Yale University Library 39002006007893 "IgCvethe/g Biah \ fijrt the faiiAding tf a, ColUg'in^ ikif, Cploityl^ 1920 Rhode Island in the Colonial Wars A List of Rhode Island Soldiers & Sailors IN THE Old French & Indian War 1755-1762 BY Howard M. Chapin DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI PROVIDENCE PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY MCMXVIII Rhode Island's Share in the War The conflict of French and English interests in the Ohio Valley served as the prelude, and Washington's defeat of Jumon ville near Fort Du Quesne on May 27th 1754 as the spark, which ignited the fourth French war in which Rhode Island participated. This struggle called by European his torians "The Seven Years War" is better known in America as "The Old French and Indian War." Military preparations were made in both England and France as well as in the Colonies. On January ist 1755 the Rhode Island General Assemblj- voted to raise a company oi 100 men for the emergency. As is usual, the length and intensity of the impending struggle was underestimated. In February the number was increased to 113, apparently to allow for officers, some of whom were appointed. A committee of War of five men was established to manage the military affairs of the Colony. In March 1755, before the 100 men had been enlisted, it was voted to raise four companies of 100 men each to take part in the secret expedition against Crown Point. The acts calling for 113 men were repealed and the officers transferred to the new companies. Christopher Harris was appointed Colonel of this expeditionary regiment. Meanwhile Braddock had landed in Virginia and taken command of the English forces in America. He planned to strike the French at three points. The southern army, under his personal command, was to attack Fort Du Quesne, and the northern army was to assemble at Albany, whence one detach ment under Governor Shirley was to attack Niagara, while the other, under Colonel (later Sir) William Johnson, was to move against Crown Point. The Rhode Island regiment under Col. Harris marched to Green-Bush near Albany, where their boats were caulked and their guns cleaned and mended. On August 8th, leaving the Rhode Island and New York regiments in camp, Johnson marched northward with the rest of the army. He left a garrison at Fort Lyman (afterwards called Fort Edward in honor of the Duke of York), and continuing northward encamped at the upper end of Lake George. The Rhode Island regiment was at Albany on August 24th, but soon followed the main army and reached the camp late in August or early in September. Baron Dieskau, commander of the army, which had been sent over from France, and which had been augmented by Canadians and Indians, marched southward through the woods east of Lake George. Upon the news of the approach of the French, Johnson sent out Col. Ephraim Williams and the Indian Chief Hendricks with a scouting party in the direction of South Bay on September 8th. This force was surprised by Dieskau, and in the fighting which followed, both Williams* and Hendricks were killed. Re-enforcements under the command of Lt. Col. Edward Cole of the Rhode Island regiment arrived in time to rescue the remnant of Williams' force and to hold the French in check temporarily, thus giving Johnson time to strengthen the defences of the camp. Dieskau attacked the camp at 10 o'clock in the morning (September 8, 1755), and the fighting lasted until four in the afternoon, when the French force was dispersed. Both Johnson and Dieskau were wounded, the latter being taken prisoner. Johnson did not pursue the fugitives, but fortified the camp which he named Fort William Henry in honor of the Duke of Gloucester, the king's grandson. Four Rhode Island companies took part in this battle of September 8, 1755, known as the Battle of Lake George. They were the companies commanded by Cole, Angell, Bab- cock and Francis. On account of Braddock's defeat before Fort Du Quesne, The General Assembly voted on August nth, to raise three more companies of fifty men each and to send them to re-enforce Col. Harris' troops, and thus strengthen the ?Williams College was founded by a bequest in Col. Williams' will. Colonial Army against the added number of French troops, which being freed from service in the Monongahela Valley, would doubtless be rushed northward to Lake Champlain. This vote for additional companies was not passed without opposition, and seven deputies including the Speaker, had their dissent from the vote, recorded in the acts and resolves. John Whiting was ranking Captain of this detachment, which was recruited before September 8th, on which day the General Assembly ordered them to proceed to Albany by water and thence from Albany to the force under Col. Harris. Many of Col. Harris' troopers, disgusted by the hardships of the march overland and little realizing the scope and importance of the conflict had deserted. These men upon their return home were added to Capt. Whiting's command, and ordered to proceed subject to his orders until they should reach the camp and re-enter their respective companies. In September Rhode Island voted to raise four more companies of 50 men each. Daniel Bosworth was appointed ranking Captain of this third detachment. Inasmuch as the war was not particularly popular in Rhode Island, and as the danger to the Colony was not imminent, volunteers were not forthcoming in numbers sufficient to fill the companies that had been authorized, although bounties had been offered to encourage enlistment. Hence the General Assembly at the September session found it necessary to pass an act authorizing conscription. Thenceforth during the war the Rhode Island regiments consisted partly of volunteers, many of whom were attracted by the bounties, and partly of conscripts. In 1755 Rhode Island put approximately 750 men in the field. Late in November Johnson marched southward with the main part of the army, which either went into winter quarters or returned home. Seventy-two Rhode Islanders commanded by Capt. Whiting were left on garrison duty at the Forts near Lake George. The campaign of 1755 had been unfortunate in the Colonies. Braddock's expedition had been defeated, Shirley's expedition had done but little, and although Johnson had repelled an attack, he had not even approached Crown Point, his avowed objective. On December 22d the General Assembly voted that loo of the best men with (apparently 13) suitable officers be selected from the troops returned and returning from the Expedition against Crown Point and that the remainder be discharged. Besides this 100 men, "j^, as already noted, were detailed for garrison duty at Fort Edward and Fort William Henry, under Capt. Whiting. The remain der of the troops were ordered discharged on or before December 31st, 1755. Shirley, chief commander of the English forces in America determined on a vigorous campaign for 1756. He planned to move against Niagara with one part of his force and to send the other part commanded by (Gen.) John Winslow against Lake Champlain. In February Rhode Island voted to raise a force of 500 men (including those still in service) for the reduction of the French forts on Lake Champlain. . Col. Harris was given command of this regiment, which consisted of 10 companies. The Rhode Island troops went by water, touching at New York, and arriving at Albany on Friday evening, May 14th, 1756, according to a letter of George Hopkins. The regiment moved to Camp Half Moon before June 29th where all the Rhode Island companies, except two. Major Babcock's and Capt. Bozerd's (Bosworth), had arrived by June nth. The Rhode Islanders were soon scattered, some being at Fort William Henry, and Edward, while others were at Stillwater, Camp Half Moon, and Albany. Many were still at Camp Half Moon on July nth but the bulk soon moved up to Fort Edward, where they were on July 22d and had been four weeks on August 14th, according to Hopkins. Meanwhile preparations for the campaign had been pushed in Europe. Louis XV sent the Marquis of Mont calm to command his forces in America and George H sent the Earl of Loudon. On May 17th, 1756, two years after the defeat of Jumonville by Washington, England formally declared war against France. Prussia under Frederick the Great had made an alliance with England, and Austria had made an alliance with France. Europe was to be a more bloody battlefield than America. Sweden, Russia and Poland soon joined France and Austria. The Earl of Loudon reached New York in July and relieved Shirley of the chief command. This change together with Loudon's inefficiency doomed the campaign of 1756 to failure. On July 24th Col. Angell of the Rhode Island regiment commanded a scouting party of 300 men that went out from Fort Edward towards South Bay and Wood Creek. The Rhode Island General Assembly, expecting a vigorous campaign ordered two additional companies of 50 men each, exclusive of officers, in June. These troops were commanded by Captains Jenckes and Fry, and joined the force under Harris. In August Montcalm attacked and captured the English forts on the Oswego River and then returned to check any advance which might be attempted by the English at Lake George. Conditions rapidly became more threatening for the English colonies. Another company of 60 men and officers was authorized by the General Assembly in September and Joseph Windsor was given the command, but this company was merged in the new regiment of 400 men, (eight companies) which was ordered in October. The Governor, Stephen Hopkins was chosen Colonel of this, the 2nd Regiment, known as "The 400 men," but on October 27th the General Assembly met and ordered them not to march on account of the fact that Small Pox was rife at Albany. By orders from Loudon this regiment was discharged on or before Nov. 8th 1756. Some of the Rhode Island troops at Fort Edward had been sent up to Fort WiUiam Henry where Quarter-Master Shehan was located on Nov. 9th, 1756. The companies commanded by Harris, Angell, Potter and Jenckes, returned to Providence in December and were paid off in December and January. The other companies may have been discharged at the same time but their pay rolls have not been located. The defeat of the English at Oswego was the only noteworthy feature of the campaign of 1756. Several Newport shipwrights who were on special construction service at Oswego were captured by the French. In February 1757 Rhode Island ordered a five company regiment of 450 men to assist Loudon in the ensuing campaign. Samuel Angell was appointed "Chief Officer" (i. e. Colonel) of this force which in May proceeded to Albany. Meanwhile in March the French under Rigaud attempted unsuccessfully to surprise Fort William Henry, and Loudon prepared his futile expedition against Louisburg. In May an act for raising 150 more men was passed by the Rhode Island General Assembly at its May session, but was repealed in August before the companies were raised. Some of the Rhode Islanders under Angell were stationed at Fort Edward, while others were at Fort William Henry. Montcalm had not been idle during the spring, but had collected a large force with the main part of which he sailed up Lake George, while the balance of the force under De Levis marched along the west shore of the Lake. Fort William Henry was surrounded by the French but held out until word was received from Gen. Webb, who was stationed at Fort Edward, that he would not send assistance. Munro, the commander of Fort William Henry was therefore obliged to surrender on August 9th, 1757. A large number of the English soldiers were massacred by the Indians on August loth, although about 600 refugees succeeded in reaching Fort Edward. Col. AngeU who was at Fort Edward wrote to Governor Greene on August 14th and described the attack on Fort William Henry in the following words : "On the 3d inst., at five o'clock, in the morning, the fort and camp were invested by Canadians and Indians; and at the same time, a large body of boats and canoes appeared on the lake near, while our camp was attacked by a superior number of the enemy. They landed their artillery the same day. Our rangers brought in one of their lieutenants prisoner, who gave account of their strength consisted of three thousand regulars, five thousand Canadians, and three thousand five hundred savages, thirty-six cannon, and four mortars. "The siege continued obstinate till the ninth day at six o'clock in the morning, when all the cannon, bigger than twelve pounders, were broken ; the men in camp and garrison, spent with fatigue. They capitulated on honorable terms, viz. : that they should march to this place with a brass twelve pounder in the front, and their fire-locks clubbed, and colors flying, with all their baggage. This was agreed to, and articles signed. General Montcalm and other principal officers of his army, expressed and acknowledged that they had made a defence beyond expectation, and for those reasons, he allowed them as good terms as General Blakeney had. The articles obliged our men not to bear arms till eighteen months were expired. "The morning following, our men were to march with a strong guard of regulars, to keep the savages from insulting them. When our people began to draw up for a march, the horrible scene of massacre then began, by the savages scalping our sick and wounded men; next, by their drawing out all the black men, scalping the Indians and keeping the negroes for slaves. All this did not satisfy them; but they went to stripping and scalping without distinction; which put our men to the flight, each man for himself — ^having no protection agreeably to the articles. They all scattered in the woods ; the Indians following them several miles. Our men have been coming in since eleven o'clock, that day, till this morning, by single persons and smaU parties; not a man but is stripped; some, quite naked. "There are yet behind several hundred; many of whom, it is known, are sick, and many, it is thought, wiU perish in the woods. This minute, a deserter from the French says that above two hundred of our men went back to the French for protection. 10 "By our parties just came in, we have certain accounts that the fort is destroyed; and that the enemy are drawing off. We have about four thousand militia here, and two thousand troops." The danger by which Fort William Henry was threatened greatly alarmed the Colony. The General Assembly met on August loth, and not as yet having heard of the loss of Fort William Henry, passed an act which drafted one sixth of the militia of the colony, probably about looo men, for service in the relief of Fort William Henry. Col. John Andrews was given the command of this regiment. On August 15th thirty- four prominent men of Providence who were not subject to the draft volunteered their services and signed a paper of that import. Of a muster roll of 113 men who marched out of Newport County in answer to this call, 21 were volunteers. This Second Rhode Island regiment went no farther than Connecticut, when news was received that Fort William Henry had fallen. The men returned home and the October Assembly after regulating their pay for this service, voted to re-enlist 250 men for service in the army during the pleasure of the General Assembly. Ninety of these did garrison service^ at Saratoga. Capt. Ebenezer Whiting was given the command of those who were garrisoned at Fort Edward during the winter. If the campaign of 1756 had disheartened the English, that of 1757 was still more discouraging. The expedition against Louisburg had come to naught, Fort William Henry had been lost, and from Europe . came the still more discouraging news that the Duke of Cumberland had been decisively defeated by D'Estrees. As well as sending the quota to the Colonial contingent, Rhode Island had strengthened and garrisoned Fort George at Newport, and had also equipped and sent forth many privateers which had made severe and telling inroads upon the enemy's maritime commerce. The following letter gives a concise description of the conditions in the Colony in 1758; II "We the Commissioners from the Government of Rhode Island, being ordered to lay before your Lordship, an exact State of the Colony, with Regard to its Fortifications, and Military Stores, the Number of Inhabitants, the State of the Treasury, and Funds for supplying the same, beg Leave to 'represent to your Lordship, that there is only one Fortification in the Colony, called Fort George, very conveniently situated for the Defence of the Town and Harbour of Newport, which is the Metropolis of the Colony. But as there are in the Fort only twenty-six Carriage Guns fit for Service, and a few other Military Stores, it is to be feared the Town might be entirely destroyed by a very small Force, and the Colony thereby disabled from raising any more Men for the common Cause. And of what fatal Consequence it might be to His Majesty's Interest, to have the Enemy in Possession of so fine a Harbour and Island, situate in the Midst of New England, we leave your Lordship to judge. "By an Account of the Number of Men in the Colony, taken the 24th of December, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-five, it appears, my Lord, there were then in the Colony, Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-two Men, able to bear Arms. But as we have since lost many Men by the War, and near Fifteen Hundred Men are out in our Priva teers, we imagine there is not near that Number now left in the Colony." In March, 1758, the General Assembly voted to raise a regiment of looo men. Col. Malbone was given the command of this regiment, which was to consist of nine new companies and the company under Capt. Ebenezer Whiting, which was in garrison service at the Forts. Malbone was succeeded bv Henry Babcock as Colonel, before the regiment moved. The troops went to Albany by water. During March and April a detachment of 1853 of His Majesty's regulars were quartered at Providence before being sent against Louisburg. In May,, Amherst, with the northern army, supported by the fleet, marched on Louisburg; in June, Forbes, with the southern army, proceeded against Fort Du Quesne; and on July 5th Abercrombie, with 15,000 English and Colonials, including the 12 Rhode Island companies, except those under Potter and WaU, moved against Ticonderoga. Col. Babcock's description of the Battle of Ticonderoga, being that of an eye witness and important officer, follows : "Lake George, loth July, 1758. "Honored Sir: — The Sth inst., the army consisting of fifteen thousand men, proceeded down the lake, in batteaux, with thirty days' provision. The 6th, in the morning, half after eight, we landed at the advance guard ; who were very easily driven from their post, with no loss on our side, and but four on theirs. About two o'clock, P. M., the whole army marched, saving a battalion of the York regiment, who were posted as a guard on our batteaux. About three o'clock we were attacked by a party of the enemy, in which engagement, we unfortunately lost the brave Lord Howe. There were taken of the enemy one hundred prisoners, eight of whom were officers ; our army was much scattered by reason of the firing in the woods, and it was thought advisable to return that evening to our batteaux. "The next day Col. Broadstreet was ordered with fifteen hundred batteaux men, and two regular regiments, with five of the Massachusetts regiments, to take possession of the saw mill, which we did, without the loss of a man. The same evening, the whole marched up to the saw mill. "The 8th, (the fatal 8th,) were ordered to proceed in the following manner : the batteaux men, light armed infantry, and the rangers, were ordered to form a line about two hundred yards from the French entrenchments; which extended from Lake George to Lake Champlain ; the regulars were to form a line behind the first line ; who, after they were formed were to pass through the first line, they making avenues for them; after that, they were to form the line again. A captain and fifty men, out of the line, were detached for picket, who were to form in front; the grenadiers were to form behind them; and in this manner, they were to attack the trenches, and were to march with shouldered firelocks, till they should get on top of the trenches. "They accordingly marched on with great intrepidity, but 13 were received so warmly, that they were obliged to give ground, after making most vigorous efforts ; they even went up to the breast-work, but were knocked down so fast, that it was very difficult for those behind to get over the dead and wounded. But before the attack of the regulars, the enemy began with firing upon the Yorkers. In the rear of the regu lars, the Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island troops were ordered to form about three hundred yards behind, who were to support them, if necessary. "About an hour after the attack, I was ordered to march with the regiment, to relieve those that had been engaged. We went up within about forty yards of the breast-work. Soon after I got up, in posting my regiment to the best advantage I could, I received a shot in my left knee; after that, finding myself of no advantage, I ordered two men to carry me off, and left the regiment warmly engaged. We have lost no offi cers. Capt. John Whiting, Lieuts. Russell and Smith are slightly wounded. The return of the killed and wounded, Your Honor has enclosed. "The same evening, to my great surprise, the whole army was ordered to return to the batteaux, to the great mortifica tion of chief of the officers ; and the next evening we arrived here. "Never did an army gain more advantage in so little time, whilst the late Lord Howe was alive ; but soon after that, we became a confused rabble. We have lost a great many brave officers ; in Lord Howe's regiment, all the field officers were killed. "Sir William Johnson joined us four hours before the engagement ; but the Indians not being used to attack trenches, soon came off." Lord Howe, the brains of the English army, was killed in this fight, and the incompetent Abercrombie retreated to Fort William Henry, turning a potential victory into an unneces sary defeat. In August Col. Bradstreet marched to Oswego with 3000 men, of whom 312 were Rhode Islanders under Lt. Col. Potter and Major Wall. This expedition captured Fort Frontenac on August 25th, destroyed the French naval power 14 on Lake Ontario, and cut the communication between Fort Du Quesne and Canada, thus materially assisting the southern army under Forbes, which so seriously threatened Fort Du Quesne in November, that the garrison destroyed the fortress and retreated. Meanwhile, in the North, Amherst had taken Louisburg. Some of the Rhode Island soldiers were retained in ser vice for the campaign of 17.59, and a call for new enlistments was made in December, 1758. On February 26th, 1759, the Colony voted to furnish 1000 men for the ensuing campaign, and later the Assembly ordered the thirteen companies already raised to proceed to Albany. Some were sent by boat, while others marched overland, the rendezvous being ordered for April loth. The quota of 1000 men was not easily raised, and in May a bonus of two months' pay was offered for enlistments. Bonuses were also offered to seamen who should enlist in H. M. navy. In June a second detachment was sent, and an act to raise 115 men to complete the regiment was ordered. Amherst spent the summer and autumn in preparations, and when he was ready to move northward, the season had become too cold. A small English force under Prideaux drove the French from Niagara, but the remainder of the army operating in the Colo nies accomplished nothing. Meanwhile in Canada Wolfe had brilliantly defeated Montcalm on September i8th, Quebec became English. In February, 1760, the Colony voted to raise 1000 men for the Canadian Expedition. Christopher Harris was made Colonel, and proceeding to Albany, joined the force under Lord Amherst. Many of the soldiers, fearing the hardships of a campaign against so distant a place as Montreal, deserted on the way to Albany. Amherst advanced with his main force through Oswego, across Ontario and down the St. Lawrence. Murray came up the river from Quebec, while Haviland with many Colonials, including the Rhode Island contingent, approached down Lake Champlain, On Sept. Sth, 1760, Mont real surrendered to the English, and immediately many of the Colonial troops "demobilized themselves" and returned home. 15 The Rhode Islanders were very weary of the war, whose military campaign had made heavy levies of both men and money, and although adding Canada to the English domains had been of scant benefit to the Colony. The war itself, on account of the enormous profits made by the privateering enter prises, was rather popular with the maritime interests. In March, 1761, the General Assembly voted to raise 666 men for the ensuing campaign. These men were to serve until November first unless the campaign ended previously. John Whiting was made Colonel. The commissioned officers, as was the custom, had to enlist a certain number of men in order to qualify for their commission. The campaign was for the most part garrison duty. In October Col. Whiting and a com pany of 66 men were detailed to garrison Fort Stanwix, and the rest of the Rhode Islanders returned to Albany and thence by water to Providence. In February, 1762, the Colony voted to raise 666 men for the year's campaign. In March an act was passed to raise 178 men for H. M. regular army. Samuel Rose was made Colonel of the Rhode Island regiment. The first detachment was hur ried to New York in May and shipped to Cuba. The Rhode Island contingent was commanded by Lt. Col. Hargill and con sisted of (187 or, as some accounts say, 210 men), being the first detachments of the companies under Hargill, Fry, and Russell. The remainder of the regiment, the second detach ment, went to Albany under Col. Rose. Havana was captured by the Colonial and Regular troops on August 13th, 1762, and the Rhode Islanders returned home in November, having lost about half their number through sickness and battle. Another 179 men enlisted in H. M. regular army during the latter part of 1762 and early part of 1763. Capt. Cornell with 66 men served at Fort Stanwix during the winter of 1762-63, but were disbanded in July, 1763. In the later years of the war the English arms had been successful not only in Canada and the West Indies, but also in India, where Clive was laying the foundations for a large empire. On the European battlefield, too, England and her allies had finally obtained the ascendency, Sweden and Russia i6 having withdrawn from the conflict. These conquests had but little efifect upon Rhode Island, who found herself, upon the declaration of peace, facing the problems of reorganization with her chief source of income (privateering) abruptly cut off, and her population and wealth sorely depleted by the late war. On Tuesday, February 8th, 1763, the King's Proclamation of Peace was publicly read in Rhode Island. In February, 1755, a Committee of War consisting of five members was constituted, and given the control and direction of the military activities of the Colony. The membership of this board was augmented from time to time, and continued to exercise its important functions throughout the war, although subject to the resolutions of the General Assembly, which created it. Councils of War were held occasionally but were of local rather than of general importance. They consisted of the Governor and Deputy Governor, the Assistants from the town, and the Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, and Captains or those acting as such, of the militia companies of the County in which the Council was held. When at Newport the Cap tain of Fort George was also included. The size of the companies varied from fifty to one hun dred men, and the regiments from five to thirteen companies, as the exigencies of the situation demanded. Each regiment was commanded by a Colonel, with his staff, consisting of a Lieutenant-Colonel, a Major, and an Adjutant. Usually each regiment had a Chaplain, a Commissary, and a Surgeon. In some campaigns a Deputy-Commissary, a Quartermaster, a Sutler, an Assistant Surgeon, and an Armorer were attached to the regiment. In no campaigns did two Rhode Island regi ments operate in the same expedition. In the campaign of 1762 the Rhode Island regiment was divided into two detach ments, the one operating about Albany being under the Colonel, and the one taking part in the siege of Havana being under the Lieutenant-Colonel. 17 Each company had a Captain, a Lieutenant and an Ensign and in some campaigns a Second Lieutenant also. The first, second and third companies were (except in the campaign of I7.'5.S) under the command of the Colonel, the Lieutenant- Colonel and the Major, respectively. The First Lieutenant of each of these three companies was often styled Captain-Lieu tenant and drew a Captain's pay. The regiment's Adjutant was chosen from the company Lieutenants and acted in both capacities. The non-commissioned officers were Sergeants and Corporals and usually two drummers were considered as neces sary for each company. 