'?'l '«?A..fj ¦ft t * ' :*< '..»'<^'^-i:''ai"5 .J5»V jKr Bought with the income of the Ellen Battell Eldridge Fund LANE GENEALOGIES. VOLUME III. ENGLISH FAMILY, RiCKMANSWORTH, HERTFORDSHIRE, I542-I758. JOB LANE, JAMES LANE, Malden, Mass., 1649. Casco Bay, Maine, 1650. EDWARD LANE, Boston, Mass., 1657. COMPILED BY JAMES HILL FITTS. EXETER, N. H. ?rije WtbJs»lLettet i|tess. 1902. Copyright, 1901, 1902, By MARY C. FITTS, NBWFIELDS, N, H. BcA JAMES HILL FITTS. THIS Volume III of Lane Genealogies contains the last work of Rev. J. H. Fitts. The body of the book was complete and in the hands of the printer. Mr. Fitts, on finishing the copy of an index, laid down his pen to go to the post office for his mail. Returning, a near neighbor setting some rare hedge plants, asked him to cross the street and see them. He handed the label with the name of the plants to Mr. Fitts, who read it aloud, returned it and at once fell forward lifeless, his face in the soft earth, Novem- ember 22, 1900. The cause of his death was heart disease, of which he had had some premonitions, but with no thought of such a termination. The Preface, toward which Mr. Fitts left notes, has been pre pared by Alfred Church Lane, A. M., Ph. D., F. G. S. A., of Lans ing, Michigan. The Annals, etc., have been arranged and completed by his brother, Lucius Page Lane, S. B., A. M., of Boston, who has also completed tbe indexes, by the aid of Miss Ellen W. Lane, and her sister, Elizabeth Nickerson (Lane) Church, of Maiden, Mass. It remains for an old friend to add a notice of Mr. Fitts, especi ally in relation to his genealogical work, as a fuller general mem orial of him is in preparation. Rev. James Hill Fitts was born in Candia, N. H., March 3, 1829, of John, the 7th generation from Robert Fitts, 1640, and Abigail Lane, the 6th, from WiUiam Lane, of Boston, 1648.* He attended Pembroke Academy and Merrimack Normal Institute, N. H., and graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, Me., 1858, and was a member of Andover Theological Seminary, 1870-71. He preached at Boxboro, Mass. ; was ordained at Candia, N. H., November 2, 1859; installed at West Boylston, Mass., September 3, 1862 ; Topsfield, Mass., June 22, 187 1 ; acting pastor at South Newmarket, now Newfields, N. H., AprU 18, 1880, tiU his death. *See Gen. Fius family, p, 33, and I,ane Gen,, Vol, I, p, 175. iv Lane Genealogies. January i, 1862, he married Mary C, daughter of C. M. and Dolly (PiUsbury) French, who survives him. Before study at Ban gor he taught in schools and academy in Maine and IMassachusetts, served two terms of three months each on the Christian Commis sion in the civil war, and was on school boards wherever he was pastor. As one of the School Board, Mr. Fitts wrote the annual reports, and the esteem felt for him was manifested by the attend ance on his funeral at bis church in Newfields, of the schools as a body, and their provision for his picture to be placed in the school buUding. In 1895 Mr. Fitts represented the town in the state legislature, and was influential in changing its name from South Newmarket to Newfields, the early designation of the southerly portion of the town of Newmarket a century or more before its division. This change was influenced by a legacy of ;? 10,000 from Hon. John M. Brodhead, son of Rev. John Brodhead, to the town for a library on condition of such change. Mr. Fitts was a trustee of this fund. He was a member of the New England Historic- Genealogical and the New Hampshire Historical Societies, and of several missionary societies, and for thirteen years was scribe of the Piscataqua Association of Congregational and Presbyterian ministers. A writer of various historical and commemorative discourses, and an indefatigable investigator and successful collector of the facts of local history, perhaps no one man ever knew so much of the local history of south-eastern New Hampshire and contiguous parts of Massachusetts and Maine as did Mr. Fitts. It is hoped that the - mass of manuscript information he left may be given to the public or preserved for future use. In the course of his researches he took genealogical notes of the Hilton, Wiggin and other historical famihes of south-eastern New Hampshire, which are esteemed of great value by some of their descendants and kindred. His first formal work in this line he pubUshed in 1869, the "Genealogy of the Fitts or Fitz Faraily in Araerica," 91 pages. His later and larger efforts have been for the Lane families of his mother's name. He aided Rev. Jacob Chapman materially in the preparation of Vol I, and Mr. Chapman did what he could to aid and encourage Mr. Fitts in compiling the succeeding volumes of Lane Genealogies. James Hill Fhts. v These works were doubtless stimulated and their publication en couraged by the prevalent popularity of genealogical research, but the immediate cause of Vol, I, and so of the rest, was a suggestion by Mr. Fitts toward organization. The occasion of that suggestion was in the old church yard at Stratham, N. H., where are the graves of Dea. Samuel Lane, the eldest child of Dea. Joshua, of Hampton, and representatives of five generations of his descendants. When Jabez, the youngest son of Dea, Samuel, had set the stones at the graves of his parents, he took his children there and charged them to keep those stones erect as long as they should Uve. His son Charles told his son, John WiUiam, of this, who took it as an injunction to do likewise, and was im pelled to search for the older graves of the faraily at Hampton and perhaps Boston. No clew could be found for the graves of the first William and wives, probably in Boston, But search in Hampton among the bushes of the old "graveyard" revealed afoot-stone inscribed " Dea. Joshua Lane." Proceeding through the bushes the headstone was found erect, but tbe headstone of his wife, Bathsbeba, was broken and lying on the ground. Dea. Dow, the historian of Hampton, was the only one found who could have told where those graves were. John W. took his father, Charles, when past eighty, to see for the first time, the graves of his great grand parents, and they temporarily reset the head stones, both thrown flat on tbe ground, it was said, by cattle running in the yard. The idea of a more permanent memorial was suggested, but how to interest descendants was a question. After discouraging efforts and considerable correspondence, beginning in 1876, Mr. Fitts was consulted, who wrote, March 16, 1885 : "I think the matter of a Lane monument has been talked of in a general way about long enough. Get specifications of monument with inscriptions as a basis of work. A meeting of the family at Hampton, whether a dozen or a hundred attend, will give it something of a business character. You have made an heroic beginning. Go ahead ! " Further search in the old ground had shown some initial head stones near Dea. Joshua's grave. The one next north was imbedded in the grown roots of a pine tree some eighteen inches in diameter, letters inward. The second stone bore the initials, " W. L." In a vi Lane Genealogies. diary of Dea. Joshua, was found for 6th January, 1745, "My honored and dear mother died," and for 14th February, 1747, "My honored father died at my house, aged above ninety." It was thought if on the broken stone in the pine tree should be found the initials, " S, L.," these graves next his own must be of the parents of Dea. Joshua : William, son of William, of Boston, and Sarah (Webster), his wife. A petition to the selectmen of Hampton resulted in an article in the warrant and a vote of the town, March 10, 1885, permitting the tree to be taken out and a monument erected. The tree was dug out ; the fragments of stone carefully removed and placed together showed the desired " S, L." To this, in part, Mr. Fitts referred as " an heroic beginning." The meeting he suggested was called at the Town Hall, in Hampton, August 18, 1885. Organization was effected and committees were chosen as suggested by Mr. Fitts. Plans were made to raise funds for the monument. ReUcs of the family were shown, including tbe broken initial stone, with its " S. L.," tbe family tree of Dea. Joshua, and an original copy of the " Tear of Lamentation," read at Dea. Joshua's funeral, by his son Jeremiah, once owned by his daughter AbigaU. By the generosity of Dr. J. W. White, of Nashua, N. H., it was voted that this address be reprinted and a copy given to every contributor of Ji or raore to the monument fund. The sons of Rev. Jas. P. Lane did the printing, as they did of tbe address of their father, given September i, 1886, when Gov. Frederick Smyth was present, by whose generosity this address was also given to contributors of ^i or more to the monument fund. Thus dona tions came from Maine to Georgia and California, and one each from England and the Sandwich Islands. George W. Lane, of Salem, was treasurer of this fund, and reported ;i!479 received, and ^60.22 allowed by him as interest whUe coUecting — in all, ^539,22. The monument of Quincy gran ite cost ^397.52 ; plan, lettering, labor, posts, markers and found ation, cost ^101.70, leaving ^40 unexpended. It was not ready for dedication, as expected, at the 2Soth anniversary of Hampton, to which the Lane meeting came on the invitation of the town. It was hoped there would be ^100 for the town of Hampton, whose annual interest should pay for the care of the lot, but it was .» " - - CMhr . ¦„ ¦:;^^^.S>-' ^ - '¦^'-4>il 4§t " ¦ ---'^^ . -AjS;'!:!^-^ • ¦ ¦ . 1 * ^0\ mf-'-^'V V ' '¦F-C>F.,e,' '¦' ' i KT^H "y-'F^' " A ¦: ' ' ¦ ¦ •'¦¦¦ ¦ ^^M^^, ' ^J^-^^m^H !¦-¦'', ;'-"t'- ¦ '¦¦-'¦'" '' - ¦ — -'! HEb ^ V. Iri^^mH nikt^'ijfMi r' jB/M * ^-^^i^iflll . • iWWIHiJII \ ^\ ^&sbbk^bm l/I^H ::,^i^^M-:e.|^.^|,^.^:::- ..^^^^¦^HR&^^-i'.-' . ¦ ¦-¦.-." S ^flC^ V ^ <'- ** ^n^^^^H^^^^Sfl h, •..,4^^i...:«^J:^:V-y- i -^ ? ^^'^^^^^^19 Min .W|^^^^ H /^ '^'^%^9BHBnH mP I^^mM ¦isi ''^"¦^mI^B^H^I ISfll. ^^^^^ jfi^ '-^ '' ^v^^^^S^^I Ht 4 I^P^^ I ¦.,:'-:;^B^ ^ -1 li^^p^e 1 '"^I^^S m^ S ¦uJHI til 'tB -;-"¦--¦¦>*..;.';'¦' i''. ,¦ '¦.-,•' r-- ¦¦ .' y^^p^. ; ¦¦<'-';•'-'¦ , • -^ ¦-¦;*>-¦ .': - -,-' w - ¦ '*-F''f^' ' ' ¦ , ¦ • '^ "9% James Hill Fitts. vii voted to apply this surplus toward completing and printing the Lane Genealogy, begun by Dea. E. J. Lane, of Dover, N. H., in 1839, and continued by Rev. James P. Lane, tiU his death January 6, 1889. At the fifth annual meeting for the dedication of the monument, August 14, 1889, Mr. Fitts made the principal address. He was chosen with George W. Lane, of Salem, Mass., Dr. E. B. Lane, of Boston, and Rev. John W. Lane as a committee to see to the completion and printing of the genealogy, which comraittee also became respoiisible for its cost. Rev. Jacob Chapman, of Exeter, N. H., undertook tbe work, as is recorded in his Preface to Volume I. Rev. Mr. Chapman, Mr. Fitts, J. P. and J. W. Lane deliberated long in mutual correspondence on the simplest, most comprehen sive and best form for inscriptions on the monument, especiaUy tbe general one on the south end. All agreed on this, toward which J . P. Lane had the last word : To the Memory of A "Worthy Ancestry By Descendants And Kindred 1888 The Town of Hampton By 'Vote Consenting March 10, 1885, The inscription on the north end gives all the known dates of the first WiUiam, viz, : "William Lane In Boston 1650 Made Freeman, May 6, 1657 His wife Mary Died May 22, 1656 3 children His wife Mary Brewer Mar, Aug, 21, 1656 4 children, vUi Lane Genealogies. On the east side on the right and over their graves is the inscrip tion to William Lane, of Hampton, and wife, and on the left the inscription to Dea. Joshua Lane and wife. Dea, Joshua Lane William Lane June 6, 1696 Oct. I, 1659 was killed by lightning Came to Hampton, 1685 June 14, 1766 Feb, 14, 1749 His wife His wife Bathsheba Robie Sarah Webster Aug, 2, 1696 Jan, 22, 1660 Apr, 13, 1765 Jan. 5, 1745 16 children. 7 children. On the west side are the names, year dates and places of resi dence of the sixteen children. The picture shows the east side and south end. My first acquaintance with Mr. Fitts was as a fellow student at Merrimack Normal Institute, N. H., in 1850, when neither of us knew that we were of tbe seventh generation from William Lane, of Boston, 1648, This friendship matured on Mr. Fitts' coming, in part by my influence, to my native Newfields, since which we have been in frequent correspondence. It has been a source of satisfaction to aid and encourage Mr. Fitts in his unselfish efforts to introduce our relatives and kindred to each other, but for aU I could do I have felt in debt to him. I miss him as a brother be loved. In my gratitude for his Ufe, many whose records are in these volumes will share. And when we think of the Christian integrity he so fondly traced in our progenitors, I am confident we shall agree that he might have used the language of the Hampton monument and dedi cated this book To THE Memory of a Worthy Ancestry, John Wm. Lane. Hadley, Mass., July 24, 1901. PREFACE. THE first two volumes of Lane genealogies brought together accounts of the descendants of nine of the name who reached the New World in colonial times. As Rev. James PUls- bury Lane has remarked, there were over a dozen of them, and it has seemed wise to close this, the third, volume with Rev, Mr, Fitts' account of three more, who were of the same English stock, leav ing to some other hands the task of building into further volumes the mass of notes which Mr, Fitts had accuraulated regarding other Lanes ; in particular, the families of Sampson Lane, of Portsmouth, N. H., 1646, and his kinsman, Ambrose; James Lane, of Bos ton, 1662; Neheraiah Lane of Lunenburg, Mass., 1728; John Layne, of Lee, N. H., 1760; Alexander Lane, of Fishkill-on-the- Hudson, N, Y., about 1700 ; Matthias Lane, of Bedminster, N. J,, 1721 ; Ebenezer Lane, of Western Virginia, 1770; Amos Lane, of Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, 1808, father of Gen, James Henry Lane, of Kansas; James Asa Lane (of Ohio?), 1 781 ; and tbe Lane famUy of Bristol, Maine, 1836; and that of colonial Virginia and North Carolina, connected according to tradition with Sir Ralph Lane, Knight, Governor of Virginia, 1585, including EUiot T. Lane, of Mercersburg, father of Miss Harriet Lane, of the White House ; James Hardage Lane, grandfather of Gov, Henry Smith Lane, of Indiana, and Joseph Lane, of Halifax, N, C, 1727, father of Col. Joel Lane, the pioneer, and grandfather of Gen. Joseph Lane, Governor of Oregon ; as well as additional material relative to famiUes included in Volumes I and II ; that is, those of WiUiam Lane, of Boston, Mass,, 1648; WiUiara Lane, of Dorchester, Mass., 163s; Robert Lane, of Stratford, Conn., 1660; and Cornelius Lane, of Middletown, Conn., 1744, Somerset county, N. J,, 175-. and Albany, N. Y. It is far frora safe, in the case of so common a name, to assume that all Lanes are of the same family, or that because one Lane, X Lane Genealogies. whose name was inscribed on the roll of Battell Abbey, came over with William the Conqueror, any of the American Lanes wind their way back in continuance to that one, still represented among the gentry of England. It is quite possible, however, that if the name Lane sometimes was a local designation, applied to a man who lived in a lane, e. g. : John at the lane, the existence of the name as a surname already may have aided in the assumption of the shorter form. It is quite Ukely also that in some cases the Gaelic Maclean has been shortened to Lean. One case of this has faUen under my own observation. The change of speUing from Lean to Lane would then be an easy matter, especially in times when as Mr. Fitts remarks, " in early records the name is variously spelled Lane, Laine, Layne, Lean, and the name with the prefix Mac or Mc has the same variety of forra." Rev. James P. Lane mentions the possible derivation of name from the French laine, the word for wool, and suggests that French Huguenots, wool growers or workers, may have assuraed the name. The name of Reyner, Job Lane's father-in-law, is certainly French, and there were Huguenot settlers in this part of England, so that Rev. Mr. Lane may be right. But in default of definite documents we have to admit that kinship among Lanes is a matter of conjecture, and that the path of the genealogist is appropriately enough strait and narrow. Yet we have been enabled by wills, with the indispensable help of my friend, J. W. Evans, LL. B., Sc. D., F. G. S., to locate definitely the English home of the Lanes included in this volume (owing to the fact that their family so long retained an interest in property in England,)* as in Rickmansworth, almost a suburb of London. It seems therefore fit that they should hav.e a volume to themselves. Some have questioned the use of these genealogies and the wis dom of the taste for them which has of late increased so greatly in America. But it has never been thought unworthy the dignity of the historian to trace the genealogies of reigning families, and each of these family genealogies may be considered as a contribution to that of the American sovereign. He who reverences the Bible cannot despise them as useless, for he must own that many of them are preserved therein. Nor can the evolutionist consistently main- *Page 33, Preface. xi tain that the more recent boughs of the family tree are less worthy of study than the earlier. Moreover in such books the historian finds many little incidents which are precious as showing what the average man was doing and feeling. It was a bright idea of Rev. Mr. Fitts to cull from his pages such facts and group them together as Annals, and excepting indexes, etc., this is practically the only part of tbe present volume which he had not completed. It has been prepared from his rough manuscript notes by my brother, Lucius P. Lane. References in the text or in his manuscript show that Mr. Fitts had examined records and histories and other publications relating to the towns of Bedford, Billerica, Boston, Gloucester, Maiden and Salem, Mass., Charlestown, N. H., and Woodstock, Maine, and the Massachusetts counties of Middlesex, Worcester, and Suffolk, as well as the Massachusetts and General Court records and archives, Winthrop's Journal, Sewall's Diary, pubUcations of the Society of Colonial Wars, the genealogical works of Bond, and Farmer and Moore, and the Avery genealogy. From Mr. Fitts' notes he had evidently intended, in addition to previous acknowledgements, to express his thanks for help in preparing this volume to the late WiUiam H. Whitmore, Esq., whose "Lane Family Papers" ap peared in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, to Samuel Richards, Esq., of Maine, who contributed " Notes of James Lane," in Old Times, October, 1883, and to Miss Charlotte Augusta Lane, of Gloucester, Mass., Samuel Freeman Lane, Esq., of Pennsylvania, Miss Herreshoff, of Rhode Island, and Miss Alice G. Lane, and Mr. Thos. E. Libby, of Vinalhaven, Maine. Alfred C. Lane. Lansing, Mich., July i, 1901. NOTE. THE long delay in the pubUcation of this volume is in part due to the fact that, while we were working over the preliminary and complementary pages, knowledge was brought to us of the ex istence in England of additional wiUs, which furnish information of the Lane ancestry of the faraUies included in this volume, going back three more generations to 1542. Believing that there is suf ficient of interest in them to justify it, I have procured copies, whicb wiU be found in their proper places in the Postscript prefixed to Part I. For our knowledge of the existence and location of these wills, all of which were filed in the Archdeacon's Court of St. Albans, and for any information included in the Postscript not gleaned from them, we are indebted to the courtesy of Mrs. Mary W. (Lane) Poor, of Hackensack, N. J., for whom these items were procured by the researches of a professional genealogist of London, whom she independently employed. Both Mrs. Fitts and I have received requests for the insertion of additional information as to some of the famiUes included in the volume. Since pages 1-3 91 were aU printed, in sufficient number for the edition, before Mr. Fitts' death, the only way in which such items could be added would be to put them on separate pages at one end of the volume, as " Addenda." As this is not a very sat isfactory method, and moreover, to set a limit to the date up to which additions would be received would be perplexing, it has been decided not to attempt at all to bring the information to a later date than that reached at the time of Mr. Fitts' death. In Ueu thereof some blank leaves of writing paper will be bound in at the end, and upon these may be completed and kept the particular family record of each possessor of a copy of the volume. L. P. Lane. Boston, Mass., July 11, 1902. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Title page, i Copyright, ii Sketch of James Hill Fitts, his genealogical work, and the Hampton Lane monument, by Rev. J. W. Lane, . . iii Preface, by Alfred C. Lane, ...... ix Note, by L. P. Lane, xii Contents, ......... xiii Illustrations, ......... xiv Corrections, ......... xv PEDIGREES. Part I. and prefixed Postscript. Lane FamUy in Rickmansworth, England, and vicinity, xvi, xx i " II. Job Lane of Maiden and BiUerica, Mass., xvi 8 " III. James Lane of Casco Bay, Maine, . xvU 171 " IV. Edward Lane of Boston, Mass., . . xix 387 Annals, 392 Indexes : I. Christian Names of Persons named Lane, . 400 II. Collateral Surnames other than Lane, . . 417 III. States and Towns, 430 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Old Home of English Lanes, frontispiece James HUl Fitts, facing page iii Hampton Lane monument ...... vii Head stone at the grave of Job Lane in Maiden, Mass., . 24 Jonas Lane, ......... 94 House built by Jonas Lane in 1786, ..... 96 Jonathan Lane,^ of Bedford, Mass., . . . . .115 Jonathan Lane house, vignette of Mrs. Lane, . . . 116 Anthony Lane, . . . . . . . .124 House of Anthony Lane, . . . . . .127 Jonas Henry Lane, M. D., of Boston, Mass., . . . 128 Jonathan A. Lane, . . . . . . .' 141, 143 The wife and sons of Jonathan A. Lane, . . . .144 Ruharaah Augusta (Lane) Loomis and her sons, . . 146 Samuel Freeman Lane, . . . . . . .152 Jonas Henry Lane, of New York, . . . . .158 James Warren Lane®, . . . . . . .160 Mortimer Bliss Lane, James Warren Lane, Jr., and Arthur BHss Lane, . . . . . . . . .162 Head stone at the grave of Capt. Francis Lane, South Paris, Maine, . . . . . . . f 235 Mary Lane Richards, . . . . . . .237 Dr. Samuel Richards, . . . . . . .289 Ammi R. Lane, . . . . . . . .290 Capt. Mark Lane^, ........ 292 Giddings Lane, ........ 340 CORRECTIONS. It is desirable that each person who comes into possession of a copy of this volume should immediately upon receiving it go through it with pen and ink, making upon the proper pages the corrections here mentioned. Reports of further errors discovered should be sent in tbe care of The News-Letter Press, Exeter, N. H. Page 28, Une 6, for " Dachariah " put " Zachariah." Page 56, at the foot of the page, the words from " deacon " to " memorial" inclusive, should be placed after the name of Eckley, loth child of Timothy Stearns", instead of after the name of Eckley, 3d child of Obed. Page 79, at the foot of the page, for " Bedell Bangs " put " Biddies Boggs ;" for" Wilcox," put "John Henry Wilson;" for " Hodkins" put '• Hodgkins." Page 99, line 4, for " 1746 " put " 1846." Page no, entry VII, for "Augusta Joy" put "Augustus Joy;" for Sarah Skidmore " put " Sijsan Skidmore." Page 117, a little below the middle of the page, for " SARAH HAWES BERRY" put "SARAH HOWES BERRY." Page 129, line 11 from the foot of the page, for " Allin Rufus Reed" put " Albin Rufus Reed." Page 141, also line 11 from the foot of the page, for " 1843 " put " 1833." Page 160, family 97, for EDWARD ERI POOR" put "EDWARD ERIE POOR." Page 171, make a reference by footnote to mention of James Lane', also in Part II, pages 9, 12, 18. Page 237, number 83, for "Annie Ruhamah" put "Ammi Ruhamah." Page 267, line 7, for " Mehitable Britt " put " Mehitable Brett." Page 310, line 2, second date, for " 1790 " put " 1791." Page 362, .family 147, make the pedigree of Capt. GEORGE EDWARD LANE, read as follows: (Gideon"-'-*, Joseph^ John=, James',) instead of (Gideon"-', Joseph*-', John*, James'). PEDIGREES. PART I AND PREFIXED POSTSCRIPT. Lane Family in Rickmansworth, England, and Vicinity, 1542-1758. Name and Generation, counting back from the settlement in America. Robert Lane* Thomas' George* John' Henry'Symon' Jerome'James' George' Page in Postscript, or Family number in Part I proper. XX xxi xxiii III . II IV VI I V PART II. Job Lane, of Malden and Billerica, Mass. Name and Generation. Job Lane' Sarah (Job') Mary* Elizabeth* " Maj. John* " Susanna" (John*) ' Mary' " Dea. Job' John' Capt. James' " Job* (Job') John 2d* " Timothy' " Mary* " Catherine* (John') John 3d* " Samuel 2d* " James* (James') Samuel* " Luke' (Job*) Family. 1 23 4 5 678 9 10H1213 1415 16 17 18 19 20 Name and Generation. Family. John' (John 2d*) 21 Col. Francis' " 22 Lieut. Benjamin' " 23 Ziba' 24 Jonathan* " 25 Stephen' (Timothy*) 26 Gershom Flagg' (John 3d*) 27 Polly' (Samuel 2d*) 29 Oliver Wellington' (James*) 30 Solomon' " 81 David' " 32 Jonas' (Samuel* James') 33 Ephraim' " 34 Ebenezer' " " 35 Samuel' " '< 36 Job" (Luke') 37 Eliab Bridge" (John') 38 Capt. Amasa" " 39 Roger" " 40 Elias" (Francis') 41 Pedigrees. Name and Generation. Family. Capt, Francis" (Francis') 42 Josiah" (Benj,') 43 Benjamin" " 44 Ziba" (Ziba') 45 Francis Bowman" " 46 John" " 47 Jonathan" (Jonathan') 48 Josiah Abbot" " 49 George" " 50 Charles" " 51 John Samuel" " 52 John" (Gershom F,') 53 George Washington" " 54 Thomas" " 55 Oliver Wellington" (Solomon') 56 David" (David') 57 Anthony" (Jonas') 58 Jonas Henry' (Jonas') 59 George" (Ephraim') 60 Washington Jefferson" (Ebenezer') 61 David Woodward" (Samuel') 62 John Jones" " 63 Daniel Josiah" " 64 Abner Bridge' (Eliab B,") 65 George' (Roger") 66 Elias Coolidge' (Elias") 67 Allen Francis' (Francis") 68 Amos Foster' " 69 Samuel' " 70 Milton' " 71 Hosea Foster' " 72 Daniel Walker' (Benj,") 73 Martin B,' " 74 Levi' (Ziba") 75 Name and Generation, Family, John' (John") 76 Jonathan Abbot' (Jonathan") 77 Ruhamah Augusta' " 78 Stephen Abbot' (Josiah Abbot") 79 John Samuel' " 80 Charles Gardner' " 81 Charles DeWitt' (George" Jona') 82 Ebenezer Hayward' (John Sam'l")83 Hiram H,' (John", Gershom F.') 84 Richard' " " 86 Mary Evaline' (George W.") 86 Samuel Freeman' " 87 Clementine' (Thomas") 88 Anne Maria' " 89 Charlotte' " 90 ¦William Augustus' (Oliver W.") 9 1 Oliver Josiah' " 92 Samuel Leavitt' " 93 Job Blanchard' (David") 94 Eliza Wait' (Jonas Henry") 95 Jonas Henry' " 96 Mary Wellington'(Washington J,")97 Sarah Adeline' (David Wood ward"; 98 John Henry' (David Woodward") 99 George Winchester" (Abner B,') 100 Frederick Douglas" (Samuel') 10 1 Julius Arthur^ (John') 102 John Chapin" (Jonathan A,') 103 Samuel Lane Loomis" (Ruha mah Augusta') 104 Richard" (Hiram H.') 105 Thomas Benton" " 106 John Wellington" (Oliver J.') 107 PART III. James Lane, of Casco Bay, Maine. Name and Generation, James Lane' John* (James') Samuel* ' ' Job Sr,* Dea, James' (John*) John' Joseph' " Benjamin' " Job' Samuel' (Samuel*) Joseph' (Job*) Job 3d' Family. Name and Generation. Family, 1 William* (James') 13 2 Josiah* 14 8 David* (John') 16 4 Joseph* (Joseph') 16 5 Caleb* 17 6 Solomon* " 18 7 Gideon* " 19 8 Benjamin* (Benj,') 20 9 Jonathan* " 21 10 Hezekiah* 22 11 Joseph* 23 12 Ebenezer* (Job' John*) 24 Lane Genealogies. Name and Generation. Family, Name and Generation, Family, Andrew* (Job' John*) 25 Abigail" (Levi') 79 Samuel* (Samuel') 26 Polly" 80 Zebulon* 27 Nancy" 81 Daniel* 28 Mary" (Francis') 82 Issacher* 29 Ammi Ruhamah" " 83 Nicholas' (William*) 30 Mark" (Mark') 84 James' (Josiah*) 31 George Washington" " 85 Josiah' 32 John" (David') 86 Isaac' 33 David" 87 Theophilus' " 34 Epes" 88 Levi' 35 Hon. Samuel" " 89 Capt, Francis' " 36 Joseph 3d" (Caleb' Joseph*, 90 Mark' 37 William Saville" " 91 David' (David*) 38 Theodore" 92 Caleb' (Joseph*-') 39 Gideon" (Gideon' Joseph*) 03 Gideon' 40 Samuel Robinson" " " 94 Caleb Jr,' (Caleb*) 41 David Saville" (Caleb'-*) 95 Joseph' ¦ 42 Lazarus" " 96 Zacheus' " 43 Cyrus" (Zacheus') 97 Solomon' (Solomon*) 44 Nathaniel" (Nathaniel') 98 Nathaniel' 45 Wentworth Riggs" " 99 Cornelius' " 46 Lewis" " 100 Humphrey' " 47 William" (William') 101 William' 48 Albert" 102 Gideon 2d' (Gideon*) 49 Capt. Gideon 2d" (Gideon'-*) 103 Martha' " 50 Oliver GrifEn" 104 John Babson' " 61 Gustavus Adolphus" " 105 Peter' " 52 William" (John Babson') 106 Benjamin' (Benjamin*) 53 Thomas Bicknell"( Peter' Gideon ')107 Eliphalet' 64 Benjamin" (Benj.'-*) 108 Samuel' 65 Zenas" 109 Jonathan' (Jonathan*) 56 Eliphalet" (Eliphalet') 110 Moses' " 57 Frederick" (Jonathan') 111 Abner' (Hezekiah*) 68 Allen" " 112 Joseph' (Joseph*, Benj') 59 John" (Abner') 113 Ebenezer' (Ebenezer*) 60 Hon. Ebenezer" (Ebenezer') 114 Job' 61 Andrew" (Andrew') 115 Andrew' (Andrew*) 62 George" (George') 116 Capt, George' " 63 Stephen" (Stephen') 117 Stephen' (Samuel*) 64 Jonathan Denison" " 118 Daniel' (Daniel*) 65 Joshua" (Daniel') 110 James' 66 John" (James'; 120 Giddings' " 67 Polly" (Giddings') 121 Elias' 68 Alpheus" " 122 Peter' 69 Giddings" " 123 Samuel' " 70 Calvin" 124 Issacher' (Issacher*) 71 Alvan" (Ellas') 125 Benjamin' " 72 Eliphalet G," (Peter' Daniel*) 126 William" (Nicholas') 73 Issacher" " " 127 John" 74 John" (Benj.' Issacher*) 128 Josiah" (Josiah') 76 Joseph" " " 129 Isaac" (Isaac') 76 James A," " " 130 Levi" 77 Timothy" " " 131 Betsey" (Levi') 78 George' (John") 132 Pedigrees. Name and Generation, Family. Edmund Cleaves' (Josiah") 133 Seth' " 134 Joseph Hicks' (Levi") 135 Julia Ann (Lewis) Herreshoff' (Nancy") Henry White' (John" David') David' (David") James Monroe' " John'David' (Epes") Epes' " James Sawyer' " William' " Augustus' " Sylvanus Cobb' " Capt, George Edward' (Gideon"-'-*) Frederick Foome' (Oliver G,") Thomas Randall' ("Thomas B.°) Palfrey' (Benj,') Jacob' " John Barnard' " Richard' " Benjamin Jr,' " Jonathan Sewell' (Eliphalet") Howard Garland' (George"-') 136 137 138139140 141 142 143 144 145146 147 148 149 150 161 152 153 154 165 156 Name and Generation, Family. Stephen H.' (Stephen") 167 Edward' (Jonathan D.") 158 George B.' (John" Jas.' Daniel*) 159 Cyrus Benson' (Giddings") 160 David G.' (Calvin") 161 Adoniram Judson' (issacher") 162 Timothy' (John" Benj.') 163 Benjamin' (Joseph") 164 Hiram Vinal' " 165 Rodney' (James") 166 William Smith' (Timothy") 167 Edwin' " 168 Rev. Benjamin Humphrey" (Edmund C) 169 Aerial Deblance" (Joseph Hicks') 170 Alvin A.» " 171 Charles M," " 173 Henry Lyman" (Henry W,') 173 Levi Saunders" •' 174 David' (David'-"J 176 Thomas M," " 176 Harvey" (James M.') 177 Osborne W," " 178 Francis Edward" (John' David") 179 Alexander" (David"' Epes") 180 John K.» (Timothy') 18 1 PART IV. Edward Lane of Boston, Mass. Name and Generation, Edward Lane' Family. I Name and Generation. 1 Edward* (Edward')' Family, POSTSCRIPT TO PART I. additional information as to the Lane Family in Ricl^manswortli, England, AND VICINITY. Compiled by L. P. Lane. ROBEkT LANE or A LANE^* of Rickmansworth, Herts., "husbandman," who is described in the Subsidy Roll of 1524 as " Robert A Lane," and in that of 1525 as " Robert Lane," in his will, dated 4 July, 1542, proved 11 June, 1543, provides that he is to be " buryed yn the churche yerd of our blessed lady yn Ric- mansworthe," and gives to his daughters Annes Page and Margaret Thorpe each one acre of wheat, one cow, and 10 sheep, and specified articles of household furniture ; to John Page, son of WUliam Page, and John Thorpe, son of Edward Thorpe, each one sheep ; and to Elyne, his son's daughter, one bullock. The resid uary legatee and executor was his son Thomas. In the name of God Amen In the yere of oure lord God 1542 the iiij* daye of Julye I Robt Lane of the pyshe of Ricmansworth, husbandman syke yn body & hole of memory make my testament and last will yn thys forme and man followyng fKrst I bequeth my soul unto Almightie God &c & my body to be buryed yn the churche yerd of our blessed lady yn Ricmansworthe Item I bequeth to the hye aut of my pyshe churche for tythes for youer iiijd Item I bequeth to Annes Page my dought one acre of wheate Item I be queth to Margaret Thorpe one acre of wheat I bequeth unto Annys & Margaret either of them x shepe apece Item I, bequeth to John Page the sone of Willm Page one shepe Item I bequeth unto John Thorpe the son of Edward Thorpe one shepe Item I bequeth to my dought Annes and Mar- * Throughout the Postscript the index figures indicate the generation counting lack from the settlement in America. Postscript to Part I. xxi gatt the Botts [sic] that ar yn the nether pece yn the myld fyld I bequeth to Annes Page ij pans Item I bequeth unto Margaret Thorpe a pott Item I be queth to Annes and Margaret ether of them ij pewt dysshes Item I bequeth unto Annes Page one postnett Item I bequeth unto Margett Thorpe one kettell Item I bequeth to Annes and Margaret ether of them two peyre of shetts Item I bequeth unto Annes Page one cowe Item I bequeth unto Marget Thorpe one cowe Item I bequeth unto Elyne my sones dought one bolloke. The rest of my goods not bequethed my detts payd and my funerall done I gyue frely unto my sone Thorns whome I make my trewe and Lawfull executore for to dyspose my goods for the Comfort of my soule and all chrysten Soules as he shall thynke best and also my louyng neyghbours John Garden & John Euelyng ou sears of thys my last wyll The wytnes Willm Hopkyns curat Ric Rosse Wyllm Pearne John Garden John Euelyng with many other the daye & yere above sayd. Children of Robert Lane*, in 1542 : Thomas', m. Alice , and had children. See hereunder. Annes^, m. William Page, and had: John^, living in 1542. Did the latter m. Mary , or was there also a daughter Mary? Thomas Lane, in 1586, bequeathed to Mary Page one- quarter of wheat. Margaret-', m. Edward Thorpe, and had : John^, who was liv ing in 1542 ; she received a bequest from her brother Thomas in 1587- THOMAS LANE3, of Rickmansworth, yeoman, son of the above mentioned Robert Lane, made a wiU dated 9 Dec, 1586, proved 14 June, 1587, in which he provides that he is to be buried in the church yard at Rickmansworth, and bequeaths 10 shiUings to the poor of Rickmansworth ; to his son George " the Table in the hale, and the forme and the settles about the window, and the horse mill standinge in the Barne with all things belonging to the said miU ; " also " a great Brase pott wich was my Grandfathers," after the decease of the testator's wife; to his son John Lane, 10 sheep ; to his son Richard Lane, certain crops and farm imple ments ; to his daughter Joan Wynchfield, a cow and a quarter of wheat ; to Elizabeth Culverhouse, one buUock and five sheep ; to xxii Lane Genealogies. Mary Page, one quarter of wheat ; to James Lane,-a house and two acres of land in Croxley Green, on the condition that the afore mentioned George Lane, father of the said James, pays to testa tor's daughter Dorothy, ten pounds at marriage, otherwise the said house and land to go to Dorothy and her heirs ; to his daughter Dorothy, in addition to the above, ;^io at marriage, household fur niture and also a certain debt of ;^5 ; to his sister Thorpe two bushels of wheat and two of rye, and 40s apiece to each of testator's six children. The residuary legatee and executrix was his wife Alice. In the name of god Amen the ninth Daye of December in the yere of our Lord god 1586 in the nine and twentieth yere of the rainge of our moste gratious Soueraig Ladie Quene Elizabeth I Thomas Lane of Rickersworth in the countie of Hertford yeoman beinge sicke of bodie by the visitation of Almightie god Not wth standinge hole in mind and in good and perfect mem ory Prayse be to god mack ordaine & declare this my laste will & Testa ment in Manner & forme followinge That is to saie fifirste I bequeth my soule to allmightie god my maker & into Jesus Christe my onely redemer & saviour and my bodie to be buried in the Curche yarde of Rickm shworthe Imprimis I geve to the poore of Rickmershworth xs Item I give to George Lane my Sonne the Table in the hale and the forme and the settles about the window and the horse mill standinge in the Barne with all things belonging to the said mill also I geve him a great Brase pott wich was my Grandfathers and he shall not haue it untill after the deth of my wife & that she shall not cary it out of the house withe her Item I geve unto John Lane my sonne Ten shepe wherof five to be Ewes & five to be Lambes not of the beste nor of the worste Item I geve unto Richard Lane the third part of all the Come nowe growing uppon the Burie ground payinge the third part of the rent & halfe a quarter of wheate & halfe a quarter of Rie Two quarter of Otts half a quarter of Barley & half a quater of Pease Ten shepe one cowe one gray horse and half parte of all carts ploughes Harrowes Horse harnesse & all other things belonginge to husbandrie and all the implements & shope gere wiche Richard Lovett hath in occupinge* Item I geve unto Johan Winck- felde my daughter one cowe and one quarter of wheate to be deliuered to the said Johan after harvest next cominge Item I geve to Elizabeth Cvlverhouse one BuUocke of three yere olde and five sheep Item I geve to Mary Page one quarter wheat after harveste next Item I geve to Jeames Lane one house & two acres of Land lying in Croxley grene nowe in the occupiinge of Willm Runwell upon this condition that the foresaide George Lane my sonne the *lt I wyll that yf my wyff do marry then my wyll is that my Sonne Richard shalt have the other half of my cartes [?] and plowes & horses and Implements of husbandry Postscript to Part I. xxiii father of the said Jeames shall paie unto Dorothie Lane my daughter ten pound of currant money at the Daye of her mariage or within sixe weeks after being lawfully demanded & if the said George doe refuse to paie the said Ten pound unto the foresaid Dorothie accordinge to my will then I geve the house and the Land to the said Dorothie and her heires for ever Item I geve unto Dorothie Ten pound more at the Dale of her mariage and a ioyned bedstede with bed wholy as it standeth two paire of shets a Brasse Pott Item I geve her five pounds more wiche Jhon Gould of Bovingdon dwelling at [illegible] to be paide within Sixe weecks after my deasease Item I geve to my sistar Thorpe ij bushells of wheate and ij of Rie whereof one to be paid presently after my desease and the Rest after harveste* All the rest of my goods cattails unbequethed detts and legacies paide my funerall discharged I geve unto Alice my wife whom I macke and constitute my whole executrix & I macke Charlys Spencer & Thomas Hull my over seers & for there paines iijs iiijd a peece. *It I geve unto all my sixe chylldren xl s apeece to be payd unto them immediately after my dysses Children of Thomas Lane^, the last six of whom were living in 1586: Elyne**, to whom her grandfather, Robert Lane*, in 1542, be queathed a bullock. George*, who had children. See hereunder. John*. Richard*. Joan*, m. W'stnchfield. Elizabeth*, m. Culverhouse. Dorothy*. Did she m. Thomas Hull, and have among other children, Judith, who m. Henry Lovett? See the wills of George Lane, 1627, and John Lane, 1661. GEORGE LANE*, of Rickmansworth, yeoman, son of the above mentioned Thomas Lane^, and grandson of Robert*, was the father of James Lane^, Senior, and the grandfather of Job, James and Edward, to an account of whose families this volume is devoted. The wiU of George Lane, dated 6 Nov., 1627, and proved 27 Sept., 1628, bequeaths to his gon Henry Lane, ^10 and certain articles xxiv Lane Genealogies. of furniture, to his son Symon Lane a life annuity of £,i, towards the bringing up of his children, upon condition that he shaU not return his children to his kindred, otherwise the legacy to be void. To his daughter Isabell Lane he gives articles of furniture and ;^70, to his sons Jerome and James Lane each ;^io, to Ed ward Lane, son of said James, 403; to Anne HuU, daughter of Thomas Hull, 40s ; to Thomas, Sara, Judith, Mary and Rebecca, children of Thomas Hull, each one ewe sheep; los to the poor widows, and to his son John Lane, certain articles of furniture. The residuary legatees and executors were his sons Thomas and John. In the name of god Amen the sixt dale of Nouember 1627 and in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Souigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of eng- land Scotland ffrance and Ireland Kinge defender of the ffaith &c I George Lane of Rickmersworth in the Countie of Hertf yoman being sicke in body, but of good and pfecte Remembrance thanks be geuen to Allmightie god for it doo make and Ordaine this my last will and Testament all former wills to be Revoked in maner & forme ffoUowing that is to say, fiirst I bequeth my soule into the hands of allmightie god my maker, and my body to be buried in Christian Buriall as becometh, Item I geve & bequeth to my son Henry Lane the Cubberd in the Buttery one Bed and Bedstead with all the fforniture there unto belonging wheare in I now do Ly at the making of my will and Testa ment, and Ten pounds of Currand english money, to be paid to him within sixe monthes after my Desess, Item I bequeth to my sonne Symon Lane fower pownds of Lawfull english money to be paid to him yearly during his naturall Life, towards the bringing up of his Children upon Condicion that hee shall not Retorne his Children to his Kindred if he Retorne his Children to his Kindred then this gift is to be Cleerely voide, Item my sole Executor shall [doubtful] Symon Lanes ground one year after the dated abovesaidj that hee now houldeth, Item I bequeth to my Daughter Issabell Lane the Bedstead with all the ffurniture theare unto belonging of the best the bigest brass pott saving one and the bigest Kettle saving one, and the Cubberd that is now in the Lofte and the greate Cheste and Threescore & Ten pownds of LafuU eng lish money to be paid to her within Three Monthes after my decess. Item I bequeth to my sonne Jerome Lane Ten pounds of Lawfull english money to be paid to him within Three monthes after my Decess, Item bequeth to my sonne James Lane- Tenn pownds of Lawfull english raoney Item I bequeth to Edward Lane the sonne of the said James Lane ffortie shillings of Lawfull english money. Item I bequeth to Anne Hull daughter of Thomas Hull fortie shillings of Lawfull english money. Item I bequeth to Thomas Hull Sarra Hull Judeth Hull Mary Hull and Rebecca HuU children of Thomas Hull each Postscript to Part I. xxv of them one ewe sheep Item I bequeath to the poore widdowes Ten shillings. Item I geve and bequeth to my son John Lane the Table in the halle with the Tressels benches forme and settles as it now standing the bigest pott and Ket tle that is in the house wherein I now dwell ahd alsoe the Timber that is now ffelled Lying about the house wheare in I now dwell und I make my sole Executores of this my Laste will & Testamente my two sonnes Thomas Lane and John Lane all the Residue of my goods and Chattels vnbequeathed my debts being paid and my funerall discharged my will is that my Executores shall have equally between them and I make my overseers of this my last will and Testament Roger Eve and William Clarke, and they are to have ijs vjd apeece for their paines. In witness wheare of I have put my hand and seale the dale and yeare above said in the p sents of us whose names are heare under written. Abraham Gibb the ^ marke of the marke of <• i Roger Eve X ( Seal | the W marke of ^ '~^'~' William Clarke ChUdren of George Lane*, in 1627 : ThomasI, executor of his father's wiU of 1627, and trustee under the will of his brother Symon in 1629. Not mentioned in the will of bis brother Jerome in 1646, or that of his brother John in i66r. JohnI, executor of his father's will of 1627, and trustee under the will of his brother Symon in 1629. Made his own wiU in 1661. See Part I, III, page 2. HenryI. See Part I, II, page 2. SymonI, m. Alice . By his wiU, dated 19 May, 1629, proved 15 June, 1629, printed on page xxvi he left ;^30 to his son Thomas, and ^^15 each to his daughters Sarah, Joan and Frances; the above legacies to be paid to his brothers, Thomas and John Lane, for the benefit of his said children till of age, untU which time his wife Alice is to have the profits arising therefrom, and the said sums are to be paid by the executrix to the said trustees at the house of the said Thomas Lane in Rickmansworth, Residuary legatee and executrix his wife Alice. Children : I. Thomas, m, and had children. See Part I, IV, page 5, 2, Sarah. 3, Joan. 4, Frances. Did she marry Richard Lovett? Will of John Lane, 1661 : " Item I giue & bequeath vnto my kinswoman ffrances the now wife of Rich ard Lovett Tenn pounds. . . ,-" xxvi Lane Genealogies. Jerome^, m. Martha . See Part I, VI, page 5. James^, m. Katherine Russell. See also Part I, I, page i. His grandfather, Thomas Lane, bequeathed to him in 1586, a bouse and two acres of land in Croxley Green, upon certain conditions. In 1 66 1 four sons of James Lane were living : I, John. See Part I, upper part of page .i.. 2, Job. See Part II, page 8, , 3, Jaynes. See Part III, page 171, 4, Edward. See Part IV, page 387, Isabell^, George^, m, and had children. See Part I, V, page 5. WILL OF SYMON LANE, In the name of God Amen the ninteenth dale of May 1629 I Symon Lane of Rickm sworth in the countie of Hertf yoman being sick in body but of good and p fitt Remembrance thanks be geven to allmightie god for it doo make and ordaine this my last will and Testamente, all fformer willes to be Revoked, in manor and fforme ffoUowinge vidy ffirst I bequeth my soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker And Redeemer, and my body to be buried in Christian Buriall as becometh. Item I give and bequeth unto my Sonne Thomas Lane the some of Thirty pownds of Lawfull english money to be paid unto him when he shall be of the full age of one and Twentie years Item I give and bequeth unto my daughter Sara Lane the some of fifteine pownds of Lawfull english money to be paid to her when shee shall be of the ffuU age of one and Twentie yeares, Item I give and bequeth unto my Daughter Joan Lane the sum of fifteine pownds of Lawfull english money to be paid Two her when shee shall be of the full age of one and Twentie years Item I give and bequeth unto my Daughter Francis Lane the some of ffifteine pownds of Lawfull english money to be paid to her when shee shall be of the full age of One and Twentie yeares And my will is fturther that all those forsaid portiones and somes of money geven and bequethed shall be put out and delivered unto my Two Brothers Thomas Lane and John Lane, they put ting in good Security to my Executors and overseers, whearby my children may be sure to have there portiones when they shall be of the full age of one and Twentie yeares as is aforsaid And my will alsoe is that AUice Lane my Lawfull wife shall have the benefit and profile that shall arise according to the statue of the portiones geven to my children, tell they shall come to the full age of One and Twentie yeares for and Towards the bringing up of my chil dren afore named And Alice my wife is to deliv these forsaid somes to Postscript to Part I. xxvii Thomas Lane and John Lane vidy that is to say the Onehalfe at the ffeaste dale of All Saints next ensuing after the Date Above said, and the other halfe at or upon the ffeaste Day of Sainte John the Baptiste which shall be in the year of our lord god one Thousand sixe hundred and Thirtie at or in the Dwell ing house of the said Thomas Lane, in Rickm sworth Aforesaid, And if it shall happen that any of the said Children, Thomas Lane Sara Lane Joane Lane and ffrancis lane Do die and depart this life before they shall be of the full age then my will is that his or her porsion soe departed shall be Equally De- vided Among the Rest that be living. And if it shall happen that Allice my wife Doe mary or contract herself to any man before the forsaid somes of money be payable to be put out to Thomas lane and John Lane if shee doo not put them in good security for the payments of the said money Then my will is that my Two Brothers Thomas lane and John lane shall enter upon soe mutch goods and Chattels as the Childrens portiones shall Amonte unto. And I make my sole Executrixe of this my last will and Testament Allice my law- full wife all the Residue of my goods & Chattels unbequethed I give and bequeth to my said Executrixe my Debts being paid my funerall discharged And I make my overseers of this my last will and Testament William Clarke and John White, and I give them ijs vjd apeece for their panes In witness wheare of I have put to my hand and seale the dale and year aforsaid Witnesses to the p sents Abraham Gibb Jeremy Lane the marke of r '""''' -i John White X I Seal I the marke of Symon Lane -v-- W William Clarke The Place of the Yeoman in English Society in the Sixteenth Century. THESE wiUs show that our ancestors were yeomen. As an ex planation of the term as used in the England of that time, the following quotation from the treatise of Sir Thomas Sraith, 15 13—1577, De Republica Anglorum, first published at London in 1583, afterwards re-pubUshed under the title: The Common Wealth of England, is contemporary evidence, clear and conclu sive. Sidney Lee's Dictionary of National Biography says of Smith's work : " It is the most important description of the con stitution and government of England written in the Tudor age." I quote from the edition of 1584, pages 29-32 : OF YEOMEN. chap, 23. Those whom we call yeomen next unto the nobilitie. Knights and Squires, haue the greatest .charge and doings in the common wealth, or rather are more trauailed to serue in it than all the rest : as shall appeare hereafter, I call him a yeoman whom our Lawes doe call Legalem hominem, a worde familiar in writtes and enquestes, which is a freeman borne English, and may dispend of his owne free lande in yerely reuenue to the summe of xl. a. sterling , This sort of people confesse themselues to be no gentlemen, but giue the honour to al which be or take upon them to be gentlemen, and yet they have a certaine preheminence and more estimation than laborers and artificers, and commonly Hue wealthily, keepe good houses, & do their businesse, & trauaile to acquire riches: these be (for the most part) termors unto gentlemen, which with grasing, frequenting of markettes, and keeping seruaunts not idle as the gentleman doth, but such as get both their owne lining and parte of their maisters : by these meanes do come to such wealth, that they are able and daily doe buy the landes of unthriftie gentlemen, and after setting their sonnes to the schoole at the Uniuersities, to the lawe of the Realm, or otherwise leauing them sufficient landes whereon they may Hue without labour, doe make Place of the Yeoman in English Society. xxix their saide sonnes by these meanes gentlemen. These be not called masters, for that (as I saide) pertaineth to gentlemen onely : But to their surnames, men adde goodman ... I meane not in matters of importance or in lawe. But in matters of Lawe and for distinction, if one were a knight they would write him (for example sake) Sir lohn Finch Knight, so if he be an Esquier, lohn Finch, Esquier or Gentleman, if he be no Gentleman, lohn Finch yeoman. . . . So amongest the husbandmen labourers, lowest and rascall sort of the people such as be exempted out of the nuraber of the rascabilitie of the popu lar be called and written yeomen, as in the degree next unto gentlemen. These are they which olde Cato calleth Aratores and opiimos cives in Re publica : and such as of whom the writers of common wealths praise to have manie in it When they are foorth they fight for their Lordes of whora they hold their landes, for their wiues and children, for their countrey and nation, for praise and honour, against they come home , , . These are they which in the old world gat that honour to Englande, not that either for witte, conduction, or for power they are or were euer to be compared to the gentleraen, but because they be so manie in nuraber, so obedient at the Lordes call, so strong of bodie, so harde to. endure paine, so couragious to aduenture with their Lorde or Captaine going with, or before them, for else they be not hastie nor neuer were as making no profession of knowledge of warre. These were the good archers in times past, and the stable troupe of footemen that affraide all France, that would rather die all, than once abandon the knight or gentleman their captaine, who at those daies commonly was their Lorde, and whose tenauntes they were . . . And this they haue amongest thera frora their forefathers tolde one to an other. The gentlemen of Fraunce and the yeomen of England are renowned, because in battle of horsemen Fraunce was raany times too good for us, as we againe alway for them on foote. And Gentlemen for the most part be men at armes and horsemen, and yeoraen commonlie on foote : howsoeuer it was, yet the gentlemen had alwaies the conduction of the yeomen . . . and the Kinges of Englande in foughten battles reraaining alwaies among the footemen, as the Frenche Kings among their horsemen. Eche Prince therby as a man may gesse, did shew where he thought his strength did consist PART I. Lane Family in Rickmansworth, England, AND VICINITY. The frontispiece is a picture of the old Lane farm house at Shep herds, MiU- End, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, England. It was tbe home of EngUsh Lanes for at least a hundred years, including John Lane (1620-1706?), own cousin and correspondent of Job Lane, who came to America about 1635 according to the family tradition. From the style of construction the house seems to have been buUt about the last of the 1 6 th or early in the 17 th century, and I think it is safe to assume that it is the identical building which was occupied by the English John Lane above mentioned, as we know that he was "of Shepherds" and that the house was occupied by his descendants some generations later. The house passed out of the possession of people of the Lane name, by reason of there being no male descendants, about the middle of the last century, and out of the possession of any of the Lane blood, early in the present century, about 1820, as near as I can find out. The house is no longer used as the residence of the occupier of the farm, but as the bailiff's house, the bailiff being a sort of overseer or foreman. — Z. P. Lane. I. JAMES LANE, Senior, yeoman, perhaps of Rickmansworth in the county of Hertford, England, was tbe father of Job, James and Edward Lane, of Maiden, Mass., about 1650. (Was the 2 Lane Famtl\' in Rickmansworth, England, name of his wife Katherine? "Will of Rich'^ Russel of the county of Hereford, the elder, gent,, i6 Aug, 1627, proved 10 June 1628 : To Mr, James Lane and wife Katherine Lane, etc."') Mr, Lane had four sons and died possessed of landed estate before 1654. John, the eldest son, remained in England, He received joint inheritance with his brother James, in the parental estates prior to 1654, and perhaps was the kinsman and executor mentioned in John Lane's wiU of 1661. Other sons of James Lane, Senior, were Job, James and Edward who all settled in the vicinity of Boston, Mass. A letter from Jeremiah Gould, dated at London, 6 June 1654, and directed to his "Kind Friend Job Lane" in Mass., shows that James Lane, Senior, and wife had surrendered an estate to their sons James and John and their heirs. The father and mother died in debt, "a good sum," and the son James paid it. James Lane, Senior, had five brothers of whom we have some knowledge. II. HENRY LANE a brother of James Lane, Senior, and probably died without issue. The letter of Jeremiah Gould to Job Lane, 1654, says: "Your uncle Henry Lane is dead; there is 19 acres of poor land fallen unto his heir, and there is a scruple made whether you be he or no, because you have an elder brother and not known to be dead." — N. E. Gen. Reg., 44: jgy. III. JOHN LANE was a brother of James Lane, Senior, and was mentioned in their brother Jeremie's will, 1646, Jeremiah Gould writes to Job Lane, in 1653 or '4 : "I made a journey -unto your uncle John Lane within this 8 days and must meet him on Satur day at Rickmansworth." The wiU of John Lane of Rickmans worth in the county of Hertford is dated 7 Aug,, 1661, and gives much family history. The wiU provides for "Herriotte" payable at Lane Family in Rickmansworth, ENfJLANo. ?> his death to the lord of the manor of Rickmansworth. It be queaths "to Rebecca Baker my daughter fiiue pounds of good and lawfuU money of England." It leaves legacies to ten other persons in sums varying from ten to thirty pounds. It gives "to the poore people of Rickmansworth ffifty shUlings to be distributed amongst them where most need is ;" also "Three Hundred of Spray ffagotts To the poore people of Millend to be delivered to them thensueing Winter and continually for one and Twenty years." The residuary legatee and executor of the will was "my kinsman John Lane," He seems without male issue. His daughter Rebecca m. Baker. will of JOHN lane, 1661, "In the name of God Amen, the seaventh day of August in the Thir teenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second over England &c, Anoq. Dmi one Thousand Six hundred Sixty one, I John Lane of Rickmersworth in the County of Hertford yeoman being of a good and perfect memory (praysed be God) knowing death certain but the tyme and hower very vncertaine being weake and sick in body doe make this my last will and Testament in manner following And ffirst of all I giue to the poore people of Rickmersworth aforesaid ffifty shillings of good and lawfull money of England To be distributed amongst them where most need is within one raonth next after ray death At the direction of myne Execute hereafter herein named. Item I giue and bequeath to Rebecca Baker my daughter ffive pounds of like good money And to my kinsman Job Lane sonne of my brother James Lane deceased I giue and bequeath the sume of Thirty pounds of like good raoney. And to my kinsman Thoraas Lane sonne of my brother Syraon Lane deceased I giue and bequeath ffifteene pounds of like good raoney And to Jahasell Lane sonne of my brother Jeremiah Lane deceased I giue and be queath the sume of Tenn pounds of like good money And to Mary Lane ray kinswoman daughter of the said Jeremiah I giue and bequeath the like sume of Tenn pounds of like good money All which said Legacies And- severall sumes of raoney soe bequeathed I will shall be paid to them and every of them within Sixe months after my death by myne Executor heareafter herein named Item I giue and bequeath vnto my kinswoman ffrances the now wife of Richard Lovett Tenn pounds of like good money to be paid vnto her Twenty shillings a yeare during Tenn yeares next ensueing after ray death Item I give & bequeath to Judith Lovett ye wife of Henry Lovett ye like surae of Tenn pounds of like good raoney to be paid vnto her Twenty shillings a yeare dureing Tenn years next ensueing after my death Item I give and be queath vnto ray said kinsman Jahasell Lane the bedstedd in ray Parlour wheron I now lye with all my bedding and furniture of Bedding thervpon or therwithall now vsed And if my said daughter Rebecca or the Bnyliffe of the 4 Lane Family in Rickmansworth, England. Lord of the Mane of Rickmersworth shall take away the said Bedstedd or any bedding thervnto belonging for the Herriotte to be due att my death Then ray will is that ray Executor shall giue the full price or valew sett vpon thera for Redemption therof or if not to be redeemed shall giue him the full price as they shall be valued att in ready money Item I give vnto the said Jahasell Two paire of sheete And one Brasse Porrage pott with a Notch in it Item I giue vnto my sd kinswoman Mary Lane Two paire of sheets and one Dozen of Table napkins And ray long Table cloth with a fringe att end of it and one short Table cloth Itera I giue will and bequeath Three Hundred of Spray ffaggotts To the poore people of Millend to be delivered to them then sueing Winter next after my death att the discretion of myne Executor herein hereafter named The said poore people that Hue betweene Jaraes Edlins and Eves house to have the said ffaggotts and none else And if any new erected cottage be made or sett vp within the liberty aforesaid hereafter and any m<5re poore shalbe therby added and increased such poore shall have noe share in the said ffaggotts And my will is that Three Hundred of such Hke ffaggotts shall be given to such poore and continued for one and Twenty years next after my death and not longer And concerning Mary Hull which is now with rae I doe will that ray Executor herein naraed shall take a fatherly care of her And shall raanttayne her with raeate drink and apparell in decent manner for and during the terme of Three years next ensuing after my death. Item I giue and bequeath vnto James Lane brother to the said Job Tenn pounds of like good money to be paid to him within Six raonths next after my death by myne Executr Item I giue and bequeath vnto my kinswoman Martha Lane daughter of Jeremiah the like surae of Tenn pounds of like good money to be paid to her within Six months next after ray death by myne Execuf Yf it happen that my kinsman Thomas Lane shall dye before his Legacie become due Then the ffifteen pounds Legacie shalbe paid to his wife, yf shee shall dye Then to his children And if ray kinsman Job dye before his Legacie shall become due Then the Thirty pounds Legacie shalbe paid to his wife if shee dye then to his children And if any of the other Legators That are single [persons] and unmaried happen to dye before their Legacie or Legacies shall become due Then my Execuf shall pay such Legacie of him or her so dying to the next brother or sister att his owne discretion Item all the rest and residue of my goods and Chattells whatsoeuer vnbequeathed I giue and bequeath vnto my kinsman John Lane whome I name and appoint Executo' of this my last will and Testament In Witnes whereof I the said John Lane the Testator have herevnto sett my hand and seale the day and year ffirst aboue written. John Lane, Read published and declared subscribed and Sealed by the Testator In the p'sence of Paul Ives Alice Shrimpton her marke John Hobs his marke," Proved Jan, 13, 1661-2, by John Lane the executor, who it seems reasonable to suppose was the older brother or the cousin of Job Lane, — N. E. Gen. i^^S-^ 44: S9S' 6, Lane Family in Rickmansworth, England, 5 IV. SYMON LANE, a brother of James Lane, Senior, died prior to the signing of John Lane's wiU, 1661. His son Thomas Lane re ceived by John Lane's wiU fifteen pounds, to go in case of his decease to his wife, and if she die to his children. Was this the Thomas Lane who was warned by the selectmen of Dorchester, Mass., in 1635, to remove to Watertown? V. GEORGE LANE, a brother of James Lane, Senior, was living in 1654. He was mentioned in a letter from John Lane to his cousin Job Lane, 3 Mar., 1678, as having conveyed estate to his brother John Lane whose daughter Rebecca Baker surrendered it to the lord of the manor of Rickmansworth. George Lane probably had son Richard Lane, who m. first, Joyce; second, 1664, Hester WiUiamson and died 1704; his children: i. George, died 1656. 2. Mary, and 3, Rebeckah. These daughters had copy-holds at MiU End, Rickmansworth, which went to John Lane; and both died before 1678. VI. JEROME, JEREMIE or JEREMIAH LANEi, a brother of James Lane, Senior, from Penn in Buckinghamshire, bought land in Rickmansworth, 1624, lived at West End, and had wife Martha, executrix of his wiU, 1647. WILL of JEREMIAH LANE. 1646. Will of Jeremie Lane of Rickmersworth in the County of Hertford, yeoman, 30 Sept, 1646, proved 2 June 1647, I give and bequeath to Martha my wife for and during the terra of eight years next ensuing if she so long live, for and towards the education, main- 6 Lane Family in Rickmansworth, England, tenance and bringing up of my children, all my messuage, lands, tenants and heriditaments &c, in the haralet of West End in the parish of Rickmersworth. And if she die before the expiration of said term then I give and bequeath the same to the purpose aforesaid, to ray son John Lane and to my brother John Lane for such part of the said term that then shall be to come and unexpired. After the said term of eight years I give and bequeath the one moiety of the said messuage &c. to my eldest son John Lane and the heirs of his body law fully begotten or to be begotten; and for default of such issue, to remain to Josias my son and the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten; and for de fault of such issue to remain to Jahasiel my son &c. &c. and then to remain to the right heirs of me the said Jerome Lane forever. Provision made for daughters Mary and Martha. Wife Martha to be executrix. Witnesses, Jo Andreas, John Lane, signum Alice Shrirapton iix John Shrimpton." — den. Reg., 46: 43S. Three sons of JEREMIAH LANE' are mentioned in his wUl 1646, namely John*, Josiah* and Jahasiel*. Two daughters of Jeremiah Lane, Mary* and Martha*, are named in John Lane's will of 1 66 1. These daughters are traced to Charlestown, Mass., where Mary died before 1694, Jahasiel Lane*, m. Prudence , and had son John^, born 1675- John L.4ne*, of Shepherds, born about 1620, perhaps executor of John Lane's will 1661, and correspondent of his cousin Job Layne, 3 Mar,, 1678, died 1706?; had wife Mary and son John^ of Shepherds, born 1667, died 1728, John Lane^ of Shepherds had children : I, John'' of New House, m, first, Susannah who d. 11 Nov., 1720; m. second, Sarah , and d. 10 Aug., 1740. 2. James'', m. first, Mary , who d. Dec, 1739; m. second, Ann , and d. about 1753. 3. MarthaS d. 31 May, 1737. 4. Sarah-m. Howe and had Rebekah, will 1740. James Lane^, son of Johiv^ of Shepherds, had, I. James' of Mill End, who gave bond to Ann Lane for her dowry out of BuUein's Court bought by Jerome Lane', and made his will 1758. 2, Joseph*, will about 1780, left land to Jno, Swannell. 3, Sarah' 4. Jane'. 5. Ann', Madam of Micklefield Hall. 6. Mary*, m. Swannell' and had John, m, Sybil Edlin, and several daughters. Descendants of John Swannell* of Shepherds, who d. Dec, 1824 ? aged 84 yrs. and his wife Sybil Edlin. I. Josep/r', who occupied Shepherds up to 1820-21? and had children: Lane Family in Rickmanswokth, England. 7 I. Harrief*. 2. Sarah Lane", m. Burford. 3. Jemima'', m. Wilde and had, i) Clara Charlotte, m. Davis and had Edward and Bertram. 2) Alger non William, m. \!. June, 1898. 3) Georgina Henrietta, ra. Tracy and had Cecil, John and Clara Georgina. 4) James Augustus. 5) Laura. 4 Sybil, m. Austen and d. 1890. II. William^, whose children were, I. Owen'', and 2, Henry* who had, l) William' and 2) Jane*, m. Barber. III. Margaret^, m. Stansfeld and had, I, Harriet, m, Powell, 2, Alfred, m, Eliza and had, l) John S,, M, A., (Oxon,) IV. Other daughters^. PART II. Job Lane of Maiden and Billerica, Mass., AND DESCENDANTS. 1. JOB LANE' (James), 1620-1697, was born in England about 1620, and owned lands in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, about eighteen mUes from London, His uncle Boyse by marriage, feU April, 1643, in the sea-croft or club-fight between the King's forces and the Parliamentary army under Lord Fairfax. The tra dition that Job Lane came to America in 1635, when only 15 yrs. old, is not authenticated. Job Lane was distinguished as "master-carpenter," "house- wright," "artificer" and "bridge-buUder," He first appears at Sekonk, Mass,, in 1643, where he was estimated worth fifty pounds for the purpose of receiving subsequent grants of land, and where he joined the Sekonk Combination, 3d 5 mo, 1644. He was at Rehoboth, Mass,, 9th 4 mo. 1645, and drew lot No, 28, He was of Dorchester, Mass,, and returned to England and was married there in 1647. "A full manifestation of Thomas Howell's desire on his death bed," June 6, 1647, his property to be divided between his wife and chUdren, names "Job Lane his kinsman now in England" ex ecutor. "The coppie of Job Lane's refusall to accept of the executorship of Thomas Howell's last will and testa™' directed to the gov'^nor, Oct. 19, 1647," shows him to be a carpenter of Dor chester, Mass. Thomas HoweU was of Marshfield. Inventory, May 31, 1648; amount _;£3 8, 2s. Job Lane settled in Maiden, Mass., near the time of its incor poration. May 2, 1649. "In answer to the petition of seuU inhabi- Family One. 9 tants of Mistick Side, their request is granted viz. to be a district town of themselves, and the name thereoff to be Maulden." — Gen. Court Record. A curious entry in the Mass. Bay Colony Records has reference to a Negro servant Eneroe who, having been set free by his former master Clement, had bound himself to Mr. Lane, May 28, 1651, for nine years. Again May 18, 1653, "In ans' to the petition of Job Lane in behalf of Ebedmeleck his servant for the remittment of the rigor of the lawe &c. the Court judgeth it mete that the sayd Ebedmeleck, for his stealing vitualls and breaking open a window on the Lord's day, shaU the next lecture day be whipt five stripes." — Mass. Records, 3 : 306 and 4 : 13/. A fragmentary correspondence between Job Lane and the cus todians of the English estates is among the interesting papers treasured in the famUy at Bedford, Mass. Letters from Jeremiah Gould, dated at London in 1653 and 1654, to his "Loving Friend Job Lane," contain much family history. He writes June 6, 1654, "You wonder that your Brother James should delude me to make away your estate, and withal wished me not to surrender the premises to him .... Your uncle assured me that the annuity belonged not to you but to your brother Edward if he were alive, etc." Among Job Lane's other correspondents in England were Mr. Smith of Gildersome, Yorkshire, to whom he wrote Aug. 13, 1670 ; John Harwood, his attorney, from whom he received letters dated Feb. 18, 1665, Mar. 14, 167 1-2, Feb. 6, 1677, and May 6, 1677 ; Marmaduke Reyner, bis wife's uncle, who wrote May 17, 1676; John Dickenson of Gildersome, his friend and agent, to whom he wrote Aug. 13, 1670, Oct. 23, 1678, June 19, 1695, and from whom he received letters dated Mar. 6, 1670, Feb. 20, 1673, Apr. 29, 1675, Feb. 6, 1677, Oct. 23, 1678, Apr. i, 1679, Apr. 16, 1695 and Nov. 3, 1696. He received a letter from his cousin John Lane, dated Mar. 3, 1678, questioning "whether the heathen have yet been subdued or not," who also adds, "I have been several times with the lord of the manor to search the court rolls, . . . and he told me that he cannot find the surrender that my uncle George Lane made to my uncle John Lane . , . , You desire to know how my cousin Baker has disposed of the estate. 10 Job Lane and Descendants. and I so understand she did surrender it into the hands of the Lord of the manor, and then did take it up for her own life to one Matthew Baker kinsman of WUUam Baker, and I think the land is past recovery." John Dickenson, Jr., wrote him in 1677, respect ing "Nonconformity in England," and affirmed May, 1679, that "the Gospel is promulgated." — Lane Family Papers, by Williatn H. Whitmore, Gen. Reg., XI and XVIL Records show that Job Lane's "forfieture was abated and fine remitted," May 23 and Nov, 13, 1655 ; he was made freeman May 14, 1656; bought land in Maiden of Nicholas Parker Sept. 22, 1656; was attorney to collect five pounds for WiUiam WUkins of Chesham, Buck's county, England, Apr, 6, 1658; was mentioned in the inventory of George Mumings, 17th 7 mo,, 1658. He con tracted with the selectmen of Maiden, Nov. 11, 1658, "to erect and finish upp a good strong Artificial meeting house, to be com pleted before 20 Sept. next ensuing," Contract for the erection of the first Meeting house in Maiden. "Articles of agreement made and concluded ye ii'li day of ye ninth mo, 1658 betweene Job Lane of Maiden on the one partie, carpenter, and William Brakenbury, Lieut, John Wayte, Ensigne J, Sprague and Thomas Green, Senior, Selectmen of Maiden, on the behalf of the towne, on the other partie, as followeth : "Imprirais: The said Job Lane doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to build, erect and finish upp a good strong Artificial meeting House of Thirty- three foot Square, sixteen foot stud between joints, with dores, windows, puUpitt, seats and all other things whatsoever in all respects belonging thereto as hereafter is expressed, 1, That all the sells, girts, mayne posts, plates, Beames and all other principal Timbers shall be of good and sound white or Black oake, 2, That all the walls be made upp on the outside with good clapboards, well dressed, lapped and nayled. And the Inside to be lathed all over and well struck with clay, and uppon it with lime, and hard up -to the wallplate, and also the beame fellings as need shalbe, 3, The roofe to be covered with boards and short shinglings with a territt on the topp about six foot squar to hang the bell in, with rayles about it, the floor to be made tite with planks, 4, The bell to be fitted upp in all respects and Hanged therein fitt for use, 5, Thre dores in such places as the sayed Selectmen shal direct, viz, east, west and south, 6, Six windows below the girt on thre sids, namely, east, west and south. Family One. 11 to contayne sixteen foot of glass in a window, with Leaves; and two windows on the south side above the girt on each side of the deske, to contayne six foot of glass A piece; and two windows under each plate on the east, west and north sides, fitt [to] conteine eight foote of glass a peice, 7, The pullpitt and cover to be of wainscott to conteyne ffiue or six persons. 8. The deacons seat allso of wainscott with door, and a table joyned to it to fall downe for the Lords Supper. 9. The ffloer to be of strong Boards throughout and well nayled. ID. The House to be fitted with seats throughout, made with good planks, with rayles on the topps, boards at the Backs and timbers at the ends. II. The underpining to be of stone or bricks, and pointed with lyme on the outside. 12, The AUeyes to be one frora the deacon's seat through the middle of the house to the north end, and another cross the house ffrom east to west sides, and one before the deacon's seat; as is drawne on the back side of this paper, 13, And the said Job to provide all boards, Timber, nayles. Iron work, glass, shingles, lime, hayre, laths, clapbords, bolts, locks and all other things whatsoever needful and belonging to the finyshing of the said house, and to rayse and finish it up in all respects before the twentie of September next ensuing, they allowing help to rayse it. And the sd Selectmen for themselves, on behalf of the town, in consideracon of the said raeeting house so finished, do hereby covenant, promise and agre to pay unto the sd Job Lane or his Assigns the surae of one hundred and ffiffty pounds in corne, cordwood and provisions sound and merchantable att price currant, and fatt cattle on valuacon by Indifferent men, unless themselves agree the prices : In manner following, that is to say, ffifftie pound before the first of ye second mo. next ensuing. And ffifftie pounds befor the first of ye last rao. which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred 59, and other ffiffty pounds before the first of ye second mo, which shallbe in the year one thousand six hundred and sixtie. And it is further Agreed that when the sd house is finished, in case the sd Job shall find and judgeth to be worth ten pounds more, that it shall be re ferred to Indifferent workmen to determine, unless the sayed selectmen shall se just cause to pay the sd ten pounds without such valuacon. In witness whereof the partys to these presents have Interchangeably put their hands the day and yeare above written, William Brakenbury JoH Sprague JoH Wayte Witness, Joseph Hills and Greshom hills," —Hist, of Maiden. 1-2 Job Lane .«d Descendants, In 1682 the parish of Maiden voted "that the meeting house be repaired to keep out the weather and to save the siUs from rotting." It was in possession of a church beU at this time which was placed upon Bell Rock, an elevated ledge near which the meeting bouse stood and which stiU bears the old name. Job Lane purchased five acres of land in Maiden from Michael Smith, the last day of the nth mo. 1659, contracted to build a bridge over Concord river to be completed before the close of the year 1659, "with abutments at each end suitable for the passing over with carts," and engaged to raise the frame of a house for Thomas Robinson of Scituate, Aug. 25, 1660. He was appointed attorney for his brother James Lane of Maiden, turner, Nov, 19, 1660, He received from his uncle John Lane's wiU, Aug, 7, 1661, thirty pounds : "and if my kinsman Job dye before his Lagacie shall become due. Then the Thirty pounds Legacie shall be paid to his wife ; if shee dye, then to his chUdren," Petition, 7th 4th mo,, 1662, signed Job Lane among nine in habitants of Maiden for the rest : "Our most humble Petic'on to this much honoured Court is ; That a Tract of lands of About fower Miles Square at A place CaUed Pennycooke may be Granted As A Addic'on to us, for our better Support And Incouragement in the Service of Christ & the Countrie, The Deputyes thinke not meete to grant this pet. William Torrey, Cleric." — Mass. Archives, 112 .- 14"/. Job Lane had paid the remainder of a bill to Christian Hooper, Jan, 15, 1662-3, Eind with Theodore Atkinson, forger, he agreed to build a draw-bridge, Mar. 6, 1662-3. Job Lane removed, about 1664, from Maiden to the Indian Shawshine, a part of ancient Cambridge tiU incorporated BiUerica, May 29, 165s, and Bedford since Sept. 23, 1729. Here his de scendants became among the most numerous and influential famiUes of BiUerica and Bedford, Mass. The Massachusetts Bay Company, under John Winthrop, gov ernor, and Thomas Dudley, deputy governor, left England in April, 1629, landed at Salem in June, 1629, removed to Charlestown in Family One. 13 July, 1629, and settled in Boston, Sept. 17, 1630, and in Newtowne 1 63 1. Gov. Winthrop returned to Boston and reproved his deputy in 1632, "that he did not weU to bestow so much cost about wains- cotting and adorning his house in the beginning of a plantation, both in regard of the public charges and for example." The re moval of the governor's extremely rude frame house from Newtowne to Boston was the cause of a misunderstanding between the gov ernor and the deputy, but matters were accommodated to the content of both parties, Sept. 4, 1632. The Colonial General Court, Nov. 2, 1637, granted Winthrop and Dudley one thousand acres of land each, as a gratuity for valuable services in laying tbe foundation of the Colony. We have Gov. Winthrop's graphic account of the location of these outlying farms. The two eminent men came together from Boston by way of Concord to Shawshine and fixed on the right bank of Concord river their respective claims. January, 1637-8. "Going down the river about four miles, they made choice of a place for one thousand acres for each of them. They offered each other the first choice, but because the deputy's was first granted and hiraself had store of land already the governor yielded hira the choice. So at the place where the deputy's land was to begin, there were two great stones which they called the Two Brothers, in reraerabrance that they were brothers by their children's marriage and did so brotherly agree, and for that a Httle creek near those stones was to part their lands." — Winthrop's Journal, Apr, 24, 1638. The General Court enlarged the grant to the governor by an additional two hundred acres. May 2, 1638, and still later, June 6, 1639, added sixty acres at the "great meadows." May 2, 1638. "It was ordered by the prsent Court that John Winthrop Esqr. the prsent governor shall haye 1200 acres of land whereof 1000 acres was formerly graunted hira; & Thomas Dudley Esqr, the Deputy governor has 1000 acres granted hira by a former court, both of them about 6 railes from Concord northwards; the said governor to have his 1200 acres on the southerly side of two great stones standing neare together close by the ryvers side that comes from Concord," Mr. Dudley's farm was also increased to fifteen hundred acres and was sold by him, Feb. 28, 1651-2, for ^iio. Gov. John Winthrop' of Mass. died Mar. 26, 1649, at 63 years. His son John Winthrop, Jr.*, settled first at Ipswich, Mass., in 1633, 14 Job L.^ne and Descendants. but was made governor of Saybrook plantation, Conn., in 1635. He founded New London in 1645 and became governor of Conn, in 1657, His son Fitz John Winthrop^ sold the entire Winthrop grant to Job Lane, Aug, 2, 1664, for 230 pounds current money in New England, Mr. Lane paid for the estate by building Mr. Winthrop a mansion house and barn at New London, He was put in possession of it by John Parker, Aug. 8, 1664, and took re ceipt for payment JtUy 4, 1665, The deed written on vellum, with Fitz John Winthrop's unique seal upon it, is sdll preserved in the possession of Job Lane's descendants. The "Tvi'o Brothers" or "Brother Rocks" are composed of rough granite each about 10 feet in diameter and standing about 60 feet apart on the meridian. The north side of the south rock is marked "Winthrop 1638," The south side of the north rock is marked "Dudley 1638," The Bedford Historical Society marked these enduring landmarks in 1893, the expense being borne by Dudley L, Pickman, the present owner. Old oaks cut from the grove where the Two Brothers are situated were put into the bridge between Boston and Charlestown which Washington crossed and praised in 1789, THE winthrop deed. 'T^HIS INDENTURE MADE the second day of August in the year of C -*- Lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty & ffour in the Sixteenth yeare of the Reigne of Or .Souraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France & Ireland King, defender of the ffaith &ct, between ffitz John Winthrop of new London in the Colony of Conecticutt in New England Esquire on the one part & Job Lane of Maiden in the County of Middlesex in New England Carpenter on the other part Witnesseth that the said ffitz John Winthrop for & in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred & Thirtie pounds currant raoney in New England by the value there of in Cattle & other currant pay in New England to him in hand before the sealing and delivery here of well & truly paid by the above named Job Lane where of & wherewith the said ffitz John Winthrop doth acknowledge himself to be fully Satisfied contented & paid & there of doth acquit & discharge the said Job Lane his heires & assignes and every of them for euer by these presents Hath given granted, bargained, Sould, Enfoeffed & confirmed & by these prsents Doth fully clearly & absolutely giue, grant, bargain, sell, enfoffe, confirm vnto the said Job Lane his heirs & assignes forever a parcel of upland & meadow lying & being near vnto Billerica & Containeth Twelve hundred Acres be it Family One. 1,o more or be it lesse, & is bounded by the lands formrly granted vnto Thomas Dudlow Esquire Easterly & by Concord Riuer Westerly & by Concord Riuer Southerly & by Billerica comon Easterly. Of the wch meadow, Sixty Acres be it more or lesse lyeth about a mile Easterly from the before mentioned land & meadow to be bargained & Sould, with the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging & all the estate, right, title, interest, use, prperty, possession, claim & demand what soever of him the said ffitz John Winthrop of in or to the sarae or any part or parcel thereof To HAVE & TO HOLD the Said parcel of upland & raeadow with in the same, & the before naraed meadow Easterly from the said upland & meadow, adjoining as it is bounded & lyeth recorded in the book of Records & described by ett with the priviledges & appurtenances thereto belonging vnto the said Job Lane his heirs & assigns To his & their owne prper use & behoof for ever. And the said ffitz John Winthrop for hiraself his heirs executo'^ & administrates doth covenant promise & grant to & with the said Job Lane his heirs & assignes by these prsents in manner & form as followeth (that is to say) That he the said ffitz John Winthrop at the time of the grant, bargaine & Sale of the pmiisses & untill the delivey here of unto the said Job Lane to the use of him his heirs & assignes for ever, was the true & rightfuU owner of the above bargained prmisses, & that the same is free and clear & freely & clearly acquited & discharged of & from all and all manner of former & other gifts, grants, bargains, Sales, mortgages, leases & of & from all & singular other charges. Rents, tills, troubls, incumbrances & demands whatsoever had, made, done, or suffered to be done by the said ffitz John Winthrop or any other pson or psons whatsoever by his or their Act, means, default consent or p ur rat. And that the said ffitz John Winthrop his heires executors & administrators the said bargained prmisses & every part & parcel there of vnto the said Job Lane his heirs & assigns Against all & every pson Sc psons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claira any estate, right, title or interest of in or to the same or any part or parcel thereof Shall & will war rant & forever defend by these prsent. And that the said Job Lane his heires & assigns the said bargained prmis ses, priviledges & appurtenances thereto belonging. Shall & may from hence forth forever. Lawfully peaceably & quietly have, hold, use, profess, & , , , , . , , owne pper use without the let, Sute, trouble, molestation, denyall, contradiction, eviction? or disturbance of the said ffitz John Winthrop or any other pson or psons whatsoever claiming prtending to have any estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever of in or to the same or any part thereof. In Witness whereof the said ffitz John Winthrop hath here vnto set his hand & Seale the day and yeare aboue written. Fitz J. Winthrop, There is no evidence that the Winthrop Farm was occupied till bought by Job Lane. He owned a saw miU on the farm and built 16 Job Lane and Descendants. a dwelling house on the eastern side of it. An ancient Lane house now standing and occupied as a faraily residence is situated on the rising point of land on the right hand side of the road about a mile and a half north from the junction of the main street of Bed ford with the roads to Concord and Billerica, The Winthrop Purchase was estimated to contain 1260 acres and continued intact untU the death of Mr, Lane in 1697, when it was divided among his heirs. In 1707 it was surveyed for the first time and found to contain 1500 acres. Job Lane took a receipt from Thoraas Butterfield, loth 5 mo., 1665, He bought from Joseph Rock, Feb, 29, 1666, the Thomas Coytraore mill in Maiden and all the privUeges attending it. This "corne-miU" was built as early as 1640, The dam flowed Spy Pond, The mill stood below at tide navigation to which the water was brought in canals or sluices, Mr, Lane received as apprentice John Quinne from county of Cork, Ireland, who personally bound himself in June, 1666. He took as apprentice, June 5, 1667, Thomas Austin, who was trans ferred to him for seven years from his arrival in the ship Desire, May 9, 1667, by Capt. Rowland Bevans, to whom Austin's widowed mother had bound him Feb, 26, 1667. Sale of slave Mercury : "Know al men by these p'sents that I Jobe Lane of Maiden in the covnty of raidelsex in New Engld Carpenter, acknowledge ray Selfe to be indebted vnto John Leuerett of Boston in the Covnty of Suffolke in the Massachvsets CoUony in New Engld for a negro boy called mercury the sum of thirty povnds of Current money of new Engld the which svm I the sayd Jobe Lane p'mise to pay vnto the sayd Leuerett at his Now dvelling house in boston, or in other pay to his Content as for raonney, or to his heyres execcvtors or assigns; for the trve performance of the same I doe hereby fyrmely bynd myselfe my heyres execcvors & assignes in the penalty of sixty povnds of like currant raoney. In witnes whereof I haue herevnto set my hand & seale this 12th day of Jvne 1667, Job Laine," [Sealed with a Pine tree shilling,] Mr, Lane, "an able and honest artificer," contracted, Jan, 11, 1667-8, to build Great Bridge over Billerica river, the work to be completed before Sept, 29 following, and he to receive "seven Family One. 17 score and five pounds starUng ; ten in cash, ten in wheat, ten in malt and the remainder in corne and cattle." Job Lane, for the sum of 155 pounds and other considerations for which he received a receipt in full June 6, 1668, bought of Jachin Reyner of Rowley New England, co-partner with his sister Anna Reyner wife of Job Laine, one-fourth part of housing and lands to which said Reyner was heir in his mother's right, situated in the townships of Edgeton and Welburne, Yorkshire, Eng,, and occupied by Thomas Boyse. The Rev, John Reyner of Dover, N. H., as tenant for life, had conveyed one-half of the rents of this estate to his son Jachin Reynor, Aug, 7, 1660, and one-half to his son-in-law Job Laine, Aug, 5, 1662. Mr. Lane was charged by John Harwood with expenses in looking after the estates in Eng land, June 24, 1673. His proposition, 1674, to the town of BUlerica, "to abate him annually part of his dues to Mr. Whiting was propounded to the town, but not accepted." He was indebted to the estate of Joseph Hills of Maiden, Oct. 5, 1674. The Winthrop-Lane Farm lying remote from the settlements at Concord and Billerica was exposed to attack by the Indians during King PhUip's 'War, 1675. "Job Lane is impressed," but was doubtless allowed to protect his own house. — BiUerica Records. The 8th 8 mo., 1675, he was allowed to stockade his dwelling and be freed from fortifying other appointed garrisons, and empowered to keep a "watch'' and examine persons as other watches may do. The 14th 8 mo., 1675, also Job Laine was authorized "to fortify his owne house and to have two soldiers for garrison — men to de fend his house in case ye country could spare them." Certificate of sale : "This may certify to all persons that I, Mary Lynden of Boston, do sell all my right in a boy called Torrey to Job Lane, given to me according to a County Court record, 1676. Mary Lynden." Torrey became a family name for the colored race in the Lane possession. Mr. Lane was deputy for BiUerica to the General Court Aug, 9, 1676, and in 1679; ^^^ selectman 1676, '7, '9-'8i ; was classed araong the ten families under George Farley, tithingraan, 8th 8rao,, 18 Job Lane and Descendants. 