possession of a small part only. His step-daughter, Frances, was Avife of no less a character than Ethan Allen. She Avas a widow, dashing, and imperious ; and though fascinating and accomplished, sometimes spoke in tones as rough and unseemly as the summoner of Ticonderoga himself. His only child, Elizabeth Martha, married Thomas Norman, of Ireland. Of her it is said that she Avas a lady of refined manners, of dignified dei^ortment, and in every other re spect an ornament to her sex. Bryan, Samuel. Of North Carolina. Authorized by Governor Martin, January, 1776, to erect the King's stand ard, to enlist and array in arms the loyal subjects of Rowan County, and " to oppose all rebels and traitors." In 1780, with a corps of eight hundred Loyalists, who abandoned their homes to avoid prison and death, after Moore's defeat by Rutherford, he marched towards South Carolina, and ar rived unmolested at CheraAV Hill, Avhere he joined the de tachment of British under McArthur. Many had not seen their families for months, but had lived in the woods to avoid the parties of Whigs that Avere in constant pursuit at this period. Three of his companies were nearly annihilated by the Whig Major Davie, near Hanging Rock. Soon after- ' ward, Sumter fell upon the remainder of his troops, and put them to flight ; they " dispersed as soon as pressed." But, reassembled, Bryan's corps Avas in tho rear division under the orders of Lord RaAvdon, at the batde of Camden. The estate of Colonel Bryan was confiscated in 1779. The excitement against him Avas intense. Our Loyalist was indeed an un fortunate man, since it seems that his conduct gave serious offence to his own party, as Avell as to the Whigs. In a letter to Sir James Wright, dated in London, March, 1783, BRYMER. — BULL. 273 Lord CornAvallis states, that " the premature rising at Rams- our's. Colonel Bryan's junction Avith us in South Carolina, both directly contrary to my recommendation," Avitli the de feat of Ferguson on King's Mountain, " occasioned the ruin of many families, and furnished pretexts to exercise cruelties on individuals, to a degree neither believed nor conceived in " England. Brymer, Alexander, INIerchant of Boston. An Ad dresser of Gage in 1775. Was proscribed and banished in 1778. In 1782 a gentleman of this name, and supposed to be the same, was sworn in as a member of his Majesty's Council of Nova Scotia, The Couneillor died at Ramsgate, England, in 1822, aged seventy-five. Buchanan, John. Of Maryland, Went to England, and established himself as a merchant in London, His widow died at Bromley, Kent, in 1784. BuDD, Elisha. Of New York. Ensign in the King's American Regiment, He Avas born at White Plains, and settled in Rye. His father, James Budd, was shot at his own door by a party of " coAv-boys." He Avas at the siege of Savannah, and iu several engagements at the South. His property was confiscated ; and at the peace he Avent to Digby, Nova Scotia, where he became a merchant and a Justice of the Common Pleas. He died at Liverpool, England, in 1813, aged fifty-one. His AvidoAv, a daughter of Isaac Bonnell, died in 1850, at the age of eighty-tAvo, leaving five children, of Avhom three now (1861) reside at Digby. Bull, William, Lieutenant-Governor of South Carolina. His father, Avho died in 1755, at the age of seventy-two, had the same Christian name, and held the same office. He Avas a pupil of Boerhaave. Returning to this country, after com pleting his studies, he rose to distinction in literature, medical science, and politics. In 1751 he was a member of the Coun cd ; in 1763 Speaker of the House of Delegates ; and in 1764 Lieutenant-Governor. In the last office he continued many years, and Avas Commander-in-Chief of the Colony. He accompanied the British troops to England in 1782, and. 274 BULL. — BUL YEA. continuing there, died in London, July 4, 1791, aged eighty- one. Bull, George. He was born in the city of New York. In 1782 he was a lieutenant of cavalry in the American Legion under Arnold. He retired on half-pay at the peace, and settled in New BrunsAvick. He died at Woodstock, in 1838, at the age of eighty-six. Bull, Captain . Of New York. He was in the service of the Crown, and his name appears in the interview between the celebrated MohaAvk, Brant, and the Whig Gen eral Herkimer, at Unadilla, Ncav York, in 1777. When the Indian chief met the Whig, he was accompanied by Bull, a son of Sir William Johnson by Brandt's sister, Mary, or Molly, and about forty warriors. During the meeting, Herkimer demanded the surrender of several Tories, Avliich Brant per emptorily refused. This was the last conference held with the hostile MohaAvks. BuLLMAN, Rev, John. Of Charleston, South Carolina. Episcopal minister. In 1774 he preached a sermon which gave great offence. I extract a single passage : " Every idle projector avIio cannot, perhaps, govern his own household, or pay the debts of his own contracting, presumes he is quahfied to dictate how the State should be governed, and to point out the means of paying the debts of a nation." Again : " Every silly clown and illiterate mechanic Avill take upon him to censure the conduct of his Prince or Governor, and contri bute, as much as in him lies, to create and foment those mis understandings .... which come at last to ... . sedition and rebellion," &c. A meeting of his parishioners was called, Avlien it was found that, exclusive of the vestry and church-wardens, forty-two disapproved, and thirty-three approved, of his conduct in the pulpit. Attempts at reconciliation followed, but widiout suc cess ; and in March, 1775, Mr. Bullman sailed for England. BuLYEA, John, and Abraham. The first, in 1795, was a member of the Loyal Artillery of St. John, New Bruns Avick. Sarah, his widow, died in King's County, in that BUNHILL. — BURNET. 275 Province, in 1843, aged ninety-nine, leaving six children, fifty-five grandchildren, and fifty-seven great-grandchildren. Abraham settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died in King's County in that Colony, in 1833, aged seventy-seven. Bunhill, Solomon, Of Lanesborough, Massachusetts. In the battle of Bennington he shot two of his neighbors through the head, as was alleged, and was sent to Northampton jail. An agent Avas appointed to procure the evidence against him, and to attend his trial. His property Avas confiscated, and in 1784 advertised for sale by a Committee of the Common- Avealth. Bunting, Roland. He died at Loch Lomond, New Bruns wick, in 1839, at the great age of one hundred years. V — BuRCH, William. Commissioner of the Customs, Boston. Was proscribed and banished in 1778, and included in the Conspiracy Act of 1779. He went to England, Avhere, I con clude, he took no part in affairs, Charles Paxton, one of his fellow-commissioners, died at his seat ; and this is the only instance that I find his name so much as mentioned. Burnet, John. Of Georgia, To cover his dark deeds, he pretended to be a Whig. When, in 1781, BroAvne surren dered Augusta, the goods and stores Avhich were found in Fort Cornwallis, and which were allotted to the Georgia troops, were placed in his possession for safe keeping untd a division could be safely made of them. His party had previously se creted about sixty negroes, who, he averred, had been taken from the enemy, and Avho he promised to add to the other property at the time of distribution. The officers, not sus pecting him, were duped. He proceeded towards the moun tains on pretence of seeking a place of safety, passed through Kentucky to the Ohio River, procured boats and descended to Natchez, where he and his companions appropriated the fruits of their knavery. Burnet, Mathias. Of Jamaica, New York, He was born in New Jersey, and graduated at Princeton College in 1769. He was settled at Jamaica in 1775, and continued with his people during the war. After the peace, and in 276 BURNS.— BURTON. 1785, he Avas compelled, by the force of party spirit, to dis solve the connection. It is said that he was the only Presby terian minister of Queen's County who was reputed to be a friend to Government. His wife AA'as an Episcopalian, and, removing to Norwalk, Connecticut, he took charge of a church of that communion. He died at Norwalk in 1806. Burns, William and Michael, Of Connecticut. Broth ers. The first Avas a forage-master in the Royal Army, Avho settled on Digby Neck, NoA'a Scotia, at the peace, and died in 1797, Michael settled at the same place, and died in 1817. Phebe, daughter of William, married Edmund Fanning, and has two daughters now (1861) living in England. BuRRis, Samuel. A Whig soldier. In 1778 he was tried on a charge of attempting to desert to the Royal side. He confessed his guilt, and was sentenced to receive one hundred lashes, BuRTLs, William. Of West Chester County, New York. In 1779 he Avas sent prisoner from White Plains by Burr, who Avrote Malcolm that Burtis wished to secure the favor of the AVhigs by giving them information. In 1780 he was con fined at West Point, under sentence of death, for communica tion with the British General Mathews. At the peace he Avent to New Brunswick, and died at St. John in 1835, aged seventy-five. Burton, Napier Christie, General in the British Army. " An American by birth," who entered the military service in August, 1775, as an ensign. He was in several actions in New Jersey, and accompanied his regiment to Virginia, and to South Carolina. He was engaged in the affairs of the Ca tawba and Yadkin, in the battles of Guilford and Cross Creek, and was taken prisoner in the siege of Yorktown. In 1789 he attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and subse quently served in Flanders. In 1799 he was appointed Lieu tenant-Governor of Upper Canada. His commission of Lieu tenant-General, bears date January 1, 1805, and of General, June 4, 1814. From 1796 to 1806, he was a member of Parliament for Beverley. For several years previous to his BURWELL, — BUSKIRK. 277 decease, he Avas an invalid. He died in England, in January, 1835, in his seventy-seventh year. BuRAVELL, James. Of New Jersey. Born at Rockaway, January 18, 1754. His father, Samuel Burwell, Avas eldest son of John Burwell, who removed from Jamestown, Vir ginia, in the year 1721, a relative of the extensive family of Burwells, in this country, formerly from Bedford and North ampton, England, the first of whom was buried at York River, Gloucester County, 1652. One of his ancestors was of the Virginia deputation in the year 1646, to invite the fallen mon arch, Charles the First, to come to America for protection against the rebellious Puritan subjects. Our Loyalist enlisted in his Majesty's serAdce in the year 1776, at the age of twenty- two, and serA-ed seven years, and was present at the battle of Yorktown, when Lord Cornwallis surrendered, and was there slightly Avounded, After the war he moved to Nova Scotia, where he remained four years ; he then returned to New Jer sey, to take care of his aged mother ; married, and removed to Pennsylvania, and from thence came to Upper Canada in the year 1796, too late to obtain the king's bounty of family land, but was placed on the Upper Canada list, and received two hundred acres for himself and each of his children. He removed to the Talbot settlement in the year 1810. He died in the county of Elgin, Canada, July, 1853, aged ninety- nine years and five months. BusKiRK, , Lieutenant-Colonel of a Loyalist corps. In 1777, he attempted to cut off a party of Whig militia sta tioned at Paramus ; but the commander had notice of die de sign, and escaped by moving to anodier post. In 1779, with a considerable part of the garrison of Powle's Hook, and some other troops, he proceeded up the North River for the purpose of falling in with a detachment of Whigs, supposed to be out foraging upon the Tories. He met a larger force than he expected, and retreated. The illustrious John Marshall states the facts in detail, from his personal observation. In 1780, with one hundred dragoons and upwards of three hundred infantry, he crossed from Staten Island to Elizabeth- VOL. I. 24 •278 BUSKIRK. — BUTLER. town, at midnight, took several prisoners, burnt the church and town-house, plundered some of the inhabitants, and re tired without loss. He was with Arnold in the expedition to New London, and in command of a regiment or battalion. BusKiRK, . Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Buskirk, and lieutenant in the Ncav Jersey Volunteers, or, " Skinner's Greens." In the attack by General Dickinson, November, 1777, he was made prisoner. I suppose the Captain Buskirk wounded in the battle of Eutaw Springs, 1781, was the same. Buskirk, Henry. Of Ncav York. He removed to Nova Scotia in 1783, and was many years a magistrate of King's County. He died at Aj'lesford, Nova Scotia, in 1841. BusTiN, Thomas, Of Virginia. He joined the Royal Ar my at New York after the commencement of hostilities ; and at the peace removed to St. John, New Brunswick, where he lived until his decease, at the age of ninety. Seven children survived him. Mary, his Avidow, died in the same city, in 1848, at the age of ninety-tAvo. Butler, John. Of Tryon, now Montgomery, County, New York. Before the war. Colonel Butler was in close official connection Avith Sir William, Sir John, and Colonel Guy Johnson, and followed their political fortunes. At the breaking out of hostilities, he commanded a regiment of New York militia, and entered at once into the military service of the Crown, During the Avar his wife A^'as taken prisoner, and exchanged for the wife of the Whig Colonel Campbell, The deeds of rapine, of murder, of hellish hue, which were per petrated by Butler's corps, cannot be related here. It is sufficient, for the purpose of these Notes, to say, that he commanded the sixteen hundred incarnate fiends who deso lated Wyoming, I feel quite Avilling to allow, that history has recorded barbarities which were not committed. But though Butler did not permit or directly authorize women to be driven into the forest, Avhere they became mothers, and where their infants were eaten by wild beasts, and though cap tive officers may not have been held upon fires with pitch forks until they were burned to death, sufficient remains BUTLER. 279 undoubted, to stamp his conduct with the deepest, darkest, most damning guilt. The human mind can hardly fiame an argument which shall clear the fame of Butler from obloquy and reproach. To admit even as a solved question, that the Loyalists were in the right, and that they were bound by the clearest rules of duty to bear arms in defence of lawful and existing institutions, and to put down the rebellion, will do Butler no good. For, whatever the force of such a plea in the minds of those who urge it, he was still bound to observe the laws of civilized warfare. That he, and he alone, will be regarded by posterity as the real and responsible actor in the business and slaughter at Wyoming, may be considered, perhaps, as certain. The chieftain Brant Avas, for a time, held accountable, but the better information of later years transfers the guilt from the savage to the man of Saxon blood. There was nothing for which the Mohawk's family labored more earnestly than to show that their renowned head was not implicated in this bloody tragedy, and that the accounts of historians, and the enormities recounted in Campbell's A-erse, as far as they relate to him, are untrue. It has been said very commonly, that the Colonel Butler who was of the Whig force at Wyoming, and Colonel John, were kinsmen ; but this, too, has been con tradicted. The late Edward D. Griffin, — a youth, a writer, and a poet of rare promise, — and a grandson of the former, denied the relationship. Colonel John Butler was richly rewarded for his services. Succeeding, in part, to the agency of Indian Affairs — long held by the Johnsons — he enjoyed, about the year 1796, a salary of £500 sterling per annum, and a pension as a military officer of £200 more. Previously, he had received a grant of five hundred acres of land, and a similar provision for his chil dren, , His home, after the war, was in Upper Canada. He was attainted during the contest, by the Act of New York, and his property confiscated. He lived before the Revolution in die present town of MohaAvk. His dwelling Avas of one story, with two AvindoAvs in front, and a door in the centre. 280 BUTLER. It Avas standing in 1842, and was then owned and occupied bv Mr. Wilson. The site is pleasant and commanding, and overlooks the valley of the Mohawk. Butler, Walter N. Son of Colonel John Butler. En tered the British service, and became a major. His name is connected with some of the most infamous transactions of the Revolution. While a lieutenant under St. Leger, he was taken prisoner at the house of a Loyalist Avho liA'ed near Fort Dayton, and was put upon his trial as a spy, convicted, and received sentence of death. But at the intercession of several American officers A^'ho had known him while a student at law in Albany, his life was spared by a reprieve. The friends of the Butler family, in consequence of his alleged ill health, induced his removal from rigorous confinement to a private house under guard, and he soon escaped, and joined his father. It is believed that he took mortal off'ence at his treatment while a prisoner of the Whigs, and that he reen tered the service of the Crown, burning with resentment and thirsting for revenge. His subsequent career was short, bold, cruel, and bloody. He was killed in battle in 1781, and his remains were left to decay without even the rudest rites of sepulture. It is represented that his disposition was so vin dictive and his passions so strong, that British officers of rank and humanity viewed him with horror. The late Doctor Dwight — a careful writer — relates, that at Cherry Valley he ordered a woman and child to be slain in bed, and that the more merciful Brant interposed and said : " What ! kill a woman and child ! No ! That child is not an enemy to the King, nor a friend to the Congress. Long before he will be big enough to do any mischief, the dispute will be settled." Butler, .Tames. Of Georgia. Went to England, and died there in 1817, aged seventy-nine. " An American Loyalist," says the record. Butler, Benjamin. Of NorAvich, Connecticut. He was a gentleman of respectability and talents, and continued loyal throughout the contest. Arrested and imprisoned, in 1776, for defaming the Continental Congress, he Avas tried BUTLER. - BYLES. 28 1 by the Superior Court, and sentenced to be deprived of the liberty of wearing arms, and of being incapable of holding office. He died of a lingering disease in 1787. While in health, he selected a small tree to be used at his decease to enclose his remains ; but the sapling grew sloAvly, and his coffin was constructed of other wood, and kept in his chamber for years, to remind him of his end. The expressive motto on his gravestone — " Alas, poor Human Nature ! " — was placed there by his own direction. " His wife, Diadema, and his daughters, Rosamond and Minerva, repose by his side " in the Norwich burial-ground. The survi\ors of his family removed to Oxford, New York, The wife of Commodore John Rogers, United States Na\'y, was a granddaughter. Butler, Josiah. He died at St. John, New Brunswick, in 1812, aged fifty. Butler, Captain . He was a Tory leader, whose crimes and ferocity were Avell knoAvn in the region of the Pedee. During a period of Whig ascendency in that part of South Carolina, he went into General Marion's camp at Birch's Mills, and submitting himself, claimed the protection which the Whig officer had granted to some other Loyalists who had preceded him. Against this some of Marion's officers, whose friends had suff'ered at Butler's hands, protested. But Ma rion took the humbled Butler to his own tent, and declared that he would protect him at the hazard of his own life. The officers, still determined to gratify their hate, sent their com mander an offensive message, to the eff'ect that " Butler should be dragged to death from his tent," and that, " to defend such a wretch Avas an insult to humanity." Marion was not to be intimidated ; and though the meeting among his followers threatened to be formidable, he succeeded in conveying Buder under a strong guard to a place of safety. Butler, Eleazer. Of Pennsylvania. On the Royal side in the slaughter at Wyoming. Went to Nova Scotia, and is now (1854) living at Yarmouth. -' Byles, Mather, D. D, Of Boston. He was born in Boston in 1706, graduated at Harvard University in 1725, 24* — " 282 BYLES. and was ordained the first pastor of the Holds Street Church in 1733. On his mother's side, he was descended from Rich ard Mather and John Cotton. He continued to live happily with his parish until 1776, when the connection was dissolved, and never renewed. In 1777 he was denounced in town-meet ing, and having been by a subsequent trial pronounced guilty of attachment to the Royal cause, was sentenced to confine ment, and to be sent with his family to England. This doom of banishment was never enforced, and he was permitted to remain in Boston. He died in 1788, aged eighty-two years. He was a scholar ; and Pope, LansdoAvne, and Watts Avere his correspondents. His witticisms would fill many pages ; some of his finest sayings having been preserved. In his pulpit he avoided politics, and on being asked the reason, replied : " I have thrown up four breastAvorks, behind which I haA'e entrenched myself, neither of Avhich can be enforced. In the first place, I do not understand politics ; in the second place, you all do, every man and mother's son of you ; in the third place, you have politics all the vA'eek, pray let one day in seven be devoted to religion ; in the fourth place, I am engaged in work of infinitely greater importance ; give me any subject to preach on of more consequence than the truth I bring to you, and I will preach on it the next Sabbath." On another occasion, when under sentence of the Whigs to remain in his own house, under guard, he persuaded the sen tinel to go on an errand for him, promising to perform senti nel's duty himself; and to the great amusement ofall gravely marched before his own door with a musket on his shoulder, until his keeper returned. This was after his trial ; and allud ing to the circumstances that he had been kept prisoner, that his guard had been removed, and replaced again, he said, that "Ae had been guarded, re-guarded, and disregarded." Near his house, in wet weather, was a very bad slongh. It happened that tAvo of the selectmen who had the care of the streets, driving in a chaise, stuck fast in this hole, and were obliged to get out in the mud to extricate their vehicle. Doctor Byles came out, and making them a re- BYLES. 283 spectfid boAv, said : " Gendemen, I have often complained to you of this nui.sance, Avithout any attention being paid to it, and I am very glad to see you stirring in this matter now." On the celebrated Dark-day in 1780, a lady Avho lived near the Doctor, sent her young son with her compliments, to know if he could account for the uncommon appearance. His answer Avas : " My dear, you will give my compliments to your mamma, and tell her that I am as much in the dark as she is." He paid his addresses unsuccessfully to a lady, Avho afterwards married a gentleman of the name of Quincy ; the Doctor, on meeting her, said : " So, madam, it appears that you prefer a Quincy to Byles." "Yes, for if there had been anything Averse than Ides, God Avould have afflicted Job with them," Doctor Byles's Avit created many a laugh, and many an enemy. In person he Avas tall and commanding. His voice was strong and harmonious, and his delivery graceful. His first wife Avas a niece of Governor Belcher, the second, a daughter of Lieutenant-Governor Tailer. His two dauo-hters lived and died in the old family house at the corner of Nassau and Tremont streets. One of them deceased in 1835, the other in 1837. They were stout, unchanging Loyalists to the last hour of their existence. Their thread of life Avas spun out more than half a century after the Royal govern ment had ceased in these States ; yet they retained their love of, and strict adherence to, monarch and monarchies, and re fused to acknowledge that the Revolution had transferred their allegiance to ncAv rulers. They were repeatedly of fered a great price for their dwelling, but Avould not sell it, nor would they permit improvements or alterations. They possessed old-fashioned silver plate, which they never used, and would not dispose of. They AA'orshipped in Trinity Church — under AA'hich their bodies now lie — and Avore on Sunday dresses almost as old as themselves. Among their furniture was a pair of bellows two centuries old ; a table on which Franklin drank tea on his last visit to Boston ; a chair which more than a hundred years before the Government of 284 BYLES. England had sent as a present to their grandfather, Lieuten ant-Governor Tailer. They showed to visiters commissions to their grandfather, signed by Queen Anne, and three of the Georges ; and the envelope of a letter from Pope to their father. They had moss, gathered from the birthplace of the unfortunate Lady Jane Grej'. They talked of their walks, arm-in-arm, on Boston Common, with General Howe and Lord Percy, Avhile the British Army occupied Boston, They told of his Lordship's ordering his band to play under their windows for their gratification. In the progress of the improvements in Boston, a part of their dwelling was remoA'ed. This had a fatal influence upon the elder sister ; she mourned over the sacrilege, and, it is thought, died its victim. " That," said the survivor, " that is one of the consequences of living in a Republic. Had Ave been living under a king, he would have cared nothing about our little property, and we could have enjoyed it in our own way as long as we lived. But," continued she, " there is one comfort, that not a creature in the States will be any better for what we shall leave behind us." She was true to her promise, for the Byles's estate passed to relatives in the Colo nies. One of these ladies, of a by-gone age, wrote to William the Fourth, on his accession to the throne. They had known the "sailor-king" during the Revolution, and now assured him that the family of Doctor Byles always had been, and would continue to be, loyal to their rightful sovereio-n of England. Byles, Mather, Jr., D. D. Of Boston. An Episeepal clergyman. Son of Mather Byles, D. D. He graduated at Harvard University in 1751. In 1757, at about the age of twenty-three, he was ordained at Ncav London ; his father preached the sermon. Eleven years after, his ministry came to an abrupt termination. Without previous intimation, he called a meeting of his church, and requested dismission, diat he might accept an invitation to become Rector of the North Episcopal, or Christ Church, Salem street, Boston. Among the reasons he gave in the course of the discussions BYLES. — BYRNE. 285 that ensued, were, that " another minister would do much better for them than he had done or could do, for his health was infirm, and the position of the church very bleak, the hill wearisome, .... he Avas not made for a country minis ter, and his home and friends Avere all in Boston," &c., &c. He also complained bitterly of die persecutions he had suf fered from the Quakers, and the negligence of the authorities in executing the laws against them. The debate was long and Avarm, and produced total aliena tion. April 12, 1768, the record is, " The Rev. Mr. Byles dismissed himself from the church and congregation." He hastened to depart with the rapidity of a criminal escaping for crime. His change to Episcopacy was soon a matter of discussion all over New England. In New London his con version was ridiculed. The song — " The Proselyte," set to the tune of the " Thief and Cordelier," which embraced the facts of the case, Avas sung about the country. Before the close of 1768, he was inducted into the desired rectorship ; and of Christ Church, was the third in succession. He con tinued to discharge his ministerial duties until 1775, when the force of events compelled him to abandon his flock. In 1776, accompanied by his family of four persons, he Avent to Halifax. In 1778 he Avas proscribed and banished. He set tled at St. John, New Brunswick, after the war, and was Rector of the city, and Chaplain of the Province. He died at St. Jolin in 1814. His daughter Anna married Thomas Deisbrisay, Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery in the British Army, in 1799. His daughter Elizabeth married William Scovil, Esquire, of St. John, and died in 1808, at the age of forty-one. His son Belcher died in England in 1815, aged thirty-five. His daughter Rebecca, born in New London, 1762, married W. J. Almon, M. D,, and died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1853. His son Mather died at Grenada, in 1803, aged thirty-nine. Byrne, Benedict. Of Maryland or Virginia. He en tered a Loyalist corps and was taken prisoner, but made his escape to Ncav York, where he Avas employed as a pilot. At 286 CALDWELL, - CALLAHAN. the peace, accompanied by his family of three persons, and by two servants, he removed to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him fifty acres of land, one town and one water lot. His losses in consequences of his loyalty were estimated at £300, He went to England soon afterwards to obtain compensation for his services and sufferings, but was unsuccessful. He died at Digby, Nova Scotia, in 1830, aged eighty-six. His first wife was Hannah Carroll, of Vir ginia, who died in Nova Scotia in 1786 ; his second, Mrs. Wdson, a widoAv, of Shelburne. His daughter Margaret married William Whipple, of Boston. Caldwell, Captain . Was killed in Pennsylvania in 1780, by a Whig captain, McMahon, Avhom he and an Indian had taken prisoner. Possibly William Caldwell, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, who was attainted of treason by proclamation, and whose property was confiscated. / Calef, John. Of Ipswich, Massachusetts. Physician. Son of Robert Calef, and Margaret, daughter of Deacon John Staniford, He was born in Ipswich, 1725, and represented that town in the General Court several years. Driven into exile by the Revolution, he became surgeon of one of the regiments stationed at Castine, Maine, and a part of the time officiated as chaplain. At the peace he settled at St. Andrew, New Brunswick, and died there in 1812, aged eighty-seven. His Avife was a daughter of Rev. Jedediah Jewett, of Rowley, Massachusetts. Calef, Robert. Son of John Calef. Died at Norfolk, Virginia, in 1801, at the age of forty-one. Callahan, Charles. Mariner, of Pownalborough, now Wiscasset, Maine ; was proscribed and banished in 1778. Though a Loyalist in principle, he was not disposed to be active on the side of the Crown, or to abandon the country. But, " drafted " repeatedly to serve in the Whig corps, he fled to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Made a King's pilot, and subse quently, in command of the Gage, an armed vessel of twelve guns, he became a terror to the " Rebels." Wrecked, finally, and failing to obtain another ship, he was still retained in CALP. — CAMERON, 287 service and paid the wages of a pilot. He perished, Avith one hundred and sixty-four others, on board the North ship-of- war, near Halifax, in 1779. His widow received a pension of £40 annually ; she returned to Pownalborough about the year 1790, and died there in 1816. The estate of her husband was confiscated, but his farm and buildings came into her possession. Calp, Philip. Of Pennsylvania, In 1778, he Avas tried for attempting to carry flour to a post occupied by the Royal forces, and was sentenced to receive fifty lashes, and to be employed on the public works during the time the British remained in Pennsylvania, unless he would enter the Whig service for the war. The lashes were disapproved by the Commander-in-Chief, and were not inflicted, Cameron, Alexander. Deputy Indian Agent of the Cherokees. Connected Avith the first settlement of East Tennessee. In 1768, a few adventurers from the neigh- borhood of Raleigh, North Carolina, crossed the mountains in search of a new home, Cameron soon ordered them to remove. They refused, received accessions, organized a sort of government, and continued prosperous. When it was apparent that the controversy Avould end in general war, Cameron changed his course, and by flattering promises of protection, if they would remain loyal, endeavored to seduce them to the side of the Crown. They could send five hun dred riflemen to the field, at the least, and their adhesion was worth the effort. They were a lone people, in the midst of savages, and yet they declined his offers unanimously and peremptorily. His Majesty's official then formed a design to destroy them with a force of Cherokees, by falling upon them suddenly, and in all quarters at the same moment. The plan was discovered. Most of the hapless Whigs fled to the sev eral places of their nativity. A few established and maintained a garrison until succored. In 1775, the Council of Safety proposed to him to join the popular side, and offered him a .salary equal to that which he received from the British Gov ernment, and compensation for any losses he might sustain ; 288 CAMERON. — CAMPBELL. he declined the overture, and, to ensure his personal safety, retired to the Cherokees. In 1776, he was in arms at the head of Tories and Indians, and was in several skirmishes ; but he abandoned them, and fled to St. Augustine, in the belief that the Whigs would subdue them. Among the papers taken with Moses Kirkland on his way to Boston to confer with Gage, was a " talk " between Cam eron and Indian chiefs, in which the latter expressed their readiness to aid in the massacre of the people in the back settlements of Georgia and South Carolina. Cameron owned two large plantations near the Savannah river, on which he had placed a number of negroes, horses and cattle, and from the produce of which he promised himself a fortune in a few years. Cameron, Mederich. Of New York. His son Mede- rich, who was a Whig, fled from school, and joined the army as a drummer. The father followed the youth to camp, and succeeded in obtaining his release. At the peace, Mr. Cameron Avent to Shelburne, Nova Scotia. He owned three houses in the city of New York, two of which he demolished at leaving, and transported the bricks of which they were built to Shelburne, to serve in the construction of a new dwelling there. He died at Liverpool, Nova Scotia, during the war of 1812, at the age of ninety-eight. Tavo children survived him. The son above mentioned Avent to Nova Scotia with his father, but returned to New York. Campbell, Lord William. Last Royal Governor of South Carolina, He was the youngest son of the fourth Duke of Argyle. Entered the navy, and became a captain in 1762, The year after, he married Sarah, daughter of Ralph Izard, of Charleston, South Carolina, and in 1764 was a member of the British House of Commons. In 1766, he was appointed Governor of Nova Scotia, and remained there until 1773. He assufaed the Executive Chair of South Carolina in 1775, while the first Provincial Congress was in session, and refused to acknowledge that body. He was zealous in opposing the popular movement, and, distrustful, finally, " of his personal CAMPBELL. 289 safety, retired to the Tamor sloop-of-war." In the attack on Charleston, in 1776, he served on board of one of the British ships, and received a wound which in the end was mortal. He died September, 1778. While Governor of Nova Scotia, he granted to Captain William Owen, father of the late Admiral Owen, the island of Campo Bello, opposite Eastport and Lubec, Maine. " Lord William and the Captain," remarked the Admiral to the writer, " were both poor at the time of the grant." Campbell, Farquard. Of North Carolina. Was a gen tleman of wealth, education, and influence, and regarded as a " flaming Whig." Was elected a member of the Provincial Congress, took his seat, and evinced much zeal in the popular cause. When, however, Governor Martin abandoned his palace and retreated, flrst to Fort Johnston, and thence to an armed ship of the Crown, it was ascertained that he visited Campbell at his residence. And this circumstance gave rise to a suspicion of his fldelity. Soon after, the Governor asked Congress to give his coach and horses safe conduct to Camp bell's house in the county of Cumberland. The President of Congress submitted the request to that body, when Mr. Camp bell rose in his place, and expressed his surprise that such a proposal should have been made Avithout his knowledge and consent, and implored that his Excellency's property might not thus be disposed of. On this positive disclaimer, a reso lution was passed, which not only acquitted him of all im proper connection with the Governor, but asserted his devo tion to the Whig interests. But his character never recovered from the shock, and the belief that he continued a secret correspondence with the retreating representative of Royalty, was commonly entertained by his associates. Yet his votes, his services on committees, and his course in debate, remained unchanged. After the Declaration of Independence, his part became too difficult to act, and his double-dealing could no longer be concealed. In the fall of 1776 he was seized at his own house, Avhile entertaining a party of Loyalists, and borne off for trial. His name next appears in the Revolutionary VOL. I. 25 290 CAMPBELL. annals of North Carolina, in the Banishment and Confisca tion Act. But several years after the Revolution, he was a member of the Senate of North Carolina. Campbell, Alexander. Of Falmouth, Virginia. Mer chant. Emigrated from Scodand some years before the war, adhered to the Crown, and returned, probably, in 1776. Thomas CampbeU, the poet, was his youngest son. Another son married a daughter of Patrick Henry. His brother Archibald, an Episcopal minister, was a Whig, and Wash ington and the Lees were among his parishioners. This array of great names may be completed by adding, that Patrick Henry " was descended on his mother's side from the stock of Robertson, the historian, and in that way a re lative of Lord Brougham." Campbell, Peter. Of Trenton, New Jersey. He entered the military service of the Crown, and at the peace was a captain in the New Jersey Volunteers. He had property in Pennsylvania, and was directed by the Executive Council of that State to surrender himself for trial within a specified time, or stand attainted of treason. He settled in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He died at Maugerville, in that Col ony, in 1822, and was buried at Fredricton. Campbell, Colin. Was an ensign in De Lancey's Second Battalion, quartermaster of the corps, and subsequently a lieutenant. His son, Colin Campbell, was Sheriff of Char> lotte County, New Brunswick. Died at St. Andrew, in that Province, in 1843. Campbell, William. Of Worcester, Massachusetts. In \/1775 the Committee of that town appointed to watch and deal with the disaffected, resolved to send him to the Provincial Congress at Watertown, to be disposed of as that body, or the Commander-in-Chief at Cambridge, should think proper ; " it being judged highly improper that he should tarry any longer " at Worcester. He was at Boston in 1776, and em barked with the Royal Army at the evacuation. In 1783 he was at New York, and one of the fifty petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia. [See Abijah Willard.] He went to Halifax CAMPBELL. — CAMP. 291 in the last mentioned year, where he remained in 1786, when he removed to St. John, New Brunswick. He was Mayor of St. John twenty years, and died in that city in 1823, aged eighty-two. Elizabeth, his Avidow, died in 1824, at the age of eighty-four. Agnes, his only daughter, died at St. John in 1840, aged seventy-eight. Campbell, William, Major in the South Carolina Roy alists. Killed in the affair at Stono Ferry, South Carolina, June, 1779. Campbell, John. Of North Carolina. Captain in the Loyal Militia. Killed in the batde of Cross Creek, 1776. ^ Camp, Abiathar, Abiathar Jr., and Eldad. Loyal ists of Connecticut. Settled at St, John, New Brunswick, in 1783, and received grants of city lots. Abiathar AA'as one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in NoA'a Scotia, Ha. died in NeAV BrunsAvick, in 1841, iiged eighty-four. He appears to have been a Recanter, but, like most of this class, finally became an exile, October 2, 1775, ite wrote and subscribed the following : — " I, Abiathar Camp, of New Haven, in the County of New Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut, although I well knew that it was the opinion of a number of the inhabitants of said town, that vessels ought not to clear out under the Restrain ing Act, which opinion they had, for my satisfaction, expressed by a vote A\hen I was present ; and although I had assured that I would not clear out my vessel under said Restraining Act, did, nevertheless, cause my vessel to be cleared out agree able to said Restraining Act ; and did, after I knew that the Committee of Inspection had given it as their opinion, that it was most advisable that vessels should not clear out under said Restraining Act, send my A'essel off to sea Avith such clearance, for which I am heartily sorry ; and now publicly ask the forgiveness of all the friends of America, and hope that they will restore me to charity. And I do now most solemnly assure the public, though I own that I have by my said conduct given them too much reason to question my ve racity, that I will strictly comply with the directions, and 292 CANBY, — CANER. fully lend my utmost assistance to carry into execution all such measures as the Continental Congress have or may advise to. Abiathar Camp." Canby, Joseph, and Thomas. Of Pennsylvania. Were attainted of treason and lost their property by confiscation, Joseph went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. He commenced business as a mer chant. In 1795 he was a member of the company of Loyal Artillery. He was killed by falling from a wharf in 1814,, at the age of fifty-seven. Cane, Barney, He boasted of having kdled upon Dia mond Island, Lake George, a gentleman named Hopkins, who was there with a number of others on an excursion of pleasure. " Several were kided by our party," said Cane, " among whom was one woman Avho had a suckling child, which was not hurt. This we put to the breast of its dead mother, and so we left it, Hopkins was only wounded, but, with the butt of my gun, and the third blow, I laid him dead." Caner, Henry, D. D. He graduated at Yale College in 1724, and in 1727 went to England for ordination. For some years, subsequently, his ininistry was confined to Norwalk and Fairfield, Connecticut ; but in 1747 he was inducted into office as Rector of the First Episcopal Church, (King's Chapel) Boston. The troubles of the Revolution drove him from his flock in 1776. He said, the evacuation of Boston Avas so , sudden, that he Avas prevented from saving his books, furni- sture, or anything else, except bedding, wearing apparel, and a few stores for his small family during the passage. May 10, 1776, he A\'rote at Halifax, that he Avas without means of support, and was dependent on the charity of the Rev. Dr. Breynton. He took aAvay the King's Chapel church regis ters and plate, and a part of the vestry records. After the lapse of more than twentj'-five years, the registers Avere ob tained of his heirs. He went from Halifax to England ; but returned and officiated at Bristol, Rhode Island. He was proscribed and banished, under the statute of Massachusetts, C ANPIELD. — CAPEN. 293 in 1778. His talents were good, his manners agreeable, and he was highly esteemed by his people. A fellow-Loyalist A^'rote, in 1785 : " By letters from London, I am informed that Dr. Caner had retired with his young wife to Cardiff, in Wales." His estate, which was confiscated, was next to the Chapel burying-ground, and is now owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society. He died at Long Ashton, England, in 1792, aged ninety-three. Canfield, . Of Northampton, Massachusetts. He was a Whig, and a soldier in the 1st New Hampshire Regi ment, but deserted and joined the Rangers. While on a plun dering excursion in 1782 he was captured, tried for his life, and sentenced to be executed at Saratoga on the 6th of June of that year. ^ Capen, Hopestill. Of Boston. An Addresser of Hutch- inson in 1774, and a Protestor against the Whigs, the same year. He was a Sandernanian. In 1776, the Council ordered his arrest, and he was committed to the jail in Boston ; and in October of that year, his Avife petitioned for his release, urging, among other reasons, that both herself and children had suffered great distress in consequence of his long confinement. More than eighty citizens of Boston joined Mrs. Capen, and said in his behalf, that he was an honest and peaceable man, and, that while the Royal Army occupied the town, he had exerted himself to save the property of absentees. In December, Mr. Capen himself addressed a paper to Joseph Greenleaf, the sheriff, in which he complains of his treatment in severe terms, and from which it appears that he had been a close prisoner for one hundred and forty-seven days. As the sheriff was personally accused, he laid the communication before the House, and begged to be protected from Mr. Capen's insults. Before me, also, is a long document which this unfortunate Loyalist prepared to read to a Court of In quiry, expected by him to take cognizance of his case, and w'hich, though of some ability, bears evidence of a mind dis- 26* L, 294 CAPERS. — CAREW. ordered by fanaticism. He Avas in Boston in 1795, and lived near the Market. Before the Revolution, he was a merchant, and the celebrated Count Rumford Avas, at one time, his clerk. Capers, Gabriel. Of South Carolina. An officer under the Crown after the surrender of Charleston. Estate confis cated. Probably a Whig at first ; as in 1775 he was a mem ber of the Provincial Congress, and was placed upon an im portant standing committee of that body. His wife, and his daughter Catherine, (wife of Hugh Patterson), died at Charleston in 1808. Carbery, . A captain in the Whig service, and apparently in Colonel Moy land's Regiment. In June, 1783, he fled to London Avith Lieutenant John Sullivan, in whose plot he was implicated. Sullivan says of him : " This young gentleman served with eclat in the army, and spent a pretty fortune in the service of his country." Garden, John. Major in the Prince of Wales's Ameri can Regiment. In 1780 he was in command of the post at Hanging Rock, when, assaulted by Sumter, he exposed him self to censure and disgrace, by resigning to Captain Rouslet of the Infantry of the Legion, in the heat of the battle. He died in April, 1783. Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell. Of Massachusetts. Admiral of the Blue in the British NaA'y, G. C. B., K. St, F. M. He was the son- of_Benjamin HalloAvell, one of the Commissioners of the Customs at Boston, and entered the sei-viee-atraii early age. His commission as Lieutenant, bears date August, 1781 ; as Captain, in 1793 ; as Rear-Admiral, in 1811 ; as Vice-Admiral, in 1819. He was made a Knight Commander of the Bath in 1819, and was promoted to the rank of Grand Cross in 1831, His employments at sea were various and arduous. He was Avith Rodney in the memorable battle with de Grasse ; in the siege of Bastia ; and in com mand of a ship-of-thedine under Hotham, in the encounter with the French off the Hieres Islands. He served as a volunteer on board the Victory, in the battle of Cape St. CAREW, 295 Vincent. In the batde of the Nde, he commanded die Swiftsure, of seventy-four guns, and contributed essentially to die success of the day. From a part of the mainmast of E Orient, which was picked up by the Swiftsure, Hallo well directed his carpenter to make a coffin, which was sent to Nelson with the following letter : — " Sir, I have taken the liberty of presenting you a coffin made from the mainmast of E Orient, that when you have finished your military career in this world, you may be buried in one of your trophies. But that that period may be far distant is the earnest wish of your sincere friend, Benjamin Hallowell." Southey, in his " Life of Nelson," remarks : " An offering so strange, and yet so suited to the occasion, was received in the spirit in which it was sent. And, as if he felt it good for him, noAv that he was at the summit of his wishes, to have death before his eyes, he ordered the coffin to be placed upright in his cabin An old favorite servant entreated him so earnestly' to let it be removed, that at length he consented to have the coffin carried below ; but he gave strict orders that it should be safely stowed, and reserved for the purpose for Avhich its brave and worthy donor had designed it." After the battle. Nelson said, that had it not been for Trow bridge, Ball, Hood, and Hallowell, he should have sunk under the fatigue of refitting the squadron. "All," he stated, "had done Avell ; but these officers were his supporters." In 1799, Sir Benjamin was engaged in the attacks on the castles of St. Elmo and Capua, and was honored with, the Neapolitan Order of St. Ferdinand and Merit. Two years later, he fell in with the French squadron, and surrendered his ship — the Swiftsure — after a sharp contest. During the peace of Amiens, he was stationed on the coast of Africa. He was with Hood in the reduction of St. Lucia and Tobago ; with Nelson in the West Indies ; in command of the convoy of the second expedition to Egypt ; with Martin, off' the mouth of the Rhone, where he assisted in driving on shore several French ships-of-war ; and in the Mediterranean. His last 296 CARLETON, — CARLISLE. duty seems to have been performed on the Irish station, and at the Nore. Sir Benjamin succeeded to the estates of the Carews, of Beddington, and assumed the name and arms, pursuant to the will of his cousin, Mrs. Anne Paston Gee, who died in 1828. These estates are entailed on his sons in succession, and their male issue. He died at Beddington Park, in 1834, at the age of seventy-three. His wife was a daughter of Commissioner Inglefield, of Gibraltar Dock-yard. His son and heir, Charles Hallowell Carew, who, at the time of his decease, had attained the rank of captain in the Royal Navy, and who married Mary, daughter of the late Sir Murray Maxwell, C. B,, died at the Park, in 1848. In 1851, his fifth son, Robert Hallo well Carew, late captain in the 36th Regiment, married Ann Rycroft, widow of Walter Tyson Smythes. Carleton, John. Of Woolwich, Maine. A man, says Rev. Jacob Bailey, " of the highest integrity, the most un daunted fortitude, and inflexible loyalty." Met in a forest by near two hundred men, and required to sign a certain paper, or consent to be buried alive, he chose the latter, and assisted in digging his own grave. Swearing that he was a brave fellow, the Sons of Liberty allowed him to depart. Afterwards plundered, he escaped to the British post at the mouth of the Penobscot, and was there early in 1781. At that time, he had a wife and ten children. Carlisle, Abraham. Of Philadelphia. When the Royal troops took possession of that city, he received a commission from Sir William Howe, to Avatch and guard its entrances, and to grant passports. For this off'ence he was tried for his life in 1778, and having been found guilty of an overt act of aiding and assisting the enemy, was executed. Thomas McKean, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and at that time Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, presided at the trial. In 1779, and after his death, the estate of Carlisle was confiscated ; but a part was restored to his son Abraham, in 1792. By some, the execution of Carlisle was denounced as judicial murder. Great efforts were made to save him. CARLO. — CARSON. 297 -- Carlo, John, and Martin. Of Maine. Brothers. Set out to travel to Halifax by land, in 1778, and, after enlisting with the " Rebels " to avoid detection, and various other ad ventures, they arrived in Nova Scotia. The year following, Martin Avas at Lunenburg, in that Colony, and John at the British post at the mouth of the Penobscot. In 1782 Martin had " gone to live at home in peace." Carman, Richard. Of New York. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. Sarah, his AvidoAv, died in the county of York, New Bruns wick, in 1835, aged seventy-one. Several persons of the name of Carman, of Queen's County, Ncav York, acknowl edged allegiance to Lord Richard and Sir William Howe in 1776. Carney, Andrew. Of Georgia. Captain in the first battalion of the Continental line raised in that State. He lived between the Altamaha and St, Mary's Rivers, and owned a large herd of cattle, Avliich he secretly sold to the British. After his own stock was exhausted, he began to steal from his neighbors. Alarmed, finally, for his personal safety, he purposely exposed himself to capture, and, Avith his son, became active on the side of the Crown. His name was stricken from the rolls of the Whig Army, not only as a de serter, but a traitor, and his property was confiscated. Carpenter, Willet. Settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died at St. John in 1833, aged seventy-seven. Carson, Moses. Captain in the Continental Army. He deserted to the Royal Army in 1777. In 1779 he Avas caught, and tried by a court-martial, and sentenced to be drummed throuo-h the army in the vicinity of West Point, with a halter round his neck, and a label fastened to his back, bearing these words: " Moses Carson, late Captain in the American Army: — this I suffer for deserting to the enemies of the United States of North America." This punishment inflicted, he was sentenced, further, to bo confined during die remainder of the war ; and the Commander-in-Chief approved the find ing of the Court. 298 CASTILLES.-CAZNEAU. Castilles, William. Of Albany, Ncav York. In 1780, a lieutenant in Cuyler's corps, and stationed on Long Island. At the peace, accompanied by his family and by six servants, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him fifty acres of land, one town and one water-lot. His losses, in consequence of his loyalty, were esti mated at £500. Cayford, Richard. Of New Jersey. Convicted of en mity to his country, of " cursing and ill-treating all Con gresses and Committees," by the Committee of Cumberland County; and, January, 1776, ordered by the Committee of Safety to be disarmed, to pay the expenses of proceedings against him, to be kept in close prison until he should manifest contrition for his offences, and give security for his future good behavior. He entered the service of the CroAvn, and in 1777 was a captain in the Ncav Jersey Volunteers. Cazneau, Andrew. Of Boston. His name is found among the Addressers of Hutchinson in 1774, and among thgse-of Gage in iT75, and in t;he Banishment and Proscrip tion Act of 1778. He was educated to the bar; Avas a bar- rister-of-law and a Judge of Admiralty ; and a gentleman of character, talents, and virtue. In 1775 he went to England, but not remaining long there, took up his residence in Ber muda, where he held an honorable post under the Crown. He returned to Boston in 1788, and died at Roxbury, in 1792, His Avife Avas Hannah, daughter of John Hammock, merchant, of Boston. The only daughter who survived him married Thomas Brewei-, a merchant of the same town, who, as is supposed, perished about the year 1812, on a voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Sumatra. The property of Mr, Cazneau escaped the Confiscation Act, and was inherited by Mrs, Brewer. That lady, a venerable relic of the " old school " of manners, respected and beloved, died at Eastport, Maine, September, 1851, aged eighty. Cazneau, Edward. Of Boston. He was the foreman in the druggist store of Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, and in 1776 went to Halifax. At the peace he returned to the United CECIL. — CHALMERS. 299 States, and settled as a physician at Charleston, South Car olina. He died in Boston, unmarried. Cecil, Leonard. Of Maryland. Went to England. In July, 1779, he was in London, and met Avith other Loyalists at the Crown and Anchor Tavern. Chalmers, George. Of Maryland. Was a native of Scotland, and AA'as born in 1742. After receiving an education at King's College, Aberdeen, and after studying law at Edin burgh, he emigrated to Maryland, and entered upon the practice of his profession. The revolutionary troubles caused his return to England, where he Avas soon appointed to office. For many years he filled the station of chief clerk of the Committee of the Privy Council. He died in England in 1825, aged eighty-two. In person, he was tall, stout, and manly, and so nearly resembled Lord Melville, that they were often taken for each other. He possessed rare opportunities for the examination of State papers, which he diligently improved. As a writer he was able, honest, and labor-loving, but strongly prejudiced. He was never so happy, I will venture to say, as when delving among State papers. He had official concern with those of England, for nearly half a century. His historical works were numerous, are highly esteemed, and generally cited by annalists. His style is concise and vigorous, but is deficient in simplicity, clearness, and finish. He designed to inform political men about political events, rather than to amuse and please the general reader. He was fond of short and pithy expressions ; but what he thus meant for maxims, is not always beautiful or sound. His " Political Annals of the United Col onies " appeared in 1780 ; his " Estimate of the Strength of Great Britain," in 1782 ; his Opinions on Subjects of Law and Policy, arising from American Independence," in 1784 ; his " Opinions of Lawyers and English Jurisprudence," in 1814. His " Life of Mary, Queen of Scots," published in 1822, shows the ardor and zeal Avhich he could bring to bear upon a favorite subject ; it is the plea of an advocate, to prove from official documents, that this unfortunate daughter 300 CHALMERS. of the Stuarts was innocent of the murder of her second hus band ; and most manfully and earnestly did he perform the task. In 1845, his " Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the British Colonies " was issued at Boston. Its publication was commenced in England during ihe Revolution, but was abandoned, and the part printed suppressed. As Mr. Chal mers had access to the highest .sources of information, as he possessed remarkable industry, the " Introduction" is valuable to students of history. It embraces a political vieAv of all the Colonies, and of the Avhole period between the early settlements in Virginia and the close of the reign of George the Second. But the author's dislike to New England was unconquerable, and is sometimes manifested at the expense of truth and propriety. It was meant to serve a particular end, and implicit faith, therefore, is not due to his statements or conclusions ; for, as already remarked, his antipathies were strong, and sometimes disturbed his judgment. But he often laments and severely rebukes- the inattention, weakness, and ignorance which prcA'ailed in the councils of England with regard to her American Colonies ; and few who administered her affairs during the period of which he speaks, escape his censures. Still, the leading principle or doctrine of the work is, that British subjects in America were allowed far too much freedom, and that their final independence Avas the natural result of continued and ill-advised indulgence. In other words, he thought that carelessness and kindness, and not extreme watchfulness and undue severity, were the causes of their " Revolt," His opening passage is singular, and thus : " Whether the famous achievements of Columbus introduced the greatest good or evil by discovering a NeAV World to the Old, has in every succeeding age offered a subject for disputa tion." Perhaps, were he now alive, he might so far yield his prejudices as to admit that the " good of the achievement " gready predominates over the " evil." He was a stout, and it is readily conceded, an honest Loyalist. But since he would have kept the New World in a state of vassalage to the CHALMERS, — CHAMPNEY. 