19 Outline Summary of the Companies of the Rhode Island Regiments, 1755 to 1762 Enlisted March August September I7SS CoL. Christopher Harris' Regt. 1st Co. Capt, Cole 2 ' ( it (Sterry) Angell 3 ' t it Babcock 4 t it Francis 5 1 it J. Whiting 6 t tt Hammond 7 ' t It Bradford 8 t tt Bosworth 9 ' t It Potter 10 ' 1 it Hopkins II * t t( Richmond Winter of 1755-6 1st Co. Capt. J. Whiting Enlisted 1756 COL. Christopher Harris' Regt. February ist Co Col. Harris 2 (( Lt. Col. Champlin 3 tt Maj. Angell 4 tt Capt . Gardner 5 It tl Babcock 6 tt tt Richmond 7 it tt Potter 8 tt tt Bosworth Continuous service 9 tt tl J. Whiting 10 It tf Hammond (Sept. Burkett) June II it It Fry 12 it tt Jenckes 20 CoL. Hopkins' Regt. called "The 400 Men.' October ist Co. Col. Hopkins 2 Lt. Col. Wickham 3 Major Champlin 4 Capt. Belcher 5 " Richmond 6 " Windsor 7 " Coggeshall Enlisted 1757 Col. Samuel Angell's Regt. February ist Co. Capt. (Gardner) E. Whiting 2 (f (Potter) Jenckes 3 " (( J. Whiting 4 " li Greene 5 " ti Wall August Col. John Andrews' Regt. Marched on the alarm of August 1757, known as the 10 days' expedition. Winter Service 1757-8 1st Co. Capt. E. Whiting Enlisted 1758 Col. (Godfrey Malbone) Henry Babcock's Regt. March ist Co. Col. (Malbone) Babcock Lt. Col. (Babcock) Potter Major Wall (Brown) Capt. J. Whiting " Jenckes (Burkett) " Tew " Rose " Peck " (Potter) Hacker " E. Whiting 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Continuous service 10 21 Enlisted 1759 Col. Henr\ Babcock's Regt. February ist Co. Col. Babcock 2 C< Lt. Col. (Wall) J. Whiting 3 (f Major (J. Whiting) E. Whiting 4 << Capt. Burkett 5 tt " Tew 6 ii " Rose 7 tt " Peck 8 ti " Fry 9 cc " Eddy 10 li " Hargill II 11 " Brown 12 tl " Tripp 13 it " Palmer Enlisted 1760 Col. Christopher Harris' Regt. February ist Co. Col. Harris 2 ' Lt. Col. Whiting 3 ' Major Burkett 4 ' Capt. Rose 5 " Hargill 6 " Peck 7 " Fry 8 " Russell 9 " Tew 10 ' " Brown Enlisted 1 761 Col. J OHN Whiting's Regt. March 1st Co. Col. J. Whiting 2 ti Lt. Col. Rose 3 tt Major Hargill 4 tt Capt. Kimball 5 ii " Peck 6 ii " Hopkins 7 Wii tt Iter " RusseU Service 176 1-2 ist Co . Col. Whiting 22 1762 Col . Samuel Rose's Regt. ist Co. Col. Rose 2 " Lt. Col. Hargill 3 " Major Peck 4 " Capt. Hawkins 5 " Fry 6 " Tew 7 " RusseU Winter service 1762-63 1st Co. Capt. Geo. Cornell 23 Table showing the Years of Service of the Members of the Committee of War of the Colony of Rhode Island. Appointed Name February 1755 Daniel Jenckes 1755 — 56—57 — 58 — 59—60 " " Thomas Cranston 1755 — 56 — 57 — 58 — 59 — 60 — 6i — 62 " Peter Hours ' 1755— 56— 57— 58— 59— 60— 61 died " " Stephen Hopkins 1755 — 56 — 57 " " Jonathan Nichols 1755 — 56 — died September 1756 John Gardner 1756 — 57— —59—60 May 1757 Robert Potter i757_58_5g_ _6i_62 March- 1758 Nathan Rice 1758 — 59 — 60 May " Abraham Smith 1758 — 59 — 60 December " Thomas Greene 1758 — 59 — 60 February 1759 Nicholas Gardner 1759 — 60 — 61 " 1760 Gideon Comstock 1760 — 61 — 62 May " Joseph Hazard 1760 June 1761 John Jepson 1761 — 62 " " Elisha Brown 1761 — 62 " Thos. Casey 1761 — 62 '< " Shearjashub Bourn 1761—62 October " John Bours 1761 — 62 1762 George Jackson 1762 " Thomas Potter, Jr 1762 24 This list is compiled from the original manuscripts in the Rhode Island Historical Society and the State Archives. A duplicate list on cards with references to the individual manuscripts is on file at the Rhode Island Historical Society. Abbreviations (Sh)= Sheffield's " Privateersmen of Newport." (Sm)= Smith's "CivU and Military Lists." A List of Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Aaron, Joseph Served in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. Abby, Felix Served in campaigns of 1757 and 1760. Peleg Served in campaigns of 1760, 1761 and 1762. Aborn, James of Warwick Commander of Privateer King Frederick in 1758. Abrahams, Ephraim Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Acklin, Francis Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Adams, Ebenezer Served in campaign of 1760. Agedt, Peter Gunner on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Albro,Alsbro, James Served in campaign of 1762. Job Served in 1762 at Albany in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. John Served in campaign of 1762. Maturin of Newport Served at Fort George in 1757 and in campaign of 1762. Peter of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1760. Philip Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Robert Served in campaign of 1762. Stephen of Exeter Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Aldrich, Abel Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Taken sick with small-pox in Jan. 1761 at Charlestown, N. H. Abner Lieutenant in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Caleb of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Daniel Served in campaign of 1762. Ezra Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. James Served in campaign of 1760 and in Capt. Kim- baU's Co. in 1761. Joseph Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756. 26 Aldrich Philip Served in the campaign of 1761. Reuben of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Simon Served in campaign of 1760. Alexander, Richard of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and enlisted for campaign of 1758. Alger, Josiah Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756 and in campaign of 1757. Alison, David Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Allen, Amos of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Augustus of Providence Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and as Ensign in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Barnabas Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Benjamin of Newport Drafted and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Caleb Served under Col. Rose in 1762. Gabriel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. James Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Jeremiah Private in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joshua of Portsmouth Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757; appointed ist Lieut, of Capt. Peck's Co. in March 1758, but refused to serve. Nathanial of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Peter Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Peter Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Seth Served in 1762. Sylvester Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Timothy Henry of Newport Volunteered and majrched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, enlisted for cam paign of 1762, and in H. M. regular Army on Jan. 9, 1763. Zachariah of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 27 Almy, Benjamin of Newport Commander of Privateer Gen eral Johnston of Newport in 1756' (Sh), and 1760. Benjamin of Newport Drafted in August 1757. Alsbro, see Albro. Als WORTH, see Ayls worth. Alverson, David of Providence Marched on Alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Simeon or Simon Served in the campaign of 1761. Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Thomas Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Ambrose, Israel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Amos, Samuel of Newport EnHsted for campaign of 1762. William Enlisted in H. M. regular Army in 1762. Amy, William Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Anderson, Alexander Master on Privateer General Johnston in 1757. James of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Andrews, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Benoni Served in campaign of 1758. David Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jonathan Appointed Ensign of Capt. Bradford's Co. in Aug. 1755. John Appointed Colonel of Regt. raised on alarm of Aug. 1757. Appointed commissioner to wait upon the Earl of Loudon, Feb. 14, 1758, and in Dec. 1758 a member of the court-martial to inquire into the con duct of the officers in the last campaign. John Served in campaign of 1759. Joshua Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Philip Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Timothy of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758 and 1759. Died. 28 Andrews William Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Zepheniah of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. I757- Angell, Christopher of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James Appointed ist Lieutenant of Col. Hopkins' Co. in Oct. 1756. James of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaigns of 1760 and 1761. John Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Negro of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Succeeded Sterry as Captain of 2nd Co. in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, appointed Major of Col. Har ris' Regt. in Feb. 1756, and succeeded Champlin as Lieutenant Colonel ; appointed Colonel and so served in campaign of 1758. Samuel Commander of Privateer Jolly Bachellor of Newport in 1758 (Sh). Thomas of Providence Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Anthony, Philip of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759 and in campaign of 1762. -Antuompt, John Served in Major Babcock's Co. in 1755, Antium, and in Capt, Brown's Co. in 1759. Armington, Josiah" Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. William Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Armstrong, Nathan Served in campaign of 1759. Arnold, Benedict Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Caleb of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. David of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Isaac Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Joseph of Newport Commander of Privateer Polly in 1759- 29 Arnold Joseph of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Josiah of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Philip of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen of Smithfield Appointed Lieutenant of Capt. Hammond's Co. in Aug. 1755 ; ist Lieutenant in Capt. Windsor's Co. in Oct. 1756, and marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of Warwick Marched as Private on alarm of Aug. 1757. ( ) Served on Privateer Providence in 1758. Made Prizemaster 25 May 1758. Arthur, William Served in Lt. Col. Cole's Co. in 1755 and Arter, appointed Armorer to Col. Harris' Regt. upon their arrival at Green-Bush. Ash, John Served in campaign of 1762. ( ) Gunner on Privateer Duke of Marlborough in 1758. Ashpo, John Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Ashworth, Robert Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Aspell, Nicholas Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Asten, See Austin. Ates, William Served in campaign of 1761 and as Private in Capt. Plawkins' Co. in 1762. Atherton, Solomon Enlisted for campaign of 1758. Atwood, Anthony Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Enlisted for campaign of 1762. Benjamin of Newport Enlisted for campaign of 1762. Scipio (colored) Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Auchmuty, John Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and served in campaign of 1760. Austin, Asten,Aston, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. 30 Austin Benoni of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756. David Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. James of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Jeremiah, Jr. of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Enlisted as a seaman in 1756 and went to Oswego, where he was captured by the French. Joseph Enlisted as a sawer-a-top in 1756, and went to Oswego where he was captured by the French. Joseph of Jamestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Parismus Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Peres alias Pyerus Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. William Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Avery, Thomas of Coventry Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in cam paigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760. Axton, Young Served as soldier at Fort George, R. I., from 1755 to 1763. Aylsworth, Anthony Served in campaign of 1756. Benjamin Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Christopher Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John, Jr. of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paigns of 1759, 1760 and 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Josiah Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Philip Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Robert Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. 31 Aylsworth Robert, Jr. Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Thomas Appointed Ensign of the 9th Co. (Potter's, later Hacker's Co.) in March 1758, became Lieutenant before June, transferred and served as Lieutenant of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Ayrault, Daniel, Jr. Member of Councils of War in 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1762. Babcock, Abel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Amos Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1762. Andrew Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Henry Appointed Captain of 3rd Co. in Col. Harris' Regt. March 6, 1755 ; and served in campaign of 1755, becoming Major before Nov. 27. He commanded the 2nd Co. in the campaign of 1756. He was appointed 2nd Lieutenant- Colonel in Col. Andrews' Regt., which marched on the alarm of Aug. 1757. He was ap pointed Lieutenant-Colonel in March 1758, and suc ceeded Malbone as Colonel in May 1758. He served as Colonel and Commander of the Rhode Island forces in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Ichabod, Jr. Appointed Ensign of Capt. Babcock's Co. in March 1755. Job of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. John of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joshua Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Luke Served as Commissary in campaign of 1759. Oliver Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. William Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Back, Daniel Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana In 1762. John Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Backier, John Private in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. 32 Bacon, Henry of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Bagley, Joseph of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Bailey, Bennett of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. Bales, 1757. Oliver Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Baker, Benjamin of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Benjamin of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Elisha of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Elisha of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Elisha Served in campaign of 1758. Ephraim Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1762. Jeremiah of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jonathan Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Joshua Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Philip Appointed 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Wall's Co. in March 1758, and served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. William Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Balch, Timothy of Newport Draftfed and marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Member of Council of War in 1761 and 1762. Bales, See Bailey. Ball, Thomas Enlisted at Newport as a seaman and was sent to New York in Aug. 1762. Ballard,Bollard, Jeremiah Private in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1758. Ballou, Daniel Served in campaign of 1760. Elisha of Cumberland Appointed Lieutenant in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, but did not march. 33 Ballou Jonathan of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Stephen Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Barber, Daniel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. John of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Zebulon of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Bardine, Boardwine, Nathan Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Prince of North Kingstown Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- Barker, Edward of Middletown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Edward pf Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Barnes, John Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. (son of Thomas of Gloucester) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Barney, Israel, Jr. of Newport Drafted and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Bartholomew, Caesar of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Bartlett, Charles Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Christopher of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1760. David Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Daniel, Jr. Served in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. Israel Served in campaign of 1760. Thomas Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Barton, Anthony of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758, in Capt. Kim ball's Co. in 1 76 1, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. 34 Barton Rufus, Jr. Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Bass, John of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Appointed Chaplain and Surgeon's Mate of Col. Babcock's Regt. in May 1758. , Bates, David Served in campaign of 1761. Ebenezer Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. John of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Oliver Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Robert Served in Cap^t. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Batty, Benjamin Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Baxter, Thomas Served in campaign of 1762. Beard, John Lieutenant at Fort George, R. L, in 1759, 1760 and 1761. Beverly, Gideon Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Jesse Served in campaign of 1756. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1758, and as Ensign in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Beers, Stephen Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Belcher, Joseph of Newport Appointed Captain of the 4th Co. in the 2nd (Col. Hopkins') Regt. in Oct. 1756, and served as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Belknap, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1760. Bell, Edmund of Newport Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, on Privateer George of Newport in 1758, and in campaign of 1762. Edmund, Jr. of Newport Served in campaign of 1762. James Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Robert Served as boy on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Bennett, Ezekiel Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Henry Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Job, Jr. Member of Councils of War in 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, and 1762. 35 Bennett John of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in campaign of 1758, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Jonathan Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and died. Joseph of Scituate Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, in campaign of 1762, and in Capt. Cornell's Co. at Fort Stanwix in 1762 and 1763. Judah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Samuel Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Timothy Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. William Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758; appointed and served as Ensign of Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and succeeded Byrn as 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Whiting's Co. in 1760. (son of Benjamin) Served in campaign of 1760. Benson, Isaac Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. . - Jacob Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Bentley, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Caleb Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Greene Served in campaign of 1762. James Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Thomas of Jamestown Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas (perhaps same as above) Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1761 at Fort Stanwix. Berry, Charles Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Elisha Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Robert of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756 and 1757, in campaigns of 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. 36 Berry Simeon Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759- Bill, Joshua Appointed Ensign of ist Co. in Feb. 1755, but company was not raised. Appointed Ensign of Capt. Cole's Co. 6 March 1755. Billings, Daniel Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1762, and died at Havana 25 Aug. 1762. Fellows Served in campaign of 1760. Jabez Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Billington, Daniel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1760. and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Elisha Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Joseph Served in campaign of 1758. Bishop, Abner of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Ebenezer Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Ezekiel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in 1758. John Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and as Corporal in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. William of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Blackmar, Abner Served in campaign of 1762. Ezekiel Served in campaign of 1760. John of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Blackmore, James, Jr. Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759- Blanchard, Isaac Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. James Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Jeremiah Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. Joseph Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Moses Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Simon Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755. William Served in campaign of 1762. Blar, Manuel (colored) Served on Privateer Providence Blair, in 1757. Killed Dec. 21, 1757, off Porte Plate. 37 Bleu, John Enlisted at Newport and served as seaman in 1762. Bliss, George Served in campaign of 1755. James Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. William Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. William Member of Councils of War in 1756 and 1757. Blivfn, James Served in campaign of 1762. Nathan Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758, and as Ensign in Capt. Tripp's Co. in 1759. Boardman, Jacob of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Israel of Newport Commander of Privateer General Webb of Newport in 1758. Boid, Andrew Served as Quartermaster of regiment in 1760, Boyd, 2nd Lieutenant of Col. Whiting's Co. in 1761, and 2nd Lieutenant commanding second detachment of Capt. Fry's Co. at Albany in 1762. Boise, see Boyce. Boiss, Bollard, see Ballard. Bolster, Isaiah Served in campaign of 1761. Bond, William Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Bootes, Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Booth, WilHam of Newport Served as a seaman in 1762. Borden, Benjamin Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Bosworth, Benjamin Appointed Ensign of Capt. Whiting's Co. in Aug. 1755, and 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Champlin's Co. in Feb. 1756. Daniel Appointed Captain of the 8th Co. in Sept. 1755, and Captain of 8th Co. in Feb. 1756. Joseph Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Nero of Bristol (colored) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Bourget, Daniel" Enlisted in H. M. Regular Army in 1762. BouRK, see Burke. 38 Bourn, Michael Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Shearjashub Member of Committee of War in 1761 and 1762. BouRS, Peter Member of Committee of War from 1755 to 1761 ; and appointed on committee to prepare a plan of the harbor of Newport and a profile of Fort George in Dec. 1755. John, son of Peter Succeeded his father as Member of Committee of War in 1761. Bowditch, Asa Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758, BowDisH, Ensign of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1759, 2nd Lieu tenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760, ist Lieu tenant of Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1761, and ist Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. in 1762. Died at Havana in 1762. Moses Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Burkett's Co. in 1759. Nathaniel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and as Ensign of Capt. Wall's Co. in 1758. William Served in Lt. Col. HargUl's Co. at Havana in 1762. BowDOWN John Soldier at Fort George, R. I., in 1755 and BowDOiN 1756. Bowen, Amos Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Amos Served on Privateer Providence in 1757, and was wounded Dec. 21. Charles Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Ebenezer of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ephraim, Surgeon of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Fortin of Smithfield (colored) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jabez, Jr. Served in campaign of 1762. Thomas Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Vinton Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Bowers, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Bowler, Adam' Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. 39 Bowler Jack Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Metcalf Member of Councils of War in 1756, 1757, and 1762. Bowles, John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. BoYCE, Daniel Served in campaign of 1758. Paul of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Bradboar, Henry Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in Bradbury, 1762. Bradford, William Appointed Captain of 7th Co. in Aug. 1755- _ Bragg, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. James Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Nicholas of Warwick Served as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757- See Briggs. Braman, John Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and Brayman, in campaign of 1762. Josiah Served as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. Brand, Amos Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. Thomas Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Samuel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Samuel of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Brattle, Robert of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Brayton, Gideon Served in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Brenan, Laurence Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Brenton, Benjamin Served at Louisburg in campaign of 1759- Samuel Member of Council of War 28 April 1762. Brett, Richard Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Bridge, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Briggs, AUenton Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Caleb Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. 40 Briggs David Served in campaigns of 1761 and 1762. Jeremiah 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Richmond's Co. in 1756- Jeremiah of Scituate Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. John of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1758, 1759, and 1760. Nathan Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Died. Nathan Served in Col. Rose's Co. in 1762. Nathaniel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Quacko Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Richard Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Thomas of E. Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Townsend Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. William Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Brightman, William Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757- Broadfoot, Isaac Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Broadlick, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Broadway, Jeremiah Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759, 1761, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Brock, Amos Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, as Cor poral in campaign of 1759, in campaign of 1760, and as Corporal in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Ezekiel Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. George Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Nicholas of Scituate Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1759. Bromley, Nathan Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died Oct. 13, 1762. Brooks, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Broughton, John of Newport Commander of Privateer Providence in 1760. 4» Brown, Allen of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Alexander, Jr. Served as Ensign in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. in 1762. Amos Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and in cam paign of 1762. Benajah Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Benjamin of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Benjamin Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Benjamin Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Benjamin Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. Benjamin Surgeon's Mate of Col. Babcock's Regt) in 1759, and Surgeon of Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Chad of Gloucester Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Christopher Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1760. Daniel Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Elisha Member of Committee of War in 1761 and 1762. Elisha Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. George Commissioner to wait upon the Earl of Loudon in 1757, and member of committee to build sloop of war in 1757. George of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hugh Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Ichabod Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. James Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Jeremiah Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Jesse of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- John Served in campaign of 1760. John of Newport Commander of Privateer Mars of Newport in 1758. 42 Brown John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756, and on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Joseph of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joseph of Middletown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joshua 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Whiting's Co. in winter service 1755-6, and in 1756, ist Lieutenant of Capt. Wall's Co. in 1758, succeeded Wall as Captain in 1758, and served as Captain in 1759 and 1760. Joshua of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathaniel Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Nicholas of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Nicholas of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Obadiah of Providence Appointed on committee to build sloop of war in 1757, and volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Obadiah of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Richard Mate on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Roger Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and as Boatswain on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Stephen Enlisted in H. M. regular army Jan. 13, 1763. Thomas Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Brownell, Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1760, and as Ensign of Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1761. Brummingham, Richard Served in campaign of 1758. Bruce, Robert Served in Capt. Cornell's Co. in 1763 at Albany. Brushel, Thomas Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, Brussill, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. WiUiam of Warwick Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. 