1677, whose duty it was "to examine the several famiUes and see whether their chUdren and-servants were taught in the principles of religion;" took oath of fidelity to the state, 4th 12 mo,, 1677 j sold to W. Green Apr, 2, 1678, English estate received from Jachin Rayner, June 6, 1668 ; had family friends in the Parliament party, England, Sept. 26, 1678. John Harvard devised half of his estate and his library of 300 volumes in 1638, as the foundation of Harvard College and the name Newtowne was changed to Cambridge in honor of the old English university town. It is related that when Charles Chauncy, president of Harvard college frora Nov. 27, 1654, to Feb. 19, 1671-2, had sacrificed his own and his family's pecuniary prospects by his devotion to the coUege interests, he had an estate with ^60 income given him by a Mr. Lane, probably a relation of Bristol, England. It is said that Job Lane erected one of the wooden col lege buildings. Old Harvard Hall was rebuilt of brick in 1672 by the contributions of the Colony at an expense of ;£i890. When the town of BiUerica had paid a part of their subscription and wished to excuse their delay in forwarding the remainder, the selectmen appointed Mr. Lane, the 14th 8 mo,, 1678, "to returne an answ'' to y= Hon"^ generaU Court vpon y= i8th day of this instant, in reference to our contribution to y= CoUedge." He also "received 90 pounds for the colledg" Mar. 30, 1683. — Mass. Records, j.- 393- Mr. Lane was taxed in BiUerica, 1679, for two poUs and' assessed £2, 13s, more than any other man. He was notified by John Dickenson Apr. i, 1679, that rents in England had been received for six years, 1673 to 1678. In 1680, he was one of the appraisers of the goods of his brother James Lane, deceased, of Casco Bay. Job Lane's son John married in 1682, when Mr. Lane appears to have returned to his estate in Maiden, Here he was selectman, 1683, '6, '7 ; took Robert Stuke apprenUce for three years, July i, 1685; was deputy from Maiden, 1685 and '92. The pay of the representative to the Legislature in those days was derived from the town. Maiden, May 19, 1686, "paid to Mr, Laine for debutys charges for the year '85, ^i, 14s, 7d;" and at another time the same year for like service, £2, 5s, 6d, He was apportioned by Family One. 19 lot land in the commons of Maiden, May, 1695 ; and bought real estate of J. Green, Aug. 7, 1695. He also bought out this year, some interest of Mrs. Martha, widow of John Coggan, in the mill built by her first husband Thomas Coytemore, brother-in-law of Gov. John Winthrop, which he bequeathed to his daughter Dorothy and her husband Edward Sprague. Letters from England for Mr. Job Lane of Maiden were to be left, Feb. 9, 1694-5 "at Mrs. Mary ArdeUs at her bouse in the Town Dock over against Mr. Thomas Clark, brazier, Boston." At this date WiUiam Ardell had a sister in England, viz. Mrs. Frances Thompson. He was a merchant in Boston, 1684, and sheriff of the Province of N. H., 1698. Job Lane was a man of marked intelUgence, great business capacity and commanding influence in church and colony. Late in life he became infirm through age and paralysis, so that im portant papers were signed by his initials only, J. L. His amanu ensis was Rev. Jabez Fox of Woburn, who married Judith Reyner, half sister of Mrs. Lane. John Dickenson declined Apr. 7, 1695, to pay a draft presented by Mrs. Frances Thorapson because the writing was different from Mr. Lane's usual hand. When Dicken son wrote about the matter, Apr. 16, 1695, Mr. Lane repUed June 19, 1695 : "By reason of my weakness and other infirmity of old age at tending me for the space of these six years past, I have wholly been incapacitated to do anything for you about that business which is above a hundred miles from me By reason that I am lame in ray right hand and have almost lost the use thereof, you may only expect my mark to my letters and bills for the future. The mark of Job J. L. Laine. Seal : a hand between three crescents." Mr. Job Lane died at Maiden, 23 Aug., 1697, aged 77 years. — Tombstone. Will, signed Sept. 28, 1696, was presented for probate at Charles town, Oct. 21, 1697. "I Job Lain of maiden In ye county of raiddlesex be in a corafortable raesure of health, of sound mind and perfect memory. Trough God's goodness 20 Job Lane and Descendants. to me: not knowing how sune it may pleas God to take me out of this world, doe make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form fol lowing : first and principally I commit my soule into the hands of almighty God, As my father and deer Redemer : my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor and friends : and as Touching the dis posing of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon rae I give and dispose thereof as followeth: first, I will that my just debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged. Itim I give unto ray very Loving wife Annah ten pounds pr yeer yeerly and eury yeer In currant money of newingland to be paid her by my executor at her dweling hous so long as she continueth a widdo and in my narae : but If ray wife seath cause to raarry again, then ray will is that my executor shall pay her five pounds per year in money during her natural life. Itim, I give unto my sonn John Lain all The land I have in Ingland In Yorksheer to him and his haires for ever : also I Give to my sonn John Lain Half my farme that Is within the bounds of billereca, with my dwelling hous he now lives in and outhousing and orchard and all ye upland he now im proves, the rest of his part of upland shall be in that part which lyeth west : also baker's meddo and the delight meddo and the Swamp meddo at the upperend of crooked meddo and the west side of crooked meddo until he come to a point of upland that points over to a little Rocke Hand whare there is a hoi like a well of water, and two acres of meddo further Reeching from side to side of said meddo : and the rest of his part of meddo to be proportionally in one raeddo and in another, — all which I give to him & his haires for ever. Itim, I give to ray daughter Sarahs sonn Samuel fich one quarter part of my abouesaid farm at bilereca both meddo and upland with a dweling hous he now liveth in and a field fenced in and a little orchard and the east side of crooked meddo, and to the first dich neere the middle of the meddo, and so to run down to farlowes raeddo ; And frora ye dich at the lower end of his orchard To baker's meddo & all the land eastward from his hous to the end of my line. And the rest of his proportion both of meddo and upland he shall have some in one place and sum in another. But if the said Samuel fich doe dy and leave no issue of his one body, then my will is that all that estate which I give him shall be equally divided to and amongst my surviving children, not withstanding his wife shall have the improvement of the one half of the estate which I give hira during her natural life : that lands which I give to Samuel fich I give it to him and his haires forever. Itim, I give to ray daughter Jemimas sonn Matthew Whipple one quarter part of my said farm at bilereca, part of his upland to ly at a place comonly called the two brothers, and to come to a gutter that comes out of flage raeddo, including flagge meddo and the Swamp meddo, to the two brothers: and the north end of crooked meddo all of it that is not already disposed of, the rest of his part both of upland and meddoe shall be where it may be most con venient for him : all which I give to him and his haires forever, but if the said Family One. 21 mathew Whipple doe dy and leave no issue of his body, then ray will is that all that estate which I give him shall be equally divided to and amongst my surviving children : notwithstanding his wife if he leaveth any shall have the improvement of the one half of that estate which I give him during her natural life. Itim, I give unto the children of my daughter Mary Euery one third part of those two farms in raalden both housing, upland and meddo now in the pos session of John Chamberlain and Samuel Wait, and one quarter part of those lots latly laid out to me one ye land formerly maiden common, to them and their haires forever. Itim, I give unto ray daughter EHzabeth Euerys children one third part of my two farms in maiden both housing, upland and meddo now in the pos session of John Chamberlain and Samuel Wait, and one quarter part of all lots lately laid out to rae one the land formerly maiden common to them and their haires forever, Itim, I give unto the children of ray daughter Annah Foster one third part of those ray two farms in Maiden both housing, upland and raeddo now in the possession of John Chamberlain and Samuel Wait, and one quarter part of all those lots latly laid out to rae one the land forraerly maiden common to them and their haires forever: further my will is that the fathers and mothers of these children last mentioned shall have the Improvement of this there estate untill they com to age and then ye said children to have there parts of said estates as they come to age when ye sons are twenty years old and ye daughters eighteen years of age, Itira, I give unto ray daughter dorety sprague the east end of my dweling hous I now Hue In to the chimney from the bottom to ye top, with my mill and all my land adjoining, and ray salt raarsh and land adjoining thereto to her & her haires forever, and likewise the west end of my dwelling house I do give to her after my wife leaveth it : and if my daughter dorety doe dy and leave no issue of her body, then my will is that all that estate which I doe give her shall be equally divided to and amongst my surviving children, notwithstand ing her husband shall have the improvement of the one half of the estate which I give her during his natural life, Itim, I give unto my daughter Elizebeth Euery ray best woosted Rugg and I give to her daughter Elizebeth one of ray best peutar plattars and to her daughter Rachall one peutar platter, Itim, I give to my son William Euerys daughter Mary one peutar plattar and to his daughter Sarah one peutar platter, I have already giuen to my daughter Elizebath Euery my bason In use. Itim, I give to my daughter Anna foster one peutar platter, Itim, I give to my daughter dorety my grate brass kittel she returning to her mother the kittel she now hath. Also I give to my daughter Dority one quarter part of ray , , , Further my will is that ray loving wife shall have one half part of the re raaining part of my moveable estate during her natural life and that she shall 22 Job Kwe .and Descendants. have the first choice when it is divided, and also my wife shall have all the wood in my horae pasture for her own fireing excepting sufficient shade trees for cattle — the Rest of ray moveable estate shall be divided equally amongst the children of my daughters Mary Euery, Elizabeth Euery, and Annah Foster, and also that part of estate which my wife leaveth at her deceas shall be equally divided amongst those last raentioned children : further my will is that all those my children and Grandchildren whom I have bequeathed my estate unto shall be posest of the same according to this my last will within two months after my deceas : further If my servant William Matthuwes continue a faithful servant during his terme acording to his Indentury I give him a good Cow. Lastly I doe make null and void all other wills made by me and I do publish and declare this to be my last will. And I doe apoint & constitute my loving son John Lain to be sole executor to this my last will. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the Twenty Eighth of September, 1696. Job Laine. Signed & sealed in presence of John Greenland, John Green, John Linds, Samuel Sprague, Charlestown, Oct, 21, 1697, By the Honble James Russell Esq. Deacon John Greenleaf, Capt. John Green, Mr. John Lynde & Mr. Samuel Sprague prsonally appearing made oath that they were p'sonally present and saw ye subscriber Job Lane dece sign and seal & heard him publish and declare the aboue and within written to be his last Will and Testament and yt when he so did he was of a disposing mind. It is sworn to before me, Juratur Coram. Ja Russell Sarall Phpps, Regr. —A/id. Co. Wills. "Inventory of the Estate of Mr. Job Lane of Maiden in ye County of Middx. in his Majts province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, yeoraan, both Real and personall, who deceased the 24th of August Anno Domini 1697, Imps, To a ffarme of about twelve hundred Acres more or less in ye bounds of ye Township of Billerica in said county, consisting of vpland Swamps and medow lands with the fields, fences, orchard and buildings togather with about sixty acres of medow land in Billerica bounds about one mile to ye eastward of sd ffarme, altogether at s d ;^8oo, 00, 00 To the horaestedd of the sd Lane in Maiden aforsd viz one dwelling house, barne, corn raill, streara, dams and ponds with twenty two acres of salt medow below Lewis his bridge & one quarter part of his lotts in the comons of Maiden at ;^225, 00, 00, To two ffarmes or teneraents in ye townshipp of Maiden in the occupation of Thos -Waite & John Mudg togather with twenty acres of very good salt marsh in Ruraly Marsh near the sd ffarms and about eighty four acres of wood lotts F.«iily One, 23 in the Comons, in all two hundred and sixty one acres together ings and said tenements and fenced in for ye most part with all disposed off in sd Mr, Lane's last will, — To weering apparill and books. To Arms and Amunition, To plate, To goods in ye parlor, To goods in ye Kitchin, To goods in ye sellar, To Carpenters tools & some other small tools. To goods in ye East lower roome called ye bedroome To goods in ye Middle Charaber, To goods in ye East Charaber, , , , , To goods in ye West Chamber, To two horses and hors furniture & pr of fetters. To Hay, Horned-beasts and Swine, , with the hous- stone wale, ,^913, 00, 00 10, 00, 00 2, 10, 00 5, 00, 00 6, 00, 00 13, 00, 00 16, 00 3, 00, 00 12, 12, 00 10, 09, 00 7, 00, 00 4, 07, 00 ;f20I3, 04, 00 8, II, 00 16, 16, 00 Errors Excepted) sume totall is, ;rf2038, 07, 00 Item, Ye lands in England given to Mr, John Lane in the will, ye value not known, SepL 22, 1697, A Przed pr James Converse John Greenland, more of the above said estate : Money at home ;^12, 10, money out .,^5 & £^, in all. The Above said estate indebted : To Rates upon said estate, . , , , . Due to Job Lane, ,,,,.,,. To Funeral Charges, proueing ye will & prizing ye estate, . . ;^20, 10, 00 £1, 01, 05 07, 06 18, 06, 00 Debts, ;£'i9, 14, II —Mid. Co. Wills. The estates of Job Lane in Maiden and Billerica have continued largely with his descendants through the successive generations. Moreover, from near the dates 1662 to 181 6 inclusive, or above one hundred and fifty years, the Job Lane family received a yearly rental from the English estates — an instance wholly unparaUeled in New England history. 24 Job L.4ne and Descendants. Job Lane's first wife SARAH BOYCE, whom he married in Eng land, 1647, died at Maiden, Mass., 14th — 19th 3 mo., 1659, Mai den Record. He married again, 2d 7 mo,, 1660, ANNA or HAN NAH REYNER, she b. about 1632, daughter of Rev. John and (Boyse) Reyner, The Rev. John Reyner was a native of Gildersome, Yorkshire, Eng,, and pastor at Plymouth, Mass,, 1635 to 1654, and at Dover, N. H,, 1655, to his death, 20 Apr,, 1669, At Plymouth he was regarded as an able and godly man, of a meek and humble spirit, sound in the truth and every way unreprovable in his life and conversation. At Dover he was held in great esteem by his parishioners, A sister Alice m, first, Southworth ; second, became 2d wife of Gov, Wm. Bradford, A son John be carae his father's colleague and successor in the pastorate at Dover, A daughter Elizabeth ra, her cousin Capt, Thoraas Southworth of Plymouth, Mass. A letter addressed by Huraphrey Rayner to his niece Hannah Rayner, March i, 165 1, refers to herself and brother Jachin Ray ner : "I desire that you and he may now in your youth caU upon one another as your father doth call upon you both, to know the Lord God of your fathers as you have good means and helps so to do, and it wiU be for your own comfort as well as ours especially when Death comes or age if you Uve unto it. Our hopes and prayers shall be unto God for the same." Mrs. Hannah (Reyner) Lane was born in England, 1632, and died at Maiden, 30 Ap., 1704, aged 72 years. — Tombstone. Here Lyeth Buried Ye Body of Job Lane Aged 77 Years Died August ye 23 1697 [Stone flaked Ye Body away] ane Job Lane Aged 72 Years Died April ye 30'h 1704. headstone at the grave qf job lane, malden, mass. Family One. 25 ChUdren of Job and Sarah (Boyse) Lane : 2. I. Sarah*, bap. Dorchester, Mass., 28, 3, 1648, m. Samuel Fitch. 3. IL Mary*, b. 1652, m. William Avery. 4. III. Elizabeth*, bap, Dorchester, Mass,, 1655-6, ra, Robert Avery. IV. Rebekah*, b. Apr.,. 1658, bap, Dorchester 4th 5 mo,, 1658, Maiden records say "b, Feb,, 1658, d. 2 mo. 58 years." Children of Job and Anna (Reyner) Lane : 5. V. John*, b. May, 1 66 1. Maiden record says "Oct., 1660." He was bap. in Dorchester, i8th 6 mo,, 1661, "being about a quarter of a year old, by reason of their dweUing soe remote," m, Susannah Whipple. VI. Anna*, b, i Sept., 1662, d, 28 Nov., 1662. VII, Anna*, m, 7 Oct., 1680, by the Worshipful Humphrey Dma, Esq,, James, son of Hopestill and Mary (Bates) Foster; he b, Dorchester, 13 Apr,, 165 1, and d. 4 Oct,, 1732, He had previously m. 22 Sept., 1674, Mary dau, of John Capen, Children of Anna (Lane) Foster are remembered in her father's will. She d, five days before her husband, 29 Sept,, 1732, ae, 67 years. A child was : I. Thankful, b. Dorchester, Mass. VIII, Jemima*, b. 19 Aug., 1666, ra, Matthew Whipple, son of WUUam and Mary (Bartholemew) Whipple of Ipswich, Mass., and had : I, Matthew, h. Ipswich, 20 Oct., 1685; inherited one fourth part of the Winthrop purchase, 375 acres at the "two brothers." IX. Dorothy*, b. 24 July, 1669, ra. 4 or 24 Nov., 1693, Edward Sprague, son of John and Lydia (Goffe) Sprague of Maiden, Mass. "John Sprague Is Chose Scool-master for ye yeer insuing To learn Children and youth to Read and wright and Refmetick according to his best Skill." — Maiden Records, Mar. 4, IJ02. Mrs. Dorothy (Lane) Sprague inherited the Coytraore mill in Maiden, Her brother John Lane released to Edward Sprague, 26 Job L.-vne and Descendants. Feb, 9, 1704-S, interest in estate of her father, "particularly to aU that corne-miU in Maiden now is possession of said Edward Sprague, with aU the fences, banks, ponds, dams, ditches, sluices, runs, streams and water courses thereto belonging, with all and euery the privileges thereto, within tbe townships of Maiden and Charlestown," "Here lyes entr'd ye Body of Capt Edward Sprague who Decest ye 14 of April 1715 Aged 52 years. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs Dorothy Sprague ye widow of Cap, Edward Sprague Died March ye 29 1727 in ye 58th year of her age," — Maiden tombstones. They had children : 1. William, b. 4 Sept., 1695. 2. Ann, b. 20 Mar., 1697. 3. Dorothy, h. 9 Sept., 1698, X. Rebecca*, b, 6 April, 1674. 2. SAMUEL FITCH* (Zachariah'), was b, in Reading now Wake field, Mass,, 6 Mar,, 1645. H's father Zachariah Fitch was a grantee and freeraan of Lynn, Mass,, in 1638 ; removed to "Lynn ViUage," incorporated Reading, May 29, 1644, where he and sons Benja min* and Jeremiah* were among the first settlers, where probably he built the first house in Fitch Lane, resided on Fitch HiU and was deacon of the First Church gathered Nov, 5, 1645. "Upon the western slope or pitch, There lived old Zachary Fitch ; His name he gave to hill and lane, A name they both as yet retain," — Lilley Eaton, 1844. Family Two, 27 Dea. Fitch d. 9 June, 1662. His wiU dated May 3, 1662, men tions, wife Mary, sons Joseph, Benjamin, John, Jeremiah, Thomas and Sarauel and daughter Sarah, who ra, John Wesson of Salera, Mass. His estate was appraised ;£43 1 , 7s,, 6d. Samuel Fitch*, by his father's will, was to be assisted by his brothers Joseph and Benjamin "to buUd a house on his lot on Bear HiU, 27 by 18 feet with 12 -foot posts, and to clapboard and board it, and break up his land or so much of it as can be done by the time he becoraes 22 years of age." He m, first, 23 Apr,, 1673, S.'\RAH LANE; she bap, Dorchester, Mass,, 28, 3, 1648, and d, 2 Oct., 1679, '^^^- of Job and Sarah (Boyse) Lane, He "ra, second, 26 July, 1681, Rebecca Merriam, and d, 6 July, 1684, leaving son SamueP, to whora he gave, by will June 27, 1684, real estate, and "on cow, the feather-bed that was his mother's, and the green rug and on pair of HoUand sheets and three of tbe biggest peuter platters." "If ray brother Avery [Robert] doth take my son Samuel and teach him to wright and the trade of a smith my wiU is that he shall live with hira till 20 years old." Estate ap praisal, ;^235, 3d,, IIS. Other children were: Joh^, b, Nov,, 1676, d, sarae day, Sarah^, d, 25 Mar,, 1680, I. Samuel^, b. 4 May, 1674, received real and personal estate by his father's wiU, June 27, 1684 ; inherited from his grandfather Job Lane's will, Sept. 28, 1696, one quarter part of the Winthrop purchase, 375 acres, "both meddo and upland with a dweUng hous he now liveth in," Here at "Brook Side,'' he became the head of the Fitch family iu Bedford. He was soldier in the company of his uncle Major John Lane to Dunstable, Mass., in 1706, and first town clerk of Bedford, 1729-31, 1733-37. Samuel Fitch was chosen, Oct. 13, 1729, "to tacke cear of the Bond and the Deed, for the Town, of the Training Field or coramon," He m. first, 20 Mar,, 1696, Elizabeth Walker, and had eight children by her; m, second, Eunice Taylor by whom he had one child and d, 4 Apr,, 1742, His wiU was dated Nov. 13, 1741. I, Benjamin*, b, 30 July, 1703, bought the Michael Bacon mill on Shaw shine river; m, 28 Feb,, 1732, Miriam Gray of Andover, Mass., and d. 7 July, 1770. The homestead and mill descended to his son David', a soldier at Concord Fight, grandson David" and great grandson Nathan' the last of the Fitch family to follow the business of milling. 28 Job Lane and Descendants. 2, John*, b, 12 Feb., 1707-8, who settled in Lunenburg, Mass., at its in corporation in 1728, where his family was captured by the Indians in 1749, and who gave his name to Fitchburg, Mass., at its incorporation Feb. 3, 1764. 3. Jeremiah*, succeeded his father on the homestead at Brookside; m. Elizabeth Lane (John'-^ Job'). 4. Dachariah*, b. 13 Feb., 1712. The town paid "Sept. 15, 1777, Zech. Fitch, For hiering soldiers, 10 — o — o." He m. i Oct., 1733, Elizabeth Grimes of Lexington, Mass., and located on the Pine Grove Farra in Bedford. Fourteen children: Son WiUiara", b. 19 Feb., 1735-6, was killed in the French War. Daughter Elizabeth*, b. 6 Jan., 1738, ra. Samuel Lane'', (John^'', Job'). Son Ebenezer*, b. 5 Aug., 1 75 1, was sergeant of Bedford minute men, April 19, 1775, and lieutenant in the second campaign of 1775, The town, 1783, "voted to abate Ebenezer Fitch's rates for being in the service in 1775." He removed to Rindge, N. H., in 1779. 3. WILLIAM AVERY2 (WiUiami), bap. at Barkham, England, 27 Oct., 1647, son of Dr, WiUiara and Margaret Avery who settled in Dedhara, Mass,, about 1650, He was a blacksmith' by trade and a deacon in the church at Dedhara; ra, first, 21 Sept,, 1673, MARY LANE*, b, 1652, dau, of Job' and Sarah (Boyce) Lane, d, 1 1 Oct., 1 68 1, ae. 29 years, her broken tombstone still standing in Dedham. Dea, William Avery ra, second, 29 Aug,, 1682, ELIZABETH WHITE who had five children and d. 3 Oct., 1690 ; m, third, 25 Aug,, 1698, MEHITABLE, widow of Samuel WORDEN and dau. of Gov, Thomas Hinckley by whom he had no children. Children of Dea, WiUiam and Mary (Lane) Avery : I. Mary3, b, 21 Aug., 1674, is mentioned in her grandfather Job Lane's will, m. 13 Oct,, 1698, Eleazer Fisher. II, Sarah^, b, 9 Oct,, 1675, m. first, 24 Nov., 1696, Thomas Metcalf; ra, second, Dea, Joseph Wright of Dedhara, and d, 28 June, 1748. III. Capt. William^, b. 31 Mar,, 1678, m, first, 26 June, 1700, Esther Huntington who d, in Dedham, 13 May, 1750, IV. Hannah^, b. 7 Jan., 1679-80, ra, 15 Jan,, 1700, Jon.mhan Metcalf; he b. Dedham, 16 Mar,, 1676, They removed to Lebanon, Conn,, and were the great, great, great, grandparents of Edward H, Pardee, Esq., of New York City, a subscriber for the Lane Genealogy, — Avery Genealogy. Family Five, 29 4. ROBERT AVERY* (WiUiam'), bap. at Barkham, England, 7 Dec, 1649, brother of Dea, WUUam Avery who 111, Mary Lane* (Job^), settled in Dedham, Mass, "Robert II son of Dr. WiUiam Avery of Dedham, b, about 1649, m, ELIZABETH LANE, April 13, 1676. He d. Oct,, 1722, in ye 73d year of his age. She d, Oct, 2, 1746, in ye 91st year of her age, leaving five children, thirty grandchildren, fifty- two great grandchildren and two of the fifth generation," — Memorial in King's Chapel, Boston. Their children were : I. Elizabeth^, b. 21 Dec, 1677, is mentioned in her grand father Job Lane's wiU, m. 6 Aug., 1697, William Bullard of Ded ham and d. 28 Jan., 1746-7. He was b. 19 May, 1673, and d. 9 Feb., 1746-7. II. Rachel^, b. 7 Sept., 1679, is raentioned in Job Lane's wiU, m. 14 May, 1702, Michael Dwight of Dedham, son of Capt, Timothy and Ann (Flint) Dwight. She d. in 1775, ae, 96 years, III, Robert^, b. 28 Nov,, i68i, was kiUed, 21 Aug,, 1723, by a falling tree. IV. JoHN^ b. 26 Feb., 1683-4. V. John^, b. 4 Feb,, 1685-6, m, 23 Nov., 17 10, Ruth Little, dau. of Ephraim Little and great granddaughter of Richard War ren who came over in the Mayflower. He graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1706, was ordained the first minister of Truro, Mass., Nov,, 171 1, and d. 25 Apr., 1754. VI. Jonathan^, b. 20 Jan., 1694-5, m. i Feb., 172 1-2, Lydia Healey. VII. Abigail^, b. 8 May, 1697, m. 5 June, 1722, John Rich ards of Dedham. 5. Major JOHN LANE* (Job"), 1661-1715, born Maiden, Mass., May, 1661, was a leading citizen of BiUerica, Mass., where ;)() Job Lane and Descendants. he was rated Aug. 24, 1688, "i p'son & estate, 13s. 2d." the highest tax on the list. He was made freeman April 18, 1690; selectman 1693,'6-1704,'q, eleven years; committee to seat the meeting house, 1694, and the same year a highway was laid out from the "Concord Road" to his place; inherited by his father's will Sept, 28, 1696, "all the lands I have in England in Yorkshire, also one-half of ray estate in BUlerica," 750 acres of the Winthrop Purchase ; received a letter frora John Whipple his father-in-law to which his wife's raother, E. Whipple, added a postscript ; wrote to his "loving kinsman," probably John Dickenson, England, Mar, 23, 1697-8, that his father had died 23 Aug,, previous, and that the biUs in favor of Mrs, Frances Thompson were right, John Lane and four other residents of BiUerica petitioned the Mass, General Court, Nov. 17, 1698, to preserve intact their former grant of about sixty years since, against encroachments of Concord and Chelmsford. He was representative, and with others purchased real estate of S, Manning in 1702 ; with others who had purchased lands in BiUerica but were not original proprietors, he appealed to the General Court, May 30, 1705, for a part in the division of comraon lands. General Court, Nov. 16, 1705, ordered : "That Capt, John Lane [and others] be entitled to have a proportionable share with other commoners. Proprietors and Inhabitants of s"" Town in all future divisions of undivided and waste lands," Joseph D , wrote hira from Gildersome, Eng land, Mar, 14, 1708, that one Sampson, an attorney, had claimed the tithes on J, Lane's estate ; he sold real estate to E, Sprague, June 4, 1708, and the same year was allotted 127 acres of land; with others he sold land to S. Manning, July 7, 1710. Mr, Lane was an officer in the militia and very active in Ihe Indian alarms before and after 1700, respecting which many papers have been preserved. In the history of these Indian wars, his name comes into view as the leading military man in town. He was Lieutenant in comraand of the Billerica troop in King Williams war, 1693. Order addressed by Thomas Hincbman, Sergeant Major, to Lieutenant John Lane of BUlerica Aug. 23, 1693 : "To Left. Jno Lane of BiUerica. By virtue of an order from the honor''' L' Govern' bearing date 22 Aug., 1693, these are in his Majisty's Family Five. 31 name to require you forthwith to Impress eight troopers out of yC troop und'' yo' Command, well appointed with arms and ammunition for his Majistys service, four of which are to be daily Imployed as a Scout about yC Town, especially towards the great swamp ; the other foure you are also to send to me upon moon-day morning Next : You are also to send to me the names of all the sold" im prest who are to enter into sarvice on said moonday. Wreof you may not fail. Given undr my hand this 22 August, 1693. Th'5 Hinchman, Sur. major." — :Lane Papers. Billerica sustained a second Indian masacre Aug. 5, 1695, when fifteen persons were killed or captured. "The faraily of John Levistone suffered most severely. His mother-in-law, and five young children were killed and his eldest daughter captured." — Farmer and Moore. Lieut. Lane received this order from Maj. Jonathan Tyng of Dunstable. "Dunstable, August 14, 1696. Capt. Lane. Indian Enemy above Pick Pocket MiUs at Exeter bending their course Westward. From Andover also I have advise, also of two men being murdered and scalped by the Indian Enemy. You are required to order ye one half of your Troops to be in a readiness always and at a minutes warning if possible with three days pro vision, so to go & give &c." Again February 12, 1696-7: "Having advice from the Lt. Governor that at the Spring near approaching it may be expected that the enemy will make fresh attacks both by sea and land, I do therefore order that you make inquiry into the state of ye troopers under your command, and see that every one of them be raounted on a good serviceable horse for war, and furnished with a good, well-fitted carbine besides pistoUs, and to see that the whole troop be in Readiness to pass upon duty : and in case of alarura upon * * * Discovering the approach of the enemy by sea, you are hereby ordered with the several Troopers under your command 32 Job Lane and Descendants. forthwith to repair to the post or place within your county where the Alarum is first given, there to receive and attend to further orders, etc," Jonathan Tyng, maj'." — Lane Papers. Lt, John Lane had acted on a committee to build a bridge over Concord river and received compensation for his service from the Court of Sessions, Mar, 20, 1699. He was coramissioned Captain of the Billerica Troops by Richard Earl of Bellomont, Oct. 4, 1699, Queen Anne's War is seen approaching in the order from Maj. Tyng to Capt, John Lane, Apr. 22, 1702, requiring bim "forthwith to take effectual care that there be strict execution of the Act for regulating of ye Malitia & especially to inspect the forces and men duly provided with arms and araraunition." Order from Major Tyng to Capt. Lane, June 23, 1702. His command to be "under necessary precaution against Indian surprise, and to send me with all possible speed a true Ust of tbe names of your officers and private soldiers in the Troop under your command, I also pray that your self & your Comsion offi cers give me a meeting at Concord to meet the next day after Con cord Court meet by adjournraent," — Lane Papers. Gov, Joseph Dudley in the following letter, evidently knows personally and puis great confidence in Capt, John Lane, who is acting as a regimental officer. "Cambridge, 5, Nov., 1702. Sir : I desire you with two of your troops to repayr to the towns of Marlboro', Lancaster, Groten, Chelmsford and Dunstable, and there deliver severally the letters given you, and encourage the officers in their duty, agreeable to the several Directions. You are also to labor by all means, to speak with Wotanuraraon and the Penacooke men, and to assure them of the friendship with the Gouernor and all the English ; but that we are fearful the french Indians will be amongst them soon and do mischief to the English, and that therefore we must have our scouts out, and if they will come and reside in any proper place near the English, they shaU Family Five. 33 be welcome ; if their hunting will not allow that, they must keep a good Distance from the EngUsh towns, and send one man only to Colonel Tyng when they would speak with me, and they shall be welcome at all tiraes, and I wUl never depart from my friendship to them if they wiU continue friends. Let the officers in the several towns use all prudence not to make the first breach, and let me hear frora them on every ocation." — Lane Papers. Another Order frora Col. Jonathan Tyng to Capt. John Lane, Sept. 3, 1703. "These are to order you forthwith to give out your warrant to your soldiers in Chelmsford to watch, Two in a night and the day following, at the wading place at Waraesit ; and to continue in that service till they have gone Round. The soldiers are to keep at the said wading place till they are reUeved, as the custom bath been by Capt. Bower's men." — Lane Papers. Capt Lane's command with twelve Billerica soldiers went to the defense of Lancaster when attacked, July 31, 1704. He has pre served some names for us : Samuel HUl coporal, John Needham clerk, Ralph HUl, John Farraer, Samuel Hunt, Andrew Richard son, Thomas Ross, Stephen Richardson. Others were sent Aug. 4, 1704, with two days' provisions to reinforce Major Taylor. He led twenty soldiers to Groton, Dunstable and Dracut, Aug, II to 13, 1704. He led twenty-nine troopers, two days with sustenance, to relieve Dunstable, July 4, 1706, "A list of the names of the troopers which served under my Comraand to the relief of Dunstable July the fourth seventeen hundred and six. Being 29 men two days with their subsistence." [Six of the twenty-nine men were from the Bedford side of ancient Billerica. Viz. : Sarauel Fitch, Josiah Bacon, Nathaniel Page, Nathaniel Bacon, Benjamin Bacon, Josiah Fassett] "Anno 1708. Muster Roll of the Company in Her Majesdes service under the command of John Lane Captain, viz. of a troop subsisting 36 and 19 men. These nineteen last named were sent out by Order from his Excelency, August ye fourth 1704 with ten days provision, and marched to Lancaster to in force Major Taylor &c." Araong the fifteen scouts that "went the rouns with Mager Lane" in 1706, were his sons Job Lane and John Lane. 34 Joe Lane and Descend.4nts. Twenty-six Billerica soldiers each gave the foUowing receipt : "BUracy, September i8, 1708, Reseved of Capt, John Lane the sum of eight pounds, three shiUings and six pence ; i say re seved by me for the solgers that bilary unto Chelmsford and Groton. James Dutton and others." Capt. John Lane received his commission as Major in the West Regiment of Horse and Foot from Gov, Joseph Dudley June 23, 171 1. He is also said to have been Colonel of Massachusetts Militia and died in military service, — Society of Colonial Wars. Major John Lane m, 20 Mar., 1681-2, at Salera, Mass., before Bartholeraew Gidney, Esq., SUSANNA WHIPPLE, dau, of Capt. John Whipple and his first wife Martha, dau. of Humphrey and Mary Reynor of Ipswich, Mass. Major and Mrs, Lane were second cousins. She d. 4 Aug., 1713, se, about 51 years. He d. 17 Jan,, 1714-15- Copy : "Received of Mr, Job Lane of Billerica y= sum of ten pounds, at twice, for Gloves for y' funeral of his father. I say re ceived by me. Benj. Fitch. Boston, June 24, 1715." The Lanes had an inherent love for martial life and were military men. Bedford early recognized the services of the following officers and soldiers : 1675, King PhUips War, Job' Lane. 1688 to 1698, King WiUiams War, Lieut. John Lane*. 1 703-1 7 1 3, Queen Anne's War, Capt. Major John Lane*, Job Lane^. 1 745-1 748, Lieut, John Lane. 1775-1783) War of Independence. Capt. John Moore's Bedford Militia Co., Apr. 19, 1775 : David Lane fifer, James Lane, Jr., Samuel Lane, Ziba Lane, John Lane, Samuel Lane, Jr,, John Lane, Jr., Solomon Lane, Stephen Lane, Job Lane, wounded at Concord. In the Continental army. Job Lane, Timothy Lane. 1807-1812, Last War, Capt, Lane. Maj. John Lane of BiUerica, gentleman, died intestate. His sons Job Lane and John Lane were adnjitted to administer on his estate and gave bond accordingly, Feb. 4, 1714-15. The estate Family Five. 3.5 was appraised Feb. 15, 1715, and the inventory was exhibited June 24, 1715. "Real estate, ^1197, 12, o Personal estate, 266, 16, 5 Total, 1464, 8, 5 Exclusive of rents in England." Mr. Lane had received the annual income of the English estates in goods to his order from John Dickenson through John Love and Metcalf, merchants in London, shipped to Henry Dearing a trad ing house in Boston. The English law of primogeniture was not transferred to America. New England adopted the older common- law and all the children shared alike, except that the elder son had a double portion. Tbe heirs settled the estate among themselves. Mar. 26, 1 7 18, and the division was approved, July 2, 17 18. "To Job Lane the homestead that was his father's, 166 acres &c. To John Lane 130 acres &c. To James Lane 208 acres &c. To Nathaniel Page 28 acres &c. To John Whitmore 28 acres, also 65 acres &c. To James Minot 210 pounds. Note : Whereas it not being specified in the writing for Each of us to have an equil share in the estate in england, we doe all mutually agree to it & for the Eldest son his double part. Signed & Sealed March 26, 1718." When the inhabitants of the Winthrop Farms petitioned in 1725 for a separate parish, they were not successful at first, but were soon incorporated as tbe town of Bedford, Sept. 23, 1729. At the first town meeting Oct. 6, 1729, the family of Col. John Lane was represented in office by his nephew Samuel Fitch, town clerk and selectman, by his son-in-law Nathaniel Page, selectman, his son Job Lane, surveyor, and his son John Lane, sealer of weights and meas ures. Many oaks from the Winthrop-Lane farm were sacrificed to build the strong frame of the first meeting house in 1730, and the worm-eaten timbers may now be seen in the second house. The 36 Job Lane and Descendants. oak standing in 1899 at the corner of Concord and Billerica streets in Bedford is caUed the Winthrop Oak. ChUdren of John and Susanna (Whipple) Lane, five sons and four daughters : 6. I. Susanna^, b. 24 Jan., 1682-3, ra. Nathaniel Page, Jr. II. Job3, b. 19 Nov., 1684, d. 7 Feb., 1684-5. 7. III. Mary3, b. 15 May, 1686, m. John Whitmore. IV. Jemima^, b. 27 June, 1688, d. 10 July, 1688. 8. V. Job3, b. 22 June, 1689, m. Martha Ruggles and Mary Wellington. 9, VI. JoHN^, b. 20 Oct., 1691, m. Katherine Whiting and Hannah Abbott. VII. Martha^, b. i Oct., 1694, m. 14 Nov., 17 16, Hon. James MiNOT^ (James'', John^, George*, Thomas'), of Concord, Mass., and d. 18 Jan., 1735, as. 41 years. He received property in the division of John Lane's estate, 1 7 1 8, was schoolmaster, military officer above 30 years, justice of the peace; selectman, 1727-8, 35-'6, 40, '7, '9; representative, 1733, '8, 4i-'4; member of the King's councU, and d. at Concord, 6 Feb., 1759, as. 64 years. Children : I. John. 2, Rebecca, b, 15 May, 1720, d, 8 Oct,, 1761. 3. James. "M"- Benj^" Prescott Jun' of Salera & Mr^ Rebecca Minot of Con cord, July 4, 1 74 1." — Publishments, Salem, Mass. They were ni. 12 Aug., 1741. Rev. Benjarain Prescott, Jr., of Salera ViUage, b. 29 Jan., 1717, d. 18 Aug., 1778, graduated Harvard CoUege, 1736, resided Salera and had eight chUdren, of whora Rebecca, b. 20 May, 1742, d. 19 April, 1813, m. Hon. Roger Sherman of New Haven, Conn.; he b. at Newton, Mass., d. in New Haven, Conn., 23 July, 1793. 10. VIII. James3, b. 12 Aug., 1696, m. Martha Minot, Charity Wellington, Abigail Farnum and Abigail Merriam. IX. Joseph^, b. 18 Feb., 1698-9, and d. before 1715. Family Six. 37 6. NATHANIEL PAGE, Jr.*, b. in England, 1679, m. first 6 Nov., 1 70 1, SUSANNA LANE, dau. of CoL John and Susanna (Whipple) Lane; she b. in BiUerica, Mass., 24 Feb., 1682-3, and d. 2 Sept., 1746, ae. 63 years. He m. second, MARY GRIMES and d. 2 Mar., 1755, se. 75 years. Nathaniel Page, Senior^, came from England in 1684; was a citizen of Roxbury, Mass., 1686, and early appointed by Gov. Joseph Dudley, sheriff or marshal of Suffolk Co. ; purchased the Grimes estate of 500 acres at Shawshine in Billerica, now Bedford, Mass., in 1687, a part of a grant frora the Colonial Court to Ed ward Oaks and sold by him, in 166 1. The house Nathaniel Page^ built has sheltered eight generations of the family and name, in cluding many brave warriors and prominent men of the town. The spirit of patriotism was cradled in that dwelling as in but few others. For fully two centuries it has preserved in it a colonial banner, originally designed in England and early accepted as a standard of the organized miUtia of Massachusetts. Its design represents an extended arm incased in mail, grasping a sword, and the motto in Latin, "Conquer or die." In 1885 this most precious relic was presented to the custody of the trustees of Bedford Free Public Library. Nathaniel Page, Senior, d. 12 Apr., 1692. Had wife Joanna Nathaniel Page, Jr.*, succeeded his father on the Bedford home stead. He also received a patrimony of 28 acres from the estate of John Lane his father-in-law. He was one of Major John Lane's troopers in 1706, and trumpeter in Queen Anne's war, 1703-1713. Children of Nathaniel and Susanna (Lane) Page : I. Nathaniel^, b. 4 Sept., 1702. Cornet Nathaniel Page was credited, Jan. 20, 1730, with "gift of money to incouragement for the town" of Bedford in the year 1729; was chosen selectman at Bedford's first town meeting, Sept. 26, 1729, a "foundation mem ber'' of the Bedford church, July 15, 1730, his pew was in the front on the east end of the great door in the meeting house, paid 3s Job Lane and Descendants, ^88.00, Oct, 15, 1734. He m, Hannah Blanchard, who d. in 1763. He d. 6 Apr., 1779, se, 76 years. "Death from all death has set us free, And will our gain forever be ; Death loosed the rusty chain of woe. To let the raournful captives free," Their son Thomas*, b, 5 May, 1733, ra, I Jan., 1756, .4jt>ia Merriam, who d. 10 July, 1810, and gave by will to the church in Bedford a silver flagon that cost $140.00, and also the foundation ot the Page and Hartwell Fund. Another son William*, b. 19 Feb., 1737-8, soldier in Capt. John Moore's Co. of militia at the Concord fight, Apr. 19, 1775, gave the first hearse to the town of Bedford and made other pubHc bequests. Another son David*, b, 4 Apr., 1740, was known as "King David" because of his lordly manner and cus tomary continental costume. II, John^, b, II Oct,, 1704, had three wives, Rebecca Wheeler, Amittai Fassett, Rachel Fitch, and d, 18 Feb., 1782, He was a man of great stature and physical strength, held a commission as cornet, from Jonathan Belcher, provincial governor, 1737, and in the Lexington Fight aided in capturing six regulars. He was also at the battle of Bunker HUl, June 17, 1775. Y{S.%%axi Ebenezer*, h. 3 June, 1737, m. 21 Feb., 1760, Dorothy (Pollard) Fassett and their daughter Anna', b. 29 Sept., 1760, m. Benjamin Lane', (John'', Job^, John^, Job'). Another son Timothy*, b, 11 June, 1741, ra, Margaret Wellington, served in the war of Independence frora the opening scene at Concord Fight until his death at the battle of White Plains, N, Y,, Oct. 28, 1776. Another son Nathaniel*, b. 20 June, 1742, was an energetic patriot and color-bearer of the Bedford minute men in 1775. He ra. 10 Dec, 1774, Sarah Brown, she b. 24 Mar., 1747, and d, 22 'Aug,, 1839, A mes senger sent out by Paul Revere alarmed the faraily in the night of April 18, 1775, Leaving his young wife and babe of a few hours, Cornet Page bore the colonial emblem that had been carried by his ancestors in former wars, at the head of the Bedford minute men, through the heat and struggle of the memor able Fight, Apr. 19, 1775. He d. 3; July, 1819. The color-bearer's daughter Ruhamah', b, i May, 1788, ra, Jonathan Lane*, (Jonathan', John'', Job^, John', Job'), III. Christopher^*, b. i6 July, 1707, "foundation member" of the Bedford church, July 15, 1730. He was sergeant with Thomp son MaxweU in an expedition eastward, 1758, in the last French and Indian war of 1754 to 1763. He m. Susan (Whitmore) Web ber and d. II Nov., 1786. She d. 20 July, 1796. Several children d. of "throat distemper." "March 26, 1754, Lucy Page, aged 2 years. March 28, 1754, Susanna Page, aged 3 yrs., 2 ms., 20 dys. Apr. 7, 1754, John Page, aged 5 yrs., 10 ms., 7 dys." Family Seven. 39 Son Christopher*, b. 29 Oct,, 1743, m, 21 Feb,, 1760, Dorothy (Fassett) Pollard, and second, Susannah Simonds. He was sergeant in the Bedford miHtia, Concord Fight, Apr, 19, 1775, lieutenant 1779, captain 1780, and his narae is seen in various campaigns until the close of the struggle for Inde pendence, Town records: "March ye 7th 1777. To Christopher Page Jnr. For Sarveces making Rates, o — 6 — 8, Feb, 13, 1778, To Christopher Page Jnr, hireing soldiers, 11 — 13 — ^o," He led a large company against Shay's Rebellion 1786, and the town voted in the following year "to pay each man who went to Concord and Stow to join General Lincoln six shillings per day," IV. Susanna^, b. 29 Apr,, 17 11, m. S.\muel Bridge of Lexing ton, Mass., who d. in 1836. V. Joanna^, b. 29 Oct., 17 14, m. Josiah Fassett, tithingraan, 1729-30, "foundation member" of the Bedford church July 15, 1730, ensign in an expedition to the eastward, French and Indian war of 1754 to 1763, Capt, Fassett d. 18 Feb., 1740. Their daughter Susanna m. Job Lane'', (Job^, John*, Job'). 7. JOHN WHITM0RE3, of Medford, Mass., m. MARY LANE^, (John*, Job^) ; she b. in BiUerica 15 May, 1686. He was b. 27 Aug., 1683, son of Dea. John* and Rachel (Eliot) Whitmore and grandson of Francis and Isabel (Parker) Whitmore, an early settler of Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Whitraore received real estate in the division of John Lane's estate, 17 18. — W. H. Whitmore. Bedford, Jan. 20, 1730, he was "credited with gifts of money to incouragement for the town in the year 1729." He was town clerk of Bedford 1746-48. The distinguished heroism of Mary Lane is related in the foUow ing story told by Leander Hosmer her grandson. During a period of Indian alarm in Queen Anne's war, the Lane faraily was left in the garrison with only one soldier on guard. A certain stump of a tree excited the suspicion of Mary Lane as she looked out of the window in the roof and she called upon the guard to shoot it. But he dechned to do it and laughed at her apprehensions. At length she told him that if he would not shoot, she should take the 40 Job Lane and Descendants. gun and open fire herself. She then seized tbe gun and dis charged it ; and she saw the stump roll into sight, a dead Indian ! Mr. Whitraore d. 26 Mar., 1753. Mrs. Whitraore d. 27 Mar., 1783, ae. 96 years. They had six children : I. Mary^ b. 17 July, 1707. II. Susanna^ b. 25 Nov., 1708, m. first, 6 Sept., 1727, Benja min Webber and had, I. Susanna, b. 21 Mar., 1728, d. 2 Apr., 1743. 2. Martha, b. 2 Aug., 1729, ra. Johti Hosmer of Medford, Mass. 3. Benjamin, b. 14 Feb., 1731. 4. John, b. 25 Nov., 1732, m. Sarah Fassett and Susanna (Symonds) Page. Mrs. Susanna (Whitraore) Webber m. second, Christopher Page, son of Nathaniel and Susanna (Lane) Page. III. John*, b. 15 Apr., 171 1, m. Martha Lane'', (Job^ John*, Job') and d. 5 Oct., 1748. IV. Francis^ b. 4 Oct., 17 14, d. 7 Apr,, 1794 ; m. i Jan., 1739, Mary Hale, b. 1712, d. 21 Oct,, 1791 ; ancestors of Hon, William H, Whitmore of Boston, Mass. V. MarthaS b, 22 Apr,, 17 16, ra, John Skinner, VI, William^ b. 19 Dec, 1725, m. i Oct., 1747, Mary Brooks and d. 10 Mar., 1760. 8. Dea. job LANES (John*, Job'), 1689-1762, was b. in Billerica, Mass., and lived on tbe old homestead. He was on tbe "Indian scout that went the rouns with Mager Lane," his father, in 1706; was commissioned Lieutenant of Troops, by Gov. WiUiam Dum- mer, Apr. 16, 1734 ; was appointed by the inhabitants of Winthrop Farm, in 1725, to the General Court, to obtain for them the regular enjoyment of pubUc worship ; selectman of BiUerica, 1726, 1727, where he was connected with the church; was chosen surveyor at the first town meedng in Bedford, Oct. 6, 1729 ; was credited Jan. 20, 1730, for subscription in money toward building Family Eight. 41 the meeting house in 1729; original member of the church at its organization, July 15, 1730; received "pue on the north side of the meeting bouse goyning to the menistral pue," Oct. 18, 1734 ; elected deacon, Feb. 9, 1737-8 and retained the office undl his death, 9 Aug., 1762. With wife Martha he and others sold real estate to J. Winslow, Apr. 30, 1 7 19, to W. Merriam, Apr. 12, 1720, to S. Woodbridge and others, Sept. 23, 1725, Together they signed an agreement among the heirs of Capt, Samuel Ruggles of Roxbury, Mass,, Mar. 17, 1724-5, and petitioned that tbe estate be divided, Oct. i, 1730, He and others, heirs of the late Samuel Ruggles, petidoned, June 20, 1748, for a division of land in Hardwick, Mass., i-io belonging to Job Lane in the right of his wife Martha, deceased. Probably he was the Job Lane, grantor of real estate to T. Sprague, Jan, 20, 1730, to , June 21, 1746, to J. Lane, Dec, 26, 1748, to C. Paige, Feb. 7, 1749, to N. Bowes, May 3, 1756, to B, Kidder, May 29, 1758. He was probably grantee, Oct, 21, 1737, June 21, 1746. Job Lane and Mary Lane his wife and John Lane, Esq,, and others, aU of Bedford and BiUerica, sold to Josiah Richardson for 61 — 10 — o, Feb. 23, 1749, two tracts of land in Lancaster, Co. of Worcester, containing by estimation about 205 acres — said land was laid out on the Right of John Whiting late of said Lancaster, as recorded in Lancaster Town Book of records, Nov, 20, 1723. Bedford Tax List, North Part, 1748, contained the foUowing Lane names : Dea. Job Lane, Col. John Lane, Capt, James Lane, John Lane, Jr,, Job Lane, Jr., John Lane, 3d, Timothy Lane. The "English Right" was of great assistance to the beneficiaries for several generations. A fragmentary correspondence, consist ing of scores of letters, orders and bills passed between the EngUsh custodians and Job Lane, is among the interesting papers treasured in Bedford. The annual remittance was soraetimes made in merchandise at the request of the owners. Dress goods were often ordered and received. Some Bedford ladies appeared on im portant occasions attired in English gowns. The arrival of the large leather covered trunks were events of great interest. The 42 Job L.we and Descendants. legal claimants became very numerous, and the town did not fail to tax the annuities. During the Revolution the income was not received, but after peace was declared, the full amount came in one remittance. — A. E. Brown. The Lane brothers Job and John received a bond from John Love and Mr, Metcalf, Feb, 17, 17 17, and the EngUsh rents hence forth were distributed among the heirs under the style of Job and John Lane. Order- "May 2, 1721, St, Stephen, Sende 6 large quarto bibles," Copy : "To Job and John Lane. London, July 24, 1723. Lane Gentlemen, — I have received your letter by Capt, Osborne, date 3d May, with one enclosed for Wm. Dickinson which I imraediately forward to him, and as soon as he sends rae your money I shaU forthwith make return in such goods as you have ordered, directing them to Mr. Henry Deering of Boston. with the tender of due respects, I reraain genUemen your ready servant, St Stevens." Tax : "1744, Voted not to abate the Rates that the Lanes and Pages, gentlemen, were assessed for their incorae frora England," Bill: "July 26, 1748. Zach, Bourryan Sends Matthew Henry's Exposition on ye Bible, 5 and 6 vols," Letter: Dated "London Mar. 20, 1754, to Job & John Lane, expresses regret that the Bibles did not suit." One of these Bibles has been placed by Miss Sarah Chandler of Lexington in the care of the Historical Society of Bedford. Rate: "Feb. 23, 1756. Widow French's rates abated for in come at England." The early assignees of raoney and goods in America died, but the style of Job and John Lane was continued. Nodce : "List of Letters reraaining in the Post Office at Salem, January 6, 1784. Jobe & John Lane, Bever, 2." Family Eight. 43 Order for goods : "Bedford, September the i6, 1785, Mr, Lane, this is to Inform you what Articles I am Desirous to send to Eng land for. Art. Fr^' one Pice of Chents for one gound. Very Dark. Art. 2^ one Pice of Sattain for one Cloak. Art. 3' 246: 420, ¦ j88 : 28g. Francis Lane, Esq,, of Ashburnham, sold Elias Lane, gentieman, land in Ashburnham, Nov. 21, 1821, for I403. — 246 : 421. Col. Francis Lane m. first, 30 Sept., 1779, HEPSIBAH COOL IDGE, b. Waltham, 9 Mar., 1754, dau, of Capt, Wm. and Elizabeth (Brown) CooUdge, She d. 14 Mar,, 1795. He m, second, 1801, SARAH, wid, of John BURR, ne6 Cushing, He d. i May, 1823. Nine children : I, John Coolidge", b. 2 July, 1781 ; d. 16 Sept,, 1781. Family Twenty-Three. 73 II. Sarah", b. ii June, 1782; m, 20 Nov., 1800, John Kib- LiNG, and d. 19 Aug., 1865. He d. 17 Jan., 1846. Six chUdren. III. Lucy", b. 6 July, 1783; m. 17 Dec, 1809, Capt. John Jones, b, 24 Nov., 1783 ; res, Dublin, N. H., where he d. 3 May, 1849. She d. 24 Mar., 1873. Two chUdren : I, Frederick, b. 20 July, 1813, Phillips Acad,, 1831, grad, Harv, Uni versity, 1835, and at Dart, Med. Col., did rauch in literature and in teaching in his earlier years, had a large medical practice in New Ipswich, N, H,, and adjoining towns, and had sat in the Legislature; m, 20 Feb,, 1845, Caroline Frances, b, 2 Feb., 1824, dau. of Dr, Stillman Gibson of New Ipswich, and d. 6 July, 1892, They had two children: l) Frederick William, b, 9 Jan,, 1848; grad, D, C, 1869, and at Med. Department of University, New York city; settled in practice at New Ipswich. 2) Frances R., b. I June, 1852, an artist with raany fine paintings. 2. Lucy Ann, b, 20 Nov,, 1819; d, 14 Feb., 1861. 41. IV. Elias", b, 21 Feb., 1785 ; ra, Anna Jones, V. Abigail", b. i June, 1786; d. 31 Aug., 1786. 42. VI. Francis", b. 20 Aug., 1787 ; m. Susanna Foster. VII. Abig.«l", b. 20 May, 1789; d, unm, 13 Dec, 1813. VIII. John", b, 15 May, 1791 ; d. 19 Mar., 1792. IX. John", b. 9 Oct., 1792; m. 10 Apr., 1822, Anna Cook, dau. of John and Anna (Beal) Cook, and d. 13 Dec, 1845. She d. 27 Aug., 1 85 1. ChUd: I. Mary A.'', b, 12 Oct,, 1832; m, 11 June, 1856, Wm. H. Emorv, 'b. 27 Mar., 1821, son of Enos and Ziporah (Hale) Emory; res. Ashburnham. 23. Lieut. BENJAMIN LANE' (John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1754- 1835, b. Bedford, Mass., 17 Mar,, 1754; received from his father, John Lane and wife Sarah, Apr. 16, 1775, 108 acres of land in Ashburnham, Mass. ; committee of Bedford "to procure beef" levied as a tax in the Revolution ; "Treasurers Account, Feb. 13, 1778: To Benjamin Lane For hiering Soldiers, i — 7 — 4 ;" it is certain that he received a pension as a Revolutionary soldier. He re moved to Ashburnham in the spring of 1780, to the premises stiU known as the Benjamin Lane place. 74 Job Lane and Descendants. He paid Jacob KibUngs, 9 pounds, 9 shiUings, Nov. 28, 1787, for land in Ashburnham, bounded by lands of Benjamin and John Lane; paid Caleb Wilder, 12 pounds, Dec. 4, 1787, for 46 3-4 acres, lot No. 7, Division 2, in Ashburnham; paid his brothers and sisters, 28 pounds, Dec. 9, 1787, for quit claim to "one moiety of half quantity and quality" of 38 acres in Ashburnham; with his brothers and sisters he quit claim to 38 acres in Ashburn ham, in favor of Francis Lane, for 28 pounds, Dec. 29, 1789; grantor of estate to J. Lane, Feb. 11, 1791, Apr. 4, 1791; with wife Isabel sold Francis Lane, 37 acres in Ashburnham, bounded by land of Ziba Lane, May 14, 1791 ; paid John Lane, 24 shillings for land in Ashburnham, Mar. 20, 1792; grantor of estate to J. Lane, Oct. 31, 1793 ; with wife Isabel sold Josiah Lane, 20 acres in Ashburnham, for J200, Apr. 23, 1803. — Wor. Co. Deeds. Lt. Lane m. first, 9 Dec, 1779, by Rev. Joseph Penniman, ANNA, dau. of Ebenezer PAGE, who d. 4 Sept., 1784 ; m. second, 26 May, 1786, ISABEL HILL, dau. Of Jonathan and Mary (Lane*, Job', John*, Job'), HiU of BUlerica, Mass., who d. i Jan., 1833. She was in the sixth generation from Ralph HiU, a pioneer of BiUerica, Mass. Mr. Lane adventurously settled with his young bride in Dorchester, Canada, inc. Ashburnham, Mass., in 1765, when the Indians had hardly quitted the forest. He took a journey to Boston on horseback and returned with a little glass for windows and some articles for cooking. His glass windows were among the first in town. Being a great reader his mind was treasured with a fund of useful information, and a conversation with him on historical topics was always interesting. He d. 20 Dec, 1835, ae- 81 ys., 9 ms,, 3 ds. WiU, signed April 8, 1834, raaking bequests to chUdren and grandchUdren and naming Benjamin Jaquith exe cutor, with inventory of $2,255, Mar. 16, 1836, was presented for probate, Apr. 5, 1836. — Wor. Co. Wills. ChUdren : I. Dolly", b. 18 Oct., 1780, d. 20 Jan., 1784. 43. II. Josiah", b. 28 Mar., 1782, m. Nancy Wilder. By second marriage : III. Benjamin", b. 1786, d. 31 July, 1791. Family Twenty-Three. 75 IV. Isabel", b. 7 July, 1788, d. 13 Feb., i825„unm. V. Dolly", b. 22 May, 1790, m. 25 July, 1826, Benjamin Howard of Ashby, Mass., and d. 3 Nov., 1833, leaving: I. Charles, res. San Jose, Cal. 2. Dorothy, m. Eben Damon. 3. L^ucy, m. in Vt. VI. Anna", b. 29 Apr., 1792, m. 28 June, 1812, William Stearns, had son WiUiam, m. and d. in Oregon ; m. second, Joseph Ingalls of Keene, N. H., and had 3 sons. VII. Roxanna", b. 4 Oct., 1793, ra, 3 Apr,, 1832, John Cook, Jr., of Ashburnham, he b. 15 Mar., 1805. She d. 24 Feb., 1834. Fourteen years after her death her husband was arrested for ber murder, but was acquitted. One child, Sarah Roxanna, b. 6 Oct., 1833, m, 1851, Jacob Hart of Keene, N, H,, res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 44. VIII. Benjamin", b. 23 June, 1795, m. Abigail Walker. IX. Lucinda", b, 11 Dec, 1797, m. 28 Oct,, 1823, John W. Cutting of Weston, Mass,, and d. 20 Apr., 1854. He was b, 6 Apr., 1800, and d, 12 Mar., 1873. ChUdren of John W., and Lucinda (Lane) Cutting : I. John Warren, b. 4 Aug., 1824, m, Susan Keniston, lived in Ashby, Mass,, had ten children and d, 27 Jan,, 1892, 2, Lucinda, b, 15 Apr., 1826, m. I Jan., 1856, Eben Damon, lived in Ashby, and had John, ra, Elizabeth Jeffs, and Lewis, unm, 3, Benjamin Lane, b, 13 Jan., 1828, m. 20 Sept., 1853, Sarah Varney; ra, second, i Nov,, 1870, Laura Howe. Seven children, 4, Susan Anna, b. Sept., 1830, m. 15 Sept., 1847, John Parmaleel lived in Chicago, 111. Five children. 5. Eliza, twin, b. 14 June, 1835, m. 17 June, 1856, George Russell, lived in Ayer, Mass., and had: l) Georgietta, b, 30 Aug., i860, d. 30 July, 1874. 2) George C, b. 26 Aug., 1878, 6, Emily, twin, b. 14 June, 1835, m, 23 Oct., 1859, Oliver N. Kenney, lived in Weston, Mass,, and had: l) Charles Cutting, b, 29 Dec, i860, m, 9 Dec, 1885, Clara S. Stimpson and had WilHam OHver, b, 12 Feb., 1887, EHzabeth Cutting, b. 11 Apr., 1889, Frederick Stimpson b, 8 July, 1892, Winthrop Warren, b. 4 Jan., 1894, 2) Ralph, b. 25 June, 1864, ra. 8 Mar., 1891, Lois R. Snare and had Walter, b, 5 Mar,, 1891, Carl Elmer, b, 23 Apr., 1893. 3) George Washington, b. 15 Mar., 1866. 4) Emily, b. 19 July, 1871, d. 19 Aug., 1871, 5) Emily Lane, b, 26 June, 1872, teacher in Rayn- ham, Mass. 6) Oliver Warren, b, 21 Oct., 1878, 7, Joseph, b, 14 Oct,, 1837, ra, first, Mary A. Wellington, second, 2 Nov,, 1870, Sarah E. Allen, lived in Waltham, Mass,, and had: l) May EHzabeth, b, 13 Dec, 1871, grad, Boston University, 1894, 2) AHce AmeHa, b. 7 May, 76 Job Lane and Descendants. 1873. 3) Florence Gertrude, b. 9 Apr., 1874. 4) Chester Joseph, b, 29 Mar., 1883. X, Susan", b, 29 Oct,, 1799, m. first. Mar,, 183 1, Benjamin Jaquith of Ashby, Mass, ; ra, second, Nathaniel Swain, and d. 6 Oct,, 1880. No children. XI, Sally", b, 18 Oct,, 1801, m, 28 Dec, 1828, Franklin Stearns of Billerica, Mass,, son of John and Mary (Lane) Stearns and brother of Gov. Onslow Stearns of N, H, They settled, the 6th generation on the Steams homestead. She celebrated her 90th birthday in good physical and mental strength, re ceiving the congratulations of children, grandchildren and numerous friends who caUed to see her. She rehearsed Indian stories told by her mother respecting the scattering Pawtucket tribe, who made visits to the Bedford springs near by. These keen students of nature had detected the remedial properties of the waters, called them "medicine," and brought their sick to bathe in them, and took away water in their skin bottles. They expressed great indignation that the white people had broken up their camping grounds. The venerable lady was remarkably free from infirmities, eyes tired, lids heavy but sight perfect, and she had cut several teeth of her third set. To the question of age she repUed, "I was born in the year one and I have lived long enough," Mrs, Stearns was living in BiUerica with her son John B, in 1894. She had six children, I, Susan Lsabel, b, 21 Aug,, 1830, d. July, 1882, unm. 2. Mary Jane, ra. John Reed, of EHzabeth, N. J., and d. Oct., 1893. 3. Sarah Olive, d. in infancy, 4, Sarah Maria, ra, Asa Dunn, of Carlisle, Mass. 5. Lucretia Ann, m. John Davis ot Cs.Tlisle. Ten children. 6. John Billings, h. Mar., 1843, unm. in Billerica, Mass. XII. Melinda", b. 21 May, 1804, m, 29 Nov,, 1838, Benjamin, son of William Ward of Ashburnham ; he b. i Apr,, 1801, d, 16 Sept,, i860. Shed, 25 Feb,, 1855, Four children, ChUdren of Benjamin and MeUnda (Lane) Ward : 1, Eliot, drowned in pond near his father's house, aged 17 yrs, 2. Henry, lived in Greely, Col,, and in CaHfornia, Three children, 3, Edwin, lived in Greely, Col, 4, Lsabel Hill, m, Lemuel Whiting of Pawtucket, R, I, Son Arthur b, 1887, P'amily Twenty-Four, 77 24. ZIBA LANE' (John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1756 , b. Bedford, Mass,, 5 July, 1756, was in Capt, John Moore's militia corapany at the Concord Fight, Apr, 19, 1775 : "Ziba Lane traveUed 33 miles, in service 9 days," Ziba Lane of Billerica, Mass,, paid Asa Danforth 120 pounds, Apr. 17, 1784, for 160 acres, lots Nos, i and 4, Division 2, in Ashburnham, — Wor. Co. Deeds, gi : 4ig. He paid George Dana and wife Elizabeth, 120 pounds, Jan, 14, 1786, for 185 acres, lots No. 4, in Div. 2, and Nos. 50 and 10, in Div, 4, Ash burnham, — gg : 17. His name appears in the settlement of his father's estate, 1789. — 114: 80, gi. He was grantor of estate to J. Lane, 1791, Feb. 11, and Apr, 4; 1792, Aug. 25. — Mid. Co. Deeds. Ziba Lane of Amherst, N. H,, received from Francis and Hep sibah Lane quit claim to 3 lots of land in Ashburnham, for 20 shillings, Feb. 13, 1792. — Wor. Co. Deeds, 114: 530. He was grantor of estate to S. Lane, 1793, Feb. 2, to B. Lane, 1793, Oct. 31 ; to U. Goodwin, 1796, Apr. 2. — Mid. Co. Deeds. Ziba Lane of Amherst, N. H., gentleman, and wife Lydia Lane, sold to Joseph Steele, 3 lots of land, 185 acres in Ashburnham, for 300 pounds, June 8, 1796, — Wor. Co. Deeds 137 : 334. Ziba. Lane m. i Apr., 1778, by Rev, Henry Curamings, LYDIA DANFORTH of BiUerica, Mass, They res. BiUerica, Mass., and Amherst, N. H. Children : I. Hannah", b, 25 Nov., 1778. II. Josiah", b. 28 Sept., 1780, d. 5 Nov,, 1780, ae, i mo,, 8 ds. 45. III. Ziba", b. 31 Jan., 1782, m, Frances Gordon Dennis. 46. IV. Francis Bowman", 24 Sept., 1787, m. Roxinda Par- LIN. 47. V. John", b. 2 Jan., 1793, m. first, Mrs. Patty Hopkins, m, second, Lucy Olmstead, VI. James", b. , tailor, Lyons, N. Y,, m, Eliza Moss. 78 Job Lane and Descendants. 25. JONATHAN LANE' (John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1763-1808, b. Bedford, Mass,, 15 Oct,, 1763 ; was grantee of real estate. May 31, 1790, Apr. 4, 1791, Aug. 25, 1792, Feb. 22, 1794, and grantor Dec. 9, 1789, Dec. 29, 1789, Feb, 11, 1791, Mar. 8, 1791, Oct, 31, 1793. He m. 2 Feb. 1787, HANNAH LANE' (Samuel*, John'-*, Job'). "Their parents being only cousins, they did not consider themselves related," — Sarah Maria Fisk. Mr, Lane succeeded his father on the homestead and d, 4 Mar., 1808, se. 44 years. Mrs. Jonathan Lane and Mrs, Stephen Lane purchased Tomb No. 4, built in 1826. She bought one of the first chaises in Bedford after the death of her husband ; and the first cook-stove was used by her son-in-law, George Fisk, She was b. 26 Feb., 1765, and d, 9 Mar., 1848, ae. 83 years. Her grandson Samuel Wright Lane wrote in the Lane Family Bible : "Note. The DweUing House in Bedford, Mass., buUt by Mr. John Lane, whose name appears first in these records and occupied ever since by his descendants, was totally destroyed by fire the first of March, 1847, No lives were lost, but Mrs, Hannah Lane, aged 82 years, the widow of Jonathan Lane, was with diffi culty saved. The old faraily Bible was lost, but a copy of the Records had previously been taken by a Grandchild, who now fur nishes this Bible with the family records copied into it, to serve his venerable relative in her declining years. s. w. L, Boston, March 22, 1847." Eleven children. Four of the children, Jonathan, Josiah Abbot, Hannah and Arinda, aU minors above the age of 14 years, were placed under the guardianship of Soloraon Lane, Apr. 13, 1808, who presented his account and was discharged, July 8, 1815. 48. I. Jonathan", b. 27 Jan., 1788, ra. Ruhamah Page. II. Hannah", b. 11 Oct., 1789, a teacher of "reading, writing, speUing, reckoning and sewing ;" a fine mantua maker and tailor, going to Boston twice a year for the fashions, she fitted the young people of the town, at wages of 25 cts. for a day of fifteen hours' Family Twenty- Five. 79 work. She m. 27 Sept., 1838, Elijah Putnam, who was b. 5 Jan., 1780. She d. 22 Apr., 1874. 49^ III. Josiah Abbott", b. 17 Aug., 1791, ra. Phebe Spin ning. IV. Arinda", b. 26 May, 1793; skillful at hand spinning and weaving, at wages of a shilling a week, she early purchased for her self a string of gold beads ; an enterprising housekeeper, she was among the first in town to use a cook-stove; m. 6 May, 1824, George Fiske of Amherst, N. H., remained on the paternal home stead, and d. 24 Jan., 1885. Their childiren : I, George Nourse, b, 12 May, 1825; was among the "Fortyniners" who rank so high with Calif ornians; d, 28 Apr,, 1869, se, 44, 2. Nathan Lord, b, 9 Oct,, 1826; d, 1847, 3, David Abbot, b, 30 July, 1828; d, 1847. 4, Ann Eliza, b, 27 Aug,, 1830, m, Charles Wm. Dodge of Amherst, N, H,, and had: l) Died young, 2) Died young, 3) Fannie Arinda, b, 12 May, 1857, ra, Harry Gray of Lowell, Mass,, and had three children, 4) Antonette Fiske, b, 15 Dec, 1864, 5, Sarah A/aria, b, 28 Nov,, 1832, res, Lowell, Mass,; mind full of family traditions and memories of childhood, when troops of Lane children were tutored in the old red school house. 6, Jonathan Lane, b, 8 Nov,, 1834, with two good sized teeth which he retained until nine years old and was told they were a sign he would go to war; enlisted for three years. May, 1861, in 7th Mass, Light Battery, and d, at Suffolk, Va,, 19 Dec, 1862, V. Rollin", b. 3 Apr., 1795, d. 9 Jan., 1800, se. 4 yrs., 9 ms. VI. Sarah", b. t May, 1797, m. 15 May, 181 7, Ebenezer Hay ward of Acton. Children : I. Hannah Elvira, b. 26 Mar., 1818, m. A. Peabody Morse, and had: i) Elvin Peabody, b, 29 Dec, 1837, d, before 1865, 2) Garafelia M,, b, I Nov,, 1843, m, John Dawson. Eben Abbot, b, Apr,, 1 821. Sarah E., b. May, 1823, d, 3 Mar,, 1824, Sarah E., b, 21 Mar,, 1825, d, 28 Mar,, 1825, Sarah C, b, 3 Aug,, 1827, ra, Wingate. Ebenezer S., b, Aug,, 1829, m, Amelia , Timothy A., b, 15 July, 1831, d, July, 1831, Maria L., b, 3 Feb,, 1833, ra. Bedell Bangs. 9, Elizabeth Lane, b. 22 Feb., 1835, m, Van Horn. 10, Esther Mercy Ann, b. 18 Apr., 1837, m, Wilcox. II, Susan Augusta, b, 31 Oct,, 1840, m, Hodkins. 80 Job Lane and Descendan'ts. VII. Elizabeth", b, 13 June, 1799, d. 15 Jan., 1800, se, 7 ras, VIII. Myra", b. 24 Nov., 1800, d. 2 May, 1801, se. 5 ms. 50. IX. George", b, 8 May, 1802, m. first, Lucy M, Dunn ; second, Sarah H. Berry. 51. X. Charles", b. 14 Aug., 1804, m. first, Sarah B, Wheeler ; second, Elizabeth Carlton. 52. XL John Samuel", b. 15 Jan., 1808, m. Sally Ann Ver milyea. 26. STEPHEN LANE' (Timothy*, Job', John*, Job') 1755-182 7, was b. in Bedford, Mass., 20 Aug., 1755, lived at Sunny Side, a homestead taken from the Fitch land. Return of Capt. John Moore's mUitia company, Bedford, Apr. 3, 1776, of soldiers in the Concord Fight, Apr. 19, 1775 : "Stephen Lane, traveUed ^^ mUes, in service 7 days.'' He was grantee in transfer of real estate, Feb. 2, 1793, and Mar. I) 1794; grantor to S. Lane, Sept. 4, 1795, to A. Fassett, Apr. 2, 1796. He paid Francis Lane ;?5oo, Dec. 3, 1796, for land in Ashburnham, Mass. — Worcester Co. Deeds. Pastor's Tithing, Mem. by Rev. Samuel Stearns: "1798, April to June. Stephen Lane, leg of pork." Some Lanes who were pew owners in the second and third houses of worship, Bedford. The sum paid was for one or more pews : Stephen Lane, paid . . . . $137,50 Job Lane, Jonathan Lane, Solomon Lane, David Lane, Roger Lane, Eliab B. Lane, 104,00 128.00132,00 109,00 120,00 79-50 Mr. Lane m. i May, 1806, by Rev, Samuel Stearns, ALICE ABBOTT, wid, of Moses Abbott, Jr., nee Stearns" (Edward', Family Twent\'-Se\'en. ,S1 John*-'-*, Isaac'), Her father, Lieut, Edward Steams', b. 9 May, 1726, m, 9 May, 1755, Lucy, dau. of Thomas Wyman and Rachael (Crosby) wid. of Samuel Stearns. He d. 11 June, 1793; she d. 28 Nov., 1802, The Lieut. Edward Stearns homestead and mill yard were set off to Bedford in 1766, and he was the head of the family in Bedford, At an early hour of Apr, 19, 1775, he awoke his family, announced that the British were coming, joined, with his eldest son Solomon, the Bedford company of militia and was soon at Concord, and in authority the latter part of the day after the death of Capt. Jonathan WUson. Father and son reported at Cambridge on tbe following day ; the former returned to his faraily, the latter reraained on duty, sickened and d. 18 May, 1775. The Rev. Samuel Stearns, who performed the marriage ceremony, was cousin to Mrs. Lane. Mr. Lane's wiU, dated May 3, 1827, presented for probate, June 5, 1827, named wife Allice, dau. Lydia Harriet Hayward, nephew EUjah Putnam, friend SaUy Goodwin, Moses Abbot, grand son to my wife, Oliver Reed Abbot, my son-in-law, who was ap pointed sole executor. Inventory, $1,480,00; return made Sept, 2, 1828. Mrs, Stephen Lane and Mrs, Jonathan Lane built tomb No, 4, in Bedford, 1826. Their daughter: I. Lydia Harriet", b. Bedford, 26 Mar., 1808, inherited the homestead and m, 26 Apr,, 1827, Capt. John White Hayward' (Martha", Paul', Dea. Samuel'', Siraeon', Joseph*, George'), He was b. II July, 1804, was coramissioned as captain of Lexington artiUery company, was often in town and parish office, Bedford, and d, in 1866. She d, 25 Dec, 1884. Children: 1, John Augustus, b, 14 Mar,, 1828, d, Aug,, 1828, 2, Stephen Lane, b, 26 Oct,, 1829, 3, Harriet Frances, b, 12 May, 1831. 27. GERSHOM FLAGG LANE' (John*-'-*, Job'), 1753-1838, b, Bedford, Mass,, 30 July, 1753, ra, 8. Feb., i77S> LYDIA THOMAS 82 Job Lane and Descendants, of Rhode Island; she b. Feb., 1757. They resided in Weathers- field and Cavendish, Vt,, and in SpringviUe township, Susquehanna Co., Pa,, where he d, 17 Nov,, 1838; she d, 31 Oct,, 1841. ChUdren : I. Daughter", d. in infancy. 53. II, John", b. 14 Feb,, 1776, ra, Nancy Geach. III. Lydia", b. 6 Sept., 1778, m, Benjamin Farewell of Ver mont. IV. Sophia", b. 12 Mar., 1780, of a hopeful, jovial disposition, kind to the poor, generous to children, loved society, was jealous of her rights and in her younger days considered handsome, m, Benjamin Blakeslee, who was b. 18 Apr., 1774, a pioneer of Dimock, Susq. Co., Pa, Their chUdren : I, Amanda, b, 20 Aug,, 1803, m. Pardon Fish, and had: l) Benjarain, b. Mar,, 1826, unm. 2) Hiram, b. 18 Oct., 1828, m. first, Susan Bush, second, her sister, and had: Fanny, 1854, Mary, 1856, Webster, 1865, Anna, 1870, 3) Freeman, b, 25 Dec, 1830, ra. Miss Sherraan, No children, 4) Sophia, b, June, 1832, unm, 5) Miles, b, II Sept,, 1834, m, 29 Dec, 1870, Emeline Bolls, and had: Oscar, b, 2 Mar,, 1872, Nellie E,, b, 9 May, 1880. 2. Luke, b. 4 May, 1805, m. Anna Rogers, and had: 1) Janet, m, and had no children, 2) Orin, m. Widow McKeeby and had Edward, 3, Leland, b, 15 June, 1807, ra, Mary Potter, and had: i) Lewis Raymond, no children, 2) Joseph G,, d, single, 3) Charles D,, unm, 4, George, b, 18 Jan,, 1810, ra, first, Louisa Thayer, second, Delight West, and had: l) Louisa, d. in childhood, 2) Araanda, m. Charles Bunnell, 3) Louisa, m, Hiram Terry, 4) Benjarain F,, m. 5) Orlando F,, m, Mary Tyler; four children, 5, Hiram, b, 12 Feb,, 1812, m, Amanda, dau, of Cyrus Whipple o\ Bridgewater, Pa,, and had: j) Catheline, m, D, C, Ainey, and had: W. B, D,, Esq., and Charles, 2) Elbert L,, b, 25 May, 1843, Elbert L. Blakeslee was b. in Dimock, Pa., 25 May, 1843, studied at Harford and Montrose academies, Pa,, enlisted in Co, H,, 4th Penn. Reserves, in 1861, graduated medical department Michi gan University, at Ann Arbor, 1865, practised medicine at Brooklyn, Pa., three years, studied law at Mich. University and was admitted to the bar in Family Twenty-Seven. ' 83 1869, and became junior member of the law firm of Little & Blakeslee, Mont rose, Pa, Dr, Blakeslee was a remarkably able, impressive and eloquent pleader in the courts of Susq, Co,, and died suddenly of heart disease. May, 1893, leaving a widow, m, n, Mary Litter, and one son, Elbert, 3) Riley, m. Miss Risley, and had son, 4) Florella, unm, 6, Lydia, b, 16 May, 1814, m. Pardon Fish, his second wife, and had: i) Wallace, b, 1836, ra. Widow Beach, 2) Laura, b, 1845, 3) Ii^^> b. I Nov,, 1848, 4) Alfred, b, Feb,, 1850. 5) Herbert, b, t Apr,, 1855, 7, Lyman, b, 18 May, 1816, m, Lydia Kasson, and had: l) Ida, m, John Tiffany, 2) Edith, m, James Jeffers, 3) Lillian, m. Thomas C, AUen, 8. Rachel, b, 26 May, 1818, m, Albert Potter, and had: i) Albert, 2) Delphina, 9, William Riley, b, 20 Sept,, 1822, a physician in Coatesville, Chester Co,, Pa. V. Gershom", b, 6 Mar., 1782, m. in Vermont. VI. Hannah", b. 7 Apr., 1784, a strong minded, practical woman, member of the Baptist church, m, first, Abijah Gregory, second. Ami Mott. No children. 54. VII. George Washington", b. 29 Sept,, 1786, m. Sallie Osterhaut and Olive Newton, VIII. Patty or Martha", b, 16 Sept,, 1788, ra. Mr. Worcester, Uved in Wisconsin, Their children : I, Wesley. 2. William. 3, Seneca, ra, his cousin Elizabeth, dau, of Leland Lane. 4, Elizabeth, ra, Blackman. IX, Clariss.4", b, 9 Feb., 1790, m. Aaron Blakeslee, brother of Benjamin, who m. Sophia Lane, "She was a dignified, high minded and amiable woman, a devoted wUe, a loving and judicious mother." Their children : I, Mariah, b, 9 Feb,, 1812, m, Dwight Risley, and had: l) Alfred, ra, Elizabeth Binghara. 2) Harriet, 3) Olive. 2, Angeline, b, 11 Mar,, 1813, ra, Charles Keeney. No children, 3. Erasmus Darwin, b, 24 June, 1818. 4, Rev, George Harmon, b, 28 Oct,, 1819, m, Hester Ann Cargill, and had: i) Rev, Frank Durbin Blakeslee, D, D,, principal of East Greenwich academy, R. I, 2) Mary, m, Mr, Stowell. 84 Job L.ane and Descendants. 3) Helen, m. Prof. Mann of the State Norraal school, Potsdam, N. Y, 4) Emma, m, , 5) Clara, m. Principal of State Normal school, Potsdam, N, Y. 5, Elinor, b. 28 Sept., 1822, m. 2 May, 1849, A. D. Woodhouse, and had: l) George Fred, b. 25 Mar., 1855, d. unm. 2) Eva, b. 31 Jan., i860. 6, Miranda, b, 3 Nov,, 1828, m, Oscar March, and had: l) Charles K. 55. X, Thomas", b. 15 Nov., 1792, m. Sarah Harkins. XI. Abiah", b. 29 Sept., 1794, m. Thomas Bagley. "She was remarkable for her piety and power in religious exhortation, being able to quote Scripture at wiU." Their children : I, Emily, m. Hiram Baker, and had children, z, James, m, Emeline Saunders, and had several children, 3, Hannah M., m. John Rowe, and had several children, 4, Sarah Martha, m, Thomas Hadsell, and had children. 5, Juliette, m, Theophilus Provost, and had children, 6. Roxijia, unm, XII, Leland", b. 26 June, 1799, m. and settled in Kalamazoo, Mich. Children : I, Elizabeth'', ra, her cousin Seneca Worcester, and lived in Illinois, 2, James'', merchant in Detroit, Mich. 3, Others''. XIII. Rev. Freeman", b. 16 May, 1801, graduated at Middle- bury college, Vt., 1828, and at Andover, Mass., Theological seminary, 1833, was ordained Episcopal deacon, Sept. 25, 1833, and was rector at Manchester, Vt,, at Springfield, Pa., i836-'40, at Troy, Pa., i844-'5o, at Huntington, Pa., 1851, and d. in 1852. He m, Lydia Parker, and had four sons : I. Richard'', d, in youth, 2, Henry'', res, N, Y. city, 3, Cornelius'' . 4, Alorris LitteW , of Troy, Penn, 29. JOHN STEARNS' (Isaac*, John'-*, Isaac'), b. Billerica, Mass., 18 Sept., 1765, m, 10 Feb,, 1801, POLLY LANE' (Samuel*, John'-*, Job') ; she b. Bedford, Mass,, 15 Aug,, 1776. Mr. Family Twenty- Nine. 85 Stearns was a prosperous farmer on the Stearns homestead in Billerica. His father Isaac Stearns was a weU known and influential citizen of Middlesex county, who held various local and state offices and was for several years a member of the Executive Council. Mrs. Stearns d, 30 Nov., 1815, se. 39 years. Her children are mentioned in her father's wiU, Apr. 10, 1818, of which Mr. Stearns was named an executor. Their eight children were : I. Franklin, b. 25 Jan., 1802, ra. Sally Lane" (Benjarain', John*, Job', John*, Job'). II. Mary, b. 28 Dec, 1803, m. 13 May, 1832, William Whit ford. III. John Owen, b. 3 Aug., 1805, m. Margaret C. Walker ; went to Virginia, civil engineer in tbe construction of the Chesa peake and Ohio canal, contractor in building various railroads in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, director of the New Jersey Central railroad. IV. Onslow, b. 2 Feb., 1807, d. 23 Feb., 1808. V. Eliza Ann, b. 4 Oct., 1808, m. John Dennis Billings. VI. Onslow, b. 30 Aug., 1810. He remained at horae attend ing school and academy and farming untU 1 7 years of age. In 1827 he went to Boston as clerk in the dry goods jobbing house of Howe & Holbrook, afterwards J. C. Howe & Co. In 1830, he joined his brother, John O. Stearns, in civU engineering and in 1833, in constructing railroads in several of the middle states. In 1837, he returned to New England and engaged in the building of railroads in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Among the positions he fiUed were superintendent of tbe Nashua and LoweU railroad, 1838, agent of the Northern railroad of N. H., 1845, and its president, 1852, untU his death, general superintendent of the Vermont Central railroad, 1852 to 1855, director of the Nashua and LoweU railroad, 1857 to 1875, president of Old Colony and Newport railroad, 1866 to 1877, also for a time president of the Narragansett Steamship Co., president of the Concord railroad, N. H., 1874, until his death. 86 Job Lane and Descendants. Beginning his career at the foundation of railroad construction, there was no department in raUroad management with the details of which Mr, Stearns was not famiUar. To the management of the various railroads with which he was connected, he brought a more thorough equipment than was possessed by any other raan in New England and one surpassed in corapleteness by few men in the country. He won a reputation for enterprise and shrewdness alraost unparallelled, and his services were sought beyond the geo graphical limits to which his operations had been confined. Nor did railroad interests absorb the whole of his time and at tention. In 1862, he was a raeraber of the N. H. Senate, and in 1863, its president. In 1864, he was delegate at large frora N, H,, to the Republican National Convention at Baltimore, Md, He was nominated, Jan, 7, 1869, and inaugurated, June 3, governor of N. H., and also served a second term in 1870. As chief magistrate he gave close attention to details, no interest failed to receive his careful attention, and his administration was character- isticaUy wise, economical and successful. Gov, Stearns m. 26 June, 1845, Mary A. Holbrook, dau. of Hon. Adin Holbrook of Lowell, Mass, In 1846, he made Concord, N. H., his permanent home, a public spirited, opulent, hospitable man. Presidents Grant and Hayes were his guests when visiting Concord. Here he d. 29 Dec, 1878, and his widow d. 27 July, 1895. Their children : I, Charles Onslow, of the firm of John A. Lowell & Co.'', Steel Plate En gravers and Printers, 147 FrankHn St., Boston, Mass, 2, Four daughters. VII. Lorenzo, b. 13 May, 1813, d. at Elizabeth, N, J., 13 May, 1836. VIII. Barnard, b. 23 Nov., 1815, ra. Lavinia Beatrice Haynes. Residence Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 30. OLIVER WELLINGTON LANE' (James*-', John*, Job'). 1751-1793? was bom in Bedford, Mass., 27 Oct., 1751, graduated Family Thirty. 87 Harvard College, 1772, received degree of M. A., 1779, a dis tinguished teacher and writing master at West End, Boston, Mass. He was naraed, with his brother James, executor of the wiU of his grandmother, Mary Wellington-Lane, who died ii Dec, 1783, the widow of Dea. Job Lane' (John*, Job'). This trust he de clined in a letter of neatest penmanship, directed to the Judge of Probate."Hon^ie Oliver Prescott Esq'. Boston, March 4''' 1784. Sir, I wou'd inform you that my Brother with myself are Executors to the WiU & Testament of ray Grandmother. My Situation and Indisposition are such at present as render it inconvenient for me to wait on you with him. Reposing Confi dence in you and trust in him, I shall rest contented with his Representation to you, and your Determination. I am With Respect, Your Hum^. Serv'. Oliver Wellington Lane." Master Lane's West Boston Writing School. When President George Washington visited Boston on Saturday, Oct. 24, 1789, Master Lane's pupils were paraded in Cornhill, now Washington street, to welcorae hira as the procession passed along. They stood in the gutters in front of long rows of men whose strength was required to protect them from the crowd on the sidewalks. General Washington was mounted on a white charger, seated in uniform with characteristic erectness and dignity. As he rode along with uncovered head, he incUned his body first on one side and then on the other, distinctly bowing. The pupils were placed in front of Mr. Jonathan Moore's hardware store op posite WiUiams Court. I weU remember the laugh which our salute created when, as the General passed us, we briskly roUed in our hands quills with the longest feathers we could find. — Recol- lections by Wm. H. Sumner. Gen. Reg. 14 : 161. Item : Mr. Oliver W, Lane, by the liberal subscription of patriotic gentiemen, opens a Sunday School in Boston, the middle 88 Job Lane and Descendants, of AprU, 1 791, for "both sexes under a certain age, whom habits of Industry or other causes debar from instruction on week days," Lucius Manlius Sargent was one of Master Lane's pupils in 1793, at 7 years of age, and thought hira severe, "The master was harsh, he did not Uke him. One mode of his punishment was to make a boy stand on a very narrow log with scarcely any foothold, with a large chip in bis mouth for an exaraple ; yet if any urchin lifted up bis eyes to look at him, he was condemned to a similar punishment." — John H. Sheppard. The Rev. John Murray was pastor and Oliver W. Lane was deacon of the First Universalist church at the comer of Hanover and North Bennet streets, Boston, Mr. Murray "was instaUed, Oct. 24th, 1793, by Deacon Oliver W, Lane, as the record states, 'in a very appropriate and affecting manner.' " — Memorial History of Boston, 3 : 48g. Dea. Oliver W, Lane m, in Boston, 23 Oct,, 1784, SUSANNA NEWMAN, and d, 3 Nov,, 1 793. In the petition for administration on his estate, dated Nov. 19, 1793, he is styled "gentieman," The estate was settied in Suffolk, Probate Court, No, 20221, He left estate on Leverett street, Cushman avenue, Boston, where he re sided, and five acres of land in Bedford, Mass. Epitaph in Old Granary Burying Ground. "Beneath this spot reposes the mortal part of Mr, Oliver W. Lane Junr, Dea'n of the Universalist Church in Boston, Ob't Nov, 3d 1793 aged 42 years, in whom was united the real christian, the accomplished gentleman and unrivalled preceptor. Beside the parent sleeps his son John Murray Lane Ob't June 201I1 1794 aged 14 months. The stock and scion sprang from the same root; Entwined in Heaven they bear immortal fruit," The "Jun'" in this inscription presents an unaccountable mistake. Family Thirty. 89 Children of Oliver W. and Susanna N, Lane : I, James Bowdoin", b, 4 Aug,, 1785, was clerk and kept the books of Levi Lane his stepfather, and d, without issue before 18 17, II, Augustus Frederick", b. 12 Aug,, 1787, a baker, m. Nabby perhaps Trask and was living in Boston, 181 9. III. Thomas Parker", b. i July, 1789, a sailmaker, unm,, d, before 3 June, 1818, apparently, IV. Mary Wellington", twin, b, 30 Mar,, 1791, a very fine woman among the UniversaUsts ; ra, Elijah Clark of Boston, and d, in Boston, 29 Apr,, 1868, Mr, Clark was b, in 1781, and d, 12 Nov., 1845. By a previous ra, with Cynthia Smith, he had : I, Elijah, signed account of adm. on his father's estate, 1848, and d. leaving a widow. :,:. Nancy R., m. Thomas A. Taylor, prior to 1849, 3. Lticy F., ra. George IV. Pickering of Bangor, Me., certainly before 1849. 4, Cynthia C, b. i Sept., 1810, ra. 30 Sept., 1830, Washington Jefferson Lane^, (Ebenezer', Samuel*, James', John'', Job'). Five children. Mr, Clark, by wife Mary W,, had : I, James Frederic, d, unm. 1881. z. Susan, d. an infant. 