301 Old, and Avould have had our country to remain as it was Avhen he wrote of it, there need be no better refutation of his political errors than can be found in contrasting his own account of our condition as Colonies with our present wealth and poAver. Chalmers, James. Of Maryland. He was a gentleman of consideration in his neighborhood, and raised and com manded a corps called the Maryland Loyalists, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Though more successful than Colonel Clifton, he does not appear to haA'e completed his quota of recruits. His corps was in service in 1782, but was very deficient in numbers. He himself went to England ; but, in September, 1783, the Maryland Loyalists embarked at New York for St. John, New BrunsAvick ; were wrecked near Cape Sable, and more than half their number perished. Chaloner, Niayon. Settled in New Brunswick, and was Register of Deeds and Wills for King's County. He died at Kingston in 1835. Chaloner, Walter. Of Rhode Island, and sheriff of the county of Newport. He Avas at New York in 1782, a deputy commissary of prisoners. In 1783 he was one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia, [See Abijah Willard.] He went to St. John, Ncav Brunswick, at the close of the contest, and was a grantee of that city. He died at St. John in 1792. Ann, his widow, died in 1803. Ehza beth, his daughter, in 1814, and John, his son, in 1827. Chaloner, William. Of Newport, Rhode Island. Went to Nova Scotia, and died there in 1792, Champney, Ebenezer, Of NeAv IpsAvich, New Hamp shire. He was born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and grad uated at Harvard University in 1762. He designed to enter the ministry, and actually officiated for some time ; but, relin quishing theology for the law, entered the office of Samuel Livermore, and was adniitted to the bar in 1768. He was "a moderate Tory," deprecating war, and wishing to pre serve his loyalty. During hostilities, he was very unpop ular. After the war, hoAvever, he gave his adhesion to the VOL, I, 26 312 CHRISTIE. trust, Avas finally Chief Justice of New Brunswick, and died at St. John in 1851, in his sixty-fifth year. While the Prince of Wales was in that city, August, 1860, he occupied the Chipman mansion. Christie, James, Jr. Merchant, of Baltimore. In July, 1775, the Committee of that city published him " as an enemy to his country," for sentiments contained in a letter written by him to Lieutenant-Colonel Gabriel Christie of the British Armj', which letter had been intercepted and laid before them. Regarding " his crime of a dangerous and atrocious nature," the Committee determined to consult their delegates at the Continental Congress, and meantime to keep a guard at his house to prevent his escape ; he to pay the expense thereof, " each man five shillings for each twenty-four hours, and the ofiicers seA'en shillings and sixpence." This Com mittee was large, and on this occasion thirty-four members were present ; the vote against Christie was unanimous. He had recently lost his Avife, and was at this time sick and con fined to his bed. Near the close of July, however, the guard Avas dismissed by a vote of twenty-one to fourteen, on his parole not to quit the Province Avithout leave of the Whig authorities, and to abide Avhatever sentence should be pro nounced against him, with six gentlemen as sureties, to be bound to submit, in case of his escape, " to the same punish ment as would have been indicted on him if he had not de parted," In August, his case was taken up in the Maryland Con- A'ention, when, after reading his memorial, it was resolved that " he ought to be considered as an enemy to America ; " and that he make a deposit of £500 sterling on account of his proportion of the expense incurred for the defence of the country ; " the overplus, if any, to be returned, after a reconciliation shall happily be eff'ected Avith Great Britain." Christie, Cn. Of Maryland. He adhered to the Royal Army, and his estate Avas confiscated. But the Act did not apply to his debts ; since, after the Revolution, he recovered CHUBB,— CLARK. 313 of Colonel Richard Graves of that State, upwards of £1200 sterling, for a debt due him before the war. Chubb, John. Of Philadelphia. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. In 1795 he was a member of the Loyal Artillery Company, He died in 1822, aged sixty-nine. His son, the late Henry Chubb, was proprietor of the "St. John Courier" many years. ^Church, Doctor Benjamin. Of Massachusetts. Pro scribed and banished. He was equally distinguished as a scholar, physician, poet, and politician, and among the Whigs her^tood as"proihinent,liii3'^as as active and as popular, as either Warren, Hancock, or Samuel Adams. He graduated at Harvard University in 1754. About 1768 he built an elegant house at Raynham, which occasioned pecuniary em barrassments, and it has been conjectured that his difficulties from this source caused his defection to the Whig cause. However this may be, he was regarded as a traitor, having been suspected of communicating intelligence to Governor Gage, and of receiving a reward in money therefor. His crime was subsequently proved, Washington presiding, Avhen he A^'as conAdcted of holding a criminal correspondence with the enemy. After his trial by a court-martial, he Avas exam ined before the Provincial Congress, of which body he was a member, and though he made an ingenious and able defence, was expeUed. Allowed to leave the country, finally, he em barked for the West Indies, and was never heard of after- Avard. Sarah, his widow, died in England in 1788. Chypher, Jacob. See \_Jacob Sypher.] Clark, James. Of Rhode Island. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was one of the grantees of that city. He died at St. John in 1820, aged ninety. His son James died at the same place in 1803, at the age of forty-one. Clark, John. Of Rhode Island. At the peace he set tled at St. John, New Brunswick. He arrived at that city on the 29th of June, 1783, at which time only two log huts had been erected on its site. He received, the same VOL. I. 27 314 CLARK. year, the grant of land. The Government gave him, and every other grantee, five hundred feet of very ordinary boards towards covering their buildings. City lots sold in 1783 from two to twenty dollars. He bought one for the price of executing the deed of conveyance, and " a treat." Mr. Clark was clerk of Trinity Church nearly fifty years. He died at St. John, in 1853, in his ninety-fourth year, leav- 7g numerous descendants. Clark, Joseph. A physician, of Stratford, Connecticut. In 1776 he fled to the British Army. His Ai'ife and children, whom he left at home, were sent to New York, where he joined them. He went to New Brunswick, accompanied by his family, consisting of nine persons, in 1783, and resumed the practice of medicine. He settled at Maugerville, on the river St. John, and was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Sunbury. In 1799 he visited his friends in the United States. He was a.^liysician, in busi ness, for quite half a century. He died at Maugerville in 1813, aged seventy-nine ; and his widow, Isabella Elizabeth, died the same year, at the age of seA'enty-one. / Clark, Joseph. Of Stratford, Connecticut. Son of Dr. Joseph Clark. He accompanied the family to New Bruns wick, and became a resident of the Colony. He died in New York, while on a visit to some friends, in 1828, at the age of sixty-five. Clark, John. Of New Jersey. Went to New Bruns wick in 1783. Died in Wickham, in that Province, in 1848. Clark, Nehemiah. During the Revolution he AVas a sur geon in the King's service. He went to St. John, New Bruns wick, at the peace, and Avas one of the grantees of that city. He received half-pay. He died at Douglas, in that Province, in 1825, aged eighty-six. Clark, Samuel. Of Ncav Jersey. In 1780 he was de tected in conducting an illicit trade with the Royal forces, and committed to prison. A Loyalist of this name was the grantee of a lot in the city of St. John, in 1783, and died in 1804. CLARKE, 317 Clarke, Rev. William. Of Dedham, Massachusetts. Episcopal minister. He was son of Rev, Peter Clarke of Danvers, Massachusetts, and graduated at Harvard Univer sity in 1759. After ordination in England, he became Rec- tor of St. Paul's Church. He lived in peace in Dedham until the spring of 1777, when he was sentenced to be con fined on board a ship, because he refused " to acknowledge the Independency of America," which, he adds, " was con trary to the sentiments I had of my duty to my king, my 6oiintry, and my God." Released, and permitted to depart, he went to Rhode Island, thence to New York, thence to Ireland, thence to England. In 1786, he was at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and soon after removed to Digby. He re turned to the United States, finally, and died in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1815. His Avife was Mrs. Dunbar, a widow. The Rev. Mr. Bailey wrote, at the time of the marriage, she is " a little, pretty, delicate, chattering woman, about twenty-eight, as unable to rough it as himself." Clarke, James. Of Rhode Island. Secretary of_thg As- sociatjoiLflfXoyal Refugees, formed at Newport, March, 1779. The object appears in a paper signed by himself, namely, to " retaliate upon and make reprisal against the inhabitants of the several Provinces in America, in actual rebellion against their Sovereign." The Association Avas formed under the sanction of the British Commander-in-Chief in Rhode Island, who gave commissions to the officers. To execute the purpose above indicated, they conceived " themselves warranted, by the laws of God and man, to wage war upon their inhuman persecutors," the Rebels, " and to use every means in their power, to obtain redress and com pensation for the indignities and losses they had suff'ered." The document concludes Avith an invitation to all who had preserved their loyalty, as well as those who had grown weary of Congressional tyranny and paper money, and who hated French frippery, French politics, French religion and alliances, to join with them in their endeavors to re cover for their country its ancient form of government. He 314 CLARKE. wrote GoA'ernor Franklin twice the same year, giving an ac count of the proceedings and success of the Association. In 1783, Mr. Clarke Avas a petitioner for lands in Nova Scotia, [See Abijah Willard.] He was at Halifax in 1797, and his wife, Mary, died there that year. / Clarke, Richard. Of Boston. Merclmil»-_-.G*adHateii— at Harvard University in 1729. He and his sons were con signees of a part of the tea destroyed in Boston by the cele brated " Tea-Party," December, 1773. A great number of rioters assembled in front of his house, attempted to force an entrance, broke the windows, and otherwise damaged it. His family removed. One of the consignees, hoAvever, fired upon the mob, soon after, when they dispersed. His name is found among the .^^dressfirs- of" Gage. The Whigs treated him with much severity, and his son Isaac, while at Plymouth for the collection of some debts, was assaulted, and fied at mid night. He arrived in London, December 24, 1775, after a passage of " only " twenty-one days from Boston. The Loy alist Club, for a weekly dinner, was formed early in the next year, and he was one of the original members. He lived with his son-in-law, Copley, the painter, Leicester Square. He died in England in 1795. The late Lord Lyndhurst was a grandson. / Clarke, Richard Samuel. The tablet, which covers his remains, records that he Avas minister of New Milford, Con necticut, nineteen years ; of Gagetowi7,~^l^"W-'BrunsA\dck, twenty-five years'; and of St. Stephen, New Brunswick, thirteen years : in all, an Episcopal clergyman for fifty- seven years. He was the first Rector of the Church at St. Stephen, and the oldest missionary in the present British Colonies. He was much beloved by the people of his charge, and his memory is still cherished. He died at St. Stephen, October 6, 1824, aged eighty-seven. His wife Rebecca died at the same place. May 7, 1816, aged sixty-nine. His only surviving daughter, Mary Ann, who was born in Connecticut before his removal, and who was never married, died at Gage town, New Brunswick, February, 1844, at the age of seventy- three, highly and deservedly lamented. CLARKE. 317 Clarke, William. He was born at North Kingston, Rhode Island. He entered the service of the Crojvn, and was a captain in Colonel Whiteman's Regiment of Loyal New Englanders. He setded in New Brunswick in 1783, and was an alderman of St. John. He died in that city in 1804. Clarke, Rev. Richard. Of Charleston, South Carolina. Rector of St. Philip's Church. Went to England, and was Rector of Hartley, Kent. Died suddenly in England, in 1802, in his eighty-third year. Clarke, Isaac Winslow. Of Boston. He became Com missary-General of Lower Canada, and died in that Colony in 1822, after he had embarked for England. His daughter Susan married Charles Richard Ogden, Esq., Solicitor-General of Lower Canada, in 1829. Clarke, Jonathan. Of Boston, Son of Richard Clarke. Went to England ; was a member of the Loyalist Club, Lon don, 1776 ; had lodgings in Brompton Row the next year. In 1778, proscribed and banished. After the Revolution he was in Canada. Clarke, George. Secretaiy of the Colony of Ncav York. Went to England and died there in 1777. He was of the family of Clarke of Hyde Hall, Cheshire, England. Clarke, Alexander. Died at Waterborough, New Bruns wick, in 1825, aged eighty-two. For several years he was Master Armorer in the Ordnance Department at St. John. Clarke, William. Of New Jersey. A noted horse- thief It was computed that, between 1776 and June, 1782, he stole upwards of one hundred valuable horses from NeAV Jersey, which he sold to the Royal Army. It was known that he came very frequently within the American lines, but no effort of scouts and sentries to seize him proved successful. He was finally written to as by accomplices, as is said, to the effect that two fine horses were at a certain place, which he could carry off. He came, as suggested, in June, 1782, and was shot down dead in the vicinity of Woodbridge, New Jer sey, by the party who devised the stratagem. 27* 318 CLARKE, - CLEMENTS. Clarke, John. Died at Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1825, aged eighty-four. Claus, Daniel. He married a daughter of Sir William Johnson, and served for a considerable time in the Indian De partment of Canada, under his brother-in-laAv, Colonel Guy Johnson. Brant, the celebrated Mohawk chief, entertained towards him sentiments of decided personal hostility. His wife died in Canada in 1801. William Claus, Deputy Super intendent-General of Indian Affairs, was his son ; and Brant, in the name of the Five Nations, made a speech of condolence on the death of Mrs. Claus, on the 24th of February of that year. William, deeply affected at the loss of his mother, was not able to reply, although he met the chiefs in council ; but he afterwards transmitted a written answer. Clayton, Francis. Of Wilmington, North Carolina. At first a Whig, he was a member of the Committee of Safety in 1774, and a Representative in the House of Assembly ; but, in the course of the Avar, he adhered to the Crown, and aban doned the State. He returned to Wilmington in a flag of truce, in 1782, and determined to hazard a trial for his polit ical offences. He was owner of Clayton Hall, a very fertile plantation, Cleghorn, Robert. Of New York. At the peace, ac companied by his family of three persons, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him one town lot. Clemen'tson, Samuel. Of Boston. Merchant. Died at Windsor, England, in 1782, aged forty-nine: — --..^. Clement, Captain Joseph. Of Boston. He held a com mission in the Royal service during the Avar, and at the peace setded in New Brunswick. His wife, Mary, died at St. John in 1812. Clements, Peter. He entered the service of the Crown, and at the close of the war was a captain in the King's Amer ican Regiment. In 1783 he went to St. John, New Bruns wick, and Avas a grantee of that city. He received half-pay. He removed to the county of York, and was a magistrate. CLINCH, — CLOWES. 319 He died at his residence on the river St. John, near Frederic ton, in 1833, at the age of ninety-four. His daughter Cla rissa died in 1814, aged thirty-two. His daughter AbigaU Julia married Charles R. Hatheway, Esq., of St. Andrew, NeAV Brunswick. Clinch, Peter. In 1782 he was a lieutenant in the Royal Fensible Americans, and adjutant of the corps. He settled in New Brunswick, and received half-pay. He died in the county of Charlotte, in that Province. Clopper, James. He was a lieutenant in a corps of Loy ahsts, and at the close of the contest settled in New Bruns wick, enjoyed half-pay, and was a magistrate of the county of York. He died at Fredericton, in 1823, aged sixty-seven. Clopper, Garrett. In 1782 he was an ensign in the New York Volunteers, and quartermaster of the corps. He went to St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783, and Avas the grantee of a city lot. He received half-pay, was sergeant-at- arms of the House of Assembly, and a magistrate of York County. He died in that Province. Clossey, Samuel. Of New York. Physician. He was a native of Ireland, Previous to his emigration to America he had attained eminence in his profession, not only by suc cessful practice but by the publication of a work entitled " Observations on some of the Diseases of the Human Body, chiefly taken from the Dissections of Morbid Bodies." While at NeAV York, he was chosen to the Anatomical Chair, and to the Professorship of Natural PhUosophy in King's (Columbia) College ; and, upon the organization of a Medical School, was placed at the head of the Department of Anatomy. He re turned to his native country in consequence of the Revolu tion, and died there soon after his arrival. Clowes. There were several Loyalists of this name in New York. Gerardus Clowes was a captain, and Samuel and John were heutenants in De Lancey's Third Battahon, and, with Timothy, went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and were grantees of that city. The three who were officers received half-pay. Samuel, John, and Timothy 320 COCHRAN, lived for some time in New Brunswick, but their fate has not been ascertained. Gerardus, who was a major of militia and a magistrate, and resided in the county of Sunbury, was kiUed in 1798 by a fall fi'om his horse. In 1781 a persojn of the name of Samuel CloAves, who had been an Addresser of Gov ernor Robertson, was appointed Clerk and Surrogate of Queen's County, New York, and died at Hempstead in the year 1800, aged seventy-six. This Samuel, says my informant, " was in office a large part of his life." Cochran, Captain John. Of Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. Son of James Cochran, and a native of Londonderry. Was proscribed and banished. The " Portsmouth Journal," from Avliich paper I derive the following, states that the account is published on the authority of his daughter, Avho (November, 1845), is still living in that town. Captain Cochran led a seafaring life in his younger days, and sailed out of Ports mouth a number of years, as a ship-master, with brilliant suc cess, A short period before the war of the Revolution broke out, he Avas appointed to the command of the fort in Ports mouth harbor. The day after the battle of Lexington, he and his family were made prisoners of war by a company of volun teers under the command of John Sullivan, afterwards the distinguished Major-General Sudivan of the Revolution, Pres ident of New Hampshire, &c. Captain Cochran and his fam ily Avere generously liberated on parole of honor. Not far from this time. Governor Wentworth took refuse in the fort, and Captain Cochran attended him to Boston. In his absence, the only occupants of the fort were Mrs. Cochran, a man and a maid-servant, and four children. At this time all vessels passing out of the harbor had to show their pass at the fort. An English man-of-war one day came down the river, bound out. Mrs. Cochran directed the man to hail the ship. No respect was paid to him. Mrs. Cochran then di rected him to discharge one of the cannon. The terrified man said: "Ma'am, I have but one eye, and can't see the touch-hole." Taking the match, the heroic lady applied it herself; the frigate immediately hove to, and showing that all COCHRAN. .321 was right, was permitted to proceed. For this discharge of duty to his Majesty's Government, she received a handsome reward. It Avas thought by some of the enemies of GoA'ernor Went worth that he was still secreted at the fort, after he had left for Boston. A party one day entered the house in the fort, (the same house recently occupied by Captain Dimmick), and asked permission of Mrs. Cochran to search die rooms for the GoA'ernor. After looking up stairs in vain, they asked for a light to examine the cellar. " O yes," said a little daughter of Mrs. Cochran, " I will light you." She held the candle until they were in a part of the cellar from Avhicli she well knew they could not retreat without striking their heads against low beams, Avhen the roguish girl blew the light out. As she anticipated, they began to bruise themselves, and they swore pretty roundly. The miss from the stairs, in an elevated tone, cried out, "Have you got him?" This arch inquii-y only served to divide their curses between the impediments to their progress and the " little Tory." Captain John Cochran, (who was a cousin, and not the father, as has been stated, of Lord Admiral Cochran) imme- diatelv joined the British in Boston, and, as it was believed, being influenced by the double motive of gratitude towards a government that had generously noticed and promoted him to offices of honor, trust, and emolument, and for the sake of re taining a valuable stipend from the CroAvn, remained with the British Army during the Avar. At the peace, he returned to St. John, New Brunswick, lived in the style of a gentleman the remainder of his days, and died at the age of fifty-five. Among the papers of the Cochran family, we find the fol lowing letter, written from England, by Governor Wentworth, at the close of the war, to Captain John Cochran. It held out no very strong inducements for Loyalists to take refuge in England : — "Hammersmith, May 6, 1783, " My Dear Sir, — I received your kind letter by Captain Dawson, and render you many thanks ; be assured there is 322 COCHRAN. scarce any object so near to me as your welfare, which I should rejoice to promote. As to my advice, at this distance from the scene of action, it can only be conjectural. However, as you ask it, I can only say, that you will find it expedient to re move to and settle in Nova Scotia. The Commander-in- Chief will most certainly cause your pay to be issued there ; nor do I conceive there is any probability of its being reduced, especially as Captain Fenton's is suppressed here, among other reasons, as it is said, because you were paid in America and resident there. As to your coming here, or any other Loyal ist, that can get clams and potatoes in America, they most cer tainly would regret making bad worse. It would be needless for me to enter into reasons ; the fact is so, and you wdll do well to avoid it. R is the advice all our friends will be wise to follow ; hard as it is, they that are fools enough to try, will find it harder here. I hope this will find you and your family in good health. We are all well. Charles is grown a stout boy ; we are obliged for your kind inquiries about him. My destination is quite uncertain ; like an old flapped hat, thrown off the top of an house, I am tumbling o\'er and over in the air, and God only knoAvs where I shall finally alight and set tle to rest. It would giA'e me great pleasure if it so happens as to afford me any means to add to the comfort of those I esteem and regard. Be assured, my dear Sir, in that descrip tion you would have my early attention. Pray present Mrs. W.'s and my compliments to your family; old Mrs. W. also begs to joins us. Benning has been nearly four years a cap tain, and not being able to establish his rank as he expected, has sold out, and is now in the country ; so that we are all seeking something to do. " Adieu, my dear friend, and always believe me to be, with great regard, your faithful and obedient servant, " J. Wentworth." I Cochran, James. Of New Hampshire. His father in his youth, and about the year 1730, lived in the \dcinity of the present town of Belfast, Maine. His family subsequently re moved to Londonderry, New Hampshire. He went to St. COCK- - COFFIN. 323 John, New Brunswick, where he closed his life in 1794, aged eighty-four years. Cock, Clark. Of Long Island, New York. Professed himself a loyal subject in 1776. Subsequently, his house was robbed of a considerable amount in money, and of goods to the value of £400, in 1779. Others of the name were quite as unfortunate. Thus, a party of Rebels from Connec ticut plundered the dwelling of William Cock of goods to the amount of £140, in 1778 ; and Abraham Cock, master of the schooner Five Brothers, was captured early in 1779. CoDDiNGTON, AsHER. Of New Jersey. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the evacuation of New York. Was a grantee of the former city, and of a lot at Long Beach, near General Coffin's land. Removed to Maugerville, New Bruns wick, and died there, well in years, about 1828. A son was living on the island of Grand Menan in 1848. CoDNER, James. In 1782 he was an ensign in the Second American Regiment. He went to St. John, New BrunsAvick, in 1783, and was a grantee of that city, and a magistrate of the county. He died at St. John in 1821, aged sixty-seven. CoFFiELD, Thomas. At the termination of the war he was a lieutenant in the North Carolina Regiment. As he was preparing to leave New York, the following advertisement appeared in Rivington's paper of September 10, 1783 : — "Whereas Martha, wife of Thomas Coffield, lieutenant in the North Carolina Regiment, is concealed from him, (sup posed by her mother, Melissa Carman of Hempstead,) to keep her from going with her loving husband to Nova Scotia, or St. Augustine, the public are cautioned," &c. The "loving" and bereaved lieutenant arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, before the close of 1783, and received the grant of a city lot. /-/Coffin, Nathaniel. Of Boston. Last Receiver-General ¦^d Cashier of his Majesty's Customs at that port. An Ad- dressgr-of-Hutchinson, 1774, and, of Gage, 1775. With his family of three persons he accompanied the Royal Army to Halifax in 1776, and in July of that year embarked for Eng- 324 COFFIN. land in the ship Aston HaU. He died at New York in 1780. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Barnes, merchant of Boston. Notices of several of his sons follow. I do not include Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, Baronet, who died at Chet- tenham, England, in 1840, at the age of eighty ; because he entered the British Navy, May, 1773, or before the Revolu tion. Coffin, John. Of Boston. He was a son of the preced ing. A warm and decided Loyalist, he volunteered to accom pany the Royal Army in the battle of Breed's or Bunker's Hill, and soon after obtained a commission. He rose to the rank of captain in the Orange Rangers in a short time, and effecting an exchange into the New York Volunteers, went with that corps to Georgia, in 1778. At the battle of Sa- A'annah, at that of Hobkerk's Hill, and in the action of Cross Creek, near Charleston, and on various other occasions, his conduct won the admiration of his superiors. At the battle of Eutaw Springs, which he opened on the part of the King's troops, he was a brevet major, and his gallantry and good judgment attracted the notice and remark of General Greene, who commanded the Whig forces. He retired to New Bruns- wick at the close, of the contest, with the rank of major, and received half-pay. He was appointed a Colonel in the British Army in 1797 ; a Major-General in 1803 ; Lieutenant-General in 1809 ; and General in 1819. In the war of 1812, he raised and commanded a regiment, which was disbanded in 1815, He served in several civil offices ; was a member of the House of Assembly, chief mag istrate of King's County, and a member of the Council. Of the latter dignity he was deprived, in 1828, in consequence of his not having attended the sessions of the Council for several previous years. Had his place not been thus vacated, the government of the Colony Avould haA'e devolved upon him as senior Councillor, during the absence of Sir Howard Douglas. Though sensitive, the personal controversies of General .Coffin were not numerous. But he fought a duel with Colonel Camp bell in 1783, and was wounded in his groin ; and after he went COFFIN. 325 to New Brunswick, he had a public controversy with a high functionary of that Province, which was long and bitter. His estate was large and valuable, as will be seen by his own description of it in 1811, when he offered it for sale : " The Manor of Alwington, in the Parish of Westfield, King's County, situated twelve miles from the City of St. John ; containing 6000 acres, well covered with Pine and Spruce Spars, great quantities of the finest Ship Timber and other Hard-Wood as yet unculled, possessing seA'eral conven ient places for Ship-Building ; an excellent Salmon and Her ring Fishery ; a large Grist and Saw-Mill, that are doing extensive business ; four Vi'ell settled Farms, each having ex tensive meadows, with high and low intervale sufficient to maintain a large stock, together with the Farming Utensils of each. The greater part of the enclosures are under Cedar fence, with a navigable River running through the centre of the estate. The well known local advantage of this property and its commanding prospects render any further description unnecessary. — Terms of Payment will be made easy to the purchaser." In his dealings he was exact ; yet to the poor he dispensed liberally in charity, and for persons in his neighborhood de vised useful and profitable employment. His own habits were extremely active and industrious. He was fond of talking with citizens of the United States of the Revolution, and of the prominent Whigs of his native State. " Samuel Adams used to tell me," said he, " ' Coffin, you must not leave us ; we shall have warm work, and want you,' " The battle of Breed's Hill was regarded by General Coffin as the event which controlled everything that followed. " You could not have succeeded without it," he frequently said to his Amer ican friends, "for something was indispensable in the then state of parties, to fix men sometvhere, and to show the plant ers at the South, that Northern people were really in earnest, and could and would — fight. That, that did the business for you." While the British claimed and held Eastport, General Coffin seldom visited it. He Avould sail round Moose Island VOL, I. 28 326 COFFIN. as he ever continued to call that town — in his sloop Lib erty, examine the movements on shore through his spy-glass, and, after gratifying his curiosity, return to St. John. After the surrender to the United States, in 1818, he came to Moose Island frequently. Notwithstanding his choice of sides in the Revolution, he never lost his interest in the " Old Thirteen," and he remembered that he was " Boston-born," from first to last. " I would give more for one pork-barrel made in Mas sachusetts," was one of his many sayings, " than for all that have been made in New Brunswick since its settlement. Why, sir, I have now some of the former which are thirty years old, but I can hardly make the Province barrels last through one season." In his person, General Coffin was tall and spare. Until well advanced in years, he was remarkably erect. His countenance indicated a quick and sensitive na ture. His manners were easy, social, and polite. His con versation was animated and interesting, frank, and without reserve. He died at his seat. King's County, in 1838, aged eighty-seven. Anne, his widow, and daughter of William Mathews, of South Carolina, died at Bath, England, in 1839, aged seventy-four. His children were seA'en, namely : Guy Carleton, who (1838) is a major in the Royal Artdlery ; Nathaniel, who died young ; John Townsend, (1850) a post- captain ; and William Henry, an officer in the Royal Navy ; Caroline ; Elizabeth, who married Captain Kirkland ; and Anne, who married Captain Pearson. Coffin, Nathaniel, Jr. Of Boston. Son of Nathaniel, the Cashier. Was an Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and a Protester against the Whigs the same year. He was at New York in 1783, and one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia. [See Abijah Willard.] At a subse quent period he was appointed Collector of the Customs at the island of St. Kitt's, and filled that station for thirty-four years. He died in London in 1831, aged eighty-three. Coffin, William. Of Boston. Son of Nathaniel, the Cashier. An Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774 ; went to Halifax, 1776 ; proscribed and banished, 1778. The last- COFFIN, — COIL. 327 mentioned year, the Rev, Jacob Bailey, in recording a visit at Mr. Inman's, remarks : " We were joined at supper by Mrs, Coffin and her daughter Policy. Both the mother and dughter appeared very modest, sensible, and engaging. . . . I quickly perceived that Mrs, Coffin had her husband (Mr. William Coffin) and two or three sons in the British service," &c. After the peace, he was at St. John, Ncav Brunswick, and a merchant. Coffin, William. Of Boston, Died in that town in 1775. Sir Thomas Aston Coffin was a grandson. Coffin, William, Jr. Of Boston. Son of William. He vvas an Addresser of Gage in 1775, and accompanied the Royal Army to Halifax the next year. Coffin, Sir Thomas Aston, Baronet. Of Boston, Son of William, Jr. He graduated at Harvard University in 1772, At one period of the Revolution he was Private Secre tary to Sir Guy Carleton. In 1804 he was Secretary and Comptroller of Accounts of Lower Canada. At another part of his life, he was Commissary-General in the British Army. He died in London in 1810, at the age of fifty-six. * Coffin, Ebenezer. Of Boston. Son of William, Jr. He settled in South Carolina, and Avas a merchant. He was liv ing in 1804, married, and a father. Coffin, Nathaniel. Of Boston, After the Revolution he settled in Upper Canada. In the war of 1812 he served against the United States. For a number of years he was Adjutant-General of the Militia of Upper Canada, He died at Toronto in 1846, aged eighty. / Coffin, John. Of Boston, Was Assistant Commissary- General in the British Army, and died at Quebec in 1837, aged seventy-eight. CoGGESWELL, James. Of Rhode Island. In 1782 he was an officer in tlie Superintendent Department established at New York. Went to St. John, New Brunswick ; Avas an officer of the Customs ; died there in 1786. Coil, . Of North Carolina, Notorious miscreant Taken and hung. 328 COKE. — COLDEN. Coke, William. Of New Jersey. Stamp-master of the Colony. He applied for the office ; but, alarmed by the pop ular manifestations, refused to execute his duties, and even to take charge of the stamps. After his resignation. Governor Franklin asked General Gage if he could have the aid of military force, and M'as answered in the affirmative. Colden, Cadavallader. Of New York. He was born in Scodand, and came to America in 1708, and was a success ful practitioner of medicine for some years. In 1718, Gov ernor Hunter haA'ing become his friend, he settled in the city of NeAV York, and was the first Surveyor-General of the Colony. Besides this office, he filled that of Master in Chan cery ; and, on the arrival of Governor Burnet, in 1720, he was made a member of the King's Council. Succeeding to the Presidency of the Council, he administered the govern ment in 1760. Having previous to the last-mentioned time purchased a tract of land in the vicinity of Newburgli, on the Hudson, he retired there Avith his family about the year 1755. In 1761 he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of NeAV York, and held the commission during the remainder of his life, and was repeatedly at the head of affairs in conse quence of the death or absence of several of the Governors. While administering the government, the stamped paper came out, and was placed under his care. A multitude of several thousand persons, under leaders, assembled, and determined that he should give up the paper to be destroyed. Unless he complied Avith their wishes, the massacre of himself and adhe rents was threatened ; but he exhibited great firmness, and prevented them from accomplishing their design. Yet the mob burned his effigy, and destroyed his carriages in his sight. Governor Tryon relieved him from active political duty in 1775, and he retired to Long Island, where he had a seat, and where he died the following year, at the age of eighty- eight. He was hospitable and social, and gave his friends a cordial welcome. The political troubles of his country caused him pain and anguish. These troubles he long predicted. In science Mr. Colden was highly distinguished. Botany and COLDEN. 329 astronomy were favorite pursuits. As his death occurred previous to the passage of the Confiscation Act, his estate was inherited by his children. Colden, David. Of New York. Son of the Lieutenant- Governor. The farm at Spring Hill, Flushing, Long Isl and, which was devised to him by his father, is now (1847) the property of the Hon. Benjamin W, Strong. Mr. Col den went to England at the close of the war, and died there July 10, 1784. His estate, of two hundred and forty acres, was sold by the Commissioners of Confiscation, the year of his decease. He was fond of retirement, was much dcA'oted to scientific pursuits, and maintained a correspondence with the learned of his time, both in Europe and in America, Ann, his widow, daughter of John Willet, of Flushing, died in August, 1785. Four daughters and one son survived him. The son, Cadwallader D. Colden, of New York, (a lad in the Revolution,) was a lawyer of great eminence, and one of the earliest and most efficient promoters, in connection with De Witt Clinton, of the Erie Canal, and other works of exten sive improvement. He died at Jersey City, February 7 th, 1834, universally lamented. Colden, Alexander, Of New York. Son of Lieutenant- Governor Colden, He was Postmaster, and successor of his father in the office of Surveyor-General. He died in 1774, aged fifty-eight. His eldest daughter, Alice, married Colonel Archibald Hamilton ; the second. Major John Antill, of Skin ner's Brigade of New Jersey Volunteers ; his third. Captain Anthony Farrington, of London. Colden, Richard Nicholls. Of New York, Son of Alexander Colden. He was an ensign in the Royal High landers, in 1766 ; but left the army prior to the Revolution, and was appointed Surveyor and Searcher of the Customs in the city of New York. He died in 1777, His sons were Alexander and Cadwallader. Colden, Cadwallader. Of New York. When, in June, 1776, he was examined and committed to jail in Ulster County, the Committee reported that he said, " he should eA'er oppose 28* 330 COLE, - CONNEL. independency with all his might, and wished to the Lord that his name might be entered on record as opposed to that mat ter, and be handed down to latest posterity." I find, next, that on petition of Whigs, in 1784, he was permitted by law to return to the State. Cole, Edward. Of Rhode Island. He commanded a , /t-egiment under Wolfe, at the seige of Quebec, in 1759 ; and at Havanna, subsequently. Adhering to the Crown in the Revolution, he was insulted, and his furniture and pictures were much mutilated. He fled to the British lines, and was commissioned as Colonel. He settled in Nova Scotia. His pension was £150 per annum. He died well in years. His brother John Avas a Whig, and was appointed Advocate- General of the Court of Vice-Admiralty when the govern ment of Rhode Island passed to the popular party. Collins, Davis. An early settler of St. David, New Brunsv\'ick. Died at Tower Hill, August, 1837. His death was caused by the fading of a tree, ' Combs, Captain . Probably of Maine. At Hali- tax. Nova Scotia, December, 1779, The Rev. Jacob Bailey wrote to Thomas Brown : " You may regard him as a person of real worth and unshaken integrity, who has resisted all the efforts of his countrymen to seduce and subdue him, Avith amazing fortitude, and his honest attachment to the British Government is nearly without example." Comely, Robert. Of Pennsylvania. Arrived at St. John. New Brunswick, in the spring of 1783, in the ship Union, He died at Lancaster, in that Province, in 1838, aged eighty- three. Compton, William. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, and was a grantee of that city. He died at St. Martin's in that Province, in 1804. Conklin, . Captain in DeLancey's First Battal ion. Killed in Georgia, in 1780, on an enterprise to the Whigs in the vicinity of the Ogechee. CoNNEL, John. Of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Schoolmaster. Joined the Royal Army in Philadelphia, CONNER, — CONOLLY, 331 and accompanied it to New York. In 1779, he was cap tured on board of the British privateer Intrepid, and put in prison. Conner, Constant, In 1782 he was a lieutenant in the Royal Fencible Americans. He went to Nova Scotia after the Avar, where he fought a duel and kdled lys antagonist. He died at Halifax. CoNOLLY, John. He was born in Lancaster County, Penn sylvania, and was bred a physician. Before the Revolution he liA'ed at or near Pittsburg, and was in correspondence with Washington on matters of business. In 1770 Washington, on his tour to Ohio, invited Doctor Conolly to dine with him, and said he was " a very sensible, inteUigent man." His difficul ties with the authorities of Pennsylvania, in 1774, occupy con siderable space in the records of the Council of that Colony. In the course of these difficulties, and w hile he was at the head of an armed party, he was seized and imprisoned. It appears that he claimed lands under Virginia, at the falls of the Ohio, which, it was contended by Pennsylvania, Lord Dunmore, the Governor of the former Colony, had no right to grant.. But he and John Campbell advertised their intention of laying out a town there, and invited settlers. They set forth the beau ties and advantages of the location in glowing terms, and said, that " we may with certainty affirm, that it (the proposed town) will, in a short time, be equalled by few inland places on the American continent." As the controversy ripened to war, Conolly became active on the side of the CroAvn, and in 1775 was employed by Lord Dunmore, AA'ho authorized him to raise and command a regi ment of Loyalists and Indians, to be enlisted in the Western country and Canada, and to be called the Loyal Forresters. While on his way to execute this design, he was taken pris oner. His papers having been sent to Congress, it was deter mined to retain his person. He wrote to Washington several times, but the Commander-in-Chief declined to interfere, and he remained a captive till near the close of the contest. The Loval Forresters were in service in 1782, and probably later. 332 COPLEY. Always, as it would seem, moving in some doubtful enterprise, we hear of Colonel Conolly soon after the peace, and about the year 1788, at Detroit. At this time he and other disaffected persons held conferences with some of the prominent citizens of the West as to the seizure of New Orleans, and the control of the navigation of the Mississippi by force. The precise plan, and the degree of support which it received, are not, perhaps, known. But the attention of Washington was at tracted to the subject, and measures Avere taken to detect and counteract the plot. Copley, John Singleton. Of Boston. An eminent painter. His father, " Richard Copley, of the county of Limerick, who emigrated to America, and became of Bos ton, in the United States, married Sarah, younger daughter of John Singleton." The subject of this notice was born in 1738, and achieved distinction early. John Adams wrote: "Copley is the greatest master that was ever in America. His portraits far exceed West's." He himself said that he had as many commissions in Boston as he could execute. His price for a half-length was fourteen guineas. In 1774 he was an Addresser, of Hutchinson; and, the same year, he deposited several pictures with his mother, arranged his affairs generally, and sailed for Italy by way of England, with the design of three years' residence abroad. In 1776 he was in London, and a member of the Loyalist Club, for weekly conversation and a dinner. He subsequently resumed his profession, and increased his fame. " The Death of Chatham ; " " King Charles ordering the Arrest of the Five Members of Parliament ; " and " The Death of Major Peir- son," are among his celebrated Avorks. His last pictures, it is believed, are " The Resurrection," and the portrait of his son. He died in England, September, 1815, aged seventy-eight. His wife, who deceased in 1836, was a daughter of Richard Clarke, one of the Boston consignees of the tea. One son and three daughters survived him. His son, John Singleton Copley, rose to eminence as a jurist and a statesman. He was a native of Boston ; and the tradi- COOK.— COOKE. 333 tion is, that, born a feAv weeks after the Hon. Josiah Quincy, Senior, " the monthly nurse went directly from Mrs. Quincy to attend Mrs. Copley." Mr. Copley was admitted to the bar in 1804, Avas made Sergeant-at-law in 1813, and became -a Judge in 181S. Later, he was Solicitor and Attorney-Gen eral, and Master of the Rolls. In 1827, on the retirement of Lord Eldon, he Avas appointed Lord Chancellor ; and the same year was elevated to the peerage as Baron Lyndhurst. He Avas Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, subsequently ; and held the office of Lord Chancellor a second and third time. Lord Lyndhurst died October, 1863, in his ninety-second year. By his first wife, Sarah Geray, daughter of Charles Brunsden, and widow of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas, who fell at Waterloo, he Avas the father of Sarah Elizabeth, Susan Penelope, and Sophia Clarence. His second wife, Georgiana, daughter of LeAvis Goldsmith, bore him a single child, Georgi ana Susan. His Lordship's sister, Avidow of the late Gardner Greene, of Boston, and several other relatives in Massachu setts, survive. Cook, Abiel, Of Little Compton, Rhode Island. He was denounced as " an enemy to his country, and the liber ties of America," in 1775, for selling sheep to go on board of the Swan, British ship-of-war, at Newport. The Whigs took the sheep at Forkland Ferry, and A'oted to send them as a present to the army at Cambridge. Cook confessed the sale, and avoAved his intention of repeating the act CA-ery oppor tunity. Cooke, Rev. Samuel, D. D. Of Shrewsbury, New Jersey. Episcopal minister. He Avas educated at Cam bridge, England, and came to America as missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as early, probably, as 1749. In 1765 he had the care of the churches in ShreAVsbury, Freehold, and Middle- town. The RcA'olution divided and dispersed his dock, and he became Chaplain to the Guards. In 1785 he settled at Fredericton, the capital of New Brunswick, as the first Rec tor of the Church there. In 1791 he was Commissary to the 334 COOMBE.— COOPER. Bishop of Nova Scotia, He was drowned in crossing the riA'er St. John, in a birch canoe, in 1795. His son, who attempted to save his life, perished with him. His Avife was Miss Kearney, of Amboy, New Jersey. Lydia, his fifth daughter, died at Fredericton in 1846, aged seventy-six ; and Isabella, the last survivor of his family, and widow of Colonel Harris William Hales, died at the same city in 1848. ¦ CooMBE, Rev. Thomas, D. D. Of Philadelphia. He was a native of that city, and graduated at the College there in 1766. He A^'as chosen Assistant Rector of the Churches of Christ and St. Peter's in 1772. Five years later, he was confined for disaffection to the Whig cause, and finally or dered to be sent prisoner to Virginia, In 1778 he resigned his Rectorship and went to England. He lived some time in Ireland, as Chaplain to Lord Carlisle ; Avas in charge of a parish ; a Prebendary of Canterbury, and a Chaplain to the King. The degree of D, D, was conferred by Trinity College, Dublin. Coombs, Michael. Of Marblehead, Massachusetts. Mer chant. Went to England during the war, returned at the peace ; died at Marblehead in 1806, aged seventy-three. Coombs, John. Lieutenant in the Second Batallion of New Jersey Volunteers. Setded in New Brunswick in 1783, and died in that Province in 1827, at the age of seventy- four. Cooper, Rev. Robert. Of Charleston, South Carolina. Episcopal minister. Rector of St. Michael's; previously, however. Rector of Prince William's Parish, and Assistant Rector of St. Philip's. The Church of St. Michael's, with the bells, clock, and organ, cost about forty thousand dollars, which, if we consider the value of labor and materials, a cen tury ago, was a large sum ; it was opened for Avorship early in 1761, Mr, Cooper oflficiated untd the Revolution. The Vestry, having official information that he declined to take an oath prescribed by law, met on the morning of Sunday, June 30th, 1776, and resolved to omit service on that day, and to appoint a meeting of parishioners on Tuesday, July 2d. COOPER, — CORNELL. 335 He refused to confer with his flock, on the ground that he considered himself already dismissed ; and the pulpit was ac cordingly declared vacant. He soon went to England, and after having been employed as a joint curate and lecturer, became a rector. The Government gave him a pension of £100 per annum, as a Loyalist. He died in 1812, or the year following, at the age of more than eighty. Cooper, Myles, D. D. He was educated at Oxford, Eng land, and coming to America in 1762, was elected President of King's College, New York, the year following. In 1771, he advocated the appointment of Bishops for the Colonies, in an Address to the Episcopalians of Virginia. His political opinions rendered his resignation of that office necessary as the Revolutionary storm darkened, and in 1775 he retired to England. He died at Edinburgh in 1785, aged about fifty, having previously lived tliere, and officiated as an Episcopal clergyman. He was a gentleman of literary distinction, and published several works. Four lines of an epitaph written by himself are : — " Here lies a priest of English blood, Who, living, liked whate'er was good : Good company, good wine, good name ; Yet never hunted after fame.'' The son of Mrs. Washington Avas a pupil of Doctor Cooper at King's College ; and Washington, after Mr. Custis left the institution, late in 1773, expressed the conviction, that he had been under the care of " a gentleman capable of instructing him in every branch of knowledge." Young Custis, it ap pears, abandoned his studies, and married against Washing ton's wish, though with the approbation of his mother and most of the family friends. Cornell, Samuel. Of Newbern. A member of the Council of North Carolina. In 1775 he was present in council, and concurred in the opinion that Whig meetings were objects of the highest detestation, and gave his advice to Governor Martin to issue his proclamation to inhibit and for bid them. Before the Declaration of Independence he went 336 CORBIN. — CORSA. to Europe, but left his family at Newbern. During the war he returned to New York, and went to Newbern in a flag of truce, but was forbidden to land, unless he would take an oath of allegiance to the State under its Whig rulers. This he re fused to do. While on board of the vessel in the harbor, he conveyed his estate to his children by several deeds of gift, and duly proved- and registered the conveyances. Having thus arranged his affairs, he removed his family, by permission of the Executive of the State, to New York, Subsequently this property was confiscated and sold. A Mr. Singleton be came the purchaser of a part of it, and the portion Avhich Mr. Cornell had given to one of his daughters. This lady claimed to hold under her father's deed, and instituted a suit to eject Singleton ; but, on a hearing and trial, the Confiscation Act was held to be valid, and judgment was given against her. This case, of course, determined that all the deeds of gift were void. The conveyances were made, it will be recol lected, prior to the passage of the Confiscation Act of North Carolina. His daughter Hannah married Herman Le Roy, of New York, in 1786. CoRBiN, John Tayloe. Of Virginia. Ordered to be confined to a certain part of the county of Caroline, by the Virginia Convention, May, 1776, and to give bond with se curity, in the sum of £10,000, not to depart the territory assigned to him. Corrie, Rev. . Of Delaware. Episcopal minister. Rector of St. David's Church, Came from England in 1770. Resigned, because of the opposition to his praying for the King. Corrie, John. Of Charleston, South Carolina. Died at Dumfries, Scotland, in 1791, CoRSA, Colonel Isaac. Of Long Island, New York. An oflScer in the French A^'ar, of distinguished merit. In 1776 he was arrested by order of Washington, and sent pris oner to Middletown, Connecticut ; but was released on parole. He died at Flushing, in 1805, by one account, in 1807, by another, in his eightieth year, " beloved as a man and a Chris- COSKEL, — COULBOURNE. 337 tian." " He was small in stature, and juvenile in appear ance." Maria Franklin, his only child, married John I. Sta ples, and (1852) is still living. CosKEL, Thomas. A Whig soldier. In 1778 he was tried on a charge of attempting to desert to the Royal side ; and, confessing his guilt, was sentenced to receive one hun dred lashes. CossTELL, Charles M. Of South Carolina. Was an Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony. He went to England. CoTHAM, Thomas. Of the State of Ncav York. Went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, and taught school there nearly fifty years. He died in 1830. Gotten, James, Of North Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Militia. A " friend of Government," and in confiden tial communication with Governor Martin after he had taken refuge on board a ship-of-war. He was summoned before the Provincial Congress, subsequently, and made a solemn recan tation. In 1776 he was on the Royal side at Moore's Creek Bridge, but "fled," it is said, "at the first fire." In 1779 he was attainted, and his estate was confiscated. Cotton, John. Of Boston. John Cotton, the celebrated pastor of the First Church in that town, was his great-grand father. His father, Thomas Cotton, lived first in Brookline, Massachusetts, and subsequently in Pomfret, Connecticut. The subject of this notice graduated at Harvard University in 1747 ; and was, I suppose, the last Royal Deputy Secre tary of Massachusetts. He died at Boston in 1776. His wife was Mary, daughter of William Dudley. CouGLE, James, Of Pennsylvania. Was a captain in the First Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers. He went to New Brunswick at the close of the contest, and died at Sussex Vale in 1819, aged seventy-three. CouLBOURNE, Charles. Of Norfolk, Virginia. Was a lieutenant in the Loyal American Regiment, and quarter master of the corps. At the peace he settled at Digby, Nova Scotia, and was a ship-master; but returned finally to his VOL, I, 29 838 COULSON. — COWDEN, native State, and died there. His wife was the widow of James Budd, who was shot by a party of " cow-boys " at Rye. CouLSON, Thomas. Merchant and ship-owner, of Fal mouth, now Pordand, Maine. " Captain Coulson," Avrote the good Parson Smith in his Journal, April 12, 1775, " is verj' troublesome," On the 10th of May following, Coulson's house, Avhich was on King Street, was rifled by the Whigs, under Colonel Thompson. The difficulties Avith him caused the burning of that town by Mowatt. It appears that, con trary to the agreement of the Association as to importation of merchandise, a vessel arrived at Falmouth with the sails and rigging for a ship which he Avas fitting for sea. These arti cles, it was determined by the Whigs, should be returned to England, together with some goods brought in the same ves sel. Coulson resolved otherwise. A quarrel ensued, which continued for several weeks. The Canseau sloop-of-war ar rived for the protection of himself and property, and mobs and tumults and conflagration were the final results. Coulson returned to England, and his wife, Dorcas, daugh ter of the elder Dr, Nathaniel Coffin, of Falmouth, soon fol lowed him. Both died in England ; Mrs, Coulson about the year 1800. Courtney, Thomas, Richard, and James. Of Boston. 