43 Bryant, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army Jan. 6, 1763. Nicholas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William Served in campaign of 1756. Buckley, Roger EnUsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. BucKLiN, Joseph of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Buckmaster, Thomas Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enUsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Buffet, Thomas Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. BuFFiLL, Thomas Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in campaign of 1758. Buffum, Walter of Newport Commander of Privateer Triton of Newport in 1758 (Sh), and 1759. Bull, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and as 2nd Lieutenant on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Tom Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Bullock, Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. BuNDY, Jonathan Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Burden, John of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. BuRDiCK, Benjamin Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. Elias Ensign of Capt. Russell's Co. in 1761. Ezais Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Ichabod Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Jesse Served in campaign of 1762. John of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jonathan of Newport Commander of Privateer Molly of Newport in 1760, and of Privateer Sarah in 1761 (Sh.). Oliver pf Westerly Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 22 Aug. 1762. Robert of Westerly Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas of Stonington and Westerly Served in campaign of 175s, and was killed. Thomas Served in campaign of 1762. Zaccheus Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Zebediah Served in campaign of 1762. 44 Burgen, Thomas Steward on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Burgess, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1762. Edward Served in campaign of 1755- Lewis Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Burke, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Burkett, Thomas of Providence Ensign of Capt. Sterry's Co. in 1755, 1st Lieutenant of Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, succeeded Hammond as Captain of loth Co. Sept. I, 1756, Captain in campaign of 1758, probably succeeding Jenckes in 1758, Captain in 1759, and Major of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Burleson, Edward of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- BuRLiNGAME, David of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Burlinham, Aug. 1757. Jeremiah Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. John Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Joshua of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Josiah Served at Fort George, R. I., from 1755 to 1759. Peter of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Roger Served in campaign of 1761. Stukeley Served in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. Kim ball's Co. in 1 76 1. BuRNHAM, Jacob of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Burr, Ezekiel of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. BuRRiNGTON, Peter of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Bush, Bowen Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. BussENBERGER, Christauus of Jamestown Marched on alarm BUSSENBURY, of Aug. 1757. Burt, John of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. BusHEE, James of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. BusEY, John M. Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756- 45 Butler, Benjamin of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Benjamin 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Windsor's Co. in 1756. Joseph of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Butterworth, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Button, Amos Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in campaign of 1762. Charles Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Daniel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. (son of Mathias) Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Elisha Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Isaiah Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in campaign of 1762. Nathan Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Rufus Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Byrn, Daniel 2nd Lieutenant of Major Whiting's Co. in 1759, and 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Whiting's Co. in 1760. Died in 1760. Michael Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Thomas Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. William Served as gunner on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Cady, Benjamin of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Caesar, Charles Served in campaign of 1762. Carder Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Ebenezer Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jacob of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Josiah Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Obediah of N. Kingstown (colored) Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Obediah Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. 46 Caesar Thomas Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Cahoone, Benjamin Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1758, Ser geant in campaign of 1759, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Ebenezer Lieutenant of Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1755. James Member of Council of War in 1762. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758, and at Fort George, R. I., in 1760. Thomas Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Callahan, Michael Linguister on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Callender, Ellis Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and en listed at Newport for campaign of 1762. Callum, John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Calver, William Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Cammett, Abraham Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Isaac Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army 10 Jan. 1763. Camp, John Served in campaign of 1760. Campbell, Henry Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. John of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Tamberlin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, Ensign of Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, 2nd Lieu tenant of Capt. Hargill's Co. in 1759, and appointed Ensign of Capt. Peck's Co. in 1760, but did not serve. Cane, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Capron, Charles of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Edward of Warwick Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1761 and 1762. Oliver Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. 47 Capwell, Amos Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Benjamin of Coventry Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1759, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Card, Benjarnin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Peleg Served in campaign of 1761. Carell, see Caroll. Carney, Thomas Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pem broke in 1759 and 1760. Carpenter, Beloved Served in campaign of 1761. Benjamin Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Comfort Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and as Ensign in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Edward Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757. Ezekiel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Joseph of Cranston Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of E. Greenwich Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Carr, Benjamin 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Wall's Co. in 1759- Caleb, Lieutenant of Fort George, R. I., in 1756, 1757, 1758, i759> 1 761, and 1762. Caleb of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Esek Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and a,« Ensign of Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. James Gunner at Fort George in 1762. John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. John Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Michael of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Patrick Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Samuel Appointed Captain of Fort George, R. I., in May 1763. Carroll, David Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. 48 Carroll James Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Lawrence Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Carter, William of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Carty, Benjamin Served in campaign of i757- Carey, Elias of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. Gary, i757, served in Capt. Rose's Co., in 1758, and in Carry, Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Thomas Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Case, Carder Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Immanuel Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Israel Served in Cajpt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Mitchell of Warwick Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757, served as Ensign in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1758, as 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Tripp's Co. in 1759, as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1760, as Ensign in Lt. Col. Rose's Co. in 1761, and as 2nd Lieutenant on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Nathan Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Peter of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Sanford of S. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Casey, Silas of E. Greenwich Served as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Member of Committee of War in 1761 and 1762. Cass, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Oliver Served in campaign of 1760. Cast, Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Catian, WiUiam Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Cauhies, see Coheis. Chace, see Chase. Chadwick, George Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. 49 Chadwick Thomas Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Chaffee, Shuball Served as Corporal in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Challis, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Chaloner, Walter Commander of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1757. Champlin, Christopher, Jr. Commissary and Major of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, and on Special Investigating Committee in Oct. 1755. Appointed Lieut. Colonel of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Dereck Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Elias Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jabez Member of Councils of war in 1760 and 1761. Joseph Major of Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Peter Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel ist Lieutenant in Capt. Hammond's Co. in 1756, and 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Thomas Error for Samuel q. v. Trumpeter Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Chandler, William of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Channing, Shar'pr Served as cook on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Chapman, Alexander Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Stephen Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Chappell, Stephen Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Chase, Abner Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in Havana in Chace, 1762. Abraham of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Benjamin Enlisted in H. M. regular army Jan. 9, 1763. Comfort Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. 50 Chace John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Seth Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Zacheus Drafted on alarm of Aug. 1757. Chase, see Cheese. Cheats, WiUiam Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Cheese, Joseph Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter of Warwick Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt; Wall's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Cheney, Oliver Served in campaign of 1762. Cheseborough, David Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. James Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, 1758, and 1759. Chesnut, Samuel Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Chichester, Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1761. Child, Henry Served in campaign of 1761. Chipman, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762, and in H. M. regular army Jan. i, 1763. Christian, John Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Church, Benedict Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Charles of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. David Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759- Edward of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Edward Commander of Privateer Charming Betty of Newport in 1757. Isaac Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Joshua Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in campaign of 1762. SI Church Rufus Served as a carpenter at Oswego in 1756, and was taken prisoner by the French. Rufus of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Served in campaign of 1762. Thomas of Little Compton Marched as Caj^tain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Clannel, see Clanning, Clouner. Clarke, Amos Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Caleb, Jr. Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died Nov. 16, 1762. Crawford Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Edward Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died Nov. i, 1762. Elisha of Charlestown Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hutchinson Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Jabez Served in campaign of 1762. James of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1761. John, Jr. of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Jonathan of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Joseph, Jr. Served in campaign of 1762. Latham Served as Captain in Cdl. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Reuben Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Robert Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 6 Sept. 1762. Stephen Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 22 Aug. 1762. Thomas Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Walter Commander of Privateer Bearer of Newport in 1762. 52 Clarke Walter Served as Lieutenant in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1760. Weston Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Clemence, John of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Regt. Clements, in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John E|iUsted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Richard of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Cleveland, John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Clois, Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and was transferred to Capt. Wall's Co. Closson, Ichobod Served in campaign of 1762. Richard Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Clouner, Edward Served as caulker and sawer at Oswego Clannel, in 1756, and was taken prisoner by the French. Clanning, Coates, David Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759- John Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Cobb, Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Daniel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Freeman Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. James Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. John Served in campaign of 1758. Coburn, James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. CoDDiNGTON, Francis of Newport Commander of Privateer Britannia in 1762. James Commander of Privateer Wolf of Newport in 1762. Nathaniel Prize Master on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. CoDNER, David Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. George of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 53 CODNER Ishmael Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. John Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Stephen Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. in 1762. Coffere, James Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Coggeshall, Daniel, Jr. Ensign in Col. Rose's Co. in 1762. Giles of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and enlisted for campaign of 1762. James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Joseph of North Kingstown Captain of 7th Co. of Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and Commissary of Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1758. Joseph of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Joshua Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1755. Joshua, Jr., of Middletown Marched as officer on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nicholas of Newport Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758, and as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759. Solomon (Indian) Served on Privateer Providence in 1759- CoYHis, Coheis, Coyees, Cauhies. Charles Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Edom of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ephraim, Jr., of Richmond Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Thomas Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Cole, Constant Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Edward Captain of ist Co. and Lt. Col. of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, and in command of the reinforcements that rescued the remnants of Col. Williams' force on Sept. 8, 1755. 54 Cole ' George Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Hugh Served in campaign of 1762. Isaac of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- John of Scituate Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaigns of 1758 and 1760, and in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. John of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Nathan of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Richard Served as Corporal in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and as drummer in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Spencer Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Thomas of Warren Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Colegrove, Benjamin Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Isaac Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and was transferred to Capt. Wall's Co. Jeremi'y Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. CoLLER, Daniel of Cumberland Served in Capt. AngeU's Co. in 1755, in Capt. Whiting's Co. in winter of 1755-56, and in 1756. Captured by the French in May 1756. Daniel Served in campaign of 1762. Jonathan of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1760. Collins, James Served in Capt. RuSsell's Co. in 1760. Jedediah, Jr. Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Nathan Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Thomas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, as 2nd Lieuten ant in Capt. Eddy's Co.' in 1759, and as 2nd Lieuten ant in Col. Harris' Co. in 1760. CoLVER, Stephen, Jr., of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- 55 COLVER William of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. CoLViN, Luther Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. COLVILL, CoMAN, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1761. Comstock, Aaron Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1761. Abner Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1761. Abraham of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Azariah of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gideon Member of committee of war in 1760, 1761 and 1762. Jeremiah of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Moses of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Nathan Served in Major AngeU's Co. in 1756. Samuel of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Congdon, Charles Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Christopher Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Robert Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Conie, John Served as boatswain's mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Conner, Joseph Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Michael Served in campaign of 1755. Connolly, John EnUsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Converse, Asa Served in campaign of 1761. James of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Cook, Aaron Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Charles of Newport Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gregory Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Jeremiah Served at Fort Stanwix during winter of 1761- 62. 56 Cook John of Tiverton Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nicholas of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Samuel of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Silas Served, probably as an officer, in campaign of 1755, and as ist Lieutenant of Major AngeU's Co. in 1756. Silas of Providence Commander of Privateer Providence in 1758 and 1759, and was taken prisoner by the French April 20, 1759; Commander of Privateer Roby in 1760. CooNE, Amos Served in campaign of 1762. Benjamin of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. John of Hopkinton Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathan of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Nathan, Jr. Served in campaign of 1762. Peleg Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Thomas Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. William of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Cooper, Adam Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. WiUiam Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. WiUiam of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. CoRBiN, Edward Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Cory, Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Caleb Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Oliver Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Cornell, Benjamin of Portsmouth Member of Council of War in 1757, and marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. George of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. George (son of Clarke) Ensign in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1759, 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Hargill's Co. in 1760, 1st Lieutenant in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1761, Lieu- 57 tenant at Fort Stanwix during winter of 1761-62, 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762, and Captain of R. I. Co. at Fort Stanwix from Nov. 1762 to July 1763. Jonathan of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Cornish, William Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Corps, Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1758. Cottrell, Nathan Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Stephen, Jr. Served in Col. Rose's Co. in 1762. Sylvester Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Thomas Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and as 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. CoTTOR, Jonathan of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- CoucHUP, see Tockcup. Cousin, John of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Cousin, see Cozzens CovELL, Peter Served in campaign of 1760. Covey, James Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. CowEN, John Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Cowley, Joseph of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Cox, Benjamin of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Charles of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Coy, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1762. Cozzens, Joseph Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760 and in campaign of 1761. Cozzens, see Cousin. Crandall, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1758. Eber Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in campaign of 1762. Jonathan Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. 58 Crandall Peter Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, in Capt. Rus seU's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Died 9 Nov. 1762. Cranston, Benjamin 2nd Lieut, on Privateer Roby in 1759. Caleb of Warren Commander of Privateer Polly in 1759, of Privateer Roby in 1759, and of Privateer Polly in 1762 (Sh). Jeremiah of Newport Commander of Privateer Cathe rine in 1757, and 1761. Richmond Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and as sailmaker on same vessel in 1758. Thomas Member of committee of war from 1755 to 1762. Crary, Oliver Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Crocker, Amaziah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. George Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Hargill's Co. in 1760. Crookshanks, Peter Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Cross, Benjamin Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Edward Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, as Ensign in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, as Ensign in Major Hargill's Co. in 1761, and as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1762. Gideon Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. John Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Samuel Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1760. Grossman, Abiel Served in campaign of 1761. Crosswell, George Commander of Privateer Triton of New port in 1756. Crumb, Daniel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Samuel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Waite Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Culles'son, John Served as Master on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. 59 Cummins, Benjamin of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in cam paign of 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. CuNDEL, Benjamin Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Cunningham, John Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1755, 1756 and 1757. CuRRELL, Thomas Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and campaign of 1762. Curtis, Ebenezer of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Nathaniel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Simeon Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. CuTiPH, James Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Cutler, Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. CuzzENs, see Cozzens. Dailey, Carder Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. David Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in cam paign of 1762. James Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Pardon Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Timothy Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Damon, Ezekiel of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Darling, Ebenezer of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Darnly, John Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Davis, Bell of Warwick Served in campaign of 1760. George Served as boatswain of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. John Commander of a privateer between 1755 and 1758. John of Newport Drafted and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- 60 Davis Joseph of Cumberland Appointed Ensign of Capt. Ham mond's Co. in 1755, and ist Lieutenant of Capt. Richmond's Co. in 1756. Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Mark Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. May of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathaniel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Samuel of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. William Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Dawley, Ephraim of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1761. Michael Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Peleg Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Albany in 1762. Day, Ezra Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Joseph Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Nathan Served in Capt., Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Delape, James Enlisted at Newport in H. M. regular army in Aug. 1762. Dennis, James Served in campaign of 1759, and in Major Dennie, Peck's Co. in 1762. John of Newport Commander of Privateer Foye of Newport in 1756. Dennison, Joseph of Stonington Commander of Privateer Dolphin of Westerly in 1762. Dentery, Joseph Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Derrick, John Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. De Wolf, Mark Anthony of Bristol Commander of Privateer Rhoba of Warren in 1757, and 1758 (Sh). Dexter, Andrew Served in campaigns of 1759, 1760 and 1761. David Appointed Lieutenant of Capt. Sterry's Co. in 1755- Gideon of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 6i Dexter Knight of Providence Matched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. DiCKERSON, Christopher Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Dikes, Francis Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Dillingham, Elisha Served in campaign of 1760. Diman, Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Jeremiah, Jr., of Bristol Served in campaign of 1760 and died at Albany. ( , son of Jeremiah of Bristol) Served in cam paign of 1761. DiMPSEY, Edward Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. DiXSON, Dickson, Francis Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Thomas Enlisted in H. M. regular service in 1762. DoBSON, John EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. DoccARTY, William Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. DoGGETT, Israel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. DoLBEAR, John Served in campaign of 1762. DoLiVER, Joseph Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1758, and as Sergeant in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. DoLMER, Joseph Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Doubleday, Benjamin of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Dove, Joseph Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Dowlas, Michael Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. DOLLAS,Downey, Michael Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Doyle, Peter Served in campaign of 1759. Drake, Joshua Served in campaign of 1762. Drane, WiUiam Served on Privateer George of Newport in Drain, 1758. Draper, Simeon of West Greenwich Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Simeon of Exeter Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757- 62 Dring, Richard Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Drisco, James Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Driskill, Philip Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and at Havana in 1762. Drummer, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Duett, Israel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Dunbar, Archibald Served in campaigns of 1761 and 1762. Robert Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and served as Master on same vessel in 1758. Duncan, Daniel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and as Captain's Quartermaster of same vessel in 1758. James of Newport Commander of Privateer Defiance in 1762. Dunham, Benjamin Appointed ist Lieutenant of Capt. Bel cher's Co. in 1756. Benjamin of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Paul Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. DuNLOP, James EnHsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Dunn, Felix Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. William Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. DuNSCOMB, John 2nd Lieutenant on Privateer General John son in 1757. DuNTON, Ebenezer of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Durfee, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. DwYER, Edward Enlisted in H. M. regular army Jan. 8, 1763. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Dye, Daniel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Dyer, Abijah Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. 63 Dyer Edward of North Kingstown Commander of Privateer Dove of Newport in 1762. James of East Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756. Oliver Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel, Jr. Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel of Cranston Served as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757- Esten, see Asten. Eakin, James Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Earle, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. East, Caleb of Exeter (Indian) Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- Christopher Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Edward Served as gunner on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Edward Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. James of East Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Joseph Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Easton, Henry Served in campaign of 1761. Jack Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Job of Newport Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, 1st Lieutenant on same vessel in 1758, be came Commander of same vessel in 1758, and Com mander of Privateer Diana of Newport in 1761 and 1762. John Commander of Privateer Africa of Newport in 1756, and 1762 (Sh). Nicholas Member of councils of war in 1762. Peleg of Newport Commander of Privateer Rabbit of Newport in 1758. Richard Member of council of war 11 March 1757. Simeon Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. William Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. 64 Eber, John, alias Place, Eber, q. v. Eddy, Barnard of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Benjamin Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, as ist Lieutenant of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as Cap tain of 9th Co. in 1759. Caleb Served in campaign of 1759. Eliphalet Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. John Served in campaign of 1762. Joseph Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. Lewis Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as drummer in campaign of 1759. Edwards, John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Joseph of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Pain Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peleg Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in cam paign of 1762. William Served in campaign of 1760. Eggleston, Hezekiah Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Joseph Served in campaign of 1762. Eldred, Eldridge. Also see Aldrich. Anthony Served in campaign of 1758. Benjamin Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Casey Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Daniel Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Henry of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Holden of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Job Served in campaign of 1762. John Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1761. Sylvester of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. William Appointed 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1760, and ist Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Rose's Co. in 1761. 65 Elliot, Robert of Newport Commander of Privateer Suc cess of Newport in 1757 (Sh), and Commander of Privateer Katherine of Newport in 1758. Ellison, James Clerk on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. William Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Emerson, William Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. England, Philip Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. English, George Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. WilHam Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Enos, Eanoss, Ichabod Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Jesse Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Ephraim, Toby of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Esterbrook, Nathaniel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Thomas of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. EsTLiCK, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army 10 Jan. 1763. Samuel of Warren Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and enlisted in H. M. regular army 4 Jan. 1763. Evans, Charles Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. EwiN, John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. ExcEEN, Benjamin Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Jonathan Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Eyres, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762, and in H. M. regular army i Dec. 1762. Fairbanks, Jeremiah Served as cooper on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. Fairbrother, Lovell Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Fairfield, W. Served in campaign of 1762. Fairman, Jonathan Served in campaign of 1761. Farrell, Peter L. Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. 66 Faulkner, Nicholas of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Feferanvon, James Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Felix, Malkiah Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758- Fenner, Arthur, Jr., of Cranston Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and 1758; Ensign in Capt. Burkett's Co. in 1759 and so appointed in 1760, but did not serve; 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Jeremiah Served as Ensign in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1760. John of Providence Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in campaign of 1761. Penning, Nathaniel Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Ferguson, John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Field, Anthony of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Finch, Henry of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. FiNKES, William Served in campaign of 1760. Fish, Caleb of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Isaac of North Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Jonathan of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Fisher, Peter Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Richard of North Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Fisk, Jonathan of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joshua of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Josiah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Fitch, Theophilus Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Flanagan, Patrick Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1758, and enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Flood, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army 4 Jan. 1763. Fly, Edward Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Flynn, William Served in Capt. RusseU's Co; in 1760. Flyng, 67 Folds, William Augustus Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Folle'Tt, Joseph of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, ahd served as a Sergeant in 1761. Fondercloin, Henderick Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Fones, Daniel of North Kingstown. Commander of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756 and 1757. and of Priva teer Success of Newport in 1760. John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760, served in cam paign of 1761, and in winter service under Col. Whit ing in 1761-62. John (son of James) Enlisted in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John (son of John) Served in 1763. Samuel Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Foote, Garret Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Ford, Amos Served in campaign of 1762. Williaitt' Served' on> Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. WiUiam Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Forest, Anthony Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Fortin, Thomas Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762: Foster, Caleb Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in i7S7, and in campaign of 1762. John Served as Ensign in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Jonathan of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1762. Josiah Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Fowler, James Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Simeon Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Franam, Jonathan Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Francis, Abraharti' Captain of 4th Co. in 1755. Nathan Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. 68 Franks, Amos Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Franck, James of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Prentice Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Philip Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Rufus Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, in campaign of 1759, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in campaign of 1762. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Franklin, Moses Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Frazer, Hugh Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Frazier, Isaac of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- 'John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John EnHsted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Thomas of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Thomas Served in Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1760 and died at Cold Spring 14 Jan. 1761. Thomas Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Freebody, Samuel Member of councils of war in 1756 and 1762. Freeman, Jedediah of Rehoboth Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. John Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Nathan of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1759. Samuel Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. French, Abner Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Friend, Gabriel of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Frost, Amos Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Simon of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1759. 69 Fry, Absalom Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. James of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Oliver of East Greenwich Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Thomas, Jr. Captain in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756; served in campaign of 1757, Captain in Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1759, Captain in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, Captain-Lieutenant of Col. Whiting's Co. in 1761, special detached command in June 1761, Captain of 5th Co. at Havana in 1762. Thomas, 3rd Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Fuller, Caleb Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. David Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Ezekiel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Ichabod Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Joseph Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. ( ) Served in campaign of 1759. FuRBAR, James Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Gaesard, John Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Gallup, Ben Adam Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Richard of W. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Richard Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Richard Served in campaign of 1760, and at Fort Stan wix in 1761. Samuel Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Galloway, James of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- John Served in campaign of 1758. Gammon, Ezekiel Drafted on alarm of Aug. 1757. 70 Gardner, Gardiner, Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Caleb, Jr., of Newport Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757; member of councU of war 28 Apr. 1760. Daniel Served in campaign of 1762. George, Jr. Served in campaign of 1755, appointed Cap tain in 1756, and again in 1757, but was superseded in Feb. 1757 by Ebenezer Whiting. Henry Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Deputy Governor from Sept. 1756 to 1763, member of committee of war in 1756, 1757, 1759 and 1760, member of councils of war in 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, and 1762. John of Newport Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757- Joseph of Newport Commander of Privateer Prussian Hero in 1755, 1756, and 1759- Joshua Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Nicholas of Exeter Member of committee of war in 1759 and 1760. Robert Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Sanford of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Silas of Warwick Marched as Capt. on alarm of Aug. 1757- WilHam, Jr. Appointed ist Lieutenant of Capt. Rich mond's Co. in Oct. 1756. William Thurston Deputy Commissary of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Garrat, Daniel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Garzia, John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gavays, Richard Served in campaign of 1760. Gavett, William Served as Ensign in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758, and as Lieutenant in campaign of 1759. Gazette, John of East Greenwich Served in Capt. Daniel Garzitte, Wall's Co. in 1757. GORZET, George, John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. 7J George Joshua of North Kingstown (mulatto) Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in Lt. Col. Potter's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Nicholas Served on Privateer George of, Newport in 1758, and on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759. .'Gevin, James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Gibbons, George Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. John Enlisted at Newport for campagin of 1762. Gibbs, Abel Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and as Ensign in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Alexander Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Josiah, Jr., of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gifford, Stephen, Jr., of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- (An Indian slave belonging to William Gifford of Tiver ton) Served in campaign of 1756. Gigger, Nicholas Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Gilbert, Phineas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. GiLLis, Alexander Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Ginnedo, Lewis Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Gladding, Charles Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joseph, Jr. Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Solomon of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. GoDDARD, Beriah Served as ship-carpenter at Oswego in 1756, captured by the French 14 Aug. 1756. Thomas Served as ship-carpenter at Oswego in 1756, captured by the French 14 Aug. 1756. Godfrey, Cuff (colored) Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Samuel Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Goff, Comfort Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Goldthwait, Stephen of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 72 Goodbit, John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. GOODBID, Goodsell, Levi Served in Campaign of 1762. GooDSPEED, Nathaniel Served, in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. Goodwill, John of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Gordon, John Served as Ensign of Lt. Col. Whiting's Co. in 1760. William Served in campaign of 1756. GoRHAM, Jabez of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Gorton, Israel, Jr., of Cranston Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1758. Othniel of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gould, John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Nathaniel of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Prince Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, in campaign of 1759, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Prince Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Gowing, Timothy of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. Gown, i757- Grafton, William Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Graham, Alexander Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Richard Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Robert Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Grant, Charles Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Morris Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Gray, Daniel Served as armorer on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Edward of Little Compton Served as Lieutenant in Capt. Babcock's Co. in 1755, and marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. 73 Gray Joseph Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Robert Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Greatricks, Sylvanus Served in campaign of 1761. Greatrex, Greene, Abel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Amos, Jr., of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Benjamin of W. Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758 and in campaign of 1759. Daniel Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Edward Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Elias Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Henry of Cranston Served in Col. Hopkin's Regt. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Isaac of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James of Coventry (Lieutenant) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jeremiah Served as Captain of 4th Co. in Col. AngeU's Regt. in 1757. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Jeremiah of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756. Job Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John of North Kingstown Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Coventry (son of James) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. John Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Josias Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Lewis Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peleg Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Philip Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. 74 Greene Reuben Served on Privateer George of Newrport in 1757. Robert Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Thomas Member of committee of war in 1758, 1759 and 1760. Thomas of Warwick Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas of Warwick (Captain) Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Usual Served in Col. Harris's Regt. in 1760. William Governor in 1757 and 1758, commissioner to wait upon the Earl of Loudon in 1758. William of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in campaign of 1760. Greenman, Edward of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Ephraim Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Negro Served in campaign of 1762. Probably identical with Pomp (i. e., Pompey?) Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1762, and died at Havana 6 Sept. 1762. Silas of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- (Grinman, — ? — ) Boatswain on Privateer Duke of Marlborough in 1758. Greenwood, John, Jr. Sergeant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761 and 1762. Nathaniel Sergeant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761 and 1762. Gregory, Henry ist Lieutenant on Privateer Duke of Marl borough in 1758. Grieve, Archibald Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Griffith, George Served in campaign of 1762. 75 Grinald, Isaac Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Grinnell, Malachi Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Matthew of East Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Stephen Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Zebedee of Newport Commander of Privateer Unity of Newport in 1760, and 1762 (Sh). Gromock, Peter of East Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Grover, Amasa Served in campaign of 1760. Eleazer Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Penuel Served in campaign of 1760. Silas Served in campaign of 1760. GuiN, Agnis Boatswain on Privateer General Johnson in 1757. Gully, Stephen Served in Col. Harris's Regt. in 1756. Gurnsey, Ezekiel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. GwiN, James Served in campaign of 1757. Gyles, Bartholomew Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Jacob Served as a seaman in campaign of 1762. Hacker, Caleb Appointed Ensign of Capt. Whiting's Co. in 175s, but refused to serve. Appointed Adjutant of Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756; commissioned Adjutant in May 1757 and served as Adjutant on alarm of Aug. 1757. Succeeded Potter as Captain of the 9th Co. in 1758, but left his command in Aug. 1758. George Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Hackes, Jonathan Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Babcodk's Co. in 1759. Hadsail, Jonathan Served in campaign of 1762. Hainis, John Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Hall, 3enjamin (son of Nathaniel) Appointed Lieutenant of Capt. Whiting's Co. in 1755. 76 Hall Benjamin Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Clarke of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. George Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Isaac of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James Served in campaign of 1761, in winter service of 1761-62, and enhsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. ( , son of Thomas) Served in campaign of 1762. John Served in campaign of 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Joshua Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Robin Served in campaign of 1760. Stephen Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in' 1757, and in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Sylvester Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1762. Timothy Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760 Tucker Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1762 and died at Havana 19 Sept. 1762. Valentine Served in campaign of 1762. William of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hallett, Daniel Served at Fort George, R. I. in 1762. Halloway, Joseph Commissary and Sutler of Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1759. Thomas Served as seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner by the French. Ham, Weymouth Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as Sergeant in campaign of 1759. Hambleton, Benedict of East Greenwich Marched in Capt. Hamilton, Sheffield's Co. on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Patrick of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hamblin, Elisha Served in campaign of 1759. John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. n Hamblin Nathaniel EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Hamilton, see Hambleton. Hammer, Charles of Westerly Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Daniel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758. James Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in 1762 ; and died at Havana 26 Aug. 1762. Hammett, Malachi Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Hammond, Amos Appointed Capt. of 6th Co. in Col. Harris' Regt. in Aug. 1755, and Captain of loth Co. in Feb. 1756, but was discharged i Sept. 1756. John Served in Major Peck's Co. at Fort Stanwix in 1762. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Thomas of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. WiUiam, Jr., of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Hanes, see Haynes. Harden, John Carpenter on Privateer Roby in 1759. Harding, Joseph Second Mate on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Joseph Served in campaign of 1760. Hardie, Hardy, John Enlisted at Newport as seaman in 1762. William Served in campaign of 1761, and winter service of 1761-62. Hargill, Christopher Lieutenant in Capt. Bosworth's Co. in 1755, and 1756; appointed 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Gardner's Co. in 1757, but was superseded on March I9> 1757- Appointed Captain in 1759, and 1760, Major of Col. Whiting's Regt. in 1761, and Lieuten ant Colonel of Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762, being in command of the detachment of that regiment which served at the capture of Havana. 78 Harkness, George Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and. enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Harrington, see Herrenden. Harris, Andrew of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Charles Served in campaign of 1761. Christopher Colonel of Rhode Island Regiment in cam paigns of 1755, 1756 and 1760. Christopher Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. George Enlisted at Newport and served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759. Died in 1760. George Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. James of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Nathaniel of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Primus Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Samuel Served in campaign of 1760. Zachariah Served on Privateer Defiance- of Newport in 1756. Harrison, Peter (Captain) Appointed on committee to pre pare a plan of the harbor of Newport and a profile of Fort George in 1755. Hart, Anthony Served on Privateer George of Newport in! 1758. Joseph of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Peleg Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759 and 1760. Robert Served as a seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner by the French. Later he served on a privateer under Capt. Brown. Smiton of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Harvey, Edward of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. Harvie, 1757, and served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. James Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. John Served in campaign of 1761. , Joseph Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. Hastings, Daniel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. James Gunner at Fort George, R. I., in 1755 and 1756. Jonathan Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. 79 Hathaway,! Caleb of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1758. Hathorn, WUliam Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Hassard, see Hazard. Havens, Cornelius Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and Heavens, in campaign of 1759. Silas of West Greenwich Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, enlisted at New port for campaign of 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in Nov. 1762. Simon Served in campaign of 1759. Hawkins, Abraham of Providence Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, servedi in campaign of 1760, 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and Captain of 4th Co. in 1762. Daniel of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hazabiah Drummer in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762^ Jeremiah Master on Privateer Roby in 1759. Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1761. Job of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hawks, John of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in Hawke, 1757 and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Uriah of Smithfield Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaigns of 1758 and 1759, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, in cam paign of 1761', and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Haynes, John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in' Hanes, 1756. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army 7 Jan. 1762. Hazard, Harry of Richmond (Indian) Marched on alarm of Hassard, Aug. 1757, served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760 and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Joseph Member of committee of war in 1760. 