3. George, d, in infancy, 4, Alfred Pickering, m, Joanna Chaplin Houghton, and had: i) AHce Sargent, 2) Arthur WeUington, M. D., of West Chester Park, Boston, 3) Alfred Houghton, 5, Mary A. B., m, William F. Nichols of Boston, who d, i May, 1892, and had : l) Mary, m, George Chickering of Boston, the pianoforte manufacturer whose character has been described to be like his instruments, "square, up right and grand," 2) Francis W,, m. Isadore Evans, of the U, S, Navy, 3) James Alfred, m, Caroline Daniell, and had son, William, V. Susan Newman", twin, b. 30 Mar., 1791, m. Samuel Buffum of Cambridge, Mass., who Uved in Salem and d. a widower, 15 Mar,, 1861. She d, between 1842 and 1855. Their children were : I, James L., of Cambridge, paper hanger, ra, Lucy H., between 22 Sept,, 1852, and 7 Nov,, 1854, 2, Joshua, of Salem, Mass. 3. William H., of Carabridge, 4, Charles E., of Randolph, Mass. 5. Sarah L., m, Ebenezer Noyes of Saugus, Mass,, who d. previous to 1861. 6. Emily, m. Charles Safford of Portland, Me., who d. prior to 1861. 7. Alary Jane, m. LsaOrC Read of Randolph, who was living in 1861. 90 Job Lane and Descendants. VI. John Murray", b. 29 Apr., 1793, d. 20 June, 1794. Mrs. SUSANNA (Newman) LANE ra. second, his second wife, LEVI LANE, Esq.', of Boston, (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), and survived his death. Her estate was settied in Suffolk Probate Court, 1842. Her heirs appear to have been Mary W. Clark, Susan N. Buffum and Hannah (Lane) Braynard. ChUdren : I. Hannah", b. 28 Apr., 1796, m. Selden Braynard. II. John", b. 28 Dec, 1797, d. unm. III. Harriet", b. 29 Apr., 1799, d. of consumption, ae. about 20 years. IV. Francis", b. 5 Dec, 1800, d. unra. 31. SOLOMON LANE' (Jaraes*-', John*, Job'), 1756-1837, b. Bedford, Mass., 7 Aug., 1756. He was returned with Capt. John Moore's Bedford Militia Co., Apr. 3, 1776, of soldiers, who were at Concord Fight, Apr. 19, 1775 : "Solomon Lane traveUed 33 miles, in service 12 days." He was also orderly sergeant in the Continental array. He said of Jonathan WUson, who was captain of Bedford Minute Men, and was kUled, Apr. 19, 1775 : "Capt. Wilson was a fine officer. I well reraeraber hira as he looked that morning. He drew his men up in front of the old Fitch tavern and said, 'Come, boys, we'll take a littie something, and we'll have every dog of the enemy before night.' He was as lively as a bird ; but he never came home tiU they brought him home." The flintlock musket Mr. Lane carried in the Concord Fight was exhibited among the army relics at the sesqui-centennial of Bedford, in 1879. Solomon Lane settled on a part of the homestead in Bedford, wbere he was much in town business and is said to have had the Faraily Coat of Arras. He was grantee in the transfer of real estate, Apr. 5, 1781, Dec. 31, 1785, Feb. 3, 1790, Mar. 8, 1791, Oct. 4, 1794, Feb. I, 1799. Family Thirty-One. 91 The Pastor's Tithing, Mem. of Rev, Samuel Stearns : "June I, 1797, Mr. Solomon Lane, i spare rib of pork. June 5, 1797, Mr. Lane, 3 codfish. June 23, 1797, Mrs. Lane, i lb. butter. From September to Thanksgiving, Solomon Lane, i lb, butter," His bass voice, loud enough to make the summers start in the oaken ceiling of the church, would join with the tenor of his minister. Rev, Samuel Stearns, if perchance the choir were absent. He was "Uncle Solomon" to aU the Bedford folks, in his old age — a man of rare exceUencies, some roughness and no show, who carried under his farmer's coat a heart as gentle as a woman's." — 'jfonathan F. Stearns, D. D. Solomon Lane m. 29 May, 1781, by Rev, Josiah Stearns of Epping, N, H,, SARAH, dau. of Rev, Josiah and Sarah (Abbott) STEARNS-', (John*-'-*, Isaac'). Her father, the Rev, Josiah Stearns, was b. in BiUerica, Mass., 20 Jan,, 173 1-2, a graduate of Harvard CoUege, 175 i, pastor at Epping, N. H,, Mar. 8, 1758, his pastorate and life terminating, 25 July, 1788, Tall in person, cultured in raind, devout and tender in spirit, he was no ordinary man. He was an unwavering friend of liberty. He sent his sons into the field and made large pecuniary sacrifices for the American cause. As he reached horae from a State convention in Exeter, 1775, he called his children together, told them that he had pledged himself for freedom against rule and tyranny, and added, "If the cause prevaU, it wiU be a great blessing to the country, but if it should fail, your poor old father's head wUl soon be a button for a hatter.'' The Rev, Samuel Steams, b. Epping, N. H,, 8 Apr,, 1770, graduated PhiUips Exeter academy and Harvard coUege, 1794, the fourth minister of Bedford, Mass., Apr, 27, 1796, to his death, 26 Dec, 1834, was a brother of Mrs. Lane. Mr, Lane's will, signed Mar, 9, 1826, was presented for probate, Apr, II, 1837, son OUver WeUington Lane executor. It gave bequests to daus., Anna Parkhurst and Sally Lane, to daughter-in- law, Amelia Lane, to grandchildren, Sarauel Stearns Dutton, Laura Ann Dutton, Susanna EUzabeth Parkhurst, and Sarah Elizabeth 92 Job Lane and Descendants, Lane, to Rev, Samuel Stearns, and to son, Oliver Wellington Lane. Mr. Solomon Lane died i Feb., 1837, se. 80 years. "Ah ! warm affection cannot save From pain and sickness and the grave; But power divine our soul shall raise, In endless life, God's love to praise," Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Soloraon Lane, died 13 Aug., 1825, se. 69 years. "Draw near my friends and take a thought. How soon the grave raust be your lot; Make sure of Christ while life remain, And death shall be your eternal gain," Children : I. Anna", b. 19 Aug., 1782, ra, first, 28 Nov., 1805, Samuel Dun'ON of Ashby, Mass,, and had : 1. Samuel Stearns. 2. Solomon Lane. 3, Laura Ann, m. Varnum Spaulding. Mrs. Dutton m. second, Samuel Parkhurst. II. Josiah", b, 9 July, 1785, d. 8 Apr,, 1787, se, i yr., 9 ms. III. Josiah ' Stearns", b. 11 Nov., 1787, ra, 11 Feb,, 1813, by Rev. Samuel Stearns, Amelia, dau. of OUver Gragg of Groton, Mass., and d. 21 Sept,, 1815, se. 28. They had only : I, Josiah Stearns'', b, 24 Dec, 1813, d, the day following his father's death, 22 Sept., 1815, se. i yr,, 9 ms, "They've fought the fight, their race is run, Their joys in heaven are now begun; Their tears are gone, their sorrows flee, No more aillicted now like me," IV. Sally", b. 30 Apr., 1789, unm., d. 7 Nov., 1854, se. 65 years. V. Enoch", b. 7 Feb., 1793 ; d. 11 Oct., 1799, se. 6 ys., 8 ms. 56. VI. Oliver Wellington", b. 16 June, 1794, m. Cath erine Walton and Harriet Blinn. VII. Abigail French", b. 23 Mar., 1799, d. 17 July, 1800, se. i yr., 4 ms. VIII. Daniel", b. 5 Nov., 1800, d. 3 Oct., 1803,86. 2 ys., 11 ms. Family Thirty-Two. 93 32. DAVID LANE' (James*-', John*, Job'), 1759-1842, was b. in Bedford, Mass., 11 Mar., 1759. Return of Capt. John Moore's mUitia company Apr. 3, 1776, of soldiers in the Concord Fight, Apr. 19, 1775 : "Fifer David Lane, traveUed 33 miles, in service 11 days." He lived on a part of the homestead in Bedford and m. first, 1 1 Oct., 1 781, by Rev. Joseph Penniman, MOLLY LANE' (Job*-', John*, Job'), who d. 12 Dec, 1820. Epitaph : "Farewell my friends, I sleep in dust. Till the last trump awakes the just; Therefore retire and cease your tears. Prepare to meet when Christ appears." . — Tombstone. He m. second, by Rev. Samuel Stearns, 30 Apr., 1822, PHEBE LANE' (Samuel*, John'-*, Job'), who d. 8 July, 1838, », 65 years. David Lane d. 10 Sept., 1842, ae. 83 years. Children : I. Molly", b. 23 Apr., 1782, m. 11 Mar., 1802, Thaddeus Wil son" (James'-*, Francis', John*-') ; he b, 16 Nov., 1778. II. Susanna", b. 14 Oct., 1785, ra. 28 Nov., 1805, Samuel Hastings of Waltham, Mass. III. Job", b. 3 Apr., 1789, d. 15 Nov., 1814, se. 25 ys,, 7 ms. IV. Amittai Bacon", b. 26 July, 1793, m. Mr. Hill and d, 13 Sept., 1842. 57. V. David", b. 15 July, 1799, m. Betsey B, Simonds. VI. James", b. 15 July, 1799, d. 17 Dec, 1859, ae. 60 years. Property was put in trust for the two brothers, "Jaraes the feeble minded and David the thirsty." VII. Sylvania", b. 17 Sept., 1801, m. Benjamin Bacon, ^A^, (Benj.''-"-'-*, Michael'-*-') ; he b. Bedford, 13 Jan., 1801, and d. 1888. They had: I, Martha Sylvania, b, 31 July, 1822; then moved from town. 94 Job Lane and Descendants. 33. JONAS LANE, Esq.' (Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1761- 1848, was b, in Bedford, Mass,, 10 May, 1761, Was educated in the common schools ; from 1 5 to 2 1 years of age was apprenticed to the boot and shoe trade with David Abbot in BiUerica, Mass. ; in 1782, shipped in the privateer Marquis LaFayette, under Capt. John Buffington of Salem, Mass., and afterwards went in a mer chant vessel with Letters of Marque, spending 4 months in Nantes, France, tiU peace was declared. In July, 1783, he located in Lancaster, Mass,, where he purchased the Phelps estate, June 22, 1785. His shop, stock and accounts were burned, July 14, 1786. The same year he aided in suppressing Shay's Insurrection, as ser geant under Capt, Beaman, Col. Stevens and Gen, Lincoln, march ing all night from Old Hadley to Petersham, where Shay's party was routed and broken up. He rebuilt his house and raoved into it, Oct, 30, 1788. He held a coramission in the miUtia 15 years, last as colonel; assessor 15 years, selectman 5 years, representa tive 6 years, justice of the peace 20 years, deacon of the First Church, Lancaster, 30 years. His name appears in Worcester Co. Records as a party in the transfer of real estate, June 22, 1785, June 2, Oct, 12, 1786, Nov. 18, Dec, 10, 1812, Apr. i, 1827, May 5, 1829, Jan. 24, 1833. He erected monuraents in Bedford, Mass., in 1804, to his parents and sister Rebecca, His will signed Dec, 17, 1833, Anthony Lane sole executor, codicil dated Jan, 15, 1845, Jonas H. Lane joint executor, presented for probate, July 4, 1848, . . . "My executors to retain the Family Tomb for the use of the family and on no terms or conditions to dispose of the sarae," Deacon Lane d, of old age, 6 June, 1848, se, 87 ys., 7 ds., "having a good hope, through faith in Jesus Christ, of the resur rection to eternal life." Rev. Geo. M. Bartol offered prayer at the funeral and his remains were placed in the family tomb he had built at Lancaster, He ra, first, by Rev, Timothy Harrington, 5 Oct,, 1788, DOLLY BULLARD, who was b, 26 Aug,, 1767, and d. of consumption, 26 Feb., 1795, ae. 27 ys., 6 ms,, dau, of Josiah and Sally (Carter) BuUard of Lancaster. He m, second, by Rev, Francis Gardner, JONAS lane. Family Thirty -Three. 95 20 Apr., 1796, EUNICE KENDALL, of Leominster, Mass,, who was b. 20 Apr., 1766, and d. of consumption, 2 Aug., 1807, ae. 41 ys., 3 ms,, 13 ds,, dau. of Jonas* and Elizabeth (Bennett) Ken daU (Samuel', Thomas*, Francis'). He m. third, by Rev. Nath aniel Thayer, 30 July, 1809, SALLY HAWKS, who was b. 10 Oct., 1778, and d. of fever, 12 Mar., 1813, ae. 34 ys., 5 ms., 2 ds., dau. of John and Hannah Hawks of Lancaster. He m. fourth, by Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, D, D,, 5 Mar,, 1828, LYDIA WAITE, b. Maiden, Mass., 2 Mar., 1777, and d. 24 Feb., 1862, se. 85 ys,, 11' ms., 22 ds,, dau, of David and Rebecca (Wood) Waite, who had fled to Maiden when Charlestown, Mass., was burned. Mar. 2, 1777. The wUl of Lydia (Waite) Lane, signed Nov. 5, 1861, and presented for probate, Apr. 4, 1862, besides personal legacies bequeathed "to the Ladies' Society of which I ara a meraber in Lancaster ;?5oo; if the said Society shaU be given up, it is to be added to the fund for poor widows in said Lancaster, the interest only to be used annually; to the Mass. Bible Society S700 ; Anthony Lane residuary legatee and executor." ChUdren : I. JONAS", b. 22 Dec, 1789, d. of dysentery, 5 Sept., 1791, ae. I yr., 8 ras., 14 ds. II. JONAs", b. 21 Oct., 1791, d. 29 Aug., 1797, se. 5 ys., 10 ms., 8 ds. 58. III. Anthony", b. 28 Sept., 1793, m. Mary Miles White and Abigail R. Carter. By second marriage : IV. Dolly Ballard", b. 25 Jan., 1797, d. 10 Mar., 1798, se, i yr., I mo., 13 ds. 59. V. Jonas Henry", b. midnight, 27, 28 Jan,, 1800, m. Frances A. Brown. VI. Mary Ann", b. 9 Aug., 1802, d. of dysentery, 23 Sept., 1805, ae. 3 ys,, i mo,, 14 ds. VII. Elizabeth", b. i July, 1805, d. of dysentery, 13 Sept., 1805, ae. 2 ms., 13 ds. VIII. Son", b. 17 July, 1807, d. same day. ',)(i Job Lane and De,scendants. By third marriage : IX. Sarah Ann", b. 14 Sept,, 1810, d. of general debility, i Oct., 1862, ae. 52 ys,, 17 ds. "The church, Sunday school. Benevo lent and Social circles, all felt her worth — a bright pattern of the Christian Ufe, whom to know was to honor, whom to miss was to mourn," X, Mary Hawks Kendall Ballard", b, i Mar,, 1813, d. of dys entery, 30 July, 1 8 13, ae, 5 ms. 34. EPHRAIM LANE' (Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1767- 1837, was b, in Bedford, Mass,, 22 Mar,, 1767. Soon after his majority he wended bis way on foot, with a pack on his back, to Walpole, N. H., and stopped over night at the tavern of Alexander Watkins. About 1790 he purchased the property afterwards known as the "Lane MiUs," In the business of milling he accumulated the nucleus of his subsequent gains. His education was necessarily Umited, but "he early learned that one hundred cents make a dol lar, which many of our coUege educated young raen learn too late, if at aU." By industry, frugality and careful loans he became the monied man in town and brought up a family of nine children. Mr, Lane m, in 1793, ELIZABETH DANFORTH ABBOTT' (Solomon*, David', Benjamin*, George', of Andover, Mass.), she b. Dracut, Mass., 12 Oct,, 1769, "an highly estimable woman possess ing aU the womanly virtues." In girlhood she worked out at twenty- five cents a week and was paid in flax, which she spun into fine thread and sold to the gentry to be wrought into lawns. Thus she procured money to purchase her scanty wardrobe. Schooled from chUdhood to prudence and economy, she was ever ready to help the needy and destitute. Their seven girls, with only coramon school advantages, raade model housewives, and six of them good mothers, Mr. Lane d. of cholera morbus, 15 Aug,, 1837, s, 70 ys,, 4 ms,, 24 ds, Mrs, Lane d. of catarrh, 5 July, 1857, £e, 86 ys,, 8 ms., 23 ds. Family Thirty- Four. 97 ChUdren : I. Rebecca", b. 7 Apr,, 1794, m. 15 Mar,, 1815, David Pulsi- FER, Jr., of Rockinghara, Vt., and d. of heart disease, 5 Feb., 1847, se. 53 years. He was b, 6 Dec, 1791, and d. 14 Dec, 1865. Their children : I, Elvira, b, 7 Mar,, 1816, m, 18 Jan,, 1843, William Hooper of Walpole, and had : l) Frank William, b. 11 Feb,, 1851, 2) George Dana, b, 4 Sept,, 1859, m, 31 Dec, 1871, Eliza W, Duncan, 2. Lewis, b. 9 Apr., 1817, d. 21 June, 1825. 3. Dana, b. 9 Sept., 1818. 4. Mary, b. 30 Apr., 1820, d. 15 July, 1821. 5, Mary, b, 13 Nov,, 1821, d, 24 Sept,, 1822, 6. Sophia, b, 18 Feb., 1823. 7. George, b, 9 July, 1824, d. 21 Oct,, 1854, 8. Elizabeth, b, 26 July, 1826, m, 2 June, 1847, Robert W. Willey, and d, 29 Nov,, 1873, ^- 47 years, 9, Lewis, b, 5 Oct,, 1828, d, 10 Nov,, 1875, II. Susan", b. i Oct., 1796, ra. 29 Jan., 1820, Elias Pulsifer, brother of David, and d. of old age, at Saxton's River, Vt, 7 June, 1880, ae. 83 years. He was b. 20 June, 1794, and d. 23 June, 1858. Their children : I, George Franklin, b, 11 Aug,, 1821, d. i Oct., 1821, 2, Martha Adaline, .h. 9 Apr,, 1823, ra, 6 Sept,, 1842, Othniel Edson, and d, 28 May, 1859. 3, Ira Allen, b, 10 Feb,, 1826, m. 4 Dec, 1861, Ruth Brown Pollard, and d. 19 Nov., 1865. III. Betsey", b. 25 Jan., 1799, m. 31 Dec, 1833, Horace Reynolds of Putney, Vt, had son and daughter, and d. of general debility. IV. Mary", b. 3 Sept., 1801, ra. 19 Jan., 1826, James Hooper, Jr., a thriving farmer in Walpole for more than forty years, and re moved to Cambridge, Mass., Nov. i, 1870. He was b. 31 Aug., 1803, and d. 31 Dec, 1877, ae. 74 ys,, 4 ms., son of James and Eleanor (Wellington) Hooper. Mrs, Hooper in 1893 furnished many items for this family history. Their children : I. L.ucretia Sophia, b. 12 Oct., 1829. .e,. Warren Lane, b, II Dec, 1832, a successful merchant in Boston, 3, Lsabella Almira, b, 24 July, 1836, m, Jonas Henry Lane'' (Jonas H.*, Jonas', Samuel'', Jaraes^, John', James"), 60. V. George", b. 25 Nov,, 1803, m, Sarah A, Dunshee and Elizabeth Bailey. 98 Job Lane and Descendants. VI. Phebe", b. 25 Jan., 1806, m. 3 Mar., 1829, Chester Wier, Jr., of Walpole, and d. of cholera morbus, 24 Sept., 1880, ae. 74 years. He d. 22 Jan., 1837, ae. 33 years. Four children : I, Julia Elizabeth, b. 19 Nov,, 1829, m, 9 Mar,, 1851, Thomas Seaver, and d, 19 Aug,, 1878, se, 47 ys., 9 ms. 2. Flora Sophia, b. 7 Mar., 1832, d. 25 May, 1838, se, 6 ys,, 2 ms, 3, Henry Lane, b, 19 Apr,, 1834, m, , and d, 30 Aug,, 1874, se, 40 ys,, 4 ms, 4, George Chester, b, 15 July, 1836, d, II Mar,, 1838, VII. Sophia", b. lo July, 1808, m. 31 Mar,, 1835, Oliver Huntington of Walpole, and d. 25 Jan,, 1857, He was a farmer, b. 25 Oct., 1794. Children, two daus. were mutes and m. mutes : I, Edward Lane, b, 23 Oct,, 1838, d, a soldier in the Civil War at Osh- kosh, Wis,, 8 Oct,, 1862, 2. Sophia Mary, b, 17 Mar,, 1842, m, 18 Mar,, 1868, James Kine of Waterbury, Conn, 3, Almira Susan, b, 28 Dec, 1844, m, 11 Nov,, 1867, Frank Worcester of Lowell, Mass, 4. Abby Rebecca, b, 7 Apr,, 1850, VIII. Almira", b. 8 Jan., 181 1, m. 23 May, 1839, Charles Hooper of Walpole, and d. i8 Jan., 1891. He was b. 16 Dec, 1809, a brother of James, Jr,, extensively engaged in general farm ing and sheep-husbandry, accumulating large gains and meeting with heavy losses. No children. IX. Lewis", b, 22 Apr,, 1813, m. 27 Oct, 1841, Mary P., dau. of EUsha and Sally (Russell) Angier, lived at Walpole, and d. of paralysis at Keene, N. H., 17 Mar., 1886, se. 72 ys., 10 ms,, 26 ds. Two sons resided in Keene : 1, Warren Llooper' , b, 23 Feb,, 1854, 2. Abbott Angier'' , b. 29 Oct., 1857, 35. EBENEZER LANE' (Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1771- 1846, b. Bedford, Mass., 14 May, 1771, m. first, in Boston, by Rev. John Murray, 21 May, 1797, HANNAH CUNNINGHAM. She was b. BaU town. Me., 19 Aug., 1771, dau. of Jaraes and Mary (Mackintire) Cunningham. They resided in Boston and West Cambridge, now Arlington, Mass. She d. of consumption, 21 Family Thirty-Five. 99 Nov., 1 812, ». 41 yrs., 3 ms., 2 ds. He m. second, 30 Aug., 1 81 5, Widow SALLY WESTON of Boston, who d. of cancer, 28 Oct., 1842, ae. 72 ys,, 7 ms,, g ds. He was a card maker and d. in New York city of marasmus, 14 Feb., 1746, ss. 75 yrs., and was placed in the family tomb at Arlington. Ebenezer Lane thus characterized the Lanes : "They have always been remarkable for their industrious habits and high moral character. Although few of them anywhere have attained to what the world calls greatness, the most of them have held a highly respectable rank among their fellows. I have never known one of them or their descendants to be arraigned or im prisoned for a violation criminal of the laws of the land." Children : I. Mary", b. Boston, 22 Mar., 1778, m. in New York city by Rev. Edward Mitchell, 18 Mar,, 18 19, Abraham Wandle Cooper; he b. Tappan, N. Y., 25 July, 1794, and d. 14 Apr,, 1842, ae, 47 ys,, 8 ms,, 19 ds. She d. 11 Nov., 1884. Their children born in New York city : Maria, b, 26 Feb,, 1820. 2, Ebenezer Lane, b, 9 Nov,, 1821, 3, Lucretia, b, 24 Nov,, 1823, 4, Washington Lafayette, b. 2 Feb,, 1826, d, 13 May, 1826. 5, Washington Lafayette, b, 3 June, 1829, d, 21 Aug,, 1831, 6, Hannah Eliza, b, 22 Mar,, 1830, d, 17 Sept,, 1834, 7, Sarah Catherine, b, 15 Aug., 1833, d, 26 Sept,, 1834, 8, Washington Lafayette, b, 5 Sept., 1835, firm Cooper & Dockstader, 78 Gold street. New York city, II. Daniel", b. W. Cambridge, 22 Dec, 1799, d. 17 Aug., 1802, se. 2 ys., 7 ms., 25 ds. III. Hannah Cunningham", b. 27 Feb., 1802, m, in New York city, by Rev. Edward MitcheU, 24 Dec, 1822, William Mac- Dougall; he b. Philadelphia, Pa., i Mar,, 1797, and d. i Mar., i866, se. 69 yrs. She d. 19 Apr., 1888. Children born in New York city : I. Sarah, b. 21 Feb., 1825, m. Abner Osborn, and d, 29 Oct., 1868, se. 43 ys,, 8 ms,, 28 ds, 2, John Smith, b, 13 June, 1827, d, 3 Apr,, 1846, se. 18 ys., 9 ms,, 20 ds. 3, Jonas Lane, b, 25 Feb,, 1830, d, 15 Aug,, 1861, se, 31 ys,, 5 ms,, 20 ds, 4. Margaret Ann, b, 17 Mar,, 1833, d, 26 Feb,, 1835, se, i yr., 11 ms., 9 ds. 100 Jon Lane and Descendants, 5, Mary Eliza, b, 4 Sept,, 1834, d, 20 May, 1836, se, i yr,, 8 ms,, 10 ds, 6. Daniel Lane, b, 22 Mar,, 1837. 7, Williatn, b. 26 May, 1838, 8, Eleanor Gillespie, b, 24 July, 1840, d, 10 July, 1841, ae, II ms,, 17 ds, IV, Eliza Bradlee", b. 20 May, 1804, m. in New York city by Rev. Edward MitcheU, 17 June, 1830, George Lippencott ; he b. Howell, N. Y,, 19 Aug,, 1801, and d. 12 June, 1887, She was living June 27, 1893, "in sound mind and memory," Their children : I, Calvin Griswold, b. 5 Apr., 1 83 1, baker and confectioner, New York city, 2. Mary Cooper, b. 19 Sept,, 1832, d, 2 May, 1887, 61. V, Washington Jefferson", b, i6 Feb,, 1807, m, Cynthia Clark. VI. D.wiel", b. 12 Feb., 1809, m. in New York city, by Rev. Edward Mitchell, 5 Oct, 1831, Mary Fransway, and d. 11 Feb., 1850, She was b, in N.Y. City II Feb,, 181 1. They had children. VII. Ebenezer", b. 12 Sept, 1812, d. 27 Nov., 1812, se. 2 ms,. 6 ds. 36. SAMUEL LANE', (Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1 778-1823, b, Bedford, Mass,, 15 Jan,, 1778, ra. by Rev. Sarauel Stearns, 28 May, 1 801, LUCY R,, who was b, 30 Nov,, 1777, dau. of Timothy and Rebecca (Putnara) JONES of Bedford. He raoved to North Brookfield, Mass., and paid Peter Harvard ^1,400 for a farra of 74 acres, Apr. i, 181 1. He d. by a fall from a cart, 2 Oct., 1823. His son, David W. Lane, administrator, presented inventory of ^1,756.81, Nov. 18, 1823, and the account of the division of the estate was allowed, Oct, 5, 1824. Mrs, L.ANE m. second, Thomas WUson of Mason, N, H,, and d. 8 Jan,, 1864. Children, three sisters married three brothers : 62. I. David Woodward", b. Bedford, 28 Oct., 1801, m. Eliza Swan Witt. II. Mary Ann", b. 24 Nov., 1803, m, by Rev. Ebenezer Hill Family Thirty-Six. 101 Mason, 28 June, 1832, Franklin Merriam of Greenville, N. H. Their children : I. George Franklin, b, 20 Oct,, 1836, Graduated Amherst college, 1861, Union seminary 1864, ordained and installed, Mar. 9, 1865, pastor of Cong, church, Greenville, N, H,, joined Hollis Association, Feb. 6, 1866; has two sons graduated at Amherst college, 2, Abigail Rebecca, b, 15 Mar,, 1839, 3, Daniel Lane, b, 12 May, 1841, 4, Joseph Bancroft, b, 6 D,gc,, 1843, III. Samuel Richardson", b. 26 Feb., 1807, d. 25 Jan., 1825. IV. Lucy Rebecca", b, 31 Mar,, 1809, ra, 3 May, 1827, Elisha J. Merriam of Mason, N, H, Their children : I, Henry Wilson, b. 20 June, 1828, a man of large wealth in Newton, N, J, A sister m, Huntington, 2. Sarah Caroline, b. 23 July, 1830, 3. Samuel Lane, b. 18 Oct,, 1832, 4, Edwin Elisha, b, 3 Aug,, 1836, 5, John Jones, b, 25 Sept,, 1839, 6, Harriet Alaria, b, 24 Apr,, 1845, V, Abigail Jones", b. i Aug,, 1810, m, by Rev. Thomas SneU, D. D., 8 Oct., 1829, Dea. Tyler Batcheller of North Brookfield, and d. in Boston, 10 Mar,, 1877. Dea, BatcheUer was b. in Sut ton, Mass,, 20 Dec, 1793, son of Ezra and Mary (Day) BatcheUer; founded the Batcheller shoe manufactory in North Brookfield ; m. first, 6 Apr., 1819, Nancy Jenks, who was the mother of the chUdren. VL Sarah E.", b. No. Brookfield, 9 Dec, 1813, d. 9 Apr., 1818. VII. Martha S.", b. i Nov., 18 16, m. by Rev. Thos. SneU, D. D., 2 Apr., 1835, Edmund Merriam of Mason, N. H. Their children : I. James W., b. 7 Feb., 1837. 2. Lucy M., b. 14 Aug., 1838, 3, Martha J., b, 4 July, 1841. 4, Charles C, b, 7 July, 1843, 63. VIII. John Jones", b. 15 Dec, 181 8, m. Marietta Van Martyr. 64. IX. Daniel Josiah", b. 21 Feb., 182 1, m. Martha E. Barstow. 102 Job Lane and Descendants. 37. JOB LANE" (Luke', Job*-', John*, Job'), 1 794-1826, b. Bed ford, Mass., 7 Aug., 1794, ra. 16 Aug., 1815, by Rev. Samuel Stearns, MARY HADLEY of Bedford, who d. in 1866. With others he buUt tomb No, 10 in 1826, and d. intestate. Guardian ship of the children, Mary E., OUve, Hannah, Andrew H, and Wil liam, was granted to Reuben Bacon, Feb. 19, 1827 ; adm. on estate granted to Thompson Bacon, Feb. 20, 1827 ; inventory exhibited, allowance to widow Mary Lane made, and administrator's account allowed. Mar. 6, 1827. Children : I. Mary Elizabeth^, b. 5 Mar., i8i6, ra. Jephtha Parkhurst, and d. 1852. II. Olive M.^, b. 9 Apr,, 1817, d. unm. 24 Dec, 1881, ae. 64 ys., 8 ms., 15 ds. III. Hannah A.'', b. 181 9, m, 27 Nov., 1839, Charles C. Corey, and d. 10 May, 1884, ae. 65 ys,, 6 ms. He was b. Groton, Mass., 19 Mar., 1816, son of Aaron, came to Bedford in 1831, established an express route between Bedford and Boston and later engaged in the lumber and grain business. He m, second, 22 July, 1888, Dora M. Holmes. Children : I. Elizabeth Adelaide, b. Nov., 1840, m. Oct., 1867, Ai Rollins. 2. Charles Andrew, b, 23 May, 1842, ra. 6 June, 1869, Alary Ella Lane'* (Wm. A.', Oliver W,', Solomon', James''-^, John^, Job'), who d, 26 July, 1879, He was a grocer in Bedford, Justice of the Peace, town clerk 1871 more than a score of years, treasurer 1876 more than twenty years, representa tive 188 1, Their children : l) Lottie May, b. 24 June, 1870, 2) Mary Adelle, b, 25 July, 1876, 3, George W., d, young, IV. Andrew H.^, b. 1820, d. 1842. V. William''. 38. ELIAB BRIDGE LANE" (John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), 1780- 1853, b. Bedford, Mass., 30 June, 1780, settied on a portion of the Winthrop Farra, his heirs seUing a part of the estate. He m, first, Family Thirty- Nine. 103 by Rev. Samuel Stearns, 21 Mar., 1802, ANNA WELLINGTON, dau. of Jotham and PrisciUa WeUington, who d. 30 May, 1844, ae. 67 years, "Now, therefore, harken unto me, O ye children, For blessed are they that keep my ways," Mr. Lane ra. second, Mrs. SALLY REED, and d. 9 Jan., 1853, se. 73 years. "Hear instruction and be wise," Children : I. Eliza Ann', b. 17 May, 1804, m. William Everett, his sec ond wife, and d. 28 Jan., 1873, He was a chaise trimmer and harness maker, and d. 4 July, 1868. His memorial is seen in the meeting house, Bedford. 65. II. Abner Bridge', b, 24 May, 1806, m. Lydia Baily. III. Susan Grace', b, 22 Jan., 1808, m. Nathaniel C. Cutler' (Thomas*-') of Lexington, Mass., and d. 4 Feb., 1847. IV. Catherine W.', b. 2 Sept., 1809, m. Silas Wilkins. V. Galen', b. 24 Apr,, 1811, d, 21 Nov,, 1811, ss, 7 ms. VI. Mary Priscilla', b. 12 Oct, 1812, m. 16 Apr,, 1833, Amos B. Cutter, and d, 27 Nov., 1885. He was b. Ashley, Mass., 22 June, 1 809, son of Isaac and grandson of Thomas of Lexington, Mass. ; came to Bedford, Jan. i, 1827, a carpenter and buUder, Justice of the Peace, moderator several tiraes, selectraan 1842-44, 1850-51. They had in custody the "Lane Faraily Papers," frora which ex tracts were published in the New England Genealogical Register, 1857. They were on the comraittee of antiquities for the sesqui- centennial of Bedford in 1879. Their chUdren were : I. Emerson Bartlett, b. 1836, 2. Frederick Amos, b. 1840, m. Sarah, dau. of Varnum Alonroe, furnished and erected an elegant liberty pole for Bedford's 150th anniversary, 1879, 3 and 4 d, young. 39. Capt. AMASA LANE", (John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), 1790- 1865, b. 30 Apr., 1790, carried on the business of manufacturing bandboxes and shoes in Bedford; ra. 4 July, 1822, Beulah Burn- 104 Job Lane and Descendants. HAM, and d. ii Aug., 1865, She d. 23 Aug., 1891. Their descendants in 1890 were nine chUdren, thirteen grandchildren and nineteen of the next generation. The town of Bedford re ceived ^50.00, May, 1893, to care for his burial lot. No. 70. ChUdren : I. Lois Elizabeth', b. 8 Oct., 1823, ra, 9 Jan., 1844, Cyrus F. Crosby. II. S.«AH Ann', b. 29 May, 1829, m, 1849, George A. Samp son. III. Reuben A,', b. 2 Sept, 1831, m, 30 July, 1854, Mary Louisa, b, 5 Oct., 1833, dau, of Elias and Louisa (Hartwell) Skelton. Their dau,, Mary Louisa, was b, Charlestown, 1 1 Mar,, 1855- IV. George E.', b, 6 Aug., 1834. V. Charles H,', twin, b, 6 Aug,, 1834, d, 10 Dec, 1865, VI, Franklin S,', b, 30 Jan,, 1838, m, 1868, S. Maria Hodg- KINS. VII. Lemuel B.', twin, b. 30 Jan., 1838, d, 22 May, 1866, VIII. Caroline A.', b. 30 Aug,, 1847, m. 1866, Charles J, Davis. 40. ROGER LANE" (John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), 1795-1853, b. 1795-6, m. ZELINDA BACON, and resided in Bedford and Fitch burg, Mass. Roger Lane and Elbridge Merriam, both of Bedford, paid Stephen Houghton and others, ^1,470,00, Nov, 5, 1833, for land in Fitchburg. — Wor. Co. Deeds, 317 : 53- Mr. Lane d. 21 Dec, 1853, ae. 58 years. Mrs. Lane d. 29 Feb., 1856, ae. 54 years. Tbe town of Bedford received ^50. 00 in 1892 to care for bis burial lot. No. 100. Children : I. John Roger', b. 10 July, 1824. II. Mary Maria', b. 7 July, 1826, m. 24 Feb., 1847, Hiram Clark, b. Acworth, N, H., 12 Sept., 1815, son of Thomas and F.vmily Fortv-One. 105 Lydia (Woodbury) Clark. He settied as a farmer in Bedford, Mass., a raan of unimpeachable integrity, and d. 26 Feb., 1891. She d. 18 Apr., 1885. Children : I. Annette M., b. 28 Feb., 1850. 2. Alary Alice, b. 16 Dec, 1852, d. 22 Nov., 1870. 66. III. George', b. 7 Aug., 1827, ra, Laura Ann Smith, IV. Eli', d, young, V. Caroline', b. 5 May, 1831, ra. Charles Fox, and d. 6 June, 1858. VI, Eli', b. 3 Mar,, 1833, d. May, 1857. VII. Emeline', d, young. VIII. Emma', b. 14 Sept., 1835, m., as his second wife, 9 Dec, 1869, Dr. Asa Allen Howland, a descendant of the Pilgrim John Howland, 1620. He was b. 8 Feb., 1820, a dentist at Worcester, Mass. Their son : William Arthur, b. I May, 1871, IX. Susan', b, 20 Nov., 1836, m. first, 31 Dec, 1856, Bradley M, Clark, b. 1820, son of Thomas and Lydia Clark; m, second, 9 May, 1884, Joseph Litchfield, X, Eliot', b. 29 Dec, 1837, m, Cyrus Monroe, and d, 12 June, 1859, XI, Amos', d. young, XII. Sophronia', b. 21 Sept, 1840, m. Frank Gardner, and d. 9 Mar,, 1888. XIII. Lavinia', b. 9 July, 1842, m, first, John Kyle; second. Nelson George, third, Harry Rattenbury. 41. ELIAS LANE" (Francis', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1785- 1859, b. 21 Feb., 1785; res. Ashburnham, farmer, miUer, select man, etc.; m, 3 Sept, 1809, ANNA, dau, of Nathan JONES, b. 21 Jan., 1787, d. 30 Mar., 1853. Elias Lane, yeoman, paid Francis and Sarah Lane, ^1500, July 7, 1809, for land in Ashburnham. — Wor. Co. Deeds, 246: 420. 106 Job Lane and Descendants. Elias Lane, gentieman, paid Francis Lane, Esq., for land in Ashburnham, ^403, Nov. 21, 1821. — 246: 421. He paid Francis Lane, Jr,, gentleman, $165, for land in Ash burnham, May 29, 1822. — 246: 4ig. With Francis Kibling he paid John KibUng, $100, Nov. 4, 1823, for "a shop in Ashburnham, built for the purpose of turning wood and sawing clapboard, about eighty rods below said John Kibling's gristmiU." — 246 : 418. Elias Lane and Francis Lane, gentlemen, paid Sarauel Foster, ;?4oo. May 29, 1824, for "land in Ashburnhara, with one undivided half of the sawmill standing on the same." — 246: 422. With John Jones of Dublin, N. H., he paid Nathan and Nancy Jones, ;?5oo, Oct. i, 1825, for 70 acres of land in Ashburnham. — 246: 423. The wiU of EUas Lane of Ashburnham, signed Apr, 2, 1859, and giving bequests to thirteen chUdren and naming Jerome W. Foster executor, was presented for probate, Oct. 19, 1859. — Wor. Co. Wills, 3g4 ,- ig4, 4g7. Mr. Lane d. 20 Aug,, 1859. Fifteen children: 67. I. Elias Coolidge', b. 30 Dec, 1809; m. Mary Fan- VILLE. II. Sarah Ann', b, 2 Mar., 1811, received a legacy of $1,000 by her father's will, Apr. 2, 1859, d. unm., 28 Feb., 1862. III. George Etheridge', b. 22 Apr., 181 2, m. 15 Jan., 1840, Mary J., dau. of Enos and Tiporah (Hale) Emory, b. 23 Jan., 1818; res. Fitchburg, Mass, George E, Lane of Ashburnham, gentleman, paid Joseph A, Gibson and wife, Miranda K. Gibson, $1,000, Mar. 24, 1837, for land in Ashburnham. — 322: J47. IV. Gilbert Bainbridge', b, 17 June, 1813, m, Eliza A. Jones; res. Chelsea, Vt, where he d, 9 June, i860, leaving a son. V. Edwin Philander', b. 28 Dec, 1814, d. unm.. New Glou cester, Me., 30 Aug., 1838, se, 24. VI. Charles Stillman', b. 2 Mar,, 18 16, m, first, 17 Nov., 184 — , Honor Goodrich; m. second, Helen (Peitis) Lawton; res, Brattleborough, Vt, Family Forty-One, 107 VII. Lorenzo Alexander', b, 26 Mar,, 181 7, m. Rebecca Brown; res. Ashburnham, where he d. 12 Feb,, 1881. She d. same day, 12 Feb,, 1881. VIII. Abigail Amanda', b, 25 May, 1818, m. 26 Nov., 1845, George W. Townsend, and d. 19 Feb., 1884, IX. Mary Jones', b. 27 July, 1820, d. i Apr,, 1839. X, Marcus Aurelius", b, 2 June, 1822, ra, Amanda Ogden; res. Glen FaUs, N. Y. XI. Eliza Maria', b. 25 June, 1823, m. 11 Oct, 1848, Charles Henry Emory, b. 29 Mar,, 1823, brother of Mary J,, the wife of Geo. E. Lane ; res. Fitchburg, a machinist, dau. : I, Lizzie M., b, 28 June, 1857, XII. Abraham Lowe', b, 23 Nov., 1824; res. Rindge, N. H,, d, unm,, .4 May, 1863. His wiU signed at Rindge, Apr, 7, 1863, giving legacies to five brothers and four sisters, and bequeathing $25 to be expended on the family burial lot in the new cemetery at Ashburnham, and naming James B, Robbins of Rindge, exe cutor, was presented for probate July 7, 1863, — Wor. Co. Wills, 3g6: IS 4, 384: 423- XIII. Nancy Augusta', b. 24 Mar., 1826, d, 9 Sept,, 1883, m, 8 Feb., 1849, Henry A. Smith, b. 5 June, 1817, son of Henry and Asenath Smith; res. Townsend, Mass., Rindge, N, H., and FrankUn, N. H. XIV. Marilla Jane', b. i July, 1827, m. 24 Nov., 1850, Pascal P. Emory, b, 21 July, 1825, brother of Mary J,, and Charles H. ; res. Springfield, Mass. Children : I, Etta E., b, 2 Sept,, 1856, d, 3 Nov,, 1878, 2, Flora J., b, 17 Apr,, 1861, d, 9 Aug,, 1861, 3. Carrie J., b, 23 Feb,, 1863, XV. Lucy Matilda', b, 30 June, 1829, m. 6 Jan,, 1852, Francis A,, son of Ohio Whiting, and d. 16 Aug., 1861. He was farmer, school teacher and superintendent, assessor, selectman, trustee of Cushing Academy, Ashburnham. No chUdren. 108 Job Lane and Descendants. 42. Capt. FRANCIS LANE" (Francis', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1787-1856, b. 20 Aug., 1787; captain of mUitia and successful miller at Lane VUlage, Ashburnhara, Mass., m. 11 Nov., 181 1, SUSANNA FOSTER, b. 25 Sept, 1789, d. 15 Mar., 1867, dau. of Samuel and Susanna (Wood) Foster, of Ashburnham. Francis Lane, Jr., gentleman, sold land in Ashburnham, to EUas Lane, gentleman, for $165, May 29, 1822. — Wor. Co. Deeds, 246. 4ig. Francis Lane and Elias Lane, gentlemen, paid Sarauel Foster, $400, May 29, 1824, for "land in Ashburnhara, with one undivided half of a sawmill standing on the same.'' — 246 : 422. Capt, Lane d, 11 Oct., 1856, Hosea F, Lane, administrator on the estate, returned an inventory of $5,055,50, Jan, 5, 1858. — Wor. Co. Wills, 100: 38s. Twelve children : 68. I. Allen Francis', b. 24 Mar., 181 2, m. Laura P. Tyler. II. Hepsibah C, b. 14 June, 1813, m. 31 Aug., 1843, the second wife of Israel A. Packard, b. 7 Sept., 1818, son of Nathan and Celia D. (Houghton) Packard, tanner, morocco dresser and farmer, Ashburnhara. She d. 17 Sept., 1888. He d. 27 Nov., 1897. Their chUdren : I, Charles F., h. 1844, d. 6 Aug,, 1899, He m, and had: i) Charles A,, m, 28 May, 1898, Gertrude Wilson, Mason, N, H, 2) Alice M,, a teacher, 3) Austin F,, b. 30 May, 1890. 2, Sarah Frances, b, 1846, m, A. Burnham of Westminster, Mass,, who d. 6 Aug,, 1894, They had: i) Mabelle E,, b, 28 Nov,, 1873, d, 29 Nov,, 1873, 2) Dexter E,, (adopted) b, 15 Dec, 1873, d, 15 Mar,, 1874, 3) Arthur W,, b, 8 May, 1877, 3, Susan Rebecca, b, 1848, ra, Augustus Searles, and had: 1) Cora M,, b, 8 Sept,, 1870, d, 18 Oct,, 1870, 4, Henry Alfred, b, 1852, m, and had: l) Marion Augusta, b. 6 May, 1886, 2) Everett Augustus, b, 14 Feb,, 1888, 3) Chester Henry, b. 7 Feb,, 1890, 4) Nelson Alfred, b, 21 Jan,, 1893, 5) Leon Andrus, b, 17 Feb,, 1S95, 5, Mina A., b, 1856, d, 1866, 69. III. Amos Foster', b. 30 June, 18 15, m. Martha Ward. F.MiiLY Forty- Three. 109 70. IV. Samuel', b. 21 May, 1817, m. Nancy H. Eaton. 71. V. Milton', b. 27 Feb., 1819, m. Mary Parkhurst and Jane Flagg. VI. Leonard', b. 21 Apr., 182 1, m. 4 June, 1856, Lucy Pol lard, b. 25 Sept., 1822, dau. of WiUard and Lucy (Spaulding) Pol lard, res. Ashburnham. She d. 29 Aug., 1894. Daughter: 1. Ada Estelle^, b. 10 May, 1859, d. i Jan., 1863. VII. Hosea', b. 20 Apr., 1823, d. 7 Aug., 1828. VIII, Sus.4N W.', b. 23 Jan., 1825 ; res, Ashburnham. Died 30 July, 1899. IX. Rebecca Clarissa', b. 29 Jan., 1827, m. 14 June, i860, the second wife of Merrick, b, 30 Sept., 181 1, son of Josiah Eaton. They res. Ashburnham, where he d. 16 Feb., 18-75. No chUdren. X. Eleanor Jane', b. 27 Jan., 1829, m. Daniel Walker Lane'. (Benj."-5, John*, Job', John*, Job'). 72. XL Hosea Foster', b, 7 Feb,, 1831, m. Eunice Eliza beth Fairbanks. XII. Charles W.', b. 15 Aug., 1833, ra, 31 Oct, 1867, Philena, b. 20 Jan., 1834, dau. of Josiah Howard, and wid. of Horace C. Packard of Hinsdale, N, H. Res. on the homestead, Ashburnham. She d. 21 Nov., 1888. Child: I, Harry Charles^, b. 29 Jan,, 1872, 43. JOSIAH LANE" (Benj.', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1782-1876, b. 28 Mar., 1782. Benjamin Lane of Ashburnham, with John Lane of Bedford, and Ziba Lane of BiUerica, sureties, gave bond, Dec. I, 1784, and was appointed guardian to Josiah Lane his son, a minor about two years old and grandson of Ebenezer Page, late of Bedford. Josiah Lane of Ashburnham, paid his father, Benjamin Lane, and wife Isabel, $200, Apr., 23, 1803, for 20 acres of land in Ashburn ham, — IVor. Co. Deeds, 153 : 371. 110 Job Lane and Descendants. With wife, Nancy Lane, he sold John Adams, Jr., land in Ash burnhara, for $50, Apr. 20, 1825, — 246: 417. Josiah Lane, and wife, Nancy Lane, sold to Charles W. Wilder, for $1,200, May 25, 1829, 6 acres of land in Ashburnham, with dweUing house, barn, grist and saw miU. — 267 : 621. He ra. 28 Mar., 1805, NANCY WILDER, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth (Woodward) WUder, b. 23 Oct, 1786, d. SomervUle, 4 May, 1853. Mr. Lane res. Ashburnham, Cambridge, 1828, d. Anoka, Minn,, 28 Feb,, 1876, ae. 94. Thirteen children : I. Julia Ann Cushing', b. 7 Oct, 1805, m. 22 Jan., 1835, H. A. Harrington, and d. in Anoka, Minn., 10 Feb., 1881. II. Mary Jane Woodward', b. 19 July, 1807, m. John L. Prather. III. Charles W.', b. 31 Jan., 1809, d. 2 Dec, 1809. IV. George V.', b. 28 Nov., 1810, d. 7 Oct, 1813. V. Nancy W,', b, 28 Feb., 1812, d, 2 Dec, 1813. VI. Alexander Page', b, 30 Aug., 1814, m. 1836, Anna M. Favor ; res. Eureka Springs, Ark. VII. Augusta Joy', b. 26 Dec, 1815, m, 1841, Sarah Skidmore, and d, at WUbraham, 11 Oct., 1880, VIII. Electa Frances Wilder', b. 19 June, 1817, m. 31 Dec, 1837, Aquilla Willette, and d. 2 Sept., 1839, at Davenport, Iowa. IX. David Hyslop', b. 2 Apr,, 1820, ra. 13 July, 1845, Har riet L, Bettinson, and d, Anoka, Minn,, 13 Nov,, 1878. X. Joseph Hayden', b. 25 Oct., 1822, m, Hester Prather; res. Chicago, IU. XI, George S. W.', b. 15 Sept, 1824, d. 15 Feb., 1825, XII. John S. W.', twin, b. 15 Sept, 1824, m, 31 Dec, 1848, Sarah Cushing ; res. Brighton, Mass, XIII, Thomas Parkman Cushing', b, 30 May, 1827, m, 18 Dec, 1861, Helen M. Rose; res, Mattoon, IU, Family Forty- Four. Ill 44. BENJAMIN LANE" (Benjamin', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1795-1880, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 23 June, 1795, m. 23 Dec, 1823, ABIGAIL WALKER, dau, of Capt Jesse and Sarah (Emer son) Walker, of New Ipswich, N. H. He was a farmer at Ashburn ham, and d. 18 Oct, 1880. Nine chUdren : 73. I. Daniel Walker', b. 4 Dec, 1824, m, Jerusha E. Bemis. II. Sarah', b. 8 Aug., 1827, d, 13 Jan,, 1828. 74. HI. Martin B.', b. 4 Sept, 1828, m. Carrie N, Adams. IV. George', b. 23 Sept., 1829, m. 27 Aug., i860, Mary A. CuSTELLA, she b. 15 Mar., 1837. He was a merchant at Newton, Mass. Their children : I, Cora M.^, b. 30 Aug., 1861, m, 8 Oct,, 1894, Willard Burnham Cur rier. 2. George William^, b, 21 Dec, 1862, is with the dry goods firm of C, H, Newhall, Maiden, Mass, 3. Anna Mary^, b, l8 May, 1864, 4, Clara Emeline^, b, 5 Feb,, 1869, d, 19 May, 1869, 5, Laura Mabel^, twin, b, 2 Apr,, 1871, 6, Lena Marion^, twin, b, 2 Apr,, 1871, d. 5 Aug,, 1871, V. Sarah Abigail', b. 31 Mar,, 1831, m. 5. Oct., 1865, Joseph Hayne; res. Maiden, Mass., and d. 10 Sept, 1893. VI. Mary Ann', b. 5 Apr., 1832, d. 5 July, 1842. VII. Emeline', b. 20 June, 1834, d. 13 July, 1854. VIII. Sophronia Asenath', b. 20 Oct., 1835, d. 17 Oct, 1863. IX. Sewall Stearns', b. 28 Aug., 1838, m. 7 Feb., 1867, Sarah Josephine Lovett of New Ipswich, N. H., she b. 17 Jan., 1843. He was a merchant in Gardner, Mass., P. O. address, 1899, Ashmont, Dorchester, Mass. ; is interested in the family history. One son : I, Arthur Clarence^, b. Ashburnham, Mass,, 20 Nov,, i8-j\, m. Elizabeth Gertrude Wolmsley, she b, 24 Sept,, 1879, 112 Job Lane and Descendants, 45. ZIBA LANE" (Ziba-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1782-1866, was born in Billerica, Mass,, 31 Jan,, 1782, a farmer and trades man, Uved in Amherst, N, H,, and on thq Kennebec river, Maine, and at Lyons, N. Y. He m. 9 Jan., 1806, FRANCES GORDEN DENNIS. When Levi their first child was a babe in arras they moved to Maine. They had to cross the Kennebec river. It was rapidly rising on account of recent rains. There was but little time. With Spartan-Uke decision and courage the mother seized as many of her treasures as she could carry and her baby by his dress in her teeth and crossed in safety. Just as she stepped upon the opposite bank the swift water carried away the log that had served as a bridge. After the war of 181 2, the family removed to the wilds of Wayne Co., New York, Four Lane brothers joined a New Eng land colony and proceeded most of the way on foot. The boy Levi at 86 years of age remembered how startled the people were on the way, fearing the approach of the British. To the eyes of the boy the guns of the company as they were stacked looked Uke a forest When the travelers reached Utica, and the residents found they were not enemies, there was great rejoicing. At Utica, they met with Indians, still restless and seemingly dangerous. The fright was now with the Yankee parents, who refused the request of the Indians to take charge of the baby — Lavinia now. But at length the Indians seemed so kind, they were allowed to take the child. Then the redskins danced with pleasure, held a real pow wow, did not hurt the chUd in the least, but assisted in carrying her and some of the goods a long distance. It was a great treat for the Indians to carry a white baby. Five mUes north of the present county seat of Lyons, in tbe wild forest, broken only here and there by a lonely settlement, Mr. Lane, in 1814, took up a claim and made his home, and went to Geneva to mill. He raised a large and happy family, Mr, Lane d. at Lyons, 20 Jan., 1866, se. 84 years. Mrs. Lane was b. 20 Dec, 1784, and d. 1 1 Jan., 1868. Ten children : Family Forty-Six. 113 75. I. Levi', b. Amherst, N. H,, Thursday, 13 Nov., 1806, m. Sally Burnet. II. Luther', b, Friday, 29 Jan., 1808, m. Emily Watson, and had one son and two daughters. III. Lorenzo', b. Wednesday, i Nov., 1809, m. Maria Larne, and bad two daughters. IV. Lydia', b. Thursday, 23 Jan., 1812, m. 2 Oct, 1828, Rens- SELEAR Merchant, and d. 30 May, 1874. Children: I, Nelson, b. Monday, 24 May, 1830, m. Julia A. Griffith. 2. Eleanor, b. Wednesday, 29 Oct., 1834, ra. Enoch Gridley. 3. Lydia, b. Saturday, 5 Jan., 1839, m. Herchel Munn. 4. Rensselear , b. 27 July, 1846, d, young, V. Lovina', b. Sunday, 13 Mar,, 18 14, m. John Riggs, and had four boys and one girl. VI. Loren', b. Lyons, Wednesday, 25 Sept, 181 6, m. Tamma Van Marter, and had three boys and one girl, VII. Francis B.', b. Friday, 25 Dec, 1818, m. Martha Spears, and had one boy and one girl. VIII. John', b. Monday, 2 Apr,, 1821, unra., d. 1842. IX. Fanny G.'. b. Saturday, 31 Dec, 1825, m, first, C. Horton ; m. second, D. Walton, by whom she had two sons and one daughter, X. Nancy', b. Thursday, 30 June, 1831, m. John Nichols, and had two sons. 46. FRANCIS BOWMAN LANE" (Ziba', John*, Job', John*, Job'), b. BiUerica, Mass., 24 Sept, 1787, tradesman, Lockport, N, Y,, d. I Mar., 1849, m. Roxinda Parlin, who was b. 5 Jan., 1792, d. 2 Feb., 1856. Six children : I. Jonas P.', b. 23 Jan., 1809, d. 16 Jan., 1863. II. Charles B.', b. 17 Dec, 1810. 114 Job Lane and Descendants. Ill, Nancy P.', b. lo June, 1815. IV. Alma Aj^n', b, 5 May, 1820. V. Mary E.', b, i July, 1822. VI. Frances Ellen', b, 26 June, 1829, 47. JOHN LANE" (Ziba', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1793-1857, b, Amherst, N, H,, 2 Jan., 1793, ra. first, Mrs. PATTY HOPKINS, and moved to Pittsford, N. Y., where he ra. second, 23 July, 1826, LUCY OLMSTEAD of Ridgefield, Conn.; moved in 1833, to Homer, WiU Co., IU,, where he d, suddenly, 5 Oct., 1857. Mrs. Lane d. 15 Oct, 1866, A fine man — so gentle and of such an estimable nature. "The name of John Lane, Sr,, should stand side by side with that of Fulton and Morse and McCormick, as one of the great in ventors of the country. He was an accomplished mechanic and practical farmer. He invented and made the first steel plough, in 1835, the use of which has proved of national importance and is now essential to the agricultural progress of all civilized nations . . . . He absolutely refused to take out a patent on his valuable invention, saying that if it was of any value or service to his brother farmers and mechanics they were cordially welcome to it. .... His remarkable inventive genius and personal high character, it is the object of this address to commemorate." — Dr. J. F. Daggett at Reunion of Pioneers of Will Co., III., i8go. Three children by first wife : I, Martha', b. 20 Nov., 1822, m. i Jan., 1840, Joseph M. Weeks, and had two children : second, E. Warner of I, Harry Y. 2, Charles B Mr. Weeks d. in I 863, and she m. s< Albion, Mich. II. Emma', d. at the age of seven raonths. ''^mi^^toK^^CmAj Family Forty-Eight. 115 76. HI. John', b, 25 Sept, 1825, m. Mary Eliza Rodgers, By second wife, two children : IV. Lucy M,', b. 16 June, 1827, d. 19 Jan., 1885, m, 31 Dec, 1846, John S. Ramsey, who d. in 1857. Two children: I, Alary F., b. Feb,, 1848, ra, 21 Sept,, 1871, Edward Goodnoh of Lockport, 111, 2, George Lane, b, 2 Jan,, 1857, d, 22 Oct,, 1885, V. Mary Frances', b. 4 Sept, 1830, m, 12 Apr,, 1857, James D, Frazer of Lockport, III,, and had three children : I, John D., b, 29 Mar,, 1858, m, 1881, Bemice Garrison, and had: I) James D,, b, 1883, 2) Jessie G,, b. 1885. 3) George Carlysle, b. 1892, 2, Martha J., b, l6 Jan,, 1863, m, 13 Sept,, 1888, Harry Cowell. 3, Mary F., b, 16 Feb,, 1867, 48. JONATHAN LANE" (Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1 7 88-1 860, b. Bedford, Mass., 27 Jan,, 1788, m, 27 July, 181 5, by Rev. Samuel Steams, RUHAMAH PAGE' (Nathaniel* and Sarah Brown, John' and Rebecca Wheeler, Nathaniel* and Susannah Lane, Nathaniel' and Joanna), who was b. in Bedford, i May, 1788, twin with brother Thaddeus. Mr. Lane settied as a farmer and cooper on the homestead in Bedford, reraoved to Boston in 1824, as a merchant at Fort HiU, returned to the David Reed farm in Bedford, 1847, where he died, Nov. 12, i860, se, 72 years. He was closely identified with Congregational interests, "Simple, earnest, charitable, a genial friend, a liberal citizen, an humble Christian," Mrs. Ruhamah Page Lane, at the time of her marriage, was held in high esteem as a school teacher. At Bedford's sesqui-centennial in 1879, then in her 92d year, with inteUect unimpaired, she re ceived marked attention from ber townspeople and old-time 116 Job Lane and Descendants. pupils. She survived her beloved husband twenty-two years. By her strong, attractive and original character, she became a con spicuous and honored representative of the two families. She died 19 June, 1882, aged 94 ys,, i mo,, 18 ds. Seven children : I, Ruhamah', b, 6 May, 181 6, d. 10 Apr,, 181 7. , II. Jonathan Abbot', b. 23 Oct, 1818, d. 24 Aug., 1820, III, Samuel Wright', b, 2 Aug., 1820, early removed with his parents to Boston, where he entered business with his father, under the style of Jonathan Lane and Son. He d, unm,, 25 Mar,, 1856, ae. 35 years. "A dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a faithful, generous friend. He was known for uprightness, sincerity and truth ; for kindness to the poor, syrapathy with the unfortunate and oppressed, and for a consistent Christian Ufe, — the active service of which he has exchanged for the 'Rest of the people of God,' " 77. IV. Jonathan Abbot', b. 15 May, 1822, m. Sarah Delia Clarke. 78. V. Ruhamah Augusta', b. 29 July, 1824, m. Rev. Elihu Loomis. VI. Henry Edwards', b. 14 Jan., 1827, d. 19 Jan., 1831. VII. Sarah Ann', b. 29 June, 1829, d. 11 Aug., 1831. 49. JOSIAH ABBOT LANE" (Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1791-1860, b. Bedford, Mass,, 17 Aug,, 1791, m. 17 May, 1818, PHEBE SPINNING of New York, who was b. 14 Sept, 1801, and d. 29 Oct, 1880. He d. 15 Jan., i860. Children bom in New York city : I. Emmeline Ruhamah', b. 7 May, 1819, ra. first, 25 Apr., 1838, Samuel Adams, who d, 17 Sept, 1841, by the hand of John C. Colt; m. second, 21 Nov., 1850, William Henry Vanderhoof, who d, 17 Oct, 1871. She d. 17 Oct, 1889. No children. the JONATHAN LANE, LATER, ELIHU G. LOOMIS, HOUSE, BEDFORD, MASS. BUILT ABOUT 1790. VIGNETTE OF MRS. JONATHAN LANE. (These buildings were destroyed by fire July 30, 1901.) Family Fifty. 117 79. II. Stephen Abbot', b. 24 Feb., 182 1, m, Mary L. Ban croft. 80. III. John Samuel', b. 24 May, 1823, ra. Caroline Water bury. IV. William Edward', b. 20 Aug., 1829, d. 6 Feb., 1830. V. William Baxter', b. i Dec, 1831, ra. 19 Dec, 1854, Katherine A. Carr. Children : I. Emma^, ni. Bynner. 2. Willia?!^. 3. Harry^. 4. Benjamin^ 81. VI. Charles Gardner', b. 29 Dec, 1835, m. Maria B. Frazier. VII. Samuel Adams', b. 5 Mar., 1842, d. 9 June, 1863, unm., ae. 21 years. 50. GEORGE LANE" (Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1802- 1882, b. Bedford, Mass., 8 May, 1802, settled in Charlestown, Mass., m. first, 15 Nov,, 1826, LUCY MARIA DUNN, she b. 8 Aug., 1804, and d. 22 Feb,, 1830. He m. second, 22 Nov., 1831, SARAH HAWES BERRY of Belfast, Me.; she b. 25 Feb., 18 10, at Barnstable, Mass., and d. 17 Nov., 1897. George Lane d. 11 Feb., 1882. ChUdren : I Frances Maria', b. 26 Aug., 1827, d. 2 June, 1885. II. Lucy Miranda', b. 26 Jan., 1829, d. Oct, 1830. By second marriage : 82. III. Charles DeWitt', b. Charlestown, Mass., 2 Feb., 1833, m. Josephine Bell Baker. IV. Elizabeth Nickerson', b. 2 Nov., 1835, m. 30 Oct., i860, Charles A. Church. V. Ellen Watson', b. 25 Feb., 1839. VI. Richard Byron Clarke', b. 10 Feb., 1843, d. at Panama, Cal,, Sept 30, 1 88 1. Served in civU war of 1861, was in Gen. 118 Job Lane and Descendants. Banks' division on Red river, and had honorable mention for bravery. VII. Frank Ernest', b. 12 Aug., 1850, d. 25 Nov., 1854. 51. CHARLES LANE" (Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1804- 1872, b. Bedford, Mass,, 14 Aug,, 1804, resided in Boston and Dorchester, Mass, He made a speech at the dedication of Bed ford town hall, in 1856, and was the donor of the town haU clock. He m. first, 22 Nov., 1827, SARAH BANCROFT WHEELER, who d, 5 Apr,, 1844; m. second, 10 Apr,, 1845, ELIZABETH CARLTON of Dorchester. He d, 14 Oct,, 1872, by an assassin's buUet at his own threshold in Dorchester, Children : I, Charles Bancroft', b. Boston, 4 Aug., 1828, d. Dorchester, 19 May, 1849. II. Sarah Elizabeth Dexter', b. 8 Aug., 1834, ra, 21 July, 1864, Lester Goodwin of Hartford, Ct, ; residence Newton, Mass, One son : I, Bancroft Lane, b, Dorchester, 25 May, 1865, graduated Harv, Col., 1887, III, Harriet Felicia', b, 9 July, 1841, m. 23 Oct., 1862, James W. Bartlett, D,D,S, ; res. Roxbury and Newton, ChUdren : I, Charles Lane, b, Roxbury, l8 Aug., 1863, d. Newton, i Dec, 1887. 2. Sidney Roland, b. 20 Nov., 1864, graduated Institute Technology, Boston, 1887, and from Harvard Dental College, 1890; m. 25 Oct., 1894, Alabel Landell, she b. Philadelphia, Pa., 9 Jan., 1869. Children born in Colorado Springs, Col. . i) Eleanor, 1 , , .o„.. 2) Landell, | ^' '^ >"" '^97- 52. JOHN SAMUEL LANE" (Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1808-1856, b, Bedford, Mass., 15 Jan., 1808, m. 12 May, 1834, Family Fifty- Three. 119 SALLY ANN VERMILYEA; she b, ii Feb., 1816, and d. 24 Aug., 1878. He d. 21 July, 1856. Children : I. Hannah', b. 25 Apr,, 1835, m. first, 12 Dec, 1853, Theo dore Van Riper, who was b. i Jan., 1830, and d. 18 Aug., 1869 ; m, second, 22 Feb,, 1875, James G, Beach, who was b. 1842, and d. 10 Oct, 1898. She d, 11 June, 1895. Child: I, Arline Letitia CVan Riper), b. 27 Dec, 1855, m, 18 May, 1896, Harrald T. Quartrup, who was b, 4 Feb,, 1853, II. Mary Amelia', b. 12 Jan., 1837, d. 15 Mar,, 1838. III. George Edward', b, 20 Jan,, 1839, ra. 1872, Emma Mid dleton, and d, 5 Mar., 1898. No chUdren. IV. Eliza Ann', b. 21 Jan,, 1842, m. 13 Oct,, 1869, Frank Chase Smith; he b, 19 Jan., 1843, residence 1899, 135 Keef street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child , I, George Edward, b, 29 Aug., 1874, employed in a piano warehouse, 83. V. Ebenezer Hayward', b. 6 Nov., 1848, ra, Catherine Murray. VI. Oliver Abbott', b. 26 Nov., 1850, clerk Colonial club, unm, VII. John Abraham', b. July, 1852, d, June, 1856. 53. JOHN LANE" (Gershom F,', John*-'-*, Job'), 1776 , was born in Weathersfield, Vt, 14 or 17 Feb., 1776, moved with his parents to Penn,, ra. NANCY GEACH; Uved in Westmoreland Co., Penn,, and settled in Ohio about 181 2. Children : I. Mary', m, Joseph Springer. II. Jemima', m. Archibald McCollum, and bad son James, res. Creston, Iowa, III, Rhoda', m. Simeon Nott ( ?) and William Benjamin. 120 Job Lane and Descendants. IV. Hannah', ra. George Highbargain, and had son, H. High- bargain, b. 1817, res. Richwood, Ohio. V. Lucinda', d. at the age of 14 years. 84. VI. Hiram H.', b. 24 Oct., 1802, m. Drusilla E. Davis. VII. Sarah', ra. Alfred Ellis. VIII. Maria', m. William Howland. IX. Jacob', m. Elizabeth Stoneman. X. William', d. se. about 20 years. 85. XI. Richard', b. 14 Feb., 181 2, m. Elizabeth Horn. 54. GEORGE WASHINGTON LANE" (Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), was bom in Weathersfield, Vt, 26 Sept., 1786, m. first, SALLY OSTERHOUT, who died in 1818; ra. second, OLIVE NEWTON of Brattieborough, Vt, and removed to Montrose, Sus quehanna Co,, Pa, He had a reraarkable memory and was a great lover of history. Ten children : I. Stillman', b. 1809, d. at the age of 21 years. II. Olive', b. 181 5, a very successful teacher, ra. 1849, Ezekiel Gage. Had : I, Helen, b, 1855, m, 1876, Eli Aleeker of Binghampton, N, Y,, and had: l) Roscoe E,, b, 28 July, 1881, By second raarriage : III. Malvina Caroline', d. in infancy. 86. IV. Mary Eveline', b. 25 Nov., 1823, ra, Daniel Lloyd North. V. Newton', b, i Oct., 1825, was a school teacher, enUsted 1 86 1, in First Pa. cavalry, and was captured by the Confederates 1863, deputy sheriff i866-'69, railroad contractor, farmer in Illinois; died in Thomas Co., Kansas, greatly respected, unm., 19 Feb., 1888. Family Fifty- Five. 121 VI. S. Lauretta', b. 21 May, 1827, m. Apr., 1850, Caleb Alexander of Boston, Mass. Their children : I. Ada, b, 24 Dec, 1851, m, 28 Oct,, 1886, Robert AfcDozuell, and had two daughters, 2, Ellen Olive, b, 13 Sept,, 1854, m, 24 Dec, 1872, Watson T. Hunter, and had : l) Augusta, b, 14 Dec, 1873. 2) Paul, b. 11 Mar., 1876. 3. Lillian, b, 27 Aug., 1857, m. about 1881, John C. Fenton. No children, VII. Otis', b, 6 Mar., 1829, d. April, 1837, VIII, Jennie H,', b, 26 Dec, 1832, taught school from the age of 15 to 34 years, m, 19 Dec, 1867, ThoxMAS Rodgers from Eng land, and lived in Silver Lake, Pa. He d. 10 Mar., 1892 ; she d. of heart failure 15 Oct, 1893. Their children : 1. Newton, b. 19 Feb., 1869. 2. Daisy, b. 9 Jan., 1871. 3. Ruth, b. 7 Nov., 1872, d, 10 Mar., 1873. 87. IX. Samuel Freeman', b, 31 Aug., 1834, ra. Kate Wells. X. Emma', b, 19 Dec, 1837, graduated at Hudson River In stitute, now Claverack CoUege, 1861, taught at Charlestown, Md,, Aug,, 1 86 1, to 1866, preceptress at Claverack, Sept,, 1866, to sum mer of 1869. She m. 20 Oct, 1869, Rev. D. C. Olmstead, who received the degree of A. M, in 1885, and d, 12 Oct,, 1888. No children. Mrs, Olrastead was connected with the Greenwich Acaderay 1890, onward. Her report as secretary of the Wyoming Methodist Episcopal Conference to the PhUadelphia Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 1892, closed with the verses of The Tapestry Weavers. "Let us take to our hearts a lesson — no lesson can braver be — From the ways of the tapestry weavers on the other side of the sea," — Anson G. Chester. 55. THOMAS LANE" (Gershom F,', John*-'-*, Job'), b, Weathers field, Vt,, 13 Nov., 1792, lived in Montrose, Pa,, a farraer and devout raeraber of the Methodist church, noted for his BibUcal knowledge, and d. 7 Jan., 1853, He m, 30 Jan,, 1817, Sarah Har kins; she b. I July, 1794, and d. 10 Dec, 1880. 122 Job Lane and Descendants. Their children were : I. Rosetta', b, 4 Aug,, 1820, m. Joseph Bramhall, who was b. 5 Sept,, 1799, and Uved in SpringviUe, Penn, Their chUdren were : I. Rev. Melvin F.dmund, b, 24 Dec, 1842, u Methodist preacher, m. 24 Dec, 1874, Polly Catherine Holmes, who was b. 1 Oct., 1841. No children. 2, Charles Olin, b, 16 Aug., 1S48, finished his education at Yale College, II. Elmina', b. 20 May, 1822, d. 12 -Sept., 1824, III, Hannah', b, 23 May, 1824, ra. 18 Apr., 1849, Jackson Lewis, Uved in SpringviUe, Pa, Their daughter : I, Minnie, m, Calvin D. Pipher, and had: 1) Lewis, 2) Julia C. 3) Maynard. 4) Lottie May. 5) Jessie Pearl, 6) Lemuel, 7) Rosetta, IV. Lydia Ann', b, 22 July, 1827, d. 7 July, 1829, 88. V. Clementine', b. 30 July, 1829, m. Aaron Bunnell. VI, Horace Agard', b, 23 Nov,, 1831, d. young, 89. VII. Anne Maria', b, 22 Jan,, 1833, ra, Lucius Euard AViLLIAMS. 90. VIII, Charlotte', b, 15 Mar,, 1837, ra. Lemuel Blakes lee, IX, Gershom Flagg', d. young. 56. OLIVER WELLINGTON LANE" (Solomon', James*-', John*, Job'), 1794-1877, b. Bedford, Mass., 16 June, 1794, was moderator and selectraan of Bedford, Fifteen days after the outrage upon Fort Sumter, Apr, 12, 1861, he contributed the most towering pine from the forest of the Lanes of Indian and Revolutionary fame, which was erected as a Liberty Pole on the Common or Training Field, Apr. 27, 1861, around which the peo ple raUied and from which the flag of the LTnion was unfurled and waved daily during the years of the bloody conflict. Mr. Lane m, first, by Rev, Samuel Steams, 23 July, 181 8, Catherine Walton of Bedford, who d. 30 July, 1841 ; m. second, Family Fifty- Six, 123 by Rev, G. W. Woodward, 26 Feb,, 1843, Mrs. HARRIET BLINN, widow of Richard D, BUnn, sea captain of Boston, and dau. of Jacob and Sarah (Trask) Gragg of Groton, Mass,, who d. 6 June, 1869, as. 71 years. He d. 15 Aug., 1877, ae, 83 yrs,, 2 ms. Children : I. Sarah Elizabeth', b. 27 Nov., 1818, m. 20 Sept., 1838, Henry Goodwin of Bedford. She wrought in canvas the Lane coat of arras handed down through her grandfather, Solomon Lane. Their children were : 1. LLenfy Oliver, b, 25 June, 1839, m. 5 July, i860, Hannah Paine. 2. Frank W., b. 4 July, 1841, ra. 26 Dec, 1868, Sarah E. Roberts. 3. Charles W., b. 4 Sept., 1843. 4. Joseph A., b. 31 Oct., 1845, m. 1876, Emma F. Ashby. 5. George E., b, 13 Apr,, 1847, m, first, in Aug,, 1874, Mary Richardson, second, 12 Feb., 1891, Mrs. Melvina M. Shedd. 6. A'atherine E., b, 28 May, 1857, II, Mary Whiting', b. 31 Mar,, 1820, ra, 26 Sept, 1841, George W, Briggs, and d, 4 Apr,, 1866. 91. Ill, William Augustus', b, 12 Mar,, 1822, ra, Mary P. Wright, Julia M. Houghton and Sarah M. Lane, IV, Catherine Amelia', b. 4 Dec, 1823, m. 5 Oct,, 1845, Joseph H, Goodwin, son of Uriah and Nancy (Hood) Goodwin. Their children were : Ann Catherine, b. 1846, d. li. A/ary Adaline, b. 21 Jan., 1851, m. Charles Loive. Joseph Franklin, d. young. Abbie Josephine, b, 20 Jan,, 1855, m. Daniel E. Haynes. Harry Ellsworth, b, 27 June, 1866, d, 2 Feb,, 1876. V. Abigail Rebecca', b. 3 June, 1826, d, 29 June, 1854, m. 16 Oct, 1847, Samuel S. Wilson; he b, 1-821, son of John B, and Mary Wilson. He ra, second, Laura Ann Lane, VIII. 92. VI. Oliver Josiah', b. 29 Jan., 1828, m, Mary Ann Bil lings. VII. Laura Ann', b. 21 July, 1830, d. 26 Apr., 1834, ae. 3 ys., 9 ms. VIII. Laura Ann', b. i May, 1834, m. 29 Nov., 1855, Samuel S. Wilson, and d. 15 June, 1863. See V, 124 Job Lane .-iND Descendants. 93. IX. Samuel Leavitt', b. 24 Feb., 1838, m. 23 May, 186 1, Frances E, Pinkham. X, Henry Francis', b, 4 Sept, 1839, d, i May, 1841, k, i yr., 8 ms. 57. DAVID LANE, Jr." (David', James*-', John*, Job'), 1796- 1853, b, Bedford, Mass,, 7 Sept, 1796, m. 26 Jan., 1826, BETSEY B. SIMONDS, dau, of Joseph and Abigail of Wilton, N. H,, who d, 15 Dec, 1868, ae. 69 yrs,, i rao,, 25 ds. He settied on a part of the homestead in Bedford, and d. 19 Jan., 1853, se. 56 years. Children : 1. Mary Ann', b. 2 Aug., 1826, ra, William Kelsea, and d. 29 July, 1875. 94. II. Job Blanchard', b. 18 Oct, 1828, m. Caroline P. Russell. III. Caroline E.', twin, b. 10 Oct., 1833, m. 30 Nov., 1853, Fairfield R. Davis; he was son of Zenas, b. Nashua, N. H., 1830, settled in Bedford, 1864 ; was a town ofificer and d. 30 June, 1867. Their children : I, Ada C, b, 5 Feb., 1858, ra. Rufus E. Bellows, of Dorchester, Mass, 2. Walter, b. 1861, d. 1863, 3. George W., b, 6 Dec, 1866, m, Emily L. Bellows of Dorchester, Mass, IV. Maria S.', twin, b, 10 Oct,, 1833, m, 27 May, 1854, George Isaacs, and d, 31 Mar,, 1872. He was son of John and Mary Isaacs, b. 1833, and.d. 30 Nov., 1872, ae. 38 years. 58. ANTHONY LANE" (Jonas', Samuel*, James', John*, Job',), 1 793-1869, b. Lancaster, Mass., 28 Sept, 1793, a cabinet maker and farmer in Lancaster; m, first, by Rev. Cyrus Mann,, 22 Oct., / ANTHONY LANE. Family Fifty-Nine. 125 1822, MARY MILES WHITE; she b. i June, 1796, and d. of consumption, 16 June, 1865, ae, 69 yrs,, 16 ds,, dau. of Dea. James and Mary (MUes) White of Westminster, Mass. Her will, signed Oct. 8, 1864, proved July 5, 1865, named her husband, Anthony Lane, executor. He ra. second, by Rev. Benjamin B. Flagg in Cambridge, Mass,, 6 Dec, 1866, ABIGAIL REBECCA CARTER' (Solomon", Ephraim'-*, Samuel', Rev, Samuel*, Rev. Thomas', of Woburn, Mass.) ; she b, i June, 1796, dau. of Solomon Carter, deputy sheriff, and his wife, Elizabeth White, of Lancaster. His name appears in the transfer of real estate, Aug. 20, 1818, Feb. 15, 1 81 9, Jan. 25, 1833. Anthony Lane was a member of the general committee of ten persons to commemorate the two- hundreth anniversary of the town of Lancaster, incorporated May 28, 1653. He was also vice-president on the day of the celebra tion, June 15, 1853. He d, of cancer, 20 Dec, 1869, se. 76 yrs,, 3 ms., 8ds. His will signed Sept, 5, 1867, left bequests to wife, Abby R. Lane, $13,000, to my late brother's children, Eliza Richardson, J. H. Lane, and Charlotte T. Lane, $2,000 each, to Henry Carey, $1,000, to Mary Ann Townsend, $600, to each of J, H, Lane's children, $500, except Anthony, to him $1,000 for his name, to Moses W. Richardson, $500, to Charlotte T, Lane, $500 more if she remain single, to the Sewing Circle in Lancaster, in which my wife is a member, $500, to the selectmen of Lancaster to take care of my lot in the North village cemetery, $200, to Sarah Everett, Anthony Lane Sawyer, Anthony Lane Harrington and Phebe White, each $100. J, H, Lane and Moses W, Richardson, executors, Abigail R, Lane, widow of Anthony Lane, waived her allowance in the will of her husband, Jan, 6, 1870, — Wor. Co. Wills, 3gg: 268. 59. JONAS HENRY LANE, M, D." (Jonas', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1800-1861, was b. at Lancaster, Mass., midnight, 27, 28 Jan., 1800, was bap. under the name of Henry, but re ceived the addition of Jonas by act of legislature, June 18, 1825. When two years old he had white swelling at right hip joint, the head of the thigh bone passed from its socket and a new socket 126 Job Lane and Descendants. was forraed shortening the limb about two inches ; was educated in the public schools until fourteen, then at the academies in Groton, 1 814, Leicester and Lancaster ; graduated at Harvard University, 182 1 ; studied medicine at Westminster, at McLean Asylum, with Rufus Wyman, M, D,, with John P, Spooner, M. D., and in Mass. General Hospital; received the degree M, D. frora Harvard, 1826, coraraenced the practice of medicine in Boston, at No. 10 Hanover Street, 1826, No, 25 School Street, 1829, 170 Washington Street, 1830 to 1848, then at No, 4 Montgoraery Place, He was the first physician in Boston and probably in New England, Sept. 28, 1846, to treat diseases of the larynx, trachea and bronchia by the local appUcation of the solution of nitrate of silver, which he learned of Dr. Horace Green of the City of New York. He was thrown frora his chaise upon the sidewalk in Charles Street, July 6, 1847, his health injured and little finger of left hand crushed and amputated and the hand never recovered its strength and usefulness. He responded by letter to the invitation to be present at the celebration of the two-hundreth anniversary of the incorporation of Lancaster, Mass., June 15, 1853. In the open ing of 1 86 1, with the War of the RebelUon, he became very anxious about his country's welfare, and, at the defeat of the Union forces at the first battle of Bull Run, received the attack which re sulted in his death by paralysis, 5 Sept, 1861, se, 61 yrs, 7 ms., 8ds. Dr, Lane attended the ministry of Rev, Lyman Beecher, D. D,, 1828, and united with the Hanover Street church in March, 1829. He continued his connection with the same society in its reraoval to Salera Street and Bowdoin Street under the pastoral care of Rev. Messrs, Lyraan Beecher and Hubbard Winslow, The foUowing terse statement of his Christian hope was found araong his papers : "I look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, as my Redeemer and my Saviour, and to the Holy Spirit as my Sancti- fier and Guide, through whom I have acceptance with God the Father. I look away from myself, a sinful worm of the dust, to Him through the shedding of whose blood : through whose merits and mediation I have the forgiveness of my sins, I beUeve in Him, and through this faith I have justification before God : and Family Fifty-Nine. 127 walking in the ways of obedience before Hira, I commit aU my interests for time and for eternity into His hands, as my Faithful Keeper untU I come to my Father in Heaven," Funeral services were held at his residence. No. 4 Montgomery Place, Boston, conducted by Rev. Edward N. Kirk, D, D,, and at the residence of his brother, Anthony Lane, Esq., of Lancaster. His remains were interred in the new cemetery, near the North village, Lancaster. All sought to honor him as the model husband, father, physician, friend and Christian. Many there were who called him blessed. May there be raany of his descendants who shall emulate his virtues. Dr. Lane commenced a very complete system of family registra tion in Oct., 1844, which was continued by his children. These records have been freely used in this work. He m. 5 Oct., 1830, by Rev. Walter King, FRANCES ANN BROWN'; she b. 16 Jan., 1807, dau. of James Fitch Brown* (James') of Norwich, Conn., and his wife, Eliza Rogers Wood- bridge' (Samuel*, Dr. Dudley'). Bom of parents of no common education and ability, reared in a famUy of Christian love and example, her life became blended with that of her husband, the good physician, worthy counsellor and beloved head of their united household. What happy homes were those into whose very life her own sweet life was so joyously blended ! Model Christian wife and mother, beloved of husband and revered by children, her life beautifully adorned the gospel of Christ. She entered into rest Nov. 16, 1846. Her remains were temporarily interred at Mount Auburn and subsequently removed to the family lot in the cemetery at North Lancaster. "Descendants, whoever you may be, you have just cause to be proud of such ancestors as this parentage and those preceding. Seek to pattern from their characters and example, and, like them, die ripe in the faith of these fathers and mothers in Israel who have so gloriously preceded you." ChUdren : I. Daughter", stillborn, 22 Dec, 1831, interred Infants Tomb, Granary Burial Ground, Boston. 128 Job Lane and Descendants. 95. II- Eliza Wait', b. 27 Apr., 1833, m. Moses Wright Richardson. 96, III. Jonas Henry, Jr., b. 4 Jan., 1837, m. Isabella Almira Hooper. IV, Charlotte Taylor', b, 20 Mar,, 1843, christened by Rev. Wm. M. Rogers, 2 July, 1843, bearing the name of Charlotte Taylor of Newark, N. J. She passed through the perils of vacci nation the Saturday following her birth on Monday, measles, 1848, scarlet fever, 1849, mumps both sides, 1851, revaccination, 1854. "Can talk quite well," Mar. 2, 1845, commenced primary school course under Miss Green in Harvard Place, 1847, graramar course in Bowdoin school on Myrtie street, 1852, Chapraan Hall school, under Amos Baker and commenced French, Latin, etc., 1857, on skates and began music lessons, 1858, French Institute under Mrs. Dunscorab, late Mile. Grosschoff, 1859. She was con firmed at St. Paul's church. Rev. Wm. R. Nicholson, Rector, Man ton Eastburn, Bishop, Apr. 21, 1861. Miss Lane journeyed and studied in Great Britain and on the continent of Europe, 1867, 1868; her second trip to England, France, Switzerland and Germany, 1873 ; her third trip to Switzer land, 1890. She spends her summers in Lancaster, Mass., and her winters in New York city. The comraittee of the Evangelical society in Lancaster, June, 1882, thankfully acknowledged the gift of a church organ fro-ra Charlotte T. Lane of Lancaster, Jonas Henry Lane of New York city, and Messrs. Richardson of Boston. The society has several times been the recipient of her bounty. 60. GEORGE LANE" (Ephraim', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), b. Walpole, N. H,, 25 Nov,, 1803, m, first, 4 Apr., 183 1, SARAH, dau, of Hugh DUNSHEE of Walpole, who d. 22 Sept., 1841, £e, 36 years; ra, second, 18 Sept,, (?) 1842, ELIZABETH B.AILEY. He d, June, 1878, ae, 74 years. ChUdren : I. Martha Ellen', b, 22 Dec, 1831. i ^ ¦^^ i ^ %« J m ^ <^ ^^ -d^H ^^ '^^^^^^^9 ^^^Bk ^W^^^^m ^H^K ^te^" ^^^^?B k. .^^^B^^ ^^L ljI MHJI^P ^^^W Hp^r JONAS henry lane. Family' Sixty-One. 129 II. Henry', b. 6 Sept, 1833. III. Lewis', b. 23 Oct, 1835. IV. Mary Jane', b.-2 Aug., 1840. By second marriage : V. Sarah Elizabeth', b. 12 Aug., 1844. VI. Julia Rebecca', b. 22 Feb., 1847. VII. Abbie Almira', b. 30 Oct., 1851. VIII. Flora Isabella', b. 15 Nov., 1855. IX. George Leslie', b. 29 July, 1859. 61. WASHINGTON JEFFERSON LANE" (Ebenezer', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), 1 807-1 864, b. in West Cambridge, now Arlington, Mass., 16 Feb,, 1807, ra, in Boston by Rev. Paul Dean, 30 Sept, 1830, CYNTHIA CLARK, who was b. in Boston, i Sept, 1 810, dau. of EUjah and Cynthia (Smith) Clark, and d. 20 July, 1864. Mr. Lane d. 5 Aug,, 1864, "an excellent, beloved man whom his children were proud to call father.'' Children born in West Carabridge : I. Sus.-VN Clark', b. 27 July, 1833, m. 30 Nov., 1853, Charles Edwin Goodwin; he b. Belfast, Me., i Jan., 1830, res. West Cam bridge, Mass., and Minneapolis, Minn. Their children b. in West Cambridge : I. Annie, b. 6 Oct., 1854, m, 9 July, 1884, Allin Rufus Reed, b, Lowell, Mass,, 27 Oct,, 1852, and had: i) Edward Goodwin, b, Boston, 2 Sept,, 1885, 2) Martha, b, Boston, 27 May, 1891, 2, Charles Edward, b, 30 Nov,, 1856, d. New York City, 3 Aug,, 1891, 3, Herbert Lane, b, 30 June, 1863. 4. Arthur Haskell, b. 24 Sept., 1865, m. in Somervill*, Mass., 22 July, 1891, Ada Dean Atwood, who was b. Raynham, Mass., 5 Dec, 1869, 5, William Haskell, b. 14 July, 1871, II. George Washington', b. ii Mar., 1835, m. at West Cara bridge, 20 June, 1866, Sarah Tuttle of Lexington, Mass., and 130 Job Lane and Descendants. lived on the old homestead of his grandfather, Ebenezer Lane in Arlington. No chUdren. III. Cynthia Pickering', b. 4 Nov., 1836; uiim. IV. Ebenezer', b. 7 Aug., 1838, d. Hamburg, Germany, 27 Feb., 1873. 97. V. Mary Wellington', b. 19 Dec, 1839, ™- Edward Eri Poor. VI. James Alfred', b. and d. same day. 62. DAVID WOODWARD LANE" (Samuel'-*, James', John*, Job'), 1801-1888, b. Bedford, Mass., 28 Oct., 1801, resided in North Brookfield, Mass., was styled captain, a prominent man and noted teacher; administered on his father's estate Nov. i8, 1823, paid Jonas Lane ;?i,2oo, April i, 1827, for a "farm lately owned by Capt. Samuel Lane," of North Brookfield. — Wor. Co. Deeds, 2^6 : gg. Capt. Lane ra. 24 Jan., 1823, ELIZA SWAN WITT; she b. North Brookfield, August, 1801, descendant of John Witt, of Lynn, Mass., 1650, d. I Aug., 1868. He d. 26 June, 1888. Obituary notice in the Congregationalist, 1888. ChUdren born in North Brookfield : I. Edward Bancroft', b. 6 Aug., 1824, d. 10 Oct., 1825. II. Lucie Ann', b. 4 July, 1826, m. 12 Nov., 1856, Washington Harwood, of Adrian, Michigan. 98. III. Sarah Adeline', b. 24 Aug., 1828, m. Rev. John H. Mellish. IV. Frederick Warren', b. 17 July, 1830, d. 20 Dec, 1853. V. Abigail Sylvania', b. 16 Nov., 1832, ra. 4 Oct., 1859, George Frye, of Foster, R. I., settied in Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon. Their chUdren b. in Foster, R. I. : I, Richard Alfred, b, 8 Dec, i860, a printer in Jacksonville, Athens Co,, Family Sixty- Three. 131 Oregon, m. 14 July, 1888, Ruth Alvina, dau, of Lyman H, and Louisa A, Brown, of Coventry, R, L; she d. in Albany, Ore,, 29 Jan,, 1891, Child: l) Ruth Alvina, b, Albany, Ore,, 21 Jan,, 1891, 2, Daughter, b, and d, I Apr,, 1862, 3, Frederic Bancroft, b, 12 June, 1863, a compositor in Lebanon, Ore,, ra, 16 July, 1888, Sarah Maria, dau, of Lyman H, and Louisa A, Brown. Children : l) Susan Maria, b, 26 Aug,, 1891, 2) Daughter, b, Albany, Ore., 6 Jan., 1893, d. 7 Jan., 1893. 3) Edith Louisa, b. Albany, 8 Jan., 1894. 4. Mary Eliza, b. 9 July, 1864, d. 14 Sept., 1864. 5. George Herbert, b. 2 Sept., 1865, ra. April, 1888, A^ellie E. Robbins, of Conn., who d, April, 1889. He d, 5 Oct,, 1890, 6, Earl Clinton, b. 18 Mar., 1867, a raissionary in Japan, m. first, Apr., 1893, Annie, adopted dau. of E, H, Pierce, of Rehoboth, Mass,, who d, Jan,, 1894; m, second, 5«M'f V. C«&*, a missionary in Japan, Daughter: i) Annie Pierce, b, 'Woodstock, 'Vt,, 7 Jan., 1894. 7, Emma Lavinia, b, 3 Sept., 1868, d. 23 Sept., 1868, 8, Son, b, II Sept,, 1869, d, 14 Oct,, 1869, 9, Abbie Jane, b, 2 Nov,, 187 1, High school teacher, 10, David Lane, b, II Jan,, 1873, a printer in Lebanon, Ore, II, Daughter, b, 2 Sept,, 1874, d. 24 Sept,, 1874, VI. Nancte Angeline', b. 7 Mar,, 1835, d, 5 Mar,, 1859, VII. Lavinia Frances', b. 20 Mar,, 1837, d. 23 Nov., 1864, VIII. Emmeline Selinda', b. 12 Nov,, 1839, wrote her name Emma S,, and resided in North Brookfield. IX. Adeliza Woodward', b. 19 Dec, 1841, d. 12 Aug., 1843. 99. X. John Henry', b. 4 Sept., 1846, m. Abbie A. Kellogg. 63. JOHN JONES LANE" (Sarauel'-*, James', John*, Job'), 181 8- 1868, b. Bedford, Mass., m. 16 Nov., 1849, MARIETTA VAN MARTYR, of St. Louis, Mo,, and d, in New York City, 18 May, 1868. She d. 28 Jan., 1873. Children born in New York City : I. John B,', b. 11 June, 1851, d, 15 Aug., 1865. II. Marietta', b. 2 Oct., 1851, d. 16 Nov., 1854. III. Carlisle Jones', b. 4 Sept., 1857. Post office address, 1899, SusanviUe, Grant Co., Oregon. IV. Frank M.', b. 21 Sept., 1859, d. 18 Aug., 1865. 132 Job Lane and Descendants. V. Albert Irving', b. 15 Nov., 1861, book-keeper, Newton, N. J., residence, 1899, SusanviUe, Grant Co., Oregon. VI. Lizzie J.', b. 15 Nov., 1863, d. 13 Aug., 1865. VII. Charles Randolph', b. 17 Nov., 1866, residence, 1899, Worcester, Mass., 534 Main street. 64. DANIEL JOSIAH LANE" (Samuel'-*, James', John*, Job'), b. North Brookfield, Mass., 21 Feb., 1821, m. 30 Aug., 1841, by Rev. Thomas Snell, D. D., MARTHA E. BARSTOW, of North Brookfield. He resided in Beloit, Wis., 1899, the last survivor of his father's famUy. Children : I. Louis', b. Plymouth, Mass., 10 Apr., 1850, d. 20 Sept, 1850. II. Clara', b. 5 Sept., 1852, d. New York, 28 Jan., 1857. III. Ella Starr', b. 20 Dec, 1855, m. 10 Sept., 1878, A. M. Griffin, of Chicago, IU. IV. Ida Clara', b. 8 Dec, 1857, m. 4 Nov., 1879, L. E. Yer- rington, of Galena, III. V. Henry Hudson', b. New York, 31 Dec, i860, commercial traveler, residence, Jefferson, Wis. 65. ABNER BRIDGE LANE' (EUab B.", John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), 1 806- 1 884, was born in Bedford, Mass., 24 May, 1806, m. LYDIA BAILEY, resided in Bedford, and d. 13 July, 1884, se. 78 ys., 7 ms., I dy. Mrs. Lane d. Oct., 1890. Children : 100. I. George Winchester^ b. 25 July, 1829, m. Sarah M. Goodvwn. II. Henry Watson^, b. 16 Mar., 1831, d. 5 Dec, 1847, se. 16 ys. III. Chandler Bridge^, b. 3 May, 1837. Family Sixty-Seven. 133 66. GEORGE LANE' (Roger", John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), 1827- 1859, b. Bedford, Mass., 7 Aug., 1827, ra. 4 July, 1858, LAURA ANN, b. 1833, dau. of Tiraothy and Betsey SMITH. He res. in Bedford and d. 18 Oct., 1859, ae. 32. She d. a widow, 2 Apr., 1889, as. 56 ys., 8 ms., 16 ds. Child : I. Willis George"*, b. 14 May, 1859, dealer in coal and wood, m. 23 June, 1880, Alice Frances Copeland, b. 1858, dau. of Mark and Elizabeth (Chase) Copeland. They had : I. Maynor Wilfred^, b. II June, 1883. 2. Percey Howland^ , b. 5 Mar., 1887, pupil in the 2d Grammar school, 1896-7. 67. ELIAS COOLIDGE LANE' (Elias", Francis', John*, Job3, John*, Job'), 1809-1878, was b. Ashburnham, Mass., 30 Dec, 1809, m. 20 Sept., 1835, MARY FARWELL; she b. 1805, dau. of Simeon and Hepzibah (Farwell) Farwell, of Fitchburgh, Mass. They settied in New Gloucester, Me. EUas C. Lane, chairmaker, and Mary F. Lane his wife sold to Solon H. CampbeU, Jr., for $100.00, June 29, 1841, land with buUdings in New Gloucester, "being the land which Daniel Wheelwright conveyed to me the said Lane, by deed Oct. 14, 1836." His name appears in the transfer of real estate, 1841 to 185 1, Cumberland Co. Deeds. He died at New Gloucester, 23 Aug., 1878, ae. 68 yrs. ChUdren : I. Mary H.s, b. 12 Sept, 1842. II. David'*, d. 12 May, 1846. III. David A.*, d. 12 Nov., 1857, se. 11 yrs. — New Gloucester Records. 134 Job Lane and Descendants. 68. ALLEN FRANCIS LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1812-1886, b. 24 Mar., 1812; farmer and mechanic, Ash burnham, Mass., m. 28 Oct, 1840, LAURA P. TYLER, and d. 3 Dec, 1886. She d. his widow, Jan., 1899. Nine chUdren ; I. Henry T.^, b. 20 Sept, 1841, d. in the CivU War, 29 Oct., 1864. II. Infant^, b. 8 May, d. 18 May, 1843. III. Laura A. 8, b. 25 Nov., 1844, m. Wm. Richardson, of Fitch burg, Mass. He d. 13 June, 1890. IV. Emma L.s, b. 8 Apr., 1847, d. i Sept., 1847. V. Eliza M.^, b. 25 Oct, 1849, m. 27 Nov., 1879, Charles T. Harding, of Fitchburg, and had : I, Charles Francis, b, 11 Sept,, 1881, VI. Albert^, b. 22 Mar,, 1853, m. 19 June, 1881, Ada E. Lyndes ; res. Westminster, Mass, VII. James A, 8, b, 18 Nov,, 1854, carpenter at Lane Village, Ashburnham, ra, 17 Dec, 1881, Carrie Belle, b. 15 May, 1861, dau. of Robert White McIntire, and had : I, Edith Laura^, b, 6 Oct,, 1891, 2. Alice Beatrice^, b, 8 Feb,, 1896, VIII. Francis W.s, b. 24 Oct, 1858, grad, D, C, 1881, teacher at Yonkers, N. Y., and Washington, D, C. ; mechanical draftsman, solicitor of U. S. and Foreign patents. Resides in Chicago, m. 26 Dec, 1 88 1, Gertrude B. (Dewey) Kilbourne, of Litchfield, Conn. Children : Harold Francis^, b. 2 Nov., 1882. Arthur Angleton^ , b, 20 Mar,, 1884, Henry Richardson^, b, I Feb,, 1886, Jessie Gertrude^, b. 2 May, 1887. Florence^, b. II July, 1890, d. 31 July, 1890, Lena Lsabel^, b. 24 June, 1892, Laura Paulina^, b, 3 Oct,, 1894, d, 31 July, 1895, IX. Justin E.s, b. 8 Apr., 1861, d. 17 June, 1861. Family Sixty-Nine. 135 69. AMOS FOSTER LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1815-1878, b. 30 June, 1815 ; res. Ashburnham, m. 26 June, 1839, MARTHA WARD, b. 26 Nov., 1819, d. 28 Jan., 1862, dau. of Nathaniel D. Ward. Mr. Lane d. 7 Mar., 1878. ChUdren : I. William W.s, b. 7 Nov., 1841 ; res. Ashburnham, d. 3 Sept., 1896. II. Albert Francis^, b. 24 Feb., 1844, d. 16 Sept., 1847, III. Sarah N,**, b. 8 Apr,, 1846, d, 14 Sept,, 1847. IV. George F.s, b. 15 Oct, 1848; res, Kingston, Mass,, mer chant and postmaster. He bought land in Plyrapton, Mass., 1878, in Pembroke, Mass., 1880, in Kingston, 1882. He sold land in Kingston, 1882 ; m. first, 28 Sept., 1878, Abbie M., dau. of H. B. and EUzabeth Magathlin, of Duxbury, Mass., who d. 23 Jan., 1880, m. second, 6 Mar., 1881, D. Marinda Keevy. Two children. V. Elmira J.8, b. 30 Dec, 1850, ra. Mr. Walker; res. Min nesota. VI. Oman F.^, b. 31 Mar., 1853 ; res. Ashburnham, d. 30 Dec, 1890. VII. Mary E.^, b. 25 May, 1856, ra. 12 July, 1873, Charles A., b. 10 Oct., 1853, d. 17 Oct, 1883, son of Elijah Haven. Their children : I. George E.,h. 20 'Nov., 1877, m, 26 Apr,, 1899, Catherine Josephine Zeigler. 2. Edith Abbie, b, 16 Aug,, 1880. 3, Clara Luretta, b, 15 Aug,, 1882, VIII. Walter A.s, b. 19 July, 1858, m. 9 Sept, 1883, Eva T. Wright; res, Kingston, Mass. Two children, IX. Samuel A.^, b. 26 July, i860, d. 3 Sept, i860. X. John F.^, b. 22 Aug,, 1861, d. 28 Apr., 1864. 136 Job Lane and Descendants, 70. SAMUEL LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1817- 1856, was born in Ashburnham, Mass,, 21 May, 181 7. He was a carpenter by trade and resided in Ashburnham. He ra, 30 Dec, 1840, NANCY H. EATON; she b, 18 Apr., 1822, dau. of Joel Eaton, of Fitchburg, Mass. Mr. Lane d, 6 Nov., 1856. Israel A. Packard was administrator on his estate, who returned an inventory of $3,728.19, Jan. 6, 1857. — Wor. Co. Wills, 100 : 406. Five children : I. Joel E.^, b, 18 Apr., 1843, d. i Jan., 1859. II, Mary Susan^, b. 20 Jan., 1845, d. 5 Dec, 1845. III. Samuel Edward*, b. 18 Oct, 1846, a farmer, resident in Hubbardston, Mass,, ra. 3 June, 1866, Edna L, Pierce, of Liver more Falls, Me. Their chUdren : I, Sarah Maude Lillian^, b. 22 May, 1872, m, 25 Dec, 1894, Leonard 0. Robinson, of Westminster, Mass,, and has: i) Olin Edward, b, 14 Oct,, 1895. 2, Edwin Dexter", b, 6 Mar,, 1876, Methodist pastor in Groveland, Mass, 3, Myrtis E.", b, 23 Jan,, 1878, d, 21 Aug,, 1878, 101. IV. Frederick Douglass^, b, 4 July, 1849, m. Cora Jeanette Gilbert. V. Mary Suzetta*, b, 20 Oct,, 1850, d. 23 Dec, 1858. 71. MILTON LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1819- 1876, b. 27 Feb., 1819 ; res. Ashburnham, ra. first, 5 Nov., 185 1, MARY PARKHURST, of Fitchburg, b. i April, 183 1, d. 25 Oct., 1863; m. second, Jan., 1867, JANE (Pierce) FL.\GG, and d. 8 June, 1876. Six chUdren : I. Ella M.s, b. 10 Sept., 1855 ; res. Rindge, N. H. Family Seventy-Three. 137 II. Hattie P.s, b. i6 Dec, 1857, m. 16 May, 1888, John H. Maude, and resides in Worcester, Mass. III. Genery M.8, b. 19 Oct, i860; res. Ashburnham, m. 14 May, 1896, Mabel, dau. of George Howard. IV. Delia M.s, b. 25 Mar., 1863, m. 25 Sept., 1887, Vernon S. Fay ; resides in Fitchburg, Mass., and had : I. Leon B., b. 20 Sept., 1891. ii. Elsie L., b. 21 Apr., 1894. 3. Royal v., b. II June, 1896. By second marriage : V. Gertrude E.^, b. 4 Nov., 1867. VI. Herbert L,*, b, 20 Nov,, 1869. 72. HOSEA FOSTER LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), was born in Ashburnhara, Mass., 7 Feb., 1831, an efficient and eminent teacher. Mr. Lane began his long career as principal of the High school, Templeton, Mass., at its establishment in the autumn of 1856, a position he held for two score years. He has been the librarian of the Boynton PubUc Library at Templeton, from its first opening in Sept., 1873, He wrote the history of Templeton for the press of J. W. Lewis & Co., PhUadelphia, 1889. Principal Lane m. 16 Aug., 1858, EUNICE ELIZABETH FAIRBANKS; she b. 14 Feb., 1839, dau. of Emory and Eunice (Hayward) Fairbanks. Children born in Templeton : I, Charles H,^, b. 14 Sept., 1859, collated records for the White Genealogy. II. Arthur Francis^, b. 17 July, 1861, d. 17 Oct., 1862. 78. DANIEL WALKER LANE' (Benj."-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1 824-1 892, b. Ashburnham, Mass,, 4 Dec, 1824, m. first, 9 Feb., 1852, JERUSHA E. BEMIS, who d. 3 Sept, 1872; m. 138 Job Lane and Descendants. second, 23 Apr,, 1874, ELEANOR J. LANE' (Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'). He d. 19 Mar., 1892, Three children : I. Loretta^, b. 14 Dec, 1852, d. 27 Jan., 1853. II. Cyrus W.*, b. 23 Feb., 1854, variety wood turner and manufacturer of enameled wood goods, Townsend Harbor, Mass. III. Minerva L.^, b. 15 Mar,, 1857. 74. MARTIN B. LANE' (Benj."-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), b. Ashburnhara, Mass., 4 Sept., 1828, m. i Nov., 1865, CARRIE N. ADAMS; she b, 29 July, 1846, dau. of Capt. WiUiam Adams, of Townsend, Mass, He resided, merchant and salesman, Ashburn hara, Five children : I, Henry Martin*, b, 28 Nov,, 1867. II. Willie Frank*, b. 22 July, 1870. III. Abbott Benjamin*, b. 4 June, 1876. IV. Mabel Augusta*, b. 7 June, 1879. V. Orrie Adams*, b. i Apr., 1884. 75. LEVI LANE' (Ziba"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1806- 1894, was born in Amherst, N. H., 13 Nov., 1806. In 1814, when eight years old, he raoved with his parents from the state of Maine to Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. There was much work to be done in the new settlement From his boyhood he did his full share. He learned the blacksmith trade and aU through life was a hard worker. The habits of industry formed in youth foUowed him aU his days. He was most happy when doing something useful. He m. 4 Mar., 1829, SALLY BAUNETT when he was twenty- Family Seventy-Five. 139 two and she eighteen years of age. They lived happily together nearly 62 years. On March 4, 1889, their children gave them a surprise celebration, the sixtieth anniversary of their wedded Ufe. In 1868, he united with the Presbyterian church of Lyons. In the feebleness of old age, when forgetful of other things, he never forgot his religious duties. Every day, to the very last, he read his Bible and offered prayer. He was a good man, of whom his neighbors and those who knew him best, speak only in terms of praise. Mrs. Lane was b. 4 July, 18 10, and d. 7 Dec, 1890. Mr. Lane d. March, 1894, ae. 87 years. "Father, though from yonder sky Cometh neither voice nor cry, Yet we know frora thee to-day, Every pain hath passed away. Not for thee shall tears be given. Child of God and heir of heaven. For he gave thee sweet release, Thine the Christian's death of peace. Well we know thy living faith Had the power to conquer death. As a living rose raay bloom, By the border of the tomb. Father, in that soleran trust We coraraend thee, dust to dust I In that faith we wait, till risen, Thou shall meet us all in heaven. While we weep as Jesus wept. Thou shall sleep as Jesus slept; With thy Saviour thou shall rest. Crowned and glorified and blest," — The Lyons Republican, Mar, sj, 18^4. Eleven children : I. Robert B.*, b. i Apr,, 1830, d. in infancy. II, Martha*, twin, b. 14 July, 1831, m. John Everhart, had two children and d. i May, 1888. I, George. 2. Belle. III. Mary*, twin, b. 14 July, 1831, unm., d. 13 Feb., 1868. 140 Job Lane and Descendants. IV. Frances G.*, b. 19 June, 1834, unm. V. Elizabeth E.*, b. 12 Aug., 1836, m. Barton Cornwell. Children : I. Alice. 2. Henry. 3, Hattie. 4, Nora. VI. Rodney D,*, b. 10 Apr,,' 1839, m. Jennie Welling. Child ren : I. John'. 2. Sadie'. 3. Welling'. VII. Baby*, b. 16 July, 1841, d. 9 Aug., 1841. VIII. Robert B.*, b. 27 July, 1843, d. 5 Aug., 1850. IX. Harriet B.*, b. 8 Nov., 1846, m. Jacob Vanderbilt. ChUdren : I. EUa V. 2. Edna M. X. Laura J,*, b. 26 May, 1849, "i- Augustus Burnet, and had two chUdren. XI. Levi E,*, b. 5 Oct., 185 1, m. Emma Gifford. ChUdren : I, Minnie'. 2. Willie'. 3, Martha'. 4, Jennie' 5, Augustus'. 76. JOHN LANE' (John", Ziba', John*, Job', John*, Job'.), 1825- 1897, was born in Homer, IU,, 25 Sept,, 1825, and inherited many of the best qualities and genius of his father. He was a black smith and manufacturer of ploughs at Lockport, IU, Having realized a deserved and competent fortune, he retired to Chicago, residing in Kenwood, where he devoted his leisure to amateur floriculture and was an enthusiast in orchid and chrysanthemum culture. His extensive grounds, several greenhouses, and, during the summer, his garden were something worth seeing. His friends and neighbors reaped largely the benefits of his labor which were distributed to them with lavish generosity. — The Inter- Ocean. The old family Bible and many records and relics which had been accumulating for several generations were burned in the great Chicago fire of 1871. Family Seventy-Seven. 