'The first was an,.Addresser of Gage in 1775, went to Halifax in 1776, was proscribed and banished in 1778, and lost £2000 in consequence of his loyalty. The three removed to Shel burne, Nova Scotia, from New York, at the peace ; Thomas, with a famdy of four, and four servants. They built largely at dieir new home ; but Shelburne soon declined, and Rich ard went to Charleston, South Carolina, and James to Wd- mington. North Carolina. Covert, Abraham. He died at Maugerville, New Bruns wick, in 1824, aged seventy-nine. His widow, Phebe, died at the same place in 1838, at the age of eighty-seven, CowDEN, Thomas. Of Fitchburg, Mass. He was known as disaffected to the popular cause, but made a written confes- COWLING. — COX. 339 sion, and applied for a commission in the army. Washington and Greene communicated his application to the Assembly of Massachusetts, and the case -was referred to a Committee of both Houses, Avho reported adversely ; yet said, that as he had given " some " evidence of reformation, he might safely and properly be released from confinement, and allowed to return to his family and estate. Cowling, John, Of Virginia, At the peace, accompa nied by his family of three persons, and by one servant, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Avhere the Crown granted him one toAvn and one water lot. His losses in consequence of his loyalty Avere estimated at £5000, and in 1783 he was poor. He opened a school, and was assisted by his Avife Phebe, who, after his death, kept a small shop. Cox, Daniel, Of New Jersey. Was a member of his Majesty's Council of that Colony. In January, 1777, his ele gant house at Trenton Ferry was burned, not by Whigs, but by persons in the Royal Army, who, in their progress throuo-h New Jersey, committed almost every imaginable crime. Through his agency, principally, it is believed that the Board of Refugees, consisting of delegates from the Loy alists of the Colonies, Avas established at New York in 1779. Of this Board, he was a president ; and Christopher Sower, an highly influential Loyalist of Pennsylvania, in a letter of December 5th, 1779, wrote as follows : " The Deputies of the Refuo-ees from the different Provinces meet once a week. Daniel Cox, Esquire, was appointed to die chair, to deprive him of the opportunity of speaking, as he has the gift of say- ino- litde Avitli many words," In the year last mentioned, he addressed a memorial to Lord George Germain, to which Gov ernor Franklin called his Lordship's attention. He Avent to Enaland, and was folloAved by his wife and children, in 1785. Mrs. Cox was daughter of die distinguished Dr, John Red man. At her departure her parents were well-nigh incon solable. When, by the death of her sister, in 1806, she became the only surviving child, she came across the ocean to soothe her afflicted father, and to minister to the wants of 340 COX. her dying mother. Mr. Cox's property in New Jersey and Pennsylvania was confiscated. Sarah, his Avidow, died at Brighton, England, in 1843, aged ninety-one. Cox, Lemuel. Of Boston, Massachusetts. Near the close of the year 1775, he was in prison at Ipswich for his attach ment to the cause of the Crown. Mr. Felt, in his very inter esting work, the " Annals of Salem," supposes this Lemuel Cox to have been the chief architect of Essex Bridge in 1788, and who, suhsequently, constructed bridges in England and Ireland. " In 1796," says Mr. Felt, " he had a grant of 1000 acres of land in Maine from our Legislature, for being the first inventor of a machine to cut card-wire, the first projector of a powder-mill in Massachusetts, the first suggestor of em ploying prisoners on Castle Island, to make nails, and for various other discoveries in mechanical arts." y Cox, Francis. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Was a lieu tenant in the regiment commanded by Cohmel Mansfield, and deserted from the camp at Cambridge, in June, 1775, and left the service. General Ward submitted to the Provincial Congress the propriety of making him a public example, for, besides his own desertion, he incited his men to follow his ^xample. Cox, John. Of Falmouth, Maine. Was the son of John Cox, of that town, and married Sarah Proctor in 1739, who died in 1761. He married again at Falmouth ; and, molested for his political opinions, removed Avitli the family by his second wife, to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, about the year 1783. The Crown made him a grant of land, now, (1848,) as I under stand, occupied by his descendants, and known as Coxtown. He married a third time ; his children Avere twenty in number. Cox, James. Of Virginia. Some time in the war, he was at Newtown, New York. At die peace, accompanied by his family of four persons, and by four servants, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him one town lot. His losses in consequence of his loyalty were estimated at £3000. He died at New York. COXE. - COY. 341 Coxe, Tench. Of Pennsylvania. Son of William Coxe, of New Jersey. His loyalty is disputed, as I understand, on two grounds. First, because, after he was attainted of trea son, he surrendered himself, and was discharged; second, because, after the organization of the Federal Government, he was employed by Washington and Hamilton, These facts prove nothing either way. The accusation against him was that, on the approach of the Royal Army, he went from Phil adelphia to join it, and marched into the city under its ban ners. Of this, he was legally acquitted ; but, unless I am misinformed, his sympathies were on the side of the Crown. As relates to the other point, I cite a single incident to sIioav the degree of confidence reposed in him. In February, 1795, it became necessary to provide for the temporary performance of die duties of Comptroller, and the President consulted Hamilton, who, in reply, objected to Coxe (then Commissioner of the Revenue) because his ap pointment " could not fail, for strong reasons, to be unpleasant to Mr. Wolcott," (Secretary of the Treasury) " and because there is real danger that Mr. Coxe A\ould first perplex and embarrass, and afterwards misrepresent and calumniate." He published an " Address on American Manufactures ; " an " Inqiury on the Principles of a Commercial System for the United States ; " an " Examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations ; " a " View of die United States ; " " Thoughts on Naval Power, and the Encouragement of Commerce and Manufactures ; " " Memoir on the Cultivation, Trade, and Manufacture of Cotton ; " " Memoir on a Navigation Act ; " and "Statement of the Arts and Manufactures of the United States." He died at Philadelphia, in 1824, at the age of sixty-eight. Rebecca, his Avife, died in the same city in 1806. CoYLE, Francis. Of New York. Went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, at the peace, and in the excitement of the time, paid a guinea a foot for a house-lot. A few years after, he could hardly have sold his property at one tenth of its cost. He died at Shelburne, leaving a family. Coy, Amasa. Of Connecticut. He Avent to New Bruns- 29* 342 COZENS. — CROFT. wick in 1783. He died at Fredericton in 1838, aged eighty- one. Cozens, Daniel. Captain in the New Jersey Volunteers. Kdled in 1779, dui-ing the siege of Savannah. Crane, Jonathan. Settled in Nova Scotia, and was a magistrate, a colonel in the militia, and a member of the Assembly. Coming out of the Government-House one day, John Howe asked him — " What is going on ? " " Oh," re plied Crane, " 't is all a game of whist ; the honors are di vided, and nothing is to be got except by tricks." His son Williani, who died rich, was a member of the Assembly, Speaker of that body, and a delegate of the Province to England. His widow, Rebecca, died in Horton, in that Province, in 1841, aged eighty-eight. Crannell, Bartholomew. Of New York. He was a public notary in the city, in 1782. The year following he announced his intention of removing to Nova Scotia, and was one of the fifty-five petitioners for lands in that Colony. He arrived at St, John, New BrunsAvick, before the close of 1783, and received the grant of a city lot. He commenced business as a merchant. In 1785 he was Clerk of the Com mon Council, Creighton, James, and Alexander. The first. Secre tary of the Police Department of Long Island, New York, in 1782 ; the other, of Georgia, and attainted of treason, in 1778. A person named James Creighton died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1813, aged eighty-one. Crocker, Josiah. Of Barnstable, Massachusetts. Son of Cornelius Crocker. He graduated at Harvard University in 1765. He taught school in Barnstable a short time ; " but, on account of his feeble health and Tory proclivities," took but little part in public affairs. He died of consumption in 1780, in his thirty-sixth year. His Avife was Deborah, daughter of Hon. Daniel DaA'is. His five children were Robert, Uriel, Josiah, Deborah and Mehitable. Croft, Frederick. Of North Carolina, In theliatde at Cross Creek, 1776, he " shot Captain Dent in cold blood." CROMWELL. — CRUGER. 343. He was made prisoner, confined in Halifax jail, and sent, finally, to Maryland. Cromavell, Josiah. He died at Portland, New Bruns wick, in 1803. Cross, AVilliam. He Avcnt from New York to Nova Scotia, at the close of the war, and died at Annapolis Royal, in 1834, aged eighty-three. / Crossing, William, Of Newport, Rhode Island. A noted marauder and robber. He was employed at first as a pilot of the Royal troops, but, in 1778, seems to have be longed to Wightman's motley regiment. The account of him is, that he plundered women of their jeAvelry and fancy arti cles of dress ; that he robbed and burned houses ; and that he carried off Whigs in mere wantonness. He Avas taken prisoner in the year above mentioned, and confined at Provi dence. Crow, Charles. Of Boston. In September, 1777, he ^ Avas seized in that town, fastened to a cart and carried to Roxbury, Avhere another party conveyed him to Dedham. The object was to " cart him " through every toAvn to the Rhode Island line, and compel him to join the British. Crow, Jonathan. Of Massachusetts, Was buried in LJTrinity Church-yard, New York, in October, 1780. Crowell, Joseph, Was a captain in the First Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers. He settled in New Brunswick, received half-pay, and died at Carleton in that Colony, His son Thomas died at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, in 1845, aged eighty. His only daughter married Luther Wetmore, Cruger, John Harris, Of New York. Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant of DeLancey's First Battalion, He succeeded his father, Henry Cruger, as member of the Coun cil of the Colony ; and at the beginning of the Revolution, held, beside, the office of Chamberlain of the City. He en tered the military service in 1777, and from 1779 to the peace, few Loyalist officers performed more responsible or arduous duty. We hear of him in the last-mentioned year, as made prisoner at a dinner-party in Georgia, on the King's 344 CRUGER. birthday, but as soon exchanged ; as in command of the gar rison at Sunbury, but ordered to evacuate the post and repair to Savannah, with all possible haste. In July, 1780, he was at Ninety-Six, Avhen, in the condition of affairs, he was di rected to send a part of his force to Camden. In August, Lord CornAvallis Avrote to him to execute all in his district Avho had borne arms on the side of the Crown, and who afterwards fought Avith die Whigs ; and that he obeyed apjjears from his OAvn letter to Major Ferguson, in which he said that he had fallen in Avith ,the Rebels, taken most of their plunder, killed a great number, had hung several odiers, and designed to hang many more. In September, he made a forced march to Au gusta, to relieve Colonel Browne, and arrived just in time to save him. In 1781, Lord Rawdon was sorely pressed in South Carolina, and sent repeated expresses to Cruger to abandon NinetA-Six, to join Browne, assume command of the whole force, and act at his discretion. But not one of the messen gers reached him, and he was left in ignorance of his Lord ship's situation. While completing the defences by throwing up a bank of earth, building block-houses, and the like. Gen eral Greene encamped in a wood within cannon shot of the vil lage, and summoned him to surrender. Cruger replied that he should maintain the post to the last. The Whig attempted to burn the barracks by shooting African arrows ; the Loyal ist defeated the plan by directing all the buildings to be un- rooffed, which exposed officers and men to the night air and to rains the remainder of the siege. Greene made an assault, which, after a terrible confiict, failed. The besieged suffered much for Avater ; the negroes went out naked at night, that they might not be distinguished from the trees, and brought in a scanty supply. During these trying scenes, Cruger's courage, skill, and fertility of resource, drew commendation even from his foes. Without relief, he knew that he must sub mit at last ; Avhen almost in despair, an American lady who had lately married one of his officers, (and who, it is related, was bribed by a considerable sum of money,) arrived with a letter assuring him that Rawdon was near with a reinforcement. CRUGER. 345 Mrs. Cruger was with her husband during the perils of his command at Ninety-Six. When General Greene approached that post, he found her and the wife of Major Green in a farm-house, and not only allowed them to remain, but placed a guard to protect them. Indeed, among the last acts of the General, though defeated and worn Avith care, was a leave- taking of these ladies, and measures to ensure their continued safety. At his departure, he left the guard ; and Cruger, as generous as his antagonist, sent it with his passport, to rejoin the Whig Army on the retreat. Nay, more; Mrs. Cruger pointed out the route of the retiring " Rebels" to a return ing scouting party, that, absent some days, were unconscious of the condition of things, and so were on their way to the supposed Whig camp ; and they, too, reached their compan ions. ' The dreadful civil war, which desolated South Carolina, " began at Ninety-Six," and many who had incurred the hate of the Whigs were in garrison when besieged by Greene, and fought in fear of the halter. Rawdon decided to evacuate the post, and moving himself toward the Con- garee, ordered Cruger to protect the Loj'alists and to escort such as wished to remove to a place of safety. Most, appre hending a general slaughter, determined to abandon their homes. " Melancholy was the spectacle that followed ; troop ing slowly and gloomily in the van and rear of the British Army, went the families of this unhappy faction. For days the roads from Ninety-Six were croAvded Avith the wretched cavalcade ; men, women, children, and slaves, with cattle and Avagons " — all journeying to the seaboard. In the battle of Eutaw Springs, Colonel Cruger occupied the centre of the British line, and was distinguished. On leaving Charleston, July 1782, the inhabitants presented him an Address. In June, 1783, his furniture Avas sold at auction at his house, Hanover Square, New York; and soon after he embarked for England, His estate was confiscated, and he remained in exile. He died in London, in 1807, aged sixty- nine, Mrs. Cruger, who died at Chelsea, England, in 1822, 346 CRUGER. — CUNNINGHAM. at the age of seventy-eight, was a daughter of the senior Oliver DeLancey, and Avas at her father's holise in 1777, when it was burned at night by a party of Whigs. It was in the counting-house of Colonel Cruger's " brodier Nicholas, at St. Croix, that Alexander Hamilton commenced his mer cantile clerkship." His brother, Henry Cruger, who died in New York in 1827, aged eighty-eight, was a member of Par liament for Bristol, and a colleague of Burke. His sister Mary married Jacob Walton; his sister Elizabeth married Peter Van Schaack, Cruger, John. Of New York. In 1775 he was Speaker of the House of Assembly, and during the recess that year, with thirteen other members of the Ministerial party, ad dressed a letter to General Gage on the alarming state of public affairs. This communication is dated May 5th, on which day two members of the Council of New York sailed for England. When, in 1769, he Avas elected to the Assem bly, the success of his party Avas deemed a victory of the Episcopalians over the Presbyterians. Cumberland, . Of North Carolina. Captain. Killed in 1780, in die batde of Ramsour's Mdl. CuNARD, Robert. Of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. He was attainted of treason and lost his estate by confiscation. He died at Portland, New Brunswick, in 1818, aged sixty- nine. His son Abraham settled in Halifax, became a mer chant, and died in that city. The Brothers Cunard, so widely known as the projectors of the Royal Mail Steamship Line, are sons of Abraham. Cunnabel, Edward G. He died at Union Point, New Brunswick, in 1838, aged seA'enty-six. Cunningham, Robert. Of South Carolina, One of the most ]n-ominent Loyalists of the whole South. In 1769, he settled in the district of Ninety-Six, and Avas soon commis sioned a Judge. He incurred the displeasure of the Whigs in 1775, Avhen he disapproved of their proceedings in sus taining the cause of Massachusetts, and in the adoption of the N(m-Importation Act. In the course of that year he Avas CUNNINGHAM, 347 seized and imprisoned at Charleston, His brother Patrick assembled a body of friends in order to eff'ect his release. The Whigs despatched Major Williamson with a force to prevent the accomplishment of this object, but Cunningham's party being superior, he was compelled to retreat. A truce or treaty was finally arranged, and both Whigs and Loyalists dispersed. In Jul}' of 1776, Robert Cunningham Avas alloAved his freedom Avithout conditions, and removed to Charleston. Colonel Williamson wrote to William Henry Drayton, the same month he appeared in camp, and " declared himself our fast friend, and that he came to stand and fall Avith us," " I have no doubt," adds Williamson, " of his proving true to his declaration, but at present it would be improper to confer any public trust on him." In 1780 he was created a Brig adier-General, and placed in command of a garrison in South Carolina ; but in 1781 was at the head of a force in the field, and encountered Sumter. His estate was confiscated in 1782. After the peace, he petitioned to be allowed to continue in South Carolina. His request was refused, and he removed to Nassau, New Providence. The British Government made him a liberal allowance for his losses, and gave him an an nuity. He died in 1813, aged seventy-four years. Cunningham, Patrick. Of South Carolina. Brother of General Robert, In 1769 he was appointed Deputy Surveyor- General of the Colony. He was connected with the earliest military movements at the South, In 1775, at the head of one hundred and fifty Loyalists, he intercepted a party of Whigs that were conveying ammunition ; and the same year assembled a force of fifteen hundred men to oppose Major Williamson, who was compelled to retire. After attempting to eff'ect the release of his brother Robert in 1776, and the temporary accommodation of affairs that year, Patrick re moved to Charleston, where he was committed to prison by order of the Provincial Congress. In 1780 he received the commission of Colonel, and the command of a regiment. His estate was confiscated in 1782. At the conclusion of the contest, he joined Robert in a request 348 CUNNINGHAM, to be allowed to remain in the State. The application was not successful, and he Avent to Florida. In 1785, a second peti tion to be restored to his rights in South Carolina was more favorably received ; and the Legislature, amercing his estate twelve per cent., and imposing some personal disabilities for a term of years, annulled the previous act of banishment and confiscation. He Avas elected a member of the Legislature, but his position was an unpleasant one, and, after serving for a short time, he retired. He died in 1794. Cunningham, David. Brother of General Robert. Be fore the Revolution, he was Deputy Surveyor of the District of Ninety-Six. During the war, he accepted the place of Commissary of the Royal Army at Charleston. He was allowed to continue in the State at the peace, and became a planter in Ninety-Six. Cunningham, John. Of South Carolina. Was also a brother of General Robert. He was a planter; but in the course of the war, removing with his brothers to Charleston, was a Commissary in the British Army. In 1782 his prop erty was confiscated. He was permitted to reside in the State at the conclusion of hostdities ; and, embarking in commercial pursuits, accumulated a large fortune. Cunningham, William. Of South Carolina. Was known as " Bloody Bill ; " and there is no little evidence to show that he well deserved the appellation. At the be ginning of the controversy he was inclined to be a Whig, and indeed accepted a military commission, and served-in the cam paign of 1776. Changing sides, he became an officer and a major in the service of the Crown, and was engaged in many desperate exploits, and hand-to-hand fights. About the close of the year 1781, when the Roj'al Army was confined to the vicinity of Charleston, this monster adopted the infernal scheme of taking his last revenge, by carrying fire and sword into the settlements of the Whig militia. At the head of a band of Tories, he reached the back country without discovery, and began to plunder, to burn, and to murder. To show the na ture of the man and the kind of warfare which he waged, CUNNINGHAM. 349 two cases will suffice. First, a party of twenty under Cap tain Turner, armed in self-defence, took post in a house, and fought untd their ammunition was nearly expended, when they surrendered on condition of being treated as prisoners of war. But Cunningham put every one of them to instant death. Second, a number of Whigs, in the District of Ninety- Six, commanded by Colonel Joseph Hayes, took shelter in a building which was set on fire, and, on promise of protection, yielded, rather than be burned alive. Hayes, and Captain Daniel Williams were immediately hung on a pole, which broke, and both fell ; thereupon, Cunningham " cut them into pieces with his own sword." This done, he turned upon his other prisoners, and hacked, and maimed, and killed, un til his strength was exhausted. Not yet glutted with blood, he called upon his comrades to complete the dreadful work, and to slay whoever of the survivors they pleased. The end was the slaughter of twelve more, or of fourteen in all. Thus, " Bloody Bill," murdered thirty-five persons in these two instances. In 1782, his property was confiscated ; and, at the peace, he retreated to Florida. Cunningham, Archibald, Of Boston. Merchant. Mpm- ber of the North Church, and high in office among the Free Masons. Went to New York in 1776, and Avas proscribed and banished in 1778. At the peace, accompanied by his family of six persons, and by one servant, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia. His in consequence of his loyalty were esti mated at £1100. In Nova Scotia he was Clerk of the Peace, and Register of Probate. He was a man of reading and ob servation, and left valuable papers. He died in 1820. Cunningham, Andrew. Of the District of Ninety-Six, South Carolina. He held a commission under the Crown, and lost his estate under the Confiscation Act. But the Gen eral Assembly, by special Act, subsequently, gave Margaret, his widow, and her children, an estate on Rexburns Creek, which had not been sold by the Commissioners of Forfeited Estates, and which seems to have been the homestead. VOL, I. 30 350 CUNNINGHAM. - CURWEN. Cunningham, William. Of New York, Provost Mar shal, To receive as authentic the " Confession " which ap peared in the newspapers about the time of his death, we have the following facts, namely : that his father was a trumpeter in the Dragoons, and that he was born in the bar racks at Dublin ; that he arrived at New York in 1774, wdth some indented servants, kidnapped by him in Ireland ; that his first employment here was the breaking of horses and the teaching of young gentlemen and ladies to ride ; that his course in the Revolutionary controversy rendered him ob noxious to the Whigs of New York ; that he fled to Boston, where, continuing his opposition to the popular movement, he attracted the attention of General Gage, who, as the quarrel came to blows, appointed him Provost Marshal to the Royal Army, which gave him an opportunity to wreak his vengeance on the Americans, The details of his crimes are horrible. Of the prisoners under his care, tAvo thou.sand were starved to death, and more than two hundred and fifty were privately hung without ceremony. To reject this paper, there is quite enough in the documents of the time to show that he was an incarnate devil. At the peace he went to England, and set tled in Wales! Persuaded to go to London, he became dissi pated ; and, to relieve his embarrassments, mortgaged his half- pay, and subsequently forged a draft. Convicted of forgery, he was executed in London in 1791. Cunningham, James. Pilot to the fieet under the com mand of Lord Howe. He went to England, and died there in 1783. ^ CuRWEN, Samuel. Of Ma.ssachusetts. Harvard University in 1735^^ He Avas in the commission of die peace tor thirty years, and at the breaking oui of the Revolution, a Judge of Admiralty. He went to England in 1775, remained there until 1784, when he returned to Salem, where he passed the remainder of his days, dying in 1802, at the age of eighty-six years. While in exile, he kept a jour nal, which has been pubhshed, and is an interesting book ; its editor, George A. Ward, Esq., of New York, has enriched CURWEN. 351 it with several notices of his relative's fellow-Loyalists, and thus added greatly to is value. No work extant contains so much information of the unhappy exiles while abroad. A rapid synopsis of the journal folloAvs : " Visited West minster Hall, Went to Vauxhall Gardens. Dined with a fellow-refugee. Saw the Lord Mayor in his court. Dined with Governor Hutchinson, in company with several Massa chusetts refugees. Walked to Hyde Park. A whole army of sufferers in the cause of loyalty are here, lamenting their own and their country's unhappy fate. ' The fires are not to be compared to our large American ones of oak and wal nut, nor near so comfortable ; Avould that I were away ! ' Saw manj' curiosities brought from Egypt and the Holy Land. Visited Hampton Court ; saw there chairs of state with rich canopies ; pictures of the reigning beauties of the times of Charles the Second ; pictures of monks, friars, nuns ; pictures of former kings and queens. Went to Windsor. Heard ncAvs from America. Went to Governor Hutchin son's ; he was alone, reading a ncAv pamphlet, entitled ' An Enquiry v\'hetlier Great Britain or America is most in Fault,' Dined Avith eleven New Englanders. Went to meeting of Disputation Club. Bought Dr. Price on ' Civil Liberty and the vVmerican War.' Visited Governor Hutchinson, who was again alone. Went to Herald's office. Went to New Eng- land Coffee-house. Ncav England refugees form a Club. Went to Chapel Royal, and saw the King and Queen ; Bishop of London preached. Heard Dr. Price preach. Dinner, tea, and evening with several refugees. Attended funeral of fellow-refugee ; many have died. At the New England Club dinner, twenty-five members present. News of Banishment and Confiscation Acts, Saw procession of peers for trial of Duchess of Kingston. Went to St. Paul's; Dr. Porteus preached ; several high church dignitaries pre sent. Saw Lord Mansfield in Court, his train borne by a gentleman. Went to Bunyan's tomb. Heard Dr, Peters, a Connecticut Loyalist, preach. News from America, Strive hard for some petty clerkship ; application was unsuccessful ; 352 CURWEN. such offices openly bought and sold. Hopes and fears excited by accounts from native land. Visited ancient ruins, supposed to be either of Roman or Danish origin. Witnessed election of a member of Parliament, Discuss probability of vA'ar's closing. Sigh to return to America. Fear to be reduced to want ; lament distressed and forlorn condition. Visited noble men's estates and casdes. Heard of death of Washington, Letter from a friend in America. Visited different colleges and public gardens. Fears about losing pension, and horror of utter poverty. Attended sessions of Parliament ; heard Fox, Burke, and other great orators. Heard that Washing ton and his army were captured. Heard Wesley preach to an immense throng in the open air. Visited a fishing-tOAvn, and reminded of fishing-towns in Massachusetts. Heard that Washington is declared Dictator, like Cromwell. King im plored to dri\'e Lord Nordi from his service, and take Chat ham, and men of his sentiments, instead. Witnessed equip ment of fleets and armies to subdue America. Angry and mortified to hear Englishmen talk of Americans as a sort of serfs. Wearied of sights. Sick at heart, and tired of a so- journ among a people, avIio, after all, are but foreigners. New refugees arrived to recount their losses and suff'erings. Fear of alliance with France. Great excitement in England among the opposers of the Avar. Continued and frequent deaths among the refugee Loyalists. Pensions of several friends reduced. Fish dinner at the Coffee-house. O for a return to New England ! Anxious as to the result of the Avar, News of surrender of Cornwallis, and admission on all hands, that England can do no more. All the Loyalists abroad deeply agitated as to their future fate. Failure of British Commis sioners to procure in the treaty of peace any positive condi tions for the Americans in exile. Long to be away, but dare not go. Some refugees venture directly to return to their homes ; others embark for Nova Scotia and Canada, there to suffer anew. Know of forty-five refugees from Massa chusetts who have died in England ; among them, Hutch inson, the Governor, and Flucker, the Secretary." CURRY. — CUTLER. 353 Such Avere some of the things which Curwen saw and heard, such the hopes and fears which agitated him during his exile, and the course of life of hundreds of others, we may very properly conclude, Avas not dissimilar. Would that all the opposers of the Revolution had passed their time as inno cently ! Some of those Avho remained in the country, did in fact do so ; since they were nominal Loyalists only, and lived quietly upon their estates, or pursued their ordinary employ ments at their usual homes, in the towns occupied by the Royal forces. Curry, John. He settled in New Brunswick after the war, and as early as 1792 was senior Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charlotte. He died in that county. His son, Cadwallader Curry, was for some years a merchant at Eastport, Maine, and subsequently at Campo Bello, New Brunswick. Curry, Ross. Of Philadelphia. A Whig at first, and a lieutenant in the army. Attainted of treason, and property confi'scated. Was a lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Loyalists, and adjutant of the corps. He settled in New BrunsAvick, received half-pay, and devoted himself to the profession of the law. He died in that Province. Curtis, Charles. Of Scituate, Massachusetts. Grad uated at Harvard University in 1765. He Avas one of the eio-hteen country gentlemen who were driven into Boston, and who Avere Addressers of Gage on his departure, in October, 1775. He was proscribed under the Act of 1778. His death occurred at New York previous to 1832. Cutler. Two persons of the name of Thomas Cutler were proscribed and banished in 1778 ; one by the Act of New Hampshire, the other by that of Massachusetts. The Thomas of the latter belonged to Hatfield. There died at Gaysbor- ough. Nova Scoda, in 1838, Thomas Cuder, Esq., at the ao-e of eighty-five, who was a Loyalist, and who was, un doubtedly, one of them. .X^UTLER, Ebenezer. Of Northborough, Massachusetts. In May, 1775, the Northborough Committee of Correspond- 30* 354 CUTLER. — CUTTING. ence made charges against him, and sent him, with the evi dence of his misconduct, to General Ward at Cambridge. His case was submitted to Congress, when it appeared that he had spoken " many things disrespectful of the Continental and Provincial Congresses," that he had " acted against their resolves," had said that " he would assist Gage," had called such as signed the town-covenant or non-consumption agree ment, " damned fools," &c., &c. A resolve to commit him to prison Avas refused a passage, and a resolve that he be allowed to join the British troops at Boston, was also lost. But subsequently he was allowed to go into that town " with out his effects." Cutler had formerly lived at Groton. In 177<> he' accompanied the British Army to Halifax. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He settled in Nova Scotia, and was protonotary of the county of Annapolis. He Avas a zealous Episcopalian ; and, it is related that, seeing his cow drinking from a stream which passed under a Methodist meet ing-house, " he beat her severely for her apostacy from the true faith." He died at Annapolis Royal, in 1831, 'quite aged. Mary, his widow, died at the same place in 1839. Cutting, Leonard. An Episcopal clergyman, of New York, He graduated at Cambridge, Englaild, in 1747, and shortly after was appointed a tutor and a professor in King's College, New York. In 1766 he was settled as minister of St. George's Church, Hempstead, New York, In 1776 he signed an acknowledgment of allegiance, and professed him- • self a loyal and well-aff'ected subject. While at Hempstead, he preached occasionally at Huntington and Oyster Bay, He also taught a classical school of high repute, and educated sca'- eral young men who became eminent. In 1784 his pastoral relations at Hempstead were dissolved, and he accepted the Rectorship of the Episcopal Church at Snow Hill, Maryland, Subsequently, he Avas called to Christ Church, NeAvbern, North Carolina ; and, after officiating there about eight years, he returned to New York, He died in 1794, in his seventieth year. His wife survived until 1803, One of his sons was the father of Francis B. Cutting, an eminent lawyer of the CUTTER. — CUYLER. 355 city of New York. He was small and of slender frame ; and Avas " beloved, equally by his pupils, his parishioners, and his friends." Cutter, Samuel. Of Edenton, North Carolina., Physi cian. Born in Brookfield, Massachusetts, in 1741 ; graduated at Harvard University, 1765. After travelling in Europe, he settled at Edenton, and enjoyed the i-espect of several leading Whigs. At one period of the war, he was in practice at New town, New York. His fortunes subsequently Avere various. In 17S5 he was at Hartford, Connecticut, where he formed business relati(ms with an English gentleman, by which, he said, he hoped to ]i\e comfortably the remainder of his days. Though treated with every civility, his situation was disagree able, because he was among people whose genius and manners were totally different from those with whom he had mingled for twenty years, and because he Avas entirely separated from old friends to whom he was most tenderly attached. In De cember of the same year he was at New London, where — he Avrote — his employment called him up before the sun, kept him on foot the whole day, and often still later. I find him next in 1795, Avhen he was in Vermont, His two sons were with him, but his wife was at Hartford, His circumstances were easy, but there was no society around him, and he lived almost in solitude. He had relinquished practice, but acted occasionally in consultations. He was a trader, farmer, miller, and distiller. He had been a member of the Legislature ; and had he not been loyal in the Revolution, would have enjoyed popular favor. He died at Walpole, New Hampshire, in 1821, in his eightieth year. Cutter, Zacheus, Of Amherst, New Hampshire, Aban doned the country. Commissioners appointed to examine claims against his estate, June, 1781. For a time during the war, he was at Newtown, New York. Prior to the peace, he sailed for London for the purchase of goods, intending to establish himself in New York, and perished at sea on the return passage. Dr, Samuel Cutter was a kinsman. Cuyler, Abraham C. Of Albany, New York, Mayor 356 CUYLER, — DABNEY. of that city. Confined at Hartford, he applied to the New York State Convention, (August, 1776,) for permission to visit his wife, who, he said, was sick and unable to take care of his children and large family ; and, in the mean time, to settle some of his private affairs. Released after some delay, he was authorized by the British Commander-in-Chief to raise a battalion of six hundred men for the Royal service, and in November, 1779, was recruiting loyal refugees at Rett's tavern, Jamaica, New York. He was attainted, and his property confiscated. In 1781 he Avent to England, He returned to Albany, and lived Avhere the North Dutch Church now stands ; but his course in the Rev olution rendered his situation uncomfortable, and he removed to Canada, and died there in 1810, aged sixty-eight. " He was a man of dignified and gentlemanly deportment." His son, Cornelius, a major in the British Army, died at Montreal in 1807. Cuyler, Henry. Colonel in the British Army. He en tered the service in 1782, as an ensign ; was commissioned a Major in 1797, a Lieutenant-Colonel in 1800, and Colonel in 1810. He died in England in 1841, aged seventy-two. Cuyler, Sir Cornelius, Baronet. Of Albany, New York. General in the British Army. He Avas born at Albany, and entered the service young. Besides the honors above mentioned, he was Governor of Kinsale, and Colonel of the 69th Foot. He died at St. John's Lodge, Herts, Eno-- land, in 1819, and Avas succeeded by his son Charles, the present (1857) Baronet. Lady Cuyler, who died in 1815, was Anne, daughter of Major Richard Grant. George, a son. Colonel of the 11th Foot, and K. C. B., died at Ports mouth, England, in 1818; immediately after his return from Gibraltar. Dabney, Nathaniel. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Pliysi- ^cian. An Addressej^-«£-JI«t6hifts©fl-4n 1774, but one 'ofthe " ReeaTifers." He A\'ent to England in 1777, and died before the peace. In 1781, his estate was advertised for sale by the Whig authorities. DALGLISH. - DANA. 357 Dalglish, Andrew. Of Salem, Massachusetts. An Ad- Idre.sser of Gage in 1774. He Avent to England. Was at ^fasgii-wpT^oA'cmber, 1781. Dana, Samuel, Of Massachusetts, He was born in that "part of Cambridge Avhich is now Brighton, in 1739, and grad uated at Harvard University in 1755. Six years later, the toAvn of Groton voted unanimously to invite him to become their minister, with a settlement of £200, a salary of £80, and fire-AVOod, not to exceed thirty cords per annum. He was ordained June, 1761. In the crisis of 1775, he believed that resistance jvould lead to greater evils than Avere then endured, and used his influence on the side of non-resistance. In March, " he preached a sermon which gave great offence to the peojde, who Avere generally inclined to unwavering re sistance. He was not allowed to enter the meeting-house on the next Sabbath, and his dismission by the town soon fol lowed." " It is a matter of tradition, that the in habitants were so enraged, that they shot bullets into Mr. Dana's house, to the great danger of his life and the lives of his family." That he was an excellent man, cannot be doubted. In May, he made a Avritten confession, Avhich, at the moment, was satisfactory. He had warm Whig friends. In the hope that all trouble might terminate, the Whig Com mittee of Groton, (of Avhom Colonel Prescott, who shortly after commanded the American force at Breed's Hill, was one,) published a card, to the eff'ect that Mr. Dana had fully atoned for his offences. The good will of his parishioners was, however, alienated, and separation was the consequence. After his dismission at Groton, he continued in that town for some years, but finally removed to Amherst, New Hampshire, when he read laAv, and Avas appointed Judge of Probate for the County of Hillsborough. He died at Amherst in 1798, and was buried with Masonic honors. His son Luther Avas an enterprising ship-master, and father of Samuel L. Dana, phj'sician and chemist, of Lowell, Massachusetts. His second son, Hon, Samuel Dana, who died in 1835, was bred to the law, was distinguished in his profession, and became President 358 DANFORTH. of the Senate of Massachusetts, and Chief Justice of the Cir cuit Court of Common Pleas ; die Hon. James Dana, late Mayor of Charlestown, is his youngest son. h Danforth, Samuel, Of Massachusetts. Son of Rev, John Danforth of Dorchester, and Avas educated at Harvard Uni versity. For several years he was President of the Council, a Judge, and in 1774, a Mandamus Councillor, After the last appointment, the Middlesex County' Convention — " Resolved, That whereas the Hon, Samuel Danforth, and Joseph Lee, Esquires, two of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for tlij County, have accepted commissions under the new Act, by being sworn members of his Majesty's Council, appointed by said Act, we therefore look upon them as utterly incapable of holding any office whatever." He died in 1777, aged eighty-one. He Avas distinguished for his love of natural philosophy and chemistry. Danforth, Samuel. Physician. Of Boston. Son of the preceding. He was born in Massachusetts in 1740, and grad uated at Harvard University in 1758. He pursued his medi cal studies with Doctor Rand, and commenced practice at NcAvport ; but finally settled in Boston. The ReA'olutionary troubles disturbed his professional pursuits, and distressed his family. His wife and three children took refuge with her father ; his brother went to England and ncA'er returned ; whde he himself continued in Boston during the siege. At the evacuation, he Avas treated harshly. But, as Whigs could not do Avithout physicians better than others, he was soon in ftdl practice, and the confidence of his patients was nearly unlimited, and their attachment almost without bounds. From 1795 to 1798 he was President of the Medical So ciety, He excelled in medicine, but not in surgery. He continued in full practice until he was nearly fourscore years. After about four years' confinement to his house, he died at Boston in 1827, aged eighty-seven. The family from which he Avas descended occupy a distinguished place in the annals of New England, Danforth, Thomas. Counsellor-at-law, Charlestown, DANIEL. — DAVIS. 359 Massachusetts. Brother of the second Samuel, He A\'as a graduate of Harvard UniA'ersity ; an Addresser of Hutchin son ; and was prosCTrbed-and -banished^ He was^thc—enly laAvyer at Charlestown, and the only inhabitant of that town who sought protection from the parent country at the begin ning of serious opposition. He went to Halifax in 1776. He died in London in 1825, Daniel, Joseph, In December, 1783, warrant issued on 'petition of the Selectmen of Stamford, Connecticut, ordering him to depart that town forthwith, and never return. Daniel, Timothy. Settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died at Hampton in that Province, in 1847, aged one hundred years. Darington, John. He emigrated to New Brunswick at the peace, and died there. Joanna, his Avidow, died in Port land, in that Province, in 1840, at the age of ninety-five, Davenport, Captain . He was a Whig, and held a military commission under Congress, but " was found wholly destitute of honor and principle." His connections were re spectable, and he possessed the air and manners of a man of the world. He remained at New York after the retreat of Washington from Long Island, and until the city was occu pied by the British troops ; and thus became a voluntary cap tive, if not a deserter. Davenport, Joseph. Of Virginia, Went to England, and died there in 1783, Davidson, Hamilton. He died in York County, New BrunsAvick, in 1841, aged ninety-two, ^.^Avis, Benjamin, Merchant of Boston. Was an Ad dresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and of Gage~Th 1775. He left that town with his famdy, determined, he declared, to settle in some part of his Majesty's dominions. He went first to Halifax, Nova Scotia ; and in his passage from that city to New York, in the ship Peggy, was captured and car ried to Marblehead, and thence to Boston, and imprisoned. In a letter to James Bowdoin, dated in jail, October 10, 1776, he said he was denied pen, ink and paper, was required 360 DAVIS. — DAWKINS. to keep in an apartment by himself, and was allowed to con verse Avith others only in the presence of the jailer. When he left Boston he had goods in his store of the value of £1000 sterling, Avliich he lost ; and Avhen taken at sea he lost £1500 sterling more. In addition, a large amount was due him which was never recovered. In 1778 he Avas proscribed and banished. He was in New York, July, 1783, and a petitioner for lands in Nova Scotia, In his religious faith Mr. Davis was a Sandemanian, Daa'IS, John, Of Charleston, South Carolina. Was an Addresser of Sir Henry Clinton in 1780, and also a Petitioner to be armed on the side of the Crown, He was banished in 1782, and his property was confiscated. He probably Avent to Eno-land. John Davis, an attainted Loyalist, was in Lon don in 1794, and represented to the British Government that he had been unable to recover several large debts due to him at the time of his banishment. It ma}- be remarked here, that though the sums of money, due to Loyalists proscribed, were now included in the Confiscation Acts, the courts of some of the States were sIoav to coerce the debtors. Davis, Solomon. Of Setauket, New York. Shipmaster in the London trade. His house was assailed, in 1779, by a band of marauders, who fired several balls through it. He was armed, and told them that he was used to the flying of balls around him. Neighbors were alarmed, and the gang went off without entering. In 1783, while returning home from the city of New York, he was met by two men, who shot him dead on the spot. Dawkins, George. Of South Carolina. In 1782 he was a captain of cavalry in the South Carolina Royalists. His estate was confiscated. Wounded, 1781, in the battle of Hob kirk's Hill. Dawkins, Henry. Of New York. Taken on Long Isl and and sent to prison. In his despair, he stated to the Com mittee of Safety, that he was " weary of such a miserable life as his misconduct hath thrown him into," and prayed that hon orable body to appoint the manner of terminating his sorrows by death. DAWSON. — DEANE. 361 Daaa'son, David. Of Chester County, Pennsylvania. At tainted of treason and property confiscated. Subsequently joined the Royal Army in Philadelphia, and went with it to New York, and was employed in passing counterfeit Conti nental money. He was detected in 1780, and executed. Dawson, James. Of Pennsylvania. Deserted from the State galleys, and joined the British at Philadelphia. Cap tured at sea. In 1779, in jail and to be tried for treason. Dealey, James. Of Charleston, South Carolina. He and Locklan Martin were tarred and feathered, and driven in a cart through the streets of that city in June, 1775 ; and Dealey Avas, besides, compelled to leave the country, and go to England. The Secret Committee of Charleston, at that time, was composed of distinguished men, one of whom was subsequently in nomination for the highest honors, and there is evidence that they countenanced, if they did not actually direct, the procedure. Dean, Jacob. Of New York. Was a loyal Declarator in 1775. He became an inhabitant of New Brunswick, and di^at St, John in 1818, aged eighty. 1^ Deane, Silas. Of Connecticut. Graduated at Yale Col lege in 1758. He played a distinguished part anibng-the Whigs in the early part of the contest, but his political sun went down in gloom, sorrow, and destitution. He may have been wronged. A member of the first Continental Congress in 1774, and the first diplomatic agent to France, a brilliant career Avas before him. But while abroad, his engagements and contracts embarrassed Congress, and he was recalled. Required to account for his pecuniary transactions, he did not dispel suspicion of having misapplied the public funds in trusted to his care. The delegates of Connecticut in Congress appear to have distrusted his integrity from the first. In turn, he accused Arthur and Wdliam Lee, who were abroad in public trusts, as well as their brothers in Congress, of con ducting a secret correspondence Avith England. In 1784 he attempted to retrieve his fame, by an address to the country, but failed. He now went to England. Mr. Jay, who was in vol. I. 31 362 DEBLOIS. Europe, had been his friend, and wished to aid him, and would have done so, had he been able to remove the accusations that had blighted his hopes and injured his character. But Mr. Jay had heard that he was on terms of familiarity with Arnold, and " every American who gives his hand to that man," he wrote to Deane, " in my opinion pollutes it." I have said that he may have been wronged. He may have been careless in his accounts, but not dishonest ; he may have been incapable, not corrupt. In 1842 his long-disputed claims were adjusted by Congress, and a large sum was found to be due to his heirs, under the principles recognized by the Gov ernment, and applicable to all claimants ; hence the doubt, whether he received entire justice at the hands of his asso ciates. A man driven to despair is to be judged mercifully. He died on board the Boston Packet, in the Downs, in 1789, in his fifty-third year, after four hours' illness. His wife was " the rich widoAv Webb." Deblois, Gilbert. Merchant, of Boston. An Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774,^an3'm Gage in 1775. He went to Halifax in 1776. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. In 1779 he was in London, and addressed the King. He died in England in 1791, aged sixty-three. Deblois, George. Of Salem, Massachusetts. An__Ad- dresser^of Gage in 1774, He went to England, In 1784, George Deblois, Jr., was a merchant at Halifax, Nova Scotia. The widow of a George Deblois, died at the same city, De cember, 1827, aged seventy-four. Deblois, Isaac. He was in the service of the King, and a lieutenant. In 1784 a lot in the city of St. John, New Brunswick, was granted him by the Crown. Deblois, Lewis. Merchant, of Boston. He was an Ad- dresser of Gage in 1775, and in 1776 was at Halifax, In rpfS'he was proscribed and banished. He was in London in 1779. He died very suddenly in England, (after being out all day,) in 1779, aged seventy-one. Deblois, Lewis. Of Massachusetts. After the peace, a 'merchant in St. John, New Brunswick, and in 1795 a mem- DEBOW. — DE LANCEY. 363 ber of the company of Loyal Artillery. He died in that city in 1802. His daughter, Elizabeth Cranston, is the wife of James White, Esq., late (1847) sheriff of the county of St. John. Debow, James. Served in the Queen's Rangers ; settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died there. His widow, Huldah, died in that Province in 1847, aged ninety-four. De Lancey, Oliver. Of New York. In command of a Loyalist brigade. He was the eldest son of Stephen De Lancey and of his wife, Ann Van Cortlandt, and was born in the city of New York in 1717. He served with credit in two campaigns of the French war, at the head of a regiment. In 1759 he was elected to the House of Assembly, and the next year appointed a member of the Council. His father, who was a French refugee, was a gentleman of wealth, and of the first rank. His career for some years may be consid ered in connection with that of his brother James, who was Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of that Colony. James was a man of talents, of learning, of great vivacity, and of popular manners ; but, if the writers of the time are to be fol lowed, he was also an unprincipled demagogue, who opposed the governors whom he could not rule, and who, for unworthy purposes of his own, kept the public mind in continual agita^ tion. He Avas at the head of affairs and administered the government after the removal of Clinton and the death of Os born, and a second time as the successor of Hardy. He died in 1760. The party opposed to his advancement, in denounc ing his ambitious projects, did not spare Oliver, the subject of this notice. On some occasions, Oliver seems to have promo ted his brother's designs, at the expense of propriety and deco rum. But yet Oliver De Lancey, at the period of the French .war, occupied a commanding position, and perhaps he did not overrate his personal influence when he said, that if in the expedition against Crown Point, he " should accept the com mand of the New York Regiment, he could in ten days raise the whole " quota of troops allotted to that Colony. This standing he maintained after his brother's death, and until the 364 DE LANCEY. Revolution. At the beginning of the controversy he may not have been a zealous adherent of the Crown. Some of the Whigs insisted, indeed, that he heartily approved of the course of the Ministry, and a letter appeared in a newspaper in England, in 1775, which, if genuine, authorized the opin ion. But this letter he publicly averred to be an infamous and a malicious forgery. Nor did he stop there, for he sub mitted, as he declared upon his honor, the Avhole of his corre spondence with his friends in England, from the earlist mo ment of the dispute, to Mr. Jay, who, finding nothing objec tionable, so stated in a card Avhich was published. But Avhat ever was his course before the question of separation from, the mother country was discussed, he opposed the dismemberment of the empire, and put his life and property at stake to pre vent it. In 1776 he was appointed a brigadier-general in the Royal service. Skinner, of New Jersey ; Brown, a former governor of the Bahamas ; Arnold, the apostate ; and Cun ningham, of South Carolina, were of the same grade, but their commissions were of later dates. General De Lancey was, therefore, the senior Loyalist officer in commission dur ing the contest. His command consisted of three battalions, known as De Lancey's Battalions. In his orders for enlist ments, he promised to any well-recommended characters, who should engage a company of seventy men, the disposal of the commissions of captain, lieutenant, and ensign. The common soldiers, he said, would be " in British pay." * Yet his success in filling his battalions was not flattering. Of the fifteen hun dred men required, only five hundred and ninety-seven were embodied in the spring of 1777, and but seven hundred and seven a year later. It is stated, that, whde he was raising his brigade on Long Island, Colonel Henry R. Livingston made a " litde excur sion " there, and carried oft' more than three thousand sheep and about four hundred horned cattle, and that £500 was * Copies of several of his orders, which disclosed his plans for raising recruits and obtaining provisions, were sent to Washington, and trans mitted by him to Congress, October, 1776, DE LANCEY. 365 offered for the " Rebel " officer's head. In November of the last-mentioned year, a small party of the Whig " advanced Avater-guard " passed the British ships in the night, burned his mansion at Bloomingdale, and rudely treated the inmates, who were ladies and servants of the family. Mrs. De Lancey, who was very deaf, hid herself in a dog-kennel, and came near be ing burned there. Her daughter Charlotte, (of whom pres ently,) and Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Floyd, (who mar ried John Peter De Lancey, and was the mother of the wife of Cooper, the great American novelist,) wandered about in the woods, for hours, barefooted, and in their night clothes. The Council of Safety promptly disapproved of the act ; not so much, however, because of its barbarity, but because of the apprehension that the British would retaliate. In 1780, General Robertson, who had succeeded Tryon as Royal Governor of New York, wrote Lord George Germain : " Brigadier-General De Lancey is extremely desirous I should mention his name to your Lordship by this very occasion. I can't do this without saying that he is a man of consequence in this country, and has suff'ered much by the Rebellion, the authors of which he is earnest to punish." The Whig Government of New York, which was organized in 1777, attainted him of treason and confiscated his estate. He went to England at the peace, but did not long survive. He died at Beverley in 1785, at the age of sixty-eight. In the " Life of Van Schaack," his decease is mentioned thus by a fellow-Loyalist : " Our old friend has at last taken his de parture from Beverley, which he said should hold his bones ; he went off without pain or struggle, his body wasted to a skeleton, his mind the same. The family, most of them, col lected in town [London.] There will scarcely be a village in England without some American dust in it, I believe, by the time we are all at rest." "The Gentleman's Magazine" announces simply the place of his death, his name, military rank, and " late of New York, who lost a large estate by his loyalty." His mother and the mother of Cordandt Skinner were sisters. He married Phelia 31 * 366 DE LANCEY. Franks, of Philadelphia, who died in Smith Street, Chelsea, England, in 1811, in her eighty-ninth year. One of his daughters, Susan, was the wife of the celebrated Lieutenant- General Sir William Draper, Knight of the Bath ; another, Charlotte, married Field-Marshal Sir David Dundas, Bart, who at one time was Commander-in-Chief of the British Army; a third married Lieutenant-Colonel John Harris Cruger. De Lancey, Oliver, Jr. Of New York. Son of Briga dier-General Oliver De Lancey. General in the British Army. He was educated in Europe. At the beginning of the Revo lution he was a captain. In 1776 he became a major ; was a lieutenant-colonel as early as 1779, and succeeded Andr^ as adjutant-general of the army in America. His treatment of General Nathaniel Woodhull, an estimable Whig of New York, who became his prisoner in 1776, should never be forgotten. There seems no room to doubt, that when that unfortunate gentleman surrendered his sword to De Lancey, he stipulated for, and was promised, protection ; but that his Loyalist countryman basely struck him, and permitted his men to cut and hack him at pleasure. And it is no less certain that the General, maimed and wounded, Avas denied proper care, attention, and accommodation, and that he perished in consequence of the barbarities of his captors. I find De Lancey called Barrack-Master-General and Major- General in 1794 ; and, some years later, Lieutenant-General, and General. He went to England and died unmarried, nearly at the head of the British Army List. He was the father of a natural son and daughter who bore his name, and who were openly acknowledged. The latter was living in 1844. Pos sibly, the former was the Colonel Oliver De Lancey, who died at St. Sebastian in 1837, at the age of thirty-four, in conse quence of wounds received in battle. It seems this officer had left the British Army, in which he was a captain in the 60th Rifles, and had espoused the cause of the Queen of Spain in the war with the Carlists. The accuracy of the text as relates to General De Lancey's DE LANCEY, 367 conduct to General Woodhull, as it stood in the first edition of this work, and as it stands above, was questioned by Mr, Cooper, the novelist, over his own signature, in an article published in the " Home Journal," New York, February 12, 1848, A discussion ensued between us in that paper, in which Henry C. Van Schaack, Henry Onderdonk, Jr., and the writer, " Vindex," participated. A review of it is not neces sary here, since the question betAveen us was one of evidence, and to be determined by the opinion formed of the credibil ity of writers ; except the following passage in Mr. Cooper's communication of May 6th, which, as it contains the denial of the party accused, I insert with great cheerfulness. Mrs. Cooper was a daughter of John Peter De Lancey, and her husband, after stating this fact, remarked that he well remem bered a conversation with her father, Avho said : " They en deavored to. put the death of General Woodhull on my cousin. General De Lancey. Colonel Troup made an affidavit, which Gouveneur Morris published. Troup and Morris [both were then alive] are respectable men, certainly — hut Oliver always indignantly denied it!" The italics are Mr. Cooper's. Robert Troup, in after life, was the personal friend and political associate of Jay and Hamilton, and of stainless honor. At the time of WoodhuU's death, he was a lieutenant in Col onel Lasher's Battalion of New York Militia ; and, a fellow- prisoner with the General, seems to have listened to his latest statement of his treatment. The curious reader who wishes to examine the case for himself, will find full details in " Onder- donk's Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's County." In 1775, the Committee of Safety of New York described General De Lancey as " a lusty, fat, ruddy young fellow, between twenty and thirty years of age." He died at Edinburgh in 1820. De Lancey, James. Of the city of New York. Son of Lieutenant-Governor James De Lancey. He was educated at Eton, and at Cambridge, England. He obtained a com mission in the British Army, and in the campaign against Ticonderoga, during the French war, was an Aid of General Abercrombie. Soon after the decease of his father, he sold 368 DE LANCEY. his commission. He inherited the principal family estates; and, at the Revolutionary era was one of the richest men in the country. From 1769 to 1775, he was a member of the ¦ House of Assembly, and his election was regarded as a tri umph of the Episcopalians over the Presbyterians. In the last-named year, he went to England, and some time after Avas followed by his wife and children. Attainted of treason, and his property confiscated, he never returned. At the formation of the Loyalist Commission for the prosecution of claims, he was appointed Agent for New York, and became Vice-President of the Board. His own losses were large and difficult of adjustment, and occupied the attention of the Com missioners for some days. Excepting Sir William Pepperell, Colonel De Lancey appears to have been the most active mem ber of the agency ; and two papers on the subject of the Loy alists' claims Avhich bear his signature contain much informa tion. These papers produced no effect, except as is stated in the preliminary remarks to this work ; no discrimination was finally made between Loyalists of different degrees of loyalty, merit, and grades of service. In this respect all were treated alike ; but the Commissioners were not required to revise their proceedings, as Avas asked for in the Address to Parliament; nor was Mr. Pitt induced to change his purpose of making certain rates of reduction on the sums reported to be due to claimants by the Commissioners, as was solicited in the com munication to him. Indeed, the claimants appear to have acquiesced in the deci sion of the Minister ; and the Board of Agents, after Mr. Pitt's plan was confirmed by an Act of Parliament, presented an Ad- ress to the King. De Lancey affixed his signature to this Ad dress, and with his associates had an audience of his Majesty, and " had the honor to kiss his Majesty's hand." The time and place of his decease have not been ascertained. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Chief Justice Allen, of Pennsylvania. Five children greAv up, namely : Charles, who entered the Navy, and died unmarried ; James, who in 1851 was Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Dragoon Guards, and the DE LANCEY 369 only male survivor of the family ; Anne and Susan, who were unmarried and living in 1848 ; and Margaret, who, the wife of Sir Juckes Granvifie Clifton, Baronet, died chddless, De Lancey, James. Of West Chester County, New York. Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of a battalion of his uncle, the senior Oliver De Lancey. He was the son of Peter De Lancey and Elizabeth Colden. For a considerable time he was sher iff of West Chester, in which, owing to his intimate acquaint ance with the county, he was stationed during several years of the Revolution, " His corps made free with the cattle of that part of the country, and got the soubriquet of ' Cow- Boys,' in revenge for their knowledge of beef." In 1777 according to Governor Tryon, he raised and commanded a troop of light-horse, the " elite " of the Colony, The same year, one of Putnam's scouting parties surrounded the house in which he lodged, to take him prisoner. In the alarm, he jumped out of bed and hid himself under it. Discovered in the search, he AA'as dragged out, and carried to camp. While in jail at Hartford, he receiA'ed the folloAving letter from Mr. Jay, who was an old friend : — ¦ " Sir, — Notwithstanding the opposition of our sentiments and conduct relative to the present contest, the friendship which subsisted between us is not forgotten ; nor will the good offices formerly done by yourself and family cease to excite my gratitude. How far your situation may be com fortable and easy, I know not ; it is my wish, and it shall be my endeavor, that it be as much so as may be consistent Avith the interest of the great cause to which I have devoted every thing I hold dear in this world. I have taken the liberty of requesting Mr. Samuel Broome immediately to advance you one hundred dollars on my account. Your not having heard from me sooner was unavoidable. A line by the first oppor tunity will oblige me. Be explicit, and avail yourself without hesitation of the friendship which was entertained as well as professed for you by " Your obedient and humble servant, "John Jay." " Poughkeepsie, January 2d, 1778." 370 DE LANCEY, In July, 1781, Colonel De Lancey was at Morrisania, and a plan was formed to capture or destroy his unpopular, nay, odious, corps. Washington ordered the Duke de Lauzun to proceed in advance, and directed General Lincoln to cooperate ; while he himself put the army in motion, " in order," as he records in his Liary, " to cover the detached troops and im prove the advantages which might be gained by them." Ow ing to circumstances which I have not room to state, the expedition failed. At the peace, the commander of the " Cow- Boys " retired to Nova Scotia. Mr. Macdonald, in a paper read before the New York His torical Society, in 1861, gave an interesting account of Colonel De Lancey's final departure from West Chester. I make brief extracts : " The Outlaw of the Bronx," he said, " with a heavy heart mounted his horse, and riding to the dwellings of his neighbors, bade them each farewell." Again : " His paternal fields and every object presented to his view were associated Avith the joyful recollections of early life. The consciousness that he beheld them all for the last time, and the uncertainties to be encountered in the strange country to which banishment was consigning him, conspired to awaken emotions, such as the sternest bosom is sometimes compelled to entertain. It Avas in vain that he struggled to suppress feelings which shook his iron heart. Nature soon obtained the mastery, and he burst into tears. After weeping with uncontrollable bitterness for a few moments, he shook his ancient friend by the hand, ejaculated with difficulty the A^'ords of benediction — ' God bless you, Theophilus ! ' and spurring forward, turned his back forever upon his native valley." Colonel De Lancey was appointed a member of the Council of NoA'a Scotia in 1794. He died at Annapofis in that Prov ince in the year 1800. Martha, his widow, died at the same place in 1827, aged seventy-three. De Lancey, James. Of New York. He was an officer in Oliver De Lancey's Second Battalion, James De Lancey, Esq., Collector of his Majesty's Customs, died at Crooked Island, New Providence, in 1808, and was perhaps the same. DE LANCEY. 371 De Lancey, John. Of New York. Son of Peter De Lancey, of West Chester County. Succeeded his father in the House of Assembly. In 1775, elected a member of the Provincial Congress. In 1776, an Addresser of Lord and Sir William Howe. De Lancey, John Peter. Of New York. He was born in that city in 1753. He was educated in England by his brother James, He entered the British Army, and was a captain. He participated in the battles of Brandy wine and Monmouth, and was in service at the South. In 1789 he resigned his commission, and returned with his wife to his native State. The remainder of his life was passed in West Chester County, and he died there in 1828. Elizabeth, his wife, died in 1820. , De Lancey, Stephen. Of New York. Lieutenant-Col onel Commandant of the First Battalion of New Jersey Vol unteers. The fragmentary accounts of this gentleman are conflicting. He was son of Peter, or of the senior Oliver, and in 1765 was appointed clerk of the city and county of Albany. The King's birthday, in 1776, " was ushered in with firing of guns, and other rejoicings, not agreeable to the inhabitants, and in the evening a party assembled to do honor to the day, with Abraham C. Cuyler, the Mayor, at their head, and were found carousing, and singing ' God save the King.' The cit izens became exasperated, rushed in, and seized Stephen De Lancey and others, and carried them oft' to jail, whence they were shortly after removed to Hartford, Connecticut." Some time after his release by Governor Trumbull on parole, I find him in command, as above mentioned. At the close of the war, he went to Nova Scotia, and in 1786 was appointed member of the Council. Omitting several discrepancies in facts and dates, which 1 cannot reconcile, I insert next the following notice which appeared in an English periodical in 1799 : — " Died, at Portsmouth, in America, on board the brig Nancies, Captain Tibbets, from Tobago, Stephen De Lancey, Esq., who, for several years was Chief Justice of the Bahama Islands, and 372 DE LANCEY. — DE PEYSTER. continued to hgld that office in 1797, since when (we believe) he Avas appointed Governor of Tobago. His remains were attended by a numerous procession of friends and strangers, and deposited in the tomb of the late Governor Wentworth." He may have married twice. In one place his wife is called Esther Rynderts ; in another, a daughter of the Rev. Henry Barclay, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. In 1817, it is recorded : " Died at Colchester, England, Mrs. Cornelia De Lancey, relict of S. De Lancey, Esq., formerly Governor of Tobago, and mother of Colonel Sir W. F. De Lancey, H. C. B., who fell at the batde of Waterloo." Sir William was Quartermaster- General of Wellington's army ; and Susan De Lancey, his daughter, married Sir Hudson Lowe, who was Napoleon's keeper — I must use thai offensive word — at St, Helena. De Lancey, Warren. Of New York. At the engage ment on Chatterton's Hill, West Chester County, in 1776, De Lancey was a youth of fifteen years. " While the British were advancing up the hill, a shot struck one of the standard- bearers dead." Warren " instantly seized the colors, and, rushing forward, was one of the first to gain the summit, where he planted them in the ground." For this act of bra very, he afterwards received a cornet's commission from Sir William Howe, in the 17th Dragoons, commanded by Oliver De Lancey the younger. He left the army before the peace, and died in the State of New York, " near me," says the late J. Fenimore Cooper, (in a letter dated March 11, 1848) " a year or two since," leaving issue. De Peyster, Abraham. Of New York. The De Peys- ters are of noble descent, Johannes de Peijster, (Peister, or Pester) the ancestor of this family in this country, was driven from his native land in the time of Charles the 9th, during that monarch's persecutions of his Protestant subjects. He settied in New York, and became an eminent merchant. " Portions of the costly articles of furniture, the elegant and massive family silver plate, and pictures, perfect gems of art ... . which he brought out from Holland, are still in the posses sion of his descendants." DE PEYSTER. 373 The subject of this notice was born in 1753, Two of his uncles, and one of his great-uncles, were members of the Council ; another uncle was Chief-Justice of the Colony ; and a brother-in-law was in command of a regiment of Royal Artillery. It is easy, therefore, to account for the loyalty of one so young and thus connected. He entered the King's service, and Avas a captain in the New York Volunteers. He was second in command at the battle of King's Mountain, in 1780, and, after the fall of Ferguson, hoisted a flag as a signal of surrender. The firing immediately ceased, and the Royal troops laying down their arms, the most of which were loaded, submitted to the conquerors at discretion. It seems not to be generally understood, that nearly the whole of Fer guson's force was composed of Loyalists ; but such is the fact. He went into action with eleven hundred and twenty-five men, of" whom only one hundred and sixty-two were Regulars. Of the Loyalists, no less than two hundred and six were killed, one hundred and twenty-eight wounded, and six hun dred and twenty-nine taken prisoners. The loss of Regulars was eighteen slain and one hundred and three wounded and captured. Captain De Peyster was paid off the morning of the battle. Among the coin which he received was a doub- loon, which he put in a pocket of his vest. While on the field, a bullet struck the gold and stopped, and his life was thus saved. Sims, in his " Life of Marion," relates that Major Posted, " who was stationed to guard the lower part of the Pedee, succeeded in capturing Captain De Peyster, with twenty-nine grenadiers." " De Peyster," he continues, " had taken post in the dwefling-house of Postell's father. The latter had wdth him but twenty-eight militia, but he knew the ground, and gaining possession of the kitchen, fired it, and w^s preparing to burn the house also, when " the Loyalist captain submitted, A gentleman of De Peyster's lineage informs me that Sims is inaccurate ; that, in the court of inquiry which followed the surrender, it was proved that the Whig force was about one hundred, and entirely surrounded his kinsman's band of " twenty-nine." Captain VOL, I. 32 374 DE PEYSTER, De Peyster went to St, John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was one of the grantees of that city. He received half- pay. He was treasurer of that Province, and a colonel in the militia. He died previous to 1799, as, in that year, leave was given to sell a part of his estate in the hands of his administrator. His wife (whom he married in 1783) was Catharine, second daughter of John Livingston, The De Peysters of the Revolutionary era were allied by blood or marriage to several of the oldest and richest families in New York, and were themselves persons of great respectability, De Peyster, Frederick, Of New York, Brother of the preceding. While a minor, he was in command of a company raised for the protection of his uncle, Hon. William Axtell, a member of the Council, who lived in Flushing, Long Island. Subsequently, he was a captain in the NeAV York Volunteers. In swimming a river on horseback, a rifle bullet passed through both his legs, and killed his horse. At the storming of Fort Montgomery in 1777, a detachment of his regiment, which was a part of the Royal force, was the flrst to enter the works. In 1784 Captain De Peyster was at St. John, New Brunswick, and received the grant of a city lot. In 1792 he Avas a magistrate in the county of York. He returned to the United States. His first wife Avas daugh ter of Commissary-General Hake ; his second wife, daughter of Gerard G. Beekman, and granddaughter of Lieutenant- Governor Van Cortlandt. De Peyster, Jaaies. Of New York, Brother of the preceding. He was captain-lieutenant in the King's Ameri can Regiment under Fanning, and entered the service when he was only nineteen years of age. His superior oflScers gave him high " testimonials of courage, ability, and con duct,"' after he closed his military life as a Loyalist, In 1786, he was commissioned as first lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, commanded by his brother-in-law. Colonel James. De Peyster is said to have been one of the handsomest men in the British Army. I am indebted to one of his kinsmen in die State of New DE PEYSTER. 375 York — who has contributed several curious and interesting works to the literature of the country — for an account of his fate, I extract as freely as my limits will allow. The date is 1793 ; the scene, the siege of Valenciennes : " This siege Avas remarkable, in that a greater portion than usual of the operations were subterranean. Mines and counter-mines innumerable were formed and sprung by both besiegers and besieged. On the 25th July, the English sprung two large ones under the glacis and horn-work, whose immediate result was to enable them to establish themselves in the covered way. Among the foremost, as usual, our hero was buried by one of these explosions, and reported among the ' missing,' After a search of more than an hour, he was discovered in a state of partial stupefaction. Thus he may have been said to have been restored to his regiment after having been buried alive. " Three days afterwards, Valenciennes surrendered, A large share in this success Avas accorded to the British Ar tillery. The British now advanced and occupied a camp in the neighborhood of Menin, a fortified town of West Flanders, on the Lys." " Again," says my informant, " on the 18th August, three battalions of the English Guards, and detach ments of the Royal Artillery, ad\anced to attack the French position. The enemy occupied a redoubt of uncommon size and strength upon a height adjoining to the high-road, in front of the village of Lincelles, The road itself was de cs fended by other Avorks strongly palisadoed ; woods and Hitches covered their flanks. The battalions were instantly formed, and advanced under a liea\'y fire, with an order and intre pidity for which no praise can be too high, " To overcome such difficulties demanded great sacrifices and greater exertions, yet the fall of tAvo gallant officers, and the brave men wdio have suffered on this occasion, must be a matter of regret. In the fore front of this glorious attack, and among the first Avho fell, was the subject of this article." Still again : " Many years after, my grandfather, Frederick 376 DE ROSSET. - DESCHAMP. De Peyster, was dining with his second cousin, Frederick C. White, General in die British Army, when the conversation turned upon the latter's military service in Holland, and par ticularly the combat of Menin, or, more properly speaking, of Lincelles, ' While advancing at the head of my corps,' said the General, ' on the 18th of August, 1793, I noticed a remarkably finedooking dead officer, with his cocked hat slouched over his face, whom his men had raised up and fixed in an erect position, by taking advantage of the support afforded by the crotch of a tree. Not being able to recognize him, — for his chin had sunk down upon his chest, and his chapeau had been drawn down almost so as to cover his eyes, to keep it from falling off, — I turned aside, and, lifting his head, removed the hat, discovering thereby, to my grief and horror, that it was your beloved brother and my gallant cousin, James, who had been shot directly through the fore head.' " Finally : " Under contract of marriage to a lady of fortune, Avon by his physical and mental advantages, he post poned his union until the close of the campaign, and passed from the transient endearments of love to the lasting embrace of death His portrait in New York attracts universal attention, and bears ample testimony to his advantages of person." De Rosset, Lewis H, A member of the Council of North Carolina. He was present April 2, 1775, and gave his assent to the issuing of a proclamation to forbid the meeting of a Whig Convention at Newbern on the following day. This Convention was for the purpose of electing delegates to the Continental Congress. He was in communication with Gov ernor Martin after the Royal authority had ceased, and his Excellency had abandoned the palace. In the war against the " Regulators," he A\'as called Lieutenant-General, A Whig, who knew him well, said he Avas " a cultivated and elegant gentleman." He was expelled from North Caro lina. Deschamp, . Committed suicide at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, about the year 1805. DEVEAUX. 377 Deveaux, Andrew, Jr. Of South Carolina, Lieu tenant-Colonel in the Loyal Militia. In April, 1783, he commanded a successful expedition against the Bahamas. His oAvn account of the affair follows : — "I have the honor to inform you," he Avrote, " that, on the night of the 14th instant, we arrived at the Salt Key with our fleet, four miles distant from the Eastern Fort, Avhich consisted of thirteen pieces of cannon. I landed about a mile from it, a little after daylight, with my formidable body of about one hundred and sixty men, and proceeded against it with all possible expedition, determined to storm immediately ; but there being a plain for some distance round their fortifications, gave the enemy an opportunity of discovering us, when they, in great confusion, abandoned the fort, and drew up in a field near a wood. As soon as I came up with them, they fired upon us. My young troops charged them, made two prisoners, and drove their main body, in great irregularity, into town. We sustained no loss on our side. Captains AVheeler and Dow detached about seventy men in boats, to board three formidable gallies that lay abreast of the Eastern Fort, which was eff'ected about the time of my skirmish with the enemy. On my going to take possession of the fort, I smelt a match on fire, which circumstance, together with their abandoning their A^'orks so readily, gave me reason to suspect their intentions. I immediately had the two prisoners confined in the fort, and halted my troops at some distance from it; but, self-preservation being so natural a re- ffection, they soon discovered the match that was on fire, which, in half an hour, would have been communicated to the maga zine and two mines that Avere laid for the purpose. About two hours after I had taken possession of the fort, his Excellency Governor Claraco sent out a ffag, giving some trifling infor mation of a peace, I supposed his information entirely for the purpose of putting off time and amusing me ; I, therefore, shortly after the return of his flag, demanded the surrender of the garrison at discretion, in fifteen minutes. In ansAver to Avhich his Excellency waved the surrender, and requested a conference Avith me personally, when he made offers Avhich I 32* 378 DEVEAUX. — DE VEBER. thought prudent to accept, and to establish a truce between us for some days ; but fortunately his Excellency was discov ered to be carrying on his works, and not adhering so strictly to the terms of the truce as he ought ; this gave me an oppor tunity of commencing hostilities once more with him. I im mediately landed eight pieces of heavy cannon from the cap tured vessels, viz., one brig and two sloops, with twenty-four and twelve-pounders, Avith which I stole a inarch in the night of the 17th instant, and sunk my cannon in the solid rock on Society-hill, which is about four hundred yards from the grand fortress, consisting of twenty-one pieces of cannon, and two small flanking batteries of three guns each. On an adjacent hill I erected a work with one twelve and four four-pounders, which was not three hundred yards distance from them, com manded by Captain M'Kenzie ; a third work of two nine- pounders was not complete. The enemy kept up a heavy fire, and throwing of shells during the night, which had no bad effect. On the morning of the 18th, having two batteries ready to open on them, and a third, which, though not com plete, could have annoyed them greatly, besides two gallies, with twenty four-pounders, I gave his Excellency once more an opportunity of saving the lives of his men from the horrid consequences attending a work being carried by storm ; upon which his Excellency surrendered the garrison." NeAv Prov idence received quite an accession to its population from Loy alists who fled from the Southern States. De Veber, Gabriel. Of New York. He entered the military service of the Crown, and in 1782 was lieutenant- colonel of die Prince of Wales's American Volunteers, He setded in New Brunswick at the close of the Avar, and was a grantee of the city of St. John, He received half-pay. In 1792 he was sheriff of the county of Sunbury, and colonel in the militia. He died in that county. Margaret, his wife, third daughter of Doctor Nathaniel Hubbard, of Stamford, Connect icut, died in King's County in 1813. De Veber, Gabriel, Jr. Of New York. Son of Ga briel. In 1782 he was a lieutenant in De Lancey's Third DEVOE, — DIBBLEE, 379 Battalion. He Avent to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, was a grantee of that city, and received half-pay. He died in that Province, Devoe, Frederick. Of West Chester County, New York. Went to St. .lohn. New Brunswick, and was a grantee of that city. His farm of three hundred acres, at New Rochelle, was confiscated, and given to Thomas Paine, by the Legislature of New York. Devoe, James, Of the State of New York. A grantee of St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783. He died at Hampton, in that Province, in 1833, aged seventy-nine. DiBBLEE, .Joseph. Of Danbury, Connecticut. Known to be a Tory and to shelter Tories ; he suffered, at the hands of the Whigs, for his principles and his deeds. He and his father entertained Tryon at Danbury, when that ruthless officer was on the expedition of devastation to Connecticut, Dibblee was once taken out of bed at night, by men in disguise, carried to a stream, and ducked until he expected to perish. At the peace he continued in his native town. " Time softened the asperities of feeling " against him ; and, Avhen visited by Los- sing a few years ago, he was in his hundredth year, and had " lived among his old neighbors and their descendants, a worthy and respected citizen." He was never married. f Dibblee, Frederick, He Avas born at Stamford, Connec ticut, and graduated at King's College, Ncav York. He was a missionary of the Society" for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with a salary of £50. In December, 1783, a warrant was issued upon petition of the Selectmen of Stam ford, ordering him and his family to depart that town forthwith, and never return. He settled in New Brunswick, and became Rector of the Episcopal Church at Woodstock. He died at that place in 1826, aged seventy-three. Nancy, his widow, died at the same place in 1838, at the age of eighty-three. , Dibblee, Fyler. Attorney-at-law, Stamford, Connecti cut. In 1775 he was captain of the first military company of that toAvn, and a person of consideration. He early incurred the displeasure of the Whigs, and the Assembly of Connecti- 380 DIBBLEE. — DICKE. cut appointed commissioners to inquire- into his conduct. In 1778, he and sixteen other Loyalists were taken prisoners on Long Island, New York, by a party of Whigs, who landed there from boats. His property in Connecticut was confis cated. In 1783 he was a deputy agent for the transportation of Loyalists from New York to Nova Scotia, and, in April of that year, sailed from Huntington Bay in the ship Union, for St, John, New Brunswick, and arrived in May. He was ac companied by his wife, five children, and two servants. In 1784 he received the grant of two city lots. Some years after he committed suicide. Various reasons have been assigned for the melancholy termination of his life. Dibblee, Ralph, Died at Kingston, New Brunswick, in 1799, / Dibblee, Walter. Of Stamford, Connecticut. He ar rived at St. Julin, New Brunswick, in the ship Union, in 1783, The Crown granted him a city lot in 1784. He died at Sus sex Vale, in that Province, in 1817, aged fifty-three. Dick, John, Of New York. At the peace, accompanied by his family, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him one town lot. He died at St. George, New Brunswick, in 1839, aged ninety-five years. / DiCKE, Waldo. Of Warren, IMaine. His mother was daughter of a Scutch laird, and unacquainted with any kind of domestic labur. He was the first child born to the emi grants on the " Waldo Patent," after their arrival, and was named for the proprietor, who " promised to give him a lot of land as soon as he should get large enough to -vvear breeches ; but, the General dying, the promise was never fulfilled." During the Revolution, he was too active on the side of the Crown to be forgiven by the people of Warren ; and at the peace went to St. Andrew, New Brunswick, Avhere he was employed as a ship-master. About the year 1794, he was confined in irons at New London for some oflfence committed on ship-board, and succeeded in releasing himself from prison ; but, attempting to escape by swimming, was drowned. War ren was the first town incorporated in Maine, after the Whigs DICKSON. — DOANE. 381 of Massachusetts assumed the government ; and was named in honor of the distinguished Adctim of June 17th, 1775. Dickson, Robert. Settled in Nova Scotia. Was a mem ber of the House of Assembly, and magistrate of the District of Colchester. He died in 1835. Dickson, W. Of New York. He commanded a company in the New York Volunteers. In 1780 he was drowned at Long Island, while bathing. His body was found and interred, DiNGEE, Solomon. He died at Gagetown, New Bruns wick, in 1836, aged eighty. Dingey, Charles. Of Pennsylvania. Imprisoned in 1778, on the charge of acknowledging himself to be still a subject of George the Third ; of refusing to take the oath prescribed by the Whig Government ; of declining to give his parole to do the popular cause no injury ; and of attempting to go into Philadelphia while in possession of the Royal Army. Released, on furnishing three sureties, in £1000 each, to ap pear at Lancaster within ten days, to answer. Dingwell, Arthur. He went to St. John, New Bruns wick, at the peace, and was one of the grantees of that city. In 1795 he was a member of the Loyal Artillery of St. John. In 1801, advertised that he was about to leave the Province. DiTMARS, John J. Of Long Island, New York, Went to Nova Scotia, and died there in 1829, aged ninety-seven. Dixon, Charles. He became an inhabitant of New Bruns wick at the peace, or perhaps a little earlier, and continued a resident of the Province until his death, in 1817, at the age of eighty-nine, Dixon, Joseph. He died at Hampton, King's County, New Brunswick, in 1842, aged ninety-two. DoANE. Of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Five broth ers, namely : Moses, Joseph, Israel, Abraham, Mahlon. They were men of fine figure and address, elegant horsemen, great runners and leapers, and excellent at stratagems and escapes. Their father was respectable, and possessed a good estate. The sons themselves, prior to the war, were men of reputa tion, and proposed to remain neutral. But, harrassed person- 382 DOANE. ally, their property sold by the Whigs because they Avould not submit to the exactions of the time, the above-mentioned determined to wage a predatory warfare upon their persecu tors, and to live in the open air, as they best could do. This plan they executed, to the terror of the country around ; act ing as spies to the Royal Array, and robbing and plundering continually ; yet they spared the weak, the poor, and the peaceful. They aimed at public property and at public men. Generally, their expeditions were on horseback. Sometimes the five went together ; at others, separately, with accomplices. Whoever of them was apprehended, broke jail ; whoever of them was assailed, escaped. In a word, such was their course, that a reward of £300 was off'ered for the head of each. Ultimately, three were slain ; Moses, after a desperate fight, was shot by his captor ; Abraham and Mahlon were hung at Philadelphia. Joseph, before the Revolution, taught school. During the war, while on a marauding expedition, he was shot through the cheeks, fell from his horse, and was taken prisoner. He was committed to jail, but while waiting his trial, escaped to New Jersey. A reward of $800 was offered for his appre hension, without success. He resumed his former employment in Ncav .Jersey, and lived there under an assumed name, nearly a year ; but finally fled to Canada. Several years after the peace, he returned to Pennsylvania, — "a poor, degraded, bro ken-down old man," — to claim a legacy of about £40, which he Avas allowed to recover, and to depart. In his youth he was distinguished for great physical activity. The only separate mention of Israel is, that in February, 1783, he was in jail ; that he appealed to the Council of Penn sylvania to be released, on account of his own suff'erings and the destitute condition of his family, and that his petition was dismissed. Beside these five brothers, there were three others : Joseph, dieir father, who was in Bedford County jail, September, 1783 ; Aaron, who was under sentence of death at Philadel phia, October, 1784, but was pardoned by the Councd, March, DOBBIE. - DOHERTY, 383 1785 ; and a second Aaron, who was in prison in 1785, and was repricA'ed under the gallows, at NeAvark, New .Jersey, in July, 1788, Dobbie, George. He died at the beginning of the Revo lution, and the greater part of his property was lost to his family. His son, William Hugh Dobbie, captain in the Brit ish Navy, died in England in 1830, aged fifty-eight. Dodd, Robert. Of Pennsylvania. Deserted from the State galleys. Joined the British in Philadelphia. Captured at sea. In jail in 1779, and to be tried for treason. Dodd, . Was in the military service of the Crown, and engaged in the battles of White Plains and Monmouth, and in the siege of Yorktown. At the peace, he went to New BrunsAvick, and died there. His Avidow, Elizabeth, died at St, Stephen in that Province, in 1849, aged one hundred and eleven years. She was born on board of a British ship- of-the-line, in the Bay of Biscay. She accompanied her hus band in the Revolution, and endured all the deprivations and hardships of life in the camp. Doggit, John. Of Middleborough, Massachusetts, He 'went to New Brunswick, and died on the Island of Grand Menan, Bay of Fundy, in 1830, aged seventy. Doharty, Edmund. Of PoAvnalborough, IMaine. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, November, 1779, and employed by the Government. Implicated in concealing deserters from two ships-of-\\ ar, Avas dismissed. " How he will support his family," said the Rev. Jacob Bailey, " I know not, as his reputation is greatly blasted by his foolish conduct," He went subsequently to the British post at the mouth of the Penobscot ; and one who knew him there, wrote in 1782, " Doharty has gone out on a cruise." DoHERTY, Michael. Sergeant in the DelaAvare Regiment. Taken prisoner and confined. A British recruiting sergeant, " up to all manner of cajolery," — such is Michael's story, — "by dint of jierpetual blarney, gained my good will, slipped the King's money into my hand, which I pocketed, and en tered a volunteer in the 17th Regiment." Michael's corps 384 DOMETTE. - DONGAN. was at Stony Point when stormed by " Mad Anthony," and our wag fell wounded into Whig hands, greatly to his amaze ment, for " he thought himself snugly out of harm's way." His wound cured, and " whitewashed of his sins," his old comrades received him with kindness. In the battle of Cam den — " bad luck to the day ! " — the Delaware Blues were "cut uproot and branch," and poor Michael made prisoner. He put his wits at work, and concluded that a prison-ship was no better than a jail ; and so 'listed under Tarleton. " Oh, botheration, what a mistake ! " The battle of the Cowpens soon followed. " Howard and Old Kirkwood gave us the bayonet so handsomely, that we Avere taken one and all ; " and a dragoon " added a scratch or two to the account already scored on my unfortunate carcass. As to all the mis eries that I have since endured, afflicted with a scarcity of e\eiything but appetite and musqnitoes, I say nothing about them," No Avonder his tale ends in these words : " I feel some qualms at the thought of battle, since, take whatever side I will, I am always sure to find it the wrong one." DoMETTE, Joseph. Of Boston. Imprisoned there. He went to England, and for a time received a pension of £80 per annum from the Government. He became an Episcopal minister, and, probably, settled in Ireland or Wales. He passed " through many scenes of disappointment." Donaldson, Samuel, Of Virginia, He was at New York in July, 1783, and was one of the fifty-five who peti tioned for grants of lands in Nova Scotia. [See Abijah Wil lard.] In a Loyalist tract, pubhshed at London in 1784, I find it said that he was a Rebel committee man, then a spy at New York, and that, at die peace, he returned to his estate in Vir ginia, and took the oath of allegiance to the Whig Govern ment. DoNGAN, Robert. Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the Garrison Battalion, lAe was continued in service at die peace, and, 1794, was commissioned a Major-General. DoNGAN, Edward Vaughan. Lieutenant-Colonel Com- DOUD. — DOWDNEY, 385 mandant of the Third Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers. He was the youngest son of Walter Dongan, of Staten Island, and was bred to the law. He was killed in his twenty-ninth year, August, 1777, in a skirmish on Staten Island. He left a widow ; but his only child died the very day of his own death. DouD, . Of North Carolina. Captain in the Loyal MUitia. Kided in 1781, in the attack of McNiel on Hills borough, when Governor Burke, his Council, and other per sons of distinction, were taken prisoners, and carried to Wil mington. Dougherty, Edward. In 1776 he embarked at Boston for Halifax. A Loyalist of this name died in extreme poverty on the river St. John, New Brunswick, where he had lived many years, about the year 1808. Doughty, . A captain in De Lancey's Brigade ; perished in 1783, on his passage to Nova Scotia, in the wreck of the transport ship Martha. [See James Henley.] Doughty, Rev. John. An Episcopal minister. He grad uated at King's College, New York, in 1770. He was or dained in England for the Church at Peekskill, but was soon transferred to Schenectady. In 1775 political troubles put an end to divine service, and he suff'ered much at the hands of the popular party. In 1777 he obtained leave to depart to Canada, (after having been twice a prisoner) where he became chaplain of the " King's Royal Regiment," of New York. In 1781 he went to England ; but returned to Canada in 1784, and officiated as missionary at Sorel. He resigned his connection with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in 1803. Dove, Abraham. Of New York. Went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, kept a hotel, and died there in 1803. Dove, James. Went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia; was a merchant and magistrate, and died there in 1824, leaving three sons. Dowdney, Nathaniel. Of New Jersey. Convicted of VOL. I. 33 386 DOXSTADER. — DRAPER. " cursing all Congresses and Committees," and of enmity to his country ; and, January, 1776, ordered by the Committee of Safety to be disarmed, and to be kept in close prison until he should manifest contrition for his offences, pay the cost of proceedings against him, and give security for his future good behavior. Doxstader, John. A Tory leader. On an incursion to Currietown, he and his Indian associates took nine prisoners, who, in an affair at a place called Ourlagh, New York, the day succeeding their capture, were bound to standing trees, tomahawked, and scalped. The bodies of these unfortunate men were hastily buried by friends. But one of them, Jacob Diefendorflf, was alive, and was afterwards found on the out side of his own grave ; he recovered and lived to relate the story. In 1780, on one of his incursions in New York, Dox stader carried away a horse belonging to a Whig ; but com ing to the same region, from Canada, after the war, he was arrested by the owner, and compelled to pay the value of the animal. Drake, Jeremiah. Residence unknown. Settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died at St. John in 1846, aged eighty. Drake, Francis. Died at Queensbury, New Brunswick, in 1836, aged eighty-one. He was in the service of the Crown for some years. Drake, John. Innkeeper, of Newcastle, Delaware. Was required in 1778 to surrender himself, or to submit to the for feiture of his property. Drake, Uriah. Of New York. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. He died at Carleton, in that Province, in 1832, at the age of seventy. Draper, Richard. Printer _and proprietor of the " Mas- sachusetts^ Gaze tte_ and Boston ^NewsnQgFterT" He^waFlhe apprentice, silent partner, and successor of his father, John Draper, He was early appointed printer to the Governor and Council, which employment he retained during life. His paper Avas devoted to the Government, and, in the controversy DRAPER. — DRURY. 387 between Great Britain and the Colonies, gaA-e strong support to the Royal cause, and had some able contributors. He was a man of feeble health, and was remarkable for the delicacy of his mind and gentleness of his manners. No stain rested upon his character. He was attentive to his affairs, and was esteemed the best compiler of news of his day. He died June 6th, 1774, aged forty-seven years, without children. Draper, Margaret, Wife of Richard Draper, of Bos ton. With the aid of John Howe, continued the publication of the " Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News Letter " from the time of her husband's death, in 1774, until the evac uation of Boston, in 1776 ; and her paper was the only one that was published during the siege of that town. She accompanied the British Army to Halifax, and proceeding to England, lived there for the remainder of her days. She died about the year 1800. The British Government allowed her a pension. Trumbull, in his " McFingal," calls her " Mother Draper." Dredden, W. Of New York. An officer in a band of marauders. Drew, Joseph. A grantee of the city of St. John, New Brunswick ; he died there in 1808. Drummond, Robert. Major in the Second Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers. Of this battalion, upwards of two hundred, who were his neighbors, enlisted under his inffuence and persuasion. A very large proportion of them fell victims to the climate of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, or perished in battle. Major Drummond himself went to Eng land at the peace, and died at Chelsea, in 1789. Drummond, George. Of Pennsylvania. Physician. In 1777, confined to a small and inconvenient house, and de prived, he said, of his practice, of his means of support, and of his health, he appealed to the Council for such enlargement as they should think reasonable. Drummond, Rev. William. Of Connecticut. Died at Jamaica, Long Island, in 1778. Drury, Wake. Of Burlington, New Jersey. One of 388 DRY, — DUCHE. the " King's Justices of the Peace," It was charged that " he behaved scandlessly." He owned that he said the Whigs had no right to draft men ; that the drafted men were fools if they went ; and that, if they would come to him, he would protect them for not going. The County Committee sent him, under guard of ten persons, to the ProA'incial Congress. In conducting him to the city wharf, the order of procession was, as the record has it, " Ensign Smith ; Fifer Haight ; Four Guards; Justice Wake; Four Guards." His Majesty's for midable magistrate was soon back, however, to Burlington from Trenton, on his Avay to Salem, to be put in jail untd further orders. Of the order and number of " guards," when he departed, history is silent. Dry, William. Of North Carolina. He Avas Collector of Customs, and a member of the Council. When Mr. Quincy, of Massachusetts, was on his Southern tour in 1773, he was his guest, and recorded in his journal, that " Colonel Dry's mansion is justly called the house of universal hospital ity," At this time, it is probable, from circumstances related by Mr. Quincy, that Mr. Dry was inclined to the popular side. But, by the records of the Council, it appears that, April 12, 1775, he " took again the oath appointed to be taken by Privy Counsellors." The Board at this meeting dismissed from a commission of the peace Colonel John Harvey, one of the most zealous Whigs in Nordi Carolina, and with the consent of all the members present. Yet I find that, after the adop tion of the Constitution in 1776, Colonel Dry was elected a member of the new, or Whig Council. But a man who changed so often was not a Whig. DucHE, Jacob, D. D. An Episcopal minister of Phil adelphia. He was born in that city, and graduated at the college there in 1757. He entered the ministry, and after the first Continental Congress assembled, in 1774, officiated as chaplain on the 7th of September, and was thanked by a vote of that body, " for the excellent prayer which he com posed and delivered " on the occasion. At this time he was Assistant Rector of two churches ; but on the death of Rev. DUCHE. 389 Doctor Richard Peters, an Episcopal minister of Philadel phia, in 1775, was appointed his successor. In 1776 he was elected chaplain to Congress, with a salary. The following is the form of prayer which he made use of after Independle ence was declared : — " O Lord, our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth, and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all kingdoms, empires, and governments, look down in mercy, we beseech thee, on these our American States, who have fled to thee from the rod of the oppressor, and thrown themselves on thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on thee ; to thee have they ap pealed for the righteousness of their cause ; to thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which thou alone canst give : take them, therefore, heavenly Father, under thy nurturiirg care ; give them wisdom in council, and valor in the field ; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries ; convince them of the unrighteousness of their cause, and if they still persist in their sanguinary purposes, oh ! let the voice of thine own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of Avar from their unnerved hands in the day of battle. Be thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly ; enable them to settle things on the best and siirest foundation, that the scene of blood may be speedily closed, that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst thy people ; preserve the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds ; shower down on them, and the millions they represent, such temporal blessings as thou seest expedient for them in this world, and crown them with ever lasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name, and through the merits of Jesus Christ, thy Son and our Saviour. Amen." He officiated as chaplain about three months, when he aban doned the Whigs, and resigned. In October, 1777, he wrote 33* 390 DUCHE. an extraordinary letter to Washington, which was delivered by Mrs. Ferguson, and which the Commander-in-Chief trans mitted to Congress. The objects of this communication were, in cast a general odium on the Whig cause, to induce Wash ington to apostatize and resign his command of the army, or, at the head of it, to force Congress immediately to desist from hostilities, and to rescind the Declaration of Independence. If this is not done, said Duche, "you have an infallible re source still left ; negotiate for America at the head of your army." In the course of this letter he represents Congress in a most despicable view, as consisting of weak, obscure persons, not fit associates for Washington ; and he speaks of the members from New England, especially, with great indel icacy. The army, in his estimation, both officers and men, were possessed neither of courage nor principle, and were taken from the lowest of the people. Various motives were assigned for his apostasy ; some be lieved that it was occasioned by the gloomy aspect of affairs ; others supposed that it arose from a change in his sentiments respecting the justice of the Whig cause. But whatever was the reason, the aspersions contained in his letter admit of no excuse. After quitting Phdadelphia, Doctor Duche went to England, and became chaplain to an asylum for orphans. He was a man of brilliant talents, an impressive orator, had a fine poetical taste, and figured as a preacher even in London. He was banished, and his estate was confiscated. His house was bought by Thomas McKean, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. In April, 1783, he sohcited Washington's influence to effect a repeal of the Act that kept him in banishment from his na tive country, " from the arms of a dear aged father, and the embraces of a numerous circle of valuable and long-loved friends." Washington replied that his feelings as an indi vidual were favorable, but that his case must continue to rest with the authorities of Pennsylvania. In 1790 the laws of that State having allowed the refugee Loyalists to return. Dr. Duch^ came back to Philadelphia in shattered health. DUCKUSTFIELD. 391 He died in 1798, aged about sixty years. One account states that his decease occurred in 1794; another, in 1796. His wife, a sister of Francis Hopkinson, was killed at Philadel phia in 1797, by the falling of a sand-bag on her head, while opening a window. His daughter Sophia married John Henry, a person whose real or supposed connection with our politics, about the time of the war of 1812, caused considerable sensa tion. Dr. Duche published several sermons before his defec tion, and two volumes in London, in 1780. Duckinfield, Sir Nathaniel, Baronet. Of North Car olina. He was a member of the Councd of North Carolina, and owned large tracts of land in that Colony. He " was gay, good-humored, and popular." .... In 1772 he Avent to England, when his friends prevailed on him to purchase a commission in the British Army. When the war broke out he could not be induced to serve against America, and when his regiment was sent out, he contrived to remain behind. In 1779 his estate was confiscated. James Iredell, who, after the organization of the Federal Government was a Judge of the Supreme Court, and the Baronet, were on very intimate terms. They became rivals in love ; " but the contest was so generously conducted, and the deportment of each so marked by magnanimity, that, so far fi-om their friendship being shaken, their mutual esteem was increased." The Baronet's " proposal met with a courteous but prompt refusal His disappointment so affected him, that he deserted the Province, to which he never returned ; subse quently, when his estate Avas forfeited, ' most ably and elo quently did Mr. Iredell plead his cause.' They regularly cor responded until the close of 1791." Mr. Iredell records in his journal, Saturday, December 19th, 1772 : " I have this morning had the happiness to receive a most pleasing friendly letter from Sir N. D., wherein he discovers a most noble soul, generously extolling in terms of the highest admiration a con duct severely killing his hopes, and congratulating me on a happiness raised on the ruin of his. Excellent young man ! may your lot be a happy one ; though indeed it will be very 392 DUCKINFIELD. difficult to fix your affections on one so likely to insure it," &c. On the 20th of January, 1773, the Baronet wrote his rival : " I don't know any couple so deserving of each other as yourselves, and as it was not my good fortune to be the happy possessor of Miss Hannah Johnston's aff'ections, I re joice exceedingly that such felicity was destined for you. Happy may you long continue to be together. I, perhaps, may never be an eye-witness of it. My intentions of settling in America are now at an end, and I am in hopes some time or other to acquaint you with the fulfilling of your wish that I may select some lady here for my own If I should again visit Carolina, I pledge you my assurance that the in crease of happiness to yourself shall not in the least abate the ardor of my friendship for you and your partner At present I think to amuse myself a little while in the army, and have a promise from Major-General Burgoyne of the next vacancy which shall happen in his Light Dragoons, if I shall not satisfy myself sooner," &c. Again, in a letter five days later, he said : " I wish you Avould acquaint me whether my addressing Miss Johnston was publicly knoAvn in North Car olina, and what she thought of my persisting to write to her." March 10th, of the same year, he wrote : " I have now the same reason to induce me to stay in England that I had to remain in Carolina, and which will, perhaps, be crowned with success, I am determined to marry as soon as I can meet with a lady whose person and fortune will be suitable, and who shall think me suitable for her," &c. On the 14th of May : " I am now entirely free from the last tincture of that unhappy situation of being in love, but how long the Avarmth of my constitution will permit me to be thus cool, I will not A'enture to promise. I am, however, destined to a cold part of the island, to join the Queen's (or 7tli) Reg iment of Dragoons, now quartered at Edinburgh, in which I have purchased a cornetcy." On the 9th of August, 1773 : " My passions are violent, and I cannot govern them. Since my last to you, in which I told you of one disappointment which I had met with, I have had another with a young lady who, 'tis DUCKINFIELD, 393 supposed, wdl be a fortune of near £100,000, and though I was much distressed at first, I got the better of it in a short time. I saw Captain Messenger at Liverpool ; he told me of my ' penchant ' for Miss Hannah, and I think said my mother mentioned it to him. I did not expect that it could be kept a secret." Again, in the same letter : " I am quite out of con ceit Avith matrimony at present, but can't promise how long it- will continue. There are some very pretty girls in this neigh borhood." In 1783 he wrote that he had been in command of a troop of dragoons three years ; that he was then aide-de camp to General Warde, with "nothing to do," and in a few days was to marry the General's niece, whose constitution would not allow her to cross the sea. A year later, he said he had made an exchange with an officer in a regiment of foot, and should retire on half-pay. " I am most perfectly happy," he continued, " and much fonder of my wife than when I mar ried. She is not at all handsome, but what you may call a devilish good one." Again, in 1784, he mentioned that he was the father of a boy who was a charming fellow, and attempted to talk and to scold ; that Lady Duckinfield was soon to pre sent him with another child ; and closed with the remark : " You will not be surprised at my being desirous that the plantation should be sold, and the money secured for my use after my mother's death, as I have entirely given up all thoughts of settling in Carolina ; and should I have a large family it will be necessary, in order to keep the younger ones from being carpenters and mantua-makers." In June, 1785, he announced the birth of a second son before the first was a year old ; and he discoursed about a numerous progeny, and of his parent's decease, in terms that caused Mr. Iredell to say in communicating with a friend : " I am quite vexed (between ourselves) at the levity and indifference of Sir N. Duckin- field's letter, wrote in answer to mine giving a very particular, and to me very affecting, account of his mother's death. He bears it with all the cursed stoicism of a philosopher ; and is stdl afraid that his wife will ruin him with a great number of children. He will deserve a Xantippe for his next wife, and 394 DUDLEY. a double set of children into the bargain. It is so intolerable to see a young man so insensible and so avaricious." The noticeable points of a letter dated in February, 1789, are the birth of a daughter, the allowance by the British Government of £3000 for his losses as a Loyalist, and the expression of joy that the Confiscation Act did not include " the negroes which he had lent to his mother." The Baronet died in 1824. His wife was Katharine Warde, who deceased in 1823. His son Samuel, captain in the Dra goons, was drowned in 1810. His son John Lloyd succeeded him, but dying without issue in 1836, the title devolved on his third son, Henry Robert, the present Baronet. His fourth son, Charles Egerton, is (1855) in the military service of the East India Company. His daughter Katharine married R. P. Smith, M. D. His family is one of the most ancient in the county of Chester, and is said to be descended from the Nor man house of De Massey. / Dudley, Charles. Last Royal Collector and Surveyor of the Customs at Newport, Rhode" Mand.,^ He Avas son of Thomas-^ndiMary (Leavitt) Dudley, of a highly respectable family of Staffordshire, England, and was born in that county in 1737. When Robinson was transferred to the Board of Commissioners of the Customs, Boston, and in 1768, he was appointed his successor at Newport. In November, 1775, he fled to the Rose ship-of-war. The Whig Committee seized his personal property soon after, sold a part, and stored the rest in Providence. The Committee voted, subsequently, " that one of his best beds, with the furniture, be presented to Gen eral Lee," who was in command in Rhode Island, and very busy with the Loyalists. In 1776 Mr. Dudley embarked at Boston for Halifax, Avith the British Army, and went to Eng land the same year. He died at London in 1790. His only child who lived to mature years, Charles E. Dud ley, of Albany, New York, was a Senator in Congress from 1828 to 1833, and died in 1841. The Dudley Observatory is named in honor of this gendeman ; and his widow, Blandina (Bleecker) Dudley, contributed, at various times, the sum of DUFIFELD. - DULANY. 