8o Healy, Ezra of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ithamar Served in campaign of i7S5, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. John Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Joseph Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Nathaniel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. William, Jr. Served in campaign of 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Hearn, Samuel 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Babcock's Co. in 1756, and 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- Heather, Francis Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Hefferman, WiUiam of Richmond Marched on alarm of Heffernan, Aug. 1757. Jeremiah of Newport Volunteered and marched as En sign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Helme, Oliver Appointed Commissary of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. WiUiam Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Helton, see Hilton. Henman, James Served in campaign of 1762. John Served as Sergeant in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1762 at Havana. Henry, John of Westerly Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Herren, Newman Served as Corporal in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Robert Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Herrenden, Ananias of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Harrington, Co. in 1757. Arthur Served in Col. Harris's Co. in 1760. Baraciah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Benjamin Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1761. David Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Elisha Served in campaign of 1760, and in Capt. Haw kins' Co. in 1762. 8i Harrington Ezekiah Served in campaign of 1759, and in Capt. Haw kins' Co. in 1762. Hezekiah of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Israel of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. James Served in campaign of 1759. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and 1757, in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Newman Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Obadiah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaigns of 1759 and 1762. Othniel of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Rufus Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Stephen of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1759. Thomas of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1761, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1762. William 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. William Served in campaign of 1759, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762, and en listed in H. M. regular army in Oct. 1762. Herry, Andrew Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Joseph Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Hewes, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Hewett, Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Reuben Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Silas Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Simeon Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759- Hicks, Hix, Barney Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. 82 Hicks Benjamin of Newport Commander of Privateer Confor- ; mation of Newport in 1758, and of Privateer Con- formator in 1762 (Sh). David Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. ! Jacob EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Joseph Served in campaign of 1759. Robert Served in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. WiUiam Served at Fort Stanwix during winter of 1761-62. Hill, Caleb Served in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. David Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Jonathan Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1761, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Joseph Served at Fort George, R. I., from 1756 to 1760. Samuel Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1762. Thomas Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Tom, alias Potter, q. v. Hilton, Israel of Providence Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hindall, John Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. HiNES,Hind, Philemon Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. WilHam Served in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Hirkman, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Hiscox, Simeon Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Thomas Served in campaign of 1760. HiTT, Joseph of North Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Hix see Hicks. Hoar, Edward Doctor on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Hezekiah Served in campaign of 1762. John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. William Served in campaign of 1762. 83 Hodge, WiUiam of Jamestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Hodgkins, Ebenezer Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. HoGAN, Edmund Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1762. Hogg, Abraham of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaigns of 1758 and 1760. Holden, Robert Served on Privateer George, of Newport in 1757- Holdredge, Daniel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759- Hollowell, HoLLOWAY, Jonathan of South Kingstown Marched on alarm Holley, of Aug. 1757. John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Holmes, Isaac Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. HoNYMAN, James Member of councils of war in 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1 76 1. Appointed to wait upon the Earl of Loudon in Jan. 1757. HoPER, Joseph Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Hopkins, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Beriah Ensign in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762, and in charge of 2nd detachment, which went to Albany. Christopher of Providence Commander of Privateer Wil liam in 1756, and of Privateer Prince George in 1757. George of Providence Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served on Privateer Providence in 1757 and 1758. Esek of Providence Commander of a privateer in 1757. Henry Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756 and 1757, served in campaign of 1760, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Isaac Captain of Privateer (Providence?) in 1757. Joseph Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Lawton Served in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. 84 Hopkins Robert of Exeter Lieutenant of Capt. Bradford's Co. in 1755- Robert Lieutenant of Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1755. Robert Lieutenant of Capt. Potter's Co. in 1758. Robert Enlisted for campaign of 1760 in Capt. Hopkins' Co. Rufus Commissary of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. St. Jago Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Stephen of Providence Governor from May 1755 to May 1757, and from March 1758 to May 1762; member of committee of war in 1755, 1756 and 1757; commis sioner to meet with commissioners of other Colonies in 1755, Colonel of 2nd Regiment in 1756, volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757. Tibbitts 1st Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Wall's Co. in 1759, 1st Lieutenant and later Captain-Lieutenant of Col. Harris' Co. in 1760, and Captain of 6th Co. in 1761. Horsewell, Josiah Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Luke of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Horton, Ephraim Served in campaign of 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Job Served in campaign of 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Hoth, Richard, Jr., of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Thomas of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Houghton, Nicholas ist Lieutenant on Privateer General Johnson in 1757. House, Christopher Enlisted at Newport as A. B. seaman and served on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759. Howard, Benjamin of Warwick Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Boutwill Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Daniel of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ebenezer Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1761. 85 Howard Henry Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Isaac Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. John of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. I757> and served in campaign of 1762. Robert Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. William Served as boy on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Howe, Estes of Newport ist Lieutenant of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756, and Commander of Privateer Duke of Marlborough of Newport in 1758. Howell, Thomas Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. WiUiam Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Hoxsie, Joseph Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. HoYLE, John Served in campaign of 1761. Hoyt, Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Hubbard, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- John Served as boy on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Hudson, Daniel Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1761. Henry Served in campaign of 1759. Reuben of Warren Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Thomas Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Thomas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hull, Joseph (colored) Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Samuel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Humphreys, Abijah Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Hunt, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1757. Ebenezer Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Ezekiel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. 86 Hunt Job Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in cam paign of 1758, being wounded at Ticonderoga. John of Newport Voluntered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756 and 1760. Hunter, James Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. WilHam Surgeon in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, and in campaigns of 1756, 1757 and 1758. Hutchinson, John Served in campaign of 1760. Hutchison, Joseph Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. HuTTEN, Alexander EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Ide, John of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as Sergeant in campaign of 1759. Ingraham, Hezekiah Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Timothy of Newport Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757, and was member of councils of war in 1762. (Jeremiah Ingraham's apprentice) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Inman, Abraham Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. EHsha of Scituate Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Joseph of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Michael Served in campaign of 1761. Ireson, Ichabod (Indian) Served on Privateer Providence in 1759- Joseph of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Irish, George of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 87 Irons, Samuel Served in campaign of 1762. William Served in campaign of 1762. Isaacs, Michael Served in campaign of 1755. Jacketess, Caleb (Indian) Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Jackotis, John Served in campaign of 1755. Jacquays, John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Nathan Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Samuel of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Jackson, Fryas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. George Member of committee of war in 1762. John Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in campaign of 1762. Joseph Served in campaign of 1759. Stephen Served in campaign of 1759. William Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Jacobs, Cornelius Served in campaign of 1760, and in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Silas Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. James, John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. John of Newport Commander of Privateer Amazon of Newport in 1756 and 1760. Samuel Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. William of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. J ayes, Richard of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jeffreys, Caleb Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1762. Jethro Served in campaign of 1755. Jelero, Philip Served in campaign of 1760. Jenckes, Amos Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Daniel Member of committee of war from 1755 to 1760. 88 Jenckes Daniel of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ebenezer Lieutenant of Capt. Richmond's Co. in 1755, Lieutenant of Capt. Whiting's Co. in 1755-6, Captain in 1756, 1757, 1758 and 1759. Died in 1759. John Served in CapJ;. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Joseph Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in campaign of 1762. Jenkins, Palmer Served in campaign of 1761. Thomas Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and as 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1759. Zephaniah Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jennings, James Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. James of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jeremiah Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Peter of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Jepson, John Member of committee of war in 1761 and 1762. JiLLSON, Jonathan of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Job, Cornelius Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Johnson, Asa Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. David Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Francis Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. George (Indian) Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. James Served in campaign of 1755. James (Indian) Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- John Served as Coxswain on Privateer George of New port in 1758, and served on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Nathaniel Served in campaign of 1762. 89 Johnson Samuel of Newport Commander of Privateer Nancy in 1761, and of Privateer Pompey of Newport in 1762. WilHam Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Johnston, Augustus ist Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Wickham's Co. in 1756. Thomas Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. JOLES,JoLLS, John Served as Corporal in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Robert Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Robert Gunner on Privateer Roby in 1759. Jones, Benjamin Served as Corporal in Capt. Whiting's Co. at Fort WiUiam Henry during winter of 1755-56. Benjamin of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Co. in 1762. Ebenezer of Cumberland Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in campaigns of 1758 and 1760. Elijah of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Henry Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Henry Served in campaign of 1760. Immanuel of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. John of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Smithfield Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, and in cam paigns of 1759 and 1762. Joshua Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. Peter Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Jordan, Daniel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Ebenezer Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. John Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Josiah, of Newport (an Indian) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- 90 Joy, Peter of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joyce, John Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Richard of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. JoYEL, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Jupiter, James Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Justin, John Served in Capt. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Kay, Ezekiel Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Kay, see Keyes. Keech, Benjamin, Jr., of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Zephaniah of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Keen, Isaiah of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Keith, Stephen of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Kelley, Benjamin Served as Sergeant in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Charles Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Daniel Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. John of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Michael Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Wing of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Kellom, John Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Kenney, Lovett Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Kentley, James Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Ketchup, James Served in campaigns of 1761 and 1762. Kettle, EHas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Mansir Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Thomas Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. 91 Keyes, Daniel Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Solomon of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. William of Warwick Served as Sergeant in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Keyes, see Kay. Kilburn, John of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Killey, see Kelley. Kilton, Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Kimball, Asa Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, as Ensign in Capt. Eddy's Co. in 1759, 2nd Lieutenant in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, Captain of 4th Co. in 1761, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762, and Adjutant of Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in cam paign of 1758. Moses Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Philemon Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and Sergeant in cam paign of 1762. King, Anthony Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Benjamin of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1761. Clement Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. John of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Obadiah of Cranston Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1760 and died at Amherst. Kinnicut, Amos of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Joseph of Providence Commander of Pnvateer Victory in 1762. 92 Kinyon, Benjamin of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Daniel Served in campaign of 1762.' George of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas, Jr., of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. KiRBY, Edward Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Knapp, Abiel Served in campaign of 1760, in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Elijah of Newport Served in Capt. Cole's Co. in 1755, volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as Sergeant in campaign of 1760. John Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. WaU's Co; in 1757. Knight, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Knowlton, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Knowles, Edward of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Kye, see Keyes. Lacy, Neptane Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Ladd, Jeremiah Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1759. WilHam of Newport Commander of Privateer Lydia of Newport in 1760. William of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ladee, Nicholas Served as drummer in Capt. Peck's Co. in Ledies, 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Ludee,Lake, Edward Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Ephraim Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. WiUiam Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. 93 Lamb, John Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Thomas Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Lance, John Commander of Privateer Maggott of Newport in 1757, 1758 and 1760. Lane, Ephraim Served in campaign of 1759. Langworthy, Goodson Served on Privateer George of New port in 1757. Southcote Served as armorer on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Lanphere, Abel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Asa Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Elisha Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Died Sept. 3, 1762. J. Served in campaign of 1762. John Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Joshua Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in campaign of 1762. Nathaniel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Stephen Served in campaign of 1762. Lapham, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1757. Lapthorne, William Served in campaign of 1759. Larkham, Launcelot Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Larkin, Daniel Served as Corporal in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Joshua Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Nicholas of Richmond Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in campaign of 1761. Lathart, Henry Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Lathom, William of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Law, Benjamin Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Samuel Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. 94 Lawless, WiUiam Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Lawrence, Jonathan Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Joseph of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Justus of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. WilHam (Indian) Served on Privateer Providence in 1759- Lawton, Robert Member of councils of war in 1757 and 1761. Thomas Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Leach, James 2nd Surgeon in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, and served in Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1758. James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Lee, Jonathan of East Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Jonathan of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756. John Served in campaign of 1758. Peter Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Robert Served in campaign of 1755. Robert (Irishman) Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Leonard, Robert Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Lesbrook, Charles Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Lesley, Lawrence of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Letson, Jeremiah of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. MitcheU Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Lewis, Arnold Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Ebenezer Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1758, as Corporal in campaign of 1759, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Enoch of Richmond Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. James Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Jesse Served in campaign of 1762. 95 Lewis Joel (colored) Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1760, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Jonathan of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathaniel Served in campaign of 1762. Oliver Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and as drummer in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Samuel Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Thomas Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Waite Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. WiUiam Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Zebulon Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. (An Indian boy) Served in campaign of 1762 and 1763. LiLLESBURY, Gcorge Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Lillibridge, David Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Prince Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. LiNDSEY, Christopher of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. LiNSCOMB, John -Lieutenant in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, and 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Gardner's Co. in 1756. Samuel Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Little, Charles Served in campaign of 1761. Fobes, Jr., of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Nicholas of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Commander of Privateer General Johnson in 1757- LiTTLEFiELD, Edmuud Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Nathaniel of South Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. 96 Lock, Timothy Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Thomas Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Lockwood, Abraham Served in campaign of 1760. (Amos Lockwood's boy) Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Lodge, Abraham Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. LoMBERS, Joshua Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Loring, Thomas Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and as Corporal in Capt. Walls' Co. in 1757. Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. LoscELLS, William Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Lascells, Loud, Benjamin Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Love, John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1759. Josiah Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Robert Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. WUliam of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Lovell, John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, and in campaign of 1760. Nathaniel Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Samuel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Low, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1759, in Major Bur kett's Co. in 1760, in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and as Corporal in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. LuRDjuBEE, James of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Luther, Peres Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. Sylvester of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Lynch, James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Lyndon, Josiah Appointed member of special court martial in Dec. 1758, and served as member of councils of war in 1756, 1757 and 1758. 97 Lyons, John Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Thomas of East Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of Newport (colored) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Macarby, Elect Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. McCarthy, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757- Edward Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Owen Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. WilHam Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. See Carty. McCloud, Roderick of Newport Commander of Privateer Prince Ferdinand of Newport in 1757 (Sh), and of Privateer Lord Howe in 1758. ,. McDaniel, Martin Served as seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. Peter Armorer's Mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- McDonald, Alexander EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Canet Served in campaign of 1758. James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. John Served in campaign of 1758. McGiVAR, Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Macholy, Alexander Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. McIntire, Rufus, Jr. Served in campaign of 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. McIntosh, Daniel EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. MacKalom, John Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1762. MacKay, James Served in campaign of 1756. See MiCAY. McMullen, John Surgeon on Privateer Roby in 1759. 98 McNeal,McNeil, Henry Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Neal Served in campaign of 1759. Mackquease, Jacob Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Mahane, Charles Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Malbone, Boston Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Caesar Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Francis Commander of Privateer Othello of Newport in 1756 and 1758 (Sh). Godfrey, Jr., of Newport Member of councils of war in 1756 and 1757, appointed Colonel of R. I. Regt. in March 1758, but was superseded by Babcock in May 1758. Jack of Newrport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Manchester, George Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757- Gideon of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Isaac of Tiverton Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John of Portsmouth Ensign of Capt. HargiU's Co. in 1759, and appointed Ensign of Lt. Col. Whiting's Co. in 1760, but did not serve. Joseph Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Matthew of Cranston Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. WilHam of Tiverton Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Mann, Oliver of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Manson, James Served as seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. Manton, Gideon Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Manwhom, George Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and I7S9. WilHam of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Marden, Nathan Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. 99 Margaret, William of South Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Marsh, Daniel Served in campaign of 1758. John Served as ordinary seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. John, Jr., of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Rowland Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Marshall, John of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Thomas Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Martin, Gideon Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Henry Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Simon Served in campaign of 1758. WilHam Served in campaign of 1761. Martindale, Sion of Newport Volunteered and marched as 1st Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as 1st Lieutenant on Privateer Roby in 1759. Matthews, Abraham Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Henry Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Jeremiah Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Mathewson, Abraham of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Clement Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. George Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Isaac Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1760. John, Jr. Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Joseph of East Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. I7S7- Thomas of West Greenwich Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1761. Uriah Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. lOO Mathewson Zachariah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, trans ferred to Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaigns of 1759 and 1760. Mattis, WiUiam Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Maxon, Daniel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Joel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762 and died 5 Sept. 1762. Jonathan of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. and served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Maxwell, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. WiUiam Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. May, Ebenezer Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Samuel of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Mayhew, Adonijah of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Maylem, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Meach, Elkanah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. John Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Megg, Stephen of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Meney, John Daniel Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Merithew, Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Merry, David Served in campaign of 1758. Metcalf, Nathaniel Member of Council of War in 1762. William of Providence Commander of Privateer Game Cock in 1756 (Sm), and 1759, of Privateer Goldfinch of Newport in 1760, and of Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Mew, George of Warwick (Mulatto) Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and was taken prisoner at the capture of Fort WilHam Henry. George Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. lOI Mew John Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. MiCAY, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. McKay, MiCHiNER, Abel of Newport Commander of Privateer Suc cess of Newport in 1760. Middleton, WilHam of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759- MiLFORD, William Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Millard, Jonathan Served in campaign of 1760, and as Ensign in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Nelmes Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. MiLLEMAN, Bryant Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. John of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Miller, George Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Mingo, Joseph Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Minor, (son of Simeon) Served in campaign of 1762. Mitchell, Anthony Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757- Daniel Served in campaign of 1762. EHsha Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, in campaign of 1759, in Col. Har ris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Ephraim Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Ezekiel Served in campaign of 1762. Hezekiah Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Josiah Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Obadiah Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Richard Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Thomas Ensign in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1760. Zebedee Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Mithorn, James Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Moffatt, John Served in campaign of 1758. Monckcome, Samuel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757- 102 Money, Levi Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Montaigne, Dennis Served in campaign of 1758. Moon, Peleg of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Moore, Christopher Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. William Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. See More. Moorhead, James Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. More, Alexander Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Thomas Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Morgan, Francis Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. John Enlisted for campaign of 1762. Roswell Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Morin, Walter Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Morris, Owen of Newport Commander of Privateer Rising Sun in 1759. Phineas of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. WilHam Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Morrison, of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Morse, Joseph Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, in Capt. j. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enlisted at New port for campaign of 1762. Valentine of Coventry Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as First Lieutenant of Capt. Tew's Co. in 1758. WiUiam of Scituate Served in campaign of 1762, and in Capt. Cornell's Co. at Fort Stanwix in 1762. Moses, Isaac Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Moshier, Ephraim Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Philip of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Mott, Benjamin Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Caleb of W. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- 103 Mott Gershom Served in campaign of 1762. James Served in campaign of 1758. Samuel Served as sawer-in-the-pit at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. Mo WRY, Jacob Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and in the campaign of 1760. James of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, and in campaigns of 1759 and 1762. Philip Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1759. Zephaniah Served in campaign of 1760. MucKAMOGG, Josiah Served in campaign of 1762. MuETT, Josiah Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. MuKLE, Isaac Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Mumford, Jeremiah Served on Privateer Defiance of New port in 1756. Peter Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as Member of Council of War in 1762. Peter of Newport Marched as Cornet and Quarter Master on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Richard Served on a Privateer under Capt. John Davis between 1755 and 1758. WiUiam Captain of Fort George, R. I., in 1756, 1758, 1759, 1760; member of Councils of War in 1756, 1757 and 1758. Munro, George Served as caulker and sawer-in-the-pit at Oswego in 1756, and was taken prisoner. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Joseph Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Nathaniel of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Surgeon's Mate in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. William Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Murphy, Edward Served in campaign of 1758, and as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759. 104 Nash, Jonathan Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. Nathan Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Negro, Benjamin of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Benjamin Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Benjamin Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Francisco Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Port Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Negroman, See Negro. Negus, Job of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nelson, Andrew Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pem broke in 1759 and 1760. WilHam Served as ship-carpenter and seaman at Oswego in 1756, and taken prisoner by the French. Nessecompt, WilHam Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, Nessiaimp, in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Newall, Thomas Served on Privateer Defiance in 1756. Newberry, Jeremiah Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Newbury, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Nichols, Abraham Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Andrew Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Benjamin Served as sawer-aloft at Oswego in 1756 and taken prisoner to France, where he died. Benjamin Served in campaign of 1758. Caleb Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Christopher Served as Surgeon's Mate in Col. AngeU's Regt. in 1757. David of Richmond Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and in campaign of 1758. George of Newport Commander of Privateer Nancy of Warren in 1762. los Nichols Henry Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Jack Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. James Served in campaign of 1758. John of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Jonathan Served as Commissary in 1755, and as member of Committee of War in 1755 and 1756. Joseph of E. Greenwich Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Robert Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756, in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760 and 1761, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Samuel Served as Lieutenant of Capt. Cole's Co. in 1755. Stephen Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Thomas Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757, and in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. William Served as Ensign in Capt. Bosworth's Co. in 1755- William Served in campaign of 1761. Nickes, Isaac of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Nickless, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- NiLES, Caesar Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Caleb Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. James Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1758, in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Jeremiah of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and enlisted at Newport and served in campaign of 1762. (John of W. Greenwich?) Captain in 1757, 1758 and 1759- io6 Niles Peter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Samuel Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Timothy Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. NiNiGRET, Charles Served in campaign of 1762 and died. Noble, Mark Second Lieutenant of Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and Second Lieutenant of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757- Nocake, James Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. NoRRis, John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. NoRTHUP, Stephen, Jr., of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. NowLiAN, Morgan Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Norton, Peter of E. Greenwich Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in cam paign of 1762. Nutter, Richard Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Nyles, see Niles. O'Bryant, Timothy Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Olney, Benjamin of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Coggeshall Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Ezra Served in campaign of 1758. Isaac Second Lieutenant of Col. Hopkins' Co. in 1756. Jabez of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1762. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756 and died. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in cam paign of 1758, and as Corporal in campaign of 1769. Jonathan of Providence Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathaniel of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- 107 Olney Nedebiah Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Thomas of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas of Providence Marched as Captain on alarm of _ Aug. 1757. WiUiam of Providence Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. O'Neil, Beriah Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. WiUiam Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Onion, John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Onmonock, Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Orange, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Orchard, Samuel EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Ormsbee, Ebenezer of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1760. Osborne, Edward Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Samuel Served in campaign of 1758. Otis, Jonathan Member of Councils of War in 1757, 1758 and 1759. Owen, Joseph of Providence Commander of Privateer Robie of Warren in 1757, and of Privateer Industry in 1758. Page, James of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. Stephen Served in campaign of 1762. \ William Served in campaign of 1759. Paine, Lawrence Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Pallou, Antonio Served as A. B. Seaman on H. M. S. Pem- Pelou, broke in 1759 and 1760. Palmer, Israel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Lawton Served in campaign of 1762. io8 Palmer Moses Second Lieutenant of Capt. Babcock's Co. in 1758, and Captain in 1759. Palmeter, Andrew Served in Capt.' Brown's Co. in 1758. Benajah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Jesse Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in cam paign of 1760. John Served as Sergeant in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Silas Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Park, Benjamin of Westerly Served in campaign of 1756, and marched as an officer on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph, Jr., of Westerly Served in campaign of 1756, and marched as an officer on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served in campaign of 1756, marched as an officer on alarm of Aug. 1757, appointed Second Lieutenant of Capt. Potter's Co. in 1758, but was transferred to Col. Babcock's Co. Parker, Jacob Served in campaign of 1762. John of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756 and 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762s Peter Served in campaign of 1758. Parr, Moses Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1760. Parry, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Partlow, John Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Patterson, John of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Robert Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Paugonutt, John (Indian) Served in campaign of 1760. Paull, Joshua Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Peabody, Ephraim of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Peachman, Peter Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 21 Aug. 1762. 109 Pealman, Andrew Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Pearce, Benoni of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug, 1757- Ephraim Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. James Ensign of Capt. HargiU's Co. in 1760. James Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in campaign of 1762. Michael of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. See Peirce. Peck, Ichabod of Cumberland Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Israel Ensign of Capt. Gardner's (E. Whiting's) Co. in 1757, Lieutenant in campaign of 1758, ist Lieutenant of Capt. Palmer's Co. in 1759, ist Lieutenant of Capt. Tew's Co. in 1760, appointed Ensign of Col. Whit ing's Co. in 1 761, advanced to Lieutenant and trans ferred as Lieutenant to Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and 1st Lieutenant of Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Nathaniel of Warren Ensign of Capt. Richmond's Co. in 1755, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Richmond's Co. in 1756, 1st Lieutenant of Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, Captain in campaigns of 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1761, and Major of Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Peckham, Caleb, Jr., of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Peleg Served in campaign of 1762. Philip of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. (son of Isaac'of Westerly) Served in campaign of 1760. Peirce, Benjamin of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Reuben of E. Greenwich. Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Samuel of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of i759- See Pearce and Purse. Pender, Peleg Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. IIO Pendleton, Abel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. James Served in campaign of 1762. Stephen Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Pendock, Benoni Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Penny, Benjamin of Charlestown (Indian) Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Daniel Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Perrigo, Robert Served as Sergeant in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Perry, Abraham Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Daniel Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Simeon Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Zephaniah Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. See Parry. Peters, Abraham Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Daniel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in cslmpaign of 1759, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Mark Served in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. Solomon Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. William Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Peterson, Joseph Served as ship-carpenter at Oswego in 1756, and was taken prisoner by the French. Lemuel Served in campaign of 1762. Petty, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1762. James Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Pew, William of Jamestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Phenix, Solomon of New York Commander of Privateer Sampson of New York. Recommissioned at Newport in 1759- Phetteplace, Resolved of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756 and 1757, in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760, and as Sergeant in 1762. Ill Phillips, Andrew of East Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Charles Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in campaign of 1762. Elisha Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Frederick ist Lieutenant on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Gideon Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Hanley of N. Kingstown (Colored) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Israel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. James of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jeremiah of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Jeremiah Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- John of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Joseph Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. Joshua Enlisted at Newport and served in campaign of 1762. Michael Commander of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1757. Michael Served in campaign of 1761. Peter Served as sutler in campaign of 1762. Rowland Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757. Samuel of Exeter Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. WiUiam of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Zebedee Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Pike, Joseph Served as sawer-in-the-pit at Oswego in 1756, and was taken prisoner by the French. Joseph Served as Steward on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Pinch, John Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. 112 PiNNEGAR, William Commander of Privateer Rising Sun of Newport in 1759 and 1762. Pitman, Gilbert Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Pitts, James Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. John of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Place, Anthony of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Eber ; alias John Eber of N. Kingstown (Indian) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. George Served in campaign of 1758. Jesse Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. John Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and enlisted in 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Stephen Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1762. Plummer, Ebenezer Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Richard Served in Capt. AngeU's Co. in 1755. Samuel of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. Pomp, Daniel Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Greenman, see Greenman, Pomp. Simon Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died Sept. 5, 1762. Poole, Edmund Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Pooler, George of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Zaccheus of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Poor, David Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. WiUiam Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Popple, John Served in campaign of 1762. Stephen Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Porter, Nathan Served in campaign of 1762. Timothy Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. "3 PoTHEAGUE, Joshua Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759- Peter Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Stephen Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 28 Aug. 1762. William Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Potter, Abel of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Caleb of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Christopher Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1762. Ebenezer of Hopkinton Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Fisher Served in campaign of 1761. Gideon of Cranston Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and .was killed. Gideon Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Ichabod Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Israel Boatswain on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. James of Newport Commander of Privateer Prince Frederick of Newport in 1757, and of Privateer Wolf of Newport in 1760 and 1761. John, Jr. Captain of 9th Co. in Col. Harris' Regt. in 175s. Captain in 1756, 1757 and 1758; appointed Lieutenant Colonel in May 1758. Joseph Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Joseph of Warwick Ensign of Capt. Francis' Co. in 1755. Josiah of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joshua of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Nathaniel Served in campaign of 1758, in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, in campaign of 1760, and as Sergeant in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Robert Member of Committee of War in 1757, 1758, 1759, 1 76 1 and 1762 ; and Member of Court Martial in 1758. Stephen of Coventry Marched as Major on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thomas, Jr. Member of Committee of War in 1762. 114 Potter Tom, alias Tom Hill (Indian) Served in campaign of 1755. William Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1760. Potts, John Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Powers, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. John, Jr. Appointed ist Lieutenant of Capt. Windsor's Co. in Sept. 1756. Morris Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Nicholas Served in campaign of 1759. Preston, Benjamin Served in campaign of 1759. Priston, WiUiam Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Price, Isaac Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. Israel Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Joseph of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Served in campaign of 1758. Priest, Darius Served in campaign of 1760. Prince, Pero, Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Peter Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Pritchard, John EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Prior, William Ensign of Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. HargUl's Co. in 1762. Proctor, Samuel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Proud, William Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. PucKEY, Samuel Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. PuGH, Henry Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. PULLEN,Pulling, Nicholas Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. WiUiam 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Palmer's Co. in 1759, 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Brown's Co. in 1760, and isf Lieutenant of Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. "5 PuLLEN William, Jr. Served in campaign of 1760. Purchess, WiUiam Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Purse, Francis Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Pyne, Jonathan EnHsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. QuAGANAH, John Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Quam, Edward Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joshua Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Quennell, Robin Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Quom, Samuel Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Quon, John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Quince, Samuel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Rainer, Thomas of Middletown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Ralph, John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Ramsdell, Abner Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Ramsey, James of New York Commander of Privateer Diamond of Newport in 1762. Randall, David Served in campaign of 1762. Edward Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Ichabod Served as Corporal in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 4 Sept. 1762. John of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Providence Commander of Privateer Black Snake in 1758 and 1759, and was captured by the enemy January 6, 1759. William Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Rathbone, Roger Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Thomas, 3rd 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Coggeshall's Co. in 1756. Thomas of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- WiUiam Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. ii6 Rawson, Pirn Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Read, Benjamin Served on Privateer George of Newport in Reed, 1757. Benjamin of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Daniel Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. David Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Joseph (Colored) Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1760. Joseph of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Simeon Served as carpenter at Oswego in 1756, and was taken prisoner. Thomas Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. William of Newport Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1755 and 1756, Captain of Fort George in 1761 and 1762, Member of Councils of War in 1762. Remington, Peleg of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Ruel of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Renholt, KenuUe Enlisted at Newport and served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Reniff, John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. ' Reoch, Charles Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Repley, David Served in campaign of 1761. John Served in campaign of 1761. Reynolds, Benjamin of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Clement Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Ebenezer Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. EHas Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Elisha Member of Court Martial in 1758. George of W. Greenwich Served in Col. Hopkins' 1 in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. 117 Reynolds Grindal ist Lieutenant of Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Grindal of Bristol Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757- James Served in campaign of 1758. John Served in campaign of 1759. John, Jr. Served in campaign of 1757. Oliver 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Peter Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Robert Served in campaign of 1762. Shibnah alias Cyperin of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. (husband of Ruth) Served in campaign of 1762. Rhodes, Peleg Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Rice, Nathan Member of Committee of War in 1758, 1759 and 1760. Nathan Ensign in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1759. Thomas of W. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- Richards, William of Newport Commander of Privateer Trumpeter of Newport in 1756 and 1757 (Sh.). Richardson, Isaac of Gloucester Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758, as Ensign and Quarter Master in campaign of 1759, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Regt. at Havana in 1762. Richmond, Barzillai of Providence Captain of nth Co. of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1755, Captain in 1756, volun teered on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served at Ticon deroga in the campaign of 1758- Eliakim of Gloucester Marched as Ensign on alarm ol Aug. 1757- Ephraim of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug 1757- Ii8 Richmond Seth of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Sylvester of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- WiUiam, Jr., of Little Compton Lieutenant of Capt. Pot ter's Co. in 1755, 1st Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Cham plin's Co. in Feb. 1756, Captain of 5th Co. in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in Oct. 