141 Mr. Lane m. June, 1847, MARY ELIZA RODGERS, who d. 17 Feb., 1892. He d. 17 April, 1897. Four children born in Lockport : 102. I. Julius Arthur*, b. 6 July, 1848, m. Helen Duncan Shipman. II. Ernest John*, b. 9 Mar., 1850, m. Julia Pierce, resided St. Louis, Mo., and had : I, Charles Ernest'. III. Rose Helen*, b. 20 Aug., 1855, m, 29 Oct, 1877, Frank M. Wilson, capitalist at Kenwood, Cook Co., Ill,, and had : I, Raymond Van Wilson, b, 23 Aug., 1879. IV. Emma Lilian*, b. 5 Dec, 1859, m. at Kenwood, i Oct., 1890, Dr. Silas J. Baird, of Youngstown, Ohio, and had : I. Raymond Marnine, b. 3 Sept,, 1893, 77. JONATHAN ABBOT LANE' (Jonathan"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), 1822-1898, was born in Bedford, Mass,, 15 May, 1822, at the homestead built by his great grand father, Mr. John Lane*. Moving with his parents to Boston, Mass., when he was between one and a half and two years old, and graduating from the old Boylston Grammar school in 1843, ^nd from the English High school in 1837, he became a prominent man in the business, phil anthropic and religious circles of Boston. "A typical Boston merchant, representing in his birth, tastes, training and influence aU that is best, and standing high in the comraercial circles of the city and of the nation as vrtW." ^The Congregationalist. Entering as a boy the employ of a dry goods jobbing house, he obtained control of the business in 1 849, and continued it in his 142 Job Lane and Descendants. own name. The firm was afterward known as Lane & Washburn, then frora 1864 to 1894, as Allen, Lane & Company; later it was incorporated as the Allen- Lane Company, with Mr. Lane as president The concern has had different places of business, having been at No. 266 Devonshire street since the Boston fire of 1872, and is counted the oldest woolen commission house in Boston. During the Civil War, Mr, Lane was president of a branch of the Union League and private in the Home Guards. He was a meraber of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1863 and 1864; and of the Senate 1874 and 1875; was life raember and president of the old Mercantile Library Association, 1875- 1878, and largely instrumental in the reorganization of that in stitution ; served on the Executive Council of Governor Rice, 1878; president of the Boston Merchants' Association, 1887- 1895, and represented the seventh Congressional district as Re publican Presidential Elector, 1892. He was director of the American Congregational Association, 1893 ; president of the Congregational Club, 1894, of which he had been a raember for twenty-five years from its organization ; member of Mayor Quincy's Merchants' Municipal Coramittee and of the Associated Board of Trade, 1896; gave a reminiscent and racy address at the seventy-fifth anniversary of Union Church, with which he had been a member in youth and manhood, 1897. Mr. Lane was a life member of the Araerican Economic Association, and spoke and wrote pamphlets on the subject of taxation and in behalf of consular reform. He was a charter member of the Boston Art Club; a Ufe member of the Young Men's Christian Association, and the Young Men's Christian Union ; one of the advisory board of the Children's Friend Society ; a director of the Home for Aged Men ; state trustee of the Hospital Cottages, BaldwinviUe, Mass., and was interested, officially or otherwise, in many other benevo lent organizations. A Ust of Mr. Lane's Discourses and Sources of Biographical Information relating to hira has been prepared by his son, Mr, Lucius P. Lane, and twenty-five copies have been privately printed. It may be consulted in some of the large hbraries. '^.% Fa JULY Seventy- Seven. 143 Jonathan A. Lane married at West Hawley, Mass,, by her father Rev. Benjamin F. Clarke, 13 Nov., 185 1, SARAH DELIA CLARKE* (Benjamin F.', and Sarah, dau. of Israel and Chloe (Lombard) Chapin, Samuel*, of Sharon, Mass., and Ursula FeUis Church, Joseph F.', of Jamaica Plain, Mass.) Mrs. Lane was born in Buckland, Mass., 7 Oct., 1826, and graduated from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1845, being a classmate of Mr. Lane's sister, Ruhamah Augusta Lane. Mr. Lane died of heart faUure, at his residence since 1856, No. 623 Tremont street, Sun day morning, June 5, 1898. Appropriate funeral services were held June 7, at the house and at the Union Church, Columbus Avenue. "Busy Boston stopped to honor one of its leaders in commerce and politics." — Boston Herald. The interment was in the family lot at Bedford, Mass. Will dated April 12, 1889, was filed in the Registry of the Suffolk Pro bate Court, June 9, 1898 ; wife and eldest son executors. "Mr. Lane had a reputation which was not confined within business liraits, though for years he had been one of the leading spirits in the commercial life of Boston. Although he was well known as one of the Allen- Lane Company, dry goods commission merchants, he had large interests that lay in other social, political and charitable ways," — Boston 'J^ournal. "In the death of Hon, Jonathan A, Lane the city of Boston has lost one of its most high minded and pubUc spirited citizens. But his sympathies and his efforts were not bounded by local limi tations. He desired pure and efificient city government, but his ideals did not halt at that point. He was no less ardent in his championship of large and practical reforms for state and nation. There was hardly a progressive or a philanthropic movement in this city that had not felt his influence. He had been helpful and zealous in whatever seemed to him to give promise of wholesome progress, and the good causes which had benefitted by his raeans, his counsel and his service were alraost nuraberless." — Boston Transcript. A monument in representation of a Grecian temple is erected to his memory in Shawshine cemetery, Bedford, Mass. Inscription : "Jonathan Abbot Lane, son of Jonathan and Ruhamah Lane, born 144 Job Lane and Descendants. in Bedford, 15 May, 1822. After he had served his own genera tion by the wiU of God, feU on sleep, Boston, 5 June, 1898." This memorial, erected in the family enclosure, is but one of several which mark the resting place of former merchants and use ful men of Boston, those to the memory of Jonathan Lane, tbe father, and Samuel W. Lane, a brother, being among them. Six children : 103. I. John Chapin*, b. Boston, 8 Nov., 1852, m. Harriet Brewer Winslow. II. Augusta Benjamin*, b. Boston, 2 June, 1854, d. Littieton, Mass., 31 July, 1856. III. Frederic Henry*, b. Boston, 25 May, 1858, B. S. Mass. Institute Technology, 1879. Allen-Lane Co., 49 Leonard street. New York City. Married at Macon, Ga., 27 Mar., 1890, Louise Abbot Lane Moseley, of Hernando, Miss. They resided in New York, and had : I, Alfred Pa^e', b, 26 Sept,, 1891. 2, Abbott Atwood' , b. 16 Feb., 1893, IV. Alfred Church*, b. Boston, 29 Jan., 1863 ; A. B. Har vard College, 1883, instructor there 1883-85, student at Heidel berg, Germany, 1886-87, A.M., Ph.D., Harvard 1888; student of the family history in England and America, State Geologist of Michi gan, with residence at Houghton, and later, Lansing, Mich. He has printed important geological papers in American and German publications. Fellow of the Geological Society of America, F. G. S. A. Dr. Lane m. 15 Apr., 1896, Susanne Lauriat; she (bap. Susan Foster) dau. of Charles E. and Harriet Fidelia Lauriat of the firm Estes & Lauriat, Boston, Mass. Son : I, Lauriat', b, Brookline, Mass,, 14 Nov,, 1898, V. Benjamin Clarke*, b. Boston, 2 Oct., 1866; English High school class of 1883, and Mass. Institute Technology, 1883-87 ; of the AUen-Lane Co., 266 Devonshire street, Boston ; regular Republican nominee for Congress from the ninth Massachusetts District in 1892, at the age of 25 ; member of the Republican State Committee, 7th Suffolk Senatorial District, 1894-95, of the ^^^. ^ Fi^^c-e_ .o-^ ^^L^^c^^v^ \Le^ \^ the WIFE AND SONS OF JONATHAN A. LANE, Family Seventy- Eight. 145 Boston Municipal League, 1894 , of the Common Council of the city of Boston, 1895 and 1896; active member of the Old South Historical Society, 1884, and Speaker of the Boston Young Men's Congress, 31st and 32d sessions. He m. 25 AprU, 1899, in Union Church, Boston, by Rev. Samuel Lane Loomis, pastor of the church and cousin of the groom. Miss Florence Goodwin, of the Boston University class of 1895, dau. of the late Henry Harrison Goodwin, of South Berwick, Me. Home on Maxfield street. West Roxbury, Mass. VL Lucius Page*, b. Boston, 7 Jan., 1872, graduated Mass. Institute Technology, 1894, Harvard University, 1895, student New York State Library School, Albany, N. Y., class of 1899, is employed in the Boston Public Library ; has visited the old home stead in England and assisted greatly in the Genealogy. 78. Rev. ELIHU LOOMIS', born HuttonviUe, Randolph Co., Va., 13 Oct, 1823, son of Rev. Aretas", of Bennington, Vt., and wife Sarah (Goodman) Loomis, of Greenfield, Mass., (Shera', Amos*, Stephen', Joseph*, Joseph', from Braintree, Essex Co., England, of Boston, Mass., 1638, of Windsor, Conn., 1639), graduated WU liams CoUege, 1847, was ordained 1851, and held Congregational pastorates at Pownal, Vt, 1851-53, Littieton, Mass., i854-'69, Chesterfield, IU., 1870-79, Memphis, Mo., 1879-80, Bonne Terre, Mo., i88o-'8i, Oakwood, Mich., i882-'84, Chesterfield, Mass., 1885-94, without charge Bedford, Mass., 1895. Rev. Mr. Loomis ra. first, 26 Nov., 185 1, RUHAMAH AUGUSTA LANE' (Jonathan"-', John*, Job', John*, Job') ; she b. Boston, Mass., 29 July, 1824, graduated Mount Holyoke, 1845, d. Littleton, Mass., 24 Feb., 1867. He ra. second, LUCY ANNETTE MONROE, of Chesterfield, IU,, by whom he had children. Children of Rev. EUhu and Ruharaah Augusta (Lane) Loomis : I. Elihu Goodman*, b. Bedford, Mass., 22 Oct,, 1852, fitted for college at Lawrence Acaderay, Groton, Mass., Appleton Acad- 146 Job Lane and Descentdants. eray. New Ipswich, N. H,, and PhiUips Academy, Andover, Mass., graduated Amherst CoUege, 1874, studied law with George W. Morse, of Boston, and at the law school, Boston University, and was admitted to the Suffolk Co, Bar in 1878, and has extensive practice in Boston, He m. 11 Apr,, 1882, Marian Hillhouse Fitch, of Norwich, Conn,; she b. Norwich Town, Conn., 28 Sept, i860. They settled in Bedford, Mass., on the David Reed place, previously owned by his grandparents, Jonathan and Ruhamah (Page) Lane. Here he was town ofificer and prominent citizen, special Justice of District Court of Central Middlesex, 1898. Children ; i. Mary Fitch', b. 29 July, 1883, d, 19 Mar,, 1892, 2, Ralph Lane', b, 13 Apr,, 1887, 3, Hubert Hillhouse', b, 16 Mar,, 1889, 4, Samuel', b, 18 Sept,, 1892. 5, William Fitch', b, 27 Apr., 1894, 104. II. Samuel Lane*, b. Littieton, Mass., 16 Aug,, 1856, m. Marion Camp Lippincott. III. Henry Abbot*, b. Littieton, Mass., 29 Oct, i860, firm of Hayes & Loomis, Shoe and Travelers League, Boston, Mass., m. 29 Dec, 1885, Florence Elizabeth Barker, and d. 13 Oct, 1890. Had daughter : I, Elizabeth Bellamy', b, 20 Nov,, 1889. Mrs. Loomis ra. second, 23 June, 1898, by Rev. Samuel Lane Loomis, William T. Whedon, of Norwood, Mass. IV. Aretas George*, d. aged three months. 79. STEPHEN ABBOT LANE' (Josiah Abbot", Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), b. New York city, 24 Feb., 1821, m. 24 Jan., 1852, MARY LAVINIA BANCROFT; she b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1834. They resided 973 Madison street, Brooklyn, N. Y., January, 1899. Children born in Brooklyn : I. Charles Bancroft*, b. 10 Nov., 1853, m. first, 29 Mar., a,. ¦^ (3«^-^'y>a*-*<7 ^ ^^ CTAAOVl /^'^^^ ^^^^^ --^ '^''»^'-»-*- «-.-.^t A<><>-«-<'*-'-Sv RUHAMAH AUGUSTA (LANE) LOOMIS AND HER SONS. Family Eighty-One. 147 1880, Theodora Olivia Doten, m. second, 29 Nov., 1888, Re- becka Barker. No children by either marriage. II. Lorenzo Duryea*, b. 6 May, 1859, unm., d. 29 Mar., 1880. III. Freddie Russell*, b. 13 Sept, 1865, d. 16 July, 1866. IV. Laura May*, b. 11 Dec, 1868. 80. JOHN SAMUEL LANE' (Josiah Abbot", Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), was b. in New York city, 24 May, 1823, m. 11 Nov., 1845, CAROLINE M. WATERBURY, and settied in Mount Vernon, N. Y. Children : I. Henry Putnam*, b. 20 Oct, 1848, m. i Aug., 187 1, Sarah Freeman Teed, and d. 15 Oct, 1887. She was b. 25 Nov., 1852, and m. second, 19 Nov., 1891, Eleazer Giles Lemon; he b. 13 Sept, 1847, in business with the Sawyer Woolen MUls Co., of Dover, N. H., as its New York agent, boarding at Hotel Endicott. ChUdren of Henry P. and Sarah F. Lane : I, Emma Maud', b, i Feb,, 1873, m, 25 June, 1899, Robert Winthrop Brett. z, Henry Paul', b, 28 Aug,, 1875, d, 8 Feb,, 1884, 3. Carrie A/ay', b, 17 Oct., 1878, d, 28 Nov,, 1881, II. William Malcom*, b. 24 Dec, 1853, d, 12 Feb., 1867. III. John Scudder*, b. 17 Sept, 1861, d. 18 July, 1888. IV. Albert Waterbury*, b. 16 Dec, 1863, traveUng salesman, m. 10 Oct, 1888, Nena Barbee, and had: I. Gladys B.',h. i Sept., iSgj. 2. Albert W.', b, 20 May, 1893. 81. CHARLES GARDNER LANE' (Josiah Abbot", Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), b. New York city, 29 Dec, 1835, m. 6 Aug., 1863, MARIA BURNHAM FRAZIER; she b, i Sept., 148 Job Lane and Descendants. 1836. They resided 105 Adelphi street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Janu ary, 1899. ChUdren born in Brooklyn : I. Samuel H.*, b. 20 May, 1864, d. 21 May, 1864. II. Albert F.*, b. 13 Nov., 1865, m. 14 Feb., 1893, Eleanor E. Wilson, of Brooklyn, and had chUdren : I. Edith F.', b, 4 Apr., 1894, 2, Marian E.', b, 20 June, 1895. 3. Charles Nelson Currier', b, 1 Nov,, 1898, III. Annie Estella*, b. 12 Aug,, 1868, m, 10 July, 1894, Charles Nelson Currier, of New Brunswick, Canada. No chUdren. IV. Joseph Abbot*, b, 7 Feb., 1871, m. 12 Oct, 1898, Helen Beith. V. Charles Gardner, Jr.*, b. 26 Oct., 1873, m. 14 Feb., 1897, Lillian McMullan. Child : I. Naomi L.', b. 3 Jan., 1898. 82. CHARLES DeWITT LANE' (George", Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job',) b. 2 Feb., 1833, in Charlestown, Mass., m. 1865, JOSEPHINE BELL BAKER. Was a minute man in CivU War of 1 86 1, enlisted in Charlestown City Guards, 5th Mass. Regt, and was in first battle of Bull Run. ChUdren : I. Frank Church*, b. 20 Jan., 1866, m. 10 Feb., 1886, Han nah Austin Penhallow, Of Portsmouth, N. H. Their children : I. Helen Penhallow' , b. 23 June, 1887. :i. Mary Pickering, b. 14 Jan., 1891, d, 17 Feb., 1897. 3, Katherine Wyman', b, 5 Feb., 1895, 4, Marion Haven', b, 15 May, 1898, II. DeWitt*, b. ii Nov., 1867. III. Mary Baker*, b. 24 Mar., 1870, d. 9 Sept., 187 1. Family Eighty-Four. 149 83. EBENEZER HAYWARD LANE' (John Sarauel", Jonathan', John*, Job', John*, Job'), b. 6 Nov., 1848, m, 25 Oct, 1877, CATHERINE MURRAY; she b. 27 Sept., i860. Children : I. Clair DeWitt*, b. 4 Sept, 1878. II. Arline Grace*, b. io Dec, 1881. III. Gertrude Evangeline*, b. i Mar,, 1884, IV. Ruth Cleaveland*, b. 2 Apr., 1894. 84. HIRAM H. LANE' (John", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), 1802-1878, was born in Penn,, 24 Oct, 1802, and moved with his parents to Ohio about 181 2; m. at Windsor, O,, 11 Aug., 1 83 1, DRUSILLA E. DAVIS; she b. 25 Aug., 1812. They settied at Wesley Township, Wash, Co,, O. He d. 9 Mar,, 1878. Children : 105. I. Richard*, b. 9 June, 1832, m. Elizabeth Miller. II. Jesse D.*, b. 3 Jan., 1834, m, at Windsor, O,, 26 Oct,, 1865, LiNNiE A. Pieriot; she b, 5 Feb,, 1845. No children. III. Nancy*, b, 3 Feb,, 1837, m. 12 Dec, 1861, William Mil ler, and d. 27 Sept,, 1880; he b. in Harrison Co., O., i Nov., 1836, and settied in FrankUn, O. Their chUdren : I, Ella A., b, 6 Nov., 1862, m, 6 May, 1883, C. C. Coulson; he b. 12 Nov,, 1859, and had: I) Mary D,, b, 30 July, 1884, 2) Roger W,, b, 28 Oct., 1890. 2. Maggie J.,h. 17 Sept., 1864, m. 23 Jan., 1895, George W. Miller; he b, 3 Mar,, 1870, 3, Charles B., b, 11 Nov,, 1866, d, 5 Apr., 1890, 4, Frank G., b, 27 Nov,, 1868, 5, Jesse P., b, 21 Jan,, 1871, 6, Mary D., b. 27 Mar., 1873, 7, Hattie, b. 15 Nov,, 1875, 8, Blanche, b, 10 July, 1880. IV, Henry*, b. 19 Jan., 1839, d. 19 Sept, 1839. 150 Job Lane and Descendants, V. Mary A.*, b, 30 May, 1844, m. at McConnellsviUe, O,, 17 Oct., 1867, Capt. Charles J. Gibson; he b. Morgan Co., O,, 31 May, 1841. She d. 3 June, 1884. Their children: I, Myrta D., b, II Dec, 1868, m, 28 Mar,, 1885, Dr. J. B. Naylor, and d, 18 June, 1886; he b, 4 Oct,, i860, 2, Jessie L., b, 4 Mar,, 1869, m, 12 Aug,, 1888, G. L. Kean; he b, 4 Dec, 1863, and they had: i) Mary F,, b, 6 Feb,, 1889, 2) Harry B,, b, 11 June, 1892, 3, Thomas B., b, 12 Nov,, 1871. Milton, b, 17 July, 1873, d. 19 Sept., 1873, Clara M., b, 3 Jan., 1878. Harry L., b, 27 Dec, 1881, d, 9 Aug,, 1882, Mary M., b, 16 July, 1884, 106. VI. Thomas Benton*, b, ii Oct,, 1844, m. Lucia M. Roland. 85. RICHARD LANE' (John", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), 1812-1892, was born in Penn., 14 Feb., 1812, moved in infancy with his parents to Ohio, ra. 19 Dec, 1833, ELIZABETH HORN, who was b. 14 Feb,, 1812, and d, 20 Dec, 1891. He d. 8 Jan., 1892. Children : I. Minerva*, b. 2 Apr., 1835, m. 9 Nov., 1854, John Larimore; he b. 7 Oct., 1 83 1. Their chUdren: I, Clara E., b, 26 Sept,, 1855, d, 17 Nov,, 1859, 2, Elma E., b, 8 Oct., 1856, d, 10 June, 1873, 3, Caroline M., b, 12 Sept,, 1858, ra. 21 Nov,, 1877, John R. Black; he b. I Mar,, 1853, and had: i) Mary T,, b, 24 Nov,, 1878, 2) Richard L,, b, 27 May, 1881, 4, William G., b, 9 Apr,, i860, 5. George L., b, II May, 1862, ra, 14 Feb,, 1888, Lillie L. King; she b, I Oct,, 1866, and had: l) Walter King, b, 3 Jan,, 1889, and took the prize at baby show, Topeka, Kan. 6. Richard C., b, 12 Sept,, 1864, 7. Blanche, b, 6 Aug., 1866, ra, 18 Sept,, 1888, Sherman S. White; he b. 14 Nov,, 1864, and had: l) Harry D,, b, i July, 1889, d. 25 Sept., 1889. 2) Wilbur S,, b, 22 Sept,, 1890, 3) Mildred 13,, b, 19 July, 1892. Family Eighty- Six. 151 8, Fannie F., b, 5 July, 1868, m, 26 Mar,, 1889, Clarence E. Perry; he b, 15 June, 1869, and had: i) Ivy P,, b, 8 July, 1890, 2) Edith M,, b, 15 Nov., 1892. g, Bruce L., b, 4 Apr,, 1871, m, 2 Oct., 1895, Alary E. Bonhani; she b, 28 Sept,, 1872, 10, Jessie K,, b, 13 Feb,, 1873, m, 24 Jan,, 1895, Asa H. Brown; he b, 27 Apr,, 1872. II, Lnfant Son, b, 11 Aug., 1874, d. 19 Oct., 1874. 12, James U., b, 30 Sept,, 1875, d, 24 Mar,, 1877, 13, Fred B., b, 5 July, 1878, II. George W,*, b. 17 Apr,, 1838, m. 10 Nov,, 1859, H. Ellen Belt and d. 27 Mar,, 1861. She was b. 10 Nov., 1839. Their only child : I, Clara E.', b. l8 Feb,, 1861, m, 23 Nov,, 1881, Thomas Williams, he b. 5 May, 1855, and had: i) Louise, b, i Aug,, 1894, 86. DANIEL LLOYD NORTH, m. 4 Mar,, 1844, MARY EVA- LINE LANE' (George W,", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), she b. Montrose, Pa., 25 Nov., 1823, and d. of paralysis 4 Jan., 1894. Their children : I. Agnes Ann, b. 24 Feb., 1845, i^- first) 7 Dec, 1868, George Lewis, m. second, 14 Sept., 1873, Andrew A. Parmelee. Her children : I. Adolphus Corella (Lewis) b. 28 Sept., 1869, m, 21 Sept,, 1892, Edith Berry. 2. Katherine May, b. 5 May, 1871, 3. Frank Edward (Var-caeltt) b. 15 Jan,, 1875. 4, Burt Olmstead, b, 10 Dec, 1878, 5, Arthur Andrew, b, 15 May, 1880, 6, Lillian Grace, twin, b, 4 June, 1883. 7, Leon Walter, twin, b, 4 June, 1883, II. Ella F., b. 12 Sept., 1846, m. W. W. Rogers, and had: I, Delphine, b, 5 June, 1870, 2, Charles, b, 20 Jan,, 1876. 3. Edna, b, 23 Feb,, 1877, III. Sarah J., b. 13 Aug,, 1848, m. 7 Dec, 1870, Charles Frink, and had : I, Frederick fT,, b, 20 Jan,, 1872, 152 Job Lane and Descendants. IV. George L., b. 13 Jan., 1851, m. Mabel , and had : I, Charles V., b, 4 Aug,, 1880, 2, Daniel L., b. 5 Jan,, 1884, V. Edward R., b. 29 Nov., 1854 ra. Christie , and had: I, Willie E., b, 14 Sept,, 1879, 2. Alary E., b. 6 Nov., 1881. 3. Sarah E., b. 15 Dec, 1884, 4, Lewis, b. 16 June, 1888, VI. Nahum j., b, 4 July, 1859, m. 1882, Arvilla Bennett, and had : I, Corella, b, 16 Apr,, 1883, 87. SAMUEL FREEMAN LANE' (George W.", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), b. Montrose, Pa,, 31 Aug,, 1834, student at Mont rose Academy, school teacher, began study of law 1859. He en listed 1 86 1 in First Pennsylvania Cavalry, was transferred to Signal Corps, Army of the Potomac, Feb,, 1864, and was dis charged at the close of the war, Aug,, 1865. He was high sheriff of Susquehanna Co., Pa,, Oct,, 1866, to 1869, was admitted to the bar of Susquehanna Co., Jan,, 1879, and held a leading position in his profession. He was nominated for Justice of the Supreme Court of Penn. by the People's Party, Sept. 7, 1899. He has as sisted greatly in the family history. Mr. Lane m. 14 Nov., 1866, KATE WELLS. They resided in Montrose, Pa. ChUdren : I, Grace A,*, b. 27 Oct, 1867. II. Olmstead,* b. 20 Oct,, 1869, d, 25 Dec, 1878. III. Jesse Lamont*, b. 21 Sept., 187 1. IV. Bruce*, b. 23 June, 1874, d. 28 Feb,, 1875. V. Walter Freeman*, b. 26 Apr,, 1876. VI. Emma May*, b. 23 July, 1877. VII. Pauline*, b. 2 May, 1881. ^^HH ^PMP •^.^^^^MP^ ^^^li aw^^^lSHwji s^^s^^^^ ^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^jcg^^ v!2^ ^^^^^g^ ^H ¦P ^^^H ^^^^^^sEf^ .V H|H ^K^- ^¦«':'*^^|| ^^K hH 'Hj^ ^H Hi PI .0W^ 'W^^M ||h ^HH jK > K '^''^HB ^^m'. *^^^^^^^H M i.'-^ll H ^< " 'fli ^K ^i'*''-fl''| ^S ^7 ' ^^9 H^HB ' ' " '•''•»»<^,..ijB ^^^S^ W^^BBkk ^'¦jbilHii r- ,Jb|I|||hH ^^^^M Hi ¦ Jl ^^ S- Hi ^B^^/JI^^ J^H iff IH B^^y al^H mHI W SAMUEL FREEMAN LANE. Family Eighty- Nine. 153 88. AARON BUNNELL, b. 30 Jan,, 1828, lived at RusseU HiU, Pa., where he d. 7 Jan., 1894. He m. 23 Apr., 1849, CLEMEN TINE LANE' (Thomas", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job') ; she b. 30 July, 1829, at Montrose, Pa. Their chUdren : I. Clara Rosaletta, b. 22 May, 1850, m. 24 Mar., 1873, Martin M. Bramhall, lived at La Porte, Ind., and had : I, Edith Clementine, b, 8 Mar,, 1874, 2, Bertha Evelyn, b, 27 Nov., 1878, 3, Arthur Eugene, b, 24 Aug., 1884, 4, Ralph Rodger, b, 8 Oct,, 1887, II. Bessie Amanda, b. i6 Jan., 1852, m. 24 Oct, 1876, Har- RiDON Sterling Jennings; he b, 21 May, 1853, lived at North Mehoopany, Pa,, and had : I, Joanna, b, 7 Sept,, 1879, 2, Leonell, b, 5 Oct,, 1882, 3, Sterling Bunnell, b, 18 Feb,, 1886. III. John Gilbert, b. i Mar,, 1856, d, 10 Sept,, 1858. IV. Mary Frances, b. 18 July, 1858, m, i Mar., 1880, Manuel Thomas Silvara, lived at Silvara, Bradford Co., Pa,, where he d. 14 Aug., 1892, and she d, 13 Sept,, 1893. Their children : I. Harridon A., b, 30 Dec, 1880, 2, Eva Clementine, h. (^'Now., 1885, V. Alma E,, b. 8 Jan., 1861, d. 8 June, 1862. VI. James Lane, b. i May, 1862, resided at RusseU HiU, Pa. VII. Minnie Josephine, b. i Nov., 1865. VIII, Eleanor Roena, b. i July, 1868. IX. John Wal'ter, b. 12 Aug,, 1871. 89. LUCIUS EUART WILLIAMS, b. 24 Apr., 1827, m. 28 Dec, 1854, ANNE MARIA LANE' (Thomas", Gershom F.", John*-'-*, Job'), she b. Montrose, Pa., 22 Jan., 1833. They Uved at New ark Valley, N. Y. 154 Job Lane and Descendants. Their children : I. Myron Lane, b. i Oct, 1855, m, 14 Dec, 1881, Fannie E. Willey. Their children : I. Lucius Norman, b, 23 Oct,, 1888, 2, Charles Clark, b, 26 Feb,, 1890, 3, Ralph Burrett, b, 19 Nov., 1892. II. Lillian Sarah, b. i June, 1863, ra, 10 June, 1885, Charles S, P.4YNE, M. D,, Liberty, Sullivan Co,, N. Y,, and had : 1, Euart Williams, b. 26 Apr,, 1887, d, 5 Sept,, 1887, 2, Anna Louise, b. 3 Apr,, 1891. 3, Evelyn, b. 25 Apr., 1894. III. Julia Clementine, b. 26 Feb., 1866, d. 27 Apr,, 1870. IV. Norman Merrill, b, 30 Dec, 1868, d. 13 Oct., 1871. 90. LEMUEL BLAKESLEE, of SpringviUe, Pa,, m. 27 Dec, 1855, CHARLOTTE LANE' (Thomas", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), she b, Montrose, Pa,, 15 Mar,, 1837. He d. 10 Jan., 1893. Their children : I. Jessie M., b. 14 Nov., 1856. II. Louisa E,, b. 24 Mar., i860. III. Robert L., b. 23 Sept,, 1865, m. 20 Sept., 1888, Mary E. Kilts, and had : I, Robert Paul, b, 11 Nov,, 1889, 2, Betsey Aladeline, b, i Mar., 1892, IV. Sarah M., b. 13 Jan., 1868, d, 13 Mar,, 1876. V. James A., b. 22 Dec, 1869. VI. Lottie Caroline, b. 14 Jan., 1874. VII. Marian C, b. 9 Jan., 1876. VIII. Kate Helene, b. 23 July, 1879. Family Ninety-Two. 15.5 91. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS LANE' (OUver W.", Solomon', James*-', John*, Job'), 1822-1887, b. 12 Mar., 1822, m. first, MARY P. WRIGHT, of Pepperill, who d. 21 Sept., 1852, se. 31 ; m. second, JULIA M., dau. of Thomas and Betsey HOUGHTON, of North- field, Vt, who d. 21 July, 1872, se. 42; ra. third, i Jan., 1873, SARAH M., widow of George W. LANE* (Abner B.', EUab B.", John'-*, Job', John*, Job'). Mr. Lane res. Bedford, was an auctioneer and d. 31 July, 1887, se. 65 yrs., 4 ms., 19 ds. Children by first wife : I. Mary Ella*, b. 25 Feb., 1849, m. Charles A. Corey, town clerk, Bedford, 1871, onward a score of years. No. 37, III. 2. She d. 26 July, 1879, leaving: I. Lottie May, b. 24 June, 1870. 2. Mary Adelle, b. 25 July, 1876. By second wife : II. Henry W.*, b. 31 Aug., 1855, d. 27 Oct, 1855, se. 2 ms. III. William M.*, b. 31 Aug., 1855, twin, d. in infancy. IV. Rosa Belle*, b. 4 July, 1858, m. 29 Nov., 1873, at the age of 15 years, Wallace Ellithorp, son of Henry and Annie of Edinburgh, Scotland. 92. OLIVER JOSIAH LANE' (Oliver W.", Solomon', James*-', John*, Job'), was b. in Bedford, Mass., 29 Jan., 1828, a carpenter and builder, erected his dwelUng on an old homestead of the Bed ford Lanes for five generations ; was chairman and treasurer of the committee for Bedford's Sesqui-Centennial in 1879. When the Union school house in Bedford was dedicated, Dec. 31, 1891, Hon. Jonathan A. Lane, of Boston, tendered the gift of a clock, and Oliver J. Lane, Esq., as chairman of the Selectmen, delivered the keys from the Bmlding Committee to the School Board. He 156 Job Lane and Descendants. served as Selectman, i859-'65, i868-'73, i877-'78, 1881 until 1896, and was Moderator 41 years, of more town meetings than any other citizen. Action of the town of Bedford, March 2, 1896. "Resolved, That a vote of thanks be given Mr, OUver J, Lane for his valuable services as a town officer for the last twenty-five years, and that the same be placed on the records of the town ; and a copy of this vote so cordially given Mr, Lane by a rising vote of the town be handed him by the clerk," Mr, Lane m. 28 Apr., 1853, MARY ANN, dau. of John D. and Eliza A. BILLINGS. Children : 107. I. John Wellington*, b. 2 May, 1854, m. Mary M, C. Marble. II. Alice Walton*, b. 16 Feb., 1857, m. 28 Aug., 1883, James Stoddard, he b. 1856, son of William J. and Joanna W. Stoddard. Had : 1, Alice Lane, b, 29 May, 1884, III. M. Athalia*, b. 18 Dec, 1859. IV. Elmer A.*, b, 17 Nov,, 1863, m, 23 Oct, 1888, Nettie L. Adams, dau. of George and Maria A. (Lincoln) Adams. Had : I, Frank Adams', b, l6 Sept,, 1889, V. Edith L.*, b. 4 Jan,, 1866, 93. SAMUEL LEAVITT LANE' (Oliver W.", Solomon', James*-', John*, Job'), 1838-1877, was born in Bedford, Mass., 24 Feb,, 1838; enUsted July i6, 1864, in Co, D, 6th Regiment of Mass. Volunteers for 100 days, went to miUtary camp at Lowell, Mass., July 24, 1864, and was stationed later at Fort Delaware. He d. II Jan., 1877,86.38 yrs,, 10 ms. The town of Bedford received $IQ>, AprU, 1893, for the care of his lot. No, 207 in the burial ground. Mr. Lane m. 23 May, 1861, FRANCES E,, dau. of Isaac and Lydia PINKHAM. F.wiiLY Ninety- Five. 157 Children : I. Arthur W.*, b. 21 July, 1865, d. 7 July, 1879, s. 13 years. II. Ernest P,*, b. 31 Aug., 1873. 94. JOB BLANCHARD LANE' (David"-', James*-', John*, Job'), 1828-1890, b. Bedford, Mass., 18 Oct, 1833, m- '7 June, 1862, CAROLINE P. RUSSELL, she b. 1842, dau. of Royal and Roxy B. RusseU. He settied on the homestead in Bedford and d. 14 May, 1890, leaving widow and son. I. Walter David*, b, 18 Oct, 1866. He stood by and saw a part of the ancesbral acres sold under the hammer in September, 1 89 1. This was the first transfer by deed of estate that eight generations of the Lane family had owned and occupied for 227 years since the purchase of Job Lane, Senior, from Gov. Fitz- John Winthrop in August, 1664. Walter D. Lane and his mother now Uve on the estate. David Lane buUt the present house. 95. MOSES WRIGHT RICHARDSON, a merchant of Boston, Mass,, was born i Jan,, 1827, son of Thomas and Mary (Wright) Richardson, of FitzwilUam, N. H. He m, 5 June, 1855, ELIZA WAIT LANE' (Jonas Henry", Jonas', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), she b. Boston, 27 Apr., 1833. She was christened in Bowdoin street church, bearing the names of her two grand mothers ; was the victim of vaccination at three months old, re- vaccination with effect r837, chicken pox 1838, whooping cough 1839, measles 1841, scarlet fever 1841, vaccination again 1854. Her teachers were Sarah H. Lothrop under Chauncey Place church 1 84 1, Emma Lothrop 1844, Misses Sullivan, at Quincy and EUen Reed, in Park street 1845, Adams and Welds, Winter street 1847, 158 Job Lane and Descendants. Rev. Hubbard Winslow, AUston street, 1850 to 1852, with lessons upon the piano 1842, vocal music 1845, and riding school 1846. In 1854, she became engaged to Mr. Richardson, to whom she was married by Rev. George Richards, pastor of the Central church, at her father's residence No. 4 Montgomery Place, in presence of numerous friends, and receiving costly wedding presents with an evening band concert. "The guests of the day and the evening serenaders were generously entertained, but no wine or spirits were served." After a month's wedding trip, they occupied rooms at No. 2 Avon Place and went to house-keeping in their new house No. 589 Tremont avenue, Feb. 3, 1858. With deUcate health she visited continental Europe, accompanied by her husband and sister Charlotte T. Lane, in 1868, and subsequently spent much time at health resorts in Massachusets and at Lake George, Sara toga and New York city. A professor of Christ's reUgion and member of Shawmut Congregational church, she fell asleep in Jesus, 2 Feb., 1872. Her age was 38 yrs., 9 ms., 6 ds. Their children were : I. Daughter, stillborn, 10 Apr., 1856. II. Fanny Brown, b. 29 Mar., 1858, d. of brain fever, 9 Aug., 1864, se. 6 yrs., 4 ms., 10 ds. III. Alice Wright, b. 15 Aug., 1859, d- 2 Sept., 1859, se. 17 ds. IV. Henry, b. 12 Feb., 1861, d. 24 Feb., 1861, se. 12 ds. V. Son, stUlborn. VI. Arthur Kimball, b. 26 Feb., 1866. 96. JONAS HENRY LANE, Jr.' (Jonas H.", Jonas', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), was b. at 170 Washington street, Boston, 4 Jan., 1837, and christened the first Sabbath in June, 1837, at the Franklin street church, by Rev. Wm. M. Rogers, bearing the name of his father and grandfather Lane. He fought successfully man's mortal enemies : vaccination when four weeks old, chicken pox JONAS HENRY LANE, JR. Family Ninety-Six. 159 1838, whooping cough 1839, inflammatory fever 1839, croup 1840, measles 1841, lung fever 1845, varioloid 1854, biUious fever 1862, nervous prostration 1872. He attended pubUc Primary school in Harvard Place 1 842-1 844, Adams' private school in Mason street 1 844-1 847, Amos Baker's school in Chapman Place 1849- 1852, Comer's Commercial College 1852. He entered, as clerk, the counting room of Read, Chadwick & Dexter, Bowdoin Block, Milk street, Nov. 2, 1852. Here he bought his fur hat 1854, and gold watch 1855, holding the clerkship tUl his raajority, Jan. 4, 1858. He was salesman at the New York branch of the house 1858-1859. Mr. Lane became partner in the firm of H. Ammidon & Co., dry goods commission house, New York, in 1861. He had con tinuous success in business under the firm of H. Aramidon & Co. tiU 1864, and Ammidon, Lane & Co. subsequently, until his mUl at Oakdale, Mass., was totally destroyed by fire, Sept. 7, 1871. By this fire and subsequent bankruptcy of a large part of the in surance companies, the miU sustained a loss of some ;^90,ooo, one- half being owned by Mr. Lane. By the great fires in Chicago and Boston in 1871 and 1872, his losses in insurance investments were |2o,ooo more. He was president of the West Boylston, Mass., Manufacturing Co. 1871, and was elected president of the U. S. Corset Co. of New York, in the spring of 1872, a new enterprise. Ammidon, Lane & Co., Worth street, N. Y. city, had successors Ammidon & Smith, Dec. 4, 1890. Mr. Lane is stiU in business under the style of J. H. Lane & Co., New York city. Jonas Henry Lane, Jr., m. 19 Jan., i860, his cousin ISABELLA ALMIRA HOOPER; she b. 24 July, 1836, dau. of James, Jr., and Mary (Lane) Hooper, of Walpole, N. H., and Charlestown, Mass. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Edward N. Kirk, D.D., at his father's house No. 4 Montgomery Place, Boston, amid mutual friends with numerous wedding presents to the bride and groom. They resided in New York city and at Sycamore cottage in Llewellyn Park, Orange, N. J., which he had bought. He also purchased at auction in Oct, 1868, house No. 131 East 21st street. New York city, for ^65,000 and subsequently the furniture for ;gi5,5oo. They .moved into it Nov. i, 1868, and had the 160 Job Lane and Descendants. pleasure of welcoming as first guests the same week his sisters EUza and Charlotte and brother-in-law M. W. Richardson, who then arrived from Europe. Mr. Lane made a most deligntful vacation trip with wife, children and sister, Apr. 22, to June 10, 1872, to California, from which all returned with renewed health and vigor. Business and recreation have taken him on visits to Europe as late as 1899. Six children : I. Henry Anthony*, b. New York city, 15 Jan., 1863. II. James Warren*, b. South Orange, N. J., 31 July, 1864, a merchant of the firm J. H. Lane, New York city; m. 19 June, 1890, by Rev. Wra. Hamilton Morgan, Eva Metcalf Bliss; she b. 15 Oct., 1866, only chUd of EUphalet WiUiam and Anne Elizabeth (MetcaU) BUss, of Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y. Their children : I, Mortimer Bliss', b. New York city, 3 May, 1891, 2. Arthur Bliss', b. i6 June, 1894. 3. James Warren, Jr.', b, 5 May, 1898, III. Mabel Frances*, b. New York city, 19 Mar., 1866. IV. Florence Brown*, b. 3 May, 1869. V. Elizabeth Abbott*, b. 5 Apr., 1871. VI. Richard Hooper*, b, 6 July, 1875. 97. EDWARD ERI POOR was born in Boston, Mass., 5 Feb., 1837, and became a member of the firm of Denny, Poor & Co., New York city. He m. 17 Jan., i860, MARY WELLINGTON LANE' (Washington Jefferson", Ebenezer', Samuel*, James', John*, Job'), she b. West Cambridge, Mass., 19 Dec, 1839. Their children : I. Edward Eri, b. West Cambridge, 2 Dec, 1861, m. 18 Jan., 1888, Susan Grimes, and had ; I. Edward Eri, b. Hackensack, N, J,, 7 Nov,, 1889, 2, Mary Grimes, b, 24 Mar., 1891, d. 17 Aug,, 1891. JAMES 'WARREN LANE, Family Ninety-Eight. 161 II. James Harper, b. Boston, 17 Dec, 1862, m. 20 Jan., 1885, Evelyn Bolton, and bad : I. Evelyn Terry, b. Garden City, L. L, 22 Oct,, 1886, 2, Mildred, b, 4 Oct,, 1890, III, Charles Lane, b. Hackensack, N. J,, 18 Jan,, 1866, m. 19 Apr,, 1892, Anna Louise Easton, in New York. IV. Frank B.4Llou, b. 24 Apr,, 1868, m. 9 Apr., 1892, Bessie Fitz Gerald Hamilton, in New York. V. Helen Frances, b, 27 Mar,, 1870, m. 11 Aug,, 1892, Wil liam Clark Thomas, in Hackensack. VI. Emily Clark, b. 3 Sept, 1873. VII. Horace Franklin, b. 12 July, 1878. 98. Rev. JOHN HYRCANUS MELLISH* (John'-*, Samuel'), was born in Oxford, Mass., 30 Aug,, 1824. His brother David BatcheUer MeUish was a member of the 43rd Congress from New York city and had sons Edward A., druggist, Worcester, Mass,, and WiUiam C, a lawyer in the same city. His brother George Herbert Mellish, of New York city, was living in 1899. His father John MeUish, Esq,', born Dorchester, Mass., 4 Feb., 1801, d. Auburn, Mass., 4 Sept, 1875, ^- 74 yrs-, 7 ms., ra. Cyrene, dau. of Peter and NeUie (Parmenter) Smith, she b. Wal pole, Mass., 16 Oct., 1800, and d. Southbridge, Mass., 29 Dec, 1867. His grandfather was John MeUish*, b, Dorchester, Mass,, 12 Dec, 1758, d. 24 June, 1824, a fifer in the army of the Revo lution five years, m. Hannah, dau. of WUUam Holden; she b. 12 Feb., 1763, and d. 19 Dec, 1832. He had numerous descend ants. A brother was Stephen Mellish. Another brother was Samuel MeUish, deputy sheriff, etc. His great grandfather was Samuel MeUish', b. Boston, Mass., d. Dorchester, Mass., 28 Oct, 1805, se, 76 years. He was son of 162 Job Lane and Descendants. the emigrant from Great Britain, and m. Sarah, dau. of Amos Stetson, of Randolph, Mass,, and his wife Margaret Thayer, of Braintree, Mass. She d, in Dorchester, 7 Jan., 181 7, se, 82 years. A house he built in Dorchester was standing in 1899. Rev. John Hyrcanus MeUish*, eldest son of John MeUish, Esq., graduated at Amherst CoUege 1851, and at Andover Theological Seminary 1854, was ordained Feb. 14, 1855, pastor of Congrega tional church, Kingston, N. H., 1855, to June, 1867, acting pastor, DayviUe, Conn., Jan., 1868, to AprU, 1871, North Scituate, R. I., June, 1871, to June, 1880, Tisbury, Mass., 1880, to 1882, Temple, N. H., 1882, to 1885, Auburn, Mass., 1886, to 1887, North Scituate, R. I., 1887, to 1891, KUlingly, Conn., without charge, 1892, . He m. I Jan., 1856, SARAH ADELINE LANE' (David Wood ward", Samuel'-*, James', John*, Job'), she b. North Brookfield, Mass., 24 Aug., 1828. Children : I. Florence', b. Kingston, N. H., 5 Dec, 1856, was one year at Mount Holyoke Seminary before the school became a college. II. Bertha Lane-', b. North Scituate, R. I., i Jan., 1877, was a member of Mount Holyoke College in her third year at the time of her disappearance, Nov. 18, 1897, and no trace of her has since been found, Feb., 1899. $500 REWARD. Bertha Lane Mellish, a student at Mt, Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., disappeared from the College on the i8th of November, 1897, and no trace of her has been found since that tirae. The following is a description : She is 20 years old, about 5 feet, 5 inches in height, raediura build, dark auburn hair, fair complexion, brown eyes, round face, full lips. Sometimes wore her hair parted and sometimes combed straight back. "Very small faint scar in the center of forehead. When last seen wore a black dress, shaggy black jacket, black cloth Tara '0 Shanter. Underclothing was marked "Mellish," She wore a gray flannel skirt. The above reward will be paid for the girl alive, by Rev, John H, Mellish, at Dayville, Connecticut, In addition to the $50 offered by the Mt, Holyoke College, the family will pay $50 additional for the recovery of the body, Dayville, Conn,, Deceraber loth, 1897. MORTIMER BLISS LANE. ARTHUR BLISS LANE. JAMES -WARREN LANE, JR. F.-vMiLY One Hundred. 163 99. JOHN HENRY LANE' (David W,", Samuel'-*, Jaraes', John*, Job'), b. North Brookfield, Mass,, 4 Sept, 1846, ra, 4 Sept., 1867, ABBIE A. KELLOGG, of North Brookfield, and settied on the homestead in North Brookfield. Children : I. Eliza Abbie*, b. 13 Oct, 1868, m. 27 July, 1889, S. K. LiDSTONE, of North Brookfield, optician, Athens, Georgia, 1899. Three children. II. Frederick Henry*, b. 19 Aug., 1870, m. 2 June, 1898, Lizzie H. Amidon, of North Brookfield. HI. Charles Sumner*, b. 10 Aug., 1872. IV. Nellie May*, b, 9 June, 1875, m. 6 Oct, 1896, Fred G. Smith, of West Brookfield. V. David Carl*, b. 3 July, 1877. VI. Emma Florence*, b. 27 Jan., 1882. VII. John Jones*, b. 26 May, 1883. VIII. Edward Alaric*, b. 4 Aug., 1885, d. i Nov., 1886, IX. Harold Albertus*, .b. 5 Apr., 1888, d. 13 June, 1888. 100. GEORGE WINCHESTER LANE* (Abner B,', EUab B.", John'-*, Job', John*, Job'), was b. in Bedford, Mass,, 25 July, 1829. He m. SARAH M. GOODWIN, dau, of Uriah and Nancy (Hook) Goodwin. She was b. 1831, and m. second, i Jan., 1873, WiUiam A. Lane' (OUver W,", Solomon', James*,', John*, Job'). Children of George W. and Sarah M. (Goodwin) Lane : I. Henry W.9, b. 17 Jan., 1849. II. George E.^, b. 16 Dec, 1851. III. Charles Sumner^, b. 21 Feb., 1857, IV. Daughters, b, 25 Dec, 1858. V. Frederic A.^, b. 20 Oct, i860, d, 2 Aug., 1868, se. 7 yrs,, 10 ms. 164 Job L.4ne and Descendants. 101. FREDERICK DOUGLAS LANE* (Sarauel', Francis"-', John*, Job', John*, Job'), was b, in Ashburnhara, Mass,, 4 July, 1849. He attended pubUc school in Ashburnham, entered Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H,, Dec, 3, 1871, and graduated June 12, 1874, entered Dartraouth CoUege August, 1874, and graduated June, 1878, taught school in New Ipswich, winter terra of i878-'79, taught Grammar school, Ashburnhara Centre, spring and fall of 1879, professor of raatheraatics and German, Cushing Academy, Ashburnhara, since Dec. 3, 1879, continuously. He was a raem ber of the school committee in Ashburnhara, 1880 to 1889; clerk of the church and has delivered lectures and preached sermons in Congregational pulpits. He says, "my vocation is teaching, my avocation is writing poetry, preaching occasionally, lecturing sometiraes and preparing mathematical works for future pubUcation." He lost valuable manuscripts by the Cushing Acad emy fire. Prof. Lane m. in Union City, Pa., 24 Aug., 1887, CORA JEANETTE GILBERT; she b. Ashburnham, 25 Sept, 1865, attended school in Ashburnhara, Jaraestown, N. Y., Canisteo, N. Y., Keene, N. H., and graduated from Cushing Acaderay, June, 1885. Mrs. Lane has written quite extensively for several period icals. Children : I. Gilbert Frederick^, b. Union City, Pa., 13 Aug., 1890. II. Sylvia Mary Lois^, b. Ashburnham, 14 July, 1893. III. Merton Burgess^, b. 10 Dec, 1894. 102. JULIUS ARTHUR LANE*, (John'-", Ziba', John*, Job', John*, Job'), was b. at Lockport, IU., 6 July, 1848. He raade his horae in Chicago, IU., but his business of railroad builder took hira to many places in the United States and Central Araerica. He m. Family One Hundred Three. 165 14 Feb., 1873, HELEN DUNCAN SHIPMAN, b. 9 Mar., 1850, dau. of Dr. George E. Shipman, founder Foundling's Home, in Chicago. Parents and chUdren constituted a happy, musical family with instruments of great raoney value. They forra a Presbyterian choir and give concerts and church entertainraents with piano, flute, ist violin, 2d violin, viola, violoncello and cornet. Nine chUdren : I. Fannie Boardman^, b. 10 Nov,, 1873, at Chicago. II. John Harold^, b, 28 June, 1875, at Hyde Park, Cook Co., IU. III. Emma Lilian^, ) twins, b. 13 Feb, 1878, at Kenwood, Cook IV. Rose Helen^ j Co., IU. V. Jessie Barker^, b. 19 May, 1879, at Nettieton, Kansas. VI. George Shipman^, b. 27 Jan., 1884, at Boyne FaUs, Mich. VII. Margaret Payson^, b. 31 Aug., 1885, at Chicago. VIII. Edith Corinne^, b. 28 Mar,, 1889, d. 30 Jan., 1893, at Chicago. IX. Marion Rogers^, b. 31 Aug., 1890, at River Forest, IU. 103. JOHN CHAPIN LANE* (Jonathan Abbot', Jonathan".', John*, Job', John*, Job'), i852-'98, was b. Boston, Mass,, 8 Nov., 1852, the ninth person in as many successive generations whose name begins with the letter J, and the eldest son of Hon. Jonathan A. Lane whom he greatly resembled in his noble con ception of his duties as a public spirited citizen. He married 1 1 Sept., 1883, HARRIET BREWER WINSLOW; she b. 3 Jan., 1859, dau. George S. Winslow of Norwood, Mass. Mr. Lane entered the Boston Latin School in 1865, and was graduated in 187 1, receiving a FrankUn medal. He entered Harvard CoUege in 187 1, and graduated with honors in 1875. After graduation he studied law in the office of George W. Morse, Esq., and at the Law School of Boston University, receiving the 166 Job Lane and Descendants. degree of LL,B. in 1876. He was admitted to the Suffolk Bar in 1878, and practiced law under the firm of Morse & Lane with offices at 28 State street. In 1879 he removed to Norwood, Mass., where he became influential in the educational, moral and social development of the town. In 1880 he was appointed one of the Trial Justices of Norfolk County, and in the judgment of 1,005 cases distinguished himself for keen, clear-headed, righteous decis ions. From 1883, onward, he was associated with raany important litigations, being special counsel for several large firms engaged in industry and transportation. As a counsellor and strictly com raercial lawyer he stood among the first, and his firm built up a large practice. He was president of the AUen-Lane Corapany, coramission merchants, and director in the woolen mills at Warren and East Wilton, Me,, and Manchester, N. H. He was treasurer and director of Newton Street Railroad Co., Jan, 26, 1889; was projector and treasurer of the Norwood Associates for Co-operative Savings, president of the Norwood Board of Trade, vice-president of the Massachusetts Board of Trade, as well as holder and manager of several large trusts. Judge Lane became a meraber of Hebron Chapter of Free Masons in 1885, and of the Cyprus Coramandery of Knights Templar, located at Hyde Park, Oct, 27, 1887; took the Scottish Rite Degrees at Boston, and became raember of Massachusetts Consistory in the spring of 1896, taking the 32d degree, AprU 24, 1896. He was also a raember of Aleppo Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Boston, and of the Loyal Contentment Lodge of Odd Fellows at Norwood, He was an important factor in the poUtical world, enthusiastic as a Republican up to 1884, afterwards active on the Deraocratic State Committee till 1895, then manager of the campaign of the Gold Democrats and delegate to the National Convention at Indianapolis, in the summer of 1896. In the fall of 1896, he was chosen vice-president of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Massachusetts, and re-elected in 1897. He was deeply interested in the public schools of Norwood, and instituted the Norwood medals for merit and good scholarship in 1890, now so eagerly sought by competing pupUs. He was a Family One Hundred Four. 167 member of the Norwood Literary Club, and chairman of the School Committee in 1894, and of the Board of Trustees of the PubUc Library 1893-98. Mr. and Mrs. Lane were merabers of the First Congregational church at Norwood. He was admitted without giving up his membership in the Union church, Boston, with which he had been for a long time connected. He served on the prudential com mittee of the church, on the committee of the parish and on the music committee in i897-'98, a tireless worker and inspiring helper in all departments of the church and an endeared Bible class teacher in the Sunday School. He had inherited through a long line of ancestors a tendency to distinguishing public service, and he ranked high in the social, business, benevolent and religious circles with which he was connected. On Nov. 2, 1898, seemingly in the best of health, he left his home in Norwood to take an early morning train for Boston. Thinking himself late he ran part of the way to tbe station. He was taken severely ill on the cars, and on arriving in Boston went to his mother's house on Tremont street. He had recovered suf ficiently Nov. 15, to be driven to his home in Norwood, and ap peared improved by the change. The next day his trouble de veloping into pericarditis, he failed steadily until on Sunday morn ing, Nov. 20, 1898, he passed away. "The best words of formal resolution can but faintly express the sense of loss we feel in the death of our late President John C. Lane. "If integrity is the best evidence of true manhood, an unwilling ness to inflict unnecessary pain the mark of the gentleraan, dis- . interestedness the test of citizenship, and self denial the character istic of the Christian, surely we may say that John C. Lane was an honest man, a perfect gentleman, a good citizen, and a zealous Christian." — Norwood Board of Trade. 104. Rev. SAMUEL LANE LOOMIS* (EUhu', Aretas", Shera', Amos*, Stephen', Joseph*-'), was b. in Littieton, Mass., 16 Aug., 168 Job Lane and Descendants. 1856, A. B., Amherst CoUege, 1877, Yale Theological Seminary 1878, Andover Theological Seminary 1880, ordained Oct, 14, 1880, succeeding his father and grandfather in the Congregational ministry. His first charge was at Newport, Ky., i88o-'85, under the Home Mission Society, where he erected a church free from debt. On leaving Newport, he traveled in Europe two years, i885-'86. Returning he gave a course of lectures at Andover Seminary, which were afterward published under the title of Modern Cities and Their ReUgious Problems, This book had a large sale and was used as a text-book in Chicago University and elsewhere. He next became assistant pastor of the Tompkins Avenue church, Brooklyn, N. Y,, with Dr, R. R. Meredith, where he worked nearly three years, 1886-89. He resigned to accept a call to BeUeviUe Avenue church, Newark, N. J,, i89o-'96. He was installed pastor of Union church, Boston, Nov. 8, 1896. The sermon at his installation was by Dr. Meredith, a forraer pastor of the Union church, and the installing prayer was by Rev, EUhu Loomis, the father of the new pastor. He received the degree of D.D, from Amherst CoUege 1899. Mr. Loomis m, 23 Aug,, 1887, MARION CAMP LIPPINCOTT of Lincoln, Neb. They have son : I. Henry Sprague^, b, 18 June, 1891. 105. RICHARD LANE* (Hiram H,', John", Gershom F.', John*-'-*, Job'), was b. in Wesley Township, Wash. Co., Ohio, 9 June, 1832, m. 18 Apr,, 1 86 1, ELIZABETH MILLER; she b. 26 Dec, 1838, in Harrison Co., O. Their children : I. Minerva^, b. 5 Apr., 1862, m, 29 Apr,, 1883, Thomas I. Mercer, he b, 28 Jan,, 1859. II. Adella^, b. 23 Jan., 1864, d. 9 May, 1895. Family One Hundred Seven. 169 III. Mary9, b. 26 Jan., 1866, m. 15 July, 1893, John Cole man, he b. 3 Nov., 1870, and had : I. Jesse, b. 19 Mar., 1894. IV. HomerS, b. 9 Feb., 1872. V. Ralph^, b. 27 Sept, 1873, VI. George^, b. 21 June, 1875. 106. THOMAS BENTON LANE* (Hiram H,', John", Gershom F,', John*-'-*, Job'), was b. in Wesley Township, Ohio, 11 Oct, 1844, settled as a merchant at Windsor, O., post office, Stockport, O. He m, at McConnellsviUe, O,, 12 Feb., 1874, LUCIA M. ROLAND, she b. 3 Sept., 1852. Their children : I. Gertrude M.^, b. 28 Nov., 1874. II. Hiram H.^, b. io Nov., 1877. III. Helen E.^, b. 18 May, i88o, d. 20 June, 1882. IV. GoLDiE B.9, b. 31 Oct, 1882. V. Elsie D.9, b. 9 Feb., i886, d. 26 Aug., 1886. VI. Jessie M.^, b. 9 May, 1888. VII. Mabel B,^, b. 22 Jan., 1890. VIII. Richard D.^, b. 12 Apr., 1892, d, 30 July, 1892. IX. Jesse B,^, b. 12 Apr., 1892. X. Dorothy M.^, b. 4 July, 1894, 107. JOHN WELLINGTON LANE*, (Oliver J.', Oliver W.", Solomon', James*-', John*, Job'), was b. in Bedford, Mass., 2 May, 1854, Uved in FaU River, Mass., having possession of his great 170 Job Lane and Descendants. grandfather Solomon Lane's Bible and sword, and the flint-lock gun he carried at Concord Fight, and also holding deed of the last ten acres remaining in the Lane family of the original Winthrop- Lane Farm. He m. MARY M. C, MARBLE, of Somerset, Mass. Six children, all boys : I. William Josiah^, b. ii May, 1882. II. John Franklin^, b, 12 July, 1884, d. 17 Mar., 1890. III. Onslow Stearns^, b. 4 Feb,, 1887. IV. Herbert Billings^, b. 20 Dec, 1888. V. Samuel Marble^, b. 18 Aug., 1891. VI. John Wellington, Jr.^, b. 19 Apr., 1893. PART III. James Lane of Casco Bay, Me., AND DESCENDANTS. The Rev. James PiUsbury Lane furnished a sketch of "James Lane of North Yarmouth, Me., and His Descendants" for the New England Historic-Genealogical Register of April, 1888, vol, 42 : pp. 141-152. 1. JAMES LANE', b. in England, son of Jaraes Lane, was a craftsraan and perhaps meraber of the guild of turners, London, in 1654. Tbe same year he had joint ownership with his brother, John Lane, in real estate at Rickmansworth, Hertford Co., re ceived from their parents, in which their brother. Job Lane, claimed also a share. James Lane had paid debts on the property, "a good sum," and was reduced in circumstances. Jereraiah Gould wrote to Job Lane frora London, June 6, 1654 : "You wonder your Brother James should deceive me to make away your estate ... I find a surrender of premises from both father and mother unto Jaraes and John and their heirs forever. . . . Your brother James, he is very poor and I hope very honest." — Gen. Reg., 18^7. The brothers. Job, James and Edward Lane, settied in Maiden, Mass,, about 1656, probably in some sort of partnership, which, however, did not continue long. James Lane soon removed to Casco Bay, Me. Edward Lane was of Boston, Mass., and sold his Maiden estate in 1663. Job Lane removed to BUlerica, Mass., about 1664. 172 James Lane and Descendants. James Lane seems accounted an inhabitant of Charlestown, Mass., in 1658. In 1660, Nov. 19, then of Maiden, he appointed Job Lane his attorney. "I James Lane, of Maiden, Middlesex County,' Turner, Have constituted my weU beloved brother Job Lane of same Maiden, my true and lawful attorney in my narae and sted to act etc. Seal and anchor : Witness, Thoraas Esdell, Wra. Pearse." While the deposition of John Lane* (James') July 2, 1733, shows that the family "removed from Maulden to a Place since called North Yarmouth, in Casco Bay," the statement that it was "about seventy-five years since," cannot be taken as giving the exact year. Raleigh Gilbert probably entered the harbor of Casco Bay in 1608, Capt, John Smith anchored here in 1614, Thomas Dermer must have been here in 1619, Christopher Levett was welcomed at the falls of Presumpscot in 1623, by the Sagamore Skatterygusset, This Sachem was chief of the Aucocisco tribe frora which comes the name Casco, All the early plantations were called by the general name of Casco Bay, No boundaries were defined and the Indian designations were in use. The ancient places of Maquoit, Harraseeket, Westcustigo, Damaris Cove, Machegonne Neck, Purpooduck and Spurwink became better known as Falmouth in 1658, Ferdinando Gorges early granted a township extending six miles on Casco Bay east of Westcustigo river. Here William Royall, a cooper and clap-board cleaver, settled as early as 1636, purchased land in 1643, gave his name to the river and ended his days. The municipality of Westcustigo was recog nized by Mass, in 1680, "Fort Royal 22d September 1680, "For the further enlargement to the settlement of the township, by the governour and corapany of the Massachusetts Colony, on the easterly side of the West Custigo river on Casco Bay; it is hereby granted unto them, that the waste lands lying between the said grant and Casco shall be added to the township called Daraerras Cove, It is also hereby ordered and declared that the name of the plantation shall be North Yarmouth, Thomas Danforth President." Here James Lane acquired by purchase and improvement large estates in various situations, and gave his narae to a point of land and to an island off the east bank of RoyaU's river which stiU bears his name. The Indian headquarters for fishing the streams and coves along shore and island of Casco Bay seem to have been on Family One. 173 Lane's Island. Tradition marks the island as the place where the Indians planted corn, held councils, tortured their captives and buried their dead. As the banks of the island cave away, human bones are exposed to view. From the manner of burial it is sup posed that the graves are those of the aborigines. Court Items : James Lane was a frequent petitioner to the General Court, and his family is raentioned casually four times in Willis' History of Portland. He was living at Falmouth in 1658, and was among the petitioners to be joined to the Massachusetts Bay government, Araong eight neighbors he re newed the petition, "April y= 26'h (1659?) haueing formerlie presented a petition to this Honourd Court for yor takeing vs vnder yr gouernment Doe by these in y= behalfe of our selues & y= rest of our Neighbours humbly renew our request vnto you," — Mass. Archives. James Lane received a legacy by his uncle John Lane's will dated Aug. 7, 1661. "Item I giue and bequeath vnto James Lane brother to the said Job, Tenn pounds of like good money to be paid to him within Six moneths next after my death by myne Execut^" — Gen. Reg., Oct., i8go. In 1665-6 and probably longer, James Lane was "sergeant of ye companye" and William Haynes "dark of y= band." This train band, the extent of Westcustigo's early martial glory, was a section of the larger military division of Casco with its less than thirty small houses. Sergeant Lane as chief officer would be armed with halberd, sword and pistol. At a Court in Casco, July 26, 1666, James Lane was surety under a bond of £110, for James Mosier in the settlement of his father, Hugh Mosier's estate, and soon after bought of James and John Mosier, out bf the estate, two islands called Great and Little Mosiers. At the same Court James Robinson, cooper, of Black Point, was indicted, 29 July, 1666, for the murder of Christopher Collins of the sarae place. The case was coraraitted to James Lane of Westcustigo, with seventeen others, "the jury of Life and Death," who found that "said CoUings was slain by misadventure and culpable of his own death," Jurymen were "freemen" with the prerogatives of that title. The name of Jaraes Lane appears in connection with presentments and in dictments by the Grand Jury at Casco, I Oct., 1667, "We present John Mosier for travelling upon the Sabbath day, fined 5s,, officers fees 5s, This los. to be forthwith paid; and if afterwards by 2 evidences he can make it out that upon the Sabbath he traveled purposely, as he pretends, to look 174 J.«ies Lane and Descendants. after Mr, Lane who that day, as the said Mosier pretended, was in danger of being drowned, then the said Mosier is to have his los. returned to hira again," James Lane of Westcustigo with eight neighbors petitioned, Apr. 26, 1668, "ye Honord GeneraU Court of his maiesties Collonee of ye Massachusetts Bay att Boston" to be taken under the government of Mass, He purchased estate of John Cleaves, May 15, 1673, "I John Sears (Cleaves) resident in the Province of Mayne in New Eng land, Planter, ffor Twenty pounds current money of New England, have sold unto Mr, James Lane of Westgestuggo, All that Ysland commonly known or called by the name of Reddings Island & being on the Eastern side of Mayre Poynt Necke, togeather with all that Prcell of Land lying & being vpon Mare poynt necke, comonly known by the name of Sandy Poynt . , , together with all Marsh & Marsh grounds forraerly in the Right & possession of Thoraas Red ding deceased being Sixty Acers more or lesse, 15 May, 1673, Acknowledged 21 June, 1673: In presence of us Ezekiel Carveath, John Lane," — York Co. Records, vol. ii, p. 2y8. He also purchased of John Burrell, May 20, 1673, a second farm of sixty acres lying between RoyaU's river and Cousin's river. Boundary: 1690, Dec, 10, Deed, "Joshua Atwater of Boston to Theodo- sius Moore of the same place, all my lands and house on Westostugo river containing 200 acres bounded east by land of Jaraes Lane, west by said river; also 16 acres one raile and a half above my house near Jaraes Lane's, being the sarae land whereon Thomas Redding lived and died," "Theo. Moore claimes a house and tract of Land lying upon Westcustogo river in Casco Bay containing 2 Hund, acres more or less upland, bounded by the land of James Lane eastward, westward with the same river, North & South with Creeks; together with 16 acres meadow about one Mile & half North west above ray Dwelling house next Jaraes Lane's Meadow land, which house, upland and Meadow Thoraas Reding of late lived upon & died siezed of in his own right. Bott of Joshua Atwater per Deed, Dated 10 December 1690, Acknowledged Dec 29 1690," — Book of Eastern Claims. Mr. Lane was witness to transfer of land frora EHner Redding widow of Thomas Redding to James Andrews, March 10, 1673-4, "James Lane his marke L." He was living at Westcustigo in 1675, The deposition of John Lane, July 2, 1733, says that "he reraoved with his father James Lane frora Maulden to a Place since called North Yarraouth in Casco Bay and there lived till driven from thence by the Indians in the first warr." This "first warr" was King Philip's war of 1675 '° 1678, Casco Bay was raolested first, in the beginning of September, 1675, when twenty-five harvesters going up the Bay in a sloop and two boats to gather Indian corn were fired upon by Indians but escaped with many wounds and the loss of their freighted boats. Again Sept. 12, 1675, old Mr. Wakely of Casco Bay, his wife, son, daughter-in-law and three grand children were murdered and the house burned. This bloody butchery Family One. 175 was succeeded, Aug. II, 1676, by the attack on Falmouth in which thirty- four persons were killed or captured, the rest of the inhabitants abandoning the place. Capt. William Hathorne and soldiers never could come up with the Indians and his expedition to Casco Bay was fruitless. — William Hubbard, 1677. Sergeant James Lane disappeared at this time. He was "killed in a fight with the Indians." Deposition : "Moses Felt aged about Eighty-Three years, doth Testifie & say that I the Depon' did Live at North Yarmouth upward of Sixty years agone, and to ray certain knowledge Old Mr, James Lane Did then live in an Old Little House on a Tract of Land between Redings Creek & Mossers Farm bounding south erly on the sea, for some years, and then he built a new Large House & Lived in said House untill the Wars brook out, then Mr, Lane was killed & his Family was driven off of said Farm, & when the Wars were over again. Said James Lanes Son went to the said Farm again & did build a new End to sd House & repaired the other Building, & did Live there until the Wars brook out again, and I the Depon*. and one of my Brothers did Saw the Jice and Timber for Mr. James Lane, and said Farm was known and called by the Name of Lane's and Wilkinson's Farm and by no other, but never knew that Mr, Roiall or his sons had any Claim unto Sd Land, And Further I the Depont, have heard old Mr, Roiall say he had Sold all his Land on the East Side of Reding's creek to James Lane and John Wilkinson, his MosES (1 Felt. mark, Essex SS, Lyn Apr 3d 1731. Then Moses Felt made Oath to the truth of the above written Euidence to which he has put his mark & the same is taken to be in in perpetuam rei memoriam. Cap. Com. Benj. Lynde. Benj. Lynde Jr. Justice Peace. Quora, A true copy of the Original Rec'd under Seal June 11, 1747, Att. Dal. Moulton Regr." "James Lanes Inventy 1680. 18,6, 81. Adm I— 0 Copie Inven 0—6 I — 0 fila... I — 0 0—3—6 176 James Lane and Descendants. money exd. 5, 2, 82 by Hen. K — ing to mera 0—3- "The invetary, a bed and bed close 3 pound 15 sg and 8: shets 20 shilling, 8 sshillings, colten cloth 17, a bed of serge 12 shillings, Irish cloth 4 shillings, cloth 4 shillings, irise cloth 7 shillings, pece of horaspun cloth 8 shilling, a bed blanket 4 shillings, lincewulse 34 shillings, puter 14 shillings, 2 shillings, a porridge pote 10 shillings, 3 chests at 5 shillings, 3 bras cetles at 20 shillings, a pare of tongs and pot hooks i shilling, a box of good 6 ppounds, a bed a rudg and a blanket bilddrecy, wee can not com at it to prise it: a chest of goods and rittings and some other goods in John Lanes hands and wee cant get them to prise them, the goods at bostownd 4 pound, the bed in . . . hand appra . . at 2' los d, ABRAM A MeTYN mark, 18, 6, 1680 Taken upon oath Before A, D, Rd'," "Coppie of James Lanes Inven'y "An Inventory of the estate of Jeames Lane Deceased of the Town of Casco Bay. One Bed & Bed cloths 03 — 15 — 00 one bed tick 00 — 18 — 08 Sheets 01—00—00 Table Linen 00 — 08 — 00 Cotton cloth 00 — 17 — 00 a piece of serge 00 — 12 — 00 Irish cloth 00 — 04 — 00 raore Irish cloth 00 — 04 — 00 more Irish cloth 00—07 — 00 Home spun cloth 00 — 08 — 00 Bed Blanket 00 — 04 — 00 Linsey woolsey 01 — 14 — 00 puter 00 — 14 — 00 Blanket 00 — 02 — 00 one porridge pott 00 — 10 — 00 3 Chests 00 — 05 — 00 3 brass Kettles 01 — 00 — 00 a pr of Tongs & pot hooks 00 — 02 — 00 one Box of Goods 06 — 00 — 00 Goods at Boston 04 — ^00 — 00 23—04—08 Family One. 177 one Bed & Rug & Blanket at his Daughters house in Bilrica we canot come at at present at the , . . 2 — lo — o one Chest of Goods in John Lanes Hailds but we canot get them at present to prise thera, JOB lane and DANIEL SEVER They was desired to prise a bed sumthing better than half full of feathers a old bed ticking with peag . . , prised i — o — ii shilling in money, witness our hands Job laine dannell Shever" James Lane is supposed to have had a wife ANN , and certainly had a daughter by this name. He m. SARAH WHITE, daughter of John White and his wife Mary, who was the widow of James Phips. The mother Mary was mother of twenty-six children, and the daughter Sarah was half-sister of Sir WiUiam Phipps, the royal governor of Mass. James Lane died intestate leaving six children who shared his estate : I. Ann*, lived as the wife of John, son of Richard Bray, and had: "John Bray received from his father Richard Bray of Westcustigo, Dec, 24, 1669, deed of half the land bought of John Cossons." — York Co. Deeds. Richard Bray and son John Bray were living in Casco Bay out of the limits of Falmouth in 1675, — William Willis. Ann, daughter to James Lane, is named in the deposition of Nicholas Cole, Dec, 23, 1678, and her house at Billerica, Mass., is mentioned in the inven tory of her father's goods, 1680, Deposition: "Nicholas Coole aged fiuety two years or yr abouts Eliner Redding aged fiuety fine years or yr abouts, testifyeth & sayth y' John Bray sonn to Richd Bray & Rebecca of Cascoe Bay in the Province of Mayn in New England, was neuer Legally raarried to Ann Lane daughter to James Lane with the Consent of his father & mother, nor married by any Majestrate 'Justs of peace' Com- raisionr, nor by any Minister, nor by any raan Impourd or authorized by any authority, nor by any Act done by the Inhabitants y' lined there or else w, but the sd John Bray lived with the abousd Ann Lane, by whom hee had a daughter wch we Judg was not according to Law or Justice, and further sayth not. 178 James Lane and Descendants. The Deponents further sayth that y= abouesd John Bray was never published to y« abouesd Ann Lane according to any law, & further sayth not. All this to be vnderstood According to or knowledg who lined long by thera & know how they carae to Hue as man & wife togeather, Richard Bray also deposeth y' hee neur gaue Consent y« his sonn Bray should Marry with ye sayd Ann Lane. Taken vpon oath this 23>h of Decembr '78, before mee Symon Bradstreete, Depu. Gour. A true Coppy transcribed & with originall Corapared this 21 : Deceraber 1680. Pr Edw. Rishworth Re, Cor," — York Co. Deeds. 2. II. John*, b. 1652, m. Dorcas Wallis. 3. III. Samuel*, had wife Abigail. IV. Henry*, testified respecting Indian molestation, July 28, 1688, in the case: Falmouth against John Royal. See Samuel Lane* (James'). Henry Lane died at Boston, 4 June, 1690. 4. V. Job"*, m. Mary Fassett. VI. James*, deed of land from Richard Bray to his son John Bray, Dec. 24, 1669, was witnessed by "James Layne Jujor" who also was present when the deed was proved Aug. 25, 1679. 2. JOHN LANE* (James'), 1652-1738. Machigonne, now Portland, Me., was settled first by George Cleaves and Richard Tucker, Mrs. Cleaves and daughter and a servant, in 1633, The settlement was entirely destroyed by the Indians in 1676, resettled under President Danforth in 1680, and again destroyed 'by French and Indians in 1690. John Lane testified, July 2, 1733, that "Fifty-two or three years since he went to live at Falmouth in Casco Bay and there lived till he removed frora thence in the 2d Indian War." — Deposition. Other records show hira at Cape EUzabeth under President Family Two. 179 Thomas Danforth in 1680. Here he married DORCAS WALLIS', daughter of John* and Mary (Shepard) WaUis. Nathaniel Wallis' was born in 1632, a native of Cornwall Co,, England, With his son John Wallis he was among the twenty-nine inhabitants of Black Point and Casco, who, July 13, 1658, signed to be joined to Mass, Bay. John Wallis^ had bought his property at Cape Elizabeth in 1667, Record: "Nicho, White sold to John Wallis a plantation at a place comonly called or known by the name of Papoding in Casco Bay, 25 Nov,, 1667, for 24 pounds sterling." In the Indian attack upon Casco Bay, Aug, 11, 1675, "G"" Wallis his dwelling & none besides his is burnt; there are of men slain 11, of women & children 23 killed & taken," — Thaddeus Clark, 14, 6, ''j6. Driven away by the Indians in 1675, Goodman John Wallis returned to Fal mouth where he was Selectman in 1681. Compelled to flee in the second Indian attack, he died at Gloucester, Mass,, 23 Sept,, 1690. Inventory of his estate, Jan, 29, 1691, John Lane was living near his father-in-law John Wallis at Purpooduck Point in 1687, and May 26, 1689. King William's war, "the second Indian War" of John Lane's deposition, broke out in 1686. The Indians alleged grievances of their own. They began reprisals at North Yarmouth by killing cattle and in a few instances persons. Samuel and Henry Lane (see Samuel'' (James') No. 3), testify to being molested in their house July 26, 1688. Justice Benjarain Blackraan ordered sixteen Indians to be seized and kept under guard at Casco, but others continued to rob and capture the inhabttants. In Septeraber, 1689, seven hundred French and Indians attacked the fort at Casco which was successfully defended by Col, Benjamin Church and his forces, and probably saved the Maine settle ment from absolute ruin. On May 17, the following year, 1690, an expedi tion from Quebec dismantled three forts at Falmouth, killed and captured one hundred inhabitants and destroyed the town. The slain had no funeral cere monies and were left unburied until the next year. After the destruction of Falmouth the eastern plantations were deserted, Maine, a second time, was nearly abandoned of English settlerr\ents. The fugitives took refuge first on Jewell's, then on Richmond's island to aw&it earliest transportation, some for Pascataqua, some for Boston and some for Salem, From Casco Bay to Pemaquid not one English plantation reraained. The families of John Wallis and John Lane of Cape Elizabeth and of Samuel Lane of North Yarmouth are found soon at Glou cester, Mass. Here the Lane family gave the narae of Lanesville to a village of the town. 180 James Lane and Descendants. John Lane of Ipswich, Mass,, Feb, 14, 1694-5, P^''^ '^° pounds current silver money for one acre and a half of land with buildings thereon, to Shore- born Wilson whose wife Abigail relinquished right of dower; witnessed Mar, 28, 1695, He sold land in Falmouth, Me., to John Arnold, Feb. 11, 1700. He bought land in Gloucester of Nathaniel Day and others, Oct, 5, 1700, He received several grants of land in Gloucester — "swamp land up in the woods with consent of neighbors," in 1701; a common right, Mar, 3, 1701-2; ten acres at Flatstone cove in 1704, where he built his house and to which his own name was subsequently given; and land at Plum cove near his house in 1726, In 1713 he was paid i;^, 10s, for killing "a grown wolve." John Lane also possessed large estates in Maine by inheritance and by purchase. The possessions of his father James Lane at Westcustigo, were mentioned in the boundaries of other lands, Apr, 12, 1680. Molested by the Indians, July 26 and Sept, 13, 1688, they were again mentioned, Dec. 10, 1690, In Jan,, 1714-15, John Lane presented claims in his father's narae to six several propertys at North Yarmouth and also clairaed in his own right fifty or sixty acres at Pond cove. Cape Elizabeth. When in May, 1722, Massachusetts renewed the corporation of North Yarraouth, and when the meetings of proprietors and assignees were transfered frora Boston to North Yarmouth, May 16, 1727, the claim of the Lan^ family as being among the few original proprietors, was still duly recognized, — Sullivan's History of the District of Alaine, I7gj. John and Dorcas Lane shared in the division of the Wallis estate at Fal mouth, Feb. 19, 1723, CaUing hiraself then of Boston, John Lane conveyed, Mar, 20, 1727, all right, inherited frora his mother Sarah (White) Lane, dau, of John White, at Nequasset in Kennebec, purchased by John White and James Phips about 1640, from Edward Bateraan, who with John Brown had bought the land from Robin Hood, the Indian chief. Deed, 1730, June 26, "John Lane son of James Lane, of Gloucester, to Samuel Wait, Joseph Lampson & Josiah Nichols of Maiden, a tract of land in North Yarmouth, bounded east by Capt. Thomas' farm, south by the sea, west by Redding's Creek & to head of said creek. Also, second, a neck of salt marsh on Cousin's River; also first neck on South side of said river; also Lane's Island 30 acres more or less, and first bounded premises more or less. Also another tract in two parts, containing an island called Arnold's or Moshier's Island, Also a neck on Chusquiash River, 3 acres more or less. Also a tract on north side of Saunders Creek and northwest by Cousins' River, alias Little River, and running up northerly to creek joining Henry Daniel's land, 60 acres more or less. Also tract called Redding Island on east of Mare Point Neck, together with land on said Neck formerly owned by Nicholas White, called Sandy Point, and running from thence to the falls & sooner to Mecoit Bay formerly belonging to Thomas Redding containing 60 acres," Family Two. 181 Again 1732, Nov, 26, Aaron Cleveland of Charlestown, Samuel Newhall, Joseph Lamson and Josiah Nichols all of Maiden, sold their "right of inheri tance to land owned by John Lane late of Casco Bay," — York Co. Deeds. In consequence of the loss of deeds and evidences of titles by the various inroads of the Indians, great confusion was brought upon the titles to lands in Maine, To remedy in a measure this evil, the General Court in 1700, appointed a coraraission consist ing of seven members to examine clairas of persons to lands in the Province. John Lane was accounted among the old Planters of Westcustigo. Briefs of his Eastern claims, his share in the division of the WaUis estate and his five Depositions are here presented. BOOK OF eastern CLAIMS. From a copy in the Willis Manuscripts. Extract: "Jany, 1714-5, John Lane of Gloucester, Clairas in right of his father James Lane, in North Yarraouth, viz,, 5o acres of land bounded North west of Little river and so running up Northerly to a Creek joining to Henry Daniel's Possession as pr deed from John Burrell dated 20th May, 1673, neither acknowledged nor Recorded, Also Clairas his father's Possession in sd Town, bounded pr RoyaU's river, as appears by a torn & defaced deed and by the Testimony of John Cousins Taken before Edward Rishworth, Just, Peace, John Lane also Claims another Parcell of land being an Island Commonly called Redings Island, being on the Eastward side of Mare Point Neck, together with all the Parcell of Land being upon Mare Point neck, bounded with the Land formerly in the Possession of Nicholas White, Commonly known by the name of Sandy Point, together with all ye Marsh and Marsh Grounds formerly in ye Possession of Thoraas Reding, being 60 acres raore or Less, as pr deed frora John Cleaves dated 15 May, 1673, Acknowledged & Recorded, Item, another Island known by the narae of Arnold's Island or Moser's Island, with a neck of Marsh Ground Containing 3 or four acres, lying up the river called the Little river as pr Deed by James Mosser and John Mosier, Dated 28, Deer, 1666, neither Acknowledged nor Recorded. Itera, sd John Lane Claims in his own right a grant of a parcell of land from the sd Town of Falmouth, — Contains fifty or Sixty acres lying on the North Side of Pond Cove and that he did Quietly Possess and Improve sd lands Several years, pr. the Testiraony of Josiah Wallis taken before John Newman, Just, Peace, John Lane pr John Brown brings a deed belonging to John Brown of Glou cester, fifty acres of upland & Marsh ground lying in . ... of Falmouth, bounded South Easterly by the river, Northerly by land of Richard Martain, 182 James Lane and Descendants. westerly by Nathaniel Wallis and his son John Wallis as pr deed from Thomas Blashfield, March, 1681, Acknowledged," the wallis partition, "Josiah and James Wallis, John & Dorcas Lane all of Gloster, & Joseph & Benjamin & Susannah Wallis & Joshua Woodbury who hath bought the right of Rebecca Wallis now wife of Joseph Foster, all of Beverly, Co, of Essex, agree to divide our Father John Wallis his Estate of Lands in Falmouth in Casco Bay : Three or four acres in Papoduk Point shall be for the equall use & benefit of us all; also House Island in the sarae raanner," Certain lands were divided into 7 lots: "And the 6th Lott to John & Dorcas Lane & their Heirs forever, bounded on the westerly side with a Rock & Stones upon it by the Highway butting up to the Land of Joel Mattofen," Other lands also were divided into 7 lots: "Assigning the 7''' lot to John & Dorcas Lane," Feb, 19, 1723, — York Co. Records. "John Lane of Boston, cordwainer, for 20 pounds by Jeremiah Green of Boston, sold him 1-3 of all claim which I the sd John Lane or ray heirs ever had to right of ray mother Sarah Lane deed, who was daughter of John White, of land situate ih Kenebeck River within the Co. of York at a place called Nequasset, which land John White and Jaraes Phipps purchased of one Ed ward Bateraan, upon part of which sd John White lived & dyed, 20 Mar. 1727. Acknowledged, Nov, 30, 1728," A like deed of the same property was raade by John Lane the same day to Thomas Foster of Boston. Signed, Mar. 20, 1727. Acknowledged, Nov. 30, 1 728. — York Co. Records, depositions. 1st. "The Deposition of John Lane aged about Seventy years, testifieth & saith That Thomas Reding formerly of Falmouth in Casco Bay deceased, carried on & was the reputed Owner of a certain Tract of Land lying to the Westward of a Creek called Redings Creek, as also of a certain Salt Marsh lying up Cozens his River so called, & lived on said land raany years & died seized thereof more than fifty years past, & was ever since known & called by the Narae of Redings Island. Further saith not. John Lane. Essex ss. Glouster Aug', 25, 1727, Then the within mentioned John Lane personally appeared & made oath to the Truth of this Evidence. Before us John Appleton, J. P. Epes Sargent, Just Peace, Quorum, Sept, 6, 1727," Family Two. 183 2d, "Gloucester Octt, 21, 1730, The Deposition of John Lane aged Seventy Eight years who testifieth & says that he well remembers That Mr, John Cussons possessed a Neck of Land in Casco Bay lying between a Creek called Reddings Creek & Royals River, & that He the sd Cossens had a House & Barn upon sd Neck of Land for Sixteen or Eighteen years w':'' he peaceably enjoyed until he was driven off by the Indians which is above Fifty years ago that sd Cossens was driven off sd Land. And he the sd Deponent well remembers that his Father mowed Hay upon the sd Farm in the Right of the sd Cossens being meadow near the Creek belonging to sd Farm; and the sd Cossens claimed & enjoyed an Island in the sd Bay called Cossens Island peaceably all the Tirae he lived at Casco Bay which was as was sd before, about Sixteen or Eighteen years. Excepting one Half'of sd Island w^li I heard he had sould to one Richard Bray, John Lane, Essex, ss, Gloucester, Oct, 21, 1730. Then John Lane personally appeared & was examined & Sworn to the Truth of this Evidence. In Perpetuam Rei Memoriam. Before John Appleton, J. P, Danl, Appleton, J, P, Quor. A true Copy of ye Origl, Reed under Seal, Novr, 24, 1730. Attest Jos Moody Regr," 3d. "The Deposition of John Lane aged Seventy 7 or Eight & Nathaniel Wharf aged near Seventy Years Testifie & Say that Sam' York had a Lott of Land near mussle cove in Casco Bay & had a House & possessed it by virtue of a Town Grant more than Fifty years ago, sd Lots according to our Recolec- tion were called Fifty acre Lots. John Lane. Nathaniel Wharfe his mark, W, Glocester, Octbr, 21, 1730." 4th. "The Deposition of John Lane of Gloucester aged about Eighty-two years, Testifieth and saith That about Seventy-five years since he removed with his father James Lane from Maulden to a Place since called North Yar mouth in Casco Bay and there lived till driven frora thence by the Indians in the first warr; and that he was acquainted with John Couzens and Richard Bray who were settlers there all the time above mentioned, and well remera bers that said Bray and Cousins possessed two certain Islands called Cousins's Islands, by building Houses, cutting Timber and improveing Land from the time he first went there above mentioned, till drove from thence by the Indians in the first war, and that the said Islands at that time were accounted said Bray and Cousins Islands; one of the said Islands being the greatest Island lyes about one half raile from the neck of Land on which John Maine & John Holman fprmarly lived at the nearest place, and the other Island being 184 James Lane and Descendants, the lesser Island lyes about fourty or fifty Rodds from the great Island and on the South East side. Fifty two or three years since he went to live at Falmouth in Casco Bay and there lived till he removed from thence in the 2nd Indian War, etc, etc, 2 July 1733," 5th, "The Deposition of John Lane of Gloucester, aged about eighty and three years, testifieth and saith that he lived at a place since called Northyar- mouth in Casco Bay, sixteen or eighteen years before the first Indian war, and was well acquainted with Mr, John Couzens of that Place'and well Reraembers said John Couzens possessing a certain Neck of land and Marsh lying in a fork of Couzens River so called and between the East and West Branches thereof, about a mile up said River, and that he the sd Couzens had a House and Barn on sd neck of Land, This Deponent doth testify that his father did Mow Grass in sd marsh in Right of sd Couzens, and the sd Couzens lived in Quiet possession of the above neck of Land and raarsh for sixteen or eighteen years untill he was Driven off by the Indians which is now near sixty years agoe, 30 April 1734," — York Co. Records. The First Church in Gloucester was gathered by Rev. Richard Blynnman in 1642. The Second Parish was incorporated at West Gloucester, June 12, 17 16. The Third Parish was incorporated at Annisquam Harbor in 1728. The Fourth Parish was incorpor ated in 1742, The Fifth or Sandy Bay Parish, now Rockport, was incorporated in 1754, and the First Church was organized Feb. 13, 1755. John Lane was connected with the First Church at Gloucester before 1703, and was also an original member of the Third Church, Annisquam, at its organization in 1728. He died 24 Jan., 1737-8, se. 86 years. Dorcas (Wallis) Lane was admitted to the church Jan. 14, 1730, and died 2 Feb., 1754, in her 93d year. Their remains rest in the LanesvUle burying ground. Adrainistration on the estate of John Lane was granted to his eldest son, Dea. Jaraes Lane of Gloucester, Mar. 29, 1738. The estate was appraised Apr, 7, 1738; inventory returned Apr, 11, 1738, amount L^jS. 8, 2, debts ;^I43. 12, :i. Mention was made of dwelling house and barn, thirty acres of homestead, beside orchard-pasture-herbage-swamp-and wood-lands, "one- fourth part of an acre of Land for a burying place Forever, ye brook as a coramon priviledge of a Watring place for Cattle to all ye heirs of ye sd Jno, Lane Deed,," Flake yard, cattle, bills of credit, copper-and silver- raoney, iron-brass-and glass-ware, sword and cutlass. The committee to set off dower and to apportion the estate made report, Feb, 22, 1738-9, The Family Two. 185 division was ordered, Apr, 9, 1739: dower to Dorcas Lane, "Widow and Relict of John Lane," and shares to James Lane, to the representatives of John Lane dec'd, to Josiah Lane, to Joseph Lane, to Benjamin Lane, to Job Lane, to William Tucker in right of his wife Dorcas, to the representatives of Sarah Lane alias Riggs, to Caleb Woodbury in right of his wife, to Joseph Thurston in right of his wife Mary, The several heirs gave receipts to the administrator for their respective shares, 1739-1743, , Copy: "Recvd this nth of May 1741 of Dea" James Lane admr, to ye Estate of John Lane Late of Gloucester Deed, the sum of two hundred seventy Eight Pounds five Shillings and five pence in full for ray Third in the Personal Estate Leff'at the Decease of my Husband the sd John Lane as Settled pr the Honbl Judge of Probate for y= County of Essex, Recvd pr me her Dorcas D Lane, mark Testes. Benja Bradstreet," Children : Five born at Cape EUzabeth, and six at Gloucester ; nine were baptized at the First church in Gloucester before 1703, by Rev. John White. 5. I. James', b, 1682, m. Ruth Riggs and Judith Woodbury. 6. II. John', b. 1688, m, Mary Riggs, III. Josiah', m. 15 Jan,, 17 13, by Rev. John White, Rachel York. Her father Samuel York had come to Gloucester from Fal mouth on the second destruction of that town by the Indians. Josiah Lane was one of three Gloucester fishermen captured by the Indians in the harbor of Owl's Head, Cape Sable, June 2, 17 13. Deposition: "Then James Davis and Josiah Lane went to set said Indian on shore and to bring off the Englishman [John Sadler], and as soon as they came to the shore, the Indian went out of the canoe; and, as the said Josiah Lane tells me, they went to set the canoe off, but the Indians laid hold of the painter to stop them, and the other two Indians came and laid hold of the painter also, and they hauled the canoe upon shore. With that two of the Englishmen, as namely, James Davis and Josiah Lane, skipt out of the canoe into the water to swim on board. But one of the Indians came into the water and caught said James Davis immediately and brought him on shore; and the other two Indians went with the canoe after Josiah Lane, and when they came up with him one of the Indians took his hatchet and seemed as if he was going to strike at him but did not, but took hold of hira and hauled hira on shore ; and when they came on shore there were several more Indians that 186 James Lane and Descendants. were corae out of the bushes with their guns, and when they had got the said three Englishmen together they set them down, as said Josiah Lane informed me, and said they would carry them to Port Royal," — Richard Yorke, June 22, n'3- Josiah Lane bought land of Edward Harraden, July 20, 17 16, and seven other purchases appear to be by him from 1729 to 1738. He and wife Rachel were admitted to the church at Annisquam Mar. 8, 1728. He d, 23 Nov., 1747, se, 58 yrs. His widow d, 3 Oct, 1774, se. 84 yrs., "falUngfrom her chair, she was taken up dead." No children. The will of Josiah Lane of Gloucester, shoemaker, dated Dec. 3, 1746, and presented for probate Feb, 2, 1747-8, bequeathed property to his wife Rachel Lane and to his nephew, "beloved friend and kinsman," Ambrose Finson, "to be Equally Divided by and Between thera, Whither It be In 'Vessels, household goods, money, stock, Negroes or anything whatsoever." The in ventory taken June 23, 1748, and returned June 27, 1748, included dwelling house, barn, land, flats in Lobster cove, one third of fish-house and wharf in Flatstone cove, one fourth part schooner Endeavor, fishing boat with a canoe, husbandry and carpenter's tools, a Negro man, ;^70, a Negro woman, ^55, a pew in the meeting house with two chairs, clock, iron- brass- pewter- tin- ear then and glass-ware, books, small arms and cutlass, silver and paper-moijey in the house. Administration on the estate of Rachel Lane was granted to Ambrose Fin- son 8 Nov., 1774. IV. Dorcas', pub. 13 Dec, 171 2, and m. 8 Jan., 17 13, William Tucker; he b. ii May, 1690, son of John and Sarah (Riggs) Tucker, Gloucester, Granted in June, 1707, "to Sarah Tucker the wife of John Tucker and for her heirs lawfully borne of her owne body, about ten acres of ground above the head of Goose Cove." WiUiam and Dorcas Tucker receipted in fuU to Dea. James Lane, for their interest in the personal and the real estate of her father, John Lane, 21 Jan,, 1740, and 7 May, 1742. ChUdren: I, Dorcas, d. in infancy. 2, Abigail, d, 3, Abigail. 4. William, b, 22 May, 1721, m. 18 Oct., 1742, Patience Riggs. 5. John, b. 30 Jan., 1725, m. Nov., 1746, Mary Davis. V. Sarah', m, 17 Dec, 17 13, Thomas Riggs', b. i6 Jan., 1690, son of Thomas* and Ann (Wheeler), Thomas' and Mary (Millet). Family Two. 187 She d. i8 Nov., 1715, and he m. again Sarah Hunt of Ipswich, and d. before 1740. His children were : I. Sarah. 2. Hannah. 