395 $75,000 to erect and endow it. She died at Albany, March, 1863. In her wiU, in addition to her former gifts, she be- queadied the sum of $30,000 for the maintenance in the Dudley Observatory, Avhich she established, of a scientific chair, to be known as the " Blandina Professorship." This puts the institution in an excellent financial position, giving it a permanent endowment of $80,000, which is safely in vested, and yields an annual income of $5600. DuFFiELD, John. Of New Jersey. In 1774 the Whigs destroyed some tea owned by him, by Stacy Hepburn, and a Captain Allen, the value of which they attempted to recover by suit at law. Joseph Reed, of Philadelphia, was their coun sel, but they failed. DuFFUS, Charles, He died at St. John, New Brunswick, in 1818, at the age of seventy. DuLANY, Daniel. Of Maryland. Early in the contro versy, he and Charles Carroll engaged in a warm newspaper discussion, which attracted much interest. Dulany wrote over the signature of Antilore, and his Whig antao-onist adopted that ^f the First Citizen. Dulany was an eminent lawyer, and was considered one of the most distinguished men of his time. Before the Revolution he held the offices of Sec retary and Attorney-General of Maryland, and was a member of the Council. Few memorials remain of him, but he is ever mentioned in terms of the highest respect. Mr. Quincy, of Massachusetts, while on his journey to the South in 1773, sjioke of spending " three hours with the celebrated Daniel Dulany." Though a Loyalist at last, he stood up manfully against the Stamp Act. These words, uttered in 1765, are glorious : " A garment of linsey-wolsey," said he, " when made the dis tinction of patriotism, is more honorable than the plumes and the diadem of an emperor, without it. Let the manufacture of America be the symbol of dignity and the badge of virtue, and it will soon break the fetters of distress." He survived the Revolution several years. " He was one of the most refined gentlemen and flourishing counsellors of 896 DULANY. his day, and dignified his profession by the liberality and grace with AA'hich he exercised it. Like Edward Rutledge, of South Carolina, he took no fee from the widow and orphan. We can barely remember his benevolent mien and silver locks, as, when superannuated, he walked the streets of Baltimore ; his chief pleasure, after all his high aspirations, grave labors, and bright successes of life, being the distribution of ginger bread, with which he was constantly supplied, for the croAvd of children who watched and followed their venerable pro vider." Dulany, Lloyd. Of Annapolis, Maryland. On the 27th of May, 1774, the Whigs of that city passed the following Resolution : " That it is the opinion of this meeting that the gentlemen of the law of this Province bring no suit for the recovery of any debt due from any inhabitant of this Province to any inhabitant of Great Britain, until the said Act [Boston Port Bill] be repealed." Three days after, Mr. Dulany's name appeared at the head of the following Protest : " Lissentient. 1. Because we are impressed with a full conviction, that this resolution is founded in treachery and rashness, inasmuch as it is big with bankruptcy and ruin to those inhabitants of Great Britain, who, relying Avith unlimited security on our good faith and integrity, have made us masters of their fortunes ; condemning them unheard, for not having interposed their influence with Parliament in favor of the town of Boston, without duly weighing the force with which that influence would probably have operated, or whether in their conduct they were actuated by wisdom and policy, or by corruption and avarice. > " 2. Because, whilst the inhabitants of Great Britain are partially despoiled of every legal remedy to recover what is justly due to them, no provision is made to prevent us from being harrassed by the prosecution of internal suits, but our fortunes and persons are left at the mercy of domestic credi tors, without a possibility of extricating ourselves, unless by a general convulsion ; an event, in the contemplation of sober reason, replete with horror. DULANY.-- DUNBAR. 397 " 3, Because our credit, as a commercial people, will expire under the wound ; for Avhat confidence can possibly be reposed in those who shall have exhibited the most avowed and most striking proof that they are not to be bound by obligations as sacred as human invention can suggest." Dulany was killed in a duel with the Reverend Bennet Al len, Hyde Park, London, in 1782. The seconds Avere a Mr. De Lancey and a Mr, Robert Morris, both, I conclude. Loyal ists. The cause of the fatal meeting was an article in a Lon don newspaper, in 1779, touching the character of Dulany, (among other Americans) with A\'hom Allen was not pleased. Walter Dulany, son of Walter Dulany of Maryland, married the widow of Lloyd Dulany, in 1785. Dulany, Daniel. Of Maryland. Son of Walter. At first, he enrolled himself in the militia, and seemed inclined to the popular cause ; but refusing to sign the Test, he in curred the displeasure of the Whigs, and fled. Attainted, and estate confiscated. DuMARESQUE, Philip. Merchant, of Boston. An Ad dresser of Hutghinsan-in, 1774,,.and of Gage in 1775. In 1776, with his family of seven persons, he went to Halifax. Two years later he was proscribed and banished. He was appointed Collector of the Customs at New Providence, Nas sau, and died there. His wife was Rebecca, daughter of Dr. Sylvester Gardiner. His children were — Philip, a captain in the Royal Navy ; James, who married Sarah Farwell, of Vas- salborough, Maine ; Francis, a physician in Jamaica ; and a daughter, Rebecca. Persons of his lineage are now living in Boston and vicinity. Perhaps the Lieutenant Dumaresque of the British Navy, attached to the Haivke sloop-of-war, drowned in 1812, was also of his family. The Hawke lay off Calspot Casde, where she was employed to attend the Duke of Olarence. Lieutenant D. went up to Southampton to dine with Admiral Ferguson ; on his return, his boat upset. Dunbar, Daniel. Of Halifax, Massachusetts. Was an officer in die militia, and in 1774 a mob demanded of him the surrender of the colors of his company. He refused, when the VOL. I. 34 398 /j^ >^ JK^'^UNBAR. multitude broke into ms house, took him out, forced him to get upon a rail, where he was held and tossed up and down until he was exhausted. He was then dragged and beaten, and gave up the standard to save his life. In 1776 he went to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Avith the Royal Army. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. . Dunbar, Jesse. Of Halifax, Massachusetts. Bought some fat cattle of a Mandamus Councillor in 1774, and drove them to Plymouth for sale. The Whigs soon learned with whom Dunbar had presumed to deal, and after he had slaughtered, skinned, and hung up one of the beasts, commenced punishing him for the offence. His tormentors, it appears, put the dead ox in a cart, and fixing Dunbar in his belly, carted him four miles, and required him to pay one dollar for the ride. He then was delivered over to a Kingston mob, who carted him four other miles, and exacted another dollar. A Duxbury mob then took him, and after beating him in the face with the creature's tripe, and endeavoring to cover his person with it, carried him to Councillor Thomas's house, and compelled him to pay a further sum of money. Flinging his beef into the road, they now left him to recover and return as he could. Dunbar, Moses. Of Bristol, Connecticut. He was born 1n Plymouth, Connecticut. He was convicted of holding a captain's commission under Sir William Howe, and of enlist ing men for the Royal Army, by the Superior Court, January, 1777, and soon after, while .under sentence of death, cleared himself of his irons, knocked down the sentries, and escaped fi-om jail, but was apprehended. The " Connecticut Courant " announced that, " On Wednesday, March 19, Moses Dunbar Avill be executed. A sermon will be preached at the jail to the prisoner, by the Rev. Abraham Jarvis of Middleton ; and a sermon in the North Meeting-house to the spectators, by the Rev. Nathan Perkins." There was stiff another homily by Rev. Nathan Stone, Avhicli was printed, and which closes thus : " Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days." Dunbar was hung on the day designated, (March 19, 1777,) in the presence of a " prodigious concourse of people." E V AN S, — E VERITT. 407 not deprived me of my rights as an American, I have com mitted a great fault, but you are not responsible. I brought you away a child (of five years), but remember that when you are twenty-one, you are freed from rny authority as father, and will then return to your native country — and so he sent me, and there commences my history He re- , mained to the day of his death an empassioned American." j Evans, Abel. In 1778, in a letter to Galloway, he said: " The number of horses, employed to transport ffour from Maryland and Pennsylvania to Boston, were immense. These were principally taken from the farmers southward of New York, as those in the Continental Army were mostly rendered unfit for service through hard usage and bad feeding. Carry ing so much provision so far, and over very bad roads, has destroyed many more of the horses belonging to the farmers. From these circumstances judge how badly the Continental Army must be prepared for another campaign." Evans was then in New York — " obliged to go into such business as he could get to do." EvERSFiELD, Rev. John. Of Maryland. Episcopal min ister. He was born in England, and belonged to a noble family. He came to America in 1727, and the following year was placed over the parish of St. Paul's, Prince George's County. He possessed a good library, and was a man of great learning. In 1776 he was arrested, and his case examined b3- the Maryland Convention ; with the result that, in consider ation of his age and infirmities, and his want of ability to exert any dangerous influence, he be discharged, on payment of the expenses of his confinement. He died in 1780, aged about eighty. His wife was Eleanor Claggett, — an aunt of the bishop of that surname, — by whom he received a large landed estate. Several children survived hiin ; one of whom, John, was an Episcopal clergyman, and setded in England. Everitt, George. Was a quartermaster in the King's service. Went to New Brunswick in 1783, and died at Fredericton in 1829, aged seventy. Everitt, Benjamin, Daniel, James, and Nicholas. Of 408 FAGAN, — FAIRFAX. Queen's County, New York. Acknowledged allegiance, Oc tober, 1776. James signed a Declaration of loyalty pre viously ; settled in Nova Scotia subsequently, and died in Digby in 1799. Fagan, Jake. Of Monmouth County, New Jersey. One of the " Pine Robbers." These miscreants plundered when ever they could, and changed sides as often as interest dictated. Jake, after a career of crime, was shot in 1778, by a party of Whigs who lay in ambush. After his body was buried, it was disinterred, enveloped in a tarred cloth, and suspended in chains with iron bands around it, until the birds of prey picked the flesh from its bones, and the skeleton fell to the ground in pieces. There is a tradition, also, that his skull was afterwards placed against the tree on which his body was hung, Avith a pipe in its mouth. Fairchild, James M. He went to New Brunswick in 1783, and died at St, John in 1807. Fairfax, Lord Thomas. He was the son of Thornas, the fifth Lord Fairfax, and of Catharine, daughter of Lord Culpepper, and was born in England in 1691. He was edu cated at Oxford, and was a good scholar. Succeeding to the title and to the family estate in Virginia, he came over to that Colony about the year 1739. After residing there a year, he returned to England ; but desirous of improving and induc ing rapid settlements on his land, and pleased with America, he determined to make Virginia the place of his permanent abode. Another account is that he sought seclusion in con sequence of disappointment in love. Whatever the cause, he closed his aff'airs in England, and came a second time to his estate in 1745, He lived several years with William Fairfax, at Belvoir, but at length fixed his residence a few miles from Winchester, on the western side of the Blue Ridge, Avhere he laid out a farm, and put it under high cultivation. His mansion house was called Greenway Court, and he lived in a style of liberal hospitality. He was fond of hunting and indulged in the diversion nearly to excess. I find it said that Christ Church, Alexandria, and the Church at Falls Church FAIRFAX. 409 Corners, and the Hotel in Alexandria, Avhich was the head quarters of General Washington, were built of bricks brought from England by Lord Fairfax. He was kind to the poor, and allowed them a large part of the surplus produce of the land under his immediate management, and afforded them the use of other parts of his estate on terms almost nominal. Indulgent to all who held lands under him and to all around him, faithful in the discharge of his private duties and in the performance of several honorable public trusts, he lived re spected and beloved by men of all parties. Though a frank and open Loyalist, he was never insulted or molested by the Whigs. When he heard of the surrender of Cornwalhs, it is related that he said to the servant, " Come, Joe, carry me to bed, for it is high time for me to die." Nor did he long surviA'e this event. He died at Greenway Court in 1782, in the ninety-second year of his age, much lamented. His liter ary attainntents were highly respectable, and it is said that in his youth he was a contributor to the " Spectator." His remains were deposited under the communion-table of the Episcopal Church at Winchester, but were removed in 1833, to provide a place for the erection of a pile of buildings on the site of the church. He was a dark, swarthy man, more than six feet in height, of a large frame, and of extraordinary strength. Lord Fairfax was the friend and patron of Washington's early life, and though he died before the mother country ac knowledged the independence of the thirteen Colonies, he saw, in the most intense anguish, that the widow's son, who surveyed his lands, was destined under Providence to be the great instrument to dismember the British empire. His barony and his immense domain in Virginia, between the rivers Potomac and Rappahannock, consisting, as appears by parliamentary papers, of five million two hundred and eighty-tAvo thousand acres, descended to his only surviving brother, Robert Fairfax, who was the seventh Lord Fairfax, and who died at Leeds Castle, England, in 1791. But as this domain was in possession of Lord Thomas during the Revolu- VOL. I. 35 410 FAIRFAX. tionary controversy, it was confiscated. Lord Robert, how ever, (claiming in behalf of himself; of Frances Martin, his widowed sister ; of Denny Fairfax, a clergyman ; of Phdip and Thomas Martin, his nephews ; and three Misses Martin, his nieces), applied to the British Government for compen sation, under the provision made to Loyalist sufferers, and stated the value of the estate at £98,000. The commissioners made a special report upon this claim, but do not appear to have come to a final decision with regard to it ; and after their labors were closed, it was among the few cases which were referred to Parliament for settlement. It w'as consid ered by a committee of that body, who, as the commissioners had done, reduced it to £60,000. Lord Robert's life interest therein, they find, by the established rules of computation, at £13,758. The value of the life interest Mr. Pitt recom mended to be paid, but at this time (1792) advised no com pensation to those who possessed the reversionary interest. But it is believed that, at a subsequent period, an allowance was made to nearly or quite the sum originally claimed. His estate Avas one of the largest and most valuable in America at the Revolution. It was granted May 8, 1681, by Charles the Second to Thomas Lord Culpepper, the grand father of Lord Thomas and Lord Robert Fairfax, on a " rent of £6 13s. -id., payable as therein mentioned." At Lord Cul pepper's death it became the property of his daughter, the Right Honorable Catharine, Lady Fairfax, who, by her wdl of April 21, 1719, devised the whole in trust thus : " Upon trust in the first place by mortgage, a sale of sufficient part of the estates thereby devised, to raise a sufficient sum for discharging all her debts, legacies, and funeral expenses ; and after such mortgage sale and disposition," as follows, namely : — " To the use of her eldest son, Thomas Lord Fairfax, and his assigns for life. Remainder to the first and other sons of said Thomas Fairfax, in tail male. Remainder to her second son, Henry Culpepper Fairfax, and his assigns, for life. Re mainder to the first and other sons of said Henry Culpepper FAIRFAX. 411 Fairfax, in tail male. Remainder to her third son, Robert Fairfax, and his assigns, for life. Remainder to trustees to preserve contingent remainders. Remainder to the first and other sons of said Robert Fairfax, in tail male. Remainder to the daughters of the said testatrix, as tenants in common, in tail. Remainder to the right heirs of the said testatrix, in fee." Such was the tenure of the Fairfax estate in Virginia. The magnitude of the property, and the circumstances of the case, caused an unusual degree of investigation in Parliament, and Lord Robert's memorial for relief was the subject of a separate and elaborate report. His individual loss, if computed at the value of his life interest, was less than that of several of the Loyalists whose property was confiscated ; though Ave have seen that the Government gave him, without hesitation, nearly seventy thousand dollars, after reducing his valuation more than a quarter part. A considerable portion of this estate had been granted prior to the Revolution, upon the quit-rent system, and thus a part of its value had been transferred to others. Still the reversionary interest on the decease of Lord Robert, which the committee of Parliament fixed at a sum equal to a quarter of a million of dollars, was by no means extravagant, even if the worth of lands at that period be alone considered. Perhaps the reader has journeyed through the present counties of Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, West moreland, Stafford, King George, Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun, Fauquier, Culpepper, Clarke, Madison, Page, Shenandoah, Hardy, Hampshire, Morgan, Berkely, Jefferson and Frederick — twenty-one in all — and embracing nearly one quarter of Virginia ; — perhaps the eye that glances at this page has surveyed everything between the Potomac and the Rappahannock ; — did die thought occur that this whole territory once belonged to a single family ; that though the Fairfax of the Revolutionary era was the friend of Washing ton, CA'ery acre was confiscated simply because of loyalty to the British Crown ? Such a grant, after die lapse of genera- 412 FAIRFAX. tions, and in the progress of civilization, we deem entirely wrong ; but, made in accordance with the spirit of the age, it was valid. The many battles on the Fairfax domain, in the present unhallowed Rebellion, will render the country between the Potomac and the Rappahannock memorable in all coming time. Fairfax, George William. Of Virginia. He was the great-grandson of Thomas, the fourth Lord Fairfax. His father was the Hon. Colonel William Fairfax, who was Lieu tenant of the county of Fairfax, Collector of the Customs of South Potomac, member and President of the Council ia Virginia. He was educated in England, but was the early companion of Washington, and his associate as surveyor of lands. On the death of his father in 1757, he succeeded to his estate. He married a daughter of Colonel Carey, of Hampton, became a member of the Council, and lived at Belvoir. Some property in Yorkshire descended to him in 1773, and he went to England ; and in consequence of the political difficulties which followed, did not return to America. He fixed his residence at Bath, where he died in 1787, aged sixty-three. During the war he evinced much kindness to American prisoners who were carried to England. A part of his Virginia estate was confiscated, by which his income was much reduced. Washington esteemed him highly, and they were ever friends. The illustrious Commander-in-Chief was named an executor of his Avill, but declined fulfilling the trust in consequence of his public engagements. Mr. Fairfax left no children. He bequeathed his American property to Ferdinando, the second son of his only surviving brother. Fairfax, Lord Bryan. Of Virginia. He Avas the third son of the Hon. Colonel William Fairfax. His wife was a daughter of Wilson Carey, of Virginia, and his residence was at Towlston Hall in Fairfax County, though for some years, during the latter part of his life, he was an Episcopal clergy man at Alexandria. An affectionate intercourse existed be tween him and Washington throughout life ; both were of too elevated a cast to allow political differences of opinion to alien- FAIRFAX. 413 ate and separate them. In 1774 Washington expressed an earnest wish that he should stand as a candidate for the House of Burgesses, but he declined. He was opposed to strong measures, and in favor of redress by remonstrances and peti tions. " There are scarce any at Alexandria," he wrote, " of my opinion ; and though the few I have elsewhere conversed with on the subject are so, yet from them I could learn that many thought odierwise ; so that I believe I should at this time give general dissatisfaction, and therefore it would be more proper to decHne, even upon this account, as well as because it would necessarily lead me int6 great expenses, which my circumstances wid not allow." Washington, in reply, remarked that he would heartily join in his political sentiments " so far as relates to a humble and dutiful petition to the throne, provided there Avas the most distant hope of success. But," said he, " have we not tried this already ? Have Ave not addressed the Lords, and remonstrated to the Commons ? And to what end ? Did they deign to look at our petitions ? " &c. Prior to July 18, 1774, Mr. Fairfax attended several meet ings of the Whigs of Fairfax County, but at that time with drew from them. The immediate cause of withdrawal seems to have been his disapprobation of some of the resolutions pre pared by a committee, and submitted to a general meeting of the inhabitants of the county, Washington was chairman of both the committee and the meeting, and Fairfax addressed to him a communication, expressing his A'iews and objections, which he desired might be publicly read. Yet the two friends did not relinquish their correspondence upon the great ques tions which agitated the country ; and the letters of Washing ton to this gentleman contain the fullest and most satisfactory exposition of his sentiments that Mr. Sparks has preserved. On the death of Robert Fairfax (in 1791), who was the sev enth Lord Fairfax, Bryan Fairfax succeeded to the title, and was the eighth Baron of the name. Benevolence and kind- ness were marked traits in his character, and he was univer sally respected and beloved. Washington bequeathed to him 35* 414 FAIRFAX. - FALES. an elegant Bible in three volumes folio. Lord Bryan died at Mount Eagle, near Cameron, in 1802, aged seventy-five, after a long illness, which he bore with resignation. Two of his sons were Ferdinando and Thomas. The lat ter, as we shall see, inherited the empty title of Lord Fairfax. His grandson Henry, a graduate at West Point, raised a com pany in the late war with Mexico, much against the Avishes of his relatives and friends, and died a victim to the climate, soon after arriving at the scene of strife. Lord Thomas Fair fax, after his succession to the barony, chose to live much in retirement, to superintend " his paternal estates on the Poto mac, and to exercise a genuine old English hospitality, com bined with the simplicity of the land in which he dwelt." " He uniformly declined, from Americans, any deference to his rank, preferring to be regarded as simply a gentleman of the county which bears his family name." He died at his seat in Virginia, in 1846, in his eighty-fourth year. Marga ret, his widow, died in 1858, at the age of seventy-five. The present Baron is Lord Charles Snowden Fairfax, grandson of Lord Thomas. Fairweather, Benjamin, Jedediah, and Thomas. Set tled in New Brunswick in 1783, and received grants of lands. Thomas died at Norton in that Colony in 1825, at the age of seventy-seven, and Elizabeth, his widow, at the same place, in 1846, aged seventy-nine. Jedediah died at Norton in 1831, at the age of ninety-six. Fales, David. Of Dedham, Massachusetts. In 1763 he removed to Maine, upon the Waldo Patent, and within the limits of the present town of Thomaston ; where he practised as a physician, taught school, and surveyed lands. He Avas also employed by i\Ir. Flucker, the Secretary of Massachusetts, and son-in-law of General Waldo, as agent of lands embraced in the Patent. He wrote a remarkable fair hand, was me thodical in business, but slow, and very tardy in coming to the relief of a patient. In 1775 the Whigs, in the vicinity of his home, offered him the alternative of signing a Test of fidelity to the popular cause, or of riding on the " wooden horse." FANNING. 415 He refused to side with the " Rebels," and escaped the raff ; for his wife prepared a pailful of flip, and his sons became sure ties for his good conduct. I find him in Maine in 1790, when, at Thomaston, his name appears as one of a committee to se lect the site for a meeting-house in Warren. Fanning, Edmund. Of North Carolina. General in the British Army. Son of Colonel Phineas Fanning. Born on Long Island, New York. Graduated at Yale College ; stud ied law ; removed to North Carolina, and commenced practice. Appointed colonel in the militia in 1763, and two years later, clerk of the Superior Court. Subsequently, he was a man of considerable note in the Colony, and respectable men aver that he was remarkable " for all the vices that degrade the most abandoned and profligate minion." Among the public offices which he held, was that of Recorder of Deeds for the county of Orange ; and it is alleged, that to his abuses in this capacity, the Avar or rebellion of the Regulators in Governor Tryon's administration, is, in a good measure, to be attributed. The averment is, that, by his vicious character, " nearly all the estates in Orange were loaded with doubts as to their titles, with exorbitant fees for recording new and unnecessary deeds, and high taxes to support a government which supported his wickedness." This charge rests on very high authority ; and during the war of the Regulators against the Royal Gov ernment, neither the person nor property of Fanning were re spected. His losses were presented to the Assembly by Gov ernor Martin, the successor of Tryon, but that body not only peremptorily refused to consider the subject, but administered a rebuke to the Governor, for thus trifling " with the dignity of the House." It is not impossible that his unpopularity Avas greater than his offences deserved ; since neither the members of the Assembly, nor the people at large, were, at this junc ture, in a frame of mind to do exact justice to opponents. Fanning followed Governor Tryon to New York, and became his secretary. In 1777 he raised a corps of four hundred and sixty Loyalists, Avhich bore the name of the Associated Refu gees, or King's American Regiment, and of which he had com- 416 FANNING. mand. To aid in the organization of this body, £500 were sub scribed at Staten Island, £310 in King's County, £219 in the town of Jamaica, and £2000 in the city of New York. While stationed in Rhode Island, August, 1778, he had " a smart engagement with the enemy," said General Pigot, " and oblio-ed them to retreat to their main body." In March of the following year, a part of his regiment, and other Loyalists, embarked in seven vessels, protected by three privateers, on an expedition, " to get stock," or cattle, at the eastward. The chronicle has it that they landed on Nantucket and brought off a number of hogs, a quantity of od, and three vessels. On the 16tli of June, the whole corps sailed for New York. While his regiment Avas on Long Island, some of his men entered a house, tied the owner of it to a bedpost, and then held a candle under the ends of his fingers, to torture him to disclose the hiding-place of his money. The general charge that " Fanning's corps Avere rude and ill behaved," is sup ported by evidence. In 1779 the property of Colonel Fan ning in North Carolina was confiscated. In 1782 he Avas in oflSce as Surveyor-General of Ncav York. He went to Nova Scotia near the close of the war, and September 23d, 1783, was sworn in as Councillor and Lieutenant-Governor of that Colony. About the year 1786 he was appointed Lieutenant- Governor of Prince Edward Island ; and having served nearly nineteen years, was succeeded in 1805 by Des Barres, who is celebrated for his charts of parts of the American coast. Fanning was appointed Major-General in 1793, Lieutenant- General in 1799, and General in 1808. He died in Upper Seymour Street, London, in 1818. Whigs, as we have seen, said that his character was bad. At the time of his decease, a friendly pen Avrote : " The world did not contain a better man in all the various relations of life : as a husband, a parent, and a friend — as a landlord and master, he was kind and in dulgent. He was much distinguished in the American war, and raised a regiment there, by which he lost a very large property." His only son, A. F. Fanning, a captain in the 22d Foot, died in 1812, " Neither the General nor any of FANNING. 417 his family ever recovered from that blow." Mrs, Fanning and three daughters surviA'ed. Fanning, David. Of North Carolina. He was born in Virginia in 1755, and Avas bred to a trade. In 1775, to use his own words, he Avas a planter " in the back part of the Southern Provinces." His first mditary service was per formed under Colonel Thonias Fletchell, in the affair with Major Andrew Williamson. In a memorial to the Commis sioners on Loyalists' Claims, he states, that during the Revolu tion he had command of bodies of men from one hundred to nine hundred and fifty in number ; that he was engaged against " the Rebels " thirty-six times in North Carolina, and four times in South Carolina, — all of which skirmishes and battles he planned ; that he was wounded twice, and made prisoner no less than on fourteen occasions ; that, at the peace, he went to Florida, where he settled two hun dred and fifty souls ; that his property in North Carolina had been confiscated ; and that he and his family were in great distress. This paper is dated at St. John, New Bruns wick, in March, 1786. Of his course in the Revolution, another remarks : " Always well mounted and accompanied by a band of kindred spirits, he swept over the country like a Camanche chief, surprising parties of Whigs when off their guard ; he often gave no quarter. In lying in ambush or pouncing upon them at their homes, he seized and murdered or tortured the obnoxious patriots, and then plundered and burnt their dwellings. By a series of bold adventures he took the toAvn of Cross Creek, now Fayetteville, captured the Whig mditia officers of the county of Chatham, when sitting in court- martial at Hillsborough, and by a sudden descent on Hills borough, at dawn of day, about the middle of September, seized and carried off the Governor of the State," In 1799 Fanning removed from New Brunswick to Nova Scotia, In February, 1801, as appears by papers in his own handwriting, which are in my possession, he was under sen tence of death. He was a Freemason, and Oliver Arnold, Master of Lodge No. 21, King's County, petitioned Governor 418 FANNIN G. — FANUEIL. Carleton to pardon him. By this document it seems that Fan ning Avas convicted on the testimony of a single Avitness ; and this fact is stated as a reason why mercy should be extended to him. The crime is not mentioned by Arnold, or in any of the other papers which I have examined ; but, from several expressions which occur, and from the manner of Fanning's reference to Sarah London, or, as he calls her, " Sail Lon don," she must have accused him of violating her person, and have procured his conviction. He was pardoned. In 1804, his correspondence shoAvs that he abused — much abused — a gentleman of St, John, who " contributed greatly in saving his life ; " while, subsequently, it affords ample evidence that he Avas often involved in quarrels Avith his neighbors, and in lawsuits with others. In truth, he was in trouble every where. In North Carolina he was declared an outlaAv, and was one of the three who are excepted by name in the Act of General Pardon and Oblivion ; and not a Whig there or else where, as far as I know, ever spoke or wrote of him in kind ness ; Avhile his fellow-Loyalists in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia often expressed their indignation at his words and deeds. In 1812, Fanning solicited military employment in .the war with the United States, without success. Officers, however, who served with him in the Revolution, be it said in justice, testified to " his services and character as a brave soldier." He died at Digby, in 1825, at the age of seventy. Fanning, Thomas. Of Suffolk County, New York. Ad dresser of Governor Tryon, November, 1776 ; and deputed to present the submission of the committees of that county the month previous. In June, 1778, a party of Whigs from Con necticut seized him and carried him off'. He was a kinsman, perhaps a brother, of Edmund. / Fanueil, Benjamin. Of Boston. An eminent merchant. He Avas one of the consigne^_of the tea whicTi was "destroyed in diat town in December, ifTB: He'-died" at Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1785, aged eighty-four. Fanueil, Benjamin, Jr. Of Boston. He went to Eng land, and was in London, March, 1777. FARLEY, — FAYERWEATHER. 419 Farley, Joseph. Of Georgia. In the effort to reijstab- lish the Royal Government in 1779, he was appointed provost marshal. ' Farrington, Thomas. Of Groton, Massachusetts, Lieu tenant-Colonel in the Continental Army. In May, 1777, by order of General Heath, he was tried by a court-martial for " passing counterfeit money, knowing it to be such," found guilty, unanimously sentenced to be dismissed from the army, and rendered incapable of holding any military office under Congress. This done, he was committed to jad, to be dealt with by the civil authorities, Farnham, John. Of Monmouth County, New Jersey. A Tory marauder. In an affray in New .Jersey, he attempted to .shoot a young Whig into whose father's house he and a band of Tories and negroes had broken ; but was prevented by^Lippincott, the murderer of Huddy. ¦^Farnsworth, David. In 1778 he was tried as a spy, con victed of the offence, and executed at Hartford, Connecticut, on the 10th of November. A large amount of counterfeit Continental money was found in his possession. Faulkner, Thomas. Of North Carolina. Secretary of the Colony. Went to England, and died there in 1782. Fayerweather, Rev, Samuel. Of Rhode Island. Epi.s- copal minister. He was son of Thomas FayerAveather of Boston, and graduated at Harvard University in 1743. Or dained a Congregationalist, he was settled at Newport, Rhode Island. His first service as an Episcopalian, after his return from England, was in South Carolina ; but the climate injured his health, and he applied to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for a mission at the North. He was accordingly transferred to the parish of St. Paul's, Rhode Island, in 1760. In 1774 the Whigs of his flock objected to the reading of prayers for the King and Royal family ; and, as he could not dispense with them, as he thought, without the violation of his ordination vows, his church Avas closed. He preached occasionally, however, in private houses, without molestation. It is said, indeed, that personally he favored the popular cause. 420 FEMALES. — FENWICKE. He died in 1781, and Avas buried under the communion-table of his church. The University of Oxford conferred the de gree of A. M. in 1756. Females. [See Women.] Fenton, John. Of New Hampshire. He was a, captain in the British Army, but disposing of his commission, settled in New Hampshire, where he became a colonel in the militia, clerk in the Court of Common Pleas, and Judge of Probate for the county of Grafton. In 1775 he was also a member of the House of Assembly for the town of Plymouth, and was.expelled. Enraged at the indignity, and at the measures of the Whigs generally, he gave vent to his passions, and fell into the hands of the people, who pursued him to the residence of Governor Wentworth with a field-piece, which they threat ened to discharge unless he was delivered up. Fenton surren dered, and was sent to the Committee of Safety at Exeter for trial. " Upon a full hearing of sundry complaints against " him in Provincial Congress, it was voted, that he was " an enemy to the liberties of America," and that he should "be confined in the jail at Exeter," and " be supported like a gen tleman, at the expense of the Colony, until further orders." By a subsequent vote it was ordered, that his place of con finement should be at the Whig camp. September 19, 1775, the Continental Congress instructed Washington to discharge him on his parole of honor, to proceed to New York and thence to Great Britain, and not to bear arms against the American people. Property confiscated, and banished, 1778. Fenton, Lewis. A Tory robber and outlaw, Avho infested the pine barrens of Ncav Jersey. He was originally a black smith, and learned his trade at Freehold, New Jersey. His first crime appears to have been the robbing of a tador's shop ; when word was sent to him that, unless he returned his plun der, he should be hunted down and shot. He was killed in Monmouth County, New Jersey, in 1779, by a party who went in pursuit of him. Fenwicke, Edward. Of South Carolina. He Avas op posed to the measures of the Ministry in 1774, since he was FERGUSON. — FERRIS. 421 in London that year, and joined Franklin, Lee, and other patriots then in England, in a remonstrance against the pas sage of the bill for the Government of Massachusetts Bay. He married a daughter of John Stuart, Superintendent of Indian Affairs ; and, in 1776, petitioned the House of Assem bly to alloAv him to hold as property thirty negroes who, as he averred, Stuart designed to give him as a part of the mar riage portion of his wife. Stuart had then fied, and his effects had been seized. Fenwicke was a Congratidator of Corn wallis on his success at Camden in 1780. In 1782 his estate was confiscated, and he was banished. In 1785, by Act of the General Assembly, his property was restored, and he was allowed to remain in the State one year. Ferguson, Henry Hugh. Of Pennsylvania, During the war he was made a commissary of prisoners. His wife was Elizabeth, a daughter of Doctor Graeme, the Collector of Phdadelphia, and granddaughter of Sir William Keith, one of the proprietary Governors of Pennsylvania. In 1778, soon after he was attainted and proscribed, Mrs. Ferguson made a long statement to the Council, in which she gave a narrative of his conduct from September, 1775, (when, as appears, he embarked for Bristol, England,) until her appeal in his behalf " As to my little estate," .she remarked, " it is patrimonial, and left me in fee simple by my father." In 1779 she appealed to the Council not to allow the sale of her property " in consequence of her husband's right by mar riage," setting forth, as she thought, " good and cogent rea sons " for her prayer. The estate was, however, confiscated ; but a part of it was restored to her by the Legislature in 1781. She separated from her husband, and died in 1801. . / Ferris, Joseph. Of Stamford, Connecticut. He raised a company, joined Colonel Butler, and was a captain in the Rangers. During the war he was taken prisoner by a brother- in-law who was a Whig, but escaped from captivity. Aftei' the peace he went to NeAvfoundland, but removed to New Brunswick, where he settled. jle_was_jflnd-©f--sd5its to the States and to the scenes of his youth ; and sometimes met volT'i. 36 422 FERRIS. - FISHER. those whom he had opposed in skirmishes and battles. He lived in Eastport, Maine, after it was captured by the British forces in the war of 1812, but returned to New Brunswick on its being surrendered to the United States. He died at Indian Island, New Brunswick, in 1836, aged ninety-two. He enjoyed half-pay from the close of the Revolution until his decease, a period of fifty-three years. Ferris, Joshua. Of NeAv York. " An old offender," said Colonel Thomas, to the New York Convention, August, 1776, when sending him to that body ; " and has been sought for long since by the Committee of this county to answer for his repeated offences, particularly for being in arms against his country," &c, Fewtrell, John. Of South Carolina. He was a Judge of the Superior Court ; and was permitted to depart from the State. FiNDLEY, Hugh. He and John Foxcroft were the two Postmasters-General of the thirteen Colonies, and Avere con tinued at the head of that Department until 1782, certainly, and probably until the peace. A^ FiNLEY, James. Sergeant in Price's company of Riflemen, Tried by a general court-martial, at Cambridge, Mass,, Sept. 1775, " for expressing himself disrespectfully of the Conti nental Association, and drinking General Gage's health"; and sentenced to be deprived of his arms and accoutrements, to be put in a horse-cart with a rope around his neck, to be drummed out of the army, and rendered forever incapable of military service. Fisher, Rev. Nathaniel. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Epis- cop^al_jj]jiuster. He was born at Dedham, Massachusetts, IB"- 1742, and graduated at Harvard University in 1763. In the early part of the RevoMtion he was imprisoired for his loyalty. He was employed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts^~as a' schoolmaster at Granville, Nova Scotia, soon after his release ; and in 1778, — having been to England for ordination, — he was stationed at Annap olis in that Province, as Assistant Rector. He returned to the FISHER. 423 United States late in 1781, and was soon after admitted to citizenship in Massachusetts, on taking the oath of allegiance to that Commonwealth. In February, 1782, he entered upon his duties as Rector of St, Peter's Church, Salem, After a ministry of more than thirty years, he died in that city in December, 1812, on Sunday, a few minutes after returning to his house from performing divine service, at the age of seventy. His wife was Silence Baker, of Dedham, by whom he was the father of two sons and a daughter. " Two of his children were cut off in the bloom of youth and beauty," towards the close of his life, and " for a moment he seemed desolate and dismayed." It is written, that, " as a father and husband, he was affectionate and kind ; as a friend, faithfiil and sincere ; . . . and as a Christian, firm in his belief, and benevolent in his life." In person, he was strongly built, and of a large frame. One of his sisters was the mother of the statesman and orator, Fisher Ames. Fisher, Miers. Of Philadelphia. Said John Adams, in 1774 : " Dined Avith Mr, Miers Fisher, a young Quaker, and a lawyer. We saw his library, which is clever. But this plain Friend and his plain though pretty wife, with her Thees and Thous, had provided us the most costly entertainment : ducks, ham, chickens, pig, tarts, creams, custards, jellies, fools, trifles, floating islands, beer, porter, punch, wine, and a long &c. We had a large collection of lawyers at table," &c. In the rapidity of events, Mr. Fisher was left behind ; and in 1777 he was apprehended and confined at Philadelphia ; and finally ordered, with other Loyalists of that city, to Virginia. He Avas distinguished in his profession, an eloquent advocate, and a lover of science. He died at Philadelphia in 1819, aged seventy-one. Fisher, Samuel R, Of Philadelphia. Brother of Miers Fisher. In 1779, a letter, addressed by him to his brother, Jabez M,, was intercepted, and submitted by the Council to the Chief Justice, with the remark that it contained infor mation which appeared to call for legal reprehension and pun ishment. He was accordingly committed, and ordered to 424 FISHER. recognize with a surety in £500. Hours were spent by the Chief Justice himself in the endeavor to prevail upon him to execute the required bond, but he absolutely refused. He was not, however, deprived of his liberty by the sheriff, until the Council issued a positive order to that officer to confine him. Fisher, Jabez Maud. Of Philadelphia. Brother of Samuel R. Fisher. He departed the State. In 1779 he Avas a mer chant in New York ; went to England, was a Loyal Addresser of the King, and died there the same year. In 1782, Messrs. Joshua Fisher & Sons, of Philadelphia, petitioned the Coun cil of Pennsylvania to grant Samuel R. Fisher, of that house, leave to go to England by way of New York, to assist in ad justing his concerns. The petition was rejected. Fisher, Turner. Of Boston. Son of Wilfred Fisher. He accompanied the British troops from Boston to Halifax, and, entering the Royal Navy, became a sailing-master. After the Revolution, he married Esther, the daughter of Ezekiel Foster, of Machias, Maine, and settled in New Brunswick. He was in Boston about the time of the war of 1812, but his subsequent fate is unknown to his family. His son, Wilfred Fisher, Esq., is a merchant and magistrate of the island of Grand Menan, New Brunswick. His wife died in November, 1844, at the age of eighty-eight years, at the residence of her son. Fisher, Wilfred. Of Boston. At the evacuation of that toAvn, he accompanied the British troops to Hahfax, where he received an appointment which attached him to a corps of light-horse. He died at Halifax before the close of the war. He was proscribed and banished under the Act of 1778, and his estate in Boston was confiscated. His son Wil fred was a Whig, and a ship-master. Captured by the Brit ish, he Avas carried to New York, and died there a prisoner, during the Revolution. Fisher, John. Naval-officer, at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. Salary, derivable from fees, £200 per annum. Was proscribed by the Act of New Hampshire of 1778. He went FITCH. 425 to England, and was secretary to Lord George Germain. His wife, Anna, sister of John Wentworth, the last Royal Governor of New Hampshire, died at Bath, England, in 1811, aged sixty-six. / Fitch, Thomas. Of Connecticut. He graduated atYale College in 1721, and devoted himself to the profession of the law. He held the offices of Councillor, Judge of the Superior Court, and Lieutenant-Governor ; and in 1754 was elected Governor. These various stations he filled with unsurpassed integrity and wisdom. His legal knowledge is said to have equalled, and perhaps exceeded, that of any other lawyer of Connecticut during the period of her Colonial history. In 1765 he took the oath of office prescribed in the Stamp Act, and was driven into retirement in consequence the next year ; having occupied the Executive Chair for the whole period between 1754 and 1766. His successor Avas the Honorable William Pitkin, Copy of inscription on the monument of Governor Fitch, at Norwalk, Connecticut : " The Hon'ble Thomas Fitch, Esq., Gov. of the Colony of Connecticut. Eminent and dis tinguished among mortals for great abilities, large acquire ments, and a virtuous character : a clear, strong, sedate mind : an accurate, extensive acquaintance with law, and civil government : a happy talent of presiding : close applica tion, and strict fidelity in the chscharge of important truths : no less than for his employments, by the voice of the people, in the chief offices of state, and at the head of the colony. Having served his generation, by the will of God, fell asleep, July 18, Ann, Domini, 1774, in the 75th year of his age." . /Fitch, Samuel, Of Boston. An Addresser of Hutch inson in 1774. In 1776 he went to Plalifax wTtTi his family ofsix" persons. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He held the office of Solicitor to the Board of Commission ers; and, like most of his official associates, Avas included in the Conspiracy Act of 1779. He went to England, was a Loyalist Addresser of the King in 1779, and was abroad in 1783, 36* 426 FITCH, — FITZSIMMONS. I conclude that the Samuel Fitch who graduated at Yale College in 1742, and died in 1784, was the subject of this notice. Fitch, Eleazer, Jr. Of Windham, Connecticut. Sheriff of Windham County. More than one hundred citizens of that^TJfJunty^ petitioned the House of Assembly, September, 1776, for his removal from office, on account of many words and acts, which they designate, in opposition to the popular cause. Among them are the singular surnames of Devotion, Doughset, Greenslitt, Bibens. V Fitch, Benjamin. Of Maine, Went to the Kennebec River in 1760, and was employed there by Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, as a millwright. Violent in his opposition to the Whigs, he was compelled to leave the country. He enlisted, " and was killed fighting for the king," His wife was Ann McCausland. FiTZPATRicK, James. Of Pennsyh'ania. A Tory ma rauder, known as " Captain Fitz." At first, a Whig, and in the Continental Army. He roamed the county of Chester, was a terror to the Whigs, and seemingly delighted in perils and escapes. His exploits Avere the theme of every tongue. At last, in 1778, when a reward of one thousand dollars had been offered for his apprehension, he entered a house to " levy his dues on the cursed Rebels," and was seized and overpow ered by Robert McPher and a girl named Rachel Walker. Conveyed to prison in Philadelphia, he broke his handcuffs twice in one night ; and, sent to another jail, he filed off' his irons, and got out of his dungeon. He Avas hanged at last at Chester, Pennsylvania. Fitz-Randolph, . Of New Jersey. Lieutenant in the Loyal Militia. Killed near ElizabethtoAvn, while acting with the Queen's Rangers. Fitzsimmons, Peter. A merchant. At Newtown, New York, at some time in the war. In 1782 he opened a tavern there, which was much frequented by soldiers and Loyalists. He also kept a ferry. At the peace, he went to St. John, New Brunswick. FLEMING. — FLOYD. 427 Fleming, John. Printer, of Boston. Was proscribed and banished by the Act of 1778. He was copartner with Mien. Some of the books which they printed had a false imprint, and were palmed off as London editions, because Mien said, that books thus published met with a better sale. In 1767 they commenced the " Boston Chronicle," a paper Avhich, in the second year of its publication, espoused the Royal cause,' and became extremely abusive of numbers of the most re spectable Whigs of Boston. To avoid the effects of popular resentment. Mien thought fit to leave the country. The " Chronicle" was the first paper published twice a week in New England ; and was suspended in 1770, Fleming found it prudent to retire from Boston in 1773, and embarked for England in that year with his family. He came to the United States more than once, subsequent to 1790, as the agent of a commercial house in Europe. His residence was in France for some years, and he died there. Fletchall, Thomas. Of Soudi Carolina, He was a colonel, and at the head of a considerable force of Loyalists in that State, during the difficulties with the Cunninghams in 1775 ; and signed the truce or treaty which was agreed upon betAveen the Whigs and their opponents. In 1776 he was committed to prison in Charleston, by order of the Pro vincial Congress. After the surrender of Charleston, he was in commission under the CroAvn. In 1782 his estate was con fiscated. He appears to have been a person of much consid eration in South Carolina, previous to the Revolution ; and to have been regarded as of rather doubtful, or undecided pol itics, though the Whigs made him a member of an important standing committee, raised with the design of carrying out the views of the Continental Congress. Flewelling, Abel, and Morris. Of New York. Settled in New Brunswick at the peace, and were grantees of lands in St. John. Abel became a magistrate, and died at Mauger ville in 1814, aged sixty-eight. Floyd, Richard. Of New York. He was the eldest son of Hon. Richard Floyd, a colonel of New York militia, a 428 FLOYD. — FLUCKER. Judge of the Common Pleas, and a gendeman of wealth and reputation. His Avife was Arrabella, a daughter of Judge David Jones, of Queen's County, Ncav l^ork. His children were Elizabeth, who married John Peter De Lancey, and was the mother of the wife of Cooper, the great American novel ist ; Anne, a younger daughter ; and one son, David Richard. The latter, in pursuance of the will of Judge Jones, and by leo-al authority, adopted the name of Jones ; he died in 1826, leavino- two sons, to Avit : Brigadier-General Thomas Floyd Jones, and Major-General Henry Floyd Jones. Mr. Floyd's estate was confiscated ; and abandoning the country, he died at St. John, New Brunswick. His family was one of the most ancient in New York, and is distinguished in its annals. Descended from the same ancestor was the Whig General William Floyd, who signed the Declaration of Independence. The Floyds were of Welsh origin, and the first of the name emio-rated in 1654, and settled at Brookhaven, Long Island, where many of his descendants continued until the Revolu tion. Floyd, Benjamin. Of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York. In 1775 he circulated a paper for signatures, to sup port the Royal authority, in opposition to the proceedings of the Whigs, and obtained the names of about one hundred persons. A party of " Rebels," in 1778, entered his house at night, compelled a servant to show them in which room he was in bed, seized him, and carried him to Norwalk, Connec ticut. The next year, another party of about twenty, in whale-boats, robbed his dwelling of £600, and the most' val uable part of his household goods. He was a major in the New York Militia. ^/Tlucker, Thomas, Last Secretary of the.,JProvinc,e„-Qf Massachus.etts Bay. In 1765 he was member of a committee ofTlie^ Council to consider and report Avhat could be done to prevent difficulties in the proceedings of the courts of justice ; and, three years later, his name occurs in the State Papers, as appointed by the same body to assist in drafting an Address to the King, March 2d, 1774, when Lieutenant-Governor i FLUCKER. — FOLLIOT. 429 Oliver was senseless and dying, John Adams records : " Flucker has laid in to be Lieutenant-Governor, and has persuaded Hutchinson to Avrite in his favor. This Avill make a difficulty," Though unsuccessful, he was appointed a Man damus Councillor. Whig mechanics of Boston met at the Green Dragon tavern, and were so careful of their secrets that Colonel Paul Revere (who was one of them) says they swore on the Bible, every time they met, to discover nothing except to Hancock, Samuel Adams, Warren, and Church. The latter proved a traitor, and Secretary Flucker was the first to acquaint a person of Loyalist connections, who (a Whig at heart) told Revere, that all their transactions were communicated to General Gage. In 1776 Flucker Avas in London, and a member of the " Brompton Row Tory Club," or Association of Loyalists, who met weekly for conversation and a dinner. He died in England suddenly, in 1783. He married Hannah, daughter of General Waldo, proprietor of the Waldo Patent, Maine, to whose heirs the domain de- .scended. The parts which belonged to Mrs. Flucker and her two brothers, were confiscated. Henry Knox, Chief of Ar tillery in the Revolution and Secretary of War in Washing ton's administration, who married Flucker's daughter, acquired a very large share of it on easy terms, settled at Thomaston and built an elegant mansion, in which he himself died in 1806, and his wife in 1824. Mrs. Flucker remained in Eng land, but survived her husband only three years. Flucker, Thomas, Jr. Of Massachusetts. Son of Thomas Flucker. He graduated at Harvard Univ^i:aity in 1773, and in the Revolution Avas an officer iiT the British ser vice. By the University Catalogue, it appears that he and his father died the same year, 1783. FoLLiOT, George. Of New York. He was elected a member of the Provincial Congress for the city and county of New York, in 1775, but declined serving, and the vacancy was filled in June of that year. In 1776 he was an Addres ser of Lord and Sir William Howe. He was also appointed a member of the Committee of One Hundred, but refused to 430 FORBES. - FORD. act. His estate of tAventy-one acres was sold by the Com missioners of Confiscation, in 1784. V/FoRBES, Rev. Eli. Of Massachusetts. Congregational minister. He graduated at Harvard^University in 1751, and was ordained at Brookfield the next year. He was dismissed in 1776, " on suspicion of entertaining Tory principles ; " and was soon after installed over the First Parish in Gloucester. He died in 1804, aged seventy-seven. His first wife was a daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Parkman of Westborough, by whom he was the father of two children, Eli and Polly. His second wife, who died in 1780, was Lucy, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Smith, of Falmouth, (now Portland,) Maine, and widow of Thomas Sanders, of Gloucester. Forbes, Gilbert. Gunsmith, of Broadway, New York. In 1776 he was arrested and put in irons, on the charge of being concerned in the plot of certain adherents of the Crown to murder a number of Whig officers, to blow up the maga zine, &c. When told that he had but a short time to live, he asked to be carried before Congress, and said he would con fess all he knew. He is described as " a short, thick man, with a white coat." Ford, William. Captain of Loyalist refugees. In 1781, with thirty-eight men, " when the good people of Middle sex were assembled, and devoutly praying for their great and good ally," he surrounded their church, and took from thence " fifty notorious Rebels, their Reverend teacher, and their horses, forty in number." Though harrassed in return ing to his boats, he carried off " every Rebel and every horse," Three of his men Avere slightly Avounded. This exploit was thought extremely meritorious in Loyalists cir cles ; and Ford's " bravery, coolness and alertness," Avere duly praised in an official report. / Ford, Elisha. Of Marshfield, Massachusetts. He was seized, carted to the liberty-pole in Duxbury, and compelled to sign a Recantation. He Avas afterwards in jail at Ply mouth, Massachusetts, and ordered by Resolve, June, 1776, to remain there at his oaa'u expense. FORD. — FOSTER. 