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as ist Lieutenant of Col. Bab cock's Co. in 1758. Rider, John Gunner's Mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Joseph Gunner's Mate on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Right, Samuel of Exeter Marched as Captain on alarm of Weight, Aug. 1757. RiGHTSON, Charles of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. Wrightson, 1757. Ripley, see Repley. Ritto, Peter Served on Privateer Providence in 1758, and made Prize Master in April 1758. Rivers, Joseph Commander of Privateer Abercrombie of Rivas, Newport in 1757 and 1758. Robin, Isaac (Indian) Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1761. [Error either for Lt. Col. or 1762.] Robins, Robbins, Benoni Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Daniel Served in campaign of 1759, and in Capt. Rus sell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 27 Aug. 1762. Moses Served in campaign of 1762. Peter Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Roberts, Elias of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter of Cranston Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Col. Har ris' Regt. in 1760, at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter, Jr. Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1757. 119 Roberts Thomas Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. William of Cranston Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaigns of 1759 and 1760. WiUiam Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Robinson, Gain Served as Sergeant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. George Served in campaign of 1762. Hugh Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Isaac Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. James Served in campaign of 1759. Jeremiah Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Joseph Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Mark of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Obadiah Served in campaign of 1760. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Solomon Served in campaign of 1760. WiUiam EnHsted in H. M. regular army in 1762, Rock, Joseph Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Rockwell, Joseph Served in Capt. Babcock's Co. in 1755. Rodman, Abiathar of Richmond (Indian) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Oliver Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Thomas Doctor on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756, and Surgeon of R. I. Regiment in 1759 and 1760. Thomas of Newport Commander of Privateer Dolphin in 1762. RoFFEY, Solomon 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Peck's Co. in 1759 and 1760. Rogers, Benjamin Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Caleb Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. James of Newport Member of Council of War in 1759. Jeremiah Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. 120 Rogers Jonathan Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joshua Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Joseph Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Josias 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Thomas Served in. Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. William Member of councils of war in 1756, 1757 and 1758. Rood, Thomas Served in campaign of 1762. Rose, Samuel 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Hammond's Co. in 1756, Lieutenant of Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, Captain in 1758, 1759 and 1760, Lieutenant Colonel in 1761, and Colonel of R. I. Regiment in 1762. Thomas Ensign of Capt. Peck's Co. in 1758 and advanced to 2nd Lieutenant, ist Lieutenant of Capt. Peck's Co. in 1759, 1760 and 1761, 2nd Lieutenant of Col. Rose's Co. in 1762, served and died at Havana in 1762. Ross, Alexander Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1762. Andrew EnHsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Benjamin Served in campaign of 1762. James EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Robin Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Thomas, Jr. Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762 and died 22 Dec. 1762. WiUiam of Newport Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Rosse, John Commander of Privateer King of Prussia of Newport in 1757. Rowland, James Sergeant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Lewis Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. RowsE, Benjamin Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, and in Rouse, Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. James of E. Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 121 Rouse John of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Jonathan Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Roy, Caleb of Coventry Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Richard Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. WilHam Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. Ruddy, James Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke Readay, in 1759 and 1760. RuGGLES, Thomas Doctor on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. RuMREiLL, Ebenezer of Newport Marched as Captain-Lieu tenant on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as member of councils of war in 1757, 1758 and 1759. Russell, Daniel Member of councils of war in 1757. David Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Giles Ensign of Capt. Hopkins' Co. in 1755, ist Lieuten ant of Capt. Babcock's Co. in 1756, Adjutant in 1756, 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, ist Lieutenant of Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, Adju tant in 1758, wounded at Ticonderoga July 8, 1758, 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, Adju tant in 1759, Captain July 10, 1759, Captain in 1760, 1 761 and 1762, served at Havana in 1762. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Rust, Benjamin of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ryan, Michael of Newport Commander of Privateer Harle quin of Newport in 1762. Sabin, Elijah Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Henry of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug.' 1757. Sachem, Thomas Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Sake, Ephraim Served in campaign of 1760. Salisbury, Aaron of Cranston Served in campaigns of 1756, 1757 and 1758 and was wounded. Abraham Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, in cam paigns of 1759 and 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1 761. 122 Salisbury Barnard Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Edward Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. George of Warren Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Jonathan Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Sambo, Caesar of Warwick Served in Lieut. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Wall's Co.' in 1757. James Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Sampson, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Sanford, Benjamin of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joshua of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Sanson, William Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pem broke in 1759. Satterly, Amos Served in campaigns of 1761 and 1762. Gideon Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Saunders, David Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and Sanders, i759- Ezekiel of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Hezekiah Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758, appointed Ensign of Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Hop kins' Co. in 1 76 1, and ist Lieutenant of Capt. Rus seU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Jacob Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. John Served in campaign of 1759. Noah Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Peleg of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, Ensign of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Hacker's Co. in 1758, and ist Lieutenant of Capt. Eddy's Co. in 1759. 123 Sanders Samuel Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Thomas Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Waite Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and in cam paign of 1761. Savage, Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Sawnis, John of Exeter (Indian) Served in Capt. Greene's Sawnas, Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Sayles, David of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Scadder, Josiah Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Scott, Alexander Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Charles Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. David Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and as Ser geant in campaign of 1759. Francis of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1760. Sylvanus of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. ScRANTON, Daniel Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Samuel of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756. Stukeley Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Scudder, Josiah Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pemr broke in 1759. See Scadder. Seabury, Ichabod of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Seamans, Gilbert of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. i757- Isaac Served in campaign of 1756. John Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756. Searle, James of Newport . Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 124 Searle Nathaniel of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Richard Served as an officer in campaign of 1758. Richard, Jr., of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Sears, James Served in campaign of 1762. Remington Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Seavy, Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Sewall, Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Seymour, John Served in campaign of 1758. Shaddock, Anthony Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Shaite, Henry Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Shaw, Benamuel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Comfort Served in campaign of 1762. Daniel Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Jeremiah, Jr., of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, 1st Lieutenant of Lt. Col. Whiting's Co. in Feb. 1760, and Captain in Dec. 1760. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph, son of Thomas of Voluntown Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Thomas of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Shawn, Caleb Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757 and Shon, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Shay, Patrick Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762, and in H. M. regular army in Dec. 1762. Sheffield, Amos of Newport Marched on alarm ot Aug. 1757- Caleb of E. Greenwich Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ichabod Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. James Captain of Fort George, R. I., in 1755 and 1756. Joseph Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Nathan of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. 125 Sheffield Thomas Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. William of Newport Drafted on alarm of Aug. 1757. Shehan, William Sergeant and Quarter Master in campaign of 1756, Lieutenant and Quarter Master in 1757, and 1st Lieutenant of Major Whiting's Co. in 1759. Sheldon, Caleb Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Ezekiel Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. George of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served on committee to build sloop of war in 1757. Nathaniel Served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Stephen Served in campaign of 1758. Shelley John of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- _ Shepard, Daniel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. John Served as boat-builder at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph Served as seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. Sherburn, Benjamin of Newport Member of councils of war in 1757, 1758, 1760, 1761 and 1762. Sherman, Benjamin of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. Benoni of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Eleazer Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756, and in campaign of 1759. George 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. George Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Henry 2nd Lieutenant of Major ChampHn's Co. in 1756. Ichabod of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761. Jonathan of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joshua Served in campaign of 1762. 126 Sherman Levi Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757, and as Prize Master on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Philemon Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Samuel Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756. Sherrington, WiUiam Served in campaign of 1762. Skesuck, Daniel Served in campaign of 1760. Jona Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759 and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Levi Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762 and died 13 Oct. 1762. Moses Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. WiUiam Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Shields, William Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Shippee, David Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1756. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. William Served in campaign of 1759, in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and Ser geant in campaign of 1762. Shreive, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in Shrefe, 1757. Constant Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Simmons, Aaron of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Simon, Aug. 1757. Simons, Cornelius of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- James Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Cf. Sims. Simon Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Stephen Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. 127 Sims, John of Newport (aHas Simmons) Marched on alarm Simes, of Aug. 1757. John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756, on Privateer George of Newport in 1758, and as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. WiUiam of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759- Singleton, Robert Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Sisco, Ebenezer of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Thisco, and served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Eleazer of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Sisson, Nathan Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, and as Sergeant in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samson Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. William Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Skillian, John Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, as Corporal in 1759, at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. Slack, Benajah Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758. Slew, PhiHp Enlisted in H. M. regular army in February 1763. Slocum, Ebenezer of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1760. John of N. Kingstown Served in campaign of 1756. Peleg Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, Ensign of Capt. Palmer's Co. in I759> Ensign of Col. Harris' Co. in 1760, appointed 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Rus sell's Co. in March 1761, but served as Ensign of Capt. KimbaU's Co. in April and May 1761. Thomas of Warwick Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. Smith, Abraham Member of committee of war in 1758. I759 and 1760 128 Smith Abram Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1759. Benjamin Served on Privateer Providence in 1757, and was killed Dec. 21, 1757, ofif Porte Plate. Benjamin of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Benjamin Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Daniel Served in campaign of 1760. Edmund Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died Aug. 26, 1762. Edward of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as ist Lieutenant in Capt. Hacker's Co. in 1758. Enoch Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. Fones Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Gehu Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. George Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Hazael Served in campaign of 1762. Ichabod Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Israel Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Jahleel Served in campaign of 1761 and 1762. James Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. James, Jr. Served as drummer in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1 761. James Linguist on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Jeremiah of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1762. Joseph Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1760, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Nathan Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. 129 Smith Nathaniel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Nathaniel Served in campaign of 1760. Nedebiah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, and in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Nehemiah Served, in campaigns of 1757 and 1762. Newcomb Carpenter on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Peter Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Philip Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1758, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Richard Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, Sergeant in campaign of 1759, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, in campaign of 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Richard, Jr. Ensign of Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and advanced to Lieutenant before June 5, 1758. Per haps the Lieut. Smith who was wounded at Ticonde roga. Robert of Gloucester Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757- Robert Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Samuel of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Simon of Providence Commander of Privateer Roby of Warren in 1758. Solomon of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, in campaign of 1759, and in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Stephen, Jr. Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1761 and 1762. Thomas Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. WiUiam Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. WiUiam Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Wounded and extolled for bravery. 130 Smith WiUiam Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. WiUiam of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- William of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Snow, Benjamin Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1759. Daniel of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. SocHOSo, Jesse Served in campaign of 1761. Obot Served in campaign of 1761. Sock, Anthony Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, and Socks, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. John Served in campaign of 1755. Sockomono, Joseph Served at Fort Stanwix during winter of 1761-62. Solomon, Simon Served at Fort Stanwix during winter of 1761-62. Somog, John (Indian) Served in Capt. Whiting's Co. in 1760 and died at Crown Point. Southworth, Isaac of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. SouzEZUY, Samson of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Sowers, Daniel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 28 Sept. 1762. SowLE, Henry of Newport Member of council of war in 1761. Sparks, Samuel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Spaulding, Ephraim Served in campaign of 1761. Joseph of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Spears, Elkanah 2nd Lieutenant of Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, Speere, and ist Lieutenant of Capt. Potter's (Jenckes') Co. in 1757. Died 12 July 1757. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in cam paign of 1758, as 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Burkett's Co. in 1759 and 1760, and ist Lieutenant of Major HargiU's Co. in 1761. 131 Speere Joseph Served in campaign of 1761. Spencer, Benjamin Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Caleb EnUsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Griffin Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. James Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. John Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. ' Joshua Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Nathan Served as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Lathom Clark's Co. in 1756, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Theophilus Served in campaign of 1758. William Served in campaign of 1757. Spink, Eldred Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Josiah Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Spooner, Charles of Newport Member of council of war in 1761. Sprague, Daniel of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Daniel of Providence. Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Daniel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1759. Enoch of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Ezekiel of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Jedediah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and as Sergeant in campaign of 1759. Jesse of Providence .Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760. Joseph Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Springer, Lawrence of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- William Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Spywood, Benjamin of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Jeremiah Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. 132 Spywood Nehemiah of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- Samuel of Warwick Served in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1760 and 1761. Thomas (Indian) Served in campaign of 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. WilHam of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stack, Thomas Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Stafford, David Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759, and enUsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Michael Served in campaign of 1759. Stukeley Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, Ensign of Lt. Col. Wall's Co. in 1759, and Ensign of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760. Thomas Served in campaign of 1759. Uriah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1759. Stanley, Samuel Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pem broke in 1759 and 1760. Stanton, Azariah Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and as Lieutenant in campaign of 1759. Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Joseph, Jr. 2nd Lieutenant of Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Samuel Served in campaign of 1762. Sock Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758. Staples, David Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Joshua Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. William of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stark, Matthias of S. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Starkweather, Ephraim Chaplain of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. States, Peter Ensign of Capt. Rose's Co. in January, 1759. 133 Steere, Samuel Served in Lt. Col. Angell's Co. in 1756. Steele, Isaac Member of councils of war in 1756 and 1757. Stenson, WiUiam of Gloucester Served in Capt Jenckes' Co. Stinson, in 1757. Sterry, Robert Appointed Lieutenant in February 1755, and Captain of Second Co. in March 1755, but apparently was superseded by Samuel AngeU. Served as Armorer of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. ( , son of Robert) Served as Assistant Armorer in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Stevens, Caesar Served on Privateer George of Newport in Strivens, 1758. George Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Harrison Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Henry Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paigns of 1759 and 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paigns of 1759, 1760 and 1762. John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Samuel Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. Simeon Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and as Ensign of Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Steward, William Served in campaign of 1762. Still, Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Stoddard, Joshua of Newport Commander of Privateer Three Brothers of Newport in 1760 and 1761. Ned (colored) Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Stone, Ezra Served in campaign of 1757. James Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756. John Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Nathan of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in campaigns of 1758, 1759, 1760, and in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761. Sylvester of Scituate Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1761, in campaign of 1762, and in Capt. Cornell's Co. at Fort Stanwix in 1762. 134 Stoneman, John Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1758, ist Lieutenant in Capt. HargiU's Co. in 1759 and 1760, Adjutant in 1760, 2nd Lieutenant of Major HargiU's Co. in 1761, and Adjutant in 1761. Strange, Sylvanus Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Straight, Daniel Served in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Henry of W. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- John Served in campaign of 1761. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1759. Samuel Served in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Thomas of Coventry Marched an alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. William of Exeter Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Streeter, Ebenezer Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Isaiah of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Josiah Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Stringer, John Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in November 1762. Stutson, Thomas Served in campaign of 1762. Sullivan, Humphrey Served on Privateer George of New port in 1758. William Served in campaign of 1759. Summers, Philip Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Sunderland, Joseph of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in campaign of 1758, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. SuTOX, John Served in campaign of 1762. Swan, George Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Jesse Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Sweet, Albro Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761. Amos of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757- 135 SWEET Benedict Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Caleb of Coventry Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Caleb, Jr. Served at Fort Stanwix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Francis Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paign of 1759. Griffin Served in campaign of 1758, at Fort Stanwix in 1 761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Henry Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Job Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. John of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and as Sergeant in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Jonathan Served in campaign of 1762. Matthew Served in campaign of 1762. Nathaniel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Philip Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1758, at Fort Stan wix in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Richard of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Samuel of Newport Commander of Privateer New Con cert of Newport in 1756 and 1758, and Commander of Privateer Diana of Newport in 1759 and 1760. Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel, Jr., of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762, in Capt. Cornell's Co. during win ter of 1762-63 at Fort Stanwix, and was transferred into H. M. regular army at Fort Ontario on June 13, 1763, and served there until 1765. WiUiam Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. 136 Sweeting, Nathaniel of Providence Commander of Privateer Black Snake in 1756 and 1757. Swinburn, Thomas, Jr., of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as Ensign of Major Whiting's Co. in 1759. Sylvester, Christopher Served on Privateer George of New port in 1758. Taber, Daniel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Record of S. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and as Ensign in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1759 and 1760. Talbee, see Talby. Talbot, WiUiam Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in Aug. 1762. Talbury, Caesar Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Talby, Edward 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Bosworth's Co. in 1756, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Peck's Co. in 1758, and ist Lieutenant of Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. Talfear, Charles Served in campaigns of 1757 and 1758. Talker, James, perhaps same as Tallman, James Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John of Portsmouth Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen of Tiverton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Tanner, George Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. John Served in campaign of 1762. Palmer Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, Corporal in campaign of 1759, and Sergeant ih cam paign of 1762. Tanning, Nathan Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Tarbox, John Served as ship-carpenter at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner by the French. 