3, Thomas, d, in infancy, 4. James. The representatives of Sarah (Lane) Riggs were apportioned an interest in the real estate of their grandfather, John Lane, 22 Feb,, 1738-9, and gave receipt for the same to Dea, James Lane by Daniel Griiifin, their guardian, 3 Sept,, 1739. VI. Hephzibah', b. Gloucester, 20 July, 1694, ra. 27 Nov., 1718, Caleb Woodbury, son of Williara, and d. 12 Feb., 1732. They resided near his father at Gallop's Folly, Gloucester. He, as guardian to the chUdren, receipted for their interest in the real and the personal estate of their grandfather, John Lane, 7 Nov., 1739, and 6 May, 1740. She d. 12 Feb., 1732. He ra. second, 14 Sept., 1732, Abl4L Morgan; m. third, 14 Aug., 1738, Anna Thomas. Children of Caleb and Hephzibah (Lane) Woodbury : I, William, b, 19 Feb,, 1721, 2. Hannah, b, 24 Feb,, 1723, 3, Rebecca, b, 18 Sept., 1726, d, 2 Sept,, 1743, ^- '7 ys. 4, Caleb, b. 20 Mar,, 1728, m, 22 Nov,, 1748, Lois ALerchant. 5. Andrew, b, 20 Mar,, 1730, 6, Peter, twin, b, 20 Mar., 1730, 7. Rachel, b. 13 Jan,, 1732, VII. Mary', b, 8 Aug,, 1696, pub, 7 Nov,, 17 16, m. first, by Rev. John White, 6 Dec, 17 16, Thomas Finson, who was kiUed by the Indians at Fox Island, June 24, 1724. Administration on his estate was granted to Mary Finson, who returned inventory 12 Oct., 1724. Dea. James Lane purchased the Finson dweUing house and land, and was appointed guardian to children Mary and Thomas Finson. Josiah Lane was appointed guardian to son •Ambrose Finson, a minor upwards of fourteen, 25 Apr., 1737. Mary (Lane) Finson m. second, 9 Mar., 1725, Joseph Thurston, and gave receipt to James Lane for her interest in the estate of her father, John Lane, Sept i, 1740, Mary and Thomas Finson, as they became of age, Nov. 29, 1736, and Sept. 11, 1741, gave receipt to James Lane for their share in the estate of their father, Thomas Finson. The Finson chUdren receipted to James Lane, administrator, for their interest in the estate of their grandfather, John Lane — Ambrose Finson, by his guardian, Josiah Lane, Oct. 188 James Lane and Descendants, iSj 1737 '} Mary Finson, now Davis, Mar, 23, 1742-3, and Thomas Finson Mar. 23, 1742-3. Mary (Lane- Finson) Thurston d. in 1792, se. 96 yrs. Children of Thomas and Mary (Lane) Finson : I, Mary, h. 23 July, 1718, m, before 23 Mar,, 1742-3, Mr, Davis. 2, Thomas, b, 16 July, 1720, had wife Sarah Thurston, lived at Sandy Bay in 1754, and was drowned at Plura Cove 13 May, 1762, 3, Ambrose, bap. 7 Apr., 1723, d. i Feb., 1806, Ee. "upward of eighty," 4, Elizabeth, b, I Feb., 1725. Mary (Lane) Finson m, second, by Rev. John White, 9 Mar., 1725, Joseph Thurston', (Joseph*, Daniel'), res. Pigeon Cove and Sandy Bay, where he d. 29 May, 1780, Children : 5, Sarah, b, 2 Dec, 1726, ra, Thomas Finson and d, 1795. 6, Joseph, b. 15 Feb,, 1729, ra, Agnes Davis, lived in Rockport and had nine children, 7, Elizabeth, h. 8 Nov,, 1731, m, Henry Clark. 8, Daniel, b, 16 Feb,, 1735, m, Anna Tarr and Bethia Adams and had seven children, 9, John, b, 30 June, 1737, m, Eunice Stockbridge and had nine children, 10, Dorcas, b. 22 Jan., 1740, m. Thomas Roberts and d. 28 Apr., 1825, II. William, b, 27 Nov,, 1742, ra, Martha Pool, and was lost at sea in 1779, Six children. 12. Polly, m. William Cook. 13, .4nna, m. William I^owe, lived in Rockport and had seven children. 14. Esther, b. Dec, 1764, m, Nathaniel. Tarr of Rockport, and d, 24 May, 1829, Seven children. 7. VIII. Joseph', b. 15 Oct., 1698, m, Deborah Harraden. 8. IX, Benjamin', b, 25 July, 1700, m. Elizabeth Griffin. X. Deborah', b. 19 Feb, and bap, 9 May, 1703, by Rev. John White; d. 9 May, 1729, in her 27th year. 9. XI. Job', b. 8 Feb. and bap. 22 July, 1705, by Rev. John White ; ra. Mary Ashby. 3. SAMUEL LANE* (James'), 1660-1724, A garrison was buUt at RoyaU's river. North Yarmouth, Me,, in 1685, for the accom modation and defense of Sarauel Lane, son of Jaraes Lane, and his neighbors. In the "second Indian war," with raolestation at their house July 26, 1688, and attack on Lane's Island Sept. 13, 1688, the Lane faraily was driven away and soon joined their friends at Gloucester, Mass. Family Three. 189 Case: "Falmouth, Province of Maine, July 27, 1688, against John Riall of North Yarmouth, Upon grate causes of Suspicion that he have and doe pre sume to trade with the Indians, a warrent was Ishued ought for the sd Jn" Riall to appear before Lifft Conell Tyng, one of the Council, to Answer on his Oath in that Case; & also for Refusing to assist the Constable in the securing of an Indian called Joseph that had made an attack of and abuse unto Henry & Sara Lane. John Rial was committed to the Constable of North Yarmouth to be trans ported to Boston to appear before his Excellency the Governour, Edward Tyng one of the Council," Testiraony: Falmouth, Province of Maine, July 28, 1688, "Samuel & Henry Lane testifieth to being within their house at North Yarmouth upon the 26th of July. Towards night there came an Indian man and a Squaw desired that they might sleepe there that night which was granted. The next morning the two Indians went to the water-side and called to some more who had layn on an island and five other Indians came to Lane's house and asked for fire, which being given them they made a small fire near the house. The Lanes fearing the fire might doe damage took the fire away from the Indians and car ried it to the water-side and told the Indians to make a fire there and not endanger their house. Then the Indian Joseph fell upon Sam Lane and the said Sam Lane endeavored to defend himself. The Indian Joseph threatened to kill the Lanes' hoggs and did Runne after the hogs with a hatchet. After the Lanes drove off the Indians they immediately complained of thera to the Constable." — York County Records. James SuUivan gives the foUowing account of the Indian attack Sept 13, 1688 : "That night the Indians went on to an island called 'Lanes Island' where they butchered the unfortunate victiras who fell into their hands in the raorn ing, together with another captive whom they had previously taken farther east, in a most savage and cruel manner. Their bodies were found by some of the garrison and buried on the main. Soon after this the garrison reraoved to Jewel's Island, one of the most distant from the main land in Casco Bay, and built a fort there to secure themselves till they could return to Massachusetts, Not long after the building of the fort, it was attacked by a large party of Indians from the main; but was resolutely defended until many of the Indians being killed, the others thought proper to leave the island, A vessel soon after took the inhabitants off the island and conveyed them to Boston, in which and its neighborhood they disposed themselves. And thus the settlement of North Yarraouth was entirely broken up at this time," — Hist. Dist. of Maine, ^795- Samuel Lane was a blacksmith by trade. He was of Salem, Mass,, June 6, 1696, when he paid 25 pounds to Sarauel Sibley of Salem, cooper, his wife Mary consenting, for "dwelling house, barns and orchards with four acres of 190 James Lane and Descendan'ts. land," the deed witnessed June 25, 1696, He soon fixed his residence near his brother, John Lane, at Flatstone Cove, Gloucester, Mass, He received a grant of land frora Gloucester in 1708; bought lands in Gloucester of Nathan iel Sargent Mar, 2, 1714, and of Timothy Somers Mar, 2, 1714; sold land to Samuel Lane, Jr,, Jan, 19, 1724, The church in Annisquam Parish, Gloucester, Mass,, being gathered and incorporated by Rev, John White, chose Benjamin Bradstreet pastor, who, with ten other persons, publicly owned the covenant in 1728, Three of these eleven original raembers were the three Lane brothers, Samuel, John and Jaraes. Samuel Lane died at LanesviUe, Mass., 30 Dec, 1724, se. above sixty years. He had wife ABIGAIL , who was admitted to the church at Annisquam Jan. 28, 1730. Children : I. Daughter', died at Salem ViUage, 10 Feb., 1692. "Samuel Lanes daughter eighteen days o\A.." —Record of Rev. Samuel Parris. 10. II. Samuel', m. Mary Emmons. III. Rachel', b. 15 Nov., 1708, bap. 29 May, 1709, by Rev. John White, First Church, Gloucester, and d. 25 Jan., 17 19, se. about 10 yrs. 4. JOB LANE* (James'), 1667-1744, a mason by trade ; driven from Maine by the Indians, he settled with kindred at BiUerica, Mass., about 1700, was founder of the second Lane family in Bed ford, Mass., and known in the records of his generation as Job Lane, Sr. He bought of Caleb Farley, Jr., Apr, 6, 1700, a house and fifty acres of land south of the Winthrop Purchase, and other lands of Fitz-John Winthrop July 31, 1703. He was allowed by the town of Billerica two lots of 93 and 40 acres in 1708, In March, 1727, he exchanged his house and 50 acres of land with Christopher Page for a house and 150 acres near Shawshine river, and reraoved to the east part of Bedford, where he was innkeeper to his death. Other purchases of real estate were made by hira Oct. 21, 1737, and Jan, 28, 1740. Family Four. , 191 He sold lands to T. Waite Feb, 13, 1705, to C, Farley Apr, 11, 1706, to J, Mudge Jan, 28, 1707, to F, Wyman July 15, 1719, Copy, deed, July is, 1719- "Job Lane and Mary his wife of Billerica, Mass,, convey to Francis Wyman of Woburn, Mass., all right and title \o lands which formerly belonged to ray father James Laine deceased, lying in Casco Bay, containing a neck of land lying between Cousins his River and Har- riseekett; also an island lying over against sd Island called Long Island, one seventh of the above described land being what he intends to convey," — York Co, Records. The eldest son of a person who died intestate received two shares in the estate. Job Lane receiving "one seventh" proves that his father James Lane had six children. Other sales of lands were made by Job Lane to S, Brown Dec, 12, 1720, to J, Blood Aug, 8, 1727, to J, Marshall Nov, 13, 1732, to W, French, Jr,, Apr. 2, 173s, to J. Paige Feb. 7, 1737, to T. Waite Mar. 28, 1737, to Z. Whiting Mar. 31, 1740, to J. Lane, 3d, Apr. 16, 1742; his estate to J. Mudge, Nov. 17. 1743- Job Lane was a soldier in Major John Lane's Indian scout, 1706. He was credited Jan. 20, 1730, with gift of money to incourage ment for the town of Bedford in the year 1729. He died 19 Sept., 1744, ae. 77 yrs. His wife was MARY FASSETT*, dau. of Patrick' and Sarah Fassett of Maiden and Billerica, Mass. She was b. 31 Mar., 1683, and d. 7 Sept., 1746, se. 65 yrs. A highway was laid out in 1694, "from Patrick' Fassett's house leading up to Concord Road and from there to Mr. Lane's." John Fassett", son of Patrick', m, 31 Mar,, 1697, Mary Hill of Billerica, He was chosen treasurer at Bedford's first town meeting Sept, 26, 1729, and d, 30 Jan,, 1736, Samuel Fassett'', another son of Patrick', was the first town treasurer of Westford, Mass, Children of Job and Mary (Fassett) Lane : I. Mary', b. 18 Feb., 1706-7, perhaps m. 10 Feb., 1728, Wil liam Ingalls of Marblehead, Mass. 11. II. Joseph', b. it Jan., 1708-9, m. Thankful Amsden. III. Susanna', b. 2 Mar., 1710-11. IV. Sarah', m. 28 Dec, 1732, James Miller of Charlestown, Mass. 12. V. Job, 3d', twin, b. 29 Jan., 1713-14, m. Sarah . VI. Elizabeth', twin, b. 29 Jan., 1713-14. 192 James Lane and Descendants. VII. Samuel', b, 7 Apr., 1716, d. 25 Nov,, 1736, as. 20 yrs. VIII. Silence', b. 2 Apr,, 17 19. IX, Elizabeth', b. 17 Mar,, 1722-3, m. 5 M'ar,, 1747, his sec ond wife, Michael Bacon'; he b. BiUerica, Mass., 17 13, son of Nathaniel* and Judith (Wyraan) Bacon (Michael'-*-'). Nine children : I. Elizabeth, b, 19 Nov,, 1747. 2, Sarah, b, 17 Feb,, 1749-50, 3. David, b, 2 June, 1752, was killed June 15, 1810, by Lt, William Mer riam, Esq,, whom he was guarding when insane. 4. Nathan, b, 24 Mar,, 1754. 5, Solomon, b, 8 Mar,, 1756, his rough farm on Pine Hill road, Bedford, Mass, 6, Afolly, b. 6 Jan., 1758. 7. Susanna, b. 27 Mar., 1760. 8, A/artha, b. 27 June, 1762, 9. Susanna, b. 8 Feb., 1765. 5. Dea, JAMES LANE' (John*, James'), 1682-1751, b. Casco Bay 1682 ; m, first, by Rev, John White, 25 Oct, 1710, RUTH', eldest chUd of John* and Ruth (Wheeler) RIGGS. (Thomas Riggs', educated in England as a scrivener, first appears in Glou cester, Mass., as grantee of land at Goose Cove in 1658, officiated as school master; town clerk 1665 to 1716, 51 years; selectraan upwards of 20 years, and representative in 1700). Mrs. Lane was b. Gloucester, 4 Nov., 1690, and d. 18 Aug., 1711, £e, 20 yrs, Dea. Lane ra, second, ent. int. 16 Apr,, 17 15, JUDITH, widow of WiUiam WOODBURY, who was admitted to the church Nov, 13, 1739, and d, his widow, 29 Aug,, 1770, se. 85 yrs. He resided at Lanesville, Gloucester, Mass,, where he was a man of marked char acter and influence, James Lane, Nov. 9, 1706, bought of John Wainwright of Ipswich, raer chant, and Elizabeth his wife, for thirty pounds, a certain messuage or tene ment and eighteen acres of upland, in presence of John Lane and John Wain wright, Jr., before Francis Wainwright, justice, Nov, 13, 1706, Annisquam river and harbor are drawn on William Wood's map of Mass, in 1633, and spelled Wonasquam, This is the speUing in Winthrop's Journal, Family Five. 193 1635, and in Josselyn's Account, 1638, "Mr, Endecott was willed to send three raen to view Cape Ann, whether it may be cut through and how they find it," — Gen. Court Records, rdjS. The neck was cut through in 1643 by the enterprise of Rev, Richard Blyn- man, the first minister of Gloucester, JamSs Lane was among the seventeen owners of vessels who in 1710 paid the annual charge for using the ship- channel connecting Ipswich and Mass, Bays, He raade thirty-six purchases of land frora 1716 to 1746. James, John and Samuel Lane were among the 40 petitioners in 1726 for the Third or Annisquam Parish, which was incorporated June 11, 1728. Rev. Ben jamin Bradstreet was ordained pastor of the church at Annisquam Sept, 19, 1728, Samuel Lane, John Lane and James Lane signed the original covenant, James Lane was chosen deacon of the church at its organization ; selectman of Gloucester 1726, 1727, 1730 to 1735, inclusive. Died, intestate, 20 Apr,, 1751, se. 69 yrs. Administration on his estate was granted to his sons, William Lane and Josiah Lane, May 27, 1751; inventory taken Oct, 10, 1751, was returned Nov, 4, 1751; real estate was appraised ;^I243, 3, 8, personal estate £32^, 6, I, Committee appointed Nov, 4, I75i,"set off dower Nov, 22, 1751, and made return Feb, 24, 1752, The same day the account of the joint adminis tration of William Lane and Josiah Lane was exhibited and approved. The estate included five dwelling houses and buildings attached, parsonage land, flake yard, a fourth part of a schooner at sea, two and one-half pews in the meeting house, two Bibles and a nuraber of other books, "a Negro raan £2^, 7, 8, a Negro woman £^0, 13, 4," After the death of the widow a commit tee was appointed Jan, 30, 1771, to divide the estate araong the heirs, "if it can be done without prejudice to the estate," The division, made Feb, 20, 1771, was returned to Judge of Probate July 30, 1771. Adrainistration on the estate of widow Judith Lane was granted to Thomas Burnhara Oct. 29, 1770; inventory was taken Nov, 24, 1770, and returned Jan, 28, 1771; account of administration was presented May 8, 1776, Children : I. James*, b. 8 Aug., 171 1, bap. 13 Apr,, 1712, by Rev. John White, d, 14 May, 1729, in his i8th year. By second marriage : 13. II. William*, b. 24 June, bap. 24 Aug., 17 16, ra. Lydia Griffin and Deborah (Lane) Langsford. III. Ruth*, b. 27 Dec, 17 18, bap. 15 Feb., 17 19, m. 6 Apr., 194 James Lane and Descendants. 1738, Paul Morgan and was admitted to the church Nov. 13, 1739- Their children : I. Ruth, b, 1739. 2, Mary, b, 1 741, 3. Judith, b, 1743, 4. Paul, b. 1745, m. Anna Brown. 5. Henry, b. 1749. 6. John, b. 1752. 7. Joanna, b, 1755. 8. William, b, 1761. 14. IV. Josiah*, b. 29 Mar., bap, 16 Apr., 1721, m. Abigail Norwood. V. Mary*, b. 25 June, bap. 28 July, 1723, m, Thomas Burn ham, and was admitted to the church Dec. 13, 1741. VI. John*, b, 8, bap, 29 Aug,, 1725, d, before 1751. VII. James*, b. 9 Oct, 1729, was master of a fishing schooner and lost on a voyage to the Grand Banks in 1753, se. 24 yrs. His brother, WiUiara Lane, was appointed adm. of his estate Nov, 25, 1754 ; inventory taken Mar, 31, 1755, and returned Feb, 23, 1756, total ;^32 6, II, 10, including "one third part of a pew in Squam meeting house" and "one old Negro man ;£2o." 6. JOHN LANE' (John*, James'), ra. i Jan,, 17 13, by Rev. John White, MARY RIGGS; she b, 30 June, 1696, sister of his brother James' first wife. His vessel was taken and he kiUed by the In dians at Fox Harbor, near Penobscot, Me., 24 June, 1724. His age was 36 years. Perhaps his widow m. second, 3 Nov., 1726, by Richard Jaques, Samuel Jones of Exeter, N. H. The care of five children and administration on the estate of John Lane, Jr., was committed to his widow, Mary Lane, Sept, 28, 1724, The estate was appraised Oct, 6, 1724, and inventory returned Oct, 12, 1724; amount, ^339, II, II, It comprised a servant boy, ^£'10, and "one halfe of two vessells, one a Coaster ye other a fishing vessel, ;£65," Account of adrainistration was pre sented Feb, 16, 1724-5, and division of estate made to Mary Lane, widow, to David Lane, only son, a double portion, to daughters Mary Lane, Sarah Lane, Dorcas Lane and Comfort Lane, The mother was appointed guardian to the children, all minors under fourteen years of age, Feb, 16, 1725, John Riggs was appointed their guardian Oct, 14, 1727, Dea, James Lane was appointed Family Six. 19.5 guardian to the son David Lane Apr, 25, 1737. The daughters Mary and Sarah had married, and the daughter Comfort had died, Aug, 2, 1737, when John Riggs returned an account of his guardianship, and the estate was equally divided among the four surviving children, Mary Lane alias Roberts, Sarah Lane alias Day, Dorcas Lane and David Lane, Children : I. Mary*, b. 13 Mar,, 17 14, bap. 20 June, 1714, by Rev. John White; m. 13 Nov,, 1735, by Richard Jaques, John Roberts, Jr.; he b. 20 Apr., 17 14. She gave receipts in full to Dea. James Lane, administrator, for her portion of the real and personal estate of her grandfather, John Lane, June 7, 1739, and Aug, 5, 1740. Their children : I, David, b. 8, d, 9 Aug,, 1736, 2. Comfort, b. 8 Aug., 1737, d. sarae day, 3, Sarah. 4, Eliphalet. 5. Levi. 6. Hannah. 7, John. 8. Sarah again. II. Patience*, b. 12 July, 17 15, d. the sarae day. III. Sarah*, b. 18, bap. 24 June, 1716, m. 29 Apr., 1735, by Richard Jaques, Eliphalet Day, and gave receipt to Dea. James Lane for portion of her grandfather's personal estate Aug. 5, 1740. In digging the ceUar for the Daniel Day house at Flatstone Cove, Lanesville, about 1870, square bricks from the old house of John Lane*, Senior, were discovered. IV. Ruth*, b. 7, bap. 21 Apr., 17 18, d. 6 May, 17 18. V. Dorcas*, b. 4, bap. 14 June, 1719, m. 16 Nov., 1738, Thomas Wharf; he b. 21 Mar., 1717, son of Nathaniel Wharf, Jr., a Grand Bank skipper, lost with all his crew on a voyage to the Banks in 1753. She gave receipts for her portion in the real and personal estate of her grandfather, John Lane, to Dea. Jaraes Lane, administrator, Apr. 11, 1739, and June 9, 1740. Their children : I. Dorcas, 2, Sarah, 3, Job. 4, John. 5, Nathaniel, 6. Thomas, b, 3 Aug,, 1747. 7, David, b, 2 Feb,, 1752, 8, Eliphalet Day. VI. John*, b. 21, bap. 26 Mar., 1721, d. 6 Apr., 1721. 15. YII. David*, b. 27 May, bap. June, 1722, m. Abigail Lane*, (Samuel'-*, James'). VIII. Comfort*, b. 18 Aug., 1724, d. before 2 Aug., 1737. 196 James Lane and Descend.4Nts. 7. JOSEPH LANE' (John*, James'), 1 698-1 743, was b, 15 Oct, 1698; m. I Jan., 1 721, by Rev. John White, DEBORAH HARA DEN, dau, of Benjamin and Deborah (Norwood) Haraden, and granddau, of Edward and Sarah Haraden. Members of the Lane family had taken up their residence at Planter's Neck, between Lobster Cove and Annisquam river, before the end of the 17th cen tury. This property had come into the possession of Edward Haraden, who appears to have been the first settler at Squam Point about 1656. Joseph Lane moved from Lane's Cove or Bay View to the Haraden grant. He bought land of Deborah Haraden, administratrix, Mar. 17, 1725, and of John Lane, Jan. 7, 1737. He gave Dea, Jaraes Lane, administrator, receipts for real and personal estate of his father, John Lane, Apr, 11, 1739, and May 6, 1740. About 40 of the neighbors petitioned to be incorporated as the Third Parish in 1726, Joseph Lane and wife joined the church in Annisquam Sept 26, 1 73 1. He d. 24 Apr,, 1743, in his 45th year. Children : I. Deborah*, b. 17 Dec, 1721, d. 17 May, 1722, se. about 5 Ills- II. Deborah*, b. 24 Apr., 1724, ra. first, 9 Jan,, 1744, John Langsford; he b, 1722, son of Richard and Mary (Rowe) Langs- ford, and was shot by Indians in arabush while walking on shore at Owl's Head, Me. She m, second, 1756, her cousin, William Lane* (James', John*, James'), and m, third, Mr, Webster. III. Joseph*, b, 3, bap, 9 May, 1725, d. 9 Mar,, 1726, ae, about 10 ms. 16. IV. Joseph*, b, 20 Aug,, 1726, ra. 'Joanna Haraden. 17. V. Caleb*, b. 16 Nov., 1729, ra, Lydia Riggs, 18. VI. Solomon*, b. 29, bap. 31 Oct, 1731, m. Abigail Gott and Judith Knowlton. VII. Esther*, bap. 9 Dec, 1732. VIII. Amey or Amy*, bap. 25 Jan., 1735-6. She m. Mr. Ket cham, and according to reliable tradition Uved to be one hundred years old. Among descendants living in 1899 is the Rev. William E. Ketcham, D. D., of Yonkers, N. Y,, editor of The Preacher's Magazine, etc., etc. Family Eight. 197 19. IX. Gideon*, bap. 19 Mar., 1737-8, m. Mary Babson. X. John*, b. 8 July, 1739, perhaps kiUed in an engagement with a British ship of twenty guns, May 29, 1778, and mentioned as the first victim of the Revolutionary war from Annisquam. XI. Ann*, b. 7. Jan., bap. 8 Feb., 1 740-1, m. George Denni son, and lived in Freeport, Me. 8. BENJAMIN LANE' (John*, James'), 1700-1773, b. in Lanes ville, Gloucester, Mass., 25 July, 1700, m, 6 Jan,, 1725-6, by Rev. John White, ELIZABETH GRIFFIN, a descendant of Samuel and Elizabeth (York) Griffin. They resided in Gloucester where he bought land of Abraham Robinson, Jr., Nov. 15, 1727, and other lands in 1737 and 1738. He gave receipts for his portion of the real and personal estate of his father, John Lane, to Dea. James Lane, adra,, April 11, 1739, and May 6, 1740, He d, 12 Mar,, 1773, se. 72 years. His widow EUzabeth Lane d. of asthma, II Sept, 1779, se, 70 years. Children : I. Thomas*, b. 5 Sept, 1726, d. 10 Sept, 1726. 20. II. Benjamin*, b, 23 Nov,, 1727, m. Hannah Lane. III. Elizabeth*, b. 3 Jan., 1730, 21. IV. Jonathan*, b. 2, bap, 10 Oct,, 1731, had wives Lydia Robinson, Esther Staniford and Elizabeth Whalen. V, John*, b, 15, bap, 20 Oct,, 1733, entered intention of ra. 12 Aug., 1756, with Rachel Sargent, and resided in Gloucester. VI. Lydia*, b, 24 Feb., bap. 19 Mar., 1735-6. 22. VII. Hezekiah*, b. 31 Mar., bap. 2 Apr., 1738, had wife Hannah Gott. VIII. David*, bap. 1740. IX. Daniel*, bap. 3 June, 1740, had wife Hannah , and children : I, Mary', bap, 24 Oct,, 1762, 2. Judith^, bap. 22 Sept., or 13 Oct., 1765. 198 James Lane and Descendants. X. Dorcas*, bap. i6 Oct, 1743. 23. XL Joseph*, bap. 8 Sept., 1745, m. Rachel Rowe and Sarah Davis. XII. Joshua*, twin, bap. 8 Sept., 1745. XIII. Lois*, bap. 13 Dec, 1747, m. 5 Nov., 1767, Ebenezer Annis*; he b. Gloucester, 18 Feb., 1747, (Isaac' and Experience Haraden, Isaac* and Rebecca , Charles' and Sarah Chase, of Newbury, Mass.) Children born in Gloucester : Lois, bap. 2 Apr., 1769. Mark, bap. 26 Nov., 1769, d. young. Esther, bap, 13 June, 1773, m. Oct., 1791, Richard Grover Pew. Lydia, bap, 29 Mar,, 1777. Ebenezer, b, 24 Apr,, 1779. Mark, b, 7 Oct,, 1780, XIV. Nathaniel*, b. lo, bap, 23 Sept., 1750. XV. Rebecca*, bap, 22 Dec, 1751. XVI. Peter*, b, 18 Apr,, 1754, d. 30 Oct, 1772, ae, 19 years. 9. JOB LANE' (John*, James'), was b. in Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 8 Feb., 1705, bap, 22 July, 1705, by Rev. John White; entered intention of m. with MARY ASHBY of Beverly, Mass., 20 Oct., and ra. 26 Nov., 1734, by Rev. Benjarain Bradstreet. She was baptized and joined the church at Annisquam, May 10, 1741. He bought land in Gloucester of John Lane, Jan. 7, 1737; signed an indenture June, 1738; gave receipt for portion of the personal estate of his father, John Lane, to Dea. Jaraes Lane, administrator. May 6, 1740; sold to James Lane, flake-yard and a dwelling he had bought of Stephen Butler, before 1 751. The fifth or Sandy Bay parish, now Rockport, Mass., was incorporated Jan, I, 1754, and the new church organized Feb, 13, 1755, Job Lane was among the about 40 tax-payers at Sandy Bay in 1754, He bought lands of John Pool, June 18, 1766, and of Nathaniel Allen, et als,, Oct, 10, 1766. Fifth Parish Gloucester, "I say Reced per rae Ebnr Cleaveland orders and abaitraents in the year 1771. Job Lane, head abated o — 11 — o," He d. in Rockport. Mary Lane his widow d. in 1795, very aged of course. Family Ten. 199 ChUdren born and baptized at Annisquam : I. S.\RAH*, b. 10, bap. 14 Sept., 1735, probably entered inten tion of m, 25 May, 1758, with Lemuel Merchant*, (Jabez'). "1761, Oct. 30. Visited Lemuel Merchant, in a consumption." — Rev. Samuel Chandler's Diary. Children : I. Sarah, bap. 13 May, 1759. 2, Lemuel, bap, 3 May, 1761, II. Jonathan*, bap. 19 Dec, 1736. III. Job*, bap. 18 June, 1738, ra, 26 Feb,, 1782, Johena Mor gan. IV. Martha*, bap. 24 Feb,, 1739-40. 24. V. Ebenezer*, bap. 4 July, 1742, m, Mary Pres'ton and Eunice Dodd. VI. Deborah*, bap. 8 Jan., 1743-4, m. 28 Nov., 1767, James Parsons; he b. 25 Oct, 1746, son of James and AbigaU (Tarr) Parsons of Sandy Bay, now Rockport, Mass. Their son : I, William, b, 27 Mar,, 1780, ra, 7 Sept,, 1803, Martha Pool, and d, Nov,, 1823, leaving an only son William, b, Gloucester, 30 Aug,, 1804, d, Newton, Mass,, i July, 1885, re. 80 yrs., 10 ms, 25. VII. Andrew*, bap. 6 Feb., 1745-6, ra. Mary Tarr and Sarah Story. VIII. Edmund*, bap. 19 June, 1748. IX. Mary*, bap. 15 Sept., 175 1, m. 5 Dec, 1773, Joseph Dres ser, a native of Gloucester, who settled previously to 1782, in DanviUe, Me. Four chUdren : I. Mary, m, William Aloody, 2d. 2. Alartha, m, Joseph Davis, and had Dr, Joseph D, Davis, of Auburn, Me, 10. SAMUEL LANE' (Samuel*, James'), was pub. 6 Oct., and m. 23 Oct, 1722, by Rev. John White, MARY EMMONS, both of Gloucester, Mass. He was an original member of the Third Church, Annisquam, 1728, and his wife Mary was admitted to membership in 1743. 200 James Lane and Descendants, "1752, Jan, 2, In the morning sent for to pray with Sam'l Lane's child; in the evening visited and prayed again at Sam'l Lane's, 1752, Dec, 18. I visited and prayed with Sam'l Lane's wife, sick, 1761, Sept, z, I attended the funeral of Sam'l Lane's wife; died of nervous fever," — Journal of Rev. Samuel Chandler. Mr. Lane is probably the Sarauel Lane who ent. int. of m. 7 Jan., 1762, with MARY NEWHALL of Newbury, Mass. He bought land of his father Jan. 19, 1724, had claira against the estate of John Lane* (James') in 1738, bought land of John Prince Aug. 26, 1754, and of Epes Sargent Sept. 3, 1759. Administration on the estate of Samuel Lane was granted to his son-in-law, David Lane, Apr, 10, 1765; inventory taken Apr, 23, 1765, was returned May 10, 1765; account of adra, was rendered June 17, 1765, additional account Oct, 14, 1765, The estate comprised dwelling house, barn and shop, 17 1-2 acres of land, cattle, blacksmith's tools, fishing boat and canoe. Among the clairas allowed was that of "the widow for mourning," Children : 26. I. Samuel*, b, 7 July, bap, 4 Aug,, 1723, m. Deliverance Pool. II. Mary*, b. 4 Sept, 1724. III. Abigail*, b, 23 Feb,, bap. 15 May, 1726, was adraitted to the church June 20, 1742, m, David Lane* (John'-'-, James'). IV. Elizabeth*, b. 26, bap, 31 Mar,, 1728. 27. V. Zebulon*, b, i July, 1729, m. Hannah Cogswell. VI. Hannah*, b. 10 Jan., 1730-1, m. Benjamin Lane* (Benj,', John*, James'). VII, Judith*, bap, 13 May, 1732. 28. VIII. Daniel*, bap, 5 Jan,, i734-S> 'f. M.-vry L.vne, IX. Judith*, b. 16 June, bap. 11 July, 1736. X. Susanna*, bap, 23 Oct,, 1737, 29. XI, Issacher*, b. 11, bap. 17 June, 1739, 'T-^- Mary Hodg- kins. XII. Zacheus*, bap. 31 Aug., 1740, XIII. Mary*, b. 16, bap, 18 Oct, 1741. Family Eleven. 201 11. JOSEPH LANE' (Job*, James'), b. Billerica, Mass., ii Dec, 1708, m. THANKFUL, dau. of Isaac AMSDEN, resided at Bed ford and Sutton, Mass. Joseph Lane formerly of Bedford, now Resident in the town of Sutton, Husbandman, paid Richard Waters of Sutton, 200 pounds in good Bills of Credit, Mar, 14, 1736-7, for 130 acres of land adjacent to Sutton and part of that land which was surveyed by Mr, John Chandler, Jr, Acknowledged, Aug, 15, 1737, — Wor, Co, Deeds, 8 : ^9/, Joseph Lane died intestate at Sutton, about 20 Mar,, 1737. Adm, on the estate was granted to his brother Job Lane tertius, of Bedford, who gave bond accordingly Mar, 28, 1737, Inv, taken Aug. 17, 1737, included lands, man's and woman's clothing and baby linen; araount, 'ii9l£, '^j I'd; dis bursements, 107;^, Is, 7d, Account presented Aug. 20, 1740. ChUd : I, Joseph*, b. 6 Sept., 1736. "Proposed the baptismal cove nant to Joseph Lane and Thankful his wife and baptized their chUd Joseph, Oct. ye 31^', 1736." — Bedford Church Records. Joseph Lane, being a minor about ten raonths of age, his grandfather. Job Lane, was appointed his guardian and gave bond, Aug. I, 1737. Job Lane, guardian, being "unable and infirm of Body," petitioned, Sept. 4, 1742, that his son. Job Lane 3d, be appointed "guardian in my stead over Joseph Lane a minor under age." The petition was granted and Job Lane 3d gave bond, Sept. 6, 1742. This trust of Job Lane 3d as both administrator and guardian, was represented, Sept. 13, 1742, as "altogether improper." Parties were cited to appear Sept. 30, 1742, the Judge saying, "I shall put off the matter of the guardianship, the parties meanwhile to agree on sorae third party." Hearing was had Oct. II, 1742, when the judge decided, "I ap point Benjarain Kidder of Bedford, guardian in the room of Job Lane 3d, to Joseph Lane in his 7th year, son of Joseph Lane late of Sutton." When 20 years of age, Joseph Lane appears to be living with Dr. Upham of Brookfield and having Benjarain Kidder his guardian and Job Lane 3d the administrator of his father's estate. Joseph Lane of Sutton, husbandman, in consideration of 200 pounds. Mar. 10, 1761, received frora Richard Waters, deed of 149 acres of land "lying adjacent to Sutton and part of the land I bought of ye Province committee." This was to raake good the quality and bounds of land [sold to his father] Mar. 14, 1736-7. — Deeds 44: lib. He sold this land to Henry Nichols of Sutton, for 214 pounds. Mar. 13, 1762.— ^^.- 414. 202 James Lane and Descendants. 12. JOB LANE, 3d (Job*, James'), 1714-1754, twin, b. BiUerica, Mass., 29 Jan., 1713-14, resided in Bedford and was innkeeper in Brookfield, Mass. He was appointed administrator of his brother Joseph's estate Mar. 28, 1737, and bought land of J. Lane Apr, 16, 1742, and sold land to N, Pope, Jr., Feb. 2, 1748. Jobe Lane Jr. of Bedford paid Philip and Mary Goss, 150 pounds, Apr. 11, 1748, for 82 acres of land in Brookfield, Co, of Worcester, — Wor, Deeds, 24: 427, Job Lane of Brookfield paid John Goss, 300 pounds, Nov. 20, 1748, for 10 acres of land in Brookfield, — 27:288, He paid Thoraas and Abigail Goss 3000 pounds old tenor, Feb, 15, 1748-9, for no acres of land, being the homestead of Capt, Philip Goss late of Brookfield, with the buildings. — 28 : 241, Job Lane of Brookfield, Innholder, paid John Goss 160 pounds old tenor, Sept, 17, 1749, for 25 acres in Brookfield, — 31:84. He paid Abner Gilbert 100 pounds lawful money, Oct. 7, 1750, for 73 acres of land in Brook field and deeded it back again May 24, 1751. — 30 : i^S and 31:31. Job Lane of Brookfield, gentleman, received judgment May 22, 1752, against Ephraim Hayward and David Hoar both of Western in Co. of Worcester, for 57 pounds 16 shillings 7 pence damage and 2 pounds i penny cost lawful money, and was put in possession of the premises Nov. 7, 1752. — 32 :87. He sold John Cutler for 700 pounds lawful raoney, Jan. 14, 1754, 300 acres of land in Brookfield; also paid him 400 pounds lawful money for 100 acres in Brookfield Jan. 14, 1754, — 32:^14 and 34 : 24^. Mrs. Sarah Lane, gentlewoman, and Thoraas Hall, gentleraan, both of Brookfield, executors of the last will of Job Lane late of Brookfield, gentle man, sold to Jonas Brewer of No. i in Co. of Hampshire, for 373 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence, Apr. 17, 1758, one raessuage in Brookfield containing too acres with buildings. — Deeds sS : 127. Account of Noah Gilbert and Sarah Gilbert his wife who before marriage was Sarah Lane wife of Job Lane late of Brookfield, acting executors of the last will of Job Lane, the other executor being Thos. Hale. Inv. of Personal estate Aug, 17, 1754, ^^967— 15— II 911— 17— 5 55— iS Rendered Oct. 17, 1759. ¦Wor. Co. Wills, 6. Children of Job and Sarah Lane : I. Sarah*, b. Bedford, Mass., 28 Jan., bap. 3 Feb., 1739^40, m. first, 29 Sept., 1757, Abner Howe of North Brookfield, Mass., Family Thirteen. 203 who d. in the hospital 20 Dec, 1776, from sickness contracted in the army of the Revolution. After his decease the family raoved to Jaffrey, N. H., where she m. second, Samuel Parker, who sur vived her. Tablet erected by her grandson is inscribed : "Sarah Parker, mother of Dr. Adonijah Howe, died Dec. 30, 1795, aged 59." Children of Abner and Sarah (Lane) Howe born in North Brookfield, Mass. : I. Adonijah, b. 24 July, 1758, raoved his raother's family to Jaffrey, N. H., where he began to practice medicine at an early age and d. 31 July, 1832. 2. Percis, b. 3 Sept., 1760. 3. Abner, b. II Jan., 1763, d. 1837. 4. Sarah, b. 13 Feb., 1765. 5. Rebecca, b. 21 June, 1767, d. 1821. 6. Job Lane, b. 16 or 18 Sept., 1769, d. 1838. 7. Eunice, b. 6 Nov., 1771, d, 1843, 8, James, b, 10 or 16 Mar,, 1774, d, 13 Nov,, 1810, 9. Thankful, b, 14 May, 1777, tradition says born at the time her father lay dying or about 20 Dec, 1776, II, Job*, b, Bedford, 14 Feb., bap. 28 Feb., 1 741-2, graduated Yale CoUege 1764, and d. 16 Sept., 1768, se. 27 yrs, A stone, with an highly appreciative inscription in Latin, marks his grave at New Haven, Conn. Epitaph: "Stop Traveller, Here, hard by, lyeth D., Job Lane, M, A,, Tutor in Yale College, a man distinguished for his talent, sobriety, literary at tainments and piety. This perishable monument briefly witnesses to thee, — That he was born in Bedford, A, D, 1 741 ; That in Youth he was very fond of study; That in academic pursuits he surpassed others; That for three Years he earnestly preached the Gospel; That for two years he faithfully performed the duties of Tutor; That he was very dear to his parents, loved by his friends and all favorers of piety, and that deeply mourned by all he departed this life Sept, 16, 1768," III. Jonathan*, b. 3 Feb., bap. 5 Feb., 1743-4. IV. Samuel*, b. 6 May, 1746. V. Mary*, b. 16 Mar,, 1747-8. 13. WILLIAM LANE* (James', John*, James'), 1716-1759, b. LanesviUe, Mass., 24 June, bap. 24 Aug., 17 16, by Rev. John White; ra. first by Rev. Benjamin Bradstreet, i Jan., 1738, LYDIA GRIFFIN, who was admitted to the church, 20 June, 1742. He 204 James Lane and Descendants. ent int of m. 13 Feb., 1756, with DEBORAH (Lane*) LANGS FORD, (Joseph', John*, James'). Mr. Lane d. about 1759. Guardianship for the children was granted as follows : John Lane a minor above fourteen to Ambrose Wincut, Apr, 21, 1760; William and Joanna under fourteen, and other children under seven to Deborah Lane, Nov, 10, 1760; Nicholas and Rachel under fourteen to Thomas Burnham, Jr,, of Ipswich, Dec, 15, 1760; Nicholas and Rachel, now above fourteen to Samuel Griffin, Apr, 10, 1765; Lydia and Judith above fourteen to John Flale, Apr, 10, 1765. Nicholas and Rachel "having arrived at full age," release their guardian, Samuel Griffin, Dec, 5, 1770, Administration on the estate of William Lane was granted to his widow, Deborah Lane, May 12, 1760, Inventory taken June 20, 1760, was exhibited with account of adm., Sept. i, 1760. Additional inventory was returned. Mar. 9, 1761, Dower set off, Sept. 28, 1761. Other accounts of adm. were rendered, Oct. 13, 1761, and Oct. 6, 1763. Further account by "Deborah Lane now Webster," Mar. 11, 1765, and July 27, 1767, Children : I. Sarah=, b, 6, bap, 15 Dec, 1738. II. William^, b. 12, bap. 21 Dec, 1740, d, in France about 1759, ae. 18 years. III. JOHN^, b. 17, bap. 20 Mar,, 1742-3. IV. Lydia', b. 30 May, bap. 2 June, 1745. V. Judith', b. 21, bap. 28 June, 1747. 30. VI, Nicholas', b, 18 July, bap. 6 Aug,, 1749, had wives Nancy Bezoil and Mary . VII, Rachel', bap, 13 Feb., 175 1-2, m. 16 Dec, 1784, by Rev. Daniel FuUer, Josiah Griffin; he b. Mar,, 1742, son of Sarauel and Mary (York) Griffin, and Uved in Sandy Bay, Mass. VIII. Joanna', b. 8, bap. 10 July, 1753. By second marriage : IX. Joanna', b, 16, bap, 17 July, 1757, X, William', b, 6 Aug., 1759, presented for bap. by Deborah Lane, widow, 16 Sept., 1759 ; was lost in a storra at sea. May 29, 1778, se. 19 years. Family Fourteen. 205 14. JOSIAH LANE* (James', John*, Jaraes'), 1721-1766, was b. in Gloucester, Mass., 29 Mar., 1721, m. 20 Mar., 1743, by Rev. Ben jamin Bradstreet, ABIGAIL NORWOOD'; she b. 28 Mar., 1723, dau. of Joshua*, (Francis'), and EUzabeth (Andrews) Norwood. Francis Norwood', was one of Cromwell's soldiers and, after the restoration of Charlps II, fled frora England. Joshua Norwood^ was a fisherman and later engaged in getting out mooring- and mill-stones, the first man in Glou cester to quarry stone — a business since become of national repute. Mr. Lane and his wife were members of the Third Church in Annisquam, she admitted in 1749, and its records show the baptism of their children. He is probably the Josiah Lane who made six purchases of land in Gloucester from 1749 to 1757, Administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Abigail Lane, Nov, 3, 1766. Inventory taken, Jan, 12, 1767, returned Feb. 23) 1767. It included house and lands, "half a small schooner, a pew in Squam meeting house and one third of another pew, and one third of one eighth of the vacancy in the gallery." Dower was set oft and estate appor tioned, May 25, 1767. Account of adm. was rendered. May 26, 1767, and additional account, Feb, 26, 1 771. Abigail (Norwood) Lane seems to have ra. again, "Joseph Caffareen, the school master," who d. 6 Sept., 1814. She is said to have d. at Mt. Desert, Me., at her daughter Abigail's. The house occupied by Josiah Lane and family is still standing at Bay View, Gloucester, though changed in appear ance. Here Capt, Francis Lane made his home when he came to Cape Ann on his yearly visits to go fishing. It was sold by Mark Lane and heirs to Joseph Berry. Children, births entered in family Bible and baptisms on church records by Rev. Benjamin Bradstreet. It is said that six or seven of these brothers were at the battle of Bunker hill together. I. Ruth', b. 8 Oct, 1743, bap. 8 Jan., 1743-4. II. Judith', b. 23 June, bap. 22 Sept, 1745. 31. III. James', b. 8 June, bap. 14 June, 1747, m. Hannah Robinson. 32. IV. Josiah', b. 6, bap. 11 Dec, 1748, m. Jerusha Stevens. 33. V. Isaac', b. 4 Nov., bap. 11 Nov., 1750, m. Dorcas Bennett and Jerusha . 34. VI. Theophilus', b. 9, bap. 12 July, 1752, m. Susannah Davis. 206 James Lane and Descendants. 35. VII. Levi', b. 3, bap. 10 Nov., 1754, m. Elizabeth Gyles and Susanna (Newman) Lane. 36. VIII. Francis-', b. 12 Dec, 1756, bap. 17 July, 1757, m. Esther Griffin, Hannah Wyman and Betsey Gammon. IX. Abigail', b. 19, bap. 21 Oct, 1759, prob. m. 18 June, 1778, by Rev. Obadiah Parsons, Nathaniel Bennett, resided at Mount Desert, Me. 37. X. Mark', b. 8 Jan., b. 10 Jan., 1762, m. Esther Goit. XI. Ammi', b. 5, bap. 17 June, 1764, named for Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Cutter, first pastor of No. Yarmouth, Me., 1 730-1 735. "Pownal, Me. Direct U. S. Tax 1821. Ararai Lane: Real and personal estate and Income ^97.00, six p"' cent ^5.82." 15. DAVID LANE* (John'.*, James'), 1722-1777, b. June, 1722, at LanesviUe, Gloucester, Mass., was two years old when his father was killed by the Indians. His guardians were his mother, Mary Lane, Feb. 16, 1725, John Riggs, Oct, 14, 1727, Dea, James Lane, Apr, 25, 1737. He had arrived of age Oct, 28, 1743, when he gave Dea, James Lane a receipt in full for his interest in the ^estate of his father, John Lane, Jr.^, and his grandfather, John Lane^ He bought land in Annisquam, July 25, 1748, and purchases were continued by his son, David Lane*, and grandson, David Lane", for more than half a century. He was adm, on the estate of his father-in-law, Samuel Lane, 1765, David Lane m, 31 Oct,, 1743, by Rev. Benjamin Bradstreet, ABIGAIL LANE* (Sarauel'-*, James'), and was intending ra, with DELIVERANCE GOTT, 12, and m. 28 May, 1769. He d. 3 Sept, 1777, se. 56 years. Children : I. Susanna', b. 3 May, bap, 17 June, 1744. II. John', b. 5, bap. 7 July, 1745. III. Mary', b. 7, bap. 25 Jan., 1746-7. IV. Thomasin', b. 3, bap. 9 May, 1749. "Tammy Lane" m. Family Sixteen. 207 25 Nov., 1769, Daniel Merchant' (Daniel'-, Jabez'); he b. 6 Aug., 1745, one of the incorporators of the Independent Christian church, 1792. Their children were: I, Tammy, bap, 4 Nov,, 1770, 2, Daniel, b, 1771. 3, Rebecca, b. 1774, 4, Caleb, twin, 5, Nancy, twin, 6, Perhaps others, 38. V. David-', b. i Dec, 1750, m. Hannah Merchant. VI. Francis', bap. 12 Dec, 1756. VII. Sarah', bap. 17 June, 1764, m. 1792, Asa Todd of Rowley, Mass. VIII. Judith', bap. 22 Sept 1765. 16. JOSEPH LANE* (Joseph', John*, James'), 1726-1776, b. Gloucester, Mass., 20 Aug., 1726. At the age of twenty-four years, 12 Nov., 1750, he entered intention of m. with JOANNA HARA DEN, widow of Joseph Haraden with half a dozen children. He sold to Dea, James Lane, before 1751, part of a flake-yard at Lanesville, Mass. Records of the Fifth Parish of Gloucester, now Rockport, Mass. "March the 24 Day 1767 at a Parish meeting said Meeting Maid Chois of Joseph Lane Edmund Grover Jonathan Pool for Moneters." "November the 8 Day 1775. At Payrish Meeting Lawfully assembled then Maid Choice of Francis Pool mr John Rowe Jr and Joseph Lane as a Comraittee to prouid a scool Master also to Mend the Meeting house. Voted that the Sarae Coraraittee Settel with Mr Nehemiah Grover and Pay hira his Damidg Done his Seat in the Meeting house," "Jenuary the twelfth Day 1775 [6] at Parish Meeting Mr Joseph Lane Thomas Rowe Daniel Young chosen Moneters," Joseph Lane paid Daniel Lane, ;^30, 13s, 4d, Jan, 2, 1772, for sixty acre lot No, S, Division 2, in New Gloucester, Maine, About one century after the settlement of Cape Ann, all the available land was under cultivation and the young men must turn to the sea or to the wilds of Maine, Joshua Lane was engaged in real estate transactions at Falmouth in 1700. John Lane presented land clairas at North Yarmouth in 1715, shared in the division of Wallis estate at Cape Elizabeth, 1723, and was dealing in real estate in Maine as late as 1732, Theophilus Lane resided at North Yarmouth in 1770, and subscribed his "proportionable part of cost" to Dr. Elias Bank's private school, Gideon Lane removed from Gloucester to Free- 208 James Lane and Descendants. port, Me,, about 1780, Isaac Lane bought land and settled in Gray, Me,, 1781, and moved to Falmouth, Me,, 1793, Francis Lane settled at North Yarmouth, Me,, at the close of his service in the Revolution, and was at Minot in 1802, and at South Paris in 1818, Hannah Lane ra, John Trow of North Yarmouth; he bap, 7 Nov,, 1768, and was a member of the First church, Sept. 15, 1799. Joanna Lane united with the First church in Free- port, between its organization, Dec, 21, 1789, and 1805, and died before 1805. Joseph Lane died 1776, a communicant in the Fifth church, Gloucester, Mass. Children : 39. I. Caleb', of Annisquam, m. Abiah Saville. 40. II. Gideon-'', of Gloucester, m. Anna Griffin and Han nah Lane. 17. CALEB LANE* (Joseph', John*, James'), 1729-1783, b. Glou cester, Mass., 16 Nov., 1729, followed the sea for a livelihood, and was soldier in Lt. Lane's company of scouts at Squara, May 9, 1776. He m. 15 Nov., 1752, by Rev. John Rogers, LYDIA RIGGS, and d. 10 Feb., 1783, se. 54 yrs. "Erected to the memory of Caleb Lane, who died Feb. loth, 1783, aged 54. Farewell, my wife and children dear. If aught on earth could keep me here, 'Twoiild be ray love for you; But Jesus calls ray soul away — ¦ Jesus forbids a longer stay — My dearest friends adieu," — Parish Cemetery, I^anesville, Lydia (Riggs) Lane d. 21 Mar., 181 2, se. 83 years. "From scene to scene our fleeting moments go," Administration on her estate was granted to Aaron Lane Jan. 5, 1813. ChUdren baptized at Annisquam : I. Lydia', b. 5, bap. 16 Sept., 1753, m. Nathaniel Lane' (Benjamin*-', John*, James'). Family Seventeen. 209 II. Thomasin', bap. 29 Aug., 1756, ent, int, of m, 6 Mar,, 1788, with William Evans of Pelham, N. H. 41. III. C.^leb', b. 23, bap. 27 May, 1759, '""i- Hannah Burn ham. 42. IV. Joseph', bap. 30 Nov., 1760, m. Joanna Morgan. V. Aaron', bap. 28 Oct., 1764, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland. He was a sea captain, bought lands in Gloucester Jan. 3, 1795, and July 14, 1796 ; administered on the estate of his brother, Went worth R. Lane, Dec. 4, 1809, and on the estate of his mother, Lydia Lane, June 5, 1813. He ent. int 27 Oct., and m. 20 Nov., 1787, widow Martha (Hodgkins) Merchant, dau, of John and Molly Hodgkins, who d. of old age, his widow, 22 Oct, 1857, se. 94 yrs,, 18 ds. Capt Lane d. Nov., 1833. His wiU, dated Oct. 23, 1833, proved Jan., 1834, with Samuel Lane, Esq., adm., gave to wife Martha Lane "the use, profit and benefit of my whole estate," after her decease "to go to Jabez Marchant and Thoraas Marchant, minor children of Jabez Merchant, Jr,, deceased." — Essex Co. Wills. VI. Ammi, Amori or Amey', bap. 8 Dec, 1765. VII. Wentworth Riggs-', bap. 22 May, 1767, by Rev. John Wyeth. He was a fisherman, purchased land in Squara parish of Jonathan Woodbury Jan. 10, 1791, and land of the estate of Cor nelius Lane, with part of a pew in the raeeting house, 1808. He d. intestate, 1809. Aaron Lane, adm. "In raemory of Wentworth Riggs Lane, who died Augst 6th, i8og, aged 42 years. Adieu ! my friends, a long adieu, I leave the joys of earth with you, I seek a Heavenly prize; May you in Jesus too be found. And when the trump of God shall sound. In His blest Image rise," VIII, Susanna', bap. 21 May, 1769, ent. int of ra. 5 Nov., 1 791, with Solomon Sargent, 3d. 43. IX. Zacheus', b. 7 June, 1769, bap. 16 June, 1771, m. Rebecca Merchant. 210 James Lane and Descendants. 18. SOLOMON LANE* (Joseph', John*, James'), b. 29 Oct, 1 731; bought land in Gloucester, Mass., Third Parish, of John SaviUe, Jan. 28, 1756; ent int 2 Feb., and m. 22 Mar., 1764, ABIGAIL GOTT, who was adraitted to the church in 1764, and d. 30 Sept., 1774, se. 38 yrs. He m. second, 31 July, 1778, by Rev. Obadiah Parsons, JUDITH KNOWLTON, who survived him and ent. int. of ra. 13 Feb., 1802, with Joseph Cafferene, the village teacher of Gloucester. Administration on the estate of Solomon Lane, mariner of Gloucester, was granted to his widow, Judith Lane, Apr. -j., 1799. Inventory taken May 29 and 30, 1799, and returned July I, 1799, included a dwelling house two stories high with back rooms, barn, land, live stock, "old store at Harraden's point," "an old schooner better than 30 tons, eleven years old and nearly run out," a two mast boat in partnership with Solomon and Cornelius Lane, one French gun, one King's arra, half a wall pew in Annisquam meeting house; total $1376.75. Dower set off Dec, 2, 1800, Account of adm, rendered and estate settled Mar, 7, 1803, — Essex Co. Deeds. Children : 44. I. Solomon, Jr.', b. 21 Jan., bap. Squam, 24 Feb., 1765, m. Sally Stan wood. 45. II. Nathaniel-', b. 2, bap. 9 Nov., 1766, m. Sarah Wood bury. 46. III. Cornelius', b. 24 Oct., 1769, bap. 24 Dec, 1769, m. Lucy Harraden. 47. IV. Humphrey', bap. 13 Oct., 1771, m. Susannah Green leaf and Mary P . V. Abigail', bap. 25 July, 1773, d. 30 Sept, 1774, se. 18 ms. VI. Pitts', bap. 29 Oct, 1775, had died leaving legal represen tatives Mar, 7, 1803. By second marriage : VII. Abigail, 2d', bap. at home 25 Mar,, 1779; received from Cornelius Lane Mar. 7, 1803, a portion in the settieraent of their father's estate; ra, David Lane^ (David'-*, John'-*, Jaraes'). VIII. Mark', Judith Lane was appointed guardian to Mark Lane, a rainor raore than 14 years of age, Joseph Cafferene her Family Nineteen. 211 bondsman, Nov. 4, 1799. Mark Lane was guardian to WiUiara Lane, Mar. 7, 1803, and presented a claim against the estate of CorneUus Lane, 1808. IX. Ammi-', bap. at Second church, 6 June, 1784. X, George Washington'. His mother, Judith Lane, was appoint ed his guardian Apr. 2, 1799 ; he received frora CorneUus Lane a bond for his portion in their father's estate Dec. 2, 1800 ; his claim against the estate of CorneUus Lane was aUowed, 1808. 48. XL William', b. 1789, m. Polly Lane, Nancy and Louisa Brooks. 19. GIDEON LANE* (Joseph', John*, James'), 1 738-1813, was bap. at Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass,, 19 Mar,, 1737-8. He ent. int of m. 21 Jan., and m. 23 Feb., 1763, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland, MARY BABSON. 'Both were bap. u Apr., 1773, and united with the church in Annisquara, 23 May, 1773. She d. of consumption, 8 Jan., 1779, as. 34 years, a great aunt of John J. Babson, the historian of Gloucester. He ra. second, 25 Mar., 1780, by Rev. Eli Forbes, widow LYDIA GATEWOOD. Mr. Lane probably located at Porridge Hill in Dogtown, Gloucester, where the well is still shown. His daughter Mrs. Asa Woodbury is remerabered to have said that she was born there. But he soon settled at Lobster cove. Gideon Lane and Gideon Lane, Jr., made many purchases of land in Glou cester from 1773 to 1799, Tradition connects the father with the exploits of the English sloop of war "Falcon" which had aided the British at the battle of Bunker Hill. The vessel raade her appearance in Ipswich Bay, Aug, 5, 1775. Capt. Lindsay despatched a barge with 50 men on shore to seize a supply of sheep from the adjacent pastures. Repulsed in this attempt, the barge was next ordered to Squam Harbor to capture Capt. Lane's deeply laden schooner, supposed by Lindsay to be a West Indiaman, Upon boarding the craft, she was found to be laden with nothing but sand. Disappointed again in seizing what he supposed to be a valuable cargo of West Indian products, Capt, Lindsay continued his depredations in adjacent parts. He bombarded for several hours the town of Gloucester, Aug, 8, 1775. The fire of the "Falcon" was directed principally upon the meeting-house and caused 212 James Lane and Descendants, considerable damage to the building, Capt, Joseph Rogers with his company of minute men, aided by Col, Joseph Foster, met the enemy, captured four boats, a small tender, a prize schooner, and forty men, and compelled the "Falcon" to withdraw, A corapany under Capt. John Lane had been stationed all summer some where on Cape Ann, for the defense of the sea coast. But Capt. John Lane does not appear to have been engaged in the affair with Lindsay and therefore probably was not near the scene of action. In September this company was supplied with wood and barracks by the town. It suffered in some degree from the non-payment of wages, but in November was allowed to draw cloth ing from the public stores. — J. J. Babson. Capt. Gideon Lane removed to Casco Bay, Me., about 1780. Harraseeket, the northeast part of ancient North Yarmouth and Grout's Gore were incor porated as the town of Freeport, Me,, Feb, 14, 1789, Capt, Lane settled on Pleasant Hill near Mast Landing, He paid Ozias Blanchard, Esq,, and others $200,00, June 23, 1800, for 50 acres of land, the northerly half of Lot 39, Range E, in Freeport, formerly included in No, Yarmouth, He and wife Lydia sold 12 1-2 acres of this lot for $500.00 to his son Peter Lane of Free- port, May 2, 1803; the remainder and another lot he sold to Gideon Lane, Jr., of Gloucester, mariner, for $800.00, June 25, 1813, He bought of Thomas Burrell, Nov, 5, 1801, 34 acres of land in Freeport, an undivided half of Lot 39, Range E, with half of house and half of barn thereon; this estate he and wife sold to Peter Lane for $400,00, May 7, 1803, He and wife, Lydia, sold 12 acres and 128 rods of lot No, 39, Range E, in Freeport, to Joshua Webb for $153,60, May 24, 1808, Capt, Gideon Lane d. at Pleasant HiU, Freeport, Me., 6 Oct., 1813, se, 76 years, Lydia Lane, widow, quit claira to Thoraas BickneU for J20.00, Mar. II, 181 7, aU right of dower in certain lands in Freeport Children : 49. I. Gideon Jr.', b, Annisquam, 14, bap, 16 Dec, 1764, m. Hannah Griffin. e II. Mary', b, 6 Sept, 1766, III. Priscilla', b. 23, bap, 29 Aug., 1768, ent int. of ra. 5 Sept, and ra, 13 Nov,, 1789, by Rev, Eli Forbes, Nathaniel Griffin, Jr,, and Uved at Annisquam ; m, second Mr, Harraden, and Uved at Squarascott, Mass, PrisciUa (Lane) Griffin was one of the earUest converts of Rev. John Murray. Her dau, Mrs. Mary P. Lewis, who lived and died in Lynn, Mass., was one of the early members of the First Universalist society there. Family Twenty, 213 IV, Esther', b. 3 Dec, 1770, bap, 3 Feb., 177 1, ent int of m. 20 Dec, 1790, with Asa Woodbury of Gloucester, and lived at Annisquam. 50. V. Martha', b. Squam Harbor, 20, bap. 27 Dec, 1772, m. MosES Soule. 51. VI. John Babson', bap. 18 Dec, 1774, ra. Sarah Win- slow. 52. VII. Peter', bap. 27 Dec, 1776, m. Experience Bick- NELL. By second marriage : VIII. Rachel', b. Freeport, 23 Mar,, 1781, m, Mr. Pierson. IX. Anna', b. 16 Apr,, 1785, m, Nathaniel Additon, of Free- port. X. Betsey', b. 18 Sept, 1787, ra. 17 May, 1807, Joshua Webb. 20. BENJAMIN LANE* (Benj,', John*, Jaraes'), 1727-1805, b. Gloucester, Mass,. 23 Nov,, 1727 ; entered intention of m. 28 Oct., 1749, with HANNAH LANE* (Samuel'-*, James'). He bought land in Gloucester, Mass., 1752, and removed to New Gloucester, Me., 1770, where he again ent. int. of m., 23 Sept., 1780, with Mrs. SARAH POOL, who d. 30 Mar., 1840, se, 82 years. Many Gloucester families perpetuated the name of the home they left, in the town of New Gloucester on Royal's river in Maine. The first meeting of the sixty Gloucester proprietors was Apr, 27, 1736, and the same year, Mass, Gen, Court granted them a township six miles square. Pioneers located first in present Gorham and Gray, Me, Others selected a. site further to the north west which the Gen. Court confirmed to them, July 5, 1737, and to which a road was brushed out, on the east side of Royal's river from Cousin's river in North Yarmouth, The proprietors met again in Feb., 1738, set apart three lots for public purposes, divided sixty lots among themselves and provided for building a saw mill on "Stevens Brook" within two years, calling the town ship New Gloucester. The settlement began in the spring of 1739. Families of settlers were brought from Mass. to North Yarmouth by a vessel in the fall of 1742, and from thence poled up Royal's river on rafts to the great bridge. 214 James Lane and Descendants. but the governor ordered the settlers off on accouiit of Indian troubles in 1 744 to 1749. The permanent settlement at New Gloucester dates from 1756. In 1758 a grist mill was completed in connection with the saw mill. In 1760, the raills were moved to the great falls on Royal's river. Their block house became to them a home, a fort, a church. The church was organized and Rev. Samuel Foxcroft, ordained, Jan. 16, 1765. It was reported that they had "a jolly ordination and lost sight of decorum." In 1770 sixty-one persons subscribed to build a meeting-house but the town languished till its incorporation, Sept. 7, 1774. Benjamin Lane bought of Peter Graff an, Sept. 11, 1770, the 60 acre lot No. 60 in the supplement to Division 2, New Gloucester, on which he settled. The same year Benjamin Lane, Ebenezer Lane and Daniel Lane subscribed 10 pounds each toward building the meeting-house. Benjamin Lane paid Micah Walker of Bakerstown, 5 pounds, Jan. 8, 1782, for "the floor or ground Pew number five in the meeting House in New Gloucester, being the raost Easterly Corner Pew." He was party to conveyance of land, Feb. 8, 1782, Nov. 25, 1788, June 4, and June 25, 1790. He died about 1805. — Cumb. Co. Deeds. ChUdren : I. Nath.4NIEl', b. 10, bap. 23 Sept, 1750, m. 8 June, 1780, by Rev. John Rogers, Lydia Lane' (Caleb*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'). He sold to Sarauel True for ^100.00, Aug. 7, 1805, one-eighth part of Lot 7, suppleraent 2d division, which feU to him by the estate of Benjamin Lane, late of New Gloucester. 53. II. Benjamin', bap. i Dec, 1752, m. Sarah Davis and Elizabeth Norwood. 54. III. Eliphalet', bap. 8 Sept., 1754, m. Ruth Pacor. IV. Zephaniah', bap. 29 Aug., 1756. V. Hannah', bap. 12 Feb., 1758. VI. John', bap. 4 Oct, 1759, "kiUed in an engagement with a British ship raounting twenty guns. Six others were kiUed and ten wounded. He was a very promising youth aged 19 years, the first that had been kiUed belonging to Gloucester since the coraraence raent of the unnatural war between Great Britain and the United States, which commenced AprU 19, x^]^." —Annisquam Church Record. 55. VII. Samuel', bap. 20 Sept, 1761, m. Polly Dwinell, Dorothy Haskell and Betsey Everleth, Family Twenty-One. 215 VIII, Joshua', bap. 2 Oct, 1763, by Rev, Ebenezer Cleave land, mustered with Capt. Isaac Parson's New Gloucester Co., Col, Prince's Reg,, under Gen, Wadsworth, May, 1780, for eight months' service at Thomaston, Me. IX, Susanna', bap, 9 Feb,, 1766, by Rev. John Wyeth, m. 9 Feb,, 1807, Benja.min Hart of Portsmouth, N. H,, and had : I, Susanna, bap, 24 July, 1808, at Gloucester, Mass, X, Betty', bap, 3 June, 1770. 21. JONATHAN LANE*, (Benj,', John*, James'), 1731-1803, b. Gloucester, Mass,, 2, bap, 10 Oct,, 1731, by Rev. Benjamin Brad street ; residence, Annisquam, Mass. ; bought land of Caleb Wood bury, Jr., Apr. 12, 1762, He first ent, int. of m. 15 Nov., 1755, with LYDIA ROBINSON; ent int second, 30 Nov., 1765, and m, 17 Jan,, 1766, by Rev, Ebenezer Cleaveland, ESTHER STAN IFORD ; m. third, 13 Jan., 1775, by Rev. Obadiah Parsons, BETSEY WHALEN, m, n, Butraan, Jonathan Lane and Betsey Whalen, his third wife, were admitted to the church in Annisquam, Jan, 13, 1778. She d. his widow in Sept, 1808. Administration on his estate was granted to Jonathan Lane, his son, Jan, 2, 1804. Inventory taken Jan. 14, and returned Feb. 6, 1804, included, a dwel ling house in Annisquam parish near Lane's Cove; total $1173.90. Commit tee appointed Feb. 6, to set off dower to Betty Lane, made return Dec. 26, 1804. The estate was apportioned to two sons — to Jonathan Lane, he paying legacies to daughters Lydia Phipps, Esther Sargent and Dorcas Lane, and to Moses Lane, he paying legacies to Sally Lane and Dorcas Lane. Children : I. Lydia', bap. 18 June, 1780, ent. int, of ra, 10 Dec, 1796, with Amos Phipps, and gave receipt Feb. 8, 1805, to Jonathan Lane, adm. of her father's estate. 56. II. Jonathan', b. 18 June, 1780, m. Rachel Grover and Sally Gowin. 216 James Lane and Descendants. 57. III. Moses', b. 14 Dec, 1781, m. Olive Love and Mary Fellows. IV. Esther', ent int, of m, 15 Oct, 1803, with Samuel Sar gent, Jr, ; gave receipt, Feb. 18, 1805, for portion of her father's estate; was kiUed by being thrown frora a wagon, 1861, se, 78 yrs. A daughter : I, Charlotte, b. 1827, ra, 20 Jan,, 1847, Allen Lane^ (Jonathan*-*, Benj.', John^, James'). V. Dorcas', a minor, age i6, her brother Jonathan Lane was appointed her guardian, Feb. 6, 1804. She gave receipt for her portion of her father's real and personal estate, Jan. 18, 1806; ent. int. of m. 24, and m. 25 June, 1805, by Rev. Ezra Learned, Peter W. Griffin ; m. second, William Harraden. VI. Sally', a minor, age 14, Jonathan Lane was appointed her guardian Feb. 6, 1804 ; m. 18 Dec, 1806, by Rev. Ezra Learned, Simeon Saunders ; receipted for her portion of her father's estate, Jan. 16, 1807. Children: I, Simeon, 2, Reuben, 3, William, William Saunders of Glou cester, and Hannah Lane of Gloucester, ent, int,, 31 Mar., were pub, 2 Apr., and m. 23 Apr,, 1853, by Rev, Daniel Tilton of Rockport. 4. Louisa, m. Henry IV. Lane'', (John^, , David*-'', John''-'', James'), 5, Sarah. 6, Joseph, 7 and 8, Leonard and Lewis, twins, 9, /..evi, 10. Elbridge, 1 1 . Sarah, 22. HEZEKIAH LANE* (Benj,', John*, James'), b. 31 Mar., bap, 2 Apr., 1738, at Annisquara, Gloucester, Mass. rfe ent. int, of ra. 22 Dec, 1759, and m. 15 Jan., 1760, MARTHA GOTT, by Rev, Ebenezer Cleaveland. They Uved in Rockport, Mass. Record of Fifth Parish, "auGust the 11 Day 1778 in Parish Meeting asserabled. Deacon Rowe M'' Jonathan Pool M"' Hesa- kiah Lane Chosen to treet with M'' CleaueLand to Corae or Send an answer to the Parish before the adjurnraent of the raeeting." Hezekiah Lane bought land in Rockport, of Joshua Tarr, June 17, 1783- Family Twenty-Three. 217 Children : I. Hezekiah', bap. 28 Dec, 1760, m. 8 Nov. 1781, by Rev. E. Forbes, Moll'V' Gammage. II. Oliver', bap. 17 Oct, 1762, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland, at Sandy Bay, now Rockport. III. Martjia', bap. 13 Oct., 1765, at Sandy Bay. IV. Oliver', bap. 11 Nov., 1767. 58. V. Abner', bap. 19 Aug., 1769, perhaps the Abner Lane of Pennsylvania. VI. Abel', bap. 16 Aug., 1772. VII. Calvin', bap. Nov., 1774. VIII. Lydia', bap. 11 May, 1777, removed to Sedgwick, Me. IX. John Calvin,', bap. 18 July, 1779. 23. JOSEPH LANE* (Benjamin', John*, James'), 1 745-1828, was bap. in Gloucester, Mass., 8 Sept, 1745, and Uved in the Fifth Parish of Gloucester, now Rockport, Mass. "March the 24 Day 1767 at a Parish meeting Maid Chois of Joseph Lane Edmund Grover Jonathan Pool for Moneters," "November the 8 Day 1775, At Payrish raeeting Lawfully assembled then Maid Choice of Francis Pool mr John Rowe Jr, and Joseph Lane as a Com- mitte to prouid a school Master also to Mend the Meeting house." "Jenuary the twelfth Day 1775 [6] at Parish Meeting, Mr Joseph Lane Thomas Rowe Daniel Young chosen Moneters," Joseph Lane was a soldier in Capt, John Rowe's Gloucester company of minute men at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, The corapany raarched from Gloucester, on Monday, June 12th, and, reaching Mystic river on the i6th, were with the forces that threw up the redoubt on Breed's Hill, In the engagement next day, part of the company were at the redoubt and a part were ordered to the extreme left wing of the Provincial troops on the bank of Mystic river under Major McCleary, They retreated that night to Ploughed Hill, Capt, Rowe had three of his men killed and three wounded. Such was their exploit on the great day of the 17th of June, 1775. — J. J. Babson. 218 James Lane and Descendants. Joseph Lane was First Lieutenant in Capt, William ^arson's company. Col, Joseph Foster's regiment, Jan, i, I77^. Copy: "Gloucester, May 9, 1776. Lieut, Lane: / Sir — You are hereby ordered and requested forthwith to raarch with the party of five men under your command whose names are as follows : Daniel Haraden, John Atkins, Caleb Lane, Joseph Somes and Joseph Davis to Squam, where you are to keep a watch at the entrance of the harbor night and day, which watch is to be properly released at your discretion; you are to give said watch orders to inform you if they discover any vessels or boats that at tempt to land on that shore, or that appear to be an enemy; after you have inquired into such information as you may receive from the watch, if you judge it needful you are to fire three guns to alarm the-inhabitants there and send one of your party to me with an account of what occasioned the alarm, after which you are to endeavor to prevent the enemy from landing. You are furthermore to visit the watch at the Cape and Chebacco side under Corporals Brown and Emerton once a week or oftener, and see if they keep a good watch agreeable to the orders they have received from me, which you are to demand when you visit said watches and see if these men attend their duty, and make return to me every Tuesday when you send for your allowance of provisions. Fail not. Joseph Foster. N, B, You are to practice your party in ye manuel exercise all opportunies," Lt Joseph Lane m. 19 Mar,, 1767, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleave land, RACHEL ROWE. He ent int of m, 3 July, 1775, with SARAH DAVIS, and witnessed with her to sale of land by Ben jamin Lane of Poland, Me,, Oct, 6, 1807. He died Nov,, 1828, ae. 83 years. Children : I. Rachel', b, 22, bap. 27 Dec, 1767. II. Deliverance-', b. 19, bap, 23 Apr,, 1769. 59. III. Joseph-', b. 8, bap, 25 Nov,, 1770, ra, Betsey Jewett. IV. M.4RY Baker', b. 26, bap. 31 Jan., 1773. V. Judith' b. 16, bap. 19 Feb,, 1775, 24. EBENEZER LANE* (Job', John*, James'), 1742-1828, bap, Gloucester, Mass., 4 July, 1742, and when a young man sailed as Family Twenty- Four. 219 a shipmaster from the port of Cape Ann. "March the 29 Day at a Parish Meeting in the 5 Parish in Glocester. Edmund Grover Ebenezer Lane Henry withara chosen Moneters. Ebenezer Lane Chosen and sworn to the office of CoUector." Ebenezer Lane bought of his brother, Andrew Lane, both fishermen of Gloucester, and Co, of Essex, for i8 pounds, Dec. 12, 1768, lot No. 20 of the second division by the proprietors of New Gloucester, Co, of Cumberland. The northerly half of this lot he sold to Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, then living on it, for $500, July 26, 1808, The southerly half, his wife, Eunice, relinquishing right of dower, he sold to Abbe and Grosvenor, traders of New Gloucester, Apr, 21, 1809, Ebenezer Lane of Gloucester, Co, of Essex, paid Nathaniel Allen, Esq, of said Gloucester, his wife Sarah relinquishing right of dower, 20 pounds, July i , 1769, for "A Tract or Parcel of Land at a Place called New Gloucester, con taining sixty Acres or thereabouts." This was lot No. 11 in 2d Division, on which Ebenezer Lane was the first settler and among the subscribers of ;if 10 towards the meeting-house in 1770, This estate he conveyed to his son. Job Lane, for $500, Jan, 11, 1808, receiving a life lease of it for which he was to pay I cent annually, Dec. 4, 1808, He sold it to Job Lane for $1, Dec, 4, 1809, and took it into his possession again, paying Job and Polly Lane $500 for it, Apr, 12, 1815, It was included in his estate with his dwelling-house standing on it, when settled by Job Lane administrator, June 28, 1828, Ebenezer Lane bought land in the "Fifth Parish, Gloucester, of Thomas Harris, Nov, 24, 1770," Ebenezer Lane paid Elkanah Lucas, 21 pounds, 7 shillings, 8 pence, Feb, 8, 1782, for 13 1-2 acres of unimproved land, the 60 acre lot No. 10, Division 2, in New Gloucester. He paid Joel Haskell $500 for the remainder of the lot, Oct, 30, 1799. He conveyed it to his son, William Lane, Apr, 31, 1804, and, after William's death, to his daughter, Sally, Jan, 14, 1808, "in con sideration of the natural love and affection I have unto my beloved Daughter Sally Bridgham and divers other good causes," He leased this property for life from Alden and Sally Bridgham paying them 10 cents annually, June 14, 1808, and bought it again of Joseph E, Foxcroft, Esq,, for $535, Dec, 26, 1814, Ebenezer Lane was one of the associates with Abijah Buck which paid the Massachusetts coramittee for conveying unappropriated lands in the counties of York, Cumberland and Lincoln, ;^i632, 17s, lod, Nov, 13, 1788, for the township of Bucktown or No, 5, containing about 23023 acres, "reserving 200 acres for the use of the ministry, 200 for the first settled minister, 280 for the use of a Gramraar school, and 200 acres for the further disposition of the General Court, also 100 acres to a number of first settlers, 47 in all," Ebenezer Lane paid William Bridgham physician, 35 pounds for 50 acres of unimproved land in New Gloucester, June 14, 1790, This land he mortgaged to Job Lane of Pejepscot for $700, Dec, 4, 1808. 220 James Lane and Descendants. Ebenezer Lane of Gloversboro, in the County of Cumberland, paid a com mittee appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts to sell unappropriated lands, I pound, 6 shillings, 6 pence, specie, and i pound, 5 shillings, 3 pence, consolidated notes of said commonwealth, June 25, 179°) ^°^ lOO acres of land in the Plantation of Gloversboro, including improvements by said Eben ezer Lane. He sold this land to James Johnstone for 90 pounds, in May, 1795. Acknowledged Sept, i;, 1795. Ebenezer Lane of New Gloucester, paid Edward Pool of Gloucester, 46 pounds, 4 shillings, 5 pence. May 10, 1793, for 50 acres of land in the Co, of Cumberland, part of the Sth division, above Pownaldborough on the Pejepscot claim. Ebenezer Lane, innholder, sold this land to Alden Bridgham for 50 pounds, Nov. 29, 1797, Ebenezer Lane, Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, and Job Lane, all of New Gloucester, paid Thomas Bayley $800, that is 1-4 of said sum by Ebenezer Lane, 1-4 by Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, and the other half by Job Lane, July 4, 1796, for 47 acres 'of land in Poland, it being part of lot No, 47 in the first division, together with half of the saw-raill and grist-raill and one-half of the streara, yard, roads, conveniences , , , etc, standing on said lot 47, The same party paid $120, Sept, 4, 1796, for another part of Lot 47, Division i, in Bakerstown, Ebenezer Lane, innholder, bought out the interest of Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, and his wife, Peggy Lane, in this property for $500, Nov, 4, 1806. Ebenezer Lane, innholder, Ebenezer Lane, Jr, and Job Lane paid George Erskine $300, Dec, 16, 1799, for 100 acres of land in Poland, Ebenezer Lane, innholder, paid Nathaniel Ingersol $250, May 29, 1802, for lot No, 28, Minot, He sold the same lot to Job Lane for $950, Dec. 27, 1806, Ebenezer Lane paid John Glover $400, Feb, 24, 1803, for the 200 acre lots No, 5 and 6 and for a gore of land lying between the towns of New Gloucester, Gray and Raymondtown, Ebenezer Lane, innholder, and Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, sold to Job Lane for $114, Jan, II, 1806, 50 acres of lot 72, proprietors division, partly in Minot and partly in Poland, Ebenezer Lane bought of Ebenezer Lane, Jr., for $500, Aug. 7, 1807, land and other "claims which I possess in the right of ray wife to the estate of Peter Graffam." Ebenezer Lane paid Edward Bailey $300, and Josiah Bailey $784, Sept. 11, 181 1, for Lots 117, 146, 147, 150, Division 2, in Poland. The name of Ebenezer Lane appears 27 tiraes in transfers of real estate frora 1807 to 1828. The homestead of Ebenezer Lane on which the dwelling-house of said Ebenezer stood, was sold by his son, Job Lane, administrator, to William Haskell for $282, June 28, 1S28.— Essex and Cumb. Co. Deeds, Ebenezer Lane was among the first settlers of New Gloucester, Me. He was farmer, land and mill owner, and noted taverner, known as "Inkeeper," Family Twenty- Four. 221 He went to Maine while real and also imaginary fears of Indians still dis turbed the dwellers, Jabez True and Ebenezer Lane were once travelling together on the lowlands near Royal's river. Mr. True was surprised and felt sure that he heard the Indians approaching them. He said to Mr, Lane that he could hear them say, "Mr, Jabez True I am as big a raan as you, you, you," Then Mr, Lane was startled and sure that he could hear thera say, "Mr, Ebenezer Lane I will stab you with my tomahawk and club you with my cane, cane, cane," Now these gentlemen, in their trepidation, were sure that they heard the Indians challenge, but it turned out to be nothing but bull frogs in the river. Journal: Thomas Fisk of Oxford, Mass,, went with Lieut, Livermore, to the Androscoggin river, Maine, in 1773, to survey and lay out roads in the township of Livermore. The party reached Falmouth by vessel, May 2, 1773. "3d Traveld Eleven miles .... Loged at North Casco, 4th Traveld 4 miles. 5th traveled to Little Amascoggen 9 miles, waded the river. 6 Day began to clear our Road, 13 crost the Twenty mile River, 14 Rany, Encampt on the East side of 20 mile River, 15 Lieut. Livermore and I sett out to view the Land for the Rod In To our Township, about 15 railes the way we went, 21 Set out to goe for stores, ... to Mr, Lanes; arived thare jest before Knight, 22 Day Set out, heavy Loads upon our Backs, But we had one cag we caled the Bull, which helpt us cary the Rest — at Euery Spring Eluded the Bull, We come Twelve raile and Night carae on, 23 Sunday, arrived at our camp this raorning, June 10, Thursday Traviled in to Lieut, Livermores , , , , Returned again to carap, 13 Day Sunday Set out to Wintrop. 14 Day Monday set out at one of the clock to mark oure Road to poart Royal and at Knight campt by great anderascoggin pond. 17 this afternoon packed up our things for marching home — about the Sun Set foure miles on our gorney. 18 Fryday got into Mr. Laines about the middle of the afternoon and re freshed ourselves and Rested our Selves at Little andrew Scroggan River. 19 Saturday crost the River . . , , Traveled to Mr, Winslows in North casko and Loged thare, 20 Sunday at falmouth afternoon went to church. Ebenezer Lane entered intention of m. 19 Mar., 1762, with MARY PRESTON, who d. 5 Jan., 1808, se, 69 years. His 222 James Lane and Descendants. second wife was EUNICE DODD of North Yarmouth, Me., with whora he ent int of ra. i6 July, 1808. He d. 1828. Children : 60. I. Ebenezer, Jr.', b. Gloucester, Mass., 5, bap. at Sandy Bay, 19 June, 1763, ra. Margaret Graffam. 61. II. Job', bap. at Sandy Bay, 23 June, 1765, ra. Polly Giddinge. III. Anna Maria', b. 13, bap. 15 Nov., 1767, ra. Andrew Robinson Giddinge; he b. Gloucester, Mass., 22 Sept., 1763, son of Capt. Andrew and Elizabeth (Davis) Giddings, and descendant of George Giddings who carae frora St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England, to Ipswich, Mass., in 1635. A. R. Giddings, Esq., was a prominent citizen of DanvUle, Me., (then a part of Pejepscot grant) in 1787, where his first wife died, 12 Dec, 1798, ae 31 years, and he died 22 June, 1847. Four children : I. Andrew R,, Jr,, m, Deborah Tarbox of New Gloucester, and d, 14 Feb,, 1871, 3i, 79 years, 2, Anna, m, 1816, Col, Nathaniel L. Ingersol of New Gloucester, and d, 23 Apr,, 1837, leaving six children, 3. Betsey, d, 22 Nov,, 1818, te, 22 years, 4. Richard, d, young, IV. Abigail Lane-', dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Grover, bap. March 29, 1768. — Rockport Record. V. Sarah', bap, 2 Dec, 1770, ra, Alden Bridgcome. She re ceived frora her father, Jan. 14, 1808, Lot 10, Division 2, in New Gloucester, "in consideration of natural love and affection I have unto ray beloved Daughter, SaUy Bridgham and divers other good causes moving me." — Deeds 37 .- 33. Four children : I. Sally, ra, Mr, Woodman, and had one son, 2. Anna, m, first, Theophilus MiUer of Durham, Me,, and had three children; ra, second, Robert Bowey of Lisbon, Me,, had two children and was living in 1887 at the age of 100 years. 3. Hannah, m. Maj, Arnold. Residence Bangor, Me, 4, Mary, not m,, lived with her sister, Mrs, Miller, VI, Polly', d. July, 1788, s, 10 years. VII. William', b, 1781, bought of his father, Ebenezer Lane, for 100 pounds, Apr. 3, 1804, 60 acre lot No. 10, Division 2, and Family Twenty-Five, 223 also 50 acres of unimproved land in New Gloucester. — Deeds 44 .- 201. He d, unm, 22 Sept., 1805, in the 25th year of his age. — 44 : 201. VIII. Betsey', d. 7 Apr., 1803, se. 20 yrs., 6 ms. 25. ANDREW LANE* (Job', John*, James'), 1746-1791, bap. at Gloucester, Mass., 6 Feb., 1745-6, moved with his parents in childhood to Sandy Bay, now Rockport, Mass. He settled on the homestead, was styled captain, and ra. first by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland, 14 Dec, 1769, MARY TARR; m, second, intention entered 22 Mar., 1777, SARAH STORY of Ipswich, Mass. He paid Nathaniel Allen of Gloucester, Mar, 12, 1768, 18 pounds for one 60 acre lot No. 20, 2d Division, at New Gloucester, Me., and sold the lot to Ebenezer Lane, his brother, for 18 pounds, Dec, 12, 1768, He bought land of Job Lane, Nov, 28, 1768, and raade twelve other purchases of land between 1770 and 1789. He was twice grantor of real estate in Maine to Ebenezer Lane, about 1772, Fifth Parish Gloucester, now Rockport, "March the 20 Day 1770 at Parish Meeting clered Mr andrew Lane from being Collector, Caleb Pool Junr chosen Collecter in Rome of Mr Lane." "March the 19 1772. At Parish Meeting M' Andrew Lane chosen Parish Collecter and sworn." "1778 March the 26 Day at Parish Meeting asserabelled. andrew Lane James Parsons Edmund Grover DeCon Row Benjamin Hail Chosen Parish [as] Sessers and Parish Comratte also." "Gloucester Jenuary the 4th Day 1779 in Parish raeeting AsSembled. Ebenezer Grouer andrew Lane Joseph Thurston 3 Chosen moneters for said meeting." "September 25 Day 1780 in Parish raeeting asserabeled. Maid Choice of Mr Francis Pool M' andrew Lane and Capt Mark Pool a Coramitt to Settel with all the old CoUecters and treasurers and to Settel with Mr CleaueLands attoruney the whole that is Due to hira and to take a reCept in full for the same." "September 5 Day 1781 Voted to Mr Francis Pool Andrew Lane Capt 224 James Lane and Descendants. Mark Pool a Committe to Settel with aU the old CoUecters and treasurers and to Settel with and Pay of mr CleaueLand his whole Due." "Glouster March i8th 1782 The Parish mate. Caleb Norwood & Stephen Pool & Andrew Lane Chosen parish Comite & parish assesers also," "July the 3 1786, at the Parish Meeting Assembled Chose Capt Mark Pool Lent Ben, Tarr & Andw Lane Parish Committe & Sessors for th Current year & Sworn," Capt Andrew Lane died in 1791, se, 45 years. Administration on his estate was granted to Sarah Lane, July 4, 1791. Inventory taken, Dec. 10, 1791, returned, Feb. 6, 1792, included dweUing- house formerly belonging to Mr. Job Lane deceased, barn, cattle, tiUage, pasture and woodland, fish-house at Long cove, Sandy Bay, flakes, sheep-shear boat of about ten tons. Dower was set off to his widow, Sarah Lane, now Todd, Jan. 4, 1802. Account of administration was allowed Apr. 5, 1802. A son, Charles, had died and the estate was apportioned to the other children, Sally Clark, Nancy Tarr, Andrew Lane, Lucy Lane, Polly Woodbury and George Lane. Children : I. Molly', b. 2 Apr., bap. 26 Aug., 1770. II. Antirew', b. 26 July, bap. 8 Aug., 1772. By second raarriage : 62. III. Andrew', bap. 14 June, 1778, m. Dorcas Poole. 63. IV. George-', b. 13, bap. 27 Feb., 1780, m. Lucy Tarr and Sally Goss. V. Sally', bap. 1782, ent. int of ra. 20 Dec, 1799, with Henry Clark of Gloucester, Mass. VI. Charles', bap. 20 July, 1788, d. before his father. VII. Nancy', ent. int. of m. 26 Apr., 1800, with Charles Tarr of Gloucester. VIII. Lucy', a minor, age 16, had guardian John Lees ap pointed Feb. I, 1802. IX. Polly', m Walter Woodbury, pub. 3, and m. 29 Nov., 1788, by Rev. EU Forbes. Family Twenty-Seven, 22.5 26. SAMUEL LANE* (Samuel'-'^, Jaraes'), 1723-1804, b. Glou cester, Mass., 7 July, bap, 4 Aug,, 1723, by Rev. John White of First church, Gloucester. He ra. 17 May, 1743, by Rev. Benja min Brads,treet, DELIVERANCE POOL, m. n. Giddings, wid. of Joshua, son of John Pool. They lived at Gloucester Harbor. She d, 5 June, 1768, se, 61 years. He bought land at Gloucester of Daniel Rogers, Mar, 31, 1790. Adm. on goods and estate of Samuel Lane, late of Gloucester, mariner, was granted to Henry Bates, Mar. 27, 1804. Children : 64. I. Stephen', b. 8 Aug., bap. 2 Oct, 1743, m. Ann Has kell. II. Joseph', bap. 16 Mar., 1745-6. III. Giddings', bap, 28 Aug., 1747. IV. John', b. 20, bap. 26 Aug., 1750. V. Abigail', b. 9 Nov., bap. 9 Dec, 1753 or 4. VI. Timothy', b. 8, bap, 13 Feb., 1757. VII, Judith', b. 15, bap. 23 July, 1758. VIII. Tammy', bap. 3 Aug., 1760; ent, int, of m. 17 June, and m. 30 June, 1786, William Allen; he b, Gloucester, 24 Apr,, 1758. ChUdren b. in Gloucester : I, George, b, 14 Nov,, 1786, d. at sea, 2, Nabby Lane, b, 4 Sept,, 1788. 3, E7nily, b, 27 July, 1790. 27. ZEBULON LANE* (Samuel'-*, James') b. Annisquam, Glou cester, Mass., I July, 1729, ent. int, of m. 29 Mar,, 1750, with HANNAH COGSWELL of Ipswich, Mass,, res, Gloucester Har bor. "Zebu. Lane and wife spent the evening here, 1755, March 12, Went to see Zeb, Lanes wife who is infirm," — Journal of Rev. Samuel Chandler. 226 James Lane and Descendants, Mr. Lane was a soldier in Capt, Abraham Dodge's Ipswich Co,, AprU, May and June, 1775. The company was encamped within sight of Bunker Hill with a number of men voluntarily in the fight. "Prospect Hill, Dec. 29, 1775. Rec'd of Capt Abraham Dodge the Sum of Twenty five ShUlings for my Coat money. Each of us whose naraes are hear under Sined who Belongs to the s'' Dodge's Company in the Continental armey : Zebelen Lane," 16 names. Children : I. Daniel', bap. 7 July, -1751, by Rev. John White, First church, Gloucester. II. Hannah', bap, 18 Nov,, 1753. III. Anna', bap, 28 Sept, 1755, ent int, of m. 25 Nov., 1784, with Stephen Haskell. 28. DANIEL LANE* (Samuel'-*, James'), was born in Gloucester, Mass., and baptized 5 Jan., 1734-5. He entered intention of marriage, 14 Sept, and m. 17 Sept., 1761, MARY LANE, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland of the Fifth parish, Gloucester. Daniel Lane was a blacksmith by trade and moved to New Gloucester, Me., where, in 1770, he subscribed ^10 towards buUding the meeting-house, and where with wife, Mary, he sold to Joseph Lane, Jr., of Gloucester, Mass., for £2,0, 13, 4, Jan. i, 1772, sixty acre lot. No. 5, in suppleraent to 2d Division, New Gloucester. He was of Bakerstown, Me., Aug. 18, 1773, and bought of Samuel Gerrish of Newbury, Mass., one-half of a hundred acre lot. No. 68, upon Littie Androscoggin river. He was the second settler in Minot, Me., 1773. Daniel Lane entered the Naval service from Gloucester, Mass., as a privateer in the war of the Revolution and was taken captive to England, When sick on board the ship Buford of 70 guns, he was ordered by its humane British commander, George Bowyers, Feb. 15, 1777, to be transfered to the royal Family Twenty-Eight. 227 hospital, Plymouth, England, and remained in hospital from April i, to May 7) 1777. — Gen. Reg. 32: 43, 44. The crew of sloop Charming Polly was captured, May 16, 1777, and committed to Mill Prison in Plymouth harbor, and Daniel Lane was reported "escaped," Capt, John Lane sailed from Newburyport, Mass,, in the brigantine Fancy, and was captured by the British, Aug, 7, 1777, his crew committed to prison and Daniel Lane was "ex changed," Among the prisoners reraaining in Old Mill, Feb, 7, 1779, were Capt, John Lane and Daniel Lane, who was transfered to Forten Gaol about one mile out of Portsmouth, England, Apr, 19, 1779, and reported "dead," Tradition relates how Daniel Lane dug out of prison under ground of the street and was given a shirt by a friendly Englishman, in which he escaped and was afterwards robed for burial, Joseph Appleby of Rowley, Mass,, was a soldier in Capt, Daniel Lane's corapany, Col, Brooks' 7th Regiraent Con tinental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 28, 1778, to Dec, 31, 1779. After his service in the Revolution, Mr, Lane was styled "Captain" and returned to his family at Leeds, Me. Here he sold the Gerrish place. May 2, 1781, to John Piatt of Andover Mass, — Cumb. Co. Deeds. He was a remarkably fine workman in iron and wood, and some nicely constructed scales made by hira were stored in the attic of his son, Peter Lane's house, as late as 1820, His widow died at the horae of their son, Peter, her honey-dish on the top shelf of the cupboard being the source of many sweet lunches for the grand- , chUdren, Five sons settied on adjoining farms on the west side of Androscoggin Lake and a sixth son, the next Range south. ChUdren : I, Mary', bap. Sandy Bay, Gloucester, Mass,, 24 Oct., 1762, m. Stephen, son of Jonathan and AUce (Eastcott) Rowe of Dan ville, Me. Ten children. 65. II. Daniel', bap. Annisquara, 21 Aug., 1763, m, Eunice Verrill and Ruth Plait. III. Judith', b, 22 Sept, bap. 13 Oct, 1765, ra, Gloucester, Mass. She m, first, Capt, Edward Jones, a Revolutionary sgldier ; m. second, 1821, Joseph Leavitt, and d. in Leeds, Me., 7 Jan., 1856. Children born in Leeds : 1, Betsey, b, 7 Apr,, 1787, ra, 9 July, 1807, William A, Day. 2, Lydia, b, i Mar., 1789, m. 25 Sept., 1806, Benjamin Gilbn>-t, and d, 6 Apr., 1872. 3. Isaac^ b, 20 Mar,, 1791, m, 16 Aug., 1815, Hannah Beals. 4. Sally, b. 7 June, 1793, 5, Judith, b, 4 Oct., 1795, m, 30 Apr,, 1815, John Beals. 22.S James Lane and Descendants. 6, Ediuard, b, 29 Dec, 1798, m. 16 Dec, 1820, Fanny Latu^ (Giddings*, Daniel-*, SamueP-', James'). A child, Mary Ann, m. Capt. Nichols of Sears- port, Me. 7. Charlotte, b. 15 May, 1800, m. 19 Dec, 1824, Jesse Lant" (Peter^, Daniel*, Sarauel^-^, James'), and d. 9 Apr., 1881. 8, Daniel L., m, 1833, Samyntha Lane^ (Peter*, Danief). 9, Alfred, never married, 66. IV. James', b, 26 Sept,, 1767, m. Abigail Leadbetter. 67. V. Giddings', b. 5, bap. 27 May, 1770, m. Jemima Nor- RISS. 68. VI. Elias', bap. 19 Apr,, 1772, m. Mary Lawrence and Abbie Brown. VII. Lydia', b, 3 Apr,, 1774, m. 17 Jan., 1791, Nathaniel, son of Jonathan and Martha (Springer) Norcross of HalloweU, Me., and d. 5 Mar,, 1853, He b, in Bath, Me,, 12 June, 1769, and d. 5 May, 1843. Nine children born in HalloweU : 1, Polly b, 5 July, 1795, m, Lchabod Yeaton of Richraond, Me., and had a large family, 2, David, b, 8 July, 1797, was drowned in Kennebec river when young, 3, Adna, b, II Mar., 1799, had 4 or 5 wives and many children, 4, Philip, b, 8 Dec, 1800, m. his cousin, Judith Lane'' (Peter*, Daniel-*, Samuel^-", Jaraes'), 5, Gideon, b, 26 June, 1804, twice m, 6. Fanny, b. 8 Mar,, 1807, m. first, John Abee, second, James Wood- bridge, No children. 7. Livonia, b. 22 Aug., 1809, m. Rufus L, Choate, had 7 children and d, 9 Aug,, 1888. 8. Oliver D,, b, 7 Apr., 1811, m, Diana Choate, had 3 children and d. 29 Oct,, 1888, 9, Martha, b, II Nov,, 1812, m, first George Riley; second, ¦ , and had a large family in the West, 69. VIII. Peter', b, 1776, m, Lois Verrill and Grace Tur ner. 70. IX. Samuel', m. Judith Verrill and Frances Nye. 29. ISSACHER LANE*, (Samuel'-*, James'), was b. in Gloucester, Mass., II, and bap. 17 June, 1739. He ent int of ra. with MARY HODGKINS, 15 Mar., 1760. x Family Thirty, 229 Children born in Gloucester : 71. I. Issacher', bap. 21 Dec, 1760, at Fourth church, Glou cester, m. Susan Hall. 72. IL Benjamin' b. 31 July, bap. i Aug., 1762, m. Margaret Hall. III. Joseph', bap. 19 Aug., 1764. IV. Mary', bap. 24 Aug., 1766. 30. NICHOLAS LANE-', (WUUam*, James', John*, James'), was born in Gloucester, Mass., 18 July, and bap. 6 Aug., 1749 ; served an apprenticeship as sailmaker together with his cousin Levi Lane' (Josiah*, James', John*, James') ; m. 10 Mar., 1771, by Rev. S. Chandler, NANCY BEZOIL, dau. of WiUiara Bezoil. Mr, Lane appears to have been the saUmaker of Salem, Mass,, who left widow, Mary, in 181 5, He was appointed guardian to his children, Dec, 4, 1804 — to Lydia, age 17, Harriot, age 15, Priscilla, age 13, Anstice, age 11, and John, age 9. Lydia and Harriot each acknowledged the receipt of $100 from their father and guardian, Oct, 12, i8o8. Administration on his estate was granted to Williara Lane of Salem, Oct, 30, 1815, Inventory, taken Dec, 15, 1815, and returned Jan, 2, 1816, included a mansion house and store with land. Mary Lane, widow, received allowance, Jan, 7, 1817, Anstice P, Lane and John Lane released the estate of their father and guardian, Aug, 23, 1817, Estate sold. May 12, 1817. Account of adm, accepted, May 19, 1818, ChUdren born in Salem, Mass, : I. Nancy Bezoil^, bap, 10 Nov,, 1771. 73. II. William'5, bap. 14 Mar., 1773, m. Elizabeth Brown. Ill, Mary^, bap. 12 Mar., 1775. IV. Sarah^, m. Nathaniel Delano, son of William Delano ; he b. in Pembroke, Mass., 6 Apr., 1777, and d. in Charlestown, Mass., 6 Oct., 1830. Their children : I. Sarah, b. Salem, 26 June, 1800, m. William Ross. 2. Nathaniel, b. 14 July, 1801, ra. Sarah Gray Thompson. 3. A/ary Lane, b, 10 Nov., 1802, d. 3 Aug., 1809. 4. Benjamin, b. 7 May, 1805, m. 230 Jajies Lane and Descendants. 5, William Lane, b, 27 Nov,, 1807, unm., d. in Boston, Mass. 6. Nicholas Lane, b. 27 Nov., 1807, m, Anna A/atilda Hill, and d. Maiden, Mass, Anna M. Lane, executrix, presented her first and final ac count, Jan. II, 1893, 7, Joseph, b, Pembroke, 27 Oct,, 181 1, ra, Eliza Jane Hayden. 