431 Ford, Samuel. Second Lieutenant of the Effingham gal ley. In 1778 he was tried for desertion to the Royal side during the siege of Fort Mifflin ; convicted, and sentenced to death. Ford, John, Of New Jersey. Compelled to leave his residence to avoid the Whigs who molested him, he fled to the Royal forces on Staten Island, Avhere he remained some years. In 1783 Sir Guy Carleton commissioned him to take charge of a company of Loyalists, who were emigrating from New York to Nova Scotia. He settled at St. John, New Bruns wick, and received the grant of a city lot ; but removed to Hampton, and became one of the best farmers in that Colony. He died at Hampton in 1823, aged seventy-seven. Forrest, James. Merchant, of Boston. Aq_Adjiresser j)f Hutchinson in 1774. In 1775 he commanded, in Boston, the LoyaTlrish Volunteers, a company raised to mount guard every evening, armed, and distinguished by a white cockade. Went to Halifax in 1776, with his family of six persons. Served as a volunteer in the battle of Germantown, 1777, and was wounded. Proscribed and banished, 1778. Forrester, George Peabody. Died at Hampton, King's County, New BrunsAvick, in 1840, aged eighty-three years, Forrester, Joseph. At the peace, was one of the grantees of St. John, New Brunswick. In 1795 he was a member of the Loyal Artillery of that city. He died while at Boston in 1804, aged forty-six. FoRSTER, Moses. In September, 1779, he was at Halifax, Nova Scotia, a stranger and in distress. As a Loyalist, he had been imprisoned on shore a year ; harrassed by a Whig committee ; driA'en from his family ; taken out of bed and conveyed one hundred and twenty miles to a guardship, and then transported. He had a wife and eight children ; and, at the above date, was about embarking for New York. Foster, Thomas. Of Plymouth, Massachusetts. He represented that town in the General Court several years ; and in 1765 instructions were furnished him to govern his course on the exciting questions of the time. He accom- 432 FOSTER. — FOWLE. panied the British Army to Halifax in 1776. Aside from his political preferences, he was esteemed by his townsmen for his attention and fidelity to the municipal and civil concerns in trusted to his care. His father. Deacon John Foster, was also a representative from Plymouth, and pursued an independent line of conduct in that relation, never accepting of Executive favors. His son Thomas was a graduate of Harvard Univer sity, and instructed a school at Plymouth. His graiicKoii Thomas was an officer of a bank at Charleston, South Caro lina, and died there in 1808, aged fifty-eight. Branches of this family settled in Middleborough and Kingston, Massa chusetts, and in Norfolk, Virginia. '^ Foster, Edward. Of Boston. Addresser^Qf.Hutcliinson, 1774 ; Avent to Halifix, 1776 ; Avas proscribed and banished in 1778. He settled at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and man aged large iron-works there. He died in 1786, leaving thirteen chddren. Foster, Edward, Jr. Of Boston. Son of Edward. Went to Halifax in 1776 ; was proscribed and banished in 1778. About the year 1814 he settled in Union, Maine, and died there in 1822, aged seventy-two. ¦¦^ Fowle, Robert. Served an apprenticeship with his uncle, Daniel Fowle, of Portsmouth, and became his partner in the publication of the " Ncav Hampshire Gazette," the only news paper in New Hampshire at the beginning of the Revolu tion. As the nephew was a Loyalist, and the uncle a Whig, their connection terminated in 1774; when Robert established himself as a printer at Exeter. The new paper currency, which he printed, haAdng been counterfeited soon after, sus picion rested on him as a participant in the crime ; and his flight to the British lines in New York, and thence abroad, served to confirm the impression. Some years after the peace he returned to the United States, married the widow of his younger brother, and lived in New Hampshire until his decease. His father was John Fowle, first a silent partner of Rogers & Fowle, of Boston, and subsequently an Episcopal clergyman at Norwalk, Connecticut. The firm of Rogers FOWLER. 433 & Fowle printed the first edition of the New Testament in the English language which was published in this country. Robert, the subject of this notice, received a pension from the British Government. Foavler, Jonathan. Of West Chester County, New York. Judge of the Superior Court. He was seized by a party of Whigs, Avho carried him to New Haven, -where he signed an apology for protesting against Congress. At the peace, he went to Digby, Nova Scotia, and Avas a merchant and ship-owner. He soon died, and his family returned to the United States. Fowler, Caleb. Of New York. In 1782 he was an en sign in the Loyal American Regiment. He settled in New Brunswick ; received half-pay, and died on the river St. John. Fowler, Caleb, Of West Chester County, New York. He was one of the Loyalist Protesters at White Plains, April, 1775, wdio denounced Whig Congresses and Committees, and who pledged themselves "at the hazard of their lives and properties, to support the King and Constitution." He en tered the Royal service, and was a captain in the Loyal American Regiment. At the peace he retired to New Bruns wick on half-pay. He died near Fredericton. Fowler. Of New York. Samuel was permitted to re turn to the State in 1784, on petition of Whigs. — Of Massa chusetts. John, who, accompanied by his wife and two chil dren, arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, in the ship Union, in the spring of 1783. Of those whose places of residence are unknown, were William, who was a captain, and Gdbert, Avho was an ensign in the Loyal American Regiment ; Gabriel, who settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and died in that Colony in 1832, at the age of seventy-five ; Daniel, who boasted of being a firm Loyalist, who setded in the same, and died in King's County in 1813, aged sixty-five ; Henry, who died in the same county in 1843, at the age of eighty-seven ; and another, who, a captain in De Lancey's Brigade, was killed on an incursion to Horseneck in 1780. Still again, Amos, Aaron, Andrew, VOL. I, 37 434 FOUGHT, — FOXCROFT. Josiah, and Jeremiah Fowler, in 1783, A^'ere petitioners for lands in Nova Scotia. Fought, George. Of New York. He went to New Brunswick in 1783, and died at St, John in 1823, aged eighty-three. Foulis, James. Of South Carolina. Episcopal minister. Entered upon his duties in 1770 ; Avent to England in 1779. Fountain, Stephen. Of Stamford, Connecticut. He wrote a letter, addressed to " Darias Olmstead, at Norwalk, This with care," September, 1776 ; but the letter was really to his mother, brothers, and sister. He had a wife, and sent his love to her. He was an ignorant man ; and his letter is full of errors and exaggerations. Convicted the same year, by three Whig committees, of taking up arms, of corresponding with the British ships, and seducing many to espouse the Royal .side, he was made prisoner, carried to Congress, and committed. He arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, Avitli his wife, in 1783, in the ship Union. Fountain, John. Went to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, in 1783, where he had a fine vegetable and flower garden. The story is that he used to let the boys eat currants at a penny each. He removed to Deer Island, New Brunswick, and died there in 1829, aged eighty-fi\-e, Foxcroft, John, One of the two Postmasters-General of the Crown in the thirteen Colonies. He discharged the post- rider between New York and Boston, April, 1775, as he in formed the Whig Committee of the former city, because the mads had been stopped, the bags broken open, and many of the letters taken out and publicly read. " A Constitutional Post- office rose on the ruins of the Parliamentary one," in May of the same year. " The post, from New York for the eastward, sets out about nine o'clock on Monday, about noon on Thurs day, and returns on Wednesdays and Saturdays,'" In 1776, we have diree incidents ; dius, in February, die following let ter to Tuthil Hulbart, Boston : — " Dear Sir, — You will excuse my troubling you with the enclosed bill, which I beg you will receive in a sterling bid of FOXCROFT, — FRANCIS. 435 exchange, if to be had, and remit it to Mr. Benson Fearon, Merchant, in Louden, advising me of it b}- the first opportu nity. I must not omit mentioning to you, that the first bdl was remitted to Mr. Harry Lloyd, \\'ho never acknowledged the receipt of it ; and therefore it probably miscarried. Your negotiating this matter will lay me under a great obligation ; but in return, you know, if I can render you any service this way, you have only to command me. I have not had one line from you since the affair at Lexington ; nor from Sukey since she left us. Mrs. Foxcroft and my little girls are well. She joins me in sincere regards to you and family. " I am yours, as ever, " John Foxcroft." Next, in March, when the, Provincial Congress allowed him to go on board the ships in New York harbor, to sort and count, for delivery, letters from abroad. Last, in NoA'ember, when he Avas a prisoner in Philadelphia. In 1789 he was at liberty on parole, and in New York, After the war he was agent for the British packets in the last-named city, and died there in 1790. Foxcroft, Thomas. Joint Postmaster-General Avith John. Went to England, and died there suddenly in 1785. Eliza beth, their sister, and wife of Benson Fearon, died in Eng land, 1801, FoY, Edward. Of Virginia. He entered the British Army in 1757, and was a captain in 1764. He accompanied Lord Dunmore to New York, as his private secretary, in 1770 ; and served in the same capacity when his Lordship Avas transferred to the government of Virginia. He returned to England in 1775 ; but probably came back to America a year or tAvo afterward. Francis, Thomas. A negro slave, purchased by Philip Lott of Elihu Spencer, of New Jersey. He ran away to New York on 2d November, 1782, and was enlisted by Cap tain Thelwal into the Jamaica Rangers. He was reclaimed bv the American Commissioners, in June, 1783 ; but Sir Guy Carleton refused to give him up, since he had joined him under the sanction of the- Negro Proclamation. 436 FRANKLAND. Frankland, Lady Agnes. Of Massachusetts, Wife of Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Baronet. According to " Burke's Peerage," her maiden name was Agnes Brown ; others call her Agnes Surrage. The story told of her is romantic enough. Sir Charles, who was a grandson of Frances, daughter of Oliver Cromwell, was appointed Collector of the Customs for the port of Boston, in 1741 ; and first saw Agnes at Marble head, when she was about sixteen years of age, and a servant- girl at a tavern. She was of " matchless beauty," and, the Baronet becoming enamored with her, obtained the consent of her parents to take her to Boston, where he placed her at school, " clothed her in the best, and in every way sought to develop her body and mind." The end was, that he won her affections, and, as her humble rank presented obstacles to marriage, she consented to live with him as his mistress. This arrangement caused great commotion ; and Sir Charles bought an estate in Hopkinton, built a house upon it, and remoA'ed thither, with "his Agnes and some of his boon com panions," Some years afterwards he Avas appointed Consul- General to Portugal, and took Agnes with him. At the mo ment of the great earthquake at Lisbon, 1755, he was riding out ; " his horses were swallowed in the opening earth, and his carriage was covered with the ruins of falling buildings ; " and he himself expected to be crushed to death. While he lay buried, " the evils of his past career came forcibly to mind; and, if saved, he resolved to live a better life." Mean time his mistress was in search of him, found the spot, heard his voice, and offered a large reward for his rescue. The day after this fearful event, he led Agnes to the altar ; and the marriage ceremony was repeated in the Episcopal form, after his return to England. He came again to Boston, and pur chased an estate in Garden Court, North Square, near or adjoining the house of Governor Hutchinson, where he is said to have lived in much style. While Collector, he Avas often absent; and, finally, in 1759, was suspended for inattention to duty ; and William Sheaffe, who had often had charge of the business of the ofiice, was appointed in his stead. The Bar- FRANKLAND, 437 onet's mansion at Hopkinton (burned in 1858) attracted many visitors ; on going over it myself, I could hardly imag ine — altered as it Avas — that while he occupied it, he " main tained the splendor of an English nobleman ; " and the terms " elegant, very large and fine," often applied to it, seemed quite extravagant. He died at Bath, England, in 1765, and Avas succeeded by his brother Thomas, who, an Admiral of the White, married Susan, granddaughter of Chief Justice Rhett, of South Carolina. Lady Frankland, accompanied by her natural son, arrived in Amai-ica from Bristol in 1768 ; and designed, probably, to remain. At Hopkinton, May, 1775 ; and, alarmed at the movements of the people, her Ladyship asked leave to remove to Boston. The Committee of Safety gaA-e her liberty to pass to the capital with six trunks, one chest, three beds and bed ding for the same, six sheep, tAvo pigs, one small keg of pickled tongues, some hay, three bags of corn, and such other goods as she should think proper to carry thither ; and gave her a written permit accordingly, signed by " Benjamin Church, Jr,, Chairman." Thus protected, she set out on her journey with her attendants ; but Avas arrested by a party of armed men, Avho detained her person and her effects, until an order for the release of both was obtained." To prevent further annoy ance, the Provincial Congress furnished her with an escort ; and, by two resolves subsequently, allowed her to take seven trunks, all her beds and bedding, all her boxes and crates, a basket of chickens, two barrels and a hamper, two horses and chaises, one phaeton, some ham and veal, and sundry small bundles ; and required all persons Avho had any of her prop erty in possession to place the same, essentially, at her dispo sal. The " arms and ammunition," deposited in a chaise, a committee retained. These details are not trivial, because they show the spirit of the time. Lady Frankland was in Boston on the 17th of June, and gazed from her own house upon the conflict on Bunker's Hill. She returned to England. In 1782 she married John DreAv, a banker of Chichester ; and died at that place the year after, at about the age of fifty-five. 37* 438 FRANKLIN. Franklin, William. Last Royal Governor of New Jer sey. Natural son of Benjamin Franklin. Born about the year 1731. His father said of him : " Will, is now nineteen years of age, a tall, proper youth, and much of a beau. He acquired a habit of idleness, .... but begins of late to apply himself to business, and I hope will become an industrious man. He imagined his father had got enough for him, but I have as sured him that I intend to spend Avhat little I have myself, if it please God that I live long enough ; and, as he by no means wants acuteness, he can see by my going on, that I mean to be as good as my word." He served as postmaster of Phil adelphia, and as clerk of the House of Assembly of Pennsyl vania. In the French war he was a captain, and gained praise for his conduct at Ticonderoga. Before the peace he went to England with his father. While there, Mr. Strahan wrote Mrs. Franklin: " Your son I really think one of the prettiest young gentlemen I ever kncAv from America. He seems to me to have a solidity of judgment, not very often to be met with in one of his years," On the other hand. Rev. Jacob Badey records (March 5, 1760) : " This morning waited upon die famous Mr. Benjamin Franklin, and received an invitation to dine His son dined with us, a barrister-at-law. He is a gendeman of good education, but has passed away the flower of his youth in too many extravagancies." While abroad, young Franklin visited Scodand, and became acquainted with the celebrated Earl of Bute, avIio recom mended him to Lord Fairfax, who secured for him, as is said, the appointment of Governor of New Jersey, in 1763, widiout the solicitation of himself or his father. Whatever the truth, John Penn, who was in England, said in a letter to Lord Stirling, that the business was managed so privately that " there was no opportunity of counteracting, or, indeed, do ing one single thing that might put a stop to this shameful affair. I make no doubt but the people of New Jersey will make some remonstrance upon this indignity put upon diem. .... What a dishonor and disgrace it must be to a country FRANKLIN. 439 to have such a man at the head of it, and to sit doAvn con tented ! .... If any gentleman had been appointed, it would have been a different case," &c. The biographer of his Lordship remarks that the disgust at Franklin's appointment, " arose in part, probably, from the illegitimacy of his birth," but principally from his " time serving conduct and courtier-like propensities ; " and he adds that the Governor " was originally a Whig, but became, ex virtute officii, a Tory." Governor Franklin's first serious dispute Avith the Assembly appears to have been caused by his course in relation to the removal of the Treasurer of the Colony, who was a defaulter. On the 11th of June, 1774, the Whigs of Essex County met in Convention, and adopted various resolutions expressive of their sentiments on the alarming state of affairs, which gave Governor Franklin much uneasiness. In January, 1775, he met the Assembly. A considerable part of his speech is de voted to the controversy between the Colonies and the mother country, and to warnings to the members against imitating the example of those whose course of conduct was likely to involve the country in afflictive calamities. The Governor and the Assembly parted in bad temper. An attempt was made to reduce his Excellency's salary from £1200 to £1000, and in appropriating £60 for the payment of the rent of his house, the condition that he should reside either at Perth Amboy or Burlington was annexed to the grant. His situation was unhappy. All intercourse between himself and his father had now been suspended for more than a year ; and he Avas involved in a helpless quarrel with the delegates and the people of New Jersey, On the 13th of February, 1775, he prorogued the Assembly. In March, a letter alleged to have been written by him to Lord Dartmouth, was laid before the House of Commons by Lord North, which in America caused much excitement; and Avhen the Assem bly of New Jersey met in the following month of May, a mes sage was sent to the Governor, requesting him to inform that body whether it was genuine, or whether it contained the 440 FRANKLIN. substance of any letter which he had written relative to the measures adopted at the last session of the Assembly. In his answer, he explicitly denies its authenticity, and that no simi lar sentiments had been uttered by him in any communication to the King's ministers. But his message of reply is bitter and uncompromising throughout. " It has been rny unhappiness almost every session during the existence of the present Assem bly," — is the opening remark, — " that a majority of the mem bers of the House have suffered themselves to be persuaded to seize on every opportunity of arraigning my conduct, or foment ing some dispute, let the occasion be ever so trifling, or let me be ever so careful to avoid giving any just cause of offence. This, too, has been done with such an eagerness in the pro- iinoters of it, as can only be accounted for on a supposition that they are either actuated by unmanly private resentment, or by a conviction that their whole political consequence de pends upon a contention with their Governor." He concludes this ill-natured document with saying, that those who knew him best would do him the justice " to alloAv that no office of honor in the power of the Crown to bestow would ever in ffuence him to forget or neglect the duty he owed his country, nor the most furious rage of the most intemperate zealots in duce him to swerve from the duty he owed his Majesty." The Assembly was prorogued on the 20th of May, (and on the day of transmitting this answer), to meet on the 20th of June following; but affairs had now reached a crisis, and Governor Franklin ncA'er communicated Avith thafbody again. Three days after the prorogation, the first Provincial Congress of New Jersey commenced their session at Trenton, and the Royal Government soon ceased to be respected, and to exist. A constitution was adopted in July, 1776 ; and William Liv ingston, a member of the first Continental Congress, became Franklin's successor. The deposed representative of Royalty Avas declared to be an enemy to his country, and ordered to be sent a prisoner to Connecticut. He was accordingly placed in the custody of a guard commanded by a captain, who had orders to deliver him FRANKLIN, 441 to Governor Trumbull. The officer in charge halted at Hack- ensack, and was rebuked by Washington for his delay. The Commander-in-Chief was of the opinion, from circumstances communicated to him, that the fallen Governor designed to eff'ect his escape ; that his refusal to sign the parole proposed by the Whig Convention of Ncav Jersey, and a letter to Mrs. Franklin Avhich had been intercepted, afforded sufficient rea sons for the exercise of great watchfulness and care. It ap pears that he was indulged in selecting the place of his Con finement, and that he made choice of Connecticut, He was couA'eyed to East Windsor, and quartered in the house of Cap tain Ebenezer Grant, ^ In 1777 he requested liberty to visit his wife, who was a few miles distant and sick. In reply, he received the following letter : — " Head- Quarters, July 25tli, 1777. " Sir, — I have this moment received yours of the 22d inst. by express. I heartily sympathize Avith you in your distress ing situation ; but, however strong my inclination to comply with your request, it is by no means in my power to supersede a positive Resolution of Congress, under which your present confinement took place. I have enclosed your letter to them ; and shall be happy, if it may be found consistent with pro priety, to concur with your wishes in a matter of so delicate and interesting a nature. I sincerely hope a speedy restora tion of Mrs. Franklin's health may relieve you from the anx iety her present declining condition must naturally give you. " I am, Avith due respect, " Sir, your most obedient servant, " G, Washington." Congress declined to allow the Governor to visit his Avife, and he continued at East Windsor. This lady was born in the West Indies ; it is said that she Avas much affected by the severity of Doctor Franklin to her husband while he was a prisoner. She died in 1778, in her forty-ninth year, and it is 1 This building is sti-11 (1844) standing ; it is near the Theological Semi nary, 442 FRANKLIN. inscribed on the monumental tablet erected to her memory in St. Paul's Church, New York, that, " Compelled to part from the husband she loved, and at length despairing of the sooth ing hope of his speedy return, she sunk under accumulated distresses," &c. In 1778, after the arrival in America of Sir Henry Clinton, an exchange was effected, and Governor Franklin was re leased, Litde seems to be knoAvn of his proceeding during the remainder of the war. He served for a short period as President of the Board of Loyalists AA'hich was organized in New Y^ork ; but soon went to England. The adherents of the Crown Avere greatly alarmed at the distinction made be tween themselves and other subjects, in the articles of capitu lation of Cornwallis at YorktoAvn, and Franklin wrote to Lord George Germain, Avho was then Secretary for the American Department, on the subject. His Lordship, in answer, stated that " the alarm taken by the Loyal Refugees is not to be wondered at," and that, by command of his Majesty, he had directed Sir Henry Clinton to make the strongest assurances for their " welfare and safety." In West's picture of the " Reception of the American Loy alists by Great Britain, in the year 1783," Governor Frank lin and Sir William Pepperell are the prominent personages represented, and are placed at the head of the group of figures ; the first (in the words of the description or explanation) is a " son of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, who having his Majesty's commis.sion of Governor of New Jersey, preserved his fidelity and loyalty to his Sovereign from the commencement to the conclusion of the contest, notwithstanding powerful incite ments to the contrary." ^ In 1784, the father and son, after an estrangement of ten years, became reconciled to one another. The son appears to have made the first overture. Doctor Franklin, in acknowl edging the receipt of his letter, says in reply, on the 16th of August of that year : " I am glad to find that you desire to 1 For the remainder of the description of this picture, see notice of Sir WiUiam Pepperell. FRANKLIN. 443 revive the affectionate intercourse that formerly existed be tween us. It will be very agreeable to me ; indeed nothing has ever hurt me so much, and aff'ected me Avith such keen sensations, as to find myself deserted in my old age by my only son ; and not only deserted, but to find him taking up 'arms against me in a cause Avherein my good fame, fortune, 'and life, were all at stake. You conceived, you say, that your duty to your king and regard for your country required this. I ought not to blame you for differing in sentiment with me in public affairs. We are all men, subject to errors. Our opinions are not in our power ; they are formed and gov erned much by circumstances, that are often as inexplicable as they are irresistible. Your situation Avas such, that few would have censured your remaining neuter, though there are nat ural duties which precede political ones, and cannot be extin guished by them. This is a disagreeable subject ; I drop it. And we will endeavor, as you propose, mutually to forget what has happened relating to it, as vvell as Ave can," The Doctor, I conclude, was never able to forget, entirely, the alienation which had happened between them. In a let ter to the Rev. Dr. Byles (1788), he said : " I, too, have a daughter, Avho lives with me, and is the comfort of my de clining years, while my son is estranged from me by the part he took in the late war, and keeps aloof, residing in England, Avhose cause he espoused; whereby the old proverb is exem plified : — " jNIy son is my son till he gets him a wife ; But my daughter's my daughter all the days' of her life.'" In his Avdl, dated June 23, 1789, a few months before his own decease, he thus remembers his son William, late Gov ernor of the Jerseys : — " I give and devise aU the lands I hold or have a right to in the Province of Nova Scytia, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever. I also give to him all my books and papers which he has in his possession, and all debts standing against him on my account-books, willing that no payment for, nor restitution of, the same be required of him by my executors. 444 FRANKS. The part he acted against me in the late war, which is of public notoriety, will account for my leaving him no more of an estate he endeavored to deprive me of" Though the part he acted against his father was of public notoriety, rumors reached the ears of the Commissioners of Loyalist Claims, that the disagreement between the Doctor and his son had been collusive, and was more politic than sin cere ; and the Governor was accordingly required to exhibit proofs of his loyalty and uniform attachment to the Royal cause. The commissioners themselves, probably, entertained no doubts on the subject, but examined the charge to satisfy the public, and to relieve the accused from Avhat they believed to be an unfounded imputation. Among the witnesses who testified in his favor was Sir Henry Clinton. He made a schedule of his losses, Aviiich were by no means considerable. Indeed, Governor Franklin must have been poor. His per sonal estate was valued at only £1800, Avhich sum the com missioners allowed him. He had several shares in back lands and grants, but as he was indebted to his father, and had con veyed to him all his real property in New York and New Jersey, the loss of his office and its emoluments, and the £1800 above mentioned, comprised the principal items in his account, and for which he ckimed compensation. Governor Franklin continued in England during the remainder of his life. He _ enjoyed a pension, it is believed, of the amount of £800 per annum. He died in November, 1813, at the age of about eighty-two. Some years after the death of his first wife, he married a lady who was born in Ireland. His son, William Temple Franklin, who edited the works of Doctor Franklin, died at Paris, in May, 1823. Franks, David. Of Penn.sylvania. Commissary of Brit ish prisoners. In 1778, detected in endeavoring to transmit within the enemy's lines a letter A\'hich was deemed to con tain sentiments inimical to the Whig cause. General Arnold, who was dien in command at Philadelphia, was directed by Congress to cause his immediate arrest and confinement in jail. It was resolved, also, that he should no longer perform FRAZER, 445 the duties of Commissary ; and that Washington give infor mation of these proceedings to Sir Henry Clinton, with a view to the appointment of a successor. In January, 1779, he applied for leave to send his clerk, Patrick Rice, to New York, to settle his public accounts, which Avas granted. In 1780 he was ordered to depart die State ; but, as he delayed, on die 18th of November a pass for himself and daughter to New York Avas sent from the Council, with the suggestion that compulsory measures would be adopted, on further disobe dience to the mandate of banishment. He replied on the 21st, giving his reasons for remaining in Philadelphia so long ; and asked that his pass might be amended to include a ser vant-woman and his necessary baggage. He wrote again on > OO o O the 22d, stating an excuse ; and on the 23d President Reed informed him that he Avas expected to set out on his journey the next day ; that his excuse, in the opinion of the Council, was a very frivolous one ; and that no further indulgence Avould be allowed him by that body. Frazer, Charles. Of South Carolina, After the fall of Charleston, in 1780, he was " town-major." Upon the application of an individual for rations, he issued an order, from which I extract sufficient to show its nature. Thus : " All difficulties with regard to provisions ought to have been considered before people entered into- rebellion, or, in the course of these twelve months, while they haA'e been allowed to Avalk about on parole. All mditia prisoners and others on parole, are to keep their paroles and to remain in their houses. .... It is ordered that no person, now a prisoner on parole, in Charleston, shall have the liberty of exercising any pro fession, trade, mechanic art, business, or occupation ; and his his Majesty's subjects are hereby strictly enjoined and required not to employ such person or persons on any pretence." In 1781 (July 26) he addressed the following note to the ill- fated Colonel Isaac Hayne : " Sir, I am charged by the commandant to inform you, that a council of general officers will assemble to-morrow, at ten o'clock, in the hall of the Province, to try you." He wrote the next day to announce,, VOL, I, 38 446 FRAZER. that, instead of " a council," his case would be submitted to " a court of inquiry, composed of four general officers and five captains " ; and that he Avould be allowed materials for writing, and to select counsel. On the 29th of July, he ad dressed a third note, in which he said : " The Adjutant of the town will be so good as to go to Colonel Hayne, in the Provost's prison, and inform him, that . . . Lord RaAvdon and Lieutenant-Colonel Nesbit Balfour have resolved upon his execution, on Tuesday, the 31st instant, at six o'clock," in consequence of the decision of the court of inquiry, " for having been found under arms, and employed in raising a regiment to oppose the British Government, though he had become a subject, and had accepted the protection of that government after the reduction of Charleston." Frazer, James, Of South Carolina. Physician. In 1781 he was Acting Barrack-master of Charleston, and in July of that year promulgated an order forbidding persons " living under the Rebel Government " to let or lease any house without special license ; as it was intended to take all dwellings as might be Avanted for the public serAdce, " paying to the owners of those secured by the capitulation, a reason able rent for the same " ; by which course the Loyalists would be " in possession of their own houses within a short space of time." He was also a British Deputy Commissary of Prisoners, It is stated on the best authority, that, having harangued the unfortunate Whigs under his care, to induce them to enlist in the Royal service, Avithout the anticipated success, he pronounced this terrible sentence : " You shall be put on board of the prison-ships, where you cannot expect anything more but to perish miserably ; the rations hitherto allowed for the support of your wives and children, from this day, shad be withheld ; the consequence of which will be. they must starve in the streets." He lost his estate under the Confiscation Act of 1782. A Doctor James Frazer died at Charleston in 1803, — possibly the same. Frazer, John. Of New York. Was born in Scodand, emigrated to New York some years prior to the Revolution, FRAZER. — FRENCH. 447 went to Nova Scotia at the peace, and died at Shelburne in 1840, aged eighty-eight. Frazer, Lewis. Setded in New Brunswick in 1783, and died in King's County in 1835, aged seventy-tAvo ; Mary Harkley Frazer, his widow, who Avas born in Charleston, South Carolina, died at St. John, New BrunsAvick, 1836, at .the age of seventy-three. French, Thomas. Of New York, and probably of Long Island. Captain in De Lancey's First Battalion, The following marvellous incident seems to rest on good authority: — In 1779, when Colonel Cruger was ordered to evacuate Sunbury, French was directed to convey the inva lids to Savannah by inland navigation, in small vessels. On the passage, circumstances compelled him to land, and to fortify his camp, in front of which he placed four vessels, manned by forty seamen. His soldiers were one hundred and eleven in number ; and he had one hundred and thirty stand of arms. Colonel White, of Georgia, determined to capture him by stratagem ; and, to effect his purpose, kindled fires on shore in the manner of a camp, rode about giving orders in a tone of voice to be heard by French, and then went to him Avith a fiag, and demanded him to surrender. White's party consisted of six persons ; but French, believing that he led a large force, submitted himself prisoner of war, with his whole detachment, one hundred and thirty stand of arms, the vessels, and their crews. Four of the vessels were armed, and the largest mounted fourteen guns. After the ar ticles of capitulation were signed. White pretended that it was difficult to restrain his men ; and, to continue the deception, ordered his captives to go on shore unarmed, and to follow the guides, whom he would send to them, and by Avhom they would be conducted to Lincoln's army ; while he, with his troops, would follow in their rear. Most of French's men were Loyalists, and, dreading to fall into the hands of the Whig militia, this plan was gladly adopted. The prisoners ar rived safely in camp. French, Joseph, Of Jamaica, Ncav York. He was 448 FRENCH. — FREY. elected to the Provincial Congress in 1775, but declined to take his seat on the ground that the majority of the free holders of that town Avere opposed to being represented in that body. In February, 1776, he was a close prisoner ; and in a communication to the Provincial Congress, stating his case and praying to be released, he remarked that he had been in confinement thirty-four days, — three days in his own house, with twelve men and an officer to guard, him Avhen sick in bed. In 1777 Jamaica contributed £219 to a corps of Loyalists raised in New York at the instance of Governor Tryon, which sum passed through the hands of Mr. French. In 1780 he was an Addresser of Governor Robertson. French, James. Of New York. He accepted a com mission in De Lancey's First Battalion, and in 1782 was a captain. He went to St. John, N'ew Brunswick, in 1783, was the grantee of a city lot, and received half-pay. He settled in the county of York, and was a magistrate for several years. He died in that county in 1820, aged seventy-five. French, . A Loyalist in arms, and of some note. He was killed in the battle of Bennington. o Frey, Hendrick. Of New York. He served the Crown during the war, and was a major. After the peace he re turned to his native State. In 1797 he and Brant met at Canajoharie, where, at a tavern, " they had a merry time of it during the livelong night. Many of their adventures were recounted, among which was a duel that had been fought by Frey, to Avhom Brant acted as second." The meeting of the Chief and die Major is described as " like that of two brothers," Frey, Philip R. Of Tryon (now Montgomery) County, New York. He entered the military service of the King, and was an ensign in the Eighth Regiment. He was engaged in the batde of Wyoming. He died at Palestine, Mont gomery (formerly Tryon) County, in 1823. His son, Samuel C. Frey, setded in Upper Canada, and communicated partic ulars of the sanguinary scenes at Wyoming, for Colonel Stone's use, in writing his " Life of Brant." The testimony FRINK, — FRYE. 449 of the Freys is, that Brant was not present with Butler at Wyoming, and this, according to the son, the father steadily maintained through life. /^ Frink, Nathan. He was born at Pomfret, Connecticut. He entered the British military service, and was a captain of cavalry in the American Legion, and aide-de-camp to Arnold after his treason, and was engagcid in the burning of New London. At the peace he went to St, John, New Brunswick, where he remained several years, but removed to St. Andrew, and finally to St. Stephen in the same Colony, He died at the latter place, December 4, 1817, aged sixty years. His wife, Hester, died at St. Stephen, February 22, 1824, at the age of sixty-five. His sister Alida married Schuyler, the oldest son of General Israel Putnam. Seven children sur vived him. His son James was a magistrate and ship-owner of St, Stephen, and married Martha G, Prescott, a niece of Roger Sherman. Captain Frink was educated for the bar. In New Brunswick he was a merchant and ship-owner ; and a magistrate of Charlotte County for about thirty years. He received half-pay as an officer. His family connections in the United States are highly respectable. It is believed that his political sympathies were originally adverse to the Royal cause, and that less intolerance, on the part of his Whig neighbors and friends, would have produced a different line of conduct on his part. Frye, Peter. Of Salem, Massachusetts, Graduated at Harvard University in 1744. He was representative to, the General Court, and being a member in 1768, was a Re- sfcinder. He was also a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Register of Probate, and Colonel of Militia in the County of Essex, His name appears among the Salem Ad dressers of Ga£e3_June, 1774. He died in EnglandpFeb- ruaf}r;'lS20, aged ninety-seven years. The first husband of his daughter Love was Doctor Peter Oliver, a Massachusetts Loyalist ; and her second was Admiral Sir John Knight of the British Navy. Lady Knight died at her seat near London, in 1839. 38* 450 FRYE, - GAGE. Frye, Peter Pickman. A soldier in the Continental Army. In May, 1777, he was sentenced to be shot at New York, for desertion, Avith the design of joining the Royal Army. Fulton, James. Of New_Hampshire. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. In 1782 he was a captain in the King's American Dragoons. James Fulton, Esq., a magis trate in the county of Halifax, died in Nova Scotia in 1826. FusTNER, Andrew George. In November, 1788, Wash ington wrote the President of the Council of Pennsylvania, that Fustner was a brother-in-law of Rankin of York County; that he went out of New York frequently as a spy, by way of Stark River, through New Jersey, and thence to Lancaster; from which facts, means might be devised, per haps, to apprehend him. Gabel, John. Was one of the first of the Loyalists who settled in New Brunswick, and died at St, John in 1816, aged eighty-four. Gage, Thomas. The first military and the last Royal Governor of Massachusetts. His father was the first Viscount Gage. He came to America with Braddock, in command of the 44th Regiment, and was wounded in the fatal engagement of the 9th of July. It is said that his indecision was the cause of the defeat. He was with Amherst in the expedition against Ticonderoga, and with Wolfe at Quebec. In 1761 he was promoted to the rank of Major-General, and, two years later, Avas made Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in North America. In 1770 he was a Lieutenant-Gen eral. His home was in Ncav York, and he lived in a large double house, surrounded with elegant gardens, on the site now occupied by the stores 67 and 69 Broad Street. In 1774 he removed to Boston, and assumed the administration of civil and military affairs in Massachusetts, Sir WilHam Howe was his successor in command of the army. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Peter Kemble, President of the Coun cil of New Jersey. He died in England, in 1787 ; his Avidow survived until 1824, and at her decease, was ninety years of age. His son was the third Viscount Gage. GAINE. 451 In 1848, General William H, Sumner, who died at Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, October, 1861, married Mary Dickin son Kemble, of New York, daughter of Peter Kemble, grand daughter of General Cadwallader, and niece of the subject of this notice. This lady survives, but has no child, A Resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts in 1862, requested the Governor to receive the portrait of Governor Gage, bequeathed by General Sumner, and cause the same to be placed in the State Library. Gaixe, Hugh, Printer and bookseller, of Ncav York ; and publisher of the " New York Mercury." Died April 25, 1807, aged eighty-one years. His political creed seems to have consisted of but one article, and that — to keep with the strongest party. At first he was a Whig, and Avhen, in 1776, the British troops were about to take possession of New York, he retreated with his press to Newark ; but, in the belief that the Whigs would be subdued and the Revolution suppressed, he soon after privately withdrew from Newark, and returned to New York, where he printed under the protection of the King's Army, and devoted the "Mercury" to the support of the Royal cause. At the conclusion of the war, he peti tioned the Legislature of the State for liberty to remain in the city, which was granted ; but he discontinued the publication of his paper, and turned his attention to the printing and sell ing of books. He occupied a stand in Hanover Square more than forty years, and by close application to business, regu larity and punctuality, he acquired a handsome estate. As a citizen, he was moral and highly respectable. As a politician, his unstable course excited several poetical essays from a wdt of the time ; among them is a versification of his petition to the new Government, already alluded to, of some three hun dred and fifty lines. The writer's manner may be judged of by the following extract. After relating the evils of his so journ at Newark, Gaine is made to speak thus of his return to New York, and taking part with the Loyalists : — " As matters have gone, it was plainly a blunder. But then I expected the Whigs must knock under. 452 GALE. And I always adhere to tlie sword that is longest. And stick to the party that 's like to be strongest ; That you have succeeded is merely a chance ; I never once dreamt of the conduct of France ! — If alliance with her you -were promised — at least You ought to have showed me your star in the East, Not let me go off uninformed as a beast. AVhen your army I saw without stockings or shoes, Or victuals or money — to pay them their dues. Excepting your wretched Congressional paper. That stunk in my nose like the snuff of a taper," &c. Gale, Samuel, Of Cumberland County, New Hamp shire Grants, He was born in England, in 1747, and Avas Avell educated. He came to America about the year 1770, as a paymaster in the British Army ; but, quitting the service, settled in die county above mentioned. In 1774 the infamous Crean Brush resigned as clerk of the Court, and he was ap pointed to the place. During the difficulties between the Whigs and Loyalists of Cumberland in 1775, — as partic ularly related in the notice of W, Patterson, — he does not appear to have conducted with wisdom or decorum. Accord ing to the account of the affair drawn up by the Whig Com mittee, he drew a pistol upon the multitude, who asked for a parley, and exclaimed, " d — n the parley with such d d rascals as you are ; " and holding up his weapon, added, " I will hold no parley with such d d rascals, but this." Collision soon followed, and human life was taken. An in vestigation followed. He was imprisoned first in his OAvn town, and next in Northampton, Massachusetts. Released at last, he repaired to New York, where he Avas joined by his family. In 1776 he was again seized and sent to jail in Fair field, Connecticut, and while there Avrote a long letter to John McKisson, in Avhich he complains of the manner of his ar rest and of his subsequent treatment. I extract a single pas sage, " In this intolerable place," he said, " the Avind, when cold, fairly chills every vein in my body. The smoke, when there is a fire, not only blinds, but nearly suffocates me ; and the continued smell of the room has, I fear, tended to rot my GALLOWAY. 453 very vitals. In the morning I have perpetually a sickness at the stomach ; about noon comes on a fever, which, in about three hours, is succeeded by an ague." Again, he said he wished for liberty on parole, that " I may finish my intended publication on Surveying, which, you will know, is allowed by all parties to be a matter of great actual service to Amer ica." He went to Canada before the peace, and became Pro vincial Secretary. He accompanied Governor Prescott to England, to assist in adjusting some difficulties that had oc curred during his administration ; and Avhile abroad, he Avrote and published an " Essay on Public Credit," Avhich Mr. Pitt is said to have approved. Mr. Gale returned to Canada after several years' absence ; lived in retirement, and died in Farn ham, in 1826. His wife was Rebecca, daughter of Colonel Samuel Wells, of Brattleborough. Galloway, Joseph. He was a son of Peter Galloway, and was born in Maryland about the year 1730. His family was respectable, and of good estate, and his education was probably the best that could be obtained in the Middle Col onies. He went early in life to Philadelphia, commenced the practice of the law, became eminent in his profession, and held many important trusts. He married the daughter of the Hon. LaAvrence Growdon, Avho was for a long period Speaker of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, by which connection he enjoyed a considerable fortune. In 1764 Mr. Galloway was a member of the Assembly, and on the question of a change of the government from the Proprietary to the Royal form, as in some other Colonies, made an able speech in answer to the celebrated Dickinson, who opposed the petition. Both speeches Avere published. Galloway continued in the Assem bly for some years, and attained the Speaker's chair of that body. In 1774 he was elected a member of the Whig Con gress of the Continent, and took his scat, and Avas an active participant in its leading recommendations and measures. On the 20th of October, Congress adopted the celebrated measure of "Non-Importation, Non-Consumption, and Non-Exporta tion," and ordered that the several members subscribe their 454 GALLOWAY. names to it. The signature of Mr. Galloway is among them ; and his name is to be found, also, to the " Address to the In habitants of the Province of Quebec," Near the close of the session he was appointed, with Mr. Adams and others, to revise the minutes of Congress. No man in Pennsylvania, at this time, Avas more in favor with the popular party. In the attack upon the proprietary rights, he had been regarded the leader ; and with Franklin,^ he was on terms of intimacy and confidence. His disaffection or disinclination to continue in the public councils soon be came manifest. By the proceedings of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the 12th of May, 1775, it appears, that " Joseph Galloway, Esq,, having repeatedly moved in Assem bly to be excused from serving as a Deputy in the Continen tal Congress, the House this day took his motion in considera tion, and do hereby agree to excuse him from that service." In 1776 he abandoned the Whigs, and became one of the most virulent and prescriptive Loyalists of the time. His former friends often felt the force of his powers, and the evil effects of his influence with the agents of the Crown, both in America and England. He joined the Royal Army in New York soon after his defection, and continued there until June of 1778. As he prepared to embark for England, with his only daughter, he Avrote his "ever dear and only sister," a parting letter, which is very affectionate in its tone, and in which he said : " I call this country ungrateful, because I haA'e attempted to save it from the distress it at present feels, and because it has not only rejected my endeavors, but re turned me evil for good, I feel for its misery ; but I feel it is not finished — its cup is not yet full — stiff deeper distress Avill attend it." He was examined before Parliament, in 1779, on the in quiry into the conduct of Sir William HoAve and General Burgoyne, and gave some very singular opinions. Thus, he said tiiat four fifths of the whole American people, at the be- 1 A will, executed by Franklin, some years prior to 1784, was left in his care. GALLOWAY. 