137 Tarbox Peter Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel Served as Sergeant in Capt. Clarke's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Spink Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1762. Tate, Robert Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Tayre, Benjamin of Newport 2nd Lieutenant in Lt. Col. Wick- Tayer, ham's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Taylor, John of South Kingstown ist Lieutenant of Major Champlin's Co. in 1756. John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. John Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. William Served in campaign of 1762. Teague, Jesse of E. Greenwich Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Tefft, see Tifft. Tennant, Daniel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Havens of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Tew, Henry, Jr., of Middletown Marched on alarm of Aug. . 1757- James, Jr. Ensign of Capt. Potter's Co. in 1755, 2nd Lieu tenant of Capt. Gardner's Co. in Feb. 1756, ist Lieu tenant of Capt. Gardner's Co. Sept. i, 1756, ist Lieu tenant of Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, Captain in 1758 and 1759- Thomas Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, Ensign in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1758, 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1759, Captain in 1760 and 1762. Tewby, John Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Tewkye, 138 Tewgood, Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Simeon Sergeant in campaign of 1760. Thayer, George Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Simeon Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Thomas, Benjamin Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Ephraim Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1760. George of N. Kingstown Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Isaac Served as Corporal in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762, and in H. M. regular army Feb. i, 1763. John, Jr. of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- John of Exeter Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. John Served in campaign of 1755. John Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Samuel Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Thompson, Benjamin of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. in 1762. George of Newport Volunteered and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Newport Commander of Privateer Sarah in 1761 and in 1762. John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Matthew Served as ship-carpenter at Oswego in 1756 and was captured by the French. Matthew of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Moses Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1760 and 1761. WiUiam Enlisted at Newport as a seaman in 1762. Thorn, Isaac Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Died I Nov. 1762. 139 .Thorn WiUiam Served in campaign of 1758, in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. in 1762. Thornton, Christopher of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Josiah of Providence Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nehemiah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Richard of Providence Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760, and as 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Thomas Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1762. William Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and in campaign of 1760. Thruston, see Thurston. Thurber, Barnabas Served in campaign of 1758. Ichabod Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. James of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Leonard Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Samuel of Providence Marched as Lieutenant on alarm. of Aug. 1757. Thomas Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Timothy Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. Thurrell,Thurrill, George Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. William EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Thurston, Thruston, Edward Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1759. John Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Lovett of Newport Commander of Privateer Charming Polly and Sally of Newport in 1762. Vaul Doctor's Mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. WiUiam Carpenter on Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758. 140 Thruston WilHam of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Tifft, Tefft, David of Cranston Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Gideon Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and as Ensign in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Joshua Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. TiKEN, Abner Served in campaign of 1757. TiLLEY, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. TiLLiNGHAST, Amos (Colored) Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Pardon Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Titus, Comfort Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. John Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Sylvanus Served in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. TOBEY, Toby, John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Samuel Ensign of Capt. Tew's Co. in 1760. Stephen Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759- Tockcup, James Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, CoucHUP, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Todd, Amos Served in Capt. Russell's Co. at Havana in 1762. Died 15 Sept. 1762. ToMEY, Lango Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. ToPHAM, Theodore Quarter Master on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Torrey, Tory, Nathan Served as Corporal in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. WilHam On one of Capt. Wall's muster roUs ; doubtless an error for Wilson Served in Capt. Wall'si Co. in 1757, Sergeant in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761, and Sergeant in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. 141 ^ Tosh, James Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Tourtellot, Abraham Served in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in campaign of 1762. Stephen Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. William Served in campaign of 1762. Tower, Enoch of Cumberland Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Cumberland Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in campaign of 1761. Jonathan Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, and in campaign of 1759. Joseph of Cranston Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1759. Tracy, Edward Served in campaign of 1761. Prince of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. ( ) Served in campaign of 1755. Trask, Ebenezer of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Trim, Robert Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Died 18 Oct. 1762. Tripp, Caleb Ensign of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, 2nd Lieu tenant of Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758, and ist Lieu tenant of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1759 and 1760. Edward Served in campaign of 1761. John Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Othniel Appointed Ensign of Capt. Tew's Co. in 1760, but did not serve. Peleg Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Thomas Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. WiUiam ist Lieutenant of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758, and Captain in 1759. WiUiam of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Trowbridge, Benjamin Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. 142 Truck, Benjamin of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in Capt. Peck's Co. in 1761. Tucker, Abner Served in campaign of 1762. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Morris Served in campaign of 1760. Rhodes Served in campaign of 1758. Silas of Smithfield Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, in campaigns of 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. Kim baU's Co. in 1 76 1. Simeon Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. William EnUsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. TucKHAM, Thomas Served on Privateer Defiance of New port in 1756. TUKIE, TuKEY, John Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760. Joseph Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. TuNisoN, Tunis Served as ordinary seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. TuNQUiT, Daniel Served in campaign of 1755. TuppER, Elijah Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1760. Seth Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1757, 1758, 1760, 1 76 1 and 1762, and enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Turner, William Served in campaign of 1759. Tyking, Daniel Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Tyask Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. See Tiken. Tyler, Cornelius Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Ebenezer Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757 and 1758, in campaigns of 1759, 1760 and 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Jonathan Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1759. William Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. William Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. 143 Underwood, Benjamin of Warwick Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, and in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757. James Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Samuel Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757. Thomas of Newport Commander of Privateer Industry of Newport in 1760 and in 1762 (Sh). Updike, Daniel Commissioner to meet with those from the other colonies in 1755. Upstell, Thomas Served on Privateer Blackbird in 1762. Utley, Jeremiah Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Utter, Abraham of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. _ 1757. Isais (Isaiah) Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758. Simeon Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Valentine, Mark Commander of Privateer Hawke of New port in 1757. Valett, David Served in campaign of 1759. Vaughn, Benjamin of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Daniel, Sen. Gunner at Fort George, R. I., in 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1762. Daniel, Jr. Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1760, 1761 and 1762. Gorton Served at Fort George, R. I., in 1762. John of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Jonathan of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Samuel Served in campaign of 1761. Venables, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- Vezey, John Served in campaign of 1762. Vincent, Joshua Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. William of Gloucester Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. VoMLiN, Gideon Served on Privateer George of Newport in '1758. 144 Wade, Abner Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in campaign of 1762. Nathan Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Waggs, John Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762, and died 23 Aug. 1762. Waite, Thomas of Hopkinton Served in campaign of 1758, and was killed at Ticonderoga. Walcott, John Served in campaign of 1761. Waldron, Daniel of Bristol Commander of Privateer Phebe in 1760. Walker, Daniel of Coventry Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and in campaign of 1759. Elijah Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in cam paign of 1759. Ephraim of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. James Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758- Munroe Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. Nathan Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. ( ) (Brother of Joseph) Served in campaign of 1762. Wall, Daniel Lieutenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1756, Captain of 5th Co. in Col. Angell's Regt. in 1757, Major of Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1758, but resigned in camp. Lt. Colonel of Col. Babcock's Regt. in 1759, but being sick resigned. WiUiam Served as Mate on Privateer Defiance of New port in 1756. Wallace, Josias Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1757- WiUiam Served in campaign of 1756. Walling, Cornelius of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Jeremiah of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Walmsley, James Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. MS Walmsley Thomas Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Walter, Daniel of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Wampy,Wawpy, Joseph Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Roger of Richmond Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wanton, Benjamin Commander of Privateer George of Newport in 1757 and 1758, and of Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1759. James Drafted in Oct. 1756, but did not serve. Joseph, Jr., of Newport Member of Councils of War in 1756, 1757 and 1758, member of Court Martial in 1758, and marched as Lieut. Colonel on alarm of Aug. 1757- Ward, Jeremiah Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756: Marmaduke Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Nehemiah Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Samuel Commissioner to wait upon the Earl of Loudon in 1758, Governor in 1762 and 1763, and member of Council of War in 1762. Samuel Served in campaign of 1762. Wardwell, John Lieutenant of Capt. Francis' Co. in 1755. Ware, William of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Warner, Jeremiah Served in campaign of 1760. Oliver Ring Commander of Privateer Dolphin in 1758 and I 761. WilHam Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Warren, John of Newport Commander of Privateer Scorpion of Newport in 1758. Moses ist Lieutenant of Capt. Coggeshall's Co. in 1756, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758, 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Rose's Co. in 1759, ist Lieutenant of Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, 2nd Lieutenant of Lt. Col. 146 ' Rose's Co. in 1761, and 2nd Lieutenant of Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Warry, John Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1761, and in winter service of 1761-62. Wassamogg, Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in campaign of 1762. Waterman, Christopher of Providence Commander of Pri vateer King Hendrick in 1757. John of Providence Volimteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Joseph of Providence Marched as hostler on alarm of Aug. 1757. Marmaduke Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Prince of Providence (Colored) Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. William of Cranston Marched as Lieutenant on alarm of Aug. 1757, but stylesi himself Captain. Watkins, Phin_eas Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Watson, Aaron Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Benedict Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Hazard Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Enlisted at Newport and served in campaign of 1762. Levi Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in cam paign of 1762. Nicholas Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel, Jr., of Exeter 2nd Lieutenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1759, and 1st Lieutenant of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1760. Wawpy, see Wampy. Weatherby, Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Tripp's Co. in 1759. Weatherhead, Daniel Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, and in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. John Served in campaign of 1760. Levi Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. 147 Weaver, Abiel of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Benedict of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- Caleb Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Christopher Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. David of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- Edward Served in campaign of 1762. Elisha of Warwick Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757- Job Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1761 and 1762. Joseph Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Peter of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. Thomas Served in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. William of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1759. Weeden, John Served on Privateer George of Newport in • 1757- Jonathan of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Weeks, James Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Jethro Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1759. Weight, Reuben of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757- Thomas Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. See Right. Weldon, Peter Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Wells, George Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. ¦ Shadrach Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Thomas Served in campaign of 1758. Welsh, John Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Morris EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. 148 Welsh WiUiam of Charlestown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Wener, David Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Wesconess, Thomas Served in campaign of 1762. West, Abner Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, as Ser geant in Col. AngeU's Regt. in 1757, being advanced to Ensign and then made Quarter Master to the regi ment with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant ; served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Tew's Co. in 1758 and 1759 and so appointed in 1760, but did not serve. Caleb Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in campaign of 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Ebenezer Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. James Served in campaign of 1755. John Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Jonathan Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Joseph Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Prince Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. William of Bristol Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Westcott, Jeremiah Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756. Johnson Served in campaign of 1758. Josiah Served in Lt. Col. AngeU's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1759. Oliver Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, and in cam paigns of 1759 and 1760. Peleg Served in campaign of 1760, in Capt. KimbaU's Co. in 1761, and in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. William Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Zorobabel of N. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Westgate, James Served as Carpenter's Mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Whaley, Theophilus Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756. Joseph of Exeter Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. 149 Wheaton, Noah Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. WiUiam of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wheden, Samuel Served in campaign of 1760. Wheeler, John Served in campaign of 1755. Wheelock, Simeon Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Whetford, see Whitford. Whipple, Abraham Commander of a privateer in 1759 and 1760. Commander of Privateer Gamecock. Benjamin Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Daniel, Jr., of Cumberland Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. Israel Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757. John Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1756, in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760. Jonathan of Gloucester Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nathaniel of Cumberland Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen of Smithfield Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Whitaker, Joseph Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Nathaniel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Samuel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. WiUiam Served in campaign of 1762. (Also as Whit- teson. ) Whitcomb, Abner Served in campaign of 1762. White, Robert EnHsted in H. M. regular army in 1762. WilHam Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Whitford, James of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of N. Kingstown Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, and in Lt. Col. HargiU's Co. at Havana in 1762. Joshua of Hopkinton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Nicholas of So. Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Pasco (Pasker) Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, in Capt. WaU's Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. ISO Whitehorn, George of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Peck of South Kingstown Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Whitehouse, George Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Whiting, Amos Served as Ensign in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757- Daniel Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Ebenezer Captain in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1756, Captain of First Co. in 1757, Captain at Fort Edward during winter of 1757-58, Captain of Tenth Co. in 1758, Captain in campaign of 1759, in which campaign Col. Babcock requested his promotion to the office of Major, and he was probably so commissioned. Henry of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. John of Newport Captain of Fifth Co. and ranking officer of Second Detachment in 1755, Adjutant of winter garrison at Fort William Henry in 1755-56, Captain of Third Co. in 1757, Captain of Fourth Co. in 1758, Major of Col. Babcock's Regt. in Feb. 1759, promoted to Lt. Colonel in 1759, Lt. Colonel of Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760, and Colonel of R. I. Regt. in 1761. Whitman, George of N. Kingstown Marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Whitmore, Samuel Served in Col. Harris' Co. in 1756. Whitteson, William See Whitaker. Wickes, Joseph Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Wickham, Benjamin Lt. Colonel of Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Wigneron, Norbert of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Wilbur, Constant of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Isaac 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Gardner's (E. Whiting's) Co. in 1757. Isaac Served as A. B. seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. iSi Wilbur Joseph of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. J. Served on Privateer Geoi^e of Newport in 1758. WiUiam of Richmond Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1758. Wilcox, Abraham Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and m Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Daniel of Newport Served as Mate on Privateer George of Newport in 1758, Commander of Privateer Hornet of Newport in 1760 and 1762, and of Privateer Har lequin of Newport in 1762. Daniel Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Derick Served in campaign of 1762. George Served in Capt. Russell's Co. in 1760, and in campaign of 1761. Ishmael Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and as Ensign of Capt. Fry's Co. in 1762. JeoflFrey, Jr. Ensign of Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757, 2nd Lieut, of Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760, and Captain Lieutenant of Col. Rose's Co. in 1762. Jerem'y Served in Capt. RusseU's Co. in 1760. Job Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Thomas Served in Capt. Potter's Co. in 1755, and in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. WiUiam of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1762. Wiles, see Will. ' WiLKEY, John Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. Thomas of Exeter Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wilkinson, John Served in Lt. Col. Hargill's Co. at Havana in 1762. Samuel Served on Privateer Providence, and died at Port Morant in 1758. WiLKS, George Gunner on Privateer General Johnson in 1757- Will, Wiles, John of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, IS2 enlisted for campaign of 1762, and in H. M. regular army in 1762. Willard, Charles Served in Capt. Fry's Co. in 1761, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Williams, David Served as a seaman at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. Peleg of Providence Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756, marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, , and served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Peter Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Peter Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Robert Served in campaigns of 1758 and 1759. Samuel EnHsted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Theophilus of Providence Volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757- Thomas Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaign of 1758. Timothy Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1757, and in campaigns of 1758 and 1760. Zebedee Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Williamson, John Served in campaign of 1759. Willie, Wyllie, Benjamin Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, and enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. Willis, Charles Served in Capt. Greene's Co. in 1757. Henry Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. WiLLiSTON, John of Little Compton Marched as Capt. on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wills, Henry Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. Peter Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. See Will. Wilmarth, Thomas Served in Major Peck's Co. in 1762. Timothy Served in campaign of 1758. Wilson, EHsha Served in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. James Served as boat-builder at Oswego in 1756 and was taken prisoner. James Enlisted in H. M. regular army in 1762. 153 Wilson John Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1756. Windsor, Joseph of Providence Appointed Captain of special company in Sept. 1756; appointed and served as Captain of Sixth Co. of Col. Hopkins' Regt. in Oct. 1756, and volunteered on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wingood, Samuel Served as ordinary seaman on H. M. S. Pembroke in 1759 and 1760. Winman, Richard Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, in Col. Windman, Harris' Regt, in 1760, and in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. WiNRiGHT, Thomas of E. Greenwich Served in Capt. Wall's Wainwright> Co. in 1757. WoiD, Abner Served in Major Burkett's Co. in 1760. WoLLARD, Richard Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Wonkum, Ebenezer Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Wood, Benjamin of Warwick Served in Capt. Wall's Co. in 1757, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. George of Little Compton Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- Henry of Little Compton Marched as Ensign on alarm of Aug. 1757. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757, in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1758 and 1759, in campaign of 1760, and in Capt. RusseU's Co. at Havana in 1762. John Served in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Nathan Served in campaign of 1760, and in Capt. Kim baU's Co. in 1 761. Thomas of Newport Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756, and in campaign of 1762. William of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. WUHam, Jr., of Warwick Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Zebulon of Coventry Served in Capt. Wall s Co. in 1757, and in Capt. Fry's Co. at Havana in 1762. Woodbury, Ebenezer of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- 154 Woodbury (husband of Hannah) Served in campaign of 1755. WooDiN, John Served in campaign of 1758. Woodman, Thomas Served in Capt. E. Whitii^s Co. in 1757. Woodward, Elijah Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Hezekiah Served in Col. Babcock's Co. in 1758 and 1759. John Served in campaign of 1762. Jonas Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1758 and 1759. Robert Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. Zephaniah Served in Capt. Hawkins' Co. in 1762. WooDWORTH, Nathaniel Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757- WoRDEN, Nathaniel Served in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1759. WilHam Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Worry, John Served in Capt. Rose's Co. in 1758. WoRRis, WilHam Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Worth, Lillibridge Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756. Wright, John of Newport Volunteered and marched as Captain on alarm of Aug. 1757. Stephen Served in campaigns of 1758, 1759 and 1760. William Served in Capt. Kimball's Co. in 1761. Wyatt, John Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756, and on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. Newport Served on Privateer Defiance of Newport in 1756. William of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Wyllye, see Willie. Wyllys, see Willis. Yaw, William Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758. Yates, Benedict Served on Privateer George of Newport in 1758. William Served in campaign of 1762. Yeoman, Ezekiel of Newport Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757- York, Moses Enlisted at Newport for campaign of 1762. Thomas Served in Capt. E. Whiting's Co. in 1757. 155 Young, Andrew Served in campaign of 1761. Benjamin Served in Col. Rose's Regt. in 1762. James of Newport Commander of Privateer Skip Jack of Newport in 1756. James Served in campaigns of 1760 and 1762. John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. Joseph Served in Col. Hopkins' Regt. in 1756. Nathaniel Served in campaign of 1759. Richard of Providence Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. Samuel of Newport Served in Capt. Belcher's Co. in 1756, and marched on alarm of Aug. 1757. WilHam of Coventry Marched on alarm of Aug. 1757, and served in campaign of 1760. Youngman, Cornelius Served in Capt. Jenckes' Co. in 1758, in campaign of 1759, and in Col. Harris' Regt. in 1760. Yows, John Served in Capt. J. Whiting's Co. in 1757. #^