8. /chabod, b. Charlestown, 14 July, 1817, d, 18 July, 1817, V. Betsey^, bap. North church,- Salera, 11 Feb., 1781. VI. Lydia^, bap. First church, 8 Sept., 1782. By wife Mary, baptisras at East church, Salera : VII. Lydia'^, bap. 12 Mar., 1786. VIII. Harriet^, bap. 4 Feb., 1788. IX. Priscilla^, bap. 23 Jan., 1791. X. Anstiss P.^, bap. 6 Jan., 1793. 74. XI. John^, bap. 30 Aug., 1795, ra. Hannah Fellows. XII. Nicholas", bap. 5 Mar., 1803. 31. JAMES LANE' (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), was b. at Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 8 June, and bap. 14 June, 1747. He ra. by Rev. John Rogers, 13 Dec, 1770, HANNAH ROBIN SON. Children : I. James*", b. 17 Sept., bap. 10 Nov., 1771; ent int. of m, i Dec, and ra. 16 Dec, 1792, by Rev, Eli Forbes, Polly Brady; she adraitted to the church in Annisquara, June 18, 1793. Their daughter : I. Elizabeth'', d. 15 Dec, 1848, ae. 27 years. II. Hannah'", b. 6, bap, 8 Aug,, 1777. III. Abigail", b, 14, bap. 15 Mar,, 1778, 32. JOSIAH LANE' (Josiah*, James', John*, Jaraes'), bap, Annis quara, Gloucester, Mass,, 11 Dec, 1748, ent. int. of ra. with JERUSHA STEVENS, 19 Dec, 1769. Son; 75. I. Josiah", b. 15 Jan., 1771, m. Abigail Rowe Cleaves. Family Thirty-Three. i31 33. ISAAC LANE', (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1750 , bap. Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 11 Nov., 1750, mariner, re sided at Gray, 1781, and Falmouth, Me., 1793, and at Charles town, Mass., 1800. He paid Ebenezer Davis 61 pounds, 10 shillings, Nov. 20, 1781, for 51 1-2 acres in Lot 1, Division 3, in Gray. — 16: 42s. He paid Nathaniel House 18 pounds, L. M., Oct. 10, 1784, for 103 acres of land in Gray. Deed ac knowledged Dec. 25, 1786, — 16: 424. He paid Jabez Mathews 25 pounds for 103 acres of land in Gray, Feb. 9, 1789, — 16: 427. With wife, Jerusha, he sold to James Lakin for 30 pounds, Apr. 4, 1789, 5 1-2 acres of Lot 5, Division 3, in Gray. — 16: jog. He paid Greenfield Pote 135 pounds, Jan. 4, 1793) ft"^ 'f' Of II acres of land in Falmouth. — ig : jog. He and wife, Jerusha Lane, sold to John Trow, for 60 pounds, Apr. 30, 1795, the home stead of Soloraon Mitchel, consisting of a house, barn and one-fourth acre of land in North Yarmouth, — 24: 433, He sold to his son, Levi Lane, for $550, Oct, 4, 1797, 129 acres of land in Gray, it being half of Lots 5 and 3, and 1-4 of lot No, I, — 28: 2g3, Indenture made Nov. 24, 1800, between Isaac Lane, mariner, and Levi Lane, yeoman, both of Gray, who held, in coraraon. Lots I, 3 and 5, in Gray, which they now divide between themselves. Signed, Isaac Lane, Levi Lane, — 34: 117, Isaac Lane conveyed to his daughter, Lucy Lane Hincks, Dec. 4, 1802, lands in Lots I, 3 and 5, Division 3, in Gray,— ^9 .- ^49- Isaac Lane m. 20 Dec, 1771, by Rev, Mr, Chandler, DORCAS BENNET, who d. at New Gloucester, Me., at the age of 27 years. He also had wife, JERUSHA . "Isaac Lane of Charlestown, Co. of Middlesex, mariner, and Jerusha his wife, have agreed to separate and not inhabit as man and. wife. In considera tion of which Levi Lane of Boston, Co. of Suffolk, sailmaker, hath given a deed of a dwelling-house and land in Charlestown to Abraham Peirce of New Gloucester, conditioned for the payment of 104 dollars per annum to the said Jerusha, during her life, to be paid quarterly, secured by a mortgage of land in Charlestown to said Peirce, in consideration of which said Jerusha agrees not to trouble or molest said Isaac and not to contract any debts, Sept. 20, 1800." "Jerusha Lane wife of Isaac Lane formerly of Gray, since of Falmouth, now of Charlestown Co, Middlesex, mariner, in consideration of the provision made for me in this present year 1800, to be paid by Levi Lane of Boston, sailmaker, do quit and release to him, the said Isaac, my right of dower in Pole's Point in Falmouth, Oct, 28, 1800. Acknowledged and consented to 232 James Lane and Descendants. for the sura of $1,00 in favor Jonathan Paine, Jr,, Sept, 29, 1801."— Cumber land Co. Deeds. Children : 76. I. Isaac, Jr.^, b. 19 Sept, 1772, m. Esther Cook. II. Ebenezer Davis", a seaman, d. young, 77. III. Levi", bap. 30 Apr,, 1775, m. Sarah Hicks. IV. Dorcas", bap, 17 Aug., 1777- V. Betty", bap. 7 May, 1780. VI. Lucy Lane"-Hicks, received of her parents "in considera tion of the natural affection we have," Dec. 4, 1802, parts of Lots I, 3 and 5 of the Third Division in Gray, "to come into possession after our decease." 34. THEOPHILUS LANE' (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), was b. in Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 9 July, and bap. 12 July, 1752. His widowed mother, AbigaU Lane, was appointed his guardian, Nov. 27, 1770. He was a shoemaker and went early in Ufe to North Yarmouth, Me., where he subscribed to a private school, Mar. 27, 1770, agreeing to employ Dr. EUas Banks or some other person to teach in district No. 7 for one month or more and to pay his proportionable part of the cost. Mr. Lane was pubUshed to, and m. SUSANNAH DAVIS, 20 Aug., 1774. "Being out on the fishing ground in the spring of 1776 he was seized by an English vessel and einployed as a pilot to bring the craft into Gloucester bay. He had assured the captain that Gloucester was in the hands of the British and thus induced him to run into this port, Gloucester people went off to her in sufficient number to overpower the crew and took possession of the vessel," —J. J. Babson. Theophilus Lane, with wife, REBECCA, sold to Thomas Went worth, tailor, for $180, June i, 1801, part of Lot 32, with buildings in North Yarraouth, "which I purchased of Joseph Banks," Five Family Thirty- Five. 233 other transfers of real estate by him are recorded between 1801 and 1810. Son: I. Theophilus", ra, Zeruiah Ring, widow of Benjamin Porter, and dau. of Eleazer and Olive (Mitchel) Ring; she b. 7 Oct., 1792, and d. 12 Nov., 1867. Child : I. Jane True'', b, 5 July, 18 — , TheophUus Lane, m, Eliza, m. n. Porter, her second m, ; she b, about 1827, dau, of Benjamin and Zeruiah (Riftg) Porter. 35. • LEVI LANE, Esq.' (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1754- 1806, was bom at Annisquara, 3 Nov., and bap. at Bay View, Gloucester, Mass., 10 Nov., 1754. He and his cousin, Nicholas Lane' (WiUiam*, James', John*, James'), served apprenticeship together as sailmakers, Levi Lane was a soldier under Capt, Nathaniel Warner at the battle of Bunker Hill, Capt, Warner's company raarched from Gloucester to Cam bridge in the latter part of May, On the morning of the attack by the British forces, the corapany made a rapid march to Charlestown, crossed the pen insula under fire, and was ordered by Gen. Israel Putnam to the redoubt and then to the left towards the rail fence, — J. J. Babson. While still a young man, Mr, Lane visited France and returned in company with Marquis de Lafayette, who came to join the American Colonies in the spring of 1777, He was a meraber of St, Andrew's Lodge of Free Masons, and there was forwarded to hira frora France "a blue pitcher with gold letters, with his own name and that of all the prominent members of the lodge and fraternity, etc," — Abigail Perry, Mr, Lane's place of business as a sailmaker and merchant was near Clinton street, Boston, Mass. "He was a sailmaker of wide repute, made the best sails that went out of Boston, made sails for my great grandfather, John Browne of Providence, R, I,, who was a noted merchant in his day whose ships sailed all over the world,'' — Lewis Herreshoff, He became a leading raerchant and shipowner, losing sorae vessels about 1800, by French spoliation. He was a pew owner and prorainently connected with the First Universalist church at the corner of North Bennett and Hanover streets with his residence on Pine street, Boston. He was allowed claims against the estate of Solomon Lane, Gloucester, Nov. 5, 1799, and was party to two transfers of real estate in Cumberland Co., Me., 1798-1800, 234 James Lane and Descendants. Levi Lane, Esq., entered intention of marriage with ELIZA BETH GYLES of Boston, May i, 1778 ; she died the same Tues day in April, 1795, with her mother, the widow Mary (Maverick) Giles, a descendant of Sarauel Maverick the grantee of Noddle's Island. Six weeks after the death of his first wife, Mr. Lane m. second, SUSANNAH (Newman) LANE, the widow of Master Oliver Wellington Lane' (Jaraes*-', John*, Job'). Levi Lane d. 23 June, 1806, and was buried at Copps Hill, Boston, where his stone may be seen, 1899, His widow, Susanna Lane, administered on his estate. Inventory ^19,406,90, comprised mansion-house on Pine street, three dweUing houses, blacksmith's shop, cooper's shop, large store and wood wharf, near Fish street, pew in First Universalist church'and 75 acres of land in Augusta, Me. Susanna (Newman)' Lane brought into Levi Lane's faraily four children by Oliver WeUington Lane, and she had four chUdren by Levi Lane. This is especially noted in order to distinguish her children by each marriage. Her estate was settled in Suffolk Probate Court in 1842, Her heirs appear to have been Mary W. Clark, Susan N, Buffum and Hannah (Lane) Braynard, The naraes of children, John, Harriet and Francis, do not appear in the probate papers ; they had died, ChUdren of Levi Lane by first raarriage : 78. I. Betsey", b, 26 Jan,, 1779, in- Capt, Benjamin Proctor. II. Francis", b, 15 June, 1780, was made a Free Mason in the West Indies and d, at the age of 1 7 years, 79. III. Abigail", b, 15 Feb,, 1782, m, IriAi Perry. 80. IV. Polly", b, 4 Mar., 1784, ra, Capt. Nathan Frye, 81. V, Nancy", b, 21 June, 1786, m, Joseph Warren Lewis. VI. Sally", b. 21 Mar,, 1788, VII. Levi", b, and d, 11 July, 1790, VIII. Levi", b. 24 Sept., 1791, is supposed to have been lost at sea with his brother-in-law, Capt, Benjamin Proctor, Children of Levi Lane and his second wife : IX. Hannah", b. 28 Apr., 1796, m, Selden Braynard of Boston, a very capable raan who was imprisoned for forging the name of HEADSTONE AT THE GRAVE OF CAPT. FRANCIS LANE, SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, Family Thirty- Six, 235 H, G. Otis. Both are mentioned in the stfttiement of her mother's estate, 1842. Children: I. Thomas, settled in New York. 2, Charles Phelps, graduated Harvard College, 1842, and settled in New York, 3, Harriet, 4. Susan, X, John", b. 28 Dec, 1797, d. unra. XI. Harriet", b. 29 Apr., 1799, d. of consumption at about 20 years. XII. Francis", b. Friday, 5 Dec, 1800, d. a mariner in middle life. He m. at Gloucester, Mass., 29 Oct., 185 1, by Joshua P. Trask, Justice of the Peace, Mrs. Ann Stevens ; she b, about 181 1, Nova Scotia, dau. of Robert and Mary Anne Dopson. 36, Capt. FRANCIS LANE' (Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1756-1829, was bap. at Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 12 Dec, 1756. He enlisted in Capt. John Rowe's Co. of Gloucester minute men under Col. Ebenezer Bridge and marched to Bunker Hill in season to take an active part in the great engagement of June 17, 1775. Returning to Gloucester, he entered the service on board of a privateer, and at the close of the war re ceived his share in several prizes he had aided in capturing. He studied navi gation and, subsequently master of a vessel, sailed for several years as far as the East Indies and raany tiraes to the West Indies and was once wrecked on Sable Island where he reraained all winter to recover the cargo of cotton which had sunk in the ship. He afterward coasted between Boston and Portland, Me,, for many years. The house he occupied at Bay View has been the homestead of the Jones family for more than a century (iS Capt. Francis Lane, m, first, by Rev. Obadiah Parsons, 25 Feb., 1779, ESTHER GRIFFIN; she bap. 6 Sept, 1761, dau. of Samuel and Mary (York) Griffin of Gloucester', from Newbury, Mass. They raoved to North Yarmouth, Me., where Mrs. Lane sacrificed her Hfe and d. 31 Aug., 1799, se. 38 years, in taking care of a neighbor sick with the yeUow fever. The neighbor recovered, 236 James Lane and Descendants. but Mrs. Lane died, wMle her dau. Mary took the fever and never fully recovered. Mrs. Lane was buried in the old cemetery at North Yarraouth. She was descended from Philip Griffin, the ancestor of the numerous and influential Gloucester faraily. Mary Griffin m, Williara Babson and was the mother of Hon, John J, Babson, the historian of Gloucester, The Annisquam church, records say of Samuel Griffin, "He was a meraber of the church raany years and was well esteeraed. He was firra and unshaken in the doctrines of free grace in an exalted Divine Redeemer and Saviour." Capt Lane m, second, 8 July, 1800, Mrs. HANNAH WYMAN of North Yarmouth, She was the 381st raember of the First church in North Yarmouth and joined by pubUc profession of faith, July 24, 1 79 1. They moved to a farm at Minot Corner, Me., and in June, 1818, to South Paris, Me. She died in 1820, se. 65 years. He was published, 10 Nov., and m. third, 5 Dec, 1822, widow BETSEY GAMMON of South Paris, who died 31 Mar., 1825, se. 63 years. Francis Lane of North Yarmouth, sold to Jabez Cushman for $500,00, Jan. 16, 1802, 64 acres and 93 rods in the 281 squadron No. 9 in the gore, "the place where I now live." He paid lchabod Benson, $330.00, Apr. 27, 1802, for 50 acres of land, Lot 78, in Minot. Francis Lane of Minot and Hannah Lane his wife in her right, sold to Leonard.P. 'Woodbury for $475,00, June 26, 1818, Lot 78 in Minot with the buildings thereon. He was party to sale of real estate eight times between 1801 and 1818, — Cumb, Co. Liecords, Capt Lane had a strong attachraent for the place of his nativity and visited (Gloucester on a fishing trip every season, Aug, to Nov., till a short time before his death, at the house of his dau,, Mrs. Susan Ripley, 30 Nov,, 1829, se, 73 years. He was rather smaU in stature with Ught complexion, blue eyes and delicate constitution, — soldier, scholar and gentieman. With his last two wives he was buried in the Robinson neighborhood near South Paris, Me. The grave of this soldier and pensioner of the Revolution, unmarked and forgotten for raany years, was at length discovered and marked by a suitable marble headstone with appropriate inscriptions by his grandson, Samuel Richards, Jr., at his own expense, he "not thinking it right to have a soldier of Bunker HiU sleep in a lost and forgotten grave." MARY LANE RICHARDS, Family Thirty-Si.x. 237 Children by first wife, "Frora all my researches and intimate acquaintance with them, I have found no stain on the character of any. They aU were worthy of such a father as Capt. Francis Lane." — Samuel Richard, Jr. I, Esther Griffin", b. North Yarmouth, 26 May, 1782, m. Benjamin Safford of North Turner Bridge, Me,, and d. 2 May 1842. Children: 1. William S,, b, 15 Aug,, 1806, 2, Nathan, b, 14 Feb., 1808. 3, Francis Lane, b. 6 May, 181 1, d, 31 Aug,, 1819. 4, Polly Lane, b, 22 May, 1813, 5. Eliza A., b,, 18 Apr,, 1816, d, 12 Sept., 1845. II. Francis", b. about 1787, d. young. 82. III. Mary", b. 7 Jan., 1792, m. Samuel Richards. 83. IV. Annie Ruhamah", b. 7 Mar., 1794, m. Eliza White- house. V. Susan", b. 9 Nov., 1797, was pub. 20 Feb., and m. Mar., 1818, Ransom Ripley''' (Thaddeus" and Lydia (Ransom) Ripley, Abner', Hezekiah*, John'-*, WiUiam', from Hingham, Norfolk Co., England). Mr. Ripley was b. 8 Sept, 1786, settied in Paris, Me., 1800, and d. 5 Sept., 1842, se. 56 years. She d. 12 May, 1851, se. 53 yrs., 6 ras., 3 ds. Their children : I, Ransom, b, 15 Oct,, 1823, m. Julia M, Thayer, res. Paris, Me, 2, Annie L,, b, 8 Sept,, 1825, m, Judith Fuller of Paris and res, Cali fornia. 3. Cynthia A,, b, 19 Aug,, 1827, ra, William G, Knapp, res, Hartford and Livermore, Me, 4. Louisa Ellen, b, 23 July, 1829, res. Biddeford, Me. 5, Thaddeus, b, 15 Oct,, 1831, d. Sept,, 1858, in California, 6, Abby J,, b, July, 1833, m, first, Joseph Libby, res. Limerick, Me., m. second and lived in St. Louis, Mo. 7, Amanda, b, 1835, m, Elijah DeCoster, res. North Turner, Me, 8, George, b, July, 1838, m, Mary Noyes, res. Cincinnati, Ohio, 9. Adelia Eliza, b. 12 Mar,, 1841, m, I Sept,, 1859, Joseph Henry Can- nell, of Carabridge, Mass., res. and town clerk, Everett, Mass. Children: i) Nellie Ellsworth, b, 24 July, 1861, 2) Williara Henry, b, 15 Apr,, 1867, 3) Herbert Livingston, b, 3 Feb,, 1869, 4) Joseph Johnson, b, 11 Julv, 1872, 5) John Weston, b, 22 July, 1879, 6) Leon Garfield, b, 9 Oct,, 1881, VI. Hannah", b. 14 June, 1799, was pub, 22 May, 1820, and m. William Hutchings of Pownal, Me,, res, Oxford, Me., and d. 24 Mar,, 1859. Children: I, William, b. 18 Dec, 1821, d. 238 James Lane and Descendants, 2, John S., b, 30 Nov., 1823, m, Phebe Rowe, res. North Turner Bridge, Me., and d. 8 May, 1876. Children: 1) Charles Albert, b. 9 Oct., 1851, 2) John Francis, b, 24 Oct., 1853, res. Norway, Me. 3) Orinton L., d, 2 Aug,, 1858, ne. 2 yrs,, 10 ms, 4) Emily J,, d, 26 July, 1863, ae, 4 yrs,, 5 ms,, 7 ds, 3, A/ary Lane, b, 21 Oct,, 1824, m, Benjamin Franklin Pearson and had: i) George Frank, b. 20 May, 1858, m. and had son b, about 1880, 2) Lewis Webster, b, 22 Apr., i860, m. and lost his wife, res. Campello, Mass, 4, George, d. 5, Francis. 6. A/artha .4nn, b. 19 Feb., 1832, d, 9 Nov., 1846, se, 14 yrs,, 8 ms, "She said: 'Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are. While on his breast I lean^ny head And breathe my life out sweetly there.' Thus sleeps her dust beneath the sod. Her soul ascended to her God; There tears of grief forever cease, In that eternal world of peace," 37. MARK LANE' (Josiah*, James', John*, James',) 1 762-1 824, bap. Annisquam, Mass., 10 Jan., 1762, was pub. 11 Dec, 1801, and m. ESTHER GOTT, who d. of pleurisy, 9 July, 1827. He d. of consumption, 15 June, 1826, se. 62 years, and lies buried in the corner of Annisquam burying ground near Parson Leamed's grave. Children : I. Esther", m. 13 Dec, 1821, by Rev. Ezra Learned, John Little Griffin, and resided at Annisquam. 84. IL Mark", b. 28 June, bap. 28 July, 1804, m. Clemen tina Young. III. Judith", bap. Oct., 1807, ra. 10 Dec, 1822, James Lane of Annisquam and d. 21 Nov., 1825, se. 19 years. 85. IV. George Washington", b. 1812, m, Thomazine Thurston, V. Louisa", d, unm, 6 July, 1874, se, 51 years. Family Thirty-Eight, 239 VI, John K.", mariner, m. first, Butler, second, Ann Maria Griffin, and d, at Squam Point, Gloucester, 23 Apr,, 1857, ae. 35 years, VII, Levi", master-mate of sloop of war Dale, Capt Levi Lane was the youngest son of Mark Lane. He had three daughters and one son. The oldest -child was Lucretia KP , who m. Isaac Bourne, lived in Whitman, Mass., and had son, Isaac, b, 1867, 38. DAVID LANE' (David*, John'-*, James'), 1750-1825, born Lanesville, Gloucester, Mass., i Dec, 1750. Tradition relates that he was a soldier in the Revolution, captured and carried to Halifax, Nova Scotia. He escaped and swam on board a sloop bound for Virginia, whence with a companion he returned on foot to Gloucester. He was monitor and collector for the Third Parish, Annisquam, Mass., Mar. 20, 1779, parish coramittee 1788, sexton 1807. ^ He ent, int 21 Aug., and m. 12 Nov., 1772, by Rev, Obadiah Parsons, HANNAH MERCHANT. She was b. 17 Feb, 1754, dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Woodbury) Merchant, and grand daughter of Jabez and Mary (Butman-Babson) Merchant, who settled in Annisquam in 1721, Her ancestress, Mary Butinan, is supposed to have descended frora John Robinson, pastor of Plymouth Colony in 1620. Capt David Lane died 30 May, 1825, aged 74 yrs., 5 ms., 28 ds. "A husband kind, a father dear, A sincere friend lies buried here," — Tombstone. Mrs. Hannah Merchant Lane joined the church at LanesviUe, July 31, 1774, and d. 30 Nov., 1840, aged 86 yrs,, 9 ms., 13 ds. Administration on the estate of Capt. David Lane was granted to Samuel Lane, Esq., and appraisers were appointed Feb, 7, 1826, ' Inventory returned May 2, 1829, $3815.26. Allowance to Hannah Lane, widow. May 5, 1829, and dowry, Oct, 5, 1830, Division of estate Aug, 2, 1831, to Hannah Lane, widow, David Lane, Epes Lane, Samuel Lane, Hannah Young, and legal 240 James Lane and Descendants. representatives of John Lane, Polly Lane and Caroline Tucker. Administra tor's accounis presented Nov. I, 1830, and May 3, 1831, and third account allowed May 14, 1833, The dwelling-house of Capt, David Lane was stand ing in good condition in 1900, and, across the way, the sweet apple tree on which he dressed his sheep, since called "the mutton tree," Children : 86. I. John", bap, 21 Aug., 1774, had wife Esther White. 87. II. David", bap. 14 July, 1776, had wives Nabby Lane and Mary Cook. 88. III. Epes", b. 10, bap. 19 Apr., 1778, had wives Susanna Young and Sally Humphrey Woodbury. IV. H.4NNAH", bap. 4 June, 1780, ent int, 2 Nov., and ra. 6 Dec, 1798, Daniel Young of Rockport, Mass., who d. 19 Dec, 1848, se. 75 years. Their children. I, John b, I Aug., 1799, m, Sally Tarr. 2. Judith L., b, 12 May, 1801, d. unra, 3, Hannah L., b. 27 Aug., 1803, m. Reuben Tarr. Their dau, Sophia A,, b, 21 June, 1832, m, 15 Jan., 1865, Francis Jackson of Lanesville, and had: i) Ethel S,, b, 20 Aug,, 1867, 2) Francis A., b, 17 Jan,, 1874, 3) Martha A,, b, 27 Feb., 1876. 4. William, b. II Apr., 1805, m. Sophia Tarr. 5. Daniel, b. 14 Mar., 1807, m, Angella Knowlton, 6, Adelaide, b, 14 Mar,, 1807, ra, Joshua Tucker, 7, Henry, b, 2 Sept,, 1810, m, Caroline Tucker, 8, Samuel . Lane, M. D., b, 3 Jan., 1813, graduated Bowdoin College, 1840, and Harvard Medical School, 1852, practised medicine at Marblehead, Mass., marine hospital, Rainsford Island, alms house, Bridgewater, Mass., Lanesville, Mass., and South Portland, Me. He was an ardent Republican and reformer. He ra, first, Emily Tarr of Rockport, Mass,, by whom he had Alia Frances, b. 28 Jan., 1868, teacher High school, Charlestown, Mass.; m, second, A/ary C. Mariner, of Cape Elizabeth, Me,, where he d, of apoplexy, 19 Apr,, 1893, se, 80 yrs,, 3 ms, 16 ds, 9, Susan, b, 23 Jan,, 1815, d, unra, 10, Augusta, ^ b, II Dec, 1817. II. Franklin, >¦ triplets, b, 12 Dec, 1817, d, ¦st. 7 yrs, 12, Warren, ) b. 13 Dec, 1817, m, Betsey Dodd, 13, David L,, b, 4 Feb., 1820, 14, Frederick, b. 5 Feb., 1822, m. Ruhamah Holmes. 15. Abigail, b, II Aug., 1824, 16, Franklin, b. 6 July, 1827, m, at Newry, Me,, and d, 1892, je, 65 years, 89. V, Samuel", bap. 27 Apr., 1794, had wives Sally W. Har raden and Martha Dennison, Family Forty, 241 VI. Polly", m. William Lane' (Solomon'', Joseph', John*, James'). VII. Caroline", ra. Sept,, 1813, by Rev, Ezra Learned, Joshua Tucker, and d. before 1831, leaving children heirs to her father's estate : I, Joshua, xii. Catherine Young. 2. A/ary Lane, m, Joshua Griffin, 3, Caroline, m, Henry Young, 4. Daughter, d, young. 39. CALEB LANE' (Joseph*-', John*, James'), ent. int. of m. 10 Dec, 1782, and m. 2 Jan., 1783, by Rev. EU Forbes, ABIAH SAVILLE, dau. of Jesse and Martha SaviUe. They resided in Annisquara, Gloucester, Mass. ChUdren : I. John Saville", b. 19 Apr., 1785, d. at Gloucester, i May, 1871, se. 86 years. Their child: I. John S, Lane, Jr,', m, Mehitable, and had: i) Rodney', b, i Nov,, 1839, 2) Matilda', b. 22 June, 1842, d. 6 Oct., 1843, 3) John Preston', b, 4 Oct,, 1843, d, 23 Oct,, 1844, 3e, I yr,, 19 ds, 90. II. Joseph", b. i May, 1787, m, Lucy Gott. III. Andrew", b. 5 June, bap. 4 Oct., 1789. 91, IV. William Saville,", b. 5 Sept, bap, 6 Nov., 1791, m, Sally Lane, V. Charles", b. 7 Sept, 1796, bap. by Rev. Gilbert Wilkes. VI. Eliza", bap. 3 July, 1799. VII. Hepsibah", b. 21 Nov., 1802. VIII, Adaline", b. 4 Apr., bap. 29 June, 1806. 92. IX. Theodore", b. 24 Jan., 1808, m. Clarissa Lowe. 40. GIDEON LANE' (Joseph*-', John*, James'), bom Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., ent. int. of m. 8 Mar,, 1796, with r\NNA 242 James Lane and Descendants. GRIFFIN, who d. 7 June, 1821 ; m. second, 10 Dec, 1822, by Rev. Ezra Learned, HANNAH LANE, who d. 29 Mar,, 1848, ae, 62 yrs., 4 ras,, 15 ds. Interred at Gloucester, Mass, ChUdren : 93. I. Gideon", b. 10 Dec, 1798, bap. 3 July, 1799, m. Abigail Gott. II. Jude Griffin", bap. 29 Aug,, 1801. 94. Ill, Samuel Robinson", b. 6 June, 1806, ra. Martha Watson. IV. Anna", m. David Lurvey. V. Others", d, young. 41. CALEB LANE, Jr,' (Caleb*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1759- 1850, b. LanesvUle, Mass., 23, and bap. 27 May, 1759. He was a mariner in U. S. privateer service, captured by British forces and committed from privateer "Alfred" to Forten gaol or prison one mile from Portsmouth, Eng,, July 18, 1778. Returned to Gloucester, Mass., he was committee for settlement of estate of CorneUus Lane, 1806, and surety for Aaron Lane, administrator on estate of Wentworth R. Lane, Dec. 4, 1809. Mr. Lane ent int, 28 Apr,, and ra. 3 May, 1804, by Rev. Daniel FuUer, HANNAH BURNHAM^ (Jonathan", and Ruth HaskeU Simeon', Thomas*-', John*, Thomas'), a family of Ipswich and Essex, Mass.; she b. 29 Oct., 1765. Both were admitted to the church of Annisquam, Apr. 22, 1805. This pensioner of the Revolution d. 5 Apr., 1850, se. 90 yrs., 10 ms., 12 ds. His wife d. 18 Feb., 1843, ae. 76 years. Children : I. Hannah", bap. 28 Apr., 1805. 95. II. David Saville", bap. June, 1807, ra. Lydia Ann Elwell. 96. HI. Lazarus", bap. 13 Aug., 1809, bad wife Ruth. F.vMiLY Forty-Three. 243 42. JOSEPH LANE' (Caleb*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes') was b. in Annisquara, Gloucester, Mass., bap. 30 Nov., 1760. He was a cordwainer at LanesviUe and bought land in 1798. He ra. 26 Feb., 1782, by Rev. Eli Forbes, JOANNA MORGAN and d. in testate, 1832, leaving a widow Joanna to whom dower was as signed Apr. 21, 1835. Division of the estate was made Nov. 17, 1835, to Amos Griffin, to Andrew H. Langsford, to John S. Lane, to Jonathan Harraden and to Mary Andrews. Children : I. Elizabeth", bap. by Rev. William WiUiams of Casco Bay, d. of old age 11 Sept., 1872, se. 85 yrs., 8 ras., 24 ds. II. Jane", ent. int of ra. 27 Sept., 1800, with Jonathan Har raden of Gloucester. III. Mary", m. 22 Nov., 1807, by Rev. E. Learned, Stephen Andrews. IV. Lucy", m. 26 Aug., 1810, Amos Griffin. V. Judith", bap. 23 June, 1798, by Rev. Manassah Cutier, m. 21 July, 1818, by Rev. Ezra Learned, Andrew H. Langsford, and d. before 1835, leaving minor chUdren. VI. Joseph", bap. 1801, d. 12 Dec, 1819, se. 17 years; feU overboard from his uncle Aaron Lane's vessel coming frora the eastward laden with wood. VII. John S.", had wife Susan, and : I. Son'', b, 2 Oct., 1843. 43. ZACHEUS LANE-', (Caleb*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1769- 1819, b, LanesviUe, Gloucester, Mass., 7 June, 1769, bap. 16 June, 1 77 1, a fisherman at Bay View, Gloucester, ent, int, of ra, 8 Nov,, and m, 8 Dec, 1805, REBECCA MERCHANT*, by Rev, Ezra Learned. She was b. Gloucester, 21 Sept, 1782, dau. of Jabez' and Rebecca (Woodbury) Daniel*, Jabez', and d, 18 Jan,, 1853, 244 James Lane and Descendaot'S, se. 70 years, "having passed the allotted threescore and ten years." He bought land in Squam parish of James Woodbury, Jan. 10, 1 791 , and was surety for Aaron Lane, adm. on • the estate of Wentworth Riggs Lane, Dec. 4, 1809. Mr. Lane d. 2 May, 18 19, se. 48 years, of a singular disease. A post mortem examination by Dr. Israel B. Hovey showed that "the outlet of the stomach had grown up and become chaliced." Administration on his estate was granted to Rebecca Lane, widow, Jan. 7, 1823. She received aUowance Nov. 4, and dowry Dec. 2, 1823. ChUdren : I. Rebecca", b. 22 Apr., 1807, d. 26 July, 1849, ^e. 42 yrs., 5 ms. "The casket lies beneath the sod. The gem it held has gone to God; Death's messenger by Him was sent, To carry back the treasure lent. Afflicted friends great is your loss, But God your path hath wisely crossed; He only took what was his own. Then should we say, 'Thy will be done.' " II. Caroline", b. 29 Nov., 1809, bap. May, 1810, by Rev. Daniel Fuller. 97. III. Cyrus", b. 8 June, 181 2, m. Sarah Rowe. IV. Susan Merchant", b. 21 Oct., 18 14, m. 13 Nov., 1831, Israel Jerould, and d. 17 Aug., 1854. V. Betsey Merchant", b. 26 July, -1817, bap. 31 Oct, 1819, m. Ezekiel Chard, a stage driver, and d. 12 Aug., 1889. She was the mother of : I, Chase Chard, 44. SOLOMON LANE, Jr,' (Solomon*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'), 1765-1817, was b, in Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass,, 21 Jan,, and bap. 24 Feb., 1765. He bought land in Squara parish of Jonathan Harraden, Dec, 31, 1788, received bond frora CorneUus Lane for Family Forty-Five. 245 a portion in their father's estate, Mar. 7, 1803, purchased of Cornelius Lane his right in the fish house, 1806, and presented a claim against his estate, 1808. He ent. int. 6 Feb., and m. 1 1 Mar., 1792, SALLY STANWOOD, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland. He d. intestate, 28 Aug., 181 7, at the Point, Rockport, Mass,, John Manning administrator, Jan. 19, 181 8. His widow was buried 27 May, 1818. Their children : I. Susan", bap. 27 Oct, 1799, d. 12 Sept, 1805. II. Jacob Clark", bap. 1801. III. Nathaniel", bap. 18 Aug., 1805, d. 19 Aug., 1805, se. 3 years. IV. Caroline", bap. 8 Sept., 1805. V. Fitz William", d. 15 June, 1818, se. about 5 years. 45. NATHANIEL LANE' (Solomon*, Joseph', John*, James'), was b. LanesviUe, Gloucester, Mass., 2, and bap. 9 Nov., 1766, by Rev. John Wyeth. He had a claim against his father's estate, Nov. 5, 1799; received bonds from Cornelius Lane for a portion of their father's estate, Mar. 7, 1803, presented a claim against his brother, Cornelius Lane's estate, 1808. He ent. int. of ra. with SARAH WOODBURY, 19 Dec, 1795. They settied in New Gloucester, Me., whence they reraoved to Poland, Me. Here he resided 70 years and died at the advanced age of 92 years. "Mr. Lane was a good citizen and a worthy raan. He was a great reader of the Bible, having read it through in course eleven times, was a lifelong Universalist." — Rev, Z^nas Thompson, Children : I. Clara", bap. Oct., 1798. 98. II. Nathaniel", b. 1802, m. Esther Sargent. III. Eli", b. about 1806, unra., d. Gloucester, 30 July, 1884, se. 78 yrs., 17 ds. Buried at Locust Grove, LanesviUe. 246 James Lane and Descendants, 99. IV. Wentworth Riggs", b. New Gloucester, Me., 20 Nov., 1807, ra. Lavina Jordon. V. Betsey Gideons", bap. 9 July, 1810. 100. VI. Lewis", b. Mar., 181 2, ra. Sally T. Pool and Laura A, Wadley, 46. CORNELIUS LANE', (Soloraon*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'), 1769-1805, was b, in Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass,, 24 Oct,, 1769, and bap, 7 Jan., 1770. He was a fisherman, and received two-thirds of his father's estate by giving bonds. Mar, 7, 1803, to pay portions to other children and legal representatives. He ent. int of m. with LUCY HARRADEN, 18 Oct, 1793, and was buried 9 July, 1805. Administration was granted to his widow, Lucy Lane, Oct. 7, 1805 ; inventory, Oct. 14, 1805, mentions dwelling-house and lands, fish house, nets, one-half of a two mast boat, one right in school house on Harraden's Point, two-thirds of a wall pew in Annisquam meeting-house, Bible, Testament and hymn book; widow's dower set off Mar. 20, 1806; account of adm. rendered, Oct, 6, 1806, Children : I. William Pitt", bap, 3 July, 1799. II. Ammi", bap. 1801. III. Perhaps Cornelius". "Mr. Cornelius Lane of this town and Miss Almira Smith of Belfast, Hancock County, were pubUshed Jany 21=' 1821 ; Certificate given 7 Feb., 1821." — Record Free- port, Me, 47. HUMPHREY LANE' (Solomon*, Joseph', John*, James'), bap. in Gloucester, Mass., 13 Oct, 1771 ; ent int of ra. 11 Jan., 1797, with SUSANNAH GREENLEAF of Newbury, Mass., received a Family Forty- Eight. 247 portion of his father's estate. Mar. 7, 1803, and presented a claim against the estate of Cornelius Lane, 1808. Administration on the estate of "Humphrey Lane last of Newburyport, mariner, who died on or about Nov. 20, 1832," was granted to Philip Johnson of Newbury, Dec. 11, 1832; inventory returned Mar. 12, 1833; Mary P. Lane, widow, received allowance, Dec. 10, 1833, who "has one son, Joseph Lane, only three years of age, whose nurture and education wiU depend entirely upon her." Children of Humphrey and Susan Lane : I. LiDEAY Davis", bap. 11 Oct, 1801. II. Joseph", bap. 21 Sept, 1805. III. Polly Greenleaf", bap. Oct., 1807. IV. Thomas". V, William". VI. Sarah", bap. 28 Nov., 1819. 48. WILLIAM LANE' (Solomon*, Joseph', John*, James'), was b. fti Rockport, Mass., in 1789. Williara Lane, aged 14 years, re ceived Mark Lane as his guardian. Mar. 7, 1803. He was allowed claims against the estate of Cornelius Lane in 1808, was a carpenter and d. 17 Oct, 1857, se, 69 years. He ra, first in Aug., 181 1, by Rev. Ezra Learned, POLLY LANE" (David'-*, John'-*, James'). She d. suddenly, 20 June, 1824, leaving an infant two months old. In 1832, her minor children received by William Lane, their father and guardian, a portion of her father's estate. He m. second, NANCY , who was b. in Rockport, and d. of cancer, 4 Sept., 1847, se. 61 years. He m. third, 25 June, 1848, by Rev. Sarauel C. Gilbert, Mrs. LOUISA BROOKS; she aged 38, dau. of Jabez and Lois Tarr, who m. third, 19 Sept., 1869, by Rev. Nathaniel Richardson, John York, he b. 1793, son of Samuel and Elizabeth York, his third marriage. 24y James Lane and Descendants. Children : 101. I. WNILLIAM, Jr.", b. 12 Oct, 1812, m. Sally and Rhoda Elwell. 102. II. Albert", b. 26 Oct., 1816, m. Rhoda W. Butman and Martha A. Butman. III. Henry Oscar", b. 26 June, 1819, ra. in Boston, Mass., and d. 28 Mar., 1858, se. 39 yrs., 4 ms., 3 ds. IV. Mary", b. 29 Nov., 1821, d. 27 May, 1826. V. Maria", b. 6 June, 1824, m. Joseph Burns of Rockport, Mass. 49. GIDEON LANE 2d5, (Gideon*, Joseph', John*, James') 1764- 182 1, was born in Gloucester, Mass., 14, and bap. at Annisquam, 16 Dec, 1764. He was bom on the east side of Lobster cove, but bought and moved his family to the large, double, two story house still standing near the west end of the bridge over Lobster cove in Annisquara. British armed barges came into Squam river in 1813 to destroy what shipping they could find, Capt, Lane had a schooner called "Federalist" lying at the wharf below his house, A barge came into Lobster cove intending to destroy her. When preparing to set her on fire, Capt, Lane's daughter, Clara, then 17 years of age, went from the house and requested them not to destroy the vessel. The lieutenant in command looked at Miss Lane a few mome'nts and then declared "he could not resist answering the prayer of such a pretty lass and would leave the vessel unmolested," And the barge returned to their vessels outside, without any further damage to property here. That was the last visit armed barges made in Annisquam river, — George Edward Lane. Gideon Lane, Jr,, of Gloucester, mariner, paid Gideon Lane of Freeport, Me., $800.00, June 25, 1813, for land including the northwest part of Lot 39, Range E, in Freeport. Capt. Lane ent int, 24 Nov,, 1789, and m. 20 Apr,, 1790, HANNAH GRIFFIN ; she a descendant of Philip Griffin, an eariy settier of Cape Ann, b, Annisquam, 20 Sept., 1772, and d. 10 May, 1852, ffi. 79 yrs., 7 ras,, dau, of OUver and Mary (York) Griffin. "Through the darkness into light," Family Forty-Nine. 249 She was sister to the mother of John J. Babson, the historian of Gloucester. Capt. Lane died at Annisquam, 28 Nov., 1821, se, 57 years. "The pure in heart see God," Administration on his estate was granted to Samuel Lane, Esq,, Apr, 5, 1825 ; inventory July 19, 1825 ; allowance to widow, Han nah Lane, Jan, 12, 1826 ; dower set off, Oct, 5, 1830. obituary, "Died in Gloucester on Wednesday morning last, Capt. Gideon Lane, aged 57 years, after a long and distressing illness which he endured with remarka ble fortitude and patience. An affectionate remembrance of the worthy man will ever be cherished by his relations and friends. Hi§ moral character was unexceptionable and he was distinguished for his diligence and activity in business. When in health his cheerful and social disposition never failed to render him an acceptable corapanion in the circle of his friends and acquain tances. In the death of Capt. Lane the society in which he lived, and his friends in particular, have sustained an irreparable loss. He was a kind and affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent father. He was fondly attached to life and had an earnest desire to recover from his illness, but still, when he became sensible that his case was hopeless, he expressed a perfect resignation to the Divine Will, and died in a comfortable hope of a happy iraraortality. We trust he is now rejoicing in the possession of perfect purity and bliss; while he has left behind that which is better than precious ointment 'a good name.' Peace be to his raemory." — Rev. Ezra Learned. Children : 103. I. Gideon, 3d.", b. 31 Aug., 1791, m. Dorcas Babson and Eliza H. Peabody. II. Hannah", b. 26 July, 1793, d. 27 Oct., 1793. III. Clara", b. 18 Feb., 1796, ra. David Babson. 104. IV. Oliver Griffin", b. 25 Nov., 1798, bap. 27 Oct., 1799, ra. Charlotte Phippen. V. Alexander", b. 18 Aug., 1801, d. St. Thomas, W. I., 5 Aug., 1 82 1. Heard of his death, Sept. 7, 182 1. VI. Hannah", b. 18 Nov., 1803, bap. 7 July, 1804, .m. David I ane'' (Epes", David'-*, John'-*, James'). 250 James Lane and Descendant's. VII. Esther G.", b. 8 Sept., 1805, d. 8 Nov., 1805. VIII. Emily", b. 9 Sept., 1806, m. Davis. IX. Julia Augusta", b. 21 Jan., 1808, d. 30 Nov., 1813, se. 5 years. 105. X. Gustavus Adolphus", b. 9 June, 181 1, ra. Clarissa Peabody. XI. Julia A.", b. 13 Feb., 1815, d. 23 Aug., 1816. 50. MOSES SOULE, Jr." (Moses', Barnabas*, Moses', John*, George'), 1769-1851, was born in Freeport, Me., 28 Dec, 1769. Moses Soule*, was b. 19 Feb., 1739, and bap. 5 Sept., 1742, son of Barnabas and Jane Bradbury. Barnabas Soule'', b. 1705, bought of his brother Cornelius in 1745, a home stead in Freeport; m. 1737, Jane, a posthumous daughter of Jacob and Eliza beth (Stockman) Bradbury of Salisbury, Mass.; she b. 1718, bap. 4 Aug., 1818, the youngest sister of Mrs. Dorothy, the wife of Rev. Ararai Ruhamah Cutter, and great granddaughter of the noted divine Rev. John Wheelwright. Barnabas and his wife were received to the First church of North Yarmouth by public profession, Aug. 30, 1742. He died 8 Apr., 1780, ec. 75 years; lies buried in the old burying ground on Pleasant Hill, Freeport, that overlooks the town and gives a glimpse of the blue waters of Casco Bay in the distance. Moses Soule, Jr. and MARTHA LANE' (Gideon*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'), both of Freeport, Me., she b. Gloucester, Mass., 22 Dec, 1772, entered their intention of raarriage 25 May, 1793, certificate of ra. given 9 Jan., 1794, and entered for record 28 May, 1794. Both united with the Congregational church in Freeport about 1810. He called upon the fence viewers of Freeport to partition the fence between him self -and Thomas Becknell, July 25, 1818. He was chosen deacon of the church, Apr. 29, 1813, and closed his service with his death, 4 Oct., 1851. Mrs. Soule d. 20 Dec, 1837. Their descendants have been preeminently a race of literary men and educators. ChUdren : I. Charles'', b. 29 Aug., 1794, entered PhiUips Exeter Acad- Family Fifty. 251 emy, 1815, graduated Bowdoin CoUege, 1821, and Andover Theo logical Seminary, 1825, was ordained to the Congregational ministry at Belfast, Me., June 24, 1824, and held fifteen pastorates in Maine. He m. Phebe (Bartol), widow of Rev. Samuel Veazie. and d. at Portiand, Me., 31 May 1869, se. 75 years. II. Gideon Lane'', b. 25 July, 1796, entered PhiUips Exeter Academy, 1813, graduated at Bowdoin CoUege, 1818, teacher at PhiUips Exeter Academy, 181 8- 19, graduated at Andover Theo logical Seminary, 182 1, teacher at PhUlips Academy, Andover, 1820-21, professor of ancient languages Phillips Exeter Academy, 1822-38, principal and trustee ex-officio, 1838 to June 30, 1873, then principal emeritus till his death. Dr. Soule "was fully indoctrinated with the views and methods of his old preceptor (Dr. Benjarain Abbot), was a thorough classical scholar, and pos sessed rare natural qualities for the high post to which he was promoted. He was of commanding presence and dignified manners, and understood well how to appeal to the best instincts of his pupils. Like his predecessor he had the gift of command, and was a thorough gentleman in the best sense of the term, courteous, high minded, just and generous in his treatment of all ... . After Dr, Soule had completed his fiftieth year of duty as a professer and principal of the acaderay, he retired from active eraployment, bearing with him the respect and cordial affection of his associates and of the numerous pupils who had enjoyed the great advantage of his instruction and his example," — Charles H, Bell, Principal Soule received the honorary degree of LL, D. frora Harvard University in 1856, and died at Exeter, 28 May, 1879. He ra. 26 Aug,, 1822, Elizabeth Phillips, dau, of Noab Emery of Exeter. Three children reached adult age : I, Charles Emery^, b, 1823, entered Phillips Exeter Academy, 1833, graduated Bowdoin College, 1842, A, M,, assistant surrogate in New York city, 2, Nicholas Emer^, b, 1825, entered Phillips Exeter Academy, 1835, graduated Harvard University, 1845, A, M,, M, D, Pennsylvania, 1851, teacher Cincinnati, Ohio, trustee Phillips Exeter .Academy, 1879, 3, Augustus Lord', b. 1827, entered Phillips Exeter Academy, 1837, graduated Harvard University, 1846, Justice Supreme Court Massachusetts, 1879-81, counsel for Boston and Albany railroad corporation, residence Bos ton, Mass. III. John Babson'', b. i6 Sept., 1798, d. 22 Feb., 1807. IV. Nancy', b. 31 Mar., 1801, d. 21 Mar., 1807. 252 James Lane and Descendants. V. Jeanette'', b. i6 July, 1803, d. 23 Feb., 1807. VI. Moses'', b. 18 Mar., 1805, entered Phillips Exeter Acaderay, 1822, graduated Bowdoin CoUege, 1829, A.M., teacher at Lyons, Iowa, publisher and editor; ra. 17 Nov., 1836, Eliza (Chetwood) Sheppard, widow of Clementine B. Sheppard. VII. Nancy', b. 26 Apr., 1807, united with the church in Free- port on profession of faith, July 31, 1828, ra. 16 Oct, 1832, Glad den Melcher and dismissed to Second church, Portiand, Me., Sept 10, 1835. VIII. Jeanett'e', b. 30 Jan., 1809, ra. 6 Mar., 1850, O. Isaac Dyer. IX. Mary Babson', b. 6 Sept., 1810, united with the church at Freeport on profession of faith, Oct. 8, 1837, d. 28 Aug., 1839. X. Caroline', b. 30 Aug., 181 2, united with the church on pro fession, Jan, 4, 183S, m. 3 Jan,, 1843, Robert Pennell and was dismissed to the church in Brunswick, Me,, July 5, 1843. XI, John Babson Lane', b, 4 Apr., 181 5, united with the church at Freeport, Oct, 8, 1837, graduated at Bowdoin College, 1840, received honorary degrees of D,D., and Ph. D., m. 3 Sept, 1840, Mary L., dau. of Rev. Ethan and Mary Stevens of Ha,l- loweU, Me.; ra. second, i Aug,, 1849, Caroline E,, dau, of Sey- raore and Fidelia (Loomis) Gookins of Terre Haute, Ind. 51. JOHN BABSON LANE' (Gideon*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1 7 74-1 82 1, bap, Gloucester, Mass,, 18 Dec, 1774, a shipwright and partner in the purchase of 1 1 1 square rods of Porter's Landing in Freeport, Me., for S473.50, Sept. 25, \-]^c).— Cumb, Co, Records, He ent. int. of ra. at Freeport, with SARAH WINSLOW", of Fal mouth, Me., 27 Apr., 1799 (Job' and Mary (Robinson) Nathan*, Jaraes', Job*, KeneUn') ; she b. 22 Apr,, 1778, Mr. Lane died of yeUow fever at HarpsweU, Me., about 1820, Family Fifty-Two. 253 Mrs. Lane m. second, Timothy Roiunson, Jr. of Windham, Me., he b. Berwick, Me., 30 Aug., 1784, son of Stephen and Constant (Alley) Robinson, a farmer, and d. 8 Feb., 1865. She survived her second husband, by whora she had three children, and died in Nov., 1870. Sarah Robinson, parent and natural guardian to William Lane, Sarah Jane Lane, Charles Lane, and George Lane, all minors and children of John B. Lane late of Freeport, deceased, sold to William Lane of Windham, joiner, for $143.60, "one-fourth acre of land with buildings thereon, and another lot of 23 1-2 rods with buildings of which the said John B. Lane died possessed, subject however to the widow's right of dower." — Cumb. Co, Record, Nine chUdren of John B. and Sarah (Winslow) Lane : I. Louisa", b. 9 Nov., 1799, d. i Oct., 1800. 106. II. William", b. 6 Apr., 1802, ra, Sophia Wiggins. III. Mary Ann", b. 17 Sept, 1803, m, 1820, Job Winslow Austin; he b. Pownal, Me., 12 Dec, 1799, son of Jedediah and Miriam (Winslow) Austin, res. Pownal and South Brooks, Me., where she d. 5 Dec, 1857. He ra, second, Martha (RusseU) Hathaway and d. at South Brooks, 4 June, 1865. IV. Nathan Winslow", b. 19 Apr,, 1804, d. Apr., 1806. V. Sarah Jane", b. 18 Feb., 1807, d. Windham, Me., se. 28 years. VI. Charles", b. 29 Mar., 1809, d. se. about 22 years. VII. George", d, se, about 18 years. VIII, Amanda", d. at an earlier age than George. IX. John Babson", b, 181 6, was adopted by Gideon Lane Soule, LL,D,, entered Phillips Exeter Acaderay, 1834, graduated Bowdoin CoUege, 1840, clergyman. Highland Park, III. 52. PETER LANE' (Gideon*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1776- 1807, was bap. at Gloucester, Mass., 29 Dec, 1776. He bought of his father, Gideon Lane, and wife, Lydia, May 2, 1803, for $500,00, 12 1-2 acres of Lot 39, Range E, in Freeport, Me. He paid Joseph Mann, Jr., $500.00, Dec. 31, 1804, for land in Lot 39, Range E, Freeport. — Cumb. Co. Record. 254 James Lane and Descendants. "Freeport, May 25, 1805. Taken up in the Inclosure of the subscriber, a red raare with a white star in the forehead ; the owner may have her again by proving property & paying Charges. — Peter Lane, Entered by Nathan Wesson, Town Clk. Sent in to be recorded." Peter Lane's heirs were taxed for real and personal estate in Freeport, May i, 1825, 1827. Peter Lane and EXPERIENCE BICKNELL entered their intention of m. at Freeport, 4 May, 1799. They settled on the Lane homestead at Pleasant HiU, East Freeport. She was b. 15 Apr., 1780, and d. i Oct., 1814. He d. 22 Jan., 1807. Children born in Freeport : 107. I. Thomas Bicknell", b. 9 Mar., 1800, m. Leah Low Curtis. II. Marth.4", b. 25 Sept, 1802, m. John Addington of Rich mond, Me., had seven sons and one daughter, and d. 23 Aug., 1854, se. 52 years. III. Mary", b. 15 'July, 1804, ra, i Jan,, 1824, Joseph Town- send, son of Robert of Freeport, and had : 1, Mirinda J, 2. Mary. 3, Joseph Henry, Esq,, of Mast Landing, 4, Caroline. 5, Alpheus. IV. Experience", b, 15 Sept., 1807. She sold to Thomas B. Lane, Apr, 8, 1829, one-third undivided part of 20 acres of land in Freeport, forraerly belonging to the estate of Peter Lane, and is the sarae that the said Thomas B, Lane sold to Martha, Mary and the said Experience Lane by deed, Apr. 7, 181 6. — Cumb. Co. Deeds. She m, Isaac Dunham of Winterport, Me. ChUdren : I, Harriet N. 2, Corella. 3, Mary. 4, Lsaac. 53. BENJAMIN LANE' (Benjamin*-', John*, James'), 1752-1841, was bap. at Gloucester, Mass,, i Dec, 1752, and ra. by Rev. Oba diah Parsons, 3 July, 1775, SARAH DAVIS, She was bap, and adraitted to the church at Annisquam, 27 Sept., 1778, He m. Family Fifty-Three, 255 second, by Rev, Ezra Learned, 26 Mar,, 1816, ELIZABETH NORWOOD. Mr, Lane reraoved from New Gloucester, Me., and settled in Poland, Me,, on the lOO-acre lot No. 73 in the First division — a part of which he bought of Joseph Newell of Newbury, Mass., for $200.00, May 3, 1796, and another part he purchased of John Woodman, of New Gloucester, for $70.00, May 16, 1798, He was party in other real estate transactions, Apr, 19, 1800, Dec, 15, 1802, Mar, 10, 1805, when he sold land in New Gloucester, which had fallen to hira "by the estate of Benjarain Lane lately deceased," — June 17, 1807, Oct. 6, 1807, Dec. 9, 1812, Dec. 6, 1814, Oct. 29, 1816, Aug, 18, 1825, Aug, 22, 1829, Mar, 21, 1835, — Cumb. Co, Deeds, The will of Benjarain Lane of- Poland, dated Apr, 13, 1838, proved 3d Tuesday, Jan., 1842, makes bequests to wife, Elizabeth, to children and grand children, and names son, Zenas Lane and his wife Judith Lane executors.' — Cumb. Co. Wills. Children : 108. I. Benjamin", b. 14 Jan., 1777, bap. 27 Sept, 1778, the same day with his mother ; ra. Hannah Downing. II. John", mentioned in his father's wiU, Apr. 13, 1838. Perhaps the John Lane, mariner of Brunswick, Me., where he paid Sarauel Henry $271.25 for land, Aug. 29, 1799, and paid Daniel Govin $184.00, for 23 acres, Nov. 23, 1802. He sold the 23 acres to Jacob Pennell for $184.00, Sept. 2, 1803, and the same date sold him 38 3-4 acres for $1166.00. Deed her ' signed John Lane and Elethear X Lane. — Cumb. Co. Deeds, mark III. Sally", m. Bailey, and is mentioned in her father's will, Apr. 13, 1838. IV. Oliver", was witness to deed of land from Jabez Cushman to Benjarain Lane of Poland, Dec. 6, 1814, and is mentioned in his father's wiU, Apr, 13, 1838. V. Nehemiah", sold his brother, Zenas Lane, 33 acres of land in Poland, for $264.00, Feb. 19, 1817. The U. S. government passed an Act Jan. 9, 1815, to raise $6,000,000 additional revenue by direct taxation. Thirty-four cents were assessed on Nehemiah Lane's 50 acres of land, lot No. 79, First division in Poland. This tax he refused to pay and the land was sold at public auction, Aug. 10, 1 81 8, for 41 cents, by Woodley Storer, collector for Seventh Collection District of Mass. — Cumb. Co. Deeds. 256 James Lane and Descendants. Neliemiah Lane and Orlistus P. Lane, probably his son, are mentioned in Benjamin Lane's will, Apr. 13, 1838. VI. Rebecca", m. Glover, and d. before 1838, leaving chUdren mentioned in their grandfather's will. 109. VII. Zenas", m. Judith Norwood and Jane Sawtell. 54. ELIPHALET LANE' (Benjamin*-', John*, James'), was born in Gloucester, Mass., bap. 8 Sept,, 1754, m, in New Gloucester, Me,, 14 Aug., 1777, RUTH PACOR, She owned covenant with the First church. New Gloucester, Aug, 27, 1780. Child : I. Betty", bap. 10 Sept,, 1780, 110. II. Eliphalet", bap. 10 Sept, 1780, resided in Bethel and Wells, Me., ra. first, Barbour, ra, second, Powers, 55. SAMUEL LANE' (Benjamin*-', John*, James'), 1761-1836, was b, 8, and bap. 20 Sept, 1761, in Gloucester, Mass,, and moved when young with his parents to New Gloucester, Me. He sold to Olive Watson of Falmouth, Me,, Dec. 16, 1790, for 15 pounds, Lot 41, in a gore of land between Bakerstown and Shepardsfield, and sold to Luther Perkins, June 5, 1825, for $600.00, one-third part of a saw-miU at Bog FaUs. Samuel Lane ra. first, 15 June, 1791, POLLY DWINELL of Bakerstown, which formerly embraced the present Minot, Poland, Auburn, DanviUe and Mechanic FaUs. He m. second, 14 July, 1794, DOROTHY HASKELL, both of New Gloucester, who d. 6 Nov., 1821, £6. 49 years; m. third, ent int, 15 Oct, 1822, BETSEY EVELETH of New Gloucester, He d. 8 Apr , 1836, £e. 74 yrs., 7 ms. Family Fifty-Five, 257 Children : I. Simeon", of Poland, Me,, 1826, m,, and d. 8 June, 1849, se. 54 yrs., I mo,, 11 days, leaving four children : I, George''. 2, Chandler^, of Upper New Gloucester, Me,, m, Chandler, a cousin, and had: l) John", m, and lived in Upper Gloucester, Me, 2) Charles', unm, in 1899, 3) Addie', m, in Peru, Me, 3, Daugh ter'', 4, Daughter'' , II. Samuel, Jr.", d. 17 Aug. 1840, ae. 40 years, leaving three children : I. Edwin'. 2, Otis'', 3. Evalina'' III. Polly", d. at about 18 years of age. IV. Malinda", d. young, V. Thomas", b. 2 May, 1804, m. i Mar., 1829, Rhoda N,, dau. of WiUiam Rowe. Thomas Lane of Poland, and Rhoda N., his wife and others, for $120.00 by Stephen Blaisdell Rowe, of New Gloucester, quit claira all their right to the farra of William Rowe in New Gloucester, Apr. 14, 1831. — Cumb. Co. Record. He d. at Poland Corner, 3 Nov., 1892, se. 88 years. Will and petition for probate, Nov., 1892. Charles Lane was appointed executor and his bond approved, Dec, 1892 ; inventory returned, March, 1893. Four children : I. Lrene B.'', b. Poland, i Nov., 1830, m. Wm, H, Roberts, lived in Port land, Me., and d. 31 Jan., 1898. z. Mary Ann'' , b, 24 Feb,, 1834, d, 6 Oct,, 1892, 3. Charles'', b. New Gloucester, 29 Mar,, 1838, res. Mechanic Falls, Me,, executed his father's will, 1892-3, 4, George B,'' , b. New Gloucester, 23 Feb,, 1846, resided Portland, Me,, associated with the Portland Star Match Corporation, 1899, VI. Benjamin", m. Hannah Parsons Adams of Sangerville, Me. Children : I . Benjamin Whidden'' , d. when young, 2. Julia'', b. I Nov., 1847, living, 1899, 3. Samuel'', b, 8 Dec, 1850, trader in dry and fancy goods, boots and shoes, pianos and organs, Houlton, Me,, 1899, 4. Elizabeth SpringaP , d, when young, 5, Ann'' , d. young. 6, Hannah'', b. II May, i860, living, 1899. VII. Seth C", trader of Poland, obtained judgment against Curtis Walker and sold at sheriff's sale, goods to the value of $34,86, damage and cost, Oct i, 1833, Probably EdwiF Lane of Auburn, Me,, 1899, was a son. 258 James Lane and Descendants. VIII. Jonathan", b. 27 Feb,, 1812, of Poland, 1838, 1850, and stiU living there in 1899, His narae appears many times in the transfer of real estate, — Cumb. Co. Deeds. 56. JONATHAN LANE' (Jonathan*, Benjamin', John*, James'), 1780-1860, was bap, 18 June, 1780, by Rev. John Rogers. He resided in Gloucester, Mass,, administered on his father's estate, Jan, 2, 1804, and was guardian to his minor sisters, Dorcas and SaUy, Feb. 6, 1804. He m. first, 10 Dec, 1807, by Rev. Ezra Learned, PEGGY or MARGARET GROVER. Both were admitted to the church at Annisquam, Mass., Aug. 6, 1804, She d. 30 July, 1824, dau. of James and Sally (Woodbury) Story of Essex, Mass, He m, second, 9 Oct, 1825, SALLY COINS, who d. 23 Nov., 1885, se. 98 yrs,, 10 ms., 21 ds. He d. of palsy, 22 Dec, i860, se. 80 yrs., 8 ras., 3 ds. Children : I. Child", d. 27 Oct, 1808. II. Jonathan, Jr.", bap. Aug., 1809, fisherman, m. Mary Going; she b. Essex, Mass., 5 Nov., 1810, d. Rockport, Mass., 23 Nov., 1891, se. 81 yrs., 18 ds., dau. of John and Sally (Story) Going. He d. 14 May, 1851, se. 42 years. Their children : I, Phebe'', d, 27 Oct,, 1864, se. 25 years, "Dearest sister, thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal," — Cemetery, Annisquam, 2, George'', b, 13 Nov,, 1843, fisherman, m, 15 Nov,, 1883, by R,ev, W, H, Rider, Augusta C, Saunders; she b, Gloucester, 12 Oct., 1840, dau. of Henry and Clarinda (Woodbury) Saunders, She d, of peritonhis at hospital, Boston, Mass,, 25 Sept,, 1896, £e, 55 yrs,, 11 ms,, 18 ds. Child: i) Annie A,', b, 2 Mar,, 1884. III. Child", d. in summer of 1812. 111. IV. Frederick", b. about 1813, m. Judith Story. V. Infant", buried, 28 Apr., 18 15, 112. VI, Allen", b, 18 19, m, Charlotte Sargent. Family Fifty-Eight. 25',) 57. MOSES LANE' (Jonathan*, Benjamin', John*, James'), 1781- 1856, b, 14 Dec, 1781 ; res. Gloucester, Mass.; m. first, OLIVE LOWE, who was b, Ipswich, Mass,, 23 Aug., 1792, and d. 12 Feb., 1823, ae. 30 years; m. second, 29 Jan., 1828, by Rev. Ezra Learned, MAR'Y FELLOWS, who was b. 7 Dec, 1797, and d. 19 Apr., 1880, se. 82 years. He d. 20 Apr., 1856, se. 74 yrs., 4 ms., 6 ds. ChUdren : I. Mary Olive", b. i Aug., 1820, bap. Sept., 1821; ent in^. 24, was pub. 25 July, and m. 18 Aug., 1841, by Rev. Josiah K. Waite, Joseph Moore, Jr. of Annisquam. Had one son : I. Joseph, m. Lucy Todd oi Gloucester. II. Moses Augustus", b. ii Jan., 1823; gunner, U. S. Navy, Brooklyn, N. Y. and California; m. 16 Sept., 1862, by Rev. Geo. W. Skinner, Ann Sargent; she b. about 1836, dau. of OUver W. and Sophia Ann Sargent. He retired to Everett, Mass., where he d. suddenly, 31 Oct., 1888, se. 65 yrs., 9 ms., 20 ds., and was buried at Annisquam. "Gentle and kindly in disposition, and with a manly integrity of character above reproach, all were his friends who knew him and many hearts will be pained to learn of his sudden death." — Rev. Perry Bush. Children : 1, Otis'', b, 10 Aug., 1852, 2, Four Daughters'' . 58. ABNER LANE' (Hezekiah*, Benjamin', John*, James') was bap, Gloucester, Mass., 19 Nov., 1769, settled in Pennsylvania. Probably had wife, MARY THORN, and children : 113. I. John", m. Rachel Tyler. II. Thomas", lived at Waverly, Tioga Co., N. Y. III. Esther". 260 James Lane and Descendants. 59. JOSEPH LANE' (Joseph*, Benjarain', John*, James') was born in Gloucester, Mass,, 8, and bap, 25 Nov,, 1770. He ent int of m, 13 Oct, 1792, with BETSEY JEWETT of Ipswich, Mass. Their chUdren were : I. Joseph", b, 5 Sept,, 1794. Joseph Lane of Poland, Me., re fused to pay the direct U, S, government tax of 34 cents on 50 acres of land and the land was sold at public auction by revenue coUector for 41 cents, Aug. 10, 1818. II. Hannah", bap, 23 June, 1798, was insane a number of years and died 21 June, 1819, III. Child", d, Dec, 1805, IV. Stephen", a mariner, m. and d. of consumption, 9 Aug,, 1852, se. 46 years, V. Lara", b, 1808, d, 14 Aug,, 1843, ae. 35 yrs., 3 ms., 6 ds. Had wife, Ruth or Charlotte, and daughter : 1, Lizzie A/.'', b, about 1833, m, at Rockport, Mass,, 3 July, 1864, by Rev, W, C. High, Reuben H. Ellis; he b, Harwich, Mass., son of Barnabas and Abigail Ellis. VI. Aaron", b. 181 3. 60. EBENEZER LANE, Jr.' (Ebenezer*, Job', John*, James') 1763-1810, was born in Gloucester, Mass., 1763, a farmer, lumber man and miU owner in New Gloucester, Me. He ent. int, of m. 5 Feb., 1785, with MARGARET GRAFFAN, dau, of Peter and Mary Graffan of Windhara, Me. John and Peter Graffan were among the 61 subscribers towards building the meeting-house at New Gloucester, in 1770 and 1771, Peter Graffan bid off the building of a pound at New Gloucester, for £-i„ 12s,, 8d,, in 1774. He was chosen on the coramittee of safety at New Gloucester, Mar, 23, 1778, Peggy Lane, wife of Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, received the first share in the division of her father, Peter Graffan's estate in New Gloucester, and her husband paid $70,00, May 2, 1796, for the second share of 8 3-4 acres, which Family Sixty, 2(i1 was set off to her sister, Mary Graffan of Portland, Me,, single woraan, Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, also paid $83,00, Oct, 23, 1801, for 3 1-2 acres of the share of Lewis Graffan, a minor, in said estate. These and other lands he sold to Ebenezer Lane for $500,00, Aug, 7, 1807, Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, united with Ebenezer Lane and Job Lane, all of New Gloucester, July 4, 1796, in paying Thomas Bagley, $800.00, for lands and mills in Poland, Me. He sold to Richard Gowell, for $300.00, Feb. 6, 1804, one-fourth of a saw-mill in Minot, Me., on Lot 98. With Peggy, his wife, he sold to Ebenezer Lane, innholder, for $500.00, Nov. 4, 1806, his interest in Nason's mills on Little Androscoggin river. He united with Ebenezer Lane, innholder, Jan. 11, 1807, in selling to Job Lane, for $114,00, 50 acres of land. Lot 72, in the proprietors' division, partly in Minot and partly in Poland, He paid Ebenezer Lane $500,00, July 26, 1808, for the north-east half of Lot 20, Division 2, with buildings, it being the same lot Ebenezer now lives on. This estate, Peggy, his wife, relinquishing her claira to dowry, he sold to Job Lane, for $600.00, Nov. 17, 1809. Ebenezer Lane, Jr. and Peggy Lane, his wife, in her right in the estate of Peter Graffan and Mary, his relict, received, June 8, 1810, one-fourth of the new grist-mill privilege, 25 acres of land, etc., the same being the whole tract sold by John Graffan of Lewiston, Me., to said Peter Graffan by deed, Jan. 24, 1778. — Cumb. Co. Deeds. Ebenezer Lane, Jr., became embarrassed in estate and died of apoplexy, 13 Aug., 1810, Ee. 47 years. Margaret Lane of New Gloucester, widow, bought of Lydia Campbell, July 9, 1828, for $100.00, one-quarter part of a mill privilege in New Gloucester, the sarae being set off as part of the dower of Mary, late widow of Mr. Peter Graffan, deceased, being known by the narae of the upper grist-mill privilege on Royal's river. — Cumb. Co. Deeds. Mrs. Margaret (Graffan) Lane died in New Gloucester, Me., 20 Nov., 1849, se. 84 years. Five sons and four daughters : I. Marg.^ret", d. 10 June, 1802, ae. 17 years. II. Sarah", m. Mr. Hockins. 114. III. Hon. Ebenezer", b. 1793, m. Celeste Hearsey. IV. Andrew", a raerchant in New Orleans, La., aided his brother, Ebenezer, in educating the younger brothers and in estabUshing Lane Theological Seminary at Cincinnati, Ohio. He died in New Haven, Conn,, in 1862, se, 66 years, leaving an estate of about $60,000, V, William A.", graduated Bowdoin CoUege, 18 19, professor in Louisiana CoUege, merchant and cotton planter in FeUciana 262 James Lane and Descendants. Parish, La, WiUiam A, Lane of Clinton, La,, Mar. 14, 1839, bought of Abiel Chandler of Boston, Mass., for $2048.00 several pieces of real estate in Gorham, Me. VI. George", after graduating frora Bowdoin CoUege, went to Princeton Theological Seminary to study for the ministry, and d. of consumption in a few years in Virginia. VII. Son", d. in infancy. VIII, Daughter". IX. Daughter", youngest of the faraily, living in Ohio, 1869. 61. JOB LANE' (Ebenezer*, Job', John*, James'), was bap. at Sandy Bay, now Rockport, Mass., 23 June, 1765. The Pejepscot Purchase included the present Prunswick, Durham and other lands on the Androscoggin river in Maine, Job Lane of Pejepscot paid An drew Robinson Giddinge, 84 pounds, 12 shillings, lawful money, Feb, 9, 1789, for 84 acres of land in the great lot. No, 7, of the Pejepscot Claim, Job Lane, Ebenezer Lane, innholder, and Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, all of New Gloucester, Me., paid $800.00, one-half by Job Lane, one-fourth by Ebenezer Lane, and one-fourth by Ebenezer Lane,' Jr., to Thomas Bayley, July 4, 1796, for 47 acres of land, it being the north-easterly part of lot No, 47, in the first Division of Poland, Me,, together with half the saw-mill, grist-mill, privilege, etc. The sarae party secured the other half of the land for $120,00, Sept, 4, 1796, Again the same party paid George Erskine, $300.00, for 100 acres of land in Poland, Dec. 16, 1799. Job Lane of Pejepscot paid Ebenezer Lane, innholder, and Ebenezer Lane, Jr., $114.00, Jan. 11, 1806, for 50 acres, being one-half of Lot 72, in the division raade by the proprietors, partly in Minot and partly in Poland, He already owned the other half of the lot. The same year, Dec, 27, 1806, Job Lane paid Ebenezer Lane, innholder, $950,00, for 100 acres, lot No, 28, in Minot. Job Lane of Pejepscot paid Ebenezer Lane, $5000,00, Jan, 11, 1808, for 60 acres, lot No, 11, in 2d Division, New Gloucester, Job Lane and Polly Lane witnessed, Jan, \I4, 1808, deed of land from Ebenezer Lane to his daughter, Sally Bridgham, 60 acres, lot No. 10, in 2d Division, New Glou cester. The same day the land was leased by Alden Bridghara and Sally Bridgham, his wife, to Ebenezer Lane for the term of his natural life, he pay ing an annual rent of 10 cents. Family Sixty-One. 263 Job Lane of Pejepscot paid Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, and his wife, Peggy Lane, $600,00, Nov, 17, 1808, for 30 acres, the northerly half of Lot 20, in Division 2, made by the proprietors of New Gloucester, Job Lane paid Ebenezer Lane, $700.00, Dec. 4, 1808, for a mortgage of 50 acres of land in New Gloucester, "which I purchased of William Bridgham," Job Lane of Pejepscot paid his father, Ebenezer Lane of New Gloucester, Dec, 4, 1809, for land with buildings. Lot 11, Division 2, in New Gloucester, $1,00, and the same day leased the premises to his father for one cent an nually during said Ebenezer Lane's natural life, "the estate being the same which the said Ebenezer Lane conveyed to me in Jan., 1808." Job Lane of Pejepscot sold Ebenezer Lane, Jr., wheelmaker, for $200.00, Sept. 22, 1814, 30 acres of land, the north-easterly half of Lot 20, Division 2, New Gloucester, land he had bought of Ebenezer Lane, Jr., deceased, Nov, 17, 1809, and the same day took a mortgage on the estate for $250,00, the right to dower of Peggy Lane, widow of Ebenezer Lane deceased, only ex cepted. Job Lane of Pejepscot, his wife, Polly Lane, relinquishing her right to dower, sold to Ebenezer Lane, for $500,00, Apr. 12, 1815, Lot 11, Division 2, New Gloucester, the same land which the said Ebenezer Lane purchased of Nathaniel Allen, and the same on which the said Ebenezer now lives. Job Lane of Danville, and Polly Lane, his wife, in her right, quit claim to Anna Lane of Danville, single woraan, Oct, 16, 1821, all right to 50 acres of land in Danville, which was set off to William Giddinge as heir to the estate of Andrew Giddinge, formerly of Gloucester, late of Newburyport, County of Essex, Job Lane of Danville, administrator on the estate of Ebenezer Lane, late of New Gloucester, sold to William Haskell, for $282,00, June 28, 1828, Lot II, Division 2, New Gloucester, on which the dwelling house of said Ebenezer stands. Job Lane and Polly, his wife, in her right, for $2000.00, paid Jan, 31, 1831, conveyed to William G, Lane, our only son, all our interest in 200 acres of land in Danville, in the Andrew and Williara Giddings estate, late of New buryport, formerly of Gloucester, Mass, — Cumb. Co. Records. Job Lane ent int of m. 8 Nov. 1794, with POLLY GID DINGS, both of Pejepscot Claims, Me, She was b, Gloucester, Mass,, dau, of Andrew and EUzabeth (Davis) Giddings and sister of Andrew Robinson Giddings, who ra. Anna Maria Lane, a sister of Job Lane. They settled in New Gloucester and DanviUe, Me. Six children : I. Polly", ra, Nathan Parker of Baltimore, Md,, and left : I, A/ary Elizabeth, 2 and 3, Other Children, 264 James Lane and Descendants. II. Anna", m. John Smith of DanviUe, Me., and left five children. III. Betsey", of DanviUe, "singlewoman and gentlewoman," paid Edward Littie, Esq., $1980.00, July 14, 1841, for aU his right in the farra of the late WiUiara G. Lane of Danville, gentieman, and for pew No. 16, in the meeting-house. Tbe same date she sold this farm to John McKeen e, Esq., of Brunswick, for $330.00, subject to a mortgage to Edward Little, for $522.00. Witness, Job Lane. IV. Lucretia". V. Rebecca", not married. VI. William G.", only son. He paid $2000.00, Jan. 31, 1831, to his parents. Job and PoUy Lane, for their interest in the Andrew and WiUiara Giddings estate at DanvUle. The estate of WiUiam G. Lane, late of DanvUle, gentleman, was conveyed to Edward Littie, Esq., of DanviUe, by Nathaniel L. Ingersoll, administrator, for $1980.00, Apr. 28, 1841. He ra. Judith Haskell of Danville, Me., and left : I and 2. 7 wo children'' . 62. ANDREW LANE' (Andrew*, Job', John*, Jaraes'), b. Sandy Bay, now Rockport, Mass., 5 Mar., 1778, bap. 14 June, 1778; ent int of m. 20 Dec, 1799, with DORCAS POOL; she b. Rockport, 6 Oct, 1780, and d. his widow, 15 July, 1858, se. 77 yrs., 9 ms. ChUdren : I. Esther", b. 22 Mar., 1801. II. Sally", b. 28 Jan., 1803. III. Dorcas", b. 4 May, 1805. IV. Lois", b. 9 July, 1807. 115. V. Andrew, Jr.", b. 14 Feb., 18 18, m. Susan S. Simpson. VI. Mary Eliza", b. 31 Oct, 1821. VII. Child", d. unnamed. Family Sixty-Three. 265 63. Capt. GEORGE LANE' (Andrew*, Job', John*, James'), 1780- 1838, born Rockport, Mass., 13 Feb., 1780, ra. first, pubUshed 9 May, 1801, LUCY TARR, who d. 25 Aug., 1802; m. second, pub. II Feb., 1804, SALLY GOSS, dau. of WiUiam and AbigaU Goss of Rockport, who d. his widow, 10 Jan., 1863, se. 75 years. His wiU dated Apr. 7, 1838, was presented for probate, May 8, 1838, George Lane, Jr., executor. Inventory returned, July 5, 1838, $9067.08. Bequests to wife, Sally Lane, she to provide a comfortable maintenance for the children during their minority. Children of George and Sally (Goss) Lane : 116. I. George", b. i Nov., i8o8, m, Delia Sawyer Rowe and Adelia Pool. II. Lucy", b. 3 Aug., 1807, ra, Witham. III. Sally", b. 23 Dec, 1809, d. 26 June, 1829. IV. Betsey Gott", b, 20 Mar,, 18 13, d. 11 June, 1825. V. Maria Pool", b. 22 May, 18 14, ra. Lowe, and had : I. Betsey, 2. Eben S,, A. before 1838, VI. Charles", b. 14 May, 1816, carpenter, ent. int of m. 11 July, and m. 18 Aug., 1845, by Rev. W. Gale, Esther Tarr, dau. of Henry and Esther (Parsons) Tarr; she b. Rockport, and d. 23 Feb., 1895, se. 79 years. He d. 14 May, 1890, ». 74 yrs., 2 ms., 28 ds. VII. Abigail Gott", b. 16 Oct, 1818. VIII. Allen Goss", b. 31 Aug., 182 1, three years service by substitute in the Civil War, Co. M., 4th Regiment, Heavy ArtiUery ; ra. Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. John and Betsey Wallis of Rockport, who d. 9 Dec, 1858, ae. 36 years. He d. 9 Oct, 1881, s. 60 yrs., I mo., 8 ds. Their children : I, Gorham Norwood'' , b, 27 Dec, 1845, 2, Child'', b, 30 June, 1848, d, se, 6 weeks. 3. Allen W,\ b. 3 Feb., 1850, d, Aug,, 1850, se, 6 raonths, 4, Ella Elizabeth'', b, 21 Aug,, 1851, milliner, d, 22 Oct,, 1894, ee. 43 yrs,, 2 ras. 5. Allen W.\ d. Danvers Insane Asylum, 5 Sept., 1882, unm,, se, 25 yrs,, 9 ms, IX. Eliza Tarr", b. 17 Oct., 1824. 266 James Lane and Descendants. X. Laura", b. 30 Nov., 1826, d. 31 July, 1829. XI. Alfred", b. 3 Jan., 1829, specially remembered in his father's wUl : "To my youngest son, Alfred Lane, three shares in the Sandy Bay pier stock, for his education. This bequest is in consideration of the inabUity in one of his arms." He was a minor, 10 years of age, and George Lane was appointed his guardian, May 8, 1838. XII. Laura", b. 14 July, 1831. 64. STEPHEN LANE' (Samuel*-'-*, James'), b. 8 Aug., bap. 2 Oct., 1743 ; ent int of ra. i Mar., and m. ANNA HASKELL, 21 Mar., 1769, by Rev. Samuel Chandler. He perished by shipwreck with Capt. Jonathan Dennison, of the schooner Neptune, at Scitu ate, Mass., Dec. 28, 1774. Children : 117. I. Stephen", b. 13 Oct., bap. 24 Dec, 1769, by Rev. John White, First church, Gloucester, Mass. II. Anna", b. 2 Aug., bap. 11 Aug., 1771. III. Samuel", b. 28 Dec, 1772, bap. 3 Jan., 1773. 118. IV. Jonathan Dennison", b. 7 Sept., bap. 19 Sept., 1775, presented for baptism by the widow Anna (Haskell) Lane; m. Sarah Ring Haskell. 65. DANIEL LANE, Jr.' (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), was born in Gloucester, Mass., and baptized there 21 Aug., 1763, by Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland of the Fifth Parish, He settied in Leeds, Me,, where he took from Nathaniel SawteU, deed of lot No. 68, Mar. 29, 1787, acknovvedged Mar, 10, i-]()o,— Cumb. Co. Deeds. He m. first, EUNICE VERRILL, who d. in Leeds, 17 May, 1802 ; ra, second, RUTH PRATT. Family Six-iy-Six. 267 Children by first marriage : I. Eunice", b. 29 Sept, 1787, m, 16 Feb,, 1807, Daniel Foss* of Saco, Me., and d. in Leeds, 16 Oct, 1810. He was b. in Saco, 21 June, 1785, and d. 14 Jan., 1 821, son of Uriah and' Sarah (Goodridge) Foss', (Levi*, Walter'), and twin brother of Cyrus Foss*, who m. Polly Lane", (Giddings', Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'). 119. II. Joshua", b. 6 Feb., 1789, ra. Mehitable Britt. III. Nancy", b. in Leeds, 19 Mar., 1790, d. 18 Jan., 1811. IV. Daniel 3d", b. in Leeds, 19 Mar., 1792, d. 22 July, 1812. V. Lois", b. in Leeds, 12 Mar., 1794. VI. Mary", b. in Leeds, 19 July, 1796, d. unm. in New Bed ford, Mass. VII. Eliphalet G.", b. in Leeds, Jan., 1799, d. 28 Apr., 1802. VIII. Samuel", b. in Leeds, 30 Apr., 1802, d. 12 May, 1802. By second marriage : IX. Eliphalet Oilman", m. Miss Berry, and settied in Illinois. X. Olive", b. 16 Mar., 1806, m. 25 Mar., 1824, Josiah Moulton. XI. Lorinda", b. 10 May, 1809, m. 28 Sept., 1826, the same Josiah Moulton. Josiah Moulton ra. first, Sarah Brown, and had: .Sarah, b. 23 Mar., 1823. He seems to have had no children by second marriage. By third wife, Lorinda Lane, he had Daniel Lane, b. 18 Aug., 1829. Olive Lane, b. 15 Sept,, 1832, Cyrus /Cingfh. 22 Mar., 1837, d, 16 Mar,, 1853, By a fourth wife he had Alvira Pratt, b, 12 Sept,, 1842, Lewis Allen, b, 4 Feb,, 1844, Loretta, b. 29 May, 174S, d. 17 June, 1853. Josiah Henry, b. 6 May, 1847, John Parker, b, 19 May, 1849. Josephine Amelia, b. 23 Aug,, 1851, 66. JAMES LANE' (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), was born in Glou cester, Mass,, 26 Sept,, 1767, m, ABIGAIL, dau, of Increase and Betsey C. LEADBETTER of Camden, Me., and settied in Leeds. 268 James Lane and Descendants. Eleven chUdren born in Leeds : I. Phebe", b. 13 July, 1793, m. Shepherd Carey, Children : I, John Lane. 2. Nelson, 3, Adolphus S, 4. Orman. II. Joanna", b. 18 Oct., 1794, ra. 30 June, 1814, Perez S., son of Samuel and OUve (Tupper) Jennings, and d. 9 Apr., 1863 ; he b, in Leeds, 2 Mar,, 1792, and d. 19 June, 1853. Children born in Leeds : I. OrviUe, b. 14 Jan,, 1825, was twice m,, became U. S. district attorney in Arkansas, and d. in Little Rock, Ark, His son, Dr, Chester Jennings, resided in Little Rock, 2, Gustavus A,, b. 11 June, 1827, m, Ann Jennings and occupied the homestead at Leeds, 3, Florus, b, 29 Jan., 1829, m. 24 May, i860, Orrah M., dau. of Uriah and Mary Leadbetter /"ojj ,- she b. in Leeds, 28 Jan., 1842. They lived in Leeds and Farmington, Me. Children: i) Elmer, b, 28 May, 1861, m, in Farmington, 13 Sept,, 1888, Mary V,, dau, of I, S, and Sarah Jacobs; she b, 8 Nov,, 1861, 2) Flora, b, 19 Apr,, 1865, m, in Farmington, 30 June, 1890, J. Eugene Brown, son of Joseph L., and Mary (Hilton) Brown; he b. in Augusta, Me., 17 Nov., i8b2. They had Zilda Jennings, b. 27 Nov., 1891, and Leo Jennings, b. 10 Aug., 1895, ¦ 4. Eliza A,, b, 13 June, 1833, ra, 5 May, 1852, /saiah Beals Additon, son of Thoraas and Anna (Beals) Additon; he b, 10 Nov,, 1823, Children: i) Flora L,, d. 25 Feb., 1862, je. 9 years, 2) Juliette J,, d, 15 Feb,, 1862, se, 7 years, 3) Orville I,, b, 31 Aug., 1853, principal of High school, Cordova, 111., m. Lucy A. Benner, and had Forrest O., and Henrietta S. 4) Lorette, d. 10 Mar., 1862, ee. 7 raonths. 5) Fred L., b. 28 Jan., 1864, m, Leonora I., dau. of Francis E. and Eleanor (Pettengill) Howe, and had Orville I. and Ernest F, 5, Roscoe G,, b. 13 June, 1833, professor of clinical surgery and der matology in Industrial University, Little Rock, Ark, 6. Rollin F., b. 11 June, 1837, resided in Mason City, Iowa. 120. III. John", b, 31 Aug,, 1796, ra, Vesta Phillips. IV. Abigail", b, 13 May, 1798, m, 6 Oct, 1822, Stephen, son of Benjamin Rackley of Greene, Me,, and d, 19 Feb,, 1862. He engaged in trade at Leeds and accumulated a good property. ChUdren : I, Benjamin. 2. Benjamin. 3, Daughter; all died young, V. Asenath", b. 24 Mar., 1800, m. Dr, David Hale, son of David and (Kingsbury) Hale of Conn, He res. Turner, Me,, Fayette FaUs, Me,, about 1843, and Livermore FaUs, Me., where he d, in 1868. Children : I, A/ary A. 2. Pitt Fessenden. 3, Florentine, Family Sixty-Seven. 269 VI. Eliza", b. i May, 1802, m. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and (Strickland) Perley, a merchant in Livermore, Me., 1852, and after the Civil War removed to lUinois, where he died- Children : I. Peleg. 2. John Lane. 3. Samuel F., m, Sarah D., dau, of Wil liam H. Brettun, Jr,, lived at Brettun's Mills, Livermore, Me,, and had one child, Bessie B. 4. Eliza. VII. Hannah", b. 15 Nov,, 1804, m. Ammi Woodman of Leeds and had : I, Ellen M, 2, Annie C. 3, Charles E, 4, Aubrey Lane. 5, Abigail Lane. 6, Laura Jane, 7, Hannah Lane. VIII. Eunice", b. 20 Apr., 1807, d. i8 Jan., 1809. IX. Columbus", b. 23 Mar., 1809, m. first, Mary Perkins; m. second, 27 Jan., 1834, Rachel Billings, and d. Dec, 1891. Elmer H. Morice, adm., AprU, 1891, on estate of Columbus Lane of East Livermore, Me. One child : I. RosebeW , res. Lowell, Mass. X. Alden", b. 29 Mar., 1813, m. Mary Rackley of Greene, Me. Eugene S. Coding was adm. on estate of Alden Lane of East Livermore, Me., August, 1887. ChUdren: I. Benjamin'', m. ¦ Pullen in Cal, 2. Eliza'', m, George Cochran. 3. Ellen'', m, Tyler Newton, 4, Jossie'' , m. Ensign S, Coo'm.f of East Livermore, Me, XI. James", b. i Jan., 1816, m. Louisa Wyman of East Liver more, Me., owned estate at East Livermore, and d. about 1887. WiU and petition for probate, Dec, 1887. Louisa W. Lane, executrix, Jan., 1888; bond filed, Feb., 1888; inventory returned, Apr., 1888. They had: I. Francina'' , 2, EUa'', -ax, 7%oth^w» of Livermore Falls, Me. 3. Avis'' . 67. GIDDINGS LANE' (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), 1770-1836, was born New Gloucester, Me., 5, bap. 14 May, 1770, lookup woodland in Littleboro, afterwards Leeds, Me., which has never been sold out of the family and where his grandsons, Cyrus B. and Gustavas W., now Uve. He ra. 6 Sept., 1788, JEMIMA NOR- 270 James Lane and Descendants. RIS; she b. 30 Oct, 1770, dau. of Samuel and Lydia (Wash burn) Norris. Lydia Washburn was dau. of Ephraim and Mary Washburn, and is thought to have been a Mayflower descendant through John Winslow, Mary and Jaraes Chilton. Four sons of Samuel Norris sailed from Sandwich, Mass., to the Andros coggin river in the ship "Sandwich Harbor." The father and sons settled at a place first called New Sandwich, but changed to Wayne, Feb. 12, 1798, in honor of Gen, Anthony Wayne, Mr. Lane was a large man and his wife a sraall but very sraart woraan. When five years old, she attended with her parents, a reception to Gen, George Washington, At the age of eighteen, she knit herself a pair of stockings from sun to sun, and spent the day in visiting. When her husband cleared up wild land, she drove the oxen to plough the first furrow. Surprised by In dian alarms, she burned her featherbed to keep the savages from coming down the chimney. She and her children were great singers, one or more of the family sitting in the choir for many years. Mother, daughter and grand son have sung together in public celebrations. The singing school always raet in her living room. Sitting in the corner knitting and without a book, she could learn the tunes better than others with books. She died 14 Apr,, 1865, the day President Abrahara Lincoln was assassinated. The first Baptist meetings in Leeds, 1794 to 1800, were held in Mr, Lane's barn, then new. He gave the land for their meeting-house and boarded two workmen while it was building, to June, 1800, When the First Baptist church of sixteen members was organized, July 2, 1800, Mr, and Mrs. Lane were received to membership and he chosen- deacon. Every Sunday a general invitation was given to all the congregation to partake of his hospi tality, and tables were spread in his shed for all who would stay at noon. The brothers, Daniel, Jaraes and Giddings Lane, were corporate members of the Baptist society, June 23, 1804, Dea, Giddings Lane owned the first carriage and the first set of china in Leeds, and at death was the richest man in town. He died 29 Jan,, 1836, obituary of deacon giddings lane. "Died in Leeds on the 29th ult. Dea. Giddings Lane, aged 62 yrs, and 5 ms, Dea, Lane became a member of the Baptist church in Leeds at its organization in June, 1800, He was then invested with the office of deacon, the duties of which he faithfully discharged until prevented by age and sick ness. In his Christian course, he always cherished unyielding attachraent to the truth, and being possessed of a sound and discriminating raind, he was able to detect the slightest deviation from the rules and requirements of the gospel. In church governraent he was mild and compassionate, but firm and persevering. In the sanctuary his seat was sure to be filled; he did not sit in Family Sixty-Seven. 271 cool, critical speculation, but received the message in sincerity and with a view to honor God, His approbation of the truth was sometimes evinced by an expressive smile. In the absense of a minister he often had some interest ing sermon which he read, much to the edification of his hearers. During the week he seemed delighted to visit and to receive Christian company. His home was ever open to the friends of Christ, and his conversation was emi nently instructive. Many a young Christian has gone to hira with doubts and perplexities which he has removed. Dea. Lane did rauch for the cause of raorality and religion. He has labored much, he has sacrificed much, and in him the church and society at Leeds sustain a great loss. But we trust that our loss is his gain, for in his last moments he exemplified the truth of the Scripture, 'Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace,' " Thirteen children born in Leeds : 121. I. Polly", b. 6 Feb., 1790, m. Cyrus Foss. 122. IL Alpheus", b. 6 Dec, 1791, ra. Sally Foss and Eliza beth Stanchfield. III. Lydia", b. 13 Apr., 1794, m. 7 Oct, 1813, James, son of WUUam and Hannah (Leadbetter) Lindsay; he b. 26 May, 1789, of Scotch descent. They lived in Lincoln, Me., removing to Milo, Me., in 1833, and to Medford, Me., in 1864, where he d. 9 Feb., 1870. Children: I. Abigail, b. 16 Mar,, 1815, d, 16 June, 1817, 2. Z«c)', b, 10 Dec, 1817, d. 29 June, 1839. 3. John, b, 10 May, 1819, m, 13 July, 1844, Rebecca, dau, of Moses and Peggy Sturdivant; she b, in Milo, 15 May, 1825, and d, in Medford, 17 Dec, 1895. They had: l) Charles, b, 17 May, 1845, 2) Ida M,, b, 22 Feb,, 1853, 3) Florence, b, 2 June, 1856, 4 Azel, b, 31 May, 1858, 5) Fred, b, 27 Nov,, 1859. 6) Abby Jane, b, 8 Mar,, 1863, 7) Myra, b, 24 Feb,, 1865. 4, Abigail, b, 18 May, 1821, m, Levi Johnson of Milo. 5. Dulcinea, b, 2 June, 1824. 6, Charles, b. 6 Dec, 1827, was in the Civil War, and res, Lewiston, Me, 7. Martha Jane, b, 2 Apr., 1830. 8, Francis, b. 27 Oct., 1835, kiUed in the War of the Rebellion, 9, James, b, 16 Mar,, 1837, was killed by a whale in South Pacific ocean, IV. Jemima", b. i Mar., 1796, m. 8 May, 1814, Luther Lead- better. Daughter, Rosannah, ra. Charles Walton of Centreville, Me. V. Dorcas", b. 19 July, 1798, m. Issachar Lane", (Peter', Daniel*, Sarauel'-*, James'). 272 James Lane and Descendants. VI. Fanny", b. 12 Sept, 1800, m. 6 Dec, 1820, Edward Jones. 123. VII. Giddings", b. 16 May, 1802, m. Cassandra Ben son. VIII. Samuel", b. 7 May, 1806, m. Catherine Pingrey. Son: I, Alonzo'', living, 1896, IX. Susan", b. 15 July, 1808, m. first, in May, 1834, Jonathan Jewell, second, in June, 1838, Horace Gould of Winthrop, Me., and had : I, Helen, z, Hannah, m. and left two daus,, living in Lewiston, 1896, X. Ruth", b. ii July, 1810, d. young. XI. Esther", b. 31 May, 1812, m. first, 12 Apr,, 1836, Ver- ANUS, son of SuUivan Lothrop of Lewiston and Leeds. Their children : I. Warren Lane, b. 23 July, 1848, m, in Corinna, Me,, 27 Nov,, 1867, Abbie F. Knowles, res. Lewiston, and had: i) Ina R,, b, 8 Aug,, 1869, d, 29 Oct,, 1872. 2. Aubrey Giddings, b, 9 Apr,, 1854, ra, in Jefferson, Me,, 16 Oct,, 1876, Luretta S., dau, of Jaraes and Caroline Avery, res, Lewiston, and had: l) Theodore A,, b, 22 Sept,, 1880, 2) Clyde, b, 12 Aug,, 1887. Mrs. Lothrop ra. second, in 1880, Dea. T. C. Libby, whom she survived, and d. 21 Apr., 1896. 124. XII. Calvin", b. 6 Sept., 18 14, m. Dulcinia Lothrop. XIII. Nancy", b, 5 Jan., 181 7, m. in Mar., 1838, Harrison Gould of Leeds, and had : i, Cordelia, m. Giddings Foss, and lived in Auburn, Me, 2, Thomas Francis, d, young. 68. ELIAS LANE', (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), was bap. New Gloucester, Me,, 19 Apr,, 1772, m. MARY LAWRENCE, and settled in 1790, in Ceeds, Me., where she d, in Sept, 1835 ; m. second, 16 Jan., 1838, Mrs, ABBIE BROWN, He d. 3 Jan,, 1845. Family Sixty-Nine, 273 Their children : I. Elizabeth", b. 8 Aug., 1794, m. 14 Nov,, 1816, Hon. Leavitt Lothrop, and d. in Auburn, 12 Jan., 1878. He was b. in Vassal- borough, Me., 19 May, 1793, son of George and PoUy (Thayer) Lothrop; settled in Leeds, and in 1826, moved to farm occupied by D. F. Lothrop, in 1896, where he d. 17 Apr., 1849. Their children : 1. Elias Lane, b. 19 Nov., 1817, m, 24 Apr., 1842, Jane Morse of Lis bon, Me., went to California in 1849, and d, there in 1853, Children: l) Leavitt, b, 1848, 2) Mary, b, 1849, 2, Davis Francis, b. 11 Sept., 1820, m. 8 Nov., 1846, Caroline S, A/orse, dau. of Jonathan and Jane (Sibley) Morse of Lisbon, Children: l) Floras,, b, 1847, m. Frank Higgins, 2) Adonis, b, 1849, 3) Eugene, b, 1851, 4) Elias, b, 1853, m, Lucile Piazia, dau, of Swiss consul at New Orleans, at tirae of Civil 'War. 5) Seville, 6) Irving Scott, b, 1856. He resided in Louisiana, where he and Elias owned adjoining plantations on the Mississippi river, 24 railes below New Orleans, 7) Olive Morse, b,' 1858, ra, John Turner, M, D,, and lived in Bangor, Me, 8) Ralph K,, b, i860, 3, Col. Warren Lane, b. 5 July, 1823, enlisted in U. S, Army, 1845, fought in the Mexican and Civil Wars, and d. at Tallahassee, Fla., 1866, 4. Caroline Elizabeth, b, 17 Oct,, 1825, m, 20 Feb,, 1848, Augustus Foss. Children, five living in California and two in Manchester, N. H,, 1896: i) Frank A,, b, 1848, 2) S, Lawrence, b. 1853, 3) Elizabeth L,, b, 1855, 4) Sarah Jane, b, 1856. 5) Emma B., b. 1858. 6) Eunice F,, b, i860, 7) Carrie L.,b, 1862, 8) Levi Roys, b, 1864. 9) 'Warren Lothrop, b, 1867, graduated Bowdoin College, 1891, 5, Mary Jane, b. 12 July, 1833, m, in 1855, Charles C, Lane, who d, 25 Oct., 1857. She res. Pendleton, Oregon, 1896, Child: i) Neva C, b, Leeds, 7 Dec, 1856, a teacher in Pendleton, Oregon, II, David", b, 17 May, 1797, m. 9 Nov., 1823, Lydia Brew ster. Their children : I. Elias', b. 1824, d. 25 July, 1847. v.. Lorina'' , b, 21 Jan,, 1830, res, Lewiston, Me. 3, Salmon P.'', b, in Sept,, 1832, III. Warren", twin, b. 27 July, 1801, d. 7 Feb., 1823. 125. IV. Alvan", twin, b. 27 July, 1801, m. Lucy Mitchell and Hannah Donham. 69. PETER LANE' (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), born 1776, lived in New Gloucester and Leeds, Me. ; ra, first, LOIS VERRILL, 274. James Lane and Descendants. who had 6 children and d. 21 Jan., 1808; m. second, 1808, GRACE, dau. of WiUiam and Joanna TURNER, who came from Bridgewater, Mass., to Littleborough, now Leeds, in 1787. Peter Lane d. 10 Jan., 1844; his widow d. 8 Dec, 1851. Fourteen children born in Leeds : 126. I. Eliphalet G.", b. 28 Aug., 1796, ra. Lydia S. Trask. 127. IL Issachar", b. 2 May, 1798, m. Dorcas Lane" (Gid dings', Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'). III. Davis", b. 16 Apr,, 1800, m. first, 11 Apr,, 1828, Harriet Hayward; m, second, Mrs. Almira Spear, and d, 13 Apr,, 1886. One son : I, Davis E.'', was a dentist in Hartford, Conn. IV, Jesse", b, 2 Aug,, 1803, ra, 19 Dec, 1824, Charlotte, dau. of Capt Edward and Judith (Lane') Jones (Daniel*, Sarauel'-*, James'), and d. i Dec, 1845; she b. 15 May, 1800, and d. 9 Apr., 1881. Two children. I. Emery', b. 1828, d. 28 Jan., 1848. 2, Davis'', b, 1836, d, 7 June, 1858, V. Judith", b, 17 Oct,, 1806, ra. her cousin, Philip, son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Lane') Norcross (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), of HalloweU, Me., and d. 11 Mar., 1828; he b. 8 Dec, 1800, and d. 7 Dec, 1831. Children : 1. Marian, m. Mr. Tozier of Waterville, Me,, and had son in Gardiner, Me., 1896, 2, Adeline, ra, Jarvis Wilson, and had children, moved from HalloweU, to Exeter, N. H, VI. Lois", b. 25 Nov., 1807, m, Elias Prince, and d. 2 Oct, 1887. Children: I, Sarah. 2. Charles. By second marriage : VII. Samyntha", b. 28 Oct, 1809, m. her cousin, 1833, Daniel S., son of Capt, Edward and Judith (Lane') Jones (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'). Children: I, Oren, 2, Selden. 3, Clarkson, 4, Benjamin F, 5, Abbie, 6, Fred, VIII. Peter", b. 6 Sept., 1815, m. first, 16 Feb., 1840, Lucretia P., dau. of Stillman Howard, m. second, 28 May, 1845, Family Seventy, 275 Mary J,, dau, of James Palmer of Comville, Me, He first en gaged in trade at Brighton, Me,, moved to Skowhegan, Me,, about 1849, and to Portiand, Me., i860, where he became a leading wholesale dry goods merchant About 1872, he purchased in Leeds the original farm where his uncle, Daniel Lane, Jr.', settled and has made his 200 acres at Chapel HiU most productive and keeps about 50 thoroughbred Jersey cows. In politics a Repub lican, in reUgious preference a Universalist. IX. Joanna", b. ii Aug., 1818, never married. X. MARi.-iNNA", b. 28 Apr., 1821, d. 13 Aug,, 1827. XI. Eunice", b, 8 Dec, 1824, ra. 19 Oct,, 1845, Bemus Lamb. One son : 1, Frank, b. 16 May, 1851, d, 15 Apr,, 1868, XII. Benjamin Franklin", b, 30 Mar,, 1826, ra. first, Caroline FuLSOM ; m. second, Jane Hammond of Brunswick, Me,, and re sided in Weymouth, Mass. Children : I. Frank'', 2. Hattie''. XIII. Ch.