455 ginning of hostilities, were loyal or well affected to the Crown ; that if proper use had been made of men and means, the re bellion might have been speedily and happily terminated ; that in a military sense, America was not particularly strong : that the British troops were superior to their opponents, not in the open field, but in bush fighting ; and that such Avas the nature of the country, soldiers could carry provisions for nineteen days, on their backs. To all this, it was well replied, that though bred a lawyer, and used to business, he could be hard ly made to recollect anything which related to himself when a Whig and a member of the Continental Congress ; yet, that merely with the British Army for protection, and utterly ig norant of the profession of arms, he presumed to possess an accurate knoAvledge of the complicated business of the camp ; and to decide, in a manner which old and experienced com manders hesitated to do, upon all the great operations of war. Between this time and the peace, his pen was almost constant ly employed on subjects connected with the war, and its man agement on the part of officers of the Crown. In addition to an extensive correspondence with Loyalists who continued in America, he published " Observations on the Conduct of Sir Wdliam HoA\'e " ; a " Letter to Howe on his Naval Con duct " ; " Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies " ; " Reply to the ObserA'ations of Gen eral Howe " ; " Cool Thoughts on the Consequences of Amer ican Independence " ; " Candid Examination of the Claims of Great Britain and her Colonies " ; and " Reflections on the American Rebel hon." His estate, which he A'alued at £40,000, was confiscated by Pennsylvania, in pursuance of his proscription and attainder. A large part of his property was derived from his wife, and a considerable proportion of it Avas restored finally to his daugh ter. When the agency for prosecuting the claims of the Loyahsts to compensation was formed, Mr. Galloway was ap pointed a member of the Board for Pennsylvania and Dela ware. But his own pretensions to consideration were disputed. The circumstance, that he had been a Whig and a member of 456 GALLOWAY. the first Continental Congress, occasioned a jealousy among the adherents of the Crown, who had never changed sides, and the Commissioners made a minute investigation into his conduct. They examined numerous witnesses, among whom were General Gage, Lord CornAvallis, and Sir William Howe ; and they found and reported him to be " an active though not an early Loyalist," and of course entitled to compensation. A tract attributed to him, on the subject of " The Loyalist Claims for Losses," was published in 1788 ; from which, as the reader will remember, some extracts appear in the preliminary remarks of this volume. He died in England, September, 1803, at the age of seventy-three years. His path was filled Avith vexations and troubles. He was a politician by nature ; and he had many qualities indispensable to success in political life. For some years prior to the Revo lution, he was the secret or open mover of many of the public issues that arose. In the alienation of friends he was unfor tunate. In 1766 he connected himself with Goddard and Wharton, in publishing a newspaper called the " Pennsyl vania Chronicle." By the terms of the arrangement, he and Wharton were to furnish a share of the necessary capital, and Goddard was to print and manage the concern. And it is a singular fact connected with this matter, that the articles of copartnership provided for the admission of Franklin as a partner, should he choose to join them on his coming home from England, where he was then absent. But the phdoso- pher never availed himself of the opportunity ; the three part ners quarrelled, separated on the worst possible terras, and Goddard and Galloway filled the public prints with the vilest mutual abuse. The difficulty reached the ears of Franklin, and he thus wrote to his son William from London : " I cast my eye over Goddard's piece against our friend, Mr. Gallo way, and then lit my fire Avith it. I think such feeble, mali cious attacks cannot hurt him," The events of a few years produced strange changes in the relations of the several par ties here spoken of, and show the effects of civil war in a most striking manner, Galloway, as has been said, turned Loyal- GALLOWAY, 457 ist, and Franklin renounced him ; Avhile Goddard, Avho made the " feeble and malicious attacks," Avas appointed to the sec ond office in the Continental Post-office Department, when Franklin was placed at its head. While, again, Goddard, soured and disaffected, on the retirement of Franklin from that service, because he Avas not named to succeed him, in curred the displeasure of the Whigs, and was the object of hate, and the victim of mobs. And yet again ; Franklin's only son, the Royal Governor of New Jersey, also became a Loyalist ; Avhich entirely alienated his father, so that there Avas no intercourse between them for ten years. Galloway, after deserting the Whigs, AA'as the mark at which many writers levelled their Avit and their anger. Trumbull says of him, that " he began by being a flaming patriot, but being disgusted at his own Avant of influence and the greater popularity of others, he turned Tory, wrote against the meas ures of Congress, and absconded; " and, that "just before his escape, a trunk was put on board a vessel in the Delaware, to be delivered to " him, which, on opening, " he found contained only, as Shakspeare says, ' A halter gratis, and leave to hang himself,' " Trumbull, in his " McFingal," still further discourses thus : " Did you not, in as vile and shallow way, Fright our poor Philadelphian, Galloway, Your Congress when the loyal ribald Belied, berated, and bescribbled ? What ropes and halters did you send. Terrific emblems of his end, Till, lest he 'd hang in more than effigy, Fled in a fog the trembling refugee ? " The unhappy Loyahst deserved all that was said of him ; since it seems improbable that he changed sides from convic tion and from justifiable motives. A man of so great aptitude for the administration of affairs, of so mature judgment, of so much political experience, of so penetrating sagacity, of powers of mind that led his fellows in masses, can hardly stand excused, upon the most charitable view of his conduct that is possible. VOL. L 39 458 GALLOWAY. - GARDEN. Galloway, . Serjeant in the Queen's Rangers. Unhorsed and A^'ounded in batde. He lamented the loss of the heel of his boot, which was shot away, says his com mander, more than his wound. Gallopp, William. He setded in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, and was a magistrate. He died in that county about the year 1806. Gamble, James. Of North Carolina. Estate confiscated. Residence unknown. Gamble, David. Belonged to the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, but deserted. In 1778 he was tried for this of fence, and for having in his possession counterfeit Continental money ; and was sentenced to suffer death. Ganey, Micajah. Of South Carolina. He lived on the Litde Pedee; and at the head of some Loyalists of that region, sallied out of swamps to distress the Whigs. Marion had required that he should obey his orders as brigadier of the district, but he refused. Yet, in 1781, when the Royal Army met with reverses, Ganey entered into a treaty of neutrality, which was renewed the year following. By the terms of the last arrangement, the Tory band were forgiA'en treason, secured in the possession of their property, and placed under the protection of the laws, on the condition of delivering up their plunder, and demeaning themselves as peaceable citizens of South Carolina; while those \^'ho pre ferred to leave the country, were permitted to go within the British lines, and to carry off or sell their effects. He was considered an excellent partisan officer, and, in the judgment of some, able to cope with Marion himself. Garden, Alexander. Of South Carolina. A Congrat- ulator of Cornwallis on his success at Camden in 1780. In 1782 his estate was confiscated, and he was banished. Doctor Garden fitted himself for professional pursuits at Edinburgh, He acquired a fortune. He was much devoted to the study of natural history, and Avas a valuable writer in that branch of science, especially in botany. He went to England in 1783, and died in London in 1791, at the age of sixty-three GARDEN. — GARDINER, 459 years. He was doctor of medicine and of divinity, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, Garden, William. He received employment under the Crown, after the Revolution ; and at the time of his decease was Assistant Deputy Commissary-General of the garrison at Fredericton, New Brunswick. He sank under the pressure of sickness and trouble ; and closed his life in the county of York, Ncav Brunswick, in 1812, aged sixty-three. His daughter Jane, wife of William Thompson, of Toronto, Upper Canada, died at Woodstock, New Brunswick, in 1848, in her sixty-second year. V^ Gardiner, Sylvester. Of Boston. Physician. De scended from the first emigrant of the name to the Narra gansett country ; and born at South Kingston, Rhode Island, in 1707. He fitted himself for the practice of medicine in England and France ; entered upon and pursued a successful professional career in Boston. He acquired great wealth, and became proprietor of one twelfth ^parf~of the "Plymouth Purchase," so called, on the Kennebec River, Maine. His efforts to settle this large domain were unceasing from the year 1753 to the Revolution. He was made perpetual mod erator of the proprietors at all their meetings ; he executed their plans ; built mills, houses, stores, and wharves ; cleared lands ; made generous offers to emigrants ; established an Episcopal mission ; and furnished the people of that region with their first rehgious instruction. And most of all this was accomplished with his OAvn money. The evidence uni formly is, that he was a man of broad and liberal views, of great zeal, energy, and public spirit. In Boston he was held in much respect by all classes. Of the " Government Party," he entertained as guests. Sir Wdliam Pepperell, Governor ; Hutchinson, Earl Percy, Admiral Graves, Major Pitcairn, General Gage, Major Small, and others. An Addresser of the Royal Governors in 1774 and the year^fbHtrwrng; he - becameTdentified Avith the Royal-xatreeT' But, hard upon threescore and ten, he did not mean to quit his native country. He yielded to the counsels, to the " impetuositj' " 460 GARDINER. of a young wife, and was ruined. In 1776, at the evacua tion, he abandoned all, and found temporary shelter at Hali fax, The vessel in which he embarked was destitute of com mon comforts, poorly supplied with provisions, and the cabin, which he and several members of his family occupied, was small and crowded Avith pas.sengers. In 1778 his name ap peared in the Proscription and Banishment Act. He settled at Poole, England. In addition to his lands in Maine, he had a large property in Boston, both real and personal, most of which was con fiscated. In 1785 he returned to the United States. For a part of his losses, he petitioned Massachusetts for compensation. He had never borne arms, he said, nor entered into any associa tion, combination, or subscription, against the Whigs. When he quitted Boston, he stated, too, that he had in possession a valuable stock of drugs, medicines, paints, groceries, and dye stuffs, which, having a vessel ftdly equipped and entirely unde;- his control, he could easily have carried off', but which he left, of choice, for the benefit of the country, which he knew was in need. The claim was acknowledged to the extent of giving his heirs tickets in the State Land Lottery, by which they obtained nearly six thousand acres in the county of Washington, Maine. From the confiscation, Massachusetts derived, indeed, but little benefit. As relates to the property just mentioned, Washington, on taking posses.sion of Boston, ordered the medicines, &c,, in Doctor Gardiner's store to be transferred to the hospital department for the use of the Continental Army ; but the State authorities interfered, and required delivery to the Sheriff of Suffolk County. The result, how ever, was a vote of the Council complying with the requisition of the Commander-in-Chief The Commonwealth received nothing from the lands on the Kennebec, because the Attor ney-General found his suit illegally prosecuted, and because peace Avas concluded while his second action was pending. As concerns the remaining part of Dr. Gardiner's estate. GARDINER, 461 there is a strange story, namely : that it was nearly all absorbed in the payment of fictitious claims against him, which there was no one here to dispute. A gentleman of the highest respectability informs me that he was once walk ing Avith the Doctor's executor, when they were met by a man who had been allowed payment of an unjust demand, and who was asked by the executor, " How could you bring such a charge?" " La, Mr. Hallowell," was the reply, " I would not injure you for the world. The account was correct : I only omitted to say it was paid ; it was doing you no harm; everybody was doing the same; and I was In want of the iuuney." The subject of this notice died at Newport, Rhode Island, suddenly, August 8, 1786, in his eightieth year, and his remains were interred under Trinity Church. In the Episcopal Church, Gardiner, Maine, there is a marble cenotaph to his memory. His first Avife was Anne, daughter of Doctor John Gibbons of Boston ; his second, Abigail Eppes of Virginia ; his third, Catharine Goldthwaite. His children were six. First, John, born in Boston in 1731 ; bred to the law in England ; practised in the Courts of West minster Hall ; Attorney-General of St. Christopher's ; denied promotion by the British Government, because of his sym pathy for the Whigs ; returned to Massachusetts at the peace ; one of the leaders in the movement which transferred King's Chapel to the Unitarians ; settled in Pownalborough, Maine, and was member of the General Court ; embarked at home for Boston, in 1793 ; wrecked on the passage and perished. Second, William, of whom presently. Third, Anne, Avho married the second son of the Earl of Altamont. Next, Hannah, the wife of Robert Hallowell. Fifth, Rebecca, wife of Philip Dumarisque. Last, Abigail, who married Oliver Whipple, counsellor-at-law, Cumberland, Rhode Island, and subsequently of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The husbands of Hannah and Rebecca are mentioned in these volumes. Under the provisions of Doctor Gardiner's will, nearly the whole of his estate in Maine passed to Hannah's only 39* 462 GARDINER. son, Robert Hallowell, who, as one of the conditions of that instrument, added the name of Gardiner. John, as is stated, failed to become the principal heir, in consequence of his political and religious opinions ; and William " was not an efficient man." [See Robert Halhwell.] ^ Gardiner, William. Of Maine, Son of Doctor Syl- A'ester Gardiner. Settled on his father's lands on the Ken nebec, prior to the Rca' olution. He gave offence to" the Whigs because he " would drink tea " ; because he refused to swear allegiance to their cause ; and because he called them " Rebels," Arrangements were made to take him from his bed at night, and tar and feather him ; but a Whig, friendly to him, carried him to a place of safety. He -^vas, however, made prisoner, tried, and sent to jail in Boston. In March, 1778, he petitioned for release, and was soon after allowed to return home, -where " he Avas regarded as a harmless man, and Avas suffered for the most part to remain unmolested, except by petty annoyances." He died unmarried at Gar diner, and his remains were interred " beneath the Episcopal vestry." Gardiner, Nathaniel. Of PoAvnalborough, Maine, Kinsman of Doctor Sylvester Gardiner. A steady Loyalist, and distinguished for the uge of both influence and fortune in behalf of distressed adherents to the Crown". For a year or twa,^lre account of him is contradictory. By one of his OAvn letters it appears that, in 1780, he Avas in command of an armed schooner called the Golden I^ippin ; was captured by " a detachment of General Wadsworth's Rebels," near the Penobscot; and conveyed to jail in Falmouth (now Port land). On the Avay, " he was taken to a gallows, and told that that was his place." He says he was alloAved neither bed nor blanket ; that he laid down on a plank floor full of spike - heads an inch high ; that neither food nor drink was ordered for him ; that had not his son brought him some money, he should haA-e died of cruel treatment. Kept in prison four months, and robbed, he relates, of his clothes and pocket- book, he escaped, and went to New York, At the peace GARDINER. — GARRETTSON. 463 he remoA'ed to Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Before living in Maine, he was a magistrate in Rhode Island. Gardiner, Abram. Of Long Island, New York. Colonel in the militia. In 1776 he tendered the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of South and Easthampton. The same year he was taken prisoner by Colonel Livingston, and his case reported to Governor Trumbull of Connecticut. Gardner, Henry. Of Salem, Massachusetts. An Ad dresser of Gage on his arrival in 1774. He died at Maiden in 1817, aged seventy-one. Garnktt, Samuel. Of Massachusetts. Was in London in 1779, and addressed the King, Of the jMassachusetts family, I conclude, were Patrick, who Avas an ensign in the Prince of Wales American Volunteers ; and Joseph, who settled in New Brunswick, Avas IMaster in Chancery, and Deputy Sur rogate, and died in St. Andrew in 1801. G.vrrettson, Rev, Freeborn. Minister of the Methodist Episco|)al Church. He was born in Maryland in 1752, and Avas admitted to the ministry, " on trial," in 1776. The next year, Avhile stationed in Virginia, he refused to take the oath of fidelity to the Whigs, and was told that he must leave the State or go to jail. But he Avas not then molested. In 1778, howcA'er, Avhen preaching in Maryland, he was met by a man who seized his horse's bridle, and who beat him over the head and shoulders with a large stick. In the affray, Mr. Garrett- son's horse started off at full speed, but his assailant, who was also mounted, pursued, and, in passing him, struck a blow which, with the injury in falling to the ground, rendered him senseless. Again, in 1778, an officer Avaited upon him with a process, and threatened to confine him in prison. A year later, he was stationed in Delaware, " Avhere he found him self an object of suspicion and molestation " ; and at Salis bury " he was informed that a mob had already collected, consisting of some of the first people in the county, with a determination to effect his imprisonment." He escaped a second time ; but in Maryland, in 1780, while engaged in a religious service, he Avas seized by a party of about twenty 464 GARRISON. persons, and hurried off to jail, " where he had a dirty floor for a bed, and his saddle-bags for a pdlow." His friends soon interposed, and the Governor released him. In 1785 he went to Nova Scotia as a missionary ; and while there, founded a Methodist society' at Halifax. He re turned in 1787, preached several times in private houses in Boston, and then visited Rhode Island. From this period untd 1817, he was actively employed in various parts of New England and the Middle States, and became distinguished. For the ten years preceding his decease, he was on the list of " supernumaries," but yet he continued his labors as " a min ister at large." He died at New York in 1827, aged seventy- five. His widow, Catharine, daughter of Chancehor Robert R, Livingston, died in 1849, in her ninety-seventh year. He left one child, a daughter. Garrison, Joseph. Of Massachusetts. He was born in 1734. Notes from the family record, furnished me by two of his grandsons, show that he was in Nova Scotia as early, cer tainly, as 1773, Of his course during the Revolution little is knoAvn. Descendants admit his loyalty. He was in New Brunswick, probably, before the peace ; and is still remem bered in that Province as a skilful miner, and as the discov erer of the " Grand Lake Coal Mines," which of late years have been extensively worked. He died on the river St. John. Mary Palmer, Avho was born in Byfield, Massachu setts, in 1741, and to whom he Avas married in 1764, bore him five children previous to the Avar, and four between 1776 and 1783, as follows : " Hannah (the eldest), who married John Lunt, lived at Eastport, Maine, some years, removed to the Penobscot, and died there about the year 1843 ; Eliza beth, or Betsey, who married William Simpson, and died at Kingston, New Brunswick, in 1845 ; Joseph, Avho died on Deer Island, New Brunswick, in 1819, aged fifty-two ; Dan iel, who was drowned in the river St. John, about the year 1798 ; Abijah, of whom presently ; Sarah,^ who married Joseph Clark ; Nathaniel, who died at the city of St, John 1 Lived on the river St, John in 1848. GARRISON -r- GAY. 465 in 1817; Sdas;^ and William, who died on the river St. John in 1843. Abijah, the third son, was born in Nova Scotia, within the limits of the present Province of New Brunswick, in 1773. He lived aAvhile at St, John, but removed to Newburyport, Massachusetts, Avhere he resided some years. He returned to his native Province, finally, and probably died there ; of his fate, however, persons of his lineage know nothing. Fanny Lloyd, his wife, was born on Deer Island, Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick, in 1776, and had issue — Mary Ann, Caroline, James Hodey, Wdliam Lloyd, and Elizabeth, The youngest son, Wiffiam' Lloyd Garrison, of Boston, Avho Avas born at Newburyport, December 10, 1805, and who, — uni versally known for his labors to abolish slavery, — is the sole survivor. Garrison, John. He became an inhabitant of New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a member of the House of Assembly for several years. His end was sad. He died on the river St. John in 1810, Gatcheus, Jacob, Of Philadelphia. Joined the British in that city, and went with the Rojal Army to New York, in 1778. The next year he was captain of the privateer Im pertinent, was captured, and committed to prison. ^' Gatchell, Dennis. Of Maine. Whig at first, committee man, and captain in the militia. Repented, in 1779, of haA' ing been " a furious and revengeful Rebel," and acknowledged that he deserved no mercy from a sovereign he Fad^so gi'eatly/ abused, but still flattered himself with hopes of forgiveness. " Possibly the Gatchells of the island of Grand Menan, Bay of Fundy, are of his lineage. His home, I conjecture, was near the mouth of the Kennebec. Gay, Rev. Ebenezer, D.D. Minister, of Hingliam, Mas sachusetts. In doubt as to his course in the Revolution, his name Avas omitted in the first edition of this work. He was born in 1696, graduated at Jlaiward^ Uidyersityjn 1714, and was ordained in 1718, He died in 1787, at the age of 1 Lived on the river St, John in 1848. 466 GAY. — GEAKE. ninety, and in the sixty-ninth year of his ministry. The Rev. Doctor Chauncey " pronounces him to have been one of the greatest and most valuable men in the country." , J/' Gay, Martin. Founder, of Boston. Son of the preced ing. An Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and of Gage in 1775 ; was proscribed and banished in 1778. He Avent to Halifax in 1776, Avith his family. I suppose he returned; a gentleman of this name died at Boston in 1809, aged eighty- tAVO. Gay, Samuel. Of Massachusetts. Son of Martin Gay. He was born in Boston, and graduated at Harvard University in 1775. Soon after the beginning of the Revolution, he abandoned his native country. He settled in New Brunswick, and was a member of the first House of Assembly organized in the Colony, and represented the county of Westmoreland several years. He Avas also a magistrate of that county, and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He died at Fort Cumberland, New Brunswick, (where his father had a grant of land from the Crown,) January 21, 1847, in the ninety-third year of his age. The late Hon. Ebenezer Gay, of Hingham, Massachusetts, was his brother. Gaynor, James, and Peter. Were grantees of St. John, New Brunswick, in 1783. James was a member of the Loyal Artillery in 1795, and died at St. John in 1823, at the age of seventy-two. Geake, Samuel. A Whig, who was taken prisoner by the British, corrupted, and induced to act as a spy. After enter ing the service of the enemy, he enlisted among his former friends, the better to accomplish his purpose of betraying them. His designs Avere ascertained, and he Avas arrested in 1778, tried, and condemned to die. He confessed his crime, but Washington spared his life, because the court-martial diat tried him was irregularly constituted, and because his testi mony Avas deemed important against Hammed, formerly brigade-major to General James Clinton, who had also en tered into treasonable designs with the British. Geake, according to his confession, was to receive a commission of GEDDES. - GERRISH. 467 lieutenant in a corps that Hammed was to command, as soon as it could be raised from deserters from the American Army. Geddes, Charles. Died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1807, aged fifty-six. ^. Gelston, Samuel. Of Massachusetts, Physician. In January, 1776, he Avas held to answer before a joint committee of the Council and House. During the proceedings against him, it appears that he escaped from the custody of the mes senger, fled to Rhode Island, Avhere he was apprehended and brought back. Early in February, the committee reported, that, by his own confession, he had contravened the Resolves of Congress, had supplied the enemy with various articles of provision ; and that, " by other evidence, it appeared he was unfriendly to the rights and liberties of the country," There upon ordered, that "the said Samuel Gelston be forthwith confined in some jail in this Colony," &c. In July of the same year he was at the Ehzabeth Islands, in the custody of Bera- chiah Basset, who was directed, by a Resolve of the Legisla ture, to send him under a proper guard to the five justices in the county of Suffolk, appointed specially to inquire into the conduct of persons accused of enmity to the Whigs. L--' Gerrish, Moses. Of Massachusetts. He graduated at Harvard University in 1762. In the Revolution, he was at tached tondiF commfssary department of the Royal Army. After the peace, he, Thomas Ross, and one Jones, obtained license of occupation of the island of Grand Menan, New Brunswick, and its dependencies, and on condition of procur ing forty settlers, a schoolmaster, and a minister, within seven years from the date of the license, were to receive a grant of the whole from the British Crown. They commenced the set tlement of the island, and sold several lots in anticipation of their own title, but failed to fulfil the conditions, and did not obtain the expected grant. Jones returned to the United States, but Gerrish and Ross continued at Grand Menan. Gerrish was an able man. A gentleman who kncAV him long and intimately, remarks, that " he would spread more good sense on a sheet of paper than any person of my acquaint- 468 GEYER, — GILBERT. ance." His powers were not, however, devoted to any regu lar pursuit. He never acquired any considerable property, "yet always seemed to have enough." He "did nothing, yet Avas ahvays about something," He was a magistrate at Grand Menan for many years, and until his decease, in 1830, at the age of eighty years, \/ Geyer, Frederick William. Merchant. Of Boston. Proscribed and banished in 1778 ; citizenship restored in 1789, by Act of the Legislature. In business Avith his son. No. 13 Union Street, Boston, in 1794, Died at Walpole, New Hamp shire, in 1803, A daughter, who died near London in 1854) at the age of about eighty-eight, married Mr. Mari-yatt, and was the mother of the late Captain Marryatt of the British Navy, and author of numerous popular works of fiction. GiDNEY, Joshua. Of a place near Poughkeepsie, New York. He was imprisoned for his agency in spiking cannon in the vicinity of King's Bridge, but was released finally, and allowed to return to his family. Subsequently, he raised and commanded a company of Loyalists. At the peace, accom panied by his family of six persons, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the CroAvn granted him one town lot. His losses in consequence of his loyalty Avere esti mated at £670. He soon abandoned Shelburne and settled in New Brunswick, where he was a Judge of the Court of ' O Common Pleas. He died about the year 1830, aged eighty- eight, Gidney, Joseph. Of White Plains, New York. He was the owner of the land on which the battle of White Plains was fought, and conducted the British Army thither. At the peace, accompanied by his family, he Avent from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him one water lot. His losses in consequences of his loyalty were esti mated at £1800. He removed to Digby Neck in the same Province, and died at Bridgetown in 1811, aged seventj'-three, Joshua Avas a half-brother. ^ Gilbert, Thomas. Of Freetown, Massachusetts. His an cestor, John Gilbert, as is supposed, came from Devonshire, GILBERT. 469 England, at an age somewhat adA'anced, and lived first, with his family, at Dorchester. He died previous to 1654, but Winnifred, his widow, was then living. He, with Henry Andrew.s, Avere the two first representatives from Taunton to the General Court at Plymouth, in 1639. His sons, Thomas and John, removed with him to Taunton, and were among the first proprietors of that town. Of Thomas, Governor Win throp gravely records, that, — " 8th mo, August 18, 1636 : Thomas Gilbert brought be fore us ; he Avas drunk at Serjeant Baulson's, and the con stable being sent for he struck him. He was kept in prison all night, and the next day his fiither, John Gilbert, and his brother, John Gilbert of Dorchester, undertook in £40 that John Gilbert the younger would appear at Court to answer for him, and perform the order of the Court, &c. The reason was, that he was to go to'England presently, and not known to have been in any Avay disordered, and was his father's oldest son, who was a grave, honest gentleman, &c. They did undertake, also, that he should acknowledge his fault openly to the constable," &c. Thomas went to England, as he intended, and never re turned, but died there in 1676. His wife, Jane, who was a daughter of Hugh Rossiter, and his children, remained at Taunton. His marriage is supposed to have been the first that occurred in that town. The name of his oldest son was Thomas, who was the immediate ancestor of Thomas Gilbert, the Loyalist, who is the subject of this notice, and who, on his mother's side, was descended from Governor William Brad ford, the second chief magistrate of Plymouth Colony. In 1745, the Thomas, of whom we are now to speak, Avas a captain at the memorable siege and reduction of Louisburg, under Sir William Pepperell. In the French war of 1755, he was a lieutenant-colonel in the Massachusetts forces under Brigadier-General Ruggles. He was engaged in the attempt ao-ainst Crown Point ; and after the fall of Colonel Ephraim Williams, in the battle with the French, under Baron Dieskau, at Lake George, he succeeded to the command of the regiment. VOL. I. 40 470 GILBERT. In the Revolutionary controversy he took an early and decided stand in behalf of the Crown. At this time he was a member of the House of Representatives, a justice of the quorum, and a colonel in the militia. In 1774 a large body of the people proceeded to Freetown, to desire him not to accept of the office of sheriff under the new laws, and to in form him that if he acted under the commission which it was reported he had received, he "must abide by the con sequences." Soon after he Avas at Dartmouth ; and a party of about a hundred assaulted the house in which he was a lodger ; but Avith the help of the family he prevented their entrance. In the autumn of 1774 the commotions in Bristol County had become so great that an armed force Avas deemed requisite, by General Gage, to keep the people in subjection to the king's authority ; and, at his request. Colonel Gilbert raised and commanded a body of three hundred Loyalists. In March, 1775, he wrote the following letter to the Hon. James Wallace, Esquire, commander of his Majesty's ship Rose, Newport, which was intercepted, and which appears to have been the second addressed by him to that officer, " Honorable Sir: — Since Avriting the lines on the 21st by Mr, Phdlips, many insults and threats are, and have been made against those soldiers which have taken our arms and train, and exercise in the King's name ; and on Monday next the Captains muster at the south part of the toAvn, Avhen we have great reason to fear thousands of the Rebels will attack them, and take our lives, or the King's arms, or perhaps both. I, Sir, ask the favor of one of His Majesty's Tenders, or some other vessel of force, might be at or near Bowers', in order, if any of our people should be obliged to retreat, they may be taken on board. Nothing but the last extremity will oblige them to quit the ground." These proceedings attracted immediate attention, and pro duced great indignation. In April, 1775, the Congress of Massaclrusetts unanimously declared that " Colonel Thomas Gilbert is an inveterate enemy to his country, to reason, to justice, and the common rights of mankind ; " and, that " who- GILBERT. 471 ever had knowingly espoused his cause, or taken up arms for its support, does, in common with himself, deserve to be in stantly cut off from the benefit of commerce Avith, or counte nance of, any friend of virtue, America, or the human race." These words are explicit enough ; and contain as full and as comprehensive denunciation as can be found in the records of any deliberative body during the controversy. And Con gress, in further speaking of him, use the term, — "Gilbert and his banditti." A few days after the passage of these resolutions of bitter censure. Colonel Gilbert fled to the Rose, which vessel was still at Newport, Rhode Island, and thence to Boston. On the 4th of May, 1775, he wrote to his sons, from Boston, thus : — " On the 27th of April, I left the ship, took passage on board a packet sloop on the first instant, in health arrived here, where I expect to stay till the Rebels are subdued, which I believe Avill not be long first, as the ships and troops are daily expected. My greatest fears are, you Avill be seduced or compelled to take arms with the deluded people. Dear sons, if these Avicked sinners, the Rebels, entice you, believe them not, but die by the sword rather than be hanged as Rebels, which Avill certainly be your fate sooner or later if you join them, or be killed in battle, and will be no more than you deserve. I wish you in Boston, and all the friends to govern ment. The Rebels have proclaimed that those friends may have liberty, and come in ; but as all their declarations haA'e hitherto proved, I fear, false, this may be so. Let Ruggles knoAv his father wants him' here. You may come by water from Newport. If here, the King will give you provisions and pay you Avages ; but by experience you knoAV neither your persons nor estates are safe in the country, for as soon as you have raised anything, they [the Rebels] Avill rob you of it, as they are more savage and cruel than heathens, or any other creatures, and, it is generally thought, than devils. You will put yourselves out of their power as soon as possible. This is from your affectionate father," 472 GILBERT. In 1776 Colonel Gilbert accompanied the Royal Army to Halifax ; and in 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He continued with the King's troops during the war, " often em ployed, and constantly rendering every service in his power, for the suppression of the Rebellion," In 1783 he went to Nova Scotia, and on the 16th of November of that year he was at Conway, in the county of Annapolis, and a petitioner to Governor Parr for a grant of lands. At a subsequent pe riod, he settled in New Brunswick, and died on the river St. John, near the year 1796, aged about eighty-tAvo. On retir ing from service, at the close of the French war. Colonel Gil bert declined to receive half-pay. He held no commission in the Revolution, and was consequently entitled to no allow ance as a disbanded officer ; but he received compensation as a Loyalist for his losses. Gilbert, Thomas, Jr. Of Berkley, Massachusetts. Son of Francis. He fled to Boston in 1775, and joined his father ; but it is believed did not accompany him to Halifax. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. During tlie war he continued with the Royal troops, and was active in his endeavors to sup press the popular movement. He settled in New Brunswick after the war, and died on the river St. John, Gilbert, Bradford. Of Freetown, Massachusetts. ' ^ Brother of Thomas, Jr. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. He settled in New Brunswick in 1783, and re ceived the grant of a lot in the city of St. John. In 1795 he was a member of the St. John Loyal Artillery, and in 1803 an alderman of the city. He died at St, John in 1814, aged sixty-eight. Ann, his widow, died in 1853, in her nine tieth year. Gilbert, Perez. Of Freetown, Massachusetts. Brother of Bradford. He was proscribed and banished. He settled in New Brunswick with his father and brothers, and died in that Colony. Gilbert, Francis, He Avas Naval Officer of New Bruns wick, and died at St. John in 1821, aged eighty-two, Gilbert, Samuel. Of Berkley, Massachusetts. He was GILFROY. — GILPIN. 473 a brother of Colonel Thomas, and went with him to Halifax in 1776. In 1778 he Avas proscribed and banished. He lived in New Brunswick for a time after the Revolution, but finally returned to the United States. GiLFROY, John. Boatswain of the Mantgomery, armed ship of the State of Pennsylvania. Tried for mutiny, (in 1778,) and for joining the side of the Crown, in Philadelphia ; found guilty, and sentenced to death, GiLiAN, William. Of Monmouth County, New Jersey. A Tory marauder. When about to stab an aged Whig of the name of Russell, into whose house he had broken, he was shot by Russell's son, who lay Avounded on the floor. Gill, Thomas. Of Delaware. Died in York County, New BrunsAvick, in 1833, aged seventy-seA'en. Mary, his widow, a native of Newport, Rhode Island, died in the same county, 1837, at the age of eighty-one. Gillies, Archibald. Died at Carleton, New Brunswick, in 1821, aged sixty-six. Oilman, Peter, Of Gilmanton, New Hampshire. He Avas son of Major John Oilman, and was born in 1704, He commanded a regiment in the French Avar ; was Speaker of the Assembly ; and member of the Council of New Hamp shire. Ordered, November, 1775, by the Provincial Congress, that he confine himself to the town of Exeter, and not depart thence wdthout leave of that body or the Committee of Safety. He died in 1788, aged eighty-four. GiLMOUR, Robert. He was banished and attainted, and his estate was confiscated. In 1794 he represented to the British GoA'ernment, that, at the time of his banishment, debts -were due to him in America, which he had been unable to recover, I suppose this person to have belonged to New Hampshire, and the same who was proscribed by Act of that State in 1778. Gilpin, Thomas, Of Philadelphia, In 1777 he was con fined in that city for being inimical to the Whig cause, and ordered to Virginia a prisoner. He died in exile at Winches ter, March, 1778. 40* 474 GIRTY, Girty, Simon. Of Pennsj'lvania. Indian Interpreter. Was born out of wedlock. His father was a sot ; his mother a bawd. He figures in the difficulties of Doctor Conolly and his party, with the authorities of Pennsylvania, in 1774. Girty's career was entirely infamous. He was an early pris oner of the Whigs at Pittsburg, but escaped. In 1778 he went through the Indian country to Detroit, Avitli McKee and Elliot, proclaiming to the savages that the Rebels were determined to destroy them, and that " their only chance of safety was to espouse the cause of the Crown and fight," In 1782 Colonel Crawford was captured by the Indians and per ished at the stake, after suffering the most horrible and ex cruciating tortures, which Girty saw with much satisfaction. This is the statement of his enemies ; and it is but fair to say here that he denied the charge and averred that he exerted himself to save the Colonel until his oavu life was in peril. The same year his instigations caused the remoA'al of the Mo ravian missionaries, Avho Avere quietly and usefully laboring among the Wyandots. He personally engaged in driving away these self-denying ministers, treated them with great harshness on the march, and subsequently procured their ar rest. At the defeat of St. Clair, in 1791, Girty was present on the British side ; and saw and knew General Butler, A\'ho lay upon the field writhing from the agony of his wounds. The traitor told a savage warrior that the wounded man was a high officer ; whereupon the Indian buried his tomahawk in Buder's head, Avhose scalp was immediately torn off, and whose heart was taken out and divided into as many pieces as there were tribes engaged in the battle. In 1793 Commissioners on the part of the United States attempted to negotiate with die Confederated Nations for an adjustment of our difficulties with the Indians, Avhen Girty acted as interpreter. His conduct was exceedingly insolent ; and it is related thai he was not only false in his duty as an interpreter, but that he run a qudl or long feather through the cartilege of his nose cross-wise, to show his contempt for the American gendemen present. The failure of the nego- GLEN, — G ODD ARD. 477 tiation, it is supposed, was in a good measure OAving to the evil influence of Girty and other Loyalists. He adhered to the British to the last, and Avas killed under Proctor in 1813, in the battle of the Thames, Glen, William. Of South Carolina. An Addresser of Sir Henry Clinton in 1780, and also a Petitioner to be armed on the side of the Crown, He was banished, and in 1782 his property was confiscated. He went to England. Glover, Samuel. Ensign in De Lancey's Brigade, In 1776 he was captured on Long Island, and committed to jail in New London. He is called " a notorious offender." Among the papers found upon his person, was one from the captain of his company authorizing him to enlist men " for the defence of the liberty of America." Thus did Loyalists sometimes use the words of the Whigs. / Glover, . Of Newtown, Connecticut, In 1779, under the direction of Sir Henry Clinton, he and eight other Loyalists crossed Long Island Sound in a boat, for the pur pose of capturing Major-General Silliman, who had been ap pointed to command on the opposite shore of Connecticut. Glover had been employed by the General, and Avas familiar with his house. The party approached his dwelling at night, and awoke himself and family by a violent assault upon the door. Silliman attempted to fire, but his musket only flashed ; when the assailants broke through a AvindoAV and seized him, and bore him off. On approaching the Long Island shore. Colonel Simcoe, of the Loyalist corps of Queen's Rangers, was in waiting, and exclaimed, " Have you got him ? " He was ansAvered, " Yes." " Have you lost any men ? " " No." " That is well," said Simcoe ; " your Sillimans are not worth a man, nor your Washingtons," / Goddard, William, Son of Giles Goddard, Postmaster of NeAV London, Connecticut, had a checkered career. He was bred a printer, and established the first printing-press at P-rovidence, Rhode_Island, in 1762; and soon at^er began the publication of a newspaper. Not meeting with sufficient encouragement, he went to New York, and connected himself 474) GODDARD.. with John Holt in publishing the " Ncav York Gazette and Post-Boy." After the repeal of the Stamp Act, in 1766, he removed to Philadelphia, and became the partner of Galloway and Wharton, in a paper called the " Pennsylvania Chron icle." These gentlemen were, in the end, both Loyalists. It would seem that the firm expected that Franklin, who was then in England, would take an interest in the concern ; and provision Avas made in the articles of copartnership accord- ino-ly. The " Chronicle " was ably conducted. Galloway Avas an eminent lawyer, a writer of great vigor, and, as was supposed, a friend of the popular cause. In 1770, after nlany disputes, the partners — who, in the meantime, had admitted Benjamin Towne as a member of their establish ment — came to an open rupture ; and, having dissolved their connection, filled the public prints, handbills, and pamphlets, with the ebullitions of their animosity. Unable to meet the demands against the firm, Goddard, in great embarrassment, left Philadelphia, in 1773, and went to Baltimore, in quest of more lucrative business and greater tranquillity of life. Here he started another newspaper ; but the plan of setting up a line of post-riders from Ncav Hampshire to Georgia, in op position to the Post-office establishment of the CroAvn, soon engaged the attention of leading minds ; and Goddard, in trusting his printing affairs to the care of his sister, journeyed throughout the Colonies, to promote the adoption of the measure. He was eminently successful, as the Whigs entered into the scheme with great readiness, and cheerfully sub scribed the necessary funds. Goddard Avas appointed Sur veyor of the Roads and Comptroller of the Offices, on the organization of the Department ; and on the retirement of Franklin, who was placed at its head, expected to succeed him as Postmaster-General. To his great disappointment, Bache, son-in-law to Franklin, received the place ; and God dard resigned his situation in disgust. It was supposed that now he not only suffered his ardor in the Whig cause to abate, but that he actually abandoned his political principles. He resumed his residence in Baltimore, Avhere his paper, the GODDARD. 477 " Maryland Journal," had been and was still continued by and in the name of his sister ; but in which it Avas known that he had an interest, and over which, it Avas believed, that he maintained the entire control. Early in 1777, two articles, one of which was signed " Tom Tell Truth," and the other, " Caveto," appeared in the " Journal," and excited the in dignation of the Baltimore Whig Club, who, on the 4th of March, resolved, — " That William Goddard do leave this town by twelve o'clock to-morrow morning, and the County in three days," &c. He immediately claimed the protection of the Assembly, then in session at Annapolis ; and though that body formally and severely rebuked the Club, there was no resisting the popular impulse against him, and before the quarrel was ended, he was mobbed on several occasions, and otherwise insulted and ill-treated. This Avas especially the case in 1779, when the publication in the " Journal " of certain Queries, excited the ire of the Whig Club aneAv, and caused a great ferment. He was varion-i employed until 1784, when he appeared as the proper pi>.; rie.or cf the " Jcurnai." In 1787 he became involved in a bitter coi >roversy widi the publisher of a rival print, in which he displayed eminent ability. In 1792 he sold his press, and bidding adieu to the cares and tur moils of party and political strifes, retired to a farm in John ston, Rhode Island. He subsequently changed his abode to Providence, where he continued to reside until his decease in 1817, aged seventy-seven years, Goddard was a man of fine talents, and, as the manager of a press, had, it is said, few or no superiors. General Charles Lee continued his friend, and bequeathed him a portion of his extensive landed estate in Virginia, Lee, it will be remem bered, failed in the execution of his orders at the battle of Monmouth, Avas disgraced, and spent the remainder of his days in retirement. He was the writer of the Queries Avhich caused Goddard's trouble with the Whig Club in 1779, Wdliam Goddard, late Professor in Brown University, a gentleman of rare literary attainments, and of great social and moral worth, was son of the subject of this notice. 478 GODDEN. — GOLDTHWAITE, GoDDEN, . Of North Carolina. Colonel of a Loyalist corps. Killed at Elizabethtown, North Carolina, in 1781, in the attack of the Whigs under Colonel Brown. [See Slingsby.] GoLDiNG, Stephen. Residence unknown. Settled in New Brunswick in 1783 ; and died at Long Island, in that Province, in June, 1845, at the age of eighty-three years. For the thirty years previous to his decease, he held a com mission of the peace for Queen's County. For fifty-five years he was an officer in the Provincial Militia, and retired with the rank of major. He was a consistent member of the Church of England. His descendants are numerous, — namely, eleven children, seventy-one grandchildren, and seventy-four great-grandchildren. GoLDiNG, Palmer, Of Worcester, Massachusetts. A true friend to Government, and a captain in the militia. Early in 1775, he was returning from a visit to a friend, who Avas suspected of desertion from the Whigs, and of being a Tory, and whose political course- he Avas supposed to influ ence, when he was knocked down, and much bruised and wounded, GoLDiNG, Zenus. Died at French Village, New Bruns wick, in 1814, aged fifty-six. Goldsmith, Henry. He settled in New Brunswick, and was Collector of the Customs for the port of St. Andrew. Goldthwaite, Thomas. Of Maine. Born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Grantee, vvith Francis Bernard, son of the Governor, of a large tract of land in Prospect, on the Pe nobscot, on condition of settling thereon thirty families, of building an Episcopal church, and employing a minister. The enterprise was" interrupted by the Revolution, Both adhered to the Crown, and forfeited their property. In 1763 he was appointed to the command of Fort Pownall; Avas superseded in 1770 ; but restored by Governor Hutchinson, In 1775 he allowed Mowat, who burned Falmouth (now Portland), to carry off the cannon ; and the same year his petition to the General Court to be paid for his services while GOLDTHWAITE. 479 in garrison, was read, referred, but final action deferred. The Provincial Congress, in an Address to the Indians of Maine, remarked : " Captain Goldthwaite has given up Fort Pownal into the hands of our enemies ; we are angry at it, and we hear you are angry with him, and Ave do not wonder at it." He solemnized the first marriage on the Penobscot ; was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and a colonel in the militia. The account of him is, that he was an extor tioner, arbitrary and cruel. Early in the war he embarked for Nova Scotia, was shipwrecked on the passage, and perished. Goldthwaite, Philip. Of Maine. He Avas one of the two persons of Saco and Biddeford, Maine, who was dealt with by the Whigs of that section for their loyal principles. He was an officer of the Customs, and lived at Winter Harbor. As soon as the war co-mmenced, he placed himself under British protection at Boston. ^Goldthavaite, eTosEPH, Of Massachusetts. Major, and Barrack-master of the King's troops in Boston. Brotlier of Phdip. An Addresser of Hutchinson. In August, 1775, Hannah, his wife, crossed Winnisimmet Ferry, Avas arrested, and taken under guard to the General Court at Watertown. It appeared on her examination that her health Avas impaired, and an order was passed to allow her to visit Stafford for the benefit of the waters there, but to be under the care of the Selectmen ; and afterwards to retire to the house of her brother, Joseph Brigham, at Rehoboth, and to be under the supervision of the Committee of Correspondence. In 1778, Mr. Goldthwaite was proscribed and banished. Administra tion on the estate of Joseph Goldthwaite, of Weston, was advertised by Joseph Gower, of Boston, August 23, 1782. Goldthwaite, Ezekiel. Of Boston. Was an Addresser of Hutchinsoji in 1774, and a Protester against the Whigs the same year. He Avas Register of Deeds for the county of Suffolk. The Rev. John Bacon, who was minister of the Old South, and Avhose son, Ezekiel, was a member of Congress before the war of 1812, married his daughter. Though Mr. Goldthwaite became an Addresser, he was one of the fifty- 480 GOOD. — GOODRICH. eight Boston memorialists, AA'ho, in 1760, arrayed themselves against the Crown officers, and set the ball of the Revolution in motion. Elizabeth, his widoAV, died at Boston, in 1794, aged eighty. Good, David. Went to New Brunswick in 1783, and died at King's-clear, county of York, 1842, aged ninety-five. His widow, with Avhom he lived sixty years, survives (1845), as do one hundred and eleven descendants. /'Goodale, Nathan. Of Salem, Massachusetts. Gradu ated at Ha£y^r,d„University in 1759. An Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774, but signed a recantatitoth — The same year, however, he was an Addresser of Gage. Early in 1775 he secured a retreat at Nantucket. After the organization of the Federal Government, he was Clei'k of the United States Courts in Massachusetts, In 1794, the title of a book was entered in his office, to secure copyright, in the folloAving words: " These are the Predictions of .lohn Nobles, Astrologer afid Loctor." He died at Newton in 1806, aged sixty-five, Mary, his wife, died in Boston, in 1794, aged fifty-seven. Goodrich, John. Of Virginia. He seems to have en joyed the confidence of the Whigs in 1775, since it appears that he Avas employed to import gunpowder, to the value of £5000, and was entrusted with that sum in advance; since, too, he incurred the displeasure of Lord Dunmore, who caused him to be seized and confined. In January, 1776, he peti tioned the Virginia Convention for an adjustment of his ac counts, which caused much debate in that body, and led to developments presently to be related in the notices of his sons. In March, 1776, the father and five sons had aban doned their houses, plantations, negroes, and stock, and were serving the Crown under Lord Dunmore. At the same time, his Lordship had five of their vessels in his fleet, under orders to constantly run up the rivers of Virginia, and seize, burn, or destroy, everything that was water-borne. In a despatch to the Secretary of State, his Lordship remarks that the mem bers of this family were natives of the Colony ; that they were spirited, active, and industrious ; and that it had cost him much GOODRICH. 481 pains and trouble to secure them to the Royal cause. Har assed by both parties, Mr. Goodrich declared at last that "he did not A'alue life," In June, 1776, he Avas in prison, in chains, and sick. His wife petitioned in his behalf; and, after inquiry into his condition, he Avas relieved of his fetters, and taken under guard to a place suitable for the recovery of health. In prison a second time, the Convention of Virginia ordered provision out of his estate for the support of his wife and young children. He was released finally, and went to England. He returned, and Avas engaged in fitting out pri vateers. In 1785, he was at Newport, Rhode Island, and asked leave to settle there with his family, offering, if permis sion was given, to bring twenty sail of vessels, and to establish himself in mercantile business ; but he had taken so active a part in the war, that, upon a vote of the town, his request was refused by a large majority. I lose sight of him here, Mar garet, his widow, died at Grove House, Topsham, England, in 1810, aged eighty. His daughter, Agatha Wells, married Robert Shedden, a Loyalist who is noticed in these pages, and Avhose descendants in England are persons of considera tion. Goodrich, John, Jr. Of Virginia. Son of John, He was implicated with his brother Bartlett in the case of the British goods, inasmuch as he received them, and offered them for sale. It appears, too, in the notice of William, that, as re lates to a quantity of powder purchased for the Colony under the arrangement with his father, he was a party to the fraud of charging much more than the cost. The result was that the Convention held him up to public odium, by publishing a full account of his conduct. Goodrich, William. Of Virginia. Son of John, In the matter of the gunpowder his conduct was inexcusable. He was implicated in two purchases of that article. First, he was sent to the West Indies by his father, in 1775, where he procured about four thousand pounds, which arrived safely in North Carolina.- The importation was however discovered by Lord Dunmore, who seized and detained him until intimi- vol, I. 41 482 GOODRICH. — GORDON. dated ; Avhen he disclosed the whole affair, and went in an armed vessel, despatched by his Lordship, to demand the value, and the money remaining in the agent's hands. This done, he was discharged ; but when the Royal Governor was advised that he intended to be present at Wdliamsburg, he was again made prisoner, and kept from making any explanations during the investigation mentioned in the notices of his father and . brothers. The second case was far worse : He rendered his account at the Treasury Office, and made oath that the cost was four shillings and sixpence the pound ; whereas the evi dence was that a part was bought at three shillings, and the remainder at two shillings and ninepence. In the dilemma, his brother John stated that Bartlett made the purchase for his own benefit, and afterward sold to William at the price William charged the Colony. At a later time, he fled from home, and commanded a King's tender in the waters of the Chesapeake. In 1776 he was a prisoner in Philadelphia jail, and was transferred thence to prison in Baltimore. Goodrich, BAR'rLETT. Of Virginia. Son of John. Dur ing the investigation referred to in the notice of his father, there was evidence that when at Antigua, October, 1775, he purchased goods of British manufacture, and sent them to Virginia packed in rum puncheons, Avhere they were exposed for sale. The transaction was in violation,of the Continental Association ; and the Convention voted to expose it in the "Virginia Gazette," in order to Avarn all persons to forbear further dealings with him. He went to England. Goodrich, Bridger or Bridgen. Of Virginia. Son of John. Commanded an armed vessel under Lord Dunmore, In 1776, in prison at Philadelphia, with his brother William, and transferred to Baltimore, In 1778 he was at Bermuda, in command of a ship of twenty guns ; and was still there in the Naval service, two years later, Gordon, Thomas Knox, Of South Carohna. Born in 1728, and appointed Chief Justice of the Province in 1771. He Avent to England, and died diere in. 1796, His son John was lieutentant-colonel of the 50th Regiment, in the GORDON, — GORE. 483 British Army, The family seat is in the County of Down, Ireland. Gordon, Harry. Of Pennsylvania. Was summoned by proclamation to appear before November 1, 1781, else he would be attainted ; and failing to do so, his estate was seized by the commissioners of forfeitures, and most of it sold. These proceedings were against Henry Gordon ; and, by an Act of January, 1783, the misnomer was corrected, and the Executive Council of that State, under that Jaw, sold the remainder of his estate in 1790. In the Revolution he held a military commission under the CroAvn. Gordon, Charles. Attorney-atdaw, of Cecd County, Maryland. In 1775, the Whig Committee of that county, at a meeting at Elk Ferry, " Resolved, That he lies under the imputation of being an enemy to this country, and as such we will have no dealings or communication with him, nor permit him to transact any business with us, or for us, either in a public or private capacity, which shall be commenced after the date hereof," &c. Mr. Gordon " had treated with great disrespect, and maliciously aspersed the Continental Congress, the Provincial Congress, and the Committee of this County ; and had, at various times, and by sundry ways, vilified their proceedings." A newspaper controvery ensued, in which the delinquent admitted that his politics were not quite agreeable to his accusers, &c. Gordon, Alexander. A physician, of Norfolk, Virginia. In February, 1775, the Whig Committee of Observation held him up for public censure, for the importation of medi cines, contrary to the Continental Association. This Com mittee was composed of thirteen persons, and they were unanimous in their opinion of the Doctor's delinquency. He went to England, and was a Loyalist Addresser of the King, July, 1779. \/ Gore, John. Of Boston. An Addresserj}LGage. At the evacuation in 1776, went to Halifax with the Royal Army, and thence to England. Proscribed and banished in 1778 ; citizenship restored by Act of the Legislature in 1787. 484 GORHAM.— GOSS. He died in Boston, in 1796, aged seventy-seven. His son, Hon. Christopher Gore, was long one of the most conspic uous public characters of Massachusetts, and a gentleman of eminent worth and talents. GoRHAM, David. Of Massachusetts, Graduated at Har vard University in 1733. In 1774 he was one of the bar risters and attorneys of Massachusetts who addressed Hutch inson. He died in 1786. Cornell, . Sergeant in the Whig Army. Under Greene, in South Carolina, he plotted to betray that officer to the British, with his entire force. When his plans were nearly matured he was arrested, and, upon sentence of a court-martial, executed. GoRT, William. Of New York. In 1780 he and James Plateau, another Loyalist, hired the house of Garret Put nam, a Whig, who, receiving orders to repair to Fort Hunter, took his family with him. Tavo days after Putnam's de parture, a party of Sir John Johnson's Royal Greens came to the settlement (now embraced in the town of Mohawk), and, supposing the house Avas still occupied by Whigs, entered it at night, and murdered and scalped two men. In the morn ing, the dead bodies of Gort and Plateau revealed to them that they had murdered two friends. GoRUM, Nathaniel. Went to New Brunswick in 1783. He died at Kingston, in that Province, February 9, 1846, aged ninety-four years. Numerous offspring of chddren, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, survive. Goss, Rev, Thomas. Of Bolton, Massachusetts. Con- gregationaLxainister. Graduated at Harvard University in 1737, and was settled about the year 1741. During the Revolutionary controversy he became much involved with his people ; but it was finally agreed that he should read a dec laration from his pulpit, and send a copy to the eldest deacon. This he did, but his enemies said that, instead of reading the paper distinctly, as was expected, " he intermixed it with his sermon, so that many of the congregation did not understand that he had read it at all ; and inquired why he had not GOUCHER. — GRAHAM. 485 done as he promised." To this Mr. Goss replied, that, " According to the best of his remembrance, the said decla ration Avas distinetly read before the text itself; but most certainly before the sermon, and not intermixed with it ; and it was done Avitli this design, that the sermon might be at tended to without prejudice," The quarrel was renewed. At last, it was proposed that if he would take a dismission, the question of salary, under the contract of settlement, should be referred to the " general session of the peace," No ar rangement was made, however ; and the disaffected party, vs'ithout applying to him to call a meeting of the church, got together and voted to dismiss him " as pastor, teacher, and brother." The town in public meeting concurred, and "on the succeeding Lord's day, by violence did prevent him from entering the desk," The next movement was the denial of further support, and the hiring of another preacher. He died in 1780, aged sixty-three. His friends erected a monu ment to his memory. GoucHER, Joseph, Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, and was a grantee of that city. Gould, John. Of Massachusetts. Went to England, and Avas a Loyalist Addresser of the King in 1779. Graham, John, Of Ulster County, New York, In 1775 a number of his Majesty's loyal subjects met at his house and erected a Royal Standard, on a mast seventy-five feet high, with the following inscription : — " In testimony of our unshaken loyalty and incorruptible fidelity to the best of Kings ; of our inviolable affection and attachment to our parent State and the British Constitution ; of our abhorrence of and aversion to a Republican GoA'ern ment ; of our detestation of all treasonable associations, un- laAvful combinations, seditious meetings, tumultuous assem blies, and execrable mobs ; and of all measures that have a tendency to alienate the affections of the people from their rightful Sovereign, or lessen their regard for our most excel- lent Constitution ; and to make known to all men that we are ready, when properly called upon, at the hazard of our 41* 486 GRAHAM. — GRANT. lives and of everything dear to us, to defend the King, sup port the magistrates in the execution of the laws, and main tain the just rights and constitutional liberties of free-born Englishmen, this Standard, by the name of the King's Stand ard, was erected, by a number of his Majesty's loyal and faithful subjects in Ulster County, on the 10th day of Feb ruary, in the 15th year of the reign of our most excellent sovereign, George the Third, whom God long preserve." Graham, John. Of Georgia. Lieutenant-Governor of that Colony. He went to England. After the death of Sir James Wright, he and William Knox were appointed joint agents of the Georgia Loyalists for prosecuting their claims for losses. Attainted and estate confiscated. He was in Lon don in 1788. ./'Grant, James, Of Salem, Massachusetts, —WasLjji Ad dresser of Gage in 1774. Went to Halifax, but returned, and Avas at Boston in January, 1776 ; at which time he had been promised a commission in the Royal Army. Mary, his widoAv, died at Salem, in 1792, aged fifty-nine. Grant, Alexander, Major in the New York Volunteers, Killed, 1777, in the storming of Forts Montgomery and Clin ton. His widow peri.shed in 1787, of cold and exposure when wrecked near St. John, New Brunswick, in crossing the Bay of Fundy. Grant, Daniel. Was a native of Gillespie, Sutherland, Scotland, and emigrated to the United States. At the peace he removed with other Loyalists to St. Andrew, New Bruns wick, where he continued to reside, and where he reared a numerous family. He died January, 1834, aged eighty-two years. Grant, William. Of Virginia. In 1776 he taught a school, and was " zealous for Government," A Whig force was raised to repel the Cherokees, and " to screen himself from being deemed a Tory," he joined a company of riflemen to be stationed at the mouth of one of the tributaries of the Ohio. He Avrote a " Narrative," dated November 24, 1777, on board the " Queen Indiaman at Gravesend," England, and styles himself, " late a Sergeant in the Rebel Army." GRAVES. 