\rles H",, b. I Apr,, 1828, ra, first, 1854, Sarah Turner, who d. 1893; ra, second, 1894, Mrs, Nellie Wright. XIV. Harriet H"., b. 16 Oct, 1832, m. 1852, Benjamin Tur ner, and d. 1892. Children: I, George Harvey. ^, Peter L. 3, Grace, 70. SAMUEL LANE' (Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), of Leeds and HalloweU, Me., m. first, JUDITH VERRILL, by whora he had no children ; m, second, FRANCES, dau. of Alvan NYE of Bangor, Me., who d. 19 Dec, 1831, se. 29 years. He d. Dec, 1842. Both are buried at HaUoweU, Me. In 1828, Mr. Lane invented a corn sheUer which consisted of a spur wheeled cyUnder from which aU the standard shellers now in use have descended. In 1833, he completed his endless chain horse power with a cylinder having 27(5 James Lane and Descendants, high gearing which was regarded as a very successful invention,- Hist. Kennebec Co. Children born in HalloweU : I. Harriet Maria", b. 19 Nov., 1823. II. Henry K. W,", b. 9 July, 1825, III. Samuel Augustus", b. 17 Dec, 1829, 71. ISSACHER LANE' (Issacher*, Sarauel'-*, James'), was bap, 21 Dec, 1760, in the Fourth church, Gloucester, Mass,, He m. SUSAN HALL of Matinicus, Me., and was one of the early set tlers at Vinalhaven, Me. Martin Pring, June 7, 1603, seeing a number of gray foxes upon an island in Penobscot Bay, named the group Fox Islands. The largest of these islands was first, settled permanentiy in 1765, and incorporated as Vinalhaven, June 25, 1789, naraed in honor of John Vinal, Esq., of Boston. The town in 1829 voted to exempt those persons living on Lane's Island, from paying highway tax. Mr. Lane settled on what is now the Roberts homestead. WhUe gunning, an accidental discharge of. a gun so mangled one of his hands that amputation was necessary. He went at once to Rockland, Me., where the operation was performed by Dr. Bar nard. Mr. Lane afterwards followed the sea for a while, and then moved away from Vinalhaven. 72. BENJAMIN LANE' (Issacher*, Samuel'-*, James'), 1762- 1842, was born in Gloucester, Mass., 31 July, 1762, bap. i Aug., 1762, ra. 10 Dec, 1789, MARGARET HALL of Matinicus; she b. 9 Mar., 1769, and d. 28 Aug., 1849. They settied at Vinal haven, Me., after the War of the Revolution, and lived on Lane's Island, which he purchased from Thaddeus Carver. Here he d. 21 Dec, 1842. Family Seventy-Three. 277 Seven children : I. Margaret", b. 27 Apr., 1790, m. 19 Nov., 181 1, David Smith, and d. 22 Apr., 1875. II. Benj.imin", b. 25 Nov., 1 791, m. at Vinalhaven, 28 Dec, 1813, Desire Philbrook; she b. 5 Mar., 1793. They had one or two children at Vinalhaven, and then reraoved to the state of Ohio. III. Susanna", b. 4 Jan., 1794, m. 22 Jan., 1818, Thaddeus Roberts, and d. about 1870. 128. IV. John", b. 19 Mar., 1796, m, Rebecca Arey. 129. V. Joseph", b, 31 Aug,, 1800, m, Abigail Arey. 130. VI. James A,", b. 4 Dec, 1802, m, Lydia Smith. 131. Vll. Timothy", b, i Jan,, 1805, m. Rebecca Smith. 73. WILLIAM LANE" (Nicholas', WUUam*, James', John*, James'), was bap, 14 Mar,, 1773, a sailmaker of Salera, Mass. He bought land of Hannah Crowningshield in Salera, Dec. 18, 1799; was administrator on his father's estate, Oct. 30, 181 5, and on estate of Nathaniel B, Lane of Salem, mariner, intestate, Dec. 5, 1837. He ra, about 1796, ELIZABETH, dau. of N.' BROWN ; she bap. at East church, Salem, i Oct., 1797, and d. 12 June, 1819, ae. 42 years. Children baptized at East church, Salera, Mass. I. Eliza'', bap. i Oct., 1797. II. Nancy^, bap. 25 Aug., 1799. III. Mary', bap. 8 Nov., 1801. IV. William', bap, 4 Mar,, 1804, V. Abigail Wellman', bap. 12 May, 1806. VI. Nathaniel Browne', bap. 28 Aug., 1808. VII. Franklin', bap. 5 June, 1814, VIII, Edward Browne', bap. 5 June, 1814. 278 J.vMES Lane and Descendants. 74. JOHN LANE" (Nicholas-', William*, James', John*, James'), bap. 30 Aug., 1795. Perhaps the John Lane of Fox Island, Me,, descended from John Lane at Flatstone Cove, LanesviUe, Mass,, where old bricks were lately dug up. His wUe was HANNAH FELLOWS of Ipswich, Mass,, where they settied, [Mary F, Lane d. 19 Apr., 1880, widow, age 82 yrs., 4 ms., 12 ds. ; she b. Ipswich, dau. of Nathan Fellows, and wife Hannah (Brown) both of Ipswich. J Son ; 132. L George', b, about 1813, m, Lucinda Poland. 75. JOSIAH LANE" (Josiah'-*, James', John*, James'), 1771- 1833, b. New Gloucester, Me,, 15 Jan,, 1771, where he lived and d, 19 Jan,, 1833, se, 62 years. He ent, int, 30 Mar,, 1795, with ABIGAIL ROWE CLEAVES; she b. 3 Oct,, 1773, and d. 25 July, 1834, a;, 61 years. Josiah Lane and wife quit claim all right in the estate of Jonathan Row, late of New Gloucester, to Jonathan Rowe, one of the heirs, for $300,00, Mar, 23, 1796, and also sold their claim in the dower of Betsey, widow of Jonathan Row, for $600,00, May 10, 1805, He was a party to the transfer of real estate seven times between 1796 and 1814, He settled on an estate which he purchased of Cotton Tufts and Samuel Tucker in 1799, This farm he be queathed to his wife, and it was sold by his heirs to Benjamin Rollins, May i, 1838, — -Cumb. Co. Deeds, Children : I. Isaac', b, i Oct,, 1795, a resident of New Gloucester, 1838. Isaac and wife Mary (Metcalf) Lane of New Gloucester had chUdren : I. Sarah A,", b. 5 June, 1840, m," first, 13 May, 1858, John F. Bickford, second, Elbridge Foss, res. Upper New Gloucester, 1899. Children by first raarriage : i) Mary. 2) Willis, 3) Elmer Ellsworth, 2. Lorentus N.', b. 15 Nov., 1842, 3, Alonzo jl/.', b. 5 Jan., 1844. 4. Albert /!/.', b. 15 Nov,, 1848, d, unm. Family Seveni'y-Six. 279 II, Josiah', b. 7 Dec, 1796, a student, and party in transfer of real estate, 182 7-1 842 ; settied as a physician in Lisbon, Me., and d. II June, 1850. III. Jonathan R.', b. 26 May, 1798, had wife Betsey M., and son. I, J. C, of Upper Gloucester, Me. IV. Abigail D,', b. 25 Oct., 1800, d. i Jan., 1815, se, 14 yrs,, 2 ms., 7 ds.- V. Cynthia', b. 13 Sept, 1802, d. 28 June, 1844. 133. VL Ed-viund Cle.wes', b. 23 Oct., 1804, m. Mary Ring Humphrey. VII. Moses', b. 16 Sept., 1806, m. 18 Oct, 1829, Angelina Tyler, and d. in Minot, Me., 10 Aug., 1831, se. 25 years, leaving: I and 2. Txoo Daughters'^ . VIII. Mary E.', b. 23 Dec, 1808, was Uving in New Gloucester, 1838. IX. Jane C, b. 6 Mar., 181 1, m, Ephraim G. Gordon of Poland, Me., and d. 25 Jan., 1858. 134. X. Seth', b, i8 Mar., 1813, m. Hannah C. C. Rowe. XI. Julia Ann', b, 24 Mar,, 181 5, d. New Gloucester, 27 Feb,, 1853- XII, Abigail C, b. 7 June, 1817, was residing in New Glou cester, 1838. XIII, Addison', b, i Mar., 182 1; as a minor and heir of Abi gail Lane, his guardian Jesse Hayes sold his share in her estate to Benjarain RoUins, Dec. i, 1838. He was a student at Yarmouth Corner, 1838-9; he held the office of deacon at Melrose, Mass., and d, before 1875, 76. ISAAC LANE, Jr," (Isaac', Josiah*, James', John*, James'), b. Gloucester, Mass., 19 Sept, 1772, was witness to a deed, AprU 8, 1789, settied in the Whittemore District, Paris, Me., and worked 280 James Lane and Descendants. at his trade of a blacksmith. He received 149 votes, Nov. 3, 1828, as delegate at large in the Presidential election of 1828. He ra, ESTHER COOK of Conway, N. H. ChUdren : I. Betsey', b. 15 June, 1813, m. Lewis Monk, and d. Aug., 1841. II. Willard', b. 17 Mar., 1815. III. Abigail', b. 24 Apr., 1818, d. 7 Nov., 1840. IV. John M.', b. 15 Oct, 1820, ra. Coburn, (son of Sum ner?) of Sumner, Me. V. Mary Ann', b. 3 Apr., 1823, ra. first, Charles Lane; m. second, Charles A. Buck. VI. George B.', b. 5 Nov., 1826, d. 15 Oct, 1841. VII. Frances', b. 8 July, 1830, m. Solon G. Walker. 77.. LEVI LANE" (Isaac', Josiah*, James', John*, James'), was bap. 30 Apr., 1775, and was an early settler'in East Gray, Me. He paid Isaac Lane $550.00, Oct. 4, 1797, for 129 acres of land, half of Lots 5 and 3 and one-quarter of Lot i, all in the Third Division in Gray. These lots held in common between father and son were divided among them, Nov, 24, 1800, He bought of Daniel Gordon, for $40,00, Oct, 29, 1801, part of Lot 6, in Third Division; paid Benjamin Lebby, Jr,, $36,00, May 31, 1817, for three acres of land in Gray; paid John Russell $83,34, Apr, 10, 1821, for part of Lot 31, in Second Division, With Sarah Lane his wife, he sold to Levi Lane, Jr., for $1500.00, Feb. i, 1827, lands in Gray and New Gloucester, containing 148 acres with buildings. — Cumberland Deeds. Levi Lane of New Gloucester, Me,, and SARAH HICKS of North Yarraouth, Me., entered intention of raarriage, 3 Feb., 1797. She was the 1048th meraber of the First church in North Yar mouth, and joined June 5, 1842, by pubUc profession of faith. Barnabas Freeman of Yarmouth, who had in, Sarah, the widow of Levi Lane, administered on his estate and quit claira to Caleb Marston, for $300,00, July 4, 1850, part of Lot i. Range A, in Family Seventy- Eight. 281 Pownal, Sarah, wife of said Barnabas, relinquishing her right of dower. She died 2 Aug,, 185 1, se, 72 years. ChUdren : I. Levi, Jr.', owned a stage Une from Portsmouth, N. H., to Berwick, Me., and d. unm, at North Yarmouth, I He was taxed in District No. 4, 1823; paid Levi and Sarah Lane, $1500.00, Feb. I, 1827, for 148 acres of land with buildings in Gray; bought 18 acres and 32 square rods of George Bennet, June 14, 1833; mortgaged 94 acres in North Yarmouth to David Dana of Portland, for $1000.00, May 5, 1834; bought of Joseph E. F. Cushman, July 7, 1834, a part of Squadron No. 13, in North Yarmouth; bought of William N. Bennett, Apr, 22, 1837, 24 acres and 12 rods of lot No, i, partly in Gray and partly in New Gloucester; sold to Joseph H, Lane of Gray, for $2500, Sept. 8, 1847, five tracts of land in Gray, New Gloucester and North Yarmouth. — Cumberlaad Co. Records. 135. II. Joseph Hicks', b. about 1807, m. Miranda Mer chant. III. Sarah H'. IV. Adaline', m. Allison, and d. leaving no children. V. Olive A.', m. Samuel Buckman of Falmouth, Me. VI. Eliza', m. Nathaniel Merrill of Cumberland, Me. VII. Dorcas C, m. Capt. Charles L. Loring of North Yar mouth, Me. VIII. Margaret', m. Chambers of Portiand, Me. IX. Sarah H.', ra. Andrew Jack of Topsham, Me. X. Syrena L.', m. Nathaniel Wright of Otisfield, Me. XI. Adelaide'. 78. Capt. BENJAMIN PROCTOR married BETSEY LANE" (Levi', Josiah*, James', John*, James') ; she b. in Boston, Mass., 26 Jan., 1779. Capt. Proctor was lost at sea, 18 Feb., 1811, se. 33 years. He set sail with one or more of his brothers and his household effects, intending to settie in the West Indies and then send for his family, but the vessel and aU on board perished in a severe storm in Massachusetts Bay. < Mrs. Proctor was known as 282 James Lane and Descendants. "EUza," d. 23 Feb., 1865, se. 86 yrs., 28 ds., and Ues buried in the Frye family lot at Dorchester, Mass., North Cemetery. Seven children : I. Eliza, d. in infancy. II. Benjamin, d. young. III. Eliza 2d, m. William Morris. They went West, and she d. in Arkansas. Among the children was : 1. Mary, m, first, Mr, Jessup, but was divorced; m, second, Mr, Gracie, and had children by each marriage, IV. Abba, d, unra. V. Mary Francis, b. Newton, Mass., 3 Nov., 1807, m, in Trinity church, Boston, Mass,, by Rev. W. Gardener, 5 Aug., 1827, Charles M, Holmes of New York city; he b. 10 Nov., 1804, and d. prior to 1896. She d, 5 Jan., 1873, *• 65 yrs,, 2 ras,, 2 ds. Ten children : I, Catherine Eliza, b. New York city, 8 Feb., 1829, m. William J, Knapp of Jersey City, N. J, They had: i) William J, 2) George. 3) Clara. 2. A/ary Ann, b. 15 Mar., 1831, in. first, Thomas S, Gore of England, and lived in New York city; ra. second, Peter E. Jacobus of Caldwell, N. J. Children of Thomas S. and Mary Ann (Morse) Gore: i) Williara James of Montclair, N. J, 2) Thomas Edward of Newark, N, J, 3) Caroline Augusta, m. S. H, Bowmam of Caldwell, N, J, 4) Alexander Dowie of Caldwell, 5) Alfred Mather of East Orange, N. J, 6) Sarah Frances, m, William Aubry of Caldwell. 3. James Scryivegcour , b. 21 July, 1833, m. Phoebe Ann Van Velsor of New York city and had : i) James S, 2) Emily. , 4. Abbie Proctor, b. 19 May, 1836, unm.. Summit, N. J, 5, Charles A/uir, b. 15 July, 1838, m. Harriett M. Hawes of Towanda, Pa., and had: i) Harriett. 2) Elizabeth. 6. Caroline Frances, b. 19 I J., lived in Newark, N. J,, : I) George E, 2) Caroline. 7. Benjamin Proctor, b. 13 elphia, Pa., resided in Summit, l) Arthur Klingle, 2) La Rue Klingle, 8. Adrian . .J., and had; i) Florence. 6, Caroline Frances, b, 19 Apr., 1841, m, George E. Poole of Long Branch, N, J., lived in Newark, N, J,, and had: 7. Benjamin Proctor, b, 13 June, 1843, "i- Georgianna /Clingle of Phila delphia, Pa,, resided in Summit, N, J,, and had: 8. Adrian Banker, b. 4 Sept,, 1845, m, Sarah B. Sanford of Newark, N. J,, and had: Family Seventy-Eight. 283 9, Alfred Peckham, b, 23 June, 1848, unm,, d, 3 Dec, 1852, 10, Edward Cook, b, II Dec, 1850, was of John L, Armitage & Cora pany, Newark, N, J,, m, 21 May, 1874, Eliza Jane Jenkinson, and had: i) Edward Charles, b, 6 June, 1875. 2) George Jenkinson, b. 13 Jan,, 1877. 3) Clarence Leslie, b. 3 Mar,, 1880, 4) Eliza Jane, b, 14 May, 1882, 5) Mary Frances Proctor, b, 24 Mar,, 1884, 6) Richard Jenkinson, b, 3 Feb,, 1886, d, 15 Aug,, 1894, 7) Henry Donald, b. 20 Feb,, 1887, 8) James Douglass, b. 2 Feb,, 1893, d, 13 Mar., 1893. VI. George Burroughs, b, Newton, Mass,, 22 Aug,, 18 10, m, in Boston, 5 Dec, 1835, Harriet Glazier; she b, Middlebury, Vt,, 20 Apr,, 1820, and d. South Boston, 29 Mar., 1874, ae, 73 yrs., 1 1 ms., 1 1 ds. Mr. Proctor resided in Boston, New York and South Boston, and d. at WeUesley HUls, Mass., 2 May, 1892. Fif teen chUdren : I, Harriet Elizabeth, b. Boston, 29 Sept., 1836, ra. 15 Feb., i860, James H. Beck of Boston, resided in South Boston and WeUesley Hills, Mass. Children : i) Hattie L., b. South Boston, 8 Dec, i860, ra, 10 Oct,, 1883, Richard Crmningham of WeUesley Hills, and had Shirley B,, b. 27 Aug,, 1884, Rich ard B,, b, 6 Dec, 1885, Dorothy, b, 15 Apr., 1891. Phyllis, b, 23 Nov,, 1892. 2) Lewis, b. I Feb., 1865, d. 9 Sept., 1865. 3) George P., b, Hyde Park, Mass,, 4 Mar., 1868, d. 14 Mar., 1869, 4) Harry J,, b. South Boston, 8 Feb,, 1870, ra, 9 Oct., 1895, Annie M. Parsons of Lenox, Mass. 5) Albert H,, b, 22 Mar., 1871, 6) Ella M., b. 13 Sept., 1872, 2. Mary J., b. 8 Apr,, 1838, d. New York, 2 Mar,, 1840. 3, George B., b. New York, Oct,, 1839, served in the Civil War, and d, unm,, Boston, 21 Nov,, 1892, 4. Charles J., b, 13 June, 1841, d. New York, 28 Mar., 1842, 5, Benjamin, b, Boston, 15 May, 1843, m, 20 June, 1869, Carrie H. Whitaker of South Boston, Children: l) Benjamin, Jr., b. Boston, 26 Jan., 1878. 2) Edith M., b. 2 Oct., 1880, 3) George B,, b, 5 Apr,, 1882, 4) Grover C, b, 20 Jan,, 1885, 6, Abba B., b, 10 Aug,, 1845, m. first, 15 July, 1872, A/anuel J. Gonsaloo of Spain, who d, 13 May, 1879; ra, second, 17 Feb,, 1884, Albert C. Noyes of Colebrook, N, H., who d. 8 Aug., 1895, Children: l) Lottie H, Gonsaloo, b. East Woburn, Mass., 7 Oct., 1873, 2) Ira Allen Noyes, b. Colebrook, N, H,, 25 Dec, 1884. 7, Charlotte G., b, 25 July, 1847, m, 3 Nov,, 1867, Charles P. Elms ol East Boston, and lived in South Boston. Children: I) Lottie P., b. South Boston, 11 Aug,, 1868, m, 11 Nov,, 1890, George B, Elms of South Boston, and had: George B,, Jr., b, 3 Oct,, 1891. Lottie R,, b. 22 Oct,, 1892, Charles W., b. 20 Apr., 1894, d. 15 Aug., 1894. Harold W,, b, 8 Nov., 1895, 2) Clarissa M., b, 30 July, 1870. 3) Harriet E., b. 19 May, 1874. 4) Jennie C, b. 17 Mar., 1876, ra. June, 1896, Oscar Hubbard. 5) Charles P., b, 4 July, 1883, d. 9 June, 1889. 8, Charles A/arsh, b. South Boston, 22 Apr,, 1849, d, 13 July, 1885, ra, 20 Feb,, 1874, Georgianna Hunt ot Brookline, Mass., and had: 284 James Lane and Descendants. l) Charles M,, Jr,, b. Brookline, i8 Feb., 1876, 2) Frank Hunt, b, Brook line, 7 Nov,, 1878, 9, Helen M., b. 24 June, 1851, m, 3 Oct,, 1894, Albert E. Troester of Georgetown, Col, 10, Marietta H.,\i. 30 Apr,, 1853, ra, 8 Feb,, 1874, Charles L. Stevens of South Boston, and had : i) Charles A,, b, 18 Oct., 1874. II. Carrie F., b. 9 June, 1855, ra. 19 Aug., 1874, John D. Noyes of Boston, Children : l) Edwin L., b. Boston, 3 Sept., 1878. 2) George B.,b. Roxbury, Mass., 6 June, 1880, d, 5 May, 1882, 3) Harriet E,, b. 2 July, 1883. 4) John, b, RosHndale, Mass., 13 Mar., 1886. 5) Lulu B., b. 26 Dec, 1890. 6) Proctor, b. 19 Nov., 1894. 12. Julia P., b. 24 Apr., 1857, m. first, 8 Oct., 1882, Alonzo F. Erskine of Boston, who d. 12 Dec, 1889; m. second, in Denver, Col., 29 July, 1891, Samuel Powell. Children : i) Angle Maud Erskine, b. South Boston, 8 Oct., 1884; d. 20 Nov., 1884. 2) George D., b. 17 Feb., 1886. 3) Samuel Powell, Jr., b, Neponset, Mass,, 12 July, 1892. 4) Helen P,, b, Denver, Col,, 7 Dec, 1894, 13. Lulu A., b, 25 May, 1859, m, 13 Nov., 1878, Charles L. Beck. oi WeUesley Hills, Mass. Children: i) Hannie L., b. South Acton, Mass,, i Jan., 1880, d, 3 Dec, 1894, 2) Charles L,, b, Somerville, Mass., 15 Jan., 1884, 14, Minnie L., b, 17 Aug,, 1861, m, at Denver, CoL, 2 June, 1885, John Watkins. 15, Frank P., b. 7 Nov., 1863, m, at South Boston, 16 May, 1886, Annie C. Bolack. Children : i) Lottie M., b. South Boston, 9 Apr,, 1888, 2) Louise P., b, 26 Jan,, 1890, 3) Bertha H,, b, 18 Jan,, 1893, 4) Frank P,, Jr,, b, Dorchester, Mass,, 30 Jan,, 1896, d, 31 Jan,, 1896, VII. Joseph B,, b, 18 Aug., 1811, m, 27 Nov., 1837, Helen S. M. Montgomery and d. 11 Aug., 1880. She was b. 22 July, 1817, and d. 22 Sept., 1891. Seven children : 1. Eliza Lane, b, Roxbury, Mass., 18 Oct., 1838, ra. 18 Oct., 1859, Alfred W. Bacon, and resided in Danvers, Mass., 1896. Children: i) John Lewis, b. 2 Sept., 1861. 2) Helen Dora, b. 5 Nov., 1864, m. 4 Aug., 1886, Charles D. Wentworth, and had: Philip Montgomery, b. 27 Nov., 1887, Marjorie, b, 15 Oct., 1892. 3) Harriet Rice, b. 16 Dec, 1869, d. 26 May, 1872. 4) George Alfred, b. 5 June, 1874, m. 8 Aug., 1896, Ella Walker, 5) Josie Lida, b, 9 Sept,, 1877. 2. Joseph Henry, b. Lexington, Mass., 16 Feb., 1843, m, 7 Sept,, 1864, Elizabeth Ellis Allen; she b, 12 Nov,, 1843, Children: i) David Allen, b. 18 Aug., 1866, m. 21 June, 1893, Fanny May Bibber and had: Earle Henry, b. 12 June, 1894. 2) Mattie Antoinette, b. 27 Feb., 1868, d. 12 Mar., 1881. 3) Joseph Montgomery, b. 18 Feb., 1871, d. 21 Nov,, 1876, 4) Alfred Whiting, b, 14 Feb,, 1873, d, 27 Nov,, 1876, 5) F.^mily Seventy-Nine. 285 Charles Herbert, b. 15 Mar,, 1877, d, 6 Mar,, 1S81, 6) Eliza Montgomery, .b, 25 July, 1886, 3, Charles Bales, b, Lexington, Mass,, 28 Nov,, 1845, m, Angelia Mark, Children : l) Helen Angeline, b, 26 Jan,, 1870, d, 20 Aug,, 1873, 2) Lizzie Esther, b, 6 Dec, 1871, 4. Samuel Herbert, b. Natick, Mass., 19 Aug., 1849, ">¦ Addie Herrick, Children : i) Herbert Herrick, b. 7 July, 1878. 2) Caroline Bartlett, b, 16 Nov,, 1881. 3) Carl Stuart, b, 20 Mar,, 1886, 5, Helen Medora, b, Natick, 2 Dec, 1854, d, 31 May, 1858. 6. Caroline Bartlett, b, 4 Nov,, 1856, d, 10 Oct., 1880, 7, Theodore Francis, b, 25 Feb,, 1859, d, 26 June, 1888. 79. ITTAI PERRY, 1779-1847, was born in Hanover, Mass., 10 July, 1779, m. 21 Feb., 1808, ABIGAIL LANE" (Levi', Josiah*, James', John*, James'); she b. Boston, Mass., 15 Feb., 1782. They lived in Salem, Mass., where he d. 22 Apr,, 1847, se, 67 years. She d. 4 Apr., 1857, se, 75 years. Children : I. Abbie L., b. 19 Jan., 1809, d. unm., 14 Aug., 1885, ae. 75 yrs., 7 ms. II. Ittai, Jr., b. 5 June, 1810, was pilot of Salem harbor, Mass., m. 8 Dec, 1835, Abigail Hinman, dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth Hinman of Salem. He d. 23 May, 1868, ae. 58 years. She d. 13 May, 1890, ae. 76 yrs., 2 ms. Five children : I. Abbie B,, b, 14 Dec, 1836, m, 19 Sept., 1855, Joseph E. Phippen, son of Benjamin and Mary M. Phippen of Salera. Child: l) Mary Abbie, b. 20 July, i860, d, 10 Mar,, 1861. 2, Hannah S,, b, 4 Dec, 1839, m. 8 Dec, 1859, Bernard W. Hanscom of Eliot, Me,, who d, in Charlestown, Mass,, 31 Dec, 1871, se, 35 yrs,, 4 ms. Three children: i) Carrie S., b, 8 Apr., 1862, m, 29 Dec^, 1879, Andrew D, Gardner, and had: Albert B., b, 28 Apr,, 1880, 2) Ittai Perry, b, 15 July, 1864, m, 5 Oct,, 1884, Florence Martin, and had: Carrie E,, b, 6 May, 1885. Ittai P,, b. 28 Oct,, 1887. Charles E,, b. 9 Jan,, 1889, Harold P., b. 26 Mar,, 1892. Helen E,, b, 18 Feb., 1894. Walter C, b, 19 Jan,, 1896, 3) Justin D., b. 22 May, 1869, 286 James Lane and Descendants, 3. Mary Elizabeth, b, 28 Apr,, 1842, d, I May, 1847, se, 5 years. 4, Lucy A,, b, 12 Sept,, 1844, m, 27 Sept,, 1866, John H, Hamilton, and d, 4 Jan,, 1885, Son: i) Charles Henry, b, 4 Jan,, 1867, d. 12 Aug,, 1867, 5, Mary E., b. 17 Dec, 1849, ">• 'S Sept., 1867, Eugene L, Thomas of Salem, Mass., and d. 24 Dec, 1879, 3t. 30 yrs., 7 ds. Five children: i) Eugene Perry, b, i Jan,, 1868, m, 3 July, 1893, Rachel Peach of Marblehead, Mass,, and had: John Y,, b, 4 Oct,, 1894. 2) Mary Abbie, b, 5 Sept,, 1869, m, 2 Dec, 1891, Fred Moore of Lynn, Mass,, and had: Everett, b. 9 Mar., 1894, 3) Melissa C, b, 12 Aug,, 1874, 4) Frank Augustus, b. 24 May, 1878, d, 25 Aug,, 1878, 5) Carrie H,, b, 6 Aug,, 1879, III. Francis L,, b. 8 Feb,, 1814, a pilot of Salera harbor, Mass., ra. 8 Dec, 1833, Mary Ann Clough, dau. of WiUiam and Hannah Clough of Salem. He d. 11 Aug., 1895, ae, 81 yrs,, 6 ms. His widow was living with a dau. in Salem, 1896. Ten children : A/ary Ann, b. 22 Feb., 1834, d. Sept,, 1836, 2. Mary Ann, b, 20 Dec, 1837, d, Jan,, 1838, , 3, Francis E., b, 24 Feb., 1839, d. Aug., 1870. 4. Annie A,, b. 2 Apr,, 1841, d, Aug., 1865. 5, Horace S., b. 2 June, 1843, d, in the Civil War, 6, George Y., b, 25 Dec, 1845, d. 20 Oct,, 1853, 7, /ttai, b, 6 Jan,, 1849, d, 20 July, 1880. 8, Mary Ellen, b, 2 July, 1850, m, 28 Nov., 1868, George A, CasweU, Four children : i) Francis E., b. Sept., 1869, ra, 1892, Katie Cole, and had: Bessie, b. Feb., 1895. 2) Arthur, b. Nov., 1870. 3) M, Lizzie, b, 4 Dec, 1872, d. 31 Dec, 1892, se, 20 yrs,, 27 ds, 4) Nellie, b, Nov,, 1874, 9, Hannah F., b, 8 Apr., 1855, ra. 1877, Lewis Bartlett, and had: i) Charles H., b, 17 Sept,, 1887. 2) Hattie, b. Jan,, 1890, 10. George L., b. 8 Apr., 1858, d. 25 Aug., 1883, se. 25 yrs., 5 ras., 17 ds. 80. Capt. NATHAN FRYE of Salem, Mass., m. as "Mary," POLLY LANE" (Levi', Josiah*, James', John*, James') ; she b. Boston, Mass., 4 Mar., 1784, and d, 24 June, 1848. He d. 13 Feb,, 1873 ; both are buried in Dorchester, Mass,, North Cemetery, He was a sea captain in the East India trade, and a son of Benjamin and Sarah (Templeton) Frye of Salera, Mass,, a lieutenant in the army of the Revolution, and descended from John Frye, who carae from England in the ship Bevis in 1638, and settled in Newbury and afterward Andover, Mass, F.vMiLY Eighty. 287 Children : I. N.-u'HAN, Jr,, b. Salera, Mass., lo Dec, 1817, a sea captain. When quite young he left horae to seek his fortune in distant lands. After visiting many places in the East Indies, he settled in the island of Mauritius, where he founded shipping docks and re mained as manager until a few days prior to his death. He ra. in Mauritius, 27 July, 1847, Louisa Elizabeth Davy; she b. Mau ritius, 13 Sept., 1827, and d. 13 Apr., 1874. He d. at Port Louis, Mauritius, 15 June, 1882. "Was always kind and charitable, upright and just in all his deaUngs. A Ufetime of genial hospitality, in addition to his many good qualities, gained him a numerous circle of appreciating friends ; and he was finally laid to rest in the picturesque little church yard of St. Thoraas. Scarcely a prettier resting place could be found than these tastefully arranged grounds of the quiet country church." — Louisa Frye Prentiss. Issue : I. John Davy, b, 6 Nov,, 1848, d, Aug., 1884, 2, Mary Elizabeth, b, 25 Nov., 1849, d. 29 May, 1874, 3. Henry James, b. 5 Jan., 1850, d. Aug., 1871. 4, Louisa, b, 23 Mar,, 1851, m. 16 Dec, 1873, Thomas Theodore Prentiss of Verraont, U. S. A. Children: i) James Eugene, b. II Sept., 1874. 2) Thomas, b. i May, 1876. 3) May Louisa Lydia, b. 19 Apr., 1880. 4) Ethel Maud, b. 9 Mar., 1882, d. 23 Feb., 1883. 5) Christine Hazel, b. 25 Dec, 1887. 5. Lucy, b. 30 Aug., 1855. 6. Grace, b. 22 June, 1857, d. lo Dec, 1861, 7, Martha Georgina, b. 23 Apr,, i860, 8, Alice Maria, b. 2 June, 1861. 9. Lewis PoweU, b. 21 Mar,, 1863, 10, Annie, b. 3 May, 1866. II. Joseph, b. 22 Nov., 181 9, a carriage raanufacturer, South Boston, Mass., m. first, 20 Apr., 1842, Sarah Faxon; m. second, 21 July, 1853, Amelia Clapp. He d. Sharon, Mass., 7 Oct., 1893, and is buried in Dorchester, Mass., North Cemetery. ChUdren by first marriage : I. Judith A/aria, b. 30 Jan., 1844, m, 18 Aug,, 1864, James Warren Mitchell, and d, 8 Apr., 1873, Children: i) Edith Faxon, b. 1866. 2) Nathan, b. 1868. 3) Charles Frye, b, 28 Mar,, 1873. 288 James Lane and Descendants. 2. Mary Elizabeth, b, 5 Mar., 1846, m, 6 June, 1871, A/elvin Adams, Children: i) Mary Elizabeth, b, 31 Mar,, 1874, 2) Louise, b, 23 Aug,, 1876, Child by second raarriage : 3, Francis Henry, b, 15 Nov,, 1857, m, 27 July, 1882, Mary Florence Clark. Children : i) Frank Edwin, b, 6 Apr,, 1883, d, 18 May, 1883, 2) Frank Clark, b, 6 June, 1884, 3) Charles Harper, b. 26 Feb., 1886. 4) Walter Joseph, b. 5 Nov,, 1888, 5) Marion Louise, b, i Jan,, 1896, III. 'William, b. Salera, 29 Apr., 1822, mason and contractor, assistant inspector of buildings for the city of Boston, Mar. 6, 1873, to his death, 4 Sept, 1895. He ra. Sept., 1849, in Philadelphia, Ann Jane Birnie; she b. New York, 30 Aug., 1825, and d. in Roxbury, Mass., 5 July, 1890. He was a meraber of Washington Lodge of Masons, Roxbury, and was buried at Mt Hope Cemetery, Boston. Children : , I. Mary Lane, b, Philadelphia, 17 Mar., 1851, and resided in Roxbury, Mass, 2, George Birnie, b, Millburn, 111,, 27 Apr,, 1855, m. Sept,, 1890, Rebecca Eleanor Robinson, of St, Louis, and lives in the West. IV. Francis Henry, b. Boston, 31 Aug., 1827, d. unm. 24 Sept., 1846, buried in Dorchester, North Cemetery. 81. JOSEPH WARREN LEWIS, 1 784-1844, was born 20 Sept, 1784,01 the famous Lewis family of Boston, Mass., ship-masters and sailors. He became a wealthy merchant in the city and d. of apoplexy, 11 May, 1844. He m. i May, 1808, NANCY or ANN LANE" (Levi', Josiah*, Jaraes', John*, James') ; she b. in Boston, 21 June, 1786, and d. in Bristol, R. I., 13 July, 1856. Children : I. Joseph Henry, b. 7 Feb., 1809, d. Dec, 1813. 136. II. Julia Ann, b. 20 Mar., 181 1, m. Charles Frederick Herreshoff. III. Caroline Louisa, b. Boston, 18 Feb., 181 3, d. Bristol, 8 Dec, 1865. DR. SAMUEL RICHARDS. Family Eighty-Two. 28'.) IV. Elizabeth Greenough, b. Boston, 25 Nov., 1815, d. 21 Nov., 1878. V. Mary Winslow, b. 25 Mar., 1817, m. George Cartwright; soon divorced and living in Bristol, 1897. 82. SAMUEL RICHARDS, 1 805-1 880, was bom Oxford, Me., 2 June, 1805, and d. 10 Oct., 1880, son of Tristram, a soldier of the Revolution at Ticonderoga, and his wife, AbigaU (York) Richards, and grandson of John, 2d, and his wife, AbigaU (Miles) Richards of Boston and Newbury, Mass. He ra. 16 Jan., 1829, MARY LANE" (Francis', Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1792-1865; she b. North Yarmouth, Me., 7 Jan., 1792, and d. 31 Oct., 1865. They resided in Oxford, Me., and in Paris, Me., and were buried in the Fore street cemetery at Oxford. Children : I. Tristram, b. 13 Mar., 1830, m. i Mar., 1857, Harriet Pike of Oxford, Me., and d. at South Paris, Me., in the early part of 1896. II. Samuel, Jr., b. 30 July, 1832, served three years' appren ticeship at watchmaking with Simeon Walton of Paris, Me., and established himself as opticianj watchmaker and jeweller at South Paris, Me., in 1856. He has become the most experienced practi cal optician in Oxford Co., and the only one who has earned four diplomas and the highest honors of the Optical CoUeges. He has taken a deep interest in genealogical studies and done rauch to re cover the history of his ancestors and kindred. He affirms : "It is but just to say that, from all ray researches and intimate ac quaintance with the chUdren of Francis Lane, the soldier of Bunker HiU, I have found no stain upon the character of any. May we, their descendants, while we revere their memory, be careful .... to enter the narrow gate through which our Puritan ancestors have already passed to receive their reward." 290 James Lane and Descendants. Dr, Richards ra. 5 Feb., 1862, Susan Dearborn; she b. 2 Jan., 1840, dau. of Edraund and Almira (Cobb) Dearborn of Bridgton, Me. Their children bom in South Paris : I. Flora May, b. 17 Nov., 1862. 2. Wilsoii Lane, b. 24 May, 1865. 3. Susan Almira, b. II July, 1867. 83. AMMI RUHAMAH LANE" (Francis', Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1794-1863, b. North Yarmouth, Me., 7 Mar., 1794, was named for Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Cutter, first minister of North Yarmouth, 1730-1735. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and Aroostook war, so called. He bought land in Minot, Me., of Francis Lane, for $330, Mar. 20, 1815, and sold 50 acres of land in Minot, to Francis Lane, for $333, Feb. 20, 181 7. Mr, Lane m, 21 Dec, 1824, ELIZA WHITEHOUSE of Oxford, Me, He re sided in Minot, Oxford and South Paris, Me, He d, at South Paris, 16 June, 1863, se, 69 yrs,, 3 ras., 9 ds,, a gentle, sympathetic, worthy man. His widow, b. 18 Oct., 1809, received a life pension for his service as a soldier and d. 18 Jan., 1884, k. 74 1-4 years. Their children : I. Zenas', b. lo Nov., 1825, m. Judith Safford, and resided at North Turner Bridge, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Lane made a very pleasant visiting trip to brothers, sisters and friends in Massachu setts, in the spring of 1883. WilUe F. Young was appointed ad ministrator on the estate of Zenas Lane of Turner, March, 1892. II. Bet-sey G.', b. 4 July, 1827, ra. Samuel Rogers, a raerchant residing Attieborough, Woburn and Taunton, Mass. Their children : I, Delia, b, 1849, ra. 2. Edwin F., b, 1851, m. 3. Eva Clara, b. 1853, m. 4. Cora Elizabeth, b. 1855, m. and lived at Mt. Sterling, 111. 5 and 6. Son and Daughter, twins, b. 1857, d. III. Oilman G.', b. Oxford, Me., 26 Dec, 1829, at one time engaged in extensive building operations in Carabridge, Mass. In 1868, he moved to Woodsford Corner, Deering, Me., where he continued his business of building and was party to transfer of real ammi r. lane. Family Eighty- Four. 201 estate, 1 868-1 870. He built raany of the handsomest residences in that part of Portiand, Me., and was twice selectraan of the old town of Deering. He ra. Mary Guptill, and d. Feb., 1900, x, 70 years. Children : I. Bion R,^, of the firra of John W, Perkins & Co,, Portland, Me, 2. A/abel', IV. America', b, 22 Nov,, 1831, m. Eliza A. Fuller, and res. Union, N. H. V. Philenah G.', b, 26 Dec, 1836, m. Alonzo Palmer, in em ploy of the Old Colony railroad ; res, Quincy, Mass,, VI. Ammi Franklin', b, 2 Apr,, 1843, soraetimes known as "Frank A.," m. Mary Knight ; res, Topeka, Kan, VII. Frances Ann', b. i July, 1845, m, Enoch E, Hall, a trader ; res, Quincy, Mass. VIII. Oscar G,', b. ii Oct, 1855, m. Nelly Talbert; res. Quincy and Dorchester, Mass. 84. MARK LANE" (Mark', Josiah*, James', John*, James'), 1804- 189 1, b. (Jloucester, Mass,, 28 June, 1804, lived when a boy with his grandmother Abigail, who had m, "Joseph Caffareen the school master," sea captain, res, Gloucester, Mass, He was a bright man and well remerabered his "uncle Frank,'' Capt, Francis Lane, "who used to come from Maine to Gloucester in the fall of the year to get poUock to carry horae," He m. 24 Dec, 1827, by Rev. Ezra Learned, CLEMENTINA YOUNG; she b. 20 Dec, 1805, dau. of Williara and Olive (Woodbury) Young. "A smart Old Couple. Capt, Mark Lane 82 years of age and wife 81 years of age were lately seen walking through Proctor's House Paper Gallery," — Cape Ann Advertiser, 1886, Capt Lane d, 25 Apr,, 1891, se, 86 yrs,, 9 ras., 27 ds. Mrs. Lane d, 5 Jan., 1896, ae. 91 yrs., 15 ds. 292 James Lane and Descendants, v Children : I. Mark, Jr.', b. Gloucester, i8 Nov., 1828, not m., d. 20 June, 1891. II. Clementina', b. 13 Oct, 1830, ra, 16 July, 1848, by Rev, Josiah K. Waite, Richard W, Ricker, a stone cutter and widower, se, 27 years, son of Levi and EUza Ricker of Sanford, Me. She d. 31 Jan., 1856. III. Oscar', b. 7 July, 1833, d. 18 Aug., 1833, IV. Andrew Jackson', b. 15 Mar,, 1835, d. 16 Mar,, 1836. V. Fitz', b. 3 Oct, 1837, d, 25 Feb,, 1838. VI. Ora Anna', b. 25 June, 1839, ra, 17 Jan,, 1864, by Rev, W, C. High, Walter H. Small; he mariner, b. 8 Sept, 1833, son of John and Susan (Thurston) Sraall of Deer Island, Me. VII. Victoria', b. 20 Mar., 1842, d. 20 Jan., 1846. VIII. William Henry', b, 17, bap, 22 Sept,, 1845, d. 25 Oct., 1877, se. 32 years. Buried at Oak Grove, Gloucester. 85. GEORGE WASHINGTON LANE" (Mark', Josiah*, Jaraes', John*, James'), 1812-1894, b. Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 1812, fish raerchant at Annisquara, representative for Gloucester in Mas sachusetts Legislature, 1833, subscriber to Hampton Lane monu ment, 1886; ra. 15 Dec, 1835, TAMAZINE THURSTON; she b. Waltham, Mass., dau. of Nathaniel and Eliza (Gee) Thurston. She d. 4 Mar., 1892, se. 75 yrs., 4 ms., 24 ds. He d.- 7 Mar,, 1894, ae. 81 yrs., 13 ds. They are buried at Locust Grove, Lanes ville, Mass. ChUdren : I. Nancy', b. about 1837, m. 25 Sept, 1858, by Rev. F. N. Peloubet, Thaddeus Wheeler; he mariner, b. Rockport, Mass., about 1826, son of David and Mary Wheeler. II. George W., Jr.', b. about 1839, mariner, ra. 13 Nov., 1870, ,«s If 1 y. 1 K 1 ¦ -49 1 ^^BSBBB^^ ' \ i capt. mark lane. Family Eighty-Si.'<, 293 by Calvin W, Poole, Justice of the Peace, Hannah Geyer of Rock port, Mass,; she b, about 1846, in Bristol, Me,, dau, of Charies and Jane Geyer of Maine. He d. Danvers, Mass,, 11 Sept,, 1894, ». 55 yrs., 9 ras,, 27 ds. ChUd: I, Charles', b, 13 May, 1871, III. Tamazen.^', b. about 1841, m, 9 Sept, 1861, by Rev. I. C, Thacher, Albert S'tory; he b, Rockport, about 1838, son of John and Abigail Story, IV. Frederick T.', b, about 1845, mariner, m, 27 Oct., 1878, by Rev. George E, Sanderson, Christie A, Sutherend ; she b. Cape Breton, about 1852, dau, of David and Annie (Stewart) Sutherend. V, Daughter', b, 25 Nov., 1846. VI. Mary Ellen', b. 7 Apr,, 185 i, ra. 29 July, 1879, by Rev. George E. Sanderson, George C. McKenzie ; he b. Yalesville, Conn., son of WiUiam and Teraperance (HaU) McKenzie. 86. JOHN L.'VNE" (David'-*, John'-*, James'), 1 774-1824, b. LanesviUe, Mass., bap. Annisquam, 21 Aug., 1774, a mariner of Gloucester, Mass. He ent. int. of ra. 14 Nov., and ra. 3 Dec, 1795, by Rev. Eli Forbes, ESTHER WHITE. He d. 27 Feb., 1824, se. 49 years, leaving widow, Esther, and children. Administration on his estate was granted to Sarauel Lane, Esq., 18 Jan., 1825. Inventory returned, 3 Feb., 1825, included "one-third of the schooner Rainbow," and one-half of a pew in Annisquam meeting-house. Esther Lane, widow, received allowance from the estate, 15 Feb., 1825, for which she gave a receipt, 30 Aug., 1830. Account of administration was allowed 2 Nov., 1830. Upon the settieraent of the estate of their grandfather, Capt. David Lane, three sons were placed under the guardianship of their mother, 22 Apr., 1831, viz,, Henry W. Lane, age 20, Charles H. Lane, age 16, and Thoraas L, Lane, age 14. Appraisers were appointed, 3 May, 1831; inventory taken 12 Dec, 1831, and returned 10 Apr., 1832. The estate of each of the three sons in- 294 James Lane and Descendants. eluded "one undivided eighth part of his deceased father's share of the real estate of David Lane deceased." — Essex Co. Record. Esther, widow of John Lane, d. 27 June, 1853, ae, 78 years. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord,'' ¦ — -Tombstone. Children : I. Esther', ra, 17 Nov., 1816, by Rev. Ezra Learned, Joseph Bailey, Jr. II, Peleg', m, 31 July, 181 7, Thomas T, Low. III. Martha', m, .Andrew H, Langsford, IV. Eliza W,', m, 14 Nov,, 1822, David Donnahue. V, John', ra. Miss Munsey of Gilford, N.H. A son who served in the CivU War was accidentaUy shot after the war in Gilford. 137. VI. Henry White', b. 181 1, ra. Louisa Sanders, VII, Charles Hodgkins', undertaker, LanesviUe, Mass,, ent. int of ra. 2, and was pub, 8 Nov,, 1840, with Eliza Gould; she b, Boxford, Mass,, dau. of John and Polly (Prince) Gould. He d. 23 Jan., 1872, EC, 57 yrs,, 4 ms,, 17 ds. She d, his widow, 4 Nov,, 1887, se, 83 yrs,, 4 ms,, 25 ds. No children, VIII. Thomas Low', b, 1817, unm. 87. DAVID LANE" (David'-*, John'-*, James'), 1776-1833, b. LanesvUle, Mass., 3 July, 1776, bap. 14 July, 1776, mariner, admitted to the church, 21 June, 1800; ent int., 23 Dec, 1797, and m, 24 Jan,, 1798, by Rev, Daniel FuUer, ABIGAIL LANE' (Solomon*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes') ; she bap, 25 Mar,, 1779, and d. 22 Feb., 1812, ae. 32 yrs., 10 ras., 10 ds. "Free from this world of noise and strife. She's present with the Lord; The labour of a raortal life Ends in a large reward," — Family Record. Family Eighty-Sevfn, 295 Mr, LoTne m, second, i8 Jan,, 1814, MARY COOK, m. n. Gott, ¦ dau. of James and Lucy. He d. 15 May, 1833, ^e. 57 years. Administration on his estate was granted to Samuel Lane, Esq., Aug. 4, 1835; Gideon Lane, Jr., was an appraiser; inventory presented, Aug, 31, 1835. Mary Lane, widow, "having four children with her," was granted allowance, Sept, i, 1835, She d, 4 May, 1868, je, 75 yrs,, 5 ms,, 4 ds, — Essex Co. WiUs. It used to be said of David, Epes and Joseph Lane: "Better man never lived, but never men had more vixenish wives." Sixteen chUdren : I. Abigail', b, 20 June, bap, 27 Oct, 1799, m. 17 Oct., 1816, by Rev. Ezra Learned, William Dade, and d. 26 Aug., 1825. II, D,\vid', b, 20 July, 1 801, d. 19 Aug,, 1801. > III, Adeline', b, 21 July, 1803, m, 3 Dec, 1825, by Rev. Ezra Learned, David Story, and had : I. Adeline. 2. Mary. 3, Ellen. 4, Son. IV, Eveline', b, 14 June, 1805, d. 3 Oct., 1806. V, Daughter', b. 15 Oct., 1806, d. same day. VI. Son', b, 15 Sept,, 1809, d. 21 Sept,, 1809, VII, Twin Sons', b. 3 Aug,, 1810; one d, same day, VIII. The Other, d. 5 Apr,, 181 1. By second marriage : 138. IX. David", b. 10 Oct., 1814, ra, Mary P. Allen. X, Child', d. Aug., 18 17, se, about 8 months. 139. XI, James Monroe', b. 22 June, 18 19, m. Elizabeth Harvey and Lucretia R. Hodgkins, XII, Child', b, 17 Aug,, 1821, d. 24 Aug., 1821. XIII, Eveline', b, 17 Aug,, 1822, m, Andrew Riggs, and had: I, Augusta, 2, Elizabeth, 3. Maria. 4, Mary. 140. XIV, John', b, 6 Dec, 1824, m, Mary Ann Figgies. XV. Abigail', b, 21 July, 1828, ent. int., 15 Mar,, and m, 6 Apr,, [844, by Rev, Maxy B. Newell, Daniel Broughton Hodg kins of Annisquara, railler, and had : I. Daniel Greenleaf. 2. David. 3, Elizabeth Abby . 4. Rufus Choate, 5. Arianna. 6. Edward. 7. Howard Adams. 8. Anna Mary, b, 4 Apr,, 1861, 9, Everett Nelson. 296 James Lane and Descendants, XVI, George Washington', b, i July, 1835, m. Annie E, Riggs, and d, 2 June, 1859, se, 23 yrs,, 11 ras. Daughter. I, Ann £,', b. 29 Aug,, d. 22 Sept., 1859, se. 21 days. 88. EPES LANE" (David'-*, John'-*, Jaraes'), 1 778-1860, b. Lanes ville, Mass., 10 Apr., bap, Annisquam, 19 Apr,, 1778, and adraitted to the Third church, 10 June, 1801, The firm of Epes and Samuel Lane, traders, Gloucester, Mass,, had claims against the estate of Zacheus Lane, 1824, and against their father's estate, 1831, Epes Lane ent, int. of m. 8 Feb., and m, 11 Mar,, 1800, SU SANNA YOUNG, a sister of Daniel Young, who m, his sister, Han nah Lane, She was bap, and d. 5 Sept, 181 1, He m, second, July, 18 1 2, SALLY HUMPHREY WOODBURY; she was dau. of Jaraes and Fanny (Pierce) Woodbury, and d, 14 Nov., 1888, se, 95 years. He d, of influenza only three days sick, 18 Feb., i860, se. 81 yrs., 10 ms. ChUdren : I. Mary', b. 18 Mar., bap. 29 Aug., 1801, m. 3 Dec, 1825, Montgomery Roberts, and had : I. J\/ace. 2. Epes. 3, //award. 4, Gilbert. 5, Everett. 6, Another. 141. II. David', b. 17 Dec, 1802, m, Hannah Lane, 142. III. Epes', b. 2 Oct., 1804, bap, 28 Apr,, 1805, m, Mary Adaline Story. IV. Susan Ann', b. i June, 1807, m. 7 Dec, 1823, and d. 8 Jan., 1847, se- 39 ys-, 7 ms., 6 ds. Their son, Warren Bassett, was a Universalist rainister at Annisquam, Mass. 143. V. James Sawyer', b. 11 June, 1809, bap. 9 July, 1810, ra. Sarah Pool. By second marriage. 144. VI. William', b. 18 Apr., 1813, m. Margaret Knowl ton. VII. Child', stillborn, 19 Feb., 1816. Family Eighty-Eight, 297 145. VIII. Augustus', b. 31 May, bap, 10 Nov,, 18 17, m, Abigail Dodd. IX. Sarah Ann', b. i Aug., i8i8, bap. i June, 18 19, m. War ren Sargent, and had ; I, Alphonso, 2, Warren, 3, Samuel, d, young, X. Julia', b. 23 Sept, 1820, d. 7 Mar., 1821. XI. Elizabeth', b, 9 Sept,, 1822, bap, 7 Dec, 1823, m, 16 Apr,, 1839, Horatio Gates Merchant' (Jabez*-', Daniel*, Jabez'). He was b. 1817, and d, of consumption, 1854. She d. 17 Aug., 1858. Their children : 1, Thomas, b, 1841, 2. Sarah Elizabeth, b, 1842, 3, John, b, 1844, 4. James Woodly, b, 1846, 5, Horace Mann, b, 1848, 6, Son. 7, David, b, 1853, XII, Child', b. 23 Mar., 1825, d. 26 Mar., 1825. XIII. Otis', b. 9 Jan., 1826, d. unra. 21 Mar., 1847, ae. 21 yrs., 2 ms., 10 ds. "Rest thou in peace. Life's toil is o'er. Its joys, its sorrows are no more." — Tombstone. XIV, Warren', b. 9 May, 1829, mariner, one of the merabers of the Universalist parish of LanesviUe at its organization about 1876. He m. 13 June, 1857, Susan F, Cheeney, who d, 18 Feb., 1893, se, 67 yrs., 9 ms,, 27 ds,, dau, of Isaac and Susan (Swallow) Cheeney of Dunstable, Mass. Their son : I. Arthur W.^, b, I Oct., 1859, mason, m. 13 Mar., 1883, by Rev. John Peterson, Mary E. Jones; she b. about 1862, dau. of Samuel and Lucy E. (Younger) Jones of Gloucester, Mass., and had: I) Willie 0.^ b. 7 July, 1884. XV. Alphonso', b. 6 July, 1833, while furling jib was washed off the bowsprit and drowned, near Cape Cod. 146. XVI. Sylvanus Cobb', b. 23 July, 1834, ra. Marie Woodbury. XVII. Horace C, a jeweUer in Gloucester, sold his business to Everett H. Lane of Rockport, Mass. 29.S _ James Lane and Descendants, 89. Hon, SAMUEL LANE" (David'-*, John'-*, James'), 1794-1873, b. LanesviUe, Gloucester, Mass., 27 Apr., 1894, a prominent citizen of Gloucester, Mass., and afterwards of Chelsea, Mass. Samuel Lane, Esq., was attorney for Rebekah Lane in the settlement of the estate of Zacheus Lane in 1823, and the trade firm of Epes and Samuel Lane, Gloucester, brought claims against Zacheus Lane's estate in 1824, and against their father's estate in 1831. He administered on the estates of John Lane and of Gideon Lane, Jr., in 1825, and on his father Capt, David Lane's estate, 1826-1831, He was selectman of Gloucester, 1825, 1834, representative 182810 1832, and subsequently senator from Essex County. When in 1831, the pews were sold in the Annisquam church edifice, Samuel Lane bid off the second choice, and selected an undesirable corner pew on the left of the pulpit. He was executor of the will of Aaron Lane in 1833, and administra tor of estate of David Lane, in 1835. When the Sunday school was or ganized at Annisquam in 1836, he was the first superintendent. He removed to Chelsea, Mass., in 1841, and was a number of years in the Boston Custom House, Hon. Samuel Lane, ra, first, 10 Sept,, 1816, by Rev, Ezra Learned, SALLY WILCOME HARRIDEN, m, second, by Rev. Benjamin H, Clark, 7 May, 1848, Mrs, MARTHA (Story) DEN NISON ; she b, about 1804, dau, of Jaraes and SaUy Story, He d, at Chelsea, Mass,, 29 Mar,, 1873, in his 8oth year. She d, at Newton, Mass,, 7 Oct, 1897, se. 93 yrs,, 10 ras,, 24 ds. Children : I. Theresa Burnham', b. 30 Mar,, 1818, d. 30 July, 1820. II, Theresa Burnham', b. i July, 1820, ra. Mr, Willis of Chelsea, Mass. III. Rachel', b. 29 Mar., 1822, d. 23 Dec, 1824. IV. Samuel Adams', b. 4 Aug., 1828, d. in minority, unm, V. Edward Hill', b, 3 Oct., 1830, not m. VI, Sarah Augusta', b, 12 July, 1833, m, first, Quimby; m, second, Warren Poole of Wakefield, Mass, Family Ninety-One. 299 90. JOSEPH LANE, 3d." (Caleb', Joseph*-', John*, James'), 1787-1827, b. Annisquara, Mass., i May, 1787, m, 18 Dec, 1808, by Rev. Ezra Learned, LUCY ANN GOTT, dau, of Jaraes and Lucy Gott, and sister of David Lane's" second wife, (David'-*, John'-*, James'), He was buried 8 Jan,, 1827, se. about 38 years. She d. 17 Apr., 1864, ,se. 74 yrs., 9 ras. Children : I. Joseph', b. 1813, fisherman, res. Dedham, Mass., ra. 22 Apr., 1858, by Rev. S. E. Pierce, Margarett Albright or Albride; she b. 'Weymouth, N. S., 1829, and d. 16 May, 1864, se, 33 yrs,, 8 ms,, dau, of Henry and Rachel Albride. He d. 15 Aug., 1881, se. 68 years. Buried at Mount Adnah, Annisquam. Children : I, Henry Wilson', b. 1850, d. unra. 9 Jan., 1886, se. 26 yrs., 7 ms., 16 ds. 2. Eugenia^, b. 24 July, 1861, m. 6 May, 1886, by Rev. Jaraes W. Hig gins, Samuel A. Elwell; he paving cutter, b. Gloucester, Mass., about 1854, son of Fitz and Caroline (Robinson) Elwell. 3. Ernest J.^, b. 1864, m. Margaret Conness, and d. 8 May, 1896, ae. 32 yrs., 3 ms., 20 ds, II, Aaron', b. 1815, raariner, m, first, 25 Aug,, 1845, by Rev. Joseph A, Bartlett, Harriet G. Norwood, dau, of Charles Nor wood of Gloucester, who d, 10 Apr,, 1862, se, 39 yrs,, 2 ras., ra. second, 29 Oct, 1864, by Rev, S, Chapin, Mrs, Margaret A. C, Throe ; she b, Boston, Mass., dau, of Ezekiel and Nancy Cushing. He d. at Bay View, Gloucester, 19 Aug., 1884, ae. 68 yrs,, 3 ms. Mrs, Lane m. third, 29 Apr., 1886, her age 45, by Rev. J. J. Lewis, Albert Davis; he carpenter, b. Gloucester, age 52, his first m., son of George and Lydia (Phipps) Davis. III. Martha Washington', at the age of 22 yrs., m. 7 Apr., 1849, by Rev. W. S. Clarke, John Riggs, Jr.; his age 28 yrs., son of John and AUce Riggs. ChUdren : I George. 2, Alice, 91. WILLIAM SAVILLE LANE" (Caleb', Joseph*-', John*, James'), 1 791-1837, b, Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass,, 5 Sept,, 300 James Lane and Descendants. bap. 6 Nov., 1791, m. 19 Nov., 1818, by Rev. Ezra Learned, SALLY TARR. He was lost at sea, Apr. 24, 1837. Children born in Gloucester : I. William', b. 19 Aug., 1820. II. George', b. 20 Aug., 1823. III. Sarah', b. 12 Feb., 1827. IV. Frederick T.', b. 30 Jan., 1830, mariner, m. 30 Jan., 1853, by WUliara Poole, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Jane B, Webster ; she b. Rockport, Mass,, about 1835, dau, of George and Sarah Webster. He d. 8 Sept,, 1869, at Peek's Island, Me,, se, 38 yrs,, 8 ms. 92. THEODORE LANE" (Caleb', Joseph*-', John*, James'), 1808-1885, b, Annisquam, Mass., 24 Jan., 1808, raariner, had wife, CLARISSA LOWE STEELE; she b. 21 Sept,, i8i6. They celebrated their golden wedding about 1880, at 3 School street, Gloucester. He d. i Sept., 1885, se. 77 yrs., 7 ras., 7 ds., leaving her a widow. Monument at Oak Grove, Gloucester. ChUdren : I. Theodore, Jr.', b. 12 Mar,, 1834, d. 26 Mar., 1836. II, Clarissa', b. 24 Apr., 1836, d. 25 June, 1836. III. Clarissa', b. 4 Oct., 1837. IV. Edwin Lewis', b. 23 Aug., 1840, carpenter, chief engineer of Gloucester fire departraent, m, 27 July, 1864, by Rev, G, W. Skinner, Mary S, James; she b. about 1843, dau, of George and Fanny James. Their son : 1, Herman L,', b, about 1865, clerk, m. 24 Dec. 1889, by Rev. W. H. Rider, Addie L, Swain; she b. about 1863, dau. of Isaac and Susan J. (Stewart) Swain of Nova Scotia, V, Lavinia', b, 13 Aug,, 1843, d, 9 Oct, 1857,86, 14 yrs., i mo,, 23 ds, VI, Herman', b. 27 Mar., 1847, drowned near Baker's Island, 5 May, 1864, X. 17 yrs,, 2 ms,, 8 ds, ¦ Family Ninety-Three, 301 VII. Adeline', b. 25 July, 1848, d. 28 Sept., 1848, VIII, Ize-ite', b. I Jan,, 1854, d. 23 Aug,, 1854, se. 7 ras,, 23 ds, IX, Clara M,', b. 29 Nov., 1856, d. 20 Oct,, 1857, x.. 10 ms,, 21 ds. X. Cyrus Edward', b. 13 Nov., i860. 93. GIDEON LANE" (Gideon', Joseph*-', John*, James') 1798- 1875, b. Annisquara, Mass,, 10 Dec, 1798, bap. 3 July, 1799, m, 2 May, 1822, by Rev. E, Learned, ABIGAIL GOTT, and d, in Gloucester, 25 Dec, 1875, ae, 77 yrs,, 15 ds. She d, 30 Nov,, 1877, se, 77 yrs,, 8 ms,, 4 ds. They were buried at Clark's Yard, Gloucester. Children : I. Abigail', b. 28 Dec, 1822, m. 2 Nov., 1845, by Rev. Josiah K. Waite, William C. Douglass, son of Jonathan and Sarah Doug lass of Gloucester. II. Elizabeth Ann', b. 28 Dec, 1822. III. Elizabeth Ann', b. 24 Sept, 1824, m, 27 Apr., 1846, by Rev. Josiah K. Waite, Thomas, son of Jeremiah Coos. They had : I. A/ary Ann, b. i Mar., 1847, IV. Ellen Frances', b, 9 Dec, 1828, V, Edward', b, 19 July,, 1832, shipman, m, 10 Mar,, 1857, by Rev, N. A. Soule, Susan D, Seavey, who d. 23 June, 1885, ae, 52 yrs,, 4 ras., 20 ds., dau, of Moses P. and Leonora D, Seavey of Chelmsford, Mass, They had : I, Edward Francis', b, 27 Oct,, 1859, in trade, Gloucester. VI, Lucy Lowe?, b. 13 Aug,, 1834, m, 17 Nov., 1853, by Rev. A. D, Mayo, Epes M, Parkhurst; he b. about 1828, son of Hugh and Mary Ann Parkhurst of Gloucester, VII. Amelia Beach', b. 8 Sept,, 1837, ra. 24 Apr., 1859, by Rev. Nathan' A. Soule, John J. Hadley; he b. about 1837, at Guysboro, N. S., son of George and Elizabeth Hadley, 302 James Lane and Descendants, 94. SAMUEL ROBINSON LANE"' (Gideon', Joseph*-', John*, James'), 1806-1881, b, Annisquam, Mass,, 6 June, 1806, res. Gloucester, Mass., m, MARTHA WATSON; she b. Gloucester, 25 July, 1815, dau. of George and Martha (Friend) Watson. Mr. Lane d. 12 Sept,, 1881, s, 75 yrs,, 3 ms, Mrs. Lane d. 18 June, 1882, se, 66 yrs., 10 ms,, 24 ds. Monument in Lot 436, Oak Grove cemetery, Gloucester. "Mrs. Lane leaves two adult sons, . three married daughters and a wide circle of relatives and friends to treasure pleasant raeraories of her well spent life." Children ; I. Martha Ann', b, 20 Nov., 1834, m. 30 Nov,, 1858, by Rev. W, R, MeUen, William S, Wonson ; he trader of Gloucester, b, about 1828, son of Sarauel and Eliza Wonson, his second raarriage, II, Eleanor Watson', b. 12 Dec, 1836, ra. 4 June, 1856, by Rev. Robert P. Rogers, Edward L, Rowe; he b, about 1833, sail- raaker, son of James and ParmeUa Rowe of Gloucester, Children : I. Son, d. se. 2 yrs., 11 ms., 21 ds. 2. Daughter, d. se. 2 yrs., I rao., 3 ds. 3. Daughter, d. se. IO ms., 27 ds. III. Amanda', b. 9 July, 1839, ra. 13 Apr., 1876, by Rev. Richard Eddy, Solomon F. Root ; he raerchant of Hinsdale, Mass., age 49, second marriage; b, Middlefield, Mass,, son of Soloraon and Laura (Mack) Root, IV, Samuel', b. 27 July, 1841, fish merchant, firra Samuel Lane & Brother, Gloucester, ra. 26 Dec, 1875, by Rev. Richard Eddy, Caroline E. Witham; she b. Gloucester, 8 June, 1846, d. 20 May, 1896, ae, 49 yrs,, 11 ms,, 12 ds., dau. of Edward and Jane (White) Witham. Children : I, Samuel R.^, b, 24 Sept., 1876. ^. Edward W.", b. 24 Dec, 1879, d. 3 Aug., 1880, se. 7 ms., 10 ds, V. George E,', b, about 1844, merchant of Gloucester, ra, 11 July, 1883, by Rev, Robert P, Rogers, Lucy Thurston' (Nathan iel"-', Daniel*, Joseph'-*, Daniel'); she b, 11 July, 1848, d, 10 May, 1887, se, 38 yrs., 10 ras. F.VMILY NlNE'lY-SlX. 303 95. DAVID SAVILLE LANE" (Caleb'-*, Joseph', John'*, Jaraesi), bap, June, 1807, at Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., m. 18 Apr,, 1830, by Rev, E. Learned, ELIZA ANN ELWELL. Children : I. Harriet Augusta', b, 9 Dec, 1831, II. Leonard Whalen', b. 3 June, 1834. III. Mary Ann', b. 25 Apr., 1837. IV. David', b. 14 Dec, 1841, d. 25 May, 1844, ae, 2 yrs., 5 ms., II ds. V. David', raariner, drowned at sea frora on board schooner "General Butler,'' 15 May, 1868, se. 24 years. 96. LAZARUS LANE" (Caleb'-*, Joseph', John*, James'), bap. Annisquam, Gloucester, Mass., 13 Aug,, 1809, He settled in Gloucester, and had wife, RUTH . Children : - ^ I. Elizabeth A.', b. 1832, m. 25 Oct, 1850, by Rev. A. D. Mayo, Alfred A. Burnham; he b. about 1825, son of Gorham and SaUy Burnhara of Gloucester, Mass. II. George W.'^, b. about 1834, shipraaster and soldier, enUsted in Co. D, First N. H. Volunteer Cavalry, Feb. 21, 1865, credited to Guilford, N. H., mustered out, July 15, 1865. He m. 19 Nov., 1858, by Rev. Samuel A, Cushing, Ann Elizabeth Andrews; she b. Guysboro, N. S,, about 1837, dau, of Isaac Andrews. Their children : I, Anna E.', b, 29 Aug., 1859. 2, Anna', b. 14 Sept., i860, m. 28 May, 1879, by Rev. N. H. Martin, Charles W. Middleton; he confectioner, b, about 1862, son of Watson and Elizabeth (Allen) Middleton of Gloucester. 3. Josephine"', b. I Nov., 1865. 4, Hattie A/.", h. about 1868, m. 20 Mar,, 1887, Addison G. Stanwood ; he clerk, b. about 1869, son of David W. and Martha A. (Jewett) Stanwood. 5. Jennie W.", b, 22 Feb,, 1870, m. 19 Oct,, 1887, by Rev. W, H. Rider, 304 James Lane and Descendants. John E. Stanwood; he b. about 1864, son of John J. and Judith M, (Ober) Stanwood of Gloucester. 6. Frederick C, d. 23 May, 1876, se. 2 yrs., 6 ms,, 25 ds, 7. Nellie y]/.', b. 8 Oct., 1876, m. 21 Nov., 1894, by Rev. George O. Crosby, Benjamin F. Tucker ; he b. about 1873, son of John F. and Hen rietta (Daggett) Tucker of Gloucester, 8, Willis H.', d. 14 May, 1881, se, 2 yrs., 4 ms., 25 ds. III. Augusta', b. about 1837, m. 9 Dec, 1856, by Rev. Robert P. Rogers, Frederick Crossman of Weymouth, N. S. IV, Joseph M.', b. about 1841, seaman U. S. Navy, enlisted at Portsmouth, N, H,, June 22, 1861, served on U. S, S. "Ohio" and "Circassian," discharged from receiving ship, N, Y. city, June 10, 1865. He ra. 7 June, 1866, by Rev. Mr, Lacount, Clara L. Chandler; she b. Portsmouth, N. H,, about 1849, dau. of John and Mahala (Rae) Chandler. He was drowned at the Georges, Feb,, 1879, She m. second, 30 Oct,, 1882, Horace F,, son of Williara and Martha (Hodgkins) WUson. Lane children : I, Reuben', b, 30 Nov,, 1869, 2. Abby W.' \^ . , , , o 3, Geor>>eB.' [ 'wins, b. 10 July, 1872, 4. Abby', A. 26 Aug,, 1876, se, 4 ras,, i dy. 97. CYRUS LANE" (Zacheus', Caleb*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1812-1889, was b. at Bay View, Gloucester, Mass., 8 June, 1812, raariner, m. SARAH ROWE, and d. 22 Nov., 1889, ae. 77 yrs., 5 ms,, 14 ds. Buried at Bay View. Children : I. James H.', b. i8 Aug., 1835, mariner, m, 24 Apr,, 1864, by Rev, James M, Bacon of Essex, Mass,, Lucy J, Parsons ; she b, Rockport, Mass., about 1840, dau, of Tiraothy and Lucy Parsons. He d. 2 Jan., 1889, se. 53 yrs., 4 ms., 14 ds. Buried at Bay View. II. Sarah Frances', d. i Apr,, 1853, se, 15 years. Ill, Cyrus, Jr.', b. 11 Sept., 1839, 't^- S June, i860, by Rev, S, E. Pierce, Lucy Roberts Sargent; she b, about 1841, dau, of Andrew and Lucy Sargent He d. Annisquara, 19 Nov., i860, se, 21 yrs., 2 ms., 8 ds. Son : Family Ninety-Eight. 30;") I, Cyrus E.', b. about 1861, stonecutter, ra. 17 Feb., 1887, by Rev. Charles M. Hall, A/artha L. Thurston, dau. of James and Martha P. (tlood) Thurston, i) Daughter', b, 3 Sept,, 1893, IV. Abram 0,', b, 28 July, 1843, mason, m, 30 Mar,, 1867, by Rev. Lewis Holmes, Emily Daggett of Gloucester; she b. about 1850, dau, of WUUam and Judith Daggett. They Uved at Annisquara, Gloucester, where he d. a widower, 15 JtUy, 1882, se. 39 yrs., 3 ras., 17 ds. Children: I, Alberta', b, 7 July, 1868, .!., Emma F,', b, 5 Sept,, 1870, V. Elizabeth A.', b. 25 Oct, 1845, VI. George Willi.^m', b, 12 Mar., 1849, m. by Rev. A, M. Osgood, Fanny Boynton ; she b. about 1854, dau, of Abraham and Hannah J, Boynton of Gloucester. I. Daughter', b, 14 July, 1886, VII. Charles J.', b. about 1854, stonecutter, m. 25 Aug., 1874, by Rev. William Hooper, Ellen D. Forbes ; she b. Liverpool, N. S., about 1855, dau. of James and Eliza (Dexter) Forbes. Their children : 1, Charles W,', b. 4 Mar,, 1875, 2, Cyrus C, b. 9 Dec, 1877, 3. Cyrus C, b. 9 Feb., 1879, A. 5 Apr., 1880, ae. i yr., 3 ms., 26 ds, 4, Cyrus', b, 30 Nov,, 1880, 5, Charles', b. 4 Dec, 1881. 6, Harry F.', b, 7 Nov,, 1884, d, 24 Feb., 1885, 98. NATHANIEL, LANE" (Nathaniel', Solomon*, Joseph-'', John*, James'), b. 1802, was a stone raason, lived at Pigeon Cove, Rock port, Mass,, lii. 20 Dec, 1830, ESTHER SARGENT, and d. of consumption, 14 Dec, 1846, se, 44 years. She d. his widow, 3 June, 1886, se, 76 yrs,, 2 ms., 22 ds., dau. of Samuel and Esther Sargent of Gloucester, Mass. Children : I. Nathaniel', b. 12 Nov., 1831, teamster, ra. 31 Dec, 1865, by Rev. Thomas Morong, Hannah Wheeler ; she b. Gloucester, 30fi James Lane and Descendants. Mass., about 1836, and d. 4 Jan., 1883, ae. 47 yrs., i mo,, 28 ds,, dau, of James and Hannah Wheeler. ChUdren : I, Laura G.', b. II June, 1870, m. 15 Feb,, 1892, by Rev. Frederick Pember, Ralph F. Dodge ; he fisherman, b, Beverly, Mass., about 1865, son of Charles F. and Helen (Moore) Dodge, 2, Oscar 5.', b. about 1871, clerk, ra, 18 Dec, 1896, by Rev, Oscar F, Safford, Louise Bond; she b, Rockport, about 1872, dau, of Frank and Clara (Bernard) Bond, II. John Horace', b. 31 Aug., 1833, unra., d. 7 May, 1877, se. 43 yrs., II ms., 7 ds. III. Laura A.', b. 26 Aug., 1835, m, 19 Sept., 1855, recorded II Feb., 1856, by Rev. N. Gunnison, Sylvester Gray of Rock port; he b. New York about 1828, son of Samuel and Lydia Gray. IV. Esther', b. 23 Mar., 1839. V. Sargent', b. 21 May, 1841. VI. Mary', b. 30 Aug., 1843. VII. Susanna', b. about 1844, m. 20 Jan., 1869, by Rev. Thomas Morong, Oscar Andrews; he b. Gloucester, about 1844, son of Joseph and Hepsibah Andrews. VIII. Child', b. 17 Oct, 1846, d. 26 Dec, 1846. 99. WENTWORTH RIGGS LANE" (Nathaniel', Solomon*, Jos eph', John*, James'), was b. in New Gloucester, Me., 20 Nov., 1807. He learned the blacksmith's trade with Mr. Burns of New Gloucester, and in 1826 opened his shop near tbe viUage of Ray raond, Me. He soon bought a farra which he carried on in con nection with his blacksmithing business. He m. 21 Nov., 1833, LAVINA JORDAN, the widow of Elias Jordan ; she b. Raymond, Me., 30 Sept., 1804, the eldest of ten children, and ra. first, 14 Sept., 1826. Mr. Jordan d. 10 Feb., 1828, leaving son. Freeman Jordan, b. 6 Feb., 1827. Mr. Lane was town clerk for a quarter of a century and postmaster at East Rayraond for thirty years, besides holding other offices. He d. 2 Feb., 1866, and Mrs. Lane d. 29 Oct, 1857. Family One Hundred. 307 ChUdren : I. Cyrus', b. 15 Sept, 1834, d. 25 July, 1888. II. Mary Jane', b. 11 Nov., 1835, ra. J. R. Adams. III. Henry J.', b. 23 May, 1837, enjoyed the advantages of a good public school education. When fourteen years old he became clerk in a store where he continued for ten years. He entered business with his brother, Orrin B., at Casco, Me., i860, and at East Raymond, 1863. The firra created and has continued a good mercantUe business. He held the offices of postmaster, town treasurer and selectman for nearly a third of a century, and was representative to the Maine Legislature in 1883. He is a member of Windham Lodge of A. F. and A. Masons. Mr. Lane m. in Casco, Me., 28 Mar., 1861, by Rev. E. S. Jordan, Maria L. Hay den. Daughter : I. Clara B,', b. 16 June, 1862, m. C, K, Richards of Falmouth, Me, IV. Orrin B.', b. 24 Aug., 1838, received a good practical common school education. He began to work in a store when twelve years of age, entered into partnership with his brother, Henry J., in i860, and has continued in the business at East Raymond, Me. Town clerk, 35 years, representative to the Maine Legislature, 1871 and 1874. Member of Siloam Lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Gray, Me., and of the Sons of Temperance. He never married. — Biographical Review, Cumb. Co., Maine. V. Chester D.', b. 18 Mar., 1840, ra. Rebecca E, Manches ter, and resided at Cumberland Mills, Me. VI. Clara J,', b. 8 Apr,, 1842, d, 25 Oct, 1857. VII. Harriet E.', b. 27 Mar., 1844, d. 21 Mar., 1850. 100. LEWIS LANE" (Nathaniel', Solomon*, Joseph-'', John*, James'), 1812-1869, b. New Gloucester, Me., March, 1812, housewright, m. SALLY T. POOLE, res. Rockport, Mass,, where she d. 29 Dec, 1855, se, 41 years. He was kiUed on the raUroad at Law rence, Mass., 3 Dec, 1869, se. 57 yrs.. 9 ms. 308 James Lane and Descendan'is, Children : I. Lewis', b. 13 Apr,, 1836, d, 18 Dec, 1843, se. 7 yrs., 8 ms., 5 ds. II. Sally', b. 28 July, 1838. III. Elizabeth', b. 14 July, 1840, d. 13 June, 1842, se. 2 years. IV. Elizabeth', b. 4 Sept., 1842. V. Emma', b. 24 Nov., 1844, unra., drowned 17 May, 1872, se. 27 yrs., 5 ms. VI. Ada', b. 26 Aug., 1846, d. 30 Apr., 1847, se. 8 raonths. VII. Ada', b. 29 Mar., 1848, d. 28 Sept., 1849, se. i yr., 7 ras. VIII. Lewis Pool', b. 15 Feb., 1850, d. 20 Jan., 1851, x.. 11 ms., 5 ds. , IX. Son', b. 5 Jan., 1853, d. 20 July, 1853, se. 5 months. X. Lewis E.', b. 1855, mariner, res. Gloucester, pub. 27 Jan., m. 28 Jan., 1877, by Rev. S. B. Andrews, Eva A. Smith of Glou cester; she b. Rockport, 1862, adopted dau. of EUjah and Helen M. (Blaisdell) Smith. Their children : I. Lui^, b. 8 Aug., 1885. :i. Guy Smitl^, b, Rockport, 13 Jan,, 1888. 3, Carl Elijah' , b, 13 Feb., 1890. 101. WILLIAM LANE" (WUUam', Solomon*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'), b. Rockport, Mass., 12 Oct, 1812, carpenter at Rock port, had first wife, SALLY, who died 2 Sept., 1849, se, 34 years, neariy. He m, second, by Rev. W. C, Clark, RHODA ELWELL ; she b. Rockport, Mass., about 181 7; dau. of David and Martha Elwell. Children born in Rockport : I. William Henry', b. 19 Oct, 1837, d. 29 May, 1839. II. William Henry', b. 19 Oct, 1839, carpenter, ra. 18 Mar., 1866, by Rev. C. H. Leonard, Esther Elwell; she b. Rockport, about 1839, dau. of David and Esther Elwell. Their children : I. Eva /lorence', A. 8 May, 1871, se. 3 yrs., 9 ms., 8 ds. Family One Hundred Two. 309 2, Eva G.', b, Salem, about 1873, ™- ''' Ji-ine> 1892, by Rev, Edward E. Small, William L. A/orrison, carpenter, b, St, John, N, B., about 1868, son of John and Sarah Morrison, III. John Albert', b. 16 Jan., 1842. IV, Frederick', b, 13 Feb., 1845. V. Eva', b. 9 May, 1849, d. 26 Apr., 1850, se. i year. 102. ALBERT LANE" (William', Solomon*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1816-1860, was b. Rockport, Mass., 26 Oct, i8i6; carpenter and machinist of Rockport; m. first, 1839, RHODA W. BUT MAN; she b. Rockport, 22 May, 1817, and d. 10 Sept., 1846, se. 30 yrs., 4 ms., 1 2 ds., dau. of John and Maria Butman. He m. second, 4 June, 1848, by Rev. W. Gale, MARTHA H. BUT MAN, sister of Rhoda W, Butman, b. about 1824, and d, his widow, 26 July, 1884, se,.6o years. He d, 19 Dec, i860, ae. 47 yrs., I mo., 23 ds. ChUdren : I. M, Isadore', b, about 1843, m, i Apr., 1866, by Rev. L. S. Watts, Timothy Augustus Jacobs; he b. Wells, .Me.,, about 1842, son of Timothy and Dolly R. Jacobs. He joined tbe First Con gregational Church of Rockport, on profession of faith, July 7, 1861. II. Albert W.', b. about 1844, commercial traveling salesman; m. by Rev. James W. Cooper, Jennie C. Preston ; she b. Rock port, about 1848, and d. 16 Mar,, 1877; dau, of John and Mary A. Preston. He m, second, Eliza Winsor of Providence, R. I. Albert W. Lane joined the First Congregational Church of Rock port, on profession of faith. Mar. 7, 1869. His wife, Mrs. Jennie C. Lane, joined on profession, July 2, 1866. ChUdren : I. Preston Waldo', b, 15 Dec, 1876, d. 18 Feb., 1877, se, 2 ms., 2 ds. By second marriage : 2. Son', b. 24 Jan., 1883, d. same day. 3, Child^, stillborn, 4 Dec, 1885. 4. Amy Whitman^, b. 9 May, 1891, III, Alberta H,', d. 19 Aug., 1874, se. 20 yrs., 3 ras. 310 James Lane and Descendants. 103. Capt. GIDEON LANE, 2d", (Gideon'-*, Joseph', John*, James',) 1791-1865, b. Annisquara, Mass., 31 Aug., 1790, a suc cessful ship builder and master, lived in Boston, Annisquam and Chelsea, Mass. A party of ladies on board the sloop "Hebe" were very much alarmed when the wind arose in Annisquam River. Capt. Lane's mother was on board and tried to calm their fears by telling thera that as long as Gideon was at the helm, there was no danger. This confidence in the seamanship of her son became a standing joke upon the lady for a long time. Capt. Lane m. first, 30 Jan., 1817, DORCAS, dau. of WUUam BABSON, who was b. 14 Aug., 1793, and d. 16 Oct, 1817. " Blest be thy rest, fair dweller of the sky, Belov'd thou liv'd, lamented thou didst die; Thy heart was goodness and thy soul was truth, Now blooms in heaven with an immortal youth; Soon we shall meet thee on that blissful shore. Of peace and joy, to part again no more," — Old Parish Burying Ground, Annisquam, He m. second, 1821, ELIZA HARPER PEABODY of Bucks- port, Me,, dau. of Asa and EUzabeth Harper Peabody. Capt. Lane was allowed a claim against his father's estate, Jan. 17, 1826, and the same year came from Boston to Gloucester Harbor, in the fishing schooner "Patriot," and to Annisquam in a wagon. He settled permanently at Annisquam, in 1827, and the "Patriot" landed his furniture at the wharf below his house. The post office was first located at the head of Lobster cove, near the church on the corner, where Mrs. Maria Lane had her flower garden in 1889. Annisquam was then the most flourishing part of Gloucester. "Vessels of good reputation were then built at '.Squam. Capt. Lane caught the building mania, and in 1828 he launched a schooner of 90 tons, called the "St. Thoraas," of which Capt. David Lane took charge. In 1831, he launched the ship "Gloucester," of 348 tons, of which Capt. Oliver Griffin Lane took the command. This vessel was wrecked near Sydney, Cape Breton, about 1843. About 1831-33, there was a large fleet of vessels fitting out and mostly owned here. Capt. Lane reported that at one time there were in the harbor 65 fishing vessels of different kinds, 6 coasters and 2 or 3 vessels that went trading "Down East." The mill dam across Goose creek was built in 1834. Capt. Lane and William Hodgkins were owners in the saw and grain raill erected there. The property is owned by grandsons of Mr. Hodgkins, in Family One Hundred Three. 311 1898. The chief cause of the decline in the shipping interests of Annisquara was the money panic of 1837, when President Jackson vetoed the re-chartering of the U. S. Banks. — George Edward Lane, Capt. Lane was selectman of Gloucester, 1830, '31, '32, '52, '53, and representative, 1833 and 1834. He d. at Chelsea, Mass., 13 Aug., 1865, ae. 73 yrs., 11 ms. His widow d. 15 May, 1875, se. 72 yrs., 10 ms., 25 ds. They were buried at Annisquam. Children : I. Infant Son', b. and d. 15 Oct., 181 7. 147. II. George Edward', b. 19 Feb., 1822, m. Mary Ann Everett and Sophronia E. Lane. III. Dorcas Babson', b. Feb., 1824, d. 13 Dec, 1824, as. 10 months. IV. Gideon Oscar', b. 16 Nov,, 1826, d. Chelsea, Mass,, unm., 6 July, 1869, ae, 42 yrs,, 7 ras,, 20 ds. Buried at Annisquara, Capt, Gideon Oscar Lane's first voyage as master was in the barque " Arc tic," From 1859 to 1862, he sailed in the ship "Martha," From 1862 to 1864, he commanded the ship "Templar," of Boston, In 1865, he became master of the barque "Behring," in which he raade his last voyage. Capt. Lane was an honorable representative of American shipmasters, intelligent, prompt, enterprising and faithful to his trust, having the entire confidence of his "owners," and winning the esteem of all with whom he dealt. He was an example of that high-mindedness, patience and moral heroism which always secures the safest results in business and the favor of all true men. More than all, he exemplified the truth that, araid the severer duties of life and the stern tasks of the sea, the gentler virtues that win the home and cheer social existence, need not be clouded, but may grow brighter by the wear of tirae and the hazards of an exposed life, Capt, Lane made the entire circuit of the globe twenty-five tiraes, crossed the equator sixty times, and in all his voyages sailed 630,000 statute miles. V. Dorcas Babson', ,b. Aug., 1828, d. 13 Oct., 1828, se. 2 ms. VI. Bertha Ada', b. 13 Sept., 1829, m. J. S. Brown, and d. 1891. Children: I, Oscar, 2. Dora. VII. Ernest', b. 2 Oct., 1831, master-mariner, d. Chelsea, Mass,, 23 Feb., 1886, se. 54 yrs., 4 mos. , Capt. Lane's death was "attributed to blood poisoning created by the gases arising from a cargo of nitrate of soda. This gas has 312 James Lane and Descendants, been pronounced to be of a very poisonous nature and one for which no antidote is known. Some raeans should be found to pre vent the d ,iger arising from this service." VIF .edora', b. 17 Nov., T833. IX. Dorcas B.', b. 10 Jan., 1836. X. Elizabeth', b. 16 Feb., 1838, ra. Ch.arles A. Noyes of Gloucester; he b. 1832, d. 1891. XI. Edith Harper', b. Nov., 1839. XII. William Harper', b. i Nov., 1842, mariner; d. Sidney, Australia, 25 July, 1863, se. 21 yrs,, 9 ms, — Tombstone, Mount Adnah, Annisquam. XIII. Arthur', b. 9 Feb., 1844. 104. OLIVER GRIFFIN LANE", (Gideon'-*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1798-1867, b. 25 Nov., 1798, named after his grand father, Oliver Griffin ; a sea captain of Annisquara, Mass. He entered upon ship building with his brother, Capt. Gideon Lane, and Williara Hodgkins, by whora many vessels were fitted out for mackerel fishing at Goose and Lobster coves, but soon foUowed an active sea-faring Ufe. In 183 1, he took command of the ship "Gloucester," 348 tons burden, and sailed to New Orleans, where he took on board a cargo of cotton for Havre, France. This ves sel was wrecked near Sidney, Cape Breton, about 1843. The church in Annisquam was reorganized in the Universalist faith in 181 1, and the meeting house was rebuilt in 1813. The pews were prized and per sons bid for a choice. Oliver G. Lane paid $100 for first choice, and selected an undesirable corner pew on the right of the pulpit. Samuel Lane bid for second choice, and selected the pew in the opposite corner. Gideon Lane bid for third choice and still selected an undesirable pew. Capt Oliver G. Lane ra. 10 Dec, 1822, CHARLOTTE PHIP PEN' of Salera, Mass., and d. 17 Jan., 1867, ae. 68 yrs., 11 ms., 23 ds. Monument at Oak Grove cemetery. Mrs. Lane, b. Bev- eriy, Mass., 13 Aug., 1800, d. 21 Sept., 1886, se. 86 yrs., i rao., 8 ds. Family One Hundred Four. 313 She was descended from Nathaniel", who m. 4 Sept., 1786, Anna, dau. of Benjamin and Annie (Pickett); Joseph', m. 3 Oct., 1764, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Bartlett) Sibley; Nathanief, m. 14 Oct., 1734, Seeth Hardy; Nathaniel^, m. 29 June, 1 716, Margaret Palfrey; Samuel^, m. ist 12 mo., 1676, Rachel Guppy; Joseph', m. Dorcas of Falmouth, Me. Mrs. Charlotte (Phippen) Lane belonged to one of the staid families peculiar to ancient Salem. She accompanied her husband on several voyages, sailing to Europe, South America, and around Cape Horn to California, She was closely identified with the Universalist church at Annisquara, and when the Sunday School was organized she was among its earliest teachers. She possessed a very remarkable raemory, which she retained to the last, and would give facts and recall dates when' others were in doubt, "A kind friend and neighbor, of generous heart and worthy motives." Children : I, Oliver Griffin, Jr.', b. Salem, Mass., 31 Oct., 1823, raari ner, m, 7 -May, 1848, by Rev. A. D. Mayo, Nancy, dau. of Wil liara and Clara Pearce of Gloucester, who d. in New York, 7 Mar., 1852, se. 28 yrs. He d. at Annisquam, 25 June, 1872, se. 48 yrs., 8 ms. Bmied at Oak Grove cemetery. Their children : 1. Helen', b. 14 Aug., 1849, lived with her aunt, Charlotte A. Lane. 2. Son', b. and d. at sea, Mar., 1852. II. Charles Augustus', b. 8 Feb., 1827, mariner, mate of bark "C. L. Taylor," d. in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, S. A., 30 June, 1869, se. 43 years. He m, 29 Mar., 1856, by Rev. N. Gunnison, Sophronia E. Pulcifer; she b, 1831, dau, of Thomas L, and Sophronia E. (Fellows) Pulcifer. She m. second, 28 Dec, 1875, ^ cousin of her first husband, George Edward Lane', (Gideon"-'-*, Joseph', John*, James'), Son of Charles Augustus and Sophronia E, Lane : I. WiUiam F.', b, 29 Sept., 1858, m. 14 May, 1884, Lilletta Blake of Lowell, Mass., and had: l) Charles Augustus", b, 11 May, 1885, d, 30 Nov., 1889. 2) Oliver Fel lows^, b, 10 Sept,, 1893, 3) Gertrude Day", b. 13 June, 1894. 148. III. Frederick Foome', b. 25 Sept., 1829, had wife Nellie . IV. Clifford', b. 10 Jan., 1832, d. 26 Mar., 1832, se. 2 months. V. Charlotte Augusta', b. 20 Feb., 1833, attended the acad emy at Lunenburg, Mass., and remerabers the Misses Lane resid- 314 James Lane and Descendants. ing there. She has done much to recover the genealogy of the Lane family. annisquam. Birthday Surprise Party. — Tuesday evening, Feb. 20, 1883, being the fiftieth anniversary of the birthday of Miss C. A. Lane, some of her friends arranged a surprise party, and about one hundred guests, including young and old, assembled at her home to do honor to the occasion. About 8 o'clock quite a delegation arrived from the city proper, helping to fill the spacious rooms, and many and earnest were the greetings given Miss Lane from friends and relatives who know and appreciate her raany excellent traits of character. Beautiful flowers lent an added charm to the scene, and some admirable songs frora Mr. H. H. Bennett were warmly applauded. Sorae of the elder ones joined in dancing the "Virginia Reel, while Miss Helen Lane played the piano, and Miss Lane led off the figure; those looking on said it was perforraed well. Refreshraents were served at 10 o'clock, after which an original poem written for the occasion by Mr. Geo. F. Griffin, was read, as follows: — Fifty long years have passed away. And life's meridian sun Shines brightly on thy path to-day, While still thou seemest young. Thy natal month in robes of white Is embleraatic of thy life; 'Neath snowy mantle hid from sight Lie germs with richest beauty rife. And in thy heart are garnered treasures Which twine around thy dear old home. Blessing the loved ones there with pleasures. Forgetting not dear ones who roam. Like the green ivy softly twining Through ruins desolate and gray. Thou would'st o'er all who are repining Spread the fair garb of charity. In the blue azure skies above Bright stars of Hope and Faith e'er shine. And in the generous heart true love Cannot grow old, but lives through time. The sun and shade of fifty years. Have fallen on thy peaceful brow. With times of sunshine, smiles and tears — We would not trace them now. F.4.MILY One Hundred Four. 315 For dear friends gathered, in the light Of this your festal day. Would banish every care from sight And make the winter seem like May. We may not shield thine onward path Frora storms about thee driven; But for the darkest days life hath, We pray that strength be given, What'er the future years contain. Wherever we may be. We ever dear shall hold thy name. And e'er remember thee. And raay the memories of this day, Cluster around thine heart; And pleasant recollections stay With us, and ne'er depart. The company dispersed at I2 o'clock, all agreeing it had been a very pleas ant occasion. Mrs. J. A. Cunningham, a sister of Miss Lane, was present and in her kindly manner did much to make every one happy. — Cape Ann Adver tiser. WUUam F. Lane, Mrs, A. Maria Lane and Miss Charlotte A. Lane were appointed, Aug. i, 1891, on a committee of repairs on the old meeting house in Annisquam. The communion table was given by Mrs. A, Maria Lane, the coUection pouches, by Mrs. WiUiam F. Lane, the pulpit lamps by Miss JuUa Lane and committee on fair. The re- dedication took place June 9, 1892. Miss Bertha A. Lane was alto singer. Miss Charlotte A. Lane wrote the Historical Sketch of the Parish, which was read by WiUiara F. Lane. The original church covenant had been signed 164 years previous [1728], by II members, aU males, araong whora were Samuel Lane, John Lane and James Lane. Samuel Lane, Esq., was the first superintendent of the Sunday School. The Historical Sketch closed with the following original poera : — "O, church of our fathers, God bless you to-night. Thou symbol divine of truth and the right; May each father's son, in succession's long line. Keep guard o'er thy presence till the exit of time. 316 James Lane and Descendants, O, church of our mothers, may your spirit increase. Till all of their children shall find release From sin and from sorrows that checquer life's way. Growing purer and fairer unto life's perfect day, O, God of all churches, in Thy infinite care, O, keep and protect us, and each soul prepare For the higher life which the angels have known, And to meet all the loved ones in thy kingdom, 'called home.' " VI. Ann Eliza', b, 6 Sept,, 1835, m. 12 June, 1856, by Rev. Nathaniel Gunnison, James A. Cunningham, son of Nathaniel F, .and Martha (Putnam) Cunningham of Lunenburg, Mass. He was b, Boston, Mass., 27 Nov., 1830, studied in the public schools of the city and at Fraraingham academy. At raarriage he settled on his father's estate in Lunenburg, but soon after removed to Annis quam and ran the stage line from Annisquam to Gloucester. In the Civil War he recruited Co, D, 32d Regiraent of Massachusetts Volunteers, of which he was coraraissioned first lieutenant. He was promoted to captain in the spring of 1862, raajor, June 29, 1864 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel. Sept, 30, 1864 ; brevet colonel, April I, 1865 ; brevet brigadier general, Dec, 1866 ; adjutant gen eral till Jan. 14, 1879. He represented Gloucester in the Massa chusetts legislature, 1865 ; was a raeraber of several Masonic lodges and superintendent of the soldiers' home at Chelsea, Mass., Apr., 1882, untU his death. Gen. Cunningham died 17 July, 1892, s, 62 years. He said, "I am not going out into darkness, but where the raorning light is breaking." ChUdren : I,^ Charles Edward, b, 1857, m, A/arilla Grafton; was postmaster at Annisquam, and had : i) Jane Hutchins, b. 1891, d. 1892. 2) Nathaniel Carlton, b. and d. 1894. 2. Frederick Lane, b. 1858, m. 2 Nov., l886, A/ary Elizabeth Mellen, and had: 1) James MeUen, b. 18 Jan., 1888. 3. Anne Grafton, b. 29 Aug., 1870, m, 29 Apr,, 1895, Charles Burr A/oore, and had: i) Charlotte Lane, b, 10 Aug,, 1896. VII. Francis Gamaliel', b. 9 Feb,, 1840, d, 12 Mar., 1846, », 6 years. Family One Hundred Five. 317 105. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS LANE", (Gideon'-*, Joseph', John*, Jaraes'), 1811-1878, b. Annisquara, Mass., trader; ra, first, CLARISSA M. PEABODY, a sister of his brother Gideon's second wife, dau. of Asa and Elizabeth, (Harper) Peabody of Bucksport, Me,, who was b, 1809, and d. 2 Jan,, 1869, se, 59 yrs,, 7 ms,, 8 ds. He m, second, 21 Jan,, 1874, by Rev, WiUiara Hooper, ANNA M, McQUESTON; she b. Goffstown, N, H., 1833, dau, of Edward and Harriet (Colby) McQueston, Mr, Lane d. 1878. Monuraent in Mount Adnah cemetery, Annisquam, Children : I, GusT.AVus Adolphus', b. 29 May, 1835, master mariner, con tractor and merchant at Rockport, Mass,; ent, int of m, 17 Jan,, i860, and m, 19 Jan,, i860, by Rev. J. H. Farnsworth, Virginia J. Edmunds; she b. Rockport, about 1837, dau. of EUjah and Jane W. Edmunds, and d. 10 Apr,, 1869, se, 31 yrs., 11 ras,, 14 ds. He ra, second, 15 Dec, 1874, by Rev, Richard Eddy, Isa belle Babson ; she b, Gloucester, about 1848, dau. of Edward and Amanda (Stanwood) Babson of Gloucester, He d. a retired mariner, at Annisquam, 9 Nov., 1894, se, 59 yrs,, 5 ras,, 11 ds. OBITUARY. " Capt, Gustavus A, Lane died at his home on Granite Street, yesterday, [Nov. 8, 1894], after a long and trying illness. He belonged to an old Gloucester family, being a son of Capt, Gustavus and Clarissa Lane of Annis quam, where he was born and spent his early life. Coming from a faraily of sea captains, he entered upon a sea-faring career, and soon rose to the rank of captain, raaking raany foreign voyages, being for a while, however, in an inter val of his experience at sea, employed in the granite business at Pigeon Cove. He was a man of fine character and attractive qualities, and had the public sympathy in the serious illness which compelled his retirement from active ser vice in the prime of life."- — Gloucester Daily Transcript, Nov. g, i8g4. Children : I, George E.', A. 11 June, 1863, se, 2 ras., 18 ds. By second marriage : 2, Child', stillborn, 2;j Dec, 1876, II. Marcus Morton', b. 31 May, 1837, m, 23 May, 1870, at Hyde Park, Mass,, by Rev, I. C. Thacher, Rachel H, S'ieele, 318 James Lane and Descendants. dau. of James and Sarah (Day) Steele. Mr, Lane learned the carpenter's trade and worked at it several years. In 1863 he made a voyage as ship carpenter in the ship "Templar," Capt G. Oscar Lane, frora New York to Sidney, New South Wales, and frora thence to Calcutta and back to New York. At raarriage he took up his residence at Hyde Park, where he built a house and established, in Boston, a flourishing tool-sharpen ing business. In 1890, he returned to Gloucester, purchased a house on Centennial avenue, and estabUshed his business. He died very suddenly of apoplexy while walking on Webster street, near the square, Tuesday evening, 4 Apr., 1893, as. 55 yrs., 10 ms. " He was a raan of exceUent principles, industrious habits, thoroughly conscientious in aU his dealings, an upright citizen in all that pertains to good citizenship. He did his duty frora day to day, and was a devoted hlisband, a kind and affectionate brother, and one who, it may be said, has passed on to the higher life sin cerely mourned by those who knew his sterling worth and loved him for his many virtues." Mrs, Lane outUved her husband and d. 17 Jan,, 1897, se, 59 yrs,, 6 ms,, 13 ds, III. Ralph Irving', b. 4 Oct., 1839, master mariner, U. S. Navy, residence, Lexington, Mass. He m. i June, 1865, Ellen Bayley Saville; she b. 18 Nov., 1843, dau. of Ira and Mary (Bates) SaviUe. Capt Lane d. 12 May, 1869, of yellow fever, in command of schooner " W. D. Beckford," at Port au Prince, W. I., for a cargo of logwood. Monuraent at Mount Adnah, Annis quam. Mrs. Lane was a school teacher at Lexington for many years. Only child : I, Ralph Edgar', b, 6 Mar,, 1867, res. Lexington; business, Walworth Manufacturing Co., Bostpn; has the names of ships in which his fathers have sailed. He m. 22 Jan,, 1897, Vera Perrin, dau. of Rev, Dr. Perrin of Shaw mut avenue, Boston, IV. Howard B,', d. 18 July, 1842, se. 4 months. " I ara a little angel now; A diadem is on my brow." V. Clarissa M.', b. 1844, unm,, d. 23 Sept, 1896, fe, 51 yrs,, 9 ras,, 23 ds. Family One Hundred Six. 319 106. WILLIAM LANE", (John Babson', Gideon*, Joseph', John*, James',) 1802-1863, was b. in Freeport, Me., 14 Apr., 1802, m. 5 Sept., 1824, SOPHIA WIGGINS of Portland, Me.; she b. Parsonfield, Me., 22 Nov., 1801, dau. of Nathaniel and Jennie (Nealy) Wiggins. Mr. Lane lived in Portland, where he- d. 27 Apr., 1863. Mrs. Lane resided in 1872, at corner of WUmot and Oxford streets, Portland. Children born in Portland : I. William Henry', b. 8 June, 1825. He Uved in Portiand and Dunkirk, N. Y., where he was connected with the Erie rail road. He ra. 7 Dec, 1848, Julia Cox; she b. East Boston, Mass., 4 Sept., 1827, dau. of Warren and SaUy (Speed) Cox of Boston. Their children : I, Edwin Cox', b. Portland, 27 Sept., 1850, d, Dunkirk, 27 July, 1854, 2. Annie EUa', b, 27 July, 1852, d, 20 May, 1859, 3, Willie W.', b, Dunkirk, 17 Dec, 1853, 4, Horace', b, 14 Aug,, 1855, 5. Warren C, b, 25 Nov,, 1857, 6, Kit Carson', b. 29 1859. 7, Leander^, b. 14 Nov,, l86i, d, 19 July, 1865, at Meadville, Pa, II. Ann Maria', b. i8 1827, ra. New York, 8 Sept., 1855, Capt Moses Haven Sawyer; he b. Mystic, Conn,, 6 June, 1827, son of Capt, Jereraiah and Eraeline (KeUey) Sawyer. III. Mary Jane', b. 16 July, 1830. IV. Charles Babson', b. 16 Oct., 1832, master-builder, m. 24 May, 1855, Lydia Waterhouse; she b. Portland, 1832. He d. Portland, 9 Jan., 1870. Children born in Portiand: I. Alice Ella', b. 15 Jan., 1856, 2, Frank', b, Jan,, 1858, 3, Annie Sawyer', b, i860, 4, Florence May', b. 1862, 5, Cora Bell', b, 1864. 6. Willie', b, 1866, d, 1866, 7, Charles', b. 1870, d. 1870. V. Sophia Estelle', b. 21 Sept, 1837, m. 3 Sept, 1856, Wali'Er Fearing Goold, a grocer in Portiand, b, Eastport, Me,, 16 July, 1830, son of Franklin and Mary (Daverson) Goold of Campello, N. B. 320 James Lane and Descendants, VI. Caroline Augusta', b, 22 Mar,, 1839, d, Portiand, 1874, 111. Boston, 8 Oct., 1858, Charles Irving Trowbridge; he b, Portiand, 21 Apr,, 1837, son of EUsha Trowbridge. VII. Claudius Mortimer', b 12 ¦ 1842, a fancy and fresco painter, m. Dec, 1869, Emma E, Lowell, and res. Portiand. Child : 1, Carrie Augusta^, b, 9 June, 1871, VIII. Sarah Jennie', b. 2 Feb., 1846, res, 1872, at 78 Oxford street, Portland. 107. THOMAS BICKNELL LANE" (Peter', Gideon*, Joseph', John*, James'), 1800-1884, was b. Freeport, Me., 9 Mar., 1800. His cattle mark, June 18, 1823, was a half crop, the under side of the right ear, and two half pennies the under side the left ear. He was taxed in Freeport, for real and personal estate, May i, 1825, 1827. He leased during his life of Martha Lane, Mary Townsend and Experience Lane, Apr, 7, 1826, their right to 12 1-2 acres of land in Freeport, formerly belonging to the estate of Peter Lane. — Deeds 123 : 167 and 171 : 137, He conveyed to John A, Lane of Freeport, for ^1,00 and "love and affection," Nov. 20, 1865, "the southwest half of the land vi-hereon I now live, the whole containing 45 acres, also aU my buildings standing on the same, excepting the use of said land and buildings so long as I raay live, then to go to the said John A. Lane," — Cumb. Deeds, 33g : 117. Thomas B, Lane and Annie Dunham divided fence by mutual agreement. May 24, 1880. Thomas B. Lane was deacon of the FreewiU Baptist church, m. 21 Nov., 1822, LEAH LOW CURTIS; she b. 24 May, 1799, and d. 10 Sept, 1865, ae, 66 yrs,, 3 ms,, 16 ds. He d. 15 Oct, 1884, se. 84 yrs., 7 ms., 6 ds. Children : 149. I. Thomas Randall', b. 10 Oct, 1823, m, Marv Low Curtis, Family One Hundred Eight. 321 II. Sally C, b. i8 Jan,, 1827, entered intention of raarriage with WoR'THY Columbus Barrows of Portiand, Me,, 2 Nov,, 1861, certificate given, 11 Nov., 1861. They Uved in Portiand, where she d. 10 Sept, 1897, se, 70 yrs,, 7 ras,, 23 ds. Children: 1, George Lincoln, h. 1863, 2, Ada Lowe. 3, WiUiam Thomas, b, Aug., 1879. III. Martha J.', b. 2 Aug,, 1832, m, first, 15 July, i860, George Washington Toby of Freeport; he b. 12 Feb., 1840, d. 15 Oct, 1862, No chUdren, She ra, second, 22 Oct., 1874, by Rev. Asa F. Hutchenson, at New Gloucester, Me., Rev, Joseph Hutchenson, a FreewiU Baptist rainister of Gorham, Me, ; he b, 5 Apr., 181 1, and d. 25 Jan., 1889, se, 77 yrs., 9 ras,, 20 ds. IV. Peter', b. 7 Aug., 1835, at the Elras ; was soldier in the 1 2th Maine regiment, 38 months of the CivU War, mechanic and trader, lived in Lewiston, Me,, 1 2 years, was taxed in Freeport for real and personal estate, 1887, raoved to the Moses Soule place on Pleasant HiU, East Freeport, in 1896; entered intention of mar riage with Miss Emily Teague of Lewiston, 8 Sept,, 1871, ra, Olive K, Rollins, 1873, who d. Aug,, 1883. One child. 1, Percy R.', b. 1875. V. Arianna', b. 19 Oct., 1837, m. James Miller, and d. 5 Oct., 1863, se. 25 yrs., 11 ms., 16 ds. VI. John Ambrose', b. 15 May, 1840, soldier in the 25 th Maine Regiment of the CivU War, Uved in Chelsea, Mass., in business for Eastern Dredging Co., Boston ; was taxed in Freeport for real and personal estate, 1875, 1887; m. Jane D. West. Their children : I. Clarence Edgar", b. 24 June, 1870, clerk with J. A. Brewster, paints and oils, stoves and hardware, Freeport; ra. first, 10 June, 1896, Susie Mae Allen, who d, 10 June, 1897, Their son: i) Donald Curtis^, b, 14 May, 1897, d, in infancy. 2. Grace Lsabel', b. 25 Nov., 1876, 3, John Russell', b, 14 Feb,, 1881. 108. BENJAMIN LANE" (Benjamin'-*-', John*, Jaraes'), 1777- 1846, was born in Gloucester, Mass,, 14 Jan., 1777, Uved with his 322 James Lane and Descendants. parents in Poland, Me., and settied in Minot, Cumberland Co., Me,, where he moved onto the loo acre lot. No. 84, for which he paid Josiah Little of Newbury, Mass., ^525.00, May 16, 1815. — Deeds 71 : 423 and 103 : 211. He appears in other transfers of real estate, Sept. 14, 181 5, AprU 28, 1816, AprU 19, 1826, Feb. 21, 1828, Aug. 4, 1834, May II, 1838, May 9, 1845. — Cmnb. Co. Deeds. He m, 9 Aug,, 1798, HANNAH DOWNING, whose name ap pears with his in aU sales of real estate; she b. 20 Aug,, 1780, d. 18 Apr,, 1867, se. 87 years. He died at Auburn, Me., of a can cer, 4 Oct, 1846, se, 69 years. The deposition of Hannah Lane of Auburn, widow of Benjamin Lane, referring to land and store of her late husband in Minot was caUed for Aug, 11, 1847. — Deeds 202 : 2go-2g2. Children : 150. I. Palfrey', b. 30 Nov., 1798, m. Ann G. Sampson. 151. II. Jacob', b. 3 Apr., 1800, ra. Alice Merrow. III. Phebe', b. 21 Jan., 1802, m. 3 June, 182 1, Samuel Dowtn- ING, and d. 17 June, 1873, »• 71 years. Their children : 1. . :i. Richard, living in Auburn, Me., 1896. 152. IV. John Barnard', b. 17 Dec, 1803, m. Olive Hay ward. 153. V. Richard', b. 4 May, 1806, m. Hannah King. VI. Rebekah', b. 24 Dec, 1808, d. 22 Jan., 1810, ae. 13 months. VII. Sally D.', b. 30 May, 181 1, m. first, 7 Feb., 1832, Richard Downing ; m. second, 7 Sept, 1835, David B. Johnson of Whitefield, N. H., who d. in Aug., 1841 ; m. third, 1845, John H. Meserve. Children of David B. and SaUy D. Johnson : I, James S., A, in Libbey prison, Andersonville, Ga., during the Civil War. 2. Edward H., A. in Wareham, Mass., 23 Nov., 1895, 3, WiUiam Leroy, b, 7 Feb., 1841, m. and was banker in Buckley, Iro quois Co., 111., and living 1201 Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111., 1897, ChUd of John H. and Sally D. Meserve : 4, Barnard, living in Illinois 1897, VIII. Hannah', b, i July, 1813, d, 5 Feb,, 1821, se. 7 years. Family One Hundred Nine. 323 154. IX. Benjamin, Jr.', b. 9 Apr., 181 6, m. Lydia L. Cur rier. X. Nathan D.', b. 29 May, 1819, m. 29 Sept., 1841, Julia A. Rule, and had dau. : I. Olive' They Uved at one tirae in St. Louis, Mo., thence started for Cah fornia, and he d. on the way at Lexington, Mo., in 1853, ae. 33 yrs., 10 ms. The widow continued the journey, and ra. again, it is supposed, a Mr. Perry in Cahfornia. XI. Hannah P.', b. 7 Jan., 1823, d. 5 Mar., 1824, ae. 4 months. 109. ZENAS LANE" (Benjamin'-*-', John*, James'), 1875, re sided in Poland, Me., where he paid Nehemiah Lane J264 for 33 acres of land, Feb. 19, 1817, was party to transfer of real estate 21 times from 181 7 to 1839, and his estate was conveyed to Benjamin P. Butler and others, Oct. 5, 1842. — Deeds 84: 318, i7g : 174. He m. first, 2 Feb., 1820, JUDITH NORWOOD of Gloucester, Mass., and second, JANE SAWTELL. He d. 1875. Zenas Lane, Jr., jeweller, Mechanic FaUs, was appointed administrator on the estate. Sept, 1875 ; distribution ordered Dec, 1877. Children of Zenas and Judith (Norwood) Lane : I. Adelia'. II. Columbia'. III. Ellen.' IV. Judith', unm., living in Biddeford, 1892. V. Amanda', living in Biddeford, unra., 1892. VI. Albert', d., se. about 20 years. VII. Zenas', jeweUer, and town clerk Mechanic FaUs, Me., ra. Rowe of Poland, and had children. VIII. Asa Hanson', photographer, Waldoboro', Me., testified that the wiU of Benjarain Lane, his grandfather, was destroyed in 324 James Lane and Descendan'ts. the Portiand fire of July 4, 1866, and therefore he placed a verified copy of the will in the probate office, Aug. 30, 1875. — Cumberland Co. Probate Records No. 201. He was m. , and d. in Massachusetts, Jan., 1892. IX, Eustace', professor of music, Saco, Me. Had sons and daus, ; one son is a Unitarian minister. 110. ELIPHALET LANE" (EUphalet-', Benjarain*-', John*, James'), born in New Gloucester, Me,, and resided in Bethel and WeUs, Me. He m, first, BARBOUR ; m, second, POWERS. Children : 155. I. Jotham Sewall', b. Bethel, Me., 1805, m. three times, first, Susan Willis. II, Sylvanus', ra, , and had two sons, and d. about 1885. III. Asenath', m, Barrett Howard, Uved in Ogdensburg, N, v., and d. about 1885, By second wife : IV. Barbour', m, a sister of his brother, Jotbam SewaU Lane's third wife. V. Charles', Uved in or near Augusta, Me, VI. James', lived in or near Augusta, Me. 111. FREDERICK LANE" (Jonathan'-*, Benjarain', John*, James'), 1813-1892, was born in Gloucester. Mass,, 1813, raariner, ra, JUDITH STORY of Pigeon Cove, Rockport, Mass,, dau, of James and Sally (Woodbury) Story, He d. Gloucester, 7 Jan., 1892, ae, 78 yrs., 8 ms., 21 ds. Buried at Mount Adnah, Annisquara, Mass. F.VMILY One Hundred Twelve, 325 Children : I, Clara', b. 21 Oct, 1840, d, 21 Aug,, 1842, II, Clariss.^', b, 3 1 Dec, 1845, d, 3 Aug., i860, se. 14 yrs., 7 ras., 13 ds. Ill, Frederick W,', b, 25 Aug,, 1849, a painter, ra,, age 40, his first m,, I Jan., 1890, by Rev, Joel M. Leonard, Mary M. Burges ; she a dressmaker of Manchester, Mass,, age 40, her second m., dau, of Abel Harvey and Ruth (McMarsters) Harvey of BurUng- ton, N. S. IV. Orville', b, 3 June, 1851. 112. ALLEN LANE" (Jonathan'-*, Benjamin', John*, James'), 1819- 1878, was b. Gloucester, Mass,, in 1819, mariner, ra. 20 Jan., 1847, by Rev, Joseph A, Bartiett, his cousin, CHARLOTTE SAR GENT ; she b, LanesvUle, Mass,, in 1827, dau, of Samuel and Esther (Lane) Sargent. They lived at house 17 Chester square, Gloucester. He d. 17 Sept., 1878, s. 59 yrs., 10 ms., 26 ds, "At rest in heaven." She d, 23 Mar., 1896, se. 69 yrs., 11 ras., 23 ds. "He gives his beloved sleep." They were buried at Mount Adnah, Annisquam, Mass. Children : I. Allen', b. 4 Dec, 1847. II. Edward A,', b. about 1848, painter, lived at Manchester, Mass,, ra, first, 20 July, 1858, by Rev, Robert P, Rogers, Amanda Sargent; she b. Annisquam, Mass,, and d. Manchester, Mass., 13 Aug., 1883, EC. 35 yrs,, 10 ms,, 18 ds,, dau. of WUliara W, and EUzabeth B. (Dennis) Sargent. "When we lay aside life's armor And our trials are all o'er, She will be the first to greet us On the better, brighter shore." — Tombstone, A/ount Adnah, Annisquam. 326 James Lane and Descendants. Mr. Lane had second wife. Bertha Ada . ChUdren : I, Son', stillborn, 28 Nov,, 1868, 2, Grace G.', b, 23 Sept,, 1871, 3, Percy'. 4, Henry Phillips, A. 1 Sept,, 1881, se, I yr,, 4 ms., 18 ds. By second raarriage : 5, Amanda'. III. Charles O.', b, 7 Oct, 1852, d. 16 Sept, 1853, se. 10 ms. IV, Bertha A.', b. 11 Apr,, 1856, principal of Bradstreet school, Gloucester, Mass. 113. JOHN LANE" (Abner', Hezekiah*, Benjamin', John*, James'), when a boy lived with a woman by the narae of Geers. He was a lumberman, m. RACHEL TYLER, and settled in Wayne Co., Penn., on the Delaware river. Their post office address was Haw kins Creek. Their eight chUdren were : I. William', died in the Civil War, i86i-i865,his son, Marion^, living at Long Eddy, SuUivan Co., N. Y., in 1894. II. Abraham', b, 182 1, m. Sarah Darling, and moved to Iowa. She was living,, his widow, 1894, with their son : I, W. Darling', 811 University Place, Evanston, 111, III. Sarah', m. William Broad. IV. Abbie', ra. William Frye, V. Mary', m, Inman. ' VI. Esther', m. Mike Wesler. VII. Elizabeth', ra, David Biggs. VIII, Maria' m. Dodge Adams. 114. Hon. ebenezer LANE" (Ebenezer'-*, Job', John*, James'), was born at New Gloucester, Me., in 1793. He said, " Poverty is Family One Hundred Fourteen. 327 a good thing to begin the world with, and if rjghtiy improved we can learn something useful from it that we never would learn if born rich." Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, of New Gloucester, wheelwright, paid his uncle. Job Lane of Pejepscott, $200, with a mortgage for $250, Sept,, 22, 1814, for 30 acres of land with buildings in New Gloucester, it being the northeasterly half of lot No, 20, in the proprietors' second division. The mortgage excepted the right of dower to Peggy Lane, widow of Ebenezer Lane, Jr,, deceased. This was the purchase by Mr, Lane the year he became of age, of a part of the original lot on which his grandfather Lane had settled raore than half a century before, thus securing a horae for his widowed raother. He became a prosper ous merchant in New Orleans, La., and in Oxford, Ohio, Lane Theological Seminary was chartered and a preparatory school opened in 1829, Its organization was a part of a general scheme for the higher education of the Mississippi valley. The Keraper family donated lands which have proved of great value. The seminary possesses attractive buildings and grounds at Walnut Hills, a suburb of Cincinnati. Ebenezer and Andrew Lane gave $4,000.00 and the name to the institution. A theological department was added in 1832, and it becarae the first school of theology in Ohio, Dr, Lyman Beecher left his ministry in Boston to become its president and senior theologi cal professor. But the anti-slavery movement in 1834 brought an unexpected change to affairs in the seminary. The board of trustees requested the discontinuance of the local colonization and anti-slavery societies in the institution, and also the cessation of all discussion of the subject of slavery. This the pupils refused to do. They said, "The ground of our secession frora the seminary is that free discussion and correspondent action have been prohibited by law," — Signed by J I persons, Dec. 13, 1834. A large majority of the students withdrew to Oberlin Collegiate Institute, which was opened in 1833 and chartered in 1834. The students were accom panied by Rev. Asa Mahan, the trustee who openly espoused their cause, and by John Morgan, an instructor in the seminary. Mahan was chosen president at Oberlin in 1835. Morgan was appointed professor of mathematics there, and the same year Rev, Charles G, Finney was called frora New York to the chair of theology, Mr, Lane wrote of the seminary to Rev, James P, Lane, under date of Oct. 24, 1869: " The plan of founding that institution originated with myself. My brother, Andrew Lane, joined me in a donation to it. It has able professors and a good library, and I trust has done good. But it has not raet my expectations. The object of its establishment was to prepare indigent young men for the gospel ministry; and the manual labor system was to be made a prominent feature of the institution, by which young men could preserve their health and meet all 32.S James Lane and Descendants, or nearly all their necessary expenses. But the manual labor department was badly managed and was abolished. About this time the slavery question caused much excitement and resulted in one of the best professors and about sixty students leaving the institution and going to Oberlin, This was a heavy blow to Lane Seminary, but was a great means of building up Oberlin, which is now the largest and I think the best institution in the state, I still have the strongest confidence in manual labor schools when well managed. But we all know nothing prospers badly managed, I believe in educating the sexes to gether, and the manual labor system made more prominent than it ever has been in any institution. Twelve hours in the twenty-four should be equally divided between study and labor. The health and expenses of the student require six hours labor per day; and six hours devoted to mental culture will enable a young man of fair talents to get a good education, — one who cannot get it in this time is not worth educating. There are many young men and woraen in the country who could obtain a liberal education by their own daily labor, if suitable institutions were established. It is the poor we should assist in rising in the world; the rich can take care of themselves, I have a good farra here of 107 acres, and a house 38x76 feet, sufficiently large for the beginning of a manual labor school, and would use it for this purpose if I could get a suitable person to join me in establishing a school of this kind." The remarkable career of Hon. Ebenezer Lane has given rise to several attempts to tell his story in the form of fiction. One account of his life was written by John Babson Lane Soule, and pub lished in J. Friedman & Co.'s Monthly Gazette, Lewiston, Me., for February, 1874, The sketch is entitled " From Thistle Patch to Cincinnati," It pur ports to give the life of one Robert Lane, who came at length to establish the Lane Theological Seminary, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Ragged Bob, the village vagabond, 16 or 17 years of age, is noticed, lectured, advised and encouraged by lawyer Samuel Fessenden. " And now, Robert," said the Esquire, as the boy was leaving his door, "the ne)^t time I hear from you, let me hear sorae thing good. Above all things get out of Thistle Patch." Bob runs away, gets a job, studies, takes a school, succeeds, marries one of his pupils, goes to New Orleans, becomes a prosperous merchant, returns wealthy at Cincinnati, and endows the seminary. Another narrative is the raore ambitious romance published among " The Teraperance Tales," by Lucius Manlius Sargent, and entitled "Kitty Grafton." The scene is laid in Heathermead End, and Parson More tells the story. The beautiful and accoraplished Christiana Jansen, only child of respected and wealthy parents, weds and brings home Ethan Grafton, a thrifty farmer's son, Happy, prosperous years go swiftly by. Sons and daughters bless the home. The godly grandparents die, leaving ample estates and a reputable standing to the family. But farmer Grafton's orchard and his cider, good as wine, proves ultiraately his ruin, morally and financially. At length thrift, comfort and happiness forsake the household, and years of sheer misery and domestic war- Family One Hundred Four'teen. 329 fare ensue. In the midst of it all, while still a young man, the prodigal hus band falls from his horse and breaks his neck. He is buried from the poor house, followed to a pauper's grave by his eldest son Elkanah as chief and only mourner. The once brilliant belle of Heathermead End is left a widow, crazed and broken hearted, and her children are left to a cottage of destitution, ignorance and misery, Ethan Grafton's cider was equal to wine, Elkanah Grafton is kept marvellously pure and helpful through all his child hood of degradation and wretchedness, the only stay of the family. Now nearly 17 years of age, he develops much good sense and wise forecast. He plans to leave home and seek his fortune. Kind friends and wise counsellers appear in Job Rawlins, the shoemaker, Ashur Mellen, the nearest farraer, and in Parson More and wife at the parsonage. One early raorning hour, Elky turned his back upon Heathermead End. His traveling outfit was superlatively simple. A sraall bundle, but containing his grandfather's pocket bible and swung over his shoulder on his grandfather's oaken staff, comprised his whole earthly possessions. More than six months elapse when, one day, to the great delight of parson age and shoe shop, the post brought a double letter from Elkanah. The lad was in New York city; had been porter in a store, had purchased a hand-cart, then a horse and dray, had learned to write and cipher and keep accounts; and the thankful youth had enclosed twenty dollars for his raother and the children. Letters and remittances followed every three or four months. By the end of fourteen months he had sold his horse and dray and was re ceived to the counting room of A. I. McFinnison & Co. The firm did an extensive business in the West, and at the end of two years their trusted clerk was at New Orleans and established in business on his own account. When five years had passed, Elkanah Grafton visits Heathermead with abundant means, benevolent purposes and established Christian integrity. His presence was a benediction to the entire hamlet. Mother's cottage, neighbors' shop and farm and parsonage all share in his benign ministrations, while the brothers and sisters are sent to school and college. Many years passed away, Elkanah still lived, opulent, respected and be loved — the benefactor of his fellow men. In a distant part of our country there is a fountain of learning and piety whose streams have gone forth to refresh and invigorate the world. The Christian student raingles with his thanksgiving to the Most High God, his grateful recollections of its patron — that wandering boy who, having no earthly father to corafort and guide him, became the child of God — a steward of the poor, a benefactor of mankind. Such was Elkanah Grafton, Hon, Ebenezer Lane m, in New Orleans, 1825, CELESTE HEARSEY, dau. of Edward Hearsey of Chariestown, Mass, She d. in April, 1866. Four children : I. Celeste', not married. 330 James Lane and Descendants. II. Edward Payson', d. May, 1869, leaving a widow and four children. III. John Howard', m. and resided in Memphis, Tenn,, and Oxford, Ohio. IV. Emily', m. a Methodist minister, who was at one time stationed at Oxford, Ohio. 115. ANDREW LANE, Jr," (Andrew'-*, Job', John*, Jaraes') b. Rockport, Mass., 14 Feb,, 1818, ent, int, of m, 5 Nov,, and was published 10 Nov,, 1839, with SUSAN S, SIMPSON; she d. 3 Oct., 1894, as, 74 yrs,, 4 ds,, dau, of Ivory and Mary (Young) Simpson of York, Me. He m. second, 26 Sept., 1895, by Rev. Israel Ainsworth, Mrs. HANNAH SIMPSON-DIXON of Somer- viUe, Mass.; she b. about 1832, dau. of Ivory and Mary (Young) Simpson of York, Me. Children : I. Andrew J.', b. 28 Dec, 1840, farraer of Rockport, m. 9 May, 1866, by Rev, W, C. High, Mary C. Hale; she b. Rock port, about 1842, dau. of Albert and Mary B. Hale. Their chUdren : 1. Andrew H.', b. i8 Feb., 1867, 2. Wilbur Arthur' , b. 2 July, 1871, 3. Marian', b. 19 Oct., 1882. II, Ivory', b, lo May, 1842, enlisted U. S, Navy at Portsmouth, N, H,, Jime 22, 1861, served on U, S. S. "Dale," discharged dis abled Jan. 7, 1862, from receiving ship, Philadelphia, Pa. He m, Sarah Goodrich, and d. 15 Nov,, 1869, ae. 27 yrs,, 6 ras. Their daughter : I, Florence', b, about 1867, m. 9 Aug,, 1888, by Rev. W, H, Rider, Joseph D. Driver; he b, Rockport, age 36, son of Joseph D, and Delia (Lowe) Driver, III, Leverett', b. 14 Nov., 1844, m. 26 Nov., 1871, by Rev. Charies C, Mclntire, Louisa M, Hale ; she b, Rockport, about 1 85 I, dau. of Albert G, and Mary Hale. Their chUdren : I, Susan A/af, b. 15 Oct., 1874. 2. Charles Pierce', b. 9 Apr., 1877, Family One Hundred Sixteen. 331 IV. Horace', b. 15 Nov., 1847, m. Alberta F. Pool of Rock port, and had : I, Mabel', b. 18 Oct., 1872, at Rockport. V. Ernest', b. about 1849, farmer, Rockport, ra. 21 Dec, 1871, by Rev. Charles C. Mclntire, Alberta F. Pool ; she b. Rockport, about 185 1, dau. of Mark and Sally Pool. VI. John Henry', b. about 1855, farmer, Rockport, m. 6 June, 1877, by Rev. Charles C. Mclntire, Emma J. Halstead; she b. Scituate, Mass., about 1858, adopted data, of Thomas and Mercy J. (Bartiett) Halstead. Their children : I, Jane Halstead', b, 3 Feb,, 1878, m, 27 Nov,, 1895, by Rev, Richard M, Peacock, Francis Nelson; he b, about 1873, s°i °' John and Ellen (Tobey) Nelson of South Boston, Mass. z. Herman RusseU', b. 6 June, 1892. VII, Susan S.', b. about 1858, m. i May, 1878, by Rev, Charies C. Mclntire, Henry H. Thurston; he trader, b, about 1853, son of Winthrop and Mary (Fears) Thurston of Rockport. 116. GEORGE Lane" (George', Andrew*, Job', John*, James'), 1 804-1 883, was b. in Rockport, Mass., i Nov., 1804. He m. first, DELIA SAWYER ROWE, who united with the First Con gregational church of Rockport, on profession of faith. Mar. 2, 1828, and d. 11 Sept., 1870, ae. 59 yrs,, 10 ras,, dau, of George W. and Mary E. Rowe. He ra. second, 22 May, 1872, by Rev. E. S, Atwood, Mrs. ADELIA POOL, m. n. Wainwright ; she b. about 1826, dau. of Thomas and Harriet Wainwright of Rockport Mr. Lane united with the First Congregational church of Rock port, on profession of faith, March 17, 1839, and d. 3 Sept., 1883, ae. 78 yrs., 10 ms. Children born in Rockport : I. George Whitefield', b. 31 Mar,, 1835, d. young. II. Maria Lowe', b. 18 Apr., 1838, m. at Boston, Mass., 12 Dec, 1871, by Rev. A. A. Miner, Horace Lane^, jeweUer of Lanes- 332 James Lane and Descendants. vUle, Mass. (David', Epes", David'-*, John'-*, James'). He d. 15 Aug., 1881, a. 44 yrs., 8 ms. She d. 28 Mar,, 1880, ae, 42 years. Their children : I. Delia Sawyer*, b, 29 Oct,, 1874, 2, David Horace', b, July, 1877. 3, Others', died, III. Everett H,', b, 21 Mar,, 1845, jeweUer at Walpole, Mass,, and Gloucester, Mass,, m, first, 2 Jan., 1870, by Rev. James W. Cooper, Laura J. Tarr; she b. about 1847, and d. Oct, 1874, dau. of Abner and EmeUne Tarr of Rockport. He m. second, 24 Jan., 1876, by Rev. A. J. Lyon, Carrie S. Wetherbee of Rock port; she b. about i860, dau. of John and Sophia M. (Fay) Wetherbee. Their children : I, Laura Wetherbee', b, Gloucester, 14 Feb., 1877, d. 10 Aug., 1877, se. 5 ms., 26 ds, 2, Marion Garland', b, Walpole, 16 Aug., 1880. 3, Lottie Rowe', b, Walpole, 26 Sept,, 1882, 4, Hattie Evelyn', b. Rockport, 23 Aug., 1885. 5. George Everett', b. Rockport, II Aug., 1889, 6, Ruth Wetherbee', b. Rockport, 26 Aug., 1891. 7. John Albert', b. Rockport, 4 Nov., 1894, 156. IV. Howard Garland', b, 15 Dec, 1850, m. Grace G. Pool. V. Others', 117. STEPHEN LANE" (Stephen', Samuel*-'-*, James'), was b, in Gloucester, Mass., 13 Oct., and bap. 24 Dec, 1769, He ent, int, of m, II Apr,, was published 13 Apr,, and ra. 19 Apr,, 1792, SUSANNAH INGERSOLL or SAYWARD by Rev, EU Forbes of Gloucester, Their chUdren : 157. I. Stephen H.', b. 7 May, bap. 20 Aug., 1794, ra. Han nah Centre and Judith D. Poland. II. John Ingersoll', b. 26 Sept., bap, 9 Oct., 1796. Ill, Samuel', b, 2 Apr,, bap, 10 Nov,, 1799, Family One Hundred Eighieen. 333 118. JONATHAN DENNISON LANE" (Stephen-', Samuel*-'-*, James'), b. 7, bap. 19 Sept., 1775, was a sailmaker at Gloucester, Mass. He ent int, 27 July, and m. 7 Sept,, 1798, by Rev. Daniel Fuller, SARAH RING HASKELL, dau, of Stephen and Sally Haskell. His claim against the estate of Wentwortlj Riggs Lane was aUowed, Nov, 13, 1810. Adrainistration on his estate was granted to Sarah Lane, widow, Nov, 19, 1816. Inventory taken Dec. 28, 1 816, was returned July 15, 181 7. — Essex Co. Wills, His widow d, 19 Feb,, 1853, se. 85 years. Children : 158. I. Edward', b, 5, bap, 21 Nov,, 1802, m, Betsey and Eunice Norwood. II. Nathaniel Rogers', b. 19 Dec, 1804, bap, 17 Mar,, 1805. III. Sarah Ann', b. 28 July, 1806, bap. 21 Feb., and d, 25 Oct., 1808. IV. Sarah Ann', b. 22 Dec, 1809, bap. 15 July, 18 10, m. Mr. Winter. V. Fitz Henry', b. 8 Dec, 1804, celebrated marine painter in Boston and Gloucester; unm,, artist, d. of cancer, 13 Aug., 1865, se. 60 yrs., 8 ms., buried at Oak Grove, Gloucester. "At the age of eighteen months, while playing in the yard or garden of his father, Fitz H, Lane ate sorae of the seeds of the apple-peru, and was so un fortunate as to lose the use of his lower limSs in consequence, owing to late and unskilful medical treatment. He showed in boyhood a talent for draw ing and painting, but received no instruction in the rules till he went to Boston, at the age of twenty-eight, to work in Pendleton's lithographic establishment. From that time his taste and ability were rapidly developed; and, after a resi dence of several years in Boston, he came back to Gloucester with a reputa tion fully established. Since his return to his native town he has painted many pictures, all of which have been much admired. He has often con tributed a production of his pencil for the promotion of a benevolent enter prise. With characteristic kindness he furnished the sketches for the en gravings of Babson's History of Gloucester," — John J. Babson. 334 James Lane and Descendants. 119. JOSHUA LANE" (Daniel'-*, Job', John*, Jaraes'), a merchant of Leeds, Me., m. MEHITABLE BRETT, dau. of Rufus and Susanna (Carey) Brett of South Paris, Me,, and d. in 1820. Mrs. Lane ra. again, Thoraas Lothrop of Leeds, and had daughter : I. Louisa, ra. Daniel Carey of Turner, Me. Children of Joshua and Mehitable (Brett) Lane : The genealogy on the Brett side has been traced back in regular Une to John Alden of Mayflower raeraory. I, Rev. Daniel Lane', D,D., was born in Leeds, Me., 10 Mar., 1 81 3. After his father's death he Uved with his mother and uncle, Seneca Brett, at South Paris, Me, He fittted for coUege at Bridgton Acaderay, graduated frora Bowdoin College, 1838, was principal of North Yarraouth Acaderay, 1838-1839, and graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1843. He ra. 9 Sept, 1843, Elizabeth J. Staples of Freeport, Me.; she b, 4 Aug,, 1820, united with the Congregational church at Freeport, on public profession of faith, Oct. 8, 1837, dau. of Capt David and EUzabeth (Bartol) Staples. They went West together in corapany with ten Andover classmates who constituted the famous "Iowa Band" of home missionaries. He was ordained at Denmark, Iowa, Nov. 5, 1843, was pastor in Keosauqua, Iowa, ten years, was then chosen Professor of Mental and Moral Science in Iowa CoUege, of which he was one of the founders. This chair he held until 1858, resigning on the reraoval of the college from Davenport to Grinnell. Fle then taught three years in Keosauqua. Resuming rainisterial work, he held a pastor ate of four years in EddyviUe and of six years in Belle Plain, Iowa. FaUing health led him to resign in 1872, and for a time he served Iowa CoUege as financial agent. After a short residence in Oskaloosa, Iowa, he returned to Freeport, Me., in 1882. Here he joined the Congregational church by letter. Mar. 4, 1883, received the degree of D.D. from Iowa CoUege in 1886, solemnized the m. of James H. Todd and NeUie F. Walker, Aug. 13, 1887, and died of heart failure, 3 Apr,, 1890, se, 77 yrs,, 20 ds, Eariy pupils have placed in the church in Keosauqua an oriel memorial window Family One Hundred Twenty. 335 bearing his name. "We point to his life as one of the great and valuable factors in the growth and development of early Iowa. There are none who came under the influence of his teaching and character who faU to recognize his life as an inspiration to them." — An Early Pupil. "Gifted with a clear and firm mind, a thorough student, possess ing an elevated spirit, instant conscience, and kindly and generous affections, he was endeared and honored in all the relations which he sustained in life." — Minutes of Gen. Asso. of Iowa. Mrs. Lane survived her husband ten years, dying in 1900. II. Joshua, Jr.', b. in Leeds, 2 Nov., 181 9. 120. JOHN LANE" (James', Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), was born in Leeds, Me., 31 May, 1796 ; a deacon, m. 20 Apr., 1823, VES TA PHILLIPS, and d. 12 May, 1863. George B. Lane was ap pointed administrator, Dec, 1863. Children bom in Leeds : I. Charles C, b. 7 Nov., 1829, m. 1855, Mary Jane Loth rop, dau. of Col. Leavitt and Elizabeth (Lane)" Lothrop, (EUas', Daniel*, Samuel'-*, James'), and d. 25 Oct, 1857. One daughter: I. Neva C. C, b, Leeds, 7 Dec, 1856, a teacher in Pendleton, Ore.; her mother lives with her. 159. II. George B.', b. 16 Feb., 1833, m. Viola A. Rams- dell. III. Abigail R.', b. 2 Mar., 1840, ra. i860, John O. Palmer; he son of Huraphrey Palraer of Fayette, Me., and Charlotte (Ly- ford) Palraer of East Liverraore, Me. Both are members of the Baptist church. He was an enterprising and progressive farmer, and represented Livermore in the Legislature, 1885 and 1889. Their children : I. Lrving 0., b. 17 May, 1862, m, Mary Cushing. He graduated at Colby University, and was principal of the High School, Wareham, Mass. One child, Marie Irving, 2. Justin A., b, 16 Dec, 1863, d, 20 Aug,, 1865, 3, Charlotte L,, b, 10 Aug,, 1869, d, 1873, I 4, George /.ane, b, 9 Aug,, 1871, resided on the home farm, 5, /iossa P,, b. 1874, d, 1887. 336 James Lane and Descendants, 121. CYRUS FOSS* (Uriah', and Sarah Goodridge, Levi*, Walter'), was born in Saco, Me,, 21 June, 1785, a soldier in the war of 1812, died at Leeds, Me,, 16 Oct, 1836. He ra, 10 July, 1808, POLLY LANE", (Giddings', Daniel*, Sarauel'-*, James') ; she b. in Leeds, 6 Feb,, 1790, received a pension after the death of her husband, and d. in Livermore, Me,, 6 Sept, 1871, He was twin brother of Daniel Foss, who m, Eunice Lane", (Daniel'-*, Samuel'-*, James'). obituary notice of polly lane foss, " Died in East Livermore, Sept, 5, 1871, Mrs, Polly Foss, aged 81 years. She experienced religion when quite young; was baptized and united with the First Baptist church in Leeds, Afterward, for a time, she was a member of the Baptist church in HaUoweU, Me., and for the few last years was a mem ber of the Second Baptist church in Livermore. For several years she had made her horae with her son-in-law, Mr. Benjamin Edgecombe, who with his wife did what they could to make her comfortable and smooth her way down the decline of life. She frequently spoke of their great kindness with pleas ure, which contributed very much to her happiness. She adorned her pro fession by a uniform Christian life. For a long tirae she was quite feeble and deprived of the privilege of raeeting with the church, but frequently sent her love to it, and her great desire for its prosperity. She manifested great patience, and looked forward to the hour ,of her departure with pleasing anticipations. Her end was peace," Twelve children : I. Christopher Gore', b. 22 May, 1809, m. 7 Jan., 1835, Olive Lothrop. He was ensign of the 4th ward company Infan try, 2d Regiment, ist Brigade, 3d Division of State MiUtia, 1834; Postmaster of Milo, 1837, justice of the peace and quorum of Penobscot Co. for the term of seven years, and d. 21 Nov., 1843 ; she m. again and d. in 1890. No children. II. Giddings Lane', b. 23 Sept., 18 10, d. 18 Nov., 1837, unm. III. Jemima Lane', b. 5 Sept, 1812, m. 27 Aug., 1835, Lewis Page True; he b. in Litchfield, Me., 18 May, 1811, d. Augusta, Me., 23 Sept, 1853, son of Daniel and Sally (West) True, who removed from North Yarmouth Me., to Leeds in 1808, and was a descendant of Henry and Isabel (Pike) True of Salisbury, Mass. Their chUdren were : Family One Hundred Twenty-One. 337 I, A/ary Ellen, b, Bangor, Me,, 23 Mar,, 1837, d, Leeds, 10 Mar,, 1841, 2. Z^aw!^/ A'(/7t'.) Children by first marriage : I. Sewell', b. lo June, 1817, m. Virginia A. Swiford, settied in Virginia, died during the cholera scourge 1859; wife and two sons living there in 1896. II. Sarah', b. 27 Sept, 1822, m. Charles Austin of Canton, Me. He d. in 1883 ; she lived, 1896, with son SewaU in Iowa. III. Alpheus', b. 1826, d. young. By second marriage : IV. John', d. young. V. Frances', d. young. VI. Roscoe', b. 4 Mar., 1834, d. in CaUfornia 1872. VII. Helen Frances', b. Hartford, Me., 14 Dec, 1836, when ten years old moved with her parents to Milo, Me. ; ra. 14 Aug., 1857, Capt. George W. McFadden of Lubec, Me., who was b. Oct, 1826, gave up the sea in 1892, and resided in Lubec. Their children : I. Cora L., b. 14 Aug., 1858, d. 12 Dec, 1865. 1 2, Roscoe, b, 9 July, i860, d, 13 Dec, 1865, 3, Virginia S., b. 15 Oct,, 1862, m, 6 Apr,, 1893, Rev. Harry Minnick ; he b. 2 Oct., 1862, in Wabash Co., Ind,, graduated from Bible College, Ken tucky University, and was pastor of Disciples church, Lubec, Me,, 1896. VIII, Frederick Waldo', b. 30 Oct, 1838; first lieutenant Co, B, 2oth Maine Regiraent, wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, Apr, 7, 1864 and d. 18 Apr,, 1864. IX. Otis', b. 22 May, 1842, res., 1896, Reno, Nevada. X. Virginia S.', b. 15 Oct., 1844, d. of consuraption, 16 Nov., 187 1, ae. 27 years. 123. GIDDINGS LANE" (Giddings', Daniel*, Sarauel'-*, Jaraes'), 1802-1879, was born in Leeds, Me., 16 Aug., 1802, and died 15 Nov., 1879. He acquired a good coramon school and academic education, laboring on the farm in the summer and teaching in winter. For half a century he was a leading spirit in his native 340 James Lane and Descendants. town and one of the most prorainent factors in the business, social and religious Ufe of Leeds. He made a tour through the South in 1833, introducing the agricultural novelty of Pitts' horse power and separator. He was captain of railitia and led his corapany in the Aroostook War, 1837-1839. He was town treasurer, 1843 to 1850: was one of the originators of the Androscoggin Railroad Co. in 1850, and, as director for 13 years, infused his energy into its construction and operation, was representative in 1854, and active in bringing about the organ ization of Androscoggin county. In 1862, he organized a gold raining com pany with Maine and'Massachusetts capital, crossed the plains in 1863 with a train of ox and mule tearas, loaded with quartz-crushing and other machinery, located his plant fifty railes west of Denver, Col., and for five years gave his personal superintendence to the operations of the company. He built a por tion of the Knox and Lincoln Railroad in 1869. The culmination of his business life was the erection, largely due to him, of the Universalist house of worship at Leeds Centre, which was completed and dedicated in 1872. The Universalist Society was incorporated Nov. 18, 1873; he was chosen clerk and held that office till his death, when his son, G. W, Lane, succeeded hira. He was a man of rapid thought, quick decision, unbounded enterprise, and had a rare quality of bringing his labors to a successful completion. Energetic, persevering, and possessed of a magnetism that attracted people and won friends, his business life was a uniform success. His pastor. Rev, Otis H, Johnson, said, " Brother Lane was one of the raost distinguished citizens of Leeds, For raany years he was untiring in his exertions in every public enterprise within his reach which had for its object the welfare of his fellow raen. As a Christian he was outspoken and faithful in his duties to the cause he deeraed of unparalleled excellence in the moral elevation of the world. His pleasant greetings and helpful suggestions will long be remembered." — George Drew Merrill. Mr, Lane m, i Jan., 1834, CASSANDRA, dau. of Dr. Cyrus and Lydia (Wood) BENSON of Bridgewater, Mass. She was b. 30 July, 1813. In 1864, Cassandra Lane et al. bought land in Bridgewater, Mass. Giddings Lane et al. sold real estate in Bridgewater, Mass., 1864. Mrs. Lane was an estimable lady, and a descendent of two notable families of Plymouth Co., Mass. ChUdren : I. Aubrey Giddings', b. 17 July, 1835, d. 13 Sept, 1836. 160. II. Cyrus Benson', b. 6 June, 1838, m. Albina L. Lothrop. m-'* 27> 43. 47. 52. 65, 74. 91. -107. 125. 173. 186, 209, 25s, 265, 388 15 — ? A house of the sixteenth century, . . i 1584. Term "Yeoman" defined, . . . xxviU 1608, seq, Casco Bay entered, . . . .172 1620. " Mayflower " pilgrims, . 29,105,239,270,334,348 1631, seq. " Freemen," . 10, 26, 30, 56, 58, 69, 173, 387 1633. Map of Annisquara river and harbor, . . 192 1635. Thomas Lane warned by selectmen of Dorchester to remove to Watertown, ... 5 1635, seq. Preachers and Ministers, . 24, 59, 83, 84, 91, 121, 136, 145, 162, 168, 251, 252, 253, 321, 324. 334, 339. 341. 343, 348, 370, 378 1636. Casco Bay settled, . . . .172 1637, seq. Winthrop-Lane farm, BiUerica and Bedford, Mass., . 13, 14, 15, T7, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 54, 56, 70, 102, 157, 170 MiUtia, . 30, 34, 37, 38, 40, 45, 62, 63, 68, 69, 81, 90, 94, 106, 173, 336, 365, 388, 390 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 388, 390 1638. " Two Brothers " rocks, . . . 13,14,20 1638, seq. Bequests and gifts towards the foundation of Harvard College, . . . .18 1640. Cotymore corn mill, Maiden, . . 16, 19, 25 1642. Organization of the church at Gloucester, . 184 1644. Sekonk Combination, .... 8 1645, seq. Deacons, . 26, 41, 56, 61, 69, 88, 250, 270, 279. 320, 335 Annals. 393 1646, seq. Deputies or Representatives in the General Court, . 17, 30, 36, 102, 142, 292, 298, 307, 311, 316, 335, 343, 346, 388 1649. Cromwell's soldier, .... 205 A part of Charlestown incorporated as Maiden, Mass., ...... 9 1651, seq. Slaves, . 9, 16, 17, 46, 49, 50, 186, 194 1653. Provision by will for the education of a grand daughter, . . . . .388 1654. Maiden first meeting house, . . 10, 11, 12 1654, seq. Correspondence with English relatives and agents, . . . -9, 10, 19, 24 1655. Shawshine incorporated as BiUerica, Mass., . 12 1656. Squam Point, Gloucester, settled, . . .196 1658. Contract for the erection of meeting house in Maiden, . . . . .10 1658, 1668'. Petition of settlers in Maine to be taken under Massachusetts governraent, . 173, 174, 179 1659. Bridge over Concord river, . . .12 1660, seq. Seals and coat of arms, . 16, 19, 90, 123, 172 1661. Legacy of "herriott" and "Spray ffagotts," 2, 3, 4 1662. Petition of Maiden settlers for grant of Penna- cook, . . . . . .12 1662-1816. Estates in Yorkshire, England, and income frora same, .... 17, 18, 20, 23, 35, 41, 42, 43, 47, 50 1664. Stray pig occasions separation of Massachusetts legislature into two houses, . . . 388 1666. Apprentices of Job Lane, . . . 16, 18, 22 1667. Fine for traveUng on the Sabbath, . . .173 1667, 1806. Inventories of estates, . 22, 23, 35, 175, 176, 177, 184, 186, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 210, 224, 234, 246, 268, 293, 390 1668. Great bridge over BiUerica river, . . .16,17 1675. Houses garrisoned, . . • . 17, 60 394 Lane Genealogies. 1675, «?. Indian wars. King Philip's war, 17, 60, 174, 175, 178, 179 1677. Nonconformity act in England, . . .10 Oath of fideUty, . . . . .18 Duties of a tithingraan, . . . . 17, 18 1678. Have the heathen been subdued? ... 9 1678-1734. Legal depositions, . 177, 175, 178, 182, 183, 184 1679. " Gospel promulgated " in England, . . 10 1680. North Yarmouth, Maine, set apart, . . 172 1680-1849. Epitaphs, . 20, 24, 26, 29, 38, 47, 50, 55, 6i, 64, 65, 70, 88, 92, 93, 103, 203, 208, 209, 238, 239, 244, 258, 294, 325, 391 1682. BeU Rock, Maiden, . . . .12 1685. Colonial banner, . . . . • 37, 38 1685. Garrison buUt, RoyaU's river, North Yarmouth, Me., 188 1686, seq. Indian wars, King WiUiam's war, . 30, 31, 178, 179, 180, 188, 189, 190 1690. Estates bounded, . . . . .174 Eastern plantations deserted, settlement at Flat stone Cove, LanesviUe, Gloucester, . 179, 195 1694. Seating the meeting house, . . .30 1702. Heroism of Mary Lane, • . . . 39, 40 1702, seq. Indian and French wars. Queen Anne's war, . 27, 32, 33. 34. 37, 39, 40, 45, 60, 191 1702, seq. Teachers, . . 25, 36, 78, 83, 87, 105, 115, 120, 121, 130, 137, 144, 152, 164, 192, 207, 210, 217, 232, 240, 251, 252, 273, 313, 334, 335. 338, 341, 342, 348, 359, 366, 368 1705. Commoners created by order of the General Court, 30 1706, seq. Students and graduates, 29, 36, 70, 73, 82,84, 87, 91, IOI, 118, 121, 122, 126, 134, 143, 144, 145, 146, 159, 162, 164, 165, 168, 240, 251, 252, 253, 261, 262, 273, 279, 313, 316, 334, 337, 338, 339, 341, 347, 366, 378,379 1 7 13. Fishermen captured or kiUed by Indians, , ,185 Annals. 395 1718.1721. 1724. 1726. 1728.1729. 1730. 1 71 5, seq. Administration and division of estates, 34, 35, 41, 49, 53, 64, 66, 69, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 191, 193, 194, 200, 201, 204, 205, 209, 210, 215, 219, 224, 229, 231, 239, 249, 260, 261, 263, 293, 29s, 333, 365 Comraon law of inheritance, . . 35, 43, 47 Bibles imported, . . . . .42 Thomas Finson kiUed by Indians, . . .187 Third Parish, Anmsquam, Gloucester, incorporated, 196, 199 Church organized at Annisquam parish, Gloucester, Mass., ..... 190, 193,315 Care of the Town Training Field, . . .27 Gifts " of raoney to incouragement for the town" of Bedford, . . . . 37, 39, 191 Subscriptions for building the meeting house iii Bedford, .... 38, 40, 46, 51 1 73-? Bedford Springs, Pawtucket Indians' visits, . 76 1736. New Gloucester, Maine, settled, . . . 213 1 743-1 750. Throat distemper, . . . .44 1749. Family of John Fitch captured by Indians, . 28 1 749-1 75 1. Indian wars, French and Indian wars, 28, 34, 38, 39, 51, 56, 179, 214 John Langsford kiUed by Indians, . . .196 Fifth, or Sandy Bay, Parish, Gloucester, incorpo rated, ...... 198 A negro grantee of real estate, . . .63-4 Bond given for negro freed, . .. .49 Introduction of glass windows, . . .74 " A jolly ordination," .... 214 Journey from Ashburnhara, Mass. (Dorchester, Canada), to Boston, on horseback, . . 74 Settlement at Vinalhaven, Me., . . .276 Claim of widow for mourning, . . .'200 1770. Imaginary Indians, ' . . . .221 Subscriptions to build meeting house, New Glou cester, Me., , , , . 214,226,260 1754- 1759-1764. 1765- 396 Lane Genealogies. 1772. Burning of the British armed schooner, "Gaspee," 350 1773. Introduction of Dr. Watts' versions of the Psalms, 47 Journal of surveyors of Livermore township. Me,, 221 1773, j-^^. Singers, .... 47,91,270 1774-1879. Lost at sea, 204, 266, 271, 281, 297, 300, 303, 304 1775, AprU 19. Concord fight, . 27, 28, 34, 38, 39, 47, 48, 51. 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 77, 80, 81, 90, 93, 170 May. A " button for a hatter," . . .91 June 17. Bunker Hill, . 38, 205, 217, 226, 233, 235 August 8. British sloop-of-war. Falcon, . . 211 1775, ¦'¦'??• Soldiers of the Revolution, . 38, 39, 47, 54, 57, 71, 73, 81, 161, 203, 211, 218, 226, 227, 239, 242, 286 Sailors of the Revolution, 197, 214, 227, 232, 235, 350 Pastor's tithes, . . 48, 55, 62, 80, 91 1775, 1895. Lane characteristics, . . 99, 289. 1776. Cannon baU imbedded in wall of Brattle Street Church, Boston, . . . .48 1777. Lodge of Free Masons, . . . -233 1780. A fine workman in wood and iron, . . 227 1780-1800. Flax spinning at horae, . . . 79,96 1 78-? seq. Sea captains, . . 235, 239, 248, 266, 281, 287, 288, 291, 303, 310, 311, 312, 317, 318 1786. Shay's rebelUon, ..... 39,94 1790. Yellow pork offered for sale, . . .70 1790, seq. Physicians, . 70, 73, 82, 126, 240, 279, 368, 378 179-, i-^^. Ship-owners, . . 233,293,303,310,312 1791. Sunday School opened in Boston, . . . 87, 88 1793. First UniversaUst Church in Boston, . . 88 1794. Sunday congregation dined at tbe deacon's, . 270 1802. Hip disease, . . . . .125 1805. Unskilful raedical treatraent, . . . 333 1807. Kennebec River crossed on a log, . . .112 1 8 10. Legacy of silver flagon and a fund to the church in Bedford, ..... 38 Annals. 397 1811.1812.1813. 1814.1817.1819.1820. 1821,1823.1825.1828.1829.1830.1832.1833-1834. 1835-1837-1840.1844.1845. 1846. 1847. Church at Annisquam reorganized in the Universa list faith, .... War with Great Britain, Privateer " Yankee," Survivor of the War of 181 2, Indians care for a white baby. Schooner "FederaUst" saved from British by a " pretty lass," ..... First settlement near Lyons, N. Y., . 112,138 United States direct tax on land, . . 255, 260 Triplets, . . . . . .240 Death of a singular disease, . . . 244 Fine mantua maker and tailor, . . .78 seq. Obituary notices, 130, 139, 143, 167, 236, 249, 259, 270, 287, 311, 317, 318, 336, 340, 362 312 68 352 370 112 248 Cattle ear mark, .... Introduction of cook stoves. Invention of corn sheller. Lane Theological Seminary, Congregational Church, Lanesville, organized, Gifts to the Trinitarian Society of Bedford, Introduction of Pitts' horse power and separator in the South, Invention of endless chain horse power. Outfits for fishing vessels, . Born with two good sized teeth, Invention and use of first steel plough, Pilots of Salem harbor. Money panic, Iowa Band of Home Missionaries, System of family registration, Mexican War, Early use of nitrate of silver in local applicatipn for diseases of the larynx, trachea, and bronchia. Dwelling burned, . . . . . Settier in Mauritius, . . . . Thrown from chaise, . . . . 320 • 78, 79 • 275 261, 327 • 353 48 340 • 275 344, 345 79 114 285, 286 • 311 • 334 127 273 126 54, 78 287 126 Statement of Christian hope. Liberty pole, Union patriots, 1861-1865. Civil War veterans, . 398 Lane Genealogies. 1847, 1877. Family Bibles destroyed by fire, . 54, 78, 140 1848, seq. ChUdren's diseases, . . 128, 157, 158, 159 1849. CaUfornia " forty-niners," . . . 79,273,379 1850? Confidence in the seamanship of her son, . . 310 1850, seq. Lawyers, 82, 83, 146, 152, 165, 166, 268, 367, 368 1853. Two hundredth anniversary of Lancaster, Mass., . 125, 126 1856. Experienced optician, .... 289 Gift to Bedford of Town HaU clock, . . 118 1857. " Lane family papers," . . . .103 1859-1896. Town officer for many years, . . 156 1861. First coach from Glen House to top of Mt Wash ington, . . . . . .365 126122 126, 142 79, 82, 98, 117, 120, 134, 148, 152, 156, 271, 273, 283, 286, 303, 304, 316, 321, 326, 330, 339. 366, 368, 376, 378, 385 1862. Benevolent bequests in Lancaster, . . 95 1863. Across the plains with ox and mule teams, 340, 373 1863-1893. Provisions for care of burial lots, . 104, 107, 125, 156 1864. Congregational Society, Lanesville, incorporated, . 353 Yacht building works, . . . 351,352 Town clerk for a quarter century, , . . 306 1865. Celebrated marine painter, . . . 333 Payment of largest tax ever assessed in Vinalhaven, Me., 345 1866. Destruction of papers in Portland fire, . . 324 1866-1878. A pubUc spirited railroad president, . 85, 86 1867-1899. European tours, . 128,144,145,158,160,168 1869. Poverty a good thing, . ¦ . , .326 1876. Organization of Universalist Parish at LanesviUe, . 358 Accounts in fiction, . . . .328 1879. Sesquicentennial, Bedford, Mass., 90, 103, 115, 118, 155 Annals. 399 1880. Golden wedding, ..... 300 1880, seq. Writers of books and pamphlets, 142, 144, 164, 168 1881. Champion wrestier at four-score, . . . 365 1882. Gift of a church organ to the Evangelical Society in Lancaster, Mass., . . . .128 1883. Birthday surprise party, . . . .314 1886. Smart old couple, ..... 291 1889. History of Templeton, Mass., . . -137 Prize baby, . . . . .150 Sixtieth wedding anniversary, . . .139 1 89- A musical family, . . . . .165 1891. Celebration of 90th birthday, . . .76 Gift of clock for the Union school house in Bed ford, ...... 15s 1892. Repair of the old meeting house in Annisquam, . 315 1894. Third set of natural teeth, . . . .76 Missionary in Japan, . . . .131 1897. Chrysanthemum and orchid grower, . . 140 Disappearance of a Mt Holyoke student, . . 162 Seventy-fifth anniversary of Union Church, Boston, 142 1900. A family of yacht buUding geniuses, . '351 INDEX I. Christian Names of Persons Named Lane. PART I, AND PREFIXED POSTSCRIPT. Ann 6 John 5,6, 9 Annes XX, xxi John' 6 Dorothy xxii, xxiii John' 6 Edward xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, i, 2 Joseph 6 EHzabeth xxiii Josiah 6 Elyne XX, xxi, xxiii Katherine 2 Frances xxv, xxvi Margaret ¦ XX, xxi George'* xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv Martha' 4,6 George'* xxvi, 5 Martha* 6 George' 5 Mary' 3.4,6 Henry xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 2 Mary' S Isabell xxiv, xxvi Mary' 6 JahasieP 3, 4, 6 Rebeckah' ..5 James'* xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, Richard'* xxi, xxii, xxiii I, 2, 3, 4. 5 Richard .5 James xxvi Robert XX xxi, xxiii James* 6 Sarah xxv, xxvi Jaraes' 6 Sarah* 6 Jerorae or Jeremiah xxiv, xxv, xxvi Sarah' 6 ^'.3' 5.. 6 Symon xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii. Joan'* xxii, xxiii 3> 5 Joan xxv, xxvi Thomas'* XX, xxi. xxii, xxiii Job xxiii, xxvi Thomas'* xxiv, xxv John'* xxi, xxii, xxiii Thomas xxv, xxvi, 3, 4, 5 John'* xxiv, xxv, xxvi, i, 2, 3, 4 * The index figures or names included in the preliminary pages indicate the generation counting back from the settlement in America. Abbie Almira Abbott Atwood Abbott Benjarain Abiah Abigail Abigail Amanda Abigail French Abigail Jones Abigail Rebecca PART II. 129 Abigail Sylvania 130 144 Abner 71 138 Abner Bridge 103, 132 84 Abraham Lowe 107 73 Ada Estelle 109 107 AdeHa 68 92 Adeliza Woodward 131 IOI Albert 134 123 Albert F. 148 Index I. 401 Albert Francis Albert Irving Albert W. Albert Waterbury Alfred Church Alfred Page Alexander Page AUce Beatrice Alice Walton Allen Francis AlmiraAlmy Ann AlonzoAmasaAmeliaAmittaiAmittai Bacon AmosAmos Foster Andrew H. Anna'Anna* Anna' Anna'Anna Mary Anne Maria Annie Estella AnthonyArindaArline Grace Arthur Angleton Arthur Bliss Arthur Clarence Arthur Francis Arthur W. Augusta, Benjamin Augustus Augustus Frederick Augustus Joy I3S132 147147144144 no134156 108, 134 98 114 67 70, 71, 103, 91 53,63 93 105 108, 13s 102 25 45 ^ 57 75,92 III 122, 153148 94, 95, 124, 127 78, 79 149134 160 III137157 144140 89 no Benjamin* 43, 44 Benjamin' 54, 55, 59, 72, 73, 74, 109 Benjamin" 74, 75, ni Benjamin* 117 Benjamin Clarke 144 Bethia 53 Betsey 97 Bruce 152 Carey Caroline A. Caroline E. Carrie May Catherine 125104124 147 59,61 Catherine Amelia Catherine W. Chandler Bridge CharlesCharles B, Charles Bancroft' Charles Bancroft' Charles DeWitt' Charles Ernest Charles Gardner' Charles Gardner* Charles H.' Charles H.» Charles Nelson Currier Charles Randolph Charles Stillman Charles Sumner' Charles Sumner' Charles W. Charlotte Charlotte Taylor Clair DeWitt ClaraClara E, Clara Emeline ClarissaClementine Cora M, CorneliusCynthia Pickering Cyrus W. DanielDaniel'Daniel'Daniel Josiah Daniel Walker' Daniel Walker' David David*David' 53, 63, David'David'David A, David Carl David Hyslop David Woodward Delia M. DeWittDolly Dolly Ballard DorcasDorothy Dorothy M. Dudley 123103 132 80,-118 "3 118 146 117, 148 141 "7, 147148 104 137148132 106163163 109, no 122, 154 125, 128, 160 149 132 151 III 83 122, 153III 84 130 138 254 66 92, 99, 100 IOI, 132 III. 137109 34, 43. 80 51 64, 65, 93, 157 93, 124 133133163 no 100, 130 137 148 74, 75 956325 169 67 402 Lane- Genealogies. Ebenezer' 66, 98, 99, 130 Ernest P. 157 Ebenezer' 80, 100 Esther 56 Ebenezer' 130 Ebenezer Hayward 119, 149 Fannie 53 Edith Corinne 165 Fannie Boardraan, 165 Edith F, 148 Fanny G. "3 Edith L, 156 Flora Isabella 129 Edith Laura 134 Florence 134 Edward 9 Florence Brown 160 Edward Alaric 163 Frances B, "3 Edward Bancroft 130 Frances Elkn , 114 Edwin Dexter 136 Frances G, 140 Edwin Philander 106 Frances Maria 117 Eleanor Jane 109 Francis' 71, 72 , 73. 74, 77 80, Electa Frances Wild er no 90, 105, 106 Eli 105 Francis' 54, 55, 73, 90, 106, 108 Eliab B, 80 Francis Bowman 77, "3 Eliab Bridge 69, 70, 71, 102 Francis W. 134 Elias 72, 73, 105, 106, 108 Frank Adams 156 Elias Coolidge 106, 133 Frank Church 148 Eliot 105 Frank Ernest 118 Eliot Reed 71 Franklin S, 104 Eliza Abbie 163 Freddie Russell 147 Eliza Ann 103, 119 Frederic A, 163 Eliza Bradlee 100 Frederick Douglass 136, 164 Eliza M, 134 Frederick Henry 144, 163 Eliza Maria 107 Frederick Warren 130 Eliza Wait 128, 157, 160 Freeman 84 Elizabeth' 25, 29 Elizabeth* 28 Galen 103 Elizabeth' 57, 63 Genery M. 137 Elizabeth' 95 George' 80,97, "7. 128 Elizabeth Abbott 160 George' 105, III, 133 Elizabeth E, 140 George' 169 Elizabeth Nickerson 117 George E,' 104 Ella M, 136 George E,' 163 Ella Starr 132 George Edward 119 Ellen Watson 117 George Etheridge 106, 107 Elmer A, 156 George F, 135 Elmina 122 George Leslie 129 Elmira J. 135 George S. W, no Elsie D. 169 George Shipman 165 Eraeline 67, 105, in George V. no Eraeline Ruhamah 116 George W. 151. 155 Emma' 105, 114, 121 George Washington' 83. 120 Emma' 117 George Washington' 129 Emraa Florence 163 George William III Emma L, 134 George Winchester 132. 163 Emma Lillian 141, 165 Gershom 83 Emma Maud 147 Gershom Flagg' 62, 81 Emma May 152 Gershom Flagg' 122 Eraraeline Selinda 131 Gertrude E, 137 E.noch 92 Gertrude Evangeline 149 Ephraim 66, 96 Gertrude M, 169 Ernest John 141 Gilbert Bainbridge 106 Index I. 403 Gilbert Frederick Gladys B. Goldie B. Grace A, Gracy Foster 53, 56, 67. Hannah*Hannah' Hannah' Hannah' Hannah A, Hannah Cunningham Harold Albertus Harold Francis Harriet Harriet B, Harriet Felicia HarryHattie P, Helen E, Helen Penhallow Henry'Henry'Henry Anthony Henry Edwards Henry Francis Henry Hudson Henry Martin Henry Paul Henry Putnam Henry Richardson Henry T. Henry W,' Henry W,' Henry Watson Hepsibah C. HepzibahHerbert Billings Herbert L. Hiram H.' Hiram H.» Homer Horace Agard Hosea Foster Ida Clara Isaac IsabelJacob James' James*James' James " James A, 164147169 152 70 44. 48 62, 63, 66, 78. 77, 78, 83, 90 1 19, 120, 122102 99 163 134 90 140 118 117 137169 148 84, 129149160116124 132 138147147 134 134155 163132 108 62 170137 120, 149 169 169122 108, 109, 137132 43. 64. 65 72, 75 120 35.36, 41, 43, 49, 50 34. 50. 63, 64 58, 64, 65, 87 77. 93. 95 134 James Alfred 130 James Bowdoin 89 James Warren' 160 James Warren' 160 Jemima' 25 Jemima' 36 Jemima' 119 Jennie 140 Jennie H, 121 Jesse 71 Jesse B, 169 Jesse D, 149 Jesse Lamont 152 lessie Barker 165 Jessie Gertrude 134 Jessie M, 169 Job' 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24,25, 27,28, 29. 34. 157 Job' 23, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 68, 87 39. 44. 51. 52 53.80 93. 102 124. 157 9, 12 .„, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33.34. 35. 36, 37, 39 ' 33, 34. 35, 36, 41, 42, 45, 46, 54, 59 ¦ 34. 41 43. 54. 141 41, 43, 47, 48, 61, 62 43. 55. 68 71. 73. 77. 82, 90, 119 113, 115, 140 Job*Job'Job'Job Blanchard [ohn John' iS John'" John Jr,* John 2d* John 3d* John'John'John'John' John Abraham John Chapin John Coolidge John F, John Franklin John Harold John Henry John Jones' John Jones' John Murray John Roger John S, W, John Samuel' John Samuel' John Scudder John Wellington' John Wellington' Joel E, 140119 144, 165, 166, 167 72 135170i6s 163 lOI 163 ;, 90 104 no 118147147 156, 169 170136 131. 80, 117, 404 Lane Genealogies. Jonas 66, 94, 130 Lucinda' 120 Jonas Henry' 94. 95. 125 Lucius Page I, 142, 145 Jonas Henry' 97, 1 28, 158, 159, 160 Lucy* 44 Jonas P'. "3 Lucy' 57 Jonathan* 50 Lucy' 73 Jonathan' 56, 63, 78, 80 Lucy M, 115 Jonathan' 38, 78. 115. 146 Lucy Matilda 107 Jonathan Abbot I 6, 141, 142, 143. Lucy Miranda 117 144, 155, 165 Lucy Rebecca IOI Joseph 36 Luke* 52 Joseph Abbot 148 Luke' 53, 67 Joseph Hayden no Luke' 67 Josiah' 55 Luther "3 Josiah' 74, 77, 78 79, 92, 109, no Lydia' 48 52, 57 Josiah Abbot 116 Lydia' 82 Josiah Stearns 92 Lydia' "3 Julia Ann Cushing no Lydia Ann 122 Julia Rebecca 129 Lydia Harriet 81 Julius Arthur 164 Justin E. 134 M, Athalia Mabel Augusta 156 . 138 Katherine 48 Mabel B, 169 Katherine Wyman 148 Mabel Frances Malvina Caroline 160 120 Laura A. 134 Marcus Aurelius 107 Laura Ann 123 Margaret Payson 16s Laura J. 140 Maria 120 Laura Mabel III Maria S, 124 Laura May 147 Marian E. 148 Laura Pauline 134 Marilla ;jane 107 Lauriat 144 Marion Haven 148 Lavinia 105 Marion Rogers 165 Lavinia Frances 131 Martha' 36 Leland 84 Martha* 40, 44. 50 Lemuel B, 104 Martha' 62 Lena Isabel 134 Martha' 83 Lena Marion III Martha' 114 Leonard 109 Martha' ' 135140 Leonard Alexander 107 Martha' Levi' 89, 90 Martha Ellen 128 Levi' 112, 113 Martha S, IOI Levi E. 140 Martin B. in, i-?8 Lewis' 98 Mary' 25 28, 29 Lewis' 129 Mary' 36 39.44 Lizzie J. 132 Mary* 44, 57, 58, 74 Lois Elizabeth 104 Mary' 97. .99 Loren 113 Mary'' 119 Lorenzo "3 Mary' 139 Lorenzo Duryea 147 Mary' 169 Loretta 138 Mary A,' 73 Louis 132 Mary A.' 150 Love 50 Mary Amelia 119 Lovina "3 Mary Ann' 9'!, 100 Lucie Ann 130 Mary Ann' in, 124 Lucinda' 75 Mary Baker 148 Index I. 405 Mary E.' 114 Oliver Josiah 123. 155. 156 Mary E,' 135 Oliver Wellingtdn' 64, 65, 86, 87, Mary Elizabeth 102 88, 89 Mary Ella 102 15s Oliver Wellington' 91, 92, 122 Mary Evaline 151 Olmstead 152 Mary Eveline 120 Oman F. 135 Mary Frances 115 Onslow Stearns 170 Harry H, 133 Orrie Adams 138 Mary Hawks Kendall Ballard 96 Otis 121 Mary Jane 129 Mary Jane Woodward no Pattie 57. 67 Mary Jones 107 Patty 83 Mary Louisa 104 Pauline 152 Mary Maria 104 Percy Howland 133 Mary Pickering 148 Phebe' 63, 64. 93 Mary Priscilla 103 Phebe' 98 Mary Susan 136 Polly 63,84 Mary Wellington' 89 Mary Wellington' 130 160 Ralph 169 Mary Whiting 123 Rebecca' 26 Matthew* 48 Rebecca* SO Matthew' 62 Rebecca' 66, 94 Maynor Wilfred 133 Rebecca' 97 Melinda 76 Rebecca Clarissa 109 Mercy 50 Rebekah 25 Merton Burgess 164 Reuben A, 104 Milton 109 . 136 Reuben Bacon 67 Minerva' 150 Rhoda' 57 Minerva' 168 Rhoda' 119 Minerva L, 138 Richard' 84, 120, 150 Minnie 140 Richard' 149, 168 Mollie' 93 Richard Byron Clarke 117 MoUie' 95 Richard D, 169 Molly 53 Richard Hooper 160 Morris Littell 84 Robert B. 139, 140 Mortimer Bliss 160 Rodney D, 140 Myra 80 Roger 70, 71, 80, 104 Myrtis E. 136 Rollins 79 Rosa Belle 15s Nancy' "3 Rose Helen' 141 Nancy' 149 Rose Helen' 165 Nancy Angeline 131 Rosetta 122 Nancy Augusta 107 Roxanna 75 Nancy P, 114 Ruhamah' 70 Nancy W. no Ruhamah' 116 Naomi L. 148 Ruhamah Augusta 116, 145 Nathan 57 Ruth 55.66 Nellie May 163 Ruth Cleaveland 149 Newton 120 S. Lauretta 121 Olive 120 Sadie 140 Olive M. 102 Sally 76, 85, 91, 92 Oliver 43 Samuel* 34, 48, 50 , SI, 62, 65, 66 Oliver Abbott 119 Samuel' 67, 100 Oliver J. 49 Samuel' 109, 130, 136 406 Lane Genealogies. Samuel A, 135 Susan Newman 89 Samuel Adaras 117 Susan W, 109 Samuel Edward 136 Susanna' 36, 37, 40 Samuel Freeman 121, 152 Susanna* 48. 51 Samuel H, 148 Susanna' 52 Samuel Leavitt 124, 156 Susanna' 93 Samuel Marble 170 Sylvania 61.93 Samuel Richardson IOI Sylvia Mary Lois 164 Samuel Wright 78. 116, 144 Sarah' 25, 27 Thomas 84, 121 Sarah* 45 Thomas Barstow 150, 169 Sarah' 52, 56 Thomas Parker 89 Sarah' 73. 79 Thomas Parkman Cushing 1 10 Sarah' III, 120 Timothy 34, 41, 43, 44, 57 Sarah Abigail 111 Sarah Adeline 130, 162 Walter A, 13s Sarah Ann' 96 Walter David 157 Sarah Ann' 104, 106, 116 Walter Freeman 152 Sarah E, IOI Washington Jefferson 89, 100, 129 Sarah Elizabeth 91. 123, 129 Welling 140 Sarah Elizabeth Dexter 118 Whipple 44 Sarah Maud Lillian 136 William' 102, 120 Sarah N, 135 William' 117 Seth 67 Williara A, 163 Sewell Stearns III William Augustus 123. 155 Solomon 34, 43, SO, 64 . 65, 80, William Baxter 117 90 , 91, 170 William Edward 117 Sophia 82, 83, 98 William Josiah 170 Sophronia 105 William M. 155 Sophronia Asenath HI William Malcom 147 Stephen* 34, 51 William W. 135 Stephen' 57,7 I, 72, 80 Willie 140 Stephen Abbot 117, 146 Willie Frank 138 Stillman 120 Willis George 133 Susan' 76.97 Susan' 105 Ziba' 34, 55, 68, 72, 74, 77 Susan Clark 129 Ziba' 77, 109, 112 Susan Grace 103 PART III. Aaron' 209 Abigail D, 279 Aaron' 260 Abigail Gott 26s Aaron' 299 Abigail R. 33-5 Abel 217 Abigail Wellman 277 Abbie 326 Abner 217,259 Abbie Anna 349 Abraham 326 Abby 304 Abram 0, 30s Abby W. 304 Ada 308 Abigail* 200 Ada Adelaide 374 Abigail' 206 , 210, 222, 225 Ada Annah 360 Abigail' 230, 268, 285 Ada M,' 384 Abigail' 280, 295. 301 Ada Mildred" 381 Abigail C. 279 Adaline' 241 *>" hHi-(vo«-iOvOa\-^i-iOOOWt^ OnvO no VO to rOVD C^ VO CWO tJ-COOnO O «-* « COCI I^Onco t^OO 00 '^^--^OncoOvO fnoO Ov COOO On -d- ':f 4---J ONi-i ^OnOnOnQvO Tj-cocOfOONON»-« HH MvO O O lON On>-< ^00 vo >-« covO N «-• vO 00 Onvo N vO ^vO C^ O tJ-vO vO vO vO vO "O 00 ¦^vO N t->. ^ M M cs N w HH COM N corocoM ?- coco« M cococo« c^ cococorocow corococoroN rococoro« cococorococococotocoroci rofo VO C^ VO M W PI .s-S 3S £« |'s"s's==ss «= pxialwW:!^sSJ5't; rt.„ ^>^g.H|,5=S= rirt^S 3S3S s FHpr3P-i^'i^»-''-'>-'^Hi-< ririridrtri> ^S y : : . . , Q vi r%.\0 ONM r-^roO^^-' -^Onc^ m 0Nrot->t^r-^00000 O OnOO »^ •-« on On On io\0 vO OnvO cOTj-ioioioK-rorj-cioo t~^ONtv.N ONvo-^rofSvO <-• E Ov lOvO t~>.00 t-^M lOO t^t-^i^t--.0 M r-^Tj- -"d-vO ior>.r-«Ovo OvO Ovo ^fOO vo vo t-" t^oo ^-.c»vovO t-^.Tj'io^^l^-^coONTh t-^vo IO IO o M O <^ N M (ON M cococococorococococororocofOcoM rococococococi ci com rococorocofow « corocoM w rococo rocococoN coroco . -s s . 2 « s . ^.s •„¦ "m°l % p QO Cua,g^Srt'riB.s-^»'?;'^'^t:t;t;t;t:t;t;ti5^^cSS-am wo?« ^!^Mrirtooo3c,>^>> riri-C^^;J3^j=|rr3j3Ji!J3rJ3-3-3^^.3.3.5 ^ oJWOJ.^.tl.lS ^ >Z -^ c/:a)c/3c/5a)c/^cri(/)a)c«cA)c/:c/3c/jc/3cr)coc/3(/)(y3c/D E-'t-<£-'HHHHH£->>>>> >>> P »-• O^ lO ri C^ -^ lOOO '-' M VO CO Td-OO O ^O lOOO N OOOVOVO N Nt-^Tj-hH C^t^i-i o^^-l h-i COOO ThO ¦^•^•-' COO NvO ONt>. ONOO >-i N r--^ O -d- ^ OOVOOsf^co CSvOONri\Or~» ^OO O C1 t^ on covO on t^vo O O ¦^I>"OnO OvO M t-^t-^ro OnvO vO I>^OoO lON rj-O "^lOco -^00 On lti w ^ j_H COW ll M CO M W COCOCOCOM CO"-! C) C* C^ C^ COCOM M COfOcOCOM >-<- 3 3 /-I -r „„-UWMg -«> ^^^^"""1--^ I— ,1— .UJ -g o— '>,><""COo a = = = = = .5 .£;SBSBSaBBaBSBBB22S22S222Sgg2a2g2£f5-Sl°«gg|3 -v-y-v-y-y riririririririric3rirtriririririririririciririririririrtriririririririririririrtaJajQj^^'32no O ,0 Tf 1 l-H -^ O rd-vO i-< lovo IO W O VO O 00 00 ¦^vo lO ^ ? ? ^ r^ LT 'lT JT :T ;T .S .'^ « ri ri ri ri oj , u(JriOOUrtorirtrirtrirtriri*o moior^ inoo o^i-i"0 mrj- 'Oc'im" nvo so oooo ^« r^OMt^otMOOOS O OS ,'1"^ - - - 00 t^ "^ 00 00 UI N o iS "^^ 2 '^ 2 - OS ^ * m ."S s'-« o ri rt « 0, .2, .-73 .-73 •^ Kin SS nm^ti! ^.sS c SCO^ — •^.iJOOOO.CtJSsSS^&OOO" rtS 30,ui.iiBO0J tRSfiS^^c'Sc^-SS -3-.3-.3,S.2,2°°°°°°°°°°°0°S333 Mg 0-!t3 8COCJ30 rtSSjJj'oj'3ggg,-2:9'2 Index I. 421 Meredith 1 68 Payne 154 Merriam 27, 36. 37, 41, 49, 71, Peitis 106 IOI, 104 Penhallow 148 Metcalf 28, 35, 42, 160 Penniman 49 52, 68, 70, 74, 93 Middleton 119 Percy 51 Miles 125 Perry 151 Miller 149, 168 Phelps 94 Minot 35, 36, 49 Phillips 46 Mitchel 60 Phipps 22 Mitchell S3, 99, 100 Pickering 89 Mixer 56 Pickman 14 Monroe 103, 105, 145 Pierce 131, 136, 141 Moore 31, 34, 38, 47, 51, 52, 53, Pieriot 149 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, Pinkham 124, 156 68, 76, 80, 87, 90, 93 Pipher 122 Morgan 160 Pollard 38 39, 50, 51, 58, 62, 64, Morse 72, 79, 114, 165, 166 66, 68, 70, 97, 109 Moseley 144 Poor 130, 160 Moss 77 Potter 82, 83 Mott 83 Poulter 69 Mudg 22 Prather no Mumings 10 Pratt 66 Munn 113 Prescott 36.87 Murray 88, 98, 119, 149 Preston Proctor 66, 69, 7059 Naylor 150 Provost 84 Needham 33 Prudden 67, 68 Newman 64, 88, 90 Pulsifer 97 Newton 83, 120 Putnam 57, 79, 81, 100 Nichols 89, 112 Putney 49 Nicholson 128 North 120, 151 Quartrup 119 Nott 119 Quincy 142 Noyes 89 Quinne 16 Oaks 37,58 Ramsey "5 Ogden 107 Rattenbury 105 Olmstead 77, 114, 121 Read 89 Osborn 99 Reade 68, 69 Osborne 42 Reed 53, 55, 63, 68, 70, 76, Osterhaut 83 103, 115, 129, 157 Osterhout 120 ReynerReynolds 9 , 17, 18, 19, 24, 2597 Packard 108, 109, 136 Reynor 34 Page 33, 35. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, Rice 142 43. 49. 51. 52, 55, 66, 68, Richards 158 74, 78, 109, lis, 146 Richardson 33 41,45, 52,60, 65, Paige 41, 49 123, 125, 128, 134. 157. 158, 160 Paine 123 Riggs 113 Pardee 28 Risley 83 Parker 10, 14, 39, 55, 56, 84 Robbins 107, 131 Parkhurst 77, 91, 92, 102, 109, 136 Roberts 123 Parlin 77, 113 Robinson 12, 136 Parmelee 75, 151 Rockwell 69 Patten 65 Rodgers ns, 121, 141 422 Lane Genealogies. Rogers Roland Rollins Rose RossRoweRuggles RusseU SaffordSampsonSargentSaundersSawyerScolleySearlesSeaverSheddSheppardShermanShipmanShortSilvara SimondsSkelton SkidmoreSkinnerSraithSnare SneUSouthworth Spaulding Spears Spinning SpragueSpringerStearns SteeleStetsonStevensStickneyStimpsonStoddard Stone Stoneman Stowell SullivanSumnerSwain 43: 63, 81,94, 82, 128, 151, 158 150, 169102no 33 84 36, 41, 43, 44 22, 52, 75, 98, 124, 157 30. 104 66, 125, 147 72 108 98 123 88 36, 62, 65, 82 141, 165 63 153 39. 40, S3, 93. 124 104 no 40 9, 12, 47, 89, 105, 107, 119, 129, 133, 159, 163 75 IOI, 132 24 109 "3 79. 116 10, II, 19, 21, 22, 25. 26, 30, 41 119 44, 48, 55, 56, 61, 62, 64, 66, 72, 75, 76, 80, 84, 85, 86, 91, 92, 93, 100, 102, 103, 115, 122 77 162 42 44. 52 75 156 49, 54 120 83 157 87 76 Taylor TeedTerry Thayer ThomasThompsonTiddTiffanyToothakerTorreyTownsendTraskTuttle TylerTyngVanderbiltVanderhoof Van Horn Van Marter Van Martyr Van Riper Varney Vermilyea WaitWaiteWalkerWaltonWardWarner Warren WashburnWashington Waterbury Watkins Watson,Wayte WebberWeeksWeldsWelling WellingtonWeUsWessonWestWeston Whedon WheelerWheelwright WhippleWhiteWhitford 27. 33. 60, 89, 128147 82 82, 95, 162 62, 81, 161 19. 30 48 83 58 12 107, 125 89. 123129 82, 108, 134 31. 32. 33 140 116 79 "3 IOI119 75 80, 119 21, 66 22, 95 27, 75. 85. in, 135 92, 113, 122 76, 108, 13s 114 29 142 14, 87 "7. 147 96 "3 10, II 38, 40. 52. 53, 66, 70, 71 114 157 140 36, 38, 43, 49, 50. 64, 71, 75, 97, 103, 140 121, 152 27 82 66, 99 146 38, 49, 80, IIS, 118 133 20, 21, 25, 30, 34, 36, 37. 45. 82 28, 63, 95, 125, 137, 150 77.85 Index I. 423 Whiting 17, 36, 41, 45, 46, 58. Witt 100, 130 59, 72, 76, 107 Wolmsley III Whitman 68 Wood 95, 108 41, 127 Whitmore 10, 35, 36, 39, 40, 44, 53 Woodbridge Whitney 55 Woodbury 43, 105 Wier 98 Woodhouse 84 Wilder 45, 74, "0 Woodward no, 123 Wilkins 10, 103 Worcester 83, 84, 98 Willette no Worden 28 WiUey 97, 154 Wright 28, 47, 62, 123, 135, 155,157 Williams 122, 151, 153 Wyman 60, 81 Wilson 51, 53. 57. 79. 81, 90, 93, 100, 108, 123, 141, 148 Yerrington 132 Wingate 51, 79 Winslow 41, 125, 144, 158, 165 Zeigler 135 Winthrop 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 56, 157 1 PART III. Abee 288 Bateman 182 Adams I 88, 257, 288, 307, 326, 368 Beals 227 Addington 254 Beck 283, 284 Addition 213, 268 Bender 363 Albright or Albride 299 Benner 268 Alexander 346 Bennet 231 Alien 198, 225, 284, 295, 321, Bennett 205, 206, 346 353, 354, 371, 374, 381 Benson 272, 340, 358 Allison 281 Berry 205, 267, 343 Almy 351 Bessee 369 Amsden 191, 201 Bessey 366 Andrews 205, 243. 303. 306 Bezoil 204, 229 Annis 198 Bibber 284 Appleton 182, 183 Bickford 278 Arey 277. 344. 345 Bicknell 212, 213, 254 Arnold 180, 222 Biggs 326 Ashby 188, 198 Billings 269 Aubry 282 Birnie 288 Austin 253. 339 Blackman 179 Avery 272 Blake 313 Blanchard 212 Babbitt 348 Blatchford 371 Babson I 97. 211, 213, 249, 310,317 Blood 191 Bacon 192, 284, 343 Blynraan 193 Bailey 255, 294, 386 Blynnman 184 Baldwin 341 Bolack 284 Bank 207 Bond 306 Banks 232 Boothby 342 Barbour 256, 324 Boswell 349. 378 Barker 382 Bourne 239 Barrows 321 Bowen 372 Barter 368 Bowey 222 Bartlett 286 Bowman 282 Bartol 251 Boynton 305 424 Lane Genealogies. Bradstreet 185, 190, 193, 198, Cluff 346 203, 205, 206 Coburn 280 Brady 230 Cochran 269 Bray 177, 178, 183 Cogswell 200, 225 Braynard 234 Cole 286, 356 Brett 267, 334, 367 Conness 299 Brettun 269 Cook 188, 232, 240, 280, Brewer 202 295, 383 Brewster 273 Coombs 344 Bridgcome 222 Cooper 375 Broad 326 Coos 301 Brooks 247 Cotton 354 Brown 181, 228, 229, 268, 272, Cousins 181 277. 3" 351,376, 382 Cox 319 Buck 280 Crockett 369 Buckman 281 Crossman 304 Buffum 234 Cunningham 283, 316 Bunker 385 Currier 323. 368 Burges 325 Curtis 254, 320, 364 Burnham 193, 194, 204 209, 242, 303 Cushing 335 Burns 248 Cutler 202 Burpee 357. 385 Cutter 206 Burrell 212 Butler 366, 381 Butraan 248, 309 DadeDaggett 295305 Caffareen 205, 291 Danforth 178 Cafferene 210 Daniels 181 Calderwood 344. 375. 377 Darling 326 Call 380 Davis 185, 186, 188, 198, 199, Cannell 237 205^ 214, 218, 232, 254, Carey 268, 334 299. 337. 343, 369 Carlin 377 Davy 287 Cartwright 289 Day 180, 195, 227 Carver 344. 377 Dearborn 290 Cassons 183, 184 DeCoster 237 Caswell 286, 350 Delano 229, 346, 377 Centre 332, 370 Dennison 197, 240, 298, 358 Chamber! 281 DeWolf 352 Chandler 199, 201 231, 257, 304 Dexter 349, 378 Chard 244 Dixon 330 Chase 198, 343 Dodd 199, 222, 240, 297, 360 Cheeney 297 Dodge 306 Cheseborough 351 Dolham 346 Chesley 385 Donham 273, 342 Chetwood 252 Donnahue 294 Choate 228 Dopson 235 Church 179 Douglass 301 Clapp 287 Downey 356, 384 Clark 179 188, 224 , 234, 288, 345 Downing 255, 322 Clarke 337, 338 Dresser 199 Cleaveland 198, 209, 211 Driver 330 Cleaves 181, 230, 278 Dunham 254 Cleveland 181 Dwinnell 214, 256 Clough 2S6 Dyer 252, 352, 376 1ft On On « lO " *-* -^ lO W t^ O lOVO « VO ".-T .r OvOO Ht-^ wOWltHCOwjior^ "VO 00 iOrJ-io_20NCO« t^-ONt-'.O WvO O coO tN,u-iM ^s.^-. -j: l-H t>.oo 'O ^ O On I-t 00 r^vo r^vo oo ¦^ w^ SI^^^^^Onco Ocot^ rovo t-^00 o o -^ o t-. u-j xo,s^ Tj- vooo o ^^vo IO t>N t->.oo r^ co cooo O lOvo ^ cowwroJ;;tf^MNMro«fOcoi-iwOM-^f«^^(^P^ P^f^f^P^P^^^(,,(^wp,pj(^rr) mvo friM « cocococococow w w cow w coco -^ 0?o- « M -J- t^ " ;^ N « s^ ^ ^\0 0^"_rj'»oN NO OOOO VO ,^o "^.^ f^ 00«00"^COW •"•O •-'>;ri:i"^*^ O vof*^oo °£-^ w'*5co coioWooOOTj-rO WCO *^mWW^" ^ wf*^ « 2^w f^i^f^ WcOCONWtOW " «-r -T 00 IO M -> vcT i-o ^ vo ^ 2^w c?" ^ " 2^^ " w *^ ^ oo"vooo;^S^ ^ c«« ^ g 00 O fO„ „ W 00 « « N " « « ON t^ Tt IO w VO CO O CO w oo "-¦ W W ^ I-t N .'P - rH . >» .^ ^§ .^g.ojig |3la s.=3„ & mill I l-fe-l |s|Jl:^1„.s „| ll ~~f OOOOO 00Mk^»^k-. rirtrtririrtririri rtrirtriri rtrirtrtritL).o fo-ioi>.M oncotj- ONVO w ^ wo COVO 1 r^oo oovo ^>.ioj:^w ^ cooo i-i t^ m r^vo lo n ro co i>. covo Onoo r>. co o t-* « ^ e^ vD CO (I VO 00 ^PvO •* lO ON Onoo O lOvO I TJ- On t^ t>. 0*00 !>• CO lOOO OlPt^'-''-'"^f^ON*^ON nvOOOi-i OnvO W 00 vo -^ io -^00 CO t^ lO 2; wcococowwO*^f*^M'-''-'MMOicow cowcoco'-'WWcocoMcoi^coWc^cocot-.cow wcowwwwwwwrowrowcoroN """"""tCvoiovo cTcTol ^^ W t*s. CO WO VO CO CO W W WW w IO O " CO w On CO S? «^oo W N^-^" s^ " m « " rf "«" tv. "00 N^ ^ «^S VO r~> VO 00 fO w w w Tl- T^ CO O w w rirt-O-O — J3.5 3CBB|2>>>> rtriririrtrtOJ.a .Sf.S OO OoSKKCPs rt«MM0J.a.-3.SJdOOOOOOO WWWHWWW WWfeWWWWWH fefefefefefefefefefefefe fefefefefefefe O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 426 Lane Genealogies. Hodgkins 200, 209, 228, 295, Leavitt 227 354, 355, 372, 384 Lee 352 Holman 183 Lees 224 Holmes 240, 282 Lewis 212, 234, 288 Hook 374 Libby 237 272. 376, 378 Hooke 342 Lindsay 211, 212, 271 Howard 274, 324, 378 Linscott 366 Howe 202, 203, 268 Loring 281 Howlett 355, 383 Lothrop 272, 273 335 336, 340, 341 Humphrey 279, 348 Loughlin 359 Hunt 187, 283 Love 216 Hutchenson 321 Lovekin or Lufkin 347 Hutchings 237 Low 294 Hutchinson 348, 349 Lowe Lowell 188, 241, 265320 Ingalls 191 Lurvey 242 Ingersol 222 Ingersoll 332 McDougal 342 Inman 326 McFaddenMcKenzie 339 293 Jack 281 McQueston 317 Jackson 240 Mahony 357 Jacobs 309, 345 Maine 183 Jacobus 282 Manchester 307 James 300 Mariner 240 Jaques 194, 195 Mark 285 Jenkinson 283 MarshaU 191 Jennings 268 Martain 181. Jerould 244 Martin 285 Jessup 282 Mathews 341 JeweU 272 Mattofew 182 Jewett 260 Maverick 234 Johnson 271, 322 Mayall 380 Jones 194, 227, 246, 272, 274, Melchior 252 297. 376 Mellen 316 Merchant 187, 199, 207, 239, 243, Kerr 382 281, 297, 354, 381 Ketchum 196 Merriam 192 Kidder 201 MerriU 281 Kilton 352 Merrow 322, 366 King 322, 367 Meserve 322 Klingle 282 Middleton 303 Knapt 282 MiUer ' 191, 222, 321 Knight 291 Millet 186 Knowles 272 MiUett 343 349, 378 Knowlton 196 210, 240, 296, 356, 360 Miner Minnick 339 273, 287, 342 Lake 363 MitcheU Lamb 275 Monk 280 Larapson 180 Montgomery 284, 375 Larason 181 Moody 183, 199 Langsford 193, 196, 204, 243, 294 Moore 259, 286, 316, 356 Lawrence Leadbetter Learned 228, 272 267 216 Morgan 187, Morris Morrison 194. 199, 209, 243 282, 383 ^09 Index II. 427 Morrow 372 Pingrey 272 Morse 273 Pinkham 384 Mosier 181 Piatt 227 Moulton 267. 337 Poland 278, 332, 346, 370 Mudge 191 Pomeroy 366 Munroe 348 Pool 188, 198, 199, 200, 207, Munsey 294 213 , 216, 225, 246, 264 Murray 212 Poole 224 265, 296, 332, 370 , 282, 298, 307, 359 Nelson 331 Porter 233, 35°, 380 Nevens 374 Potter 351 Newhall 181, 200 PoweU 284 Newman 181 206, 234 Powers 256, 324, 370 Newton 269 Pratt 266 Nichols 180 181 201, 228 Prentiss 287 Noble 342 Preston 199, 221, 309 Norcross 228 Prince 200, 274 Norris 269 Proctor 234, 281 Norton 360 Pulcifer 313 Norwood 194, 196, 256, 299, 205, 323. 214. 255, 333. 345. Pulsifer 371 346, 354. 368, 371 Quimby 298 Noyes 237 283 284, 312 Nye 228, 275 RackleyRamsdell 268, 269 335, 373 Pacor 214, 256 Ransom 237 Page 190 Reding 181, 182 Paige 191 Richards 237. 289, 307 Palraer 275 291. 335 Richardson 364 Parker 203, 263 Ricker 292 Parkhurst 301 Riggs 185 186, 187, 192, 194, 196, Parris 190 206, 208, 295, 296, 299, Parrott 347 355 358, 361, 381, 383 Parsons 199 206, 210 215 283, 304 Riley 228 Peabody 249 250 317.357 Ring 233 Peach 286 Ripley 236 Pearce 313 Rishworth 181 Pearson 238 Roberts 188, 195, 257, 277. 296, Pendleton '377 344. 345. 375. 376 PenneU 252 Robinson 197. 205, 215, 230, 253, Perkins 269 288, 348 Perley 269 Rogers 212, 214, 290, 370 Perrin 318 Rollins 320 Perry 234, 285 Root 302 Pettengill 357 Ross 229 Pew 198 Rowe 196, 198, 207, 216, 218, 227, Philbrook 277, 343 238, 244, 257, 265, 279, Phillips" 251, 268, 335 302 304. 323. 331. 349 Phippen 249. 285, 312 Rowley 359 Phipps 177. 182, 215 Rule 323 Phips 180 Russell 373 Piazia 273 Pierce 375, 376 Sadler 185 Pierson 213 Safford 237, 290 Pike 289 St, Clair 36S 428 Lane Genealogies. 363 322, 365282 182, 190, 197, 200, 209, 215, 216, 245, 258, 259, 297, 304, 305, 325 216, 258, 353, 361 208, 241, 318 256, 323 319 332 301 342 338, 343252 372 189 264, 330292 SaladeeSampson SanfordSargent SaundersSavilleSawtelleSawyerSaywardSeaveySewaU ShawSheppard ShermanSibley Simpson SmallSmith 246, 264, 277, 308, 344, 345, 375 Snow 341, 345 Somers 190 Soule 213, 250 Spear 274 Stanchfield 271 Staniford 197, 215 Stanwood 210, 245, 303, 346, 354, 355. 382, 383. 384 Staples 334 Steele 300, 317 Stevens 205, 230, 235, 252, 284, 371 Stockbridge 188 Story 199, 223, 258, 293, 29s, 296, 324. 358 Sturdivant 271 SuUivan 189 Sutherend 293 Swain 300 Swanson 337 Swiford 339 Sylvester 354 Taft 353 Talbert 291 Tarbox 222 Tarr 198, 199, 216, 223, 224, 240, 265, 300, 332 Teague 321 Thayer 237 Thomas 180, 286 Thompson 229, 269 Thorn 259 Throp 299 Thurston 185, 187, 238, 292, 302, 305, 331, 347 Tilton 216 Toby 321 Todd 207 Towle 337, 353 Townsend 254 Tozier 274 Trask 235, 274, 342 Troester 284 Trow 208 Trowbridge 320 True 214, 336, 350 Tuck 372 Tucker 178, 185, 186, 240, 241, 304, 352, 355, 362, 383 228, 273, 274, 275 259, 279, 326 189 TurnerTylerTyng Upham Van Velsor 282 Veazie 251 Verrill 227, 228, 266, 273, 275 Vinal 375 WadleyWadsworth Wainwright Wait Waite WalkerWallis WaltonWaterhouseWatermanWatersWatkinsWatsonWeaverWebbWebsterWellingtonWeslerWestWetherbee WhalenWharfWheelerWhitaker White 177, 179, 187, 188, 190, WhitehouseWhitingWiggins 246 215 192 180 191 214, 280, 284 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 265271 319337 201 284 242, 302 359 212, 213 196, 204, 300 234 326 321332 197, 215 183, 195 192, 292, 305, 347 186, 180, 181 193 283, 348 182, 185, 197, 240, 293 237, 290 191 253, 316 Index II. 429 WilkesWilleyWillisWilsonWincut Winn Winslow WinsorWinterWinthropWitham WonsonWoodbridge 241 365 298, 324, 369 180, 274, 304, 371204347 213, 252 309 333 190 265, 302302 228 Woodbury . 182, 185, 187, 192, 209, 210, 211, 213, 215, 224, 240, 243, 24s, 296, 297, 358, 361 Woodman 222, 367 Wright 275, 281 Wyeth 209, 215 Wyman 191, 192, 206, 236, 269 Yeaton 228 York 185, 197, 204, 247 Young 238, 240, 241, 291, 296, 350, 375, 380, 386 PART IV. Dudley Keayne 387 I Paige 387, 388, 389, 390 I 390, 391 INDEX III. States and Towns. PART I. England : Micklefield HaU 6 Buckinghamshire : MiU End t, 3.4, 5. 6 Penn 5 New House 6 Herefordshire 2 Shepherds I. 6 Hertfordshire : West End 5.6 Rickmansworth XX, xxi, xxii. Middlesex, &c. . xxiii, xxv. xxvi, I, 2, 3, 5 London 2 BuUein's Court 6 Oxfordshire : Croxley Green xxii, xxvi Oxford 7 PAR T II. Arkansas : District of Columbia: Eureka Springs no Washington 134 California : England 14, 23, 24, 128 Panama 117 Bartham 28 San Jose 75 Braintree, Essex Co, 145 Bristol 18 Canada : Chesham, Bucks Co. 10 New Brunswick 148 Edgeton, Yorkshire 17 Gildersome, Yorkshire 9 24, 30, 43 Colorado : London 42, 68, 89 Colorado Springs 118 Newcastle-upon-Tyne 69 Greeley 76 Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire 8 Welbourne, Yorkshire 17 24, 30, 47 Connecticut : Dayville 162 Yorkshire 20 Hartford 118 KillinglyLebanon 162 28 France Nantes 14, 128 94 Litchfield 134 New Haven 36 Georgia : New London 14 Athens 163 Norwich 127, 146 Macon 144 Ridgefield 114 Saybrook 14 Germany 128 Waterbury 98 Hamburg 130 Windsor 145 Heidelberg 144 Index III. 431 Hungary Illinois : ChesterfieldChicago GalenaHomerHyde Park KenwoodLockport MattoonRiver Forest Iowa: CrestonDavenport Fort Madison Ireland Cork Kansas : Nettleton Thoraas Co. Topeka Kentucky : Newport Maine: BangorBalltownBelfast Casco Bay East Wilton Livermore Falls New Gloucester PortlandSouth Berwick Warren Maryland : Baltimore 70 145 75, 132, 134, 140, 159, 164, 165, 168 132 114, 140165 141, 165 115, 140, 141, 164no 165 119no 56 14 16 165120150 168 117, 129 i8 166136 106, 133 89 145166 86 Massachusetts : Acton 79 Amherst IOI Andover 27, 31, 47, 54, 84, 146, 168 Arlington 98, 99, 129, 130 Ashburnham 54, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no. III, 133, 134, 13s. 136, 137, 138, 164 75, 76 103 in 161, 162 75 142 56, 117 AshbyAshley Ashmont, Dorchester AuburnAyerBaldwinviUeBarnstableBedford 9, 12, 14, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37. 38,39.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, S3, 54, 56, 57. 58,59.60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, lis, 116, 117, 118, 122, 123, 124, 130, 132, 133, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 155, 156, 157, 163, 169 Billerica 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 52, 54, 56. 58. 59. 60, 61, 65, 67, 69, 74, 76, 77, 84, 85, 91, 94, 112, 113 Boston 13, 14, 16, 19, 29, 35, 40, 42, 47, 62, 66, 68, 74, 85, 89, 98, 99, IOI, IIS, 116, 118, 121, 123, 126, 127,129, 141, 145,157, 158, 159, 161, 165, 166, 167, 168 Braintree 162 Brighton no Brookline 144 Burlington 69 Carabridge 12, 18, 39, 49, 54, 63, 81, 89, 97, no, 125 Carlisle 65, 67, 76 Charlestown 12, 14, 26, 58, 59, 60, 69, 95, 117, 148, 159 Chelmsford 30, 32, 34, 57 Chesterfield 145 Concord 13, 16, 17, 30, 32, 36, 49. 51. 52, 58, 60 Dedham 28, 29, 59 Dorchester 8, 25, 27, 69, 118, 124, 161, 162 Dracut 96 Dunstable 27, 31, 32, 33, 135 FaU River 169 Fitchburg 28, 104, 106, 133, 134, 136, 137 Gardner in Greenfield 145 Greenwich 121 Groton 32, 33, 34, 92, 102, 126, 14s Groveland 136 Hancock 6q 432 Lane Genealogies. Hardwick 41 Southbridge 161 Hubbardston 136 South Hadley 162 Hyde Park 66 Springfield 107 Ipswich 25,45 Sudbury 54 Jamaica Plain 143 Sutton IOI Kingston 135 Terapleton 137 Lancaster 32, 33. 41. 45. 66, 94, Tisbury 162 95, 124, 127 Townsend 107 138 Lane Village, Ashburnhara 108, 134 Truro 29 Leicester 126 Wakefield 26 Leominster 44. 59. 72, 95 Walpole i6i Lexington 28, 39, 42, 48, 51, 54, Walthara 47, 75. 93 67,69 , 70, 81, 102, 103, 129 Watertown 49, 56, 62 Lincoln 52 West Boylston 159 Littleton 55, 144, 145. 146. 166 West Brookfield 163 Lowell 79, 86, 98, 129, 156 West Cambridge 98. 99. 129, 160 Lunenburg 28 West Hawley 143 Lynn 26, 130 West Roxbury 145 Lynnfield 59 Westminster 108, 125, 134, 136 Maiden 8 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, Weston 75 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 56, Wilbraham no 95, III Winchendon 72 Marlboro 32 Woburn 19, 49. 56, 58, 60 62, Marshfield 8 69, 125 Medford 39,40 Worcester 62, 94, 104, 132, Methuen 59 137. 161 Mistick Side 9 Newton 36, III, 118, 166 Michigan : Newtowne 13. 18 Adrian 130 North Brookfield 100, loi, 130, Albion 114 131, 132, 162, 163 Ann Arbor 82 North Lancaster 127 Boyne FaUs 165 Norwood 146, 165, 166, 167 Detroit 84 Oakdale 159 Houghton 144 Old Hadley 94 Kalamazoo 84 Oxford 161 Lansing 144 Pembroke 135 Oakwood 145 Pepperell 155 Petersham 94 Minnesota : Plymouth 24, 57, 132, 135 Anoka no Quincy 157 Minneapolis 129 Randolph 89, 162 Raynham 75. 129 Mississippi : Reading 26 Hernando 144 Rehoboth 8, 131 Roxbury 17, 37,41,43, 118 Missouri : Rutland 44 Bonne Terre 145 Salem 12, 36, 27, 34, 42, 89, 94 Memphis 145 Saugus 89 St. Louis 141 Scituate 12, 69 Seekonk 8 Nebraska : Sharon 143 Lincoln 168 Shawshine 12, 13, 37, 143 Somerset 170 New Hampshire: Somerville 129 Acworth 104 Index III. 433 Amherst 55, Concord DoverDublinEpping ExeterFitzwilUamFranklinGranviUe Hinsdale HoUis Jaffrey Keene Kingston ManchesterMasonMilton Nashua New Ipswich PortsmouthRindgeTempleWalpoleWilton New Jersey: ElizabethHackensackNewark Newton OrangeSouth Orange 77, 79, 112-114, 138 8624 73, 106 91 3', 91 157 107 IOI109 IOI 55 75, 98, 164 162166 IOI, 108 44 124 73. III. 146, 164148 28, 55, 107, 136162 96, 98, 128, 159124 76, 86 160, 161168 IOI, 132159 160 New York: AlbanyBinghamtonBrooklynCanisteo ClaverackFly Creek Garden City GenevaGlen Falls Howell JamestownLiberty Lockport LyonsMount Vernon New York City 145 120 119, 146, 148, 168 164 121 160 161112 107 100 164 154 "3 77 147 28, 73, 84, 99, 100, 126, 128, 132, 144, 146, 147, 158, 159, 160, 161 Pittsford 1 14 Potsdam 84 Poughkeepsie 86 Saratoga TappanUticaWayne Co, Yonkers Ohio: FranklinHarrisonMcConnellsviUe RichwoodStockport Wesley WindsorYoungstown Oregon AlbanyJacksonville Lebanon SusanviUe Pennsylvania BridgewaterBrooklynCoatesvilleDimmock HarfordHuntington Montrose PhiladelphiaRussell Hill SilvaraSilver Lake SpringfieldSpringviUeSusquehanna Co, TroyUnion City Westmoreland Co. Rhode Island Coventry East Greenwich Foster North Scituate Pawtucket Scotland Edinburgh Switzerland 158 99 112 112 134 149168 150, 169 120169 149, 168, 169 149, 169 141 75 131 130 130, 131132 718282838282 84 82, 83, 120, 121, 151-154 118 153 153 121 84 122 120 84 164119 82 131 83 130162 76 14 155128 99, 434 Lane Genealogies. Virginia: Northfield 155 HuttonviUe 145 Plymouth 66 Suffolk 79 Pownell 145 Putney 97 Vermont : Rockingham 97 Bellows Falls 75 Rutland 48 Bennington 145 Saxton's River 97 Brattleboro 106, 120 Weathersfield 82, 119, 120, 121 Cavendish 82 Woodstock 131 Chelsea 106 Ludlow 66 Wisconsin: Manchester 84 Beloit 132 Middlebury 84 Jefferson 132 PART III. Arkansas 282 Mystic 319 Little Rock 268 New Haven 203, 261 Yalesville 293 Australia : New South Wales: East Indies: Sidney 312, 318 Mauritius 287 Port Louis 287 Brazil : Rio Janeiro 313 England : Hinghara 237 California 273, 313, 323, 339, 343, London 171 365, 367, 379 Plymouth 227, 242 Berkeley 365 Rickmansworth 171 Coronado 351 St. Albans 222 Oakland 368 Sacramento 365 Florida: San Francisco 363 Tallahassee 273 Stockton 373 France 204312 Canada : Cape Breton 293 Havre Sidney New Brunswick Campello 310, 312382319 Georgia : Andersonville 322 Nova Scotia 300 Burlington 325 Idaho : Halifax 239 Boise City 379 Liverpool 305. 356 Weymouth 299. 304 Illinois 267, 269 Buckley 322 Colorado 0 363 Chicago 322, 342 Denver 284, 340 Cordova 268 Georgetown 284 Evanston 326, 341 Highland Park 253 Connecticut 268 Millburn 288 Hartford 274 Mt, Sterling 290 Index III. 435 Indiana Terre Haute Iowa Bell Plain DenmarkDavenport EddyviUe GrinneU KeosauquaLyonsMason City Oskaloosa Japan : Yokoharaa Kansas : Atchison Topeka 339 252 326, 339334334334 334 334334 252268 334 362 343 291 Louisiana : Clinton 262 Feliciana Parish 262 New Orleans 261, 273, 312, 327, 328, 329 Maine 174, 177, 179 Arey's Harbor 344 Auburn 199, 256, 257, 272, 273, 322, 365, 366, 369, 370 Augusta 234, 268, 324, 337, 348 Bakerstown 214, 220, 226, 256 Bangor Bath Belfast Berwick BethelBiddefordBlack Point BridgtonBrightonBristol Brunswick Bucksport Camden Canton Cape Elizabeth CarrollCascoCasco Bay CentrevilleCorinnaComville 222, 273, 275, 337, 370228 246, 251281 256, 324, 369 237, 323. 348 179 290 '275 293 252, 255, 262, 264, 275. 373 310, 317. 371 267, 338. 375339 179, 185, 240 341. 374 173. 179. 307 171, 181, 182, 183, 212, 243 271 272 275 Cumberland 281 Cumberland Mills 307 Damaris Cove 172 Danville 199, 222, 227, 256, '263, 264, 365 292 290, 291 222, 262 254. 321 280, 349, 379, 380 269, 335. 343306319 Falmouth 172, 173, 175, 177-182, 184, 185, 189, 207, 208, 221, 231, 256, 281, 313 268, 367335 268 194278 Freeport 197, 208, 212, 213, 248, 250, 252, 253, 254, 319, 320, 321, 334, 364 Gorham 213, 262, 321, 337 Gray 208, 213, 220, 231, 281, 307. 349, 350, 379 268, 269 228, 252, 274, 27s, 276, 338 369252 172 237, 339 257 272 341, 374 227, 266-273, 274, 275, 334-343, 372-374 261, 271, 272, 273, 321, 328, 337, 338, 342, 366, 369, 370, 373 237 271. 337 222, 273, 279 336. 337 269, 274 221, 237, 268, 269, 336. 337. 338 Lubec 338, 339 Machegonne Neck 172 Maquoit 1 72 Matinicus 276 Mechanic Falls 256, 257, 323, 368, 369 Deer Island Deering Durham East Freeport East Gray East Liverraore East Raymond Eastport FarmingtonFayetteFayette FaUs Fox Harbor Fox Island Greene HaUoweU HanoverHarpsweU Harraseeket HartfordHoulton JeffersonLee Leeds Lewiston LimerickLincolnLisbonLitchfieldLittleboroughLivermore 436 Lane Genealogies. Meddybemps 241 Skowhegan 275. 348 MUo 271 336 338, 339 South Brooks 253 Minot 208, 226, 256, 261, 262, South Paris 208, 236, 289, 290, 279. 290, 322, 338, 343 , 365-368 334 . 366, 370, 380 Minot Corner 236, 367 South Portland 240 Mt, Desert 205, 206 South Yarmouth 350 Nequasset 180, 182 Spurwink 172 New Castle 372 Sumner 280 New Gloucester 207, 213. 214, Thomaston 215 219, 220, 222, 223, 226, 231, Topsfield 341. 343. 374 246, 255, 256 257. 260-263, Topsham 281 269, 272, 273 278- -281, 306, Turner 268, 334 307. 321, 324. 326, 327. 348, Upper Gloucester 257, 349 349 364 379. 380 Upper NewGloucester 257, 278, 279 Newry 240, 370 Vassalborough 273 North Casco 221 Vinalhaven 276 277. 344. 345 North Leeds 337. 338 Waldoboro' 323 North Monmouth 373 Waterville 274, 348, 376 North Turner 237. 238 Wayne 338 North Turner Bridge 237. 290 WeUs 256, 309, 324 North Yarmouth 172, 174. 175. Westcustigo 172 , 173. 174. 177 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 188, 180, 181 189, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213, Whitefield 369 222, 231, 232, 235. 236, 237, Windhara 253, 260 250, 280, 281, 289, 290, 336, Winthrop 272, 367 348 350, 379 Wiscasset 384 Norway 238 Woodstock 369 Otisfield 281 Yarmouth 348 350. 378, 379 Owl's Head 196 York 330 Oxford 237 289, 290 Paris 237 279. 289 Maryland : Paris Hill 338 Baltimore 263 Parsonfield 319 Pascataqua 179 Massachuseits : Peek's Island 300 Andover 227, 286 Pejepscot 219 262 263, 327 Annisquam 184, 186, 190, 193, Pemaquid 179 196, 197, 198, 199, 205, 206, Penobscot 194 208, 211, 213. 215, 216, 225, Poland 218, 220, 245. 255-257. 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 260-262 279 322, 323 238, 241, 242, 243. 249. 254. Portland 178, 235, 251, 252, 257, 258, 259, 292, 293. 295. 296, 261, 275, 281, 291, 3'9-32i, 299-303. 305, 310-313, 315- 337, 365-367 369, 380 318, 324. 325, 355, 362, 363, Pownal 237. 253 383. 384 Prentiss 341 Attieborough 290 Purpooduck 172. 179 Bedford 190 . 191 201, 202, 203 Rayraond 306 Beverly 198 , 306, 312, 355 Rayraondtown 220 Billerica 171, 177. 190, 191, 192, Richmond 228 254. 337 201, 202 Rockland 276 Boston 171, 174. 178, 179, 180, Saco 267 336. 338 182, 189, 230, 231, 233, 234, Sanford 292 23s, 248, 251, 258, 262, 276, Sangerville 257 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, Searsport 228 289, 299, 310, 316, 318, 319, Sedgwick 217. 371 321, 327, 331. 333. 337. 351, Shepardsfield 256 354 . 357, 362, 363 Index III. 437 Bridgewater 240, 274, 340, 358, 382 Brockton 342 Brookfield 201, 202 Brookline 283, 284, 384 Byfield 354 Carabridge 233, 237, 290 Campello 238 Charlestown 172, 181, 191, 285, 329. 359. 360 Chelmsford 301 Chelsea 298, 310, 311, 316, 321, 348. 349, 357. 358. 359 Danvers 284, 293, 357 Dedham 299 Dorchester 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 291 Dunstable 297 East Boston 283, 348 East Cambridge 347 East Woburn 283 Essex 242, 258, 346, 358, 360 Everett 237, 259 Georgetown 357 Gloucester 179-188, 190, 192, 193. 197. 198. 199. 205-210, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222-229, 233, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 260, 263, 266, 267, 276, 279, 291, 292, 293, 296- 306, 308, 310-313, 316, 317, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 332, 333, 346, 347, 353-362, 370, 371, 372, 384. 385 Hamilton 370 Hanover 285 Harwich 260 Hinsdale 302 Hyde Park 283, 318 Ipswich 180, 192, 193, 204, 222, 223, 225, 242, 259, 260, 278, 346. 355, 382 LanesviUe 179, 190, 192, 203, 207, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 278, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 325, 331, 353, 354. 356-361, ¦ 380, 381, a82, 384, 385 Lawrence 307 Lenox 283 Lexington 284, 285, 318 LoweU 269, 313 Lunenburg 313, 316 Lynn 212, 286, 381 Maiden 171, 172, 174, 180, 181, 183, 191, 230 Manchester MarbleheadMedford MelroseMiddlefield NatickNeponsetNew Bedford Newbury 200, 226, 255, 286, Newburyport 227, NewtonNorth Brookfield North Uxbridge Oxford PembrokePigeon Cove Plymouth QuincyRiverdale Rockland Rockport 184, 188, 217, 223, 240, 258, 260, 264, 297, 300, 304, 330. 331. 332, RoslindaleRowleyRoxbury Salem 179, 189, 190, 285-288; SalisburySandwich Sandy Bay 188, Scituate Sharon ShrewsburySomervilleSouth Acton South Boston SuttonSwampscott Taunton Wakefield Walpole WalthamWarehamWayneWeUesley Hills WestfordWeymouthWhitman 325 191, 240, 286 271 279 302285 284267 235, 246, 247, 289, 322, 337 247. 263, 370 282, 283, 298 202 378. 379 221 229, 230 188, 305, 317 324. 358382 291 362, 381, 382 347. 359. 381 199, 207, 216, 245, 247, 248, 265, 292, 293, 306-309, 317, 347. 357. 358. 359. 361, 370 284 207, 227 284, 288 229, 230, 277, 309. 312, 313 250, 336270 204, 222, 223, 262, 264 266, 331287361 284, 330284 283, 284, 287, 331. 380 201212 290298 332292 322. 335 270284 191 275 239 438 Lane Genealogies. Woburn 191 290, 366 Columbus 363 Worcester 378, 379 Oberlin Oxford 327 327. 330 Minnesota: Minneapolis 341 Oregon : Pendleton 273. 335 Missouri : Jefferson Barracks 368 Pennsylvania 259 Lexington 323 Hawkin's Creek 326 St, Louis ' 237 . 288, 323 MeadvillePhiladelphia 319 282, 288, 330, New Hampshire 339 337, 352 Antrim 378 Reidsburg 348 Berlin 369 Strattonville 348 Bow 378 Towanda 282 Carroll 367 Colebrook 283 Prussia: Concord 354 , 368, 385 Dessau 350 Conway 280 Exeter 194, 274 Rhode Island: Guilford 294, 303 Bristol 288, 350, 351, 352 Gorham 369 Lonsdale 378 Jaffrey 203 Providence 233, 309. 350, 352, 353 Manchester 273 Tiverton 351 New London 348. 357, 362, 378, 385 VaUey Falls 378 Pelham 209 South America 313, 348, 349 Penacook 385 Pittsfield 368, 369 South Carolina: Portsmouth 215 , 281 304, 330 Aiken 359 Tilton 368 Union 291 Tennessee 366 Whitefield 322 367, 368 Memphis 330 New Jersey: Texas 363, 369 Caldwell 282 Mariin 363 East Orange 282 Jersey City 282 Utah: Long Branch 282 Manti 369 Newark 282, 283 Salt Lake City 341 Summit 282 Virginia 239, 339 New York 235, 313 , 319 327. 351 Petersburg 385 Brooklyn 259. 352 DunkirkLong Eddy New York 251, 282, 319326 283, 304, 318, 329 Vermont BradfordMiddlebury 287348283 Ogdensburg 324 Waverly 259 West Indies 281 Yonkers 196 Port au Prince 318 Ohio 262, 277 Wisconsin : Cincinnati 237, 251, 261, 327, 328. 357 Brookfield 367 Index III. 439 PART IV. England : Rickmansworth Holland : Leyden 387 391 Massachusetts : BostonMaiden New Hampshire: Amherst 387, 388387 389 8287 ,!*¦¦ js*-- 1 i^' '-''?• if^-ir; • isf,^ ¦J-' ^ s%a. ¦*ssif --l-iV^ -K^ fesSSS"* '^'frt -i*^>' it^^^i^lli