487 ' Graves, John. Of Providence, Rhode Island. He was the vicar of Clapham, Yorkshire, England, and in 1754 came to ProAddence, to succeed the Rev. John Checkley, an Epis copal clergyman, who died the previous year, and as the Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. In 1770 Mr. Graves wrote to the Society, that " the face of public aff'airs here is melancholy. Altar " against altar in the Church, and such open, bold attacks upon the State, as, I believe, the English annals do not furnish us with the like since the reign of King Charles I." These ' were signs of the coming storm. In September, 1776, he wrote : " Since independency has been proclaimed here, my two churches have been shut up ; still I go on to baptize their children, visit their sick, bury their dead, and frequent their respectiA'e houses with the same freedom as usual ; " and adds, with gratitude, that " their benefactions to me since the above period have been great, and far beyond what I have ever experienced from them before ; founded upon their commiser ating sense that the necessary means of supporting my large family — a wife and seven children — were now entirely cut off," In 1782 Mr. Graves was expelled from the parsonage and glebe, because he refused to open his church in conformity with the principles of independency. He soon after resigned his ministry, after a labor of tAventy-six years. He died at Providence, in 1785. ^ Graves, John. Of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. In 1775 he was sent to the jail at Northampton, on the charge of hold ing improper intercourse with General Gage at Boston. Ac cused, May, 1776, of assisting Captain McKay, a prisoner, to escape, in direct violation of his parole, he was sent to Hart ford jail, and put in close confinement. In a letter to Jaines Warren, it is said that Graves appeared to be " a low-spirited, insidious fellow," In 1778 proscribed and banished. y Graves, Rev. Mattheav. An Episc opaLiuinistei- at New London, Connecticut. He was sent there by the Society for the Propagation of the GospelpuT 1745, and continued his labors^foFthT period of thirty-diree years. Refusing, in 1778, 488 GRAY, to omit the usual prayer for the King, he was driven from his church, on Sunday, before he had time to divest himself of his surplice. He fled to the house of a Whig, Avho, one of his flock, protected him. But though displaced, he remained in New London for some time ; and was compelled " to sell almost all his property, and to take up money on very disad vantageous terms," in order to support himself. Finally, he Avent to New York, and died there, in 1780, unmarried. " In person he AA'as ungainly ; of low stature, rather corpulent, with particularly short legs." A maiden sister Avho lived Avith, and Avho accompanied him in his exile, returned to New London, lonely and disconsolate, and was allowed to occupy two rooms in the parsonage ; she subsequently removed to Providence. ' Gray, Harrison. Receiver-General of Massachusetts. He was an Addresser of Hutchinson, was a Mandamus Council lor, was proscribed and banished, and was among those whose estates were confiscated by statute. In the House of Repre sentatives, August 8, 1775, " Ordered, that Mr. Hopkins be directed to inquire how the Committee of Supplies have dis posed of the horse and chaise formerly Harrison Gray's, vi'hich was used by the late Dr. Warren, and came to the hands of the said Committee after Dr. Warren's death." The next day, " Ordered, that Dr. William Eustis be, and hereby is directed, immediately to deliver to the Committee of Supplies the horse and chaise which Avere in the possession of the late Doctor Warren, and which formerly belonged to Harrison Gray, of Boston." In 1776, at the evacuation, he went to Halifax with his family of four persons. He was passenger . in one of the six vessels that arrived at London from Halifax, prior to June 10, 1776, laden Avith Loyalists and their families. At his house in London, in 1789, or the year after, Arthur Savage gave the Rev. Mr. Montague a bullet taken from the body of General Warren the day after his death. [See Ar thur Savage.] Mr. Gray was a timid man ; and was accused of being on both sides in politics, according as he met Whig or Tory. In private life he Avas remarkably exemplary. GRAY. 489 In " McFingal " it is said, — " What Puritan could ever pray In godlier tones than Treasurer Gray; Or at town-meetings speechifying, Could utter more melodious whine. And shut his eyes, and vent his moan. Like owl afflicted in the sun ? " Mr. Gray died in England. His only daughter, Elizabeth, was the first wife of Samuel Allyne Otis, and mother of Har rison Gray Otis, who, a distinguished statesman Avhile the Federalists were in the ascendency, died at Boston, in 1849, aged eighty-four. ,^^Gray, John. Of Boston. Son of Harrison Gray. He went to Ireland soon after the battle of Lexington. Hearing that the difficulties Avould probably be adjusted, he embarked for Massachusetts, and was made prisoner off Newburyport. He was in NeAvbury jail, February, 1776, when, at the solici tation of his sister, the Avife of Samuel Allyne Otis, ias com municated to the Council by James Otis, an order was passed to allow his removal to Barnstable, on condition of giAdng bond with security in £1000, not to pass without the limits of that town, or deal or correspond with the enemy. Mr. Gray was in London, January, 1781. Possibly, the John Gray who died at Boston in 1805, aged sixty-five, was the same. ^Gray, Joseph. Of Boston. A native of Massachusetts, and born in 1729. The Christian name of his father does not appear, but his mother was Rebecca, daughter of John West, a rich farmer of Bradford, or Haverhill, Massachusetts. The " old people " were displeased with the match, and cut off Rebecca Avith one pine-tree, or a piece of silver valued at one shilling." The family papers shoAv that the grand-uncle of the subject of this notice (Benjamin Gray, of Boston, who died in 1741, or the year following) received a letter from an uncle in England, informing him that he was " next heir to a title and an estate " there ; and that, being of the religious sect called " New Lights," he replied he would not abandon his faith " to be made King of England." 490 GRAY. Of Mr. Gray's course in the Revolution, I find nothing. He setded at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was a member of the firm of Proctor & Gray, merchants. He died in 1803, at that city, or at Windsor, at the age of seventy-four. His Avife was Mary, daughter of the Hon. Joseph Gerrish. His third son, the Rev. Benjamin Gerrish Gray, D. D., who was born in 1768, married Mary, daughter of Nathaniel Ray Thomas, a Loyalist, [see notice,J and Avas many years Rector of St. George's Parish, Halifax, and afterwards of an Episco pal Church in St. John, New Brunswick, died at the latter city in 1854. His fourth son, William, was born in 1777 ; was British Consul for Virginia for a long time, and died in England, in 1845, or a year later. His other children were Mary, Rebecca, Elizabeth Breynton, Joseph Gerrish, Mary Gerrish, Amelia Ann, William Spry, Lydia Hancock, Ann Susanna, Susanna, Sarah, and Alexander. A grandson (son of Benjamin Gerrish), the Rev. John William Deming Gray, D. D., has been Rector of Trinity Church, St. John, New Brunswick, now (1861) quite twenty years. In December, 1857, he preached a sermon " designed to recommend the principles of the Loyalists of 1783," which was pubhshed. The main points of this discourse are : — First, the Loyahsts " believed in the Bible as a Revelation from God ; " second, they entertained " a respect for the ordinances of religion ; " third, " they were just in their dealings Avith their fellow- men ; " and fourth, " they AA'ere loyal to their earthly sov ereign." His son, Benjamin Gerrish Gray, (the third of this name,) is a counsellor-at-law, in Boston. V Gray, John. Of Boston. Brother of Joseph Gray. He was bred to busines_&Jn that town by Caleb Blanchard. About the year 1768 he went to England, but returned previous to hostilities, and was appointed Deputy-Collector of the Gus to insrin which office he was popidan ItT 1776 he embarked for Halifax with the Royal Army, and before the close of that year was at Charleston, South Carolina, and in prison. He was still in that city as late as 1780, Avhen he was an Ad dresser of Sir Henry Clinton, Before the last mentioned date. GRAY, 491 howcA'er, he had engaged in business as a commission mer chant, and had purchased a plantation on account of himself and of John Simpson, a fellow Loyalist, of Boston. But, in volved, politically, beyond the hope of extrication, he sold his interest in the plantation, and invested the proceeds in indigo and in a ship, with the intention of sailing for London. The Whig authorities not only defeated this plan, but seized his vessel and her cargo ; and the re.sult was, that of both he saved barely one hundred guineas. With this sum, he fled to his brother Joseph at Halifax, who procured for him a pas sage to England in a ship-of-war. Without any accession to his fortune, yet, with letters to the agents of the East India Company, he soon embarked for India, and, on his arriA'al there, was well received. The family account is, that he Avrote a treatise on the Cultivation of Indigo, Avhicli the Gov ernor and Council considered so valuable as to grant him £4000 sterling, and, jointly with a Mr. Powell, an extensive tract of land. The two grantees, assisted by the Company, established a factory, and began the .culture of indigo, which — as is stated in the papers before me — Avas the first attempt to cultivate this beautiful dye in India. Both died suddenly, in 1782, on the same day. Gray was at the plantation, and Powell was tAA'o hundred miles distant, at the factory ; and the supposition was that they had in curred the jealousy of the natives, Avho caused their death by poison. Powell's brother told Joseph Gray, prior to 1799, that the estate of our Loyalist and his associate had become " the greatest indigo plantation in the known Avorld." Gray, Samuel. Of Boston. Brother of Joseph Gray. He died in that town about the year 1776, leaving issue, male and female. His wife was a daughter of Captain Henry At kins, of Boston. Gray, Thomas. Of Boston. Merchant. A Protester against the Whigs, and one of the Addressers of Hutchinson. He died at Boston in 1783. Gray, Jesse. " Of a Southern State," Went to Shel burne, Nova Scotia, at the peace. Removed to an island 492 GRAY, — GREEN. near Yarmouth, in the same Province, where he had a large grant of land for his military services. Died about the year 1840. Gray, Benjamin Dingley. Of Virginia. Was one of the Non-Associators, or a person who refused to join the Con tinental Association, and was posted by the Whig Committee in March, 1775, accordingly. On seeing his name in the list, he said " that he looked upon this Committee as a pack of damned rascals, for advertising him as they had done," &c. Subsequendy, the Committee denounced his conduct by a resolution, in which they declare that he should " be looked upon as inimical to the liberties of America," and that "no person ought to have^commercial intercourse with him," Gray, William. Of Westchester County, New York. Was a Protester in 1775 ; settled in New Brunswick at the peace ; was a magistrate of King's County ; and died in 1824, aged ninety-six. A Loyalist of this name was a captain in the NeAV York Volunteers. Gray, Justus. Settled in New Brunswick at the peace, and died in that Province in 1843, l^/^rREEN, Francis. Of Boston. Merchant. Second son of Hon. Benjamin Green, President of the Council and Com mander-in-Chief of Nova Scotia, whose ancestor was John Green, who settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, about the year 1639. Born in Boston in 1742, and graduated at Har- vard_Ujaiy£rsity_in 1760. While j'et a student, his father ac- cepted for him an ensign's commission in the 40th Regiment, under a promise of leave of absence until he should have completed his studies. But the war with France interrupted this arrangement ; and, in 1757, he joined his corps at Hali fax. He was present at the siege of Louisburg in 1758, and remained in the garrison there until June, 1760, Avhen he accompanied his regiment to Quebec. He relates that, while at the capitol of Cape Breton, the tedium of mditary life in that lone, desolate region, Avas relieved by shooting, hunting, fishing, assemblies, and plays ; that the officers fitted up quite a pretty theatre, in which they were the actors ; that he " was GREEN, 493 urged to take an active part, and performed several characters in tragedy and comedy, not without commendation." In June, 1761, the 40th crossed the St. Lawrence ; and by marches, and in batteaux, passed through the Avilderness to Crown Point ; thence proceeded by the usual route of the time, to New York, and embarked for the W^est Indies. He records, that he assisted in the siege of Martinique ; that he went to Antigua and St. Christophers Avith his Lieutenant- Colonel, Avliere, in six days, they purchased and hired four hundred negroes, and joined the ffeet in time to participate in the reduction of Havana. At the peace, having served four campaigns, " with credit, but very little promotion," he determined to quit the army. In 1765, he went to England, and, the year after, sold his commission of lieutenant, re turned to Boston, and settled in mercantile business. At the beginning of the Revolutionary controversy, he " adhered to the old Constitution," he relates, though always a firm friend to civil liberty, " and an avowed enemj' to the pretended unlimited power of Parliamentary taxation, in the hope of an honorable compromise, without recourse to arms." ^ In 1774 he wenT to Connecticut oh business, and stopped at Windham, The " Sons of Liberty " assumed that his de signs were political, and surrounding the tavern, uttered in sulting shouts and words, and threatened him with a ride on "the Tory cart," unless he instantly departed. He jour neyed to Norwich, where he was greeted with the ringing of the bell, and other manifestations of the popular excitement ; and " the cart," or departure within fifteen minutes, were the terms offered. He attempted to address the throng, but was seized by a very stout man, who called him " a rascal." The fearful " cart," with a high scaffolding for a seat, was driven up, and preparations were made to compel him to mount it, when he entered his own carriage, and, mid scoffs and hissings, the beating of drums, and blowing of horns, drove away. On his return to Boston, he offered a reward for the apprehension of" the ruffians " ; but they were merry over his advertisement, and, reprinting it in handbills, circu- voL, I, 42 494 GREEN. lated it, Avith their comments. An Addresser of Hutchinson and of Gage, he embarked with the Britisli at the evacuation of Boston, in 1776, (accompanied by his three young chil dren,) and Avent to Halifax, where he A\'as appointed a magis trate. In 1777 he repaired to New York. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished. In 1780 he arrived in England. In June, 1784, he returned to Nova Scotia ; and while in that Colony, was elected Sheriff' of the county of Halifax for three successive years, and appointed Senior Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, In 1796, six hundred Maroons were transferred from Jamaica, by order of the Government, and the Commis sioners for their settlement purchased his lands and buildings at Preston, Cole Harbor, and Dartmouth. This sale, the inadequacy of his official income, his " predilection for the land of his ancestors," and, to use his own words, the fact that " at that period his country was respectably Federal, and appeared to open its eyes to discern the folly of an alliance with France," are enumerated as the principal reasons for re moving to the United States. He fixed his residence at Med ford, Massachusetts, in 1797, and died there in 1809, at the age of sixty-seven, the last of the male branch of his family, of the fourth American generation. The document placed at my disposal by one of his relatives — from which I have quoted — shows that Mr, Green was benevolent atid humane, and a gentleman of elevated senti ments. It affords evidence, too, that he was vain of himself and of his lineage. His account of the honors and offices conferred upon his father, is tediously minute, and gives a clue to his political character. Plainly enough, he was a sturdy monarchist when a British subject, and a bitter foe to democracy after he became an American citizen. His afflictions and misfortunes Avere many and severe ; yet he seems to have borne all his domestic, and a part of his pe cuniary losses, in a proper spirit. His first Avife died, and two children perished under distressing circumstances ; and he suffered by accusations of "false, envious, and malicious GREEN, 495 brethren." As a Loyalist, he abandoned a considerable amount of property in Boston ; as a merchant, at New York, subsequently, in a single month, he was the loser, without in surance, of one half of an armed brig of sixteen guns and seventy men, and of four valuable vessels, of which he was sole owner ; and later, after he came to Medford, as an under writer he paid away twenty-five thousand dollars in the course of two years. The great error of his hfe was, a willingness to live and to die — as John Adams has it — "a Colonist"; and I have been amazed, from the outset of my researches, that, of the Americans who were engaged in commerce, a single one should have adhered to the power that branded them with an epithet, and visited them with the pains and penalties of smug gling, whenever detected in prosecuting voyages to countries not included in the British dominions. Bare justice to his memory demands that this brief outline should conclude with a respectful notice of his efforts to ame liorate the condition of mutes. His son Charles was discov ered to be deaf when a child ; and, at the age of eight, was sent to a private institution in Edinburgh, where he re mained nearly six years, and became a proficient in lan guage both oral and written, in arithmetic, geography, and painting. In the hope of doing good to others as unfortu nate as his son, Mr, Green published a pamphlet in Lon don, in 1783, entided, " Vox Oculis Subjecta ; or, A Dis sertation on the Curious and Important Art of imparting Speech, and the Knowledge of Language, to the Deaf and Dumb, with a proposal for extending and perpetuating the benefits thereof" This was followed, after his return to Massachusetts, by various essays in the " Boston Palladium," and other newspapers, in 1803, and two succeeding years, in which he endeavored to convince his countrymen of the prac ticability of educating mutes ; and finally, by the translation of the whole of the Abb^ de I'Epee's work, showing his manner of instructing the deaf and dumb, called, " Institu tions des Sounds et Muets." 496 GREEN, His first wife, Susanna, daughter of Joseph Green, died during the siege of Boston, and in November, 1775. Of their five children, one was burned to death at the age of four; two others died yoiing ; Charles, the mute, was drowned, when seA'enteen ; and Susanna, Avho deceased in 1802, mar ried Stephen H. Binney, of Halifax. In 1785 he was united to Harriet, daughter of David Matthews, and Avas the father of Harriet Matthews, Henry Francis, Anna Winslow, and Eliza Atkinson, born in Nova Scotia ; of Mary Hall and Matthews W., born in Medford. The oldest son by the second marriage, Henry Francis, now lives (1860) at BelloAvs Falls. ' Green, Joseph. Of Boston. Born in 1706, and grad uated at Harvard .Ilui.-visrsity, 1726. A wit, a poet, and a merchant. He was appointed ,Mandarnus^ Councillor, but, it isT)elieved, did not take the oath of office. His name is found among the Addressers of Hutchinson. He Avent to England, and died there^in, 1-7S0, aged seventy-four. He published several of his performances, which were mosth- humorous : of these may be mentioned, the burlesque on a psalm of his fellow wit. Doctor Byles ; ridicule of free-masons, and lamen tation on Mr. Old Tenor — paper money. He was proscribed and banished. Though this gentleman was found, finally, among the adherents of the Crown, and became an exile, he was one of the fifty-eight Boston memorialists in 1760 ; and in 1764 was a member of a committee with Samuel Adams, to report instructions to the Boston representatives. This re port is very — Whiggish. In 1776, he was member of the Loyalist Club formed in London by the exiles from Massachusetts, for social inter course. They met once a Aveek ; discussed the news of the time, their own condition, and dined. The number present was from twelve to twenty-five. We may be sure that, with his reputation, he was always welcome. I give the folloAving as a specimen of his humor. A farmer who had just lost his hired man, went to Boston to get Joe to Avrite an epitaph. Green, on being told of all the good qualities of the de ceased, and especially that he could rake faster than any- GREEN.— GREENE. 497 body, present company, of course, excepted, — immediately wrote, — " Here lies the body of John Cole, His master loved him like his soul ; He could rake hay, none could rake faster. Except that raking dog, his master." An epitaph composed for him in early life was in these words : — " Sisle viator, here lies one, Whose life was whim, whose soul was pun ; And if you go too near his hearse. He '11 join you in both prose and verse." Green, Thomas. Of Pennsylvania. Was ordered by proclamation to appear and be tried, or to stand attainted. A Loyalist of the name of Thomas Green died in Ncav Brunswick previous to the year 1805 ; his widow married Clayton Tilton, of Musquash, NeAV Brunswick. Green, William. Drummer in Washington's Guard. Concerned in the Hickey plot against the life of the Com mander-in-Chief, in 1776, He Avas the leading witness at the trial of Hickey before the court-martial, and the recipi ent of " one dollar per man from Forbes for every man he shall enlist." Green, in his testimony, said that " all Forbes proposed to me was, that, when the King's forces arrived, we should cut away King's Bridge, and then go on board a ship of war, Avhich would be in East River to receive us." Greene, Richard. Of Rhode Island, He was born in that Colony, in 1725, He owned and lived on a large estate, "His furniture and wines were importedfrom England. Ser vants, both white and cojored, were numerous Al ways employing an overseer accounts for his having leisure to entertain more company, perhaps, than any other private gentleman in Rhode Island, and he was remarkable for very great hospitality, A large proportion of his visitors were some of the most distinguished personages of the day," He regarded the Revolution, at the beginning, as a rebellion against lawrul" authority'; an J suffered in consequence of his avoieed opinion, as well as for his supposed acts, subsequently, 42* 498 GREENE. — GREENLAW. in aid of the British. It is averred that " he remained strict ly neutral." He died in 1779. The common people called him " King Richard," to distinguish him from others of the same name, and for his charity to the poor, and his magnifi cent manner of living. It is said of him, too, that he neither purchased soldier's certificates, nor paid a debt in Continental money. His wife Avas Sarah, daughter of Thomas Fry, of East Greenwich. Of his fourteen children, eleven survived him. \/ Greene, Richard. Of Boston. Addresser of Gage in 1775 ; the Council of Massachusetts ordered his arrest, Aprd, 1776. He died at Boston, in 1ppi?i- cott.] The Attorney-General's furniture Avas sold at auction in New York, June, 1783, He went to England and died there. His widow deceased at Clifton, in 1831, and his daughter, Anne, at the same place, in 1838. > The deputy paymaster bf the Royal Army, who was also a refugee on board the Asia, and continually walked the deck. 600 KENAN. - KENT. Kenan, Felix. Of North Carolina. He Avas Sheriff of the County of Duplin, and was dismissed by the Provincial Congress, May, 1776. A man of whom it was pithily said, " he had not the independence to be a Tory, or the honesty to be a Whig." Thousands, in different parts of the country, were as like him as possible. He bore arms under General McDonald, at Moore's Creek Bridge. Kendrick, Thomas. He died on the Island of Campo Bello, New Brunswick, in 1821, aged seventy-two. Kennedy, Patrick, Of Baltimore. Physician. Escaped to New York in 1777, and subsequently was a captain in the Maryland Loyalists. In 1783 he embarked for Nova Scotia, in the transport ship Martha, and was wrecked on the passage. [See James Henley.] He and several others were saved by some fishing vessels. He was a grantee of the city of St. John, New Brunswick. Kent, Benjamin. Of Massachusetts. Graduated at HarA'ard University in 1727. He was minister at Marl borough for a short time, but entered upon the profession of the law, and established himself at Boston, He was a Whig, it appears, for awhile, and his name is to be found among those of Samuel Adams, Gushing, Warren, Hancock, and other prominent leaders of the patriot band, A Refugee ; he died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1788, aged eighty-one. Elizabeth, his widow, survived until 1802. He was eccentric, and a wit. His conduct as a clergyman is said to have been unclerical and humorous. John Adams, in 1759, said : " Kent is for fun, drollery, humor, flouts, jeers, contempt. He has an irregular, immethodical head, but his thoughts are often good, and his expressions happy." From a letter written by Kent, in 1771, I extract a single line : " Saint Paul, though some times a little inclined to Toryism, was a very sensible gentle man, and he expressly damns the fearful as well as the un believing." To the gendemen who have suggested that the subject of this notice was not a Loyalist, I return my warm thanks for the endeavor to correct an inaccuracy in this work ; but the name was not inserted in the first edition without thought, KENT, — KEY, 601 and is retained now, after due consideration of the circum stances to which my attention has since been kindly directed, Kent, Stephen. Went to St. John, New Brunswick, at the peace, was a grantee of that city, and died there in 1828, aged eighty. Kerr, James. He accepted a commission under the Crown, and was a captain in the Queen's Rangers. The corps Avas disbanded at the close of the war, Avhen he retired on half-pay. He went to St. John, New Brunswick, and was a grantee of that city ; but removed to King's County, Nova Scotia, where he settled, and Avas a colonel in the militia. He died at Amherst, Nova Scotia, in 1830, at the age of seventy-six. Eliza, his widow, died at Cornwalhs, Nova Scotia, 1840, aged seventy-four. Three sons and a daughter preceded him, but twelve children survived him. Ketcham, Isaac. Of New York. Died in King's County, New Brunswick, in 1820, aged sixty-four. His widow died in 1821, at the age of fifty-four. Key, Philip Barton. Of Maryland. He joined the British Army after the Declaration of Independence ; and in 1778 held a commission in the Maryland Loyalists. Four years later, he was a captain in that corps. He served in Florida, was made prisoner there, but, released on parole, he went to England. At the peace he retired on half-pay. In 1785 he returned to Maryland, and five years afterward set tled in Annapolis. He was elected to the General Assembly in 1794, and was a member of that body for some time. Previous to his first election, he sold his half-pay to General Forrest, his brother-in-law. The General became bankrupt in 1802, when, greatly indebted to Mr. Key, tran.sfer was made back in satisfaction pro " tanto of the debt ; but as the General's family were in a destitute condition, they received the benefit of the half-pay for three years. In 1806, Mr. Key directed his agent in London to resign, at the proper office, all further claims on the British Government ; and he himself made a formal resignation of the same, in 1807, in a letter addressed to his Majesty's minister at Washington. VOL. I. 51 602 KEY. — KIDDER. Mr. Key was elected to the Tenth Congress, and his right to a seat in that body was contested. The facts above stated, assented to by Mr. Key, appear in the report of the Com mittee on Elections. The vote in the House was close ; on the 18th of March, 1808, his right was affirmed, 57 to 52. It should be added, that, though he was a military officer of the Crown, he never took the oath of allegiance. From the debate, it is to be inferred that much of the opposition to him was on the ground that he was not a citizen of Maryland. I make a single extract from Mr. Key's own speech : — " His constituents knew the very circumstances of the follies of his early life, and his enemies had represented to them, that, having been once, twenty years ago, in the British Army, he was not a proper person to represent them. The people scouted the idea ; . . . they knew me from my infancy ; . . . but I had returned to my country, like the prodigal son to his father ; had felt as an American should feel ; Avas received, forgiven, ... of which the most convincing proof is . . . my election " to this House. He served in Congress until the year 1813. As a lawyer he was distinguished. He died at Georgetown, Dis trict of Columbia, in 1815. Key, Robert, A soldier in the Continental Army ; in April, 1777, executed at Coventry, Rhode Island, for at tempting to desert to the Royal Army. Kidder, Reuben. Of New Ipswich, New Hampshire. He was the richest man in that town, and at the Revolu tionary era had done more than any other person to promote its groAvth and prosperity. He was agent of lands owned by the Wentworths, and other gentlemen of note in Portsmouth ; and, appointed a magistrate and a colonel in the militia by the last Governor Wentworth, felt honestly bound to adhere to the Crown. He was superseded in his civil and military offices, and was inactive during the war. He refused to acknoAvledge the Whig Government of the State, but re mained upon his estate without molestation. Though opposed to the Revolution, he still paid the taxes levied upon his DUNHAM. — DUNMORE. 399 His son Moses came to an untimely end. His widow, whose maiden name was Esther Adams, retired to the British Army, . and remained with it some time ; but returned to Bristol, mar ried Chauncey Jerome, a Loyalist, and with her husband, went to Nova Scotia. At the peace, they settled at their old home in Connecticut, and were the parents of several children. She died in 1825, aged sixty-six. Dunbar's house Avas standing in 1859. Dunham. Captain Asher Dunham and Daniel Dunham were among the Loyalists who went to St. John, New Bruns wick, in 1783, and both received grants of city lots. John Dunham, who emigrated the same year, and who was a cap tain in the militia of that Province, died at Carleton in 1829, aged eighty-one. Dunmore, Earl of. Last Royal Governor of Virginia. He succeeded to the peerage in 1756 ; was appointed Gov ernor of New York in 1770 ; assumed the Executive Chair of Virginia in 1772, and administered the government until the popular party compelled him to seek safety on board of a ship-of-war. He soon collected a number of vessels, and was joined by many Loyalists who had become obnoxious, and who, from necessity or fear, abandoned their homes. Wash ington said, December, 1775, " I do not think that forcing his Lordship on shipboard is sufficient. Nothing less than depriv ing him of life or liberty will secure peace to Virginia, as mo tives of resentment actuate his conduct to a degree equal to the total destruction of that colony." Lord Dunmore, with his ffeet of fugitives, continued on the coasts and rivers of Virginia for a part of the year 1776 ; and as every place was now strictly guarded, these unhappy peo ple, who had put themselves under his protection, underwent great distresses. The heat of the weather, the badness and scarcity of water and provisions, Avith the closeness and filth of the small vessels in Avhich they were crowded, by degrees produced that malignant distemper which is known by die name of the jail or pestilential fever. This dreadful disor der particulariy affected the Negroes, most of whom it swept 400 DUNMORE. away. After various adventures, in which they were driven from place to place, and from island to island, by the Virgin ians, several of the vessels were driven on shore in a gale of wind, and the wretched fugitives became captives to their own countrymen. At length, every place being shut against the remainder, and neither Avater nor provisions to be obtained, even at the expense of blood, it was found necessary, towards the beginning of August, 1776, to burn the smaller vessels, and to send the remainder, amounting to between forty and fifty sail, with the exiles, to seek shelter in Florida, Bermudas, and the West Indies. In this manner ended the hopes enter tained by the employment of the Negroes to suppress the rebellion in the Southern colonies. This measure tended infinitely to inflame the discontents in those colonies, without adding anything to the strength of the Royal arms. He is represented as both needy and greedy. " To get money Avas the rule of action which included his whole admin istrative conduct." In 1779 his name appears in the Con fiscation Act of New York. He was appointed Governor of the Bermudas in 1786. He died in England in 1809. His daughter Augusta married the Duke of Sussex, sixth son of King George Third. Lady Dunmore, who died at South- Avood House, near Ramsgate, in 1818, was Elizabeth, daugh ter of the Earl of GalloAvay ; to her daughter Virginia (thus named at the request of the Council and Assembly of Vir ginia) she bequeathed her villa at Twickenham and all her personal property. In 1848 a London paper announced the death of Sir Augustus Frederic d'Este, son of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, by Lady Augusta Murray, daughter of the Earl of Dunmore, to whom his Royal High ness was married at Rome, in 1793. Upon the death of the Duke, in 1843, Sir Augustus Frederic preferred his claim to succeed to the titles and honors of his father, and the claim was heard by the House of Lords in that year, when, after proof was given of the marriage of his father and mother, and of the birth of Sir Augustus Frederic in 1794, a question was submitted to the Judges upon the effect of the Royal Marriage . DUNN. — EASTERBROOKS. 401 Act, 12 George III. The Judges pronounced their opinion to be that that statute had incapacitated the descendants of George II, from contracting a legal marriage without the con sent of the Crown, either within the British dominions or elsewhere, whereupon the House of Lords resolved that Sir Augustus Frederic had not established his claim. The Hon. Charles Augustus Murray, who visited the United States in 1836, and again in 1851, is a lineal descendant of Lord Dun more. Dunn, John. Of North Carolina. Major in the militia. In 1775, notoriously inimical to the Whigs, he was seized and sent to South Carolina. Frances, his wife, petitioned the Provincial Congress of North Carolina in his behalf, without success. He was, however, released ; but apprehended again in 1776, he was allowed the liberty of living in Salisbury on parole, on condition that he should appear once every day at the house of Maxwell Chambers, and give security in £1000 for his good behavior. Dunn, John. Of New York, He left the United States at the termination of hostilities, and was one of the found ers of St. AndrcAv, New Brunswick, and through hfe contrib uted to its improvement and prosperity. For many years he held the honorable and lucrative post of Comptroller of his Majesty's Customs at that port. He died at St. Andrew, April 14, 1829, aged seventy-six. His wife, Ehzabeth, sur vived until January, 1835, and at her decease was seventy- three. He was a man proverbially kind, liberal, and hos pitable. Duyckings, . Of New Jersey. Colonel in the militia. In 1777 Colonel Weedon wrote the Council of Penn sylvania diat he was an "infamous character ;" that he had been in the service of the Whigs ; but, when the British entered New Jersey, he took the oath of allegiance to the Crown. Weedon sent him prisoner to the Council, by order of Washington. Easterbrooks, James. He was an early setder of New Brunswick, and was a magistrate and member of the House 34* 402 EDDY. — EDSON. of Assembly for many years. He died at Sackville, in that Province, in 1842, at the age of eighty-five. Eddy, Charles, and Thomas. Of Philadelphia. Iron mongers. Attainted of treason and their estates confis cated. Charles was ordered to Virginia ; went to England, and was in London, July, 1779. Eden, Sir Robert, Baronet, and last Royal Governor of Maryland. His wife was Caroline, sister and co-heir of the last Lord Baltimore. He was appointed Governor in 1768, and continued in office untd 1776, when the Royal authority ceased. But as he was accomplished, kind, and courteous, the Whigs allowed him to remain in Maryland without restraint. When, how ever, some despatches addressed to him by Lord George Ger main were intercepted, his arrest was ordered by General Lee. The Whig Councd of Safety declined compliance ; and and Sir Robert was permitted to embark for England, in the sloop-of-war Foivey. He was created a Baronet, September, 1776. He returned to Maryland in 1784, " to look after his lady's estate ; " and died near Annapolis in 1785. His son, Sir William Eden, (subsequently Lord Auckland) who de ceased in 1814, was one of the Lords of Trade and Planta tions in 1776, one of the Commissioners to America in 1778, and, later. Ambassador to Spain and to Holland. Edgett, Joel. Of New York, He went to New Bruns Avick at the peace, and resided there until his death, February, 1841, at the house of his son John, at Hillsborough, aged eighty years. Edmiston, Rea'. William. Of Maryland. Episcopal minister. In 1775 the Committee of Baltimore ordered him to appear and answer to the charges against him ; he obeyed, and made a written explanation which was voted satisfactory. In November, 1776, he was at Albany, New York, and asked General Gates to allow him to go to General Howe on pri vate business, and promised to return at any specified time. He was in England previous to July, 1779. , Edson, Josiah. Of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. He EDWARDS. 403 was a noted ^litician of the time, and was known by the tAvo most odious appellations Avhich prevailed ; namely, as a Re- scinder and a Mandamus Couneillor. Hutchinson speaks <5f him in 1771, when he Avas a member of the House of Representatives, as one of the several gentlemen of that body, who, in common times, would have had great weight, but who, then, discouraged by the great superiority of the num bers against them, were inactive. In 1774 Mr, Edson was driven from his house by a mob, and was compelled to reside in Boston, under protection of the British troops ; and at the evacuation, in 1776, he accompanied the army to Halifax. He went from Halifax to New York, and died in that city, or on Long Island, not long after his arrival. He Avas a graduate _Q£_Harvard_ University, a colonel in the militia, a de^acon ofihe_church, and a respectable, virtuous man. He is alluded to in " McFingal," as " that old simplicity of Edson.'' Edwards, Morgan. A Baptist clergyman. He Avas born in Wales in 1722, and came to America in 1761. He was at first pastor of a church in Philadelphia, and, subsequently, labored in various places, either as lecturer or preacher. Op posed to the Revolution, he gave up the ministry during the war. He was an eccentric man, and among his acts was the preaching of his own funeral sermon. He lived a quarter of a century after the solemn farce, dying in 1795, aged seA'enty-two. He published many sermons, and left nume rous manuscripts. Edwards, Stephen. Of New Jersey. An amiable young man, who joined the adherents to the Crown at New York, near the close of the war. Sent, by Colonel Taylor of a Loyalist corps, to Monmouth County to ascertain the Whig force there, he was arrested at midnight, in his father's house, in bed with his wife,, disguised in a female's night-cap, by a party under Jonathan Forman, a Whig captain of horse, taken to Freehold, tried as a spy by a court-martial, and two days afterward, executed. His father and mother arrived in town the morning of his death, to inquire into his situation ; and returned home with his corpse. The Forman and Edwards famUies had been on terms of intimate friendship. 404 ELLIOT. Elliot, Andrew. Of New York. He Avas Collector of the Customs for the port of New York, from about the year 1764 until the Revolution, and performed his official duties in a manner highly satisfactory. His first difficulty with the people of a serious nature occurred in 1774, when he seized some fire-arms, and was threatened with a visit from the " Mohawks and River Indians," or, in other words, with a coat of tar and feathers. After the Royal Army took pos session of New York, he continued to perform his duties of Collector, and during the war held various important offices. In 1782 he was not only at the head of the Customs, but was Lieutenant-Governor, Receiver-General of Quit-rents, Super intendent-General of Police, and Chief of the Superintendent Department, established by Sir William Howe in 1777. And when, in 1780, Sir Henry Clinton made his last effort to save Andrd, Mr. Elliot was one of the three eminent persons who were sent to confer with Washington. Mr. Elliot's estate in New York was confiscated ; and the Executive Council of Penn.sylvania, to reach property possessed by him in that State, ordered by proclamation, that on his failing to appear within a specified time, to take his trial on the charge of treason, he should stand attainted. His family sailed for England in the Nonesuch, of 64 guns, June, 1783 ; and his furniture was sold at auction in Septem ber of that year, at his house in Bowery Lane. His daughter Elizabeth married die tenth Lord Cathcart, in 1779 ; and Sir George Cathcart, who fell at the batde of Inkerman, in the Crimean war, 1854, was the fourth son of this marriage. The present Earl (1857) is the second son. Mr. Elliot's daughter Eleanor married the Right Hon. Robert Digby, Admiral of the Fleet, and died in England in 1830 ; her first husband was a Jauncey, of New York. Elliot, Captain . Noted for his reveno-eful dis- position and infamous deeds. In the documents of the time, McKee, Elliot, and Simon Girty, are mentioned together, and as forming a sort of triumvirate. The three were imprisoned by die AVhigs at Pittsburgh, but made their escape, and in ELLWOOD. - ERVING. 405 1778 traversed the country to enlist the savages against the Rebels. The effects of their councils were long felt and de plored. After the Revolution, and during the Indian troubles of Washington's administration, Elliot's hostile feelings towards the country which he had abandoned, were sufficiently mani fest to deserve universal and lasting detestation. He was dismissed from the British Colonial service about the year 1801, without trial, but whether for misconduct, is unknown to the writer. Ellwood, John. Of the county of Bucks, Pennsylvania, In 1778 he was tried for acting as pilot to the Royal fleet and army, in the invasion of the State by Sir William Howe, and sentenced " to be hanged by the neck till he be dead." He was not executed. In 1783 Humphreys wrote Galloway, that Mr. EllA\'ood " was out of his head at the time of his trial, and, indeed, ever since the army left Philadelphia." The records of the Council showed that he was pardoned July 15, 1789. Emes, John. Of Pennsylvania. Deserted from the State galleys. Joined the British at Philadelphia. Captured at sea in 1779, tried by a court-martial, and, September 20th, in prison. Emerson, Thomas. A physician. He died at Frederic ton, New Brunswick, in 1843, aged eighty-one. Ensor, George. Of Southwark, Pennsylvania. At tainted of treason and property confiscated. At the peace, accompanied by his family of five persons, he went from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where the Crown granted him one town lot. His losses in consequence of his loyalty were estimated at £600. He died at Shelburne in 1805, leaving several children. ^/^ Erving, John. Of Boston, He was one of the most eminent merchants in America, and a member of the Councd of Massachusetts for twenty years. The Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, his great-grandson, in a public address in 1845, thus refers to him : " A few dollars earned on a Commence ment Day, by ferrying passengers over Charies River when 406 ERVING. there was no bridge ^- shipped to Lisbon in the shape of fish, and from thence to London in the shape of fruit, and from thence brought home to be reinvested in fish, and to be reen tered upon the same triangular circuit of trade — laid the foundations of the largest fortune of the day, a hundred years ago." Mr. Erving died in Boston in 1786, aged ninety- three. • Erving, John, Jr. Of Boston. He graduated at Har A'ard University in 1747. In 1760 he signed the BostoiTSe- morial, and Avas thus one of the fifty-eight who were the first men in America to array themselves against the officers of the Crown. But in 1774 he was an Addresser of Hutchinson, and the same year was appointed a mandamus councillor. In 1776 he fled to Halifax, and went thence to England. In 1778 he was proscribed and banished ; and in 1779 his prop erty was confiscated under the Conspiracy Act. He died at Bath, England, in 1816, aged eighty-nine years. His wife, Maria Catharina, (youngest daughter of Governor Shirley) with whom he lived quite sixty years, died a feAv months be fore him. His son. Dr. Shirley Erving, died at Boston in 1813, aged fifty-five. ^ Era'ing, George. A mgrshani,_jof Bg&ton- He was one of the fifty-eight memorialists who were the first men in America to array themselves against the officers of the Crown. He was an Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774 ; was proscribed under the Act of 1778 ; and his estate was confiscated under the Conspiracy Act of 1779. He went to Halifax at the evacuation, with his family of five persons, and thence to England. He died in London in 1806, at the age of seventy. His wife was a daughter of the Hon. Isaac Royall, of Med ford. His son, George W. Ervine, was American Consul at London, Special Minister to Denmark, and Minister Plenipo- tentiarj' to Spain. A distinguished gentleman in Boston kindly furnishes me with the following passage in a letter received by him from the son just mentioned : " Many a time and oft " has my father " expressed to hie his heart-bitter re grets, and that his only consolation was that his errors had KILBORN. — KIRKLAND. 603 property, and thus lost nothing but his infiuence and popu larity. He died at New Ipswich, in 1793, aged seventy. KiLBORN, Ben.tamin. Of Litchfield, Connecticut. Lieu tenant in a company of militia ; cashiered by the House of Assembly (December, 1775,) for his " toryism," King, Colonel Richard. Of South Carolina. He commanded the " South Carolina Loyal Militia," under Cruger, at Ninety-Six, w hen besieged by General Greene, in 1781, and had permission to leave ; and as his two hundred men were mounted, he might have retired to Charleston or Georgia, but he turned his horses loose in the woods, and resolved to remain and assist in the defence. He died before the peace. His estate, in the possession of his heirs, was con fiscated. King, Edward, A Sandemanian, of Boston. An Ad dresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and a Protester against the Whigs. Embarked for Halifax with the King's Army in 1776. Samuel, also of Boston, accompanied him, and died at Halifax, in 1822, at the age of seventv-one. King, William, Settled in New Brunswick ; was clerk in the Royal Engineer Department ; died at Fredericton, the capital of that Province, in 1804. Kip, Samuel, Of West Chester County, New York. His family relations to the British Government, and his intimacy Avith Colonel De Lancey, are assigned as reasons for predispo.sing him to espouse the Royal cause. He raised a company of cavalry, and " embarked all his interests in the contest." He was a landholder, and his soldiers were prin cipally his own tenants. In charging a body of Whig troops, in West Chester County, in 1781, his horse -ivas kiffed, and he was himself severely wounded. He survived the close of the war several years. His reputation was that of " an active and daring partisan officer." Kip, Jacobus. Of Kipsburgh, New York. Captain in the British Infantry. ' Died before the peace, which saved his estate from confiscation. Kirkland, Moses. Of South Carolina, A man " whose 604 ¦ KIRKLAND. vanity and ambition had not been sufficiently gratified by his countrymen." He owned a plantation in the back part of the State, with scA-eral negroes. At the outset, he took part with the Whigs, and his disaffection is said to have arisen from his being " overlooked by the Provincial Congress in the military appointments," He changed sides in the affair with the Cunninghams, July, 1775. At the time of his desertion, he commanded a troop of Rangers, who followed him to a man, and, by his inffuence, others in the Whig service joined the Royal party. A short time before his defection, Kirkland was placed upon an important standing committee raised by the Provincial Congress to act throughout the Colony. He arrived at St, Augustine, Florida, September, 1775. The account of his ffight, as, L suppose, given by himself, is, that William Henry Drayton endeavored to Avin him to the Whig cause, but failed ; that then a reward of two thousand pounds sterling was offered for his apprehension ; that, after a journey of two hundred miles, he arrived at Lord William Campbell's house, and thence ffed to a man-of-Avar ; and that his son, a lad of twelve or thirteen, escaped in the disguise of a girl. Further, that, after his departure, his plantation Avas robbed of five thousand pounds of indigo, and his sixty negroes were stolen or dispersed. Early in the contest, he was employed by Stuart, the Indian Agent of the British authorities with the Cherokees and Creeks, to concert meas ures with General Gage for an attack on the Southern States. The plan appears to have been, for the Royal forces to operate by sea, and the savages by land. Kirkland was cap tured on his voyage to Boston, his papers were seized, and the plot fully discovered. He escaped from die Phdadelphia jad. May, 1776, and was advertised thus : — " He is a stout corpulent man, between fifty and sixty years of age, about five feet ten inches high, of a swarthy complexion, fresh colored, and wears his own gray hair tied behind. He had on a green coat faced with blue velvet, a blue velvet waist coat, and brown velvet breeches," &c. After the surrender of Charleston, in 1780, he held a commission under the Crown. His estate was confiscated. KIRK. — KISSAM. 605 Kirk, Thomas. Of Boston. Officer of the Customs. When Hancock's vessel, laden Avith wines from Madeira, arrived at Boston, he Avent on board in the common course of duty. In the evening, several proposals were made to him to allow the cargo to be smuggled, which he rejected ; and, in consequence, Avas confined below, untd the wines were taken on shore. The master made entry of a part the next day, but seizure followed for a fcdse entry, [See Hallowell, and Harrison, Collectors of the Customs.] Kirk, Richard. Of New York. In 1776 he Avas an Addresser of Lord Howe. He OAvned the place now called Cedarmere, from a little lake on it, quite encircled with red- cedars, and now the residence of William Cullen Bryant. "Kirk, in his time," Mr. Bryant kindly wrote me, (March 4, 1861,) " gathered th^ water from several springs, breaking out at the foot of the hills close to the harbor, into a pond with an irregular embankment, and used it to turn the ma chinery of a paper-mill ; one of the first erected in this country. The mill was burned down a few years since, and afterwards the place came into my possession." KissAM, Daniel. Of Long Island, Noav York. A magis trate, and known as " Justice Kissam," In 1774 he was a member of the Committee of Correspondence, and the next year, of the House of Assembly, and also one of the four teen Avho addressed General Gage at Boston, on the subject of the " unhappy contest," In 1776 he was confined, but released by the Provincial Congress, under recognizance of £500, Property confiscated in 1779. He fell from his horse, in 1782, and died. An estate of three hundred and thirty acres, Avhich he OAvned, was sold by the Commissioners of Confiscation, in 1784. Kissam, Benjamin T. Of Long Island, New York. Brother of Major Kissam. Made prisoner at Justice Kis- sam's house. North Hempstead, in 1781. Died in 1847, aged eighty-six. Kissam, . Of Long Island, Ncav York. Major. An Addresser of Governor Robertson in 1780, The next 606 KISSAM, —KNEEL AND, year he was seized at the house of Justice Kissam, by a party of Whigs. He died at the age of eighty-three. Kissam, Benjamin. " A leading lawyer in the city of New York, under whom Lindley Murray, the grammarian, and John Jay, Chief Justice of the United States, read law." In 1776, an Addresser of Lord and Sir William Howe. Kissick, Philip, Of New York. Vintner and distiller. Offered for sale " Home-spun brandy and gin, very little inferior to French brandy and Holland gin." In 1776, an Addresser of Lord and Sir William Howe. He is to be remembered for his benefactions to Whigs, Avho, carried to the " sugar-house," needed food and money. One of the prisoners fed by him was James Schureman, who in after years was a member of the House, and of the Senate of the United States. Kitchen, Thomas. Settled in New Brunswick in 1788. In 1799 he was murdered. Kitching, James. Of Georgia. Collector and Com missioner of the Customs, and Naval Officer for the port of Sunbury, Subscribed oath of office, March, 1770. He was in England in 1779, Attainted, and estate confiscated, Knapp, John Cogghill. Of New York. " A notorious pettifogger, — a convict who had ffed from England for his own benefit." In 1776, an Addresser of Lord and Sir Wil liam Howe. Kneeland, William. Of Cambridge, Mass. Physician. He graduated at Harvard University in 1751 ; and was elected Steward of that Institution by the Corporation, in 1778 ; " but, as he had been deemed unfriendly to the cause of American Independence," the Overseers objected to the choice, and re fused to concur. The former body accordingly requested his predecessor to resume his duties, until another Steward should be chosen. The discussions that arose in this case do not be long to this place, further than to say, that the Corporation asserted, and have since exercised the right, of electing that officer Avithout action on the part of the OA'erseers. Dr. Knee- land was Register of Probate, and for several years President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He died in 1788. KNEELAND. — KNOX. 607 Kneeland, Rev. Ebenezer. Episcopal minister. He grad uated at Yale College in 1761, and four years after went to England for ordination. He served for a time as Chaplain in the British Army, but in Januaiy, 1768, he Avas appointed an Assistant to Dr. Samuel Johnson, of Stratford, Connecticut. Dr. J. had conceived the idea of making Stratford a resort for young students in divinity, to prepare them for Holy Orders, and using Mr. Kneeland to aid him in the work. He speaks of him in one of his letters as " very Avell qualified to continue it when he was gone." On the death of Rev. Dr. Johnson, in 1772, Mr, Kneeland succeeded to the Rectorship, and prob ably continued the missionary of the Society for the Propaga tion of the Gospel, &c., until his death, April 17, 1777, His body was buried in the church-yard at Stratford. He mar ried Charity, the eldest daughter of Dr. Johnson, but left no children. Knight, Joshua. Of Pennsylvania. Attainted of trea son, and property confiscated. He lived near Philadelphia, and owned an estate of value. Early in the Revolution he abandoned everything, went to the island of Campo Bello, New Brunswick, where, for a winter, he occupied a fisherman's salt- house, or hut. Joined finally by other Loyalists from his native Province, he settled on the mainland of the Bay of Fundy, at a place called Pennfield, in honor of William Penn, Mr. Knight died at about the age of seventy-five, leaving four sons. The original agreement between the founders of Pennfield, made at Philadelphia, in 1782, placed at my disposal by gentlemen of his lineage, has been of service to me. Knox, Thomas, Of New York. A petitioner for lands in Nova Scotia, in 1783, and one of the two agents of the fifty-four other petitioners. In a Loyalist pamphlet, pub lished in London, in 1784, his conduct is severely criticized. Thus, he is accused of " chicanery," and of having the audac ity to insult the Governor of Nova Scotia with imperdnent letters. Knox, William. Of Georgia. Previous to the Revolu tion, he appears to have been the Agent of that Colony and 608 KNOWLES. — KOLLOCK. of Florida ; and to have been much in England. , At some period of the struggle, he was appointed Under Secretary of State in the American Department. In 1780, he formed a plan to divide Maine, and to give the name of Neiv Ireland to the territory between the Penobscot and the St. Croix, Avith Thomas Oliver for Governor, and Daniel Leonard for Chief Justice. This project was countenanced by the King, and by the Ministry ; but Avas abandoned in consequence of the oppo sition of Wedderburne, the Attorney-General, who said the whole of Maine was included in the charter of Massachusetts. After the death of Sir James Wright, Mr. Knox was employed by the Loyalists of Georgia to present their claims for losses. He was at London in 1788. Knowles, Israel. Of Sandwich, Massachusetts, Impris oned for his offences, real or alleged, in February, 1778. Knoavles, S. Of Rhode Island. Estate was confiscated previous to the peace, nnd by the Act of October, 1783, he was banished from the State, on pain of death if he returned. Knutton, John. Of Boston. Proscribed and banished in 1778. He died at St. John, New Brunswick, in 1827, aged eighty-five ; and his widow, Margaret, who, at her mar riage, in 1802, was the Avidow of David Blair, at the same place, in 1829, at the age of seventy-two. They settled there in 1783, and he was a grantee of the city. Kollock, Simon. Of Delaware. In 1777, Henry Fisher wrote the Navy Board of Pennsylvania that he had been on shore from the Roebuck, with a large sum of counterfeit thirty dollar bills ; that he had enlisted nearly one hundred men, and had gone to New York in a schooner " to join the rascally creAv." He entered die King's service, and in 1782 wj a captain in the Loyal American Regiment. He settled in Nova Scotia, His wife, Ann Catharine, died in 1845, at the advanced age of ninety-seven. Simon Kollock, Jr., of Sussex County, Delaware, was proscribed under the Act of 1778; perhaps the same. •¦¦Vi